in #■ SHAKESPEARE «i Edited by SEYMOUR. EATON R.G.KENNEDY (IrCQ.Philadclphia 1G8M3 \a t i w SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION t Publifhcd for Private Circulation Anno Domini 1900 The Droeshout Portrait of Shakespeare with Ben Jonson's Inscription The Droeshout portrait of Shakespeare appeared on the title-page of the first folio edition in 1623. Hen Jonson wrote the lines which appear opposite the engraving in the early editions. The Chandos portrait is considered to be the most authentic likeness. This figure th?t thou here seest put, It was for gentle Shakespeare cut ; Wherein the graver had a strife With nature, to out-doo the life : O, could he but have drawn his wit As well in brasse as he hath hit His face the print would then surpasse All that was ever writ in brasse. But, since he cannot, reader looke Not on his picture, but his booke. —Ben Joxso\. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 1 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON CHURCH (Hhakespeare's Purial Place) SMAK£S°EAPE HART I. No. 2 THE CHANDOS PORTRAIT { From a drawing by Ozias Humphry, made in 1783) SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 3 LORD VAUX Author of the Grate Diggers' Song in Hamlet (From the original by Holbein) SHAKESPEARE PART I. Nu. 4 Y}/^ v^ T»t ^^^ ^-^ ^ ^^A^^U^v^e^i^ ^Cjc^yj^-^ AUTOGRAPHS SHAKESPEAKE PART r. No, 5 ■ rH£ FORESTER'S SONG As You Like It, Act 4, Sc. 2 fflMSB ^^^m^^mw'X 3 -'?' ■^^3 ^ W^:, 'm •-#::^J?1,|:,| pi 1 :%, r;»^ ^^HMk^^K^^IH.**! n9 ll L jt' "^^■i^l : 1;.: f.. ,rx ,.^;;#^ Hi ? '^ r''H PC i i What shall we have, that killed the deer ? His leather skin and horns to wear. Then sing him home : Take thou no scorn, to wear the horn ; It was a crest ere thou wast born ; Thy father's father wore it ; And thy father bore it : The horn, the horn, the lusty horn Is not a thing to laugh to scorn. SHAKESPEARE PARt I. No. 6 . DRINKING SONG Othello. Ad 2, Sc. 3 ^/^^iai-- ^- 3 .l^^^^K^k ^ii^-i^ '''' ''^ flB^^^^^' WtaHwKfcaM^' 'il 1 '^^ttoE' tti ' ^' And let me the canakin clink, clink; And let me the canakin clink : A soldier's a man ; A life's but a span ; Why, then let a soldier drink. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 7 YOUTH AND AGE The Passionate Pilgrim Crabbed age and youth Cannot live together ; Youth is full of pleasance, Age is full of care : Youth like summer morn. Age like winter weather; Youth like summer brave, Age like winter bare. Youth is full of sport, Age's breath is short. Youth is nimble, age is lame; Youth is hot and bold, Age is weak and cold ; Youtli is wild, and age is tame. Age, 1 do abhor thee, Youth, 1 do adore thee ; O, my love, my love is young ; Age, I do defy thee ; O, sweet shepherd, hie thee. For methinks thou stay'st too long. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. B "UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE" As You Like It, Act 2, Sc. 5 Under the greenwood tree Who loves to lie with me, And tune his merry note Unto the sweet bird's throat, Come hither, come hither, come hither ; Here shall he see No enemy, But winter and rough weather. Who doth ambition shun, Who loves to live i' the sun, Seeking the food he eats, And pleas'd with what he gets, Come hither, come hither, come hither; Here shall he see No enemy, But winter and rough weather. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 9 THE SONG OF POOR BARBARA Othello, Act 4, Sc. 3 >•«:".,- The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree, Sing all a green willow ; Her hand on her bosom, her head on her knee. Sing willow, willow, willow : The fresh streams ran by her, and murmur'd her niuaiis ; Sing willow, willow, willow ; Her salt tears fell from her, and soften'd the stones ; Sing willow, willow, willow: Sing all a green willow must be my garland. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 10 i "MY LADY SWEET, ARISE" Cymbeline, Act 2, Sc. j k .1^|f-7-T-lp»JT'1' i-V»-^-(T»-r--«rV'| ■Tr|»J^V;«T»'fl^'t-rr' '^'»''*'''~>Tr''" "i" ' ""l^"*. Hark! Hark! The lark at Heaven's gate sings, And Phoebus 'gins arise, His steeds to water at those springs On chalic'd flowers that lies ; And winking mary-buds begin To ope their golden eyes ; With every thing that pretty bin : My lady sweet, arise ; Arise, arise. SHAKESPEARE PART 1. No. 11 AUTOLYCUS' SONG Winter's Tale, Act 4, Scs. 2 and -f Lawn, as white as driven snow : Cyprus, black as e'er was crow ; Gloves, as sweet as damask roses ; Masks for faces, and for noses : Bugle bracelet, necklace-amber, Perfume for a lady's chamber ; Golden quoifs, and stomachers, For my lads to give their dears ; Pins, and poking-sticks of steel. What maids lack from head to heel : Come, buy of me ; come, come buy, come buy ; Buy lads, or else your lasses cry ; Come, buy, etc. Jog on, jog on, the foot-path way, And merrily hent the stile-a : A merrj- heart goes all the day, Your sad tires in a mile-a. ^Hfi^^- SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 12 "WHERE THE BEE SUCKS" Tempest, Act 5, S<:. / Where the bee sucks, there suck I ; In a cowslip's bell 1 lie : There I couch when owls do crj'. On a bat's back I do fly, After summer, merrily : Merrily, merrily, shall I live now, Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 13 ARIEL'S SONG Tempest, Act i, Sc. 2 Come unto these yellow sands, And then take hands : Court'sied when you have, and kiss'd, (The wild waves whist,) Foot it featly here and there ; And, Eweet sprites, the burden bear. axA Hark, hark ! Bowgh, wowgh. The watch-dogs bark : Bowgh, wowgh. Hark, hark ! I hear The strain of strutting chanticlere Crv, cock-a-doodle-doo. SHAKESPEARE PART I. No. 14 16833 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION pAi<.r 1 1 Publifhcd for Private Circulation AnnoDomini 1900 OTHELLO " But here's my husband. And so much duty as my mother shou'd To you, preferring you before her father. So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor, my lord." — Act i, Sc. j From an early hand-colored print SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 1 HENRY IRVING AS SHYLOCK [Merchant of Venice, Act j, Sc. i) SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^BBt^ckj^^^t * SbiBhBK^^ 1 ^^^^mmm^ ■ » 1 ■M 1 ^HK^^^HH^BH^BHiiC^Si^^Rr^^flMiMfi ■H ^^^|^^^^^b^H^^^^^^^^H^^^!^AvBHB|^^^| ^H h^^^HHhI H m ^^Bi^« 1 ^BiV!w''.w^uH 1 GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE AS /AGO SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. S NATHANIEL FIELD A celebrated actor in Shakespeare Plays ( See list of actors in first folio edition) SHAKESPEARE PORT II. Un I JOHN LOWIN The first actor of Hamlet (From an original in Ashmole Museum, Oxford) SHAKESPEARE PART •• KEMBLE AS HAMLET {From the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence) SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 6 CHARLES FISHER AS FALSTAFF SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 7 G. /. BENNETT ( From a Daguerreotype by Paine) SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 8 MR. BUCKSTONE AS LAUNCELOT GOBBO (Merchant of Venice) SHAKESPEARE PART II. No 9 MB. PHELPS AND MISS GLYN IN HAMLET SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 10 MB. HACKET AS FALSTAFF {King Henry IV, Fart I) SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 1 1 ,-1'J PEG WOFFINGTON SHAKESPEARE PART II. No. 12 168 Oo3 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION PART III Publifhcd for Private Circulation AnnoDomini 1900 SHAKESPEARE {Drawn by John Boaden from the Stratford bust) SHAKESPEARE PART III. No. I JOHN McCULLOUGH AS COBIOLANUS SHAKESPEARE PART III. No. 2 SHAKESPEARE {From a eery rare print) SHAKESPEARE PART III. No. 3 HAMLET {Act 5, 5c. i) ' What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis ? Whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wandering stars and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers 7 " SHAKESPEARE PART in. ■•■••■ ' 7hi- shadow! i: r^mvn^j ShakcJfy.-ur's'.Soulu cfth'aj^ 'The appLujc\hliciJit' the wonjcr cfthcStiUji.-. jVaturc hi:r sjlfl; tpa.~ fraxijl i^f hi' J~.-fiijn^'.- ^'Ind jci'A tc WL\irj the drc/sinc) or his /jVuV, Th: learned \ctll C^nf^fs^hi: ircr'ks are luch-i .'Is ncxthcr man> nor Aiufc, can prai,'/h tc rnucli . for jivr in'.- thy f-amc-, the wcrlj tc wl! -. 'Ihy hkc, nc aiiC' S hull ever varuh'U . from the edition of his Poems. 1640 SHAKESPEARE PART III No, h JOHhl PHILIP KEMBLE SHAKESPEARE PART III. No. 6 i ¥ MACREADY AS VIRGINWS M ACRE AD Y AS MACBETH (From a painting by Neagle) SHAKESPEARE PART III. No. 7 -^ MR. KEMBLE AS CATO {From a drawing by Wageman) SHAKESPEARI PART III. No MR. FAWCETT AS TOUCHSTONE (From an original drawing, i8ig) SHAKESPEARE PART III. No, 9 KITTY CLIVE SHAKESPEARE PART III. No. 10 FANNY FEN TON SHAKESPEARE FART III. No. II MERCHANT OF VENICE Act I, Sc. J SHAKESPEARE PART 111. No. ^Z IT SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION ■^ PART IV Publifhcd for Private Circulation AnnoDomini 1900 THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR Engraved by Mafcart from a painting by Goldberg (German) SHAKESPEARE PART (V. No. 1 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA Engraved by Spiess from a painting by Sclimidt (German) SHAKESPEARE PART IV. No. 2 KING RICHARD III Engraved by Fecht from a painting by Bauer (German) SHAKESPEARE PART IV. No. 3 KING JOHN Engraved by Adamo from a painting by Bankcl (German) SHAKESPEARE PART IV Nrt 4 KING HENRY VI, PART I Engraved by Pecht from a painting by Bauer (German) SHAKESPEARE PART IV. No. 5 ■1 1^1^^^^ ^H^B^^^^^^T^w fc^-ff r. M '^^^^^^^1 ^Bp'r -% i^H| ^^HJPa^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H laBfe^^l^^^^ y>^^I^^E,'> ^•S^M&lV^ ' V uj^ ^ ^m^^^^i I^^K'^^M^^^ iffjtfl! xQBVr ' a ^flv^^ ,' W^A^^^Bb y^rH^m-^ m ' ""^^^Siil MiWg^ m BS^H '" '^^si^l ^^^E^^^^^l ^E^^^v " ' i^l ^K^A^^^^^^^v " ^HwH^^bi^^^l f -W- ^^t K ''1^>^I ■V' ' -^ ' m ^^^^^^^^^■^^H '^ ^^^^IH^^^^^^^^I oS ■ ' ;? flL^ W^m^ mBL m ^^^^^K' mB ^^Hfefei ^^^^^I^^V/ '^^H ^H^^^^^^l ^^H j^^si ^H X/NG RICHARD II Engrated by Pecht from a painting by Krausse {German) SHAKESPEARE PART IV. No. 6 KING HENRY IV. PART II {Act 4, Sc. 4. The King and the Prince of Wales) From the painting by R. Smirke (Boydetl print. London, 1792) SHAKESPEASE PART IV. No. 7 i. I z > ? 31 o » o g 3 O r, to Co t*1 o 5: ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^1 ^^^H aIh^^^^^^^I ^^^^tKfr ^uj^^^H pl ■I^B ^^^Hpj| am^K^^m I^Hk ^Hi ^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^ f^^H ^^^H HHHBb^^ ^^Bh l^^l ^^^^HP^*^^ ^ja^^pd(&>'^^^^»« L^^^l HH^^^B^^^^/ ^ Shi ■jH K^^9 ^^j^H ^B^Hff '^^"^^B^i^S^^^H HJ^VRH wBI^SSSS^^^^^^;.^ I^^HjP^^ "^-'^^ ^^^If ^^^^i TtXW'l^'rn ? h'^^^^^^^^^W^^^^^^Bl ^^ffi3 luH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I t»l CD g- c: d I-. •^ > c: o t/i 3 Ti :*- Q t*i a' C/) 5* :^ «5 to 3) X KING LEAR ' Pour on ; 1 mill endure in such a night as this ' TWELFTH NIGHT ' But we will draw the curtain and show you the picture. Look you, sir, such a one I wear " SHAKESPEARE PART IV. No. 11 " Through the sharp hawthorn blows the cold wind" King Lear, Act j, Sc. 3 LOVE'S L\BORS LOST ' Boy. what sign is it wlien a man of great spirit grows melancholy f SHAKESPEARE PART IV. No. 12 TSSHT" SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION PARTI V Publiflicd for Private Circulalion AnnoDominj 1900 ■a CD tn c: to o 1 s 2.' f*! a' t^ **> in o- r-< I § 5; & ^ a to : 5: ^ o Q. D 5: o 1*1 1- g 3 3 •^ s c ^ ' 1 .-^ 3* *B 3' :2 o to -i 4. " 3 S I 3 -2. o (fl O a: to a 5^ KING LEAR {Act 4, Sc. 7) From ike painting by R. Smirke {Boydell print. London. 1792) SHAKESPEARE PART V. No. 6 T o 3 a 5: o a: to 1-5 «^ So to i5 TWELFTH NIGHT ( Act 2, Sc. J. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Maria) From the painting by W. Hamilton (Boydetl print. London, 1792) SHAKESPEARE PART V. No. 8 THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR [Act 4, Sc. I. Mrs. Page, Mrs. Quickly, William and Sir Hugh) From the painting by R. Smirke (Boy dell print. London, 1293) SHAKESPEARE PART V. No. 9 THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR {Act 1, Sc. 4) From the painting by R. Smirke {Boydell print. London. /79J) SHAKESPEARE PART V. No. 10 'H- ■•-^lai^mj-'-''.- , *-" AS YOU LIKE IT Act I, Sc. 2 TEMPEST Act J, Sc. I SHAKESPEARE PART V. No. II l/l a: o ^ a; •3- ^ 3 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION i ^ 1 ft ^ B^^' PART VI Publifhcd for Private Circulation AnnoDomini 1900 SAMUEL PHELPS (Drury Lane. London. 1826) SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 1 DAVID GARRICK From an original painting by Robert Edge Pine SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 2 CHARLES KEAN (Son of Edmund Kean) SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 3 THOMAS BETTER TON SHAKESPEARt PART VI. No. ■♦ MRS. SIDDONS After the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 5 FANNY KEMBLE From the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 6 EDWIN BOOTH SHAKESPEARe PART V(. No. 7 MRS. SIDDONS From the painting by Gainsborough SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 8 SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 9 \\ SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 10 CHARLOTTE AND SUSAN CUSHMAN Romeo and Juliet, Act j. Si. 5 SHAKESPEARE PART VI. No. 11 ME. BARBY AS TIMON Timon of Athens shakespeare Part vi. No. 12 [.?d33 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION PART VII Publifhcd for Private Circulation AnnoDomini 1900 HAMLET Engraved liy fcclit from 'a painting bij ijoUlLyerg ( German) KING JOHN Engraved by Adamo from a painting by Bauer (German) SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 2 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Engrated by Adamo from a painting by Bauer (German) SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 3 3 3 ■■"■ -o Is n c c, o KING HENRY VI. PART III Engraved by Adamo from a painting by Bauer ( German ) SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 5 AS YOU LIKE IT Engraved by Schwoerer from a painting by Banket (German) SHAKESPEARC PART VII. No CARDINAL WOLSEY (Henry VIII) From a paintinq by R. Westall, R. A. SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 7 CORIOLANUS Engraved by Adamo from a painting by Bauer (German) SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. B KING HENRY VI (Pan I. Act 2, Sc. 5) From a painting by Northcote SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 9 KING HENRY IV. PART I Engraved by Adamo from a painting by Krausse (German) SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 10 RICHARD II From the original picture in the Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster Hall {Engraved in 7790) SHAKESPEARE HENRY VIII SHAKESPEARE PART VII. No. 12 1 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION PART VIII Publifhcd for Private Circulation AnnoDomini 1900 / 1% ■i'j^S,,,^ C" V-. CHARLES KEMBLE From a drawing by R. J. Lane, A.R.A., originally owned by Mrs. Siddons. 1798 SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 1 EDMUND KEAN As Richard III I From a very rare print) SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 2 C. W. COULDOCK as HAMLET From an engraving by W. H. Mote, after a drawing by A. Wivell SHAKESPEARE PART Vlll. No. 3 CHARLES KEMBLE As Romeo BOGER KEMBLE From an original painting owned by Mrs. Siddons (Father of Mrs. Siddons and John Philip Kemble) SHAKESPEARE PART VMI. No. 4 W. C. MAC READY Engraced from a photograph CHARLES KEMBLE As Vincentio SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 5 MR. DILLON as HAMLET SHAKESPEARE PART vril. No. D DAVID GARRICK As Macbeth : " I am afraid to think what I have done ' SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 7 MR. BASS as MALVOLIO This does make some obstruction in the blood. This cross-gartering ; but what of that?" Twelfth Night, Act 3. Sc. SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 8 JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH " Hark ! the murder's doing ; princes farewell. To me there's music in your passing knell " Richard III, Act 4. Sc. From an original drawing by Rouse, owned by the late Edwin Booth SHAKESPEARE PART VIM. No. 9 CHARLES KEMBLE In the character of Cromuell in Henry VJII {From a painting by Harlow) SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 10 SHAKESPEARE (From a print published 7776) SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 11 THE SHAKESPEARE ARMS SHAKESPEARE PART VIII. No. 12 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION PART IX Publifhcd for Private Circulation Anno Domini 1900 6i o 5 Co » I Co 5i O o a d S a C o to •o KING LEAR {From a painting by Pecht) (German) SHAKESPEARE PART IX. No. 3 O 3- IH 3 «) t*i o JULIUS CAESAR ( From a painting by Heinrich Spiess) (German) •SHAKESPEARE PART I Y Ni. S ROMEO AND JULIET {From a painting by Hofmann) ( German) SHAKESPEARE PART IX. No. 6 O 5- y 3 \^>\^ SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION i '|ibyyy44HHiiHij'*''ji!:;/"''''"'""'''"'™ ^Sl™A 1 ^^^^n 1 l^ip^ PART XI Publifhcd for Private Circulation Anno Domini 1900 STRATFORD-ON-AVON CHURCH (Vieui of the north aisle) STRATFORD-ON-AVON CHURCH (South side) SHAKESPEARE PART XI. No. 1 o 1^- VIENNA Measure for Measure, Act 5, Sc. / GATE OF SOUTHAMPTON IN 1670 King Henry V, Act 2, Sc. 2 SHAKESPEARE PART XI. No. 3 o => 3 n' Q a Oi E 5: In O to t»1 S. i^ t/1 t*1 o to O :> ir. t*l ? o -; =. p a. '>. a hi H > 5 > n o Co to t/i hi n ■§ 5. 5 2 m .- to in Ij) ?1 „ 2 n Co '^^ 5; O 5- hi S to to O c; -0 3 I -« > •0 o > • 3) — m =^ fcn I C/l a •s J S -< 5 ■ C/) i. •^ iX tn ^ ta m it' to -t to i»i ^ > VI 3J I H > INTERIOR OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY (Funeral of Henry V) " He was a king blessed of the K:r.j of kings " SHAKESPEARE PART XI. No. 12 SHAKESPEARE RARE PRINT COLLECTION PART XII Publifhcd for Private Circulation Anno Domini 1900 SHAKESPEARE (From an early steel engraving) SHAKESPEARE PART XII. No. 1 THE RED BULL PLAYHOUSE (From Kirkman's Drolls, published in i6j2) A unique specimen of the interior economy of early English theatres SHAKESPEARE PART XII. No. 2 '7. 4. . ft^-UJiA X^ Th^irK^ , fLru. STEANQEH & DON CyESAR DB B AZ AN. m»r- Uariw: tte Engajremtn* of Mo. BOOTH, ke will nppeffi in .e-eral ew < hira*-ter3. R T^'^""' *'"'"?'' '"" "<* t» respontiWe for any debta coot»8ct«d tor tWs BsuWwlmrot. or anj nicmben Uiateuf. nnleas under hit written order E. L. JATtMPOR'r Boiton Meoi-notb S«c«ra Job Priaiing EataWlahmeuL i Bprtnt Urn* SHAKESPEARE PART XII. No. 4 Theatre Royal, Hay-Market. This Eveniog, the Tragedy of HAMLET. Hoiatio, MrH. WALLACK, . PoIodios, Mr W. FARREN, Claudius, King of Denmark, Mr W. JOHNSON, Rosencrants, Mr BARTLETT, Laertes, Mr BRINDAL, Hamlet, Mr KEAN. Guildenstern Mr COVENEV, Beraardo Mr NEWCOMBE, Osrick, MrVINlNG, FraDcisco, Mr FIELD, Marcellns Mr V. WEBSTER. Priest Mr HUCKEL, First Actor, Mr MULLEN KY, Second Actor, Mr BISHOP, First Grave-digger, Mr HARLEV, Second Ditto, Mr J. COOPER. Ophelia, Miss TAYLOR, Gertrude, Queen of Deomark, Mrs GLOVER, Actress, Mrs NEWCOMBE. After which, (8th time,) a Comedy, in To, Mr LATHAM, Giacorao, Mr BEDFORD, 1st Carabineer. Mr BLAND. Francisco, (the Miller) Mr EATON Lady Pamela Goslington, Mrs ORGER. Zulina, (Daughter of Lucro) Mrs WAYLETT. The Concerted Music by Miss Byfeld, Miss Br uce. MissButline. Oa Tuesday, The Stranger, with, first time, a new Farce called High Ways and By Ways. SHAKESPEARE PART XII. No. 9 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BJtOJID AAD LDCDST STEEBIB. LSeSEE ADD MAVAGEB, STAGE KAXAOEB, KU8ICAL SIBECTOB, . JAHEB M. Nixon JOED B. WBIGHl iohh f cooki On Saturday Evening, December \itli, 1861 The Greatem Living Tragedian, Will appear, for the First Time in Five Years, in Shak^nere's Tragedy of RICHARD, Duke of Gloster, King Henry VI, Heary, Earl of Richmond, Duke of BuckingbaiD Prince of Wales, - Duke of York, Duke of Norfolk, - Lord Stanley, • Sir Waller Biunt, - Lord Mayor, Treasel, Gated by, ' Ratcliffe, Lieutenant of the Tower, Forest, Oxford, Tirrel, Dightoii, • Queen Elizabeth, Lady ADoe, Ducheas of York, EDWIN FORREST Jamei Martin John McCulIougQ W Carter Mies Athena MiSB Le Brun J. M Ward N. C. Forrester - C. B Harrison W. Hieak J. W. Collier G. Becki H. H. Wall E. T, Clinton • J. Taylor Robiu4on R. Slepbeni Mrs Farren Mrs Glad^iane Mtf» Beeey Andrews GRAND OVBRTURE AND ENTR' ACTE, BY THE ORCHESTRA Under fh« Dircition of Mr JOHN P. COOKE. ON MONDAY EVENING. Edwin Forrest as King Lear ID- NOTICE-BEWARE OF SPECULATORS. Patrons of the Academy are re- quested to purchase their tickets at tho regular Box Office, (he management not l)euig re (puiuibte for any tickets purcha$ed ol outBido epcculators Due Notice will be given of the Eepetition of Hamlet FORREST NIGHTS, MOIVDAV, WEDAieSDAV. FRIDAY and SATURDAY. CUBAS NIGHTS, TUESDAY AND THUESDAY. Grand MATINEE Every iSdiurday. Doorfi open at 7 o'clock. The Performance* to commonoe at haU-pa«t 7. . • fqltowinc Soala of Prloa* ha* b»«n ^opMd. via : THE BALCON7, 81.00 DRESS CIRCLB, .60 CENTS GALLERY, ----25 CENTS IXlOKS «PE^ A'n:15. (niRTAIN KISKS AT l-.Vi. ^ro. MATINEE AT 1:30 LAST wag or TIE msoN! Last Two Appearances of Em BOOTH Last Tiro Appearances of MB. Last Two Appaaranoas this >?easoa of MR. J. B. BOOTH Wlio, !■ th» KsriTml nfniiritj— poma't Blatotlaal Timgad^, la Five Aot*. of KING JOHN ! win rMlgB all f«t«r« intnMt Is SATURDAT EVBMINa, BEAY 30, 1874, 'Will b* prM«ot*d Shak— p.............. .............. XAd7 Faoloonbrldga Lorda, Kolghta, Oaarda, ftoldiara, HoralOa, Attoadaat*, Mo., by ■ ... Mr.W. F.X>«WM . MuMt Ftmak Xittito . . MriL B F. Orattas Baata may b* SBOOBBD IN ADTANOB AT TBB BOX OFFXOB of tha Thaatra, « Itt Biaaek Ttokt Qgca. at tha Mnaio Btora of O. H. IMtaaa A Ool, 711 fcoaaway. SHAKESPEARE PART XII. No. 11 60 Stan f HlAf 11 LESSEE AND MANJVSnR Mr WYZEMAM MARSHALL sim;k masm;kk m, j i. ham m THE MANAGER lb PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE AN ENOAOEHENT FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF NIGHTS. WITH THE EMINENT TRAGEDIAN, WHO WILL AITEAK OS MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENLNGS, OCTOBER 26th AND 27th, 1863, iiiimirupKimiii! HAMLET! PRINCE OF DENMARK. Hamlet Edwin Booth OhostoiHamlefsEathcr.MrW.H.Wliallpy Kiun' Claudins Mr W. H. Haiublin Laertt's Mr J. G. Haiiley Polonius Mr W. H. C^irtis Horatio Mr E. W. Beattie llosciH'raiitz Mr W. H. Danvers (iuildoiistt^rii Mr E. Barry Osric Mr N. T. Davenport Marcellus Mj- C. M. Davis Bernardo Mr F. O. tSava^j^e Player Ivinj"- Mi" J. Biddies Second Actor Mr Jeffries Francisco Mr J. Taylor First Grav«Hlijj;