g^' BRIEF DESCRIPTION of the CHAMBERLAIN COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS now deposited in igitized by the Internet Archive THE Pii Microsoft Corporation City of Boston. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEEvS. 1897. •V* . THE CHAMBERLAIN COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS. ^::^^^^25y^^^-rn^^^4i#Kj BRIEF DESCRIPTION of the CHAMBERLAIN COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS now deposited in • " ''■ .'. ■ . . :]','• ;■•,; ; THE PUBLIC LIBRARY of the City of Boston. if boston, published by the trustees. 1897. U3:r^ A ' * -: i* :•'•••! • ••J • «• PREFACE. Some time must pass before the completion of an adequate description and analysis of the Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Meanwhile it is desirable that somewhat be known of its size and scope, particularly for the information of libraries and students at a distance. A portion, however, is already exposed to public view in a series of framed documents and tablets. Placed as these tablets are, in a position to attract the notice of younger students of American history, they are now rendered most intelligible and useful by historical prefaces which introduce their titles throughout the following pages. In a few months it is proposed to print in separate form the full text of the four great documents, mentioned more fully beyond, and with them to reprint the prefaces to them, as well as the descriptions of the tablets. The account which here follows of the general collection coincides in part with an article written a few years ago for the Boston Sunday Herald, by the Rev. Julius H. Ward, from memoranda furnished by the Hon. Mel- len Chamberlain. In the preparation of this pamphlet, es- pecially of the part relating to the framed documents and tablets, the Library has se- cured the assistance of Edwin M. Bacon, Esq., who has gained an intimate knowledge of the Collection by his classification of the material therein. Lindsay Swift, Editor of Library Publications. VI THE CHAMBERLAIN COLLECTION. The collection of historical documents,^ manuscripts, autographs, portraits, 'and en- gravings, together with a few printed vol- umes, belonging to the Hon. Mellen Cham- berlain, and proposed to be left, by testa- mentary bequest, to the Boston Public Li- brary, is now deposited in the library. It is arranged in two parts: the general collection and the series of framed tablets. The latter consists of four great documents: the Address to the King, 1774; the Declaration of Inde- pendence, 1776; the Articles of Confederation, 1777; and the Constitution, 1787; and of sixty-three framed tablets, made up of auto- graph signatures cut from receipts, franked envelopes, or from historical documents of no intrinsic value, here grouped, and illus- trated by portraits, biographical sketches, and historical notes. The tablets, which are described in detail below, are displayed on the walls of the room for Younger Readers, off the Chavannes corridor. THE GENERAL COLLECTION. The general collection occupies a room opening from the Librarian's room and es- pecially fitted to receive it. When bound and catalogued, the collection will be more fully open to examination than is now prac- ticable. It consists of bound and unbound vqlume3' of manuscripts, and of printed books, expanded and extra-illustrated; in all, mor»^ than three hundred and fifty volumes, conveniently to be divided for the purpose of description, into American and European sec- tions, and unclassified material. THE AMERICAN SECTION. In the American section, relating to the colonial, provincial, and revolutionary peri- ods, are twelve volumes of Massachusetts his- torical manuscripts; three devoted to New Hampshire, from the first settlement; fifteen to famous men, from all the colonies, con- nected with the Revolution; three to the signers of the Declaration of Independence; and five to Washingtoniana. One volume is given to the prominent Quakers who suffered persecution in Boston, in 1660; one to Bur- goyne's campaign, in 1777; and one to the actors in the Salem witchcraft tragedy. Five royal-octavo volumes, richly bound, contain letters, documents, manuscripts, and portraits, relating to Benjamin Franklin, to John Ad- ams, to John Hancock, to Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren, and to those engaged, on both sides, in the battles of Lexington, Con- cord, and Bunker Hill. Among the volumes relating to this early period, some merit particular description. The volume given up to the Quakers per- secuted in Boston contains the unpublished letter which William Dyer, the husband of the unfortunate Mary Dyer, wrote to the Court of Assistants in 1659, pleading for the life of his wife; also the original ''Warn- ing" of Margaret Smith — the original of Whittier's "Margaret Smith's Journal" — ''given forth in the House of Correction in Boston, New England, December 1660," and other papers respecting the treatment of the Quakers by the Massachusetts authorities. The five volumes relating to Washington may properly be classed with the series of the Revolution, although they include letters and documents written by Washington between the age of eighteen and the closing years of his life, with letters and portraits of his con- temporaries associated with him both in mili- tary and civil affairs. Among these contem- poraries represented are Braddock, Lord Lou- don, Baron Steuben, the titular Lord Stirling, Israel and Rufus Putnam, Knox, Gates, Charles Lee, Henry Lee, Greene, Sullivan, Arnold, Lord and Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, Cornwallis, Lafayette, Ro- chambeau, de Grasse, Duportail, Earl Bu- chan, Luzerne, Genet, Jefferson, Hamilton, Randolph, Wolcott and Habersham. One volume is made up of the various portraits, prints of busts and monuments of Washing- ton, with portraits and autographs of the dis- tinguished artists to whom he sat. It contains every known portrait of Washington which has any merit as a likeness or as a work of art. The volume of the Signers of the Declara- tion of Independence contains a very curious series of about twenty autograph poems, which George Wythe of Virginia and William Ellery of Rhode Island addressed to each other, and probably composed while the question of independence was under discus- sion in the Congress of 1776. Memorials of various sorts are collected in the volumes relating to the unfortunate ex- pedition against Canada in 1690, which was paid for by the first issue of paper money instead of by expected booty; to the capture of Louisburg in 1745, which was followed by the expatriation of the Acadians; and to the proposed attack on Crown Point in 1755. In one or the other of these expeditions Gov- ernor Shirley, the Pepperrells, Commodore Warren, and Colonel John Winslow were prominent. The period of the Stamp Act and the later military actions during the Revolution, at Bennington, Saratoga, Stony- Point, in the Southern Campaigns, and at the crowning victory at Yorktown, are illustrated by letters and documents; as are also Naval, Diplomatic, and Congressional affairs. The beginnings of the Revolution, particu- larly the part played by Massachusetts, are illustrated in the bound volumes of letters of Franklin, Hancock, the Adamses and others. In these are numerous documents, in manu- script or printed, relating to the "Boston Massacre," including the action of the Town, the General Court, and popular assemblies. The proceedings at the time of the destruc- tion of the tea in 1773 are fully illustrated by rare printed placards. Among other papers are original letters to the selectmen written by Samuel Adams and others; the resolutions of the Boston Town meeting in Adams's hand- writing; and letters of Richard Clarke & Sons to John Hancock, respecting the cargo of tea consigned to them. In the collection are also many letters of Committees of Correspond- ence; non-importation agreements in manu- script; papers relating to the treatment of loyalists before the outbreak of hostilities, and letters on questions of the day, by the Otises, father and son, the Quincys, senior and junior, Joseph and James Warren, Paul Revere and others, together with political hand-bills, broadsides and caricatures. The Lexington and Concord fights, and the battle of Bunker Hill, are fully illustrated by original contemporary letters and docu- ments interleaved in the monographs printed in 1875, commemorating the centennials of those events. These manuscripts include the name of nearly every man of distinction found on either side of the contest, among them General Gage, Lieut. -Colonel Smith, who led the main party of the British, Lord Percy, who brought up the relieving columns, Paul Revere and William Dawes, who carried the alarm to Middlesex, James Barrett and Major Buttrick, who were conspicuous on the Amer- ican side, Gerry, Orne and Lee, of the Com- mittee of Safety and Supplies, who escaped capture by the British only by a precipitate flight from their beds at the Black Horse Tavern in Menotomy (Arlington), Joseph Warren, and the Rev. Jonas Clarke, in whose house John Hancock and Samuel Adams had been entertained the night before the fight. One of the most interesting documents here is the original bill of Dr. Joseph Fisk for med- ical services rendered to the "King's Troops on the 19th of April." The monograph of Bunker-Hill, June 17, 1775, bound with that of Lexington and Con- cord, is even more fully illustrated, and con- tains several letters and documents written on the day of the battle and relating to it. One is a letter of Israel Putnam to the Com- mittee of Supplies relative to forwarding eighteen barrels of powder from Connecticut. Here also is found the letter of Daniel Web- ster correcting the proof sheets of his oration at the laying of the cornerstone of Bunker- Hill monument, and the original invitation to deliver the oration on the completion of the monument. On blank pages of the volume Whittier has transcribed his ''Lexington, 1775," Emerson, his famous Concord Bridge hymn, and Holmes, his "Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle." Following the Revolution, there are me- morials of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and of the successive administrations from Washington to Grant. In these are grouped the presidents, cabinets, diploma- tists, judges, speakers of the House, and the leading statesmen in both houses of Congress. American artists occupy six volumes; American inventors, one volume; men of af- fairs, twenty-three volumes; Massachusetts judges and lawyers, eight volumes; miscel- lanies, twenty-three volumes; historic houses of the United States, illustrated with auto- graphs, views and portraits, two volumes. Duyckinck's "Cyclopaedia of American Liter- ature" is expanded into forty-seven volumes by portraits, autograph letters and original manuscripts of poems or other writings of the greater part of the authors treated in that work, and of many others incidentally men- tioned in its biographical notices. This work is supplemented by twenty-three volumes of literary characters not included in Duyckinck. In the volumes devoted to American artists is found every memorable name from Copley to recent times. THE EUROPEAN SECTION. The European section includes four vol- umes devoted to sovereigns, thirty to men of affairs, eleven to men of letters, one to musi- cians, two to actors and actresses, six to artists, two to philosophers, four to scientific men, ten to the period of the Revolution in France, and six to Shakespeare. All the sovereigns of England from Henry VII. to Victoria, except Edward VI., are in- cluded; of France from Louis XII. to Louis XVI.; representatives of the French Direc- tory, the Consulate, the First empire, and of the Bonaparte family; and such rulers of other nations (to mention only some of the most famous) as Ferdinand and Isabella, the Philips of Spain, Gustavus Adolphus, Charles XII., Frederick the Great, Maria Theresa, Cather- ine II. and Alexander I. of Russia. Among the volumes given to men of affairs, letters or documents are found of the earls of Essex, of Leicester, Fairfax, Sully, Mazarin, Colbert, Richelieu, Coke, Cecil, Fox, George Gren- ville. Lord North, the younger Pitt, Grattan and his eminent contemporaries, and of such 8 of the French revolutionary characters as Robespierre, Danton, Camot, Marat, Necker, and his daughter, Madame de Stael. Among names distinguished in military affairs are Pic- colomini, Turenne, Vauban, Peterborough, Eugene, Marlborough, Wolfe, and Welling- ton; Napoleon and his marshals form a group by themselves. Among the great di- vines represented are Melanchthon, Calvin, Bossuet, Fenelon, Jeremy Taylor, Bishop Burnet, Berkeley, Dr. Samuel Clarke, War- burton, Hurd, Whately, and others equally eminent; among men of science and inventors, Newton, Watt, the Herschels, Faraday, the Stephensons, and the great French and German astronomers; among philosophers and metaphysicians, Leibnitz, Bayle, d'Alem- bert, Diderot, Erasmus, Darwin, Hutcheson, Locke, Hume, Voltaire, Condorcet, Rousseau, St. Simon, Kant, Marmontel, Maupertuis, Richard Price, Baron Grimm, Fichte, Hegel, Helvetius, Herder, Hobbes, Lotze, Adam Smith, Reid, Priestley, Schelling, Schlegel, Schopenhauer, Sir William Hamilton, John Stuart Mill, Isaac Taylor, Cousin, and Her- bert Spencer. Among continental and British artists, represented by signed or attributed specimens of their work in original drawings or pen and ink sketches, are found the names of such eminent painters, sculptors, and architects as Domenichino, Del Sarto, Correggio, Holbein, Paul Veronese, Andrea Sacchi. Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Gabriel Metsu, Sir Peter Lely, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir James Thornhill, George Vertue, Hogarth, Richard Wilson, Campagniola, Sir Joshua Reynolds, George Romney, James Barry, James Northcote, William Blake, Cruikshank, Landseer, Millais, Thorwaldsen, Overbeck, Winckelmann, Dela- roche, and Delacroix. Among musicians, composers and performers, are the names, some of them accompanied by manuscripts of compositions and all with portraits, of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Auber, Schneider, Weber, Sontag, Meyer- beer, Schumann, Wagner, Sir Henry R. Bishop, Jennie Lind, and Ole Bull; amonjs: actors, of Garrick, the Kembles, Talma, Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Inchbald, Macready, Buck- stone, John Maddison Morton (the farce writer), Junius Brutus Booth, Forrest, Charles Kean, Vandenhoff, Edwin Booth, and John Brougham. The volumes of Shakesperiana include au- tograph letters of nearly all the Shakesperian editors and scholars — Edmund Malone, Mrs. Montagu, Bishop Percy, Thomas Tyrwhitt, Richard Farmer, Dr. Nathan Drake, Charles Knight, Sir Harris Nicholas, George Steevens, Isaac Reed, Anna Seward, the Rev. Thomas Bowdler, Alexander Chalmers, Francis Douce, Ireland the forger, Alexander Dyce, James O. 10 Halliwell, J. Payne Collier, Joseph Ritson, and Joseph Haslewood. In the European section, as in the American, it has often been found practicable by the collector to group letters and other interest- ing matters under a general heading, as ''Some Eminent Scotchmen," or round some dis- tinguished name, as Sir Walter Scott, Francis Jeffrey, and Lord Macaulay, concerning whom notable illustrated monographs have appeared in magazines. These monographs, inlaid to uniform size, have been prepared to receive additional illustration in the form of letters, not only of the principal characters written about, but also of many who are incidentally mentioned. For example: in the "Eminent Scotchmen" series are found, in connection with the descriptive letter-press, an original poem of Allan Ramsay, letters of James Thom- son, author of ''The Seasons," of Burns (a poem signed), of Thomas Reid, David Hume, Dr. William Cullen, Dr. William Hunter, Hus^h Blair, Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, Dr. John Moore, James Beattie, James Watt, James Macpherson, "translator" of Ossian, Henry Mackenzie, Mrs. Anne Grant, and others. The other Scotch monographs must be treated more concisely. The principal men of the coterie of which Scott was the centre, those associated with Constable, who founded, and with Jeffrey and his associates, who for II many years carried on the ''Edinburgh Re- view," and those associated with William Blackwood, of ''Blackwood's Magazine," are respectively represented by autographs, and in some cases by leaves of the original copy of one or more of their pubUshed articles. The names of some of those thus associated are Archibald Constable, Francis Horner, Francis Jeffrey, Sydney Smith, Lord Brougham, John Ballantyne, Dugald Stewart, Thomas Campbell, James Hogg, William Blackwood, John Gait, Allan Cunningham, John Wilson, George Combe, Alexander Carlyle, Basil Hall, J. R. McCulloch, Edward Irving, Lock- hart, Carlyle, David M. Moir ("Delta"), Motherwell, Dr. John Brown, Dr. Thomas Chalmers, Thomas Guthrie, Robert and Wil- liam Chambers. In the Macaulay monograph are bio- graphical notices of the Rev. Zachary Ma- caulay, father of Lord Macaulay, and of many of the members of the "Clapham Set." There are letters of Granville Sharp, Hannah More, Bishop Percy, Catherine Macaulay, Dr. John- son, Mrs. Thrale, Winthrop M.Praed, Bulwer, Jeffrey, Samuel Rogers, John Wilson, James Montgomery, and of others, in some way asso- ciated with the Macaulay family. This vol- ume is supplemented by autograph letters of some of the subjects of Macaulay's Essays, including Fanny Burney, Lord Burleigh, Francis Bacon, Sir William Temple, Chatham, 12 Walpole, Warren Hastings, Sir Philip Fran- cis, Sir James Mackintosh, Lord Holland, Southey, Hallam, Croker, and Gladstone. UNCLASSIFIED. Besides the classified collection is a con- siderable mass of manuscripts of great his- torical or literary value, awaiting arrange- ment, in which are in particular two papers of more than ordinary interest. The earliest is a printed broadside in folio, announcing the acting of the "Tragedy of Zara" in Faneuil Hall "by a society of ladies and gentlemen." The play was given in the winter of 1775- 76, when the British army under Sir William Howe, and many loyalists, were held in Boston by Washington's army. The play-bill is very rare, and this copy of it probably unique in having on its back a finely written cast of the characters. The other paper is also very rare, since it is one of the only two of the same kind said to have been removed from their place in the days of the Commune. It is a pay-roll of the members of the French National Institute, December, 1801. Among the receipting sig- natures are the names of Legendre, Delambre, Lacroix, Carnot, Cuvier, Lamarck, Jussieu, Saint Pierre, abbe Sicard, Merlin, Cassini the astronomer, Vauquelin the chemist, abbe Sabatier the famous surgeon, Ducis the French dramatist, and the following famous 13 painters or sculptors, — David, Regnault, Julien, Roland, and Houdon. About one hun- dred signatures appear on this pay-roll, every one of which was written by a man of dis- tinction. PRINTED BOOKS. Though the Chamberlain Collection con- sists mainly of autograph letters and docu- ments, it includes also several volumes bearing the autographs of famous men; and others, besides many pamphlets, which are the in- scribed gifts of authors. Among the former is a copy of Scaliger's Poetics, with two au- tographs of Pope; another entitled "Desiderii Erasmi Flores," date of 1645, with Mather Byles's autograph on the title page; another made up of Thomas Moore's autograph notes for a History of Ireland; another, and perhaps the most interesting of them, is the little duodecimo volume in which Coleridge, Charles Lamb, and Lloyd, made their venture in pub- lishing their poems, in 1797. This was Lamb's own copy in which he transcribed at the end of his printed poems his sonnet to "Miss Kelly," signed '^C. Lamb, Sept. 1819." He at first inadvertently wrote this sonnet on the blank half page separating the poems of Lloyd from his own. Discovering his mistake, he cut out the leaf, and in doing so also excised two stanzas of Lloyd's poems printed on the reverse of the leaf. To restore these stanzas 14 he copied them in his own hand on the mar- gins, and rewrote his sonnet in its proper place, as it now appears. "The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems," by Longfellow, is, perhaps, the most interesting volume in this part of the collection. The edition is the EngHsh duo- decimo, illustrated by Sir John Gilbert. It is inlaid to foHo size to accommodate a letter, which must be regarded as the most interest- ing document of the early Plymouth Colony. The volume contains a portrait and character- istic note of Gilbert. In it are also to be found many photographic and engraved portraits of Longfellow selected by him from a large num- ber from which he excluded eight or ten as "not altogether pleasing." These latter, though not included, have been preserved. The portraits included all bear Longfellow's autograph, and the text is preceded by the opening stanza in his autograph. The letter inserted in the volume is a well-preserved folio, dated February 6, 163 1/2, of con- siderable historical importance, addressed to Governor John Winthrop. Winthrop's in- dorsement and Bradford's seal are on the fourth page. It is in Bradford's hand- writing, signed by Bradford himself, Gov- ernor Thomas Prence, Dr. William Fuller, the famous physician not only of Plymouth but of the Massachusetts Colony as well, and by two of the principal characters of the poem, 15 — Miles Standish and John Alden. Besides these autographs the volume contains letters of Governor Winslow, Cotton Mather and others, and many engraved illustrations of scenes and events referred to in the poem. Another book, enlarged in a similar way, is the "Salem Witchcraft,'^ by Charles W. Up- ham, in two volumes. It contains many of the original complaints, depositions, execu- tions, and other papers used at the trials of those charged with witchcraft, together with documents or letters of many persons who, like Cotton Mather, were conspicuous in that delusion. SKETCH OF MELLEN CHAMBERLAIN. It is fitting that a few facts of the life of Judge Chamberlain, and of the conditions under which the collection was made, should be recorded here. Mellen Chamberlain was born, June 4, 1821, at Pembroke, N. H. In 1844 he graduated, with high rank, from Dart- mouth College. After teaching for several years in Brattleboro, Vt., in 1846 he entered the Harvard Law school, and soon after was appointed Librarian of that department of the university. In 1849 ^^ was admitted to the bar, and in June of the same year became a citizen of Chelsea, where he still resides. He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1858-59; of the Senate, 16 1863-64, the second year serving as chairman of the committee on the judiciary; an Asso- ciate Justice of the Municipal Court of Boston from June 29, 1866 to Dec. i, 1870; Chief Jus- tice of that court from that date to August, 1878; and Librarian of the Boston Public Library from August, 1878 to October, 1890. At the age of nineteen he was elected a member (the youngest ever chosen) of the New Hampshire Historical Society. He is a corresponding member of the New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania historical so- cieties, and a member of .the American acad- emy, the New England Historic genealogical society, and the Massachusetts Historical so- ciety. The following are among his contribu- tions to American historical work: "J^^^^ Ad- ams, the statesman of the American Revolu- tion" (1884); A review of McMaster's History (Andover Review, June, 1886); The Revolu- tion impending (Narrative and critical history of America, vol. 6) ; and a review of Palfrey's History of New England (The Nation, July 10, 1890). Since his retirement from his office in the Boston Public Library, which he re- signed on October i, 1890, by reason of ad- vancing age and impaired health. Judge Cham- berlain has been engaged on a history of Chelsea, to which he had committed himself by acceptance of a request made by the City Government. This collection was begun at a time when 17 the present interest, and the competition re- sulting, had not yet developed. As a conse- quence, not only signatures and letters, but historical documents of considerable import- ance, were often to be had for the asking. Even in public offices a disregard of historical papers led to their disposal in ways which put them easily into the hands of collectors. Judge Chamberlain and the late Dr. George H. Moore, of the Lenox Library, both bene- fited, even as early as when at school together in Concord, N. H., by this disregard and pre- vailing indifference. Later, association with Dr. John Farmer, the genealogist, at that time employed by the state of New Hampshire to arrange its ar- chives, widened and strengthened Judge Chamberlain's interest. It was his good for- tune, also, to have for correspondents several famous collectors, among others the Rev. Dr. Sprague, of Albany, I. K. Tefft, Esq., of Savannah, and Robert Gilmor, Esq., of Bal- timore. Judge Chamberlain has always been a man of affairs. Notwithstanding, however, his devotion to the main business of his life, he has maintained his interest in this collection of autographs and historical manuscripts, until to-day the Chamberlain collection, while it is strong in general interest, is unrivalled in the scope and variety of its material relating to New England. i8 AUTOGRAPHS FROM THE CHAMBERLAIN COLLECTION. [Mounted on the south wall of the Room for Younger Readers.] Framed Documents; Tablets of autographs, with il- lustrative portraits, prints and text; and Seals. The Tablets, as now exhibited, are surmounted by four Documents which marked the beginning of the American Revolution by all the colonies, their declara- tion of independence, their first attempt at making a general government, and its consummation by the Con- stitution of 1787. These are the Address to the King signed by the Congress of 1774, one of the few great papers of that body; the Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation; and the Constitution of the United States. To these Documents have been affixed the auto- graphs (only in a few cases in fac-simile) of the signers. These signatures were secured by cutting them from franks, deeds, commissions and other papers of little or no importance. When attached to letters or docu- ments these several groups of autographs are doubt- less found in all great collections; but in the form in which they are seen in the Chamberlain Collection, are probably unique. The first, third and fourth Docu- ments were printed by Judge Chamberlain to conform in size and form with the fac-simile of the Declaration of Independence, in order that, to all of them, might be attached original signatures of their respective signers. These four Documents are too long to print entire here. Only titles and the beginning and end of each are given below; but it is intended to present the full text in another form. 19 DOCUMENT A. Address to the King by the Congress of 1774. On December 16, 1773, the inhabitants of Boston assembled at the Old South Church to act about sev- eral cargoes of teas shipped to that port by the East India Company of English merchants, which the Bos- ton people determined should not be landed. Finding that the teas would not be sent back to England, the meeting dissolved and fifty men disguised as Indians went to the wharf where the tea ships lay and threw the teas overboara. When the news of these proceed- ings reached England, Parliament, to punish the people of Boston for these riotous acts, on March 28, 1774, passed the "Boston Bill," which closed the town as a port of entry and caused great distress to the inhab- itants. About the same time Parliament passed a bill radically changing the charter of Massachusetts. These measures afitected all the colonies and aroused their resentment. To express this popular feeling and to pass retaliatory measures, a General Congress of the colonies assembled at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774, and continued in session nearly eight weeks, during which it formed a "Plan of Association" against im- portation or consumption of English goods, and against exportation of Colonial products to England. It also prepared addresses to the people of Great Britain, to those of the British colonies, and to the inhabitants of Quebec; passed a Declaration of Colonial rights; and, on October 26, 1774, An Address to the King. Of these papers. Lord Chatham, on moving an address to the King, January 20, 1775, to recall the troops from Boston, said: "When your lordships look at the papers transmitted us from America; when you consider their decency, firmness, and wisdom, you cannot but respect their cause, and wish to make it your own. For my- self, I must declare and avow, that in all my reading and observation — and it has been my favourite study — I have read through Thucydides, and have studied and admired the master-states of the world — that for solidity of reasoning, force of sagacity, and wisdom of conclusion, under such a complication of difficult cir- 20 cumstances, no nation, or body of men, can stand in preferance to the General Congress at Philadelphia." The Address is printed in full in Force's Archives: Ser. IV., vol. I., page 934. Below is given the title and the opening lines of the Address, which is omitted by reason of its length. Appended to the framed text are original signatures of all who signed it, save of Henry Middleton, the President of Congress, whose name is printed. In Congress, October 26, 1774. "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty." Most Gracious Sovereign: We, your Majesty's faithful subjects of the Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Plan- tations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, in behalf of ourselves and the inhabit- ants of those Colonies who have deputed us to represent them in General Congress, by this our humble Petition, beg leave to lay our Grievances before the Throne. ^ ^ 2{C 3)C 3JC We therefore most earnestly beseech your Majesty, that your Royal authority and interposition may be used for our relief, and that a gracious Answer may be given to this Petition. That your Majesty may enjoy every felicity through a long and glorious Reign, over loyal and happy sub- jects, and that your descendants may inherit your pros- perity and Dominions till time shall be no more, is, and always will be, our sincere and fervent prayer. Henry Middleton, President. SIGNATURES (read from right to left): New Hamp- shire: John Sullivan; Nathaniel Folsom. Massa- chusetts Bay: Thomas Gushing; Samuel Adams; John Adams; Robert Treat Paine. Rhode Island: Stephen Hopkins; Samuel Ward. Connecticut: Eliphalet Dyer; Roger Sherman; Silas Deane. New York: Philip Livingston; John Alsop; Isaac Low; James Duane; William Floyd; Simon Boerum; John Jay; Henry Wisner. New Jersey: William Livingston 21 (with seal); John De Hart; Stephen Crane; Richard Smith. Pennsylvania: Edward Biddle; Joseph Gallo- way; John Dickinson; John Morton; Thomas Mifflin; George Ross; Charles Humphreys. Delaware: Caesar Rodney; Thomas McKean; George Read. Maryland: Mathew Tilghman; Thomas Johnson; William Paca; Samuel Chase. Virginia: Richard Henry Lee; Patrick way; John Dickinson; John Morton; Thomas Mifflin; Henry; George Washington; Edmund Pendleton; Richard Bland; Benjamin Harrison. North Caro- lina: William Hooper; Joseph Hewes; Richard Cas- well. South Carolina: Thomas Lynch; Christopher Gadsden; John Rutledge; Edward Rutledge. DOCUMENT B. The Declaration of Independence as signed by the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, August 2, 1776. When Richard Henry Lee's resolution, "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be dissolved," was agreed to by the Congress on July 2, 1776, the battle had been fought and won. This was the day of which John Adams, writing to his wife, July 3, said, "Yesterday the greatest question was decided, which was ever debated in America, and a greater, perhaps, never was nor will be decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, 'that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States,' etc. . . . The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. ... It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance." But July 4, when the Declaration drafted by Jefferson was made, is regarded as the more memorable day, partly, it may have been, because of the belief long prevalent that on that day the Declaration was signed by the members of Congress. But it was otherwise; for on July 4 it was signed only by John Hancock, President, and 22 Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress; and in that form ordered to be printed and sent to the several States, and to be proclaimed at the head of the army. On July 19 Congress resolved, That the Declaration passed on the Fourth be fairly engrossed on parchment, with the title, etc.; and that the same, when engrossed, be signed by every member of Congress. The Secret Journal of the Congress for August 2 says, The Decla- ration of Independence, being engrossed and compared at the table, was signed by the members. It is not un- likely that several members were absent on that day and signed shortly after. It is said that McKean did not sign until 1781; but it is certain that he was in Philadelphia on October 13, 1776, and signed a letter as one of a Congressional committee. This letter is in the Chamberlain Collection. Thornton of New Hamp- shire did not take his seat until November 4, and as a matter of course signed after that date. On January 18, "^777^ it was Ordered, that an authenticated copy of the Declaration of Independence, with the names of the members of Congress subscribing to the same, be sent to each of the United States, and they be desired to have the same put upon record. The Boston Public Library possesses one of these copies which seems to have strayed from the archives of some State. The same Library also possesses a somewhat reduced pho- tographic fac-simile of the original in its present con- dition with the autographs nearly faded out, a mishap said to have been caused many years ago by taking a copy by the anastatic process. A specimen of such a copy is here presented with the fac-simile signatures covered by original autographs. No other copy so en- riched by original signatures is known. In Congress, July 4, 1776. The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of 23 mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ;|c * ^ 3f: >!: We therefore the representatives of the United States of America in General Congress assembled, appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that as free and independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. SIGNATURES OF THE SIGNERS (in the order of states, from right to left): John Hancock. Josiah Bartlett. William Whipple. Samuel Adams. John Adams. Robert Treat Paine. Elbridge Gerry. Stephen Hopkins. William Ellery. Roger Sherman. Samuel Huntington. William Williams. Oliver Wol- cott. Matthew Thornton. William Floyd. Philip Livingston. Francis Lewis. Lewis Morris. Richard Stockton. John Witherspoon. Francis Hopkinson. John Hart. Abraham Clark. Robert Morris. Benjamin Rush. Benjamin Frank- lin. John Morton. George Clymer. James Smith. George Taylor. James Wilson. George Ross. Caesar Rodney. George Read. Thomas McKean. Samuel Chase. William Paca. Thomas Stone. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, George Wythe. Richard Henry Lee. Thomas Jef- ferson. Benjamin Harrison. Thomas Nelson, Jr. Francis Lightfoot Lee. Carter Braxton. William Hooper. Joseph Hewes. John Penn. Edward Rutledge. Thomas Hayward, Jr. Thomas Lynch, Jr. Arthur Middleton. Button Gwinnett. Ly- man Hall. George Walton. 24 DOCUMENT C. The subject of some sort of a general government for the Colonies engaged the attention of Congress even before it had declared them independent States. It was embraced in Richard Henry Lee's resolutions of June 7, 1776; and on July 11 Congress voted to choose a committee "to prepare and digest the form of a con- federation to be entered into between these colonies." On July 12 this committee reported articles which were drawn up by John Dickinson; but they were not finally adopted until five years after. The limits of this note do not permit an account of the difficulties of sectional interests, commerce, political power, and public lands, and of prejudices, which delayed the establishment of a government even as powerless as that of the Confed- eration proved to be. It was not until March, 1781, — five years after it was contemplated, — that the Con- federation went into effect by the assent of the Mary- land delegates when authorized by the people of that State. As a system of government nothing could have been framed more weak or unsatisfactory. It finally became so inefficient that there was danger lest the States should separate into two or three confederacies, or even set up as independent governments. Happily, however, six years after the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, the Convention which formed the pres- ent Constitution, met at Philadelphia and gave the peo- ple a government which has since continued to afford them satisfaction. Of the signatures appended to this document, those of Adams of Virginia, Penn and Wil- liams of North Carolina, Hutson of South Carolina, and Walton of Georgia, are fac-similes, and with the exception of Hutson, are from the original rolls at Washington. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States. To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, WE THE UNDERSIGNED DELEGATES OF THE STATES AFFIXED TO OUR NAMES, SEND GREETING. — Whercas the dele- gates of the United States of America in Congress as- sembled did on the 15th day of November in the Year 25 of our Lord 1777, and in the Second Year of the Inde- pendence of America agree to certain articles of Con- federation and perpetual Union between the States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-bay, Rhode-island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New- York, New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-CaroHna, South-Carolina, and Georgia, in the words followmg, viz. : — "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Plan- tations, Connecticut, New- York, New-Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia." Article I. — The Stile of this confederacy shall be, "The United States of America." ***** Article XIII. — Every state shall abide by the de- terminations of the united states in congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation is submitted to them. And the Articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time here- after be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a congress of the united states, and be after- wards confirmed by the legislatures of every state. And whereas it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said articles of confedera- tion and perpetual union, Know Ye that we, the under- signed delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do by these presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said articles of confederation and perpetual union, and all and singular the matters and things therein con- tained: And we do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the united states in con- gress assembled, on all questions, which by the said confederation are submitted to tbem. And that the arti- cles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the states we respectively represent, and that the union shall be perpetual. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our 26 hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania the 9th day of July in the year of our Lord, 1778, and in the 3d year of the Independence of America. SIGNATURES: On the part and behalf of the State of New Hampshire: Josiah Bartlett; John Wentworth. On the part and behalf of the State of Massa- chusetts Bay: John Hancock; Samuel Adams; El- bridge Gerry; Francis Dana; James Lovell; Samuel Henry Marchant; John Collins. On the part and behalf of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation: William EUery; Holten. On the part and behalf of the State of Con- necticut: Roger Sherman; Samuel Huntington; Oli- ver Wolcott; Titus Hosmer; Andrew Adams. On the part and behalf of the State of New York: James Duane; Francis Lewis; William Duer; Gouverneur Morris. On the part and behalf of the State of New Jersey: James Witherspoon; Nathaniel Scudder. On the part and behalf of the State of Penn- sylvania: Robert Morris; Daniel Roberdeau; Jonathan B. Smith; William Clingan; Joseph Reed. On the part and behalf of the State of Dela- ware: Thomas McKean; John Dickinson; Nicholas Van Dyke. On the part and behalf of the State of Mary- land: John Hanson; Daniel Carroll. On the part and behalf of the State of Vir- ginia: Richard Henry Lee; John Banister; Thomas Adams; John Harvie; Francis Lightfoot Lee. On the part and behalf of the State of North Carolina: John Penn; Cornelius Harnett; John Wil- liams. On the part and behalf of the State of South Carolina: Henry Laurens; William Henry Drayton; John Mathews; Richard Hutson; Thomas Hey ward, Jr. On the part and behalf of the State of Geor- gia: John Walton; Edward Telfair; Edward Lang- worthy. 27 DOCUMENT D. The Convention which framed the Constitution of the United States met at Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, and very early developed diversities of opinions among its members so irreconcilable that more than once its dissolution seemed to be inevitable; and when its work was done, the Constitution was signed by only thirty- nine of the fifty-five members who at any time attended the Convention. Besides the reasons for this diversity of opinions and sectional interests mentioned in the note to the Articles of Confederation, were the facts that the call of the Convention limited its power to a revision of those Articles and did not extend to the formation of a new- constitution. Moreover, the Confederacy, by the terms of its formation purported to be a "Perpetual Union." A similar divergence of opinions appeared among the States on the question of its adoption. This was for a long time in doubt, and was finally carried in several of the largest states by slender majorities. North Carolina and Rhode Island at first refused adoption, but finally came into the Union, the former, on November 21, 1789, and the latter. May 29, 1790. It is doubtful whether a majority of the people of all the States was in favor of ratifying the work of the Convention; and it is cer- tain that some of the earliest and ablest leaders of the Revolution, such as Samuel Adams, George Clinton, and Patrick Henry, strenuously opposed its adoption. But it was the best result attainable at the time by the ablest and most patriotic men who had ever assembled in America. Constitution of the United States of America. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Section i. All legislative Powers herein granted, 28 shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. ***** The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Consti- tution between the States so ratifying the Same. Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent o! the States present the Seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty-seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our names. Geo. Washington, Pres. and deputy from Virginia. SIGNATURES (of the Members of the Convention). New Hampshire: *John Langdon; *Nicholas Gil- man. Massachusetts: Elbridge Gerry; *Nathaniel Gorham; Caleb Strong; *Rufus King. Connecticut: Oliver Ellsworth; *William Sam. Johnson; *Roger Sherman. New York: *Alexander Hamilton: John Lansing, Jr.; Robert Yates. New Jersey: William C. Houston; *William Paterson; *David Brearley; *Jona- than Dayton; * William Livingston. Pennsylvania: *Benjamin Franklin; *Jared Ingersoll; *Thomas Mif- flin; ^Thomas Fitzsimmons; *George Clymer; *Robert Morris; *Gouverneur Morris; *James Wilson. Dela- ware: *Richard Bassett; *Jacob Broom; *George Read; ♦John Dickinson; *Gunning Bedford, Jr. Maryland: *Daniel Carroll; Luther Martin; John Francis Mercer; *James McHenry; *Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer. Virginia: George Washington; Edmund Randolph; George Mason; George Wythe; James McClurg; *John Blair; *James Madison. North Carolina: *William Blount; Alexander Martin; *Richard Dobbs Spaight; ♦Hugh Williamson; WilHam R. Davie. South Caro- lina: *Charles Pinckney; *Pierce Butler; *Charles Cotesworth Pinckney; *John Rutledge. Georgia: ♦William Few; William Pierce; * Abraham Baldwin; William Houston. William Jackson, Secretary. * The names marked with an asterisk are those of actual signers of the Constitution. 2Q TABLET I. Sovereigns of Great Britain. James I. to George IV. 1 603-1 830. OBVERSE. Autographs: James I., under portraits of Elizabeth and James I.; Charles I., Oliver Cromwell, with portraits; Charles II., James IL, with portraits; William III., Anne (two autographs), with portraits; George I., George II., with portraits; George III., George IV., with portraits. REVERSE. Seals of James I. and of the four Georges. Portraits (right to left): Shakespeare; Buck- ingham; Raleigh; Bacon; Hampden; Edward VI.; Mary; Strafford; William IV.; Victoria; Wren; Wal- pole; Newton; Marlborough; Chatham; Charles Ed- ward. TABLET IL Sovereigns of France. Henry of Navarre to Louis Philippe. 1 589-1848. OBVERSE. Autographs: Henry of Navarre, Louis XIII., with portraits; Louis XIV., Louis XV., with portraits; Louis XVI., Buonaparte, with portraits; Louis XVIII., Charles X., with portraits; Louis Philippe, with portrait. REVERSE. Portrait: Louis XIII. Medallions of Josephine and Napoleon (emperor). Seals of Buona- parte, first consul, of Louis XIII. and of Louis XIV. TABLET III. King and Parliament. 1775. Note. The names below embrace only the mate- rial in cut signatures at hand at the time the tablet was prepared. Interesting letters, with signatures of Burke, and of the other distinguished members of both houses of Parliament at the period treated, are to be found in the general collection. OBVERSE. Portraits: John Wilkes; Lord Dart- mouth; Edmund Burke; Lord Camden; Colonel Barre; 30 Chatham [monument, Westminster Abbey] ; Edward Gibbon. Autographs: George III.; Duke of Richmond; William Pitt, Lord Chatham; Thomas Townshend; Charles Townshend; Lord Camden; Lord Dartmouth; Thomas Pownall [royal governor 1757-60] ; John Wilkes; Lord Thurlow; Lord Loughborough, REVERSE. Letter press: Relative to the siege of Quebec, with old view of Point Levi; Proceedings in Parliament; Biographical notes; Reference to a "Tragic Comedy of Five Acts," based on the action of England against America, published in Philadelphia, in 1776. TABLET IV. British Premiers. 1759 to 1800. OBVERSE. Portraits: Lord North; Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton; Charles, Marquis of Rock- ingham; William Pitt; George Grenville; Fox; Pitt [1759-1806]; Burke; Sheridan. Autographs: Holies Newcastle, Duke of Newcastle; William Pitt, Lord Chatham; Earl Bute; George Grenville; Lord Rock- ingham; Duke of Grafton; Lord North; Lord Shel- burne; Duke of Portland; William Pitt, Lord Chatham. REVERSE. Prints: Death of General Wolfe; Me- dallion, Adam Smith; Medallion struck in honor of Lord North; Remains of Pitt's statue. Letter press: Extracts relative to Parliamentary proceedings in 1774, on American affairs; Account of the reception in New York of the news of the repeal of the Stamp act; Bio- graphical notes; Caricatures of Pitt. TABLET V. British Generals in Chief. 1 755-1 783. OBVERSE. Portraits: General Wolfe; Sir Henry Clinton; Sir Guy Carleton; General Wolfe (as shown on Putnam's tavern sign); Lord Amherst. Prints: Wolfe and Montcalm's monument, with text of in- scription; Plan of Fort Edward. Autographs: Edward Braddock; William Shirley; Earl Loudoun; James Wolfe; Lord Amherst; James Abercromby; Sir Thomas Gage; Sir William Howe; Sir Henry Clinton; Sir Guy Carleton. 31 REVERSE. Letter press: Extracts relative to the campaigns in Canada, 1757-59; The assault on Quebec, with print of Wolfe's monument, and of the citadel; Biographical notes. TABLET VI. In the French War. 1 756-1 759. OBVERSE, Portrait: Sir William Johnson, with picture of Johnson's Hall, and biographical note [at foot of frame] with picture of Fort Johnson. Prints: The ruins of the citadel of Fort George; Rogers's Rock; Oswego in 1755; Fort Miller fording-place; Morris's house; Major Israel Putnam in British uni- form; Bloody Run. Autographs: Sir William John- son; Sir Guy Johnson; General John Bradstreet; John Stark; Robert Rodgers; Seth Pomeroy; Colonel Eph- raim Williams. REVERSE. Letter press: Relative to Governor Shirley's march to Oswego, and works there, with picture of the forts; Biographical notes. TABLET VII. Governors of New Hampshire. 1680- 1829. OBVERSE, Prints: Death of Major Waldron, 1689; Mason's title disputed. Seal, 1692. Autographs: John Cutt; Richard Waldron; Edward Cranfield; Wal- ter Barefoote (two autographs, one with signature also of Robert Mason, a prominent man of affairs) ; Joseph Dudley; John Usher; William Partridge; Samuel Al- len; Benning Wentworth; John Wentworth; Mesheck Weare; John Langdon; John Sullivan; Josiah Bartlett; John Taylor Gilman; Jeremiah Smith; William Plumer; Samuel Bell; Levi Woodbury; David Law- rence Morril; Benjamin Pierce; John Bell. REVERSE. Commission dated 1778, bearing auto- graph of Governor Mesheck Weare, and E. Thomp- son, secretary, with State seal. 32 TABLET VIII. Governors of Massachusetts. 1 629-1 774. OBVERSE. Portraits: Endecott; Winthrop. Print: Old Province House, Boston. Autographs: John Win- throp; Thomas Dudley; John Endecott; John Haynes [fac-simile] ; Sir Henry Vane; Richard Bellingham; Richard Russell;^ John Leverett; Simon Bradstreet; 1 Not a governor. Edmund Andros; Sir William Phips; William Stough- ton [acting governor] ; Bellomont; Joseph Dudley; Wil- liam Tailer [acting governor] ; Samuel Shute; William Dummer [acting governor]; William Burnet; Jonathan Belcher; William Shirley; Spencer Phips [acting gov- ernor]; Thomas Pownall; Thomas Hutchinson; Sir Francis Bernard; Thomas Gage. REVERSE. Portrait: Simon Bradstreet. TABLET IX. Governors of Massachusetts. 1 780-1865. OBVERSE. Print: Old State House, Boston. Autographs: John Hancock, James Bowdoin, with portraits; Samuel Adams, Increase Sumner, with por- traits; Caleb Strong; James Sullivan; Christopher Gore; Elbridge Gerry; John Brooks; William Eustis; Levi Lincoln; John Davis; Edward Everett; Marcus Morton; George N. Briggs; George S. Boutwell; John H. Clifford; Emory Washburn; Henry J. Gardner; Nathaniel P. Banks; John A. Andrew. REVERSE. Letter press: Resolves of the Massa- chusetts House of Representatives, May 5, 1777, look- ing toward the formation of the State Constitution. (Broadside.) TABLET X. Presidents of Harvard College. 1 640-1 868. OBVERSE. Print: Old view of Harvard College. Autographs: Henry Dunster; Charles Chauncy; Leon- ard Hoar; Urian Oakes [fac-simile] ; John Rogers [fac- simile] ; Increase Mather; Samuel Willard; John Lev- 33 erett; Benjamin Wadsworth; Edward Holyoke; Samuel Locke; Samuel Langdon; Joseph Willard; Samuel Web- ber; John T. Kirkland; Josiah Quincy; Edward Everett; Jared Sparks; James Walker; Cornelius C. Felton; Thomas Hill. REVERSE. Portrait: Edward Everett, with seal. TABLET XI. Some of the [Massachusetts] Clergy. [On Obverse.] Print: Old picture of Eliot and the Indians. Ex- tract from the Diary of John Eliot (MS.), 1677. Autographs: John Cotton; John Wilson; Cotton Mather; Samuel Willard; Samuel Mather; Benjamin Wadsworth; James Allen; Thomas Prince; Benjamin Colman; Peter Thacher; William Cooper; Thomas Cheever; Ebenezer Pemberton; Christopher Bridge; Andrew Le Mercier [pastor of the French Church in Boston]; P. Daille; Thomas Foxcroft; John Webb; Samuel Myles; Elisha Callender. Clerical and Literary. [On Reverse.] Autographs: Thomas Bridges; Joshua Gee; Charles Chauncy; Roger Price; Joseph Sewall; Robert Sande- man; Nathaniel Emmons; Timothy Cutler; Mather Byles; Ezra Stiles; Eleazer Wheelock, Presidt. of Dart- mouth College; John Wheelock; George R. Minot; Royall Tyler; Isaiah Thomas; Mercy Warren; Joseph Priestley; Matthew Carey; Nathaniel Bowditch; Wash- ington Irving; William E. Channing; William Cullen Bryant; George Bancroft; John Pierpont; William H. Prescott; Henry Ware, Jr.; James Savage; Richard H. Dana, Jr.; Francis Lieber. TABLET XIL Speakers of the [Massachusetts] House of Deputies. [On Obverse.] Note. Of the autographs below, those from Ha- thorne to Saffin are of speakers of the House under 34 the first charter; those from Oakes to Townshend, dur- ing the usurpation under Dudley and Andros, May, i686-April, 1689, and during the Provincial Government assembled June, 1689; those from Bond to Clark, under the second charter. Autographs : William Hathorne; Robert Keayne [fac- simile] ; Robert Bridges; Joseph Hills; Richard Russell; Daniel Denison; Daniel Gookin; Humphrey Atherton; Edward Johnson; Thomas Savage; Thomas Clarke [with a seal] ; John Leverett; Richard Waldron; Joshua Hobart [fac-simile] ; Peter Bulkeley; John Richards; Daniel Fisher; Elisha Cooke; John Wayte; Isaac Ad- dington; John Saffin; Thomas Oakes; John Bowles [fac- simile] ; Penn Townsend; William Bond [also a speaker under the provincial government, chosen May 4, 1692] ; Nathaniel Byfield; Nehemiah Jewett; James Converse; John Burrill; John Leverett; Thomas Oliver; John Clark. Speakers of the [IMassachusetts] House of Representatives. [On Reverse.] Portraits: James Otis; John Hancock. Autographs : Timothy Lindall; William Dudley; John Quincy; John Hobson; Paul Dudley [elected, but negatived by the governor, 1739]; Ebenezer Pomeroy; Samuel Watts; William Faierfeild; Thomas Gushing; Thomas Hutch- inson; Joseph D wight; Thomas Hubbard; Samuel White; James Otis; Timothy Ruggles; Thomas Clapp [speaker pro tem., chosen June, 1764] ; James Otis [jr.] ; John Hancock; James Warren; Thomas Gushing; Sam- uel Freeman; William Cooper; Timothy Danielson; Tristram Dal ton; Robert Treat Paine; John Pitts; John Pickering. TABLET XIII. Some of the [IVLassachusetts] Court of Assist- ants. [On (Dbverse.] Portraits: Endecott; Winthrop. Autographs: John Endecott [served 1630-34. 1636-40. 1645-48] ; Simon Bradstreet [1630-78]; Richard Bellingham [1636-39. 1642-52]; Samuel Symonds [1643-72]; Francis Wil- 35 loughby [1650-51. 1664]; Thomas Wiggin [1650-64]; Daniel Gookin [1652-75. 1677-86]] Daniel Denison [1653-75- 1677-82]; Simon Willard [1654-75]; Hum- phrey Atherton [1654-61]; Thomas Danforth [1659-78]; William Hathorne [1662-79]; John Leverett [1665-70]: John Pynchon [1665-86] ; Edward Tyng [1668-80] ; Wil- liam Stoughton [1671-86]; Thomas Clarke [1673-77]; Joseph Dudley [1676-83]; Nathaniel Saltonstall [1679- 86]; Humphrey Davie [1679-86]; James Russell [1680- 86]; Samuel Nowell [1680-86]; John Hull [1680-83]; Bartholomew Gedney [1680-83] ; Thomas Savage [1680- 81]; William Browne [1680-83]; Richard Saltonstall [1681-82]; Samuel Appleton [1681-86]; Robert Pike [1682-86]; John Woodbridge [1683-84]; William John- son [1684-86] ; John Hathorne [1684-86] ; Elisha Hutch- inson [1684-86]; John Smith [1686]; John Phillips; Oliver Purchis [1685, elected but declined]; Samuel Cobbett.' Inter-charter Judiciary. [On Reverse.] Note. The inter-charter period: from the over- throw of the first charter in 1684, through the Andros government, 1686-89, to the grant of the new charter of 1691. Portrait: Stoughton. Autographs: William Stough- ton; John Pynchon; Wait [Wait Still] Winthrop; Ed- ward Randolph; Richard Wharton; John Usher; John Richards; Simon Lynde; Joseph Dudley; Peter Bulke- ley; Samuel Shrimpton; John Palmer [fac-simile] ; John West; Robert Mason; Bartholomew Gedney; John Hinckes; Francis Nicholson; John Walley; Charles Lidget; Nathaniel Byfield; Benjamin BuUivant, James Graham, George ffarwell, attorney generals; James Sherlock, sheriff. TABLET XIV. Superior Court of Judicature. 1692-1775. [On Obverse.] Portraits: Oliver; Lynde; Stoughton; Sewall. Print: Old Town and Court House [Old State * Not an assistant. 36 House]. Autographs: William Stoughton; Thomas Danforth; Wait [Wait Still] Winthrop; John Richards; Samuel Sewall; Elisha Cooke; John Walley; Isaac Ad- dington; John Saffin; John Hathorne; John Leverett; Jonathan Corwin; Benjamin Lynde; Nathaniel Thomas; Addington Davenport; Paul Dudley; Edmund Quinsey; John Gushing; Jonathan Remington; Richard Salton- stall; Stephen Sewall; Thomas Greaves; Nathaniel Hubbard; Benjamin Lynde; John Gushing; Chambers Russell; Thomas Hutchinson; Peter Oliver; Edmund Trowbridge; Foster Hutchinson; Nathaniel Ropes; William Gushing; Jedediah Foster;^ William Browne. Supreme Judicial Court. 1 775-1860. [On Reverse.] Portraits: John Adams; Theophilus Parsons; Lem- uel Shaw. Autographs: John Adams; William Gush- ing; Nathaniel Peaslee Sargeant; William Read; Robert Treat Paine; James Warren; Jedediah Foster; David Sewall; James Sullivan; Francis Dana; Robert Treat Paine; Increase Sumner; Thomas Dawes; Nathan Gush- ing; Theophilus Bradbury; Samuel Sewall; Simeon Strong; George Thacher; Theodore Sedgwick; The- ophilus Parsons; Isaac Parker; Gharles Jackson; Daniel Dewey; Samuel Putnam; Samuel S. Wilde; Levi Lin- coln; Marcus Morton; Lemuel Shaw; Gharles A. Dewey; Samuel Hubbard; Gharles E. Forbes; Theron Metcalf; Richard Fletcher; George Tyler Bigelow; Galeb Gushing; Benjamin F. Thomas; PHny Merrick; E. Rockwood Hoar. TABLET XV. Court which tried the Witches. 1692. [On Obverse.] Note. Governor Sir William Phips issued a Com- mission to certain persons, constituting them a Court of Oyer and Terminer, for the purpose of trying per- sons charged with Witchcraft. The court opened in Salem the first week in June, 1692. 1 Not a judge of the court. 37 Portrait: Stoughton. Autographs: William Stough- ton; Nathaniel Saltonstall; Jonathan Corwin; John Richards; Bartholomew Gedney; Wait [Wait Still] Winthrop; Samuel Sewall; Peter Sergeant; Thomas Newton. Judges and Judge-Advocates in Admiralty. 1 700-1 775. [On Reverse.] Portrait: James Otis, Jr. Autographs: Wait [Wait Still] Winthrop; John Phillips;' William Atwood; Thomas Newton; Roger Mompesson; Nathaniel By- field; James Menzeis; Robert Auchmuty; Nathaniel Hubbard; Chambers Russell; George Cradock; Wil- liam Read; Robert Auchmuty; Benjamin Lynde; John Valentine; William Shirley; William Bollan; James Otis; Robert Auchmuty; John Sewall; Samuel Fitch. TABLET XVI. Attorney Generals. 1692-1863. [On Ob- verse.] Portraits: Sullivan; Choate. Autographs: Anthony Checkley; Paul Dudley; Thomas Newton; John Over- ing; Addington Davenport, jr. [chosen attorney gen- eral in 1720 and again in 1723, but it is not certain that he acted]; John Read; William Brattle; Jeremiah Grid- ley; James Otis; W. Sever^; Edmund Trowbridge; Jonathan Sewall; Samuel Quincy [appointed solicitor general to succeed Sewall]; Robert Treat Paine; James Sullivan; Barnabas Bidwell; Perez Morton; J. T. Aus- tin; John H. Clifford; Rufus Choate: Stephen H. Phil- lips; Dwight Foster; Chester I. Reed. Some Massachusetts Attorneys. 1 692-1 850. [On Reverse.] Note. The autographs below are of persons classi- fied as attorneys by authority which seemed to be suf- ficient at the time of the preparation of this tablet. * Not a judge. 2 Not an attorney general. 38 Autographs: Giles Masters; J. Hearne; Oakes An- gler; Nathaniel Newdigate; Isaac Little; Simon Davis; Fr. Lawrence; Nathaniel Blagrove; E. Bisbe; Pelham Winslow; Joseph Marion; Sampson S. Blowers; Ben- jamin Kent; John Sprague; Edward Pope; James Hovey; Daniel Farnham; Joseph Dudley; Robert Rob- inson; Richard Dana; Daniel Leonard; B. Gridley; Andrew Cazneau; William Pynchon; A. Willard; Seth Padelford; Samuel Swift; Jona. Mason; Isaac Mans- field; Shearja. Bourne; Moses Bliss; William Langdon; Benjamin Lincoln; R. G. Amory; Dudley A. Tyng; Christopher Gore; John Lowell; Harrison G. Otis; Samuel Dexter; William Tudor; Caleb Strong; George R. Minot; Timothy Bigelow; Thomas O. Selfridge; John Davis; William Prescott; Samuel Hoar, Jr.; Lev- erett Saltonstall; Benjamin Rand; Joseph Bell; Charles G. Loring; Franklin Dexter; Robert Rantoul, Jr.; Charles Sumner; Charles Pelham Curtis. TABLET XVII. Secretaries of State in Massachusetts. 1630- 1846. [On Obverse.] Portraits: Samuel Adams; General Benjamin Lin- coln. Autographs: Simon Bradstreet; Increase No well; Robert Bridges [with John Endecott's signature] ; Ed- ward Rawson; Edward Randolph; John West [deputy secretary] ; Isaac Addington; Joseph Marion [pro tem.] ; Joseph Hiller; Samuel Woodward [fac-simile] ; Josiah Willard; Simon Frost [pro tem.]; Andrew Oliver Thomas Clarke [pro tem.] ; Thomas Flucker; John Cot- ton [pro tem.] ; Benjamin Lincoln; Joseph Palmer [pro tem.]; Ichabod Goodwin; Samuel Freeman; Isaac Stone, Jr.; John Pigeon; James Warren [pro tem.]; William Cooper; Perez Morton [pro tem.]; Samuel Adams [qualified Aug., 1775, and designated Mr. Mor- ton his deputy] ; John Lowell [pro tem.] ; John Avery. ]\lassachusetts in the Congress of 1765. [At New York.] [On Reverse.] Note. The Congress of 1765, otherwise the famous Stamp Act Congress. This body adopted a Declara- 39 tion of Rights and Grievances of the Colonies; an ad- dress to the king; a memorial to the House of Lords, and a petition to the House of Commons. "For a clear, accurate, and calm statement," says Judge Chamber- lain in the Narrative and Critical History of America, "these papers were never surpassed; nor, until the ap- pearance of the Declaration of Independence, was any advance made from the ground taken in them." Among other men composing the Congress, who became cele- brated during the Revolution, were Johnson and Dyer of Connecticut, the Livingstons of New York, McKean and Rodney of Delaware, Tilghman of Maryland, Dick- inson of Pennsylvania, Rutledge, Gadsden and Lynch of South Carolina. Timothy Ruggles, better known as Brigadier Ruggles, although the president of the Congress, did not concur in its action, and finally be- came a pronounced Loyalist. The Congresses of 1774 and 177s, and the Constitutional Convention of 1787, at Philadelphia, are seen on the four great Documents above the Tablets. Autographs: S. Welles; John Chandler; Thomas Hutchinson; Oliver Partridge; John Worthington; James Otis; Timothy Ruggles. TABLET XVIII. Miscellaneous. OBVERSE. Autographs: Nathaniel Morton [histo- rian] ; George Cartwright [of the Commission in 1665] ; Robert Carr [of the Commission in 1665] ; Governor Robert Nicolls [Nichols] [Commission, 1665]; Samuel Mavericke [Commission, 1665]; John West [Deputy Secretary under Andros] ; Edward Randolph [Secretary under Andros] ; Major-General Daniel Gookin; Samuel Green [printer]; Edward Mitchelson; Thomas Savage; Edv/ard Rawson [Secretary of the Mass. Col., 1650, to the abrogation of the first charter] ; Thomas Danforth [Deputy Governor of Mass., 1679-86] ; Samuel Symonds [Deputy Governor, 1673-78] ; John Carver [perhaps of Duxbury, but not the Governor of Plymouth Col.] ; John Worthington; Samuel Welles [Convention of 1754]; Adam Winthrop; Thomas Hinckley [Governor, Plymouth Col., 1681-92]; Winthrop Hilton [of New 40 Hampshire]; Dr. Zabdiel Boylston; Josiah Franklin [chandler, father of Benjamin Franklin] ; Jeremy Dum- mer; Thomas Hancock; Thomas Hubbard; Ezekiel Hersey; General John Winslow; Thomas L. Winthrop [Lieut. Governor Mass., 1826-32]; Joseph Story; Gov- ernor Thomas Hutchinson; John Chandler [Conven- tion of 1754]- REVERSE. Letter press: Relative to Puritan set- tlements, with ancient map of Massachusetts Bay; Fac- oine tree shilling, and of the first American paper simile of hand-writing of Pilgrims; Fac-simile of the money. TABLET XIX. In tlie Continental Congress. 1 774-1 789. OBVERSE. Picture of Continental Congress. Por- traits: John Adams; Samuel Adams. Autographs : John Adams; Samuel Adams; Thomas Gushing; John Han- cock; Robert Treat Paine; Elbridge Gerry; James Lov- ell; Francis Dana; Rufus King; Theodore Sedgwick; Samuel A. Otis; George Thatcher [Thacher] ; Samuel Holten; George Partridge; Samuel Osgood; Artemas Ward; Jonathan Jackson; John Lowell; James Sulli- van; Nathaniel Gorham; Stephen Higginson; Nathan Dane. REVERSE. Portrait: John Hancock. TABLET XX. Senators from Massachusetts. 1 789-1849. OBVERSE. Picture of the old capitol. Autographs: Caleb Strong; Tristram Dalton; George Cabot; Theo- dore Sedgwick; Samuel Dexter [this signature is of the father]; Benjamin Goodhue; Jonathan Mason; Dwight Foster; John Quincy Adams; James Lloyd, Jr.; Timo- thy Pickering; J. B. Varnum; Christopher Gore; Har- rison G. Otis; Prentiss Mellen; E. H. Mills; Eli P. Ashmun; Nathaniel Silsbee; Daniel Webster; J. Davis; Isaac C Bates; Edward Everett; Rufus Choate. REVERSE. Portrait: Daniel Webster. 41 TABLET XXI. Massachusetts Patriots. OBVERSE. Copy, reduced, of a caricature of "Vir- tual Representation, 1775." Prints: Hancock's house; the "Old South." Autographs: David Cheever; Isaac Lothrop; Elbridge Gerry; Perez Morton; D. Jeflfries: Henry Hill; Oliver Wendell; William Cooper; Na- thaniel Appleton; Joseph Hawley; Jonathan Mason; Tosiah Waters; John Winthrop; John Pitts; Henderson Inches; William Phillips; Nathaniel Barber; Joseph Palmer; Edmund Quincy; James Prescott; John Scol- lay. REVERSE. Letter press: Action of Virginia on the Stamp Act; Patrick Henry's speech, with sketches of Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson; Action of Vir- ginia in 1776. Prints: Hanover Court House; Great seal of Virginia. Autographs: James Otis; General John Morin Scott. TABLET XXII. Some of the Loyalists. OBVERSE. Prints: Tryon's Palace; Allegorical picture, entitled "Reception of the American Loyalists in England;" Dunmore's Palace. Portraits: Governor Hutchinson; James Rivington. Autographs: Governor Thomas Hutchinson; Governor Lord Dunmore; Tim- othy Ruggles; Colonel John Dalrymple; Governor William Tryon; Oxenbridge Thacher [here by mistake, he was a Patriot]; Governor Francis Bernard; Andrew Oliver; William Brattle. The above list is verv imperfect, including only such names as were on hand when the tablet was made up. REVERSE. Letter press: Respecting departure of Loyalists from Boston; Relative to William Franklin, Royal Governor of New Jersey, Governor Tryon, Gov- ernor Lord Dunmore, of Virginia, and to other Loyal- ist leaders. TABLET XXIII. The Court and Counsel who tried Captain Preston and Soldiers. Note. Captain Preston was tried Oct. t.'j, 1770, and William Wemms and others, soldiers of the 29th Regi- ment of Foot, were tried Nov. 27, 1770, for the murder of Crispus Attucks and others, March 5, 1770, called the Boston Massacre. The plate on the obverse and the engraving on the reverse were both made by Paul Revere, and their dif- ference is the result of the demands of pictorial repre- sentation. OBVERSE. PAUL REVERE'S PLAN OF THE SCENE OF THE BOSTON MASSACRE, USED AT THE TRIAL. REVERSE. Print: Paul Revere's engraving of the Massacre. Autographs: Benjamin Lynde; John Cush- ing; Peter Oliver; Edmund Trowbridge; Jonathan Sewall, attorney general; Samuel Winthrop, clerk; Robert Treat Paine, Samuel Quincy, counsel for the Crown; John Adams, Josiah Quincy, Jr., Sampson Sal- ter Blowers, counsel for the soldiers. TABLET XXIV. Boston Massacre. 1770. Soldiers' Petition. OBVERSE. Addressed, To the Honorable Judges of the Superior Court. Asking for their trial at the same time with that of their Captain, dated. Goal, Octo- ber 24, 1770, signed: Hugh White, James Hartigan, Matthew Killroy (his mark). REVERSE. Notification of town meeting, March 12, 1770, to consider, among other matters enumerated, "what steps may be further necessary for obtaining a particular account of all proceedings relative to the Massacre in King street," and "whether the town will take any measures that a public monument may be erected on the spot where the tragical scene was acted." No monument has been erected here, but the site is marked by a circle of paving in the streetway near the 43 north-easterly corner of State and Exchange streets, where the soldiers were drawn up and from which they fired on the mob. TABLET XXV. Some of the Tea Party. 1773. Note. The tea party was quite large, and those composing it were disguised. For obvious reasons their names were concealed for many years, nor is any list of them now known with certainty. Those below are reputed to have been of the tea party. OBVERSE. Portraits: Kennison; Hewes. Auto- graphs: Joseph Lee; Paul Revere; Thomas Melvill; Edward Procter; Moses Grant; Jonathan Williams. Letter press: Incidents of the "tea party," with list of those assumed to have been in the party; Copies of hand bills. REVERSE. Letter press: Historical note on the Liberty Tree, with picture; Some facts respecting the Continental Lottery of 1776, with fac-simile of ticket; The English stamp of 1765; Note on the Province House; The Mutiny Act. TABLET XXVI. Committee of Safety. July 13, 1775. OBVERSE. Letter press: Letter of the Provincial Congress, April 30, 1775; The committee of 1774. Auto- graphs: John Hancock; Dr. Benjamin Church, Jr.; Richard Devens; Samuel Holten; Joseph Palmer; Abraham Watson; Azor Orne; Benjamin Greenleaf; Nathan Cushing; Enoch Freeman; B. White. REVERSE. Old view of Boston from Dorchester Heights; Faneuil Hall, and the ancient Feather Store in old Dock Square. TABLET XXVIL Washington and the Kings. OBVERSE. Portraits: Washington; Louis XVL; 44 George III. ("figure, usual appearance of the King about 1776"); Queen Charlotte, from a print by Wor- lidge; Seals of George II. and George III.; Print of Great Seal of George III., the purse and Chancellor's mace. Autographs: George Washington; George II. of England; Louis XV. of France; George III. of Eng- land; Louis XVI. of France. REVERSE. Prints: Residence of the Washington family; Tomb of the mother of Washington; Site of Washington's birthplace; Pohick church; Washington's family vault; Ruins of Potomac church; Mt. Vernon; Washington's writing-case, sword and staff; Washing- ton's bier; The sarcophagus of Washington; Statue of Washington; Arms of the Washington family. TABLET XXVIII. Patriots of the Revolution. Note. The names below, it is evident, are only those of a few of the eminent patriots of the Revolu- tion, and all the colonies are not represented. OBVERSE. Portraits: James Otis, Jr., and grouped on either side, J. Rutledge, Henry, Hancock, Adams, Trumbull, E. Rutledge. Autographs: John Hancock; Josiah Quincy, Jr.; James Otis; Joseph Warren; John Adams; Samuel Adams; Thomas Gushing; James War- ren; John Langdon; Jonathan Trumbull; John Jay; Robert R. Livingston; Robert Morris; George Wash- ington; Patrick Henry; Edmund Pendleton; Thomas Jefferson; Edward Rutledge. REVERSE. Prints: Faneuil Hall, with autograph of Peter Faneuil. Letter press: Biographical notes; Sketch of Faneuil Hall. TABLET XXIX. At Lexington and Concord. 1775. OBVERSE. Prints: Battle ground at Concord; Monument at Lexington; Monument at Concord; Colonel Barrett's house; British flag; Plan of the movements at Concord; Clark's house, Lexington. 45 Portrait: Earl Percy. Autographs: Duke of Northum- berland [Lord Percy]; Lt. Colonel Francis Smith; John Buttrick; Joseph Hosmer; Paul Revere; James Barrett; Thomas Nixon; Timothy Pickering, Jr.; Rev. Jonas Clarke. REVERSE. Portrait: Jonathan Harrington, at the age of ninety, with signature [fac-simile] . Letter press: Relative to the encounter at Lexington, and kindred matters; Names of the American killed and wounded. Note. An original signature of Harrington is in the volume devoted to Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, which forms a part of the general Chamberlain Collection. TABLET XXX. At Bunker Hill. 1775. OBVERSE. Portraits: Warren; Putnam; Stark. Autographs: Sir William Howe; Major John Small, major of brigade and captain in the North British fusil- leers; General Joseph Warren; Colonel William Pres- cott; General Israel Putnam; General John Stark; General Seth Pomeroy; Colonel Richard Gridley; Gen- eral Henry Knox. REVERSE. Map: Action on Breed's Hill, June 17, 1775. Autographs: Colonel Henry Jackson; Colonel Loammi Baldwin; Colonel J. Brewer; Captain Seth Washburn; Paul Dudley Sargent; Colonel John Brooks; Colonel Ebenezer Bridge; Colonel John Nixon; Captain Hugh Maxwell; Michael McClary. Letter press: Incidents of the battle; Biographical notes. TABLET XXXL First Council of War. 1775. OBVERSE. Prints: Washington Medal; Washing- ton Elm; Washington's headquarters; View of Charles- town in 1775; View of the lines of Boston Neck, from an English print, 1777. Portraits: General Joseph Reed; General Charles Lee. Autographs: George Washing- ton; Artemas Ward; Charles Lee; Israel Putnam [not a 46 signature]; John Thomas; Joseph Spencer; John Sulli- van; Nathaniel Greene; William Heath; Thomas Mif- flin; Joseph Reed. REVERSE. Old view of Boston from Dorchester Heights; Map of Boston with its environs, 1776; Rox- bury Fort. Letter press: Biographical notes. The above list is very imperfect, including only such names as were on hand when the tablet v/as made up. TABLET XXXII. At Ticonderoga. 1775. OBVERSE. Prints: Ticonderoga at sunset; Ar- nold's residence; Tomb of Ethan Allen. Letter press: Biographical note on Ethan Allen. Autographs: Arthur St. Clair; Ethan Allen; Seth Warner; Benedict Arnold. REVERSE. Letter press: Relative to Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and the Green Mountain Boys; The attack on Ticonderoga; The evolution of Vermont; Biographical notes. TABLET XXXIII. In Canada. 1 775-1 776. OBVERSE. Portraits: General Sullivan; General Montgomery; General Wooster; Colonel Willett. Prints: Plan of Quebec, upper town; St. John's Gate; Place where Arnold was wounded; Montgomery's mon- ument; Cape Diamond. Autographs : Governor Fred- erick Haldimand; Richard Montgomery; John Sulli- van; Benedict Arnold; David Wooster; Philip Schuy- ler; Henry Dearborn; Aaron Burr; Marinus Willett; Henry Livingston. REVERSE. Prints: Fort at Chambly; Montreal and its walls in 1760, old French print; Map of the route through the wilderness. Letter press: Incidents; Biographical notes; Describing the spot where Mont- gomery was killed. TABLET XXXIV. At Stony Point. 1779. OBVERSE. Prints: Wayne's residence; Medals; 47 Wayne's monument. Portrait: Wayne. Map of Stony Point and Verplanck's Point. Letter press: Description ot the medals; Biographical note; Anecdotes. Auto- graphs: Anthony Wayne; Colonel de Fleury. REVERSE. Portrait: Major Andre. Prints: Smith's house; Robinson's house; Paulding's monument and St. Peter's church; Van Wart's monument; Captors's medal; Washington's headquarters at Tappan; Map showing the scene of Arnold's Treason. TABLET XXXV. At Saratoga. 1777. OBVERSE. Prints: Medals. Portraits: Armstrong; Lamb; Burgoyne; Gates; Morgan. Autographs: Fried- rich L [Landgraf] F [Fiirst] Hessen [Duke of Hesse]; General John Burgoyne; General William Phillips; Baron Riedesel; General Horatio Gates; General Ben- jamin Lincoln; General Anthony Wayne; General Daniel Morgan; General Enoch Poor; General Joseph Cilley; General William Whipple; General William Hull; General James Wilkinson; General Henry Dear- born; General John Armstrong, Jr. REVERSE. Prints: Bemis Heights, with map; The battle ground. Letter press: Biographical notes. TABLET XXXVL In the Southern Campaigns. 1 780-1 781. OBVERSE. Portraits: Greene; Moultrie; Lincoln; Sumter; Rawdon; Tarleton; Pinckney. Autographs: Lord Cornwallis; John Macpherson; Hastings (Lord Rawdon, Marquis of Hastings); Banastre Tarleton; William Moultrie; Benjamin Lincoln; Horatio Gates; Nathaniel Greene; Armand, Marquis de la Rouarie; Henry Lee; Thomas Sumter; Daniel Morgan; Otho H. Williams; William Smallwood; John Eager Howard; Thomas Pinckney; Andrew Pickens. REVERSE. Letter press: Biographical notes. 48 TABLET XXXVII. Andre and his Court Martial. 1780. OBVERSE. Print: West Point in 1780. Portraits: General Robert Howe; Major Andre; Major Tall- madge; Lord Stirling; General Steuben; General Ar- nold. Autographs: Benedict Arnold; Alexander Ham- ilton; Benjamin Tallmadge; Beverly Robinson; John Lamb; Nathaniel Greene; Lord Stirling; Arthur St. Clair; Marquis de Lafayette; Robert Howe; Baron Steuben; Samuel H. Parsons; James Clinton; Henry Knox; John Glover; John Paterson; Edward Hand; John Stark; Jedediah Huntington; John Laurance. REVERSE. Letter press: Relative to Arnold's Trea- son, and the case of Andre; Biographical notes. TABLET XXXVIIL At Yorktown. 1781. OBVERSE. Portraits: Medallion, Washington and Lafayette; Rochambeau; Lafayette; Lord Howe; Corn- wallis; D'Estaing. Autographs : Lord Cornwallis; George Washington; Count Rochambeau; Admiral d'Estaing; Admiral Lord Howe; Benjamin Lincoln; Lafayette; Arthur St. Clair; Alexander Hamilton; Duke de Lauzun; Alexander Scammell; Sebastian Bauman. Letter press: Biographical notes. REVERSE. Portraits: De Lauzun; Count de Bar- ras; Baron Viomenil; Deuxponts; Count Mathieu Du- mas. Prints: Position of English and French fleets previous to the action. Map of the siege of Yorktown, October, 1781. View up the river. Picture of the Brit- ish surrendering their arms to General Washington (1781). TABLET XXXIX. Naval Commanders. OBVERSE. Portraits: Admiral Hopkins; Commo- dore Barney; Nicholas Biddle; Commodore Dale; Commodore Barry. Autographs: Ezekiel Hopkins; 49 Hector McNeil; John Paul Jones; John Barry; John F. Williams; Joshua Barney; Alexander Murray; Thomas Truxton. REVERSE. Prints: The Jersey Prison ship; Ad- miralty seal; Map of operations upon Rhode Island in 1778; First naval flags; American floating battery. Letter press: Relative to naval engagements; Biograph- ical notes. TABLET XL. Presidents of the Old Congress. 1 774-1 789. OBVERSE. Portraits: Peyton Randolph; John Jay; Arthur St. Clair; Thomas Mifflin; Henry Laurens; Charles Thomson, secretary. Autographs : Peyton Ran- dolph; Henry Middleton [fac-simile] ; John Hancock; Henry Laurens; John Jay; Samuel Huntington; Thomas McKean; John Hanson; Elias Boudinot; Thomas Mifflin; Richard Henry Lee; Nathaniel Gor- ham; Arthur St. Clair; Cyrus Griffin; Charles Thom- son, secretary. REVERSE. Prints: State House at Annapolis; Carpenter's Hall; Congress House; State House at Philadelphia as it appeared in 1774; Walnut street front of Philadelphia State House in 1776. Letter press: Bio- graphical notes; Extracts relative to Carpenter's Hall, and the character of the men who composed the First Congress. TABLET XLI. Diplomatists of the Revolution. OBVERSE. Portraits: Franklin; Deane; Gerard; Count de Vergennes; Livingston. Autographs: Grand: Benjamin Franklin; Silas Deane; Arthur Lee; Robert H. Livingston; Gerard; J. Necker; De Castries; De Vergennes; Saint Germain; Beaumarchais; Leray de Chaumont; Henry Laurens. v REVERSE. Letter press: Biographical notes; Ex- tracts relative to various diplomatic proceedings. 50 TABLET XLII. Presidents of the United States. 1789-1857. OBVERSE. Prints: The Capitol; President's house. Autographs: George Washington, John Adams, with por- traits; Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, with portraits; James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, with portraits; An- drew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, with portraits; Wil- liam Henry Harrison^ John Tyler, with portraits; James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, with portraits; Millard Fill- more, Franklin Pierce, with portraits. REVERSE. Portrait: Washington (with seal). TABLET XLIIL Washington and his Cabinet. OBVERSE. Portraits: Washington; Knox; Hamil- ton; Habersham; Pickering. Print: Federal Hall. Offi- cial seals of Washington and Knox. Autographs: George Washington; Thomas Jefferson [Secretary of State]; Edmund Randolph [Attorney General; Secre- tary of State] ; Alexander Hamilton [Treasury] ; Oliver Wolcott [Treasury]; Henry Knox [War]; Timothy Pickering [Postmaster General; War; State] ; James MeHenry [War]; Joseph Habersham [Postmaster General]; Samuel Osgood [Postmaster General]; Wil- liam Bradford [Attorney General]; Charles Lee [At- torney General]. REVERSE. Portraits: Washington; Adams; La- fayette; Franklin; Jefferson; Boudinot; Jay; Sherman; Hancock; Joel Barlow; Daniel Humphrey [should be David Humphreys]; General Clinton; John Dickinson; Aaron Ogden; Gouverneur Morris. Prints: Lafayette's tomb; Monticello; Schuyler's headquarters. Seal of John Adams, 1775. Autographs: John Hancock, 1775; John Adams, 1825. Letter Press: Biographical notes; Anecdotes of Hamilton. TABLET XLIV. Washington's Administration. 1789-97. [On Obverse.] Portrait: Washington. Autographs: George Wash- Si ington; John Adams [Vice President]; Thomas Jeffer- son [Secretary of State] ; Edmund Randolph [Attorney General ; State] ; Alexander Hamilton [Treasury] ; Oli- ver Wolcott [Treasury] ; Henry Knox [War] ; Timothy Pickering [Postmaster General; War; State]; James McHenry [War] ; Samuel Osgood [Postmaster Gen- eral]; Joseph Habersham [Postmaster General]; Wil- liam Bradford [Attorney General] ; Charles Lee [At- torney General]. Adams's Administration. 1 797-1801. [On Reverse.] Portrait: Adams. Autographs: John Adams; Thomas Jefferson [Vice-President] ; Timothy Pickering [State] ; John Marshall [State]; Oliver Wolcott [Treasury]; Samuel Dexter [Treasury; War]; James McHenry [War] ; Roger Griswold [War] ; George Cabot [Navy] ; Benjamin Stoddert [Navy] ; Joseph Habersham [Post- master General]; Charles Lee [Attorney General]. TABLET XLV. Jefferson's Administration. 1801-1809. [On Obverse.] Portrait: Jefferson. Autographs: Thomas Jefferson; Aaron Burr [Vice-President] ; George Clinton [Vice- President] ; James Madison [State] ; Samuel Dexter [Treasury]; Albert Gallatin [Treasury]; Henry Dear- born [War] ; Benjamin Stoddert [Navy] ; Robert Smith [Navy]; Jacob Crowninshield [Navy]; Joseph Haber- sham [Postmaster General] ; Gideon Granger [Post- master General] ; Levi Lincoln [Attorney General] ; John Breckenridge [Attorney General] ; Caesar A. Rod- ney [Attorney General]. IVIadison's Administration. 1809-17. [On Reverse.] Portrait: Madison. Autographs: James Madison; George Clinton [Vice-President]; Elbridge Gerry 52 [Vice-President]; Robert Smith [State]; James Mon- roe [State; War]; Albert Gallatin [Treasury]; George W. Campbell [Treasury] ; Alexander J. Dallas [Treas- ury] ; William Eustis [War] ; John Armstrong [War] ; William H. Crawford [Treasury] ; Paul Hamilton [Navy] ; William Jones [Navy] ; B. W. Crowninshield [Navy]; Gideon Granger [Postmaster General]; Re- turn J. Meigs [Postmaster General] ; Csesar A. Rodney [Attorney General] ; William Pinkney [Attorney Gen- eral] ; Richard Rush [Attorney General]. TABLET XLVI. Monroe's Administration. 1817-25. [On Obverse.] Portrait: James Monroe. Autographs: James Mon- roe; Daniel D. Tompkins [Vice-President]; John Quincy Adams [State]; William H. Crawford [Treas- ury] ; George Graham [War] ; Isaac Shelby [War] ; John C. Calhoun [War] ; B. W. Crowninshield [Navy] ; John Rodgers [Navy] ; Smith Thompson [Navy] ; Sam- uel L. Southard [Navy]; Return J. Meigs [Postmaster General] ; John McLean [Postmaster General] ; Rich- ard Rush [Attorney General] ; William Wirt [Attorney General]. Adams's Administration. 1825-29. [On Reverse.] Portrait: Adams. Autographs: John Quincy Adams; John C. Calhoun [Vice-President] ; Henry Clay [State] ; Richard Rush [Treasury]; James Barbour [War]; Peter B. Porter [War]; Samuel L. Southard [Navy]; John McLean [Postmaster General]; William Wirt [Attorney General]. TABLET XLVII. Jackson's Administration. 1829-37. [On Obverse.] Portrait: Jackson. Autographs: Andrew Jackson; John C Calhoun [Vice-President] ; Martin Van Buren 53 [State; Vice-President]; Edward Livingston [State]; Louis McLane [Treasury; State; Treasury]; John Forsyth [State] ; Samuel B. Ingram [Treasury] ; Wil- liam J. Duane [Treasury] ; Roger B. Taney [Attorney General; Treasury] ; Levi Woodbury [Navy; Treasury] ; John H. Eaton [War] ; Lewis Cass [War] ; John Branch [Navy]; Mahlon Dickerson [Navy]; William T. Barry [Postmaster General] ; Amos Kendall [Postmaster Gen- eral] ; John McPherson Berrien [Attorney General] ; Benjamin F. Butler [War; Attorney General]. Van Buren's Administration. 1837-41. [On Reverse.] Portrait: Van Buren. Autographs: Martin Van Buren; Richard M. Johnson [Vice-President]; John Forsyth [State] ; Levi Woodbury [Treasury] ; Joel R. Poinsett [War]; Mahlon Dickerson [Navy]; James K. Paulding [Navy] ; Amos Kendall [Postmaster Gen- eral] ; John M. Niles [Postmaster General] ; Benjamin F. Butler [Attorney General] ; Felix Grundy [Attorney General]; Henry D. Gilpin [Attorney General]. TABLET XLVIII. Harrison's Administration. 1841. [On Ob- verse.] Portrait: Harrison. Autographs: William Henry Harrison; John Tyler [Vice-President]; Daniel Web- ster [State] ; Thomas Ewing [Treasury] ; John Bell [War] ; George E. Badger [Navy] ; Francis Granger [Postmaster General]; John J. Crittenden [Attorney General]. Tyler's Administration. 1841-45. [On Re- verse.] Portrait: Tyler. Autographs: John Tyler; Daniel Webster [State]; Abel P. Upshur [State; Navy]; John C. Calhoun [State]; Walter Forward [Treasury]; John C. Spencer [Treasury; War]; George M. Bibb [Treas- 54 ury] ; James M. Porter [War] ; William Wilkins [War] ; David Henshaw [Navy]; Thomas W. Gilmer [Navy]; John Y. Mason [Navy] ; Charles A. Wickliffe [Post- master General] ; Hugh S. Legare [Attorney General] ; John Nelson [Attorney General]. TABLET XLIX. Polk's Administration. 1845-49. [On Ob- verse.] Portrait: Polk. Autographs: James K. Polk; George M. Dallas [Vice-President]; James Buchanan [State]; Robert J. Walker [Treasury] ; William L. Marcy [War] ; George Bancroft [Navy]; John Y. Mason [Attorney General; Navy]; Cave Johnson [Postmaster General]; Nathan Clifford [Attorney General] ; Isaac Toucey [At- torney General]. Taylor's Administration. 1849-50. [On Reverse.] Portrait: Taylor. Autographs: Zachary Taylor; Mil- lard Fillmore [Vice-President]; John M. Clayton [State]; William M. Meredith [Treasury]; Thomas Corwin [Treasury]; George W. Crawford [War]; Thomas Ewing [Interior]; William B. Preston [Navy] ; Jacob Collamer [Postmaster General]; Reverdy John- son [Attorney General]. TABLET L. Fillmore's Administration. 1850-53. [On Obverse.] Portrait: Fillmore. Autographs: Millard Fillmore; Daniel Webster [State]; Edward Everett [State]; Thomas Corwin [Treasury] ; Charles M. Conrad [War] ; William A. Graham [Navy] ; Thomas M. T. McKennan [appointed, Interior, declined to accept] ; Alexander H. H. Stuart [Interior]; John P. Kennedy [Navy]; Na- than K. Hall [Postmaster General] ; S. D. Hubbard [Postmaster General]; John J. Crittenden [Attorney General]. 55 Pierce's Administration. 1853-57. [On Re- verse.] Portrait: Pierce. Autographs: Franklin Pierce; Wil- liam R. King [Vice-President] ; William L. Marcy [State]; James Guthrie [Treasury]; Jefferson Davis [War] ; James C. Dobbin [Navy] ; James Campbell [Postmaster General] ; Robert McClelland [Interior] ; Caleb Gushing [Attorney General]. TABLET LI. Buchanan's Administration. 1857-61. [On Obverse.] Portrait: Buchanan. Autographs: James Buchanan; John C. Breckenridge [Vice-President] ; Lewis Cass [State] ; Howell Cobb [Treasury] ; Philip F. Thomas [Treasury]; John A. Dix [Treasury]; John B. Floyd [War]; Isaac Toucey [Navy]; Jacob Thompson [Inte- rior]; Aaron V. Brown [Postmaster General]; Horatio King [Postmaster General] ; Jeremiah S. Black [Attor- ney General]; Edwin M. Stanton [Attorney General]. Lincoln's Administration. 1861-65. [On Reverse.] Portrait: Lincoln. Autographs: Abraham Lincoln Autograph also of Mary Lincoln]; Hannibal Hamlin Vice-President] ; William H. Seward [State] ; Salmon :?. Chase [Treasury]; William Pitt Fessenden [Treas- ury]; Hugh McCulloch [Treasury]; Simon Cameron [War] ; Edwin M. Stanton [War] ; Gideon Welles [Navy]; Caleb B. Smith [Interior] ; John P. Usher [In- terior] ; James Harlan [Interior] ; Edward Bates [At- torney General]; James Speed [Attorney General]; Montgomery Blair [Postmaster General] ; William Den- nison [Postmaster General]. TABLET LII. Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States. OBVERSE. Portraits: John Jay; Oliver Ellsworth. 56 Autographs: John Jay [Chief Justice 1789-95]; John Rutledge [1789-91; Chief Justice 1795]; William Cush- ing [1789-1810]; Robert H. Harrison [1789]; James Wilson [1789-98]; John Blair [1789-96]; James Iredell [1790-99] ; Thomas Johnson [1790-93] ; William Pater- son [1793-1806]; Samuel Chase [1796-1811]; Oliver Ellsworth [Chief Justice 1796-1801]; Bushrod Washing- ton [1798-1821]; Alfred Moore [1799-1804]; John Mar- shall [1801-30]; William Johnson [1804-34]; Thomas Todd [1807-26]; B: Livingston [1807-23]; Gabriel Duval [181 1-34]; Joseph Story [181 1-45]; Smith Thompson [1823-45]. REVERSE. Portraits: John Marshall; Roger B. Taney. Autographs: Robert Trimble [1826-29]; John McLean [1829-61]; Henry Baldwin [1830-46]; John M. Wayne [1835-67]; Roger B. Taney [Chief Justice 1836-64]; Philip P. Barbour [1836-41]; John Catron [1837-65] ; John McKinley [1837-52] ; Peter V. Daniel [1841-60]; Samuel Nelson [1845-1872]; Levi Woodbury [1845-51]; Salmon P. Chase [Chief Justice, 1864-1870]; Robert C. Grier [1846-70]; Benjamin R. Curtis [1851- 57]; James A. Campbell [1853-56]; Nathan Clifford [185&-1881]; Noah H. Swayne [1862-1881]; Samuel F. Miller [1862-1890]; David Davis [1862-1877]; Stephen J. Field [1863- ]; William Strong [1870-1880]; Joseph P. Bradley [1870-1892]. TABLET LIII. Speakers of the House of Representatives of the United States. OBVERSE. Autographs: William Augustus Muhl- enberg; Jonathan Trumbull; Jonathan Dayton; Theo- dore Sedgwick; Nathaniel Mason; J. B.Varnum; Henry Clay; Langdon Cheves; John W. Taylor; Philip P. Bar- bour; A. Stephenson; John Bell; James K. Polk; R. M. T. Hunter; John White; J. W. Jones; John W. Davis; Robert C. Winthrop; Howell Cobb; Linn Boyd; Na- thaniel P. Banks; James L. Orr; William Pennington; Galusha A. Grow; Schuyler Colfax. REVERSE. Portrait: Henry Clay. 57 TABLET LIV. Revolutionary Officers. 1 775-1 783. Note. The names below are only those of a few of equally meritorious officers who would have been added had their signatures been in the collection un- attached to valuable papers. OBVERSE. Portraits: General Muhlenberg; Colo- nel Smith; Colonel Barton; General C. C. Pinckney; General Gansevoort. Autographs: Peter Muhlenberg; Rufus Putnam; William Maxwell; Elias Dayton; James Thacher; William Barton; Abraham Ten Broeck; John Greaton; Charles Scott; Morgan Lewis; Joseph Frye; William Grayson; Alexander McDougall; John Whet- comb. REVERSE. Print: Seal of the Board of War. Letter press: Organization of the Board of War and its successor, the Secretary of War; Biographical notes. TABLET LV. Statesmen. [On Obverse.] Note. The classification of the group below, and of several that follow, has no significance. The names are here simply because they were found in the collec- tion as mere parts or fragments, or attached to worth- less papers. Autographs: Lord Erskine, George Canning, with portraits; Sir Robert Peel, Lord Melbourne, with por- traits; Earl Grey, Duke of Wellington, with portraits; Lord Brougham, Daniel O'Connell, with portraits; Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, with portraits; John C. Calhoun, Lewis Cass, with portraits; Silas Wright, Jr., Thomas H. Benton, with portraits; Edward Everett, William H. Seward, with portraits. Statesmen and Others. [On Reverse.] Autographs: Samuel Pepys; Earl Danby; Earl Go- dolphin; Stephen Fox; Charles Montague; Sir Robert Walpole; Middlesex; Henry Fox; Dunk Halifax; Wil- liam Wyndham; Lord George Bridges Rodney; Lord 58 Edward Pellew; Fisher Ames; DeWitt Clinton; Wil- liam Wirt; Jeremiah Mason; Albert Gallatin; William H. Crawford; John McLean; Nicholas Biddle; Levi Woodbury; John Forsyth; John Bell; James Buchanan; James Shields. TABLET LVI. Thomas Gray, of the Elegy. OBVERSE. Autograph and Portrait (with piece of Gray's writing) on title page of the Bibliotheque His- torique de la France. REVERSE. Letter press: Biographical sketch. TABLET LVIL Some of the Continental Congress. 1774- 1789. Note. See note to Tablet LV. OBVERSE. Old print of the Congress. Autographs: John Sullivan; Nathaniel Folsom; Thomas Gushing; Robert Treat Paine; Stephen Hopkins; Samuel Ward; Roger Sherman; John Jay; Philip Livingston; John Alsop; William Floyd; Henry Wisner; Francis Lewis; David Ramsay; Ralph Izard; John Lewis Gervais; James Kinsey; William Livingston; Stephen Crane; Thomas Mifflin; Joseph Galloway; John Morton; Thomas McKean; Samuel Chase; Caesar Rodney; Richard Smith; Isaac Low; Benjamin Harrison; Na- than Dane; Samuel A. Otis; Nathaniel Peabody. REVERSE. Letter press: Articles of Association, etc., adopted in Congress, October 20, 1774, with sig- natures. TABLET LVIII. Seals of Eminent Persons. Note. The seals on this and the followmg Tablets are arranged without classification, excepting by size and color. OBVERSE. Rev. William Bell, prebendary of West- minister; Dr. Thomas Raffles, of Liverpool; Edward 59 Livingston, Secretary of State, President Jackson's ad- ministration; Jacob Bryant, author of "Ancient My- thology;" Dr. Benjamin Heath, Fellow of Eton College; Rev. Michael Tyson,^ "Ode to Peace;" Rev. William Gilpin, "Essay on Prints;" James Buchanan, President of the United States; Rev. Thomas Kerrich, University of Cambridge; Rev. Thomas Percy, D.D., "Percy's ReHques;" John Singleton Copley, painter; James Montgomery, poet; John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, 1801-36; William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Lincoln's and Johnson's administrations; Dr. John Griscom, Professor of Rutgers Medical College; Rev. Horace Holley, D.D., President of Transylvania University, Ky. ; Anna Letitia Barbauld, author; Rev. Michael Tyson ;^ George Prettyman, D.D., Bishop of Winchester; Cyril Jackson, D.D., Dean of Oxford; Andrew Stevenson, minister to England, 1836-41; Thomas Gaisford, Dean of Christ Church; Rev. Thomas Drake, F. S. A.; C. M. Sutton, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury; L. Bagot, D.D., Bishop of Norwich; John Saffin, Massachusetts Judge, 1700; General James War- ren, of Plymouth, Revolutionary Patriot; Rev. Thomas Drake,' F. S. A.; Rev. William Howley, D.D., Bishop of London; Timothy Pickering, Secretary of War, 1794, Washington's administration, afterward Secretary of State; George I., of England; Sir William Johnson, New York; Seal of Albany, 1752; Richard Rush, Minister to England, 1817-25; Samuel Dexter, Secre- tary of War, 1800, Adams's administration. REVERSE. C. J. Loudon, botanist; James Sher- lock, Sheriff in 1687; John Randolph, father of John of Roanoke; Henry Nelson Coleridge, author; Capell LofTt,^ lawyer, editor, author of "Anthology of Son- nets;" Rev. John Mitford, editor and poet; Dr. John Torrey, botanist and chemist; Robert Treat Paine, signer of the Declaration of Independence; Duke of Wellington, as Prime Minister; John Gushing, Judge, 1747-1771; Major John Cartwright, political reformer; James Northcote, sculptor; R. R. Gurley, philanthro- pist; Peter Oliver, Chief Justice, Massachusetts, 1772- 75; Martin Madan, D.D., "Letter to Dr. Priestley;" Hon. Daines Barrington, statesman and naturalist; Dr. 1 Two seals, of different patterns. 2 Duplicate. 60 Benjamin Silliman, of Yale College; Thomas Percy, D.D., "Percy's Reliques;" Bishop James Madison, of William and Mary College; Anderson; Rev. Dr. Charles Lowell, of Boston, West Church; Rev. George Costard, "History of Armstrong;" Dr. Thomas Percy, D.D.;"* James D. Dunham, "Christianity the Friend of Man;" Capell Loflft,^ lawyer and editor; Rev. Michael Tyson ;^ Thomas Moore, poet; Michael Lort, D.D.,^ Greek professor, Cambridge; St. George Tucker, "Life of Jefferson;" Michael Lort, D.D.;^ Thomas Percy, D.D.;' William Wirt, Attorney Gen- eral, Monroe's administration; Thomas Pownall, Gov- ernor, Massachusetts, 1757-60; Professor Samuel F. B. Morse, founder of the American system of electro- magnetic telegraph; George Stevens, Shakespearian scholar. TABLET LIX. Seals of Eminent Persons. OBVERSE. John Gibson; David M. Moir; Bishop Heber; Dr. Charles Beck; Douglas Jerrold; Major Agnew; David Maclise; Dr. Charles Beck; Lord Brougham; Lord Schuckbright;^ Westmacott, artist; Earl Haddington; Sir George Gray; Sir Robert Peel; Dr. McCrie; Sir John Sinclair; Sir Francis Head; Schmidt; Rev. Edward Nares; Rev. Rowland Hill; Richard Peters; Mr. Justice Willes; William Pickering, publisher; Earl Dalhousie; Robert C. Win- throp; Joseph Cottle; Lord Schuckbright;^ Leverett Saltonstall; Mr. Justice Vaughan; Dr. Aaron Bancroft; George II.; John Cotton Smith. REVERSE. Victoria; Alaric A. Watts; Daniel Webster; Alexander H. Everett; Gneismann; Sir Henry Torrens; Henry Clay; Lord Collingwood; Governor George Coleston; Allenstein; Edward Livingston; Jo- siah Quincy, 3d; Count Bruhl; John Flaxman; Lord Nelson; Marshal Victor; Xavier; Sir John Graham; Schuyler Colfax; Lord Donerail; Von Hardenberg; 1 Two seals, of different patterns, 2 Three seals (one on the obverse), of different patterns. ' Duplicate of second seal of Tyson, on Tablet LVIII, ob- verse. 61 Marshal Oudinot; Louis XVIII.; Johane; Hannah More; Prince August; Lord Canning; George I.; Com- modore John Rogers; Marshal Jourdan. TABLET LX. Seals of Eminent Persons. OBVERSE. Lord Melbourne; Savigny; Mr. Justice John B. Byles; Frederick WilHam, of Prussia; Lord Macaulay; James Steel; Sir William Grant; George Bancroft; Governor Edward Winslow; Earl Hadding- ton; Bishop Wainwright; Canova, sculptor; Mr. Justice Wines, 1840; Benjamin Franklin; Fiirth; William Play- fair; Alexander v. Humboldt; Dr. N. W. Appleton; Sir William Drummond; Lord Bolingbroke, 1715; Moltke, civilian; Sir Edmund Head; Abbe Barthelemy; Rev. T. R. Malthus; Sir Walter Scott; John Joseph, Saxony; Lord Maberley; Lord Macaulay; Sir John Sinclair; Lord John Russell. REVERSE. Wellington; Sir Edward Coke; Con- yers Middleton; Robert Mason, New Hampshire, 1680; Diderot; William E. Burton; Fenelon; Henry Howard, artist; George Rose; W. H. Ainsworth; Leonard Woods, Jr.; Wellington;^ Turner, painter; Henry Kirk White; Schleirmacher; Lord Gambler; Reichenbach; Richard Varick; Paul Barras; Byfalk; Zollius; Alex- ander Chalmers; Lady Charlotte Bury; Professor God- dard. Brown University; Von Nagler; Sir W. Hamil- ton; Jonathan Williams, Jr.; Francis Dana, Jr.; John Pierpont; Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester; Liv- ingston; Colonel John Laurens; Earl Charlemont; Jo- seph T. Buckingham; John Wilmont. TABLET LXL Seals of Eminent Persons. OBVERSE. Edward Everett;' Sir John Ross; Dor- othy L. Dix; Dr. John Anderson; Sir Harry Nicholas; Earl Rochester; Alexander J. Downing; Serjeant Chan- nell; Edward Everett;' Rev. Henry Melville; Bariy Cornwall; Amelia Opie; Mr. Justice Brownell; Welcher; 1 Duplicate. 2 Two seals, different patterns. 62 J. H. Allen; Jared Sparks; J. B. Lane; W. Eden, Lord Auckland; Charles Finch; Justice J. B. Byles;^ Mary- Shelley; Lord Plunkett; Charles Grant; Prince Hoare. REVERSE. Blank. TABLET LXII. Seals of the Signers [of the Declarcttion of Independence] and Others. OBVERSE. Rufus King, 1787; Richard Henry Lee, 1776; Nicholas Oilman, 1787; John Hancock, 1776; John Adams, 1776; Benjamin Franklin, 1776; Roger Sherman, 1776; General Burgoyne, 1777; William Wil- liams, 1776; Elias Boudinot, 1783; Richard Mont- gomery, 177s; Oliver Wolcott, 1776; Ralph Izard, 1779; George Ross, 1776; Henry Laurens, 1779; Baron Vi- omenil, 1781; Sir Adam Ferguson; Lord Shelburne, 1783; C. C. Pinckney; General Lafayette; Charles Pinckney. REVERSE. Fac-simile of the signatures to the Declaration of Independence. TABLET LXIIL [Other] Original Seals. OBVERSE. Martin F. Tupper; Samuel J. Arnold; Earl of Egremont; Governor Belcher, 1730; Lord Aber- deen; Lord Palmerston; Sir James Mackintosh; W. H. Ainsworth; Governor Stoughton, 1694; Lady Hester Stanhope; Governor Joseph Dudley, 1702; R. Plummer Ward; Lady Wellesley; Lord Brougham; Dr. Bowring, poet. REVERSE. Marshal Massena; Chev. Hulsemann; Earl Grey, 1830; Lord Whitworth, 1802; Earl Shaftes- bury, 1834; Prince of Canino; Francis Lieber;' Governor Paris, of Maine; Francis Lieber;^ Lord Berwick, 1823; Sir Alexander McKenzie; Earl Bridgewater; Sir Fran- cis Freeling; Paul Hamilton, South Carolina; Lord Yarboro. iTwo seals, one on Tablet LX. 2 Two seals, different patterns. 63 APPENDIX. The correspondence between Judge Cham- berlain and the Board of Trustees, accom- panying the transfer, was as follows: Chelsea, February 14, 1893. To the Trustees of the Boston Public Library: Gentlemen: I propose to leave to the Boston Public Library, by testamentary bequest, my collection of his- torical documents, manuscripts, autographs, portraits, and engravings connected therewith, together with a few printed volumes, and some matters of personal in- terest to me, provided the Trustees, after a more mature consideration of the subject, are still willing to accept the same agreeably to an informal understanding ex- pressed at their meeting, January 17, 1893. That is to say, that the Trustees will furnish the room in the new building, connected with the librarian's room, substan- tially in accord with the plan prepared by Alex. S. Jenney, and set said room apart as the permanent home of said collection, to be and forever remain in the sole custody of the librarian, under the Trustees. From the above conditions are to be excepted the framed Address to the King, the Declaration of Inde- pendence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Con- stitution of the United States, which would be properly exhibited on the walls of some more public room.^ While I desire to retain the property of the collection during my life, it is my wish, nevertheless, to transfer to the Library at once such portions of it as are in com- iWith Judge Chamberlain's consent the Tablets described above have been removed to the room for Younger Readers, and are displayed below the four great Documents on the south wall. 64 pleted form, and the remainder as soon as it can be completed. The collection will need an index and binding; and as I am familiar with the requirements, I think it would be well to have one or more volumes of each division bound as soon as may be, to serve as examples for the remaining volumes. It is my purpose to make the collection as complete as I may; and to that end, after any portion of it is transferred to the Library, I shall desire free access to it at suitable times. Respectfully, (Signed) Mellen Chamberlain. Public Library of the City of Boston. To the Hon. Mellen Chamberlain: Dear Sir: It is my pleasant duty to inform you that I am instructed by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, that they accept with great grat- itude your proposed testamentary gift of your unique and valuable "collection of historical documents, auto- graphs, portraits, and engravings connected therewith, together with certain printed volumes," and that they agree to perform all the conditions set forth in your letter of February 14, 1893, to which the gift is made subject. Permit me to improve the opportunity to express my own appreciation of the great value of your pro- posed donation, and assure you that all the conditions referred to will be faithfully performed. The Trustees have already commenced the work of preparing a suit- able room in the new Library building for the accom- modation of the collection as you are pleased to allow them present possession of the same. Very truly yours, (Signed) Frederick O. Prince, March 28, 1893. President pro tem. 65 The Public Library of the City of Boston : Printing Department. mmmmm ^^iA':'\^ 'SU,i.: I'?.:;,- ■.'-v,;'w:vKaft :;\>:|iig sVj;-'"^. -. :, ■ -■. , ';-V-"":-;-|r''.:;;;^>!' -;»:« THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. DEC 1 t«3r 930182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY