GIFT or M. G. Luck MANILA KOiri r-..- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation MANll^A KOTEl fn BENTLEY'S MILLION CYPHERS for the transmission of Numbered Sentences from Public or Private Codes In one word are to be found at tite end of titis Volume with full directions, shewing that they can be indiscriminately mixed with Cyphers from this Phrase Code, Tbls Code lacladea tbe Telegraph Cyphers entered according to Act of Congress In the year 1906, by B. L. BENTLEY, In tbe office of tbe Librarian of Congress at Washington, B.C. BENTLEY'8 COMPLETE PHRASE CODE (NEARLY 1000 MILLION COMBINATIONS) With at least 2 Letters difference between each Half-Code Word) COMPILED BY E. L. BENTLEY. MXNllA fiOTEL r^ Telegrams can be expressed verbatim with a minimum saving of 50 % Any two Code Words herein (having 5 letters in each) can be joined together, either before or after one another, and be telegraphed as ONE WORD of 10 letters: The user therefore compiles his own Phrases verbatim, if those in the Code are not applicable, with a minimum saving of 50 per cent. {See Specimen Messages herein). PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY ROSE PUBLISHING COMPANY ^NEW YORK NEW ADDRESS: TECHNICAL BOOK COMPANY S25 MARKET ST. - UNDERWOnn Ririi niN/i Upon receipt of a telegram divide the 10 letter Code Words iu half and translate each portion. y 1 Ln - ^ - The single (S Utter) Code Words can be used alone, and are designed to have a difference of at least two Utters between each. Great care has been exercised to eliminate all words telegraphically convertibU* /f^ If tbls Cede Is used for telegrams of an exoeptlonal oharaoter in plooc of other Cod«s ta regular a&e and there Is any rIsV of mistranel&tton) th« xnesatige sTtouId be prefaced with the balf cjpher " OOLOC." meaning " Bentley • Complete Phrase Coda." This, however, ooald be avoided by having a Special Address ladloator reserved for this Code. As most Codes have diotlonary words as oyphers. it will generally be found that this Code (containing artltlclaJ Code Words) can be indiscriminately mixed with other Codes, and thus prove an invaluable auxiliary. Many merchants use Whitelaw's Telc^graph Cyphers for their Figure Codes, and for this reason the oyphbrs in " Bentley's Complete Phrase Code" have been designed to give a two-letter difference, as compared with Whltelaw'6 collection of 600 million artificial cyphers, thus giving this work a special value, as it supplies a complete General Code without Interfering with the figure Code messages. Tht Author (with tn experienced staff J undertUee the gratultout examination of Coding Systems, with a view to their Improfement ani adaptation to the additional facilities granted at the International Convention of 1903. Bentley's Complete Phrase. Code .. ,. „ „ Mining Edition „ Numbered Telegraph Cyphers 900 millions Edition 300 •) n n 200 400 i> If n It •> i> H >i i> lUjJ II ,1 „ ., One million Edition •» ft II • •! SUPPLEMENTARY DISTINQUISHABLB CYPHERS— Two-vowel Prefixes, in addition to Prices of 1 to 900 million Series quoted above Two-vowel Suffixes, in addition to Prices of 1 to 900 million Series quoted above Five-Letter English Words in addition to Prices of 1 to 900 million Series quoted above For full particulars see pacre 4a. price £4 • 4/. per C •( 4 : 41- M If 4 ■■ 4/- II •» 4 :10/- II II 3 :10/- II II 2 :10/. II *t 1 :10/. Ir If :10/6 it ,. :10/6 $t •t : 5/6 II Bentley's Ttrminatitmal Order of Cyphers for detecting errors in transmissim. is added to each of the above {tee Prefaea). Bentley's Complete Phrase Code; and 900 millions of Cyphers I ^ with Terminalional Order of Cyphers in one volume j ^ '^^' Scott's Code; The Shipowners' Telegraphic Code, Tenth (1906) | ^^ ,2^ 6d por Co Edition, by the same Author Clolh f ■ r opy. Half-Calf £3 3s. Od. SECRET CYPHER CARDS, rendering the Messages from the Phrase Code indecipherable, except by the Holders of the Card, can be purchased at 3s. 6d. each. THE COST OP THESE COOES IS SAVED IN A FEW MESSAGES ^9^ PREFACE TO REPRINT OF FIRST EDITION "f^ The rapid absorption of the first issue of 2,000 copies by eminent firms throughout the world has occasioned an early and larger reprint of this Code (without alteration) from the original type. The Preface, therefore, to that issue follows this Preface, as it equally applies. It is gratifying to the Proprietor that the Code has proved itself so invaluable and complete that it has not been necessary to bring out any second Edition, although in future years a few words or phrases could advantageously be added. Holders object to new Editions on account of the confusion which arises and the expense entailed. With these objections the writer of this Code entirely concurs. MILLION CYPHERS. — Shortly after Ihe Code was published some firms desired to incorporate sentences from their own or other Codes where these were represented by numbers. To meet this demand One Million Cyphers, numbered (to make any combination) from to 999999 were compiled, the code words being composed of two sections of four letters each. These two sections when united convey the above numbers in eight letters, and thus form an immediate distinction from the five or ten letter cyphers used In this book. This small addition was issued to aU holders of the Code and bound up at the end of all copies subsequently issued. This facility has been largely availed of. (See page V.) MINING EDITION. — As many of the leading Mining Companies wished to avail of the unlimited scope of this Code, the Author prepared a " Mining Edition," utilizing the Supplement for a wide range of Mining Expressions compiled by experts. The sale has been most gratifying. FIGURE CODES. — As the cyphers in this book have a difference of at least two letters between each half word and have been found so reliable in transmission. Merchants and others have found the necessity of having the same words applied to figures, so that a haJf (five letters) word could divert the translator of a message to a Figure Code system after using words from the Phrase Code. The proprietor has, therefore, published — 900 Million Edition numbered from 00000 to 29999 in each half word, making a maximum combination of .. . ... ... ... ... 299^929999 400 Million Edition, using the consonant cyphers only, numbered from 00000 to 19999, making a maximum combination of 1999919999 100 Million Edition, using the vowel cyphers only, numbered from 0000 to 9999, making a maximum combination of 99999999 DISTINGUISHABLE CYPHERS.— Other cUents desired to use the above 400 Million Edition prefixed by a distinguishable cypher, the cjrpher itself conveying information. With this object the compiler has issued " 600 Distinguishable Prefixes," all commencing with two vowels and ending in an "i" or " u," numbered respectively from 000 to 599. These cyphers are distinguishable by reason of their commencing with two vowels and ending in " i " or " u," whereas the cyphers in the Phrase Code neither begin nor end with those features. They point at once to a Figure Code system, being used, and as the terminals "i" or "u" precede a consonant they make excellent words and give a maximum combination of 59919999. These words can be indiscriminately mixed with phrasaa from the Phrase Code and enable a Merchant to express any of 5 sentences, any of 99 C[uantities, any of 199 articles, and any of 99 prices in one word. Other firms who frequently use Figure Codes employ the maximum combinations of the 900 Million Cyphers, addressing the telegram under a Special Address Indicator, thus showing that the message is being read from the Figure Codes and not from the Complete Phrase Code. HINTS TO USERS. — The following hints having been widely appreciated, it has been decided to embody them in this Preface with the object of obtaining the best results by avoiding needless expenditure : — JOINING MESSAGES IN MIDDLE OF WORD. — n a Telegram contains two messages on different subjects, one of these can end in the first half of a cypher, and the second message can commence with the last half of the same word. It would not be necessary to send a separate half-cypher to terminate the first subject, but the code words are, nevertheless, designed so that, if needful, they can be used as five-letter words by themselves in a single-word message. Example of commencing a different subject in centre of Code word— Referring to your telegram of yesterday we do not approve Ugfik \„rff;v,,~f„« Referring to your telegram of 23rd Ugtuc j"^^^^^*^'**' Await instructions before taking further action aatur lod+iTrno'A-offb Referring to your telegram of to-day we approve ugewb / '■"^^ It will be observed that three subjects (including dates) are conveyed in two words. NUMERALS. — Under " Numerals " will be found an excellent Table rising from l/64th to 5,000,000, each number or fraction being represented by a half-cypher. Any figures rising by units up to 1,000 can be expressed by a haK cypher ; subsequent amounts will be found to rise by easy gradations. Examples — 203,791, viz. : 203 , liutj Wymafan 791 maian /"""J'*"****" 28,861. viz.: 28,000 ... ... ... ... •• ^ocab J^O^j^^^logj^ such items as 3Aths or lOOi^rth can be given thus:— 8^, ^- -Kt llecvalanup ,»jths ••• •••- ••• lanup J *^ STERLING AMOUNTS.— The Sterling Table is probably more complete than in any other Code and rises from l/32nd of a penny to £10,000,000. lliis enables such amounts to be expressed as — iB104:ll/4i, viz.; £104. ,., ,. tiatl Uj^^lspa^g^ ll/4id spagd /"'*'' ^^ The Numerals and Sterling Tables usefully united thus:— PromNumerals, 871 =^ '^^'^^^f Warofeowyl „ Sterling, 10/ld. ... •■• SOWy] j showing that the 871 expresses the pounds because it is coupled to 10s. Id. The object of uniting the two sections is because the Numerals Table rises by easier gradations than the Sterling Table. ii: FOREIGN CURRENCIES.— The CJurrencies of all countries can be stated by coupling a Numeral on to the word representing the currency -fhua : — 871 roubles {^^J^^l^^;;: 791 roubles and 25 kopecks (^oubieg'and 25 kopecks riO,500 r79i $10,500 71 cents. {^J^^^^^^ Measurements can be given thus : — poS jlotyapolec Sflff jmafanpolfo byS Htanbyet. 850 lopwo 51 lewer 19^ lepmo 4 leezt j-viz. :- lopwolewer "lepmoleezt and yet be expressed in two words because each of the groups of figures is represented by half a cypher. AUXILIARY VERBS AND PRONOUNS.— To simplify the arrangement of the phrases composed of auxiliary verbs and pronouns (which really have no subject word in them) they are placed under the first word of such sentences. For example: — Under "If" will be found "If you have," " If you will," &c. Under " We " will be found " We have," " We will not," &c. Under " Have " will be found "Have not," "Have not had," »-mir.T.Htj» Others quoting ordta [oryilordta lJ/3 . 81^ 8ua*kojfir No primage ojliv ) • Messages to be Coded. Five-letter Code Words. Ccmbinations ready for transmission as one word. With authority in hand could fix gemuf X^flmvifReewB Your steamer seews /BO"^>'*«>'^"'o Send a surveyor to examine report What will damage amount to 1 ^°^}udbyt dylev ^udbytdylev S.S. " Victoria "* will not call at Madras* Agreement with Regular lines must be adhered to Conference lines threaten retaliation zenfa blemt zaliz ahtud jizke kluif afefs dasal umavz pilub |zenfablemt |zalizahtud jjizkeklujf jafefsdasal jumavzpilub * Supposed to be in Supplement. Portion of a Shipbuilding Enquiry. Quote immediately Cargo steamer 7,600 ( — ) tons deadweight on draught of : (-) feet Length, breadth and depth 876 51 28 i Engines 26 41 63 45 Stroke Speed on trial of ( — ) knots per hour 10 Poop bridge and forecastle Bridge ( — ) feet 122 Refrigerating chambers 50,000 Carcases Messages to be Coded. Referring to your telegram of 20th avoid legal proceedings Settle on best terms Five-letter Code Words. ugtob attof Combinations read; for trans- mission as OM word. jvigtobattof itSSI }japnarebug must arrive here 21st December Send Power of Attorney in favor of pOTiem lomemjutor General Manager jutor jve"°"M"«"* tKg^ japgymebweg jakkweaptda jlemyosby Amend Articles of Association, Clause No. XI. Should read thus three Directors retire annually akkwe aptda lemij osbij lecva elim ilecvaelim ^^^ }pimwaa;jiz Can anything be done to expedite fotye X^n^^cae^rrxm final decision ecgyp ^^^V^^^^e sS^ loplugscudz minlo \ ^ebeks |°iinloebek8 ifwa ilerenyawva lew [loupylewer &g jleryrlaong t^ }fawkalerme ifabz jletroliabz iuw'oc }levirtuwoo felyl^ jsakeblelyl bSi? joftnutbecle S)v^^}°^°l^ybovep First Mortgage Debentures £750,000 ecgyp s^a y^-^-^oz^ Portions of General Telegrams. Is under consideration, will 'eply^ j shortly / " AWait instructions before t^^^Dgljw^f,,- further action yaamr denopadtur Have you covered our commission cunbe Uunheadahz In accordance with telegram adanz ^»"*'*"'-»''^*"'**" Assay shews (-)dwts. per ton a^ad jajjadlepja Ascertain and telegraph us promptly araid \o_Q^,^r^v,rt^/^ who is responsible phojd /arajapnoja 376 lOUDV U : (-) dollars and 65 cents ep^ jloupyepwy] £61 2/9i Exchange ( — ) and f| 2/0 Sath }tevhasmath Ifobfesizza fobfe sizza Specimens of Verbatim Coding. First portion of King's Speech at opening of British Parliament, 1906. My Lords and Gentlemen The lamented death of the \^ jkokivjuamg ^8 }alavkgukys ukmyh ukmyh * lamented ebhos \ebhosmyrir myrir j Messages to be Coded, King of Denmark to whom I was united by the •losest ties of family and affection has caused me much sorrow and I feel convinced that the sympathy of the Country will be extended to Queen Alexandra who in consequence of her severe bereavement is prevented from accompanying me Five-letter Combinations Code ready for trans- Words, mission as one word. ^o°k }ivvlomyojk ^^g }ef^apumvyg vipto }liyadsvapto c£Sd }bisulchosd ^^k }^i°2himnyojk ^^ }fycipalavk * aflfection ^P° }bunpokagic klemf klemf * sorrow h^ }alavkhumyr g^^ jfyvokdojre udn^ juklygudnug ^ta }myrirduhta 5J^ }wicypftigro opads opads * Alexandra dehge jwerasdehge ree^ jhoamgreers * bereavement ^^g }irfelohuhg ^c }acwrekagic * These words being uncommercial are not in the Code. Newspaper Paragraph (Verbatim). A mntual understanding has been arrived at between the Norwegian and French Governments on the subject of tonnage measurement. According to thic ababd kojyx uzwuj helta apjaj ay^v iikmyh kuvka alavk goowy gyjwa nesho tybke myojk usbem kajgo adaph ulwag jababdkqjyx juzwujhelta japjajayzuv jukmyhkuvka jalavkgoowy jgyjwanesho jtybkemyojk jusbemkajgo jadaphulwag Messages to be Coded. agreement should important difference arise between the measurement certificates of the two countries the authorities of either country have the right to settle difference in favour of the amount of dues to be levied Five-letter Code Words. ahosb roowl idety ekzib anowg ayzuv ukmyh kajgo bynra tixyrir uvyat duhoy ukmyh atipy myojk ezguc dunta beyie OTe sty pie: razyo ekzib fyicy ukmyh akvir etyve umpux jigyv Combinations ready for trans- mission as one word. jahosbroowl jidetyekzib janowgayzuv jukmyhkajgo jbynramyrir luvyatduhoy jiikmyhatipy [myojkezguc jduhtaheyje jplefyrazyo ekzibfyicy jukmyhakvir jetyveimipux jigyv Verbatim Reports of Companies. General Land and Property Trust final dividend at the rate ot 7 per cent. per annum in respect of the fifteen months ending 31st December. Marine and General Investment Trust. The Directors recommend a dividend at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum izdic alavk olbih utyaz. gauht epbym orpuf occja alkib idvud phalc myrir leolj kinra fanid ebjrpe jyhbe alavk $rujyr ipvag utyaz eyif ovcet ababd epbym orpuf occja alMb jgrm'yrizdic jalavkolbih jutyazgaviht jepbymorpul joccjaalkib jidvudphalc jmyrirleolj jkinrafanld ebype jjyhbealavk jgujyripvag jutyazeljif jovcetababd |epb3Tnorpuf joccjaalkib Mature to b« Ckxled. on the Deferred Stock this will absorb iB9,900 £76 and the Trustees recommend that the balance of £13.000 294 be carried forward to the credit of the Deferred Stock holders. In addition to the receipts from interest and dividends credited to revenue account the trustees have realised a further sum of £26,000 839 iS balance of profits and lossesN on securities sold etc., and they have carried that Mnount to the credit of the reserve fund On the other Five-letter Code Words. ueaho edjok tuebd viLze^ abohn tokhe tewpy albap utyge ovduz ukmyh av^yn tolria lohmo bucza gitip umuks dupac ukmyh edjok tuebd hooby afanb nkmyb osroD gowta, unfga alavk epbym duroj pisoa adbas ukmyh utyge heayj osfel ababd gucfa ubjok myojk tonno mamoz apufk avgyn ok;]it alavk jubuz neozn pymna Oombinationi ready for traiu- miiisloD as one word. 10 alavk vilgos bucyg ukkib aktor umuks dupac ukinyh petaz nesho nomha neshoedjok tuebdulzek abohntokhe tewpyalbap utygeovduz ukmyhavgyn tolhalohme buczagitip umuksdupac ukmyhedjok tuebdhooby afanbukmyh osrobgowta imfgaalavk epbymduroj pisohadbas ukmyhutyge hesyj osfel ababdguc&i ubjokmyojk tomiomamoz apufkavgyn okjitalavk jubuzneoin pymnarybyp fikloalavk ulgosbucyg ukkibaktor umiiksdupac ukmybpetaz neshouomha UMMf* to be OocUa. hand they have debited that fund with toe sum of £5,400 £6 in respect of certain amountn written down upon some of the securities held by the trust. Out of the amount provided under Article 83 for management expenses the trustees have again carried the sum of £1,500 to the credit of the trusts reserve fund. The result of the foregoing provisions is that the trusts reserve fund now stands at £80,000 818 Fire-letter Codi Word*. hazef ulgos OomblnaUons^ read; !or tians- mission as one word. jhazefolgos I ubjokmyojk UofabtaftK) jidvudphalc SSjgd jebrodukkib SSf }Kubadwitid ubjok myojk tofeb tafpo idvud phalc ?^i^ jmyojkbymre fe jaktorwrikt ?S% jerfgaveeod iSSTyh jrylanukmyh ESSr }pyn=tnahiyne S^^ jukmyhutyaa SSyh jnosnaukmyh omjde }aktoronyde ^Jf jlibyggifob Sw|y jj^tepfowgy ukmyh utyge hesyj ahawb bucyg ukmyh ubjok myojk tivsy umuks dupac ukmyh utyaz petaz ukmyhutyge heeyj ahawb bucygukmyh ubjokmyQJk tivsyumuka dupacukmyh .utyazpetaz ^^y^ Jukmyhplcay ^yh jukmyhgUef g^e jomwrehjyt S^ jukmyhutyw KS jpetazlahzo saulg arzdo jsaulgarzdo SSS jtotwyn^ra BENTLEY'S TELEGRAPH CYPHERS. Trtle of Edition. Qiving Ranges. No. of Letters In Each Word. Price per Copy. Speclal Feature. Remarks. 1 HiLUOM 000000 999999 8 10/6 Can be used with Bentley's Complete Phrase Code. Enables users of Bentley's Complete Phrase Code of 990 Million Phrase Combinations to indiscriminately mix therewith any Numbered Sentences from A.B.C., Western Union, Lieber, or private codes, and at once identify them. 100 MILLION 00000000 99999999 10 £1 10/- Commence with Vowels in 1st and 2nd ^ of each word. Any 2 of 9999 Numbered Sentences or Numerals can be joined together in 1 word. 200 MILLION 000000000 199999999 or 999919999 10 £S 10/. Commence with Conso- nants in 1st i of word and Vowels in 2nd i, or vice versa. Specially useful as additional Cyphers for Merchants whose Figure Codes require a series of " 9 "s. Each of Bentley's 400,000,000 Cyphers 800 MILLION 000000000 299999999 or 999929999 10 Si 10/- Commence with Vowels in 2nd J of word, or vice versa. differs (in the complete word) by at least 2 letters from Whitelaw's Col- lection and is identifiable. 400 MILLION 0000000000 1999919999 10 *2 10/- Each ^ word commences with a Consonant. Any 2 of 20,000 Figures or Sentences can be sent in 1 word. 900 MILLION 0000000000 2999929999 10 £i 4/- In alphabetical order throughout. Any 2 of 80,000 Sentences in Moreing and Neal's Mining Code or any 2 groups of 80,000 Figures or Senten- ces can be sent in 1 word. SUPPLEMENTARY DISTINGUISHABLE CYPHERS PRICES: TWO-VOWEL PREFIXES, (In addition to Prioes of 1 to 900 MILLION SERIES quoted above) • TWO-VOWEL SUFFIXES, , [ FIVE-LETTER ENGLISH WORDS , „ „ „ „ „ ■ 1016 11- 516 Title of Series, Character of Cyphers. Number. Special Use. RANGES IF JOINED TO Million Series. TOO Million Series. 400 Million Series. 900 Million Series. English Cypliers English Cyphers 5 letter English uncommercial words 800 To identify succeeding figures to be mixed with Bentley's Phrase Code (without special indicator.) 299999 (Special Suffixes.) 2999999 29919999 29929999 2 Vowel Prefixes 6 letters, each oom- menoing with 2 vowels & ending with "i" or "n" 600 Ditto. 69919999 2 Vowel Suffixes 4 letters ending in 2 Vowek 100 Ditto. 99999 999999 1999999 2999999 29999 These Supplementary Distinguishable Cyphers are of great importance to users of Bentley's Complete Phrase Code because that Code expresses almost any telegram verbatim (with a minimimi saving of 50 per cent.), and the Distinguishable Cyphers enable Figure Codes to be mixed (without Special Indicator) in the same telegram. The presence of such Figure Codes is detected before translation. If 99 of the " 2 " Cyphers at the end of Bentley's Complete Phrase Code are appropriated to figures 00 to 99 they can form til* first two figures of groups for Figure Codes or Tables, and thus give a range of 9929999 or 9919999 or 999999 according to the series to which they are attached, but under " Figure Codes " and " Tables " in the Phrase Code additional facilities are given. The first ^-Cypher taken from that book refers to the Figure Code or Table, and the Second ^-Cypher can give a range of 29999 variation* for each Code. In the same way a message could start with say " 999 " taken from " Numerah," and could be added to " 9999 " taken from the " 100 Million Cyphers," thus giving a range of 9999999. BENTLEY'S COMPLETE PHRASE CODE V Ababd MANILA KOTEI Aca^d ababd abacf abahk abail abaln abamp abavy abawz abbad abbef abbig abbon abbrg abbvo abbwe abbyk abcaf abceg abcih abcoj abcuk abcyl aibakg abdefi abdij abdok abdym abejm abelp abeps aberv abety abevz abewb abezd abfah abfik abfol abfum abfyn abgai abgek abgil abgom abgun abhak abhel ablmn abhon abhup abich abifk abijn abipt abitz abixd abjal abjem abjin abjop abjyr abkam abken abkha abkip A.M. (see also " Time ") Abaft Abandon(s) Abandon it (her) Abandoned by Abandoning Abandonment Notice of abandonment Abated Abatenient(s) (in) Make an abatement Made an abatement Abatement(s) of Abating {in) Abeyance Remain in abeyance Abide (by) Abiding (by) Ability (to, of) Able (to) {see also " Can ") Able to do so Be able to Expect to be able (to) Hope to be able (to) Not able to „ be(en) able (to) To be Will you be able to „ be able to „ not be able to When will you be able to Abnormal (ly) Aboard Abolish(es) Abolished Abolishing Abolition (of) About Are about (to) At about „ or about How about In „ What about Above {see also " Over ") Not above Abridge(d) Abroad Abrupt Abruptly Abscond Absconded Absconding Absence (of) In the absence of Leave of absence Require (s) leave of absence Absent „ till Absented Absenting Absolute Absolutely abkys ablan ablep ablyt abogm abofin abojp abont abory abosz abowd abple abrat abrev abroy abniz absav absix absno absoz abspe absub abtiz abtob abtra abtuc abuck abugn abuls abmnt aburz abusb abuvd abvay abvez abvib abvoc abvre abvuc abwaz abweb abwic abwod abwro abwuf abwyg abyab abyec abyid abyof abyso abjrte abyug abyva abzac abzed abzif abzog abzto abzuh abzve abzwa abzyj acaby acaga Absolutely — continued. Absolutely necessarj' Is it absolutely If absolutely Not „ Absolve(d) Absorb (s) Absorbed (by) Absorbing Absorption (of) Abstain(s) (from) Abstained (from) Abstaining (from) Abstention (from) Abstract(s) (of) Send abstract Abstracted (from) Abstracting (from) Absurd Absurdly Abundance (of) Abundant Abundantly Abuse(s) Abused Abusing Accede(s) (to) {see also " Agkee ") Acceded (to) {see also "Agreed") Acceding (to) {see also " Agreeing ") Accelerate(s) Accelerated Accelerating Acceleration Accentuate(s) Accentuated Accentuating Accept(s) They (he) accept(s) We (I) accept Will accept Cannot (will not) accept „ less than Will you accept „ they (he) accept If they accept .. you „ Do not „ May we (I) accept Shall „ „ In case of need accept „ „ may we (I) accept What would they (he) accept „ „ you accept „ may we (I) accept Accept if cannot do better » it „ „ subject to „ less „ our (my) „ their (his) » your Not accept v To „ Acceptable (to) Acceptance(s) {see also " Bill " & "Diun") Bill for acceptance Aaali Acj^a Accept ance(s) — continued. aca\j Discount acceptance ackyn acamk Discounted „ aclai aclek acarp Dishonoured acceptance acavs Negotiate „ aclil acawt Negotiated „ aclom acbay Note acceptance aclun acbez Noted acceptance aclyp acbib Note and protest acceptance acmak acboc Noted and protested acceptance acmel acbud Protest acceptance acmim accaz Protested acceptance acmon acceb Renew „ acmup accic Renewed „ acogh acobj accod Retire acceptance accuf Retired acceptance acoik aco m accvo Retiring acceptance accwe Take their (his) acceptance aconp accyg acdab Draft for acceptance acors Has acceptance been honoured acowy acdec May we take their (his) acceptance acozb acdid Subject to prompt acceptance acpam acdof Have honoured acceptance acpen acdug acdyn Our (my) acceptance(8^ acpip Their (his) „ acpla acebz Your acceptance(s) acpur acefd Acceptance(s) at 80 d/d acpys acelk 1) » 60 „ acrir acets II 1 1 90 „ acros acevt If il20 „ acrut acezy II , 1 month's date acryv acfac II , 2 months' „ acser acfed II 1 ^J II II acsis acfif II 1 * i» II acsmo acfog acfua II 1 6 „ II acsne II , 8d/8 acsot acfyj 11 1 80 „ acspa acgad II 1 60 „ acsuv acgef II 1 90 „ actar acgig acgon ,j II 120 „ actit II „ 1 month's sight actno acgin acgyk adnaf II „ 2 months' „ actov II II 8 i» II actpe II II * II II actyx acubd achbo II II 6 » »i achce for acucf achda of acuhk acheg achih on „ „ London acuql aculn achoi achuk „ payable acump Accepted acurt achyl Has it been accepted acuvy acixy „ been accepted acvas acjag acjeh Have (has) accepted acvet „ „ not accepted acviv ac^ij „ you accepted acvra acq ok 1, they „ acvux acqul „ (has) been accepted acwat acijmi acKah „ „ not been accepted acwev Accepted by acwre ackdo 1, it acyav ackfe „ our (my) acyix ackga ackik „ subject to acyoz „ the acyro ackol „ their (his) acyse ackum II your acj^ Accepting Are accepting „ not accepting •I you „ Recommend(s) accepting Accepting it (them) Acceptor(s) Access (to) Accessible Accessories(y) Accident(s) Cause of accident Has met with accident What was cause of accident Will the accident Accident will II II not How long will accident del»y (her) Is the accident serious Serious accident Slight Accident caused by II is II II not on II to „ „ ship (steamer) Accidental Accidentally Acconimodate(s) Accommodated Accommodating Accommodation 1st class accommodation 2nd „ „ 8rd „ „ 1st & 2nd class accommodation Cargo accommodation Vacant cargo „ „ passenger accommodation Has accommodation I, she „ No Require „ Reserve „ Reserved „ Steerage „ Vacant „ What vacant accommodation has she No accommodation available Accommodation available „ for cargo „ „ passengers Ist class »l II »» Accompanied (by) Accompajiy(ies) Accompanying Accomplish Accomplished Accomplishing Acoord(s) with In accord „ (mi) Aocofdance (with) 2nd Srd Acyub Adsnre acyTib aczdz aczob aczuc adald adamf adan^ adapE adark adawp adbas adbet adbiv adbux adcat adcev adcoy adcuz addav addiz addoz addub addvo addwe adebt adefy adegz adekd adelf ademg aderl adfiz adfob adfiio adgay adgez adgib adgoc adgud adnaz adbeb adhic adhod adhuf adhyg adipk adirm adizt adjab adqec adqid adjof adqug adlyh adkac adked adkif adkog adkuh adkjn adlad Is it in accordance with adlef Acknowledgment (of) Is in „, adliff adlon Acquaint {see aUo "Infokm") Is not in „ „ Acquaintance (with) In accordance with our (my) adli:n adlyk Acquainted (with) „ „ „ letter Acquainting {see cdsa " Informing ") „ „ „ telegram admaf AcquieBce(s) in „ „ „ their (his) admeg Acquiesced (in) » » „ your admih Acquiescence Accorded admoj admii c Acquiescing (in) According (to) («e also " Accordance ") Acquire (s) Acquirea Is not according to admyl Accordingly adnag by Account (s) adneh Acquirement (of) Balance of account adn\j Acquiring Clients' account adnok Acquisition Company's „ adnul Acquit(s) In account adnym Acquitted (of) How do you account for adocy Acquitting (On) whose account adod2 Aore(s) „ our (my) account adoM „ of land „ their (his) „ adojf Acreage „ your account adonk Across „ joint „ adosp Act {see also " Acts ") On account (of) adows Act according to Our (my) account adoxt „ accordingly Steamers account adpah How shall we (I) act Their (his) „ adpho Act as Your „ adpik Act immediately Annual accounts adpol Act of God Half years „ adpum Aot(s) of Parliament Send account(s) adpyn Acted Accounts for adsal Acted upon from adsem Have (has) acted Accountable adsin „ „ not acted Acoountant(s) adslo Acting Chartered Accountants adsme Not acting Accounted adsna Action Accounted for adsop Further action Accounting (for) adsyr Legal „ Accoutrements adtam Strong action Accredited adten What action shall we (I) take Accrue (s) adtip Take legal action Accrued adtmo Take immediate action Accruing adtur Await instructions before taking further action- Accumulate (s) adtys Action against Accumulated aduby Actionable Accumulating adugd adujj Active Accumulation (of) Less active Accuracy adumk More active Accurate adurp Very active Not accurate aduvs Actively Accurately advan Activity Not accurately advep No activity Accurateness advor Acts Accusation advus Actual Acouse(5) advyb . Actual amount Accused (of) adwap Actually Accusing adwir Actuary(s) Accustom adwos Actuated (by) Accustomed (to) adwut Acute Acknowledge(s) adwyv Very acute Acknowledge receipt (of) adyer Acutely „ „ of this telegram by wire adyis Acuteness Acknowledged adyot Ad infinitum Acknowledging adyre Ad libitum Adysa Agbun Ad valorem Adapt Adaptability Adaptable (to) Adapted (to) Not adapted to Adapting Add(s) To add Added (to) Addenda(uin) Adding Addition (to) In addition (to) Additional No additional Require additional Additional amount Address(es) How are we to address Address c/o „ commission Addressed (to) To be addressed Addressee(s) { Addressing I Adequacy i Adequate I Adequately 1 Adhere(s) (to) I Adhered (to) Not adhered to Adherence Adhering (to) Not adhering (to) Adhesion Adit Adjacent (to) Adjoin(s) Adjoining Adjourn (s) Adjourned Adjourned till Adjourning Adj ournnient(s) Adjudicate(s) Adjudicated Adjudicating Adjudication(s) Adjunct(s) Adjust(s) Adjusted Been adjusted Adju6ter(s) Adjusting Adjustment(s) Adniinister(s) Administered (by) Administering Administration „ order Administrative Admini6trator(s) Administratorship ! Administratrix afonf iiibri afosk afown afraf afreg afrih. afroi afrvik afiyl afsag afeeh afeij afsle afsma afsok afsul afsym aftah aftik aftlo affcna aftol afbum affcyii afuDS afuct afagy afunz afuld afumf afuph afurk afvaj afvek afvil afvom aiVim afwa afwel afwim afwon afwup afypo afyra afzre afeur afzys agack agagn agals agamt aganv agarz agasb agavd agawf agbag agbek agbil agbom agbre agbun Admirable(ly) Admiral British Admiral Admiralty British Admiralty Admissible Not admissible Admission(s) Admit(s) Admit(s) of Do(es) not admit (of) Will not admit Admitted Not admitted Admitting Adopt (s) Adopted Been adopted Not (been) adopted Adopted by Adopting Adoption (of) Adrift Adult(s) Adulterated Adulterating Adulteration Advance {see also "Advances") In advance Do not advance „ „ more than Likely to advance Make an advance (of) Made „ „ „ Obtain an „ „ Obtained an advance (of) May we (I) advance Shall we (I) advance Will advance „ not advance „ you advance No advance (in) To „ Advance(s) against „ at „ captain in „ (in) price (rate) of „ on „ them (him) to „ us (me) Advanced Have advanced „ not advanced To be advanced Advanced by „ for on .. to „ them (him) „ us (me) Advancement Advances (see also "Asvamck ") Agbyp Ahavz agbyp agcak Advancing agonz Advised Advancing on agord Have advised agcel to agosf „ not advised agcim Authorise advancing ago^ „ you advised agcon Rapidly advancing agpha Not (been) advised agcro Advantage(s) agpiz. Advised by agcup Great advantage agpob „ of Np agpuc „ them (him) agdem Advantage of agrho „ to agdin to agsab „ us (me) agdop Advantageous agsec ,. yon agdso Not advantageous agsid Adviser(s) agdyr ageks Very S'^e Advises (see also " Advise '•> Advantageous for Advising agelt to agsla ■ Are advising agemv „ terms agsof Advocate (s) agepy Advantageously agsug Advocated agerb Adverse agsyh Advocating agewg Adversely agtac Affair(s) agfam AdYert(s) (to) agted Combined affair a^en Adverted (to) agtif Affect(s) agfip Adverting (to) {see atio " Refebbino") agtko Seriously affect (s) a,gmr Advertise agfcle Affected agfys „ steamer agtoe agtuB by aggan Shall we advertise Affecting aggep Do not advertise agtyj Seriously affecting aggor Advertised agugs agxmt Affldavit(s) (of) aggus Being advertised AflSdavit(s) to the effect aggvo Advertised to sail a^y Swear an aftida\'it aggwe „ for sale agumz Affiliated (with) aggyl agnap Advertisement(s) agurf Afflrm(s) Advertising agutb AfiBrmative aghir Advice(s) aguzm reply aghos Have you (any) advice of agvad Affirmed aghut „ received advice of agvef Affirming aghyv „ no advice (of) agvig Affix agijs agikt Advice(s) from of agvlo agvoh Affixed (to) Affixing agilv Latest advices (of) agvt^ agvyk Afford(s) agipz Telegraph latest advices (of) Afforded agirc Advisability (of) agwaf Affording a? 2k Advisable agweg Afloat ^ er Consider it advisable agwih Aforesaid ag: ag is ot Do you consider it advisable „ not ,, „ „ agwoj agwuk Afraid Not afraid (of) ^ uv Not advisable (to) agTiryl Afraid of ag. ag^ tar Ices Very „ „ Advisable for agyag agyeh Are afraid that Africa(n) ag dt to agyy East Africa(n) ag cov Advise {see also " Advises ") agyno West „ ag tyx Advise agents agyok South „ ag Las „ captain agype North „ ag let „ it agyul African Ports {see alio " South Afmcah"^ ag liv „ London agzah North African Ports ag lux „ steamer ag-^ik South „ agmat „ them (him) agzol East agmev „ us (me) agzpo West „ ,, agmoy » you agzum Aft agmuz agna,v What do you advise „ they (does he) advise av After On and after agnix Strongly advise ahaim ahap ' Afternoon agnoz Shall we (I) advise During the afternoon agnub Do you advise aharv This afternoon agohs „ not advise ahaty Afterpart ag ojt We (I) advise ahavz Afterwards. Ahawb Ahwug ahawb ahazd ahbaf ahbeg ahbih ahboj ahbra ahbuk abbyl ahca^ ahcen ahcy ahcok alicre ahcsa ahcul ahcym ahdah ahdik ahdol ahdro ahdum ahdyn ahech ahefk ahejn ahetz ahevb ahezd ahfaj ahfek ahfU ahfom ahfso ahfiin ahgel ahgim ahgon ahgup abgwa ahnal ahhem ahhin ahhop aiihyr ahigm aliijp ahiiy al\{am ah^jen aJrjip ahqur ahgys ankan ahkba ahkep ahkor ahkus ahkyt aMap ahlbe ahlca ahlir "* Again Against Agefs) Aged Agencies Agency Their (his) agency Our (my) agency Your agency Agency at » for Agenda Agent(s) Act as agents Appoint us (me) agent(s) „ you agents Appointed agents Instruct agent(s) London „ Our (my) „ Their (his) „ Your „ Agent(s) advise(s) „ at „ for (of) „ telegraph(s) Agent-General (for) Aggravate(s) Aggravated Aggravating Aggregate(s) (of) Aggregate amount Aggregated Aggregating Aggres6ive(ly) Agitate (for) Agitated (for) Agitating (for) Agitation (for) Agitator(s) Ago Agrarian Agree (see also " Aobees ") Do not agree (to) » you „ „ Cannot „ „ Will „ „ » not „ „ ft you „ „ „ they (he) agree (to) They (he) agree (s) (to) We (I) agree to You „ „ They (he) catinot (will not) agree We (I) ■.„ Agree(s) to »» _i» it „ with „ to our (by) „ „ their (nis) » » your If you agree (to) » they „ Think they (he) ■will (would) agree to Agreeable (to) m ahlos ahlut ahlyv ahlzo ahmbo ahmce ahmda ahmer a.hm1s ahmot ahrauv ahnar ahnco ahnde ahnfa ahnit ahnov abnyx ahock ahogQ ahonv ahorz ahosb ahovd ahowf ahpas ahpet ahpfe ahpiv ahpux ahrav ahrgo ahrne abrix ahrja abroz ahrub ahsho ahsie abska ahtay abtez abtib abtio abtla abtoc abtud abumv abupy abiirb abuse abvaz abveb alivic abvko abvle abvma abvod ahvuf abwal abwec ahwid ahwof ahwug Agreeable — continued. If agreeable Agreed Be(en) agreed (to) Finally „ If agreed (to) „ they (he) agreed to „ you agreed to Not „ To be „ Have agreed to „ not agreed to » you „ Agreed that to (on) » D5 'y „ „ our (my) „ „ their (his) « ... your „ with What has been agreed Agreeing Agreeing to (with) Agreenient(s) As per agreement Clause in agreement Come to an agreement Copy of agreement In agreement Insert in agreement Inserted in agreement Provided for in agreement No agreement Of agreement Our (my) agreement Provisional agreement Sign agreement Eeferring to agreement „ » clause (— ) Their (his) „ Your a^eement Agreement between „ for „ provides „ with „ has been signed „ not yet signed „ with Agrees (see also "Aqbee") „ to (with) If he agrees to Agricultural Agriculturalist(s) Agriculture Aground assistance sent at (ofi) „ near here Ban aground Ahead Too far ahead Aid(s) Aided Aiding Aini(s) Aimed (at) » Ahwyh Akijf ahwyh ahyac ahyed ahyif ahymo ahyog ahypa ahyuh ahzad ahzef ahzig ahzno ahzoh ahzpe ahziu ahzyK ajabz ajafd ajahg aqalk ajats ajavt ajazy ajbyg aqcra ajcyh ajdre aqdyj ajexy ajtro ajgyl aqnym ajirs ajizb ajjah ajjik ajjol ajijum ajjvo aqKWO aqkyp aqmyr ajnur aqnvs a^obd aqocf ajohk ajoil ajoln ajort ajovy ajowz ajpor ajpus ajpyt ajrna aqshe aqsyx ajtno ajuhl Aiming (at) Air Alarm(s) Alarmed Alarming Alarmingly Alert Be on the alert Algeria(n) port(s) Alienate(s) Alienated Alienating Alike Alive (to) All AU of the „ been Allay(s) Allayed Allaying Allegation(s) Allege(s) (that) Alleged (that) Alleging Alleviate(s) Alleviated Alleviating Alliance (with) Allocate(s) Allocated Allocating Allocation Allot(s) Allotment(s) After allotment On allotment Allotment of „ tiote(8) Allotted Allotted by „ to AUotting Allow(s) Cannot (will not) allow Do not allow May we (I) allow Will allow „ you allow Allow(s) for „ them (him) „ us (me) » you Allowable Allowance(s) No allowance Allowance (s) for of „ on » to What allowance may we (I) make „ „ will they (he) make' „ » >• youmaka Grant an allowance Granted an allowance ajuqm aqulp ajups ajurv ajuty ajuvz ajuzd aqvla ajvoy ajvuz ajwoz ajwub ajylo ajyme alyna akabt akafy akagz akakd akalf akamg akarl akasm akbat akbev akboy akbuz akcav akcix akcoz akcub akdiz akdob akdra akduc akedy akeja akelg akenj akepk akenu akewr akezt akfay akfez akfib akfoc akfre akfad akgaz akgeb akgic akgod akgro akguf akgyg aknab akhec akhid akhof akhug akhyh akicy akijf Allow ance(s) — continufd. Claim (an) allowance Small allowance Some „ Allowed Have allowed „ you allowed (for) „• not „ „ ,, » for Not allowed Allowed by ,r for „ on „ to Allowing After allowing (for) Before „ „ Allowing for Allude(s) (to) {see also " Refer ") Alluded (to) (see also " Referred ") Alluding (to) Allusion (to) (see also " Reference") Alluvial Alluvium Almost „ all (every) Alone Along „ with Alongside Free alongside Aloof Already Also Also state Alter(s) Alteration(s) No alteration(8) (in) Alteration (s) in (of) Is there any alteration (in) Altered by- to Altering Alternate(s) Alternated (with) Alternately (with) Alternating (with) Alternative(s) No altematiw(9)/ Alternatively Or alternatively Although Altitude Altogether Aluminium Always Am (see also Pronouns and "If") Ami f. n to tt »» »» oe Amalgamate (with) Amalgamated (with^ Amalgamating (witn) Amalgamation '' Amazed (at) 11 Akim Algoy akim akist akqac akjed a^if aWkad akkef akkig akkon akkuj akkvo akkwe akkyk aklaf akleg •aklih, akloi akluk aklyl akmag akmen akmij akmok akmul akmym aknah aknik aknol aknyn akoDv akogd akoy akorp akovs akowt akpai akpek akpil akpom akpun akpyp aksam aksen aksfo aksge aksHa aksip aksur aksys aktan aktep akteo aktne aktor aktus aktyt akuDz akufd akuhg akulk akuts Amazement Amazing(Iy) Ambassador(s) British Ambassador Our - Ambiguity Ambiguous Telegram ambiguous „ „ please explain Ambiguously (expressed)' Ameliorate (s) Ameliorated Amieliorating Amelioration Amend(s) „ it Amended Been- amended Must be amended Send amended Amended offer Amending Amendment(s) (of, in) Following amendment America For America From „ In North „ South „ To East coast of America West „ „ American „ cargo „' charter „ Government „ market „ rate(s) American Port(s) North American port(s) South „ „ East „ I „ West One „ port Two „ ports Three „ „ Amicable. Come to an amicable Amicably Amidship(s) Amiss Ammonia Ammunition Among Amongst Amortization Amo«nt(s) Grosa amount(s) Large „ Moderate amount(8) Nett „ Small „' Smaller „ Smallest , akuvt akuzy akvap akvir akvos akvut akvyv akwer akwis akwot akwuv akyar akyes akyit akyle akyma akyov akzas akzet akziv akzlo akzna akzuz alafs alagt alanv alamb alarg alasn alavk. alawl alazn albap albir alblo albme albna albos albut albyv alcer sdcis alcot alcuv aJdar aides aldit aldno aldov aldpe aldyx aleas alefb aland alepf alewm alfas alfet alfiv )0 12 fa alfliz algat algev algoy Amount (s) — contintted. What amount What is the amount of Telegraph amount (of) Amount(8) of » to „ „ about „ °„- more than Amounted „ to Amounting (to) „ to about Ample Amplified Amplify(ies) Amplifying Amply An Analyse Analysed Analysing Analysis(ses) Analyst(s) Analytical Anchor(s) „ and chain Anchorage Anchored off Anchoring And „ a (an) „ also „ the .. if And/or Angle Anglo- Angry at (with) Animal (s) Animate Animated Animating Animation Animosity Annans) 1 anna 2 annas 8 .. 4 „ 5 „ 6 „ 7 „ 8 „ 9 „ 10 „ 11 „ 12 „ 18 „ 14 „ 16 n Annex Annexed (to) Annexing Announoe(s) that Announced Algre Ambon i 1 Announced — cont'mwed. algre Announced in alrym alg^a that alsah alffiiz Announcement alsdo alnav Announcing alsfe aJhix Annoy(s) alsga alhoz Annoyance alsik alhse Annoyed (at) alsol alhub Annoying alsnm alios Very annoyincj alsyn alirj alitl Annual altai altek What is the nnnnal aliiz Annually altge altha aljob Annuity aljuc alkay Annul(s) altil Annulled altom alkez Annulling altun alkib {Per) Annum altsrp , alkoc Another alubt alkto Answer(s) (see also '• Reply") alufy ■ a,lkud Answerable (to, tor) alugz alimb ; alkve Answered {see also "Replied") alkwa Not answered alukd ! allaz Answering alumg aUeb Antagonism alurl allic Antagonist(s) alusm allod Antagonistic alvak alluf Antedate alvel allvo Antedated alvgo allwe Antedating alvne allyg Anthracite alvim almab Anticipate alvon almec Do you anticipate alvup alwal almid „ not anticipate almof Anticipate that alwem almug Anticipated (that) alwho almwo Anticipating alwin almyh Anticipation alwop alnac In anticipation (of) alwyr alnba Anticlinal alyam alned Antipathy alyen alnif Antiquated alyip alnog alnuh Anxiety alyio alyke Cause for anxiety alnyj Anxious alyla alnze Not anxious (to) alyur alobs Anxious regarding alzan aloct Very anxious alzep alogy alonz regarding alzko Anxious not to alzle alork to alzma alowp alpad Anxiously alzor „ await alzus alpbe Any alzyt alpca Have (has) not any amaks alpef „ you any amalt alpig alpoli „ they (has he) any amamv Will there be any amapy alpui alpyk Any for „ from amarb amasc alpzo „ more amawg alrag „ of (the) ambak alreh Anybody ambel alrij Anyhow ambim alrok Anyone ambko alrul Anything ambon Anything — continued. Anything above extra for from under Have you anything Anywhere Apart (from) Apathy Aperture(s) Apex Apologise(s) Apologised Apologising Apology Apparatus Apparent Apparently Appeal(s) „ against to Appealed Appealed to „ against Appealing „ against to Appear(s) to „ be „ have Do(es) not appear to Appearance(s) Appeared to ,. be Appearing (in) Appellant(s) Append Appended (to) Appending Appendix(ce8) Appertain(s) (to) Appertained (to) Appertaining (to) Appliance(s) for Necessary appliancea No appliance(8) Applicability Applicable (to) Applicant(s) Application(s) No application (s) On Application (s) for „ from Make application Applied Been applied (for) Applied for „ to Apply (ies) (to) Apply for there to 13 Ambup Ancko ambup amcal amcem amcin amclo aancop amcyr amdam amden amdip amdmo amdur amdys amekt amelv ameny amepz amerc amevg amezk amfan amfep amfor amfoe ainfas amfyt amgap amgir amgos amgra amgut amgyv aumer amhis amhot amhuv amijt amird amjar aiuQes amjit amjov amqro amiyx amkas amket amkiv amkso amkuz amlat amlev amloy amluz ammav ammix ammoz ammub ammvo ammwe amniz amnob amnuc amogs amont amoly. Applying (to) ., for Appoint Do not appoint Shall we (I) appoint Appoint him (them) „ us (me) ,. you Appointed Have appointed „ (has) been appointed To be appointed Appointed by „ him (them) to „ us (me) » you Appointing Appointment(s) Apportion Apportioned (to) Apportioning Apportionment Appreciable No appreciable Appreciably Appreciate(s) Appreciated Appreciating Appreciation Apprehend (s) Apprehended Apprehending Apprehension(s) Apprehensive Apprentice(s) Approach (es) Approachable Approached Approached by Approaching Approbation Appropriate Appropriated >, *>y >» to Appropriating Appropriation (s) Approval {see also " Approve ") Our (my) approval Subject to our (my) approval „ „ their (his) approval „ „ your approval Telegraph approval Their (his) approval Your approval Approval by » of Approve(8) {sec also " Approval ") Do(es) not approve (of) Do you approve (of) >. they „ They (he) approve(s) We (I) approve (of) You approve (of) amonb amorf amowk amozm ampay ampez ampib ampoc ampud i ampze amryh amsco amsde amsfa amsyi amtyk amius amugt amunv amuky amulz amumb amurg amusH amuvk amuzn amvyl amwhe amwym amyah amyho am3dk amyie amyka amyol aroyum amzai amzek amzil amzke amzla amzom amzun amzyp anach anafk anahm anajn anans anapt anasy auatz anavb anaxd anbag anben anbij anbla anbok anbul anbym ancah ancik ancko Approve(s) — coitvtmmed. If you approve „ they (he) approve(s) „ we approve Approve of II » "• „ subject to Telegraph whether you approve Approved (of) Have approved Approved by If approved Approving (of) Approximate amount earnings price quantity, rate time Telegraph approximate Approximated Approximately Approximating Approximation April 1st April 2nd „ 8rd „ 4th „ 6th 6th 7th „ 8th 9th 10th „ 11th 12th 18th 14th 15th „ 16th 17th 18th „ 19th 20th „ 21st „ 22nd „ 23rd 24th 26th 26th 27th 28th 29th „ 80th For April In „ „ all April During April April/May April/May/June Beginning of April Middle of April End of April First half of. April Ancle Anzho ApRn. — eondtmed . ancle Second half of April ancol April sailing ancum „ steamer ancyn „ to andai andek Apropos Apt (to) andil Arabia(n) andlo ArbitrarUy andme Arbitrary andna Arbitrate andom Arbitrated (upon) andun Arbitrating and3rp Arbitration- ane^m Submit to arbitration anejp Submitted to arbitration anems Arbitration clause anery Arbitrator(s) anewd Arch anfak Archipelago anfel Ardeb(s) anfim Are {see also Pronouns and ' If") anfiaao „ a (an) anfne •1 any »nfon » bein& anfpa „ having anfup angai , „ to , her angem , his angin , my angno , no angop , not angpe , „ being angyr annam , „ having , „ they anhen , „ to anhip I i> II "^ anhur > 11 ^ery anhys anick » II we 1 11 you anign , our anils , the anirz , their anjan , there arqep . ,. any anjor anjre , „ no „ not anjus , „ tobe aniyt ankap fl.TiTrir , these 1 II to he ankos 1 II II "^ 1 they ankro I 1, to ankse ankta a.nkut 9 St » *^ . to 1 ,1 be ankjrv anler I very , we anlis 1 •> to anlot a,Tiluv > 11 II be . you a.nmar , II to anmes » II II be a,nTnit 1 your anmov Area anmyx A] •gentiferous annet Argentine anniv „ Government annux At the Argentine annvo For the anoks Prom the „ anolt In the „ anopy To the anorb Argue(8) anosc Argunient(6) anowg Arise anpat „ from anpev To arise anpoy Arisen anpuz Have (has) arisen anpwo Arises (from) anriz Arising (from) a,nrob Arm anruc Armanient(s) ansay Armed a.nsbo Armies ansce Armour ansda Armour-plated ansez Arms ansib Army anfloc Arose ansud Around antaz Arrange(s)(r«eaZso< by „ from „ on Arrived ' Has she (he) arrived „ not arrived „ (have) arrived Not (y€t) arrived Arrived at „ from „ here „ on „ there „ this morning , „ afternoon „ „ evenini;' „ to-day, all well ' apkon apkre apkup aplal aplem aplin aplop aplyr apmam apmen apmip apmur apmys apom apojm apolp apops aporv apovz apowb apozd appap appir appos apput appvo appwe app3rv aprar aprit aprov apryx apsas apsbe apsca apset apsiv apsux apszo aptat aptda aptev aptoy aptuz apuch apufk apuhm apujn apupt apusy aputz apuvb apuxd apvav apvix apvoz apvub apwiz apwob apwuc apyay apyez apyfo apyge apyBa Arirved — cv)vtmued. Arrived yesterday, all well „ „ morning „ „ afternoon „ „ evening „ Sunday, a.m. p.m. „ Monday, a.m. p.m. „ Tuesday, a.m. p.m. „ Wednesday, a.m. p.m. „ Thursday, a.m. p.m. „ Friday, a.m. „ p.m. „ Saturday, a.m. „ „ P-ni. Arrives {see also " ARRm? ") Arrives at „ your port „ from „ here „ on „ there Arriving Arriving at „ from „ on Artesian Well(s) Article(s) Referring to Article(s) As per Article In Article Article No. 1000 and (— ) 2000 „ (-) 3000 „ (— ) Ship's Articles Articles of Association ,, „ clause No.- According to Articles of Association Artificer(s) Artificial(ly) Artisan(s) As As a (an) .. any „ at „ far as „ „ possible „ he „ his (her) » it ,, my „ no „ our „ per „ she soon as II that the their there possible 16 Apyib Arpup As — continued. As there is (are) ,, these (this) „ they „ those „ to „ well as .. you » your Ascertain Try to ascertain Can you ascertain Cannot ascertain Ascertain and telegraph us promptly „ from „ them (him) „ if „ iftiniediately Ascertainable Ascertained Ascertained from „ that Have ascertained Ascertaining „ from Are ascertaining „ „ and will wire Ascribe(5) Ascribed (to) Ascribing Ash Ash ejector(s) Ashore Badly ashore Been „ Is „ Ran „ Reported to be ashore (Is) Ashore assistance sent „ „ „ will be sent » ., at (off) „ „ hope to get her off „ „ near >) II )) here Asia Asia Minor Asiatic Ask (nee also " Asks ") Shall we (I) ask Do not ask What shall we (I) ask Ask if ,, them (him) ,, us (me) >. you Asked Asked by „ for „ them (him) „ to „ us (me) Have asked „ us (me) to Asking Are asking artac arhed arhif arhog arhun arhyj ariby arigd ariJj arirp arjad arjef arjig arjmo arjne arjoh arjpa arjui anyk arkaf arkeg arkih arkly arkno arkoj arkpe arkuk arkyl arlag arlen arlij arlok arlpo arlra arlul arlym armah armik armol armre armsa armum armyh arnai arnek arnil arnom amro arnse arnta arnun arnyp aroDZ arofd arohg arolk arovt arozy arpak arpel arpim arpon arpso arpte arpup AsKiNa — continued. Others are asking Afiking for „ them (him) .(to) „ us (me) (to) Asks {see also " Ask ") Asks if „ „ they (he) Aspect (s) A'ssay(s) ,, show(s) „ (— )dwts. p.t. Assayed Assayer(s) Assaying Assemble(s) Assembly Assent(s) (to) (^^"Agbee" & "Consent") ♦ Assented (to) (X "Agreed" & "Consented") Assenting (to) (,^'^ "Agreeing" & Assert(s) (that) (X " State ") Asserted (that) Asserting (that) Assertion(s) Assess(es) Assessable Assessed (at) Assessing Assessment (of) Assessor(s) Asset (s) ,, and liabilities Assign (s) Assigned (to) Assignee(s) Assigning Assignment of to Assignor(s) Assimilate Assimilated Assimilating Assist(s) Assistance Give assistance Re(iuire(s) assistance No assistance Assistance has been sent „ for „ from „ to Assistant (s) Assisted Assisted by „ in (to) with Assisting in Associate(s) Associated „ brokers „ companies „ lines ,, with Associating " Consent- [ING") 17 Amur Asohb amir arrvo arrwe arrys arsor arsus arswo arsyt artir artos artut artyv artze amxy arvbe asrvca arver arvis arvot arvTiv arvzo arwar^ M"wes arwit arwov arwyx aryas aryco aryde aryet aryfa aryiv aryux arzat arzdo arzev arzfe arzga arzoy arzuz asads asafb aeaiy asalb asand asapf asawm asbdo asber asbis. asbot asbuv ascar asces aecfo ascha ascit , ascov .■ oBcyx . asdas asdet asdhe asdiv ' asdux asecs Association (s) In association with Assort Assorted „ kinds Assorting Assortnient(s) (of) Assunie(s) „ that Are we to assume Assumed „ that Assuming Assuming that Assumption(s) On the assumption (that) Assurance (see also "Insukakce") Fire assurance Life „ Marine „ Assure (s) „ us (me) Assured Assuring Astern Astonish(es) Astonished (at) Much astonished Astonishing Astonishment Great astonishment Astounded (at) Astounding Astray At At a (an) » any „ • about „ or about » tis >. my ,. our .11 the „, their » your „ whose „ which Athwart Athwartship Atlantic North Atlantic Atlantic lines ■ „ tra(]e Atniosphel'e(s) Attach(es) (the) Do not attach Attached (to) Attaching (to) Attachment Attachment order Attack (s) rt them (hnn) „ us (me) you Attacked asedt aselc asemd asenf aseri asetl asewn asfat asfev asfho asfoy asfuz asgav asgix asgla asgoz asgub asMz ashko ashle ashma ashob ashuc asibs asict asigy asild asiph asirk asjay asjez asjib asjoc asjud askaz askeb askic askmo askne askod askuf askyg aslab aslec aslid aslof aslug aslyn asmac asmed asmif asmog asmpo asmuh asmjn asnad asnef asni^ asnon asnu^ asnyk asobt asofy asogz ' asonb Attacked — continned. Attacked by „ „ them (him) Is (are) being attacked Attacking „ them (him) „ us (me) .. you Are attacking us '(me) Attain(s) Attained Attaining Attempt(s) (to) {see also "Try") Make another attempt Further attempt Do (must) not attempt to Attempted (to) Have attempted (to) Attempting (to) Are attempting (to) Attend(s) „ to „ immediately (to) Attendance Attendant(s) Attended (to) „ to immediately Not attended to Attending (to) Attention Immediate attention No attention Attention to Please give (this) immediate attention Will receive prompt attention Draw attention to Attest(s) Attestation Attested Attesting Attitude (of) Friendly attitude Hostile „ Attorney(ies) („^ "La^vybb " & " Solicitor") Attorney-General Attract (s) Attracted Attracting Attraction(s) Attractive Not attractive Attributable (to) Chiefly attributable (to) Solely attributable (to) Attribute(s) ' ,, it to Attributed (to) Attributing Auction By auction Sale by auction Sell „ „ Auctioneer(s) Audit(s) Audited Auditing 18 Asokd Atlyx Auditor(s) Company's auditor(8) Auginent(s) Augmented (by) Augmenting August 1st August 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 5th „ 6th „ 7th „ 8th „ 9th „ 10th „ 11th „ 12th „ 13th „ 14th 15th „ 16th „ 17th 18th „ 19th „ 20th „ 21st 22nd „ 28rd „ 24th 25th „ 26th „ 27th „ 28th „ 29th „ 30th „ 81st Beginning of August During „ End of „ Middle of „ First half of „ Second half of „ For In » all „ August/September August/September/October August sailing „ steamer to Auriferous Auspices Under the auspices of Australasia Australasian Australasian agents Australia For Australia From „ In „ To Australia to Australian ** Australian coast atasz atawd atbah atbik atbol atbum atbyp atcai atcek atcil atcom atcmi atcyp atdak atdel atdim atdon atdup atecK ategn atels atemt atenv aterz atevd atewf atfal atfem atfin atfop atfyr atgam atgen atgho atgip atgur atffys atnan athep athio athke athla athor athus athyt atiks atilt atipy atirb atjap atqir atjko atjos atjut atljrv atker atkis atklo atkot atkuv atlar atles atlit atlov atlyx Australian — continued. Australian coast trade „ port(s) One Australian port Two „ . ports Three „ „ Austria Austrian Austro-Hungarian „ „ Government Austro-Hungary Authentic Authenticated Author(s) Authorisation Authorise {sec also " Authorises ") Authorise (s) it „ them (him) „ us (me) » you Cannot authorise Do not „ „ you authorise us (me) to Shall we ([) authorise We (I) authorise Will yOu authorise „ they (he) authorise If you authorise Authorised Have authorised „ not authorised .. you „ they (has he) authorised Not authorised Authorised by it „ them (him) „ to „ us (me) .. you Authorises {see also " Authokisb "} Authorising Authorising it „ them (him) „ us (me) „ you Authoritative Authoritatively Authorities Authority Have we (I) your authority Get authority Give „ Given „ No authority Our (my) authority Their (his) authority Your authority With authority in hand might Authority for „ from „ to Autumn In the autumn think we (I) could 19 Atmas Avojn atmas Auxiliary (ies) atmet AYail(s) (of) atmiv Available atmux Is available atnat „ not available atnev Will (— ) be available atnoy Available for atnuz „ on atohr „ to atois Availed (of) atOKt Availing (of) atolv Average(s) atony Average adjusters atopz „ as customary atorc „ claim atosd „ deposit atovg „ of atozk „ payable irrespective of percentage atpav „ statement atpix Contribution to general average atpoz General average atpre „ „ statement atpub Particular average atray P.a.a. atrez W.p.a. atrib F.p.a. atroc „ absolutely atrud Collect average atsaz What is the average atseb Averaged atsic I What has it averaged atsod I (Has) averaged about atsto I Averaging atsuf I ,, about atsve j Averse (to) {see-aho " OBjEcr(s)") atswa j Very averse (to) atsyg j Aversion (to) attab I Strong aversion (to) attec I Avert atthy Averted attid I Averting attof Avoid(s) attuff Avoid it att^ j Avoidable atuns I Avoided atujt Avoiding atumy Avoirdupois aturd „ weight atusf Await(s) atvac To await atved Anxiously await atvif Await further atvoff „ instructions atvun Awaited (by) atvyj Anxiously awaited atwad Awaiting atwef Are awaiting atwig Award (of) atwon Awarded atwui Awarding atwyk Aware (of) atyaf Are you aware (of, that) atybe Fully aware of (that) atyca Away {see also " Abroad") atyeg ! Get away Away — continued. at3dh Get ship away atyoi Awhile atyxik Awkward atyzo Very awkward atzag Awkwardly atzbo Awkwardly situateii atzce Awning (Deck) atzda Axis atzeh B atzij Back atzok Put back atzul Backed (by) atzym Backing avagh Backward avanj Very backward avaik Backwardness avalm Bad avamn Very bad avanp Bad for. avars Badly avast Very badly avawy Bag(s) avazb Bags for avbyj „ from avcug „ of avcyk Excluding bags avddo Including „ avdoj In bags avdyl Baggage avebd Bagging avecf „ extra aveil Bail aveln „ required £ avemp Give bail avevy Bailed avewz Balanoe(s) avfij Credit balance {£) avfym Debit „ „ avghe Balance at avgyn „ of avhaj Balance-Sheet(s) avhyp „ andP/L A/c avjjm Balanced avilp Balancing avips Bale(s) avirv Bale(s) for avity „ from avizd „ of avkko Balks avkle Ballast avkyr In ballast avlur Ballast her (with) avlys Proceed(s) in ballast (to) avmor Ballasted avmus „ and ready for sea avmyt Ballasting (with) avnir „ at avimo Ballot(s) avnos Balloted avnut Balloting avnyv Baltic avoch For the Baltic avofk From the Baltic avohm To the „ avojn Baltic to 20 Avopt Awmil Baltic — continued. Baltic market „ trade „ charter „ voyage One Baltic port Two „ ports Three „ Bank {see also " Banks ") Bank bill Ask bank Which bank Through which bank Arrange with bank Can you arrange with bank (to) Have arranged with bank (to) In the bank Our (my) bank Their (his) „ To the bank Your bank The bank at (of) African Banking Corporation. Ltd. American Trading Company Anglo-Austrian Bank Anglo-Californian Bank, Ltd. Anglo-Egj'ptian Bank, Ltd. Anglo-Foreign Banking Company, Ltd. Australian Joint Stock Bank, Ltd. Bank of Adelaide Bank of Africa, Ltd. Bank of Australasia Bank of British North America Bank of British West Africa, Ltd Bank of Egypt, Ltd. Bank of England Bank of Mauritius, Ltd. Bank of Montreal Bank of New South Wales Bank of New Zealand Bank of Roumania, Ltd. "Bank of Scotland Bank of Spain Bank of Tarapaci and Argentina, Ltd Bank of Victoria, Ltd. Banque d 'A thanes Barclay & Company, Ltd. Baring Brothers & Co., Ltd. Birkbeck Bank, Ltd. British Bank of South America, Ltd. British Linen Company Bank Canadian Bank of Commerce Capital and Counties Bank, Ltd. Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China Clydesdale Bank, Ltd. Colonial Bank Commercial Bank of Australia, Ltd. Commercial Bank of India, Ltd. Commercial Bank of Scotland, Ltd. [Ltd. Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris Coutts & Co. Credit Lyonnais Delhi and London Bank, Ltd. Deutsche Bank. Disconto-Gesellschaft (Direktion der) awdic awdod awduf awdyg aweby awegd aweJj awemk awerp awevs awewt awfab awfdo awfec awflfe awfid awfof awfag awfyn awgac awged awgfo awgge awgha awgif awgog awguB awgyj awhad awhef awhig awhon awhui awhyk awibz awifd awilk awits awizy awjaf awjeg a'wqih a-wjoi a-wqiik awiyl awkag awken awkij awldo awkke awkla awkok awkul awkym awlah awlik awlko awlle awlma awlol awlum awlyn awmai awmek awmil Bank — contin ued. Dresdner Bank English, Scottish and Australian Bank, Ltd. German Bank of London, Ltd. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Imperial Bank of Persia Imperial Ottoman Bank International Banking Corporation Ionian Bank, Ltd. Lloyds Bank, Ltd. London and Brazilian Bank, Ltd. London and County Banking Company, Ltd. London and Hanseatic Bank, Ltd. London and Provincial Bank, Ltd. London and Eiver Plate Bank, Ltd. London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd. London and South Western Bank, Ltd. London and Westminster Bank, Ltd. London Bank of Australia, Ltd. [Ltd. London Bank of Mexico and South Amerioft, London City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd. London, Paris and American Bank, Ltd. Maruihester & Liverpool District Banking Co., Martin's Bank, Ltd. [Ltd. Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd. Metropolitan Bank (of England and Wales). Natal Bank, Ltd. [Ltd National Bank, Ltd. National Bank of Australasia, Ltd. National Bank of China, Ltd. National Bank of Egypt National Bank of India, Ltd. National Bank of New Zealand, Ltd. National Bank of Scotland, Ltd. National Bank of South Africa, Ltd. National Discount Company, Ltd. National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. Oesterreichische Laenderbank Parr's Bank, Ltd. Provincial Bank of Ireland, Ltd. Queensland National Bank, Ltd. Eothschild & Sons, N. M. Royal Bank of Queensland, Ltd. Royal Bank of Scotland Russian Bank for Foreign Trade [merciai Soci6t6 Generale de Credit Industriel et Com- JSocUU Gtnerale pour favoriser le dt^veloppeinent du CominetM 1 et de I'lndu^trio en Franco Standard Bank of South Africa, Ltd^ Swiss Bankverein Union Bank of Australia, Ltd. Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. Union Discount Company of London, Ltd. Union of London and Smiths Bank, Ltd. Williams Deacon's Bank, Ltd. Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. Bank-note(s) Bank-rate At bank rate Bank rate changed to Over bank rate Under bank rate Banker(s) (see also "Bank") Our (my) bankers Their (his) bankers 21 Awmlo Aykyh "awmlo awmme awmna awmom awmun awmyp awnak awnel awnim awnmo awnne awnon awnpa awnup awoxy awpal awpem awpin awpno ajWpop awppe awpyr awran awrep awTor awrsa awrus awryt awsap awsir awsos awsro awsse awsta awsut awsyv awter awtis awtot awtSD awtuv awtva awugh awunj awuik awtum awumn awurs awust awuzb awvar awves awvit awvov awvwa awvyx awyat awyev awyoy awynz awzav awzba awzix awzoz awzub BANkER(s) — continued^ Your bankers Banking Bankrupt(s) Declared bankrupt (s) Bankruptcy „ Court » of Banks {see also " Bank ") Bar Above the bar Bar draught Below the bar Cross „ „ Crossed the bar Draught on bar On the bar Barbadoes Bare Barely „ sufficient Bareness (of) Barest Bargain (s) Bargained Bargaining Barge (s) Barley Quarters of barley Barley for „ from Cargo of barley for „ from Barque Barred Barrel(s) (of) Barren Barrier Barring Barrister(s) Bars (of) Base(s) Based (on) Basin Basing Basis As a basis On the basis of Basket(s) (of) Basset Batch(es) Bath(s) Bathroom (s) Battalion(s) Battens Battery(ie8) Battleship Bavaria Bay Bazaar(s) Be Be a (an) „ any » no „ so „ the axtro axyvo axywe ayacs ayadt ayahy ayalc ayamd ayanf ayari ayask ayatl ayawn aybar aybes aybit aybov aybyx aycas aycet ayciv aycux aydat aydev aydoy ayduz ayebs ayect ayegy ayeld ayemf ayeng ayepn ayerk ayewp ayfav ayfix ayfoz ayfab aygiz aygob ayguc ayEay ayhez ayhib ayhoc ayhud asdbt ayify ajigz ayikd ayilf ayirl ayjaz ayjeb ayjic ayjod ayjuf aynyg aykab aykec aykid aykof aykui ayky. Be — continued. Be very Beach Beached Beaching Beacon(s) Beam(s) (— ) feet beam ( — ) and ^ feet beam (-) .. i -. I (— ) .. f I No beam(s) Bear(8) Bearer To bearer Bearing(s) Bearish Beasts Became Because (of) Become To become Becoming » very Bed (of) Beech Beef Chilled beef Frozen „ Quarters beef Been a (an) lany no very to too Before „ then Not before On or before As before Beforehand Beg(s) Began Begged Begging Begin(s) [see also "Commknoe") Beginning {see also " Commenoino ") „ at (with) „ of on Begun (s«eaiso "Commenced") "Not begun (to) Behalf On behalf (of) „ our (my) behalf „ their (his) „ „ your „ „ behalf of clients , the interested Behave(s) Behaved ^ Behaving Behaviour (of) Behind 22 Aylac Azlob aylac ayled aylif aylog ayluh aylyj aymad aymef ajmig ajmion aymui aymyk aynaf ayneg aynih ajmoj aynuk aynyl ayody ayoid ayol^ ayong ayopk ayorm ayowr ayozt aypac asrpen aypij aypok aypid aypjmi ayrai ayrek ayril ayrom a3mm a-yryp aysak aysel aysim ayson aysup aytal aytem aytin aytop ayt3n: ayucy ayudz ayiahd aynm asmsp ayuxt ayvam ayven ay^p ayA^Tir a3r7ys asTwan aywep ayvror asrwTis aywyt ayzer Behind — continued. Behind time in Behindhand Being Not being Belgian „ Government Belgium Belief Believe (that) Believed „ to be Believing Belong(s) (to) Belonged (to) Belonging (to) Below {see also "Under") Little below Much below Not below Below them (ban) ,, us (me) .. you Send(s) ending Beneficial Very beneficial Benefit(s) No(t) benefit Benefit by to Benefited (by) Benefiting (by) Bent Bequeath(ed) Bequest Berlin Berth(s) 1st class berth (s) 2nd „ 8rd „ „ On the berth Berth her Berthed „ at i Berthing Beside(s) „ which Best Best possible » to Do your best „ „ and wire us (me) Leave you to do best possible „ us (me) to do best possible This IS the best we (I) can do What is the best you can (do) Better Do you think it better to Much better No Better be „ for „ not 11 )• 0* Bettek — coniiwied. ayzis Better than ayzot „ to ayzuv Between azahs Between us azajt „ now and aziamy „ then and azanz Beware (of) azard Bewildered azasf Bewildering azawj Beyond azbam Not beyond azben Bi-weekly azbip Bias azbur Biased azbys Biasing azcan Bid(s) azcep Bidder(s) azcor Bidding azcus Big (see also " Large ") azcyt Bilge .^ azdap Bill(s) {see also " Acceptakce ' &"DRAre'^; azdbe Our (my) bill(8) azdca Their (his) .„ azdir Your „ azdos Bill(s) at azdut „ for azdyv „ from azdzo „ of azegs „ „ exchange azemz „ on azenb „ them (him) azerf „ us (me) azeth » you azewk „ „ London azezm „ payable azfer „ receivable azfis „ at sight azfot „ „ 8 d/8 azfuv „ ,. 80 „ azgar „ ,. 60 „ a.zges »} ft "" tt azgit „ » 120 „ azgov „ „ 1 month's sight azgyx azEas „ 2 months' „ ij i» " » » azhet »i ») * ft »i azhiv II II O yt »l azhux „ „ 80d/d ajdfs » .. 60 „ azigt aziky II i> 90 „ II „ 120 „ azilz „ „ 1 month's date azirg „ „ 2 months' „ azizn II II ^ II II azjat II II ^ II II azjev II II " II II azjoy Bill of Entry aziuz azkav Bill(s) of Exch. (see also "Bill" mi Bill of Health ["Dbapt'1 a^khe Clean bill of health azkix Foul „ „ „ azkoz Bill(s) of liading aakub Clean B/L azliz Clause of B/L azlob Endorsed on B/L 23 Azluc Bafje azluc azmay azmez azmib a^zmoc azmud aznaz azneb azrdc aznod aznuf aznyg azods azoft azoiy azolb azond azopf azowm azpab azpec azpid azplo azpof azpug azpyh azrad azref azri] azro azrui azryk azsaf azseg azsin azsoj azspo azsuk azsyl aztag azten aztij aztok aztre aztsa aztul aztym azucs azudt azuhy azulc aziimd azuri azusk azutl azvah azvik azvol azvro azvum azvyn azwai azwek azwil azwom Bill(8) of LiABiNG — continued. ' Endorsement on B/L Ponn of II Foul I, In „ Our (my) „ Their (his) Your „ Sign „ B/L by „ for „ number „ of „ quantity „ for goods (per) Bill of Sale Bind(s) Binding (upon) Bitumastic Bituminous (see also " Coal ") Black Black Sea „ „ charter „ „ rate „ voyage One Black Sea port Two Black Sea ports Three „ „ For „ „ From „ „ Blackmail Blade(s) Blade(s) of Propeller All blades of propeller One blade „ „ Two blades of „ Three „ „ „ Four „ „ „ Bronze blades for propeller Blame(s) Is to blame Who is to blame Blamed Blameless Blaming Blank(s) Blanket(s) Blast Blasted Blasting Blend(s) Blended- Blending Blew Blight Blighted Block (s) i Blockade j Blocked I Blocking i Blow(s) j Blowing Blown Blown up Blue Bluff azwun azwyp azyak azyel azyim azyon azyto azyiip azjrve azywa azzal azzena azzin azzop azzvo azzwe azzyr baabd baacf baahk baail baain baamp baart baavy baawz babad babda babef babfe babho babig babky baboh babui babyk bacaf baceg bacfa bacge bacio bacly bacoj bacuk bacyl badag badga badhe badij badko badmy badok badul baeim baelp baeps baerv baety baevz baewb baezd bafah bafha bafik bafle Bluffing Blunder(s) (s««aZso" Mistake") Blunderea Blundering Board {see also " Board's ") From the Board To „ „ On board Not on board Board of Directors „ desires „ enquires „ requests Inform Board Board meeting „ has resolved Board of Trade „ „ „ certificate „ enquiry „ „ „ regulations Board's {see also " Board ") „ decision „ instructions „ resolution Boarded Boarding Boards {sec also "Timber" and "Deals") Boat(s) („','^ " Ship," " Steamer," " Sailing Boatswain [Ship" and "Vessel") Body(ies) Bogus Boiler(s) Donkey boiler(s) Single ended boiler(8) Double „ „ Main boiler(s) Size of boiler(s) Water tube boiler(s) Boisterous Bold Bolt(s) Bolted Bolting Bombard Bombarded Bombarding Bombardment Bona fide Bond(s) Give bond Given „ Bond-holder(s) Bonded Bonded goods Bonus Book {see aluo "Passengers" and " Cargo") Book at „ cargo » for „ from „ passengers „ order Can book » at Cannot book 24 Baflo Bazac Book — contimied. baflo Do not book bafay bafol May we (I) book You may book bafum Shall we (I) book bafyn How much may we book bagag bagek Book-keeper(s) Book-post bagil Booked {see also " Passengers ' ' and bag! a bagke Booked about ["Cargo") » at bagmo ,, by bagpy „ cargo bagyp banak „ for „ from bahel „ passengers bahka „ order bahle „ to bahno „ „ date bahon What has (have) been booked bahup Have booked baich „ not booked baifk „ you booked baijn Booking(s) baipt baitz No booking(s) Booking (s) at baixd „ cargo bajal „ for bajem „ from bajla „ passengers bajme Are booking bajop „ not booking bajpo „ you booking baiyr bakam Total bookings Telegraph bookings baken Books bakip Boom (in) bakma Boot-topping bakne Border(s) (of, on) bakur Bore(s) bakys Bored . balan Boring(s) balep Born balna Borne (by) balor Borneo balpe „ North balro Borough balus Borrow(s) balyt Borrowed bamap ' It at bamir by bamos „ from bampa on bamso Borrower(s) bamut Borrowing hamyv Both (of) jbaner Both been banre Bottle(s) ban to Bottom banuv „ damaged baogm „ undamaged baohn Double bottom baojp Cellular •„ baont Ship's baory Bottomry baosz „ Bond baowd bapar bapit bapov bapra bapse bapvo bapyx barat barev baroy barta baruz barve baryo basav bascy basix basoz basub basva baswe baszo batiz batob batuc batwa batye bauck baugn bauls baumt baurz bausb bauvd bavay bavco bavez bavib bavoc bavud bavya bavze bawaz bawbe bawdo baweb bawgy bawic bawod bawuf bawyg bawza bayab bayba bayce bayec bayfo bayhy bayid bayks baylt bayof hayvig bazac Bought Not bought Have bought „ not bought •• you „ What have you bought We (I) have bought Bought at your limit Bought at » by „ for „ from „ in „ it „ c. & i. „ c. & f. „ ' ci.f. „ ci.f. & c. „ ci.f. & e. „ f.o.b. „ f.CF. „ free! alongside Have bought ci.f. » ,. c. & f . c. & i, ci.f. & e. ci.f. & c. f.o.b. f;a.s. f.a.q. f.o.r. shipment by steamer ci.f. shipment by steamer c. & f. shipment by steamer at your limit „ ( — ) under your limit for d'eUvery „ early delivery „ „ shipment „ prompt shipment „ cash against documents draft attached to documents Boulder(s) Bound „ by Not bound by Bound for „ from Boundary(ies) (of) Bounty(ies) Bourse (see also "Market' Bow(s) Bowsprit Box(es) (of) „ of ( — ) dozens Boycott Boycotted Boycotting Branch j» at „ line Branches All branches Brand(8) -) pieces 25 Bazca Bevad Brass Brave (ry) Brazil Brazilian „ Government Breach (of) Breadth (of) „ and depth ( — ) breadth •) and ^ breadth •) and i , jandf — ) feet in breadth ) inches in breadth Break(s) Breakage(s) ,, and leakage Breakdown (in) Breaker(s) Breaking .. up Breakwater Breeze Bribe(s) Bribed Bribery Bribing Bridge(5) Bridge ( — ) feet Brief Briefly Wire briefly Brig(8) Brigantine(s) Bright Brighten Brightened Brightening Brighter Brlng(s) Bringing Brisk Very brisk Briskly Briskness British „ Corporation „ Isles „ make „ Steamer „ Vessel British Columbia British GoYernment('s) British North America Broad Broadening Broader Broadest Broke „ ofif „ near Broken „ down in ,, near beilv beipz beirc beizk bejre bejto bejwy bekra bekse bekvo bekyx belsa belte belwo belzy bemoy bemta bemuz bemve bemyo benoz benub benva benzo beohs beojt beonz beord beosf beo-wj bepbo bepiz bepob bepuc bepwa bepye beraz berbe berdo bereb bergy beric berod beryg berza besab besba besce besec besfo beshy besid besof besug besyn betac betde beted betgo betif betjy betog betun betyj bevad Broken — continued. Broken off ,t out Broker(s) Brokerage Exclusive of brokerage Inclusive „ ,, . Brokerage and Commission Our (my) brokerage Their (his) „ Your „ Brokerage for of on i per cent. i i I .1 n If 2 ^ 8 H H 5 Brother Brought Brought by „ from » to Brown Buckle Buckled Buckling Budget New budget Build(s) Will they (he) build „ you build „ bujld „ not build Build it (them) „ premises „ steamer Builder(s) Other builders Ship Building(s) Built » by „ for Bulgaria(n) Bulge Bulged Bulging Bulk In bulk Bulkhead(s) . Watertight bulkhead(s) Bulky Bull(s) Bullion 26 Bevda Binfo bevda bevef bevfe bevho bevig bevky bevoh bevuj bevyk bewaf beweg bewfa bewge bewjo bewoj bewiik bewyl beyag bejrfs beyga beyne beyij beyko beymb beync beyok be3rul beyzn bezah bezha bezik bezye bezlo bezol bezum bezyn biags biant bialy biamz bianb biawk biazm biban bibep bibna bibor bibpe bibro bibty bibus bibjH; bicap bicir bicos bicpa bicso bicut bicvy bicyv bider bidre bidto biduv bidwy Bullion — continued. Bullion ex per „ shipped Bullocks Bulwark(s) Bump Bumped Bumping Bundle(s) Bungle(s) Bungled Bungling Bunker(s) (see also " Coal ") Bunker(s) at capacity for „ voyage fully steamer with Is she to bunker (at) Is to bunker (at) Fill bunker(3) Cross bunker(8) • In Permanent bunkers Side „ Spare „ ^ Steamer's „ Bunkered {see also " Coaled") Not bunkered To be „ Bunkered at by for „ steamer „ with Bunkering {see also " Coaling ") Bunkering at „ with Buoy(s) Buoyancy Buoyant Buoyed Burden (s) Burdened Burdening Bureau Veritas Class No. 1, Bureau Veritas t» 11 *| u It i» »» "» »f »l Classed with „ „ Highest class „ „ Burial Buried Burn(s) Burned Burning Burnt Burst Bursting Burthen Bury Burying Bush(ed) biefs biegt bieky bielz biemb bienc biewl biezn bifar bifit bifov bifra bifse bifvo bifyx bigas biget bigiv bigsa bigte, bigux bigwo blMy biSkt bihev bihoy bihta bihuz bihve bihyo bjjav bFS" bipoz bikib bijva bywe biizo bikl^o bikiz biko^ bikuc bikwa bikye bilay bilco bilez bilib biloc bilud bilya bilze bimaz bimdo bimeb bimic bimod bimuf bimyg bimza binab binba bince binec binfo Bushel(s) (of) Bushels for „ from „ of (— ) lbs. Busily Businew Business has gone' past us Secure the business Lose the „ Do not miss the business With business firm in hand Do the business No business Offer the business (to) Are offered the business Have lost „ „ „ secured the business Prospect of business The business Business offering „ with Busy Too busy Very busy But But if „ not » we (I) Butt(s) Buy {see also " Offkr " and " Quote ") Buy at „ best price „ not exceeding for from it to arrive cash against documents c.&f. c.&i. c.i.f. c.i.f.&o. c.i.f. &e. ex ship forward delivery for delivery f.a.q. f.a.8. f.o.r. f.o.b. on spot and ship promptly subject to Can buy „ c. & f. „ c. & i. „ ci.f. „ c.i.f. & c. „ c.i.f. & e. „ f.o.b. „ f.a.s. „ f.a.q. „ f.o.r. „ to arrive Cannot buy 27 Binid Bobi Buy — cmitinued. Can j'ou buy Could probably buy Do not buy May "we (I) buy Shall „ You may „ Will buy „ not buy Cannot buy any more „ „ at present „ „ „ your limit Can buy subject to prompt reply „ „ shipment by steamer With authority in hand think we could buy At what price can you buy „ „ „ „ shipment by Buy ( — ) more [steamer „ more at same price Can (could) you buy more at same price We can (could) „ „ „ Buyer(s) (of) Buyer(s) at „ for Buying Are buying „ not buying II you „ Resume „ Stop Buying from By the II a (an) „ and by II any II her „ him p his •I it „ Me „ our (my) „ that „ the „ their „ these „ this „ those „ them I, us „ what „ which „ whom „ whose .. you ., your Bye Bye-Iaw(s) Bye-produots C Cabiii(6) ( — ) berth cabin (s) 1st class „ 2nd „ „ 8rd „ „ biyhb biykd biyla biyme biyop biypo biyry bizam bizen bizip bizma bizne bizsy bizur bizys blagm blahn blajp blams blant blary blasz blawd bleck blega blels blemt blenv blerz blesb blevd blewf bliks blilt blimv blipy blirb blisc blohr blojs blokt blolv blony blopz blorc blosd blovg blozk bluhs blujt blumy blunz blurd blusf boagy boanz boald boamf boang boapn boark boawp bobas bobet bobiv Cabin(s) — continued. No cabin(s) Cabin (s) in Cabinet Cable(s) {see also " Telegraph " and Cable Lengths ["Telegram") Cabled {see also " Telegraphed ") Cabling {see also "Telegraphing") X3aisBon(s) Calamity Calculate (s) Calculated Calculating Calculation(s) Calendar Call {see also " Calls ") Call at „ for „ „ orders (at) „ here I. in „ notice » of I. » ( — ) per share „ there .. up Will call (at) „ not call (at) II sne ,, „ Get the call of ■ Steamer to call Called „ here II up „ „ capital Calling Not calling ( at) Calling at II for „ here II in „ there ,. up Is she calling Calls {see also " Cau, ") Calls at Calm Calmer Came „ from „ here 11 to Campaign Can {see also " Cannot," Pronount and " Ir ") Can a (an) II any „ be II .1 no „ have ,1 II no .1 he „ her ,, his ., I II if .. it 28 Bobsa Bosry Can — continued. bobsa Can it be bobte „ my bobux „ no bobwo ,» our bobzy „ she bocat „ „ be bocev „ the bocoy „ their bocta „ there bocuz „ „ be bocve " „ these bocyo „ „ be bodav „ they bodix „ this bodoz „ „ be bodub „ we bodva „ you bodwe „ your bodzo Canada boefy Dominion of Canaaa boeez For Canada boekd From Canada boelf In boemgf To „ boerl Canadian bofbo ). Government bofiz Canal (see also " Suez ") bofob Aground in the canai bofuc In the canal bofwa Via the canal bofye Cancel(s) bogay „ and substitute bogco „ it bogez Can you cancel bogib Can cancel bogoc Cannot cancel bogud On what terms can you cancel bogya Try to cancel bogze Cancellation bonaz I Cancelled bohbe Have cancelled bohdo Has been cancelled boheb Not cancelled bohic Until „ bohod Cancelled by bohuf „ it bohyg Cancelling bohza ,, date boijd Extend her cancelling date boilg Extended her cancelling date boipk Her cancelling date boirm Lost her cancelling date bojab Save her „ „ bqjba Saved her „ „ bojce Cancelling date extended boqec „ „ fixed bojfo What is her cancelling date bojhy Cancelment bqjid Candareens bojof Candidate(s) bojug Candidature boiyh Candle Power bokac Cannon bokca Cannot {^e* cUno Pronountand " If ") bokde Cannot be 29 boked bokgo boMf bokog bokuh bokyi bolad bolda bolef bolfe bolho bolig bolky bolon boluj bolyk bomaf bomeg bomfa bomge bomio boinly bomoj bomxik bomyl bonag bonga bonne bonij bonko bonmy bonok bonul boocy boodz boohd boojf boonk boom boosp boows booxt bopah bopha bopik bopie boplo bopny bopol bopum bopyn borak borel borka borle bomo boron borup bosal bosem bosla bosme bosop bospo bosry ' Cannot — continued. Cannot have „ been her his it .. be she ,. be they (he) this (these) If »» oe we (I) you Cantar(s) Canvas Canvass Canvassed Canvassing Capability(ies) Capable Capacious Capaoity(ies) (of) Cubic capacity Deadweight capacity Measurement „ ( — ) tons capacity Capacity for Telegraph capacity What is her capacity (for) „ the capacity of Cape At the Cape For „ „ From the Cape To „ „ Via „ „ .Cape ports „ to One Cape port Two Cape ports Three „ Cape Colony >, „ Government Cape of Good Hope Cape Horn Capital Nominal capital Paid up „ Share „ Deterred Ordinary share capitaL Ordinary share capital Preference „ „ Subscribed capital Capitalisation Capitalise Capitalised Capitalising . Capitalist(s) Capsize(d) Capsizing Capstan Captain(s) Ask Captain Captain of Bosyr Bufde bosyr botam bcTtip botma botne botsy botur botys bouby bougd Jjoulj Ijoumk bourp bouvs bovan bovep bovna bovor bovpe bovro bovty bovus bovyt bowap bowir bowos bowpa bowso bowut bowvy bowyv boybz boyer boyhg boylk boyre boyto boyuv bo3rwy bozar bozit bozov bozra bozse bozvo bo^x braks bralt bramv brapy brarb brasc brawg brehr brels brekt brelv breny brepz brerc bresd brew bre^ bril^ biijt Captain(s) — continued. Captain asks „ states Get owners to instruct captain Inform captain Instruct „ Shall we (I) instruct captain Instructed captain Is left in hands of captain Enquire of captain Captufe(s) Captured (by) Capturing Car(s) Ca.rat(s) Carboniferous Carcase(s) Number of carcases Carcases of lamb „ ,, mutton Care(s) Care of Cared Careen Careened Careening Careful Be careful „ very careful Very careful Careful to Carefully Very carefuUy Careless Very careless Carelessly Carelessness Great carelessness Cargo {see also " Cabooes ") A cargo (of) Any cargo Book cargo (for) Booked cargo (for) Booking cargo (for) Capacity for cargo Condition of cargo Deadweight cargo Deck „ Description of cargo Discharge cargo Discharged cargo Discharging cargo Full cargo General cargo Half Hmneward cargo Land(8) „ Landed „ Landing „ Loadfs^ „ Load(s) cargo at » ., for Loaded „ Loading „ Light Measurement cargo brimy brinz brird brisf brogs brofit broly bromz bronb brorf browk brozm brufs brugt brunv bruky brulz brumb brunc brurg bruvk bruzn buaby buagd bualj bviamk buEup buavs buawt bubay bubco bubez bubib buboc bubud bubya bubze bucaz bucbe buceb bucgy bucic bucod bucuf bucyg bucza budab budba budce budec budfo budhy budid budof budug budyn buebz buefd buelk buets buevt buezy biifac bufca bufde V »> » if n » ft Caboo— conh nuecU No cargo Outward cargo Part „ Refrigerated cargo Shut out Some Tons of Whole What cargo have you booTfed , is offering , can she carry , may we engage , has she ., can you give her Can you give her a cargo of Cargo at „ booked for » „ from „ capacity „ consists of „ ex » for » from in landed of offering on deck » per ,y shipped „ Bpace „ 8teamer(s) » to Cargoes {see also " Caroo ") Two cargoes Three cargoes Cargoes for „ from „ of ., to Caring Carpenter(s) Carriage Carriages Carried (To) be carried Over carried Carried about » by „ forward „ from „ in „ on deck „ to Carrier(s) Carries „ about Carry To carry Cany about „ forward „ her to „ it Can carry '. „ she carry 30 Bufed Byjne bufed bu&o b^ bufjy bufog bufi3i bufyj bugad bugda bugef bugfe bugho bugig bugky bugon bugui bugyk bufiaf bnheg buhfa buhge buhjo buhoi buhvik buhyl buixy bujag bujga bujne bunj bujko buqok buiul bukah bukha bukik buld© buklo bukny bukol bukom bukyn bulaj bulek bum buJia bulke bulmo bulpy bulyp bumak buiudL butuka bumle bunmo bumon bumup bunal bunem bunla bunme bunop bunpo bunry bunyr Cabby — contmiud. Cannot carry What can she carry Carrying Carrying forward „ it (them) Cartage Carte blanche Ca8e(s) In case(s) Case(8) for „ from » of „ per Cash For cash Cash against „ „ documents „ payment (s) „ terms Cashed Ca8hier(s) Cashing Casing Cask(s) (of) In casks Casks for „ from CaBt(s) Casting Casual Casually Casualty(ies) Gatalogue(8) Catalogued Bales catalogued Cataloguing Catoh(es) Catching Cater(8) (for) Catered (for) Catering (for) Cattle Carry cattle Head of cattle Cattle capacity „ per heaid (— ^ Caught CanUc Caulked Caulking Cau8e(s) Chief cause Explain cause (of) What is the cause (of) Is there any cause lor No cause (for) To „ Cause of „ for Caused » by » to Has caused Was caused by Causing buogh buohj buoik buolm buonp buors buost buowy buozb bupam bupen bupip bupma bupne bupsy bupur bupys burap burir buros burpa burso burnt buryv buser busre busuv butar butit butov butra butse butvo butyx buvas buvet buviv buvsa buvte buvux buvwo buwat buwev buwoy buwuz buwyo buyav buycy buym buyix buyim buylp buyoz buyps buyub buyva buywe buyzo buzbo buziz buzob buzuc buzwa buzye byajm Caution Great caution Cautioned Cautioning Cautious Cautiously CaYity(ies) Cease(s) (to) Ceased (to) Ceasing (to) Cede(s) Ceded Ceding Ceiling Cellular Celsius Degree(B) Celsius Cement Casks cement Portland cement Cementing Censor(s) Censorship Censure(s) Censured Severely censured Censuring Cent(s) 1 cent 2 cents 8 „ 4 „ 6 „ 6 „ 7 „ 8 „ 9 „ 10 „ 11 » 12 ,, 18 „ 14 „ 16 „ 16 ., 17 „ 18 „ 19 „ 20 „ 21 „ 22 „ 23 „ 24 „ 25 „ 26 „ 27 „ 28 „ 29 „ 80 „ 81 „ 82 „ 83 „ 84 „ 85 „ 86 „ 87 „ 31 byalp byaps byarv byaty bybaf bybeg bybfa bybg© bybjo bybly byboj bybuK bybyl bycag bycga byche bycij bycko bycok bycul bydah bydha bydik by die bydlo bydny bydol bydum bydyn byech byejn byens byept byetz byevb byexd byfai byfek byfil bytja byflce byfmo byfyp bygak bygel bygka bygle bygno bygon Zn byhem byhla byhme byhop byhpo byhyr byigm byijp byiry byjam byqen byjip byjma byjne Cent(s) — continued. 88 cents 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 .67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Cental(s) Centesimo(s) Centiare Byjur Cadug byjur byiys bykan bykep bykna bykor "bykpe iDykro bykus "bykyt tylap bylir "bylos "bylpa bylso bylut bylvy bylyv bjTHier "bymre "bymto bymuv bymwy bjmar bynit bynov bynra bynse TDjmvo bynyx byock "byols Tayonv byorz "byosb byowf bypas typet b3T)iv bypsa "bypte Taypux bypwo bypzy byrav bjrrcy byrix byroz "byrub hyrva. "byrwre byrzo bysbo bysiz bysob bysuc byswa bysye ' bytay "bytez bytib bytoc bytud bytya bytze Centigrade Centiliters Centimes {see also "Cents") Centimeters Centimo(s) Centner(s) Central Central America Centralise(s) Centralised Centralising Gentre(s) Centred (in) Centrifugal Centrifugal Pump(8) Centring Century Cereals Qrs. cereals Certain Not certain Certain to » ,. be Certainly not Certainty Certiflcate(s) (of) Consular certificate New certificate (s) No Old Certificaie(s) for Master's certificate Chief mate's certificate Second „ „ Certificated Certified » by copy Certify(ies) Certifying Cessation Cession Ceylon Chafage Chafe Chafed Chafing Chain(s) Chair Chairman {see also " Chairman's ") Chairman wishes you to „ enquires „ approves „ does not approve Vice-Chairman For the Chainiiaii From the Chairman Inform Chairman To the Chairman This telegram is for the Chairman „ from the Keferring to Chairman's telegram „ „ letter Chairman's byuks byult byupy bsrurb bjaisc byvaz byirbe bjrvdo bjrveb byvgy byvic byvod byvuf byvyg hyvza. b3rwab bywec bywly bywid byTvof bywug bywyn b3^ad byzda byzef byzfe byzho byzig byzky b3rzon byzin byzvk caaby caaffd caaJ^ caamk caarp caavs caawt cabay cabco cabez cabib caboc cabud cabya cabze cacaz cacbe caceb cacgy cacic cacod cacvif cacyg cacza cadab cadba cadce cadec cadfo cadhy cadid cadof cadug Challengers) Challenged Challenging Chamber(s) „ of Commerce Insulated chamber(s) Meat chamber(s) Refrigerated chamber(s) Chance (s) Is there any chance of No chance of Chance of Chanced Chancellor of the Exchequer Chancery Chancing Change {see also " Changes ") Is there any change in No chango (in) To change Change from „ in (of) „ to Changeable Changed Has Been changed to Changed to Changes {see also "Change") No changes Changing Channel(s) Channel port „ for orders Chaos Chapter(s) Character (of) Charge(s) All charges Heavy charge (s) No charge (s) Costs and charge(s) What would be the charge (for) Telegraph yotir charge for Our (my) charge(s) Their (his) „ To charge Your charge(s) Charge(3) extra Charge(s) for Charge him (them) „ of Charge(s) on Charge us (me) ,. you Chargeable (on) Not chargeable Chargeable by to Charged Been charged Not Have „ Charged by „ extra for 32 Cadyh Cayjm Chaeged — cantinued. Charged him (them) on to „ us (me) .. you Charging Charging for „ them (him) „ us (me) .. you What are yon charginR (for) Chart(s) Charter(s) Do not charter Does the charter Cancel „ Cancelled „ Clause in ,, Form of charter Insert in charter Inserted in charter Conditions of charter Chief conditions of charter Copy of charter Government form of chartei Ofier to charter Firm offer to charter Are offered charter Submit offer to charter Can (could) charter Cannot chartei Can (tfould) you charter Fix charter Fixed charter Have fixed charter If the chartei Lump sum charter May (shall) we charter Not in charter Obtain „ Our charter On what terms can you charter Terms of charter „ and conditions of charter Their (his) charter Time charter Will (would) charter Your charter Charter at „ cancelled for „ „ one port „ „ two ports „ „ three „ „ „ one voyage „ „ two voyages „ „ three „ „ from „ her party „ provides (for) r, to „ with option of Chartered Not chartered 33 canem canla canme canop canpo canry canyr caogh caonj caoik caolm caonp caors caost caowy caozb capam capen capip capma capne capsy capur capys carir caros carpa carso carut caryv casre casto casuv catar catit catov catra catse catvo catyx caubd caucf cauhk cauil cavun caump caurt cauvy cavas cavet caviv cavsa cavte cavux cavwo cawat cawev cawta cawve cawyo cayav caycy cayhJ cayix cayjm Chartered — continued Has been chartered (by) Have chartered „ not chartered .. you „ Chartered at „ Government for from her through to Charterer(s) If the charterer(s) Who are charterers Inform ,, Ask „ Charterers request Name of charrterer(s) Charterer(s) of „ name „ risk „ stipulate(s) for At charterers' option „ „ expense Chartering Chartering at „ for „ from „ her Recommend chartering Cheap Cheap at ,► for „ price (rate) Cheapen(8) Cheapened Cheapening Cheaper Likely to be cheaper Little cheaper Much „ Cheaper than 3d. cheaper 6d. „ 9d. „ 1/- „ 1/6 „ 2/- „ 2/6 „ 1 degree cheaper 2 degrees „ 3 » i> ^ >> II (-) -. Cheapest Cheapest to Cheaply As cheaply «vs possible Cheapness (of) Cheok(B) Checked Checking Chftckniate(d) Checkmating Caylp Cepse caylp cayoz cayps cayub cayva cayw© cayzo cazbo caziz ca,zob cazuc cazwa ca^e ceabd ceacf ceahk ceaql cealn ceamp ceart ceavy ceawz cebad cebda cebef cebfe cebho cebig cebon cebiji cebyk cecaf ceceg cecfa cecge cecio cecly cecoi ceouk cecyl <;eaag cedca ce' ciftna Inferior „ cipuc 30 ciziia 725 *l cifbe Is she to coal at cipwa 35 cizik 750 )f oifsy Japanese coal cipye 40 cizje cizlo 775 II cifiir Large ciraz 45 800 f» ciiys Load „ cirbe 50 cizol 825 f] cigan Local „ cirdo 55 cizum 850 It cigep Mixed „ cireb 60 cizyn clahr 875 ♦» cigna Natal cir^ ciric 65 900 »f cigor Newcastle coal 70 clais clakt 925 )l cigpe N.S.W coal cirod 75 960 t> cigro New Zealand coal ciruf 80 clalv 975 l» cigty No coal ciryg 85 clany 1,000 tl cigus North country coal cirza 90 clapz 1.100 41 cigyt Nut coal cisab 95 Glare 1,200 If cinap Part cargo of coal cisba 100 clasd 1,300 »l cihir Pennsylvanian coal cisce 110 clavg 1,400 1* cihos Price of coal cisec 120 clazk 1,500 >» cihpa Quality of coal cisfo 130 clehs 1,600 »l cihso Quantity of coal cishy cisid 140 clejt 1,700 It cihut Requires ( — ) tons coal 150 clemy 1,800 II cihvy Russian coal cisof 160 clenz 1,900 II cihyv Scotch „ cisug cisyh 170 clerd 2,000 II ci. er Screened „ 180 clesf 2,250 II c\ re Semi-bituminous coal citac 190 clewj 2,500 II ci. to Shall we coal citde 200 chgs cliht 2.750 »» ci. uv Shipment of coal citgo citif 210 3,000 t% ci. wy Small coal 220 climz 3,250 11 ci car Supply(ies) bunker coal citjy 230 clinb 3,500 tr ci] Icit Supply(ies) coal citog cituh 240 clirf 3.750 II cil cov Take(s)' coal at 250 clith 4,000 It ci] u-a Through and Through coal cityj 260 cli/iTn 4,250 It ci] cse To coal ciugs ciunt 270 clofs 4,500 II ci] cvo Took ( — ) tons coal 280 clogt clonv 4,760 II ci] Icyx Tons of coal ciuly 290 5,000 II cfl as Transvaal coal ciumz 300 cloky 6,600 It ci] let Turkish ciurf 310 clolz 6,000 It ci] tiv Unscreened coal ciuth 320 clomb 6,600 11 ci] Isa Virginian „ ciuzm 330 clone 7,000 It ci] Ite Welsh coal civad 340 clorg 7,500 tt ci] lux West Hartley coal civda 350 closn 8,000 If ci] wo What coal will she require civef 360 clovk 8,500 11 ci] Izy Where is she to coal civfe 370 clowl 9,000 ft cimat Zongouldak coal civho 380 clozn 9,600 11 cimev 1 ton t>f coal civig 390 cluds 10,000 II cimoy 1 i tons of coal civky 400 cluft 11,000 If cimta 2 civoh 410 clujy clulb 12,000 t* cimuz 2i .. civui civyk 420 13,000 II clmve 3 430 clund 14,000 If cimyo 3i „ ciwaf 440 clupf 15,000 If cinav 4 ciweg 450 coagfi coaht 16,000 If cincy 4i .. ciwoi ciwuK 460 17,000 ft ciQix 5 470 ooetna 18,000 If cinoz 5i .. ciwyl 480 coanb 19,000 t* cinub 6 .. ciyag 490 coawk 20,000 M cinva 6i .. ciyfs 500 coazm 26,000 If cinzo 7 .. ciyga ciyne 520 coban 30,000 ft ciohs 7i .. 540 eobep 35,000 ft ci ojt 8 .. ciyij 560 oobna 40,000 ft 36 Cobpe Cowon Coal — cotiHnti«t. Code— 4UU ,t II Cognisance comdo II II lUU „ 1, covmo Cognisant (of) Coincide(s) (with) Coincided „ comeb comod II general code „ insurance code covpy covyp cowak comuf „ merchants' code Coincidence comyg „ new code cowel Coinciding (with) comza 1, ^rase code tjowka Coke conab „ „ „ and supplement cowle Cargo of coke conba II II II II our „ cowno Foundry „ conce „ special phran code cowon Large „ 37 Cowup Cukgo cowup coyal coybt coyem coygz coynb coykd coyla coyme coyop coypo coyry cozam cozen cozip cozma cozne cozey cozys cramy cranz crard crasf . cra"wj cremjB crenb crerf creth crewk crezia crifs crihv criky crilz crimb crinc crii|f crisn crivk crizn croiy crolb crond cropf crowm cruhy crulc crumd crunf icrurj crusk crutl cuagy cuanz cuald cuamf cuang cuapn cuark cuawp oubas oubet cubiv cubsa cubte Coke — continued. Small coke Tons of coke Cold „ Chamber(s) Colder Coldly CoUapse(s) Collapsed Has collapsed Collapsing Collateral ,, security Collaterally Colleague(s) CoUect(s) Do not collect Shall we collect To coUect Collect it Collected Have collected „ you collected „ not „ Collected by „ from Collecting Not collecting Collection (of) For collection Collective Collectively CoUide (with) Collided (with) Colliding Collier(s) Colliery(ies) At the coUiery Colliery certificate Comsion(s) Has been in collision (with ) Damaged by collision Collision at „ with „ will Will the collision Was „ (in) CoUuaion (with) Colonel Colonial Colonial trade ColonieS^ {see also " Colony ") In the colonies Colonisation Colonise Colonised Colonising Colonist(s) Colony {see also "Colonies ") For the colony From the colony In » If To „ „ Colour(s) Colunin(s) „ No. cubux cubwo cubzy cucat cucev cucoy cucta cucuz cucve cucyo cudav cudix cudoz cudub cudva cudwe cudzo cuefy cuegz cuekd cuelf cuemg cuerl cufbo cufiz cufob~ cufuc cufwa cufye cugay cugco cugez eugib cugoc cugud cugya cugze cuhaz cuhbe cuhdo cuheb cubic cuhod cuhuf cuhyg cuhza cuyd cuilcp cuipk cuirm cujab cujba cujce cugec cu;jfo cuqhy cujid cujof cujug cugyfi cukac cukca cukde cuked cukgo Conibat(s) Combated Combating Combination (of) „ with Combine(s) Combine with Form(ed) a combine Combined » with » to Combining „ with „ to Combustion Come(s) To come (to) Come to a (an) Try to come to a (an) Come(s) by „ direct „ from » to ,1 ,) about „ via Is to come Coming Coming by „ from „ via Command(s) Commandant Commanded Commander {see also "Captain") Commanding Commence (s) To commence Commence at „ „ once Will commence Commence in (on) „ immediately » it „ to „ with When does it commence „ can you conamence Commenced Has (have) commenced •„ „ not commenced Have you commenced Commenced at » on » to „ with Commencement (of) At commencement of Commencing Are commencing Commencing about at from immediately in on Cukif Cyfka cukif cukoff cukuE cukjn culad culda culef culfe culho culig culky culoh culm culyk cumaf cumeg cumfa cumge cumjo cumly cumoj cumuk cumyl cunag cunga cunhe cunij cunko cuniny cunok cunul cuocy cuooz cuohd cuojf cuonk cuom cuosp cuows cuozt cupah cupha cupik cupje cuplo cupnv cupol cupum cupyn curka curie curno cusla cusme cuspo cusry cusyr cutma cutne cutsy cutur cutys cuvna cuvor cuvpe Commencing — con Untied Commencing to „ with Commend (s) Commended Commending Commensurate Comment(s) (upon) Commented „ Commenting „ Commerce Chamber of Commerce , Commercial Commercially Commissariat Commission(s) Add our (my) commission „ your commission Address commission Does price include commission „ not include commission Including(es) commission I, our (my) commission )> your commission Please cover our (my) commission Have covered your commission ,, you covered our (my) commission Price (rate) includes commission » •> of 1 per cent. " i> >> It i> » " »> ^s" *» » i> » 2 „ What commission shall we (I) charge Excluding commission If our (my) commission ), your commission Less commission No Our (my) commission Per cent. „ Bate of „ Their (his) „ Your commission Commission and brokerage account for from of on to i per cent. i „ i » 1 1* » 8 4 5 n „ Commissioned cuvro cuvty cuvus cuvyt cuwir cuwos cuwut cuwyv cuybz cuyer cuyhg cuylk cusnre cuyto cuyuv cujrwy cuzar cuzit cuzov cuzra cuzse cuzvo cuzyx cyach cyafk cyahm cyajn cyans cyapt cyasy cyatz cyavb cyaxd cybag cybga cybne cyby cybko cybmy cybok cybul cycah cycha cycik cycie cyclo cycol cycum cycyn cydaJ cydek cydil cydja cydke cydmo cydyp cyegm cyejp cyems oyent cyery cyewd cyfak C3^el cyfka Commissioned — con tinued. Been commissioned Commissionet>(s) Commissioning Commit(s) Commitment (s) )) at date » to (with) Committed .1 by ,) to (with) Not committed (to) Committee(6) Committing Common Commoner Commonest Commonwealth Australian Commonwealth Communioate(s) „ immediately I, this to „ with Shall we communicate with Communicated Has been communicated „ not communicated (with) Have you „ „ To be communicated Communicated it „ to » with Communicating » with Are communicating with Communioation(s) In communication (with) No „ from Communication from ,f with Commute(s) Commuted Commuting Companies (see also. " Company ") Both companies Companion(s) Company {see also "Companies" & "Coiisurg'g". New company ' Our (my) company Their (his) „ Limited company Your company Arrange for company Arrange with company Can the company Will „ „ Company can „ cannot » will » „ not If tn9 company ■»^ » i> Company Idmited Company's Comparable Comparative 39 Cjrfle Daahz cyfle cyflio C37fon cyfup cygal cygem cygla cygme cygop cygpo cygyr cynam cyhen cyhip cyhma cyhne cyhur cyhys cyick cyign cyils cyirz cyjan cyiep cyjna cyjor cyjpe cy^ro cy)ty cyjus cyiyt cykap cykir cykos cykpa cykso cykut cykvy cykyv cyler cylre cylto cyluv cylwy cymar cymit cymov cymra cymse cymvo cymyx cynas cynet cjmiv cynsa C3mte cynux cynzy cyoks cyolt cyopy cyorb cyosc cyowg cypat Comparatively Coinpare(s) (with) Compared (with) As compared with Comparing Comparison(s) „ between In comparison with Compartment(s) Fore compartment Aft Watertight compartment Compass(es) Compatible (with) Compel(s) „ them (him) „ us (me) » you Compelled to Been compelled to Not „ „ Are we compelled to Compelling Compensate(s) Compensated (by) Compensating Compensation Claim compensation Compensation for Compete(s) Can compete Cannot compete Can you „ Compete against •> by „ for „ vigorously „ with Shall we (I) compete Do not compete Competed „ against „ with » for Competence(cy) Competent (to) Competing Are competing „ not competing ., you „ Competing very keenly Competing for „ with With whom are we competing Competition In competition No Strong „ Their (his) competition Competition in „ of ), with To meet competition Is there any competition cypev cypoy cypta cypuz cypve cypjo cyrbo cyriz cyrob cyruc cyrwa cyrye oysay cysco cysez cysib cysoc cysud cysya cysze cytaz cytdo cyteb cytgy cytic cytod cytnf cytyg cytza cynhr cyuis oyukt cyulv cyupz cynrc cyusd cjmvg cyuzk cyvab cyvba cyvce cyvec cyvfo cyvhv cyvid cyvof cyvug cyvyn cywac cywed cywif cywog cywuE cywyj cyzaf cyzeg cyzfa cyzge cyzno cydy cyzoi cyzuk cyzyl dai daa! Gompeiitive „ price „ rate Coinpetitor(s) No competitors Who are our competitors Our (my) competitors „ „ „ are quoting Competitors for Complain(s) „ that Complained » of „ that Complaining Complaint(s) No compIaint(8) Serious complaint(s) Complement Full complement Complete(s) Complete(s) at Completed Been completed Not When will it be completed Will be completed If completed Completed on Completely Completeness Completing at Completion On completion (of) Complex Compliance (with) 'In compliance with Complicate(s) Complicated Very complicated Complicating Complication(s) Create complications Serious i, Complicity Complied (with) Not complied (with) Compliment (s) Complimentary Complimented Complimenting Comply(ies) (with) Complying (with) Compose(s) Composed (of) Chiefly composed of Composing Composition Composition of (— ) in the £ Anti-fouling composition Compound (s) Compoundea Compounded with creditors Compounding ¥) Daald Damo daald Comprehend (s) daamf Comprehended da^fo daang- Comprehending dajhv dajid daaph Comprehension daark Comprehensive(Iy) daqof daawp Compress dajug dajyh dakac dabas Compressed dabet Compressing dabiv Compressor(s) dakca dabsa Comprise(s) dakde dabte Comprised (in) daked dabux „ of dakgo dabwo Comprising da,kif dabzy Compromise dakog dakuH dacat „ us (me) dacev „ it for dakyi dalad dacoy Effect a compromise dacta Compromised dalda dacuz ,, for (at) dalef dacve Compromising dalfe dacyo Comptroller(s) dalho dadav Compulsion dalig dadix Compulsory dalky dalon dadoz Not compulsory dadub Compulsorily dalu, dalyk dadva Compunction dadwe Computation damaf dadzo Compute(s) dameg daefy Computed damfa daegz » at damge daekd » by damio damly daelf Computing daemg Conceal(s) damoj daerl Concealed damuk dafbo Concealing damyl dafiz Concede (s) danag dafob Conceded danga dafUc Not conceded danhe dafWa Conceded by danij dafye to danko dagay Conceding danmy dagco Conceivable danok dagez Conceive danul dagib Conceived daocy dagoc Conceiving daodz dagud Concentrate(6) daohd dagya Concentrated daojf dSH Concentrating daonk Concentration daorn dahbe Conception daosp dahdo Concern (s) daows daheb Concerned (in) daoxt dahic Concerning (see also " Regarding ") dapah dahod Concession(s) dapha dahiif ., in dapik dahyg of dapje daplo dahza to dayd dailg daipk Conciliate(s) Conciliated dapny dapol Conciliating dapum dairm Conciliation dapya dajab Conciliatory darak dajba Concise darel daqce Concisely darka daj6c Conclude(s) darle damo Conclude(s)-;— contiftuetZ. Conclude(s) it „ that Concluded Has been concluded Have concluded „ not concluded » you „ Been concluded Finally concluded Not „ Concluding Conclusion (a) No conclusion arrived at At the conclusion (of) Conclusive Conclusively Concur(s) (in) Concurred (in) Concurrence Concurrently Concurring Condemn (s) Condemned Condemning Condensation Condense(s) Condensed Condenser(s) Condensing Condition {sea also " Conditions ") Condition of „ that On condition that What is the condition of In good condition „ bad „ „ fair „ Conditional „ upon Conditionally „ agreed „ accepted upon Conditions {see also "Condition ") Chief conditions Terms and conditions What are the conditions On what conditions oanyou If the conditions Conditions of Condolence(s) Conduce(s) (to) Conduced (to) Conducing (to) Conducive (to) Not conducive to Conduct(s) of Conducted by „ with Conducting Confer(s) {see alio "Consult") Conference(s) (of) 41 Daron Dejok daron darup dasal dasem dasla dasme dasop daspo dasry dasyr datam daten datip datma datne datsy datur datys dau^d davUj daumk daurp dauvs davan davep davna davor davpe davro davty dawis davyt dawap dawir dawos dawpa dawso dawut dawvy dawyv daybz dayer dayhg daylk dayre dayto dayuv daywy dazar dazit dazov dazra dazse dazvo dazyx deaby deagd dealj deamk dearp deavs deawt debay debco debez Oo«rZB3ES(m{B)-—conliniied. Conference at „ with „ lines In conference with Conferred {see also " Consulted ") „ with Conferring {see also "Consulting") ,, with Confess (es) Confessed Confessing Confide(s) Confided Confidence (in) In confidence „ strict confidence No confidence in Confident (that) Confidential Strictly confidential Confidential informatioa „ letter „ „ dated „ telegram For your confidential information Confidentially „ informed Confidently „ believe Confiding Confine(s) Confined (to) Confining Confirni(s) Confirm- this (it) „ „ by wire We (I) confirm Confirmation (of) Subject to immediate confirmation Have you confirmation Telegraph your confirmation No confirtnation (of) Confirmatory Confirmed Confirmed by (in) Confirming ConfiscateTs) Confiscated Confiscating Confiscation Confiiot(s) (with) Will (would) conflict with Conflicted (with) Conflicting (with) Confonn(^ (to) Conformably Conformed (to) Conforming (to) Conformity (with) In conformity with Is not in conformity with Confound(s) Confounded (with) ConfUse(B) Confused (with) debib deboc debud debya debze decaz decbe deceb decgy decic decod decuf decyg decza dedab dedba dedce dedec dedfo dedhy dedid. dedof dedug dedyn deebz deefd deelk deets deevt deezy defac defca defde defed defgo defff defjy defog defuS defyj degad degda degef degfe degho degig degky degon degui degyK dehaf deheg dehfa dehge dehjo dehoi dehuk dehyl deixy dejag dejga dejhe dejKO dejok Confusing Confusion Congest(s) Congested „ market „ state of Very congested Congesting Congestion Congratulate(s) Heartily congratulate (yoo) Congratulated (upon) Congratulating Congratulation(s) Hearty congratulations Congratulatory Congress Conjecture Conjectured Conjecturing Conjointly (with) Conjunction (with) In conjunction with Connect(s) (with) Connected (with) Connecting (with) Connection(s) „ with In connection „ Connivance Connive (s) Connived Conniving (with) Conscious(ly) Consecutive „ numbers Consecutively Consent(s) {see also '^Agbeb") Our (my) consent Their (his) „ Your consent Give „ Obtain consent of Do you consent to Would you consent to „ they (he) consent to Cannot consent to If you consent to Consent(s) of » to Consented (to) {see aim " A^beed ") Consenting (to) {seealso "AattKEiMD") Consequence (of) In consequence of Consequences Serious consequences Consequent (upon) Consequential Consequently Oonservative(^ „ Government Conserve^) Conserved Conserving Conslder(s) 42 >i you Consigned by „ to „ „ us (me) ,, » you Consignee(s) Consignee(s) of » » goods Consigning Consignnient(s) On consignment Our (my) conaigmnent detyx devas devet deviv devsa devte devux devwo dewat dewev dewoy dewta dewuz dewve dewyo deyav deycy deyhl deyix deyjm deylp deyoz deyps deyub deyT^a dejrwe deyzo dezbo deziz dezob dezuc dezwa dezye diabd diacf diahk diajl dialn diamp diart diavy diawz dibad dibda dibef dibfe dibho dibig diblCT" dibon dibuj dibyk dicaf diceg dicfa dicge dicjo dicly dicoi dicuk dicyl didag didga didne did^ ConsignmentCs) — continued. Their (his) consignment Your consignment Ship on consignment To our (my) consignment „ their (his) consignment „ your consignment Consignment of Consignor(s) (of) Consignors of goods Consist (s) (of) Chiefly consist(s) of Consisted (of) Consistency Consistent (with) Consistently Consisting (of) Chiefly consisting of Consolidate(s) Consolidated „ rate (price) Consolidating Consolidation Consols Conspicuous (ly) Conspiracy Conspiring (to) Constant Constantly Consternation Constituency Constituent(s) Constitute(s) Constituted Constituting Constitution Constrain(s) Constrained (to) Constraining Construct(s) Constructed (by) „ for (to) „ of To be constructed of (with) Constructing Construction „ of Under construction Constructive „ total loss Construe(s) Construed by Construing Consul British, Consul Consular Consulate British.Consulate Consult(s) Consult us (me) 1} them (him) „ with Shall we (I) oonsult Do not consnlt ConsuItation(s) 43 Didko didko didmy didok didul diejm dielp dieps dierv diety dievz diewb diezd difah difha difik difie diflo difny difol difum difyn Diyid Consultation (s) — continued. In consultation with Consulted re digai digek digU digja digke digmo digpy di£ laL dihel dihka dihle dihno dihon dihup dyal dijem dijla dijme d^po dikam diken dikip dikma dikne dikur dikys dilan dilep dilna dilor dilpe dilro dilus dilyt dimap dimir dimos dimpa dimso dimut dimyv Consulting » Engineer ), Naval Architect Consumable Consume(s) Consumed Con8umer(s) Consuming Consumption (of) Coal consumption Total Consumptive Contaot (with) In contact with Contagion Contagious Contain (s) Does it (do they) contain Do(e3) not contain Contained (in) )i in our (my) J, „ their (his) >i „ your Not contained in Containing Contamination Contemplate(s) Contemplated Contemplating Contemplation Contempt Contemptible Contend(s) (that) Contended (that) Contending (that) Content (toT „ with Contented (with, to) Contention (s) Contentious Contents (of) Contest(6) » it Shall we (1) contest (it) Do not contest (it) Contested Must be oontested Not contested Contesting Contesting it Context Continent From the Continent North South On the To the U.K. or Continental Continental port(8) One Continental port Two Continental porta dinre dinto dintiv diogm dioni] diojp diont diory diosz diowd dipar dipit dipov dipra dipse dipvo dipyx dirat direv diroy dirta diruz dirve diryo disav discy disix disoz disub disva diswe diszo ditiz ditob dituc ditwa ditye diuck diugn dims divunt diurz diusb diuvd divay divco divez divib divoc divud divya divze diwaz diweb diwic diwod diwuf diwyg diyab diyba diyce diyec diyfo diyhy id diyic CoimwKKTAir — Continued. Three Continental ports ContingenGy(ie8) To meet contingency(ies) Contingent (upon) Continual Continually Continuanoe Continuation Continue(s) Do not continue Shall we (I) continue To continue Continue (s) to » » be » very Continued Continued by » to Continuing (to) Continuity Continuous Continuously Contra Contraband Contract (see aiso" Contracts ") At what can (will) you contract „ „ will they contract Clause in contract Conditions of contract In contract Mail „ New „ No „ Outside the contract Our (my) contract Secure „ Secured „ Tender for contract Tendered for contract Terms of contract ,, and conditions of contract Their (his) contract Under contract Your „ Contract at for from signed to with Can contract „ not contract .. you „ Do not „ May we (I) contract Shall „ Will contract „ not contract » you „ If you contract „ the „ Contracted » at >, for >, to 44 Diyks Doraz diyks diylt diyof diyug dizac dizca dizde dized djzgo dizif diqy dizog dizuh dizyj doack doagn doals doamt doanv doarz doasb doavd doawf dobai dobek dobU dobia dobke dobmo dobpy dobyp docak docel docka docle docno docon docup dodal dodem dodla dodme dodop dodpo dodry dodyr doeks doelt doemv doepy doerb doewg dofam dofen dofip doftna dofne dofey dofur dofys dogan dogep dogna dogor dogpe I Contracted — continued. Contracted with Have contracted with (for) „ not contracted with (for) ^ " yo" ., ,. „ Ck>ntraoting •> for !• to ti with Contraotor(8) Contracts {see also " Contjuot ") Are inviting contracts Invite contracts Contracts for Contradict(s) Contradicted Contradicting Contradiction Contradictory Contrary (to) Contrast(s) (with) Contrasted (with) Contrasting (with) Contravene(s) Contravened Contravening Contravention Contributable Contribute(s) Contributed >i by. ,f to (wards) Contributing Contrlbution(s) (to, towards) Contributor(s) Contributory (ies) Contrive (to) Contrived (to) Contriving (to) Control(s) (of) Get control (of) Secure control (of) Secured „ Under the control of Who controls Controlled (by) Controller {see alao " Comptbolleb ") Controlling „ interest Controversy(ies) Convalescent Convene(s) Convened Convened for (to) Convenience Great convenience At earliest convenience Convenient (for, to) If convenient Quite convenient It is not convenient for (to) Conveniently Convening ConYention(s) Conversant (with) Conversation(8) dogro Conversion (o£) dogty „ into dogus Convert (s) dogyt Converted (into) donap Convertible dohir Converting dohos Convey(8) (seeako "Cabby") dohpa Conveyance dohso Conveyed dohut „ by (in) dohvy „ from doh3rv „ to doiis To be conveyed doiKt Conveying doilv Convict (s) doipz Convicted (of) doirc Convicting doizk Conviction(s) dojer Convince (s) dojre Convinced (that) dojto Convincing dojuv Convoy(8) doiwy Cool dokar Cooled dokit Coolie(s) dokov Cooling dokra Co-operate(s) (with) dokse Cooperated „ dokvo Co-operating (with) dokyx Co-operation „ dolas In co-operation with dolet Cope (with) doliv Copeek(s) dolsa Coped (with) dolte Copied dolux Copies (see alto " Copy ") dolwo 2 copies dolzy 3 domat 4 domev 6 domoy 6 domta 12 domuz 18 domve 24 domyo Coping (\vith) donav Copper dancy Copy {see also " Copies ") donix A copy of donoz Send copy of donub Copying donva Cordial donzo Cordially doohs Corn doojt Corner(s) (in, of) doonz Cornered doord Cornering doosf Corporatron(s) doowj Corps' dopbo Correot(8) dopiz Is this correct dopob ,, quite „ dopuc „ not „ dopwa Strictly „ dopye Correct it doraz i „ „ to 45 Dorbe Dubus dorbe dordo doreb dorgy dorod doruf doryg dorza dosab dosba dosce dosec dosfo doshy dosid dosof dosug dosyn dotac dotde dotgo dotif dotjy dotog dotuB dotyj dougs douEt douly doumz dourf douth douzm dovad dovda dovef dovfe dovho dovig dovfy dovon dovtg dovylc dowaf doweg dowfSa. dowge do-w^o dowofl dowvik dowyl dojmg doyffe doyga doyne doyij doyko doymb doync doyok doyul doyzn dozah dozha dozik Corrected .Has been corrected Corrected it Correcting Correotion(8) (of) Correctly Not correctly Correctness Correspond (s) (with, to) Corresponded (with, to) Correspondence Copy of correspondence Correspondence re „ with Correspondent(s) Our (my) correspondent(8) Their (his) Your correspondent(s) Corre8pondent(3) at Corresponding „ with Correspondingly Corroborate(s) Corroborated Corroborating Corroboration Corrode(s) Corroded Corroding Corrosion Corrugated „ iron Cost (»«« alw " Costs") Gross cost Nett cost Total „ Cost about „ at „ excluding „ including „ of „ price „ must not exceed „ woold not exceed C.4f. C. &i. C.i.f. C.i.f.&e. Ci.f. & c. C.&f. shipment by steamer „ „ „ sailer C.i.f. shipment by steamer „ sailer C.i.f.&e. „ )l » }) C.i.f.Ac. „ If 1} f] Telegraph cost of c.&f. steamer saUer steamer sailer shipment by steamer „ ci.f. „ „ shipment by steajmer „ cost f.o.b. „ nett cost Will (would) cost Cost — conPimud. dorie dozlo WiU (would) cost about ji „ „ more than dozol 19 „ not cost more than dozum If cost does not exceed dozyn Costing dra,fs Costliness dragt Costly dranv Costs {see also " Cost ") draky Costs and charges dralz 9> of action dramb Cotton dranc Bales cotton drarg drasn Cotton for u from dravk 19 goods dra.zn Could (fee also Pronouns and " If ") dreds Could a (an) dreft it any drejy drelb be „ no drend have drepf „ been drewm „ had dries „ no dridt he drihy „ be drilc her drimd his drinf I driri drisk ,.be -if dritl it drobs ,y „be droct my drogy drofiz no not drold „ be drong dropfi „ have „ it drork »» » be drowp „ she drubt i> 1. be drufy „ they (he) drugz druhb „ this (these) (be) „ we (I) drukd » you drulf our drumg she drurl » be drusm the duags duafit their there dualy „ be duamz these duanb „ be duawk they duazm „ bfr duban this dubep „ bo dubna we dubor .. be dubpe you dubro „ be dubty your dubvis Counoil(s) 96 Dubyt Duvke dubyt ducap ducir ducos ducpa ducso ducut ducvy ducyv duder dudre dudto duduv dudwy duefs duegt dueky duelz duemb duenc duewl duezn dufar dufit dufov dufra dufse dufvo dafys. dugas duget dugiv dugsa dugte dugiix dvigwo dugzy duuat duhev duhoy duhta duhuz duhve duhyo duift duijy duilb duipf dujav dujcy dujix dujoz duqub dujva dujwe duizo dixkbo dukiz dukob dukuc dukwa dukye dulay dulco dulez Counsel(s) Count(s) (as) Counted (as) Countenance(s) Countenanced Countenancing Counter Counteract(s) Counteracted Counteracting CounteractiYe Counterbalance(s) Counterbalanced Counterbalancing Countermand (s) {see also "Counterordeb") Countermanded Countermanding Counter o£Per(s) Get counter offer Made counter offer Make „ „ us „ .. you „ We make you counter offer No counter offer Counter offer at „ for „ from „ of Counter offered Have counter offered Counter offering Counterorder(s) Counterordered Counterordering Countersign (s) Countersigned Countersigning Counting Countries Country Coupon (s) Course In due (ordinary) course In course of Course of market Court(s) Decision of court(s) Court martial Courtesy Covenant (s) Covenanted Covenanting CoYer(8) (see oho " Insubk ") Fully cover Cover risk (of) At what could you cover Covered Fully covered Is not covered Have covered „ not covered .. you „ Covered at „ for dulib duloc dulud dulya dulze dumaz dumbe dumdo dumeb dumic dumod dumuf dumyg dumza dunab dunba dunec dunfo dunid dunof dunug dunyK duocs duodt duohy duolc duonf duown dupac dupca dupgo dupif dupog dupvm dupyi duraf dureg durfa durge durjo duroi duruk duryl , dusag dusga dushe dusij dusko dusmy dusok dusul dutah dutha dutik dutie dutlo dutny dutol dutum dutyn duvaj duvek duvil duvia duvke Covered — continued. Covered risk (at, of) Covering Crack (s) (in) Cracked Cracking Craft Crane(s) Crank(s) Crank Shaft Crate(s) Create(s) Created (by) Creating Credence Credentials Credible(ly) Credit(s) Amount at credit What is amount at credit (of) Shall (may) we credit On credit (To) our (my) credit „ their (his) „ „ your credit Credit balance „ for „ from „ it „ of „ them (him) with „ us (me) with „ you with Credited Has (have) been credited (with) „ not been credited (with) Have we (I) been credited „ • „ they ( h") been credited „ „ you been credited (with) Credited by » in „ to „ with Crediting Crediting it (to) Creditor(s) Meeting of creditors Crew(s) European crew Lascar crew Native „ New „ Present „ Crew and passengers „ for „ of „ saved Criminal Cripple(s) Crippled (by, for) Crippling Crisis (in) During present crisis Present crisis Seriouu „ saved 47 Duvmo Dypay duvmo duvpy duvyp duwak duwel duwon duwup duyal duybt duyem duygz duyhb duykd duyla du3n3ae duyop du3rpo dujrry duzam duzen duzip dtizma duzne duzsy duzur duzys dyaks dyalt dyamv dyapy dyaro dyasc dyawg dybak dybel dybka dyble dybno dybon dybup dycaf dycetQ dycla dycop dycpo dycry dycyr dydam dyden dydip dydma dydne dydsy dydur dydys dyejs dyekt dyelv dyeny dyepz dyerc dyevg dyezk d3rfan dyfep Critical Very critical Criticise(s) Criticised Criticising Criticisin(s) Crop(s) Cross Crosscut Cross examination Cross examine Cross examined Crossed Crossing Crowd(s) Crowded (with) Crowding Crown(s) Crowned Crovrning Crude Crude Oil Cruise(s) Cruised Cruiser(s) Cruising Crush Crushed Crusher(s) Crushing(s) Cubic Cubic capacity ., feet per ton ( — ) cubic feet per ton 40 60 (— ) thousand cubic feet Cubic metre(s) „ yards Cubical Culniinate(s) (in) Culminated (in) Culminating (in) Culpable (negligence) Cultivate(s) Cultivated Cultivating Cultivation Cumbersome Cumulative Cum div. Cure " No cure no pay " Curious(ly) Currency Local currency During currency (of) Current(s) Currently Curtail (s) Curtailed Curtailing Custody (of) Custom ^ of port dyftia dyfor dyfpe dyfro dyfty dyfus dyfyt dygap dygir dygos dygpa dygso dygut dygvy dygyv dyner dyhre dyhto dyhuv dyhwy dyijt dyird dyjar dyjit dyjov dyjra dyjse dyjvo dyjyx dykas dyket dykiv dyksa dykte dykux dykwo dykzy dylat dylev dyloy dylta dyluz dylve dylyo dymav dymcy dymix dymoz dymub djmiva dymwe djmizo dynbo djmiz dynob dynuc djmye dyogs dyoht dyoly dyonb dyorf dyowk dyozm dypay Custom-house Customary As customary Customer (s) {see also " Client(s) ") Customs Cut(s) Cutting Cyclone(s) Cylinder(s) H.P. cylinder(s) Interm : cylindor(8) L.P. Cypher(s) {see also " Code ") Bentley's cyphers „ 900 million cyphers 400 ,, 100 ,, „ Copies of Bentley's cyphers Old cyphers New „ Whitelaw's 500 million cyphers „ l,02o ,, „ „ 407,600 cyphers Berne vocabulary „ Terminal arrangeinent of Bentley's cyphere Cwt(s). {see " Hundredweights ") D Daily Dairy produce Damage(s) Claim(s) damage(s) Telegraph estimated damage Is damage serious Estimated damage Extent of „ No damage(8) Serious damage(s) Slight What will damage(s) amount to Damage caused by Damage(s) from (by) „ in to „ „ ship Damaged Is it damaged Has it „ „ not damaged Seriously „ Slightly ,. Damaged by „ to extent of £ Damaging Damp Danger(s) Great danger (of, in) No danger (of) Danger from of to Is there any danger of Dangerous „ position Not dangerous Very „ 48 Dypco Ebkov dypco dypez dypib dypoc dypud djrpya dypze dyrab 43nrba dyrce dyrec dyrfo dyrhy dyrid dyrof dyrug dyryh dysac dysca dysde dysed dysgo dysif dysjy dysog dysxm dysyj dytad dytda dytef dytho dytig dytoh dytui dytyk dyufs dyugt d3nmv d3niky dyulz dyumb djurg dyusn dyuvk dyTizn d3nraf d3rveg dyvfa. dyvge dyvjo dyvoj dyvuk d3rvyl dy-wag dywhe dywij dsnvok dywul' dyzag dyzek dyzil dyzia dyzke dyzmo dyzyp Dangerously Danish ,, Government Dare (to) „ not Daring Dark Too dark Darker Darkest Darkness Data Date(s) {see " Days " tt various Months) To date Date of What is date of 80 d/d 60 „ 90 „ 120 „ 1 month's date 2 months' „ 8 „ » 4 ff ij 6 „ „ Dated Dating (from) Daughter(s) Davit(s) Dawn Day(s) 1 day 2 days S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 '28 29 30 45 60 90 120 eback ebagn ebals ebamt ebanv ebarz ebasb ebavd ebawf ebbai ebbek ebbil ebbom ebbre ebbsa ebbun ebbyp ebcak ebcel ebcim ebcon ebcro ebcup ebdal ebdem ebdin ebdop ebdva ebdjn' ebeks ebelt ebemv eberl ebewg ebfam ebfen ebfip ebfdr ebfys ebgan ebgep ebgor ebgus ebgwe ehgyt ebnap ebhir ebhos ebhut ebhyv ebiis ebikt ebilv ebipz ebirc ebizk ebjer ebjis ebjot ebmv ebkar ebkes ebkit ebkov Day(s) — continued. 8d/s 10 „ 80 „ 60 „ 90 „ 120 „ 30 d/d 60 „ 90 „ 120 „ Few days For a few days How many days In a few days Eunning days Working days Weather working days Number of days Save her days Day(s) for „ time ( — ) days, Sundajrs and holidays exceptei) Daybreak Daylight Daytime Dead Dead-lock Dead -weight ( — ) tons dead-weight fe— ) „ „ OB draught of ( — ) feet ead-wei^t capacity „ cargo Deal {see also "Deals") Dealer(s) Dealing Deals „ and ends „ „ battens ( — ) stds. of deals and battens Dealt » in „ ^vith Not dealt with Dear Too dear Dearer Much dearer Dearth (of) Death(s) (from) Debar(s) Debarred (from) Debarring Debatable Debate Debated Debating Debenture(s) £8^ per cent, debentures £H „ £H „ £H „ £5 £5 10s. „ £Q 49 Ebkyx Echup ebkyx ebla^ eblet ebliv eblux ebnav ebnix ebnoz ebnub ebohs ebojt ebonz ebord ebosf ebowj ebpha ebpiz ebpob ebpuc ebraz ebreb ebrho ebric ebrod ebruf ebryg ebsab ebsec ebsid ebsio ebske ebsla ebsof ebsug ebsyn ebtac ebted ebtif ebtko ebtma ebtog ebtim ebtyj ebugs ebunt ebuly ebumz eburf ebuth ebuem ebvad ebvef ehvig ebvlo ebvoh ebvui ebvyic ebwaf ebweg ebwiS ebwoj ebwtik pbwyl Bby% ebyefi Debenture(s) — continued. Bearer debentures Floating debentures Mortgage debentures First mortgage debentures Second „ „ Issue debentures Debentures for £ „ issued Debenture holders „ interest „ stock „ „ holder(s) Debit(s) (To) our (my) debit „ their (his) „ ,. your „ Debit balance „ of „ them (him) with „ us (me) with „ you with Shall we (I) debit Telegraph amount to debit of Debited Not debited Debited by » in „ to „ with Debiting „ it to Debt(s) Debtor(s) Deceased DeceiYe(s) Deceived Deceiving December 1st December 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th „ 18th 14th 16th „ 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 28rd 24th „ 26th ^ 26th 27* eb3aj ebyno ebyok ebype ebyul ebzah ebzik ebzol ebzpo ebzra ebzum ebzyn ecabd ecacf ecahk ecajl ecaln ecamp ecavy ecawz ecbad ecbef ecbig ecbon ecbui ecbyk eccaf ecceg eccih eccoj eccre eccsa ecciik eccyl ecdag ecdeh ecdij ecdok ecdul ecdym eceim ecelp eceps ecerv ecety ecevz ecewb ecezd ecfah ecfik ecfol ecftun ecfyn ecgai ecgek ecgil ecgom ecgun ecgwa ecg eel echel ecMm echon echup December — cotit in iied. 28th December 29th 80th 81st Beginning of December During December End of „ Middle of „ First half of December Second half of ,, For December In „ ,, all ,, December/January December/January/Febnmry December sailing „ steamer to Deception Deceptive Decide(s) Decide about „ immediately „ it „ to When can you decide Decided (see also " Decision '') It has been decided Finally decided Have „ „ „ not to „ you decided (to) What has been decided Not yet decided Decided by „ immediately „ not to „ that „ to Decidedly Deciding Deciliters Decimal {/lee " Numerals " for double figurei) •1 •2 •8 •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •9 Decimeter(s) Decipher „ telegram Deciphered Deciphering Deoision(s) {see also "Decided") Early decision Final „ Immediate decision Come to a decision Telegraph decision Have you arrived at a decision («) No decision arrived at 59 Echvo Edkik Decision(s)-. — continued. Our (my) decision Their (his) „ Your decision Decision of „ „ Board Decisive Decisively Deck(s) One deck „ „ laid Two decks „ „ laid Three decks Awning deck Bridge deck(s) Main „ No On Orlop „ Promenade deck(s) Shelter „ Spar „ Three deck rule 'Tween deck(s) Deck-house Decked Deckload DecIaration(s) Declare (s) Declared To be declared Declaring Decline(s) No decline(s) (in) Decline (s) in „ it of to Likely to decline Must decline Shall we (I) decline Is there any decline in Declined Been declined Have declined Declined by it to 1 point 2 points 8 „ 4 „ 5 „ Declining Steadily declining Rapidly „ Decorate Decorated Decorating Decoration(s) Decrease(s) Decrease of (in) Serious decrease (in) Decreased » by eczac eczed eczif eczoff eczun eczyj edaby edagd edalj edamk edarp edavs edawt edbay edbez edbib edboc edbud edcaz edceb edcic edcod " edcuf edcy; edda eddec eddid eddof eddsa eddug eddyh edebz edefd edelk ede.ts edevt edezy edfac edfed edfif edfog edfro edfuh edgad edgef edgo edgui edgyk edhaf edheg edhih edhoi edhiik edhyl edixy edjag edjen edjij edqok edqul ediym edkah edMk Decreased — continued. Decreased to Decreasing Decree(s) Decreed / Decreeing Deduct(s) Deduct from it Shall we (I) deduct Must deduct Deducted Been deducted Not (been) deducted Deducted by for „ from Have deducted „ you deducted Must be deducted Deducting After deducting Before „ Deduction(s) for „ from Deed(s) Deeni(s) Deemed (to be) Deeming Deep Too deep Very deep Deepen Deepened Deepening Deeper Deepest Deeply Defalcation(s) Default Defaulted Defaulter(s) Defaulting Defeat (s) Defeated Defeating Defect(s) (in) Defective Very defective Defectively Defenoe(s) Defend (s) Defendant(s) Defended Defending Defensive Defer(s) ShaU we (I) defer Deference (to) Deferential Deferred Has been deferred Deferring Defiance Defiant 51 Edkol Efjyh PgA^B) l»wH«l,r edkol Deficiency edylo Will (t delay edkum Deficient (iu) edymfi 'How long will it delay edkwo Very deficient edyna WiU delay (it) „ not delay pt) edkyn Deficit edyoa edlaj edlek of 6d3rub No delay „ in edrnz Serious delay edlU Shows a deficit of edzmo Delay in edlom Defied edzne „ of edlun Define(s) edzob „ to edlyp Defined edzpa Delayed edmak Defining edzuc How long wiU it (she) be delayed edmel Definite efa«y efanz Seriously delayed edmim No definite Delayed at (in) edmon Definitely efald » by edmup It has been definitely efamf for ednal Not definitely efang efapfi owing to ednem „ "„ • arranged „ steamer ednin Definitely arranged efark Will be delayed ednop „ decided efawp „ not be delayed ednyr Definiteness efbas Delaying Is (are) delaying edogh Definition efbet «donj Definitive efbiv What is „ edoik edolm Definitively efbux Delaying it Defiect(s) efcat Delcredere edonp Deflected efcev Delegate(s) edors Deflecting efcoy Delegated edost Deflection efcTiz Delegating edowy Defraud(s) efdav Delegation edozb Defrauded efdix Delete(s) edpam Defrauding efdoz Deleted (from) edpen Defray(s) efdra Deleting edpip „ cost (of) efdub Deletion(s) edpur „ expenses (of) efefy Deliberate edpys edrna, Defrayed Defraying efegz efekd Deliberated Deliberately edser Defy(ies) efelf Deliberating edMfo edsne Defying Degrade efemg eferl Deliberation Delicacy ledstfl Degraded effiz Delicate edi^a Degrading effbb Delight edsuv I>egree(s) effre Delighted edtar 1 degree efi^ „ to hear isdtes 2 degrees eflPao Dellver(s) edtho 8 „ e^y Deliver at edtit 4 .. efgez in(to) edtov 6 „ efgib » it edtyx eduod 6 „ 7 „ efgoc e%ro „ to Can deliver ©ducf 8 „ 9 „ efeud efhaz Cannot „ Can you deliver eduil eduln edump ©durb 10 „ efbeb Expect to deliver 1 degree more 2 degrees „ efhic efhod efhuf When can you deliver Do not deliver May (shall) we (I) deliver eduvy edvas edvet fidviv 4 efhyg Delivered 1 degree less 2 degrees „ efijd efilg efipk Been delivered If Not (been) delivered U\A V * ▼ edvux ^ tt if efinn To be dehvered edwat edwev ( — ) degrees of price { — ) degrees under your quotation efjab efiec efjid eQof Have „ „ not delivered edwoy edwuz edyav edyix (— ) „ over „ Delay(s) Do not delay Cause of delay i> you „ Was (were) „ Delivered at (in) by 52 Efkac Eggre DsiAyERED— continued. Delivered ex f.a.s. f.o.b. „ from „ here „ immediately „ terms „ there „ to Delivering Delivery(ies) Earhest delivery Early Forward „ Monthly „ On Prompt „ Rate of „ What delivery can yon give Delivery must be Stop delivery Delivery at (in) by „ steamer during „ all to Deinand(s) (see ais*" Request") Good demand (for) No Small „ „ Shall we (I) demand Is there any demand for Demand for „ from „ that Demanded by Have demanded Demanding Demolish(es) Demolished DenKrilshlng Demonstrate(s) Demonstrated Demonstrating Demonstration (s) Demoralise(s) Demoralised Demoralising Demur(s) Demurrage ( — ) days' demurrage No demurrage On Demurrage at begins of „ on steamer „ per day When does demurrage begin What is rate of demurrage Demurred Demurring Denial efVor efVus efvyt efVap efwir efwos efwTit efvvyv efyer efyis efyko- efyle efyma efyot efyuv efzar efzes efzit efelo efeov efeyx egags egant egaly egamz eganb egarf egath egawk egazm egban egbep egblo egbor egbus egbyt egcap egcir egcos egcut egC3rv egder egdis egdot egduv egefs egegt egeky egelz egemb egenc egerg egevk egewl egezn egfar egfes egfit egfov egfra egfyx eggas egget eggiv eggre Denied Denier(s) Denies (see also " Deny ") Denmark Denomination(s) Denounce (s) Denounced Denouncing Dense Densely Density Dent(s) Dented Denting Denude(s) Denuded Denuding Deny (see also " Denies ") „ having Denying Depart(8) (from) (s«eaZso" Leave" and "Sail") Departed (from) Departing (from) Department(s) Departmental Departure(s) Hasten departure Postpone „ Departure for „ from o£ Depend (s) (upon) Will depend upon Depended (upon) Dependence Dependent (upon) Depending (upon) Deplete Depleted Depleting Depletion Deplorable Deplore(s) Deplored Deploring Deposit(s) Shall we (I) deposit Arrange for a deposit (of) Must deposit To Deposit account in „ it „ money of „ rate „ with Deposited Deposited by „ with „ in bank Have (been) deposited „ not (been) deposited Not deposited Depositing 53 Eggsa Ekafd eggsa eggux eghat eghev eghoy eghuz ^ift «gijy egilb egipf egjav egjix egjoz egiub egkiz egkob egkuc egkwa eglay eglez eglib egloc eglud egmaz egmeb egmic egmod egmuf egmyg egnab egnec egnid egnof egnug egnyn egocs egodt egohy egolc egonf egorj egosk egown egpac egped egpif egpog egpun egpyj ^ ^sag egsdo egseh egsfe egsga egsij egsok egsiil egBym egtah egtha ^ik egtol egtum egtyn egubs Depositor(s) Depot(s) Ex clepot(s) Deprecate(s) Deprecated Deprecating Depreciate(s) Depreciated Depreciating Depreciation No depreciation Depreciation of „ on Rate of depreciation Depress(es) Depressed Very depressed Depressing Depression DepriYe(s) Deprived (of) Depriving Depth(s) ( — ) feet depth ( — ) feet and ^ depth Depth from „ moiilded What is the depth Deputation (s) Depute{s) Deputed by ,, to Deputing Deputy(ies) Derange(s) Deranged Deranging Derelict Deriye(s) Derived (by) „ from Deriving Derrick(s) Desatine(s) Describe(s) Described by in As described Describing Description (s) of What description (s) „ „ is -wanted Desert Deserted • Deserted, stop allotment Deserter(s) Deserting DeserYe(s) Deserved Deserving De8iderata(um) Design (s) New design eguct egugy egiinz eguld egumf eguph. egurk egvai egvek egvil egvom egvun egwaJ egwel egwho egwim egwon egwup egyal egyem egyin egyjo egyke egyla egyop egzam egzen egzip egzko egzur egzys ehbko ehbma ehclo ehcna ebdmo ehdpa ehgra ehita enkso ehkva ehlto ehlwa ehmvo ehnza ehrbo ehrda ehsco ehsfa, ehtga ehvha ehyho ehyka ebzla ejbla ejcle eq^o eqisa ejkro ejwha ejyfo eqyja ekabz ekafd Designate(s) Designated Designating Designed (to) by ,, for Designer(s) Designing Desirability (of) Desirable It is not desirable If desirable Very „ Desirable for » to Do you think it desirable „ not „ „ Think it desirable Desirableness Desire(s) {see also " Wish ") No desire (to) Desire that „ to „ you to Desired As desired Not „ Desired by Desiring Desirous Not desirous (of) Very „ Desirous of (to) Desist (from) Desisted (from) Desisting (from) Despair(s) (of) Despaired (of) Despairing (of) Despatch {see also " Despatches ") When can you despatch Hasten despatch (of) Despatch it (them) „ steamer Despatched To be despatched Despatched by for (to) „ from „ on Will be despatched Has been despatched „ not been despatched Have you despatched Despatches {see also " Despatch ") Await despatches Latest „ Despatching Despatching it (her) Desperate (ly) Despite Despondency Despondent Destination At destination 54 Ekahg Ekzja ekahg ekalk ekats ekavt ekazy ekbaz ekbeb ekbic ekbod ekbuf ekbyg ekcab ekcec ekcid ekcla ekcof ekcuff ekcyfi ekdac ekded ekdif ekdog ekdtm ekdyj ekexy ekfad ekfef ekfig ekflo ekfoh ekfai ekfyk ekgaf el^eg ekgih ekgoj ekgxus: ekgyl eknag ekhen ekhij ekhok ekhul ekhym ekigh eki.ik ekilm ekirs ekizb ekjah elqik elqol ekjum ek^iyn ekkai ekkek ekkil ekkom ekkre ekksa ekkun ekkyp eklak eklel eklim Destination — continued. Destination of On arrival at destinatioli What is her „ Destined (for, to) Destitute (of) Destroy(s) Destroyed Partly destroyed Totally „ Destroyer(s) Destroying Destruction (of) Great destruction Destructive Detach Detached (froni) Detaching Detachnient(s) (of) Detail(s) (of) Full details Send full details Telegraph „ No details Detailed Detailed in Detailing Detain (s) Do not detain May we detain Detain him (her) „ ship „ pending instructions Shall we (I) detain Detained Has been detained Detained at »■ by „ for I) here „ tliere Detaining „ her What is detaining Detect Detected Detecting Detection Detective(s) Detention No detention Detention at (in) „ for „ of Deter(s) Deteriorate(s) Deteriorated Deteriorating Deterioration Determinable Determination Determine(s) Determined » to „ not to Determining eklon eklup ekmal ekmern ekmin ekmop ekmyr eknam eknen eknip eknur eknys ekobd ekocf ekohk ekoil ekoln ekort ekovy ekowz ekpan ekpep ekpor ekpus ekp3^ eksar eksbe eksca ekses eksit eksov eksyx ekszo ektas ektet ektiv ektux ekuhl ekujm ekulp. ekups ekurv ekuty ekuvz ekuzd ekvat ekvev ekvoy ekvTiz ekwav ekwix ekwoz ekwub ekyfo ekyge ekyna ekyiz ekyob ekyuc ekzay ekzez ekzgo ekzEe ekzib ekzja Deterred (by) Deterring Detriment Detrimental (to) Detrimental to our interests „ „ your „ Very detrimental (to) Develop(s) Developed Developing Development(s) Deviate(s) from Deviated (from) Deviating (from) Deviation Cover deviation Covered „ No Deviation under policy Device(s) Devise Devised Devising Devoid (of) Devolve(8) (upon) Devolved (upon) Devolving (upon) Deyote(s) Devotea (to) Devoting Diagram(s) (of) Diameter (of) Diampnd(s) Dictate(s) Dictated Dictating Did {see also Pronouns and " If '') any he her his I it my not „ have „ this (these) our she so the their these they this we you your Die Died „ from DiJEFer(s) (from) Differed (from) DiiFerenc6 ,, between 55 Ekzoc Elsys Difference — cojiiiojied. Great difference (between) What is (would be) the difference Pay(s) the difference No difference Difference in „ of Different „ from to Differential(ly) Differently Differing Difficult Very difficult Difficult for „ to Difficulties Great difficulties Difficulty Would there be any difficulty (in) Great difficulty No Difficulty in „ with Digger(s) Dilapidated Dilapidation(s) Dilatoriness Dilatory Dilemma Dimension(s) » of „ to be What are the dimensions Diminish(es) Diminished ' „ by Diminishing Diminution (of) (in) No diminution (of) (in) Dip(s) (of) Diplomacy Diplomatic Diplomatically Dipped Dipping Direct „ ' for (to) „ from „ port Go direct (to) Is he (she) to go direct (to) Directed (to) by Directing Direotion(s) {see also "Instructions") » for of „ to Give directions Have given directions Under the direction of Directly Director(s) Uee aho " Boabo ") of eljac eljed eljif eljog eype eljuh elkad elkef elkig elkoh elkpo elkra elkuj elkyk ellaf elleg eUih elloj ellre ellsa eUuk eUyl elma^ elmen elmij elmok elmro elmse elmta elmul elmym elnaji elnik elnol elnso elnum elnva elnyn elooy eloga elolj elorp elovs elowt elpaj elpek elpil elpom elpto elpun elpve elpwa elpyp elral elrem elrin elrop elryr elsam elsba elsen elsip elsur elsys Director(s) — continued. Directors have decided Inform the Directors The Directors „ „ enquire „ „ desire „ „ request Managing Director(s) Directorate Directorship Dirt Dirty Dis— Disability(ies) Disable Disabled Disablement Disabling Disadvantage(s) Great disadvantage(s) Disadvantageous Very disadvantageous Disadvantageous for to Disadvantageously Disaffected Disaffection Disagree(s) (with) Disagreeable Disagreed Disagreeing Disagreement(s) Disallow(s) Disallowed Disallowing Disappear(s) Disappearance (of) Disappeared Disappearing Disappoint „ them (him) „ us (me) you Do not disappoint (us) Disappointed (at) „ with Very disappointed Disappointing Very disappointing Disappointment(s) Disapproval (of) Disapprove(s) (of) Disapproved (of) Disapproving (of) Disarrange(s) Disarranged Disarrangement Disarranging Disassociate(s) Disassociated Disassociating Disaster(s) Disastrous Very disastrous Disastrously Disbelieve(s) 56 Eltan Emrij Disbelieved Disbelieving Disburse Disbursed Disburseinent(s) ,, amount(s) to Total disbursement(s) Disbursing Disc Discard (s) Discarded Discarding Discern Discerned Discerning Discernible Discharge(s) cargo To discharge Discharge at her ,, him „ steamer Rate of discharge per day Wire rate of discharge per day Will she discharge (at) Must ,, „ Discharged Has been discharged Has she (been) discharged Not yet discharged To be discharged (at) Discharged at ,. by cargo „ for in (to) .1 on ship „ steamer Discharging (at) Discharging days » cargo Eate of discharging Discipline Disclaini(s) Disclaimed Disclaiming Disclose(s) Disclosed Not disclosed Disclosing Disclosure(s) Discoloration Discolour Discoloured Discolouring Discon Disconnect(s) Disconnected Disconnecting Disconnection Discontent Discontented (with) Very discontented emeft emewm emfas emfet emfiv eirtfio emna emfux emgat emgev emgle emgoy em; emnav emhix emhoz emhub amies emiri emitl emjiz emqob emiuc emkay emkez emkib emkno emkoc emkud emlaz emleb emlic emlod emluf emlyg emmiab emmec emmid emmof emmre emmsa emmug emmyn emnac emned emnif emnog emnun emnyj emobs emoct emork emowp empaa empef empig empon empso empte empuj empva empyk emra^ emren emrij "57 Discontinuance (of) Discontinue(s) Discontinued Has been discontinued Discontinuing Discount(s) At a discount (of) Under discount No discount(s) What is the discount Subject to a discount of Discount(s) on Discount rate „ for cash Discounted Has been discounted Discountenance(s) Discountenanced Discountenancing Discounting Discourage(s) Discouraged Discouragement(s) Discouraging Discourtesy Discover(s) Discovered Discovering Discovery (of) Di6credit(s) Discreditable Discredited Discrediting Discreet Discreetly Discrepancy(ies) Discretion Our (my) discretion Their (his) „ Your discretion May we (I) use our (my) discretion Will you give us discretion (to) Leave it to your „ „ „ our (my) discretion „ „ discretion of Give discretion of Discretionary Discriminate(s) Discriminated Discriminating DiscriminatioF Discuss(es) Discuss it (with) Shall we (I) discuss it with Discussed Was not discussed Discussed by „ it (with) Discussing Discussing it (with) Discussion(s) Discussion regarding Di6ease(s) Diseased Disembark(s) (at) Emrok Enorg emrok emrul emrjrtn emsah emsik emsol emsum emswo emsyn emtai emtek emtil emtom emtun emts^p emtze emubt emurl emusm emvak emvel emvim emvon emvup emwal emwem emwin emwop emwyr emyam emyco emyde emyen emyfe emyip emyur emzau emzdo emzep emzga emzor emzus exuzyt enahr enaqs enalv enany enapz enarc enasd enavg enazk enbal enbem enbin enbop enbj^ encam encen encfo encha encip encur encys Disembarkation Disembarked (at) Disembarking (at) Disengage(s) Disengaged Disengaging Disfavour(s) Disgrace (to) Disgraceful Disgracefully Disgust(s) Disgusted (at, with) Disgusting Dishearten (s) Disheartened (by) Disheartening Very disheartening Dishonest Dishonesty Dishonour(s) Dishonoured Has been dishonoured Dishonoured by „ wire instructions Dishonouring Disinclination (to) Disinclined (to) Very disinclined (to) Disinfect Disinfectant(s) Disinfected Disinfecting Disinfection Disinterested Dislike (s) Disliked Dislocate (s) Dislocated Dislocating Dislocation Disloyal Disloyalty Dismantle(s) Dismantled Dismantling Dismasted Dismiss(es) Dismiss him Dismissal (of) Dismissed Dismissing Disobedience Disobedient Disobey(s) Disobeyed ,, instructions Disobeying Disorder(s) Disordered Disordering Disorganisation Disorganise(s) Disorganised Disorganising Disparity 58 endan endep endgo endne endja endor endus endyt enejt euenz enerd enewj enfap enfir enfos enfiit enfyv engis engio engke engla engot enguv ennar enhes enhit enhov enhyx enigs enirf enith enizm enjas enqet eiyiv enjlo enjme enivix enkat enkev enkmo enkoy enkpa enkuz enlav enliz enloz enlub eniniz enmob eiunuc ennay ennez ennib ennoc ennre ennsa ennud enofs enogt enonv enoky enolz eAonc enorg Dispatch {see also " Despatch ") Dispatched {see also " Despatched ") Dispatches {see also " Despatches ") Dispatching {see also " Despatchino ") Dispense(s) (with) Dispensed (with) Dispensing (with) Displace(s) , Displaced Displacement(s) Tons displacement Displacing Display(s) Displayed Displaying Displease(s) Displeased Displeasing Displeasure Disposable Disposal (of) At the disposal of Dispose(s) (of) {see also " Sell ") Disposed (of) to Are disposed to „ you disposed to „ not „ „ Disposing (of) Disposition (to) Disproof Disproportion Disproportionate Disproportionately Disproportioned Disprove(s) Disproved Dispute(s) Dispute(s) it „ with Settle the dispute Settled the dispute Disputed Disputing Disqualification Disqualified » by „ from Disqualify(ies) Disqualifying Disquieted Disquieting Disregard(s) . Disregarded Been disregarded Disregarding Disrepair Disreputable Disrepute Dissatisfaction (of) „ with Express dissatisfaction with Dissatisfied (with) Veiy dissatisfied Dissatisfy Enosh Epklo enosh Dissension epach Divert(s) enovk Dissent(s) (from) epafk Diverted enowl Dissented (from) epahm „ from enozn Dissentient(s) epajn to enpaz Dissenting (from) spans Diverting enpeb Dissimilar epapt Divest(s) enpic Dissimilarity epasy Divested (of) enpod Dissociate(s) epatz Divesting enpro Dissociated epavb Divide(s) enpuf Dissociating epaxd To divide enpyg Dissolution (of) epbag Equally divide enrac Dissolve(s) epbeh Divided enred Dissolved epbi) Divided between enrif Dissolving epbok „ into enrog enruh Dissuade(s) epbul Divided equally Dissuaded (from) epbym Dividend(s) enryj Dissuading epcah Declare dividend (of, on) eusad Distance(s) epcik Declared dividend „ „ ensef „ between epcol Interim dividend (of) ensig „ from epcum Per cent, dividend enson » to epcyn Dividend(s) on ensuj Distant epdai epdek Dividend on Ordinary Shares ensvo Too distant „ „ Preference Shares enswe Distasteful epdil „ Warrant(8) ensyk Distil epdom Dividing entaf Distilled epdun Diving enteg Distiller(s) epdyp Divisible entih Distillery epegin Division(s) entoi entuk Distilling epejp Divulge(s) Distinct epems Divulged entwo Distinct from epent Divulging entyl Distinction apery Do {sceaho Pronouns, " If " and "Does ") entza ,, between epewd „ any enuds Distinctly epfak „ her enufb Distinguish(es) epfel „ his enuiy enulb Distinguishable epfim ,, 1 Distinguished epfon „ it enupf envag Distinguishing Distrain epfup epgal „ my „ no enveh Distrained epgem „ not envij Distraining epgho »l »t w envok Distraint epgin „ „ have envul Distress epgop „ „ these envym Distressed epgyr epnam „ „ they enwah Distressing >, .. you enwik Distributable ephen „ nothing enwol Distribute(s) ephip „ our enwnm To distribute ephio ephke „ regarding enwyn Distributed „ so enyaj Distributer(s) ephla „ the enybo Distributing ephur „ their enyce Distribution(s) (of) ephys „ them enyda District(s) epick „ these enyek Distrust(s) epign epils „ th«y enyil Distrusted „ this enyom Distrusting epirz „ we enyun Disturb(s) epjan „ with enzak Disturbance(s) epjep „ without enzco Disturbed epjko ,. you enzde Disturbing ep;jor „ your enzel Disuse epjus „ as you think best enzfa Disused epqyt epkap What can you do enzim Ditto „ shall wo (1) do (re) „ do you wish us (me) to do enzon Diver(s) epkir enzup Diversion epklo Dock(s) (see also " Dry-Dock") 59 Epkos Erijl epkos epkut epkyv epler eplis eplot epluv epmar epmes epnait epmov epmyx epoks epolt epopy eporb eposc epowg eppat eppev eppoy eppre eppsa eppuz epriz eprob epruc ©psay epsez epsib epsoc epsto epsud epsve epswa eptaz ©pteb eptic eptod eptuf eptvo eptwe eptyg epuhr epuis epukt epulv epupz epurc epusd epuvg epuzk epvab epvec epvid epvof epvug epvyn epwac epwed epwif epwog epwiin epwyn epyad Dock(s) — continued. Floating dock In dock Wet „ Dock her ,. ship Dock dues Docked {see also " Dry-Docked ") Been docked Dry- „ To be „ Docked at for her Docking {see also " Dey-Docking ") her on „ steamer Self-docking Dockyard (s) Doctor(s) Doouinent(s) Against docunient(s) Documents attached „ „ to draft Documentary „ bills Dodge(s) Doe8(st'e alsoPrmwuns " If " ami " Do ") » a (an) ,, any „ he „ her „ his „ it (she) ., my „ no ., not ,y „ have „ „ it (she) „ our „ the „ their „ this ,. your Doing Nothing doing What are you doing {re) „ do they propose doing {r*) „ » you „ „ Dollar(s) - { — ) Dollars and ( — ) cents ,, 5 „ 10 ,, 16 „ 20 „ 25 „ 80 „ 85 „ 40 „ 45 ., 60 „ 55 ., 60 „ 65 ,, 70 epybe epyca epyef • epyig epyon epyuj epyzo epzaf epzbo epzeg epzin epzoi epzuk epzyl eraxy erbab erbbe erbca erbec erbid erbof erbug erbyn erbzo ercac ercbo erced ercif ercog ercim ercyj erdad erdco erdde erdef erdfa erdky erdon erduj erdyk erewy erfaf erfdo erfeg erfife erfga erfih erfoi erfuk erfyl ergag ergeh ergfo ergge ergna ergij ergok ergvil erg3ma ernah erhik erhol erhum erhyn eryl Dollar (s) — coyitin ued. { — ) Dollars and 75 cents »» )> )» "^ n It n ji O" »» »» )* )» y^ »i >» ») )» y& )) Gold dollars Mexican dollars ( — ) Mexican dollars and ( — ) cents Doniinate(s) Dominated (by) Dominating Dominion Dominion Government Donation(s) Done Not done Done at » by „ in „ regarding „ so What have you done {re) „ can be done (to, re) Donkey(s) „ boiler(s) Door(s) Dormant Double „ the „ „ amount „ „ price „ quantity Doubled Doubling Doubt(s) No doubt Doubt about „ it Doubted Doubtful if „ whether Very doubtful Doubting Doubtless Down » to Downward „ tendency Dozen(s) Per dozen Draft(s) {see also "Draught" and "Bill") Amount of draft Bank draft(s) „ on London Note draft Protect draft Protest „ Protested „ Draft protested Remit draft Remitted draft Remitting draft Has draft been met What is amount of draft 60 Erjaj Etcep er:)ai erqek erjil erjka erjom erjun enyp erkak erkel erkim . erkio erkke erkla erkon erkup erlal erlem erlin erlko erlle erlma erlop erlyr ermam ermen ermip ermlo ermme ermna ennur ennys eman ernep- ernmo ernne ernor empa emus eriiyt erops erovz erowb erpap erpir erpno erpos erppe erput erpyv errar erres errit errov errsa erryx ersas erset ersiv ersro ersse ersta ersux ertat ertev ertoy Draft(s) — continued. At what usance is draft Our (my) draft (s) Their (his) draft(s) Your draft(s) Draft(s) at .. .. sight » 8 d/s II II 80 „ II II oO I, II II y" II ,il20 „ „ „ 1 month's sight „ ,1 2 months* „ •I II o t, 11 » »i ^ II II i» II o I, ,1 I, 80d/d II II 60 „ II II y^ II ,il20 „ „ „ 1 month's date „ „ 2 months' „ II II " II II 4 I) II ^ II II n II O I, II „ dishonored „ for „ „ equivalent of £ I. ,1 £ (-) II II $ ( — ) „ „ fcs. (— ) „ marks (— ) „ „ Es. „ from „ in favor of „ has been met .1 of ,. on „ „ demand p „ London „ „ them (him) „ us (me) II you Drafted J>rafting Draftsinan(inen) Dpag(s) Dragged Dragging Drain(s) (upon) Drainage Drained Draining Drastic Draught ( — ) feet draught „ and i draught II II ■3 II II II ^ II What is her draught Telegraph draught (of) Light draught Loaded „ Mean „ Ship's „ Draught — continued. ertso Steamer's draught ertuz Draught aft ertva , forward erupt , of erusy , „ water erutz , must not exceed eruvb , on eruxd , „ arrival ervav „ bar ervix , „ sailing ervoz , withad.w.of — tons ervto „ cargo on board of — tons ervub Draughtsman ' ervve Draw {see also " Draws ") ervwa Authority to draw erwiz Do not draw erwob Shall we (I) draw erwuc May we (I) draw on you (for) eryay Will draw on you for eryez For what amount may we draw erjdb To draw eryoc Draw at erynd II sight ersrwro I, 8 d/8 eryza II 80 „ erza.?! II 60 „ erzba 1, 90 „ erzeb II 120 „ erzic „ 1 month's sight erzod „ 2 months' „ erzuf II 8 „ „ erzyg II ^ II II erzze II ^ II II esdbo „ 80d/d esdda ,1 60 „ esfco „ 90 II esffdo eshfo ,1 120 „ „ 1 month's date eshge „ 2 months' „ eakho 11 3 „ II eskie eskka II 4 „ „ II t> II II espmo for espn© in favor of esppa on essre „ demand estro „ them (him) estse „ us (me) esyvo ,>you esywe Drawback(s) eszwo Drawee(s) etahs Drawer(s) etajt Drawing(s) etamy Drawing at eta,nz II sight etard I, II 8 d/3 etasf II I, 80 ,1 etav?j II II 60 „ etbam II II 90 ,1 etben ,1 II 120 „ etbip „ „ 1 month's sight etbur 2 months' „ etbys II )i 3 II 11 etcan II II ^ II »» etcep II II 6 1, II 61 Etcor Evahn Drawing — continued. Dkew — continued. etcor Drawing at 30 d/d etopf Drew on etcus .. » 60 „ etowm through etcyt ft , 90 ,1 etpab Dried etdap II ,120 „ etpec Drift(s) etdir II , 1 month's date etpid Drifted etdos II , 2 months' „ etplo Drifting etdut II > 3 „ „ etpof Drill(s) etd3nr II » ^ II 11 etpug etpyh Drilled etegs 11 1 6 „ „ Driller(s) etemj! „ for etrad Drilling etenb „ in favor of etref Drinking eterf on etrig etroh Drive(s) eteth „ „ demand Driven etewk „ „ them (him) etrui etryk Driving etezm „ us (me) Droop(s) Drooped etfer ,. you etsaf etfis Are drawing on you etseg Drooping etfot „ you drawing on us (me) etsih Drop(s) (in) {see also "Faix") etfav For what amount are you drawing etsoj Dropped etgar Drawn etspo Has dropped to etges Have drawn etsra Dropping etgit „ on you etsi]k Drought etgov „ not drawn etsyl Drove etgyx How have you drawn ettag Drowned etnas For what amount have you drawn etteh Druni(s) ethdo Drawn at ettij Drunk ethet „ „ sight ettok Drunkard ethfe II ,1 3 d/s ettul Drunkenness ethga ,1 II 80 „ ettym Dry etliiv ,. „ 60 „ etucs Dry-dock ethux ,1 „ 90 ,1 etudt Shall we dry-dock (her) etife II ,1 120 „ etuhy Must dry-dock (her) eti^ etiky. „ „ 1 month's sight etulc „ you dry-dock (her) „ „ 2 months' „ etumd Diy-dock at etilz II » ^ )> II eturi etusk „ her etirg II « ^ II 11 ship etizn II i> o ), » etutl „ steamer etj at „ „ 80 d/d etvah Dry-docked et ev „ „ 60 „ etvik Dry-docking et oy >j » "0 >» etvol Dry-goods et, uz „ »120 „ etvro Drying et cav „ „ 1 month's date etvum Dubious etl the „ „ 2 months* „ etvyn Duoat(B) et] as. If » o >» it etwaj etwek Due et] coz tf it 4 i> « Not due et nab » l> V )| w etwil Due about et] iiz „ by etwom 1, at et lob „ for etwun .1 .1 yours et luo ,, from etwyp „ date etmay ,1 in etyak „ from etmez „ >, favor of etyel „ here etmib 1, on etyim ,1 on etmoc „ „ demand etyon „ to etmud „ „ them (him) et3^o When IS it (she) due etnaz „ „ us (me) etjmp „ „ (— ) due etneb II .1 you etyve Dues etnic „ through etsrwa ,1 at etnod Draws (see also " Draw ") etrai .1 on etnuf Dredge etzem Dull etnyg Dredged etzin Vwy duU etods Dredger(s) etzop Dulness etoft Dredging etzvo Duly etojy Drew etzyr Dump et et olb ond „ at » for evagm evahn Dumped Dumping m Evajp Ezahy Dunnage Dunnaged Duplicate(8) In duplicate Send duplicate Duplicate it of Duplicated Duplicating Durable Duration (of) During During all Du8t Dusty Dutch Dutch Government Dutiable „ goods Duties Duty New duty On duty Duty on „ paid Dwindlefs) Dwindled Dwindling Dying „ from Dynamite Dynamo(s) Dysentery E Each In each Each of Eager Eagerly Eagerness Eagle(s) Earlier {see also " Befobe ") „ if possible „ steamer „ than „ date Earliest What is the earliest >> » „ you can This is the earUest we (I) can Earliest date Early As early as possible Too early At an early date By an early steamer Earmark Earmarked Earn(s) Earn about What would she earn Would earn „ not earn more than Earned What has she earned evroc evTud evsaz evseb evsic evsno evsod evsuf evsyg evtab evtec evtid evtof evtpo evtra evtug evtyh evims evujt evumy evurd evusf ewac evved ewif ewog ewre ewsa ewuh ewyj evwad evwef evwiff evwoh evwro evwiii evwyk evyso evyva evzto evzym ewbto ewcvo ewdwo ewdza ewfba ewgzo ewkfe ewlha ewnho ewpjo ewpla ewsmo ewsne ewspa ewtno ewvra ewyro ewzva exdwe exyre exysa ezacs ezadt ezahy Earnest Earnestly Earning „ about Earnings Freight earnings „ and passenger earnings Guaranteed earnings Good „ Poor „ Gross „ Nett Her „ Passenger „ Total Earnings from of „ „ steamer „ nil What do earnings amount to Earth Earthq.uake(s) Ease Eased Easier Easiest Easily Easiness Easing East East-North-East East-South-East East Africa {see also " Africa ") East African {see also " Afbican ") » cargo „ coast port(s) „ steamer East Indies Easter After Easter Before „ Easter hoUdays Easterly Eastern „ trade Eastward Easy Ebb Ebb-tide Eccentric Economical Economically Economise(s) Economised Economising Economy(ies) ed Edge(s) Edged Edging Edition Effect {see also " Effects ") No effect on To the effect (that) 63 Ezalc Faawk ezalc ezamd ezanf ezan ezask ezatl ezawn ezbyx ezcas ezdoy ezduz ezdwa ezebs ezect ezegy ezeld ezemf ezeng ezepn ezerk ezewp ezfoz ezfab ezgiz ezgob ezgfuc ezgwo eznay ezhez ezhib ezhoc ezhud ezibt ezify eziJBfz ezikd ezilf ezirl e^az ezjeb ezqic ezjod ezjuf ezkab ezkec ezMd ezkof ezkv ezlac ezled ezlif ezLog ezlun ezlyj ezmad ezmef ezmig ezmon ezmuj ezmyk eznaf ezneg eznfo Effect — continued: Effect of „ on What would be the effect Effected Effecting Effective Effectively Effectiveness Effects [see also " Effect ") Effectual Effectually Efficiency Efficient Efficiently Efflux Effort(8) Another effort (to) No effort(s) Effort to Strong effort Make an effort (to) „ another effort Egypt Egyptian Egyptian Government Either Elaborate Elaborated Elaborating Elapse(s) Elapsed Elect(s) Eleoted(to) Electing Eleotion(s) Electric „ engine(s) „ light ,, tramway (s) Electrical „ machinery ,, power Electrician(s) Electricity Electrification (of) Electrified Electrify Electrifying Eievate(s) Elevated Elevating Elevation(s) EIevator(8) Elicit „ information (re) Elicited EUciting Eligible Eliminate(s) Eliminated Eliminating Else Or else Elsewhere EIude(s) eznih eznoj ezniik eznyl ezody, ezoid ezol^ ezorn ezopk ezorm ezowr ezozt ezpag ezpgo ezphe ezpij ezpok ezpul ezpym ezrai ezrek ezril ezrom ezrun ezryp ezsak ezsel ezsim ezsko ezson ezsux) eztal eztem eztin eztlo eztna eztop ezt3rr ezucy ezudz ezuhd ezujf ezurn ezusp ezuxt ezvam ezven ezvip ezvur ezvys ezwan ezwep ezwor ezwus ezwyt ezyap ez3rpo ezyra ezzre ezzsa faags faaJy faamz faanb faawk Eluded Eluding Elusive Emanate(s) (from) Emanated (from) Emanating (from) Embargo (upon) Embark(s) ., at >, for „ from „ m (per) Embarkation Embarked at at by (per) for Embarking „ for „ in (on) Are embarking Embarrass(es) Embarrassed Embarrassing Very embarrassing Embarrassment(s) Embassy(ies) British Embassy Embedded (in) Embezzle Embezzled Embezzlement Embezzling Embodied (in) Embody(ies) Embodying Embrace(s) Embraced(in) Embracing Emergency (ies; Emigrant(s) Emigrant(s) for „ from in (per; Emigration Eminent Eminently Emperor(s) Emphasis Emphasize(s) Emphasized Emphasizing Emphatic Emphatically Employ(s) „ him (her) Can you employ „ employ Cannot employ How shall we employ" Employed Not employed Fully „ 64 Faazm Fatje E MPLOYED — conthituid. faa.i!;iu Employed at fakbo Encouraging faban „ by fakiz Very encouraging fabep „ on fakob Not fabna to fakuc Encroach(es) (upon) fabor Employee(s) fakwa Encroached (upon) fabpe Einployer(s) fakye Encroaching „ fabro Employing faJay Encroachment(s) fabty him (her) falco Encumber(s) Encumbered fabus „ the steamer(s) falez fabyt Employment(s) falib Encumbering facap at fa,loc Encumbrance(s) facir » for falud End(s) (of) facos .. her falya At the end (of) Before the end of facpa from famaz facso °^ fambe By „ „ facut What employment can you offer famdo Endanger(s) facvy Following employment offering fameb Endangered facyv No „ famic Endangering EndeaYOur(8) (to) fader Homeward emploj'ment fa,mod fadre Outward „ fa,muf Must endeavour to fadto No employment famyg Make every endeavour to faduv Empower(s) famza Shall we (I) endeavour to fadwy faefe „ them (him) to fanab Endeavoured (to) us (me) (to) fanba Have endeavoured to faegt faeky you (to) fance Endeavouring (to) Empowered fanec Are endeavouring to faelz Been empowered fanfo Ended faemb Not empowered (to) fanid Ending faenc Empowered by fanof Endless faewl „ them (him) to fanug fanyn Endorse(s) faezn to To endorse fafar „ us (me) to faocs Endorsed fafit „ you to fe,odt by fafov Empowering faohy to fafra „ them (him) to faolc Not endorsed fafse „ us (me) to faonf Who endorsed (it) t&fvo you to faovvu Endorsee(s) fafyx Emptied fapac Endorsement(s) fagas Empties fapca of faget Empty feped „ on fagiv Emptjring fapgo No endorsement(s) fagsa En bloc faptf Endorser(s) f^te En route fepog fapun Endorsing fagi]x En suite Enemy(ies) fagwo; fagzy fahat Enable(s) To enable fap3g faraf Energetic „ steps Enable(s) (him) them to fjareg Energetically fa,hev „ UB (me) to farfa Energy(ies) fajioy you to farge Enforoe(s) fahta Enabled farjo it fahuz Enabling faroi farnlc Can you enforce fahve Enclose(s) Cannot enforce fehyo Enclosed faryl Shall we (I) enforce fe,ift Not enclosed fasag Enforced fa^b Enclosed in fasga fasne by Enclosing Enforcement faipf Enolosure(s) fasij Enforcing fajav Encounter(s) fasko Engage(s) fajcy Encountered fasmy „ them (him) to fa^ii Encountering fasok Can engage feioz fequb faqva faiwe Encourage(s) — fasul „ you engage Encouraged (to) fatah Cannot engage by fatha Do not engage Encouragement fatik May we engage fajzo No encouragement (to) fatje Sha]l.we,(I) engage 65 Fatlo Fepio &tIo &tol £a,tiim fetyn fkUDS &uct £9,1 fauld feumf feuph favaj favek fe,vil favia fevke favmo favpy favyp ta.vreJs. fe.wel &.wka fawle fe,wno &.won fawup feiyal faybt fayem faygz &ynb faykd feyla fasone feyop feypo feyry fkzam fELzen &zip &>zma fazne &zsy &zur feabs feact fe fe feald feamf feapE feark feawp febas febet febiv febsa febte febvtx febwo febey fecat fecev Engaged Have engaged „ you engaged „ not engaged Engaged by for (to) „ in „ them (him) to „ us (me) to „ you to Engagement(s) No engagement(s) Cargo engagements Passenger engagements Present engagements What engagements have you made Have made following engagements Engagement(s) for Forward engagement(s) (for) Engaging Are engaging Engine(s) Ckjmpound engine(s) ■Gas engines Reciprocating engines Triple expansion engines Quadruple expansion engines Enginefs) broken down „ working Engineer(s) » for >, of Engineered Engineering „ Company England For England From „ In To English Ennance(B) Enhanoed Enhancing Enjoy (s) Enjoyed Enjoying Enjoyment (of) Enlarge (s) Enlarged Enlargement Enlarging Enmity Enormous „ amount I, price „ quantity Enormously Enough Not enough Enough of •• to >• for Enquire(8) and telegraph facta fecve fecyo fedav fedix fedva fedwe fedzo feebt feefy feegz feekd feelf feemg feerl fefbo fefwa fefye fegco fegya fegze fenbe fehdo fehyg fehza fejid feUff feipk feirm felzt fejba fejce fejfo fejhy feiyh fekca fekde fekgo fekyj felda felfe felho felky felyk femfa femge fermo femly femyl fenga fenne fenko fenmy feocy feodz feohd feojf feonk feorn feosp feows feoxt fepha fepie feplo Enquibe(s) — continued. Will enquire and telegraph Enquire(8) at „ immediately „ into of „ what „ when „ whether „ which „ who » why Shall we (I) enquire Enquired » for „ into Will be enquired into Is being „ „ Enquiring Are enquiring; will wire later » » for » » into Enquiry(ies) Made enquiry(ies) Make „ Making „ No enquirj' (for) Result of enquiry (for) Our (my) „ Their (his) „ „ Your „ „ We (I) have enquiry(ies) iatj \ Have you enquiries for Enqairy(ies) for „ from „ into .. re Ensue(s) Ensued Ensuing Ensure(s) To ensure Ensured Ensuring Entail(s) Entailed (by) Entailing Entangle(s) Entangled Entangling Enter(s) (into) Entered (into) Enteric fever Entering (into) Enterprise(s) Enterprising Entertain(s) Cannot entertain Can (would) you entertam Might entertain Will (would) they (he) entertain „ „ entertain „ „ not entertain Entertain her (it) „ offer (proposal) Entertained 66 Fepny Fikje Entertained — continued. Is being entertained Cannot be entertained Would „ „ Entertained by Entertaining Enthusiasm Enthusiastic Entire The entire Entire amount „ quantity Entirely Is „ Not „ Entirety Entitle(s) „ us (me) to Entitled (to) Are entitled (to) Not entitled (to) Entitling Entrance (of) Entreat (s) Entreated Entreating Entrust(s) Entrusted (with) (to) Entrusting Entry(ies) Enumerate(s) Enumerated (in) Enumerating Enumeration Epidemic(s) Epitome Equal(s) (to) Not equal (to) On equal Equal to about Equal terms Equalisation (of) Equalise (s) Equalised Equalising Equality Equalled Equalling Equally Equip(s) Equipment(8) Equipped Equipping Equitable Equitably Equivalent (to) of Equivocating Equivocation Erase(s) Erased Erasing Ere Ereot(s) Erected fibze ficaz ficbe ficeb ficgy ficio ficod ficuf ficyg ficza fidab fidba fidce fidec fidfo fidhy fidid fidof fidug fidjH fiebz fiefd fielk fiets fievt fiezy fifac fifca fifde fifed fifeo fiftf fifog fifuE figad figda figef figfe figho figkv figoh fS^ fihaf fiheg fihffei fihge fihjo fiboj fihuk fihyl fPt ^M fyko fyok fyul fikah fikha fikik fikje Erecting Erection(s) Erratic Erroneous Erroneously Error (s) An error In „ The „ Error in E.& O.E. Escape (s) Escaped Escaping Escort(s) Escorted Escorting (In) Escrowr Especial (see also " Special") Especially {see also " Specially") Not especially Essence (of) Essential ■ Is it essential (to) Not essential to Essential for „ that „ to Essentially -est Establi8h(eB) Established Establishing Establishnient(s) „ charges Estate(s) „ at (in) of Esteem(s) Esteemed Estimate(s) Telegraph estimate (of) Our (my) estimate (s) Their (his) estimate(s) Approximate estimate Your estimate(s) Estimate (s) for „ it at ,. of „ that Estimated Estimated at „ amount (of) „ quantity „ at about by „ it at „ that „ to Telegraph the estimated Estimating Estimation Estrange Estranged Estranging 67 Fiklo Flolb fiklo fikny fikol fikum filcyn fUaj filek filU fi«a fUke filmo fimak fimel fimka finale fimno fimon fimup finem finla fimne finop finpo finry fiajT fiogh fiohj fioik fioim fionp fiors fiost fiowy fiozb fipam fipen fipip fipma fipne fipsy fipur fipys firap firir firos firpa firso firut firyv fiser fisre fisto fisuv fitar fitit fitov fitra fitse fitvo fityx fiubd fiucf fiuhk Etcetera(s) Europe For Europe From „ In „ To European Evade(s) Evaded Evading Evaporate(s) Evaporated Evaporating Evaporation EYaporator(s) Evasion Evasive Evasively Even „ if Evening During the evening Last evening This „ Event(s) In event of Eventual Eventuality Eventually Ever Every ,. day „ possible „ time Everybody Everyone Everything Is everything Everywhere Evidence(s) Evident Evidently Ex » quay » ship „ stock „ warehouse Ex officio Ex parte Exact Exact amount „ quantity Telegraph exact Exacted Exacting Exactly „ the same (as) Exaggerate(s) Exaggerated Greatly exaggerated Exaggerating Exaggeration Examination into of 68 fiujl fiuln flump fiiirt fiuvy fivas fivet fiviv fivsa fivte fiviox fivwo fiwat fiwev fiwoy fiwTiz fiwyo fiyav fiyix fiyjm fiylp fiyoz fiyps fiyub fiyva fiywe fiyzo fizbo fiziz fizob fizuc fizwa fizye flahs flajt flamy flanz flard flasf fla-wj flegs fleht flemz flenb flerf fleth flewk flezm flife flifft fliSv fliky fUlz flimb flino flirg fUsh flivk flizn flods floft no % E XAMiNATioN — Continued, Thorough examination Exaniine(s) Examine and report Will examine „ „ and report Carefully examine Examine into (this) „ it Shall we (I) examine Examined Has been examined Must be examined Examined by „ into it Examining Example(s) For example Excavate Excavated Excavating Exoavation(s) Exceed (s) Do not exceed Likely to exceed Must not exceed May we (I) exceed „ „ slightly exceed Exceed(s) the amount „ this Exceeded Not exceeded Exceeded by » about Exceeding Not exceeding Exceedingly Is exceedingly Excellence Excellent Excellently Except (s) „ as regards » at for Excepted Excepting „ about All excepting Exception (s) With the exception of Exception of to Exceptional Very exceptional Exceptionally Excess (of) In excess of Excessive Is excessive Very excessive Excessively Exchange {see " Sterlino " for fitjnres) Exchange for T/T „ „ commercial paper Flond Fopra flond flopf flowm flues fludt fluhy flulc flumd flunf fluri flusk flutl foabd foacf foahk foail foaln foamp foart foavy foawz fobad fobda fobef fobfe fobbo fobig fobky foboh fobuj fobyk focaf foceg focfa focge focio focly focoj focuk focyl fodag fodga fodhe fody fodko fodmy fodok fodul foeim foeip foeps foerv foety foevz foewb foezd fofah fofha fofik fofie foflo foftiy fofol fofum fofyn Exchange — continued. Exchange at 3 d/s 80 „ 60 „ 90 „ 120 „ 80d/d 60 „ 90 „ 120 „ In exchange for Exchange ( — ) under par ( — ) over ( — ) and J } 5 TV i 4 f if I H On the exchange Bate of „ At an „ of What is present exchange Exchanged „ for (with) Exchanging Exchequer Chancellor of Exchequer Excise Excite(s) Excited Excitement Exciting Exclude(s) Excluded Excluding •> all .. any Exclusion Exclusive (of) Exclusively Exouse(s) Excused Excusing Execute(s) » it Executed Have executed „ you executed Is being executed Has been executed Executed at Executing Execution Executive Executor(s) Executrix ^ m fogai fogek fogil fogia fogke fogmo fogpy fohak fohel fohka fohle fohno fohon fohup foich foifk foijn foipt foitz foixd fojal fojem fojla fqjme fojop fqjpo foiyr fokam foken fokip fokma fokne fokur fokys folan folep folna folor folpe folro folus folyt fomap fomir fomoB fompa fomso fomut fomyv foner fonre fonto fonuv foogm foonn foojp foont foory foosz foowd fopar fopit fopov fopra Exenipt(s) (from) Are exempt (from) Exempted (from) Exempting Exemption(s) (from) Exercisable Exercise(s) To exercise Exercised Have exercised „ not exercised Exercising Exert(s) Exerted Exerting Exertion(s) Exhaust(s) Exhausted Exhausting Exhaustive Exhibit(s) Exhibited Exhibiting Exhibition Exhibitor(s) Exigency(ies) Exist(s) Existed Existence Existing Exonerate(s) Exonerated Exonerating Exorbitant Exorbitantly Expand (s) Expanded Expanding Expansion of Triple expansion Quadruple expansion Expect(s) it „ that « to Fully expect When may we (I) expect „ do you expect „ „ they „ Do you expect (to) I. not „ „ Expectation (s) Expected Is (are) not expected (to) II 11 II „ oefora Expected about at by her (him) here immediately it steamer Fopse Fucel fopse fopvo fop3^ forat forev foroy foruz forve foryo fosav foscy foeix fosoz fosub ftwva foBwe fOBZO fotiz fcrtob fotuc fotwa fotye fcmck. fougn foumt fourz foosb fbuvd fovay ftyvtjo ftjvez ftmb fbvoc fbvxid. Ibvya itovze ftrwaz fowbe fowdo foweb fow^ fowic fowod fowuf fowyg fowza foyab foyba foyce foyec foyfo foyhy fo3dd foyks foylt foyof foyug fozac fozca fozde fozed fozgo fozif fo25Jy fozog E XPECTED — con tin ued. Expected that „ them (him) (to) „ there ., to ,. » be Expecting Are expecting Have been expecting Expecting him (her) it „ steamer „ them (him) (to) „ to Expedience Expediency Expedient(s) Expedite (s) „ as much as possible „ delivery » it ■„ sailing Can anything be done to expedite Expedited Being expedited Expediting Expedition(s) Expeditiously As expeditiously as possible Expend(s) Expended Expending Expenditure Heavy expenditure No Small „ Total What is total expenditure to date (on) Expenditure at for „ in (on) Expense(s) All expenses No expense(s) Our (my) expense(sj Their (his) Your expense(s) What do expenses amount to „ would be the expense of Expenses would amount to Total expenses Expenst^s; would not exceed „ at >. for „ in „ of .. on Expensive Too expensive Very Expensively Experience(s) Experienced Experiencing Are experiencing >• .1 great fozuh fozyj fradt frahy fralc . framd franf frarj frask fratl frawn frebs frect fregy frenz freld fremf freng frepE frerk frewp fribt frify frigz frihb frikd frilf frimg frirl frism frody froja frolg fronj fropk frorm frowr frozt frucy frudz fruhd frvyf frunk frurp frusp fruxt fuack fuagn fuals fuamt fuanv fuarz fuasb fuavd faawf fabaj fubek fubil fubja fubke fubmo ftibpy fiibyp mcak fucel Exp8rinient(s) Experimental E xperimented E xperimenting Expert(s) „ advice „ report Expiration (of) At the expiration of Expiration of agreement ,, „ charter „ „ contract „ „ period (term; Expire(s) When does it expire Expired Expiring Expiry (of) {fee aho "Expiration") On expiry of Explaln(s) „ it „ why Please explain How do you explam Can you explain Cannot explain Explained (to) Explained by (in) Explaining Are explaining ,. by mail Explanation(s) Pull explanation (s) (by) No explanation Explanation (s) from of E^xplanatory Explicit Explicitly Explode(s) Exploded Exploding Exploit(s) Exploitation Exploited Exploiting Exploration Explore(8) Explored Exploring Explosion(s) Explosive(s) Export(s) Export duty Large exports Small „ Exports from „ hence » of » to Exportation (of) Exported by „ from » to 70 Fucle Fuvky Exporter(s) Exporting Expose(s) Exposed to Exposing Exposure(s) Express(es) Expressed Expressing Expression(s) Expressly Expunge(s) Expunged Expunging Extend(s) it (to) „ the time (period) Do not extend (the) On what terms can you extend (the) May we (I) extend (the) Can you extend Cannot „ Can „ Try to Will Extended Has been extended „ not been extended Extended for it to Extending it ,. .. to Extension(8) Try to get an extension Cannot „ „ Obtain an extension Have obtained an extension No extension Extension for (to) of Extensive Very extensive Extensively Extent of (To a) large extent „ moderate extent „ small „ To the extent of „ what extent „ „ „ may we (I) „ „ „ can you External Extinction Extinguish(es) Extinguished Extinguishing Extort(s) Extorted Extorting Extortion Extortionate fiilux fulwo fulzy famat fumev fumoy fiimta fumuz fumve fumyo funav fancy fanix funoz funub funva funzo fuohs fuojt fuonz fuord fuosf fuo-wj fiipbo fupiz fupob fupuc fupwa fupye furaz ftirbe furdo fureb furgy furic furod furuf furyg farza fusab fusba fusee fusee fiisfo fushy fasid fusof fiisug fusyn futac futde fiited futgo fatff futjy futoff futim futyj fuvad fuvda fuvef fuvfe fuvho fuvig ftivky Extra lid. extra 3d. „ 4id. „ 6d. „ 9d. „ 1/- .. 1/3 „ 1/6 „ 2/- .. 2/6 „ No extra Nothing extra What would be the extra Would cost an extra Extw, for two ports „ „ three ports „ amount „ for (on) >, if „ price „ quality ,, quantity Extras No extras Extract(s) (of) Certified extract (of) Send extract (of) Have sent extract (of) Extract of letter Extracted (from) Extracting Extraction Extraordinarily Extraordinary Extravagance Extravagant Very extrava,gant Extravagantly Extrenie(s) Extremely Extremity(ies) F Fabrication Fabulous(Iy) Face(s) Faced Fabilitate(s) Greatly facilitates Facilitated bj Facilitating Facilities No facilities Facilities for (to) What facilities are there (for, to) Facility Facing Facsimile Fact(s) Factor(s) Factorage Faotory(ies) At the factory Ex 71 Fuvoh Fyolz ftivoli fiivtn ftivyk fUwaf ftiweg ftiwoj fawyl fiiyag fiiyfs fuyga ftiyhe fayij ruyko fuymh ftiync fayok fayul ftiyzn fazah fiizha ftizik fuzje ftizlo ftizol fozum fuzyn iyaJir fyais fyakt tyalv fyany fyapz fyarc fyasd ^avg fyazk tyhal fybem fybla ft'bme fybop nrbpo fybry fybyr fycam fycen fycip fycne Fahrenheit Degrees Fahrenheit Fail(s) „ to Do not fail to Without fail Failed Have failed (to) Failing „ this can you „ „ may (shall) we (I) „ „ we (I) shall (will) „ „ you must „ which Failure(s) Is a failure Failure is announced Fair At a fair Fair price Fairer Fairest Fairly Fairfy good Fairness Faith Fall(s) There has been a fall of Fall in ., of Heavy fall Likely to be a fall (in) Fallacious Fallacy(ies) Fallen Fallen from „ to " (— ) point(s) Falling „ rapidly off False Falsely Falsification Falsified Fal8ify(ing) Familiar Family Famine Fan(s) Fancy(ies) Far As far as So „ „ Not „ (from) Very far from Far from „ too Farce Fare(B) „ for „ from » to What is the fare Farm(s) fyfap fyfir §rfos " ")a ;so fyfat fyfVy fyfyy fyger fygre fygto fyguv fygwy fyhar fyhit fyhov fyhra fyhse fyhvo fyhyx fyigs fyirf fyith fyDsa fyjte fykat fykev fykoy fykta fykuz fykve fykyo fylav fylcy fylix fyloz tylnh mva fylwe fylzo ibo iiz fymob fyrauc fymwa fymye fynay fynco fynez fynib fynoc Jfynud fynya fynze fyofs fyogt fyonv fyoky fyolz Farmed Farmer(s) Farming Farther off „ than Farthest Farthing(s) (see also " Sterling ") 1 „ ' Fashion(s) Fast As fast as possible Very fast Fast enough Not fast enough Fasten (s) (to) Fastened Fastening(s) Faster Fastest Fat(s) Fatal ,, to „ accident Fatally Fate (of) Telegraph fate of „ „ „ bill Father Fathom(s) Fault (s) Whose fault is it Faulty Very faulty FaYor(s) Are you in favor of „ strongly in favor of In favor of Are (is) not in favor of Favourable If favourable Not „ Very „ Favourably Favourably inclined Not favourably Very Favoured Favouring Fear(s) Feared Fearing Feasibility Feasible Feature(s) Featureless February 1st February 2nd „ 8rd „ 4th „ 6th „ 6th 92 Fyonc Gaipz Februaky — continued. fyonc 7th February fyorg fyosh 8th „ 9th „ fyovk 10th „ fyowl nth „ fyozn 12th „ fypaz 18th „ fypbe 14th „ fypeb 15th „ ypgy 16th 17th „ fypod 18th „ fypuf 19th „ §VJg 20th fypza 21st fyrdc fyrca 22nd 23rd „ iyrde 24th „ fyred fyrgo 25th 26th fyrif 27th „ ^Si 28th 29th fyryj Beginning of February fysad During February fysda End of „ fysef ■Middle of „ fysfe First half of February fysho Second half, of „ fysig fyson For February In „ fysui fysyk In all „ February /March fytaf February/March/ April fyteg „ saihng '^S „ steamer to fytoi fyluk Fed Feddan(8) fytyl Federal fyuds „ Government fyuft Federate(s) (with) ^g Federated Federating (with) fyupf fyvag Federation(s) Fee(s) t^lt Feeble Feed(s) fyvij fyvko Feeder(s) Feeding fyvok Feel(s) fyvul „ sure lywah fywha „ that Feeler(s) fywik Feeling fywol Better feeling fywum General „ fywvn fyzak Feet ( — ) feet 1 inch ( — ) „ 2 inches fyzel fyzka ( — ) !> 8 » fyzle (-) .. 4 „ fyzno (— ) ,, 5 „ fyzon (-) „ 6 „ fyzup (-) .. 7 „ gaack gaagn gaals gaamt gaanv gaarz gaasb gaavd gabai gabek gabil gabia gabke gabmo gabpy gabyp gacak gacel gacka gacle gacno gacon gacup gadal gadem gadla gadme gadop gadpo gadry gadyr gaeks gaelt gaemv gaepy gaerb gaewg gafam gafen gafip gafma gaftie gafsy gafur gafys gagan gagep gagor gagpe gagro gagty gagus gagyt ganap gahir gahos gahpa gahso gahut gahvy gahyw gaijs gaikt gailv gaipz Feet — continued. — ) feet 8 inches \ q (— ) „io „ '-) „11 „ . i'eet from „ of Lineal feet Square „ Superficial feet Cubic feet 40 Cubic feet (per ton) ^^ ,1 ,1 J, „ \ ) l» tt S> 11 Fell Felt Female(s) Fence(s) Fenced Fencing Fender(s) Ferry Fertile Fetch(es) Fetched Fetching Fetter(s) Fettered (by) Fettering Fever Feverish Few Few at » for „ from » of Very few Fewer Fiasco Complete fiasco Fierce Fiercely Fifth Fight „ them (him) „ for Fighting (for) Figure {see also " Figures " and ^NUUBBALS**) Figure Code(s) if^) Figure Code No. (-) » 1> J) J» ■* Q it a >i 31 *J It it »» it " »> a :» Ji ^ a JI )J )i O r> a »» )» " j» »> »» »j ' it »» a )> O ?) )) >> II J ., ,. ,. ,. 10 II JI 11 » ■^■^ )» ») JJ }i ^'" II JJ JJ >l J-*' JJ JI 11 )i A4 ij JI II i» J O >i' « »» »> ^^ 73 Gairc Gebna gairo gaizk gajer gajjre gajto gajuv gaiwyf gakar gakit gakov gakra gakse gakvo gakyx galas galet galiv galsa galte galux galwo galzy gamat game^ gamoy gamta gamuz gamve gamyo ganay gancy ganix ganoz ganub ganva ganzo gaofas gaojt gaonz gaord gaosf gao-wj gapbo gapiz giQ.pob gapuc gapwa gapye garaz garbe gardo gareb gargy ganc garod garuf garyg garza gasab gasba gasce gasec gasfo gasid gasof Figure Code(s) — continued. (SS^) Figure Code No. 17 »» IJ )J 1» ■'■^ tt »» )» )» 19 »> T» 11 20 »» »> )> 21 »> ») j» 22 »> Jl i» 23 )* »J >» 24 1} )} „ 25 1> )) a 26 ») )> 7) 27 » " !1 28 )J >» )» 29 )» »> >) 80 ») »» )) 81 )) »> )1 82 J> »> )> 38 »» »> >) 34 )> )) »J 85 it >> )} 86 >» )» )» 87 )» n »> 38 J> »> ,, 39 j» »» 1} 40 l> »> »» 41 ») »> ») 42 »> »» 1} 48 » 11 »> 44 *i }} J> 45 1) 1* I) 46 J» J» )) 47 it »» n 48 *i )> J» 49 »» >i 79 50 Figured Figures sctfoZso" Numerals") Are your figures correct Figures are correct Figures are incorrect Do figures include Figures include IK*^ do not include »» in Figuring Filefs) Filed Filing FiU(s) „ her » m . i*r , order y steamer , up , » at , „ with CanfiU „ you fill Cannot fill Hope to fill May we (I) fill Will fill up at FiUed Have filled „ you filled gasug gasyS gatac gatde gated gatgo gatif gatjy gatog gatun gatyj gauge gaunt gauly gaumz gaurf gauth gauzm gavad gavda gavef gavfe gavho gavig gavky gavon gavuj gavyk gawaf gaweg gawfia gawge gawjo gawoj gawiik gawyl gayag gayfe gayga gayhe gayy gayko gaymb gaync gayok gajoil gayzn gazah gazha gazik gazie gazlo gazol gazum gazyn geags geant gealy geamz geanb geawk geazm geban gebep gebna Fii^ED- — centlniied. Has not been filled Filled her „ order „ steamer (vessel) ,. up .. .. at „ with Filling „ it (her) „ steamer (vessel) „ up at (with) „ order(s) Final Finality Finally Have finally Not finally Finance {see also " Finances") it „ with „ Association Can finance „ you finance Cannot finance Arrange finance Arranged finance Have arranged finance Financed Is being financed Financed at (in) by „ here „ with Finances {ue also "Finance") Financial „ arrangements „ difficulties „ telegram „ requirements Financially Financier(s) Financing Are (is) financing Financing with (through) Find(8) * „ it „ that Who find(B) We (I) find They (he) find(8) You find Finding Fine(s) Joined Finesse Fining Finish(es) „ about » by C „ it on Expect(s) to finish When will you finish Finished Not yet finished 74 Gebor Gevaj Finished — continued Finished about » it on Cannot be finished before Will be finished When will it be finished Finishing Fir Fire(s) Been on fire Is on fire Fire in „ is „ on board Fireman (men) Firm(s) (see also " Offer ") Be firm regarding Closed firm Not so „ This firm „ is firm Is this firm Very firm Firm at Firmer Mu5h firmer Firmer at Firmly Act firmly Firmly of opinion Firmness First Firstly Fiscal „ reform „ change Fish Fishing Fissure(s) Fit(8) ,. for „ out to Can you fit „ fit Cannot fit Not fit (for) Fitness Fittage Fitted Has been fitted Is being fitted Can be fitted Must be fitted Will be fitted Fitted by „ for „ here „ out „ to (on) „ •with Fitter(s) Fittlng(s) Charterer finds fittings Ship finds fittings gekye gelay geloo gelib geloc gelud gelya gelze gemaz gembe gemdo gemeb gemic gemod gemuf gemyg gemza genab genba gence genec genfo genid genof genyh geocs geodt gephy geolc geonf geown gepac gepca geped gepgo gepif gepog gepun gepjn geraf gereg gerfa gerge geijo geroi gerak geryl gesag gesga gesne ges\j gesko gesmy gesok gesul getah getha getik getje getio getny getol getum getyn gevaj FiTTiNo(s) — continued. Shipper(8) find(8) fittings Excluding fitting(6) Including „ No Fitting(s) for Fittings and fodder >, „ water Fix(es) Can (could) fix Cannot (could not) fix Can (could) you fix Do not fix May we (I) fix Shall we (1) fix With authority in hand could fix At what rate can you fix Can fix at ( — ) may we (I) do so Fix at „ „ not exceeding .. for „ from „ her for „ her from „ immediately „ it (them) » ship „ steamer „ with Fixed Has been fixed Is being fixed Must be fixed Not fixed Have fixed „ ,not fixed „ yott fixed If fixed Fixed at (in) „ by „ for „ from .., her „ immediately „ it (them) >. ship „ steamer „ to (on) „ with Fixing Are fixing „ not fixing Blxing at ,, 'for „ from „ her „ it (them) „ ship „ steamer „ with Fixture(s) Fixture(s) for „ from „ in Flag(s) British flag 75 Gevek Ginga gevek gevil gevia gevke gevxno gevpy gevyp gewak gewel gewka gewle gewno gewon gewTip geyal geybt geyem geysz geynb geykd geyla geyme geyop geypo geyry gezam gezen gezdp gezma gezne gezsy gezur gezvs gianz giald giamf giang giaph giark giawp gibas gibiv gibsa gibte. gibux gibwo gibzy gicat gicev gicoy gicta gicuz gicve gicyo gidar gidiz gidoz gidub gidva gidwe gidzo giefy gieepz giekd gjelf Flag{s) — cuiitinued. Foreign "flag House „ Native „ Our (my) flag Flagged Flagging Flagrant Flame(s) Flange(s) Flanged Flat Very flat Flatness Flaw(s) (in) Serious flaw (in) Small „ „ Flaw (is) near Flawed Fleet(s) British fleet Float (s) Float her „ the Coinp.uiy Expected to float Floated oft- Has been floated Floating ,, charge Flood (s) Flooded Flooding Floor(s) Flooring Florin (s) riotatlon(s) Flotsam „ and jetsam Flour Flourish(es) Flourished Flourishing Fluctuate(s) Fluctuated Fluctuating Fluctuation(s) Flush Fodder Fodder and fittings }) )) WftXGr Excluding fodder Including ,, Fog(s) Foggy Follow («« tiho " Follows ") Followed ., by Following Follows As follows Folly Foolish Foolishly Foot {nee aUo " Feet ") 1 foot ( — ) inches m giemg gierl gifbo gifiz gifob gifac gifwa gifye gigay gigco gigez gigib gigoc gigud gigya gigze gihaz gihbe gihdo giheb gihic gihod gihuf gihyg ginza gyab gyba gijce gijec gijfo gijtiy gijia gijof gijug gijyli gikac gikca gikde giked gikgo gikif gikog gikun gikyi gilad gilda gilef gilfe gilho gilig gijky gilon gilyl^ gimaf gimeg gimfa gimge gimjo gimly gimoi gimuk gimyl ginag ginga Foothold Footing Secure a footing Same footing as For For a (an) .. any „ her ,, him „ it „ me -' .. my „ our „ that „ their „ the „ them „ these „ this „ those „ us „ what „ which „ whom „ whose » you „ your Forbid (s) Forbidden Forbidding Force(6) Force Majeure Forced to Forced draught Howden's forced draught Forcing Fore „ and aft Forecast(s) Forecastle Foreclose(s) Foreclosed Foreclosing Foreclosure Forego(es) Foregoing Foregone Foreign Foreign Office Foremast Forenoon Forepart Forequarters Foresee(s) Foreseeing Foreseen Foresight Forest(s) Forestalls) Forestalled Forestalling Forfeit(s) Forfeitable Forfeited Ginhe Gobco Forfeiting Forfeiture Forge Forged Forgery Forget(s) Forgetfulness Forgetting Forgot Forgotten Form(s) Nett form New „ Old „ What fdhn (of) Usual form Form of Formal Formality(ies) Formally Formation (of) Formed Ha3 been formed Formed by for (to) Former „ preferred Formerly Formidable Forming Formula FormuIate(s) Formulated Formulating Forthcoming Forthwith Fortnight(s) Fortnightly Fortunate Fortunately Forward(s) Brought forward Carried „ Carry „ Send „ Sent „ Shall we (I) forward Forward by first mail „ „ „ steamer Go(e8) forward Forward as soon as possible by (per) for „ from „ here ,; immediately „ it (them) „ steamer „ to you „ tonnage „ us (me) „ „ „ immediately via Forwarded Cannot be forwarded (before) giwyv giybz giyer giylk giyre giyto giyuv giywy gizar gizit gizov gizra gizse gizvo gizyx glads glafb glalb glapf glawm glees gledt glehy glelc glemd glenf glen glesk gletl glewn glibs glict gligy glihz glild glimf gling glipE glirk globt glofy glogz globb glokd glolf glomg glorl glosm gludy glujd glulg glunj glupk glurm gluzt goaby goagd goaQ goamk goarp goavs goawt gobco FoBWAKDED — conimued. Being forwarded (by) Not been forwarded Have you forwarded „ forwarded „ not forwarded Must be „ Forwarded by for „ from „ here „ immediately „ it (them) on to Forwarding „ it (them) per . you Are forwarding When are you foi-warding Foster(s) Fostered Fostering Fought Foul(s) Very foul Fouled Foulness (of) Found Will be found by Found at „ by „ it „ to be Foundation (for) No foundation „ Founded Founder(s) „ shares Foundered Foundering Foundry(ies) Four (see also "Numerals") Fourfold Fourth(s) Fraction(s) (^^-'Numkeals") Fracture(s) Fractured Fracturing Fragile Frail Frame(s) Framed Framework Framing Franc(8) ( — ) francs & 25 cents. »» »j j» '■** jj )» » »\, ) »» France For France From „ In To fM Gobya Grisp gobya gobze gocbe gocgy gocyg gocza godba godce godfo godhT godyh goeoz goefd" goelk goets goevt goezy gofca gofde gofeo gogy goW gogda gogfe gogho gogky gogyk gonfa gohge gohjo gohyl goixy gojga gojEe goiko gokha gokqe goklo gokny gokyn golia golke golmo golpy golyp gomka gomle gomno gonla gonme gonpo gonry gonyr googh gooHj gooik goolm goonp goors goost goowy goozb gopma gopne gopsy Frankly Fraud (s) Fraudulent(ly) Free(s) „ alongside F.o.b. (nee also " PmcE " " Buy " " Quote " t risk „ earnings „ .and passage earnings 'for „ „ collection „ from „ less rebate(s) „ of „ offering on „ pes sailer ,? „ steamer to Freightage French „ Government French port(s) One French port Two French ports gopur gopys gorap gorpa gorso goryv gosre gosto gotra gotse gotvo goubd goucf gouhk goujl gouln goump gourt gouvy govsa govte govwo gowoy gowta gowuz gowve gowyo goyav goycy goyhl gojrix goyjm goyip goyps goyva goywe goyzo gozbo gozwa gozve grabt grafy gragz graub grakd gralf gramg grarl grasm gredy greid grelg greni grepk grerrn grewr grezt gricy gridz grihd grijf grink grim grisp French — continued. Three French ports Frequency Frequent Frequented Frequenting Frequently Very frequently Fresh{ly) Friction Friday „ morning „ afternoon „ evening » night Next Friday On Friday(8) Noon on Friday Friend (s) Friendliness Friendly Friendship Frighten(s) Frightened Frightening From a (an) any about ( — ) to about ( — ) her here him it (them) our (my) that the their (his) there these this those us (me) what whom you your Front(s) (of) Frontage Frontier Frost Degrees of frost Frosty Froze Frozen up Fruit(s) Fruitful Fruitless Frustrate (s) Frustrated Frustrating Frustration Fuel Liquid fuel 78 Grixt Giipar FuBL — continned. Patent fuel Fulfll(s) Fulfilled Fulfilling Fulfilment (of) Non-fulfilment Full Not fuU Full of „ on leaving „ ship WiU she be full „ be a full ship „ not be full Fuller Fullest Fullstop Fully Been fully Not „ Fumigate Fumigated Fumigating Fumigation Fund(s) Funds invested Fundamental (ly) Funnel(s) Furious(ly) Furlough Furnace(s) Furnish(es) Furnished Furnisher(s) Furnishing Furniture Further Have you any further „ further „ no further Not further than Further than Require further Do you require further „ not „ „ Furtherance Furthered Furthering Furthermore Furthest Fuse(d) Fusion Fuss Futile Futility Future „ dehTery of In the future Futures G Gain To gain Gain of .. to gufol gufum gufyn gugaj gugek gugil gugia gugke gugmo gugpy gugyp guhak guhel guhka guhle guhno guhon guhup guich guifk guijn guipt guitz guixd gujal guqem gujla gojme gujop gujpo g^yr gukam guken gukip gukma gukne gukur gukyg gulan gulep gulna gulor gulpe gulro gulus gulyt gumap gumir gumos gumpa gumso gumut gumjrv guner gunre gtmto gimuv guogm guonn guojp guont guory guosz guowd gupar Gained Gaining Gale(s) Heavy gale Gallery(ies) Galley(s) Gallon (s) Galvanise Galvanised Galvanising Gamble(d) Gang(s) Gangway(s) Gap(s) Gas Gather(s) Gathered Gathering Gauge(s) Gauged Gauging Gave Gave them (him) „ us (me) „ it Gazette Gazetted Gear Geared Gearing General Generally Not generally Generate(s) Generated Generating Generously Gentleman(men) Genuine(ly) GeographicaI(ly) Geological (ly) Geologist(s) Geology German „ Government ., port' One German port Two German ports Three „ German Lloyds Germany For Germany In From „ To Get (see also " Obtain ") a (an) about it on at the them (him) (to) us (me) (to) you (to) Can get 79 Gupit Gyjuc gupit gupov gupra gupse gupvo gupyx gurat gurev guroy gurta guruz gurve guryo gusav guscy gusix gusoz gusub gusva guswe guszo gutiz gutob gutuc gutwa gutye guvay guvco guvez guvib guvoc guvnd guvya guvze guwaz guweb guwic gUwod guwuf guw^g guyab guyba guyce guyec guyfo guyhy guyid guyks guylt guyof guyug guzac guzca guzde guzed guzgo guzii gu2dy guzog guzun guzyj gyafs gyagt gyahv gyaky Get — continued. Cannot get Can you get Do your utmost to get Hope to get If you can get Might get Try to get What can you get (for) "What is the utmost you can get With authority in hand might get Cannot get more than Getting Is (are) getting „ not getting Getting about „ for „ from Getting it What are you getting for Girder(8) Gist Give(B) „ about for „ them (him) it (her) „ steamer (vessel) up „ us (me) .. you Can give „ you give Cannot give „ „ more than Do not „ „ „ more than May we (I) give Shall „ „ What would they (he) give (for) » »■ you give (for) Will give „ not give ,. they (he) give „ you give Given Hav^ given Have not given » you „ Given by „ for » it (herj „ them (him) „ us (me) .. you Giving Are giving Giving about for „ it (her) „ them (him) „ us (me) you Glad to if gyalz gyamb gyanc gyarg gyash gyavk gyawl gyazn gybap gybir gybos gybpa gybso gybut gybvy gyb3nr gycer gycre gycto gycuv gycwy gydar gydit gydov gydra gydse gydvo gyeds gyeft gyejy gyelb gyend gyepf gyewm gyfas gyfet gyfiv gyfsa gyfte gyfrs gyfwo gyfey gygat gygev gygoy gygta gyguz gygve gygyo gyhav gyhix gyhoz gyhub gyhva gyhwe gyhzo gyics gyiic gyirj gyitl &3qbo gyjiz gy^ob gyjuc Glad — continued. Glad if you „ „ .„ can Very glad Gladly Glass(es) Gloomy Glut Glutted Glutting Go(e8) on with per via to Going Is she going (to) Is not going (to) Going by (per) „ on with „ to „ via Gold Gold Coast Colony Goldfield(s) Gold Mine Gone „ from „ per » to „ via Good {see also "Goods") Fairly good No good Would it be any good Not very good Very good Good-Friday Goods {see also "Good") Bought the goods Buy the goods SeU „ „ Sold „ „ Ship „ „ Goods by (per) » for „ from ,, have arrived » in „ ordered „ shipped Goodwill Gossip Got {see also " Obtaimbo ") about for from it (them) no to Have got „ you got „ not „ Govern (s) Governed (by) Governing 80 Gyjwa Hacij Government(s) gysje gyslo For the Government From the „ To yysny gysol Government cargo gysum „ here gysyn „ requirements gytai gytek Late Government' New „ gytil Governor gylia (Days) Grace gytke Grade(s) gytmo 1st grade gytpy 2nd „ gytyp 8rd „ g3mbt High grade gyufy Low „ Medium grade gyugz gyuhb Graded gyukd Gradient gyuif Grading gyumg Gradual gyurl Graduaily gyusm Grain gyvak Qrs. of grain gyvel „ „ 10 per cent, more or less gyvka Grain charter gyvle „ for gyvno „ freight gyvon „ from gyvup gywal •„ in (per) „ steamer gywem Grains gywop Gram(s) gywry Grand gywyr Granite gyzan Granitic gyzep Grant(s) gyzna Do not grant gyzor May we „ gyzpe Grant it gyzro WiU they (he) grant gyzty „ you grant gyzus Granted Has been granted haanl „ not been gr9,nted haajm haalp Granting Granulated haaps Grass(e3) haarv Grate haaty Grateful (ly) haavz Gratification haawb Gratified haazd Very gratified habaf Gratify(i6s) habeg Gratifying habfa Very gratifying habge Grating(s) habio hably Gratis Gratuitous(Iy) haboj habiik Gratuity Grave habyl Very grave hacag Gravel hacga Gravest hacy Graving-dock {see also "Dby-Dock") In graving-dock Go into graving-dock Graving-dock at Gravity Greasy Great Great many Too great Very great Great amount (of) Great Britain Greater Much greater Greater amount „ than „ quantity Greatest Greatly Greece Greek „ Government „ port(s) One Greek port Two „ ports Three „ „ Green Grevr Grey Gridiron Grievanoe(s) Grieved (at) Grip Gross Per gross Telegraph the gross What would she gross Would gross Grossed Grossing Grossly Ground (s) No ground(8) for Ground(s) for On what grounds Is there any ground for Ground rent Grounded „ near „ „ hera „ but got off Grounding Groundless Group(s) Grouped Grow(s) Grower(s) Growing Grown Growth Guarantee(s) No guarantee(s) Can guarantee „ you guarantee Cannot ,, 'tu Bt Hacko Hawba hacko hacok hacul hadah hadha hadik hadie hadlo hadny hadol hadum haech haefk haejn haens haept haetz haevb haexd hafai hafek hafil hafke nafmo hafTp hagak hagka hagle hagno hagon hagup hanal hahem hahla hahme hahop hahpo hahyr haigfQ haijp hajam hajen hajip hajma hajne haqvir hagys hakan hakep hakna hakor hakpe hakro hakus hakyt halap halir halos halpa halso haliit halvy halyv h»mer Gxiarantee(s) — contimud. D6 not guarantee Will they „ ., you Obtain a guarantee Obtained a guarantee Give Given „ What can you guarantee Do (will) you guarantee „ thfey guarantee They We May (fehaU) we guarantee Guarantee (s) for „ from „ it (them) ship „ to us (ni&) you Guaranteed Been guaranteed Is „ not » it „ Must be guaranteed Guaranteed by it to Guaranteeing Guarantor(s) Guaranty Guard „ against Be on your guard Guarded „ against Guardedly Guarding „ against I Guidance (of) I For our guidance „ your „ „ their „ „• private guidance Guide(s) (to) Guided (by) Guilt Guilty Guineas {see also" Sterlino") i guinea' 1 H guineas 2' 2J 8 8i 4 4^. ., 5 6 7 8 9 10 hamre hamto hamuv hamwy hanar lianit hanov hanra hanse hanvo han3rx haock haogn haols haonv haorz haosb haovd haowf hapas Jiapet hapiv hapsa hapte hapux hapwo hapzy harav harcy harix haroz harub harva harwe harzo hasbo hasiz hasob hasuc haswa hasye hatay hatib hatoc hatud hatya hatze hauks hault haiiinv haupy haurb hausc havEiz havbe havdo haveb havgy havic havod havuf havyg havza hawab hawba Guineas — contimted. Guinea(s) per cent. ( — ) & j guineas per cent. ( — ) & J guineas -) & i .. (-)&f .. Gulden Gulf Gun(s) Gunboat(s) Gun-cotton Gunpowder Gusty Gut (the) Gutted H Habit(s) Habitual(ly) Had {see also Pronouns and "Ip") „ a (an) .. any ,, been » » no „ had .1 •> to oe „ he „ „ been „ her „ his ,. I „ >, to „ it „ „ been » .. not „ „ „ been „ my „ no „ not ,; „ been „ „ she „ „ they (he) „ „ this (these) ., to » .. we (I) .. .. you „ our „ she „ „ been ., „ no „ „ to „ the „ their „ there „ been „ these 11 » oeen ,. they If ff Dcou ,. .. not » to „ this „ been „ to ., ,. be >. we 82 Ha'wce Heonb Had — continued. Had we to » you ,. ,. to *» your Haggle (over) Haggled (over) Haggling (over) Half About half Not Half of „. the amount „ „ quantity Half-orown(s) Half-pay Half-way (between) Half-yearly Halve Halved Halving Haniper(s) Hampered (by) Hampering Hand {sec also " Hands ") To hand In (on) hand Hand over Handed „ over HaJidicap(s) Handicapped Handicapping Handing „ over Handle(s) Can you handle „ handle Cannot handle Think could handle Handled, (by) Handling Hands {see also " Hanp ") All hands Leave it in the hands of „ our (my) hands „ „ your hknds Left in your bands „ „ „ to do your best Handsome Handsomely Handy „ steamer ship Hang(s) Hanging Happen(s) Happened (to) Wiat has happened to Happening Happy (to) Harass(es) Harassed Harassing Harbour In harbour heevg heezK hefan hefep heftia hefor hefpe hefro hefty heftis hefyt hegap hegir hegos hegpa hegso hegut hegvy hegyv hener hehre hehto hehuv hehwy heijt heird hejar hejit heqov heqra hejse hejvo helyx hekas heket hekiv heksa hekte hekux hekwo hekzy helat helev heloy helta heluz helve helyo hemav hemcy hernix hemoz hemub hemva hemwe hemzo henbo heniz hefiob henuc henye heogs heont heoly heonb Harbour-master Hard Very hard Harden(s) Hardened Has (have) hardened a little Hardening „ tendency Are hardening Market is hardening Harder Much harder Hardest Hardly Hardness Hardship(s) Hardware Harm(s) No harm (in) Harmed Harmful (to) Very harmful Harming Harmless Harmonious (ly) Harmonise(s) (with) Harmonised „ Harmonising „ Harmony In harmony with Harsh Harshly Harvest Average harvest Bad „ Good „ Fair „ Poor „ Harvested Harvesting Has {xt'e also Pronouns and "If") „ a (an) „ any „ been .. •> no had no to be he „ been her his it „ been „ not „ to (be) my no not „ been >, had „ this ,. to 83 Heorf Hihwe heorf heowk heozm hepay hepco hepez hepib hepoc hepud ' hepya hepze herba herce herec herfo lierhy ilerid herof herug heryn hesac hesca hesde hesed hesgo hesif hesjy hesog hesun tesyj hetad hetda hetef hetho hetig hetoh hetui hetyk bevaf lifeveg Ixeyfii. heYge hev]o hevoi hevuk hevyl hewag hewga bewHe bewy bewko hewok hewul heyah heyds beyha heyik heyie heylo heyol heyp{ heyum hezai bezek bezil Has — continued. Has not to be our she „ been „ to be the their there :, been this „ been „ to be to >, be your Haste Hasten „ as much as possible Hastened Hastening Hastily Hasty Hatch(es) „ No. (-) Hatchway(s) Haul Haulage Hauled Hauling Have {sec also Pronouns and ' a (an) also any „ been been „ no had .. no „ to ,, t> be her his 1 „ to be it my no not ,v been ., had „ they „ to „ „ be „ we (I) „ you our the their them there „ been „ any these „ been If") be^'a bezke bezmo bezyp biais biagt bianv biaky bialz biamb bianc biarg biasn biavk biawl biazn bibap bibir bibos bibpa hibso hibut bibvy bibyv bicer Mere bicto bicuv bicwy bidar bidit bidov bidra bidse bidvo bidyx bieds bieft biejy bielb blend biepf biewm bifas bifet bifiv bifsa bifbe bifux bifwo bifey bigat bigev bigoy bigta biguz bigve bigyo hihav bibcy bibix biboz bibub bibva bibwe Have — continued* Have they »» It any M It been t» It had It tt to it If „be „ this. „ to » » be „ have „ we „ „ any ., ,. been » » no 1. ,, to you „ any „ been „ „ had .. » no .. » to » your Having (see also Pronouns and " Ip") a (an) been had her it my no not our the their (his) them these this to „be your Havoc Hawser(6) Manila hawser Steel „ Hazard (s) Hazarded Hazarding Hazardous Haze Hazy He He can , be have not have could be not be did not does „ not had „ been 84 Hihzo Hoamg He — continued. He had had hirok „ 1. no hirul „ „ not Msali „ „ ,5 heen bisha ,, ,, our hisik ,, „ to hisie hislo »» »> »» ^^ „ has hisny hisol „ „ been „ „ had hisum » .. .. to hisyn >• » It » oe hitai hitek ,, ,, my „ ,, no hitU „ ., not hit! a hitke „ » ., been „ „ „ had hitmo ., .. to bityp )> j> >» oe hiubt ., is hiufy „ „ being hiiigz hiunb. „ „ not , being hinkd „ .. ,. to hiulf be hiumg ,, ., to hiurl )> » i> be hiusm „ may hivak )) )) he hivel „ „ not hivka „ might hivle „ not hivno „ must hivon ,, .. be hivup hiwal „ „ not .. .. , .. be hiwem „ shall hiwop „ ,, be hiwry „ should hiwyr " ^^ n X hiyam „ „ have (been) hiyen „ „ not hiyip If >» i» t»e Myjd hiylg „ was „ not hiyma „ will hijTie ,, ., be hiysy „ „ not hiyxir » » » oe hiyzt „ would hizan „ „ be hizep „ „ not hizna be hizor Heacl(s) hizpe Per head hizro „ including hizty „ excluding hizus Head Office (»« aUo " Office ") hizyl Headed hoabt Heading hoafy Headquarters hoagz hoa£b Headway Headwind (s) hoakd Health hoalf Healthy hoamg Hear(s) „ from „ that "We (I) hear If we (I) do not hear to the contrary Expect to hear When do you expect to hear Hope to hear shortly Heard Heard from „ of Have not heard „ you heard whether anything {re) „ not heard anything (re) Hearing Heartily „ approve Heat Heated Heating Heavier Heaviest Heavily Heaving (to) Heavy Not heavy Too „ Very „ Likely to be heavy Seems very heavy Hectare(s) Heotoliter(s) Hectometer(s) Hedge(s) Hedged Hedging Heel Heeled (over) Heeling (over) Height (of) Heir(s) Held "Who is it held by Held at (in) ,. by ,, here „ over HeUer(s) Helm Help(s) {see also " Assist " Great help Help from » to „ us (me) to Helped {see also " Assisted ") to Helpful "Very helpful Helping Helpless Hence Henceforth Henceforward Her 85 Hoarl Houy Her — contimied. 1 hoarl Her at hojgo Hinting (at) hoasm » by hojSf Hire(s) hobat » for hojog hojvm hoKad On hire hobev „ from Hire of Ihoboy ., to Time hire hobta Here Hired hobuz Be here hokda Hiring hobve Is not here hokef His hobyo Must be here (by) ^ hokfe His having fhocav Here by hokho „ not hocix „ on hokig hokon Hitch (in) hocoz Hereafter Serious hitch (in) hocub Hereby hokuq hokyk No hitch (in) hocva Herein Hither hocwe Hereinbefore holaf Hitherto hoczo Heretofore holeg Hogshead (s) hodbo Herewith holfa Hoist hodiz Herself hol^e holjo Hoisted hodob Hesitancy Hoisting hoduc Hesitate (s) (to) holoi holuk Hold(s) hodwa Hesitated (to)' Hold(s) for better price hbdye Hesitating (to) Hesitation (in) holyl „ it pendiqg hoedy homag ,, off hoeid No hesitation in homga homne „ out for hoelgi Great „ „ about hoeni Hidden homij „ for hoepk Hide homko „ it (them) hoerin Hides hommy „ over hoewr Hi^h Much too high homok Hold (ship's) hoezt homul „ No. 1 hofay „ tryto get it reduced honah 11 » * hofco Very high honha » » ° hofez Too „ honik „ 4 hofib High price honie homo » •) 6 hofoc „ rate » » 6 hofud Highhanded honny honol In the hold hotya. High-pressure Main hold hofize Higher Go higher honum Forward hold hogaz honyn hooby .After „ hogbe Muchiigher Holder(s) hogdo Likely to go higher hoogd hooQ are hogeb No higher „ asking hog^ Not higher than hoorp Holding(8) hogic Higher at hoovs Hole(s) (in) hogod „ than hoowt " Holed " hoguf Highest hopaJ hopek Holiday(s) hogyg At the highest After the holidays hogza Highly hopil Bank holidays hohab Hill(s) hopia hopKe Before the holidays faohba Hilly Delayed by „ hohce Him hopmo During the „ hohec Him for hoppy Summer „ hohfo „ to hopyp Owing to holidaj's hohid Himself horal Holland hohof Hinder(s) Hindered horem Home hohug horla Arrive(s) home hobyh „ by horme Arrived „ hoicy Hindering horop At home hoyf Hindquarters horpo Come home hoirn Hindrance(s) horyr Coming „ ho xt hojac Hinge(s) (upon) Hinged hosam hosip Return (s) home Send „ hojca Hinging „ hosma Sent ho.ide Hint(s) (at). hosne Is to come home hojed Hinted „ hossy Home by 86 Hosur Hulka Home — continuad. Home from ,. on » via „ line Homeward (s) „ bound Honest Honestly Honesty Honorary Honour(B) Honourable Honourably Honoured Duly honoured Honouring Hook(s) Hoops Hope {see also " Expect ") No hope (of) Hope of „ that „ to ■„ „ be able to „ you will be able to Is there any hope of When do you hope to Hoped „ that to Hopeful Is not hopeful Very hopeful Hopeful that Hopeless Quite hopeless If Hopelessly Hoping Are hoping to Horizontal Horizontally Horse(s) ,-, per head Horse-power Effective horse-power Nominal „ Indicated ,-, What „ Hose Hospital Hostile Very hostile Hostility(ies) Great hostility Hot Hotel(s) Hour(s) At what hour 6 hours 12 „ 18 „ 24 „ 86 ., 48 .. hucof hucuff hucyn hudac hudca hudde huded hudgo hudif hudjy hudog hudvm hudyj huexy hufeid hufda hufef huffe hufho hufig huf^ hufoh hufuj hufyk hugaf hugeg hugfa hug^e hug]© hugoi huguk hugyl hunag huhga hulifie huhij huhko huhmy huhok hubul hixigh huum huirs huizb hujah hujha hvqik hujie huqlo huqnv huqol hujum huiyn hukag hukek hukil hukia hukke hukmo hukpy hukyp hulak hvael hulka House(s) House of Commons „ „ Lords „ „ Assembly „ „ Representatives Hove (to) How How to „ about „ do you intend (propose) „ is (are) „ can they (he) .. ., we (I) .. you „ do(e8) „ has (have) „ shall we (I) „ will „ are we to „ am I to However Hulk(8) Hull (of) „ and machmery fiumbug All huinbug Hundred {see also " Numerals'") Hundredweight(s) ("^ also " Quabtem") ( — ) and } ewts. (-) .. i .. (-) .. f .. 1 hundredweight 2 hundredweights 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Per ton of 20 cwts. Hung Hungarian Hungary Hurricane Hurried Hurriedly Hurry {see also " Hasten ") „ as much as possible » lie'" What can you do to huny (thii/ Hurrying Are hurrying Hart(s) 87 Hulno Hyhbo hulno hulon hulup humal humem humla liuilime ;humop humpo humry humyr hunam hunen hunip hunma hunsy hunur iunys huoDd huocf huohk huoil huoln huort huovy huowz hupan hupep hupna hupor hupro hupus hupyf hurre hurto huruv hurwy btisar husit husov husra husse husvo husyx hutas hutet hutiv hutsa hutux hutwo huvat huvev huvoy huvta huvuz huvve huvyo huwav huwix huwoz huwub huybo huyfk huyhm huyiz Hurting Husband Husbanded Husbanding Hydraulic Hyphen Hypotheo«te(s) Hypothecated (with) Hypothecating Hypothecation I I am „ not ., .. to „ to ho I can „ be „ have „ not >, .• be „ have I could „ be „ not I did „ not „ „ have I do „ not „ so I had „ been „ her „ it „ no „ not „ „ been „ their (his) „ them I bad to .. .. be I have „ been „ had .. no .. to „ no not „ „ been „ „ had „ their (his) „ these (this) „ to your I may „ be „ have (to) „ not I might „ be „ not I must „ be have huyjn hujms huyob huyuc huywa hu3rxd huzay huzco huzez huzib huzoc hvizud huzya huzze hyads hyaft » hyand hyapf hyawm hyber hybre hybto hybuv hybwy hycar hycit hycov hycra hycse hycvo hycyx hydas hydet hydiv hydsa hydte hydux hydwo hydzy hyecs hyedt hyelc byemd hyenf hyeri hyetl^ hyewn hyfat hyfev h3^y hyfta hs^fuz hyfve hyfyo hygav hygcy hygix hygoz hygub hygva hygwe hygzo hynbo I — continued. I must not I shall be „ have II I. to ,, not »» It oe „ „ have I should „ be „ have been II to „ not II be I was „ not ,1 to I will „ not I would not Ice Ice broken up „ clause Usual ice clause Iceberg(s) Icebound Icefield(s) Icefloe(s) Icepack(s) Idea(s) Had (have) no idea Idea of price Have you any idea What is your idea „ their (his) idea Identical Identically Identification Identified Identify(ies) Identifying Identity Idle Very idle If If a (an) If any If he „ can I, II not „ could II not „ does not „ had II I. not „ has II 11 not I, is II 11 not II niay „ must „ „ have „ „ not „ shall (should) Hyhiz Ibath If — continued. If — continued. hyhiz If be was (were^ hypeg If it has not hyhob » )• If not hypfa 1, 1, „ been hyhuc ,1 will hjrpge 11 II to liyhwa hyhye 11 be II not hypio hypiy II II II oe ,1 is hjribs hyict , would II be hypo, hypuk II i> not .1 may & „ not If her ^ypy hyrah „ be ,1 might (be) hyiph If his hyrha 1, must h3drk m hyrik 1) 11 06 hyjay „ am h>iie hyrlo 1, not (be) hy^co >i » not „ shall (be) hyjez » ,, to hymy hyrol „ should (be) hyqib „ can „ was (were) hyjoc „ „ be (could be) hyrum II II I, not hy]ud >f » not hyryn II II 11 If for hy:!ya hyqze hykaz „ could „ did so hysaj hysek I, will If II be ., do hysil II II not hykbe „ „ not hysia II If 11 be hykdo „ ,1 so hyske f, would hykeb „ had hysmo II If oe hykic » »> Dcen hyspy 11 „ not hykod hykuf „ „ not l^ If fi ff De If my hykyg >i It to hytel 1, no hykza „ have hytka „not hylab ,, it hytle 1, our hylba II II no hytno If she hylce 11 II not hyton „ can hylec ,1 1, their (his) hytup 11 II be hylfo „ them hyudy hymd fi If not hyUd II 1. to ff II II 08 hylof » II your hyulg „ could hjlxig hylyn II niay II II not hyupk hyurm II II be 11 II not hjrmac II might hyuzt 11 11 11 oe hymca „ must hyval 1, did not hymde 1, „ not hyvem „ does not hymed „ shall hyvia, „ had hymg'o II II not hyvxne „ „ been hymif 1, should hyvop ff If no hymoff hymuh II II not „ was (were) hyvpo hyvry 11 11 not II If If been hymyi hynad II II II not ,1 will (would) hyvyr hywam 1, has 1, „ been hynda II II 1, not hywen 11 II her hynef If it hywip 11 11 no hynfe II be hywur II 11 not hsniho I, can hywys 11 II II been hynig ', J> »> OG hyzap ,1 II to hynky hynon „ „ not l» J> it OQ hyzir hyzos 11 11 If 06 II is hynm hynyk hyobt „ could hyzpa II II not *» J) *^ hyzso „ 1, „ to (be) II ,1 not (be) hyzut • 1 11 to hyofy „ does not hyzvy II 11 II oe hyogz „ had ibags 1. may hyohb II >, been ibaht II II "® hyokd 1, „ no (not) ibaly 1, ,1 not (be) hyolf II „ not been ibamz „ might (be) hyorl „ has ibanb „ must hyosm ft ji DGGn ibarf 11 11 be hypaf »f I, no ibath „ 11 not 89 Ibawk Ibyla If — contimied. If — coiibhvuM. , ibawk If she must not be ibnof If they must have ibazm „ shall (be) ibnug ,1 1, not ibban „ should ibnyS , shall ibbep bp ibocs , should ibblo „ „ not (be) ibodt be ibbme „ was (were) ibohy , were ibbna „ „ „ not ibolc „ not ibbor » wall ibonf II to ibbus be iborj ibosk 1 11 i» oe ibbyt „ have , will ibcap „ „ not ibown II be ibcir >» )i It "^ ibpac II not ibcos „ would ibped 1 II II be ibcut ,. be ibpif , would ibcyv „ not ibpoff ibpuB I. be ibder >» »» >i oe ., not ibdis If so ibP3d ibraf 1 II II O0 ibdno „ that If this ibdot „ the ibreg 1. is ibduv „ their ibrih If those ibefe „ there ibro, ibrn c ibryl If very ibegt ibeky „ there have (has) (been) „ „ is (are) If we „ are ibelz „ „ „ „ any ibsag •1 » not ibemb >i 11 » II no ibsdo II II II to ibenc II II II II not ibseh II II to iberg ibevk „ „ will (would) be ibsfe »i II H ^e „ these ibsga „ can ibewl If they ibsy ., 1, be ibezn „ are ibsok .1 .1 have- ibfar „ „ not ibsul II II not ibfes „ „ to (be) ibsyia II II II ne ibfit „ can ibtah II II II nave ibfov It It ^^ ibtha „ could ibfra „ „ have ibtik » be ibfyx II II not ibtol „ „ have ibgas II II II oe ibtum II II not ibget „ cannot have ibtyn ibuDS „ do not ibgiv „ could „ had ibgre »» t9 *^ ibuct •I II been ibgux ibnat »i » not ibugy ibunz ,1 II had ,1 II no ibhev „ did not ibuld i, .1 not ibhoy „ do not ibumf II II II been ibhuz „ had ibuph II II to ibift „ „ been iburk „ have ibiiv ibilb >f » no » i> not ibvaji ibvek •I » no „ 1, not ibipf II II 1. been ibvhe „ „ their (his) ibiav >i 11 to ibvil „ „ them (it) ibjix „ have ibvom » II to ibjoz II i> been ibvun be >i II II *^^ ibjub ibklTi >i 11 no II II not ibvyp ibwak II II your I, may ibkob II II ,1 been ibwel I, II not ibkuc 1, „ them (it) ibwho II might ibkwa II II to ibwim „ must iblay bp >» II II *^*> ibwon II 11 be iblez » II your ibwup II not ibUb may ibyal „ shall ibloc be 9> II "^ ibyem II II D® iblud „ „ not ibyin ,1 not ibnab ibnec » might „ must ibyjo ibyke II II II be „ should ibnid » >i be ibyla i> » be 90 Ibyop Icwoj icikt icilv icirc icjer icjis If I* — continued. If we should hkve (to) „ not were „ not » to >» )t oe wiU .. be „ have (to) „ not would » be „ not » ») oe you are „ not can „ do so „ not cannot do so could „ not did not „ so do not » so had „ been „ it (them) » no „ not » „ been .. to have been it (them) no not » been to may ,, not might must ,, not should „ not were „ not >. to will '„ be „ have „ not would » be „ not If your Igniters) Ignited Igniting Ignorance (of) Ignorant (of) be iqjot iqjuv ickar ickes ickit ickov ickso ickte ickva ickyx icl£^ iclet icliv ic, uz I icmat icmev icmoy icmuz icohs icojt icord ioosf ico'wj icplz icpob icpuc icraz icreb icric icrod icruf icryi icsai icsco icsde icsec icsid icsof icsug iceyn ictac ictdo icte4 ictga; ictff/ ictog ictun ictyj icugs icuht icumz icurf icuth icvad icvef icvha icvig icvon > icvui icvyk icwaf icweg icwhe icwih icwoj Ignore(s) Ignored Ignoring Very ill Ill-advised lU-feeling Illegal(ity) Illegally Illegible Illness lUogioal Illustrate(s) Illustrated Illustrating Illustration (s) Im Imaginary Tmagination Imagine(s) Imagined Imagining Imbedded Imitate(s) Imitated Imitating Imitation (s) Immaterial (to) Immediate Immediate attention Must have immediate No immediate Is there any immediate Immediately Must immediately Not WiU Immediately they (he) „ there is •f we (I)" » you „ it (she) Immense „ amount (quantity) Immensely Immigrant(s) Immigration Imminence Imminent Immovable Immunity (from) Impair(s) Impaired Impairing Impartial Impartiality Impartially Impasse Impatience Impatient Impecunious Impede(s) Impeded Impediment Impeding 9X Icwiik Iduck icwuk icwyl icyag icyen icyho icyy icyje icyka icyok icyvil iczah. iczik iczjo iczia iczol iczum icz3m idabd idacf idahk idail idaln idamp idart idavy idawz idbad idbef idbig idbla idboh idbijj idbyk idcaf idceg idcih 'idcko idclft idcoj idcuk idcyl iddag idden iddii iddlo. iddme .iddna Iddok 'iddul iddyin ideim idelp ideps iderv idety idevz idewb idezd idfah idfik idfol idfum idf^n idgaA id^k Impending Imperative Imperative we (I) should „ you should ■., to It is imperative „ not imperative Imperatively Imperceptible Imperfect Imperfection Imperfectly Imperial „ Government Imperil (s) Imperilled by Imperilling Impertinence Impertinent Impetus Implement (s) „ agreement Implemented Implementing Implicate(s) Implicated Implicating Implication Implicit Implicitly Implied Implore(s) Implored Imploring Imply^ies) Itaiplying Impolitic (to) lliink it would be impolitic to Very impolitic Import(s) » duty(ies) •„ from „ into „ trade Large imports Small „ Importance Of no importance „ great „ Importance of to Utmost importance It (this) is bi the utmost importance- Important Is it important It is very important (to) Is not important Very important Do you consider it important (to) Important for „ that » to Importation (s) Imported idgil idgno idgom idgun idnal idhel idhim idhon idhup idich idifk idijn idipt idit? idixd idjal idqem idjin idjop idqre idljo- idkam idken idkip idkro idkse idkur idlan idlep idlor idlus idlyt idmap idmir idmos idmut idmyv idner idnis idnot idnuv idogm idonn idojp idont idory idosz idowd idpar idpes idpit idpov idpyx idsav idsbo idsce idsda idsix idsoz idsub idtiz idtob idtuc iduck Imported — con tinned. Lnported by » for ., into Importer(8) Importing Impose(s) Imposed (by) „ upon Imposing Imposition Impossibility (of) Is an impossibility Impossible » for „ owing to , ,, to It. is impossible to Quite impossible Fear it vrill be impossible Wire if this is impossible Impost(s) Impoverish(es) Impoverished Impoverishing Impoverishment Impracticability (of) Impracticable Quite impracticable If Is Impregnable Impress (upon) » „ them (him) .. .. you Impressed (with) „ upon I, „ them (him) Have impressed upon them (him) Impressing Impression (that) Were under the impression that Imprisoned Imprisonment Improbability (of) Improbable Very improbable Improbable that Improper Improperly Improve(s) Improve it (them) Is likely to improve „ it likely to improve „ not likely to improve Improved Has (have) improved „ not improved Greatly inproved Improved by Improvement(8) Any improvement(s) Great „ Improvement(s) in No improvement(8) (in) Is there any (sign o^ improvement ft2 Idugn Ifpwe idugn idufe idumt idura idusb iduvtl idva7 idvea idvib idvoc idvnd idwac idweb idwha idwic idwod idwnf idwyg idyab idyBO idygo idvEe idyld idyj» idyof idyng idzac idzed idzif idzka idzy$ ifat ifana ifarp ifavB ifawt ifbay ifbez ifbib ifboo ifbud ifcaa ifceb ifcic ifcla ifcod ifcuf ifcyi ifdal ifdec ifdid ifdld ifdof ifdug ifdvb ifebs ifefd ifelk ifets ifevt Impkovement(s)— continiierf. Some signs of improvement No „ II ImproYing Is rapidly improving Imprudent Imprudently Impudence Impute(s) Imputed (to) Imputing In In a (an) >. any .„ about ..all „ her „ it (them) „ our (my) ,, the „ their (his) „ this (these) „ those ,, what ,, which „ whose „ whom „ your Is not in „ it in „ in Inability Inaccessibility Inaccessible Inacouracy(les) Inaccurate Inaccurately Inaction Inactive Very inactive Inactivity Inadequacy Inadequate Inadequately Inadmissible Inadvertence Inadvertently Inadvisable Inapplicable Inasmuch (as) Inattention Inattentive Inaugurate(s) Inaugurated Inaugurating Inauguration Incalculable Incandescent Incapability Incapable (of) Incapacitate(s) Incapacitated Incapacitating Incapacity Incautious(ly) Incautiousness ifezy Incendiarism. iffec Incendiary(ies) iffed Incessant iffif Incessantly if fine Inch(es) (see also " Feet ") ifftia J inch iffoff iffiih i 1, i » iffW ( — ) inches and ^ (-) „ .. i ifgef {—) n ,1 i i^i 1 inch 2 inches M ^ ,1 8 .. 8^ ., Ifheg 4 „ ifhih 4^ ,. ifhoi ifhuk 5 „ 6i ,. ifhyl 6 .. tfixy 6i „ iflag 7 „ Meh 7i 1. ifiij 8 1, ifiok 8i II Sul 9 „ ^y^ 9J 1. ifkah 10 „ ifkik 10* „ ifkol 11 1. ifkre IH » ifksa Incident(s) Inoidental(Iy) ifkiim ifkyn Inclination (to) iflai iflek No inclination to InoUne(s) (to) Inclined (to) iflil iflom la (are) inclined (to) ifliin „ not inclined to iflyp Inclined to do so iftnak Not inclined to do so ifmel Would yon be inclined to iftnim „ they .„ „ ifinon Inclining ifitnup Inclose (tee aUo " Enclose-ed-ino'^ ifhal Include(8) ifiiem it ifnin our (my) ifhop „ their (his) iftiyr your ifogh ifoBj Does this (it) include „ not include ifoik ifolm This includes Shall we (I) include ifonp What shcdl we (I) include (for) ifors Included ifost Have (has) been included ifowy „ „ not been included ifozb „ you included Must be included ifpam ifoen Included in ifip „ it ifour „ our (my) if^we „ their (his) ^ Ifpys Igodz Included — continued. Included your Including Not including Inolusive (oQ Is it inclusive of Not „ „ Income Gross income Nett Incoming Incompatible (with) Incompetence Incompetency Incompetent Incompetently Incomplete Very incomplele Incompleteness Incomprehensible Inconceivable Inconclusive Inconsiderable Inconsiderate Inconsiderately Incon si stency (ies) Inconsistent (with) Incontestable Inconvenience Great inconvenience Inconvenience of Causes great inconvenience to Has caused great inconvenienoe Inconvenienced Inconveniencing Inconvenient Very inconvenient Would be very inconvenient Inconvenient for to Inconveniently Inconvertible Incorporate(s) Incorporated Incorporating Incorporation Incorrect Is incorrect j> ,, it should be Incorrectly „ stated Incorrectness Increase<8) Can increase Cannot increase Can you „ Do not „ May (shall) we (I) increase Will increase „ not increase „ they (he) increase ,, you increase No increase (in) Inci-ease of in Increase(8) it igdix igdke igdla igdoz igdub igebt igefy igeaz igekd igelf igemg igfiz igfle igfob igftic iggay iggez iggib iggme iggna iggoc iggtid ignaz igheb ighic ighod ighuf ighyg igijd igug igipk igizt igjab igqec igqof igjug igjyn igkac igked igkif igkog igkra igkuh igkyj iglad iglef iglon iglyk igmaf igmeg igmih igmoj igmiik igmyl ignen ignij ignok ignul ignsmi igocy igodz Increase(s) — contin»ed. Increase(s) it by » » to Increased Has been increased „ not been increased » " >» » Must be increased Increased by „ from „ to Increasing Is increasing „ it increasing „ not increasing Steadily ,, Incredible Incredulous Incumbent (upon) Incur(s) Do not incur Incurred J. by ,,, in (on) Incurring Indebted (to) Indebtedness Indeed Indefensible Indefinite Too indefinite Very „ Indefinitely Indemnification Indemnified „ against Indemnify Indemnifying Indemnity(ies) Indent(s) Lident(s) No. (— ) » for „ from Execute indent Executed „ Executing „ Referring to indent Repeat indent Repeated „ Ship „ Shipped „ Send „ Sent „ Indented „ for Have (has) indented for „ „ not indented for »J )> you ,y J, Indenting (for) Indenture(s) Independence Independent Independently India For India From .. » Igohd Ijhis igohd igojf igonk igows igozt igpah igpik igpol igpum igpyn igsal igsba igsem igsin igsop igsyr igsze igtam igten igtip igtur igtys igtzo iguby igugd iguB igumk igUVB igvan igvep igvor igvus igyyt igwap igwir igwos igwut igwyv igydo igyer igyfe igyis igyot igyiiv igzar igzes igzfo igzffe igdoa igzit igZOT igzyx Sbfo. ihbha ihche ihdho ihdje ihdka ihfio mfke ihfla ihgle India — continued. In India To „ Indian Indian cargo Indian Government Indian port(s) One Indian port Two „ ports Three „ „ Indicate(s) Indicated .. by in Indicating Indication(s) (of) No indication(s) (of) Indictment(s) Indifference Indifferent Very indifferent ■Indigenous Indignant Indignation Indirect Indirectly Indiscreet Indiscreetly Indiscretion Indiscriminate Indiscriminately Indispensable Indisposed (to) Indisposition Indisputable(ly) Indistinct Indistinctly Individuals) Individually Indorse {see also "Endorse") Induce(s) Try to induce „ „ „ them (him) (to) Induced „ them (him) (to) ,, us (me) to Inducement(s) Any inducement No Inducement at „ for „ from » to Is there any inducement What inducement is there (to) Sufficient inducement It „ Inducing Industrial Industries(ry) Ineffective Ineffectively Ineffectual Ineffectually Ine£Bciency Inefficient ihlpo ihlra ihmsa ilinro ihnse ihnta ihpso ibpva ihrvo ihrwe ihswo ihtze ihvbe ihvca ilivzo ihyco ihyde ihyfa mzdo ihzga ijaks jjalt yamv yapy yarb iqasc ijawg ijbak iqbel i^bim iqbon ybup ycal ycem ycha ycin ycop ijcyr ^dam iqden ijdgo jjdip ydur ijdys ijekt iqelv yeny yepz Qerc yevg ^ezk ij&n il^ep ijfor ijfus jjfyt ygap iqgir ygla ygos ijgut ygyv yner Vjhis Inefficient — contintiM. Very inefficient Inefficiently Ineligible Inequality(ie6) Inequitable Inequitably Inevitable Inevitably Inexhaustible Inexpediency Inexpedient Inexpensive Inexpensively Inexperience Inexperienced Inexplicable Inexplicit Infect(s) Infected Infecting Infection Infer(s) (that) Inference Inferior Very inferior Inferior description(s) „ to Inferiority Inferred Inferring Infinite Infinitely Infinitesimal Inflammable Inflate(s) Inflated Inflating Inflation Inflict(s) Inflicted (upon) Inflicting Influence(s) Use influence (to) Influence of „ them (it) „ to . „ with Can you influence" Cannot influence Can influence Influenced ,. by Influencing Influential Very influential Influentially Influx (of) Infomi(s) „ captain „• him (her) ship „ steamer „ them „ us (me) » »» » by wire 95 Ijhot Ikfil jjhot jjird jgar uies m ijqna ijjov m^ ijkas yket ykiv ijkmo ijkne jjkrrs ijlal iiley h ijmix i|moz ijmub ijniz ijnob ijnuc r^t ijorf ijowk igozm JlPay ypez igpib ypoc iqpro ijpud ijrab ijrec i]rid ijrof yryh ijsac sed ysif ijsog ijsun 1.1 6 vo swe !4 tad ytef ft<3i ijtuj ijtwo flufe Uugt iNroBM(s) — cantinnecL Inform U8 (me) immediately ., . you Can you inform us (me) Cannot inform you Do not inform Please inform Shall we (I) inform Informal Informally Informant(s) Information Any information Following information is for » ,. ,, from „ ' „ has been received Have you any information (re) No information Received information Telegraph information {re) Information for „ from „ has been >. is „ „ not „ of „ re „ to Informed Are informed Have (has) been informed „ „ informed « .. .. us (me) „ „ not informed „ you informed Informed by „ of „ that „ them (him) „ us (me) » you Informing Inft*equent(ly) Infringe(s) " ,j ' upon Infringed ■„ upon Infiringement (of) Is an infringement of Infringement upon Infiringing „ upon ing Ingot(s) „ of gold „ „ silver „ „ copper i Initials) ' Initialled (by) Initialling Initiate(s) Initiated Initiating Initiation Initiative Injudicious ijuhv yuky ijulz iqmnb iqurcr iqusn ijuvk iquzn ijvaf iqvba iqveg ijvih yvoi ijvuk ijvyl ijwa^ ijwen «wy iqwok ijwul i^wym ijyah ijybo ijyda yyik yyol ijyum ijzel ijzil ijzom iqzun ijzyp ikahl ikaim i&alp ikaps ikarv ikazd ikbaf ikbeg ikbih ikboi ikbiik ikbyl ikca«^ ikceh ikcij ikcok ikcul ikc3mi ikdah ikdha ikdik ikdol ikdum ikdjm ikech ikefk ikejn ikens ikept ikfaj ikfek ikfil InjudicioOs — continued. Very injudicious Injudiciously Injunction(s) Apply for injunction Applied for „ Grant an injunction Granted an injunction Injure(s) Injured (see also " Dauaoed ") Seriously injured Slightly „ Injuring Injurious Very injurious Injuriously „ aflfect(s) Iqjury(ies) {see also " Damage ■'\ Injury(ies) by (from) ." . *° Serious injury(ies) Sustained injury (ies) Injustice Inland Inner Inoperative Inopportune Very „ Inopportune time Inquest Inquire {see also " Enquire ") Inquired (see also "Enquused") Inquiring( „ "Enquiring") Inquiry(ies)(sM also "Enquiry") Inscribed „ stock Insecure Insecurely Insecurity Insert (in) Do not insert Must insert Shall we (I) insert Inserted Has (have) been inserted Must be inserted „ not be inserted Not inserted Inserted by Inserting Insertion(s) (in) ., of Inside Insignificance Insignificant Insinuate(s) Insinuated Insinuating Insi8t(s) (upon) „ upon it (this) Shall we (I) insist upon Insisted (upon) Must be insisted upon Insisted upon it (this) Insisting (upon) 96 Ikfom Ildyj Insisting — continxied. In8tbdction(s) — continued. ikfom Are insisting upon ikukB Give instructions ikftin Insobriety ikult Given „ ikfTP Insolvency ikiunv No -„ ik^ak Insolvent ikupy Eeceived instructions ikgel Inspeot(s) ikvaz Have received instructions ikgho ' „ it ikveb Send instructions ikenm Shall we (I) inspect ikvic Sent ikgon Inspect and report by mail ikvod Telegraph „ ikhaT » » >i » wire ikvuf Have you given instructions Inspected ikvyg ikwab „ not given instructions ikhem Will be inspected Have given instructions ikhin Inspected by ikwec Instructions for ikhop Must be inspected ikwid „ from ikhyr Has been „ ikwof of ikigm Inspecting ikwug to ikijp Inspection ik'wyn Instructor(s) ikn a.Tn Subject-to inspection ikyac Instrumental (in) 5 en Inspectop(s) ikybe Insubordinate ik ip Instability ikyca Insubordination ilq ur Instal ikyed Insufficiency il^ ys Installation ikyif Insufficient ik: can Installed ikyog ikyun „ amount ik] kep Installing „ quantity ik] felo Instalment(s) ikyzo Insufficiently ik] cme By instalments (of) ikzad Insulate ik] aia Instalment (s) for ikzbo Insulated ik] cor of iTrgiHa „ chamber(s) ik] OlS Instance(8) ikzef „ freight ik] kyt For instance ikzig ikzon space ik] ap In the present instance „ hold(s) ik] [ir Instant (see also various Months) ikzuj ikzylc cargo ik] ios Instantly „ steamer(s) ik] lut Instead (of) ilabz Insulating ik] yv Instigate(s) Instigated (by) Uafd Insulation ikmer ilahg Insult(s) ikmis Instigating ilalk Insulted ikmot Instigation (of) ilats Insulting ikmuv At the instigation (of) ilavt Insuperable iknar Instruct(s) ilazy difficulty iknes „ steamer (ship) ilbaz Insurable iknit „ them (him) ilbbo Is not insurable iknov us (me) ilbce Insurable risk iknyx you Ubda Insurance(s) ikock Do not instruct ilbeb „ Company(ies) ikogn ikols Must instruct ilbic Fire Insurance Shall we (I) instruct Ubod Life „ ikonv Instructed ilbuf Marine „ ikpas Have instructed ilbyg Nature of insurance ikpet ,, not instructed ilcab Effect insurance ikpiv „ been ilcco Have effected insurance ikpre „ you instructed ilcec Particulars of „ ilq)nx Must be instructed ilcfa Rate of insurance ikslz Instructed by ilcid Insurance against iksob „ him (her) ilcof „ '„ Jill risks iknto „ steamer (ship) ilcug Hcyn „ „ including iksuc „ them „ „ „ excluding Ikflve us (me) Udiac „ „ „ of whatever nature ikswa you ilddo „ „ total loss iktay Instructing ilded „ n „ excluding iktez Are instructing ildfe „ ., „ including iktib Instructing us (me) ildga „ „ fire iktoc „ them (him) il® „ „ war risk iktud Instruotion(s) ildog ilduB „ at iktvo Await instructions „ „ Lloyds ik twe Final ndyj by 97 Ilexy Imdco ilexy ilfad ilfef ilffo fe ilfiff Ufoii ilfty ilf^k ilgaf ilgeg' ilggo ilghe ilgih ilguk ilEag ilheh ilhy ilhok ilhul ilhym iligh ilflk ililm ilirs ilizb ^^ iEke i^ol UKOt ilkek ilkil ilkko ilkle ilkma ilkom ilkun il iUel illim iTIme illna illon illup ilzual ilmem ilmin ilnmio ilmop ilmpa ilmyr ilnen ilnip ilnno ilnpe ili^ Insckanoe^s) — coMiniied. Insurance claim(s) „ for „ f.p.a. „ from J, of „ on „ „ goods „ „ ship ), ,, steamer „ premiums ,f rate ,, risk „ w.p.a. In8ure(s) „ against all risks total loss fire war risk at » cargo disbursements for f.p.a. freight from goods her huU „ and maciunery in it (them) on per premiuin property risk ship steamer „ w.p.a. At what rate tan yon insure » >f ,, excluding .. » ., including Can iiiSaxB Cannot insure Can you insure May (shall) We insure Insured For what amount is it insured HftTQ insured „ not insui'ed » you „ Is (are) insured „ „ not insured Insured against „ all risks „ „ excluding „ „ including „ total loss „ „ excluding „ „ including „ fire „ war risk at (in) by Iksuked — continital^ Uobd Insured for ilocf „ f.p.a. Uohk », freight iloil iloln n goods n hull ilort „ „ and machinery ilovy „ it (them) ilowz „ property ilpan „ risk J^ ilpep ,„ ship ' ilppo u steamer ilpra „ with ilpyt „ w.p.a. ilrer In8urer(s) ilris Insuring ilrot Are insuring Uruv Are not insuring ilsar .. you „ Uses Insuring against ilsit „ „ all risks ilsov „ „ total loss ilsso »f .. fire Uste „ „ war risk ilsva „ at (in) ilsyx for iltas „ f.p.a. iltet „ goods iltiv „ it (them) iltuz „ property iltve „ risk Utwa ,. ship iluhl „ steamer iluim f, with ilulp „ w.p.a. ilups Insurmountable ilurv Intact iluty Intake iluvz „ quantity iluzd Integrity ilvat Intelligence (see alsn "News") ilvev Intelligible ilvoy Intemperance ilvuz Intemperate ilwo Intend (s) (to) ilwav When do you intend (to) ilwix Do iiot intend (to) ilwoz .1 you „ „ ilwub „ they „ „ ilyba Does he „ „ ilyob Intended (to) Not intended (to) ilyuc Intended for ilyze We (I) intended (to) ilzay Intending (to) ilzbe Intense ilzca Intensely ilzez Intention(s) {see aho "Intend") ilzib No intention (of) ilzoc Have (had) no intention (of) llzud Intention is to ilzzo of imbbe to imbca Intentional (ly) imbzo Intercept(s) imdco Intercepted 96 Imdde Ipsoh imdde imdfa imfdo imffe imfga imgna imkio imkla imnalo imiuna impno imppe imsro imsse imsta imtsd iixitva imvto imywo imyza imzba imzze incbe incca inczo indbo indce indda infco infde inffti. ingdo ingfe ingga inqgo iryne inkie inkga innlo innme inpmo inpne insre ' inssa intse invso invte inyvo inywe inzwo inzza ipahr ipais ipakt ipalv ipany ipapz iparc ipasd ipavg ipazk ipbal ipbem ' Intercepting Interchange Interchangeable Intercolonial Interest(s(;<; aZso "Interests") No interest (in) Bate of interest Large interest Small ,, Take(s) an interest in Taken an interest (in) Interest at »■ » ( — ) % per annum » in „ of „ on „ to Interested (in) Interesting Interests {see also "Interest") Protect our (my) interests „ their (his) „ » your „ Our (my) interests Their (his) „ Your „ Interfere(s) (with) Interfered (with) Interference Interfering (with) Seriously interfering (with) Interim Interior Interniediary(ies) Intermediate Interminable Intermittent(ly) Internal(ly) International Internationally Interpose(s) Interposed Interposing Interpret(s) Interpretation „ of telegram Correct interpretation Wrong Interpreted Interpreting Interrogate(s) Interrogated Interrogating Interrupt(s) Interrupted (by) Interrupting Interruption(B) (of, to) Interval In the interval Intervals At intervals (of) Intervene (s) Intervened Intervening Intervention ipbin ipbop ipbyr ipcam ipcen ipcip ipcys ipdan ipdep ipdyt ipejt ipemy ipenz iperd ipe-wj ipfap ipfbo ipfyv iphdo iphfe iphga iphyx ipigs ipirf ipith ipizm ro ipkoy ipkuz iploz iplub ipmiz ipmob ipmuc ipofs ipogt ipohv ipoky ipolz iponc iporg iposh ipovk ipowl ipozn ippaz ippeb ippic ipplo ippme ippna ippod ippuf ippyg iprac ipred Iprif iprog ipnm ipryj ipsad ipsef ipsig ipsoh Interview(s) (with) „ and report „ them (him) Interviewed (by) Interviewing Intimate(8) ' „ to him (thdm) Intimated Have intimated Intimately Intimating Intimation(s) Received intimation Intimation from „ of „ that Into „ the Intolerable Intoxicated Intoxication Intricacy (ies) Intricate Intrigue(s) „ against Intrigued „ against Intriguing „ agamst ,. .. us (me) Introduce(s) (.«('<• aUo " Insert") Propose to introduce Introduced ,. by » to Introducing Are introducing Introduction(s) (to) Intrude(s) Intruded Intruding Intrusion Inundate(s) Inundated (with) Inundating Invalidate(s) Would invalidate Invalidated Invalidating Invalid Invalided Invalids , Invaluable Invariable Invariably Invent(s) Invented Inventing Invention(s) Inventory(ies) (of) Take an inventory Taken an inventory Invest(s) .. in 99 Ipspo Irlis ipspo ipsra ipsu,! ipsyk iptaf ipteg iptih Iptoj iptre iptsa iptnk iptyl ipuds ipuft ipiMy ipulb ipupt ipva« ipven ipvij ipvok ipvro ipvul ipvyiu ipwah ipwik ipwol ipwum ipwjrn ipya to irgem irgin >i » » he „ her irgop „ his irgyr „ it irgzo irnam „ „ being „ ...not irhbo .. „ to irhen be irhip irhur .. no irhys inck .. not ., .. being ingn inls ., „ she (to) ,. ,. this inrz .. „ to irjan » '.» >. he iiqco .. ,. very iiqde „ our iiqep „ she iiqfo „ „ being iqor ., ,. to iiqus .1 .. » he inyt ircap „ that „ the irkdo ,. their irkfe „ there irkga irWr „ .. any .. „ to be irkos „ this irkut ., ,. to irkyv >i » n "6 irler .. to irlfo .. » be irlge irlHa ,. .^'bave ., very irlis ., your 100 Irlot Itawn irlot Island(s) irluv Isolate(s) irmar Isolated irmes Isolating UTTlgO irmiie Issue(s) New issue irmit Issue at iruija „ it {thm) irmov „ of irmyx „ price imas „ to irnet Issued imho Has been issued imiv Have (has) issued irme imka Issued at .. by imux „ it (them) iroks „ to irolt Issuing iropy irorb Issuing it (them) Isthmus irosc It {see also " If ") irowg „ be irpat „ been irpev „ can irpio ,. » be irpke „ „ not irpoy II »i »> oe irpuz „ could irriz ,. » be irrlo „ „ not ii'i'iue »> »i If oe irma „ did not irrob „ does not irruc „ had irsay „ „ been irsez ,. » no irsib » » not irsmo „ „ „ been' irsne » » to irsoc »» it n *^ irspa „ has irsud „ „ been irtaz „ „ had to irteb >» »» »> »» o€ irtic ,. ., no irtno „ „ not irtod >i j» »> DwD irtpe jj ,f to irtuf >» It »» "^^ irtyg inihr „ is „ „ being iruis irukt „ „ having „ „ not irulv „ „ „ being irupz ., » >f to irurc „ „ our (my) irusd „ „. their (his). iruvg „ „ to inizk tt n » D6 irvab .. .. very irvec » >• your irvid „ may irvof irvpo „ „ have (to) irvra irvug irvyn irwac irwed irwif irwog irwre irwub irwyj iryad iryef iryig iryon iryro iryse iryta ir\ irz irzeg irzih irzoj irzso irzte irzuk irzva irzyl isbso isbte islbva iscto iscwa isdvo isdwe isfwo ishbe ishca ishzo iskco iskde iskfa ismfo ispho ispie ispka isslo issme issna istne istpa isvno isvi)e iswra isyre isysa itacs itadt itahy italc itamd itanf itari itask itatl itawn It — continued. It may have been „ „ „ tobe » ■> not ij » If oe „ might 11 >» 0® „ „ not hn „ must >, .1 be have been had „ not II not „ be shall II be should ' be be have been not be have (been) vas will being not ■ I, to (be) to (be) be have not to I. be bo )i II II ^^^ „ would be II II ^f^ I no I, have II II II been 11 II II to 11 II II i» '•'^ II i> not II II II oe „ „ „ have (been) I, II II 1. to (be) Italian I, Government „ ports One Italian port Two Italian ports Three Italian ports Italy to For Italy From Italy In Italy To I, Iteni(s) Itinerary Its Itself 101 Itbar Ityos J January 1st January 2nd „ 8rd 4th „ 6th 6th „ 7th 8th 9th 10th nth 12th 18th 14th 15th „ 16th 17th 18th 19th iaoth 21st „ 22nd 23rd „ 24th 25th ,„ 26th », 27th 28th „ 29th 80th 8l8t „ Beginning ot January During January End of „ Middle of Januar}' First half of January Second half of Januarj' For January In „ all January January /February January/February/March „ sailing „ steamer » to Japan „ to For Japan I^om Japan In Japan To „ Japanese „ Government Japanese port(s) One Japtmese port Two „ ports Three „ „ Japanese port(B) to Java Java port(s) Jeopardise^) Jeopardised Jeopardising itmef itmis itmon itmui itmyk itnaf itneg itnih itnoi itnvik itnyl itody itoid itol^ itorg itopk itorm itowr itozt itpag itphe itpij itpok itpvil itpjrm itran itrek itrU itrom itrun itryp itsak itsel itsim itsko itsle itsma itson itsup ittai ittem ittin ittop ittry ittyr itucy itudjs ituhd itijjf iturn itusp ituxt itvam itven itvip itvur itvys itwan itwep itwor itwus ItwyL ityap ityir ityos Jeopardy Jetsam Jettison cargo „ part of cargo Jettisoned Cargo jettisoned Part cargo jettisoned Jettisoning Jetty (ies) Job(s) Join(s) Joined by Joining in Joint(s) „ interests „ service Go on joint account On joint account Joint-stock „ „ Company Jointly Journey (s) {see also " Voyage ") Judge(s) Judged Judging (by) Judgment „ delivered ,, „ in favour of Judicial(ly) Judicious Judiciously July 1st July 2nd „ 8rd „ 4th „ 5th „ 6th „ 7th „ 8th „ 9th „ 10th „ nth „ 12th „ 13th „ 14th „ 15th „ 16th „ 17th „ 18th „ 19th „ 20th .„ 2l8t „ 22nd „ 23rd „ 24th „ 25th „ 26th „ 27th „ 28th „ 29th „ 30th „ 102 Itypo Iwna July — continued 81st July Beginning of July During July End of July Middle of July First half of July Second half of July For July In „ „ all July July/ August July /August/September July sailing „ steamer „ to Jump Jumped Junction Juncture At this juncture June 1st June 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th „ 6th „ 6th „ 7th „ 8th „ 9th „ 10th „ 11th „ 12th „ 13th „ 14th „ 15th „ 16th „ 17th „ 18th „ 19th „ 20th „ 21st „ 22nd „ 23rd „ 24th „ 25th „ 26th „ 27th ;, 2&th „ 29th „ 30th „ Beginning of June During June End of „ Middle of June First half of June Second half of June For June In „ „ all June June/July June/July/ AuguBt June sailing „ steamer „ to ivkix ivkoz ivkub ivliz ivlob ivluc ivmay ivmez ivmib ivmoc ivmud ivnaz ivneb ivnic ivnod ivnuf ivnyg ivoiy ivolb ivond ivopf ivowm ivpab ivpec ivpfo ivpha ivpid ivpof ivpug ivpyh ivrad ivref ivrho ivrig ivron ivruj ivryk ivsaf ivseg ivsih ivsio ivske ivsla ivsoi ivsuk ivsyl ivtag ivteh ivty ivtle ivtnaa ivtok ivtul ivtym ivuny ivulc ivTimd ivttn ivusk ivutl iwah iwik iwlo ivvuie iwna Junior(s) Junk(s) Jurisdiction Jury Just „ about „ now Have (has) just Justice(s) Justifiable Justification No justification Justified in Not justified in Justify(ies) Justifying K KafHrs Keel Keelson (s) Keen Very ii 11 on trial j ( — S and j knots per hour \ / )> 4 » ft { Know(s) Do you know „ not „ Know whether Knowing Knowledge (of) Known Not known Kopeok(s) Korea Korean Government I Kreutzer Krone(n) £ £ S. d. {see "Sterling") Label(s) Labelled Labelling Labour(s) Labour and materials Including labour Excluding „ Labourer(s) liac(s) (Rupees) Lack(s) Lacked Lacking Ladder(s) Laden (with) Lady(ies) „ let class » 2nd „ 8rd „ Ladyday Laid » up Lake(s) Lanib(s) Lambing Lamp(s) Land(s) „ at your port WiU land Necessary to land Can land it (at) Cannot land it (at) Can she land it (at) Landed „ at „ here ., ex To be landed at Where is it to be landed Must be landed Landing „ charges Landlord Languid izfyh izgac izged izgif izgog izgro izguh izgyj izhad izhef izhig izhoh izhvig izhyk izibz izifd izits izizy izjaf izqeg izqih izqoi i^uk iziyl izkag izken izkij izkok izkul izkvo izkwe izkym izlah Mol Minn Myn izms' izmei izmil izmom izmun izmjrp iznak iznel iznim iznon iznup izoxy izpal izpem izpin izpop izpyr izran izrep izror izrus izryt izsap izsha izair izsos izsut izsyv Lapse(s) Lapsed Lapsing Large Not large Too „ Very „ Is this (it) large enough „ „ too large Large enough Not large enough' Largely Largeness Larger „ than Not larger than Largest „ amount What is the larges Lascar(s) Last Lasted Lasting Lastly Lasts Late Days late Hours late Too „ for Very „ Why is it so late Lately Lateness Later „ date .„ than Can you gi>e later date Not later than Latest „ date „ time Very latest What is the latest time Latitude Latrine(s) Latter „ preferred Latterly Launch(es) Steam launch (es) Motor „ Launched Launching Law(s) „ costs „ courts „ suit Lawful (ly) Lawyer(s) Consult lawyers Our (my) lawyers Their (his) „ Your lawyers Lawyers advis* „ advice 104 Izter Jampo izter iztgo Izthe iztis iztja iztot iztuv izuh] izujK izvumi izurs izust izuzb izvar izves izvho izvit izvov usvyx izwas •izwet izwiv izwux izyko i^le izyzaa izyoy izyuz izzlo izzme izzna izszoz izzub qaabz jaafd jaa.hg qaalk jaats ja&vt qaazy jabaz jabbe jabdo jabeb jab^ jabxc qabod jabuf jabyg jabza lacab jacba jacce jacefi jacfo jachy jacid qacof jacuff jacyfi qadac ;]adca qadde jadffo ja© Lawyer(s) — cmitiiiued. Lawyers do not advise Lawyers at (in) „ for (to) „ opinion (is) Telegraph lawyer's opinion Liax Laxity Lay(s) Layday(s) 1 layday 2 laydays 8 „ 4 „ 5 „ 6 „ 1 „ 8 „ 9 „ 10 „ 11 „ 12 „ 13 „ 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 17 „ 18 „ 19 ., 20 „ 25 „ 80 „ Laydays begin „ Sundays and holidays excepted Weather working laydays When do laydays begin What are her laydays Eunning laydays Lay-up Layer(8) Laying ,1 up Lazaretto Laziness Lazy Lbs. (see also " Poukds ") Lead(s) Leadage(s) Leader(s) Leadership Leading Hn) League (with) Leak(s) Sprung a leak Leakage(s) Leaked LeaJcing Leaky „ condition Learn(B) Regret to learn Learn (s) that Learned Learning Learnt Lease(s) jadjy jadog qaduh jadyj jaexy jafad qafda jafef jaflFe jafho jafig Jafky ^afon jaftn qafyk qagaf jageg jagfa :!agge qagjo :!agoi jaguk jagyl qahag jape jahko qahmy ^ahok qahul qaigh qaiik jailm jairs jaizb jajah qajha qajik me qajlo jajnv jaqol jajum qa^yn ga^ai jakek jakil jalda jakke • akmo qakpy jakyp jalak jalel jalka jalle qalno jalup jamal qamem jatnla qamme jamop jampo Lease (s) — continued. On lease Long lease New „ Short „ ( — ) years' lease Leased (by) to Leasehold „ land „ premises Leaseholder(s) Leasing Least Least can do with At least Very least LeaYe(s) {ue also " Sail ") „ at once by (per) „ „ first steamer for „ from „ here „ immediately it .. ., to „ „ them (him) „ „ us (me) ., •> » yoo of „ „ absence on „ them (him) (to) to „ us (me) to „ you to Cannot leave before Must leave When does she (be) leave „ do you leave „ can you leave „ „ he (she) leave Will leave „ „ not later than Must leave not later than Leaving Is leaving (bv) Not leaving before Leaving for from here immediately it (to) yours Led Ledge Ledger(s) Lee-side Leeward Left {see also " Sailed ") Has left „ not left „ she (he) left Left at (in) „ by (per) 105 Jamry Jejys jamry jamyr janam janen janip janma janne jansy, janur qanys jaobd qaocf jaohk jaoil jaom qaort jaovy qaowz japep japna japor japro ^apus japyt jarer qarre ^arto jaruv . arwy jasar jasit jasov 4asra jasse jasvo jaeyx jatas qatet jaUv jatBa jatux qatwo jauhl jainm jamp qaups jaurv jauty jauvz qauzd qavat qavev javoy qavta qavuz jawe qavyo jawav qawcy jawix jawoz jawub jawva jawzo jaybo Lkpt — coiitin lied. Left for „ from „ here „ immediately „ it (them) ,. on „ over „ there .. to „ „ them (him) (to) „ „ us (me) (to) „ „ you (to) „ with liegacy(ies) Legal „ advice „ adviser(s) „ documents „ expenses „ proceedings Take legal proceedings Taken legal proceedings Legalise Legalised Legalising Legality Legally Not legally Legatee(s) Legation (s) British Legation Legible Legislation Legislative „ Assembly „ Council Legislature Legitimate Legitimately Leisure Lend(s) May we (1) lend Do not lend „ „ more than How much may we (I) lend Will lend Cannot lend - „ „" more than Lend on „ them (him) „ us (me) .. you Lender(s) Lending )• on „ them (him) „ us (me) •> you Length (o^ {xee aho "Lengths") ( — ) feet in length ( — ) feet and ^ in length Length and breadth „ breadth and depth What is the length. Lengthen i jayfk .jayhm jayiz jayjn qayns jayob jayuc jaywa jayxd jazay jazco qazez jazib jazoc ^azud j^aya jazze jeahl jeaqm eaJp ;]eaps _jearv jeaty qeavz qeawb jeazd qebfa qebge jebio jebly jebyl }ecg& jecne jecko qedha jedie jedlo jedny jedyn jeech jeefk jeejn qeens jeept qeetz qeevb jeexd jefke jeftno qefyp gegka jegle ^enla jehme jehpo qehyr jeipm jeup jeiry lejma jejne jequr jejys Lengthened Lengthening Lengths (of) {see also "Length") Lengthy Leniency Leniently) Lent „ at » by „ for „ on them (him) to us (me) » you Have (has) lent „ „ „ us (me) Less Cannot do with less thac Could you do "with less Much less Less for „ than Not less than Lessee(s) Lessen (s) Lessened Lessening Lesser Lessor(s) Lest Let „ for „ to Letter(s) As per our (my) letter of „ „ your letter of Await letter now in the post Confidential letter(s) Letter received dated Please reply to our (my) letter of Private letter(s) See our (my) letter of „ your letter of Our (my) „ Their (his) „ Your ^ „ Letter(s) from ,. ' of „ posted ,r to (Eefg. to) (S"; letter of (tbelT I* t) 1 his y> n ,, » your »" private letter of Ixny ._ Ithaii II » your „ „ (Sy letter »•«■ ithcli I) I bu 11 I* ,, your „ „ „ C; letter No.- Itb«lr » \ hli >> ■» „ your „ „ „ letter from (-)to(-) 106 Jekna Jifan J qekna qekor qekpe ekro ekos qekyt jelir elos elpa elso jelut qelvy qelyv jemer emre emto jemuv emwy enar enit enov enra ense jenvo enyx eock eogn jeols eonv eorz eosb eovd qeowf qepas jepet epiv qepsa epte epux ,epwo qepzy ercy eroz erub eirva ei'we erzo esbo jesiz esob Jesuc jeswa J jetib qetoc jetud qetya qetze jevaa jevbe leveb jevgy jevKJ etter(s) — continited. (Refg. to) letter to ,, „ ,, „ ( -)fioni{— 1 private fmill It )» »i ., (-)to(-) >J *» )5 to » 1. .1 „ {— )froiu(— ) Replying to 'J;*;' letter of .. : yowv „ „ )» '• „ No. ig M ., <> '■« »» 1> „ private letter (Eefg. to) -; letter of Istinst. Ditto 2nd „ Ditto 3rd „ Ditto 4th „ Ditto 5th ., Ditto 6th „■ Ditto 7th „ Ditto 8th „ Ditto 9th „ Ditto 10th „ Ditto nth „ Ditto 12th „ Ditto 13th „ Ditto 14th „ Ditto 15th „ Ditto 16th „ Ditto 17th „ Ditto 18th „ Ditto 19th „ Ditto 20th „ Ditto 2l8t „ Ditto 22nd „ Ditto 23rd „ Ditto 24th „ Ditto 26th „ Ditto 26th „ Ditto 27th „ Ditto 28th „ Ditto 29th „ Ditto 80th „ Ditto 81st „ (Refg. to)-; letter of Ist ult. Ditto 2nd „ Ditto 3rd „ Ditto 4 th „ Ditto 5th „ Ditto 6th „ Ditto 7th „ Ditto 8th „ Ditto 9th „ Ditto 10th ,r Ditto 11th „ Ditto 12th „ Ditto 18th „ Ditto 14th „ Ditto 16th „ Ditto 16th „ Ditto 17th „ Ditto 18th „ Ditto 19th „ Ditto 20th „ Ditto 21st „ Ditto 22nd „ Ditto 28rd „ jevod qevuf qevyg qevza jewab jewba jewce jewec jewfo jewhy jewid jewof jewug jewyh jeyca jeyde jeygo qeyis jeykt jeylv jeypz jeyzk qezda qezfe jezho jezky qialt qiamv qiapy jiarb jiasc qiawg qibak qibel qibka qible qibno qibon qibup qical qicem qicla qicop qicpo qicry qicyr qidam qiden jidip qidma jidne qidsy qidur qidys qielv qieny qiepz jierc qievg qiezk jiflan Lktter(s)— fOntl7tM«rf. (Refg. to) Z'y letter of 24 th ult Ditto 25th „ Ditto 26th „ Ditto 27th „ Ditto 28th „ Ditto 29th „ Ditto 30th „ Ditto 31st „ (Kefg. to) your letter of 1st Ditto 2nd Ditto 3rd Ditto 4th Ditto 5th Ditto 6th Ditto 7th Ditto 8th Ditto 9th Ditto 10th Ditto 11th Ditto 12th Ditto 13th Ditto 14th Ditto loth Ditto 16th Ditto 17th Ditto 18th Ditto IQth Ditto . 20th Ditto 21st Ditto 22nd Ditto 28rd Ditto 24th Ditto 25 th Ditto 26th Ditto 27 th Ditto 28th Ditto 2gth Ditto 30th Ditto 31st (Refg to) your letter of Ist u Ditto 2nd Ditto 3rd Ditto 4th Ditto 5th Ditto 6th Ditto 7th Ditto 8th Ditto 9th Ditto 10th Ditto nth' Ditto 12th Ditto 13th Ditto 14th Ditto 15th Ditto 16th Ditto 17th Ditto 18th Ditto 19th Ditto 20th Ditto 21st Ditto 22nd Ditto 28rd Ditto 24th Ditto Ditto 25th Sfith 107 Jifep Jiypf qifiia jifor jifro JlftlS Jifyt Jfgap Jigos qigpa Jigso qigut ]igvy i^ jihre qihto ;jihuv jihwy 41JOV jyra jikas jiket jikiv jiksa qikte jikux '/jikwo jikzy jUat jilev -iloy ilta Uuz ilve 3Uyo qunav jimcy jimix liXQOZ limub jimva jimwe jimzo Jlnbo iniz jinob qinuc jinye Jiogs jiont Jioly qionb Jiorf jiowk jiozm Jipay jipco I Lbtter(s) — continued. (Refg. to) your letter of 27th ult. Ditto 28th „ Ditto . 29th „ Ditto 80th „ Ditto 31st „ Letter(s) of Credit (for) Letting Levant ,, ports One Levant port Two. „ ports Three „ „ LeTel(s) Levelled Levelling Levied (on) Levy(ies) Levying Liabilities {see also "Liability") ,, and assets All liabilities Heavy „ Immediate liabilities Small liabilities Total Liability (see also " Lubilities ") „ of „ to Repudiate(8) liability Liable (to) „ for Libel Libelled Libelling Libellous Liberal . „ Government Liberally Liberty (to) At libeity (to) Have we (I) liberty to With liberty to Stipulate for liberty (to) • Are (is) not at liberty (to) Licenae(s) Licensed Licensee(s) Licensing Lie Lien (on) Under lien (to) Lien of Lies (tn) Lieu (of) Life (see also " Insurance ") Loss of life Lifeboat(s) Lifeless Lift(s) „ about Lifted Lifting Light(s) „ dues Too light jipez Jipib qipoc jipud jipya Jipze jirab jirba qirce jirec jirfo Jiric jirof Jirug qiryh qisac jisca jisde jised Jisgo Jisif qisjy jisog qisuh Jisyj jitad jitda Jitef jitho 4it(3i Jiufs qiugt qiuhv jiuky jiulz jiumb jiurg qiusn jiuvk jiuzn jivaf jiveg qivfa qivge Jivjo 41V01 JlVTlk Jivyl Jiwag qiwhe Jiwij jiwok jiwul jiyah Jiyds Jiyha Jiyik me qiyio jiyol jiypf Lighted Lighten (her) Must lighten (her) Lightened „ her Being lightened Lightening „ her Lighter(s) Sailing lighter(s) Steam lighter(s) Lighterage Lighterage at „ charges on (of) l:'ay(s) lighterage Lightered Lightering Lighterman (men) Lighthouse Lighting Lightning Like(s) „ It „ to „ them (hmi) to „ Us (me) to „ you to Do not like Liked Likelihood (of) Every likelihoodd (of) Some No likelihood (of) Is there any likelihood (of) Likely (to) Is there likely to be Is it likely to Is not likely to Likely to be » .. very Very likely Likewise (see " Also ") Liking Limit(s) No limit(s) Limit(s) for It (to) » of Over the limit Raise limit Reduce limit Under the limit Adhere to limit Extreme limit Exceed limit Do not exceed limit Withdraw limit Wire your limit Limitation(s) Limited „ . Company „ to „ liability Limiting 106 Jiyum Jopoh Limiting — contin ued. Limiting it (them) (to) Line(s) Line from „ of „ to Regular line(s) Mail „ Direct line Fortnightly line ^lonthly „ Weekly „ Steamship Line Lined Liner(s) quoting „ rate By the liners Lining Liquid(s) Liquidate(s) Liquidated Liquidating Liquidation Liquidator(s) List(s) of Listed Listen(ed) (to) Listing Litigation Litres Little A little (Is) a little too Too little Very „ Little less „ more „ over „ under Live(s) Live stock Living Lloyd's Lloyd's Agent(s) Classed at Lloyd's „ „ „ lOOAl j> » >> .( — )^ Lloyd's classification „ rules Load(s) at (in) „ cargo at » for » from for „ from her „ „ at (from) ,, ., for „ here „ line „ of » on „ the ship johoz qohub johva ^ohwe johzo qoics joilc joitl jojbo qojiz joqob jqjuc jojwa qoiye jokay qokco qokez qokib qokoc qokud jokya jokze jolaz qolbe joldo joleb qolic jolod joluf qolyg ;jolza jomab qomba jomce qomec qomfo qomid jomof qomug qomyh qonac jonca qonde joned qongo qonif qonog jonun jonyj qoobs jooct joohz joold qoong JoopE qoork joowp qopad jopef jopfe jopho ^opiff jopoh Load(s) — contimied. Load(s) the steamer „ there „ (her) with Can load Cannot load Can you „ Fixed to load at (from) Where will she load Ready to load Must be ready to load Loaded Being loaded Loaded at (from) .. by „ for ,. her „ „ at (from) ,, for „ here » on „ the ship „ „ steamer „ there „ with Is loaded and ready for sea Loading Where does she commence loading Commence(s) loading Commenced „ Commencing „ Loading not yet commenced Now loading Rate of loading Loading about at (in) charges date days „ S. & H. esLcepted for. from her „ at (from) „ for here immediately on port(s) the ship „ steamer there Loan(s) Government loan Get a loan from Have got a loan from Issue the loan New loan Repay loan Repaid loa> Loan for „ from „ of „ on » to Local 109 Jopuj Jnhid jopui jopyk jorag jorga jorne jorij jorko jormy jorok qorul josah josha josik josje J Oslo josny gosol josum josjm 4otai qotek 4otil jotta jotke qotmo qotpy iotyp joubt joufy JOUffZ jouEb joukd joumg jourl jousm jovak jovel ^ovka JO vie qovno jovon qovup jowal jowem jowla jowme qowop jowpo JO wry 40W3nr joyam joyen joyip joyid joylg joyma joyne joysy joyiir qoyzt jozan jozep jozna jozor jozpe , Loou. —continued. Local ageDt(s) Locality(ies) Locally IiOcate(s) Located Locating Location(s) Lock(s) Lock out(s) Strikes and lock-outo (claus^i Locked "^ Locked out Locking Locomotive(s) Locum tenens Locus standi Lode(s) Lodge(s) Lodged >, with Lodging Log(s) Abstract of log Log book Logged London At London Direct to London For London From „ In Infoim „ On „ To London agents „ for „ from „ telegraphs ,, to London Office {ue^"OmaijSl Long ^■^' Too long Not „ Long enough Longer Much longer Longer than Not longer than Longest „ time can give (is)j Longitude Longitudinal Look(s) Look after » into » » this I, ,, n and report]) „ for „ out I. » for Looks like Looked „ after •• into Looking 'jozro jozty 40ZUS jozyt quaot juafy juagz juafib juakd jualf juamg juarl juasm qubat ]ubev juboy jubta jubuz qubve jubyo jucav jucix qucoz qucub qucva qucwe juozo qudbo judiz judob juduc judwa jueav queid juelg juenj juepk juerm juewr juezt j'ufay qufco ^ufez jufib jufoc jufud jufya jufze jugaz jugbe jugdo qugeb juggy qugic 4ugod juguf jugyg jugza junab juhba juhce juhec juhfo juhid Looking — continued. Looking after )i into ,, out (for) Are looking for » » into Loose Loosely Loot Looted Looting Lord(s) House of Lords Lose(s) „ about .. by Loser(s) Losing Loss(es) Likely to be a loss Is there likely to be a Is not Heavy loss No Small „ Shews a loss of Total loss » „ only Loss by (from) » of I, „ about >. on Lost Lot(s) Low „ price Must be low Not low enough Too low ■ Very low Loiver Likely to go lower Lower price(s) Much lower Lower than „ „ we are (by) Loivered Lowering Lowest by for What is the lowest Quote lowest (for) Veiy lowest Lowness Loyal Loyally Loyalty Lubricating(ed) Luck(y) Lucrative Ludicrous(ly) Luggage Lull Lump Lump-sum 110 Juhof Jjrcta juhof jvihuff 4uhyh quirn ;juixt jujac qvqca jujde juqed qujif JUJOg qukad jukda jukef qukfe ^ukho qukig jukoh qukui jukyk qiilaf quleg qulfa qulge Jiiho v^y juloj juluk julyl jumag jumga jumne 4urmj jumko jummy jumok jumul junah ;junha jvinik junje junlo junny junol junum qunyn quoby quogd juorp quovs juowt jupek jupil qupia qupke qupmo guppy jupyp Jurem Lump-sum — cnutlnued. "^ For a lump-sxim Quote „ Quoted „ Lying M Machine(s) Machinery „ disabled for „ from is Accident to machinery Mad Made Must be made Have (has) made „ you made „ (has) not made Can be made „ it be made Cannot be made Made at (in) » by „ here Madness Magistrate(s) Magnificent(ly) Magnitude Mail(s) By mail „ first mail „ last „ „ next „ „ this „ Mail steamer(s) „ contract Mailed " Mailer(s) " Mailing Main(s) Maindeck Mainland Mainly Mainmast Maintain(s) Maintained Are (is) maintained „ „ not maintained Maintaining Maintenance Majority (of) MaJce {see also " Makes ") Best make Can „ „ you make Cannot make Do not „ » any Will Must „ i Try to „ May we (I) make Shall we (I) make Make it (them) -" ,. of jurla jurme qurop qurpo juryr qusam jusen qusip qusma jusne jussy jusur jusys qutan qutep qutna qutor qutpe jutro qutus jutyt juvap juvir juvos juvpa juvso juvut juvyv juwer juwre iquwuv Ijuyar jujit juyov juyra juyse '4uyvo juzas quzet juziv J^^zsa juzte juzux juzwo qyabs jyact qyagy jyahz jyald jyamf jyang jyaph jyark jyawp qybas qybet qybiv jybsa qybte qybux jybwo jycat jycev jycoy jycta Maker(s) Makes (see also " Make ") Making Are (is) making „ „ not making „ you making Male(s) Man Man of war Manage (to) Manageable Managed - by to Management (of) Manager(s) General Manager(s) Managing „ Director Manchester Manchuria Manifest Ship's manifest In the „ Manifested Manifesting Manifestly Manipulate(s) Manipulated Manipulating Manipulation Manner (of) Manoeuvre(s) Manufactory(ies) Manufacture(s) Manufactured (at) by Manufacturer(s) Manufacturing Many As many as How many ,, „ are wanted Not many Too „ Veiy „ Many of Map(s) (of) March 1st March 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th can you 111 Jycuz jycuz jycve jycyo qydav jydix jydoz jydub jydva jydwe jydzo qyebt jyefy jyegz jyekd jyeif jyemg jyerl jyfbo jyfiz qyftic qyfWa 4yfye jygay qygco jygeiz jygib jygoc qygud jygya qygze jyEaz jyhbe jyhdo jyheb jybic jynod qyhuf jyhza jyyd jyilg jyipk jyirm jyizt ^yjab jyjba jy]ce fi J3qug jyjy^ qykac March — continued. 16th Maich 17th „ 18th „ 19th „ 20th „ 21st 22nd „ 23rd ., 24th „ 25th 26th ., 27th „ 28th „ 29th „ 30th „ 81st Beginning of March During „ End of March Middle of March First half of March Second half of March For March In „ all March March/April March/April/May March sailing „ steamer „ to Margin(s) (of) Show(s) a margin of Marine „ ' Insurance „ „ Companies .. » policy „ risk Maritime Mark(s) Marks and nimibers (— ) pfennig(s) „ 25 pfennigs 60 Marked Jtlarket (see also " Markets ") Bad market Better market Good „ In the „ No .„ Position of market Market active „ affected by „ bad „ dull ,1 „ with downward tendency ,> „ nothing doing ,, favourable ,', unfavourable „ firm „ „ with upward tendency >. for » in „ good jykyl jylad gylda j.yiff qyife jyiho jyiig qylmy jyloh qyiuj jyiym qymaf jymeg jymfa qymge jymjo qymny jymoj qymuk lymyn qynag jyiiga jynne qynij jynko qynok jynpy gynul jynyp qyocy jyodz qyohd qyojf jyonk jyom jyosp qyows jyoxt jypah jypha jypik jypje jyplo jypoi qypum jyrak qyrel qjn-ka qyrie jymo qyrsy jyrup jyrys qysai jysem qysia qysme qysop jyspo qysty qysyt jytam qyten jytip Jytip Market — continued. Market improving „ price ■„ prospects ,, rate „ stagnant „ steady „ strong „ stronger „ weak ,, weaker No change in market What is position of market Telegraph your views as to market tendency Is market likely to improve » >, ,i „ decline Marketable Marketed Marketing Markets {see also "Marhei") Marking Mass(es) Massacre Mast(s) Master('s) (see also "Captain") Mat(s) Provide(8) mat(s) Match (es) Matched Matching Mate (see also "Officer") Mate's receipt Material(s) (for) Materially Matter(s) „ are (is) » of „ with What is the matter with „ „ „ present position of this matter Matting Mature (s) When does it mature Matured Maturing Maturity At maturity Maund(s) Bazaar maunds Factory „ Maximum „ amount „ for „ rate What is the maximum Maximum we (I) can get is May {see also Pronouns and " If ") 1st May 2nd „ 8rd „ 4th „ 6th „ 6th „ 7th „ 8th „ 9th „ 112 Jytma Kamij May — continued. 10th May nth „ 12th „ 13th „ 14th „ 15th „ 16th „ 17th „ 18th „ 19th „ 20th „ 21st „ 22nd „ 23rd „ 24th „ 25th ,. 26th „ 27th „ 28th „ 29th „ 30th „ 31st „ Beginning of May Daring May End. of „ Middle of May First half of May Second half of May For May In „ In all May May/June May/June/July „ sailing „ steamer » to May a (an) .. any „ be „ do so „ have „ „ been „ „ had .. .» to be „ be „ her „ bis ,. I " 'l „ „ necessary „ it ti »» oe .. not my not be have „ to (be) she „ be they (he) we (I) you our kaerm kaewT kaezt kafay kafco kafez kafib kafoc kaftid kafya ka&e kagaz kagbe kagdo kageb kaggy kagic kagod kaguf kagyg kagza Jcanab kahba kahce kahec kahfo kahid kahof kahug kahyn kaicy kaijf kaim kaixt kajac kaqca kaqde kaqed kaqif kaqog kajun kakad kakda kakef kakfe kakho kakig kakon kakin kakyk kalaf kaleg kalfa kalge kaljo kally kaloi kaluk kalyl kamag kamga kamne kan^j May — continued. May pwhaps » sbe „ ,. be „ the „ their „ there (be) „ these (be) ,. they r. ■ be „ this (be) ,; we „ ,. (I) be „ „ (I) have ,. you ., your Mayor Me Meagre Meagrely Meagreness Mean (to) (see aUo"hnssD" & "Means' ) Meaning (of) „ is not clear Meanness Means {see also "Mean") of Of fair means Large means Small means Meant Meantime In the meantime „ „ .. do not „ „ .. can you „ „ „ sTiall we (I) Meanwhile Measure(s) Measured Measurement rate(s) „ @40c.f.perton i> f) "0 11 u " What is the measurement Measuring Meat Chilled meat Fresh „ Tinned „ Frozen „ Meat Company „ works „ freight Mechanic(s) Mechanical Mechanism Meddle(s) (with) Mediate Mediation Medical Medical Officer Medically Mediterranean „ charter port(s) „ voyage .113 Kamko Kegfa kamko kammy kamok kamul kanah kanha kanik kanje kanio kanny kanol kanum kanyn kaoby kaogd kaoy kaorp kaovs kaowt kapai kapek kapil kapja kapke kapmo kappy kapyp karal karem karla karme karop karpo karjn: kasam kasip kasma kasne kassy kasur kasys katep katna kator katpe ' katro katus katyt kaubz kaufd kauhg kaulk kauts kauvt kauzy kavap kavir kavos kavpa kavso kavut kavyv kawei'' kawre Mediterranean — contiiiiied. One Mediterranean port Two „ ports Three „ Medium Meet(s) To meet Meeting(s) Meeting of Annual meeting „ general meeting Call a meeting Called a meeting Extraordinarj' general meeting General meeting Special meeting Statutoiy meeting Meeting held Meinber(s) Menioranduni(da) Memorial(s) Memorialise(d) Memorialising Memory Men Menace(f) Menaced Menacing Mend (.s(;« aZso "Repair") Mended (see also " Repaired ") Mending {see also "Repairing") ment Mention (s) of No mention of Mentioned „ ^m Not mentioned in Mentioning Mercantile Merchandise General merchandise Merchant(s) At meichants' expense „ „ risk „ „ „ and expense Export merchftnt(B) Import „ General „ Do merchants pay Merchants pay cost of Merchantable Mere Merely Merge(s) Merged (in) Merging (in — into) Merit(s) Merited Meriting Mess Message(s) (se« abo" Tklboram^') „ ends Messenger(s) Messieurs (Mesars.) Met kawto kawuv kayar kajdt kayov kayra kayse kayvo kazas kazet kaziv kazsa kazte kazux kazwo keabz keafd keahg kealk keats keavt keazy kebaz kebbe kebdo kebeb kebic kebod kebuf kebyg kebza kecab kecba kecce kecec kecfo kechy kecid kecof kecuff kecyh kedao kedca kedde keded kedgo kedff kedjy kedog kedun kedyj keexy kefad kefda kefef keffe kefho kefig kefky kefon kefuj kefyk kegaf kegeg' kegfa Met — cntftin ued. Has (have) been met „ „ not been met „ it (have they) been me Metal Metalled Metalling Method(s) Metre(s) Cubic metre(s) Metropolis Mexican „ Government Mexico Michaelmas Midday Middle (of) About the middle (of) Middling Midnight Midship(s) Midsummer Midway (between) Might {nee also Prmtoiinsand "If") „ a (an) .>, be ,. ,, no „ have „ been „ „ had to (be) •I » to be „ he „ her » tis ,, I ,, if ,, it » » be „ not (be) ,. my „ not ., be „ „ have „ „ she „ they (he) >. ,, we (I) .. ,. you „ our „ perhaps „ possibly „ she J „ „ be „ the „ their „ there (be) ,, these be „ thfey „ this ■>i » "^ „ we >• you » yo"' . Do you think we might 114 Kegge Kiawb kegge kegjo kegoi keguk kegyl kenag kehga kehhe kehij kehko kehmy kehok kehul keigh keyk kemn keirs keizb .kejah kejha kejik kejie keqlo kejny kejol kejum keiyn kekaj kekek kekil kelda kekke kekmo kekpy kekyp kelak kelel kelka kelno kelon kelup kemal kemem kemla kemme kemop kempo kemry kemyr kenam kenen keiiip kenma kensy kenur kenvs keobd keocf keohk keojl keoln keort keovy keowz kepan' Might — continued. Wlmt do you think we might Mild Milder Mildest Mildew(ed) Mildness Mile(s) Statute mile(s) Nautical „ Jliles from „ per hour » » day About ( — ) miles Mileage Military Militate(s) (against) Militated „ Militating „ Mill(s) At the mill(s) Milled Millienie(s) Millilitre(s) Millinietre(s) Milling MilIion(8) {„Z "NDMEau,s" & " Stebmng") Milreis ( — ) thousands of milreis Mind Mine(s) Copper mine Coal ,, Gold Silver „ Output of the mine Eeport on the mine Miner(s) Mineral(s) Mineralogical Mineralogist(s) Mininiise(s) Minimised Minimising Minimum (of) „ amount » for „ price „ rate What is the minimnm Is the minimum we can take Mining „ company „ engineer u expert ■ „ report „ returns Ministerrs) Ministerial Ministry „ here Minor Minority Mint Minus Minute(s) kepep kepna kepor keppe kepro kepus kepyt kerer kerre kerto keruv kerwy kesar kesit kesov kesra kesse kesvo kesyx ketas ketet ketiv ketsa ketux ketwo kevat kevev kevoy kevfca kevuz kewe kevyo kewav kewcy kewix kewoz kewub kewva kewzo keybo keyfk keyhm 'k&jiz keyjn keyns keyob kejruc keyTva keyxd kezay kezco kezez kezib kezoc kezud kezya kezze kiahl kiajm kiaip kiaps Marv kiaty kiavz kiawb Minute(s) — continiifd. Board minutes Mis — - Misapplied Misapprehend Misapprehension {re) Misappropriated Misappropriating Misappropriation MisbehaYe(s) Misbehaved Misbehaviour Miscalculate(s) Miscalculated Miscalculating Miscalculation Miscarriage Miscarried Miscarry Miscellaneous Mischief Misconception Misconduct Misconducted Misconducting Misconstruction Misconstrue(s) Misconstrued Misconstruing Misdirected Miserable(ly) Misfortune(s) Mishap(s) Misinform Misinformed Misinforming Misinterpret(s) Misinterpretation (of) Misinterpreted Misinterpreting Misjudge(s) Misjudged Misjudging Mislead (s) Misleading Very misleading Misled (by) Mismanage(s) Mismanaged Mismanagement Mismanaging Misplace(s) Misplaced Misplacing Misprint(s) Misrepresent (s) Misrepresentation Misrepresented Misrepresenting Miss(es) Missed Missing Mission(s) Missionary ,, Society Misstated 115 Kiazd Kiupy kiazd kibaf kibeg kibfa kibge kibjo Idbly kiboi kibuk kibyl kicag kicga kiche Hcij ■ kicko kicok Mcul kidah kidha kidik kidje kidlo kidny kidol kidum kidyn kiech kiefk kiejn kiens kiept kietz kievb kiexd kifai kifek MfU kifia kifke kifmo kifyp kig& kigel kigka kigle kigno ■kigon kihem Mhla kihme kihop kihpo kihyr kjjam kjjen kyip kiqma ki^ne kiqur kiiys kikan kikep Misstatement(s) Mistake(s) Mistake has been made „ „ „ rectified Is there not a mistake (in) Mistaken Mistaking Mr. Mistook Mistranslated Mistranslation Mrs. Mistrust(s) Mistrusted Mistrusting Misunderstand (s) Misunderstanding Is a misunderstanding Owing to a misunderstanding Serious misunderstanding Slight Misunderstood Has been misunderstood You have misunderstood Mix(es) Shall we mix Do not „ Mixed „ cargo „ descriptions „ with Mixing Mixture(s) (of)' Mode(s) (of) Model(s) Moderate(s) Very moderate Must be moderate « Moderated Moderately JHoderating Moderation Modern Modification(s) Subject to following modification (s) Modified Modify(ies) Modifying Modus operandi Moiety(ies) First moiety Second „ Moment Earliest moment At „ „ „ any moment Momentarily Monday „ afternoon „ evening „ morning Noon on Monday Next Monday On By kikor kikpe kikro kikus kikyt kilap kilir kilpa kilso kilut kilvy kilyv kimer kimre kimto kimuv kimwy kinar kinit kinov kinra " kinse kinvo kinjrx kiock kiogn kiols kionv kiorz kiosb kiovd kiowf kipas kipet kipiv kipsa kipte kipux kipwo kipzy kirav kircy kirix kiroz kirub kirva kirwe kirzo kisbo kisiz kisob kisuc kiswa kisye kitay kitez kitib kitoc kitud kitya kitze kiuks kiult kiumv kiupy Monetary position Money „ market for „ from „ required Remit the money Remitted the money Paid the money Pay the money Collect the money Collected the money Money necessary for Monopolise(s) Monopolised Monopolising Monopoly (of) Monsoon(s) Monstrous Month(s) {see also rarioits Months) Beginning of month End of month Etery month Last month Middle of month Next month This „ Month's time 1 month's date 2 months' „ » » ^ II i» 6 „ „ 1 month's sight 2 months' „ Q II II 4 II II 6 „ i> Monthly Monthly from In monthly Moonlight Moor(8) Moored Mooring(s) Moral Morally More Get more Want more Much more Have you any more Can you get any more Cannot get more than „ „ any more Do you want any more „ not want any more No more More than Not more than Would not be more than More for II of ,, or less 116 Kiurb Kohto Murb kiusc kivaz kivbe kivdo kiveb Mvgy kivic kivod kivuf kivyg kivza kiwab kiwec kiwby kiwid kiwof kiwug kiwyh kiyac kiyca kiyde kiyed kiygo kiyff kiyjs kiykt kiylv kiyog kiypz kiyzk Mzad kizda kizef kizfe kizho kizig kizky klzoh kizui kizyk klacs kladt klahy klalc klamd klanf klarj klask klatl klawn klebs klect klenz kleld klemf kleng klepn klerk klewp kUbt klify kligz klibb More — continued. 6 per cent, more or less ■^^ >> it J» Morning During the morning Early morning This morning Mortality Mortally Mortgage(s) Advance(s) on mortgage Advanced on mortgage Call in the mortgage Called in the mortgage First mortgage Second mortgage On mortgage Mortgage at for it of on Mortgaged „ at » for to ^ Has (have) been mortgaged Mortgage6(s) Mortgaging Mortgagor(s) Most (see also " Utmost ") » of „ we (I) can give (is) .. get (is) What is the most you can get (for) ,, give they (he) will Is the most we ([) can „ „ they (he) can Mostly Mother Motion(s) Motive(s) Motor „ car Moulded „ depth Mountain(s) Mountainous Mouth (of) Move(s) Moved Movenient(s) Moving Much How much can you will you „ they (he) may we (I) have you Not much Too „ give klikd klilf klimg klirl klism klody Moid kloig klonj klopk klorm klowr klozt klucy kludz klubd klujf klunk klurn klusp kluxt koaks koalt koamv koapy koarb koasc koawg kobka koble kobno kocla kocpo kocry kocyr kodma kodne kodsy koduf kodys koejs koekt koelv _ koeny koepz koerc koevg koezk koftia kofor kofpe kofro kofty kofus kofyt kogir kogos kogpa kogso kogut kogvy kogyv koher kohre kohto Mvtin—contin ued. Very much Much above „ below Mud Muddle(s) Muddled Muddling Multi- Municipal Municipality(ies) Murder(s) Murdered Must (sec (iho Pronouns and " Ib ") „ a (an) „ also .. any „ be >. .. no „ have „ „ been „ „ had .. ,. no „ he » ,, be „ her „ his „ I „ if „ it „ ,, be „ „ not (be) „ my „ not ,. .. be „ „ have „ she (be) „ they (he) „ „ this (these) (be) » we (I) „ .. yon „ pur „ she „ be „ the ,, their there these they be bo this we be have be » be „' „ have ... you » be „ „ have .. your Mutatis Mutandis Mutilated Telegram mutilated (— ) word „ 117 Kohuv Krumn kohuv kohwy koijt koird kojar kojit kojov kojra kqjse kojvo ko^'yx kokas koket kokiv koksa kokte kokux kokwo kokzy kolat kolev kolta kolve kolyo komav komcy komix komva komwe komzo konbo konye koogs koont kooly koonb koorf koowk koozm kopco kopya kopze korab korba korce korec korfo korhy korid korof korug koryn kosac kosca kosde kosed kosgo kosif kosog kosuE kosyj kotad kotda kotef kotho Mutilated — continued. Mutilated at ( — ) word kotoh „ in transmission kotu kotyk „ word We (I) repeat mutilated word No. — koms /Referring to tele^rram just received, plense repeat kougt t mutilated word No. (— ) (excluding address) Mutilation(s) kouhv Mutinous kouky Mutiny koulz Mutton koumb Frozen mutton kourg Mutual kousn To mutual kouvk Mutually kouzn My kovaf My having koveg „ not kovfa Myself kovge Mysterious(Iy) kovjo Mystery N kovo. kovuk Name(s) kovyl In whose name kowag „ the name(s) of kowga Name(s) of kowne „ „ steamer(s) (ship(s) kowij What is the name of kowko Named kowok .. by kowul .. in koyds Namely koyha Naming koyie koylo Naphtha Napoleon(s) koypf Narrow(8) kozia Narrower kozke Narrowest kozmo Narrowly kozyp Narrowly escaped kracy NarrowneiBS kradz Natal krahd „ Government krajf National kram Nationality krasp Natiye(s) kraws Natural kraxt Naturally kreby Nature (of) kregd Of whatever nature krelj State nature of kremk Naught krerp Nautical krevs Naval krewt stores kribz Navigability krifd Navigable krihg Navigate(s) krilk Navigated krits Navigating krivt Navigation krizy „ company „ open(s) kroxv krugn kruhj „ closes „ closed kruik krulm „ oponed On re-opening of navigation krumn Navigation — continued. When will navigation Navy(ie8) {see aho " Naval") British Navy For the „ Neap Neap-tide(s) Neaped Near Near here „ there Too near Very „ Nearer „ than Nearest » to „ we (I) can What is the nearest Nearly all „ every Not nearly Is nearly Nearness Necessaries Necessarily Necessary Absolutely necessary If necessary „ absolutely necessary It is necessary (to) „ not necessary (to) Not been necessary (to) Necessary for „ „ it (to) „ „ them (him) to „ „ us (me) to „ „ j'outo » to Is it necessaiy (to) „ „ for us (me) to „ ,, » you to When will it be necessary (to. Will it be necessary „ not be necessary Do you think it necessary (to) ff not J, }) ft IF Necessitate(s) Will it necessitate „ necessitate „ not „ Necessitated (by) Necessitating Necessity {see also " Neckssaby " No necessity to for Need(s) In case of need „ you may .. may we (I) Only in case of need Need not „ to (for) No need to (for) 118 Krunp MANILA ROT n r Kurhe krunp krurs knist kruzb kuafs kuap^ kuanv kuaky kualz kuamb kuanc kuarg kuasn kuavk kuawl kuazn kubap kubir kubos kubpa kubso kubut kubvy kub3rv kucer kucre kucto kucuv kucwy kudar kudit kudov kudra kudse kudvo • kudyx kueds kuefb kueiy kuelb kuend kuepf kuewm kufas kufet kufiv kufsa kufte kufux kufwo kufzy kugat kugev kugoy kugta kuguz kugve kugyo kunav kuhcy kuMx kuhoz kuhub kuhva kuhwe Needed Needful „ for (to) Needing Needless Needlessly Negative Neglect(s) Neglected Neglecting (to) Negligence „ clause Gross negligence Negligence on the part of Negligent Negotiability Negotiable Not negotiable Negotiable security(ies) Negotiate(s) „ with Can negotiate Cannot „ Can you „ May (shall) we (I) negotiate Do not negotiate . Negotiated „ with Not negotiated Negotiated by „ through Have (has) negotiated Negotiating „ for „ with Are negotiating for „ „ with Negotiation(s) Open negotiation(8) Stop „ Negotiation's) for „ re „ with What is present position of negotiations, Negotiator(s) Neighbour(s) „ quoting What are neighbours quoting „ „ doing Neighbourhood Neighbouring Neither Neither of „ „ them » „ us Nelnrous Nervousness Netherlands Nett Nett amount Telegraph the nett This is nett Is this (it) nett Netted Netting kuhzo kuics kuilc kuirj kuitl kujbo kujiz kujob kuquc kujwa kulye kukay kukco kukez kukib kiikoc kukud kukya kukze kuiaz kulbe kuldo kuleb kulic kulod kuluf kidyg kulza kumab kumba kumce kumec kumfo kumid kumof kumug kumyn kunac^ kunca kuned kungo kunif kunog kunuh kunyj kuODS kuoct kuogy kuonz kuold kuong kuopH kuork kuowp kupad kupef kupfe kupho kupig kupon kupuj kupylc kurag kurga kurhe Neutral Neutralise(s) Neutrality Never Nevertheless New Nothing new New one Newfoundland New South Wales New South Wales Government To New South AVales From „ In » >• New York New Zealand New Zealand Government New Zealand port(s) One New Zealand port Two „ „ ports Three „ „ „ To New Zealand From New Zealand In » i. Newer Newest Newly News Keceived news (of) News of {re) „ from Have no news (of) {re) „ you any news (of) {re) Telegraph „ „ „ Newspaper(s) In the newspapers Newspapers announce Next Within the next What will be the next Next to Nice Nicely Night Last night To-morrow night Nil No Nobody Nominal „ amount „ price (rate) „ quotation Nominally Nominate(s) Nominated (by) Nominating Nomination(s) Nominee(s) Non- None „ obtainable Nonsense Noon At noon 119 Kurij Lagat kury kurko kurmy kurok kurul kusah kusha kusik kusje kuslo kusny kusol kusum kusyn kutai kutek kutil kutia kutke kutrrio kutpy kutyp kuvak kuvel kuvka kuvle kuvno kuvon kuvup kuwal kuwem kuwop kuwry kuw3nr kuyam kuyen kuyip kuyjd kuylg kuyma ku3nie kuysy kuyur kuyzt kuzan kuzep kuzna kiizor kuzpe kuzro kuzty kuzus ktizyt kybliv kybyh kycjy kydky l^dyk kyftrl kygmy kygym kyhny kyhjni Noon — continued. By noon Noon to-day „ to-morrow „ yesterday Nor Normal Normally North North Country North-east North-easterly North-eastern North-north-east North-north-west North-vrest North-westerly North-western Northerly Northern Northward Norway From Norway In „ To Norwegian „ Government » port(s) One Norwegian port Two „ ports Three „ „ Not Not any „ a (an) „ as „ at » be „ been „ being „ for „ from „ had ., » to „ have » » to „ having ,, his „ if „ m » >, tbe ., my „ our » on .. so „ the „ their „ there ,. to » „ be „ unless „ until ,. very „ what .. your Notarial Notarially kyiyp kylry kylyr kymsy kymys kynty kyuji; kypvy kypyv kyryx kysyz kyszy kj^yb kyvcy ksrvyc ksrwryd kyzgy kyzyg laafs laagt laanv laaky laalz laamb laanc laarg laash laavk laawl laazn labap labir labos labpa labso labut labvy laibyv lacer lacre lacto lacuv lacwy ladar ladit ladov ladse ladvo ladyx laeds laeft laeiy laelb laend laepf laewra lafas lafet lafiv lafsa lafte laftiz lafwo lafzy lagat NoTABiALLY — coniinueil. Notarially certified Notary (ies) Note(s) Note protest Noted Have noted Nothing „ for „ from If nothing Notice(s) „ of „ to „ from Give notice Given „ Received notice Shall we (I) give notice Have yon given notice I. not „ „ „ given notice Must give notice Do not give notice Noticeable Noticed Noticing Notification(s) Notified » by (in) Notify(ies) Noticing Noting Notwithstanding November 1st November 2nd 8rd 4th 6th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 28rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th „ 80th „- Beginning of Novemlier 120 Lagev Lepil November — continued. During November End of „ Middle of November First half of November Second half of ,> For November In „ „ all „ November/December November/December/January November sailing „ steamer to Noiiir » at 4, been » being Not now Between now and Nowhere Nucleus (of, for) Nugget(s) Nuisance Null and void Nullified Nullify(ies) Nuinber(s) {see also "Numerals") Large number Small „ No number Number for of What is the number (of) „ number do you require „ „ shall (may) we (I) can '.I » you No.l ,. 2 ,. 3 „ 4 „ 5 „ 6 Numbered „ from (— ) to (— ) „ „ 1 upwards Niunbering Nuineral(s) (se«" Steeling" for £s.(i.^ b\ 1 Iff 5^ hi IT SI A Nnmerals. laork it's laowp lapad \ lapef U lapfe H lapho U lapig lapoh i lapin lapyk larag A larhe n lary M larko fi larmy i larok H larul il lasah If lasha A la,sik U lasie laslo n M: lasny lasol i a lasum H lasyn fi latai latek a H la-til ft latia a latke f latmo H latpy H latyp laubt »« laufy a laugz lauhb laukd i laulf H laumg II laurl ff lausm « lavak li lavel fi lavka H lavle i lavno f lavon i lavup lawal lawem f lawla f lawme ^ lawop f lawpo f lawry i 5 lawyr 2. 5 layam f layen i layip ^ layjd A laylg A layma ,^ layne 1 laysy laynr layzt lazan lazep lazua lazor lazpe lazro lazty lazus lazyt leabt leagz leanb leakd lealf leamg learl leasm lebat lebev leboy lebta lebuz lebve lebyo lecav lecix lecoz lecub lecva lecwe leczo ledbo lediz ledob leduc ledwa ledye leeay leejd leelg leenj leepk leerm leewr leezt lefay lefco lefez lefib lefoc lefad lefya legaz legbe legdo legeb legic legod leguf legyg legza lenab Numerals. Nomerals 1t^ lehba 5i u lehce 61 lA leheo 5i U lehfo 5f lA lehid 5J If lehof &i lA lehug lehyfi 6 J* 64 lA leicy leijf 64 U 6* IH leirn 64 If leixt 64 lit lejao 6i J* lejca 64 A« lejde 7 2 le^ed 74 ^^ lejgo 74 i* lejif 7f i^"^ lejog 74 ^* lejuli Z* 2A 2f lekad 2* 74 2A lekda 8 2i lekef 84 2A lekfe 84 2f lekho 8f 2H lekig lekoh 84 2f 8f 2irl lekuj lekyk 8f i* 8i 2ii lelaf 9 3 leleg 94 3,1, lelfa 04 3i lelge ©4 3h leljo leUy 94 3i 94 3A 3f leloi lelu r 94 S^ lelyl 10 3J lemag 104 3A lemga 104 31 lemne lOf 3H lemij 11 3f lemko 114 3f« lemmy 114 3i lemok 111 3H. lemul 12 4 lenah 121 4A lenha 12J 4i lenik 12i 4^ lenje lenlo 13 4i 134 4A lenny lenol 134 4f 13f 4A leniim 14 1^ 4A lenya leoby 144 144 4f leoga leoy 14i 4H 15 4f leorp 154 4H leovs 16 4i leowli 164 4H 5 lepai lepek 17 174 54 lepil 18 121 Lepja Loosb lepia lepke lepmo leppy lepyp leral lerem lerla lerme lerop lerpo leryr lesam lesip lesma lesne lessy lesur lesys letan letep letna letor letpe letro letus letyt levap levir levos levpa levso levut levyv lewer lewre lewto iewuv leyar leyit leyov leyra leyse leyvo lezas lezet leziv lezsa lezte lezux lezwo liabz liafd Hahg lialk liats liavt liazy libaz libbe Kbdo libeb & libod Numerals. 18J 19 19i 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 libui libyg libza licab licba licce licec licfo lichy Ucia licof liciig licyn lidac lidca lidde Med lidgo lidif lidjy lidog liduS lidyj liexy lifad lifda lifef liffe lifho lifig lifky lifoh lifui lifyk ligaf ligeg ligfa ligge ligjo liguk Imag lihga lihhe lihij lihko lihtny lihok lihul lijah lijha lyik ilSf lyum m^ hkaj likek likil likia li^e likmo Numerars, 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 likyp lilak lilel lilka lilno lilon lilup limal limem limla limme limop limpo limry limyr linam linip linma linne linsy linys liobd liocf liohk lioil lioln liort liovy liowz lipan lipep lipna lipro lipjM; lirer lirre lirto liruv Urwy lisar lisit lisov lisra lisvo lis3rx litas litet Utiv litsa litux litwo Uuhl livnm limp liups liurv liuty liuvz liiizd livat livev livoy livta livuz liwe Numerals. Numerals. 147 livyo 212 lofai lofek 148 liwav 213 149 liwix 214 lofU 150 liwoz 215 lofla 151 liwub 216 lofke 152 liybo 217 loftno 153 liyfk 218 lofyp logaJc 154 liyhm 219 155 liyiz 220 logel 156 liyjn 221 logka 157 liyTis 222 logle 158 liyob 223 logno 159 liync 224 logon 160 161 liywa liyxd 225 226 logup loEaf 162 lizay. 227 lohem 163 lizco 228 lohla 164 lizez 229 lohme 165 lizib 230 lohop 166 lizoc 231 lobpo 167 lizud 232 lohyr 168 lizya 233 loigm 169 lizze 234 loijp 170 loahl 235 louy 171 172 loaim loalp 236 237 loqam loqen 173 loaps 238 lo^ip 174 loarv 239 lojma 175 loaty 240 loqne 176 loavz 241 lojur 177 178 loawb loazd 242 243 lows lokan 179 lobaf 244 lokep 180 lobeg 245 lokna 181 lobfa 246 lokor 182 lobge 247 lokpe 183 lobjo lobly 248 lokro 184 249 lokus 185 loboi lobiik 250 lokyt 186 251 lolap 187 lobyl 252 lolir 188 locag 253 lolos 189 locga 254 lolpa 190 locne 255 lolso 191 locij 256 lolut 192 locko 257 lolvy 193 locok 258 lolyv 194 locul 259 lomer 195 lodah 260 lomre 196 lodha 261 lomto 197 lodik 262 lomuv 198 lodje lodJo 263 lomwy 199 264 lonar 200 lodny lodol 265 lonit 201 266 lonov 202 lodum 267 lonra 203 lodyn 268 lonse 204 loech 269 lonvo 205 loefk 270 lonyx 206 loejn 271 loock 207 loens 272 loogn 208 loept 273 lools 209 loetz 274 loonv 210 loevb 275 loorz 211 loexd 276 loosb 122 Loovd Lyjuj Numerals. 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 369 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 loyog loypz loyuh loyzk lozad lozda lozef lozfe lozho lozig lozky lozon lozuj lozyk luaks luaJt luamv luapy luarb luasc luawg lubak lubel lubka luble lubno lubon lubup lucal lucem lucla lucop lucpo lucry lucyr ludam luden ludip ludma ludne ludsy ludur ludys luejs luekt luelv lueny luepz luero luevg luezk lufan lufep lu&a lufor lufpe lufro lufty lufUs lufyt lugap lugir lugos lugpa lugso Numerals. 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 lugut lugvy lugyv luEer luhre lubto luhuv luhwy luijt Imrd lujar lujit lujov luqra liqse lujvo lujyx luket lukiv luksa Ivikte lukux lukwo lukzy lulat lulev luloy lulta luluz lulve liilyo lumav lumcy lumix luiuoz Imnub lumva lumwe Imnzo lunbo luniz lunob lunuc lunye luogps luoht luoly luonb luorf luowk luozm lupay lupco lupez lupib lupoc lupud lupya lupze lurab Itirba lurce lurec lurfo lurhy Numerals 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 536 536 iirof urug uryfi usac usca usde used nsgo usif usjy usog usun usyj utad utda utef utho utig utoh utuj utyk ava£ uveg uvfa uvge UV30 uvoj iivuk uvyl uwag uwhe uwij uwok uwul uyah uyds uyha uyik uyje uylo uyol uypf uyiun xizai uzek iizil .uzja uzke uzmo uzyp yady yajd yai§ yanj yapk yann yawr yazt ybav ybix ybjy yboz ybub ybva iybwe Numerals. 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 658 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 692 593 594 696 696 597 698 699 600 601 lybzo lycbo lyciz lycky lycob lycuo lycwa lycye lyday lydco lydez lydib lydoc lydud lyd3ra lydze lyecy lyedz lyejf lyenk lyem lyewB lyext lyfaz lyfbe lyfdo lyfeb lyfic lyftny lyfod lyfuf lyfym lyfea lygab lygba lygce lygec lygfo lygid lygny lygof lygug lygyn lyhac lyhca lyhde lyhed lyhgo lyhff lyhog lyhuh lyhyp i?r lyirp lyjad lyida lyjbo lyjcSx lyDuJ Numerals. 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 123 Lykaf Mehub lykaf lykeg lykfa lykge lykjo lykoj lykxy lykuk lykyr lylag lylga lylhe lyiy lylko lylok IPS lylys l3maah Ijnuha lymik lyinqe lymlo lymol lymty lymum lymjrt lynai lynek l3mil Ijmja lynke lynmo lynvy lynyv lyobz lyofd lyohg lyolk lyovt lyozy lypak iypel lypka lyple lypno lypon lypup lypwy lyram lyren lyrip lyrma lyme Jyrur lyryz lysan lysep lysna lysor lyspe lysro lysus lysyb lytap Namerats. 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 .711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 lytir lytos lytpa lytso lytut lytyc lyuxy lyver lyvre Ijrvto lyvuv lyvyd lywar lywit lywov lywra lywyf lyzat lyzev lyzoy lyzta lyzuz lyzve lyzyo maaks maalt maamv maapy maarb maasc maawg mabak mabka mable mabno mabon mabup macal macem macla macop macpo macry macyr maden madip madma madne madsy madur madys maejs maekt maelv maeny maepz maerc maevg maezk mafan mafep mafna mafor mafbe mairo Numerals. 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 766 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 maffcy mafus mafyt magap magir ma^os magpa magso magut magvy magjrv maher mahre mahto maJiuv mahwy maijt maird majar majit maqov majra majse majvo majyx makas maket makiv maksa makte makux makwo makzy malat roalev maloy maluz malve malyo mamav mamcy mamix mamoz mamub mamva mamwe mamzo manbo maniz manob manuc manye maogs maont maoly maonb maorf maowk maozm mapay mapco mapez mapib mapoc mapud Numerals. 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 Numerals. Numerals niapya 862 mazek 927 mapze 863 mazil 928 marab 864 mazia ma.zke 929 marba 865 930 marce 866 mazmo 931 marec 867 mazyp 932 marfo 868 meafs 933 marhy marid 869 meagt 934 870 meahv 935 marof 871 meaky 936 marug maryn 872 mealz 937 873 meamb 938 masac 874 meanc 939 masca 875 mearg 940 masde 876 meash 941 mased 877 meavk 942 masgo 878 meawl 943 masif 879 meazn 944 masjy 880 mebap 945 masog 881 mebir 946 masuh 882 mebos 947 masyj 883 mebpa 948 matad 884 mebso 949 matda 885 mebut 950 matef 886 mebvy 951 matho 887 mebyv 952 matig 888 mecer 953 matoh 889 mecre 954 matuj 890 mecto 955 matyk 891 mecuv 956 maitfs 892 mecwy 957 maugt 893 medar 958 mauhv 894 medit 959 mauky 895 medov 960 maulz 896 medra 961 maumb 897 medse 962 maurg 898 medvo 963 maush 899 medyx meeds 964 mauvk 900 965 mauzn 901 meeffc 966 mavaf 902 meeiy meeib 967 maveg 903 968 mavfa 904 meend 969 mavge 905 meepf 970 mavjo 906 meewm 971 mavoj maviik 907 me&s 972 908 mefet 973 mavy I 909 mofiv 974 mawag 910 mefisa 975 mawga mawne 911 mefte 976 912 meftix 977 mawy 913 mefwo 978 mawko 914 mefey 979 mawok 915 megat 980 mawul 916 megev 981 mayah 917 megoy 982 mayds 918 megta 983 mayha 919 meguz 984 mayik 920 megve 985 mayje maylo 921 922 megyo menav 986 987 mayol 923 mehcy 988 masrpf 924 mehix 989 mayum 925 mehoz 990 mazaj 926 mehub 991 124 Mehva Mivso mehva mehwe mehzo meics- meilc meiri meitl mejbo mejiz mejob mejuc mejwa mejye mekay mekco mekez mekib mekoc mekud mekya mekze melaz melbe tneldo meleb melic melod meluf melyg tnelza memab memba memce meinec memfo memid memof memu^ memyh menac menca mende mened mengo menir menoff menvm menyj meobs meoct meogy meonz meold meong meoph meork meowp mepad mepef mepfe mepho mepig mepon mepuj mepyk Nurocrals. 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1,000 1,010 1,020 1,030 1,040 1,050 1,060 1,070 1,080 1,090 1,100 1,110 1,120 1,130 1,140 1,150 1,160 1,170 1,180 1,190 1,200 1,210 1,220 1,230 1,240 1,250 1,260 1,270 1,280 1,290 1,300 1,310 1,320 1.330 1,340 1,350 1.360 1.370 1,380 1.390 1,400 1,410 1,420 1,430 1,440 1,450 1,460 1,470 1,480 1,490 1,500 1,510 1,520 1,530 1,540 1,550 1,560 merga merne merko mermy mesha mesje meslo mesny mesyn metja metke metmo metpy metyp mevka mevle mevno mewla mewme mewpo mewry mewyr meyam meyen meyip meyid meylg meyma meyne meysy meyur meyzt mezan mezep mezna mezor mezpe mezro mezty mezu8 mezyt miabt miafy miagz miahb miakd mialf miamg miarl miasm mibat mibev miboy mibta mibuz mibve mibyo micav micix micoz micub micva micwe miczo midbo Nnmerals. 1,570 . 1,580 1,590 1,600 1,610 1,620 1,630 1,640 1,650 1,660 1,670 1,680 1,690 1,700 1,710 1,720 1,730 1,740 1,750 1,760 1,770 1,780 1.790 1,800 1,810 1,820 1,830 1,840 1,850 1,860 1,870 1,880 1,890 1,900 1,910 1,920 1,930 1,940 1,950 1,960 1,970 1,980 1,990 2.000 2,025 2,050 2,075 2,100 2,125 2,150 2,175 2,200 2,225 2,250 2,275 2,300 2,325 2,350 2,375 2,400 2,425 2,450 2,475 2,500 2,525 midizT midob miduc midwa midye miedv miejd mielg mieni miepk mierm miewT miezt mifay mifco mifez mifib mifoc mifud mifya mise migaz migbe migdo migeb miggy migic migod miguf migyg migza minab mihba mihce mihec mihfo mihid mihof mihug mihyn mijac mijca mijde mijed mijgo mijif mijog mijun mijyj mifcad mikda mikef mikfe mikho mikig mikon mikuj mikyk milaf mileg milfa milge miljo miloj mlluk Numerals. 2.550 2,575 2,600 2.625 2,650 2,675 2,700 2,725 2,750 2,775 2,800 2,825 2,850 2,875 2,900 2,925 2,950 2,975 3,000 3,050 3,100 3.150 3,200 3,250 3,300 3,350 3,400 3,450 3,500 3,550 3,600 3,650 3,700 3,750 3,800 3,850 3,900 3,950 4,000 4,050 4,100 4,150 4,200 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4.700 4.750 4.800 4,850 4,900 4,950 5,000 5,100 5,200 5,300 5.400 5.500 5.600 milyl mimag mimga mimne mimij mimko mimmy mimok mimul minah minha minik minje minJo minol minum minsm mioby miogd miol) mioip miovB miowt mipaj mipek mipil mipja mdpke mipmo mippy mipyp miral mirem mirla mdrme mirop mirpo mirjT misam misen misip misma misne misur misys mitan mitep mitna mitor mitpe mitro mitus mityt miubz miufd miuhg miulk miuts miuvt miuzy mivap mivir mivos inivpa mivso 12S Mivut Muhyr mivut mivyv miwer miwre miwuv miyar mijdt miyov miyra miyse toiyvo mizas naizet miziv mizsa mizte Tni?iiix mizwo moabz moafd moahg moalk moavt moazy mobaz mobbe mobdo mobeb mobgy mobio mobod mobuf mobyg mobza mocab mocba mocce mocec mocfo mochy mocia mocof mocuflf mocyh modac modca modde moded modgo modtf mcxyy modog moduh modyj moexy mofaa mofda mofef moflte mofho mofig moflqr mofoh mof^j moQrk Numerals. 15.500 15,750 16,000 16,250 16,500 16,750 17,000 17,250 17,500 17,750 18,000 18,250 18,500 18,750 19,000 19,250 19,500 19,750 20,000 20,500 21,000 21,500 22,000 22,500 23,000 23,500 24,000 24,500 25,000 25,500 26,000 26,500 27,000 27,500 28,000 28,500 29,000 29,500 30,000 30,500 31,000 31,500 32,000 32,500 33,000 33,500 34,000 34,500 35,000 35,500 36,000 36,500 37,000 37,500 38,000 38,500 39,000 39,500 40,000 40,500 41,000 41,500 42,000 42.500 43,000 mogaf mogeg mogfa mogge mogjo mogoj moguk mogyl mohag mohga mohEe mohij mohko mohmy mohok mohul moigh moijk moilm moirs moizb mojab mqjha mojik mque mojlo mojny mojol mqjum mokai mokek mokil molqa moldce mokmo mokpy mokyp molak molel tuolka molno molon molup momal momem momla momme momop mompo momry momyr monam monen monip monma moune monsy monur monys moobd moocf moohk mooil mooln Numerals. 43,500 44,000 44,500 45,000 45,500 46,000 46,600 47,000 47,500 48,000 48,500 49,000 49,500 50,000 51,000 52,000 53,000 54,000 55,000 56,000 57,000 58,000 59,000 60,000 61,000 62,000 63,000 64,000 65,000 66,000 67,000 68,000 69,000 70,000 71,000 72,000 73,000 74,000 75,000 76,000 77,000 78,000 79,000 80,000 81.000 82,000 83,000 84,000 85,000 86,000 87,000 88,000 89,000 90,000 91,000 92,000 93,000 94,000 95,000 96,000 97,000 98,000 99,000 100,000 105.000 moort moovy moowz mopan mopep mopna mopor mopps mopro mopus mopyt morer morre moruv morwy mosar mosit mosov mosra mosse mosvo mosyx motas motet motiv motsa motux motwo mouhl moujm mouJp moups mourv mouty mouvz mouzd movat movev moYoy movta movToz movve movyo mowav mowcy mowix mowoz mowub mowva mowzo moybo moyfk moyhm moyiz moyjn mojms moyob moyuc moyTva moyxd mozay mozco mozez mozib mozoc Numerals. 110,000 115,000 120,000 125,000 130,000 135,000 140,000 145,000 150,000 155,000 160,000 165,000 170,000 175,000 180,000 185,000 190,000 195,000 200,000 205,000 210,000 215,000 220,000 225,000 230,000 235,000 240,000 245,000 250,000 255,000 260,000 265,000 270,000 275,000 280,000 285,000 290,000 295,000 300,000 305,000 310,000 3i5,oao 320,000 325,000 330,000 335,000 340,000 345,000 350,000 355,000 360.000 365,000 370,000 375,000 380,000 385,000 390,000 395,000 400,000 405,000 410,000 415,000 420,000 ^■425,000 430,000 126 mozud mozya mozze muahl muajm mualp muaps muarv muaty muavz muawb muazd mubaf mubeg mubfa mubge mubjo mubly muboj mubiik mubyl mucag mucga muche mucij mucko mucok mucul mudah mudha mudik mudje mudio mudny mudol mudum mudyn muech muefk muejn muens muept muetz muevb muexd mufaj mufek mufil mufja mufke mufimo mufjm mugak mugel m.ugka m'ugle mugno mugon mugun mimal muhem muhla muhQp muhpo muhyr NuraeraR. 435,000 440,000 445,000 450,000 455,000 460,000 465,000 470,000 475,000 480,000 485,000 490,000 495,000 500,000 510,000 520,000 530,000 540,000 550,000 560,000 570,000 580,000 590,000 600,000 610,000 620,000 630,000 640,000 650,000 660,000 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 720,000 730,000 740,000 750,000 760,000 770,000 780,000 790,000 800,000 810,000 820,000 830,000 840,000 850,000 860,000 870,000 880,000 890,000 900,000 910,000 920,000 930,000 940,000 950,000 960,000 970,000 980,000 990,000 ,000,000 ,060,000 Muigm Mycic muijp muuy mujam mmen mujip mujma miqne muqur muiys muican mukep zaukna mukgr mukpe mukro mukus imik3rfc miilap mulir mulos nmlpa mulso mtilut mulvy mulyv mumer mumre mumto mumuv mumwy munar munov munra munse munvo munyx muock muogn muols muonv muorz muosb muovd muowf mupas mupet mupiv mupsa mupte mupux mupwo mupzy murav murcy murix muroz murub murva murwe murzo musbo musiz musob musuc Nnmerals. 1,100,000 1,150,000 1,200,000 1.250,000 1,300,000 1,350,000 1,400,000 1,450,000 1,500,000 1,550,000 1,600,000 1,650,000 1,700,000 1,750,000 1,800,000 1,850,000 1,900,000 1,950,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,500,000 2,750,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 3,500,000 3,750,000 4,000,000 4,250,000 4,500,000 4,750,000 5,000,000 Numerical „ order Numerically Numerous Nut(s) O Oath On oath Oats Obey(s) Obeyed Obeying Objeot(s) of to „ our (my) „ their (his) ,, your What is the object (of) Why do you object to ,, „ tney ,, „ There is no object in Strongly object(8) to Do you object (to) „ not „ „ Chief object Objected (to) Have objected to Strongly objected (to) If objected to Not (be) objected to Objecting (to) Are objecting to Objection (s) muswa musye mutay mutez mutib toutoc mutud mutya muvaz muvbe muvdo muveb muv^ muvic muvod muvuf muvyg muvza muwab muwec muwhy muwid muwof muwug muwyn muyac muyca muyde muyed muygo mu3nf muyis muykt muylv muyog muypz muyzk muzad muzda muzef muzfe muzho muzig muzky muzon muzuj muzyk myaby myagd myamk myarp myavs myawt mybay mybco mybez mybib myboc mybud tnybya mybze mycaz mycbe myceb mycic 127 Objection(s) — continued. Have you any objection (to) „ no objection (to) Objectionable Obligation(s) Under obligation(3) to Is there any obligation (to) Obligatory Oblige(s) Obliged Much obliged Obliging Obscure (s) Obscured Obscurely Obscuring Observance Observation(s) Observe(s) Observed Must be observed Observing Obsolete Obstacle(s) (to) Remove obstacle(s) (to) Obstinacy Obstinate(Iy) Obstruct(s) Obstructed Obstructing Obstruction(s) Obstructive Very obstructive Obtain (s) (see also " Get") Do utmost to obtain Can obtain „ you obtain Cannot obtain Might Must „ Will Shall we (I) obtain What is utmost can obtain The utmost can obtain is Try to obtain Hope to obtain Obtain about „ for „ from „ it (them) Obtainable Obtainable at Is (are) not obtainable If obtainable Utmost obtainable Obtained {see also " Got ") Have obtained „ not obtained » you „ Obtained at (in) by „ for „ from „ it (them) Obtaining {see also " Getting "). Are obtaining Mycod Naajn aaycod mycuf mycza mydab mydba mydce mydec mydfo mydid mydof mydug myefd myelk myets myevt myezy myfae myfca myfde myfed myfgo myfif myfog myfuE mygad mygda mygef mygfe myglio naygig mygoh roygui ■aynaf myheg myMet mylige Doyhjo myhoi inyhuk Bxyixy royjag myjga myjhe aoynj myqok myiul luykan mykha mykik mykje myklo mykol mykum myla^ mylek mylil mylga mylke mylmo mymak mymel mjmaka mymle jnynmol ObYiate(s) Obviated Obviating Obvious Obviously Occasion(s) E^lture occa8ion(8) Present „ Occasional Occasionally Occasioned by Occasioning Occidental Occupant(s) Oocupation(s) Occupied Fully occupied OccupieT(s) (of) Occupy(ies) Occupying Occur(s) Occurred Occurrence(s) Occurring O'clock {see also "TimiS") October lat October 2nd „ 8rd „ 4tli „ 5th „ 6th „ 7th „ 8th „ 9th „ 10th „ 11th „ 12lh „ 18th „ 14th ,. 15th „ 18th „ 17th „ 18th „ 19th „ 20th „ 2l3t „ 22nd „ 28rd „ 24th „ 25th „ 26th „ 27th „ 28th „ 29th „ 80th „ 81st „ Beginning of October During October End of „ Middle of „ First half of October Second half of „ mjmion mymup mjmal mynem mynla mynme mynop mjmpo myogh myoik myolm myonp myors myost myowy mypam mypen mypip mypma mypne mypur myrap myrir myros myrpa myrso myrut myser mysre mysto mysuv mytar mytit mytov mytra mytse mytvo myuhk myuql myuln myTimp myurt myuvy myvas myvet msrviv m3r7Sa myvte myvuK najrwat mywev mywoy m3rv9Tiz mywyo myzbo myziz myzob myzuc myzwa myzye naach naafk naahm na^n OcTOBEB — continued. For October In „ In all „ October/November Optober/November/December October saiUng „ steamer ,. to Odd(s) Of Of a (an) about all any her him his it me »y our that the their them these' this those us which ■who(m) vou your Off Off here Get (her) off Got „ „ Too far off OfFence(B) Offend (s) Offended Offending Offensive(ly) Offer(s) Accept offer Accepted offer An offer Best offer Better offer Decline „ Declined offer Do not offer Can you offer Cannot offer „ make offer „ get an offer Combined offer May (shall) we (I) offer Entertain offer(i) Firm offer(8) No Not Make us (me) an offer „ an offer Mtide „ „ 128 Naans Natza Offer(s) — continued. Offer(s) — continued. naans Make firm ofifer najus Telegraph firm offer c.i.f., shipment by steamer naapt Made „ „ nalyt nakap II j» „ C.i.f. &e. „ „ naasy Obtain offer(8) 1 It' 11 „ c.&f. „ „ naatz Obtained „ nakir II I* „ c.&i. „ „ naavb Invite offer(s) nakos II 11 „ f.Q.b. „ n naaxd Invited „ nakpa If II „ f.a.s. „ „ nabag Submit „ nakso II II „ f.a.q. nabga Telegraph offer(8) nakut II II „ f.o.r. nabhe To offer nakvy II II „ delivered „ „ nabij They (he) o£fer(s) nakyv II II 11 n5;'.t'S."')atonce nabko Under offer to naler ■ II II „ promptly nabmy ,, from nalre II II „ „ within 1 month nabok „ our (my) offer nalto II II „ „ 2 months nabul We (I) offer naluv II 11 It It J) *^ It nacah „ „ have an offer of nalwy II n ,1 r?;;t^rr'}atonce hacha Withdraw offer namar I* II promptly nacik Withdrawn „ namit n II „ „ within 1 month nacie nac o Offer(s) about namov 1) t) „ „ „ 2 months „ at namra II II II II II V tj nacol „ firm namse II II „ ci.f., draft 80 d/sHf-rr"" nacum „ „ subject to reply (received) namvo II II It tl It ^^ 11 It nacyn „ „ „ immediate reply namjTX II II II 11 II 90 „ nadai nadek for nanas II II 1, 4 m/s „ „ from nanet II II It 11 11 ^ It »» nadil „ has been naniv 1^ II „ c.&f. „ 80d/s nadia nadke „ „ not been nansa Jl II •1 II II 60 „ him (her) nante II II II II II v" II II nadmo „ is accepted nanux II II 1 4 m/s „ nad3^ „ „ declined nanzy II II II II II o „ ,, nae^m „ „ firm naoks (Telegraph firm offerl \ ci.t., draft ai aanal f shipment by prompt steamer naqp „ „ not firm naolt II II „ „ steamer this month naems „ „ withdrawn naopy naorb II tt II II II next „ naent ,. it (?ir5at"^u°aS} shipment by prompt steamer naery „ of naosc II II „ „ steamer this month n&ewd „ our (my) naowg II II II II II next „ nafak „ steamer (ship) napat We (I) offer firm nafel „ their (his) napev If *> documents attached to draft nafka „ them napoy It 11 ci.f. nafle „ to napta 11 11 c. i. f. & e. na&io „ us (me) napuz 11 11 c&f. nafon ,, you napve 11 11 0.& i. nafup nagal ., your Can you make an offer napyo narbo 11 It It 11 f . 0. b. f. a. s. nagem „ „ a firm offer nariz »» It f . a. q. nagla Is (your) offer firm narob »» t* i.O.T. nagme What can you offer naruc »» >» delivered nagop „ is best offer you can get nai-wa »» n shipment by steamer liagpo Telegraph best offer you can make narye 11 11 (a.tfcr??„"S.(t} ship*- by steamer rfogyr nanam Can (will) you entertain an offer na,=iay 11 It ci.f. shipment by steamer „ „ entertain an offer (of) nasco i> 11 c.i.f. &e. „ „ nahip Cannot entertain any offer nasez 11 If 0. & f. nahma „ make a firm offer nasib 1* )• c & i. „ „ nahne Telegraph firm offer nasoc )i )} f.o.b. „ nahur „ „ „ documents attached to draft nasud It tt f. a. s. „ „ nahys >i .. .. .c.i.f. nasya • » l» f . a. q. „ naick „ „ ci.f. &e. nasze >» 11 f.o.r. „ „ naign „ .. c&f. nataz 11 »» delivered „ „ nairz „ „ c.&i. natdo »» 11 ry'.SiSS;"'}atonce najan „ „ „ f.o.b. nateb 11 l» promptly najep „ „ ,, f. a. 8. natgy J) tt „ within 1 month naqna „ „ „ f.a.g. natic 11 tt „ „ 2 months) najoi" » » .. f-o.r. natod 11 tt II II " II naqpe „ „ delivered natuf tt 11 r*b^'.s:s;,™'}atonce naqro „ „ „ shipment by steamer natyg tt 11 promptly najty (documorU attached to draft, shipment II II II \ bj cteamez 1 natza 29 II tt „ within 1 month Nauhr Nelzo 0pper(8) — eontinued. Offering — continued. nauhr We (I) offer firm l"- ty iSi™?"'} within 2 months neca.m Offering c.i.f. naws naukt »» i» )» »> ^ »» necen „ c.i.f. (St e. „ „ c.i. f ., draft 80 d/s ship'- by stm'- necip „ C.(fef. naulv >i )) 11 oO „ „ ,t necne „ c. & i. naupz i> » » "0 )> »• »» necsy „ firm naurc •> » 4 m/s „ „ necur for nausd »» >» ij " »> »» >f necys neoan „ f.o.b. nauvg „ „ c.&f.,draft80d/8 „ „ f.o.r. nauzk >> jf » oU }> }f fi nedep „ f.a.s. navab )i n » 90 » » i> nedna f.a.q. navba » ,. » 4 m/s „ „ nedor from navce II II II o II 11 II nedpe here na,vec |We(i^onMflrm o.i.f.j for reply here to-morrow nedro in navfo (We (I) offer Arm c. if.) 1 (by >t«amepl ) >i ii " nedus it (her) navhy navid r'".'iy°".tL°nrr,°''} .1 11 day after to-morrow nedyt ship (We (I) offer firmc.if.t 1 (by steamer) / il 11 l» » neejt „ steamer navof We (I) offer firm c.i.f. (by steamer) till cancelled neemy „ them (him) navTig navyn 11 II c. & f. „ „ ,1 neenz „ there Offered neerd to nawac Are offered nee-wj „ us (me) nawca II 11 firm nefap » you •na.wde II 11 II C.l.I. nefir Others ofering nawed I, II ii' c.&f. nefos „ „ more nawgo „ „ „ shipment by steamer nefpa „ at less nawu „ „ „ c. k I. shipment by steamer nefso Offioe(s) nawog nawtm 11 11 11 C.l.f. ,, 1.. 1) nefut Office (Head) Have offered nefvy Inform head ofiSce nawyi nayad „ „, firm nefyv Head office asks „ been offered negfto „ wishes nayda II you „ neguv „ „ enquires nayef II not „ negwy nenar „ „ gives instructions iia3rfe Has not been offered Office (London) nayho Were (was) offered nehit For London office nayig To be offered nehov From „ „ nayky Offered at nehra Inform „ «, naynz 11 by nehse Our (my) London office nayoh „ C.i.f. nehvo Telegraph „ „ najmi nazal „ B.i.f. & e. nehyx Their (his) „ „ „ c. k f. neigs Your „ „ nazeg „ c. k i. neirf London office asks ^laizfa „ firm neith „ „ wishes naz^e II for neizm „ enquires na^o nayly ,,i f.o,b. „ f.o.r. nejas neqet „ „ gives instructions Officer(s) nazo, naziik „ f.a.s. neqiv neqsa Chief officer „ f.a.q. Second „ nazyl neanr „ from „ him (her) nejte nejux Third „ Fourth „ ueans neakt 11 in „ it nejwo neizy nekat Fifth What „ nealv .1 ship Officer in charge neany „ shipment by nekev Official(s) neapz „ . „ „ steamet' nekoy „ information nearc II sailer nekta This is official neasd „ steamer nektiz Officially neavg „ them nekve „ informed neazk 11 to nekyo Offset nebal „ us (me) nelav Often nebem ,1 you nelcy Are often nebla Offering nelix How „ nebme Are offering neloz Not „ nebop What is offering nelub Very „ nebpo for nelva Oftener nebry from nelwe Oil(8) nebyx Offering at 4 nelzo Oil well(s) 130 Nembo Nifve nembo nemiz nemob nemuc nemwa nemye nenay nenco nenez nenib nenoc nenud nenya nenze neofs neogt jxeoav neoky neolz neonc neori neos. neovk neowl neozn nepaz nepbe nepeb nep^ nepic nepod nepuf nepyg nepza nerca nerde nered nergo nei§ nerog nerun neryj nesad nesda nesef iiesfe nesho nesig neson nesui nesyk: netaf neteg netge netjo netoj netuk netyl nevag nevga nevEe nevij nevko nevok nevul Oil(s) — continued. Oil field(s) „ in barrels' ., „ bulk Oke(s) Old Too old Very „ Older Oldest Oinission(s) (from) Omit(s) „ from Do not omit Must „ Does she omit Shall we (I) omit Omitted ,. by „ from „ to Have (has) omitted (to) Has been „ (from) Must be „ Omitting On Hope to get on at Can get on at Cannot get on at Is not on On a (an) about and after or about any at by from it him (her) his me my our that this (these) those the their them to us what which whom whose with you .. your On-carrying (steamer) Once „ more „ or twice At once One(««' aUo "Numkbals") „ or two alb newah newha newik ne-wie newio newol newum newyn neyaj neycs neydt aeyek neyil neyia neyke neymo neypy nezak nezel nezka nezle nezno nezon nezup nlads niaft niai' niaJ niand niapf niawm niber nibre nibto nibuv nibwy nicjar nicit nicov nicra nicse nicvo nicys nidBiS nidet nidiv nidsa nidte nidux nidwo nidzy niecs niedt nielc niemd nienf nierj nietl niewn nifat nifev nifoy nifta nifuz nifve Onerous Too onerous Very „ One-sided „ arrangement Too one-sided Ones Ongoing Only „ about „ if Are only Can ,, Must only Will „ Onus „ is upon Onward (s) Open(s) Open(s) up Are you open to „ they (is he) open to „ (is) not open to Not open (to) Open to When does it open Will open Opened Has opened Opening Openly Operate(s) Operated Operating Operation(8) Commence operations Stop operations Suspend operations Operations suspended In operation Operative(s) Operator(s) Operators are „ „ buying „ „ holding oft „ selling Opihion(s) I am (we are) of opinio^' (In) our (my) opinion Telegraph opinion (re) (In) their (his) opinion „ your opinion Strongly of opinion What is your opinion (of) Opinion of „ regarding Opponent(s) Our opponents ,, ,, are ,, » .. quoting What are opponents doing Who are our opponents Opportune(ly) Opportunity (ies) No opportunity(ies) (to) 131 Nifyo Niyus Opportunity(ies) — continued. nifyo Opportunity(ies) for nigav „ , to nigcy By first opportunity nigix Oppose(s) nigoz it nigub „ them (him) Tiigva „ us (me) nigwe you nigzo nifibo Do not oppose Strongly oppose nihiz Shall we (I) oppose nihob Opposed nihuc by nihwa to nihye Are (is) opposed (to) iHjay Are you „ n\|co 1. not » >• n\|ez „ strongly opposed (to) n\|ib Opposing rtyoc Are opposing nijud ,, not opposing Who are „ nyya rmze nikaz Strongly „ Opposite nikbe Opposition(s) nikdo In opposition (to) nikeb No opposition inikic What is opposition nikod ). » » doing mkuf Opposition from mkyg of mkza „ steamer nilab » to nilba - Oppressive nilce Optimistic nilec Option(s) nilfo Agree option of iiilid Agreed „ „ tiilof Try to get option of Can get option of nilug nilyn „ you get option of Dimac Cannot „ „ „ nimca Extend option nimde Extended „ nimed Exercise „ nimgo Exercised „ nimif Get nimog nimun Got Grant „ nimyi ninad Granted „ May we (I) give option of ninda Do not give option of nlnef Subject to option of ninfe Will you give option of ninho With the option of jainig Without the option of ninky ninon Have the option of „ not the option of ninug ninyc niobt II ^® II II II II you „ „ „. ■1 they „ „ „ niofy Option from niogz nionb ,1 of ,1 on niokd I, to niolf Optional niorl Is optional niosm Optional port(s) nipaf Or nipeg I, any nipfa .1 a (an) nipge „ about nipio niply 1. if „ the nipo, „ to nipuc „ they (he) nipyj I „ we (I) nira,h ,. you nirha And/or nirik Orange River Colony nine nirlo Order {see also " Ordebs ") Combined order nimy nirol Cannot execute the order Can nirum » you „ „ niryn Execute order nisai nisek Executed „ Have executed order nifiil Executing order nisia niske Are executing order In order nismo II II to nispy Is all in order SSE „ it all in order » not „ nitel No order nitka Not in order nitle Secure order nitno Secured „ niton Have secured order nitup niudy niuja „ not secured order i> you „ To order niiug To the order of niu^ Our (my) order niunn Their (his) „ niuzt Your order nival To our (my) order nivem „ their (his) „ nivla „ your order nivme They (he) order(s) nivop We (I) order Shall we (J) order Do not order nivpo nivry nivyr Referring to order for niwa,Tn >i II No. niwen rt I. of (from) niwur Order for niwys „ from niyan II her niydz „ immediately niyep „ it (them) niyhd „ No. niyjf •1 ot niyna „ ship (to) niyor „ steamer (to) niype Ordered niyro Are (is) being ordered niyty Have ordered niyus 1 „ not ordered 132 Niyxt Nozyo niyxt nizap nizir nizos nizpa nizso nizut nizvy noady noajd noal§ noanj noapk noarm noawr noazt nobav nobix nobva nobwe nobzo nocbo " nocwa nocye nodco nodya nodze noecy noedz noejf noenk noern noews noext nofbe nofdo nofgy noiyg nofza nogba nogce nogfo noghv nogyh nonca nohde nohgo inolyy nohyj noiby noigd noiJj noinp nojda nqjfe nojho noqky nbiyk nokfa nokge nokio noldy nokyl nolga nolne Ordered — con tiniced. Have you ordered „ (has) been ordered Not ordered „ been ordered Ordered at by „ for „ from (of) „ him (her) (to) „ immediately „ in „ on „ steamer (ship) „ them (it) „ to » .. be Ordering Are ordering Eecommend(s) ordering Ordering from „ him (them) it Are ordering it (them) from Ordering steamer (to) Orders (see also " Order ") Await(8) orders Call(s) for orders Eecei ve orders Received orders Have received orders (to) Execute orders Have executed orders Shall we (I) give orders Signal(s) for orders Give orders Given „ Have given orders Proceed to and await orders at No orders Orders at » for „ from Ordinance Ordinarily Ordinary Ordnance Ore „ from ,, to Organisation Organise(s) Organised » by Organising Orient Oriental Origin Original(s) Send us the original Originally Originate(s) Originated Originating Orlop „ deck nolko nolmy nomha nomie nomio nomny nomyn nonja nonke nonmo nonpy nonyp noobz noofd noohg noolk noovt noozy nopka nople nopno noram noren norip norne norsy aorys nosan nosep nosna nospe nosro nosty nosyt notap notpa notso noty^r nouxy novre novto novwy nowra nowse nowvo nowyx noyas Doyet noygh noyhj noyiv noyjk noylm no3min noynp noysa noyte noyux noywo noyzb nozat nozev nozta nozve nozyo Orlop — continued. Orlop hold(s) Ostensibly (for) Other(s) No other(s) What are others „ „ „ doing Others are Otherwise Ottoman Government Ought (see also " Should ") » to ,, not to „ to be „ not to be What ought „ „ we to do {re} Ounce(6) per ton „ and ( — ) dwts. ., i .. i Our(s) Ourselves Oust(s) Ousted Ousting Out Not out Out of Outbid(s) them (him) „ us (me) » you Outbidden Have outbidden us (me) by Outbidding Outbreak(s) (of) Outcome (of) Outcrop(s) Outer Outfit(s) Outgoing(s) Outlay(s) „ upon Heavy outlay Outlet(s) (for) Outline(s) OutHned Outlining Outlook for IS Is outlook Outlying Outport(s) At outport(s) Output „ for month „ „ the year Present output Total Outrageous(ly) Outright (At) Outset 133 Nuaxy Nuwa nuaxy nubab nubba nubce nubec nubfo nubhy nubid nubof nubuff nubyn nucac nucca nuced nucgo nucif nucjy nucog nucuE nucyj nudad nudda nudef nudfe nudho nudig nudky nudon nudin nudyk nuewy nufaf nufeg nu£^ nu&e nufio aufoi ttuftik nufyL nugag nugga naghe nugg nugko nugmy ■nugok nugul nunah. nuhha nuhik nuWe nuhlo nuhny nuhol nuhum nuhyn nu^'I nuja^ nijqek nuqil ntma jmjke Jiujmo aiyyp Outside „ steamer „ tonnage Outsider(s) ., are .. >. quoting Outstanding All outstanding Now „ Outstanding amouDt(s) (a/cs) Out-turn Outvote(s) Outvoted Outvoting Outward(s) Outward bound „ frora Outweigh(s) Outweighed Outweighing Over If over Not over Over others If not over Over and above „ all Overboard Overburden Overburdened (with) Overburdening Overcame Over-capitalisation Over-capitalise(s) Over-capitalised Over-capitalising Over-carried .. » from »f » to : ,> „ cargo OveF-carry(ies) Over carrying Overcharge(s) Overcharged Overcharging Overcome(s) Overcoming Overdo Overdoing Overdone OTerdraft(s) ,. at bank of Present overdraft What ia present overdraft Overdraw(s) a/c >. to extent of Overdrawing Overdrawn a/c Overdrew Overdue Is overdue to extent of nukak nukel nukka nukle nukno nukon nukup nulal nulem nulme nulop aulpo iiulry nulyr numam numen numip numma numne numiir numys nunan nunep nunna nunor nunpe nunro nunus nunyt nuops nuovz nuowb nupap nupir nupos nuppa nupso nuput nupjry nurar nurit nurov nurra nurvo nuryx nusas nuset nusiv nussa nuste nusux nuswo nuszy nutat nutev nutoy nutuz nutve nutyo nuvav nuvcy nuvix nuvoz nuvub nuwa Over-estimate(s) Overestimated by Greatly overesti mated Over estimating Overhaul(s) Require(s) overhaul Overhauled Overhauling Overladen Overland (route) Overload Overloaded Overloading Overlook (s) Overlooked Had been overlooked Overlooker(s) Overlooking Overpaid Overrate(s) Overrated Overrating Override(s) Overriding „ cotr inission Overrule(s) Overruled Overruling Overseer(s) Oversell Overselling Oversight By an oversight Oversold „ to the extent of Overstate(s) Overstated Overstating Overstock(s) Overstocked Overstocking Overtake(s) Overtaken Overtaking Overtime Work overtime Working overtime Overtook Overture(s) (to) Making overture(s) Overvaluation Overvalue(s) Overvalued by Overvaluing Overweight Overwhelm(s) Overwhelmed Overwhelming Owe(s) Owe them (him) „ us (me) » you Owed 134 Nuvwe Nynip nuvwe nuvzo nuwiz nuwob nuwuc nuwye nuyay nuyco nuyez nuygm nuynn nu3db nuyjp nuynt nuyoc nuynd nuyze nxizaz nuzbe nuzdo niizeb nuzgy nuzic nuzod nuzuf nuzyg nuzza nyabz nyafd nyahg nyalk nyats nyavt nyazy nybaz nybbe nybdo nybeb nybgy nybic nybod nybuf nybyg nybza nycab nycba nycce nycec nycfo nychy nycid nycof nycug nycyh nydac nydca nydde nyded nydgo nydff nydjy nydog nydufi uydyj nyexy Owing by for „ froin „ on „ to „ our (my) ,, „ their (his) „ your „ us (me) Cannot do so owing to Own(s) Owned (by) Owner(s) Get owner(s) Owner(s) of „ ship „ steamer pay(s) agree(s) (to) accept(s) decline(s) request(s) stipulate(s) (for) Who are the owners Will (would) owner(s) Owner(s) will „ „ not Ownership Owning P P.M. Pacific „ Coast „ Ocean Pacifically Pacified Pacify(ies) Pacifying Pack (in) Package(s) Packed in „ „ lots of Packer(s) Packet(8) Packing Paddle(s) Paddle boat Page(s) Paid Has (have) been paid „ not been paid „ it (have they) been paid Fully paid Have „ (has) not paid „ you paid „ they (has he) paid Must be paid Part paid Paid at (in) ,. by „ for „ immediately nyfad nyfda nyfef nyffe nyfho nyfig nyfky nyfoh nyfyk nygaf nygeg nygfa nygge nygjo nygoi nyguk nygyl nyhag nyhga nyhne nyhij nyhko nyhmy nyhok nyhul nyigh nsnik nyilm nyirs n5nzb nyjah nyjha nyjik nyjje nyjnv nyjol nyjum nyjyn nykag nykek nykil nylda nykke nykmo nykpy nykyp nylak nylel nylka nylle nylno nylon nylup nymal nymem nymla nymme nymop nympo nymry nymyr nsmam nynip Paid — continued. Paid in full „ it ,, on „ them (him) „ to „ us (me) .. you Paint(s) Painted Painter(s) Painting Pair(s) (of) Paltry Pan(s) (out) Panama Panic(s) ,, in market „ caused by State of panic Panned (out) Panning (out) Paper(s) DaiJy papers Par About par At Over „ Under „ Para(s) Paragraph(s) Parallel Paralyse{s) Paralysed Paralysing Paramount ,, importano« Parcel (s) Whole parcel Parcel post (in) Parenthesis Pari passu Paris Parity Parliament Home Parliament House(s) of Parliament Local Parliament Act of „ Member of Parbament Parliamentary Part(s) of Greater part of Large part of Small „ „ What „ „ On the part of Parted Partial Partiality Partially Participant(s) Participate(s) (ia) Participated (in) Participating (ia) 135 Njmina Obkyj nynma nyniie nynsy n3mur nynys nyobd nyocf nyohk nyojl nyom nyort nyovy nyowz nypan nypep njrpna nypor njrppe nypro nypus nsrpyt nyrer nyrre nyrto nyruv nyrvry Bysar nysit nysov nysra aysse nysvo nysyx nytas nytet ns^tiv njtaa. nytux nytwo nyuhl nyijjm njmlp nyups nyurv nyuty nyuvz nyuzd nyvat nyvev nsrvoy nyvta nyvuz nywe nyvyo nywav nsrwoz nywub nyzay nyzco nyzez nyzib nyzoc nyzud nyzya Participation (in) Particular (see alao "Particulars") Particularize Particularly Particulars Have you any particular's „ no particulars Send particulars Telegraph particulars Write particulars Full Fuller Particulars for „ from „ immediately of to Parties(Party) (to) All parties Parting Partly Partner(s) Partnership Pass(es) Passage(s) Passage earnings Provide passage(s) „ 1st class passage(s) „ 2nd „ Passage tor „ from to „ fare(s) (rate(s) „ money Passed „ here „ to-day „ yesterday Has been passed „ it been passed „ not been passed Passenger(s) 1st class passengers 2nd „ 3rd „ Steerage „ 1st and 2nd class passengers Passenger steamer(s) „ accommodation Engage passengers What passengers have been en. Passengers engaged May we (I) book passengers Passing Passive Past In the past Have gone past us Pastoral Patch (es) Patched Patching Patchy Patent(s) Patented nyzze obabs obact obagy obahz obald obamf obang obaph obark obawp obbas obbgo obbhe obbia obcno obcoy obcuz obdke obdla obdoz obdub obebt obefy obegz obekd obelf obemg oberl obfiz obfle obftna obfob obfuc obgay obgez obgib obglo obgna ObgOG obgud obhaz obheb obhic obhod obhuf obhyg obiid obilg obipk obirm obizt objab objec objid objof objug obiyh obkac obked obkif obkog obkra obkuh obkyj Patentee(s) Patenting Patience Patient(ly) Patronage Pattern(s) New pattern (s) Old Send „ Pattern (s) No. „ 1000 and „ 2000 .. Paucity (of) Pay(s) Advise and pay Agree(s) to pay Agreed to pay Does not pay Do not pay Will pay Will you pay ,. they (he) pay „ not pay „ „ „ more than Cannot „ „ Shall (may) we (I) pay' To pay They (he) pay(8) We (I) pay Pay(s) about „ for „ immediately ., it „ off „ on „ application „ „ and identification ,. them (him) (to) .. to .. us (me) (to) „ you (to) Pay(s) cost of Who pay(s) „ cost of What would they (he) pay „ you pay Payable Not payable Payable at .. by here in „ London on there to Telegraph when payable- Where is it payable Payee(s) Payer(s) Paying (for) Are paying Paying on „ them (him) to 136 Oblad Ockob oblad oblef oblig obloh oblui oblyk obnag lobnen lObnij bbnok obnul obnym obocy obodz oboM obojf obonk oborn obosp obows oboxt obpah. obpik . obpol obpum obpwa obpyn obrak obrel obrim obron obrup obsal obsba obsem obsin obsop obsyr obtam obten obtip obtur obtys obuby obugd obu^ obumk oburp obvan obvep obvor obvus obvjrfc obwap obwir obwos obwut obwyv obydo obyfe obyga obzfo obzha obzyx ocags Paying — ecmtintled. Paying us (md) you Payment(s) Non-payment (of) Prompt payment(s) Stop(s) Payment(s) at by for „ from in of on to „ received Have you received payment „ not „ „ Peace Peaceful(ly) Peak(s) Peculiar Peculiarity(ies) Peculiarly Pecuniary Pedigree Peg-out (claim) Pegged-out (claim) Pegging-out ( „ ) Pen(s) Penalty(ies) (for) „ for non-fulfilment Under a penalty of Pence (see "Sterling") Pending Still pending Penetrate (s) Penetrated Penetrating Penny weight(s) ( — ) pennyweight(8) (per ton) People Per Per contra dozen head piece lb. cwt. ton „ of 40 c.f. Per cent. ( — ) P®"^ cent. i .. i .. i „ i .. i .. i „ 1 li .. H .. n .. ^ .. - 2 Pee cent. — continwd. ooaht 2^ per cent. ocaly 24 ,. oca,Tn7i H .. ocanb 3 ocarf H „ ocath Si „ ocawk 8i .. ocajuu 4 ocban ^ .. ocbep H „ ocbha ^ .. ocbor 5 ocbus H „ ocbyt 54 „ occap 5i „ occgo 6 occir 64 ,. occja 7 occos 74 ,. occut 8 occyv 9 ocder 10 ocdis 11 ocdot 12 ocduv 124 .. ocefs 13 ocegt 14 oceky 15 ocelz 174 .. ocemb 20 ocenc 224 ocerg ocevk 25 274 .. ocewl 80 ocezn 40 ocfar 50 ocfes 60 ocfifc 70 ocfke 75 ocfla 80 ocfov 90 ocfyx 100 ocgas Percentage(s) ocget of ocgiv » on ocgma What percentage ocgux Perceptible ochat Peremptorily ochev Peremptory ochlo Perfect ochme Perfected ochna Perfecting ochoy Perfectly ochuz Perform(s) ocift To perform ociiy ocilb Performance (of) Performed (by) ocipf Performing ocjav Perhaps ocjix Can perhaps oqjoz May „ ocjub Will (would) perhaps ocidz Perhaps not ockno they (he) ockob .. we (I) 137 Ockpe Odikt ockpe ockuc oclay oclez oclib •ocloc oclud ocmaz ocmeb ocmic ocmod ocmuf ocmyg ococs ocodt ocohy ocolc oconf ocorj ocosk ocown ocpac ocped » >» Priced Prima facie Primage 5 per cent, primage Freight and primage No primage Usual „ With „ Primarily 142 Ojhav Oklho q|hav ojhix oqics ojilc Sjia ojqiz 0440b 04JUC ojkho ojiyg, ojmyh ojnyj CQObS ojoct ojogy ojohz 04 old 04ong ojopfi cqork 040WP oqpui oqpyk oqrag 04reh 04ry ojrok 04 ml 04sah 04sik 04 sol 04 sum ojsyn 04taj 04tek 04til 04tom 04tro 04tse 04 tun 04typ 04UDt o4uf7 04ugz ' 04unb ojukd ojulf 04umg ojurl ojusm 04vak 04vel 04viin 04 von 04VUP pjwal 04wem 04 win 04WOP 04wyr 04yur 04jrvo ojzor Primary Prime „ cost „ quality(ies) Prime Minister(s) Principal (s) Telegraph the principal Principally Principle(s) In (on) principle Print(s) Printed Printing Prior (to) Priority Privacy Private {see also " Confidential ") Strictly private Private and confidential, ., information ,, letter „ telegram This is private Privately Privilege(s) Privy Council Prize(s) Pro forma Pro rata Pro tem Probability(ies) (of) No probability (of) Some „ Every „ Is there any probability (of) Telegraph probability of Probable Not probable Very „ Probable amount What is the probable „ would be the probable Probably » be » not Very probably WiU „ (be) Probate Problem(s) Problematic Problematical Procedure Proceed (s) Can you proceed (to) Is she to proceed to I. .. » „ direct to Shall we (1) proceed (with) Do not proceed (\Yith) Instruct captain to proceed to Proceed(s) against by (via) direct (to) immediately to 04ZUS oizyt okaks okalt okamv okapy okarb okasc okawg okbak okbel okbim okbon okbup okcal okcem okcin okcop okcyr okdam okden okdip okdur okdys okdzo okejs okekt okelv okeny okepz okerc okevg okezk okfan okfbo okfda okfep okfor okfas okfyt okgap pkgir okgos okgut okgyv okner okhis okhot okhuv 5kijt Dkird okjar okjes ok4it ok40v okiyx okkas okket okkhe okkiv okkja okkux oklat oklev oklho Pboceed(s) — continwd. Proceed(s) with Proceeded (to) „ with „ direct to E*roceeding (to) „ with Is proceeding to Proceedings Stop proceedings Take proceedings Taken „ Taking „ Proceedings against Shall we (1) take proceedings Do not take proceedings Process(es) Proclaim(s) Proclaimed Proclaiming Proclamation(s) Procrastinate(s) Procrastinated Procrastinating Procrastination Procurable {see also " Obtainable ") Not procurable Procuration Per procuration Procure(s) {seealso "Obtain " and "Get") Try to procure Procured {see also " Obtained " &" Got ") Procuring {see also " Obtaining" & "Getting") Producers) {see also "Goods") Produce brokers Must produce Produced » by Producer(s) Producing Product(s) Production „ of On production of Total production Productive (of) Profess(es) Professed Professing Profession Professional Professor(s) Proficiency Proficient Proflt(s) Annual profit(s) Gross „ Nett No What profit „ „ will it give „ „ is there (on) Would give a profit of Has given a profit of Profit(s) of „ on -{from) 143 Okloy Olgim okloy okluz okmav okmix okmoz okmub okniz oknob oknuc okogs okont okoly okonb okorf okowk okozm okpay okpez okpib okplo okpoc okpud oksac oksed oksif oksog okspo oksra oksuh oksyj oktad oktef oktig oktoh oktre oktsa oktvn dktyk okufs okufft okuEv okviky okulz okumb okurg okusb okuvk okuzn okvaf okveg okvih okvoj okvro okvuk okvyl okwag okweb okwij okwok okwul okwym okyah okjTik okyol okjrto Profit(s^ — continued Profit on voyage (of) „ for half year „ „ the , Profit and Loss , ,, account Profitable Not (be) profitable Profitableness Profitably Profited Profiting Profitless Programme (of) Programme of sailings Progress(es) (in) Telegraph progress (of) No progress has been made Good progress has been made Makmg progress Progressed (with) Progressing How IS it progressing Progressing slowly „ satisfactorily „ rapidly Is not progressing satisfactorily Progression ProgressiYe(ly) __ Prohibit(s) Prohibited Prohibiting Prohibition Prohibitive Prohibitory Project (s) Projected Projecting Prolific Prolong (s) Prolongation (of) Prolonged (for) Prolonging Promenade Prominence J*rominent Prominently Promise(s) (toj Do not promise May we (I) promise Promised (to) by Have promised to Promising Is not promising Promissory note(sj Promote(s) Promoted to Promoter(s) Promoting Promotion(8) Prompt „ cash Can you give prompt Must have prompt Prompt — continued okyum Can you offer prompt okyve Prompted okywa Prompter okzai „ boat okzek Prompting okzil Promptitude okzom Promptly okzun As promptly as possible okzvo More promptly okzwe Promptness okzjrp Pronounced olahl Proof(s) olaim Propelled (by) olalp Propeller(s) olaps „ blade(8) olarv „ shaft olaty Propelling olavz Proper olawb „ time olazd No proper olbaf Properly olbeg Not properly olbib Property(ie8) olboi Propitious olbuk Proportion (s) (of) olbvo Same proportion (s) of olbwe In proportion to olbyl Large proportion olcag Small „ olceh What proportion (of) olciij Proportionate olcok Proportionately olcul Proposal (s) olcwo Accept proposal(8) olcym Accepted „ olcza Agree to „ oldah Agreed to .. oldba DecUne „ oldik Declined oldol No oldum Proposal(8) by oldya „ for oldze „ from olech „ has been accepted olefk „ „ „ declined olejn „ of olens ., to olept Approve of proposal oletz Do not approve of proposal olevb Entertain proposal olexd Cannot entertain proposal olfaj Would you entertain proposal olfca Has proposal been accepted olfek Following proposal olfil Made (a) proposal olfom Make „ „ olfUD Submit „ olfyp Referring to proposal Olfeo Our (my) „ olgak Their (his) „ olgbo Your proposal o^ce Propose(s) olgda „ it o%l „ to olgim What do yoo propose 144 Olgon Onajd olgon oleup olnal olhem olhin olhop olhyr oli^ olijp ohry oljam olqdo oljen oljga oMp oljys oikan olkep olkfo oll^e iolldia blkyt ollap ollgo oUja dhyy olmho olmie ' olmka olnio olnke olnla olnjrx olock ologn olols olonv olorz olosb olovd olowf olpko olple olpma olrav olrix olroz olriib olsiz olsno olsob olspe olsuc oltay oltez oltib oltoc oltpo oltra oltud oluks olult oluinv olupy oliirb Propose (s) — con timced. What do you propose doing {re) „ „ they „ „ .. Do not propose (to) ,. you ,, they „ Does he „ „ We (I) propose They (he) propose(s) Shall we (I) propose You propose Proposed Proposed by to Is it proposed to Have „ „ As proposed Proposing Are proposing (to) Proposition (s) {see also " Proposal ' Agree to proposition Approve of „ Dechne „ Proprietary Proprietor(s) Prorogue(s) Prorogued Proroguing Prosecute(s) Prosecuted Prosecutinjg Prpsecution(s) Prosecutor(s)-(trix) Prospect (s) (of) Future prospeot(s) No prospect (of) Every prospect (ot) Little „ „ Some „ Prospects favourable „ unfavourable What prospect is there (of) Is there any prospect of Telegraph prospect(s) ,, „ of market Prospected Prospecting Prospective Prospector(s) Prospectus Prosper(s) Prospered Prospering Prosperity Prosperous Protect(s) „ our (my) interests „ your interests Protected Has (have) been protected „ „ not been protected Protecting Protection Protectionist(s) Protective Protege olusc Protest (s) olvaz „ agamst olveb Enter protest civic Entered protest olvod Extend protest olvre Extended protest olvsa Lodge protest olvuf Note „ olvyg olwab Protest noted „ extended olwec Shall we (I) protest olwid Do not protest olwof Strongly protest (against) olwro Protestation olwug olwyn Protested against olyac Have (has) protested olyed against olyif Has been protested olyog Protesting olyso „ against olyte Are protesting olyuh Protoool(B) olyva Protract(s) Protracted olzad olzef Protracting olzig olzon Protraction Prove(s) olzto Proved olzuj to be olzve Provide(s) olzwa „ for olzyk ombto i, it (them) steamer (ship) (with) ombwa Can provide omcvo „ not provide omdwo ,, you „ omdza Must provide omfba Who provides omfise May (shall) we (I) proyide om^zo We (I) provide omqco They (he) provide(s) omjde omkdo Provided Have (has) provided omkga „ „ not provided ommgo „ you provided ommja Provided by ompio ompla for they (he) omsmo we (I) omsne „ with omspa you omtno Providing omtpe Province(s) omvpo Provincial omvra Proving omwre Provislon(s) omyro for omyse Made provision for omjrta Make omzso No provision for omzte Provisional omzva „ arranfrement(B) onady onajd 5 Provisionally „ arranged Onalg Onvot onalg onani onapk onarm onawr onazt onbav OBbix onboz onbub onbva onciz oncob oncto oncuc oncve oncwa onday ondez ondib ondoc ondud ondvo ondwe onecy onedz onejf onenk onern onews onext onfaz onfeb onfic onfod onftif oniyg onfza ongab ongba ongec ongid ongof ongug ongyh ongze oniiac onhed onhif onhog onhun onhyj oniby onigd onilj onirp oirjad onjbo oirjef onjig onjon onjui onlyk onkaf onkco Provisioned Provisioning Proviso Provocation Proximate {see also " Approximate ") Proximately (see also "Approximately") Proximity (to) Proximo (see also variovs Months) Proxy(ieB) Prudent(ly) russia russian Government Public Publication(s) Publicity Publicly Pub!ish(es) Published Publisher(s) Publishing Pump(s) Ship's pumps Pumped Pumping Puncheon(s) Punctual Punctuality Punctually Punish(es) Punished Punishing Punishment Purchasable Purchase(s) {see also "Buy") „ consideration „ money „ price Purchased (by) {s«e also "Bonwrr") Purchaser(s) Purchasing Pure Purely Pureness Purity Purport (of) {see also "Pohports") Purported Purporting Purports (to be) {see also "Purport") Purpose(s) For the purpose(s) (of) Purposely Purser(s) {In) Pursuance of Pursue(s) Pursued Pursuing Push(es) Pushed Pushing Put(s) „ in hand „ in „ off Put back oakde onkeg onkfa onkih onkoj onkiik onkyl onlag onlen onlij onlok onlul onlym cnmali onniik onmol onmum onmyn onnai onneK onnil 02inja onnom onnun ormyp onobz onofd onohg onolk onovt onozy onpak onpel onpho onpim onpje onpon onpup onram onren onrip onnir onrys onsan onsep onslo onsme bnsna onsor onsty onsus onsyt ontap ontir ontmo ontne ontos ontpa ontut ontjrv onuxy onver onvis onvno onvot Pdt back — continued. Put back for „ „ owing to Putting Puzzle(d) Puzzling Quadruple „ expansion engines Quadruplicate Quadruplicated Quadruplicating §ualification(s) ualified PuUy qualified Not qualified (to, for) Qualify(ies) Qualifying Qualities (of) Best qualities Inferior qualities Other quahties (sorts) Quality (of) Average quality Bad „ Better „• Beat ,y Fair „ ^ Fair average quality » „ I, of season Good qnility Inferior quality What quality Price and quality Quantity(ies) Large quantity(ies) Moderate quantity (of) Fair Small „ „ Smaller „ „ Smallest „ „ Telegraph „ „ Total Quantity for „ from of What quantity do you require » „ can you supply Quarantine „ imposed „ removed During quarantine Days quarantine In quarantine Eeleased from quarantine Quarantined Quarrel (s) Quarrelled euarrelling uart(s) (of) Quarter(s) {see also " Numekals") ending for from of (— ) lbs. 146 Onvuv Opwys onvuv onwar onwes onwit onwov onwyx onyas onyet onjdv onyre onysa onyux onzat onzev onzoy onzro onzse onzta onzuz opads opaft opaiy opalb opand opapf opawm opcyx opecs opedt opelc opemd openf open opetJ opewn opfoy opfuz opfvo opgoz opguh. OpgTVO opnba ophiz ophob ophuc ophze opibs opict opigy opild opiph opirk opjay op^ez op^ib opjoc opmd opkaz opkeb opkic opkod opktif opkyg oplab oplec Quarter(s) — continued. Per quarter ( — ) qrs. 5 per cent, more or less „ „ 10 per cent. ,, „ 1 quarter 2 quarters 8 „ Last quarter Present quarter Next „ Quarter-deck Quarterly Quarterly return(s) Quartz Quash (es) Quashed euashfng uay(s) Af the quay Ex quay Queen Queensland „ Government Quell(s) Quelled § Quelling Queried uery(ies) uerying Question(s) Replying to your question A question of Questionable Questioned Questioning §uibble(s) uick Quicker Quickest Quickly As quickly as possible euid pro quo uiet Very quiet Quieter Quietly Quietness Quinta.l(s) Quite If quite Not quite ,. sc Quorum Quotable Quotation(sj Is the quotation Does quotation include Nett quotation(8) Telegraph quotation(s) Quot8.tion(8) foi „ from of includes „ excludes Quote(s) (see also " Offeb " & " Price ") Quote for oplid oplof oplug opiyh opmac opmed opmif opmog opmun opmyj opobt opofy opogz oponb opokd opolf oporl oposm oppaf oppeg oppgo oppne oppih oppja oppoi oppuk oppyl oprah oprik oprol oprum opryn opsai opsek opsil opsko opsle opsraa opsun opsyp optak optel optim optic optme optna opton optup opudy opuid opuig opupk opurm opuvs opuzt opval opvem opvin opvop opvyr opwara opwen opwip opvmr opwyo Quote (s) — continued. Quote for delivery „ „ shipment (in) „ immediately .„ per -sailer „ „ steamer „, them (him) „ us (me) » you Can quote Cannot quote Can you „ Do not „ If we (I) „ May (shall) we (I) quote What shall „ ^, We (I) quote They (he) quote(s) Will quote „ not quote .• you „ Quote cash against documents „ documents attached to draft „ c. & f. „ c. & i. „ c.i.f. „ c.i.f. & e „ c.i.f. & c „ delivered „ ex ship „ forvjrard delivery „ prompt ,, „ f.a.s „ steamer „ f.o.b „ steamer „ f.o.r. „ landed We (I) quote cash against documents „ „ documents attached to draft „ c. & f .. c. & i „ c.i.f. ,. c.i.f. & e „ c.i.f. & c „ ,. delivered „ ,. ex ship „ ,. forward delivery „ , prompt „ ,, f.a.s „ ,. „ steamer , f.o.b ,, ,. „ steamer ,. f.o.r ,. „ landed Quote c.i.f. shipment by steamer ,. . , at once Quote c. & f. ship*- by stm' promptly within 1 month ,. 2 months .. 3 „ at once promptly within 1 month „ 2 monihs 147 Opyan Ortla opyan opyep opypo opyra opzap opzre opzsa orajs orany orapz orarc orasd oravg orazk orbal orbin orbop orbpo orbra orbyr orcam orcen orcip orcre orcsa orcvir orcys ordan ordep ordor ordro ordse ordta ordus ordyt orejt oremy orenz orerd ore-wj orfap orfir orfos oifso orfte orfut orfVa oi'fy V orger orgis orgto orguv orgve orgwa ornar orhes orhit orhov orhyx origs orirf orith onzm oiqas 013 et Quote (s) —continued. Raise (s) — con tinned. Quote c. & f . ship'- by stm'- within 8 months orjiv Shall we (I) raise We(I)quotec.i.f.ship' by stm' orjux Can you raise » >> i> at once or) wo Cannot „ )» » It promptly orjza orkat Do not „ » » » within 1 month Try to „ it ft » „ 2 months orkba Raised tt »» tt )) » orkev Has (have) been raised We (I) quote c. & f. ship'- by stra'- orkoy Raising >» )» ■»» at once orkuz Prospect of raising tt tt tt promptly orkze Raising price(s^ »» »» >) within 1 month orlav „ the ship »» »» tt „ 2 months orlbe Propose raising tt »» tt »> 3 „ orlca Rallied Quoted (at) orlix Has (have) rallied Are quoted orloz Rally(ies) „ not quoted orlub Slight rally Others have quoted orlzo Likely to rally Quoted by ormbo Rallying „ for ormce Rani(s) „ per sailer ormda Rammed „ „ steamer ormiz Ran „ them (him) ormob „ into „ us (me) ormuc „ on t, you ornay Ranche(s) Have quoted ornco Range(s) „ not quoted ornde „ from „ you quoted ornfa Ranged What have you quoted ornib Ranging Quoting ornoc „ from Are quoting ornud ,, (— ) to (— „ not quoting orofs Rank(s) (for) „ you quoting orofft Ranked Others quoting orohv Ranking Quoting for oroky for „ per sailer orolz „ as „ „ steamer oronc Rapid „ them (him) ororg orosn Rapidity „ us (me) Rapidly you orovk As rapidly as possible R orowl Very rapidly Radical orozn Rare Radically orpaz Rarely Radius orpeb Rash Raft(s) orpfe Rashly Rage(d) orpga Ratable Raging orpic Ratably Raid(ed) orpod Rate(s) Rail(s) orpuf At the rate of Railroad (s) orpyg orred „ what rate can you Railway(s) „ „ may we (I) Railway Conipany(ies) orrgo orrne Average rate Rain(8) Current „ Good rain orija High „ Light „ orryj Higher „ . Inches of rain have fallen orsad Homeward rate Rained orsef Low rate Raining orsho Lower rate Rainy orsie orska Extra „ „ season No Raise(^) „ the ship orsin orsyk Our (my) ra{« Outward rate(8) Raise the price orteg Quote xate „ „ quotation ortio ortke Their (his) rate „ „ rate Through rate „ fnjight(s) ortla Telegraph rate on (for) 148 Ortoj Osrha ortoj ortyl oruds oruft oruiy orulb orupf orveh orvij orvle orvma orvym orwyn oryai oryek orjril orymo oryne orjrpa oryun orzak orzel orzim orzno orzon orzpe orzup osacn osafk osahm osajn osans osapt osasy osatz osavb osaxd osbag osbeh osbij osbno osbok osbul osbym oscah oscik oscol oscpo oecra oscum oscyn osdai osdek osdil osdom osdre" osdsa osdun osdyp osegm osejp osems osery osewd osfak RiTE(s) — continued. Your rate Rate(8) by „ „ cargo boats „ „ liners „ „ outsiders „ for „ for d.w. „ „ measurement „ from „ of „ on „ per head „ „ sailer ,, „ steamer What rate shall we , quote „ is your rate for (on) „ rate shall we charge for (on) Rated Rather „ not Ratification „ of agreement Ratified Not ratified Ratify(ies) Ratifying Rating Ratio Raw Reach(es) Reached Reaching React(s) Reacted Reacting Reaction Read(s) „ from Should read thus Readily Readiness In readiness Reading Readjust(s) Readjusted Readjusting Read j ustment(s) Ready „ for on to „ „ load Must be ready Is not ready (to) Will not be ready till (before) Will be ready (to) When will it (they) be ready (to) ,, you be ready (to) Ready-made Real Realisable Realisation(s) Realise(s) „ the goods osfel osfim osfon osfro osfse osfta osfup osgal osgem osgin osgop osgte osgva osgyr osnam oshen oship oshto oshur oshve oshwa oshys osick osii os: osirz osjan osjep osjor o^us cam oskap oskir oskos oskut oskwo oskyv oskza osier osUs oslot osluv osmar osmbe osmes osmit osmov osmyx osnas osnet osniv osnux osoks osolt osopy osorb ososc osowg ospat ospco ospev ospfa ospoy ospuz osrha Realised Realising Really Reap(s) Reaping Reappear(s) Reappearance Reappeared Reappearing Reappoint Reappointed Reappointing Rearrange(s) Rearranged Rearrangement Rearranging Reason(s) » for What is the reason (for) Principal reason(s) No reason to (for) Reasonable Not reasonable Reasonable amount Reasonably Reassurance Reassure Reassured Reassuring Reaumur Degrees Reaumur Rebate(s) ., of „ freight to „ to shippers Claim rebate Grant a rebate Granted a rebate Make a rebate Made „ „ Rebated Rebatement(s> Rebating Rebel(s) Rebellion(s) Rebuild(s) Rebuilding Rebuilt Recall(s) Recalled Recalling Reoapitulate(s) Recapitulated Recapitulating Recapitulation Recast „ "your telegram Recasting Recede(s) (from) Receded Receding „ Receipt {see also " Receipts ") On receipt of it is not clear 149 Osriz Ovjic osriz osrob osruc ossay ossez ossgo ossEe ossib ossja OS80C ossud ostaz osteb ostho ostic ostje ostka ostod ostiif ostyg osuhr osins osukt osulv osupz osurc osusd osuvg osuzk osvab osvec osvid osvla osvof OBVUff osvyE oswac oswed oswif oswog osvnia oswyi osyad osyef osyig osylo os3mie osjma osyoh osyui oszaf oszeg oszih oszoi oszuk oszyl otdxa otgro otnso othte othva otkwe otsfo otsge otsha Receipt — continued. Await receipt of Receipts [see also "Eeceipt") Total receipts Receivable .. not to „ us (me) to » » » not to you (to) „ „ not to Recommendation(s) (of) Telegraph recommendation(s) Recommended Strongly recommended Recommended by it that „ them (him) to us (me) you Recommending Recompense(s) Recompensed Recompensing Reconoile(s) Reconciled Reconciling Reconsider(s) Please reconsider Reconsideration On reconsideration Reconsidered Is being reconsidered Reconsidering Reconstruot(s) (the) 150 Ovjod Owewk ovjod ov^uf ovkab ovkeo ovkid ovkof ovkug ovkve ovkwa ovkyh ovlac ovled ovlif ovlog ovluE ovlyj ovmad ovmef ovroig ovmori ovmui ovmyk ovnaf ovneg ovnih ovnoj ovmik ovnyl ovody ovoid ovolg ovonj ovopk ovorm ovowr ovozt ovpag ovpen ovpij ovpok oypul ovpym ovpzo ovrai ovrek ovril ovrom ovrun ovryp ovsak ovsdo ovsel ovsfe ovsga ovsun ovson ovsup ovtal ovtem ovtge ovtna ovtin ovtop oytyr Eeconstkuct{s) — continued. Eeconstruct the company Reconstructed Reconstructing Reconstruction Record (s) (of) Recorded (iu) Recording Recount (s) Recoup(s) „ the expense (of) Recouped Recouping Recourse With recourse Without recourse No Recourse against Recoyer(8) Hope to recover Try „ „ Likely to recover Can recover „ you recover Cannot „ Recoverable Is not recoverable Recovered Has it been recovered „ been recovered „ not been recovered Recovering Is recovering Recovery (of) Rectified Rectify (ies) Rectifying Recur(s) Recurred Recurrence Recurring Red Red Sea „ port(3) Redeem(s) Redeemable „ in ( — ) years Redeemed Redeeming Redeliver(s) Redelivered Redelivering Redelivery (ies) Redemption (of) Redock-ing Redocked Redraft Redrafted Redrafting Redress Reduce(s) (see also " Reductic" Greatly reduce(8) Slightly reduce(8) Reduce(s) it (them) ,, „ by »» f» If to ovvicy ovudz ovuhd ovujf ovum ovusp ovuxt owam owen owgo owip owja owur owys ovwan ovwep ovwho ovwor OVWTIS ovvvyt ovyap ovyir ovyio ovyke ovyla ovyos ovyut ovaer ovzis ovzko ovale ovzma ovzot ovzuv owahs owajt owamy owanz owa^ owbam owben owbip owble owbma owbur owbys owcjan owcep owclo owcna owcor owcus owcyt owdap owdir owdmo owdne owdos owdpa owdut owdyv owegs owemz owenb owewk Eeduce(s)— continued. Do not reduce May we (I) reduce Must reduce Shall we (I) reduce Can reduce Cannot „ Can you reduce If you „ they (he) reduce „ we (I) reduce Reduced Have (has) reduced „ „ not reduced „ they (has he) reduced „ you reduced Greatly reduced Has (have) not been lednced Slightly reduced Reduced by „ it (them) » .. ,. by .1 >. If to to Reducible Reducing Propose reducing Reducing it (them) >i II .1 by II II 11 to Reduction(s) (see also " Reducb ") At a reduction of Great reduction (in) Made a „ (in, of) Make a „ „ No „ (in) SmaU Some „ „ Subject to a reduction (of) Reduction for I. in of Reef(s) Reel(s) Re-eleot(s) Rer elected Re-electing Re-election Re-embark(s) Re-embarkation Re-embarked Re-embarking Re-employ(s) Re-employed Re-employing Re-employment Re-estabiish(es) Re-established Re-establishing Refer(s) I, to Do(es) not refer to Referee(s) Reference {see also "Refeebncks") No reference (to) Reference in 151 Owezm Oybik Keference — continued. owezm Reference to owpof Refuse(s) {see also " Deo-ine ") owfer owfis With reference to „ „ „ your telegram owpug owpyh to Shall we (I) refuse (to) owfno References (set also " Rf.ference ') owrad Cannot refuse to owfot Referred owrbo Must ,, „ owfoe owrav to owref Do not „ „ » in owrig Refused owgar Not referred to owroh Has (have) been refused owges » .. 1. 'n owru owryk If refused owgrit Referring {see aha "Lettzs" & "Telegram ') Have refused owgov to owsaf Refusing owgpo „ our (my) owsco Refute(s) owgra „ their (hi3) owsde Refuted owgyx ownas ,. your owseg Refuting Reflne(s) Refined owsfa Regain(s) owhet owsih Regained owhiv Reflnery(ies) owsoj owsuk Regaining owhux Refining Regard {see also " Regards ') owifs Refit(s) owsyl With regard to owifft owiky Refitted owla? Having regard to Refitting owten Regarded owilz Refix(es) owtga owtij Regarded as owlzn Reflxed Regarding owjat Refixing owtok Regardless (of) ' o-w;|ev Refiect(s) owtul Regardlessly owqoy Refiected owtym Regards {see also " Regard ") ow;]ro Reflection(s) owucs As regards owqta Refioat(s) owudt Regime ovsnuz ow"kav Expect to refloat owuhy Regiment(s) Expected to refloat owulc Region (s) owkix Refloated owumd Register(s) owkoz Has been refloated owvah Lloyd's Register owkso Refloating owvik Register tonnage owkte Reform(s) owvol Gross register tonnage owkub Reformed owvum Nett owkva Reforming owvyn Registered owliz Refrain(s) (fromi Refrained (fiom) owyak post owlob owyel Registering owlto Refraining (from) owyho Registrar(s) (of) owluc Refrigerate(s) owyim „ shipping owlve Refrigerated owyje Registration owlwa cargo owyon „ certificate owmay freight owyup Registry owmez space owzal Port of registry owiiiib steamer owzem Regret(s) owiuoc Reft-igerating owzin Express(es) regret owiuud „ chamber(s) owzke Much regret owmvo engine owzla Regret(s) to hear owuaz Refrigeration owzop „ „ inform you owneb Refrigerator(s) owzyr „ state owuic Refuge oxbla Regrettable owuod Refagee(s) oxwha Regretted owuuf Refund(s) (of) oxygo Regretting owuyg Refunded oxyhe Regular ownza Refunding oxyja In regular course owodfi^ Refusal (of) oya^ oyann Regularity owofb Can you get refusal (of) Regularly owoiv owolb „ get refusal (of) oyajp Send regularly Cannot get refusal (of) oyams Telegraph regularly owond Do not give „ oyant Regulate(s) owopf Get refusal (of) oyary Regulated (by) owowm Give „ oyasz Regulating owpab Got „ oyawd Regulation(s) owpec Refusal to oybah New Regulation (s) owpid Shall (may) we give refusal (of) oybik Reimbur8e(s) 152 Oybol Ozbif Retmburse(s) — continued. Reimburse(s) expen£e(s) of Reimbursed Reiniburseinent(s) Reimbursing Reinstate(s) Reinstated Reinstatement Reinstating Reinsurance(s) Premium for reinsurance Reinsurance at of „ cargo „ ship Reinsure(s) at it „ risk „ steamer (ship) At what rate can you reinsure Can reinsure at Shall we (I) reinsure Reinsured Has (have) been reinsured „ . „ not been reinsured rtave you reinsured Reinsured at it „ risk ship Reinsuring Reinvest(s) Reinvested Reinvesting Reinvestment(s) Reis {see also " Milreis ") Reissue(s) Reissued Reissuing Reject(s) (lee also " Decline ") Rejected {see also "Declined") Has (have) been rejected Rejecting Rejection (s) Rejoin (s) Rejoined Rejoining Relapse (s) Relapsed Relapsing Relate(s) (to) Related (to) Relating (to) Relation (s) In relation to Relative (s) Relatively Relax(es) Relaxation Relaxed Relaxing Release(s) Do not release May (shall) we (1) release Refuse(s) to release oyokt oyolv oyony oyopz oyorc oyosd oyovg oyozk oypav oypix oypoz oypub oyray oyrez oyrib oyroc oyrud oysaz oyseb oysic oysod oysuf oysyg ojrtab oytec oytid 03rtof oytug oytyh oyuns ojoijt oyumy oyxird oyusf oyvac oyved oyvif oyvoff oyvuE oyvyj oywad oywef oywig oywon oywui oywyk oyzak oyzen oyzij oyzok oyzul oyzym ozagh ozahj ozaJK ozalm ozaran ozanp ozars ozast ozawy ozazb ozbac ozbed ozbif Release (s) — continued. Grant release Release for „ has been granted >, goods „ him (them) from it (her) „ on guarantee ship „ steamer „ us (me) from Released Has been released Not yet released Released the goods „ from „ the ship Releasing Relet(s) Reletting Relevant Reliability Reliable If reliable Is not reliable Very reliable Reliably Reliance (upon) Relied (upon) Can be relied (upon) „ it be relied (upon) Cannot be relied (upon) Relief (from) In relief of Relieve(s) Can you relieve Relieve(s) them (him) (of) „ us (me) (of) you (of) Relieved (of, from) Relieving Relinquish(es) Relinquished Relinquishing Relinquishment Reload (s) Reloaded Reloading Reluctance Reluctancy Reluctant Reluctantly Very reluctantly Rely(ies) (upon) >. it (iiei-) „ „ them (him) (to) „ us (me) (to) „ you (to) Can (may) we (I) rely upon Do not fely upon You can rely upon Relying (upon) Are relying upon „ not relying Opon ,. you „ „ Relying upon it (her) 153 Ozbog Ozzab ozbog ozbim ozbyj ozcad ozcef ozcig ozcla ozcoh ozcuj ozcyk ozdaf ozdeg ozdih ozdko ozdle ozdma ozdoi ozdvik ozdyl ozebd ozecf ozeil ozeln ozemp ozert ozevy ozewz ozfag ozfen ozfij ozflo ozlha ozfok ozftd ozfym ozgah ozgik ozgmo ozgol ozgpa ozgvun ozgyn oznai ozhek ozhil ozhom ozhun ozhyp ozym ozup ozips ozirv ozity ozizd 02tjak o^el ozjim o^on ozjup ozkal ozkem ozkin ozkop pzkre ozksa Relying (upon) — continued Relying upon them (him) (to) „ „ us (me) (to) „ „ you (to) Remain (s) Remain (s) at „ here Remainder (of) Remained Remaining Remand (s) Remanded « Remanding Remark(s) Remarkable Remarkably Remarked Remarking R€measure(s) Remeasured Remeasurement(s) Remeasuring Remedied Remedy(ies) Remedying Remember(s) (to) ,, that Remenibered Remembering Remind (s) „ them (him) Reminded Reminder Reminding Remiss Remission (of) Remit(s) >. by „ „ mail „ „ wire for J, them (him) „ through „ to ,j us (me) you promptly Cannot remit How much can you remit „ „ shall we (I) remit Shall we (I) remit Remit us (me) through Remit the money Remittanoe(s) Mail remittance(s) No Our (my) „ Telegraph(ic) remittance(s) Their (his) Your „ Remittance(s) for (to) „ from „ of „ through Require remittance(s) Send ,; J. ozkyr ozlam ozlen ozlip ozlur ozlys ozman ozmep ozmor ozmus ozmyt oznap oznir oznos oznut oznyAT ozoch ozofk ozohm ozojn ozons ozopt ozosy ozovb ozoxd ozper ozpis ozpot ozpuv ozpwe ozras ozret ozriv czrux ozsat ozsev ozsoy ozsuz oztav oztix oztoz oztub ozugm ozuhn ozujp ozums ozury ozusz ozviz ozvob ozvuc ozway ozwez ozwib ozwoc ozwud ozyaz ozyeb ozyfo ozyge ozyna ozyic ozyod ozyuf ozzab Remitted Have (has) remitted „ „ not remitted „ you remitted „ remitted you through Remitted by „ „ mail „ wire for (to) „ from „ them (him) ,, through „ us (me) you Remitter(s) Remitting Are remitting >i ,, through Remitting by „ from » on „ them (him) „ through „ us (me) you Remodel(s) Remodelled Remodelling Remonstrance(s) Remonstrate(s) Remonstrated Remonstrating Remote Remotest Removal Remove(s) Removed Removing Remunerate(s) Remunerated Remunerating Remuneration Remunerative Less remunerative More „ Is not „ Very Render(s) Will (would) render Render(s) it (them) Rendered Have (has) not rendered ,, you rendered Rendering Renew (s) „ for „ it (them) Can renew Cannot renew Can you „ At what rate can you renew Shall we (I) renew Try to renew Renew on same terms Renewable Ozzec Pausy ozzec ozzgo ozzid oz^a ozzof ozzug ozzyh paaxy pabab pabba pabce pabec pabfo pabii pabof pabug pabyh pacac pacca pa ego pacif pacjy pacog pacvm pacyj padad padda padef padfe padho padig padky padon padul padyk paewy pafaf pafeg paffa pafge pafjo pafq pa" pafyl pagag pagga paghe pagij pagko pagmy pagok pagul panah pahha pahik pahje pahlo pahny pahol pahum pahyn paijl pajai pajefc Renewal (s) (of) Renewed „ at for „ it (them) Can it be renewed „ be renewed Cannot be renewed If renewed Has (have) renewed Has not (been) renewed Renewing RenoYate(si Renovated Renovating Rent(s) Rental(s) Rented Renting Reopen (s) Will reopen Reopened Reopening On reopening (of) Reorganisation Reorganise(s) Reorganised Reorganising Repaid Have (has) repaid „ „ not repaid Has it been repaid Must be repaid Repair {see also " Repaiks ") at her it „ it here ,, ship (steamer) Can repair „ you repair Cannot repair Repairable Repaired Has been repaired Can be „ „ it be „ Cannot be ,, Repaired at (in) by „ ■ for „ here it „ steamer (ship) „ there Repairer(s) Repairing Repairing at her „ here it steamer (ship) ., there Repairs (see also "Repair") Contract for repairs pajil pajia pajke pajmo pajpy pajyp pakak pakel pakka pakle pakno pakon pakup palal palem palla palop palpo palry palyr pamam pamen pamip pamma pamne pamur pamys panan panep panna panor panpe panro panus panyt paops paovz paowb papap papir papos pappa papso paput papyv parar parit parov parra paryx pasas paset pasiv passa pasux paswo paszy patat patev patoy patuz patve patyo paupt paiisy Repairs — continued. Cost of repairs Wire cost of repairs Execute repairs No repairs How long will repairs take Temporary repairs Permanent repairs Repairs will take „ at (in) „ completed „ of (to) „ to steamer (ship) „ with Repay(s) Repayable Repaying Repayment(s) (of) Repeal(s) Repealed Repealing Repeat(s) Can repeat (at) „ you repeat Cannot repeat At what price can you repeat Repeat indent „. it „ order „ telegram [of message tele, just reed, from word "No. (— ) to end ,, „ up to and including word " word (—) of telegram [No. (— ) Repeated Can be repeated (at) Repeated at from to Repeatedly Repeating Repetition (of) Replace(s) „• goods „ it Replaced by Replacement(s) Replacing Replenish(es) Replenished (at) Replenishing (at) Replied (to) Have (has) replied „ „ not replied Reply(ies) {see also "Response") Await your reply Anxiously await reply (to) „ „ „ to telegram of , letter of Immediate reply No reply Have (has) not received reply Subject to reply „ „ „ received here „ „ immediate reply Why do you not reply 155 Pauta Penux pautz pauvb pauzd pavav pavcy pavix pavoz pavub pawa pavwe pavzo pawbo pawiz pawob pawuc pawye payay payco paygm payEn payib Payjp pajmt payoc payud payze pazaz pazbe pazdo pazeb paz^ pazic pazod paziif pazyg peafk peahm peajn peans peapt peasy peatz peavb peaxd pebag pebga pebfie pebij pebko pebmy pebok pebul pecah pecha pecik pecie peclo pecol pecum pecyn pedi ■ pede! pedil pedja Reply(ies) — continued. What shall we (I) reply pedmo Repudiation (Subject to) reply by 10 a.m. to-morrow pedyp Repurchase(s) >» 1, noon peegm Repurchased » ., to-morrow afternoon peejp Repurchasing .. „ letter peems Reputation J. „ telegram peent Repute >• „ within 24 horns peery Reputed (to be) » If ji 36 „ peewd Request(s) (see also " Demand ") " » » 48 „ pefak At the request of .. ., „ 3 days pefel „ our (my) request Keply from pefka „ your request „ immediately pefle „ their (his) request „ on pefiio „ whose request „ to pefon Request(s) for Replying pefup pegal » it Replying oii » of to pegem „ them (him) (to) „ „; your enquiry- pegla us (me) (to) » .; „ letter pegme you (to) .1 « ., telegi-ani pegop Requested Report(s) pegpo Have requested Full report(8) pegyr peEam » » them (him) (to) Interim report .. „ us (me) (to) No report pehen We (1) requested Send report pehip Requested by Send copy of report pehma „ it We await „ pehne them (him) (to) us (me) (to) Telegraph „ pehur Later(est) „ pehys you (to) Report and valuation peick Requesting Report(s) from peign peils Require(s) (see also " Want "') „ of „ him (her) „ regarding peirz „ it (them) Reported pejan to It is reported pe^ep Do you require Reported to be pejna „ they require Reporting pejor Does it (he) reqvure Reprehensible pejpe Do(es) not require Represent(s^ pejro If you require Representation(s) pejty Urgently require RepresentativeCs) (of) pejus Will require Our (my) representative(s) pejyt pekap „ not require Their (his) „ you require Your pekir „ they (he) require Representative(s) at pekos When will you require „ here pekpa they (he) require Represented pekso Required {see also " Wanted "> Representing pekut Not required Reprimand (s) pekvy « ,, Reprimanded pekyv Required by Reprimanding pelre for Reprint(s) pelto „ here Reprisals) peluv » in (at) Reproach(ed) pelwy immediately Reproduce(ed) pemar ,, on Reproduction pemit „ them (it) Reproval pemov „ there Reprove(s) pemra to Reproved pemse Will be required Reproving pemvo „ not be required Republic(s) pemjrx »» '^ if )} Republican(s) penas When will it be required Repudiate(s) penet Requirement(s) (of) Repudiated peniv Telegraph your requirement* Repudiating penuX Requirements for 156 Penzy Pibem penzy peoks peolt peopy peorb peosc peowg pepat pepev pepoy pepta pepuz pepve pepyo perbo periz perob peruc perwa perye pesay pesib pesoc pesud pesya pesze petaz petdo peteb petgy petic petod petuf petyg petza pevab pevba pevce pevec pevfo pevhv pevid pevof pevug pevyn pewac pewca pewde pewed pewgo pewif 5pewog pewiiE t>ewyi peyad peyda peyef peyfe peyho peyig peyky peynz peyoh peyuj pezaf Requiring {see also " Kequire ") Requisite(s) Requisition(s) Resale Rescind(s) Rescinded Rescinding Rescission Rescue {see aho " Save ") Rescued {see also "Saved ") Rescuing {see also " Saving " Resell(s) Reselling Resemblance Resenible(s) Resembled Resembling Resent (s) Resented (by) Resenting Reservation (s) Reserve(s) Can you reserve „ reserve „ not reserve Shall we (I) reserve Reserve Fund Reserved Have (has) reserved „ you reserved „ (has) not reserved Reserving Are reserving Reship(s) Reshipment(s) Reshipped Has (have) been reshipped Reshipping Reside^) Resided Residence Resldent(s) Residential Residing Residual(s) Residuary(ies) Residue(s) Resign(s) Resignation(s) Tender(s) resignation Tendered „ Resigned Has (have) resigned Resigning Resist(s) Do utmost to resist Resistance Resisted Resisting Resold Resolute Resolutely Resolution(s) Following resolution(s) Board's „ pezeg pezfa pezge pezjio pezly pezo. pezuk pezyl phacs phadt phahy phalc phamd phanf phan phask phatl phawn phebs phect phegy phenz pheld phemf pheng pheph pherk phewp phibt phify phigz phinb phikd philf phlmg phirl phism phody phoid pholg phoni phopkt. phorm phowr phozt phucy phudz phuhd phx^jf phunk phum phusp phvixt piajir piais piakt pialv piany piapz piarc piasd piavg piazk pibal pibem Resolve Resolved (to) Unanimously resolved Have (has) resolved to Board has resolved Resolving Resort(s) (to) Resorted (to) Resorting (to) Resource(s) Resourceful Respect(s) With respect to Respectability Respectable Very respectable Respectably Respected Respecting Respective Respectively Respond(s) (to) Responded (to) Respondent(s) Respondentia Responding (to) Response(s) {see also "Repi^y") In response to No response Responsibilities Responsibility of for Responsible Is (are) not responsible (for) „ „ responsible (for) Eesponsible for „ to Who is responsible (for) Held responsible (for) Hold them (him) responsible (for) ,, you responsible (for) „ us (me) responsible (for) Cannot be responsible (for) Must be held responsible (for) Rest(s) „ with Rested „ with Resting (on) „ with Restoration Restore(s) Restored Restoring Restow Restowed. Restowing Restrain(s) {see also " Prevent") Restrained (from) Restraining Restraint Restrict(s) it » .. ti' 157 Pibla Piyil pibla pibme pibop pibpo pibry pibjrr picam picen picip picne picsy picys pidan pidep pidna pidpe pidro pidyt piejt piemy pienz' •pierd pie-wj pifap pifpa pifso pifvy pifyv pigto pigwy pinra pihse pihvo pihyx pysa pigte pijwo pijzy pikoy pikta pikuz pikve pikyo pilcy piloz pilub pilva pilwe pilzo pimbo pizoiz pimob pimuc pimwa pimye pinay pinco pinez pinib pinoc pinud pinya pinze piofs piogt Resteict(s) — continued. Eestrict(s) them (him) to Must restrict Restricted ., by „ to Restricting Restriction (s) Serious restriction (s) Restrictive Result (s) » of Nett result Telegraph result What is result of „ would be the result Resulted {see also "Caused") „ in Has resulted in Resulting „ in Resurne(s) May (shall) we (1) resume When may (shall) we (I) resume „ can (will) you resume Do not resume Will resume Resumed Has (have) resumed Resuming Resumption (of) Retail(s) „ price „ trade Retailed (at) Retailer(s) Retailing Retain(s) {see also " Keep ") „ meantime Shall we (I) retain Retained {see also "Kept") Retainer Retaining {see also " Keeping ") Retaliate(s) Retaliated Retaliating Retaliation Retaliatory Retard(s) Retarded (bj') Retarding Retention (of) Reticence Reticent Retire(s) (from) „ draft „ „ under discount Retired Has (have) retired Draft retired under discount Retirement Retiring (from) Retrench(es) Retrenched Retrenching Retrenchment piohv pioky piolz pionc piorg piosh piovk piowl piozn pipaz pipbe pipeb pipgy pipic pipod pipuf pipyg pipza pirac pirca pirde pired pirgo pirxf pirog pirun pii-yj pisad pisda pisef pisfe pisho pisig pisoii pisul pisyk pitaf piteg pitge pitjo pitoj pituk pityl piuds piuft piujy piulb piupf pivag pivga pivne pivij pivko pivok pivul piwha piwik piwol piwum piw3rn piyaj piycs piydt piyek^, piyU RetrieYe(s) Retrieved Retrieving Retrospective To be retrospective Retrospectiv^ely Return(s) {see also "Returns") Return (s) from „ here „ it (them) „ on „ to When does he return „ do you „ Must return Per „ Will (would) return Returnable Returned Has returned Not yet returned Returning Returns {see also " Eexukn ") Annual returns Monthly returns Quarterly returns Reuters ,, telegram Reveal(s) Revealed Revealing Revelation(s) Revenge Revenue Gross revenue Nett „ Total „ Reversal ReYerse(s) Reversed Reversible Reversing Reversion Reversionary Revert(s) (to) Reverted (to) Reverting (to) Review (of) Reviewed Reviewing Revise .. it Revised „ edition Revising Revision ' Under revision Revival Revive(s) Revived Reviving Revocable Revocation Revoke(s) Revoked 158 Piyja Pokyg poalb poand poapf poawm pober pobre pobto pobuv pobwy pocar Revoking Revolution (s) Revolutionary Revolutionist (s) Revolutionize(s) Revolutionized Revolutionizing Reward(s) Rewarded Rib(s) Rich(ly) Richness Rid(s) Rider (to) Ridge(s) Ridicule(s) Ridiculed Ridioulous(ly) Rig Rigged Rigging Right {see also " Eights ") to (of) Is not right Quite right Bight amount „ figures Is this right ? With the right of Have we (I) the right to Which is right (On the) right side Rights [see also " Eight ") Rigid Rigidly Rigorous Rigorously Rigour(s) Rim(s) • Ring(s) Riot(s) Ripe Ripeness Rise(s) „ in Great rise (in) Small „ „ Likely to be a rise (in) Not likely to be a rise (in) Is there likely to be a rise (ia) There has been a rise (of. ir.) „ „ not been any rise (of, in) No rise Else of Risen Has (have) risen Eisen from » to Rising Is (are) rising Gradually rising Eapidly „ Risk(s) All risks „ „ excluding pocit pocov pocra pocse pocvo pocyx podas podet podiv podsa podte podux podwo podzy poecs poedt poelc poemd poenf poeri poeti poewn pofat pofev pofoy pofta pofuz pofVe pofyo pogav pogcy pogix pogoz pogub pogva pogwe pogzo ponbo pohiz pohob pohuc poliwa pohye poibs poict poi^ poiid poiph poirk pojay pojco poijez. pojib pojoc po^ud pojya poize pokaz pokbe pokdo pokeb pokic pokod pokuf pokyg Eisk(s) — continued. All risks Including Against aU risks Cover the risk Covered the risk Covering the risk Do not risk Great „ No risk (of) Is there any risk of (in) ShaU we (I) risk „ „ „ cover the risk Eisk(8) has (have) been covered » it „ of „ in Risked Risking Risky Very risky Rival(s) Rivalry River In the river Down the river Up the river River Plate „ charter „ trade voyage To the Eiver Plate Prom the Eiver Plate Rivet(s) Rivetted Rivetter(s) Rivetting Road(s) Roadstead In the roadstead Rob(s) Robbed Robbery(ies) Robbing Rook(s) On the rock(s) Off „ „ Eock(s) near „ bottom Rocket(s) Rocky Rod(s) Roll(s) Rolled Rolling „ chocks „ stock Roof(s) Roormg Room(s) (in) „ for No room for Is there room for If room Rope(s) Rose Rotate(s) ,15? Pok za Promn pokza polab polba polce polec polfo polid polof polug polyh pomac pomca pomde pomed pomgo pomif pomog pomim pomyj ponad ponda ponef ponfe ponho ponig ponky ponon ponui ponyk poobt poofy poogz poohb pookd poolf poorl poosm popaf popeg popfa popge popio poply popoi popuk popyl porah porha porik porie porlo pornv porol porum poryii posaj posek posil posia poske posmo pospy posyp potak potel Rotated Rotating Rotation Rotten Roubles „ and 25 cop. » » 50 „ Rough Very rough Rougher Roughly Roughness Roumania(n) Roumanian Government Round (s) „ about Rounded (ing) Route(s) En route „ „ from „ „ to (for) Usual route Which route Routine Row(8) Royal Royalty(ies) Rubber Rubbish Rudder Ruin(s) Ruined (by) Ruining Ruinous Ruinously Rule(s) Ruled Ruling Runiour(s) Foundation for rumour Rumoured It is rumoured (that) Run(s) In the long run Running „ between „ from till „ days •> » S. and H. excepted Rupee(s) „ and } >• i> i ., i Rupture Rush(es) „ for Russia For Eussia From „ In „ To „ Russian „ Government potka potle potno poton potup poudV pouid potdg poupk pourm pouzt poval povem povla povme povop povpo povry povyr powam powen powip powraa powne powsy powur powys poyan poydz poyep poyhd poyjf poyna poyor poype poyro poyty poyus poyxt pozap pozir pozos pozpa pozso pozut pozvy praby pragd prag pramk prarp pravs prawt prebz prefd prehg prelk prevt prezy prixy progn prohj proik prolm promn RnssuN — continued. Russian Port(s) One Russian port Two „ ports Three „ Rust Rusted Rusting Rusty S Sack(s) In sack(s) Provide(s) sack(s) Sacking Sacrifice(s) Great sacrifice At a Sacrificed Sacrificing Sad Saddle(s) Saddled (with) Saddling Sadly Safe If safe Is „ Is it safe to Quite safe to It is not safe to Safeguard (s) Safeguarded Safeguarding Safely Can we (I) safely „ safely Cannot safely Safer Safest Safety Sag(s) Sagged Sagging Said „ to be Sail(s) (sM aho " Leave ") Due to sail Ship(s) sail(s) Steamer(s) sail(s) Sail(s) about „ for „ from „ hence „ in (per) „ on When does she (he) sail „ can she (he) sail Can (will) sail „ „ not sail before Sailed (see also " Left ") Has sailed „ she sailed ., not „ Ship sailed Steamer sailed Sailed at 160 Pronp Puohg Sailed — continued. pronp Sailed for prors „ from prost „ hence prowy „ in (per) prozb „ on prubd ,, via prucf „ this morning pnihk „ „ afternoon prml pru n „ evening „ to-day pmmp „ yesterday morning prurt „ afternoon pruvy evening puady puand puaJg „ Sunday, a.m. p.m. „ Monday, a.m. puanj puapk p.m. „ Tuesday, a.m. puarm p.m. puawr „ Wednesday, a.m. puazt p.m. pubav „ Thursday, a.m. pubix p.m. puboz „ Friday, a.m. pubub „ „ p.m. pubva Saturday, a.m. pubwe p.m. pubzo „ to-day, earning pucbo „ yesterday, earning puciz ,-, ■(— ) earning pucob ,, to-day, full ship pucuc with ( — ) tons. cargo pucwa ,1 11 ,) » » II Oind pucye „ „ for [( — ) passengers puday from pudco „ rt with space for pudez SaUer(s) pudib Sailihgts) pudoc Cargo Steamer sailing(s) pudud Mail 8ailing(s) (of) pudya SaiUng(s) for pudze „ from " puecy „ hence puedi in (per) puejf Sailing ship puenk Per sailing ship pnern Sailor(s) puews Sake puext Salary(ies) (of) Sale {see aho " Sales ") pufaz pufbe No sale (for) pufdo Put up for sale pufeb Sale by 'pu%y „ for pufic „ of pufod „ on pufuf „ to pufyg Saleable pu&a Not saleable pugab Saleable at pugba „ '„ about pugce Sales {see also " Sale ") pugec Account sales pugfo ., for pughy Sales begin pugid pugof pugug pugyh punac puhca puhde puhed puhgo puhif pubjy puhog puhun pubyj puiby puigd puilj puirp pujaid pujda pujef pujfe pujho pujig Pmky puqoh pujuj puiyk pukaf pukeg pukfa pukge pukqo pukly pukoi pukuk pukyl pul^ pulga pulEe pulij pulko pulmy pulok pulul pumah pumba pumik ptimie pumlo pumny pumol pumum pumyn punag punek punil punia punke punmo punpy punyp puobz puofd puohg Sales — continued. Sales close „ closed „ open „ opened „ made „ of „ to Salesman(men) Saloon „ accommodation First saloon Second saloon In the saloon Salt Salvage Salvage Association „ charges gear „ services „ claim „ agreement Salve(s) Salved Salving Salvor(s) Same At the same For the same Same as II n •8'St Same time At the same time Sample(s) (of) 'Sample(s) for Send samplefs) Sample No. ( — ) Sampled Sampling Sanotion(s) {aeeaUo "Allow," "'Approval" Get sanction (of). [atul " Pebmisskm "J Sanction it of Sanctioned by Sanctioning Sand(s) On the sand (near) Sandstone Sandy „ bottom Sanguine Sanitary Sanitation Sank „ near „ in II II ( — ) fathoms „ immediately .„ crew saved „ „ and passengers saved Satisfaction Give(8) satisfaction Given „ Giving „ To the satisfaction of 161 Puolk Pyhja puolk puovt puozy pupak pupel pupka puple pupno pupon pupup puram puren purip purma purne purur purys pusan pusep pusna pusor puspe pusro pusty pusus pusyt putap putir putos putpa putso putut putyv puver puvre puvto puvwy puwar puwit puwov puwra puwy:s puyas puyet puygh puybj puyiv puyik puylm puymn puynp 'puysa puyte pujrux puywo puyzb piizat puzev puzoy puzta puzuz puzve puzyo pya«h pyaJaj Satisfactorily „ arranged „ concluded Not satisfactorily Satisfactory (to) Not satisfactoxy Quite ,, Subject to satisfactory Very satisfactoiy Satisfied Are not satisfied (with) Quite satisfied (with) Satisfied with Satisfy(ies) Satisfying Saturate(d) Saturating Saturday By Saturday Next Saturday Saturday afternoon „ evening „ morning Noon on Saturday Last Saturday Save(s) {see aho " Sa\ing ") To save Saved Saved by Saving E£fect(s) a saving Large saving Saw Sawmill Say(s) Cannot say at present Saying Scale Tonnage scale New „ According to scale Scaled Scandal(s) Scandalous Scandinavia(n) Scantily Scantlings Lloyds' scantlings Bureau Veritas scantlings British Corp. scantlings Scanty Scarce Very scarce Scarcely „ sufficient Scarceness Scarcer Scarcity Great scarcity of Scare(d) Scarlet fever Scarph(ing) Scene (s) Schedule rates Pyajk pyalm pyamn pyanp pyars pyast pyawy pyazb pybac pybca pybde pybed pybgo pybif pybky pybog pybun pybyk pycad pycef pycfe pycho pycig pyciy pycoh pycui pycyl pydaf pydeg pydfa pyd^e pydjo pydmy pyto pypuv pypyx pyras pyrby pyret P3n*iv pyrsa pyrte pyrux Seawortht — continued. Not seaworthy Secede(s) (from) Seceded (from) Seceding (from) Secession (s) (from) Second (s) Secondary Seconded Secondhand Secondly Secrecy Secret Secretary(s) Secretary-ship Secretly Section(s) (of) Sectional „ plan Secure (s) Can secure Cannot secure Can you „ „ we (I) secure Try to secure Hope (expect) to secure Secured by Have secured „ not secured Securely Securing Are (am) securing Security(ies) for Sediment See that why if (whether) „ you can them (him) and wire us to this promptly Seed(s) Seeing Seek(s) Seeking Seem(s) to ,, that Does not seem to Seemed (to) Seen Seize(s) Seized Has been seized Seizing Seizure(s) Seldom Very seldom Selectrs) „ Kinds Selected „ kinds (qualities) by ,, from pyrwo pysat pysev pysoy pysta pysuz pysve pysyo pytav Pytdy pytix pjrtoz pytub pytva P3rtwe pytzo pyugm P3mBn pyujp pyums pyury P3msz pyvbo pyviz py7ob pyruc pyvwa pyvye pyway P3rwez pywib P3rwoc P3rwTid pywya pyzab pyzba pyzce pyzec pyzfo pyzid py^y pyzof pyzug pyzyj raady raaia raalg[ raarn raapk raann raawr reiazt rabav rabix raboz rabub rabva rabwe rabzo racbo raciz racob racuc racwa racye Selecting Selection (of) Self(selves) SeU(s) about at at best price at limit (of) at not under c. & i. c. & f. c.i.f. c.i.f. & c. c.i.f. &«. ex ship f.a.q. f.o.b. f.a.s. for cash „ „ against documents for immediately in it on a/c of „ our (my) a/c „ their (his) a/c „ j-our a/c subject to them (him) to to arrive Us (me) you Can sell „ „ at (for) „ „ at limit „ „ c&f. „ c.i.f, „ c.i.f. &c. „ c.i.f. &e. „ ^a.q. „ f.o.b. „ f.a.s. „ „ for cash „ „ subject prompt reply „ ,, to arrive „ „ c.i.f. subject prompt reply J) »» C. 05 I. >i ,t t> j» »» I.O.D. }| )f II- At what price can you sell „ „ „ may we (I) sell „ „ „ would they (he) sell Can you sell Cannot sell „ under Do not „ May (shall) we (I) sell You may sell They (he) sell(s) We (I) sell Will (would) sell „ „ not sell » 1. you „ SeUer(s) 163 Raday Raver Seller(s) — ro7itin ued. Sent — continued. raday Are you sellers raknk Sent to radco „ not „ rakyl ' „ us (me) radez No seller(s) (at) ralag ., you radib Seller(s) at ralga Sentence(s) radoc Selling ralhe Sentence ends radud at ralij Sentenced (to) radya freely ralko Separate(s) radze „ it (them) ralmy Keep separate raecy Are (is) selling ralok Kept „ raedz „ „ not selling ralul Send ,, raejf „ you selling ramah Separated (by) raenk Recommend (s) selling ramha from raem Do not recommend selling ramik Separately raews „ you „ „ ramie ramlo Separating raext Semi- Separation rafaz Sen(s) ramny ramol September rafbe Senate(s) 1st September rafdo Senator(s) ramum 2nd rafeb Send(s) ramyn 8rd ra%y „ by ranai ranek 4th rafic ,. 1st mail 5th rafod „ „ steamer ranil 6th rafuf „ immediately ranja 7th rafyg ra&a .. it ranmo 8th on ranpy 9th ragab „ them (him) ranyp raoDZ 10th ragba ,. to nth ragce ^ „ us (me) raofd 12th ragec „ you raohg 18th ragfo Can send raolk 14th raghy ragid „ you send raovt I5th Cannot send raozy rapaik 16th ragof Do not „ 17th ragug ragyh ranac May (shall) we (I) send Must send Will „ rapel rapka raple 18th 19th 20th ra,hca When can you send rapno 21st rahde Sender(s) rapon 22nd rahed Sending rapup 28rd rahgo Are (is) sending raram 24th ral^ Sending by raren 25th rahjy y immediately rarip 26th rahog rahuh „ it (them) rarma 27th us (me) rarne 28th rahyj .. you rarsy 29th raiby raigd Recommend(s) sending rarur 80th Propose(s) sending rarys Beginning of September rairp Senior rasan During September ra^ ad Seniority rasep End of „ ra^ da Sensation rasna Middle of „ ra; ef Sensational rasor First half of September ra, fe Sense raspe Second half of „ ra, ho Senseless rasro For September raj ig Sensible rasty In ra, S Sent {see also " Transmitted "j rasus In all „ ra; Is (are) being sent rasyt September/October ra, ^j Have sent ratap September/October/Novembor ra; yk „ not sent ratir sailing ra caf „ you „ ratos steamer ra Iceg Was (were) sent ratpa to ra Wa Sent by (per) ratso Sequestrate ra lege from ratut Sequestrated ra bo fly „ immediately ratyv ^ Sequestrating ra •„ it (them) rauxy Sequestration ra] feoj ., on raver Seriatim 164 Ravre Renep ravre Series ravto Serious ravuv Is it senovis ravTvy „ serious rawar „ not serious rawit Likely to be senous rawov Very serious rawra Seriously rawse Is seriously rawvo Would seriously rawyx Very seriously rayas Seriousness rayet SerYe(s) raygh rayBj Served Servia(n) rayiv Servlce(s) (see also " Line ") rayik ray m Offer our (my) services Mail serv'ice(8) raymn Regular service(s) raynp Fortnightly service raysa Monthly „ rayte Weekly rayux Service(8) from ray wo to rayzb Serviceable razat Serving razev Session(s) razoy Next session razta This „ razuz Set(s) razve Set-off (against) Settle(s) razyo reaxy rebab Can settle Cannot settle rebba Can you „ rebce On what terms can you settle rebec To settle rebfo , Try to settle rebhy rebid Settle it „ „ amicably rebof „ „ by rebuff rebyh „ on best terms „ with recac Settled recca Amicably settled reced Has been „ recgo Have settled recjy „ not settled recog recuh » you Must be „ recyj Not yet settled redad Settled by redda „ with redef Settlement (s) redfe Amicable settlement redho Final redig Prompt „ redky redon Settlement in of redui redyk with Settler(s) reegh Settling reeik reelm with Sever(s) reemn Several Several — contiwud. reenp Several of reers Severe reewy Very severe reezb Severed refaf Severely refeg Severing reflfa Severity refge Shade(s) refjo refoi refuk „ deck over „ under refyl Shaft(s) regag Main shaft regga Tail shaft reghe Shafting regij Shaken regko Shaky regmy Shall [see also Pfonouns av, this relem „ „ be rella ,. we relme •» ). be relop „ „ have relpo „ you relry „ your relyr Shallow(s) remam Shame remen Shameful remip Shamefully remma Shape(s) remne Shaped remur Shaping remys Share(s) renan Deferred shares renep Fully paid „ 165 Renna Rijro SHAKf \bi\^-coiitin\ud. renna Ordinary shares renor Part-paid „ renpe Preference „ renro Participating Preference shares renus Preferred Ordinary shares renyt reohl Shares in (of) Shared reoim reolp Shareholder(s) Company's shareholder(s) reops Deferred" „ reorv Fully-paid „ reovz Meeting of „ reowb Ordinary „ reozd Oui • (my) repap Part-paid „ repir Preference „ reppa Sharing repso Sharp reput Sharply repyv She rerar She be rerit »» been rerov ,. being rerra »» can rerse »» „ be rervo »» „ not reryx tl »i »» 06 resas i» could resiv )» „ be ressa >t „ not resux »* »» »i 06 reswo »» did not reszy »» „ „ have (to) retat >t does not retev It had retve (f „ been retyo II „ her revav II „ no revcy 11 „ not revix tl i» ») been rewa It „ to revwe It >• >• be revzo tl has rewbo tl „ been re wye tl „ had reyay • 1 „ „ to (be) reyco tl „ no reyez ft „ not reygm reyhn 1. „ „ been tl ,, to reyib .1 „ ,, be reyJP „ is reynt „ „ being reyoc i» „ having reyud »» „ not reyze It ., „ being TQ7PIS!, tl „ „ having rezbe It .. » to rezdo It ha It II II ^^^ rezeb tl reagy .. .» .» ^6 remc M may rezod ,, ,. be rezvif tf „ have rezyg »l ,. .. to She — continued. rezza She may have to be riach ,. .. not riafk .» .. i» oe riahm „ might riajn „ be nans „ must riapt .. be riasy » ,. have riatz „ „ not riavb i> .. ,. be riaxd It » » have ribag „ shall ribga „ be ribne „ not ribij „ should ribko .. .. be ribmy „ „ have ribok „ been ribul „ not ricah II 11 II *-^ richa „ have ricik „ to ricie riclo .... be „ was ricol „ „ not riciim » » to ricyn .. >. ,. be ridai ridek ., will „ be ridil „ „ have ridia ridxe >. » » no .. » .. to ridmo ». .. .» .. oe ridyp „ not riegna ». .. .. oe riejp „ „ „ have riems .. .. .1 1. to riery „ would riewd ., „ have rifak „ „ „ been rifel „ „ „ had to (be) rifka .. .. » no rifno ). >. >. to rifon .. >i ». ». oe rifup rigal „ „ not ). ». .. oe rigena Shear(s) rigla Shearer(s) rigme Shearing rigop Sheathe(s) rigpo Sheathed rigyr rinam Sheathing Shed(s) rihen Sheep rihip Sheer(s) rihma Sheet(s) rihne Shell rihur Shelter rihys Shelter-deok r^an rigep Sheltered Sheltering r\jna riqor r\|pe Shew(8) {see also " Show ") Shewed Shewing ryro Shewn 166 Rijty Rocip rijty rijus riiyt nkap rikir rikos rikpa rikso rikut rikvy rikyv riler rilre rilto riluv rilwy rimar rimit rimov rimra rimse rimvo rimyx rinas rinet riniv rinsa rinte rinuz rinzy rioks riolt riopy rioro nose riowg ripat ripev ripoy ripta ripuz ripve ripyo rirbo ririz rirob riruc rirwa rirye risay risco risez risib risoc risud risya risze ritaz ritdo riteb ritgy ritic ritod rituf rityg Shewn — niuliniied. Shewn by ,, in Shield(s) Shielded Shielding Shift(s) Shifted Shifting Shifting boards Shilling(s) {see " Sterling") Shingle Ship {aec aho " Ships " ami " Vessel ") A ship Can (could) ship „ „ you ship Cannot (could not) ship Do not ship Does ship Expect to ship Handy ship Has ship If ship Js „ May we (I) ship Must ship „ be Next „ Prompt ship Shall „ be we (I) ship Ship by can (could) cannot (could not) for from goods has „ not immediately in bags „ bulk is it (them) must „ be „ not on consignment per „ sailer „ steamer to will >, not When can you ship Will (would) ship »» »i fi De „ „ this ship Ship-broker(s) Ship-builder(s) Ship-owner(s) Shipment(s) Arrange (for) shipment Arranged „ „ Early shipment(s) n-cza riuhr riuis riukt riulv riupz riurc riusd riuvg riuzk rivab rivba rivce rivec rivfo rivhy rivid. rivof rivug rivyh riwac riwed riwif ' riwog riwyi riyad riyda riyef riyfe riyho riyig riyky riynz riyoh riyrij rizaf rizeg rizfa rizge rizio rizly rizoj riztik rizyl roahr roais roakt roalv roany roapz roarc roasd roavg roazk robal robem robla robme robop robpo robry robjn: rocam rocen rocip Shipment(s) — continiieil Earlier shipment(s) Immediate „ Last Later „ Monthly „ No shipnient(s) Prompt shipment(s) Telegraph what shipment i» »> If you want Shipment(s)at „ by „ during for (to) „ from „ has arrived in ., bags „ „ bulk of „ per „ „ sailer „ „ steamer i uring l» n »» II this month f» »» I» II next fortnight It >> If It January »> »» »» II Jan./Feb. f» »» «> Jan./Feb./Mar. It It M II February t* It' t* Feb./Mar. tt ■ II II Feb./Mar./April, It II »l March tt tl tl Mar./April tl II II Mar./April/May It II II April It II 11 April/May If It 1) April/May/June II II II If. May It It (1 May/June II II tl May/June/July tt II It June It II It June/July tt It It June/July/AugJ tt II II July II II It July/Aug. It tt tt July/Aug./Sep, »t tl II August tl It It Aug./Sep. II II »t Aug./Sep./Oct tt It II September tt II tt Sep./Oct. tl II tl Sep./Oct./Nov., It »l It October It It II Oct./Nov. Oct./Nov./Dec.) November Nov./Dec. Nov./Dec./Jan., December Dec/Jan, Dec./Jan./Feb., Shipped Have (has) shipped „ not shipped „ you shipped 167 Rocne Shipped — continued. rocne Has (have) been shipped romob rocsy If shipped romuc rocur „ not shipped romwa rocys Not shipped romye rodan Shipped at ronay rodep by ronco rodna „ from ronez rodor „ immediately ronib rodpe „ in bags ronoc rodro „ bulk ronud rodus „ it ronya rodyt per ronze roejt „ „ sailer roogt roonv roemy „ „ steamer roenz to (for) rooky roerd Shipper(s) roolz roe-wj at roonc rofe,p by roorg roosn rofir here rofos „ in (per) roovk rofi>a of roowl ro&o pay(s) roozn roftit „ to ropaz rofVy Inform shipper(s) ropbe rofyvr Regular shippers ropeb rogre Who are the shippers ropgy rogto Shipping ropic roguv Are shipping ropod rogwy jonar How are you shipping ropuf Not shipping ropyg rohit Shipping by ropza rohov „ charges rorac rohra for rorca rohse „ from rorde rolivo „ in bulk rored rohyx „ instructions rorgo roigs „ it rorif^ roirf „ per rorog rorun roith to roizm Shipping documents roryj rosjas Against shipping documents rosad rojet Shipping documents attached to draft rosda rojiv Ships {see also "Ship") rosef rqqsa 2 ships rosfe rojte 8 „ rosho rojuz How many ships rosoh rojwo „ „ „ do you want rosui rosys roizy rokat Shipwreck Shipwrecked rotaf rokev Shoal(s) roteg rokoy Shock(s) Shocked rotge rokta rotjo rokuz Shocking rotoj rotuK rokve Shook rokyo Shoot(s) rotyl rolav Shooting rouds rolcy Shop(s) roufb r6lix Shore rouiy roulb ro 02 Off shore rolub Near „ roupf rolva On „ rovag rolwe „ near rovga rovne roizo „ „ „ here rombo Short rovy romiz ShoH dated rovko Rovko Short — continued. Short of „ shipped Very short of We are (I am) short of „ „ %-ery short of Short-siglited Shortage(s) Shorten(s) Shortened Shortening Shorter Shortest Shorthanded Shortlanded Shortly be Very shortly Hope „ to Shortness (of) Shot Should (see also " Ought," Pronouns and " If ") Should a (an) any be „ no have been had (to) no to .. be he „ be her I (see also " Should we (I) ") if it » be „ not »» ,> be no not „ be „ have i> tf oeen „ „ had (to) „ she „ there be „ they (he) » we (I) » you our (my) she » be their (his) there » be these » be they „ be „ have this (these) we 168 Rovok Runky Should — continued. rovok Should we (I) be rufuz rovul „ „ have (to) rufve rowah „ „ not be rufyo rowha you rugav rowik „ be rugcy ro"wie rowlo ., your rugix Show(s) rugoz rowol Showed (in) rugub rovmm Shbwer(s) rugva rowyn Showery rugwe royaj Showing rugzo roycs Shown (in) ruhbo roydt Shrink(s) ruhiz royek Shrinkage ruhob royil Shrinking ruhuc royia royke Shrouds ruhwa Shrunk ruhye roymo Shut ruibs roypy „ off ruict rozak „ out SS' rozel Shutting rozka out ruiph rozle Sick ruirk rozno Sickness (see also " Illness ") rujay rozon Side(s) rujco rozup of rujez ruads On their "(his) side rugib ruafb „ this side rujoc ruajy rualb .. your „ rujud „ our (my) side rujya ruand Sided rulze ru caz ruapf Siding ruawm Sift nikbe ruber Sifted rukdo rubre Sifting rukeb rubto Sight rnkic rubuv At sight rukod rubwy In sight rukuf rucar Daj^s' sight rukyg rucit 3 days' sight rukza rucov 30 „ „ rulab rucra 60 „ „ rulba rucse 90 „ „ rulce rvtcvo 120 „ „ rulec rucyx 1 month's sight rulfo rudas 2 months' „ rulid rudet 8 „ „ rulof rudiv 4 rulug rulyn rudsa 6 „ rudte Sighted rumac rudux Sign(s) (of) rumca rudwo „ OH' rumde rudzy Authority to sign rumed ruecs Do not sign rumgo ruedt Is there any sign of rumif ruelc No sign of rumog rumuB ruemd May (shall) we (I) sign ruenf Will sign rumyj runad rueri ruetl „ not sign Signal(s) runda ruewn „ Off runef rufat for instructions (orders) runfe rufev Signalled runho rufoy Has signalled for instructions (orders' runig rufta Signalling runky Signatory(ies) Signature(s) (of) Signed by „ on Not yet signed Has it been signed „ been signed Have (has) signed „ „ not signed „ you signed „ they (has he) signed Significance Significant Signified Signify(ies) Signifying Signing on Silence Silent(ly) Silk Boles of silk Raw silk Silk waste Silver Similar to Similarity (of) Similarly Simple Simpler Simplest Simplified Simplify(ies) Simplifying Simply Simultaneous Simultaneously (with) Since „ then Not since Sincere Sincerely Sine die Sine qua non Is a sine qua non Single Singly Singular Singularly Sink(s) Sinking Sinking Fund Sir Siiiter Sit Slte(s) Sitting Situate Situated Where is it situated Situated at „ near Situation 169 Runoh Rygmo runoh runui runyk ruobt ruofy ruogz ruohb ruokd ruolf ruorl ruosm rupaf rupeg rupfa rupge rupio ruply rupoj rupuk rupyl rurah rurha rurik rune Turlo rurol rurum rurjm rusai rusek rusil rusia ruske rusmo ruspy rusyp rutak rutel Tutka rutle rutno ruton TUtup ■ruval ruvem ruvla Tuvme ruvop Tuvpo ruvry rav3rr ruwam ruwen ruwip ruwur ruwys ruyan ruydz niyep ruyhd ruyjf ruyria ruyor ruype Tuyro Size(s) Fine size Coarse size Large „ Larger „ Small „ Smaller „ Usual „ What IE the size (of) „ size IS wanted Following size Sketch Skilful Skilfully Skill Skilled Skylight(s) Slack Slacken(ed) Slackest Slackness Sleepers Railway sleepers Slender Slide(s) Sliding Sliding-scale Slight Slightly Slime(s) Sling(s) Slip(s) Slipped Slipping Slipway Slow Very slow Too „ Slower Slowest Slowly Slowness Sluggish Slump (in) Slumped Slumping Slung Smaok(s) (fishmg) Small Not small enough Too small Will it bo small „ be small Very small Smaller „ ( — ) IS required Smallest Smallness Smallpox Sniash(es) Smashed Smashing Smelt Smelted Smelter(s) ruyty ruyias ruyxt ruzap ruzir ruzos ruzpa ruzso ruzut ryabd ryacf ryahk ryail ryaln ryamp ryart ryavy ryawz rybad rybda rybef rybfe rybho rybig rybon rybpy rybuj rybyp rycaf ryceg rycfa lycge rycjo rycoi rycuk rydag rydga rydhe rydij rydko rydok rydul rydyr ryeim ryelp ryeps ryerv ryety ryevz ryewb ryezd ryfah ryfha ryfik. ryfie ryflo ryfol ryfam ryfys rygai rygek rygil rygja rygke rygmo Smelting Smitten (with) Smooth(s) Smoothed Smoother Smoothing (away) Smoothly Smouldering(ed) Smuggle(d) Smuggling Snow So So as to „ „ not to ,, far as „ that „ „ we (I) „ „ they (he) .. „ you Sober Sobriety Society(ies) Soft Soften — ed Softer Softest Softness Sold Have sold „ not sold ., you „ How much (many) have (has) been sold Not sold They have (he has) sold I, M „ not sold We (I) have sold „ „ „ not sold Sold at (in) „ „ your limit ., by „ for „ „ cash „ „ delivery „ „ shipment » .. ,, by steamer „ the goods „ it (them) „ it to „ c. & f. „ c. & i. „ c.i.f. „ c.i.f. & c. „ c.i.f. & e. „ f.o.b. ., f.o.r. „ free alongside „ to them (him) „ „ us (me) .. » you Have sold f.o.b. „ „ f.a.s. „ f.o.r. „ c.i.f. „ c.i.f. & c. „ „ o.i.f . A «. 170 Rygyt Sacse ryhak ryhel ryhka ryhle ryhno ryhon ryhup ryhyv ryicn lyifk ryijn ryipt Tyitz ryixd ryjal rjqem lyjla rjqme rjqop r3qpo ryiwy rykam ryken rykip rykma rykne rykur rykyx rylan rylep rylna rylor rylpe rylro rylus ryljz rylzy rymap rymby rymir rymos rympa rymso rymut rjmayb ryncy ryner rsmre rjmto rynuv rynyc ryogm ryonn ryojp ryont ryory ryosz ryowd rypar rypit rypov rypra rypse rypvo Sold — cmitiiuied. Have sold c. & f. „ c. & i. „ shipment by steamer „ c.i.f. shipment by steamer „ c. & f. shipment by steamer „ at ( — ) under your limit ., ,, (— ) over „ „ „ „ your limit „ for delivery „ „ early deliver}' „ „ prompt shipment „ „ cash against documents „ draft attached to documents Soldier(s) Sole Solely Solicit(s) {nee also "Invite") Solicited (see also "Invjted") Soliciting (see ahu Invitjkg") Solicitor(s) (see also " Lawyers ") Solid Solidity Solidly Solution(s) Solve(s) Solved Solvency Solvent Solving Some (of) Some at „ for (to) „ of them (it) Somebody Somehow Something Sometime (in) Sometimes Somewhat Somewhere Son(s) Soon (Is) too soon Verj- soon Soon be Not soon enough How soon can you As soon as „ „ „ possible Sooner „ than „ if possible Soonest What is the soonest Sorry Very sorry Sort(s) - Best 8ort(s) Cheap sort(s) Cheaper sort(s) Cheapest sort(s) What sort(s) Sorted Sorting you can rypyd ryrat ryrev ryroy ryrta ryruz ryrve ryryo rysav ryshy rysix rysoz rysub rysva ryswe ryszo rytiz rytob rjTtuc rytwa rytye ryuck ryugn ryuls ryumt ryurz rsmsb ryuvd ryvay ryvco ryvez ryvih ryvoc ryvud ryvya ryvze ryTvaz ryweb rywic rjrvvod rywuf rywyl ryzca ryzde ryzed ryzgo ryzif ryzny ryzoff ryzim ryzyn saads saaft saajy saalD saand saapf saawm sabto sabuv sabwy sacar sacit sacov sacse Sought Sound Sounded Sounding(s) Source(s) (of) South South Africa (see also " Africa ") For South Africa From „ „ In „ To „■ „ South Africa to South African South African Port(s) One South African Port Two „ „ Ports Three „ „ „ South America (sefato " America") South American South American PoFt(s) South Australia South Australian South Australian Government South Australian Port(s) South-east South-easterly South-eastern South-west South-westerly South-western Southerly Southern Southward (s) Sovercign(s) Space (in) No space Space at „ for „ cargo „ „ passengers „ „ 1st class passengers .. 2nd „ » ., 8rd ,, „ „ from What space has she „ „ will she have Is thete space for There is space for „ no space for Plenty of space Telegraph amount of space Vacant space Spacious Spain From Spain To Span Spanish Spanish Government Spanish Port(s) One Spanish Port Two Spanish Ports Three „ Spar(s) „ deck 171 Sacvo Saujd sacvo sac3rx sadas sadet sadiv sadsa sadte sadux sadwo saecs saedt saelc saemd saenf saerj saetl saewn safat safev safoy safta safuz safve safyo sagav sagcy sagix sagoz sagub sagva sagwe sagzo sanbo sahiz sahob sahuc sahwa sahye saibs saict saigy saild saiph sairk sajay saqco saqez saqib saqoc sajud saqya saize sakaz sakbe sakdo sakeb saklc sakod sakuf sakyg sakza salab salba Balce salec Spare gear Can spare „ you spare Cannot .spare How mnch (many) can you spare Spared Sparing Speak(s) Speaking Special Speciality(ies) Specially Specie Shipment of specie Specie shipped Vahie of specie Specific Specifically Specification(s) According to specification Outline specification No specification(s) Our (my) specification (s) Their (his) Your specification(s) Specification and plau(s) „ for of ,. „ work Specified (for) » in As specified Specify(ies) (for) Specifying (for) Specinien(s) Speculate(s) Speculated Speculating .^ Speculation(s) Speculative Speculatively Speculator(s) „ are Speech(es) Speed (s) - Full speed High „ Low „ Sea „ Trial „ What „ Speed fully loaded » of .. .. (— ) knots pe-r hour „ on trial of ( — ) knots per houc Speedier Speedily As speedily as possible Speedy Spend(s) Spending Spent Sphere(s) Spin salfo salid salof salug salyn samac samca samde samed samgo samif samog samuh samyi sanad sanda sanef sanfe sanho sanig sanky sanon sanuj sanyK saobt saofy saogz saohb saokd saolf saorl saosm sapaf sapeg sapfa sapge sapjo saply sapqi sapuk sapyl sarna sarik sarie sarlo sarny sarol sar3m sasai sasek sasil safeia saske sasmo saspy sasyp satak satel satka satle satno saton satup saudy saujd Spinner(s) Spinning Spirit(s) ■ Spirit of Spirited Spite Spiteful(ly) Splendid Splendidly Split ,, the difference Splitting Spoil (s) Spoiled (t) Spoiling Spoke Spoken of „ to Spontaneous Spontaneously Spot On spot Spot price ,, quotation „ goods Spotted Spotty Spread Spreading ,, rapidly Spring Next spring Stprung Spun Spurt(s) Squall(s) Squally Squander(s) Squandered Squandering Squad ron(s) Square(s) „ feet „ yards Squared Squaring Squatter(s) Squeeze(s) Squeezed Squeezing Stability Staff(s) Stage(s) Staging Stagnant Stagnation Stain(s) Stained Stale Stamp(s) Head of stampfs) Stamped Stamping Stanohion(s) 172 Saulg Sefza savop savpo savry S&VJT sawam sawen sawip sawma Stand (s) Stand(s) out foi' Standard(s) „ of 165 c.f. Cargo of ( — ) standards Per standard Standing Report re standing of Staple Star Starboard ,, side Start(s) When do you start Started Starting Startling Starving (Starvation) State(s) {see also "Telegkaph," State how „ of „ that „ what „ when ,, where .. why Can you state Cannot „ Must „ Poes not „ » it „ In the prestuit state of Owing to the state of What is the state of Stated (in) » by „ that „ to be As stated Is not stated (in) Statenient(s) „ of Stateroom (s) Stating (that) Station(s) Stationary Stationed (at) Stationery Statistical ,, report Statistically Statistics Status {see also " Standing ") » of What is the status of Status quo Statute(s) „ miles Statutory ,, declaration Staves Stay(s) at Stayed Staying "PosnioN"flyi// ["Conditions") scimg scirl seism scody scojd scol§ sconj scopk scorm scowr scozt scucy SCUdi! sciihd scujf scunk scum scusp scuxt seady seaid seal§ seanj seapk searm seawr seazt sebav sebix seboz sebub sebva sebwe sebzo secbo seciz secob secuc sefcwa secye seday sedco sedez sedib sedoc sedud sedya sedze seecy seed^ seejf seenk seem seews seext sefaz sefbe sefdo sefeb se%y sefic sefod sefuf sefyg Staying — continued. Where is ( — ) staying Steadier Steadily Steadiness Steady Stealing Steam (s) Steamboat(s) Steamed Steamer(s) {see also " She " A steamer Can (could) steamer Cargo steainer(s) Direct steamer(s) Does „ Fast „ First „ Handy „ Has „ Homeward stearaer(s) If steamer Is „ Is this steamer (to) Mail steamer(s) Must „ Next No Our (my) steainer(s) Outward „ Passenger „ Per Prompt „ Shall (may) steamer(s) Steamer(s) can (could) '„ cannot (could not) „ for „ from „ has (have) ,. ( .. ) nof is may ,, must „ not ,, of ( — ) tons gross „ „ » „ nett >, ., .. d.w. „ to will „ not Stern wheel steamer Their (his) steamer(s) What steamer Will (would) steamer Your steamer(s) Steaming Steam ship(s) Steamship Company(ies) Steamship Owners Steel Steer(s) Steerage No steerage Steerage accommodation No steerage accommodation Steerage passenser(s) 173 Segab Sinna segab segba segce segec segfo seghy segid segof segug segvh sehac sehca sehde sehed sehgo sehif sehjy sehog sehun seliyj seiby seigd seiy eeirp sejad seqda sejef sejfe sejho sejig sejky seqon sejug sewk sekaf sekeg eekfa sekge sekno sekoi sekuk sekyl eelag selga seine selij selko selmy selok selnl feemah semha eemik BemJe senuo semny semol semum semyn senaj senek sez^ja senke senixio Ste erage — continued. Steerage from „ per „ rate Steered Steering „ gear „ engine Steni(s) Early stem First „ Next „ Will „ When can she stem Secure stem Secured „ Stemmed Stemming Step(s) Active steps No steps Take steps (to) Take immediate steps „ no further „ Taken steps (to) Taking steps (to) Steps to What steps have j'ou taken Sterling {see also "Numerals") „ equivalent In sterling id. id. Ad. ifd. Ad. fd. lid. Ad. 4d. Md. «d. f^d. ^d. Md. fd. fSd. Hd. lid. id. senpy senyp seobz seofd seohg seolk seovt seozv sepak sepal sepka seple sepno sepon sepup seren serip senna seme sersy serur serys sesan sesep sesna sesor sespe sesro sesty sesus sesyt setap setir setos setpa setso setut setyv sevre sevto sevuv sevwy sewar sewit sewov sewra sewse S8WVO sewyx seyas seyet seygh seyhj seyiv seyik seylm seymn seynp seysa seyte seyux seywo seyzb sezat sezev Sterling, lid. lAd. Ifd. IM- lU. I'M- l|d. liid. l^d. l^d. Ud. lild. 2d. 2T'sd. 2id. 2f'gd. 2id. 2Ad. 2|d. 2^d. 2*d. 2fd. 2i^,d. 2jd. 2i|d. 2|d. 2Hd. 3d. ■ 3M- 3id. 3Ad. 3id. 3M- 3|d. 3Ad. 3W. 3M- 3|d. 3i^d. 3Jd. 3i|d. 3id. 3hM. 4d. 4 Ad. 4id. 4Ad. 4id. 4Ti>d. 4td. 4Ad. 4*d 4ftd. 4^d. 4liid. 4Jd. 4i;!d. 4|d. 4i^. 5d. 5Ad. 5id. 5Ad. 5id. 174 sezoy sezta " sezuz sezve sezyo shabs shact shagy shald shamf shang shapn shawp shebt shefy shegz shenb shekd shemg sherl shesm shidy shiid shilg shini shipk shinn shizt shocy shodz shohd shojf shonk shosp shoxt shuby shugd shulj shumk shurp shuvs siaxy sibab sibba sibce sibec sibfo sibhy sibid sibof sibug sibyh sicac sicca siced sicgo sicif sicjy sicog sicim sicyj sidad sidda sidef Sterling. 5Ad. 5fd. 5 Ad. 5id. 5Ad. 5fd. 5H for » in (by) Have (has) stipulated (for) Is not stipulated (in) Stipulating Stipulation(s) Stock(s) Ex stock Replenish stock(s) Stock(s) exhausted Large stock(s) (of) Stock(s) of „ is 1. ,, low Stock Exchange Stock-jobber(s) Stock-owner(s) Stockbroker(s) Stocked Stocking Stokehold(s) Stoker(s) Stoking Stole Stolen Stone(s) Stood I Stop(s) Stop sending Stopes Stoping Stoppage(s) Stopped » ai Stopping Storage Cold storage Storage availabb Store (see also " Storbs " ' „ and insure ,, the goods Stored „ and insured ., in Goods stored Stores (sM also " Stork ") Bonded stores Cold Tujie Tyd em tujle tuqno tujon tugup tukal tukem tukla tukme tukop tukpo tukyr tulam tulen tulma tulne tulur tulys tuman tumep tumna tumor tumpe tumro tumus turajrfc tunap tunir tunos tunpa tunso tunut tunyv tuoch tuofk tuohm tuojn tuons tuopt tuosy tUOVD tuoxd tuper tupre tupto tupuv tiiras turet turiv tursa turte tunix turwo turzy tusat tusev tusoy tusta tusuz tusve tusyo tutav tutix tutoz tutub tutva Stores — continued. Meat Stores Take Ship(s) „ Storing Storm (s) Heavy storm(s) Stormed Storming Stormy Very stormy Stove (in) Stow(s) Stowsige (of) Stowed (in) Stowing Straight {see also " Direct ") „ from to Straighten(s) Straightened Straightening Straighter Straightforward Strain(s) Strained Straining Straits (of) Via the Straits Straits Settlements Strake Strand Stranded Stranded at (off) ,, here „ near on Stranding Strange Stranger(s) Strata(um) Strategic(ly) Stratification Stray Streak(y) Stream Street(s) Strength (of) Strengthen (s) our (my) hands „ your hands Strengthened (by) Strengthening Strenuous Strenuously Stress Stretch(s) Strict Strictly Is not strictly Must (be) strictly Strictness (of) Strike(s) During the strike(s) Strike(s) at Owing to strike (of) tutwe tutzo tuvbo tuviz tuvob tuvuc tuvwa tuvye tuway tuwez tuwib tuwoc tuymd. tuwya tuyaz tiiybe tuydo tuyeb tuygu ■tU3^c tuyls tuymt tusmv tuyod tuyiif tuyza tuzab tuzba tuzce tuzec tuzfo tuzhy tuzid tuzof tuzug tuzyn tyack tyagn tyals tyamt tyanv tyarz tyasb tyavd tyawf tybai tybek tybil tybia tybke tybmo tybyz tybzy tycak tycby tycel tycka tycle tycno tycon tycup tycyb tydal tydcy tydem Strike(s) — cotitiniud. Strike and lock-out clause Striker(s) Striking Stringency Stringent Very stringent Stringer(s) Strip(s) Stripped Stripping StriYe(s) (see also "Tby" & "Endeavour") Stroke(s) Inch stroke Strong Not strong Strong enough Stronger Much stronger Strongest Strongly Struck Structural Structure(s) Struggle Struggled Struggling Stubbom(ly) Stubbornness Stuck Studied Study(ies) Studying Stuff(s) Stupid Very stupid Stupidity „ on the part of , Stupidly Style(s) Old style New „ Sub- Subcommittee Sub-judice Subdivide(s) Subdivided Subdividing Subdivision(s) Subdue(d) Subject (s) to Is it subject to „ subject to (Is) not subject to Must be subject to Subject to our (my) „ „ their (his) .. ,, your Subjected (to) Subjecting (to) Subjoin Subjoined Subjoining Sublease Subleased 181 Tydla Tyvuj tydla tydme tydop tydpo tydyc tyeks tyelt tyemv tyepy tyerb tyewg t3rfam tjrfen tyfip tyfina tjrfae tyfur tyfyd tygan tygep tygfy tygna tygor tygpe tygro tygus tygyf tyhap tyhgy tyhir tyhos tyhpa tyhso tyhut tyhyg tyiis tjdpz tyirc tjrizk tyjhy tyire tyjto tyquv tyjyii tykar tykit tyiqy tykov tykra tykse tykvo tykyj tylas tylet tyliv tylky tylsa tylte tylux tylwo tjnnat tymev tymoy Subleasing Sublet(s) to Subletting Submarine Submerge Submerged Submission Subniit(s) „ it to „ them (to) .. to „ „ them (him) „ „ us (me) Shall we (I) submit Hope to submit Try Submitted (to) II to us I, it (them) by Have (has) submitted Must be submitted (to) Submitting Subordinate(s) Subordinated Subordinating Subp. you Do not suggest Shall we (I) suggest 8uggest(8) for consideration What would you suggest „ doing Suggested As suggested Have (has) suggested Not suggested Suggested by in „ that What has been suggested Suggesting that (to) Suggestion(s) Approve(s) of suggestion Have you any suggestions (re) Have no 8ugge8tion(s) Made a suggestion Make „ Our (my) suggestion(s) Their (his) „ Your „ Suggestion (s) for „ from to Suing Are suing Suit(s) Would it suit ,, not suit Suitability (of, to) Suitable (for) Are (is) suitable (for) „ not suitable (for) Suitable to Suitably ubhuk ubhyl ubixy ubjag ubjeh ubjij ubjok ubjul ubijmi ubkah ubkik ubkle ubkol ubkum ubkyn ublai ublek ublil ublom ublun ublsrp ubnal ubnem ubnin ubnop ubnyr ubogh ubonj uboik ubolm ubonp ubors ubost ubowy ubozb ubpam ubpen ubpip ubpra ubpys ubrap ubrir ubros ubrut ubr3r7 ubser ubsis ubsot ubsso ubste ubsuv ubsva ubtar ubtes ubtit ubtov ubtve ubtwa ubtyx ubuDd ubucf ubvihk ubuil ubiilii ubump Suite(s) Suited Suited for (to) Is (are) not suited to (for) Suiting Sultan (of) Sum(s) Considerable sum(s) Large sum(s) Larger „ Less „ Small ,. Smaller „ What „ Sum(s) for „ of money Stunmarily Summarise(s) Summarised Summarising Summary (of) Telegraph summary (of) Summed-up Summer During the summer Last summer Next „ Summon(s) „ against Summoned Summoning Sump Sumptuous(ly) Sun Sunday By Sunday Next Sunday Noon on Sunday On Sunday Sunday afternoon „ evening „ morning Sundays excepted „ and holidays excepted Sundry(ies) Sunk „ in (at) „ „ (— ) fathoms (At) Sunrise Sunset Sunstroke Superabundance (of) Superabundant (ly ) Supercargo Superficial(ly) „ area Superfine Superfluity(ies) Superfluous Superintend(s) it Superintended (by) Superintendence Under the superintendence 6f Superintendent(s) 183 Uburt Ucwut uburt- ubuvy ubvas ubvet ubviv ubvux ubwat nb'wev ubw^oy ubwuz ubyba ubyoz ubyub ubyze ubzbe ubzLz ubzob ubzuc ucabs ucact ucagy ucahz ucald ucamf ucang ucapn ucark ucawp ucbas ucbet ucbiv ucbvix uccat uccbo uccev uccoy uccuz ucdav ucdiz ucdoz ucdub ucebt ucefy ucegz ucekd ucelf ucemg ucerl ucfiz ucfob ucftic ucgay ucgez ucgha ucgib ucgoc ucgud ucnaz ucheb uchgo uchic ucbja uohod uchuf uchyg Superintendent(s) — cmitiimued. Marine Superintendent Superintendent Engineer Superintending Superior(s) Very superior Superior quality Superiority Supersede(s) Superseded (by) Superseding Superstructure Supervise(s) Supervised (by) Supervising Supervision Under the supervision of Supervisor(s) Supplenient(s) Supplemental Supplementary Supplemented (by) Supplementing Supplied Have (has) supplied „ „ not supplied „ you supplied „ they (has he) supplied Not supplied Who „ Will be supplied (by) Supplied at by for from here him (her) it (them) steamer (ship) to us (me) •with you Supplier(s) Who are the suppliers Are the suppliers Supply(ies) At what price can you supply Can supply „ not supply .. you „ „ they (he) supply Charterer supplies Ship „ Shipper „ Large supply(ieg) (of) No Small „ „ Replenish supply (ies) Replenished supply(ie8) Take supply(ies) ,. » from Taken „ Who Supply(ies) at ,, ex uciid ucilff ucipk ucirm ucizt ucjab ucjec ucjid ucjof ucjug ucjyh uckac ucked uckif uckio uclda uckog uckuh uckyi uclad uclef uclig uclon uclui uclyk ucmaf ucmeg ucmin ucmoi ucmuk ucmyl ucocy ucodz ucohd ucojf uconk ucorn ucosp ucows ucoxt ucpah ucpik ucpol ucpum ucpyn ucsro ucsta ucsyr uctam uctso uctur uctva uctys ucuby ucugd ucufl ucumk ucurp ucuvs ucvor ucvus ucvyt ucwir ucwos ucwut Supply(ies) — continued. Supply(ies) for „ from „ him (her) (with) ,, it (them) „ on board ship (with) „ steamer (with) to „ us (me) (with) „ with „ you (with) Supplying „ it (them) Support(s) „ for of Supported (by) Supporter(s) ' Our supporter(s) Supporting Suppose(s) Do not suppose Supposed » to Not supposed to Supposing Supposition Suppress (es) Suppressed Has (have) been suppressed Suppressing Suppression Surcharge(d) Sure Are (is) sure (to) „ you sure If you are sure Is (are) not sure „ ,, „ ^yhether Sure of Make sure of Surely Surety(ies) Surf Surface Surname Surplus „ stores Surprise(s) Surprised Are (am) surprised at Very surprised Surprised at „ that Not surprised (at) Surprising Surrender(s) Surrendered Surrendering Surround(s) Surrounded (by) Surrounding Survey (of) ^ Call for a survey Hold a survey 184 Ucvfyv Udurk ucwyv ucyer ucyis ucyot ucyuv ucywo ucyza uczar uczba uczes uczit uczov uczyx uda^s udant udaly udamz udanb udarf udath udawk udazm udban udbep udbor udbus udbyt udcap udcir udcos udcut udcyv uddbo uddce uddis uddot udduv udefis udegt udeky udelz. udemb udenc uderg udevk udewl udezm udfar udfco udfes udfit udfov udfyx udgas udget udgga udgiv udgux udnat udhev udhoy udhuz udift udiiy udilb Survey — continued. Shall we (I) hold a survey Survey at by „ damage I j ' I66S „ goods „ has been held „ report ship the Please survey and report Surveyed Has been surveyed „ not been surveyed Have it surveyed Must be „ Will be Surveyed at by goods » ship Surveying Surveyor(6) Lloyd's surveyor(s) Marine „ Engage a surveyor Send a surveyor to examine and report What does surveyor recommend Surveyor(s) at „ for „ of „ recommend(s) „ report(s) „ require(s) „ state(s) Survive(s) Survived Surviving Survivor(s) Suspect(s) Suspected (of) Suspecting Suspend (s) Do not suspend Shall we (I) suspend Suspended Has (have) been suspended Suspending Suspense In suspense Suspense account Suspension (of) Suspicion(s) Suspicious(ly) Sustain (s) Sustained Are (is) not sustained Sustained by „ in Sustaining Swear(s) Swearing Sweden Swedish „ Government udipf SweU(a) udjav Swept udjgo „ the decks udqix Swift udjoz „ steamer udiub udlcho Swifter Swiftest udkiz Swiftly udkka As swiftly as possible udkob Swindle(s) udkuc Is a swindle udlay Thorough swindle udlez Swindled udlib „ out of udloc Swindler(s) udlud Swindling udmaz Swiss udmeb „ Government udmlc 8witoh(es) udmod Switzerland udmuf Swore udmyg Sworn udnab Swung udnec Synipathise(s) (with) udnid Sympathised udnof Sympathising udniMf udnyE Sympathy Symptom(s) (of) Syndioate(s) udocs udodt for udohy „ of udolc „ to udonf Form a syndicate udon udosk Formed a syndicate Forming a syndicate udown Syndicated udpac Syndicating udped Synopsis udpif System(s) udpog udptm of Systematic udpyj Systematically udsag udsen Systematise(s) Systematised udsij Systematising udsok T udsre Table {see also "Tables") udssa -Table A udsul „ B udsym „ c udtah „ D udtik „ E udtol „ F udtro » G udtse „ H udtum „ I udtyn UdUDS „ J » K uduct „ L udugy udun?; „ M „ N uduld „ udumf „ P uduph ,, Q udurk » K- 185 Udvaj Ufyve udvai udvek udvil udvom udvso udvun udv3rp udwak udwel udwim udwon Tidwup udyal Tidyem- udsmti udyop ud3rvo udyTve udzam udzen udzip udziir udzwo udzys iidzza tifack ufagn ufals Tifamt iifanv Tifarz Tofavd ufawf tifbyp ufdyr ufeks ufelt ufemv tifepy uferD ufewg uffbo uffce ufPda uffur vffyB Tifgor u^us ufhos iifhut ■ufhyv ufiis Tifikt vifilv Tifipz Tifirc ufizk jer lis jot ufiuv Table — continued. Table S T U V w X Y Z Read next half cypher from Table A B C D E F G H I J E L M N P Q R 8 T U V W X Y Z Read next two half cjrphers from Table three „ four „ five six Tables {see also " Tablk '*) Tabulate(d) Tabulating Tacit(ly) Tackle(s) Tact (in) Taotful(ly) Tactics Tactless Taels TaU(end) Tailings Taint Tainted Take(s) Take anything over for in it (them) less than more „ over Can take Cannot take „ „ less than Can you take (-) ufkes ufkit ufkja ufkov ufkyx uflas uflet ufliv uflux uftnat ufmev ufhav nftiiTc nfohs ufojt ufonz uford ufosf ufowj uft)lo urona ufraz ufreb ufric ufrod nfruf ufiyff ufsab ufsec ufsid ufsof ufspo iifsra ufsug ufsyE uftac ufted uftif uffcog uftre uftsa uftuh uftyj It uftdy ufumz ufarf ufath uflizm ufvad ufvef ufvig ufvoh TiiVro ufvnq ufvyk ufwaf ufweg ufvdh xifwoj ufwuk ufwyl uftrto ufyve Taice(s) — continued. Do not take „ „ „ less than May (shallj we (I) take What would you take (for) „ „ they (he) take (for) Will (would) they (he) take „ „ you take „ take » „ not take <> •> „ „ less than Taken by „ from „ over » to up ., by Have (has) taken i> „ not taken Taking „ over » up Are (is) taking Talk(s) (of) Talked (o^ Talking (of) TaUied Tallies (with) Tally (with) Tallying Tamper(ed) (with) Tampering (with) Tangible Tank(s) Deep tank(s) Tanker(s) Tantamount (to) Tare Tariff(s) „ for According to tanflF Old tariff New tariff Tariff rates Tasmania Tasmanian Tasmanian Government Taste(s) Tax(es) Taxation Taxed Taxing Tea Chests of tea New tea Tea from „ to (for) Teak Tear Tearing Technical Technioality(ies) Technically Tedious [Uee al$o " Messaob ") ^A]A» »» Ji J) V. ) J* »» -^o Please reply immediately to our (my) teleg. of \, examine and repeat your telegram of Teleg. of ( — ) received i> » ( — ) .. will reply as soon as poS- „ must oe here by [sible Referred to in our (my) telegram „ „ „ their (his) „ „ » your „ See our (my) telegram Their (his) telegram Your telegram „ two telegrams Telegram(8) for „ from » of „ stat6(s) Telegram received, dated Replying to their (his) telegram of {re) >, >• your „ „ „ telegram just received „ „ „ private telegram (Referrlafitoour' .f^ liov ((my) tolegramot; tO-Uay „ „ yesterday (Referring to their) »vi Aaxr 1 (hU) telegram ol) SW-Utty „ „ ' yestiBrday (""^KU^'^'oTJ to-day „ „ yesterday „ „ to-day we (I) approve „ „ „ „ do not approve „ „ yesterday we (I) approve „ „ „ „ do not approve „ „ to-day repeat word N6. ( — ) „ „ yesterday repeat word No. ( — ) Referring to chairman's telegram of {'^^■} to i°^ telegram (of) (their \ bis >r yt „ your „ „ „ i°^ private teleg. (of) (their f» I his It )* » „your „ „ „ „ {"SI telegiram re (onx ■ Imy (their his >, your „ „ „ teleg. from >. n .. (— ) to (— ) „ teleg. to (— ) from (— ) „ private teleg from „ "gre'^" from (-) to (— ) „ private telegram to „ "Sri" to (— ) from (— ) „ (-' teleg. 1st „ „ » 2nd „ „ „ 3rd ., .. » 4th ugjem ugjin ug)op ugjyr ugkam ugken ugkfo ugkha ugkip ugkur ugkys uglan uglep uglhe uglor uglus uglyt ugmap ugmir ugmos agmut ugmyv ug-ner ugnis ugnot ugnuv ugogm ugonn ugojp ugont ugory ugosz ugowd ugpar ugpes ugpit ugple ugpov ugpyz ugsav ugsix ugsno ugsoz. ugspe ugsub ugtiz ugtob ugtpo ugtra ugtuc uguck ugumt ugurz ugusb uguvd ugvay ugvez ugvib ugvoc ugvud ugwaz ugweb ugwic Telegram(s) — continued. ring 1 to {S*; teleg. 5th )» »J „ 6th »i l> „ 7th It it „ 8th »» »» „ 9th )» i> „ 10th >» »» „ nth t> It tt t* „ 12th „ 13th }} »» „ 14th »» i» „ 15th »» i> „ 16th >i n „ 17th M »» „ 18th ii )> „ 19th »» »» M» „ 20th »> »» „ 21st jy n „ 22nd tt if „ 23rd 11 »» „ 24th ti tt „ 25th ti f* „ 26th II •» „ 27th II II „ 28th i; i> „ 29th 11 II „ 30th II i» „ 31st „ ,, your „ 1st n II „ 2nd II It „ 8rd ti It „ 4th II 11 „ 5th II II „ 6th II II „ 7th 11 II „ 8th II II „ 9th II II „ 10th II II „ 11th II II „ 12th II II „ 18th 11 II „ 14th II II „ 15th II II „ 16th II II „ 17th )i 11 „ 18th II ti „ 19th 11 II „ 20th II II „ 2l3t II 11 „ 22nd >t tt „ 28rd It II „ 24th II II „ 25th II i» „ 26th )i If „ 27th II If „ 28th II II „ 29th >i II „ 30th II II ■kh „ 81st eiegra»] tt from II fully 1* » re 1} here II if • If if any 187 Ugwod Uhulp Teleoraph- --continued. Telegraph — con tinned . ugwoc L Telegraph if he uhhul Telegraph if you will (would) ugwro » „ can (could) uhhym „ immediately ugwuf yy „ has uhigh uhiik uhilm „ „ whether ugwyi; ugyab if „ is >, may „ it to „ not later than ugyec »> ,y must uhirs our (my) ugyid »» ». will (would) uhiTib „ promptly iigyof »j if I uhjik „ regarding ugyso »» „ am to uhjol reply ugyle 17 ,t may uhjum „ sharp ugyug ugyva „ must if it (she) ulwya uhkai uhkek that „ their (his) ugzac »» „ „ can (could) „ to ugzed Jl „ „ „ (could) be uhkil „ the ship i^zif n „ has uhkom „ „ them (him) ugzog )» n » been uhkun „ us (me) iigzto jy tt is uhks^p „ what ugzuJi ») y, » to uhlak .. be ugzwa ft a It »» it 06 nhlel „ „ is to do Ugii^j unabz i» » tt may nhlfo „ „ I am to do a J) )» )) ''e uhlge uhlha » it (she) uhafd )» „ „ must „ >• they uhahg »» ,, ,. ,, be uhlim ;, „ „ are to do uhalk »» „ „ should uhlon „ » will (would) uhats a tt )j »j oe uhlup •> » we uhavt »> „ „ was nhma,! „ „ „ are to do iihazy It „ „ will (would^ uhmem V " you uhbaz ») i» )> >> M w6 uhmin ,, „ can (could) uhbeb j» if their (his) uhmja » » )» » » 'lo uhbic 7t if there has (have) been) uhmop „ „ „ have uhbod it „ is (are) uhm3Tr „ „ „ „ done vihbto tt „ will be uhnam wiU (would) uhbuf it if they uhnen »> >» i> i> i» "0! uhbyg It „ are uhnip „ when uhcab j» » to uhnka » be uhcec »» »» »» »i oe uhnur » it (she) xihcid It „ can (could) uhnys uhobd » they uhcof ti »» »» »j D6 » we (I) uhcyn ty „ cannot (could not) uhocf „ must tt „ have uhohk » ., you uhdBC >» „ been uhoil uholn „ „ „ must uhded »» ,„ may „ where uhdif tt )j i) t>e. uhort „ whether uhdog uhdnh tt „ must uhovy „ it (she) tt ,, be uhowz they (he) uhdyj jj „ should Tihpan we (I) uhdza tt »> t> '^^ uhpep „ „ ,. are (1 am) to uhexy nhfa.d tt „ were nhpla ., » (i)mf^y tt „ will (would) uhpor „ „ „ „ must \ihfba >> if we uhpus you uhfef V. „ are uhpyt >i » i> ^'^ uhfig uhfoh t\ ., » to uhrer „ „ can ((.ould) it „ can (could) uhris „ „ „ have uhftn nhfyk tt »» »» » ^ uhrlo „ will (would) tt „ have uhma „ which uhgaf »» „ may (might) uhrot who uhgeg >J „ must uhruv why uhgih tt „ shall (should) uhapa „ they (he) uhgoi uhguc tx tt if you „ are lihtas uhtet .. you your Sl^ it .. „ to uhtiv Telegraph office tt „ can (could) uhtuz Telegraphed iihheh )» ,. .. » not uhuhl Have telegraphed" uhhij tt „ have uhu m uhulp „ not telegraphed uhhok tt „ must ., you 188 Uhup* Ukdov n » w II II Telegraphed— conttnuerf. Telegraphed by from immediately on that to „ them (him) „ us (me) .. you Telegraphic „ advice(s) „ instructions „ report „ transfer(s) (T.T.) Telegraphing n for „ from •I it (to) „ to „ them (him) „ us (me) ., you Are telegraphing „ not telegraphing .. you „ Telephone(s) Tell(s) (sc* also " Intorm ") „ them (him) „ us (me) ,, you Can you tell us (me) Cannot tell you Shall we (I) tell „ „ „ them (him) Telling Temper Temperate Temperature (of) Tempest(s) Temporarily Temporary Is only temporary Temporise(s) (with) Temporised Temporising Tempt(s) Tempted (to) Tempting Is not tempting Tenable Tenancy Tenant(s) Tend(s) (to) Tended (to) Tendency(ies) „ IS to » to of „ „ market Telegraph tendency of » » I, market Upward tendency Downward „ Tender(s) At what shall we (I) tender ujorp ujovs UjOWt Ujpho ujpyp ujral uqrem ujrin u|rop ujryr ujsam ujsen ujsip uqsme uqsna ujsys uqtan ujtep UJUbZ ujufd ujuhg ujulk ujuts UjUVt ujuzy ujvap ujvyv ujwra ujyar tijyes u-jyit ujyov ujyre ujysa uqzas ujzet ujziv uizux ukafs ukagt ukanv ukaky ukalz ukamb ukanc ukarg vikasn ukavk ukawl ukazn tikbap ukbir ukbos ukbro ukbut ukbyv ukcer ukcis ukcot ukcuv ukdar ukdes ukdit ukdov Teni)er(s) — continued. Do not tender No tender(s) Tender at Tender(s) for „ from „ must be in on „ received to Our (my) tender(s) Their (his) tender(s) Your tender(s) Shall we (I) tender Tendered Have (has) not tendered „ „ tendered at „ you tendered Tendered at for on to Tenderer(s) Tendering Are (is) tendering (for, as) „ „ not tendering (for) „ you tendering (for) „ they (is he) tendering for Tendering at for on „ to Tending Tension Tentative Tentatively Tenure Term(s) Best terms Cash „ Nett „ In terms of For the term (of) On same terms as last „ what terms „ „ „ can you „ „ „ will they (he) „ may we (I) What terms shall we (I) Quote terms Our (my) terms Special terms Telegraph terjns (of) Their (his) „ Usual terms Your „ Terms and conditions Terms cash against documents Terms 0. & f. „ c.i.f. „. ci.f. & e. „' c.i.f; & c „ tA.B. „ f.o.b. „ £.o.r. ., for „ from 189 Ukdwa Ulcem ukdwa ukdyx ukeds ukeft ukeiy ukelb ukend ukepf ukewm ukfas ukfet ukfiv ukfux ukfVo ukgat ukgev ukgoy ukguz ukgwo ukliav ukhix ukhoz xikhub vikics ukilc xikirj vikitl ukjiz ukjob ukiuc ukkay ukkbo ukkez ukkib ukkoc ukkud uklaz ukleb uklic uklod ukluf uklyg ukmab Tikmec ukmid ukmof ukmug ukmyh uknac ukned uknif uknog uknvih uknyj ukoDs ukoct ukogy ukonz ukold ukong ukopn ukork ukowp ukpad ukpef Term(s) — iontinniciL Terms in „ of Terminable TerTninal(s) Terminate(s) When does it terminate Terminated Terminating Termination On termination of Terminus Terrible Terribly Territory (ies) Terror Test(s) Testator(s) (trix) Tested Testify(ies) Testimonial(s) Testimony Testing Text (of) Textile(s) Texture(s) Than Tharik(s) Many thanks Express our (niv) thanks Thanked Thankful(ly) Thanking Thankless That That are „ can (could) ,, had „ have ,, „ hcun .. no (not) ... the „ they (he) ., this (these) ',. we (I) ,, were (■was) M you The Theft Their Theirs Them Them and ^ ., you .. for ., to .. „ bo Themselves Then Ijy then Thence (to) „ ilircct to here home be ukphe ukpig ukpoh ukpui ukpyk uksah uksik uksko uksle uksma uksol uksum uksyn uktai uktek uktil uktlo uktme uktom uktun uktjT) ukubt nkufy ukugz ukunb ukukd ukulf ukumg ukurl ukusra ukvak ukvel ukvim ukvon ukvup ukwal ukwem ukwin ukwop ukwyr ukyam ukyen ukyip ukypo ukyra vikyur ukzan ukzep ukzor Tikzus ukzjrt ulamv ulapy ularo ulasc uiawg ulbak ulbel ulbim ulbon ulbre ulbsa ulbup ulcal ! ulcem There As there Be „ To „ There are » ,, not „ „ to be ,, can (could) it 11 It oe „ cannot (could not) :t It it „ does not ,, has (have) » » » not „ „ „ been „ ,, „ not been „ is „ „ not „ may be „ ,, not be „ might be „ must be ,, must not be ,, should be ,, ,, not be ,, were (was) 1. » I, not „ will „ not ., ,, .be „ ,, ilot be „ would „ „ not ., II be „ ,, not be Thereabouts Or thereabouts Thereafter Thereby Therefore Therefrom Therein Thereof Thereon Thereto Thereupon Therewith Thermometer These These are „ to (be) „ not to (be) been ., have (been) ., „ not (l)een) ,, must (be) „ not (bp) 1, to (be) „ were :, will (would) (be) „ not (bo) be They They are being having 190 Ulcin UlTuk They — continued. They — contimted. ulcin ulcop ulcro They are not 1, to be ulmfk ulmix ulmoz They will be „ have (to) ulcse „ to ulmub not ulcta >• , you ulgos They have ulsed „ „ should ulgut „ been ulsif Do(es) not think ulgvo „ had ulsio ulske Do not think they (he) ulgwe „ to (be) we (I) ulgyv ulher ulhis no „ not „ „ been ulsla ulsog ulsuE , 1, 1, 1, can (could) 1 11 11 11 shall 1 II 11 II should vilhot „ „ had ulsyj 1 11 l^ you ulhuv II to ultad , you think uhjt ,1 be ultef 1 „ „ they (he) ulird They may ' ultig we (1) uljar „ be ultko , „ „ „ must uljba „ have (to) ultle , „ „ „ can (could) ulqes „ not ultma 1 1, „■ „ should uljit ,1 be ultoh 1 ,1 1, you uljov They might ultuj ultyk 1 ,1 „ „ can (could) ulyx ulkas be When do you think They must ulugt uluhv What „ „ „ ulkbe be Telegraph whether you think ulkca „ have uluky We (I) think ulket f 99 DGGD ululz They (he) think(s) You think ulkiv not ulumb ulkux ha II II "^ ulurg If you think ulkzo They shall ulush »i 11 11 it ullat They should uluvk Thinking ullbo be uluzn of uUce „ not ulvaf Thinner ullda II t» oe ulveg Thinness ullev They to ulvih Thinnest ulloy II be ulvlo Third(s) {see aho " Numerals ") ulluz They were ulvme In thirds ulmav not ulvna One-third nlmco ,. to ulvoi ulvuk Two-thirds ulmde •. II be One-third each 191 Ulvyl Umsje ulvyl ulwag tilweh ulwij ulwok ulwul ■ul"wym ulyah ulyik ulyno ulyol ulype ulyum ulzai ulzek ulzil iilzom ulzpo ulzra tilzim umahl umaim umalp umaps umarv umaty umavz umawb aimazd umbaf umbeg umbih umboj umbpo vmabuk xunbyl xuncag umcefi umcij umcok umcre umcsa umcvil ixmcym uradah vuudik umdol umdro vuudse umdta umdum umdyn umech umefk ximejn lunens umept uiuetz umevb umexd umfai umfek vttnfil Timf oTn Thirdly This This can (could) (be) „ does not „ has „ „ been „ „ not (been) „ is „ must (be) „ not (be) „ should (be) „ not (be) „ was » >• not „ will (would) (be) „ not (be) Thorough Thoroughly Those Those which „ who(m) Though Thought » you Thoughtless(ness) Thousand (s) {see " Numerals ") Threat(s) Threaten(s) (to) Threatened (to) „ wth Threatening (to) „ us (me) with Three Three or four Threw Through Through freight „ from „ rate steamer them (him) to us (me) whom „ did yoir ,, have you ., shall we (I) you Throughout Throw(s) Throwing Thrown Thursday By Thursday Next Thursday Noon on Thursday On Thursday Thursday afternoon ,, evening „ morning Thus Thwart(s) ship Thwarted Thwarting umfso umfte umfan umfyp umgaK umgel umgim umgon umgup umgwa umhal umhem mnhin umhop umhyr umigm umijp umiry uinjam umjen umqip mnjur umjwo umiys umkan umkep umkor umkus umk3rt umkze umlap umlir nmlos umlut urolyy ummbo umnace ummda uminer ummis ummot ummuv umnar umnes umnit umnov umnyx umock umogn umols mnonv umorz luuosb umovd umowf \unpas umpet lunp^a umpiv umpuz umrav umrhe umrix umsho uzo^e Tioket(s) Passeng59r ticket(8) Single Return „ Through „ Tidal Tide(s) High tide(s) Low „ Neap „ Spring „ Tidings (of) {see aUo " News ") Tie(s) Tied Tler(s) Tierce(s) Tight Tightened Tightening Tighter Till Not till TiUer Timber(s) Cargo of timber Logs of „ Sawn „ Timbered Time(s) Any time At any time „ what time In time .. •> for Long time Short „ No „ (to, for) Within the time Time for „ in. „ necessaay (for) „ is too short „ that „ to Time table Timed (to) Tin(s) (of) Tinned Tinning Tip(s) Tipped Tipping Tired (of) Title(s) Title-deed(s) Titre To To a (an) „ any „ be ), have n i> DeeQ „ her „ him „ his 192 Umska Urkeb umska umtio umtke umtla iirmiks umult umumv tunupy umurb ximusc xunvle umvma umvyg iimwjrh umyac umyed umyif umyxQO tunyne umyog ximypa umyiih vimzad umzef umzig umzno umzoh vunzpe umzui mnzyk xmbno uncpo uncra iindre undsa ixnfro vmfse unfta ungso ungte un^a umwe unkwo unkza unnbo tmnce unnda \mpfa unrha unsgo unsfie xinsia vmtno untie Tintka ujivla unylo un3mie vmyna UQzmo unzne vxizpa. Tupady upaia iipalg To— continued. To it „ me » my » our „ the „ their „ them „ this (these) „ those » us „ what „ which ■„ whom „ „ have yoti „ whose ., J'ou » your To-day Noon to-day To-day or to-morrow Together ,, with Told „ to Tolerable(ly) Tolerate(s) Tolerated Tolerating Toleration Toinan(s) To-morrow By to-morrow To-morrow afternoon „ evening „ morning Noon to-morrow 6 p.m. to-mon-ow To-morrow or next day Ton(s) How many tons Per ton Total tons Ton(s) at „ deadweight „ for „ from „ measurement „ of „ „ cargo „ per „ weight (Per) ton of 40 c.f. » 11 »» <^" )» (, „ „ 20 cwt. „ „ „ 1000 kilos f» i> II 1015 „ I 1016 „ „ „ „ 2000 lbs. i ton i .. f .. 1 „ 2 tons 3 ,. 4 „ upani upapk upa.rm upawr upazt upbav upbix iipboz upbub upciz upcob u.pcuc upday updez updib updoc updud upecy uped!z , upejf v.penk r.pern upews vipext upfaz upfeb iipfic upfod upfsa upfuf upfyg upgab upgec upgid upgof upgro upgug upgyh uphac uphed uphif uphog uphso uphte uphuh uphva uphyj upiby upigd upilj upirp upjad upjef upjig upjoh upjui upqyk upkaf upkeg upkih upkoj upkuk upkwe upkyl uplag Tons. 5 tons 6 .. 7 .. 8 „ 9 „ 10 „ 11 I, 12 I, 13 I, 14 I, 15 „ 16 „ 17 I. 18 ,1 19 I, 20 „ 21 „ 22 „ 23 „ 24 „ 25 „ 26 ,. 27 „ 28 „ 29 „ 30 ,1 31 „ 32 ,1 33 „ 34 ,, 35 „ 36 „ 37 „ 38 „ 39 „ 40 „ 41 „ 42 „ 43 „ 44 „ 45 „ 46 „ 47 „ 48 „ 49 „ 50 „ 51 „. 52 „ 53 „ 54 „ 55 „ 56 „ 57 „ 58 „ 59 „ 60 „ 61 „ 62 „ 63 „ 64 „ 65 „ 66 „ 67 „ 68 „ 69 „ 193 upleh upljj uplok uplul uplym upmah upmik upmol upmum upmyn upobz upofd ijpohg upolk upovt upozy uppak uppce uppel ., uppim uppon uppup upram upren uprip uprur uprys upsan upsep upsfo upsge upsna - upsor upsus upsyt uptap uptgo uptne uptir uptja u.ptos uptut uptyv upuxy upver upvis upvot upvuv upwar upwes upwit upwov upwyx upyas upyet upyiv upyko upyle upyma upynx upzat upzev upzlo upzme upzna Tons. 1 70 tons 1 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ", 1 99 100 ;; 1 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 Tons. upzoy 450 upzuz 460 urads 470 urafb 480 uraiy uralb .490 500 urand 510 urapf 520 urawra 530 urber 540 urbko 550 Tirbma 560 urbot 570 urbuv 580 urcar 590 ureas 600 urcit 610 urclo 620 urcna 630 urcov 640 urcyx 650 urdas 660 urdet 670 urdiv 680 urdmo 690 urdne 700 urdpa 710 urdux 720 lirecs 730 uredt 740 urelc 750 uremd 760 urenf 770 uren uretl 780 790 urewn 800 urfat 810 urfev 820 urftio 830 urfoy 840 urfuz 850 urgav 860 urgix 870 urgoz 880 urgpo 890 urgra 900 urgub urniz 910 920 urhob 930 urhuc 940 uribs 950 urict 960 urigy urild 970 980 uriph 990 urirk 1,000 urqay 1,050 uiqez 1,100 TiTjib 1.150 uiqoc 1,200 urjro 1,250 urjta 1,300 unud urkaz 1,350 1,400 urkeb 1,450 tons Urkic Ussuj orkic urkod urkso urkte ■orkuf urkva urkyg tlrlab urlec urUd nrlof urlto urlug urlve urlwa urlyh urmac urmed urmif urmog urmun urmvo urmwe urmyi umad umef umig umon urnui umyk umza urobt xiiofy urogz uronb urokd urolf urorl urosm urpaf urpba urpeg urpih urpoj urpuk urpyl urpze urrbo urrce urrda urryn ursco ursde ursfa ursyp urtdo urtga urudy uruia urulg urupk ururm uruzt urvfo urvha, Tons. 1,500 tons 1,550 „ 1,600 „ 1,650 „ 1,700 „ 1,750 „ 1,800 „ 1,850 „ 1,900 „ 1,95D „ 2.000 „ 2,100 „ 2,200 „ 2,300 ., 2,400 „ 2,500 „ 2,600 „ 2,700 „ 2,800 „ 2,900 „ 3,000 „ 3,100 „ 3,200 „ 3,300 „ 3,400 „ 3,500 „ 3,600 „ 3,700 „ 3,800 „ 3,900 .. 4,000 „ 4,100 „ 4,200 „ 4,300 „ 4,400 „ 4,500 „ 4,600 M 4,700 „ 4,800 ., 4,900 „ 5,000 ,. 5,250 „ 5,500 .. 5,750 „ 6,000 .. 6,250 ,. 6,500 .. 6,750 .. 7,000 .. 7,250 .. 7,500 .. 7,750 ., 8,000 >. 8,250 .. 8,500 .. 8,750 ,. 9.000 ., 9,250 „ 9,500 „ 9,750 ., 10,000 „ 10,500 „ 11,000 „ 11,500 .. 12,000 „ urvyr uiyan uryep Uryho uryie uryka viryor uryus urzap urzir urzjo urzke urzla urzos urzut usahr usais usakt usalv usany usapz usarc usasd usavg usazk usbal usbem usbin usbio usbKe iisbla usbop usbyr uscam uscen uscip uscko uscur uscys visdan usdep usdlo usdme usdna usdor usdus usdyt uaejt usemy usenz userd usewj usfap usfir usftie usfos ustoa usrat usfyv usger usgis usgno usgot usguv usnar Tons, ushes Toughest 12,500 tons ushov ' Toughness 13,000 „ ushpo Tour(s) 13,500 „ ushra Touring 14,000 „ ushyx Tourist(s) 14,500 „ usigs Tow(s) 15,000 „ usirf In tow 16,000 „ usith Taken in tow 17,000 „ usizm Tow her 18,000 „ usjas Tow-line(s) 19,000 „ 20,000- „ usjet usqiv usiux uskat Towage from 25,000 .. to 30,000 „ charges 35,000 .. ufekev And towage 40,000 „ uskoy Towards (the) 45,000 „ uskro „ the beginning of 50,000 „ uskse „ end of 60,000 „ uskta us (me) 70,000 „ uskuz Towed 80,000 „ uslav „ to 90,000 „ uslix Towing 100,000 „ usloz Town(s) Tone uslub Township(8) „ of market usmiz Trace(s) (of) Tonight usmob No trace of „ or to-morrow morning usmuc Traced (to) Tonnage usnay Tracing(s) Gross tonnage usnez Send tracing{s) Nett usnib Tracing showing Register „ usnoc Traok(s) Tonnage available usnud Tract(s) (of) „ on the berth usofs Traction Provide tonnage usogt Trade(s) Require (s) „ usobv Coast(al) trade What tonnage usoky Board of Trade Tonnage Scale usolz Home trade Local tonnage scale usonc Foreign trade Usual „ „ Tonnage scale at port of shipment usorg usosh Trade(s) in „ of Tonneau(x) usovk „ Union Too usow] Traded Much too usozn Trader(s) Not „ uspaz Trading Too little uspeb between „ much uspic Traffic Took uspod Through traffic Top(B) (of) uspxif Traffic for Topside(s) uspwo „ from Torn Tornado(es) uspyg uspza „ to Train (s) Trained Torpedo(es) usrac Total(s) usred Tram(s) What is the total usrif Tramp steamer(s) Telegraph total amount usrog Tramway(5) Total amount usrun „ Company „ from usryj Transact(s) Totalled ussad Transacted Totalling ussbo Transacting Totally ussce Transaction (s) Touch (es) ussda No transaction's) at ussef Transaction(8) m Touched ussig usson Transatlantic Touching Transfer(s) Tough ussuj No transfer(8) Tougher 194 Ussyk Utoch ussyk ustaf usteg ustih listoi ustuk ustyl usuds usuft usuiy usulb usupf usvag usven usvij usvok usvul usvym UBwah uswha uswik uswol uswum uswyn usyai usyek usygo usyhe usyil usyja usyom usynn uszak uszel uszim uszon uszup. utagn utahj utajk utalm utamn utanp utars utast utawy utazb utbac utbed utbif utbog utbub utbyj utcad utcef utcig utcon utcui utcyk utdaf utdeg utdih utdle utdoi utduk Transfer(s) — continued. Share transfer(s) Telegraphic transfer(s) Transfer(s) of „ to Transferable Transferee(s) Transference (of) to Transferor(s) Transferred Has it (have they) been transferred „ (have) been transferred „ „ not been transferred Not transferred Transferring Transform(ed) Tranship(s) at cargo for here it (them) passengers to Will tranship Transhipment(s) by (ex) „ cargo „ expenses for „ from „ go forward by Freight on transhipment(s) No transhipment(s) Transhipped » at cargo for (to) ,, from Has (have) been transhipped „ „ not been transhipped Transhipping » ^t „ cargo „ charges „ for „ from to Transit In transit Transition Translate(s) Translate telegram and send it to Translated Translating Translation(8) (of) Transmission Transmit(s) Transmitted {see also "Sent") .> by to Transmitting Transpire(s) Transpired Transpiring utdyl utebd utecf utejl uteln utemp utert utevy utewz utfag utfeh utfij utfok Utflll utfym utgah utgik utgne utgol utgum utgyn uthaj uthek uthil uthno uthom uthpe uthun uth3rp utijm utilp utips utirv utity utizd utjak utjel utjim utqon utjpo utjra utmp utkal utkem utki,n utkop utkre utksa utkyr utlam utlen utlip utlur utlys utman utmep utmor utmus utmyt utnap utnir utnos utnut utnyv utoch Transport(s) of Transportation (of) Transported Transporting Transpose(d) Transvaal Transvaal Government Transverse Trap(s) Travel(s) „ via Travelled Traveller(s) Travelling „ via Trawler(s) Treachery Treasurer(s) Treasury Treat(s) „ this (it) Treated Treated as „ us (me) .. you Treating Treatment Bad treatment Treaty(ieB) (In) treaty » for » I, to „ „ with Already in treaty (with) Who are you in treaty (with) We are (I am) in treaty with Treaty between Treble Trebled Trebling Tremendous „ amount Tremendously Trend (of) Trial (s) speed On trial Tribunal(s) Trick(ery) Tried Tries (to) {see also " Try ") Trifle(s) Trifle over „ under *0r a trifle Trifled (with) Trifling Trim Trimmed „ into bunkers Trimmer(s) Trimming Trip(s) One trip 195 Utofk Uvzav utofk utohm utojn utons utopt utosy utovb utoxd utper utpis utpot utpuv utpwe utras utret utriv utrux utsat utsbe utsca utsev utsoy utsuz utszo uttav uttix uttoz uttub utuffm utunn utujp utums utury utusz utviz utvob utVuc utway utwez utwib utwoc utwud utyaz utyeb utyfo utyge utyha utyic utyod utyuf utzab utzec UtZffO utzhe utzid utzja utzof utzug utzyh uvacy uvadz uvahd uvajf uvank uvam Trip(s) — continued. Two trips Three trips How many trips Triple Tripled (in) Triplicate Triplicated Triplicating Trivial(ity) Only trivial Very „ Trooping voyage Troops Conveyance of troops Tropical Tropics Trouble(s) (with) Are (is) having trouble with WiU (would) cause trouble with Cause(s) trouble (Is) causing trouble Great trouble No „ (to) Trouble is caused by » to Do not trouble to Troubled Troublesome Very troublesome Troubling Worth troubling about Not worth troubling about Troy-weight Truok(s) True (It) is not true True that Is it true Trunk Trunk-line Trunk steamer(s) Trust(s) In trust (for) Trusted Trustee(s) for Co- trustee Trustee-ship Trusting Trustworthy Truth (in) No truth in Truthful Try {see also "Tribs") Do not try (to) Try for „ it (them) „ to Shall we (I) try to Try to avoid „ .. get Will try to Must try to Trying (to) uvasp uvaws uvaxt uvcho uvdio uvdke uvdla uvdyg uveoy uvegd uvelj uvemk uverp uvevs uvewt uvfko uvfle uvfyh uvglo • uvgna uvgyj uvnui uvhyk uvibz uvifd uvilk uvits uvizy uvjoi uvlyl uvkij uvkpo uvkra uvkym uvljm uvmaj uvmjrp uvoxy uvpwa uvp3rr uvran uvrep uvryt uvsap uvsyv uvsze uvtzo uvugh uvunj uvuik uvulm uvumn uvTirs uvust UVTlZb uwbo uwce uwda uwyx uvyat uvydo uvyev uvyfe "• uvyga uvzav Tryino — contintud. Are trying to „ (am) trying hard (to) Trying for (at) Useless trying (to) Tube(s) Tubing Tubular Tubular boiler(s) Tuesday By Tuesday Next Tuesday On Tuesday Noon on Tuesday Tuesday afternoon „ evening „ morning Tug(s) Tunnel(s) Tunnelled Tunnelling Turbine(s) Turkey Turkish Turkish Government Tum(s) ( — ) days turn „ „ „ guaranteed Discharging turn Loading turn Next turn No turn Turn clause „ for „ „ discharging „ „ loading j, guaranteed „ „ not to exceed ( — ) days „ is „ probably be in ( — ) da3S „ to What turn „ can you get „ „ „ „ guarantee Turned Turning Turnover Turret Turret-steamer(s) 'Tween-decks Forward 'tween-decks In „ Main „ Aft 'Tween deck(s) pierced Twice Twice as much Twilight Twin Twisted Two {see alio "Numerals") „ or three Typ€(8) Typewriter(s) Typed Typhoid 196 Uvzfo Uzujt uvzfo uvzge uvzna uvzix uxcha Tixgla uxpro uxtwo uxybo uxyce uxyda Tozagm uzahn uzajp uzams uzant uzary iizasz uzawd uzbah uzbde iizbik uzbol \izb\im uzbyn uzcai uzcek uzcil uzcom uzcun uzc3^ uzdak uadel uzdfo iizdim uzdon uzdup uzecK uzegn VLzels uzemt uzenv iizerz tizevd lazewf uzfal iizfem uzfin uzfop uzfyr tizgam uzgen iizgho uzgip uzgur uzgys uznan uzhep uzhor uzhus uzhyt iiziks uzilt xizipy uzirb Typhoid — continued. Typhoid fever Typhoon (s) U Ultimate Ultimately Ultimatum Ultimo (see also va/)-loiis MontJis) Ultra Yires Umbrage Umpire Un Unable Quite unable (to) Unable to „ „ do so Unacceptable (to) Unaccompanied (by) Unaccountable Unacquainted (with) Unadapted (to) Unadvisable (for) (to) Very unadvisable (for) (to) Unadvised Unaffected (by) Unaltered Unanimity Unanimous „ decision Unanimously „ decided (agreed) ,, resolved Unanswered Unapproachable Unappropriated Unasked Unassisted (by) Unassorted Unauthorised (by) Wholly unauthorised Unavoidable Quite unavoidable Unavoidably Unaware (of) ,, that Unbiased Unbroken Uncalled „ capital Uncertain „ about Still uncertain Very Uncertainty Great uncertainty Unchanged Unclaimed Uncommon Uncommonly Uncompleted Unconditional Unconditionally iJnconfirnied Uncontested Uncovered Uncultivated uz)ap uzjir uzjos uzqut uz\yv vizker uzkis uzklo uzkme uzkna iizkot vizkuv uzlar uzles uzlit Tizlov uzlyx vizmas uzmet iizmiv uzmux uznat uznev uznoy uznviz uzohr uzois uzokt vizolv uzony uzopz uzorc uzogd vizovg UZOZK iizpav uzpix iizpoz uzpre^ uzpsa" uzpub uzray uzrez uzrib Tizroc uzrud iizsaz uzseb vizsic uzsod uzsto uzsuf uzsve uzswa uzsyg uztab uztec uztid uztof uztug uztvo uztwe uztyh uzuns tizujt Undamaged Undated Undecided Very undecided Undefended Undefined Under Are (is) under „ „ not under „ you under Come under Not under Considerably under Slightly under Under it our (my) their (his) them (him) us (me) you your what whose Underestimate(s) Underestimated Underestimating Undergo (es) Undergoing Undergone Underground Underhand Underneath Underpaid Underquote(s) Underquoted Have been underquoted Are being „ „ we (am I) Much „ Slightly Underquoted by „ about „ them (him) us (me) you Underquoting Are (is) underquoting „ .. .. us (me) by Are they „ „ Underquoting for „ them (him) us (me) you Underrate(s) Underrated Underrating Undersell(s) Underselling Are underselling us Underselling them (him) us (me) you Undersized Undersold 197 Uziimy Vaman uzumy nziird uzusf uzvac uzved uzvif uzvyj uzwad uzwef uzwig uzwoh uzwui uzwyk uzyaf uzybe uzyeg uzyih uzyoi uzyuk uzyzo MZZSig uzzbo uzzce uzzda uzzeh uzzij uzzok uzzul uzzym vaa^h vaanj vaaik vaalm vaamn vaanp veiars vaast vaawy vaazb vabac vabca vabde vabed vabgo vabff vabjy vaboff vabuJQ vabyj vacad Tacef vacfe ■vacho vacig vacky vacon vacui vacyk vadaf vadeg vadfa vad^e vadjo -Understand (s) Are we (am I) to understand (that) " " " » Do you understand Do not understand Cannot „ » » why " .. >, you They (he) understand(s) We (I) understand Understand it „ that „ them (him) Understanding Come to an understanding Try to come to an understanding No understanding (re) Understate(s) Understated Understating Understood „ that They (he) understood We (I) understood Undertake(s) Can (will) undertake Cannot (will not) undertake Can (will) you undertake Will they (he) Must undertake Undertake(s) it „ to „ not to Undertaken by to Has been undertaken by Undertaking Undertook Undervalue(s) Undervalued Undervaluing Underweigh Underwrite(s) At what can you underwrite To underwrite Will (can) underwrite (at) Underwrite at ^for) .. (— ) per cent. Underwrite (s) the issue .. „ risk „ it (them) Underwriter(s) ,1 at Lloyds ., ask(s) Notice to underwriters Give notice to underwriters Given notice to underwriters Underwriters at of Who are the underwriters Inform the underwriters Underwriting Cost of underwriting • Underwriting at you vadly vadoj vadiik vadyl vaebd vaecf vaeil vaeln vaemp vaert vaevy vaewz vafag vafga vafhe vafij vafko vafiny vafok vaful vagah vagha vagik vagje vaglo vagny vagol vagum vaj vahai vahek vahil vahia vahke vahmo vahpy vahjrp vaym vailp vaips vairv vaity vaizd vaqak vajel vaqka vajle vaqno vajon vaiur vakal vakem vakla vakme vakop vakpo vakyr valam valen valip valma valne valur valys vaman Underwriting — continued. Underwriting for (of) „ the issue „ it (them) Underwritten Has been underwritten (at) Underwritten at (for) .. by „ the issue „ it (them) Underwrote Undesirable Very undesirable Undesirable to Undeveloped Undivided Undoubted Undoubtedly Undue Unduly Uneasiness Causing uneasiness Uneasy (about) Unemployed Unencumbered Unequal (ly) Unequalled Uneven(ly) Unexamined Unexecuted Unexpected Unexpectedly Unexplained Unexplored Unfailing Unfair Unfairly Unfavourable to Very unfavourable Unfavourably Unfettered Unfinished Unfit (for) Unfitted (for) Unfixed Unforeseen I, circumstances Unfortunate Very unfortunate Unfortunately Unfounded Unfriendly Unfriendly action Unhealthy Uniform Uniformity Uniformly Unimportant Uninjured Uninsured Unintelligible , Telegram unintelligible „ „ examine and Uninterested [repeat Uninteresting 198 Vamep Vefme Uninterrupted Union(s) Labour union(8) Unionist(s) Unit(s) 1 unit 2 units 3 „ 4 „ 5 ,. 6 „ 7 „ 8 „ 9 „ 10 „ Has (have) fallen { — ) units tt »» risen ,, i, Unit(s) more „ less » over „ ' under Unite(s) (with) „ in „ to United „ with United Kingdom One port in United Kingdom Two ports in „ „ Three „ „ „ „ For United Kingdom From „ „ In the „ „ J-O ti »» It United Kingdom for from „ „ and/or Continent „ „ or Continent „ .. to From a port to United Kingdom United States For the United States From the „ „ J-^ i» »» »» J-O If tt tt United States for „ „ from <> » to United States Government Unitedly Uniting Universal Universally Unjust Unjustifiable Unjustly Unknown Unlawful(ly) Unless Unless a (an) any at he her his 199 vawya vawze vayaz vaybe vaydo vayeb vaygn vayic vayls va3ant vajmv vayod vaytif vayza vazab vazba vazce vazec vazfo vazhy vazid vazof vazug vazyn veagm veahn veajp veams veant veary veasz veawd vebah vebha vebik vebie veblo vebol vebum veb37n vecaj vecek vecil vecia vecke vec3m vedak vedel vedka vedle vedno vedon vedup veeck veegn veels veemt veenv veerz veevd veewf vefal vefem vefla vefine Unless — continued. Unless I „ it „ our (my) „ their ,, there „ these ,, they „ this „ we „ you >. your Unlike Unlikely Is it unlikely Very „ Unlikely that Very unlikely that Unlimited Unload (s) (sec aho "Discharge") Unloaded («■'> aho "Dischaeged")^^ Unloading (see aho " Discharging") Unmanageable Unmistakeable Unnatural(ly) Unnecessarily Unnecessary Very unnecessary Do you think it unnecessary (to) It is unnecessary Quite Unnecessary for to Unnumbered Unobtainable at „ here Unoccupied Unofficial „ information Unofficially „ informed „ and privately informed Unopened Unpaid Still unpaid Unparalleled Unpleasant Very unpleasant Unpleasantly Unpleasantness Avoid unpleasantness Unpopular Unprecedented Unprepared (to) Unpressed „ bales Unprincipled Unproductive Unprofitable Very unprofitable Unprofitably Unpromising Unpropitious Unprotected Unprovided Vefop Veyzm UmvELL — continued. jyefop Unqualified veosd Very unwell veftjo Unquestionable veovg Unwilling (to) vefyr Unquestionably veozk Unwillingly vegam Unreasonable vepav Unwillingness vegen Very unreasonable vepcy Unwise (to) vegip Unreasonably vepix Think(s) it unwise (to) vegma Unreliable vepoz Very unwise to vegne Unremunerative vepub Unwise for vegsy Is unremunerative 7epva Unwisely vegur Very vepwe Unworkable vegys venan Would be unremunerative vepzo Up Unreservedly veray Up for vehep Unrestricted verco „ to vehna Unrivalled verez „ „ about vehor Unsafe verib „ „ but not over vehpe for veroc Going up vehro to verud Gone „ vehty Would it be unsafe (to, for) verya Keep „ vehus Unsaleable verze What may (shall) we go up to vehyt „ at present vesaz Upheld veiks Unsatisfactorily vesbe Uphold(s) veilt Unsatisfactory vesdo Upholding veipy Altogether unsatisfactory veseb Upkeep veirb Very unsatisfactory vesic Cost of upkeep vejap Is vesod Upon vejir Unscreened vesuf „ him (her) vejos vejpa coal Unscrupulous(ly) vesyg vesza ,. it „ our (my) vejso Unseaworthy vetab „ their (his) vejut Unserviceable vetec „ them vejvy Unsettle(s) vethy vetid „ us (me) vejyv veker Unsettled . „ whom Unsettling vetof ., you vekre Unsheltered veti^ vetyn ,, your vekto Unship Upper vekuv Unshipped vevac part velar Unsold vevca Uppermost velit Still unsold vevde Upright(s) velov Unsolicited veved Upset(s) vel^a Unsound vevgo Upsetting velse Unsteady vevif Upward(s) velvo Unsuccessful vevjy „ tendency velyx Has (have) been unsuccessful vevog vevuh Urge(s) vemas If unsuccesful „ them (him) to vemet Unsuccessfully vevyj „ us (me) to vemiv Unsuitable (for, to) vewad you (to) vemsa Quite unsuitable vewda Strongly urge(s) vemte Unsupported vewef „ >, you to vemiix Untenable vewfe „ not to vemwo Until vewho Urged vemzy „ it vewig „ by venat „ they (he) vewky „ to venev „ we (I) vewoh Arc being urged venoy „ you vewui vewyk Strongly urged venta Untrue Urgency venuz Untrustworthy veyaf Great urgency venve Untruth veyeg Urgent venyo Unused vesrfa for veohr Unusi^al veyge veyjo to veois veokt Very unusual Is it urgent Unusual for veymz „ not urgent veolv „ to veynb This is very urgent veony Unusually veyo, ' veyxik Very urgent veopz - Unwarrantable(ly) Urgently veorc Unwell veyzm Urgently require(s) 200 Vezag Viryk vezag vezga vezhe ve2!ij vezko vezmy vezok vezul viahs viajt viamy vianz viard viasf viav?j vibam viben vibip vibma vibne vibsy vibur vibys vican vicep vicna vicor vicpe vicro victy vicus vicyt vidap vidir vidos vidpa vidso vidut vidvy vidyv viegs > viemz vienb vierf vieth viewk viezm vifer vifre vifto vifav vifwy vigar vigit vigov vigra vigse vigvo vigyx vinas vihet vihiv vihsa vihte vihux U EGENTL Y — COtl tinucd Urgently required Urging Are (is) urging us (me) to Us Us to Usage Usance {see ahu "Days," At what usance Usual usance Use(s) In use Use for „ of What is the use of Is it any use (to) It is no use Used Being used (for, to) Not used Used at (in) .. by (on) „ for „ to „ with Useful Very useful Would be very useful Useful for to Usefully Useless Quite useless Useless for „ ,» them (him) to „ „ us (me) to „ you to to Uselessly Uselessness User(s) Using Usual As usual Not usual Usual to Usually Not usually Utilise(s) 1. ber „ it (them) Could you utilise Utilised by for „ to Utilising Utility Utmost {see also " Most ") „ for „ that Do your utmost to What is the utmost Bill," "Draft," ["Sight") Is the utmost you can vihwo vihzy vijat vijev vijoy viqta vijuz vijve viiyo vikav vikix vikoz vikub vikva vikwe vikzo vilbo viliz vilob viluc vilwa vilye vimay vimco vimez ■viinib vimoc vimad vimya vimze vinaz vinbe vindo vineb vingy vinic vinod vinuf vinyg vinza viods vioft viof vioJ vidnd viopf viowm vipab vipba vipce vipec vipfo vipid vipof vipug vipyn virad virda viref virfe virho norv nolo viroi viruj viryk Utmost — continued. Is the utmost we can Utter Utterly Uttermost V Vacancy(ies) Fill the vacancy Vacant Have (has) no vacant Vacate(s) Vacated Vacating Vacation Vacillate(s) Vacillated Vacillating Vacillation Vacuum Vague Too vague Very „ Vaguely (Tn) Vain Vainly Valid Not valid Validity „ of order {Ad) Valorem Valuable for to Very valuable Valuation „ and report Make a valuation Value(si) Spot value (s) Present value Telegraph value of Value(s) at (in) for „ it (them) (at) of Valued Valued at „ „ about ., by „ for „ it (them) (at) Valueless Valuer(s) Valuing Valve(s) Variable Variance At variance with Variation (in) No variation (in) Varied Varies {see also "Vart"Ji Varieties Best varieties Variety (of) Various 201 Visaf Vojza visaf viseg visfa visge visjo viso, visuk visyl ■vitag vitea vitne vitij vitko vitok vitxil viucjs viudt vivihy viulc viumd viuri viusk viutl vivah "Vivha vivik vivie vivlo vivny vivol vivum vivyn viwai viwek viwil viwyp viyak viybs viyel viyhz viyka viyle viyno viyon viyup vizal vizem vizla vizme vizop vizpo vizry vizyr voacs voadt voahy voalc voamd voanf voan voasK voatl voawn vobar vobit Yary (see also " Varies ") Varying Vast ,, amount Vastly Vein{s) Vend6e(8) Vendor(s) Ventilate(s) Ventilated Ventilating Ventilation Ventilator(s) Venture(8) Ventured Venturing Verbal „ agreement „ arrangement Verbally agreed „ arranged We (I) have verbally Verbatim „ report Verdict „ is as follows „ is in favour of Verge(s) (upon) Verged (upon) Verging (upon) Verification (of) Verified Verify(ies) Verifying Version (of) Verst(B) Versus YeFtical(ly) Very Very great „ small „ likely „ little „ nearly „ much Yessel(s) {see also " Ship") No vessel(?) Vessels) at (in) for (to) „ from Handy vessel Vessel of about ( — ) tons Iron vessel Wooden vessel Vessel of ( — ) tons net register „ to load „ to carry Yest(s) Vested (in) Vesting Veto(es) Vetoed Vetoing Vexatious {see ilto " Annotimo ") vobov vobra vobse vobvo vobjrs vocas vocet vociv vocsa vocte vocux vocwo voczy vodat vodev vodoy vodta voduz vodve vodyo voebs voect voegy voeld voemf voeng voepn voerk voewp vofav 7ofix vofoz vofab vofva vofwe vofzo vogbo vogiz vogob vogue vogwa vogye vonay vohco vohez vohib vohoc vohud vohya vobze voibt voify voigz voikd voilf voirl vojaz vqjbe yoqdo voqeb voqic vpqod vojuf vojyg vojza Vex(ed) Vexing Via Will (s)he go via Must go via Go(es) via Vibrate(s) Vibrated Vibrating Vibration Vice Vice versa Viceroy Vicinity (of) Victim(s) Victoria Government of Victoria Victual Victualled Victualling View(s) (of) Keep in view In view of Write your views Telegraph your views Our (my) views Their (his) views Your views Viewed Viewing Vigilance Vigorous „ actioD Vigorously Vigour Vindicate(s) Vindicated Vindicating Vindication Violate(s) Violated Violating Violation (of) Is a violation of Violence Violent(ly) Virulent Visible Visit „ from (of) „ to Visited Visiting Vital „ importance (to) Vitality Vitally Vitiate(s> Vitiated Vitiating Vocabulary Void Voltage Volts 202 Vokab Vucya vokab Volume (of) vosle vokba Yoluminous(ly) vosno vokce Voluntarily voson vokec Voluntary vosup votaf vokfo Volunteer(s) vokid Volunteered votem vokof Volunteering votla vokug vokyn Vote(s) votme Voted (for) votop volac „ by votpo volca „ to votry volde Voter(s) votyr voled Voting voucy volgo Vouch(es) (for) voudz volif Vouched (for) vouhd voljy Voucher(s) (for) voujf volog volun Send voucher(s) voum Vouching (for) vousp volyj Voyage(s) Another voyage vouxt vomad vovam vomda (For) a voyage voven vomef i_ „ ) two voyages i' „ ) three vovip vomfe vovma vomho Round voyage vovne vomig For the round voyage vovsy vomlr^ vomon How many voyages vovur This voyage vovys vomui vomyk Voyage (s) from vowan „ home vowep vonsii out vowna voneg to vowor vonfa W vowpe vonge Wages vowro vonio vonly Stop wages vowty „ „ in consequence of vowus vonoj vomiK „ „ ; has (have) deserted vowyt Waggon(s) voyap voygd voyir vonyl voody vooid voolg Railway waggon(s) Wait(s) {see also " Await ") Do not wait (for) voylj Is not to wait (for) voyrnk voonj voopk Must wait (for, until) voyos „ (s)he wait for voypa voorm Shall I (we) wait (for) voyso voowr „ „ here voyut voozt Wait(s) at voyvy vopag „ for vozer vopga vopne „ here vozre „ there vozto vopij „ until vozuv vopko Waited vozwy vopmy at vuacy^ vopok for vuadz vopul „ till vuahd vorai vorek Waiting vuajf I am (we are) waiting vuajok voril Still waiting vuam von a vorke Ship is waiting vuasp „ „ „ , wire sharp vuaws vormo Waiting for vuaxt vorpy „ here vubbo voryp vosak tiU vubwa WaiYe(s) vubye vosel „ claim vucco voska right vucya Waived by Must be waived Waiving Wales North Wales South „ WaU(s) Want(s) (see also " Require ") „ it „ of „ them (him) (to) » to » II be „ us (me) (to) „ you (to) Are (is) in want of Do they (does he) want Do you want • „ „ „ us (me) to Do(es) not want you to Will want „ not want .. you „ Telegraph what you want In want of Wanted (see also "Required") Is (are) wanted „ „ not wanted Is (are) not wanted before Urgently wanted When is it (are they) wanted Will be wanted „ not be wanted Wanted at (in) by for (to) here it (them) on Wanting War War Clause War risk . Insure against war risk Insured against war risk Cover war rjsk War risk covered Warehouse(s) Warehouse the goods Ex warehouse Bonded warehouse Warehoused Warehousing Warm Warmly Wam(s) „ thera (him) against „ us (me) against „ you against Warned „ ^lainst Warning Wavp(s) 203 Vucze Vyenc vucze Warped vndbe Warping vuddo Warrant(s) vndgy „ issued vudyg Issue warrant(s) vudra, Warranted (by) vueby to vuegd Warranting VTielj Warranty vuemk Was {see also Pronouns and •If") viierp Was a (an) VTievs ,. any vuewt „ being vufba „ having vxifce „ he vuffo „ his (her) vufhy vufyh „ I ,, ,, to vugca „ it vugde „ „ not vuggo „ „ to be vugjy „ not vugyj vuhda „ „ to vuhfe „ „ very vuhho „ our (my) vuhky vuhyfc „ she „ ,. to vuibz „ the vuifd „ there vuilk ,. .. any vuits „ this vui?;y „ to vujfa .. . „ be vtijge ,. very vxmo vuJly ,, your Waste (of) vukhe Wasted Wasteful(ly) Wasting vukko Watch(es) vukmy Watched vulha W^atching vulje Water vullo „ in (on) vulny Deep water vulyn Shallow water vumia vumke Water level Fresh water vummo Salt „ vumpy (At) high water viimyp „ low water vunka ( — ) feet of water vunle open Water vunno First open water vuoxy Water-borne vupla Water- logged vupme Watertight vuppo Watered vupry Watering vupyr WaYe(s) vuran vurep Way(s) to Same way as vuma On the way out vurpe .. „ „ home Way(s)- -continued. "vurro Now on way to vurty »» » , „ from vurjrt In what way vusap We {see also " If ") vuspa We are vusso )» being vusvy »j having vusyv ») not vutre »j „ having vutwy i» ,1 to vuvra ji to vuvse :> 11 be vuwo We be vuvyx „ been vuyat We can vuybd n be vuycf 1) have vuyev »» if vuyhk i» „ necessary vuyil vuyln ,, immediately We cannot vuymp >j be vu3rta >» have vuyve We could vuzav „ be vuzix >» if vuzva 11 not vuzwe We did not vuzzo »t „ have vyags Wo do not vyaht We had vyaly »i been vyamz »i had vyanb 11 it (her) vyarf ji no vyath >» not vyawk a „ been vyazm )i them vyban it these (this) vybep )) to vybty It .1 be vybna We have vybor )> been vybpe jj had vybro tt 1. no vybus t> „ to vybyf *-» his vycap n no vycir » not vycos >* „ been vycpa 11 „ had (to) vycso 11 to vycut ji „ be vycyg We may vyder T be vydre 11 have vydto ,, „ to • vyduv 11 if vydyh vyefs ,. not 1.1 „ be vyegt vyeky We mig It ,, be vyelz 1) not vyemb We must vyenc 11 be 204 Vyerg Vjrwon We — contimied. vyerg vyevk We must have vynof „ not vynry vyewl ., be vynug vyezn We not vynyr vyfar We shall vyocs vyfit „ be vyodt vyfov „ have vyohy vyfra. .. no vyolc vyfse .. to vyonf vyfvo ,, „ be vyorj vyosk vyfyj not vygas .. be vyowu vyget „ have (to) vj^ac Vygiv We should vypca vygsa be vyped vygte „ have vypgo vygux „ no vypif vygwo vynat „ to (be) vypog not V3rpsy vypuh vyhev .. be vyhoy „ have vypys vyhta We were vyraf vyhuz not vyreg vyhve „ to vyrfa vyhyo We will vyrge vyifb not V3n-jo vyijy vyub „ bo We would vyroj vyriik vyipf be vyrvy vyjav have vyryv vyqix not vysag vyjmy ,> be vysga vyjoz Weak vyshe vjqub vyjva vyijwe vyizo vykbo Very v^eak vysij Continue(s) weak vysko Weakeu(s) vysok Weakened (by) vysul Weakening vyswy vykiz Weaker vytah vykob Are (is) weaker vytha vykuc Weakest vytik vykwa Weakness (in, of) vyt.e vyLlo vykye Wealth(y) vylay • Very wealthy vytol vylco Wear vytnm vylez Wear and tear vytyx vylib Wearing vyubs vyloc Wearisome vyuct vylud Weather vyugy vynnz vylya Bad weather vylze Good „ vjmld vymaz Weather at vyumf vymbe here vyuph vymdo in vyurk vymeb Weather-bound vjrvai vyvek vyinic Wednesday vymod „ afternoon vyvil vymuf evening vyvia vyrke vymza „ morning vynab By Wednesday vyvmo vynba Next Wednesday vyvy^ vynce On vyvzy vynec Noon „ vywak vyufo Week(s) (see also variom Montlis) First week (in) vywel vyiiid vywon Week(s) — continued. Last week (in) „ „ in ( — ) or first week in ( — ) Next week This „ One „ Two weeks Three „ Four „ Six „ (For the) week ending How many weeks In a few weeks Within a week „ two weeks • „ three „ „ four „ l> SIX y, During the week , ( — ) weeks from now Weekday(s) Weekly Weigh(s) Weighed Weighing Weight(s) Heavy weight(s) Light weight(s) Deadweight (see also " Deadweight ") Gross weight (s) Original „ Loss of „ Nett What „ is the weight (of) W^elconie(s) Welcomed Welcoming Well Not well Very well Well for „ to Think it would be well to Well known „ „ maker(s) Well(8) „ No. (-) New well(s) Oil well(s) Artesian well(s) Well being Welsh {see also " Coal") Went Went at .. by » on „ to Were (see also' Pronouns and " If ") Were any „ her ,. his my not being thejr (he) 205 Vjrwup Wapop vywup V3rwyD vyzam vyzdy vyzen yyzip vyzma vyzne vyzur vyzyd waacy waadz waaM waajf waank waam waasp waaws waaxt wabbo wabiz wabob wabuc wabwa wabye wacay wacco wacez wacib wacoc wacud wacya wacze wadaz wadbe waddo wadeb wadey wadic wadod waduf wadyg wadza waeby waegd waelj waemk waerp waevs waewt wafab wafba wafce wafec waflFo wafhy wafid wafof wafug watyh wagac wagca wagde yiraggo wagff Were — continiud. Were not these „ they „ to M J, OB » we .. you our their there ., any these they to .. be very we you your West West Coast (of) West Indian West Indies W.N.W. W.S.W. Westerly Western Western Australia Western Australian Government Westralian Westward Wet Wether(s) Wharf {see also " Wharves ") Ex wharf Alongside wharf Wharf charges „ and warehouse charges Wharfage Wharfinger(s) Wharves {see also " Wharf") What {see also " Telegraph ") What about „ am I » ,, to » » ). do ,, are » » her .. » they » ,, we J) »» rt to .. ., you „ can .. » be » >f she ,, „ they (he) „ „ we (I) » >• you .1 » » do „ could >. .. we (I) „ „ cha „ „ they (he) „ „--you •I ,• „ do u .. v' get What — continued. wagjy What did wagog wagun „ „ it (she) „ „ they (he) wagyj „ „ we (I) wahad ,, ,, you wahda „ do wahef „ „ they wahfe „ „ we (I) wahho .. ,> you wahig „ does wahky wahon „ „ it (he) „ had wahui wahyk „ has » » it waibz » » (s)he waifd » » been wailk i> (J » done (re) waizy „ have wajaf „ „ they wajeg „ „ we (I) wajfa .. » you wajge ,, is . wajio wajly „ „ he (she) » » it wajo^ wajuk „ „ our (my) .. „ the waiyl wakag „ „ their (his) f. » your wakga wakhe „ may „ „ they (he) wa.kij ., ., we (I) wakko ), might wakmy „ must wakok j» It oe wakul » » she walah „ „ they (he) walha „ „ we (I) walik » i> I, do (re) wah'e wallo .. » you „ shall walny walol „ „ she „ „ they (he) walum „ „ we (I) walyn . » .1 » do (re) wamek „ should 1) » she wa,mil „ „ they (he), wa,mja wam re „ „ we (I) „ steamer(s) wammo „ they (he) wampy „ to wams^p „ we (I) wanak „ were (was) wane] » » » the wanka „ „ they (was he) wanle » ,, you wanno „ will wanon » » be wanup „ „ it (she) waoxy wapal „ „ they (he) .. » you wapem „ would wapla „ „ it (she) wapme „ they (b?) wapop „ you 206 Wappo Wehpy What— coHH7iueil. wappo What you wapry Whatever wapyx Wheat waran Cargo(es) of wheat warep Quarters of wheat warna Wheel(8) waror When (see also " Telegraph ' ) warpe When am I (to) warro are warus „ they waryt „ we wasap ., you wasir can wasoa „ it (she) waspa „ they (he) wasso ., we (I) wasut „ you wasvy „ „ do this wasyv could watre „ they (he) watuv „ you watwy waugn waunj did „ you do waugk Wai3 TTl „ they » you waimrn „ „ think waurs „ „ „ you can waust does wau^b „ it (he) wavar has wavit „ it to (be) wavoT has (s)he (to) wavra have wavse » they wawo 11 ., to ■w&vyx. „ we (I) .wawas >i .. to wawet .. you wawiv » » to wawsa he wawte I wawux is wayat „ he (she) waybd „it waycf „ „ to be wayev it' wayhk „is wayjl wayln may „ they (he) waymp „ we (I) wayoy .. you wayta must wayuz „ he (she) wayve „ it (be) wazav „ they (he) wazix „ we (I) wajsoz „ you wazub no wazva not wazwe our (my) wazzo shaU weagh. weanj „ I „ they (he) weajk „ we When— -continued. wealm When they weamn IF to weanp 1} was he weast 5» „ it (this) weawy „ we weazb )» were (was) webac )> „ they webca >J >. you webde )) „ we webed 5J will webgo webif 11 ,1 it (be) »» „ there be webjy It „ they (he) webog webun II „ „ (he)beabletd II •> you webyj II „ „ be able to wecad 11 would wecef II 1. it wecfe 11 „ they (he; wecho II 1. you wecig II „ „ be able to wecky wecon II you II your wecug wecyk Whence Whenever wedaf Where wedeg II am I (to) wedfa II are wedio wedly 11 ,1 they 11 11 we (to) wedoi weduk 11 11 you II can wedyl 11 „ it (she) weebd 11 11 they (he) weecf 11 " y°'',x. weeil weeln 11 11 we (I) 11 could weemp 11 11 we (I) weert 11 did weevy 11 11 you weewz II do(es) wefag 11 has wefga wefne 11 1, it (he) 11 have wefij 11 1, they wefko II 1. you wefiny 11 is wefok 11 is it weful II „ (she) to wegah )i may wegha 11 „ we (I) wegik II must wegje weglo 11 II „ it (she) shall wegny wegol •11 1, (s)he 11 ,1 we (I) we^m 11 should wegyu webai wehek II they (he) 11 to 11 Was (were) wehil 11 „ it (were they) wehia weh' ce 11 II we (I) will wehmo 11 „ it (she) wehpy 11 „ they (he) 207 Wehyp Whojk wehyp weiim weiJp weips weirv weity weizd wejak wejel wejka weqle weqno we;jon wemr we wekem wekla wekme wekop wekpo wekyr welam welen welip welma welne welur welys weman wemep wemna wemor wempe wemro wemus wemjrt wenap wenir wenos wenpa wenso wenut wenyv weoch weofk weohm weojn weons weopt weosy weovb "weoxd weper w^epre wepto wepuv weras weret weriv wersa werux werwo werzy wesat wesev Where — continued. Where will you „ would Whereabouts (of) Whereas Whereby Wherein Whereupon Wherever Whether {aee also "Telegraph") Whether it ,, or not our (my) „ their (his) „ there are (is) „ they (he) to we (I) you ,. your Which Which are (is) „ can (could) ,. you „ do you „ had „ has (have) (been) „ have you ., may „ must „ of » I, the „ they (he) „ to „ shall we (I) „ should (be) ,, was (were) .„ we (I) „ will (would) you .. you WhicheYer is they (he) we (I) you ,, „ can do „ „ think best While W^hilst Not whilst Whistle(d) Whit-Monday White Whitsun Whitsuntide „ holidays Who(ni) (sec also "Whom") „ are (is) „ „ „ to (be) „ can (could) „ do you „ have (has) „ ., you „ shall we (I) „ was (were) Who— continued. wesoy Who will westa Jt would wesuz Whoever wesve »> IS wesyo Whole wetav >i of wetix 99 „ it (them) wetoz »l or wetub ft or part wetva For the whole wetwe Wholesale wetzo „ house (s) wevbo „ trade weviz Wholly wevob Not wholly wevuc Whom {see also "Who(m)") wevwa To V mom wevye Whose weway Why {see also " Telegraph ") wewco Whj are wewez it II they wewib It II we wewoc )i 1. you wewud i» can wewya »» cannot wewze tt „ it (she) weyaz »i „ they (he) weybe " II we (I) weydo It ,.-," y°'* weyeb tt did weygn tt „ they (he) weyic tt „ you weyls »» do wejmt »» II not weynv »> 1, they weyod »» ,1 you weyuf ,, does weyza 11 II he (it) wezab It has wezba It „ it (she) wezce 11 „ be wezec It have wezfo r> „ they wezhy wezid II ,1 we Jf ,1 you wezof )l I, II not wezug wezyn 11 is It „ he (she) whaby tt i,it whagd whay tt it (this) 3t must whamk 11 1, it (she) wharp II II they (he) whavs II II we (I) whawt II ,1 you whebz 11 shall whefd 11 should whehg 11 1, it (she) whets II 1, they (he) whevt II „ we (I) whezy II „ you whixy whogh II they (he) II was whohj II ,1 be whojk t* „ it (this) 2Q& Wholm Wiray Why — continued. Will — continued. wholm Why we (I) ■ wigur Will these whomn „ were wigys' winan „ „ be whonp „ „ they „ they (Whors i> )> ^^ wihep » » be whost .. you wihna „ this ;whowy » will wihor ., „ be whozb » •» It wihpe ., very .whubd „ „ not wihro ., you ;whucf „ „ they (he) wihty t» >j oe whuhk „ ,, ,, not wihus „ „ have (to) whinl whmn .. „ you wihyt „ your „ „ ,. not wijap Willing (to) whump „ would wijir for Vburt .. it wiqos We (I) should be willing to whuvy „ not wiqpa Is (are) willing to wiagm •wia,nTi „ they (he) wijso „ not willing to ., you wiqut Would you be willing (to) wiajp „ you wiqvy „ they (he) be willing (to) wiams Wide wiyv wiker Willingly wiant Widen Willingness wiary Widened wikre Win(s) wiasz Widening wikto Winch(es) wiawd Wider wikuv Steam winch(es) wibah Widest wikwy Wind(s) ■wibha Widow(8) wUar Wind up wibik Width {see aUo " Breadth ") wilit „ the Company wibie wiblo Increase width wilov Winding Reduce „ wilra Winding up wibol What is the width wilse „ „ the Company wibnm Wife wilvo Windlass(es) wibyn Inform wife wilyx Steam windlass wica,i wicek Wilful(ly) wimas Winning W^ill (see also Pronoun* and " If ") wimet Winter wicil Will a (an) wimiv Before the winter wicia wicke » any wimsa During the winter „ ., be wimte Last winter wicyp widak ,. be wimux Next winter .. » very wimwo Winze(s) widel „ have . wimzy Wire(s) [see also " Teleskaph") widka ... .. no winat Wired (see aiso. "Telegbaphed") widle '.. » to winev Wiring {see also " Teleobaphino") widno » „ .. be winoy Wisdom (of) widon „ be winta Wise (to) widup „ her (his) winuz Wisely wiecK „ if winve Wiser wiegn wiels „. ;, possible winyo wionr Wisest ., it Wish(es) {see also "Desire") wiemt ., „ be wiois wiokt ., for wienv „ „ not „ it wierz »> ») »> »^ wiolv >. of wievd „ not wiony „ them (him)' (to) wiewf „ ., be wlopz to wifal „ „ have (to) wiorc us (me) (to) wifem „- „ they (he) wiosd „ you (to) wifla .1 .. you wiovg Do not wish (to) wifme „ our (my) wiozk „ „ you to wifop „ probably wipav Do they wish (to) wift)o wiQrr be „ she wipcy wipix Do you wish „ us (me) to wigam ,. „ be wipoz Telegraph your wishes (re) wigen „ the wipub If you wish wigip „ -their wipva Wish if possible to wigma „ there wipwe What do they wish us to do wigne »» >» oe wipzo What do you wish yngsy J i> »f i» ftny wiray .. » „ us (me) to do (r«)' 209 Wirco Wokcy •wirco wirez wirib wiroc ■wirud wirya wirze wisaz wisbe wisdo wiseb wisic wisod wisuf wisyg wisza witab witec withy witid "witof witug wityn wimis wiujt wiumy "wiurd wiusf •wlvac wivca wivde wived wiv^o wivif wivjy wivog wivtm wivyj wiyaf wiyeg wi3rfa • wiyge wiy3o' wlymz wiynb wiyoi wiyuk wiyzm wizag wi^a wizij wizko wizmy wizok wizul woahs woajt woamy woanz woard woasf woawj wobana woben Wish(es) — continued. Express(ed) the wish Wished for „ to Wishful Wishing (for) to With "With a (an) „ about ,. any „ her „ his „ him » it » my „ or without » our „ that „ the „ their „ them „ this (these) „ those „ us (me) „ whom „ „ can you „ „ did you „ „ have you „ „ shall we (I) ,, you ,, your What shall we do with Withdraw(s) „ from „ it (them) Shall we (I) withdraw Wlthdrawal(s) of Withdrawing „ f)-om Are withdrawmg from Withdrawn „ from Have withdrawn » » from Withheld- Withhold(s) Withholding Within Without Can do without Cannot do without Can you do without Do without Without it „ our (my; „ their (his) ,, them (him) „ us (me) „ you „ your Withstand(s) Withstood from wobip wobma wobne wobsy wobur wobys wocan wocep wocna wocor wocpe wocro wocty wocus wocyt wodap wodir wodos wodpa wodso wodut wodvy wodyv woegs woemz woenb woerf woeth woewk woezm wofer wofre wofto wofav wofwy wogar wogit wogov wogra wogse wogvo wogyx wonas wohet wohiv wohsa wohte wohux wohwo wohzy woifs woigt woiky woilz woirg woizn wojat wojev wojoy woqta woquz wojve wolyo wokav wokcy Witness(es) Witnessed (by) Woman (en) Won Wood(s) {sec also " Timbeb ") Wooded Wooden Wool Bales of wool Greasy „ Scoured „ Wool by (per) „ cargo „ for „ from „ in „ sales „ season Woollen „ goods Word(s) {see also " News ") 1st word 2nd „ 8rd „ 4th „ 5th „ 6th „ 7th „ 8th „ 9th „ 10th 11th „ 12th „ 13th 14th „ 15th „ 16th „ 17th „ 18th 19th 20th „ First „ Last „ Word(s) in of Have no word of Is word No. ( — ) correct Word No. ( — ) should read ( — ) Have you any word of ( — ) words in your telegram »» »» »» our ,1 Repeat ( — ) word(s) in telegram just received Worded Wording (oQ Work (see also " Works ") Commence(s) work Commenced „ No work Stop work Stopped work To work Work at „ for „ it .. on 210 Wokix Wrilv wokix wokoz wokub wokva wokwe wokzo wolbo woliz wolob ■woluc wolwa wolye womay Womco womez womib womoc womud womya womze wonaz wonbe wondo woneb won^ womc wonod wonuf wonyg wonza woofb woojv woolb woond woopf woowm wopab wopba wopce wopec wopfo "wopid wopof wopug wopyn worad worda woref worfe worho worig woroh wonaj woryk wosaf woseg wosfa Wosge Woqo ,wosoi wosuk i"wosyl wotag wotga wotne Work — continued. Work with Will try to work it Hope to work it Do you think you could work it Cannot work at less than „ „ „ over Could work it at Workable Not workable Worked off Working {see also " Days-") Are (am) working „ „ „ will wire later How is it working Weather working days Working badly „ days off „ well Workings Worknian(en) Workmanship Works {see also " Work ") At the works Workshop(s) World Worn Much worn Worn out Worse Likely to be worse No worse Worse than Worst Worth Not worth „ „ more than Worth about What is it (are they) worth Worthless Worthy Would {see also Pronouns and " If ") Would a (an) any be .. very „ have „ „ been » » no >. to »» »i fi oe „ her (his) „ if it >» »» D© » » ., very » » not fi »» If oe „ not »» II DC „ „ very „ „ have II II I, been „ „ they (he) WOtij wotko wotok wottil woucs woudt wovihy woulc woumd wourj wousk woutl wovah wovha wovik wovje wovlo wovny wovol wovum wovjm wo"wai wowefe wowil wowja wowke wowmo wowpy wowyp woyak woybs woyel woyhz woyka wpyle wo3rQO woyon woyup wozaf wozem wozla wozme wozop wozpo woziy wozyr wragn wrab wramt wranv wrarz wrasb wravd wrawf wreks wrelt wremv wrepy wrerb wresc wrewg wrihr wms wnkt wrilv be Would — continued. Would not you „ our (my) „ probably II I I, she II II be „ the ,1 their „ there 11 II be •I II .1 any „ they (he) II 11 be „ this (these) be very you be 211 „ your Wound Wound up Wounded Seriously wounded Wrapper(s) Wreck(s) is Sell the wreck Sold Wreckage Wrecked „ at (near) by off Wrecking Wretched Wretched price (rate) W^retchedly Writ(s) Issue a writ Issued a writ Shall we (I) issue a writ Writ against Write(s) for from fully (re) „ first mail immediately off ^ to I, them (him) „ us (me) II you Please write us (me) fully r« Will write to you {re) Writer (s) Writing I, from fuUy to Are (am) writing ; await receipt of letter •I i> i> you » >i II „ this mail Written Have (has) written Wriny Wunfa Written — continued. wnny Have (has) written this mail wuftib "wripz „ you written wufva wrirc Written to wufwe wrisd Have written, await letter wiifzo wrivg Has (have) not written Have (has) written, asking wugbo wrizk wugiz wrohs Wrong {see also " Incorrkct ") wugob wrojt Not wrong wuguc wromy Quite wrong wugwa wronz Very „ wufye wuEay wrord Is this wrong •wrosf „ not this wrong VTllhCO "wrcwj Wrong figures wuhez "wrv^s wrunt „ for of wiihib wuhoc wruly „ time wuhud ■wnjm?! to wuhya 'wnmb Wrongly WUh7« '^v^rurf Wrote (to) wmbt wruth „ fully wmfy ■wruzm ^, „ last mail wuigz wuikd wuacs Wrought WTiadt Y WUllf wuahy Yacht(8) wuirl wualc Steam yacht wuqaz wuamd Sailing „ wuqbe wua,Tif Yachting wujdo wuan wuasK Yard(s) Cubic yard wujeb wuqic wuatl Per „ wiqod wuawn Yam wuquf wubar Year(s) wuqyg "Wiibit wubov Year 18(— ) ,. 19(-) winza wu cab •wmbra During the year wukba wubse Last year(s) wukce wubvo Next „ wukec wubyjc This „ wukfo wucas How many yeajs wuMd wucet Yearly {see also " Half-Yeably ") wukof wuciv •wucsa Yellow Yen wukioff wukyh "ttructe "Yes" wi3la« wucux „ or "No" wulca wucwo "tSiJ^JS?'} answer is "yes" wulde wuczy Yesterday wuled ^wudat ,, aftei'nbon wulgo •wudev „ evening w^ •wudoy ■vyudta „ morning Noon yesterday wuljy wulog wulim ■miduz Yet wudve Not yet wulyj wildyb Yield(sj What does it yield wumad wuebs wumda •wuect „ would it yield wumef wtteey waeid Yielded wumfe Yielding wumho wuemf You {see also "If ") wumig wueng wuepn You are wumky wumon not wuerk » to wiimuj wumyk wuewp >» » >» OQ wufav „ to wunaf wufix it >f'*^ wuneg ynxSoz You can wunfa You — continiud. You can bo „ do so „ have „ if „ „ necessary You cannot 11 » be „ „ do so „ „ have You could be „ have if „ not ,. be You did not „ „ have You do „ not „ so „ this You had „ been „ had „ it (thein) „ no „ not II ,, been „ our (my) „ their (his) ..' to You have „ been „ had „ it (them) II no „ not "if II Deen „ our (my) „ their (his). II to II » w6. You may » be „ have (to) if „ „ necessary „ not You might „ be „ not You must be „ have „ not II II 06 You shall ,1 be „ not You should be „ have i> » Mod II 11 bad II » no >. 212 Wunge Wuvma wunge wurno wumy wunoi wunuk wunyl wuody wuoid wuolg wuorn wuopK wuorm wuowr wuozt wupag wupga wupne wupij wupko wupmy wupok wupul wurai wurek wuril wurja wurke wurmo wurpy wuiyp wusak wusel wuska wusle wusno wuson wusup wutaf wutem wutla wutme wutop "wutpo wutry wutjn:' wuvam wuven wuvip wuvma Yoc — eontinuetl. You should not be hara You to You were If not 1* ,, to to T» » be You will be have no to be not have You would to be have not no not to » be be have Young Younger Youngest Your Yours Yourself For yourself By Yourselves By yourselves For „ From J, To Z Zanzibar „ Government Zeal Zealous Zealously Zero Zone(s) 213 PRIVATE SUPPLEMENT •TO- Bentle/s Complete Phpase Code. INDEX OP ADDITIONAL . SUBJECTS (OR PHRASES,) Paob. SUBJECT. Paob. SUBJECT. ■ h— ■ .8D0J 92 mu. f^ %■• rj Wuvne Wycif wuvne wuvsy wuvur wuvys wuyap wuygd wuyir wuy\i wuymk wuyoB wuypa wuyso wuyut wuyvy wuzer wuzre wuzto wiizuv wuzwy wyaxy wybab wybba wybce wybec wybfo wybid wybof wybiig wycac wycca wyced wycgo wycif Wycog Wyhah wycog ■wycuh wydad "wydda •wydef wydfe wydho wydig wydoh wyduj wyegh wyojk "wyelm ■wyemn wyenp wyers "wyewy wyezb wyfaf wyfeg wyffa wyfge wytjo -wyfoj wyfuk wygag wygga "wyghe wygy wygko wygok wygtil wyhah Wyhha Wymip wyhha wyhik wyhje wyhlo wyhol wyhiim "wyibd wyicf wjrijl wjrihi wyirt wyj9j wyjek wyjil wyjja wyjke wyjmo wykak wykel wykka wykle wykno wykon wykup wylal wylem wylla wylme wylop wylpo wymam wymen wymip Wymma Wyiiv wymma wymne wymur wynan wynep wymia wyiior wyupe wyiiro wynus wyohl "wyojm wyolp wyops wyorv "wyovz wyowb wyozd wypap wypir "wypos "wyppa wypso W3rput wyrar" wyx'it ■wyrov wyrra wyrse wyrvo wysae "wyset wysiv Wyssa Wyzdo wyssa wyste wysux wyswo wytat wyLev wytoy wjtuz wytve wytyo wyuch wynfk wyuhm wyujn wyupt wyusy wyutz wynvb wyuxd wyvav wyvix wyvoz wyvub wywa wyvwe wyvzo wywi z wywob wywa c wywye wyzaz wyzbe wyzdo Wyzeb Yadoy wyzeb wyzic "wyzod wyzuf "wyzza yaacs yaadt yaahy yaalc yaamd yaanf yaaij yaaek yaatl yaawn yabar yabit yabov yabra yabse yabvo yabyx yacas yacet yaciv yacsa yacte yacuz jracwo yacay yadat yadev yadoy Yadta Yahze yadta Vaduz yadve yadyo yaebs yaect yaegy yaeld yaemf yaeng yaeph yaerk yaewp yafeiv yafix yafoz" yafub yafva yafw^e yafiio yagbo ya«iz yagob yaguc yagwa yagye yahco yahez yahib yahoc ya,hud yahya yalize Yaibi Yaluh yaibt / yaify yaigz yaikd yailf yairl yajaz yajbe yajdo yajeb yajic yajod yajuf yajyg yajza yakab yakba yakce yakec yakfo yakid yakof yakug yakyh yalac yalca yalde yaled yalgo yaJif yajjy yalog yaluh 10 Yalyj Yapko yaowr yaozt yapag yapga yaphe yapij yapko 11 Yapmy Yauxt yapmy yapok yapul yaraj yarek yaril yaija yarke yanno yarpy yaryp yasak yasel yaska yasle yasno yason yasup yatal yatem yatla yatme yatop jratpo yatry yatyr yaucy yaudz yauhd yaujf yaum yausp yaust 12. Yavam Yeacy yavam yaven yavip yavma yavne yavsy yavur yavys yawan yawep yawna yawor yawpe yawro yawty yawus yawyt yayap yaygd yayir yaylj yaymk yayofl yaypa yayso yayut yayvy yazer yaare yazto yazuv yazwy yeacy 13 Yeadz Yeelj yeadz yeahd yeajf yeank yeasp yeaws yeaxt yebbo yebiz yebob yebuc yebwa yebye yecay yecco yecez yecib yecoc yecud yecya yecze yedaz yedbe yedeb yedgy yedic yedod yeduf yedyg yedza yeeby yeegd yee^j 14 Yeemk Yehuj yeemk yeerp yeevs yeewt yefab yefba yefce yefec yeflfo yefhy •yefid yefof yefug yeiyh yegac yegca yegde yeged yeggo yegif yegjy yegog yeguh yegyj yehad yehda yehef yehfe yehho yehig yehky yehoh yehuj 15 Yehyk Yemaj yehyk yeibz yeifd yeilk yeits yeizy yejaf yejeg yejfia y^ge yejjo y^ly yejuk yejyl yekag yekga yekhe yekjj yekko yekmy yekok yekul yelah yelha yelik ye^je yello yelny yelol yeliim yelyn yemi^ ^i6 Yemek Yesap 17 Yesir Yeyoy yesir yesos yespa yesso yesut yesvy yesyv yeter yetre yetuv yetwy yevar yevit yevov yevra yevse yewo yevyx yewas yewet yewiv yewsa yewte yewux yeyat yeybd yeycf yeyev yeyhk yeyji yeyln yeymp yeyoy 18 Yejrta Yicfe yeyta yeyuz yeyve yezav yezhc yezoz yezub yezva yezwe yezzo yiagb yiahj yiajk 3rialm yiamn yianp yiars yiaet yiawy 3niazb yibac yibca yibde yibed yibgo yibif yibjy yibog yibuh yibyj yicad jicet 3acfe . 19 Yichc Yigha yicho yioig yicky yicoh yicuj yicyk yidaf yideg yidfa yidge yidjo yidly yidoj yiduk 3^dyl 3aebd yiecf yiejl yieln yiemp yiert yievy yiewz yifag yifga yifhe yify yifko yiftny yifok yiful yigah yigha 20 Yigik Yilma yigje yiglo yigny yigol yigmn yigyn yihaj yihek yihil yihja jrthke yihrno yiiipy yibyp yijak yijel yyka yyie yijno yijon yijup yikal yikem yikla yikme yikop jnkpo yikyr yilam yilen yilip yilma 21 Yilne Yiret jrilne yilur yilye yimau yitnep yinma yimoT yimpe yimro yimus yimyt ymtp yinir yinos yinpa yinut yiDyv 3rioch yiofk yiohTi, yiojD yiopt yiosy yiovb yioxd yiper jrlpre yipto yl^uv yiras yiret 22 Yiriv Yiiivay 23 Yiwez Yocek jawez yiwib yiwoc jdwud yiwya 3?i2ab yizba yizce yizec yisfo yizhy yizicl yizof yizug yizyh yoagm yoahn yoajp yoams yoant yoary yoasz yoawd yobaJb yobha yobik yobje yoblo yobol yobum yobyn yocaj yocek 24 Yocil Yogur yoci] yocja yocke yocyp yodak yodel yodka yodle yodno yodon yodup yoeck yoegn yoels yoemt yoenv yoerz yoevd yoewf yofal yofem yofla yofine yofop yo^o yofyr yogam yogen yogip yogma yogne yogsy yogur 25 Yogys Yolvo yogys yohan yohep yohna yohor yohpe yohro yohty yohois yohyt yoiks yoilt yoipy yoirb yojap yojir yojos yojpa yojBO yojut yojvy yojyv yoker yofer© yolrto yokuv yokwy yolar yolit yolov yolra yolse yolvo 26 Yolyx Yopwe yolyx yomas yomet yomiv yomsa yomte yomux yomwo yomzy yonat yonev yonoy yonta yonuz yonve yonyo yoohr yoojs yookt yoolv yoony yoopz yoorc yoosd yoovg yoozk yopav yopcy yopix yopoz yopub yopva yopwe 27 Yopzo Yovde yopzo yoray yorco yorez yorib yoroc yorud yorya yorze yosaz yosbe yosdo yoseb yosic yosod yosuf yosyg yoaza yotab yotec yothy yotid yotof yotug yotyh youhs youjt youmy yourd yousf yovac yovca yovde 28 Yoved Yozmy yoved yovgo yovif yovjy yovog yovub yovyj yowad yowda yowef yowfe yowho yowig yowky yowoh yowuj yowyk yoyaf yoyeg yo3rfa yoyge yoyjo yoymz yoynb yoyoj yoyuk yoyzm yozag yozga yozhe yozij yozko yozmy 29 Yozok Yuegs yozok yozul 3ruahs yuajt yuard yuasf yua"wj 3rubam yuben jrubip yubma yubne yubsy yubur yubys yucan yucep yucna yucor yucpe yucro yucty yucus yucyt yudap yudir yudos yudpa yudso yudut yudvy yud3rv jTuegs 30 Yuemz Yujve yuemz yuerf jmeth yuewk yufer yntre yufto 3rufav yufwy yugar yugit yugov yugra jngse yugvo yugyx ynhas yuhet ynhiv ynihsa jmhte yuhux yuhwo yuhzy yuifs yuigt yuirg yujat yujev yujoy yujta ytyuz yujve 31 Yujyo Yunza yTijyo yukav yukcy yukix yukoz 3mkub ynkva yakwe yukzo yulbo yuliz yulob yuluc yulwa yulye 3nimay ynmco yumez yumib yumoc yumud yumya ynmze 3ninaz yunbe yxindo yuneb yungy yunic yunod yunuf yunyg y\m7A 32 Yuods Yutij yuods yuofb yuowm jnjpab yupba yupce yupec yupfo 3^pid 3^pof yupug yupyh yurad ynrda yuref yurfe yurlio 3^rig yuroh yumj yuryk ynsaf yuseg yusfa yusge yusjo yusoj yusuk yusyl yutag yutga yuthe yuty 33 Yutko Zabma yutko yutok yutvil yuvah yuvha yuvik yuvje yuvlo yuvny yuvol yuviuxi yavyn. yuwaj ynwek yuwil yuwyp yuzal yuzem yvizla yuzme yuzop yuzpo yuzry yuzyr zaahs zaajt zaard zaasf zaa'wj zabam zaben zabip zabma U Zabnc Zagit zabne zabsy zabur zabys zacan zacep zacna zacor zacpe zacro zacty zacus zacyt zadap zadir zados zadpa zadso zadut zadvy zadyv zaegs zaemz zaerf zaeth zaewk zafer zafre zafto zaftiv gafwy zagar zagit 35 Zagov Zaliz zagov zagra zagse ZSLgVO zagyx zahas zahet zahiv zahsa zahte zahux zahwo zahzy zaifs zaigt zairg zajat zajev zajoy zajta zajuz zajve zajyo 2akav zakcy zakix zakoz zakub zakva zakwe zakzo zalbo zaliz 36 Zaiob Zapusr zalob zaluc zalwa zalye zamay zamco zamez zamib zamoc zamud zamya zamze zanaz zanbe zando zaneb zangy zanic zanod zanuf zanyg zanza zaods zaofb zaowm zapab zapba zapce zapec zapfo zapid zapof zapug 37 Zapyh Zavik zapyh zarad zarda zaref zarfe zarho zarig zaroh zaruj zaryk zasaf zaseg zasfa zasge za^o zasoj zasuk zasyl zatag zatga zathe zat\j zatko zatok zatul zaucs zaudt zaurj zausk zautl zavah zavha zavik 38 Zavje Zeadt 39 Zeah]^ Zeeld zeahy zealc zeamd zeanf zeaij zeask zeatl zeawn zebar zebit zebov zebse zebvo zebyx zecas zecet zeciv zecsa zecte zecux zecwo zeczy zedat zedev zedoy zedta zeduz zedve zedyo zeebs zeect zeegy zeeld 40 Zeemf Zejbe zeemf zeeng zeeph zeerk zeewp zefav zefix zefoz zefub zefva zefwe ze£20 zegbo zegiz zegob zeguc zegwa zegye zehay zehco zehez zehib zehoc zehud zehya zehze zeibt zei^ zeikd zeilf zeirl zejaz zejbe 41 Zejdo Zemky zejdo zejeb zejic zejod zejuf zejyg zejza zekab zekba zekce zekec zekfo zekid zekof 2ekug zekyh zelac zelca. 2elde zeled zelgo 2elif ze^jy zelog 2eluh jselyj 2emad 2emda zemef 2emfe 2eiiiho zemig zemky 42 Zemoh Zermo 4i Zerpyt Zewus zerpy zeryp zesak zesel zeska zesle zesno zeson zesup zetal zetem zetla zetme zetop zetpo zetry zetyr zevam zeven zevip zevma zevne aevsy zevur sevys zewan zewep zewna zewor zewpe zewro zewty zewus U Zewyt Zicco zewyt zeyap zeygd zeyir zeylj zejnnk zeyos zeypa zeyso zejTit zezer zezre zezto zezuv zezwy ziacy ziadz ziahd ziajf ziank ziam ziasp ziaws ■;.-. ziazt zibbo t-V zibbs zibob zibuc zibwa zibye zicay zicco 45 Zicez Zifyh zicez zicib zicoc zicud zicya zicze zidaz zidbe ziddo zadeb zidgy zidic zidod ziduf zidyg zidza zieby ziegd zie\j ziemk zierp zievs ziewt zi£Ekb zifba zifce zifec ziffo zifhy zifid zifof zifug zifyh 46 Zigac Zikij zigac zigca zigde ziged ziggo zigif zigjy zigog ziguh zigyj zihad zihda zihef zihfe zihho zihig zihky zihoh zihijj zihyk zijaf zijeg ' zijfa zijge zijjo zijly zijoj zdjvik zijyl zikag zikga zikhe ziky 47 Zikko Zipme zikko zikmy zikok zikiil zilah zilha sdlik zUje zillo zilny zilol zilum zilyn zimaj zimek zimil zimja zimke zimmo zimpy zimyp zinak zinel zinka zinle zinno zinon zinup zioxy zipal zipem zipla zipme 48 Zipop Ziuzb zipop zippo zipry apyr ssiran zirep zima ziror zirpe zirro zirty -zirus ziryt zisap 2isir zisos ^dspa zisso 2isut ^svy sisyv 2iter zitre zituv zitwy ziugh zivihj zivijk zivilin ziumn zixirs ziiist ziuzb _JV Ifi Y' ; fi? itU:ri ■ : • ■ ' »:s Jr. 'v-'. 49 Zivar Zoajk zivar zivit jivov zivra zivse ziwo zivyx ziwas ziwet ziwiv ziwux ziyat ziybd ziycf riyev ayhk ayji idyln ziymp ziyoy zijrta ziyuz ziyve zizav • zizix zizoz zizub sizva zizwe zizzo zoagh zoahj zoajk , 50 Zoalm Zodoj 51 Zoduk Zohmo zodtik zodyl zoebd jzoecf aoejl zoeln zoemp zoert 2oevy zoewz zofa^ zofhe zofy zofko zoftny zofok zoftil zogah zogha zogik zogje zoglo zogny zogol zogum zogyn zohaj zohek zohil zobja zohke zohmo ■■ M»BI ''^« XU- ' IUl ! "J"- *?!y 52 Zohpy Zomor zohpy zohyp zoym zoilp zoips zoirv zoity zoizd zojak zojel zojka zojle zojno zojon zojup zokal zokem zokla zokme zokop zokpo zokyr zolam zolen zolip zolma zolne zolur zolys zoman zomep zoniua zomor S3 Zompe Zosat zompe zomro zomus zomyt zonap zonir zonos zonpa zonso zonut zonyv zooch zoofk zoohm zoojn zoons zoopt zoosy zoovb zooxd zoper zopre zopto zopuv zoras zoret zoriv zorsa zorte zorux zorwo zorzy zosat 54 Zosev Zowze zosev zosoy zosta zosuz zosve zosyo zotav zotiz zotoz zotub zotva zotwe zotzo zovigm zouhn zoiijp zoums zoury zousz zovbo zoviz zovob zovuc zovwa zovye zoway zowco zowez zo-wib 20W0C zowud zowya zowze 55 Zoyaz Zubik zoyae zoybe zoydo zoyeb zoygn zoyic zoyls zo3mit zoynv zoyod zo3mf zoyza zozab zozba zozce zozec zozfo zo2shy zozid zozof zozug zozyh zuagm zuahn zuajp zuams zuant zuary zuasz zuawd zubah zubha zubik 56 Zubje Zufyr 57 Zugam Zukwy augam zugip zugma zugne zugsy ZVLgUT zngya zuhan zuhep zuhna zuhor zuhpe zuhro zuhty zuhus «uhyt ziiiks zuilt 2uipy zuirb zujap mgir zujos zujpa zujso zujut zujvy zujyv ziiker zukre zukto zukuv zukwy 58 Zular Zupav zular zulit zulov zulra zulse zulvo zulyx zumas zumet zuniiv zumsa zumte zumux zvimwo zumzy zunat zunev zunoy zunta zunuz zunve zunyo zuohr zuojs zuokt zuolv zuony zuopz zuorf zuos^ zuovg zuozk zupav 59 Zupcy Zuvca '60 Zuvde Zuzul zuvde zuved zuvgo zuvif zuvjy zuvog zuvuh zuvyj zuwad zuwef zuwho zuwig zuwoh zuwuj zuwyk zuyaf zuyeg zuyfa zuyge zuyjo zu3anz zuynb zuyoj zuyuk zuyzTD zuzag zuzga zuzhe zuzij zuzko zxizmy zuzok zuzul 61 Zwags Zworj zwags zwaht zwaly zwamz zwiuib zwarf zwath zwawk zwazm zwefs zwegt zwehv zweky zwelz zwemb zwenc zwesh zwevk zwewl zwezn zwids zwift zwijy zwilb zwind zwipf zwocs zwodt zwohy zwolc zwomd zwonf zwoij 62 Zwosk Zycwe zwosk srwotl zwown zwubs zwuct zwugy zwuhz zwuld zwumf zwuph zwurk zyabt zyafy zyagz zyahb zyakd zyalf zyamg zyarl zyasm zybat zybev zyboy zybta zybuz zybve zybyo zycav zycix zycoz zycub zycva zycwe 6i Zyczo Zygza zyczo zydbo zydiz zydob zyduc zydwa zydye zyedy zyejd zyelg zyenj zyepk zyerm zyewr zyezt zyfay zyfoo zyfez zyfib zyfoc zyfud zyfya zyfze zygaz zygbe zygdo zygeb zyggy zygio zygod zyguf zygyg zygza 64 Zyhab Zyleg zyhab zyhba zyhce zyhec zyhfo zyhid zyhof zyhug zyhyh zyicy zyyf 23rirn zyixt zyjac zyjca zyjde zyjed zyjgo zyjif zyjog zyjuh zyjyj zykad zykda zykef zykfe zykho zykig zykoh zykuj zykyk zylaf zyleg 65 Zylfa Zypil zylfa zylge zyljo zylly zyloj zyluk zylyl zymag zymga zymhe zymy zytdko zymmy zymok zymul zynah zynha zynik zyiye zynlo zynny zynol zynur^i zyuyn zyoby zyogd zyo^j zyorp zyovs zyowt zypaj zypek zypil 66 Zypja Zyuts zypja zypke zypmo zyppy zypyp zyral zyrem zyrla zyrme zyrop zyrpo zyryr zysam zysen zysip zysma zysne zyssy zysur zysys Z3rtan zytep zytna zjrtor zytpe zytro zytus zytyt zyubz zyufd zyuhg zyulk zyiits 67 Zyuvt Zyzwo zyuvt zyuzy • zyvap zyvir zyvos zyvpa zyvso zyvut zyvyv zywer zywre zywuv zyzas Z3rzet zyziv zyzsa zyzte zyzuz ayzwo 68 BENTLEY'S TELEGRAPH CYPHERS {Large Edition) ABBANOED IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. K one of "Bentley's Telegraph Cyphers" (of 10 letters) be mutilated in one half of the word, compare that portion of 5 letters with this Terminational Order, in which the complete edition of nearly 1,000 million cyphers will be found arranged backwards (alphabetically). The following example (see page 1, first word of column 2), illustrates its use: — K the code word "marba" were received "parba" you would turn up "ba" (in dark type) and worKing backwards would show that there is a cypher "marba" but not "parba." Taking a more intricate case. Suppose a telegram arrives containing the word "Babanubcaf" {mutilated in two places) ; neither " Baban " nor " Ubcaf " will be found among the cyphers. In the Initial Order we find • "Babad" And in the Terminational Order "Faban" Likewise we find in the Initial Order ... "Ubcaz" And in the Terminational Order ... ... "Abcaf" These would give the following four combinations: — Babadubcaz = N instead of D, and F instead of Z Fabanubcaz = B instead of F, and F instead of Z Fabanabcaf = B instead of F, and U instead of A Babadabcaf = NU instead of DA (in centre of word) If, therefore, the translation reads correctly, this word can be safely adopted, pending repetition, as, according to the Morse Signals, such substitution is Theie transpositions together are not possible telegraphically, {See Table). possible by an error in spacing. One of Bentley's Cyphers (of 10 letters) can, therefore, he examined in four different ways, namely, from the first letter (commencing the first half of the Cypher) to the fifth letter, from the fifth back to the first ; from the sixth letter (commencing the second half of the Cypher) to the tenth letter, and from the tenth back to the sixth. These Terminational Orders have been found invaluable, and frequently avoid the delay of repeating messages. To further assist the discovery of telegraphic mutilations a list of "Possible Transformations of Telegraphic Signals" is given at the beginning of the Terminational Order. E. L. BENTLEY. POSSIBLE TMNSEORMATIONS OF TELEGRAPHIC SIGNALS. LETTER. MORSE SIGNAL POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTIONS. LETTER. RECORDER SIGNAL. POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTIONS. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • mmm • • ^^ • ET TS Nl DE NN TR TEN KE Tl NE T IN ER UE ITE ME TN SE ES II EE EO ATT AM WT TA NT TET Al RE ED TT TE TM MT WE AN EG MA GT TK AE EN IE El E EA IT ST EU lA EM AT NA TU DT NM TW KT Ml GE TD AO WM JT 10 UM SM VT SA HT IS SI TH Dl BE MS TB MD 01 ON MG MO OM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V w X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -V 1 -vA -.yV R U W T S D Tl R K D TR L Z C — AA— - . /A I -W--H — iA-— ... --V— "^J\r-i ..y^ -V ■,-vv-— -vu-- -/^ R z M N U D E W O Y Q D R T TT D G T R M J R AN M A K P F L H V I B A N F V A U S J A TU TA NT L K NT G A U V E TH B D N T CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 1. pabba vicja pal>b» marba rahca cezoa zarda nuffk veyfa homga socha sarha reb„ her,. seh „ ogz ., ter „ wyf ,, ihy „ jam,, as* „ edr ,, sib 1, jir„ noh ,, diz„ ehr „ jag,. wiy „ »Tm„ dan ,, uxc„ nlr,. nab,, kor„ ish ,, ilz„ vir„ keg,. emy „ eye. ajr,. wyb„ lur,. pah ,, foz ,, wor „ lig.. yoy.. fen,. had,. unr„ jao„ dyr .. lyh„ guz.. urr ,, mog „ ary „ gin ,, jed „ por.. keo„ gas,, kaj„ avz., yar„ hag,. zuy ,, uln ,, kid,. osr „ Uo„ obs „ lej „ ryz,, ids,. nyg.. naz ,, bon ,, ikd„ mr„ moo,, bes., mij „ babda nes ,, cah ,, odz ,, can ,, lod„ Ur„ huo „ iga,. hoj „ Ubb., pis ,, deh„ pez „ jyn., mud ,, hyr„ nyo ,, cis„ juj „ ceb„ ans ,, fih„ riz ,, yap,. byd„ las.. cad,. els „. zyj ., dib„ ros ,, gph „ enz ,, zep ,, baf„ mes „ ded.. dos,. dak.. ilb,. uss ,, bah,. SOZ,,' tip,. nbf„ efs,. fid.. fus.. fek,. fob „ 8US„ myh„ oyz „ amp ,, oef „ his.. old,. tys,. gik„ gub„ fys„ waj „ nabga vop„ dif„ aks.. god,. nav„ ulk„ ryb,, mat.. yej .. peb„ orp„ ilf,. jo«,. bad ,, pev„ bok„ pad.. het„ zij .. rib,. wap„ fof„ nps,, "myd „ riv„ cuk„ red., lit,. to,,, sob,. mer„ guf,r ots,. \rat ,, ijv,. ■\k „ Sid.. jit,. irj „ cyb„ hir„ ryf ,A kus,. yef „ 80V „ jyk.. o) mem ,, lid,, ihv„ oil,. ilo„ ehs,, buj „ emz .. pam„ ciz „ him ,, mod ,, wiv .. bol„ foe „ vis,. ™yj .. yoz.. lym„ elz „ jom„ hud ,, yov.. cul„ guo„ ams„ wak„ arz .. kan „ do«„ kom „ nyd„ ajv„ jyi.. ryo ;v wos „ ack ,, zaz ,. len„ faz„ «ym„ azd„ ZUV,. yam,. vad ,, nrs ,, yek,, tabha min„ nvz„ fan,, caf„ naw,. zem ,, wed,, yas„ zik„ ocb.. hon „ tyz „ gen,. det„ pew,, ahm ,, ohd„ OWB„ omk„ veb ,, jan „ gabja bin., flf,. sow., tim „ yid„ mav„ tok.. ihb„ zyn „ obb., aln„ olf„ hay ,, mnm ,, imd„ hev„ irk.. wib„ dap „ beb„ eon,. gof „ jey .. vom „ zod ,, jiv„ vnk,. emb„ ebp „ cib „ dan .. buf „ ofy .. orm„ erd „ koT .. ral.. yob,, iep„ elb,. vyn „ myf „ kiy „ wum „ tnd„ Inv., sel.. arb„ agp „ dob,. zap,. wag,. >ky„ san „ awd ,, Ay .. nol„ zub,. gip.. fnb„ tep„ yeg„ loy,. nin „ pyd„ Raw., bew,. pul„ nac„ nlp„ tyb„ vip„ zig„ epy „ iinn ,, paf„ ^iyl„ peo„ bop,, tao„ wop „ tog,. aty.. pon „ ref„ dow.. kam ,. rio„ cup,. 000 „ urp„ irg„ may ,, run ,, sif„ tay,. lem .. ijo„ ivp„ veo ,. ynp.. vag„ baz,. hyn „ inf „ ocy ., mim .. enc„ jyp» wio„ yocja CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 2. tiypa yocja sasja dibka amyka erkla amzia gopma mafna issna fuhpa arc „ eds„ foh ,, woy ,, tuk,. woz ,, hup „ hef „ pus ,, tyh „ zuc ,, nis „ guh „ ury„ awk ,, urz ,, myp„ iff,. lys„ taj „ nad ,, uns „ ryh,. idz „ pyt.. yuz ,, rar„ jil.. tat,. vej „ odd „ pos„ vaj ,, nez „ pal,. owz ,, ser „ to£„ let.. wij ,, ped „ •OSS ,, wej ,, piz ,. rel„ zabma pur,. luf.. aft,. yoj .. rid,. rus ,, yij .. anz ,, sil„ teb„ lyr„ dy{„ mit ., arj .. end ,, hys „ ZOJ .. roz ,, wyl „ ehb„ kaa,. ozf ,, hot „ zuj ,, sod ,, lat„ er „ suz ,, jam ,, vib.„ Ies„ obg „ opt .. nak ,, cjd ,, met ,, tu „ fyz„ kem ,, wob ,, afs ,, beg,, jut „ odk„ haf „ eft,. pyj .. idbla lim ,, urb ,, mis ,, igg„ zyt,. pek „ jef„ hit „ pak ,, neb ,, mom ,, yub ,, uks ,, cig ,. ezt ,. rik.. off,. jot,. udk ,. pib ,, hum ,, owb ,, hos ,, elg ,. dav ,, enk„ kif „ upt „ rek,. ejb ,, nym ,, mad ,, ops ,, dog,. fev „ sok ,, lof „ kut „ sik„ anb ,, can ,, bed „ its,. fug „ giv„ oyk „ muf ,, gyt.. ink ,, rob ,, den ,, jid ,; jus „ uvg„ ulv „ hal .. byf „ izt „ esk ,, usb ,, fin „ kod„ zys ,, 'yg ,, bov„ ^:: w.. fav„ nuk ,, Bub ,, oln ,, lud„ dat ,, tah „ CUV „ ceg„ gev„ wyk „ oxb ,, gon ,, dyd „ ebt .. och ,, ivv ,, lol„ ogg.. biv ,, jal„ fyb„ bun ,, ozd ,, fet „ veh ,, jyv ,. mul ,, dig,, cov ,, kel „ mac , , myn ,, gaf .. git.. wih ,, yaw ,, byl „ tog M duv ,, 1U„ hec ,, wap ,, obf „ ult„ yob ,, zew ,,■ bam ,, gug,. ow ,, mol ,, ifc., Bcp ,, bef „ •hot ,, zuh ,, vow ,, cem ,, ryg,, vyv ,,' hul„ jio .. yep.. cif „ cut ,, naj ,, say ,, dim ,. vah „ zaw ,, nyl .. eke ,, uhp ,, elf,. ivt „ odj„ edy ,, ilm ,, uch ,, tew „ cam ,, koc ., zip ,. dof „ jyt.. pej .. niy ,, fom ,, weh ,f wow ,, dem ,, ape ., omp ,, fuf „ yav ,, rij .. ajy „ gum „ yih.. idy ,, fim ,, luc ,. top ,, tyf „ zev ,, ijj ,. uny ,, rym ,, zoh„ ney ,, olm ,, dye ., vup ,, tag,. ahv ,, SOJ „ poy .. van „ tuh ,, piy .. gom ,, ozc ,, ewp ,, ocg„ tiv „ cyj „ osy ,, wen ,, pyi' „ ejy „ bum ., gad „ kar„ veg ,, umv ,, hak„ ruy .. ohn ,y paj ., any „ mym ,, ,obd „ ler„ ihg„ vov ,, jek „ ixy.. yin „ fej ,. roy „ wan ,, bed ,, mir ,, wig „ orv ,, ofk„ laz„ zon ,> sij ., usy ,, yen ,, igd ., hor ,, yog.. wuv ,, kik,. mez ,, em „ inj.. suy ,, uhn ,, eid „ jur„ arg.. saw ,, ikk„ hiz ,, tun ,, nnj „ oxy ,, zin ,, eld.. zyr„ zug .. pow ,, lok„ akz „ awn „ wyj ,. maz ,, ton ,, dod.. das ,, nah ,, lay .. muk „ ]oz „ pyn .. jak.. hez ,, irn ,, fud.. ebs ,, peh ., mey ,. byk.. upz ,, pap.. kek.. ilz „ vnn ,, uvd ,, fes„ rih.. efy,. uzk„ qtz „ kuz „ rep,, nlk„ jiz,. rap,. tyd „ ags,, soh ., hiy „ bal„ sip,. lit., ekz ,, sep„ taf „ gis „ ash., aky ,, cel„ gyz>. esp„ Dkk„ koz ,, nop ,, ocf ,, uU„ cyh „ joy „ dU„ ila ,, nup „ mok ,, apz ,, isp „ vef ,, bos,. haj„ upy „ ill,. labpa wyp.. huk„ utz „ pup „ ihf „ cus „ jej .. oty „ fol„ meb ,, car ., nyk„ luz ,, 'yp.. wif ,, ivs „ kij.. kuy ,, g"l ., hib„ der ,, oal„ dyz ,, dar ,, emf ,, jys.. loj.. izy.. ryl„ job ,, fir,. del,. ozz ,, fer„ yof ,, yat„ muj ., faz ., vam ,. kub„ gor,. fil,. mabka gir ,. arf„ ect„ hyj ,, ibz „ Wem ,. gyb" bur ,, oil,. heb„ bor .. zuf ,, zet ,, bak „ gez „ yim ., fac„ myr„ gol „ jib.. cur .. nag ,, aht „ cek ,, biz ., imm ,, gee ,', was ,, bul„ kob„ jyr .. odg,. tit „ ogk ,, alz ,, zom ,, bic ,, ac8„ myl ,, lub„ yas .. P«g .. umt ,, dik„ coz „ erm ,, coc ,, yes,^ warn ,, dyb„ zes ,, rig.. vot ,, ilk,. duz ,, tum ,, due ,, uhs „ jem„ gac „ abs ,, ijg ■• ort „ fok„ OTZ ,, awm ,, vyo„ zis„ uhm ,, bee ,, tis „ eng .. wut ,, guk „ vyz ,. pym „ zad„ cms ,, lim ,, cic ,, urns ,, sog ., sav ,, ryk„ fabna pan ,, ted,. tos „ omnx ,, elc„ vos ,, asg ,, niv ,, val ,, ibb„ ren ,, ehd„ ire,, torn,, doc ,, ors ,, uxg ,, aJT ,, wel ,, geb ,, sin ,, vid., vus„ tan ,, tyc„ wus ,, cyg., unv ,, ohl„ bib,, nun ,, wod ,, ews ,, vum,, tad,. sat,, hah „ pov ,, yil,. alb,, wyn ,, urd ,, rat „ ran „ ved ,, nit „ jeh ,, osv ,, zol., cob,. jap,. yud ,, set,, sen ,, ihd„ unt ., kih ,. ruv ,, erl„ dub „ kep„ owd ,, ont ,, )nn ,, wid,. pot „ loh,. hyv.. tul„ vyb „ ufp ,, nef „ not ,, Don ,, emd ,, ost „ eph ,. law „ awl ,, zac „ lip.. pif„ ist „ pun ,, yod.. rut,. atb „ mew ,, pyi.. ice ,, mop „ anf ,, put,, lyn .. ard„ hyt„ muh ,, jow ,, pam .. tec,. ipp .. rof „ lyt ,. tap,. zud ,, lav,. byh,. fay.. rem ,, eho ,, hup ,. usf „ kav ,, lep„ naf „ mev ,, baj ,, iby .. sim ,, vie ,, nyp,. suf ,, lev „ mip ,, pef., hiv„ cej „ gey ,, Dum ,, woe ,, war ,, fyf„ miv ,, hop ,, rif ., jov ,, dij.. egy .. wym ,, urc ,, yer„ mag,. hov ,, opp,. sof „ kuv ,, foj.. biy ., jan ,, yuc ,, uhr ,, heg„ juv.. jup,, oyf.. gyv .. 8"j .. aly ., ken ,, owe ,, zir ,, jig.. zyv„ »yp.. hag ,, faw ,, ryj .- coy,. lin „ idd„ irr „ tog,. daw „■ Tar ,, jfg.. tig,. g<-'\v ,, vak„ duy ., mon ,, ned „ vnr ,, lug,, few „ zer ,, cow ,, uck ,. ovy „ hun ,, pid ,, ras ,, dyg„ bow ,, ahr ,, leg .. zay ., wek ,. zaz„ nyn „ and ,, ads ,, ozg „ yay ,. tir ,, uiup .. icy.. ohk „ icz ,, cap,,. rod ,, ses ,, gah „ ecy „ vor ., iiyg .. tey ,, yik „ lez.. dep ,, usd ,, UJ8„ beb „ zey „ orr ,, bah ,. I'hy ., imk ,, ebs! ., fip„ i>ud ,, ons ,, cih „ ahy ,, wui ,. ceh ,. viy ., zok ,, viz ,, olp ,, fyd„ nos „ doh„ tiy.. CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 3. umypa huzya umypa voy „ ory ,, wny ,, saz ,, edz ,, niz „ unz „ poz ,, lUZ ,, liyz ,, yabra ahb ,, tib „ vob „ orb „ wub ,, nic ,, ajc ,, unc „ poc „ osc ,, rue ,, ixc„ hye„ med „ efd„ hid,, akd„ jod „ otd „ kud „ gyd .. izd ,, faf ,, ibf „ gef „ egf .. bif „ alf „ cof ,, duf „ ovf ,, vyf „ zag „ icg „ teg „ ehg„ vig,, amg „ wog „ urg .. y«g.. owg„ neh ,, pih „ roh „ ush ,, Euh ,, fyh„ maj ,, hej ,, jij .. koj ,, utj ,, luj .. dyj .. gak „ obk„ bek ,, igk „ cik ,, elk „ dok ,, luk„ uvk ,, tyk„ tal„ vcl ,, ihl.. wilra gizra yol .. ulz ,, arl„ boz ,, zul ,, cuz „ nam ,. ivz„ pem „ jyz.. rim ,, dabsa Bom „ ebb,. cym „ feb„ han ,, gib ,, jen „• ulb„ kin ,, bob ,, Ion ,, cub ,, mun ,, jyb,. byn „ yae ,, bap,, eoo ,, ubp ,, zee ,, cep„ ahc ,, ogP.. tic „ dip,, umc ,, ilp » voc „ fop,. ore ,, gup.. wuc ,, avp ,, sad ,, ryp.. edd„ par ,, nid ,, rer ,, und ,, sir ,, pod,, nur ,, osd ,, wyr ,, rud ,', jas ,, hyd„ kcs ,, laf „ ufs ,, mef „ lis,. eff „ oks ,, hif „ mo3 ,, jof„ ips ;, upt ,, ets„ kuf „ hus ,, gjf .. nys „ izf,. cat ,, fag » abt „ geg„ det „ egg,. ugt „ big ,, fit,. alg ,, olt,. cog ,. got,. tlug ,. but,. vyg.. cvt ,, zah ,, myt ,, ich ,, wav,. teh„ acv ,, vih ,, yev„ woh ,, uhv ,, yuh ,, ziv ,, nej „ omv „ Pij .. tov„ ejj .. irv ,, roj .. vuv ,, suj „ ewv ,, fyj.. raw ,, mak ,, sew ,, hek„ ujw „ ifk„ now ,, jik ,, isw „ ekk,. puw„ kok„ Iyw„ utk ,, kay ,, Ink ,. ley .. dyk„ afy„ ozk i. ™iy 1. gal „ uky ,, bol,. hoy ,, cil„ opy .. ell„ ity.. dol,. juy.. ful„ ezy ,, tyl„ daz ,, tarn ,. ebz ,, ' vem ,, fez ,, ihm ,, wimaa emm .. yom ,, arm „ zum ., nan ,, rin „ enn ,, son ., cyn „ hap .. jep.. kip „ lop .. epp .. mup .. byp., uzp ,, vai „ wer .. ohr ,, yir ,, zor ,, err ,. tur .. awr.. pyr.. pas .. uds .. res .. sis ,. ins .. nns .. wys .. jat .. ket „ uft „ lit,, okt „ mot .. ipt .. hut., nyt .. azt ,, cav „ dev„ fiv „ olv .. gov .. bnv „ evv ,. myv .. waw ,, yew „ tow ,, ray ,, ady ,. sey ,, ujy ., ony ., noy „ >sy ., puy .. exy .. kaz ,. lez ,. miz ,, hoz „ opz ,. itz ,. juz .. zyz .. ezz ,, kabta leb„ mib ,, hob ,, jub .. zyb ,, dac .. fecta gio., ulc., hoc ,, cue „ jyo.. yad .. zed ,. tid „ nmd ,, vod ,, ord ,, wud ,. saf .. nil ., unf „ pof „ osf ,. ruf ., hyf„ lag ,. meg ,. hig ,. jog., kug,. gyg.. fah ,. geh „ bih,. coh ., duh .. vyh „ zaj „ tej.. ehj .. vij „ woj ,. urj ., yaj ., owj „ nek ,, pik „ ank ,. rok „ usk.. suk „ fyk., hel ,. jil .. kol „ lul„ dyl.. gam ,. bem „ cim ,. elm ,. dom ,, fum ,. tym„ ven „ ihn ,, win „ yon ,. am .. zun ,, nap .. pep.. rip .. sop „ asp ., cyp.. bar ,, dir.. gur „ ryr,, ucs „ wes ,. ohs .. yis .. ims .. zosta ers „ tus,, aws „ pys,. jav „ kev „ liv., mov „ huv „ nyv,, caw „ dew .. gow ., way ., acy „ yey.. ziy .. omy ,. toy ,. iry„ vuy .. raz .. adz ,, sez .. onz .. noz ,, paz .. lyz .. rabva seb ., onb ,. nob ., isb .. pub .. lyb., kac .. lee .. raic „ hoo ,, jue .. zye ,. dad ,, ebd ,, fed „ gid „ uld„ bod ,, cud ., ivd „ jyd., yaf ., zef „ tif ,. vof ., orf .. wuf „ sag ,. nig ,. ung „ pog .. osg.. rug., hyg.. ,lah .. meh ,, hih ,. joh .. uph .. oth „ kuh „ gyh.. faj.. gej .. bij ,; coj ., duj ,. vyj .. zak ., ick „ tekva ehk .. vik ,, wok „ urk ., yak .. owk .. nel ., pil.. rol .. sul .. fyl.. mam ., hem ., jim ,, kom ,. lam ,, dym ,, gan „ ben ., oin ,, eln ,. don ., fun ., tyn.. tap,. vep .. ihp .. wip ,, emp .. yop.. zup .. har ,, jer„ kir.. lor.. mnr .. byr ,. bas ,, ubs ,, ces ,, ogs.. dis .. lis., fos ., gas .. avs ,. rys .. vat ., net,, wet „ oht „ yit., imt .. zot ., ert ., tut., awt .. pyt.. pav „ rev ,. siv „ nuv ,, wyv „ jaw „ kew „ mow .. cay ., aby „ dey „ ngy.. fiy .. oly ,, goy .. buy ,. evy ,, waz .. yez „ nhz ,, ziz ., omzva toz „ irz ,. vuz „ ewz ., wabvra yeb ,, zib ,. omb ,. tob ,. irb „ vub„ rao ., sec ,, one ,. noe ,. ise ,. pue „ lyc .. kad„ led,, mid ,, ukd ,, hod ,', itd„ jud „ zyd „ ezd ,, daf ,. fef „ gil .. ulf „ bof „ cuf ,, jyf .. yag., ecg ,, zeg .. ahg ,, tig „ nmg „ vog „ org ,, wug,, sah ,, nih ,, poh „ osh ,, ruh ,, hyh„ laj .. mej ., hij .. joj ,. kuj ,, gyj .. fak ,. ibk„ gek „ obpwra bep ., cip ., elp .. dop.. fup ,, uvp „ typ.. nar ,, per., rir ., sor „ cyr „ bas ., jes,, ofs ,, kis ., iks ,, los ., eps „ ats ,, mus ., bys„ uzs ,. bat,, ubt ,, cet ,, ogt „ dit., ilt .. fot .. gut ., avt ,, ryt,. vav ,, wev ., yiv,, zov ,, erv ,, tuv ,, awv „ pyv,. jay,, key ,, ufy .. liy.. oky ., moy „ ipy .. ety ,, buy ,. azy .. caz „ abz ,. dez ,, ugz „ fiz ., olz „ goz ,, buz ,, bik,. myz „ alk,. cabya cok,. deb,, duk,. fib,, ovk„ gob.. vyk.. bub,. zal.. myb „ tcl.. wac ., ehl ,.- yee ,, vil,. zic .. wol.. toe „ url„ vuc ,, yal.i rad ., owl ,, sed„ nem ., nod ,. pirn .. P)id„ rem ., 1yd,. sum „ kaf ., fym ,, lef,. gap.. mif ,. hofya juf ., zyf ., dag.. teg „ gig., bog „ cug .. jyg.. yah ., zeh ,, tih „ voh „ wuh ,. saj ., nij ,. poj .. ruj „ tyj .. lak„ mek ,, hik .. jok ., kuk,. gyk,, fal.. gel „ bil,. col,, dul„ vyl„ zam ,, tern ., vim ,, worn ,, yam ,, nen „ pin „ ron ,, sun ,, fyn ,. map „ hep,, J»P .. kop ,, lap ., dyp.. tar ,, ver ,, wir ,, yor ,, zur „ nas ,, pes,, ris ,, SOS. , , cys„ bat „ jet,, kit,, lot,, mut „ byt,. bav ,, cev ,, div „ fov „ guv .. vyv .. vaw „ wew ,, yiw,. ZOW ,, tuw ., pyw ,. jaz ., kez ,. liz ., moz „ buz ,, isyzya CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 4. midob nyzyA garza lygab {usab migeb wiseb gyuhb bilib nuyib vyemb jabza fieb„ ber„ kah.. tys.. akg,. yo3„ fay.. col ,, jaz „ •fli„ cir„ leh.. tat,. elg .. ats„ gey .. dul„ kez ,, sni „ Ub„ dor,. ohh„ vet,. hog ,. zus ,, biy „ vyl „ uhz ,,. .*ri „ mob,, lur„ mih .. wit,. jug .. eva ,, ooy .. zam ,, Uz.. clo ., hub,, tyr„ akh„ yot„ zyg.. oys ,, duv,. cabib tem„ ekz ,, man ,. nyb„ tas,. elh„ att„ dah,. uzs .. vim,. . ilz.. jiu,. oao„ ocs ,, hoh ,, zaf„ obh „ nat ,, ubb ,. worn ,, moz „ >ja„ deo„ ves ,, juh ,, fevt ,, uch ,, pet ,. acb „ etm „ hnz„ oka ., «o,. wis ,, zyh ,, daj „ oyt „ adli „ rit ,. edb.. yum,, nyz „ ula „ olo„ yds,, uzt ,, efh „ ant .. deb.. ivra „ saalb amn„ goo,, ZU8 ,, obj ,, nav ,, igh„ ept .. ifb.. owm ,, nia ,, kou ., buo ,, nat ,, noj .. pev ,, eih-,( irt„ ogb„ azm ,, gla „ bru.. B»yo„ odt ,. ad; ,, riv ,, boh,. ost„ fib,. nen ,, poa ,, swu,. wad,, pet,, efj.. anv ,, cuh ,. cyt.. bub ,, pin,. opa„ dyu .. yed„ rit ,, igi.. epv ,, jyh „ hav .. myb„ enn„ ura ,, gay,. uhd,. ent ,, gij „ irv ,, yaj „ jev.. wac ,, ron ,, asa ,, bey „ rid,. sot,. bo^ .. osv ,, zej „ ahv.. yeo„ cm ,, rua ,, eiy .. omd „ cyt .. cuj ,. oyv„ tij,. kiv., zio„ usn „ hya ,, doy,. tod,. hav .. jyj M haw ,, VO ,, ikv ,, too ,, sun „ lae ,, fuy „ ird,. jev ,, kiv„ yak ., jew,, itj.. olv ,, awo „ fyn,. mee ,, faanb vnd „ zek ., aliw ,, wu .. lov ,. izc ,. map „ hie,. iba „ ewd „ lov ,, tik.. kiw .. OV „ muv ,, rad ,. hep,, oje„ oca „ rat,, muv ,. vok.. ikw ,, ayj ..1 byv ., sed „ jip.. uke ,, uda„ set,. hyv >i itk,. olw.. ez ,, baw ,, ond „ 'JP-. Joe„ ge»„ onf ,, haw ,, wuk ,, low ,. sak ,, abw ,. upd „ okp,. dre„ afa „ not ,, cew .. ovk ,, muw ,, nik ,, idw ,, ard „ ulp„ kue „ ega „ puf „ few .. ayk„ byw„ pok ,, cew ,. pud „ amp ,, gye.. bia„ lyf.. vay ,, ezk„ bay „ opk .. ofw ,. 1yd,. •up,. fai.. sma ,, kag„ ucy ., sal ,, aby ,, urk .. ugw ,. kaf,. dyp,. ibi„ coa„ leg,. wey .. nil.. eoy „ ask .. diw ,. lef„ tar,. oci,. dua„ mig„ ohy ., pol ,, idy ., ruk ,. fow ,, ohf„ ver ., ndl,. zwa „ hog,. imy .. opl ■> cey .. hyk,. guw „ mif ., wir „ gei.. vya „ jug.. zoy .. url,. ugy .. lal„ ryw ,, akf „ yor„ afi.. tee,, zyg.. ery .. asl., diy .. mel ,. ^ay ,, eU., atr „ egi.. vie,. dah.. tuy ,, rul.. foy„ hil.. wey ,, hof „ zur ,, smi., fle„ feh„ udz ,. hyl,. guy .. ukl.. zoy ,, juf ,. evr „ oci,. sne ,, gih,. rez., lam ,, vaz ,, all,. uty „ zyf.. oyr,. dui„ woe.. boh,, 3iz„ mem ,, wez ,, eml„ tuy ., dag.. uzr„ zwi ,, ore „ ouh„ inz ,, him ,, yiz.. jol,. ozy ,. obg.. nas ,, vyi„ ete ,, jyh„ nuz .. nkm ,, zoz „ kol., paz •.. ucg .. pes,. teo„ We,. yaj .. wyz ,, aim .. utz „ gyi.. rez ,. adg .. ris,. vio ,, owe,. ze „ pabab emm ,. tuz„ fam .. Biz,, efg.. ans„ flo., ftBe„ tij., reb,. jom .. pyz.. ocm ,, apz„ 'gg.. eps„ sno .. ell,. VO] „ sib,, kum ., ozz „ udm ,, erz „ gig.. irs„ woo .. mao ,, on „ apb „ gy™ .. jab«b gem ,. nuz ,, bog ,. oss„ cro .. heo „ wnj „ erb„ fan,, keb„ egm ,, wyz ,, cug ,, cys„ eto ., jio.. Bak.. nub ,, ibn„ uhb„ bim ,, kaabb jyg.. hat,. ivo ,, iJo„ nik„ wyb ,, ndn ,, lib,. com ,, lea,. yah,. jet,. owo ,, oko„ nnk„ jao .. gen,. ekb„ dum ,, oha„ zeh ,, aht„ azo „ nIo„ pok„ keo .. egn „ lib.. vym ,, mia„ tih„ kit,. piu„ amo „ 08k„ ofac ., bin,, mob ,, zan ,, uja „ voh ,, ikt„ clu„ koo „ ruk.. llo.. con „ liub,. ten ,, aka „ ith„ olt„ enu„ bro ., 'fi:: eke,. dun ,, nyb„ Tin.. ela„ wuh ,, lot,, rou „ luo .. Uc., vyn ,, oao „ won .. hoa ,, ovh ,, mut,. ipu ,, swo„ mel,, moo ,, zap ,, ubc ,, etn ,. gra„ ayh ,. byt., oru „ dyo „ ska,, 5^" huo ,, tep.. aco ,. yun., jua„ ezh,. bav„ usu ,, Jol.„ nyo.. vip .. edc ., ivn .. zya.. saj ., abv„ tyu,. wru ,, knl„ cad „ wop ,, dec „ own ,. she „ nij „ idv„ laamb tay „ gyi.. nbd., etp.. ito„ azn ., ple„ poj .. cev„ mea ,. vey.. tarn,. aod .. yup.. ogo „ nep ,, sci „ opj.. ofv„ hia„ wiy„ ?to:; edd,. ded,. ivp.. owp ,. fio„ buc ,. pip., enp ,, phi „ kli„ urj,. asj ,. ngv„ div„ oja ,. uka ., yoj,. znv ,, wabob com,, lid.. azp .. myo ,. rop .. fri „ ruj .. fov ,, ala .. dnm „ ogd ,, mar ., wad ,, ipp.. sao ,, hyj„ guv ,. joa,. yeb,. vjriu ,, fid,. jir,. yed .. orp ,, nio „ lak.. ryv ,, dra„ zib„ zan ,, bud,. ^J:: zid ,. usp ,, glo „ mek ,, vaw ,, kua ,, tob„ ten., myd .. tod.. sup ,, poo „ hik„ wew ,, gya., »wb„ ehn„ waf ,. kor„ awd ,, 'yp .. opo ,, ukk„ yiw.. fae .. i«b,. Tin,. ye'.. lur„ izd.. gar „ uro „ alk,. zow„ ibe.. rao,. won „ zil.. dyr.. raf .. ebr„ aso „ enik,. ntw„ oce ,. see,. urn,, tof „ gas ,, set,. icr .. ruo „ j'ok.. tuw„ ude .. •no „ ru>„ awl,. ebs ,, onl „ ber .. hyo ,, kuk„ avw„ gee.. npo„ own,, izf ., iC8„ upf „ ufr,. lau „ gyk.. Tal.. pyw., afe„ iro„ nep„ rag,. ods ,. arl„ cir„ hiu,. ozw ,, ege„ pno,. pip.. seg.. bea.. puf „ dor ,, oju „ ibl.. pay.. bie„ lyo „ rop „ ong„ ufs.. lyf„ fur,. nku„ ool ,. rey „ sme „ ^." asp,, °Pg>. ags „ kag.. tyr„ alu,. ndl.. siy,. coe ,, 'd- sup,. arg., cU„ leg.. tas,. jon„ gel.. apy.. due ,, ohd,. *??.. pug.. dos„ obg ,, ves., dm ,, egl.. eiy.. Ewe ,, mid,. akdob CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 5. tatec 1 1 akdob : 1 ebpob gaerb 1 pubub 1 ulmub I peavb ' jaizb lyhac oitac miheo eld,, iop ,1 ebe ,, lyb„ amm ,, ria ,. kei „ kaj,. dot,, akh „ hod,, odp „ ice ,, kao ,. ,, ana ., uhi,. le „ fut„ elh „ jud,. bep,, ode ,, leo„ dym ,, 8oa,. aji.. oh] „ tyt„ hoh,. zyd ,, agp „ bee,. oho ,, gan „ epa.. eki„ mij ., tav ,, juh ,, daf „ oip ,. ufe„ mio ,, ebn ,, lra„ iU„ nj] .. vev ,, zyh „ obf„ dop „ age ,, ako ,, odn „ osa ., moi ,, akj,. wiv ,, daj.. ucf ,,' fup>. cie ,, elc„ ben,, cya ., hui „ el „ yov„ obj ,, adf „ typ.. ske ,, hoc ,, agn „ hae,. nyi ,, hoj„ atv,. ucj ,, eff „ nar ,, doe ,, juc ,, cin ,, jee,. cao ,, juj .. zuv ,, adj ,, igf„ per „ wre ,, zyc ,, don ,, ahe ,. ubo ,, zyj .. evv„ efj.. gif.. rir ,, fue„ dad,. fun ,, ki»„ aco ., dak,, oyv ,, igj .. bof „ anr ,, tye ,. obd„ tyn ,, ole„ edo ,, obk., uzv ,, gij .. cuf ,, epr ,, tai ,, ued ,, tap,. ume ,, deo ., uck ,, naw ,, boj „ jyf .. irr ,, vei „ add,. vep„ loe„ ifo,. adk„ pew ,, cuj „ yag,, osr„ chi ,, efd„ wip ,, ste „ ogo ,, efk„ riw ,, jyj .. zeg ,. cyr ,, bli.. igd ,, yop .. mue .. who ,, igk,. anw ,, yak ,, tig., has ,, yoi .. gid ,. atp ,, bye ,, fio„ gik,. epw ,, zek „ vog ,, jes ,, ati „ bod ,, zup ,, tri „ goo ,, bok„ irw ,, tik., itg.. kis„ zui ,, cud ,, oyp.. vao ,. spo,. cuk ,, osw ,, vok ,, wug ,, iks „ evi ,, jy. wev „ umu ,, rug ,, fos „ kia ,, yib ,, rum ,, foz ,, ukm ,, alj„ yiv ,, lou ,, byg„ gus,. ola ,, zob ,, hym ,, guz ,, aim ,, cmj ,, zov ,, stu ,, lah„ rys ,, uma ,, utb ,, Ian ,, pabec emm ,, joj .. utv ,, hyu ,, meh ,, vat ,, loa ,, tub „ men ,, reb ,, jom„ kuj ,, tuv ,, gaasb hih„ wet ,, sta ,, pyb ,. bin ,, sib ,, kum„ gyj .. aw ,, eba ,, ukh„ yit„ mua ,, ozb ,, ukn ,, apb ,, gy"».. fak„ pyv.. ica ,, alh„ zot ,, bae ,, pac ,, aln ,, erb ,, fan ,, ibk,, ozv ,, oda ,, emh ,, utt „ abe ,, rec ,, emn ,, nub ,, ibn„ ook ,, paw ,, bea ,, joh ,, tut ,, eoe ,, sio ,, jon ,, wyb ,, udn ,-, udk„ siw ,, Ufa ,, kuh„ avt ,, ide,, apa ,. kun ,, jao ,, gen .. gek,. apw,. aga .. eyh „ pyt .. cee ,, ere ,, gy" •> kec „ egn ., egk„ erw ,, cia „ faj „ ozt ., ote ,, nuc ,, fap ,, uho ,, bin ,, bik„ nuw ,, ska ,, ibj„ pav ,, uge .. wyo ,, ibp ,, ho„ con ,, ook ,, wyw „ doa ,. ocj ,, siv ,, die ,, jad ,, ocp ,, eke ,, dun „ duk„ jay,, wra ,, udj ,. apv ,, foe,, ked„ udp„ ilc. vyn ,, vyk ,, key ,, fua„ gej .. erv ,, tre ,, uhd„ gep ,. moc ,, zap ,, zal „ uhy ,, tya ,, egj ,. nuv ,, gue ,, lid „ cgP.. hue ,, tep ,, tel,. liy„ che ,, bij,. wyv ,, rye ,, ekd „ bip ,, nyo ,, vip ,, vil „ eky ,, ble„ coj „ jaw ,, pao ,, ild ,, cop ,, cad ,, wop „ wol ,, ily., hao ,, duj ,, kew ,, reo ,, mod ,, dup ,, ubd ,, etp ,, etl.. Jnoy ,, jeo„ vyj „ uhw ,, sio ., hud,. vyp,. acd ,, ynp .. yui ,, hay.. aho ,, zak„ liw ,, apo ,, nyd ,, pir,. edd „ i^^).. ivl,. caz ,, kio ,, tek „ ajw ,, ero ,, caf „ enr ,, ded,, owp ,, owl,. ubz ,, olo ,, vik ,, ekw„ nuo ,, ubf „ ror ,, ifd „ azp ,, azl ,, acz ,, umo ,, wok ,, ilw„ wyo ,. acf ,, ipr ,, ogd ,, mar ,, nem ,, edz ,, loo ,, ctk ,, mow ,, tyoyb cdf „ usr ,, fid,. her ,, pim ,. dez ,, sto „ yuk ,, huw ,, syh ,, def ,, sur ,, bud „ jir „ enm ,, ilz ., muo ,, ivk„ nyw ,, rym ,, iff,. fyr„ myd ,, ijr ,, lom ,, 9gz „ byo ,, owk ,, cay ,, lys.. ogf ,, mas ,, waf ,, ulr,. ipm,, fiz.. bau ,, azk ,, uby „ kyt,. fif „ hes„ yef„ kor„ orm ,, buz ,, abu ,, nel ,, acy .. »yw ,, buf „ jis ,. zif „ lur„ nsm ,, myz ,, ecu ,, pil,. edy ,, jyz .. myf ,, ijs ,, tof , dyr ,, sum ,, maapb idu ,. enl„ dey„ vaazb wag ,, oks ,, awt ,, gas,, fym ,, hea ,, otu ,, rol„ ify.. wea ,, yeg .. . uls„ izf „ ebs„ man ,, Jia.. ugu .. ipl,. ogy .. yia ,, zig,, kos ,, rag ,, ics„ hen ,, ja.. diu ,, orl„ fiy,. zoa ,, tog ,, lus ,, seg ,, ods „ jin,. oka ,, fou ,, usl ,, buy., uta ,, awg ,, • dys ,, ong ,, bes ,, ijn ,, ula ,, tru „ 8Ul„ waz ,, tua ,, izg ,, •gat,, upg.. Uf3„ okn ,, ama ,, ryu ,, fyi ., yez .. ava ,, rah ,, ebt ,, arg „ ag3.. uln ,, koa,. rabub mam ,, ziz ,, pya 1. seh ,, iot„ P°g .. ois ,, amn ,, bra ,, seb ,, hem ,, toz ,, oza ,, onh ,, . odt ,, lyg .. doa ,, lun ,, lna„ onb ,, jim ,, C awz ,, ree ,, uph ,, '.. bet „ kah„ fas,, dyn ,, swa ,, npb ,, ijm ,, izz ,, ape ,, arh ,, uft ,, leh„ tys ,, gap.. dya ,, arb,. okm ,, naa«b wye ,. puh ,, •agt„ ohh„ - tat .. vetec CYPHERS IN TERMINATiONAL ORDER. 6. ezmad Teteo hoglo oysic coolc ohfoo wiroo gairc miduc gapuc ugbad wit,. jug.. uzs ,, duo,. mif ,, yor„ ebi ,, akd„ ebp ,, dib. yot„ zyg.. nat „ zwo„ akf „ atr „ ici „ eld,. icp ,, fob. »u„ dah,. pet,. vyo„ elf,, zur „ odi ,, hod,. odp ,, gub , iut„ obh„ rit ,. viu „ hof „ evr ,, bei„ jud ,, bep ,, ryb. evt„ nch,. ept „ flu,. juf,. oyr ,, ufi„ zyd ,, ftgP.. vac , oyt„ adh„ irt., snn.. zyf,. uzr ,, agi „ daf „ cip„ wee , nzt„ efh„ ost„ won ., dag „ nas ,, ski,. obf „ dop„ yic, nav„ igli.. cyt„ oru„ obg „ pes „ doi ,, uc( ,, fup„ zoo , pev„ gib .. hav ,, etu „ uog „ ris„ wri ,, adf „ *yp.. utc , riv„ boh ,, jev„ ivu „ adg ,, ans ,, fui „ eff„ nar „ tuo , anv.. cuh„ ahv ,, own ,, efg,. eps,. tyi„ igf.. per,. pyo. epv.. jyh" kiv „ azu „ igg.. irs ,, tao„ gif.. rir „ ozo , fry.. ya ., ikT,. laano gig.. OSS „ veo ,, bof „ anr ,, pad , CSV,. ze .. olv.. mea ,, bog ,, cys„ oho ,, cuf ,, epr„ red. «yv„ t>J .. 10T„ hia„ cug ,, hat,, wio ,, jyf.. irr.. Sid, haw „ VO} .. muT„ oja,. jyg.. jet,. blo„ yag„ osr,, apd , jew ,, it].. byv,. uka„ yah ,, aht ,, yoo ,, zeg„ cyr.. erd. ahw ,, wu .. baw„ joa„ zeh ,, kit,. ato„ tig>. has.. nud . kiw ,, OV] .. abw ., dra.. tih„ ikt„ zuo ,, vog ,, jes.. kis„ wyd . ikw„ ay ,. idw,. kua .. Toh ,, olt,. evo ,, itg.. jaf , olw ,, ez ,. oew ,, gya.. ith„ lot,. oyo„ wug „ iks„ kef. low „ sak ,, ofw„ fae,. wuh „ mut ,. nzo ,, ovg„ ols ,, uhf , muw „ nik,, ngw„ ibe„ ovh „ byt„ nan ,, ayg.. los ,, lif , byw „ pok„ diw,. oce.. ' ayh ,, bav„ rin,. ezg„ mus ,, ekf , bay,. opk„ fow„ ude .. ezh ,, abv.. ann ,, sah „ bys „ ill. aby „ urk„ guw,, gee „ saj „ idv ,, sou ,, nih,. bat,. mof , eoy „ ask,, ryw,, afe ,, nij „ cev ,, epu ., pob ,, abt„ huf , idy„ ruk„ vay„ ege„ poj .. ofv„ im ,, oph ,, idt,. nyl. oey .> "&" wey „ bie„ opj .. ngv „ osn ,, urb ,, cet„ cag , ngy .. zoy ,, sme ,, urj „ div„ cyu ,, ash ,, oft ,, ubg. diy„ mel ,, nty,. coe ,, asj ,, lov„ maaao ruh ,. ugt „ 8«g. foy,. hil ., tuy.. due ,, ruj „ gUT „ hea ,, byh,, laj „ dit„ edg. gny .. nkl„ ozy ,. zwe ,, iiyj .. ryv„ jia,. lot,. deg , vaz ,, al„ paz,. vye „ lak„ Taw ,, ija„ mej„ hi] ,, gut,. ilg. vez ,, eml ,. "•ez.. fli„ mek ,, wew ,, oka ,, ryt.. ogg. yiz„ joj .. siz ., sni ,, hik„ yiw „ nla ,. ojj.. vav ,, u*^«' zoz ,, kul„ apz .. ori ,, ukk„ zow ,, ama ,, ukj„ wev ,, bug. ntz ,, gyi., erz .. neo ,, ftlk,. utw„ koa„ alj.. yiv ,1 myg. tuz ,, fam „ nuz ,, pio ,, emk ,, tuw „ bra ,, emj „ ZOT ,, wah , pyz.. ocm„ wyz ,, clo.. jok „ avw ,, lua„ joj .. utv ,, yeh. ozz ,, udm ,, yaalc eno ,, kuk„ pyw„ swa„ kuj .. tuv „ zih , jablc keb„ gem ,, Eca ,, roo ,, gyk.. ozw ,, dya„ gyj .. aw ,, tob , egm ,, zea ,. ipo ,, fal„ pay .. ske,. fak.. pyv.. awh , nhb„ bim ,, pha „ oro ,, ibl„ rey ., wre „ ibk„ ozv ,, izh , Ub„ dum ,, tia ,. UBO ,, ocl ,, siy ,. chi ,, ook„ paw ,, raj , ekb„ vym ,, kla„ suo ,, udl „ apy .. bli.. udk.. siw ,, sej , Ub.. Zan „ voa ,, fyo„ gel,. ery „ nao ,, gek„ apw ,, on] , mob,, ten ,, fra.. bra ,, egl.. nuy „ peo ,, egk„ erw ,, upj . hub.. Tin ,, ita„ swu ,, bil„ jaz „ rio„ bik„ nuw ,, arj , nyb„ won „ wua ,, gay „ col ,, kez „ ano „ cok ,, wyw ,, P"j . eao., etn ,, ova ., bey ,, dul,. uhz ,, BOO ,, duk., jay,, lyj. nbo„ yun .. aya,. ciy „ vyl,. liz„ epo„ vyk ,, key „ kak . aoo ,, ivn„ eza„ doy ,, zam ,, ekz„ iro ,, zal „ uhy ,, lek , edo,. own,. sae ., Joy ■> tern ,, ilz„ oso ,, tel.. liy„ olik. dec.. azn ., nie,. caboo vim ,, moz ,, oyo „ vU„ eky„ mil: , ifo„ nep ,, gle.. ubb„ worn ,, huz ,, hau ,, wol ,, ily.. akk , ogo„ pip.. poe„ aob,. etm ,, nyz ,, ahu ,, etl„ moy „ e]k , fio,. enp ,, ope,. edb„ yum ,, nearo kiu „ yil .. huy „ hpk , boo,. rop,. "re.. deb,. ivm ,, pia „ olu ,, ivl„ caz ,, juk , myo„ ipp.. ase ., ifb.. owm ,, cla„ umu ,, owl ,. ubz ,, '/'; • wad.. orp,. rue.. ogb„ azm ,, ena„ Ion ,, azl., acz ,, dai , y«d„ nsp,. hye .. lai.. flb„ nen ,, roa ,, stu ,, nem ,, edz ,, obi , aid.. •up,. bub,, pin „ ipa,. byu ,, pim „ dez„ ucl , tod., fyp.. mei„ myb ,, enn ,, ora ,, wabuo enm ,, ifz „ adl , awd ., gar,, oji ,. wao ,, ron ,, usa ,, yeb ,, rom ,, ogz „ efl , izd.. ebr ,. nki.. yeo ,, orn ,, sua ,, zib„ ipm ,, fiz„ igl . raf,. icr„ ^: zio ,, usn ,. fya„ tob „ orm ,, buz ,, gil . eef „ ber„ toc„ sun ,, mae ,, awb ,, nsra ,. inyz ,, bol , onf„ ufr„ kni.. awe ,, iyn „ hee„ izb,. sum ,, tydyo cul , npf.. oir,. gyi .. izo ,, map ,, jie„ rac ,, fym ,, syj .. jyi. arf.. fur,. fao„ rad ,, hep ,, ije „ sec ,, man ,, ryn ,, fyt .. yam , ^!! tyr„ ibo,. Bed,. jip.. oke „ one ,, hen ,. zem , tas,. ooo„ ond ,, iJP >> ule „ upc „ jin .. kyv„ tim , kag.. Tea,, udo.. upd .. okp.. ame ,. arc,. ijn.. babad vom , leg.. wis,. g«>.. ard.. nip „ koe,. puc„ okn ,, abb,, itm , obg., yoB„ afo.. "hk amp,. bra .. iyo„ nln ,, eob ,, wum , taig,, aU„ ego ., Inp ,, lae.. kad„ amn .. idb „ ovm , »kg.. «ni„ Wo.. W.. dyp .. »we ., led,. Inn .. ceb ,, aym , •Ig.. •*■ (t ■mo.. Jet,. Ter., dye.. ohd.. dyn ., ofb „ ezm , sanad CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 7. etumd ababd eca ,, ida ,, cea ,, of a ,, uga ,, dia ,, foa ,, tra ,, gua ,, rya ,, vae ,, wee ,, yie ,. zoe ,, ute ,, tue ., ave ,, pye .. oze ,, api ,, wyi ,. jao „ keo ,, uho ,, lio„ ajo ,, eko ,, iIo„ moo ,, huo ,, nyo ,, cau ,, ubu ,, acu ,, edu ,, ifu ,, ogu ,, whu ,, fiu „ gou „• spu ,, piu ,> way ,, yey ,, ziy .. toy ,, vuy ., vabed web ,, yib„ zob ,, utb „ pyb„ ozb ,, rec ,, sic ,, ape ,, ero ,, nuc ,, wye ,, ked „ uhd ,, lid „ ekd „ ild,. mod ,, hud „ nyd „ caf I, ubf „ acf ,, edf ,, def „ iff ,, ogf .. fif „ buf „ myf „ yeged zig M tog ,, awg ,, izg .. rah ,, ceh ,, onh ,, uph ,, arh ,, puh ,, iyh„ kaj ,, lej„ ohj ,, mij ,, ujj M akj ,, elj„ hoj ,, juj .. zyj .. dak ,, obk ,, uck ,, adk,. efk „ igk ., gik ., bok „ cuk ,, jyk .. yal .. zel ,, vol ,, itl„ wul ,, ovl „ ayl ,, ezl ,, sam ,, nim ,, pom ,, opm ,, urm „ asm ,, rum ,, hym ,, Ian ,, men ,, hin ,, ukn ,, aln ,, emn ,, jon ,, kun ,, gyn .. fap „ 'bp ,, ocp ,, udp „ gep.. egP ., cop ,, ^■yp '• ner ,, pir,, enr ,, ror „ ipr ,, orr ,, usr ,, sur ,, fyr ,, mas ,, hes ,, jis,, ijs ,, oks ,, uls ,, kosed lus ,, dys ,, gat ,, ebt ,, ict ,, odt ,, bet ,, uft ,, agt „ fut,. tyt „ tav ,, vev ,, wiv „ yo^ .. atv „ zuv ,, evv ,, oyv,, uzv ,, naw „ pew ,, riw ,, anw ,, cpw ,, irw ,, osw ,, cyw „ hay ,, ahy .. kiy.. 'ky .• oly „ umy „ loy ,, muy ,, baz ,, abz ,, ccz ,, idz ,, ccz ,, ugz „ diz ,, foz ,, guz „ ryz ,, jaafd kea ,, uha ,, lia ,, aja ,, cka ,, ila ,, moa ,, hua ,, nya ,, cae „ ube „ ace ,, cde ,, dee ,, i(e ,, oge ,, whe ,, fie ,, goe ,, spe ,, pre ,, bue ,, mye „ wai ,, vei „ "sli „ toi ,, kri ,, vui ,, uvi ,, awi „ izi ,, raofd 1 ziahd ! mihid 1 1 ; yotid j i itojd feald SCO ,, sla ,, 1 akh „ ; att „ 1 wuo ,, efa ,, tho ,, toa ,, elh„ 2Ut „ 1 ovo ,, iga ,, OQO ,, kra ,, hoh„ I evt „ ' ayo ,, sha ,, noo ,, vua ,, juh ,, i oyt ,, I ezo ,, gia ,, upo ,, uva ,, ! zyh .. I "zt ,, sau ,, Pla „ aro ,, awa ,, i daj „ ! nav ,, niu ,, i boa ,, puo ,, iza ,, ob] ,, i pe^ " glu „ 1 cua ,, lyo „ the ,, ucj ,, riv ,, • pou „ 1 jya .. kau ,, gri ,, adj ,, anv ,, opu „ vac ,, ohu ,, dao ,, efj„ epv ,> uru ,, see ,. miu ,, obo ,, igj .. irv ,, asu ,, zee ,, uju ,, uco ,, g>j .. osv ,, byu ,, i phe ,, aku „ ado ,, boj„ cyv ,, lay ■. 1 tie ,. elu,. feo ,, cuj ,, haw ,, mey ,, j kle „ hou ,, efo ,, jyj .. jew ,, hiy .. 1 voe ,, gru „ igo „ yak ,, ahw ,, joy .. fre „ zyu 1. sho ,, zek ,, kiw ,, 1 kuy •, ite ,, caagd gio ,, tik „ ikw ,, ; kaakd wue ,, uba ,, plo ,, vok ,, olw ,, lea,, ove ,, aca ,, boo ,, itk „. low ,, oha ,, aye .. eda„ cuo ,, wuk ,, muw ,, mia ,, eze ., dea ,, jyo ,, ovk „ byw ,, uja ,, sai ,. ifa „ yau ,, ayk„ bay „ 1 aka ,, g!i,. oga „ SCH ,, ezk ,, aby „ cla ,. poi ., wha „ phu ,, sal ,, ecy ,, hoa „ opl .. fia„ tiu ,, nil ,, idy „ gra ,. uri ., goa ,, klu„ pol„ cey ,, jna ,, a=i ,, spa ,, vou ,, opl„ ugy .. zya ,, rai .1 pra „ fr« ,, url„ diy ,, dae ,, hyi ,, bua ,, itu ,, asl ,, foy ,, obe ,, lao ,, niya ,, ovu ,, rul„ guy .. uce ,, moo ,, wae ,, ayu ,, hyi ,. vaz ,, ade ,, hio ,, yee „ ezu ,, lam ,, wez ,, fee ,, ojo„ zie ,, say ,, mem ,, yiz., efe„ uko ,, sle,. niy ,, him ,, zoz ,, ige„ joo ., toe ,, poy ,, ukra ,, utz ,, she,, dro ,, kre„ ruy ,. aim ,, tuz ,, gie„ kuo ,, vue ,, pabid emm ,, pyz .. pic „ gyo .. uve ,, reb„ jom ,, ozz ,, boe ,, fau ,, awe ,, sib,. kum ,, raajd cue ,, ibu ,, ize ,, apb ,, gyra ., sea ,, jye .. ecu ., rai ,, erb ,, fan ,, tha ,, yai„ udu ,. sei ,, 1 nub ,, ibn ,, ona ,, sci,. afu,. thi „ 1 wyb „ uda ,, noa ,, zei ,, egu .. oni ,, j jac „ gen .. upa ,, i;»;l" biu ,, noi ,, 1 keo„ ego ,, ara ,, kli ,, smu ., upi ,, uhc ,, bin ,, pua ,, voi ,, zwu ,, ari ,, lie, con ,, lya„ fri,. vyu ., put ,, eko„ dun ,, kae„ iti ,, 1 yaamd lyi,. ilc„ vyn ,, lee,. wui ,, sea ,, kao„ raoc ,, zap ,, ohe ,, ovi ,, zea ,, leo„ hue ,, { vip ,, mie ,, 1 ayi„ pha „ oho ,, nyc ,, wop ,, uje„ ezi „ tia „ mio ,, cad ,, etp ,, ake ,, sao ,, kla., ujo ,, ubd „ yup .. ele ,, nio ,, voa ,, ako., acd ,, ivp „ hoe ,, glo ,, fra ., elo„ edd„ owp ,, gre ,, poo ,, ita ., hoo ,, ded„ azp ,, )ue„ opo ,, wua „ gro ,, ifd „ ! mar ,, zye„ uro ,, ova ., juo ,, ogd ,, her „ dai „ aso ,, ay a .. zyo ,, fid,. jir ,, obi ,, ruo ,, eza ,, dau ,, bud „ ijr „ uci ,, hyo„ sae „ obu ,, myd ,, ulr„ adi„ lau ,, Die ,, ucu ,, waf ,, kor „ fei „ hiu ,, gle,. adu ,, yef „ dyr„ efi ,, oju ,, poe ., cfu„ zif „ i gas ,, igi .. uku ,, ope,, igu .. tof „ 1 cbs ., shi„ alu ,, ure ,, shu ,, awf „ 1 ics ,, \ pli ,. jou ,, ase„ giu .. izf .. ! ods ,, j boi„ dru ,, rue .. plu .. rag .. i bes ., cui ,, gy«.. hye .. bou „ 1 seg „ ufs „ ( jyi.. fay.. dri „ jya .. ! ong „ 1 ags „ ] yao ,, gey.. smo ,, yay .. 1 upg .. i cis „ ! SCO ,, biy ,. «wo„ zey „ ! arg ,, 1 dos ,, 1 zeo ,, coy ,, viu „ tiy .. i pug ,, fus „ ! pho ,, duy ,. flu „ ^oy .. i lyg .. tys .. i tio ,, daald snu ., wuy ,, ! kah „ ' tat „ 1 klo ,, oba ., wou ,, waahd '[ leh „ > vet „ ■ voo ,, uca ,. cru„ yea „ ; ohh ,, wit ,, 1 fro ,, ada ,. etu„ «4 ivumd CYPHERS IN TERMINATiONAL ORDER. 8. lamce ivumd ighod eptod tyord owu ,, gih „ irt „ tau ,, azu ,, boh „ ost „ chu ,, saaud ouh„ oyt „ wiu.. nia,, iyh„ hav „ blu„ poa„ yaj „ jev,. you „ opa „ zej „ ahv ,, atu ,, ura „ tij„ kiv„ evu ,, asa ,, voj„ ikv ,, oyu ,, Tua ,, itj.. olv„ uzu ,, hya ,, wuj ,, lov„ neasd lae„ ovj „ muv „ pia ,. mee„ ayj ,. byv,. cla ,. hie.. ezj „ baw ,, ena „ oje„ sak „ abw„ roa ,, nke„ nik ,, idw„ ipa ,, aie.. pok„ cew ,, ora ,, -joe,. opk ,, ofw„ usa ,, dre„ urk„ ugw,, sua ,, kue ,, ask „ diw ,, lya„ «y?.. ruk ,, fow ,, bre„ ami ,, hyk „ guw „ swe ,, zwi ,. lal„ ryw ,, ski,. teo ,, mel ,, vay ,, wri ., vio ,, hil„ wey ,, tao ,, fio ,, ukl„ zoy „ veo ,, snd ,, all.. uty ,. oho ,, woo,, eml ,, tuy .. wio „ cro„ jol „ ozy .. blo„ eto„ kul„ paz ,, yoo „ ivo „ gyi.. rez ,, ato ,, owo„ fam ,, siz ,, zuo ,, azo ,, oom ,, apz ,, evo .. clu ,, udm ,, erz ,, oyo ,. iabod; gem ,, nuz ,, uzo ., keb, „ egm ,, wyz ,, nau ,, uhb .. bim ., zaard riu.. lib,, oom ,. tea ,, anu ,. , wis ,, ebo„ mif ., akg •„ yo3„ ico ,, akf„ elgv, ats„ odo ,, elf,. hog •„ zus ,, beo „ hol„ i"gi, evs ,. ufo ,, jnf,. zygv, oys ,, ago,. zyt ,. dah ■„ azs ,, cio ,, dag ., ofah ',, jmt „ sko„ obg ,, uch ',, pet,. doo ,, nog,. adh'„ rH., wro ,, adg„ efli',i ant,. fao ,, eig„ iggud gig.. bog,, cug „ jyg ., yah ,, zeh ,, tih„ voh „ ith,, wuh ,, ovh ,, ayh „ ezh ,, saj ,, nij ,, poj .. opj ,. urj ,. asj .. ruj .. hyj .. lak ,, mek ,, hik,, ukk ,, alk ., emk ,, jok „ kuk ,, gyk „ fal„ ibl„ ool „ udl „ gel,, egl .. bil„ ool „ dul.. vyl .. zam ,. tern ,, vim .. worn ,, etm ,. yum „ ivm ,, owm ,, azm ,. neu ,, pin,, enn ., ron ,, om ,, usn^, sun ,, fyn „ map ,, hep,, jip.. iJP.. okp .. ulp ,, amp , , lup ,, dyp,. tar ,, ver ,, wir ,. yor „ atr ,, zor .. evr,. oyr,. uzr ,. nas ,, pes ,, ris„ an* I. epsud bauvd irs., abu ,. OSS „ ecu „ cys.. idu „ hat,, ofu ,, jet,. «gu » aht „ din .. kit,. fou ,. ikt „ tru„ olt„ ryu„ lot „ taawd mut ,, vea ,, byt.. cha ,. bay ,, wia.. abv ,, bU,. idv ,, yoa.. cev ,. ata,. ofv„ zua ,, ngv„ eva ,, div ,, oya„ f0T„ uza ,. guv,. nae ,, ryv,. pee,. vaw ,, ne ,. wew ,, ane ,, yiw.. soe ,, zow .. epe,, utw .. ire ,, tuw .. ose ,. avw,, oye ,, pyw„ bao ,, ozw ,, abo .. pay.. eco ,. rey .. ido ,, siy ., ceo ,, apy .. ofo„ ery .. ago,. nuy .. dio„ jaz .. foo ,, kez .. tro ,, uhz ,, guo ,, Hz.. ryo„ ekz„ naaxd ilz,. pea „ moz „ ria „ huz ,, ana ,, nys „ soa ,, gaavd epa ,. eba .. ira .. ica ,, osa .. od% ,, cya,. bea„ hae ,. nia,, joe.. aga„ ahe .. oia,. kie„ ska „ ole., doa ., nme .. wra ,. loe ., fua., ste,, tya „ mue ,, tae„ bye.. vee„ ba che„ ab wie ,, ec blo„ id yoe „ ce ate,. ot zue .. ug eve ,. fo oye ,, tr uze ., gu hao ,, ryi .. jeo,. vao ,, aho .. weo ,, kio ,, yio •• olo ,, zoo ,, umo „ uto ,, loo,, tuo ,, »to„ avo„ muo„ pyc » ozoxd rafbe pau.. sel„ sin,. not ,, apu„ pof ,, era,. lyf.. wyn „ kag „ key „ leg.. mig.. Uy„ hog.. moy ,, irg.. huy ,, j«g.> tyfyd zyg.. syk.. dah„ ryp,. feh„ lyv.. gih „ kyw,, boh,. vyz ,, ish,. haazd pub ,, jea ,, jyh,. aha ,, yaj „ kia„ zej„ ika„ tij., ola ,, voj „ uma „ itj,. loa ,, wuj„ Eta ,, sak,. mua ,, nik„ bae ,, nlk„ abe ,, pok„ eoe ,, ruk., ide„ ivk„ cee ,, hyk„ ofe„ lal„ nge ,. mel ,, die.. ahl„ foe,. hil„ tre „ jol.. gue„ od„ rye ,, kul„ vai ,, gyi.. wei ,, fam ,, zoi ,, gem,, uti„ osm ,, tui„ dum „ avi ,, vym„ pyi" zan ,, ozi ,, ten.. reo .. vin,. apo ., won,. wyo ., yun„ jau ,. nep„ uhu ., pip.. liu „ alp,. aju „ rop„ eku ,, sup,. ilu,. fyp,. mou ,, gar,. nyu„ her ., jabbe cir„ keb„ dor ,, lib.. fur,, imb ,, m,. mob ,. tas„ erb ,, ves„ hnb„ ils„ awb ,, wis ,. nyb ,, eks,. cac ,, yos.. dee ,, aps.. fic„ uts ., ino ,, zus ,. goo ,. hav ,, buo ,, jev,. mye ,, ihv ,, wad ,, kiv,, yed ,, lov„ zid ,, arv„ tod.. muv ,, vud ,. byv„ azd.. baw ,, cewbe iow,. vay ., wey „ ofy „ iky,, zoy „ epy „ aty „ tuy., uzy„ paz„ ubz „ rez „ ogJ!„ siz., il2.. nus„ avz ,, wyz ,, paboe nbb „ reb „ sib „ ilb„ nub ,, wyb ,, jae„ keo „ he. mop ,, hue „ nyc, cad „ odd „ ded „ fid,, ojd„ ind .. god., bud „ myd „ waf ,, yef ,. ufi ,, zii „ tof., vuf ,, rag,. Beg,, ugg.. olg ., nog.. pug.. lyg .. kah .. ach .. leh .. mih ., hoh.. juh „ zyh„ daj ., fej ,, gij .. boj „ cuj „ jyj .. yak „ zek ,, tik„ vok ,, wuk ,, sal ,, nU „ ull., . pol ., ■ rul., :Uan„ CYPHERS IN TERMINATiONAL ORDER. 9. memce wowke memce infde ihyde w\mjfe mogge wiy^e pnlhe ekzhe jypje engke ahm ,, gof,. kiy.. san ,, erg ,, eky.. , lyi „ yoz.. Bar „ fog,, him ,, buf „ emy ., nin „ hug ,, yoy „ kam .. apz .. nir ,. gug., nmm ,, myf ,, loy ,. uln „ awg,. apy „ lem .. utz .. por ., ryg,, jom „ wag.. ary .. pon ,, nyg„ uty .. mim ,, zuz .. rur,,. vah „ orm ,, yeg„ muy .. run ., cah ,, zuy .. horn .. tabje hyr .. web ,, kum ,, zig.. baz .. hyn ,, deh ,, ozy .. irm ,, veb „ las ... yih ,, gy™ .. tog.. odz ,. lap ,, ■fih ,, naz .. jum ,, wib ,, ecs .. zoh ,, fan ,, vug., cez ,, mep .. goh ., pez ,, zym ,, yob .. mes ,. eph„ gen „ rah ,, diz ,, ahp ,, esh ,, igz .. dan ,, zub .. ahs ., ath„ bin ,, seh ,, enz ,, hip ,, buh ,, riz .. fen ,, nac ,. his „ tub „ nnn „ noh ,, foz ,, JOP„ myh ,, elz.. giu ., pec .. ums ,, pyh„ con ,, puh ,, guz ., orp ,, waj ,, soz .. bon ,, ric .. jos ,, paj „ vyn >. iyh„ ryz.. kup ,, yej „ uvz ,, cun ,, elc ., ors „ rej „ ■ap „ kaj„ babfe gyp.. zij ,, cyz ,, jyu„ soc .. kus„ si ., tep„ lej„ ceb .. zar ,, toj„ nabhe yap ,. eye .. gys „ ilj.. vip „ mij ., dib„ ter„ vuj ,, obb ,, zep ,, had ,. fat,, nuj „ . wop „ omj ,. fob,, vir „ rak„ peb ,. tip .. jed,. get,, wyj.. Upp „ hoj .. gub„ wor , , sek ,, rib., ukp ,, ihd . bit J, jak,. yup .. irj ., lyb .. yur „ olk„ elb „ vop ,, kid.. unt „ kek.. mar „ m •• vac ., ibs., nok ,, sob ,, opp „ lod.. cot „ lik... her,, ay] .. weo ,, nes .. puk ,, cyb ., itp .. ard .. ost „ mok ., jir „ dak .. yic „ egs „ lyk.. jeo,. wup ., mud ., dut „ erk., kor .. fek .. zoo ,, pis., kal„ ihc ,, ezp ,, byd „ vyt „ zav „ hnk,. urr ,, gik .. tuo „ als ,, lei „ kio ,, lar„ baf .. awk ,. lur„ onk ,. pyo,. ros ,, ubl„ emo .. ecr ,, cet„ tev ., nyk„ dyr,. bok„ pad ,, sus ,, mil ,, loo.. mer .. dif ,. viv ., cal„ gas,, isk„ red „ ova .', hoI„ muo .. ahr ,, fof.. wov ., del,. ida„ cuk ,, ogd „ fys.. irl„ byo ,. hir„ guf „ yuv .. fil., bes„ jyk .. sid „ gav.. Jul., bad,. umr ,, ryf„ new .. gol„ cis „ yai,. Ud„ bev ., zyl ,, odd,. jor„ vag„ row ., bul.. ans ,, zel,. nud ,, civ .. dam ,, oed ., orr „ weg,. may .. myl,, dos„ til,, wyd ,, dov ,. fem ,, did.. kur .. y'g„ icy .. warn „ uss ,, vol ,, jaf „ fuv .. gim ., end .. gyr .. zog .. hey ,. yem,. fU8„ wul ,, kef,, tyv ,, bom ,, fod,. fas,. tug ,. jiy.. amy,, zim„ tiys,. sam ,. lif „ taw ,, cam ,, asd .. eds.. pyg„ torn,, nav ,, nim .. imf .. vew ,, jym,. gud ,, ges .. pah .. koy „ vum„ pev„ ulm .. mof .. yow„ yan .. ryd ,. bis.. reh .. ory „ sen,. riv„ pom .. erf.. nay ,> zen .. vaf ,. ajs.. sih ., luy ,, oln,. 80T„ rum .. huf „ oby „ von .. wef ., uns .. nuh ,, owy ,, non„ nw„ hym .. awf „ pey „ wun ., off,, cos ., wyh ,, gaz „ pun., oyv„ men ., nyf ,, igy,. Bap.. yif „ 0SE„ jaj ,. idz„ lyn „ haw,, ahn ,, cag „ ny „ nip .. zof .. du£ ,, kej ,, bez „ kap.. wy.. hin„ deg-,. ely„ ulp .. tuf ,. vys„ lij .. ciz „ lep.. jon„ fig,, soy,, pop,, pyf ,, zat ., moj .. anz „ mip,. ody,, om ,, ing,, uvy ,, rup ,, pag,, tet „ huj .. doz ,, hop „ oey„ gyU" gog„ haz ,, hyp,. ubg ,. vit„ uyj „ fnz „ irp.. *iy .. ner ,, bug,. jez „ far,. reg ., akt„ oak ., tyz n jup„ eny„ pir„ myg,, kiz „ ger ,. ogg,.- wot ,, dek„ gabke zyp ,• toy.. ror „ wah ,, loz ,, bir„ Big.. upt ,, 4k,. beb„ yar.. »»y .. BUT „ yeh „ arz ,, cor .. Ug,. yut ,, ink ,t cib „ zer„ p»y.. fyr,. zih,. muz ,, dur .. nug.. izt„ gok,. dob.. tir.. ««7.. mas ,, toh ,, byz ,, vyr .. avg ,. ibv.. esk„ nsb ,. vor„ TO»„ ics ,, iph ,, habge zas .. wyg,. nev ,. buk„ fub.. wur ,, we« ., hes ,, eth ,, jeb „ tes,. jah .. piv,. myk ,, tyb.. sag,, yia.. jis,. vuh ,, kib„ vis ,. keh „ alv .. wal ,. tao„ ebs ,, «oa„ ams ,, raj „ lob,. aks ,. lih.. rov ,, yel.. veo ,, ags,. ate,, kos ,, sej„ arb „ wos .. moh .. SUV ,, zil.. wio ,, nig,, tar,, urs ,, noj „ mub „ ups ,, huh.. fyv .. tol., yoc ,. uls.. py» .. lus ,, puj „ byb„ ots,, nyh„ maw ,. vol ., zuo ,. pos.. uzz„ 0W8 ,, lyj.. bac„ yus ,, caj ,. low ,. ram ,. nad .. rus ., TObde dys,, kak„ cec„ net ,, dej ., hew „ sem .. obd!: iVB„ web., gat., ack„ die,. pit,. fij„ jiw,. olm ,. ped „ hys,. yib.. bet., lek „ foe.. alt,. inj ,, amw ,, nom ,, igd ,. lat„ «ob„ cit.. mik ,, guc„ rot ,, goj ,, kow .. pum., ndi: met,. tab,, ant,. hok„ rye., sut ,, luw .. lym ., sod,. hit,. pyb., dot,. irk,. vad,. ovt ,, "»yj ", dyw .. kan .. nvd .. nmt „ nzb„ tut,. juk„ yid,. fyt„ gay,. len ,. cyd .. jot,. iad.. led,. tyt„ ewk ,, zod.. mav ,, yek.. idy ,. min ., haf .. ort „ tav,, zyk .. tud.. hev,. zik.. bey.. hon „ ocf .. kut„ M„ vev„ dal.. pyd ,. jiv „■ okk.. ciy .. im„ jef .. gyt >> imd„ wiv,, fel„ paf.. k0T„ tok„ any.. jun„ ihi;: fftv,. mod ,, yor„ gil.. ref .. Inr.. ipk.. doy .. zyn„ kit,. gev „ erd „ zuv,. bol., sif „ dyv.. etk„ usy ,, dap,. lof „ biv.. hud,. naw ,, cul .. ilf,. gaw.. vuk ,, fuy.. ieP,, arf „ COT,, awd „ pew,. jyi„ Buf .. bew.. azk ,, oxy ,. gip„ muf ,, duv„ ■ nyd ,, sow ,, yam ,, wyf „ dow ,. ral„ taz.. onp„ byf „ vyv.. cat,. hay „ zem .. ]ag>. tay.. sel,, vez .. bop,. bag., saw „ def„ ocy„ tim „ keg.. fey., ugl,. ifz.. isp „, ceg,. tew,, fif., jey,. vom ,, lig .. ify.. nol .. wiz .. cup,. dig,, wow,. ibyke CYPHERS IN c TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 10. 1113' tse ibyke wykle pibme horme ney „ jal„ alb,. irr ,, egy ,. erl„ rob ,, jur., piy.. awl ,, sub ,, zyr .. aly,. nyl .; fyb„ das .. toy,. cam ,, gad „ ads ,, Buy „ dem ,, idd„ fes,. ovy „ 1 tim„ 1 bed „ gis,. maz ,, gom „ cid ,, ujs „ hez „ bum ,, and ,, ons ,. jiz„ njym „ dod,. bos .. amz ,, wan ,, usd ,, iss .. koz„ yen „ fud,. cus .. urz ,, zin ,, tyd ,, jys .. luz ,, ton ,, taf „ yat.. owz ,, van ,, vet ,, zet ,, dyz „ rap,. iff,, tit .. Doable abp„ wif ,, ukt ,, icb ,, Sep ,, yof ,, vot .. heb„ ugp., zuf „ opt .. jib,. olp ,, nag ,, wut ,, kob„ nop ,, peg.. sav ,, lub„ pup.. igg.. niv ,, owb ,, evp „ rig.. ulv „ dyb,. lyp.. elg .. pov .. gao ,, dar „ sog ,, ruv ,, ido ,, fer„ oyg,. ivv ,, bee ,, gir „ hah „ hyv ,. cio „ bor ,, och ,, law ,, ejc .. cur ,, jeh ., mew ,, anc ,, jyr .. kih„ jow ,, doc ,, yas„ loh „ fay ,, fuc ,, zcs ,, byh.. edy ,, tyc,, afs ,, baj „ gey .. tad,, tis,, odj ,, biy .. Ted ,, u'ks •, , cej ,, »jy .. ifd,. Vos ,, dij.. uny .. wid ,, ops ,, iji .. coy .. yod ,, its,. enj .. osy ,, utd„ wus ., foj.. duy ,. zud ,, sat ,, guj .. ixy ,. ozd „ agt ,, ryj .. zaz ,, naf „ nit ,, vak ,, tez ,, obf„ ult ,, wek ,, viz ,, pef„ pot ,, ofk., woz ,, igf,. rut ,. yik .. upz ,, elf,, ivt ,. ikk„ otz ,. so( ,, hyt„ zok ,, tuk ,{• yuz .. uvf „ lav ,, izz ,, cyf ., ecv ,, pyk.. zabne hag ,, mev ,, uzk ,, teb ,, jeg„ ahv ,, rel.. vib „ ihg „ hiv „ sil,, wob ,, kig.. umv ,, ill,, yub ,, emg „ jov „ nul ,, nee ,, log.. orv ,, wyl ,, pic ,, avg ,. kuv ,, jam ,, roc ,, mug ., gyv .. kem ,, sue ,, byg '.. faw ., lim ,, fyc .. bah ., gew ,, mom ,, mad ,, ceh ,. cow ,, erm ,, hed .. dih„ zay ,, hum ,, jid.. fob „ tey „ awm ,, kod ,. ash., efy.. nyni ,, urd ., «nh„ viy .. can ,, lud ., ryh.. aky ,, den ,, ! owd .. vaj „ woy ,, fin ,, i dyd ., wej ,, upy .. inn ,, gaf .. y'j .. oty., gon „ 1 bef ., zoj „ izy .. bun ., cif ., tuj ,. ibz „ myn ., 1 ant „ pyj .. ; nez ,, wap ,, 1 dof ,. pak ,, 1 piz „ yep .. i usf .. ubk.. nlz „ zip „ fuf .. rek ,. roz ., top ,. tyf .. ogk „ j GUZ ,, 'PP.. tag,, 8ik ,, 1 ovz ,, vup ., : veg ., ilk „ 1 fyz .. kar„ ! ■^vig,, nuk „ { ibbme ler.. ! yog .. avk „ neb „ mir ,, 1 utg ., zugne nah ,, peh ,, rih ,, cyh ,, haj ,, jej ., kij .. loj„ arj .. muj ,, byj „ bak„ odk„ cek ,, dik.. ijk.. fok ,. ask ,. guk ,, ryk ,, val„ wel ,, yil,. zol ., tul .. pyi .. pam ,, rem ,, sim ,, num ,, wym ,, jan .. Un „ mon ,, ern ,, awn ,, nyn ., cap ,, dep ., fip ,. inp ,. gop.. esp ,, bup ., myp .. rar .. ser .. nor ,. pur .. kas ., acs .. les.. mis ., oms ,. hos ,. irs ., jus ,, ews ,, ZTS ,, dat „ fet„ git., ont ,, hot „ ist ,, cut .. jyt .. yav ., zev „ tiv „ vov ,. wuv ., saw „ pow „ lay .. ecy .. mey ,. hiy .. umyne joy .. orv ., kuy ,. I faz ,, edz „ I gez ,, I biz ,, ' unz ,, coz ,, duz ,, vyz ,, fabpe geb ,, bib ,, cob ,, dub ,, vyb „ zac ,, tec ,, vie ,, woe ,, yuc ,, ned ,, pid ,, aid ,. rod ,. sud ,, ovd ,, fyd.. mat ,, het „ jif„ amf ,, kof ,, luf „ owt ,, dyf ,, gag., beg .. cig .. ang .. dog ,, fug „ tyg.. tah ,, veh ,, wih ,, yoh ,, aph ,. utb .. zuh ,, naj ,, pej .. nj .. elj., soj ,, cvj ., hak„ ock ,, jek ,, kik., lok.. ark ,. muk ,, bvk „ bal ,, eel ,, dil „ fol „ gul .. ryl .. vara ,. wem ., yim .. zom ,. tum ,. pym .. pan .. jren ., smpe iln ,, nun ,, wyn ,, kep ,, imp ,, mop ,, erp ,, awp ,, nyp .. war ,, yer ,, zir ,, tor ,, vur ,, ras ,, abs ,, ses ., ugs ,. ols ., nos ,. pus ,. lys .. kat ., act ,, let „ mit ,, omt ,, hot ,. irt ,. jut ,, zyt ., dav ,, fev ,, giv ,, bov ,, isv ,, CUV ,, jyv .. yaw „ zew ,, vow ,, say ,, eby ,, agy „ niy ,, uly ,, poy ,, ruy ., ivy .. laz ., mez ,. ahz ,, hiz ,, uniz ,, joz ,, orz ;, kuz ,, gyz .. ebbre agb ,, nib ,, ulb ,, pob ,, rub ,, ivb „ hyb „ lac ,, ecc .. mec .. ahc .. hie .. umc .. joe .. ore ,. kuc ., gyc. fad „ ged .. bid,, ajdre uud ,, cod ,, osd ,, dud „ vyd „ zat ,, tef ,, eft „ vif „ akf „ wot ,, yuf „ izf ,. ibg .. egg .. alg ,. rog ,, sug ., ovg .. fyg.. mail ,. ich ,. heh ., jih.. koh„ luh „ dyh„ gaj .. idj.. bej ,, cij ,, anj ,, doj ,, fuj.. tyj ,. tak ,, vek „ ifk „ wik ,, ekk „ yok ,, apk ,, utk ,, zuk ,, ozk ,, nal ,, pel .. ril ., ell.. sol ,. cyl ., ham ,, jem ., kim ,. emm ,, lom ,, arm „ mum ,. bym ., bau ,, cen ,, din ,, enn ,, ton .. gun „ ryn ,. vap ,, wep ., ofp .. yip .. ikp ,. zop ., epp.. atp .. tup .. pyp.. uzp ,. jar,. ker ,, ohrFe lir., mor ,, hur ,, nyr ., cas ,, uds ,, des ,. fis ,, ins ,, gos ,. ess ,, bus ,, mys ,, wat ,, yet „ uft ,, zit ,. okt ,, tot ,, ipt ., vut ,, azt ,, rav ,, abv ,, sev ,, olv ,, nov ,, puv ,, evv ,, lyv „ kaw ,, aew ,, lew ,, miw ,, omw ,, how ,, irw ,, juw ,, zyw ,, day .. ady „ fey ., giy .. ujy .. ony ,, boy ,, isy ,, cuy ,, exy ,, yaz ,, zez ,, afz ,, tiz ,, voz ,, opz ., itz ., wuz ., ezz ,, yabso zeb ,, tib ,, vob ,, wub ,. sac .. nic ., ule .. poe ,, rue ,, hye ,. lad ,. med ,. hid „ umd ,. jod ., ord ., kud .. gyd .. fat.. gef .. bifse unf ,, cof ,, osf ,, duf ,. vyf ., zig ,. teg .. vig .. wog .. vug .. neh ,. pill .. alh ., roll ,, suli ,, fyh ., maj ,, liej ,. jij .. koj ,. luj,. dyj .. gak ,, idk ,, bek ,. cik ,, ank ,, dok ., usk ,, fuk ,, tyk ., tal ,, vel ., wil ,, vol ., zul ,. nam ,, pern ,, rim ,, elm ,, som ,, eym ,, han ,. jen ,, iliii ,, kin ,, Ion ,, nrn ,, man ,, byn ,, bap ,, ccp ,, dip ., fop ,, asp ,, gup ., ryp ,, rcr ,, sir ,, wyr ., jas ,, kes ,, ohs ,, ims ,, mos ,, ers ,. hus .. aws ,, nys ., eat ,, udt ,, det ,, fit ,. ojt ., int ,. got „ est .. but ,, myt .. wavse CYPHERS IN TERMINATiONAL ORDER. 11. foaef t. wavse belte ulfy* wytve dnjwe zizwe losye dulxe idcaf eznaf y«v „ cil„ pof,. jav„ vyj ., okz ,, mus „ vyl.. ceo „ sap,, ziv „ dol„ ruf „ kev ,, zak ,, toz ,, bys ,, zam ., ugc., nip,. tov ,, ful„ hyf.. liv„ tck„ ipz,. bat „ tem ,, die,. pop.. vuv ,, tyl.. lag.. mov ,, vik„ vuz ,, cet ,, vim ,, foo„ opp.. raw ,, tam ,, meg „ erv ,, akk„ azz ,, dit „ worn ,, guo„ urp„ »ew ,, vein ,, big ., huv ,, wok ,, wabye fot„ yum ,, rye,. asp,. now ,, wim ,, jog,. nyv ., upk „ yeb ,, gut,. nen ,, vad ,, rup,. kay,. yora ,, org „ caw „ otk „ zib.. ryt„ pin ,, wed ,, hyp., acy ,, zum ,, kug „ dew ,, yuk ,, tob „ vav ,, aln„ yid.. far,. loy.. nan „ gyg .. gow „ izk ,, vub ,, wev „ ron ,. zod ., ibr„ miy ,, nn„ fah,. way ,, nel ,, rao „ yiv,. sun ., utd„ ocr„ omy „ son ,, geh „ yey .. pil,. sec,, zov ., 'yn ,. tud „ ger„ hoy ,, cyn ,, bib,. ufy ,. all,, noc ,, tuv „ map ,, pyd „ afr.. iry., hap ,, coh ,, ziy.. rol„ puo ,, pyv.. hep „ ozd ,, bir.. juy „ jep., kip,. osh ,, oky ,, sul,. lye ,. paw ,, jip.. paf ,. cor „ daz ,, duh„ toy,. fyi.. kad.. rew ,, amp ,, ref „ dur „ adz ,, emp ,, vyh„ >py .. mam ,, led.. siw ,, kop ,. sif „ vyr „ fez,, lop ,, zaj,. ety .. hem ,, mid ,, nuw ,, urp ,, , teh., kabve gur „ sag ,, tut,. fym ,, tih„ jaz ,, ell „ aty ,, vih .. leb„ ryr„ ebg„ pyt ,, man ,, voh ,, kez ,, hoi „ zuy ,, woh ,. mib 1, vas ,, agg,. uzt ,, hen ,, oph ,, ohz ,, Jul,. uzy ,, upb ,, hob,, wes ,, nig,. pay ,, jin „ ith„ liz„ zyl ,. naz ,, oth „ irb„ ofs„ ulg„ rev ,, kon ,, wuh ,, imz ,, dam ,, pez ,, yub ., jub ,, yis.. POg.. siv ,, lun ,, saj ,, moz ,, ucm ,, riz ,, nej.. zyb ,, iks„ rug,, nuv ,, dyn ,, nij „ erz ,, adm ,, anz ,, PU.. dac ,, zos ,, ivg ,, aw ,, gap,, poj .. huz ,, efm ,, soz ,, roj „ tec ,, eps ,, liyg „ wyv ,, bep ,, ruj „ nvz ,, igin ., epz „ suj „ gic „ ats ,, lab ,, cay ,, cip ,, nyj .. hibaf giiii .. irz ,, fyj.. one ,, tus ,, ech ,, udy ,, dop ,, lak „ ahb ,, bom ,, osz ,, mak „ boc ,, pys,. meh ,, dey ,, flip >. eok ,, kib .. cum ,, cyz ,, ick „ cue ,, uzs ,, hib „ fiy,. typ ., mek ,, ikb ,, jym „ baacf hek .. jyc.. pat ,. job ,, iny 1, nar ,, hik„ olb ,, yan ,, aba ,, J'u " yad,. ubt „ kuh„ goy .. per ,, umk ,, umb ,, zen ,, eca ,, kok,» zed ,, ret,. gyh ,, esy ,, rir ,, jok ,, lob ,, tin ,, ida „ urk „ tid„ ogt ,, «aj„ buy ,, sor ,, oik „ imib ,, von ,, eca ,, Ink., vod ,, sit ,, gej .. axy ,, cyr „ kuk „ byb „ itn„ ofa„ owk ,. wud ,, lit,. bij ,, waz ,, has,, gyk •, bac ,, wun ,, uga .. dyk ,. saf ,, nut ,, unj ,, yez „ jes ,, gel ,. abc ,, ovn ,, dia ., gal ., nif „ avt ,, coj ,, ufz ,, kis„ bi! „ ecc ,, avn ,, foa ,. tracf CYPHERS IN TERMiNATIONAL ORDER. 12. maorf tracf i^rf matef zigif nlsif obqjf feamf jacof genof poapf gua„ ogg„ bet „ tog,, kos ,, uco ,, efa ,, keo„ egn „ opa ,, ry»„ fig „ jit,, awg „ lus ,, ado ,, 5ga„ uho„ bin „ ura ,, voe,. bug,, ijt„ izg„ dys „ feo„ sha „ Uo., con ,. asa ,, wee ,, myg,, okt„ rah,, gat ,, efo ,, gia„ eko„ dun ., rua ,, yie,. wah „ . ult „ seh ,, ebt„ igo ., pla„ ilo„ vyn .^ by a ,, zoe„ yeh ,, ■: kot „ onh ,, iet „ sho ,, boa ,, moc ,, zap ,. lae ,, ute „ zih ,, : lut „ uph ,, odt „ gio ,, cua,, huo ,, tep„ mee ,, tue „ toh „ ■ dyt „ arh ,, bet,. plo ,, jya,, nyo 1, vip ,, hie,. ave ,, awh „ gav „ puh ,, Uft ,i boo,, yae„ cad ,, wop ,, oje ,, pye ., iab,. ebv „ lyb,. agt ,, cuo„ see ,, ubd„ etp ,, uke ,, oz» ,, raj „ , iev „ kaj„ cit „ jyo .. zee ,, acd ,, yup ., ale ,, rel„ sej„ odv ,, lej „ dot,. yau „ phe,. edd,. ivp ,, joe ,, apl„ onj „ bev ,, oh]„ £ut„ sou ,, tie „ ded„ owp „ dre ,, Wyl r. upj.. ufv„ mij „ tyt„ phu ,, kle„ ifd„ azp ,, kue ,, jao„ poj ". agv„ ujj „ tav „ tiu„ voe ,, ogd„ mar ,, gye .. keo,. civ,. ak„ vev ,, klu„ Ire,, fid,. her ,. fai„ oho ,, lyj ,. d6v „ elj„ wiv ,, vdu „ ite„ bud., jir ,, ibi„ lio.. VB.Ir „ fuv ,, hoj „ yov ,, fru „ wue„ myd ,, i r ,, oci .. ajo„ lek.. tyv ,, juj „ atv ,, itu „ ove ,, wa£ ,, ulr ,. udi ., eko.. ohk„ taw ,, !!yi .. zuv ,, ovu,,. aye ,, yef ., kor ,. gei ,. Uo„ mik ,, vew ,, dak,, evv „ ezu ,, eze ,, zif ,, lur,. afi,. moo,. akk„ yow „ . obk„ oyv ,, say ,, gli ,. tof „ dyr „ egi ,, huo ,, elk,, atw„ uck ,, uzv ,, niy .. fau„ awl ,, gas ,. smi .. nyo„ hok„ zuw „ adk„ naw „ poy ., ibu„ izf „ ebs .. coi ,, oau„ juk ,, evw ,, e£k„ pew,. ■ ruy ,, ocu ,, rag,. iC9 ,, dui„ ubtt., zyk„ oyw „ igk.. riw ,, kaalf udu ,, seg„ ods ,, zwi ,, acu„ dal„ uzw„ gik„ anw „ lea ,, alu ,, ong „ bes ,, vyi „ edu„ obl„ nay ,, bok„ epw„ oha ,, egu ,, upg „ ufs ,, teo„ ifti.. uol „ pey .. cukj. irw ,, mia ,, biu ,, arg„ ags ,, vio „ ogu.. adl„ riy „ jyk.. oaw„ uja„ smu ,, pug >, cis ., fio,. whu„ efl„ any ,, yai., eyw„ aka ,, cou ,, lyg .. dos „ sno ,, fiu„ igl.. soy ,, zel.. hay,. ela„ zwu ,, kah,. lus„ woo ,, gou .. gil,. epy „ til,. ahy „ boa ,, vyu ,, leh.. tys „ cro ,, spu,, bol„ iry ., vol,. kiy.. gra ,, yaanf ohh„ tat ,, eto ,, pru.. cnl,, osy „ itl,. iky „ jua,, sea ,, mih ,, vet ,, ivo ,, way,, jyi>. haz„ wul„ oly „ zya„ zea ,, akh ,. wit ,, owo „ yey,. yam,, ahz„ ovl„ umy „ dae ,, pha ,, elh,. yot ,, azo ,, wy .. zem „ kiz„ ayl.. loy „ obe ,, tia„ hoh„ att„ piu„ toy,, tim„ itz., ezl„ muy „ uce ,, kla„ juh„ zut „ clu ,, ■roy „ vom „ olz „ 8am ,, baz ,, ade ,, voa ,, zyh„ daj „ evt ,, enu ,, babef itm ,, umz„ nim„ abz ,, fee,. &a„ oyt ,, rou „ abb,. wum „ loz„ pom,. ecz ,, efe „ ita„ obj „ uzt ,, ipu.. ecb„ ovm ,, muz,. opm,, idz,. ige „ wua ,, uoj „ nav ,, oru„ idb,. aym „ byz „ urm „ cez ,, gie „ ova ,, adj „ pev ,, UBU,, eeb „ ezm „ vabif asm,. ugz„ pie., aya ,, efj „ riv ,, fyu„ «gb„ san ,, web,, rum ,, diz ,, boe „ eza „ igj.. anv ,, may,. dib.. nin „ yib„ hym „ foz ,, cue ,, sae ,, gi] .. epv ,, bey ,, fob„ pon„ zob„ Ian ,, guz „ jye„ nie ,, boj„ irv„ jiy.. gub„ urn „ utb., men „ ryz ,, yai„ glo ,, cui ,, osv ,, koy ,, ryb,. asn „ tub,. bin „ waajf sol ,, poe ,, jyj.. oyv „ luy ,, vao „ run ,, pyb,. nkn ,, yea ,, zei ,, ope >. yak ,, haw ,, ibarf we* ,, hyn „ ozb„ aln ,, zia ,, phi.. ure ,, zek ,, jew ,, oca ,, yic. lap,. pac„ emn ,, sla,. kli „ use ,, tik„ ahw ,, uda ,. SOG„ mep „ sio„ jon ,, tea ,, voi ,, rue,. vok ,, kiw ,, afa ,, uto,. hip,. apo„ kun ,, kra „ fri„ hye ,, itk„ ikw ,, cga ,, tnc ,, nkp„ ero ,, gyu .. vua ,, iti „ dri„ wuk ,, olw „ sma ,, pyc., alp,, nuo„ fap„ uva ,, wui ,, fao ,, ovk ,, low ,, zwa ,, ozc ,, emp ,, wyo„ ibp„ awa „ ovi „ ibo „ ayk ,, muw ,, vya „ pad,. jop„ jad„ ocp„ iza ,, ayi.,, oco ,, ezk ,, bjw ,, zae ,, ted,. kup „ ked„ udp ,, rae ,, ezi ,, udo „ sal „ bay ,, tec,,- 8id„ gyp^.. uhd„ gep ,, see „ sao„ geo „ nil „ aby ,, vie ,, »pd,. zar „ lid,. egp,. the „ nio„ afo ,, pol ,, ccy ., fle„ «td.. ter„ ekd„ bip„ one ,, glo„ ego „ opl ,, idy „ sue ,, nod,, vir„ ild„ cop,. noe ,, poo „ bio,. url„ cey „ woe ,, ^^" wor„ mod ,, dup„ upe,, opo „ smo ,, asl„ ugy ,. ere „ iet" etr„ hud,. vyp n are ,, uro ,, coo „ rul„ diy .. ete„ yur„ nyd„ ner ,, pue„ aso ,, duo ,, hyl ,. Joy „ yue„ nhf „ ivr „ caf „ pir„ lye., ruo ,, zwo ,, lam ,. guy.. ive,. lit,, owr„ ubf „ enr ,, kai„ hyo ,, vyo ,, mem ., vaz ,. aze ,, eW,. azr„ aof „ ror „ lei.. lau ,, flu,. him ,, wez ,, nei ., iU., nes„ edf „ ipr „ ohi„ hiu „ snu ,, ukm ,, yiz „ cU ,, mot,, pU„ def „ usr„ nji.. oju „ cru ,, aim ,, zoz ,, eni „ haf„ ens,. iff., Bur „ aki„ nku„ pabof emm ,, utz „ roi„ nyt.. roff,, °P." fyr., eli„ dru„ reb ,, jom ,. tuz ,, ipi., cag„ i^a„ fil„ mas ,, hoi,, gyu ,. sib ,, kum ,, pyz .. ori„ nbg„ ors „ buf,. hes„ gri „ daamf apb ,, gym „ ozz ,, usi „ aog„ US8„ myf .. jis„ jui „ oba „ erb ,, (an ,, saapf sui„ «d«„ sus„ wag,. ijs„ zyi„ uca ,, nub „ ibn „ nia„ 'yi,. de«M fys,. yeg.. oks,. dao ,, ada „ wyb„ udn ,, gla ,, mao „ heorf CYPHERS rN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 13. hoelg heorf toduf supuf oyewf zika^ kowag ■ekeg odwe^ ozclg jopitf jio„ awd ,, fyp .. uze ,, tok„ luw ,, onk„ bew.. pad .. kup„ ijo.. izd ,, gar,. hao ,, awk ,, dyw „ 'Pk „ ntw.. red,. gyp » oko„ raf „ ibr., jeo„ izk ,, gay ,. •k.. agw,. Sid.. zar „ ulo ,, sef „ ior ,, aho ,, ral„ eby „ J lc„ ciw„ apd.„ ter„ amo ,, onf ,, ufr„ kio ,, sel„ loy „ \ ' .. dow ,. nud., vir„ koo„ upf .. oir ,, olo ,, onl ,, ody „ 1 .. - fuw ,. wyd„ wor„ bro „ arf,. dor ,, umo „ upl ,, bey,. lei,. tyw,. ^C etr„ luo ,, puf ,, fur,, loo ,, arl„ agy .. ohl.. 'ay,. yor,. 6W0 ,, lyf.. tyr,. sto „ pul ,, ciy „ mil,, vey „ nh£,. ivr .. dyo,. kag „ tas„ muo „ lyl.. doy ,, akl„ wiy „ v.. owr„ gaa.. leg ,, vea ,, byo,, kam ,, fuy ,, eU„ yoy ,. ■ikf „ azr„ ebu ,, ohg„ wis,. vybyf lem ,, taz ,, hol„ aty ,, iW,. nes ,', ica ,, mig ,, yo8„ tyg.. ohm ,, vez ,, Jul,, zuy „ mof ., pis.. odu „ akg „ ats „ Byl„ mim ,, wiz „ zyl.. nzy „ hnf.. ens ., u!u ,, elg.. zus ,, lyw ,, akm ,, yoz ,, dam,. naz ,, »»y£., ips„ aga„ hog „ evs„ nabii^ elm ,, atz ,, uom.. pez „ oag„ UBS„ CIO „ jig,, oys,. peb„ hom ,, zuz ,, adm „ riz ., nbg „ SUS.. sku„ zyg.. ' uss ,, rib,. jam „ oyz ,, efm,. anz ., aog., lysi. dou ,, dah„ nat ,, anb „ zym ,, nzz ,, igm„ soz ,. edg„ mat,, wru ,, obh „ pet,, sob,, dan,. habe^ gim„ epz .. deff., bet,. tyu .. uoh ,, rit„ epb ,, obn ,, ahb„ bom ,, irz„ ilg., jit., zaasf adh„ ant ,, irb„ adn ,, kib„ cum „ osz,. ogg,. ijt.. tea ,, e£h „ ept„ osb ,, efn ,, ikb„ jym.. oyz „ fig., okt„ via ,, igh >. ■ irt ,, cyb ,, ign „ olb„ yan ,, jaahg bug,, !^*... fla„ gih >> ost „ hac ,, gin ,, umb ,, zen„ kea ,. myg.. lut„ sna ,, boh,. oyt „ aho ,, bon ,, lob „ tin ,, uha ., wah ,. dyt.. woa ,, cuh ,, hav„ kio„ can ,, mub ,, von ,, Iia„ yeh.. gav., era ,, jyh,. jev„ ike,. jyn .. byb„ itn ,, aja,. zih„ ebv,. eta ,, yaj .. ahv „ olc „ yap .. bac ,, wun ,. eka„ toh ,. i0T„ yua„ zej ,, kiv ,, umc ,, zep„ abc„ ovn ,. Ua-,. awh ,. odv.„ iva„ tij„ ikT„ loc,. tip ,, eoo„ ayn „ moa ,, izh ,, bev u. aza ,, voj ,, o1t„ muo ,, vop „ ido„ ezu ,, hna ), raj „ atr„ cle „ itj„ l0T„ byo ,, itp 1. ceo „ sap ,, nya „ sej ,. agr „ bri„ WHJ „ muT ,, bad,, wup ,, ugc„ nip,. whe ., onj ,. civ,. swi ,, ovj ,, byv„ abd„ ovp ,, die ,, pop,. spe,, npj ;> dov., gao ,, ayj „ taw,. ecd ,, ayp ,, foo„ opp„ pre ,, arj ., luv.. ebo„ ezj „ abw ,, idd„ ezp ,, guo.. urp ,, sU., Pij .. tyr,. ico ,, sak,, idw ,, ced „ Iar„ ryo „ asp „ kri„ ly ,. taw., odo„ nik ,, oew ,, ugd .. hir ,, vad ,, rup ,. rao„ kak.. vew„ beo,, pok,. ofw ,, did,. ojr ,, wed „ hyp .. seo.. lek.. yow„ ulo,, opk„ ugw „ lod„ ar „ yid .. Li,, tho .. ohk.. atw„ ago,, urk ,, diw ,, gad „ emr ,, zod ,, ibr„ one ,, mik.. anw„ cio ,, ask „ fow „ ryd„ jor „ utd„ oor ,, noo ,, akk,. evw„ sko „ ruk„ guw„ vaf ,, kur ,, tud„ ger „ upo„ elk.. oyw,. doo „ byk „ ryw,. wef ,, gyr ,. pyd .. afr„ aro ,. hok ., uzw„ wro „ lal„ vay „ yif .. fas,. ozd „ bir „ puo „ juk., nay,, fuo ,, mel,. wey „ zof „ lbs ,, paf ,, cor,, lyo„ zyk ,. pey.. tyo ,, hil„ zoy „ utf „ 0C3 ,, raf „ dur ,, kau ,. dal,. ny ,., tau„ ukl „ uty .. tuf „ uds ,, sil,, vyr ,, chu ,, obi.. any,, chu ,, all,. tuy ,, py'.. ges,. apf.. zas ,, miu ,, ncl ,, Boy,. wiu ,, eml ,, ozy ,, ozf ,, afs „ erf.. tes „ uju „ adl„ ' epy .. blu„ jol „ paz ,, pag.. egs „ nuf-v. vis „ aku ,. efl„ «y ,. you,. kul „ rez ,, reg,. bis,. wyf ,i wos ,, elu„ igl.. osy .. atu „ gyi .. siz ,, sig,. cos „ jag„ ets „ hou „ gil.. evu „ fam ,, apz „ apg.. dus „ keg,. yus „ gru „ bol„ aha ., oyu„ oem ,, erz „ erg,. vys „ uhg ,. ivs „ zyn .. cul„ ki« „ uzu ,, udm ,, naz ,, nug„ zat „ lig.. ows „ day ,, jyi„ ikz,. jabuf gem „ "yz ,, ■wyg .. tet „ ekg ., azs., fey,. yam,, oU., keb ., egm „ ebawf jah ,, vit „ ilg >. net „ giy .. zem„ nmz ., uhb„ bim ,, ica ,, keh„ wot ,, mog„ pit ,, boy „ tim„ 102., • lib,. com ,, oda „ uhh„ ett „ hog » ent ,, ouy „ vom ,. mxa ,;■ ekb„ dam ,, bea ,, lih„ yut .. nyg .. rot ,, babig itm.. by*,, Ub,, vym „ ufa ,, ekh „ ivt ,,• cah .. ipt„ abb,. wum ,, raal^ mob,, zan ,, aga „ Uh„ owt ,, ubh.. ort„ ccb ,, ovm .. seay hub,. ten ,, cia ,, moh ,, azt „ ach ,. ust „ idb „ aym ,. tha.. nyb ,, vin„ ska ,, huh „ nev ,, edh „ sut „ ceb ,, ezm ,, ons-,. cae „ won „ doa ,, nyh „ Pi^u dch,. fyt.. ofb „ san „ noa„ ube ,, etn „ wra ,, caj ,, cnv„ ifh,. mav ,. ugb „ nin ,, upa„ ace ,, yun „ fua ,, ubj „ roT„ ogh .. hev „ dib „ pon ,-, ara„ edo „ ivn ,, tya„ acj ,, ip'.. fih„ jiv„ fob,. um„ pua*. dec,. own ,, tae„ edj„ usv ,, buh„ ijv,. gub .. asn„ lya,. ifc„ azn ,, vee ,, dej„ BUV ,, ravh ,, okv ,, ryb „ rtm„ kae,. oge„ nep „ che ,, ifj,. fyv„ waj „ ulv„ vao„ hyn., lee .. fic„ pip.. wie ,, ogj .. maw ,, yej .. kov ,, wee ,, lap ,, ohe „ buc ,, enp„ ble„ fij., hew ,, ZU ., luv ,, yic.. mep ,. mie„ myc„ rop„ yoe„ buj ,, jiw „ toj „ dyv ,, zoo ,, hip.. uje^ wad ,, 'PP.. ate „ myj .. ijw ,, awj ,. gaw „ uto ,, ukp ., ake ,', yed,, orp,. zae ,, wak ,, ckw ,, izj „ ebw ,, tuc ,, alp,. el*„ »ia„ osp„ eve ,, yek„ alw ,, rak„ icw ,, pyo.. emp ,, hoe.,. grelg CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 14. ifkah grel^ ucang puhog uftog jiurg urlutf ugyug naowg askyg idwyg jue „ ada ,, lyh „ agt „ 1]U„ asl„ diy „ peo„ ruk„ cew .. zye „ fea„ Itaj,. cit„ oku „ rul„ foy „ no„ hyk.. ofw„ dai„ efa„ lej „ dot „ ulu „ hyl.. guy,. ano ,, lal„ ngw„ obi ,, iga ,, ohj „ fut „ amu ,, lam „ vaz „ soo ,, mel,. diw ,, nci ,, sha ,, mij „ tyt „ kou „ mem ,. wez ,, epo ,, hil.. fow„ adi,, gia„ ujj >, tav „ bru „ him ,. yiz,. iro ,, ojl „ guw„ iei„ pla ,, akj„ vev ,, swu„ ukm ,, 20Z ,, oso ,, nkl„ paz„ efi,. boa ,, elj„ wiv „ dyu „ aim ,, utz ,, cyo „ all,. rez„ igi,. cua ,, hoj „ yoY ,, pabug emm „ tuz „ jabyg eml „ siz „ shi,, jyft.,» juj „ atv,, reb ,, jom ,, pyz.. keb,. jol,. apz„ pli.. yae ,, zyj .. zuv ,, sib ;, kum „ ozz ,, »hb„ kul., erz ,, boi„ see ,, dak,. eyv„ apb„ gy™ ,, neavg lib,. gyi.. nuz ,, coi „ zee ,, obk„ oyv„ erb„ fan ,, pia „ ajb „ fam„ kyz ,, jyi,. phe „ uck,. uzv„ nub,. ibn., ola „ ekb,. com „ tabah jao„ tie,, adk,. naw „ wyb „ ndn M ena„ »b.. ndm „ veb „ 8C0 „ kle„ elk,, pew „ jao.. egn ,. roa„ mob.. gem,, wib„ ieo„ voe „ igk„ riw„ keo „ b n ,. ipa,. hub.. afm „ yob,. pho„ fre„ gik „ anw „■ nho„ con „ ora„ nyb.. eg™ „ atb.. tio.. ite„ bok„ epw „ lie „ dmi „ nsa„ cao„ bim „ zub„ klo,. mie„ ouk ,, irw„ eko ,, vyn„ sua,. abc „ com „ oyb„ TOO,, ove„ jyk„ osw ,, ilo „ zap,, fya„ aco ., dum„ uzb„ fro,, aye,, yai„ cyw„ moo,, tep„ mae„ edc ,, gym.. nao„ ito,. eze „ zel„ hay „ hue,. vip„ hee„ dec ,, zan„ peo„ wuo ,, gli„ til,. ahy „ nyo„ wop ,, jie „ ifo„ ten,. rio„ .pvo „ lao „ vol „ i«y „ cad„ etp„ ije.. ogo „ vin., anc„ ayo ,. meo ,, itl„ iky,. ubd,. y"p.. oke„ fio„ won,, soo„ ezo„ Wo„ wul ,, oiy „ acd„ ivp„ ule„ goo „ etn,. epc„ sau„ ojo„ ovl ,, umy „ edd„ owp., ame „ buc ,, yun„ iro„ niu„ uko„ ayl„ loy., ded „ azp,. koe„ vyo„ ivn,. osc ,, Jgln .. joo„ dro ,, ezl „ muy „ ifd.. mar ,. bre„ wad ,, own ,, oyo „ pou„ sam,. baz ,, ogd <■ her „ lue„ yed „ azn„ had„ opu„ kuo „ nim„ abz ,, fid,. jir.. swe „ zid „ nep„ ahd „ nru „ gyo,. pom,. ecz ,, bud.. ijr,. ulr „ dye,, lod„ pip.. kid,, asu ,, smu ,, opm ,, idz„ myd„ ski,. vud „ enp„ ikd„ hyn .. vabo^ unn „ oez„ waf „ kor „ wri„ uvd ,, rop,. old,, lay,, web ,, asm ,, ugz „ yef,. lur „ tao„ awd ,. ipp.. umd ,, ?>ey „ yib„ rum,, diz ,, zif ., dyr„ veo,. izd„ orp ,. lod„ hiy ,. zob ,, hym „ foz ,, tof„ gas,, cho„ raf.. usp.. mud,. joy ,> utb „ Ian „ guz „ awf „ ebs ,, wio„ set ,, sup,. byd,. kuy „ tub,. men „ ryz „ izt., ics„ bio.. onf ,, 'yp.. baf„ koamg pyb.. hin „ laapg rag,. ods ,, yoo„ nof ,, gar.. abf,. lea,. ozb ,, nkn „ mea ,, 6eg„ bes ,, ato,. npf „ ebr „ ecf „ oha „ pac ,, aln,. hia ,, ong.. ufs „ zuo„ arf„ icr„ idf,. mia ,, rec ,, emn ,, oja „ "pe,. ags,. evo„ puf ,, kag„ ber„ cef „ uja ,, sic ,, jon ,, uka ,, arg„ cis,, oyo„ ufr.. off,. ftka,. apo „ kun ,, ala ,, pig,. dos ,. uzo ,, leg,. cir,. ''J?! " ela„ ero„ gyn .. ema „ lyg „ fus „ nau „ ohg „ dor., dif„ boa ,, nuc ,, fap ,, joa„ kah„ tys„ riu„ mig,. fur,. fof „ "s gra „ wye ,, ibp„ dra ,, leh„ tat,. anu„ "jg,. tas„ guf „ ]ua „ jad ,, ocp „ kua ,, ohh„ vet,. sou ,, akg,. ves ,, ryf„ iya ,, ked „ ndp ,, gya „ mih „ wit,. epu„ elg „ wis „ vag„ dae „ uhd „ gep ,, ibe ,, akh „ yot ,, iru ., nog ,, yos„ weg,, obe ,, lid „ egp „ oce „ elh „ att „ osu „ jug,. ats„ yig.. uce „ ekd„ 1»P ,, ude ,, hoh„ zut ,, cyu ,. zye .- zus „ zog„ ade ,, ild „ cop ,, afe ,, juh „ evt„ maawg dah ,, evs „ utg„ fee ,, mod ,, dup „ ege „ zyh „ oyt „ hea ,, obh „ oys „ tug,. efe „ hud,, ^OT >, sme „ daj „ uzt ,, jia„ nch ,, uzs„ pyg,. ige„ nyd ,, ner „ vye ,, obj ,, nav „ ija„ adh„ nat ,, 02g„ . sbe „ caf ,, pir ,, zai ,, ucj „ pev ,, oka ,, feh „ pet,, pah ,, gie ,, ubf „ enr ,, tei „ adj„ riv„ ula ,, efh „ rit,. reh „ ■ ple ,, act ,, ror „ fli „ el) „ anv „ ama ,, igh„ ant.. aph„ toe „ edf „ ipr„ sni ,, igj ,. epv„ koa ,, gih „ sot „ crh,. cue ,, def „ usr „ woi ,, gij ,. irv„ bra ,, boh „ ept ,, nuh ,, jye„ iff,, Eur ,, cri ,, bo] ,, 03 V ,, lua ,, cuh ,, irl „ wyh „ sci:, og',, fyr,. eti „ ouj ,, cyv„ swa ,, tyh„ ost „ jaj „ phi,. fif „ mas ,, yui ,, jyj ,, haw ,, dya ,, yaj ., cyt ,, kej „ kit,. buf „ hes„ ivi „ yak,, jew „ gae „ zej „ hav ,, l'J„ fri„ myf ,, j>5 ,, azi „ zek ,, ahw ,, ebe ,, tij„ jev„ ajj ,, glo „ wag ,, ijs,. neo ,, tik ,. kiw ,, ice,. voj ,, ahv,, ekj ,, lau „ yeg „ 0k9„ pio ,, vok ,, ikw ,, ode ,, itj„ kiv„ ilj „ biu „ oju ,, zig„ tog ,, uls „ k03 „ clo „ eno ,, itk„ wuk ,, olw ,, low „ bee ,, ufe ,, wuj ,, ovj „ ikv„ olv ,, moj „ huj ,, uku ,, awg ,, lus ,, roo ,, ovk „ muw ,, age „ ayj ■> umv ,, nyj .. alu., izi.. dys ,, ipo „ ayk ,, byw ,, cie ,, czj „ lev ,, oak „ jou „ dru ,, rah ,, gat,. oro ,, ezk„ bay , Bke„ sak ,, muv ,, ubk ,, seh ,, ebt„ uso ,, sal ,, aby „ doe ,, nik„ byv ., ack „ «yu„ daang onh ,, ict., suo ,, nil „ ecy ,, wre ,, pok ,, baw ,, edk ,, uph ,, odt„ fyo„ pol„ idy„ fue„ opk ,, abw „ dck„ iik,. oba „ arh „ bet,. mau ,, opl,. cey ,. tye„ urk ,, ecw ,, CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 15. ogkaK segyh ogkah jiyah ogjeh awugh yieoh lapoh plaph ibath sehuh ebtuh fit.. 'jy .. awk ,, ray,. zoo ,, mep„ boa ,, oca ,,' onh„ ict,. buk„ oky„ izk„ sey „ utc ,, hip,. eua ,, uda ,, uph„ odt„ tajk ,, uiy .. onl ,, noy ,, tuo ,, ukp ,, jyi .. afa„ arh ,, bet,. wal ,, amy „ upl„ puy „ pyc alp ,, yae ,, ega„ puh „ uft.. yel „ •uy ,, arl„ ahbih oze ,, emp ,, see ,, sma ,, lyh„ agt„ zil „ gaz ,, ohm ,, ikb„ pad ,, jop .. zee ,, zwa ,, kaj „ cit„ toI„ ebz ,, akm ,, olb„ red ,, kup ,, phe ,, vya,. lej „ dot,, awl „ icz ,, elm ,, umb ,, sid„ gyp.. tie „ zae ,, ohj „ fut,. izl„ od'z ,, obn ,, abo ,, apd ,, zar ,, kle.. vie ,, mij „ tyt,. ram ,, bez ,, adn ,, ecc ,, erd ,, ter ,, voe ,, fle„ ujj .> tav„ sem ,, agz ,, efn„ idc ,, nud ,, vir ,, fre„ sne ,, akj „ rev,. onm ,, ciz.,. ign „ ugo „ wyd ,, wor ,, ite„ woe ,, elj .. wiv„ npm „ doz ,, ovp ,, utd „ jaf„ etr ,, wue ,, ere ,, hoj „ yov„ arm ,, fuz ,, ayp.. ozd ,, kef,. yur .1 ove ,, ete,. juj >. atv„ pum ,, tyz„ or,. apf „ uhf „ ivr ,, aye ,, yue„ zyj., zuv „ lym ,, naaoh a r „ erf,. lif„ owr ,, eze ,, ive „ dak,, evv„ Van ., ria ,, emr ,, uhg,. ekf „ azr ,, sai ,, aze „ obk„ oyv„ len ,, ana ,, ibs„ ekg„ ilf„ nes ,, gli.. nei',. uek „ uzv„ ohn ,, soa ,, ocs ,, ilg„ mof „ pis,. poi „ cli„ adk,. naw„ min „ epa ,, uds ,, ubh„ huf „ ens ,, opi ,, eni ,, efk„ pew,, akn,. ira„ afs ,, ach ,, nyf ,> ros ,, uri „ roi „ igk.. anw„ eln „ osa ,, egs„ edh„ cag „ ips„ asi „ ipi.. gik ., epw„ hon „ cya ,, ett „ ifh „ ubg,. uss ,, rui ,, ori ,, bok„ irw., jun ,, hae ,, ivt ,, ogh ,; acg„ sus ,, hyi ,. usi ,, cuk ,, osw „ zyn ,, jee ,, owt ,, awj „ edg,. fys„ lao.. sui ,, jyk.. oyw ,, dap „ ahe ,, azt „ izj ,, deg „ mat ,, meo „ fyi.. yal .. hay,, obp ,, kie„ env ,, onk ,, ifg,. bet,. bio ,, 8W0„ zel „ ahy „ ucp„ ike,, ipv„ upk ,, ogg„ jit,. ojo „ gau „ til,, iky.. adp ,, ole„ orv „ ark,, fig., ijt„ uko ,, ebu ,, vol,, oIy„ efp„ ume ,, usv ,, ohl„ bug,, okt„ joo„ icu ,, itl„ umy „ igP •> loe„ ijw„ akl„ myg„ ult„ dro„ odu ,, wul „ loy,. S>P >• 8te„ okw ,, ell,. wah ,, kot„ kuo ,, ufu ,, ovl „ baz „ bop ,, mue ,, ulw„ ucm ,, yeh ,, lut„ gyo.. agu ,, ayl „ abz„ cup ,, bye,. eby„ adm „ zih ,, dyt „ fan,, ciu ,, ezl „ ecz„ jyp .. bai „ icy ,, efm ,, toh„ gav ,, ibu ,, sku ,, Sam ,, idz„ nir ,, abi ,, ody ,, igm „ awh ,, cbv ,, ocu „ dou ,, nim „ cez„ por„ eoi „ »gy .. itn „ izh ,, iov ,, udu ,, wru ,, pom ,, ugz„ opr „ idi„ atz „ ovn ,, raj „ odv„ afu „ tyu ,, opm „ diz ,, a-sr ,, cei ,, oyz„ ayn „ sej „ bev,. egu „ vabuh urm„ foz„ rur ,, ofi „ uzz ,, ezn ,, onj ,, ufv„ biu ,, web ,, asm ,, guz „ hyr.. ugl „ vaagh opp„ upj .. agv„ smu „ yib ,, rum ,, ryz„ las,, foi„ w^„ U'P ., arj „ civ ,, cou „ zob„ hym ,, pabyh his,. tri„ yia„ »«p„ puj .. dov ,, zwu ,, utb„ Ian ,, reb„ ojs „ gui ,, zoa ,, ibr„ lyj.. fuv ,, vyu ,, tub,. men „ sib,. oks„ ryi „ uta „ ocr ,, kali „ tyv „ laaah pyb „ hin „ apb ,, als„ vao ,, tua„ afr„ lek„ taw „ mea ,, ozb ,, ukn „ erb„ «ms „ wee ,, ava „ ets„ ohk„ vew ,, bia ,, pao„ aln„ nub ,, jos „ yio„ pya.. ivs „ mik „ yow „ oja.. reo ,, emn ., kyb„ kus„ zoo ,, oza ,, ows ,, akk„ atw„ uka ,, sic ,, jon „ jao„ gys,. Qto ,, ree ,, azs „ elk,. zuw ,, ala„ ape ,, kun ,, keo „ fat,, too ,, wye,. ent ,, hok„ evw ,, ema ,, ere ,, gyn .. uhc „ ibt„ avo ,, jai „ ipt,. iuk ,, oyw „ joa.. nuc ,, fap.. lie,, oct „ pyo.. kei,. ust ,, zyk„ uzw ,, dra„ wye ,, ibp ,, ajc. odt „ ozo ., uhi „ ijv„ dal „ nay,. kua ,, jad ,, ocp„ ekc„ get,, apu ,, aji „ okv ,, obl„ pey .. gya .. ked„ udp „ ilo„ aft,. wyu ,, cki „ ulv ,, uel ,, riy ,. sme ,, uhd„ gep., moc ,, egt„ anbeh ili „ ebw ,, adl„ any „ zwe ,, lid „ egp.. hue „ bit,, epb„ moi ,, lew ,, efl „ soy ,, fli„ ekd „ bip.. nyo ,, cot,, irb„ hui ,, odw ,, igl„ epy ., sni ,, ild„ cop ,, cad „ dut ,, osb ,, nyi„ ufw ,, g>l.. iry ,, cri ,, mod ,, dup ,, ubd „ vyt„ ahc „ cao ,, agw ,, bol„ osy ,, neo ,, hud,. ▼yp.. acd „ lav ,, ikc„ ubo ,, aty ,, cul ,, haz ,, P>o .. nyd ,, ner „ edd„ tev„ olc „ aco ,, uzy ,, jyi.. ahz ,, clo „ caf „ pir„ ded„ viv „ omc ,, edo ,, anz ,, yam ,, kiz „ eno ,, ubf „ enr „ ifd„ wov „ abd,. deo„ epz „ zem ,, ikz ,, roo ,, acf „ ror „ ogd „ etv„ eed„ ifo„ irz ,, tim ,, olz„ ipo „ edf „ ipr .. fid,. yuv ,, idd„ ogo „ osz ,, vom ,, umz ,, oro ,, def „ usr „ god,. ivT „ ugd „ who ,, baboh itra ,, loz ,, uso ,, iff,. sur ,, bud,. owv ,, utf „ fio„ abb ,, wum ,, muz ,, suo ,, ogt „ fyr„ vyd „ azT ,, ozf „ goo „ cob ,, OVTO ,, byz ,, fyo ,, fif.. mas ,, waf ,, new „ apg.. spo ,, idb„ aym „ daaph mau ,, buf „ hes ,, yef „ enw „ erg,. pro ,, ceb ,, ezm ,, oba ,, jiu „ myf ,, jis „ zif „ row ,, uhh „ buo „ ugb ,, san ,, uca ,, iju „ wag ,, ijs „ tof „ ipw„ ekh„ myo ,, dib,. nin ,, ada ,, oku ,, yeg ., oks„ vuf „ VMW„ ilb „ wau ,, fob,. pon ,, ^ea„ ulu ,, zig,. uls „ uvf „ raw ,, ubj ,, ziu „ gub ,, urn ,, efa„ amu ,, tog,. kos„ awf „ *7W.. acj „ slu „ ryb,. asn ,, iga „ kou „ awg,. lus„ izf „ »»7,. edj„ kru ,, vac ,, run,. sha„ swu ,, izg.. dys „ rag,. hT.. ifj.. uvu „ wee ,, byn ,, gia„ dyu„ rah „ gat,. **8 n »5 ongyh CYPHERS IN TERMINATiONAL ORDER. 16. ■wourj ongyh dyryh nog,, gas,, "Pg.. ebs ,, arg,. ics ,, pug.. kah„ ods ,, bes ,, leh„ ufs ,, ohh „ ags„ mih ,, cis „ ujh ,, dos ,, akh „ lus ,, elh„ tat ,, hoh ,, vet ,, juh ,, wit ,, lyh „ yot„ daj ,, ,att „ obj ,, zut ,, uoj ,, evt ,, •dj„ oyt ,, fej,. uzt ,, ■efj ,. nav ,, - >gj .. pev ,, ' gij .. liv ,, boj„ anv ,, cuj ,, sov ,, tyj .. epv ,, yak ,, irv „ E«k ,, osv ,, •tik „ eyv ,, vok„ haw ,, ■itk „ jew ,, vruk ,, ahw „ ovk „ kiw„ ayk„ ikw ,, ezk ,, olw ,, sal,. umw ,, nil „ low ,, pol„ rauw ,, opl 1, byw ,, nrl,, vaz ,, ad., wez ,, wl,; yiz„ Byl.. zoz ,, lam ,, utz ,, mem ,, tuz ,, bim ,, avz ,, ojm ,, ozz ,, ukm ,, gabaj aim ,, ebb ,, emm ,, icb ,, jom ,, odb ,, ixaa ,, beb„ gy"» .. aeb .. fan ,, cib ,, ibn„ dob ,, ndn ,, fub „ gen „ tyb„ afn„ tac „ egn ,, vec ,, bin „ wic ,, ton ,, yoc „ dun ,, ate ,, *yn ,, zuc ,, zap,. oyc ,, tep,. uzc ,, vip „ nad ,, wop,, ped ,, etp,. rid „ yup„ and ,, ivp „ sod ,, owp„ epd „ »»p.. ird ,, mar,. 06d„ her,. oyd„ jir „ haf.. i':: ahf., kif„ amr „ Ikf „ T»or„ oU„ Int., nmf „ lofaj muf ,, byf „ bag ,, abg „ ecg .. idg„ ceg„ ofg „ ugg.. dig „ fog „ gug .. ryg.. vah ,, weh ,, yih ,. zoh ,, nth „ tub ,, avh „ pyii.. ozh ,, paj ., rej ,, sij „ apj .. erj „ nuj „ wyj .. jak „ kek ,, uhk ,, lik„ ekk„ ilk,, mok ,, huk ,, nyk „ cal „ nbl„ acl ,, edl„ del,, ifl„ ogl „ fil., bul„ myl ,, warn ,, yem ,, zim ,, torn ,, uvm ,, awm ,, izm ,, ran ,, sen ,, onn ,, am ,, pun „ lyn „ kap ,, lep ,, . ohp ,, mip„ akp ,, elp ,, hop ,, jup.. zyp.. yar ,, zer ,, tir ,, vor ,, itr„ wur ,, ovr ,, ayr ,, ezr ,, sosaj 1 awu]\j nls „ 1 izu „ pos„ ; ray,. ops „ 1 sey„ ass ,, noy„ rus ,, pay.. hys „ nablj lat„ peb„ hit,. rib „ ojt„ anb ,, ukt „ 1 sob ,, alt,. epb„ emt ,, irb„ jot,. osb ,, kut„ oyb ,. gyt.. hac ,, fav„ ahc ,, ibv„ kio„ ocv ,, ikc„ udv „ olc ,, gev „ umo ,, afv„ loo ,, egv „ muo „ biv ,, bye ,, oov ,, bad,. duv ,, abd„ yyv „ ecd ,, zaw ,, ldd„ tew „ ced ,, viw ,, ofd ,, wow „ ugd „ etw„ did „ yuw„ fod„ ivw „ gud ,, azw ,, ryd ,, ney „ vaf ,, piy .. wef ,, eny„ yif.. roy „ zof ,, ipy .. utl„ ory „ tuf „ usy „ avf„ suy „ py*.. maz ,, ozf ,, hez ,, pag„ iz „ reg „ jz „ sig„ okz „ apg„ ulz ,, erg,. amz ,, n"g >. luz ,, wyg,. dyz ,, jah ,, vaahj keh„ wea ,, uhh „ yia,, lih „ zoa„ ekh„ uta „ ilh „ tua ,, moh ,, ava „ huh,, pya,. nyh ,, oza ,, caj ,, cao „ ubj ,, ubo ,, acj ,, aco,, edj „ edo ,, dej.. deo„ ifj„ ifo„ ogj„ -«go.. fij,. who,, buj „ fio„ myj ,, goo,, wak ,, spo,, yek„ pro,, zik ,, buo ,, tok„ waa „ uvk ,, ziu „ awk„ slu „ izk„ tou „ ral „ kru„ sel„ nvu„ onl ,, upiy arl „ pul ,, lyl„ kam ,, lem ,, ohm „ mim ,, akm ,, elm ,, hom ,, jum ,, zym „ dan ,, obn „ adn ,, efn ,, ign „ gin „ bon ,, cun ,, jyn.. yap,, zep „ tip >, vop „ itp ,, wup ,, ovp ,, ayp.. ezp ,, lar „ hir „ ojr „ air „ emr ,, jor ,, kur ,, gyr„ fas ,, ibs ,, ocs ,, uds ,, ges„ afs ,, egs „ bis „ cos ,, dus ,, vys ,, zat ,, tet„ vit „ wot ,, ett „ yut ,, ivt „ owt ,, azt ,, nev ,, piv ,, env „ rov „ ipv„ orv „ usv „ SUV ,, lyv .. maw ,, hew ,, jiw„ ijw „ okw ,, ulw „ kow ,, luw „ dyw ,, gay.. eby „ ioy „ ody« bey ,, agy ,, ciy „ doy „ tay „ taz ,, vez „ wiz ,, yoz ,, atz ,, zuz ,, oyz ,, uzz ,, caalj uba ,, aca ,, eda ,, dea ,, if a ,, oga ,, wha ,, fia„ goa ,, spa ,, pra ,, bua ,, wae ,, yee ,, zie ,, . sle ,, toe ,, kre ,, vue ,, uve ,, awe ,, ize „ sei „ thi „ oni ,, noi „ upi „ ari „ pui „ lyi„ kao ,, leo ,, oho ,, mio ,, ujo ,, ako ,, elo ,, hoc ,, gro., juo ,, zyo „ dau ,, obu ,, ucu ,, adu ,, efu „ ign ,. shu ,, giu .. plu„ bou „ jyu .. yay „ zey ,, tiy., voy „ wuy ,, raanj sea ,, tha„ ona „ noa ,, upa„ ara ,, pua„ lyanj kae ,, lee „ ofae ,, mie „ uje ,, ake ,, ele ,, hoe ,, gre „ jue „ zye „ shi ,, pli .. yao ,, SCO ,, zeo ,, pho „ tio ,, klo„ ,voo ,, fro ,, ito ,, wuo ,, ovo ,, ayo ,, ezo ,, glu >. haboj ahb ,, kib „ ikb„ olb „ umb ,, lob,, mub ,, byb„ bac ,, abo ,, eco ,, ido ,, cec ,, ofc ,, ngc „ die ,, foe ,, gue „ rye ,, vad ,, wed ,, yid ,, zod ,, utd ,, tud ,, avd ,, pyd ,, ozd ,, paf ,, ref ,, sif „ apf ,, erf,, nuf ,, wyf ,, jag ,, keg ,, uhg ,, lig„ ekg ,, Ug„ mog ,, hug „ nyg.. cah ,, ubh ,, aoh ,, edh ,, deh ,, ifh.. ogh „ fihoj hevoj buh „ jiv „ myh ,, ijv„ waj„ okv ,, yej „ ulv ,, zij„ kov ,, toj„ luv ,, uvj ,, dyv ,, awj ,, gaw „ izj „ ebw ,, rak ,, iew ,, sek„ odw ,, onk ,, bew ,, upk„ ufw ,, ark,. agw „ puk„ ciw ,, lyk,. dow ,, kal„ fuw ,, lel„ tyw„ ohl„ tay ,, mil ,, vey ,, ^kl„ wiy ,, eU„ yoy .. hol„ aty „ jul„ zuy ,, zyl„ uzy ,, dam ,, naz ,, uem „ pez ,, adm ,, riz ,, efm ,', anz ,, igm „ soz ,, gim „ epz ,, bom ,, irz „ cum ,, osz „ jym.. cyz ,1 yan ,, yaarj zen ,, sea ,, tin ,, zea ,, von „ pha„ itn ,, tia ,, wun ,, kla,. ovn„ voa „ ayn,. fra„ ezn ,, ita„ sap ,, wua ,, nip,. ova „ pop,. aya,. opp,. eza ,, urp„ sae,. asp,. nie ,, rup,. gle„ hyp,. poe „ far,. ope „ ibr„ ure ,, ocr ,, ase ,, ger„ rue ,, afr„ hye „ bir„ )ai„ cor ,, mei „ dur ,, oji » vyr„ uki„ zas ,, ali„ tes„ emi ,, vis,. joi„ wos ,, dri„ ets„ kni ,, yus ,, gyi,. ivs ,, ibo ,, ows „ oco ,, azB ,, udo„ net ,, afo ,, pit., ego,, ent ,, smo ,, rot,. zwo ,, ipt„ vyo „ ort „ zaa ,, ust „ viu „ sut „ flu,. 'yt ■> snu „ mav ,, woa ,, CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 17. crurj diahk crurj boliy epyi^J gofyj enryj zudak efrak anick sijek vyvek. etu„ cul ,, iry „ buf „ ror ,, oyd „ gir ,. soi ,, apj „ zaw ,, ivtt ,, jyi .. osy ,, vy£„ ipr„ uzd„ bor„ epi ,, erj „ tew „ azu „ yam ,, haz ,, wag ,, orr ,, naf ,, jy .. iri ,, nuj „ viw ,, babuj zeiu ,, ahz ,, yeg„ usr ,, pef ,, yas ,, oai ,, wyj „ wow ,, abb,, tim ,, kiz„ zig„ sur ,, rif „ zes ,, cyi ,, jak ,, etw „ ecb ,, vom ,, ikz„ tog,, fyr„ anf ,, tis „ hao ,, kek„ yuw„ idb„ itm ,, olz ,, vug ,, mas ,, sof „ vos ,, jeo „ uhk„ ivw ,, ceb ,, wum „ umz ,, uvg ,, hes ,, epf „ its ., aho ,, lik„ azw ,, ofb„ ovm ,, loz ,, awg „ jis„ irf ,, wus ,, kio ,, ekk„ ney „ ugb ,, aym ,, muz ,, izg„ ija„ ost„ ovs ,, iko ,, Uk„ piy „ dib„ ezm ,, byz „ rah ,, oks ,, cyf ,, ays ,, olo ,, mok ,, eny ,, fob,, san ,, zaawj seh „ uU ,, hag „ czs ,, umo ,, ^uk „ roy ,, gub ,, nin ,, tea,, onh ,, ams ,, ahg „ sat ,, loo ,, nyk„ ipy ., ryb ,, pon ,, via,, noh ,, kos ,, kig„ nit,. muo ,, cal„ ory ,, vac ,, urn ,, fla„ uph „ lus ,, ikg,. pot ,, byo„ ubi ., usy ., weo ,, asn ,, sna ,, arh ,, dys„ o'g .. opt ,. bau ,, acl „ suy ,, yic ,. run ,, woa „ puh „ gat,, umg „ ast „ abu ,, edl., maz ,, 200 ,, hyn ,, era ,, jyh„ ebt ,, log „ rut ,, ecu ,', del,. hez ,, uto ,, lap,. eta ,, kaj „ ict„ mug „ hyt„ idu„ ifl.. jiz„ tuo „ mep ,, yua„ lej„ odt „ byg „ lav ,, ugu ., ogl ,, Uz ,, avc ,, hip „ iva ,, ohj ,, bet ,, bah ,, hiv ,. diu ,. fil.. okz ,, pyc .. OJP.. owa„ mij ,, uft ,, abh „ ojv .. fou ., bul„ ulz ,, ozc ,, ukp ,, aza„ uji .. agt„ ech ,, ukv .. ryu ,, my I ,, amz ,, pad ,, alp,. nee „ akj ,, cit ,, idh„ alv ,, gabok warn ,, luz ,, red,. emp ,, pie,, elj „ dot „ cob ,, emv ,, ebb,, yem ,, dyz ,, sid „ jop .. cle„ hoj ,, fut „ ugh ,, jov ,, icb ,, zim ,, naafk apd ,, kup ,, ene ,, m .. tav ,, dih„ kuv ,, odb„ torn ,, pea,, erd ,, gyp.i roe ,, zyj .. vev ,, fob „ gyv ,. beb „ awm ,, na,, nud ,, zar ,, ipe ,, dak,. wiv ,, guh „ faw ,, agb ,,' izm ,, ana ,, wyd ,, ter ,, ore,, obk„ yov ,, ryh ,, ibw„ cib ,, ran ,, soa,. ja£„ vir ,, use ,, uck ,, atv ,, vaj „ ocw ,, dob,, sen ,, epa„ kef,, wor ,, sue ,, adk„ zuv „ wcj ,, udw ., fub,. onn ,, ira „ uhf„ etr,. tye„ fek„ evv ,, yij " gew „ tyb„ arn ,, osa ,, lif „ yur ,, gao„ efk ,, oyv ,, zoj ,, afw ,, tac ,, pun „ cya ,, ekf„ ivr ,, ebo ,, igk,. iizv ,, utj „ egw„ vec ,, lyn ,, hae ,. ilf „ owr ,, ico ,, gik „ naw ,, tuj „ biw ,, wic ,, kap ,, jee,, mof „ azr ,, odo ,, bok „ pew ,, pyj .. cow ,. yoc ,, lep ,, ahe ,, huf „ nes ,, beo „ cuk ,, riw ,, ozj ,, duw „ ate ,, ohp ,, kie ,, nyf ,, pis ,, ufo ,, tyk „ anw ,, pak ,, vyw ,. zuo ,, mip ,, ike,. cag .. ens ,, ago „ yal ,, sow ,, rek ,, zay ,, oyc ,, akp ,, ole ,, ubg „ ros ,, cio ,, zel „ cpw ,, sik ,, tey ,, uzc ,, elp „ ume ,, acg ,, ips„ sko ,, til,, irw ,, apk ,, viy ,. nad ,, hop „ loe ,, edg „ ors ,, doo ,, vol ,, osw ,, erk ,, woy ,, ped ,, J"P .. ste ,, deg„ uss ,, wro ,, itl,. cyw„ ■ nuk ,, ety„ rid „ zyp.. mue „ ifg„ sus ,, fuo„ wul ,, baz ,, wyk ,, ivy ,, and ,, yar ,, bai ,, ogg.. fys.. tyo ,, ovl ,, abz ,, jal„ owy ,, sod ,, zer ,, abi„ fig,, mat ,, vabyj ayl„ ecz ,, kel„ azy ,, epd ,, tir „ eel „ bug,, het „ web ,, ezl ,, idz„ uhl „ nez ,, . ird „ vor ,, idi ,> myg „ jit., yib„ sam ,, cez ,, lil„ piz „ osd „ itr „ cei „ wah ,, ijt„ zob ,, nim ,, ofz ,, ekl„ enz ,, cyd ., wur ,, ofi„ yeh ,, okt „ utb„ pom ,, ugz ,, ill,. roz ,, haf „ ovr ,, ugi ,, zih „ ult ,, tub „ opm ,, diz ,, mol .. ipz ,, ahf ,. ayr M foi „ toh „ kot ,, avb ,, urra ,, foz ,^ hul.. orz ,, kif „ ezr ,, tri ,, uvh ,, hit ,, ozb ,, asm ,, guz .. nyl,. usz ,, ikf „ sas ,, gui „ awh ,, dyt ,, pac ,, rum ,, pyz .. earn ,, suz ., olf ., nis „ ryi ,, izh „ gav ,, rcc ,, hym ,, mabak acm ,, tyz „ umf ,, pos „ vao ,, raj „ ebv ,, sic ,, Ian ,, heb„ edm ,, gaack lof., ops,, weo , . sej ,, icv ,, ape ,, men ,, jib „ dem ,, eba„ muf ,, ass ,, yio ,, onj ,, odv ,, ere ,, bin ,, ijb„ ifm ,. oda ,, byf „ rus ,, zoo ,, upj .. bev „ nuc ,, ojn ,, okb„ ogni ,, bea„ bag ,, hys „ uto ,, arj „ ufv ,, kyc ,, ukn ,, ulb„ lim ., Ufa ,, abg .. lat„ tuo ,, puj .. agv „ jad ,, aln„ amb ,, bum ,, aga„ ccg„ hit,. avo „ lyj,. civ ,, ked„ emn ,, lub„ mym ,, cia ., idg „ ojt„ pyo „ kak„ dov ,, uhd„ jon ,, dyb„ wan ,, ska .. ceg „ ukt„ ozo „ lek„ fuv ,, lid „ kun ,, gao ,, ' yen ,, doa ,, "gg .. alt „ apu ,, ohk„ tyv„ ajd ,, gyn .. ebc ,, zin ,, fua ,, dig „ emt y. wyu ,, mik ,, taw ,, ekd„ fap ,, ico ,, ton,. tya ,, fog,. jot,, jay,, akk„ ■ vew ,, ild „ ibp ,, ode ,, awn ,, tae ,, gug.. kut„ key „ elk,. yow ,, mod „ ocp.,. bee „ izn ,. vee ,, ryg .. gyt „ liy „ hok„ 1 atw ,, h-ud ,^ udp „ ago,. rap , , wie ,, vah ,, fav ,, moy ,, juk ,, : zuw ,, nyd „ gep,. cic ,, Sep ,, ble„ weh ,, ibv ,, huy „ zyk „ ! evw ,, caf ,, atp ,, doc ,, onp ., yoe ,, yih ,, oev ,, baahk dal ,, oyw ,, ubf ,, egp,. fuc ,, "PP .. ate ,, zoh ,, udv ,, aba ',, obl„ ! UZW ,, acf „ bip ,, tyc„ arp ,, zue ,, uth„ gev „ ■eca „ ucl ,, ' nay ,, edf „ cop ,, tad,, ! pup,, eve ,, tuh „ afv., ida n adl,. : pey ,; def „ dup ,, ved ,, 1. lyp,. oye ,, pyh ,, egv „ cea „ -efl „ ■riy „ iff ,, syp„ wid ,, 1 dar ,, uze ,, ozh „ biv ,, ofa „ igl „ any „ "f!" ner ,, yod„ 1 obr ,, nai „ paj .. P.. ikd.. bop,. old,. cap,. nmd„ jyp.. lod„ sar ,, mud,, nir„ byd.. por„ baf., opr „ abf„ asr „ ccf.. rur,, idf„ hyr „ cef.. las,, ng'.. his,, dif,. ojs„ fof.. uks„ gat,. aU„ fji „ ems „ vag„ J08„ weg„ kus„ yig.. gys.. K>g., Jat„ ntg.. ibt„ tog,, Oct „ PJg; udt„ o*e» get,. pah., aft,, teh„ egt.. •ih., bit,. »ldi„ cot,. Oil.. dat„ vytik zav ,, tev ,, viv ,, wov ,, etv ,, yuv „ iw ,, owv ,, azv „ new ,, piw „ enw ,, row ,, ipw „ usw „ 8UW ,, fyw ,, may ,, liey „ jiy .. ijy .. oky „ uly „ amy „ luy .1 gaz ,, ebz ,, icz „ odz ,, bez „ agz „ ciz „ doz „ tuz ,, tyz „ vaajk wea „ yia„ zoa ,, jita,, tua ,, ava „ pya.. oza „ ree „ ape „ wye „ jai „ kei „ uhi ,, aji ,, eki ,, ili „ moi ,, hui ,, nyi .1 cao ,, ubo ,, aco.,, edo ,, deo ,, ifo ,, ogo „ who ,, fio „ goo „ Bpo ,, pro ,, buo ,, myo„ wau ,, ziu ,, slu ,, tou „ kru „ uvu ,, awu ,, izu „ tay „ seyjk noy „ puy " jaalk kea ,, uha ,, lia ,, aja „ eka ,, ila ,, moa ,, hua ,, nya ,, cae ,, ube ,, ace ,, ede ,, dee ,, ife „ oge „ fie „ goe „ spe „ pre „ Sue ,, mye „ wai ,, yei „ sli „ toi ,, kri ,, vui ,, uvi ,, awi ,, rao ,, seo ,, tho ,, ono ,, DOO ,, upo ,, aro ,, puo „ lyo „ kau ,, ohu ,, miu ,, uju ,, aku ,, elu ,, hou „ gru „ zyu „ day ,, fey ,, giy .. boy ,, cuy ,, caamk uba ,, aca ,, eda ,, dea ,, ifa ,, oga ,, wha „ fia „ goa„ Bpa„ pra„ bua ,, mya„ wae „ yce„ zie „ sle „ toe „ kre ,, vue„ uve ,, awe,. izemk gudok thi„ ryd ,, gra,. vaf ,. dau ,, wef ,, obu „ yif .. ucu ,, zof ., adu ,, Ut{„ efu„ tuf „ >gu .. pyf.. shu ,, ozf ,, giu .. pag.. plu,, reg,, bou „ sig„ jyu.. apg.. yay .. erg ,, zey „ nug ,, tiy „ wyg.. voy „ jah„ wuy „ keh „ waank uhh,. yea,. lib.. zia ,, ekh„ toa „ ilh„ vua ,, moh „ uva ,, hub., awa „ nyb „ iza „ caj „ rae ,, ubj ., see „ acj ,, the,. edj,. one ,, dej,. noe „ ifj.. upe„ ogj .. are ,, fij.. pue ,, buj ,, lye ,. myj „ g" „ wak ,. dao ,, yek „ obo „ zik.. uco ,, tok.. ado ,, awk ,, feo ,, izk„ efo ,, ral ,, igo „ sel.. sho ,, onl ,, g'O ,, upl „ plo ,, arl „ boo ,, pul ,, cuo ,, lyl., jyo >. kam ,, scu ,, lem ,, phu „ ohm •;, klu.. mim ,, fru „ akm ,, nabok elm ,, peb ,, horn ,. rib „ jum „ anb ,, zym „ dan ,, sob ,, epb ,, obn ,, irb ., adn ,, osb ,, efn ,, cyb„ ign ,, hac ,, gin „ ahc „ bon ,, kic„ cun ,, ikc„ jyn .. olc ,, yap,, umc ,, zep ,, loc ,, tip,. muc „ vop ., bye ,, itp.. bad ,, wup ,. abd „ j ovp „ ecd ,, ayp„ idd„ ezp ., ced„ lar„ ugd ,, hir„ did., ojr „ fod,. ' air ,. emrok jor „ kur ,, gyr .. fas ,. ibs,. ocs .. uds ,, ges ,. afs .. egs „ bis ., cos ,. dus ., vys ., zat ,. tet ,, vit ,. wot ,. ett ., yut ,. ivt ,. owt „ azt ,, nev ,. P'v ., env ,, rov „ ipv ., usv ,, SUV ., lyv ,. maw .. hew ,, jiw ., ijw .. okw ,, ulw ,, kow „ luw „ dyw ,, gay .. eby ,, icy „ ody „ bey ,, agy .. ciy .. doy ,, fuy „ taz ,, vcz .. wiz .. yoz ,, atz ,, zuz ,, oyz „ uzz .. raapk sea ., tha „ ona ,, noa ,. upa ., ara ., pua „ lya„ kae „ lee ,. obe .. mie „ uje ., ake ,, ele ,, hoe ,, gie „ jue „ zye ,. dai ,, obi ,, ucipk adi ,, lei ,, efi „ igi ,, shi ,. ph., boi ,. cui ,, jyi .. yao ., SCO ,, zeo ,. pho ,, tio ,, klo,. voo ,. fro „ ito ,, wuo ,, ovo ,, ayo ., ezo ,, sau ,, niu ,, glu ,, pou ,, opu ,, uru ,. asu ,, hyu ,, daark oba ., uca ,, ada ,, fea „ efa ,, gia „ pla ,, boa ,, cua „ jya„ yae ,, see ,, zee ,, phe ,, tie ,, kle „ voe ,, tre ,. ite ,, wue ,, ove ,, aye „ eze ,, sai ,, gli .. poi ,, opi „ uri ,, as! ,, rui ,, hyi ,. lao ,, mt'O ,, hio ,, ojo ,, uko ,, alo ,, emo ,, joo „ dro ,, kuo ,, gyo., ibu „ ocu ,, udu ,, alu ,, egu „ smu „ zwurk vyu ,, yaask sea .. zea ,. pha ., tia ,, kla,, voa ,, fra ,, ita ,, wua ,, ova ,, aya ,, eza ,, gle ,, dri ,, ibo ,, oco ,, udo ,, afo ,. ego „ smo ,, zwo ,T vyo ,, zau ,, viu ,, flu ,, snu ,, wou ., cru ,, etu ,, ivu ,, azu ., habuk ahb ,, kib„ ikb „ olb„ umb ,, lob,, mub „ byb„ bac „ abc ,, ecc ,, idc ., cec ., ugc „ die ,, foe ,, guc ,. rye „ vad ,, wed ., yid ,, zod ,, utd ., tud ., pyd .. ozd ,, paf „ ref ,, 6if ,. apf ., erf „ nuf ,, wyf „ jag., keg „ uhg „ lig >. ekg „ ilg .. mog„ hug „ nyg.. cab ,, ubb „ aoh „ edhuk deh„ ifh „ ogh „ fih„ bub „ myh ,, waj ,, yej .. zij ,. toj.. awj ., izj ,, rak ,, sek ,, onk ., upk .. ark „ puk ,, lyk „ kal„ lei., ohl„ mil ,, akl „ ell,, hol„ Jul .. zyl „ dam ,, ucm „ adm ,, efm ,, igm „ gim „ bom ,, cum ,, jyn> .. yan ,, zen ,, tin ,, von ,, itn ,, wun „ ovn ., ayn ,, tzn .. sap „ nip ,, pop., opp „ urp ,, asp,, rup ., iiyp .. far ., ibr ., ocr ., ger ., afr „ bir „ cor „ dur ,, vyr „ zas „ ■es ,, vis ,, woa„ ets,, yu8„ ivs„ ows „ azs „ net,, pi(.> ent „ rot,, ■pt.. ost „ ■ut,. fytuk CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 19. uktil fytuk ibawk gogyk susyk zuozk ryjal fayal apkel woyel cegll mav ,, oca ,, bug,. fys.. evo ,, vak ,, iby ,, erk., ety.. ugg.. hev„ uda ,, wall ,, mat „ oyp ,, wek ,, ocy „ nuk „ ivy ,, dig,. jiv„ gea„ yeh „ bet,. uzo „ yik ,. udy „ wyk.. owy „ fog,, ijv,. afa„ zih ,, jit.. nau,. zok „ gey,. jal,. azy .. gug.. okv ,, cga„ toh„ ijt.. riu„ utk „ egy „ kel„ nez ,, ryg.. ulv.. bia„ vuh ,, okt,. anu ,. tuk„ biy„ uhl,. piz .. vah .. kov ,, Ema ,, uvh ,, ult,. sou,. pyk" coy ,, m.. enz ,. weh „ luv ,, coa ,, awh ,, amt ., epu ,. ozk,. duy „ ekl,. roz ,, yih .. dyv ,, dua ,, izh ,, kot„ iru „ pal,. zaz „ ill,. ipz,. zoh .. gaw „ zwa ,, raj „ lut,. osu ., rel.. tez „ mol ,. oiz ., uth „ ebw ,, vya !• sej „ dyt,. cyu,. sil „ viz ,, hul„ usz„ tub „ icw ,, zae ,, onj „ gav„ hay ,, apl ,, woz ,, nyl ,. suz „ pyh„ odw ,, tee „ noj ,, ebv.. jey ., erl„ etz ,, acm .. fyz„ ozh ,, bew „ vie ,, upj „ icv ,, kiy„ nul „ yuz ,, edm ., baahl paj „ utw ,, fle„ arj ,, odv ,, loy ,, wyl„ ivz,. dem ,, jea„ rej „ ag\v „ sne ,, puj ,, bev ,, muy ,, jam „ owz ,, ifm ,, aha,. sij ,. ciw ,, woe ,, jyj .. ufv ,, nebal kem ,, azz ,, ogm ., kia„ apj „ dow ,, ere ,, kak„ agv „ P'b ,, ubm ,, jibel fim „ ika„ erj„ fuw ,, ete,, lek„ civ,. enb ,, I'm ,, ijb„ bum ,, ola„ nuj ,, tyw„ yue,, ohk,. dov „ rob ,, ekm ,, okb„ myra „ uma ,. wyj ,. tay „ ive ,, mik ,, fuv „ ipb„ ilm ,, ulb„ wan ,, loa„ jak.. vey „ owe ,, ujk ,, taw ,, orb,. mom ,, amb ,, yen „ mua ,, kek„ wiy ,, aze ,, akk,. vew ,, usb ,, hum ,, lub„ zin ,, tre„ uhk,. yoy .. mao ,, elk,. yow„ sub ,, nym ,, dyb„ ton ,, reo ,, lik.. aty „ heo ,, hok,. atw,. fyb„ ubn ,, gac „ awn „ apo ,, ekk „ zuy „ jio „ juk ,, zuw ,, mae ,, edn ,, cbe ,, izn „ wyo „ ilk ,. uzy „ ijo ,, zyk ,, evw ,, hee ,, den „ ice ,, rap,, jau ,, mok .. naz ,, oko ,, dal„ oyw ,, jie,. Un„ ode ,, sep„ uhu ,, huk.. pez „ ulo ,, obl„ uzw ,, ijc,. ogn „ beo ,, onp ,, liu„ nyk ,, riz ,, amo „ ucl ,, baz ,, okc„ bun ,, age „ upp„ aju ,, ea) ,. anz ,, koo ,, adl,. jez ,, ule ,, myn „ cic ,, arp ,, eku ,, ubl ,. 80Z ,, bro ,, fol,. ahz ,, amc ,, wap ,, doc ,, pup ,, ilu„ ael,. epz ,, luo ,, efl„ kiz ,, lue ,, yep,. fuc ,, 'yp .. mou ,, edl „ irz ,, swo ,, igl„ ikz „ dye,. zip,, tye „ dar „ nyu ,, del „ osz ,, dyo ,, gil„ olz ,, gad „ top ,, ved ,, obr „ cay „ ifl„ cyz „ babyk bol„ umz ,, ebd„ awp ,, wid ,, fer„ dey ,, ogl.. laavk abb,, cul ,, loz„ led ,, izp„ yod„ efr„ fiy,. 61., mea ,, ecb ,, yam ,, muz ,, odd,. kar ,, atd,. gir „ goy ,. bul,. hia„ idb „ zem ,, byz ,, bed,. ler„ zud ,, bor „ buy ,, myl ,, oja„ ceb „ tim ,, neazk agd „ ohr ,, oyd ,, jyr„ gabil warn ,, uka„ ofb„ vom ,, pia,. cid ,, mir ,, uzd ,, yas„ ebb,. yem ,, ala„ ugb,„ itm ,, cla „ dod„ ujr„ naf ,, zes „ icb ,, zim ,, ema „ dib„ wnm ,, ena ,, fud „ elr„ pef„ tis„ odb,. torn ,. joa ,, fob,, ovm ,, roa ,, tyd ,, hor „ rif „ vos ,, beb„ awm ,. dra ,, gub ,, aym„ ipa„ taf „ zyr „ anf „ its.. agb ,, izm „ kua „. pyb" ezm ,, era ,, vef ,, das ,, sof „ wus ,, eib ,, ran ,, gya,. vao „ san ,, usa ,, wif „ obs ,, epf ,, oys ,, dob,. onn „ ibe ,, wee ,, nin ,, sua ,, yof „ ads ,, irf „ ays ,, fub„ arn ,, oce ,, yie ,, pon ,, «ya„ atf „ fes„ osf ,, ezs ,, lyb „ pun ,, ude ,, zoo ,, urn ,, mae ,, zuf ,, efs „ cyf ,, sat ,, tac „ lyn ,, afe„ uto ,, asn ,, hee ,, oyf„ igs „ ahg ,, nit ,, vec ,, kap „ ege.. tuc ,, run ,, jie„ uzt ,, gis,. kig ,, pot ,, wic ,, lep„ BDie,, avo ,, byn ,, ije„ nag „ bos ,, ikg„ opt ,, yoe ,, ohp „ zwe ,, ozc ,, lap „ oke„ peg" jya,. olg „ ast„ ato„ raip ,, ▼ye,, pad,. mep ,, ule,. rig,, yat„ umg „ rut,. zuc ,, akp ,, fli,. red ,, hip ,, ame„ ang ,, zet„ log,. hyt„ oyc ,, elp .. «ni,. sid,. ojp,, koe „ sog„ tit,. itaug ,, lav ,, uze ,, hop ,. eri ,, apd „ ukp ,, bre ,. epg.. vot „ byg ., hiv ,, nad ,, jup.. Beo,, erd„ alp,. lue.. irg„ itt„ bah,, ojv ,, ped„ zyp,. pio „ nad ,, emp ,, swe„ osg ,, wut ,, abh „ ukv „ rid,. yar ., do.. kyd r.. jop.. dye „ eyg„ ovt ,, ech ,, alv„ and ,, zer .. •no ,, jaf ,, kup ,, gai,. hah,, ayt„ idh ,, emv ,, sod.. tir .. roo ,. kef,. gyp.. ebi „ ahh „ ezt ,, ceh ,, jov ,, epd„ vor ,, ipo„ xibf „ zar ,, odi„ kih„ sav ,, ugh „ kuv ,, ird,. itr „ oro.. lif„ ter„ bei„ ikh,. niv ,, dih„ ey .. osd ,, wur ,, n»o„ ajf.. vir „ ufi „ olh„ pov„ fob,. faw ,, cyd ,, OVT ,, wo,. ekf„ wor ,, agi„ umh „ opv ,, guh „ ibw ,, haf „ ayr,. tyo„ ilf „ etr „ ski,. loh„ asv ,, ryh ,, oew „ ahf „ ezr ,. man ,, mof ,, yur „ doi.. muh „ ruv ,, vaj „ udw „ kif „ sas ,, jia.. huf„ ivr ,, wri „ byh„ hyv,. wej „ gew „ ikf „ nis ,, >)».. nyf„ owr ,, fui ,. baj ,. law ,, yij,. afw ,, olf„ pos ,, okn„ cag,. azr ,, tyi.. abj ,, hiw,. zoj „ egw „ umf „ ops ,, nlu.. «ibg„ nes ,, tao.. eej „ ojw,. utj,. biw,. lof „ ass,. amu,. aeg ,, pis „ veo ,, idj,. ukw ., tuj „ cow ,, mui .. rus ,. ton.. edg ,, ens,. cho ,, cej .. alw„ pyj ., dvjjv,, byf,. hy. .. bra „ deg „ ros „ wio ., ugj ,. emw ., ozj ,, vyw ,, bag .. lat.. swu„ ifg„ ips„ bio.. dij,. jow„ pak ,, zay ,. abg,. bit,. dyn„ ogg„ ors ,, yoo.. 'oj „ kuw,. rek„ tey„ eog,. ojt.. {aawk fig.. US8.. ato.. guj„ gy".. 8ik„ viy .. idg.. okt.. altll CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 20. simam altll «iut „ jot „ kut „ «yt .. lav ,, ibv ,, ocv „ Tjdv „ «ev ,, afv „ «gv ,, biv ,, cov ,, iduv „ TT •• zaw ,, tew „ viw ,, •wow „ etw „ yuw„ ivw ,, azw „ ney ,, piy .. €ny „ roy „ ipy .. ory „ usy ,, suy „ maz ,, .bez ,, jiz .. ijz.. ■okz „ ulz „ ftinz f\ luz „ dyz,, baajl aba „ eoa „ ida ,, cea ,, ofa ,, oga„ dia„ foa ,, tra„ gua„ rya „ vae ,, wee ,, yie„ ' zoe ,, ute „ tue ,, ave ,, pye„ oze ,, P<^> >• rei„ api „ eii ,, ■ nni,, wyi.i jao„ keo ,, nho „ Uo„ »io„ eko„ Uo„ tnoo ,, hno„ nyo„ can,, acqjl dekol edu „ ifk„ ifu „ I ogk„ ogu „ fik„ whu „ buk „ fiu ,, myk „ gou „ wal„ spu „ yel „ pru „ zU„ myu „ tol.. way ,, awl „ yey „ izl.. ziy „ ram ,, toy ,, sem „ vuy ,, onm ,, tabol upm ,, veb ,, arm „ wib „ pum „ yob ,, lym ,, atb „ kan ,, zub ,, len ,, oyb„ ohn ,, uzb „ min ,, nac ,, akn „ pec ,, eln ,, ric ,, hon ,, anc „ jun,. soc„ zyn„ epc, dap,. ire „ obp„ osc ,, nop,. cyc„ adp„ had „ efp„ ahd„ igP.. kid,, gip.. ikd„ bop,, old „ cup,. umd ,, iyp .. lod„ sar ,, mad ,, nir ,, byd„ por„ baf „ opr„ abf „ asr,. ecf „ rur „ idl„ byr„ cef „ las,. ngf .. his,, dif „ ojs„ fof „ uks „ guf „ als ,, ryf„ ems,. vag„ jos„ weg,, kus„ yig.. gys., zog„ fat,. Ptg„ jbt„ tug,, oct„ pyg.. udt„ ozg,, get,. pah,. aft,. reh „ egt ,. sih ,, bit,, aph ,, oot„ erh ,, dut„ nuh ,, vyt „ wyh ,, zav„ jaj .. tev„ kej „ viv„ nhj „ wov ,, lij .. etv „ a«„ yuv„ «.^1 '• ivT,, U] „ owv„ moj„ azT„ hnj „ now,, nyj„ piw„ cak„ enw „ nbk „ row „ frck,, ip?.. edk., nsw,, SQWOI fyw •. may „ hey „ jiy .. ijy .. oky „ uly „ amy,, luy „ gaz „ ebz ,, icz ,, odz ,, bez ,, agz „ ciz „ doz ,, fuz ,, tyz „ kaarl lea „ oha „ mia ,, uja „ aka ,, ela „ boa ,, gra,, jua ,, zya „ dae ,, obe ,, uce ,, ade ,, fee ,, efe „ she ,, gie ,, ple„ boe ,, cue ,, jye.. yai „ sci „ zei „ phi „ kli„ voi „ fri„ iti ,, wui „ ovi „ ayi „ ezi ,, sao ,, nio ,, glo„ poo ,, opo ,, uro ,, aso „ TOO „ hyo„ lau ,, bin „ ojn „ ukn „ alu „ emu „ iou„ dru„ gya.. yaati sea „ zea ,, pha „ tia „ klft.. Toa „ fratl ita „ wua „ ova ,, ay a ,, eza ,, sae ,, nie „ gle „ poe „ ope „ ure ,, ase ,, rue ,, bye ,, lai., mei ,, oji „ uki ,, ali „ emi ,, joi.. dri „ kui „ gyi.. smo ,, 2W0 „ zau ,, viu ,, flu,, snu ,, wou „ cru „ etu ,, ivu ,, azu ,, nabul peb„ rib „ anb ,, sob ,, epb „ irb „ osb ,, cyb ,, hao ,, ahc ,, kic ,, ike ,, olo „ umc ,, loc ,, muo ,, bye „ bad ,v ecd ,, idd„ ced ,, ugd „ did ,, led „ gud „ ryd ,, vaf ,, wef ,, yif „ zof ,, utf ,, tuf „ py'.. ozf „ pag.. rcg„ sig „ apg.. erg,, nug ,', wyg.. •iah,, keh „ uhhul lib,, ekh., Uh„ moh ,, huh „ uyh „ caj ,, ubj „ acj „ edj „ dej „ ifj .. ogj .. fij„ buj „ myj „ wa]( „ yek „ zik ,, tok „ awk ,, izk ,, ral ,, sel ,, onl ,, upl ,, arl ,, pul ,, lyi,. kam ,, lem ,, ohm ,, mim „ akm ,, elm ,, horn ,, jum ,, zym „ dan „ obn ,, adn ,, efn ,, ign „ gin „ bon ,, cun ,, jyn.. yap,, zep „ tip,, vop „ itp ,, wup ,, ovp ,, ayp.. ezp „ lar „ hir,, ojr„ air ,, emr ,, jor ,; kur ,, gy.. fas ,, ibs,, ocs ,, uds „ ges„ afs „ egs „ bis ,, cos ,, dus ,, vys ,, zat ,, tet „ vit,. wot,, ettui yut „ ivt ,, owt ,, azt ,, nev ,, piv ,, env „ rov ,, ipv „ usv ,, SUV ,, fyv ,, maw ,, hew ,, jiw I, ijw „ okw ,, ulw ,, kow ,, law ,, dyw ,, gay,, eby ,, 'oy ,, ody ,, bey „ agy „ ciy ,, doy ,, fuy >• taz ,, vez ,, wiz ,, yoz „ atz ,, zuz ,, oyz ,, uzz ,, laawl mea ,, hia ,, oja „ uka ,, ema ,, joa ,, kua ,, gya„ fae ,, ibe ,, oce ,, ude ,, gee ,, afe ,, ege „ bie ,, sme ,, coe ,, due ,, zwe ,, vye ,, neo ,, pio ,, clo ,, eno ,, roo ,, ipo ,, oro ,, uso ,, suo ,, fyo ,, habyl jeb ,, ahb „ kfb„ ikb„ olb„ umb „ kb „ mubyl byb„ bac ,, abc „ ecc ,, idc „ cec ,, otc ,, ugc „ die „ foe „ guc „ pyc .. vad ,, wed ,, yid ,, zod ,, utd „ tud „ avd ,, ozd ,, paf ,, ref ,, sif ,, apf ,, erf ,, nut ,, kyt,. jag.. keg .. uhg „ lig.. ajg.. ekg ,, ilg., mog „ hug ,, nyg.. cah ,, ubh ,, ach ,, edh ,, deh ,, ifh „ ogh ,, fih„ goh ,, buh ,, waj ,, yej .. zij ,, toj ,, vuj „ uvj ,, awj ,, izj ., rak ,, sek ,, onk ,, nok ,, upk ,, ark ,, puk „ jyk .. kal „ Icl „ ohl „ mil ,, ujl „ aki „ ell „ hol„ Jul „ zyl., dam „ ucm ,, adm ,, fern ,, efm „ igm ,, gimyl bom ,, cum „ yan „ zen „ tin ,, von ,, itn ,, wun ,, ovn ,, ayn ,, ezn ,, sap,, nip ,, pop,, opp„ urp „ asp ,, rup ,, hyp,. far „ ibr „ ocr „ ger „ afr,. bir „ cor ,, dur ,, syr „ zas ,, tes ,, vis ,, wos ,, ets ,, yus ,, ivs ,, ows ,, azs ,, net ,, pit ,, ent ,, rot ,, ipt ,. ort „ ust ,, sut ,, fyt„ raav ,, hev „ jiv„ ijv., okv ,, ulv„ amy ,, kov ,, luv ,, dyv ,, gaw ,, ebw ,, icw ,, odw ,, bew ,, ufw ,, ngw ,, eiw ,, dow ,, fuw ,, ryw „ naz ,, pez ,, riz ,, anz ,, soz ,, epz „ ira „ OBZ ,, cyz ,. zabam teb „ vib „ CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 21. apmam poawm apmam dazam jamem kem „ etzem jayhm byajm seylm elerm nacum aknum. erm ,, vyz ,, yuz ,, key ,, bae„ noy ,, hoe ,, peo„ elu ,, num ,, nebem uhm ,, ivz ,, liy,. abe ,, puy .. gre ,, ric„ bon ,, wym ,, pib„ lira ,, owz ,, racy ,, ece ,„ ebbom jue„ ano„ jun„ jan ,, enb ,, ekra ,, azz ,, huy ,, ide ,, ieb ,, zye„ 800 ,, zyn ,, ken „ rob ,, ilm „ taagm ijbim cee ,, odb„ dai ,, epe „ dap „ uhn ,, ipb ,, mom ,, vea „ okb„ ofe,. n«b „ obi ,, ire ,, obp „ lin,. usb ,, hum ,, cha ,, ulb„ uge .. ate ,, uci ,, ose ,, ucp ,, ekn ,, sub ,, nym ,, wia ,, amb ,, die „ oyc ,, adi „ eye,. adp ,, iln„ fyb„ can ,, bla„ ebc ,, foe.. uze ,, fei„ bad ,, efp ,, mon ,, mac ,, ubn ,, yoa,. ice ,, tre „ and ,, efi„ ahd,. igP.. hun ,, hec ,, cdn ,, ata ,, ode ,, gue ,. epd ,, Ehi„ kid,, g'P.. nyn ,, jic „ den ,, zua ,, age ,, rye „ ird„ pli„ ikd„ bop ,, cap ,, ijo ,. ifn„ eva ,, atd „ vai „ osd ,, boi ,, old,. cup,, ubp ,, oko ,, ogn .. oya ,, oyd ,, wei ,, ahf „ cui ,, umd ,. jyp .. acp ,, ulc ,, fln„ uza ,, uzd ,, zoi„ ikf „ jyi .. lod„ nir ,, edp ,, amo ,, bun ,, nae ,, anf „ uti ., olf „ yao ,, mud ,, per,. dep ,, luc ,, myn ,, pee ,, epf „ tuj.. umf ,, SCO ,, byd „ opr ,, ifp,. dye ,, wap ,, rie ,, irf „ avl ,. abg ,, zeo J, baf „ asr ,, ogP .. gad ,, yep,. ane ,, osf ,, pyi .. ecg ,, pho„ abf ,, rur ,. fip.. ebd„ zip ,, soe ,, ahg ,, ozi ,, idg ,, tio ,, ecf ,, byr ,, bup „ icd„ top , epe ,, ikg.. reo ,, ugg.. klo., id{„ las ,, myp „ odd,, awp ,, ire ,, olg „ apo ,, uth ,, voo .. cef „ his,. rar ,., bed,, izp ,, ose ,, umg ,, wyo ,, ozh ,, fro,. ugf „ ojs,. onr ,, agd „ kar„ eye ,, abh., jau „ apj ,. ito ,, dif ,. uks ,, nor,, cid„ ler„ hai ,, eeh., uhu ,, crj ,, wuo ,, tot,, aU„ upr„ dod„ ohr ,, jei„ idh.. liu„ uhk „ ovo ,, gui „ ems ,. pur ,, fud,. mir ,, ahi ,, ofh„ aju,. ekk„ ayo „ ryf „ jos„ lyr,. tyd ,, ujr„ iki „ ugh ,, eku„ ilk,, ezo ,, vag,. kuB ,, kas„ taf „ elr„ oli„ utj „ ilu,, ubl„ sau ,, weg,, gys ,. les„ vef „ hor ,, umi ,, ozj ,, mou ,, acl ,, niu ,. y'8 .. fat,. mis ,, wif ,, jur ,, Ioi„ apk „ nyu ,, edl „ glu .. zog.. ibt„ ujs„ yof „ zyr„ sti „ crk ,, cay ,, ifl„ pou .. utg„ oct „ aks ,, atf „ das ,, mui ,, uhl ,, dey ,, ogl ,, opu ,, tag „ udt „ els,. zut ,, obs ,, byi ,, ckl „ fiy,. awm ,, uru ,, pyg .. get,, hos ,, oyt,. ads ,, bao ,, ill,. goy .. izm ,, asu ,, ozg,, aft,. jus,. uzf ,, fes„ abo ,, acm ,, buy ,, onn ,, hyu ,, pah ,, egt,. zys ,, nag .. efs„ eoo ,, edm ,, vaalm arn ,, kaasm reh„ bit,, dat ,, peg.. igs.. ido ,, ifm„ wea ,, ohp ,, lea ,, sih,. cot ,, obt „ rig,, gis „ ceo ,, ogm ,, yia ,, akp ,, cha ,, aph „ dut „ uct ,, ang ,, bos,, ofo ,, awn „ zoa ,, elp„ mia ,, erh.. vyt ,, adt ,, sog ,, jys., ugo „ izn ,, uta ,, itr ,, uja ,, nah ,. zav ,, fet ,, epg.. yat ,, dio ,, onp ,, tua ,, ovr ,, aka ,, wyh .. tev„ eft,. irg ,, iet ,, foo ,, upp„ ava ,, ayr „ ela.. jaj ,. viv ,, >gt„ osg „ tit,. tro ,, arp„ pya ., ezr ,, hoa ,, kej.. wov„ git^, cyg.. vot ,, guo ,, obr ,, oza ,, ass ,, gra„ uhi ., etv„ bot„ hah,. itt „ ryo ,, efr„ ree ,, ojt ,, jua ,, Uj., yuv„ jyt.. ahh„ wut ,, vail ,, its „ ape ,, ukt„ zya„ ajj .. iw ,, yav ,, kih„ ovt ,, yiu •. CVS ,, wye ,, alt „• she,, ekj „ owv ,, zev ,, ikh „ ayt ,, zou ,, ays,, ai ,, emt-,. pie ,. ilj .. azv ,, tiv „ olh„ ezt ,, utu ,, ezs ,, kel ,, ibv ,, sci ,, moj „ new ,. vov ,, umh ,, sav ,, avu ,, opt ,, uhi ,, ocv„ phi,, huj „ piw ., itv„ loh„ niv ,, py".. ast „ aji., udv .. kli., nyj ,. enw „ wuv ,, muh ,, pov ,, ozu ,, ojv .. eki ,, afv,. fri,. cak„ row ,, ovv ,, byh„ opv ,, pay.. ukv „ ili„ egv,. sao„ ubk„ ipw ,, ayv„ baj„ asv ,, rey „ alv ,, moi ,, etw.. nio „ ack„ usw ,. ezv ,, abj ,, ruv ,, siy „ emv ,, hui ,, ivw„ glo„ edk.. suw „ saw ,, ecj ,, ^lyv ,, nuy ,, ibw„ nyi„ azw .. poo., dek.. fyw .1 niw,, idj„ law ,, naahm cow ,, cao ,, eny.. opo ,. ifk„ may.. pow„ cej „ hiw ,, pea ,, udw „ ubo ,, ipy.. uro „ ogk„ hey ,. opw ,, "gj .. ojw ,, ria ,, afw „ aco ,, usy „ aso ,, fik„ jiy .. asw ,, dij„ ukw ,, ana ,, egw„ edo ,, ijz„ ruo ,, buk.. yy ... ruw ,, foj., alw ,, soa ,, ety „ dec „ okz ,, hyo .. myk „ oky ,. hyw ,, gaj .. emw ,, epa„ ivy „ ifo ,, ulz ,, lau ,. wal ., uiy >> lay,. ryj ,. jow„ ira ,, owy „ ogo„ amz ,, hiu „ yel.. amy ,, mey ,, vak ,, kuw ,, osa ,, azy „ who ,, raarm oju „ zil ., luy.. hiy„ wek ,, gyw .. cya,. enz ,, fio„ sea ,, nku ,, tol.. gaz ,. uky ,, yik ,, fay,. ste ,, ipz „ goo,. tha,. alu ,, awl.. ebz ,, aly„ zok„ iby.. tri ,, orz ,, spo ,, ona ,, emu ,, izl ,, icz ,, *my .. utk„ ocy ,, vao ., usz ,, pro ,, noa ,. jou ,, ram ,, odz ,, joy .. tuk „ udy ,, weo ,, haajm buo ,, upa ,, dru ,, sem ,, bez ,, kuy ,, p-rk ,, gey,, yio ,, jea „ myo ,, ara ,, gyu .. onm ,, agz ,, faz ,, ozk ,, egy .. zoo ,, aha ,, wau ,, pua ,, tabum upm ,. ciz ,, ibz ,, pal ,, biy.. uto ,, kia ,, ziu ,, lya ,, veb ,, arm .. doz ,. ocz ,, rcl„ coy .. tao ,. ika ,, slu,. kae ,, wib ,, pum ,. fuz .. udz ,, sil,. day ,, ftVO ,,. o!a ,, tou ,, lee,, yob ,, lym ,, tyz ,, gez „ apl ,, zaz ,, pyo .. uma ,, kru.. oho „ atb „ kan.. saawm egz „ erl,. tez ,, ozo ,, loa ,, uvu „ mie ., zub ,. len.. nia ,, biz ,, nul ,, viz ,, apu ,, sta,. awu ,, uje „ oyb ., ohn ,. gla,. coz ,, wyl„ woz ,, wyu ,, mua „ ray.. ake,. [ ozb ,. min .. POft,, CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 22. opawiM umgon opawm ibsym f«han gulan kuza 1 1 n i remen odngn utuhn osajn wbuln nra „ 0C9 ,, >I>L ,, ryl„ gy^ • ! sim ,, bea ,, avu „ cya „ fiu„ asa ,, uds ,, v«b ., vara ,, zabe n 1 apm ,, Ufa ,, pyu.. has,. gou „ rua ,, a'?.. tidb ., wem ,, teb , ! erm ,, aga ,, ozu ,, jee„ spu ,, hya ,, egs ,, g'?b„ yim ,, vib, num ,, cia ,, pay.. ahe ,, pru „ lae ,, sys„ eg'-* .. zorn ,, wob , , wym ,, ska ,, rey ,, kie ,, myu ,, mee,, ett ,, bib „ Htm ,, etb. ■ jan ,, doa ,, siy „ ike „ way ,, hie ,, ivt ,, corj „ turn ,, yub , , ken ,, wra ,, nuy ,, ole ,, y«y .. oje„ owt ,, dub „ pym „ ivb , , uhn ,, (ua ., enbln ume ,, ziy „ vke ,, azt ,, vyb „ ozm ,, owb , , ekn ,, tya ,, ipb „ loe., toy,. ale,, env ,, Kao ,, pan ,, azb , iln „ tae ,, orb ,, ste ,, vuy ,, erne „ ipv,, tec ,. ren ,, nee , , mon ,, vee ,, usb „ mue ,, vaamn joe,, or-,, vie ,, sin ,, pic , bun ,, che ,, ijo „ bye,. wca „ dre„ UST ,, woe ,, cm ,, enc , , cap ,, wie ,, oke ,, bai„ yia ,, kue„ ijw.> etc ,, nun ,, roc , . ubp ,, ble ,, ule ,, abi„ zoa ,, gye,, okw ,, yue ,, wvn ,, ipc , , aep ,, yoe ,, amo ,, eci„ uta „ zao ,, ulw ,, ivc ,, kep „ ore , . edp ,, ate ,, ebd„ idi „ tua „ teo,. amw ,, owe ,, uhp ,, use , , dep ,, zue ,, icd „ cei ,, ava ,, vio„ atz ,, aze ,, lip,. sue , ifp „ eve ,, odd,. ofi„ pya .. flo„ evz ,, ned ,, ekp „ fyc. ogp „ oye „ agd„ ugi.. oza „ sno „ oyz ,, pid ,, i!p., mad , fip.. uze ,, atf „ foi„ ■ ree „ woo ,, uzz ,, end ,, mop „ bed. , bup ,, nai ,, oyf.. tri„ ape „ pro ,, faazm rod,, hup ,, jid. myp„ pei„ uzf „ gui„ wye „ etc,. iba,, ipd„ nyp ,, ijd. rar ,, ani ,, ang ,, ryi.. who ,. yuo„ oca ,, ord ,, war ,, okd. ser ,, soi ,, epg.. vao ., spo,. ivo„ uda ,, usd ,, ycr„ uld. , onr ,, epi„ irg„ weo ,, pro ,. owo ,, gea„ fyd „ zir ,, amd , , nor ,, iri ,, osg„ yio ,, wau ,, az'o ,, afa.. maf ,, tor,. lud. . upr ,, osi ,, ahh „ 200 .. ziu ,, anbym ega„ hef „ vur ,, dyd. , pur ,, cyi ., ikh „ uto ,, slu„ epb ,, bia„ jif.. uvr ,, gaf , lyr „ bao ,, olh„ tuo ,. tou ,, , irb „ jBina,, ijf „ awr ,, ebf , , mis ,, jeo „ umh ,, avo ,. kru„ osb ,, coa,. okf „ izr ,, icf , > ujs,, aho ,, abj ,, pyo .. uvu ,, aho ,, dua ,, ulf „ ras ,, odf , , aks ,, kio„ ecj „ ozo ,, awu ,, iko„ zwa ,, araf ,, ses ,, bef , els „ iko„ idj„ apu ,, izu ,. ■ olo ,, vya„ luf „ ons ,, agf , jus „ olo ,, "Rj .. wyu ,, ray,. umo ,, tee,, dyf„ nos ,, cif , zys „ umo ., utk ,, jay ,, sey ,. abd„ vie,, gag ., ups ,, dof , dat „ loo ,, ozk„ key ,, noy ,, eod„ fle„ ebg,, pus ,, fuf , obt ,, sto,, apl ,, liy ., puy .. idd„ sne ,, icg,, lys „ tyf. , adt ,, muo ,, erl„ moy ,, mabon ofd„ woe,, odg ,, knt „ veg. fet ,, bau „ uhm ,, buy ,. heb„ ngd„ ere ,, a-gg,, let,. wig , eft „ abu ,, ckm ,, baaln jib,. pyd„ ete,. cig„ olit „ yog , igt „ ecu ,, ilm ,, aba ,, ijb„ t>tf,. ive ,, dog,. mit ,, atg, git „ idu ,, ubn ,, eca ,. okb„ avf„ owe „ fug „ ujt ,, oyg. jyt .. ofu ,, edn',. ida .. ulb„ lyi,. aze ,, tyg,. akt„ uzg , yav ,, "gu ,, ifn „ cea ,, amb ,, ozf „ nei ,, tah ,. elt„ peh , ■ zev ,, diu ,, ogn „ of a ,, lub „ apg.. cK„ veh „ hot,. rih. tiv „ fou ,, awp ,, uga ,, dyb,. erg,. eni ,, wih ,, jut,. anh , , vov ,, tru ., izp„ dia ,, gac ,, kyg.. roi ,, yoh ,, zyt„ soh , itv ,, ryu ,, ohr ,, foa ,, ebc„ ohh„ ipi„ ath „ day ., eph , , wuv ,, vay ,, ujr „ ti-a „ ice ,, ajh„ orj ,, zuh .. obv „ irb , ovv ,, wey ,, elr „ gua,, ode ,, ekh„ U8i„ evh „ adv ,, osh , I ayv ,, zoy ,, obs ,, rya ,, bee,. ah„ sui„ oyh ,, fev ,, cyh , , ezv ,, tuy „ ads ,, vae ,, age „ nbj„ mao ,, uzh ,, efv „ haj , saw ,, taahn efs„ wee ,, cic ,, acj„ heo ,, naj ,, igv ,. abj , , niw ,, vca ,, igs,. yie .. doc ,, edj„ jio„ pej ,, giv „ kij. , pow ,, cha ,, itt „ zoe ., fuc„ it},. ijo ,, rij „ bov ,, ikj. opw ,, wia ,, ovt ,, ute „ tyc„ 08J .. oko ,, anj ,, jyv „ olj. , asw ,, bla„ ayt„ tue ., tad „ nvk ,, ulo ,, soj „ yaw ,, umi , , ruw ,, yoa ,, ezt ,, ave ., ved „ awk ,, amo ,, epj ■. zew ,, loj. hyw ,, ata ,, opv ,, pye.. wid ,, izk„ koo ,, irj,. tiw ., muj , lay „ zua ,, asv ,, oze ,, yod„ onl ,, bro ,, osj ,, vow ,, byj ■ , mey ,, eva ,, ojw ,, rei ,. Rtd.. upl ,, lao ,, cvi ,, itw ,, bak , , hiy ,, oya ,, ukw ,, api .. zud ,, arl„ 8WO ,, hak„ ovw ., abk , uky ,, uza ,, alw ,, wyi',. oyd „ jyi.. dyo ,, ahk„ ayw ,, idk. . a!y ,, eti „ emw ,, jao ,. ued ,, ohm ,, gau ,, liik,, ezw ,, cek. emy ,, bao ,, iby„ keo,. naf „ xijm ,, ebu ,, ikk„ say ,, ugk . joy .. abo ,, ocy ,, ubo ,, pef„ akm ,, odu ,, oik., niy ,, dik , kuy ,, eco ,, udy ,, lio.. nf.. elm ,, ufu ,, umk ,, poy .. fok , faz ,, ido ., egy ,. ajo „ aD<„ obn ,, agu „ lok„ opy .. guk , ibz „ ceo ,, etz ,, eko ,, sof „ adn ,, ciu ,, muk ,, ury ,, ryk, , ocz ,, olo ,, ivz ,, ilo„ epf„ efn„ sku ,, byk „ asy ,, val. u'lz ,, ugo .. owz ,, moo ,, iW„ ign .. dou ,, bal „ ruy ,, wel , gez ,, dio ,, azz ,, huo ,, OEf ,, itp„ wru ,, abl „ laz ,, yii. egz„ foo ,, naajn nyo ., cyf „ ovp ,, tyu ,, ecl„ niez ,, zol , ! biz ,, tro ,, pea ,, cau .. hag,. ayp.. tay ,, idl„ biz „ utl , coz ,, guo ,, ria ,, ubu ., ahg„ ca e^P- vey ,, oel„ ukz ,, tul. duz ,, ryo„ ana ,, acu ,, kig.. ojr „ alr„ wiy ,, ugl„ alz„ pyi. vyz „ vau ,, soa ,, cdu ,. >kg„ yoy .. dil„ emz ,, ozl , gaagn yju ,, cpa ,, ifu„ olg., emr„ zuy ., fol„ joz,,, i pam , , t ebft ,, ^GU .. ira ,, ogu .. umg„ logon CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 23. meldo logon hivon frurn ovawn kejyn bityn amuzn pimbo imdoo oysoo mug,. ojv ,, itu ,, aya ,, uhj ,, cot ,, kou ,, umm ,, nod ,, bav ,, byg.. ukv ,, ovu ,, eza ,, lij,. dut „ bru ,, rom ,, erd„ cev„ bah,, alv ,, ayu ,, sae ,, ajj „ syt ,, swu ,, orm ,, pud ,, div„ abh,. emv ,, ezu ,, nie ,, ekj ,, zav ,, dyu ,, sum ,, awd ,, fov„ ecb ,, jov ,, ebbun gle„ ilj„ tev ,, gay,. fym ,, 1yd „ gnv„ idh„ kuv ,, icb ,, poe ,, moj ,, viv ,, bey,. man ,, kaf „ ryv„ ceh ,, gyv„ odb ,, ope ,, huj ,, wov ,, oiy ,, hen ,, udf „ vaw ,, ngh „ faw ,, agb„ ure ,, nyj •. etv ,, doy ,, jin,. lef„ wew „ dih„ ibw „ ato„ ase ,, cak „ yuv ,, fuy ,, unn „ mif ,, zow „ loh„ ocw ,, oyc ,, rue ,, ubk „ iw ,, wabbo kon „ inf „ pay.. guh ,, udw ,, uzc ,, hye ,, ack ,, owv ,, yeb ,, lun ,, hof „ ocy ,, ryh.. gew,, and ,, fao„ cdk„ azv ,, zib ,, dyn ,, esf „ rey „ vaj „ afw ,, epd ,, ibo„ dek„ new ,, ilb„ gap ,. juf,, ihy.. wej,, egw „ ird„ oco „ ifk„ piw„ tob,, bep ,, zyf „ siy „ yij .. biw „ osd ,, udo ,, ogk „ enw ,, vub ,, cip ,, dag,. emy,. zoj ,, cow ,, ahf „ geo„ fik„ row ,, rac ,, dop ,, teg ,, aiy „ utj ,, duw ,, ikf „ afo„ gok „ ipw ,, ucc ,, fup ,, gig.. nuy „ tuj ,, vyw ,, olf „ ego „ buk,. orw ,, sec ,, typ.. bog,, jaz „ pyj .. zay „ umf ,, bio ,, wal ,, usw ,, noc ,, nar ,, oug„ odz„ ozj ,, tey >. abg„ smo ,, yel ,, suw ,, ere ,, per,, jyg>> kez ,, i>ak ,, viy „ ecg„ coo ,, zil ,, fyw ,, pue ,, ehr ,, yah ,, liz„ rek ,, woy ,, idg,. duo ,, tol„ gaz „ awe ,, rir ,, zeh ,, enz„ sik„ ety „ ofg,. zwo ,, vul ,, ebz „ lye „ sor ,, tih ,, moE ,, apk „ ivy ,, "gg.. vyo ,, uvl ,, icz ,, kad„ urr ,, voh ,, huz ,, erk ,, owy ,, uth „ tabyn awl ,, odz „ udd„ owr ,, wuh ,, nyz„ nuk ,, azy „ ozh ,, veb ,, izl„ bez ,, led,. cyr ,, saj „ jabdo wyk „ nez ,, apj „ wib ,, ram ,, ufz ,, mid ,, has ,, nij ., keb„ kel„ piz ,, erj „ yob ,, sem ,, ftgz „ ind ,, ids ,, omj ,, lib,, uhl,, enz ,, uhk„ atb „ onm ,, ciz ,, hod,. jes „ Poj .. mob „ lil„ roz ,, ekk„ zub ,, nom ,, doz ,, esd ,, kis„ irj ,, asb ,, ekl„ ipz ,, ilk,. evb ,, upm ,, fuz ,, jud ,, ans ,, ruj„ hub ,, ill ,, orz ,, ubl„ oyb ,, arm ,, ryz,. zyd „ los ,, byj ,. nyb„ mol ,, usz ,, acl ,, uzb ,, pum ,, laazn daf „ uss ,, lak„ ■wad,, hul„ suz ,, edl„ nac ,, jym ,, mea ,, fel„ mug ,, mek„ ogd„ nyl„ fyz,. ifl,. pee,. kan ,, hia„ uff „ bys ,, hik„ zid „ cam ,, waarn ogl „ rio ,, len ,, oja„ gif.. vav ,, onk ,, ild„ acm ,, zia ,, awm ,, anc ,, ohn ,, uka „ okf „ wev ,, jok ,, tod,. edm ,, sla ,, izm ,, 800 ,, min ,, ala ,, bof „ yiv„ isk ,, vud„ ifm„ toa ,, onn ,, epo ,, ujn ,, joa „ ipf ., ilv,. kuk„ avd „ ogm ,, kra„ am ,, iro ,, akn.. dxa„ cuf „ zov ,, gyk „ raf „ fim ,, vua„ obp ,, osc ,, eln „ kua„ jy*>. tuv „ fal„ sef „ bum ,, uva ,, akp ,, eye „ hon ,, gya.. yag,, nvv ,, gel,. imf „ mym ,, awa ,, elp,. jed ,, jun „ fae„ zeg ,, pyv.. bil „ nof ,1 wan,, iza ,, itr„ ahd,, zyn ,, ibe„ ugg.. paw,, col',. erf.. yen,. rae ,, ovr ,, kid,. dap,, oce„ tig,. rew ,, dul„ puf „ zin ,, see ,, ayr„ ikd„ obp „ ude ,, olg„ jay,, vyl ,. awf „ ton „ the,, ezr ,, old,. nop ,, gee,. vog„ ody ,, zam ,, lyf,. awn ,, one ,, ops ,, umd ,, adp ,, afe„ wug„ key „ tern „ kag„ izn ,, noe ,, ass ,, lod„ fep„ ege „ sah„ Hy„ vim ,, leg,. rap,. upe,, ojt., mud ,, efp„ hie ,, acli ,, 'jy .. ulm ,, mig„ sep„ are ,, ukt „ byd„ igP.. sme ,, nih ,, eny „ worn ,, ing„ onp ,, pue ,, alt,. IJaf „ g'P.. coe ,, poh„ moy „ yum „ hog,, npp„ lye „ emt ,, abf „ bop ,, due ,, irh„ asy ,, nen ,, esg„ arp ,, kai„ ibv ,, ecf ,, cup,. zwe ,, ruh „ huy ,, ahn ,, jag.. pup,, lei,. ocv„ idf „ sar ,, vye„ hyh„ uxy >, pin ,, zyg.. Jyp.. ohi „ udv ,, cef ,, nir ,, tei„ laj„ caz ,, ron ,, dah„ dar„ uji,. afv ,, off,. por ,, fli„ mej „ dez,. oi-n ,, feh„ obr ,, aki„ egv„ ugf „ opr ,, sni„ hij„ fiz„ sun ,, gib .. fcr„ eli„ etw„ dif „ urr ,, woi ,, "jj .. ikz „ fyn„ hph„ iph,, efr „ hoi ,, ivw ,, tot,, asr ,, cri ,, onj ,, goz ,, map ,, bor„ gri„ azw ,, got „ rur ,, eti „ joj .. epz ,, hep ,, eth„ jyr„ jui„ eny ,, py',. l>yr ,, ivi„ kuj „ atz ,, jip.. cuh „ yas ,, zyi ,, 'py.. vag„ las,. owi ,, gyj.. buz ,, kop,. jyb„ zes ,, dao ,, oiy ,, weg ,, mes ,, azi ,, fak ,, myz ,, osp ,, ya ., tis„ obo ,, usy ,, yig.. his ,, neo ,, gek,. uzz ,, lup ,, ze ,, vos ,, uco„ ijz„ zog „ ojs ,, pio ,, afk„ caboo dyp ., ti „ its ,, feo„ okz ,, utg .. uks ,, clo,, blk„ deb,. tar,. olj „ wus ,, efo ,, ulz ,, tug,. als ,, eno ,, ukk „ fib,. ver„ voj „ OVB„ gio„ amz ,, avg„ ems ,, roo ,, cok ,, gob ,, wir ,, wuj „ ays,. plo„ yaawn lyg.. jos ,, ipo,, duk„ bub,. yor ,, sak„ ezs„ boo,. sea ,, ozg ,, kus „ oro ,, vyk ,, myb ,, zur ,, ack ,, sat ,, ono ,, zea „ . pah ,, gys •> UEO ,, zal ,, wao,. nas ,, nik ,, nit ,, jyo„ pha„ reh ,, fat,. suo ,, tel„ yec„ iCB ,, omk „ pot,, yftu,, tia„ sih„ ibt„ fyo„ vil„ zic ,, ehs„ pok „ opt,. scu ,, kla„ aph „ Oct ,, mau ,, ull„ ilo„ ris ,, irk „ ast „ pbu ,, voa ,, erh ,, ndt,, jiu ,, wol „ too ,, ams ,, ruk „ rut ,, tiu„ fra ,, nnh ,, get,. iju „ yul „ vuc„ 60S ,, '&: hyt„ Hn„ ita„ »kyh„ aft,, oku ,, j.nem ,, rad ,, urs,„ lav ,, vou„ wua ,, jaj .. egt„ uln ,, ahm ,, sed ,, ows ,, mel„ 36 \ hildo CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 24. yiglo hildo cadfo 1 otsfo hojgo usygo culho hazho tinjo oedko itskj jol,. ded„ fus ,, m„ muy „ jyi- jez ,, oln ,, did. , dus , kul„ fid,. tys,. zyj „ oxy ,, yam ,, kiz„ von ,, fod, vys , gyi.. god „ nav ,, dak ,, baz ,, zem ,, anz ,, wun ,, gud , , em , fam „ bud,. pey„ fek„ cez ,, tim ,, loz ,, sap ,, ryd , zat , gem „ myd ,, nv„ gik ,. ifz„ olm ,, muz ,, nip ,, ozd , ebt , •iim ,, uzd ,, sov ,, bok„ diz ,, vom ,, byz.. omp ,, vaf , tet , com „ waf ,, urv „ ipk ,, ekz ,, wum ,, habjo pop,, wef , agt , dum „ yef„ cyv ,, cuk ,, foz ,, san ,, jeb ,, irp,, yif . , vio , vym „ zif„ haw ,, jyk „ apz„ nin ,, kib,. rup ,, elf. ult, zan ,. ilf „ ew„ yal ,. utz ,, pon ,, lob.. ewp ,, zof , , woi , ten ,, tof „ ow ,, zel ,, guz ,, im ,, usb ,, byp » tuf , . yjt . vin ,, vuf ,, bay ,, til,, ryz ,, run ,, mub ,, far,. uvf , . nev , nln ,, rag,. cey ,, oU„ ozz ,, ewn ,, byb.. ger ,, pyf . . ahv , won,, seg„ ify,, vol ,, babho byn ,, bac •, . bir„ pag ■ . piv . y.un ,, nog „ diy .. wul ,, ceb ,, lap ,, oeo ,, cor ,, reg. , rov , gar., erg,. eky ,, sam ,, dib„ adp ,, die ,, dur ,, sig, 1 SUV , ber „ P"g.. foy ., nim ,, fob,. mep ,, foo ,, vyr ., arg . 1 fyv , oir ,, awg ,, apy .. omm ,, g"b „ hip ,, guc ,, zas ., nug , , 1 maw , dor ,, lyg.. uty ,, pom ,, ryb„ UJP" lyc .. ebs ,, wyg , . hew . fur,, kah „ guy .. irm ,, vao ,, onp ,, vad ,, tes ,, jah , , kow . tyi-„ leh„ ozy ,, rum ,, obo ,, jop .. wed ,, ags ,, keh. gay , tas ,, mih ,, vaz ,, hym ,, wee ,, isp ,, yid ,, vis ,, lib, bey. ibs ,, hoh„ obz ,, Ian ,, igc ,, kup ,, eld „ uls ,, moh , efy. ves ,, esh,. wez ,, men ,, yic,, gyp .> zod ., wos ,, ash , , ciy . egs ,, juh ,, igz .. bin ,, elo ,. zar ,, tud,. yu3 ,, huh , . doy , wis ,, zyh ,, yi2 „ jon ,, aoo ,. ebr „ uvd ,, ivs ,, nyh , upy • als ,, dftj ,, elz„ kun ,, tua,. ter „ pyd ,, ect ,, oaj , oly , yos,, fej„ zoz ,, gy° .. uvc ., agr ,, paf ,, net ,, dej , 1 fuy , ZU3 ,, g'j .. tuz ,, fap ,, pyc ,, vir ,, ret „ aht„ fij, . izy . 0V3 ,, boj ,, uvz ,, gep ,, pad ,. ulr„ ihf „ pit ,, goj . taz . nat ,, cuj ,, pyz „ bip.. red ., wor ,, sif ,. umt ,, epj , ibz , iot„ jyj .. vabgo cop,. ihd.. yur ,, emf .. rot „ atj, , vez , pet,, yak,. 6bb„ opp„ sid„ ivr„ ar£.. ort .. buj , egz , rit ,, zek ,, web ,, dup ,, emd ,, ccs ,, nut .. sut ._, myj , , wiz , sot ,, ugk „ yib ,, vyp,, ard ,, nes ,, wyf .. fyt ,: wak , , alz , urt ,, tik„ elb,. ezp ,, nud ,, ahs ,, jag.. mav ,, yek , yoz , oyt„ olk„ zob ,, ner ,, wyd ,, pis ,, keg.. hev ,, zik , , zuz , hav ,, vok ,, tub „ ahr ,, jaf ,, ums ,, lig„ "jiv ,, ilk. , ovz , jev,. wuk ,', pyb,. pir,. kef,. ros ,, eng.. kov ,, tok , tabic kiv ,, sal,, pac ,, ror ,, lif „ ors ,, mog,. luv ,. vuk , ibb. a'nv ,, uhl„ oec ,, orr ,, mof ,, sus ,, bug ,, dyv ,. avk . , veb , lov„ nil ,, reo ,, sur ,, asf ,, fys,. nyg,, gaw .. ral , egb , muT ,, pol ,, sic ,, fyr„ huf „ mat ,, cah .. bew ,, sel. ,^ v.'ib , byv ,, irl„ arc ,, mas ,, nyf „ edt „ deh„ dow ,, ohl, alb , baw ,, rul„ nuc ,, eds ,, cag„ het„ fih„ tay ,, nol , . yob , cew ,, hyl„ wye ,, hes ,, deg,. jit.. goh„ iby ,, erl, , zub , fow ,, lam ,, jad ,, jis„ fig,, ajt„ eph„ vey ,. pul , 1 ovb . vay ,, mem ,, odd „ uns ,, ikg,. unt ,, ath ,, egy .. awl , , nao , oby ,, him ,, kcd „ kos ,, gog >• kot„ buh„ wiy .. lyi. , ice , wey ,, jom ,, lid., OSS ,, epg„ ost ,, myh,. aly .. kam , , pco , ipy .. ism ,, ijd.. lus ,, atg„ lut„ waj ,, yoy .. lem . , cho , ely., kum ,, end .. dys ,, bug,. ixt „ yej ., zuy ,. mim , rio . zoy ,, gym ,, mod ., gat,, myg„ dyt„ zi] .. ovy ,, hom , . amc , tuy ,, fan ,, hud.. bet,. uzg„ gav„ ilj., naz ,, jam . , SDO , uvy ,, gen ,, nyd ,. eft,. wah ,, bev ,, toj,. icz ,. zym . . uro . paz ,, bin ,, oaf .. cit „ yeh ,, efv ,, vuj .. pez .. dan . , owe , roz ,, con ,, def .. akt„ zih ,, civ ,, rak.. riz .. fen . 1 eye , ihz„ dun ,, off ., dot,. toh „ dov ,, uek.. amz ., gin , h^d, siz ,, vyn ,, fif „ upt „ vuh ,, otv,. sek .. soz ,, bon . idd, «mz ,, ezn ,, gof ,, fat,. raj „ fuv ,, imk ,, urz ,, cun , jed. arz ,, zap,. but „ tyt„ sej „ tyv„ nok ,, cyz ,, jyu. kid. nuz ,, tep ,, myf ,, izt „ noj ,, izv ,, erk„ nabko yap. , and , wy2.. vip ,, wag .. tav ,, paj .. taw ,, puk„ peb ., zep, , lod , pabfo ulp ,, yeg .. vev ,, lyj.. ibw ,, awk ,, ehb.. tip, . usd , reb ,, wop ,, Z'g .. wiv ,, kak„ vew ,, lyk„ rib .. olp , . mud , ihb„ y"P .. ilg,. alv ,, udk„ egw ,, kal„ amb ., vop , ^L^ • 8ib„ ivp ,. tog „ yov,. lek„ alvr ,, lel„ sob .. wup , w. «mb ,, mar ,, vug,. zuv ,, mik ,, yow ,, mil ,. urb ., lar , oet. arb ,, her ,, rah ,, ow„ ojk„ zuw ,, hoi.. cyb ,, mer , dif , nnb ,, jir ,, uch „ naw ,, ink,. ovw ,, Jul., hac ,, hir. ekf , wyb ,, kor ,, seh ,. pew ,, hok„ nay ,, zyl .. ido „ jor. tof. jao,, keo„ lor,. noh ,. sow ,, esk,, icy „ dam ,, jeo„ kur. ap|. dyr„ puh ., hay ,, juk ,. pey ., fem ,, kic„ gyTt guf . lie. ene „ gas ,, bes,. lyh.. kaj„ idy.. iey„ kiy .. zyk.. dal„ eby ,, riy „ gim ,. bom .. anc ,, loc„ fas , ges. ryf , , ozf , moc ,, cis„ ndj ,, fel„ amy ,, cum .. use „ bis. Tag, arc „ akg„ lej,. ejy .. gil.. soy,. jym.. muc ,, nks , • obg , hue,. dOE ,, mij ,, any,. okl„ ury „ yan ., bye, COB, weg. Djro,, ups ,, inj,. loy „ bol,. owy „ zen ,, bad., ops, yig. CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 25. elglo zyvso elglo aftlo wyjmo unzmo yenno gadpo etspo oigro mitro cihso «og„ bit „ jak„ koz ,, zin ,, cid ,, cus ,, akg„ ojt „• doh„ tag., akt „ kek„ luz ,, iln ,, dod„ jys,. dog,. hot,. uph,. nvg,. cot ,, lik„ dyz ,, . ton ,, fud„ azs ,, upg.. est ,, oth.. pyg.. opt ,, ijk„ mabno vua ,, tyd „ yat „ otg.. jut,. fuh.. pah „ dut ,, enk„ heb„ avn ,, izd „ zet ,, fug,, axt„ tyh.. och „ vyt„ mok ,, jib,, rap ,, taf „ >:gt „ 'yg.. zyt „ taj„ Teh ,, ezt ,, ask,. unb ,, Sep ,, vef ,, tit ,, izg,. dav ,, vej ,. Bih„ zav „ huk„ kob„ imp ,, wif „ olt „ tah„ fev ,, wij .. nuh ,. ebv ,, nyk ,, osb ,. nop ,, alf ., vot ., veh ,, ufv ,, yoj .. wyli ,. tev ,, del,. lub„ erp „ yof,. vvut ,, wih ,, giv ,, ZUJ ,, jaj ,, Rg' .. ei„ dyb„ pup,. zuf ,, evt ,, yob „ okv ,, nak ,, kej., viv .. gol „ gao„ awp ,, nag., sav ,, zuh ,, bov ,, ick„ lij.. ulv .. bul„ beo ,, lyp.. peg,, niv ,, naj „ ipv ., pek„ ijj .. wov ,, myl.. cio ,, dar„ rig,. omv ,, pej„ etv „ ehk,. enj „ yuv .. wam ., doo„ fer„ sog„ pov„ rij „ OUT,, rlk,. moj,. ivv ,, yem.. fuo„ gir„ urg „ irv., amj „ jyr.. amk ., hnj .. ncv; ., zim .. tyo„ bor ,, owg,. ruv „ BOJ „ azv., BOk ,. nyj.. row ,, Urn ,. tad,, our ,, cyg ,. byv ,, urj„ yaw.. urk „ cak ,, may ,, torn,, ibd„ jyr.. hah,. law ,, 0W1 ,, abw „ owk ,, dek,, cdy ,, vom .. ved„ yas ,, jeh ,, mew ,, cyj .. zew ,, cyk,. ofk,. hey ,, lan .. wid„ abs „ kih„ jow ,, hak„ ngw ,, hal.. fik „ jiy .. sen .. aid,. zes ,, loh„ fay ,, idk„ tiw ,, jel „ ikk „ ajy .. ohn .. yod ,, ugs„ ush ,, gey.. jek„ olw ,, kil.. gok „ uny ,, non.. zud ,, tis„ muh ,, afy „ kik„ vow ,, lol.. epk ,, koy ,, em ,. ovd ,, ols ,, byh„ biy,. ejk„ evw ,, mul„ atk „ osy ,, pun.. naf „ vos „ baj „ uky „ auk ,, say,. byl.. buk„ luy .. awn.. io£„ wus ,, cej „ coy „ lok„ aoy „ bam ., tnyk,, ixy „ lyn„ pef „ evs „ dij „ opy.. usk„ niy „ cem ,, azk„ gaz ,, kap ,. rif „ sat ,, foj„ ity „ muk ,, omy ,, dim „ wal„ bez ,, lep ,, sof ,, act ,, utj„ duy ,, byk„ poy .. fom ., yei.. elz ,, mip„ urf „ nit ,, guj.. ezy „ bal„ iry ., gum „ aU.. ciz ,, inp„ owf „ oiut ,, ryj ,. zaz ,, cel„ ruy „ rym ., tol,. ,, hop „ oyf ,, pot ,, vak ,, ebz ,, dU„ ewy ,, van .. vul ,, doz ,, esp ,, bag,. irt „ wek ,, tez„ fol„ laz „ wen ,, ram ,, upz ,, jup„ idg„ rut ,, yik.. agz .. gul„ adz ,, yin„ Bern ,, otz „ zyP" jeg .. ewt ,, elk,. viz „ ryl,. mez „ eln „ ohm ,, fus ,, yar„ kig„ byt„ zok „ ulz ,, vam ,, biz .. zon ., imm ,, tyz „ zer„ ejg.. lav ,, tuk„ woz „ wem ,~. onz „ tun ,, nom ., IZZ „ tir„ ang „ mev ,, uvk ,, yuz ,, yim,. joz „ pyn .. erm „ gabmo vor„ log,. hiv ,, pyk„ ivz ,, elm ,, kuz „ pap .. pum ,, beb„ wur ,, usg„ onv ,, pal ,, fabro zom .. gyz .. rep ,, iwm ,, cib ,, sas ,, mug „ jov „ rel „ geb„ tum „ labso ihp ,, lym ,, dob ,, acs „ byg.. isv ,, ihl„ afb„ pym ,, meb „ sip ,, kan „ fab „ nis ,, bah ,, kuv ,, sil „ bib,, pan,. bib,. emp„ len„ tyb„ oms ,, ceh ,, gyv.. arl„ ukb ,, ren ,, job ,, arp ,. min „ nad ,, poa„ dih„ faw„ nul ,, cob „ ihn „ isb „ nup„ inn „ ped ,, irs„ foh„ gew,. wyl,, dub,, sin „ kub„ wyp „ hon„ ehd„ i-us ,, aph „ cow „ jam „ vyb„ am „ gyb,. car ,, jnn „ rid ,, ews ,, uth „ zay „ kem ,, zao ,, nun ,, fac „ der„ zyn » amd ,, bys ,, guh „ eby „ lim ,, ebc ,, wyn ,, geo„ fir.. dap „ sod „ Iat„ ryh „ tey „ mom ,, tec jap„ bic„ gor., fep„ urd ,, adt „ vaj „ agy„ asm ,, ago,, odp„ coc ,, bur., ulp„ owd ,, met „ wej„ viy „ hum ,, vio„ kcp„ duo ,, myr„ gip.. cyd ,, hit,. yij .. uly ,, nym „ ulc„ lip,, vyc ,, was ,, okp ,, haf,. ont ,, zoj „ woy ,, can ,, woo ,, 'JP.. zad ,, ubs ,, bop ,, jef.. jot „ tuj„ ivy,. den „ yuo„ cnp,. ted,. yes ,, ipp.. kif.. kut„ Pji., nez ,, fin,. ivo „ mop ,, agd „ ogs „ etp„ anf ., gyt„ pak„ ahz ,, gon „ ned „ asp ,, vid ,, zis ,, cup,. lof ., fav „ ock ,, piz ,, bun ,, ahd„ hup ,, uld„ ils „ jyp.. muf ,, gev„ rek„ umz ,, myn „ pid ,, uxp ,, wod ,, vus ,, azp ,, byf „ biv„ ihk„ roz ,, wap,. umd ,, nyp„ yud „ avs ,, sar „ bag,, cov ,, sik ,, orz ,, yep.. rod,, war ,, ivd ,, rat.,. uhr ,, ceg„ duv ,, emk „ suz ,, zip ,, ord„ yer ,, nef ,, uct „ nir ,, dig ,, vyv„ ark ,, fyz„ ilp,. 8ud„ zir ,, ahf „ set ,, por„ fog,, zaw ,, nuk,. nebpo top ,, fyd„ tor,. pif ,. oht ,, irr„ gug.. tew ,, wyk ,, pib ,, vup„ maf „ vur ,, umf ,, imt ,. rur „ ryg ., wow „ jal„ umb ,, kar ,, edl„ ras „ rof „ not ,, hyr„ ozg„ ecy ,, kel„ rob ,, ler„ hef „ ucs ,, orf „ ert„ las,. vah ,, ney ,, m„ orb ,, rair ,, j«.. ses ,, suf „ put ,, ad8„ weh ,, aby „ mol „ sub „ bor ,, ajf .. ohs ,, fyf .. awt ,, mes „ yih ,, piy .. hnl„ fyb„ jur,. unf ,. ims ,, mag,. lyt.. his,. zoh ,, umy „ nyl ,, mac ,, zyr,. kof„ nos ,, heg ,, kav ,, ons ,, tuh „ roy „ cam „ heo ., das,, osf „ ers ,, jig.. udv „ jos„ pyb „ ory ,, dem... jic„ fes,. lul., puB ,, ung „ lev.. is8„ paj .. Buy „ fim ,, unc ,, ufs „ ixl„ aws ,, kog„ miv .. kus„ rej „ maz ,, gom „ koo ,, gi3., dyf„ lys.. lug „ inv „ gys,, sij „ edz „ bum „ oso ,, oks,, 8<^!.> kat„ dyg., hov ,, fat,. arj „ hez ., mym „ luo „ bos., beg.. ndt.. juv ,, get.. nuj „ jiz „ wan,. dyo„ ips., efg.. let,. beb,': zyv„ daTiraO CYPHERS IK TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 26. giwap daVrso Ibw„ b«w„ W.. aby„ Bey,, n«y .. tiy., oly „ joy .. wuy ,, evy „ saz „ nil „ omi „ poa „ ir»„ rui,, bys,. nhb.M nib,, omo „ poh„ irb„ rub „ ewb „ byb„ lao„ meo ,, bio,, ODO „ joo„ isc „ kuo „ gyo,. fad,, ged„ bid „ cod „ dud „ 'yd,, laf „ tef„ vU„ uU.. wof„ yuJi. neg.. tog,, org,, sug., (yg» mab „ heh „ jib., koh„ o«b„ Inb „ dyb„ oil,, do ,. tyj.. tak,. v«k „ wik„ •Ik,, yok„ Buk „ nal„ pelf, ebl „ rU„ iol„ tttlrt oylto ladvo wyrvo gegwo govwo napyo iskzo ikyzo bam ,, add,. jas„ big,, buv ,, pep,, kuh„ goy ,. iem„ kim ,, med „ ods„ ukg„ myv ,, rip,. gyb„ epy .. bid.. kes„ cog,, i"ay „ sop,. faj„ aty „ lorn,, ond „ Us,, opg„ "oy „ cyp.. gej „ buy,. mum „ jod.. iJB., itg„ sey „ bar ,, b>j„ uzy „ bym ,, isd ,. ens „ dug,, imy ,, cer„ coj ,, waz ,, ban ,, kud.. mos ,, vyg,. noy „ dir.. duj ,, yez „ din ., gyd.. ass „ ezg., ery „ for., vyj .. ogz „ ton ,, tai,. bus „ zali ,, pay „ gar,. zak ,, ziz,. gun „ get „ nys,. teb„ kaz ,, ryr„ tek„ ilz ,, ryn,, aff.. cat „ vih ,, udz ,, vas ,, vik ,, toz ,, vap,, hit,. det„ woh ,, lez ,,. wes ,, ulk „ vuz ,, wep ,, uki.. oft.. yuh„ miz ,, yis,. wok,, avz ,, yip.. oof,, fit,, nej „ inz ,, zos ,, yuk „ labap elp.. opf „ ikt.. Pij .. hoz „ tus „ nel„ meb „ zop ,, duf.. got.. umj ,, esz ,, pys.. ahl,, bib,. tup., yyf.. ept ,, roj „ juz „ pat,. pil„ ukb „ pyp.. zag., but., orj „ zyz .. ret ,, rol „ alb,. jar,. teg., myt.. suj ,, kabyo sit,, orl ,, emb „ agg., uzt ,. fyj.. leb„ nut ,, sul„ job,. iS" vig.. wav .. mak „ mib ,, wyt ,, fyi.. kub„ bur„ uig .. yev.. edk„ hob,, jav„ ^am ,, gyb„ nyr ,. wog., ziv., hek„ jub ,, kev„ hem ,, fao„ cas ,, ywg.. Uv.. jik„ zyb„ liv „■ Jim,, ibc„ dea ,, eoh .. tov„ ajk„ dao „ mov ,, kom ,, oco„ ofs„ neb ,, vuv ., uuk ,, fee,. buv ,, lum „ udo ,, fis„ pib., raw „ kok„ gi<;„ nyv„ dym „ gec„ iks ,, rob ,, sew ,, osk ,, boo ,, caw ,, gan „ ego,, g08„ suh.. now ,, luk„ cue ,, dew ,, ben ,, bic ,, eps„ fyb.. kay ., dyk„ jyo., fiw „ cin ,, coo ,, ats„ maj.. ndy .. gal,. yad,, gow„ don ,, due ,, mys ,, hej.. ley ., bel„ zed ,, buw „ fun,. vyo ,, uzs ,, jij.. miy „ oU,, tid„ mjw „ tyn„ zad „ rav „ »H .. ojy ., dol„ vod ,, raz ,, tap,. ted,. sev,. koj .. iny „ ful„ wud ,, sez ,, vep ,, vid ,, obv„ luj .. boy ,,. tyl„ saf .. noz ,, wip„ wod ,, imv„ dyj .. esy„ tanv,. nil „ puz ,, alp,. etd „ nov„ gak,. jay.. vem ., pof., lyz,. yop.. ynd„ erv,. bek.. axy.. wim .. ruf„ rabzo zup,. ivd„ puv„ lyv „ oik,. daz„ aim .. byf .. seb ,, ovp ,, owd„ akk„ fez,. yom.. lag.. imb „ bar ,, azd ,, kaw., dok„ ufz „ zum .. meg,, nob ,, jer„ nef ,, law.. fuk,. giz .. bap,, big., erb „ kir„ pif ., how ,, tyk,. okz„ iep„ kip„ jog,. pub ,, lor,. enf „ day.. izk .. boz „ kug ,, awb ,, mur ,, rof„ fey.. tal.. ipz ,, anp„ gyg.. lyb.. byr „ ipf .. ufy.. vel.. etz ,, lop,. fah „ kao ,, bas ,, orf „ giy .. vfil ,, ouz ,, nsp ,, geh „ leo„ ces ,, usf „ oky„ aU., jyz.. mup „ bih„ mio„ ifs ,, suf ,, boy,, yol „ . azz.. byp„ ooh„ ino ,, dis„ fyf,. ipy.. zul„ dabwo var„ dub „ hoe ,, eka ,, mag,, ety ., nam,. feb„ wer„ vyh„ jue,. f08„ beg „ ouy ,. pem „ gib,, yir„ zaj.. zyo ,, aps,. jig.. azy „ ebm „ bob,. zor„ tej,. dad,, uts„ ijg., yaz,. rim ,, cub „ tnr„ vij., fed,. gus „ okg,. abz„ amm „ jyb,. pyr,. woj ,, gid,. rya„ ulg„ «e8„ som „ yac „ pas,. yuj.. okd ,, vat,. amg„ ugz,. urm ,, zee,. 008,, nek,. bod „ wet ,, lug,. tii .. owm„ tic,. re»„ Pik,. cud ,, igt„ dyg.. Ola,. oym „ olc„ ihs„ rok ,, jyd.. yit„ gab „ voz .. ban „ voc „ Bis,, Buk ,, azd ,, elt„ ebh„ wuz ,. ien„ kin „ wuc ,, ems „ fyk„ yaf „ zot „ ich ,, evz ,. eve ,, ars,, mal ,, zef„ tut,. odb „ yabvo ann „ sad „ nug„ hel„ tif„ uvt ,, beh„ abb,. Ion ,, nid„ wys„ jU„ olf „ pyt .. agh „ zeb,. mun ,. omd „ jat„ kol„ vof ,, pav„ cib „ tlb,. byn ,, pod „ odt„ lul,. wuf ,, rev ,, dob ,, olb „ bap „ ird„ ket„ dyl„ sag,. ihv „ fuh„ vob ,, cep„ rud ,, ut,. gam,. nig,, siv„ tyb„ wub ,, dip,. ewd„ ijt„ bem ,, omg „ a»-v„ taj„ sao .. ace,. fop.. 7P» bU„ but,. tym„ ewg„ kew „ atj .. poc„ rer.. jof.. uxt„ tan ,, hyg„ mow ,, zuj „ ire,. lbr„ Uf.. nyt„ ven„ lab,. oay„ oyj.. ruc„ sir,. kuf„ cav„ win ,, meb „ dey ,, uzj ., ewc„ arr.. S:: dev,. yon „ hih„ ofy „ nak.. hyo„ nnr,. fiv., zun ,, job,, 1 fly.. pek.. CYPHERS iN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 27. bowap anfup bowap irjep zewep ikjip owip haalp yeymp cygop votop hoorp jy*.. OS] ,, tiw ,, olj„ ayv„ jea „ ziy ,, hah ,, Itt.. gro.. yay .. cyj., vow ,, umj „ ezv ,, aha ,, toy ,, ahh „ wnt ,, juo.. zey„ hak ,, itw ,, loj „ saw,, kia ,, vuy ,, kih „ ovt„ zyo „ tiy„ ahk ,, OTW„ muj „ pow„ ika ,, vaanp ikh „ ayt„ dau.. voy „ kik„ ayw ,,, byj .. opw „ ola ,, wea ,, olh ,, ezt,, obu „ ity „ ikk„ ezw ,, bak ,, asw ,, uma ,, yia ,, umh ,, sav„ ucu ,, wuy „ olk„ say ,, abk ,, ruw ,, loa ,, ?oa ,, loh „ niv ,, adu ,, ovy „ umk ,, niy ,, eck ,, hyiv ,, sta ,, uta ,, muh ,, pov ,, efu„ ezy ,. lok„ poy .. idk„ lay ,, mua ,, tua ,, byh „ opv„ shu ,. saz ,, muk ,, opy .. cek ,, nicy ,, bya„ ava ,, baj„ asv .. giu.. uiz ,, byk,. ury „ ugk „ hiy ,, bae ,, pya„ abj ,, ruv „ plu ,. poz „ bal„ asy ,, dik„ uky „ abe ,, oza ,, ecj ,, hyv ,, bou ,, opz ,, abl„ ruy „ fok„ aly „ ece ,, ree ,, idj„ law „ jyu„ urz„ eoI„ laz„ guk „ emy „ ido ,, ape ,, cej ,, hiw„ waasp asz ,, idl„ mez „ ryk ,, joy.. ceo „ wye ,, ugj .. ojw ,, yea,. ruz „ cel„ hiz ,, val „ kuy „ ofe ,, cao ,, dij,. ukw ,, zia„ hyz ,, ugl .. ukz ,, wel„ £az „ uge ,, ubo ,, foj„ alw ,, sla „ fabep dil„ alz ,, yil.. ibz ,, die ,, aco ,, guj .. emw ,, toa.. ibb„ fol „ emz ,, zol ,, ocz ,, foe,, edo ,, ryj .. jow „ kra „ ocb ,, gul .. joz ,, utl „ udz ,, tre „ deo ,, vak ,, kuw„ vua „ udb„ ryl., kuz ,, pyi.. gez „ gue,, ifo„ wek „ gyw„ uva„ geb „ vam ,, gyz.. ozl „ egz ,, rye „ ogo„ yik „ fay,. awa ,. egb„ wem ,, zabip pam „ biz ,, vai i, who ,, zok ,, iby „ iza ,. bib,, yim„ teb„ rem ,. coz ,, wei ,, fio„ utk „ ocy „ the,, cob ,, zom ,, vib ,1 sim ,, duz ,, zoi ,, goo „ tuk ,, udy ,, gri „ duh„ utm „ wob ,, apm „ vyz „ lUi ,, spo ,, pyk „ gey,, dao ,. vyb„ turn ,, etb „ crm ,, taajp tui ,, pro ,, ozk ,, egy „ obo„ za.c ,, pym „ yub ,, num „ vca ,, avi ,, buo ,, pal ,, biy .. uco „ tec,. ozra ,, ivb ,, wym„ oha ,, pyi .. niyo ,, rel„ coy ,, ado ,.. vie ,, pan ,, owb ,, jan „ wia ,, ozi ,, slu ,, sU„ duy „ teo ., woo ,, ren ,, azb ,, ken „ bla„ reo ,, kru ,, apl„ zaz ,, efo ., etc ,, sin,. nee ,, uhn ,, yoa„ apo ,, ray ,, erl„ tez ,, sho ,. yuc„ em ,, pic ,, lin„ ata ,, wyo ,, sey „ nul ,, viz ,, gio.. ivo ,, nun ,, eno ,, ekn ,, zua ,, jau ,, uoy „ wyl ,, .woz ,. plo ,. owo„ wyn ,, roc ,, iln ,, eva ,, uliu ,, puy .. jam ,, etz„ boo ,. azc ,, jap,, ipo„ mon ,, oya .. liu„ nebop kem ,, yuz.. cuo ,. ned ,, kep ,, 010 ,, huu ,, uza ,, aju ,, pib ,, ubm ,, ivz„ jyo >• pid ,, VLhp ,, U30 ,, lyn .. nae.,. cku ,, enb ,, lim ,, owz„ yau ,. end „ lip ,, sue ,, cap ,, pea ,, ilu„ rob ,, ekm ,, azz,. sou., rod ,, ekp,. fyc „ ubp ,, rie ,, DJOU ,, ipb„ ilm ,, caarp phu.. ipd„ ilp„ mad ,, acp ,. ane ,, nyu ,, orb ,, mom ,, uba ,, tia ., ord ,, mop ,, bed „ edp ,, soe ,, cay ,, usb ,, ham ,, aca ,. klu„ U8d„ hup „ jia .. di7p ,, epe ,, d^y ., sub ,, nym ,, eda „ vou ,, sud „ nyp .; ija „ ifp.. iro„ fiy.. fyb „ can ,, dea ,, fru„ fyd„ war ,, okd ,, ogp.. ose ,, goy .. mac ,, ubn ,, ifa„ itu ,, ma( ,, yer ,, uld„ fip.. eye ,, buy ,, heo„ edn ,, oga „ ovu ,. hef „ zir „ amd ,, blip ,, hai ,, baamp jio„ den ,, wha,. ayu ,, jil>. tor,. lud., f.yp „ jei ,. aba ,, ijo „ ifn„ fia„ ezu ,, ijf ,. vur ,, dyd „ rar „ ahi ,, eca ,, Oko,, ogn „ goa„ mabup ok£„ uvr ,, gaf.. ser ,, iki ,, >da ,, ulo ,, fin .. spa ,, heb„ ul{„ awr ,, ebf „ onr ,, oIi„ cea ,, amo 1, bun ,, pra„ jib ., ami ,, izr ,, icf „ nor ,, umi ,, of a ,, luc ,, myn „ bua„ ijb ,. luf „ ras ,, odf ,, upr „ loi„ uga „ dye,, wap ,, mya,, okb,. dyf „ SC3 ,, bef ,, pur „ sti„ dia ,, gad,. yep .. wae.. ulb., gig.. ons „ agf ,, lyr „ mui ,, foa ,, ebd„ zip ,, yee„ amb.. ebg„ nos „ cif „ kus„ byi .. gua,. led „ top ,, zie„ lub„ icg „ ups„ dot ,, les„ bao ,, rya ,, odd,. awp „ slo „ dyb„ odg„ pus,. fuf „ mis ,, abo ,, vae ,, bed,. izp ,, toe ,, gao ,, beg „ iys„ tyf,. UJ3 ,, eco ,, wee ,, agd „ kar ,, kre ,, ebo ,, ttgg.. kat„ tag ,, aks „ ido ,, yie,. cid ,, Ier„ vue„ ice ,, cig ,, let,. veg „ els,. ceo ,, zoe ,, dod„ ohr ,, uve „ ode ,. dog,. oht ,, wig.. hos „ ofo ,, ute„ fud„ mir „ awe ,. beo ,, fug.. mit„ yog.. jus ,, MgO„ tue ,, tyd ., ujr „ ize ,. age „ tyg.. ujt„ atg ,, zys ,, dio„ ave ,, taf „ elr„ rai ,, cic ,, tah ,, akt„ zug,. dat „ too,. pye.. vef „ hor ,, sei ,, doo ,, veh ,, elt,. oyg.. obt „ tro ,, oze ,, wif ,, jur„ thi,. fuo „ wiU „ hot,, uzg , adt„ guo „ cau ,, yof ,, zyr „ oni „ tyo». yoh ,, jut,. nah ,, fet„ ryo ,, ubu ,, atf,. das ,, noi .. tad'..' ath „ zyt„ peh ,, eft,. van ,, acu ,, zul ,, obs „ upi ., Ted ., 2uh ,, dav ,, rih „ igt „ yiu ,, edu ,, oyf ,, ads „ ari ,, wid.. evh ,, obv „ anh ,, git,. zou ,, ifu„ uzf ,, fes,. pui,. yod„ atd„ oyh„ adv „ soh ,, bot„ utu ,, ogu „ nag „ efs ,, lyi .. uzh ,, fev„ eph ,, jyt.. avu „ whu ,, peg., igs.. kao ,, zud ., naj „ efv ,, irh „ yft' >. pyu.. fiu„ rig,. gis„ leo,. oyd„ pej .. igv„ osh ,, zev,. ozu ,, gou ,, ang„ bog ., oho „ uzd.. rij ., giv„ bov„ cyh ,, tiv,. pay.. spu ,, sog,. jy8.. mio „ naf„ anj ,, haj„ V07„ rey „ pru ,, epg.. yat ,, ujo ..^ pef,. soj „ jyv„ ah,„ itv„ siy .. myu„ irg „ zet ,, ako.,' rif ,. epj .. yaw.. kl).. wuv,. nuy „ way.. osg,, tit.. elo,. »nl„ CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 28. sofup ■■Ba •■ Aii>^. awsir sofup vosnp alowp 1 nykyp ivwyp doka r miyar oyker cuyer otgip epf ,. its,. emo ,, cal„ azw ,, fuk. ujy ., uzk ,, yaz ,, ulg,. irf „ wus ,, joo ,, ubl„ maz „' tyk, . aky ,, nal ,, zez „ amg.. 08f„ 0V3 ,, dro ,, acl ,, hez ,, vol. ely „ ril„ tiz,. kog., cyt„ ays,. kuo ,, edl„ jiz ,, Vv'il , hoy ,, anl ,, voz ,, lug., hag,, ez3„ gyo.. del,. ij2„ yol , m „ sol ,, itz ,, dyg >. ahg., sat,. gabyp ifl„ okz ,, atl. , daz ,, epV,, wuz ,, gab ,, kig.. nit ,, ebb,. ogl.. ulz ,, zul , , ucz ,, irl„ ovz „ ebb,. ikg„ pot,. icb ,, til,. amz „ evl , , adz ,, osl„ ayz „ ioh ., o!g„ opt ,, odb„ gol „ koz ,, oyl. , fez .. cyl ,, neahr odh.. umg,. ast ,, beb„ bul„ luz ,, uzl , , efz ,, ham ,, pia „ ufh „ log,, rut,. ufb„ warn ,, dyz „ nam , igz „ jcm „ cla ,, agh ., mug,, hyt„ agb „ yem ,, yabar pem. giz „ ahm ,, ena ,, cih ., byg„ lav,, cib ,, zim„ zeb ,, rim , boz „ kim „ roa ,, dob ., bah,. hiv „ dob,. torn ,, tib ,, anra , , cuz ,, ikm ,, ipa ,, fub,. abh„ OJT ,. fub„ vum ,, vob ,, Eom , jyz .. umm ,, usa„ tyh ., ech ,, ukv,, ryb .. uvm „ itb„ epm , , niber lorn ,, sua „ taj .. idh., alv„ tac ,, awm ,, wub ,, irm , ; pob „ mum ,, fya,. vej „ ceh „ emv ,, veo ,, izm„ ovb ,, osra , urb „ bym „ bre ,, wij ., ugh .. jov,. wio ,, ran,, ayb„ cym , , asb ,, ban „ swe „ yoj .. dih,, kuT„ yoo „ sen ,, sac ,, ban , rub „ idn ,, ski,. atj „ toh„ gyv.. ate „ onn ,, nio ,, jen , liyb „ cen„ wri ,, zuj .. guh,, faw„ zuo ,, non „ poo,. ahn , , lac ,, oin „ veo ,, evj ., ryh,. ibw„ evo ,, am ,, urc ,, kin, , mec ,, ugn ,, cho ,, oyj .. vaj „ ocw „ oyc„ pan ,, asc„ ikn, . bie ,, ton ,, wio ,, uzj ., wej „ udw ,, uzc ,, jyn„ ruo„ nmn , 1 ojo ,, gun,. blo„ nak ., yij .. gew„ nad ,, kap„ hyo ,, Ion , . ukc ,, ryn >. yoo„ pek „ zoj „ aiw ,, ped ,, lep„ lad,. mun , , ale ,, vap„ ato ,, rik ,, utj „ egw„ rid,, ohp „ med „ byn , , eiiio ,, wep „ zuo ,, ank ,, tuj „ biw ,, and „ mip „ hid,. bap , joe „ yip.. evo ,, sok„ pyj .. cow „ sod ,, UJP.. ojd „ ecp , , kuc ,, zop„ oyo ,, epk.. ozj „ duw „ epd ,, akp ,, nkd „ idp , gyo .. utp„ uzo „ irk,. pak„ vyw„ ird„ elp ,, aid „ ecp , fiid ,, tup,, nau „ osTc,, rek„ zayj. osd ,, hop „ emd ,, ofp , ibd „ avp„ riu ,, oyk„ sik „ tey,. cyd ,, j"P ,- jod„ ugP. ocd „ pyp.. anu „ hal., apk ,, viy.. ha£„ '■yv .. kud „ dip , ged ,. ozp„ sou ,, jel ,. erk ,, woy-„ jef „. yar,. gyd„- fop , afd „ jar,. cpu „ ahl„ nuk ,, ety „ ah£„ zer ,, faf „ g"P . egd „ ker„ u-u „ kU„ wyk„ ivy,. kif „ tir„ ibf „ '■yp . bid „ ubr „ osu ,, ikl.. jal.. owy „ ikf „ vor„ ocf „ par , dud „ lir„ cyu ,, uml.. kel„ azy „ oU„ itr„ «df„ rer , vy^ .. ilr,. labir lol„ nU,. nez„ umf ,, wur ,,. gef ,. sir , , zaf ,, mor „ meb ,, mul„ in.. piz„ lot., ovr ,, ait,, apr , tef „ nyr„ hib„ byl„ ekl., enz ,, muf „ ayr „ egf „ err , vif „ ubs ,, ojb„ bam ,, ill., roz„ byf,. ezr , , bif„ nur , . wof ,, acs ,, ukb,. ecm„ mol „ ipz... bag,. sas„ duf „ wyr , etf „ eds ,, alb,, idm „ hul.. orz„ ecg„ nis,, ^■yf ,, jas , , y«f .. des „ emb ,, cem„ nyl„ nsz„ idg„ pos „ zag „ kes , ivf „ its,. job „ ofm „ cam „ suz„ ceg,. ops ,, teg.. lis. , owt „ ogs„ kub„ ugm „ aom., edm „ tjz,. ofg.. urs ,, vig „ eks, , azf ,, fis.. syb.. dim „ daa'Bp ngg.f ass ,, wog„ ils. org .. bus „ . lac „ {om ,, dem„ oba ,, dig,, rus„ etg„ mos , usg „ mys„ ibo„ gum „ ifen,, uca ,, fog,. bys,. yug.. bus , sug „ yet,. occ„ rym.. ogm ,, ada,. gfg.. lat„ ivg.. nys , fyg » zit„ udc „ wen ., fim ,, £ea„ pyg.. met,. owg „ cat , , mah „ tot,, gee „ yin„ bum ,, efa„ vah„ hit,, azg„ ubt , beh „ awt„ afe„ zon„ Wym ,, sha.. weh„ ojt .. neh„ act , jih .. izt ,, egc„ utn„ wan „ gia„ yih.. nkt„ enh „ edt. ; ijb .. rav „ bic „ tun „ yen,. pla„ zoh ,, alt,, roh „ det , okh „ onv„ due „ avn „ zin ,, boa,, uth „ emt „ orh „ ift. ulh „ upv„ vyo „ pyn „ ton ,, cua „ tub „ jot ,, ush „ ogt , , amh ,, arv„ zad ,, ozn „ awn ,, jya .,- avh „ kat„ Buh.„ fit. koh „ puv„ ted,. pap,. izn ,, yae„ lyh ,. gy'.. fyh.. but , luh „ lyv„ vid.. rep,. rap,. SCO,, ozh ,, fav ,, maj „ myt , dyb „ kaw ,, wod .. sip,. Sep ,, zee,. paj ,. ibv „ hej„ wav , gaj „ lew ,, etd .. app.. onp ,, phe„ rej,. ocv ,, jij.. ycv, cbj .. ohw„ yud,. erp„ npp,. tie ,, Eij „ udv ,, ijj .. ziv , icj ,, miw ,, ivd .. nnp„ ai-p,. kle„ apj „ gev „ okj „ tov-. odj „ akw „ ov.d ,. '^P >, pup., lyp ,. voe „ erj „ afv ,, ulj.. awv , ufj .. elw„ azd ., car,. lie „ nuj „ egv „ amj „ izv. agj .. how „ nef .. ubr „ dar ,, ite,. kyj.. biv ,, koj „ raw , oij „ juw „ enf .. acr„ obr ,, wue „ jak „ cov ,, luj.. sew , , doj „ zyw„ rof .. ifr„ fer,. ove ,, kek„ duv ,, dyj .. onw , fuj .. day,. orf „ fir.. etr„ aye „ uhk„ syv,. gak „ upw , tyj .. uoy „ usf „ bur,. gir,. eze ,, lik„ zaw ,, ebk„ arw , , vek „ ady „ suf ,, myr ., bor„ lao ,, ajk ,, tew,, iok,. puw , wik „ fey,. fyf .. was „ }yr.. meo „ ekk „ viw „ odk„ lyw , yok „ efy„ mag „ yes „ yas,, uio ,, ilk,. wow „ uJk„ kay , atk „ »gy .. heg.. zis,. MS,, ojo „ rack ,, etw ,, agk „ ley. , zuk ,, giy .. boy.. jig.. tos „ tu., uko„ huk„ yuw„ cik.. ohy , evk „ >jg>. aws„ izsir CYPHERS IN TERMINATJONAL ORDER. 29. avacs izsi» odgor katOF vcgup aUsur ovow» ozkyr jowyp alkas onyas rat „ "fg.4 let,. wig „ els,. ayo ,, pal ,, kuw ,, sirok ,, noy „ set ,, agg.. oht ,, yog.. hos ,, ezo ,, rel„ gyw„ kok„ upy .. ont „ cig ,. mit ,, at«„ jus „ uebyr sil„ raz ,, dyk „ ary „ upt „ dog,. akt „ zug., zys ,, pib ,, apl ,, tez „ gal,, puy .. art „ fug,, c!t,» evg „ dat ,, enb ,, erl„ viz ,, ebl ,", kaz ,, put,, 'yg.. hot ,, oyg .. obt „ rob ,, nul ,, ■woz ,, >cl„ iez ,, lyt„ tah „ jut ,, uzg ,, uct ,, ipb ,, kyl„ etz „ odl „ obz ,, kav.. veil,, zyt „ nah ,, adt „ orb ,, jam ,, yuz ., ufl „ miz ,, lev ,, wih ,, dav ,, peh ,, eft,. usb ,, kem ,, ivz ,, agl,. ujz ,, ohv „ yoh ., obv ,, rih ,, igt.. sub ,, uhm ,, owz „ oil ,, akz,. miv ,, ath „ ucv ,, anh ,, git,. fyb„ lim „ azz ,, dol„ elz.. akv „ zah ,, adv ,, soh ,, bot„ mac „ ajm „ dabas fnl.. hoz „ elv„ eVh„ efv„ eph ,, cut ,, heo ,, ekm ,, obb ,, tyl.. juz „ hov ,, oyh„ igv .. irh., jyt .. jio„ ilm ,, neb ,, tam ,, zyz „ juv „ uzh ,, giv ,, osh ,, yav „ ijc „ mom ,, adb„ vem ,, obab* zyv „ naj „ bov ,, cyh ,, zev„ oko ,, hum „ feb„ wim ,, uca „ daw ,, pej „ CUV ,, haj ,, tiv,. ulo ,, nym ,, efb„ yom ,, fea„ obw ,, rij „ jr'.. jcj „ vov„ amc ,, can ,, igb.. atm ,, iga„ ucw ,, anj „ yaw ,, ahj „ itv „ koc ,, ubn ,, gib „ zum ,, Bha„ ad-w ,, soj ,; zew ,, kij .. wnv ,, luc ,, edn ,, bob,. evm „ pla.. efw ,, epj .. tiw ,, ikj.. ow ,, jd„ edp ,, mie ,, ab ovt „ wob ,, nyt „ con ,, ord ,, ekp„ okd „ dep ,, uje,. ec ayt „ eth „ cav ,, zwa ,, usd ,, mop ,, uld ,, ifp., ake ,, id ezt ,, yub .. ubv ,, ^7^ »t Eud ,, hap ,, amd ,, ogp ,. tie,. cc sav ,,- ivb „ aov ,, zay „ fyd „ nyp.. kod „ fip„ hoe ,, of niv ,, owh ,, edv ,, tey „ mal „ hef „ jif., ijf „ okf „ ulf „ amf ,, kof ,, lu{„ war „ lud „ ?op ,, ere,, ug pov ,, azb ,, dev ,, viy „ yer„ dvd „ bup ,, jue„ di opv ,, nej ,, iff,. woy „ zir ,, ^1" myp.. I'je ,, to urv ,, enj ,, ogv „ yaaes tor,, ebf ,, rar ,, y^o ,, gu. asv ,, roj„ fiv„ sca„ awT„ icf „ ser ,, SCO ,, py ruv ,, orj„ bnv „ zea ., izr„ odf ,, onr ,, zeo ,, vak.,. hyv ,, SU) ,, myv.. pha„ r&g ,, uff ,, upr ,, pho ,, wek „ law ,, waw „ tia„ see,. agf .. arr ,, tio ,, yik.. mew ,, *yj.. yew .. kla„ ons„ cif „ pur ,, kl3„ zok ,, hiw ,, mat ,, ziw ,, voa „ dyf ,, ups ,, dof „ lyr,. voo ,, utk „ ojw ,, bek„ tow ,, ita„ gag.. ebg„ ars ,, fuf „ kae ,, fro,, tak„ ukw ,, jik„ izw „ was „ pus ,, lys,, tyf„ les,, ito„ avk„ alw ,, ijk :: ray .. 0T»„ icg., tag.. mis,. wno ,, lyi " emw ,, okk „ Bey,, »y«.. ezacs CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 30. zoars pzaos sae ,, nie ,, gle ., poe ,, .ope ,, ure ,, ase ,, cue ,, bje„ lai ,, mei ,, oji,. uki ,, ali I. %mi ,, joi,. dri ,, kui ,, gyi .. fao ,, ibo„ oco ,, udo ,, geo „ afo ,, ego ,, bio ,, smo ,, coo ,, duo ,, zwo ,, ■ vyo ,, zau ,, viu „ flu ,, snu „ wou ,, etu ,, owu ,, azu ,, ney ,, piy .. roy ,, suy „ saads nia ,, gla ,, poa ,, opa „ ui-a ,, asa ,, rua ,, hya ,, lae ., mee ,, Jiie ,, oje ,, uke ,, ale ,, eme ,, joe,, -dre ,, kae ,, gye.. ami ,, zwi„ zso ,, teo ,, vie „ flo,. sno ,, eto ,, yuo „ owo,, azo ,, piu ,, do „ «nu .1 c rou „ ipuds ovu ,, usu ,, fyu ,, may ,, hey ,, jiy .. Koy ,, luy ,, itbes kuafs gya ,, fae ,, ibe ,, oce ,, ude ,, gee „ afe ,, ege„ bie ,, ovb ,, sme ,, ayb ,, coo ,, arc ,, due ,, asc ,, zwe ,, ojd ,, vye ,, ukd „ zai ,, aid „ tei ,, emd ,, fli „ ibf „ sni ,, ocf „ woi ,, udf „ cii ,, egf ,, eti ,, etg„ yui ,, >vg „ ivi ,, owg ,, owi ,, azg,, azi ,, enh ,, neo ,, orh ,, pio ,, ush ,, do ,, ijj .. eno ,, okj ,, ipo ,, ulj „ oro ,, amj ., uso ,, ebk „ suo ,, ick ,, fyo„ odk„ mau ,, ufk„ jiu ,, agk ,, iju ,, atl„ oku ,, evl„ amu ,, oyl ,, kou ,, uzl ,, bru ,, anm ,, swu ,, epm ,, dyu ,, irm ,, g-iy .. osm ,, bey,. ikn„ ciy „ umn ,, doy ,, ecp ,, fuy ,. idp ,, fa.ifs ofp ,, iba ,. ugP.. oca ,, eir ,, uda „ ' eks ,, gea „ 1 ils„ afa ,, ubt ,, ega .. ' edt ,, bia ,, ift „ sma ,, ogt ., eoa ,, awv ,, dua ,, I izv ,, zwa ,, 1 onw ,, vya „ i upw„ zae ,, arw ,, tee ,, ohy ,, vie ,, ujy .. fle„ aky ,, sne ,, ely,. woe ,, ucz ,, ete „ ! efz„ yue ,, igz ,, owe ,, l&afs aze ,, mea ,, nei ,, bia., cli,. oj»,. eni ,, uka,. roi ., ala,. ipi ., ema „ ori ,. n:; usi,. sui., fyigs odjis mao ,, ufj„ beo ,, agj .. jio„ atk „ ijo ,, evk ,, oko ,, oyk ,, amo ,, uzk ,, koo ,, anl ,, bro ,, epl„ luo ,, irl „ swo ,, osl „ dyo ,, ahni ,, gau ,, ikm ,, ebu ,, umm ,, icu ,, idn ,, odu ,, ofn ,, ufu ,, "gn .. i>gU ,, utp ,, ciu ., avp ,, sku ,, ozp ,, dou ,, ubr ,, wru ,, ilr„ tyu „ ubs ,, zaahs acs ,, tea ,, eds „ via ,, ifs„ fla„ ogs ,, sna ,, awt ,, woa ,, izt ,, eta ,, onv ,. yiia „ upv ,, owa ,, arv ,, aza ,, ohw ,, cle ,, akw ,, bri „ ehv ,, swi ,, ucy ,, gao ,, ady ,, ebo ,, efy ,, ico ,, igy .. odo ,, itz „ beo ,, ovz ,, uto ,, ayz ,, ago „ neajs cio ,, pia , , sko ,, cla ,, doo ., ena ,, wro ,, roa ,, tuo ,, ipa ,, tyo „ ora ,, chu ,, usa ,, wiu ,, sun ,, blu „ fya „ you ,, mae ,, atu ,, bee ,, cvu ., jie,. oyu ,, ije„ uzu ., oke ,, asbia ule,. ojc ,, koe ,, ukc ,, bre„ ale ., lue „ erne ,, swe ,, ibd ,, dye,. ocd ,, gai „ udd., ebi „ afd „ ici ., egd „ odi „ etf „ bei ,. ivf ,, ufi„ owf ,, agi „ azf „ ski ., eng „ doi ,. org ,, wri .. usg ,. fui,. ijh.. tyi.. okh ., veo .. ulh „ clio ., amh ,. I wio ., ebj ,, bio.. icj „ yoo ,. atojs zuo ,, evo ., oyo , uzo ,, nau ., riu ,, anu ,, sou ,, epu ,, iru ,, osu ,, cyu .. hay ,, jey ■. kiy., loy ,, niuy ,. maaks hea ,. jia .,• ija ,, oka ,. ama ,. koa ,, bra ,, lua ,, swa ,, dya ,, gae ,. ebe ,, ice ,. ode ., bee ,, ufe ,, age ,, cie ,. ske ., doe ,, «re ,. fue ,. tye .. vei ,, chi ,. bli„ yoi .. ati ,, zui ., evi ., oyi ,, uzi ,, imo .. peo .. rio ., ano ,, soo ., epo ,. iro ,, oso ,, cyo ,, hau ., kiu ,, iku ,, olu ,, umu ,, lou ,, stu ., byu ., bay ,, eey „ diy ,, foy ,. guy •• gaals eba .. ica .. oda .. bea ,, Ufa ,, aga „ cials ska ,, doa ,, wra ,, fiia ,, tya 11 vee ,, die ,, wie ,, ble „ yoe ,, ate ,, zue ,, eve ,, oye ,, uze ,, pei ,, ani ,, epi ,, iri ,, osi ,, cyi ,, hao ,, jeo ., kio ,, iko ,, do ., urao ,, loo ,, sto ,, muo ,, byo ,, bau ,, nbu ,, ecu ,, idu ,, ofu ,. ugu ., diu ,, tru ,, ryu ,. \'ay ,, wey ., zoy ,. tuy ,. veanis cha .. wia ., bia „ yoa ,, ata .. ziia .. eva ., ova ,. uza ., line ,. pee .. rie ., niic ., soe ,. epe ., ire ., ose ,, eye .. sti ,, tro ., vau ., yiu .. zou ., utu ,. avu ,, pyu .. ozu ,. naans pea .. rift ,, ana .. soa .. epa ,. ira ., osana cya ,. hae ,, jee ,, kie ,, ike ,, ole ,, ume ,, loe ,, ste ,, mue ,, bye ,, tri ,, vao ,, weo ,, yio ,, zoo ,, uto ,, tuo ,, pyo„ ozo ,, jay-. key ,, liy „ nioy ,, buy ,, labos meb ,. bib ,, ojb ,, ukb ,, alb ., erab ,, job ,, kub ,, gyb ,, fac ,, ibc ,, occ ,. udc ,, gee ,, afo ,, egc „ bic ,, due .. vyc ,, zad ., ted ,, vid „ wod ., etd ,, yud ,, ivd ,, owd ., azd .. nef .. eiif ,, lof ., orf ,, usf ., suf .. fyf ., mag ,, beg ., j'g •• 'jg •. okg ., ulg „ amg ., kog ,, lug ,, dyg .. gab ,, ebb,. ich .. odh ,. ufb .. agb .. eib ,, dob ,, fuhos tyh„ taj „ vej ,, wij „ yoj .. atj ,, zuj ,, evj ,, oyj .. uzj ,, iiak ,, pek ,, lik „ ank ,, sok ,, epk ,, irk,, osk ,, cyk ,, hal .. jel„ abl ,, ikl„ uml ,, Id .. mul ., bvl ,, bam ,, ecm ,, idm ,, cem ,, ofra ,, "gra ., dim ., fom ,, gum ,, rym ,, van ,, wen ,, yin ,, zon ,, utn ,, tun ,, avn ,, pyn ., ozn ,, pap ,, sip ,, app ,, erp ,, nup ,, wyp „ car ,, ubr ., acr ,, der ., itr „ fir,, bur ,, iiiyr ,, was ,, yes .. zls ,, tos ,, aws ,. izs ,, rat ,, set ,. ont ., upt ., art ,, put ,, lyt„ kav ,, lev ., ohv ,, miv ,, akv ,, civ ,, bovos juv,, zyv „ daw ,, obw „ ucw ,, adw ,, efw ,, igw ,, giw „ bow ,, cuw ,, jyw,. yay ., zey ,, tiy ., voy f, ity„ wuy ,, ovy ,, saz ,, niz ,, poz „ urz ,, asz ,, ruz ,, byz ,, baaps jea ,, kia „ ika ,, ola ,, uma ,, loa ,, sta ,, mua ,, by a ,, bae ,, abe „ ece ,, ide ,, cee „ ofe ,, uge ., die ,, foe ,, tre ,, gue „ rye ,, vai „ wei ,, zoi ,, uti ,, tui ,, avi ,, pyi .. ozi ,, pao ,, reo „ sio ,, apo ,, ero ,, nuo ,, wyo ,, jau ,, ubu ,, liu„ aju ,, eicu ,. ilu,. mou ,, nyu ,. cay .. dey ,, fiy,. goy .. buy ,, vaaps via ,, zoa ,, utars CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 31. dabet utars egbuB utmus ifavs azbys simys syzys lulat sezat ezeot tun ,, bib,, turn ,, oga ,, neo ,, apm ,, kabat dyl„ onz ,, sai „ ava ,, dub,. avm ,, wha ,, pio ,. erm ,, Ieb„ gam ,, noz ,, gli.. pya„ vyb ,, pym .. fia,. eno ,, num ,, ohb„ icra ,, upz ,, poi ,, oza ,, zac ,, ozm ,, goa ,, roc ,, kym „ mib ,, odm ,, arz ,, opi ,, ree ,, tec ,, pan ,, spa ,, ipc,. jan ,, ujb ,, ufm ,, puz ,, uri ,, wye ,, vie ,, ren ,, pra ,, ore ,, ken ,, akb„ agm ,, lyz„ asi ,, jai ,, woo ,, sin ,, bua ,, use ,, uhn ,, elb ,, eim ,, kaabt rui„ kei„ etc,. em ,, mya,. sue ,, lin„ hob,. dom ,, lea ,, hyi ,, uhi ,, yuo ,, nun ,, wae ,, fyo ,, ajn ,, jub ,, fum ,, oha ,, lao ,, aji ,, ivo ,, wyn ,, yee ,, mad ,, ekn ,, zyb ,, tym ,, mia ,, meo ,, eki„ owe ,, jap ,, zie ,, hed„ iln ,, dac ,, tan ,, uja ,, hio ,, m„ azc ,, kep ,, Ble„ jid .. mon ,, uce ,, ven ,, aka ,, ojo ,, moi ,, ned ,, uhp „ toe,, ijd„ hun ,, ade ,, win ,, ela ,, uko ,, hui ,, end ,, ajp.. kre„ okd „ nyn ,, fee. yon ,, hoa ,, alo ,, nyi ,, rod,. ekp ,, vue ,, uld „ cap,, efe ,, atn ,, gra ,, emo ,, cao ,, ord ,, mop ,, uve ,, arad ,, ubp,, acp f7 'go ,, zun ,, jua ,, joo ,, ubo ,, usd ,, hup ,, awe ,, kod„ gio „ evn ,, zya ,, dro ,, aco ,, Eud ,, nyp " ize ,, lud „ edp ,, boc ,, oyn ,, obo ,, kuo ,, edo ,, fyd„ war ,, thi„ dyd„ dep ,, cue ,, uzn ,, uce ,, gyo.- deo ,, maf ,, yer ,, kao ,, gaf „ ifp., jyo ,, nap ,, ade ,, fau ,, ifo„ hef „ zir ,, leo„ ebf „ ogp ,, yad ,, pep ,, fee ,, ibu ,, ogo „ jif„ tor,. oho ,, icf „ fip,. zed ,, rip,. ige ,, ocu , who ,, ijf .. awr ,, mio ,, odf „ gop ,, tid„ anp ,, she ,, udu ,, (io„ okf „ izr„ ujo„ bef „ bup ,, vod ,, sop,. pie ,, afu ,, goo ,, ulf ,, ras ,, ako ,, uff „ vyp,. itd„ epp,, jye ,, egu ,, spo ,, amf ,, 663 ,, elo„ agf ,, rar ,, wud ,, irp ,, yai ,, biu ,, pro ,, kof „ ens ,, hoo ,, eif ,, ser ,, ovd ,, osp ,, sci ,, smu ,, bao ,, luf „ ups ,, gro ,, dof „ onr ,, ayd ,, cyp ., zei ,, cou „ myo „ jyr .. asf „ ofr ,, iti ,, zea ,, awu ,, ufg., oht „ efu„ yog.. kas ,, ruf „ dir„ wui ,, pha ,, izu ,, agg„ mit ,, igu „ atg ,, les„ hyf „ for,. ovi ,, tia ,, jaats cig ,, akt ,, shu ,, zug,. mis ,, lag,. gur „ ayi ,, kla„ kea ,, dog „ clt„ giu,, evg„ ujs „ meg ,, ryr „ czi ,, voa ,, uha ,, fug ,, hot ,, plu ,, oyg„ aks„ hig„ vas ,, sao ,, fra,. lia ,-, tyg.. jut ,, bou ,, uzg„ els ,, ojg.. wes ,, nio ,, ita,. aja ,, tah ,, zyt ,, opu ,, nail ,, hos ,, ukg ,, yis ,, gio ,, wua ,, eka ,, veh ,, dav ,, jy" .1 peh ,, jus ,, alg „ zos ,, poo ,, ova ,, ila„ wih ,, obv ,, waaws rih,. zys ,, emg„ uts„ opo ,, aya ,, hua ,, yoh „ ucv ,, yea „ anh ,, dat ,, jog .. tus,, uro ,, eza ,. nya ,, ath „ adv ,, zia ,, soh ,, obt ,, kug ,, pys „ aso ,, sac ,, eae ,, zuh ,, efv„ sla„ eph„ uct ,, gyg.. ozs ,, ruo ,, nie ,, ube ,, evh ,, igv ,, toa ,, irh„ adt „ fab „ pat ,, hyo ,, gle .. ace ,, oyh ,, giv ,, kra„ osh ,, fet„ ibh „ ret „ lau ,, poe ,, edo ,, uzh ,, bov ,, vua ,, cyh „ eft,. oeh ,, sit ,, ' hiu ,, ope ,, dee ,, naj ,, CUV ,, uva ,, haj ,, igt.. udh ,, apt ,, oju ,, ure ,, ife„ pej „ jyv ,. awa ,, jej .. git,. geh ,, crt ,, uku ,, ase ,, oge ,, rij ,, yaw , , rae ,, ahj ,, bot ,, afh „ nut ,, alu ,, rue ,. whe ,, anj ,, zew ,, see ,, kij„ cut ,, egh ,. wyt ,, emu ,, hye ,, tie,, soj ,, tiw ,, the „ ikj., tyt „ bih „ jav ,, jo« ,, dri „ goe,. epj .. vow ,, one ,, olj„ yav ,, duh „ kev „ diu ,, fao ,, epe ,, irj „ itw,. noe ,, umi ,, zev ,, vyh ,, uhv ,, gyu .. ibo ,, bue ,, osj ,, ovw ,, upe ,, loj„ tiv„ zaj ,, liv„ fay ,, oco ., mye ,, cvj ,, ayw ,, are ,, muj ,, vov ,, tej ,, ekv ,, gey,. udo ,, ci:: hak„ ezw ,. pue ,, byj ,. itv ,, vij „ ilv„ biy ., geo„ jck„ say ,, lye ,, bak„ wuv ,, woj ,. mov ,, coy „ afo ,, vui ,, ahk ,, niy ,, dao ,, abk„ ow ,, ctj„ huv ,, duy ,, ego ,, uvi ,, kik „ poy .. obo ,, eck ,, ayv„ yui „ nyv ,, obaot bio ,, awi ,, ikk ,, ury ,, uco ,, cek ,, ezv ,, ivj ,, caw ,, uca ,, smo ,, izi ,. umk ,, asy ,, adb „ ofk ,, saw ,, owj ,, ubw ,, fea ,, coo ,, tho ,, lok „ ruy ,, feo„ ugk ,. niw ,, azj ,, new ,, iga ,, duo ,, kau„ tnuk ,, laz„ efo ,, dik„ pow ,, nek „ edw ,, sha ,, zwo ,, ohu ,, byk „ mez ,, igo,, fok „ opw ,, enk „ dew ,, pla ,, vyo „ raiu ,, bal,. hiz ,, gio „ guk „ asw ,, rok ,, ifw ,, jyi,, zau ,, uju ,, idl„ ojz ,, plo ,, pyk ,, ruw ,, ork„ ogw ,, yae,. viu ,, aku ,, cel„ ukz ,, boo,. val ,, hyw ,, usk ,, fiw ,, see ,, flu ,, elu ,, ofl ,, alz„ cuo ,, wel„ faz ,, suk ,, buw ,, zee ,, snu ,, hou ,, ugl ,, emz ,, jyo„ yil.. ibz ,, fyk„ myw ,, phe „ wou ,, gru ,, dil„ joz ,, zabys zol ,, ocz ,, mal ,, way „ tie,, etu ,, zyu ,, fol,. kuz ,, tcb,. utl„ udz ,, hel „ yey .. kle„ owu ,, fabus gul ,. gyz.. vib,. tul„ gez„ jil,. ziy „ voe ,, nzu ,, ibb„ ryl„ caavs wob ,, avl„ afz ,, ijl„ toy ,, fre „ ney „ ocb ,. vam ,, uba ,, etb „ lyl,. egz ,, okl,. vuy ,, ite„ piy,. udb,. wem ,, aca ,, yub ,, ozl ,, biz ,, ull„ uvy ,, woe ,, roy ,. geb ,, yim ,. eda ,, ivb „ pam ,, coz ,, ami ,, awy ,, ove ,, 6uy ,. afb,. zom ,, dea,. owb ,, rem ,, duz „ kol.. raz ,, aye .. dabet 87 ucbet CYPHERS IN TERIVJINATIONAL ORDER. 32. diart ucbet wlmet glaft azigt jodit fopit maijt osukt evemt epiot adb,. yom ,, poa ,, neo ,, kud „ gup,. hei ,, cyu„ oye ,, irl „ feb„ atm .. opa ,, pio ,, gy. ' ohu ,, age ,, eva ,, ucy ,, hif „ yir „ smi ,, afa ,, orh ., fit,. wiu ,. cie ,, oya ,, ady„ ojf „ zor ,, coi ,, ega ,, sub .. but ,, biu ,. ske ,, uza ,, efy„ ukf „ utr ,, dui .. bia ,, fyh ,. myt ,, you ., doe ,, nae ,, igy.. alf-,. tur „ zwi ,, sraa ,, maj ,, wav ,, atu ., wre ,, pee „ itz ,, emf ,, pyr ,. vyi ,. coa ,. hej,. yev ,, evu ,, iue ,, soe ,, ovz ,, jof., ozr ,. zao ., dua ,, j'j .. ziv ,, oyu ,, tye„ epe ,, ayz„ kuf „ pas ,, teo ,, zwa ,. ijj .. tov ,, uzu ,, vei .. ire ,, naapt gyf <■ sis ,, vio ,, vya ,. okj„ awv ,, neakt cbi„ eye ,, pea,. tag,. aps ,, flo„ fle„ ulj„ izv ,, pia,. bli„ bao ,, ria ,, ibg„ era ,, sno „ sne ,, amj ,, raw ,, cla ,, yoi „ abo ,, ana „ ocg„ nus ,, woo „ cli„ koj ,, sew ,, ena ,, ati .. eco ,, soa ,, udg,. wys „ eto ,, mao ,. luj,, onw ,, roa ,, zui ., ido„ epa„ geg'< jat ,, yuo„ heo ,, dyj „ upw ,, ipa „ evi ,, ceo ,, ira„ afg.. ket ., owo „ jio,. gak„ arw ,, usa ,, oyi ,, ofo ,, osa„ egg .. uht.. azo ,, ijo„ ebk ,, pviw ,, sua ,, UZ! ,, ugo „ cya „ big,. lit,. pin ,, oko ,, ick ,, lyw ,, fya „ nao ,, dio ,, hie,. dug „ ekt„ olu ,, amo ,, odk „ kay ,, mae ,, peo ,, foo ,, kie!! vyg„ at,. enu ,. koo ,, ufk „ ley,. lice ,, rio ,. tro„ zah , mot ,, rou .. bro ,, agk ,, ohy ,, jie„ ano ,, guo„ ike,. teh„ hut,. ipu ,. luo ,. cik ,, miy ,, ije„ soo ,, ryo ,, ole„ vih „ nyt ,, oru ,. swo ,, dok „ «jy .. oke ,, epo,. pay,, ume ,, woh ,, cav ,, usu ,, dyo .. tyk„ aky ,, ame ,, iro ,, rey „ loe ,, eth„ ubv ,, fyu .. gau .. tal,. ely,. koe ,, 030 ,, siy „ ste ,, yuh „ acv ,. langt ebu ,, vel „ hoy .. bre„ cyo ,. nuy ,, mue ,, ivh„ edv , mea ,, icu „ wil ,, juy .. luc ,, hau ,, urbot bye ,, vwh „ dev ,. hia„ odu ,, yol„ daz ,, swe ,, kiu ,, asb ,, bai ,, azh „ ifv.. oja ,. ufu ., atl„ ucz ,, dye „ iku„ ojc„ abi „ nej„ ogv ,, uka ,. agu ,. zul ,, adz ,, g-",, olu ,, ukc ,, eci „ enj „ fiv .. ala„ ciu ,, evl „ fez ,. ebi „ umu ,. alo„ idi.. roi „ buv ,, ema ,, ska.. oyl ,, efz ,. ici „ lou ,, emc ,, cei„ < orj „ myv ,, joa,. dou .. uz] ,, igz ., odi„ byu ,, ibd„ ofi,. OBJ,, waw ,, dra ,, wru ,. nam ,, giz .. bei„ bay ,. ocd ,, ugi„ 'yj.. yew ,. kua .. tyu „ pem ,, boz .. ufi „ cej ., udd„ foi„ mak „ ziw „ gya.. yabit rim ,, cuz ,, agi .. diy ,, afd„ tri,. hek.. tow ,. fae.. zeb,. anm ,. jyz.. ski ,, foy ,, egd ,, gui„ jik,. izw ,, ibe„ tib„ som .. zaajt doi ,. guy .. etf „ ryi„ ijk.. ray ,, oce „ vob ,, epm ,, tea ,, wri ,. gaamt ivf „ v»o „ okko sey ,, ude ,, itb„ irni ,, via ,, fui ,, eba ,, owf „ weo ,, nlk.. ony ,, gee .. wub ,. osm ,, na„ tyi,. ica ,, azf „ • yio,. Mnk „ noy .. ate .. ovb ,, cym ,. sna ,, veo .. oda ,, eng„ [zoo ,, kok„ upy „ ege.. ayb ,. han ., woa ,, cho ., Ufa ., usg„ uto,. luk„ ary ,. bie„ sac .. jen ,. eta,. wio ,, aga ,, ijh„ tuo ,, dyk„ pay .. sme .. nic ., ahn ,, yua ,, bIo„ cia ,, okh„ avo „ gal,. kaz„ coe ,. poc ,, kin ,, owa „ yoo ,, ska ,, ulh„ pyo,. ebl„ lez.. due ,. urc .. ikn ,, aza ,, ato ,, doa ,, amh „ ozo ,. id,. obz „ zwe ,, ase ,, uniD ,, nee ,, zuo ,, wra ,, ebj.. pau „ odi.. miz ,, vye ,, rue ,, Ion ,, pie ,, evo ,, fna ,, icj„ siu ,, nfl.. ujz ,, zai ,, bye ,, byn ,, cle ,, oyo „ tya ,, odj ,, apu „ ftgl >. akz ,, tci ,, lad „ bap ,, ene „ uzo ,, vce ,, ufj„ eru ,, oil „ elz„ fli „ mod .. ecp ,. roe ,, nau ,, che,. agj „ wyu ,, dol„ hoz ,, sni ,, hid „ idp ,, ipe,, riu ,, wie ,, atk„ baart ful„ juz ,, woi ,, ojd „ cep ,, ore ,, anu ,, ble„ evk ,, ida„ tyl., zyz ,, eti „ ukd „ ofp ,, use ,, sou ,, yoe ,, oyk., cea „ Um,. saaft yui „ aid „ ngp.. sue ,, epu ,, ate,, uzk ,, uga„ Tem.i nia,. owi ,, emd ,, dip,, fye„ iru ,, zue ,, anl.. di«.. foart CYPHERS IN TERWINATIONAL ORDER. 33. ochev foart afcut tra ,, ego,, gua „ bio ,, rya II duo „ vac ,1 vyc ,, wee ,, zad ,, yie ,, ted,, zoe ,, vid ,, ate ,, wod ,, tue ,, etd „ pye.. yud ,, oze ,, ivd ,, rei ,, owd ,, wyi 11 azd ,, jao,, nef ,, keo „ enf ,, oho „ rof „ Uo„ orf „ ajo „ usf ,, cko „ suf ,, ilo„ iyt.. moo „ mag „ huo ,, heg„ nyo,, jig.. cau „ ijg.. ubu ,, okg„ acu ,, ulg,. edu ,, amg„ ifui, kog„ ogu„ lug,. whu ,, dyg„ eu„ gaii,, gou „ ebh ,, pru ,, ich„ myu ,, odh ,, raast ufh., wea ,, agh .. y'ik >i oih., zoa ,, doh.. uta ,, fuh., tua ,, tyh., ava ,, taj.. pya.- vej „ oza „ wij „ eao ,, yoj .. ubo ,, atj .. edo ,, zuj ., deo ,, evj „ ifo ,, oyj „ ogo„ uzj „ who „ nak „ fio„ pek„ goo „ rik„ spo ,, ank „ pro „ sok ,, buo „ epk ,, rayo ,, ilk ■„ wau ,, osk „ ziu ,, cvk ,. slu ,, hal „ tou ,, jel„ kru ,, ahl „ uvu „ kil „ awu „ ikl „ izu ,, uml ,, labut lol„ meb ,, mul ,, hib„ byl „. ojb„ bam ,, ukb „ ecm ,, alb., idm ., emb ,, cem .. job ,, ofm ,, kub„ "gm„ gyb.i dim ., fao „ fora „ ibc,. gum,, occ ,, rym „ ude ,, van,, goc,. wen „ yinut zon .. utn ,. tun ,, avn.,, pyn .. ozn ,, pap„ rep „ sip ., app ., erp ,, nup ,, wyp.. car ,, ubr ,, acr „ der ,. ifr„ fir,, bur „ myr ,, was ,, yes „ zis ,, tos ,, aws ,, izs ,, rat ,, set ,, ont ,, opt,, art ,, put,, kav ,, lev „ ohv ,, miv „ akv ,, elv„ hov „ juv .. zyv ,. daw .. obw ,, ucw ,, adw ,. efw ,. igw ,, giw „ bow ,, cuw ., jyw., yay .. zey ., tiy „ voy ., ity.. wuy .. ovy ., saz ,, niz ,, poz „ urz ,, asz ,, ruz ,, byz ,, jaavt kea „ uha ,, lia „ aja ,, eka ,, ila ,, moa ,, bua „ nya ,, cae ,, ube „ acevt ede ,, dee ,, ife ,, oge „ whe ,, fie ,, goe „ spe „ pre ,, bue ,, roye ,, sli „ kri ,. rao ,. seo ,, tho ,. ono ,, noo ,, upo ,, aro ,, puo „ lyo „ kau ,, ohu .. miu .. uju „ aku ,, elu ,, hou ,, gru „ zyu „ caawt uba ,, eda ,, dea ,, ifa „ oga„ wba ,, fia ,, goa „ spa ,, pra ,. bua ,, my a ,. wae ,, yee „ zie ,, sle„ toe ,, kre „ vue „ uve ,, awe ,, kao ,, leo ,, obo ,, mio ,, ujo „ ako ,, elo ,, boo ,, gio„ juo „ zyo„ waaxt yea ,, zia ,, sla ., toa ., kra ,, vua ,, uva „ awa ,, iza ,, rae „ see „ the „ one ,, noext upe ,, are ,, pue ,, lye .. kai ,, lei ,, obi ,, uji „ aki ,, eli„ hoi .. gii ,, jui .. zyi „ dao ,, obo ,, uco ,, ado ,, feo .. efo ,, igo „ sho ,, gio ,, plo „ boo ,, cuo ,, jyo.. yau ,, sou „ phu ,, tiu ,, klu„ vou „ fru „ itu ,, ovu ,, ayu „ ezu ,. say ,, niy „ poy .. ruy ,, fabyt ibb,, ocb ,, udb „ geb ,, afb „ egb ,. bib,, cob ,, dub,, syb,, zac ,, tec ,, vio„ woo ,, etc ,, yuo„ ivc„ owe ,, azc ,. ned ,. pid ,. end ,, rod „ ipd „ ord „ usd „ sud ,, tyd„ maf „ hef „ jif„ ij{.. okf.. ulf., amf „ kof„ lafyt dyf„ gag,, €bg ,, icg ,, odg ,, beg,, ufg .. agg.. Clgi, dog „ fug „ ryg" tah ., veh ,, wih ,, yoh ,, alh ,, zuh ,, evh ,, oyb „ uzb ,, naj ,, pej I. rij ,, anj ,, soj „ epj .. irj .. osj ,, cyj „ hak„ jek ,, ahk ,, kik„ ikk „ oik ,, umk ,, lok „ muk ,, byk„ bal ,, abl „ eel ,, idl„ eel ,, ofl „ ugl .. dU„ fol,, gul „ pyi .. vam ,, wem ,, yim „ zom ,, ntm ,, turn ,. avm .. lym ,. ozm ,, pan ,, ren ,, sin „ em ,, nun ,, kyn „ jap., kep„ uhp ,, lip ,, ajp.. ekp ,, ilp.. mop ,, hup „ nyp.. war ,, yer „ air,. toryt vur ,, uvr ,, av.'r ,, izr ,, ras ,, ses ,. ons ,, nos ,, ups ,, ars ,, pus ., jys., kat „ let,, obt ,, mit ,, ujt ,, akt ,, elt ,, hot ., jut ,, zyt ,, dav ,, obv „ ucv ,, adv ,, fev ,, efv ,, igv ,, giv „ bov „ CUV ,, tyv „ yaw ,, zew ,, tiw ,. vow ,, itw ,, ovw ,, ayw „ ezw „ laz ,, mez ,, biz ,, ojz ,, ukz „ alz ,, emz ,, joz „ kuz ,, gyzi. raazt sea ,, tba ,, ona ,, noa ,, upa„ ara„ pua„ lya„ kae ,, lee „ ohe ,, mie ,, uje„ ake ,, ele „ boe ,, gre „ jue„ «ye ., obi ., uci ,. adi „ fei„ igi.. sbi „ pli„ iyj.. yaozt SCO ,, zeo ,, pbo ,, tio ,, klo „ voo ,, fro .. ito ,, wuo ,, ovo ,, ayo ,. ezo ,. sau ,, niu ,, glu „ pou „ opu ,, uru ,, asu ,, hyu „ lay ,, mey ,, liiy 1. joy.. kuy ,, rabav seb ,, onb ,, nob ,, upb ,, arb ,, pub ,, lyb,i kac .. lee ., oho ,, mic ,, ujo ,, ako ,. elc ,, boo ,, juc ,, zyc ., dad.. ucd ,, add ,, fed „ efd „ igd ,, gid .1 bod ,, cud „ jyd„ yaf ., zef ,, tif.. vot ,, itf „ wuf „ ovf „ ayf „ sag,, nig.. pog.. urg„ asg„ rug,, tyg.. lab,, meh ,, hih „ ojh „ okh., alh „ emh ,, job „ kuh „ gyh.. faj,. ibjav ocj ,, udj ,, gej ., afj „ egj ,. bij ,. duj'., vyj ,. zak ,, tek .. vik ,, wok ,, etk ,. yuk .. ivk ., owk ., azk .. nel .. enl ,, rol„ orl„ usl ,, sul ,, fyl,. mam ., hem ,, jim ,, ijm ,, okra ,, ulm ,, amm ,, kom ,, lum ,, dyni ., gan „ ebn ,, odn ,, ufn „ agn ., cin ,, don ,, fun ,. 'yn ., tap .. vep ,. wip ,, yoPi. atp ., zup „ evp „ oyPi. uzp „ bar .. abr .. kir .. olr „ umr ,, lor., mur „ byr.. bas ,, abs „ ids ,, ces ,, Of3„ Ug3„ dis ,, fos „ gus„ tjs „ vat „ wet., yit,. zot ,, utt„ tut,, pyt .. ozt„ pavav' rev ,, siv ,, apv ,, erv ,, nuv ,, wyv ,, jaw ,, kew ,, ubw ,, liw ,, ekw ,, ilw .. mow ,, huw ,, nyw ,, cay .. acy ., edy ,, dey ,, ifyi. ogy 1. fly I. goy 1. buy ,, waz ,. yez ., ziz ,, toz ., vuz .. uvz .. awz ,, kabev leb„ ohb„ niib ,, ujb ,, akb ,, elb„ bob ,, jub ,, zyb ,, dac ,. uco .. ado .. fee ,, efo .. igo.. gio ,, boc ., cue ,, jyo,. yad „ zed ,, tid ,, vod ,, itd „ wud ,, ovd ,, ayd „ saf „ nif .. pof „ urf ,, asf „ ruf ,, hyf „ lag.. meg,, big,. ojg., ukg,. alg„ emg„ jog., kug,, gyg .. fah.. ibh ., ooh ,. udhev CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 34. dnvuv ii udhev P^!i ., uih ., €d) ,, hih „ dull „ vyh ,, K&j „ tej .. vij ,. woj ,, etj „ yuj .. ivj „ owj „ azj „ nek ,, enk ,, rok „ ork ,, usk ,, suk ,, lyk„ mal ,, hel„ jil., ijl, okl, ull„ ami „ kol „ lul „ dyl„ gam „ icra „ odm ,, ufm ,, agra ,, elm ,, dom ,, turn ,, tym „ tan ,, ven ,, win ,, yon „ atn ,, zun ,, evn ,, oyn ,, uzn „ nap ,, pep,, np ,, nnp ,, sop „ epp„ irp ,, osp„ cyp .. bar ,, ttbr ,, ecv ,, cer ,, dir „ for,, gur.. ryr „ vas „ wes ,, yis ., zos ,, uts ,, tU8„ pys„ ozs „ pat „ vet „ sit,, apt.. ertev nut ,, wjt ■■ jiiv ,, kcv ,. uhv ,, liv ,, pkv ,. iW „ mov „ liuv ,, nyv „ caw ,, ubw ,, acw ,, edw ,, dew ,, Hw ,, ogw „ fiw ,, buw ,, myw „ way „ yey .. ziy „ toy „ vuy „ uvy „ awy ,, raz ,, sez ,, onz ,, noz ,, upz ,, arz ,, puz ,, lyz ,, laahx mea ,, hia ,, oja ,, uka „ ala ,, ema ,, joa „ dra„ kua ,, gya ,, sine ,, zwe ,, fli ,, sni ,, cri ,, neo ,, pio ,, clo ,, eno ,, roo ,, ipo „ oro ,, uso ,, suo ,,• fyo„ mau ,, jiu „ iju., oku ,,• ulu „ amu ,, kou ,, bru ,, swu ,, (Iju ,, dabiv ucb ,, adb ,, feb., e(b„ igb „ . gib ., bobiv cub ,, jyb .. yac ,, zee „ tic ,, voc „ itc ,, wuc ,, ovc ,, aye ,, sad ,, nid ,, pod „ urd „ asd „ rud ,, hyd „ laf „ met „ hif „ ojf „ ukf „ alf „ eraf ,, jof „ kuf ,, eyf .. fag,, ibg„ ocg„ udg„ geg.. afg„ egg,. big „ dug „ vyg., zah ,, teh ,, vih ,, woh ,, cth „ yuh „ ivh ,, owh ,, azb „ nej „ enj „ roj „ orj ,. usj „ suj ,, fyj ,. mak ,, hek ,, jik',, ijl' „ okk ,, ulk ,-, amk ,, kok ,, luk ,, dyk „ gil „ ebl „ icl ,, odl„ ufl „ igl „ cil ,, dol „ ful „ tyl „ tam ,, vera ,, wim ,, yom ,, atm „ zum ,, evmiv oj-m „ uzm ,, nan ,, pen ,, rin ,, anil ,, son ',, irn ,, osn „ cyn „ hap „ jep„ ahp ,, kip,, ikp „ ump ,, lop „ mup ,, byp„ var„ wcr „ yir„ zor „ utr„ tur„ py.. ozr „ pas „ res ,, sis „ aps ,, ers „ nus ,, wys „ jat „ kct „ nht ,, lit,, ekt „ ilt„ mot „ hut ,, nyt „ cav ,, ubv ,, aov „ edv ,, dev „ ifv „ ogv „ tiv„ buv „ myv „ waw ,, yew „ ziw ,, tow ,, izw „ ray ,, sey „ ony „ uoy „ upy .. ary „ puy .. kaz ,, lez ,, ohz „ miz ,, ujz „ akz ,, elz ,, hoz ,, juz „ zyz „ nealv ' pia„ cla ,, ena ,, roaly ipa„ usa ,, sua ,, fya ,, mae ,, hce ,, jie ,, ijc „ okc ,, ulc ,, ame ,, kpe ,, bre ,, lue ,, swe ,, dye ,, gai „ €bi ,, ici ,, odi „ bei ,, ufi ,, agi „ ski „ doi „ wri ,, fui „ VCD ,, cho ,, wio ,, blo„ yoo ,, ato ,, zuo ,, cvo „ oyo ,, uzo ,, nau ,, riu ,, anu ,, sou „ epu ,, iru „ osu ,, cyu „ hay „ jey ,, kiy ,, loy ,, muy ,, maamv hea ,, jia ,, ija V oka ,, ula „ ama ,, koa ,, bra ,, lua ,, Rwa ,, dya „ gae ,, ebe ,, ice „ ode ,, bee ,, ufe „ ago „ cie „ ske ,, doe „ wre ,, fue ,, tye ,• Chi „ bli „ hau „ ahu „ kiumv iku ,, olu ,, uuiu ., lou ,, stu ,, gaanv eba ,, ica ,, oda ,, bea ,, Ufa ,, aga „ cia „ ska „ doa „ wra ,, fua „ tya „ vee „ che ,, wie „ ble „ yoe „ ate „ zue „ eve „ oye ,, uze ,, hao ,, jeo „ alio ,, kio ,, iko ,, olo ,, umo ,, loo ,, sto ,, muo ,, byo ,, tru „ vay „ wey „ zoy „ tuy ,, yabov zeb ,, tib „ vob ,, itb ,, wub ,, ovb ,, ayb „ sac ,, nie ,, poo ,, urc ,, asc ,, rue ,, hyo „ lad „ med ,, hid „ ojd ,, ukd ,, aid,, cmd ,, jod „ kud ,, gyd „ faf „ ibf „ ocf ,, udf „ get ,, aff „ egf „ bif „ duf„ vyf „ zagov teg „ vig ,, ■ wog ,, etg ,, yug " ivg „ owg „ azg „ neb ,, enh ,, rob ,, orh „ ush „ suh ,, fyl> „ maj ,, hej ,, j'j ., ijj ,. okj ,, ulj „ ainj „ koj „ luj„ dyj „ gak „ ebk ,, ick ,, odk ,, ufk „ agk „ eik ,, dok„ fuk „ tyk„ tal „ vel „ wil ,, yol „ atl ,, zul ,, evl „ oyl „ uzl „ nam ,, pem ,, rim ,, anm ,, som ,, epm „ inn ,, osm „ cym „ han ,, jen „ ahn „ kin „ ikn „ umn ,, Ion „ mun ,, byn „ bap „ ccp„ 'dp ,, cep„ ofp „ ugP,. dip ,, fop „ gup ,. ryp ., par „ rer ,, sir ,, apr „ err „ nur ,, wyr „ jasov kes ,, lis ,, eks ,, lis ,, mos ,, bus „ nys„ cat ,, ubt „ act „ cdt „ det„ ift„ ogt „ fit,, but,, myt ,, wav „ yev ,, ziv „ tov„ awv „ izv „ raw ,, sew ,, onw ,, upw „ arw„ puw „ lyw „ kay „ ley ., ohy „ miy „ "jy .. aky „ ely „ hoy „ juy .. daz ,, ucz ,, adz ,, fez ,, efz ,, igz „ giz „ boz ,, cuz ,, jyz ., haary jea ,, aba ,, kia ,, ilea ,, ola ,, uma ,, loa ,, sta ,, mua ,, bya „ bae ,, abe ,, ece „ ide „ cee ,, ofe ,, uge „ die ,, foe „ tre ,, gue „ rye „ vai ,, wei ,, zoi ,, uti „ tui ,, avi ,, pyi .. ozirv reo ,, apo ,, wyo ,, jau „ uhu ,, liu „ aju ,, eku ,, ilu „ mou ,, nyu ,, sabuv nib ,, pob„ urb ,, asb ,, rub ,, hyb„ lac ,, mec ,, hie „ oje „ uke „ ale „ emc ,, joc„ kuc ,, gyo,. fad „ ibd„ ocd ,, udd „ gcd „ afd ,, egd „ bid „ dud ,, vyd ,, zaf ,, tef „ vif „ wof „ etf „ yuf „ ivf „ owf „ azf ,, neg„ eng„ rog„ org,, usg„ sug„ 'yg.. mail ,, heh ,, jih,. ijh „ okb „ ulh„ amh ,, koh „ luh „ dyh „ gaj .. ebj „ icj „ odj ,, ufj „ agj „ cij „ doj „ fuj „ tyj.. tak„ vek „ wik „ yok „ atk „ zukuY cvk oyk uzk , nal pel ril , anl sol epl , irl , osl cjl , hanr , jem ahm kim ikm unim loin , mum , bym , ban , idn , cen ofn ugn din , fon , gun ryn vap , wcp , yip zop , utp , tup , avp , pyp. ozp , jar, ker , uhr lir, ilr, mor , bur , nyr , cas , ubs , acs , eds , des , ifs, ogs , fis, bus , mys , wat , yet , zit , tot , awt , izt , rav , sev , onv , upv , arv , lyv , kaw , lew , ohw , miw , akw , elw , how I juw , zyw , day ( CYPHERS IN TERMiNATIONAL ORDER. 35. ucyuY lotay uoynv atjyv elvyv viklx ekwix sujux buvux majyx iftyx ovhay ady „ zuj ,, hov ,, wok ,, ilw ,, fyj .. myv ,, hej„ ogt „ ayh ,, fey „ evj „ juv „ etk„ mow ,, mak,, waw ,, J'j .. fit,. ezb ,, efy „ oyj., zyv,, yuk „ huw ,, hek„ yew ,, ijj .. got ,, saj ., igy .. uzj ,, daw ,, ivk ,, nyw ,, jik „ ziw ,, okj„ but ,, nij ,, gjy .. nak ,, obw ,, owk ,, cay „ ijk„ tow ,, ulj„ vyt ,, poj .. boy ,, pek„ ucw ,, azk ,, acy ,, okk„ izw ,, amj „ wav ,, opj .. cuy ,, lik „ adw ,, nel ,, edy ,. u)k„ ray ,. -koj „ yev ,, urj ,. yaz ,, ank ,, few ,, enl ,, dey ,, amk ,, sey ,, luj„ ziv ,, asj ,. zez „ sok„ efw ,, rol „ ify,. kok„ ony ,, dyj .. tov ,, ruj ,. tiz„ epk,, ig>v „ orl.. ogy .. luk„ noy ,, gak ,, vuv ,, h.vj „ voz ,, irk,, giw,, usl„ fiy.. dyk „ upy „ ebk ., uvv ,, lak „ itz „ osk „ bow ,, sul„ goy ., gal ,, ary ,, ick ,, awv ,, mek ,. wuz ,, cyk ,, ouw ,, fyl,. bay ,, ebl„ puy „ odk „ izv ,, hik ., ovz ,, hal„ tyw ,, mam ,, waz ,, icl„ kaz ,, bek „ raw ,, ukk „ ayz „ jel„ rabix hem ,, yez ,, odl„ lez ,, ufk „ sew ,, a!k „ laby» ahl„ seb ,, jim ,, ziz ,, ua„ ohz ,, agk ,, onw ,, emk ., meb ,, kil,. onb ,, ijm ,, toz ,, agl„ miz ,, cik„ now ,, jok ,, hib,. ikl,. nob ,, okm ,, vuz ,, cil„ ujz ,, dok ., upw ,, kuk „ ojb ,, oU„ upb,, ulm ,, uvz ,, dol„ akz ,, fuk „ arw ,, gyk.. ukb„ uml ,, arb ,, amm ,, awz ,, ful„ elz„ ryk., puw ., fal ,. alb,, lol„ pub „ kom ,, dabux tyl,. hoz ,, tal„ jyw ,, ibl „ emb ,, mnl ,, lyb„ lum ,, uob ,, tarn ,, juz ,, vel., daz ,, ocl „ job „ byl„ kac ,, dym ,, adb,. vem ,, zyz ,, wil,. obz ,, ud! ., kub„ bam ,, lee ,, gan „ feb„ wim ,, yabyx yol., ucz ,, gel,. gyb.i idm ,, oho ,, ebn ,, efb„ yom ,, zeb ,, atl„ adz ,, egl .. fao „ cem ,, mio ,, odn ,, igb,, atm ,, tib ,, zul ,, fez ,, bil„ ibo„ ofm ,, ujo ,, ufn ,, gib,, zum ,, vob ,, evl ,, efz ,, col,. oco„ ugm „ akc ,, agn „ bob,. evm ,, itb„ oyl „ igz,. dul ., udc ,, dim,. elc ,, cin ,, cub ,, oym „ wub ,, uzl „ giz ., vyl .. gec„ fom ,, hoc ,, don ,, jyb.. uzm ,, ovb ,, nam ,, boz ,. zam .. afo,. gum „ juc ,, fun ,, yao ,, nan ,, ayb ,, pern ,, cuz ,, tem .. ego,, pym„ zyc ,, tyn ,, zee ,, pen,, ezb ,, rim ,, tyz„ vim ., bio,, van ,, dad „ tap ,, tic „ vin ,, sac ,, anm ,, cabay worn ., coo „ wen ,, ucd ,, vep ,, voc ,, ann ,, nic ,, som ,, ubb„ etm ,, duo ,, yin ,, add „ wip ,, ito„ son ,, poc ,, epm ,, acb ,, yum ,, syc,, zon ,, fed,. yop ,, wuc ,, irn ,, opo ,, irm ,, edb,, ivm ,, zad „ utn ,, efd„ atp ,, ovc ,, osn ,, urc ,, osm ,, deb.. owm ,, ted,. tun ,, igd .. zup ,, aye ,, cyn ,, asc ,, cym „ ifb.. azm ,, vid„ avn ,, gid ,, evp „ sad ,, hap,. rue ,, han ,, ogb ,, nen ,, wod ,, lyn t. bod ,, oyp,. nid ,, jep.. hyc „ jen ,, fib,. pin ,, etd„ ozn ,, cud „ uzp ,, pod ,, ahp ,, lad „ ahn ,, bub „ enn ,, yud ,, pap„ jyd .. har ,, urd ,, kip,, nied ,, kin,. myb ,, ron ,, ivd ,, rep,. yaf „ ahr ,, asd ,, ikp ,, hid,. ikn ,, wac ,, orn ,, owd ,, sip ,, zef ,, kir„ rud ,, ump ,, ojd ,, oln ,, ycc „ usn „ azd ,, app„ tif „ olr.. hyd„ lop ,, ukd,. umn ,, zic .. sun „ nef „ erp„ vof ,, umr ,, laf „ mup,, aid „ Ion ,, toe ,, fyn „ pil.. nup„ itf „ lor,, raef ,, byp.. emd ,, mun ,, awe ,, map „ enf „ kyp.. wuf ,, mur ,, hif „ var ,, jod ,, byn „ izc ,, hep,. rof ,, car,. ovf ,, byr ,, ojf „ wer ,, kud „ bap ,, rad ., jip .. ipf,. ubr „ ayf „ bas ,, ukf „ yir ,, gyd .. ecp„ sed ., ijp.. ori „ aor „ sag,. abs ,, alf „ zor ,, faf „ idp„ end .. okp „ usf „ der ,, nig ,, ecs ,, emf ,, utr ,, ibf „ cep ,, upd „ ulp ,. Buf „ ifr„ POg.. ids ,, jof.. tur ,, ocf ,, ofp ,, ard„ amp „ fyf .1 fir,. urg „ ces ,, kuf „ pyr .. udf ,, ugP.. pud ,, lup „ mag,, gor „ asg ,, ofs„ gyi.. ozr ,, gef „ dip ,, 1yd „ dyp„ beg,, bur ,, rug „ ugs „ fag.. pas ,, aff ,, fop ,, kaf ., tar,. jig.. vyr ,, hyg„ dis„ ibg„ res ,, egf.. gup.. lef „ ver „ ijg.. was „ lah„ f03 ,, ocg „ sis ,, bif „ pyp.. ohf ., wir „ okg„ yes.i meh ,, g"3 „ udg ,, aps ,, cof „ par ,, mif ,, yor „ ulg,, zis ,, hih„ rys ,, Reg.. ers ,, diif ,, rer ,, akt„ atr „ amg,, tos„ ojh ,, vat ,, a-fg ., nus ,, syt,. sir ,, elf.. zur ,, kog„ vus ,, ukh„ wet ,, egg.. wys ,, zag„ apr ,, hof „ evr ,, lug,, uvs ,, alh „ yit„ big „ jat ,, teg,. err ,, juf,. oyr „ dyg„ aws ,, emb ,, zot ,, dug,. ket „ vig„ nur ,, zyf ,, uzr ,, gah „ izs ,, joh ,, utt ,, vyg ,, uht ,, wog ,, kyr„ dag „ nas „ ebh„ rat,, tub „ tut „ Zdh „ lit,. etg„ jas„ obg „ pes „ ioh ,, set,. gyh „ pyt" teb ,, ekt „ y>ig .. kes„ ucg„ ris „ odh ,, ont ,, faj,. ozt ,, vib ,, Ut„ ivg „ l>s„ adg „ ans „ beh„ not ,, ibj „ pav ,, woh ,, mot ,, owg „ ajs„ efg„ eps„ ufh,. upt ,, ocj ,, rev ,. eth ., hut ,, azg ,, eks ,, igg .. irs ,, agh „ art., udj ,, siv ,, yuh ,, nyt .. neh ,, ils„ gig.. OSS ,, cih ,, put ,, gej .. apv ,, ivh ,. cav ,, pih „ mo3 ,, bog „ cys,. doh ,, jyt.. afj,, erv ,, own ,, ubv ,, crli ,. bus „ cug ., hat,. fuh „ kav ,, egj .. nuv ,-, KSh ,. acv ,, Kb ., nys ,, jyg.. jet,, ryh „ lev ,, bij„ w-yv ,, nej .. edv .. i?h .. cat ,. zeh ., abt „ taj ,, ohv ,, duj ,. j:iw ,, enj „ dcv ., orh ,, ubt ,, tih ., kit,. vej „ miv „ ''■yj .. kew ,, • t.^;.. iiv ,, ush ,, act,. voh .. itt,. wij „ ujv „ zak ,, uhw ,, orj'.. X:; sub ,, edt„ ith ,. olt„ yoj ,. akv ,, tek „ liw„ (15j „ fyh „ det ,, wuh ,, lot,. mutay CYPHERS IN TERMIhJATIONAL ORDER. 36. arkly mutay juoby teooy itody cuagy ibugy coohy ojejy meaky uinky byt „ zyo ,, efo ,, wuo ,, jya„ ocu ,, dao „ uke ,, hia ,, pon „ bav ,, pyi-,. igo „ ovo ,. jab ,. udu ,, zwo ,, joe ,, oja ,, run ., abv „ obu ,, sho ,, ayo ,. lib,. afu„ vyo ,, dre„ uka ,, hyn „ klv ,, ucu ,, gio ,. ezo ., mob ,. egu„ mar ., kue ,, joa,. neo„ cev ,, adu ,, plo ,, PJt„ hub ,, biu„ her ,, gye ,, dra ,, pio ,, ofv ,, efu,. boo ,, sau ., nyb ,, smu „ jir ,, oaf ,, kua ,, clo ,, ugv ,, igu ,. cuo ,, niu ,, cac ,, cou,. kor ,. def ,, gya .. eno ,, div „ shu ,, jyo,. glu ,. dec ,, zwa „ lur„ fif „ bab.. roo ,, fov ,, giu ,, tap., pou ,, tic ,, vyu., dyr ,, gof ., dib„ ipo„ guv ,. plu ,. vep ,, opu ,, goc ,, hav „ bes ,, buf .. fob,. oro ,, 17V ,, bou „ wip ,, uru ,, buc ,, jev„ cis ,, wag,. gub,. uso ,. vaw ,, jyu .. yop„ asu ,, wad ,, kiv „ dos ., yeg.. pyij,. suo ,. wew ,, waacy zap ,, hyu ,, yed ,, lov ,, fus ,, zig,. vac ,. fyo „ yiw ,, yea „ har ,, vyz ,, zid„ muv ,, rys,. tog,. wee ,, mau „ zow ,, zia ,, jer„ kaafy tod „ byv ,. tat ,, vug,. yio,, jiu„ utw ,, sla ,, kir.. oha ,, vud ,, baw ,, vet ,, rah ,, zoo ,, iju „ tuw ,, toa ,. Ior„ mia ,, yae ,, cew ,, wit ,, seh ,, tuc „ oku ,, avw ,, kra„ mur „ uja ,, see ,. tow ,, yot ,, noh ,, lyo„ ulu ,, pyw ,. vua ,, byr ,. aka ,, zee ,. paz ,, att ,. puh ,, pad „ amu „ ozw ,, uva ,, bas ,, ela„ phe ,, rez ,, zut ,. jyii .. red,. kou ,, pay.. awa ,, ces ,, hoa ,, tie ,, siz ,, viu „ fai „ sid ,. bru „ rey .. tyd ,. dis ,, gra „ klc„ nuz ,, flu,. ibi.. erd„ swu „ siy „ rae ,. fos ,. jua„ voe ,. kyz ,, snu ,, oei „ nud,. dyu „ *py .. see ,, gus .. zya„ (re „ yaahy wou ,. udi ,, kyd„ gav„ ery.. the ,, yau.. vyb ,, ite ,, sea ,, cru ,, gei ,. fae ., bev „ "uy ,. one ,, scu ., dae ,, wue ,, zea ,, etu.. afi„ ibe., civ ,, jaz ., noe ,. phu .. obe ,, ove ,, pha ,, ivu ,, egi „ oce ,. dov ,, kez,. upe ,, tiu „ uce ,, aye ,, tia .. owu„ smi ,, ude ,. fuv „ uhz „ are ,, klu.. ade ,, ezc ,, kla.. aza ,, coi ,, gee „ taw,, liz,. pue ,, vou ,, fee ,, raf „ voa „ nav „ dui ,, afe„ vew „ ekz.. lye ., fru ,, ele ,, ECf „ fra„ pev„ zwi ,, ege „ yow„ ilz ,, sag ,, itu ,. ige ,, iiof ,, ita„ riv „ vyi.. bic ,, nay ,, illOZ ,, uig .. ovu ,, she ,, put .. wua ,, 80V ,, tyk.. sme ,, pey „ buz ,. POg,. ayu ., gie ,, kag ,, ova ,. cyv ,, yai ,. coe ., riy ,. nyz ., rug ,. ezu ,. pie ,, mig „ ay a ,, haw ., zel .. due ,. soy „ caaby hyg ., pav ,, boe ,, hog „ eza ,, jew „ til,. zwe,. haz „ uba ,, lah „ rev ,, cue ,, jug .. pab ,. kiw ,, vol ,, vye„ jez ,, aca ,, meb ,, siv ,, jye.. zyg.. reb„ low ,, wul ,, jaf„ kiz.. eda ,, hih ,, nuv ,. 'yg.. tyh ,, sib ,, muw ,, teo,. kef,, loz „ dea ., joh ,, kyv ,. yai „ sai ,, nub „ byw „ vio„ Uf.. muz ,, ifa,. kuh „ jaw ,, sci„ gli., kyb„ bay ,, flo.. mof „ byz „ oga „ kai ,. ke-.v ,, zei ,, poi ,, jac ,, cey ,. sno .. huf „ faaly ■wha ,, lei „ mow ,, phi ,, opi „ kec ,. diy „ woo .. nyf ,. iba „ fia „ obi ,, cay ,, kli „ uri „ lie. foy „ cro ,, cag .. oca ,, goa „ uji „ dey ,, voi ,, asi ,, moo ,, guy .. eto„ deg „ uda ,, spa,, aki ,, fiy.. fri„ rui ,, hue ,, vaz ,, ivo ,. fig.. gea„ pia „ eli ,. goy ,. iti ,. hyi „ nyc ,, wez ,, owo ,. gog.. afa „ bua ,. hoi ,, buy ,, wui ,, syra ,. cad ., yiz „ azo .. bug,. ega„ •niya ,, gri „ raady ovi ,. zan ,, ded.. zoz .. syp.. wah ,, bia „ tyc,. zyi ,. sea ,, ayi ,. ten ,, fid ,. tnz ,. mas ., yeh ., sma ,, wae ,, faj.. tha ,, ezi ,, vin ,, god ,. saajy bes .. zih„ dua „ yee ., b-ij ,. 011a ,, syl „ won ,, bud,. nia „ jis.. toh„ zwa „ zie ,. coj ,, noa ,, sao ,. yun ,, gle„ gla„ lus ,, vuh „ vya„ sle ,, duj ,, upa ,. nio ,, lao ,, waf ,. poa ,. dys ,, tei ,, hab „ ' toe ,, syj .. ara ,. glo „ meo ,, yef ., opa .. gat,. fli„ jeb„ kre ,, zak ,, pua ,, poo ,, hio ,, zif ,. ura ,. bet ., sni ,, kib.. vue ., tek„ lya ., opo ,, ojo ,, tof „ asa ,, cit ,, woi ,, Iob„ uve ,, wok ,, kae„ uro ,, uko ,, vuf ,, rua „ dot ,, cri „ mub „ awe ,, yuk ,, Ice,. aso ,, alo ,, rag ,, hya ,. fut„ eti ,, byb„ syl. ., nel,. ohe ,. ruo ,, joo ,, seg „ vab ,, piu ,, ivi ,, bao„ lai ,, P"„ mie „ hyo ,, dro ,, nog „ web ,, clu ,. owi ,, ceo „ sci ,, rol „ uje„ lau ,, kuo ,, pug ., yib „ enu .. azi ,, die ,, thi ., sul ,, ake„ hiu ,, gyo ,, dri „ zob ,, rou ., raj ,, foe „ oni ,, fyl„ ele ,, oju ,, nep ,, daj ,, tub ,, ipu ,, sej ,, guo„ noi ,, mam ,, hoe ,, uku ,, pip .. fej,. lyb,. oru ,, noj ,, pyc,. upi ., hem ,, gre ,, alu ,, rop ,, g'j .. pac ,, usu ,, puj .. vad ., ari ,, jim ,, jue ,, jou ,, sup ,, boj„ lec ,, fyu „ jyj .. wed ,, pui .. kom ,, zye ,, dru ,, fyp .. cuj ,, sio ,, tav ,, dal„ yld 1, lyi.. lum ,, sbi ,, gyu.. gar ,, tyj.. nuc ., vev ,, fel„ zod.. ryni .. dym ,, pU „ daagy ber ,, syn ,, kyc, wiv ,, gil,. tud ,, kao ,, gan ., syk ,, oba ,, cir„ fao„ jad.. yov ,, bol„ waj „ leo ,. cin ,, yao„ uca ,, dor ,, ibo ,, ked„ zuv ,, cul ,, yej ,. oho ,, don ,, SCO ,. ada„ fur,, oco ,, lid.. baz ,, tyl„ zij „ mio ,, (un ,. zeo ,. fea,. nat ,, udo ,, mod ,. ccz ,, yam ,, toj „ ujo ,, ryn.. pho ,, eta,. pet ,. geo ,, hud,. diz „ zem ,, vui ,, ako ., dao ,, tio,. iga ., rit ,, afo ,, nyd .. foz ,, tim ,, rak.. elo.. obo ,, klo.. sha .. sot ,, ego ,, lie ., guz ,, vom ,, 1 sek.. lioo ,. uco ,, voo ,. pla.. cyt „ bio ., mee ,, pyz ., wum ,, '■ nok ,, tco,. ado ,, tro.. boa., fau ., smo ,, 1 hie,. Irtiiky san ., ' i ark.. CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 37. pukly ryety puUy yifmy suany sarny etjoy huvoy jakpy oyar y ittpy avosy ^k zof ., tya„ nir ,, yuj .. nyv ,, kek „ uza , , wut ,, pyo.. tuf ,. had,. por ,, ivj „ ubw ,, mok ,, neb , , vau ,, ozo „ Iel„ lyf., jed„ hyr „ owj ,, edw ,, huk,. pib, . yiu >■ cap,. jnl.. pag.- kid,. las ,, azj „ dew ,, nyit >> rob , , zou ,, dep„ «yi.. reg,, lod„ mes ,, nek ,, ifw„ cal ,, sub , , utu ,, fip.. dam ,, sig„ mud ,, his ,, pik ,, ogw „ del,, fyb. , avu ,, gop.. fem ,, nag,. byd„ jos„ cnk ,, fiw „ fil„ mao , pyu „ bup „ gim „ kyg.. mae ,, kus ,, rok „ gow,. gol „ bee , , ozu ,, vyp „ bom ,, jah ,, bee ,, gys .. ipk ,, buw ,, bul„ jio. , sav ,, rar ,, com ,, keh„ jie „ get,. ork ,, myw ,, wam ,, koc , , niv ,, ser „ ;an ,, lih„ ije„ bit,, usk ,, way ,, ycm ,, luc , , pov ,, nor ,, tin „ moh ,, oke ,, cot ,, suk ,, yey ,, zim „ dyo , , ruv ,, jyr .. von „ huh „ ule ,, dut „ fyk„ ziy „ torn ,, gad , , byv „ kas ,, wun ,, nyh ,, ame ,, syt„ mal ,, toy ,, vum ,, bed. , law ,, les„ mao ,, bri „ , koe„ zav ,, bel„ awy ,, ran ,, Old , mew ,, hos ,, beo„ swi ,, bre ,, tev„ jU„ izy ., sen „ dod. biw „ jus „ jio„ vyj .. lue ,, viv ,,. ijl ., raz ,, non ,, fud , , jow ,, zys ,, ijo„ wak ,, swe ,, wov ,, okl„ sez ,, pun ,, nae , , kuw ,, dat „ oko „ yek ,, dye,. yuv ,, uU„ onz ,, jyn „ pee , gyw .. fet„ ulo ,, zik„ baf „ ryz ,, ami ,, upz ,. nao ,, rie, fay ,, git.. amo ,, tok „ cef „ kaboy lul„ arz ,, peo ,, ane , gey .. bot„ koo „ vuk ,, dif„ leb„ dyl„ puz ,, rio ,, soe , biy „ out ., bro ,, ral „ fof „ ohb„ gam ,, lyz„ ano ,, epe , . coy ,, tyt.. luo ,, sel„ guf,. mib ,, icm ,, maapy soo ,, ire , , duy ,, pau.. BWO ,, nol ,, vag ,, akb„ odm ,, hea ,, cpo ,, ose , , zaz ,, siu ,, dyo ,, pul ,, weg,. elb„ bem ,, jia,. iro ,, eye , , tez ,, apu ,, sap.. jyi.. yig.. hob ,r agm „ ija,. oso ,, jei. , viz ,, era ,, nip I, kam „ zog „ jub ,, cim ,, oka ,, cyo „ abi. woz ,, wyu ,. POP" lem „ tug ,, zyb„ dom ,, ula ,, kap„ oli. , yuz ,, yav„ rnp ,, mim ,, lyg.. dao ,, fum ,, ama ,, lep „ ami , naasy zev ,, hyP" horn ,, pah ,, obo ,, tym ,, koa ,, mip „ loi. , pea ,, tiv„ syr,. jum „ reh.. ucc ,, tan „ bra ,, hop ,, sti , , ria ,, vov „ gau „ zym „ sih„ adc ,, ven ,, lua ,, jup„ mni , ana ,, wuv ,, eba ,, dan ,, nah ,, efo ,, win ,, swa ,, zyp „ byi , , soa ,, saw,. odn„ (en ,, kyh„ igc. yon ,, dya „ yar„ lyk. , epa ,, pow„ Ufa,, gin „ ski ,, gio „ atn ,, gab „ zer ,, pal. , ira ,, lay..' agu„ bon ,, wri „ boo ,, zun ,, beb„ tir „ rel. , osa ,, mey ., ciu ,, can ,, jaj .. cue ,, oyn „ cib ,, vor ,, sil. cya „ hiy„ ska,. sko„ kej„ jyo., uzn ,, dob,. wur „ nul , zab „ joy .. dou „ wro „ lij„ yad ,, nap ,, fub„ sas„ kyl. vib„ kuy ,. wru„ yap.. moj ,, zed ,, pep,, ryb „ nis ,, jam , wob ,, faz.. tyu„ zep ,, huj „ tid„ rip„ gae„ pos„ kern , , yub ,, gez„ naz„ tip,. nyj „ vod ,, anp ,, ebe ,, rus ,, lim , , nee ,, biz ,. pez„ vop ,, cak„ itd„ sop,. ode ,, hys„ mom , pic „ coz ,, riz„ wup ,, dek„ wad „ epP .. bee ,, lat„ bum , roc ,, duz „ soz„ lar„ fik„ ovd ,, irp,. ufe ,, met ,, nym , , sue ,, syz„ cyz ,, mer ,, gok „ ayd „ osp,, age „ jot,. can , > fyc ,, haaty teamy hir„ buk„ ezd ,, cyp„ cie ,, kut „ den , , mad ,, jea,. vift,. Jor „ wal „ saf ,, bar ,, ske ,, gyt .. fin. bed „ aha ,, fl»„ kur„ yel „ nif „ abr ,, doe ,, bau ,, gon , jid „ kia„ sna„ gyr.. zU„ pof„ cer ,, v;re ,, abu ,, bun , kod „ ola ,. woa„ fas ,, tol„ opf ,, ofr „ fue ,, kin ,, vyn , lud „ uma ,, era „ ges ,, vol ,, urf,. dir„ tye„ iku ,, bao , dyd „ loa ,, •ta„ bis ,, ram ., asf „ for,. bag „ ola ,, abo , ste „ sta„ iva „ cos ,, sem ,, ruf „ gar „ ceg,, umu ,, eco , gaf „ mua ,, owa„ dus „ nom ,, hyf„ ryr„ dig ,, lou ,, tdo , be(„ bya ,, aza ,, sys,. pum ,, lag,. vas ,, fog ,, stu ,, ceo , cif „ fab,. nab ,, tau „ jym.. meg,. wes „ gug.. byu ,, ofo , dot „ geb„ peb,. chu ,, kan ,, big-,. yis„ pyg.. fav ,, ugo. fuf „ bib,. rib.. wiu ,, len,. ukg ,, zos ,, vah ,, gev ,, dio , tag „ cob „ sob „ blu„ hon ,, alg„ uts ,, web ,, biv ,, too. veg„ dub,. cyb.. you ,, jun „ emg„ tus ,, yih „ cov ,, tro , wig ,, syb „ bad .. atu ,, zyn ,, jog,. avs ,, zob ,, duv ,, guo. yog „ zac ,, oed ,. avu ,, tao ,, kug„ pys„ tub ,, syv ,, ryo. zug „ tec. did ,, oyu ,, veo ,, gyg.. ozs ,, lyh „ zaw ,, wap , tri „ vie ,, fod ., uzu ,, cho ,, fab „ pat ,, tai „ tew ,, yep , lyl „ woe ,, gad „ taz „ wio ,, ibh„ sit,. vei ,, wow ,, zip , kym „ yuc, pyd„ vez ,, blo„ och „ apt ,, chi „ ney ,, top . jan ,, bae ,, nee „ wiz „ yoo ,, udb ,, ert ,, bli „ piy „ vup , ken ,, abe.. pie,, yoz ,, ato ,, geh „ nut ,, yoi ,, roy „ das i hn „ ece ,, cle ,, zuz ,, zuo ,, egb „ wyt ,, ati „ suy ,, fes , , mon ,, ide ,, roe ,, neany evo ,, bih „ jav ,, zui ,, taapy gis. bun ,, cee ,, ipe„ pia ,, oyo ,, cob „ kev ,, evi ,, vea ,, bos. , nyn ,, ofe„ ore „ cla,. uzo ,, duh„ uhv ,, oyi ,, wia „ cus , , vao ,, age ,. use ,, ena ,, dap ,, vyb ,, liv„ uzi ,, bla,, tvs. weo ,, die,. sue ,. roa ,, fep.. zaj ,, ajv „ paj „ yoa ,, yat. yio,. foe.. fye„ ipa„ gip.. tcj„ ekv „ sij „ ata ,, zet , zoo ,, tre „ vaf „ ora ,, bop ,, vij „ ilv,, nui ,, zua ,, tit. uto ,, gue„ wef „ usa ,, cap ,, woj,. mov ,, kyj.. eva ,, vot, tao ,, rye,. mafty CYPHERS IN TERMiNATIONAL ORDER. 38. falez mafty lab»y eduiry nalwy prixy vuizy ifcaz aznaz acebz kludK hef „ meb „ ifu„ pel,. bui„ uvi ,, ogo„ nep,, ede ,, vou „ jif., hib„ ogu„ ril.. myi ,, awi ,, fie ,. pip,. dee ,, fru ,. kof „ job ,, whu ,, sol.. wao.. izi „ bue ,, enp„ ife.. itu „ lot,. kub„ fill „ oyl.. yeo„ nej ,, myo .. rop„ oge ,. ovu „ dyf „ eyb,. gou„ ham ,, zio ,, Pij „ wad ,. ipp.. whe ., ayu „ gag,, fao ,, spu ,, jem ,. slo ,, roj ,, yed ,, orp ,, fie,. ezu „ beg,. gee,, pru „ kim ,, too,. suj ,, zid ,, usp,. goe „ say .. cig„ bio „ myu ,, lom ,, kro„ fyj ., tod,. sup ,, spe ,. niy ,, dog,, coc ,, daw ,, mum ,, vuo„ mak ,, awd ,, fyp.. pre ,, poy ., txig „ duo „ few,, bym ,, uvo„ hek„ izd „ gar,, bue ,, ruy.. tah ,, syc ,, bow „ cao „ awo,, jik,. raf ,, ebr„ wai .. cabez veh ,, zad ,, yay ., ubo ,, izo„ kok.. sef ,, ier„ yei ,, ubb„ wih „ ted „ zey ,. aco ,, rau ,, Ivik,, onf ,, ber ,. sli ,. aeb „ yoh „ vid„ tiy„ edo ,, thu„ dyk„ upf „ ufr„ toi „ cdb„ zuh ,, wod „ voy „ deo „ onu ,, gal., arf ,, cir ,, kri„ deb.. vai ,, yud„ wuy ,, ifo„ nou „ bel,. puf ,, dor ,, vui ,. ifb,. wei ,, vae ,, saz ,, ogo ,. upu ,, cU,. lyf „ fur,. uvi ,, ogb„ zoi ,, wee ,, niz ,, who „ aru „ dol„ kag„ tyr„ awi .. fib „ uU„ yie ,, poz ,, fio,. lyu,. ful,. leg., tas„ izi .. bub ., tui„ zoe „ hyz „ goo., jaaay ryl„ ohg„ ves,. rao ,. myb ., »vi ,, ute„ vaawy spo„ kea„ tarn ,, mig ,, wis ,, seo .. wao ., pyi., tue ,, wca„ pro ,. uha„ vem „ akg ,, yo9 „ tho ,. yee„ ozl ,, ave ,, yia ,, buo ,. lia., wim „ elg „ ats,, ono .. zie ,, n*j .. pye.. zoa ,, myo„ aja„ yom„ hog,, zus ,, noo ,. too ,, pej,,' oze„ uta ,, lyp.. eka.. zum ,, jug,, evs „ upo ,. awo ,, rij .. nef ,, tua ,, jar,. ila ., nan „ zyg„ oys,. aro ,, izo ,, soj„ pit „ ava ,, ker„ moa ,, pen,. dah„ uzs ,, puo ., rad „ oyj » rof „ pya 1, lir„ hua „ rin ,. obh„ nat ,, lyo.. Bed., lym ,, suf „ oza ,, mor „ nya .. son,, uch ,, pet ,, kau .. ond ,, kyn ,, fyf „ sab ,, bur.. dab,, cyn ., adh„ rit „ ohu ., upd„ yer,, mag ,, nib ,, nyr,. feb„ rao„ efh„ ant,. miu .. ard„ zir„ heg,, pob ,, ■vys .. gib „ seo ,, igh ,. ept„ uju,. pud,, tor ,, jig» rub „ wat ,, bob,, tho„ gih „ irt„ aku ., 1yd,. vur,, kog,, hyb„ yet.. cub,, ono ,, boh ,, ost ,, elu ,. kaf„ ras ,, lug.. lao.. zit.. tyb„ noo ,. cuh „ cyt „ hou .. lef.. ses ,, dyg,. meo „ tot,. ya«.. upo„ jyb„ hav ,, gru „ ohl„ ons ,, gah „ hic„ vut„ zee .. aro ,, yaj „ jev„ zyu ,, mif „ nos„ be!i„ joe „ rav,. tie,, puo ,. zej ,, ahv ,, day .. akf.. pna„ cih ,, kuo ,, sev„ voo ., lyo ., tij,. kiv ,, fey,. elf.. jys.. jauj, doh., gyc,. nov„ wuo ,. hap,, voj,, ikv ,, giy „ hof .. £uh,. fad,, puv„ nid,. jep.. kip.. itj„ olv ,, boy,. jnf „ uhu ,, taj,. ged ,, jyv.. day,. pod.. WU] ,, lov ,, cuy,, zyf 1. lia,. vej „ bid,, rud„ lop,, ovj ,, muv ,, waadz dag., ftju,. wij ,, cod,. fey,. hyd„ mup„ a.TJ >. byv,, yea.. obg., eku„ yoj >, dud„ giy .. cae„ byp„ ezj „ baw ,, zia ,, ucg„ Uu.. zuj „ syd „ boy,. ube,, var „ sak„ abw ,, sla ,, adg„ mou ,, nak.. pae,. cuy „ ace ,, wer„ nik ,, idw„ tea ., efg„ nyu „ pek„ ree ,, yaz„ ede,, yir„ pok„ oew ,, kra,. igg.. dav,, rik,. sie„ zez ,, dee ,, zor,. opk„ ofw ,, vua ., gig.. fev„ sok ,, ape,, tiz„ ife,. tur ,, urk ,, ugw „ uva ,, bog,. giv.. cyk„ ere „ voz„ oge „ pas., ask ,, diw„ awa „ cng„ bov„ hal,. nue ,, wuz ,, whe ,, res ,, ruk ,, fow ,, iza ,. jyg.. cnv„ i^:: wye ,, paaxy fie,, sis ,, hyk „ guw „ rae,. yah,, tyv„ zaf ,, rea ,, goe„ nus ,, lal „ lyw ,, see ,. zeh„ yaw,, lol„ tef „ sia ,, spe ,, kys„ mel„ vay ,, the., tih,. zew„ mol „ vif „ apa„ pre ,, kau ,, hU., wey „ one ,. voh „ TOW,, byl„ wof „ era,, bue ,, ohu ,, ukl„ zoy„ noe ., ith„ say,, lyn., yuf I, nua ,, mye ,, miu ,, all,, uty „ upe .. wuh „ niy „ jao ,, neg ,, wya ,, laf „ uju ,, eml ,, tuy„ are ,. ovh „ poy »> keo ,, pig,. jae ,, mef ,, aku ,, jol,, ozy ,, pue ,. ayh„ ruy „ uho ,, rog ,, kee„ hit „ elu„ kul„ paz ,, lye,. ezh „ laz„ lio„ sug „ uhe ,, jof„ hou ,, gyi„ rez ,, gri.. saj ., mez,, ajo„ fyg.. lie., kul„ gru „ fam ,, siz ,, dao ,, nij ,. hiz,. eko „ mah ,, aje„ gyf „ zyu ,, ocm ,, apz ,, obo ., poj ., }Ui „ ilo„ heh „ eke,. fag,. vyv ,, udm ,, erz ,, uoo ,. opj .. knz,, moo ,, jib ,, ile., geg,. jabaz gem ,, nuz ,, ado ,, urj.. gya ••> buo ,, koh „ moe ,, big',, kcb„ egm ,, wyz ,, feo „ asj ., oaavy nyo „ luh„ hue ,. dug,, uhb„ bim ,, jaabz efo ,. ruj.. aba,, kyp.. dyh„ nye., syg., lib,. com ,, kea ,, igo ,, hyj,. ©ca n vyr .. gaj ,, cai.. zah „ ekb„ dum ,, uha ,, sbo ., lak,. Ida.. was,. bej„ ubi„ teh,. lib,, vym „ lia.. gio ,, mek „ cea„ yes,. cij ,, aci., vih „ mob ,, zan ., aja., plo ,, hik „ ofa ,, zis„ do] ,, edi„ woh ,, hub,. tea „ eka.. boo ., ukk„ uga,. tos„ fuj ,. dei„ yuh „ nyb ,, vin ,, ila„ cuo ., alk„ dift,, VU3„ ryj ,, ifi„ wai ,, cac ,, wen ,, moa ,. jyo.. emk ,, foa ,, jyt., tak„ ogi.. yei.. libo ,, etn „ hua ., yau ,, jok .. tra„ cau ,, wik „ whi„ sli.. ace ,, yun.. nya,. sou ,. kuk „ g-J*.. ubu „ yok ,, goi .. toi „ edc„ i^n,, cae ., phtt ,, gyk.. 'y*»» acu ,, zvk„ spi.. kri.. deo ,, own „ ube ,, tin,. fal,. ibiez CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 39. osatz iulez ool „ udl„ egl„ bil„ col,, dul„ vyl„ zam ,, tein „ vim „ worn „ etm ,, yum „ ivm,, owm ,, ftzm ,, nen „ pin,, enn „ ron„ U8n „ Bon,, • map ,, hep „ jip.. iJP.. okp „ tUp,, amp ,, lop I. dyPi. Tor „ wir ,, yor„ atr „ zur „ evr„ oyr „ UZT ,, Das ,, ris„ anB ,, epa,, iM„ 0S8„ esa „ aht„ kit,, ftt.. olt„ io«:: mni ,, byt,, bav„ abv„ idv„ oev„ ofv„ ngv.. dlT ,, tov ,, gnv„ lyv i> vaw„ yiw., zow „ utw„ tuw ,, »vw„ pyw „ ozw ,, rey „ siy „ apy .. ery •• nuy „ ja«„ kezez uhz ,, liz„ ekz ,, ilz „ moz „ huz ,, nyz ,, kaagz lea ,, oba ,, mia ,, uja ,, aka „ ela ,, boa ,, gra ,, jua ,, zya„ dae ,, obe „ uce ,, ade ,, fee „ efe ,, ige „ she ,, gie „ pie „ boe ,, cue ,, jye ,. yai ,, sci „ phi „ kli„ vol ,, fri„ iti „ wni ,, ovi „ ayi „ ezi „ sao „ nlo ,, glo„ poo,, opo „ uro „ aso „ ruo „ hyo „ lau ,, hiu ,, OJUj, uku ,, aJu ,, jou ,, dru ,, gyu.. fay „ gey,, biy ,, coy „ duy „ daahz oba „ uca „ ada ,, fea ,, efa ,, iga „ sba ,, gia .. pla ,, boa „ euit ,, jya,. see ,, phe„ klehz fre „ gli .. lao „ meo ,, bio ,, ojo „ uko ,, alo ,, joo„ dro „ kuo ,, gyo.. fau ,, ibu ,, ocu ,, udu ,, afu „ egu „ biu ,, emu ,, cou ,, zwu ,, vyu ,, zay „ tey „ viy ,, woy ,, wabiz yeb „ zib ,, tob ,, awb ,, izb ,, rao ,, sec „ one „ upc „ are ,, puo „ lyc„ kad ,, led,, ohd „ raid ,, akd ,, eld ,, hod ,, jud „ zyd „ daf ,, obf ,, ucf „ adf ,, e£f ,, igf„ gif., bof,, ouf ,, jyf .> yag.. zeg„ tig ,, vog ,, itg „ wug ,, ovg ,, ayg.. ezg„ snh ,, "ill II poh ,, opb ,, luh ,, ash ,, ruh ,, hyh „ laj „ mej „ bij,. ojjiz vaviz kouiz ukj ,, wev ,, bru ,, alj,. yiv ,, swu „ emj ,, zov ,, dyu ,, joj .. utv ,, faamz kuj ,, tuv„ iba „ gyj .. aw ,, oca ,, fak „ 5yv., uda ,, ibk„ ozv ,, gea„ ock „ paw „ afa ,, udk„ siw „ ega„ gek„ apw„ bia„ ^SY" erw ,, sma „ bik„ nuw ,, coa „ cok„ wyw ,, dua ,, duk „ jay,, zwa ,, vyk„ key,. vya,. zal„ nhy ,, zae ,, tel„ liy., tee ,, vil„ eky ,, vie „ wol ,, Uy„ fle„ etl„ moy ,, sne„ yul >> huy „ woe ,, ivl„ caz ,, ere ,, owl ,, ubz ,, ete „ azl ,, acz ,, yue „ nem ,, edz ,, ive „ pim ,, dez ,, owe „ enm ,, ifz ,, aze ,, rom ,, ogz ,, cli.. ipm ,, fiz „ bro ,, orm „ buz ,, EWO ,, usm ,, myz „ gau „ sum ,, laalz ebu ,, fym „ mea ,, icu ,, man ,, hia ,, odu ,, hen ,, oja,. ufu„ jin „ uka ,, agu„ ijn ,, joa„ ciu ,, okn ,, dra ,, sku „ uln „ kua ,, dou ,, amn ,, gya.. wru ,, lun ,, fae„ tyu„ dyn ,, ibe„ tay „ gap,. oce ,, vey „ ebp „ ude ,, wiy „ iop ,, gee „ yoy .. odp„ afe ,, zuy ,, bep„ ege ,, teanz agP.. bie„ via ,, cip„ sme ,, fla„ dop„ coe ,, sna ,, fup„ due ,, woa ,, typ.. zwe ,, era ,, nar ,, vye„ eta ,, per „ tei„ iva ,, rir ,, fli „ owa ,, anr ,, sni ,, aza ,, epr ,, woi „ nee ,, irr ,, cri ,, pie ,, osr„ eti „ cle ,, cyr ,, ivi„ ene ,, has ,, owi ,, roe ,, jes „ azi ,, ipe„ kis„ neo ,, ore ,, iks ,, . pio „ use „ ols ,, clo ,, sue „ los ,, eno „ fye ,, mus ,, roo „ bri„ bys„ ipo ,, swi ,, bat,. oro ,, gao „ abt„ uso ,, ebo ,, idt„ suo „ odo ,, cet ,, fyo ,, beo ,, oU,, mau ,, ufo ,, ugt.. jiu.. ago,. dit„ iju ,> eio ,, fot„ oku „ sko ,, gut .■ ulu ,, doo ,, vyt.. amu „ wro „ fuonz piloz tyo,. enl„ chu „ rol„ blu„ ipl,. nay,, orl„ pey., usl„ riy „ sul„ soy ,, fyl.. raboz mam „ seb,, hem „ onb ,, jim„ upb ,, ijm „ arb„ okm „ pub „ ubn„ lyb„ amm ,, kac „ lum„ leo„ dym„ obe „ gan„ mic ,, ebn „ akc ,, odn „ elo„ ben,. hoc ,, agn„ juc ,, cin ,, zyo„ don „ dad „ fun ,, obd„ tyn „ ucd ,, tap,. add „ vep„ efd„ wip,. igd„ yop.. gid„ atp„ bod,. zup„ cud „ oyp., jyd.. uzp„ yaf,. bar,, zef„ jer„ tif „ ahr„ vof ,, kir„ itf „ olr„ wuf „ lor,. ovf „ mnr„ ayf „ byr„ ezf „ bas„ sag,. aba,. nig,. ids,. pog,. ces„ opg,. ofs,, urg„ ng8„ asg„ -ais „ rug,. fos„ byg., gus „ lab „ rys„ meh ,, vat,. hih„ wet,. nkh„ yit „ alh„ zot„ emh ,, utt „ job ,, tut,, kua„ avt ,, gyb „ pyt.. faj „ ozt „ ibj „ pav„ oej„ siv ,, udj „ apv ,, gej.. erv ,, egj „ nuv ,, bij.. wyv ,, CO] „ jaw „ duj „ kew„ vyj „ ubw ,, zak ,, liw„ tek„ ajw ,, vik ,, ekw ,, wok ,, ilw„ etk „ mow ,, yuk.. huw ,, ivk„ nyw „ owk ,, cay ,, azk„ uby „ nel„ acy.. edyoz dey ,, iiy .. ogy .. fiy., buy,, waz ,, yez ,, ziz ,, toz ,, awz ,, izz ,, neapz pia„ cla ,, ena ,, roa „ ipa „ ora ,, osa ,, sua ,, lya „ mae ,, hee „ jie .. ije „ oke „ ale ,, ame ,, koe ,, bre ,, lue „ Bwe ,, dye „ gai „ ebi ,, odi „ bei „ ufi ,, agi „ ski „ do; „ wri ,, fni„ tyi ,, tao „ veo,, cho ,, wio ,, blo„ yoo „ ato ,, zuo ,, evo „ oyo ,, nzo ,, nau ,, riu ,, anu ,, sou ,, epu „ iru ,, osci ,, cyu „ hay „ jey .. kiy „ loy ,, muy ,, gaarz eba ,, ica ,, oda ,, bea ,, Ufa „ aga ,, cia,, ska „ doa ,, wra„ fuarz tya ,, tae„ vee„ che„ wie „ ble „ yoe „ ate„ zue „ eve,, oye „ uze „ nai ,, pei„ ani„ soi „ epi „ iri„ osi „ cyi „ hao„ jeo„ aho „ kio „ olo „ umo ,, loo,, 8t0„ muo „ byo„ bau „ abu ,, ecu ,, idu ,, ofu ,, ugu„ dia „ fou ,, tru ,, ryu „ taasz vea ,, cha ,, wia ,, bla„ yoa „ ata ,, zua ,, eva „ oya ,, nza „ sti ,, bao ,, abo „ eoo ,, ido ,, ceo ,, ofo „ ugo., dio „ foo ,, tro„ guo.. ryo „ vau ,, yiu „ zou ,, utu ,, avu „ pyu .. ozu ,, naatz pea „ ria ,, ana ,, soa ,, epa ,, ira ,, osa,. 38 cyatz CYPHERS IN TERMINATIONAL ORDER. 40. vyvy« cyatx duhuz ubvuz yiewz hae ,, vyb „ liv„ zee „ jee ,, Zftj,, ftjv ,. ute ,, abe„ ekv ,, tne „ kie„ ilv„ ave ,, ole „ woj „ moT „ pye„ ame ,, etj„ huv ,, oze „ loe„ yuj .. nyv,, jao„ 8te„ ivj „ ubw ,, keo„ mue ,, OWJ ,, edw ,, uho ,, / bye,, azj„ dew ,, lio ,, bai.. nek ,, ifw ,, ajo„ abi,. pik.. ogw ,, eko „ eci ,, enk„ fiw„ ilo „ idi„ rok„ gow ,, moo ,, oei „ ipk.. buw ,, hue ,, ofi,. ork „ myw,. nyo ,, ugi,. nsk,. way,, tybya toi„ sak„ yey ., syg,. tri.. fyk.. ziy .. ryl,. gnl.i mal„ toy,. lyr „ ryi„ hd,. awy „ kys„ pan,, Sitt., S" izy „ raz ,, vyv „ »pu„ okl„ sez ,, era,, nU„ onz „ "y* •! •ml,, npz ,, kabas lul„ arz„ leb.. dyl„ puz„ ohb.. gun,, lyz,. mib„ icm „ haavz «tkb,. odm„ jea „ elb.. bem ,, aha ,, hob,. •«m„ kia ,, jub„ oim„ ola„ «yb„ dom „ nma ,, dao„ fum „ loa„ obo„ tym ,, Bta„ uoo,, tan,. mua,. ade„ ven „ baa „ efo,. win,. abe„ igfi,. yon ,, ece ,, gio„ atn„ ide ,, boo.. «un„ cee ,, cue,. oyn„ o(e ,, jy«.. uzn,. uge ,, yad„ nap,. die.. «ed„ pep,, foe,. tid.. rip.. tre ,. vod„ »np„ gne„ itd„ sop., rye,. wud„ ovd„ epp„ up.. pao„ reo „ •yd,. OBp„ sio ,, OEd., cyp.. apo „ Mrf., bar.. ero „ nif., •br„ nao „ PQ<.. cer„ wyo.. opl„ ofr,. Jan., urt „ dir„ aha ., •d.. for,. liu.. rnf „ gur,. aja„ hjt,. xyr.. eku„ !•«.. ▼as ,, ilu„ meg.. wes ,,' moa ,, hig,. yi3„ nyu „ nkg„ zos„ baaws ^.. uts „ aba,, emg,. tua„ eca„ jog.. avs „ ida„ Icog.. pys.. cea„ gygt. ozs ,, of a ,, fah„ pat.. uga,, ibh,. Bit,, dia.. ooh„ apt,. foa,. ndh,. ert„ tra„ 8«b„ But,, gua „ •gb„ ^v" rya,. bib,, »v„ Tae„ ooh„ wee,, BENTLEY'S MILLION CYPHERS. {8 Letters ^each with a 2 Letter difference.) FOB TRANSMITTING ANY FIGURES WITHIN THE FOLLOWING RANGE: 0/9, 00199, 0001999, 000019999, 00000199999, 0000001999999. These Cyphers (" First Series ") are compiled, with Tenninational Order, for use with " Bentley's Complete Phrase Code" and "Bentley's 900 Million Cyphers," from all of which they can be immediately distin^shed, aa they are shorter in length by two letters in the complete 'word. Many firms use Codes having numbered sentences," or in some instances, both code words and numbers against each sentence. Bentley's Million Cyphers are specially adapted for indiscriminately mixing such Private Codes (or the chief Pnblic Codes, viz. : A.B.C., Western Union, Lieber's and others) with " Bentley's Complete Phr^ Code " of about 1000 million phrases and combinations. The numbers standing against the sentences in such Codes are converted into these Cyphers instead of -.isinq the Code words in those Codes, thus preventing any possibihty of confusion arising when mixing such sentences with -" Bentley's Complete Phrase Code." These facilities ensure a great economy in despatches. The Cyphers also are specially useful for transmitting messages under the Figure Code System, enabling users to state in one word the quantity up to 999 of any of 1000 articles, or to combine any three of 99 sentences or two of 999. EXAMPLES. (Divide the word In half and translate each half.) abwelaciv acvelatec afotlazmo awaclkaoz azadlbivo 3] 6 8176 07\93 83] 437 003\ 022 On page 8 will be found another set of Cyphers (" Second Series ") from " Bentley's Complete Phrase Code," which enables a half cypher to be used from that Code, and the other half of the same word can represent the first one, two or three figures of the number of a f sentence, not exceeding 210,000, taken from a Private or Public Code. EXAMPLE. One Word (anvdozwocs). One Wdrd (zyardoepjyt). anvdo 8*Dtence from the •' Pbraee Code." ZWOCS 020 Being tbe first 3 figures of a RToup from the Privnte or Public Code transmitted bj tbe 2nd series, page 8. zygdo 085 Being tbe last 3 CgoTM a gronp from tho Private or Public Code. epjyt Another sentence from the "Phrase Code." = Sentence No. 020085 in Private or Public Codo. This latter enables the user to unite \in tiro words one phrase from " Bentley's Complete Phrase Code,". OM phrase from tbe Private or Public Code, and| another phrase from "Bentley's Complete Phrase Code." The two aeries roust be kept distinct, «.«., a half cypher from the let series mutt not be joined to a half cypher from the 2nd series or Phrase Code. Apart from the above facilities • any f two 1 words or phrases from "Bentley's Coidplete Phrase Code" can be coupled together in one word of. ten letters jas/controsted with eight letters in this Million Series. 1st series. These Cyphers are to be used for abev exoh y- abev 3.5 akne 000 a3db 065 daup 130 ekun 36 akor 001 ayoc 066 dawo 131 alex 37 aksa 002 ayud 067 daza 132 elip 1 aboz 38 akus 003 a,zad 068 deap 133 elne 39 alas 004 azbo 069 dees 134, elor 40 alen 005 azda 070 deix 135 alus a abva 41 alix 006 azef 071 deor 136 emas 42 alop 007 a.frfe 072 data 137 amen 43 alpo 008 azlg 073 deun 138 emix 3 abwe 44 alra 009 azob 074 diwe 139 emop 45 amin 010 azuc 075 dizo 140 empo 46 amno Oil baet 076 doas 141 emKe 4 abzo 47 amox 012 baiv 077 doan 142 eual 48 amup 013 bauz 078 doip 143 enem 49 anho 014 bawe 079 doox 144 enio enia 5 acet 50 anka 015 beas 080 doto 145 51 aula 016 beip 081 dowa 146 anme 52 apah 017 beox 082 doye 147 enoi enuk 6 aciv 53 apha 018 beto 083 duar 148 54 apik 019 biar 084 duex 149 epaj 55 apie aplo 020 biex 085 duop 150 apak 7 acuz 56 021 biop 086 duvo 151 epil 57 apol 022 bivo 087 duya 152 epuh 58 apnm 023 biya 088 duze 153 arah 8 acve 59 aram 024 bize 089 abav 154 erha *\ 60 arhe 025 boax 090 ebiz 155 arik ^} 61 arij 026 boup 091 ebto 156 arie erlo t!" acyo 62 arko 027 bowo 092 abut 157 ■^ " 63 arok 028 boza 093 ebwa 158 arol 64 arwl 029 buap 094 ebye 159 arum 00 ' adaz 65 asal 030 bues 095 ecat 160 esam 01 adit 66 asem 031 buor 096 ecav 161 eshe 02 adov 67 asjo asla 032 buve 097 acoz 162 esij oa adte 68 033 buyo 098 ecva 163 esko 04 adwo 69 asme 034 caap 099 ecwa 164 esma OS adza 70 asoj asuK 035 caes 100 aczo 165 esok oa afez 71 036 caix 101 adat 166 esul .07 afot 72 atab 037 caor 102 ediv 167 etac 08 aftiv 73 atba 038 cata 103 edta 168 etca 09 afyo 74 atce 039 caun 104 eduz 169 etde ho afya 75 atec 040 cayo 105 edve 170 eted li a^e 76 atfo 041 ceet 106 edyo 171 etgo atif xa agav 77 atid 042 ceiv 107 efeiz 172 13 agiz 78 atof 043 ceuz 108 afit 173 etog atuD 14 agto 79 atug 044 cava 109 afov 174 15 agut 80 avbe 045 cezo 110 afta 175 evab 16 agwa 81 avdo 046 cias 111 efwo 176 avba 17 asye aJoap 82 avga 047 cian 112 afza 177 evca 18 83 awac 048 ciox 113 egaz 178 evac 19 a,her 84 awca 049 ciwa 114 egot 179 avfo [20 ahis 85 awde 050 ciya 115 eguv 180 evid 21 ahon 86 awgo 051 coar 116 agvo 181 evof 22 ahpa 87 awog 052 coax 117 egya 182 evug 23 ■ ahso 88 axai axek 053 cous 118 agze 183 ewad 24 aliTix 89 054 covo 119 enar 184 ewbo 25 ajax 90 axil 055 coya 120 ehes 185 ewda 26 aqir 91 axia axke 056 coze 121 ehin 186 ewef 27 ajna 92 057 cuax 122 ehox 187 ewfe 28 aqos 93 axmo 058 cuer 123 ehup 188 ewob 29 ajpe 94 axuh 059 cuon 124 akax 189 exak 30 aqro 95 ayaf 060 cuwo 125 ekir 190 exel 31 agun akan 96 ayco 061 cnza, 126 ekna 191 axho 32 97 ayeg 062 daax 127 ekos 192 exka 33 akex 98 ayfa 063 daer 128 ekpe 193 exle 34 akip 99 ayge 064 daon 129 ekro 194 exoh ex^J 1st SER\ES-Continued. nila 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 203 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 236 2S7 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 exuj eyag eybe eydo eyeb eyga eyic eyod eyuf ezaf ezco ezeg ezfa ezge ezlb ezoc ezud faar faex fain fiaop £a,us favo faya faze feax feer feon feza flap fies fior fita fiyo foet foiv fouz fova fowe fozo faas f\ien faox futo fuwa ftiye gaas gaen gaip gaox gato gawa gaye geex eein geop geus gevo geze giax gier gion giwo giza goap 260 goix 261 goor 262 gota 263 goun 264 gove 265 goyo 266 guva 267 guwe 268 269 guzo naan 270 haep 271 haos 272 hapa 273 haso 274 haux 275 haxe 276 heaz 277 heev 278 heit 279 heno 280 hexa 281 hiez 282 hiov 283 hipo 284 hira 285 hise 286 boat 287 hooz 288 hosa 289 houv 290 hoxo 291 huav 292 huna 293 huot 294 hupe 295 huro 296 ibez 297 ibot 298 ibuv 299 ibvo 300 ibya 301 ibze 302 icav 303 iciz 304 icut 305 icwa 306 icye 307 idat 308 idev 309 idoz 310 idva 311 idwe 312 idzo 313 ifet 314 ifiv 315 ifta 316 ifiiz 317 ifye 318 ifyo 319 igaz 320 igit 321 igov 322 igte 323 igwo 324 igza 325 ijar 326 iqes 327 ijin 328 iqno 329 iqox 330 ijre 331 ijup ikap 332 333 iker 334 ikis 335 ikon 336 ikpa 337 ikso 338 ikux 339 ilir 340 i na 341 ilos 342 ilpe 343 ilro 344 ilun 345 imex 346 imip 347 imor 348 imus 349 inam 350 inhe 351 inij 352 inko 353 inma 364 inok 355 inul 356 ipak 367 ipel 358 ipho 359 ipka 360 iple 361 ipoh 362 ipuj 363 irai irek 364 366 iril 366 367 ina irke 368 inno 369 iruh 370 isah 371 isha 372 isik 373 isie islo 374 375 isol 376 isum 377 itad 378 itbo 379 itda 380 itef 381 itfe 382 itig itob 383 384 ituc 385 ivac 386 ivca 387 ivde 388 ived 389 ivgo 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 416 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 436 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 462 453 464 ivif ivog ivnb ixal ixem ixio ixme ixoi ixvCk izag izbe izdo izeb izga izic izod izuf jaav jaiz qana jaot jape jaro jeep qeir qeos jepa jeso jexe jiaz jiev qino qire qixa joez 400V jopo qora qose jout juat juoz jusa uxo caat cane caoz !casa eauv caxo 'ceav ceiz cena ceot cepe cero dan dep dos dpa !riso dxe coaz koev i 455 koit 456 kono 457 kore 458 koxa 459 kuez 460 kuov 461 kupo 462 kura 463 kuse 464 laez 465 laov 466 lapo 467 lara 468 lase 469 leat 470 lene 471 leoz 472 lexo 473 liav 474 Una 475 liot 476 lipe 477 liro 478 loep 479 lopa 480 loso 481 loux 482 loxe 483 luaz 484 luev 486 luno 486 xn.asi7. 487 maev 488 mait 489 maxa 490 meez 491 meov 492 mepo 493 mera 494 miat 496 mioz 496 mixo 497 moav 498 moiz 499 muan 500 muep 601 muos 502 mupa 603 muxe 504 naik 505 naia nake 506 607 name 608 naol 609 naum 610 neag 611 neho 512 neic 513 neka 614 nele 616 need 616 niaf 517 nieg 618 619 : nila nime 1st series— ^o"'/"""'- usel 520 nime 685 olap 650 oyac 715 ruho 780 udvo 521 nioc 586 oler 651 oyca 716 ruka 781 udya 522 noad 587 olis 652 oyde 717 ruod 782 udze 523 noef 688 olon 653 oyed 718 saag 783 ufav 524: nohe 589 olpa 654 oygo 719 saho 784 xifiz 525 noig 690 ohix 655 oyif 720 saic 785 ufto 526 noko 591 omax 656 oyog 721 saka 786 ufat 527 noma 592 omir 657 oyub 722 saod 787 ufwa 528 noob 593 omos 658 ozab 723 seac 788 vifye 529 nouc 594 omun 659 ozba 724 sela 789 ugat 530 nuac 595 onah 660 ozce 725 1 seog seuD 790 vigev 531 nued 596 onha 661 ozec 726 : 791 ugoz 532 nuha 597 onik 662 ozfo 727 '■ siad 792 ugva 533 nuje nulo 598 onie onlo 663 ozid 728 sief 793 ugwe 534 699 664 ozof 729 siko 794 ugzo 535 nuog 600 onol 665 ozug 730 siob 795 uhax 536 obaz 601 onum 666 paac 731 soah 796 uhep 537 obit 602 opem 667 paed 732 soha 797 uhir 538 obov 603 opio opla 668 paha 733 1 soik 798 uhna 539 obte 604 669 paif 734 1 soje 799 uhos 540 obwo 605 opme 670 paje 735 soum 800 uhpe 641 obza 606 opoi opuk 671 paog 736 suaf 801 uhro 542 ocez 607 672 paub 737 sueg 802 uhmi 543 ocot 608 orak 673 peik 738 suia siike 803 ujan 644 ocuv 609 orel 674 peke 739 804 ugex 645 ocvo 610 orho 675 pemo 740 SUTTIO 805 ugip 646 ocya 611 orka 676 peol 741 suoc 806 ujne 647 ocze 612 oroh 677 peum 742 taak 807 ujor 648 odav 613 oruj osaj 67S piag 743 taca 808 UlUS nkas 649 odiz 614 679 pika 744 tade 809 650 odto 615 osek 680 piod 745 taim 810 viken 651 odut 616 osil 681 poaf 746 taoh 811 ukix 552 odwa 617 osia oske 682 poeg 747 taui teab 812 \ikop 653 odye 618 683 poib 748 813 \ikpo 554 ofiat 619 osmo 684 PP]0 pola 749 tebo 814 ukra 555 ofev 620 osuh 685 760 teda 816 nkse 556 ofoz 621 otaf 686 pooc 751 teec 816 vilar 657 ofva 622 otco 687 puad 752 tefe 817 ules 658 ofwe 623 oteg 688 puef 763 teof 818 ulin 659 ofzo 624 otfa 689 puhe 754 tia,m 819 ulno 660 oget 625 otge otib 690 puko 755 tico 820 ulox 661 ogiv 626 691 puob 756 tieh 821 ulre 562 ogta 627 Otoe 692 raaf 757 tifa 822 ulup . 663 oguz 628 otud 693 raeg 758 tiok 823 umap 564 ogve 629 ovad 694 raib 769 toai toek 824 umer 565 ogyo ohan 630 ovbo 695 rajo 760 825 umis 566 631 ovda 696 raoc 761 touh 826 iimon 567 obex 632 ovef 697 raud 762 tual 827 iimpa 668 chip 633 ovfe 698 reig 763 tuce 828 timso 669 ohor 634 ovig ovob 699 reko 764 tuem 829 umux 670 ohsa 636 700 rema 765 tuoj 830 unaj unek 671 ohus 636 ovuc 701 reob 766 ubet 831 672 oqas OQen ojis ojop oqpo ojra okar 637 owag 702 reuc 767 ubiv 832 unil 673 638 owbe 703 riah 768 ubta 833 unja 674 639 owdo 704 me mo 769 ubuz 834 utimo 675 640 oweb 705 770 ubve 835 unuh 676 641 owga 706 riol 771 ubyo 836 upam 577 642 owod 707 roac 772 ucaz 837 uphe 578 643 oxam 708 roed 773 ucit 838 upij 679 okes 644 oxhe 709 roif 774 ucov 839 upko 680 okin 646 oxij 710 roia roke 775 ucwo 840 upma 681 okno 646 oxko 711 776 ucza 841 upok 682 okox 647 oxma 712 roog roub 777 udez 842 upul 683 okre 648 oxok 713 778 udot 843 usak 684 okup 649 j oxul 714 ruag 779 uduv 844 usel usho IsT SERIES— Conf/wtfec'. zuof 845 visho S46 uska 847 visle 848 usoh 849 usuj 860 utag 851 utbe 852 utdo 853 uteb 854 utga 855 utic 856 utod 857 utuf 858 uvaf 859 uvco 860 uveg 861 uvfa 862 uvge uvib 863 864 uvoc 866 uvud 866 uxah 867 uxha 868 uxik 869 870 uxie uxlo 871 TlXOl 872 uxfim 873 uza.c 874 uzca 876 uzde 876 uzed 877 wso 878 nziT 879 uzog uzub 880 881 vaaj 882 vaba 883 vace 884 Vaek 886 vafo 886 vail 887 vaom 888 vauh 889 vea,m 890 veca 891 veeh ^92 vego 893 veij 894 veok 896 veul 896 viab 897 viec 898 vife 899 viof 900 voal 901 voco 902 voem 903 vofe, 904 voge 906 vooi VOUK 906 907 vuak 908 vube 909 vudo 910 vuel 911 vuga 912 vuoh 913 v^aab 914 wabe 916 ■vraAo 916 waec 917 waga 918 waid 919 waof 920 waug 921 weba 922 wece 923 wefo 924 weoh. 925 woam 926 wobo 927 woda 928 woeh 929 wofe 930 woij wook 931 932 woul 933 yaal 934 yaco 935 yaem 936 yafe, 937 yage 938 yaoi yauk 939 940 yeaj 941 yebe 942 yedo 943 yeek 944 yega 946 yeom 946 yeuh 947 yiak 948 yiba 949 yice 950 yiel 961 yifo 962 yidh. 963 yoab 964 yoca 956 yode 966 yoec 967 yogo 968 yoid 969 yoof 960 youg 961 yuam 962 yubo 963 jruda 964 yueb 965 yufe 966 yuok 967 zaam 968 zabo 969 zada 970 zaeh 971 zafe 972 zaij 973 zaok 974 zaul 975 zeco 976 zeem 977 zefa 978 zege 979 980 zeoj zeuk 981 ziaj 982 zibe 983 zido 984 ziek 985 ziga 986 ziom 987 zoak 988 zoba 989 zoce 990 zoel 991 zofo 992 zoun 993 zooh 994 zuab 995 zuca 996 zude 997 zuec 998 zugo 999 zuof vaba TERMINATIONAL ORDER OF Ist SERIES. ucwo vaba nhna atab atld nele poaf zooh zeuk ojen pojo t we,, li.. zu ,, ev ,, an,. ot „ ip » en„ uk„ op„ yi.. Hi., ev ,, oz ,, ip„ su ,, or,. vo„ al„ as ,, zo„ ek,. oz „ saod UB„ uv ,, us ,, op,. em „ ix ,, at,, il,. uteb ne „ ex„ ay „ vu „ as ,, do!. reko ev„ hu„ ow„ pi » nitne ez ,, ex ,, ix „ tu„ si,, oz„ hapa ey„ ut„ en ,, sief vauh yaal fain in „ taca je„ IZ ,, ru ,, op„ no ,, ye ,, en „ ge ., no „ ve„ ah.. raib ow ,, as ,, it ,, un ,, vo ,, eh„ up,. yo,. ki„ po,. ey „ ix,. pu ,, to „ as,, ij ,. ar „ et„ ik,. ot„ iz„ kane ov„ ep ,, tu,. ok „ es „ «u„ ol„ uv„ raud le.. ew ,, ir,. i^,. ul.. PU„ It,. nm „ ay.. ot„ nj,. az ,, OS ,, yiel am,. ox„ »w„ lo„ ez.. uv„ ak„ paif ax ,, zo ,, daon rUo oy.. mu ,, reob ay „ el.. ro ,, vaaj ip„ fe„ on,. nz,. lara si „ ez ,, jape et„ ye,. or,. ah„ ap„ Mda me,. no,. wabe ke„ iv „ zi ,, us,, gi.. er „ t«„ hi,. it,. ye„ uh„ oy,. un,, vu„ ik.. is,. wo„ oj„ pn,. zi ,, li.. uz ,, to,. ex.. ol.. nn„ it., nk.. ov„ nt.. aj,. waof ep„ vail um„ ux.. -. yi „ al.. ew„ vu„ ek,. te„ ir,. un„ cu„ namo ov„ io„ az „ av„ il,. vi.. OS ,, ep,. caun pe„ ev „ kn„ paub ow ,, hu ,, yo,. ax „ ir„ de,. un„ az„ se ,, ey ,. jire at,. zay OS „ uh „ ir.. yafa oh„ ro„ iz.. ij.. zu „ ve ,, ax ,, aj „ OS,, Be,, ak.. et „ vace ok„ ev ,, in ,, naol ek,. 8U„ ti.. ho ,, iT„ we ,, ul „ oz ,, WO ,, pe „ il„ ax „ TO,, ju„ oy„ yi.. ko„ ntuf up,, ri„ •m„ heno ot.. c&ta uz ,, zo „ lase ey „ ar „ on,. go,, ji.. OT,. nb ,, paao at,. hi .'. iz „ es ,, ap„ zabo ij.. •y.. ed„ se,, tu.. uk.. saa£ ox „ er„ te,. ok„ ec,, de„ ro„ ev ,, em,, ne„ yaoj is,. wo„ ul„ watfa if.. et „ oz ,, Jo„ pi.. ze ,, ux ,, it,. am,. ye„ og„ nu., tade ku„ ut„ en„ zaul yu„ ko,. ai,. fi.. iv,. yo„ obte ru ,, vo ,, ve ,, ov„ lu.. »t„ go „ aw ,, et.. ad.. ow ,, op„ in,. ew„ lapo TU „ abva oy „ zu„ ef„ ey „ as,. wo„ az„ me,. *T ,, ec ,, uz ,, iv.. ig.. iz „ tu„ np„ yaoo hi,. OW„ id,. waec aw ,, nbve raeg ix,, ar „ ze„ oj » •y.. ce „ te,. oy „ ao „ ni „ tauj es„ ti., uk,. «,, of.. vi,. uz ,, ed,. po„ ip.. ox„ vo„ al,. paha ug„ yo„ zafe if.. ot „ or,. zaam ot„ em„ on,. fo„ at,. te.. og.. su ,, us „ ve„ uv„ jo,. 80 „ gu .. zu ,, vi ,. go „ uv ,, ex ,, ti„ ay,. ku„ ap„ gawa ev„ wo,. bu„ ay „ taak in,. ez„ jaro er,. eb„ oz ,, it,. bawe ez ,, yi .. wo„ wado ke.. u.. io„ sale yu., ab,. reig zo ,, up,. ye„ uh„ nu„ od „ ne„ ov„ eo ,, no,. ip.. ar„ zi„ li,. nx„ nf „ nt„ ew ,, id,. it., or ,, es„ ut„ aj,. naja ftg,. ey.. az ,, of,. ov „ us ,, yu„ vu„ ek„ un„ ci,. Iz „ yage ng„ az ,, vu ,, ox ,, av „ a„ ro., do,. raoc ze „ di„ pao^ ex ,, yaem ow„ hu., ir.. fu„ ni „ vo ,, fo.. se ,, vaek ze ,, ey „ haso OS,, maxa po.. ot,. gu., ro ,, ye„ en,. iz„ je,. su ,, he,. ot„ uv„ haxe et ,, zi.. vo,. vafo ah„ ax„ )i.. su„ ay,, je.. nu ,. un ,, op„ we,, ki,. saka ko„ uv „ ez „ ki.. iv., to,, as ,, yi.. ik„ ne„ faya ay.. inhe lo.. aw ,, ep,, tu„ zo,. um „ pi.. Ib„ ez „ no „ mu,. oy „ ir ,, ix ,, at,, lo„ •n „ 00 „ reuc up .. gaye uz„ OS ,, taim ev„ gato ip.. nd „ no ,, ar ,, eb„ waug ax ,, zo„ oz ,. eb„ or,, af,. it.. es ,, ic „ yo.. naik vaom vego od,. ■us,, eg.. ov „ pu„ od„ at,, pe„ yo„ yo „ be,. ru„ bi„ az ,, ox „ uf „ ev ,, on ,, zi„ et „ uf ,, ex„ oo„ siad paje ag„ oz ,, so ,, naum zu ,, ae„ gela dn ,, no ,, ri >, ci „ riah ap .. pe,. iv,. do,. ni„ daza it.. on ,, do,. on ,, er ,, on ,, aw„ fu„ en„ ob„ pu., so,, fu„ so „ is ,, so „ oy „ favo po„ uo„ ov„ ap., faze ap„ ux ,, ap„ uz„ ib„ op., ad„ ew „ er ,, ib„ er „ zaok er„ saho oc „ M„ ie„ az ,, is,. 1 nu ,, 00 ,, is ,, ve ,, is,. ne ,, ud„ ix.. ef „ paed ud„ ux „ ti „ ux ,, an,. ge,. rema ig.. ro ,, ux ,, ge ,. zaeh in,. haan ip.. af„ in,. gi.. et„ nake af „ ve ., wo „ oh„ or ,, eg,, no ,, bo.. nu ,, pe„ eg,. ti ., up,, ki„ us ,, bi„ op.. on ,, iv,. ro ,, bi„ wo ,, ar „ uj .. ru ,, CO,, e».. waab oy „ ir,. CO ,, yu „ es,. ak„ ex „ dn„ ox„ te„ uz „ OS ,, BU „ du ,, taoh yu„ mu ,, rajo dawo ir Ti,. vraid raaf we ,, ox ,, gaen ni „ Ob,. yo.. yo.. ax„ ni,. yi ,. yauk ci,. en ,, nc„ ««dwo TERMINATIONAL ORDER OF Ist SERIES. fouz adwo bo„ cu „ k&xo le„ mi,, ho„ jn,. cayo ub„ ao ,, ed„ if., og,. fi.. go,, ba ,, abzo ee„ id,, ce„ of,, ug.. dl„ fo„ gu.. caap de „ ah „ fi,. ii.. ol„ um ,, go,, bu„ haep J6„ ah „ ki„ lo„ mu„ gttip be,, oh „ aj,. ak„ el„ im ,, do „ faop ge ,, W., oj „ uk„ al„ em ,, da ,, daup eh„ «., ok„ ul„ am ,, bo ,, faap eh „ bi„ ok„ al„ 00 „ da„ daer fe„ ah„ >k„ oler um ,, cu„ jeir uh „ aj „ ek„ il.. om ,, caor de„ oh „ fi., aj „ ak„ el„ im ,, go „ bu „ gaas be ,, ci „ oj „ uk ,, al ,, em ,, do ,, fu„ oaes de ,, eh„ fi., ok,, »!.. ba „ ahis ik., ol ,, um „ haos je „ uh ,, ki„ aj „ ek„ il„ om ,, mu ,, faus ge „ oh ,, aj „ ak ,, el„ im ,, CO „ kaat eo ,, id,. le„ of „ ng„ mi ,, ho ,, Jo„ baet ub ,, ao„ ed „ ce ,, if,, og„ fo „ mait ob „ uc ,, ad„ he,, ef„ igit ko ,, jaot ib„ 00 ,, ad „ ke ,, af„ eg „ U., ha ,, ebut ic „ od „ uf „ ag„ Jo„ jaav eb ,, io „ od„ ke „ uf „ »g.. U„ mo ,, hu „ maev ab„ ec ,, id., he,, of „ ug„ J'" ko„ lu „ balY ub„ BC „ ed ,, ce „ if., og,. fo., laov ob ., ao ,, ad ,, me „ ef „ ig.. hi., jo„ ku ,, kauv ib„ 00 „ ud„ af,. eg,, ho ,, daax fe„ uh„ 8>.. aj „ ek„ om„ bo ,, cu„ fa«x ge„ oh „ bi„ Qj ,. »k„ el„ im„ CO,, du«x eaix ie., oj „ uk ,, al„ em ,, go ,, gaox be,, eh„ ci „ ij -. ok„ ul„ am ,, do „ fu„ hauz ah ,, ik „ ol„ um,, lo„ maaz ob „ uo „ ad „ he,, ef,. ji..! ko„ lu „ laez ib „ oc ,, ud ,, me ,, af „ eg,, hi,, jo„ ku „ jaiz eb ,, io„ od„ ke ,, uf „ ag„ mo ,, kaoz ab„ eo ,, id,. le„ of,, ug>. mi,, ho„ ju„ bans ub„ ac„ ed„ oe„ if.. og„ fo„ INSTRUCTIONS, If a mutilated Cypher should arrive reading "etabmele," divide the word into "etab" and "mele," and by turning to this Terminational Order and working backwards through "etab" you find (top of third column) that the code contains "atab" and similarly (top of fifth column) " nele." These would give the correct Cypher, viz., "atabnele." Divide the figures tlias : 0/641, 01/789, or 179/030, wtz., always 3 figures in tlie latter part. H£_—lf these Cyphers are used for this purpose they must be cancelled in " Bentley's Complete Phrase Code " supplement. 2nd series. This page must be used to transmit the first part (0,00 or 000 to 210) of the number of any sentence jn the — — — - ''O''^' ^"'^ '**"* ^''** that a sentence is inserted in the message from that Code, for which purpose these cyphers are exclusively reserved. Any of these can be used for the second part of the number (000/999), the figures in excess of 210 being found under " Numerals" in the Phrase Code, pages 122/5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 61 62 68 64 zuker zukre zukto zukuv zukwy zular zulit zulov zulra zulse zulvo zulyx zumas zmnet zumiv zumsa zumte zumiix zumwo zumzy zunat zunev zunoy zunta zunuz zunve zunyo zuonr zuojs zuokt zuolv zuony zuopz zuorc zuosd zuovg zuozk zupav zupcy zupix zupoz zupub zupva zupwe zupzo zuray zurco zurez zurib zuroc zurud zurya zurze zusaz zusbe zusdo zuseb zusic zusod zusuf zusyg zusza zutab zutec zuthy 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 Oil 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 zutid 020 zutof 021 1 zutug 022 zutyh 023 zuvac 024 zuvca 025 zuvde 026 zuved 027 zuvgo 028 zuvif 029 zuvjy 030 zuvog 031 zuvuh 032 zuvyj 033 zuwad 0J4 zuwef 035 zuwho 036 zuwig 037 zuwoh 038 zuwuj 039 zuwyk 040 zuyaf zuyeg 041 042 zu37fa 043 zuyge 044 zuy]0 045 zuymz 046 zujmb 047 zuyoj 048 zuynk 049 zuyzna 050 zuzag 051 zuzga 052 zuzhe 053 zuzij 064 zuzko 055 zuzmy 056 zuzok 057 zuzul 058 zwags 059 zwaht 060 zwaly 061 zwamz 062 zwanb 063 zwarf 064 zwath 065 zwawk 066 zwazm 067 zwefs 068 zwegt 069 iswehv 070 zweky 071 zwelz 072 zwemb 073 zwenc 074 zwesh 075 zwevk 076 zwewl 077 zwezn 078 zwids 079 zwift 080 zwijy zvnlh 081 082 zwind . 083 zwipf 084 zwocs 085 zwodt 086 zwohy 087 zwolc 088 zwomd 089 zwonf 090 zwori ZWOSK 091 092 zwotl 093 zwowu 094 zwubs 095 zwuct 096 zwugy 097 zwuhz 098 zwuld 099 zwumf 100 zwuph 101 zwui'k 102 zyabt 103 zyafy 104 zyagz 105 zyahb 106 zyakd 107 zyalf 108 zyamg 109 zyarl no zyasm 111 zybat 112 zybev 113 zyboy 114 zybta 115 1 zybuz 116 , zybve 117 ; zybyo 118 zycav 119 zycix 120 zycoz 121 zycub 122 j zycva 123 zycwe 124 zyczo 125 zydbo 126 zydiz 127 zydob 128 zyduc 129 zydwa 130 zydye zyedy zyeid zyelg 131 132 133 134 1 zyen, zyepk 135 136 zyerm 137 zyewr 138 zyezt 139 zyfay 140 Z3rfco 141 zyfez 142 zyfib 143 zyfoc 144 zyfud 145 zyfya 146 zyfze 147 zygaz 148 zygbe 149 zygdo zygeb zyggy zygic zygod zyguf zygyg zygza zyhab zyhba zyhce zyhec zyhfo zyhid zyhof zyhug zyhyh zyicy zyijf zyim zyixt zyjac zyjca zyjde zy^ed zyjgo zyjif zyjog zyjuh zyjyj zykad zykda zykef zykfe zykho zykig zykoh zykuj zykyk zylaf zyleg zylfa zylge zyljo zylly zyloi zyluk zylyl Z3miag zymga Z3rmhe zymij zyinko zymmy zymok zymul zynah zynha zynik Z3mie zymo Z3mny zynol zynum zynyn 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 zyoby zyogd zyoJj zyorp zyovs zyowt zypai zypek Z3rpil zypia zypke zypmo zyppy zypyp zyral zyrem zyrla zyi^me zyrop zyrpo zyryr zysam zysen zysip zysma zysne zyssy zysur zysys zytan zytep zytna zytor zytpe zytro zytus Z3^yt zyubz zyufd zyuhg zyulk zynts zyuvt zjnizy zyvap zyvir zyvos zyvpa. zyvso zyTTtit zyvyv zjpwer zywre zywuv zyzas zyzet zyziv zyzsa zyzte zyzux zyzwo For higher numbers see Phrase Code, pages 122/5 as explained above. ^"^ ^o nli^^y USE . LOAN D^T ^^°^^° :~^sm f^wlaffor^^^iZo, ^-^^^ife: -->«- , Berkeley "°""' f7i4l876 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY