B 5Blf E L Ey^ -fiii^iiei, small 4to, ciotn, i«bi, lus ou ;w.-. LIBRARY I lif^^l^-"*^^'''®--'^-^' Visitation of Wiltshire, 162,. edited \Zr UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA , ,AA|Wiltshire.-The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623, edited b v r V o :^ aV a:. PLATE I Visitation OF Mtltshire 1623. EDITED BY GEORGE W. MARSHALL, LL.D. LONDON : GEORGE BELL & SONS. 1882. LOAN STACK PREFACE. The fiv^ western counties, Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, and Wiltshire, were visited by St. George and Lennard, as deputies to Camden, the two first in 1620, and the others in 1623. The original Visitations, signed for the most part by the gentry whose pedigrees were entered, are now part of the Harleian Collection of MSS. in the British Museum, Nos. 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, and 1141. The Visitations of Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset, have been edited for the Harleian Society; that of "Wiltshire (MS. 1165,) is here presented to the reader; Dorset (MS. 1166,) still requires an editor. These books form the most valuable part of the Heralds' Visitations in our National Library, being without question original documents, which, either from carelessness or dishonesty, have escaped from their proper custodians, the Officers of ^Vnns. They appear to be in the handwritings of St George and Lennard, with some few additions by Henry Parker, an arms-painter, in whose possession they at one time were ; the catalogue of the Harleian MSS. states that the Somersetshire Visitation was at one time in the hands of Richard Mundy. On the death of Mr. Lennard these MSS. came into the possession of Mr. Parker, and then passed by purchase to Mr. Robert Fisher, and subsequently to the Earl of Oxford's library.* Those who are curious as to their history may consult the able Preface to the Cornwall Visitation, edited for the Harleian Society by Col. Vivian and Dr. Drake, and the accounts of them given in the Catalogue of tlie Harleian MSS. The Arms of those whose pedigrees are recorded in this Visitation are not entered in the MS., except in the case of Seals of Corporate towns, and a fcAv appended to abstracts of ancient deeds. These have been reproduced from tlie ;MS. by photo-lithography, on two plates, each figure being numbered and a note referring to it inserted as a foot note to the text, so that it can easily be identified by the reader. Harleian MS. 1443, which is an amalgamation of the Wiltshire Visitations of 1565 and 1623, supplies tricks of the Arms belonging to many of the families whose pedigrees are entered here. The following memorandum is on a small piece of paper pasted upon tlie first folio of the MS. :— This book was borrowed by S*" Thomsis Hanmer, K' & Baronet, and produced by Him * Harleian. Society, Vol. ix, p. v. 151 ml Mm IV. PREFACE. at the Assizes held at Guilford for the County of Surrey about the 21 or 23 days of March, a.d. 1718, upon a Claim laid by one 2k>uch to part of his Estate, and being there Proved & Acknowledged to be the Original Book it was of Con- siderable Service to Sir Thomas ujwn that Occasion. I am not aware wliether any report of this trial exists, but the memorandum is vahiable as sliowing that this MS. was received as evidence by the Court Having said thus much it is only necessary to oflfer a few words of ex- planation as to method followed in editing the manuscript here given. My sole aim and object has been to reproduce it in type with as little variation as possible, so that my readers may to all practical intents and purposes consult these pages confidently feeling that they faithfully represent the original document, and are not, as in my opinion many printed Heralds' Visitations are, mere over-edited compilations in which the labours of the editor serve rather to mislead than to assist the intelligent student. I have literally followed the MS. with the following exceptions, which are in my opinion necessary to make the text clear, and to exonerate me from want of care in not dmwing attention to obvious errors of the writers. The pedigrees being chiefly in two hands, where any portion of a pedigree has been added in a hand different to that in which the major portion of it is written, I have printed such additions in italics. Where the MS. does not apparently express the sense intended by the writer, I have added the word sic in parentheses, and where in a few cases a word has been evidently left out by the writer I have supplied it in brackets. When a word or letter has been inserted by the writer by writing it over the line, I have printed the matter as he intended it to be read. The letter v being usually written in the old manner as n, is here printed v. The long J is printed I, as Tvie not Jvif. For the contraction p at the end of a word for s or cs, I have printed s ; and for f), ns, as for Georgia, Georgius. The common conti-action — has been usually given thus—' — . With these, perhaps trivial, explanations, I leave this book to the impartial reader, trusting that should he take the pains to compare it with the original MS., he will not condemn me for any oversights or clerical errors I may have fallen into in the attempt to produce in print this somewhat ill-written but very interesting manuscript. GEORGE W. MARSHALL. Wiiltsi\)ivt ^aktn ^o- 1623, BY HEN. ST. GEORGE, Richmond, AND SAMSON LENNARD, Blewmantell, Marshalls & Deputies to WM. CAMDEN, Clarentiux King of Armes. ^atnn. Defertur sed non probavit Arma. Roh't Ma ten of Chisenbeiy=f= in com. Wilts. John Maten of= North Tidworth, 1 Sonne. j=Marger} of ... A^ f=Thomas of Wm ter of La in com. ' da. ^all. m da. . Hay- ngford Wilts. n Leo] 2 so . 22. John Maton of Ted worth in Wilts, 2 Sonne North=i com. =Jane da. of ... Watts of London. 1 i Jolm 1 Will'm. Ma-=^ Sonne. ton of North Tidworth, 2 Sonne. 1 1 Leonard son t^ Fran. hey. mar. ton of Doroth. diu of North Geo. Duke of Tedwo Lake in com. filius 2 Wilts. Ma-=j rth. i=Dorothev da. of will'm Sadler of Roton in com. Wilts. ! 1 John Maton 2. Roh't 1 Sonne aitat. pet. 16. 21, 1623. 1 3.Wiirr ajt. 14. i.ird n rot. 1 Geoi ] so rotat. 24. lary X. hrift. ge= n =Marg* da. of James Plimti Will'm 1 son, tetat. 12, 1623. i 1 4. Mich. 1. Margery rot. 12. xt 19. 1 2. Lucy rot. 15. oane 4. 2. An rot. 18 3.1)orf rot. 16 LEOX'I tie ;j u )th. T 1 Marg* fil. rot. 2,1623. John 1. Anne 2 son, rot. 7. rot. 2. 2. Fran. 1 3. Mary 4. J rot. 9. rot. WILLIA' MATON B )E MATON rot. 5. 3. Jane rot. 4. FR. MATON. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. ©nliston. Defertur sed non probavit Arma, Richard Goldston=f=Marg* da. of of London. I ... Rawlins. Richard Goldston of Alderberie=f=Marg* da. of Rob'ti. (dc) Ry ves in com. Wilts, of Rannston in com. Dors. Christian mar. to Hen. Foell. Tho. Goldston=f='Toane da. of Geo. iilius et ha^r. let. 22. Irton de Burford in com. Wilts. James 2 son aet. 21. Rich. Goldston Iilius et hser. set. 2 men sis. 1. Jane eet. 2. 2. Elizab. set. 1. RIC. GOLDSTON. Babj. Probavit Arma. Thomas Davy of Harnam al's Harnha=j=Elinor da. & hey. of Burton in com. Wilts, Esq. I de com. Leic. John Davy of Harnam ars=|=Catlierine da. of S'' Alice mar. to Harnham in com. Wilts, Tho. Packington Will'm Blacker iilius et haer., Esq. de com. Buck. de Sarii Esq. Thomas Davy of Harnam=f=Mary da. of Pet. Leigh John 2 son !Marg* filius et hair, sup'stes 1623, ' ~" Esq. de Highleip;h in com. Chesh. da. of Joanes. T Catherine 1 filia set. 9, 1623. I I Mary 2 fil. ]\rargt 3 fil. setat. 7. ffit. 6. Richard Catherine fil. ethaer. iiliaset. 12. ret. 10. THOMAS DAVY. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. '^coktx. A patent graunted to Rob't Tooker of Exeter the first of March 1538, 29 H. 8, bj- Tho. Hawley Clarenceux. Kob't Tooker of tlie=j=Joane da. of Tlio. Palmer Cittie of Exeter. | de com. Devo. Will'm Tooker=y=Hoiior da. of Erisa fil. et liitn-es. dc com. Cornw. Rob't 1 son, ol). s.p. AVill'm Tooker of= Saru 2 sou. =Anne da. of Geo. Castles of Hosw(!ll in com. Surry. Rob't Tooker filius et li.Tv. sup'stes 1623 of Est Grini- sted in com. "Wilts. =Susan da. of Will'm l>arl()w of ... in co. Cliesh. Henry Tooker fil. et liacr. Honor filia .Tt. \', 1623. ret. 3, 1623. ROBERT TOOKER. fbistktlitoait^. From Thistlethwite of York.sh. of Thistlethwait who {lescendefl from the aiincient family of Bland in that County. 1. Robert. 2. Giles. Alex. Tliiseltlunvitc of Winterslow= in com. "Wilts. 3. John, ob. s.p. Alex. Tliiseltli'vvaite=i=Joane da. of Mooro of AViutcrslow 4 son tSc lu'irc. of Winterslow. Alex. ThiseItlnvaite=j=l)orotliey da. of S^'Edw. Penruddoek of "Winterslow filius et h?er. sup'stes 1623. of Compto Cluuuberlaine in com. ^^llts. B VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. A\ Anne 7 Francis Alex. Thistelthwaite fil. set. 7. 2 son son & heire setut. 13 £et. 5. 1623. Dorothey 8ot. 18. Mary set. 17. Joane ast. 15. 4. EHzab. 10. 5. Bridget set. 6. Francis aet. ALEXANDER THISTLETHWAYTE. fB^bfnrlr. Proveth his amies fro his auncesters out of Bedfordsh. Will'm Bedford who cam out=^... filia Penruddock of the county of Bed. de com, Wilts. George Bedford of Salisburie=f=... filia ... Eyre 2. Will'ms. filius et heres. de com. Wiltes. 3. Thomas. Dorothea nx. Rad'i Briscoe de com. Hartf. Anna uxor Phillippi Pyne de com. Dorset. George Bedford=T=Maria filia de Saru filius et heres. Will'i Hodgson de Comit. South. John Bedford 2 filius Captaine in the Avarrestemp. Keginae Elizab. . Maria sot. 21. 2. Jana set. 19. Will'ms Bedford= de Saru filius et heres. =Elinora filia Rog. Garrard de com. Berks. Johannes Bedford 2 filius de Lincolnes Imie setatis 26. Grace filia unica setatis 7 annoru 1623. George 3 filius set. 24 1623. Thomas 3 (sic) fil. setatis 17. JOHN BEDFORD. Of the same family as before. fljistlctljluantt. Giles Thistlcthwayte of Winterslow=j=. in com. Wilts. VISITATION OF WILTSHIEE. Alex. Thistlethvvayte=i=Mary da. of of Winterslow til. et Lisley of the hser. Isle of Wi"ht. Peragrin Tliistlethwayte=j=Mary da. & coli. of John of Winterslow fil. et hser. Knight of Barsteed in sup'stes 1623. com. Sussex. Peragrin son & hey. setat 17, 1623. Henry set. 10. Fran. a;t. 6. John set. 1. PEREGRINE THISTLETHWAYTE. Provetlx his Annes fro his Auncesters. (Batth. Earth. =T=. Earth. Roger Earth de Dinton in com. Wilts oh. s.p. 2. Joseph Earth ob. s.p. 3. Roger Earth de Dinton in com. Wilts sup'stes 1623 coelebs. I 1. Will'ms Earth Clericus= mortus rector EccKso de Minoll in com. Wilts. Joseph Earth fil. primogenitus setatis 26 annoru 1623. fnting^. A Patent Granted to John Young 1572 by Ro. Cooke, Clarenc. John Younge of Harnam=j=Johanna filia Edw. Clement in com, Wilts. de Tisherde in com. Wilts. Egidius Trapnell da. of Engfeild. Johannes Anna uxor Young fil. Edw. Nicholas 2 filius et primogenit. de Winterbome haer. fratris, ob. s.p. Earles in com. Wilts. Joh'es. Young=j=Maria filia Ricardus et coh. Egidij 3 filius Trapnell de ob. Chawfeild in com. Wilts. Margerie Alicia. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. Edw. Youjigefil. primogeuitus diixit Johanna liliii Liuvrentij Hyde de Hatch in com. Wilts. Johannes Younge= de Farnani in com. Wilts 3. fil. sup'stes 1623. =Eh'zab. filia Rob'ti Fmmpton de Moreton in com. Dorset. Franciscus 2. filius ob. s.p. Maria uxor Jo. Bridges de Highworth in com. Wilts. Anna ux. Crcrard Errington di^ Salferton in com. Wilts. ]VIaria nx. Jo. Duke de Lake in com. Wilts. Elizab. ux. Tho. Stok(!S juxta Chipnam. Johanna ux. Hen. Chack- ford de Purbeck in com. Dors. Johannes fil. et her. duxit filiu Jo. Wood ob. 1622. Edwardus Young 2 fil. ob. s.p. Joimnes set. 9. Edward eet. 7. Franciscus set. 6. Fardinand set. 5. Elizab. set. 8. Maria set. 3. JOHN YOUXGE. The Coiite of tliis family entrecl w'th the descent in the olde visitiitinn 1565. Marbitt. John Marvin (jf Pcrtwood.^ Christop John oil. 8.p. Tho. Marviu= of J'ertwood in com. Wilts. '^larg. da. of Job. Ed- wards of Westbevie in CO. Wilts. vl/' CU'o. 2d Sonne Elizab. da. of Kob't Keives of Kanson in com. Dor- set. =T= =]\Ielior da. of Rob't Goldesborough of Knovle in com. Wilts. Augustine 4=j=Presilla da. Sonne of of Fran. Knoll in Samboru com. Wilts of Maydon Newton in com. Dors. Will'm 3 Sonne, Augustine fil. " et [h teres] set. 4. i I ! i 1. Dorothevsot. 12. 2. :Mary a)t. 9. 3. Vertue 2. 4. Presilla 1. Andjros, 5 son mar. Elizab. diu of Job. Wil- lougldjv. Nicholas. John. Christop. Meiior, mar. to 2. Elizab. Job. Hayter of 3. iMarg*. little I^anyford. THOMAS ]\1ARVIX John 1 son=f=Anne da. of John sot. 28. Topp of Stockto. 2. IMathew set. 24. 3. Richard rot. 23. 4. Thomas set 11. Marg. fil. setat. 5 mens. GEORCJE MERVIN. AUGUSTIX MERVIX. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. Mote. Probavit Anna a comitatu Wigorn. Edmond More de com. Worcest.=f= came and lived in Wiltsh. ! I i I 1. Thomas. Xich. More of Bar\vick=j=i\rary da. of Will'm 2. John. St. John in com. Wilts 3 Sonne. Harsey of Martin in CO. Wilts. Rob't More of Barwick St.=j=Jane da, of Anderson of John lilius et hseres. tlie Isle of Wight. Kob't More son & 1. Mabell vet. 8. 3. ]\rary sot. 4. hey. ob. s.p. 2. Jane tot. 5. 4. Elinor 3. RO. MORE. MhiU. Henry White of Charlton=j=Dennis da. of in com. Wilts. I Rob't Stutley. iDros Ambros filius et haer. Henry 2 sonne set. a3tat 24. 1623. 22 annoru. 3Fanst0tt* Randall Mimhall of IIow^=f=Alic(i da. 4' ^'^'I/- of Hen. Wilhrahd grave in co. ... I ,^on Sf hey. of Hmnx). WilhraUa. John Fanston of Dounton=f=Mar2* da, ^ coh. of in com. Wilts. Minshall de com. Chesh. Edmond Fanston=|=Marg*^ da. of Raphe Wills of Dounton. of the Countie of Sow, ^1 M ! i II Raphe Sonne 2. Edmond. 1. Elizab. 3. Mary, and heir 8Dt. 3. Rob't. 2. Marg*. 4. Katherine. 17. VISITATION OP WILTSHIRE. IBajntnn, Of the familie of Bainton in Wilsh. by y" old viaitacon 1565. Henry Baynton 4 son to=f=... da. of .. Sr. Elw. vice chamber- Cavendish, lin to 3 (|ueenes. James=f=. 1 son. ; 2 filia natnr. Ferdinando= IJaynton 3 son de Saru. James filins natur. Jane da. of Joh.= Weare al's Browne of Cable in com. Wilts. =John Hinckley of Saru 1 marit. Edward 2 sonne ob. s.p. in hibernia. Richard. Brian. Henry. John. s.p. Twinns. ] nat. 14 y March ) 1597. Dorothey. Thomasin. 3. jane. 4. Mary. 1. lienry. Catherine Anne Elizab. Banfeild Elizab. 2. Ferdin. nata 21 nat. 23 olx filia ob. nat. 20 3. Henry. Jnli) Sei)t. , Xovemb. all ob. s.p. 1601. 1602. 1609. JANE BAYNTON. Testified vmder the hand of Rob't Cooke Clarenceux. quere. Srtan. Jo. Irton de Irton youngei-= brother of that family in com. Cumb'land. Alexander Irton= de Am))ort in com. South. =Alicia filia . . . Hallett de com. ] )evon vel Soms. George Irton de Birtford iuxta= •Sarum in com. Wilts, et de Aniport in com. South. =Elizab. filia Ric'i Bacon de Michelmarsh in com. South. Richard Irton fil. et hoor. eot. 23 annoru 1623. I Johanna ux. Tlio. Golston de Alderberie in com. AVilts. GEORGE IRTON. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. ^aoxt. Produced an auncient funerall scuchion of his ancestors. Phillipp Pooro rif=j=Dorotliea filia Cro]i de com. Amesbiirie in com. AVilts. Wilts. Phillip Poore of Durin<,'toii= in com. Wilts, supstes 1623. =Anna filia Antlioni Webb ats Richmond do ^lanningford in com. Wilts. Dorothea nx. Andrew James de Xewport in Insula vectis. Edward Poore= filius et heres de interiore Templo. =Margareta filia Al)raham Conham A cannon resident in Salisburie. Phillipp 2 filius duxit ^largaretam filia Will'i Turbervilc. Phillip Poore filius et heres set. 14 annoru, 1623. Abraham aet. 10. Edwartl £et. 5. 1. Hester aet. 7. Margaret aet. 3. 1. Philip a?t. 6. 2. George aet. 2. 1. Barbara aet. 9. 2. Margaret aet. 4. 3. Maria aet. 3. PHILIPPE POORE. The Coate proved by the old visitacon of Som'aet. Elizab. da. of= W'm Stuklev 2 ux. M^oxt. Tho. Moore of=i= Bagworth. =Tho. Moore of=f=Elizab. da. of Taunton in com. Som. Ar. Joh. Constable ux. 1. 10 VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. Fran. mar. to Edw. Jasp. Courtney, 2 to 4 son. Hump. Walrond. Francis Moore=T=Grace da. of Joh.St. 1. Rob't, Sethser.fratris. I I 5. Elizal). mar. 4. Catherine to Rich. Shel- mar. to Edw. don de com. Frie de com. Dors. Som. 3. Sara mar. to Rich. Crissmas of in CO. Dors. Aubyn of Allfoxton 2. Jetfery. in com. Som. ob. s.p. 1. Grace mar. 2. Mary mar. to John Clarke to Martin de com. Som. White de com. Dors. Tlio. Moore of Hates-=j=Racht'li da of S"" Joh. borough in com. Wilts Windha of (Orchard in Esq., sup'stes 1623. com. Som. Andrew 2 son, ob. s.p. Tlio. Moore son & hey. £et. 6, 1623. Jasper 2 son a^t. 6 (sic). 1. Rachell set. 8. 2. Joane aet. 4. 3. Grace a3t. 1, THO. MOORE. iOtltlj. A patent granted to Tho. South of Swallowcliffe by Gilbert De- thick Garter 1575 Tho, Soutli of SwaI-=f=Isod da. of Rogers loclilfe in com. Wilts Esq. of ]h'adford in com. Wilts. Tho. Scmth of Swalloclitf=T=^Iartlia da. of Rich. Goldstou in com. AVilts Esq. of Al[derbury]. Edw. South of Swal-=f=Catherino da. of AVill'm locliff son & hey. Esq. Walter of Wiinbleton in CO. Surry. Charles Tho. ( Joldston 2. Walter a^t. 6. 1 son ob. son & hey. aet. 3. Will'm ait. 3. s.p. 9. 1. Catherine. 3. Joyce. 2. ^rary. El) WAR]) SOUTH. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. 11 ^amluams. The Armes io the old visitaco of Dorset 1565. John Saiuwayos of Sliilve- cliainptoii in com. Dorset. John Samwayes of=j=Maw(ie da. of Darby Shilvehampton. of Dorchest. Hen. Samwayes of Shilvehainpto=f=Jane da. of Walt. Duckland of V' son and hey. siip'stes 1623 Stanliftch in com. Wilts. \ 2. Elizab. sot. 20. 3. P,arbaraaet. 19. 4. Dorothey a?t. 17, 5. Jane let. 16. 6. Yrsuia 14. 7. Constance 6. 8. Elinor tet. 1. John Samwayes hlius et luor. jBt. 13, 1623. 2. Henry aet. 10. 3. Walter set. 4. Anne mar. to Joh. Curr of Stubwood in com. Berks. HENEY SAMWAYES. Jaiacomt. Produced a Coate but wth'out authority and therefore respited for better prooffe. Will'm Faulkner of=f=J^rarcr* da. of S' Will'm Westberie in Soixtli. Esq, com. I W ill'ra Fawconer of Westberie. Vh4«11 of Wickham in }Mt^9JbJi com. South. .«— . ^ ■...i.i f.i*. . =Elinor da. of Tho. Welles of Brilbridge in com. South. Will'm Fawconer of Ashendon===p]^iza]x_da^_o^JplK CheneyLjof^ in com. Buck. Drayton B echanifi-£8ai__ Will'm Fawconei of Lav'stock com. Wilt§. ir-j=Jane da. of Hen. Ydall of Morecrichell in com. Dors. Anne mar. to Benedick Editlia ux. Winchcomb of Nok in Jo. AVebb. CO. Oxon. Esq. Raphe Fawconer=}=Marg' da. of W'm Baghurst in com. Ernley of Allcan- Soutk 2 Sonne. ings in com. Wilts. Will'm Fawconer= of Westbury hlius et haer. sup'stes. 'Catherine da. of Rob't Bowro of Sarii. Will'm son & hey. retat. 20. 2. Rob't set. 15. 4. Rich. aet. 8. Marg. ux. Hen. S' Catherine 3. Raph. aet. 12. 5. Hen. xt. 4. Lowe of Knighton 2 da. in com. Wilts. ajtat 17. p me WILLI'UM FAWCONER. 12 VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. ^ndL Testified by the olde Visitacon 1565. John Snell of Kiiigtoii=f=Kath. da. of John Warneford of Sevenhainpton in com. Wilts Es*!. in com. Wilts. Tho. Snell of Kington. =f= Anne da. of S"* Rob. Longe. Mary. S*^ Charles Snell of Kington in com. Wilts. Kt. Livinge 1623 aetat. 25. Penelopie. Barbara ux. Stoke de Glouc. Suzan. alhx. Produced a coate but respited for better prouffe. ...Walker. Rob't Walker of Xewland=y=Joane da. of ... in p'ochia de Norton iuxta Evett of Mickleto Kemsey in com. Worcest. in com. Glouc. John Walker, Abbott of Twexberic in com. Glouc. A" 1531, 23 H. 8, who lietli there intered und. a marble ston with his Coat of Armes, et ob. s.p. 1 John Walker of=j= Alice 2 da. of Jo. Rob't ! 1 1- George. 1 Walter Whittington in Brooke of Offer- 2 son Sam. 4 Sonne com. Worcest. ton in p'ochia de ob. s.p. Rich. hatli iss 1 Sonne. Wamedon in com. Worcest. ob. s.p. .loanc mar. to Tlio. Yarington of Shraley in com. Worcest. Mary mar. to Rob't. Marshall of ^larkley [Martley] in com Wore. Alice mar. to Tho. Somers of Kemsey in com. Wore. R(jb't Walker of=j=])orot]iey da. of William Walker of the==Grace 3 da. of AN'hittingtou ni com. Word son. Will. Newma of Churchstanway in CO. Glouc. Close of the Cannons of NewSaru in com. Wilts 2 son sup'stes 1G23. Rich. Choeke of Avington in com.l»erks,Es(i. John 1 son aet. 20. Robt. 2 son ret. 14. Alic(;. :Mary. VISITATION OF WILTSHIRE. 13 !lJaii0batt. The coate w"' divers quarterings of his auncesturs in the old visitacon of 1565. Sir Richard Vaughan of ]>roadwar(lin=j=Aiina soror et her. Arnoldi in com. Hereff. I Botteler de Dunraven. Walter Vaughan=f=Blanchia filia Rydhall de 2. Geoi-gius. 3. Jacobus. 4. Carohis. filius et heres. Rydhall in com. Heretf". Thomas Vaiif'han de Broadwardiu et=f=Catlieriiia filia Tho. Jones de Al)erniarles Pemhreg in com. Carmarthen ('xic.J ill (;oni. Carmarthen, militis. Dorothe filia Wm. Pole==\Valterus Vaughan de Falstonincom.=j=Anna filia et her de Shute in com. Devo Wiltes, fil, et heres, miles, diixit relicta Tho. Erie, ux. 3. Margaret filia Samuell Norton of Abbotts Ley in c(jm. Somerset, ux. 2. Ric. Hainiam servientis ad legem, ux. 1. I ! Georgius rot. 30. Fredeiicus .not. 27. Carolus filins et her. duxit=] )or()thea fil Rob'ti Bridget ux. Ivlw. Franciscam filia et coh. ^Mellerdecom. Dors. (ramesde Newton Rob'ti KnoUes, miles, s.p. militis. in com. Jh-egon. ®irl}b0rn^. Of the auncient family of Tichborne of Tichbonie in com. Soutli. John Tichborne. Tho. Tichl)ome-f=Elinor da. of Tho. Neale of Saru. ! de com. Wilts. .John Tichborne=j=Grace da, of Job. Fran. mar. to John of Sarfi. Modwin of Oxon. Scourfeild of Dorset. Grace filia 1 2. Anne £et. 9. 3. Elinor act. 3. 4. Amphilis aet. 1. fietat. 11. J) me JOHN TYCHnORXE 14 VISITATION' OF WILTSHIRE. ^a&Ur» Tlie Coate teatified under the Hand of Will'm Camden Claren. S"" John Lusliall als Lishell knight=f= juxta Castle Eton in com. Wilts. . . . iilia et haer. ux. Grenfeild milit. filia 2 et coll. ux. D'ni Windsor. filia 3 et coh. ob. s.p. Walt. Sneth= ats Parkev. =... filia et coll. Robert Sadler.. Tho. l'arker=p. 1 Sonne. Walt.=T=.. Parker. John Parker. 2 son. John Sadler 2=f=. Sonne, de Coston. Will'ms Sadler= primogenitus. Will'm Sadler= son & heire. Virgell=f=.. ]*arker. 1. Edward ol) 2. Johannes. =Christian da. of John Parker. John. Tho. Jane. Willm's.=f= 4. AVillm's. 5. Nicholas ob. Willm's. Joh'es. Thorn's. Willm's. Walt. Parker sup'stes 1623 nunc D'n's manerij do Lissoll. Elinora filia Jo.= Coriatt de Saru relicta Hugonis Powell vicomitis ]kecconia3 in Soiith Wallia ob. 30 Janxl 1622, s.p. =S'' Tho. Sadler of Saru Ivnt=pElinora 3 son, principall Regist. of the filia Tlio. tliocese of Saru under 6 Vauchan lUshopps their, Esq. of the de bodie to K. James, An*> 1 and ux, 1. Justice of the jieace