WORD BOOK OF THE HISTORICAL PAGEANT OF THE FOUNDING OF NewHarmony. Indiana 1614 PRESENTED JUNE 13 1914 PRICE 25 CENT5 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Closing the Centennial Celebration, June 6-13, 19 14-, of the Founding of New Harmony, Indiana, in 1814- PRESENTED BY THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OF THE TOWN ASSISTED BY THEIR FRIENDS JUNE 13, 1914, AT EARLY CANDLE-LIGHT BOOK OF WORDS By CHARITY DYE MANAGER W. V. MANGRUM HISTORIAN MRS. NORA FRETAGEOT DIRECTOR MRS. MARY H. FLANNER THE COVER WAS DESIGNBO BY A/IRS. HAROLD HAVEN BROWN COPYRIGHT, NINETEEN-FOURTEEN By charity DYE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED r- DEDICATED TO THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OF NEW HARMONY PREFATORY NOTE The school children's historical pageant is a distinct division of pageantry in itself, demanding special considerations of time, preparation, choice of material, and adjustments to the age and development of those taking part. It should be borne in mind that children have no large background of experience and hence the methods used with adults can not be used with them. The evolution of the school pageant has been in response to the play spirit along educative lines, and marks a difference between the mere spectacular performance, which is gotten up in haste and dies as soon as it is born, and the one that makes permanent im- pression of what is valuable to the development of the pupil, and is presented in conformity to the known laws of education. Under the wise management of Mr. Mangrum, the superintendent of the schools, who began five months in ad- vance, the New Harmony pageant soon proved its educational value. It has made community interest and co-operation a living reality; it has telescoped the history of the town and the region in the minds of the children and taught them of people and events more vividly than could have been otherwise possible; it has united the entire school system of the place by giving every child some active part in preparing for the great historic event of celebrating the founding of the town. The very least ones have been cutting with the scissors the pageant scenes, outlined by the teacher, and making silhouettes ; others have been draw- ing the outlines; some naming the birds of the district; others, the trees; and still others noting the procession of wild flowers, all to show the nature of the region. Older ones are making maps of the town and the topography of the land, or drawing posters, and the prominent buildings of historical note. The higher grades are using the scenes in original composition work of character study and the dramatization of events. Music has been a feature all the way along. Boys have been heard singing "Lo ! I Uncover the Land" from the pageant, with happy loud voice. New Harmony is a rural community with only three hundred school children ; what has been done there is possible to some degree in every community in the state. The pageant lends itself especially to rural regions wherever there is a school or several schools to unite in a fes- tival for honoring those who have helped to make public education possible. The near approach of the centenary of the Statehood of Indiana in 1916 — furnishes the psychological moment that makes it both a privilege and a duty to arouse in every school in the state, a new interest in its own environment or local history, thus leading to a wider interest and conception of historic growth. The work of the historical pageant in the schools of Indiana should begin next September so as to give ample time without interfering with the regular work that must otherwise be done. Richmond, Vincennes, Fort Wayne, LaFayette and many other Indiana cities are especially rich in pageant material, to say nothing of the wealth in this respect in the rural communities on every side. Charity Dye. May 20, 1914. ORDER OF EVENTS IN THE PAGEANT INTRODUCTION The Forest Primeval The Prologue Statement of the Pages Episode I EARLY LIFE ASSOCIATED WITH THE WABASH VALLEY Scene I. The Indians and French Fur Traders Scene II. The French Missionaries Scene III. The British Red Coat and the Colonial Soldier Scene IV. The Pioneer Episode II THE FOUNDING OF NEW HARMONY BY THE RAPPITES IN 1814 Scene I. The Landing of the Men in 1814 Scene II. The Landing of the Families One Year Later, 1815 Scene III. A Day in the Rappite Community Scene IV. The Transference of Harmonie to Robert Owen Scene V. The Departure of the Rappites, 1825 Episode III THE OWEN COMMUNITY IN NEW HARMONY, 1825-1826 Scene I Meeting of the Community. Robert Owen Speaks Scene II Welcome to the Boat Load of Knowledge Scene III. A Visit to the Owen School Scene IV. A Social Evening in the Owen Community Finale A GRAND REVIEW OF THE PAGEANT All Unite with the Music of the Band and Sing America HISTORICAL NOTE TO INTRODUCTION CESSIONS OF LAND. — The second charter of King James the First ceded "All those Lands, Countries, and Territories, situate, lying and being in that part of America, called Virginia, from the Point of Land, called Cape or Point Comfort, all along the Sea Coast to the Northward, two hundred miles, and from the said Point ... all along the Sea Coast to the Southward two hundred Miles, and all that Space and Circuit of Land lying from the Sea Coast of the Precinct aforesaid, up into the Land throughout from Sea to Sea." Virginia had in 1781 declared her readiness to cede her lands Northwest of the Ohio river to the General Government. But owing to the terms proposed by her, agreement was not reached till March 1, 1784, when, upon the authority previously given by the Virginia Legislature, her delegates in Congress ceded this land to the General Government. The Ordinance of 1787 and the beginning of Indiana Territory in 1800 are known to every school child in the state. INTRODUCTION TRUMPETERS Hear ye ! Hear ye ! The school children's pageant commemorat- ing the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of New Harmony, Indiana, in the year 1814 is now to begin. You will first see the spirit of the Forest primeval, represented by the wood sprites, who will dance. After this the Prologue will be spoken. I. DANCE OF THE WOOD SPRITES The stage is set ivith trees in boxes, and the ivoodland sprites, dressed to represent spring and garlanded ivith zvreaths made of leaves, zvind in and out among the trees as they dance. 2. THE PROLOGUE An ancient king had once a crystal globe Which imaged all his realm and men and deeds ; He only had to look therein to see His entire kingdom vast before his eyes. The crystal globe we have today is Time In which who wills, may look into the past And plainly read through books, and art, and men Of what was done along the centuries gone. Each one of which though marking but a span. Doth also measure lives and progress made. And outposts point for those unborn to reach Before they pass from off the scene of life. Look you now backward in Time's crystal globe Upon this land three hundred years ago And feel the primal hush that reigned supreme Before man's voice broke in the central gloom. Then England's King did royal charter grant. And other cessions came and laws were made And Indiana Territory formed. Now see far back the long procession start ! First owner of the soil, the Red Man, comes Well pleased with happy hunting ground so large, And none to claim or question his first right. Next comes the friendly Frenchman to buy skins, Or plant the Cross or tell the tidings glad Of peace on earth and of good will to man. The pale-faced pioneer soon follows on lo HISTORICAL PAGEANT Well armed with woodman's ax to blaze the way, And build the cabin in the clearing wild Where all the simple joys of hearth and home ]\Iake him free man and founder of a line. Look back again and hear the news of war ; The British Red Coat now invades the land. To meet him comes the manly pioneer Now called "Colonial Soldier," who defends His home and country, dear as life itself. The years go by and quiet rules the land ; But look again ! now towards the river banks, And see the Rappites marked with deep intent; They come not singly as the pioneer ; A hundred strong they come as brothers true, Whose life means work, forgetting self in all. As conquerors they come to plant and reap And build ; to give and not to take and hoard. W^e see them move about in church and home And march to music, going forth to work ; Their lives are Godly and their leader true. For manhood strong, George Rapp example stands. They pass us by, but what they left behind Is still a witness of good life ; good work ! The Owen band from Lanark, now come here To work out social dreams in this fair spot ; To study nature and her laws and read Tlie message left by bird and stone and fish. Forgetting not the laws that govern men. The little children claim their tenderest care In training them to strength for adult life ; And woman is given a place within their scheme As helper in, and sharer of all work. Wise Robert Owen and his group were schooled In forethought for the good of all mankind. They too pass by in person not in thought ; Their influence helps to shape our lives today And all this country wide and grand looks on With interest in the tribute that we bring To honor them for teaching untried ways In education, science, law and love And all that makes for worth and higher life. Shall we go forth less worthy than our sires ? Or lift to heaven less worthy brows than they? Shall we not strive on towards the goal in view To which they pointed out and bade us reach? Let it not be in vain that we have met BOOK OF WORDS n To look again back in Time's crystal globe And see the meaning of this day and hour That beckons on to fairer life in home ! In school, and church, and mart and nation wide. Note. At the close of the prologue the end trumpeters will conduct the speaker off the stage. The middle trumpeter ivill step to the front. SCENE I. EARLY CESSIONS OF THIS LAND TRUMPETER You will now hear the chorus sing of this land, and listen to the pages tell of our right to it. I. SONG. "Lo! I Uncover the Land" Lo ! I uncover the land Which I hid of old time in the West, As the sculptor uncovers the statue When he has wrought his best. Emerson. {The Boston Hymn.) The chorus both comes and goes singing, remaining on the stage long enough to sing the stanza tzvice. 2. STATEMENTS OF THE PAGES. THE CESSIONS AND RULE OF THIS LAND FROM 1609 TO 1814 First Page. King James's Charter, i6op This land from royal grant of England's King Dates back three hundred years or more, when we Of that domain named for the Virgin Queen, Were part. ~ Second Page. Virginia's Cession in I/84 Virginia now doth cede her land that lies To north and west of the great river known As Ohio, unto the general government To which this spot henceforth belonged. Third Page. Northzvest Territory, lySy Our Congress then did straightway measures take For rule and bounds of this new gift of land And Ordinance of seventeen-eighty-seven. Far famed, did pass. The Northwest Territory Was the name by which we then were known. 12 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Fourth Page. Indiana Territory, 1800 One portion of this tract was set apart And "Indiana Territory" called, And government commenced at Fort Vincennes In eighteen hundred. This was still our head When Father Rapp came his community To found here just a century ago. The pages in the foregoing scenes carry banners zvith the insignia of England, Colonial Virginia, the United States with the thirteen stars, and of Indiana Territory. HISTORICAL NOTE TO EPISODE I THE WABASH VALLEY.— A celebration of the founding of New Har- mony naturally includes a mention of the thirty thousand acres of land bought by the Rappites for their settlement in 1814. This tract extended to Vincennes, which had then long been the most flourishing post west of the Alleghany moun- tains, and in which the Rappites had a trading center. Mr. Lockwood says : "In slow succession there passed through the beautiful valley of the Wabash, — 'described by Col. George Croghan as early as 1765 as one of the finest countries of the world' — the roving Indian, the Jesuit Mission- ary, the French fur trader, the British redcoat, the Colonial soldier, and the American pioneer." BOOK OF WORDS 13 EPISODE I EARLY LIFE ASSOCIATED WITH THE WABASH VALLEY SCENE I. INDIANS AND FRENCH FUR TRADERS TRUMPETER Give ye heed! Give ye heed! The Red Man is now to appear. You will see the braves and the squaws in their wigwams and in the dance ; also as they barter with the French fur traders. 1. The Indians. a. An Indian Lullaby. b. Dances of the Squaws and the Braves. 2. The French Fur Traders. a. Coming with trinkets for the Indians. b. Bartering with the Indians. The Indians and fur traders leave the stage at the middle of the hack, and return after the missionaries are on it. SCENE 11. THE FRENCH MISSIONARIES TRUMPETER The French Missionaries are now coming. You will see them plant the Cross and hear them chant the songs of their religion, true to their motto, "TO THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD." The Misionaries are dressed in black gowns with girdles of the same at the left side, also with brimless caps, white collars, and possibly some of them zvith crosses on their breasts. Along with them are two standard-bearers, one carrying the cross and the other carrying the banner of the order ivith a cross in a Held of blue on one side and the motto, "TO THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD," on the reverse side. In one corner there will be a fleur-de-lis. They come and go in processional and recessional chanting "Stabat Mater" in both and also while they plant the cross. 14 HISTORICAL PAGEANT SCENE III. THE BRITISH RED COAT AND THE COLONIAL SOLDIER MARCH BY TRUMPETER Behold the warriors ! They follow the missionaries. The Red Coat comes to invade and the Colonial soldier to defend this land. Each group of soldiers marches to the bugle playing the airs of its ozun country, and dressed in the uniform tvorn by the soldiers of Revo- lutionary times. SCENE IV. THE PIONEER B.AND Plays "Land of the Fathers" TRUMPETER PIo, ye ! Ho, ye ! Ho, ye ! The pioneer is now at hand ! He is the home maker, the continent builder, the true hero of our new country. At his fireside are sown the seeds of our great American Democracy. Persons — Father, Jeremiah Jenkins ; mother, Nancy Hanks Jenkins ; children, Sarah, aged fourteen; Benjamin, twelve; Thomas, ten; Rachael, eight, and the baby boy. The grandmother. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. White and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and son Robert, the singing master, Mr. Brewster ; the hunter, Mr. Thomas, and the woodsman, Mr. Blake. . SONG BY THE CHORUS "The Pioneer" (Tune, "My Native Land." In Sunnyside, p. 6i) I sing to thee, O Pioneer ! Whose manly strength without a fear, And purpose firm in Heaven's sight. Gives thee a place by crested knight, Or feudal lord o'er country side. Thou art the nation's honest pride ! BOOK OF WORDS 15 II Thy symbol, O brave Pioneer! Is woodsman's axe to forests clear And cabins raise in regions wild For sake of fireside, wife and child And country dear to fast upbuild. Now with thy praise our hearts are filled ! Ill O noble, noble Pioneer ! We give thee honor now and here, In this our Middle West a part, Thanks come to thee from every heart, In words of love and hope and cheer. All hail ! our noble Pioneer ! Family having entered, father seats himself at the stand and takes out his glasses; mother places the baby in the cradle, then comes to the stand and takes out her sewing; Benjamin, Rachael and Thomas gather around the basket of corn to be shelled for the grist, and Sarah makes ready to spin at the big zvheel that stands a little zvays back. The grandmother takes out her knitting. Mr. Jenkins. — {Going to the zvall, taking down the almanac and re- turning to the stand as he opens it.) Well, Nancy, it's going to be clear to-morrer (and looking up) and the rest of the week. Mrs. Jenkins. — I'm powerful glad of it ! I want to go down and see Mrs. Simpson. She's been so poorly of late. Children. — (Gathered around the basket, cry out together.) Hooray! Hooray ! We're awful glad ! Benjamin. — (As he shells the corn.) 1 must get my walnuts in Sat- urday. Thomas. — We're going to have speakin' in school Friday ! Sarah. — (Fixing her zvheel for spinning.) I want to go down to see Granny Jenkins Saturday. (Turning to her father, zvho is still looking at the almanac.) Daddy, read some of the jokes in the almanac. Mr. Jenkins. — (Reading.) "The horse is a curious feeder, for he feeds best without a bit in his mouth." (Children stop shelling corn to listen.) "The greatest ocean race known is what?" (Fishes.) (Children all laugh.) i6 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Mr. Jenkins. — Here's something for you to guess. Children. — Read ! read ! Mr. Jenkins. — Why does a hen cross the road? (Children all guess zvroug except Rachael, who sa\s "She tvants to go to the other side.") ]\Irs. Jenkins. — Right! Rachael is a good guesser! Mr. Jenkins. — {Again reads.) Two prisoners were quarreling. One said to the other, who had taken a watch, "What time is it?" He immediately answered the other, who had taken a cow, "It's milk- ing time, sir." {Children clap hands and cry,) "More, Daddy! More, Daddy!" Father says, "No more to-day. There's some mighty funny things in that almanac ! You'd better look in it once in a while." Mrs. Jenkins. — {Who has been sitting at the table sezving and now starts to thread her needle.) Children! children! I've lost my needle! Come, quick! quick! and get down and find it. {All, father included, hunt for the needle and make quite a scene.) Here's even grandmother, I declare ! Rachael. — {Holding up the needle.) I've found it! I've found it! {Bringing it to her mother.) Mrs. Jenkins. — {Taking the needle from Rachael.) Well, I declare! and my little Rachael ! Nothing can go on in this house when a needle's lost till it's found. I've brought up my family so far on four needles, jest because everything's stopped till they're found. Rachael, go look in the winder curtain and see if the other three are there. A needle's just as important as the axe or anything about the place. Rachael. — {Returning.) They're all there, mother. Mrs. Jenkins. — That's good. {A knock is heard at the door.) Mr. Jenkins. — (Loudly.) Come in. (There enter Mr. and Mrs. White and little daughter, Mrs. and Mr. Jones and little son, and Mr. Brewster, the singing master.) I'm mighty glad to see you! Mrs. Jenkins. — Howdy! (Shaking hands zvith all in a most cordial manner.) I'm powerful glad to see you! And here's Mr. Brew- ster, too. That means we're going to have some good singing to- night ! Mr. White. — We jest thought we'd scare you with so many of us. But the moon's so bright we couldn't stay in and so we thought we'd come and set till bedtime ! Mrs. Jenkins. — (As she disposes of the guests on chairs and stools.) Settin' till bedtime's what I like best of anything! People can't BOOKOFWORDS 17 come here for that too often to suit me. {The grandmother comes forward and welcomes the guests and the children join Benjamin around the corn basket.) Mrs. Jones. — Are ye all well? Mrs. Jenkins. — Yes, the children have had a spell of the mumps and the chickenpox, but they're all over it now, Mr. Brewster. — {Who had joined the children upon entering, brings out Thomas by the hand, saying) I've found something fine for you all to hear! Our little Thomas is learning his a, b, c's and we're going to help him sing them. Mr. White. — Good ! My little girl is learning them too ! Mrs. Jones. — And so is our Robert ! Mr. Jenkins. — Well, Brewster, you do the leading! Mrs. Jones. — Begin all! {Children, led by Mr. Brewster, sing ba{ba), etc. Mr. Jenkins. — Let's all help! {All join in ivith the children and sing ce{ce) and ta{ta), etc., till through.) Rachael. — Daddy, Sarah can sing the geography lesson ! Guests All. — Come, Sarah ! Come ! Mr. Jenkins. — Yes, Sarah, we'll all jine in and sing with you ! {All sing the capitals of the states.) Mr. Jones. — We can't sing the capital of our state yet. I wonder how long it'll be before Indiana Territory'll be a state? Rachael. — {Coming to the front.) Benji's going to speak a piece Friday. Mrs. Jenkins. — 'Pears like the childern's trying to show off to-night ! Mr. White. — Come, Benji! I'm jest waitin' to hear you speak your piece ! What's the name of it ? Benji. — Breathes There a Man ! Mr. White. — Good ! Good ! That's a fine piece, I know that ! {Ben- jamin speaks and all clap hands.) Grandmother. — {After going to the reel and taking off the yarn on it.) Come, Thomas ! Hold this for grandmother ! {Thomas holds the yarn, and after winding it grandmother resumes her knitting.) Rachael. — {Bringing the gourd from the zvall.) This is just like the one we have at school, and I passed the water round for the chil- dren to drink out of it the other day! {Mrs. Jones admires the gourd.) i8 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Mrs. Jenkins. — (To Mrs. JVhite.) Have you seen my quilt since I finished it? Both Ladies. — Do show it to us ! Mrs. Jenkins. — Well, it's mighty purty! I did want to have a quilt- ing, but I couldn't get it in. There's nothing nicer than a quilting where you meet all your friends, and get so much done and the menfolk and the young people come in the evening. It's 'most like a weddin' ! Mrs. Jones. — We've not had a quilting in this neighborhood for quite a while ! I think they're nice, too. Mrs. Jenkins. — Do you see my chest there? (Pointing to it.) I keep my treasures in it. I'll bring my quilt out. (She goes to the chest and lifts many bundles out, placing them beside the chest, and brings out the quilt, zvhich all admire.) Mrs. White. — I heard you speak of another quilt that your mother pieced for you. Mrs. Jenkins. — Law, yes, I hardly ever take that out except to please the children once in a while. (Goes to chest and brings out quilt.) Mrs. Jones. — I never saw such a beauty ! Mrs. White — Ain't it purty? Mr. White. — A woman that could piece a quilt like that could do al- most anything. Mr. Jones. — I tell you the mothers of our children are mighty smart ! Mrs. Jenkins. — Well, since the chest is open, I'd as well show more. It'll be a long time before I open it again. (Lifting out a long roll of rag carpeting, spreads it on the floor. The children gather about and the visitors are filled zi'ith surprise.) Mrs. Jones. — And you did this? My! Mrs. Jenkins. — Yes, I spun every thread of it on that wheel. (Point- ing to the wheel.) I cut every rag and can tell where I got each piece. They are colored with walnut and copperas and sassafras. Mr. Jenkins. — My woman's lost no time since I've knowed her, I can tell you ! Mrs. White. — Women have to keep busy to do the like of that! Mrs. Jenkins. — (Bringing out a double coverlet.) This was spun and wove by hand too. Mrs. Jones. — There's nothin' more to say ! Mrs. White. — That's what I'm thinking! (A loud knock is heard at the door.) BOOKOFWORDS 19 Mr. Jenkins. — Come in! (Louder.) Come in, I say! (A hunter with a bag of game on his back and a zvoodsman zvith axe on his shoulder enter, each resting his pack by the door.) How are you? I was jest thinking what a fine night this would be for hunting! You seem to have had purty good luck ! Mr. Blake. — I felled a tree for him that had a whole nest of coons in it. Mr. Thomas. — Yes, I owe my good luck to-night to Mr. Blake. The Children. — (Gathering about him.) Please tell us about the wild beasts you've fought with ! Do, please ! Mr. Blake. — I'll come sometime on purpose for that, I must go now. Mrs. Jenkins. — Benjiman, you and Sarah pass the apples and cider around. (They are passed and the hunter and the woodsman re- tire.) Mr. Jenkins. — (Opening the Bible on the stand, takes out a letter, holding it up.) This came from Kentucky. It was three weeks on the way, and cost the sender twenty-five cents. Mr. White. — That seems a heap to pay, but it's so nice to write to your friends. Mrs. Jenkins. — Mr. Brewster, we must have some music before you go ! Mr. Brewster. — Very well! Each one name a tune. (Oft in the Stilly Night. Auld Lang Syne, are named and sung.) Grandmother. — (Going to the cradle at the crying of the baby, and bringing him to the front.) You've not seen this young man to- night! We're awful proud of him! (The baby is taken into the arms of the guests and then replaced in the cradle by Grandma.) Mr. White. — It's time to go. Jenkins, come over soon and sit till bed- time with us ! ]\Ir. Jones. — And with us ! Mr. Jenkins. — We'll do that real soon! (Good-nights are spoken and hands are shaken. All go to the door. JVhcn guests are gone the family gather about the stand and the father reads from the nine- teenth psalm. When he is through, after a moment's pause they all stand and the father in an attitude of reverence says:) May no harm come to any home this night. (They kiss good-night and go out together.) 20 HISTORICAL PAGEANT BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTE TO EPISODE II George Rapp, founder of New Harmony, Indiana, was born in Wiirttem- berg, German}', in 1757. Here, at the age of thirty, he began to preach in his own home to people gathered from miles around. Not being satisfied with the religious spirit of his native land, he sought freedom in America in 1803 and established a "Community of Equalitj'," called "Harmonic," near Zelienople, Pennsylvania, where all the members bound themselves in obedience to the laws regarding property and brotherhood, and to the loyal support of the doc- trines of their leader. Experience proved this location to be unsatisfactory and Father Rapp purchased thirty thousand acres of land along the Wabash river in Indiana, about fifty miles from its junction with the Ohio. Here, in 1814, the men came and made ready for the families who came one year later and another "Harmonic" community was established. The ten years spent in Har- monic, Indiana, mark a marvelous prosperity in the increase of wealth, power and happiness. In order to be nearer a great market, they sold the Harmonic estate to Robert Owen, of Scotland, in 1825, and went back to Pennsylvania, about twelve miles from Pittsburgh and founded the town of Economy, where they remained till the community died out, celibacy being one of their tenets. Father Rapp was a man of deep religious conviction and great power, and his influence in his community made for what was best in building character. There is a slight fore-shortening of history in Scene IV of Episode II. George Rapp BOOK OF WORDS 21 EPISODE II THE FOUNDING OF NEW HARMONY BY THE RAPPITES IN 1814 Band — Overture to William Tell TRUMPETER Hear ye ! A new scene presents itself. A German community led by Father George Rapp is to be started on the banks of the Wabash. Here all will share equal work and equal reward, SCENE I. THE LANDING OF THE MEN IN 1814 ( The day after the landing. Persons: Father Rapp and his men in the wilderness after a night's rest under the large oak tree. Men appear with axes on shoulders and saws in hand ready for work.) Father Raff.— (Lifting his hands.) Hail, my men! How did you rest last night under the oak tree? Men in a Body.— Well ! Well ! Father Rapp. — You are ready for work, I see ! Men. — All ready ! Father Rapp. — (Szueeping the compass with his arms.) These are giant trees to be cut, but we can do it ! Men.— Ya! Ya! Ya! Father Rapp. — We shall go forth in bands. Jacob Dengler will you lead the first band ? Jacob Dengler. — That I will ! Step out, men ! (Johannes Trompeter steps out.) Father Rapp. — I see Johannes Trompeter wants to be a leader ! Join him. (Men obey.) John Reichert. — I will be the next. Father Rapp. — Follow John Reichert. (Men step out.) Do all the men have leaders? Are all ready? Men. — All ready! 22 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Father Rapp. — Ours is a joyful work ! Here even in this wilderness, with these great trees before us to be cleared away, we are cheered by the thought that we are working for the good of one another. Men. — It is true ! It is true ! Father Rapp. — I shall be with each band to-day at some time. When we can all be together, I shall lead you forth, as is our wont, with singing and music. Men. — Be it so! Be it so! Father R.\pp. — Pass now to your tasks, and may the work of your hands prosper. (Men go forth singing.) BEAUTEOUS IS THE GREAT WIDE WORLD Translated by J. S. Duss 1. Beauteous is the great wide world, More so, still our living ; All the loveliness unfurled, God is freely giving. 2. Still what is all of life's alloy? Scan it with probation — You will find all earthly joy, But of short duration. 3. Though one be in treasures rich, Gold makes no one wiser. And in death are all alike ; Beggar, Pope and Kaiser. 4. No one, but by Christly life, Heaps eternal treasures ; And through noble toil and strife, Enters heavenly pleasures. SCENE IL THE LANDING OF THE FAMILIES ONE YEAR AFTER, IN 1815 The Rappite families just landed from their boat on the Wabash, have on their zvraps and carry bundles as travellers carried at that time. The company consists of women and children for the most part, zi'ith a fezv men. They are led by Frederick Rapp, and come in pro- cessional from the river hanks, singing Luther's hymn. They come in BOOKOF WORDS 23 tzvos mostly and zvhen the company are about half on the platform, continuing to sing, Father Rapp, in long gozvn and long zvhite beard, and cap, appears ivith upraised hands, standing before them till all have reached the stage. Then they all kneel to receive the Father's blessing. Father Rapp. — May the blessing of God rest upon you all, my chil- dren ! May each one of us strive to live the life' of the just and walk uprightly before all men and in the sight of God. Amen ! {All rise, taking the attitude of reverence.) Frederick Rapp. — {Coming forzvard.) Father, I am glad to come to thee ! {Shakes hands.) Father Rapp. — Welcome, my children ! I wish I might call you each by name and shake the hands of each, but time permits not, with the matters that we have on hand ! It is fitting that we rejoice over being gathered together once more, after our separation for one year. It is also fitting that we feel a just pride as we look about us, {gesturing) in the work of our men in making ready for you these comfortable homes that you see. We know with what willing hearts you will take up the tasks that await you here in this new settlement in a new land. We have been one in aim and in spirit since we crossed the deep to fair America, where we have been free to work out the will of God as we have understood it. As our hopes outweighed our regrets in leaving Wurtemberg, so do they in coming from Pennsylvania to this spot. It will be only a short time before we shall here look upon flourishing vineyards, waving fields of grain, green meadows and hear the lowing of herds and the hum of the mill and the spinning wheel. Life here will go on as it did in Pennsylvania, and our new home will soon be our old home too. We know the doctrine that we profess, of mercy, jus- tice, self-sacrifice and industry. And knowing the doctrine we must live the life ! I shall now lead you forth to the dwellings that are waiting for you. {The body of travellers, led by Father Rapp, re- tire singing as they came, in recessional, off the opposite end of the stage from ivhich they entered.) Stage empty. 24 HISTORICAL PAGEANT SCENE III. A DAY IN THE RAPPITE COMMUNITY, 1819 —THE PALMY PERIOD WATCHMAN'S EARLY MORNING CALL "Again a night is passed and the morning is come, our time runs away and the joys of heaven are our reward.^ {Three times.) Music by the Band — German Airs TRUMPETER Hear, all men ! You are now asked to spend a day in the Rappite Community, and see the signs of prosperity that reigns here. I. THE WAKING OF THE TOWN People of the community dressed in the Rappite costume are seen going hither and thither. Some with baskets in hand, others carrying bundles. The boy cries out in the street "Sollt Fleisch holen," "Sollt Fleisch holen!" Over the doorway of the store is the sign, "THE STORE," and people are coming out and in. The squatters are there in numbers, and dressed in fur coats. The visitors are {Woods, Birbcck, Hidme, Welby and others.) At the same time, the harvesters in proces- sion, led by Father Rapp and the band, pass by on their way to the fields. There are men, zvomen, boys and girls with baskets, and carry- ing sickles and rakes in their hands. 2. HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES OF THE AFTERNOON The stage is set zvith ovens and tables and utensils for the zvomen, zvho are preparing the evening meal. They have dishes and seem very busy. The little children run in and out. Tivo boys come to blows just as Father Rapp comes out upon them. Father says, "What is this, my children? No disputes must arise in this community. The sun must not set on any man's ivrath. Rise, my children! Shake hands and be friends." The children obey. They also ask Father's pardon for their conduct. 3. RETURN FROM THE FIELDS SINGING CHILDREN OF FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE Translated by Jacob Henrici (Nephew of Jacob Henrici, Trustee of Harmony Society.) I. Children of friendship and love, lift your voices, Sing the sweet bond that uplifts and rejoices; BOOKOFWORDS 25 Joyfully sounding divine friendship's praises, Join the great hymn the angelic host raises, In greatful homage to heavenly love Swing your glad hearts to the ether above. 2. Lo ! from the throne there the bright fountain gushes ; Through the wide heavens the crystal flood rushes — Pure, holy, friendship, from sun to sun streaming ; Filling all space with its blessed mild beaming ! Love rules the universe ; through it alone, Can real blessedness ever be known ! 3. In bonds of friendship the spheres are united ; Seraphs and angels in friendship are plighted. Patient and loving it meets ev'ry trial ; Freely forgives, with divine self-denial. Were its pure ray into hell to descend. Hell at that moment would come to an end. 4. Friendship is shield against arrows of malice ; Holds to the suflf'rer the life-giving chalice. Gives to the starving friend food to restore him. Warns and protects him when danger hangs o'er him ; Brings to the dying couch heavenly rest, Folds the poor erring one close to the breast. 5. Angel of friendship, abide with us ever; Comfort and guide us ; abandon us never ; Fill ev'ry spirit with good will to others ; Grant us in friendship and love to be brothers. Hate and suspicion, depart from our ways ! Angel of friendship, we bring thee our praise ! As they near the house Father Rapp comes out, and zvaving his hand to them, says: "I greet you, my children! A hard day's work; a well-earned meal. Our life here grows more prosperous every day. Let us be more thankful in proportion. Disperse ye now to your tables made ready for you, and eat with the heartiness that comes of a good conscience. We meet again just after the early evening service. 4. MEETING AFTER THE EVENING SERVICE Father and Frederick Rapp come first, folloived by the people in procession. Frederick. — Well, Father, things have turned out beyond our ex- pectation ! 26 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Father Rapp. — Yes, God has prospered us in this land beyond belief in five years ! We have done well. Frederick Rapp. — Our people have lived in true "Harmonie," and we have made good our name. (Procession of men and zvomen coming from the evening service singing, gather around. Standing.) Father Rapp. — Greetings, my children ! We have gathered here on our way from the service to rejoice in our prosperity without vanity. Let us sing. (Sing a Rappite hymn.) Frederick Rapp. — My father and I have just been talking over what has been done since our coming here five years ago ; it seems un- believable ! John L. Baker. — It does seem unbelievable! (Others nod and make motion of assent.) Father Rapp. — We thought we would bring out the book of our com- munity to-night ! Jonathan Lenz. — (and members of the community.) Bring it out, father ! Bring it out ! Father Rapp. — Frederick, bring out the book ! Frederick Rapp. — (Brings out the book and stands holding it.) Shall • I open the book. Father? People Present. — Father, let us hear Frederick read from the book ! Yes, let us hear. Frederick Rapp. — This book, you know, contains the names of all the members of this community and what they had when they joined. Shall I read ? John Schreiber. — I do not wish to hear. Father, what the members put in the society when they joined. It is enough to know that we all belong to one body and are all equals in aim and work and worldly goods. Father Rapp. — You hear the wise words of John Schreiber. Have you anything to add ? Dr. Mueller.— Father, I think John Schreiber is right. What good will it do to know what each man put in? We know that each one has done his best since he came and that is enough. We are all equal now just the same as we will be when we are laid to rest like those out there in the graveyard. Frederick Rapp. — Father, of what use is the book if they do not wish to know what is in it? if it would show that they were not equal in this world's goods at the start? They are now equal in every way! BOOKOFWORDS 27 Adam Nachtrieb. — Father, your son has spoken well. The book is of no more use. Let us bury it so the matter can never be brought up again ! RoMELius Baker. — Let us burn the book ! (Others nod assent.) Burn it! Burn it! Frederick Rapp. — Father, what shall be done? Father Rapp. — Let it be as the members have said, I see that we have grown in the true community spirit ! Frederick Rapp. — How shall it be done ? Louis Schreiber. — Here before our eyes ! Father Rapp. — Place the book on the table, my son. (Turning to audience.) We are all agreed that we are one. Your decision to burn the book will be to you a bond of closer union and faith in the brotherhood of man and the justice of God. The book is here but where are the faggots ? Frederick Rapp. — I will bring them, father. (Brings them.) Father Rapp. — (People all gather round closer, each one having an intent look upon his face.) In burning this book,' we are burning all thoughts of selfishness; and in lighting this torch (lights the the torch and holds it) we are lighting the fire of a finer faith in our hearts. (Sets fire to the hook.) Let us all sing while the book burns! (They sing a Rappite hymn.) As the book ceases to burn. Father raises his hands motioning in silence, a good night and all quietly make the stage empty. Night Watchman's Cry. — "Again a day is past and a step made nearer to our end, our time runs away and the joys of heaven are our reward." Stage empty. Music. SCENE IV. THE TRANSFERENCE OF HARMONIE BY GEORGE RAPP TO ROBERT OWEN, 1824-1825 Band Plays Scotch and German Airs for Six Minutes TRUMPETER Attend ye ! Important transactions are now to take place. Har- monic is about to pass from the hands of the Rappites into the owner- ship of Robert Owen of Scotland. 28 HISTORICAL PAGEANT I. BUSINESS MEETING IN HARMONIE HALL IN 1824 Present, George Rapp, Frederick Rapp and the Harmonie Community Frederick Rapp. — {Opening the meeting.) As we bound ourselves more firmly together at the end of the first five years here, by the burning of the book, to show that all were equal, regardless of what we first put in the society, so now we are met to make the ties still stronger as we hear the plans of our leader. {Jonathan Lena stands.) Jonathan Lenz wishes to speak. Jonathan Lenz. — ^Let us hear the purpose of our leader. John Reichert. — What the Father says will be right ! Father Rapp. — You are all true children of the Rappite doctrine, and as such you will, I see, wish to do what is for the good of all. My son Frederick will now tell you of what Richard Flower has done for us. {Turns to Frederick.) Frederick Rapp. — When Richard Flower went from Albion, Illinois, to England, my father, as many of you know, asked him to adver- tise there the Harmonie estates for sale. He has done this, and here is his letter. John L. Baker. — {Recognised by the chair.) And please you, father, may we hear the letter read ? Father Rapp. — The reading of the letter will now be heard. {Turn- ing to Frederick.) Read the letter. Frederick Rapp. — {Holding the letter in his hand.) Richard Flower's letter, as you see, is very long and can not be read entire, but I shall leave it on the table for you to see. The part that refers to the business in hand says : "I have found a purchaser for the Har- monie estates if they prove what I've represented them to be. The buyer is a wonderful Scotchman, Robert Owen, by name, and will come to America to see the lands. He is willing to pay the price I asked, of one hundred fifty thousand dollars. He is like you, a believer in community life and he wants the estates for a place to carry out his system of co-operation in America." John Reichert. — That is good news from over the sea! This land is a good place to start communities in and the more we have of them the better it is. John L. Baker. — I wish to stand for anything that is for the good of all, and if it is to be for the sale of the Harmonie estates here, I shall stand for that too. {Others nod assent.) BOOKOFWORDS 29 Father Rapp. — I feel that it is wise, my children, that we go to a place nearer to the market. Then, too, we are ready to conquer a new wilderness. We have learned so much here in the way of land production and machinery, and general industry, that we have out- grown the place. (Signs of grief in the audience here and there.) We who say daily, "The joys of heaven are our reward," can not fix our hearts on one place. (Long pause. Father sits.) John Reichert. — Father, when do you look for this Robert Owen? Father Rapp. — At any time. He likely started as soon as the letter, and we may look for him any day. (George Wagner stands.) George Wagner, one of our wise men, has something to say. George Wagner. — Father, how soon is it in thy will to go ? Father Rapp. — We give immediate possession. (Meaning looks ex- changed in the audience.) Frederick Rapp. — It might be well to add that we also surrender in the purchase our stock and goods and grain in part. Adam Nachtrieb. — (Recognized.) Robert Owen will get a fine vine- yard. (Others.) Yes, and fine sheep and cows and hogs, too. (All nod assent.) Father Rapp. — That is well, I would not wish that we sell anything of a poor quality. Jacob Henrici. — The will of the father must be done and we are glad that he knows what is for the best. Father Rapp. — Your words are wise, my children, I shall appoint my son Frederick to make ready the lists of acres, and what grows thereon ; of the stock as to what kind and the numbers thereof ; of the mills and the goods and the buildings, by the time Robert Owen comes. Frederick Rapp. — It shall be as my father says. The lists will be ready. Father Rapp. — As I have so often done before, I again bless you, my children. Let us sing. Will Jacob Henrici lead? (Rap pit e hymn is sung.) 2. NEXT EVENING AT THE RAPPITE HOME Persons— ^Ir. and Mrs. George Rapp, Frederick Rapp, Mrs. Johanna Rapp, Gertrude and Rosina Rapp. Guests : Robert Owen, William Owen, Captain McDonald, Mr. and ^Irs. George Flower, Richard Flower, Frances Wright and sister Camilla, Jacob Henrici, John Schnee from Springfield, Ebenezer Phillips and John L. Baker. 30 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Gertrude Rapp. — {Before guests arrive, improvising at the piano.) Rosina, let us sing. (They sing an old Rappite song.) Beauteous Is the Wide World. (See p. 22.) Frederick Rapp. — (Taking the violin from the piano.) I'm glad this IS here ! Gertrude Rapp. — Do you suppose they are musicians? Frederick Rapp. — Most English gentlemen are ! Jacob Henrici. — (Just entering.) I see you are having some music to-night ! Gertrude Rapp. — Yes ! I hope you know a good many Scotch songs. Jacob Henrici. — Yes ! I shall be pleased to sing them ! Father Rapp. — (To Frances Wright, just entering.) Welcome to this home, Frances Wright ! Workers in human welfare always have a place in my home! (Shaking the hand of Camilla also.) Welcome to Camilla, too. Frances Wright. — The interest in helping the less fortunate is all- absorbing and makes lighter things fade away. Father Rapp. — (Shaking hands ivith Mr. and Mrs. George Flozver.) Here are my friends from Albion ; they are also community be- lievers. Frederick Rapp. — (Going to the door.) Mr. Owen, I am glad to see you and your son, come. (Shaking hands cordially zvith both.) Father Rapp. — (Reaching out his hand to Robert Oiven and taking Mr. Oiven's hand.) My brother in a common cause, I greet you heartily ! Robert Owen. — Yes, we are brothers in a common cause. My system is very dear to me and the opportunity of working it in America opens up many possibilities. (Women gather themselves in a group for conversation.) France.s Wright. — (Coming forzvard to meet Robert Ozven.) Good evening, Mr. Owen. Well, our "Worlds are not remodelled yet, and the human race is not redeemed from the existing state of society," but we still have courage. Robert Owen. — (Returning greetings.) I have no doubt that my system will ultimately succeed and that crime will be rooted out, punishment will be abolished, and dissension and warfare disappear. Frederick Rapp. — (To Robert Ozven.) Has the day been pleasant? Robert Owen. — I have been looking around and find all things as Richard Flower represented them. BOOK OF WORDS 31 Father Rapp. — I had my son Frederick list the land and the belong- ings of the estate, ready to make the transfer when you came. (Turning to Frederick.) Bring the paper. Frederick Rapp. — (Drazving the papers from his pocket, hands them to his father.) Here they are, father. Father Rapp. — (Handing the papers to Robert Owen.) You will find everything as herein listed. Robert Owen. — (Handing the papers back to Frederick.) Read, will you? Frederick Rapp. — (Reads.) Town of Harmonie and Community. 20,000 A. of first-rate land ; 2,000 A. highly cultivated land and 15 A. vineyards ; 35 A. apple orchards ; 500 bearing apple trees ; i peach orchard ; i pleasure garden ; i three-story water mill ; i factory of cot- ton and woolen goods ; 3 sawmills ; 3 large granaries ; . . . i tavern ; I store; i tanyard. Stock: 140 milk cows, 125 steers, 28 heifers, 700 sheep, 250 hogs, 16 horses, 8 wagons and carts, 8 plows. Whisky, wool and furniture. Frederick Rapp. — Does the list come up to your expectation, Mr. Owen? Robert Owen. — It does. I am ready to sign the papers. Can I not speak for you, too, William? (Nodding to son.) William Owen. — It meets with my entire approval. The sum, I be- lieve, is one hundred fifty thousand dollars ! Frederick Rapp. — That is right. (Drawing the papers toward him.) I shall sign my name. (Looking at his quill pen, signs.) Robert Owen. — Let my name be placed next to yours. (Signs.) George Flower here can sign as a witness. (He signs.) Father Rapp. — John Schnee, our business agent, will sign it, as well as Ebenezer Phillips and John L. Baker. (Father calls each one by name as he takes the chair to sign the paper.) John L. Baker. — The deed is done. Harmonie is no longer ours. (As he finishes his signature.) Frederick Rapp. — (To Robert Ozven.) I shall give you possession as soon as you wish it. Robert Owen. — I hope to get my system of cooperation in working order on this side of the water as soon as possible. Father Rapp. — Living in co-operation and brotherhood are the only ways for a happy life. These squatters all about were here when we came and they have never done anything for themselves and are 32 HISTORICAL PAGEANT still in a pitiable condition. My people have, by steady industry, accomplished what you read in the list. This shows what perfect equality will do for the good of man. Robert Owen. — I trust my community may be as thrifty as yours. But I am not so sure. I have a different problem to deal with, and different people in my undertaking. They may not understand my system at first. Father Rapp. — There is no reason why any community should not succeed by co-operation and equal sharing. (Mr. Ozven and Father Rapp remain seated at the table. The paper is still on it.) William Owen. — (Going to the piano.) Mr. Henrici, let us have some music. Jacob Henrici. — Certainly. (Gives out "Coming Through the Rye.") (Gertrude plays the accompaniments.) Robert Owen. — You compliment us to-night ! May we not hear some German and American airs? (The band then starts to play "The Vaterland." All listen.) Father Rapp. — America is the Fatherland ! This is the land of oppor- tunity. Robert Owen. — I hope I shall find it so. Father Rapp. — Gertrude, bring some of the fresh grape juice so Rob- ert Owen can see the flavor of the fine grapes in the vineyard that he has just bought. This juice is made from cuttings that come from Germany. (Cake and grape juice are handed to all the company by Gertrude, Rosina Rapp and Camilla IV right.) Robert Owen. — (Tasting the juice.) This is indeed fine and I am glad to know what to expect. (When through sipping juice and glasses are taken.) You have not yet let us hear an American song! Father Rapp. — Jacob Henrici, will you lead in the Star-Spangled Banner? (Henrici comes to the front and all join in the singing.) Robert Owen. — (Rising.) We must go. It has been a happiness to meet a man who believes in a higher social state and is carrying out a system for human betterment. I shall meet you again. (Shaking hands.) Father Rapp. — Yes, we shall meet again. (Holding the hand of Ozven.) I wish you to hear a Rappite community song before you go. (All are standing and join in the Rappite song, "Children of Friendship and Love" (see page 24), after ivhich the guests de- part.) BOOKOFWORDS 33 SCENE V. THE DEPARTURE OF THE RAPPITES, 1825 Band Plays German Airs and "Home, Sweet Home" TRUMPETER Look ye ! The Rappites are about to depart from Harmonic to their new home in Pennsylvania. Cornetist sounds the reveille and cries, "The William Penn is at the landing! Be ready! Let nothing he left! Have all boxes in the wagon ready to he taken to the hoat." Note. The people are all dressed as they zvere ten years hefore, zvhen they came, ready for traveling. There is confusion. The old Rapp zvagon is hacked up to the end of the stage and hcing packed with hoxes and drazvn to the hoat by men. People go in and out, for- getting things and going hack for them. Others pick up things to re- member the place by.) Stage Empty. The Crier. — To the church! To the church! (People hasten to the church (zvhich is the platform) and Father Rapp appears as on Sunday.) Father Rapp. — My children, it seems fitting to come to the house of God as the last place before our departure on the William Penn, for our new home in Pennsylvania. Here we have worshiped in spirit and in truth. The very walls of this house are sacred in memory of our prayers and songs. These are the seats (pointing to them) in which have sat those who have gone to their reward, and where we shall soon go. (Some of the people break down.) I see some of you moved almost to tears ! Let this not be so, but rather let it be a matter of rejoicing that we are to conquer a new wilderness and make it fruitful, as we have done this. We are not parting from one another, but all go as a family to strengthen one another, and that being so, our new home will in a little time be as dear as this has been to us. Saying farewell to a place is not say- ing farewell to a friend. Let both our feelings and our words be full of cheer and hope. Let our leavetaking of the place be as befits our strength. The boat, the William Penn, lies waiting for us. One moment to say goodbye, and I shall lead you forth singing the same song that you sang when you came here ten years ago. (Fare- wells are taken and men kiss men and ivomen kiss zvomcn and they follow Father Rapp in recessional singing till the last ones can be heard no more.) Stage Empty. 34 HISTORICAL PAGEANT BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES TO EPISODE III Robert Owex. — Robert Owen, one of the most advanced men of his genera- tion, was born at Newtown, Wales, May 14, 1771. He was self-educated, and being by nature a close observer, and having the power to use his ob- servations ; by the time he had, through serving various apprenticeships, come to the position of controlling the mills of New Lanark, Scotland, in January, 1800, he was filled with the possibilities of what might, in such a position, be done to make life less dreary for those whose chances for wage-earning were growing less every day by the rapid introduction of machinery. He began his illustrious philanthropical work here among the operatives consisting of from thirteen to fourteen hundred families, with from four to five hundred pauper children. By the application of his wise schemes for giving training in living, and instruction, and by especial care for the little children whom he was the first to gather into an infant school. New Lanark soon came to be widely known and attracted educators and philanthropists from all parts of the world to see what could be done and what was being done for the betterment of workmen through co-operative life. With this large experience in social reform, Robert Owen accepted the offer of the Harmonic estates in America, made by Richard Flower at the request of George Rapp, and came to this country hoping to find "New Harmony" as he christened it, a place where he could work out his social theories in an untrammeled way. The Owen Community at New Harmony, was short lived as a co-operative body; but like the winged seeds, their ideas have found lodgment and grown into the great social and reform movements without in many instances knowing that they were wafted from the mind of this great man. It is asserted that such a company as gathered in the Owen com- munity at New Harmony has seldom, if ever, been seen on this continent. (See Guide Book to New Harmony.) Robert Owen had the good fortune of moral support by his sons. Robert Dale Owen deserves a pageant by himself, as being one of the most able men of Indiana, as lawmaker, educator, writer and a champion of justice; a worthy son of such a father as Robert Owen. Fr.'^nces Wright. Frances Wright was one of the moving spirits in the New Harmony community. She and her sister, Camilla, were reared by Jeremy Bentham, who educated them according to his own theories, and as a result I'rances was well informed on general topics, versed in the literature of the day, and spoke French and Italian fluently. She had traveled for years in Europe and knew many distinguished persons, counting General Lafayette as her friend. At the beginning of the nineteenth century she was a strong advocate of "Wom- an's Suffrage," lecturing upon it in a most convincing way in New Harmony and throughout the country. She advocated the abolition of African slavery, trying an actual experiment in the realization of her views in Tennessee. She also spoke on co-education, and equality and justice before the law. Robert Owen BOOKOF WORDS 35 EPISODE III THE OWEN COMMUNITY AT NEW HARMONY, 1825-1826 The Band Plays Scotch Airs TRUMPETER Ho ye ! In place of Rappites gone, here now The Owenites a new community Do form, and Constitution do adopt. Hear ! Robert Owen speaks upon his plans ! SCENE I. MEETING OF THE OWEN SOCIETY IN MAY, 1825 Latter part of the evening of the adoption of the constitution for the Preliminary Society. a. Song. "Land of the JVest." "Land of the West, we come to thee. Far o'er the desert of the sea ; Under thy white-winged canopy Land of the West we fly to thee ; Sick of the Old \\'orld's sophistry : Hasten then across the dark, blue sea, Land of the West we rush to thee ! Home of the brave : soil of the free, — Huzza ! She rises o'er the sea." SiDig by the Oivcn party on shipboard, en route to N^ezu Harmony b. Robert Owen at the meeting just after the Adoption of the first Constitution. My Friends: Your "Yea"' this night hath placed us under law Which points to fairer days and happier life And by your judgment will we gladly bide. jMy hopes are high and I am moved to look Upon this goodly place in which to work Out social dreams that haunt me night and day ; 36 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Not dreams but schemes that must come true at last. In them I see the Httle children saved From blighted life that they must surely live But for our guiding hand to lead them on ; And men no longer wretched, starved and sad, But filled with hope and pride to meet life's needs ; And women looking forth each day with trust, And all men brothers in a common hope, And sharers in a daily toil made sweet By knowledge, science, art, and fellowship Without which, this our life were poor indeed. All these and more I see must come to pass ! Here with right-minded helpers, striving each The same high end to win in different way, What can we not achieve in this fair spot. Both for ourselves and other souls to come In far off time, it may be centuries hence. Who will new purpose take from our resolve. And, striving, make their social schemes work out, And live with men as brothers, sharing all Of goods, and pain and joy and worthy toil. This is, my friends, the goal my life would reach ! (A moment's pause.) William Pelham. — (Stands till recognized by the chair before speaking.) This meeting reaches now a happy close. Our constitution makes provision full For guidance, check, and unforeseen events. Thanks to our leader's counsel wise and true. On which we more and more shall look for help In days to come when questions grow perplexed. Thomas Palmer. — (After being recognized by the chair.) In looking round upon such numbers here I puzzled am, to know the reason why ? What brought them hence who heralded the start Of our community untried and new ? Robert Owen. — That is because my intent was made known And men who sought to find a better life. Hoped here they might begin to live anew. William Twigg. — (Upon being recognized.) Well pleased I am ; our name henceforth shall be "New Harmony," not simple, "Harmonic." BOOK OF WORDS 37 William Owen. — "New Harmony" seems better to express Our purpose here in keeping all that's good And adding unto that, free thought, free speech, And opportunity for happiness Which makes for growth and good and larger life. All this is but a newer Harmony, Well pleased am I you like the change in name. William Sampson. — (Recognkcd by the chair.) So great and grand seems this our starting out That I am pressed our leader here to ask How long these dreams of better social life Have haunted him and when they first commenced To shape themselves as possible for man To meet life's higher issues and be more a man? Robert Owen. — That story would be long to tell, O, Friend ! Including my whole life since first I saw Man's labor set aside by the machine ; No way there seemed to win back happiness But effort joined co-operate to one end. It was in Scotland that this came to me. But this home of the free, and untried ways Did lure me on, and here we start to-night. Robert Jennings. — I have firm faith in our experiment. But those there are who pointed questions ask, "What get you out of this in worldly goods ?" Robert Owen. — Who asked such question knows not of our aim ! To ofifset suffering and the ills of life, 'Tis not what out of this we here do get ; What we put in, is now our deep concern. This done, the rest is left to time and tide. People. — Good ! Good ! Good ! Robert Jennings. — I thank our leader wise for his remarks "What can I put in ?" is the question now. Robert Owen. — The hour is late. Much has been done to-night. But I see here the music lovers' sign 38 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Of instruments suggestive of delight, And doubtless many voices too are here Awaiting chance to pour forth in full tone. Let music be our closing word this time. Band plays Scotch airs. Many go fonvard to greet the leader.) SCENE IL THE WELCOME TO THE BOAT LOAD OF KNOWLEDGE, 1826 Music by the Band TRUMPETER Now look and see our noted guests arrive, "Boat Load of Knowledge" they henceforth are called, And greetings from the children welcome them with maypole dance. Let the fixing of the maypole in the centre of the stage he a part of the acting and the conversation he heard as is the other speeches. Persons arranging the Pole: Rohert Jennings, William Sampson, John Cooper. {Come in together, each hearing some part of the work.) Robert Jennings. — {Carrying the pole.) Bright day for the guests, if they come to-day ! John Cooper. — Who are to come on the Philanthropist? I hope they'll come to-day, I want to see them. Robert Jennings. — {Looking up from his zvork.) Well, they look for our leader, Robert Owen, back, and a letter a week ago said his eldest son, Robert Dale Owen, is coming too. William Sampson. — Some one told me there was no naming of the scientists, and artists, and musicians, and inventors, and teachers coming on the boat, and that the boat was already called the "Boat Load of Knowledge." John Cooper. — I like the name "Boat Load of Knowledge." Robert Jennings. — Yes, "Boat Load of Knowledge" is very suitable for such a cargo of learning as it carries. John Cooper. — The maypole will soon be up. Are the children ready? William Sampson. — You may be sure that the children will be on hand when anything is to be done ! They'll enjoy it greatly! BOOKOFWORDS 39 Robert Jennings. — (As the maypole is finished.) Listen! (All stop.) Just finished in time! Hear that shout! (Heard in the distance.) "The boat has come!" "The Boat Load of Knowl- edge !" "The Boat Load of Knowledge !" John Cooper. — Let's go see. (All pick up tools and go out the middle door.) Music is heard and the children are seen with baskets of flowers or leaves in their hands, strezcing them as they come, for the visitors to walk on. Children diz'ide and form in two lines hetzveen zvhich the vis- itors pass. The visitors are as follozcs: BOAT LOAD OF KNOWLEDGE Robert Owen, founder of the community. Robert Dale Owen, eldest son, statesman and author. William Maclure, geologist, philanthropist, educator. Thomas Say, scientific author, father of American zoology. Charles Alexander Lesueur, naturalist, artist. Dr. Gerard Troost, Holland geologist, mineralogist. William Phiquepal d'Arusmont, teacher of mathematics and music. Frances Wright, lecturer and editor, with sister, Mme. Marie D. Fretageot, teacher, IMaclure's agent. A. E. Fretageot, her son, pupil of Phiquepal. Samuel Chase, chemist. Mrs. Chase, artist and musician. Oliver Evans, Jr., son of the inventor. Plow factory. John Beal, wife and daughter. Mr. Beal a teacher. Peter Duclos, nephew of Mme. Fretageot, scenic art. Victor Duclos, nephew of ]\Ime. Fretageot, pupil of Phiquepal. Virginia Du Palais, married William Augustus Twigg. Victor Du Palais, brother of V^irginia. Cornelius Tiebout, engraver and printer, with daughter. John Speaman and family, one of the founders of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Captain McDonald, Lord of the Isles, friend of Owen. Miss Lucy Sistaire (and two sisters), artist, married Thomas Say. Allen Ward, pupil, afterwards teacher. Mark Penrose, pupil in the school of industry. 40 HISTORICAL PAGEANT Balthazar, a Swiss artist. Amadie Dufor, pupil of Phiquepal. Charles Falque, pupil of Phiquepal. Name of the boat, "Philanthropist." Arrived January 26, 1826. William Pelham. — {Stepping to the front.) I now do welcome Robert Owen back The time has heavy hung with him away. I welcome also Robert Dale, his son, And in the name of this community I greet all guests that made what we now call. Boat Load of Knowledge, from its cargo rare. Will not our leader give us now a word? Robert Owen. — Right glad am I to be with you again. My thoughts have in my absence turned to you And to the work that now before us lies. {Points to son) My son has come to aid us in all things And these wise persons here though strangers now Will through their science, music, art and power. To teach and lead and make of this a place Where all may find help in what most he likes. Thomas Palmer. — Now for the children, let me greet you all. They have for you a Maypole dance prepared In honor of our leader and his son. And others new to our community. Children dance around the maypole — guests look on with pleased faces. When children are through they chasse out the center door. The guests shake hands and also go out through the center door. SCENE in. A VISIT TO THE OWEN SCHOOL, 1826 TRUMPETER Ho ye ! Ho ye ! School time is now at hand ! The Owen school now calls its children in ! Here education is the need supreme ; From infancy to youth, no pains are spared To train and shape the young for useful life. Where hand and eye and brain together work. William jNIaclure BOOK OFWORDS 41 Teachers. — Joseph Neef, head master and linguist; Mrs. Neef and Madam Fretageot, teachers of the infant school ; Phiquepal d'Arus- mont, mathematics and music; Thomas Say, science (zoology); Alexander Lesueur, natural science and drawing; Cornelius Tie- bout, engraver and printer ; John Beal, cabinet maker. Pupils. — Members of the community's children. (Members of the industrial class follow their teacher and take down their tools for work at the carpenter's bench.) Head Master Neef. — All ready for work! {pupils are standing by their posts.) To-day there will no new thing be commenced, Our time we'll give to finishing our work. To-morrow the keen-eyed inspector comes To look upon the progress here we've made. Now hold up each the piece that's nearest done. Each pupil holds up the piece as commanded; no tzvo alike. {Next enters the class in natural history. Pupils bear in hands baskets of plants; some bringing shells from the cabinet; others stones from the community. All placing zvhat they bring on a table in the middle of the stage for the purpose. Thomas Say and Lesueur are there. ) Thomas Say. — Well done ! Fine specimens you bring to-day ! One trip with such a find lasts many days, Put by your trophies with the greatest care The Owen School. — To William Maclure, scientist and philanthropist, was entrusted the educational department of the Owen Community. He was one of the earhest champions of industrial schools. He founded a library at New Harmony that has lived and flourished through seventy-six years, and is now one of the best in the state. In accordance with his will, 160 libraries were established in Indiana and Illinois. In 1826 the industrial department of the Owen school in New Harmony were printing books that would be a credit to any vocational school now in the country. They also did splendid bench work and learned blacksmithing and other industries which this generation is now coming to. The sciences of botany, geology and nature study received great attention. The school was taught by teachers trained in Europe, men and women of experience and culture brought here by William Maclure. In the museum at New Harmony are to be seen the rollers of the printing press used in the Owen school and mathematical and arithmetical instruments that show the advanced ideas of the educators in the New Harmony experiment. Robert Owen's idea of the infant school tried in Scotland was begun here. This was twenty-one years before Froebel began the Kindergarten movement, and forms great contrast with other attempts at education in bodies of social effort. 42 HISTORICAL PAGEANT That they be kept for other lesson's use ; To-day the drawing master claims your time And by close observation of the whole Thus drawing well our specimen entire The separate parts are easily understood. The pupils make the putting aicay of their specimens a feature of the action. {While all the other classes are busily absorbed in their ivork the Infant class enters, accompanied by Mrs. Neef and Madam Fretageot. One of the teachers at the piano as they march in and go to the infant table at the side of the stage opposite the industrial zvork. The number frames of the Ozven time are to be used for a little count- ing exercise and there zvill be a dance and some little game.) Teachers are very informal; the children calling Madam Fretageot "Mother." Visitors to the school, Robert Owen, William Maclure, Frances Wright, Robert Dale Owen, Josiah Warren. William AIaclure. — {To Head Master Neef.) Have the children seen Robert Owen here since his return? {Upon being anszvered no,) Now listen all to what our leader says. He comes with pleasure here our work to see. Robert Owen. — I have not time to look at all the work Here carried on to-day ; but pleased I am To see so many gathered at their tasks In working out our system in each line That trains the hand and eye and brain at once. Frances Wright. — I do rejoice to see both boys and girls Together work in learning useful things And when to adult life they come no bar Shall separate their tasks ; but they shall still As equals be to shape and make the laws. William Maclure. — {Going to the printing case.) No implement of life exceeds the press, It is the school and teacher of mankind. {Pointing to a pupil.) Bring the Disseminator here and show What work this school can do in printing books. {Addressing visitors.) BOOKOFWORDS 43 Look now at this and see the workmanship Our schoolboys here are doing day by day, In making books to last a hundred years. Robert Owen. — This justifies the system that we teach In useful arts for all the needs of life, To print and publish in this school such books. Frances Wright. — Do you not send the books out from this place? William Maclure. — We send our wagon out with good books filled And knowledge we diffuse by carrying it. Robert Dale Owen. — One day, I prophesy, your work will grow Into a travelling library through the land. Frances Wright. — That is indeed what I should call it now. What papers have you in New Harmony? William AIaclure. — New Harmony Gazette is our town's boast We use it as a reader in the school. Come forward, John, and read from the Gazette. John. — (Coming forzvard.) What matter is it that you wish to hear? William jMaclure. — Read heading first and then what you select. John. — "If we cannot reconcile all opinions, let us endeavor to unite all hearts." Fifty-first year of Political Independence. First year of Mental Independence. News Item. William Maclure will give a prize of $200 for the best essay upon the subject, "The Value of Education." Frances Wright. — Good. (Turning to William Maclurc.) Read more, John. John. — "New View of Society," by Robert Owen, just published and for sale at the New Harmony store. At the celebration of the National Jubilee, at Marietta, Ohio, among the set toasts was the following : 44 HISTORICAL PAGEANT "Woman. — May the experiment about being tried in New Har- mony, of the same intellectual cultivation of the sexes, prove that woman's mental capacity is equal to that of men." Frances Wright. — I am pleased to hear that our experiment is of interest to our neighbors. Madam Fretageot. — (Coming forn'ord, greeting them.) Gentlemen, may I ask you to see the infant school before they go out? {All go over to the other side and see the school count, then dance, when they march out of the room through the middle door of the stage.) {Pointing to the pictures on the zi'all.) My children learn a great deal by pictures. (Turning to a cabinet.) Mr. Lesueur is prepar- ing a cabinet of mineralogy for my pupils. They love him dearly. Robert Owex. — At nothing do I feel a greater joy Than in delight that children's fancy holds. You wisely let them march from view, They ought not be confined to tasks so young. William Maclure. — You see not all to-day we here do teach. Each master his appointed time does take For higher mathematics, art or music. And thus all blend in one harmonious whole. No faculty shall dormant lie with us. JosiAH Warren. — (Coming in.) We have our band to-day. Would you like to hear the music of our men? William ^Maclure. — Josiah Warren, leader of our band, Will entertainment give us now outside. Shall we not follow him and hear him play? A^eef has boys put away their tools and all the school go out. Fol- lowing them are the guests, and the music is heard outside. SCENE IV. A SOCIAL EVENING IN THE OWEN COMMUNITY Note. This is a dress parade in the costumes of the Ozi'cnite time and the main feature is the impersonation of the noted visitors and members of the community. There is no fixed conversation but panto- mime of it. The participants mingle through the company witJi the slowness and ease of gentle manners, and bozu and motion the lips as if in talk. One main aim is so to arrange it. that each person will zcalk Frances ^^'KIGHT BOOK OF WORDS 45 across the stage before the audience at least once during the mingling time. After a while the music will begin, then the trumpeter shouts, "On zvith the dance/' and those in the minuet gather toward the middle of the stage and the others form in picturesque groups for a back- ground for the dancers. These persons help to center all interest in the dance. At the end of the minuet, the dancers lead the grand march from the stage and the onlookers follow in pairs after them, going zvith ivhomever they are by at the time. The object of this scene is to bring out the social characteristics of the Oiven community. The minuet is very stately and should give the audience the impression that the dancers are to tlie manner born. FINALE GRAND REVIEW OF THE PAGEANT TRUMPETER Give ye heed ! The school children's Pageant now draws to a close ! There will be a grand review of the persons as they march by. You will first hear the song, "New Harmony," sung with the music of the band. NEW HARMONY A Centennial Tribute Music by Mr. Fritz Krull Good Father Rapp and worthy band from far across the sea, First made their home in Penn's fair land and thence in "Harmonic" ; Here primal forests dense were felled and happy homes sprang up, And waving grain and garnered store till increase filled the cup. But prosperous life could not restrain from mem'ries of the place Where first they came to cast their lot with Freedom's new-born race ; So from their homes and fertile lands and gardens fair to see. They back to Pennland took their way leaving dear "Harmonic." Chorus Hail ! all hail ! to the fathers so true ! Their mem'ries we bless for what they dared do. Rich thanks do we bring ; glad songs do we sing And rich homage pay on this jubilant day To the fathers so true, for what they dared do, Outlasting a century just passed away! All honor to them on this jubilant day! 46 HISTORICAL PAGEANT From Scotia's realm the Owen group came to fair "Harmonie" Where Rappite homes and fertile lands and gardens fair to see, All greeted them as fitting place to live their dreams so grand, For bettering the human race in this great Western land. Large souls who came from ev'ry part to learn the Master's thought, Here from him gained his ideas new and inspiration caught. To Robert Owen and his band, our debt is vast to-day ; True pioneers in progress they to reach a better way. Chorus From Harmonic her founders wise, have long since passed away ; But they have left a shining light in which we walk to-day. Who meet to mark a hundred years since here they first began Their noble effort to uplift the entire life of man. Sacred this spot to every soul that sees with forward look And values all the good there is in life as well as book. Thrice sacred spot ! to those who read the meaning clear and true Of knowledge, love and will in man, that works the power to do ! Chorus As the pageant ends, the band plays America and the entire audi- ence joins in the singing. Band continues to play other selections till the company is dispersed. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I take this opportunity to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. George B. Lockwood for the free use of his book, "The New Harmony Communities," and to the Journal of William Owen, written at the time the New Harmony settlements were being made, along with the other invaluable books in the New Harmony library which have been so kindly put in my hands by the librarian, Mrs. Nora Fretageot. I am further indebted to the kind friends in New Harmony for their generous consideration in helping to make the school children's pageant a success. My gratitude to Mrs. Corinne Barcus for the music to the stanza of the Fjoston Hymn, and to Mr. Fritz Krull for the music to the Centennial Tribute will be lasting. PAGEANT COMMITTEES Assistant Directors Introduction— Mrs. Charles K. Cox Pioneer Episode — Miss Louise Husband Rapp Episode— Mrs. Emma M. Wolfe Owen Episode— Mrs. D. W. Donald Review of the Pageant— W. B. Mum- ford. Games Miss Caroline C. Pelham Miss Sophia Miesel Miss Lena Heuring Miss Goldie V. Brill Mr. G. U. Hargitt BOOK OF WORDS 47 PAGEANT COMMITTEES—Contmue^ Chairman of the Committees Cast— Miss Bertha E. Cox Costumes— Mrs. Helen Chadwick Music— Miss Geraldine Pote and Mrs. George L. Ford Stage Properties— Mr. Will Chaffin Posters— Mrs. George L. Ford and Rose Linxwiler Publicity— Mr. Court Corbin Reception— Mr. J. W. Hiatt Advisory Committee Governor Samuel Ralston VV. V. Mangrum Charles Greathouse Meredith Nicholson Y^^^J.S^ ^- Lockwood Booth Tarkington Wilham Lowe Bryan Mrs. Julia Fried Walker Logan Esary Mrs. Eugene F. Owen Mrs. Bella Golden Mrs. Elisa L. Ford Mrs. Phoebe Stoker Elliott Miss Anna Birbeck Ford CHIEF TRUMPETER-MR. ROBERT CHAFFIN NEW HARMONY SCHOOL CHILDREN PRESENTING THE PAGEANT Primary Grades Dalton Anderson Delia Anderson Margaret Armstrong Elmer Axton Elwood Axton Leslie Axton Ruth Axton Everett Axton William Benton Elbert Burrows Mary Louise Burrows Russell Burrows Elizabeth Bruce Priscilla Bruce Gladys Chafifin Goldie Clayton Joseph Colgate Joseph Conrad Fannie Cox Mary Cox Stella Crackels Anna Davis Ina Davis Maurice Davis Denzill Dunbar Frank Eaton Helen Endicott Lloyd Fettinger Georgia Fischer Robert Franklin Theodore Frayser Chester Freeman Genevieve Freeman Gordon Freeman Guy Freeman Mary Fretageot Copeland Garris Joseph Garris Alfred Gentry Mary Given Charles Givens Beulah Goodman Margie Goodman Julia Green Charles Gregory Viola Gregory Camilla Harvey Fannie Heckman Francis Heckman Ivan Hinderliter Paul Hobby Eloise Hopson Herschell Holland Lena Holland Elmer Holies Genevieve Hollis George Horton Lavona HufF Harold Hugo Edgar Hunter Genevieve Hurd Gerald Hurd Maurice Hurd Richard Hurd Mabel Johnson Richard Johnson Mabel Jones Charles Kemmerling Gennie Kemmerling Helen Kramer Helen Kuykendall Herbert Lane Paulinees Lawless Harry Linville Joseph Loehr Robert Loehr John Mangrum Beulah Marshall Dora Marshall Sylvester Marshall Louis Matler Nellie McCoy Chester Morris Roy Morris Nora Moutrey Robert Moutrey Gladys Mynatt Gussie O'Neel Raymond Nelson Sarah Nelson Neva Nickens Lena Owens Malcom Owens Horace Parker Aleta Pelt Fred Pendle Georgia Perry Lillie Petty 48 HISTORICAL PAGEANT SCHOOL CHILDREN— Co«//««if^ Percy Petty- Lena Pevens Neva Pickens Dorothy Pool Orum Rawlings Arthur Rutledge Elsie Rtitledge Roy Sanders Floyd Schaflfer Frances Shephard John Shephard Rosana Shephard Lilian Smith Nora Smith Dale Stallings Henrietta Stanley Worth Stanley Eloise Stone Geraldine Stone Delia Strickland Irene Voliva May Voliva Aline Wade Chelsia Wade Pearl Wade Arthur Watson Elbert Watson Ellolee Welchance Paul Welchance Thelma Welchance Oma White Irma Whitehead Ellen Wiggins Fern Wiggins Fred Wiggins Ercell Willy Menzie Worley Walter Worley John Wright Elizabeth York Grammar Grades Robert Alsop Bennie Anderson Catherine Anderson Clara Anderson Richard Anderson Mildred Arman Maurice Armstrong Dorothy Axton Eugenia Pjailey Jeanette Bailey Copeland Baldwin Lena Baldwin Aline Bluff Tvarene Burgett Elzada Burrows Marie Cain John Carr Presley Carr Lela Cato Ruth Cato Harold Chaffin Roy Clayton Hester Collins Lucile Conrad Ethel Cox Lonnie Cox Mary Cox Wallace Cox Vincent Crabb Vera Davis Bessie Denbo Joseph Denninger Rosa Denninger John Donald Frank Egler Geraldine Endicott Ralph Endicott Edna Freeman Ethel Freeman Garris Freeman Paul Freeman Roy Freeman Walter Finnel Lydia Frieg Maxwell Garris Martin Greve Malcolm Hancock Kenneth Hayden Albert Heckman Eloise Hedge Elsie Hempfling Marie Holmes Anna Horton Margie Huff Herbert Hugo Menzie Kemmerling Winfred Lance Merrill Mann Inez Martin Viola Martin Stanley Mitchell Herbert Moore Iva Moutray Jessie Moutray Erma Nick ens Vern Nickens MilfordO'Neel Ethel Oxford Charlie Pendle Maude Pendle Naomi Rawlings Arvis Smith Donald Smith Helen Smith Orvall Smith Etta Stallings Marcella Stallings Ralph Stanley Carl Stephens Elsie Stephens Joseph Stockert Frederick Stockert Bessie Streamer Etna Streamer Nellie Strickland Ernest Sundermeier Pearl Volvia Andrew Vandaveer Bertha Wade Mary Wade William Wade Elsie Watson Winston Welchance Edwin Willv Hugh White Mina White Martha Whitehead Maurice Whitehead Alfred Wright Rov Wright Paul York High ScJwol Bunell Alsop Leora Armstrong Mary Bailey Ellwood Burrows Robert Chaffin Mildred Collins Eunice Cox Margaret Cox Raymond Cox Margaret Crabb George Dinger Dorothy Donald Mildred Donald Agnes Drinkwater Ruth Elliott Mabel Endicott Harold Frazier Bertha Freeman Noah Fifer I\Iary Frieg Ethel Green Herbert Hall Bernice Hawkins Dewy Hancock Louis Heckmann Robert Hinson Clara May Hobby Helen Horton Geraldine Hume Arvil Hyatt Alvin Johnson Paul Johnson Oliver Kemmerling Pote Kemmerling Charles Lawless Richard Lawless Rose Linxwiler Elmer Miller Elmer Meyers Mina Robinson Kenneth Nash Earl Neel Mabel Pendle Lawrence Record Manford Record John Rutledge Ruth Saltzman Charles Schisley Wilbur Smith Neva Stockert Tsabelle Stallings Natalie Wade Pearl Wade Clovce Walls Mabel Wbittaker Owen Willy Gordon Wilson Bessie Woodson Oliver Wolfe Nettie York UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped bcl^||^^ Uf-JJ^ 'APR 17 WIAR 2 7" ^^9^1^ OCT 2^7 * ^^^0 laiL JAN 15 1990 10 {JEC'D LD-URL JAM 1 6 1990 C E-!pV E D \lYwV'desk I 6 1990 Form L9-75m-7,'61(C1437s4)444 JjUC* /^--xuii "•'V'-iFOEIil*