A A 1 =^= X 1 o 4 1 7 9 -«■ 2 n 4 -H 6 ■ yiHuu 1 iitimdntfiiU?tflHfMiiUin(j PENETRALIA The Author wishes to acknovleJge the courtesy oj the "Bulletin " Co. in permitting there-publication of "The Dreamers," "A Song of the Tent," etc.inthh volume. PENETRALIA By SYDNEY JEPHCOTT MELBOURNE THOMAS C. LOTHIAN 1912 PRINTED IN ENGLAND Printed by Butler & Tanner, Froine and London. r(^ ^Ko^t.p ^ CONTENTS PAGE The Dreamers ...... II Proserpine to Pluto .... 17 The Golden Bee ..... . 21 Thredbo River ..... • 25 White Paper ..... • 29 A Dream Theme ..... 35 Grey Eyes 41 A Swan Song 45 Red Poppies ..... • 51 55 A Song of the Tent .... 59 Home Woe ....... 65 How Beautiful upon the Mountains . 69 77 Noon ........ 8i 1467231 THE DREAMERS THE DREAMERS T TAVE courage, O, my comradry of dreamers ! -'--*- All things, except mere Earth, are ours. We pluck its passions for our flowers. Dawn-dyed our great cloud-banners toss their streamers Above its quaking tyrant-towers 1 Making this stern grey planet shine with jewel- showers. Our lives are mantled in forgotten glory, Like trees that fringe yon dark hill-crest Alight against the molten west. The great night shuddering yields her stress of story — The dreams that stir the past's long rest — Strange, scented night-winds sighing on our naked breast. 11 12 THE DREAMERS Through all the spirit's spacious, secret regions- By pathways we believed unknown — Still thoughts immortal meet our own. Ideas ! — ^In innumerable legions 1 Like summer's stir in forests lone Their various music merges in time's monotone. The dreamer sees the deep-drawn ore-veins brighten- ing Through all the huge blind bulk of Earth ; He led the ship around its girth ; He plays, as on the pulses of the lightning, The song that gives its workings worth. The song foredained to bring man's morrow to the birth. Base, base mere doers, blind and dreamless ; Whose bodies engines are of toil ! Greasy with greed and lust they moil ; They cast lots for the dreamer's garment seamless, To rot among their useless spoil ; The fathomless infinity their breath does soil. THE DREAMERS 13 Hail to the dream that roused the sleeping savage, And led him from his bloody lair, Across light's bridge, that single hair. Above th' unpurposed, eyeless hell of ravage That, beasts and men, the soulless share. And left him, waking in thought's temple, Heaven's heir ! Our souls, in these vast Heavens unbeholden Of eyes, our angel-hopes embrace ; Or being's shining trail retrace,' Through pregnant skies about our forms enfolden In rapture of our kindred race, Until the gaze of God consume us, face to face. Ah, God ! In what undying dream of beauty Wrought Thou our world, so strange and fair, Afloat in Thy illusive air ? — Ay me ! We know that dreaming is our duty I These dreams more intimate than prayer ; For in Thy dream divine our laureate spirits share. PROSERPINE TO PLUTO PROSERPINE TO PLUTO A GAIN I lose my life beneath Earth's skies so "^ ^ sweet — The flocks, the kine with steeds among them strayed, The harvests to the threshing-circle laid. Grape-girls with smooth swift pace of naked feet (Like cloudlets' shadows o'er the wavering wheat) Until their sunlit bosoms gain the shade, The peaks, the shores, with azure gulfs embayed, The vivid cities and the sea-ward fleet Fade out — in darkness Thou dost make divine ! With Thine immortal nectar, O, recruit me, Quenching the savour of Sicilian wine ! No shameful human evils here we pine. Great ghosts, new-fall'n round Ilium, salute me. Thou art more great always — and Thou art mine ! 17 THE GOLDEN BEE THE GOLDEN BEE "rjETWIXT the piercing petals of the stars I ^^ gather honey ; From blood on earth dark-spilt ; From streets and seas, from stormy night and summer sunny ; From good and guilt ; Out of the ribs of lions desert-dead in ages olden ; From dewy lips alive, Athwart untraversed skies I strive with tribute golden To eke our hive* Thro' dreamlands undiscovered drift ; on beauty's bosom Lie tranced in listening, As my soul-sister butterfly within yon blossom With wary wing — 21 22 THE GOLDEN BEE Veiled, veiled in vain with smiling silence, Maiden ! — Thy heart's desire I drain ! Till stung by anguish of thy tear I fly forth, laden With sweetest pain. I linger in the perfumed Past, afar out-trailing Behind Earth's fl5ang orb ; Or, down the path our Future follows swiftlier saihng, God's hopes absorb. THREDBO RIVER THREDBO RIVER QUMMER, like a dread disease, ^ Whelms the world in sultry shine ; From Hell's mouth the mocking breeze Troubles all the swooning .trees — Heart o' mine ! O, heart o' mine ! — 'Mongst those mountains now to roam ; Coohng thy fever in the foam — In the foam of Thredbo River ! — Thredbo River pouring down to Jindabyne ! O, the weariness, the fever, Burning, barren heart o' mine 1 O, to he, my heart ! alone ; Just a smooth, enduring stone In the Thredbo's deepest pool. 26 THREDBO RIVER Packed with plunging waters cool. Where light's shadowy arrows shine ! Cold and old grey boulders. Shoulders leaned to shoulders, Baffling back white waters eager That their heavy breasts beleaguer — Torrents white of Thredbo River — Thredbo River roaring down to Jindabjnie ! WHITE PAPER WHITE PAPER QNOWY-SMOOTH beneath the pen- Richest field that iron ploughs ; Germinating thoughts of men ; Tho' no heaven its rain, allows. There they ripen, thousand-fold ; And our spirits reap the corn, In a day-long dream of gold — Food for all the souls unborn. Like the murmur of the earth, When we listen, stooping low, Like sap singing nature's mirth Foaming up the trees that grow. 30 WHITE PAPER Evermore a subtle song Sings the pen unto it, while Fluid idea flows along, Each new Era's mother-Nile. Greater than ensphering Sea, For it holds the sea and land ; Seed of every deed to be Down its current borne hke sand. I caress thy surface sheer, Holding thee the Absolute ; Where the things to be inhere, Waiting their material bruit. How I love thee ! my heart's blood Were too dull to smutch thy white ! I'll aver : no lily's bud Lays such unction on my sight. WHITE PAPER 31 Suave of maiden's throat or arm, Bliss embodied to the touch, Has not such ambrosial charm — Not a marble Goddess such ! Dear White Paper ! All To-day Palpitates with spirit-heat — Only on thy whiteness may Seers translate its rhythms sweet ! Holy Paper ! all the Past Were a rack of ruined cloud Stripping from our orbit vast, But thou Eternity endowed With an actual soul of speech — Life of life by death distilled — That all dateless days shall reach, As life's vine of veins is filled. 32 WHITE PAPER 0, the glorious Heavens wrought By Cadmean souls of yore From pure element of Thought ! And thy leaves their silvern door ! Light they open, and we stand Past the sovereignty of Fate ; Glad among Them, still and grand, The Creators and Create ! A DREAM THEME A DREAM THEME 'THHE darkness breathes with being- •^ Life's least of things ahve, Such prisoned passions strive ! The huge bright stars unseeing Peer o'er Earth's throbbing hive. Led by no clue I wander Through redolent garden-gloom, Where ghosts gigantic loom. When thro' blind blackness yonder. Like some new, weird perfume, The faintest foreign singing ! No word I know thereof. But know its burden — Love ! Low ! liquid-low, yet stinging ; Like that night-bird's which strove, 36 A DREAM THEME The piercing thorn brave-breasting, For his great song to gain The magic dyes of pain ; Un-rising and un-resting Flows, glows that secret strain. " O, voice of night," I murmur, '* Let not a mortal know There is such love and woe ; Life's film we tread the firmer Unheeding aught below ! " In the song's swoon ensuing I feel a presence come ; And wait its touch all numb — The viewlessness hard-viewing, Drinking expectance dumb : Then hands — how soft and slender !- Find me, and clasp and cling ; And, like an angel's wing Slow- waved, a bosom tender Thrills me, deep-shuddering : — A DREAM THEME 37 " O, you who do not know me ! O, you I know too well ! — {Which of us weaves this spell P) What right had you to show me Those dear red depths of Hell, "Where mortal bosoms bleeding Teach God new laws of love, AU hope and joy above ; And fuse from pain exceeding Pure gold no fire can prove ? "And hateful heights of Heaven, Where perfect Bliss stands proud, Wedded in her white shroud To Power no fear may leaven With dearest Brotherhood ? — " Intolerable teaching ! The truth was ne'er to teach ! Smaller the scope of speech : Refusal, or beseeching : No Vortex void to reach ; 38 A DREAM THEME " Truth's far-off, fatal centre ! Round which all orbits run, Our spirits, as our sun ; But none may know or enter Until Life's circle's spun. " Beyond the bounds of Being, Best of all things to be, Claim this far life of me ; Seal, seal with kiss unseeing What men unborn shall see " With worship, and with wonder To find no pulse repeat Their own heart-urgence sweet ; Set more than Space asunder When we tricked Time to meet ! " GREY EYES GREY EYES /^ REY eyes, grey eyes, your twilit heavens unbar ! ^^ My spirit knew you when, an ancient star, It swam in skies wherein that ageless grey Was deepening to the earliest day. O, star, dawn-drowned before Time's wheel yet turned The reeling worlds, in what blind gulfs has burned Thy quenchless core, since Life and Death first played Their mighty masquerade ? The passionate past, whose flames of joy and pain Borne down in life's long storm still wavering wane Along the horizon of eternity. Its fervence has bequeathed to thee, 42 GREY EYES O, star, my Soul ! and thy primaeval power Re-blossoms like some tropic evening-flower — Sweet fever ! that I strive across strange skies to slake In Love's grey, unforgotten lake ! Grey eyes ! Again your twilight heavens unbar ! Relume my soul, that long-extinguished star. To shine, the centre of your being's bliss. Through all Night's infinite abyss ! A SWAN SONG A SWAN SONG TT'OLLOW, comrades! and join our flying -*" Crash into flight, Jarring the night, And scale the hollow, vast winter sky. Above all danger, above all dying Far we fly, The very sky Streaming in tenuous torrent by ! Overhead all the stars are shaken, Tho' so far ; Every star Throbbing back to our beating wings. Under us all the winds awaken, Tho' so still ; Heavy and chill Under the strokes of our wondrous wings. 46 A SWAN SONG Lances of light that doubly darken The deadly dark Make us their mark ! — Swerve ! swerve, and still redouble our flight ! Passionate ! perceant ! dreadful ! — hearken — The curlew's scream Spurting its stream Out of the quivering heart of night ! Startle the eagles lonely sleeping On pathless peaks That sunrise seeks While the world is smothered beneath in night ! Cloudlets across the heavens creeping Eddy back From our termless track, Where lightnings are lost and the storms bleed white ! Mist-like up-rolls the river's roaring, Huge, huge and slow From gulfs below — Dissolving mist-like it rolls away A SWAN SONG 47 Among the night-winds, that slowly soaring, Murmur wide As the tide That lifted our breasts in the dawn-lit bay. Beyond the stars see the blue deeps brighten- We shall soon Meet the moon, Shding on with the eager sky. We climb aloft till our wing-beats whiten ; Then downward stream Like souls a-dream ; Or cloudy levels along we ply. Toward us, trumpeting triumph, journey Other swans ! Their response Sounds Uke the song of a falling star ! Comrades unknown ! O, to us turn ye ! They are gone ! On and on ! Faint, fainter their voices, and very far 1 48 A SWAN SONG O, comrades follow, and join our fl5^ng ! Crash into flight, Jarring the night, And scale the hollow, vast winter sky ! Above all danger, above all dying Far we fly ! The very sky Streaming in tenuous torrent by ! RED POPPIES H RED POPPIES EART'S own blossom, Don't I know where the blood-red poppies grow ? Never bosom Beat so chaste, but its wild poppies burned to waste ! Longing, after longing Thronging, thronging ! — Blood-red poppies, bitter-sweet, among life's pallid wheat 1 O, hearts insurgent ! O, storm-wings urgent ! O, poppies bruised and torn, among the angry corn 51 52 RED POPPIES " Life and Beauty ! " " Death and Duty ! " Mingles their refrain ; opiate with pain. Ah, poison of those poppy-flowers, That makes high Heaven ours ! — But holds always an inner spell to make that Heaven Hell ! But O, Past insatiate ! O, Dreams forever dead ! Poppy-petals shed in boundless fields of sleep. Where through lonely moon-rays reap Forgetfulness and Fate ! o, SWALLOW ! o, O, SWALLOW ! SWALLOW 1 Swallow that sprang to life ' undj^ng From that mad mother's woe In Daulis, long ago — 'Tis well forgotten, your child in the palace lying — But what of the spirits you In a younger Hellas knew ? — Snow heaped on the heights of old for our souls' supplying— How can you suffer the Spring Since the children ceased to sing Your Song, for gifts at a thousand doorways crying ? Surely you hear them singing Of you, white-breasted, bringing The beautiful hours ; and Echo's voice shrilly replying To their shrill cadence sweet From each clear Ionian street ? 65 A SONG OF THE TENT A SONG OF THE TENT ^ I ^URN out once more the weary cattle, -^ And shake the canvas fold from fold Before the stars again embattle Round Night's long-leaguered hold. It rises in a roof, enclosing Out of the wilderness the home ; The home eternal, where, reposing Our Hmbs grow glad again to roam. Like snowy peaks along the dawning The tents along Time's verges rise — The Heroes rest beneath each awning ; How near those still unconquered skies fi9 6o A SONG OF THE TENT Before our elder brothers builded Thebes' prison, or PersepoHs This ancient hght of evening gilded Our father's tent with freedom's bliss. When palace church and fort are rotten- All, all the haunts of slavery — We'll roof with bonny web of cotton The dear bride-bed of Liberty ! Night-long the canvas throbs, receiving Each suspiration of the skies — Tremors of terror, joy, or grieving. Or unimagined mysteries. The fireshine fluctuant, the lightning That flicker thro' the tissue thin Kindle allied emotions, brightening Our shadowy souls awake within. A SONG OF THE TENT 6i The floods of dear oblivion deepen — Death still in sleep's disguise — We drown in bland black billows, sweeping The last star-arrow from our eyes. The famished night- winds, blind and homeless, Are fended from our slumbering souls ; The canvas in soft ripples foamless A safe sea-surface o'er us rolls. And, O ! far in the night to waken ! — Far from realities of day ; And watch those wells of darkness shaken Still by star-strivings far way. Or great dismantled moon arising Turn writhing mists to white witch-fire ; Or else our Morning-star, surprising The heart of darkness with desire ! HOME WOE HOME WOE nr^HE wreckage of some name-forgotten barque ■*- Half-buried by a dolorous shore ; Whereto the living waters nevermore Their urgent billows pour. But the salt spray can reach and cark — So lies my spirit, lonely and forlorn On Being's strange and perilous strand ; And rusted sword and fleshless hand Point from the smothering sand, And anchor chainless and outworn. But o'er what deep unconquered and uncharted. And steering by what vanished star. Where dim-imagined consorts are, Or hidden harbour far, From whence my sails, unblessed, departed — 66 HOME WOE Can memory, nor still intuition teach. And so I watch with alien eyes This world's remote and unremembered skies While round me weary rise The babbUngs of a foreign speech. HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS T WAKE and meet the World, adorable with -■■ Spring, Leaving the purple palace of her night — (Where Time sleep-walks in moon-light's dreams divine) Under the stained banners of dawn, athrob Before fierce day, whose spears of keen-edged flame Blaze broad above the inconfrontable east. Far trails of tenuous cloud catch fire of gold. And flare into white-shining ashes soon. And soon the buoyant range-backs take sun-rise. Illustrious with dolphin-change of hue O'er gulfs submerged in shadow — lingering lees Of gloom that flow in silent, waveless ebb Out thro' the west. The firmamental forests blue Mantling the mighty storm of mountains round In desolate rune deplore, bright-diapered 70 HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS By covert birds ubiquitous in song. Among that murmur, but unmingling, soars The murmur of the torrents lost below, In dreams respondent to far clamouring seas. Not yet sunlight has seaixhed those valleys veiled So deep withdrawn their lissome loveliness— And gracious as the magic snow of breasts That heave in virgin dreams of motherhood — Irradiate, now, their contours float The gloss of golden sward that clothes each curve Like robes of royal silk ! — Gazing beyond O'er regions turbulent as mortal fate. That, fading as the tragic years in Time, Merge in faint mazes that still hide, yet are The lower world ; lost in Elysian haze. Mine eyes for anguish of too great a joy Turn from that boundlessness of beauty — Like Some billow swooping back into the womb Of waters from a surgy shore my soul Swoops home ; my veins with hateful heat are stung ; Intolerable tears mine eyelids shame : HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS 71 O, Planet by thy minion, man, usurped, In absolute kingdom, with his mind's empire Sphered round of holy azure — visible Soul ! — Where, proud corrivals of Titanian Thought, Ulyssean lords of Space their shoreless voyage hold :— Life's brandished shield the Sun, and doom-rid Moon, Whose Judgment Day burned out before the Earth Had eyes, and round death's frontiers infinite The watch-fires of the dauntless host of stars — Amidst this indiscoverable dark Sun-litten stands the naked ato'my ; And tremulous to the softest touch of air ! It seems the maddest fantasy of some Crazed fiend that such poor shreds of flesh should own This star-associate Earth ! Empyrean orb Of blazoned continents and oceans globed Around ten million islands ! Established throne Of all primordial Powers that won Existence. From anarchy of increate Elements Have moulded out the valleys' lovehness, Have piled aloft the mountains' majesty, The home-enhallowing hills, and ploughed 72 HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS The sacred rivers quivering deep and cool, Unfolded, mystical as memory, Lowlands, laid ample as their sister-skies, Unfathomed main of sweet, maternal soil ; That yearns to yield its golden sands of grain, Wealth incomputable, around the isles Of spicy orchard-shade, all city-shrined ; Black valley mould gladdened with odorous grass, And uplands holy with their temple-trees ! — It cannot be that herb and tree should toss Such lightsome leaves, singing of growth within Their pores, and worm wide-searching rootlets down To suck each earth-grain's fine fertility With happy hunger, with thirst delicious drink Beneath the surface drought from deep-hid springs, And interweave, and hurry all their spoil Up to the sun-light if indeed the World Were owned by any men ! — The Universe throbs with far thunder : " God ! " The Being of Infinity. — But when, O, atomies ! did God stand forth and claim Such rights as these that madness yields to you ? — HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS 73 To hold our plains, as wide as ocean, waste, Our dearest valleys void, the home unbuilt, The stream unused, the stunted State unfed, — Whiles, whiles the piteous people starve and die — And die more fortunate than those who live With barely life for life-long toil allowed. - SLEEPING OUT" " SLEEPING OUT " /^ WEARY walls ! leaving within two thousand ^^ years' futility With one blind pace I win The glad heights of the Oread, The dark deliciousness of Hamadryad bowers, All, all these unpermitted Powets, the tumult of whose tresses sweep Thine iron carapace, Utility ! Sweeter than sleep, our pagan Paraclete, More inward than most incommunicable dream. This wide-winged wakefulness doth press Against the stream of starry intimations, Where thought to thought from ultimate severance caught. Cohere in dazzling constellations ; And aether throbs with human heat ! — 77 78 " SLEEPING OUT " The infinite puts off proportion in the night, Bringing her brood of orbs beneath these trees That yearn about me, with susurrant odours heaping The traffic of the Odyssean breeze. Dare I my spirit spend in sleeping While the Universe unveiled goes by ? — Wer't not, indeed, to die ? — Lo, now ! — My mountains lose their little moon, Night reaches her oracular noon — And shall my spirit, co-essential with those heavens darken. Extinguishing the stars ? — What ? — Shall the hours angelic pause and hearken My soul's suspenses ; handing back the overbrimming boon Of being through dispeopled night And wait my waking by that mute Muezzin, light ? — And yet, between involved bars Of sentience escaping, I sink into the silken shaping Of ante-natal naught ; nursling of nescience again ; And fond infinity is fain, once more. Her liquid life along my blanched veins to pour. NOON I NOON TAKE refuge in radiant air, That thrills sun-satiate everywhere, From the fulsome pressure of common fate ; Passions earthy, Wishes unworthy, The bodily burden of despair, Taint suspicion, and brackish hate — Evaporate ! vanish away * In immeasurable scope of day That breath creative, the bridal breeze. My soul caresses Till its dull distresses Enchant into legions of fancies gay, Sparkling aloft with the tossing trees. 82 NOON But best of all that the mortal beast, Defiling night with its evil feast, Slinks out of ken to its inmost cave ; Life's vexed clue straightens, Great heaven greatens, And over Thought's ocean, where shores have ceased, As from God's lips wafted my spirit's a wave 1 O, passionate blood of my morn, that dies From the pure, perpetual skies ! O, Sun, consuming the necromancies of night !- Age steeps me slowly. Ageless and holy ; And self, like a lense of pure crystal lies Unseen at the centre of sight. p.inted by Butler aad raofler, frome and London A Striking Volume of real Australian Poetry BELLS AND BEES. By LOUIS ESS ON. Half-cloth, 48 page crown 8vo. 2s. 6d., posted 2s. Sd. This is a unique volume of poetry, treating Australian subjects in a new and fresh manner. REVIEWS. " Mr. Esson bites in strongly and sharply his little etchings of Australian Life — being a rhymer who sees pictures rather than visions — and he does so with a spirited lilt. But — as in a delightful ' Cradle Song ' — he has a tenderer note." — The Times (London). " These simple and vigorous lyrical pieces sing racily about pioneering agricultural industry in the face of Nature, ' shearing greasy sheep ' and telling stories under the stars when the ' billy ' is boiling. But the book has also pieces of a culture less prunitive, a poem, for instance, on a picture by Botticelli, another on an Assyrian cast, and an ' Evening Hymn to Krishna,' properly Oriental in feeling. The work is always sturdy and healthy, both in its feeling and in its rhythmical and harmonious handling of plain English speech." — The Scotsman. "... So delicate and sure is his sense of form, such an eye has he, and such a note of freshness and originality in his voice." — The Argus. " A volume like this is a tremendous surprise. Here is a real poet, of no little distinction. Moreover Mr. Esson conveys a thoroughly Australian atmosphere." — The Morning Leader (London). THOMAS C. LOTHIAN, MELBOURNE D3IIN1/ BOOKS BY GREAT AUSTRALIAN AUTHORS. A Scries for good Australians to buy. Bound in the best limp ooze leather. Price is. 3(f. ; postage id. SEA SPRAY AND SMOKE DRIFT. By Adam Lindsay Gordon. A Daiaty Miniature Edition of Gordon's Classic. POEMS OF HENRY C. KENDALL. A Selection of this favourite Australian Poet's best work. BUSHLAND BALLADS. By Edwin J. Brady, Author of " Ways of Many Waters." A neat edition containing a number of new, unpublished poems of great attractiveness. POEMS. By Bernard O'Dowd. A neat vohimc of selections from Mr. O'Dowd's books. This volume makes a good introduction to a poet who is now being quietly recognized as our greatest Australian poet. POEMS OF WILLIAM GAY. A carefully made selection from the work of this little known but attracti%e Bendigo poet. Prof. Dowden. — " Noble in feeling and dignified in expression, each sonnet moving with a grave music towards its close. They are admirable both for thought and workmcinship." POEMS BY JENNINGS CARMICHAEL (Mrs. Francis Mollis). THE STRANGERS' FRIEND. By Henry Lawson. MATESHIP. By Henry Lawson. These two dainty booklets should be read by all, as they breathe the spirit of friendship and make a unique and pleasing Australian Christmas Carol, THOMAS C. LOTHIAN, MELBOURNE NEW AUSTRALIAN POETRY. THE LAND OF THE STARRY CROSS, and other verses. By "Gilrooney" (R. J. Cassidy). Bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. Postage -zd. PURPLE AND GOLD. Poems and Lyrics. By Frank S. WiUiamson. Bound in cloth, price :is. 6d. Post- age 2d. POEMS BY HUBERT CHURCH. Bound in cloth, price 3s. 6d. Postage 2d. THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM GAY. Bound in cloth, price 3s. 6d. Postage 2d. PENETRALIA. By Sydney Jephcott. Bound in cloth, price 35. 6d. Postage 2d. SATYRS AND SUNLIGHT. By Hugh McCrae. Bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. Postage 2d. THOMAS C. LOTHIAN, MELBOURNE POETRY 57 5ERINARD O'DOWD. DAWNWARD ? By Bernard O'Dowd. Price 2s. 6d. ; postage, 2d. " The best book of verses yet produced in Australia." — T. G. Tucker, Litt.D., Professor of Classical Literature, University of Melbourne. THE SILENT LAND AND OTHER VERSES. By Ber- nard O DowD. Bound in half-cloth boards, gilt tops. Price as. 6d. ; postage, 2d. A few copies of an Edition-de-Luxe (limited to twenty-five), signed by the Author, are still available. Price 7s. 6d. " The most arresting work of the younger generation is that of Mr. Bernard O'Dowd." — The Times (London). DOMINIONS OF THE BOUNDARY. By Bernard O'Dowd. 64 pages, art cover. Price, is. ; postage, id. " Mr. Bernard O'Dowd stands out alone among modem Australian poets." — The Spectator (London). POETRY MILITANT. By Bernard O'Dowd. An Aus- trahan plea for the Poetry of Purpose. An exceedingly fine, sincere, literary essay. Paper cover, is. ; postage, id. THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. A Sonnet Series. By Bernard O'Dowd. Small quarto, 56 pp., deckle edged, antique paper. Price 3s. 6d. ; postage, 3d. This is Mr. ODowd's latest volume, and one which can be confi- dently recommended as containing some of the most remarkable poetical work yet done in Austraha. "... It is full of thought and vision ... it embodies such a bold and luminous re-valuation of the universe, as we have every right to expect from the true poet." — The Herald. THOMAS C. LOTHIAN, MELBOURNE ^'p' UCLA-Young Research Library PR9619.3 .J461p 1912 y L 009 544 841 1 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 001 417 924 6