PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES » > > * * ' » o * • ■» -» ^ J ■» J ■> i • i i i t > t J JJ^i > .J * t c <■ It*: • « < » m . % ^ * * * • * • • » • •< r t «• • • « • 4 « («««.» !.««•*: C I < « •• « « C THE VV^orthines ofVVales: rFherem are more then a thoufand feuer all things rehearfed : fome fet out in profe to the plcafurc of the Reader , and with fuch varietie of verfe for the beautifying of the Book,as no doubt dial delight thoufands to vnderiland. which ^orke is enterUrdfd wit h many ^ondevs And right ]ir4n^9 mAtterto confider of: yiUthe Vohich laboitr AnddcMceii drarvftefirthdrtd/et out by Thomzs Church" yaid,t^t he glorie of God, And honour cf " bis Prince And Conntrey^ ^Imprinted at London,by G* Kohtnjonjor Thomas Cadman. 1587. PR a 3. i V- 4G8951 liSiii! ^To the Queenes moft Excellent Maieftie, Elizabeth, bj the grace of Cody ^eene of EngUnd^ Frauncc and Ireland, &:c. Thomas Church- yArdwijhethahpayesyiejfeAnes^goadjvrtHnt, fi^ricand vf orldly honour,widi thccncreafe ofijuictraigne,TcTtuouslyftth the throng,] findmgmy felf brought before t he f re fence of your i^Mateflte ( but barely furmjhed of kpo^^ ledge) to Itfhom I mufl vtterfome matte r of delight y orfroW^hom 1 mufl retourne all aba'hcdli>ith open dlf grace, Thus Gracious Lady yijnder your Vrmce^ ly fattour Ihaue '■undertaken tofetfoorth a '^ork^ in the honour of Wales ;^her€ your highnes aunce^ (lors tooke name , and ^here your Maieilie is as much loued and fear ed:,4s m any f lace of your high^ nejfe dominion. And the loue and obedience oflpbich pdvlefo exceedeSyAndfurpaffeth the common good-' lotlhfthe "^orlde , that ttfeemeth a It^nder m our age (Cohere in arefo many '^riters)that no one man doth not Iportheiy according to the countries good" e "^ay) to bring him "^'hcre ' 7. " ^s he TheEpiftle helPiflKth , '^htch gentlenes in aUcwntriesisnoi nj^edidndytt bejtdes all this goodnes and great re^ gard^there is neither he^e nor cry (for a robbery) tn many hundreth "whether it be for feare oj lufiicejoue ofGodjOrgooddifpofttion^fmaO Robberies or none at all are heard of there. They triumph likpptfefo much of fidelitie^that the n/ery name ofafalfifier of pomes ^amurtherer or a theefy is mojl odious among them , especially a Traytor is fo hated, that his lohole race is fated at and abhord as I haue heard there, report ofFarrie and others^ Tiphothe common feofle^ould haue torne in peeces if the (alQe had not proceeded. And fuch regard they haue one of another, that neither m market to'^nes^ high Ipayes y meetings, nor publicly ajfemblies they ftriue not forpiace , norfhelpe any kindofroyfttng: for in fled of fuch high jiomackes and fioutnes , they Tjfe frendly falutaiions andcourtefie , ack^o'^led-- ging duetie thereby,^ doing fuch reuerence to their betters , that euery one in his degree isfo loellfun- derciood and honored, that none caniufily fay hec hath fufferediniurie,or found offence by the rude f^ burbarous behauiour of the people. Theft ijfagesdf theirs, Ipith the refi that may befpoken of their ciutl maner and honefl frame oflyfe , doth argue there is • V " fomc Dedicatoric fame more nobler nature in that Nation^ then tsge^ neraliy refortedy ^htch I doubt not but jour Htgh^ nes is as lulling to heare as I am defirous to mak^ wamjefi andfubiifh : the hope "thereof redoubleth my holdnesyandmay hapfely jheeldme from the ha- zard of Worlds haHie iudgcment ythat condemned tnenlctthout caufe for lontmg that they kpo'^y and frajpng of people before their fices : (Iphtch fuj^t- cious heads call a kind of adulation) but if telling of trothybe rehukableyandplayneffeechesbe offenfiuey the Ignorant 'U'orld Ihall d^eli long in errors , and $rue "Writers may fodaynly fitinftlence,J haue not only fearchedfondry good zAuthors for the confir-- mat ton of my matterJ/Ut alfo paynfuUy traueiledto trye out thefubflance of that is iprittenyfor feare of committing fome njnpardonahlefkult andoffence, in prefenting this 3ooke ronto your Highnejfe^ VFhich ^orkcyalbeit tt is but litley(becaufe it trea- teth not of many Slieres)yet greatly itjhalreioyce • the lohole Countrey ofVyales;^he they fh all heare ' it hath found fnuour in your grac'tous fight yt^ hath faffed through thofe blejfed hands y that holds the rayne and bridle of many a fiately Kingdome , and Terry tone, tAnd myfelfe (J^all re ape fo much glad-- vcjfcy by the free paffage ofthisfmple labour y that here- TheEpiflle hircafter ^ fl)aU goe thfotigh (GOT) (faring life) "^otth the refi of the other Shier es not heerg named. Thefe things only tal^n in had,to caufejour High^ nejje to l^o^e , ^vhat puj/dnce andfirength fuch s TrmceJJe is ef^ that may ccmmaund fuch afeofle: 4nd '^hat obedience hue and lay altie is in fuch a Countrey^M hereunto hath bin hut little f^ok^n of^ andyet deferueth moftgreateft laudation, eAndtn deede the more honorable it is, for that your Htgh^^ neffc princely tAuncefiorsf^rong forth of the noble braunchesofthat Option . Thus duetifully pray-* ing for your MaieHies long preferuation, (by ^hofi bountie andgoodneffe I a long li^hile haue Itued) Jli>ifh your Htghneffe all thehapyhonour^ yiBoricy and harts eafcy that can be defired or imagined. Tour Highneffe humble Seruantand SubieSi ^Thomas Churchyard. X ^ To euery louing and fiundly Reader, , T may fecmc ftraungc ( good Rca- ; dcr) thati hauc chofen in the end of my dales to trauaile , and make ' difcriptionofCountries : whereas the beginning of my yonrh ( and a I long while after) I hauc haiited the * warres , and written fomcwhat of I Martiall Difcipline : but as euery feafon brcedeth a fcuerall humour, and the humours of men arc diucrs: (drawing the mynd to fondric difpofitions) fo common occafion that commands the iudgcment, hath fet me a worke , and the warme good will &:affe(5tion,borncin breaft,towards thcworthie Coun- trey of Walcs,hath haled me often forward, to take this la- bour in hand , which many before hauc learnedly handled. Btit yet to Ihewe a difference in writing, and a playnneffc m fpecch(bccaufc plaync people affeds no fioriftiing phrafe)! hauc now in as ample a maner ( without borrowed termes) xs I could , declared my opinion of that fwcete Soyle and gooiSubiefts therof,euen at that very inlhnt,when Wales was almoft forgotten , or fcarce remembred with any great lawdation , when it hath merited to be written of: for fon- drie famous caufes moft mecte to be honored ,and neceffary to be touched iii.Firft,the world will confeffc (or els it (hall do w'rong)that feme of our grcarcft Kings ( that hauc con- quered nnich)wcre borne & bred in that Couti trey : which Kings in their timcs,to the |[^lory of Eng)and,haue wrought wondcrs,& brought great Bcnefitcs toour weale publickc. Among the fame Princes, I pray you giue me leaue to place our good Queenc Eli2abcth,andpard6 me withall to com- -' ' A mit To the Reader* mityoH to the Chronicles , forthefirekingoutofhcrAun- ccftors noble adions , and fuftcr mc to Iheu^e a little of the goodnefle , gathered by vs , from her Maieftics well doing, and poflfe (led along feafon from her princely and iuft dea- lings. An ad fo noble &: notorious , that neither can cfcapc immortall famc.nor fliall not paHc my pen vnrcfited. Now weigh in what plight was our i^ate when flie came firft to thcCrownc,and fee how foonc Religion was refor- med,(a matter of great moment)peace planted,and warrcs vtterly extingLiinisd,as the fequellyet'fallcth out. Then behold how iTie fuccourcd the afflided in Fraunce^ (let the going to ?{ervhan€n bearc witneflb) and chargcably without breaking of League maintcyncd her friends and a- mazed her enemies. Then looke into thefcruice and preferuation o^ScotUnd (atthc (lege o(Leeth)^i\d fee how fmely the French were al fliipped away ( they being a great power ) and fent home in fuch fort^tliat neuer fincc they had mynd to rcturnc thether againc , in that falluon and forme that they faylcd towardJ Scotland zt the {iT{\. Then confider how bacc our money was,& in what fliort tyme (with little loiTc to our Countrey ) the bad coync was conuerted to good filucr : andfo is like to continue to the end of the world. ^ Then in the aduancing of Gods word and goodpcoplc,' regard ho'-v T^hell was relieued.and \R^rie and other places foud caufc to pray for her Ii[c,'^ho fought to purchace their peace and fee them in fafetie- Then thinke on the care (he tookcforf /«?««^^r/ , during the firft troubles , and how that Countrey had bene vtterly deftroyedjif her Highnes helping hand had not propped vp that tottering State, Then Chriltianly coceiue how many muf^'tudcs of (gran- gers flie hath r,iuen gracious countenance vnto , and hath freely licenfed them to Hue here iri pcizc and reft. Then paifein an equall ballancc the daungerous cftatcof ^tf/iii^e mens eates then profe,and vnderwhofefmooth grace thrifc noble of fpccch , more acceptable matter is conuajxd , then the Trince?. common fottofpcople can Comprehend . Forverfeslikea Icfircyof familiar friend(with a gallant phrafe)ridcs quietly by tliou- WatTcw" of fand J,and daflieth no one perfon , and galloping cleanly a- Weaminftcr, way mcrites no rcbukctwhen profe with afoft pace cannot andothcrsarc with fuchcunning pafle vnperceiucd . ButalHsonc here in like when in neither of both is found no matter of ^ZV°v.Tr.i^ mii^rutt,nor fpeeches to offend,there is no caufe of diflike . So crauing thy good opifuon,good Reader fare well , 4: A — ^ ^Icokcdoo. c^ A true note of the auncient Caftles, famous Monu- mentSygoodly ^nersfiire 'Bridges, fine Townes,and courteous people, that I haue fcenc in the noble CowuXi'v&oi Wales, i^?0Ugt)fDnilltC<§)0Plej2l, antftatelp The Authors l^ingDOntf iS titrfj, troublcfome long baue 31 traeC, to txm out time [i^'j'J^^^ ano pcarns; W.\)m% attoiH, ^mt fwclpreme rigljtmitc^, ^0 bp ntp Ujo^fejsf , anu p^iutcfi btofejJ apycarci$4 attD toean'eD tlbuia^^ toicfi topic in fo2« rapnc place, 5* bottietoarn u^uc, to tafec fome reft a (pact: 3ut IabounngmpntJ,t!jacreff£{ not but in bcD, . n^cgan a ftdl), to trouble reaiejs i^eu^ ^bcn netofouno toplesf, efjat fjalecf men an ttt ^afff,' ^orttnneoubeatijaROlajKenottoberetijepgoe: - 55aiie reafonriue, lubere !oue (^outo be enb?afte, 9ino toberetpme coulo, bi0 labour belt beffotoe* Co Wales (quotb Cdit) , tfjerc ootlj plaine people Vm% " fe)0 mapft tl)ou come , to ^eauen out of I)cfl: ^Q} Frauncc ii fine, ano full of faitblelTc toaieicf, ^ "^o" "<>« l^oo?e Flaunders groflfe, anD farre from ^appic Daieaf* of ma "S- IRitcf) Spaync i^ pjouue, ano derne to Oraunjjersl an, Sallon'^ Jin Italie, popfning in aliuaiejJl rife; the people . 7l> 5(nli^^<=* - • TKc worthines ' "^ ^ ' 9[n^ Germanic, to £)?im1iennc(reuotlj fall, m)C Danes Uactuife, Hoe Icauc a bibbing life* ^1)C Scots fecfee bloun, anu beave a crucU nipiw, Ireland grotucg uoiigbt, tt)e people iJjare tonkpnut England 6oO toot, batl) learnue fuel; leaiMOnefle late, C^at Wales mctljiw^^jW «olu tl)e fouuDeft date* 511 all tbe rett, of Kmguomf 21 farte 0? nerf , Acommcn- atrifkeo?t\»o,oftteacbcrteftapuestlje^ople: ' dation ©f the ^iit Cnce tl)e tpme, tbat rule anci latoe came Ijere, iTin*^^ '?i:bi3Brittinilano,luas5neuetputtofople, vvdihmcn. j^Q^fo^j^ offf,iff^ o^fauu it nio commit; .. - ^be people bere, in peace ootb quiet (it, y-^- ©baped tbe prince, toltbout reuolt 0? iarre,' O^ecaufe tbep hnoU), etlje fmatt of CiuiU toarre^ . , ,,, pSnbileji quarrels rage, uinnouriajrupneanoto^acftf, gr^t Snd 9nD 0\vren Glendore, fet blmoie b?opleg abroad): Siflemion that jfull man? 3 ^otone, toag fpoplo ano put to facke, fuinatcd iuocleanecoufum'o, to Countries foulerep?oacb» ». Wales. ^gffa( Cattlesi ral!e, fap?e Buploinggi burnt to DuU, feud) reufll raignoe, tbat men nio liue bp luft; But fince tbep came, ano peeloeo bnto latoe, Spoft make as Lambe, luitljiu one poke tbep D^aUje, , HowLawe likcb?etbiennoto,tioe2Bel(ljmenaiUagrcf, andioucUnks 3inasmuri)loue,asanpmenaliue: -. men together '21:1)0 fcienofljip tbete, auo couco^D tljat 31 fee, ''^^ '''^^^- 3! Doe compare, to T^ees in l^onep biue» caijicbkcepe in fuiarme, ano bolD togetljer thTt, ^et glaolp fl;oU)e, to (traunger great genu Uiill; 5 courteous 'ki^ixo^ of loue in euerp place, a man map fiuoe, in fimplc peoples face* Thf accufto- PafTe tobere pou pleare,"on piatne o? S^ountamc toilnei cKd courtefie mi^htie baggesi , of filuer ftuffco tb^otoe, 3nD no one man. Dare touc!) pour treafure notu: Jnbicii njetocs fomc grace, Dotb rule aim gupoetbcmtbete, Cbat noti; to (000, ano man fucb Confcicnce bcare* 35eboIti be nnesf, a furtber tljing to note, ^\)Z beft cljeape cbcare, tbc p banc tbat map be founii: ^belbotis great, toben eacb manis paieiS \)i^ groate, 31f all alike, tbe reckoning: runnctb rounn. ^bere marl^et gooB, ano bittuals nothing ueare, Cacb place is filDe, toitb plentie all tbe peare: ^be grounu mannuroe, tbe graine ootb fo cncreafe, ^b oio. Visuals good chcapcin moil partotWalcb A great re- buke to theft thatfpcakes rotnuclyof Wales. Good difpofi* tion neuer wants good mancti. - , ' The worthinesl 3!tt gifirsf of mpnu, (T)oulD Oauc To ^cat rcgartjf, €^ceptUJitl)uvfrom bird) Come grace tuercl5^cD» • i 3it muft be fo, Doe luit not me ucceaue, Cnbat natuue gtueis, tbs tuo;ilD cannot bereauc; ' 31ntljt2!rcmaine0^,afecreteU)o;iheueu!ne5 Ktljiri) fljciDc tljep rife, fcom aimcieut race ann line* Cood&tTuc SinQlucboisiolDjPouiTjantbatpIamlprcauf, Authers that Geraldus one, ano le.U'neD Geffrey t\uo; cooIcnT.r ^'^^ f^'*^^ fo? ^f Of^^' '^ Venerable Beadc, - Wales than '^^^^ i"<^"P ffcaue, anu luoitbte U)f>?fec0 hid doc » I write of. ^bat no^Des tbifif p^cofe, o} gcnalojiesi bere, 'S^beir noble blooD, Dotb bjj tbeic ItiiciS appeare: CbeiiftatelpColuneg, anD Caftles euecp tubnc, J©f tijeicwuatome, Dotb oailp toitnelTe beait, A defcription of Mori- moiith shier e. , . TwoRiucfj T^3ir(t 3! bfgm,«tamicient Monmouth nolo, by Momouth, |h Cbat ftonDS bp Wye, a Hiiier large anD long: Monno"""^ 3lUJiUtbat5§)biere, anD otbec^biere^ goedjjotof, anj"hcrihcr Defccibetbeman, 01 elsJ 3!tiiDtbemto?ong* Wye. ;3!ti2i great blame, to UJ^icerg of our Daie05 - . Cbat treated of Uio;ilD,anD ^mi to Wales no pjatTe: ^bep ratber bpHe, in cloUJDe(anD cunning fople) C^at lanD tban peslD, rigbt glo^ie to tbat S)ople, Kin» Henry ; ' the fifth. ai King ofour^,U)aiS bovine in Monmouth furr, /;■ Nccrc the "^(Jf Cattle tbere, reco?D^ tbe fame a rigbt: Townc Sir 9nD tbougb t\it toalleei, tobicb cannot (till enDure, Charles Har* -^(j^ougb fo^e Decap, Cjetocfii notbing fap?e to figljc^ ben of Troy j ^^^^^ ^^ j-^^jf^ ^^^^ ^j.j| pi^gg ^ jf jg qJj,^ dwelt in a fairc 2L , ., ,.* r i ^ i j t^ scate caUed ^? ^^^^ P« »"^P3 « l^^mcelp plot be^olDj rofWales^^i . t&mU nt^im ^tp tjitUj tfeat firft tI;ofe toallttf fito raiTf, Cljat maKcjJ our age, to tljinlve on c lueciS naicjj. ^Ije Einji; Ijcrc bo^ue, fiir> {nouta pareletf p?inrey $;e conquett) Fraunce, aiiD rnign'o nine pareis in^ap: •EJjere lut^?? nctljeje, fo great a Uitto) Cnre, 'Cljat liaD fufb c^aunce, anu jTo^tune m Ijigt lap» jTo? f)e hp fate, anD foice uiu couet all, Slwu ag turne came, ftrofee barrr at iTo^tunejS bad; ZlXitl) manip mpnu, anu ran a teoDie Uiap, Colore a topnc,o^lutnnett)e6oIebppIa^;. 3lf Monmouth b?tnfif,furi)p?mce2ift>?tt) aiS t^i^, 3 !^ople of grace, it (balbe calDe of rigbt: ^peake toljac pou can, abappie ideate it i«{, SI trim ^biere toione, fo? j!5oble,75aCTOu o^ Knigljt* a Cittie fure, a«! free ai is; tbe belt, : ' CZIbere S^i^e ief kep:, ann leameniatopcrji reff: n^uplt auncient Uiife, in (bate ann tobolefome ap?e,, SEUjere tbe bcft fojt, nf people oft repap^e* Jf?ot farre from tbence, a famous^ Cattle fine, ^ ' ftbat Raggland bigbt, ttanog moteo almoft rouiurr fl^aue of iTreettohe, bp^igbt a0 ffraigbt ags line, ^Slbofe too^kmanlbip) in beantieootb abound* ^be curtou£( knot^, to?ougbt all )S3ii^ eogen tojle, ^beCatelp 'Cotocr, tljat lookee! o^el^onti ano pojle; ICbe jTountainc trim, tbat runs! botb oap ano nigbt,, 2Dotb palD in (boUie, a rare anonobU ngbt» jf5oto ChepftoN^'e comeji, to mpnii(at^ toefl it ntap) cnbofc !^eate in fct, fomepartbpon an bill: ^uo tb?ougb t\)t Cotone, to Ncawportlpesi atuaj», *Cbat oic a X^?iDge , on Wye pou rtue at toilU Cbi«5 '35?iDge isi long , tbe Bitter finift ann great, Z'^t ^ountamc bigge, about Dot^ Q^nnc tbc ^eate: At VVyncdow now dwcls Sir Thomas Har- bCTf,:i little from the l«mt Troy. • MaitlcrRogct Icamtsdwdf at Troy ncrc this Tow DC ;>i Cie TlicEarleof Worccftcrs houfe and- Caftlc. ThcEarlcof Pcnbrokcthat was created Earle by King ldwardthc4, buyltthcCat ftcllofRag- gland famp- tuouHyat the firft. larleof Wor- ccflcrLoid. hereof. . A fiirc bridge, Maifter Lewis ofSatnt Peerc. dwcUcs ncctc> thau The worth ines doth dwell now. Cbe f ommonpo?t, an:i l^atif n id fo goou, 31t merits; piaife, bccaufc^atfeesi tberc HOC riue: Sir Wilham -^r q ^jjJ^ jj^^ jf^^ -d. ^cpoiiD tljc fame 5 Dotlj Tyntierne Sbbep ftanu, Harbctofcoi ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^'^^ ^^ id toitbin tbat tano: broke buiycd ^^^^ ^^^^^^ tbinggy b«tb bcHc rig:I)t toojttie noti^ there. 2Ilbmofa}5pet,ttjettotbi3Ibaucnocgote» Chepftow. inthecaftie Co Chcpllowc pet, nti^pfttaffajwemuffpafTe, dlS^wtCT^"" SUbereStrongbow once, (an earfe of tare tenotone) called Longis ^ ^ong timc fince, tbe lo^ii antt S^aiftet Uiait tower, wherby (3ln p^iiicelp fo;it) of CalHe amj of Cotonc* ' rdbataieto Cbeti after tbat,to Mowbray it befell, bcconfidctcd (aDfNorftblkcDufee,atBD?tbicknotonefuUtoem Of this Earfe ^^° ^°^^ ^^ fdmet, William Harbcrt JKnigbt, is a great and ^ijatloajstijeCarle, of Pcnbrookct^enbprig|»t, .,:>' woiSiietalcto be heard j^j'^ j^,^ ^omte, tfjat Htu fucf eebc bid pTacf , peti^ (©fHuntyngton:aniiPcnbrDoke Carle Uketoife) Earl^ Strong, i)^^ ^^^ 0"^ cbilDe, a Daugbter of great race: bowe wasma- 3uD fije luad matrtjt, toitb pompc anu folempne gttife, ricd to the ^0 Somerfet, tbat toad Lo^o Cbamberlame, fti"$°DauX ^"i'"^3iiean€arle,inHenryfeuentbdtaigne: inTrci^"f and ^^ l^"" ^otb CO me, Cade VVorftcr liuing notoe, thisStrong- cabobuilDetbbp,tijeboufeofllagglandtb?otoe, . - bowe wan by thc^Earied^s A Crcation of an Earlc. ofWolttaSc T^oU. T^ Dtoarb bp tbe grace of ©otJjKing molt impenall, M iDfiF'tance>»€ngIanD,fttbeto?i»of3!relant)tbertoitban, -■— ' -^0 ^rcbbiibopd,^ Bifbopd an,to l^bboted anD to pnojtf Co £)uked,to €sxU^,tol^mo\\^,ba:iffe^ of tlje (birf^i r %9 of Wales:- ' Co 3fu(l(crt,to ^am^^am cl^iefe of Cotunlp ffoaernmenf, -^To BaplieffejSjf nip licljcfolkc allj^auc fjerctoitl) greeting fenf* |tnob)e pe luijeceas uie tunge it t^ a grar iousi p;iiiice bt0 parte, Co palo loue,fauour,anD retoaro to mm of great Befarte: m^o of l)imrelfe,bi0 Hopall ljoure,ami of tbepublique ftate, J^auclDellDeferu D,tIjeitDettue2i rareeiierto renumerate: 3mi to ato^ne tottb Ijigb reujarrj,fuii) Mmut clanre ano b^igbt, ^tirsi otljersi up to great atteinpt!o,anD faintiies putei to fligljt* UXe following on tl)e famouiS c6urfe,|i former King« Ijaue run, 'Etjat toojtbie ^ app^oueo toigljtjtobire Daoeg mofl noblp i>un, ll)auc greated tbiugsi of bsi oereru'D,lije no intenn to raife, 'Co fame ano bouo?^ bigbeft tppe,tDitb gifts; of p^inrelp p?aiTe, Cbat tnicip rcgall are Mit meane^tbat ijaliant luo^tbie Knigbt, 'Cbat caiUiam l^erbertbatb to name,^ notu t»i^erbert bigbt* jabofe feruice tobc tue firft oiD raigiie,toe oio molt faitbful finD» Caben fo? our ropal rigbt toe fougbt,\»btcb M toe call to minO; %o tobicb toe ao from tben till notojcominuall feruiresi, * • cabicb manp toere tobereof eacb onejto tjg mod pleafing ijJ^ . Sno cbieflp toben asi latelp notojbisi nccoeg; oio bim Declare, 9 too?tbie Knigbt toljerbpbe gapn'Ojbotb fame anD glo^ie raret ^Ctben agi tbat Hcbell ano our foe, euen lafper Tudyrs fomie, tobo faio be Carle of Pcnbroke toas{,oiD toelttoalejs coaft o^eru* ^no tb^re bp fubtile ibiftss ann fo?ce,oiD muers; fonn^ie toaicjt ^uop our *^tate,anii tberetoitball a Dple ^eoition ratfe^ 33ut tbere be gaue to bim a 6eloe,anti toitb a Daliant bano £)?etb?eto bim ano W fo?ce0 all^tbat onbi^ part oio flanD* Sno marcbing all along tbofe Coaft^, J moft be fleto out rigbc> Cbc reft be biake ano fo oifpc rftjtbep gaue tbcmfelues; to fligbt* £)ur Cadle tben of Hardelach, tbat from our firft nate^ ratpt, Qi refuge fo; all Hebelsi oii),againft bsi (hll remaine: a jTo^t of toonoerousj fo?ce,beCege about Dio bf, 9no tmhe it,tobece in moft mens mpnO0,it coulo not tafeen be* i^e toan it ^ oiD mahe tbem palD,tobo tbere tbeir faftic fougbt^ ^nn alltbe Couutrietbereaboutg,to ourobcDience b^ougbt* Cbefe tbevefo?e W moft too;itbie 3cts,toe calling into minoe^ . Ijpi^ reruiccjs; anD great oefiirt^^tobtcb toe p^ailc too^t||ie ftnoe: 2xA The wortliines 5ntJ foj tW' cauf£ tor toiTling biTit5b)irtj i^ono?^ rovaH)^ iTo? to at)o?itc,ticckc,anii amwuncc,antJ to fublimc on i;ve, 'C'jc cigbt Dap of September, in tljc ctjlit pacve of our Eatijnc^ Gllc bp tbisi Cbaucr, tbat fo? Durss fl)allfinncfo? twex rrniainff ©f fpc ciall jrare mn kno\MleDn:e rute,fountJ ann ncrcrminate, ^no niotio nid-rcijini KJiHiam DoCjOf Penbroke Count create Ctcrt, p2efcrrf 5 anu i;uto bini tlje Cttlc (tile ano (tate, 3nti name tbcrcof anu Digmcir/oicuct appiopiiatr, 215 €atle of Pen broke anu luitballjUie c«tc all rigbtsf tljat 50 Qllbono^fii auii pKlKnuncncfjtbacliatcpcrtcpnebnto; Cairb UJbtcb eRatf,afIf,biJno?,5reaC5anti ttiouljictiignitic, ^p cimtutc of a ;^l»op,tue feim enmililc tcallic* The Authors -^0? tl^at t^c fence, anti luoitbic )siom toere great, vcrfcs in the Clje feruice fuel), asi merttesi noble fame: honor of no- c^c fo;imc tijeteof , in Uerfe 3! doc repeat?, bkwyndi. 2n\i Ojctoe Itketoile, t^lattin of tbe fame. ll)creru'o a Kinj, tijat coulD fn'm Uic n rctuarD, ^nD of biss bonfe, anD race tco!ie great reprD, SnD recompenft, big manlp Doing rigbt* aHit^bono^DUfjtofurl^anoMeKmgljt* ^^^^J^"^*]' 2n&ereIopanmpnD,Dotb offer life anDal!, '' • •"- tad men re. JToiitopiefcrue, tbe lp?inceanD pwblique (Tate: bukcJ. ^bereDotO great bap, anDtljankfulljfo^tune fan, Sl0 gucTDon fent, bp Dcttttie anD gcDD fate* J^o ^oucraine can, forget a ^^ubiect^ troctlj, ''• ^CTitb tobofc gcDD grace, great ioue auD fauour goetfj: ©reat gtftgf ano place, great glo?ie aiiD renotone, C^^ej) get auD gapne, t^at truelp feruegi a Crouine* ^ .,,. ia[nDtl)omiipKmgl)t,tIjatsrtbi«bcireinbIfflD, ^ '■ Herbert o? '^bougb LoiDlbip,lanD, anD Ragghnds ftatdp CobJCV^, ;• ' 5&imGjliyans. 3 female bcire, anBfo?ceoffo?tunC!S Hood l{)aHe tl^a bereft 5 pet bearft lji0 fruity anD flotuer^: IM of Wales.' 9?{i dtmt^iW nawfj W fait!) ant) mpnu are ttjpnf , 35p naturcnurcure, arte ane grace ueiipne: O^e €)f as< aim lanojf, ri^fir moue tl^ee papnctf to tsS^^ fo} CoOjfo^iame, fo^ ttip Cuiette ^ouetaitios fake* ef5 Here foUoweth the Creation ofaa SarU ofVenbrok^in Latin. EDwardus Dei gracia Rex Angli? & Fraunciat & Domi- nusHibcmi9,Archicpifcopis,Epifcopis,Abbatib*,Pn- oribus, Ducibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, lufticiarijs, Vicecomitibus,Prepofitis,Miniftris ,& omnibus Balliuis,& fideiibusfuis/alute. Sciatis quod cum ^elicis &gratiadmo- dum Regis munus cen{camus,dcfc,de Rcgia dome, deque Republica & regno bene meritas pcrfonas , cogruis amorc, bencuoicntia & libcralitatc profequi:dcnique& iuxtaexi- mias probitatcs,cardem magnificentius ornarc &decorarc, quatcnus inperfonis huiufccmodicongcftis clarifsimis vir- tutum pr? mijs ccteri,focordiaignauiaque fepofitis ad pera- genda pulchcrrima quarquc facinora laude & gloria conci- tentur.'Nos nc a maiorum nro laudatifsimis moribus difcc- dcre vidcamur^noftri t^^ officijputamus probatifsimu no- bis virum qui ob resab fc clarifsime geftas quam maxima de nobis promcruit, condignis honorii faftigi/s attolJcre & vere rcgijs infignirc muneribus . Strenuum & infigncm lo- quimur milite Willum Herbert Dominum Hcrbart,iam de- funftu, cuius in regni noftri primordi/s obfcquia gratifsima turn nobis multipliciter impenfa cum nro proiuredeccr- tarctur/atis ambiguc obliuifci non poflumus acccflcre& dc port in hoc vfque temporis continuata fcruicia, que non parum nobis fucre complacira , prefertim nuperimis hi/s dicbus quibus optimum fc gefsit milircm,ac non mediocres fibilaudis&fame tituloscomparauit . Hi/sequidcmiam- pridccriRcbcllis.hoftifquenoflrilarperOviniTcdurfilliu, nupcr Pembrocliir fc Comitcm dicens , WalH« partes per- C uadcrcr, The wortliincs uaderer^mukaque arte ad contra nos & ftatam nodrum vi« Icin populo fcdicionem concitandum truculcntiam molircj tur,locictatis fibiad eandem rem conficicndam clcftifsimi? viiisfidelibus noftrisarmaccpit, confligendicppiam hofti- busexhibuit, adeoquc valida m^nu peruafus ab ipfis par- tes pcruagatus eft & nufquam eis locum pcrmifcrit quo no coscompliccfqueaffligaucrit, vires eoriidem frcgeritjmor- teque affecerit.feu defperantes in fugam propulcrit,dcmum Caftrum noftrum deHardclagh nobis ab initio rcgnino- ftri contrarium , quo vnicum mifcris patcbat refugium,ob- fidione vallabat, quod capi impofsible ferebatur , cepitjiiv- clufos que ad deditionem compuIit5adiacentem quoq; pri- mamomnem noftram Regis Maieftati rebellem hadenus ad fummam obedientiam rcduxit . Hzcitaque fua laudabi-^ lia obfequia.promeritaque memoritcr & vt dccet intime re- colcntes volcntefque proipde eundem Willum condignis honotibus , regalibufquc przmi js ornare amplicare & mb- limare, odauo die Septembris anno regni noftri oftauo, pcrChartam noftram de gratia noftra Ipeciali acexcertii fcientia & mero motu noftris ipfum Willum in Comitem Pcmbrochia: ercximuSjprxfecerimus , & creauerimus , & ei nomCj ftatum,ftilum,titulum, & dignitatem Comitis Pern*' brochiecum omnibus &fingulis precminenci/s honoribus & ceteris quibufcunque huius ftatui Comitis pertinenti- bus,(iue congruis dederimus & conceffcrimuSjipfumq; hu- iufmodi ftatu. ftilo, titulo, honore , & dignitate per cindu- ram gladij infigniuerimus,& rcaliter nobilitauerimus. Z^'ni \siM ^zt uotone, fo? cattfe^ mo?e tljen one, ^\)z tpo^lD bclttuc^, no mo?e tban it batft feene: ZZX\)tn tbinofsi Ipc nean, ann tpme is pa(t am gone,. '^{^\io people fap, it ifi not fo toe toeene* 3It ii a tale, oeuifoe to pleafe t\)t eare, £^m fo? oeligljt, of topes! tl;entrotl) map bmex 05«t ttjofe tljat tbtuks, tbis map a fable be, Co ^ut^o^gi ga)5, 31 km t^zm l;ece from mCt cfVValesr ifirt! let rtjcm ffiird(j, Befo?w asJ 31 Jjauc wne, ^ben (baU tljcp finue, tijis! iisi molt certaine tiae; anD all tlje tcllj Dcfo?e 31 bere begun, 3!2! taknt out, not of no to?iter0 nuc* •Cbe olDcft fo?t, anu founoeft men of ffeiH S©pne autbo?sj are, notu reaue tbetr nameg tobo toill: 'JEbetrlMO^fee^jtbetrbJO^Uis, anu fo tbcir learning tb?ougf^* ^b^l (be^e pou all, lubat trotb 31 W^t of notD« n (JScaufe manj> tbat fauouten not Wales ( parliall bJ^tterjS antt bifto?!ansi) bane lu^itten ^ fet uotonetbeir otone opinionsfja* tbej) pleafeo to publilb of tbat Countrep: 31 tbercfo?e a little ue« Crefle from tbe o^oerlp matter of tbe btoke, anu toiicb fometobat tbeujo^KeganDtoojuejsof tbem tbatralblp l^aue to?ittenmoj£ tben tbep kneiue,o^ lueQ coulo p^oue* 021 learneD men, batb to? of e graue toojfeiS of po^c, &o great regam, to natiue 5i)ople tbep ban: ifo? fucb refpettj 31 blame noUi PoUydore: !2Becaufe of Wales, bis iungewenttoajs but bair# 3If Buckanan , tbe Scottifti |Doet late taJere bere in fp^ite, of Brittons to ncbate: l^e (boulo finoe nien, tbat tooulo toitb bim uirputc," ^nn manp a pen, tobicb toouln W too^iai confuu:^ Tnt toitb t\)e ueac, tbe qm'ti^ map neuer Utility <€bougb fomj^ie too^fest, of tbeirss toere little too?tb) ^et better farre, tbep ban not betie aliue, ^ban fotoe fucb fcewsi, aci brings no goonnefTe fo?tb: ^beir p^aife ijs fmall, tbat plucks; backe otbersi fame, 'Cbeirloue not great, tbat blotiS out neigbbourg name, '^Lbeir bcokee! but b^atolesi, tibeir bable baulo anu bare, Cbat in Dil^aine, of fableis to^iter^ are* ^bat fable mo?e, tben Tap tbep fmotoe tTjat tbt'ng ^b^ ncuer fatoe, ann fo giuc iunganent ftreigbt; Theworthines 'C'jat tljinksf itreaow, a matter of great toeig^t,"^' . ' >- tclljcn rijat a talc, of murij untvotlj i3 toio: Cljug! all tljat fljine^, anu gUftcvs; is not joint .r^o? all tljc bcokcs, tljat auntient fatberjs to^atc 9re not alo'too, fo? ttotlj ia eucrp ititu •EljOugjljCacfartoasijatoireamitoo^tbtelpinifr, > 3iin conquerD mud;, of Wales aiiD England bot^t 'S^be UJHtcra tban, ant) ot!)cr^utl)o?j8 lince. • - ' -• * Did flatter tpme, anu Hill abufe tbe trotb. &3mc fo? a fee, ann fonw Dio bumo^sf feeoe, 2£tb2n fo^e toasi bealee, to make amounD to bleece: anu fame fougbt meane?}, tbeir pattCMt ft in to i)leare, Caijeti boDp tb^uie, luais full of foule ^ifcafe,. ICbe iDDiMp tBit^j tbat toitb cacb tpme bioulo tuajfjr, tClcrc carpet) clcane, aujaj» ftom toifcDomcg lo^e; 'Cbep ratbertuatfbtjto fiHauemptiebaggf, 'S^baii toucb tbe tpmc, tben p^cfent o^ before: Si^o) car'o not mucb, fo? future epme to come, ^bep roulD up tpme, like tlnknt About tbe tbomft ano wben tbeir clue, on triflcst all luasi fpent, Spucb rotten ftttffe, unto tbe gatimnttoenu ZaWh ftufFc patcbt tjpja pare of bomelp t»are> 3in vauntecs fl)op,fct out to fale fomctpme: tClbicb ill luioujbt iuo^Ue5at If jwftb b£c.\\r{t (o barf, 3;t ucitbcr feru o,foi p^ofenoi pleaiant rpme: 'Bnt paft like cbat,ano olo \33m4 tales! full \jaynty "^b'lt tbuuDer0 lonjjbnt neuer brings; fo?tb rapne : 3 kpnij of founOjtbat makea a burling nopfe, Co fearepoung babcs(5U)itb b^ute of bugger antttopesT* iSnt aijeo (ire^of rtper M anD fkil!, ^iroomcisi to uaoe^fucfj rabble farli Uiit^ Ipes(; ofWaks;; : €^fef$umpffooWJM'tt - - ' : fl)f 3urt)o?s tnie,anD to^itttd gtaue ano ttJife* dlljofc yen fljall p?ouCjeaf](>tl)ing m winuD Iralkf, caijofe cpegs luitballjOii matter ftraunge oiu IwJtf : SiiQ tDbofc great d)acge,anD labour UJitncffe bearegi, ^Ijcic tao^ug; are iuft,t^ep offer to ?our earejj* €acl) j:5ation l^u/otm ^}itn in theix uaietf ^0} to apttauuce^tljeir Coumrep to tlje ^tarrtsf: Homer ujas one,\Ml)o gaue t^e Grcekcs great p^aift; 5nD bono^o not,tlje Troyans fb? t^eir loarrei. Liui among,ti)e Roroaincs to^atengljt mttcb, Cmiti)rarereitoW,^i« matter tben) ..~v;:; .':... :l ' ^etto'ttertojnotljotoaU^attertf-goetJr .. 'r.;' • .; 3 . ;i . ' " 3nftclo:lu!'caIje5at^(Htte«iat^tf.peiu. .r.;- ::•■ ■,. r. ':-' f[:f)iiSPolIidorcjfatoeneuermtt€!jofWaIc5, -^ - Cljougb be baue tol«iOf i^rittonf^naiiv ulejJt ' . ... . Casfar Ijimfelfja autoj manp aiiiap^ Zaait not fa farre,^ PpiUdprq Dotlj Cap* .; : Ring^ are Dbapu,to&ere't||ep tocre neuer (eene, 5lnD mm map \i).ute,of tbing« tbep beare Dp earcs ^0 Pollidore,oft tpmc^ niigbt ouf rbJanc, Sino fpcafec of ^opie3,pet be came neuer tbere «. feomeratme a jrcounD,tbat tbjougbeacb biater CiiW> 51 33plot gojtj, i;i \)ii otone Compaffe faileiJt fl tenter tbar.bciaiiejJiivU)o?lD!J report, S^ap roue ta farrejO^ furcl^ (I)a)Ce to Ibo^t* ^be epe iiJ wTJge,as lantcrne cicere of Iigfjt, t^l^at (carc^edjtj/^ougd^tlje m\ ano ti^rfced placet >,.^.,7vv''^ T'ht sTaDfotttc t^tygiuti an tfje borne Offijt, 3:1 10 tljc glalTCjaiifl bcautie of tlje f«ff , Tint iDl)crc uo far e5no? tuxijinj cpe tretfj com?, ^iK fence 13 bipno.t^e fpitit is ueafft auD oomc: ii'o? U)it caw rtoCjConceiue tin figbt fenu in fecmc fkiU w l;eao,tJJl)€rcbp toe knotolenge tein» 3;f If raungcrss fy caftejbiitteunDtffp on otir (tate , ^Ijinht Hotbing ffraun0;e5tbou5b ftraungerja! tu^itc arntU: 3;fftraan5er3 uo,our natiue people bate, Oui Countrep knoU)es(,boUj ftrauiijc tbeir nature ijsf. SBolt ttraimge it U}ere,to trutt a fo?apne foe, £)i faiiout tbofe,tbattoe fo? llraungers frnotoet ^ben ftraungelp reatie,tbeba)fees; tbat Craungersl mafee, ^0; feare pe Qi^oube^in bofome dinging ^nake^ roUJUrmyir- %\)t ffcattngerjS (ti0,m auncient tpme fbat tojate^ gtUus fpakc all ^alt tbenifelueg!,anii kapes; bsi bnber fmte; ofhiiownc a^ toe of hpnti,anD nature Dor tbem bate, - ' • andrruc but ^0 ^c«f f^Jf P »^"Mi«i «n«er at tie rcrte ^ ;-^v : ; ' ';. little of Bm- ©f bcart^to bsijtobert pen to paper goetb, • ' ' • , tainc,norlo- ^btU: CUnntttg Cat,tottb^fWftfO CTdSf 8 tTOef^*'" - '■'■''' ucdtUciame. 'CbatbarDlptoejIbaUbauetbeiiitntbetoinue, , ; Co fmcH ^^KCSK fo^tbjO^ pet t^etr finenefle finbr* ,^ £)ffoicetbenmuII,patifrfb!teburritonemen, ' ' • : ■' iHTtnthk (Cabofe bcrtue« too?h)S,a glo?iou0 garlanb gapne^) ' writer. cabo baD tbe gift, tbe grace ano arte of pen: • 1; 3notobooiDto?ite,toitbfucbftoeeteflotoingt)apnejifj • ci'd^.3 paf- <^{^a( jtjQ,^^ reem'D,to ii?op from l^oetg quilU '• _• Bim^ ^ ^^^ "^ mo?e5tru(t ftraunger^ anu pe toill, . • ' "' - ; t^ jSDurCountrcpb?eei>egi,as(faitbfunmnia0t^ore, /'•'■, ^0 famous! tcDjinftatelpberfeo^p^ofe* :..:,=- uincProphc- ^uD tTuetb 31 trotoeji'iS Iilftte amottg b)S bcff: "' fiar 6c writer, ^p^^aclj matt ftouueji^to!^ fabling copejs tl)ep!;rare. :?? • of Wales: '• fl&itrt^oujl) toe countjbuc Robin Hood a 3Ictt,, . -r: fluo olD mud tale0,a0 mlinc^ topes a^ipeare: > ^ct Arthurs ratgnejtlje luo?Ui cannot oenpe, g)ucf) p^ojfe tOete is(jt^e tcortj tijereof to trpc: , ^'i"^':^^ COitttobo fo rpeafee0,agauia fo graue a tbingi ofSnow- feljaU blufb to blotjt^e fame of fuel; a littng^ t . m •. kJgc & fpiiit. ' 'i, ' . • ' • ComicmnetbeiiaiejSjOfeliJersJ great o^fmany •::'; "7 •:."'. Snotbettblurreoutjtbecoutfeofp^efettttpme: ^. : . Caftoneageooluntjamifoooeo^etb^otoall, - / 5uiibucnctbebQDfecs(,ofp?teiip?ofeo?rpmev ' .. W^Q fball belceuc,be rules oj fl;e notb rai jne JlntpmetocomCjifUJ^itecslajfetbetrpamet • .. • • - 'Ebe pen reco?i305tj)mepaft anil p^efent botb, •' ' / * ^kni brings fcDjcb boakes^ano btohes is nune to trotb* Mow followes the Caftles and Tj^lpmsneere Oske^and '...]>■ there aboutcs. AP;ietie Cob)ne,calDc Oskc nore Raggland (tantiU, a ac/oiption aKiuertbere,iiotbbearetbefelfefamename: oroskc l^t« Cb?iftall areames,tbat nmnes along tbe ^amj0, ^betocs tbat it is^a Etuer of great fame* ifrefb toatcr fiuatejtbisi gcDOlp Hiuer paM, ann bJben it fmelsijtt fp^eatig oje all tbe jr alDS: 6reatao;ieof jfiOjjis caugbtU)itbmtbi0 flmn, ^b^t Dotb in iieene,botb %o)iinz ano ^ouutrep gcoo* S tbtng to not e,b)ben ammon failes in Wye, - . ' ^^^ ^i^^^ (9nti fcafontberetgoesi out as o?oer ijj) ncrctogctiicr ^ban ftill of courfejin Oske tjotb <^ammons Ipe,, of fcucrau na- 9[noofg(DTjjrilb;,in Oskc pou (ball not mis. tuics.nicwcsa aino tbis fcemes acaunge,a3 ootb tb^ougb Wales appecrci ft^*ns««»^& .;3ln Tome one place^ace )i>ammou0 all tbe peere;- •f- •- ■* The worthmes 20 man mig^t rap,UJfaantmon \fixt at c aCU i^sccidward 3 Caltlc tljerfjin Oskc uotfj ^f t remainc, riic fourth and 3 ^fatelufjfrcEtngjefjanii l[9?inrfg! Ijaue bcncbojnji '^'^'^^'^' %X ftanus full o^c,* gotrip pkafant}^latnf, fimTcMnd '^^ ^^^^^ tobtreof,ftnz> toiuctsi are a« to to?ne, King RKhaid (tCIitlj Ujctbc« brafl^ftnD tv«« tljattucarcg all out) the thitd.wcrc i^itu pct tt l)atb,a fapie p^ori^crt about: borne here %iix(i a^MDesi an6 ttjalkf g,along tbc Kiuers; (Id?, CSItc^ ^jtDge tod ( butlt^tlje fo^ce of Sood to buik « CafticStr - Q^Pon^fCiJfjOftoajDm'efimfuHfap^e, dothmr?*' '^^^''^ Caaieftanw,fuUfo?cDefapteaiiDb?ofe« maiticthrcc ^« builDcu onfCjiit ftplb aiiD tubolcfomf ap?r, myic fix>m jfull ttttre JTC at GItmtisijam) maiip a nttgi)tic flDke* . o$kc,but th< %\xx fiib it tocareiJ.ano toafleis fo luafte atoap, ,^r . ^(i,/^; 3:np^airctljcrcof,5ini?«nnotmud)torap: .. ?t,arc m a gmiilp groun», rfle^cSSr"' G rofmont is onc^on ll)rtl it butlwoitjaisl J Caftiesw, Skenfrctht^cntptjincaallfjj 13 it foimtr, but not in ' Cbe !%)0j5lc about,fo? plf afurc tljf re notb paflTe* - good pbght Whit Caftle ifii5tl)t tljiru of tD0?t1)ie fame, a^y v/iy. ^|,e Couiitrcp tb£re,t!0tb bcarc Whit Caftksnant^ 2 (f atelp 55)catf 5a loftie p?inrelp plac r, tdfjofe \iimi\t giitc js,t|)c fimplc 5g>opIC)ji fome grace* ThcDuiccof ^too nipifg from t^at,\jiion amtgfjtie {fpfll, " ' ' - Miarand ^angibby aau0S,a CaftlconceoflTatf: ' > now the ca- 22!bercii)cnpoumap,ti)C'• 'r:"V 3!< ofWaksi t>''ftcp in toit^ ffatrip Ople, i?3o fceblepb?i^re,map fmieco ftt tfteefo?t|t ^bp Camous Coujne,toa0 fiirteof m«ip «m?le, ^bou baa bene greatjtbousb note but HttU ujo?^» ^bP noble bounjgjbatb rearbt beponD tbetn all, 3n t\)a Wh bcR?,^Mi5 Arthurs golDcn paXit 31tt tbae tbe taifejSni! ii30?tbies DiD repofe, anD tb?ou£b tbp edloae,tbeiB«ter eb? atuflolttf^ (^^inclearrt^ lo^etoitb loftieffpl^ anu leaoe t!)E!e Ipne« Qf mpne: : r i •• : Come grafioiis ©oDjtjami fparea ijabpic tometbcfl^uressnpne^ w. Comcpocw aII,tt»borcpa(nngpb?afe Uotb pearce tbe fined \uit6: Come!tnoD)IeDse \ijberf ontuo^le tiotbS^f»^ (pet (till in iuDgenicnt fit«) flntj belpe mp pen to plap bisJ p«te^ • i: fo^pentsilteptouttage, ^0 (betoe bp fKtU ano cunntng ait^' tbe ftate of former a5£* fo} p?efent tpme batb ft ienujs enotoe, to flatter faune ani> fatne: ^nD doer^ oateis 31 ^noioe not boH), noeoiaenm Deepe Dt(batne« jf5o frienD fo? anncient paretf \M ftane, , f: our age loueispoutl) alone: '^ f ' Cbe former aQ;etoeareiei out of tmmu^i •'ii <<- au tijougb fwcb tpme toetc none, . c ::.. f.v . Kins Arthurs raipeccbotisl^tMKit bieare) 3ij5 nm of fmaU account: :\ - •. :■ Vr ' 'Vi A dc(crlpd«| efCatlooa. MaifterMor- gan ofLan* tcmam in a f ayre hou(e dwdlcstwo mile fronx Carleon. Aplaincand tNcrchcariall of matter of great antiqui* AfayrcFoua^ taincnowbe«' gua. AfrccScho^ now. V '"'-^ Co pao^c Carleoa ^otonc^ . •« ■•? »*« In Arons }^in^ Arthur Turf toatf crotimcii tljtre , Arhar ^JoT^ ^^^ ^» ^^^^ CotMitc HID g)ceptet Btate, CTowBcd. £ilit^pompcanol>ouo^greate.. . TjuccArcK- an arri)bi(bop tlj.iC Dubrick bigrf^t, I oSn and ^'^ '^'^^^"^ ^^>^^ ^^"S m iJaW: caricd. 'crow- foiKt Kiitgs before Ijim bo?e in Ugljt, ning Kxn^ Ar- ^OUte ff OlDCtt J§>t&aHl? VQC re«JC, thur. Arthur was ^^^ ^^ J^'^ff^ ^^^^ famoasf 0f renoUjnf> grc u. that od- ^et fo? tbeir bomage Due: n>andcd fucb Htpap^D Uiito Carleon CoUme, foicmoitic a^3irebwcrccopou» ..•. . /j ThctnieAu- 1^310 ntattpDuKesfjannearlesftaitball^ ; h,, •: : ./ Aohardmthc ^^JD ^UCbJlS Can POU tell; ., .' i : . ..f,.j , , '.:'.; : .',^ thSbooic'for 3>it»rotrueU)2iterj(fl)ini3cpouQ)aII>v' ' -j • : ;. profcof this. 1S>oiu Arthur tbcrcDiODiuelU "' '-. .r «j yC21hacCourtf)efe^t,inl)at3(t0()e5iir, ' v.. , .., , • ' .; ' tClbac Conqueft \)t obtapim: . .- .- - rn,^; v .< 37' . . . *! ' •" Sno in \Bb3tp;itncclp bono? oait ' '"^ £ ;'r.]. 'd: ..:j.t' -rj:!:"? , " *. JKinjj Arthur long remapnu*, -;:';>^*i?'(rJi:;;;j ; •..uci. ca ^I!rt7'*^- ©«anfGuencuertoa«fcriitoti'DU|tctoi(c».';i. ; .-^^'^jj.'/J ofWales. rr -. Quccncwas jronrepi'ge(m!SiDbtte,bb?eintt>cit^ant)i< ''^•' ^^ •'••,•''' -\' crowned. 'a5cfO?etl)eP;i!nce(refafe: "^' • i'*' ''•"'• Anhonorrarq 31uagnetl)e©u«^ J;;^^^ C21a!Stoo?tljie of ttiat grace. ^./i; :7i-i\ Carleon loUfjeti aUtljefc Kingsf, anu manp a noble Enigbt: ^/. : , ^ .. . ^s; map be p2ou o bp fono^ie t^Wgi, '^IjatSlbauefeencinfigbt^ ' " ' ' ' Cbc bounutf bad) brnettinc mplesi about, V , > Cbe Icngtl) tb?reof\uaj( great: 31t fbetues it fcif rijisf cap tbjougfjoat, ,, 31ti»ai5ap?irtccs; Cbe Cine reacbt to Ocerchurch tf;«t, 9ni3to^aincGillyansbotb: r • ^tbicb pet appcarcfii to bicto of maw, ^otrpetbtsitaleatrotb* • Cbcre are fudj Qautesi ann boHotoe CaueiJ, J^ufb toalles ano Con^iitg nape: <* S^.itjealllikepppefiiofeartbettpotjJ, > ; CCXtjereinafbtHimapcrapi*--.^; .•,^-' . feucb ttreates{ antipauementsi fonnjieUjaieis, Co eucrp marhet ^olwnc; i^C -t D 2 Adcepcand ' large round pccccofgroud flicvvcs yet where Anhuc iatc. A Church on ahilainileofl. Saint Gillyans isafaiiehoufc lYhCTeSirXVil' liatrt Harbcrt dwdlcs. . . , -•. .J • • i WondcrTull ' *: . huge and long' . v.- - pauoncnts. The wonKincs ^ , #f .;' r-*: ^ud) 1l5?{Dgc« built wetoajtBaiis^ ../>).D r^^' ' '. ';' ' ? 5nD tijingja of furl) wnotone* /.wr, r The notabtcft 3 j( men map mufe of tabc^dJb fcatc to behold '^m djitfif fo? tO tlOttl bcina on the ^|j^p ^ ^ ^^Daftle bct}) ^, ' nV • bS.""^ ^l;atinapnotbefo?sot. . ..,, The ca filial- SiCffitniijj btjonafojccuJ^Tl, . nwftdow-ac j^^otfaircfyomflolDingflmiJ: tlVmc loe pc uteti) lou^ ^al£tf at to^ €rtup>ou'Dalltoitl;to(oo» ' Thcdownj a^catcfo?anpEmffditt?>, ^,. , . ^^f I!''''T 'S^iK^opIcuifitfo fbJtttct" ""' ^- ' '" •'"' aboutte ' cyctobcfccne tbatareamiotbepiaiitc; , ^° n?w ■& ^^^ flotainff 'CpDcei t^at f)?jfea9jJ tiji Xhrio, koa an5 tutucs? to ^?a againc, * ,' • ' '- ^beftatelp SIt.T3t!'5 tbatlikealj»pf> r haucrcche " ootl) coinpafft: afi tf;e Zliiz: caiics vndff ^- ^(je^p^mcelp plotis tljcitilanOjS in trope, ground(at thu ^^j (jeauttfic tljc Da!e* - howftrrcaii 825 clcate aji CbiitfaU ftwtc: '• " ' midr: of excel- <^i;etDcg tbRtmoflplcafure^bttwrj^mme, ' lcntvvork,and Carkoa Ij^D aloHf* , ,. ^ coodly great . ,. r:*/'. 'fH!!' 'f'^ ''I'-' •!^'"'«« "'••'' I: ,:m 'jv ofVVales^ Sinn tDo^lo fo^foo^ to fotdlttleHj^e t^otri fDbat ear(!i)at!) bene fo greace: SO^ece i^tngfS anD stauepbtlofopfieri^) ^aoe once (lietem tl^ett; <^eate* Vrbs Icgionum toais itnamnc, 31n Cxfars Dates 31 trotoe: Sno Arthur l^olDing reCoencct^iere, C3j5 fto^iesi plainly lljotoe)* , . . . do(( and fine roimd aboufi the whole Cauc. v^ , J ^ ,-. -- I •< r>'i. mepap?Dt tmto tbatplarer ■' ^ ^''•' ""^ "* ' * ' ' 35ut learned men fuM manp pareitJ, Keceiulitliereint^eicsrace^^ . : , . ^ban pctt tUt mmtim ^in^a JUJX]^ .. letnotd pour caihe furceafet ^Ijen p^ofe tfli b^ottgibt before pout: t^^^ geougtjc to yolo pour peace* „^^,- Tben&mefb mightic ar- gues it was a mi^htic and nobk townc Two htindreci Philofopbcn were nori- ihed in Cu< Icon, yi i- '. . SuoIetCarIcon^atte6feti!ll>^> SlnD tope bti^ tuouteo fame: Sno let ead^ toife ano iijo^tbfetoig^t, ^peaKe )»eQ of Arthurs name* ^outb (5oo t^t h^m tbereof toereluiot»nf9 3n CoutttrcpjCourtjami Cotonc: 5nb (be tbat Qti$ in reagfan 'Cb?one, ' ' ' 39ru4^^ce]^era^U)(^),ano Crotooe* . . ;(221bo came from Arthurs rate auB Ipne) iOouIo marKe tl^efe matteriK tj^obx; no leeldfiglitM well to our el- ders daics, a« loouipidfiBl age. ;r 1 >■ ' :' ' .t •' ,■■ ;.OJ(j( n^ ;f 15 J Svi^ The worthitics ^c ."^os 3no {!jf toe thttton bet gradou^ tyne,v fi ^ ^0 Ijf li)C Carleon noU)» ;•. zii' . "'"-f t!:!)ttfi;fartennjpcufnArclinrsp^e, l^atb paft t"o,2 piainncfTe fake: • Jin I)ono^ of oijy eltiets^uaiesi, •^^^atkapciSmpniufcaUjakc* ./• . ^n onip fo? to publifb plame, tSt^i'?^:* :• u/j ^pme pail,tpme p;icfent botijt ^bat tpme to conic,map lurtl wtafnf, €)f cacy g(DD tpmCjttje trotij* ^7.J c An Introdudioil to the Letters fcrit jromlMcius TyherttUyAt the Coro^ ^Jii .nation of King Arthur. ^- "^ .'* . NOtuntoiTftng: to tfrfafi^ilWMri^t*rig:ef|tmaffetfttotii tu^itt^n of, ^ furtbcv becaufe tbe ta^gtic of tJinj Arthur 13 uiuernfp treatrti on an^ bnrcrtaiulp fpoltcii of(cbcmrtx of tbic; too?lQ arc grotoru fo toife) 3! banc fentcbcD antj founo^iit gmo 3iutIjo;«l ) furij cmaintic of Kiiig Arthur, anD matter tbat metitg tbe rcauing, tbat 3! antcompclleij luttb pen to etplatiTC, nun UJttb Tome painea and (luiue to p rfcnt tbe tDo?ft> y3i\t\) m ge- ^ nefanXhc fubCance tobeteof being in t atm , (map be reau anD \ .;' ijnuerftoo^ bp tboufaiuis!) is c n(i:ltn)et) bee aufc tbe common fo?te .^^ k a p^oseuie Jgyt nolo purpofing 030erlp to p^ocace to tfie • of Wales: r tm fo?ef«ber«, (ma of great learning aiiD hnot0icuge)3! tjaue bt nouHC fome fuc^ letters atiD ^^attoui$,as( pcraDuenture tiitl ttiafec ip^u to marufU of, of at tlje ieal! to t^inU oii fo murfjjttjat fome one among a tmiltttuoe , mill palo me tljankes fo^ mplr* bour , ano ratl)ct encourage a trueUnttcr to continue in t^elike frtrctre8,ti)en to g^iw (nm anp orrafion to fit pWe, ano fo forget (be bfe of pen * ^bcrt fallobietb bcrea&er r^ofe tlnn^i bcfa^ . mentioaeo , lubirl) 31 bopet^e Heaocrsi tutll tuogc tuitlj aouife^ Inem^anD conftrue to ti^ btttixitmt ano meantng:. jTo^ tWmau ter not onip (Ijetoesf bp goO atttbo^ttte tbe ropall Co;ionatton of 3Kmg Arthtir , bnt in itkemoiier oeclarect \siitif tobat p^toe anit pomp tbe Rornains &n£i)(ti)et(at tlir birp inHant of tbtii gtea( trpmttpl))fo? tribute anoijoman^f : aeuibirb p^ouo ano p?e(Ump* tuoud oemauno, Eing Arthur (ano aU bi« otber p?inrcs( about inm)bcsan to bee greatlp raoueo, anop;tefendp tottljout furtbet oelap^pue fo (barpe ano fooaine an anfiuer to ti)t Cn\bSL(tsi^o}i of Rome , tbat tbep tuere Co bereo ano abafl;eo tbereluitb , tbac tbep neittrct intm WW boto to tt^t it;tio} maoe ahp farther rc- plp:asfbU9tDe0 bv matter pitefnulp bere,ifpoapteafrtb?ougb(p to reaoe tt « ConQoer iDttbaH, tbat after tW Cmbatrage^Eing Arthur in plame battaile flue Lucius,ano bao tyone to Rome to |}aucbenecro)DneD Cmperour tbere»if Mordredbao uotmaoc a reuolt in Arthurs otone kingoome* The Coronation, and fblemnitie ther^ ofcThe Smba^a^e^nd proude fJfeJJage of the . ...^- i'Romaines: And the whole rcfblution of ^ -?Kc; V. "i King Arthur therein , is Mict '^ | t. »').;; ')'.;. forth here in En^iftu - ^' ■'■^' ^p€ appopnteo tjrnie of tbe folemnitie app;iocfitnQ:,ano afl tiring teaoie alfembleo in tiitCitit of Carleon, tire 3rflj« Wfbop^jLondonanO Yorke:anO in tbe Citie of Carlcon t^e iJt(c^bi(^op Dubrighc taercconueigbeo to tbe palace^ tniH^ '.'-. lopaU Tlic worthmes mM folftnnitic to crotone Etna; Arthur . Dubright t^e refa^t e j^ate^ cmnniaunncD tijtt to paj? i foVtl)ac lulius Ofar , anil otijf t tuo?* ttjic Romaines long auD m.wy pkxci moptD rtjc fanie,tl)ou to tic contempt of furi) an fjono^aWt Cftate, baft p^eftm^eutotcs tame ann Korpe barke Z^au ()aft alfo t^^^ven frem tljem Galliar ti)Oul)aft\uoniiefi;ointliCrtt,tl)el.3jouinre6cfSanoy aiiCDaul- phinie ; tljou baft gotten tJ)e pqJTf fififtn pf alt tijr Jtanos of tbe A:!obrog» Ocean:tbe KmgslDljcieof (fo lonffa^rtje Romaine aut!;o?itic H)a3 ttjerc obcpcDjpapcn 'S.nUute to o«r ^imcffto?s,!^it!) tbct- fo?c tbe Senate batb nerrcEti to reor uiaimrj amnios ano teflttii* ttott at tJip ljanD3 fo? tbefe iljp fo great to^ncfu , y eniopne atmf commauub t\)ct to romc to Rometn tbe miutttft of ^iigiift t\)t nejit pore ; tberc to anfmerc tjnto tbp lo?titf , ano to nbpue rtirft ftnteiire ano o^Bcr^ag ti)ep bp iuIlire(!)aU lap bpon tljet* JClfjici' tbingtftbourefufeto Doe, 3IU)iI! inuateri^Cwmtriesfj ann' tobatfotiier tl)p toilfull ralbnes batb Dtfiopallp tahen atuap front; i^etr CommoniDealrb, t()at \mli 31 bp bint of fuio^ir, affap to rt^" coueranbto-tbcmrefto^e* ' f ^Gador the Duke of Cornewall " , : . hU Oration to the Km^. .^ ^ .::■■'■-■ . 1 I^nm bit!)Ctto bene in fearcleafl tbe Briralncs tbiougb mw^ cafe ano long peare, fl)oulb (^rcloe to Houtb atid rotDami^e^- auD lufe tbat bono?ablf tepatation of Cbeualrie anb martiall piotocne, tDbetemtbeparegererallparrouniptebto furmount All otber i5ariort0«f 0? \ubere tbe bfe of Svmes is not eftamcB, but m ftccDc tbf s:oC,r)pnngf,Carbt«o^,balpina' luitb U)i?ttif n anil Btberbavnetjelitcs ftcqucnfeD,it cannot cba)-'e,but tbcre ctiluara tu5e m\n flugc-arbie muft imea mmme allb^bffare all be rtue, ^onour,baUiunf e,ano fame, "^bere bee ftdti) almoft fine prhtS palTeDjOnre tue bauing lari^cb S^avttal erercire,baue effeminate* ip bene nii^^eleb in tbefcfoieCipo belites«©ob tbere fo:e ndtnnla ling to fee bjj anj longer maneb ano ftapneu \iitii fltifgarrie. Tli5 worthincs Ifii^ tttnel^tiil t}n Romames^tfjat ^ep QjoidDtie tige ntf »tcd ti teouceour aunctentbakiu; bnco tbe&^mcttt^e anD. Dignitte* ^I)He bcc bfeD t^efc ano Hid) like uio^Dcd , conSrmcD bp t^Ce tbat uaere tbcrc at tbac tpiiir iii p^efenct , tbrp ranu at Icngtb ta tbeic 'Beiicbci^ o? ^eatcj^tsbcre aftcxtbat euecp ^cCon lua^ 0et ^ The Oration of Artliur /eaPci%etb,tbtt.tb(i«}tet9itiueaD0p4pa}}itr»bun, be« taufeit U)a0 papo Co lulms Czikr ano otberd bnts^ i^ucrr(&^if, tubicb being mmti ano calteo betber tij^oixt^ tbe mfco^oe dno tarreis of tbe auncient Britaine^ , amoeo bere in Britaine ^lutfi tiumbecst of armei» ^oloioitri^^ mi)»taRtb fo^a ano tpolence, b;ougbt\)nO£i tbeir fulneaion.tbi^ our Coimtrcp.miferablp tof* r^D iDitb ciuile garbopleis ano oomctttcaU otfco^o . ^no becaufe tbep in tW fo?t^ottbcpo(&(ri03.of tt^epbauc fmce taken anD bniudlp receiueo a ^ribuce out of iu f o> notbingcbat iu gotteit bp fozce ano t)polenfe , 10 iuftip polleite!! bp bnn r bat offtreo tl}e lipoleiuet 'Cbc caofetb^tfo^e b^bicb b^i^^cteuoetb u ^jnceafona* to ri)«tt,^Hj fl)trfc,«lb€ t^usi p^trnrm}) eb tetnaumi of tj« tljat U)!)ifi'is5 bniutt : Iettwi!>p c^e fametfafon, ucmanfiu of |)im,ni- tace at Romt: n fje ttat isi tbe Ilrongfr, let fjint carie aiuap rtjat to^iri) Ijc DcOretli anti dapmctfj jTo?, if Ill's rcafon, lui)j) !j€ tjr« tiiauntiet^ tribute not9,a3 Due ,to be papco bp us,bcfaiife Crfar «nt) other Romaincli5?mcf« ffitttetpmcu coH The wortlimes mec Doe but our hbcctie , atiD tuftl^ oemaunn of our ette« ntirt, tbat, tobiri) tljcp ^aue uuiuaip begun to urmaunoc of biJ» "^ / iTo] tDljofocucr 5^oeri) about to ocfeate oi Difpoireire an otbtt of bis ri5bt, to take from bim tbat luinri; IS bt^ otonc; U)0?tb?« lir aito DefecucDlie map bee t>utfrom tbar^uibicb is bis otune.bp |)im to tob^tti be batb o^itceo a\V3 Done furl) tB>ong anD btolence* fi>a{in5 tberefo^ejtbe Romaincs uioulD fo glaolp tafee front bs, tbat iDbici) is our,\D2 UJill luitbout Doubt, taKe from tbem tbatjiubicb tbcp baue,tf toe map once come to burtile toitb tbem* !Kebi>lD tljts is tbc conflut tbat a( true bearteo Briraincs fo lQtt% •ySniahfr bau2 toill)CD fo?: 7l5ebolD tlicfe lie tb^ piopljeCtes of SybiUa noiu prophcfics falftlfcD, Uj!)i:bfa plainip anotrueip fd;ietoIOf , tbat oftbetbit^ jidl'aS '^ Itorfeof t()e Britaines tbere (boulD one be bo^nc, tbat IboulD ob« lame anD pofTcrTc tbe Remain €mppu. J?5oto,fo? ttoo of tbeft, tbe pzopbeCes bee alreaoie ftilfilieD : fitbence it is manifelt ( ais ; xljou bad alreaDie Dedareo) tbat tbofe ttoo moft noble anD e)cc$l* ient princes Belinus anD Conftantinc,ouerfame5ftnD puctbc Srmes of tbe Romaine^^nDnoto Ijauc tocpoa, being tbe tbirDjbnto tobom fud) biffb e);plopt anD bonouris p^nufeD» Spafee balte tbftefo^e to receiuc tbat tobitl) (&od is tcmt to be> ftotoe on tba.l|)aaen (31 fap) to fubDue tbiW tobtcb be is toiUmj (boulD be fubDucD . Jlpaften to aouaunce all DS,tbat are l?ere rca^ Die fo;i fbpne aDuatricenifnt t bonour.neitber t3 rcfureiDDunD^, Ab ocKentatio j^g) to loHj liff attD limmc » QLnti fo2 tb)> better atcbtenmcr hereof, •fHowdi. 21 mp felfe wAl accomj^auie tba toitb t?a,ne tb^ufaiio toeUatmc» &oulDiour0» A Ngufell Rmflf of Albania , b)bcn VloweU baD maDe an enie ^^of bis ©nation , beflfan to Declare bis Ipking ana opinion of tbe matter,in djis fo;it fallotoing . ^ince tbe tpmc tbat 3 bcarj wp lo?D Dtter bis mpno , tourijinjj tbts cafe , 31 battc r our etueo furb intoarDe iope as 31 am not afaie berc afoie pou to erp^elTe* jfo? 5 in all our Dif;o;ious Conquelfs alreaDie palfeD, aitD in fa tnanp Kings anD l^cgioiw as mt \)Am fubDueo, luee map toell funu to ]im iKtne alli if Mi Mtt tbe Romaines r .of Wales. '^ mtj Gcrmaitie!! ttill to tcttiame , ann Doe not majifultj> t»?tcRf bpofi cbcm,tbofe blmnic flaugi)tcr3,tobicl) bftetofoie tbn? iwflio "^^ ''enwnce ten upon our 3uureil02« antj Couiitrcpmcn* ano nolu firl) Ujec p, j^r Kingof Ijaue ocfafion anD hbectic to trpc tbc matter bJitb tijeni bp fo?c€ Albania. of arni«531 reiopcc frfcct>inn:li>, anDbaue a longmoifbtrft to fee tbat Dap,\Bberein )»c map mate togetber;pca 3! tbirftjCuen as if 3} bao bene Dipe ano kept tbjee Datcs3tbtraie,froni a f ountamc of tijater.^b tbat 31 migbt fee tbat oap;bo\M fujcete ano picafant fljoultj tbofe\»oiiiitis be, tbat 3! n)onlo eitber giuc 02 taKeJubeix toe coape togctbcr /pea,i3catb it felf (ball benueett ann luelcome, fo tljat 3i tnap fuffcr tl)c fame m reuenging our fatberSjitt nefcn* Jmg^ourlibcrttrjanti inaDuaimcingourKlnjj* letljs tbcrefoie ^ttt tbe fbarge anti ontet \jpon ponuer effeminate ann meprocUc •peopIe,anD let iw ffanD to our tacWelil^e men:tbat after \ue \)iHit ; *anrnHlbeo tbem, toe map eniopetbeir bono?*ano offices tott^ lopfuU biito^ie 3nD fo;i mp parte , 31 toill augment oar 9rmic %ttb tt»D tboufano Spo^femen uiell appopateo ano armcD^bedOf jTacemeiu "TINIS* ,';;..< .,;.Hcr€ foUoweth the Latin of the Engl tfli -., - ; •• ^.Z: goingbefbre. , ?,.,. OMnibus in yrbc legiomim congrcgatio fblcmnitate inftante Archiprarfules Londincnfis Eboracenfisr necnon in vrbc Icgiomun Archicpifcopus Dubricius ad'pallatium ducuntur vt regem Arthurum diaderaatc re- gah coronarent Dubricius ergo quoniam in fua duecc €*M(i}%9m0ini FrocMratoris ad ty^rthnTHm -ti\H.i--k:- Britonumregemcpiftola. T Vciusrcipublicaj procurator Arthurorcgi Britaniarquid meruit. Admirans vehcmcnter admiror Siper tiisr cy ran- tiidrs protcmia. Admiror inquam & iiiiuriam quam Komae intulifti recolligcns, indigflor quod extra te cgrcflus eam cognofcerc diffugias : nccanimaduerterefeftines quidHc iniu{Hsa(5Ubus fenatum offend ifle: cui totum orbemfamu^ latum debere non ignoras.Etenimtributu Britannijcquod tibi fenatuj reddere prccxperat ; quia Caius Julius ceteriq; romam dignitatis viri illud multis temporibus habucrunt : ncglcdo tanti ordinis imperio detinerc prsfumpfifti . Eri- puiiU quoqueilli Galliam :cripuifti Allobrogum prouincia: cripuifti omnesoceani infulas: quarum rcges dum romansi poteftas in illis partibus pcrualuit,vcdigalmaioribusno« ftris rcddidcrut. Quia ergo de tantisiniuriarum tuarum cu- mulis fenatus rcparationem pctcre decreuit mcdiante Au- giiftum proximi anni terminum perfigens Romam te veni- re iubco;vt dominis tuis fatisfacicns fententiequam eorum didatori iufticia acquiefcas. Sin alitcr ipfe partes tuas adibo & quicquid vefania tua rcipublicE erripmt eidem mcdianti- bus glad I js rellitucrc conabor. CMdiriiducisComHhUadregem* rj Vciifq; in timore fucram ne Britoncs longa pace quictof odum quod ducunt ignauos facerer^ famamque militi« qu4 ,of Wales. :- ^. ' ' ^M ceteris geptibus clariores cenfcntur in cis omnmo de« leret, Quippe vbi vfus acnioruin videtiirabcflc,alcarum ve- ro & mulierum inflamationes,cctcraque obl&^tamentaad- cflrc:dubitanduni non eft quin quod erat virtutis: quod ho- noris,quod audaciaerquod famjcignauiacommaculet. Fere namquc tranfadi funt quinque anni ex quo (prcdidis dcli- pjs dediti)exercitio Martis caruimus.Deus igitur vt nos {eg* oitia libctaret; Romaoos in hunc afFcduro induxit vtin pri- ftinum (latum noftram probiratcm rcduccrcnt . Hate & hijs fimilia. ilia cum caeteris dicente venerunt tandem ad fcdilia vbicoUocatis Hnguli^: Arthurus illosin huncmodum afiik- Oratio Arthuri adllios; eOnrodJ(inquit)at!<3cr{?tatis 8t prorpcritatistquornni probitatis ha6^us,&indandis cofilijs, &in militijs- agcndjsexpertusfurp : adhibete & monete nunc vn- animiter feafp^ vcftros,&'fapaeDterprouidetequa? fuperta- libus mandatis nobis efle agenda noueritis. Quicquid enim a fapiente diligenterprouidcrur cum ad aduin accedit faci- lius toleratnr . Facilius ergo inquietationem Luci; rolerarc potcrimus fi communi ftudio prcn^ditati fuerimus qui- busmofii«eam debilitarcinOaremus, Quam non multuin timendam nobis efle exiftimo;cum ex irrationabili canfa cxigattributumquod ex Britannia habere defiderat . Dicic cttim ipfum fibi dare debcre quia lulio Cacfarr ccrcrifquc fticceflbribus fuisredditum fueritrqui difsidio prifcoru Bri- tonum inuitatcm cumarmata4Tianu in Britantam applicue- runt: atquc patriam domcfticis motrbus vaciltanteujarpo- teftaiivij&viol^tiafubmiferunt: Quiavero hocmodoeanv adepti fuorunt vciftigal ex eainiufte ce{">€runc'. Nihil cnini quod vivcviolenria acquiritur iuftc ab ipfo pofsidetur qui' violentiam metuit. Irrationabilcm crgocaufampretendit: qua nos iure fibi tributa^ios elTc arj^iuocur . C^oniam ergo id quod iniuOu eft- lip ■»'<♦-■ -• The Avortlnnes cf> i nobis prfffum it exigere : confimili ratione p«:amus all* itto tributimi Komat : &c|ui+ortior luperucncrit terat qaod' habereexoptauit . ^3Jlm (i quia CaHar cseterique romani re-- ges'Britantiiam olim fubiugaueruntvefttgal nuncdcberefi*' bi ex ilia reddidecernit: Similiter nunc egocenfeoquam' Roma mihi tributum reddere debet: quia antcccffores cnei camantiquitusobtinucrunt. Belinuseccnim ille BritonunV fcrenifsimus rex vdis auxilio fratris fui, Brenni videlicec du-' cis Allobrogum : fuipenfis in medio foro vig^nti nobiliori* bus Romanis:vrbem cepcrut, captamquemultis tempori- buspoffiederunt . Coirftanrinus ctiam Helena: filius necnon' &Maximianusvterque mihicognatione propinquus alter poft alcerum diademate BritanDi^iqlignitusithionum Ro- mani imperij adeptuseft.Cenfctis ne ergovedigal romanis pctendimi ? De Gallia autem fine de collateralibus infulis oceani non oil refpondendum : cum iilasxiifFugereiK (^uaa« do cafdempotefbcieorum fubcrahebamus. , . . j.. - -J .-... -■•■.•■.- - ^ ^'-^.^r . Hoeli regis minoris Bri-* - "- i'.H- Tcetvnurquifqueveflrum totus in fe reuerrus,omnia , & Vmnibus animo tradare valuerit non exiftimo eum pr«-. ftantius confiliii pofle inuenire quam iftud quod modo dif-- cretio folertis prudentia: tuac recoluit. Proindeetenim pro-, uidit nobis rua deliberacio TuUiano liquore lita. Vnde con- ftantis viri affedum : rapicntisanimieffedumoptimicon- Clij profedum laudare indefinenter debcmus. Nam fi iuxta praedida rationem Romam adire volueris non dubito quin- triumpho potiamur : dumlibcrtatemnoftiacueamurduiii; iufteab innimicis noftris exigamus quod a nobis imufle pc-s tercincxperunt.Quicunque enim fua alttri eripcre conatur nerito qua; fua funt per eum quem impctit amittit . Quia ergo Romani noftra nobis demerc aftedantifua illis procul Uubio: luferemus H auchorius nobis congrediendi prariU' " bitur of Wales. bimr . En congrcffus^nfijiSiBritoiiibus dcGdcttindus • En ratiriniA u. viticiniafibyllacquarvcrisanguri/steftantur: cxBriunnico ^f^^^"**" gcnerc rcrrio nafcitttrumijiH Romanum obtincbitimpcriu. "* *' Dcduobusautcm adimpletafuntoracula:cum manifefium fitprsclarosvt dixiftiprincipesBelinum atqueConftami- fium imperij Roniani gcfsifTcinfignia & impcria . Nunc vc- ro tc tertium habemus, ciii tatum culmcn honoris promit- titur . Fcftina ergo reciperc : quod dens nondiffcrt largiri. Fedina fubiagare quod vitro rult fubingari.Fedina nos om- Fxhtrtsth ties exaltarc qui vt exalteris nee vulncra redpere: ncc vitam "o^*' amitterc diffugiamus . Vt lutem ha:c perficias decern noilli- bus armatorom prsfcntiam tuam conabor., A Ngufclus Albania rex: vt Hoelus fincm dicendi fcccrat: quod fuper hacrc aftedabat in hue modum manifeftare pcrrexit.Ex dominum meum ca qua: dixit affcdarc conieci: tanta betitia anioio meo illapfa efl : quantam nequeo in ve- ftra prefcntiAexprimerc. Nihil cnini in tranfaiStisdcbcllati- -_^,. - onibus quas tot & tanns regibus intulimus egifle videmur: ^amt, a Romani & Gcrmani illcfi pcrmancant: nee in illos clades quas olim nodratibus ingeHerunt viriliter vindicemus .Ac nunc quoniam licentia congredicndi permittitur gaudens admodu gaudeo & defiderio diei quo conueniamus arfluans litio cruorem illorum quemadmodii fontcm H triduo pro- hiberer . O C\ illam lucem videbo quz dulcia enint vulnera quae vcl recipiain vcl inferam : quando dcxtras conf cremus. Ipfa etiam mors dulcis erit : dum earn in vindicando patres tuendo libertatem nodram : in exaltando regem noftrum perpeiHis f uero. Aggredianiur ergo fcmiuiros illos & aggredicndo perftemus vt deuidtis ipfis eorum honoribus cum Ifta potiamur vidoria.Excrcitum autcm nofh-um duo- bus milibus armatoru equitum exceptis peditibus angebo* FINJS. (CIouTd Co 6otj toe ^an dbe Itkf a^cie of Kmgisf (b loke rigbtlp ootone) 'S^bac cuer pet, 31 fatoc 0? man map tjietu: ^pontbat i[>il{5tbcrc (ball appcarc to pou, JE)f feaucn ibif r£pkc£(5tbat garnes tbc Jr o^treDTe W\h am» pet amiDjtbe JTo^t a gooDip ofteene, CClijere tijac a polucr^anii mio^itie Campe map wtViX AHHlmoft notable ncerc 3;» ofWale^r 3fn fppte of bJO?TD,if ^^olDfontiS fcitfuall \iaue» ^be ^iW To fta«M,if BittJ but temg; ucc toaae, flD? man o) baft^hut once ffirre bp t'je bf a^ a Batne aboue,tutd) (baft (l)aU UrtHe it Dcatr^ ^be )|)tH roniniauncjjjfl marttetsi toap anu fir ope, 31t fccmes! it Gmrjjfarrc off fo? ^otones ucfence, Sno m tbe toarrcSjtt tea* Car Icons bopc: SD} els in nef t)e,tbe Duke of Glofter fence (Cbat nil? Deff ropjbotb €aU)!ie ant) all tberem) ^0 fcrtte bra! tumejtbtsi iFo^trelTc did fcfo^tn. Jf5ot farre from tbijismufb Ukebnto tbe fame, Tombarlowm ftanCjBija ^^mitame of fome fame. 5t ^otdne nere tbi«,tbat bttplt irf an a length, Cal't Neawport notojtbere in full fap?e to )ait\otx QUbicb 5S)eatf ootb ftanij,fo? p^oflre mo?e tben toen|pti|!j a rtgbt ffrong 15?tt)ge,!s5 tberc of timber netoe: a Eiucr runne£;,fun nere tht Cattle toall: S^txt Cburcb lik?toife,a ^ountbebolopoulbaH, COlbete ^ca ano lanD,to figbt fo plaine appeeteiaij Cbat tbtte men fee,a part of Sue fap^ ^iwct^^ ^•i bploaru b?e,aIoft to S^ountafne fop, %\m Sparhet totone,ifli bupit in bealtbfun fo?t: feo DoiottetuarD loe^is manp a 9[^rcbant6 (bopj Snu man? faj>le»to Briftowe from tbat ^0}U lOf auncienc tpmeja €itit batb it bin, 9no in tbafc iiaie«,tbe Cattle batD to toint Cnbicb pet (betuegf Ca^Kjanu ifi{ repap;ii» a parte, 3jS tbtngse DecapD,mutt nasQes; be belptbp atte« a gcDDlp ^eaf e, a Cotter, a p^incefp pple, T^uilt ajs a toatc^jO? faftie fo? tbe !S>ople, Tp THuier ftanti«l,from Neavport not tb?a mple« 'ti)i^ i;oufc isa^ matje^ttljen manp a bleoDie b^oplTj 3Itt Hiilofamar- ftrongFor n AidtUisdaics. BcIUnus Mag- nus made this cdlcdBelling- . ilockc. high moun- fcaincwitli the L'kcmancrof defence. Thctowneof Kcawpoit. On a round hill by the '; Church there is for Sea and Land the mofl princely fight chat any mats liuingatone . inftant may ^ with pcrftft eye btfhold. ThcTownc hath Mar- chants in it. ACaftlcisat the end of this Townc,and full by the Bridges and Riucr. Grcencficld •Caftle that %vas the Duke •fLanoilciSk TTic wortliines t^y4\ ktk« Jtt Wales 6oD toot.tjeOroplr t^at puWi cfee ftsta Riuirsname |l;eremcntoiti)fu)o?D,at«jQj(elui>!Ub?auIcj( wbattt that rumioh j^)erc faftic ftGBD,fo? matip t^mg^ in nmty ^^ ^l}atfou2ljtfAii€garo,anodiDfamefudicrtt«w» ^Ije name tfjeceof, rfjf nature tbetoei a ti^t, ForTUucr Greeneficlditisi^fuIIgapanD goxDlpfttm . wood, pafturc ^ fine fiuectc ^ovICjUiaa plcafarit tinto Cgfit, ayrc.waikc c^ C!)at fo? DcIigbMitD laljolf fome ap?e fo puce, picafuicthis 3it „iay i,g p^aifoe, a plot fougijC out fo toell, piaccpaiicth. <2g j^y^^ ^ Eiug,Q)ouIti fap ^cre iwll 31 BUwlfc ^bcparturesi gn:eEne,ti)eiuflaD5>ani> toatec Clare. ^aprtj anp prince maj>buplD a JpaUace l^are* ^nif nt t!;t£( place, aito manp part^ about, A troeiiKfgc- 3185 ffcalTc anu Co^uejaii^ fertile grouno eiiouglr mcnt of the anu noto a Ujfjilejto fpcake of Wales rij^ougljouc, ^Tsif the ^^^ ^^"^^" tooulD^tahc papHCji to pipe t^c ^lougj: ^picthac DiggcoutofD^oirestijetrcaTuveaftfjeearti;, wouUbcla- 9nB fall to cople,anii labour from t^ekbtctt): boroia. ^ijep Cboufti ajs foonejto llo?e of toealtb attaint^ . . ^0 ocber ^oplefiiytB^ofe people taKes( fp:eatpaine^ ^ ^ut mod of Wales,li6ej{ better ea&««re(f, '^ (louts meate anu mirtbjanD barmelelft quiet baieiO - Cban fo) to tople^anD trouble b^apne am b^elt, . ^oberetfjempnUjtmtbtoo^WptoeatieUiate*^ domeffann content,b)itb tbattobirb (^on Q)an (eno, 9nti on tbeir lanii!(,tbetr ft ockauo 0o^e oocb fpen^: . flnb rubs out ItfCjCleane bopoe of further caw, Becaufe in bJD^lt^rigtc )oelI CO lioc tl^ep are» 3?cttoeretbep bentjto p^ouleano purcbace fWD^ SlnDfearcb out toealtb^asJotber Rations; i)oe; . ^Jjep baue a !§)Ople,a Countrep ricb at toin, tat)ic4canct}emma^/ull^uic^pi»(alt^iit(0* . ; titp of Wales. '^IjQ) (j.TUC bcgmT5of late to lime riini- Imrt, \ f QinD plotucs tie tyrounu^tpfjeFC ffuicie ©kws cm daner Conums ti)emcate5,mTD niarttfi>et«rp taijnrr, {S[|l)ore barraine cattb^bc^ittd goO fcuice to bcatx» '2:bcp tcarc bp ^ra ji, aiiu tAfeesi tbe rortcjf atBaJ^, 9l^xht^ (louie ficiiiCi3,fmcDtb fertile fallotoe grouiw: icings; patturegi bace,to bcaie g«D ffrafft fo? i^a^, !Bp tobtfi^ fengtb>in twaltb tbep toillabounu* Wales i« tbi0 oapcbeboto tb?ougbout tbc ^b^esf> 3Iu better UatejtbatTtiuasi tl^fe bunuieu pareu: Spo?e ricbjiiio^c ftne,anti furtbec mo?e to tdf^ ^etoe men baue knouine^tbe Counttep b^f< fb lDe(r» tatbereajj at 6r(!,tb/p fouorbt fo? Co?He farre off, (Co beipe tbeluantsi, of Wales tobett5capnetoa€{ iime> 3f5oto on tbc bm^Djtbep bawe botb C^ejfe ami lofir, ^0 Ibetoetbe U)a?lo,in bai4ft in peatcr cbeere*. ^be open iBlainr^tbat batb W riibbilb lolt, feaiti>plentie ig(,tb?ougb Wales ia e wry coaffr ^be toell toiougbc gro«uD,tbattboufanD9 map beboIO, habere ti)0}mfi nio g rouw/aptb uoUi tbete fpiingg bp ffo!^. 35 meanGtMbctebJee;)f^,am) tbifflesi ton^ b«b grotonr, (^tlD DjoITe anu Do(i\S,aiiD ftinfeirtg nettles ftile) %:bert 'Barlep fuiatejano gcoDlp SBbeate i« fotonf, tClbicb make«( men ricb.tbat iiu'o in Udve long tabile* i^o gift no? gapne5mo;jc great ano gujo to ma«, ^ben tbat tDbicb-topIe,ano bontft labour man: C^bat (beat of b^otxieeijb^ingtf in isf fugreo fwartc, S^kCjS glao tbe mpno^ai^ comfo^tiif \)m am t^}m* The prople ©f wales in mnny places thriues Dj' labour daj-- ljc,and gets great gay nc throvightiU bge. I hiuc kno* wen man^r places fo bar- rainc, that they' hauc fought forcomcfarrc of,who now areablctoliue without hclpc ofanyothcj Counticy» 3 Ahot' Tlic wortliines 4t badge. ^|jj^ j-„p^j^ g(8B,anD fljetDC to ftcp onftage, %ty maUe otkue mo^ln^to bono^ fo^tmer age, « « «f h toun -^^^ ^^)rim tpmejbuflt Cotonetf mtu Caff Jes trim,' tieof^'mr ' S^aw ^^iugcs b?aue5anii ftronfffo? tpmetocome: mft.tnd the ano our poung Daie«,tt>at ootb in glo?ie ftotm, hardncsof our (^oltis! batu itt bantijtljat finger fal! map tbome, »sc. jLffihc tobat tpme paft,maiie gallant freO) ano fap^e, Cpme pjcfnit fpopleji,oj tuill not toell repap^c: A fa\tt an^ ^* ^" ^'^'^ CoUme^ ftatdp Cattle (Ijoetf, robieCaftie JCIbicb lo^to rupne,anDto^etcbeD to?acfee ix zm* belonging to tiic auncient d^o(tg(Dt)lp "^objer^ijarcbareanti nafeeo laft, Kronr*" "^l^^^ f 0"''^^ toerc-^^ntb timber ano gcoo leao: wbie.thcLord Cbcfe Coioerg pr 4110,30 Ifretgbt as ootb a f^aff. V foi ofVValesI if'oj found anu t!)ic!ur5ai«j toonu^oais bigb toitljall, fD^f p are in nkntyHtixt li&elp not to faH: ZSXoMln (Sod t!)Ctefo?e,tbe otoner of ttie fame, - 2Dio Uaj) t^cm bp,foi to cncrcacc fjisi fame* tdbo Dotb ueligljtjto fee a jomlp ipiame, jfaiteiaiuersi runne, great lumijg ano momttamn^te^ ietfjim atobile,!!! anp 'hotter remainc, ano Ije (bait feejtbat map content tbe epe* biere 31 fiuDe, Cbat ran n3t uien,abpDe a blaft of Unnoe: ^be lolTe 13 tbetr0,tbat fees tbcm euertb?ob)ne, •Cbe gaine tocrc ourss^if pet tbep toere our otoue* Cbougb Cattle berc^tbiotigb trackt of tpme isj tuo^tte, 3 Cburcbrcmame':!jtbattoo;itbie is of note: tUbcte iMonbienicn,tbat batb bene noblp bo?ne, Cacrelapo in ^ombcj^ubifb^ljs ban bene forgot* The bounilc ofthcCaftle aad Counuk. A goodly and ftatelypcccccf workeaslikc to fall 33 be re> payrcd agaioc> Qim J\ny heart la the world would pittic the decay of Caftlcsin Mo-- mouth fhkre. In tMs church wasamoft famous worke inmancrofa gcncalogic of The wortliincs Ri«a,,cp'!f^ ^IjtmfD dfruttjin rrrai-e yaft nmv of man,' the roorc or Q- tljTufantf arc,fo?got Qnfe\po?iD began: faced an.i | ui- 5^ DattDoti; D^cIIj'jntiiiolDnc till Dap of £)owe» led downs in ., (£iK{orD£nrajaUrtgijt\j)cll: h^iCl-l etorreIC£:sc5 .^ it fecmc^ to Ogljt, chappdi. (SD? ass rcfpinnotb tell) J^e Uiafi of ijtgb anD pn'ncflp bioou, BotK tv.c will- ^i)^ Ernies; not!; fijeiwc tfjc fame: • otiiCT parts a- f;)e Uja3 3 tnaij of fame, Whim JlfljieiDofUladkcbebcareslonb^ea, ° ScagjcDflefuemtopanocrcff, Blcwe ij. 3n U)^ouff!)t in gojtilp Cone. Tkc laWi 3nD tiiiocr fcctf 5 a (Srepbounu Ipei*, whcreonare ^b?^ piDCn JLpOUJJ gap, nvnc Flower- ^mc jrIoU)crDe!Dce£( tbctc lilvitoifi?, ontheicft 3JLo?iifbittoncecniopTjetbat^ea(e, band a Lord IpClSl tbeW m fumptUOUSl fo^tt ofAborgany. Cb^pfflp AS locbtfiSMcetoaisf great, ^0 attnrient men report, it)i3 fo?ce iDag miicbtfo? be h^ (heitgt^ JQitb Bun oio ftritggic fo, i^e fa?Dfte rieane off bts bo^ncss at lengtlj, 3ni) tberetoitb let bim go* ^bis! to?o a^ullbatl) bnnerfeete, i3nD as It map be tbougbt, $^ Diagoutnijcr beati Dotb Ipe, 3^n (tone full finclp \D?oug!)t*' '^be \uoike ano Sombc fo auuttCtU ijf, (anuofttjcoioeagupfe) S9^ of Wales. £^ flrft bare btctojfufl torn map min, %o Q)CU)e ijOU) WW be Ipc0« a 'Combe in irauejOf (fjarje anu C&otof, SmiD t^c Cfjappell tt^iw!: tabetc William Thomas IKnigbtpclttJOtoe, Ipesi longtoit?) OrctrbcD bmiDS* a Harbert toau be cal'D of rigbt, aabo from peatkmD^cD cam, aitu martieo to a too?rt)ie UJig^t, DflU5l)ter W Dauie Gam, (a Knigbt likeU)ife,of riffbt ant) Jwme) ^Ijisj Harbert ano W f^xty i.peiS tbetc liltc one tijat purcljat! fame, ^eipIainlpDodjappeere* l)ii %omht ii ricl),anD rare to Mk^aty Caelltojougljt of great oeuice: ^(joiiffb it be olD,^ombefii maoe but nctoe, 9rc of no greater p?ice» ^i$ armcsi tbia ramping )lj>ottj$tobtte> l^cbino W beao in (btelD: 9 rrotonen Ipon bladu i^ ber;^ S>et out in mod ricb ficlo: 2Bri;inD ber beau i^ liketnife tifjerr, loctDbatourelorr^Dio, ^0 make tbofc famoms euerp tol^, CQbofe uertue0 are not bin* Sin Cantbe a< trim atf tbat befo?e, ^it Richard Harbert lpe«f : i^e toas at Banbric fielo of po?e, . 3nD tbjougb tbe battaile ttoife: i^epaftiijub laollar mbi^ bano^, ^manlpattinoeeoe, ^0 pieace among fo man? banu^, aispouofbimmaprceoe* zw Sir William Thomas Knioht (alias) Karbcrt. SirD^ie Gam Knight father to this luiightswifc. This Knight was flainc at Edgingcourt field. His Tombc is ofhard and - |ood Allabla- ACF* Sir William Thomas was fatha to the next that fol- lowcs,callc 5e; Daugbtf i: CO a Euigbt* 5 fljeafeof 3[rrob)f« Unnec Ijcau, llpe batb as( Due to bijnt djusf tbere tbefe U)o;itbie r ottple Ipe, 31» Combe full 6ne and ccinu if5obJ nt anotberpalfinof Combe, jS)f beautieanu of cbarjje, ."Cberelpeg a <^qmre(cbatHarbcrt bigbO Wiith foft fee out at large. Ctoo Daugbters auD fi]ce ^omtfi alfo, ^re cbere fet noblp fo;itb: ZSXit^ otber iDo^hesi tbat ma^c^ tbe (l]0Uie, 5nD S^omimnit mo?etoo;itb» l^imfelfejbi^ to(fe,miD fbilD?f n to, Ipefii finouneD in tbat ^mtt j/5oto fomrtobat fo^ tbat Squire 31 50, QiJecaufe btai rare wm great* !^e luasf tbe fatber of tbat €atle, ^bat nped lo?o ^tmaru late, 9 man of migbtjof fp^«t inoil wre^ i i >.' (i '•.'■■it -o. ■;. • *^* ^ni of Wales; , l^iiifacljerlajufonrtlp^ere,' - *' jfeolengagoctoitljall, ' . ^bftofstotljclcoketisonfunrtcere,' ...-.:.. (SaHjcn t^is to mpnu tljep call) r. ©bttf Squire toag of an auucientMce, 9nu bo?ne of noble Wooo: ~ '.'.' .... -^ . ^ttbt^at^enpcumrucijacacc, - • ; • > anoIeftfuc^tDo^uIpgcDD, ,.-.•.. ^0 make a Combe Co ricfj anu b?aitt: . . ^ap furtljer noto to fap, d)etbiaUjbicelpongtbatl;egaue • Sin ^rmegjOorij race beu)?ap: •. anu mahegi tbcm blufl; ann Ijolo Dotonc b^olw, ^bat babble out of fquare*: . •' Belt tbereauu to mp matter note: . , £Ipon tb:8{ ^ombe tbcrc are ^b?eelpou«ani>tbKetflljitcO5o?c0ljeaW: ' .. •• ^beSratb^ffiarebisolone* •'.::.•.'; - ^beU)bitel?c?cibeaogbi2itoi{e(|[)ejjatte, . v. ' .' Sij luell m Wal cs is knoUjnc* ; '. : . iS Ipon atbis fcete ootb Ipe, Sit bean a Dragon grane: S^o?etbin5s(\Mbo lifts to feardfjtoitfitpe, ^ '■ SDn Combe map toell be feme* amtiitbcCburcbjlo^tiHaftingslap, • lo^UAborgaynietbam .......'.. .-^ ^nufinccbisneatbremouoatoap, intii«wm; 2i5p6neDemceoftnan: -• ' ' • dowcnwvbt anolapuiuitbmatainijctucrigbtj ^^ ^ull flat on ftonic toad: , '•:'.:• ." - " .. . t tQbctenolttbcootbtnopcnOgbc, - •'-■ . .^ Bettiaine to people an* • ■>■ ••- • • .- ^be toinuotoe i« lucll maue ano to?«igbt> : " ' ' 5lcoftlplajo^hetofec; v. ';-•-:. -. • -'• - The worthines ITn bjtn'fb IjiiS noble 9nneiS are tlioug^t, Ofpiirpofctfjcrctobee* ,.,.;; ! arasse&flecucannfiterenlBitli^, ? 3;;«po?trapDmtI}c6la(re: ...... ^|)igiDifcijatbtbcrel)Cc left amte bare, ' 3!t fcemeiS bcr flauc It lua* '■•^'"■' ^bat bangs! about bi«necke fun fine, : .> :• "Etgbt o?e a purple tojauc: ^ robe of tbat fame colour t®, Cbe lanie toeares; in Dane* anoer bis leggeis a Ipon reo, j[)is;3rme)S are rare annritclu -• a OarrolQ tbat cotilD lT;etoe tljem bwil, Canblafenotmaapficcb* •■ - ' • ^irelpon0tDbite,tbegrouniifap^eWeto, '' \ tbitt Jflobjcr^c^uf C2{ golD: -■ - '^be grountj of tbemiiS reu of betu, 9nu gooolp to bebolD* .•';:* ^ut note a greater matter noto, ■< ''' ^': tlponbiiS'S^ombeinllone '^'' Somcfaythis C£lere foieto to? w tbat kutt^ DID to^ : ;.; great Lord tlUtO tblS tO?D alone* wascaiicd Df tbissraretMojfeeapo^fbisi ttiaDe, Bruce and not ^ije barrens tbereremaine ' \. "■"^'j^'u"!! 3!"?®ooloaone,anDauncienttraDe, - :, -_ .v.: molt doc hold ~ rt , Ti ^ * • opinion he -^^o njctuc alUge^plame. wascaiicd Ha- CQbat bomage tuaji to Halimgsirae, ftings. 2Bbatbonourbemotoin: tClbat Srmes be gaiie,ano fo to blaje -.;'.' 5nbatto?DbaDHaflingsbin. *• ALadi of A ^iffbto^eagainfttbi^tuinDotoejloe borgaynic. " S^n ftoue 3 LaDie Ipesi! ' ^no \\\ ber banng; a l^art 3! troe, - • ^be bolDS before pour epejs: Sod ou^er bjeaftja gte« fapje fI)ielD, •" • -4 1 3 •'ttT tJI5utri)2de great .froiucrDcUiccgilarjje; •'"-*• 5[nDeiicnlof5n'a:()to^e - ' =^''-' J^cc beau auotI)cr t ar)ic Ipcfif tCtuIj <^qiiirrf H on ^er \mn, " <> ^^'^^ • • ■'''"' '• "^ a ujic of ^nti at Ijcr fcete,!!! ttone liTtelmfirJ ' "*'• •'• --^ ' ''••■■ J fo'^cnobic 9coucl)mgi^ounDUot!?f!«ii?t •';•■/■;':-' ■•":!.( :..r>i:-:-^^houfcwhofc -^T^cprapljcr^rimrrenicptatoajv'' •-■••- '-^ ::Lr-c'.ii. ^;;^ciknowt anntotoaruitOjcrum ' ' " "'' ' 9115 ag{ from fafl (l^e fong^ttD fl?ap- • Htgbt Dotunc from top of tMH llje ftff, 3nD took bet oeat^f^crebp* .:• *• v. .i :.:: ..: ^toU)l)at3;bearo,3J^loeJ^otfft«,■• • - •'- ' • -" Sno toljat iis fecne luitb m* 9friennofmpnelDf)oIateFj)6j»cft, . . ^ . ^batDocto? Lewis bigbtt ^ ,.. . -.. :. eaitbrntbatCburrbbi^-ComeeSfrtnTCir. • '' - ' ^ -• ?''?7^'^''' ^aeUto^ougbcanofap^etoCffbt/^ ' • ' Sfi^'fJ^ £)t0;iO(quotb3!)toeanmtrilDvr, ' . -i*- "' •^' c . r Jf^ooffife,pto,no?canmg:jftTa(; •' -' ^- 'w. -^^'V^^' if5oUio;iIiiIppompcacan, Can!iapebgfromtbemo?ta«ttncat SDf Deatb,U)ben eo&ootb calf, ' -• feitb none of tbefe (jotr ofifts oir tartfii - ^^ ' ' f)aiiepotu?ctomaitrl)0lmc: ' .....:.'.:! ^ ' 5no no gooD fo^ttmefrom our birt^- • ' "' ' •'• • 3?5oboU)etofb?cafbfan5tue» ' . .;^- • '; Cbmkenotonltfcanoplearurcbffr^ ^ . " . • : .; «:bcppaac like beamed of !%)Unne: "' ' " £o^ nouffbt from bcncc Uic carrre cife^ <^ 5 Ao ^.■^ iiJ.. The vvortliines ^-J An Introdudion jfbr I%> bouic tpatj tottlj traiiaile, (Son fojbiir, ■Eijat toearie bone 2{,fo ftone oulD fceKe fo^ reflf ; !§E)baU fences ficrpe ,tubni bf an in |)oufc ta jjiij, ^3! tbougb fome cbanne,iDm ctcpt in quiet b^elf flnDrobeU)itcb5tbetoitj5iuitbca)nuicbea&, ~ • •Ebatnulgi gcDti fpjatejano Umt^ quickcibarpeueutfej Ceibicb cUmeg tbe CIotones,ani! tnaue^ tb?oi^li n^peff ;^etiJ,' 3n9 gocgi befo?e,anD b>eake0 tbe fcojni 3;c£, CocteretbeeoaltjanDmatietbepniragefree • :,::,, . ^Djtwu'Ierjsanjtbattoill great lecretjs fee, • M; *. *\ n'vi*i^^ * (KXbctt (iiiidk f onfQ'tjbi) (loutb fe roffef adapr, iannfretbtjemrejgoesfapntfo^Iarkeofbfe: ,. ^j; along tbc ItmmeiJ,iioti^ Ia5ic bumours; crop v. v. • oj -»: SiinDapIie b?atie3,mboDie great abufe* , fhrg; ;> - .3ifmettaUfine,benot!ieptrlcancriom.ruCf5 :/.,....::> ^bc b?igbtcftbIaiie,\BilI fiire fome cancfter tafet: -. , j • : ano U)ben cidere tbingsf^are lta|>nD )ii\t{) o^ofle anu nuff, r- • - ■• ; ^bei)muftbefkour'DbpfhiIl,fo^p?olttf{(fai«e» ; .- ;■; i ZWixi is nougljt too^tbjfitpole b^aine to reft, .-;-': ' 1 '. '.'' iff"* jl^o^goHjiiotbgfflVlJ^tfti^npeiSlockt in cbeffv :;..- 57 it ^ r* - » -, ^be foft Dotone beUjann Cbambcr toarrn'o toicb dre,- . O?tbicKefurDg0tone,isantbatfluggaiDfifckes: -■^./ . 3ut men of fp^atejtobofebcartjs do fliKafptre, -,. * ^ • - 2)0 labour lougjluitbleaneaniilentcencbeekes, •- ;■.; i '2:ottPCtbe tDo?lo,ani« taftebatb fUiecteanD foVuer: ' • <•■ , JItbo mufb tiofb fcejmap mtifb botb fpeake aim \i)im : : .1 ;. ' K tabo little totoeSjbatb little feDito?pob)er ... ,., ■:(;:■• '2:otoinnetbcb)!fe,o?T)torilintoo?luSDehgbt» ' -.. »-..>> jfcnrenottotoplc,fo?bctbatfotoesinpaine, -^'i :•-. ^b*nrwpetoit^iope,fifjiJiijtg«5Co^nc4jjaiii?v; •: j:: ..v\ , .. > ^« of Wales'.- •".-wf 3fnreacIj!e(rcj)outl&3tol)flc«i fancieflctoetkjftid totntje, • ,f dete coulo not ft!*j»,tl3e boDie moiin (o fait: . . - ■: S^o) tmx^ pait, tbercof otn anfmcr mmuCj * ' ' " ^ill ageti pderegjfapD biancon oateiS tocre paff» 3;f rOat be triieifouno lUDgement fl)OulD be fraug^lje Silttl) (n^auec tbougbtgfjauD greater tbmgsi of iueig^ g)itl) fober fence^atligbtnelTe nolu batb laugbc, ^bp reafou (boiilo/et ccoakeo mattersi (treigbt: -'' ^m netolp frame,a fo;me of fine Dcuice, Cfjat bertiie map^bjing fenotoleBge mott in p^ice* Co trcate of tpnte,ano ntafee oiTcoutfe of nteit, 3nii l)otu tbeiuo^lD, ootb cbop ajiD cbaunge c(tatc, Ditb toell befonie,ananncteut to^iterai pern • 3if Hull U)iU ferue,fucb fefrctes to Debate* 3if uojbolo on tbe foncfetboubaft begun, — Co tali^c of ?i:o>Mnes,anD Cafllcs a0 tbep are: - '. 9uD Ia)!^et!)ourjoc,no to)>leno;itTauaiIe(bim, Co fet f(D;!tb tbiagSjtbat be botb fti aimge ano rarej 3;f biere,tbannoU>tbi0bcDKe begin*. i&bcbie tabat tbpne tye^^nxt tuitnelTe of fo? trotb? 9no Uaue tl^e ita^to t{)eui.tbat after Umx •Alt ^ . j-j i y- m^cth The wortlimes tabcu man i^ c.irtr, to c^me U goetO, Df atli ftcalcsi t\)c Ufc,ti>at 600 am nature giucjaf* Cljouljaft ntJ (tatc,no? pa^teut Ijetc on eart!;, 15ut bojtotoctj biettbjtbe boDie bearcsl about: Dcatb uaplie toaptsijOU life ftoni Iji uiec of bicti[i, ^ntj Ualjcu be lift^jbe blolweg rtjp canDic out. ^benlcauefome too?ke,in^oM5 before tboupaflc, •Cijat fricnosi nw^ raj>>loe Jj«e a ij)jitei: toa^^ 3»p ^ufc tbu£! fapu,anD Co (Ije lij^anlic aCoc, 35S tbou^i) Come J^pictt^a fpace baD fpokc to ma: CJlitb tbat 3! baii,a fiicun of mpne crppne, Cbat C08O farre ofjbebtaJ « lalu^eUtra. jfo? toljom 3; ral'Djano tolD bim itt bi0 eate 05p9pufc2!tale:buttl)pi:cUJ(tbaUbis5ei'fsi . * ^eoeaiu'D W cbake2!,ti)ub manp a bitter tcare, iTo? fo^rolDC greatjtbat ftom bis beart oiQ riff • .ji £)bfncn5(quotbl>e)tbpracc3ireefofl)on, .' ^\)o\x canft n^it Uuejto a^aKe of Walci te )?ojt* . . ; . : r >- :■» jTo? firfl bcI)oJo,(}Oto agi an^t(jp mi(^a];i, , . \^.. .:«. ; : :. . , J i^jreeo in onejto treao tba bnoer ftote: CbDutoaftlong(ince,fl8n8faHCoffo?tu8esiIflp,; - "' CItben pmiti)^ gap blo\Dmesf,fo?r(Bke botb b?aurat «tD rroftf^ Sntj left tueabe age^ais bare ajsi barrauie (locfee> ^bat nettbec fruite,no? leaue^ l»a( gvoiue J>pj>m . , . *? Can feeble bone2i,abiDeti)e tome (borfit -: • :, :.; ^©f/ro^tuneufo^re^taljenpotttbfuUfirenKtbnSffom ' • . ' 9no if goDii cbattnce,iH poutb batb fled from t[;a, ^e fure in age,t^ou cantt not l^appie bee^ 'Zii Ijap tljat mulfjmaiutaine tbp coft anu rljar^, : ' ^^v fonte fuel) me anc,a^ great gooo turner! are gote: €l« bjalKe 0? rioe,8bjoaDe tbe too?l& at large, auDpetgrMtmpnn,butm3Ke^otoagccouotf* . • of Wales.;. " • CtjptrausilepaftjftEtDCsstDbatmaj? after fall, - ' ' long ioumeps bKecegjDtftaft atiD Hcknccne oft: C^ljau baft not ijfaltfjjnojlwiOKtituealtljac call, ^ ^iat glacs tbe i;c3rt,aiiti mahes men lookcaloftr if5o foicr rnib,no? notbinj nips fo iiare. ^jj fcelc mucb luaatjjjet fi;c'a)e a mecm djcre* !0i) nclufounu frientF,no foBner tfjiss bao fapD, (iaijiri) trpafl knoUJCS>batl) tmt aiiD too?ii0 of iDrig;!;!) ^ut tlhU mp mpnDjfrom trauailc long toasi ftapo, ^aue d;at 3! taJACjin bano a iaumcp ftccigbt, le,auo totone (balbe tlje laft, 'Cbat berc 31 meane,to toucb of all tbe reft, ^ynb^efcftibit,!! Ibalbeto^itten outt 3?ec )3iit^ fucb ioo^D0,ag taxm tmit M, Tlie'Wortliincs «§)Ot«3isfmaUpme5(l)aHflifUiemVarrmffC3Dttiir, . :i %})at U) f?.xmc\l,t(i iDaubic Waks 3; make, .. . v • '' ^^at foUolucjSijei'Cjljefoic nip Icaue % tahc* /-. r^llpappfc p^iuff!^ ^opICjtn? pen is faire co bare, 0^ mufe but fences in Itfu of fople, to g:iue a Sletoell atacei SBpbareimicntionfWOjaftiBbarrainebctrcfiljainc, r 1 ^iK» ^^ t!jp glo^p f^^tiRjunfclUjtbep 0a tl)p €otim'cftaine» '^bp tuonb fome \»o?fbte map, ret out in ^olxicn luies, Qun bU^e p rame,^i) foloiss g.ip,tol)are crlillring beaiitte ajmrisf.' ^p boldneffe luaa to Cfteat^to tafee the rljargc m banb, ZBitl) Ujafce^toi'tfl; tbe U;iflines to beat, to to^ite on fud; a lauD:j COljofe people map compacn in ^tfb'ft Degree of p^aife, - ; . ZSXit^ anp noOJ alnic tbat are,D? tocte tn eloers baieiS* - . > Cttafec mp mufes gfao^to j^Ieafe p toc?ib5! beliCfr SD) Chawfer lent me in-cbefe bareSjfcme of bis! ieanieb tale^, as Pctrarkc olD Ois Lawra piaifejfo laoulo 3i fpeaUe of Wales. !15ut all ta late 31 cwue,fb,2 knobilebge Miit anb fence: ^0? ImUe tobat gifts p (6obS tbe gaiie,it)ep tcoke tbe al fto bcce, Sno left bS nought bdt bcDUe«,to (fare ano poje bpon, jDn bjljirb perrfjafire bUno bapatb lajfees,bJlK I lul ^ Cgljt i0 go* £)ur fozmer age m floe,Uiitb grace ano leameo lo?e, Cben farre bdjino tbep come 31 troe,tljat (hiiie to nm before* ' ZBt mu(t gee lagging on,ae; legges antj limmes toere lame, ^uxt t|)ou0l; long Qnce i gole )iin^ ^on^f loic {jatl; ^on } game# cTWakCt ZSit Hjan^aue roume taplap,mrtj tpmt tm place toft^alt : :*, %o lojKCjto rfaBe,co to?i£f aim fap^tubat fi)aU m fancic fall* , ; 55ut tuoe iii me tijc iubilc,t!);it ouciujcene0 in toant, Cilljen ino?lD map at mp bo!Dnc3 frntle, ta fee iiip rfeiH Co fcanf* 3:^ctitt2itrm Coimttit^ pjaifr,tijat 31 cannot fet out, attD flauD^ DifcQurag'o manp toaic0,to trauaile Wales about, ^ct take nm iwcU tit luo^tljjt^e too?k« 31 baue begun, ;;' *^ * 31 can no furtljnr tbing fet fa^t^jmp uaietf are almoil Dim: , : ^i canDle deere Dotlj burne,to foc&et tn fmaU tpme, (p?pmr» ibo age to eartb mod neeoeis retume^ tobenpout^ b^ pallbt^. -.. i ^oto Breakenokc (biere^atf faHetfj fo tbp lot, 3In place a peera,cJjon artttot fmrt forgot: • • ; " •■ '^ Jf5o?UJiittenoffomucba03Hiefim ;^ y ?• ' • .^ ' jfo? nc!me(relott5,maiieboDief()8irtlf tetp^ ' . ; : ': ;.; Onto tbe ^ouine tobere it bjau l)o?neamj b^ett,; 9n0tobereper^apg,onturffemuaipemp!)eti* r" '^Vf. ^ben labors an,fljanreape a grauefo? reft, "• ;i'r:' ' flnD (Hent DcatbjlbaU quiet ttouWen b;eih "' ■'^^■' v • < ^ben ai^ 31 noto,baue fomtlDbat fapo on tibee, .^ - < l' ; - fi>o (ball fome fiieno.baue tpme to to;iite on mee J tabofe reftlefTe mufe,ai«i toearie fiaaking minue^ - ' - ' : ' • ^0 plcafure \Bo?U),DiD oft great leaftire finue; ^ ''^-^' • -. 9nD tubo reiopft,flnDtcDfecagrtatneIigbt, - .- •* - • i<* jfo?knoiulcDgefake,to(luBiercawamito?ite# .» >.< e*S The Towne and Church J:' •;:.:;• 0: T^OfS Countc tirbttat,a« tn aplt tctoetc; ^p lu.ner aDe,a(l lapt about tuttb \)\\\x ^aumap bcboln a ruinouts Caftleriiere, jfeometobatDefaftc^tbeiuaWeiipetftantJCtfjM, "' ' ;. femaUnarrcbjeeceate«,tf)?cugb'aUtbe^omncpeS«l«; ^ ' Utxfi^^m 5eti»tbefame,«;eroW)jieboufeargpe ttpap^D in tjaftc, '^{jat Ijoufe aitD ;i)eace,i)ao Turelp gon to lua(tc« — V -.1- -.-. . '^Uoa Cbttrcljeu iiotf),^fUmgl?.ittD tbi«{^oUwtf, - ■' . £)nc ftannj; on biU,tobcre o!j« a j^?io?ie toa0: 22Ibicb cbaunj'D tbe name,)wtelt.^bOvcig iijcrt put50tmie> ,«■'■» I. Id 'But noti) tbe fan)c,fo? l^artiQ) Cbmrb 5ocb paflc^ anotbcrpIace/oj^niHO^^Pcns^ ■■■-. " '^; '"^^ C^atie long agoe,tb4t .ftamieib bflw bj^ tW* . • > ; : ^t • ' : "!? a5tuItintbi^Cburcb5a^6mbfo)ttD0 3!fiiiw,; A ..•?^ *€\}Ht)3ioit^iz i0,inb^fe tabbing to minne* ^ Theauncicnt ^b^^cowp^tlpfi^^onf o?etbeotber2??eat, houfcof along in ^ombc,anPaii one mrcmrclpue: . , tami. ^\x\itobtp\mt,t\3iomivU]vtthtfAi3^ ; .•^■";; Cbe tbiro Ii!idDifi?,afii ireftme ibai nftj^ne^ , !g)baU Ij^c on topjtigbc o?etbeotbci- ttoai If: 'Cbcir \iianitiiMm ^tll rcauittbcjs mniinc, 3In fiD:netobtn^otrappoyrtt)Jtbt termennD natf, au flc(b ano blcon mua p«dOI»WtaUfatc* CT .•^. - X • %\)d£ arc in uatie,tbf fltinnent raff of Gam 5^' - --T 3 boufcano bI©D,tbatioiig ticb ^nmi uotb gtuer anu noto in Wales,3ce>ttaitj) of tl/Cir nnmc?, Cbat!ittpcgg;rc»ttrawc,anUDotbfuni>?audpliue» ' > ^bceji^^nnfijflntifb^efeitdftbatracc, ^ .^ Dotb Ocarc in 3[rini35^a ramping ipoucMtonfl, . .^ r* of Wales. 'I i9 D?agon0 l)caii,all gtee ne tfjm in 19; foimo: flfni» in i)is moutl),^ no ano bIcDDirljanD, ^l\ ti;iiS auD mo^ej^jKin tl)C %m\bc Dotl; ftaim,. ^fi;!a faj>;teOo}'e£{ Ijcaiisi5anii£itfr? one oftljofc !3 ieri3cnt (jatl) tlofe lapt about IjiiS ncche: a great iM!jyite'Birckt,atU) a!» j»ou map fuppofe, ^igbt o?e tbc fame,(toljicb Dotl; it ttimlp oeclie) 3 cro\»iic tbrrei^jtijat ma'kcg a gcoulp ftoe, S Ipou blacKCjanu tb?tt Bulles tcansf 31 troc: ^\)m Sfio]XinMm£yS[l freO) anD u>!)itc t{)fp tocit, ^uio j^vyo^DgjtUJO CcoUMie^toicl; fap^c long croflTc ijU ti^eCv? ^\nk Batsistubofe iDincps mere fp^eweti afl at large, Qno tb;ice Mihitc barren iDece in tbefe ^rmeiS lihetoife. let lipatfolDiS noujjto tobom belongs! tbat cbargc^ ^c\<:v}ittljctgt]^mpt^} me fufftfe^ . . '• joct fuxtlyct nob, 31 fo;iceD am to goe, JDf fctterall mcn,roRieotl>er ^rmesito (^je* tSJitbintbat Cburcb,tl;erelpeg beneadj tije iDuere, CtjCif pcrfong tlao^tubofc nameg nolo (Ijall pc ^eare* . ' ^.^ Jti 'Combe of i{3ne,fun fap?c anD finelp iB?(mgf)f, £)ne Waters lpes{,\Diib Uiifc faft bp bw Cwt- £)ffome great Horfte, tbefe n>tq)le map be t^ottgbf, Siiby tben: ^rmeis^ ^ombe map toetl be trioe, jTuU at bisi feeteja goWp (Brepboimu Ipesi, ~ ' r i^nu at W l)C^^ t^ere i£{ before pouccpc* ' ^ ! ' '^Ilbioe Libbnrtg bcatsfjtbicc cup a fap^e reo Crafletanu further to be fapn, ^IponWarfie^a^etpetrtfircelpmatje, ' . . ffiUitb taple luounu \jp:tl)efe i3rmctf tl}Ui etiifctf) fij» Crafirelcgg'D^fctm,8!X toast tbeauticicnttraije, i Dcbreoslpc^jinpiettttf^si^ltroe, ... ••. , -!'•) ^ s sot ■"^ TheArmesof * thcG^ais. Tfit Aatitstf oacWitcita Rq-noldDt- brcos. The worthincs ^0 lMo?mc ran cace,no? tpme can tocarc aiua|J: : 3 f oucljinfj SpotmDjas ilparrolDs; rijougbt fttU mate,' ^' • -■.,-,'.' 4 3;u{H;pti)Efatt«,Mcrcdith Thomas Ipf05 jf.-' ' '.. tOfjoljati great grafe,5rcattDitanDU)o;i(bil)Bot!?, 9nrilM02l9 ijim tfjougtjtjbotf) fjappie blcft anfi uiife, Q. man djat lou'UjgooD 3itiliice faitl; ann crotl)^ Htgb^ o?f tbi3 ^ombfjOf ^onejto fjiss fft^at fame, <5mDftoieml)dc&eoflLatint)erfcs{are, >■_.•■ Sub citerj) vcrfc/et fm\} in fuft) gmQ frame, r.-:,. •^^tfrticIpDorijljialifeauDDcatijDeclarc^ - ... ^t)i^ n^an toasi Iikt, foj maiip ^taws gojo ^ljd( l)e ^d(rc(t)t)cnoej3 t?t^ bicct) aim bI(DO« ' ^ Somewhat of Ibme Ri^ uers andVVaters. G!a(rcbcri« /^ f otljet rt)ing:«J,atf farrc ajs luiotolti^gc cfoetf, Bmigcwwith- 1 1 j?5o\n muU 31 to?itejto furnifb fto^tfj tljiii bml^et ^tvijomyicof ^^^^ j^omt ^biPfCiS boc part at ^aterjSjtrpaU fl;otMesf '' lori^wd ^i:ijere,U)!)ofoU(tbpxmt!)efametol©fee» . • ?'- . \ DulaceuotljrmmCjalDnjbntot^eHay, •• '"^i Maimer Ro- ^0 Hartford -ftietcfrom Breakenokcpattft^tOcrf* - -• - tmKnowlcs BrennickDccIycs,Thlaiiennya5tl)epfap .\' . thatmcricd StTawIlgath mate£{,fo wtoWyc t^fj) beam ■. ' uJ one ofthc jtjioni Arthur^ ]^m,Tytarell cumicss apace,. "' . ; . . Jc.rcs of the ^j^j^ ^j^f Q^j^^ jjj^j, Breakenokc rtniiiCiS W x&ttl 'i :- . • : • ' fiathafayrc houfc and a j^etf Brcakcnoke Cotottejttjere i^ a S(9ountamc dpf, Tatkc at Port zi\\^it\) Ojctuf^s fo ^uji^fjic 13 fuU !)atD to f Umc: i iJiamwclJ, , ^j^g ^ountaiiit Ircmcjs fo monCcoits to dje e?^. "A - ^ • ' ' gcttljoufano^uoerepapjetotljfltfometuncr ,...-. '.-jii • . ami .■^ of Wales. ^' a luonDff a:rcat,a?( people DOC repo?tj Z(^\)i(l) f omman b^mc^ auu faying tnte map fire, ^\it fiijcc m Deeoe, 31 i^in not cIkvc rcfojt, 33 \B;iite no mojejffjen U)o?lo UJiH Uiitncire iDcK: let tf)cnuljat pIcafe,of t^ofc llMungciaouueriS tcK* tEUjat iiS fet tJ0tone53! Ijatie it furelp fecnr, ; . ^Js one tt)at toplD ano trauaplo fo? tfje ti'otfj: 3! 1131(1 net (ap,farij rijings are aa 31 tueene, SinD frame a mfe^aa! common bopreiB gfoct^* i:5o? pet to pleafe tljc Ijmno^s of fomemcn, 3i lift not ftretfI],no,i racke mp termess a\u;p; f^P mufe irjill not fo farre abtife the petr, ^IjatbJiiterfijanffapneanpHottberc&p: . &o !je l;aiie tijanke in tjRnji: pole quiU, i^e feefecs no mo^e fq^ painciS aau jjreatgojD IwH. ^Ludloe Tovvne^Church nr()^ detune tio(T) {!anumo0partbpon an!^iIT, Th map fee rip fl[)Otoet ^0 HozieisIjanUgjanDbtao UicrctDO^kiitgCilfc jTo? tb'ofe fje niu, in net o? iiaungerknoli)^ f)e Onplo to feCja bcffger at l)i« o©?c: ^0} all l;i0 iopc,\Bag( to wlauc t|jc po^e^ Snotftfv manjto^oft name loarf Cookcs fo? ttot^, like Hozier ruaSjiu all goDU 0:ift8l of grace: CljtiS Cookcs oio giu?. great laiiD0 anu liUingjSbotJ, J^o? to maintaine,a Cl;auntrie in that place. 5 parelp ooIe5ano moiublp alniesi liketoife i^c oioapno tijerc,\»f)icb nolo tbe po^e ooc mijf: foi's \aife anD be^toitljin t^at Cljappell Ipejf, Wijtxt pet full plamejtlje Cljauntrie ftanoingisi: ^otncotl)*ctbings,ofnotetl)ereniappoufee dlitljin C)it Cburcb,not touc^eo noltt bp mee* ^ft Bsavk'py mttftjbe nam'o gou reafon U)bp> jTorte beiloiQ*D,great rbarge befo?ebe opoe, Co heipe pto^e niciT,ant» noUi Ijia bones ootb Ipe iTiiU nere tbe f ont,t)pon tbe fo^moft Ooe» 'i:bit« i« tbofe DaieSjtbe pmie uw0 tofet tiuto, ^be neb t«a« glaOjto fling great toealtb aioapt ^Q tbat tbeir alme5J,tbe poo^e fome gcso migbt Do» 31n pcD^e men« bnjcejtDbo fotb W treafure lap, i /i S>ball finne agatue,ten folo fo? one beleauejj; fl>^ clis mp bspejanb fenoiuleogejue oeceiueju I -'^ i,. . ^.- - 'T^€> Caftle no^JD> 31 nipno bere to fee out, 3!t ftanD«{ right ii3cn,anti pleafan: to the Ijetof, . Saitb fojtete p^rffpea-.^ea all tbe ftelo $bout* an auncient ...•, ., - SirRoljot Towiics-cni Knight lycs in a marucloi fayrc Toir.bc io the Qucac hcrc,andiris at his fcetc Is 4. ted Rowbuck*, and a word ' tout ea Meu^ ,, On the left '',' handHozief ' •Ivcsiathcboy oicofthc ,j^ Church. ^j; OnthcrigTie ' handCdokei lycs. This man vvtf mymetheil 1 father. Bcawpywasa great ritch and vcrteous man* hemadcano- thocduacdct ; --^ . . j-v^' ^bcre TheCaftleof X.udIoc Sir Harry Sid- ney built ma* ry things here wonhicpraiie andmcmoiia Ouer a Chim- ney excellently wrought in the bell ch am- bcTjisS.An- drowesCroflc ioyned to Prince Arthurs Armcs in the iailvvifldowe. All that fo!. lowes arc Anriesof Princes and l^oblenicn. Tlie worthines ^fjcre arc greflt U)o;il^3,tbat uoto Dotb bcarc no nanw^ IZXhid) lucre of ol&5anr) pet map pleafure pou Co fee t\)t rame:fo? loc in elDetfii oaicsJ laasj mucfj beiloto'Djtljac no\B i$ mud; to p?aifc* pn'nrc Arthurs toic^^isJ tfjcrclDcn to?ougI)t m flfonr, (91 U)o?tbic \DO^ikc,tbat fcUic o? none map menu) -^bis tuojke not fucl;^l)at it map pafTc alone: jfo? ag tl)C tpmcoto altoflies people feno Co bJo?lD,tbat migljt ocean e intuit ano fp^atcr ^0 fono^ic fo^tiS of iuo?k2! arc in t!jat5§)catc, Cbat (o) fo Ijpe a ttatelp place i^ mectc: tZlW^ Ojcloesf tW iiap,t!>e loo^fonanfljip is( grcatc;. lojkc on mp Lo^oefjano fpcakpour Unties tI)^ol», 0no pou tuili p^aifCjfap^c Ludloe CaCIe no^*. 31n it beCfDC^sCtbc tuojlksf awljcre Ijnnam'o) 9i Cbappcli i^jmoft trim ano coftip fure, ^0 bniuelp toiotigljt/o faj»?e ano finelp fram'Oy C(jat to U)o?lD0 euOjtfjcbcauticmap enoute* i^bout tbe fame, arc 3rmed m coloiirg fitcb, 9£5 fclMC can (bc^ anp !«>op!e 0? place: Si great oeuicCja looifee mod rare ano titt\)i 2£lbicb truelp (be\ues{,tbe 3rmcs(,ti;ebl(D0 annrace iDf fonoiie Kinjsijbut cbicflp Bobic men, Cbat bcre in p?ofe, 31 toll! fct out tuitb pen,. ^ir tOaltcr lade toasi ffrff stoncr of Ludloc Ca(nc,lDbof^ Qrme^ arc tbcre y ano fo foUotoegi tbe reft bp ojocr as pou ma^ rcaoc* 3!cffvep 6cnpuilc,Diti matcb toitb lacic* Hoscr QSoitpmer tbe firft €arlc of Cpattcbp an Carle ofa great boufe matcbt iuitb O^cupuilc- 'T ; leonea of VVales^ - • leoneK Duke dtClmncc topncn ^ii^ Witt in Qimtfi* Cumonu Carle of Cparc!;p matrljcrj tuitlj Clarence* EicljarD Carle of Cambjtoge matcljc M}) tjje Carle of ?^arcljp» EictarD Dixkt of^o?liematrf^toit][j SSIettmcrlantu Cotoartj t^c fourtlj maccl;C toitl; SHonuile of Biuersf. !^enrp tlje feuentfj matcl^t toit^ Clijaietfi tigtjtfjetre of Cits glano* l^enrp tf;e sicfyt matc^jt toitfj tl;e Sparquefc of J^enb^ofie* Cljefe are t^e greatett firft to be itarnen t|at «re t^ ^oitt hjojrijelp a0 tijep luere of oignitie ani> birti^* Now foUowcs the reft oFthofe thit were Lord Prcfidents,' and others whofc Armes arc in the fame ChappcU. tatHiam ^mftb ^i(bop of Itncolnetoajl t^je firft lo^iJlpje* fioent of taialegi in l^^ince ^rrbwrjs fiaieji* 31eflre^1^lptl)e75t{boppe of Coueitcncmuilitc|S^ lo^s Jp?tIiDenr* Hotolano la l^if^oppe of Couentrie ano LiccSficto lo^ l^^eCnenu 3iljon acme 15i^op of Cjcetet to?D p^eOunit, Ukhm ^ampfonT^ilbop of CoHentneanollttftfielolo^ti yieCoen^ The wortliincs 3Iof)n DiiIMcj) Carte of ^uJartoichCaftcr Dufec of jf5o?tlju;ii-^ ^it CdtHi^ni Uparbcvt (after Carte of penbjoke) iojo p^c^ Ibent, jr^jirtjolais i;)eatt) Bifljop of tCtojceacr lojup^entient* ^iv C^illiam i^aiDert onrc agame lojo pjcfioent* Gilbert 3,?otunc Xi(i)OT^ of Uirt;e ano 2X:icIIc0 JLojo pjcd irent^ Io;iB ZHXiiUsim of Came JLoin ijDjeliDent*. S)ir ^mt^ J^ionep i jtj ip? cGtjeut* S>it: ^uu^cto Co;b^ctKnigI)t,atfryjcnx>ent* ^^etc are tlwo blancUis Icfc toitljout 2rmes(» ^ir^f)om.ig DpnmitJKm'gljt, i^ mentioiteo thereto Dot 3;o!)n !g)C02p li5i{l)op of !paitfoJO* ^icljolast ^anms^am^'Bidjop of cao?fcCcr» j;5icOoIa!S HobinfoiijlDtlTjop of Bango?e« lairtjaro Damesf,'3I>i(T;op of ^at'nt Dauiesf^ ^bomag Dauiesfj ^iffjop of <^amt aiTap^^ ^ir31amc0 CroftjJ JU\m2f;t,Cona:oner* : of Wales."'' ^ir 3Iobn ^?)io jmoiton JKmg!)t,31iii^«ce ott^ttttt sum t|e ll)2ec 5^1)1^5^0 of Caftlualcsf* JS)ij:ipug!; Cljolmlcp Knigfjt* C3iUiam 6crrar5 , lo^lr Cbittinfenoi of ^jtrtano, ano 3;«- ftice of tl;c tl)?ce -gjijiercsi in 5g>ottti;toalc0, Cfjatlesf jTope crqtiicc ano ^ccrcto^ic* it 'cilice l^licc Do(to? of tl|e JLatoe. -CotoartJLcigijtoaCrqm'a:^ / • 3aidjarD j^cbo^nc Cfquter. -3RlcfJaro]^a«a€^Qmer♦. -.i -■■ : .. B afc TCiXton ^fquter* ^rj!a,fpI;f:Ypl2rccau5s{ efquier* : ' ' " '' T-hc 2'cmt4 of alcljfff arojefpoften oFare pHantrp rniO nm^ tercalcTrS,' ninglp fCt Ollt in tljC ChappClU comes 1 7.mi!c fro n place cal- .fF?olu 121 to Of rfljfatfctJ, tljat ^it O^tr? ^ionep bcmj loio '^^ t'-*^ white- ns? cftDc.itjbupIt ttDClue routne 3 i« t!jc fapo Cattle, luljirij gaj^ han nccrc viko .^Uiulomi2;8 0otjjil?(ma£;watUeautietort)cfamf» ' fhfcolmtlof Tlic wortliines io?, atiD repap^en an olD ^otocc , caUcu CQo^tpmers "CotDC r, to kapc tbe auncicnt tlcco?Dg in tljc fame: anu Ije rcpapicu a fnp?e romiK bnncr tfie (Court Ijoufe , to t\ic fame entcnt ani purpofe, BlTn^JTa is ^"^ '*^'''^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ '^^^^^ ^'^^ ^coDpntn, ^ built a moft b?aue wdf fr^i the CoutJit U)iti)in ti)c inner Courtumn all tl)e netec btnlniitjjt ouec townc. tbe6atc !^ir ^mp ^luncp (in l;ig Dates; ann gouernement The chacc of ^ttt) itiaDe auzj kt out to t^e jjonour of tjjc Siuanr, anD glo^ic Mocktricand jjf tljC Caftle* Ockley Pnrkcs ' fta^^snotfarrc ^^ .... ^ J« « « #. ^ . vf ^ - f wm thence. '^Tljere arem a o^mt>fp o! ttateliJ plaec ret dttt m lo?ii €arle of ^artuichg Qitmti,ti}c Carle of Datbie, tljc Carle of ([JIo^ reffcr^tbe Carle of pcnb^ol^e, ann ^nrlparrp^iDnepiat ^vmtfS tnlihe mane rtal tljf fcftano on tl;c left \^m of tbe Chamber. On tbeotljer fioeare tlje^nues of ^oubtoalesi ahu ^outbiuale^, tbio reo IponiJ arnj tujo goloeu Jlpo«s{,p?mce ^^utu^ jL dcuiceof 3t tlje enn of ttje opnms Ctjan^irt ,%te ftf a t>?etie6e«tee fo? tbe iDueere^ace bopesf b?ottgl)t up to Cuij,. ^iiu fo fciue 6oD,anii Doe none ot^t tbino^* " 'Cfj?^ tpmcji a uapjin Cbuit^ ffou jgjarttice ijf, Qt fijre a cloc^ejat mne,anii tben at tlj^ee: 3;ntol;irl) mic Ijotoersfja ftraunger fi)aIlnotmtV, !But fono^ie fo?t05of people tbere to fee* , " Snu tijtrtie t!3?a,pcDie pcrfongi tbcp matntame, • . * taijo M3etM^ ljaue,|?dtb monepsalmc amj fipue: . • - ^fjet'r longing frce,aiui further to be pliine, ^f (11 once a ineefeejtlje poo^e are truelp papue: m{\)u\) (IjclDeg great grace,anii gootinefle in tfjat )gnue to thcBaylicf* and Biirgcires of the towne. TheAlderme areluflice^of the Peace for the lixnc bcinp TIic worthines thttc rijingi rdjeav(l5malif di Ludloe !)ono?5 tiiftc^,' ^n\} luoilD to tbmkCjit ii tin aancicnt i^catr: ZD\)(ic ni«np mcn^ljotlj lucKljie luifc anD rttc^ tClere liD?ne anu bicDjano came CO creuit tcrcat* £)ur auucicnt Eingsijano ^^^tnf c^ thtxc mo ictt, > CClljerc nofej f«II c%tht p^cfomt Dtorlsi a l^jace: 3it CanDS foi Wales, molt 8^1,1110(1 fit auD belt, 3nD iidtreft tOjisttanli of anp ylacc: dtbf crfoK 3 tbougbfjit goD before 31 mn, CS^(ti;ni tj^raibooKe^tQis; mattrr Cjoulo bcpeiio* ^l)C rtft of Cotonefi{»tbat in feb?opOjicrc pou ftane, 3? naoe not toucb,tbrp ace fo tbioug;!)!? knotonc: a no futtfjer mo^fail knotoet|jej> cannot craw Co be of Wales J)oU3 eifcr b^ute beblctunc* j%o vuifting t3JClf,as; ouenc uotfj me binbe, ^0 one ano a!l,ajs farre m potoer map gof, 3! fentt bp ^creja^ one tbat Doxlj not miiioe £)fnatiueo ceafe mp mu(e,Iet pen anb paper paufe, '. *^i[\ t!)Ou arc caioe^to yji^itt of ocijcr caufe* fti An Introdudion to re- m ember Slropp^iere, H ' ©b) IjatI) t^p nmfe fo lon^ben* Mb a (lape^ tClljat beablp u^infte, batb fence ixi number bioito:!;^: Dotb popfon colDjtbiouf^ btoD anb bofomc crapCf A aruirtof £>? ii of fpi'tfjfoniccljarme bp tottcbrraftU3?ouiTl)C, the Author CJjat bitall {)\-iktti^\)M\\ left tbcir feeling quite"; cniied Rcafoug £)^ (g {[jj fjjjii, fo tiieake it cannot tu^ite*: thrcatning. ^^^^ ^^^ man,ftno Ojcbje fomc boned caufe, ^Qbp tojitersi pen,make!2! noiu fo great apaufc. -*■ ea:i ofWales. fuH horn 2aielfl)b?ilio:c5aloiiff bp meuuotoeicf f^nnt^ ^\)C Htucr tunsi,tnoftfap?e anD fine Co uetof: ig)urf) ftuitfull ffcoimUjaii tW i^ fetoome fecne 3in mitnp partsijif tbat 3! bf are be true* ^et eacb man knolttesfjtbac gralTe i)i m bt'iS p?ioe, Sinn ap^e is( frcfbjbp eucrp Btuersi fioe: ^ut fare tbiss pIoc,Dotb farre furpalTe tbe a(f, 5S;b kml) all beaten maie^ - ' ' iTromBarwickbounOS^to Venice if poufiarf, . » _ 3nD finnc tbe lilke^tljat 3! in Wales banc foun9, - ' ' Snu 31 fball be, pout iiiine anu bontiman bouno* 3]f Wales be tbujijagf trpafl toell fban p?oue, Cafee Wales gcDbUJifljami giuc tbem neigb^ourjj lour* Toumuft ^0 Ludloc notUjmpmure mutt ncetiesiretunir, readc further ^ feafott fl)o?t,no long Difcourfc notb rraue: bcforcyou Cpmeroule,tbon,3!iioebutiiapligbtbunif, - ■• dcSd ^«^"iattPtbinj!:s{,iniiaoetoDoe3Iba«c* , , . * lake tobat great CotonejUotb front on Wales tifejotoet,' 31 "u'ntie to toucbjOoo fparing life ann potoer: ii5ot bpertj tberet05but bal'Dt bp bartgs nefire Co giuf tbem p^aifejtoboCe Deeoegi tioe famr reqiuire* Verte folium. ^OfShrelpfehury Churches and the Monuments Tlic Authors therein, with a Bridge of ftone two bowfliot long,and forgftfulrxHc aftrcatecalledColam,beingintheSubbarbs, efcufcd. and a fayre Bridge there in like mancrrall this was forgotten in the firft copie. J tpau fucb baffe,inbope to be but b?!efe, Cljat 9^ouument^,in CburcbeiS toere forgot: ^fntf ofVVales^ tCl^ere ]^l?.pe^ Ijauc bu^totiirfj !«J moil tDaitl;;e note* ^^ece 13 a 5C3imD,i:etoemar!e Cljf ato? \ii\% ^otb ucqpe at>o i^pejin gyul? auncient guift: ea^cre toril map nt^tcii tfjoufaitD men at cafe, Sno pec tfie oncfje odjf c not oifplcaDr* 3 fpar c beIotae,to bs^t botfj BtiH anu 1?fare, Sftm 53lapcrs toD,g^eacroumeanD place St toilU anti in c%? rame5a Coffee pit ttono^ous feare, tJBedoeg liJ^crc men,map to?>(He in tljeit fin. a flfrounti moff apt,anu thep tbat 0tg aboue, 9t once in beiDe,aUrt)t« map fee fo^louc: ^ at Aftons piap^tofjo bao bebelD tbi3 tbeit, Spigbt tucU yaw feene^tljete ttoentic t^oufanb mm» ir apie %>euame ffreame,nmiJ rounb about tbt« jrotinu, ^aue tbat one fioejisf riofoe toitb Shrcwfebric toaO: - . j gnu €>euame bankesi,tobofe beautie Dotfj abouno, Jn tbat fame ^opIe,bcboItJ at toin pe (ban* ^j^bo corned to marfee,ano note tubat map be feene, g)ban farelp fcCjOfceatpIcafureis on tW (jrecnc: tabo toalkesi tbe banfee0,anD tbinfeejs bi« papnc not grcate, g>ball fap tbe '^olune,is; fure a p^incelp ^eate» iJUitbout tbe toatle^jag ^ubbatbg bitpIocD baf, S)o uoe tbcp (f ant),a3 armed ano leggesi to 'Eotnne: Cad; one a Orcat e,ootb anftoet in te^a, 3ni) bp fomepatt,come3 ^euametunnintfootone: 93 tbougb tijat Oreamejbau mpnBto gacoe tbem ad, 9ntJ as rijioujb bjio^e^rtng floou ootb uapip fan, g)0 of jrrccilone,tftjee'B?iDo;e3 bi^c^c tbere are, au ttatelp built^a tbing fuU Oraunge ano rare* '^Tben tuugc bi^ tbi^^anu otber tbing3 a beape,' ^^ep Ijas corpe f kUijUjac ftrlt t^e founoeriJ tocrc: and ;ii tificiall pccccofgrou4 was a good ■nd godly Treacher. AFrirryhoufc ftood by this ground called tlicWdfli Fryers. In Shrewfcbu- ric were three F^ahoufcsi 009 Tlie wortliincs ^ffltj x\^)t t!j^ l|)oUItJ,t^c ftuitc Df labour re spf, £ai)ofc \i3it anD lucaltlj,!)!^ all tljc ri^vigcs bcatr* © fati)cr$J iDiffjano luiw bf poiiu tlj? ntclre> ^bat ban tbc beat^jtbc fpidcce?; aim fci:rc fo (tmcto: © golncn agCjtbat cat'DC not tuljat toa^ fpcnt^ S)0 IwDcn iiatcss,iitu ftauD ttimtoitb content (Solti laete tbaic ptoiijtbat fparut fucb QUier penrr, Sinn b^a^en luo^lD^Uja?; tbat-tobiri; bojocu all: Cbeleaicntjaiei^jtbat toe bane faueii Once, 15ptcs; to tbc boncjjjauti tadetij tuo^fc tbcn galU tClbat nctuc tbinsss notu^taitij fran&nelTe toell beginr. Can (tame tbofe u^df £(,010; fatber£S olo baue Done: (Sreat ^otonctf tbep bupltjgieac Cburrbeis teato lifietDife, snbicb maHei!( ottv fame^to fall anD tbett^ to ttfe* l(D&e on tbe tuo^liiJsmttJ tot'tsf of former afff, 3nD our fpme IballjCome Dragging farrebebinu: 3!f botb tpmeiS migbtjbe plainlp plapn on ftage^ Sno olo t^nie patt,be truelp ralDe to mtnn, S'o) all our b^auejftne (rlo?iou^ buplomgij o^ajr, • CpmepatttDiulorun,i»itb all tjje fame a)ijaj>» 9 ffee Oxford tb8t,anu Cambridge if it ^leafe, 3In tbijii one pojntjGjan j»ou refolue at eafe. A brieve dir. 3^11 auncienttpintjoureloersi ban oelrre, courfe of aun- ^o hufiU tljtiv ^otoncSjOu (tttpe ant) ffafel? bflt: ticnuymc. '^oO)etBetbatag,tli£irbeart25Ui5Caiafpp^e, ^0 IboulD tbeir UJO?hiaf,ceflare tyeir \ii^)tiit toill* 9nti fo^ tbat tben,tbe too?lD toasi full ef arife, 9nn fe^e men (J(DD,aiTur'o of lann o) life: ^uci) quarrel* rofe, about great r:i!e anu (tatf, ^batno onf ;^ople,toag{ free from foule Debate* of buyiding" fo} Wch Hj^r^e caufejtb.'^t Dapip b??D biTcoiTr, ftiong tioid*. Z^t^ mm Cxon0 lt)olD;J,anD Caftlf Ji of Defence: an9 rof Wales, gnu r«c!j as totatt,tl)eKinffs{(|ie1p?mcean5lo?l Of anp plarCjtooulD fpare fo? no trvtncty ^0 fee tijat faffjtbat t^f? feao (jarDlp toom ^0? lubic^ f«« popntjtoere iTo^tiS anD 'Cotonejl BeffUttt gnu furt^f t locjif y eopk toarcD tuple, ^^ep b^oujj^t in fwj;c,ljp t^ botj mail an cl)ild* gnu if men mapJuuge b)][io Ijau ttioa auo, ff>? ^cKe bp ifo^tsJjanii !£)ol5s( tobac tano loaj{ befl: £)? lake bpoii,oiit common quarrrisJ tot iZD? fe/»rdj iubat macr,tnf n fedic fo? peace antj rell^ !BeboIc but Walcs,anD note tlje Caaiee! tbere, gntipou(banfint!e,nofucbVu3?fe$attptolje«; . unne,i!S to be feene toitti epe* . gnu to beplaine/o mattp OoIM f^ tjaue, gss futc it i«,a b30?Hi to marfee tbem toefl; jpaiifir tbere a ^bilCjmp mufe mutt jaruon craoe, pen map not lonjjjtjpon fucb matter otoelU i!5oto Denbii^h comejf , to be fet fcD^tl; in Uerfe, JObirb Q)all botb -^otonejanD Caftle bere re^arfc: feo tbat tbe berfejfucb creoit map attapne, g!^ matter Rjaltjuot loCt nop to of^apnc^ Walahtthi wondcrfull number of CtftlO. A dcfcripnoa of Denbigh" fhxac ef5 An Introducaion to Lnng in Dcnhighjhiere^ H%tX) ffoutb anu t!eepe,beluitcbt mp fences; fo, ^ij at beau cannot, atoake i^t pole banu: 3!5 frentilp mufejbecome fo great a foe, 'E^bdt labiing pcn,in penno^ dill (ball ffano* 2:abat trifcling tcpCjOotij trouble bJjiter^ b^apne, ^bat carneft loue/o^getjs ftoJ«te]poetj< bapne^ A conceytcd toy to (it a broach an cif; ncfinuncr. :85io The worthiiies !5tD tocTcomemttcIjjmiD fau couce?cc« auuf, 9uo fall figaintjCo UJ^ite fomt mattw ncUif > . let olD treuiccalmttetnc be to rtji^, Co giue f feill ligljt, atiB nwke rounn iuBfl^tmuc fee; ^ittce gating e?r0,l)atl) fccnc to^jat ear b tbijis iiS, aniJ tljat no Cob)ne,no? ^ople i(S W front tfjee: ^ct fo^tb in betfeja?; ujell tbi^ Coimtrep bere, as( tbou at Urgejljaft fet out Monmouthfhrcre: piaife one alonr^tfje reft toill tljee Dilbainr, Si oap map come, at length to quite t{;p patite^ «• vrft d)ougbfo2mertopIe«,beIoftm^ottimetIalf, 3crof Ditpap^f "ot notu^fo^ Wales t^ tOankfuHftill: Kcat more ^03« Oaft gott fatre^t^c greatelt b?unt iji paft, chargeable ^fjen fo^toattJ pa(re,ano plucf^e not barfte gwutoilt, ?^Tf k*^^'' Ipitt bano to piougbjWke man goe tbjougb toitb all, acred of thac /^jjp gtoimu 12; g©o,nm on tljou cantt not fall: ZSX^cn Cceoe ii ^^nejantj tpme beftoiueg Come paine, ^Ijou Q)filt be Unotoiie^a reaper of gooD gtame* ..-* H^olB on tbp niurre,attir trauaile Wales all o?f, ami tobet tbp lDit3,to miriie ann note it toell; anutbouCjaltfeejtbouneuctfato'ft before, ■:.■ Higbt gtD^Ip i-bingtfjin Dceoe tbat Dotb exfell: £p3ic nuncient •^D^ncjfjmojefamoits; Caftleei oitr, Cben toell farre ofjiincb eafc tbou map!! beboltr: tCtrtb Denbigh fhiere,tbP feconO to oike begin, Snii tljou (bsU ree,tobflt glojic tbott (bait torn* ig)a3!ta3lcl)0?re,anTimounfeist.ptnbafte, ' " "" T iTramMonmouthftiicrcjalougtbecoafts^^IrptJer "] Sllben froff nno Ototoeja::!) toapto^ro tointersf toafte, "" • CVivk ^iUe« joi^ dojfi" Sno migljtittf otwjjjti^at ntaftetf t&e Hiuer ttie, - 3It flotuetf tdttb bJinuejaUbouffb no rapne tljere ba?, 9nD fmellegf Uke ^ca,iDitb toauejj ano foming flcooj a njonoer fitre, to fee t^^ Biuer Da, : ;• : • . - Wlit\) voimt alone,to toajce fo iDplo anD toa)t?> ^M fucb a aurrCja* iwater tooiilo be mao^ ^m (Ijetoe furl) life^fisi tbouc^lj fome fp?acc it Ijair* a caufe tfjere ii{,a nature foj tlje fame, Co b?in J tl;i0 ficDD,m fuf|) araunge cafe aim frame. ^ot farre from rt)i«{,tl)erei!«iU(S on liftle moimc, a ri^lK fap?e Cburcb.iuttbpillarg large aim toine: a monumcatjtfjcrcm of ca«j account, jfullfinclp bJiougljtjamio tije ^mxe 3! fppue, a Zortt\)t tterc i05rigbt cicb ano l!atc(p maue, OTjcie tUia natlj Ije^ui Uone au5 auucicnt tio^f* wcadt&usviOi lent w aicr. Maiftcrlohn Edwards hath a fayrc houlc Acre this. on the Riucr Pec. :> r1- -^K A flrauge na- ture oi a water There is a pooleinMtf* ryoncthniicre ofthreemylc lon^ragcthfo by ft«rmc thai itmakcsthis Hiua fiowc. Kuabon Church is a fayrc pcccc of wotic. ■^r-' ~ 1 hcwortliincs ^be man aittJ tJifejtoitf) Cumirt uoutf follcmne gupfi^ , 3;n tViii ji^cb fo^tjbetb^e (lie Suiter ipt0» . . . ,: . ", ' £)i'c!^eat»onn:f05anDtoarUlte5;eIrtiecfta|>f^, This Gentle- ^ j^^q^ I)IctD,on top tljerfof coiiif g out: idicImBdl £)"tp3«5nech^alcn5^i«lc$gesticlapf2f, , LsEyttoa. ' '^LtDo 6aimtl?f3 Uiljicc^are Iping; djerc aboiic*^; -. •; 3n aunt lent <^tiit!«,l?e lua0 aiiD of good tace, ^ ,. : . ' 3flbplji«^rmci3,appttrf^mmanp3pla«: .: Oic; !)oufe ann lanosjuot farre ftcm tljcttce Dotl^ (Ijof, . "^ - '^1^)13 birij^anDWou^to^si great tig^c long agoe^ , 'CbemmmeaglalTeat^tmapmbJtniiotocbdr, . i; (2:ai)n:emt!;era)te,of3ie(letofUigiU)?oug^t) * ' . ;, ^t SuUcrbeaD.of CburctjnoUJfijaflpouCee, : :: 1? w all t^c glaflc, of C^urcl) toau Dardp ioug^t. taXttbin n»o mj)T«{,tiierf ts( a famousi tijniff, i offic«T>ykc. CaroeOffacsPyke,tbatrearf;etlifarr£ in length ..;;:• 3nfemu of tttare,t^c Danes migtttbcrtjerb;iing, 3It toas( free grotinD^ano ral'De ^e Briuaincs Orengtlj^ v/ttsD itc ^^" ^^^^ Uketoi(e,abottt rfje fame toasi frt, ^ * ^ettDOnctoljirf) ttoDjbotb Danes anDBritaincs met, 3nij trafficfee ftiifibttC palfutg bomm bp fleigijt, . dieoneiiiotafee,tljeot^erp^ifnerftreigbU . '. 'Cfjug foess f oulD mricte, (as( manp tpmci tljep map) 9nD noe no ljarme,\i)ljen p?ofite ment tbep botb: CcDU rule anD laiDe,malie2i batineft tf;tng3 to 0ap, ^bat d« bp ragejto to^ef cljeo reuefl goctb. ^beb^uteft beaagjtbat fauage areoffepnu, ^ogcrljcr conies{,ag feafoius aflpuue: 'Z\)t angrpcft men,tbat ran no frienufljfp bplFf, ^ua ceace from taarre^lu^en peare appalled tbetc p^tot. of Wales. j(5oto let t!)!< gof5miti call in l)affe to minftf, CrimWrickfam^OtJJnejapcarleDfDcnbighfhlcrcs RoVmHo- !rnUj!;ofefap?c Cburc^,a Combf offtonc 31 fintic, Tg '^r^^* 5liiDccalaan,rig^tl)anrjonaBeofia«are*^ ^" "^' ' £)n t\)S3i\)tt nDe,onc Pilion Ipc g in graiie, caiijofe bearfc of blacfeCjfaprtj Ije a Combe fl;anbatte: 3In Otuiere Ipesi Hopc,bp 3rmefiS of gentle race, £)f function once,a recto^ in ti)ac place* !J5ut fpeake of C^utcljjanu flttple aj{ 3toug^t, $Pp pen to bafe/o fap?f a too?ke to touc^: CSItdjin anu ouCjtljep are fo ftnelp toiougbt, 3; cannot pjaifejtlje too^femanfljip t© mucb* • ^ut buplt of lace, not eig:ljt rco;ie pares agoe, . ^ot of long: tpme^tbe nate tbereof oott) Ajoc: j(5o common too?ke,but Cure a too?ke moft 6ne, 9 jJ tljoug^ tt)cp ljao,bin to^ougl)t bp potocc fieuine, ^bc daple t^ere5in &?me isi full foure fquare, pet eucrp toap,fiue pinnackle^ appare: ^rim picturess fap?e,in ftone on outfiDe are, 5^atte all like toare,a0 (f one toere notbing ueere » •Cbe bcio^ljt fo jreatjtbe b^eaocb fo bigge toitl)all,. if5o peece t^ereof,i!S l&dp long to fan, a iB6)ke tl;at {!ani!^,to 0apne a number mo^f , 31n anp age^t^at ^ati) bin buplt before* f ^ A generall Commenda- tionofCentilitie. ^KV^t Wrlckfam ijtoelii,of c^entlemtn gan floie^ , fiDf calling fucbjasf are rigbttoell to liue: ^p9^arlxett!?^ne,3;bauenocrcenenomo?e, (:|n iijclj fmall roume) tljat auncient i^tmejs joe giue. €5f? /. The wortliines w.r a'cr Ro^Tfr ^" *'^"^- ^"^pl^^^^PJ*^ 6eritle«ien are founir, at Irdil.iy. Maiftrr Aim- '^fjcp bcautific.borf) Coluiic anu Coutitrcp tco, mcr Jt Pant- g[ j^^ furiiiQjt are,to fecue at jiccue in fteUi; Mai'Liohn anijftiei?tln;Tg3inruIcanDo?DcrDo, . Pilfonof Ba- QntJ UUtO 605,3110 ViXm 1M2 !)cuourpfcTBi» fan. Z.htp ace i^e (Itcnjrtjjant! futettc of ti;elantf, MaincrEJ- jn^DhofectiieljearM^ootb truftauucrctjitftanu, ^"j^^°""°^ ^P t»l^ofelDifcbfaiJiS,tl)e tieigljboursf MaiS.n«3ir4toljomtl?eI9^iucf,ici)afcri?gceateacact« . i- , EatonolEai- ' ) . i' ton. d)eparetl;ef!atuer£{,ofcuerpgatajen5:rount(, • MaiftcrEd. ^q^ jjjjjg^ j (j^pp toanc,tljere potoess but toicken toretie!2l: MaiftcrOwcn 'C\)vii iioblc tiivnOsijtDill b}iuQ foo?tl; faitijfuH DCftiesC Bructon of Cljctt glo? te vellsistn CountriaJ toealti; auu fame, Borras. C^cjj baue tcfpcct,to biiooDanDauiidcutname; ' PiJ-mofHa'' '5I^bfP*«^tSl)notl^i»fi/o«^"i"^as(iopanbart, tadavCTnc! 2af;ic|^ iiS moftpHre,anii cUancmcnetp part* ' MaiftcrTho- ' ,/':,/ ... masPowciiofCIjepiioct)pT)olD,ancrainmane«{titj>Itf, • xx°'!1^"t ?, ^HmnnlvactgjaatDifeanDtDO^tbietonte^: Trculrof S^ftljc? tiJere not.tbe CoutititpUiouiugrotDtDpro, Traioi n. ^"ti w OjoultJ fa)ne3fo?Q:et our ciDcvs Datcjl: Agcncaii tOatc blutit of tuit, iH fpeeffj fi:roliiermie aitD toug^, puifcofaii KiantbertucildI,anDljaueofijicecnou3b» ) hXri?" o'f-r ^'^^'-^c ^f^^f Ppjate^larfce courage eucrp Ua^cre, ay Co'unucy. ^0"' ^^''P ^ tbtng,anD out otottc Qjaifo^g fearct Cbn) nare «tfetitvt,fo? feme anuljtJe renolune, Td fralc tfie Cloiuticd.if men miglit cipme tlje ap?e: 2 Pault the ^tarteg ,au5 plurftc tbe planets Domne, C;ue (Ijargc on ^oone^r^ Ssuune tb*^: (l^uKiS la fapic* . ) 3 of Wales: ': jripc rttii^tlp o}€yhx^ ^iilt^ if tbcp bau tDings: %cnte badxc iljc Q5easi,aaii teare t^e S^aiuttainejl tcCf J?ca'a)iat5a««^^**"^"^ff*'"'^^S^^''"» - jf^obj mutt 31 tun«,to m? uiTcour& agar^f* 31 Wrickfam leautjann pen out furrijcr p!aie: feo if mp mufe.tDert noiaj in plcafant bapne. Holt Cattle (houIUjfrom uetfe receiue feme grace: %\}Z ibtm i^ ftnejauu trimlp bupit about, tairb loogutg^ fap^ejano gomlp roumejs! tb?ottg^out, i^a-ong aaults ano Cauesi,anii many> an oln ueuice, ^l;at in our Qaie?!,ate l?eUi of too?tl)ie p^ice^ Z-W place mutt paflejtott^ p^aife ants fo anue, 2©p mufe i^ bent, (anu pen is reaoie p?eft) ^0 fecnc pout earcS5lDitb otbet matter^ netoc, %\m pet temaine«(,in beau anu labouting b?ett» 2 S^ountaine tolunejtbat is( Thlangothlan calw, 5 pietie ^eatc,but not toett buplt no? toalDe, ^fetanOfli in tbc toap^to Yale ano Writhen botb, taijcvc ategteat ipiUejs^anu l^Iaineja; but fetue fo? ttot^ f)f C9ouittf?!'nej; uob),mtitttjmip nmfe mutt nmnr, ^be ]i3oct!5 tbcre^uio ^tuell ag fable^fapnet ^^ccaufe foine fap,tbep toouto be neetc tbe igiunnf, auD tatte fomGtpmesijtbe frott,tbe conj^anD rapne, Co iiiDo^c of botij,tobtrb is tbe rijicfe Ana bett* Cabo kiio\Bf 8 no tople,can neuer f kin of rctt, tabo al\BaieiS \xial1^es(,on carpet foft rniu pp, Eno\ue0 not^aro (^tUe0,no^ Ulkest tbe ^ouutaine tuap^ A difcourfe of Mount aynes. r\1[mc ,)^ature tiicto,tbcfc aSounfapnetf tnfudb fojf, •^^^,1^ tbouijl)t^c Sno totjo 0) fiWjO? ftauD£( on 99ountnpne bpc, J^artj balfe a too?lD,m compalVe of Ijijs^c: 2 pf atfo?me manfjof ^atutc foj tlje nonce, ^\\)txe man map la)ke,ou aU ttc eartlj it once* Cljcfc ra$:geo Hork^,b?ma:s! plapnri! people fojit^, £)n $^jinitaiiic toplOjtije batDell l^o?fe iss b;ieo: Cbo«g:b e^tafle tbereon^be grofTe auo little ujojt^, ig)a)ate is tbe foouejloljercljunger fo i& feD» ©n rootesi ano bearb3,out fatbertf long Din feetie, ^no nuere tlje J^^e, grotues ftuorteft fruit in oaoe: On marnfl; meare!S,anrj tuatric mofTie grotmn, Sie rotten »jeeiie$,anD riibbiQ) nplfe ijnfounu*. Cbe fo g^ges^ anD mi(!ii,tbat rife from bale bclotoe, 3 reafon maliejfjtljat biglje ft Hpilleiei arc beft: 3nD toijcn fiirb faggeSjOotb o?e tbe S^oimtapnegof^ 31n foulcft oalegjfapje lueatber map be gcff » as better blaff ^^on S^ountapuesi bigge ootb blotoc, ^0 ncprame fmclsi5ano fauourei bjeebebeloluej 'Z\]t i)di ttaaOB Clare, ano cleaue from filtljie fmeU,, ^Ijep Gnoe not fo^tJ^at Dotjj in fi^allep otoell* Cj: ^omrtapne menjliue Ion jcr manp a pare, ^'iien tl)ore in ^ult^in plapne o} mmik foplcj ft of Wales: ■• fl!ufftet)«t,acIeanecompI(Tton Clare \ . ^\itp Ijauc on XyMy tijat fai \}m liutnc f opt?* taiti) eiac aui iambe^teitb eoate^ ano iXiojS tl&e? pla?; 3!n greatelt tjjlcsf^to ruD out Ujeau'c Dfl?: ano tuijni to lioufe,ar«i ^omc gcou fcKobJfiS D^atoe^ *^l)e laD^ can lau2:!?,at Cuming of a ftratoe* jan apie fo purc,miu Uibolcfomc as t!)e l^iH, !^otb man auo beaa,Ddtg!)t«{ to be tfjcreont 3;n!jcate o} colDjit kapc0 one nature (hll, 'Crim neatc ano 02pe5anD gap to go upon^ a place mott ftt,fo? paCime ano gajo fpo?c, Co \3il)i^ topln S)tagge,anij 'Backe ootb HiTf rcfa^t; ^0 crre of i^ouuDafjtbe ^^ountapne e ceo peelD0, a grace to aale,a beautie to t|je feelos(«. 5;c ftanus fo? too^Itijas; tljougb atoatc^ it toete, a datelp garOjCo kcepe greent meooobie mplo: Cbcpoct3 fapnCjOu ffjouloerg ituot^beare «:be ^eauensi l)pe,but t^ere tljep arebcguplo* Ctjc maker firft,of (!;9oantapneanti of Uale, SBatie l^iU a ^aU,to clip about tbe Dak: a ftrong naofuU fruit anti Co?ne, "Z^M tU bp blaa^migbt quickip be fo^lope* Jf bopffroujS bjpnrjsijtucre not tnirfjrtajti bp (trengt^, laepultt bp fo?cf , ann o^iucn backluarD to, ^{)C^ tuoulo oeftropjour cartblp ioprs at lengtti, ^ Sno tbioagb tbcir ragc^t^cp tooulo murij miCcbicfeDW, eon fatoc UJbat niiart,anrj gttcfc tbe cartb tuoulD bpoc OPp aurDie (toim^;s,anii peart ing tcmpeftg p^poe: ^0 v:Bjuntapue!2; matjf,to faue tbc lotBcr fople, if oj feavc tbe cartljjlljoulD fuffer Qjamcfull fpoplc* l;):i\\) coulD uptake leaueiSjanublofromesiliang on treei Jf bopanug U)pur)?(,fl;oulo bjauuc^ee! oaplp bcate: . J0 2 . ij^obi The wortliines !f)oto fdolB p«?c TauWyin Cottage qutf C ftrf, : ' 3:f bibber grountsjJjUi^ not Hffeno tbfir fcatf» t.2:iljoiJwpIUai ijis boiu^rjtifrljt UuDg: fcotc of 1)1(1, f^atlj little colD^anU lucartjei- 'omxim ntUJilU ^bu5 pjouc 3! ijctejtbe S^oHntaine frenoctlj all, fetauDsi' ftiffc gupiift nU)?meia(,iikc (Tale o^i b?a^cu loaU* |3ciumaj> roinparCja JJ^inj to Sf^omuapne ^?e, t:Cll)orc yiiuf e!p poluer,ca:j bp^r fcotlj bjont anu (^atU Of bitter blaU50? C^rjun^erbclt frotn ^hpe, J^iiS Jr c^treft'c Ca:i55,bpon fo 6rme a Vvockc^ -- , ^ )5iincc fjripg allj '^"O t^tb fa (ironjlp fit, '^Tijat none can barme^bp frauDe,bp foire 1102 \Mic. CbetocakemuSl2J5ie,U)berelIrengtbDotb molt rema^utj, ^l)t S^ountapnc gveatjcommaiinog ci;e UttU l^lapne* asf CSounfapne isf ,a noble ffatelp tljingf, ^{)in^ fun of ftonesfjaju Hock0 as bam asl (talc: 9 pareles peece,ccmpari;c unto a Etn^, £S:ibo fits; fun fatten top of ^oitunes ioljale: feo 13 tbe Dale, a place of futtte ap^e, ^ nm of DiolTejOft tpmesi mojie foulc tben fap^es 3 Durtte ^oplejtobeie luater long boti^ bpDe, ^et ritc^ tDit^alljit cannot be Dcnpce* 25at to e.nltl) marg luit, ana tocaresf out bertue cleanei ^n catincjti)02mc,a CancfeerpaHrecure: 9 trcbble loube, but not a mcme meant, '^W' i^ufick make2f,butratber I'atcejJ p^oeure: 9 ftirrer ijp, of ffnfe anb ieaub Debate, Cbe on:ounD of loarrejtbatllapnetb ener? (tm ZBiih gift eg aiib bzibeSjtbat jrertfie g:lntton feeoesJ Sno fille0 tlje gr^tjUJljercon great treafon b}mcii^ , . : . . tnealtb foftersi p2iDe5anb tieaueb' bp fjatijbtie fjart, 5@a^^ tou o^e^eme^autJ mon facl^ue to farre: enfettj^ tofVVales^ CnffctS ^t mvttJ}y\xi\d} \3ite m tutrv psxt, ^^■ "^bnt (lutfkl^ fcM, tlje fences aflat «uarre» 3n aalicv ntil'3tljc& uiiffljicfca ncurifl)£ are, Con'/5 ptacfjOn S^ountapncpraieanD bare: " X>p Oucni of bio'uuegjtl'C people !u;e3 on l)ill, 3:5Qt C?i$l)t of l)japne,ne craft itijj cunning ffeilU ZCMic uiuCid tJtfDa?ne,jjircoHi o,i niibWc lMmc«, 33ut iLljere rttri) Cubtf,an5 cucnlb i^arfc^ arc founji*; ^ Zui\)zti (<$ wmt louc^lulja hatl) ninie Osppi: fiaictf, ^Ijcn rijofc poQ^ebPuogjtJjat Dicrgcs auo bjlues ti;t grountJi jperljaps! pou fap,fo barb tfjc IRocfed map ba, i^c Ccjnenoj 5raflre,no? plougb tbcreonpou fee: I)ct lot tbc t o^D/ufb blcuinjj tbcre Dotl; giuc, Cl;2t fujat cone cutjiuitO £>ten Calttsi can liue# feobje CCtbcp anu Curtisf,can?alD a fu(^rcu faff, Cdbcre fojoete epartcbpancjas petuaas neticr1»notBnfr tabcn cmutie go^5r,i>ith bole oi^ilkt emb?atf, SnD Cbttfe an5 b^eaDjbfttb naplv otijfs olunc, !!pe cranes no feaft^no;! fjciiC s! no banquets Hne, i^ccant!i{gcCJ:isr;mncnu:*bdi!t)^inc: ^0 toples"out lifCjanti Iftcs uJI lucil ioi« trauc, j(5ot fearing neatbjbecaiife bi^ count i0 ma^e* 2Clbo ITcepes! fo founiTjai^ fjc thf^t^atb no ^^bapf^ 3931 b^aru of H^ratts^ta pvittc? ajiS :a feene*: JOTjo fearejs tljc CCtx:fe,b«t be lube lambesi uot^ kdcpfj, ^no mvint) an bouier, u? fojtt to toatcb (n ?jecDc» •Ebnugb cjolD be gapjfinD co^Dpall in hii Jipnu, ^bc lolTe of toeaItb,o:rppctf lonfi; a Q;rpci>iempn5* pcoie O^ountapne folKc^poflelte not furb n:rcat (loje, ^ut uj^cn itfi gon,tl)ep care not mtirij tbercfo^e M 3 Of The vvortliines ef^ Of Yale a little to The names of T'ftC Cctttttrte Yale,!)^^^ !^incs(antr?^oimta))nf!<^pf, the Rmcrs of "■■ ^mall aaUej)0 t\}txt^{fArz w.)txc tijc B^ohcs Ho wk: i^cnbighniirc. ^0 j^3„p ^y nii5e(,(bat HeiD tf^at Topic iis! D?pr: shropniefri' <^®^ "^"^^ '^"^ l9eate,on mDffic 9:round is; toon, Debighiiicrc. CObcretoidj gcD firejj.iss mane fo? man moH mtcte, before Chirk, cfjat fcumf tb flarc,an5 ^•eclosi a fauout ftoeete ?'^5*^"^7 Cot^ofcto^jirtjfjaufjno norcfo;i Dapntiefmcll, Twfnmh- '5:i;efinci'fo^t,tomiJift in Court CO DtoelU len. Aleynintbc ^^l^ ?€pc an0 ^oatcsf^ait ylcntcc berc in placf, Slno ^cDti tocIlT) j^ag5e2i,tbat arc of ktnticl! race: rcittb gmnlp nototjbotb fat ano btggctoitb bone, ^b3t on IjarD B.ocfts(,aiui S^Dtmtapne fcioc? alonfr ©f Wrythcn nfib,3I(teafeas( rcarottitf, lout lifcncc frauCjto talftc en fnrb a !§>cafct Crcufc nip rkil(,tobfrp pen oj mufc Dotb mi$(, tDbcre KnoljjIcDgf faplcg!,tbc cjinning \% not grc.^^% l^iit ofWales: %\xt eve 5! b)?(tf,at)erfeijpon tbac ^oplc, 3! bjill rrpc out,of €pmc ttjat all Dot!) fpc-vler ^0 ^i^ine U)cavc0 ]a)0?lD,aun ootlj olD U)o;!is nifijiar c» .' oAdifcourfeofTyme. O-^rart of ^me,t!)at all confumcd to auff, •rae Ijoln tljec noc,fo? tljou art talD bd;inDc: . 'Vcit faj>?clt ^\i30?D,03i mettall tljou toilt ruff, ginD bjigijtett djtng3,b^ing quidklp out of minor, 'Cljc trinimcft ^otoersijanr) Gattled great anu gap, STn pioceOiiouffsat lengtb t^ou Bocft cccapt feljcb^awd! boufe,anD piincelp builoinga rare, 'C:fjo w matt^ ano toeaiti^iauD leaueis t^e toalle^ but bare». © Cancfecr bj)lc,t!)at crccpcs; in Ijamed molD, ;,• *Z\)t 99arbJe aonCjOj jFliut tb? fo?cc fball feelr: *C:bou'ba{t a potocrjto pcarce ann catc tbc golu, ^itng cotMHc t^ arong,anD ma'ke tljcitout to reelf* fl)toa(hngto02mc5tbateatcs fujcete kernels; aH, . ^ gnc makci tije j:5ut,touuft ano potoocr fall: £! glutton greatjtbat fecoesi on cacb manss fto^e,. ano pet tl;p [tXU^xtx bettec a« c^crefo?e*. Cvme an c onrumcjfjmtn (jetp^ it fclfc no toT)it, $l5 five bp flantejburnrsi coaler to fmoersi fmaU: ^pmc inW \\\ man,mucb li^ an agcto fit, ^birt tueare^s t\)t face,tbe fleO) tbe f kmne ann alU £D iB?ctri}eo rHa,tbat DJilt not fccurco bee, £)D,iearifuU'^pmc,tbei3joiltTi£lfcanjofrf)«: • ^bou flingeH aat,tbe bigbett Cree tljat grotuesJ, auD trpumpl; mafee«,on pompe anu papnteD ^mt^^ !But molt of aK,mp mufr uotb blame t!)ee noto, ^Q^ tljptoing Do)Dne,a rare an^ g©^lp ^catc; ' The wortliines • 5?tJ\Vr)'then tS:DlUik"^anDUlt €p.5ltt(];ioU)e, Cljat in tpme paCbaO vamzp a loogtng ffrrate, 9ii^ ^otoers moft fap>c,tljai I of,£- a tupiting: teai*, habere nolu ©00 inofjiijeit gt circs nortjinj but jjradip! ^hc ffoncs Ipe toa(lc,Uic tJaU£5 fefmcg biitf (Ijrll Of VVrythen^totli the Caftic andtheTolpne. Thz Caftlr of T^l'^ ^^^^^ (tatttl!^, OM HorfvC tttuc!) Iifo rcB T£^?ifSe, Wiythen is ^^^ ID^H^ 9xt cuCjiuuii C(Dl£ tlj?oug:ij floiiif CraggtJ yet outwardly ^^e '?^oU)ers scc f5pC5tt)e tJjaUcjS arc large ano tijicke^ a maruciious ^^^ vt)o?!te It rci'e,vjcU(D Ojakc 8 ^ulitcrtjS baggt, rmcci uf 3if^et]jer80ent,tobuplDt^eIiftcag:aptte: 3!t ban great ttoje. of Chambers findp to^ougljt, Ct;at tpme alcne^ro great mcap (Mtl? b^ougbc« 3It (hctDrt tott^itTjbp uwbble toaneg ani toaiej?, 9 Deepe Dcuice,DiD flift ered tl;e fame: 2t ma!ieii our U)o?l0,tfl tbti*e on eluersi tiattiJ, . O^ecaufe t^e Ujo^kejbias fo^mue in fudj a frame* £)netotoero?U)all,ti)eot!Teranfb)ers{rigbt, j 9 s tbctigf) at ralijcarij ttnng (bouln plenfe t^e figfjft Cbe Kofkf to! ougbt rounD,VDbere euerp totuer oot^ toJ, ^et faj?tlj fiUl ftne^bp ijeao bp b«t ann ^anu* nwjja anufaffbarubpjtttmtesCIopBaHtuernMffr, houj t^'.t *' ^" ^^" • "^^ tpmcjtbat ftoeUcs anrj fp^eaos; tljc fccRi: - haihini-.a '^fjatUuito: fure,b«tbfufb afccret gift, kyndoffifh 3arjfufbrarefi(l),infearontiueDcti)pdpItJ, thatnoother 3[c!is(mot!firaimgc:!ctitienofknfrto!et3geiiobi ^ffurfjljtDcaufe,fearrbo"tt^ "*'«»« t[}^'uie: ; i water caa fl'.CWC SD? of Wales. m\)ttt a a iTifl), tijat fonie a mhitm f aUj t(U^ere neuer pet jUO J^ammon takai t»a 0, ^ec ^atlj s©u fto^e^of otijer jTif^cg an Sboiie rijat li9cDle,anu fo bencatlj tt)at flajti are 5^ammon0 catig:l)t,ami manp a jr iQ) full gcaD: O^ut mt!)efame,tl;ereu)ill no gammon bdc, ano nare tijat l^©le,pou QjaH no Cd^iting fee, 3! baue left om^n Ewer anu a Oale, a rIuct called SiiD Dot!) of rtjem,are fav?e anu toouljtenotcr Aion,in the Zn\)0 toil! tljcm fcekCjOjaU finDc tljeni Cin m Yale, ''^'Y o^^'*!* Cljcp bcare furij famejtbcy map not be foigot* 'E^e Kiuer runne^ja mple n'sbtunoer ground, Sim totjere it fpjinss.tbe ilTue uotij abouno; anu into Da,tlji)3 mater oott) oitrenn, g>o lofet^ namejanu tijereiu makess an enB, ©ootJ^ountJli!ictoife,tbij{aanepfeeme«tobtf, The valley of Sno manp a man,of toealtb ii OtoeUingtbere: Yale ©n g^ountapne top5tbc Uallep QjaU pou fee 911 ouer greene,lDitb groolp speouotoeti feare, ^W Clallep batljja noble neighbour neere, ^berein tbe ^otone,of Wrythcn Dot!) appeere: 2Ilbirij '^^olune ftanojs tocil,an5 toants( no pleafant ap^, 'C^e nob!e i^oplejano Counttep in fo fap^e« 3 C^urdj tbere i25,tn VVrythcn at tIjisJ tap, ^j^ ^^^j^ ^ . tabetein loio Gray,tbat oncctoag €arle of Kent, K^tiv»l^e. 31n Combe of ttonc,amiD tbe CbatmccU lap: !315ut nnceremou'Djast iMO?!o!p matteriStiicnt, anu in a li)aIl,fo!apD as! note Ijelpetf i laigljtbanrjof iDMflErc5fu!!pIapncbefo;iepmn:eptf: An Anckres An AnckrcsfcD,tbatneretbatluaI!otDDU)efl, inKingHcn- caul) trim to?ougl;t uio^ltejin luall 10 burpen toeH, '•'^ '""j^"""]' * jft J^cb l.CIC. The wortliines Bo'Oi to ftettale, of U)0?t^ie Dyffrin Cloyd, S^p mufc ntutt pairc,a ^ople moft rirrt) ano gap: ^\)i, Tlic plofant '^ijiU fa\ye tl)C niiiiejanu roue o: Ujcnt tljat tuap: vaico^ Ditrnn -^(jj^jctpc tbtccof/o utucfj fontciitfi the mvno, t^M- ^jjj jipjp tijctriiTjfQ Ujljolcfomc aiiD fo kpnti: 'Cbc brautic fucU,tljc bienotl) ann Icnprtb UkctotTf, SpakCiSJ glao tlje Ijart^auD plcafetl) cacl; mans; tm* <' .•- C()i3 Qale uotb rcarb/o farce in iclue of man, 3' V afiibefarreof5mapffetl)e«^ca5miiaon •.'»■• ^ g nD U)ba a to|nite,fo,i pleafure trauapic dvx r Cb?oug:I)o«t tfiis; daU^ano tbcitof take gootJ ^cciir, !^e (I)aU Dfligljtjto fee a ^ople fo fine, jfo? gcounD auo graire,apalfing plot tieuine* 5no if tljc crotij,tl)ereof a man map tcK, "Zini ZXsilc alone,ootij all tijc reS cjccelU TbcVite 33ttbelotoe,at:jonii?ous{bfaitfiefljotac{f, throughly dc- '^fjc i)iVxi aboue,iiotb grace it trebble folo: fcn^-^ jOncticrpfioejasifarreaiS^lanepgoeiJ, a boioer biggc,of E;)ille9! yt fljaU bcbolD: 'Cbcp krepc tlje Clalc^in fucb a quiet fo?t, 'Z^ljat bitDS auD beaftg,fo? fuccout tbetc refojt: pea flocks! of foiilc.ano bearos of beaftg fometpmf, D^aires tfjere fcomfto^me^toljen tcmpeCjJ arc in p?pme; -. ^biceH(ucr3run,amiDtbebottomci)en:e', ilrJlm vlir Iftrade,anD C\oyd,ChnweddQck(ldt)t\)C t^rDr ClKnopfeor(lrcamC2J5in^ommermo?mng Clare, A namraii Ce- ^\^^ ^\^^^ ^j^j, f ijirnie,a«j cljaunt of euerp bitD cct touched. <^,^jj ^^{izt.\) tf)cre,a fecono (l>taueii ig: J^o l)cni(}) fomi0,mo?elibean eartblp blij{: a CBaficK fiBCCtejtbattijiougb outearcii fljallcrccpey ^V f^f fwc arte^araj luU a man a Heepf* The ofWales: The Caftle of Cargoorley inDcnhtghjhierey CArgoorlcy comcg{,ngl)t note to palTc m? pfn," Cait^ ragmen t^aUc^jpcaallto rentatiD to^net 3S5 djoufftj it ljujjbiu ncuetknotune to men, £ii carcleOfc left, ag bj?etf!jcn tbtng fo?Io^ne: lifee bcgger barc,a«< nakeo ag mp naple, 3;tlpeg aIong;,tol)oreli)?arf5CtJOt6 noitcbeluajle* !85ut if flje knetoc,to toljom iCDotJj pertapnt, taijat topaItie^5anD !)ono?s not!) remapnc 2into tbat i^eatfjitfljoulD rcptipjcu bee, jTo^ furt^ec cauCejt^ew common people fee^ ^ut fottO?ie tfjinffsfjtfjat are full farre from Hgf^t, 3re out of mpnD5anD rieane forgot in fine; feo fucb u baue, tfjereto but little rig;bt, Ipofleire tlje famejbp leauell anu bp Imc, ©^ cl«( bp ^ap,o? fuiteas often failed: ^uttoljat of tt)«,Cargoorleys rotten toalleiS Can nctier b^in^jbus better?; in oifpute, "Kbat batb perr^auncejbin got bp ijap oj fute: •g)0 reft gcDtJ muftjano fpeake no fttrtber becre, ieaabptberetoop!2J/omel)iDtientl;ougbt3appeere* Eing^ giue anti taKe/o tpmetttll rouletb on, ^DcDt) ^ubiccts! ferue/o? fomeiubatmoieo? lelTe: 9nti toben toe fee, our fattcr^i oId are gon, ©f tpnie to come^toe baue a greater gcfle* jrirft b^to to gapne,bp pitefent tpme anu (late, ^bentobatmapfanjbpfutertpmeanooate: Cpmcpaftgrotof2(colD,anorotbctoo?lDlukctoannc Dot!) belpc tt felfejbp CafHc,boufe o? ftxvK^tx ^bat rcacb isf g©D,tbnt rule mp frenog 600 fcntJ, SCll/icl? UJeU beginjanu maKe^ a bettuoud eno* j2 3 Thomas S*I , Icfburlcof Llovcni. Robert Salct buricofB*- ehcnbid. Toulk Lioyi efHoulUn. Picis Holland •fKynmd. Piers Owen of Abergele. Edward The* kallof Bcrcn. William \V'yo efLlamuaiic His Price of Spitty. lobn l^liddlc. Kill. © The worthines (SDcnbigh nobJ^appeate tbp tume i^ tint, 31 imu no 5lore,no? fljace to fct tijee out; jfo)ifmppcn,tiDefono^eplapiieftto:t, anti palTc ncrtUiapjanu goE notbinn: about, fLbou fijalt be knoU)ne5as; toojtbie lucll tbou art,* Cbe nobleft ^oplejtbat i)S in anp part: 9nD fo? tbp ^cate,anii Caftle Doe com^tc, Cattb a«p one^of Wales toljat cce tljcp ate* 'ZW Cattle ftamj -Cbe ^eate Co rure,not fubicrtto a l^in, ^0? pet to 9^ue,no? fo?ce of Cannon blaffr tCIitbin tbat boure,map people tualke at Voill, 2u\) flaim fun rafe,ti(l Daiuigcr all be palt^ 3if Cannon ro^oejOi barlu ajaintt tbeiuall, jf ren025 tberc map fap,a ftggc fo? ennnicG all: jfiuc men toitijuTjUtap kape out numbers grcate, C3lH furious ro^t)tbat l^all appjoacb tbat j^eate. tClbs . of Wales. Znbfi ff antjsf on t^ocfee^ami loKeii rigljc Dotone alonr, g)^an tt)in!xe bcloU3e,a man ijS but a ri;ilD: 3! fougbt mp felfe,from top to fling a ftone . ti. mit\) full mapne fo;ice5ano pet 31 toa^ begupio* ^ P^^llJ ^y SfCucbabeigbt, tbemigbtieHockebf tban, pro«d. >• she fojtf e no? Qeig:fjt,no? ftout attempt of man, Cantnintl;cjro?t5ifboufebefumifl;ttb?o\», €^bc trotl) i]}l}ereof,l£t ido^o be Diitneire nob)» 3It t!^ great papncjfront fate of Kocfee to rtpmc ^0 Caftle tuaUjano it is greater tople On IXockc to goejpea anp ftep fometpme apjigl;tlp pet^luitbout a faille o} fople. ano as tbis ^eate,auo Caftle ftronglp ffanirsf, jpaft toimung furejtottb engin ftuo^o 0? banogit g)0 Icofeesi it o?e,tbe Coimtrep farre o? necre, ano (Ijinejs lihe 'Coactj,anu t anternt of tbe S>&eere» taberefo?c Dcnbigh,tbou bearff atoap tbe p^aife, ^luln^^vit Denbigh batb got,tbe garlano of our naies: . - bigh, Denbigh reapes famejano latooe a tboufano toateisf, Denbigh mp peHjbnto tbe Clotouejt OjaU raife, ^be Cattle tbere,coulD 31 in o?Der o^atoe, 3it {l)ouio rurmount^no^s) all tbat ere 31 faiue^ y OfValey Crucis ThUngothlan^and the Caftle Dynofebrane. T^€ great ucflrejto fee Denbigh at fun, Dto o?a\Mempmufe,fromotber matter true:- !But ag( tbat rigbt>mp mpno atoap oio pull ifrom foimer tbing«,31 Iboulo p^efent to pou* ^0 Ductie btofifja to^iter to be plapiie, ann tbittgjf left out,to can to mpno agapne: Thlangothlan tben,mu(l pet come once tu place, /oj DiueriS notejSjtljat giuejs tljiis bcok fomc grace. Tlic wortliines Tfcc ASbcyef 5[n 9bBfj>itere,t^S|^ountai>netotonttfjmte, Vai^ C:ua». l^o(t \S3^1U^ ytt ItanUjmiD (tecple tm likcioifej 15ut Mi\)o timt riocs^.ttf fee tljc crotlj of tijisf, jTo? tD[)C» ond^iUjljrijinii pouc backt pou fee, 9[not^cr fomejsfjttoo tpmesJ a3 ^pe asi liee: flntt m one place, tfjc Qpcuntavtrcgfiantjfii fo t^t^ 3!n tiounonefle fucf^^a^ it a Ccc^tt luere« ^^etc fjeigfjt ij{ ffrcafjanij full of ttarrotoe toaic^, 0nD fteye uotonc n'g^t,of fo?re j>e jnuft Defcenu: ^omei)oufc^are,bupltt^crcfcutcfIaeeiia(cjf, jfttlUjnueniearfjjtOc ntonttrousf ^onntapne enUt 3mio t^em afljauB c^oft asi man ttinp gelTe, KJfjen rapne Dotb fan,Boty ftano in fo?e DiflrctTej Sro) mic^tk Oreameji^runnes o?e bo^ Ijoufe antj t(jatt|r, tSlljen fo^ t^cir te!c(,pcD^e men on i|;)aiej» mud toitc^* CaWe Dy- ^^o«i' tlje famr^mtti pet on !E)in fun bpe, ooftbraea. 3 (J^aftle ttanDjs,an olD ano rupnougi tbinj: Cljat ^aufiljtieboufejtijajf Oitpic m toeati^ersJ fj»e, 9 p?etie ppIe,anD pleafure fo? a iKing* 9 jro^r^a jg)traig:tljja ffrong anD ffatrip ^otd at toajs at fira,tbou^j noil) it is full olu: Cu Hocfee alonc,faIl farre ftom otljec Spoune 3[t ffani«;3tDi;ic^ l^etuei3(,it uiasi of great account* Ageodif ^ctb)anetl;e CotMne,anU ^bbcp built it toajf, hndgcot ftonc "Cfje 'Cotune is; nat:c,tl)c goDOlp Hiucr Dee, here. -c^at bitof nieatb,a :^?iDge of ftonc ootlj paOe, Inilchdd c ^"^ ^^" °" Horf^e^tlje toatcc runner pou fee t":th tbc^yo?^ ^ iuoni>?ou« toapja thing full rare anu draunge, jcni Rmcr be- ^fj^t Hocfee cannot,tlje courfe of toatcr c^aunge: fore that fo}mtf)t Are ame,buge llonesi anB IRodisf reniapiie , Townc ^ijat IrariaaatD migljtjt^e floj^ of fojce conOrapne* ftom of Wales: jtrom rtjettcc to Cfjir^^are 9^o\xmapnci ajf a rolwr, fls tf)ougI) in ranh?,anu battaile ^ountapncgi i?»0; anu ouer tbcm^tfjc bitter toinnc Dotlj bloUie, 9nu U)!)ii'Ic3 liettDiytjtljeUallcj? ann t!jc U)odh» Cljirkc isi ap!ace,tfjatpartg anotljcr^^becrc, 9mj asi bp "^urcncfjjann Spount DotJj ^bcH appcf ret 3^t hepc t!jofe boimti^jfrcm fo?rapne fo^ce aim poluer, €:i)at men mig!jt flcepe^in furccie euerp (joiuer^ |^ereDcnbighniicre,tjepartj{fromto;iterfi{pe!T, "** ^ ' SnD Flintfliiere notu,come3 b^auelp mardjingiw,' .. ^' a luticfpoke mitl) Ca&lc^ fine,toit^p;iopec ^otonesi anii mciu •- of f imuiucic, Ciltbercaf in berrejittp ntatter inuft begin: -; :-^ jl5ot fa? to fflpiiejanupleafetbe tenner earejjj J-'fJ? '^' 3at to be plapne^adtoojilDji eve uiitnefle beared: '*v ''V. |^otbplKtc&?,a«f«bIc«arerctout .-.^ , ' -^ . ^«^^^^"*« 215utbpg(DOii^oofejOfuclDeiob?ptiaiiout» • • ..- . ^ -. ... - '. . "'■■'■ ' ' V/y {[>at ommer fnidef e,i)af| blotone o?e COintersJ Watt, ^i,^ ^j„ 3no laaie^ toajre barD,tI;at noto are fcft ano fouie: takes hac tdben calinie !§)kpe£{,faptb bitter (to?nieg are part, breath tiii a Sno CIo\jjoes luare riarejtljat noto ootij loui^e ami (lumle, ^"^^; ^^^^ 5pp mufe3! bopCjfljan be reuiu'De againe, ^bat nolB Ipes uearijO? rorf^t a ikepe luitb painc* ^o?Ubourlon(i:,batbtoearieoratbetoir, - -' '5Cbat flunioiisi beau^a luljilc in rett mutt Ct: ^\it lubeii tbe ^^pnng^comeei on \xiit\) netue nelife, ^ou n;an from tne^beare Ui^at m^ mufe oodj toJite^ !^ere enuett mp firtt bcoke of the worthines of Wales :li3btff> beino; toel ta!ien."iDtl encourageme to fet fc?t!) anoi^ertin ^aV^kf) too^ljjnot onip tbereft of tbc ^!)iere«(tbat note arc not iDjttten of)ff)aibc o?DcrIp put in pHnt,but lihciuife all p aunr tent ^irnti cf (Sentiemen tijcre in general n)albeplainlp oerrribeo ^ fet out, to tbc openi)etoc of tbe tuo?Iii5if (Boo permit me life anli ^caltb, Catoatug t^e 6ni(bing of Co great a labour* FINIS. Thomas Churchyards (CTUCS> tdur^Ur^ OF ARY University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. THE LIBRARY UNTVER^/rY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000 345 643 i