LIBRJVRY University of California. Class /^f^ 11/1 ^be Uubor jfacsimile XEeyts ilie Wnn of (Birrus 1594 Dale of the first known edition, i594 {B.M. C. 34, b. 15.) Reprodttced in Facsimile, 191 1 %\jt %nhax Ifacsimik limits Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER ihc Mars of Cjinis 1594 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI ©b Wiatz ai Cyrus, ^594- The original of this facsimile is in deplorable condition (the photographer said it was, in common parlance, ^' a beast''), and is, with the next one to be issued, viz. : " The Wit of a Woman,'' one of the worst examples of early printing, both as regards the mechanical execution and the paper employed. The latter is thin, " cockled," and altogether inferior, whilst the condition of the copy may be gleaned at a glance frofn the title page, with its clever Museum bindery mendings. Indeed, so difficult and risky has been the process of reproduction, that in this case, as well as in that of " Wit of a Woman," the average has been two plates for each page ; hence the fractional extra cost of this volume over and above the average 4^d. to 5d. per page usual in this series. I hope subscribers will forgive this little digression in a professedly purely bibliographical introduction. In spite of these drawbacks the reproduction in facsimile is ^^ distinctly good." With ''Wit of a Woman," ready December 30th, 1911, subscribers will receive a bound copy of the new Hand-book to the series without extra charge. JOHN S. FARMER. 229925 Wa rues' of gy. rusKingofPeiiia, a^ciiiiftAn . tiochus Klf^g ofwrho(earmes\vhich daHardCrfyw/wtrc, Andhoricofpridcaud courage p.ifl compare, What heart io bare tiutwouidiknic to fi»hr,. .,.^. Might! but 'luetobatkefobrauca Heed. ' ' C)r. O^/rjisgone^andgone with fairu his (Iced, > . Thibwillio^yoursC/-r/<«r.Ji?sinvaine, But oi'r wo hundred horf'es ofmine ownc, OFgalLint mfc and courai^c fingular, ' Take you rhechoifcandfurniiurc withall, Xlicbiidlesbitormafsicrilucr wrought, :^ The boiTcsgoldCjthcreyncsoFPerfian (like, Theraddlcsallembroderedpurp^.cvvorke, Armdc through with plates, with fine ingraucngolde, Andgolden trappers dangling to fheground. Chrif. So hue my Lord and Hourifli Ihll, As I regard this honourable gift. Cjr.No w Lords'wc haut gotten the honor of the day And with our feet trodtiownc the Tiirafianpride, While I doe facrific for vif^orie, andchofetheholyaultarsofthcgods, Doc you betwixt the armies part the fpoilcs, .. ? and glad our men with fruits ofour conquell. i tAra, What portion ofthcgoldeniall we referue 1 To be employed in your highnclTcvfci' 1 Cyr, /fr<7/^4/noncformc,diuidcitall, It pleafcth m e to fee my fouldiers rich. Exit Cyrus, Chrtf The Perfian horf-mentliat did giuethc charge Shall haue fiue hundred talents for their fliare. ^* A^{/?.ThcMediansthatdidcnforccthefight, and fcconded t he Perfian men at armcs. Allot to them Gx hundred arming coates. ; ^ra. The archers of Hcrcania fcrued fo well, asnot to giucthcmpaiment with the reft, , WcrcopcQ wrong totheir approttdc dtfcrts. i:3-.i;:> . - • ~ You KingofPei/ia. Ci^r. You know that in the fjckingof A (Tyriam tents vvc found three thoufandScithians bo vvcs Vi (lore, fii^ifhtwithquiuersrcadicio the field, Ijj^ctclicrabelottcdtotheHercaniansp.irc. • " fl;fi. And truth Ci«r;/i«/'rfjyon know well, That bowes and quiucisgrcc v. ith archeisbeii, Cjrus hnnfclfe you (be rcUireth goldc, Andonely fcekcs to make hisfello wcs rich, what redes aimdfhhcconqueicdfpoiles, wherein hishii^hneflle may bcgr-itificrd.' j4ra. Hi/lafpts there is a proud AiTy rian tent, Wherein the king was wont to Ikepc and banketia, I thinke if that were offered to his hands, Cyr/({ would take it m nioft gracious part. Cbr. But is the pride and brauenc thereof, worthictobeprefentcdto our Lord? Araf, Afiahatbnotfcentaricherprifc, The couerin»isof blew Sydonianfiikc, Imbrodcrcdallwithpearleandprcciousftoncy, They ghmincr brighter than the Sunnc it fcife. On eucrie point of the pauilion. There flandcs a princely top of Phcnix plumes, which trickt with fjjanglcsand with filucr belles, And eocriegcntlc murmur of the wmde, Relights the day with cueric harmonie. The flakes wherewith t'is faftened to the ground, are mafsic filucr ofthc pureftproofe. The ropes are allof chrimfon lilkeandgolde, Hung from the top with wreftsofluoric, Vndcra Vine whcr<; Bacchus brnfttK grapes, and twcntjecubitshoucr iathclcaucs, Bclecuemc Lords,when I beheld the thing, ^Xh« work«appcardc Co glorious to the eic. Chr, yirdfp ts you defcnbca princely thing, Worthic ^o be prcfcaccd to ^ king. And \ The warres of Cyrus Hifi. An c! here i s a tent, jhough far from fuck a ten t, This lliall bemine,ihe owner's fled or flainc, Cr$, O bcautic rarc^aad more than mortall flii^e, What godJeflcowcth this earthly tabernacle. Tan. Ntcajia fi-ngs w hil c Panthf a fit s an d figh cs. But fi'ig'ng Cings of Panthras wrctchedncs. Chrtf. What arc yc LadiC ? Taft. What I would not bcy Chrif: Fairc you are,w' hat w:>u!dyc more/ ^. T^« I would be free. y c Perfian Lords I ama wolull dnmc, £jcpofed to wrctchediicdcand fortunes vfrratli, And thus 1 hauc refolude you what I am. j4ra. LadiC.thc graces tfwt adorne your prcfcnce^ Dcferucs atbrtunc mildc as is your face. But ho wfocucr Fortune enuies you, Yet we will vfc you honourable Hill. Pant You vfc nic t hen bat as you ought to do«, Chrtf. Nay Ladiewe may vfc you other wife. For voluntarie fauours be no debt. Pa». But Lords what etc youought is debt. you ought to vfc me wcll^nd therefore your loue, VrftoriousCyr«/hcftiallbeyoHrk)rd. i TMi, Vi^orieus^rK/though I bchis thrall, ^ Shall know myhonour is inumcrble. ' ^r4. Buttheytdutonceinftatcofbondagebec, ; Mufty«cld to heft ofof hers that be free. Pah. Lor(i& AndofacthoufandonelythcfearcJeft, ^^ Whofe v^oundsyet bleeding proues thcfaint^ w^ak', Yet rather vyill we runnc vpon your fpcatesi Then with dillionouryccldt)rfr weapons, / Thefe ifyciniurc vs muft b€0ur friends. And either make vs hue or die 1^ ^hen. ; ,-^: tnter€yr»K '■ ■' • ' ' ' ,' ur ■ ^ ■ ■ '''' Cyr, Of wYience art thoutbatcrauesMceCTetoVS? Cc^ By birth great C^rMfaoAO^iao^ i^""' ^ # Andof^hcnobicft'hDuliinBabyJoiiK ^^f^' So m crime c^naiwndci<^fft)u»urAn«i}tdftf(^^ '\ B u 1 1 hofc t hy ra Ai luuc llnogh^crcckrtil kir|«)Wft*T> vTi^is (bot.Awpian haih*lib«Wif]f>oke, And of my* fotile i* farr6 ff qW trcdkflWj' ■' ,^^ • ^ - • •' Ailitirgair.ta-£riHttrutUh**c.not/' , H*:^-'"^^.! f- ypt tcll^ne bcisffijfo w4arthiean;;irod2iaIyaLK)ndidani<;» - .- >..>:; i Arwlioinlikevyifchc:lethis,IaueIinf?ic^ri -> :j?tTl^ , And hit him not; svhich when Ri>'i(bnMpcK(3iiidc; lie onerthrew tficLioo as the bcarf« ^hich donc.foid he^twice haue I ihrowneaod fyeit thereat the prince fiu^^ht from hispage a fpearc^ And in a rage mprdef ed my guiltleffe fofme. And chat (whkhgrc«uesj||t-more)^hcBhe vlaMlcdt Albeit the ol|^kiiigWeptnK^^}|t6tlf^ r ' -rr.-'-:' -■,' HeaeithcrdidrepeDtoorniedateare« ^ Nor would con(en< to e hie him bortally butleft himin thc(i<;ld vmill Icameft Andcookchi^fc>odieri(i{h<(i9agedaf]||Cl^:!T .1 !! j which eke forgrtelecik^i^emeto let himlHIt ^ll And thena freftunadc hsm tofeleed agiine, ' ■ And me to wc9p€ vppnhi5 saked brcafly Ohmdgemy lord,ifyou haachadafooneA f4owhea^ tl> Ibrookchistimelede dcatk /-"'^^ Oil iqd^e niy ]QAd,Sivhether tbatl hattf caiiiis. . \ :r7o: ' Cyr. 6'»i^>M/ thou haO lud caule to fc«o^ ' U\ nd we to tr u ft tb vw elr omevnto vs. / \^ nd for t\)^ tbpij^nd hoife wi^ah ^hon haH IciH^ Svew lil rcqiptcibeaiw'ittiggr pater gitlt, ibe then Iieuicnant ofthe Archanians* Giib\ Ihntfjbli^thsnkeyourroyalltmjffti^ > ': . And hetcinprefrncpofihcl^etfiip lord*/ ? n'- ' ■'■'^ v«dapt ]Mwhcircof«U«^|tfOUU4e«^.i. J >!> i ; n.-^nQ Cooditionally that l-mtylbcrreicBgcdv Oothwarcbtynintfniihii.-terofiDy(ona«i ■ Sminc opc daw^^hter 1 iiauencucr a child, /. .i4 ihe cnc^ued wit/uewcJ»4>latcajnd go'.rfc, ti:all be bcltoweda5yott my lord chink .*l>cU. ' Cjr. A^ualhaucofcssftcsworihschcre* She fhall be Biaechcd as befeemes a princes boxne. And for rcuenj;e vpon the A&irian Junj;, ^ c will girt m Babyloa withoiu:htghho(l, Ot ctcber Oarae them vnkh^lioffitif^ &ge^ Or vf hi s bp wcU w ith lOur Pcrnan fwords,, fnt io the mean e t»fiicixfl)idutsn our tcni;^ ^f/S^^li^ ieftd tbe Ai^yiiaB to evK cantp^ iUid cntcrf ame him asbcfccitietJi apnscCi ^nwmlw/ jWdCbn^Htfi follow hin, .r.nL-uo.'; ^4)^4/»^dla|[«|yg^4eMi ebirj^ i va.r-^ .-{ IjaUtbe.%f^I(dwidcd^!l»«y/ j u { In/. >- >fr^, jfiffmyl^4i9044NMrtf (bvlJkf ^fr^ Vfhere h eod»Mi|ilnv«llof/4K!h woctlif TheSufiattkif^aoUM^'Mi^iQtMMC^: loG ,.tcO A fvom» fo ffichl^Q9belIiSHM( / r ^ ' i>^4 ^^^^v wich bcamieaiidf ^idfeftjondfthrCTiiadft ? / o 3I1; ; A$neueK:aii}tmo«tl i ...' Throi^h h«r tn^H^jHsiBt neriDci^a&ee d6»h{fla)r^ And makes if filjicl' thm a ChH0^yie» ; Anditom h«^c|tfci( Icemes nacdrc b€r£f elct]i(i»*^te. ■- And hadflic laefihtfJoueJihcfTcror Oviti The harniijiiritffchr rtiukcj vtouidYauifhybXJi. She wecpcTRjuJipbie? whtWbmhfhe'rhattdttitt^ fiti^ A ud fighesrft «Knc iThHhtAf-ficigthat tt / u iih wringed hiwls hwtMatrtngtaM^ikt^^irti*; • Vpon ihei^mourpcfuH brc'iftlisii in^tviiftim; wc cod d not c hufcimt mchWhWf e ili^Vfoifg^" , whcrcfbrcmy lordcoraf«Ttl4Mli|»Hl*\Jlifrt#.."' > ' And with your prefen6rt hc¥,afTtfyit*rt6V1otr«» Cyr, Doftf**»nof tkirtii«*hatlotici? vWerit t' Jrd. Nay lather volBKfiiritmyWiltiouilordi'T/* n youknov^ t'gul woiDans^be«tf^ueMl|c>fit«, • : * 'm And fire dothalwaycsbornwaoHWltof tol^ke, ^-"^^ .'/^. Therefore if naturc"weic offBeh^grt?itf6wei',;t2*' ^" *^ Shouldcacn«manbybeautirebeenfliim<^J '' ~ > But beautidw things are'not irt. equiH pbw^psi " ^ Forfon)clouqtHbtWhic>»(3tberJdoi^(fii(0«I'i»{'"J;'* - Eitlitr for fcare or Ibte itio piooetfte tnie/ ^f ; J d K>i ) < /i. The fiftciiiftb«broWnrf»ndclo«}J*^ ^' ■^^' djri/oxl f The dauzhui^oftKc firhcr notxicfifeifi; ^ ^' ^^ ''^ ^ Andyci (pwcotTcb«<$any^ofth«mbbtH/ :* ^r^^f» ' , tj>r^ Iflouc be' ▼olun^ricajthoulaietfi ' V't ? death? • ':• ■■-■ - - ^- '^' Emptic thcirpurfif of coinc^thrir l>TQinc o{ v?ft. Sending botli gtftsand ?cit«» to thair I Mies^ Ata, rhey yceld tdcyOTttchf focbb irthj .. Excufc mc for not'cotmnea t coiHcr tentv*; Bi d her b c m etrtc with"lier,fiftgma;mai4le>^: , And%«iiit:<5>t5«/'WqUtattoH«iserfair.c».i . rj^'-a^f. Enter CtfffmkBdi^Uu> .♦ » ■ • Net. ytnt'iochm kiu^^f Afsiria,: ,-.. So LordofEiipbtatcMhd'Babylopi; How long wilt ihouiMnwitthvftthffwdcatl*? .:»... Caft,ofFtpofpJno^|fhmg2w«ed€s.< , Another. Ho w long/will I lifUffntiay fathers deathf VntilIproudi^c#fia!.wcopCifocC7rwdeaob. .. > Of/: Oh thatwitl f»Qtshc,€yrm is ftn>B|!;.- ..v > So ftreng^ioy LKkflUhat w«rcnor Babylont^ - Fortif)'cd with w(ittilesit>rtvrcndcyt«r«$j - Gardcd witkitMiIdfeKthatantillneucFycdd^^ :. Sooner wouikyiecsirpcHtyouifronff yourieate^ Thenyou with^ttcamBcycoukl anger Jum;-'' What ThcwanefofCywf A s were Anticthns a prnute laaa, / ad one of you kieg j)f A fly rii, I wottJd notfaiteto^Ofkc hi$oiien?!fow, Bttf.yott that arc noe toMcht with inward •ridtj Ui!I not JO that attempt be rcfolttte. Tr /■ VoochOii O Lord to tdl me wfct kifc If Uttcmpt It not tiira let me die. j4m. Why thi$ it i$,fcignc I bane im«wlcthc«^ Aod offer (emicc to the Petfian king. Then betng rcceiued as lateGobrias was; Howeaflieraaiflthconcahiuiandcfcape^ I For in the eight he waikesaboucbisca«ip«« - Withoiita guard cuervas a common oun. Cf«f, Yet hrtbat killes bim foer is to die^ (<\mtX.C Ant. Ithoughtthefeareofdeathwoi^daamhigi A thottfand talentsvroiild I fredy gi««, ' '' 1 o hta thatvndertzkrsthiseiiterprtfe* Cttf My Lord I soKfrcfohi^fftacisecbegoU. And I will venture life ia thisexpfoir* v<»r My tEeaiorer at anaes fitdl due it the^ Aud Ctifif»n when I receiae hishead, Befidethis fumaie thou fhalt haueannnatl paf. As iruchas thy reuemtes m'>untTnto, >. A V' And where thoN art by caHiogbiitaluriglhl^ '. c.l r ^ lie nake thee Lor d of many piowaccs. Ctef, AsforthegoldkeepeitcdllrettriKV aodtfl die dehuer it to ay friend. Am, W eil Cteftpbpfs reanage this glorious aft. Let me embrace him ere I take sy leave. Ctef Fare well my^lord.Now yo» Adyriia g^dt, ;^ TowhomwefjcriHceourfb-tBeniblood* / :*.f>H OiucFiuourtomylookes/aiihroinyipeact^ • " \; That bcmsenicioa« with the Perftatitord, ," liv «ici\llv*riam4)i> iftndasour ipiesgiues vs tovndcrffand. His oociy daughr er Hayes within the hold» Kocknowm/r ofbet fathers late reuok, Thci efore will we farprife her vnavearets Mnd thoaOuitbe lieutenant in his Read, ivhcn we hauc made his foul dtersy ccid dans fbit< Snrtr ArA/fasfibtto AfM. Miifi T coflfefTe that lone Is vio'cm* By doting oo tpy capriue T/iw ht <», I willnotloue HebiidlechofeaffeAs. Itcannot be rcfittedi mu(l y eeld. Oh whatatyrant is this cruel louc^ That driakes my blood^nd makes mcpate and tvai^ That fucks my ipirits.and makes me wcakca vj tiiat^ That teares my beart^nd makes meaImoRd<'^d. Thar rcuels in cny biainesand m ikes mc mad. 1 «ima totddicr .arid will conquer lone, lie mount mc ftraight gtuemea hori;iiians nafie^ Proud loocfif faft.fbr now y^r«/jw i unncs, Utanneand fcarccly fta, id:0 T4«»*ruld I mfght forget &»rc Tamhrs, I utinotmm^kft'hwi I mull fay iatre. And ?har v*or d fair? m^kc* mi rcracnier hem," ^dntifr^ isypki^haM kc iUlawottfcdptavrk, Aad wJai9ls£»bci4iuiiiUaiibci v; h) lliould h vycrcpci axkol the rciroqvwtue^ , . D;e not but liiKtirsi eni6ytt?l»'louc-' .: ■ i.>i *« - «• ' ~. ** What ccntrarrecicconfiftetbj?;i mywor^S,.* :;^ i; O reconcile thcnhhwclyf^arnhk^.^. n„ a ,<:» j»-:r v 1 J:) lockcs haitimadcmo lunutikc.:»/!>.''|. vrr ff ^.^ ... &ncr ViMt htmand^^uft^ .< ; > ; ^.* - < : ;r.ii • P.w. IhaudntcilfgencotbatoarLordHracfeji, i*-'*. V c conic wj tenifwrhim aic%f iiK« imyii >/i : r* . $- <.< , t yirjif. Oh v'clcomc Tanibea.ihzW I tell inygriefc/ /'^w. Sit ftillicy lord,-. -,^. ' why cliangc you colour tlius, what troublcsyou? u4raf. Sdwethingtlands by arid" whifpfriiri my fcarc A kiircoffrfw^i? Ai' * A^ may vroiiv thy feccjoV ehe 5 thb, ;' " * • It may bcMarfkktwjtllsiayThcHci '*<:?''••'■■ ''>'^ ■ • •' Ars. Hicajui caufe the imi(irke«^a^ . MitfkkpMk'* For itisharfJnamil ojaTs thcrharmoiHe, ' " f -i* -^^"r* • Come T^dw^terjitiio wn^ by mc,aml' let v$ talke. P4n. Talke is Jia*igh^^infeyiiW)bafio4fltcp€. T««l>i,H»wnmi» thyLordja fould wr and Joue*(ickf* ^r^y: IcannotkeTppek'imii^WrtWffiy.hdE^,^*^^^ For thee fwccte PafHbtMWMt^ffW^rkk7 »"«»^f-' >1 /4». pdr rae,ATyLtvni4 ->•••'."'' ""f^'?- " »■- ' ^•~' ' ■< y^rrf': FliHgfV]^avff3f?,telcnialI Fattthfd,^ -t Though I were halfc dto4afittwil4rftim»V^e wfllhurt tfcec, whirlier wilt thou ^o. ylrdic hath ofthefe rare gifts. C Vfcd The warres^of Cyrus VfccltpUt)OurJiungcr,thJril and colic, Gmcs true foretokens that the prmce will prouf, A hmous warriour and aconquerour. ////. And of the fundry vcrtues that abounds Dayly increanngiahcrpnncelybrcalt, , Eebgbn to thegod^exceedcs thcjD)L ;v^U 'Cbr. And realbn good Forof^lli»unMncwofkci» The are ohhctnllioul^chie^ur b^^rc^rred. Cy. IstlusAflyrianfricpdorfoKxv?-? X)jat dares approchfo neaifc thckf^^rlian campe. Cte. In bcndingofmyipeatc to Babylon, And breaking it agaia^ the /^llyrian ground, I canve a friend, not focvto Cjjfr«/ campe. Hi^. V^^Iiaf r?aroa,n>o^c^;^ecan Affyiianboroc* To bcarc fucTirapcqvf p|hy,f»i>oticy foylc. Cte, 1 hat Tecrct I jrdcrue for Cyrm cai)ct, Vnio whofc fcquctlapp.ur, I fobrait My pci fod,hon9ur,fi?Ptune,fa^e andlif<^. ////, Itilferipe |he king certainly iyviH, O Perfianstri^cfy jorti^ajc arej^ou. Ynderfubicftiono^rirvrfetfipriiice, . That meafurc^ aH thc^^aons of his ^ifc^ By mercic, iufljce^an^rdpc^of righ^. ' Hiji. It fc'ern^i^ tli! Afl> ri^n prince hath injured this tvith feme riotbr^ous^grcat indigijitie. (man, Cy. Man ofA(^na,what,vvould^(l thou with mcj Cte. .O-g^acJoiis Lo^d great ^inuin^ible,. Receiiieintdproteftion of your grace, A wrerched'man vndone by tyrannie, Andlawlcflerigourofacrucllpranec, Cr. What prince i^hethatthouaccufcft thu$^ Cir^ The new A^y ri^i Jufig>a nuii dilUiode ■—■■ vritb WitI) endle^ raarkes of villanicanci blood. Cy. Difccndvatothepurpofeofthyul^, And make thy Itatc and toi tune plainc at once. Or. Iam,(lamfaidl)lwasaman, Earft noble,now bamfiii rq>robate, Highlic mfauour Hith the kttyx\m prince. Till fcnfuall rage of bis vnbridcIJ«i feft. Did lay my ilare and honouNfftlic do^l,' And tliusgrcat Lord be^iln my Tragedie, One onciy virgin daughter hadyovrthiUll, Of yeares inclining now to mariage ftatc, Her face and bcamie (ifl (ee me not VMne) were cquall to thcbe^ AfTrntfn Aimtf, And Ihe fuppoftirrlie.flowei <9f ftabylon. The bruit e of which hep rarefH^^ft om ran, Swifter rhul Fame through afl ttj'AfTyrian \mi. And lafllyrefted in the priiic^ eare*, "^ Vnabk tpiuihdJaflriMlcmciiffrifiey)^' > } ' Attended by aband 9faraRlbd4»^ ^ "f ' v^ i? - 1* ' Sxx\mnghtx6i^pMlm^ktmH»i\t»fTasmxk,ii'> b(r.i o » 1 came in frahtii«!r«fC^^bylori, ■ ! ') -^ ' ♦ v.r t. .. \;5 Exclaimii^s; on tiMS viHatiibukdefpir«, • Banding t fepaiab c tw itli niJny a bttter'ricw; '' My iuftcofopliiijttaiwffdfi oiu:«li^ vntWrHboii; - Hcf>rtesnift9VtadaBineiAblbiidiccrtivr\ -^ -' OfrufBaol/tiiQartrMBirilvt^aiidiiietiBes^' > ; Prof (Ted HM^ for gain ^iandlsoreiok'ry o To make no^onfriencc vuhohi tbej'flw and kt 'I, ' Tliofc men by f«3|!«iDne othchad vowed my hfe^ " A ikrifice vnco thcii«ifffed i(^ ordcH ^^ Cx AihI The warr^s of Cyrus . And houre by hpiire they foiigkt tof eattcAy touie, Liuinginh^aafdofcontinuall death,. . I knew BO |i9|>!cfor meat Babylon, Other then my graue and dumlcffe fcpulchre. And fo for refuge to ray wretched life, 1 h lue abandoned countcfy/ricnds and all, A nd prortratc my eltateat C)nM fecte, O puidant Lord whofc great and conquering fwordc, wai forgde by^Mars^atid made for vii^oiic, Prote^ the Ifeoffhyvnhappie thrall, And make him^ollo wer of thcPerfianarmes, That in the forta«e of thy mightic hand, Thefallof^//'yijp>»»maybcreiiengde. Gob. O Cteffkcn ,i\a% tale of thioefetttues The wofuU rarmorie ol^my deareft fonne, Slaughtered by that mofi barbarous tyrant hand; C^r. C;#iTMjyehau«be»rd the Aflyrian tale. What zxtkXXimfUm^^n)akt^a^iX^t^miC9^ . And thoienot caufele^if hi4 itorihtibe tnie , No w^rMj i> not ra/hly crVdvlous, Nor bindes hisfairh on cuerie (^angeBsvowci; Tell me GpbrtMi^ doO thou fimplie ^inkc, That this difcowie 13 oamtHr^tnakedtnidiy < Of elfi: fomc forgcdor.aiUe»61ed^tofc, To foimd ourleflr^t»,ffnd bciMi^|ttr drifa; . < Go^ OrMthedifpo/itiooofthispriiice, «'..)'( wr- Solde vpand fworne to endlcile viUasies, May proue thegnefrsof O^m vnteed^ Vpon my confcience C>wm trnft theman. No doubt his /brrow and compfauntsare true. Of. OCyr^t To it pIcafdetheiranomJiGodJi How happie w ere thy I'cruan r, tf hia words - Proceeded from a rained (lembbng tongue. So were my daughters honor vndchied^ ' - And Ctegfhm bcn^hanotekikd,^ '* v .. jm IT f:»'f.V B« KingofPcrfia, , ^ Qr, Be va'iant fte/iphon and Follow me. Follow the fortune oU h^phie campc, Not doubt thou.but thou I halt fee the endc, Shall rue the inin; ks of his barbarous life, Amoni; the d.mncdfoulesindafkeft hell. Cte, Then fliould my ghoft with IcafclcfTe wordes opprcft, Pnflc and difccnd into the grauc in reft. Sxeiwt wnnes» WfgcntlcgttitlefDendciiifeoflate, . To Hiunnc thcvu'gar aodthe vcttuous, Prefent to yau worrhic to judge oTv^, Ou' vvorkcs ofr woorth and valiantnes at once. W hat wants in vs imagin m the workes. What in tie wofkw.condeiiine the wntcr of. But if the wOrkiJsmd writing plcafe you both. That Zenophonfrom whf ffrgicefqr y«ur fakf , fe well thJW^mictcoAlyiti^'^^fef gJ2i*H v^e#(lw4 '. ! ; My fbrgc4I?.3bit,and dilTembling lex, A nd in chefe female weedcs iTiall find Lihm^ And Alexandra freely i^jajsfjlMS hpndei. What hope bur ^?f;|i«5;4^f^rcHWinef fM^en^far:Cja|n4e?{amJ4lff#: .ri.iu ' t cT Yet madamefer tbc.reu^r^pfc to my L^r^ > :i Jhi'I Anddutip>t^lftjtfJprii.bJ|>^ipqCoyoMrfdiff^ .; .,. .,0 I will be AUican^jii,ica\k\\i 9pcr, . . , , / . • . ^ anddictofii|fyow^^lwp9wr^a43f(«»jj(|f^,, , ^r 'v Worr|^|^VVJW^>V^«rf9oof^ > couvi; ;. -.T Rather then da ug^«^ of pQOTfGjO^^^ ^iiicj^iii '! Ti)i$(acredleruicctoa(}iHcd^nDe» r •.. '<.;jji:rn;.W Shallbcmgrauer>in;tay«sofi|iy>Wifc. u c) i;i5hvr li il with loCTfM 40«Cf lteT«t%r« fo 'Pff ftwgiie* , t f jc t i 7^M That whei|^|»54ici^I?«^>C;f«^ b;ca4» ;, ., y. : .ft if ) X.i^ThaukffMrfie,Aijdjx?r!yoHrfu;4w^m^<&ii ' SuffitTCthmcthf JI?pn(^Uf9^phe4e?de,: ^ < < ..,; Merhinke> I i'kH(i;i : ) U^n'v \ Would you resiM'thtQ^McrKifhiMvvolt; - {:> ^<: hn A Andtakehim to yourfo^tticeg^i^agMi^ } '\ cv^ '^O ^»r. So\cttiwffMkMtiip:khoxMntfM^o If hcforfak^thofolwjBfijiJ Pcrfcki arwttj / -^(Mhir^vt H Andfirme his f^VfhonAloylihic to JBicq tfj; !o fiu i V >I I Ltb. Theo|nfii«e btffereyou vrreakoccoens^e^n^ftiri Grantpafr*p«»rtindfaf|peonifciicetdiii3rfigri)^^^"fJ i- That heiBajigqp»Bciiap0it8^Vasiue1iy'pli^)Q Andthat n^lifcrmtft(f*B5ia»fh»wubli:ii'^> J ^^ IknowthacinftanthwiwiirMriUretuin^i. i" bioJ <> AndyctMliimnHlkviw^tti^aiyibMdi r^ ' n; u'^ ^nr. Scribe giuc he;f)^efMe'hifldafi:tfiroti«l»mi^ And boy whfa)^*i«*!b«foi»^hb'*wf on k !^«a^>^ Tellifhereturne I pard«fillii», h r <'ijit J^^ jt .r jI lfothcrwire,ofF»<9.fshi5dawght>ciislieid.' I i-ljn. ' 1 ^r^;. lyvilldrciulLotr^OiXMikiit&ouashvaoib^nA ^ The vmrres of Cyrus Thcfc cyesonce more niay fecyourlibcrtie. . : . €x^ Akxmider, Lib J As plcafcth their dicttei Ltbanio. ^nt. Drntm take you this damfcll to your charge, Atu! vfchernobhe thou»hlliebea thrali. I^frwtXo vfc her worft the honour wcrebntfmall, ^t ) ExtHntrnnncs, £BterCufpyau,-i\> Cte. I murthcr CyrMs, farre be filch a thought^ Much more the execution ofthc deed. Like attlte Sunncbeamcs to the gazers eye. So IS bij T*ew. to daunted ^rry^A«», During the rancor of my wicked minde. . i A ad melting al! in cboughtkotfweetremorce, How wife and gracious is this PeHian king, Who by ks wrtidome wiiines hi? foHoweri hearf s, £>ectiiij^them marchin armour wrought with gold, And he gi rt m a coate of complete Oeeie; OC^TM/polnkfoewiahhenitti : .r),.i5j|w. . ,.x Hop' i w fciy t H candmtyUtiiinipmr ! < ? . .'. RewarAnr rqtiit,and retfeneing wrongv Howfullmtemperanccand fortitude, faring lo meiKice Fortune wirh bis fworde, Yctmercifeiliiaallhisvidlafies, Bnttr Cyrus. See where lie comes,llefiaUe v|»<>hthegrouadL And ^dkbfor pfftbnrat his higHneileie^. Cyr, EifevpAJTyrian/TynwisnoGod* Ctt. O Cy xvuXnuw Ammchmrof Lw6i, My Lordifaid IfOo 1 will renomce him quite, Subornd me wMtth with-hispwivaifious wordct, T« doe a deedo£fuchiinpiecre^ AsIGodknoMiresiiibometDthinkcyppn, It was thy death vifVorious Cyrvs, But mighti e Lord your vertues conquer ed niC| Aadotafiencfnic£tUcandctecii€roui, r ^ Am '^4. ill King of Pcrfia^ Am I become a vowed friend to Cj/t^hs health, And in that refolution prcft to diic. •' Cyr. Liuelongtowailcforthypretepdedill, ^. Astrce from puniftiment as for reward, The lines of kin>s are gai ded by the gods, Norarctheyinihehandsofmortallrocn, Ad)' rian, though thy fword were at my bread, The gealousangell thatattendsonvj, Wouldfnatchitfrom thy hands.and flingit downe. And therefore mufe not at this accident. Cte. Seeing knightly Cyrus is thus mercifull, VoucliHife this feruice at thy vafTals hands, Giuc rac but letters from your Maieflic, To fienific how fainc your would haue peace, c. And draw your legions from Afl)'ria, p And b earing them vntoe^»rMci>«/, :' Inthcdeliuericlwillmurthcrhim. So hiehly do I honour Cyrus name, , So vilalie thinke on bafe ^rMr/;/ So&fldsPQ.Qrc^^ It may be wnenflie wakes llie wiUnoc loue. MdgSohly Arafpas.if vou talke, llie wakes. jira^ O let her wake.l long to talke with her. Mag, No w ginnes her eyes to open,and iTie (lirret. jira. Stand thoualidevntill I call for thee. Pm» V^lMtdrearoesandfondillufionshauelhad^ How comes this word Loue^ln Pant he as minde? IlouejOay rathe? will I die tlienloue, and yet againH my will I thinke on loue, O *P4»r/;M rhinke vponthy funerall. For thou art withered with cxcefTiuc griefe, Loue 9nddeformitie cannot agree. Aftu IfP4ff/^tf be faire and beautifully Thcnloue and Pantbia do€ well agree D J Anifpa^ r The Warres of Cyrus. rPan. Jlraffits^amhea and her fclfc will iarre, when fhcfliallyccld t»louc.Or whatis louc But gall and aloes to my martyred foulc. Now Abra^latcs is not in my fight. ^^r^'^ Hercis Arifpas iouclie Panthea, For thee lie leaucthe field,thcn leaue thoq him, For thee lie leaucthc wofld,then louethou me. LciCyius ioy inpompeand'C.ropcrie, Suf iccth me to conquer faircTanthrM. Let others glorie in their ground andgoldc, Tamheato meis twcntic thoufand worids. And without P/wtheaaWthe world ijtraOi, *P4r. FortheeArafpaswilllcurremyHarreSj That fuflfcrs thee fo to folicite me, For thee I will count the world as hell. Except thou leauethus to folicite me. jira, Howfiguratiuei$7^4;f^/>Minher^each? Refemblingcimning Rethoritians, who in theperfon of lomeonedeceafde, ^ Pcrfwades ihcirauditors to what they plea(e, I cannot thinke that thefe be Ptmheas words» She is (^o faire to gtue fb fliarpe replie. But if thefe bethcwordesofT^w/^M, Thenmuft fhechangc her face, andfeemeleffcfjire, For know that beautie if loues harbinger. Then being Deautious,T4«iJ>M needes muft louc. Pan. Would I werechangdeinto fome other (hape, Tliat I might fright thee with my hideous l6oke$, I in rheperfon of my felfedcccalde. ProceQ this heart/hall neuer harbour loue« But if my lookcsbe this preparatiuc, Ilcbeatcmyfaceagainft the haplelTe earth, Or deeply harrow 4t with thefe my trembling hand$, which I hold vp to heauen to chaunge thy itimde,] Or hadcn dcathto rid mefrom this fute. Nay 1 King of Perfia. Araf Nay then ifamorous courting will not fcrus, Know whether thou wilt orno He make thee yccld, ?4;7.Though fortune make me captiuc,yct know thou That /'^wr^f4j will can nfuert)econftrainde. j4rA. But torments can enforce a womans will.] Patj, Then fliould thy importunitic enforce. The fight of thee Arafpas (hould conftraine. For I protcft before the godsof heaucn, No.tormentcan be greater in my thou<'ht. Air4. I, fay fdtillyc feele them Panthea, Pan, I feele more torments then thou canfl inuenr, who adde the more fhall eafe that 1 fuflaine, All torments bctheyneuerfo cxquifitc, Arc but amending flepsvnto my ende. And death tu Pamhea is a benefite, what arc thy threatcs but fugrcd promifcs. Ara. Then (halt thou Hue and Ilcjmportunc thee, TATt. I,nowi^74»/l>Mmenacedtotheproofe. Yet cuery word thou fpeakeslliall wound ray heart. And in dcfpitcofthec lie djc at laft, The carnclter thou art the fooner too. But to prcuent it thus I will flie from thee, Cyrus fliall know Ara^JUs villanie. Exit PxftthraJ jira^ Thus therefore (hall Tpinc,abandoulouc, O t'is inherent to Arafpas foulc. And thereby dairacs an imraortalitie. So it iTiall nerc begin,nor ncucr end, Acurfed Magitian,arc thefc thy wiclced fpels/ Ma. O pardon mc my honourable Lord, . For Tantheas vcrtues fruilratcdall ray art, Ara. Muft M^gicke y eeld to vcrtue? whcrfof e thea Didljl thou a(rurc meihe (bould bcip ioucj - Ma^ $0 vvas (he beinga (lccpe,as did appear e. • jira. And why not being walkc,(pcake villain fpeake Rcafon J rp^ \S The warrcstSFCfois Mag. RcafonmyLord wasthcprcdotninant, Her ihttrncifluall part fliincdagainftloue, and Maj^icke cannot cominaundthcroule, whilcjppctircand common fcnfcrcm.:incd, ' You (iiw J mjdc her rmi!e,cmbrace the airb, andlliewfheafFeftsofainorousconceits, Few womtrn vfeto sk«rmifh withfuch thoughts, and \iit^ih\%'Tanihca heenc at liber tic, fnc would haocycclded to your honoursfnte. But ill captiuitic is^nought but grccrc, sndlbuc withgrccfc will kcepc rio refidcnce. Aya. Smooth arc thy wordes, but rough and harfh thyfcnfc, Foi- they import /*4»f/7^4 cannot be forced. Caull thou vvithinchauntntionsmakeher die? That flic bcing'go^c ray Iducm.iy foHow her. • MSg, Life is adranft vnto our liamane former Exempt from Magicke and Magicians, Andthars the caule we fooner hurtbrntcbea(b) Then fuch as haue the femblance of our (clues. ^r4, Dcceitfull Artifan thy words art Heights, Thy wordes deccitfdl and full of guile, Wit is a witch/weetc words muit conquer her, Outof tny fight,yct conccale this attempt. If thou be wray it, maugrc all thy skill , This fwordc Hull fend chee to cternalHicll. •^ ■■'. €xtttitt»' I>inon, Now arc weat t Jic bankcs of Euphratei, Farre from the campc Where foal diets haunt, and here may we vndtt this poplar fhade, Difcoutfc vponthe fweetnefle ofour (ouc. L'th. Y6uknowinyLordlaii)t6«yoogtoroQr, ^m<)0. Faire A1cxahdrtf,if thoulcuc not me. Thoiiatt compa A oi adamant and yron> Thjr '^<«i«>4 * KingofPerfia. Thyycaresarc ficforJoue/oarc thylookes, L^. Howficrocremyyearc$bcaadmyIook.^J, I Alexandra ara vnfic to loiie. Is not my father with the Pcrfian king, And I Alcxcndra as captiuc in his dead, Andgiucmelcaucto wailcmy hardcftate, and make a riuer with my flowing tcarcs. That mingled with the itrcamc of Euphrates, May fwiftly runnc vnto my fathers fcate. And make him haft to great Antiochus. D^nott. Nay rather fit vponthisfcdgicbankcs, That I feeing thy iTiado we in the ftrcame, May fccdc my fancic with thy plcafant view, If not cnioy the fwcc^ncfrc I dcfirc, and leape mto the waucsanddrpwnc my felfe, That thou maift pittic Dinon being dead. Lib, O Icould pittie Ditton being ahuc, But that I fcare my fithcr will not come, and then /hall Alcxandrafuffer death, and being dead D/»o» may pit tic pM. *Difi9n^ Louc,niayIcaJltfac«loiic,Ioc{hccdoiI^fibt Her lookcs giucs warrant for thatEpicitc, Cfrowne, For rhce lie kncelc before Antiochus, and rather then thou /halt be toucht by him, Ilcbcare thee hence as fiirrc as Tanais, Or keepc thceclofcin thcfc Aflyrian woods, Lih. No place is fecrctc to Antiochus, Dofttliounot know that kings hath reaching hands ? 'Difjon, I doyct know my fworde is /harpe and keen* which when I drawe and brandi/h in the aire, all Babylon will fight in my auailc, who hononr rte more than Antiochus. I will not fay how great thy dowrc /hall be, Norboaft whit cities I coramaund. Let thisjthottgh noca langin name, 'la The warrcsofCidus In wcaltli and friends I am an Emperour* Lih.^ If I lliouldyccld your honour might fuppofe, That dignitic and wealth lliould conquer me. Therefore i blulTi to fay I louc my Lord. Dtnov. And when thou bluflics Dinons heart is fired, Therefore to quench it giuc a gentle grant. L:b. My honor bcingpreferudejmy grant is giucn. Dinon. Thereof am I as chairic as thy fclfc. And of thy lou< as of my proper hfe, O AlexAndrA thy wordes rauifheth rac, Lull mca fleepe with fwcctneflc of thy voice Ltb, Then fhall my (ongbc of my Dinons ^lak^c, Sleepe*2^/w«'^,then Libanio draw thy fword. And martly thruft it in his flumbring heart. There is no way to (aue thy life but this. And thereforefear^ot,fliall Iflaughter him That intflttained me with fuch amorous wordes. Such bounteous gift sand golden promifcsf W hen he fhal 1 Kno w I am Ltbauio, And go I cannot butiniallbetaine, VnlefTe I flay him in his hapleflc flccpc, For he w ill quickly wake and follow mc, Now DinoM dies,alas I cannot flrike. This habit makes mc ouer pitifuH. Remember that thou art Ltbanio, Shel^ilUj ^im,. No woman but a bondman>(lrike and flic. Exit, Enterthe Jjfyrian kin^ mdhis Nobles, An. Nowthat(7tf^rM^fortre(rcisourownc, His daughter pnfoner,andh!s Countric burnt, t^s march firom hence to wclthie Babylon, A hd mufter thofc relblucd Citizens, To racctc the Per fian in the open fields Twice hath he led his forces by our gates, Xxi neucr durfl tomouat his oactsJogRammc, Or 'i i . KingofPeifij. Or warlike engine a»ainfl the ramprcd wallcs, Thcicforcwclicnoinorcingariilbn, But buirelloutand%ht forlibcnie, . N^^. My Lordbchold where 7)/>;owflauglnrc(lIies' . yltx^. 'Dmw^thouartdcccydeitisnothc, N >^. It is my Lord I kno w him by his fcarrei. ^nt, Thefc fcarres were giucn him in my fathers diyes, And now he is df ad, ere I cou'd guerdon him- 1 hc^reuellhordur lean doe thee novve, Is to lament and kid'c thy hueleflcchcekes, And that wdl I performefor Dinons Cke, i " O thai I could leuiuc thee with this kifle, Nch, Doubtlefle GahrtMs daugbttrniurdered him, I (awe them in the morning walke abroad, And fincc they ne*rerefuindc into the cimpe, ;* ^nt. Then fhehath done this execrable hft, ^ /ndfoisflcdTntohe^traiteromfirc, |. OthatafillicMMtJefhooldflaughter-him, I Which not • world of Pcrfiani could fubdne, , Isthccnoendeofmycalamitie.' f Mv father doncto death by Cjrftr fword, \ Wicked (yo^nar and his daugliter fled, Falie Ctcfiphon rcfblude to mart her m e, I And tiovi Dirtm my chieftK captain eflaine, \V hy runne we not vpon thefe Perfims, which amhea«thoursofthef<*miferiej f Come fouldierr. take him vp and march away, ■r Weele emptre Babylon to meeteottr foes, A nd be rf uengde vnto the ninth degree, BoihofCjr*Mi«jaiidhisfairti!ie. £xtttjit, ^4», G , Ceafeleflc folicitedmy vnlawhiU bed» witiiout rcpulfes I haue quailed his hope, which he renued with chargcof frefh aflault*^ But my denials made his pnrpofe vaine. In fine, when no intreatie could preuailc« To h-amc my fancie to his wicked will, Hcfalks tothrcatningsfrom pcrfuafious cermes. And vowestoputchafc his deiires by force. And therefore Cyrt4s(^AS thouarta kingj ProteftaLadies honourfrom the fpoilc. And let thy bondm.iidIiueand dicvnllaind. And ifthercrcft no other hope forme. But bauocke wrake and luine of my fainc^ O Cyrns on thy fworde let Panthu die. And fo preuent thedaunger of my fhame, Cy. Ladie, how Btrre your viagedifagreci^ From CyrHi mcanin§jccord« be the ^ods, 1 ht King of Pel fia. As for my fclfr (not vainly be it faidc) Il]oldcmyeycsinbondagctomyv\ill, And kecpc my thoughts in yoke to rcafonlouc. iVly fight on bcauticncncrfuiictted, And where her benmes werehkely toinfetfV, My xudgeracnt was a vaile before mine eycf To bearc f uch pearcing fancies from my heart. Such as I am.fuch muft my followers be, Elfclet thempackcthcy fhallnotfollowmc. The man that offered to difhonour you, ftiall he fo throughly chaOHed for lifs fault, Asyouflial] reft fufficicntly reucnged, and knowledge mea graciousconquerour, Htfidjfts carie her toyour pauilion. Pan. Softandthegodsofsiftanttofonraracf, as jrou ftand pitiifiilJ to my milliaps. €xit H$figfiit4md'Pmhe4, L$b,'My Lordjthegodsand fate rcfcruej your page. To docyou further feruice ere he dies. Cy. Gtbrus goes you^ pag* in that attyrc? C: MyLord,/heisno page of mine. Some fliamelefle ftrvmpet andlafciok)U< trull. Ltb» And hath my Lord forgot his feruant then ? Cob. Firft muft I know before I can forger, Theehaue I neither feene nor knownctilfnow. Lib. O fay not fo my Lord .for oft ere this I haue beewefeencand throughly knownc to you. And you I Icnowto. be my gracious Lord. C<»Kr4i that renowmdc Afiyrian. C§b. Fond girle itfcemcs thy wits benotthincowof. Ub. U'hatlTathmytordforgot£,ondcth*A(rvriancampe, And brought me to the baiikesot Euphrates, Therelatcwcdownc andhe withamorou* plc;i, Not onely Bld.but cloyde my wearic carei, lofarrc that w'hacwith long continued calkc, And h^areof funne reflc£lingon the bankes, Or happlie.nwiih the ratling harmonic, which Euphrates hisglidm^ ftreamcs did keepe, Vi hich feeing I imagined that the gf)ds Had offrcd this occafion ro my hand*. For fweetcrccouencof my treedomc. Short talc »o mifce. wit hdread full hand I drew. The fwordp thtt hangdc loofc'ing by his fide. Ai^ with the full of my extended h)rce, 1 fheathdit homean^iaU the owners rtbbes. He wounded fet an inwarde groneor two, Then ru*^rijngon his face breathes fotih his life, Thedocddffpatcht.Ihiedmeiheacearaainr, And fcjpmgcleme wjthout impeach or (lay. Now Ihndbcf >rethc Peifian kingiliisday. Cyr. Prcfldent of manly forttrude, Exceeding farre t he opinion of thy ycares, G%bhas haue an honourable care^ Si4^ ^'fluirM.RQNV leaiifi Alqcaodraswceiles, ■A That Tlie warrcs ofCyrus | Thar p rt is p^aid and be your fclfe agqine, ..^ Tha* j:)3rrpaorc boy with danger rhou haft plaid. y '^^''i'Madamcnodaungcrcanbcfogrfat, TIiulIercfuJcforAlcxandrasfake, Ct« C?(7^rMjray>ts Alfxanclrafhc, For whom your pigc the fr h izards hath fuflaindc? 6>^. It is my Lord. Cr.Thcnletvjtoyourwifhcdfor 6">«/ 1 dcfircrofcc, (place. C'. This is the place tl)e men that follow cne. j 6'tj/?.Ti)cnwamp]e both my eyes that with this turfc, '; I may be fure to hit a vcrtuous man. ' Cy, Shall flic bciiis on whom this turfelTiall light? Goh. So that the man be good and vcrtuous, j Cy. Then throwat random whonyoupicafcjffkiix^ You cannot mifTcagood and vcrtuous man. C«b. Tlx!nAlexjndra at thy husbands head. Cy. /y/^4/p«youarchit. //»/?. lamrayLord, €•, Then Alexandra ifyouplcafeisyours. A/«Happic wf re I if Alexandra plcafc. ylUx. My Lord the fortuncofmy fathers hand, Bccommeth not his daughter to withftand. To pleafc my Lord and father I am yours. i (Job.Yow (ithfrspUiCdc, f/tfts'pts fheisyours. '' Cy. f^tj} Mfpts tske your hue at CyrujhzrMi, thisisourguife^and rhistlicPcrfijnsdo, theywoocand wcdwithmawordcorcwo. Exe»tt, tA^HSt'TttUS, Enter Arttifchi4s , HtrcanuSy Arij^ohi* V/ f , md Cte^'ihom, . j4/Jt. No(^rf/7jpt«'»vnfheaththybloodiefworde, And iTicwtt Haind and caakred with the gore, that ifTucd from thu vaunting Pcrfians heart. What dnw man, and fhcw thy iuft conceal; f thypayisprcftinreadienumbrcdgolde, ' Cte. My Lord and king I bearcno bloodiefworde, Nor ftaind with gore of Pcrfiaas CjT«/ heart, A . KingotPcrfia. . ApiincchchfaiTcfromdclkein blood, M«lclc,!o«dy,vcrtuous,wifc and bountifull. Able to reconcile hisgrcatcfl foes. And make i;reatprinccsofh]$ineancfl friends, Atjt. Tliv going was to corrpafle C)rits death. How haps thy put pofe ends v, ichoutefFca > Cte. The Perfiajipnncc incline; to tearinc& of tru-'c andcraues thefriendlhipof AnriocJms So pleafe my Lord tlic king to firtne a peace, For briefe whereof his IcctcrsI prefenr. Signed and ddiuercd with his royal! hand. Sincerely tending to the ia me effcO, Whereto if rnceyourhighncllecondifcend. He wiil withdraw his a/mics from AfCyru, AndonthecouenantsfealdcdifToIuehiscampe. ^nr InCifethcPcrfianprinccbefomchndc, thy anfwcrc Hiall IcfTc offend my mind. C tus to /lnttocbMs',hea!th, ThisbcarercinjiMgto my camp arrad with refofHtian tokillmc^nd .. ^ c«tcd more honorably then cither his trechcrieorrhinecodddeferue. Apprehend Ctefrphon Cce. VVhatrcadesmyLordaright,ordorhhefaine/ * H,r. Thatyou fliall know before vou ftartao-ame Vponthcmflantpurf>o{conusintcrpricc , uplcaVed Uodto confound him vyi;h fuch horror of confcjcncc ^at vncoftraind hccofcft the treafpn, & mtrcatcd par^ dori.vowing himfclfe Co far forthfiiend to Cyrus , that forhrsfakchc wouldkill Antiochus. I wascontcnr to Xooththcman in his villanie^bccaufc I would haue thee know the difference twixtan openfo&adiffembling iriendjg.uc thee this noticc.nor becaufc I foue thee or legard thy Iife.but becaufc a villain fhall iiot triumph in thcmurder of him whom I account an honorable con. qucft ofroy fclf.Rcward hittj according to his merits, & f reparptpSght wkbmcfor thy own honor. FareV^elL ' ' This _jj The warrcs of Cyrus C e, Thcisthank'cflc Pcrfian whom I rpKredfrom )3cquites mc with the bctr.iying; of my hfc, (death, --*wf. Wlut c^nl were mikcth traiierous Ctejiphot f C.i, O prince my guilt i« p'aine before my he c, Ai^d vvitnciide with a princes leale, 'lol'aridcvpcndeniill werehutv.tinr, nhrrc open prooR- conuifts me of (^fFcucc, I Uy no morc,but p^rollratentyottr f.cir, Submirrnvfclfctomercicofmy Lord, ey^nr. Such mcrcie as to traitors doih belong, ' Sucli,and no better Crf/?/jfc wHiallfinde, D'Tarme him of hi< martwil abihment. Difl^'^ade him ofall ti lc$ of regardc. Andtjicn refcrrehisatfachmcnr to yoor prince, Htr This cote ofarmes.thcbad^c of honor vviWi Through prailcand vcriucof thy Junceftor% Wc rent u from that traiterous bat kc of ihinc. And as an honour (latndc with villame. In dccpe dildainc we Itanipe ir vnder foote, jlrifit ThisfAordctlut once was girl vnto thy lidf, Tobecmp'oydcinlcruiceof thy prince, NowvowdeiogorctheboweUofhisprare, \vc brcakeit here vpon thy traitetous head, Htv, Thefcfqiures of kmghthoodc that prcfenttlie .^' and hoiiour chmalrieand armes, (pi id«, whofepiickcs fliould force the proudcouragious ltec4 witli thtinJcring race to bre ike the riders lauacc» Thus d )c y^•c hew them from thy rraiteroa* heeles, j^K't. rhou art no mm of honuar iiorof armeS| Thou haftno title of Gennhtic, Nor flile of honour. !efr hereof to vinnt, Burarrbc-cottieinferiouro^reuarde. ' ' Thcnijthebafcflbondmajiof Aflyria, O"^ vilenil lue that hauntcs the Lidian Parties. ^T ifi, Dilhonoured trdtor^now prepare thy felfe, ^ : Kxiag ofPcrfia, To yccld thy head vnco the hangmans a?re, Cie^ Notfatc butmy dements makes rac die, ho w I findc Ui/tHtum frcdtt 9t, , SxeUnt. Enter Hifl-ajpiy j^rafids. aAra. 1 feare fhc furic of the I?cifiao prince, HtftafpUfCyrHsfune 1 doe fcare, Hifi, And wrath ofprinces.what it it but dc«K? jir^Jhason my honour make a proofc. And neuer fhunne the prefcnce of our Lord, A prince he is moft mildeand mercifull, Sooncmolhfied with vowcs and penitence, Aad though with great impac icncc he endure, Your tbrcatned violence to the Sufan Qucene, Yet your fubmifsionand deliTe of^race, Wiil pcarce him withcompafsion of your fute, And purchafc pardon at'hisroyallhandes. Ami* O rpitcfall beautk that bcwitcht my minde, And Icdmy fencic to fuchfbule extreames, 1 will alTay the mercie of rty Lorde, Andyceldmylifeto liatzardof his grace, Hifl. And doubt notbutofCyrw/you (hallfindc, A pitifull and pafsing gracious prince. Snier Cyrus. Cy, Htfta/fts and the reft , with draw your fclues, Oncly j4raff4s ftay behind with me. jirA. My fouerei^ne Lord in trembling feare I ftay» Andproftratefall before your highncfTe fecte. The frailc afFefts and errours of my youth, Enforfcd through follies of a wanton will. Hath caft my lift inperill of your wrath, Bhnded with charm esofbeautie I hauc falne. And made my iudgement fubie^ to defirc. And in purfute of louei vnbrideled rage, livMK traoi^eil tUbooodsof honours la wet, The Warrcs of Cyrus. O gracious Lord impute my error paft, Vntotht power of proud commanding!o«e, Tliat led my mindc and thought fo fjrrc aftray, For^^iue tholc fraikies of m V youch.O kin^,. And rake your feru'nt once a^ainc to grice, v.itlircareofvouidifplcarurcainioftflaine. Cj, Force ro a Qijecne.andfheacaptiactoo, A Pckfiaa Lord fo farre miflcd with Iu(t^ Intend diilionour to a fiJ!ie dame, Arafpas they that would be conquerors, Should chiefly Icarnc to conquer their dcfire, Leaftwhile they feckedominion ou'jr other?, Tlicyprouebutflauesandbondmentothcmfelueg. Now vvheie are thofe your bigandbrauedifputes, ^ j Wherein you pleaded loue was voluntarie, \ And fancic left and intertaind at will, When you imbrace it in fuch raging heatc. That where intreaties failc of your defires. You fall from yo wcs ro violence with the dame, Arafpas for ihcex-cufcofthisofFeuce, You ^Vi^ no prcfident vxCyyui lue. ArA. I know and grant my Lord, the prince abounds -with peareleffe gifts and graces of thc.mindc, r. wherewith the gods hauc'fiid his kingly brcaft, There nought but vertuousmotions taketh roote^ Nothingbut honour harbours mthatfcate. And holy thoughts direft his royall deedes. That fo his grace mi^ht euerie way be found, worthicthcglorieoffo liica charge. Yet fincc thcfe frailties that difgrace your thrall, are humane faultsandincidcnttominde, v Where ftrong defires hold reafon vnder yoke, The wonted'mcrciepfmy Lord thcprincc. So pronein fauourto the penetcpt, Mav raittiMtc the fliajncof this m/ feult^ • . 1 • : With I: ; -^ :. KingorPcrfia. '.Vith fw'cctc compafRon to his princes thrall. C)T. Arafpas I remit thee this. nmifTc, althougliblamcvvorthieinthc hieft degree, and for your tried dcfcrts in martiall praife, 1 am content this follie to forget, YcL would I h me ic fecmc vnto the world, That my difpleafurc made you flic from m e, And fo reuolted to the Afi^'rian armcs. There this fuppofe fliall make you intercainde» and highly fauourcd of that gracclcffe king^ By meanes whcreofruli (hfcly you miy Icarnc, ThegarrifonandUrciigth of Babylon, The vtmoft force and puiflancc ofour foes, With'eucric purpolc of Antiochns, The rime and place where he intents to fight, Then hauing Icarnde the fuU of eucricthmg. In fecrcte you may fcapc againe to me.* With iuft relation of thc»A(I)'rian carope. This feruice if you plcafe to vndertakc. You fliall efFcft a finguler good turn e, and rcape mt^tall thaaksat C^r«; hands. ^r^.No longer let Arafpasliue and breath, Then with the vtmoftvcnturc of his life. He will performe what Cyr/ts fliall command. And facred price for.this extended grace. Though in ^hecompaffeofthishardafiaire, I Icaue th'Aflyrian fi^ion to maintaine, y et vow to bearc a trutlic Perfian heart. Cy. Then go with fortune >and retumc with health and grant the gods this cnterprice of thine. May end^iod pro{per with defirdc cfFcrt. u1r4. AndgrantthegoduharCyrwftillmayliu*, happic in peace, and in armes vi^orious, C|.- To pacific the angrie ?dw/iE)«jiilDodc> Iv?ill pcrfwadc hw of Arafpas flight. The Warrcs of Cyrus. That he is rcuolted tathc Aflyrinn king, 'Pan. ReadiethchumblchandmaidofmyLord, Cjr, To calmc the heateofyour offended mind. Thus haue 1 loll as Braue a warriour, , As euertrodevpon the Pcrfian fields. , Tan, \Vhat warrior means niyLordand'ODnqucror? Cy. Areif^4S»\^\\Q in f earc of my difpleafurc, Is fled from fflc vnto th' Affyrian campe. And hathforfookc the Perfians colours qn'te, Thus madaojc for your fake hath Cyrus done, Euenloft the worthKftfpuldierof his band. Tan, CyrHs let not his lofTe perplex your minde^ Ifyou will let me fenda meilenjer, Vnto ray Lord and hurh^nd jibmdatety I know forthefeyoiu-priacdyfauourjdone. To me his wife 10 thij my captiucf plight, He will attend your fortune in the warrei. With more fincerc afic£lion>Joueand zeal*, Then euer that vngncious pcrfon did. Againe, my Lord my husbandisa knight, As forward treads,and fortunate in armct, As euer fpred his colours in the field. Q/r, Is it likely Abradatus will forlake, His natiue prince tofbllo w forrajnearmes, *?. Bcldcuc mc Madam,if)'our Lord bearmde, With fuchitarc grounded malice to theprince^ His hclpc may greatly further ray aflFaircs, And therefore ifyoucan procure the man. To naiidafsiflant to the Perfian armcs, You fhall deferuegreat thankcsat Cymi fund, 'Pan. Cjrw,I will prefumeto makcniyLord A truaie followcrot the Perfian armes, And him your highneff e iliall not fiiilc to finde, 'A nobiefricndand valiant gentTeman. Cy. AodMadam^hcfliall want at Cyr^/ hands, No praifcnor honour due to goo d dcferti, SxttMt, A^HS g[HMrtHS, trttw Mti9cbHs,tAr4ff4s,4nd}<{obUfi >*»f. >fr4^rfxthough thy birth andparcntaje, t ^eme deadly zo the AOyrian eaitt, ^ Beingdifccndedofourchiefcllfoej, ^ Andm theirinfignesbcarcthe AOyrianarmei, Yet feeing thou coramellasconfederate. In token that ! loue and honour thee, Receiue thisTwordc,and fight couragioully* >fr4. Antiochusllcwcarcitlorthyfake, And for the wrong Jfhat Cyr#/ offered mtf VnlefTeTnydcftniepreuerit my drift, ' -^ IkquicWichanfellit withCyr«, blood. N#K Wherein hath fyr/^mrongd thee Perfian C^v, yirs. In barring lac of her whom I eftccme. Abouc th« valwc of his Diadctnc. Vatttbea my Lotd. -^«f. What ?-»«#*M, Abradatcs wife ? -^. Uoue{yT4ff$be4 Abradates vfife, , ^»^.SpcakcBotof/'4»rW*ifthouloucnmc, ■^^'^" ' For -^. *^.-' The warrcsofCyins For her remembrance wouutfc my heart afrefTi, Nob, Hhgraccisalwayespafsionateandfad, * ! Iffiie be mentioned, therefore hanie her not. , \ S^^ ro^^. Not that alotie,but manic iniuries, ' >' J[i^enitmetoattempthisoucrthrow, J I,. ': For in the field whcrcinyour father fell, i| >v» Igotrichnrmour^golde^ndfumptuoustenr*, * all whic*h he tookevnto his proper vfc, A andgciucvntohisfpeciallftuouritcs, j Nor lia d I wherewithal! at Cyrm hands, . To hcalcthofe wounds which Ixccciucd in fight* ^nt. Then fee thou mhke as dcepc wounds in "hit And focrie quittance with the couc:ous king, (flcllij j I giue thee to this fword,armour and horfc, a horfc as fierce as proudc Bucephalus, ! a'-mouro^truftier proofe then T/7fm found, , Therefore Arafpas fight couragiouflic. t^ra. Albeit I hauc not Alexanders skill. To manage him,nor yet Achilles amies, to charge as brauely,yetaj gooda heart, as Alexander or Achilles cuer bad, . And when 1 flirinke for fearp out of the field, Let me be tornc in peeces with that horfe. Or hewed totJeath with this bright cortclaux, ^«f. Thy wordes Arafpastifeme to thcfieldj andmakcsmethinkellTiallbeconqucrour, , Come let vs march from wealthie Babylon, and then to watdsCyrw with our royall camp c.^A^Mwi* Enter ?Mtthta, And of them all dotb Cyrus make account, • -.'i Asofthcflrengthesandfincwesofthc'watfe> - ' We haue intelligence the Affyrinn king -^ Is come from Babylon to mectevtftraight, ^ Therefore if ^bradates fauour vs, Iw Mount and a way for we'lcaffule them firft. ^M' ^hra. For that comes Abfadate«,lcttawaf. ?<■ Vpon whole bead will 74fff ^4 faftcnit* I '^|\ Aod Hkn^ing on his oecke like /^Sf«r/ wile, 1 &ik' \ King of Pctfiar laqaire the iiianer pFthc battcU paO. jtyr, Fairc be my fbrtanc for my P^mtheM, Htfi, My LotJi Awafpas in th'Aflyrian at mwj Doth craucfucccffc vntoyour Maieftic. Cy, Arafpas,lcr him comc,hc is oar friend. And brings vs tidings ftfpm our eiumici. . ' ' ■ ' t'rj • Entn %Ar^ff^^ jir4. HcaUli¥«p:thcptr^nofmygirtdou8!ord. Cyr. Welcome jtr¥ifi*t^m^ thou chcarful ne wcif 1$ Antiochusrcfolucd tofighti >^r4.Thisday he mtanei to encounter with your hpft» ^. What IS the nurt er of hi«fighting men ? Ar4. loan two huitdied tljoufead ar the lead, And thus in order lies his«Mbiie cimpe« The forefront istencbaribtSv' r Ofpurpofe to difrankc ^he approchingfo. Nextthem are fifrie thoufandhorfmenpl^icde, To breake m where the chariots brcake the vizy. Next themfiuc thoufaodflaucs being lightly laden with rpcare5:,hdmct,nakedivvordei) Togoalongto feruethc horfmens vfc. Then t wennethoufand Scyriiians runagatet, . with venomde darts, whdfeheades arc iipt with fteel*, And la{t thebwtcn?ofth*AffyrraU<, Being hedgde withliunces, as a \<'oodU'ith Briers^ On whofe headt^stlic crolTcbmves and the fl jngi. will fhoo.te and throw bnHttsof mafticyron, Whofeverie fall would Orik« Adipos^downe, 7n nuddeO whereol Antiochus will march. Before v^ hom dora thoufand bondmendriW A brazen wall built vpon turning whcles. To gard bira fiUft and his concubine, • All thefevpor^i^y hdfKHkl adiier. CJ' Ifeuety fouldier had a wall o\ bratTe, It could not daunt vs^vsT are refolure, G And M The Warres of CyrusI ' ^:f^ Andvowedandfworncvntoourfwordei; ; | which ccachcthvuo (cornea brazen wall. , ^:^ v| To haue the leading of your, vauntgard forth* ^ //(/?. Nay it belongs vnco a Pcffian. ^ ^ra. If to a Pcrfiain,it bclongt to me, Htji. I fcrucd Aftn^s your higlincflc lire. Bat if a ftrangcr may dc^erue thrfriace, ^i^:' \ I^ope ray feming mei^ts It my lora. Pan My husband is a kii^.C^iw I hope i vill therefore grant it,i^ not for ddfett, v^i:; Cj'. Had I foure to encounter with, .i/V-^ you alifliouldlead the vountgardof-thtfitl^ I v ,♦• Buconely one mjoflhadc the charge, » • ' .\ | Though all defer'ue iu therefore £a w yoitalL'i • "» • T , - 1 AIL Concent. ' '.• /•'■■-■.>??•• .1 Cy. Cryfantasfnakethclots, v ■ /y//?* p ardon nie Cyrus though I dqtrrpine» why flioiUd \ve draw )^/>r. Fortune hath fauottted me|t!helorts mihe. ' Cy, Then thoitflialt lead the forcfrontjct vs raancb^ .Ar4. The enemtets ne^^^malce h»fte ray Lord. C;. HereAbradrtesiC>riMpUceththee, LeadevraTily>»ndfigbr}Cottiagiouflie. ) /^^r.Atnvneownelifefo>rcnclerlc])clefneii» -j Nowtotlvbatt«iJ|T4ffr*r4Fve#clU Eictmn^ j enter PMuthfsmii'Sitaftk - ' « T : | Patt. Fare well, an4*|rg9o«UogettfolWWtfae0, ^ And eueric ftarr^ tbat niglid \ivhen 1 \4asbome, WhofeinHuenoefaacb kept SBC yet^roiiifaarrae, ^ YB^KtOMte '*^i il KingofPcrfia^ Vo^rtwiatebeto niaketheeblcfl« N<. Ah • • •' To make licrmorf^pri^kiojlist^Wf grace. For now he is araoogft th'Aflyrian troupes. ^ ' Fd», llcofferallmyieweUonthcihririe,' ►'' And make fwectftiracs'of Ambcrtrccceand Myrrhc, OfIndiai»Carsia,MuskeandFraii£nfeiilc, That Abradatcs tmy be conaucrour, Firft at hir aphet let y» ioymly fio^/ For Mnfickc ii a (acnfice tb'her. *?im, Greac lords to whoin t!»e Afl^'mnfctpter f ceKIs and Babylon throDghriglH of vi£tone,''(' . « r. . Ues open to thdrecongBfrin^w)dRl«i»f yours^ How feres my lord,my lordand louingfeerf/ ■ My Abradates,Uuesfaeconi|oerour, \ . * , .: Orlcft b j' dcftnic mimbred Wiikthc deaA*" Cy. FaircLadie,vmiioti$;aM(itaiMJ amiable, I tnift yo«r loodartiohg thcliuing d web, ' and likea chMipion and a l«|ight atarmes, \- will nievvhioifelicoPinaniehoares expire. His temples adofndc with ▼iaotioiis palmc. y^fi. Vy hen to the fightipy lordadrdl h« band* DqioutlydNifediKelotias^me, / r^ Andtherebdfbrethe(aiiltar'o£«heSainc,> . rr, Peitexiethea^Wchikokco6bolieiir4 .> . ^* Gi A«»d The warrcs of Cyn» A ltd breathed forth inyp'iiintsandcktinymonef, Thrice 1 mc kcmed the Goddcfleturndc hcrfacc^ Oftcnding-hkcfrov ningwirh angricbrowcs, AgamU my prayers and my holic vowes, O Cyrns, if my icalous thoughts diniuc, 5oir.e dilniall fequcU to thufantafic, Y<;t pardon mc Iccing womcns wittcs arc weaken Atid iiiMcSaboundcs with fupcriiitiouftfeare. _ Cj^ Madani,Itru(ltheprerenccofyoutLord. Returning backe in triumphao 'fcnowme, Siialt foone remoue thofc thou^iutour ofyonr mindl, Sograimc thcGodi^niy coaocrtesprefidcntci^ Cy, What flaaghf ercd bo^do yo« Perfiaot briojf CMfUifi. Cyr^/ thebodie of the SiiGan king, Scoot Abradatei by the Egyptiansflaine. 74». Now let my Lord the prince of Perfia iudgv whether vnhappie 7 Beating the ftiotig Egyptians downc, A few ofksfamiliartruftiefheRds, With drcadfiiWrace infitt his cliariot W beelct, While the other in the battaile turning backc, Abandoned him among thcEgyptian pikcH Yet Ahr^idittt withthcirw reniitned» By;forc« and Ycttne of his poi (lant hand, Sendei thouf^nd of ^b«JTeaihnif}vf(»cttoAiiett, Till at the lan.difiixnintedfro!n his feat e, Androun^emsiroficd wkhiiis caenio^ After fo mJtoy mortall wounds rcfeyuc recciuc fuch wortbicfiinerah, As fits the honottr of (b great a Lord. ?^H. How Euphr;ites whofc lad and hollow banke«» Haae fockt the (wnmeof Jhrtiddtii blood: vvhich from his wounds did iCTue with hislifo, Now cea/ie thy courfc of thy difdaiftcd tearcf J And let thy courage tumc againfl the tide, Ofmerercmorfe of wrnour thou (halt hauc, AsneuerhadAfl>7iatH»t hisgrauc.. Six hundred head of cattelj Ihall be flaine,^ And facrificed vpon the funerals day. T weluc thouCind horfes being manned each one, Traptall in biacke/hallgoebSbre thy hearfe. The to w re4 battiertents of Babylon, Bend in contempt of h«ucn and earth, and meo, Thofe markesofpridc fliallbe abated dovme. To make a (hew of mourning for thy death. Such honour as you both rcceyudc in life. Such honour ihall you bpth rcceiue io death. B«Hse8»98Meg«BH«aee«& RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TOm-^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals ond Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. 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