A A UTI 30 1 3 (-) 2 :^ 4 5 6 2 =^^^= —1 6 1 ■ Iowa , Universi ty Schedule of disser- t'^tions UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES First Scries, No. 46 April 1, 1921 SERIES ON AIMS AND PROGRESS OF RESEARCH, VOL. I, No. 10 SCHEDULE OF DISSERTATIONS of APPKOVED CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES WITPI MAJOR AND MINOR SUBJECTS ^n^>. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY Issued monthly throughout the year. Entered at the post office at Iowa City, Iowa, as second class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918 SCHEDULE OF DISSERTATIONS This schedule, approved March 15, 1921, is published primar- ily as a report to the graduate students, the graduate faculty, and the Iowa State Board of Education. The 596 students registered in the Graduate College during the current year have been divided as follows : "Approved Candidates for Degrees," 161 Doctor of Philosophy, 56 Master of Arts, 62 Master of Science, 43 ' ' Candidates for degrees not yet approved, ' ' 298 Doctor of Philosophy, 37 Master of Arts, 230 Master of Science, 31 "Not candidates for degrees," 138 The above classification is based upon the following rule : "If the student wishes to qualify for a degree and designates a major and a minor subject of interest, the department in which he wishes to major becomes his adviser. This department is held responsible for arrangement and approval of his schedule, for noting his undergraduate qualifications, for observing the character of his work as he progresses in his major and minor courses, and for conferring with him from time to time with ref- erence to specialization and research. When the department is assured that the student has made a satisfactory beginning in the investigation of a problem that he is qualified to pursue and announces the subject of his thesis to the Graduate Council, the approval of such notice makes the student an "approved candidate for a degree." In so far as this list is an index to the research work in prog- ress at the University, it should be remembered that it does not include the work of graduate students who are yet in the preliminary stages of their problems, nor does it include the sub- jects of advanced students who are not working for degrees. It is, however, a fair illustration of the main lines of interest in research as the students' problems are usually chosen from the main fields of research by the members of the faculty under whom they are working. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY •Grover Henry Alderman Education; Political Science The lecture versus the question-and-answer method of class instruction (Professor Hornt) Margaret Alterton English; Fiomance Languages Poe's critical theories; their sources and development (Professor Craig) Alexander V. Arlton Zoology; Entomology, Botany The lymphatics of the common mole, Scalops aquaticus (Associate Professor Stromsten) Robert Ray Acrner English Literature; English Language A history of the structure of the English sentence (Professor Knott) Gerald Clifford Baker Water and Sanitary Chemistry; Bacteriology, Physiological Chemistry "Water softening by exchange of bases (Professor Bartow) *Eugene Manasseh Berry Mathematics ; Physics Diffuse reflection (Associate Professor Baker) Estella May Boot English Literature; English Language The descriptive technique in Shakespeare and in his sources; a com- parison (Associate Professor Hunt) Beulah B. Briley Economics; Sociology The economic eflSciency of the single family as a household unit (Associate Professor Knight) Frederick Warner Brown Psychology ; History, Philosophy Some phases of the psychology of speech (Professor Seashore) Herman H. M. Brueckner Philosophy; Psychology Schleiermacher 's significance for the church of to-day (Professor Patrick) *C0RDIA C. Bunch Psychology; Physics The measurement of acuity of hearing throughout the tonal range (Professor Seashore) Catherine Alovsius Burns English Literature; English Language A study of the sources of J. H. Newman's poetry (Associate Professor Thompson) •Harold Laverne Camp Education; Physics Scales for measuring results of physics teaching (Associate Professor Ashbaugh) Martin Cone Political Science; Economics Labor in national politics since 1872 (Assistant Professor Porter) •The kntcrink indicBt«fl candidates whoso degrees have been conferred since July 1 1«20. tNnmod of profeuBors dohiKnuto chairmen of committees under whose supervision the diBsertation in written. Charles Crofutt Experimental Physics; Mathematics, Theoretical Physics Investigation of the absorption and emission spectra of the K and L series of tungsten (Professor Stewart) Harmon O. Degraff Sociology; Psychology Juvenile delinquency in Iowa (Assistant Professor Haynes) *ViCTORiANO D. Diamonon Political Science; Sociology The development of self-government in the Philippine Islands (Professor Shambaugh) Carl Immanuel Erickson Psychology ; Sociology The basic factors in the human voice (Professor Seashore) SoRENUS J. M. P. FOGDALL American History; European History Diplomatic relations between the United States and Denmark (Professor Benjamin) *Raymond Albert French Botany; Zoology Apogamous reproduction of Lactuca Ludoviciana (Nutt.) Riddell (Professor Wylie) Earl Stakfield Fullbrook Sociology; Economics The Red Cross in Iowa (Assistant Professor Haynes) * Aubrey Vv'ard Goodenoxjgh English Literature ; Sociology, Philosophy Henry Arthur Jones — a study in dramatic compromise (Professor Craig) *Chester Arthur Gregory Education; Psychology A critical study of the data bearing on the grading of the elementary curriculum (Professor Horn) Henry Magnus Halverson Psychology ; Education The role of intensity in wave-phase localization of sound (Professor Seashore) Harry Bryant Hart Physical Chemistry ; Organic Chemistry, Physics The electromotive forces and free energy relations of certain alkali halides in aqueous and alcoholic solution (Professor Pearce) *Hornell Norris Hart Child Welfare; Sociology Selective migration as a factor in cliild welfare in the United States with special reference to Iowa (Professor Baldwin) Charles Dee Johnson Sociology; Economics Relation of negro problem to erlucation in the South (Professor Case) Royal Edgar Jeffs Plant Physiology ; Plant Ecology, Zoology The effects of external conditions on the rate of growth of root-hairs (Assistant Professor Farr) Wilhelmine Koerth Psychology ; Education Certain factors in the intelligence rating of college students (Professor Seashore) ScEVA Bright Laughlin American History; Education Missouri politics during the Civil War (Professor Schlesinger) Erxest Earl Lindsey Education; Psychology Problems of school finance (Professor Russell) Israel Maizlish Theoretical Physics; Mathematics On the optical constants of metallic crystals of various classes (Professor Sieg) George Newton Mendenhall Philosophy; Education A curriculum for character training (Professor Starbuck) Flora Tarissa Mercer Psychology of Music; Music The measurement of pitch intonation (Professor Seashore) Glenn Newton Merry Psychology ; Economics, Puhlic SpeaTcing Voice inflection in speech (Professor Seashore) Ralph Waldo Noyer Education; Latin, Psychology Financial management and control of normal schools (Professor Russell) John Franklin Reilly Mathematics; Physics On a generalization of osculatory interpolation (Professor Rietz) Bruce Dodson Reynolds Aiiimal Biology; Botany Individualit}' as exhibited in the rhizopods, especially Diffulgia (Professor Houser) Edward Daniel Risser Oto-Laryngology ; Pathology Tuberculosis of the paranasal sinuses (Professor Dean) "Elmer L. Ritter Education; Psychology A building program for the schools of Des Moines, Iowa (Professor Russell) Benjamin Welbourne Robinson Psychology ; Commorce Measurement of natural capacity and aptitude for stenography and typewriting (Professor Seashore) Lewis Gi'y Rohrbaugh Philosophy ; Eeligion The modern energy concept in its qualitative aspects (Professor Patrick) Max Schoen Psychology ; Aesthetics The pitch factor in artistic singing (Professor Seashore) •Walter Henry Soiioewe Physiographic Geology; Mineralogy, Geography The origin and history of the extinct Lake Calvin, Iowa (Professor Trowbridge) William Schriever Experimental Physics; Mathematics, Theoretical Physics The effect of temperature on the simple rigidity of drawTi tungsten wires ' (Professor Sieg) Herbert LKf)N Searles Psychology of Eeligion; Philosophy An empirical inquiry into the God-experience of college students (Professor Starbuck) Hazel Martha Stanton Psychology; Aesthetics The inheritance of specific musical capacities (Professor Seashore) John Chris Steinberg Experimental Physics; Mathematics, Theoretical Physics The thickness of thin films and the Hall effect therein (Professor Stewart) NORRis Onslow Taylor Metallurgy ; Economics A study of the correlation between resistivity to corrosion and tensile strength in ternary alloys containing lead, zinc, tin, and aluminium (Professor Bartow) Selina Marie Terry English Literature ; English Language The method of descriptive effect in Jane Austen's novels (Associate Professor Hunt) Carl Hoyt Trowbridge Education; Physics The secondary schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; their history and probable future (Professor Russell) George Dewey Vandyke Experimental Physics; Mathematics Theoretical Physics On the optical constants of certain crystals (Professor Sieg) Otto Theodore Walter Paleontology ; Zoology Paleozoic Crustacea of Iowa (Associate Professor Thomas) Frank Mark Weida Mathematics ; Physics The valuation of life annuities with refund of an arbitrarily assigned part of the purchase value (Professor Eietz) Leroy D. Weld Experimental Physics; Mathematics, Theoretical Physics A new method for the deteimination of the optical constants of metals in the form of small crystals, with results, especially in the ultra violet (Professor Sieg) Benjamin Franklin Zuehl Psychology ; Sociology The acuity of hearing throughout the pitch range (Professor Seashore) Egbert Victor Zumstein Experimental Physics; Mathematics, Theoretical Physics An investigation of the tungsten X-ray emission and absorption spec- trum with a vacuum spectroscope (Professor Stewart) MASTER OF ARTS Irene Batcher Spanish; French The treatment of women in the Spanish ballad as exemplified in the Duran classification (Miss Kelly) Beatrice Elizabeth Beam French; Spanish The ''cheville" in the Chanson de Boland (Professor Bush) Helene Blattner Public SpeaTcing ; Psychology Individual differences in articulation and enunciation of speech sounds (Assistant Professor Mabie) A. Ione Bliss Child Welfare; Sociology Iowa child welfare legislation measured by federal bureau standards, and by children's codes in other states (Professor Baldwin) Myrl Lewark Bristol English Literature; English Language CoUcy Cibber and his critics (Professor Craig) •Fred D. Cram Education; Psychology A course of study in Americanization (Professor Horn) •Helen Caldwell Davis Education; History The effect of raising thought-provoking questions on the rate and com- prehension of material read silently (Professor Horn) Mary Ellex Donovan Commerce; English The new activities of American banks (Professor Phillips) Amanda Mae Ellis English; Latin Dryden as a Latin translator (Professor Craig) Erik McKjnley Eriksson American History; European History The establishment and rise of the Washington Globe; a phase of Jacksonian politics (Professor Schlesinger) Vergilius Ture Anselm Ferm Philosophy; Psychology Blood sacrifice in early Christian history (Professor Starbuck) George James Francois Economics; Political Science Aspects of the chain and independent store systems (Professor Euggles) Mary Louella Gitchell English; Education Chaucer's Frankelej-n — epicurean or royal official? (Professor Knott) Ethel Eose Golden Philosophy ; Education A graded course in English based on the laws of child development (Professor Starbuck) Clarance Alexandre Guillot French; History The influence of Henry Becque on French naturalistic drama (Associate Professor Ward) William Don Harrison English Literature ; English Language Hawthorne as a critic of literature (Associate Professor Hunt) Amos William Hartman American History ; European History The Oregon and California trail from 1850 to 1860 (Associate Professor Pelzer) Herman Hausheer Philosophy ; Psychology Duplicities and integrations of the personality of St. Augustine: a study in the psychology of genius (Professor Starbuck) •Lena B. Hecker American History; European History The history of rural free mail delivery in the United States (Associate Professor Pelzer) "Joseph Robert Hilgert Commerce; Education Accounting problems pertaining to the income tax law (Associate Professor Stevenson) Grace Hunter English Literature ; English Language The development of Milton's prosody (Associate Professor Thompson) Eric Hjalmar Karlson Philosophy; Psychology The logical value of the doctrine of the Trinity in St. Augustine's philosophy (Professor Starbuck) * Wallace Kiamg Education; Economics The present school system in China (Professor Russell) *Harry Dewitt Kies Education; Sociology A survey of the schools of Albia, Iowa (Professor Russell) *Ryea Sik Kim Political Science; Sociology The political problem of Korea (Professor Shambaugh) *Charles Anan Kittrell Education; Sociology A survey of the public schools of Devil's Lake, North Dakota (Associate Professor Lewis) Amalie Kraushaar Psychology ; Philosophy The ability to read among seniors (Assistant Professor Knight) Donald Anderson Laird Child Welfare; Psychology Development of perception of visual form in early childhood (Professor Baldwin) Lillian Beatrice Lawi-er Latin; Greelc A classification of the cognomina appearing in C. I. L. Vol. IX. (Professor UUman) Gail Manilla Lewis Political Science; American History The legislative history of naturalization since 1861 (Assistant Professor Briggs) Chiang Liu Sociology; Philosophy The position of woman in China (Associate Professor Case) *John Calhoun McGlade Education; Psychology Tendencies to equalize opportunities by normal schools and teachers' colleges (Professor Russell) Paul Gordon McKee Education; Psychology Spelling difficulty in context form (Professor Horn) *Bruce E. Mahan American History; Education Old Fort Crawford (Associate Professor Pelzer) Howard Roscoe Mayberry Child Welfare; Psychology Correlations between physical growth and stages of mental maturation (Professor Baldwin) Frank D. Mesnee Education; Psychology Course of study in the geography of South America (Professor Horn) Viviane Miller French; Latin Pontus de Tyard and the Theories of the Pleiade (Professor Bush) *Marie Catherine Miller Education; History An analysis of ten general science texts with proposed course of study in general science based on this analysis (Professor Kirby) *M. Clarissa Morrow Latin; English The diction of Nepos (Professor Ullman) David Espiritu Ordonez Education; Psychology A proposed plan of junior high school for the Province of Pangasinan, Philippine Islands (Professor Kirby) •HjALMAR OSTERCVARD Education; Sociology Vocational guidance methods for the public schools (Professor Kirby) •Vera Alice Paul Public Spealing; Psychology The characterization of the comedy element in fifty widely used high school plays (Assistant Professor Mabie) Eva America Mae Perry Psychology; Education Difference of pitch discrimination in the two ears (Professor Seashore) EUFINO B. Perai.ta Psychology; Philosophy Personal equation in basic motor control (Professor Seashore) ■WiLLL\M Lloyd Peterson Education; Psychology High school records (Professor Kirby) Don Clifford Rogehs Education; Political Science The relation between Iowa teachers' salaries, the cost of living, and laborers' wages 1913-21 (Professor Eussell) •Hazel Mary Eotii English; Public Spealcing Johnson's theory of poetry as expressed in his lAves of the English Poets (Assistant Professor Scott) Leona D. Rcbelman Economics; Sociology The influences of immigration upon the organized labor movement in America (Assistant Professor Stone) •Chloris Corynne Shade English History; American History The British occupation of Egypt, 1878-1883 (Professor Plum) Lebbeus Smith Shumaker Philosophy; Education The God of democracy (Professor Starbuck) Blanche C. Sly English Literature ; English Language The "Bonny Boy" of the English and Scottish ballads (Associate Professor Piper) Clara Lucille Smelser Education; Public Spealcing Speech training for children (Professor Horn) •J. Frank Smith Education; Chemistry A list of 201 spelling demons (Professor Horn) Grace PARTRrocE Smith German; Greek The characteristics of the Dorfnovelle (Professor Wilson) George W. Smokey Political Science; Commerce Organization of state administration in Missouri (Professor Shambaugh) Ethel June Spaulding American History; Political Science Manners and customs during Washington's presidency (Associate Professor Pelzer) *Floyb Edward Walsh Economics; Folitical Science Interest as a cost in accounting (Associate Professor Stevenson) Dorothea Emeline Wickham Psychology ; Music Voluntary control of intensity of tone (Professor Seashore) Blodwen Mary Williams Sociology; History Social, historical, and racial factors in Welsh community and choral singing (Associate Professor Case) Earl Micajah Winslow Economics; Commerce Duplications in public utilities vsith special reference to Iowa (Professor Ruggles) Worcester Warren Education; Economics A report on the establishment, operation, and results of a septem of educational guidance in East Des Moines high school for the year 1920-21 (Professor Kirby) MASTER OF SCIENCE Lela E. Booher Internal Medicine; Immunology Creatine studies (Professor Howard) George W. Botteron Physical Chemistry; General Chemistry A study of the adsorption of various Pleistocene clays for electrolytes (Professor Pearce) Irvin Cecil Brown Physical Chemistry ; Mathematics The distribution of a solute between water and a second phase consist- ing of a binary niixture of two completely miscible solvents, each insoluble in water (Professor Pearce) John Chipman, Jr. Physical Chemistry; Industrial Chemistry The adsorption of organic vapors by colloidal gels (Professor Pearce) John Coutltie Organic Chemistry ; Physical Chemistry The migration of acyl from nitrogen to oxygen (Associate Professor Raiford) *EvA Cresswell Botany ; Geology A photometric study of light and its effect in various plant habitats (Professor Shimek) Mary J. Erickson Bacteriology ; Pathology A selective medium for the isolation of the gonococcus (Professor Albert) William George Eversole Physical Chemistry ; Mathematics A study of the equilibrium between iodine and barium iodide in aqueous solution by the distribution method (Professor Pearce) *Adolph Emil Theodore Fant Physics; Mathematics The intensity of light transmitted through a slit as a function of the width and the depth of the slit, and of the wave length of the light (Professor Sieg) Louise Fillman Geology ; Mineralogy On the so-called limestone conglomerates of the Northern Black Hills of South Dakota (Assistant Professor Runner) Fred Lixder Fitzpatrick Zoology; Paleontology The Anseres of Iowa (Assistant Professor Stoner) Martin Erxest Flentje Industrial Chemistry; Electrical Engineering Effect of temperature on the rate of removal of calcium and magnesium salts in water softening (Professor Bartow) Warrex Foster Ota-Laryngology; Anatomy, Pathology The development of the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses (Professor Dean) William Uren Gallaher Industrial Chemistry ; Electrical Engineering Effect of temperature on the rate of removal of calcium and magnesium salts in water softening (Professor Bartow) Ralph "Warren Gelbach Physical Chemistry; General Chemistry The potential of the barium amalgam electrode and the free energy of dilution of barium chloride solutions (Professor Pearce) Clarence Edwin Greider Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry The effect of weight in the aromatic radical in the migration of acyl from nitrogen to oxygen (Associate Professor Eaiford) Lloyd G. Howard Oto-Laryngology ; Anatomy, Pathology Frontal sinus diseases in infants and young children (Professor Dean) Marie Matilda Johnson Mathematics ; Education The generalized mean value functions (Associate Professor Chittenden) Harold Augustus Iddles Organic Chemistry ; Physical Chemistry The migration of acyl ; effect of the relative positions of the hydroxide and amino groups (Associate Professor Raiford) Cecil Cain Jones Oto-Laryngology ; Anatomy, Pathology Results of careful determinations of high and low limits in otologic cases (Professor Dean) Rudolph Henry Jordan General Geology; Pleistocene Geology Some phases of the loess of Iowa (Professor Kay) Pauline Kimball Zoology; Botany The development of certain veins and lymphatics in turtles (Associate Professor Stromsten) Clarence Elwin Lane Experimental Physics; Mathematics Determination of the minimum audible intensity of sound as a function of the frequency (Assistant Professor Hewlett) Herman Peter Lankelma Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry Steric hindrance in the acylation of aminophenols (Associate Professor Raiford) Edward Larson Physiological Chemistry; Organic Chemistry The hippuric acid synthesis (Professor Rockwood) Sara Lewis Botany; Entomology Development of the islet in foliage leaves (Professor Wylie) Makcella Lindeman Experimental Physics; Mathematics An investigation into tlie behavior of various dielectrics when carrying alternating currents (Assistant Professor Hewlett) John Tipton Lonsdale Economics Geology; Mineralogy, Chemistry The geology and ore deposits of Bedrock Gulch, Colorado (Professor Kay) *Elizabeth Maxwell Botany; English The phytogeography of an Iowa grove (Professor Shimek) *Lewis Benjamin Miller Physical Chemistry; Mathematics Some colloidal properties of pleistocene clays (Professor Pearce) Catherine Mullin Zoology; Botany Tube-dwelling worms from Barbados and Antigua Frances June Nelson - Zoology; Botany Appendages of Echinoderms (Professor Nutting) James Vaughn O'Leary Physical Chemistry; Industrial Chemistry The solubility of bromine in aqueous solutions of ternary bromides (Professor Pearce) Herbert Eudolph Oleson Oto-Laryngology ; Anatomy, Pathology Sphenoidal sinus disease in infants and young children (Professor Dean) Matilda Paul Geology; Education The minnesula formations of the Northern Black Hills of South Dakota (Assistant Professor Runner) LoRA Lee Robertson Botany; Chemistry The physiology of root infection (Assistant Professor Farr) James Earl Russell, Jr. Pediatrics; Bacteriology The occurrence of diphtheria bacilli and ' ' diphtheriods " in infants and children (Professor Byfield) Ruth Ellen Sailor Botany; Entomology Cicatrization of foliar wounds in the Rosaeeae (Professor Wylie) Harmon L. Stanton Oto-Laryngology ; Anatomy, Pathology The frequency of tone gaps and islands in otologic practice (Professor Dean) Anna Thomsen Mathematics; Physics Certain functional equations yielding solutions with predetermined constants (Dr. Wilson) M. Clifford Waddell Inorganic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry Solubility of inorganic substances in liquid sulphur dioxide (Assistant Professor Bond) Chester Keeler Wentworth Physiographic Geology; Petrology Quantitative studies of the shapes of pebbles (Professor Trowbridge) Robert Edward Wilkin Industrial Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry Effect of bomb corrosions on accuracy of calorimetric determinations (Associate Professor Olin) THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA The University embraces the following: The Graduate College The College of Liberal Arts The College of Law The College of Medicine The College of Dentistry The College of Pharmacy The College of Applied Science The College of Education The School of Commerce The School of Nursing The School of Public Health Nursing The School of Music Child Welfare Research Station The Summer Session, including The Lakeside Laboratory at Okoboji The School for Library Training The Extension Division Correspondence Courses Correspondence is invited. For catalogues, illustrated bulletins, and other information, address: The Registrar, Iowa City, Iowa DEMCO LIBRARY SUPPLIES 114 South Carroll Street Madison, Wisconsin UCLA-Young Research Library LD2563 .A3 y L 009 602 818 8 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 324 562 6