OF ■UW^T!»!Jvh- , i-;infl''''li l, ;!ri , i i 1 ]'!^'*' SUPPLEMENT GIFT OF SEELEY W. MUDD and GEORGE I. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR. JOHN R. HAYNES WILLIAM L. HONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F. SARTORI to the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BRANCH JOHN FISKE This book is DUE on the last ■»d below DIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY < / ) ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY OF EUROPE. A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY OF EUROPE BY WILLIAM Z. RIPLEY, Ph. D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY; LECTURER ON ANTHROPOLOGY AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK A SUPPLEMENT TO THE RACES OF EUROPE A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY (Lowell Institute Lectures) PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY ■ . ' NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1899 98 Copyright i8gq by The Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston. The Public Library of the City of Boston: Printing Department. fgs THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. This list contains nearly two thousand titles. These titles, of which many are in foreign languages, have been so far as was possible compared with the original works, or have been taken from trustworthy sources. In many cases the authors mentioned have verified their own titles, while the Libraries of Harvard University and of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History have courteously helped to make the list complete and accurate. The Public Library of the City of Boston, during the preparation and issue of this bibliography, has materially strengthened its collection in this branch of anthropolo- gical literature, but the undertaking would not have been assumed had not the institution already held in its pos- session a large proportion of the works mentioned. To the titles of works actually on the shelves at the moment of publication have been added shelf-numbers, and by this means the wealth of the collection may easily be es- timated. During the progress of the work many addi- tional books have been purchased and many have been presented by the authors. The attention of scholars is invited to the strength and merit of the collection here offered, and their advice and criticism welcomed. Gifts which shall increase this department are also particularly desirable. The author and the library seek to present an earnest of what may be done by a combination of bibliographical oversight of detail and form, and a specialist's capacity for selecting primary and authentic sources. Herbert Putnam, Lindsay Swift, Librarian. Editor of Publications. April i. 1899. THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. In the preparation of "The Races of Europe," a. thor- ough examination of the original sources of information was rendered necessary. The collections of the Public Library of the City of Boston, of the Boston Society of Natural History, and other institutions in this vicinity, were, in the course of the work, found to be so complete as to warrant an attempt at a comprehensive representa- tion of the literature of the subject. This bibliographical list, constituting a special publication of the Library was the result. Its intimate relationship to the subject matter of the book having been demonstrated, a special edition has been authorized through the cooperation of the pub- lishers of the main volume and the Trustees of the Library. The main body of titles herein may roughly be classed under the following headings: viz., (i) Prehistoric archaeo- logy, concerning the culture and physical characteristics of the primitive inhabitants of Europe; (2) Historical or philological ethnology, referring to the Aryans, Celts, Etruscans, Ligurians and other more or less extinct peoples of antiquity; and (3) Physical anthropology or somatology of the present living population. In the last-named field this list is practically exhaustive; in the first, it will be found to include the more important titles, either directly or by means of the special bibliographies to which reference is made in the index under the names of the several coun- tries. No attempt at completeness in the field of classical, as distinct from prehistoric, archaeology has been made. So far as geographical scope is concerned, western Asia and northern Africa have been included; and also the Russian Empire in respect of its Finnic and Mongol aborigines. This list will be found to contain many references to works in regional geography, since they often involve eth- nological problems. Certain works on customs and folk- lore, some purely descriptive books of travel, and investi- VII THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. gations in demography, have been introduced for the same reason. Linguistic titles, especially references to original maps, could not be omitted, since they are often of peculiar ethnic value. Studies in developmental anthropometry, where not of ethnic significance, are only indirectly dealt with by reference to existing bibliographies of the subject. See the heading Anthropometry in the subject index. The bibliographical arrangement is in alphabet by names of authors and chronologically by titles there- under. The prominence given to the dates in each title follows the system used by Minot and Wilson, and enables a convenient reference to any work by mere citation of the author and the appropriate date. Besides serving the usual and obvious purposes of a finding list, the chrono- logical rather than alphabetical arrangement of titles in the subject index makes the historical development of each topic clear at a glance. In the preparation of this bibliography every pre- caution has been taken to insure accuracy. Almost all of the titles have been taken from the original sources. The proof has been submitted to nearly a hundred of the lead- ing authorities in Europe. Almost three hundred new titles, especially from Slavic sources, have by this means been incorporated in the list, which has also been benefited by a revision at the hands of the authors themselves. While for the subject matter, the scope, and the bibliographical system, the author is alone responsible, the credit for such technical accuracy as the bibliography may possess is due to the careful revision to which it has been subjected by Mr. Lindsay Swift, Editor of the Library publications. Without his aid and counsel, serious errors, even with the best of intentions on my part, would have been inevitable. Grateful acknowledgement for valuable assistance rendered in the preparation of this list is due to many au- thorities, both in Europe and America. The most difficult part of the work, the collection and verification of the Slavic titles, would have been impossible without the co- operation of many distinguished experts; especially Pro- fessors D. N. Anutchin of Moscow, Drs. Lubor Niederle viii THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. and H. Matiegka of Prague, and Dr. Olechnowicz of Lub- lin, Poland. To Drs. Georg Buschan of Breslau. J. Deniker of the Societe d'Anthropologie at Paris, and J. F. Robin- son of Harvard University, as well as to Major W. R. Livermore, U. S. A., I am indebted for valuable sugges- tions. Pi of. G. Sergi of Rome has also rendered important service in various ways. . The Trustees of the Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund have generously contributed to the expense of pre- paring the Slavic portion of this list. Dr. Leo Wiener of Harvard University has rendered important service in connection with these titles. Attention may be called with justifiable local pride to the completeness of the collection of works upon this dif- ficult and technical subject, now on the shelves of the Public Library of the City of Boston. A notable wealth of original material in this branch of science, concerning itself with the origins, the physical and cultural history of the white races of the earth, is here gathered for the use of American students. It is, I believe, a collection scarcely to be equalled in any single library of Europe. That this bibliography, made possible through the liberality of the Trustees, the interest of European scientists, and especially the ever friendly courtesy of the Librarian, Mr. Herbert Putnam, may serve to stimulate future research in America in this important branch of science, is most earnestly to be desired. William Z. Ripley, April i, 1899. IX LIST OF SERIAL PUBLICATIONS CITED. The following is a list of serial publications which have been most commonly analyzed and the titles of which have been variously abbreviated in the body of the list. Annales de demographic 6302.3 Annales de geographic 6272.6 Anthropologic, L'. 4239.55 Archiv fur Anthropologic Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. -230.104 Archivio per l'antropologia. Organo della Societa italiana di antropologia, etnologia e psicologia comparata. 3820a. Beitrage zur Anthropologic und Urgeschichte Bayerns. Organ der Miinchener Gesell- schaft fur Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 3820a. 5 Bulletins de la Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. 4236.50 Centralblatt fur Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 2232.8 Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Gesell- schaft fur Anthropologic, h-thnologie und Urgeschichte. (Appended to Archiv fur Anthropologic) Journal of the Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 6235.50 Memoires de la Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. 4237-50 Memoirs read before the Anthropological so- ciety of London. 122,7.7 Mittheilungen der Anthropologischen Gesell- schaft in Wien. 0230a 14 Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. 627 1.1 Revue d'anthropologie, Paris. 4239.50 Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anthropologie de Paris. 2231.105 Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic Ethnologie und Urge- schichte. (Appended to Zeitschrift fur Eth- nologie.) Zeitschrift fur Ethnologic Organ der Ber- liner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic Eth- nologie und Urgeschichte. 2222.51 A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY OF EUROPE. Abbadie, M. d', and A. de Quatrefages. 1868. Discussion sur lcs types basques. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1868. pp. 101 el seq.) 4236.50.1868 Achelis, T. 1889. Die Entwickelung der modernen Eth- nologic Berlin. 1896. Moderne Volkerkunde. Stuttgart. 2232.10 Allen, Grant. 1881. Early Britain. Anglo-Saxon Britain. London. 2419a. 50 Allmers, H. 1861. Marschenbuch. Land- und Volks- bilder aus den Marschen der Weser und Elbe. Bremen und Leipzig. First edition, Uolha, 1^58. Alsberg, M. 1891. Rassenmischung im Judenthum. (Samml. gemeinverst. wiss. Vortrage, Neue Folge, Serie v, Heft 116, pp. 1-40.) 5914.50.25 Amat, C. 1884. Anthropologic de l'Algerie: Les Beni- M'zab. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, vii, pp. 617-639-) 4239-S0.7 Amnion, O. 1890. Anthropologische Untersuchungen der Wehrpflichtigen in Baden. (Samml. gemeinverst. wiss. Vortrage, Neue Folge, berie v, Heft 101, pp. 1-30.; 5914.5025 1892. La selection naturelle chez 1 homrae. (L'Anth., iii, pp. 720-736.) 4239-55-3 1893. Dienaturhche Auslese beim Menschen. Jena. 3822.102 1894. Die Korpergrosse der Wehrpflichtigen in Baden, 1840-04. Karlsruhe. (Beitrage zur Statistik des Grossherzogthums Baden. N. F., ii. Heft 5. Maps.) 38203.82 2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Amnion, O. (Continued.) 1896. La correlation entre l'indice cepha- lometrique de Broca et celui d'lhering. (L'Anth., vii, pp. 676-682.) 4239-557 Same, fin Italian.] (Archivio per Pant., xxvi, 1896, pp. 295-300.) 38203.6.26 Same. [In German.] (Centralblatt, ii, 1897, pp. 1-6.) 2232.8.2 1890a. Die Gesellschaftsordnung, und ihre natiirlichen Grundlagen. 2te Aufl. Jena. 1896b. Die Menschenrassen in Europa. (Tagliche Rundschau, Berlin, 1896, pp. 134, 141, 153.) 1896c. Der Abanderungsspielraum. (Natur- wissenschaftliche Wochenschrift, Berlin, Nr. 12, 13, 14.) 3826.44 iS96d. Die Geschichte einer Idee. (Rund- schau. Unterhaltungsbeilage der Deutsch- en Zeitung. Berlin, i, pp. 768, 772, 788, 796, 812, 816.) On the physical characteristics of city popula- tions. Same. Histoire d'une idee. L'anthropo- sociologie. [Tr. par H. Muffang.] (Re- vue intern, de socio!., vi, 1898, pp. 145-181.) 3560a. 107.6 1899. Zur Anthropologic der Badener: Sta- tistik iiber rund 30,000 Wehrpflichtige und Gymnasiasten. (Announced) To be issued by the Anth. Kommission des Karl sru her Alterthums-Vereins. Andree, R. 1870. Die Ruthenen in Galizien. (Globus, xvii, pp. 39-42; 58-61.) 6914.1.17 1873. Das Sprachgebiet der Lausitzer Wen- den, 1 550-1872. (Petermann, 1873, map 17.) 6271. 1. 1873 1878. Rothe Haare. (Zeits. f. Eth., x, pp. 335-345) . *2222.5I.IO 1879a. Verzcichniss ethnographischer Kar- ten. (Archiv f. Anth., xi, pp. 455-468.) 2230. 104. 1 1 1879b. Die Volkergrenzen in Frankreich. (Globus, xxxvi, pp. 6-10, 25-29. Maps.) 6914.1.36 1880. Die Ueberreste der Kelten. [British Isles.] (Globus, xxxvii, pp. 262-266, 278- 2S0, 326-331. Mans.) 6914. 1.37 1881. Zur Volkskunde der Juden. Bielefeld. 2295.53 1885a. Ethnographische Karten. (Mitt des Ver. f. Erdkunde, Leipzig, 1885, pp. 175- 240.) 1885b. Ethnographische Karte von Grau- bunden. [Switzerland.] (Mitt, des Ver. f. Erdkunde. Leipzig, 1885, pp. 187-190.) 1801. Die Grenzen der niederdeutschen Sprache. (Globus, lix, pp. 29-31, 41-43. Maps.) 6914.1.59 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Andree, R. (Continued.) 1S96. Braunschweiger Volkskunde. Braun- schweig. Maps. 2863.63 Andrian-Werburg, F., Freiherr von. 1878. Praehistorische Studien aus Sicilien. Berlin. 2830a. 50 1891. Der Hohencultus asiatischer und eu- ropaischer Volker. Wien. 3494.72 Angeville, Comte A. d'. 1836. Essai sur la statistique de la population franchise consideree sous quelques-uns de ses rapports physiques et moraux. Bourg. Maps. Anthropometric committee. Report. See British ass. for adv. science. Anton, M. 1897. Craneos antiguos de Ciempozuelos. (Bol. de la Real academia de la historia, Madrid, xxx, pp. 467-483.) 3095-54-30 Anutchin, D. N. 1880. nUKoTopbixt anouajiiJixrbiejioBliHecKaro nepena 11 npcHMymecTBPHHO oGtuxt pac- npoCTpaiiouin no pacaMt. [Anomalies of the human skull and particularly their dis- tribution among different races.] (I13B. Ihin. 06m. jik)6. cct., anT. n stii., xxxviii, Bbin. 3, MocKBa, TpyAH am. ota., vi, lco. i- 104.) 1887. flpeBnnx'B ncicyccTBCHno-aP*opjiiTpo- BaHHBixT> ^epenax'B, HaiuemibixT. Bt npc- A'&Jiax'B Pocciu. [Ancient artificially de- formed skulls found in Russia.] (II3B. Ibm. of) in,. aw6. oct. . . . Tout 49, bbih. 4, IIpoT. 3acBA. Aht. ota., l88 7> cols. 367-409, MoCKBa.) 3S2oa.i7 1889. reorpaan^ecKOM'B pacnpeAUflCHin pocTa MyaccKaro nacejienia Poccin. [Geographical distribution of stature of the male popula- tion of Russia.] (3aniiCKii Hun. pyccK. rcor. 06m,., CTaT. OTA-, vii, Bun. I.) 3S22.153 Resume in L'Anthropologie, i, 1890, pp. 62-74. 1890. Ueber die Aufgaben der russischen Ethnographic (Russische Revue, St. Petersburg, xxx, pp. 54-66; 141-163.) 7269.1.30 1892. Sur les cranes anciens, artificiellement deformes, trouves en Russie. (Congres int. d'anth., ne session, Moscow, i, pp. 263-268.) 6235.20,sess.n,v.i 1893. Quelques donnees pour la craniologie de la population actuelle du gouvernement de Moscou. (Congres int. d'anth., lie session. Moscow, ii, pp. 279-286.) 6235.20,sess.u,v.2 4 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Aranzadi y Unamuno, T. de. 1889. El pueblo euska'duna. Estudio de antropologia. San Sebastian. 38203.45 1892. See Hoyos Sainz. 1894a. Le peuple basque. Resume. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1894, pp. 510-520.) 4236.50.1894 1894b. Observaciones antropometricas en los Cacerenos. (Actas de la Sociedad es- panola de historia natural, xxiii, enero, pp. 1-4.) 1894c. See Hoyos Sainz. 1896. Consideraciones acerca de la raza basca. (Euskal - Erria, San Sebastian, xxxv, pp. 33-37, 65-72, 97-I03, 129-134.) Arbo, C. O. E. 1875. Om Sessions - Underso'gelsernes og Recruterings-Statistikens Betydning for Videnskaben og Staten. Maps. Christiania. 1882. La premiere decouverte d'ossements humains de l'age de la pierre en Norwege. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, v, pp. 497-505-) 4239.50.1882 1884. Nogle Bidrag til Nordmrendenes fysiske Anthropologi. (Biologiske Med- delelser, 1884, Heft 2.) 1887. La carte de l'indice cephaliqiie en Nor- wege. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp 257- 264.) 4239.50.1887 1889. See Topinard: 1889. 1891. Fortsatte Bidrag til Nordnuendenes fysiske Antropologi. 1. 0sterdalen og Gudbrandsdalen. (Norsk Magazin for Laegevidenskaben, Kristiania, Aarg. 52. Pis.) 38203.78 1893. Bidrag til Kundskab om Frero'ernes Befolknings Anthropologi. Kjp'benhavn. 3820.87 Ssertryk af dansk geografisk Tidskrift. 1894. Udsigt over det sydvestlige Norges anthropologiske forhold. Stockholm. 3824.32 From Ymer, i?Q4. 1895a. Iagttagelser over den mandlige norske Befolknings Heiideforhold. i, 22- 23. Aars alderen. (Norsk Magazin f. Laegevidenskaben, 4 Raekke, x, pp. 497- 515. Map.) 1895b. Fortsatte Bidrag til Nordimendenes fysiske Anthropologi: 3. Stavanger Amt. (Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter, mathema- tisk-naturv. Klasse, 1895, No. 6, Kristia- nia.) 38203.78 1895c. Nogle iagttagelser over militrerdyg- tigheden i Norge. (Statscikonomisk tids- skrift, 1895, pp. 101-121. Kristiania.) 3954-87 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Arbo, C. O. E. (Continued. - ) 1897. Fortsatte Bidrag til Nordmaendenes Anthropologi; 4. Lister og Mandals Amt. (Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter, mathema- tisk-naturv. Klasse, 1897, No. 1, Kris- tiania.) 38203.78 1898. Fortsatte Bidrag til Nordmaendenes Anthropologi: 5. Nedenaes Amt. (Viden- skabsselskabets Skrifter, mathematisk-na- turv. Klasse, 1898, No. 6, pp. 1-85. Pis.) 3820a. 78 Arbois de Jubainville, M. H. d'. 1882. Les Celtes et les langues celtiques. (Revue archeologique, serie 2, xliii, pp. 87-95, 141-154.) 2217.51. ser. 2, vol. 43 1889-94. Les premiers habitants de 1' Eu- rope, d'apres les ecrivains de l'antiquite et les travaux des linguistes. 2e ed., aug- mentee, avec la collaboration de G. Dot- tin. Paris. 2 v. 2235.101 An extended review in Collignon, 1893b. 1890. Les Gaulois et les populations qui les ont precedes dans l'ltalie du nord. (Re- vue celtique, xi, pp. 152-172.) 2957.74.11 1893-4. Les Celtes en Lspagne. (Revue celtique, xiv, pp. 357-395; xv, pp. 1-61.) 2957.74.14, 15 Arcelin, A. 1880. L'origine des Aryas. (Revue des questions scientifiques, 1880, pp. 330-335.) 3912.100.7 Arnold, W. 1880. Deutsche Urzeit. Gotha. 2815.54 Aryans. 1864. Discussion sur les origines indo-eu- ropeennes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1864, pp. 188-242.) 4236.50. 1864 Atgier, E. A. 1895. Anthropologic de la France; La Vi- enne. fitude, suivie de la statistique eth- nique de l'lndre. Angers, 1895. [Manu- scrit inedit de 233 pp. in fol., avec cartes et tabl.] (Analyse, par J. Deniker, en Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1895, pp. 719-721.) 4236.50.1895 Atkins, T. de C. 1892. The Kelt or Gael; his ethnography, geography and philology. London. 2235.122 Auerbach, B. 1890. La Lorraine. (Revue de geographic Paris, xxvi, pp. 175-185, 241-257; xxvii, pp. 9-20.) 6263.69.26, 29 1895. La repartition geographique de la population sur le sol allemand. (Ann. de geog., v, pp. 59-7I-) 6272.8.5 6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Auerbach, B. (Continued.) 1898. Les races et les nationalites en Au- triche-Hongrie. Paris. Maps. 4833.25 Babington, W. D. 1895. Fallacies of race theories as applied to national characteristics. London. 2239.115 Baer, K. E. von. Bibliography in Archiv f. Anth. xi. pp. 156-176. 1824 Vorlesungen fiber Anthropologic Konigsberg. Atlas. 3762.61 1859a. Nachrichten iiber die ethnographisch- craniologische Sammlnng der K. Aka- demie der Wiss. zu St. Petersburg. (Bull. Acad. imp. des sciences, CI. phys.-math., xvii, np. 177-211.) 32-0.2.17 1859b. Crania selecta ex thesauris anthropo- logicis Academiae imperialis Petropoli- tanae. (Memoires de l'Academie imp. des sciences, St. Peiersboure, serie 6, Sciences nat., viii, pp. 243-268. Pis.) 3260.2.8 i860. Ueber den Schadelbau der rhritischen Romanen. (Bull, de l'Acad. imp. des sciences de St. Petersbourg, i, col. 38- 60.) 3S2oa.2.i Baist, G. 1888. Die spanische Sprache. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Sprache, i. pp. 689-714.) 4681.51. 1 Bannister, H. M. 1888. (With L. Hektoen.) Race and in- sanity. (American journal of insanity, xliv, pp. 455-470.) 5773.1.44 Bannwarth, E. 1894. See Studer: 1894. Barry, J. W. 1803. Studies in Corsica. London. 2762.78 Bartels, P. R. A. 1897. tiber Geschlechtsunterschiede am Schadel. Berlin. 3822.107 Bartenef, V. 18H6. Ha KpaHncMt ctBopo-3anaji,Ti Cii6npn. OiepKH o6AopCKaro. [In the far Northwest of Siberia. Obdorsk region.] Cn6. 3S22.213 Barth, J. 1896. Norr0naskaller. Crania antiqua in parte orientali Norvegise meridionalis in- venta. Christiania. Pis. 38203.15 Barthelemy, F. 1889a. Repertoire des decouvertes prehisto- riques dans le departement de la Meurthe. (Association franqaise pour l'avancement des sciences, Compte rendu de la i8 me ses- sion, 1889, partie 2, pp. 599-614. Map.) 3919.55, session 18, pt. 2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY <>i i i ROPE. Barthelemy, F. (Continued.) 1889b. Recherches archeologiques sur la Lorraine avant l'histoire. Nancy et Paris. Maps. Pis. 2637.57 Contains a bibliography. Bassanovic, I. 1891. MaTepusjiH 3a camiTapiiaTa eTHorpa*na Ha Btjirapna. JIomckiibt'i. OEpkcrt. [Ma- terials on the anthropology of the Bulgars. The Lomsk district.] (CfiopnHKT. 3a HapOflHH yMOTBopemiJi, nayKa it KHHSKHHHa, (Jo$nn, v. pp. 3-186,) 3820a. 36 Bateman, T. 1861. Ten years' diggings in Celtic and Saxon grave hills in the counties of Derby. Stafford and York. London. 2533-8 Baudrillart, H. 1885-93. Les populations agricoles de la France. Serie 1-3. Paris. 3570.147 1891-3. Rapport sur l'etat intellectuel, moral et materiel des populations agricoles. (Se- ances et travaux de l'Acad. des sciences morales et politiques, Institut de France, Paris.) 3225.50.135-130 Namely: — 1891. Vaucluse, cxxxv, pp. 177-208; Alpes-Mari- times, Ibid., pp. 515-534; Languedoc, Ibid., pp. 609-632; Herault, cxxxvi, pp. 5-32; (lard et Aude, Ibid., pp. 281-323. 1892. Roussillon, cxxxvii, pp. 575-596; Ariege, cxxxviii, pp. 5-49; Lozere, Ibid., pp. 745-798- 1893. Ardeche, cxxxix, pp. 201-232; 329-370; Haute- Loire, Ibid., pp. 489-539. Baudrimont, A. E. 1854. Histoire des Basques, 011 Escualdunais primitifs. Bordeaux. Baxter, J. H. 1875. Statistics, medical and anthropological, of the Provost-Marshal-GeneraFs bureau. Washington. 2 v. Pis. 5760.11 Baye, J., baron de. 1880. L'archeologie prehistorique. Paris. 2230a. 58 Same. 2e ed. 1888. Beavan, H. J. C. 1865. Observations on the people inhabiting Spain. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, ii, pp. 55-67-) 2237.7.2 Beck, L. 1884-95. Die Geschichte des Eisens. Braun- schweig. 2 v. 6236.55 Beddoe, J. 1854. On the ancient and modern ethno- graphy of Scotland. (Proc. Soc. of anti- quaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, i, pp. 243- 257-) 4523. 104. 1 8 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Beddoe, J. (Continued.) 1857. On the physical characters of the an- cient and modern Germans. (Trans. Brit, ass. adv. sc, 1857, pp. 1 18-120.) 7912.1.1857 1861a. Snr la conletir des veux et des che- veux des Trlandais. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., ii. pp. 562-566.) 4236.50.1861 1861b. On the physical characteristics of the Jews. (Trans. Ethnol. soc, London, i, pp. 222-2?7.) 6237.2.1 1861c. On the physical character of the na- tives of some parts of Italy, and of the Austrian dominions. (Trans. Ethnol. soc, London, 1861, i, pp. 111-122.) 6237.2.1 1863. On the supposed increasing prevalence of dark hair in England. (Anth. review, i, pp. 310-312.) 6236. 1. 1 1865a. On the testimony of local phenomena in the west of England to the permanence of anthropological types. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, ii, pp. 37-45.) 2237.7.2 1865b. On the head-forms of the west of England. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, ii, pp. 348-3S7-) 2237.7.2 1867-aa. On the stature and bulk of man in the British Isles. (Mem. Anth. soc, Lon- don, iii, pp. 384-573-) .2237.7.3 i867-9b. On the physical characteristics of the inhabitants of Bretagne. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, iii, pp. 359-365-) 2237.7.3 1867-9C. On the headform of the Danes. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, iii, pp. 3~8- 383) 2237.7.3 1870. The Kelts of Ireland. (Jour, of anth., 1870-71, pp. 117-131.) 6236. 1. 1870-71 1871. The anthropology of Lancashire. (Proc Anth. soc, London, 1871, pp. xv- xviii. In appendix to Jour. Anth. inst, i.) 6235.50.1 1872. Notes on the Wallons. (Jour. Anth. inst.. ii, pp. 18-20.) 6235.50.2 1873. [On the anthropology of Yorkshire.] (Trans, sections, Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1873, pp. 134-140.) _ 7912.1.1873 187a. On the Bulgarians. (Jour. Anth. inst.. viii, pp. 232-239.) _ 6235.50.8 1881. On anthropological colour phenomena in Belgium and elsewhere. (Jour. Anth. inst, x. pp. 374-380.) 6235.50.10 1882a. English surnames from an ethnolo- gical point of view. (Jour. Anth. inst., xii, pp. 231-242.) 6235.50.12 1882b. Sur la couleur des yeux et des che- veux dans la France du nord, et du centre. (Bull. Sec. d'anth., serie 3, v, pp. 146-163.) 4236.50.1882 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Beddoe, J. (Continued.) 1885. The races of Britain. Bristol and London. 2232.65 1887a. The physical anthropology of the Isle of Mann. (Manx note book, January, Bristol, pp. 1— 1 1.) 3822.94 1887b. On the stature of the older races of England as estimated from the long bones. (Jour. Anth. inst., xvii, pp. 202-209.) 6235.50.17 1889. On human remains at Woodcuts, Ro- therley, etc. (Jour. Anth. inst., xix, pp. 2- II.) 6235.50.19 1893. The anthropological history of Eu- rope. Rhind lectures for 1891. Paisley. Map. Charts. 3822.95 First published serially in the Scottish review, 1892-93: xix, pp. 405-4J4; xx, pp. 146-163, 362-379: xxi, pp. 162-183, 350-371 ; xxii, pp. S4-103. (Per. Room.) 1894. Sur l'histoire de l'indice cephalique dans les lies Britanniques. (L'Anth., v. pp. 513-529. 658-673.) 4239-55-5 1895. On the northern settlements of the West-Saxons. (Jour. Anth. inst., xxv, pp. 16-20.) 6235.50.25 1897a. See Moore, A. W. 1897b. On complexional differences between the Irish with indigenous and exotic sur- names respectively. (Jour. Anth. inst., xxvii, pp. 164-170.) 6235.50.27 Bedot, M. 1895. Notes anthropologiques sur le Valais. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 4, vi, pp. 486- 494; ix, pp. 222-236.) 4236.50.ser. 4, v. 6, 9 Bellio, V. 1886. Rapporti fra l'etnografia antica dell' Italia e la sua produttivita artistica. (Boll, della Soc. geog. italiana, Roma, xxiii, pp. 264-279. Maps.) 6276.13.23 Belloguet, D. F. L., Baron Roget de. 1861-73. Ethnogenie gauloise. Paris. 4 v. 2637.59 Bendel, J. 1885. Die Deutschen in Bohmen, Mahren und Schlesien. Wien. 2814.52 Benfey, T. 1869. Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und orientalischen Philologie in Deutsch- land seit dem Anfange des 19. Jahrhun- derts mit einem Riickblick auf die fruheren Zeiten. Miinchen. 3915.54.8 1875. Die Indogermanen hatten schon vor ihrer Trennung sowohl Salz als Ackerbau. Aus einem Vortrage Theodor Benfey's, gehalten in der Sitzung der Anthropologi- schen Gesellschaft in Gottingen am 19. IO THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Juni 1875. (Allgemeine Zeitung, Beilage. Juli 27, 1875, pp. 3269, 3270; Juli 28, pp. 3287, 3288. Augsburg. *63oo.2.i875, vol. 3 Benndorf, F. A. O. 1884. (With G. Niemann.) Reisen in Lykien unci Karien. Wien. ***5o7oa.3 Be'renger-Feraud, L. J. B. 1883. La race provengale. Paris. **2687. 55=2687.28 Bergmann, F. W. 1859. Les Getes, ou la filiation genealogique des Scythes aux Getes et des Getes aux Germains et aux Scandinaves. Strasbourg. 2835.60 i860. Les Scythes: les ancetres des peuples germaniques et slaves. 2e ed. Halle. 3067.108 1868. Landeskunde von Vorarlberg. Inns- bruck. Map. 48357 Berthelot. S. 1841-5. Memoire sur les Guanches. (Mem. Soc. ethnologique. Paris, i, pte. 1, pp. 129- 232; ii, pte 1, pp. 77-149.) 6239.60.1, 2 Bertholon, L. 1888. Notice sur l'industrie megalitlnque en Tunisie. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Lyon, vii, pp. 78-89.) 4237.60.7 1889. Esquisse de l'anthropologie criminelle des Tunisiens musulmans. (Archives de l'anth. crim., iv, pp. 389-439-) 3573- 105.4 1890. Note sur deux cranes pheniciens trou- ves en Tunisie. (L'Anth., i, pp. 314-319O 4239.55- 1 1891. Exploration anthropologique de la Khoumirie. (Bull, de geog. hist, et desc. Ministere de l'inst. publ., Paris, 1891, pp. 4I5-499-) 6272.45.1891 1892. Documents anthropologiques sur les Pheniciens. (Bull. Soc. d'anth. de Lyon, xi, pp. 179-224.) Pis. 4237.60.11 1894. Note sur les origines et le type des Pheniciens. (Revue tunisienne, i, pp. 62- 78.) 1895. La race de Neanderthal dans l'Afrique du Nord. (Revue tunisienne, ii, pp. 21- 26.) 3822.135 1896a. La population et les races en Tunisie. (Revue general e des sciences pures et ap- pliquees, 1896. pp. 972-1008.) 1896b. Note sur l'identite des caracteres an- thropologiques des Basques et des Pheni- ciens. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1896, pp. 663- 671.) 4236.50.1896 1897. Exploration anthropologique de Pile de Gerba. (Tunis.) (L'Anth., viii, pp. 318-326, 399-425; et seq.) 4239.55.8 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF KKROPE. II Bertholon, L. (Continued.) 1897-8. Les premiers colons de souche eu- ropeenne dans l'Afrique du Nord. (Revue tunisienne, iv, pp. 416-424; v, pp. 47-70, 147-167.) Bertillon, J. 1885. La taille en France. (Revue scienti- fique, serie 3, x, pp. 481-488. Map.) 5292.1.36 1886. La taille de l'homme en France. Nancy. Bertillonj L. A. 1874. La demographic figuree de la France. Paris. 58 charts. 3760.50 1884-9. (With others.) Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologiques. Paris. 2 v. 2220a.62 Bertin, G. 1881-2. On the origin and primitive home of the Semites. (Jour. Anth. inst., xi. pp. 423-437.) 6235.50.11 1888. The races of the Babylonian Empire. (Jour. Anth. inst., xviii, pp. 104-120. Portrs.) 6235.50.18 Bertrand, A. L. J. 1864. De la distribution des dolmens sur la surface de la France. (Revue archeolo- gique, serie 2, x, pp. 144-154. Map.) 2217.52.ser. 2, v. 10 1873. Celtes, Gaulois et Francs. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, ii, pp. 235-250, 422-435, 629-643.) r 4239.50.2 1876a. Archeologie celtique et gauloise. Paris. 2637.51 Same. 2e edition. 1889. 4632.59 1876b. Rapport sur les questions archeolo- giques discutees an Congres de Stock- holm. (Archives des missions sc. et lit., serie 3, iii, pp. 1-37.) 6224.51. ser. 3, v. 3 1879. Carte de Gaule, dolmens et allees cou- vertes. (Bull. Soc. de geog., Paris, serie 6, xvii, after p. 400.) 2269.1. ser.6,v. 17 See also Malte-Brun. 1891. (With S. Reinach.) Nos origines. La Gaule avant les Gaulois, d'apres les monu- ments et les textes. 2e ed. Paris. 4632.57 1894. See Reinach. 1897. Nos origines. La religion des Gaulois, les Druides et le druidisme. Paris. 3482.138 Betham, Sir W. 1834. The Gael and Cymbri. Dublin. 2520.19 1842. Etruria-Celtica. Dublin. 2 v. 2730.12 Bianchi, S. 1884. Craniologia dei Senesi odierni. [Si- ena.] (Archivo per l'ant., xiv, pp. 319- 33i •) 382oa.6.i4 12 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Biddulph, J. 1880. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Cal- cutta. Maps. Pis. 5072.55 Bidermann, H. J. 1877. Die Romanen und ihre Verbreitung in Oesterreich. Graz. 1886. Die Nationalitaten in Tirol. (Forsch- ungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volks- kunde, i, Heft 7.) 6284.8.1 1888. Neuere slavische Siedlungen auf siid- deutschem Boden. (Ibid., ii, Heft 5.) 6284.8.2 Bielenstein, A. J. G. 1892. Die Grenzen des lettischen Volks- stammes und der lettischen Sprache. St. Petersburg. Atlas. 3060.108 Biondelli, B. 1853. Saggio sui dialetti gallo - italici. Mi- lano. 2784.26 Blade, J. F. 1869. Etudes sur l'origine des Basques. Paris. 6237.11 1870. Defense des fetudes sur l'origine des Basques. Pans. 2685.02 Blechmann, B. 1882. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologic der Juden. Dorpat. 3822.72 Bleicher, M. G. 1889. Les Vosges. Le sol et les habitants. Paris. Blind, E. 1898. Die Schadelformen der elsassischen Bevolkerung in alter und neuer Zeit. (Beitrage zur Anth. Elsass-Lothringens, No. 1. Strassburg. Map.) 38203.80 Bliss, R. 1884. Classified index to maps in Peter- mann's Geog. Mittheilungen, 1855-81. (Bibliographical contributions of Harvard university, No. 16.) 6271.51 Blochwitz, J. 1872. Die Verhaltnisse an der deutschen Ostgrenze zwischen Elbe und Donau zur Zeit der ersten Karolinger. Dresden. 4835-29 Bloxam, G. W. 1893. Index to publications of the Anthropo- logical institute [etc.]. 1843-1891. Lon- don. 6235.49 Blumenbach, J. F. 1793-1828. Decas prima [-sexta] collectionis suae craniorum diversarum gentium illus- trate. Gottingen. Pis. 5881.5 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 13 Blumenbach, J. F. (Continued.) 1865. Anthropological treatises. With me- moirs, by Marx and Flourens. (Anthro- pological society, London. Publications.) 6235.6 Boas, F. 1891. Anthropological investigations in schools. (Pedagogical seminary, Wor- cester, i, pp. 225-228.) 3594.102.1 Also in Science, xvii., pp. 351-352 [Per. Room]. 1892. The growth of children. (Science, xix, pp. 256-257, 281-282; xx, pp. 351-352.) Per. Room 1896. The form of the head as influenced by growth. (Science, n. s., iv, pp. 50-51.) Per. Room Bobrinski, A. 1887-94. Ky praHti 11 cjiy^aiiiibia apxeojioru^ecicia HaXOflKH 0JlH3 r b MTiCTe^Ka CMUJlbl. [Tumuli in Kiev.] Cn6. 2 v. 3060.21 Bodio, L. 1882. Atlante statistico del regno d'ltalia. Statura dei coscritti . . . delle leve militari sui nati nel sessennio 1854-59. (Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e com- mercio. Direzione della statistica gene- rale. Roma.) Cab.56.11.2 Boeckh, R. 1854. Die Sprachgrenze in Belgien. (Zeits. fur allgemeine Erdkunde, Berlin, iii, pp. 80-97. Map.) 4116.1.3 Bogdanof, A. P. 1805. Kypnmiioc njieMH MockobckoA ry6epHin. [The Kurgan people in the government of Moscow.] MocKBa. (Ordered) 1867. MaTcpiajiBi AJia aHTponojioriu KypraHHaro nepio,a,a bt> MockobckoA ry6epHiu. [Mate- rials on the anthropology of the Kurgan period in the government of Moscow.] (II3B. IlMII. 06m,. JIW6. eCT., aHT. II 3TH., iv, col. 1-176.) (Ordered) Resume in Archiv. f. Anth., xi, pp. 295-300. 1878a. KypranHbie ^epena TapcKaro OKpyra, To6oJiBCKoti ry6epniii. [Crania from the tumuli in the district of Tarsk in the gov- ernment of Tobolsk.] (1I3B. Otim,. jik>6. eCT., xxxi, MocKBa, Tpy^u Aht. ota., iv, cols. 263- 273-) 1878b. KypraHHtie . . . ^epcna CuojioHCKoii ry- 6epHili. [Crania from tumuli in the govern- ment of Smolensk. ] (Ibid., cols. 38-50.) [4 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Bogdanof, A. P. (Continued.) 1879a. KypraHHbie nepena o6jiacni jpeBHHxt OtBepaH't. [Skulls from the ancient tumuli of Poltava.] (Ibid., cols. 181-194.) 1879b. HepenaH3 , i>CTaphix , i>MocKOBCKHX'L KJiaji;- 6nm, r b. [Crania from ancient cemeteries in Moscow.] (Ibid., cols. 330-333.) 1880a. KypraHHbie npnypajibnu no pacKonicaMt rr. 3orpaoa 11 He$e,HOBa. [Skulls from the tumuli of Ural.] (Aht. BHCTaBKa, iii, II3B. 06m,. jik6. ecT., MocKBa, xxxv, cols. 279-300. ) 1880b. KypraHHbie acnTejin OBBepancKon 3eMJin no pacKonKaMB Bt HepHHroBCKoii ry6epnin. [The ancient population of Chernigov.] (Ibid., cols. 350-361.) 1880c. ^oncTopiiiecKie TBepnTaHe no pacicon- KaMt KypraHOBt. [The prehistoric popula- tions of the district of Tver.] (Ibid., cols. 382-392.) 1880d. j^peBHie noBropoj,nti bt. hxt> nepenax'L. [The ancient populations of Novgorod.] (Ibid., cols. 462-475.) issue. MepaHe bt> aHTpono.iorngecKOMT. otho- memn. [The Merians, ancient Finns of central Russia.] (Ibid., cols. 404 et seq. ) 1880f. KypraHHbie o6nTaTejin Mopaobckoh seium n KaciiMOBa. [Ancient population about Mordov and Kassimov, Nijni Novgorod.] (Ibid., cols. 482-487.) 1880g. JlpeBHie icieBjiane no hxt> nepenaMt h MornjiaMt. [The ancient population of Kiev, craniologically considered.] )Ibid.. cols.- 305-319.) 18S0h. Moraaaxi) OKueo-capjiaTCKon anoxn Bt IIojiTaBCKoii ry6epuiu n icpamojiorin Ckhoobx. [Graves in ttie government of Poltava, and the craniology of the Scyths.] (Ibid., cols. 263-279.) 1880i. iKHTejin j.peBimx'B Eojirap'B no Kpanio- jiorH^eCKHMi. npii3HaKaM r b. [The ancient Bolgars craniologically considered.] (Ibid., cols. 365-3770 1880k. ^epenaxi. h3t> KaBKascKuxt KypranoB'b 11 MoriiJiT.. [Crania from the Caucasus, etc.] (Ibid., cols. 419-434.) 1882. l IeJiOB r BK r b KaivieHHaro BtKa. [Man of the stone age.] (Appendix in Inostranzef, 1SS2.) 3060.S THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 15 Bogdanof, A. P. (Continued.) 1886a. Kt. KpaHio.no ria Omojiohcehx'b BypraH- HHX'L Hepeii0B r B. [The prehistoric popula- tions of Smolensk.] (Aht. BHCTaBKa, iv, II3B. 06m,. jiio6. ecT., MocKBa, xlix, cols, 71- 74-) 1880b. ^epenaxT. H3t K.iaA6Hin,i> CUBepnoii Pocciu. [Crania from the ancient cemeteries of north Russia.] (Ibid., cols. 00-92.) 1886c qepenaxi. H3 r b EpbiMCKiixTj iiornji'B . . . [Crania from ancient graves in the Crimea, etc.] (Ibid., cols. 123-146.) 1886d. ^epenaxt KaiieHmiro BtKa, HafijieH- Htixt ao cero bt> Poccih. [On crania of the stone age found in Russia.] (Ibid., cols. 102-108.) 1886-7. KpamojiorinecKia 3a:\mKH TypKe- CTaHCKOMt HapojOHace.iema. [Craniology of Turkestan.] (II3B. llsin. o6in,. JiK)6. ecT. . . . MocKBa, xlix, bbih. 3, 4, IIpoT. sacEji,. Aht. 0TA-, 1887- Portrs.) 3S2oa.i7 1888. AHTponoMeTpiigecKia 3aMfcTKH othocii- TeJitHO TypKeCTancKiix'B imopo,n,iieB r &. [An- thropology of the peoples of Turkestan.] (H3B. 06m. J1H)6. COT., MoCKBa, xxxiv, BLIII. 4, cols. 1-92.) 1893. Quelle est la race la plus ancienne de la Russie centrale. (Congres int. d'anth., ne session, Moscow, i, Appendix, pp. 1- 24.) 6235.20.sess. 1 i,v. 1 Resume in L'Anthropologie, iii, pp. 607 et seq. Bonaparte, L. L., prince. 1862. Langue basque et langues finnoises. Londres. 2951.6 Bonaparte, E,., prince. 1885. The Lapps of Finmark. (Jour. Anth. inst., xv, pp. 210-213.) 6235.50.15 1891. Une excursion en Corse. Paris. 2761.10 Contains a full bibliography. Bonstetten, G., baron de. 1865. Essai sur les dolmens. Geneve. Pis. Bordier, A. 1895. Enquete sur la couleur dans ITsere. (Bull. Soc. dauphinoise d'ethnologie et d'anthropologie, ii, fasc. 2.) Borsari, F. 1888. Geografia etnologica e storica della Tripolitania, Cerenaica e Fezzan. Torino. 3055-123 l6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Boucher de Crevecoeur de Perthes, J. 1847-64. Antiquites celtiques et antediluvi- ennes. Paris. 3 v. 2423.52 Boudin, J. C. M. F. J. 1857. Traite de geographic et de statistique medicales. Paris. 2 v. 3721.25 1863a. De l'accroissement de la taille et l'ap- titude militaire. (Jour, de la Societe de statistique de Paris, iv, pp. 177-201.) 1863b. fitudes ethnologiques sur la taille et le poids de l'homme. Paris. 46 pp. Maps. 3755- 1 Same. 2e memoire. Paris, 1863. 46 pp. Maps. 3955-1 1865. De l'accroissement de la taille ... en France. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 1, ii, pp. 221-259. Maps.) 4237.50.ser. 1, vol. 2 Bowditch, H. P. 1877. The growth of children. Boston. Pis. 3764-52 From the 8th Annual report of the Massachusetts State board of health [6457.16.8]; there is a re- print in Papers on anthropometry, pp. 65-116 [3764.128]. 1879. The growth of children. (A supple- mentary investigation.) With suggestions in regard to methods of research. (Massa- chusetts, State board of health, Annual re- port, x, pp. 33-62.) 6457.16.1879 1881. The relation between growth and disease. (Trans. Am. med. assoc, xxxii, PP- 371-377-) . t 3756.1.32 1 here is a reprint on No. 1 in 5712.C0. 1891. The growth of children studied by Galton's method of percentile grades. (Massachusetts, State board of health, An- nual report, xxii, pp. 477-522.) 6457.16.22 Brabrook, E. W. I 8°3-97- (As chairman.) Reports of Com- mittee on ethnographical survey of the United Kingdom. (Reports, Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1893, pp. 621-653; 1894. PP- 419- 431; 1895, pp. 509-520; 1896, pp. 607-663; 1897, pp. 452-510.) 79 1 2. 1. 1893-96 Bradaska, F. 1869. Die Slaven in der Tiirkei. (Petcmann, xv, pp. 441-458.) 6271. 1. 15 Bradke, P. von. 1885. Dyaus Asura, Ahura Mazda, und die Asuras. Halle. 3495.81 1888a. liber die arische Alterthumswissen- schaft und die Eigenart unseres Sprach- stammes. Giessen. 4959.10 1888b. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der vorhis- torischen Entwickelung unseres Sprach- stammes. Giessen. 2950.88 1890. Uber Methode und Ergebnisse der arischen (indogermanischen) Alterthums- wissenschaft. Giessen. 6237.57 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. \"J Braemer, K. 1887. Nationalist und Sprache im Konig- reiche Belgien. (Forschungen zur deut- schen Landes- und Volkskunde, ii, Heft 2. Map.) 6284.8.2 Brandes, H. B. C. 1857. Das ethnographische Verhaltniss der Kelten und Germanen nach den Ansichten der alten und den sprachlichen Ueber- resten. Leipzig. 4213-9 Brandt, G. 1898. Die Korpergrosse der Wehrpflichtigen des Reichslandes Elsass-Lothringen. (Bei- trage zur Anth. Elsass-Lothringens, Heft 2, Strassburg. Maps.) 382oa.8o.2 Brenner, 0., editor. 1891- . (With A. Hartmann.) Bayern's Mundarten. B. 1- . Miinchen. Brennsohn, I. 1883. Zur Anthropologic der Litauer. Dor- pat. 3822.70 Bresslau, H. 1881. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Ge- meinden im Gebiet des Monte Rosa und im Ossolathal. (Zeits. der Ges. fur Erd- kunde, Berlin, xvi, pp. 173-194.) 6268.2.16 Bringuier, O. See Tourtolon. Brinton, D. G. 1889. The ethnologic affinities of the ancient Etruscans. (Proc. Araer. phil. soc, Phila., xxvi, pp. 506-527.) 5393- 126 Same. Reprint. 2735.78 1890a. Races and peoples. N. Y. 2235.115 1890b. (With M. Jastrow.) The cradle of the Semites. Phila. 2235.1 11 1890c. On Etruscan and Libyan names. (Proc. Am. phil. soc, xxviii, pp. 39-52.) 5393. 1. 1828 1895. The protohistoric ethnography of western Asia. (Proc. Am. phil. soc, xxxiv, pp. 71-102.) 5393-1-34 A reprint is on 5032.15. 1898. [Bibliography.] 1859-1898. [Phila.] 2172.106 British association for the advancement of science. See also Brabrook. 1878-83. Reports ot the Anthropometric committee. (In Reports of the associa- tion: 1878. pp. 182-186; 1879, pp. 175-209; 1880. pp. 120-159; 1881, pp. 225-272; 1882, pp. 278-280; [Final] 1883, pp. 253-305.) 7912. 1. 1878-83 l8 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. British association for the advancement of science. (Continued.) 1883. Report of Committee for defining the facial characteristics of the races and prin- cipal crosses in the British Isles. (Report of the association, 1883, pp. 306-308.) 7912. 1. 1883 1887. Report of the committee, appointed for procuring racial photographs from the ancient Egyptian pictures and sculptures. (Report of the association, 1887, pp. 439- 458.) 7912.1.1887 Brizio, E. 1885. La provenienza degli Etruschi. (Atti della Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna, Bologna, ser. 3, iii, pp. 119-234.) 6710.5. 1885 Broca, Paul. A complete bibliography of Broca is in Revue d'anth., serie 2, iii, 1880, pp. 593-608. i860. Sur l'ethnologie de la France. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., Paris, serie 1, i, pp. 1-56. Map.) 4237.50.ser. 1, vol. 1 1862a. Sur les Basques de Saint-Jean-de- Luz. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1862, pp. 43-101.) 4236.50.1862 1862b. Sur les caracteres du crane des Basques. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1862, pp. 579-591) 4236.50.1862 1862c. La linguistique et l'anthropologie. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1862, pp. 264-319J 4236.50.1862 1863. Sur les cranes basques. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1863, pp. 38-62.) 4236.50.1863 1864a. Sur les origines europeennes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1864, pp. 303-315O 4236.50.1864 1864b. Sur les Celtes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1864, pp. 457-464, 557-562, 569-573-) 4236.50.1864 1866. Cranes basques de Z[araus]. (Bull, soc. d'anth., 1866, pp. 470-473.) 4236.50.1866 1867. Sur les cranes basques. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1867, pp. 18-21.) 4236.50.1867 1868a. Nouvelles recherches sur l'anthropo- logie de la France en general, et de la Basse Bretagne en particulier. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., Paris, serie 1, iii, pp. 147-209. Maps.) 4237.50.ser. 1, vol. 3 1868b. Comparaison des indices cephaliques sur le vivant et sur le squelette. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1868, pp. 25-32.) 4236.50.1868 1868c. Les cranes des Eyzies et la theorie esthonienne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1868, pp. 454-510.) 4236.50.1868 ]868d. Sur les Basques de Saint-Jean-de Luz. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1868, pp. 9-20, 43-101.) 4236.50.1868 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 19 Broca, Paul. (Continued.) 1868c Sur les cranes et ossements des Eyzies. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1868, pp. 350- 392.) 4236.50.1868 1871-88. Memoires d'anthropologie. Paris. 5 v. 2235.50 1872a. Sur la classification et la nomencla- ture craniologiques. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, i, pp. 385-423.) _ 4239-SO.I 1872b. De l'influence de l'education sur le volume et la forme de la tete. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1872, pp. 879-896.) 4236.50.1872 1873a. Sur les cranes de la caverne de l'Homrae-Mort. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, ii, pp. I-53-) . 4239-50.2 All of Broca's work in prehistoric archaeology is contained in his Memoires, q. v. 1873b. La race celtique ancienne et moderne. (Revue d'anth., serie I, ii, pp. 577-628.) 4239.50.2 1873c. Sur les Celtes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1873, pp. 247-252.) 4236.50.1873 1873d. Sur la question celtique. Cranes des Bas-Bretons et des Auvergnats. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1873, pp. 313-328.) 4236.50.1873 1874a. Suite de la discussion sur les Celtes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1874, pp. 658-663.) 4236.50.1874 1874b. Ethnogenie italienne. Les Ombres et les fitrusques. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, hi, pp. 288-297.) 4239-50.3 1875. Sur l'origine et la repartition de la langue basque. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iv, pp. 1-53- Map.) 4239.50.4 1876. Les peuples blonds et les monuments megalithiques. Les Vandales en Afrique. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, v, pp. 393-404.) 4239.50.5 1879. Sur une carte de la langue bretonne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1879, pp. 22-30.) 4236.50.1879 Broch, 0. J. 1876. Le royaume de Norvege et le peuple norvegien. Christiania. 3654-56 Browne, C. B. See also Haddon, A. C. 1893a. On some crania from Tipperary. (Proc. Roy. Irish acad., Dublin, series 3, ii, pp. 649-654.) 3300-6-2 1893b. The ethnography of Inishbofin and Inishshark, county Galway. (Proc. Roy. Irish acad., Dublin, series 3, iii, pp. 317- 371 •) 3300.6.3 1895. Ethnography of the Mullet, Inishkea islands, and Portacloy, county Mayo. (Proc. Roy. Irish acad., Dublin, series 3, iii, pp. 587-649- Pis.) 3300.6.3 20 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Browne, C. It. (Continued.) 1896. The ethnography of Ballycroy, county Mayo. (Proc. Roy. Irish acad.. Dublin, series 3, iv, pp. 74-1 11.) 3300.6.4 Brugmann, K. 1884. Zur Frage nach den Verwandtschafts- verhaltnissen der indogermanischen Sprachen. (Internationale Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, i, pp. 226- 256. Leipzig. *495i.55.i Brunet y Bellet, J. 1889. Ni Arios ni Indo Arios. Barcelona. 2235.114 Brunnhofer, G. H. 1884. Ueber den Ursitz der Indogermanen. Basel. 6234.58 1889. Iran und Turan: historisch - geo- graphische und ethnologische Untersuch- ungen iiber den altesten Schauplatz der indischen Urgeschichte. Leipzig 2235.112 1890. Vom Pontus bis zum Indus. Leipzig. 3032.103 1892. Vom Aral bis zur Ganga. Leipzig. 2235.124 Bugge, S. 1886. Der Ursprung der Etrusker durch zwei lemnische Inschriften erlautert. (Forh. Videnskabs-selskabet, Christiania, 1886, No. 6, pp. 1-64.) Bulle, H. 1897. Die aeltesten Darstellungen von Ger- manen. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, pp 613- 621.) 2230.104.24 Burk, F. 1898. Growth of children in height and weight. (American journal of psychology, ix, pp. 253-326.) Per. Room Contains a bibliography. Burton, Sir B,. F. 1876. Etruscan Bologna. London. 2735.8 Buschan, G. 1890. Germanen und Slaven. Eine archseo- logisch-anthropologische Studie. Miinster. From Natur und Offenbarung. 1893. Ueber die iberische Rasse. (Ausland, lxvi, pp. 342-344.) 5290.50.66 1895. Einfluss der Rasse auf die Form und Haufigkeit pathologischer Veranderungen, (Globus, lxvii, pp. 21-24, 43-47- 60-63, 76-80.) 6914. 1. 67 Buschen, A. von. 1862. Bevolkerung des russischen Kaiser- reichs in den wichtigsten statistischen Verhaltnissen dargestellt. Gotha. Col. maps.) 3069.14 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROI'K. 21 Calori, L. See Davis, J. B.. '72, and Virchow, '71. 1868. Del tipo brachicefalo negli Italiani odierni. (Mem. della Accad. delle scienze dell' Istituto, Bologna, serie 2, viii, pp. 205-234.) 5261. 1. ser. 2, v. 8 1873. Delia stirpe che ha popolata l'antica necropoli alia Certosa di Bologna. Pis. (Mem. della Accad. delle scienze dell' Is- tituto, Bologna, serie 3, ii, pp. 463-629. Pis.) *526i.i.ser.3,v.2 There is a reprint on *223o.67. Candolle, A. de. 1884. Heredite de la couleur des yeux dans l'espece humaine. (Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Geneve, 3 me peri- ode, xii, pp. 97-119.) 7 2 49- 2 - per. 3, v. 12 1885. Histoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux siecles. Geneve. 3825.52 1887. Les types brun et blond au point de vue de la sante. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 265-274.) 4239.50.1887 Canestrini, G., and L. Moschen. 1879. Sopra un cranio dell' ossario di S. Martino. (Atti R. Istituto veneto di sci- enze, lettere ed arti, serie 5, v, pp. 875- 883.) PI. 5283.1. ser.s.v. 5 1890. Sulla antropologia fisica del Trentino. Padova. PL 3822.89 Estr. dagli Atti della Soc. veneto-trentina di sci- enze naturali, xi., pp. 174-233. Capus, G. 1895. Sur la taille en Bosnie. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 4, vi, pp. 99-103.) 4236.50.1895 Cara, C. A. de. 1894. Gli Hethei-Pelasgi. Ricerche di sto- ria e di archeologia orientale, greca ed italica. Vol. 1. Roma. Pis. Map. 3043.166 Carette, E. 1853. Recherches sur l'origine et les migra- tions des principales tribus de l'Afrique septentrionale et particulierement de l'Al- gerie. Paris. 3°50-57 Carlier, G. 1892. Des rapports de la taille avec le bien- etre. (Annales d'hygiene publique, xxvii, pp. 294-344-) 37I5-2.27 1893. Les consents des cantons d Evreux- Nord et d'Evreux-Sud. [Eure.l (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 4, iv, pp. 470-478.) 4236.50.1893 Carret, J. 1883. Etude sur les Savoyards. (Mem. de la Soc. savoisienne d'histoire et d'arche- ologie, Chambery, xxi, pp. 1-108.) 2.2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Cartailhac, E. 1886. Les ages prehistoriques de l'Espagne et du Portugal. Paris. 3101.64 1889. La France prehistorique, d'apres les sepultures et les monuments. Paris. 2637.56 1892. Indications bibliographiques pour l'histoire des premieres populations des Pyrenees. (Bull. Soc. d'hist. naturelle, Toulouse, xxvi, pp. 13-32.) Includes a full bibliography to date. Caspari, O. 1877. Die Urgeschichte der Menschheit. Leipzig. 2 v. 2235.58 Castaing, A. 1884. Les origines des Aquitains: ethno- genie de l'Aquitaine primitive. (Mem. Soc. d'ethnographie, nouvelle serie, i, pp. 183-328.) 6239.52.n.s.i 1885. Ethnographie de la France a l'usage des ecoles. Paris. 6239.23 Castelfranco, P. 1886-89. Paleoethnologie italienne. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 499-511; ii, pp. 182- 200, 607-619; iii, pp. 568-587; iv, pp. 412- 439, 573-612.) 423950.1886-89 Includes full bibliography of work in prehistoric archaeology to date. Castren, A. 1857. Ethnologische Vorlesungen uber die altaischen Volker. St. Petersburg. 4240.14 Catalogue. 1887. Catalogue des cranes prehistoriques de France. (Rev. d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 240- 242, 627-632.) 4239.50.1887 Chalumeau, L. 1895. Influence de la taille humaine sur la formation des classes sociales. (Pages d'histoire dediees a M. P. Vaucher, Ge- neve, pp. 409-426.) 3822.113 1896. Les races et la population suisse. (Journal de statistique suisse, annee xxxii, pp. 1-19. Berne. Map.) 3820a. 16 Chantre, E. 1867. [Supplement aux] Ltudes paleoethno- logiques, ou recherches geologico-archeo- logiques . . . dans le nord du Dauphine et les environs de Lyon. Paris. 2230a. 118 A bibliography. 1875-76. fitudes paleoethnologiques dans le bassin du Rhone. Age du bronze. Paris. 3 v. Atlas. Cab. 22. 14.3 1880. Same. Premier age du fer. Paris. Text. Atlas. Cab. 26.23. 2 1883. Rapport sur une mission scientifique dans l'Asie Occidentale. (Archives des missions scientifiques, serie 3, x, pp. 199- 263. Portrs.) 6224.51. ser. 3, v. 10 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 23 Chantre, E. (Continued.) 1884. Etude sur quelques necropoles hall- stattienncs de l'Autriche et de l'ltalie. (Materiaux pour l'hist. de l'hommc, xviii. pp. 1-27, 120-140, 305-318) . 6237.50.18 1885-87. Recherches anthropologiques dans le Caucase. Paris. 4 v. Atlas. ***507oa.5 A bibliography and resume is in Materiaux, xxii, PP- 342-373- 1892. Rapport sur une mission scientifique en Armenie russe. (Nouvelles archives des missions scientifiques, iii, pp. 1-48. Pis.) 6224.55.3 1893a. Projet de reforme dans la nomen- clature des peuples de l'Asie. (Congres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, i, pp. 171-178.) 6235.20.sess. 1 I.V.I 1893b. Apergu sur l'anthropometrie des peuples de la Transcaucasie. (Congres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, ii, pp. 43-56.) 6235.20.SeS3. 1 1. V.2 1893c. Reponse a la question K. de M. A. Bogdanov: Quelles sont les donnees an- thropologiques et archeologiques pour la connaissance de l'histoire ancienne de la population du Caucase? (Congres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, ii, pp. 77- 90.) 6235.20.sess. 1 1, v.2 1895. Recherches anthropologiques dans l'Asie occidentale. Lyon. 3820.3^ Extrait des Archives du Museum d'histoire natu- relle de Lyon, vi. Pis. Charencey, H. G. de. 1867. Des affinites de la langue basque avec les idiomes du Nouveau-Monde. Caen. 1881. Melanges sur la langue basque. (Actes, Soc. philologique, Alenqon, viii, pp. 26-46, 241-284.) 4955.50.8 1889. Ethnographie euskarienne. Etude sur l'origine des Basques d'apres les donnees de la linguistique. (Bull. Soc. de geog., Paris, serie 7, x, pp. 445-456.) 2269.i.ser.7,v.io Charnock, R. S. 1872. (With C. C. Blake.) On the physi- cal, mental, and philological characters of the Wallons. (Jour. Anth. inst., ii, pp. 10- 17.) 6235.50.2 1873. Le Sette Communi. (Jour. Anth. inst., ii, pp. 108-113.) 6235.50.2 Chassagne, A. 1881. L' ethnographie de la Basse Bretagne. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, iv, pp. 439-447.) 4239.50.1881 Chavanne, J. 1887. Physikalisch-statistischer Hand-Atlas von Oesterreich-Ungarn. Wien. 4860a. 6 24 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Chenu, J. C. 1865. Rapport au Conseil de sante des ar- mees sur les resultats du service medico- chirurgical aux ambulances de Crimee. Paris. 5760.20 1867. Recrutement de l'armee et population de la France. Paris. 1869. Statistique medico-chirurgicale de la campagne d'ltalie, 1859-60. Paris. 2 v. Atlas. 5780.1 Chervin, A. 1877. Sur l'anthropometrie. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Paris, ser. 2, xii, pp. 623-632.) 4236.50.1877 There is a reprint on 3824.36. 1880. Essai de geographie medicale de la France. (Ann. de dem., iv, pp. 9-83. Maps.) 6302.3.4 Chopinet, C. 1890. fitude sur la taille dans la subdivision de Saint-Gaudens (Pyrenees centrales). (Revue des Pyrenees et de la France meri- dionale, Toulouse, ii, pp. 397-425. Map.) 1897. (With E. Leveque.) Du recrutement dans le departement des Landes. fitudes sur la population landaise. (Compte rendu, Assoc, fr. pour l'avan. des sciences, 26e session, partie 2, pp. 614-644.) 39i9.55.i897,pt.2 Cliffe-Leslie, T. E. 1874. Auvergne. (Fortnightly review, xvi, pp. 736-753-) Closson, C. C. 1896a. Dissociation by displacement. (Quar- terly journal of economics, Boston, x, pp. 156-186.) Per. Room 1896b. Ethnic stratification and displace- ment. (Ibid., xi, pp. 92-104.) Per. Room 1896c. Social selection. (Journal of political economy. Chicago, iv, pp. 449-466.) Per. Room i896d. Recent progress of social anthropo- logy. (Ibid., iv, pp. 410-412.) Per. Room i8g6e. La dissociation par deplacement. (Revue int. de sociologie, Paris, iv, pp. 5H-537-) . 35603.107.4 1897. The hierarchy of European races. (American journal of sociology, Chicago, iii, pp. 3I4-327.) 5564-40-3 1898. The pedagogical significance of the cephalic index. (Journal of political eco- nomy, Chicago, vi, pp. 254-265.) Per. Room Cobb, F. P. 1877. The Celt of Wales and the Celt of Ire- land. (Cornhill magazine, xxxvi, pp. 661- 678.) Per. Room THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 2$ Cohausen, A. von. 1884. Der romische Grenzwall in Deutsch- land. Wiesbaden. 4831.56 Review, with map in Revue archeologique, serie 3, v, 1885, pp. 147-67. Collignon, R. t88i. La race lorraine etudiee sur les osse- ments trouves a Nancy. (Bull. Soc. dcs sciences de Nancy, 1881, pp. 3-20.) 3822.235 1881-82. Description de cranes et ossements prehistoriques et de cranes de l'epoque merovingienne en Alsace. (Bull. Soc. d'hist. nat. de Colmar, xxii-xxiii, pp. 1- 1883. fitude anthropometrique elementaire des principales races de France. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1883, pp. 463-526.) 4236.50.1883 1886a. L'angle facial de Cuvier sur le vivant. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 471-408.) 4239.50.1886 1886b. Anthropologic de la Lorraine. Nan- cy. Map. 3822.115 1887a. fitude sur l'ethnographie generale de la Tunisie. (Bull, de geographie histo- rique et descriptive. Ministere de l'in- struction publique et des beaux-arts, 1887. Paris. Map.) (Ordered) 1887b. Carte de repartition de l'indice ce- phalique en France. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1887, pp. 306-316.) 4236.50.1887 1887c. Les ages de la pierre en Tunisie. (Materiaux pour l'hist. de l'homme, xxi, pp. 171-204. Maps.) 6237.50.21 i887d. La nomenclature quinaire de l'indice nasal du vivant. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 8-19.) 4239.50.1887 1888. Repartition de la couleur des yeux et des cheveux chez les Tunisiens seden- taires. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 1-8 Map.) 4239.50.1888 1890a. L'anthropologie au conseil de revi- sion. Methode a suivre, son application a l'etude des populations des C6tes-du- Nord. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1890, pp. 736- 805). 4236.50.1890 1890b. L'indice cephalique des populations franchises. (L'Anth., i, pp. 200-224.) 4239-55-1 Also in Annexe F. in Bertrand, 1891 [4632.57]. 1892a. Projet d'entente Internationale de recherches anthropologiques. (Mem. de la Soc. nationale des sci. nat. et math, de Cherbourg, xxviii, pp. 1-11.) 1892b. Considerations generales sur l'associ- ation respective des caracteres anthropolo- giques. (L'Anth., iii, pp. 43-54.) 4239-55.3 26 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Collignon, It. (Continued.) 1893a. Recherches sur les proportions du tronc chez les Frangais. (L'Anth., iv, pp. 237-258.) 4239-55-4 1893b. Les premiers habitants de l'Europe d'apres d'Arbois de Jubainville a la fin du xixe siecle. (Les sciences biologiques, Paris, pp. 296-311.) 4239.55.7 1894a. Anthropologic du Calvados et de la region environnante. Caen. Map. 3822.114 1894b. Anthropologic de la France; Dor- dogne, Charente, Creuse, Correze, Haute- Vienne. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 3. i, fasc. 3, pp. 3-79- Maps.) 4237.50.1894 1894c. La race basque. (L'Anth., v, pp. 276- 287.) 4239-55-5 1895. Anthropologic du sud-ouest de la France: 1. Les Basques; 2. Basses-Pyre- nees, Hautes-Pyrenees, Landes, Gironde, Charente. Charente-Inferieure. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 3, i, fasc. 4, pp. 1-129. Maps.) 4237.50.1895 1896a. De l'Auvergne a l'Atlantique. (Ann. de geog., v, pp. 156-166. Maps.) 6272.8.5 1896b. (With J. Deniker.) Les Maures du Senegal. (L'Anth., vii, pp. 257-269.) 4239-55-7 1897. La taille dans le departement du Gers. (Rev. mens, de l'ficole d'anth., vii, pp. 339- 347. Map.) 2231. 105.7 Conder, C. R. 1898. The Hittites and their language. Ed- inburgh. 3035-I44 Conestabile, G., comte. 1873. Sur les anciennes immigrations en Italic (Compte rendu, Congres int. d'anth., session 5, Bologna, 1871, pp. 181- 196.) 6235.20.sess.5 Cordier, E. 1868-9. De l'organisation de la famille chez les Basques. (Revue historique de droit francais et etranger, xiv, pp. 332-366, 576- 605; xv, pp. 208-254.) 5626.4.14, 15 Cornu, J. 1888. Die portugiesische Sprache. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Sprache, i, pp. 715-803.) 4681.51. 1 Corssen, W. P. 1874-5. Ueber die Sprache der Etrusker. Leipzig. 2 v. 2782.50 Cortese, F. 1866. Malattie ed imperfezioni die incagliano la coscrizione militare nel regno d'ltalia. Milano. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 27 Cotta, B. 1858. Deutschlands Boden. 2te Aufl. Leip- zig. 2862.15 Couvreur, A. 1890. La Turquie d'Europe. (Bull. Soc. roy. beige de geog., Bruxelles, xiv, pp. 497-527, 621-639.) 6277.51.14 Crooke, W. 1890. An ethnographical handbook for the Northwestern Provinces and Oudh. Alla- habad. 1896. The tribes and castes of the North- western Provinces and Oudh. Calcutta. 4 v. Pis. 3042.198 Cruel, It. 1883. Die Sprachen und Volker Europas vor der arischen Einwanderung. Det- mold. 2955.73 Cuno, J. G. 1871. Forschungen im Gebiete der alten Volkerkunde. Theil 1 : Die Skythen. Berlin. 6231. n 1878-88. Vorgeschichte Roms: 1. Die Kel- ten. Leipzig, 1878. 2. Die Etrusker und ihre Spuren. Graudenz. 2958.51 A bibliography is in Statistische Monatsschrift, xv, 1889, pp. 552 et seq. Czoernig, C. J., Freiherr von. 1885a. Die ethnologischen Verhaltnisse des oesterreichischen Kustenlandes. (Review in Mitt. geog. Ges., Wien, xxviii, p. 428 et seq.) 1885b. Die alten Volker Oberitaliens. Wien. 2232.82 Daffner, F. 1882. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Grosse, des Gewichtes, des Kopf- und Brust-Um- fanges der Soldaten. (Aerztliches Intel- ligenzblatt, Miinchen. Nr. 23.) 1884. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklungder Korpergrosse und des Kopfumfanges. (Archiv f. Anth., xv, pp. 37-44-) 2230.104.15 1885. Ueber Grosse, Gewicht, Kopf- und Brustumfang beim mannlichen Individu- um vom 13. bis 22. Lebensjahre. (Archiv f. Anth., xv, Supplement, pp. 121-126.) 2230.104.15 (Supplement) 1897. Das Wachstum des Menschen. Leip- zig. 3822.123 Dahn, F. 1881-9. Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Volker. Berlin. 4 v. 221 1. 51 Dalton, E. T. 1872. Descriptive ethnology of Bengal. Cal- cutta. Pis. 3070.52 28 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Damkoehler, E. 1894. Die Bevolkerung des Harz-Gebiet. (Mitt, des Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Halle a/S., pp. 35-44-) N. H. Danilof, N. P. 1894. K'B xapaKTepncTHKt aHTponoJiorn^ecKiixi> 11 $H3iojioni^ecEuxT> ^epTt coBpeMeHHaro HaceJiema Hepcin. [On characteristics of the anthropological and physiological pe- culiarities of the contemporaneous popula- tion of Persia.] (II3B. Itom. 06m,. ,a;io6. ecT. . . . tom-b 88, TpyflH Aht. OTfl., xvii, col. 1- 147. Portrs. Tables.) 3820a. 19. 17 Darmesteter, J. Resume in L'Anthropologie, v, pp. 613-615. 1895. Selected essays. Boston. 2697.77 Davis, J. B. See Calori, '69, and Nicolucci, '64.) i860. A few ethnological queries to serve as a guide in collecting information respect- ing the inhabitants of the British Isles. London. 1865. (With J. Thurnam.) Crania Britan- nica. London. 2 v. *2230.ii3 1867. Thesaurus craniorum. London. 5885.20 1871. Notice of some recent anatomical writ- ings bearing upon anthropology, by Prof. Calori. (Jour. Anth. inst, i, pp. 105-118.) 6235.50.1 Dawkins, W. Boyd. 1874a. Cave hunting: researches on the evi- dence of caves respecting the early in- habitants of Europe. London. 2236.54 1874b. The northern range of the Basques. (Fortnightly review, new series, xvi, pp. 323-337.) Per. Room 1880. Early man in Britain and his place in the tertiary period. London. 2534.10 Deecke, "W. 1875. Etruskische Forschungen. Stuttgart. 2735-14 1888. Die italischen Sprachen. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, i, PP- 335-350.) 4681.51. 1 De Man, J. C. 1865. Beschrijving van eenige in het strand van Walcheren gevonden schedels. (Ar- chief, Zeeuwsch genootschap der weten- schappen, Middelburg, deel ii, pp. I35~ 224.) 1885. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den sche- delvorm in Walcheren. (Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Amsterdam, jaargang 1885, pp. 97-151.) 1889. De begraafplaats Bloemendaal bij Domburg. (Ibid., 1889.) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 20. De Man, J. C. (Continued.) 1893. Twaalf schedels van Reimerswale en de bevolking van Zeeland. Middelburg. French abridgment privately printed. Middel- burg, 1893. 1895. Verspreiding der bevolking in Oud- Zeeland. (Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, jaargang, deel ii.) Demolins, E. 1897 (?) Les Franqais d'aujourd'hui. Les types sociaux du Midi et du Centre. Paris. Deniker, J. See Collignon: 1896b. 1883-4. fitude sur les Kalmouks. (Rev. d'anth., serie 2, vi, pp. 671-703; vii, pp. 277-310, 493-501, 640-679.) 4239.50.1883-4 1889. Essai d'une classification des races hu- maines basee uniqnement sur les carac- teres physiques. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1889, pp. 320-336.) 4236.50.1889 1892. Anthropologic et ethnologie (de 1' Eu- rope). (La Grande encyclopedic, Paris, xvi, pp. 807-813.) f B. H. Ref. 221. 1. 16 1897. Les races europeennes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., ser. 4, viii, pp. 189-208, 291-302.) 4236.50.1897 1898a. Les races de l'Europe. Note preli- minaire. (L'Anth., ix, pp. 113-133- Map.) 4239.55-9 1899a. Les races de l'Europe. 1. L'indice cephalique. (Compte rendu. Ass. fr. pour l'avanc. des sciences, 27e session, 1898. Map.) 3919.55.1898 1899b. Les races de l'Europe. 2. La taille. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., 1899.) The last two monographs are to be accompanied by maps on a scale of 1 : 1,000,000. They promise to be of the utmost importance. Dennis, G. 1848. The cities and cemeteries of Etruria. London. 2 v. 2735.52 1878. Same. Revised edition. 2735.12 Deschmann, C, and F. von Hochstetter. 1880. Prahistorische Ansiedelungen und Be- grabnissstatten in Krain. (Denk. der Kais. Akad. der Wiss., Wien, Math.-Na- turw. Klasse, xlii, pp. 1-54.) 3310. 1.42 Desor, E. 1866. Ueber die Dolmen, deren Verbreitung und Deutung. (Archiv f. Anth., i, pp. 261- 268.) 2230. 104. 1 Dictionnaire archeologique. 1875-78. Dictionnaire archeologique de la Gaule, epoque celtique. T. 1, 2, fasc. 1. Paris. Pis. Map. 2630.9 Diebold, V, 1886. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologic der Kleinrussen. Dorpat. 3822.68 30 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Diefenbach, G. L. A. 1839-40. Celtica: Geschichte der Kelten. Stuttgart. 4213.8 1861. Origines Europaeae. Die alten V61- ker Europas. Frankfurt am Main. 2235.10 1877. Die Volksstamme der europiiischen Tiirkei. Frankfurt am Main. 1880. Volkerkunde Osteuropas. Darmstadt. 2 v. Dudrewicz, L. 1881. O czaszkach ludzkich z cmentarzyska w Maryjenhauzie. [Polish skulls of the 12th and 13th centuries.] (Pamigtnik fizyjograf, Warszawa, i, pp. 402-406.) Resume in Arch. f. Anth., xv, Suppl., p. 160. 1882. Pomiary antropologiczne dzieci war- szawskich. [Anthropology of children in Warsaw.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, vi, dzial 2, pp. 3-101.) Dueben, Baron von. 1876. Sur les caracteres craniologiques de l'homme prehistorique en Suede. (Compte rendu, Congres int. d'anth., session vii, Stockholm, 1874, t. 2, pp. 687-692.) 6235.20.sess. 7, v. 2 Dufau, P. A. 1840. Traite de statistique ou theorie de I'etude des lois d'apres lesquelles se de- veloppent les faits sociaux: suivi d'un essai de statistique physique et morale de la population franchise. Paris. Dunn, F. C. von. 1889. Bemerkungen zur Etruskerfrage. {Bonner Studien, pp. 21-37.) Translated in Italian in Boll, di paletnologia ita- liana, 1890. 1891-2. I riti sepolcrali a Vulci secondo Gsell. (Atti e mem. R. deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna, serie 3, x, pp. .?io-223.) 6710.5. ser. 3, v. 10 1895. Delineazione di una storia della Cam- pania preromana. (Rivista storica italiana, 1895, PP. 31-59..} 1896. Archaeological research in Italy dur- ing the last eight years. (Journal of Hel- lenic studies, xvi, pp. 120-142.) 2963.55.16 Dumont, A. 1892. Demographie des Basques de Bai- gorry. (Revue mens, de l'ficole d'anth., «, pp. 395-404-) . 2231. 105.2 1897. La depopulation. (Revue mens, de 1'ficole d'anth., vii, pp. 1-17.) 2231. 105.7 Dunant, P. L. 1867a. Taille moyenne des habitants de Ge- neve. Geneve. 1867b. Recherches sur la taille moyenne en Suisse. (Jour, de statistique suisse, 1867. pp. 226-230.) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 3 I Dunant, P. L. (Continued.) 1868. De la taille moyenne des habitants du canton deFribourg. (Ibid.,\868,pp. 110-114.) 1869. De la taille moyenne des habitants du canton de Fribourg. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1869, pp. 465-475.) 4236.50.1869 Dupont, E. F. 1867. fitude sur l'ethnographie de l'homme de l'age du renne dans les cavernes de la vallee de la Lesse. (Mem. couronnes, Acad, royale de Belgique.) No. 1 in *3398.i.i9 1872. Les temps prehistoriques en Belgique. L'homme pendant les ages de la pierre dans les environs de Dinant-sur-Meuse. 2 me ed. Paris. 2233.52 1873. Les populations prehistoriques de la Belgique. (Patria Belgica, 1, pp. 335.) Durand de Gros, J. P. 1868. Sur Taction des milieux geologiques dans l'Aveyron. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., se- rie 2, iii, pp. i35-*47, 228-259.) 4236.50.1868 1869. Excursion anthropologique dans l'Aveyron. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 2, iv, pp. 193-218.) 4236.50.1869 1879. Sur les races nobles de l'Aveyron. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 421-429.) 4236.50.1879 1897-8. (With G. V. de Lapouge.) Materi- aux pour l'anthropologie de l'Aveyron. (Bull. Soc. languedocienne de geog., xx, pp. 289-319, 461-476; xxi, pp. 30-99-) Dwight, T. 1895. The range and significance of varia- tion in the human skeleton. (Medical communications, Mass. medical society, xvi, pp. 361-389-) 7737.10.16 Dybowski, W. See Stieda. Ecker, J. A. 1865. Crania Germaniae meridionalis occi- dentalis. Freiburg i. B. *2230.n7 1866. Einige Bemerkungen uber frankische, und alemannische, schwedische und romi- sche Schadel. (Archiv fur Anth., i, pp. 277-281.) 2230. 104. 1 1870. Die Hohlenbewohner der Rennthier- zeit von les Eyzies. (Archiv f. Anth., iv, pp. 109-125.) 2230.104.4 1876. Zur Statistik der Korpergrosse 1m Grossherzogthum Baden. (Archiv fur Anth., ix, pp. 257-260. Map.) 2230.104.9 Edwards, W. F. M. 1829. Des caracteres physiologiques des races humaines considered dans leurs rap- ports avec l'histoire. Paris. 2234.66 Letters to A. M. A. Thierry, author of Histoirt des Gaulois. Reprinted in Mem. de la Societe ethnologique, t. 1, 1841 [6239.60.1]. 32 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Edwards, W. F. M. (Continued.) 1841. Memoire sur l'anthropologie. (Mem. Soc. ethnologique, i, pp. 109-129.) 6239.60.1 1845a. Fragments d'un memoire sur les Gaels. (Mem. Soc. ethnologique, ii, part 3, PP- U-43-) , . 6239.60.2 1845b. De l'influence reciproque des races sur le caractere national. (Mem. Soc. eth- nologique, ii, part 1. pp. 1-12.) 6239.60.2 Egger, J. 1882. Die Tiroler und Vorarlberger. Wien. 2814.54 Eichholz, E. R. 1896. MaTepiajiH et> anTponojioria O^Jiopyc- COBrb. PoCJiaBJibCEiS ybWh. [On the an- thropology of the White Russians. Ro- slavlski district. With bibliography.] (Hmd. BoeHHO-Mefl. aica/i,., Cn6., Cepia ^okt. flnccepT., 1895-6, No. 47, pp. 1-158.) 3S22.133 Elisyeef, A. B. 1883. Les habitants de l'Arabie Petree. [Resume par C. Ikow.] (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 351-352.) 4239.50.1883 1887. AirrpoiiojioruHecKia£ aawBTKii $HHHaxi> [On the anthropology of the Finns.] (II3B. IImh. 06m. jo;k»6. ecT. . . . tomt> 49, bbih. 4, IIpoT. aac'BA- Aht. ota., i88 7> col. 423-430, MocKBa.) 3820a. 1 7. 1890-91. AHTponojiorHuecKia saiilmcii 0O1. 0611- TaTeJiaxT> Majioii A'sm. [On the anthropo- logy of Asia Minor.] (Usb. Umh. 06m,. JI106. ecT. . . . tomi. 08, TpyjiH Aht. ota., xii, cols. 219-248, 271-288,323-338, 403-416 ;xiii, cols. 61-162, MocKBa.) 3820a. 18(1890) Resume in L'anth., iii, pp. 477-481. Elkind, A. D. 1890. IIpHBHCJiaHCKie nojiaKH (aHTponwiorH- TOCKiii h KpaHiojioriinecKifl o^epK'B). [The Polaks in the district of Wisla.] (1I3B. Ham. 06m. ji»6. ecT. . . . tojtb 90, TpyflH Aht. ot^., xviii, col. 255-458, MocKBa. Tables.) 3820a. 19. 18 Elton, C. I. 1882. Origins of English history. London. 2423.16 1890. Same. 2d ed., rev. London. 2423.15 Emme, E. V. 1886. cooTHomemn Meatfly ub'Bthoctbio h $op- MOK) nepena. [Relation of complexion to the form of cranium.] (II3B. Hmh. 06m,. J1K)6. eCT. . . . xlix, part 3, cols. 62- ) Resume in Rev. d'anth., 1887, p. in. 1887. MHoacecTBeimocTH aHTponojiorHHecKHX'B CpejI.HHX'L THHOBt BeJIHKOpyCCKHXt H MaJIO- pyccKHXt ^epenoBt. [On the multiple era- THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. niological types of the Great and Little Russians.] (H3B. Ham. 06m,. jik>6. ear. . . . tomt> 49, Bbin. 4, IIpoT. uacE/i,. Aht. otju., 1887, col. 333-342>-^ Eys, W. J. van. 1874. La langue iberienne et la langue basque. (Revue de linguistique et de phi- lologie comparee, vii, pp. 3-15.) 4957-50.7 33 34 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Fabie, A. M. 1896-7. Estudio sobre la organizacion y cos- tumbres del pais vascongado. (Bol. de la Real academia de la historia, Madrid, xxix, pp. 273-325, 369-416, 537-545; xxx, pp. 128-158, 193-225.) 3095-54-29, 30 Faidherbe, — 1854. Les Berberes et les Arabes des bords du Senegal. (Bull. Soc. de geog.. Paris, serie 4, vii, pp. 89-112.) 2269.1. ser.4,v. 7 Fallex, M. 1894. Le departement de la Seine-Inferieure. (Bull. Soc. normande de geog., Rouen, xvi, pp. 86-109, 149-168.) 6274.57.16 Fallot, A. 1887. Note sur l'indice cephalique de la population provenqale. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 129-135.) 4239.50.1887 1889a. Note sur l'indice cephalique de la population provenqale. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iv, pp. 322-327.) 4239.50.1889 1889b. Recherches sur l'indice cephalique de la population corse. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iv, pp. 641-674. Map.) 4239.50.1889 Favier, H. 1888. Le recrutement militaire dans les can- tons de Saint-Omer [in Pas-de-Calais]. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 42-48-) 4239.50.1888 Fawcett, Miss C. D. 1898. (With K. Pearson.) On the inherit- ance of the cephalic index. (Science, New series, vii, pp. 55I-554-) P er - Room From "Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution," read before the Royal society, Feb. 17, 1898. Fircks, A., Freiherr von. 1893. Die preussische Bevolkerung nach ihrer Muttersprache und Abstammung. (Zeits. K. preuss. stat. Bureaus, Berlin, xxxiii, pp. 189-296. Maps.) Stat. Libr. Fischer, H. 1895. Geographie der schwabischen Mun- dart. Tubingen. Atlas, 28 maps. Cab. 28.21. 2 Fita, F. 1893. El vascuence en las inscripciones 6g- micas. (Bol. Real acad. de la historia, Madrid, xxii, pp. 579-587-) 3095-54-22 Fligier, C. 1876. Zur prahistorischen Ethnologie der Balkanhalbinsel. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, vi, pp. 209-273.) 6230a. 14.6 1877. Zur prahistorischen Ethnologie Ita- liens. Wien. 1878. Zur Scythenfrage. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, vii, pp. 344-351.) 62303.14.7 THE ANTHROPOLOGY ()!■' KKROI'K. 35 Fligier, C. (Continued.) 1880a. Zur Anthropologic der Semiten. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, ix, pp. 155-157.) 6230a. 14.9 1880b. Zur Anthropologic der Briten und Iren. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, ix, pp. 247- 253.) 6230a. 14.9 1881a. Die Urzeit von Hellas und Italien. (Archiv f. Anth., xiii, pp. 433-482.) 2230.104.13 1881b. Die Heimath der Arier oder Indo- europaer. (Kosmos, Leipzig, ix, pp. 216- 220.) 1882a. Zur Etruskerfrage. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xii, pp. 97-99.) 6230a. 14.12 1882b. Neue Beitrage zur alt-italischen Eth- nologic (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xii, pp. 136-143.) 6230a. 14. 12 Flinders Petrie. See Petrie. Flower, W. H. 1885. Address ... on the classification of the varieties of the human species. (Jour. Anth. inst., xiv, pp. 378-393-) 6235.50.14 1891. (With R. Lydekker.) An introduction to the study of mammals, living and ex- tinct. London. 3884.73 Foerstemann, E. W. 1856. Altdeutsches Namenbuch. Nordhausen. 2 v. 4233-2 Folmer, A. 1881. Beschrijving van eenige crania uit ver- schillende tijdvakken. Groningen. 1885. Twee groepen terpschedels. (Ned. tijd. voor geneeskunde, 1885.) 1887a. Eene bijdrage tot de ethnologie van Friesland. (Ned. tijd. voor geneeskunde, 1887, pp. 401-439.) 1887b. Ethnographie van Friesland. (Ned. tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, 1887.) 1888. Die hedendaagsche ethnologie. (Ned. tijd. voor geneeskunde, 1888.) 1892. Nederlandsche schedels. (Ned. tijd- schrift voor geneeskunde, deel i.) Fouquet, D. 1896. Notes sur les squelettes d'El-'Amrah. (Appendice in J. de Morgan, 1896.) 5051.28 1897. Recherches sur les cranes de l'epoque de la pierre taillee en figypte. Appendice in J. De Morgan, 1897. 3050.106 Foville, A. de. 1894. (Introduction.) Enquete sur les con- ditions de l'habitation en France: les maison-types. (Ministere de l'instruction publique, des beaux-arts et des cultes. Paris.) 8092.40 36 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Fraas, O. 1867. Beitrage zur Culturgeschichte des Menschen wahrend der Eiszeit. (Archiv f. Anth., ii, pp. 29-50.) 2230.104.2 Fraipont, J. 1886. (With M. Lohest.) La race humaine de Neanderthal ou de Canstadt en Bel- gique. (Bull. Acad. roy. de Belgique, serie 3, xii, pp. 741-784-) 3407-50.3d ser.v. 1 2 1887. (With M. Lohest.) La race humaine de Neanderthal ou de Canstadt en Bel- gique. (Archives de biologie, vii, pp. 587- 757- Pis.) 3887.50.7 1889. Les hommes de Spy. (Compte rendu, Congres int. d'anth., ioe session, pp. 321- 348. PI.) 6235.20.sess.10 1895. La race "imaginaire" de Cannstadt. (A la memoire de A. de Quatrefages.) (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Bruxelles, xiv, pp. 32- 41.) 4237.55-I4 Translated in Science, xxii [Per. Room]. 1896. Les origines des Wallons et des Fla- mands. (Annuaire de la Soc. liegeoise de litterature wallonne, xv, pp. 179-210. Pis.) Liege. Freeh, F. 1889. Aus Siidfrankreich. (Mitt, des Ver- eins f. Erdkunde zu Halle a/S., 1889, pp. 63-750 Freeman, E. A. 1871-92. Historical essays. London. 4 v. 2475-52 1877a. The geographical aspects of the east- ern question. (Fortnightly review, xxi, pp. 73-87.) Per. Room. 1877b. The eastern question. (Contempo- rary review, xxix, pp. 489-515.) Per. Room 1877c. The Jews in Europe. (Saturday re- view, Feb., 1877.) Per. Room Reprinted in Historical essays (q. v.), series 3. pp. 226-231. i877d. The southern Slaves. (British quar- terly review, lxvi, pp. 137-184.) Per. Room Reprinted in Historical essays (q. v.), series 3, pp. 379-428- 1879. Race and language. (Historical es- says, series 3, pp. 173-230.) 2475.52.3 18S1. The historical geography of Europe. London. 2 v. B. H. Ref. 283.5 1891-4. History of Sicily. Oxford. 2723.70 Fressl, 0". 1885. Ueber die genaueren Granzen der Baiwaren gegen die Stamme der Schwa- ben und Franken. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bay., vi, pp. 122-134. Map.) 38203.5.6 1886a. Die Arier. (Deutsche Rundschau f. Geog. u. Statistik, viii, p. 369.) 6275.60.8 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 7>7 Fressl, J. (Continued.) 1886b. Die Skythen-Saken, die Urvater der Germanen. Miinchen. Frickhinger, A. 1889. Die Grenzen des frankischen und schwabischen Idioms. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bay., viii, pp. 1-3.) 38203.5.8 Fuhlrott, C. 1859. Menschliche Ueberreste aus einer Fel- sengrotte des Diisselthals. (Verb, des Naturhistoriscben Vereines der preuss. Rheinlande und Westpbalens, Bonn, xvi, pp. 131-153.) Gabelentz, H. G. C. von der. 1893. Baskisch und Berberiscb. (Sitzungsb. Kon. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, pp. 593-61.3) 5220.52.1893 1894. Die Verwandtschaft der Baskischen- mit den Berbersprachen Nord-Africas. Braunschweig. 3033.133 Galanti, A. 1885. I Tedeschi sul versante meridionale delle Alpi. Roma. Gallois, L. 1894. Maconnais, Charolais, Beaujolais, Ly- onnais. (Annales de geog., iii, pp. 428- 440.) 6272.8.3 Gallouedec, L. 1892. La Sologne. (Annales de geog., i, PP- 379-389-) 6272.8.1 1893-94. Etudes sur la Basse-Bretagne. (An- nales de geog., ii, pp. 173-188; iii, pp. 42- 63, 450-466.) 6272.8.2, 3 Galton, F. See also British association for advancement ot science. 1869. Hereditary genius; an inquiry into its laws and consequences. London. 7602.21 1870. Same. New York. 7602.16 1875. On the height and weight of boys aged fourteen, in town and country public schools. (Jour. Anth. inst., v, pp. 174- 180.) 6235.50.5 Same. London, 1892. 3603.109 T883. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. London. 5602 75 1885a. Address [on heredity in stature]. (Trans, sections Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1885, pp. 1206-1214.) 7912.1.1885 T885b. Regression towards mediocrity in he- reditary stature. (Jour. Anth. inst., xv, pp. 246-263.) 6235.50.15 1886. Family likeness in stature. (Proc. Royal society, London, xl, pp. 42-73.) 5217.50.40 98578 38 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Galton, F. (Continued.) 1889. Natural inheritance. London. 3586.55 1894. Same. 3585-1 18 Garat, D. J. 1869. Origines des Basques de France et d'Espagne. Paris. 6237.8 Garson, J. G. 1883. On the osteology of the ancient in- habitants of the Orkney islands. (Jour. Anth. inst., xiii, pp. 54-86.) 6235.50.13 1884. The Frankfort craniometric agree- ment. (Jour. Anth. inst., xiv, pp. 64-83.) 6235.50.14 1886a. On the physical characteristics of the Lapps. (Jour. Anth. inst., xv, pp. 235- 238.) 6235.50.15 1886b. The cephalic index, (Jour. Anth. inst., xvi, pp. 11-20.) 6235.50 16 Gartner, T. 1888. Die ratoromanischen Mundarten. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Sprache, i, pp. 461-488.) 4681. 51. 1 Gastaldi, B. 1865. Lake habitations and pre-historic re- mains in . . . Northern and Central Italy. Trans, by C. H. Chambers. London. 2235.23 Geiger, E. L. 1871. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Menschheit. Stuttgart. 1878. Same. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart. 2234.60 Pp. 113-150 contain "tlber den Ursitz der Indo- germanen. 1880. Contributions to the history of the de- velopment of the human race. Trans, from second German edition by David Asher. London. 2235.67 Geiger, W. 1884. La civilisation des Aryas. (Museon, Paris, iii, pp. 430-438, 627-652.) 6216.50.3 Geikie, Sir A. 1882. The geological influences which have affected British history. (Macmillan's magazine, xlv, pp. 364-375.) Per. Room 1887. The scenery of Scotland. London. 3869.76 Includes statements concerning the influence of environment upon the people. Geikie, J. 1874. The great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man. London. Pis. Maps. 3865.56 1877. Same. 2d ed. 3865.70 1894. Same. 3d ed. 3863.139 Geissler, A. 1876. Die Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut bei den Schulkindern Sachsens. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 39 (Zeits. Kon. sachsischen statistischen Bu- reau's xxii, pp. 321-327.) Stat. Libr. Genthe, H. 1873. Ueber den etruskischen Tauschhandel nach dem Norden. (Archiv f. Anth., vi, pp. 237-261.) 2230.104.6 1874. Uber den etruskischen Tauschhandel. Frankfurt a/M. 2735.58 Gerland, G. C. C. 1888. Die Basken und die Iberer. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, i, PP- 3I3-334-) 4681.51. 1 1892. Atlas der Volkerkunde. (Berghaus' physikalischer Atlas. Gotha. Abth. 7.) 5820.60.7 Ghennadieff, N. 1881. Origines indo-europeennes. Brux- elles. 3021.56 1890. La Macedoine. (Bull. Soc. roy. beige de geog., xiv, pp. 640-677.) 6277.51.14 Gheyn, J. van den. 1882. Les migrations des Aryas. (Bull. Soc. de geog., Anvers, vii, pp. 1 19-152.) 6275.65.7 1884. Les langues de l'Asie centrale. Ley- den. 1885. L'origine europeenne des Aryas. An- vers. 1887. Les populations danubiennes. fitudes d'ethnographie comparee. Gand. Ghirardini, G. 1 893-7. La situla italica primitiva studiata specialmente in Este. (Monumenti anti- chi, Reale accademia dei Lincei, Milano, ii, col. 161-252, vii, pp. 5-200.) 3300.50.2, 7 Gibb, J. 1884. The original home of the Aryans. (British quarterly review, London, lxxx, PP- 377-389-) Per. Room Review of Penka and Schrader. Giddings, F. H. 1896. Principles of sociology. N.Y. 3563.137 Gilchenko, N. W. 1897. MaTcpiajibi Rjia. aHTponojioria KaBKaaa. I. OceTHHU. II.-III. Ky6aHCKie Ka3aKH. [Mate- rials on the anthropology of the Caucasus. 1. Ossetes. m. The Cossacks of the Kuban.] (Part in in H3B. Emit. 06m. jih)6. ecT. . . . tomt. 90,Tpy^,H Aht. ota., xviii, col. 109-254, MocKBa.) * Tables. 3820a.19.18 Only part m is on the shelf-no. indicated above. Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxii, pp. 73-88; xxiv, pp. 646-655. 40 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Gildemeister, J. 1879. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss nordwest- deutscher Schadelformen. (Archiv f. Anth., xi, pp. 26-63.) 2230. 104. 1 1 Gillebert d'Hercourt, A. 1868. fitudes anthropologiques sur soixante- seize indigenes de l'Algerie. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 1, iii, pp. 1-22.) 4237.50.ser. 1, v. 3 1882. Aperqu topographique sur l'ile de Sar- daigne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1882, pp. 311- 333.) 4235.50.1882 1885. Rapport sur l'anthropologie et l'eth- nologie des populations sardes. (Archives des missions scientifiques, serie 3, xii, pp. 33-105. Portrs.) 6224.51. ser. 3, v. 12 Girod, P. 1888. (With fi. Massenat.) Les stations de l'age du renne dans les vallees de la Vezere et de la Correze. Paris. 2230.58 Gliddon, G. R. See Nott. J. C. Glueck, L. 1891. Rezultati tjelesnog mjerenja 140 bo- sanskohercegovackih vojnika. [Anthropo- metric results from 140 soldiers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.] (Glasnik zemaljskog Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, 1891, p. 263.) . j 1894. Die Tatowirung der Haut bei den Katholiken Bosniens und der Hercego- vina. (Wiss. Mitt, aus Bosnien . . . B. 2.) 4811.13.2 There is a reprint on 38208.34. 1896a. Beitrage zur physischen Anthropo- logic der Spaniolen. (Wiss. Mitt, aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina, iv, pp. 587- 592.) 4811.13-4 There is a reprint on 38208.33. 1896b. Prilog fizickoj antropologyi Albane- za. [Contribution to the physical anthro- pology of the Albanians.] (Glasnik zem. Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, viii, pp. 467-496.) Resume in Centralblatt, 111., p. 41; L anth., ix., p. 84. 1897a. Zur physischen Anthropologic der Albanesen. (Wiss. Mitt, aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina, v, pp. 365-402.) 4811.13.5 There is a reprint on 38208.30. 1897b. Zur physischen Anthropologic der Zigeuner in Bosnien und der Hercego- vina. 1. Die mohammedanischen Zi- geuner. (Wiss. Mitt, aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina, v, pp. 4°3-433-) 481 1. 13.5 There is a reprint on 3^208.31. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 4 I Godron, D. A. 1862. fitude ethnologique sur les origines des populations lorraines. Nancy. Extrait des "Memoires de l'Academie de Stanis- las." Goehlert, V. i88r. Ueber Anthropometric im Allge- meinen und insbesondere ueber die Kor- perlange nach der ethnographischen Ver- schiedenheit der Volker der 6sterr.-un- garischen Monarchic (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, xxiv, pp. 378-389.) Goenner, A. 1895. Ueber Vererbung der Form und Grosse des Schadels. (Zeits. fur Gebiirts- hilfe u. Gynaekologie, xxxiii, p. 1.) M. L. Goldstein, E. 1883. Ueber die Anwendung der Wahr- scheinlichkeitsrechnung in der anthropo- logischen Statistik. (Archiv f. Anth., xiv, pp. 167-183.) 2230.104.14 See Revue d'anth., serie 2, vi, pp. 704-728. 1884. Des circonferences du thorax et de leur rapport a la taille. (Rev. d'anth., serie 2, vii, pp. 460-485.) 4239.50.1884 1885. Introduction a l'etude anthropologique des Juifs. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, viii, pp. 639-675) 4239.50.1885 Golovatski, G., translator. 1876. Die Ruthenen und ihre Wohnsitze an den Karpathen. (Mitt. Geog. Ges., Wien, 1876, pp. 88-93.) Gopcevic, S. 1877. Montenegro und die Montenegriner. Leipzig. Plan. 3082.53 1888. Serbien und die Serben. Leipzig. Pis. 1889a. Makedonien und Alt-Serbien. Wien. Pis. Maps. 1889b. Die ethnographischen Verhaltnisse Makedoniens und Altserbiens. (Peter- mann, xxxv, pp. 57-68, Tafel 4.) 6271. 1.35 Gothein, E. 1886. Die Culturentwickelung Siid-Italiens in Einzel-Darstellungen. Breslau. 2722.56 Gould, B. A. 1869. Investigations in the military and an- thropological statistics of American sol- diers. Cambridge. 44603.29=3753.70 Graslin, L. F. 1838. De l'lberie, oil essai critique sur l'ori- gine des premieres populations de l'Es- pagne. Paris. 2232.75 Gray, J. 1894. Distribution of the Picts in Britain as indicated by place-names. (Trans, sec- tions, Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1894, p. 787.) 7912.1.1894 42 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Gray, J. (Continued.) 1895a. Paper on the ethnographical survey of Buchan. (Transactions Buchan field club, Peterhead, 1895, pp. 6-15.) 3822.210 1895b. (With J. F. Tocher.) Report on "Preliminary ethnographical observations at the Buchan gathering, Mintlaw." (Transactions Buchan field club, Peter- head, 1895, pp. 16-30. Pis.) 3822.210 Greenwell, W., Canon. 1877. British barrows. (Appendix by G. Rolleston.) Oxford. 2534.7 Gre'gr, E. 1858. O lebkach clovecich vvibec a o slov. zvlaste. r Crania slavica.] (2iva, vi, pp. 223 et seq.) Grewingk, C. 1874-8. Zur Archaologie des Balticuni und Russlands. (Archiv f. Anth., vii, pp. 59- 109; x, 73-100, 297-320.) 2230.104.7, 10 Groeber, G. 1888-97. Grundriss der romanischen Philo- logie. B. 1, 2. Abth. 1, 3. Strassburg. 4681.51 Gross, V. 1883. Les Protohelvetes. Berlin. 2230a. 60 1886. Supplement. La Tene, un oppidum helvete. 223oa.6i Grube, O. 1878. Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Esten. Dorpat. 3822.69 Gruber, C. 1894. Die landeskundliche Erforschung Alt- bayerns im 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. (Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde. viii. Heft 4. Map.) 6284.8.8 Guest, E. 1883. Origines Celticae. London. 2 v. Maps. 2423.18 Guibert, D. 1861. Lecture sur 1'anthropologie du de- partement du C6tes-du-Nord. (Mem. Societe d'emulation de C6tes-du-Nord, seance mai 2 me , 1861.) 1868. Ethnologie armoricaine. (Memoires du Congres celtique international, 1867. St. Brieuc.) Guidi, I. 1879. Delia sede primitiva dei popoli semi- tici. (Atti R. Accad. dei Lincei, Mem. della cl. di sc. mor., stor. e fil., serie 3, iii, pp. 566-615.) 3295.5o.ser.3,v.3 Gummere, F. B. 1892. Germanic origins. New York. 3565-I24 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 43 Haddon, A. C. 1893. (With C. R. Browne.) Ethnography of the Aran islands. (Proc. Royal Irish acad., Dublin, series 3, ii, pp. 768-830.) 3300.6. ser.3. 2 1893-98. Studies in Irish craniology. (Proc. Royal Irish acad., Dublin, series 3, ii, pp. 759-767; iii, pp. 311-316, iv, pp. 570-585.) 33oo.6.ser.3.2-4 1897. On the physical characters of the in- habitants of Barley, Herts. (Reports, British ass. adv. science, 1897, pp. 503- 507-) 7912. 1. 1897 Haeckel, E. H. 1891. Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungs- geschichte des Menschen. 4te Auflage. Leipzig, 1891. 2 v. Illus. 3825.85 Halbfass, — 1894b. Die deutsche Sprachinsel Zahre-Sau- ris in Friaul. (Globus, lxvi, pp. 165-168.) 6924.1.66 Hale, H. 1889. The Aryans in science and history. (Popular science monthly, N. Y., xxxiv, pp. 672-686.) Per. Room Halleguen, E. 1862. Introduction historique a l'ethnologie de la Bretagne. Paris. 1864-72. L'Armorique bretonne, celtique, ro- maine et chretienne. Paris. 2 v. 4627.75 Hamy, E. T. J. 1870. Precis de paleontologie humaine. Paris. 2235.26 1883. Les habitants primitifs de la Basse Orne. (Assoc, fr. pour l'avan. des sc, Compte rendu, I2e sess., 1883, pp. 658- 663.) 39I9-55-I883 1884. L'ethnogenie de l'Europe occidentale. (Materiaux pour l'hist. . . . de l'homme, xviii, pp. 35-48.) 6237.50.18 1885. fitude sur les peintures ethniques d'un tombeau thebain de la xvme dynastie. Paris. 1886. Aperqu sur les races humaines de la basse vallee du Nil. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1886, pp. 718-743.) 4236.50.1880 1889. Nouveaux materiaux pour servir a l'etude de la paleontologie humaine. (Compte rendu, Congres int. d'anth., ioe session, pp. 405-450.) 6235.20.sess.10 1891. La race de Cro-Magnon. (Annexe B in Bertrand, A. La Gaule avant les Gau- lois, q. v.) 4632.57 44 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Hamy, E. T. J. (Continued.) 1892. Quelques mots sur une statue de l'an- cien empire egyptien et sur un portrait recemment fait en Italic (L'Anth., iii, pp. 129-132.) 4f39-S5-3 1893. Cranes merovingiens et carolingiens du Boulonnais. (L'Anth., iv, pp. 5I3-534-) 4239-55-4 Hansen, Q. 1889. Die drei Bevolkerungsstufen. Miin- chen. 3564-131 Hansen, It. 1892. Die Sprachgrenzen in Schleswig. (Globus, lxi, pp. 3/6-380. Map.) 6924. 1. 6 1 Harlez, C. de. 1880. Les Aryas et leur premiere patrie. Re- futation de M. Pietrement. (Revue de linguistique, 1880, pp. 297-307.) 4957.50.1880 Harris, W. B. 1889. The local distribution of the tribes in- habiting the mountains of north-west Mo- rocco. (Proc. Royal geog. society, Lon- don, n. s., xi, pp. 487-491.) 6265.2.n.s.u 1897 The Berbers of Morocco. (Jour. Anth. inst., xxvii, pp. 61-73.) 6235.50.27 Harrison, J. P. 1882. On the survival of certain racial features in the population of the British Isles. (Jour. Anth. inst., xii, pp. 243-256.) 6235.50.12 1883. Note on photographs of inhabitants of Britain of Jutish type. (Jour. Anth. inst., xiii, pp. 86, 87.) 6235.50.13 Hartwell, E. M. 1894. A preliminary report on anthropometry in the United States. Bibliography. (In Papers on anthropometry reprinted from Publications of the American statistical association. Boston.) 3764.128 Haupt, A. 1890. Die Slaven in Franken. (Internatio- nales Archiv f. Ethnographie, iii, pp. 195- 196.) 6230a. 12.3 Haushalter, B. 1883. Die Sprachgrenze zwischen Mittel- und Niederdeutsch. Halle a. S. Map. 4884.61 1884. Die Mundarten des Harzgebietes. (Mitt, des Ver. f. Erdkunde zu Halle a/S., 1884, pp. 66-85.) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 45 Hehn, V. 1870. Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihreni Ubergang aus Asien nach Gricch- enland und Italien sowie in das ubrige Enropa. Berlin. 3885.51 Same. 1887. 388573 1873. Das Salz. Eine kulturhistorische Stu- die. Berlin. 5979-36 1885. The wanderings of plants and animals from their first home. London. 3852.66 Same. Cultivated plants and domestic ani- mals in their migration from Asia to Eu- rope. 1891. B. H. Ref. 453.7 Heim, A. 1874. Ueber einen Fund aus der Renthier- zeit in der Schweiz. (Mitt. Antiquarischen Gesell., Zurich, xviii, pp. 123-135. Pis.) 481 1.60. 18 Helbig, C. F. W. 1879. Die Italiker in der Poebene. Leipzig. 2735- 13 1880. Same. Traduit par G. Perrot. Les Italiots dans la plaine du P6. Paris. 1896. Sur la question mycenienne. (Mem. Inst. nat. de France, Acad, des inscriptions et belles-lettres, xxxv, pte 2, pp. 291-373.) 3292.2.35, pt. 2 There is a reprint on 2962.64. Helle von Samo, A., Hitter zur. 1876. Die Volker des osmanischen Reiches. Wien. Hellene, Un. 1890. Les Roumains: etude ethnographique. (Revue de geog., xxvii, pp. 185-198.) 6263.69.1890, v. 2 Henke, W. 1895. Der Typusdesgermanischen Menschen und seine Verbreitung in deutschen Volke. Tubingen. Herbert, H. J. G., 3d earl of Carnavon. 1848. Portugal and Galicia: with a review of the social and political state of the Basque Provinces. 3d ed. London. 5096.52 Herve, G. See also Hovelacque, A. 1892a. De l'indice cephalique en France pen- dant la periode neolithique. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 4, iii, pp. 124-134.) 4236.50.1892 1892b. L'homme quaternaire. (Revue men- suelle de l'Ecole d'anth., ii, pp. 209-226.) 2231. 105.2 1893. La race des troglodytes magdaleniens. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., iii, pp. 173-188.) 2231.105.3 46 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Herve, G. (Continued.) 1894a. Distribution en France de la race neo- lithique de Bauraes-Chaudes-Cromagnon. (Revue mensuelle de l'Ecole d'anth., iv, pp. 105-122.) 2231. 105.4 1894b. Les brachycephales neolithiques. (Re- vue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., iv, pp. 392-406; v, pp. 18-28. Map.) 2231. 105.4, 5 1895. Les populations lacustres. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., v, pp. 137- I54-) 2231. 105.5 1896. L'ethnogenie des populations fran- chises. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., vi, pp. 97-109.) 2231. 105. 6 1897. Les Germains. (Ibid., vii, pp. 65-87.) 2231. 105.7 1898. Les Mongolo'ides en France. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., viii, pp. 201- 208.) 2231. 105. 8 Hesselmeyer, E. 1890. Die Pelasgerfrage und ihre Loesbar- keit. Tubingen. 3453.114 Hey, G. 1893. Die slavischen Siedelungen im Konig- reich Sachsen. Dresden. 2835.63 Hildebrand, H. O. H. 1873. Das heidnische Zeitalter in Schweden. Eine archaeologisch - historische Studie. Hamburg. 2825.64 Trans, by J. Mestorf from the second Swedish edition. Resume in Arch. f. Anth., viii, pp. 278-81. 1880. De forhistoriska folken i Europa. Stockholm. 2233.62 Himmel, — See Weisbach, 1889b. 1888. Korpermessungen in der Bukowina. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xviii, Sitzungsb., pp. 83, 84.) 6230a. 1 4. 1 £ Hirt, H. 1892. Die Urheimat der Indogermanen. (Indogermanische Forschungen, i, pp. 464-485.) 2950.72.1 1896. Die Stellung des germanischen im Kreise der verwandten Sprachen. (Zeits. fiir deutsche Philologie, xxiv, pp. 289-305.) 4891. 1.29 His, W. See also Ruetimeyer. 1864. Sur la population rhetique. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1864, pp. 868-880.) 4236.50.1864 1866. Beschreibung einiger Schadel alt- schweizerischer Bevolkerung. (Archiv f. Anth., i, pp. 61-74.) 2230.104 1 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 47 Hjelt, O. 1872. Ueber die Finnen. (Verh. Berliner Ges. f. Anth., 1872, pp. 89, 90.) 2222.51.4 Hochreiter, E. 1883. Nationalitatenkarte von Bohmen. (Pe- teimann, 1883, pp. 321-323.) 6271. 1.29 Hochstetter, F. von. See also Deschmann. 1878. Ueber neue Ausgrabungen auf den alten Graberstatten bei Hallstatt. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, vii, pp. 297-318.) 6230a. 14.7 1883. Die neuesten Graberfunde von Watsch und St. Margarethen in Krain, und der Culturkreis der Hallstatter - Periode. (Denkschriften der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, math.-natnrwiss. Classe, Wien, xlvii, pp. 161-210.) 3310.1.47 Hoefer, A. 1872. Die Heimat des indogermanischen Urvolkes. (Zeitschrift f. vergleichende Sprachforschung, xx, pp. 379-384.) 4268.50.20 Hoefler, M. 1881. Resultat der Messung von 130 Schadel des Gebirgsbezirkes Tolz. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bayerns, iv, pp. 85-97.) 382oa.5-4 Hoelder, H. F., von. 1867. Beitrage zur Ethnographie von Wiir- temberg. (Archiv f. Anth., ii, pp 51-100.) 2230.104.2 1876. Zusammenstellung der in Wurttem- bergvorkommenden Schadelformen. Stutt- gart 2230a. 54 1880. Ueber die in Deutschland vorkommen- den, von Herrn Virchow den Friesen zu- gesprochenen niederen Schadelformen. (Archiv f. Anth., xii, pp. 315-358.) 2230.104.12 See Revue d'anth., 1880, pp. 712-721. 1882. Die Skelete des romischen Begrab- nissplatzes in Regensburg. (Archiv f. Anth., xiii, Supplement, pp. 1-51.) 2230.104.13 (Supplement) 1894. Untersuchungen iiber die Skelettfunde in den vorromischen Hiigelgrabern Wiirt- tembergs und Hohenzollerns. (Fundbe- richte aus Schwaben, Stuttgart, ii, Er- ganzungsheft.) 22303.53 Hoernes, M. 1888. La paleoethnologie en Autriche-Hon- grie. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 333- 347.) 4239.50.1888 1889. Hallstatt en Autriche. (Revue d'anth.. serie 3, iv, pp. 328-336.) 4239.50.1889 48 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Hoernes, M. (Continued.) 1889-90. Die Prahistorie in Ocsterreich. (Archiv f. Anth., xviii, pp. 289-295, 346- 360; xix, pp. 101-110.) 2230.104.18, 19 1890. Die vorgeschichtlichen Einfliisse des Orients auf Mitteleuropa. (Ausland, lxiii, pp. 272-275.) 5290.50.63 1892. Die Urgeschichte des Menschen. Wien. 2231.107 1893. Geschichte und Kritik des Systems der drei prahistorischen Culturperioden. (Sitz. bericht., Anth. Ges., Wien, 1893, pp. 71- /8.) 6230a. 14.23 i893-7- (As editor.) Wissenschaftliche Mit- theilungen aus Bosnien und der Hercego- vina. Wien. 5 v. Pis. 4811.13 1895. Untersuchungen iiber den Hallstatter Culturkreis. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiii, pp. 581-636. Pis.) 2230.104.23 1898. Urgeschichte der bildenden Kunst in Europa von den Anfangen bis um 500 vor Chr. Wien. 8061.88 Hoeven, J. van der. 1844. Ueber die Schadel slavonischer Volker. (Archiv f. Anatomie, u. s. w. (Miiller's), 1844, pp. 433-435.) 3758.1. 1S44 Holder, A. T. 1896. Alt-Celtischer Sprachschatz. B. 1. Leipzig. 2950.71 Also one part of vol. 2. Holl, M. 1884-87. Ueber die in Tirol vorkommenden Schadelformen. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xiv, 1884, pp. 77-116; xv, 1885, pp. 41-76; xvii, 1887, pp. 129-152.) 6230a.14.14, 15, 17 1S88. Ueber die in Vorarlberg vorkommen- den Schadelformen. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xviii, 1888, pp. 1-24.) 6230a. 14. 18 Holtzmann, A. 1855. Kelten und Germanen. Stuttgart. 2825.13 1873. Germanische Alterthiimer. Leipzig. Holzammer, I. 1868. Uber die Pfahlbauten. Wien. Hommel, F. 1882. Die vorsemitisclien Kulturen in Aegypten und Babylonien. Maps. (In his Die semitischen Volker und Sprachen. B. 1.) 3028.68 1892. Der babylonische Ursprung der aegyp- tischen Kultur. Munich. 3053.154 Horton-Smith, R. J. 1896. The cranial characteristics of the South Saxons. (Jour. Anth. inst., xxvi, pp. 82- 102.) 6235.50.26 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 49 Houssay, — 1887. Les peuples actuels de la Perse. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Lyon, vi, pp. 101-148. Maps.) 4237.60.6 Houze, E. 1882. fitude d'anthropologie. Ethnogenie de la Belgique. Les indices cephaliques des Flamands et des Wallons. Bruxelles. 2232.64 1883. Sur les caracteres physiques des races europeennes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Brux- elles, ii, pp. 80-90.) _ _ 4237.55.2 1886. Comparaison des indices cephalome- trique et craniometrique. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Bruxelles, v, pp-397-407-) 4237-55-5 1887. La taille, . . . des Flamands et des Wallons. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Bruxelles, vi, pp. 278-304. Map.) 4237-55-6 1888. L'indice nasal des Flamands et des Wallons. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Bruxelles, vii, pp. 177-205.) 4237-55-7 Hovelacque, A. A. There is a bibliography of Hovelacque's works in Revue de linguistique, vol. 30, pp. 28-51 [4957.50.30]. 1873. Les Celtes de la linguistique. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, ii, pp. 487-499.) 4239.50.1873 1874. La question celtique. [Discussion.] (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1874, pp. 705-715.) 4236.50.1874 1876. Les Slaves. (Revue scientifique, xviii, pp. 277-278.) 5292.1. 18 1877-79. Le crane Savoyard. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, vi, pp. 226-252; serie 2, ii, pp. 1- 4.) 4239.50.1877-79 1882. Les races humaines. Paris. 1887. (With G. Herve.) Precis d'anthropo- logie. Paris. 6236.67 1889. Les negres de l'Afrique sus-equatoriale. Paris. 2234.107 1891. Limite du Catalan et du Languedo- cien. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., i, pp. 143-145) 2231.105.1 1892. (With G. Herve.) Cranes de 1'Avey- ron. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., ii, pp. 262-268; 302-304.) 2231. 105.2 1893. (With G. Herve.) Cranes berrichons. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., iii, pp. 386-388.) 223 1. 1 05. 3 1894a. (With G. Herve.) fitude de 36 cranes dauphinois. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., iv, pp. 188-200.) 2231. 105.4 1894b. (With G. Herve.) Recherches ethno- logiques sur le Morvan. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 3, i, fasc. 2, pp. 1-256.) 4237.50.1894 1895. (With G. Herve.) Notes sur 1 ethno- logie du Morvan. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., v, pp. 1 17-122.) 2231. 105. 5 50 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Hovelacque, A. A. (Continued.) 1896a. La taille dans un Canton Ligure. [Alpes-Maritimes.] (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., vi, pp. 51-56.) 2231. 105.6 1896b. (With G. Herve.) fitude de 55 cranes de ia region des Faucilles. (Re- vue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., vi, pp. 212-222.) 2231. 105.6 Howorth, H. H. 1877-84. The ethnology of Germany. (Jour. Anth. inst., London, vi, 1877, pp. 364-378; vii, 1878, pp. 211-232, 293-320; xii, 525-553; xiii, 213-237.) 6235.50.6, 7, 12, 13 1878-81. The spread of the Slavs: 1. The Croats. (Jour. Anth. inst., vii, 1878, pp. 329-341. 2. The Bosnians. (Ibid., viii, pp. 65-91.) 3. The northern Serbs. (Ibid., ix, 1880, pp. 181-232.) 4. The Bulgarians. (Ibid., xi, 1881, pp. 219-267.) 6235.50.7,8,9,11 Hoyos Sainz, L. de. 1892. (With T. de Aranzadi.) Un avance a la antropologia de Espaha. (Anales So- ciedad espahola de historia natural, serie 2, i, pp. 32 et seq. Maps.) 3822.84 1894. (With T. de Aranzadi.) Vorlaufige Mittheilung zur Anthropologic von Spanien. (Archiv f. Anth., xxii, pp. 425- 433.) 2230.104.22 1898. L'anthropologie et la prehistoire en Espagne et en Portugal en 1897. (L'Anth., ix, pp. 37-51.) 4239-55-9 Huebner, E. W. E. 1890. Romische Herrschaft in Westeuropa. Berlin. Hueck, A. F. 1838. De craniis Estonum. Dorpat. Pis. 3820a. 1 Hultkrantz, J. V. von. 1896a. Om svenskarnes Kroppslangd. (Ymer, xvi, pp. 1-25. Map.) 6273.25.16 There is a reprint on 3822.216. 1896b. Ueber die Korperlange der schwedi- schen Wehrpflichtigen. (Centralblatt f. Anth., i, pp. 289-291.) 2232.8.1 Reviewed in L'Anth., viii, p. 92. 1897. Antropologiska undersokningar a varnpligtige. (Tidskrift i militar helso- vard, Stockholm, 1897, pp. 1-31. Map.) There is a reprint on 3822.217. Humboldt, F. W. C. C. F., Freiherr von. 1817. Ueber die cantabrische oder baskische Sprache. (Adelung, J. C. Mithridates, Th. 4. Berlin.) 2956.18.4 1821. Prufung der Untersuchungen iiber die Urbewohner Hispaniens vermittelst der THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 51 vaskischen Sprache. Berlin. D. 235.1 In French, with copious notes by A. Marrast Paris, 1866. Hunfalvy, P. 1872. Sur le rapport des elements anthropo- logiques avec les faits historiques et sur l'antiquite prehistorique des peuples fin- nois. (Materiaux pour l'hist. . . . de l'homme, vii, pp. 153-168.) 6237.50.7 Annotations by A. de Quatrefages. 1877. Ethnographie von Ungarn. Buda- pest. 2836.61 German translation by I. H. Schwicker. 1881. Die Ungarn oder Magyaren. Wien und Teschen. 4862.4 Hunt, W. 1884. Norman Britain. London. 24193.58 Huschke, E. 1854. Schadel. Hirn und Seelc. Jena. 3880.50 Huxley, T. H. 1863. Evidence as to man's place in nature. London. 3888.16 1865. On the methods and results of ethno- logy. (Fortnightly review, 1865.) Per. Room 1866. See Laing. 1870. On the geographical distribution of the chief modifications of mankind. (Jour. Ethnological society, London, new series, ii, pp. 404-412. Map.) 1871. On some fixed points in British eth- nology. (Contemporary review, 1871.) Per. Room 1873. Critiques and addresses. New York. 4555-6 1890. On the Arjan question. (Nineteenth century, 1890.) Per. Room The titles under 1865, 1871, and 1890 form chapters in Man's place in nature [3918.108]. 1897. Man's place in nature and other an- thropological essays. N. Y. 3918.108 Ihering, It. von. 1894. Vorgeschichte der Indoeuropaer. Leipzig. 2236.77 1897. The evolution of the Aryan. Trans, by A. Drucker. London. 2236.78 Ikof , K. N. 1884. Neue Beitrage zur Anthropologic der Juden. (Archiv f. Anth., xv, pp. 369-389.) 2230.104.15 1890. SaM'fcTKii no Ke$ajioMeTpiz 6 r BJiopyccoBi> cpaBHHTe.ni.Ho cl BejiHKo- h iiajiopyccaMH. [Cephalometry of the White Russians, compared with the Great and Little Rus- sians,] (H3B. Hum. 06m,. J1106. ecT. . . . tomt. 68, TpynH Aht. otj,., xii, ,II,HeB. 1890, col. 99- 106, MocKBa.) 3820a. iS 52 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Ikof, K. N. (Continued.) 1891. Kte. Kpamojiorin TaTapt K>;KHaro 6epera KpMMa. [On the Tartars of the Crimea.] (II3B. IlMn. 06m,. JIK)6. 6CT. . . . TOMT> 71, Tpy^H Aht. otj., xiii, JJncB. 1891, MocKBa.) Inama-Sternegg, C. T. von. 1884. Die Ansiedelungsformen in denAlpen. (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, xxvii, pp. 250-260.) Inostranzef, A. A. 18S2. .HoncTopimecKifi hojiob'ek'b KaMeimaro BBKa no6epea:Bfl Jla^ovKCKaro 03epa. [Pre- historic man of the stone age on the shores of Lake Ladoga.] Cn6. 3060.8 The anthropological types of the stone age by Bogdanof in chapter 3, pp. 91-126.. Issel, A. 1892. Liguria geologica e preistorica. Geno- va. Text, 2 v. Atlas, i v. 3862.121 Italy. 1859. Die Bevolkerungs - Verhaltnisse von Italien. (Petermann, 1859, pp. 365-172, Tafel 14.) 6271. 1. 1859 Ivanovski, A. A. 1893a. Monro.iBi-ToproyTBi. [Mongol-Torgouts. ] (U3B. Ibm. 06m;. JIK)6. eCT. . . . MocEBa. Ixxi, Supp. to JIhcb. Aht. otji.., 1S91, pp. 1-338.) 1803b. (With Rozhdestvenski.) HaCKOJiBKO BtpHBi bbiboji,h npo$. H. K). 3orpa$a Bt ero „AnTponoMeTpn^ocKnx r b n3C.TB,noBaniax r B MyvKCKaro Bo.niKopyccKaro Hacwicnifl Bjiaj,n- MipcEoti, flpocjiaBCKofi n KoctpomckoQ ry6ep- nifi" n HMtK)Ti>-Jin 3Tn „Il3CJi'BaoBania" KaKoe-jm6o Hay^noc 3naHeHic? [A criticism of Zograf's (1892a) work on the anthropo- logy of the central provinces of Russia.] MocKBa. 3822.124 Resume in L'Anthropologie, v, p. 713. 1896. Zur Anthropologic der Mongolen. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, pp. 65-90.) 2230.104.24 Contains a bibliography. Jacobs, J. 1886a. On the racial characteristics of mod- ern Jews. (Jour. Anth. inst., xv, pp. 23- 62.) _ 6235.50.15 1886b. The comparative distribution of Jew- ish ability. (Jour. Anth., inst., xv, pp. 351-379.) . 6235.50.15 1890. (With I. Spielman.) On the compara- tive anthropometry of English Jews. (Jour. Anth. inst., xix, pp. 76-88.) 6235.50.19 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 53 Jacobs, J. (Continued.) 1891. Studies in Jewish statistics. London. 2296.71 Jacoby, P. 1881. fitudes sur ia selection. Paris. 5600.62 Jacques, V. See De Pauw. 1887. L'ethnologie prehistorique dans le sud- est de l'Espagne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Biuxelles, vi, pp 210-236.) 4237.55.6 1893. Types juifs. Conference. (Revue des etudes juives, xxvi, pp. xlix-lxxx.) 2292.101.26 Jagor, F. 1879. (With G. Koerbin.) Messungen an lebenden Indiern. (Zeits. f. Eth., xi, pp. 1-116.) 2222.51. 11 Jantchuk. See Yantchuk. Jastrow, M. See Brinton, 1890. Jaubert, L. J. M. 1893. £tude medicale et anthropologique sur la Corse. [Resume de memoire manu- scrit.] (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1893, pp. 756- 760.) 4236.50.1893 1896. fitude medicale et anthropologique sur la Corse. Bastia. 3769.215 Javorsky. See Yavorski. Jekelfalussy, J. von. 1885. Nationalitatverhaltnisse der Lander der ungarischen Krone. (Petermann, xxxi, pp. 41-47. Tafel 3.) 6271. 1.31 1897. The millenium of Hungary and its people. Budapest. Jevons, F. 0. See Schrader, O. Jirecek, C. 1891. Das Furstcnthum Bulgarien. Wien. B. H. 280.11 Johansson, J. E. 1897. (With F. Westermark.) Einige Beo- bachtungen iiber den Einfluss. welchen die Korperbeschaffenheit der Mutter auf diejenige des reifen Kindes ausiibt. (Skan- dinavisches Archiv fur Physiologic, 1897, PP- 341-379- ) Jolly, I. 1875. Uber den Stammbaum der indoger- manischen Sprachen. (Zeits. f. Volker- psychologie und Sprachwissenschaft, viii. PP- 15-39, 190-205.) 5225.50.8 Joly, N. 1879. L'homme avant les metaux. Paris. 2235.65 54 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Joly, N. (Continued.) 1883. Same. Translated. Man before met- als. N. Y. [Int. sc. series.] 2233.57 Jubainville. See Arbois de Jubainville. Juergensen, J. 1896. Die Graberschadel der Domruine zu Jurjew (Dorpat). Eine craniologische Studie. Jurjew. 3822.67 Kanitz, P. F. 1868. Serbien. Leipzig. 3081.12 1875-80. Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan. Leipzig. 3 v. 3081. 11 1892. Romische Studien in Serbien. (Denk- schriften. Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften. Phi. -hist. Klasse, Wien, xli.) *3o8i.no; 3320.1.40 Kate, H. F. C. ten. 1882. Zur Craniologie der Mongoloiden. Berlin. . 3824.35 Resume in Revue d'anth., serie 2, vi, 188.3, PP- 559-563- Kauffmann, F. 1889. Dialektforschung. (Kirchhoff's An- leitung (q. v.), pp. 383-432.) 3827.4 Contains a brief bibliography. Keane, A. H. 1885. Ethnographical appendix. (Stanford's Compendium of geography and travel. Europe. London, pp. 551-600. Map.) 2266.67 1886. The Lapps. (Jour. Anth. inst., xv, pp. 2I3-235.) 6235.50.15 There is a reprint on 2234.117. 1890. Article "Wallons' 'in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th edition. 1896. Ethnology. London. 2235.75 Same. 2d ed. 1897. 1899. Man past and present. Cambridge. Announced as a sequel to Ethnology. Keller, F. 1858-88. Pfahlbauten. Bericht 1-9. Zurich. Pis. 4811.60; 4231.50 Reprinted from Mitt, der Antiquarischen Ges. in Ziirich, Bde ix, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xix, xx, xxii. Final report by J. Heierli. 1866. The lake dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe. Trans, by J. E. Lee. London. Pis. 2291.15 1878. Same. 2d ed. enl. London. 2 v. 2235.60 Kelsief, A. I. 1886. AHTponojoS'iraecKifi oiepiCB Jionapefi. [An- thropology of the Lapps. ] (D3B. Hmii. 06m,. jik>6. ecT. . . . Tout 49, Aht. BUCTaBKa, vi, MocKBa.) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 55 Kemble, J. M. 1863. Horae ferales; or studies in the ar- chaeology of the northern nations. Ed. by R. G. Latham and A. W. Franks. London. Pis. ***2830.58 Kemna, A. 1877. Sur des cranes trouves dans d'anciens cimetieres. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1877, pp. 564-567.) 4236.50.1877 Kerslake, T. The Celtic substratum of Britain. Kettler, J. I. 1880. Die geograph. Vertheilung der Juden in Niedersachsen. (Zeits. fur wiss. Geo- graphic, i. Tafel.) Khanykof, N. V. 1866. Memoire sur l'ethnographie de la Perse. (^Soc. de geog. Rec. de voyages et de mem., vol. 8, Paris.) 2260.1 1.8 Kharuzin, A. N. 1889-91. Knprii3H EyiceeBCKoii op^M. [The Kirghiz of the horde of Bukeef.] (H3B. Emu. 06m. jiio6. eCT. . . . tomt> 63, 72, Tpy,n;Li Aht. otji;., x, xiv, MocKBa.) Pis. Map. 3820a. 19. 10, 14 The first part contains many portraits and a bib- liography. 1890a pocrT. TaTapt K>acHaro 6epera Kptuia. [The stature of the Tartars of the south shore of the Crimea.] (II3B. Ihin. 06m,. JiioC ecT. . . . tomt> 68, TpyjiBi Aht. ota., xii, ^HeB. 1890, col. 80-87, HocKBa.) 3820a. 18 1890b. 3a]vrBTKa TaTapaxt loacnaro 6epera Kpuivta. [The Tartars of the south shore of the Crimea.] (Ibid., col. 59-62.) Portrs. 3820a. 18 1890c. irBKOTopBixt cooTHomemaxT, pasMfc- poBt rojioBti u Jiiina no B03pacTaMT> y iciip- 103081.. [The head form of the Kirghiz.] (Ibid., col. 74-80.) Diagrams. 3820a. 18 1890d. TaTapBi Typ3y$a. [The Tartars of Goursuf, South Crimea.] (Ibid., col. 250- 270, 303-322.) Portrs. 3820a. 18 1894. Et> aHTponojiorin nacejienia BcTJiaiijicKoft ry6. [The anthropology of Esthland.] PeBeJiB. 3822.225 1895. Kt Bonpocy npoHCxoacAemu Kiipni3CKa- ro Hapo/ra. [Concerning the origin of the Khirgiz.] MoCKBa. 3822.226 Kharuzin, N. N. 1890a. PyccKic Jionapu. [The Russian Lapps.] (II3B. llftin. 06111. jik)6. ecT. . . . TOMTb 66, Tpyitbi 9th. ota., x, cols. 1-472. MocKBa.) Pis. 3820a. 20. 10 56 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Kharuzin, N. N. (Continued.) 1890b. Kt Bonpocy AByx'B THnaxt Jionapefi. [On the two types of the Lapps.] (II3B. IImh. 06m,. jik)6. ecT. . . . tom!> 68, Tpy^H Aht. otji,., xii, JI,HeB. 1890, col. 131-140.) 3820a. 18 Kiepert, H. 1870-75. Die Sprachgrenze in Elsass-Loth- ringen. [Maps only.] (Petermann, xvi. Tafel 22; xxi, Tafel 17.) 6271. 1. 1870, 75 1874. Same title. [Text.] (Zeits. der Ges. fur Erdkunde, Berlin, ix, pp. 307-316.) 6268.2.9 Kirchhoff, A. 1889. Anleitung zur deutschen Landes- und Volksforschung. Stuttgart. 3827.4 1892. Zur Statistik der Korpergrosse in Halle, dem Saalkreise u. dem Mansfelder Seekreise. (Archiv f. Anth., xxi, pp. 133- 143. Map.) 2230.104.21 Knox, It. 1850. The races of men. London. 6239.34 Koch, M. 1853. Die Alpen-Etrusker. Leipzig. 2735.57 Koerbin, G. See Jagor. Kohl, J. G. 1841. Der Verkehr und die Ansiedelungen der Menschen in ihrer Abhangigkeit von der Gestaltung der Erdoberflache. Dres- den und Leipzig. 1874. Die geographische Lager der Haupt- Stadte Europa's. Leipzig. Kohn, A. 1879. (With C. Mehlis.) Materialen zur Vor- geschichte des Menschen in ostlichen Eu- ropa. Jena. 2 v. Kollmann, J. 1877. Schadel aus alten Grabstatten Bayerns. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bay., i, pp. 151-221.) 3820a. 5. 1 1880. Die schweizer Jugend nach der Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut. (Corr.-Blatt. xi. pp. 4-8.) 2230.104.12 1881. Die statistischen Erhebungen iiber die Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut in den Schulen der Schweiz. (Denk- schriften der schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Zurich, xxviii, pp. 1-42. Maps.) 3820a. 10 1881-83. Beitrage zu einer Kraniologie der europaischen Volker. (Archiv f. Anth., xiii, pp. 78-122, 179-232; xiv, pp. 1-40.) 2230.104.13, 14 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 57 Kollmann, J. (Continued.) 1882a. Europaische Menschenracen. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xi, pp. 1-8.) 6230a. 14. 11 1882b. Ueber Menschenrassen. (Corr.-Blatt, xiii, pp. 203-211.) 2230.104.14 1882c. Craniologische Graberfunde in der Scbweiz. (Verh. der Naturforschenden Gesell., Basel, vii, pp. 352-386.) 1885a. (With Hagenbach.) Die in der Schweiz vorkommenden Schadelformen. (Verh. der Naturforschenden Gesell., Ba- sel, vii, pp. 657-666.) 1885b. Schadel und Skeletreste aus einem Judenfriedhof des 13. und 14. Jahrhun- derts zu Basel. (Verh. der Naturfor- schenden Gesell., Basel, vii, pp. 648-656.) 1886a. Rassenanatomie der europaischen Menschenschadel. (Verh. der Natur- forschenden Gesell., Basel, viii, pp. 1 15— 126.) 1886b. Schadel aus alten Grabern bei Genf. (Verh. der Naturforschenden Gesell., Ba- sel, viii, 204-216.) 1886c. Zwei Schadel aus Pfahlbauten und die Bedeutung desjenigen von Auvernier fiir die Rassenanatomie. (Verh. der Naturfor- schenden Gesell., Basel, viii, pp. 217-241.) i886d. Das Grabfeld von Elisried und die Beziehungen der Ethnologie zu den Resul- taten der Anthropologic (Verh. der Na- turforschenden Gesell., Basel, viii, pp. 297- 336.) i886e. Proportionslehre des menschhchen Korpers. (Kollmann. Plastische Ana- tomic Leipzig, pp. 512-536.) 3822.175 1889. Abgiisse der europaischen Grund- rassen. (Verh. Berliner Anth. Ges., 1889, pp. 330-332.) 2222.51 21 1892a. Die Menschenrassen Europas und die Frage nach der Herkunft der Arier. (Corr.-Blatt, xxiii, pp. 102-106.) 2230.104.21 1892b. Les races humaines de l'Europe et la question arienne. (Compte-rendu, Con- gres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, i, pp. 249-262.) 6235.20.sess. 11. v.i 1892c. Die Formen des Ober- und Unter- kiefers bei den Europaern. (Schweiz. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Zahnheilkunde, Zu- rich, ii, Heft 2.) 3822.167 There is a reprint on 3822.167. 1894. Das Schweizersbild bei Schaffhausen und Pygmaen in Europa. (Zeits. f. Eth., xxvi, pp. 189-254.) 2222.51.26 Contains a bibliography on pigmies in Europe. 1896. Der Mensch. Pp. 79-15^ in Nueesch (q. v.). 58 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Kollniann, J. (Continued.) 1898. (With W. Buchly.) Die Persistenz der Rassen und die Reconstruction der Physiognomie prahistorischer Schadel. (Archiv f. Anth. xxv, pp. 329-359.) 2230.104.25 Konstantinof-Shtchipunin, N. P. 1897. Kt> KpaniojioriH apeBnaro Hacejiema Koct- poMCKofi ryCepnin. [On the craniology of the ancient population of the government of Kostroma.] (II3B. Hmh. 06m. jik)6. eCT. . . . TOM^ 90, Tpy/iBi Aht. otji.., xviii, col. 528-534, MociCBa.) Tables. 3820a. 19. 18 Kopernicki, J. See also Majer. Bibliography, see Globus, lxi, p. 25 seq. 1861. npe,iBapHTejiBiiBia CB'Ej'EHia Kpamojio- nig;ecKHx , B H3CJi , Bji;oBaHiax , i. Haji.'B CTpoemeMt caaBSHCKHXt ^epenoBTj. [Craniology of the Slavic peoples.] (Il3B , BCTia KieBCKaro Jhii- BepCHTeTa, Kiev, 1861.) 1869. Quelques observations cephalome- triques sur les Rutheniens, les Russes et les Finnois de Test. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1869, pp. 622-631.) 4236.50.1869 1875a. Czaszki z kurhanow pokuckich jako materyjal do Antropologii przedhistory- cznej ziem polskich. [Crania from the tumuli in Pokucie as material on prehis- toric anthropology of the neighborhood of Poland.] (Pamiftnik Akad. Krakow, l8 75-> 1875b. Sur la conformation des cranes bul- gares. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iv, pp. 68- 96.) 4239.50.1875 Resume in Revue d'anth., 1876, p. .357; 1879, p. 163. 1876. Sur les cranes prehistoriques de l'an- cienne Pologne. (Compte rendu, Con- gres int. d'anth., 8e session, 1876, pp. 612- 621.) 6235.20. i876,sess. 8 1877a. Nowy przyczynek do antropologii przedhistorycznej ziem polskich. [New contributions to the prehistoric anthropo- logy of the neighborhood of Poland.] Krakau. 1877b. Die nationale Stellung der Bulgaren. (Verh. der Berliner Ges. fiir Anth., 1877, pp. 70-76.) 2222.51.9 1877-85. See Majer. 1879a. Czaszka ze Slaboszewa w powiecie Mogilnickim, w W. Ks. Poznahskiem. (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, iii, pp. 92-101.) Tegoz. Czaszki z grobow rzfdowych w Tczewie w Prusach Krolewskich. (Ibid., pp. 102-113.) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF KI T ROPE. 59 Kopernicki, J. (Continued.) Tegoz. Czaszki z powiatu Ostrogskiego na Wolyniu. (Ibid., pp. 1 14-123.) Tegoz. Uwagi tymczasowe o starozytnych kosciach i czaszkach z Podola galicyj- skiego. (Ibid., pp. 124-141.) 1883. Czaszki i kosci z trzech starozytnych cmentarzysk zdobione kolkami kablaczko- wemi. [Crania and remains from ancient burial places.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, vii, dzial 1, pp. 3-40.) 1887. Czaszki przedmieszczan krakowskich w XVII i XVIII. wieku. [Crania of in- habitants of Cracow in xvn and xvin cen- turies.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xi, dzial 2, pp. 1-25.) 1889. Charakterystyka fizyczna Gorali rus- kich na podstawie wlasnych spostrzezen na osobach zywych. [Physical character- istics of the Russian mountaineers in Galicia.] (Zbior. wiad. do antrop., kraj.. Krakow, xiii, dzial 2, pp. 1-54.) Koroesi, J. 1877. Couleur de la peau, des cheveux et des yeux a Budapest. (Ann. de dem., i, pp. I36-I37-) t 6302.3.1877 1878. Sur l'anthropometrie des races de Hongrie. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1878, pp. 308-309.) 4236.50.1878 Kossina, G. 1895. Ueber die vorgeschichtliche Ausbrei- tung der Germanen in Deutschland. (Corr.-Blatt, xxvi, pp. 109-112.) 2230.104 (Corr.-Blatt, 1896) Krasnof, A. N. 1891. 06i> aHTponojiorii^ecKHxt THiiaxt Xapt- KOBCKaro yB3^;a. [Concerning the anthro- pological types in the government of Char- kov.] (reorpao. c6opnuK r L, XaphKOBT), 1891, PP- 37-65-) Krek, G. 1887. Einleitung in die slavische Literatur- geschichte. 2te Aufl. Graz. 3062.100 Krones, F. von. 1889. Die deutsche Besiedlung der ostlichen Alpenlander. (Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, iii. Heft 5.) 6284.8.3 Krzywicki, L. 1893. Ludy. Zarys antropologii etnicznej. [People. Fragment of ethno-anthropo- logy.] Warschau. 1897. Kurs systematyczny antropologii. Warsaw. 60 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Xuczynski, R. 1897. Der Zug nach der Stadt. (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, No. xxiv.) Stuttgart. 3644.27 Kuhn, E. 1889. Ueber die Verbreitung und die aelteste Geschichte der slavischen Volker. (Verh. der Muenchener anth. Ges., Sitzung Feb. 22, 1889, pp. 14-21.) Kurcyuse, Dr. — 1897. Aus der polnischen Literatur. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, pp. 453-477.) 2230.104.24 Kuun, G. 1888. fitude sur l'origine des nationalites de la Transylvanie. (Revue d'ethnographie, vii, pp. 223-272.) Kuyper, J. 1883. Ethnographische Karte der heutigen Niederlande. (Kettlers Zeits. fur wiss. Geographie, Wien, iv.) Labit, H. 1897. Anthropologic des Ardennes. (Compte rendu, Ass. fr. pour l'avan. des sciences, 26e session, partie 2, pp. 645-656.) 3919.55.1897, pt. 2 Lagneau, G. A bibliography is in Bull. Soc. d'anth., ser. 4. viii, pp. 225-242 [+236.50. 1897]. i860. Des Gaels et des Celtes. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 1, i, pp. 237-249.) 4237.50.1 1861. Sur l'ethnologie de la France. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1861, pp. 327-420.) 4236.50.1861 1865. Sur les recherches de M. Beddoe sur la coloration des cheveux et des yeux chez les habitants du Calvados. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1865, pp. 507-511) 4236.50.1865 1867a. On the Saracens in France. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, iii, pp. 157-162.) 2237.7.3 1867b. Sur l'ethnologie des peuples iberiens. [Discussion.] (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1867, pp. 146-161.) 4236.50.1867 1867c. De l'anthropologie de la France. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1867, pp. 389-399.) 4236.50.1867 1869. Sur la repartition geographique de certaines infirmites en France. (Mem. de l'Acad. imp. de medecine, xxix, pp. 239-3I7- Maps.) _ 5751. 1. 29 1871. Sur l'ethnologie des populations du nord-est de l'Allemagne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1871, pp. 196-202.) 4236.50.1871 1872. Ethnogenie des populations du sud- ouest de la France. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, i, pp. 606-627.) 4239.50. 1872 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 6l Lagneau, G. (Continued.) 1873a. Sur les Celtes. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1873, pp. 236-259.) 4236.50.1873 1873b. Les Ligures. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 2, i, pp. 261-293.) 4237.50.ser.2.v.i 1873c. Celtes. (Dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences medicales, Paris, serie 1, xiii, pp. 700-782.) 5735-3-ser. 1, v. 13 1874a. Recherches ethnologiques sur les populations du bassin de la Saone. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iii, pp. 1-20.) 4239.50.1874 1874b. Ethnogenie des populations du nord de la France. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iii, PP- 577-612.) _ r 4239.50.1874 1875a. Ethnologie de la peninsule du sud- ouest de 1'Europe. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 2, ii, pp 397-436.) 4237.50.1875 1875b. Ethnogenie des populations du nord- ouest de la France. (Revue d'anth., serie i, iv, pp. 620-649.) 4239.50.1875 1877. Des Alains des Theiphales, des Aga- thyres et de quelques autres peuplades dans les Gaules. (Revue d'anth., serie ;, vi, pp. 43-6i.) 4239.50.1877 1879a. Carte ethnographique de France. (Re- vue d'anth., serie 2, ii, pp. 456-488.) 4239.50.1879 1879b. Anthropologic de la France. (Dic- tionnaire encyclopedique des sciences me- dicales, Paris, serie 4, t. iv, pp. 558-794; t. v, pp. 1-127.) _ 5735-3-ser. 4, v. 4, 5 1895a. Influence des milieux sur la race. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1895, PP- I43-I55-) 4236.50.1895 1895b. Influence du milieu sur la race. (Se- ances et travaux. Institut de France. Academie des sciences morales . . ., N. S.. xliii, pp. 290-31 1, 412-444.) 3225.50.143 Laing, S. 1866. Pre-historic remains of Caithness. London. Illus. 2477.6 Landzert, T. 1866-7. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Gross- russenschadels. (Abh. Senkenberg. natur- forsch. Gesell., Frankfurt, vi, pp. 167-178. "> Langhans, P. 1873. Ueber die heutigen Bewohner des heiligen Landes. (Archiv f. Anth., vi, pp. 201-212.) 2230.104.6 1890. Die Sprachgrenze in Schleswig. (Pe- termann, pp. 247-249. Map.) 6271. 1. 1890 1895. Fremde Volksstamme im deutschen Reich. (Petermann, xli, pp. 249-52. Map.) 6271. 1. 1805 Lapouge, G. V. de. 1887a. Les selections sociales. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 519-550."! 4239.50.1887 62 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Lapouge, G. V. de. (Continued.) 1887b. La depopulation de la France. (Re- vue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 69-80.) 4739.50.1887 1888a. L'heredite dans la science politique. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 169-191.) 4239.50.1888 1888b. De l'inegalite parmi les hommes. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 9-38.) 4239.50.1888 1889a. Questions aryennes. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iv, pp. 181- 193.) 4239.50.1889 1889b. Cranes modernes de Montpellier. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iv, pp. 687-699.) 4239.50.1889 1891a. Cranes modernes de Montpellier. (Deuxieme memoire.) (L'Anth., ii, pp. 36-42.) . 4239-55-2 1891b. Cranes prehistoriques du Larzac. (L'Anth., ii, pp. 681-695.) 4239-55-2 1892. Cranes de gentilshommes et cranes de paysans. (L'Anth., iii, pp. 317-322.) 4239.55.1892 1893a. Cranes modernes de Karlsruhe. (L'Anth., iv, pp. 733-749-) . 4239-55-4 1893b. Le darwinisme dans la science soci- ale. (Rev. int. de sociologie, i, pp. 414- 436.) 3560a. 107. 1 1894a. Materiaux pour la geographie anthro- pologique du departement de l'Herault. (Bull. Soc. languedocienne de geog., xvii, PP- 350-386, 472-509.) 3823.112 1894b. Lois de la vie et de la mort des na- tions. (Rev. int. de sociologie, ii, pp. 421- 436.) 3560a. 107.2 1895a. Recherches sur l'anthropologie de l'llle-et-Vilaine. (Bull. Soc. scientifique et medicale de l'Ouest, iv, pp. 59-65.) 3823.120 1895b. Le berceau des Ombro-latins. (Fe- hbrige latin de Montpellier, vi, pp. 85- 1895c. Transmutation et selection par edu- cation. (Rev. int. de sociologie, iii, pp. 109-190.) 35603.107.3 1895-6. Recherches anthropologiques sur le probleme de la depopulation. (Revue d'economie politique, ix, pp. 1002-1029; x, pp. 132-146.) 3560a. 1.9, 10 1896a. Les selections sociales. Paris. 3561.160 1896b. L'indice cephalique des conscrits du canton de Rennes. [Ule-et-Vilaine.] (Bull. Soc. scientifique et medicale de l'Ouest, v, seance du 5 juin, pp. 91-98.) 3822.191 1896c. Ossuaire de Guerande. (Bull. Soc. scientifique et medicale de l'Ouest, v, se- ance du 4 dec, pp. 300-306.) 3822.190 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 63 Lapouge, G. V. de. (Continued.) 1897a. Correlations financieres dc l'indice cephalique. (Revue d'economie politique, xi, pp. 257-279.) 3560a. 1. 1 1 1897b. Fundamental laws of anthropo-soci- ology. (Journal of political economy, Chicago, vi, pp. 54-92.) Per. Room 1897c. Recherches sur 127 ultra-brachyce- phales de 90 a 100 et plus. (Bull. Soc. scientifique et medicale de l'Ouest, Rennes, vi, pp. 235-242.) 3822.192 1897-8. See Durand de Gros. 1899. L'Aryen. Paris. Lartet, E. 1861. Nouvelles recherches sur la coexis- tence de l'homme et des grands mammi- feres fossiles: Station et sepulture d'Au- rignac. (Annales des sciences naturelles, Paris, [Zoologie] serie 4, xv, pp. 177-253.) 5864.1. ser.4, v. 15 1864. (With Christy.) Cavernes du Peri- gord. Paris. 2235.16 1875. (With Christy.) Reliquiae Aquitani- cae. London. ***463o 52 Lartet, L. 1868. Une sepulture des troglodytes du Pe- rigord. (Cranes des Eyzies.) (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1868, pp. 335-349-) 4236.50.1868 Lassen, C. 1847-62. Indische Alterthumskunde. Leip- zig. 6 v. 30I5- 1 Another copy on 4240.11 lacks the Karte and Anhang to vol. 3, 4. 1866-74. Same. 2te Aufl. Leipzig. 3015.54 Latham, R. G. 1854. The native races of the Russian em- pire. London. Map. 3068.3=4252.6 1859. Descriptive ethnology. London. 2 v. 2235.8 1862. Elements of comparative philology. London. 2955.23 1863. The nationalities of Europe. London. 2 v. 2235.11 Lavallee, T. S. 1868. Physical, historical and military geo- graphy of Europe. London. 6233.1 Laws, E. 1888. History of Little England beyond Wales. London. 2500a. 1 11 Le Bon, G. 1881. De Moscou aux monts Tatras. fitude sur la formation actuelle d*une race. (Bull. Soc. de geog., Paris, serie 7, ii, pp. 97-122, 219-251. Map.) 2269.1. ser.7,v. 2 64 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Le Carguet, — , and F. Topinard. 1888. Contribution a l'anthropologie de la Basse Bretagne. La population de l'an- cien Pagus Cap Sizun. (Revue d'anth., 3, iii, pp. 159-168.) 4239.50.1888 Le Court, V. H. de. 1S44. La langue flamande. Par Hubert Van- denhoven [pseud.]. Bruxelles. Map. 4884.62 Follows K. Bernhardi's Sprachkarte von Deutsch- land, Kassel, 1843, 1849. Lefevre, A. 1891. Les fitrusques. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., i, pp. 212-217, 267-279.) 2231. 105. 1 1893. Les races et les langues. Paris. 2954.71 1894. Translated. Race and language. (Int. sc. series.) N. Y. 2957.77 1896a. Les fitrusques. (Revue de linguis- tique, Paris, xxix, pp. 97-147, 173-200.) 4957.50.29 1896b. Les origines slaves. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1896, pp. 351-367.) 4236.50.1896 Leger, L. P. 1885. La Bulgarie. Paris. Resume in Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, p. 178. Lehmann-Nitsche, F*. 1895. Untersuchungen liber die langen Knochen der sudbayerischen Reihen- graberbevolkerung. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bay., xi, pp. 205, 206.) 38203.5.11 Lehnert, J., Fitter von. 1872. Zur Kenntniss von Siid-Albanien. (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, xv, pp. 441-471.) 1891-92. (With others.) Die Seehafen des Weltverkehrs. Vienna. 2 v. Lejean, G. 1861. Ethnographie de la Turquie d' Europe. (Petermann, Erganzungsband, i860 u. 1861, Nr. 4, pp. 1-38. Map.) 6271. 52.1 French and German version. 1882. Les populations de la peninsule des Balkans. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, v, pp. 201-259, 453-496, 628-675.) 4239.50.1882 Lelut, L. F. 1841. Recherches pour servir a la determina- tion de la taille moyenne de l'homme en France. Paris. Reprinted from Gazette medicale, samedi 7 aout 1841, PP 500-504 [*7772.i.q]. Lemiere, P. L. 1881. fitude sur les Celtes et les Gaulois. Paris. 6232.52 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 65 Lenhossek, J. von. 1875. La cranioscopie. [In Hungarian.] (Mem. Acad, sciences, Budapest, xii.) Reviewed by Hovelacque in Revue d'antli., serie 1, v, pp. 551-555, from which the above title is taken. 1878. Des deformations artificielles du crane. Budapest. 3881.57 Lenormant, F. 1874. Les premieres civilisations, etudes d'histoire, d'archeologie. Paris. 2 v. 2294.51 Lentheric, C. P. M. 1896. L'homme devant les Alpes. Paris. 4864.30 Leroy-Beaulieu, A. 1881-89. L'empire des Tsars et les Russes. Paris. 3 v. 3064.16 1893. Les Juifs et I'antisemitisme. Israel chez les natures. 3e edition. Paris. 2297.58 Same. Israel among the nations. Trans. by F. Heliman. N. Y., 1895. 2297.60 1893-96. The empire of the Tsars and the Russians. Trans, by Ragozin. N. Y. 3 v. B. H. Ref. 52.1 Contains chapters on the ethnology of Russia. Leshaft, P. 1872-3. 3a,na*[a aHTponojiorin h MeTo^t ea H3y- Hema. [Aim and method of anthropology, with especial reference to the Slavs.] (C6opniiKi>coHimeHiii no cy.a.eCmofiMe.iiimHHii. i, pp. 290-319; ii, pp. 275-304.) Levasseur, P. E. 1889-92. La population frangaise. Paris. 3 v. Maps. 3561. 101 Lindenschmit, L. 1864-81. Die Alterthiimer unserer heidni- schen Vorzeit. Mainz. 3 v. Pis. *283oa.53 1866. Die deutsche Alterthumsforschung. (Archiv f. Anth., i, pp. 43-60.) 2230. 104. 1 1880-89. Handbuch der deutschen Alter- thumskunde. In 3 Theilen. Theil I. Braunschweig. 2833.59 Lissauer, A. 1874-78. Crania Prussica. (Zeits. f. Ethn., vi, pp. 188-226; x, pp. 1-16, 81-134.) 2222.51.6, 10 Livi, R. 1883. Sulla statura degli Italiani. (Archivio per l'ant., xiii, pp. 243-290, 3i7~377- Maps.) 382oa.6.i3 1886. L'indice cefalico degli Italiani. (Ar- chivio per l'ant.. xvi, pp. 223-303. Map. Pis.) 382oa.6.i6 66 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Livi, It. (Continued.) 1889. Tavola per il calcolo dell' indice ce- falico. (Archivio per l'ant., xix, p. 390.) 3820a. 6. 19 1893a. Sullo sviluppo del dente del giudizio. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., i, pp. 159- 166.) 3822.90.1 1893b. Saggio di antropometria militare. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., i, pp. 292- 307.) 3822.90.1 1894a. Saggio dei iisultati antropometrici, ottenuti dallo spoglio dei fogli sanitarii delle classi 1859-63. Maps. Rome. 3820.40 1894b. Contributo alia geografia antropo- logica d'ltalia. Carte della distribuzione dei biondi e dei bruni. (Archivio per l'ant., xxiv, pp. 149-165. Maps.) *382oa.6.24 1894c. Essai d'anthropometrie militaire. (Bull. Institut int. de statistique, vii, pp. 273-285.) Stat. Libr. 1895. Sulla interpretazione delle curve seri- ali in antropometria. (Atti Soc. romana di antropologia, iii, pp. 21 et seq.) 3822.90.3 1896a. Antropometria militare. Risultati ot- tenuti dallo spoglio dei fogli sanitarii dei militari delle classi 1859-63. Parte i, Dati antropologici ed etnologici. Roma. Atlas. *3753-/i 1896b. Geografia ed orografia della statura e del colore dei capelli e degli occhi in Italia. (Archivio per l'ant., xxvi, pp. 17- 26. Maps.) *382oa.6.24 1897a. Dello sviluppo del corpo (statura e perimetro toracico) in rapporto colla pro- fessione e colla condizione sociale. (Gior- nale medico del R. esercito, xlv, pp. 826- 872.) 3822.223 1897b. Saggio di geografia del militarismo in Italia. (Riforma sociale, Torino, ser. 2, vii, pp. 3-12.) 5954-30 Loeher, IT. von. 1883. Ueber Alter, Herkunft u. Verwandt- schaft der Germanen. (Koenig. bayer. Akad. der Wiss. Sitzungsb. der phil.- philol. und hist. Classe, Miinchen, 1883, PP- 593-633-) *3266.5o.i883 1888. tjber Dolmenbauten. Miinchen. Lombroso, C. 1873. Sulla statura degli Italiani in rapporto all' antropologia ed all' igiene. (Archivio per l'ant., iii, pp. 373-429.) 382oa.6.3 1878. Note di antropometria della Lucche- sia e Garfagnana. (Annali di statistica, serie 2a, i, pp. 11 1-124.) 3822.220 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 67 Lombroso, C. (Continued.) 1879. De l'influence de l'orographie sur la stature. (Ann. de demographie, iii, pp. 59-75.) 6302.3.3 1888. L'uomo di genio in rapporto alia psi- chiatria, alia storia ed all' estetica. 5a ed. Torino. 357LI2I Same. Trans. The man of genius. Lon- don, 1891. 3608.119 1892a. L'uomo bianco e l'tfomo di colore. 2a ediz. Torino. 1892b. Dell' influenza delle orografie nelle stature. 2a ediz. Torino. 1894a. L'antisemitismo e le scienze rao- derne. Torino. 2299a.78 1894b. Mancanza di tipo etnico negii uomini di eenio (con una tavola). (Archivio di psichiatria, xv, pp. 132 et scq.) Longuet, It. 1885. fitudes sur le recrutement dans la Haute-Savoie. (Archives de medecine et de phar. militaires. vi, pp. 417-436, 449- 481.) 3756.50.6 Lorenz, P. 1895. Die Ergebnisse der sanitarischen Un- tersuchungen der Recruten des Kantons Graubiinden, 1875-79- Bern. Maps. 3761.49 Beilage zum Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubunden's in Chur. B. 38. Loth, J. 1887. L'emigration bretonne en Annorique du v e au vn e siecle de notre ere. Rennes. There is a notice by A. de La Borderie in Revue celtique, vi, pp. 460-481 [2957.74.6]. Louis-Lande, L. 1878. Basques et Navarrais. Paris. 309963 Lubach, D. 1863a. De bewoners van Nederland. Haar- lem. (Natuurlijke historie van Neder- land, Amsterdam.) 2232.79 1863b. Analyse de l'ouvrage hollandais: Les habitants de la Neerlande. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1863, pp. 481-497.) 4236.50.1863 Lubbock, Sir J. 1887. The nationalities of the United King- dom. (Jour. Anth. inst, xvi, pp. 418-422.) 4235.50.16 Luschan, F., Bitter von. 1879. Die kunstlichen Verunstaltung des menschlichen Korpers. Frankfurt. 1889. See Petersen, E. 1891. Die Tachtadschy und andere Ueber- reste der alten Bevolkerung Lykiens. (Archiv f. Anth., xix, pp. 3I-53-) 2230.104.19 1892. Die anthropologische Stellung der Juden. (Corr.-Blatt., xxiii, pp. 94-102.) 2230.104.21 68 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Lyell, Sir C. 1863. The geological evidences of the anti- quity of man. London. 6236.62 1873. Same. 4th ed., rev. 2237.8 Mackintosh, D. 1861. Results of ethnological observations ... in England and Wales. (Trans. Eth. soc, London, i, part 2, pp. 211-221.) 6237.2.1 1866. Comparative anthropology of England and Wales. (Anth. rev., London, ix, pp.. 1-21.) 6236.1.4 MacLean, H. 1866. On the comparative anthropology of Scotland. (Anth. rev., London, iv, pp. 209-226.) 6236.1.4 1890. The ancient peoples of Ireland and Scotland considered. (Jour. Anth. inst, xx, pp. 154-179.) 6235.50.20 Maclear, G. F. 1878. The Celts. London. 5518.53 Madsen, A. P. 1872-76. Afbildninger af Danske Oldsager og Mindesmserker. Kj0benhavn. 3 v. and 8 parts. 4830.53-3 1873. Antiquites prehistoriques du Dane- mark. Copenhague. 2 v. 4830.53.1,2 1896. Gravho'fe og Gravfund fra Stenalderen i Danmark. Kjp'benhavn. 4830.53.4 Maggiorani, C. 1858. Saggio di studi cranio-logici sulla an- tica stirpe romana e sull' etrusca. (Atti dell' Accad. pont. de' nuovi Lincei, Roma, xi, pp 383-388. Pis.) 3303.60.11 1862. Continuazione degli studi craniologici sull' antica stirpe romana e sulla etrusca. (Atti dell' Accad. pont. de' nuovi Lincei, Roma, xv, pp. 409-416. Pis.) 3303.60.15 Mahoudeau, P. G. 1893. Types corses. (Revue mensuelle dt l'ficole d'anthropologie, iii, pp. 257-259.) 2231. 105.3 Mainof, V. N. 1870. Pe3y:ii>TaTBi aHTponojiorHH;ecKHx r b Ha6.- flemft cpejtH MopjiBH. [Anthropological re- sults from the races of the Mordva.] (H3B. Him. pyccKaro reor. 06m,., xiv, pp. 31-113.) 1891. MaTepiajiH no aiiTponojioriii Mop;i,B&i-3p3u Hna:eropo^CKaro yE^a. [On the anthropo- logy of the Mordva.] (II3B. Him. 06m. jik>6. ecT. . . . tomi> 71, Tpy^Bi Aht. otjs,., xiii, bhh 4, MocKBa. ) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 69 Majer, J. C. 1862. Ueber Mass- und Gewichts-Verhiilt- nisse der Militar-Pflichtigen des Regier- ungs-Bezirkes Mittelfranken, aus den drei Geburts-Jahren, 1836-38, sowohl nach Polizei-Districten als nach zwolf verschie- denen Standen und Gewerben. (Aerzt- liches Intelligenz-Blatt, Miinchen, ix, pp. 355-362, 365-372.) 3820a. 1 2 Majer, J. 1877-85- (With J. Kopernicki.) Charak- terystyka fizyczna ludnosci galicyjskiej. [Physical characteristics of the population of Galicia.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, i, dziaf 2, pp. 1-181; ix, dzial 2, pp. 1-92.) Resume in Archivo per I'Ant., vii. pp. 391-505. 1879a. Roczny przyrost ciala u Polakow galicyiskich jako przyczynek do ich charakterystyki fizycznej. [Annual growth of Poles in Galicia.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, iii, dzial 2, pp. 3- 27.) 1879b. Charakterystyka fizyczna Rusinow naddnieprzanskich podana przez p. Czu- bihskiego, porownana z charakterystyka Rusinow galicyjskich. [Physical charac- teristics of Russians along the Dnieper river.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, iii, dzial 2, pp. 28-35.) 1880. Roczny przyrost ciala u zydow gali- cyjskich jako przyczynek do ich charak- terystyki fizycznej. [Yearly growth of Jews in Galicia.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, iv, dzial 2, pp. 3-22.) Malief, N. 1874. MaTepiajiti fljia cpaBHinejiBHofi aHTpono- Jioriii. BoTaicii Ka3aH. ry6. [Materials for comparative anthropology. The Votiaks of Kasan.] (Tpy^H 06m,. ecT. IlMn. Ka3aH. yHHB., iv, No. 2, pp. 1-17.) 1878. AHTponcnoriraecKift o^epKt 6aniEiip r t. [Anthropology of the Bashkirs.] (Ibid., v, No. 5.) Resume Archiv f. Anth., x, p. 434. 1887. AHTponojiornnecKiti onepicB njieiueHii ITep- mjikobi>. MaiepiajiH jljia cpaBHHTejitHofi anaTOMiii (Diihckhxtb napo,n,HOCTeft. [Anthro- pology of the Permiaks. Materials for the comparative anatomy of the Finnish peo- ples.] (Ibid., xvi, No. 4, pp. 1-69. Portrs.) 1888. KaTajiori. KpaHioaoriinecKofi KOJLieKn,iii HMnepaTopcKaro ica3aHCKaro ynnBepciiTeTa. [Catalogue of the collection of skulls in the Kazan university.] (TpynH 06m,. eCT. ITmh. Kasan. ymiB., xix, No. 2, pp. 1-40.) 3822.128 JO THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Malte-Brun, V. A. 1879. Carte archeologique de la France. (Bull. Soc. de geog., Paris, serie 6, xvii, pp. 319-326. Map by A. Bertrand.) 2269.i.ser.6,v.i7 Manotskof, V. I. 1897. O^epKii 5KH3HH Ha KpafiHearB cfcBepfc. MypjiaHt. [Sketch of life in the far North. The Murmans.] ApxaHrejiBCKt. Tables. Maps. 3822.129 Manouvrier, L. 1888. Sur la taille des Parisiens. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1888, pp. 156-178. Map.) 4236.50.1888 1890. fitude des ossements humains trouves dans un cimetiere de l'epoque merovingi- enne a Andresy. (Ass. frangaise pour l'avancement des sciences, Compte rendu, sess. 19, 1890, pp. 573-587- Pis.) 39 T 9-55-sess.i9,pt.2 1891. Sur la determination de la taille d'apres les grands os des membres. (Mem. S.oc. d'anth., serie 2, iv, pn. 347-402.) 4237-50.ser.2,v.4 1893. Memoire sur les variations normales et les anomalies des os nasaux dans l'es- pece humaine. (Bull. Soc. d'anth.. 1893, pp. 712-747.) 4236.50.1893 Mantegazza, P. 1876. (With A. Zannetti.) Note antropolo- giche sulla Sardegna. (Archivio per l'ant., vi, pp. 17-29.) 3820a. 6.6 1880a. La riforma craniologica. (Archivio per l'ant., x, pp. 117-137.) 3820a. 6.10 1880b. (With S. Sommier.) Studii antro- pologici sui Lapponi. (Archivio per l'ant., x, pp. 173-201.) 382oa.6.io 1883-84. Studii sull' etnologia dell' India. (Archivio per l'ant., xiii, pp. 177-241, 379- 504; xiv, pp. 63-96, 161-301.) 382oa.6.i3, 14 1884. Gli Ariani. (Archivio per l'ant., xiv, pp. 364-368.) 382oa.6.i4 1893. Di alcune 1 ecenti proposte di riforme della craniologia. (Archivio per l'ant., xxiii, pp. 45-55-) 382oa.6.23 Margerie, E. de. 1896. Catalogue des bibliographies geolo- giques. Paris. 2174.24 Marina, G. 1896. Ricerche antropologiche ed etnogra- fiche sui ragazzi. Torino. 2232.69 Marshall, W. 1889. Tierverbreitung. (Kirchhoff's Anlei- tung zur deutschen Landes- und Volks- forschung, Stuttgart, pp. 253-298.) 3827.4 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Jl Martha, J. 1889. L'art etrusque. Paris. Illus. ***8o7M05 Martin, B. L. H. 1872. fitudes d'archeologie celtique. Paris. 4S27-8 Martin, F. R. 1893. L'age du bronze au Musee de Mi- noussinsk. Stockholm. 2230.103 Martin, H. 1878. Les races anciennes de l'lrlande. (Trans. Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1878, pp. 585- 588.) 7912.1.1878 1879. Sur l'Airyana Vaedja. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1879, pp. 645-651-) 4236.50.1879 Martin, W. G. W. 1886. The lake dwellings of Ireland. Lon- don. Pis. 2472.51 1888. The rude stone monuments of Ireland. Dublin. Illus. *2472-53 Annual volume of the Royal historical and archse- ological association of Ireland for 1888-9. Maspero, G. C. C. 1894. The dawn of civilization: Egypt and Chaldea. London. 3052.141 Massenat, E. See Girod, P. Matiegka, J. 1891. Crania Bohemica: 1. Th. Bohmens Schadel aus deni vi.-xii. Jahrhundert. Prag. 3822.116 Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xx, p. 41; xxi, p. 33; L'Anth., iii, p. 235; Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xx, p. 203. 1892a. Pfispevky ku poznani telesne povahy obyvatelstva v severozapadnich Cechach. [Contribution to the physical anthropo- logy of north-western Bohemia.] (Cesky Lid, i, pp. 429-437, 533-540.) Resume in Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxn, Sitz.ber., pp. 81-82 [6230a. 14.22]. 1892b. Zbuzanske pohfebiste. [Prehistoric Bohemian crania from Zbuzan.] (Roz- pravy spol. pfatel staroz. e. v Praze, iii, P- 3-) 1893a. Lebky ceske z XVI. stoleti. [Bohe- mian crania of the 16th, century.] (Roz- pravy, Ceska Akad. Frantiska Josefa, Prague, tfida 2, ii, cislo 22.) 1893b. Lebky z hrobu zelenickych. [Pre- historic Bohemian crania from 2elenic] (Pamatky archaeol., xvi, p. 29 et seq.) 1894a. Sbirka materialu k pfedhistoricke an- thropologii zemi ceskych. (Dalsi lebky z doby pozdni.) [Prehistoric crania from Bohemia.] (Cesky Lid, iii, pp. 65-72.) J2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Matiegka, J. (Continued.) 1894b. Umele deformovana lebka z Budyne v Cechach. [Deformed crania from Bu- dyne, Bohemia.] (Rozpravy, Ceska Akad. Frantiska Josefa, Prague, tfida 2, ii, cislo 26.) 3822.117 Resume in French in Bull. Int., of the same academy, i, p. 140 [3822.119]. 1896a. Zkoumani kosti a lebek z ceskych v kostnicich venkovskych. [Studies of Czech crania.] (Rozpravy, Ceska Akad. Frantiska Josefa, Prague, tfida 2, v, cislo 42.) 3822.120 Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxv, 1898, pp. 130-154. Same. fitude des cranes et ossements tcheques provenant des ossuaires provin- ciaux, Prague. 3822.118 1896b. Anthropologic des cechoslavischen Volkes. (Narodopisna vystava ceskolov, 1895, Prag.) Resume in Centralblatt, 1, p. 249 [2232.8.1]. 1896c. Vzrust. vyvin. telesne ylastnosti a zdravotni pomery mladeze kral. hi. mesta Prahy. [Stature, development, physical characteristics and health of school chil- dren in Prague.] (Rozpravy, Ceska akad. Frantiska Josefa. Prague, tfida 2, rocnik vi, cislo 17, pp. 1-78.) 3822.134 1897. O dobe dospelosti divek v Cechach. V Praze. 3822.121 1898. Pocatky a postup anthropologickeho studia obyvatelstva zemi ceskych. [Be- ginnings and advance of anthropological studies on the population of Bohemia.] (Narodopisny sbornik, iii.) There is a reprint (14 pp.) on 3822.125. Mayr, G. 1875. Die bayerische Jugend nach der Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut. (Zeits. des Kon. bayer. stat. Bureau, vii, pp. 273-311. Maps.) 382oa.28 Mehlis, C. See Kohn. 1882. Markomannen und Bajuwaren. (Bei- trage zur Anth. bay., v, pp. 25-51.) 38203.5.5 Meisner, J. 1883. Zur Statistik der Korpergrosse der schleswiger Wehrpflichtigen. (Archiv f. Anth., xiv, pp. 235-250. Map.) 2230.104.14 1889. Die Korpergrosse der Wehrpflichtigen im Gebiete der Unterelbe, insbesondere in Holstein. (Archiv f. Anth., xviii, pp. 101-133.) 2230.104.18 1891. Die Korpergrosse der Wehrpflichtigen in Mecklenburg. (Archiv f. Anth., xix, 317-329.) 2230.104.10 Meitzen, A. 1868-71. Der Boden und die landwirth c chaft- lichen Verhaltnisse des preussischen THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 73 Staates nach dem Gebietsumfange vor 1866. Berlin. 3 v. [482oa.3 Atlas.] 4821.15 Meitzen, A. (Continued.) 1872. Ueber Bildung von Dorfern unci deren nationale Bedeutung. (Verh. Berliner Ges. fur Anth., pp. 134-146.) 2222.51.4 1889. Beobachtungen iiber Besiedelung, Hausbau und landwirtschaftliche Kultur. (Kirchhoff's Anleitung zur deutschen Landes- und Volksforschung (q. v.), pp. 481-572.) 3827.4 1895. Siedelung und Agrarwesen der West- germanen und Ostgermanen, der Kelten, Ruraer, Finnen u. Slawen. Berlin. 3 v.; Atlas. 2301.61 Mendini, G. 1890. L'indice cefalico dei Valdesi. (Archi- vio per l'ant., xx, pp. 61-64. Map.) 3820a.6.20 Merezhkovski, K. C. 1881. Otwt'l 061. aHTponojiorH^ecKott no r E3ji,K , B Bt KptiM'B. [Report on an anthropological excursion in the Crimea.] (II3B. Hmh. pyc- CKaro reor. 06m,., xviii, pp. 104-131.) Meringer, It. 1891-95. Studien zur germanischen Volks- kunde. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxi, pp. 101-152; xxii, pp. 101-106; xxiii, pp. 136- 181; xxv, pp. 56-68.) 6230a. 14.21-25 Merk, K. 1875. Der Hohlenfund im Kesslerloch bei Thayngen (Kanton Schaffhausen). (Mitt. Antiquarischen Gesell., Zurich, xix, pp. 1- 44. Pis.) 481 1.60. IQ Mestorf, J. 1885. Vorgeschichtliche Alterthumer aus Schleswig-Holstein. Hamburg. 1897. Das vorhistorische Eisenalter im skan- dinavischen Norden. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiv. pp. 339-346.) 2230.104.24 Metchnikof, E. 1876. AirrponojioriraecKiii OHepKt icajiMBiKOBt KaKt npejicTaBHTejiefi MonrojiBCKofi pacu. [Anthropological sketch of the Kalmucks as representatives of the Mongolian race. ] (H3B. Him. 06m;. jik>6. ecT. . . . tomtb 20, TpyaBi Aht. ot^;. ii, BBin 1, cols. 200-212, MocKBa.) Resume in Archiv f. Anth., x, pp. 436. Meyer, A. B. 1885. Das Gniberfeld von Hallstatt. Dres- den. PI. 283oa.58 Meyer, P. C. 1897. Erforschungsgeschichte und Staaten- 74 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. bildungen des Westsudan. (Petermann, Erganzungsheft, xxvi, Nr. 121. Maps.) 6271.52.26 Meyer, W. See Ovidio, F. d'. Michel, F. X. 1857. Le pays basque, sa population, sa langue, ses mceurs, sa litterature et sa rau- sique. Paris. 2873.10 Michelet, J. 1886. Notre France: sa geographie, son histoire. Paris. 4627.71 Mies, J. 1890. Unterschiede zwischen Lange, Breite und Langen-Breiten-Index des Kopfes und Schadels. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xx, pp. 37-49) 6230a. 14.20 1896. Die Schadel in der Grossherzoglichen anatomischen Anstalt zu Heidelberg. Braunschweig. 3820a. 2 Mikkola, J. 1894. Beriihrungen zwischen den westfinni- schen und slavischen Sprachen. I. Hel- singfors. Mill, H. E, 1896. Proposed geographical description of the British islands. (Geographical jour- nal, vii, pp. 345-365) 6266.2.7 Minguez, B. M. 1887. Los Celtas. (Boletin Sociedad geo- grafica, Madrid, xxiii, pp. 7~39-) 2232.77 Mogk, E. 1896. Kelten und Nordgermanen im 9. und 10. Jahrhunderte. (Jahresbericht des stadtischen Realgymnasiums zu Leipzig. 1896.) Molliere, H. 1896. Introduction a l'histoire des Gaulois, Proto-Celtes, Celtes et Galates. Lyon. 2232.73 Monteiro, M. 1887. Legends and popular tales of the Basque people. London. 2661.63 1891. Same. New York. Montelius, G. O. A. 1874. La Suede prehistorique. Stockholm. 2836.22 1875. Bibliographic de l'archeologie pre- historique de la Suede pendant le 19' siecle. Stockholm. *2I79.6 1885a. Om tidsbestamning inom bronsaldern med sarskildt afseende pa Skandinavien af Oscar Montelius. Avec un resume fran- gais. (Kongliga vitterhets historie och antiqvitets akademiens handlingar, 3onde delen, Stockholm. Plates and Maps.) 2836.24 e THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. ~$ Montelius, G. O. A. (Continued.) 1885b. Same. Die Kultur Schwedens in vor- christlicher Zeit. Ubersetzt von Carl Ap- pel. Berlin. 2821.58 1888a. The civilization of Sweden in heathen times. Trans, from 2d Swedish edition by F. H. Woods. London. 2836.27 1888b. Ueber die Einwanderung unserer Vorfahren in den Norden. Uebers. von J. Mestorf. (Archiv f. Anth., xvii, pp. 151- 160.) 2230.104.17 1891. Verbindungen zwischen Skandinavien und dem westlichen Europa vor Christi Geburt. (Archiv f. Anth., xix, pp. 1-21.) 2230.104.19 1892. Die Bronzezeit im Orient und in Griechenland. (Archiv f. Anth., xxi, pp. 1-40.) 2230.104.21 1895a. La civilisation primitive en Italie de- puis l'introduction des metaux. i re partie: Fibules et Italie septentrionale. Stock- holm. Pis. 2730.65 This contains a full collection of bibliographical notes. 1895b. Les temps prehistoriques en Suede et dans les autres pays scandinaves. Trad. par S. Reinach. Paris. 2832.60 1897. The Tyrrhenians in Greece and Italy. (Jour. Anth. inst, xxvi, pp. 254-271.) 6235.50.26 Moore, A. W., and Beddoe, J. 1897. Physical anthropology of the Isle of Man. (Jour. Anth. inst., xxvii, pp. 104- 130.) 6235.50.27 Morasso, M. 1895. L'origine delle razze europee. (Ar- chivio per l'ant., xxv, pp. 260-281.) 382oa.6.25 Morel-Fatio, A. Article "Spain: language and literature." (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th edition.) B. H. Ref. 1888. Das Catalanische. (Grqber, Grundriss der romanischen Sprache, i, pp. 669-688.) 4681.51. 1 Morfill, W. It. Article "Slavs." (Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th edition.) B. H. Ref. Morgan, J. de. 1889. Mission scientifique au Caucase. Paris. 2v. Maps. Pis. 3040a. 100 1894-5. Mission scientifique en Perse. Paris. Text, 2 v.; Atlas, 1 v. 30403.140 1896. Recherches sur les origines de l'figypte. L'age de la pierre et les metaux. Paris. Maps. ) 505128 1897. Recherches sur les origines de l'figypte. Ethnographic prehistorique et tombeau roval de Negadah. Paris. Pis. 3050.106 y6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Mori, A. 1897. Alcnni dati statistici sull' indice nasale degli Italiani. (Archivio per l'ant, xxvii, pp. 195-225. Map.) 3820a. 6.27 Morlot, A. von. 1861. General views on archaeology. Trans, for the Smithsonian institution. Washing- ton. 6234.9 Morselli, E. 1873. Alcune osservazioni sui crani siciliani del Museo modenese e sull' etnografia della Sicilia. (Archivio per l'ant., iii, pp. 452-493.) 382oa.6.3 Mortillet, G. de. 1875. Origine du bronze. (Revue d'anth., serie I, iv, pp. 650-663.) 4239.50.1875 1878. Sur les populations qui se sont suc- cessivement etablies en France. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 3^4-373-) 4236.50.1878 1879a. (With others.) Discussion sur l'ori- gine des Aryas. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1879, pp. 185-214. 219-232, 443-461.) 4236.50.1879 1879b. Sur la question du cheval. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1879, pp. 447-461.) 4236.50.1870 1879c. Sur l'origine des animaux domes- tiques. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1879, pp. 232- 252.) 4236.50.1870 1883. Le prehistorique antiquite de 1'homme. Paris. 2234.59 1897. Formation de la nation franchise: textes, linguistique, palethnologie, anthro- pologic [Bib. Sc. Int.] Paris. 2637.61 Morton, S. G. 1H44. Crania /Egyptica, or observations on Egyptian ethnography derived from ana- tomy, history and the monuments. Phila. Published in the Trans, of the Amer. phil. soc. as (see next title). 1846. Observations on Egyptian ethno- graphy. (Trans. Amer. phil. soc, n. s., ix, PP- 93-159- Pis.) E.145.2.1-1.S.Q Moschen, L. See Canestrini. 1879. Studi sull' indice cefalico dei Trentini. (Atti Soc. veneto-trentina di scienze natti- rali, vi, pp. 159-171.) 1882. Osservazioni morfologiche su crani umani del Veneto e del Trentina. (Atti Soc. veneto-trentina di scienze naturali, viii, pp. 83-112.) 1892. I caratteri fisici e le origini dei Tren- tini. (Archivio per l'ant., xxii, pp. 101- 132. Map.) 3820a. 6.22 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. J J Moschen, L. (Continued.) 1893a. Crani Romani della prima epoca cris- tiana. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., i, pp. 253-263.) 3822.90.1 1893b. Quattro decadi di crani moderni della Sicilia. (Atti Soc. veneto-trentina di scie- enze naturali, serie 2, ii, pp. 354-403-) 1893c. La statura dei Trentini. (Atti Soc. romana d'antrop., i, pp. 77-84-) 382oa.90.i There is a reprint on 3822.176. 1895. II metodo naturale in craniologia. (Atti Soc. romana d'antrop., ii, pp. 155- 182.) 3822.90.1 1896. Una centuria di crani umbri moderni. (Atti Soc. romana d'antrop., iv, pp. 5- 35.) 382290.4 1897. Note di craniologia trentina. (Atti Soc. romana d'antrop., v, pp. 5 _I 9-) 3822.90.5 Much, M. 1886. Die Kupferzeit in Europa und ihi Verhaltniss zur Cultur der Indogermanen. Wien. 2235.108 Much, It. 1897. Die Anfange des bayrisch-osterreichi- schen Volksstammes. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bayerns, xii, pp. 1 et seq.) 382oa.5.i2 Muellenhoff, C. V. 1870-92. Deutsche Alterthumskunde. B. 1- 3, 5. Berlin. 4 v. 4832.2 1890. Same. Von Karl Muellenhoff. Neuer verm. Abdruck. Bd. 1. Berlin. Map. 2835.59 Mueller, A. 1871. Die altesten Spuren des Menschen in Europa. Basel. No. 3 in 290oa.50.i Mueller, F. 1872. Probleme der linguistischen Ethno- graphic (Geographisches Jahrbuch, 1872, pp. 299-317. Gotha.) *6288.i.4 1879. Allgemeine Ethnographic. 2te ver- mehrte Aufl. Wien. 6234.54 Mueller, F. Max. Article, "Aryan." (Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. 9th edition.) B. H. Ref. 1861. Lectures on the science of language. London. 2955.13 1862. Same. N. Y. 2955.50 1863. Same. N. Y. 2955.29 1867-75. Chips from a German workshop. London. 4 v. 5028.21 1887. The home of the Aryans. (Good words, London, xxviii, pp. 538-544-) Per. Room Same. (Eclectic magazine, new series, xlvi, pp. 505-512.) Per. Room 78 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Mueller, F. Max. (Continued.) 1888. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas. London. 2958.60 1890. The cradle of the Aryas. (Open court, Chicago, iii, pp. 2087-2089. 756oa.75-3 1891. Address on the Aryans. (Trans, sec- tions Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1891, pp. 782-796.) 7922. 1. 1 89 1 Mueller, K. O. 1877. Die Etrusker. Neu bearb. von W. Deecke. Stuttgart. 2735.18 The first edition of 1828 is on 2740.18. Mueller, S. O. 1878. Die nordische Bronzezeit und deren Periodeantheilung. Aus dem Danischen von J. Mestorf. Jena. 1884. Ursprung und erste Entwickelung der europaischen Bronzecultur, beleuchtet durch die altesten Bronzefund'; im sud- ostlichen Europa. (Archiv f. Anth., xv, PP- 323-355) 2230.104.15 Trans, from Danish by J. Mestorf. 1886. L'origine de l'age du bronze en Eu- rope. Trad, du Danois. (Materiaux pour l'hist. . . . de rhomme, xx, pp. 1-31, 88- 107, 143-164.) 6237.50.20 1888. Ordning af Danmarks Oldsager. Sten- alderen. Kj0benhavn. 2830.61 1897. Nordische Altertumskunde. Deutsche Ausgabe von O. L. Jiriczek. 1. Steinzeit; Bronzezeit. Strassburg. 4832.30 Mueschner, — 1891. Wenden der Niederlausitz. (Verh. Berliner, Ges. fur. Anth., 1891, pp. 319- 324.) 2222.51.23 Muffang, H. 1897. Etudes d'anthropo-sociologie: ecoliers et paysans de Saint-Brieuc. (Revue int. de sociologie, v, pp. 789-803.) 35603.107.5 Munro, It. 1886. The archaeological importance of an- cient British lake dwellings. (Jour. Anth. inst., xv, pp. 453-470.) 6235.50.15 1890. The lake dwellings of Europe. Rhind lectures for 1888. London. 2231.102 1897. Prehistoric problems. Edinburgh. 2234.116 Myrdacz, P. 1887. Ergebnisse der Sanitats-Statistik der k. k. Heeres in den Jahren 1870-1882. Wien. Maps. 7762.56 Nadaillac, Marquis de. 1881. Les premiers hommes et les temps prehistoriques. Paris. 2 v. 2232.55 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 79 Nasonof, N. V. 1890. Ta6jiHn,a H3MHpeHifi Kyp^OBt. [The Kurds.] (II3B. IImii. 06m,. jiio6. eCT. . . . tomt>GS, TpyAti Aht. otj., xii, ,II,hcb. 1890, cols. 400-402, MocKBa.) 3820a. 18. (1890) Nazarof, P. C. 1890. Kt> aHTponojiorin OaniKHpt. [Anthropo- logy of the Bashkirs (South Ural).] (II3B. llMn. 06111. J1106. ecT. . . . tom'l 68, Tpy^u Aht. ota., xii, J^rqb. 1890, cols. 37-53. 35°- 367, MocKBa.) 3820a. 18. (1890) Naue, J. 1895. L'epoque de Hallstatt en Baviere. (Revue archeologique, serie 3, xxvii, pp. 40-77.) 2217.51. ser.3,v.27 Needon, H. 1867. Resultate der ersten ausgedehnteren Aushebung im Monat Marz 1867. (Zeits. Kon. siichsischen statistischen Bureau's, xiii, pp. 129-138.) Stat. Libr. 1868. Resultate der Aushebung vom Sep- tember 1867. (Ibid., xiv, pp. 113-119.) Stat. Libr. Neophytos, A. G. 1891. Le Grec du nord-est de l'Asie Mi- neure au point de vue anthropologique. (L'Anth., ii, pp. 25-35.) 4239-S5-2 Neubauer, A. 1886. Notes on the race-types of the Jews. (Jour.Anth. inst., xv, pp. 17-23O 6235.50.15 Niceforo, A. 1896. Le varieta umane pigmee e microce- faliche della Sardegna. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., iii, pp. 201-222.) 3822.90.3 Nicholas, T. 1870. The influence of the Norman conquest on the ethnology of Britain. (Jour. Ethn. soc, London, new series, ii, pp. 384-400.) 1878. Pedigree of the English people. 5th ed. London. 2535.6 Nicolucci, G. See Davis, J. B., 1872. 1857-8. Delle razze umane. Saggio etnolo- gico. Napoli. 2 v. 1864. La stirpe ligure in Italia ne' tempi an- tichi e ne' moderni. Napoli. Pis. (Atti della Reale accad. delle scienze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, ii, pp. 1-87.) 3820.32 1865. Sulla stirpe Japigica, e sopra tre crani ad essa appartenenti rinvenuti nell' Italia meridionale. (Atti dell' Accad. delle sci- enze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, ii, No. 20, pp. 1-31. Pis.) 80 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Nicolucci, G. (Continued.) 1867. Sull' antropologia della Grecia. (Atti dell' Accad. delle scienze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, iii, No. 23, pp. 1-98. Pis.) 1869. Antropologia dell' Etruria. (Atti dell' Accad. delle scienze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, iv, No. 13, pp. 1-60. Pis.) 1873. Sur 1'homme prehistorique en Italic (Compte rendu, Congres int. d'anth., sess. v, Bologna, 1871, pp. 233-38.) 6235.20.sess.5 1875. Antropologia del Lazio. (Atti della Reale accad. delle scienze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, vi, Nr. 1, pp. 1-64. Pis.) 1882. Crania Pompeiana. (Archivio per l'ant., xii, pp. 143-178.) 38203.4.12 Also in Atti R. accad. delle scienze fisiche e mat., Napoli, ix. 1888. Antropologia dell' Italia nell' evo an- tico e nel moderno. (Atti della Reale ac- cad. delle scienze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, serie 2a, ii, Nr. 9, pp. 1-112.) 1890. I Semiti, quel che furono e quel die oggi sono. (Atti dell' Accademia pontani- ana, Napoli, xx, pp. 261-279.) 1891a. I Celti e la formazione delle odierne nazionalita francese, spagnuola ed inglese. (Mem. Soc. ital. delle scienze, Napoli, serie 3, viii, Nr. 5, pp. I-37-) 5243. 1. ser. 3, v. 8 1891b. Gli Aryi e le origini europee. (Atti dell' Accademia pontaniana, Napoli, xxi, pp. 150-161.) 1891c. Sguardo sull' etnologia dell Egitto. (Atti della Reale accad. delle scienze fis. e mat., Soc. reale di Napoli, serie 2, iv, Nr. 6, pp. 1-12. Pis.) Niederle, L. 1889. Nastin dejin anthropologic [Outline of a history of anthropology.] (Athenaeum, Prague, 1889, pp. 1-19.) 1891a. Pfispevky k anthropologii zemi ces- kych. I. Hroby s kostrami z konce doby praehistoricke v Cechach. [Contributions to the anthropology of Bohemia. I. Graves from the late prehistoric period.] Prague. Resume in Corr.-Blatt, xxii, p. 39; Archiv f. Anth., xxi, Litteraturbericht, p. 18; Globus, lxi, No. 4 and 5; Mitt. Anth. Ges., W'ien, 1891. Sitz.ber., pp. 102-105. 1891b. K otazce o puvodnim typu slovan- skem. [Concerning the primitive type of the Slavs.] (Athenreum, 1891, p. 193 et seq.) 1891-2. Aus der bohmischen Literatur. (Ar- chiv f. Anth., xix, pp. 375~379; xx, pp. 408-413.) 2230.104.19, 20 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 8l Niederle, L. (Continued.) 1892a. Les derniers resultats de l'archeologie prehistorique en Boheme et ses rapports avec l'Europe orientale. (Congres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, i, pp. 75- 86.) 6235.20.sess.n.v.i 1892b. Zamberske lebky: prispevek k an- thropologii obyvatelstva zeme ceske. (Rozpravy, Ceska Akad. Frantiska Josefa, Prague, tfida 2, i, cislo 31.) Resume in Sitz.-bericht. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxii, pp. 82, 83 [6230a. 14.22]. 1892c. Die neuentdeckten Graber von Pod- baba u. s. w. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxii, pp. 1-18.) 6230a. 14.22 1893. Lidstvo v dobe pfedhistoricke. Se zvlastnim zfetelem na zeme slovanske. [Man in prehistoric times, especially in Slavic countries.] V Praze. Maps. Pis. Plans. 2234.75 Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxiii, 1895, pp. 652 et seq.; L'Anth., iv, p. 613, v, pp. 197-200; Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxiii, p. 42, xxiv, p. 50. There is a bibliography on pp. 703-751. 1894a. Pfispevky k anthropologii zemi Ces- kych. II. O mladsi dobe kamenne v Cechach. [Contributions to the anthropo- logy of Bohemia. II. Neolithic crania in Bohemia.] (Cesky Lid, iii, pp. 257-275, 353-359-) . . 2235.82 1894b. Bemerkungen zu einigen Charakteris- tiken der altslawischen Graber. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxiv, pp. 194-209.) 6230a. 14.24 1894c. (With E. Albert.) Die physische Be- schaffenheit d. Bevolkerung Bohmens. (Die osterr. ung. Monarchic in Wort u. Bild. Bohmen, i, p. 363.) Resume in Revue mens, de l'ficole d'anthrop., Paris, iv., p. 415. 1895. Pfispevky k moravske kraniologii. [Contributions to the craniology of Mora- via.] (Cesky Lid, iv, pp. 353-364-) Resume in Centralblatt, i, p. 129. 1896a. O puvodu Slovanu. [Origin of the Slavs.] Prague. 3822.137 Resume in Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxvii, p. 55; in Globus, lxxi, no. 24. 1896b. O pomeru Ugrofinu k Slovanum. [On the relation of the Ugrofinns to the Slavs.] (Appendix in Niederle, 1896a.) 3822.137 Niese, B. 1898. Zur Geschichte der keltischen Wan- derungen. (Zeits. fiir deutsches Altertum, xlii, pp. 129-161.) 4835.51.42 Nikolski, D. P. 1S07. 9THorpa$m:ecKo-a iiTponojiorH^ecKi'fi onepKi, BocTO^Hbixt HepcMiict. [Ethnogra- 82 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. phical-anthropological sketch of the east- ern Cheremiss. With bibliography. ] (Tpy- flbi Aht. o6in,., npu Hun. BoeHHO-neji,. aKajr., Cn6., ii, pp. 3-108.) 3822.127.2 Nilsson, S. 1838-65. Skandinaviska Nordens Ur-Invan- are ett forsok i komparativa ethnografien och ett bidrag till Menniskoslagtets Ut- vecklings-Historia. Lund. 1868a. Same. The primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia. London. 4830.17 1868b. Same. Les habitants primitifs de la Scandinavie. Paris. 4836.5 1865-66. Same. Die Ureinwohner des scan- dinavischen Nordens. Hamburg. 2 v. Noreen, A. 1890. "Scandinavian languages." (Encyclo- paedia Britannica, 9th ed.) B. H. Ref. Norman people. 1874. The Norman people and their existing descendants in the British dominions and the United States. 2236.53 Nott, J. C. 1850. The physical history of the Jewish race. Charleston, S. C. Reprint from the Southern quarterly review. 1854. (With G. R. Gliddon.) Types of man- kind. Phila. 2234.9 1857. (With G. R. Gliddon.) Indigenous races of the earth. Phila. 0232.50 Nueesch, J. 1896. Das Schweizersbild, eine Niederlas- sung aus palaeolithischer und neolithi- scher Zeit. (Neue Denks. der Allg. schweiz. Gesell. f. die ges. Naturwiss., Basel, xxxv.) Obedenare, M. G. 1876. La Roumanie economique. Paris. 3082.16 1877. Les Celtes de l'Europe orientale. (Re- vue d'anth., vi, pp. 253-255.) 4239.50.1877 Obermueller, W. 1871a. Die keltischen Wanderungen. (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, xiv, pp. 452-460.) 1871b. Zur Abstammung der Magyaren. (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, xiv, pp. 555-589-) Odin, A. 1895. Genese des grands hommes. Paris. 2 v. 2643.63 Ohlenschlager, F. 1880-95. Prahistorische Karte von Bayern. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bayerns, iii, pp. 1-27; iv, pp. 101-131; v, pp. 275-293; vii, pp. 93- 106; ix, pp. 87-108. Maps.) 382oa.5. 3-5,7 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 83 Olechnowicz, W. 1893. Charakterystyka antropologiczna lud- nosci gubernii lubelskiej z dodatkiem uwag o wskaznikach glownych u Slawian na polnoc i wschod od Karpat zamiesz- kalych. [Anthropological characteristics of the population of Lublin, with remarks on the Slavs north and south of the Car- pathian mountains.] (Zbior wiad. do an- trop. kraj., Krakow, xvii, dzial I, pp. 1- 40.) Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, p. 468; and L'anth., vi, p. 102. Also in Yv'isla, vii, 1893, pp. 53~72, 280-290. 1895a. Charakterystyka antropologiczna szlachty drobnej gminy Grabowo, wpowie- cie szczuczyhskim, gubernii lomzyhskiej. [Anthropological characteristics of the "petite noblesse" of Grabowo, Poland.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xviii, pp. 29-46.) 3822.110 Resume in L'Anthropologie, vii, pp. 350-354. 1895b. Charakterystyka antropologiczna Lit- winow z okolic m. Olity. [Anthropolo- gical characteristics of the Lithuanians about Olita.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xviii, pp. 47-/6.) 3822.109 Resume in L'Anthropologie, vii, pp._35°-354- 1897. Charakterystyka antropologicznajud- nosci powiatu opatowskiego, gubernii ra- domskiej. [Anthropological characteris- tics of the inhabitants of Opatow in the government of Radom.] (Materyaly ant. i etnog., Akad. umiej^tnosci, Krakow, ii, dziai 1, pp.1-31.) 3822.111 1898. Crania polonica. (Materyaly ant. i etnog., Akad. umiejetnosci, Krakow, iii.) 3822.240 Oloriz y Aguilera, F. 1894a. Distribucion geografica del indice cefalico en Espana. Madrid. Maps.) 3822.87 1894b. Distribucion geografica del indice ce- falico en Espana. (Boletin de la Sociedad geografica, Madrid, xxxvi, pp. 389-422. Map.) 1896. La talla humana en Espana. (Discur- sos leidos en la Real academia de medi- cina . . . ) Madrid. Map. 3820a.11 Omalius d'Halloy, J. B. J. d\ 1839. Note sur la classification des races humaines. (Bull. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Bruxelles, vi, partie 1, pp. 279-293.) 3385.1.6, pt. 1 1845(F) Des races humaines, ou elements d'ethnographie. Bruxelles. 2239.106 1848. Observations sur la distribution anci- enne de la race blanche. (Ibid., xv, partie i, pp. 548-565) 3385-I-I5, Pt- 1 84 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Omalius d'Halloy, J. B. J. d\ (Continued.) 1865. Sur la pretendue origine asiatique des Europeens. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., pp. 237- 248.) 4236.50.1865 1874. Sur la question celtique. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1874, pp. 44-53-) 4236.50.1874 A notice of his life and works is in Annuaire de l'Acad. royale . . . de Belgique, 1876, pp. 181-296 [3399.1.42]. Onnis, E. A. 1896a. Contributo all' antropologia della Sardegna. (Archivio per l'ant., xxvi, pp. 27-52.) 3820a. 6.26 1896b. Contributo all' antropologia della Sardegna. Note. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., iii, pp. 179-192.) 3822.90.3 Oppel, A. 1890. Zur Ethnographie der Balkanhalbin- sel. (Globus, lvii, pp. 76-79.) 6914. 1.57 Oppert, G. 1893. On the original inhabitants of Bha- ratavarsa or India, Westminster. 3042.150 Ornstein, B. 1877-79. Ueber Farbe der Augen, Haare und Haut der heutigen Bewohner Griechen- land. (Verh. der Berliner Ges. fur Anth., 1877. PP. 39-4o; 1879, pp. 305-306.) 2222.51.9, 11 O'Shea, H. 1887. La maison basque: notes et impres- sions. Pau. 4094.79 Ovidio, F. d\ 1888. (With W. Meyer.) Die italienische Sprache. (Grober, Grundriss der romani- schen Sprache, i, 489-561.) 4681.51. 1 Owen, F*. 1875. Contributions to the ethnology of Egypt. (Jour. Anth. inst.. iv, pp. 223-254.) 6235.50.4 Pagliani, L. 1876. Sopra alcuni fattori dello sviluppo umano. Ricerche antropometriche. To- rino. Estr. dagli Atti della Reale accademia delle sci- enze di Torino, xi, pp. 604-760; and Archivio per l'ant., vi, pp. 129-183 [38203.6.6]. 1877-78. I fattori della statura umana. (Ar- chivio di statistica, Roma, i. fasc. 4, pp. 92-120.) 1878. Studi antropometrici sullo sviluppo dell' organismo umano. (Annali di statis- tica, serie 2a, ii, pp. 228-234.) 7643-9.ser.2a.2 Palgrave, W. G. 1865. Narrative of a year's journey through central and eastern Arabia. London. 2 v. 5043-12 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 85 Palliardi, J. 1894. Vyzkumy pfedhistoricke na jihoza- padni Morave. [Prehistoric researches in southwestern Moravia.] (Sep.-Abdr. aus d. Cas. vl. muz sp. Olom. 1893 und 1894.) Pallmann, It. 1866. Die Pfahlbauten und ihre Bewohner. Greifswald. 1870. Die Cimbern und Teutonen. Berlin. Pantyukhof, J. J. 1893a. TpyaHHH Tao.niiccKaro yS3fla. [The Georgians of Tiflis.J (II3B. Ibin. 06m,. jih)6. ecT. . . . tomi. 80, Tpyjiti Aht. ota., xvi, MocKBa.) Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, p. 670. 1893b. AHTponojioriraecKia Ha6jno,a,eHia Ha KaB- K&Z'h. [Anthropological observations in the Caucasus.] (3amiCKH KaBKa3CK. otji,., Hmh. p. T. 06lH., KH., XV, TlIMHCb.) Pauli, C. 1879-80. Etruskische Studien. Gottingen. 2735.21 1881-84. (With W. Deecke.) Etruskische Forschungen und Studien. Stuttgart. 6 v. in 1. 2735.22 1883-87. Altitalische Studien. Hannover. 5 parts in 1 v. 2735.66 Essays, edited by Pauli; chiefly on the language of the Etruscans by Pauli, H. Schaefer, and O. A. Danielson. 1885-94. Altitalische Forschungen. Leipzig. 3 v. 2735.69 Paulitschke, P. 1888. Beitrage zur Ethnographie und An- thropologic der Somal, Galla und Harari. Leipzig. 1893-96. Ethnographie Nordost-Afrikas. Ber- lin. 2 v. 3051- 131 Pauly, T. de. 1862. Description ethnographique des peuples de la Russie. Saint Petersbourg. Col. pis. Cab.70.17.1 Pauw, L. de. 1885. (With V. Jacques.) Le cimetiere de Saaftingen. Bruxelles. Pis. Peixoto, B. 1897. A anthropometria no exercito. (Re- vista de sciencias naturaes e sociaes, v, pp. 43-49-) Penck, A. See also Nueesch. 1884. Mensch und Eiszeit. (Archiv f. Anth., xv, pp. 211-228.) 2230.104.15 1896. Die Glacialbildungen um Schaffhausen und ihre Beziehungen zu den praehistori- 86 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. schen Stationen des Schweizersbildes und von Thayingen. (Neue Denks. der Allg. schweiz. Ges. f. die ges. Naturwiss., Basel, xxxv, pp. 155-200.) Penka, C. 1883. Origines Ariacae. Linguistisch-ethno- logische Untersuchungen zur altesten Ge- schichte der arischen Volker und Sprach- en. Wien. 6232.64 1886. Die Herkunft der Arier. Neue Bei- trage zur historischen Anthropologic der europaischen Volker. Wien. 6234.59 1888. Ueber die Zeit des ersten Auftretens der Buche in Nord-Europa und die Frage nach der Heimath der Arier. (Globus, liii, pp. 200-205.) 6914.1.53 1891. Die Entstehung der arischen Rasse. (Ausland, lxiv, pp. 132-136; 141-145; 170- 174; I9I-I95-) 5290.50.64 1892. Die alten Volker der ostlichen Lander Mitteleuropas. (Globus, lxi, pp. 49-53, 74-78.) 6914. 1.61 1893a. Die Heimat der Germanen. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxiii, pp. 45~76.) 6230a. 14.23 There is a reprint on 38203.39. 1893b. Die Kupferzeit in Europa. (Oester- reichisch-Ungarische Revue, xiv, pp. 392- 404.) 1897. Zur Palaoethnologie Mittel- und Siid- Europas. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxvii, pp. 18-52.) 6230a. 14.27 There is a reprint on 38208.38. Perier, J. A. N. 1857. Fragments ethnologiques. fitudes sur les vestiges des peuples gaelique et cym- rique dans quelques contrees de l'Europe occidentale. Paris. 6235.25 1860-3. Sur l'ethnogenie egyptienne. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., i, pp. 435-504-) 4237-50.1 1861. Sur l'heredite des caractere? acciden- tels. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 1, ii, pp. 19-46.) 4236. 50. 1 «6 1 Perrier du Carne, — 1895. (With L. Manouvrier.) Le dolmen "de la justice" d'fipone. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1895, PP- 273-297.) 4236.50.1895 Peschel, O. F. 1880. Europaische Staatenkunde. B. 1, Abth. 1. Leipzig. 2304.53 Edited by O. Krummel. 1885. Volkerkunde. 6te Aufl. Leipzig. 6236.64 The first edition appeared in 1876. 1894. Same. The races of man. London; New York. 2239.58=2239.59 THE ANTHROPOLOGY 01 EUROPE. 87 Petermann, A. 1864. Physikalische unci statistische ECarten- skizzen von Osterreich. (Petermann. [864, Tafel 5.) 6271.1.1864 Petersen, E. 1889. (With F. von Luschan.) Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis. Wien. ***5o7oa.8 Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1889. The earliest racial portraits. (Nature, London, xxxix, pp. 128-130.) Per. Room See also British association, 1887. 1892. Ten years' digging in Egypt. Lon- don. 3059.166 1894-6. History of Egypt. London. 2 v. B. H. Ref. 74.5 1895. Origin of the Egyptians. (Academy, London, xlvii, p. 342.) For his other works see the Card catalogue. Pfitzner, W. 1897. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der sekundaren Geschlechtsunterschiede beim Menschen. (Morphologische Arbeiten, vii, Heft 2, pp. 473-514.) 3822.198 Philippson, A. 1890. Zur Ethnographie des Peloponnes. (Petermann, xxxvi, pp. 1-11, 33-41. Map.) 6271. 1.36 Pic, J. Ii. 1880. Ueber die Abstammung der Rumanen. Leipzig. 1886. Zur rumanisch-ungarischen Streitfrage. Skizzen zur altesten Geschichte der Ru- manen, Ungarn und Slaven. Leipzig. 1893-7. Archaeologicky vyzkum ve stfed- nich Cechach. [Archaeological researches in central Bohemia. Preface on the Boii, Markomans and Czechs.] Prag. Maps. Pis.) 2230.69 Pickering, C. 1848. The races of man. Boston. 2230.109 Same. London, 1850. [Bohn's library.] 623933 Picot, E. 1875. Les Roumains en Macedonie. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iv, pp. 385-429.) 4239.50.1875 1883. Les Daces. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, vi, pp. 90-96.) 4239.50.1883 Review of Tocilescu. Pictet, A. 1859-63. Les origines indo-europeennes ou les Aryas primitifs. Paris. 2 v. 4953.8; 2951.10 1877. 2e edition. Paris. 3 v. 2951.82 1886. Same. 2e ed. 3 v. 2951.65 OO THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Pieroni, P. 1892. Delia stirpe ligure in Garfagnana. (Bull. Soc. veneto-trentina di sc. nat.. v, f No. 2.) Pietrement, C. A. 1879. Les Aryas et leur premiere patrie. Paris. 2236.68 Piette, E. 1895-6. Etudes d'ethnographie prehistorique. (L'Anth., vi, pp. 276-292; vii, pp. 1— 17, 385- 427) 4239.55.6, 7 Pigorini, L. 1871. Bibliografia paleoetnologica italiana dal 1850 al 1871. Parma. 2162.35 1874. Materiaux pour l'histoire de la paleo- ethnologie italienne. Parme. 1892. Le popolazioni primitive della valle del Po. (Atti del primo Congresso geo- grafico italiano, Genova, i, pp. 1-8.) There is a reprint on 2231.60. Pike, — Origin of the English nation. London. Pirala, A. 1885. Provincias vascongadas. [Espaha, sus monumentos y artes.j Barcelona. 3101.30 Pitard, E. 1898a. Etude de 114 cranes de la vallee du Rhone (Haut-Valais). (Revue mens, de l'Ecole d'anth., viii, pp. 86-94.) 2231. 105.8 1898b. Etude de 59 cranes valaisans. (Ibid.. viii, pp. 223-231.) 2231. 105.8 1898c. Sur l'ethnologie des populations suisses. (L'Anth., ix. pp. 646-656.) 4239-55-9 Platner, C. 1880. Ueber die Art der deutschen Volker- ztige zur Zeit der Wanderung. (Forsch- ungen zur deutschen Geschichte, xx, pp. 165-202.) 4818.50.20 Poesche, T. 1878. Die Arier. Ein Beitrag zur histori- schen Anthropologic. Jena. 6234.55 Reviewed by Ecker in Archiv fiir Anth., xi, pp. 365-369, who agrees with Poesche's conclusions. See also Archivio per l'ant.. ix, p. 242, and xiv, p. 366. 1883. Blondheit und Albinismus. (Archiv f. Anth., xiv, pp. 143-150.) 2230.104.T4 Pommerol, E. 1887. Dc la couleur des cheveux it des yeux en Limagne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1887, pp. 383-397) 4236.50.1889 Poole, R. S. 1886. The Egyptian classification of the races of man. (Jour. Anth. inst. xvi, pp. 370-379- Portrs.) 6235.50.16 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 89 Popof, M. A. 1890. Zur Lehre vom Schadel. Charkov. Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xx, pp. 366-374 [2J30. 104.20L Porotof, M. T. 1805. Kt> anTponojioriH 6ypaTr&. EypaTH-ajiap- u,bl. [On the anthropology of the Buriats. | (CepiajoKTopciciixi. AnccopTaniii. Ihm. BoeH- no-MeAimunci;uii aKajneMhi, Cn6., No. 20. 1895-96, pp. 1-175-) Porter, W. T. 1893. The physical basis of precocity and dullness. (Trans. Acad, of sc, St. Louis, vi, pp. 161-181.) 7302.5.6 1894. The growth of St. Louis children. (Trans. Acad, of sc, St. Louis, vi, No. 12, pp. 263-380.) 7392.5.6 Contains a bibliography. There is a reprint in Pa- pers on Anthropometry, 1894, pp. 58-64 [3764.128]. Price, T. 1829. An essay on the physiognomy ... of the present inhabitants of Britain. Lon- don. 2435.8 Prichard, J. C. 1813. Researches into the physical history of man. London. 5887.10 1837-47. Same. 5 v. 4276.10 1841-51. Same. 5 v. 3887.7 1845. The natural history of man. 2d ed. London. 6236.63 1851. Ethnographical maps illustrative of the Natural history of man. 2d ed. Lon- don. 6 col. maps. Cab. 22. 15.7 1857. The eastern origin of the Celtic na- tions. London. 2056.7 Prinzinger d. Ae., A. 1884. Die Markmannen-Baiern-Wanderung- en. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xiv, pp. 1- 13.) 6230a. 1 4. 14 Protzenko, — 1872. AHTponojiorHHecKie 3Tiojbi. [Anthropo- logical studies.] (3anncKH 06 m,. 6CT., KieBTb, ii, col. 12S.) Pruner-Bey, F. 1860a. Sur l'ethnogenie egyptienne. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., i, pp. 435-504.) 4237.50. t 1860b. Sur l'origine de l'ancienne race egyptienne. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., i, pp. 399-433-) . 42-37-50.I 1864. Sur la question celtique. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1864, pp. 657-679.) 4236.50.1864 1865a. Sur les origines hongroises. (Mem. Soc. d'anth., serie 1, ii, pp. 205-220.) 4237.50.ser. 1, v. 2 90 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Pruner-Bey, F. (Continued.) 1865b. Resultats de craniometrie. (Mem. Soc. d'anth. serie 1, ii, pp. 417-432.) 4237.50.ser. 1, v. 2 1867. Sur la langue euskuara. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1867, pp. 39~7i-) 4236.50.1867 Puig y Larraz, G. 1897. Ensayo bibliogratico de antropoiogia prehistorica iberica. (Memorias de la Real academia de ciencias exactas, Madrid, xvii. pp. 685-768.) Pulle, F. L. 1898. Profilo antropologico dell' Italia. (Ar- chivio per Pant., xxviii, pp. 1-140. Maps.) 3820a.r3.28 Pulszky, F. von. 1891-2. Ueber die vorgeschichtliche Zeit Ungarns. (Archiv f. Anth., xx, pp. 349- 351.) 2230.104.20 Quatrefages de Breau, A. de. A complete bibliography of his works is in L'Anth., iii, 1892, pp. 14-18. 1863. Sur Taction des milieux. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., pp. 139-149, 209-223.) 4236.50.1863 1871a. La race prussienne. Paris. 2629.63 1871b. La race prussienne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1871, pp. 182-185.) 4236.50.1871 1871c. La race prussienne. (Revue des deux mondes, 2e periode, xci, pp. 647-669, Paris, fev. 15c) Per. Room 1872a. The Prussian race ethnologically con- sidered. Translated. London. 2828.55 1872b. Sur les origines anthropologiques des populations europeennes. (Materiaux pour Phistoire de Phomme, Toulouse, vii, pp. 78-88.) 6237.50.7 1872-73. La race prussienne. [Reponse a M. Virchow.] (Revue scientifique, x, pp. 25-33, 318-3-20; xi, pp. 989-1000.) 5292. 1. 10, 11 1877. L'espece humaine. Paris. 3829.63 1879. The human species. [Int. sc. series.] N. Y. and London. 3829.71=6. H. Ref. 422.3 1882. (With E. T. Hamy.) Crania ethnica. Paris. 2 v. 3880.55 1884. Homines fossiles et hommes sauvages. Paris. 6236.61 1889. Histoire generale des races humaines. Introduction a Petude des races humaines. Paris. 2231. 101 Quedenfeldt, M. 1888-9. Eintheilung und Verbreitung der Berberbevolkerung in Marokko. (Zeits. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. OJ fiir Eth., xx, pp. 98-130, 146-160. 184-210; xxi, pp. 81-108, 157-201. Map.) 2222.51.20, 21 Outline with map in Petermann xxxvi. [890, pp. Quetelet, L. A. J. 1835. Sur l'homme et lc developpement de ses facultes, ou essai sur physique sociale. Paris. 2 v. in 1. 3887.4 1844. Recherches statistiques. Bruxelles. 1870. Anthropometric Bruxelles. 3605.17 1871. Same. 3605.53 Rabl-Rueckhard, H. 1878. Anthropologic Siid-Tirols. (Verh. der Berliner Ges. f. Anth., 1878, pp. 50- 95-) 2222.51.10 1879. Weitere Beitrage sur Anthropologic der Tiroler. (Zeits. f. Eth., xiii, pp. 201- 212.) 2222.51.13 1880. Zur Anthropologic Tirols. (Corr. Blatt, xi, pp. 17-19.) 2230.104.12 Radimsky, V. 1 891. Die prahistorischen Fundstatten, ihre Erforschung und Behandlung mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf Bosnien und die Her- cegovina. Sarajevo. Illus. 4831.55 Rajendralala Mitra. 1881. Indo-Aryans. London and Calcutta. 2 v. 3026.50 Rainsay, Sir A. C. 1878. Physical geology and geography of Great Britain. 5th ed. London. 3866.62 Ramsay, "W. M. 1890. The historical geography of Asia Minor. London. (Suppl. papers, Royal geog. soc, vol. 4.) 6265.50.4 Ranke, H. 1885. Zur Craniologie der Kelten. (Bei- trage zur Anth. Bay., vi, pp. 109-121.) 382oa.5.6 Ranke, J. 1877-92. Die Schadel der altbayerischen Landbevolkerung. I. Zur Physiologie des Schadels und Gehirns. (Beitrage zur Anth. u. Urg. Bayerns, 1877, i. pp. 227- 285; 1879, ii, pp. 1-80, 238-265.) 2. Ethno- logische Kraniologie Bayerns. (Ibid., 1880, iii, pp. 108-205; 1883, v, pp. 53-248.) 3. Uber einige gesetzmassige Beziehungen zwischen Schadelgrund, Gehirn und Ge- sichtsschadel. (Ibid., 1892, x, pp. i-132.) 3820a. 5. 1-3, 5, 10 See review in Revue d'anth., serie 2, v, 1875, pp. 171-184. 92 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Kanke, J. (Continued.) 1878. Beitrage zur Kraniologie der Bayern und ihrer Nachbarstamme. (Corr.-Blatt, 1878, pp. 123-125.) 2230.104.1878 (Suppl.) 1880a. Die vorgeschichtliche Steinzeit im rechtsrheinischen Bayern. (Beitrage zur Anth. u. Urg. Bayerns, iii, pp. 34-62.) 3820a. 5. 3 1880b. Die Felsenwohnungen aus der jiinge- ren Steinzeit in der frankischen Schweiz. (Beitrage zur Anth. u. Urg. Bayerns, iii, pp. 206-230.) 38203.5.3 1881. Zur Statistik und Physiologie der Korpergrosse der bayerischen Militar- pflichtigen. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bayerns, iv. pp. 1-35.) 38203.5.4 1882a. Die Blonden und die Braunen in Siid- Bayern. (Corr.-Blatt, xiii. pp. 211-213.) 2230.104.14 1882b. Stadt- und Landbevolkerung (Bay- erns) verglichen in Beziehung auf die Grosse ihre Gehirnraumes. Stuttgart. 1883. Zur Methodik der Kraniometrie und iiber bayer. Schadeltypen. (Corr.-Blatt, 1883, pp. 136-142.) 2230.104.15 1883-92. Beitrage zur physischen Anthropo- logic der Bayern. Miinchen. A collection of his papers printed during 1877- 1883 in the serial publication of somewhat similar name, Beitrage zur Anth. u. Urg. Bayerns, under separate covers, and consecutively paged. Same. 2te Aufl. 1892. 1884. Ueber K< rpermessung an Lebenden. (Corr.-Blatt, 1884, pp. 171-177.) 2230.104.15 (Suppl.) 1886-S7. Der Mensch. Leipzig. 2 v. Same. Neuer Abdruck. 1890. 2 v. 2231. no 1889a. Beitrage zur physischen Antropolo- gie der Bayern. Die Kurperproportionen des bayerischen Volkes. (Beitrage zur Anth. u. Urg. Bayerns, viii. pp. 49-9 2 -) 3S2oa.5.8 1889b. Somatisch-anthropologische Beobach- tungen. (Kirchhoff's Anleitung zur deutschen Landes- und Volksforschung (q. v.), pp. 3- 7 9-38o.) 3827.4 1896. Der fossile Mensch und die Menschen- rassen. (Corr.-Blatt, 1896, pp. 151-156.) 2230.i04.Corr.-Blatt, 27 1897a. Fruhmittelalterliche Schadel und Ge- beine aus Lindau. (Sitzungsb. math.- phys. Klasse, Kon. bayer. Akad. Wiss., Miinchen, xxvii. pp. 1-92. Tables.) 3265.12.27 1897b. Uber die individuellen Variationen im Schadelbau des Menschen. (Corr.- Blatt, 1897, pp. 139-146.) 2230. 104. Corres.-Blatt, 1897 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 93 Ranke, J. (Continued.) 1898. Schadel der bayerischen Stadtbevol kerungen. 1. Fruhmittelalterliche Schiidel und Gebeine aus Lindau. (Beitrage zur Anth. u. Urg. Bayerns, xii, pp. 127-164.) 38203.5.12 Raseri, E. 1879. Materiali per l'etnologia italiana. (An- nali di statistica, Roma, serie 2a, viii, pp. 1-124.) 7643.9. s. 2a, 8 Same. (Archivio per l'ant., ix, pp. 259-288; x, pp. 46-83, 202-216.) 3820a. 6.9, 10 Ratzel, F. 1882-91. Anthropo-Geograpbie. Stuttgart. 2 v. Map. 2236.109 1887-88. Volkerkunde. Leipzig. 3 v. B. H. Ref. 420.2 1894-95. 2te Aufl. 2 v. 1896. The history of mankind. Translation from 2d edition. London. 2232.67 Rauchberg, H. 1893. Innere Wanderungen in Oesterreich. (Allgemeines statistisches Archiv, iii, pp. 183-208. Maps.) 3560a. 102.3 Ravenstein, E. G. 1879. On the Celtic languages in the Brit- ish Isles. (Jour. Stat, soc., London, xlii, pp. 579-636. ) Per. Room 1885. The laws of migration. (Ibid., xlviii, pp. 167-235. Maps.) Per. Room Rawlinson, G. 1877. Ethnography of the Cimbri. (Jour. Anth. inst, vi, pp. 150-158.) 6235.50.6 Reclus, J. E. 1867. Les Basques, un peuple qui s'en va. (Revue des deux mondes, 2e periode, Ixviii, pp. 313-340.) Per. Room 1878-94. Nouvelle geographie universelle: la terre et les homines. [Europe, vols. I- 5.] Paris. 19 v. 2270a. 50 1883-94. Same. Translated. Tbe earth and its inhabitants. [Europe, vol. 1-5.] Ed- ited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. New York. 18 v. B. H. 280.2 Regalia, E. T882. Di due proporzioni antropometriche in 120 Bolognesi. (Archivio per l'ant., xii, pp. 323-329-) . . 382oa.6.T2 (893. Sulla nuova classificazione umana del Prof. G. Sergi. Note. (Archivio per l'ant., xxiii, pp. 91-152.) 382oa.6.23 Regel, F. 1892-6. Thiiringen. Ein geograpbisches Handbuch. Jena. 3 v. in 4. Map^. 4863.66 Vol. 3. Die Bewohner. 94 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Regnault, F. 1892. Du role des montagnes dans la distri- bution des races. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1892. pp. 221-237.) 4236.50.1892 Reinach, S. There is a bibliography of Reinach, 1874-96, on 2172. 112. 1883. Fouilles dans les necropoles de Watsch de Sanct-Margarethen, Carniole. (Revue archeologique, serie 3, ii, pp. 265-280. Pis.) 2237.50.ser. 3, v. 2 Review of Hochstetter, 'S3. 1889. Antiquites nationales. Description raisonnee du Musee de Saint-Germain-en- Laye. Paris. 2 v. 2235.107 1891. Recherches nouvelles sur la langue etrusque. (L'Anth., ii, pp. 108-112.) 4239.55.2 1892. L'origine des Aryens. Histoire d'une controverse. Paris. 2239.110 1893a. Le mirage oriental. (L'Anth., iv, PP- 539-578, 698-732.) 4239-55-4 1893b. Une nouvelle theorie sur les Pe- lasges. (L'Anth., iv, pp. 592-596.) 4239.55.4 Review of Hesselmeyer. (q. v.) 1894a. (With A. Bertrand.) Les Celtes dans les vallees du P6 et du Danube. Paris. 2235.130 1894b. Le congres de Sarajevo. (L'Anth.. v, pp. 554-570.) 4239-55-5 1894-6. La sculpture en Europe avant les influences greco-romaines. (L'Anth., v, pp. 15-34, 173-186, 288-305; vi, pp. 18-39, 293-3II- 549-563, 662-674; vii, pp. 168-194. Pis.) 4239-55-5-7 There is a reprint on 8083.65. Reischel, G. 1889. Zur Statistik der Korpergrosse in Erfurt, Weissensee u. Eckartsberga. (Ar- chiv f. Anth., xviii, pp. 135-150. Maps.) 2230. 104. i8 Renan, E. 1883. Le Judaisme comme race et comme religion. Paris. 2292.69 Rendall, G. H. 1889. The cradle of the Aryans. London. 2235.106 Retzius, A. A. 1843. O111 formen af nordboernes cranier. Stockholm. (Forhandlingar vid de Skan- dinaviske naturforskarnes, mote iii, 1842, PP- 157-201.) Same. [In French.] Memoire sur les formes du crane des habitants du Nord. (Annales des sciences naturelles, ser. 3, Zoologie, t. 6, 1846, pp. 133-172.) 5864. 1. ser. 3, v. 6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 95 Retzius, A. A. (Continued.) Same. [In German.] (Muller's Archiv, 1845, pp. 84-129.) 1864. Ethnologische Schriften. Stockholm. 3820.20 Retzius, M. G. 1876. Matenaux pour servir a la connais- sance des caracteres ethniques des races? finnoises. (Compte rendu, Congres int. d'anth., session vii, Stockholm, vol. 2, pp. 741-765. Tables. Portrs.) 6235.20.sess. 7, v. 2 1878. Finska Kranier. Stockholm. < lutline in Journal des savants, by A. de Quatrefages, 1880, pp. 288-301; 345-361; 393~4 11 [3313.2. 1880]. Rhys, J. 1884. Celtic Britain. London. 2419^.52 1890-1. The early ethnology of the British Isles. Rhind lectures. (Scottish Review, xv, pp. 233-252; xvi, pp. 30-4/, 240-256; xvii, pp. 60-82, 332-349; xviii, pp. 120-143.) Per. Room The above is the title of the first article; each following paper has a distinctive title. 1892. The inscriptions and language of the northern Picts. (Proc. Soc. of antiquaries of Scotland, xxvi, pp. 263-351.) 4523.104.26 1899. The Welsh people. London. Ribeiro, C. 1878-80. Estudos prehistoricos em Portugal. Lisboa. 2 v. Pis. **D. 191.22 Riccardi, P. 1882. Studi intorno alio accrescimento della statura in ispecie nella citta e nei dintorm di Modena. (Archivio per l'ant., xii, pp. 207-271.) 362oa.6.i2 1883a. Cefalometria dei Aiodenesi moderni. Modena. 3820.30 1883b. Saggio di un catalogo bibliographico antropologico italiano. Modena. *3822.9i 1885. Statura e condizione sociale studiate nei Bolognesi contemporanei. (Archivio per l'ant., xv, pp. 97-125- Tables.) 382oa.6.i5 1886. Statura e intelhgenza studiate nei Bo- lognese contemporanei. (Archivio per l'ant., xvi, pp. 3-16. Tables.) 3820a. 0. 16 Ripley, W. Z. 1895. Geography as a sociological study. (Political science quarterly, New York, x, pp. 636-655.) Per. Room 1896a. Une carte de l'indice cephalique en Europe. (L'Anth., vii, pp. 513-525' 4239-55-7 96 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Ripley, W. Z. (Continued.) 1896b. Acclimatization. [Bibliography.] (Ap- pletons' Popular science monthly. New York, xlviii, pp. 662-675, 779-793) Per. Room 1896c. Ethnic influences in vital statistics. (Pub. Amer. stat. ass., Boston, v, pp. 18- 40.) Per. Room There is a reprint on 3822.126. 1896c!. The form of the head as influenced by growth. (Science, n. s., iii, pp. 888- 889.) Per. Room 1896c Review of Livi's Antropometria mili- tare, 1896. (Pub. Amer. stat. ass., Boston, v, pp. 101-103.) Per. Room 1897-9. The racial geography of Europe. (Appletons' Popular science monthly, New York.) Per. Room (a) Language, nationality and race, 1, pp. 454-408; (b) Shape of the head, 1, pp. 577-594! (c) Blondes and brunettes, 1, pp. 757-780; (d) Stature, li, pp. 17-34: (e) The three European races, li, pp. 192- 209; (f) France, li, pp. 289-307, 433"453; (g) The Basques, li, pp. 613-635; (h) Italy, li, pp. 721-739; (i) Germany, lii, pp. 49-68; (j) The British Isles, Hi, pp. 145-171 ; (k) The Aryan question, lii, pp. 304-322; (1) Social problems, lii, pp. 469-486, 591- 609. (m) Supplement: Russia and the Slavs, liii, pp. 721-746; (n) The Jews, liv, pp. 163-176 and 338-352. 1898. Deniker's classification of the races of Europe. (Jour. Anth. inst., new series, i, pp. 166-173.) Map. 6235.50.28 1899. The races of Europe. N. Y. 3822.250 Risley, H. H. See Topinard, 1892. 1890. The study of ethnology in India. (Jour. Anth. inst., pp. 235-263.) 6235.50.1890 1891-92. Tribes and castes of Bengal. 1. Ethnographic glossary. 2. Anthropo- metric data. Calcutta. 2 v. 504-^84 Rittich, A. F. 1873. Maxepiaau M& 9THorpa$iu Poccira. St. Petersburg. 1878a. Die Ethnographie Russland's. (Pe- termann, Erganzungsband 12, No. 54. Maps.) 6271.52.12 1878b. Die Hauptstamme der Russen. (Pe- termann, xxiv, pp. 325-33S. Map.) 6271. 1.24 1879. Apergu general des travaux ethno- graphiques en Russie pendant les trente dernieres annees. Charkoff. 1885. CiaBflHCKift nipt. [The Slavic world. | BapmaBa. Maps. Contains a bibliography of his works to date. Riviere, E. 1873. Decouverte d'un squelette humain de l'epoque paleolithique dans les cavernes des Baousse-Rousse. dites grottes de Men ton. Paris. -23ca.5o THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 97 Riviere, E. (Continued.) [887. De l'antiquite de l'hommc dans les Alpes Maritimes. Paris. Resume in Materiaux pour l'hist. . . . de l'homme. 1888, xxii, pp. 445-455 [6237.50.22J. Roberts, C. 1878. Manual of anthropometry. London. 3764.67 Robertson, J. M. 1897. The Saxon and the Celt. London. 3565.234 Rochet, C. 1871. Sur le type prussien. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1871, pp. 188-196.) 4236.50.1871 Rolleston, G. 1870. On the character and influence of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of England. (Pro- ceedings Royal institution, London, vi, p. 116-119.) 3267.50.6 1875a. Address to the department of anthro- pology. (Trans, sections Brit. ass. adv. sc, pp. 142-156.) 7922.1. 1875 1875b. On the people of the long barrow period. (Jour. Anth. inst, v, pp. 120-172.) 6235.50.5 1877. Description of figures of skulls. Gen- eral remarks upon prehistoric crania. (In Greenwell's British barrows, pp. 557-623, 625-718.) 2534.7 1879. Modifications of the external aspects of organic nature produced by man's inter- ference. (Jour. Roy. geog. soc, London, xlix, pp. 320-392.) 6:75-1-49 1884. Scientific papers and addresses. Ox- ford. 2 v. 39I4-58 Contains full text of all his published papers above-mentioned. Rosny, L. de. 1885. Les Romains de l'Orient; apcrgu de l'ethnographie de la Roumanie. Paris. 6239.25 Roujou, A. 1874a. fitude sur les races humaines de la France. Paris. 2636.51 1874b. Sur quelques races ou sous-races lo- cales observees en France. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 2, ix, pp. 249-255.) 4236.50.1874 1876. Quelques observations anthropolo- giques sur le departement du Puy-de- Dome. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., serie 2, xi. pp. 330-350.) 4236.50.1876 Rousselet, T. L. 1873. Tableau des races de l'lnde centrale. (Revue d'anth., serie. 1, ii, pp. 54-70, 267- 285.) 4239.50.1873 98 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Rousselet, T. L. (Continued.) 1875. Tableau des races de lTnde septen- trionale. (Ibid., serie 1, iv, pp. 210-222.) 4239.50.1875 1888. Les Afghans. (Ibid., serie 3, iii, pp. 4 1 2-428. ) 4239. 50. 1 888 Rubbiani, A. 1881. Etnologia bolognese. Bologna. 2239.8 Estratto dalla Guida dell' Appennino Bolognese. Rudler, F. W. 1880. Address. [The ethnology of Wales.] (Trans, sections Brit. Ass. adv. sc, 1880, pp. 609-619.) *7922.i.i88o Ruetimeyer, L. 1864. (With W. His.) Crania Helvetica. Basel. Atlas. 2230.114 1898. Gesammelte kleine Schriften allge- meinen Inhalts aus dem Gebiete der Na- turwissenschaft. Basel. 2 v. Illus. Map. 4844-35 Ruthenians, The. 1870. Die Ruthenen in Galizien. (Globus, xvii, pp. 39-42.) 6914. 1. 17 Rygh, o. 1885. Norske Oldsager. Christiania. 2 v. in 1. 483oa.57 Sabatier, C. 1882. Essai sur les Berbers sedentaires. (Re- vue d'anth., serie 2, v, pp. 413-442.) 4239.50.1882 1883. fitude sur la femme kabyle. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, vi, pp. 56-69.) 4239.50.1883 1884. Sur l'ethnologie de l'Afrique du nord. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, vii, pp. 404-459.) 4239.50.1884 Sacken, E., Freiherr von. 1868. Das Grabfeld von Hallstatt. Wien. Pis. 223oa.ii5 1875. Ueber einige neue Funde im Grabfelde bei Halstatt. (Mitt, der K. k. Central- Commission zur Erforschung una Erhal- tung der Kunst- und hist. Denkmale, Wien, n. s., i, pp. 1— 13.) 4090. Safarik, P. J. 1828. Ueber die Abkunft der Slaven nach Lorenz Surowiecki. Von P. J. Schaffarik. Ofen. *B.4236.i3 Sainz. See Hoyos Sainz. Salmon, P. 1888. Les races humaines prehistoriques. Paris. Maps. 2232.85 1895. Denombrement des cranes neoli- thiques de la Gaule. (Revue mensuelle de l'ficole d'anth., v. pp. 155-181, 214-220.) 2231. 105.5 THE A.N'TIIKol'ol.oilV OF EUROPE. 99 Saralegui y Medina, L. de. 1894. Estudios sobre la epoca celtica en Galicia. 3a ed. Ferrol. Sasinek, F. von. 1875. Die Slovaken. 2te Aufl. Prag. 3829.42 Outline in Revue d'anth., serie 1, iv, pp. 511-515. Sasse, A. 1865. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den sche- delvorm der Nederlanders. (Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke akade- mie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam, pp. 385-402.) In French, translated by M. Pruner Bey, in Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1865, pp. 274-279. 1866. Over net nut en de waarde eener cra- niologie in Nederland. (Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Amsterdam. 1866, i, pp. 289-304.) 1867. Zur wissenschaftlichen Kraniometrie. (Archiv f. Anth., ii, pp. 101-107.) 2230.104.2 1867-93. Verslag van de commissie voor de ethnologie van Nederland. (Neder- landsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Amsterdam, 1867, ii, pp. 246-248; 1870, ii, pp. 248-256; 1871, ii, pp. 209-228; 1874, h, pp. 129-177; 1876, ii, pp. 135-139; 1877. ii. pp. 1-50, 325-33-2; 1878, ii, pp. 307-327; 1882, i, pp. 680-686; 1883, i, pp. 612-617; 1884, i, pp. 721-727; 1886, ii, pp. 205-212, 527-550; 1887, ii, pp. 281-286; 1893. ii, pp. 965-9850 1873. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der niederlandi- schen Schadel. (Archiv f. Anth., vi, pp. 75-83.) 2230.104.6 1874a. Sur les cranes des Frisons. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iii, pp. 633-653.) _ 4239.50. 1874 1874b. Note sur la forme cranienne des Neerlandais. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iii. pp. 341-345.) 4239.50.1874 1875a. Memoire sur les cranes de Geertrui- denberg [Nord-Brabant]. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iv, pp. 223-242.) 4239.50.1875 1875b. Revue neerlandaise. (Revue d'anth., serie I, iv, pp. 168-172.) 4239.50.1875 1876a. Schadel aus dem nordhollandischen Westfriesland. (Archiv f. Anth., ix, pp. 1-24.) 2230.104.9 1876b. fitude sur les cranes neerlandais. (Revue d'anth., serie i, v, pp. 405-436.) 4239.50.1876 1879. Over de waarde van schedelonder- zoekingen en de waarde daarvan voor de ethnologie van Nederland. (Tijdschrift van het aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1879, pp. 323-33^- Map No. 20.) 38203.42 Resume in Revue d'anth., serie 2, ii, 1879, pp. 5S2-SS6. IOO THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Sasse, A. (Continued.) 1891. lets over Celebesser en Reimerswaler schedels. (Ned. tijds. voor geneeskunde, deel 2, pp. 841-861. Pis.) Sasse, J. 1891. Over Zeeusche schedels. Academisch Proefschrift. Zaandam. 1896a. Over Terschellinger schedels. (Ned. tijds. voor geneeskunde. 1896, deel 2, pp. 590-606, 643-661, 693-716.) 1896b. Over Friesche schedels. (Handeling- en Ned. natuur- en geneeskundig congres, Amsterdam, 1895, pp. 570-581.) Resume in Centralblatt, i. pp. 242-246 [2232.8.1]. 1897. Het voorkomen van Neanderdolsche- dels onder de Nederlandsche bevolking. (Handeling. van het Zesde Nederlandsch natuur- en geneeskundig congres, Delft, 1897, pp. 385-392.) Sax, C, Bitter von. 1863. Skizzen iiber die Bewohner Bosniens. (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, vii, pp. 93- 107. Map.) 1878. Erlauterungen zu der "Ethnographi- schen Karte der Europaischen Tiirkei, 1877." (Mitt. K. k. geog. Ges., Wien, xxi, pp. 177-191. Map.) 2232.80 Sayce, A. H. 1874. Principles of comparative philology. 2d ed. London, 1875. 2956.57 Same. 4th ed. London, 1892. B. H. Ref. 654.13 1875. Language and race. (Jour. Anth. inst., v, pp. 212-220.) 6235.50.5 1880. Introduction to the science of lan- guage. 2956.61 1890. Same. 3d edition. London. B. H. Ref.654.12 1885-7. The primitive home of the Aryans. (Transactions. Philological society, Lon- don, pp. 678-690.) *2940.8. 1885-87 1887. Address [on the Aryan question]. (Trans, sections Brit. ass. adv. sc, pp. 885- 895.) 79221. 1887 Same. (Jour. Anth. inst., xvn, pp. 166-181.) 6235.50.17 1888a. The beech and the Aryans. (Acad- emy, xxxiii, p. 344.) Per. Room 1888b. The white race of ancient Palestine. (Expositor, series 3, viii, pp. 48-57-) 75o6.50.ser.3,v.8 1889. The primitive home of the Aryans. (Contemporary review, hi, pp. 106-119.) Per. Room 1891. The races of the Old Testament. Lon- don. 3429-in 1894. [Origin of the Egyptians.] (Academy, London, xlv, pp. 313, 314.) Per. Room THE .WTIIKi >r< >i.< ><;y OF EUROPE. 101 Scarth, H. M. i883(?) Early Britain. Roman Britain. London. 2428.58 Schaaffhausen, H. Complete bibliography in Arch. f. Anth., xxii, 1893-Q4. 1874. Ueber die friihere Verbreitung der Lappen. (5te allg. Versammlung der Deut. Ges. f. Anth., 1874, pp. 58-61.) 2230.104.1874 (Suppl.) 1889. Die alten Volker Europas. (Gaea, Jahrg. xxv, pp. 65-72.) 2232.74 Scheiber, S. H. 1881. Untersuchungen iiber den mittleren Wuchs der Menschen in Ungarn. (Ar- chiv f. Anth., xiii, pp. 233-267.) 2230.104.13 Schendrikovski, I. I. 1804. MaTepiajiH kt> aHTponojioriH 6ypaT r &. (cejieHriiHueBi).) [Materials on the anthro- pology of the Buriats.] (Cepia joKTopcKiixt ^Hccepiau,ifi, linn. BoeiiHO-Mpj.ini.iiHCKoii aKaaejiiii, Cn6., 1894-95.) Schetelig, A. 1874. Ausgrabungen im siidlichen Spanien. (Archiv f. Anth., vii, pp. 111-122. Pis.) 2230.104.7 Schimmer, G. A. 1884. Erhebungen iiber die Farbe der Au- gen, der Haare und der Hant. bei den Schulkindern Oesterreichs. (Mitt, der Anth. Ges., Wien, Suppl., i. Maps.) Schleicher, A. 1865. Ueber die Bedeutung der Sprache fiir die Naturgeschichte des Menschen. Wei- mar. 3829.60 Schlesinger, L. 1886. Die Nationalitats-Verhaltnisse Boh- mens. (Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, ii, pp. 1-27.) 6284.8.2 Schliemann, H. 1880. Ilios. London. Maps. Pis. 2962.63 1881. Same. N. Y. 2962.62 1884. Troja. London. Maps. 2962.73 Schmerling, P. C. 1833-34. Recherches sur les ossements fos- siles decouverts dans les cavernes de la province de Liege. 2 v. in I. Atlas. 3862.1 Schmidt, E. 1884. Die antiken Schadel Pompejis. (Ar- chiv f. Anth., xv, pp. 229-257. PI.) 2230.104.15 102 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Schmidt, E. (Continued.) 1888. t'ber Vererbung individuell erwor- bener Eigenschaften. (Corr.-Blatt. xix, pp. 1 44-1 47. ) 2230. 1 04. 1 8 1888. Ueber alt- und neuagyptische Schadel. (Archiv f. Anth.. xvii. pp. 189-227.) 2230.104.17 1892. Die Korpergrosse und das Gewicht der Schulkinder des Kreises Saalfeld. (.Archiv f. Anth., xxi. pp. 385-434.) 2230.IO4.2] Schmidt, J. 1872. Die Verwantschaftsverhaltnisse der in- dogermanischen Sprachen. Weimar. 1889. A testimony for the prehistoric migra- tions of the Indo-Germanic tribes. (Triib- ner's Record, 1889, 31 i. v. pp. 15 153.) r. 3- v. 1 1890. Die Urheimath der Indogermanen und das europaische Zahlsystem. hand. Kon. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin. 3322.1.1 6231.61 Schneider, L. 1880. Die Heimath der Arier h. Ber- liner Ges. f. Anth.. xii. pp. 76-80.) Schneller, C. 1877. Deutsche und Romanen in Siid-T und Venetien. (Petermann. x. pp. 36s- 385. Tafel 17.) Scholl, A. [891. Ueber ratische und einige andere al- pine Sehadelformen. Inaugural-Disserta- tion. Naumburg a. S. 204 Schrader, E\ 1S94. Geographic anthropologique [des lies Britanniques]. (Rev. mensuelle de l'Ecole d'anth., iv, pp. 13; . Schrader. O. . 1878. Die alteste Zeittheiiung des ind. manischen Volkes nmlun^ n- verst. wiss. Yortrage. Ser. xiii. 296, PP- 1-55-) No. 7 : 0.13 TS83a. Sprachvergleiclnr und I"-, schichte. Linguistisch - historische Bei- trage zur Erforschung des indogermani- schen Altertums. Jena. Same. 2te umgearb. u. verm. Aufl 1890. 1883b. Thier- und Pflanzengeographie im Lichte der Sprachforschung. Mit bes derer Rucksicht auf die Frage nach der L'rheimat der Indogermanen. Berlin. (Samml. gemeinverst. wis Heft. 4- ■ in *5Q THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. [O3 Schrader, O. (Continued.) 1886. Linguistisch-historischc Forschungen zur Handelsgeschichte und Warenkunde. ier Teil. Jena. 2956.71 1887. liber den Gedanken einer Kulturge- schichte der Indogermanen auf sprach- wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Jena. 6234.62 1890. The prehistoric antiquities of the Ar- yan peoples: being the 'Sprachvergleich- ung und Urgeschichte,' trans, by F. B. Jevons. London. 2955.86 Schubert, — von. 1893. Das heutige Bosnien. (Jahresbericht des Vereins f. Erdkunde zu Dresden, xxiii, pp. 124-160.) Schultz, G. 1845. Bericht iiber Messungen an Individuen von verschiedenen Nationen, zur Ermittel- ung der menschlichen Korperverhaltnisse. (Bulletin de la classe physico-mathema- tique de l'Academie imperiale des sci- ences, St. Petersbourg, iv, columns 224- 230.) 3270.2.4 Schuster, O. 1874. Ueber die friihesten Bewohner der sachischen Lande. (5te allg. Versammlung der Deut. Ges. f. Anth., 1874, pp. 3-1 1.) 2230.104.7 Schwalbe, G. A. 1897. Uber die Schadelformen der jiltesten Menschenrassen mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Schadel von Egisheim. (Mitt. Philomathischen Gesell. in Elsass- Lothringen, Jahrgang v, pp. 72-85.) 3828.4 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A., Freiherr von. 1896. Die Donau als Volkerweg, Schiffahrts- strasse und Reiseroute. Wien. 2863.65 Schweizerische Statistik. 1875-6. Examen de recrues en 1875; en 1876. (Publicationen des Eidg. stat. Bu- reaus, Bern. Lieferungen, Nos. 27, 34. Maps.) 1884-90. Resultate der aerztlichen Recruicn- untersuchung im Herbste 1884-88. (Ibid., Lieferungen, Nos. 62, 65, 68, 72, 77.) 4832.19 1891-92. Ergebnisse der aerztlichen Recru tenuntersuchung im Herbste 1889-91. (Ibid., Lieferungen, Nos. 81, 85, 96.) 4832.19 Schwicker, J. H. 1881. Die Deutschen in Ungarn und Sieben- biirgen. Wien. 2814.53 1883. Die Zigeuner in Ungarn und Sieben- biirgen. Wien. 2814.62 104 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Sebillot, P. 1886. La langue bretonne: limites et statis- tique. (Rev. d'ethnographie, v, pp. 1-29. Maps.) Seemann, T. 1890. Die Kunst der Etrusker. Dresden. 2735-'/ * A good bibliography is appended. Sepp, Dr. — 1891. Die Urbewohner Altbayerns. (Bei- trage zur Anth. Bay., ix, pp. 1-7.) 382oa.5.9 Sergi, G. There is a bibliography of Sergi's writings down to 1895 on 2172. no. 1882-83. La stirpe ligure nel Bolognese. (Atti e mem. R. deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna. Bo- logna, serie 3, i, pp. 17-36- Pis.) 67io.5.ser.3,v.i 1883a. Crani italici del Piceno. (Atti R. Accad. dei Lincei, Roma, ser. 3, mem. della cl. di sc. fis., mat. e nat.,xv, pp. 279- 286. PI.) 3294.50.15 1883b. Liguri e Celti nella valle del Po. (Ar- chivio per l'ant., xiii, pp. 117-175.) 382oa.6. 13 1883-4. Antropologia storica del Bolognese. (Atti e mem. R. deputazione di storia pa- tria per le provincie di Romagna, Bo- logna, serie 3, ii, pp. I-34-) 67io.5.ser.3,v.2 1884. L'uomo terziario in Lombardia. (Ar- chivio per l'ant., xiv. pp. 303-3!8-) 382oa.6. 14 1892a. Di alcune varieta umane della Sar- degna. (Bull. R. accad. medica, Roma, xviii.) 1892b. Degli abitanti primitivi del Mediter- raneo. (Boll. Soc. geog. italiana, xxix, pp. 849-852.) 6276.13.29 There is a reprint from the Primo Congresso geo- grafico italiano. Atti, on 3^22.157. 1892c. Sugli abitanti primitivi del Mediterra- neo. (Archivio per l'ant., xxii, pp. 343- 359.) 38203.6.22 1893a. Le varieta umane. Principi e metodo di classificazione. (Atti Soc. roraana d' antrop. i, pp. 1-72.) 3822.90.1 Bibliography. Same. The varieties of the human species. Principles and methods of classification. [Trans, by D. G. Brinton.] (Smithsonian Misc. collections, xxviii, No. 969.) 3350.2.38 1893b. Varieta umane della Russia e del Mediterraneo. (Atti Soc. romana di an- trop., i, pp. 231-252.) 3822.90.1 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 105 Sergi, G. (Continued. "» 1893c. Sur une nouvelle methode de classi- fication des cranes humains. (Congres int. d'anth., ne session, Moscow, ii, pp. 297-304.) 6235.20.sess. 1 1, V.2 There is a reprint on 3822.159. 1893d. Sur les habitants primitifs de la Me- diterranee. (Congres int. d'anth., ne session, Moscow, ii, pp. 305-310.) 6235.20.sess. 1 1, v.2 There is a reprint on 3822.158. 1895a. Origine e diffusione della stirpe medi- terranea. Roma. 2235.76 Resume in Archivio per Pant., xxv, 1895, pp. 269- 281. Same. Ursprung und Verbreitung des mit- tellandischen Stammes. Leipzig. 1897. 1895b. Le influenze celtiche e gl' Italici. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., iii, pp. 159- 171.) 3822.90.3 There is a reprint on 3822.160. 1895c. Crani siculi neolitici. Serie it. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., ii. pp. 281-291.) 3822.90.2 i895d. Studi di antropologia laziale. (Bull R. accad. medica, Roma, xxi, fasc. I.) 1895c Sull' origine e la diffusione dei popoli del Mediterraneo. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., iii, pp. 8-20.) 3822.90.3 1896a. Umbri, Arii, Italici. e loro relazioni. (Atti e memorie R. deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna, Bo- logna, 1896.) 1896b. Der Ursprung und die Verbreitung des mittellandischen Stammes. (Central- blatt, i, pp. 5-8.) 2232.8.1 1897a. Africa. Antropologia della stirpe camitica (specie Eurafricana). Torino. Map. Illus. 3822.155 1897b. The Aryans and the ancient Italians. (The Monist, Chicago, viii, pp. 161-182. Map.) Per. Room 1897c. Di quanto il tipo del cranio della pre- sente popolazione della Russia centrale differisce dal tipo antico dell' epoca dei Kurgani? . . . (Atti Soc. romana di an- trop., v, pp. 97-101.) 3822.90.5 There is a reprint on 3822.164. 1898a. Arii e Italici. Torino. 2738.23 1898b. TJeberdensogenannten Reihengraber- typus. (Centralblatt f. Anth., iii, pp. 1-8.) 2232.8.3 1898c. I dati antropologici in sociologia. (Rivista italiana di sociologia, ii, pp. 66- 76.) 3560a. 10.2 Seydlitz, N. von. 1880. Ethnographie des Kaukasus. (Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, xxvi, pp. 340-347.) ? r np. 6271. 1.26 106 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Seydlitz, N. von. (Continued.) 1881. Die Volker des Kaukasus nach ihrer Sprache und topographischen Verbrei- tung. (Russische Revue, xix, pp. 97-136.) 7269. 1. 19 Sick, — 1857. Die Ergebnisse der Recrutirung in Wurttemberg in den 24 Jahren, 1834 bis 1857. (Wurttembergische Jahrbiicher, 1857.) Silva Amada, J. J. da. 1880. Ethnogenie du Portugal. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, iii, pp. 265-281.) 4239.50.1880 Siret, H. and L. 1887. Les premiers ages du metal dans le sud-est de l'Espagne. Anvers. Atlas. 3100.25 Resume in Materiaux, xxii. 1888, pp. 49-62 and 121-143. 1888. Les premiers habitants des provinces de Murcie et d'Almerie. (Revue d'ethnog., vii, pp. 181-214.) 1890. Las primeras edades del metal en el sudeste de Espana. Barcelona. Skene, W. F. 1876-80. Celtic Scotland. Edinburgh. 3 v. Maps. 2424.61 Same. 2d ed. 1886. 2424.62 Slavici, J. 1881. Die Rumanen in Ungarn, Sieben- biirgen und der Bukowina. Wien. 2814.56 Smirnof, J. 1878. Aperqu sur l'ethnographie du Caucase. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, i, pp. 237-251.) 4239.50.1878 1892. Contributions a l'ethnographie prehis- torique de la Russie centrale et du nord- est. (Congres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, i, pp. 99-108.) 6235.20.sess.n,v.i Smith, Or. A. 1894. Historical geography of the Holy Land. London. 3043.158 1897. Same. [4th edition.] London. 3043.172 Smyth, H. W. 1886. The dialects of north Greece. (Ameri- can journal of philology, vii, pp. 421-445.) Per. Room Snajdr, L. 1894. Palaeethnologicke aforismy hledici pfedevsim k obyvatelstvu zeme ceske. [Paleoethnological aphorisms on the old inhabitants, particularly of Bohemia.] Prag. (Cesky Lid, iv, pp. 76-84, 172-177, 249-263, 364-37 T -) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. I07 Snigiref, — 1878-0. MaTepiajiu /uia Mejuniincicoii ctuthc- thkh h reorpasin Poccin. [Materials on the medical and statistical geography of Rus- sia.] (BoeH. Me^Hu,. acypHaji'L.) Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. 1891. Catalogue de la bibliotheque. Paris. 2177.18 Sommier, S. See Mantegazza. 1881. Fra i Basckiri. (Archivio per l'ant., xi, pp. 255-296.) 3820a. 6. 11 1886. Osservazioni sui Lapponi e sui Fin- landesi settentrionali. (Archivio per l'ant., xvi, pp. 111-155-) 382oa.6.i6 1887. Ostiacchi e Samoiedi dell' Ob. (Ar- chivio per l'ant., xvii, pp. 71-222. Maps. Pis.) 382oa.6.i7 There is a reprint on 2232.68. 1888. Note di viaggio: Ceremissi. (Archivio per l'ant., xviii, pp. 215-257.) 382oa.6.i8 1889. Continued: Mordva, popolazione di Astrakan, Kalmucchi. (Ibid., xix, pp. 117- 157.) 3S2oa.6.i9 Soeren-Hansen, — and Topinard. 1888. La couleur des yeux et des cheveux en Danemarck. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 39-41.) 4239.50.1888 Sormani, G. 1878. Relazione medica sulle condizione sanitarie dell' esercito italiano nell' anno 1876. (Annali di statistica, serie 2a, ii, pp. 24-34.) 7643.9.ser.2a, v. 2 1881. Geografia nosologica dell' Italia. (An- nali di statistica, serie 2a, vi. Maps.) 7643.9. ser 2, v. 6 Resume in Ann. de demog., v, 1881, pp. 184-201. Spadoni, O. L. 1887. The Etruscans. Rome. 2735.20 Spencer, Herbert. 1873-81. Descriptive sociology; or groups of sociological facts classified and ar- ranged. London. 3 v. 3560.51 1873-80. Ibid. New York. 3 v. 3560.50 Spiegel, F. L. E. 1871. Das Urland der Indogermanen. (Aus- land, 1871, pp. 553-558.) 1871-73. Eranische Alterthumskunde. Leip- zig. 3 v. 5045-55 [872. Zwei ethnographische Fragen. (Aus- land, xlv, pp. 961-967, 1033-1038.) 5290.50.46 1887. Die arische Periode und ihre Zu- stande. Leipzig. 2956.75 108 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Spielman, I. See Jacobs, J. Stare, J. 1882. Die Kroaten im Konigreiche Kroatien und Slavonien. Wien und Teschen. 2814.60 Staub, J. 1864. Die Pfahlbauten in den Schweizer- Seen. Fluntern bei Zurich, 1864. Illus. 2236.200 Steenstrup, J. J. S. 1872. Sur les Kjokkenmoddings de l'age de pierre et sur la faune et la flore prehisto- rique du Danemark. Kopenhagen. 1873. Comparaisons entre les ossements des cavernes de la Belgique et les ossements des Kjokkenmoddings en Danemark, du Gronland et de la Laponie. Bruxelles. 1886. Kjo'kken-Mo'ddinger: eine gedrangte Darstellung dieser Monumente sehr alter Kulturstadien. Kopenhagen. Reprint from Ersch and Gruber's Allgemeine Encyclopaedie, Theil 36, pp. 33-314. (7384.8. Sect. 2, v. 36.) Outline in Rev. d'antli.. .^erie 3. ii, p. 86 et seq. Stein, F. von. 1883. Die russischen Kosakenheere. (Peter- mann, Erganzungsband 16, pp. 1-39.) 6271.52.16 Stephanos, C. 1884. La Grece au point de vue naturel, eth- nologique, anthropologique, demogra- phique, etc. (Dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences medicales, Paris, ser. 4, x. PP- 363-581.) 5735.3.ser.4,v. 10 Steub, L. 1843. Ueber die Urbewohner Ratiens und ihren Zusammenhang mit den Etruskern. Miinchen. 2714.6 1854. Zur rhatischen Ethnologic Stutt- gart. 42i3.ii i =**2828.23 1879. Die Germanisirung Tirol's: 1. Die rhatische und romanische Zeit. (Beitrage zur Anth. Bayerns, ii, pp. 131-139.) 3820a. 5. 2 Steur, C. 1872-73. Ethnographic des peuples de l'Eu- rope avant J. C. Bruxelles. 3 v. 2231.52 Stieda, L. 1876-97. Mittheilungen aus der russischen Literatur iiber Anthropologic (Archiv f. Anth., ix, pp. 223-232; x, pp. 434~453; xi, pp. 286-353; xiv, pp. 258-334, 387-391; xx, pp. 355-383; xxii, pp. 73-90; xxiv, pp. 621-662.) 2230.104.9, 10. 11, 14, 20, 22, 24 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. IOQ. Stieda, L. (Continued.) 1880. Ueber die Berechnung des Schadel- index aus Messungen an lebenden Menschen. (Archiv f. Anth., xii, pp. 421- 430.) 2230.104.12 1883a. (With W. Dybowski.) Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologic der Juden. (Archiv f. Anth., xiv, pp. 61-71.) 2230.104.14 1883b. Ueber die Anwendung der Wahr- scheinlichkeitsrecbnung in der anthropolo- gischen Statistik. (Archiv f. Anth., xiv, pp. 167-182.) 2230.104.14 Stokes, Margaret. 1882. Carte montrant la distribution des principaux dolmens d'Irlande. ( Revue archeologique, serie 2, xliv, pp. 1-22. Map.) 2217.51. ser. 2, v. 44 Stoll, O. 1890. Zur Kentnis der heutigen Basken. (Ausland, lxiii, pp. 695, 701, 734> 751, 796.) 5290.50.63 Stolz, F. 1894. Linguistisch-historische Beitrage zur Palao-Ethnologie von Tirol. (Beitrage zur Anth., Eth., und Urg. von Tirol, pp. 39-57-) 22 33-6i Strausz, A. 1898. Die Bulgaren. Ethnographische Stu- dien. Leipzig. 2234.78 Strong, W. T. 1893. The Fueros of northern Spain. (Poli- tical science quarterly, New York, viii, PP. 317-333) Per - Room Strzelbicki, K. 1892. Wskazowki do badah antropometrycz- nych nad ludem. [Anthropometric obser- vations on the population.] (Wisla, War- saw, vi, pp. 512-529.) 1895. Notatki antropologiczne. [Anthropo- logical notes.] Wisla, Warsaw, ix, pp. 630-636.) 1896. Materyalj do bibljografji antropolo- gicznej polskiej. (Wisla, x, pp. 282-315.) Studer, T. 1880. Ueber die statistische Aufnahme der Farbe der Haut und der Augen im Kanton Bern. (Mitt, der Naturforschenden Ges. in Bern, pp. 54~7i-) 3822.93 1893. Ueber die Bevolkerung der Schweiz. (Jahresbericht der Geog. Ges., Berne, xiii, Sitzung 20 Juli, 1893.) 1894. (With E. Bannwarth.) Crania Hel- vetica antiqua. Leipzig. *2230.ii6 Suchier, H. 1888. Die franzosische und provenzalische I lO THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Sprache und ihre Mundarten. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, i, pp. 561-669. Maps.) 4681.51 Sullivan, W. K. 1890. Article, "Celtic literature." (Encyclo- paedia Britannica. 9th ed.) B. H. Ref. Suman, J. 1881. Die Slovenen. Wien. 2814.60 Sviderski, P. F. 181)8. BtaTepiajiH flaa aiiTponojiorhi KaBEa3a. KyjiblKH. [Materials for the anthropology of the Caucasus. The Koumiks.] (Cepia ^KCcepTan,ifi, IImu. BoeHuo-Mej,nmmcKoft aKa^ejiiu, C11O., No. 8, 1898-99, pp. 1-152.) 3822.214 Sydenham, J. 1842. Baal Durotrigensis. And an attempt to illustrate the distinction between the primal Celtae and the Celto-Belgae of Great Britain. London. 4524.111 Szujski, J. 1882. Die Polen und Ruthenen in Galizien. Wien. 2814.59 Talko-Hryncewicz, J. 1888a. Z miejscowej antropologii. [Anthro- pology of the Ukraine (Little Russia).] („Pneglgdliteracki"-Addition to the news paper ..Kraj." N. 22. Petersburg.) 1888b. Trwanie zycia ludzkiego w powiecie Zwinogrodzkim (Gub. Kijowskiej) obli- czone na zasadzie wykazu zmarlych w 26 latach 1860-1885. (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xii, dzial 2, pp. 1-19.J 1890. Charakterystyka fizyczna ludu ukrain- skiego na podstawie wlasnych przewaznie spostrzezen. [Physical characteristics of the population of Ukraine.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xiv, dzial 2, pp. 1-61.) Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, 1S96, pp. 458. 1892. Charakterystyka fizyczna ludnosci zy- dowskiej Litwy i Rusi na podstawie wlas- nych spostrzezen. [Physical characteris- tics of Jewish populations in Lithuania and Ruthenia.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xvi, dzial 1, pp. 1-62.) Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, 1896, pp. 455 ct scg. 1893. Characterystyka fizyczna ludow Lit- wy i Rusi. [Physical characteristics of the Lithuanians and Russians.] (Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xvii, dzial 1, pp. 51-172.) Bibliography and map. Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, pp. 380-385, 457 et seq. THE ANTHRdl'iil.iicv OF EUROPE. Ill Talko-Hryncewicz, J. (Continued.) 1894. Kt> uHTpoiiojiori]i napOAHOCTea jIhtbh 11 BftJLOpyCCiH. [On the anthropology ol the Lithuanians and White Russians. ] (TpyflU Aht. 06m,. iipu IImii. bochho-mc/1,. aKaA., On"., i, PP- 155-188. Maps.) 3622.127. 1 1895. Charakterystyka fizyczna ludnosci Po- dola na podstawie wlasnych spostrzezen. [Physical charcteristics of the population of Podolia.] (Materyaly antropologiczne, Krakow, 11, dzial 2, pp. 1-60.) 18t)7a. K't aHTpoiiojioi'hi Haceaema floAo.iiii. [On the anthropology of the inhabitants of Podolia. J (TpyAH Aht. 06111,. npa Ilnin. BoeH- HO-iieA. aicaA., C110., ii, pp. 259-298. ) 3822.127.2 1897b. Szlachta ukraihska. Studyum antro- pologiczne. [Gentry of Ukraine, anthro- pological studies.] (Mater, antrop. -ar- ched, i etnograf. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, ii, dzial 1, pp. 1-60.) • 3823.HJ 1898. K/i aHTponoaoriH BejiuKopoccoBt. Ceiieii- CKie (CTapoo6paju,Bi) aaOaiiKajifccicie. [On the anthropology of the Great Russians in Transbaikalia.] Tomckt>. Pis. 3823.116 Tappeiner, F. 1878. Beitrage zur Ethnologic und Anthro- pologie der Tyroler. (Zeits. f. Eth., xii, PP- 47-58, 269-288.) 2222.51.12 1883. Studien zur Anthropologic Tirols und der Sette Comuni. Innsbruck. 1894. Die Abstammung der Tiroler und Raeter auf anthropologischer Grundlage. (Beitrage zur Anth., Eth., und Urg. von Tirol, pp. 1-37.) 2233.61 1896. Der europaische Mensch und die Tiro- ler. Meran. Tarenetzki, A. 1884. Beitrage zur Craniologie der gross- russischen Bevolkerung der nordlichen und mittleren Gouvernemcnts des europai- schen Russlands. (Mem. Acad, imperiale des sciences, de St.-Petersbourg, serie 7, xxxii, Nr. 13, pp. 1-81.) Resume in Archiv f. Anth., xvi, pp. 259-263. Taylor, I., canon of York. 1864. Words and places. London. 2235.28 1874. Etruscan researches. London. 2/35.6 1879. Greeks and Goths. London. 4830.15 1887. The primitive seat of the Aryans. (Trans, sections Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1887, pp. 895-898.) 7922.1. 1887 1888. The origin and primitive seat of the Aryans. (Jour. Anth. inst, xvii, pp. 238- 290.) 6j35.50.17 H2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Taylor, I., canon of York. (Continued.) 1889. The ethnological significance of the beech. (Trans, sections Brit. ass. adv. sc, 1889, p. 782.) 7922.1. 1889 Also in Knowledge, London, 1890, xm, pp. 5-7 [5301.10]. 1890. The origin of the Aryans. London. 2235.109 Same. Trans, into French. L'origine des Aryens et l'homme prehistorique. Paris, 1895. Tedeschi, E. E. 1897. Studi di antropologia veneta. (Atti Soc. romana di antrop., v. pp. 21-59.) 3822.90.5 Temple, It. 1862. Ueber die polnische Nation. (Mitt. Geog. Ges., Wien, vii, Abth. 2, pp. 154- 178.) Ten Kate. See Kate. Thierry, A. S. D. 1842. Histoire des Gaulois. Bruxelles. 4 v. in 2. 4186.2 The first edition appeared in 1828. This, C. 1887. Die deutsch - franzosische Sprach- grenze in Lothringen. (Beitrage zur Landes- und Volkeskunde von Elsass- Lothringen, Stuttgart, i.) 2904.53- 1 1888. Same, im Elsass. (Ibid., v.) 2904.53.5 Thurnam, J. See also Davis, J. B. 1863-67. On the two principal forms of an- cient British and Gaulish skulls. (Mem. Anth. soc, London, i, pp. 120-168, 459- 519; iii, pp. 41-80.) 2237.7.1, 3 Tiktin, H. 1888. Die rumanische Sprache. (Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Sprache i, pp. 438-460.) 4681.51-1 Tissot, M. 1876. Sur les monuments megalithiques et les populations blonds du Maroc. (Revue d'anth., serie 1. v, pp. 385-392. Map.) 4239.50.1876 Titeca, — 1887. Rapport sur ses recherches sur la taille, le perimetre thoracique et le poids des miliciens des levees de 1883, 1884, et 1885. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Bruxelles, vi, pp. 107- 110.) 4237-55-6 Tocher, J. F. 1897. Ethnographical survey of school chil- dren in Buchan. I. Introductory paper with summaries. (Transactions Buchan field club, Peterhead, 1897. pp. 1-16.) 3822.211 THE ANTHROPOI.dCV OK K.IKO I'K. II3 Tocilescu, G. G. 1880. Dacia inainte de Romani. Bucuresci. 2232.76 Toldt, C. 1891: Die Korpergrosse der Tiroler und Vorarlberger. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxi, pp. 69-78. Map.) 6230a. 14.21 1894. Zur Somatologie der Tiroler. (Sitz- ungsb. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxiv, pp. 77-85.) 6230a. 14.24 Tomaschek, W. 1880. Die vor-slawische Topographie der Bosna, Herzegowina, Crna-gora . . . (Mitt. Geog. Ges., Wien, xxiii, pp. 497- 528, 545-567.) 1881. Ethnologische Forschungen fiber Ost- Europa u. Nord-Asien. B. 1. Die Goten in Taurien. Wien. 6234.60 1883. Der Ursprung der Indogermanen. (Globus, xliv, pp. 279-281.) 6914.1.44 1893-4. Die alten Thraker. Eine ethno- logische Untersuchung. (Sitzungsb. Kais. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Phil. -hist. Classe, cxxviii, Abh. 4, pp. 1-130; cxx\, Abh. 2, pp. 1-68; cxxxi, Abh. 1, pp. 1-103.) 3340.3. 1 28-1 3 1 Tomkins, H. G. 1889. On Mr. Flinders Petrie's Collection of ethnographic types from the monuments of Egypt. (Jour. Anth. inst., xviii, pp. 206-239.) 6235.50.18 Topinard, P. A bibliography is in L'Anth., iv, 1893, p. 697, and separately on 2172.111. 1870. Rapport sur la population indigene de Biskra. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1870, pp. 548- 555.) f 4236.50.1870 1873. Anthropologic de l'Algerie. Instruc- tions particulieres. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1873, pp. 613-663.) 4236.50.1873 1874. De la race indigene ou berbere en Al- gerie. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, iii, pp. 491- 498.) 4239.50.1874 1876a. L'anthropologie. Paris. 2239.56 Same. 3e ed. 1879. 2236.69 Same. 4e ed. 1884. Same. 5e ed. 1897. Same. Ubers. von R. Neuhass. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1888. 2235.100 1876b. fitude sur la taille. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, v, pp. 34-83O 4239.50.1876 1878. Anthropology. Translated by R. T. H. Bartley. London. 2236.64; 2236.65 1879. De la notion de race en anthropologic (Revue d'anth., serie 2, ii, pp. 589-660.) 4239.50.ser. 2, v. 2 114 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Topinard, P. (Continued.) 1881. Les types indigenes de l'Algerie. [With a discussion.] (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1881, pp. 438-469-) 4236.50.1881 1882. De l'indice cephalique sur le crane et sur le vivant d'apres Broca. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, v, pp. 98-102.) 4239.50.1882 1885. Elements d'anthropologie generate. Paris. 6236.60 1886a. Mensuration des cranes de la caverne de Beaumes Chaudes. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 193-203.) 4239.50.1886 1886b. Carte de la repartition de la couleur des yeux et des cheveux en France. Me- thodes d'observation et mise en ceuvre des documents. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 577-624. Maps.) 4239.50.1886 1886c. Le principe des nationalites a propos de la peninsule des Balkans. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 124-136.) 4239.50.1886 1887. Carte de la repartition de la couleur des yeux et des cheveux en France. Methodes. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 1-7) 4239.50.1887 1888a. See Soren-Hansen. 1888b. See Le Carguet. 1888c. Sur la conversion de l'indice cephalo- metrique en indice craniometrique. (Re- vue d'anth., serie 3, iii, pp. 641-646.) 4239.50.1888 1889a. Carte de la couleur des yeux et des cheveux en France. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iv, pp. 513-530.) 4239.50.1889 1889b. Statistique de la couleur des yeux et des cheveux en France. (Compte-rendu de l'Ass. franchise pour l'avancement des sciences, Paris, partie 2, pp. 615-626. Maps.) 3919.55.1889, pt. 2 1889c. (With Arbo and Faye.) Sur la cou- leur des yeux et des cheveux en Norvege. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, iv, pp. 293-305.) 4239.50.1889 1891a. L'homme dans la nature. Paris. (Bibl. sc. intern.) 2235.120 1891b. Sur l'indice nasale du vivant. (L'Anth., ii, pp. 273-282.) 4239-55-2 1892a. L'anthropologie du Ben gale. (L'Anth., iii, pp. 282-316.) 4239-55-3 1892b. De la race en anthropologic (Con- gres int. d'anth., lie session, Moscow, i, pp. 161-170.) 6235.20.sess. 1 1, v.i 1893a. Sur la repartition de la couleur des yeux et des cheveux en France. Carte des cheveux rouges. (L'Anth., iv, pp. 579-591. Maps.) 4239-55-4 1893b. Quelques conclusions et applications de l'anthropologie. (L'Anth., iv, pp. 657- 696.) 4239-55-4 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OI EUROPE. II Topinard, P. (Continued.) 1897. On the anthropology of Brittany. (Jonr. Anth. inst., xxvii, pp. 96-103.) 6235.50.27 1898. Science and faith. Chicago. Reprints of papers in the Monist, 1895-98 [Per. Room]. Tourtoulon, C. de. 1876. (With O. Bringuier.) Rapport sur la limite geographique de la langue d'oc et de la langue d'oil. (Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires, serie 3, iii. pp. 545-605.) 6224.51, ser. 3, v. 3 1891. Des dialectes, de leur classification et de leur delimitation geographique. Paris. Resume in Revue mensuelle de I'ficole d'anth., i, 1891, pp. 218-220. Tschouriioff, — 1875. De l'accroissement de la taille en France. (Jour. Soc. de stat., Paris, xvi, pp. 5-8.) Stat. Libr. 1876. fitude sur la degenerescence physio- logique des peuples civilises. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, v, pp. 605-664.) 4239.50.1876 Tschubinski, P. 1877. MajiopyccBi ioro3anajHaro icpaa. [Little Russians.] (Tpyj,Bi 9THorpa$. CTaT. 3Kcne- flHuift, Cn6., vii, 2. Petrohrad. ) See Majer, 1879b, and also Globus, xxxvii, p. 332 [6914.1.37]. 1878. Kurze Charakteristik der Klein-Rus- sen. (Russische Revue, St. Petersburg, xiii, pp. 361-378.) 7269.1. 13 Tsountas, C. 1897. (With J. J. Manatt.) The Mycenaean age. Boston. F. A. Ref. 3.2 Tubino, F. M. 1876. Los aborigines ibericos 6 los Berberos en la peninsula. Madrid. 1877. Recherches d'anthropologie sociale. (Revue d'anth., serie 1, vi, pp. 100-113.) 4239.50.1877 Tvaryanovitch, S. 1807. MaTepiajiBi Kt ariTponojioriii apMfiHT>. [On the anthropology of the Armenians.] Cn6. Tylor, E. B. 1881. Anthropology. London. B. H. Ref.422.4 1891. Same. New York. Tyrol. 1894. Beitriige zur Anthropologic, Ethnolo- gie und Urgeschichte von Tirol. Inns- bruck. 2233.61 Il6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Uexkuel, A., Freiherr von. 1875. Bericht an den Coburger Lokalverein der Deutschen anthropologischen Gesell- schaft pro 1875 (Coburg, 1876) [4th Me- moir, p. 28] : Schadelmessungen, etc., im Coburger Fusilier-Bataillon. Uhle, M. 1891. Das danische Haus in Deutschland. (Verh. Berliner Ges. f. Anth., 1891, pp. 493-SI5-) 2222.51.23 Uhlitzsch, B,. 1892. Anthropometrische Messungen und deren praktischer Wert. (Allgemeines statistisches Archiv, Tubingen, ii, pp. 419- 451.) Ujfalvy von Mezb-Kovesd, C. E. S. V. 1873. Les migrations des peuples et particu- lierement celle des Touraniens. Paris. 3082.51 1878-80. Expedition scientifique franqaise en Russie, en Siberie et dans le Turkestan. Paris. 3 v. Atlas. 3061.10 Contents. — 1. Le Kohistan, le Ferghanah et Kouldja, avec un appendice stir la Kachgarie. — 2. Le Syr-Daria, etc. — 3. Les Bachkirs, etc. Pp. 1-50 contain data on anthropology of western Asia. 1879. Les Galtchas et les Tadjiks. (Revue d'anth., serie 2, ii, pp. 5-12.) 4239.50.1879 1880. Resultats anthropologiques d'un voy- age en Asie centrale. Paris. (In his Ex- pedition scientifique franqaise en Russie, iii, 1-50.) . 3061. 10.3 1884a. Aus dem westlichen Himalaja. Er- lebnisse und Forschungen. Leipzig. 3076.67 1884b. Les opinions recemment emises en Allemagne stir le berceau des Aryas. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1884, pp. 411-443.) 4236.50.1884 1887a. Quelques observations^ sur les Tad- jiks des montagnes, appeles aussi Galt- chas. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1887, pp. 15-43.) 4236.50.1887 1887b. Quelques observations sur les peuples du Dardistan. (L'Homme, Paris, 1887, pp. 161-170.) 1896a. Les Aryens au nord et au sud de l'Hindou-Kouch. Paris. Map. 6234.63 1896b. Quelques observations sur l'ouvrage des Aryens au nord et au sud de l'Hindou- Kouch. Paris. (Archivio per l'ant., xxvii, 1897, pp. 101-107.) 382oa.6.27 There is a reprint on 6234.63. Undset, I. 1882. Das erste Auftreten des Eisens in Nord-Europa. Hamburg. 2222.50 Uebersetzt von J. Mestorf. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. I1J Undset, I. (Continued.) 1887-89. Le prehistorique scandinave: ses origines et son developpement. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, ii, pp. 3*3-332; iv, pp. 700- 709-) 4239.50.1887,89 1891. Aus der jiingeren Eisenzeit in Nor- wegen, 800-1000 n. Chr. (Archiv f. Anth., xx, pp. 1-16.) 2230.104.20 Uvarof, Count A. S. 1875. Il3CJi , £ii,0BaHis nepBo6biTii HapojoB't Poc- ClH. [Studies of the primitive peoples of Russia.] Cn6. Same. Translated. Etude sur les peuples primitifs de la Russie. Les Meriens. Trad, par F. Malaque. Saint-Petersbourg, 1875. 3061.9 1887a. Quelques observations sur les peuples du Dardistan. (L'Homme, Paris, 1887, pp. 161-170.) Vambe'ry, A. 1864. Travels in Central Asia. London. Pis. 5045-7 1882. Der Ursprung der Magyaren. Leip- zig. 2824.66 1885. Das Tiirkenvolk in seinen ethno- logischen und ethnographischen Bezieh- ungen. Leipzig. 3081.18 Vandenhoven, H., pseud. See Le Court. Vanderkindere, L. 1872. Sur l'ethnologie de la Belgique. (Compte-rendu du Congres international d'anth., 6e session, Bruxelles, 1872, pp. 569-574.) 6235.20.1872 1879. Enquete anthropologique sur la cou- leur des yeux et des cheveux en Belgique. (Bull. Soc. roy. beige de geog. Bruxelles, iii, pp. 409-449) 6277.51.3 Vasconcellos-Abreu, G. de. 1878. Sobre a sede originaria da gente arica. Coimbra. Velytchko, G. 1897. Carte ethnographique de la nation rutheno-ukra'inienne. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., ser. 4, viii, pp. I47-I5I- Map.) 4236.50.1897 Venn, J. 1888. Cambridge anthropometry. (Jour. Anth. inst., xviii, pp. 140-154.) 6235.50.18 Verneau, R. 1881a. Sur les Semites aux iles Canaries. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1881, pp. 496-507.) 4236.50.1881 1881b. Sur les anciens habitants de la Isleta. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1881, pp. 737-746.) 4236.50.1881 Il8 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE, Verneau, It. (Continued.) 1886. La race de Cro-Magnon. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 10-24.) 4239.50.1886 1887. Rapport sur une mission scientifique dans l'archipel Canarien. (Archives des missions scientifiques, serie 3, xiii, pp. 569- 817. Pis.) 6224.51. sef. 3, v. 13 1890. Les races humaines. Paris. 2230a. 100 1891. Cinq annees de sejour aux iles Cana- ries. Paris. 3042.176 Villenoisy, F. de. 1894. Origine des premieres races ariennes d'Europe. (Museon, xiii, pp. 62, jj, 130- 148. Louvain.) 6216.50.13 There is a reprint on 3822.208 Villerme, L. R. 1829. Memoire sur la taille de l'homme en France. (Ann. d'hygiene publique, i, pp. 351-401.) 1834. Sur la population de la Grande-Bre- tagne consideree principalement et com- parativement dans les districts agricoles, dans les districts manufacturers et dans les grandes villes. (Ann. d'hygiene pu blique, xii, pp. 217-271.) 1835. Nouveaux details concernant l'influ- ence du developpement excessif des manu- factures sur la population en l'Angleterre. (Ann. d'hygiene publique. xiii, pp. 344- 353-) 1840a. Tableau de l'etat physique et moral des ouvriers employes dans les manufac- tures de coton, de laine et de soie. Paris. 2 v. 3576-6 1840b. Tableau of the moral and physical state of operatives employed in the manu- facture of cotton, wool and silk. London. 2 v. 1843. Considerations sur la taille et la sante des enfants employes dans les mines de houille de la Grande-Bretagne. (Ann. d'hygiene publique, xxx, pp. 28-43.) Vinson, J. 1875-95. Le verbe basque [etc.]. (Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparee, vii, pp. 322-347; xxvii, pp. 95-no; xxviii, pp. 73-86, 97-H2, 200-214.) 4957.50.7, 27, 28 On Van Eys. 1882. Les Basques et les pays basque; mceurs, langue et histoire. Paris. 1883. Le folk-lore du Pays basque. Paris. (Les litteratures populaires, 15.) 4670a. 61 1891. Essai d'une bibliographic de la langue basque. Paris. 6163.53 Virchow, It. 1870. Die altnordischen Schadel zu Kopen- hagen u. s. w. (Archiv f. Anth., iv, pp. 55-91.) 2230.104.4 2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. [IQ Vircliow, R. (Continued.) 1871a. Ueber italienische Craniologie und Ethnologic (Verh. Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1871-72, pp. 31-41.) 2222.51.4 1871b. Vergleichung finnischer und esthni- scher Schadel mit alten Graberschadeln des nordostlichen Deutschlands. (Verh. Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1871-72, pp. 74-84.) 2222.51.4 1872a. Ueber die Urbevolkerung Belgiens. (Verh. Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1871-72, pp. 282-289.) 2222.51.4 1872b. Ueber westfalische Dolicho- und Brachycephalen-Schadel. (Verh. Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1871-72, pp. 191-194.) 2222.51.4 1872c. Ueber die Methode der wissenschaft- lichen Anthropologic: eine Antwort an Herrn de Quatrefages. (Zeits. f. Eth., iv, pp. 300-319.) 2222.51.4 Translation in Revue scientifique, xi, 1873, PP- 981-989 [5292.1.11]. i872d. Ueber die Race prussienne. (Quatre- fages.) (Archiv f. Anth., v, pp. 529-537.) 2230.104.5 1873. Ueber alt- und neubelgische Schadel. (Archiv f. Anth., vi, pp. 85-118.) 2230.104.6 1874a. Ueber die Geschichte der Lappen- frage. (5te allg. Versammlung der Deut. Ges. f. Anth., 1874, pp. 61-63, 65-68.) 2230.104.1874 (Suppl.) 1874b. Ueber die Verbreitung brachyce- phaler Schadel in vorgeschichtlicher und geschichtlicher Zeit in Deutschland. (Ibid., 1874, pp. 11-20.) 2230.104.1874 (Suppl.) 1874c. Die Urbevolkerung Europa's. (Sam- nil, gemeinverst. wiss. Vortrage, Serie ix, Heft 193. pp. 1-48.) 5914.50.19 1875a. Die physischen Eigcnschaften der Lappen. (Verh. der Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1875, PP- 31-39) 2222.51.7 1875b. Ueber einige Merkmale niederer Menschenrassen am Schadel. (Abh. der Kon. Akad. der Wiss., Berlin, Aus dem Jahre 1875, Phys. KL, Abth. 2, pp. 1-130. Pis.) 3322.2.1875 1876a. Beitrage zur physischen Anthropo- logic der Deutschen, mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung der Friesen. (Abh. der Kon. Akad. der Wiss., Berlin, aus dem Jahre 1876, pp. 1-388.) 3322.2.1876 1876b. Berichterstattung iiber die statisti- schen Erhebungen beziiglich der Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut. (Corr.-Blatt, 1876, pp. 91-111.) 2230.104.9 Rericht Versammlung, Jena. Consult Revue d'anth., serie 1, v, pp. 152-160. Contains an inter- esting discussion of the relations of the Finns to the Germans. 120 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Virchow, R. (Continued.) 1876c. Sur la race brune et la race blonde en Allemagne. (Compte-rendu, Congres int. d'anth., 8e session, 1876, Budapest, i, pp. 577-586.) 6235.20. 1876, v.i 1877. Schadeln aus einer Krypte in Leu- bingen im nordlichen Thuringen. (Verb. der Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1877, pp. 327-330.) 2222.51.9 1878a. Livlandischer Schadel. (Verh. der Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1878, pp. 141-155.) 2222.51.10 1878b. Adress. (Corr.-Blatt, Sept., 1878, pp. ioo-iii.) 2230. 104. 1 1 On the origin of the Germans and their relation to the Friesians and Finns. 1878c. Die slavischen Funde in den ostlichen Theilen von Deutschland. (Corr.-Blatt, Oct., 1878, pp. 127-137.) 2230. 104. 1 1 1880a. Der Spreewald in die Lausitz. (Zeits. f. Eth., xii, pp. 222-236. Map.) 2222.51.12 1880b. Alte Berliner Schadel. (Verh. der Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1880, pp. 229-236.) 2222.51.12 1882. Alttrojanische Graber und Schadel. (Abh. der Kon. Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Berlin, 1882.) 2961.61; 3342-50 (1882) 1883a. Das Graberfeld von Koban, im Lande der Osseten, Kaukasus. Berlin. Text. Atlas. *3o6o.i2 1883b. Adress. (Corr.-Blatt, 1883, pp. 142- 144.) 2230.104.15 1884. Die Rasse von La Tene. (Verh. der Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1884, pp. 168-183.) 2222.51.16 1885. Die Verbreitung des blonden und des brunetten Typus in Mitteleuropa. (Sitz- ungsberichte der Kon. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, Jahrg. 1885, Halbb. i, pp. 39- 47.) 3334.2. 1885. 1 1886a. Anthropologic der Bulgaren. (Zeits. fur Eth., xviii, pp. 112-118.) 2222.51.18 1886b. Gesammtbericht . . . iiber die Farbe der Haut, der Haare und der Augen der Schulkinder in Deutschland. (Archiv f. Anth., xvi, pp. 275-475. Maps.) 2230.104.16 Resume in Rev. d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 698-706. 1888. Anthropologic Aegyptens. (Corr.- Blatt, xix pp. 105-112.) 2230.104.18 1889. Ueber den Transformismus. (Archiv f. Anth., xviii, pp. 1-14O 2230.104.18 1891. Die altpreussische Bevolkerung, na- mentlich Letten und Litauer. sowie deren Hatiser. (Verh. der Berl. Ges. f. Anth., 1891, pp. 767-806.) 2222.51.23 1893. Ueber griechische Schadel aus alter und neuer Zeit u. s. w. (Sitzungsb. Kon. THE ANTHKniM >i. Waitz, T. 1859-72. Anthropologic der Naturvolker. Leipzig. 6 v. Maps. 6235.9 Vol. 5, part 2, and vol. 6 by G. Gerland. 1863. Introduction to anthropology. Lon- don. 6235.3 Translation by J. F. Collingwood of the first vol- ume of the preceding work. In translations of the Anthropological society, London. Walckenaer, C. A., baron. 1839. La geographie ancienne des Gaules. Paris. 3 v. Atlas. 2633.2=4190.8 Waldhauer, F. 1879. Zur Anthropologic der Liven. Dorpat. 3822.71 Webster, W. 1875. The Basque and the Kelt. (Jour. Anth. inst. v, pp. 5-29-) 6235.50.5 1879. Basque legends. 2d ed. London. 2663.70 First edition, 1877, on 2674.60. 1891. The Celt-Iberians. (Academy, Lon- don, xl, pp. 268-269.) Per. Room Weinhold, K. 1887. Die Verbreitung und die Herkunft der Deutschen in Schlesien. (Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, ii, Heft 3.) 6284.8.2 Weisbach, A. 1864-7. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Schadel- formen osterreichischer Volker. Abth. 3, 4. (Mediz. Jahrbiicher der Ges. der Arzte in Wien, Jahrgang 1864, pp. 119-154; 1867, pp. 1-120.) 3822.146 1867a. Korpermessungen an Individuen ver- schiedener Menschenracen vorgenommen durch K. Scherzer und E. Schwarz. (Reise der Fregatte Novara, Anthropologischer Theil, Abth. 2, Wien.) 5810.34.2 1867b. Vier Schadel aus alten Grabstatten in Bohmen. (Archiv f. Anth., ii, pp. 285- 305.) 2230.104.2 1868. Der deutsche Weiberschadel. (Archiv f. Anth., ii. pp. 59-85.) 2230.194.3 1869. Die Schadelform der Rumanen. Wien. 1873. Die Schadelform der Turken. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, iii, pp. 185-245.) 6230a. 14.3 There is a reprint on 3822.145. 1874. Bemerkungen iiber Slavenschadel. (Zeits. f. Eth., vi, pp. 306-316.) 2222.51.6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. I23 Weisbach, A. (Continued.) 1877. Korpermessungen verse hiedener Menschenrassen. (Erganzungsband Zeits. f. Eth., Berlin.) 2222.60.1877 Resume in Rev. d'anth., serie 2, iv, 1881, pp. 488- Soi. 1882. Die Schadelform der Griechen. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xi, pp. 72-97.) 6230a. 14. 1 1 1884. Die Serbokroaten der adriatischen Kiistenlander. (Zeits. f. Eth., 1884, Sup- plement.) 2222.60.1884 1889a. Die Zigeuner. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xix, pp. 107-117.) 6230a. 14. 19 A separate reprint is on 6290a. 3. 1889b. Die Herzegoviner verglichen mit Cechen und Deutschen aus Mahren, nach Major Himmel's Messungen. (Mitt, der Anth. Ges., Suppl. 1, Wien.) 3820a.2.j. There is a reprint on 38208.24. 1892. Die Deutschen Niederosterreichs. (Mitt, des K. u. k. Militar-Sanitats- Comites, Wien, xi.) 3822.144 1894. Die Oberosterreicher. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxiv, pp. 232-246.) 6230a. 14.24 1895a. Die Bosnier. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxv, pp. 206-239.) 6230a. 14.25 1895b. Die Salzburger. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxv, pp. 69-84.) 6230a. 14.25 1897a. Altbosnische Schadel. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxvii, pp. 80-85.) 6230a.14.27 1897b. Prahistorische Schadel vom Glasinac (Bosnien). (Wiss. Mitt, aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina, Wien, v, pp. 562-576.) 48ii.i3-5 There is a reprint on 38203.32. 1898. Die Deutschen Steiermarks. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxviii, pp. 195-213.) Maps. 6230a.14.28 Weissenberg, S. 1892. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologic der Turkvolker. Baschkiren und Meschtscher- jaken. (Zeits. f. Eth., xxiv, pp. 181-235.) 2222.51.24 1895. Die siidrussischen Juden. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiii, pp. 347-4^3, 53I-579-) 2230.104.23 1897a. 06t> aHTponojionrjecKOMTb Tim'B eBpeeBi.. [On the type of the Jews.] (II3B. n>in. 06m. jiio6. ecT. . . . tomt. 90, TpyAU AHT.OT^^xviii, cols. 491-493, MocKBa.) 3820a. 19. 18 1897b. Ueber die verschiedenen Gesichts- maasse und Gesichtsindices, ihre Ein- theilung und Brauchbarkeit. (Zeits. f. Eth., xxix, pp. 41-58.) 2222.51.29 Welcker, H. 1866. Kraniologische Mittheilungen. (Ar- chiv f. Anth., i, pp. 89-160.) 2230.104.1 124 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Welcker, H. (Continued.) 1886. Die Capacitat und die drei Haupt- durchmesser der Schadelkapsel. (Archiv f. Anth., xvi, pp. 1-159.) 2230.104.16 West, G. M. 1894a. Anthropometrische Untersuchungen uber die Schulkinder in Worcester, Mass. (Archiv f. Anth., xxii, pp. 35-48.) 2230.104.22 Resume in Science, xxi, pp. 2-4. 1894b. The anthropometry of American school children. (Mem. Int. cong. of anth.. Chicago, pp. 50-58.) 2235.128 1896. Observations on the relation of physi- cal development to intellectual ability, made on the school children of Toronto. (Science, N. S., iv, pp. 156-159.) Per Room White, A. S. 1886. The Balkan states. (Scottish geog. magazine, ii, pp. 6*7-676. Maps.) 6272.70.2 Wiberg, C. E. 1867. Die Einfluss der klassischen Volker auf den Norden durch den Handelsver- kehr. tjbers. aus dem Schwed. von J. Mestorf. Hamburg. Wieser, F. It. von. 1894. Das Grabfeld von Welzelach. (Bei- trage zur Anth., Eth., und Urg. von Tirol, pp. 261-277. Tafeln. ) 2233.61 Wietersheim, C. A. W. E. von. 1880-81. Geschichte der Volkerwanderung. 2te umgearb. Aufl. Leipzig. 2 v. Map. 2301.54 Wilde, Sir W. R. W. 1844. Lecture on the ethnology of the an- cient Irish. (Dublin literary journal.) 1849. The beauties of the Boyne and Black- water. Dublin. 1864. Ireland, past and present, the land and the people: a lecture. Dublin. Wilser, L. 1882. [Zur Keltenfrage.] (Corr.-Blatt, xiii, pp. 171-173.) 2230.104.14 1885. Die Herkunft der Deutschen. Karls- ruhe. 2833.60 1890. Anthropologic und Geschichte. (Aus- land, lxiii, pp. 913-918, 928-934.) 5290.50.63 1891. Die Ostgermanen. (Ausland. lxiv, pp. 855-858.) _ 5290.50.64 1892a. Badische Schadel. (Archiv f. Anth., xxi, pp. 435-445-) 2230.104.21 1892b. Die Bevolkerung von Bohmen in vor- geschichtlicher u. friihgeschichtlicher Zeit. (Globus, lxii, pp. 369-371.) 6914.1.62 1898. Menschenrassen und Weltgeschichte. (Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift, xiii, pp. T-8.) Till'. ANTHROPOLOCY OF EUROPE. 12 = Wilson, Sir D. 1851. The archaeology and prehistoric an- nals of Scotland. Edinburgh. 2474.17 1862. Prehistoric man. Cambridge. 2 v. 2236.15 1876. Same. 3d ed. London. 2 v. B. H. Ref.421.2 Windisch, E. 1888. Keltische Sprache. (Grober, Grund- riss der romanischen Philologie, i, pp. 283-312.) 4681.51. 1 Winkler, J. 1891. Friesland, Friesen und friesische Sprache in den Niederlanden. (Globus, lx, pp. 84-90. Map.) 6914. 1.60 1894. Germaansche Plaatsnamen in Frank- rijk. Gent. Witt, H. 1879. Die Schadelform der Esten. Dorpat. 3822.74 Witte, H. 1894. Das deutsche Sprachgebiet Loth- ringens und seine Wandelungen. (For- schungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, viii, Nr. 6.) 6284.8.8 Wolf, G. 1883. Die Juden. Wien. 2814.57 Wolzogen, H. P. von. 1875. Der Ursitz der Indogermanen. (Zeits. f. Volkerpsychologie und Sprachwissen- schaft, viii, pp. 1-14.) 5225.50.8 See also review of Pauli's Benennung des Lowen, in same, viii, pp. 206-215. Worsaae, J. J. A. 1844. Danemarks Vorzeit durch Alter- thiimer und Grabhiigel beleuchtet. Aus dem Danischen ubers. von N. Bertelsen. Kopenhagen. 4233.3 1847. Zur Alterthumskunde des Nordens. Leipzig. 4260.10 1849. Primeval antiquities of Denmark. Translated by W. J. Thorns. London. 2832.1 1852. Minder 0111 de Danske og Nordmande i England, Skotland og Irland. Kj0ben- havn. Same. An account of the Danes and Nor- wegians in England, Scotland and Ire- land. London, 1852. 4517.120 1859. Nordiske Oldsager i det Kongelige Museum i Kjo'benhavn. Kjo'benhavn. 1878. Die Vorgeschichte des Nordens. Ubert. von J. Mestorf. Hamburg. 1882. The industrial arts of Denmark from the earliest times to the Danish conquest of England. Trans, by M. E. Gooday. London. Map. 4026.47=4026.88 126 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Worsaae, J. J. A. (Continued.) 1886. The pre-history of the North based on contemporary memorials. Translated by H. F. Morland Simpson. Map. London. 2836.23 Wright, T. 1875. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. A history of the early inhabitants of Britain. 3d ed. Phila. 2419.52 The first edition appeared in 1861. Wright, W. 1884. The empire of the Hittites. N. Y. 3071.60 Wrzesniowski, A. 1885. Berichte aus der polnischen Litteratur iiber Anthropologic, Archaologie und Ethnographie, 1880-82. (Archiv f. Anth., xv, Suppl., 152-163.) 2230.104.15 (Suppl.) Xenopol, A. D. 1895. La langue roumaine en peril. (Revue de geog., Paris, xxxvii, pp. 321-329.) 6263.69.37 Yantchuk, N. A. 1890a. Kt> Bonpocy oC'B aHTponojiorHHecKOM r i> THHTj JiliTOBiteBt. [Anthropological charac- teristics of the Lithuanians.] (II.3B. linn. 06m,. JiH)6. ecT. . . tomT) 68, Tpy^H Aht. ot/i,., xii, ,H,neB. 1890, cols. 201-211, MocKBa.) 3S2oa.i8 1890b. H'BKOTopHa flaHHbia ice Bonpocy o6t> aHTponoJioranecKOMt Tunn 6*jiopyccoB'B. [On the physical anthropology of the White Russians.] (II3B. Ibm. oOm,. jik)6. ecT. . . . tomt. 08, Tpy^u Aht. otj., xii, ^neB. 1890, col. 66-74, MocKBa.) 3S2oa. 18 1897. HfCKOJlbKO HOBbIXT> CBTjittHiil .Ihtob- CKlixt TaTapaxrb. [The Tartars of Lithua- nia.] (Hub. Ibm. oOm,. jiio6. ecx. . . . tomt> 90, Tpy^u Aht. OTfl., xviii, cols. 514-521, Hock- Ba.) 3820a. 19. 18 Yavorski, I. L. 1897. AiiTponojiornHeci;iii ouepicb TypKMem>. [Anthropology of the Turkomans. With bibliography.] (Tpyjlbi aHT. 06m,. npu Umh. BoeHHO-MeA- aicaj., O110., ii, pp. 145-207.) 3822.127.2 Zaborowski, S. 1878. L'homme prehistorique. Paris. 1881. Sur seize cranes d'un tombeau grec d'Asie Mineure. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1881, pp. 234-238.) 4236.50.1881 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. I2J Zaborowski, S. (Continued.) 1892a. Disparities et avenir dcs races liu- maines. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1892, pp. 617- 665.) 4230.50. 1892 1892b. Les chemins de fer et l'accroissement de la taille. (Revue scientifique, 1, pp. 302-306 J _ 5292.1.50 1894. Sur dix cranes de Rochefort. Les blonds et les Proto-Caucasiens. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1894, pp. 28-65.) 4236.50.1894 1895-6. Du Dniestre a la Caspienne. Es- quisse palethnologique. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., 1895, pp. 1 16-138, 297-323; 1896, pp. 81-117.) 4236.50.1895-6 1897. Les races de l'ltalie. Paris. 1898. Les Aryens. Recherches sur les ori- gines; Etat de la question de langue et de race. (Revue mens, de l'Ecole d'anth., viii, pp. 37-63-) 2231. 105.8 Zakrzewski, Adam. 1887. Z Puszczy zielonej. Materyjaly do et- nografii Polskiej. [The Green Forest. On the ethnography of Poland.] (Wisla, Warsaw, i, pp. 73"78, 105-111, 149-156; ii, pp. 589-603.) 3822.136 1888. Nasz obszar etnograficzny. [Our eth- nographic territory.] (Wisla, Warsaw, ii, pp. 186-191.) 1889. Podlasie. [Podlachia.] (Wisla, War- saw, iii, pp. 309-328. Maps.) 1891. Wzrost w krolestwie Polskiem. Przy- czynek do charakterystyki fizycznej Pola- kow. [Stature in Poland.] [Zbior wiad. do antrop. kraj., Krakow, xv, dziai 2, pp. 1-39.) Maps. 3822.122 1892. Nablizsze zadania antropologji i etno- grafji polskiej. [The most urgent prob- lems in Polish anthropology and ethno- logy-] (Wisla, Warsaw, vi, pp. 255-259.) 1895. Ludnosc miasta Warszawy. [Physical characteristics of the population ot War- saw.] (Mater, ant.-arch., Akad. umiej., Krakow, i, dzial 1, pp. 1-38. Maps.) 3824.42 Zampa, R. 1881. La demografia italiana studiata piu specialmente in riguardo all' azione del monti e delle pianure sulla vita dell' uomo. Bologna. Atlas. 3764.85 1886a. Vergleichende anthropologische Eth- nographic von Apulien. (Zeits. fiir Eth., xviii, pp. 167-193, 201-232.) 2222.51.18 186OU. /anthropologic illyrienne. (Revue d'anth., serie 3, i, pp. 625-647.) 4239.50.1886 1888. II tipo urabro. (Archivio per l'ant., xviii, pp. 175-197.) 3820a. 6. 18 128 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Zampa, R. (Continued.) 1889. Le attinenze etniche degli Umbri. (Mem.dell' Accademia pontificia de' nuovi Lincei, Roma, v, pp. 111-130.) 3303.61.5 1890. Di due teschi italiani preistorici. (Mem. dell' Accad. pontificia de' nuovi Lincei, Roma, vi, pp. 25-48.) 3303.61.6 1891a. Crania Italica vetera. (Mem. dell' Accademia pontificia de' nuovi Lincei, Roma, vii, pp. 1-79) 330361.7 Full references in prehistoric archaeology. 1891b. Sulla etnografia dell' Italia. (Atti dell' Accad. pontificia de' nuovi Lincei, xliv, pp. 173-180.) 3303.60.44 1892. Les Gaulois d Italic Ethnographie de la Haute Italic (Mem. dell' Accad. pon- tificia de' nuovi Lincei, Roma, viii, pp. 241-316.) 3303.61.8 To be continued. Resume in Archivio per I'ant., xxiv, 1894, pp. 265 seq. Zanardelli, T. 1889-90. L'fitrusque, l'Ombrien et l'Osque dans.leurs rapports avec l'ltalien. (Bull. Soc. d'anth., Bruxelles, viii, pp. 192-229.) 4237.55-8 Zannetti, A. There is a bibliography in Archivio per l'ant., xiv, p. 146. 1871. Studj sui cranj etruschi. (Archivio per l'ant., i, pp. 166-191. Pis.) 3820a. 6.1 1876. See Mantegazza. 1878. Note antropologiche sulla Sardegna. Parte II. I Sardi moderni. (Archivio per l'ant., viii, pp. 51-107.) 3820a.6.8 Zannoni, A. 1876-84. Gli scavi della certosa di Bologna. Bologna. 2 v. Pis. ***Cab. 27.11. 1 Zapf, L. 1889. Ethnographische Karte des nordost- lichen Oberfrankens. (Beitrage zur Anth., Bay., viii, pp. 147-161.) 382oa.5.8 Zemmrich, J. 1891. Das deutsche Element in der Bevolke- rung der franzosischen Schweiz. (Deut. Rundschau fur Geog. und Stat., xiii, pp. 337-343-) 6275.60.13 1894a. Deutsche und Romanen in Tirol 1880 bis 1890. (Globus, lxvi, pp. 7-10. Map.) 6914. 1.66 1894b. Verbreitung und Bewegung der deutschen in der franzosischen Schweiz. (Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, viii, Nr. 5.) 6284.8.8 Zeuss, J. K. 1837. Die Deutschen und die Nachbar- stamme. Munchen. 4228.13 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF KIROPE. I _'< | Zograf, N. Yu. 1890a. PacnpeAtJieme BticoKaro pocTa cpcui BejinicopyccKaro nacejienin ry6epmi Bjujui- MlpCKOfi, KOCTpOMCKOfi, SpOCJiaBCKOfi, . . . [Stature in Central Russia . . . ] (Hub. IImii. 06m. .1106. ecT. . . . tomt> 08, Tp\.i.i,i Aht. otj,., xii. JlneB. 1890, cols. 9-17, Mock- Ba.) Maps. 3820a. 18 1890b. Ki>Bonpocy nojJLSOBaiiiH *OTorpa6. e.CT., aHT. 11 3th., xii, cols. 391- 400, MocKBa.) 3820a. iS 1892a. AHTponoaieTpimecida nscjiB^oBama Myac- CKaro BejiHKopyccKaro Hacejienia Bjiajmaiip- CKoii, SpocJiaBCKoii 11 KocipoaicKoii ry6epHifi. [Anthropometric investigations of the Great Russian male population in the governments of Wladimir, Jaroslav and Kostroma.] (1I3B. Ham. 06m,. Jiw6. ecT. . . . tomi> 70, Tpy^H Aht. otji,., xv, MocKBa.) Pis. I Maps. 3820a. 19. 15 Resume in Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xxiii, 1893, p. 184; Globus, lxii, 1892, p. 337; L'Anth., iv, 1893, P. 43- 1892b. Les peuples de la Russie. Trad, par Tastevin. Moscow. 1893a. Les types anthropologiques des Grands-Russes des governements du centre de la Russie. (Congres int. d'anth., ne session, Moscow, ii, pp. 1-12.) 6235.20.sess.n,v.2 1893b. Note sur les methodes d'anthropo- metrie sur le vivant pratiquees en Russie. (Congres int. d'anth., ne session, Mos- cow, ii, pp. 13-24.) 6235.20.sess.n,v.2 1896. Ueber altrussische Schadel aus dem Kreml (Burg) von Moskau. (Archiv f. Anth., xxiv, pp. 41-63O 2233.104.24 Zuekerkandl, E. 1883. Beitrage zur Craniologie der Dcut- schen in Oesterreich. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xiii, pp. 89-118.) 6230a. 14. 13 1884. Craniologische Untersuchungen in Tirol und Inner Oesterreich. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Wien, xiv, pp. 1 17-128.) 6230a. 14. 14 1889. Ueber die physische Beschaffenheit der inneroesterreichischen Alpenbevolker- ung. (Mitt. Anth. Ges., Sitz.-bericht. Wien, xix, pp. 125-130.) 6230a.14.19 INDEX. This index is based rather on the contents of the works cited, than on the apparent significance of the titles. For it. as thus conceived, and also for its correctness, the author alone is responsible. W. z. k. AFRICA. 1853. Carette (migrations). 1854. Faidherbe (Berbers and Arabs). 1868. Gillebert d'Hercourt (Algeria). 1870. Topinard (Biskra). 1872. Duhousset (Kabyles). 1873. Topinard (Algeria). 1874. Topinard (Algeria, Berbers'). 1876. Broca (blonde, Vandals). 1876. Tissot (Morocco). 1881. Topinard (Algeria). 1882. Sabatier (Berbers). 1883. Sabatier (Kabyles.) 1884. Amat (Algeria). 1884. Sabatier (North Africa). 1887. Collignon (Tunis, archaeology). 1888. Bertholon (Tunis, culture). 1888. Borsari (Tripoli). 1888. Collignon (Tunis, color). 1888. Paulitschke (Somal, Galla, Harari). 1888-9. Quedenfeldt (Morocco, Berbers). 1889. Bertholon (Tunis, anthropology). 1889. Harris (Morocco). 1889. Hovelacque (negroes). 1890. Bertholon (Tunis, Phoenician crania). 1891. Bertholon (Khoumirie). 1893-6. Paulitschke (north-east Africa). 1894. Bertholon (Phoenicians). 1894. Gabelentz (Berber and Basque). 1895. Bertholon (Neanderthal type). 1896. Bertholon (Tunis). 1896. Collignon (Senegal, Moors). 1897. Bertholon (Island of Gerba). 1897. Harris (Morocco, Berbers). 1897. Sergi (Hamites). 1897-8. Bertholon ALBANIA. See also Balkan States; Greece. 1896. Glueck. 1897. Glueck. ALGERIA. See Africa. ALSACE-LORRAINE. 1862. Godron. 1865. Faudel. 1881. Collignon. 1881-2. Collignon. 1886. Collignon. 1889. Barthelemy. 1889. Bleicher. 1890. Auerbach. 1897. Schwalbe. 1898. Blind. 1898. Brandt. ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY. General WORKS. See also Europe, Races of. 1793-1828. Blumenbach. 1813. Prichard. I3 2 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1824. Baer. 1827. Edwards. 1837-47. Prichard. 1841. Edwards. 1841-51. Prichard. 1845. Prichard. 1848. Pickering. 1850. Knox. 1850. Pickering. 1854. Nott with Gliddon. 1859. Latham. 1859-72. Waitz. 1863. Huxley. 1863. Latham. 1863. Vogt. 1864. Retzius. 1865. Blumenbach. 1866. Welcker. 1867. Davis. 1870. Huxley. 1871. Geiger. 1872. Steur. 1876. Topinard. 1876. Yirchow. 1877. Geikie. 187 7- Ouatrefages. 1877. YVeisbach. 1878-94. Reclus. 1879. Mueller. 1880. Peschel. 1881. Tylor. 1882. Hovelacque. 1882. Ouatrefages \\ it li Hamy. 1882-91". Ratzel. 1S83-94. Reclus. 1884-9. Bertillon, A. 1884. Ouatrefages. 1885. Peschel. 1885. Topinard. 1886-7. Ranke. 1887. Hovelacque with Herve. 1887-8. Ratzel. 1889. Achelis. 1889. Niederle. 1889. Ouatrefages. 1890. Brinton. 1890. Verneau. 1890. YVilser. 1891. Flower. 1891. Topinard. 1892. Gerland. 1893. Topinard. 1S94. Geikie. 1894. Peschel. 1894-5. Ratzel. 1896. Achelis. 1896. Keane. 1896. Ratzel. 1896. Ripley. 1897. Huxley. 1897. Krzywicki. ANTHROPOMETRY, DEYELOPMENTAL. Bib- liographies, ETC. 1845. Schultz. 1863. Boudin. 1865. Boudin. 1867. Weisbach. 1870-1. Ouetelet. 1875. Galton. 1876. Pagliani. 1877. Bowditch. 1S77. Weisbach. 1S77-8. Pagliani. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1 33 1879. Bowditch. 1879. Lomhroso. 188 1. Bowditch. 1882. Daffner. 1882. Riccardi. 1883. Brit. ass. ad 1883. Ranke. 1884. Daffner. 1884. Ranke. 1885. Daffner. 1885. Gallon. 1885- 6. Riccardi. iSSS. Venn. 1891. Boas. 1891. Bowditch. 1892. Boas. 1892. Lomhroso 1892. Schmidt, E 1893. Porter. 1894. Hartwell. 1894. Porter. 1894. West. 1895. Dwight. 1896. Boas. 1896. Marina. 1896. Matiegka. 1896. West. 1897. Daffner. 1897. Livi. 1897. Ranke. 1898. Burk. sc. (Anthropometric com.) AQUITAINE. See also Basques; Cro-Magnon; France. 1875. Lartet with Christy. 1884. Castaing. 1895. Collignon. 1896. Collignon. ARABIA AND ARABS. See also Africa; Asia; Asia Minor; Semites. 1865. Palgrave. 1883. Elisyeef. ARCHAEOLOGY, PREHISTORIC. See also the various countries, and also Hallstatt; Lake dwellings. 1861. Diefenhach. 1861. Morlot. 1870. Hamy. 1871. Mueller, A. 1874. Lenormant. 1874. Geikie. 1877. Caspari. 1878. Zaborowski. 1879. Joly. 1880. Baye. 1880. Hildebrand. 1881. Beck. 1881. Nadaillac. 1882. Undset. 1883. Joly. 1883. Mortillet. 1884. Mueller, S. O. 1884. Penck. 1884. Quatrefages. 1886. Mueller, S. O. 1888. Salmon. 1889. Reinach. 1891. Radimsky. 1892. Hoernes. 1893. Martin, F. R. 1893. Niederle. 1893. Penka. 1894-6. Reinach. 134 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. (bibliography). 1896. Margerie 1896. Ranke. 1897. Munro. 1897. Penka. 1898. Hoernes. AR1 1ENIANS. See Asi AR\ 'ANS. 1847-62. Lassen. 1848. Omalius d'Halloy. 1859-63. Pictet. 1862. Latham. 1864. Aryans. 1865. Omalius d'Halloy. 1869. Benfey. 1869- 72. Spiegel. 1870. Hehn. 1871. Cuno. 1871. Geiger. 1871- 3. Spiegel. 1872. Hoefer. 1872. Mueller. i§73- Hehn. 1875- Benfey. 1875- Jolly. 1875- Wolzogen. 1878. Geiger. 1878. Poesche. 1878. Schrader. 1878. Yasconcellos-Abreu. 1S78. Martin. 1879- Mortillet. 1880. Arcelin. 1880. Geiger. 1880. Harlez. 1880. Schneider. 1881. Fligier. 1881. Rajendralala Mitra. 1881. Tomaschek. 1881. Gheyn. 1882. Gheyn. 1883. Cruel. 1883. Loeher. 1883. Penka. 1883. Schrader. 1883. Tomaschek. 1884. Brugmann. 1884. Brunnhofer. 1884. Geiger. 1884. Gibb. 1884. Mantegazza. 1884. Ujfalvy. 1885. Bradke. 1885. Hehn. 1885- ■7. Sayce. 1885. Gheyn. 1885. Wilser. 1886. Evans, E. P. 1886. Fressl. 1886. Penka. 1886. Pictet. 1886. Schrader. O. 1887. Mueller, F. Max. 1887. Sayce. 1887. Schrader, O. 1887. Spiegel. 1887. Taylor. 1888. Bradke. 1888. Mueller, F. Max. 18S8. Penka. 1888. Sayce. 1888. Taylor. 1889. Brunet y Bellet. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 135 1889. Brunnhofer. 18*59. Halt. 1889. Lapouge. 1889. Kendall. 1889. Sayce. 1889. Schmidt, J. 1889. '1 aylor. 1890. liradke. 1890. Huxley. 1890. Mueller, F. Max. 1890. Schrader, O. 1890. Schmidt, J. 1890. Taylor. 1891. Andrian-Werburg. 1891. Mueller, F. M ax. 1891. Nicolucci. 1891. Penka. 1892. Hirt. 1892. Kolhnann. 1892. Reinach. 1893. Keinach. 1894. Reinach with Bertrar id. 1894. Yillenoisy. 1894- Zaborowski. 1896. Evans, A. J. 1896. Sergi. 1896. Ujfalvy. 1897. Sergi. 1898. Sergi. 1898. W'ilser. 1898. Zaborowski. ASIA. See also Caucasus ; India; Persia; Russia; Turkestan. 1857. Castren. 1864. \ ambery. 1873- Ujfalvy. 1878- 80. Ujfalvy. 1879. Ujfalvy (Galtchas with Tadjiks). 1881. Tomaschek (ethnology). 1883. Chantre. 1884. Gheyn (language). 1884. Ujfalvy (western Hima'ayas). 1887. Ujfalvy (Galtchas with Tadjiks). 1887. Ujfalvy (Dardistan). 1893- Chantre (nomenclature). 1893- Ivanovski (Mongols). 1895. Rrinton (ethnology). 1895- Chantre. 1896. Ivanovski (Mongols). 1896. Ujfalvy (Hindou-Kouch). 1897. Yavorski (Turcomans). ASIA MINOR. See also Caucasus ; Russia; Turks. 1873- Langhans (Palestine). 1880. Schliemann (Uios). 1881. Schliemann (Ilios). 1884. Schliemann (Troja). 1886. Wright (Hittites). 1888. Savce (Palestine). 1890- 1. Elisyeef (anthropology). 1890. Nasonof (Kurds). 1890. Ramsay (geography). 1891. Luschan (Lycians). 189 1. Neophytos (Greeks). 189 1. Sayce (Old Testament races). 1894. Cara. (Hittites). i8q6. Chantre (Cappadocia). 1897. Tvaryanovitch (anthropology, Armenians). AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. See also Bohemia; Hallstatt; Hungary; Moravia; Ruthenians (under Russia); Salzburg; Servia; Tvrol. 1861. Beddoe (color). 136 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1864. Petermann 1867-7. Weisbach 1868. Bergmann Andree Sasinek Golovatski Koroesi 1877-85. Majer with Kopernicki 1880. Deschmann with Hochstetter Goehlert Suman Stare Egger Hochstetter Kopernicki Zuckerkandl Schimmer Zuckerkandl Weisbach Czoernig Chavanne Gheyn Kopernicki 1888. Himmel 1888. Hoernes 1888. Kuun 1889. Hoernes 1889. Weisbach 1889-90. Hoernes 1889. Zuckerkandl 1892. Penka. 1892. Weisbach 1893. Rauchberg 1894. Weisbach Zemmrich Weisbach Schweiger-Lerchenfeld Auerbach. Weisbach 1870. i875- 1876. 1877. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1885. 1887. 1887. 1887. (ethnology). (.crania). (Vorarlberg). (Galicia, Russians). (Slovaks). (Ruthenians). (color). (Galicia). (archaeology). (stature). (Slovenes). (Croatians). (Tyrol, Vorarlberg). (archaeology). (crania). (crania). (color). (Tyrol). (Serbo-Croats). (ethnology). (atlas). (Danubian population). (crania, Cracow; (Bukowina). (paleoethnology). (Transylvania). (Hallstatt). (Herzegovinians). (archaeology). (Tyrol). 1894. 1895. 1896. (Lower Austria). (demography). (Upper Austria). (languages). (Salzburg). (Danube). (Styria). AUVERGNE. See France. BADEN. 1865. Ecker. 1876. Ecker. 1890. Amnion. 1892. Amnion. 1892. Wilser, L. 1893. Amnion. 1894. Amnion. 1899. Ammon. BALKAN STATES. See also Albania; Bulgaria; Macedonia; Roumania; Servia; Turkey. 1875-8. Kanitz. 1876. Fligier. 1877. Freeman. 1880. Diefenbach. 1880. Tocilescu. 1882. Lejean. 1883. Picot. 1886. Topinard. 1886. White. 1887. Gheyn. 1890. Oppel. 1896. Evans, A. J. BASHKIRS. See under Russia. BASOUES. 1817. Humboldt 1821. Humboldt 1848. Herbert (language). (language"). (political state). THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. ^7 '854- 1857- 1862. 1862. 1862. 1862. 1863. 1866. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1868. 1868. 1868. 1869. 1869. 1870. 1874. 1874. 1875. 1875- 1S75- 1878. 1879. 1879. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1885. 1887. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1893- 1S93. 1894. 1894. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1896. Baudrimont. Michel. Bonaparte Broca Broca Broca Broca Broca Broca Charencey Pruner-Bey Reclus. Abbadie. Broca Cordier Blade. Garat. Blade. Dawkins Eys Broca Webster. 95. Vinson Louis-Lande. Andree Webster Charencey Vinson Vinson Pirala. Monteiro O'Shea. Gerland Aranzadi. Charencey Stoll. Blade. Vinson Webster Bertholon. Dumont Rhys Fita Gabelentz. Aranzadi. Collignon Gabelentz Collignon Aranzadi Bertholon 7. Fabie BAVARIA. 1862. Majer, J. C. 1875. Mayr 1877. Kollmann 1877-92. Ranke 1880. Ranke 1880-95. Ohlenschlager 1881. Hoefler 1881. Ranke 1882. Hoelder 1882. Ranke 1882. Mehlis. 1882. Daffner 1883. Ranke. 1884. Prinziger. Daffner Daffner Fressl. 1891. Brenner with Hartr 1892. Ranke. 1894. Gruber. 1895. Lehmann-Nitszche. .884. 1885. 1885. (language). (Saint- Jean-de-Luz). (crania), (language). (crania). (crania). (crania), (language), (language). (Saint-Jean-de-Luz). (family). (northern boundary), (language), (language). (language). (language, map). (legends). (language). (language, customs). (folklore). (legends). (language). (language). (bibliography, language). (Balgorry). (Picts). (Picts). (anthropology). (language). (anthropology). (anthropology). (Basque and Phoenician). (customs). (stature). (color). (crania). (crania). (stone age). (archaeological map). (crania, Tolz). (stature). (archaeology, Regensburg). (blonds and brunets). (anthropometry) . (anthropometry) . (anthropometry). (language). i38 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1895. Naue 1897. Ranke 1897. Much 1898. Ranke BELGIUM. Bibliography: 1846. Schmerling 1854. Boeckh 1867. Dupont 1867. Lagneau 1872. Beddoe 1872. Charnock 1872. Dupont 1872. Yanderkindere 1872. \'irchow 1873. Dupont 1873. Virchow 1879. \"anderkindere 1 88 1. Beddoe 1882. Houze 1886. Fraipont 1887. Braemer 1887. Houze 1887. Titeca 1887. Fraipont 1888. Houze 1889. Fraipont 1890. Keane 1896. Fraipont (culture). (neolithic population). (ethnological origins). (city populations). Fraipont with Lohest, 1887. (.archaeology). (language). (archaeology). (ethnology). (Wallons). (Wallons). (archaeology). (color). (crania). (archaeology). (crania). (color). (color). (ethnology, bibliography). (archaeology). (language). (stature). (stature). (archaeology). (Wallons & Flemish, nasal index). (archaeology). (Wallons). (archaeology). BENGAL. See India. BERBERS. See Africa. BOHEMIA. 1867. Weisbach 1883. Hochreiter. 1885. Bendel 1886. Schlesinger. 1891. Matiegka 1891. Niederle 1891-2. Niederle 1892. Matiegka 1892. Matiegka 1892. Niederle 1892. Niederle 1892. Niederle 1892. Wilser 1893. Matiegka 1893-97- Pis 1894. Matiegka 1894. Niederle 1894. Snajdr. 1896. Matiegka 1897. Matiegka 1898. Matiegka (crania). (Germans). (crania). (anthropology). (bibliography). (anthropology). (crania). (Podbaba). (crania). (archaeology). (crania). (crania, Zelenic). (archaeology). (crania). (anthropology). (crania, Czechs). (Czechs). (bibliography). See also Herzegovina. BOSNIA. 1863. Sax. 1880. Tomaschek. 1891. Glueck. 1891. Radimsky. 1893-97. Hoernes. 1893. Schubert. 1894. Glueck. 1894. Reinach. 1895. Capus. 1895. Weisbach. 1S97. Glueck. 1897. Weisbach. BRITISH ISLES. Prehistoric archeology. See also Ireland; Orkney islands; Scotland. 1852. Worsaae (Danes and Norwegians). THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. [gg 1861. Bateman (Derby, Stafford, York). 1862. Wilson. 1863-7. Thurnam (crania). 1865. Davis with Thurnam (crania). 1866. Huxley with Laing (Caithness). 1871. Huxley (ethnology). 1872. Evans, J. (stone implements). 1874. Dawkins (caves). 1875. Rolleston (long barrows). 1877. Greenwell (barrows). 1877. Rolleston (barrows, crania). 1880. Dawkins (archaeology). 1881. Evans, J. (bronze implements). 1884. Rolleston. 1886. Munro (lake dwellings) 1889. Beddoe (woodcuts, Rotherley, etc 1894. Garson (early races) BRITISH ISLES. Historical ethnology. 1842. Sydenham (Celts and Celto-Belgae) 1852. Worsaae (Danes and Norwegians) i860. Davis. 1861. Mackintosh (England, Wales) 1865. Huxley (ethnology) 1870. Nicholas (Norman conquest). 1870. Rolleston (England, Anglo-Saxon conquest), 187S. Wright (Celts, Romans, Saxons) 1878. Nicholas (English people) 1880. Rudler (Wales) 1881. Allen. 1882. Beddoe (English surnames) 1882. Elton (English history) 1883. Scarth (Romans) 1884. Hunt (Norman Britain) 1884. Rhys (Celtic Britain) 1887. Lubbock (ethnology) 1888. Laws (Wales) 1890- 1. Rhys (ethnology) 1894. Gray (Picts, place names) BRITISH ISLES. Languages. 1879. Ravenstein (Celtic). 1880. Andree (Celtic) 1880. Fligier (Celtic) 1870. Sullivan (Celtic) 1892. Rhys (Picts) BRITISH ISLES. Modern population. 1829. Price. 1834. Yillerme (anthropometry) 1863. Beddoe (England, color) 1863- 7. Thurnam (crania) 1865. Beddoe (crania) 1866. Mackintosh (England, Wales) 1867-9. Beddoe (stature and bulk) 1870. Rolleston (England, Anglo-Saxon conquest) 1871. Beddoe (Lancashire) 1871. Huxley (ethnology) i&73- Beddoe (Yorkshire) 1882. Harrison. 1883. Brit, assoc. ad\ . sc. (facial characteristics) 1885. Beddoe (races) 1887. Beddoe (Isle of Man) 1887. Beddoe (England, stature) 18S8. Venn (anthropometry) 1893. Brabrook (ethnographic survey) 1894. Beddoe (cephalic index) 1895. Beddoe (West Saxons) 1895. Gray (Buchan) 1896. Horton-Smith (South Saxons, crania) 1897. Haddon (Barley, Herts) 1897. Moore (Isle of Man) 1899. Muffang (cephalic index) 1899. Rhys (Welsh people) 140 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. BRITTANY. 1861. Guibert. 1862. Halleguen. 1864-72. Halleguen. 1867-9. Beddoe. 1868. Broca. 1868. Guibert. 1870. Broca. 1879. Broca. 1881. Chassagne. 1883. Loth. i8bb. Sebillot. 1888. Le Carguet with Topinard. 1890. Collignon. 1893-4. Gal.ouedec. 1895. Lapouge. 189b. Lapouge. 1897. Topinard. BRUNSWICK. See Germany. BULGARIA. 1875-bo. Kanitz. 1875. Kopernicki. 1877. Koptrnicki. 1878-81. Howorth. 1879. Beddoe. 1880. Bogdanof. 1885. Ltgcr. 188b. \ irehow. 1891. Bassanovic. 1891. Jirecek. 1898. btrausz. GUANCHES. CANARY ISLANDS. 1841-5. Berthelot. 1881. V erneau. 1887. \ erneau. 1891. V erneau. CANSTATT. See Neanderthal. CATALAN. 1888. Morel-Fatio 1891. Hovelacque CAUCASUS. See also Armenia; Tatars. 1878. Smirnof. 1880. Bogdanof. 1880. Seydlitz. 1881. Chantre. 1881. Seydlitz. 1883. \ irehow 1885. Chantre. 1887. Erckert. 1889. Erckert. 1889. Morgan. 1893. Chantre. 1893. Pantyukhof 1894. Zaborowski. 1895. Chantre. 1895. Yirchow. 1895. Yyschogrod 1897. Gilchenko 1897. Stieda 1898. Sviderski CELTS. 1839-40. Diefenbach. 1842. Sydenham 1845. Edwards. (language;, (in France). Asia Minor; Persia; Russia; (Koban). (Georgians). (Kabardians). (Ossetes). (bibliography). (Koumiks). (in Great Britain). THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 141 1847-64. Boucher de Crevecceur de Perthes. 1S55. Holtzmann. 1857. Brandes. 1857. Prichard. i860. Lagneau. 1864. Broca. 1864. Pruner-Bey. 1864-72. Halleguen. 1871. Obermueller (migrations). 1872. Martin (archeological). 1873. Bertrand. 1873. Broca. 1873. Hovelacque (linguistic). 1873. Lagneau. 1874. Broca. 1874. Hovelacque. 1874. Omalius d'Halloy. 1875. Dictionnaire archeologique. 1875. Webster. 1876. Bertrand (archaeology). 1876-80. Skene. 1877. Cobb (Wales and Ireland). 1877. Obedenare. 1878. Maclear. 1879. Bertrand. 1881. Lemiere. 1882. Arbois de Jubainville. 1882. Wilser. 1883. Guest. 1883. Sergi (in Po valley). 1884. Rhys. . _ 1885. Ranke, H. (crania). 1887. Minguez. 1888. Windisch (language). 1891. Bertrand. 1891. Nicolucci. 1892. Atkins. . . 1892. Reinach (origin). 1893-4. Arbois de Jubainville (in Spain). 1894. Reinach with Bertrand (in Po and Danube valleys). 1894. Saralegui y Medina. 1894. Virchow. 1895. Sergi. 1895. Virchow (in Germany). 1896. Holder (language). 1895. Meitzen (buildings). 1896. Mogk. 1896. Molliere. 1897. Bertrand. . . 1898. Niese (migrations). CEPHALIC INDEX. See Craniometry and Anthro- pometric Methods. CIMBRI. See also Celts; Gauls; France. 1834. Betham. 1870. Pallmann. 1877. Rawlinson. CORSICA. 1889. Fallot. 1891. Bonaparte (bibliography). 1893. Barry. 1893. Jaubert. 1893. Mahoudeau. 1896. Jaubert. CRANIOMETRY AND ANTHROPOMETRIC METHODS. 1865. Pruner-Bey. 1866. Welcker. 1868. Broca. 142 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1870. Quetelet. 1872. Broca. 1875. Lenhossek. 1877-97. Kanke. 1878. Kobtrts. 1&80. Mantegazza. 1880. Stieda. 1882. Topinard. 1883. Goidstein. 1883. Ranke. 1884. Garson. 1886. Garson. 1886. Houze. 1886. \\ elcker. iN-8. Topinard. 1889. Livi. 1890. Popof. 1890. Mies. 1892. Uhlitzsch. 1893. Mantegazza. 1893. Sergi. 1893. Zograf. 1895. Livi. 1895. Moschen. 1896. Amnion. 1896. Boas. 1896. Kipley. 1897. Kanke. 1897. \\ eissenberg. CROATIA. See Austria-Hungary; Servia. CZECHS. See Bohemia; Moravia. DALMATIA. See Austria-Hungary. DENMARK. 1844. VVorsaae (archaeology) 1847. Worsaae (archaeology) 1849. Worsaae (archaeology) 1859. \\ orsaae (archaeology) 1867. Wiberg (archaeology) 1867-69. Beddoe (crania) 1870. \ irchow (archaeology) 1872. Steenstrup (kitchenmiddens) 1872-76. Madsen. 1873. Madsen (archaeology) 1878. Mueller, S. O. (bronze age) 1878. Worsaae (archaeology) 1882. Worsaae (culture) 1886. Mueller, S. O. (bronze age) 1886. Worsaae (archaeology) 1888. Montelius. 1888. Mueller, S. O. (archaeology) 1888. Soeren-Hansen with Topinard (color) 1896. Madsen (archaeology) 1897. Mueller, S. O. (archaeology) EGYPT. 1844. Morton. 1846. Morton. 1860-63. Perier. i860. Pruner-Bey. 1875. Owen. 1882. Hommel. 1885. Hamy. j886. Hamy. 1886. Poole. 18S7. Petrie. 1888. Schmidt, E. 1888. Virchow. 1889. Petrie. 1889. Tomkins. 1891. Nicolucci. 1892. Hamy. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 143 1892. Hommel. 1^92. Petrie. I&94. Maspero. 1894. Sayce. Ii>95- Pelrie. 1890. Fouquet. 1896. Morgan. 1697. Fouquet. 1897. Morgan. ENGLAND. See Britisl ESTHS. See al 1838. Hueck. 1878. Gruebe. 1879. \\ itt. 1894. Kharuzin, N. N. ETRUSCANS. 1842. Betham. 184.3- Steub. 1848. Dennis. 1853- Koch. 1858. Maggiorani. 1862. Maggiorani. 1869. Nicolucci. 1871. Zannetti. 1873- Genthe. 1874. Broca. 1874. Genthe. 1874. Taylor. 1875- Deecke. 1876. Burton. 1877. Mueller, K. O. 1878. Dennis. 187S- 88. Cuno. 1S79- 80. Pauli. 1881- 84. Pauli. 1882. Fligier. 1883-87. Pauli. 1885. Brizio. 1885- 94. Pauli. 1886. Bugge. 1S87. Spadoni. 1889. Brinton. 1S89. Duhn. 1889. Martha. 1889- -90. Zanardelli. 1890. Brinton. 1890. Seemann. 1891. Lefevre. 1891. Reinach. 1896. Lefevre. EUROPE, RACES OF. 1857- Nicolucci 1863. Latham 1864. Broca. 1872. Quatrefages. 1874. Virchow. 1880. Hildebrand. 1881. Kollmann. Isles. Finns. (nationality) 1882. Kollmann. 1883. Houze. 1885. Keane. 1889-94. Arbois de Jubainville. 1889. Schaaffhausen. 1892. Deniker. 1892. Kollmann. 1893. Beddoe. 1893. Regalia. 1895. Morasso. 1S95. Sergi. 144 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1896. Ammon. 1S96. Sergi. 1897. Closson. 1897. Deniker. 1897. Ripley. 1898. Deniker. FAROE ISLANDS. 1893. Arbo. FINNS. See also Esths; Livs; and under Russia: Bashkirs, Cheremiss, Mordva. 1857. Castren. 1869. Kopernicki. 1871. Virchow. 1872. Hjelt. 1872. Hunfalvy. 1875. Europaeus. 1875. Yirchow. 1876. Europaeus. 1876. Retzius. 1878. Retzius. 1880. Quatrefages. 1886. Sommier. 1887. Elisyeef. 1887. Malief. 1894. Mikkola. 1895. Meitzen. 1896. Niederle. FRANCE. See also Alsace-Lorraine; Aquitaine; Auvergne; Basques; Brittany; Celts; Cro-Magnon; Gauls; Normandy; Provence; Savoy. FRANCE. Prehistoric archaeology. Bibliographies: Chantre, 1867; Dictionnaire archeo- logique, 1875; Catalogue, 1887; Reinach, 1889; Societe d'anthropologie, 1891 ; Cartailhac, 1892; Salmon, 1895; Margerie, 1896; and also a bibliography of Broca's work and that of G. de Mortillet. 1861. Lartet with Christy (Aurignac). 1864. Bertrand (dolmens). 1864. Lartet with Christy (Perigord). 1865. Bonstetten (dolmens). 1865-75. Lartet with Christy (Aquitaine). 1868. Broca. (Les Eyzies). 1868. Lartet (Perigord). 1870. Ecker (Les Eyzies). 1873. Riviere (Mentone). 1875. Chantre (Rhone basin, bronze). 1S76. Bertrand. 1878. Mortillet. 1879. Malte-Brun (map). 1880. Chantre (Rhone basin, iron). 1883. Hamy (Basse Orne). 1886. Yerneau (Cro-Magnon). 1888. Girod with Massenat (Vezere). 1888. Salmon. 1889. Barthelemy (Meurthe). 1889. Cartailhac. 1889. Reinach (catalogue). 1891. Hamy (Cro-Magnon race). 1891. Lapouge (Larzac). 1892. Herve (crania). 1893. Hamy (Boulonnais). 1893. Hovelacque with Herve (Berri). 1894. Herve (Baumes-Chaudes-Cro-Magnon). 1894. Herve (Neolithic brachycephals). 1895. Salmon (catalogue). 1896. Hovelacque with Herve (Faucilles). 1897. Mortillet. FRANCE. Historical ethnology. See also Gauls; Celts. 1842. Thierry. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 145 1861. Lagneau. 1861-73. Belloguet. 1867. Lagneau (Saracens). 1872. Lagneau (south-west). 1874. Lagneau (basin of Saone). 1874. Lagneau (north). 1875. Lagneau (north-west). 1877. Lagneau. 1877. Lagneau (Slavs). 1879. Lagneau. 1879. Lagneau (map). 1890. Haupt (Slavs). 1896. Herve. 1897. Mortillet. FRANCE. Modern population. 1829. Yillerme (stature). 1841. Lelut (stature). 1857. Boudin (stature). i860. Broca. 1863. Boudin (stature and weight). 1865. Boudin (stature). 1865. Chenu (army health report). 1867. Chenu. 1868. Broca (Basques of St. Jean-de-Luz). 1868. Durand de Gros (Aveyron). 1869. Lagneau (diseases). 1875. Tschouriloff (stature). 1876. Roujou (Puy-de-D6me). 1879. Dvirand de Gros (Aveyron). 1879. Lagneau. 1880. Chervin. 1882. Beddoe (color, north and south). 1883. Berenger-Feraud (Provence). 1883. Collignon. 1885-93. Baudrillart (agricultural population). 1886. Topinard (color). 1887. Collignon (crania). 1887. Fallot (cephalic index, Provence). 1887. Pommerol (Limagne). 1888. Favier (Saint Omer, Pas de Calais). 1888. Manouvrier (stature, Parisians). 188.9. Freeh (south). 1889. Lapouge (crania, Montpellier). 1889. Topinard (colorV 1892. Carlier (stature, Eure). 1892. Gallouedec. 1892. Lapouge (Montpellier). 1892. Vogue (Bas-Yivarais). 1892. Zaborowski (stature, Savoy). 1893. Carlier (Eure). 1893. Collignon 1894. Collignon Collignon (Dordogne, Charente (stature). 1894. 1894. Fallex 1894. Foville 1894. Gallois. 1894. Hovelacque with Herve 1894. Lapouge 1895. Atgier 1895. Bordier 1895. Lapouge 1896. Collignon. 1896. Lapouge 1897. Chopinet with Leveque 1897. Labit 1897. Demolins. 1897-8. Durand de Gros with Lapouge Correze, Creuze. Haute Yienne). (Seine-Inf.). (les maison-types). (Morvan). (Herault). (Vienne). (color, Isere). (Ille-et-Vilaine). (Rennet (Landes). (Ardennes). (Aveyron). FRANCE. Language. 1888. Morel-Fatio. 1891. Hovelacque. Catalan. 146 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. Celtic. Flemish. German. Langue d'Oc. 1868. Broca. 1870. Andree. 1879. Broca. ib8s. Andree 1886. Sebillot. 1844. Le Court. 1879. Andree. 1870-4. Kiepert. 1894. \\ inkier. 1894. Witte. 1876. Tourtolon. 1888. Suchier. FRANKS. See Gauls. GAULS. See also Celts; Cimbri; France. 1834. Betham. 1839. \\ alckenaer. 1842. Thierry. 1861-73. Belioguet. 1863. ihurnam. 1873. Bertrand. 1875. Dictionnaire archeologique. 1876. Bertrand. 1879. Bertrand. 1890. Arbois de Jubainville. 1891. Keinach with Bertrand. 1895. Salmon. GERMANY. Prehistoric archaeology. See Baden; Bavaria; Mecklenberg; Prussia; Sax- ony; Schleswig-Holstein; Silesia; Thuringia; W'ur- temberg; also Aryans. (Diissel). (crania). (Westphalia). (crania). (Frisians). (Berlin). (Regensburg). (La Tene). (Hugelgraber). (Lindau). (Reihengraber). GERMANY. Historical ethnology. 1837. Zeuss. 1855. Holtzmann. 1856. Foerstemann. 1857. Brandes. 1859. Bergmann. i860. Bergmann. 1870. Muellenhof. 1871. Lagneau. 1877-S4. Hovvorth. 1881-89. Dahn. 1883. Loeher. 1884. Cohausen. 1885. Wilser. 1886. Fressl. 1889. Kirchhoff. 1892. Muellenhof. 1892. Gummere. 1893. Penka. 1859. Fuhirott 1864-81. Lmdenschmidt. 1865. Ecker 1866. Lmdenschmidt. 1872. \ irchow 1874. \ irchow 1876. \ irchow 1880. Arnold. 1880. Hoelder. 1880. \ irchow. 1880- 9. Lindenschmidt. 1882. Hoelder 1884. \ irchow 1894. Hoelder 1895. Kossina. 1897. Ranke 189S. Sergi THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 147 1895. Virchow. 1896. Andree. 1896. Mogk. 1897. Herve. GERMANY. Modern POPULATION. 1857. Beddoe. 1865. Ecker (crania) 1866. Ecker (crania) 1868. Weisbach (crania) 1875- Uexkuel (Thuringia) 1876. Virchow (color) 187S. Virchow (Slavs) 1879. Gildemeister (crania) 18S0. Hoelder (crania) 1882. Kollmann (Slavs and Germans) 1885. Virchow (color) 1885. Wilser. 1886. Virchow (color) 1888. Bidermann. 18S9. Reischel (stature in Erfurt) 1889. Zapf (Weissensee) 1891. Wilser (East Germans) 1892. Kirchhoff (stature, Halle) 1893. Penka. 1894. Damkohler (Harz) 1895. Auerbach (soil) 1895- Henke. 1895. Langhans. 1895- Virchow (Celts) 1896. Andree (Braunschweig) 1897. Herve. GERMANY. Language. See also Germans under France (Languages) ; Frisi- ans under Netherlands and Schleswig; Flemish and Wallons under Belgium; and French under Switzer- land. 1872. Blochwitz. 1873. Andree. 1896. Hirt. GYPSIES. 1883. Schwicker. 1889. Petersen with Luschan. 1889. Weisbach. GREECE. See also Asia Minor; 1867. Nicolucci 1877-9. Ornstein 1879. Taylor. 1881. Zaborowski 1882. Virchow. 1882. Weisbach 1884. Stephanos. 1886. Smyth 1886. Zampa. 1890. Philippson. 1892. Montelius 1893. Virchow 1894. Cara 1896. Helbig 1807. Montelius 1897. Tsountas with Manatt. GUANCHES. See Canary Islands. Balkan States. (anthropology), (color). (crania). (crania). (language). (archaeology). (crania). (Pelasgians). (archaeology). (Tyrrhenians). HALLSTATT. See also archaeology under Austria-Hungary; many. 1868. Sacken. 1875. Sacken. 1878. Hochstetter. Ger- 148 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1883. Hochstetter. 18S3. Reinach. 1884. Chantre. 18S5. Meyer. 1889. Hoernes. 1594. Wieser. 1595. Naue. HERZEGOVINA. 18S9. 1891. 1891. 1894. 1897. Weisbach. Glueck. Radimsky. Glueck. Glueck. See also Bosnia. HINDOO. See India. HOLLAND. See Netherlands. HOLSTEIN. See Schleswig. HUNGARY. See also Austria-Hungary; Finns. 1864. Petermann. 1865. Pruner-Bey. 1871. Obermueller. 1877. Hunfalvy. 1878. Koroesi. 1881. Goehlert. 1881. Hunfalvy. 1881. Scheiber. 1881. Schwicker. 1882. Yambery. 1883. Schwicker. 1S85. Jekelfalussy. 1887. Chavanne. 1891-82. Pulszky. 1897. Jekelfalussy. IBERIANS. See also Aquitaine; Spain. 1838. Graslin. 1867. Lagneau. 1876. Tubino. 18S8. Gerland. 1893. Buschan. ILLYRIA. See Albania; Bosnia; Greece; Herzego vina. INDIA. See also Asia. 1847-62. Lassen (archaeology) 1872. Dalton (Bengal) 1873. Rousselet (central) 1875. Rousselet (northern) 1879. Tagor with Koerbin. 1880. Biddulph. 1881. Gheyn. 1883-4. Mantegazza (ethnology) 1888. Rousselet (Afghans) 1890. Crooke (ethnology, n. w. provinces) 1890. Risley. 1891-2. Risley (Bengal) 1893. Oppert. 1896. Crooke (n. w. provinces and Oudh) INDO-GERMANS. See Aryans. IRELAND 1844-50. Wilde. 1861. Beddoe (color) 1864. Wilde. 1870. Beddoe (Celts). THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. I49 (Celts). (Celts). (dolmens). (lake-dwellings). (archaeology). (archaeology). (crania, Tipperary). (ethnography, Gal way). (crania). with Browne (Aran islands). (county Mayo), (county Mayo). ISLE OF MAN. See British Isles. ITALY. Prehistoric archaeology. See also Etruscans; Liguria; Sardinia; Sicily; Ty- rol; Umbria. Bibliographies: Pigorini, 1871-4; Riccardi, 1883; Sergi, 1883; Castelfranco, 1886-9; Zampa, 1891 ; Mon- tclius, 1895. 1877. Cobb 1878. Martin 1882. Stokes 1886. Martin 1888. Martin 1890. Mac Lean 1893. Browne 1893. Browne 1893. Haddon 1893. Haddon v 1895. Browne 1896. Browne 1897. Beddoe. 1864. Nicolucci (Ligurians). 1865. Gastaldi. 1871. Virchow. 1873. Calori (Bologna). 1873. Nicolucci. 1874. Broca (Umbrians and Etruscans). 1S76. Zannoni (Bologna). 1877. Fligier. 1S79. Helbig (Po valley). 1881-9. Dahn (Romans). 1S82. Nicolucci (crania, Pompeii). 1883. Sergi (Ligurians and Celts in Po valley). 1884. Schmidt, E. (crania, Pompeii). 1884. Sergi (tertiary, Lombardy). 1886-9. Castelfranco (paleoethnology) . 1886. Gothein (culture). 1890. Zampa (crania). 1891. Zampa (crania). 1892. Duhn. 1892. Issel (Liguria). 1892. Pigorini (Po valley). 1894. Cara (Pelasgians). 1895. Montelius (primitive civilization). 1895. Sergi (Lazio). 1896. Duhn. 1S97. Montelius (Tyrrhenians). ITALY. Historical ethnology. 1842. Betham. 1873. Conestabile. 1879. Raseri. 1882. Fligier. 1882-3. Sergi (Ligurians). 1883-7. Pauli. 1883-4. Sergi. 1885. Czoernig (Upper Italy). 1885. Galanti. 1885-94. Pauli. 1886. Bellio. 1888-90. Zanardelli (Oscians, Umbrians). 1889. Zampa (Umbrians). 1890. Arbois de Jubainville (Gauls). 1891. Zampa. 1892. Zampa (Upper Italy). 1895. Duhn (Campagna). 1895. Sergi (Celts). 1896. Sergi (Umbrians, Aryans, Italians). 1S97. Penka. 1897. Zaborowski. ITALY. Modern population. 1861. Beddoe (color). i5o THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1866. Cortese (disease) 1868. Calori (crania) 1869. Chenu. 1871. Davis. 1871. Yirchow (crania) 1873. Charnock (Setti Communi) 1873. Lombroso (stature) 1875. Nicolucci. 1876. Pagliani (growth) 1877. Scbneller (Germans) 1878. Lombroso (Garfagnana) 1878. Pagliani (growth) 1878. Sormani. 1879. Lombroso (stature) 1879. Moschen (Trentina) 1881. Rubbiani (Bologna) 1881. Sormani (pathology) 1881. Zampa (demography) 1882. Bodio (stature) 1882. Moschen (Veneto-Trentina) 1882. Regalia (Bologna) 1882. Riccardi (stature, Modena) 1882. Riccardi (Modena) 1882-3. Sergi (crania, Piceno) 1883. Livi (stature) 1883. Riccardi (bibliography, stature, Modena) 1884. Sergi (Bologna) 1885. Riccardi (stature, Bologna) 1886. Livi (cephalic index) 1886. Zampa (Apulia) 1888. Nicolucci. 1890. Mendini (Valdesi) 1892. Mpschen (Trentina) 1892. Pieroni (Garfagnana) 1893. Livi. 1893. Moschen Rome, Sicily) 1894. Livi (anthropometry) 1894. Livi. 1S95. Sergi (Mediterranean race) 1896. Livi (stature) 1896. Marina (growth) 1896. Onnis (Sardinia) 1897. Livi (military aptitude) 1897. Moschen (Trentina) 1897. Tedeschi (Veneto) 1898. Pulle. ITALY. Language. 1853. Riondelli. 1859. Italy. 1877. Schneller. 1888. Deecke. 1S88. Ovidio. 1892. Zampa. JEWS. See also Semites. 1850. Nott. 1861. Beddoe. 1877. Freeman. 1877. Weisbach. 1877-85. Majer with Kopernicki. 1880. Fligier. 1880. Kettler. 1880. Majer. 1881. Andree. 1882. Blechmann. 1883. Renan. 1883. Stieda. 1883. Wolf. 1884. Ikof. 1885. Goldstein. 1885. Kollmann. 1885. Majer with Kopernicki. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1 3 I 1886. Jacobs. 1886. Neubauer. 1886. Virchow. IS90. Jacobs. 1891. Alsberg. 1891. Jacobs. 1891. Zakrzewski. 1S92. Luschan. 1892. Talko-Hryncewicz. 1893. Jacques. 1893. Leroy-Beaulieu. 1894. Lombroso. 1895. Weissenberg. 1895. Zakrzewski. 1896. Glueck. 1896. Matiegka. 1897. Weissenberg. KALMUCKS. See Russia. KYMRY, See Cimbri. LAPPS. 1874. Schaaffhausen. 1874. Virchow. 1875- Europaeus. 1875- Virchow. 1S80. Kelsief. 1880. Mantegazza with Sommier 1S85. Bonaparte. 1886. Garson. 1886. Keane. 1886. Kelsief- 1886. Sommier. 1890. Kharuzin, N. N. LAI> :e dwellings. 18S6-88. Keller 1864. Staub 1865. Gastaldi 1866. Keller 1866. Pallmann. 1868. Holzammer. 1878. Keller 1886. Martin, W. G. W. 1886. Munro 1890. Munro 1895. Herve. (Switzerland). (Switzerland). (Italy). (Switzerland). (Switzerland). (Ireland). (British). (Furope). LETTS. See also Lithuania. 1879. Waeber. 1891. Virchow. 1892. Bielenstein (language boundary). LIGURIANS. See also ethnology under France; Italy. 1864. Nicolucci. 1873. Lagneau. 1878. Lombroso. 1883. Sergi. 1S96. Hovelacque. LITHUANIA. 1883. Brennsohn. 1890. Yantchuk. 1891. A'irchow. 1892. Bielenstein. 1894. Talko-Hryncewicz. 1895. Olechno'vicz. 1897. Yantchuk. LI VS. See also Finns; Lithuania. 1878. Virchow. 152 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1878. Grube. 1879. Waldhauer. LORRAINE. See Alsace-Lorraine. MACEDONIA. See also Balkan States; Greece; Turkey. 1875. Picot. 1889. Gopcevic. 1890. Ghennadieff. MAGYARS. See Hungary. MECKLENBURG. 1891. Meisner. MEDITERRANEAN RACE. See also Africa; Greece; 1892. Sergi. 1893. Sergi. 1895. Sergi. Italy; Spain. MONGOLS. See Lapps; Tatars; also under Russia: Kalmucks, Kirghez. Herzegovina. (Germans). (archaeology), (crania). MONTENEGRO. See also Austria; 1877. Gopcevic'. MORAVIA. See also Bohemia. 1885. Bendel 1S89. Weisbach. 1894. Palliardi 1895. Niederle MORDVINS. See Finns; Russia. MOROCCO. See Africa. MORVAN. See France. NAVARRE. See Spain. NEANDERTHAL. See also archaeology under Belgium. Germany. 1886. Fraipont with Lohest. 1887. Fraipont with Lohest. 1895. Bertholon. 1897. Sasse, J. NETHERLANDS (including Frisia). 1861. Allmers. 1863. Lubach. 1S65. De Man. 1873. Sasse, A. 1875. Sasse, A. 1876. Sasse, A. 1876. Virchow. 1877. Kemna. 1878-0. Sasse, A. 1880. 'Hoelder. 1881. Folmer. 1883. Kuyper 1885. Folmer. 1S85. De Man 1885. Pauw 1887. Folmer. 1888. Folmer. 1889. De Man. 1891. Sasse, J. 1891. Winkler 1892. Folmer. 1893. De Man. (crania, Frisians). (Geertruidenberg). (ethnographic map). (crania, Walcheren"). (Saaftingen). (language). i?95- De Man. 1896. Sasse, J. NORMANDY. S< :e also Brittany 1861. Guibert. [865. Lagneau 1874. Norman people. 1890. Collignon. 1894. Collignon NORWAY. See also Scanc 1875- Arbo. 1876. Broch. 1S82. Arbo. 1884. Arbo. 18S7. Arbo. 1889. Topinard. 1 891. Arbo. 1894. Arbo. 1895- Arbo. 1896. Barth. 1897. Arbo. 1898. Arbo. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. [53 France. (Calvad is, color). (Calvados). ORKNEY ISLANDS. 1883. Garson. PELASGIANS. 1890. Hesselmeyer. 1893. Reinach. 1894. Cara. PERMIAKS. See Finns; Russia. PERSIANS. See also Asia; Asia Minor; Caucasus; Russia. 1866. Khanykof. 1887. Houssay. 1894. Danilof. 1894-5. M organ. PALESTINE. See Asia Minor. PHOENICIANS. See also Africa. 1890. Bertholon (bibliography). 1892. Bertholon. 1894. Bertholon. 1S96. Bertholon. POLAND. See also Bibliographies: Wrzesniowski, 1885; Strzel- bicki, 1896; Kurcyuse, 1897. 1862. Temple. 1875. Kopernicki (crania). 1877. Kopernicki (archaeology). 1879. Kopernicki (anthropology). 1879. Kohn. 1881. Dudrewicz (crania). 1881. Le Bon (Podhalia). 1882. Dudrewicz (anthropology of children). 1882. Szujski. 1887. Zakrzewski (ethnology). 1888. Talko-Hrvncewicz. 1888. Zakrzewski (ethnology). 1889. Zakrzewski. 1891. Zakrzewski. 1892. Strzelbicki (anthropometry). 1892. Zakrzewski (anthropology and ethnology). 1893. Krzvwicki ethno-anthropology). 1893. Niederle (archaeology). 154 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1893. Olechnowicz (Lublin) 1895. Olechnowicz (landed gentry, Grabowo) 1895. Strzelbicki (anthropology) 1895. Zakrzewski (Warsaw) 1896. Elkind. 1896. Strzelbicki (bibliography) 1897. Olechnowicz. 1898. Olechnowicz (crania) PORTUGAL. See also Iberians; Spain. 1848. Herbert. 1878-80. Ribeiro. 1880. Silva Amada. 1886. Cartailliac. 1888. Cornu. 1898. Hoyos Sainz. PRUSSIA. See also Germany. 1868-71. Meitzen. 1871. Ouatrefages. 1871. Rochet. 1872. Ouatrefages. 1872. Virchow. 1874-8. Lissauer (crania). 1880. Virchow. RACES, CLASSIFICATION OF EUROPEAN, etc. 1839. Omalius d'Halloy. 1848. Omalius d'Halloy. 1854. Nott. 1857. Nott. 1870. Huxley. 1872. Quatrefages. 1877. Quatrefages. 1879. Topinard. 1881-3. Kollmann. 1882. Hovelacque. 1883. Houze. 1884. Hamy. 1885. Flower. 1889. Deniker. 1891. Flower with Lydekker. 1892. Deniker. 1892. Zaborowski. 1893. Beddoe. 1893. Sergi. 1895-6. Piette. 1896. Virchow. 1897. Penka. 1897. Penka. 1897-9. Ripley. 1899. Ripley. RHAETIANS. See Switzerland ROUMANIA. See also Balkan States: Turkey. 1869. Weisbach. 1875. Picot. 1876. Obedenare. 1881. Slavici. 1855. Bosny. 1888. Tiktin. 1890. Hellene. RUSSIA. Prehistoric archaeology. See also Asia; Caucasus: Finns; Servia; Slavs; Tatars; and also Slovaks and Slovenes under Austria- Hungary. 1865. Bogdanof. 1867. Bogdanof. 1874-8. Grewingk. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 155 IS75. 1 \ arof. 1878. Bogdanof. 1879. Bogdanof. 1879. Kohn with Mehlis. 1880. Bogdanof. 1882. Bogdanof. 1882. Inostranzef. 1886. Bogdanof. 1887. Anutchin. 1887- 94. Bobrinski. 1892. Anutchin. 1892. Smirnof. 1893. Bogdanof. 1893. Niederle. 1894. Niederle. 1895- 6. Zaborowski. 1897. Konstantinof-Shtchipunin RUSSIA. Historical ethnology. 875. Uvarof. 879. Vlach. 881-9. Leroy-Beaulieu. 892. Smirnof. S97. Velytchko. RUSSIA. Modern po 844. Hoeven. 854. Latham. 859. Baer. 861. Kopernicki. 862. Buschen. 862. Pauly. 866-7. Landzert. 869. Kopernicki. 870. Andree 872. Protzenko. 873. Rittich. 874. Malief 876. Malief 876. Metchnikof 877. Tschubinski S78. Rittich. 878. Tschubinski. 878-9. Snigiref. 878-80. Ujfalvy. 879. Mainof 879. Rittich. 879. Vlach. 881. Le Bon. 881. Sommier 881-9. Leroy-Beaulieu. 882. Kate 883. Chantre 883. Stein 883-4. Deniker 884. Tarenetzki 885. Rittich. 887. Emme 887. Sommier 888. Erismann 888. Sommier 888. Talko-Hryncewicz 889. Anutchin 889. Sommier 889-91. Kharuzin, A. N. 890. Anutchin 890. Ikof 890. Kharuzin, A. N . 890. Nazarof 890. Popof 890. Talko-Hryncewicz 890. Yantchuk 890. Yantchuk 890. Zograf PULATION. (Ruthenians in Galicia). (Votiaks). (Bashkirs). (Kalmucks). (Little Russians). (Mordvins). (Bashkirs). (Mongols). (West Asia). (Cossacks). (Kalmucks). (Great Russia). (Great and Little Russia). (Ostiaks and Samoyeds). (stature). (Cheremiss). (Ukraine). (stature). (Mordvins, Kalmucks). (Kirghez). (stature). (cephalometry). (Tatars, Kirghez, Lapps). (Bashkirs). ( Kharkov). (Ukraine). (White Russians). (Lithuania). (stature, Central Russia). 1*6 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1891. Krasnof (Kharkov) 1891. Ikof (Tatars, Crimea) 1891. Mainof (Mordvins) 1802. Chantre (Armenia) 1892. Talko-Hryncewicz (Jews) 1892. Weissenberg (Tvirks, Bashkirs) 1892. Zograf (Great Russians) 1893. Anutchin (crania, Moscow) 1893. Bogdanof (Central Russia) 1893. Ivanovski (Mongols) 1893. Talko-Hryncewicz (Lithuanians and Russians) 1893. Zograf (Great Russians) 1894. Schendrikovski (Buriats) 1894. Talko-Hryncewicz (White Russia) 1895. Porotof (Buriats) 1895. Talko-Hryncewicz (Podolia) i?95- W'eissenberg (Jews) 1896. Eichholz (White Russia) 1896. Ivanovski ( Mongols) 1896. Niederle (Ugrofinns and Slavs) 1896. Zograf (crania, Moscow) 1897. Nikolski (Cheremiss) 1897. Talko-Hryncewicz (Podolia) 1897. Velytchko. 1898. Sergi. 1898. Vorob'ef (Riazan) RUSSIA. Language. 1873. Rittich. 1878. Rittich. 1885. Rittich. 1S92. Bielenstein. SALZBURG. See also Austria- Hungary. 1895. Weisbach. SAMOYEDS. See Russia. SARDINIA. 1876. Mantegazza with Zannetti. 1878. Zannetti. 1882. Gillebert d'Hercou rt. 1885. Gillebert d'Hercou rt. 1892. Sergi. 1896. Niceforo. 1896. Onnis. SAVOY. 1877- 9. Hovelacque. 1883. Carret. 1885. Longuet. SAXONY. See a lso Germany. 1856. Engel. 1867. Needon 1868. Needon. 1874. Schuster. 1876. Geissler (color) 1893. Hey. SCAN See also Denmark Norway ; Sweden. 1838- 65. Nilsson (archaeology) 1843. Retzius (crania) 1847. Worsaae (archaeology) 1859. Bergmann. 1863. Kemble (archaeology) 1867. \\ iberg. 1868. Nilsson. 1875- Montelius (bibliography, archaeology) 1878. .Mueller, S. O. (bronze age) 1878. Worsaae (archaeology) 1884. Mueller, S. O. (bronze age) 1885. Montelius (archaeology) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. '■; 1885. Rygh 1886. Mueller, S. ( ) 1886. Worsaae 1887- 9. Undset 1888. Montelius. 1888. .Mueller, S. 1890. Xoreen 1891. Montelius 1895. Montelius. 1897. Mestorf 1897. Mueller, S. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. See also Germany; 1883. Meisner 1885. Mestorf 1889. Meisner SCOTLAND. (archaeology). 1 l>ronze age). (archaeology). (archaeology). (language), (archaeology). (archaeology), (archaeology). Netherlands. (stature) (archaeology). (stature). See also British Isles. 1851. Wilson 1854. Beddoe 1866. MacLean 1876-80. Skene. 1890. MacLean 1892. Rhys 1895. Gray 1897. Tocher (archaeology). (ethnology). (anthropology). (anthropology). (language). (ethnography). (color, Aberdeen). SCYTHIANS. See also under Balkan States; Greece; Russia. 1878. Fligier. 1880. Bogdanof. 1886. Fressl. SEMITES. See also Arabia; Jews. 1879. Guidi. 1880. Fligier. 1881. Verneau. 1881-2. Bertin. 1883. Elisyeef. 1887. British association. 1888. Bertin. 1890. Brinton. 1890. Nicolucci. SERYIA. See also Serbo-Croats under Austria-Hungary. 1868. Kanitz. 1884. 1888. 1889. 1892. Weisbach. Gopcevic'. Gopcevic. Kanitz. SICILY. 1878. Andrian-W 1891-4. Freeman. 1893. Moschen. 1895. Sergi. erbur g- SILESIA. 1885. Bendel. 1887. Weinhold. See also Germany. SLAYS. See also Austria-Hungary; Balkan States; Poland; Russia; Servia; Wends. 1828. Safarik. 1858. Gregr i860. Bergmann 1861. Kopernicki 1872. Blochwitz. 1872-3. Leshaft Bohemia; (crania), (origin), (crania). (crania). 158 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. 1874. Weisbach 1576. Hovelacque. 1577. Freeman. 1877. Lagneau 1878-81. Howorth. 1878. \ irchow 1879. Kohn 1883. V lach. 18S5. Rittich. 1888. Bidermann 18S9. Kuhn. 1890. Buschan. 1S90. Haupt 1890. Morfill. 1891. Niederle. 1893. Niederle. 1894. Mikkola. 1895. Meitzen. 1896. Lefevre. 1896. Matiegka. 1896. Niederle. 1896. Vram. (crania). (in France). (in Germany), (archaeology). (in Germany). (in France). SLOVAKS. See Austria-Hungary. SLOVENES. See Austria-Hungary. SPAIN. See also Basques; 1838. Graslin 1865. Beavan 1874. Schetelig 1875. Lagneau 1878. Louis-Lande 18S5. Pirala 1886. Cartailhac 1887. Siret 1887. lacques 1888. Baist 1890. Siret 1892. Hoyos Sainz with Aranzadi 1893. Strong 1893-4. Arbois de Jubainville 1S94. 1894. 1894. 1896. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1898. Hoyos Sainz with Aranzadi Oloriz Saralegui Oloriz Anton Peixoto Puig y Larraz Hoyos Sainz Catalan; Iberians. (ethnology). (ethnology). (archaeology). (ethnology). (Navarre). (Basque provinces). (archaeology). (archaeology). (archaeology). (language). (archaeology). (anthropology). (Fueros). (Celts). (anthropology). (cephalic index). (Celts). (stature). (crania). (anthropometry). (archaeology). (bibliography). SWEDEN. See also Scandinavia. A. (crania), (archaeology), (bibliography of archaeology), (archaeology), (pagan civilization), (archaeology), (archaeology), (crania), (stature), (anthropology). 1843. Retzius, A. 1874. Montelius 1875. Montelius 1876. Dueben 1885. Montelius 1888. Montelius 1895. Montelius 1896. Earth 1896. Hultkrantz 1897. Hultkrantz 1897. Johansson. SWITZERLAND. See also Lake dwellings; Savoy; Tyrol. 1843. Steub (ethnology) 1854. Steub (ethnology) 1858-88. Keller (archaeology, lake dwellings) i860. Baer (crania, Rhaetians) 1864. His (Rhaetians) 1864. Puetimeyer with His (crania) 1866. His (crania) 1866. Keller (lake dwellings) THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF El ROPE. 159 INCH. Pallmann 1867. Dunant 1868. J hmant 1869. Dunant 1874. Heim [875. Merk 1878. Keller 1880. Kollmann 1880. Studer 1881. Kollmann 1882. Kollmann 1883. Gross 1884. Inama-Sternegg 1884- 90. Schweizerische t88s. Andree 1885. Kollmann i!-:si,. Gross 1886. Kollmann 1888. Gartner 1889. Krones 1891. Scholl 1891- ■2. Schweizerische 1891. Zemmrich 1S92. Kollmann 1893. Studer 1894. Kollmann. 1894- Studer with Bann 1895. Bedot 1895. Lorenz 1895. Chalumeau 1896. Chalumeau 1896. Nueesch 1898. Pitard 1898. Pitard 1898. Pitard. (lake dwellings). (stature. < ieneva). (stature, Fribourg). (stature, Fribourg). (archaeology). (archaeology, Schaffhausen). (lake dwellings). (color, school-childn a). (color, Berne 1 (color). (crania). (Proto-Helvetians). (settlements). Statistik (stature). (language). (crania). (archaeology). (archaeology, Elisried). (language, Rhaetian). (Germans). (crania). Statistik (stature). (languages). (archaeology). (demography). warth (crania, lake dwellers). (anthropology, Yalais). (stature, Graubiinden). (stature). (races). (archaeology). (crania, Haut-Valais). (crania, Bas-Valais). SYRIA. See Asia Minor. TATARS. 1881. Merezhkovski. 1890. Kharuzin, A. N. 1891. Ikof. 1897. Yantchuk. TEUTONS. See Germany. THRACE. See also Balkan States. 1893-4. Tomaschek THURINGIA. See also Germany. 1875. Uexkuel. 1877. Virchow 1892-6. Regel. TUNIS. See Africa. TURKESTAN. See also Asia 1886- 7. Bogdanof. 1888. Bogdanof. 1892. Weissenberg. 1897. Yavorski. TURKEY. See also Asia Minor 1861. Lejean 1869. Bradaska. 1873- Weisbach. 1876. Helle von Samo. 1877. Diefenbach. 1878. Sax 1885. Vambery. 1890. Couvreur. 1890- ■1. Elisyeef. (ethnology). (crania). Russia. (in Europe). (European). i6o THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE. TURKOMANS. See Russia; Turkestan; Turkey. TYROL. See also Trentina under Italy. 1877. Schneller 1878. Rabl-Rueckhard. 1878. Tappeiner. 1879. Rabl-Rueckhard. 1879. Steub (Ge: 1880. Rabl-Rueckhard. 1882. Egger. 1883. Tappeiner. 1884-7. Holl. 1884. Zuckerkandl. 1886. Bidermann. 1889. Zuckerkandl. 1891. Toldt 1894. Tappeiner 1894. Stolz 1894. Toldt. 1896. Tappeiner. UMBRIA. 1874. Broca. 1888. Zampa. 1889. Zampa. 1889-90. Zanardelli. 1895. Lapouge. 1896. Moschen. 1896. Sergi. UNITED STATES. See also Anthropometry 1869. Gould. 1875. Baxter. 1877. Bowditch. 1879. Bowditch. 1881. Bowditch. 1891. Boas. 1892. Boas. 1893. Porter. 1894. Hartwell. 1894. Porter. 1894. West. 1896. 'West. 1898. Burk (languages). (Germanization of). (stature), (ethnology). VORARLBERG. See Tyrol. VOSGES. See Alsace-Lorraine. VOTIAKS. See Finns; Russia. WALES. See British Isles. WALLOONS. See Belgium. WENDS. See also Prussia; Slavs. 1880. Yirchow. 1891. Mueschner. WESTPHALIA. See Germany. WUERTEMBERG. See also Germany. 1857. Sick. 1865. Ecker. 1867. Hoelder. 1876. Hoelder. 1889. Frickhinger. 1894. Hoelder. 1895. Fischer. ZIGEUNER. See Gypsies. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below *£C>DU). 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