'lyu^"^ DICTIONARY OF THE OLD ENGLISH LANGUAGE, COMPILED FROM WRITINGS OF THE XIL Xin. XIV. AND XV. CENTURIES, BY FRANCIS HENRY STRATMANN. SECOND EDITION. PRINTED FOK THE AUTHOR AT KREFELD. LONDON : TRIIBNER ^ CO., 57 & 59, LUDGATE HILL. 1873. "/; d^i- ADVERTISEMENT. The present edition of the Dictionary of the Old- English lan- guage has not only been revised and enlarged, but written anew from one end to the other, so that there will be found few lines, in which the amending hand is not visible. But, although in many respects improved, it can, of course, not be said to be perfect. The author, therefore, intends to publish a Supplement to it, as soon as material sufficient for a volume has been collected, and he will be happy to receive communications for that purpose from fellow students. For the present work he has to acknowledge the kind assistance of Mr F. J. Furnivall, and the Eev. W. W. Skeat. Keefeld, 20th January 1873. ^(i(. AIJTHOEITIES. Alex. Alls. altd. hi. Amad. Am. a. AmiL an. lit. ant Arth. a. p. apol. a. r. Arth. a. Merl. a. s. ass. Aud. avow. Arth. ayenh. Beh. Ben. wh. Bens. voc. The alliterative romance of Alexander, edited by Stevenson. King Alisaunder, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 1, p. 3-327. ])e gestes of pe worpie king and emperour Alisaunder of Macedoine, edit, by W. W. Skeat. Altdeutsche blatter von M. Haupt und H. Hoffmann. Sir Amadas, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 3, p. 243— 275. Sir Amadace, in Robson's early English metrical romances, London 1842. Amis and Amiloun, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 369—473. Anecdota literaria by Thorn. Wright. The anturs of Arther, in Robson's early English metrical ro- mances, p. 1 — 26. [Written in Lancashire, about 1400.] Awntyrs of Arthure, edit, by F. Madden. • Early English alliterative poems, edit, by Rich. Morris. The apology of lollard doctrines, attributed to Wicliffe, edit, by J. H. Todd. • The ancren riwle, edit, by J. Morton, London 1853. [Dorset- shire? ab. 1200.] • Arthur and Merlin, Edinburgh 1838. [ab. 1320.] Ancient songs from the time of king Henry the third to the revolution, London 1790. Assumpcioun de notre dame, edit, by Rawson Lumby. The poems of John Audelay, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell. [Shrop- shire, 1426.] The avowing of king Arther, in Robson's early English me- trical romances, p. 57—93. • Dan Michel's ayenbite of inwyt, edit, by R. Morris, London 1866. [Kent, 1340.] • The life and martyrdom of Thomas Beket, edit, by W. H. Black, London 1845. [Grloucestershire ? ab. 1300.] Mittelhochdeutsches worterbuch von Benecke, Miiller und Zarncke. Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum opera Th. Benson, Oxoniae 1701. VI Ber. Beves Bopp's gloss. — vergl. gram. Bosw. diet. Bout. ev. Brand. Brem. wh. Chauc. Chest, my St. chron. Engl. chron. Vilod. c. I. a. const, mas. d. Arth. Degrev. dep. Bich. Diefenh. wh. Biez wh. Bighy myst. The tale of Beryn, edit, by F. J. Furnivall. Sir Beves of Hamtoun (edit, by TurnbuU), Edinburgh 1838. Glossarium sanscritum a F. Bopp, Berolini 1847. Vergleichende grammatik des Sanscrit, zend, griechischen, la- teinischen, litthauischen, gothischen und deutschen von F. Bopp, Berlin 1833. A dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon language by J. Bosworth^ London 1838. Die vier evangelien in alt-nordhumbrischer sprache, heraus- gegeben von K. W. Bouterweck, Giitersloh 1857. St Brandan, edit, by Thom. Wright. [Grioucestershire ? ab. 1300.] Versuch eines bremisch-niedersachsischen worterbuches, Bre- men 1767 — 1771. The works of Jeffrey Chaucer (edit, by Th. Speght), London 1687. The poetical works of G. Chaucer, edit, by Tyrwhitt, London 1855. The Canterbury tales of G. Chaucer, edit, by Th. Wright. Chaucer's Canterbury tales, edit, by Furnivall. Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "de consolatione philoso- phiae", edit, by Rich. Morris. A treatise on the astrolabe by G. Chaucer, edit, by W. Skeat. [Middlesex, ab. 1400.] Chester mysteries, London 1818. Chronicle of England, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 270—313. Chronicon Vilodunense, sive de vita et miraculis sanctae Edi- thae, regis Edgari filiae, cur. W. H. Black. Castel off love, edit, by R. F. Weymouth. Sir Cleges, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 1, p. 331 — 353. A poem on the constitutions of masonry, in Halliwell's early history of free-masonry in England, p. 12 — 40.. Morte Arthure, edit, by Edm. Brock. [Yorkshire, beginning of the 15th century.] The romance of sir Degrevant, in the Thornton romances, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell, p. 177-256. An alliterative poem on the deposition of king Richard IL, edit, by Thom. Wright. Vergleichendes worterbuch der gothischen sprache von Lor. Diefenbach, Frankfurt 1851. Etymologisches worterbuch der romanischen sprachen von F. Diez, Bonn 1853. Ancient mysteries from the Bigby manuscripts, Edinburgh 1835. Tn du Ganges gloss. Egilss. lex, Eglam. EIL rom. Em. e. T. Ettm. lex. Flor. Flor. a. Bl. fragm. Fritzners ordh. 9- Gam, Gaw. Gener. gest. Horn, Gow. 9^' Graff's sprsch. Gr. gram. — wh. Grein's gloss. Guy Ualdors. lex. Caroli du Fresne, domini du Cange, glossarium ad scriptores mediae & infimae latinitatis, Francofurti 1710. Lexicon poeticum antiquae linguae septentrionalis conscripsit Sveinbjorn Egilsson, Hafniae 1860. The romance of sir Eglamour of Artois, in the Thornton ro- mances, p. 121 — 176. Specimens of early English metrical romances by G. Ellis, 2nd edit, London 1811. Emare, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 204—247. The erl of Tolous, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 3, p. 93—144. Lexicon Anglosaxonicum ed. L. Ettmiillerus, Quedlinburgii 1851. The forme of cury (edit, by S. Pegge), London 1780. Le bone Florence of Rome, in Ritson's metrical romances, ^ vol. 3, p. 1—92. Floriz and Blauncheflur, edit, by Rawson Lumby. Fragment of^lfric's grammar, ^Ifric's glossary, and a poem on the soul and body, in the orthography of the 12th century, edit, by T. Phillipps, London 1838. Ordbog over det gamle norske sprog af Joh. Fritzner, Kristi- ania 1867. English gilds by Toulmin Smith. The tale of 3ong Gamelin, in Chaucer's Canterbury tales. Sir Gawayne and the green knight, edit, by Rich. Morris, London 1864. A royal historie of the excellent knight Generides, edit, by F. J. Furnivall. The old English versions of the gesta Romanorum, edit, by F. Madden. Confessio amantis of John Gower, edit, by R. Pauli, London 1857. [Middlesex, ab. 1400; but edition not from coeval ma- nuscripts.] The grave, in Thorpe's analecta Anglo-Saxoriica, p. 142. Althochdeutscher sprachschatz von E. G. Graff, Berlin 1834— 1842. Deutsche grammatik von Jac. Grimm. 2te ausg. Deutsches worterbuch von Jac. uud Wilh. Grimm. Sprachschatz der angelsachsischen dicliter, bearbeitet von C. W. M. Grein, Cassel & Gottingen 1861 — 1864. The romance of sir Guy of Warwick and Rembrun his son, Edinburgh 1840. Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum Biornonis Haldorsonii cura R. K. Raskii editum, Havniae 1814. VIII Halliio. diet. A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, by J. 0. Halli- well, London 1850. h. k. • The harrowing of hell, published by J. 0. Halliwell, London 1840. [Herefordshire, ab. 1310.] Havel. * The lay of Havelok the Dane, edit, by W. W. Skeat, London 1868. [Lincolnshire? ab. 1280.] Hick. thes. Linguarum veterum septentrionaiium thesaurus, auctore G. Hickesio, Oxoniae 1705. hist. Edw. Historic of the arrival of Edward IV. in England, edit, by J. Bruce. h. m. • Hali meidenhad, edit, by 0. Cockayne, [ab. 1200.] Heine's gloss. Kleinere altniederdeutsche denkmaler init ausfiihrlichem glos- sar von Moritz Heyne, Paderborn 1867. Hoccl. Poems by Thorn. Hoccleve, London 1796. [ab. 1400.] Holtzm. gram. Altdeutsche grammatik von Ad. Holtzmann. horn. • Old English homilies and homiletic treatises of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, edit, by Rich. Morris. Horn The geste of king Horn, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 91—155. • King Horn, edit, by Rawson Lumby, London 1866. [ab. 1275.] Horn ch. Horn child and maiden Rimnild, in Ritson's metrical roman- ces, vol. 3, p. 282-320. h. s. • Roberd of Brunne's handling sinne, edit, by F. J. Furnivall, London 1862. hunt. The hunting of the hare, in "Weber's metrical romances, voL 3, p. 279—290. H zeitschr. Zeitschrift fiir deutsches alterthum, herausgegeben von Mor. Haupt. Ihres gloss. Glossarium Suio-Gothicum, auctore J. Ihre, Upsaliae 1769. Ipom. The life of Ipomidon, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 281—365. Isumb. The romance of sir Isumbras, in the Thornton romances, p. 88-120. hv. Iwaine and Gawin, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 1, p. 1-169. Jos. Joseph of Arimathie, edit, by W. W. Skeat. Jul. * The liflade of St Juliana, edit, by 0. Cockayne, [ab. 1200.] Kath. • The legend of St Katherine of Alexandria, edit, by J. Mor- ton, London 1841. [ab. 1200.] Kil. diet. Etymologicum Teutonicae linguae, sive dictionarium Teutoni- co-Latinum, studio & opera Corn. Kiliani Duffiaei, editio tertia, Antverpiae 1599. li. L. The book of the knight of La Tour Landry, edit, by Thorn. Wright. ]c, T. The king of Tars and the soudan of Dammas, in Ritson^s metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 156— 203. La-^, • La3amons Brut, published by Fr. Madden, London 1847. [Worcestershire, 1205.] lai le fr. Lai le freiue, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 1, p. 357 — 371. Launf. Launfal, in iiitsou's metrical romances, vol. 1, p. 170 — 215. Langl. * The vision of William (Langland, or Langley), concerning Piers the plowman, edit, by W. W. Skeat. [ah. 1380.] I, c. c. Liber cure cocorum, edit, by Rich. Morris. leg. cath. Legeiidae catholicae, Edinburgh 18'i0. Le Oon. diet Dictionnaire breton-frangais de Le Gonidec, enrichi par Hersart de la Villemarque, Saint Brieuc 1850. I. h. r. Legends of the holy rood, edit, by Rich. Morris. Leos gloss. Angelsiichsisches glossar von H. Leo. Lexer s wh. Mittelhochdeutsche^ handworterbuch von M. Lexer. U h. disc. Li beaus disconus, in Ritsou's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 1—90. Lidg. A selection from the minor poems of dan John Lydgate, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell. The story of Thebes by Jx)hn Lidgate, printed in Chaucer's works, London 1()87. lud. Gov. Ludus Coventriae, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell. [Warwickshire? 15th century.] Lyes diet. Dictionarium Saxonicum et Gothico-Latinum, auctore E. Lye, ed. 0. Manning, London 1772. Maerl. Glossarium op Maerlauts rymbybel door J. David. Man. • Robert Manning's history of England, edit, by Furnivall. f Peter Langtoft's chronicle, as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne, publish'd by Th. Hearne. Mand. The voiage and travaile of sir John Maundevile, reprinted from the edition of a. d. 1725, with an introduction etc, by J. 0. Halliwell, London 1839. Mapes The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes, edit. by Th. Wright. Marg. • Seinte Margarete, edited, together with seinte Marherete, by 0. Cockayne, [ab. 1300.] Mark, 9 Seinte Marherete, edit, by 0. Cockayne, London 1862. [ab. 1200.] Mark The gospel according to saint Mark in Anglo-Saxon versions, edit, by W. W. Skeat, Cambridge 1871. [Hatton ms. 38, ab. 1150.] t Not yet published. The quotations have been made from proof-sheets which the editor was kind enough to communicate to me. w. Arth. Le morte Arthur, edit, by F. J. Furnivall. Mat. The gosi^el according to saint Matthew in Anglo-Saxon ver- sions (edit, by Ch. Hardwick), Cambridge 1858. [Hatton ms. 38, ab. 1150.] m. h. English metrical homilies, from manuscripts of the fourteenth century, with an introduction and notes, by John Small, Edinburgh 1862. Min. Poems written anno MCCCLII. by Laurence Minot, published by Jos. Ritson, London 1825. Mire Instructions for parish priests by John Myrc, edit, by Edw. Peacock, London 1868. [Shropshire, ab. 1400.] mir. pi. A collection of English miracle- plays or mysteries by W. Marriott, Basel 1838. misc. • An Old English miscellany by Rich. Morris. Mones qu. Quellen und forschungen zur geschichte der teutschen litera- tur und sprache von F. J. Mone, Aachen 1830. m. t. Ancient metrical tales, edit, by Ch. H. Hartshorne. n. p. Nugae poeticae. Select pieces of old English popular poetry, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell. 0. a. n. * An Old English poem of the owl and the nightingale, edit, by F. H. Stratmann, Krefeld 1868. [Dorsetshire? ab. 1225.] Octav. . The romance of the emperor Octavian, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell. Octov. Octovian imperator, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 3, p. 157-239. O'Reilly s diet. An Irish-English dictionary by E. O'Reilly, Dublin 1817. Orm. ' • The Ormulum, edit, by R. M. White, Oxford 1852. [Lincoln- shire? ab. 1200.] Orph. Sir Orpheo, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 248 — 269. Owens diet. Welsh and English dictionary by W. Owen, London 1793. p. A poem on the times of Edward II, edit, by C. Hardwick. Parten, The romaus of Partenay, edit, by Vv. W. Skeat. Farton. The Old English version of Partonope of Blois, edit, by W. E. Buddy. Petxev. The romance of sir Perceval of Galles, in the Thornton ro- mances, p. 1 — 87. [Yorkshire, beginning of the 15th century.] pi. cr. Pierce the plough mans crede, edit, by W. W. Skeat, London 1867. [ab. 1394.] p. I. 3. Early English poems and lives of saints, edit, by F. J. Fur- nivall, Berlin 1862. pi. t. The plowmans tale, printed in Chaucer's works (London 1687), fol. 157 — 168. pr. e. • The pricke of conscience by R. Rolle de Hampole, edit, by Rich. Morris, Berlin 1863. [Yorkshire, beginning of the 15th century.] XI p. r. I. p. proclam, prompt. p. s. reh. Line. rel. ant Mich. Bicheis idiot, Richth. wb. . Boh. Boquef. gloss. r, 8, s. a. c. sacram. Sal. a. Sat. Sax. chron. Schamh. wh. Sch. gloss. Schm. gloss. Political, religious, and love poems, edit, by F. J. Furnivall, London 18G6. The only English proclamation of Henry III, 18 October 1258, edit, by Alex. J. Ellis. Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, dictionarius Anglo- Latinus princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido, grammatico dicto, ex ordine fratrum predicatorum, Northfolciensi, circa a. d. MCCCCXL, ad fidem codicum recensuit Albert Way, Lon- don 1885. Anglo-Saxon and early English psalter (edit, by Stevenson, London 1843). The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II, edit, by Thom. Wright. Chronicle of the rebellion in Lincolnshire, 1470, edit, by J. U. Nichols. Ekiliquiae antiquae, edit, by Thom. Wright and J. 0. Halliwell. Richard coer de lion, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 2, p. 3—278. Idioticon Hamburgense von M. Richey, Hamburg 1755. Altfriesisches worterbuch von Karl von Richthofen, Gottingen 1840. Robert of Gloucester's chronicle, edit, by Th. Hearne, London 1810. [Oloucester, ab. 1300.] Glossaire de la langue romane par J. B. B. Roquefort, Paris 1808. Religious songs, printed, together with the owl and the nigh- tingale, by Thom. Wright, London 1843. [ab. 1225.] Songs and carols, printed from a ms. in the Sloane collection in the British museum, London 1836. [Warwickshire? be- ginning of the 15th century.] Songs and carols, edit, by Thom. Wright, London 1847. [ab. 1480.] The play of the sacrament, Berlin 1862. [ab. 1460.] The dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus, with an historical introduction by J. M. Kemble, London 1848. Two of the Saxon chronicles, edit, by John Earle, Oxford 1865. Worterbuch der niederdeutschen mundart der fUrstenthiimer Gottingen und Grubenhagen von G. Schambach, Hannover 1858. Gothisches glossar von Ernst Schulze. Glossarium Saxonicum e poemate Heliand inscripto et minori- bus quibusdam priscae linguae monumentis collectmn (a J. A. Schmeller), Monachii, Stuttgartiae et Tubingae 1840. XII Schiltze's idiot Shoreh. spec. sq. I. deg. s. s. St. cod. St. gen. Todd's illustr. Tor. Tow7i. myst. transact, treat. Trev. Triam. Trist. van der Sch. voc. w. a. i. Wart. hist. Wicl. Will Wr. diet. Holsteinisches idiotikon von J. F. Schiitze, Hamburg 1800 — 1806. The religious poems of William de Shoreham, edit, by Thom. Wright, London 1849. [Kent, ab. 1330.] Specimens of lyric poetry, composed in England in the reign of Edward the first, edit, by Thom. Wright, London 1842. [Herefordshire, ab. 1310.] The squir of lowe degre, in Ritson's metrical romances, vol. 3, p. 145—192. The proces ot the sevin sages, in Weber's metrical romances, vol. 3, p. 3—153. The seven sages, edit, by Thom. Wright, London 1845. Codicem manu scriptum Digby 80 in bibliotheca Bodleiana. asservatum descripsit, excerpsit, illustravit E. Stengel, Halis 1871. The story of genesis and exodus, edit, by Rich. Morris, Lon- don 1865. [Norfolk or Suffolk? ab. 1250.] Illustrations of the lives and writings of Gower and Chau- cer by H. J. Todd, London 1810. Torrent of Portugal, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell, London 1842. The Towneley mysteries (printed for the Surtees society, London 1836.) [Yorkshire, ab. 1450.] Transactions of the society of antiquaries. Popular treatises on science, edit, by Thom. Wright, London 1841. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higclen , together with the English translation of John Trevisa, edit, by Churchill Babington, London 1865-1869. [Warwickshire, ab. 1387.] The romance of sir Tryamoure, edit, by J. 0. Halliwell, Lon- don 1846. [ab. 1450.] Sir Tristrem, edit, by W. Scott, Edinburgh 1804. Teuthonista, of duytschlender, van Gherard van der Schueren, uitgegeven door C. Boonzajer, Leyden 1804. A volume of vocabularies, edit, by Thom. Wright. Wills and inventories from the registers of the commissary of Bury St Edmund's etc., edit, by S. Tymm,. The history of p]nglish poetry by Th. Warton, London 1840. The holy bible in the earliest English versions made from the Latin vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers, edit, by Forshall and Madden, Oxford 1850. The romance of William of Palerne, edit, by W. W. Skeat, London 1867. [ab. 1350.] Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, compiled by Thom. Wright, London 1857. a see an, set. a-, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. a-, 0. II. Germ. ar-, er-, ir-, ur-, Goth, us, see Gr. gram. 2, 704 Sf 818, a-. abad ahode, mansio, Degrev. 129 ; abod, abood Chauc. C. t. a 066 fed. Wr. 967 J. abseilieu, A. Sax. abaBligan ? Greins gloss. J, II, irritate? ah Bruttes weoren bisie & ofte hine abseileden Lay 10275. abaiten, 21. II. Germ, erbeii^en ? Ben. ich. /, 103, hait? his flesh on here was so abeited Ilalliw. diet. 6. abeaten, A. Sax. abeatan, heat down ; abette (fret.) ShoreJi. 38. abe3en, A. Sax. abegan, curve, lend : to non herre i schal abuye Roh. 102, 5; abiiyde (fret.) 106, 14; ni pei abeije- doim hem no ping to pe king fr. kinges) best chron. Vilod. 07 . abelden groio laid; abelde Alis. 2442. abel3en, A. Sax. abelgan, 0. II. Germ, ar- belgan Graffs sprsch. 3, 104, grow angry ; abalh (fret.) Lay 26360'^' ; abol- 3en (part.) 1666 ; pat hi ne be abolke ^^abolje?) Shoreh. 22. abeoden, A. Sax. abeodan, O.II. Germ, ar-, irbiotan, offer ; abede Ilalliw. diet. 6 ; & his {fernde abed Lay 4423. aberen, A. Sax. aberan, abear, sufferre; a- beoren horn. 1, 35 ; abeore blideliche pe derjf h. m. 17 ; abered fpres.) a. r. 158; aber fpret.) Katli. 1555. abidden, for 3ebidden? pe hwile ich g6' to abidde me misc, 41. abiden, A. Sax. abidan, abide, man re, ex- spectare, a. r. 208; Orm. 1801 ; ne durren heo me abiden Lay 15063; abiden, ^\>i([Q Langl 2, 188 (212); abide TT/^?/. Rutli 1 ; pu ne darst domes abide o. a. n. 1605; if he moste abide pe dai Beh. 736; abit fpres.) rel. ant. 1,115; Chauc. r. r. 4080; abad fpret.) Kath. 710; Orm. 217; Iw. 1180; abod o. a. n. 41; Beh. 1147; s. s. ed. Wr. 2825; sevene nigt he der abiden st. gen. 2483 ; abiden fpart.) Chauc. C.t. 0762; Toivn. myst. 315. abiten, A. Sax. abitan, bite to death, Lay 26005 ; 0. a. n. 7 7 ; broune liouns and ek white pat wolden fain his folk abite Alis. 7006; abiten fpart.) rel. ant. 2, 276. ablasten blast? venim and fir to gedir he caste pat he Jason so sore ablaste Ilalliw. diet. 7 . ablawen, A. Sax. ablapan, blow up: pos he gan hire herte ablowe Shoreh. 160 ; pet was ablowe por3 pe fenim of pe fende 166. ablenden, A. Sax. ablendan, blind, excaecare, Lay 14657; pis leme shal Lucifer ablende Langl. b 18, 137 ; ablended /^^r^s y a. r. 86; ablent ayenb. 16; ablente fpret.) Langl. b 18, 323. 1 ablinden , 0. II. Germ, erblinden , groio llmd ; ablinded fpres.J a. r. 92; Marh. 15, 23. ablu3en, M. II. Germ, erbliugen, frighten : pa ipard pat folc spide abluied horn. I, 89. abo3ien how : wel corteisli panne abojede she Halliw. diet. 10. abrseden, M. II. Germ, erbreiten, dilate : pe file . . . hire ejen abrad o. a. n. 10 M. abreiden, A. Sax. abregdan, abredan, turn away, draw out, start up, a. r. 214 ; abreid fpret.J a. r. 238 ; abraid st. gen. 231 ; his sweord he ut abraeid Z^). 26533; abroden f part. J hom. 1, 239. abreken, A. Sax. abrecan, break out ; abreke Arth. a. Merl. 7903; abroken (part.) Halliw. diet. 11 ; ich am . . . abroken tit of pon benden La"^. 721. abrennen , M. II. Germ, erbrennen, hum up, exurere ; abernd fpres.J hom. 1, 239. abreoden, A. Sax. abreodan, fall away: pat teonde perod abread hom. 1, 219 ; SI (pe la3e) al spa spid(e) abread 1, 225. abuggen, A. Sax. abycgan, ahuy, redimere, a. r. 188; spec. 112; pu me smite bi pon rugge ah sare pu hit salt abuggen La'^. 8158 ; abugge Horn ed. Hits. 1081 ; abiggen Orm. 6907 ; abigge Alis. 901; abugge, abigge Langl. 3, 236 (249 J ; . abegge ayenh. 73 ; aboughte (pret.J Chauc. a t. a 2303 (2305 J; aboht (part.J h. h. 59 ; pat we habbep deore abo^t £ek. 1312. abu3en, A. Sax. abugan, how, hend, turn: al him seal abu3e (abouwe) La-^. 18854; pat ich to eny mon schule abouwe /. h. r. 53; abowe Alis. 188; Em. 981; abowe to pe kinges wille Beh. 867 ; abu3p (pres.J o. a. n. 782; into castle he abeh La-^. 5210. araldien, A. Sax. acealdian (?), 0. II Germ. ercalten, grow cold, mahe cold; acoalded (pres.J a. r. 404; accolded (part.J gest. Rom. 83; acold p. 23, 6; s. s. ed. Weh. 2518. acalen grow cold? he was so sore acale Gow. 3, 296 ; hungri and acale (akale) Langl. h 18, 392 ; akale s. s. ed. Web. 1512. acangen hecome mad? acanges tu Kath. 2112; acanget (part.J 2045. acasten cast down ; akeasten Marh. 14^ 13 ; dead ne acaste napt Crist ah Crist overcom dead Kath. 1127 ; acast (part.J p. s. 149; nou is ml counfort acast ^/. cr. 99; akast h. m. 5 ; akest a. r. 318. aclomen, cmp. Dutch verkleumen, hecome torpid? aclommed ^^eviratus, enervatus\ prompt. 6. aclumsen grow clumsy: oure hondis ben aclumsid "dissolutae sunt manus nostrae\ Wicl. Jer. 6. acnawen (= aucnawen, A. Sax. oncnapan ?) acknowledge : be . . . aknawe Am. a. Amil. 2099; ben aknowe Chauc. c. I. 1199; ich am aknowe Will. 4391. acOlen, A. Sax. acolian, cool, frigescere, a. r. 118; acolede (pret.J hom. 1, 237 ; acoled (part.J o. a. n. 205. acorien complain, a. r. 60 ; misc. 75; pou ne au3test now3t ml dep acore 7n. t. 112; acorede (pret.J hom. 2, 45; pat acorede al pis lond Roh. 75, 4. akoveren, A. Sax. acofran (?), 0. II. Germ. irkoboron, recover, a. r. 364 ; acovered (part.J h. m. 11. acumen, A. Sax. acuman, attain ; acome Shoreh. 73. acumlen hecome cramped? acumblid (part.J Wicl. Jer. 6 ; acomeled ^^estomie\ voc. 161; acomelid ^^eviratus, enervatus\ prompt. 6. acursien accurse ; acursi o. a. n. 1704; acursep (pres.J Langl. h 18, 107 ; acor- sede (pret.J ayenh. 57 ; acursed (part.J Brand. 24; Will. 901; pe akurside gost a. r. 234. a^ acwakien quake ; ^(\s^q IlaUiio. diet. 76. acwecchen, A. Sax. acpeccan, nhahe: pe wode aqveighte so hi ^m\%Q Alis. I)2d1 . acpellen, A. Sax. acpellan, IciU, Kath. 1826; aqvelle Rich. 256V; s. s. ed. Weh. 2168; aqvelde fpret.J Horn ed. Kits. 881 ; aqveald (acweld) (part. J La^. 974. iicpenchen, A. Sax. acpencan, quench, fragm. 6, 15; a. r. 224; aqvenche treat. 136 ; reJ. ant. 2, 274; aqvencp fpres.J ayenh. 207 ; acpeinte fpret.J a. r. 124; aqveint (part. J s. s. ed. Web. 1991; Goto. 3, 10. acweden, A. Sax. acpedan, resound: a- qveden pa weolcne La^. 23947 . acpikien, A. Sax. acpician, quicken, revi- viscere, a. r. 118; aqviked (part.) ayenh. 203. acheokien, A. Sax. aceocian (?), choke, suffo- care ; achoken Chauc. Beet. 1235 ; ache- ked f part. J Chauc. leg. g. w. 2004; achoked Ilalliw. d,'et. 15. adasen daze; adased (part. J illustr. 297. adeden, A. Sax. adj^dan, deaden : no ping never nes perinne pet hit muhte adeaden a. r. 112; adeadet (part. J Kath. 2048. adeavien, A. Sax. adeafian (?), deafen ; a- deved f part. J Shoreh. 103. adihten, M. II. Germ, ertihten ? ordain, dispose: and so ich mine song adihte 0. a. n. 326 ; adihtep fpres.J p. s. 329 ; adiht f part. J Kath. 1382; adi3t /. h. r. 151. adile3ien, A. Sax. adiligian, abolish ; adilB- gade fpret.J misc. 145. adotien grow silly: he wax nei^h out of wit for wrap ... & for dol adotep Will. 2054; d^ii^i^^fpart.J Gow. 3, 4; dusie men & adotede a. r. 222. adrjefen, A. Sax. adr^fan, expel ; adrefde fpret.J horn. 1, 21 9. adrajen draw out; adrawe Rob. 207, 9; Octov. 357; adroh fpret.J Lay 16487 ; hure swerdes pan pay adrowe Ilalliw. diet. 22; adra3e f part. J ayenb. 218. adrenchen, A. Sax. adrencan, drown, a. r. 230; adrenche Horn ed. Rits. 109; Shoreh. 139 ; ayenh. 50 ; p. s. 21 7 ; pat folc he al adrente Lai,. 25698 ; & adreinten ham sulven i der see a. r. 230 ; adreint fpart.J Rob. 51, 21 ; s. s. ed. Web. 1486. adreo3en, A. Sax. adreogan, suffer, etidure ; adri3e Horn ed. Lum. 1035; pat his strok mi3t adrie Halliw. diet. 22. adrillen corrupt? wanne man letep adrille pat he god 3elde schel Shoreh. 114 ; pat he nadrille 90. adrinken, A. Sax. adrincan, be drowned ; adrinke misc. 77 ; Horn ed. Lum. 971; adronc fpret.J a. r. 58; adrunken (a- dronke) fpart.J Lai,. 2224. adru3en, adrii3ien, A. Sax. adr^gan, adru- gian, dry up; adrupien a. r. 150; adrou3e Shoreh. 34; adruied, adruped fpres.J a. r. 150 ; adrii3ede fpret.J horn. 1, 133. adumbien, A. Sax. adumbian, become dumb ; adumbed fpart.J fragm. 8, 10. adunen din: pu adunest pas monnes earen 0. a. n. 337 ; adenid fpart.J Aud. 78. adwelen, 0. H. Germ, artwelan ft&rperej, grow dull ? spo heore pit hi demep ad- pole 0. a. n. 1777. adpeschen, A. Sax. adpaescan fextinguerej? dash down? Kath. 949; adpeschde & a dun peorp pe pidei-pine of helle 1196. afseren, A. Sax. afseran, frighten, terrify ; afere Langl. h 20, 165; Rich. 4104; pu miht mid pine songe afere alle pat iherep pine ibere o. a. n. 221 ; aferde fpret.J Wart. hist. 1, 16 ; afsered, avaered fpart.J afeard, Lai,. 12730 ^ 17057 ; afered a. r. 326 ; spec. 85; Gow. 2, 21; aferd Chauc. C. t. a 628; Mand. 294; Town. myst. 28. afallen, A. Sax. afeallan, fall down : oper a- a- prude schal avalle o. a. n. 16 85; aval- led fpres.J a. r. 246 ; afeol fpret.j Za^. 31967 ; afallen f part. J Lay 15949; afalle rcl ant. 2, 272. afandien, A. Sax. afandian, try, tempt ; afonde]) fpres.J Shoreh. 73. afangen (= anfangen ?) receive ; afonge 0. a. n. 1196; Alts. 606; pat seiiit Michel oiis mote afonge and tofore him lede treat. 140 ; he avaugej) /S7iW6'7i. oO ; aveng fpret.j Roh. 180, 20; heo afen- gen hine mid sibbe Lay 6580 ; avonge fpart.J Shoreh. 132. afeden, A. Sax. 'ai^didAx, feed ; afedde /^/^r^^.y horn. 1, 227. afellen, A. Sax. afyllan, fell, demittere, dejicere, prosternere, Kath. 689 ; avellen a. r. 122; afelle Alis. 5240; afelde (afulde) fpret.j Lay 22814. afinden, A. Sax. afindan, find out. Lay 25775; afinde, avinde o. a. n. 527 ; afounde fpret.j Octov. 1659 ; afounde fpart.J Shoreh. 49. aflejen, A. Sax. aflygan, male flee, drive away; avleietl fpres.J a. r. 136 ; aflei fram ham al uvel ludh. 2431 ; alle pe seoven deadliche sunnen mupeu beon avleied puruh treope bileave a. r. 248. aflemen, A. Sax. allyman, drive aivay, banish; SiYlGm fpres. imper.J horn. 1,195; aflemde fpret.j Lay 8465. afleon, A. Sax. afleon, flee, efugere ; aflo3en fpart.J ILalliw. did. 27 ; pe king was aflo3e Lay 19076'\ afon (=anfon?) receive, La^. 8728; alle po pat hi avop o. a. n. 843; avouh fimper.J horn. 1, 197 . aforpen afford? and jaf hem mete as he mijte aforpe Langl. h 6, 201 fed. Wr. 4194J. afulen, A. Sax. afylan, foul, pollute : pii afulest fragm. 7, 32. afullen, A. Sax. afyllan, fill, implere ; afuUed fpart.J Lay 12078. afiirhten, A. Sax. afyrhtan, 0. 11. Geryn. erfurhtan, affright, terrere; afrijt fpart.J Will. 2784; Amad. ed. Uohs. XXXTIf '6 ; afright s. s. ed. Wr. 2704; afright, ofright Man. 14570. afursien, A. Sax. afeorsian, remove : nu pu bist afursed from alle pine freonden fragm. 7 , 49. agangen, A. Sax. agangan, pass : his da3es weoren a3eoiigen Zf?^. 28893; J)a gestre wes a3onge 24195. agan, A. Sax. agan, ago, praeterire ; agon 0. a. n. 1280 ; aged fpres.J a. r. 184; agep 0. a. n. 1453; ])is worldes wele al ago]) reJ. ant. 1, 160; agan fpart.J Lay 337 ; agon, agoon Chauc. C. t. a 17 82; hit is not longe agon h. T. 268 ; agO p. s. 197 . agasen, Gdh. usgaisjan? agaze, terrere: pe were so sore agased Chest, pi. 2, 85. agasten agast f aghast J, terrere; agaste Rob. 17, 24; Chauc. Troil. 1993; lipu pe ate(l)lTche deovel schal 3et agesten ham a. r. 212; agastid fpres.J h. m. 31; agasten Mand. 282; agaste fsub- junct.J Wicl. 2 Raral. 32; agaste fpret.j Lay 6451 ; ludh. 1256 ; Brendan agaste sore Brand. 22; agast fpart.J Alls. 250 ; Will. 1778; agest (agast) a. r. 372. aginnen (= anginnen V) commence ; aginne 0. a. n. 1289; Horn ed. Rit:<. 1285; s. s. ed. Web. 1410; aginne]) fpres.J p. s. 189; aginne fsuljunct.J a. r. 74; agan fpret.j Shoreh. 53; agon (agan) Lay 6753; agoiine fpart.J ayenb. 166. aginninge commencement, ayenb. 16. agliden glide away; agliden fpart.J misc. 93. agliften frighten, terrify? as he stOd so sore aglifte -h. s. 3590 ; penne were pe Eomains al aglifte (oglift) Man. 3402, aglopnen astonish? agiopened Alex. 874. agramien, 0. JI. Germ, ergremen, vex, anger; agramed fpart.J Alis. 3310; U^\ b. disc. 1916 ; pi. t. 291 ; agromed a- a- chron. Engl, 863 ; agremed IlalUw. diet. 33. agrapien grope; agropc JIalUw. diet. 33. agrei|)en prepare, dress ; agraipi ayenh. 148; agreiped fptart.J JViU. J 0,98. agiisen, A. Sacc. agrisan, he terrified, a. r. 306 ; ham schal agrisen A'«'M. 2317 ; agriso r. s. V, 140; ^Chauc. C. t. 7231 ; i agrise sacrain. 902; me agrised Lay 13328; agras /"pret.J Lay 11076; a- gros lioh. 649, 14; Horn ed. Bits. 1326 ; of which she nou3t agros Chauc. Troil. 2022 ; agrisen Jos. 236; do wiir- den he frigti and agrisen st. gen. 667 ; agrisen f part. J JIarh. 9, 15; Alis. 357 ; Man. 9611; agrise Roh. 639, 26; ich am agrise Will. 1743. agruUen vex? nn ich mai singe hpar ich pulle ne dar me never eft men agrnlle 0. a. n. 1110. agruwen, Germ, ergrauen fJiorrereJ? ])et ou agrupie (?printed agrupie) a. r. 92. agnlten, A. Sax. agyltan, do ivrong, tres- pass; agulte Langl. I 16, 304; agelte ayenh. 16; hpon me agnlted to ou a. r. 186 ; agulte fpret.J spec. 112 ; agilte Chauc. r. r. 6833; agult (part. J r. s. II, 41; Roh. 262, 14; agelt Will 4391. a3efen, ajeven, A. Sax. agifan, give up, surrender, deliver, horn. 1, 29 Sf 31; a3even, a3iven Lay 4698 Sf 29062; a3eove Jul. 19 ; a3af fpret.J o. a. n. 139. a3elden, A. Sax. ageldan, yield up : and ayild pe to pis knight Ilalliw. diet. 126. a3eoten, A. Sax. ageotan, pour out ; agoten (part.) horn. 1, 127. ahleapen, A. Sax. ahleapau, leap up; aleop fpret.J Lay 30683. ahOf, A. Sax. ahof, 0. K. Germ, ar-, er-, irhuob, Goth, ushof, fpret.J hove up : his brode swserd he up ahof Lay 21417 ; [ahssfLay 7627 ; ahef JIarh. 6]; aheven fpart.J Kath. 2406. ahon, A. Sax. ahon, hang up: oder slajn oder ahon Lay 20878; ahon fpart.J Marh. 3, 26. ahredden, A. Sax. ahreddan, deliver, save; aredden a. r. 390; aredde Flor. a. Bl. 689; m. t. 97; arudden Kath. 1142; aredde fpres. suhj.J o. a. n. 1669; aredde fpret.J Lay 831 ; ared fpart.J misc. 86. ahreowen pity, repent; arewen^. s. 240; hit shal him never penne arewe const. mas. 16; arepe pi plite Kath. 1463; pe deore drihtin areap us 1379 ; arew h. h. 29. ahrepien touch : ])et heo mupen arepen d: arechen a. r. 128 ; areppen La^. 26034. ahrinen (= anhrinen ?) touch : alle J)e pinges ])et heo arined a. r. 408; aran fpret.J Marh. 20, 32. ahrusien shale: ])e tre aresede as hit wokl falle s. s. cd. Wei. 916. ahwenen, A. Sax. ahpsenan (?) Lyes diction., tronhle: herof pe lavedies to me menep and pel sore me ahpenep o. a. n. 1664. ahweorfen, A. Sax. ahpeorfan, turn away ? awharf fpret.J Gaw. 2220. akelen, A. Sax. acelan, cool ; akele Gow. 2, 91 ; akel]) fpres. J misc. 30; akelde fpret.J Roh. 442, 13. akennednesse, A. Sax. acennedness, gene- ration, horn. 1, 209 ; aken(n)esse h. m. 46. akennen, A. Sax. acennan, heget, gignere ; akende fpret.J Lay 2V240 ; akenned fpart.J horn. 1, 89 ; akennet X^i^A. 332. akennen, 0. H. Germ, archennan, 7'ecog- nize, reconnoiter ; akende fpret.J Lay 7243'"'' ; akenninge fpaH.J Alis. 3468. akimen, M. H. Germ, erkumen ficranh und elend werdenj ? grou; faint ? akimed fpart.J Lay 26354. alacchen (= 3elacchen?) talce: alle ])at pai pan alacche mi3t Ilalliw. diet. 37 . alsenen, A. Sax. alsenan, grant ; aleano Lay 31603*. a- alseten, A. Sax. al«tan, Moff, Za^. J 5932. alamien, M. II. Germ, erlamen, grow lame ; alamed, alemed ('part.) o. a. n. 1604. aladien, M. II. Germ, eiieiden, become loath; alopep f pros. J o. a. n. 1211 ; ml lif me is alatled La"^. 25930. aleggen, A. Sax. alecgan, put down, La^ 7714; heo ne mihte noht alegge pat pe ule hadde hire ised o. a. n. 394; uvele lawes . . . bote if he hem alegge Bel. 1638; aleide fpret.J Will 5240; aleid (part.) spec. 105; alaid is Darie pin honour AUs. 2386. aleinen, 0. II. Germ, arlougnan, conceal ; alained fpret.J Ilalliw. diet. 38. aleomen illumine, hom. 2, 7. alesen, A. Sax. alesan, release, La"^. 1084 ; a. r. 124; alesde fpret.J hom. 1, 19; he hine alesede mid his blode r. s. VII, 21 ; alesed fpart.J Kath. 1150. alesend releaser, hom. 1, 125. alesnesse releasement, hom. 1,15 ; h. m. 11. alesunge releasevnent, Kath. 1153 ; alesin- ge hom. 1, 143. aliggen, A. Sax. alicgan, subside, Marh. 5 ; aligge La'^. 26298 ; a much el pind alid mid a Intel rein a. r. 246 ; pis lutle pine pat alid i lute hpile Kath. 2183. alihten, A. Sax. alihtan, alight. Lay 26618 ; no wonder pej hit smite harde per hit dop ali3te treat. 136 ; allhte fpret.J misc. 37 ; god almihti . . . alihte a dun to helle a. r. 248 ; alijte Shoreh. 129; alijted ''alleviata\ Wicl. Is. 9. alihten, A. Sax. alj^htan, light tip, illu- mine; ali3te ayenb. 109; ali3te fpret.J Shoreh. 84; alight Gow. 2, 183. alimpen, A. Sax. alimpan, befall ; alomp fpret.J Lay 18053. allden pass away. Lay 12041 ; pa seove 3er weoren alidene 3970. alipien, A. Sax. aleodian ? dismember : nou havep he . . . mine leomes alipede Lay 25929''. aluten, A. Sax. alutan, incline ; alute misc. 48; aloute Beh. 2140; pi. cr. 750; li h. disc. 1254; d^lQMiQ^ fpret.J Will- 37 21. am&den confound, derange? amad fpart.J Horn ed. Lum. 574; p. s. 156; amad, amead h. m. 37 ; amed a. r. 324 ; misc. 48 ; heo weoren amadde Lay 4438. ? amaistren, cmp. Germ, ermeistern, master, Langl. 6, 214 f7 , 200 J; ameistren a. r. 140; amaistrep fpres.J ayenb. 129. amansien, A. Sax. amansumian, excommu- nicate ; amonsi p. s. 196; amansede fpret.J p. I. s. XVII, 512; amansed fpart.J Kath. 2101; o. a. n. 1307 ; Hob. 335, 7. amanzinge, A. Sax. amansumung, excom- munication, ayenb. 189. amasen amaze ; amased fpart.J a. r. 270 ; Will. 686; Gow. 2, 25. ameoken render meek ; amekid fpart.J ged. Rom. 177. amerien, A. Sax. amerian, purify ; amered fpart.J s. s. ed. Web. 2266. amerren, A. Sax. amerran, mar; amerre misc. 74 ; amerrep fpres.J ayenb. 203 ; amerde fpret.J Lay 11725; amerred fpart.J Shoreh. 105. ameten, A. Sax. ametan, measure ; ameten fpart.J fragm. 2, 6. amurdrin murder, hom. 1,247 ; amurdred fpart.J Lay 16147. anarwen narrow; anarwip fpres.J AUs! 3346. ane3en? pat hi wel ham conne aneye Shoreh. 47 ; of sope he ham aneyde 19. aneowen, 0. II. Germ, irniuwon, renew; anewe dep. R. 15, 19; ennewip? Wicl. eccles. 38; enewes? Tcivn. myst. 314. animen take aivay; anam fpret.J hom. 1, 229. aniderien. Germ, ernidern, bring down; anideri (aneoperi) Lay 14861; anepered fpart.J Rob. 217, 10. a- arsechen, A. Sax. arsecan, i'each, attain : arechin "attingere\ prompt. 14; arechen a. r. 128; areche Horn ed. Lum. 1220; Shoreh. 164; Gow. 1, loO; al pat his ax areche might Rich. 7039; arsehte (arahte) fpret.J Lay 10539; arajte Ilal- liw. diet. 77. arffiden, O.II.Germ. irraten, conjecture, in- terpret, explain: of whiche no man ne cou- pe areden pe nombre Alis. f)116; arede misc. 46; Gow. 1, 24; hi pat aredep pise redeles Shoreh. 24; pe sweven . . . j)at Daniel an one arad Gow. 1, 2d. arseden, A. Sax. arsedan? Greins gloss. 1, 36, prepare? and gan him arede in scorn s. a. c. ed. Wr. LX, 69; a mar- we heo hine araedden La-^. 16482. arseren, A. Sax. arseran, rear up, La'^. 2023; pet heo muhten pe deade area- ren vrom deade to live a. r. 390; a- XQXQBeh.901; Trist. 3, 49; Octov.21; arerde fpret.J Lay 14229; arearde X«^/«. 1114; arered (part. J Mob. 7, 10; he hedde arered and imad manye werren ayenh. 239; pe rode is up arered spec. 86. araten reprove? Langl. b 11, 98; arated fpart.J 14, 163. arecchen, A. Sax. areccan, explain, ex- pound, Lay 28097 ; pis sweven arsehten 26629; araht fpart.J Marh. 1; arou3t HaUiw. diet. 86. aredien, A. Sax. aredian? Greins gloss. 1, 37 , direct? and bad heom aredien . him to hffih^en pan kingen Lay 23316. areimen eripere? pet is ure raunsun pet pe schulen areimen us mide a. r. 126. areisen raise; areise Will. 4342; areisid fpart.J Wicl. John 3. arihten, 0. JT. Germ, arrichtan ferigerej? such gestening he aright Tor. 1366. arimen, A. Sax. arlman, number. Lay 26392. arisen, A. Sax. arisan, arise, Lay 1248; a. r. 324; til pe sonne gan arise Chauc. a t. b 791 f 6211 J; artst fpres.J Alis. 6468; arisep up misc. 42; aras fpret.J Kath. 337 ; aros Beh. 461; hi arise Brand. 10; arisen fpart.J c. I. 1430; h. T. 442; arise Will. 1297. arist, A. Sax. arist, aerist, arising, Gow. 1, 320; ariste hom. 1, 87 ; aerist Orm. 16236; ariste fdat.J a. r. 38. aschamien, A. Sax. ascamian, ashame; aschamed fpart.J Alis. 3309; Will. 1036; s. s. ed. Wr. 2314. ascheaken, A. Sax. asceacan, elapse: jer pe dai weore al asceken (asake) Lar>,. 19164. aschedden shed; asced fpart.J hom. 1, 127 . aschenden disgrace: pat lond he wole a- schende Bek. 1364. aschewelen scare away: ])ar ich aschepele (ascheule) pie and crope o. a. n. 1613. aschortien sharten: (pine) tunge is ascor- ted fragni. 8, 34. aschrenchen, A. Sax. ascrencan, deceive: ech opren aschrenchep Shoreh. 17 ; a- schreint fpart.J Alis. 4819; ich was aschreint s. s. ed. Web. 1486. aschunchen terrify? ne mey hit me a- shunche spec. 38. asearien, 0. II. Germ, arsoren, c?ry up; asered fpret.J s. s. ed. Web. 606. asechen seeh out, La'^^. 27866. asenchen make to sink; azenkte fpret.J ayenb. 49; fire scipen he aseingde Lay 26697 ; al here atil and tresour was al so aseint Bob. 61, 22. asenden, A. Sax. asendan, send out, hom.^ 1, 91. asijen, A. Sax. asigan, go down ; asien misc. 90. asinken sink down: pat hi nasinkep Shoreh. 136; asonken fpret.J Mopes 346. aslakien, A. Sax. aslacian, sla/ce; aslaki fpres. subj.J ayenb. 263; til atte laste aslaked was his mood Chauc. C.t. a 1 760. 8 a- aslan, aslsen, 0. //. Germ, arslahan, slay^ occidere, La\ 22271 ^ 22576; aslen Fl(yr. a. BI. 105; aslo3 fpret.J Lay 22319; aslou3 p. 1. s. XII, 88; asla^e f part. J Horn ed. Lum. 88; aslawe Roh. 170, 6; Shoreh. 120. asllden, A. Sax. aslidan, slide away; a- slide HaUiw. diet. 93. asluppen (= andsluppen? cmp. 31. II. Germ. entslipfen) slip aivay: ne miht i him asluppe spec. 38; aslipped (part. J a. p. 3, 218. asmellen smell out: pe bor hem gan ful sone asmelle s. s. ed. Weh. 891. asneesen, A. Sax. asnsesan, strike, wound: pene horn pet he asnesect mide alle peo pet he areached a. r. 200. asoftien soften: asofte Halliw. diet. 94. asparien, M. II. Germ, ersparn, spare; a- spare Langl. h 15, 136. aspenden, A. Sax. aspemlan, spend; a- spenen fpres. suhj.J liom. 1, 123. aspillen spill; aspille o. a. n. 348; mi soule to aspille Beh. 1024; peo pet tor- leosed & aspilled al hore god a. r. 148. aspringen, A. Sax. aspriugan, spring up; aspringe SJioreh. 120; asprang fpret.J liom. 1, 227; asprongim fpart.J Bighj myst. 118. astanden, A. Sax. 2i^i?i'i\iidA\, stajid up: pat deor lip astod La'). 6495. astellen, A. Sax. astellaii, establish; astalde fpret.J liom. 1, 19; astald (part.) La"). 8116. • astenchen, Germ, erstenken, annoy by stench: stut(t)e nu . . . to astenchen me pict pe stench pet of pi mud sti- hed Jlarh. 12, 21. asteorven, A. Sax. asteorfan, starve, die, Marh. 12, 7 ; a. r. 326; asterve ayenh. 240; astorven fpart.J a. r. 310; astorve 0. a. n. 1200. asteren, A. Sax. asteran (?), excite, resus- citate? astearde fpret.J Kath. 1043^. agti3en, A. Sax. astigan, ascend; astien Bob. 317, 6; astah fpret.J horn. 1, 91; asteyh, astey misc. 53 S^ 55; astijen Lay 8691. astunien astound: hors and man astuned lay Arth. a. Merl. 6297 ; astoned (== estoned?) Chauc. Troil. 274. astunten, A. Sax. astyntan, stop, cease: astunten hore cleppe a. r. 72; astente Will. 1527; astunte fpret.J La^. 3189V^; astunte, astinte Bob. 128, 15 c^^ 546, 20; astint fpart.J Mapes 341 . asturien, A. Sax. astyrian, stir up; a- stured weoren Eomweren alle mid sterc- lichere wr^edde Lai,. 25329; astered Begrev. 757 . asturten stat^l up, misc. 43; pe eotend lip asturte Lay 26045; astirte til him Havel. 893; see setsturten. aswel3en (= ofswel3en?) devour; aswolwe fpart.J Beves 786. aswelten be suffocated, die: pet he aspelte pidinnen a. r. 216; pe fuir . . . a- gwelt Alis. 6639; cnihtes par aswalten Lay 27474''. aswevien lay asleep, stupefy; astonied and asweved Chauc. h. f. 549. aswiken, A. Sax. aspican, cease; aspiked fpres.J Kath. 2187 ; aswac fpret.J Lay 16112. aspinden, A. Sax. aspindan, vanish, de- crease, decay, Marh. 13, 8; aspinde o. a. n. 1574; aswint fpres.J La^. 17940; aspond fpret.J horn. 1, 133; serst a- swond pat corn Lay 31793; aspnnde fpart.J 0. a. n. 1480; aswoimde I. h. r. 52. aswinken procure by labour; aswinke Beh. 1663. asw63en, A. Sax. aspogan, sicoon : he fell aswOwe to grounde Launf. 7 55. ataken (= oftaken ?) tale; atake Beh. 1961; Chauc. C. t. 12513; Am. a. A- mil. 2070; shal atake '^apprehendet", a- 9 Wicl. levit. 26; atOk fpret.J Arth. a. Mei^L 468. atamien tame; atame dep. R. 15; atamed (part. J ayenh. 153. ateon, A. Sax. ateoii, treat: weoreu . . . reouliche ato3ene La^. 24846, ateonien irritate; ateoned {part. J chron. Engl. 61; atened Beves 2601. ateorien fail^ atiered Jiom. 2, 29. atrejien afflict, g7'ieve; atraid fpret.J s. s. ed. WeJ). 1867 ; atrai3ed f part. J k. T. 605. atriikien (= 3etrukien?) fail; atroketz fpres.J p. r. I. p. 221. atwinnen (= antwinnen?) part asunder; atwinne llalliw. diet. 109. . apeostrien. A. Sax. apeosterian, become dark, obscure: se mone apestred hom. 1, 239; apeostrede (pret.) Lay 2860. adrusemen, A. Sax. aprysemian, stifle, suffocate, a. r. 40; aprusmed fpres.J hom. 1, 251. apursten, M. II. Germ, erdiirsten? athirst, siti confici; apurst f part. J p. I. s. XIII, 329; he werp apurst wel sore rel. ant. 2, 213; athrest lud. Cov. 190; see of- pursten. awaken, A. Sax. a^acan, awake; awake ChauG. l. g. w. 1332; awoc fpret.J Lay 1253; awook Langl ed. Wr. 4773; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 7285; awake fpart.J c. I. 473; rel. ant.- 1, 144. awakien, A. Sax. apacian, awake. Lay 17914; apakede fpret.J a. r. 236; a- wakede Langl. 9586; awaked fpart.J Chauc. Boet. 2859. apakenen, A. Sax. apacnian, awaken, a. r. 44; awakned fpret.J Langl. b 19, 478. awalden, M. H. Germ, erwalten, master, subdue, Lay 4345; awolde p. I. s. XVII, 335. awapien stupefy? awaped fpart.J Alts. 3673; awhaped Chauc. I. g. w. 814. aparien, A. Sax. apergan, apyrgan, cwrse, a. r. 284; awariedo fpret.J Lay 13946; aparied fpart.J r. s. IV, 75; apirigd hom. 1, 223; apariede pihtes Kath. 1066 ; ine awar3ede glednesse ayenb. 27 . awaschen wash, elavare; apescen fpart.J hom. 1, 37 . apecchen waken, rouse, hom. 1, 267 ; a- wecche rel. ant. 2, 278; apahte fpret.J Kath. 1044; awei3te Alis. 5858; a- waht fpart.J Lay 4520. aweden, A. Sax. apedan, go mad. Lay 22020; awede Shoreh. 163; Will. 45; Trist. 3, 81; li b. disc. 957; apedep fpres.J 0. a. n. 1384; awedde fpret.J Rob. 162, 20; aped fpart.J a. r. 96; awed Bek. 1486. aweldeii, awilden master, subdue, Lay 4083 Sf 27327; awelde rel. ant. 1, 184; a- pelded fpres.J a. r. 144; apealt fpart.J Kath. 555. awel3ien, make wealthy, become luxuriant? heo polde elles apilegen a. r. 176; nes per nan swa wraecche Brut pat he nes aw8el3ed Lay 22718. awemmen injure; awemmed fpart.J Lay 2212; apemmed rel. ant. 1, 128. awenden, A. Sax. apendan faverterej, ivcnd away; apende fpret.J hom. 1, 219; a- wend fpart.J Lay 19072^'; Thomas . . . out of ml lond is awend Bek. 1240. aweorpen/ A. Sax. apeorpan, cast down; aporpen a. r. 122; aparpen Kath. 590; aperped fpres.J hom. 1, 25; awarpep rel. ant. 2, 210; aporpen fpart.J a. r. 278. awesten, A. Sax. apestan, loaste, devastate; apested fpres.J hom. 1, 13; aweste fpret.J Lay 6452; awest fpart.J Lay 2149. awinnen win, obtain, Lay 18761; awin- ne ayenb. 85; Horn ed. Lum. 1071; s. s. ed. Web. 1822; rel ant. 2, 243. awlaten disgust; awlated fpart.J Rob. 485, 9. 2 10 a- awlenchen make splendid? Sbflenc^ f'? print- ed awlened) hire mid clodes re/, ant. 1, 129. .. awradien heeome wroth: ne noht so glad pat hit ne apropep o. a. n. 1278; a- wradded fpart.J La-^. 24834. awrecchen, A. Sax. apreccan fsuscitarej? & habbed al mi kinelond awrseht ut of mire bond La"). 16436. awreken, A. Sax. aprecan, reject, avenge: pat ilke pat Howel baf(d) ispeken ne seal hit na man awreken La-^. 26104; apreken sunne a. r. 334; awreke ayenh. 9; Rich. 1771 ; aprec fpret.J a. r. 334; awreken fpart.J Trist. 3, 14; apreke 0. a. n.' 262; awreken, awroken Cham. a t. a 3762; awroke Zanffl. h 6,204. awriten, A. Sax. apritan, ivrite out; aprit fpres.J fragm. 2, 10; aprat fpret.J horn. 1, 13; apriten fpart.J horn. 1, 116. awundrien, Germ, erwundern, wonder, sur- prise: seint Gregorie apundred him a. r. 146; apundrede fpret.J Kath. 312; awundred fpart.J La^. 16972; apundred Kath. 1249; awondred Will 872; of mi tale ne beop noght awondred JIalliw. diet. 123. awurien, 0. H. Germ, erwurgen, worry, strangle; awirien pi. cr. 662; pe vox apuried al enne floe a. r. 202. awurdien honour; awurdede fpret.J La\. 9629. a-, O.Fr. a, ab, Lat. ab, a-, ah-. abatin, Fr. abattre, abate, prompt. 6; a- batie ayenh. 28; abati Roh. 64, 6; a- bate Will 1141. abominable ahominable, ayenh. 49. abregen, O.Fr. abregier, abrevier Roquef. gloss. 1, 9, ahridge; abrege pr. e. 4671; abregge Chauc. C. t. 9631; abregge fpres. imper.J Mire 1629. apert apert, apertus, ayenh. 203; Alis. 2460; m. t. 70; pr. c. 4490. asoilen, assoilen absolve, Langl prol. 67 f70j; asoile Mire 1968; assoili fpres. subj.J Bek. 2027. ^ abundance abundance, ayenh. 261. abundin abound, prompt. 6. a-, O.Fr. a, Lat. ad, a-, ad-. abai, O.Fr. abai, hay: po dogge . . . held it at abaie Will. 46. abet, 0. Fr. abet, abet; abette fdat.J Shoreh. 68. acces access, JIalliw. diet. 13; axes Chauc. Troil 2670. acheven achieve; acheve Gaw. 1838; a- cheved fpart.J Chauc. r. r. 2049. I acoien quiet; acoie Chauc. r. r. 3664. 1 acointance acquaintance ; aqueintance Chauc. . C. t. a 246. acointen, O.Fr. accointer, acquaint: heo acointede him an on Roh. 16, 21; a- kointed fpart.J a. r. 218. acoien, 0. Fr. acoler, embrace; acoles fpres.J Gaw. 1936. acomplissen accomplish, Chauc. Boet. 3366. acompte account, g. 8. acounten account; acountep fpres.J ayenh. 137. I acord accord, Bel. 718; Man. 6276. ' acordin accord, prompt. 6; acordi Bek. 731; ayenh. 161: acordip fpres.J Wicl Luke 6. acusen accuse; accusi Shoreh. 34; aciisede fpret.J Bek. 369. adden add, Chauc. Boet. 2303. affaiten, O.Fr. afaitier, prepare, train, tame, Langl. 6, 49 f67 J; afaiti Rob. 179, 12; afeited fpart.J a. r. 284; a- faited ayenb. 212. affectitin affection, a. r. 288; affeccioun ayenh. 161. affermen «/Vrm ; afferme Z«V/^. m. p. 132; affermed fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 2349. aifien affy, Chauc. r. r. 6480; afted fpret.J Alis. 7361. aflight, O.Fr. afflict, afflicted, Octov. 191; Gow. 1, 210. I i 11 afolen become foolish; afoled f part. J o. a. n. 206. affronten affront: an if a pore man speke a word he shal be foule affrounted p. s. 337. agreven, O.Fr. ajirrevier, agregier, aggrie- ve; aggreggin ^^aggravare', prompt. 8; agrevith hid. Cov. 41; aggregith apol. 4; agreved f part. J IVill. 641. alayen, i\. aloyer, allay; allayed (part.) Langl. I 15, 346. aleggen allege, Langl. h 11, 88; alegge Chauc. C. t. 9532; allege pr. c. 5584. aliance alliance, Rob. 295, 1. alosen, O.Fr. aloser, praise, render fa- mous; alosi ayenh. 183; alosed (part. J Chauc. r. r. 2354; Alis. ed. Sh. 139. alouin, O.Fr. allouer, alloiv, "allocare\ prompt. 10; aloue fpres.J Chauc. C. t. 10988; aloue fsubj.J Rich. 4662. amesuren measure; amesurejj fpres.J ayenb. 252. amunten amount ; amuntet fpres.J misc. 28. apalen satisfy, content; apayed f part. J Langl. 6, 110 f7, 101 J; apayed, apaied Will. 1 ^ 1883. apaisen appease; apaisede fpret.J Chauc. Boet. 4278. appallen appall; appallep fpres.J Shoreh. 91. appareil apparel, JFicl. 1 Mace. 9; appa- rail Man. 657. appareilen apparel; apparaile, apparaille La7igl. 2, 148 fl70j; aparailde fpret.J Will. 1146; aparailed f part. J misc. 26. apel appeal, peal, ^^appellatio, classicmn\ prompt. 12 Sf 13. appelin appeal, ^^appellare\ prompt. '13. aperceiven perceive; aparceivep fpres.J ayenb. 57. apperen appear; apeeren, appft'e, appiere Langl. 3, 109 fll3j; appere Chau^. C. t. a 2346; pr. c. 5243. applieu apply, Chauc. Boet. 4660. aprochen approach, Chauc. Boet. 66. aquiten acquit; aquite Chauc. r. r. 6742; aquitti ayenb. 137 ; acpiten a. r. 124. acquitance acquittance, Langl. b 14, 189. ^ arai, 0. Fr. arroi, array, Will. 1597; ar- rai Chauc. C. t. 6509 Sf 8138; Mand. 252. arraien array; arraie Chauc. C. t. b 1202; araie Will. 3561; arraye fpres. imper.J Mand. 214. arainen, O.Fr. arrainier, arraigner, ar- raign; areine p. I. s. XXV, 85. aresten arrest; areste Chauc. C. t. a 827; d. Arth. 633. ariven arrive; arive Brand. 11; arrive 3Iand. 31. arrogance arrogance, ayenb. 21. arouten, O.Fr. arouter? pou shelt lierto aroute Ualliw. diet. 86. assailen, asailen assail, a. r. 246 Sf 362; asail3e h. m. 47; assaille Horn ed. Lum. 637 . asaut assault, Rob. 175, 8. asegen besiege; aseged f part. J Will. 4224. assemblen assemble; assemble Chauc. Boet. 2208; asembleden fpret.J Will. 3815. assenten, O.Fr. assentir, assent; assente Langl. 3, 113 fll7 J. assetz, Fr. assez, assets, Langl. b 17 , 237 . assignen, 0. Fr. assegner ; assignede fpret.J p. I. s. XII, 131; asegned f part. J Will. 581. ' • asise assize, size, Rob, 53 y 16; Will. 4451; assise s. s. ed. Web.. 2490; Oc- tov. 81; Chauc. r. r. 1237. assuren, O.Fr. asseuror, assure; assure Chauc. C. t. h 1231 ; asseured f part. J Boet. 330. atacben attach; atache, attache Langl. 2^ 174 fl99j. attamin ^'attaminare\ prompt. 16; atta- mede fpret.J d. Arth. 2175. 2i^>\jQmQT\. attain ; atteine Chauc. Boet. 3358; attein pr. c. 5332. atiffen, O.Fr. atiffer, tiff\ adorn, a. r. 360. 12 atilen, ltd. attillare, equip; atiled f part. J Rob, 184, 17. atir attire, La^. 327 5"^; WW. 4465. atiren, O.Fr. atirer, attire, s. s. ed. Wr. 3218; atired (part.) Will. 1228. atisen, O.Fr. atiser, entice; attise Kalliio. diet. 109. aturn, O.Fr. atorn, dress, h. m. 23; at- toiir Chauc. r. r. 3718. aturne, O.Fr. atorne, attorney, g, 68. aturnen, O.Fr. atorner, turn, dress: he atornde as vaste as he mijte Rol. 419, 6; er he . . . habbe hire spuch aturned and imaked a. r. 284; leofliche atur- net Jiom. 1, 257 . avenant becoming, agreeable; aveuaunt Man. 7532. aventure adventure, a. r. 340; Alis. 7 837 ; be aventure Mand. 185; antur ant. Arth. I, 1. avilen, Fr. avTlir, revile; aviled fpret.j a. p. 2, 1713. avis advice, Rob. 89, 18; Chauc. C. t. a 1868; Mand. 180; 3fan. 5268. avisen, O.Fr. aviser, advise: with alle . . . pe mirpe pat men coupe avlse Gaw. 45; of pine answere avise pe right wel Chauc. I. g. w. 335. avision vision, Rob. 255, 13. avoue vow. Will. 532. avouen, Fr. avouer, avoiv, pi. cr. 847; avoue Wicl. genes. 31. avoutrie, O.Fr. avoutrie, adultery, Langl. b 2, 175; Chauc. C. t. ed.Tyrwh.6886; Mand. 54. awaiten, O.Fr. aguaitier, await; awaite Langl. b 10, 333 (a 11, 222 has a- spie); out he jeode for te awaite what pat wonder were Belc. 86; apaited fpres.J a. r. 174; awaitep c. I. 767; aweitid (part. J Wicl. exod. 21. a- see an-, and-, aet-, en-, es-, 36-, of-. a, M.H.Germ. a Ben. wb. 1, 2, ah, oh, a. r. 52; Orm. 12808; Bel. 1177; c. I. 1077; s. s. ed. Wr. 1250; Langl. b 17, 124; Chauc. C. t. a 1078; a 30 r?ms. a3e) p. I. s. XV U, 481; a las a. r. 148; Rob. 34, 16; a wei Lay 7223; Rob. 35, 5. a, A. Sax. a Ettm. lex. 55, Greins gloss. 1, 11, O.Icel. £6 Egilss. lex. 118, O.H. Germ, eo, io Graffs sprsch. I, 513, Goth, aiv Sch. gloss. 14, JJiefenb. wb. 1, 26, ever, semper. Lay 3836; p. I. s. nil, 43; Orm. 1688; a, aa Kath. 664; a mare Jilarh. 5, 2; a buten ende Orm. 21; porld a buten ende a. r. 396; spec. 106; rel. ant. 1, 275; ever and 6 Mapes 342; 00 st. gen. Ill; a3, 0. Icel. ei, ey? aye, fms. a33) Orm. 265; ay Horn 159; Will. 2239; Chauc. C. t. a 63; Lidg. m. p. 46; ay, ai st. gen. 5 Sf 451; pe blisse pat ay shal be spec. 75; longe is ay ant longe is 106; ay wipouten ende li b. disc. 531; ay forp Jos. 126; for. ay Iw. 1510; in ay ps. 9, 6; ai mare Jfath. 1683; ey and 6 rel. ant. 1, 275. ahwer, A. Sax. ahpaer, 0. II. Germ, eohwar, any where, alicuhi ; awher Ilalliw. diet. 122; owher Chauc. C. t. a 653; Gow. 2, 349; ophar (ms. opphar) Orm. 833; ouhpar a. r. 60; ouwhar (printed on- whar) Will. 1820. ^wher, A. Sax. seghpser, 0.11. Germ, eogi- hwar, everywhere. Lay 13372; e3ph8er fms. e33ph8er) O.m. 645; eihper Kath. 1728; ay where a. p. 2, 228; aywhare pr. c. 8199. awper, A. Sax. ahpseder, apder, O.H. (lerm. ioweder, or (auther, other), uter- que, aut; auper Gaw. 88; aupir ant. Arth. XVI, 3; heore op per fms. opp- perr) <)rm. 124; owper of pam Iw. 3589; ouder of peos tpo a. r. 286; ouper ... or Mand. 184; ouper bi daye or bl nighte Fercev. 87; ouper (Oper) elles Langl. 1, 151 fl75j; ouper accidie 13 (Oper) . . .or Chauc. C. t. a lo93; oiper AUs. 4899; Oiper ... or Man. 2, 11; Oder on him siilf oder on his freond a. r. 202; oper dairim Oper daisteorre o. a. n. 328; oper catel oper clop pi. cr. 116; oper ... or liol. 17, 21; dusting oper iending fragm. 1, 19; fader Oder moder La^. 26092; twelf winter oper more llaveJ. 787; li- per oper god treat. 133; oper, opr fms. oppr), or Orm, 480, 6255 Sf 10882; other (or). . . other {oi)LangJ. h 13, 369 ; a maister or a pope Chauc. a t. a 261. ceider, A. Sax. £egh]?a3der, &gder, 0.11. Germ, eogahwedar, either, La^. 15982; ejper fms. e33perr) heore Orm. 413; 6i3per, eiper WiH. 1010 Sf 1240; ei- der Kath. 1983; to eiper limped his dole a. r. 10; eoiir eyper horn. 1, 15; on eyper side Roh. 17, 4; eiper . . . or Chauc. ('. t. a 1645; in felde eiper in toune h. s. 996; ey})er, eiper, aiper 0. a. n. 7 Sf 796; eyper, ayther Langl. h 9, 85 f5330j; ayfjer Havel. 2665; s. s. ed. Wr. 787; aiper treat. 139; eyder, ayder ayetib. 53 ^ 66; eper of 50 w Degrev. 1177; er g. 31; fare he nord er fare he stid rel. a?it. 1, 211 fmisc. 4). ffihwilc, A. Sax. seghpylc, sic, 0. II. Germ. eogihweliher, O.Fris. elk, ek, see Gr. gram. 3, 53, II. zeitschr. 11,312, each; ffipilc horn. 1, 13; ffilc La"^. 1996; epc, euch Kath. 20 Sf 1231; euch a. r. 14; euch, ech 0. a. n. 434 Sf 975; ech treat. 132; ayenb. 11; Chauc. C. t. a 791; Tor. 2758; elches {gen. m.J La-^. 9921; eches Brand. 3; aelche fdat. m.J La-^. 2511; eche 0. a. n. 800; elchere (dat. f.J horn. 1, 103. ah wider, A. Sax. ahpider, any whither; 0- hpider horn. 1,247; ouhpuder a. r. 172. awiht, A. Sax. apiht, auht, aht, O.R. Germ, eowiht, augJit fought J; apiht, oht fms. ohht) Orm. 432 Sf 6905; ^if heo wes awiht hende Xr/3. 7027; pat severe aht cude per on 11986; pe heom oht lufeden 25346; m^t Langl. ed. Wr. 3331; aught R'xh. 2460; a^t ayenl, 194; Shoreh. 95; eapiht horn. 1, 3; eapt Kath. 1193; ouht, o^t 0. a. n. 662; ou3t. Out JViU. 952 Sf 1823; Out (eapicht) a. r. 124; Oht spec. 71; 03t Belc. 1422; Ogt st. gen. 1793; am 1 Oght that shrew Town. myst. 180. abbei^ Fr. abbaye, Lat. abbatia, alley, Brand. 12. abbod^ A. Sax. abbod, abbot, Lat. abbate, allot, a. r. 314; abbed (abbod) Lay 13131; abbot Brand. 12. abbodriche misc. 145. abbodie ablatia, fms. abboddie) misc. 145. able, 0. Butch abel Kil. diet., Fr. habile? see Diefenl. wl. 1, 2, alle, ^^halilis, ido- neus\ prompt. 5; Chauc. C. t. a 167 . abelliche ahly, const, mas. 243. abs-, O.Fr. Lat. abs-, als-. absence alsence, prompt. 5. absent alsent, prompt. 5. absteinin alstain, prompt. 5. abstinence alstinence, ayenl. 236. ac, A. Sax. ac, ah Ettm. lex. 2, O.L.Germ. ac Schm. gloss. 3, Goth, ak Diefenl. wl. 1, 31, 0. II. Germ, oh Graffs sprsch. 1, 118, lut, sed, Orm. 63; Rol. 2, 14; ayenl. 6; s. s. ed. Wei. 1313; Trist. 2, 38; Langl. 1, 119 fl28); ac a3en ri3te hi beop Bel. 1624; nis nau3t malice ac hit is la3e Shoreh. 153; ac, ak c. I. 444; Will. 106 Sf 110; ak p. 8. 211; ac, ach, ah horn. 1, 123 Sf 145; ac, ah 0. a. n. 177 Sf 1337; ah (ac) La^. 252; ah Kath. 5; auh a. r. 6 ; oc st. gen. 213; oc he fled fro him rel. ant. 1, 212; ok Hick. thes. 1,231; p. I. 8. Ill, 7 ; see oc. accidie^ Ital. accldia, Gr. a.'KrfiioL, indolencey 14 achate ajfre carelessness, a. r. 208; sleaupe ])et me clepep ine clergie accidie oyenb. 16. achate^ Gr. a/aTTj^, agate, a. r. 134. ache^ A. Sax. sece, ece, from aken, ache fake J, misc. 65; Wicl. Mat. 4; litd. Gov. 223; ache, ake ^^ dolor \ fromjpt. 8; eche p. I. s. VIII, 100; a. r. 282. acsieii see askieu. ad, A. Sax. ad, Ettm. lex. 64, 0. II. Germ. eit f ignis, rogusj Graff s sprsch. 1, 152, Gr. at^oc, fire, Kath. 1365'^'; 5d ^^rogus', fragm. 4, 45 fvoc. 94j. addre = naddre? C7np. Dutch adder, adder, Langl. h 18, 333; adder s. s. ed. Wch. 755; eddre oyenh. 26; Shoreh. 161; Wicl. genes. 3. add, A. Sax. adela fcoenum) G reins gloss., O.Swed. adel (lotium) Ihres gloss.. Germ. adel fcoenum, lutum, lotium) Gr. wh. 1, 177, addle. adele3 addle-egg; adeleye fdat.J o. a. n. 133. adese, A. Sax. adesa G reins gloss., addice, Wicl. Is. 44; adis nug. foet. 14. adle, A.Sax.k^, disease, sickness, Orm. 4803. adieu, 0. Icel. odlaz -fadipiscij Egilss. lex. 637 , addle, merere, fms. addlenn) Orm. 4185; thank adile mir. pi. 140; adled fpart.J Orm. 6235. adli^, A. Sax. adlig, sick, fragm. 3, 3. ^, A. Sax. ee, ^p Ettm. lex. 56, 0. Iris. ewa, Richth. wh. 584, 0. II. Germ, ewa, eha, ea Graff's sprsch. 1, 510, law, Orm. 145; J)a aide e horn. 1, 87. gewhreche, A. Sax. ^pbreca, -brica, "«;- dulter^ sepbrseche fragm. 5,11 fvoc. 95 J. eapbrekere, 31. II. Germ, ebrechaere, adul- terer, hom. 1, 29. eubruche, A. Sax. gepbryce, adultery, hom. 1, 49; eapbruche h. m. 43'^'; eaubruche a. r. 204. « see ea. je-, A. Sax. ge-, 0. Fris. 0. II. Germ. a-. ffibare, A. Sax. geber, 0. Fris. aber, 0. II. Germ, aparer, manifest, evident. Lay 2271; sebeere Orm. 7189; ebher Hal liw. diet. 328. ebriche? ebriche bodes rel. ant. 1, 215. egede foolish? Marh. 11, 9 ; hpu egede ping is orhel a. r. 282; agade f print- ed a gade) s. s. ed. Web. 2638. segede folly ? in aegede (segsede) & in le3- kes Orm. 2166 Sf 8046. je-, A. Sax. ge-, 0. Iris. e-. erede destitute of counsel, o. a. n. 1295; eirede misc. 192. je- see a-. sed see ead. %feii, A. Sax. sefen, [0. II. Germ, aband], even fevej, vesper, La^. 26696; efen Orm. 1105; even st. gen. 1675; ayenh. 113; Gow. 3, 13; Cham. C. t. 6332; Man. 2440; eve o. a. n. 41; aven rel. ant. 1, 194; ave Arth. a. Merl. 5391. evenlight Degrev. 1601. evensong Langl. 5, 190 f345j; evesong a. r. 22. evensterre Wicl. Job 38; evesterra ^^fhje- sperus\ prompt. 144; Chauc. Boet. 510. eventid a. r. 404. seventime Lay 12858. sefcning, A. Sax. gefnung, evening ; evening Lay 30419; in ])e eveninge Rob. 312, 13. aefne see efen. sefre, A. Sax. sefre, ever, semper, Orm. 206; gevere msere Lay 21920; efre, evere a. r. 4 ^ 62; evre Brand. 3; evre, ever 0. a. n. 238 ^ 333; evre, evere Havel. 207 Sf 704; evere buten ende r. s. VII, 32; evere mo treat. 132; Hoccl. I, 199; evere more Mand. 241 ; evere, ever Chauc. C. t. a 832; ever (ere) more Man. 287 ; ffiver gelc, ever ulc every. Lay 2378 Sf 4599; evere (ever) ilc (il, i) Havel. 218, 1070 Sf 1330; ever ilk Iw. 2739; ever ich a. r. 4; Chauc. C. t. a 1851; Tor. 2574; ever ich on Jc. T. 612; ever uch ?. 26; eaver euch Kath. 735; ever seftemest ffir 15 ihpar everywhere, a. r. 200; eaver ihper Kath. 681. xfteniest^ A. Sax. aeftemest, Goth, aftumists, aftmost, postremus: bi eftemeste erdede hom. 2, 23. a>ftcii^ A. Sax. seftan, O.IceL aptan, Goth. aftana, aft, post; afte? s. s. ed. Wr. 701; comp. biseften. sefter, A. Sax. sefter, 0. L. Germ, aftar, 0. 11. Germ, after, O.Fris. efter, O.Icel. eptir, Goth, aftra, after, post, secundum: aefter (after) pan flode La-^. 10; his moder E- lene him hafde isend aefter 11221 ; after Kath. 744; Orm. 120; o. a. n. 140; after heore mihte p. I. s. VIII, 80; af- ter his wille c. I. 1329; he let after him sende Belc. 1384; efter ayenb. 66; efter t mine heorte "secundum cor meum\ a. r. i [)6; after post, deinde, Kath. 1226; Langl. proh 49; eafter Za"^. 1671; efter his deade a. r. 314. I afterclap, Butch achterklap, after-clap, ' Arfh. a. Merl.499. afterdel, Dutch achterdeel, disadvantage, I TFr. diet. 34. I aftertale, 0. Butch acliertale, slander, Bek. 627. afterpard, A. Sax. sefterpeard, afterward, Orm. 14793; afterward Bek. 119; ef- i terward ayenh. 24. \ efter warde arriere- garde, ayenb. 118. iBfterliiig posterus? sefterlinges fpJ.J La\ 19116. SBftre, A. Sax. seftra, O.K.Germ. aftero, af- ' ter, posterior: on his efter tocome hom. r 1, 96. sehte, A. Sax. geht Ettm. lex. 62, Greins gloss. 1, 66, Goth, aihts Biefenh. wh. 1, 12, O.K.Germ. eht Graffs sprsch. 1, 116, from ah, possession, property; ffihte, ahte La^. 846 Sf 1311; sihte fragm. 6, 9; ehte Alis. 1607; eihte a. r. 214; ejte proclam. 6; eijte Roh. 637, 9; ei3- te, ayhte o. a. n. 1163; ahte Kath. 1726; spec. 46; {qjis. ahhte) Orm. 1609; agte st. gen. 742; aght 2 own. myst. 11; aihte rel. ant. 1, 128; auhte Havel. 2216; aught s. s. ed. Web. 738; p. s. 266. eihtgradi greedy of property, hom. 2, 29. aihteles destitute of property, hom. 2, 29. ai see abni. aeie see 630. selc see sehwilc under a. selde see elde. jene, A. Sax. ajne, Greins gloss. 1, 67, se- mel; ene hom. 1, 16; 0. a. n. 1107; p. I. s XXI, 29; for ene and for evere Lay 20462^-; at ene Bob. 47, 1; Mire 82. senes^ 0. II. Germ, eines Graffs sprsch. 1, 312, 0. L. Germ. 0. Fris. enes, enis Heine 8 gloss. 110, Bichth. wb. 707, once, semel, La-^. 29326; Orm. 1078; enes Bob. 197, 12; Jos. 26; enes oder tpies a. r. 70; et enes 420; enis p. s. 203; enus Aud. 43; enes, ones -o. a. n. 1049 Sf 1396; eanes h. m. 11; anes Kath. 126; Iw. 292; ones st. gen. 3288; treat. 132; Mire 638; Will. 196; Mand. 221; at ones Havel. 1296; Chauc. C. t. a 766. mil, A. Sax. senig, O.L.Germ. enig, O.H. Germ, einiger, any, ullus; seni, sei La^. 4270 Sf 6663; ^mKath. 1267; 0. a. n. 720; treat. 133; Shoreh. 30; ayenb. 16; Will. 1077; eni, ei a. r. 8 Sf 64; eani hom. 1, 33; eni, ani, oni Chauc. C. t. a 198; ani3 Orm. 1761; ani st. gen. 2181; Trist. 3,64; oni proclam. 6; Mand. 2; ei hom. 1, 186; r. s. V, 132; enyes fgen. m.J Shoreh. 96; eanies (eis) peis Marh. 13, 26; seine face. m.J Lay 3692; onie fnom. pi. J proclam. 6. «r, A. Sax. ger Greins gloss. 1, 69, 0. L. Germ. O.Fris. O.H. Germ, qx Schm. gloss. 29, Bichth. wb. 710, Graffs sprsch. ly 434, Goth, air Sch. gloss. 11, O.Icel. ar Egilss. lex. 18, Fritzners ordb. 22, ere, mane, prius, La\ 372; aer pan he boren 16 aer- a3t psre Orm. 814; ar & late 6242; er treat. 136 ; Chauc. C. t. a 835; alse ich er seide a. r. 10; er to sone J)en t5 leate 20; to er Oder to leate 338; ear pe peren vorgulte 388; er and late spec. 99; er he were ded chron. Engl. 462; er dai ante lucem, Bel. 1221 ; er, ear, ar 0. a. n. 869, 1560 Sf 1637; er, Or Havel 317 Sf 1356; Will 147 Sf 1612; Man. 2769 Sf 5094; ear Kath. 368; ear, or st. gen. 47 8f 48; ar Itv. 1030; Degrev. 253; avow. Arth. Ill, 2; aar Alls. 5033; or Eglam. 256. ffirdaide former deed: for pine fferdaeden (erdede) La-i,. 87 45. ardawes (ms. are dawes), A. Sax. serdag-as, O.L.Germ.. erdagos, O.Icel. ardagar, for- mer days, Havel. 27 . earlTch early, a. r. 258; earlTclie (adv.) Kath. 116; erlTche Bek. 905; Will 1296; erli Chauc. C. t. a 33; arliche s. s. ed. Weh. 204 r orli Man. 32, 1. armorwe, A Sax. armorgen, early part of the morning, ITalliw. diet. 84; on er- nemar3en ffcr ermar3en) hoin. 1, 115. ytV' = aver-? serwene presumptuous? La\ 27 537 . serwitte unioise? La^ 22071. are see eare. sereiulc, A. Sax. ^rende Ettm. lex. 67, Greins gloss. 1, 70, O.L.Germ. arundi Schm. gloss. 8, O.Icel erendi, orindi, eyrindi Egilss. lex. 139, Fritzners ordh. 124, 0. II. Germ, arunti Graff's sprsch. 1, 428, connected with Goth, aims (messenger), errand (earand), nuntium; gernde, erendo, arunde (earende) La-^,. 10057, 24838 ^^ 25266; erende o. a. n. 463 ; erinde a. r. 246; erande Beh. 1234; Arende rel ant. 1, 130; arunde Em. 8; ernde p. s. 329; Amad. ed. Rohs. XX, 3; (ms. errn- de) Orm. dedic. 159; ernde, erande, arende Langl a 3, 42 (h 3, 41 has message); erand Trist. 1, 77; erond Degrev. 904. erindebere messenger, a. r. 60; erandbere (ms. herandbere) rel ant. 1, 146. {ferendrake, A. Sax. serendraca, O.Icel. e- rindreki, messenger. La"). 660; erendrake ham. 2, 59. xrcndieiij A. Sax. ^rendian (viuntiarej, 0. II. Germ, arinton (evangelizarej, do an errand? ernde (commend?) me to pi levo laverd Kath. 2158; ernde (procure?) me pe blisse of heovene a. r. 38; ernde us lievene liht ^^pcc. 62. Krciuliiige message, mediation? erndunge Marh. 23, 16; ernding spec. 58. arer, A. Sax. seror, 0. H. Germ, eror, Goth. airis, formerly, prius. La"). 25351; al spo bit pas erur bispeke o. a. n. 1738; arre, A. Sax. serra, O.H.Germ. eriro, Goth. airiza, former, prior, a. r. 14^'; hire e- rure (erore) freond r. s. V, 79; misc. 173; pe eror wif Roh. 324, 21. «rest^ A. Sax. sbrest, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. erist, frst, primum, La\ 18; erest a. r. 220; erst, arst Cham. C. t. a 776; erst (arst) wil i wite mOre Langl. b 4, 105; on earst Mark 14, 7; arst Will. 3046; orest st. gen. 2061 ; ^reste, A. Sax. a)- reste, O.H.Germ. eristo, first, primus, La-). 2646; pe ereste dole a. r. 8; tire earsto ealdren Kath. 885. aerh see ar^. o serm see earm. ast ^ee east. SBt, A. Sax. dd\>, O.L.Germ. O.Icel Goth, at, O.Fris. et, O.H.Germ. az, ez, Lat. ad, at: aet Lundene proclam. 7 ; aet his sadele Lay 6473; pat hit at j)e toden atstod 27631; at sume sipe herde i telle o. a. n. 293; at pan ende 826; at te laste treat. 139; at te cherche Will 1961; ate daye of d6me ayenh. 13; it was ten at the (at te) clokke Chauc. C. t. b 14; at heore rihte time Orm. 216; & Crist tser polde fulhtned beon at sant Johanes hande 10655; per Moises fatte pe lahe set 17 at lire laverd Kath. 2500; inai he n6 leve at hire taken st. gen. 2697: she durst at no wight asken it Chauo. Troil. 6341; es noght at laine Iw. 703; ipited et oper meiden a. r. 64; et te dome Mark. 16, 4; al pat pei han a do Cham. T, r. 6080; with wimmen have thou nat a do Lidg. m. p. 66. atafter after, Cham. C. t. 10616. aetberen, A. Sax. setberan, hear away: a wolf his oper child atbar Ilalliw. diet. 103. setblenchen IJench from; atblenche misc. 79; from pe dreorie dead ne mai no mon atblenche r. s. V, 8. setbreiden turn away, draw away; atbroide ('part.) 0. a. n. 1380. etbreken break from, a. r. 172; atbraec fpret.J Lay 1346; etbroken {part. J Marh. 16, 8; atbroke misc. 44. setbresten hurst from; atbrested fms. at- brested) fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 224; atbrast (pret.) Orm. 14734; atbrosten (part.) rel. ant. 1, 222. setcreopen creep away: pe . . . weoren atcropene Lay 6671. setdarien hide from: nis per non pat heom atdarep misc. 163. seteowen, ^. /S'^'^r. aeteopan, -^pan, appear: pa ateoden (r. ateode) him lire drihte Lay 29620. setf alien fall away; setfallen, atfallen (part.) Lay 4237 ^ 8996; me is . . . moni crume etfallen a. r. 342. setfangen receive; atfeugen (pret.) Lay 16369. atfaren escape, Lay 27071. etfleon, A. Sax. sBtfleon, flee away, a. r. 172; atflihp, atflip (pres.) o. a. n. 37; atfleh (pret.) Lay 6209; atflseh Orm. 19639; etflupen a. r. 172; etflopen (part.) a. r. 48. aetforen afore, fragm. 1, 28; aetforen tire isworene redesmen proclam. 8; atforen Lay 2252; etforen a. r. 226; atvore alle oper Roh. 361, 2. aetgan go from : parfore ich penche hire atgo misc. 161; poch his welepe him atgo (peyh his eyhte him ago) rel, ant. 1,176; when mi lif is me atgo spec. 74. aethalden retain. Lay 9176; etholden cpi- de Oder fundles Oder lOne a. r. 208; atholde o. a. n. 696; m. t. 96; athalst (pres.) Roh. 193, 20; ethalt a. r. 246; atheold (pret.) Lay 768; etheold, atheld Xath. 99; athuld Roh. 62, 11; athalden (part.) h. m. 39. sethrinen, A. Sax. aethrinan, toitch at; at- rine (ms. attryne) misc. 63; etrined (pres.) a. r. 60; atran (pret.) Lay 7658. aethruten escape? pu ne miht nopar at- rute 0. a. n. 1168; ])er nas prince . . . pat him mi3te atroute Rob. 78, 7 . atleden lead away. Lay 3200. aetli3en lie without: ])at lond is longe tilde atleien rel. ant. 1, 128. etlutien, A. Sax. aetlutian, abscond, a. r. 400. getrsechen reach at, take from: when al mi rO were me atraht spec. 37 ; who so ever he atraught Arth. a. Merl. 4827 . setrseden surpass in counsel? atrede Chauc. C. t. a 2449. setrinnen run aivay; atrenne Chauc. C. t. a 2449; atran (pret.) Orm. 1424; at- arn Shoreh. 149; after ])an Irisce pae Uder aeturnen Lay 18267 . setsaken, A. Sax. setsacan, deny: ich at- sake hine here Lay 262 lU; atsok (pret.) misc. 45; atsOken Lay 6101. setscheaken run away; atsceken Lay 26516. setscheoten shoot away; atschet (pret.) o. a. n. 44; pah ml llf me beo atschote 1623. atsechen seek for, Lay 13322. setsitten, A. Sax. aetsittan, resist; atsitte Havel. 2200; Rob. 137, 10; asitte 3 18 aet afel Odov. 166 o; })6 he g-odes hcste atseet c. I 235. detsliken slide away; atslikez fpres.J a. p. 1, 674. aetslupen slip away: al min liope were etslopen a. r. 148. aetspringen, A. Sax, setspiingan, spring from; atsprong? c. I. 162. aetstanden, A. Sax. aststandan, stand a- gainst, resist; etstonden Mark. 14, 11; atstoiide o.' a. n. 760; per lie wolde atstonde (astonde) La}. 2661; noping mi3te hem atstonde (astonde) Roh. 20, 14; he nolde nowhar atstonde Belc. 2368; etstondest fpres.J a. r. 236; at- stod fpret.J Rob. 16, 13; Horn 1466; when hem most ned atstod Am. a. A- mil. 1728; astod chro^i. Engl. 62; at- stonden (part. J La^. 19863. a'tstunten stint, stop: ne etstunten ne et- stonden pe strencde of mine spenges Mark. 16, 14; he atstunte (astinte) Roh. 168, 8; hu pat ufel wes atstunt La:>,. 31003. aetsturten start away, escape; atstirten, etsterten Kath. 690; etsterten a. r. 48; 'd&teite Langl. h 11, 392 (7369 J; Chauc. C. t. a 1696; sotsturte, atsturte fpret.J Lay 2316 Sr 4264. aetstutten stop; atstutte fpret.J Kath. 23. letwappen escape? atwappe fpres.J a. p. 2, 1206; atwaped fpret.J Gaw. 1167 . dstwenden wend away, evade; atpende o. a. n. 1427; Merlin him aetwende La->,. 18176. aetwinden, A. Sax. aetpindan, wind away, evade, escape, La\ 10003; atpinden Orm. 8004; atwand, atwond fpret.J Lay 87 6f 4243; dis unweder dor atwond st. gen. 3068; ?A>w\m&Q\\ fpart.J Lay 12869. aetwiten, A. Sax. aetpitan, twit, impute, reproach; Sbtwite Shoreh. 98 ; ayenb. 198; h-pi schal he me his sor atpite ,o. a., n. 1234; etpited fpres. imper.J a. r. 70; etpiit fpret.J Kath. 2364; atwot s. s. cd. Weh. 1876; atvviten Lay 26684; [atwiste Roh. 33, 18; m. t. 106; at- witede Roh. 33, 16;] atwiten fpart.J Lay 19694; atpiten o. a. n. 936; at- wite Arth. a. Merl. 9260. etprenchen escape, Marh. 16, 20; atpren- che f? ms. atprenche) o. a. n. 248. •xi, A. Sax. fet, 0. L. Germ, at, 0. II. Germ. az, from eten, eating, food: fra lufsum ifete & p^te Orm. 7862; on drunke & on ete p. I. s. VIII, 130; comp. oferet. m&eXy A.Sax. dddiel pi. aedelu, O.L.Germ. 0. Icel. adal, 0. II. ( erm. adal, nobility, country: pat aedel heo biwunnen Lay 4744; apel spec. 33; mid aedele help his broder Lay 9263; apele fnom. pi.? J '•'"natara' , Ilalliw. did. 106; adele, anle- len face, pi J L-iy 3761 ^ 10629. seitele^ A. Sax. aedele, O.L.Germ. adal, e- dili, O.Fris. ethel, 0. II. Germ, adaler, edeler, noble, generous, La^. 661; apel Gaw. 241; a. p. 2, 761; sum apel man Orm. 611 ; apele fpl.J o. a. n. 632; hire edele vif pittes a. r. 172; adeles noble men. Lay 7862; atheliste fsuperl.J d. Arth. 1693. gepelboren, O.L.Germ. adalboran, fragm. 4, 61. adeleiboren Lay 26746. adelmod noble-minded, Lay 23266. ieitclicii^ A. Sax. (ge)a3delian, ennoble, digni- fy; aedelede, adeiede fpret.J Lay 2816 Sc 6660; comp. 3eaedelien. :e|)eliiig^ A. Sax. aedeling, 0. II. Germ, edi- ling, noble man, fragm. 2, 24; apeling r. s. VI, 11; rel. ant. 1, 172; wo so were next king bi kiinde me clupep him apeling Rob. 364, 9; epeling misc. 106; sedelinge fdat. pi. J Lay 874. ieveii see ^fen. aex see eax. afel, A. Sax. afol Ettm. lex. 1, O.Icel. afl Egilss. lex. 6, power: poh it litel be it hafep mikel afel Orm. 37 17 . afleii aht 19 alien, O.IccI. afla, have power: cnapechild is afled pel Orm. 7903. after see tefter. age, O.Fr. aage, edage, age, Boh. 110, 15. agleii, Dan. agle, ivaggle, waver, st. gen. 3809. aglet, aglot, O.Fr. aglet, aglet, ^^acus\ 'prompt. 8; aglot lud. Cov. 241. ague, Fr. (fievre) aigue, ague, prompt. 8; agues fpl.J Langl. h 22, 83. a5 see a. aje, O.IceJ. agi, 6ror^. agis, awe; age s^. /7^«. 432; ajhe 6?n;«. 776'J; aghe Tomi. myst. 306; ayghe ^r^^. a. Merh 465; ali3e /^ms.; m. A. XVII; attle 6^<7«<;. ^7; eghtild fpret.J pr. c. 57 84; Brien him atlede to La^. 30846; pat Alixaundre wip his ost atlede ])idire Wart. hist. 2, 104; aghteld {part. J s. s. ed. Weh. 3053; hire tep aren white ase bon of whal evene set ant atled al spec. 35. ahtlinge estimation; atlinge La.^. 25761; etlinge h. m. 39; pidiiten ei etlunge (eatlunge) ho7n. 1, 263. ai see a. aihte see £ehte. aimcii see amen. air, Fr. air, air, Mand. 312; eir treat. 138. aire, Fr. aire, aiery feyryj? haukes of no- bule eire Degrev. 46. aisje, O.Fr. aise, ItaL adagio? at ease: 3if 30 beod eise (aise) a. r. 20; aisie horn. 2, 47. aise, O.Fr. aaise, eise, ease; eaise, eise a. r. 108 Sf 114; ese Bel. 2233; ese, eese, ease Chauc. C. t. a 969. aise, Fr. aise, O.Fr. aaisie? ItaL agiato, adagiato? easy; aise, ese Man. 6438. aiscii, O.Fr. aaisier, ItaL adagiare, ease: to esen hem and don hem alle honour Chauc. C. t. a 2194. ai|)er see leider under a. ak see ac. ak, A. Sax. ac, O.Fris. ek, O.IceL eik, 0. II. Germ, eih, oak, quercu^, voc. 228; 6c fragm. 3, 43; ok Rob. 22, 7; 00k, oke Chauc. C. t. a 1702; ake fdat.J reJ. ant, 1, 52; makinge houses and schippes of oke Mand. 190. akeii, A. Sax. acan fdolerej, O.IceL aka fvehij? Lat. agere? ake (ache); akin "^0- lere\ prompt. 8; ake misc. 95; lud. Cov. 232; akep fpres.J LangL 6, 258 (7,243 J; pet heaved me akp ayenh. 51; akep Shoreh. 2; pine banes aked pe It. m, 31; aken Chauc. C. t. 15331; seke, eke fpres. subj.J a. r. 360 Sf 368; ekinde (fart.) a. r. 360; 6c fpret.J La-^. 6707; horn. 2, 21; ok Rob. 68, 18; oken, oke LangL b 17 , 194; deriv. ache. aker, A. Sax. secer, 0. Icel. akr, Goth, akrs, 0. II. Germ, achar, Lat. ager, aker, ^^ager\ fragm. 3, 50; chron. EngL 16; akir Wicl. 1 kings 14; acres (pL) reJ. ant. 1, 173. akeiiand. Germ, ackerland, voc. 270. akerman. Germ, ackermann, Ilalliw. diet. 36. akerii, A. Sax. secern, O.IceL akarn, Goth. akran, acorn; akernes fms. hakernes) fpLJ WiU. 1811; acornes Chauc. Bod. 1327. al, A. Sax. call, eal, O.L.Germ. al, O.IceL allr, 0. II. Germ, aller, GotJi. alls, all, totus, omnia: al pi leave Kath. 787; al ■ pe lare 939; al pis land AUs. 886; & swa hit al iwearct La"^. 290; and pas mid ivi al bigrope 0. a. n. 27; al mid wisdome Lay 443; al an opir rule IIoccL III, 7; noht ne ma3 pe man bi breed al ane libben Orm. 11344; al one alone WiU. 659; per hue wonede al one Horn 80; al stilliche a. r. 82; al to longe Bek. 774; Chauc. L g. w. 824; al to fewe Shoreh. 93; al most almost, h. h. 47 ; Chauc. C. t. a 894; al mest Brand. 7; al pah although, spec. 23; al be it pat IIoccL 1, 209; al pus a. r. 238; al swa also, as. Lay 70 Sc 24579; s. s. ed. al alfiscli 21 Web. 3045; al spa Kath. 1986; pat ne an opir es al swa Fercev. 1462 ; al spa al se, al spa se hom. 1, 163 Sf 160; al spa as Kath. 280; al spa se Orm. 3636; al swo al se hit is biforen iseid proelam. 6; al so ase a. r. 62; al so sone so he mighte s. s. ed. JFeh. 660; al se X«3. 4308; Orm. 14801; ayenh. 16; al se ofte al se a. r. 8; and ml wif al se (als) Langl 6, 144 (230); als Fercev. 684; avcw. AHh. ZXV, 0; & pe ladi als Gaw. 033; als mani as men list to have Mand. 200; als if it peere Orm. 680; als sir Iwain made his mane Iw. 2303; ase pod yvli Kath. 31; as ha set in a bur 130; as pah pe almihti ne mihte 087; as it poughte me Chauc. C. t. a 386; as freendli as he were his Owen broper 1662; no mor of pis as nou 14463; as pen Gow. 3, 286; i schal ow telle as bllve fc. T. 1040; as for pe time Mand. 122; os e. T. 476; Eglam. 247; at al (for alle?) Chauc. C. t. 8021; al (for alle) pe tpelf dahes KUh. 1844; alle (al) pa jfehte La-^. 2227; alle (al) blisse Langl. h 16, 100; alles fgen. m. n.) omnino, a. r. 64; Kath. 706; Rob. 17, 10; po heo was alles pider icome BeL 73; whon he wolde alles bicome mon c. I. 660; alien, alle fdat. m. n.) La"^. 136 ^ 1686; wip alle withal, Orm. 2174; mid alle Kath. 666; o. a. n. 1468; aire (dat. f.J La:^. 6066; alne face, m.) horn. 1, 226; ealle fnom. ace. pi. J hom. 1, 07; alle pine preates Kath. 2133; us alle 648; alle men Mand. 10; alle and some spec. 42; c. I. 480; Rich. 6846; Chauc. C. t. a 2180; alle (al) his men Xa^. 3868; alle ffor aire) monne a. r. 384; aire fgen. pi. J Kath. 264; aire pinge a. r. 308; here aire fet Brand. 17; pe aire worst(e) spec. 104; aire msest Orm. 2606; on aire erest a. r. 136; aller Langl. b 16, 206; Chauc. C. t. a 686; f. s. ed. Wr. 366; aldre st. gen. b22; alder Will. 3346; alper Havel. 1078; ayenb. 27; s. s. ed. Web. 3660; Lidg. m. p. 20; alien fdat. pi. J La'^. 6766; ayenb. 146; alle Kath. 126; alle pine freonden fragm. 6, 24; of alle Chauc. C. t. a 706. almi^t omnipotent, a. p. 1, 407; almight sacram. 006. almihti3 almighty, hom. 1, 217; aelmihti 221; almihti a. r. 430; spec. 73; al- mahtij Orm. 06. alpealdende all-ruling, Kath. 616; al- waldinde Lay 10648; alpseldend Orm. 163; alweldand Iw. 2100. al- see el-. al see awel. albe, Lat. alba, alb, rel. ant. 1, 120; aube ayenb. 236. alil see eald. ale, A. Sax. ealu, ale, La^. 24440; a. r. 114; r. s. V, 100; Mand. 261; comp. brudale. alebrei ale-berry, prompt. 0; alebre /. c. c. 63. alestalve a stake set up as a sign before an ale-house, Chauc. C. t. a 667 . aleit, A. Sax. ealod, O.Icel. old, ale, rel. ant. 1, 132 fhom. 2, 13j. alfe, A. Sax. «lf, elf, ylf, O.Icel. alfr, 0. II. Germ, alp pi. elbe, elf faufj, genius, daemon, Aud. 77; alve (alfe) La'^. 10268; elf Chauc. C. t. 6466 ; elfe ^^lamia\ prompt. 138; selvene fgen. pi. J Lay 21747. Alfred rel. ant. 1, 170. Alfrich rel. ant. 1, 170. Miif Med. Lat. alphinus du Canges gloss., oaf, fool, d. Arth. 1343; aufin bishop ffouj at chess, prompt. 18; aufins fpl.J gest. Rom. 61. alfisch, M. II. Germ, elbisch, elvish fauvish); alvisch Gaw. 681; on alvisc smid Lay 21131; elvisch Cliauc. C. f. h 1803; an elvisch knight Ell. roin. 2, 00. 22 algrim an algrim^ Fo\ algoritlime, arithmetic, IloIIiw. diet. 42; augrim a r. 214; dep. It. 29. ailuuge^ A. Sax. ealluiiga, eal]iiiga, entirely, quite, a. r. 164; alliiige ^. /. s.~ XIII, 218; Jos. 440; p. s. 214; m. t. 108; al- linges Mand. 180. aire, A. Sax. air, 0. II. Germ, elira, O.lcel. elri, alder faUer, eJhr); aldir ^^alnus\ prompt. 9; olre f? printed olrr) fraqm. 3, 43. alderker ^U(bietmn\ prompt. 9. alinessc see elmesse. alp alp folpj, '■\ficedula\ prompt. 10; alpes fpl.J CJi'iiiG. r. r. 658. alp = elp ? alpes bon ivory, ley. cath. 185. alpi see ruilepi3. als see under al. aheiie, O.Dutch alsenc, 0. II. Germ, alansa, elsen, "suhila\ roc. 15)0; elsine prompt. 138. alter, Lat. altare, altar, Orm. 1061; alter, aiiter st. gen. 758' Sc 1297; aiiter Man. 1375. aire see alfe. am, A. Sax. earn, eom, O.lcel. em, Gotli. im, Gr. st|it, Sansc. ^f'OT, (pres.J am, Kath. 463; a. r. 430; Orm. 205; o. a. n. 170; Bol. 115, 8; Wicl. John 8; Q^m fragm. 6, 13; am, eam, cem La^. 720, 8899 &,- 10524; dsm, eom p. I. s. VIII, 1 Sf 2; eom misc. 192; art, A. Sax. eart, O.lcel. ert, art, Kath. 450; Orm. 2206; o. a. n. 38; Itoh. 31, 9; Wicl. John 8; eart horn. 1, 29; eart, sert, ert fraqm.. 6, 11, 23 ^' 7, 9; Lcr^. 1442, 1499 Sf 2237; ert a. r. 120; is, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ, is, Goth. 0. II. Germ, ist, Lat. est, is, La'^. 745; Orm. 667; he ... is riden to pe feldes Chauc. C. t. a 1503; what is pe wasz ist dir, ass. 227; aren, A. Sax. earun, 0. Icel eru, are, Marh. 8, 14; Havel. 619; spec. 85; Langl. I 3, 80; arn Orm. 4555; st. gen. 16; sinden, A. Sax. sind, sindon (syndon), 0. L. Germ, sind, sindun, 0. II. Germ, sint, sintun, Goth, sind, Lat. sunt, Orm. 389, sindon, sindan misc. 146; senden IlicL thes. 1, 223; rel. ant. 1, 210; senden, sunden p. I. s. VIII, 144; sunden, snnde Z^^. 4359 ^ 16796; si, A. Sax. SI, sie, seo, O.L.Germ. O.K. Germ, si, Goth, sijan, Lat. sim, horn. 1, 245; Orm. 3378; si, seo La.-^. 10498 Sf 14893; seon, A. Sax. sien, seon, La-^,. 13837. ambiciois, Fr. ambition, ambition, ayenb. 22. aitieu, O.Fr. aesmer, esmer, aion: gessin or amin ^Uiestimare\ prompt. 190; lion ma- nye ])er deide i may nonght ame Man. 4449; aime JVill. 1596; eime]) f pres.J JVicl. levit. 27. aniete, A. Sax. ^mete, 0. II. term, ameiza, ant (emmet)-; amote ayenh. 141; amte, emte Wicl. prov. 6; ampte Lidg. m. p. 88; ematte ^[formica", voc. 177; ameten fpl.J Hob. 296, 2; emeten IkL 2241; emoten Alis. 6566. aiiilee, 0. Fr. aumuce, amice, ^^amictus\ prompt. 11; amise Wicl. Is. 22. anilrail, O.Fr. amiral, admiral. Bob. 409, 11; admirail Lay 27668. anipre, A. Sax. ampre (?), amper, tumor, ul- cus? ampres f2)l.J hom. 1, 237 . anipulle, Lot. ampulla, rial, La-^. 14986; ampulles, ampolles fjjl.J Lanql. 5, 527 (0, llj. amte see amete. ail, A.Sax. 2bVi, on, O.Fris. on, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, an, ana, Goth, ana, O.lcel. a, on, a: he bar an (on) his hande Lay 25809; Brennes cude an fother text of) havekes 4896; an helle rel. ant. 1, 132; an ende a. r. 146; an efne o. a. n. 323; an horn hue ber an honde Horn 1111; an erpe Shoreh. 102; an eve h. T. 468; an haste ayenl). 31; ane his left half 156; on helle p. I. s. VIII, 116; on fv. r. in) der sge Hide. thes. 1, 223 ; on ende Kath. 1486; ])at tu havest on heorte an an 2a 2142; on live La->,. 3537; st. gen. 3f)0d: lliwd. 363: Goiv. 2, 372; Wtcl. 1 lings 27; he com on lond La-^. IK); pe him lokeden on 361; pah he hefde brunie on 1563; muchele men on mihte 23d W; {ille hire luveden pat hire on lokeden Marh. 2, 20; on Abrahames time Orm. 4089; king on Englene loande proclam. I; ilc fis on water st. gen. 162; on godes nome misc. 39; on eyper side Roh. 17, 4; on mi po3t Brand. 15; on felde Will. 173; on haste AUs. 1855; pay felle on slep s. s. ed. Wr. 2745; he rod on hunting e. T. 931; on pe day 2Iand. 288; ronne bournes al on blode Flor. 609; on wicchecraft nout i ne con an. lit. 7; & Danmark on him wan Man. 57, 14; what shal worthe on me mir. pi. 151; sixteen hundred pey brought on live RicJi. 2059; pare manie rotes onne pacsecl rel. a?it. 1, 128; pat naht pat Crist pas boren onne Orm. 3753; pis elopes pat ich onne have Ifavel. 1145; pel lange ic habbe child iben a porde & ec a dede p. I. s. VIll, 2; a londe & a watere Za'^. '550; bringed a vlihte a. r. 248; a sumere o. a. n. 416; heo hadde gode prote and schille and fale manne song a wille 1722; he sloh a felde him pat (h)is fader aqvelde Horn 997 ; pej al pe toun were a fure Beh. 1049; a godes name Brand. 7 ; hi wende a lond 6; a pe left half ayenb. 156; a daye Will. 610; ones a day ayenh. 73; ones a 3er g. 359; a bedde s. s. ed. Web. 1513; a morwe k. T. 468; he fel a slep 397 ; here muk a feld Langl. 4081; a foote Wicl. Mark 6; a (== and, 0. L. Germ, ant, usque ad? cmp. ontil, onto) pat her com liden ma of heore leoden La^. 6040; a det he hefde betere bipoht him Mark. 4, 14; o (on) porlde Kath. 527; de rCde a. r. 262; pat standep pe godspelboc Orm. 315; genes o pe 3er 1078; o live Roh. 40, 1; o fote Man. 163, 18; o pat come domes day h. h. 128. anblawen Mow in: & him onbleop gast horn. 1, 221. anbreken, Germ, anbreclien, break, begin; breked on Kath. 1301. abufen above, supra, Orm. 588; abuven a. r. 304; st. gen. .10; pat is us alle abuve misc. 38; aboven Ravel. 1700; 2Iand. 10; Chauc. C. t. 14565; above ayenh. 35; upe pe doune above Bape Roh. 174, 12; oboven pr. c. 849. abtiten about, circum, circa, a. r. 234; Orm. 3211; abuten EoverwTc Lay 16734; he foren abuten bi Adad st. gen. 2482; abiite midniht Itath. 1749; hpanne opre slepep hire abute o. a. n. 1593; abou- ten nine Havel. 1010; aboute ayenb. 30; Langl. 5, 525 (6, 9); Chauc. C. t. a 2189; Iw. 2055; aboute al pe urpe heo gop treat. 137 ; (hi) beop a- boute hire to schende Beh. 763. oncume oncome, morbus adventitius, horn. 1, 147. ancumen, 0. II. Germ, anachomen, come on; onkumen (part.) d. gen. 841. anefen, A. Sax. on efen, O.L.Germ. an eban, anent, anenst, juxta, adversus; anen Mand. 80; anefent (t paragogic, see Gr. gram. 3, 21 7 J a. r. 164"^'; anent Alex. 735; anentis Wicl. John 5; rel. ant. 2, 47; anemptes Ilalliw. diet. 61; on- ence pr. c. 1355. anelien, cmp. Germ, einolen, oil, oleo tm- gere; anelye Shoreh. 42; anelet (paH.) Mire 1812. anfangen begin: & feng on pus to spe- ken Kath. 315, anfelt, A. Sax. anfilt, 0. II. Germ, anafalz, anvil, ^Hncus\ voc. 180; anvelt rel. ant. 1, 6; Chauc. h. duch. 1165; anefelt Wicl. eccles. 38. onfon, O.H.Germ. anafahen, begin, La-^. 24 an an 21194; pe vod on a. r. 74; fo pe on 0. a. n. 179. aforen, A. Sax. onforau, afore, '■^ante\ prompt. 7; aforn /. h. r. loO; afore Octav. 1341. angin, A. Sax. an-, ongin, O.L.Germ. a- nagin, commencement, horn. 1, 217. - anginnen, A. Sax. an-, onginnan, com- mence; ongan fpret.J Orm. 2801 ; ongon Jul. 13; ongunnen horn. 1, 89. anjen, A. Sax. ongegn, -gen, -gean, 0. L. Germ, angegin, again, against, contra, retro, hom. 1, 219; heo urnen on3ein him 3; on3ein, onjean, a3eiu, ajen La-^. 1590, 1667, 1900 Sf 4436; for ])i pas mikel prseche set onj^en pat poh Orm. 18; diint a3ein dunt hom. 1, 15; hpan ic a3en cherre 79; a3ein, a3ean a. r. 50 Sf 216; and eyper a3en (a- yeyn) oper swal o. a. n. 7 ; pat a3en us is so hende Roh. 109, 2; a3ein even 159, 7; he was a3en idrive Beh. 678; a3ein (ageines) his wille Langl. 7 , 70 (8, 72); a3en Mand. 12; ayen, ageyn JIavel. 489 ^ 493; agein Tor. 2709; 1 shal bringe pe agein f^^reducam te'j into pis lond Wicl. genes. 28; a3e cunde Brand. 9; aye (ayens) pane hOli gost ayenl. 28 Sf 29; on38enes Idnde Orm. 249; on3enes, a3enes proclam. 5 ^ 6; a3eines Xa^. 16223; a. r. 14; a3eines riht o. a. n. 137 1 ; a3ens his broper "adversus fratrem sumn\ WicL genes. 4; a3enst Mand. 220. ayenwi3te ffor yeinwi3te) counter-poise, ayenh. 247 . a3einen encounter: a3eineden pere verde La-^,. 17854. onhealden, Germ, anhalten, hold on, in- stare: he heold (held) on to herien Kath. 434. aninne in: ic inc habbe . . . aninne mine benden La'>,. 5617 ; he lette al pat wel weorpen per aninnen 6428. anleggen lag on: he heom onleide . . . lawen gode Za). 2077 . anllch, A. Sax. an-, onllc, M. II. Germ. anelTch, Goth, analeiks, see Bopps vrgl. gram. 600, like, similis: pet is him anlich ayenh. 186; pet stat makep pane pet hit wel lokep anlike to pe angles of hevene 227. anllcnesse likeness, ayenh. 88; onlicnesse La\ 1141; a. r. 18; Orm. 5056. anlTcnien, M. II. Germ, anelichen, liken, resemhle; anlikiii ayenh. 101. anlokien look on: him on to loki ayenh. 244. ? oluhnen, cmp. A. Sax. oleccan, flatter, a. r. 248; uled ffor olehd?) Kath. 1496; h. m. 3. ? oluhnunge (olhtninge) flattery, a. r. 192; olhnunge Jul. 12; olhtnunge (olhnung) Kath. 1502. ? anointen anoint, Wicl. Mark 16; anoin- ted fpart.J Will. 139. anonde, ononde, onond, anont, onont an- ont, ad, erga, a. r. 4, 6, 124, 164 Sf 426; anante treat. 137; anont c. I. 1076; Mire 1961; onont ie undiQi Kath. 2531; anende a. p. 1, 1135. onsene, A. Sax. an-, onsyn, O.L.Germ. ansiun, look, ^facies\ fragm. 2, 12; hom. 1, 191; 0. a. n. 1706. anseon, A. Sax. onseon, look on: so semli on to see Flor. 207 1. ? ansT3en invade : pid onsT3endne here ho7n. 1, 115. onsihde sight, look, hom. 1, 257 . anslean strike on; onslo3en fpret.J La^. 1529. antaken take on; ontake Roh. 170, 18; I. h. r. 45. antihen accuse: holi churche . . . ])at me ti3p on Bek. 1180. ontil ffor ondtil?) until, Havel. 761. onto ffor ondto?) unto, lud. Gov. 126. at we en at ween, inter, Lidg. m. p. 263. atwixin, atwixt atwixt, ^Hnter', prompt. an an 25 11; atwixcn Chauc. Troil. 417; atwixe Am. a. Amil. 866; atwix w. a. i. 32. anunder under, horn. 1, 193; misc. 44; a. p. 1, 1080; pat alle anunder him were Brand. 1; anunder bis spec. 35; anonder Octov. 650. onuppen upon, Jiom. 1, 3; auuppe 133; anuppe ])isse dune misc. 85; anoppe La->,. PJW. anuven above, a. r. 236; anoven Horn ed. Lum. 624; p. s. 188. anwald, A. Sax. an-, onpeald, O.II.Germ. anawalt, power, dominion: agte awold st. gen. 626 Sf 1671; anwalde, onwaide fdat.J La^. 8456 Sf 13950; of deofles onpalde horn. 1, 15. onwalden govern, master, Lay 6703; ich ne mai mine limes onwolde an. lit. 10. owef, A. Sax. Opef, opif (suhtegmen) Ettm. lex. 88, woof; oof ^^subteg7nen\ prompt. 362; Wicl. levit. 13. anwicTre against: pe wind liim com on- widere La-). 2884; haved peos wind & peos weder awider him istonde 12060. aii^ A. Sax. ann, an, O.Icel. ann, O.R. Germ, an, fpret. pres.J favour, grant, o. a. n. 1739; as i pe love and an Trist. 1, 77; 3if god hit an La-i,. 14851; ich on pel pat 30 piten Kath. 1761; we unnen proclam. 2; pe pe ufel unnen La^. 28117; pet me god unnen Mark. 21, 22; mine fsuhj.J p. I. s. VIII, 158; camp, jean; deriv. unnen, este. an- see and- & en-. an, A. Sax. an, O.L.Germ. en, O.Icel. einn, O.II.Germ. einer, Goth, ains, an (a), one, unus, solus: an (a) preost Lay 1; an spa spote smeal Kath. 1600; an man Orm. 11213; an wis man st. gen. 2649; an hound h. T. 416; an hors 0. a. n. 773; Hand. 249; an hare Roh. 467, 16; an hundred Goiv. 2, 113; an & pritti Lay 11291 ; an hpet pite pu Marh. 6, 3; al me is an (idem) pin olhnung ant tin eie 6, 11; an as ich am 18, 25; an fourti jer Roh. 223, 14; an vewe wilde hinen 540, 17; an Ave mile Will. 6110; an an anon, Lay 1668; Kath. 31; Orm. 225; an an (on) 0. a. n. 1554 Sf 1668; an ffor ane) cribbe Orm. 3321; an ff(yr anes) mannes 6813; on aliquis, a. r. 252; Havel. 1800; On old stoc 0. a. n. 26; on hare 383; pe on wip pe opre ayenh. 43; heo is ever on (idem) a. r. 6; an on a. r. 20; st. gen. 1067; dre daies slep he al an on rel. ant. 1 , 226; in on a. r. 6; 3 if me hit halt evre forp in on 0. a. n. 356; pei wepeu evere in on (oon) Chauc. C. t. a 177 1; heo were al at on ffor one?) Roh. 113, 13; on ffor one?) solum, Ha- vel. 505; a wif Lay 2528; a (0) mon a. r. 308; a sihde 48; ii meiden Kath. 66; a crune 1585; a mikel here Orm. 3370; a cribbe 3366; a pord 0. a. n. 502; a tonge 156; a dorter Roh. 12, 22; a so gret best Brand. 31; a knijt ayenh. 46; a fourten night s. s. cd. Weh. 2363; in a londe Kath. 21; 6 luve & pil a. r. 12; song 0. a. n. 333; 6 ping ayenh. 46; at time Roh. 306, 17; he ane fA.Sc;x. ana) horn. 1, 165; Kath. 224; he was king one Roh. 316, 4; left was he one Will. 211; him ane ich luvie 3Iarh. 4, 29; let pe gome one Gaw. 2118; napt ane (non solum J ... ah Ilarh, 14, 30; noat one a. r. 46; nojt. one Roh. 193, 20; ane (A. Sax. ane) dohter Lay 2400; ane hpile Kath. 183; one boc a. r. 64; One hpile 0. a. n. 199; one herte ayenh. 145; anes fgen. m.J La^. 30032; anes mannes Orm. 22; pid his anes pit Kath. 689; mid his Ones mihte a. r. 160; tO pan anes (for ane) Lay 17304; for pen anes fms. ])e naness) for the nonce, Orm. 7 160; for pen m^^Shoreh. 125; Alis. 1624; Will. 2015; anun fdat. m. n.) horn. 1, 246; 2G kn and- ane, one a. r. 124 Sf 150; on ane da3e La\ 82; 1 had no bropir bot him ane Percev. 2043; ye be at ane fa greed J Degrev. 435; alle heo weoren bi ane (together? cmp. M.II.Germ. bi ein) Lay 22947; onen ayenl. 102 Sf 175; one o. a. n. 15; bfite pe one horn. 1, 201; as hit were for pan one Brand. 18; pei weoren at one h. T. 277; are fdat. f.J La'>,. 555; ore o. a. n. 17; in ore ni3t Fl. a. BI. 83; ffinne face. m.J Orm. 3374; ^nne, enne Lay 394 Sf 556; enne a. r. 56; enne gost ayenh. 145; enne, anne o. a. n. 799 Sf 831; Shoreh. 93 Sf 95; anne stroc he ^ef him Roh. 223, 14; bi ham ane fdat. pLj Marh. 14, 1. ane^ed one-eyed; onTjed a. p. 2, 102. anfald simple, Orm. 18668. fmhad unity, Kath. 932; onhod c. J. 10. onhede unity, ayenh. 79; transact. 19, 333; Wicl. 1 Tim. 3; apol. 35. Onhende "mancus\ fragm. 3, 2. finhurned one-horned: pe anhurnde Marh. 7, 1. ilnlefen, A. Sax. endleof, endlyf, O.Fris. andlova, elleva, O.L.Germ. ellevan, 0. Icel. qMUm, Goth. 2imMi, O.H.Germ. Q>m- lif, see Bopps vrgl. gram. 447 , Grimms gesch. d. d. spr. 171, eleven falevenj, undecim; onleven Rich. 2725; enleven (eolleve) Lay 23364; enleve Degrev. 342; endleven Rol. 298, 9; elleovene fragm. 1, 11; misc. 55; bi sellevene Lay 14531; elleve BeL 489; aleven p. r. I. p. 216. 6nlefte eleventh, ayenh. 14; endlefte Rol. 270, 4; end! eft (misprinted endlest) A- Us. 57; eollefte misc. 146; elleft m. h. 26. anlepi,"^, A. Sax. anlepig, -lypig', single, sole, Orm. 11; anlepi Kath. 74; onlepi Havel. 1094; ayenh. 13; apol. 38; On- lepi, elpi (anlepi) a. r. 116 ^ 366; enlcpi, enlipi hom. 1, 75; olupi g. 350; alpi rel. ant. 2, 27 5; nu hafde A Oswald . . . eenne alpine broder Lay 31451. onllch, A. Sax. an-, ^nlTc, only, a. r. 154; onliche (adv. J ayenh. 265; Will. 3155; Mire 656; pi. cr. 534; anli Iw. 3744; onlukest (superlat.J a. r. 90. anmod of one mood, unanimous, hom. 1, 101. anred of one counsel, constant, hom. 1, 1 15. anstandende standing alone, hom. 1 , 221. anpil, onpil of one will, ohstinate, a. r. 56 ^ 400. onpille ^'■ohstinatus\ fragm. 5, 7 . aiicessour^ O.Fr. ancessour, ancestor; aun- cessour Man. 945; ancestre Beli. 429. aiicleou^ A. Sax. ancleop, O.Fris. onclewe, 0. II. Germ, anchal, O.Icel. olda, ankle (anclee, anclivj ; oncleou HaJus\ fragm. 2, 15; ancle voc. 148; ancle, anclee ( hauc. C. t. a 1660; anclowe (dat.J Arth. a. Merl. 5206. ancrc, A. Sax. ancra, anchorite, a. r. 6; Roh. 380, 11. aucreii anchor; iancred (part. J a. r. 142. and-, A. Sax. and, ond, d.lcel. and-, 0. Fris. and, anda, end, enda, ond-, Goth. and, anda-, O.L.Germ. and, ant, O.R. Germ, ant-, ent-, int-, Gr. avzi^ an-, a-; cojnp. anond? anbel3en grow angry; anbselh (pret.J Lay 26359; onbol3en (part. J Lay 1696. amboht, Goth, andbahts, servant, Orm. 2329. onbiijen, A. Sax. onbugan, suhmit? and him alle onbu3en La^. 6166. abiiri3en, A. Sax. onbyrigan, taste: 3if pe his abiri3don hom. 1, 223. anbursten enrage? and he anbursten a- gon swiilc (he) weore a wilde bar Lay 25831; cnihtes anburste (aborst) weo- ren 25241. adreden, A. Sax. an-, ondrsedan, 0. L. Germ, and-, ant-, andradan, O.S.Germ. and- and- 27 intraten, dread, timere, La\ 8744; he raai him sore adredeii Hick. thes. 1, 223; adrede o. a. w. 1266; ac sore ]3u mijt pe adrede r. s. I, 26; adreddo fpretj Horn 1170; adred f part. J spec. 110; Town. mxjd. 2o; adrad Havel. 278; mil. 1980; Mand. 282; Tor. 289; aren adradde (adrad) Langl. h 19, 21. ? aneleii, A. Sax. onselan, inflame; miqIqh^ fms. anhelend) horn. 1, 219; oiiealde fpret.J 97. onfangen receive, Orm. 6363; onfeng fpret.J La\ 134; onfengen Orm. 14396. onfon, A. Sax. an-, onfon, O.H.Germ. antfahan, receive, La\ 1069; Orm. 17948; heo onfo]) fragm. 7 , 64. andjsetnesse, A. Sax. ongetness, percep- tion, Orm. 27 62. an3it, A. Sax. andgit, intellect; an^ite (dat.) hom. 1, 99. on^iten, A. Sax. ongitan, perceive, La^. 26623; and38eten ure sinnes Or^n. 16163; ajitte fpres.J misc. 193; on3eat fpret.J hom. 1, 223; an38et La'^. 16726. ? anhaiigen hang up; anhonge Beh. 724; anhongep fpres.J ayenb. 61 ; anheng fpret.J La^. 29368; anhongen fpart.J 1023. ?anhangien hang up; anhanged fpart.J Cham. C. t. 13690; anhonged a. r. 126; Will. 4773. anhealden, O.Fris. onthalda, M.H.Germ. enthalten, withhold? pe pinges anhialde ayenh. 162. anhebben heave vp, Za"^. 12627; onhefd fpres.J hom. 1, 113. ?anhe3en exalt; anhe3i ayenb. 23. ? anheten, A. Sax. onhsetan, heat, calefa- cere; anhet fpres.J misc. 30; ay ml. 108. anhof, A. Sax. onhof, O.H.Germ. inthuob, fpret.J hove up: Cador his sweord an- hof (ahof) La^. 21625. anhon, A. Sax. onhon, hang up, La^. 729; (hi) anhod o. a. n. 1646; anhon fpart.J La^. 30839. ? anhungren famish; anhungred fpart.J Alis. 1230; Octov. 467; p. 23, 6; Langl. b 10, 69^'; anhungrid prompt. 172. ankennen, A. Sax. oncennan, beget; an- kenned fpart.J Orm. 7 141. aker, akir, A. Sax. oncerr? acker, ^Hm- petus maris \ prompt. 8. ondlset, O.Fris. andlete? face, Orm. 12939; onlete hom. 1, 69; anlet fms. anleth) ^'■facie7n\ ps. 26, 9. anlang, A. Sax. andlang, along: anlong pare sea Zay 138. onlihten, A. Sax. onl^htan, O.H.Germ. intliuhten, enlighten; onlihted fpres.J hom. 1, 97. ands^te, A. Sax. andsgete, odious, Orm. 16071; ansete hom. 1, 107. asaken, A. Sax. an-, onsacan, O.L.Germ. antsacan, O.Icel. andsaka, deny: bute hi here la3e asoke Horn ed. Lum. 66. onschunien, A. Sax. onscunian, shun; a- schonne dep. E. 14, 16; onscunede fpret.J hom. 1, 229; pu onscunedest fragm. 6, 2; heo oscuneden Lay 4066. onsa3e, M.H.Germ. entsageV denial? for onsagen st. gen. 2046. ansechen, A. Sax. onsecan, attack; onseken fpres.J st. gen. 861; onsohte fpret.J Lay 6667. ansine, A. Sax. an-, ons^n fdefectusj? as povre wif pat fallep in ansine an. lit. 10. anstanden, A. Sax. andstandan, resist: a3en pe Deneis to anstond(e) Bob. 267, 22. andsware, A. Sax. andsparu, answer; and- sware, answare (answere) Lay 4412 S^- 26366; andspare, andspere Orm. 2404 ^ 12016; andsvare, ondspare, ondsware, answare, onsware, answere, ansvere, on- swere o. a. n. 66, 149, 470 Sf 1176; andswere st. gen. 3081; answare Isiimb. 674; answere Shoreh. 123; ansvere Rob. 197 , 16; onspere a. r. 8. 28 aiKl andswerien, A. Sax. andsperian, aiistver, Lay 22421; audsperen Orm. 2036; onsperien a. r. 94; ansverye ayenh. 67 ; answeren Chauc. C. t. 6669; ich an- sverie Beh. 531; answerede fpt-et.J st. gen. 2728; ansverede Brand. 9; an- swereden Mand. 229. ontenden, A. Sax. ontendan, kindle, horn. 1, 203; a. r. 92; ontended fimperat.J Ilarh. 18, 12; pat he of pe lioli gost so tire heorte atende misc. 62 ; ontende fpret.J Katli. 1416. andwane, O.Icel. andvana, andvani fex- persj? wanting: to dei he mei to mar- 3aii hit him is apane hom. 1, 21; hit is onpane of his hole 29. andweorc, A. Sax. andpeorc, material: of pissen andpeorke alle ping he iprouhte fragm. 8, 24. owreken, A. Sax. onprecan? avenge. La"). 4402. andwurden, A. Sax. andpyrdan, Goth, and- vaurdjan, reply; andpurde fpret.J horn. 1, 91. and, A. Sax. and, O.Fris. and, ande, end, ende, O.L.Germ. endi, 0. II. Germ, anti, enti, inti, unti, and, et, Katli. 289; Orm. 1849; and 3ef pu miht seine linden La-^. 3692; ant 104; & ffor & gef) pu hit nult ileven 8313; and if an. Jit. 12; and (for and ifj Havel. 2862; Percev. 1166; ant. Arth. XVI, 2; and i cacche mi3te Langl. h 2, 192; {^\i i mihte a 2, 167 J; and, ant a. r. 174 ^ 230; and, an o. a. n. 4 ^ 7 ; ayenh. 15; an s. s. ed. JFeb. 730; ande g. 20. aude, A. Sax. anda, onda f rancor, invidia, indignatioj Greins gloss. 1, 4, O.L.Germ. ando (indignatio, ira, zelus) Schm. gloss. 7, 0. II. Germ, ando, anado f zelus J Graffs sprsch. 1, 267, O.Icel. andi fhalitus, spi- ritus, animus J Egilss. lex. 16, halitus, spiritus, Iw. 3566; pr. c. 3064; and Town. myst. 164; onde prompt. 364; Alis. 3601; Goto. 2, 260; onde 'YV«- leine\ voc. 146; ne draged ge non onde rel. ant. 1,217; onde invidia, La"^. 24634; Kath. 893; a. r. 104; o. a. n. 419; Boh. 40, 3; e. I. 211; p. s. 196; p. I. s. Vh, 61; Ch'tuc. r. r. 148; pah men to me han onde spec. 29. aiidcu, O.Icel. anda, spirare; ondin prompt. 364. audi; A. Sax. andig, envious; ondi JIapes 336. aiidircii, cmp. 0. Fr. andier, andiron ; aun- dirin prompt. 19. aiies see genes. allien, 0. II. Germ, einon, unite; onin "uni- re\ prompt. 366; onep fpres.J ayenh. 88; ooned (part. J Chauc. C. t. 7 560. ang, 0. II. Germ, anger, O.Icel. ongr, Goth. aggvus, angustus. anxum, A. Sax. angsum, angustus. anxumnesse, A. Sax. angsumness, anxiety, Orm. 10467. ange, A. Sax. ange, 0. II. Germ, ango, an- guish, distress: him pas pa3 & ange Orm. 11904; ungepe & ai pip 'ange 16289; & dide him mikel ange 19804. angel, A. Sax. angel, 0. II. Germ, angul, 0. Icel. ongull, angle, ^^fhjamus\ fragm. 2, 36 (voc. 88); angile prompt. 12. angilhoc Wicl. Is. 19. ongeltpsecche fragm. 3, 26. angel see engel. anger, O.Icel. angr, a^iger, angor, molestia. Will. 662; Iw. 1629; Gow. 1, 282; Chauc. C. t. 7563; e. T. 914; anger and tene st. gen. 2992; anger and wa pr. c. 6039; in anger and in care Eglam. 160; in anger pine and mekile wo mir. pi. 161; angres (pi.) Langl. h 12, 11. angeriich, O.Icel. angrligr; angerliche Gow. 1, 292; angerli Man. 37 69. angle, Fr. angle, angle, Chauc. C. t. h 304. Angle Anglia, Man. 4097 . angri angry, '■'■molestm' , rel. ant. 1, 8; Chauc. C. t. a 3167. aiigrien ar3 29 aiigricii^ O.Icel. angra, (mger, vexure; angren Orm. 428; pat angreth me sore Lmgl. 6, i)l (111). anguisse^ O.Yr. anguisse, miguish, Man. 483 o; anguise a. r. 234; angusse treat. 140. aiiiugc^ O.H.Germ. einimga, union; oninge ayenh. 60. aiiker^ A. Sax: ancor, anchor, llavel. 621; JVill. 568; Trist. 1, 34; Lidg. m. p. 50; ankir Octav. 433. auker^ A. Sax. ancor, anchorite, C}muc. r. r. 6348; ancres (]^l.) Langl. prol. 28. auiiesse^ A. Sax. anness, O.H.Germ. einussa, einnissa, unity, horn. 1, 93; oimesse a. r. 12. ant see and. ante, O.Fr. ante, Lat. amita, aunt; aunte lloh. 37, 15; Langl. h 5, 153. antefne, Lat. antipliona, O.Fr. anteine, an- them, a. r. 34; antein p. I. s. IX, 185. anxuni see under ang. ape, A. Sax. apa, O.Icel. api, O.H.Germ. affo, ape, voc. 188; a. r. 248; o. a. n. 1325. apeward Langl. 5, 640 (6, 119 J. apostel, Lat. apostolus, apostle, horn. 1, 41. appel, A. Sax. seppel, aepl, O.Fr is. appel, O.H.Germ. aphol m., O.Icel. epli n., Ir. abhal, ubhal, Gael, ubhal m., Welsh afal n., apple, Orm. 8118; o. a. n. 135; treat. 132; pen appel h. h. 10; pes ep- ' pel «. r. 52. appulmos, 31. II. Germ, apfelmuos, prompt. 13. appeltre h. h. 93. aepelttin "pomarium", fragm. 4, 37. &r, O.Icel. or, ar, "cicatrix", Halliw. diet. 77; arre JFicl. levit. 22; an erre fms. a nerre) voc. 209. ar, O.Icel. ar, A. Sax. or, beginning: btiten are & ende horn. 1, 171; buten ore & ende p. I. s. VIII, 91; misc. 64. &r see £er. arber = herber? arbour: in pe garden . . . was an arber fair and grene and in pe arber was a tre sq. I. deg. 28. arblast, O.Fr. arbaleste, arcuhalista, ayenb. 47; Rich. 1867; arblastes fplj Rob. 536, 22. arche see arke. archebisehop, A. Sax. arcebiscop, Lat. ar- chiepiscopus, archbishop, Beh. 493; ser- chebiscop La"^. 12636. areher, O.Fr. archier, archer, ayenb. 45. are, A. Sax. O.Icel. ar, oar, remus, Flw. 1878; Trist. 1, 33; ore Havel. 1871; s. s. ed. Wr. 3153. are, A. Sax. ar, O.Icel. sera, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, era, 0. Fris. ere, mercy, met. t. 38; are & milce Orm. 1476; are, sere (ore) Lay 2972 ^ 22382; ore (are) a. r. 136; Ore o. a. n. 886; Havel. 153; Rob. 340, 4; Tor. 916; m. Arth. 1344; ore, oore Chauc. C. t. a 3726; aore hom. 1, 187. orfest "pius\ fragm. 3, 7 . areles merciless, hom. 1, 173; arelies, Oreles p. I. s. VIII, 100. aren, A. Sax. arian, O.H.Germ. eren, shoio mercy, Orm. 1462. areude see serende. arewe see arwe. arf, O.Icel. arfr (haereditas). arfname heir, Orm. 17744. arfe|) see earfep. argoil argol far gal J, faex vini; argoile fdat.J Chauc. a. t. 12741. arguen, argue, Fr. arguer, argue, Langl. 10, 174 fll, 130 J. arj, A. Sax. earg, earh, O.Fris. arg, erg, O.Icel. argr, O.H.Germ. arger, argh (ergh), pavidus, ignavus, pravus, fms. ar3e) Gaw. 241; arh hmn. 1, 277; are3, areh 0. a. n. 407; aru (arwe^ as an hare Rob. 457 , 15; arwe, arwbe "timidus, pavidu%\ prompt. 14; arwe Alis. 3340; eruh a. r. 274; pe arege, arewe, erewe rel. ant. 30 ar3ien askere 1, 176; arje, aerpe (pi. J p. I. s. VIIi, 10; er^e horn. 1, 161; arwe Rich. 3821; arwe men and kene Havel. 2115; ar3(e) fadv.j Shoreh. 22; serhest fsuperl.J La^. 21733. arhhede fearfulness, misc. 74. ifirhscipe fearfulness, La^. 12411. ar^ien^ 0. II. Germ, argen, grow fearful: pet eoper heorte erjian spide hom. 1, 13; me ar3es fl am afraid) of mi selfe Alex. 637 ; arje (pres. suhj.J Gaw. 2301; ar3ed fpret.J a. p. 2, 572; pat arghede (made afraid) alle pat per ware Percev. 69. ar^uesse fearfulness, ayenh. 31; arghnesse lloccl. I, 435. ar^ite^ A. Sax. yrgd, 0. H. Germ, argida, fearfulness; serhde La^. 8264; are^pe, arelipe o. a. n. 404. arke, A. Sax. earc, Goth, arka, 0. II. Germ. archa, (Klcel. ork, Lat. area, arh, ^^arca\ voc. 199; Man. 136, 20; in arke or in kiste Havel. 2018; arclie Xa). 8965; a. r. 334; st. gen. 561. arm see earm. armeiij Fr. armer, arm, armare, Man. 1174; armed (pres.) a. r. 262; armede fpret.) la^. 8655^'. armes^ Fr. armes, Lat. arma, arms, Havel. 2925; ayenl. 170. arm|)e see earmde. armiire^ Fr. armure, Lat. armatura, armour, ayenh. 170; Will. 3769; arm.tire, armou- re prompt. 14; armour Man. 5117 . am see earn. arrien^ A. Sax. eorrian? arr, irritare; arrin lud. Gov. 316; arreden (pret.) Wicl. deu- ter. 32. ars, A. Sax. ears, O.H.Germ. ars, O.Icel. ars, rass, arse, anus, voc. 179; proynpt. 14; ers, ars Langl. h 5, 175; ers Cham. C. t. a 3734. arst see serest. art, Fr. art, art, ayenh. 65. arten, O.Fr. arter, constrain, Chauc. Troil. 388; artin '■^artare', prompt. 14; arte IIoccl. IV, 8. article, Fr. article, article, ayenh. 12. aru, arwe see arj. arwe, A. Sax. arepe(?) dat. pi. arepan Sax. chron. 217, earh Greins gloss. 1, 248, O.Icel. or pi. orvar, arrow, st. gen. 478; ayenh. 66; Chauc. C. t. 9547 ; s. a. c. X, 25; arwe (are we) La-i,. 2476; are we Brand. 15; Will. 885; earepe a. r. 60; are wen fpl.) Alis. 5283; are wen (arewe) La^. 5510; earepen a. r. 60; arwes Hand. 190. as see under al. as- see es-. as, O.Icel. ass (trahs, contus), ioth. ans (Soxoc); comp. bet-, windas. asch, A. Sax. sesc, O.H.Germ. asc, asch, 0. Icel. askr, ash (esh), ^fraxinm\ voc. 162; p. I. s. XIII, 171; Chauc. C. t. a 2922; asclie lai le fr. 168; Man. 12438; asche, esche prompt. 15 Sf 143. asche, A. Sax. asce, sesce, axe, O.H.Germ. asche, O.Icel. aska, ash, cinis; ashe Gaw. 3, 345; aske, asche "cinis\ prompt. 15; aische, aske Wicl. genes. 18; esche Shoreh. 107; axe misc. 78; asse Ilalliw. diet. 95; esse ayenh. 137 ; pale as ashe (aische, aschen) colde Chauc. C. t. a 1364; as- ken (pi.) a. r. 214; Havel. 2841; askes Orm. 1001; Langl. h 3, 97; axen p. s. 203; p. I. s. I, '2h; asches Mand. 107; axen (dat. pi.) La:^. 25989. askefise ^^ciniflo\ prompt. 15. ascheler ashlar, Aud. 78. aschi ashy, Chauc. C. t. a 2883. ase see under al. aske, A. Sax. adexe (?), O.H.Germ. ege- dehsa, ash (esh), lacerta: askes (? ms. ars- kes) and oper wormes Wr. diet. 107 . aske, A. Sax. sesce, O.H.Germ. eisca, de- mand; axe La^. 1053. askere asher, petitor: pe axere and pe de- fendaiint g. 361. askien apel 31 askien^ A. Sax. ascian, sescian, acsian, axian, O.Fris. askia, aschia, O.Icel. feskja, 0. L. Germ, escon, 0. II. Germ, eiscon, aak fax J, rogare, posccre; asken a. r. 242; Orfn. 10278; c. I. 1023; CJiauc. C. t. h 101; askin ^^ pet ere, poscere\ prompt. Id; aske Aud. 79; asche Hob. 16, 12; Eglam. 1090; eskien hom. 1, 23; aske, Axe Langl. 4, 90 (103); axien La^. 7193; axi, oxi ayenh. 110 Sf 114; axe Gaw. 1, 47; Wicl. John 1; oxe p. s. 200; asse Town. myst. 58; aske, axe fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 1347 ; acsi Shcreh. 136; eski Marh. 13, 22; aiscliest, aish- est, axest o. a. n. 473, 707 Sf 995; nou esche we treat. 136; askede fpret.J a. r. 66; st. gen. 3191; askede, aschede Rob. 16, 10 Sf 33, 13; acsede rel. ant. 1, 30; easkede Jul. 15; comp. ofaskien. askiiige^ A. Sax. ascung, asking, "petitio\ prompt. 15; escimge Marh. 16, 22. aspe, A. Sax. sespe, O.H.Germ. aspa, 0. Icel. osp, asp, populus tremula, voc. 181 ^ 285; Chauc. C. t. a 2921; aspe, espe prompt. 15 Sf 143; espe voc. 228. aspeii aspen: aspen lef Chauc. Troil. 4049. aspien see spien. asse, A. Sax. assa, cmp. O.Icel. asni, Lat. asinus, ass, a. r. 32; Shoreh. 122; Mand. 70; an asse treat. 138; pane asse ayenh. 156; asse earen a. r. 172; assen fpl.J Chauc. C. t. 5867 . asse, A. Sax. asse, asina: ane asse ... mid hire colt hom. 1, 3. astorien see storien. astroiiomie, Fr. astronomie, astronomy, prompt. 16; La->,. 24298; Langl. b 19, 238. asur, Fr. azur, azure, Jos. 195. at, O.Icel. at, that, Iw. 486; s. s. ed. Web. 3824; ant. Arth. XIV, 10; Town. myst. 2; the beste bodi at thar war Percev. 150; at him fel to knaw pr. c. 171. at see set. ate, A. Sax. ata, oat; ot.e "avena\ prompt. 372; Mire 1483; Mapes 350; aten fpl.J La'y,. 29256; Cten a. r. 312 ; ooten Itich. 6004; otin voc. 177. atel, A.Sax.'oiol, eatol, O.Icel. atall, /ow/, ugly, Orm. 4803; atele hurtes hom. 1, 275. atellTch fms. atelich) a. r. 6; Mapes 343; mid pine ate(l)iiche speore o. a. n. 1125; eate(l)lukest fsuperlat.J h. m. 41. ateii oaten: otene grotes /. c. c. 47. ater, A. Sax. ator, attor, tetor, O.H.Germ. eitar, eittar, O.Icel. eitr, atter, venenum, sanies, hom. 1, 23; atter Orm. 15383; St. gen. 372; c. I. 1150;' Langl. b 12, 256; pat atter La"). 14995; pet 'atter a. r. 208; attir ^^sanies\ prompt. 16. attercoppe attercob, aranea, o. a. n. 600; k. L. 63; attircoppe ^^aranea\ prompt. 16. atterllide betony? drinc peonne atterlode (atterlade) & drif pene spel a3eanpard a. r. 274; atterlope ^^morelle\ voc. 141. atterluch venomous, a. r. 212^'. attenie, A. Sax. eetren, gettren, M.H.Germ. eiterin, venomous, poisonous, fragm. 8, 38; purh atterne drench La-^. 16084. atteniesse, A. Sax. setterness (?), vettomous- ness, a. r. 196. atlien see ahtlien. attrien, A. Sax. setterian, M. U. Germ, eitern, poison; attred fpres.J a. r. 84; attred f part. J Orm. 15376; hom. 2, 19; iattred a. r. 208. attri^, 0. II. Germ, eitriger, venomous, poison- ous, Orm. 9785; attri a. r. 82; h. m. 15. aj>, A. Sax. ad, Goth, aips, O.L.Germ. 0. Fris. eth, O.Icel. eidr, O.H.Germ. eid, oath, juramentum, Iw. 2264; ad, sed, oad (op) La^. 653, 704 Sf 1 9981 ;'6p ayenb. 64; pen op Rob. 446, 2; oop Chauc. C. t. a 120; ope fdat.J proclam. 5; apes fpl.J Orm. 4479; odes a. r. 198; aden fdat. pi. J La'i,. 5165; comp. manap. a|»el see sedel. 32 apum bac ajiunij A. Sax. adum, O.II.Cenn. eidum, eidam, son in h;w, gener, Orm. 19832; adum, odem (opom) L y 3619 Sf 23106; Opam "gener\ fragm. 2, 22 fvoc. 88 J; odem rel. ant. 1, 130; opom Rob. 182, 4; odam Ah's. 2081. * aubel^ Fr. aiibel, abe/, 2^opiuus alba, prompt. 17. aufiu see alfin. augriin see algrim. auh see ac. aiihte see ffihte. aul tee awel. auiite see ante. ayaiicen^ Fr. avancer, advance; avance Min. 39; avaunce Chauc. C. t. a 246; Man. 7246; avaunced fpres.J a. r. 156. ayaiit^ Fr. avant. avantwarde vanguard, d. Arth. 324. aTantage^ Fr. avantage, advantage, Chauc. C. t. 4636. avarice, Fr. avarice, avarice, ayenb. 16. ave-, O.Dutch ave? avelong", Ban. afiang? avelong, ^^QbIongus\ prompt. 17. avetrol? s. s. ed. Web. 1107. aveii see gefeii. Aveiie, A. Sax. Afen, Avo7i, La^. 21267; p. I. s. VIII, 126. aver, O.Icel. afarr, aver, equus; averes (pi.) JIalliw. diet. 117 . aver-, 0. Butch aver-, O.Icel. afar-, Goth. afar, 0. II. Germ. aber. averish averish fershj, Ilalliw. diet. 117. apermod, for aveimod ? arrogance, Orm. 4720. awe see a3e & ewe. awel, A. Sax. apul, apel, al, sel, eal, O.II. Germ, ala /., O.Icel. air m., awl, subula; opul ^'■fuscinula\ fragm. 4, 15 fvoc. 93 J; owel, ewel o. a. n. 80; al '■^subulam\ Wicl. deuteron. 15; el a. r. 324; eaples fpl.J Eath. 2209; eaules misc. 153; aules a. r. 212; Rob. 48, 22; oules Brand. 22; Chauc. C. t. 7312; eles ayenb. 66. aweu see a3en. awk (= avek, as liaiik = havek), O.Icel. Ofugr, O.II. Germ, abuher (aversus, perversus, sinister!, from af? see Grimm's pref. to Schu.zes gloss. V, awh, ^^ sinister, perver- tus', prompt. 18; awke dedis d. Arth. 13. awkli '■'■sinistre, perverse \ prompt. 18. awkward aivhward, d. Arth. 2247 ; pe world pai al awkward sett(e) pr. c. 1541. awue, awene, O.Icel. ogn, O.II. Germ, aga- na, C'ofh. ahana, Gr. dx'^Oi, awn, "arista', prompt: 18. awueii, cmp. Germ, (er)augiien, show, mani- fest; apiien fms. appnenn) Orm. 979; & sone an an se pis pas pser purh godes engles apned 3385. ax see eax. axe iee asclie. axieii see askien. axle S3C oaxle. ay S30 a. babau, Welsh Irish baban, babe, a. r. 234. babe, O.Sioed. babe Ihres gloss., Irish bab O Keillys diet., babe, Gow. 1, 344; lud. Cov. 84. babel bauble , Gow. 3, 224; p. 54, 3; ba- bul, babil "lihrilld\ prompt. 20. baber? babirlippid "lalrosus\ pjrompt. 20; baber- lipped Langl. b 5, 190. babi baby, Langl. b 17 , 95. b^bleu. Germ, babeln, babble ; babelinde f part. J a. r. 100; bablede fpret.J Langl. 5, 8 (2487). babuiii, Ital. babbuino, bahoon; babwin, ba- bewin prompt. 20; babewines (pi.) Mand. 210. bac, A. Sax. bsec, 0. L. Germ, bac, 0. Icel. bak, O.Fris. bek, baclz, tergum, a. r. 290; Orm. 4776; Havel. 813; bak Man. 133, 23; Tor. 2590: on bak abacL ant. Arth. bacche baffin U XLV, 8; a bak o. a. n. 877; Rich. 4716; lud. Cov. 211; a bac treat. 134; bak for bakcloj)? Chauc. C. t. 12809; bakkes ^^panit\ Langl. h 10, 362; and alle his bakkes rente Will. 2096. bacbon hach-hone, voc. 146. bacbiten hacJcbite; bacbite Mire 1267; bakblte Langl. h 2, 80. bacbltere lachhiter, r. s. VII, 25; bac- bltare a. r. 82. bacclaj)? bakclopes ^^panm\ Langl. h 10, 362. bachalf Wicl. genes. 19. bac ward backward, Man. 6052; bakward li h. disc. 1637. bacwarde rear-gmrd, La\ 23814. bacche hatch; bahche, batche prompt. 21. bacheler^ O.Fr. bachelor, lachelor. Bob. 30, 6; Chauc. C. t. a 80; wheper he be kni^t or bachiler Will. 840. bacin^ O.Fr. bacin, lasin, Shoreh. 51; s. 8. ed. Web. 2242; Rich. 2557; basin AUs. 2333. bacon^ 0. Fr. bacon [0. Dutch bake, 0. 11. Germ, bache ace. bachen], bacon; bacon, bacoun Langl. b 5, 194 ; baciin ^^petaso\ prompt. 20. bail see bsed. bad, from biden, stay, mansio; b6d Will. 149; bade fdat.J Pereev. 41; bode Flor. 374; Chauc. Ann. 119; comp. abad. bad lie bad, malus. Will. 5024; Chauc. C. t. 9482; our bi3ete was badde rel. ant. 2, 242; pis badde king Rob. 108, 17; two badde prestos Langl. b 10, 281. baddelTche badly, Rob. 566, 8. baddenesse, badnesse badness, Langl. b 12, 49. badien, A. Sax. badian fpignerarej? O.K.- Germ, beiton (exspectare), wait: badien pe king wolde pat his folc come La-^,. 25649. bach valley. Lay 2596; bseche (dat.) 5644; bsecchen (dat. pi.) 21776; comp. Coubache. b»d, A. Sax. b3ed, O.L.Germ. bad, O.Fris. bed, O.Ieel. bad, Goth, bap, 0. II. Germ. bat, fpret.J bade (had), petivi, rogavi; baed, bad, bead, bed Lay 2454, 3971, 4767 Sf 4879; bad Or7n. 2385; Bek. 2256; Mand. 228; Tor. 1245; he bad hise bede d. gen. 1375; so god it bad (for bead?) 57; bed a. r. 156; ayenh. 191; p. 8. 248; & bed bringen an an pis meiden biforen him liath. 441 ; pou bede Rob. 133, 19; pou me bede singe Shm-eh. 118; bffiden Orm. 697; heo beden (bede) hine come to helpe Lay 666; bede Gow. 1, 111; non oper hevene hi ne bede Flor. a. Bl. 553; bsede (subj.) Orm. 9595; bede a. r. 222; and bede ane bone Kath. 2401; bede, beede Langl. 8, 102 (9, 96); pat hi for him bede Bek. 2256; beden (part.) Wicl. Luke 14; bede Will. 2410; Gow. 1, 70; were bede to ])e . bridale Langl. a 2, 36; & dide al als him beden (for boden?) -j^as Orm. 3138; comp. ^ebad; deriv. bede, beden, bidden. bafteii see biaeften. bi'l, A. Sax. b£el, O.Ieel. bal, bale (bail), rogus, ignis. Lay 17130; bal Wr. diet. 153; in a bale of fiir pi. er. 667 . bsere, A. Sax. bser, 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ. bara, O.Fris. here, from beren, biei- (beer), '■feretrum', fragm. 4, 50; Orm. 8167; bgere (here) Lay 19481; bere st. gen. 2481; p. I. s. XVII, 196; Gm. 3, 263; Lidg. m. p. 34; ant. Arth. XIV, 6; Ihwn. myst. 232; beere prompt. 32; beren (ace. pi.) Lay 27876; comp. hors- bere. bserdisc ''ferculum', fragm. 4, 16. berman porter. Lay 3317; Havel. 868. bserm see barm. bxwen, M. II. Germ, baen (fovere)? foment, bathe? to clensen & to bsepen Orm. 15153 Sf 18042. baffin, Dutch baffen, Germ, baffen, beff, "la- 34 bale trare\ prompt. 20; puhare: apon pair brestes fast pai beft met. horn. XVIII; beft (part. J Golag. a. Gaw. 870. bagge^ O.Icel. baggi fpaMe, lyltj Fritzners ordb., lag, a. r. 168; p. I. s. XII, 67; transact. 18, 28; pi. cr. 223; h. s. 501; a beggeres bagge Langl. b 14, 248; baggen fpl.j a. r. 168. baggepTpe bag-pipe, Chaiic. C. t. a 565. bagge badge, prompt. 20; bagges fpl.J Hal- liw. diet. 132. baggiii bag, Humere\ prompt. 21; baggep fpres.J Cham. b. duch. 623; pe mere was bagged wip fole Percev. 717. bai, Fr. bai, bay, Chauc. C. t. a 2157. bai, O.IceJ. bagr? ^^obstaculum", prompt. 21. baic, Fr. bale, bay, si^ius, recessus; bai a. p. 2, 1392. bayin^ O.Fr. (a)bayer, Lat. baubari, bay, prompt. 21; baye Fglam. 286; bay en (fres.) Gaw. 1909. baili, O.Fr. baili, baily, bailiff. Will. 5387; baillif Chauc. C. t. a 603. baillie^ O.Fr. baillie, government, custody, p. L s. XXIV, 78; Alis. 7532; Cham. r. r. 4302; Man. 5243. bain, O.Icel. beinn, bain, directus, promptus, Trist. 1, 65; Iw. 766; Gaw. 1092; A- , mad. ed. Robs. XLVII, 12; avow. Arth. LVIII, 16; Town. myst. 28; lud. Cov. 173; bein Amad. ed. Web. 514; pene pei bene (?) p. I. s. VIII, 170. baisk, O.Icel. beiskr, bash, acerbus, Wr. diet. 152; bessc Orm.. 6698. baisseii, Fr. (e)babir, bash; baist fpret.J Gaw. 376; baist f part. J d. Arth. 2856. bait, O.Icel. beita, from blten, bait, esca, Gow. 1, 310; beit Lidg. m. p. 218; beite Ilalliw. diet. 172. baitcn, 0. Icel. beita, 0. II. Germ, beizen, bait, maize to bite: if knigbt or squier of his companie gan for to sike or let his eyen baiten (feed) on ani woman Chauc. Troil. 192; baite Will. 1723; Tor. 1566; beiton ^^commordere\ prompt. 29; pe oere beite Havel. 1840; bejten punish, Orm. 10171; baite fpres. subj.J Mand. 243; baited (part.) a. p. 2, 55 ; comp. abaiten ? bai|)cii, bay en? grant? i shal baipen pi bone Gaw. 327 ; pat bayep me mi bone spec. 27 . bak? bakern, A.Sax. baecern, ^^pi«trinum\fragm. 4, 20. bakhous, A. Sax. baechus, M. II. Germ. bachhus, bake-house, ^'■pistrina\ voc. 27 4; prompt. 21. bak see bac. baken, A. Sax. bacan, O.Icel. baka, O.H. Germ, bachan, pachan, bahe; bake Chauc. C. t. a 384; book (pret.) Wicl. Is. 44; p. r. I. p. 191; boke rel. ant. 1, 83; baken (part.) Orm. 993; Rich. 3613; ibake Langl. 6, 285 (7, 270); Chauc. I. g. w. 709; Lidg. m. p. 85. bakerc, A. Sax. baecere, baker, g. 354; ba- kares (pi.) misc. 189; bakers Langl. a 3, 70. bakestre, A. Sax. baecistre (pistrix), baxter, ^^pistor', fragm. 4, 21; baxtere Ilalliw. diet. 152; bakesteres (pi.) Langl. b 3, 79. bakke, Dan. (aften)bakke, bat, '■'■vespertilio\ prompt. 21; Lidg. m. p. 152; reremous or backe Wicl. levit. 11. bai, 31. II. Germ, bai, O.Icel. bollr, from bellen? ball, pila, treat. 137; s. s. ed. Web. 2066; Rich. 4506; Chauc. C. t. a 2614; pane little bai ayenb. 179; balles (pi) Lay 17443. balpleope ball-play, a. r. 218. bai see bsel. balance, Fr. balance, balance, ayenb. 30; belaunce' Will. 948. bald see beald. bale bale, ^'■bulga\ prompt. 22; a. p. 3, 157 . bale, A. Sax. bealu, pernicious, dire, dismal. Mire 1383; bale drinch hom. 1, 283; bale bane 35 .pid se bale bere Kath. 2370; pid bale bondes Mark. 13, 19; bale deep Langl. h IS, 35; bale stour a. p. ^, 426; bale biernez d. Arth. 1483. bale, balii, A. Sax. bealu, O.L.Germ. balu, 0. II. Germ, balo, O.Icel. bol, hale, cala- mitas, aerumna, pernicieg, Lay 1455 8f 2597; pat baleu misc. 42; bale Havel. 327; St. gen. 68 Sf 1984; spec. 26; s. 8. ed. Weh. 702; Will. 75; Langl. h 18, 200; Iw. 3062; Amad. ed. Hobs. IV, 9; hpone pe bale is aire hecst pon- ne is pe bote aire necst o. a. n. 687 §- 699; balwe, bale we fdat.J La^. 310 8f 1618; to balepe (bale) & to bismere Kath. 551. balufeht La-^,. 5943. baluful baleful, La->,. 24938; ham. 1, 215; baluhful, baleful a. r. 114. baluraes Lay 25936. balesid, A. Sax. bealusTd, Marh. 23, 8; to his baleside Lay 567; balesipes fpl.J rel. ant. 1, 179. bal) baugh? balwe ^^planus\ prompt. 22; a balj berj Gaw. 2172 ; his bal3e haun- chez 2032. ball see beli. hiXke, A.Sax. balca (?), O.Fris. balka, 0. L.Germ. balco, O.H.Germ. balco, balcho, O.Icel. bialki, balh, "trabs, porca\ prompt. 21 ^ 22; Chauc. C. t. a 3920; Town. myst. 99; lud. Gov. 343; balkes /"pi. J Langl. 6, 109 (7, 100). balkiii ball, '■^porcare\ prompt. 22; but so wel halt no man pe pl6gh pat he ne balkep oper wile Gow. 1, 296. balle, M.H.Germ. balle, ball, pila, Alis. 6481; Octav. 1272. balled bald, Langl. b 20, 183; Chauc. C. t. a 198; ballid "calvus\ prompt. 22; Wicl. levit. 13; ballid and bar was pe reson dep. R. 29, 22. ballednesse baldness, Rob. 482*; rel. ant. 2, 56; ballidnesse "calvities", prompt. 22, ballok, A. Sax. bealluc, balloch, testiculus, voc. 208; ballokes fpl.J Mand. 162; Wicl. levit. 22. baltreii, Dan. baltre, tumble; balteres fpres.J a. p. 3, 459; baltirde fpret.J d. Arth. 782. bame see basme. ban, A. Sax. O.Icel. bann, O.L.Germ. O.K. Germ, ban, O.Fris. ban, bon, ban, edic- turn; (h)is ban aboute he sende Rob. 187, 19; lat crie pe ban porgh pe coun g. 359; banne fdat.J a. p. 2, 95; ich fol3i pan ahte manne and fleo bi nihte in heore banne o. a. n. 390; comp. 3eban. ban, A. Sax. ban, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. ben, O.H.Germ. O.Icel. bein, bone, os, La\ 7559; Kath. 232; Trist. 1, 25; boon Wicl. genes. 29; ban (pi.) Lay 1603; banes Kath. 2517; Iw. 2052; banen (dat. pi.) Lay 29562; comp. bac-, cheak-, lend-, schinban(-bon). bonschawe sciatica, prompt. 44. bonwort, A. Sax. banpyrt, M. II. Germ. beinwurz (senecio), viola? rel. ant. 1, 37. band, O.Fris. O.Icel. band, 0. II. Germ, pant, band, band (bond), Iw. 2394; Begrev. 869; Town. myst. 219; Irene band Orm. 19821 ; bond '■^vinculum, ligamen\ prompt. 43; bond "laqueus\ Bek. 1099; T(yr. 318; bond "foedus\ Wicl. genes. 14; Man. 2851; hwo so brekis this bond Aud. 11; band, bond '■''obligationem\ Chauc. C. t. b 1558; bonde (pi.) "vincula\ voc. 180; dor (h)ise fon ho leide in bonde st. gen. 2693; bandes pr. c. 3209; bon- des Handeaus\ rel. ant. 2, 83; Havel. 538; iren bondes Mand. 163; les me out of bonde spec. 29. banddogge banddog, voc. 187; bonddogge prompt. 43. bandon, O.Fr. bandon, dominion, power j Chauc. r. r. 1163; bandun a. r. 338*, bane, A. Sax. bana, bona, O.L.Germ. O.H. 36 banen barewe Germ, bano, O.Fris. bona, O.Icel. bani, hane, 'pernicies, ''^€xitmm\ prompt. 22; Chaue. C. t. a 1097; Man. 8330; Tor. 1691; bane, bone Kath. 2397; bone (bane) La-^. 7554; bone a. r. 222; Fer- cev. 1338; comp. henbane. biineii osseus: wip bonene wal rel. ant. 1, 112. baiiere^ M.Lat. banera, bannerium, banner, a. r. 300; baner Roh. 167, 15; Chauc. C. t. a 966; Man. 8445. bailing smelt? IlaUiw. diet. 140. bauischiii^ Fr. bannir, hanisJi, prompt. 23; banished f part. J Chauc. C. t. a 1725. bank^ A. Sax. banc f tumulus J? O.Fris. bank, 0. IT. Germ, banch, panch (scamnimi), hanh, ^^ripa\ voc. 239; prompt. 23; bank scam- num, lud. Cov. 170; bonk Gaw. 700; bonk tumulus, a. p. 1, 102; bonke fdat.J Will. 2718; stod uppen tine bonke fms. boncke) La-^. 25185; bankes fpl.J Isumh. 169; purh bankes & purh grsefes Orm. 9210; over bankes and hilles Langl. h 5, 521. banker^ O.Fr. banquier? cloth, or carpet, for a bench, prompt. 23; bankers fpl.J ant. Arth. XXXV, 2. bauiie? bannenote bannut, juglans, roc. 181. baniicii^ A. Sax. bannan, bonnan, O.TT.Germ. bannan, O.Tcel. banna, ban, summon, com- mand, order; bannen, bonnien (banni) Z«3. 7952, 8054 Sf 19907; banne curse. Will 476; Langl. 1, 60 (62 J; 1 banne pe birde pat me bar ant. Arth. VIT, 11; bannede fpret.J st. gen. 3213; ban- ned Percev. 2123; bonnede (bannede) his ferdeZ^5. 1763; bonneden helmes 22288; comp. for-, ^ebannen. baptesmc^ O.Fr. baptesme, baptism, Langl. b 11, 119. baptisen^ Fr. baptiser, baptize; baptize Rob. 86, 16. bar^ A. Sax. bser, O.TT.Germ. barer, parer. O.Icel. berr, bare (bar), yiudus. Brand. 24; Iw. 2470; pat heo mist of pe hex- te men pat lond make bar Rob. 125, 8; bare (bar) La-^. 3420; bare spec. 50; hire beare bodi Jul. 27 ; mid one bare porde 0. a. n. 547; outtaken bare two a. p. 2, 1573; comp. predbare. barfot, A. Sax. bagrfot, M. IT. Germ, bar- vuo:^, barefoot, nudipes, La"^. 8843; Orph. 226; barfoot lud. Cov. 59; bar- vot a. r. 420. barheved, M. IT. Germ, barhoubet, capite nudo, Man. 3252; barbed s. a. c. ed. Wr. 17, 2; bareheed Wicl. levit. 13. bareli barely, Gaw. 548. bar, A. Sax. bar, O.TT.Germ. ber, per, boar, aper; bar, b^er (bor) Z^^. 1697 ^ 7 503; bare Iw. 241; Begrev. 43; avow. Arth. Ill, 1; bor a. r. 280; Havel. 1867; Will. 203; boor Mand. 238; boor, bore Langl. b 11, 333; bore p. s. 151. baraiiij O.Fr. baraigne, barren, a. r. 158; baraine Gaw. 1320; barein Chauc. C. t. a 1977. barbican, 0. Fr. barbacane, outworh of a cas- tle, ^^antemurale\ prompt. 23; Alis. 1591 ; Gaw. 793; barbecan Flor. a. Bl. 244. barbour, Fr. barbier, barber, Chauc. C. t. a 2025. bare see barewe. bare, A. Sax. hsbre, O.Icel. bara, bore, fluc- tus, unda, m. h. 135; beres, beares, bie- res rpl.J La^. 1341"", 28077'' ^ 2862iP. barel, O.Fr. bareil, Welsh baril, Gael, ba- raill, barrel, Man. 3616; barail p. I. s. XXIII, 23. baret, O.Fr. barat Roquef. gloss. 1, 131, Diez ivb. 43, contention, trouble, a. r. 154; Ravel. 1932; Gaio. 353; baret & strif p. I. s. XXIIT, 137 ; in gret baret and bale Will. 5517 ; barat ayenb. 39. barewe, A. Sax. berepe (?), barrow, vectula: pe3 ich scholde beo pider ibore in bare- we oper in here Beh. 899; barowe bargain bap 37 prompt. 25; Flor. 2031 ; me leiden hem in bare & burden hem ful ^are IIoiii ed. Liim. 891. bargain^ O.Fr. bargain, bargain, prompt. 24 ; ayerib- 9; bargein Gow. 2, 223 ; bar- gaines fpl.J Chauc. C. t. a 282. bargaiiiiii^ 0. Fr. bargaignier, bargain, prompt. 24. barge^ O.Fr. barge, M.Lat. barea, barge, JVill 2767; Chauc. C. t. a 3650. barb, A. Sax. bearh, O.Dutch barg, O.Icel. borgr, 0. IE. Germ, barch, parch, parh, pare, paruc, parug, barrow, majalis: 3if he isihp pat pii nart are3 he pile of bOre purcheu bare3 (bareh) o. a. n. 408; bseruh fragm. 3, 2d; baru Rob. 207 , 2; barowes (pi.) d. AHh. 191. bariu; A. Sax. barian, bare, ^^nudare\ prompt. 24; his fader he it gan unhillen & ba- ren st. gen. 1912. bark, O.Dutch barke, O.Icel. borkr, barh, "e&rtex\ voc. 229; Mand. 189; Iw. 741; barke prompt. 24; Langl. b 11, 251 ; barke fdat.J Chauc. r. r. 7267 . barlic, A. Sax. baerlic Sax. chron. ed. Earle 252, barley, hordeum, rel. ant. 1, 215; barli^ Orm. 15511; barlich, barli Wicl. exod. 9. barm see bearm. baru see beam. baronage, O.Fr. baronage, baronage, ayenb. 58^ barouic, O.Fr. baronie, barotiy; baronies (pi. J ayenb. 38. barre, O.Fr. barre, Irish Gael, barra, bar, ^^vectis", prompt. 24; voc. 261; Havel. 1794; a barre of Iren Chauc. C. t. a 1075; barres (pi. J Langl. b 18, 319; pe barres of his belt Gaw. 162; titepid pe barren of pe burhe Kath. 2349. barrin, O.Fr. barrer, bar, vecte occluder e, prompt. 24; barred (pret.J Will. 2046; barrid (part.) Triam. 1188. Barrocschire, A. Sax. Bearucscire, Berkshire, p. I. s. XIII, 48. bars, A. Sax. bears, baers, bars (bass J; bace prompt. 20. bartrin, Ital. barattare, barter, prompt. 25. baru see barh, baruu, O.Fr. barOn, baron, Havel. 31; ba- runes (gen.) La^. 5319; barouns (pi.) ayenb. 38. baselard ^^pugio\ prompt. 25; Langl. b 3, 303; Mire 48. basket, Ir. Gael, bascaid, Welsh basged, [Lat. bascauda], basket, ^^corbis', prompt. 26; basketis (pi.) Chauc. C. t. 13860. basme, O.Fr. basme, Lat. balsamum, balm, h. m. 13; bame a. r. 164; baume Mand. 50. basmeii balm; balniin, baumin ^^balsamare\ prompt. 27; bame p. r. I. p. 216. bast, A. Sax. bsest Lyes diet., O.Icel. O.H. Germ, bast (spartum, philyra), bast: take a stalworpe bast and binde ml handes bihind me fast Ilalliw. diet. 148. basttre "tilia\ voc. 192. bastard, 0. Fr. bastard, bastard, prompt. 26. bastin, O.H. Germ, besten, baste, ^\mbsusre\ prompt. 26. bat, A. Sax. bat, O.Icel. batr, boat, linter: pene bat (bot) La-^ 23865; hot Trist. 1, 33; s. s. ed. Wr. 3146; boot Wicl. John 21; bate (dat.) Degrev. 919; bote Alis. 3497; baten (dat. pi.) La\ 14746. bataile, O.Fr. bataille, battle, o. a. n. 1197; Chauc. I. g. w. 1627 . batildore, Fr. batadoir? battledore, nutlleus, voc. 269; batildoure prompt. 27. batren batter; batride, hatred (pret.) Langl. 3, 192^ (198). batte, A. Sax. batt (?), Fr. batte, bat, ''fus- tis\ voc. 263; prompt.. 26; botte (dat.) a. r. 366; battes (pi.) Alis. 78; battis Wicl. Mat. 26; botten (battes) La^. 21593. battin bat, batuere, prompt. 26; battede (pret.) Langl. a 3, 192. ba|>, A. Sax. bsed, O.Icel. bad, O.H. Germ. bad, pad, bothy balnmrn^ Orm. 18044; r. 38 Bape beam s. V, 209; bed horn. 1, 35; a. r. 394; bep ayenb. 74; bade fdat.J Lay 2852 . Ba|)e^ A. Sax. Badan, O.JI.Germ. Badim, l^ath, misc. 145; Cham. C. t. a 445. bad'e^ O.Icel. badir, Goth, bajops, O.L.Germ. bethia, O.Fris. bede, O.H.Germ. beide, both, La-^. 27305; Kath. 1622; bape Orm. 250; Isumh. 400; bape, bepe Havel. 1680 Sf 2543; bope c. I. 497; bope pe liabbep stefne brihte o. a. n. 1681; pe Opere bope were him agein Man. 610; bope two Mapes 336; Chauc. C. t. a 1716; hi deyep bope tvo treat. 139; bode, beOde a. r. 10 ^ 162; bepe Alts. 4847; badre fgen.J Kath. 1790; purh pejre bapre bisne Orm. 2794; boper ^ Iw. 3556; baden fdat.J Marh. 21, 33; bopen Havel. 471; pi. cr. 224; bape Orm. 7636; hope Shoreh. 57; mid bode honden a. r. 338. batfie bather? a. r. 214. baS'ieii^ A. Sax. badiaii, O.Icel. bada, O.H. Germ, badon, hathe, La"^. 6657 ; r. s. V, 210; bapen Mand. 88; bapep fpres.J ayenb. 167; bapede fpret.J Will 98; ba- thed (part. J Chauc. C. t. a 3. baiide bawd, ^^leno\ prompt. 27; Langl. a 3, 42; Chauc. C. t. 6936. baudstrot "leno'\ voc. 217; Langl. a 3, 42"". bauderik^ M.H.Germ. balderich, baldrick fbawdrichj, Gaw. 2486; bauderikis fpl.J Lidg. m. p. 8. baudi bawdy, Langl. b 5, 197; Chauc. C. t. 12563. baume see basme. bauson bawsin, meles, prompt. 27; baucines fpl.J Will. 2299. baw, Germ, ba, baw, Langl. b 11, 135. be see bi. beah, A.Sax.hes^'T^, beah, O.H.Germ. boug, 0. Icel. baugr, from bujen, bracelet, col- . lor, '^farjmilla\ fragm. 2, 52; bee^ "^or- quem'\ Wicl. gen. 41; beh Lay 24520; beij IVist. 1, 25; b§y Halliw. diet. 17 1; beie, bije fdat.J I. h. r. 28 ^ 29; ba- 3es fpl.J Ijay 7425; beges and ringes st. gen. 1390; beies horn. 1, 193; bee- ves, bies ^^armillas', Wicl.. exod. 25; beren be3es (bei3es, bi3es) ful bri3te a- bouten here nekkes Langl. b prol. 161; co7np. sweorbeah. beald^ A. Sax. beald, O.L.Germ. bald, 0. H. Germ, balder, Goth, balps, 0. Icel. ballr, bold, fortis, audax, fidens; bald La\ 6342; Orm. 2185; Trist. 3, 47; Shoreh. 123; Iw. 1402; bald, bold ayenb. 100, 105 Sf 158; bold o. a. n. 405; an. lit, 3; be thou bold it shal be bought m. Arth. 3483; held s. s. ed. Web. 2042; Alis. 5004; li b. disc. 2123; balde, M. ILGerm. balde, cito, mox, met. hom. 23 8f 121; bealde fpl.J Shoreh. 100; alle his bigginges bolde Isumh. 78; baldore f corn- par. J Rob. 509; spec. 27 ; baldore, bol- dere Langl. 4, 94 fl07 J; baldest fsuperl.J Lay 26178; comp. unbald. boldhede audacia, o. a. n. 514; Man. 13465. baldeliche, A. Sax. bealdlice, boldly, Lay 24673; Kath. 719; a. r. 62; boldliche ayenb. 63; lok hou it is and tell me boldeli f quickly? J Chauc. C. t. a 3433. bealden^ A. Sax. bealdiau, O.H.Germ. bal- den, balden, animare, Kath. 1622; balden Lay 4385; pe brandes to balde Percev. 792; bolde s. s. ed.- Wr. 1679; his har- te began to bolde Octav. 975; baldede fpret.J Lay 16327^'; (i) boldede hire hertes Langl. 1756; comp. unbalden. bealte, O.Fr. bealte, beauty, spec. 53; beau- te Will. 4534; beaute, beute Chauc. C. t. a 2385. beam^ A. Sax. beam, O.Fris. bam, O.L. Germ, bom, 0. H. Germ, baum, boum, Goth. bagms, 0. Icel. badmr, beam: al swa great swa a beam Lay 2848; beem '■^trabs, li- ciatorium, radius\ prompt. 30; Man. 103^ beamien bed 39 8; w. a. i. 39; bem a, p. 2, 603; be- mes fpl.J Mand. 131; Vhauc. h. duch. 337; pe leome pa strehte we^t riht a seoven b^men wes idiht Z^^. 17887; comp. gleo-, sunnebeam. beamieii^ A. Sax. beamian, beam; beme "ra- dio \ prompt. 30. beaue^ A. Sax. bean, O.Icel. baun, O.II.Germ. ^ bona, lean, faha; beene voc. 177; bene prompt. 30; Langl. h 3, 141^'; Wicl. Ez. 4; al nas wurp a bene Rol. 497, 14; nOujt a bene worp Will. 4754; pis Ab- solon ne rOglite nat a bene of al his pleye Chaua. C. t. a 3772; bene fdat.J Mand. 158; benen fdat. pi. J pi. cr. 762. bencodde hean-cod, voc. 233. bcard^ A. Sax. beard, O.Fris. berd, 0. Butch bard, 0. H. Germ, bart, part, heard (lard), horn, i, 279; bffird (beord) i^^. 10753; beerd "harld\ prompt. 31; beerd, berd Wicl. 2 lings 19; berd Alis. 1597; Gow. 2, 367; Chauc. C. t. a 332; Degrev. 819; bi nidinges beard(e) (beorde) Lay 1672; uppe nidinges baerde 10703. berdles heardless, dep. R. 22, 25. bearded hearded; berdid "harlatm\ prompt. 32. bearni; A. Sax. bearm, 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ, barm, O.Icel. barmr, Goth, barms, from beren, hosom, lap; baerm La'i,. 30261; barm "gremium\ prompt. 25; Alis. 4203; barme fdat.J Horn ed. Lum. 706; a. p. 3, 510; sleped i de deofles berme a. r. 212. barmclop Chauc. C. t. a 3236. barmfel rel. ant. 1, 240. barmskin harm-shin, prompt. 25. bearu^ A. Sax. beam, O.Fris. bern, O.L. Germ. O.II.Germ. O.Icel. Goth, barn, from beren, lam fhairnj,. filius, a. r. 38; beam, bsern, bern La-i,. 91, 298 Sf 5024; bam Will. 9; Langl. 2, 3; Mire 1688; Man. 310, 6; ant. Arth. XVIII, 6; bern Havel. 571; spec. 81; p. I. s. XXIII, 22; Afn. a. Amil. 164; beam fpl.J La-i,. 5104; beam, bern hom. 1, 91 ^ 225; b«rn, barnes Orm. 6808 Sf 8040; bearnen fdat. pi. J hom. 1, 241. bamteam lairn-team, h. m. 31; bernteam st. gen. 3748. beateu^ A. Sax. beatan, O.Icel. bauta, M. H.Germ. bo^en, leat, ferire, tundere, a. r. 184; Kath. 1183; beate, biete ayenl. 156 ^ 236; beten and bouken Langl. I 14, 19; bete Bek. 758; Man. 328, 7; hire sire and hire dame pretep hire to bete r. s. VII, 80; beated, bet fpres.J a. r. 184 8f 186; beot fpret.J a. r. 366; beet Wicl. genes. 12; Mand. 83; Launf. 751; bet St. gen. 3958; Tor. 1365; bet a doun bur wes Will. 1073; beoten hom. 1, 121; Jul. 26; beten Havel. 1876; Mand. 46; pe wawes beote him Brand. 24; beete CUuc. C. t. a 4308; [bette Langl. I 10, 176; Wicl. numl. 22;] beote fsicbj.J a. r. 364; BeJc. 759; bseten fpart.J Orm. 8168; beten Gow. 3, 247; beten wip rede golde Beves 1159; beten wip besantus ant. Arth. XXIX, 4; a grip of golde richeli beton on pe molde Eglam. 1031; bete spec. 97; \\)^tHa/cel. 1916;] comp. a-, 3e-, tobeaten; deriv. betel. beatunge leating, a. r. 366. beaiite see bealte. bee, Fr. bee, leak, rel. ant. 1, 210; Jbeke fdat.) a. p. 2, 487; bekes fpl.) Chauc. I. g. w. 148. beche, A. Sax. bece voc. 285, L. Germ, boke, 0. H Germ, buocha, 0. Icel. beyki, leech, "fagus", voc. 181; prompt. 27; beches fpl.) ayenl. 23; Alls. 5242. beehen, A. Sax. becen, leechen, fageus, Chauc. C. t. 13088; in jone bechene wode d. AHh. 1713. b^enien see beknien. bed, A. Sax. bed, bedd, O.L. Germ. O.Fris, bed, O.Icel. bed, Goth, badi, 0. H.Germ. 40 bed bejen beti, peti, bed, lectus, Mand. 88; pet bed ayenb. 31; bedde fdatj Chauc. C. t. a 3269; beddes fplj Brand. 6. bedel oth hed-cloth, prompt. 27 . bedfere IlaUiw. diet. 157. bediawir ^^cUmcus\ prompt. 28. bedrede, A. Sax. bedrida, bedreda, bedrid- den, ^^cJiniciis\ voc. 267; Chauc. C. t. 7361; bedreden fplj Langl. 7, 101 (8, 8d). bedstede bedstead, prompt. 28. bedstrau bed straw, fragm. 7, 8; bedstre Wicl. ps 6. bed see baed. bedde = ibedde o. a. n. 1500. beddien^ A. Sax. h^Mmw, O.II.Germ. betton, bed, in lecto collocare. Lay 6658; bedden , Orm. 2712; Havel 1235; Langl. b 2, 97. beddings M. II. Germ, bettunge, bedding, ^^stra- mentmn\ fragm. 4, 3; beddinge Chauc. C. t. a 1616. bede, O.L.Germ. beda, O.Fris. bede, O.IL Germ, beta, bita, Goth, bida, from *biden (beden) bsed beden, bead, ^^oratio\ prompt 28; Orm. 1156; st. gen. 1375; Havel. 1385; Gow. 2,372; Am. a. Amil 2351; beden, beoden fpl.J Lay 19722 ^^ 31395; beodeii a. r. 140; bedes ayenb. 141 ; Will. 3024; if i bidde any bedes Ijangl. b 5, 407 ; bedis sphaerulae precatoriae, pi. cr. 323; a peire of bedes Langl. b 15, 119; Chauc. C. t. a 159. bedehus, M.H.Germ. betehus, bead-house, misc. 39. bedeman, beodemon, M.H.Germ. beteman, beadsman, Langl. 3, 46 (47 ); beodemon a. r. 356. Bedeford^ A. Sax. Bedanford, Bedford, Bob. 4, 1. bedel see budel. beden^ O.L.Germ. bedon, O.H.Germ. beton, pray: na man nalde sel bede beoden for heore saule Lay 25514; bede Octav. 910; ic . . . bidde 3up & bede Orm. 18337; bedes Havel. 2392; bede fpres. subj.J Langl. 8, 102 f9, 96 J; his bedes be- dand night and dey Halliw. diet. 156. beden see bsed. beden see beoden. bee, A. Sax. beo, O.H.Germ. bia, O.Icel. hf, bee, "apis", voc. 177; prompt. 27; bi' Lidg. m. p. 88; been fpl.J pi. cr. 727; a swarm of been Chauc. C. t. 10518; been, bees Wicl. deuter. 1. been see beon. beffen see baffen. beggen see buggen. beggin, from bagge ? beg, "mendicare\ prompt. 28; beggen a. r. 356; begge Langl. b 6, 195; Cham. C. t. a 4525; Isumb, 150. beggere beggar, Hmii 1133; Chauc. C. t. a 242; hit is beggares rihte vor te beren bagge on bac a. r. 168; beggeres (pi.) ayenb. 36; Langl. prol. 40. beggerie, beggarie beggary, Langl. b '^ , 88. beggestere mendicus, Chauc. C. t. a 242^. beggild mendicus; beggilde (gen.) a. r. 168^'. beggiiige begging: go}) on begginge Mand. 207. be) see beah. be)e, M.H.Germ. (ge)bouge (pliant)? comp. leodebeie. beisum, Germ, beugsam? obedient, Kath. 1805. be^en, A. Sax. begen, amho; beien (beie) Lay 2543; beye Bob. 47, 24 c^ 316, 10; beie Beves 1212; baye Arth. a. Merl. 1528; of hem be3en (for bam) Orm. 15091; beire (gen.) Lay 5283; o. a. n. 1584; Flor. a. Bl. 534; beyre Bob. 197, 4; ba, A. Sax. ba, ambae, Kath. 636; Orm. 373; his blod & his brain ba weoren todascte Lay 1469; mid chil- de heo weren ba twa 2399; bo p. s. 157; Alis. 6763; s. s. ed. Web. 304; bo pin(e) eje o. a. n. 990; pat godes bd^eii beUe 41 hii were bo Roh. 229, 4; b(% boa a. r. 60 ^' 212; boo Mire 3; of bem bo c. I. 1454; ill bo tp6 his honden a. r. 396. be^cn^ bu^eii, A. Six. began, b^gaii, O.Fris. beja, O.Icel. beygja, M.H.Germ. bougeii, from bugen, hay, JlecUre, indinare: he mot iiede beieii X^rv J 001; whan i ne mai his hurte so Ouye Beh. 1629; un- epe he ini^te bie fms. bye) his rug p. I 8. XVII, 167; beied f'pres.J a. r. 266; be beied a dun topard'pe his deorepur- (le heaved Jiom. 1, 203; ant bujep me to grounde rel. ant. 1, 122; beye /'suh- jund.) spec. SI; pat hit ne breke ne beie h. m. 16; pe hpil(e) pat ha buhde hire Kath. 2400; bide fms. byde) p. L s. XVII, 168; Scottes & Bruttes beiden to gaderes Za^. 6178; beighed f part. J AUs. 4373; comp. a-, 3ebe3en. be^endlieh^ A. Sax. (ge)begendlic, humhie: mid bttienliche worden Lay 4930. beie see beje. beil^ Dan. boiel, Germ. biigelV bail, ansa? w. a. i. 23. beiteii see baiten. bek, A. Sax. becc, O.Icel. bekkr, O.II.Germ. bach, heclc, "rivulus\ voc. 239; prompt. 29. beken, Fr. becquer, Ital. beccare, pech; be- keiT fpres.j a. r. 84; bekede fpret.J 102. bekeii leeh fheahj, fovere: to beike his boo- nes Fl(yr. 99; a softe bekinde bad horn. 1, 269; bekeande Iw. 1469; i beked me testam. Cres. 36. bekkcii = beknien ? hedc, tiutare ; bekke fpres.j . Chauc. C. t. 13811 ; bekkes mir. pi. 193; bekked fpret.J Chauc. Troil. 2362. bekuc^ beekne, A. Sax. beacen, been, O.Z. Germ, bocan, O.II.Germ. pauchan, heacon, signum, ^^pharus\ prompt. 29; bekene Langl I 17 , 262. bekuien^ A. Sax. beacnian, becnan, O.L. Germ. bOcnian, O.II.Germ. pauhnen, hech- on, signijicare: pe unc becnien scu(len) ... to drihtenes dome fragm. 7, 46; becnien La-^. 21938; becnen Orm. 223: beknin, bekin ^'nutare\ prompt. 29. bekiiiiige« A.Sax. beacnung, becnung, heckon- ing, ^^nutus", prompt. 29. belli see beald. belile^ A.Sax. byldo, O.II.Germ. baldi, from beald, courage, strength, Flor. 762; Oaw. 660; m, h. '37; Percev. 1412; bi a chil- de of litil beWe overcumen i am in mln elde Ilalliw. diet. 161. belflcu^ A.Sax. byldan, O.L. Germ, beldian, encourage, comfort; to beiden & to frofren Orm. 662; belde lai le fr. 231; beldest fpres.j c. I. 348; belded a. r. 162; bil- de fimper.J Eglam. 3; balde 'fpret.J Jul. 8; beiden La-^. 8636; comp. abelden. behlcu ^ee bulden. beljen, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ, bel- gan, O.Icel. belga(?) part, bolginn, helly, turner e. irasci; baelh fpret.J Lay 16839; bol^hen f part. J Orm. 7146; comp. a-, anbel3en. bell, A.Sax. belg, bylg, O.Icel. belgr, 0. II. Germ, balg, Goth, balgs, from beiden, belly f bally J, bellow, venter, pr. e. 679; bely, below "/o//vV', voc. 171 §■ 180; bely, belu IVid. Jer. 6; bely ''venter\ below "follis'\ prompt. 30; baii veneer, r. s. V, 83; baly pi. cr. 763; m. t. 200; belies fpl.J a. r. 284; belyes Isumh. 412; belies, balies Langl. prol. 41; a peir belwis w. a. i. 23; bulies Brand. 22. belken, A.Sax. bealcian? hdch fbelkj; belke Town. myst. 314; ha]) h.^lkid out "eruc- tavif, Wid. ps. 44. ' belle, A.Sax. 0. Butch belle, bell, "campc- na\ prompt. 30; Lay 29441; Langl. h prol. 166; bellen fpl.J fragm. 7, 43; Bob. 609. 14; belles Orm. 901; Hand. 243. belledr^m Orm. 922. belle^cter prompt. 30. belle mantle? an. lit. 12; ant. Arth. XXIX, 3. 6 42 bellen beoden liclleii^ A. Sax. bellan, 0. JL Germ, bellen flatrarej, O.Icel. bella fimpingerej, hell; bellin ^^mugire\ prompt. 30; as loude as belle}) wind Chaiic. h. f. 1803; belling as a bole Will. 1891; bollen ''mJlaU', Wicl. 1 Cor. O; bollen hertes Chauc. compl. hi. hi. 101 ; a bleddre ibollen ful of pinde a. r. 282; comp. tobellen; de- riv. belle, bolle? licit, A. Sax. belt, O.Icel. belti, O.II.Germ. balz, leitj ^'zona\ voc. 231; Iw. 233; belte i^da.J Chauc. C. t. a 302,9. bclwen, O.Icel. belja, A. Sax. bylgan? iel- Icw, mugire; belwe Gow. 2, 72; I. h. r. 146; con . . . pat v.'olde belwe after boles Langl. h 11, 333. liciii see beam. beiiiarc, A. Sax. bymere, Hubice7i\ fragm. 2, 38; a. r. 210. bemc, A. Sax. beme, bj^me, trompet, Mapes 348; pr. c. 4077; bemen fpl.J a. r. 210; bemen (bemes, bunies) La^. 4462, 6107 ^ 6874; bemes Will. 1164; L T. 400; Isumh. 420'i bemene fgen. pi. J Za"^. 10026. bemeii, A. Sax. bymian, sound the tronipet, a. r. 210. ben see bain and beon. beuche, A.S-jx. bene, O.L.Gerni. O.Fris. benlv, 0. Icel. bekkr, lench fhenhj, '■'■scam- num\ prompt. 30; p. I. s. XXXV^ 11 ; Langl. 4, 32 (46); Arth. a. Jlerl. 2326; benche (dat.J Orm. 14087; rel. ant. 1, 187; benke Man. 68, 17; benche (pi.) Lay 24872; comp. sidebenciie. bciiii, A.Sf'-x. O.Fris. bend, ho d, vinculum, ^''vitta', VGC. 107; Gciv. 3, 11; Chanc. c. I. 810; IV. a. i. 36; nenne bend ayenh. 48; mid {iene bende of gokle ^Ic bafde his bjefd bivonge La^. 24747; bendes (pi.) p. I. s. VIII, 06; a. r. 382; ben- den (dat. pi.) La\ 687 ; in feteres and in opre bende Beh. 16; fram deapes harde bende Shoreh. 124. bendel, O.Fr. bendel, O.Icel. bendill, O.H. Germ, bendel, fascia, Itich. 2064; bendeles Man. 10043. beiKlcii, A. Sax. bendan, hend, flecttre, ten- dere; bende Octav. Ib20; bende ^^.endo\ prompt. 30; bende (pret.) Fior. 869; Ucw. 1, 234; Fglam. 204; bende (h)is bowe lUh. 16, 16; ibent (p.irt.) c. L 743; (y^nh. 174. bene, A.i>ax. ben, O.Le\ boen (bten), heen (hmc), pirjcatio, horn. I, 67 ; Orm. 1469; st. gen. 2611; Horn ed. Lum. 608; i'liorch. 47; (y-jiih. 00; sp.c. 68; rel. ant. 1, H3; see bone. bene, O.Icel. b:Bna? gr xioas? a. p. 3, 418. bene see beane. beueisuu, O.lr. beneison, hmodidion, Havel. 172o; benesoun Chuuc. r. t. 9239. bciiigiic, Fr. benin, leniga, Chauc. C. t. a 618. bciit, L. Germ, bend (pratum) ? lent, campus^ Gaio. 263; over ])e brdde bent Degrev. 200; bente (dat.) Jcs 4it0; Chauc. C. t. a 1081; opon pe bente bare ant. Arth, XLIV, 4; 1 walk on his bent I'oivn. my St. 101; bentes (pi.) Flor. 1040. bent, O.II.Germ. hinnz, hent, ^^gramen', voc. 101; a. p. 3, 302. bcoileii, A. Sax. beodan, O.L.Cerm. biodan, O.Fris. biada, bieda, Goth, biudan, 0. Icel. bioda, O.II.Germ. biutan, biotan, bieten, off or, command, Kath. 1480; a. r. 114; and lette beoden alle pa bOcares La-). 32124; boode spec. 42; min erande for to beode JJek. 1408; bedin "off'erre\ prompt. 28; bode Havel. 1666; Man. 11774; Gaw. 374; Min. 10; and wolde him bataii bode Triam. 072; bede (pres.) avow. Arth. XIX, 12; beoded, boot a. r. 194 Sf 208; al pat te godspel Beo- dep (ms. beodde])p) Orm. 4017; bodep 16746; ])ilk h{;nour ])at ye me bede Chauc. C. t. 6236; bead (pret.) a. r. 230; bead, bed st. gen. 900 Sf 1069; biad ayenh. 41; bsed (bead) La-^. 18821; beon bere 43 \)M Orm. 11799; bed Rol. 106, 8: chron. Engl. 122; Trist. 3, 28; ant. Arth. L, 8; budeii here ferde La-),. 5146; bodeii Hick. thes. 1, 22 o; Am. a. Amil. 896; pai boden hem landes brade Trist. 3, 31; he boden him bringen tit . . . do men st. gen. 1067; bude fsuhj.J horn. 1, 13; boden (part. J Chauc. I. g. w. 366; haved hem boden gOdun dai st. gen. 1430; were boden (for beden) to pe bridale Langl. h 2, o4 ; bodin Lidg. m. p. 268; bode Ooiv. 1, 12; comp. a-, for-, 3ebeo- den; deriv. bod, bode, budel. beon, A. Sax. beon, Lat. fu-i, Gr. cp'j-co, Sansc. ^- Bopps gloss. 248, be, Kath. 88; pe seal beon pe bet Z»3. 701; beon iseien videri, a. r. 94; beon, bon horn. 1, o Sf 169; 0. a. n. 262 Sf 1346; beon, ben Orm. 21 Sf 10266; beon, beo Beh 106 Sf 107 ; been prompt. 30; ben Man. 24; bien horn. 1, 219; misc. 26; buen spec. 26; h. h. 67; hee Eglam. 366; lat pi sorwe be Havel. 1266; let pe somp- nour be Chauc. C. t. 687 1 ; bi (ms. by) Shoreh. 128; ayenl. 6; s. s. ed. Wr. 536; bue rel. ant. 1, 110; hoe 2, 244; t6 beonne horn. 1, 193; beon, beo, A. Sax. beom, O.L.Germ. bium, O.H.Germ. bira, bin, fpres.J La^. 3946 ^ 9843; bute ich habbe pine help ne beo ich never blide liom. 1, 197; be 2, 17; beost, bist La\ 3053 ^ 9837; bist spec. 72; best Orm. 2456; s. s. ed. Wei. 1663; bes rel. ant. 1, 181; pou bes {shalt lej honged Begrev. 839; bid r. s. V, 66; ase softe as he is her ase herd he bid (will he J per a. r. 304; beop, bep Orm. 167 Sf2683; beth, he^ Havel. 1261 Sf 2007; (we, 30, heo) beod a. r. 8; beop proclam. 2; Alts. 20; beop, bop 0. a. n. 461 Sf 1227; biep Hich. thes. 1, 222; ayenh. 1; bep Rob. 7, 1; trans- act. 19, 320; pi. cr. 254; beod, beon Kath. 493 Sf 505; beop, beth, ben Langl 1, 6 Sf 3, 27 f28j; beth, been Chauc. C. t. a 178; bup, ben Will. 946 Sf 4447; ben Gow. 2, 370; Hand. 3; Wicl. John 8; beod fimper.J Lay 19172; beth Will. 3797; bes Havel. 2246; beo fmbj.J Lay 4; 0. a. n. 1226; heo beon a. r, 8; 0. a. n. 1221; beon, ben (part.) Orm, 2311 S^^ 8399; ben Langl. h 11, 236; bien Man. 34, 9; bin Tor. 369; ibeon (beon) Lay 80 26; ibeon, iben p. I. s, VIII, 2; ibien Hick. thes. 1, 222; ibeo Brand. 4; ibee Rich. 6138. beor, A. Sax. beor, O.Fris. biar, bier, 0. H.Gcrm. bier n., O.Icel. biorr m., beer^ cerevisia, Horn 1108; beor, bor 0. a. n. 1011; ber Gaw. 129; beore fdat.J Lay 13642. beore see bere. bcor^ see ber3. beorkeii, A. Sax. beorcan, ba^Ic; berkin "/us\ prompt. 32; ayetih. 15; Havel. 673; Langl. h 16, 294; Chauc. C. t. a If) 40; Mand. 291; beore La^. 26690; (I. r. 198; AUs. 1821; beore, bore o. a. 'n. 1021. berefel Will 2430. beresldn IViU. 1736. berev/ard prompt. 32. ber<*, A. Sax. bere (?), 0. Ice/, barr, cmp. Goth, barizeins (xpt&ivo?), bear, hordeum, toe. 264; ayenh. 141; comp. polbere. bern, A. Sax. berern, bern, ham (hern J, ^^horreum\ Wid. deuter. 28; bern, berne Langl h 19, 340; berne Orm. 10487; berne fdat.J o. a. n. 607 ; Gow. 1, 162; Chauc. C. t. a 3268; bernes fplj ayenh. 30. btTe, L. Germ, biire ? hear fhierj, toral, Chauc. h. duch. 264; camp, pilwebere. bere, A. Sax. (g-e)b£ere, O.Fris. bere, O.L. Germ, (gi)bari, 0. 11: Germ, (ge)bare fges- tus, JiahitusJ, clamour, cry, noise, h. m. 31; Iloh. 208, 13; Alis. 660; Mire 276; const, mas. 623; who makis sicli a bere Town myst 109; bere fdat.J Kath. 2370; Will 43; ant. Arth. X, 8; and parni men mid mine oere o. a. n. 926; comp. ibere. bere, A. Sax. (leoht-, paestmjb&re, ferens: cliildre bere st. gen. 1466; comp._ seren- de-, lilitbere. bere see bsere and bare. bereii, A. Sax. beran, beoran Greins gloss., beara Bout. ev. gloss., O.L. Germ, beran, O.Il.Germ. beran, peran, O.Fris. O.Icel bera, Goth, bairan, Lat. ferre, Gr. cpsps'.v, hear, ferre, par ere, a. r. 230 ; m. t. 88 ; beren child Orm. 2031; beoren Iiath. 2491 ; bueren rel ant. 1, 267; bere Per- cev. 190; bere fals witnesse Jjungl h 2, 80; beore Alis. 771; biiere spec. 104; bered, berep (pres.) o. a. n. 1372; bere fsuhj.J st. gen. 3613; beoren a. r. 382; berinde (part. J ayenh. 96; berande AUs. 6109; baer, ber, bear, bar fpret.J Lay 1180, 1626, 12279 aj- 14771; ber a. r. 368; p. 8. 248; bar Orm. 12616; st. gen. 338 ; Ilavel. 667 ; Brand. 20; Chauc. C. t. a 106; EgJam. 340; })at bar pat blisful barn I^ngl 2, 3; pu bere misc. 38; bere, beere Langl 3, 189 (196); (pe3) bseren Orm. 7676; beren ludh. 2496; hue beren huem so swipe heje spec. 106; beeren Mand. 172; til pel bere (beere) leves Jjangl h 6, 139; boren St. gen. 684; beere fsuhj.J Orm. 2029; bere Beh. 193; bere (biere) Lay 2613; boren fpart.J Orm. 161; h. h. 196: Ha- vel 1878; e. s. ed. Wr. 73; born Mand. 274; Chauc. C. t. a 978; bore ayenh, 221; comp. a-, set-, for-, i-, upberen; deriv. beere, bearm, berme, bnrde, bur- clene. beren, A. Sax. (ge)b£eran, O.L. Germ, (gi)- barian, 0. Hatch baren, beren fgestire, clamarej, make a noise, cry; bere ILalliw. diet. 166; m. t. 99; comp. iberen. bererc hearer, Mand. 83. berfrai, O.Fr. berfroi, helfry, a. p. 2, 1187. ber^, A.Sax.h^OY^, O.L. Germ. O.Fris. herg, 0. 11. Germ, berg, perg, 0. Icel biarg, from berjen, harrciv fharghj, mons, Gaw. 2172; beoruh fragm. 3, 60; berghe, ber- we fdat.J Langl 6, 689 f6, 70j; ber- ges fplj rel ant. 1, 222; beor3en fdat. plj Lay 20864. ber^, A. Sax. (ge)beorg, O.Icel biorg, pro- tection, shelter: din berg and tin werger ic ham fr. am) st. gen. 926; comp. hals- bers- ? berwham, beruham hargham fbarihamj, helcium, prompt. 33; berliom vac. 278. ber^e shelter? comp. herber3e. ber^eu, A. Sax. beorgan, O.L. Germ. O.H, Germ, bergan, O.Icel biarga, Goth, bair- gan, preserve, save; bergen rel ant. 1, 208; berjhen Orm. 1669; ber3e ayenh. 197 ; berwen . . . lire lives Ilavel 697 ; berhles b^tel 45 barh fpret.J Orm. 14072; and barg (!e child fro de dead st. gen. ISoO; bargh rel. ant. 1, 22; barw Havel. 2022; bor- 3hen (part. J Orm. 3248; borgen, bor- weu d. gen. 886 6^- 1 102; comp. bi-, 36- ber5en; deriv. berj, bor?, bur3. berhles mhation, Orm. 51 16. bcrie, A. Sax. berige, 0. Butch berc, besie /., 0. II. Germ, beri, O.Icel ber, Goth. basi w., herry, bacca: as broiin as is a berie (berye) Chauc. C. t. a 207; berien {pi. J a. r. 276; beries d. gen. 2062; beryCis Mand. 168; comp. blac-, straw-, winberie. berien^ A. Sax. beriaii ('?), O.Icel. berja, 0. II. Germ, perieu, Z^^. ferire, herry, strike, a. r. 188^; as hit on ehe berett Kath. 1066; wij) a spere pat Arcita me purgh pe berte bere CJiauc. C. f. a 2266; bi pe berid weye ^'per tritam mam\ WicJ. numh. 20. beringc bearing, ayenh. 269; bering d. gen. 2178. Bcrkcleye Berkeley, Iloh. 43U, 9. berkcn see beorken. bciiing young bear, dep. li. 18, 4. berni see bearm. berme, A. Sax. beorme ffor bearme), 0. Dutch berme, barme, barm fbcrmj, spu- ma cerevisiae, voc. 268; prompt. 32; Orm. 9U/; r. s. VII, 38; Chauc. C. t. 12741; l. c. c. 39. bcni see beam and beorn. beni, borne see under bere. berncii see brennen. berstcii see bresten. bertcii bert, sudare? i bert in bedde rel. ant. 2, 211. berwc, A. Sax. beam fnenius, lucusj? "tc?n- braculuni\ prompt. 33. beryl, Gr. pyjpoXXoc, beryl, spec. 26; a. p. 1, 1010. besant, O.Fr. besant, Byzantine coin; be- sauni Chauc. r. r. 1106; besaunt "mi- nant\ iVicl. Ez. 46; be3sanz (pi.) Orm. 8102; besans Alis. 1672. best see bnsi. besme, A. Sax. besma, 0. II. Germ, besemo, besom, ^^tcopae\ prompt. 33; If Id. Is. 14; besme (dat.J ayenb. 172, besmen (dat. pi. J Marh. 6, 20. best, O.Fr. beste, Lat. bestia, beast, a. r. 48; 0. a. n. 99; Brand. 31; beast ^ath. 2067. bestlich beasti'y, a. r. 68. bestiiige, ^.*S'<7^. basting, from A.Sax. beost, 0. II. Germ, biost (colostrum), beasting, "co- lostruni\ prompt. 33. bet, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.Icel. bet, O.L.Germ. bet, bat, 0. II. Germ, baz, (compar.J bet, melius, a. r. 416; Orm. 4660; st. gen. 2366; Octov. 1191; Chauc. C. t. a 242; IIcccl. I, 17 8; me luste bet 0. a. n. 39; as wel or bet Will. 172; ])e het Langl. 12738; to love pat lond pe bet Hob. 107, 9; betere, A. Sex, betera, betra, 0. Icel. betri, Goth, batiza, 0. II. Germ, be- ziro, better, melior, a. r. 310; betere is melius est, La"^. 6343; spec. 28; betere, beter 0. a. n. 713; betre chron. Engl. 382; betre hit is horn. 1, 49; bettere, bettre, better Lnngl. 4, 80(93); bettre, better Chauc. C. t. a 266; beter k. T. 320; best, A. Sax. betst, 0. Icel. bezt, (superlat.) best, optime, a. r. 6; god lo- ved he best Chaiw. ('. t. a 633; betste, A.Sax. betsta, Goth, batista, O.H.Germ. bezesto, best, optimus, Orm. 2948; beste Bek. 1447; pe beste mon a. r. 332. betas, O.Icel. beitiass, whip-staff? Man. 12088. bete, A. Sax. bete, Lat. beta, beet, voc. 190. betel, A.Sax. betel, b^tel, M. II. Germ, bo- i^el, from beaten, beetle, malleus, IlalUw. diet. 169; betil prompt. 34; bitil voc. 180; 30 schulen iseon bunsen ham mit tes deofles betles (ms. Cott. Cleop. C, VI, fol. 78, and Tit. B. XVIII, fol. 46 betel bi 49 betles, ^''ero A. XIV, foL 48 bett- les) a. r. 188. betel see bitel. beteu^ A. Sax. betaii, bceta JJoiit. ev. //loss., O.Fris. beta, O.L Germ. Goth, botjan, 0. 11. Germ, puozen, from bote, heet f bete J, emendore, repay are, La'^. 18oil7 ^ 26977 ; a. r. 92; Orm. 4440; lioh. 291, 14; s. s. ed. Web. 2 J 23; beten alle opre bru- chen Kath. 1406; bete Amad. ed. Hobs. IV, 9; bete his nede AUs. 5066; ret. ant. 2, 278; oure serewes to bete spec. 89; to bete pe sunnes h. h. 229; bete (beete) his hunger Langl. 6, 239 f7, 224 J; fires bete Chauc. C. t. a 2233; nettes bete 3927; bette (pret.) Kath. 1210; ah ever me pat fur bette X^^. 2862; pat her bales bette li b. disc. 2088; greet fuir pey under betten Chauc. C. t. 12446; bet /"partj spec. 30; bett Iswnb. 764; a brighte fir wel bett Fer- cev. 439; comp. ibeten. beten see beaten. betere see bet. be|) see bap, bejie see bade. becTeii, O.lcel. beicla, prai/, st. gen. 2498. bever^ A. Sax. beofer, 0. II. Germ, biber, piber, O.lcel. bior, Lat. fiber, beaver, p. I. s. VIII, 182; pi. cr. 293. beverhat Chauc. C. t. a 272. beverh(e)wed Cxaw. 843. Beoferlai Beverley, fragm. 3, 19; Bever- lei misc. 146. beyerage^ O.Fr. bevrage, beverage, Rob. 26, 18; Gaw. 1112. beveren^ M. II. Germ, biberin, Lat. fibrinus ? his beveren herd ant. Arth. XXVIII, 6; beverine lokkes d. Arth. 3630; cmp. beverhewed. beyereii, L.Germ. bevern, bever, tremere: mani knightes shoke and bevered m. d'Arth. 1, 13. bi, A. Sax. 0. L.Germ. O.H.Germ. bi, be, Goth, bi, by (be J; whan a man is an urpe ded and his soule bi god treat. 134; pe qvene pat bi fms. by) j)e stod spec. 70; stod hem bi Orm. 3340; bi pone toppe he hine nom Lai,. 684; bl pare see o. a. n. 1734; pe puned bi pesten Jiath. 391; bi eche side Brand. 22; bi daie o a. n. 241; bi ni^te Bek. 39; bi mine qvike live Lay 677; seid uvel bi an Oder a. r. 86; al spa hit is bi mine songe o. a. n. 1373; noht ne ma3 pe man bi brsed al ane libben Or^n. 11344; sende liit bi his sonde Lai,. 3131; and dude al bi his rede Beh. 169; his doghter hadde a bed al bi Mr selve riglit in pe same chambre bi and bl Chauc. C. t. a 4142; be pe welle Octav. 327; pe castel be pe see Tor. 87 1 ; be midday Aud. 73; zverep . . . be god oper bi his hal3en ayenb. 6; be us foure ])is i telle c. I. 493. biaeften, bseften, A. Sax. beaeftan, baft, post, Lai,. 7370 Sf 8680; bieften ho7n. 1, 39; he let biaften de more del st. gen. 3377; baften Orm. 14688; baften, baft ps. 77 , 66. biber3en ward off: & pene scute biberh Lai,. 1461. beberken ^rjtr^- at: pe felle dogge pet bit and beberkp alle J)o pet he may ayenb. 66. bibleden, Germ, bebluten, cover with blood; bibled (part) a. r. 118'^; bebled Mire 1934; pe ground . . . bibled was mid his blode- Shoreh. 87 . bibl6de3ien, for 3eblode3ien? bloody, cru- entare; biblodege fimper.J a. r. 292. beblotten blot, Chauc. Troll. 2119. bibode, A. Sax. bibod, command, hom. i, 123; bibode fdat.J p. I. s. VIII, 131. bibu3en avoid, flee; bibjeh fpret.J Lay 8193; heo hine bibu3en 12232; bibo- 3en f part. J 10369. biburien bu/ry, Lay 10436; a. r. 216: bi- br- 47 biburiede fpret) Kath. 2221; bibur- 3eden Z«3. 16071; b'ebered (part. J ayenh. 263. bieachen catch, deceive, horn. 2, 3C); bi- kache rel. ant. 1, 183; bikaht (part. J Orm. 11621; bicaught ..///*■. 481o ; be- ca3t ayenb. 54. bicailen hccall, chaJJenge, accm-e; bicalle f pros. J a. p. 1, Ui2; becalle Iw. 4di; ant. Arth. XXXI 1, 7; bicalled d. gen. 2314. bicasten c st around, cover: bicaste wij3 bolehuden Brand, d. biclarten leclort: pat spatel pat spa bi- claited ti leor Iwin. 1, 279. bicleopien appeal, accme, a. r. 344; misc. 61 ; biclepiean, biclupien p. L s. VIII, 54; pat he scholde fram pulke curt biclipie to ])e Iduge Bck. 606; we be- clepep pe dom c. I. 498; bic](e)oped, bicleped (part.) o. a. n. 550; a preost . . . pat of mansla3t was bicliped Beh. 365. bicluppen embrace, a. r. 90; beclippe Goto. 2, 95; Mand. 52; biclippep ''compJccti- mint\ Wicl. ps. 47; biclupte (pret.) La\ 26776; beclepte ayenb. 240. biclusen inclose; biclosi Hob. 558, 3; bi- clasde (pret.) Lay 18614; biclused (part.) j'ragm. 7 , 27; a. r. 37 8; ti- cluset KatJi. 598. biclfiten clout; biclute (pres. impcr.) a. r. 316. biciiawen acknowledge, recognise; bilvnowen Rich. 4476; Langl b proJ.' 204; s. s. ed. Web. 2689; Gow. 1, 62; belvnawe, biknawe ayenb. 123 ^" 132; biknowe Chauc. C. t. a 1558; biknowe (pres.) Gaw. 2385; yif i beknovve ml name Atn. a. Amil. 1279; beknevv (pret.) Chauc. L g. w. 1056; biknewe Langl. b 19, 145; biknawe (part.) Arth. a. Merl. 425. bicolmen blacken with soot; bicolmede (pret.) Hwn ed. Lum. 1064. bicraven crave, st. gen. 1388. bicume ? bicumelTc, M. II. Germ. bekomenlTch ? be- comingly, horn. 1, 129; bicumeliche rel. ant. 1, 131. biciimen become, advenire, evenire, conve- nire, a. r. 64; pat icb wulle bicumen. (bicome) pin mon Lwi,. 8482; biceme Bek. 40; so hit bicume p to havekes cunne o. a. n. 2T 1; bicam (pret ) Langl. b 5, 493; it so bicam st. gen. 2007 ; becam Mand. 231; per wiste non wher he becam Cow. 2, 120; bicom Kath, 1563; h. h. 48; hit bicom me purse a. r. 316; po hit bicom pat he ha3te 0. a. n. 105; bicomen Havel. 2257; bicumen (part.) a. r. 340; michel ser- ge is me bicumen st. gen. 2227; bi- come Wiil. 222. bicwepen bequeath; beqwethin ^^legare\ prompt. 31; biqved (bicwap) (pret.) Lay 9190; biqvap Gam. 99; beqvepen (part.) pi. cr. 409. biqvide legacy, Bob. 381, 9; ^beqTide ayenb. 112. bicharmen charm; becharmel) (pres.) ayenb. 257. bicherren deceive, a. r. 368; bicharren (bicheorre) Lay 969 &r 5355; bicherre misc. 46; pu biclierrest Lay 3837; bi- cherde (pret.) Kath. 1188; bicherd (part.) a. r. 224. bichirmen scream at: hi me bichirmep and bigredep o. a. n. 279. bid^elen deprive; bid^led (part.) Orm, 4677; witte bidseled Lar^. 10283; bi- delid rel. ant. 1, 185. bidaff^n daff, ivfatuare: bep nought bi- daffed Chauc. C. t. 9067. bidaggen splash; bidagged (part.) AUs, 5485. bideawen bedew; bedeawep (pres.) ayenb, 95. bidelven infodere; bidelve rel. ant. 1, 48 bi- bi- 116; Artk. a. M&rl. 1026; bidolven {part; Chauc. Boet. 4348; bedolve WIU. 5252. bidene, for bl ene ? together, Orm. 4703; Havel. 730; p. s. '342; Mire 1870; Mm. 15; Man. 45, 26; hit falewep al bidene spec. 61; bedene Eglam. 1128; ant. Arth. XXI J', 6; mir. pi. 117. bididren, A. Sax. bedydrian, delude, Orm. 15301; J)e defol hafde horn al bididred & forbleiided 10138. bidon, M.ll.derrii. betuon. vovcamre, a. r. 130. bidrableii, L.Germ. bedrabbeln, drahbh; bedrabilid [part. J prompt. 28; bidrave- led Langl. b 5, 104. bidriven drive about; we beod . . . mid wedere bidriveno La^. 6206. bedroppcii bedrop, Gow. 3, 254; bidrop- ped (part.) Langl. b 13, 321. bidutten shut up: tlser ])u bist feste bi- dytt gr. 27. bidwelien lead astray, confound: heo bi- d]>eolied simple men a. r. 128; as be bidpeoled pere Kath. 1258. bieode went around, La^. 1188; bi3ede Shoreh. 145; bieoden Kath. 1614. bifalden infold, envelop; bivealde, beveal- de (part.) ayenb. 8 c^^ 188; bifolde lai le fr. 172. ' bifallen befall, accidere, c. I. 203; bifalle Havel. 2081; Will. 547 ; \)i\i\l\Qdi fpres.J a. r. 206; bifel (pret.) st. g&)i. 063; Langl. prol. 6; bit biful Beh. 210; bi- fallen (part.) horn. J, 281; bevalle ayenb. 40. bifangen take about: Brutus bifeng al pat him biforen wes Lay 820; mid gene bende of golde f%lc hafde his hsefd bi- vonge 24748. bifellen, A Sax. befyllan, fell, caedere; biveoUen f? ms. biveolen) Lay 27060. bifeolen commit: helle pe ye peren in bifolen horn. 1, 123. bifiuden find; bivond (pret.) Rob. 267 , 22; bifunden (part.) Orm. 748. biflean flay; bevlaje ayenb. 73. bifleden, Germ, befliiten, flood: p& sife bine bifledde La-^. 25738. biflepn flee, fug ere, euitare; biflien horn. 1, 160; biJiuen p. I. s. VIII, 77; be- vli aye7ib. 0; bevli^j) (pres.) ayenb. 73; bitle (subj.) Shoreh. 36; bevlo^e (pret.) ayenh. 77. bifon comprise, encompass: pe loverd pet al pe porld ne muhte nout bivOu a. r. 76; mid deofle bivon hom. 1, 0. biforen before, Orm. 117; proclam. 5; spec. 24; biforen (bifore) & bihinden Lay 430; biforen pon Icinge 8820; bi- voren a. r. 100; beforn Havel. 1022; Mand. 225; Amad. ed. Robs. XXVIII, 11. bifulen befoul, pollute, a. r. 128; bevelp (pres.) ayenh. 178. bigabben deceive: i nam no^t bigabbed Rob. 458. 15. bigalen enchant: heo bigolen j)at chilu mid galdere swide stronge Z.'?). 10256. bigalwen frighten? pat hors was swift as ani swalwe no man might J)at hors begalwe Ell. rom. 2, 171. bigan bego, compass: al ])at pe s« bi- gsed Lay 11200; wo pe bigo rel. ant. 2, 273; mid golde bigon Lay 24508; pe erpe it is which ever mo wip man- nes labour is bego Goiv. 1, 152; wel begon Chauc. r. r. 580; wo was pis wrecched womman {)6 bigon C. t. b 018. bigangen compass, surround: ])e mid wa- tere is bi3eonge (bi3onge) Zrt). 23702.. bigapen gape at: pes keiser bigapede ham Kath. 1262. bigilen beguile, Horn 328; bigile pr. c. 1264; bigiled (j^res.) a. r. 330; begilep (ms. begylep) ayenb. 16; bigtiled (printed bijuled) Kath. 1054 ; bigiled (part.) p. bi- bi- 49 /. s. XIII, 323; Langh h 18, 290; bigiled, biguled a. r. 268 8f 270. biginnen hegin, Kath. 281; Orm. 7822; biginne Chauc. C. t. a 42; bigan (fret.) 0. a. n. 44; bigon (bigan) La-i,. 27565; pou begonne ayenh. 71 ; bigunnen Kath. 294; St. gen. 536; Havel. 1011; be- gonnen Mand. 41; bigonue Beli. 527 ; bigunnen (part.) Orm. 7823; pr. c. 6476; begonnen Mand. 40; bigonne Shoreh. 58. biginninge beginning, Kath. 290; bigin- ning Orm. 706; biginninge, biginnunge a. r. 54 Sf 206.- bigrseden cry at; bigredep (pres.) o. a. n. 67; begredde m. Arth. 1812; bi- gradde o. a. n. 1144; bigradden Alis. 5175. bi graven, O.K. Germ, bigraban, infodere; bigraven (part.) Arth. a. Merl. 98; be- grave Gow. 1, 189. bigripen comprise, reprehend, rel. ant. 1, 220; begripep (pres.) Gmo. 3, 102; & ec Farisepishe men bigrap be pus pip porde Orm. 97 54; sant Joban haf- de pe king bigripen of bis sinne 19857 ; mid senne begripe horn. 1, 237 . bigrippen, M.H.Germ. begripfen, prehen- dere; bigripte (pret.) Gaw. 214. bigrowen grow around; begrowe (part.) Gow. 2, 358; pas mid ivi al bigrope 0. a. n. 27 . bigurde], M.H.Germ. bigtirtel, money- girdle, a. r. 124; bigirdles (pi.) Langl. 8, 87 (9, 79). bigurden he gird; bigurt (pres.) a. r. 378; bigerte (pret.) Shoreh. 51 ; bigirt (part.) Halliw. did. 174. bi3£ete acquisition, gain, Orm. 16835; bi- 3£ete (bi^eate) La^. 609; bijete p. I. 8. XIII, 358; rel. ant. 1, 265; Will. 2303; p. 8. 200; biyete misc. 76; bi- gete st. gen. 896; bijete, bi3eate a. r. 142 ^ 166; Kath. 472. bijeonden, A. Sax. begeondan, beyond, La^. 2639; bi3onden Orm. 10603; be- yondin s. a. c. VIII, 2; biyhonde pr. c. 4458; bi3ende an. lit. 5; gest. Rom. 1; beyende pe ze ayenh. 165; bi3ende, bi3onde Rob. 181, 7 8f 16; bi3unde Brand. 3. bi3eoten perf under e; bi3oten (part.) horn. 1, 261. bi3etel? be maden swide bigetel forward St. gen. 1992. bi3eten, A. Sax. begitan, bigytan, O.H. Germ, pigezan, beget, acquirere, Kath. 1633; bi3eten, bi3iten La-i,. 2445 ^ 13496; bi3iten a. r. 142; bi3ete o. a. n. 1629; bigeten st. gen. 1532; bi3et (pret.) a. r. 160; pe fader pat me bi- 3at Brand. 24; bigat Orm. 13986; Will. 177; beo bi3eten Rome La^. 7368; bi3eten (part.) Orm. 1645; s. s. ed. Web. 1066; bi3eten, bi3iten La-^. 4245 Sf 8865; bi3ite p. I. s. XXIII, 18; bi3ute Bek. 119. bibabben behave; bebave Flor. 1567 . bibses promise; bibas Alis. 7 840^\ bibseste, biheste behest, La-^,. 1263 ^ 18751; biheste a, r. 208; Bek. 1406; Chauc. C. t. b 41; bebeste ayenh. 225. biba3, O.Fris. bibag (bibach), pleasure? bl bis biba3e hom. 1, 137 . biba3ien, O.L.Germ. bibagon, O.Fris. bihagia (placere), please? biha3ed (pres.) hom. 1, 135. behalf (for half) behalf: on ml behalf e Chauc. Troil. 2550; on goddes behalve Mand. 225. bihalven, O.H. Germ, behalbon, surround; bihalve Havel. 1834; bihalven (pres.) st. gen. 3355. bihangen hang round: bihongen mid pel- len La^, 3637; bihonge Alis. 201. bihangien hang round: bihonged mid sna- we Lay 20125; behonged Will. 5015. bihat promise; bihates (pi.) hom. 1, 89. 7 50 bi- bi- bihaten promise, Lay 11302; bihoten a. r. 6; behoten Wicl 1 pared. 29; be- hotin prompt. 29; behote, bihote fpres.J Langl. 6, 235 [462 J; behote, bihoote, biheete Cham. C. t. a 1854; behete mir. pi. 15; bibated La"^. 20626; bihat a. r. 6; bebat, behot ayenh. 64 Sf 97 ; (3e) bibated Lay 12487; (beo) bihoted a. r. 430; biheihte (bihelite) fpret.J Lay 1263; beheigbte mir. pi. 20; bi- hl3te Langl. 5, 47 (65); Wicl. genes. 38; bibet Kath. 415; a. r. 176; Orm. 5574; st. gen. 1884; pou bibete h. h. 199; bibet Orm. 7621; ye bihigbte Chauc. C. t. 11639; bihaten (part.) Kath. 756; Orm. 13823; bihoten a. r. 182; Havel: 564; bihote Wicl. Rom. 1. bihawen look at: pe folk to bihowe 3fan. 11165. biheafdien hehead; bihefden ludh. 2273; biheaveded (part.) misc. 154; biheveded p. I. s. XV, 171; biheveded, bibedid Wicl. Lule 9. bihefdunge heheading, a. r. 184. bihealden hehold, intueri, aspicere, horn. 2, 35; bihalden Or7n. 15663; bihalde Iw. 1426; biholden a. r. 54; biholde o. a. n. 71; bihelde s. s. ed. Web. 744; bi- halded (pres'.) Lay 21322; bihalt a. r. 214; behalt Wicl. Job 39; bibeold (pret.) I^ath. 744; biheeld Langl 25; bihuld Bek. 710; biheolden, bihulden Z^?). 5737 Sf 26321; bihelden Xath. 741; beholden (part.) Hand. 13; e. T. 358; 1 am beholde (ohligatus) Gow. 3, 354. biheden, 0. 11. Germ, behuoten, heed, guard, observe, prevent: hwat can pat 3ongling hit bihede 3if hit misdep hit mot nede 0. a. n. 635; bihedde (pret.) rel. ant. 2, 225; his nest no3t pel he ne bi- hedde 0. a. n. 102; pe king hit Avel bihedde Lay 19046. bihelden perfundere: pid halepende pat- tres biheolden ham alle Kath. 1400. bihelien cover: al pes world is biheled mid hepene bode misc. 91. bihemmen hem: bihemmen and bilegge 0. a. n. 672. bihengen hang round: bihenged al pip belles Orm. 951. biheve, A. Sax. behefe, projitcble, hom. 1, 213; bihevest (superl.) a. r. 298. biheve, A. Sax. behefe (?), profit: moni uvel icb iseo perinne & none biheve a. r. 96; biheve, biheeve c. I. 1425; to hare biheve (printed byhove) s. s. ed. IVr. 2301. bihinden behind, Orm. 401; Bek. 1374; bihinden (bihinde) Lay 439; bihinde 0. a. n. 937; rel. ant. 1, 183. behlasten, A. Sax. behlsBstan (?), charge? belast (part.) LLalliw. diet. 161. bihloh laughed at: bil63 Shoreh. 102; bilowe Rob. 299, 4. bihof, A. Sax. behOf (?), O.Fris. behof, M. H. Germ, behuof, behoof; bihove (dat.) Lay 1050; Havel. 1764; to his opene bihove a. r. 70; servep to our behove transact. 19, 330. behoflich, A. Sax. \i^\hfC\.Q>, profitable ;^^- hoveli ^^opportunus\ prompt. 29; Chauc. Troil 1353. behOfsam profitable, ayenh. 99; bihovesum Arth. a. Merl. 2804. bihofien, A. Sax. behofian, O.Fris. bihovia, behove; bihoven ^'■opportere\ Wicl. wisd. 15; bihofep (pres.) Orm. 16706; biho- ved Lay 945; bihovep Langl. b 17, 313; hem bihovep muche mete Rob. 177, 4; pe bihovep godes helpe Shoreh. 95; behovep ayenb. 58; behovip Tor. 162; bihoves, behoves Will. 729 Sr 2349; behoves Iw. 3022; s. s. ed. Wr. 1545; bihovede (pret.) a. r. 394; Mr bihoved per to bide Percev. 2228. bihofde, 0. Fris. bihofte, use, hom. 1, 19; bihofpe Rob. 26, 18; bi(h)ofte st. gen. 1408. bi- bi- 51 biho^ien taJce care: pe laverd seal biho- h3ian pet he habbe godes fultum horn. i, 113; & heore gode wepnen wurd- iTche biho3eden Za-^. 17369. bilion hang round: mid gode r£eve bihon Lay 5620. behor'^en dirty; beborewed f part. J ayenb. 237\ bihremen cry on; biremen horn. 2, 29. bihreowen repent; bireopen Orm. 4506; birewe fpres. suhj.J Langl. b 12, 250. bihreowsien repent; bireopsen Orm. 8800; birepsien, bireusien horn. 1, 21 Sf 23; bireu«i (misprinted birensi) Shoreh. 43. bireousunge repentance, fragm. 8, 7; a. r. 372. bibuden hide, conceal; bibtide fpres. suhj.J horn. 1, 109; bibud (part.) a. r. 100. biniien hin, intus, Orm. 6292; st. gen. 1032; binneii heo iwenden Lay 5920; binnen lut 3earen 221; binne Havel. 584; Shoreh. 40; Man. 7457. bijapen dupe, delude; bijapep fpres. J pi. cr. 46; bijaped, bejaped (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 1585; god wil noujt be bigi- led . . . ne bijaped Langl. h 18, 290. bikemen grow faint? bikemet (part.) Kath. 1298-^. bikennen indicate, consign; bikenne (pres.J Langl. 2, 32; i bikenne 30U to Icist Will. 5424; pat bikennetb pat croiz Havel. 1268; bikende (pret.J Gaw. 596; bekende d. Arth. 2340; bis modir in keping to pe be bekende Halliw. diet. 160. bikerven cut off; bikorven (part.) a. r. 362; alle -peren . . . befdes bicorven Marh. 19, 25. bilacchen talze away; bilagt (part.) st. gen. 773. bilffiden lead, conduct, treat? and pel na- repe pe biledep 0. a. n. 68; uvele bi- led misc. 45; lodllcbe was bilad c. I. 1136. bilaefen, bilseven leave, relinquish, remain. Lay 1055, 2254 8f 19777; bileaven pe sunne a. 'r. 340; bilefen Orm. 8380; pey . . . shule wip Sathanas bileven h. h. 236; bileve Rob. 14, 22; s. s. ed. Web. 48; Will. 2577; Chauc. C. t. 10897; Min. 10; blevin prompt. 39; per he ssel bleve ayenb. 172; bilsefde (pret.) Lay 1613; bilefde a. r. 372; bilefte Begrev. 1885; blefede Octov. 507; blefte aijenb. 12; bilefed (part.) Orm. 8914; bileved Alis. 5310; bilea- ved a. r. 168. bil^esten, for 3el£esten; bilaste (pret.) Lay 29400. bilaggen wet, splash? bilagged (part.) voc. 173 ; belaggid ^^madidatus\ prompt. 29. belangen belong; belonge Gow. 2, 351; belongep (pres.) ayenb. 12; wat belon- geth bit to me misc. 29. bilappen lap about ; bilapped Orm. 14267 ; s. s. ed. Web. 2210; Am. a. Amil. 1014; hit is. bilepped & ihud a. r. 100. bilave remnant? bileven (pi.) st. gen. 3154. bilaven conspergere? bilaved mid blode misc. 140. bileave, for 3eleave, belief, a. r. 2; Shoreh. 142; bileave, beleave ayenb. 12 ^ 14; bileve Beh. 30; bileve, bileeve Chauc. C. t. a 3456; beleve Mani. 131. bileffiil horn. 2, 19. bileggen belay; bilegge 0. a. n. 672; & pus pa pordes pe bilegged horn. 1, 57; pe bsere pas bile3d pip bjeten gold Orm. 8167. bilenge belonging to, Orm. 2230. bileo3en belie; bilie Langl. b 5, 414; witnesses false and fele bilowen hine Shoreh. 84; bilowen (part.) Langl. b 2, 22; & te sakelease ofte bilopen a. r. 68. bileovien, Germ, belieben, love: & pis wel bileovede Lay 5204, 52 bi- bi- beleven (for ^eleven) lelieve; beleve ayenh. 151; Mand. 53; bilefde fpret.J La-^. 2856''; bilefden horn. 1, 19, biliggen ohsidere, La^. 506. bili^en lie ly, lie about, lie with: pe six perkes . . . pe bilige tC nihte rel. ant. 1, 132; bilai fpretj Rob. 19, 13; & bilaei (bilai) pa burh Za^. 9433; pat bilay to bis kinedom c. I. 286; belein f part. J Gow. 1, 338; his doughtir pat was bilairi Rich. 1119. bilihten illumine: godes brihtnesse bilihte hem hom. 2, 31. billken mahe lihe, polish? biliked (part. J 0. a. n. 842. bilimien dismember. Lay 29364; biliine Rob. 301, 7; bilimed {pres.J Kath. 2160; a. r. 360; bilimeden fpret.J Arth. a. Merl. 5775. bilimpen happen, Orm. 11085; bilamp fpret.J 1929; bilumpen fpart.J 2905. blinnen, A. Sax. blinnan, blin, cease, Orm. 4505; blinne Rob. 302, 27; Will. 55; p. s. 212; mir. pi. 3; blan fpret.J De- grev. 1117; avow. Arth. LVIII, 11; pei blunne fms. blinne, r. w. sunne) Havel. 2670. blinnunge cessation, Kath. 1694. bilive, A. Sax. bileofa, cmp. O.K. Germ. bilibi (victusj, living, sustenance, Rob. 496, 8; bilive, bileve Langl. b 19, 230; bileve hom. 2, 27; bileove a. r. 168. biliven remain; bilive rel. ant. 1, 274; bil^f fpret.J Orm. 2391; bilef st. gen. 671. biloken looh at, look about, Orm. 2917; biloked f pres.J a. r. 132; biloken rel. ant. 1, 220; beloked fpaH.J Octov. 1046. biluken enclose, rel. ant. 1, 183 ; bilouken Shm^eh. 121 ; biluken f pres.J Orm. 12126; bilek fpret.J o. a. n. 1081; biloken fpart.J a. r. 160; r. s. VII, 68; be- loke ayenb. 97 . bilurten, A. Sax. belyrtan (?), deceive^- bi- lirten rel. ant. 1, 217; st. gen. 316; bilurt fpart.J a. r. 280''\ biluvien belove, Za-^. 921 ; T^ef ham bilu- ved to heren him hom. 1, 257; T^ef me spa biluvede Jul. 24; alle hit biluve- den Za^. 1013; beloved fpart.J Gow. 2, 273; so wel biloved (beloved) Chauc. a t. a 1429. bim^nen, A. Sax. bimgenan, O.H.Germ. pimeinen, bemean, bemoati, indicare, con- queri: mid pine mupe bimsenen pine neode fragm. 8, 3; sunne bimenen hom. 1, 13; bimene ii'oJ. 490, 24; m. Arth. 856; wat may this bimene Havel. 1259; bimened f pres.J st. gen. 2226; what pis montaigne bimeneth (bemenep) Zangl. 1, 1; perfore we ne bimenep pe no^t Beh. 983; men . . . bimenep goode mete^iveres and in minde havep Zangl. b 15, 143; bimente fpret.J Zangl. h 18, 18; Gie is moche bemoonid of all(e) Halliw. diet. 163. bimalen macular e; bimolen Zangl. b 14, 4. bimasen maze, confuse; bimased fpart.J a. r. 270; and lefte us liinge . . . al bemased in a soune Chest, pi. 2, 93. bimelden, Germ, bemelden, denounce; bi- melde fpres. subj.J an. lit. 3. bimurnen lemourn ; bimurned f pres.J hom. 1, 149; bimorneden fpret.J Wicl. Zuhe 23. biname, M.H.Germ. biname, byname; bi- names fpl.J Chauc. Boet. 2333. beneden need: to mine gode ne benieded pe '■^bonorum meorum non indiges\ hom. 1, 217. bineoden beneath, a. r. 304; bineoden, bineode (bineope, benipe) Za'i,. 1325 Sf 14985 ;-\imQQ\)m, binepen c. I. 1304; binepen Orm. 10729; benepen Mand. 158; binepen, binepe Wicl. genes. 6; binepe treat. 132. binimen tahe away, a. r. 194; chron. bi- bi- 53 Engl. 2d2; binime Bel. 1008; WicL eccles. 28; benime, binime ayenh. 39 8f od; binim ('pres. imper.J s. s. ed. Wr. 703; binam, binom fpret.J La"^. 15089 ^' 26112; binumen fpart.J Orm. 7299; d. gen. 198; binume o. a. n. 1226; binomen, binome Langl. b 3, 312; be- nomen Chauc. r. r. 1509. benoten lise; benotep f pres. J ayenh. 90 bipechen deceive, La^. 5301; rel. ant. 1, 180; bipeche misc. 72; bipelite horn. 1, 91; bipei3t fpart.J p. I s. Vh,22; bi- paht r. 8. V, 128. bipennen pe7i up; bipenned fpart.J a. r. 94. bipilen peel; bipiled fpart.J a. r. 148. bipreonen pin, tag ; bipreonep f pres. J misc. 101. bir£e(ien (bireaden) advise, counsel, La'^. 31072; birede m. t. 98; biredde fpret.J Shoreh. 124; biradde, bireadde KatJi. 1237; biradden chron. Engl. 40. bireavien bereave; birgevien (bireave) La"^. 30311 ; bireaven h. m. 29; bireve Langl. h 6, 248; bireaved f pres. J a. r. 120; birevede fpret.J c. I. 1349; bireveden hom. 1, 79; birMed fpart.J Orm. 2832; bireved o. a..n. 120; spec. 101. biredien make ready, prepare? La"^. 4198. bireinen berain; birine Horn 11; bireined fpaH.J a. r. 344; Wicl. E%. 22; be- reinid ^^complutus\ prompt. 32. birennen run around ? biarnde fpret.J La^. 26775. biriden ride around, La"^. 10739. birinnen run around; bieorli fpret.J La"^. , 26064; biiirnen 26066; wip tieres al birunne Horn ed. Lum. 654; bironne /. h. r. 137; pat lond is biurnan (biurne) mid p£ere see La'^,. 1233. biiisen convenire, oportere? plsdom birised peran & clenesse birlsad pifan hom. 1, 111; pat beod pe pinges fr. pinge) pe birised to ^Iche kinge Lay 9821. berobben rob; berobbep f pres. J ayenb. 39. birowen row around; birouwen (birowe) Lay 20128. bisawe proverb, a. r. 88. bischadwien shadow around; bischadewep fpres.J 8. s. ed. Web. 586; beshaded fpaH.J Gow. 2, 109. bischeden shed on: he bischedde it wip watir Wicl. 4 Icings 8. bischlnen beshine; bishinep fpres.J Orm. 18851; beshmep Cow. 3, 242. bischiten beshite, concacare; bishiten fpart.J AUs. 5485. biscKrewen beshrew; bischrewe fpres.J Chauc. C. t. 6427; beshrewip ''deprava£\ Wicl. prov. 10; bischrewed fpret.J Langl. b 4, 168; beshrewed fpaH.J Gow. 1, 76; pis world is al bestrewed p. 45, 2. bischrichen screech at: and pe bischrichep (biscrichep) and bigredep o. a. n. 67 . biscunien shun, p. I. s. VLIL, 77; bi- schune fpres. imper.J rel. ant. 1, 183. bischutten shut up; bischitten, bisbetten fpret.J Langl. 2, 189 f213j; bischet fpart.J Will. 2014 ; bishett AUs. 5765; beshet Octov. 1280; Cham. r. r, 4488; besset ayenb. 94. bisecben beseech, peter e: nu ich mot bi- sechen pat ping pat ich ser forhowede Lay 3494; pu scholdest bisechen me cosses a. r. 102; biseken st. gen. 2492; Havel. 2994 ; biseche fpres.J Kath. 2375; Langl. 1, 58 f60j; AUs. 4631; be- seche Mand. 316; beseke Ivd. Cov. 129; bisehp, bisekp o. a. n. 1439; bezekp ayenb. 117; biseke we nu godes migt st. gen. 4155; bisohte fpret.J Kath. 2395; hisC^ghte Fercev. 2144; bisouhten a. r. 230; bisoht fpaH.J spec. 72; bi- sOuht a. r. 234. bisegen //or asegen) besiege; biseged fpaH.J Man. 5108. bisemen beseem, accommodare, convenire^ apparere: pat ivele hem bisemep pi. cr. 54 bi- bi- 58; bisemez Gaw. 1612; as pei be- semen Will. 252S; bisemin ^^conveniunC\ Wicl. Rom. 1; bisemede fpret.J a. r. 148; pine pordes beop ... so bisemed 0. a. n. 842. ' blsene, A. Sax. bisene, hesen, my ops, coe- cus? blsen Ilalliw. did. 178; bisne st. gen. 472; pu art blind oper bisne o. a. n. 243. bisenchen mergere, a. r. 400; bisenken Orm. 19690. bisenden se^id to; bisende fpret.J Roh. 491, 6. bisengen singe; bezenge ayenh. 230. biseon see to, provide, advise, a. r. 344; bisen st. gen. 1313; s. s. ed. Weh. 607 ; biseo Beh. 105; bisi,'^ (biseh) pe Z^). 16048; pe bet he hine biseo o. a. n. 1272; bisay fpret.J Rob. 192, 16; be- sein (part.) Gmv. 1, 341; hisejQ Ifoccl. 1, 142; elde . . . hap me biseye Langl. I 20, 201 ; so rlcheli biseye Chauc. C. t. 8860. bisetten beset, rel. ant. 1, 213; bisette Langl. b 5, 264 ; bisette (pret.) st. gen. 2687; Will. 1214; and bisette pis schip al aboute Brand. 21 ; biset (part.) a. r. 58; Kath. 157 8; it pas ejphser biset pip deorepurpe stanes Orm. 8169; pou hast wel beset ml god Octav. 956. beseowien sew around; besewed (fart.) Will. 3117. besiht provision, c. I. 311; besi^te pro- clam. 6. bisinken sink: hpa se lid i leiven deope bisunken h. m. 33. bisitten sit: hit schal bisitten (bisitte) oure soules sore Langl. 2, 110 (140). bislabren, L.Germ. beslabern, beslahber; bislabered, bislobred (part.) Langl. b 5, 392. bismer, A. Sax. bismer, bismor, 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ, bismer, disgrace, con- tumely, hom. i, 107; bismar Rob. 12, 7; pe pe bismar haved idon La^. 4403; bismere (dat.) Kath. 551; Langl. 2651; h. s. 7400; bismare^As. 648; lauhpen him to bismare a. r. 270; bismare, bi- semare Chauc. C. t. a 3965. bismerien, A. Sax. bismerian, mock, in- sult;' bisemerep and scornep pe guode men ayenb. 22. bismerwen besmear; bismeoruped (part.) a. r. 214. bismiten, A. Sax. besmitan, 0. II. Germ. pismizan, contaminare : ne bismit (? print- ed bi sunt) pu pe mid drunkenesse hom. 1, 13. bismitten, 0. Dutch besmetten, O.IIGerm. bismizzen, besmut; bismitted ^^contamina- verun€\ ps. 54, 21 ; bismitted (part.) a. r. 214; besmetted ayenb. 229. bismoken be^molce; bismoked (part.) Chauc. Boet. 49. bismotren dirty; bismotered (part.) Cham. C. t. a 76. bismudden dirty; bismuddet (part.) a. r. 214''. bisnewen besnow ; bisnewed (part.) Langl. b 15, 110; Gow. 1, 111; besnewed ayenb. 81. ■ bisocne petition, request, a. r. 376; puru bisdkne of pe king delayed it was 3ute Rob. 495, 7; bisocnen (dat. pi.) hom. 1, 261. bispeken bespeak, colloqui, obloqui: sge ne bispac him nevere st. gen. 1444; pat folc bispac (bispek) his dep /. h. r. 32; bispeke (part.) o. a. n. 1738 ; Rob. 55, 19; 36 habbep a mong ^u . . . bi- speke pat ilome Bek. 919. bispel, A.Sax. bigspell, M.H.Germ. bispel, example, hom. 1, 233; o. a. n. 127. bisperren lock up; bisperred, bisperede (pret.) Langl. b 15, 139. bispeten conspuere; bispete Wicl. Mark 10; bispeted (pres.) a. r. 288; bispat- ten (pret.) Wicl. Mark 15; bispet, bi- bi- bi- 55 spat (jpart.) Wich Luke 18; bispat misc. 140. bispitten les^it; bispitte Wicl. Mirh 14; bispit (part. J p. r. 1. p. 240. bispotten hespot, Chauc. Beet. 2009. bisprseden le&pread; bisprsedde fpret.J La'>,. . 16521; bespred fpaH.J h. T. 762. bisprengen asperse; bisprenge Rob. 128, 5; bispreng fpres. imper.J hem. 1, 73; bisprengde fpret.J Beves 350; bisprein- de Wicl. Heir. 9; bespreint wip bloode Lidg. m. p. 91. bistanden stand about, circumstare; bistant fpres. J 0. a. n. 1438; wenne bundes hine bistonded X^?^. 1698; bistod? fpret.J si. gen. 3857; bistonden f part. J a. r. 264. bistaren stare at: pe keiser bistarede hire Kath. 309. bistadien constituere? bestaded f part. J Mark. 3, 24; a. r. 264. bisteden, 0. II. Germ, pistaten, bestead, col- locare. constituere? bested f part. J Triam. 1461; bistad Chauc. C. t. b 649; be- stad mccl. I, 129; lud. Cov. 329; wo- fulli bestad Gow. 1, 198. bisteken occluder e? a. r. 62. bistelen steal away: and bistal from pan fihte La-^,. 28422. bistowen bestow, collocare ; bistowe SJioreh. 95; Langl. b 7, 75; Chauc. C. t. a 3981. bistrewen bestrew; bistrepeden fpret.J Hich. thes. 1, 167. bistriden bestride, La^. 28020; bistride Havel. 2060; bistridep fpres. J Langl. b 17, 78; bestrod fpret.J Tor. 504. bostrupen, A. Sax. bestr^^pan, strip: be- strepp pe zeve zennes vram pe herte ayenb. 123. bisturien bestir; bistere Alis. 5837; be- stere Gow. 3, 295. bisulien soil; bisulied fpres. J horn. 2, 37; bisoiled f part. J Shoreh. 108; bisuiled misc. 225. biswseten moisten with sweat; biswaet f part. J La-^. 9315. beswapen? bi s(c)andlice senne bespapen hom. 1, 239. biswiken deceive, La\ 7.54; Alis. 4609; bisplken a. r. 224; Orm. 11678; bi- swike 0. a. n. 158; Horn ed. Bits. 296; beswike Bich. 5918 ; biswac fpret.J La^. 2607; biswok Man. 11398; bispiken f part. J a. r. 54; biswiken spec. 45; bi- swike Havel. 1249; bisvike Bob. 272, 24. beswlkinge deceit; bezvikinge ayenb. 28. biswinken procure by labour: pat mo wen her bred biswinke Langl. 6, 216 f7 , 202 J; biswinkep fpres. J pi. cr. 722; bi- swonke fpret.J Langl. b 20, 290; be- swonke fpart.J Ilalliw. diet. 169. bitffichen assign, commit, Orm>. 6126; bi- techen a. r. 300; and bitechen heom. al pis lond Lay 5314; biteche Will. 5184; Crist 1 pe biteche Horn ed. Bits. 577; bitahte fpret.J Lay 247; Kath. 608; fms. bitahhte) Orm. 14774; bi- tagte St. gen. 212; hii?i\MQ Havel. 2212; betau3te s. s. cd. Wr. 324; betaughte Chauc. r. r. 4438; pe ring* pat i him bitaughte Percev. 2156; bitei^te BeL 1827; bitaht fpart.J spec. 42; bitau3t Will. 5289; biteiht a. r. 166. bitaken betake, committere, tradere, Havel, 1226; bitake Lay 3542""; s. s. ed. Wr. 30; pei schulen bitake ''tradent", WicL 3Iat. 24; ml soule bitake (betake) i tO Sathanas Chauc. C. t. a 3750; hi be- takep ayenb. 36; bitOk fpret.J Lay 22464""; Will. 66; s. s. ed. Wr. 412; Chauc. C. t. 12469; he bitoc it in warde Bob. 183, 2; betoke Tor. 2250. bitacnen betoken, significare, Orm. 919; bitocned fpres. J a. r. 170; betocnep ayenb. 15; bitacnied (bitocnep) Lay 16008; bitdknede fpret.J Bob. 288, 7; pat he was lord and king of kinges 56 bi- bi- wel bitoknede pe sterre Shoreh. 123 ; bitocned f part. J a. r. 374. bitocnunge signification, a. r. 308; bi- tokninge Bek. 103. bitelden, A. Sax. biteldan, cover: and lette hine bitillen ffor bitilden?) mid gold- faje pallen Lay 27So2; bitild (part.) Jul. 8. bitellen, A. Sax. betellan (defend J Sax. chron. 180, M. 11. Germ, bezellen (ac- quire J, defend, conquer: bitellen pel & ■peren Orm. 2045; det tu beo ml mo- tild a3eines mine soule fon pet heo hire ne mupen bitellen hom. 1, 205; to bi- tellen eowere rihtes Lay 7894; and lust hu ich con me bitelle o. a. n. 263; nu pu liavest Brutlond al bitald to pire bond Lay 18099. bitellunge excuse? a. r. 392. biteon employ, Lay 9117; a. r. 398; here swine he wel biten st. gen. 3626; htl ic it bitej 2878; bito3en (part.) hom. 1, 31; Lay 19902; pe nihtegale al hire hoje mid rede hadde pel bito3e 0. a. n. 702; or elles ich hevede uvele bitopen muchel of mine hpiile a. r. 430. bitiden hetide, a. r. 278; shame pe may bitide spec. 90; bitldip, bitit (pres.J Langl. h 11, 393; bitidde (pret.J o. a. n. 1107; St. gen. 3861; Beh. 1511; Gaw. 2522; tel(le) me hou pat bitidde s. s. ed. Wr. 589; betidde ant. Arth. 1, 1. bitimen accidere, evenire: 3if sunne biti- med bl nihte a. r. 324. bitoveren, O.Dutch betoveren, fascinate, St. gen. 2962. bitrappen, A. Sax. betrseppan, trap, catch; bitrappe Halliw. diet. 170; bitrappet, bitreppet (part.) a. r. 174^; betrapped d. Arth. 1630. bitraien hetray; bitraye BeTc. 316; Langl. 1, 37 (39 J; bitrayede (pret.J misc. 38. bitrenden wind around; bitrent (pres.J Cham. Troil. 4080. bitreowpen betroth; bitreupede (pret.J Shoreh. 66. bitruflen delude; bitrufled (pres.J a. r. 106. bitrumen hetrim, circumdare, Marh. 20, 3; hellehundes habbed bitrumet (bi- trummet) me 6, 31. bituhten cover? bitiiht (bitijt) mid rii3e felle 0. a. n. 1013. bitunen i:wlose; bitunden (pret.J Li"^. 4287; bitimed (part.J a. r. 164; bi- tuined ICath. 1659. bitumen turn about: biturn pe and cum a3ean a. r. 394 ; biturnde (pret.J Marh. 12, 33; Rob. 210, 9. bitweonen, A. Sax. betpeonum, betpinum, betpeonan, betp^nan, bitpeon, between; bitpeonen a. r. 72; bitweonen, bitwune Lay 2080 Sf 4307; bitpenen Orm. 384; bitpinen hom. 2, 51; bitpeone, bitwene 0. a. 71. 1379; bitwene Langl. 3, 68 (76 J; so mikel love was hem bitwene Kavel. 2967; bitvene treat. 134; be- tyene ayerib. 66; bitwen st. gen. 760. bitwih, A. Sax. betpih, betpeoh, betpyh, inter; bitwi3e Lay 20947; bitwihen o. a. n. 17 47 ; bituhen Kath. 1526. bitwix, A. Sax. betpix, betpeox, betpyx, betwixt. Am. a. Amil. 142; betwix d. Arth. 801; bitwix, bitwixen Chauc. C. t. a 880 Sf b 1075; bitwux, bitwixen, bituxe (bitwixte) La^. 2329, 2335 Sf 5010; bitwex Horn ed. Lum. 346; be- tpuxe hom. 1, 225; bitpuxen fragm. 1, 45; bituxen o. a. n. 1747; bitvixte Shoreh. 77. bipecchen cover: mid pselle bipseht Lay 19215. bipenchen bethinh, Marh. 5, 13 ; bipenche Beh 43; Shoreh. 33; he mot hine M pel bipenche o. a. n. 471; pis word . . . pe dep bepenche ayenb. 101; bi- penken Orm. 2917; bipenke Will. 3057; bethinkin ^^cogitare, meditari', prompt. bi- 57 34; he liil & bidenched him hponne he -pule arisen a. r. 324; bipenkij) Wici. ImU 14; bipohte fpret.J La^. 670; bidouhte a. r. 200; bi])03te iZom ed. Lum. 411; bidouht (paH.J a. r. 342; in his wisdom was al bidogt ear danne it was on werlde brogt st. gen. 37 ; to bidden his milce to late pe beod bipohte r. s. IV, 66, bipinne = biinne {\)- epenthetic), or wip- inne? Flor. a. Bl. 244; g. 365. bipring-en oppress: per ich wes o ])on fihte . . . hserde bidrungen (bi])rongen) Xa^. 8814; pip pandrap biprungen Orm. 14826. bipunchen, 0. If. Germ, pidunchen, timik, videri: 3if him so bidunched a. r. 346. bipiite =: biute, or wipute ? Flor. a. BI. 218; bipoute g. 34^. buten, A. Sax. butan, beutan, O.L.Germ. btitan, biiitan, hut (lout), extra, Orm. 2228; biiten (bote) Noe & Sem i«). 23; pis porld nis btiten (praeter) a pei to heovene a. r. 160; buten (sine) live Kaih. 262; buten leave a. r. 238; bu- ten childre Orm. 240; he ne mei no ping don us bute bi godes leave a. r. 230; bute pu pille bet aginne ne schal- tu bute schame ipinne o. a. n. 1289; bute here 1790; bute it were bi hire wille Havel. 86; beute jif nisi, La\ 26433; but (but?) if Orm. 46 ^ 1662; Will. 472; but (but?) sed, Langl. I prol. 194; biit what ben pes pingis a monge so mani men Wicl. John 6; but (but?) tamen, Chauc. C. t. a 74; pei conne meche of holi writt(e) but pei undirstonde it not Mand. 136; beouten pi. or. 661; bout en ende treat. 132; boute gile spec. 38; as schip boute mast Will. 667; boute, bout, bot Gaw. 361, 1286 ^ 1782; boten p. s. 166; pou ne sselt habbe god bote me aymih. 6; hot Isumh. 160; per nas bot wei Be/c. 637; and was bot seven winter old s. s. ed. Wr. 14; comp. abuten. biuven, A. Sax. bufan, (a)hove, mpra, hom. 1, 169; bufen eorpe Orm. 4773; buven a. r. 106; Kath. 2396; merest wes ])e white buven & seodden he wes bineoden La\ 16978; buve o. a. n. 208; bove an. lit. 6; al pat is bove and under molde Shoreh. 117; comp. *a- bufen. biwailen, biweilen bewail, Chauc. 0. t. h 26; biweiie Wicl. genes. 23; biweilep (pres.) Alis. 4396. biwalden, M.II.Genn. bewachen, wahe over; biwake s. «. ed. Web. 2764; bi- waken (pres.) st. gen. 2444; bipakeden (pret.) hom. 2, 36; hine biwakeden in })ere nihte pritti hundred cnihten (r. cnihte) La^. 7676; bewaked (part.) Gow. 2, 360. biwalwien wallow about: biwalede hine a blode La^. 27744; bi waled on axen (biwalewed in axe) 26989. bewappen astonish? hewsi^^ed (part.) Beves 1689; bewhapped Gotv. 3, 4. bewarien beivare: bewar pe s. a. c. X, 41 ; if j)e clerk beware his faip Gow. 1, 262; J)i wit is wel bewared Chauc. Troll. 636. biwedden loed: a king of Britaine havede heo biwedded La-^,. 4600. biwey by-ivay, Man. 10146. bewelden wield, Goiv. 1, 312; bipalt (pres.) hom. 2, 26. biwenden wend about, convertcre: to hpuche of peos foure met he him bipenden a. r. 306; bipent him ofte 132; biwende (pret.) misc. 46; bipende Kath. 2362; heo biwenden heom sone La'i,. 26676; biwente Horn ed. Bits. 329. biweop deflevi, Alis. 3666; bipeop a. r. 278; bewopen (part.) Chauc. Troil. 6686; biwope 8. s. ed. Web. 1186. bipepen beweep, defiere, a. r. 108; Orm. 8 58 bi- biddere lol36; bipepe o. a. n. 9 SO; biwepe Shoreh. 102; Chauc. r. r. 6121; bi- wepte (fret.) Wich genes. 50. biperien defend, p. I. s. VIII, 168; {m . . . biperest manne corn from deore o. a. n. 1126. beweten hewet, humedare: wip teres al bewet Ilalliw. diet. 171. 'biweven involve, cover; biwefde fpret.J La"). 28474; biweved f part. J mise. 66 ^' 140; Alls. 1086; biweved hii were bothe mid Welsse mantles Roh. 539, 21 ; mid wintre lie wes biweaved X^?). 130. biwicchen lewitch; bewicclie Mand. 159; biwicched fpret.J Langl. h 19, 151. biwl3elien delude, deceive, La^. 969; bi- wilen (=bigilen?) rel. ant. 1, 182; biwiled (part.) IShoreh. 67; Gaiv. 2425. biwinden wind around; bipinden }je rapes horn. 1, 47 ; mid seorpe bipunden fragm. 5, 36; wip pornis al bewonde p. I. s. VI, 3. biwinnen ivin. Lay 472; biwinne cliron. Engl. 465; biwan, biwon (pret.) La"^. 29 ^ 4674; bipunnen a. r. 228. bipiste, A. Sax. bipist, heing, living, rel. ant. 1, 131; bewiste m. h. 69; bepiste, beouste a. r. 160; hu beod pine be- ouste La"). 17809. biwiten guard, keep. La"). 2613 ^ 137 82; biwiste (pret.) La'),. 207; bipist est Jul. 32; biwusten misc. 52; bipust (part.) a. r. 104. , biwiten, A. Sax. bepitan (?) pret. bepat, guard, Jceep; biwat (pret.) Lay 13028; biwiten (part.) 24678. biwitien, A. Sax. bepitian, guard, heep, La-^. 6659"^; biwitede (pret.) 31013''. biword lyword, Chauc. Troil. 5438. bewrappen wrap up; schulen bewrappe ''^involvenf, JVicl. Job 18; bewrapped (part.) Will. 1735. biwre3en hewray, accusare; bewreyen, bi- wreye Chauc. C. t. a 2229; biwrighen Alis. 4116; bewrie Will. 2435; be- wreie (pres. subj.) m. t. 102. bi wrench en deceive; biprenched (pres.) a, r. 92. biwreon = biwrihen ; biwreo, bipro o. a. n. 673. biwrihen cover; biwri3en (part.) Lay 5366; biprien a. r. 262. biwrixlen change; biprixled (part.) a. r, 310. bi, A. Sax. by, O.Icel. byr, from buen, tow^f^ Ilalliw. diet. 172. bibbeii lib; bibbes (pres.) a. p. 2, 1499; this miller hap so wisli bibbed ale Chauc. C. t. a 4162. bicche, A. Sax. bicce (?), O.Icel. bikkja, bitch, rel. ant. 1, 187 ; an. lit. 11; Langl. 5, 197 (353); bicche, bicke prompt. 35; bicchen (pi.) Alis. 5394. biccheu, O.Icel. bikkja (curvare)? bicchid boones (dice) Chauc. C. t. 14071; biched bones Town. myst. 241. bidden, A. Sax. biddan, 0. Fris. bidda, 0. L. Germ, biddian, Goth, bidjan, 0. Icel. bidja, 0. II. Germ, bittan, pittan, bid, pe- ter e, rogare, precari, a. r. 228; st. gen. 1802; Havel. 529; bidden hinemildce Lay 12271; bidden his milce r. s. IV ^ 55; bidden pes bone Kath. 611; bidden for pe Orm. 6130; to bidden us to Criste 8990; biddin ^'■orare, mandare\ prompt, 35; bidde (pres.) o. a. n. 741; Will. 47 54; ihc bidde pe pi blessing ass. 158; 3if i bidde ani bedes Langl. b 5, 407; biddep Chauc. C. t. a 3641; he pat bid- dep borwep Langl. b 7, 81; biddes Isumb. 270; beddez Gaw. 1374; bit a. r. 156; Orm. 5454; hii biddip vor ur fon Rob. 235, 22; heo biddep heom to gode misc. 85; biddinde (part.) ayenb. 219; comp. ibidden. biddere, A. Sax. biddere, bidder, rogator ; bidder pr. c. 3679; bidderes (pi.) Langl. 6,. 206 (7, 192). biddunge binden 59 biililuuge^ M. II. Germ, bittunge, bidding, ro- gntio, oratio, a. r. 108; biddiiigo ayenh. Ji)4. bide, A.Sax. bid, M.lI.Germ. bit, day, delay. Tor. 1463; wipouten bide /. h. r. 113. bidcl see budel. bideu, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. bldan, Goth, bei- dan, O.Icel. bida, 0. II. Germ, bitan, hide, manere, exspectare; bide Langh h 18, 307 ; Odov. 874; s. 8. ed. Weh. 2864; Gaw. 374; p. s. 204; Min. 20; Tor. 1023; i may no lenger bide Chauc. C. t. a 4237; bide ail answare Flor. 264; bad fpret.J Percev. 669; Herode king bad after pe^- re come Orm. 6607 ; bod Gow. 3, 202; bod, bood ^^mansi£\ Wicl. 1 kings 23; bood Chauc. C. t. a 4399; biden La'),. 12690; r. L. 17; biden f part. J Alis. 897; Man. 3403; comp. a-, i-, over- biden; deriv. bad. biding, A.Sax. biding, hiding, moratio, pr. c. 4708. bieru see beorn. big hig, crassus, Ilavel. 1774; Will. 173; Chauc. C. t. a 546; pr. c. 1460; bigge fpl.J Langl. 6, 216 (7, 202); biggore (compar.) Jos. 462; bigger Gaw. 2101. bigli Ugly; bigli blis Flor. 1681; bigli bild a. p. 1, 962; bigli and swipe Jos. 671. big, O.Icel. bygg, O.Sax. beu fsegesj? from buen ? hig, h&rdeum, voc. 233. biggeii, O.Icel. byggja, byggva, from buen, hig, col ere, hahitare, Orm. 1611; biggin ^^aedificare\ prompt. 36; bigge pi. t. 47 6; Min. 36; bigge fpres.J apol. 71; biggede fpret.J st. gen. 1137; bigged Man. 8726; planted and bigged pr. c. 4860; bigged (part.) Gaw. 20; Lidg. m. p. 264; big- git ant. Arth, VI, 6. biggeii see buggen.* bigginge, O.Icel. bygging, habitatio, ^^aedifi- cium\ prompt. 36; bigging p. s. 151; st. gen. 718; Isumh. 78. hi^cls, A.Sax. bagels, from bujen, ^^(arcus) vel fornix\ fragm. 3, 68. bijt, A.Sax. byht? from bujen, hight, fie- xus, rel. ant. 1, 190; pe bi3t of pe pi- 3es Gaiv. 1349. bike, Sived. b^ke (pack, lot)? bike, hive: a bike of waspes Ilalliw. diet. 176; as bees dos in the bike Town. myst. 325. biker, O.Icel. bikarr, 0. II. Germ, becher, beaker, ^^cymhium'' , prompt. 36. biker fight, Hob. 638, 22; Chauc. I. g. w. 2669; bikir ^^pugnd\ prompt. 36; Alis. 1661. bikei'in bicker, ^^pugnare", prompt. 36; heke- re ant. Arth. IV, 2 ; bikere fpres.) Langl. b 20, 78. bil, A.Sax. bil, bill, O.L.Germ. M.lI.Germ. bil, bill, ensis, La^. 1740; w. a. i. 37; bill 7w;. 3226; bille "/^"^o, marra\ prompt. 36; billes (pi.) Alis. 1624. bild see buld. bile, A.Sax. bile, hill, rostrum, a. r. 84; horn. 2, 49; o. a. n. 79; bile, bille Langl. h 11, 349; bille Gcw. 2, 106; s. s. ed. Wr. 2196. bilfoder JVill. 81. bile. Germ, bil (jas)? bilewit, A.Sax. bilepit, simple, mild; bi- lehpit horn. 1, 96; Marh. 22, 16; bile- ]?hit Orm. 6664; bilepitte (pi.) horn. I 223. bilehpitnesse simplicity, horn. 1, 95. bile see biile. billeii hill, "rostrare'\ prompt. 36; billed (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 210. billin, M. II. Germ, billen, ^^marrare", prompt. 36. biiide hind, vitis, prompt. 36; a. p. 3, 444; comp. wudebinde. binden, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. Goth, bindan, O.Fris. O.Icel. binda, 0. II. Germ, bintan, pintan, hind, ligare, La\ 18468; bindep (pres.) spec. 104; bint a. r. 6; ayenb. 33; band (pret.) Iw. 1776; band, bond 60 bindere biter Chauc. a t a 4082 fed. Wr. 40 80 J; bond treat. 136; bunden Orm. 16820; bunden, bounden Havel . 2442 Sf 2606; bounden Will. 1219; bunden (part, J Iw. 289; Man. 138, 20; bunden, bonden pr. c. 3208 Sf 3210; bounden h. h. 63; Chauc. (\ t. 8680; IVtcl. John 11; bon- den Will. 2238; Percev. 1830; comp. for-, ibinden; deriv. band, bend. biuilere hinder; binderes fpl.J Havel. 2060. biiig, O.lcel. bingr, hing, ^'■cumera', prompt. 36; m. h. 97. Millie^ A. Sax. binn, O.Fr. benne, lin, voc. 180; I. h. r. 146; Chauc. C. t. a 693; lud. Cov. 169. biiiucu see under bi. bir see bur. birche, A. Sax. birce, O.II.Germ. bircha, O.lcel. biork, birch fhirlcj, betula, prompt. 36; birche, berche Chauc. C. t. a 2921; burche voc. 181; birke i^/or. 1618; Per- cev. 773; birches fpl.J Alis. 6242. bircle see brtide. birie^ 0. Butch berie? feretrum, ayenh. 268. birlo, A. Sax. byrle, byrele, O.lcel. byrli, cup-hearer, ^^pincerna\ fragm. 2, 46; La'^. 24164; birles fpl.J Orm. 14023. bii'lcn^ A. Sax. byrliau, O.lcel. byrla, hirl, vropinare, a. r. 114; Orm. 16418; bir- lide fpret.J Wicl. Jer. 26; birled m. h. 120; sche birlid wbit win and red Tor. 292. bir))C see burde. bis^ O.Fr. bysse, Gr. puaaog, a sort of fine stuff, spec. 26. bischop^ A. Sax. biscop, Lat. episcopus, bi- shop, r. s. VI, 6. biscboprlche bishopric, Beh. 1008. biscopstol misc. 146. bisi see busi. bisuCj A. Sax. bysen, O.lcel. bysn, O.L. Germ, (an)busn, Goth, (ana)busns, bisen, example, Ortn. 8987; Ilalliw. diet. 179; sette us bisne ho7n. 1, 6; bisne fdat.J h. m. 46; pa he to bisne nom La}. 30; comp. forbisne. bisne see bisene. bisnien^ A. Sax. bysnian, O.lcel. bysna, give an example; bisenes fpres.J m. h. 124. bit, M. II. term, bi^? hit; bitt ffrenumj '■Hupatum\ prompt. 37 ; bitte fdat.J Chauc, I. g. w. 1206. bite, A. Sax. bita, O.lcel. biti, O.II.Germ. bizzo, from biten, bite fbitj, frustum de- morsum, lioh. 207, 4; c. I. 1343; pe bite of one epple a. r. 334; an bite brides Orm. 8640; pe bite pat pei eten Langl. b 18, 200. bite, A. Sax. bite, O.L. Germ, biti, O.Fris. biti, bite, 0. II. Germ, biz, bite, onorsus, a. r., 288; s. s. ed. Web. 760; Mand. 49; pin bite "morsus tuus\ horn. 1, 123; pane bite aijenb. 61; pe bite of spordes egge Kath. 2437 ; mid steles bite La-^. 11327 ; bite, bitt ^'■morsus\ prompt. 37 ; bitte ^^morsus\ voc. 198; hiitAlis. 6436; bit Iw. 94; bite acies, Arth. a. Merl. 4808 ;\ii, bitte Gaw. 212 Sf 2224. bitcl sharp, Orm. 10074; bitele duntes X^). 26967. bitelbrouwed beetle-browed, Langl. 6, 109 fl90j. bitel, A. Sax. bitel, betel fhlattaj, beetle fbittlej; bitil prompt. 37 ; betil voc. 266. biten, A. Sax. O.L. Germ, bltan, O.Fris. 0. Icel. bita, Goth, beitan, O.II.Germ. bizan, bite, mordere, a. r. 364; per was no knif pat wolde him bite Eglam. 491; bitep fpres.J Orm. 9964; bit a. r. 186; bitinde f part. J ayenh. 143; bat fpret.J Iw. 2029; bot c. I. 1343; s. s. ed. JVeb. 773; Octov. 329; lud. Cov. 29; he hot (boot) his lippes Langl. 6, 67 f84j; biten Alis. 6436; pa scipen biten on pat sond La}. 1788; bitten f part. J Chauc. I. g. w. 2314; ibite Alis. 6438; comp. a-, for-, of biten; deriv. bite, bitel, biter, bait. biter, A. Sax. biter, O.lcel. bitr, O.II.Germ. bitere blsesen 61 biterer, from biten, hitter, st. gen. 3300 8. s. ed. Web. 840; biter -pind Iwm. 1 167; biter ine sinac ayenh. 82; bitter a. r. 302; napt bittres Kath. 1704 bittere (bitere) swipen La^. 21247; -pid bittre besmen Mark. 6, 20; bitere, bit- tere, bittre fadv.J Langl. 3, 236 (240); bittrore fcompar.J spec. 00. biterbrowed, bitterbrowid Langl. o, 100 (100). biterhede ayenh. 28. bitterliche Utterly, a. r. 364; bitterli Will 2083; bitterlukest (sioperl) h. m. 3d. bitere hiter; comp. bacbitere. biteniesse, A. Sax. biterness, hitterness, Shoreh. 01; bitternesse a. r. 372. bitoiir. Fr. butor, hittern, Chauc. C. t. 6664 ; bittor Chest, pi. 1, 61. bitte see bite & butte. bitlreu^ A. Sax. biterian, mahe hitter, a. r. 308; bitteret (pres.) horn. 1, 23. bivien, A. Sax. bifian, beofian, 0. L. Germ. bivon, 0. Fris. beva, 0. H. Germ, biben, tremhle; blvien, beovien, \iViS\QVLLa^.23630, 26242 Sf 27718; bived (pres:) st. gen. 2280. bhi^ A. Sax. blse, O.Icel. blar, O.Fris. blau, blaw, 0. H. Germ, blawer, Lat. flavus ? hla, lividus, pr. c. 6261; blaa Isumh. 311; bio Hide, ties'. 1, 230; st. gen. 637; spec. 86; Rich. 2644; Man. 173, 28; pe water so bio Em. 318; as bio as led Town. myst. 224; bio (bloo) a- skes Langl. h 3,07 ; bloo ^Hividus', prompt. 40; bloo "fulviis\ rel. ant. 1, 8; blodi and bloo lud. Cov. 336. bloerpe ^^argilld\ prompt. 40. blamon, O.Icel. blamadr, Moor, Marh. 10, 27; blac as a bloamon (blamon) a. r. 236; of Ethiope he brohte pa bleomen La-^. 26380. blaberiii^ Ban. blabbre, hlahher, ^^hlaterare\ prompt, 37 ; pou blaberest Halliw. diet. 180; pei blaberin lud. Cov. 164; i bla- berde Langl. a 6, 8. blac, A. Sax. blaec, 0. Dutch black, O.Icel. blakkr, hlach, niger. Lay 3070; a. r. 234; Havel. 666; treat. 133; blak ''ni- ger, ater\ prompt. 38; Chauc. C. t. a 2130; Mand. 61; k. T. 773; blak and bio spec. 68; pa blake clades La-^,. 13102; blaccre (compar.) Marh. 10,' 27 . blakberye hlachherry, Halliw. diet. 180. blac, A.Sax.^Addc,, 0. Dutch black, O.HGerm. blacli, plach, O.Icel. hlokn., hlach (hleclc); blek ''atramentum\ prompt. 30. blac, A. Sax. blac, bl&c, O.L.Germ. blec, 0. Icel. bleikr, 0. II. Germ, bleicher, from bliken, hleah (hlahe), pallidus, La'^. 10888; blac ant won spec. 74; blak ant. Arth. LI, 8; bloc a. r. 332; bleche ayenh. 63; bleik ''pallidus\ prompt. 30; Lidg. st. Th. 2332; weren for hunger grene and bleike Havel. 470. bla«l, A. Sax. blaed, O.L.Germ. blad, O.Icel. bJad, O.HGerm. blat, hlade, folium, la- mina; pat blad And. 12; blade Chauc. C. t. a 618; blade (dat.) Man. 10030. blattiii, i/. iZ. 6^^rM. blaten, Made, prompt. 37 . bladre, A. Sax. blsedre, blseddre, O.Icel. bla- dra, O.HGerm. blatra, from blawen, hladder (hledderj, vesica, pustula; blader rel. ant. 1, 100; bladder Chauc. C. t. 12367; bleddre a. r. 282; Shoreh. 2; bleddere, bledder pi. er. 222; bleddir "vesica', prompt. 30; blore (ms. bloure) Toivn. myst. 62. blailreii, O.DutchhlsLderen (fronderej? blad- dirp (pres.) nug. poet. 66. h\m\f A. Sax. bleed, O.HGerm. plat, fro-m hlkwen, fame ; bleade (dat.) horn. 1, 07. blsedfaest (ms. blaedfaest) famous, Lay 10100. bl«s, A. Sax. blses (?), M.H.Germ. bias, flatus; bles a. r. 82; windes bles misc. 03; blase (dat.) Lay 27818. blseseii, A.Sax. bl^san (?), O.H.Germ. blasen, 62 blsest blaweri O.lcel. blasa, flare? he gaii to blasen out a soun Chauc. h. f. 1802. Wii'Si, A, Sax. bluest, 0. II. Germ, blast, 0. Icel. blastr, hlast: bemene bluest Lay 19926; blest ayejih. 203; blast '\fiatus\ prompt. 38 ; treat. 136; spec. 106; Chauc. Troil. 2479; homes blast rel. ant. 1, 223; winds blast s. a. c. XIV, 17; blaste /"dat.J JJrand. 19; comp. ponerblast. bi^sten^ A. Sax. bleestaii (?), blast, flatare; blaste Brand. 27 ; and gan to puffen and to blaste Chauc. h. f. 1866; he grunte and blaste p. I. s. XV, 99; blasten Ah's. 6348; comp. ablasten. blseteii^ A. Sax. blsetan, 0. II. Germ, blazan, hleat; bletin ^^halare', promptt. 39; bhetej) fpres.J Orm. 1316. blatfen^ O.Dutch blaffen, stammer? wlaffes fpres.J voc. 173. blaffere stammerer, "traulus^', prompt. 37; wlaffere ayenh. 262. blaffoi'd^ 0. Dutch blaffart, '•'■trauJus', prompt. 37. blake nigredo: biholden ever his blake & nout his hpite a. r. 282. blakiu^ A. Sax. blacian, llach, nigrare, prompt. 38; blake]) fpres.J Shoreh. 155. blakicu^ A. Sax. blacian, O.lcel. bleikja, 0. n. Germ, bleichen, grow pale, Marh. 9, 17; his neb bigon to blalden (blolde) Luy 19799; blaken 31an. 183, 18; blake avow. Arth. XV, 15; panne gan bleiken liere ble p. s. 341 ; hwenne pin heou blo- kep om'sc. 101 ; blakede fpret.J Lay 7524. blakuen llachen; blakne Havel. 2165. bhinie^ Fr. blame, blame, ayenb. 23. blameiij Fr. blamer, blame, a. r. 64; blame Marg. 200. blanc^ O.II.Germ. blancher, from blinken, blanh, nitidus, albus; blonc rel. ant. 1, 37; his blonk sadel Gaw. 2012. blauchin^ Fr. blanchir, blanch, prompt. 38. bland^ A. Sax. O.lcel. bland, mixture: in bland together, Alex. 27 86; a. p. 2, 885. blauilcH; A. Sax. Goth, blandan, O.lcel. blanda, 0. II. Germ, blantan, inix : blonde hit with milke /. c. c. 24; blande f part. J Gaw. 1931. blaiiilcu^ O.Fr. blandlr, blandish, flatter? blonde]) fpres.J Shoreh. 73. bloiiderc fl%tter3r ? ayenb. 61. blaiike^ A. Sax. blanca, blonca, white for grey J horse; blonke ant. Arth. XLIII, 2; lihted of eowre blanken Lay 5862. blanket^ Fr. blanchet, blanket, Beh. 1167. blarcn^ 0. Dutch blaren, blare f blare J; blorin '■\fiere\ prompt. 40. biase^ A. Sax. blaise, blaze, fl,amma. Lay 2859; a. r. 254; Havel. 1254; Langl. b 17, 212; Chauc. Troil. 4853 ; pei set- ten al on blase Gow. 2, 244; blase, blese prompt. 39. biasiii blaze, ^\flammare\ prompt. 38; bren-- nen & blasen Langl. b 17, 232; vort al ])et hus blasie vord a. r. 296; biased f2)ret.J Alls. ed. SL 729. blasfemie^ Gr. pXaacpyj|iia, blasphemy, ayenh. 57. blasouii; O.Fr. blason, blazon, Gaiv. 828. blast see bluest. blaweii, A. Sax. blapan, O.II.Germ. plaen, plahen, Lat. flare, blow, flare. Alls. ed. JVeb. 5630; blawen, blauwen, blowen Lay 790, 794 S^- 4462; blawe Havel. 587; Lumb. 393; blaue ant. Arth. XXVI, 5; bloapen a. r. 210; bio we Chauc. C. t. a 565; blowe & blaste Marg. 213; bragge or blowe f bluster J lud. Cov. 183; blaup fpres.J ayenb. 25; bostus and bla- wus avoiv. Arth. XXIII, 6; (hi) blawep aye7ib. 24; blowand f part. J Will. 3358; bleow fpret.J Alls. 185; bleou, bleu Lay 808 Sf 1762; blew Rob. 13, 24; Langl b 5, 515; bleu Brand. 24; blu avow. Arth. XV, 6; bleowen (bleuwen) Lay 5107 ; blawen f part. J pr. c. 685; Town, myst. 14; blowen Langl. 5, 18; s. s. ed. JVr. 2181; comp. ablawen. bleccben blet blccchen^ from blac, hlatk^ nigrare; iblaec- ched fpart:j La-^. 17700. hieche see blac. blecheii; O.Fr. blecier, }iurt, injure? hvanne me brecp oper blechep ... pe holi pin- ges ayenh. 40. blecheii^ A. Sax. blsecaii, from blac, bleach, albare, horn. 2, 67 ; pule a peob beon mid one patere pel ibleched a. r. 324. bled, A.Sax. bled, O.K. Germ, bluot, from bloweii, flowtr, sprout, herb: par never gras ne springp ne bled o. a. n. 1042; bleden (pi.) La^. 28832. bleddre see bladre. bleden, ^./S^/^. bledan, O.II.Germ.\A\\QtQ\\, from blod, bleed; blede Havel. 2403; Gow. 1, 188; bledde fpretj La\ 7523; a. r. 268; Langl. b 19, 103 ; his woun- des bledden Alt's. 6845; comp. bibleden. bleik see blac. bleine, A. Sax. blegen, Dan. blegn, O.Dutch bleine, blain, ^^papula\ prompt. 39; blein st. gen. 3027 ; bleine fdat.J Chauc. r. r. 553; bleines fpl.J Wicl. exod. 9; pokkes and bleines Flor. 2024. blek see blac. blemisseii, O.Fr. blemir, blemish; blemishen, blemschin ^^obfuscare\ prompt. 39; al blemischid is thl ble Town. myst. 223. blench blench, dolus, r. s. 1, 4; a. p. 2, 1202; blenke Man. 7034; blenches fpl.J 0. a. n. 378. blenchen, A. Sax. blencan, O.Icel. blekkja, frotn blinken, blench, ccruscare, se vertere, decipere, horn. 1, 55; a vleih mei eilen pe & makien . pe to blenchen a. r. 276; ich am par and can pel blenche o. a. n. 170; panne shaltou blenche at a berghe Langl. b 5, 589; his le gan blenche h. s. 3676; blinche a strok Beh 2172; blenke Man. 115, 18; blenchip fpres.J Lidg, m. p. 215; bleinte fpret.J Lay 1460; Chauc. C. t. a 1078; fms. bleny- te) Rob. 338, 14; Tristrem bleint bl side Trist. 3, 44; pei lokede aboute & blein- te bihinde pe busch Will. 3111; comp. aetblenchen. blenden, A. Sax. blendan, O.II.Cerm. blen- den, from blind, blind, caecare; blende misc. 88; Langl. b 10, 129; Chauc. Troil. 3056; blendep fpres.J ayenb. 33; blendep mannes heoi-te Orm. 4626 ; blende fpret.J La\ 29361; a. p. 2, 1788; comp. a-, for-, iblenden. blenden, A. Sax. blendan, from blanden, blend, miscere; blende Town. myst. 225; blende fpret.J Gaw. 1361; blent fpart.) 1610. blenken see blinken. bleo, A. Sax. bleo, bleoh, O.L.Germ. 0. Fris. bli? blee f]blyj, cclor, Marh. 9, 16; spec. 33; hit . . . changep his bleo treat. 139; bleo, bio o. a. n. 162 Sf 1547; blee Octav. 60; bright of blee Eglam. 33; ble St. gen. 467; Will. 3083; a. p. 1, 212; ^Tcwn. myst. 223; blie Shoreh. 103; ones bles st. gen. 1725. bier, Germ, blerr? Gr. wb. 2, 107. blereyed blear-eyed, Hippus' , voc. 226; TVicl, levit. 21; blereighed Laiigl. b 17, 324; bleried prompt. 39. bleren blear; blere Rich. 3708; p. 41, 2; jit schal 1 blere here ie Chauc. C. t. a 4049; blered fpret.J Langl. prol. 71 f74j; blerid' s. s. ed. Wr. 2962; blered fpart. J Chauc. r. r. 3912; Gaw. 963. bleren, M. II. Germ, bleren, "fiere\ prompt. 40; blere pr. c. 2226; bleride fpret.J d. AHh. 782. bles see blses. bleschin, O.Dutch bleschen, == bileschin? cmp. O.L.Genn. leskiau, 0. II. Germ, le- scan, ^^extinguere\ prompt. 39; and dis fier blessede st. gen. 3803. blessien see bletsien. blet, A. Sax. bleat f miser? J, O.Icel. blautr f mollis J, O.Dutch blOt fnudusj, M.S. Germ. blO^ fnudusj, bleat, nudm, miser; 64 bleten blide blete (pi.) 0. a. n. 616; we habbed . . . moni £enne gode wifmon iworht to bletere widewe'Z«3. 23620; he maden here backes al so bloute als he(re) wombes Ravel. 1910. bleten see blgeten. bletsien^ A. Sax. bletsian, 0. Icel. bl essa, from A. Sax. Goth, blotau, O.Icel. biota, O.II. Germ, plozan fsacrificarej, bless; bletseijen Lay 32157; blessen, blissen Chauc. C. t. a 3448; blisse lud. Cov. 60; blesse fpres. imper.J an. lit. 7 ; blesce pe . . . mid te eadie rode tocne a. r. 200; bles- sede fpret.J Roh. 338, 0; bliscede st. gen. 1546; blesseden Will. 106; bletsed (ms. blettsedd) f part. J Orm. 4826; bles- sed spec. 83 ; blissed Havel. 2873 ; comp. iblessien. bletsiiig hlessing, Orm. 10661; blessiuge Lay 13261; blissiuge ayenh. 97. bleit, A. Sax. blead, O.Icel. blaudr, O.L. Germ, bloth, 0. II. Germ, bloder, tveak, timid, st. gen. 2590; blffid Lay 18737 . bleyeu see bilgefen. blew^ A. Sax. bleo (?), blue, caeruleus, prompt. 41; Trist. 3, 10; Chauc. C. t. 10093; blew as iiide Mand. 48; bleu c. I. 7 12. bliaiid^ O.Fr. bliaut, M.Iat. blialdus, a sort of rich stuff, or garment made of it, (ms. blihand) Trist. 1, 38; bleaimt Gaw. 879 Sf 1928. blikeii^ A. Sax. blican, O.Icel. blika(?), M. a. Germ, blichen, shine, glitter: scheldes bliken (? ms. blikien) Lay 27360; deriv. blac. blikien^ O.Icel. blika, M. II. Germ, blickeii, shine, glitter: schal blikien scheiire pen pe sunne a. r. 362; hire bleo blikiep so briht spec. 52; blikede (pret.J Kath. 2396; blikked Gaw. 429. blikneii^ O.Icel. blikna, shine, grow pale: bliknande perles a. p. 2, 1467; penne blikned pe ble 2, 1759. blind, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. blind, O.Icel. blindr. Goth, blinds, O.H.Germ. blinter, blind, caecus, Beh. 1695; sum blind mon o. a. n. 1237; pe blinde man Gow. 2, 210. . blindfellen blindfold, prompt. 40; blind- fellede (pret.J a. r. 106; misc. 45. blindhwarvien blind by winding round: his ejen weore blintwharved c. I. 1146. blindln, A.Sax. blindian (?), O.Icel. blinda, Goth, gablindjan, bliiid, caecare, prompt. 40; blinde s. s. ed. Wr. 2994; comp. a- blinden. blluillim^e^ Germ, blindlings, Marh. 15, 27 . blinilnesse, A.Sax. blindness, blindness, prompt. 40. blink, Ban. blink, blinh, glance; blinkes (pi.) test. Ores. 226. blinken, Butch blinken pret. blonk, Ban. blinke ^r^^. blinkede, blink, glance; hetore pi i3en hit blenkis- HaUiw. diet. 185; blenked (pret.) Gaw. 799; qvenne pe balefulle birde blenked on his blod ant. Arth. XL II, 4; deriv. blanc. blinnen see binder bi. biisclien see blnschen. blisse, A.Sax. bliss, bl'ids, f,om blide, bliss, Lay 858; Kath. 1723; a. r. 192; Orm. 719; St. gen. 11; Belc. 689; Gow. 2, 145; blisse, blis o. a. n. 420 §^ 1280; blis spec. 60; Alis. ed. Web. 2638; Trist. 2, 95; Chauc. C. t. b 33; to pere blisse misc. 37; blissene (gen. pi.) an. lit. 96. blisful blissful, Ifath. 1879; Will. 1055; Chauc. C. t. a 17; blisvol ayenb. 148. blissien, A.Sax. blissian, rejoice. Lay 19041; blissen Orm. 444; bliscen a. r. 360; blisse (pres. subj.) o. a. n. 47 8; pah 30 blissen op prof Kath. 848; comp. i- blissien. blissien see bletsien. blister, 0. Butch bluister, blister; blistres (pi.) Chauc. ji. a. I. 408. blifte, A.Sax. blide, O.L.Germ. blidi, hli- thi, O.Icel. blidr, Goth, bleips, . 0. //. blif)e blubren 65 Germ, blider, blithe, laetus, hilaris, Lay 1379; Kath. 1879; a. r. 348; hW^Q and fagen st. gen. 1343; blipe Orm. 668; 0. a. n. 418; Rob. 114, 17; Havel 661; ayenh. 87; Alis. 443; blij)e bode ihc |)e bringe ass. 104; blipe stones Gaw. 162; blipe, blithe Chauc. C. t. a 846; blide- re fcompar.J Lay 16243. blideliche blithely, a. r. 68; blipellche Brand, o; bltideliche horn. 1, 31; Lay 3304; blipelTche, blepeli Will. 819 Sf 1144; blepeliche s. s. ed. Web. 503; bli])elike Ortn. 935 ; blipeli Man. 163, 4. blidemod blithe of mood, Lay 29701. bli|)e^ 0. Icel. blida fcomitas, laetitiaj ? a. p. 1, 354; I. c. c. 36. blithiii; O.lcel. blida, O.R.Germ. bliden, ^'■exhilarare', prompt. 40. blive see under lif. bid see bla. blobur^ blobir blobber, bulla, prompt. 40; see blubber. bloc see blac. bloti, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. blod, 0. Icel. blod, Goth, blop, O.H.Germ. bliiot, pluot, blood, sanguis, o. a. n. 1127 ; pat blodX«5. 23973; Orm. 1770; Rob. 172, 16; Sarra dat faire blod st. gen. 1192; blood Wicl. John 6; bind Iw. 207 1; comp. heorteblod. blodgute effusio sanguinis. Lay 630. blodstream stream of blood; blodstremes fpl.J Lay 28359. blodwite ^^quite de sane espandu\ rel. ant. 1, 33. blodwurt blood-wort, rel. ant. 1, 36. blode^eu^ A. Sax. (ge)blodegian, bloody, cru- entare; comp. biblode3ien. bloili^ A. Sax. blOdig, O.H.Germ. pluotager, bloody, a. r. 112; spec. 62; pr. c. 5261. blok, 0. Butch block, O.H.Germ. bloch, block, "truncus, codex \ prompt. 40; I. h. r. 141; blokkes fpl.J s. a. c. ed. Wr. LXVL 17. blokien see blakien. blome^ O.L.Germ. blomo, Goth, bloma, 0. Icel. blOmi, O.H.Germ. bluomo, from blOwen, bloom, ^^flos\ prompt. 40; Orm. 10773; Havel. ^63; Flor. 686; Isumb. 176. blomiii bloom, '^fiorere\ 'prompt. 40; Orm. 10769; blomede (pret.) st. gen. 2061. blouc see blanc. blondeu see blanden, blore see bladre. bloreii see blaren. blose^ Swed. bloss (fiamma, fax)? a. p. 1, 910. blostiiie^ A. Sax. blostma, O.Dutch blosem, blossom, flos, a. r. 192; o. a. n. 437 rel. ant. 2, 8; fms. blosstme) Orm. 1928 blosme spec. 26; Chatcc. C. t. a 3324 prompt. 41; blostmen (pi.) a. r. 276 blosmen a. s. 31; blosmes Langl. b 16, 7 . blosmi fioreus, floridus, Chauc. p. f 183. blostmieu^ A. Sax. blostmian, blosso7n, flo- rere; blosme Wicl. ps. 71; blossemip fpres.) Chauc. C. t. 9336; blosmede f pret. J Langl. b 5, 140. blot blot, macula, a. p. 1, 7 81; fms. blott) Town. myst. 106; see plot. blottin blot, ^'■ohliterare', prompt. 41. blout see Met. blowe, O.Dutch blouwe, from O.H.Germ. bliuwan, Goth, bliggvan fverberare), blow, plaga; blowes fph) s. a. c. ed. IVr. LX, 71. bloweii^ A. Sax. blopan, O.H.Germ. pluon, blow, flor ere; bio we rel. ant. 1, 262; Rob. 352, 13; blope o. a. n. 1133; bld- ped fpres.) a. r. 30; bleou (pret.) Lay 2013; blOpe fpart.) o. a. n. 1636; comp. iblowen. blubber blubber, bubble, test. Ores. 192. blubren^ L.Germ. blubbern, blubber, bubble; blubrande fpart.) a. p. 2, 1017; pe bor- ne blubred Gaw. 2174. 9 66 blu5en bod blu^eii^ A. Sax. bl^gan, 31. II. Germ, blugen, bliugen, terrere; comp. ablti^en. bluuder trouble, confusion, Gaw. 18; blun- dur Flor. 1330; blunder, blonder 'Town. myst. 30 Sf 98. blundren blunder: we blondren Chauc. C. t. 12598; thou blondirs pi self en d. Arth. 3975. blunt blunt, ^^hebes\ prompt. 41; a. p. 1, 176; blunt & blind Orm. 16954. blusch blush, glance, Jos. 657 ; Gaw. 520. bluscheii^ A. Sax. blyscan (rutilare) Mone 355,' blush, glitter, glance; \i\i%(M^ fpres.) Alex. 872; bluschande (part. J Gaw. 1819; blusched fpret.) a. p. 1, 979; the king blischit on the berin d. Arth. 116; blu- shed red Chauc. c. I. 1199. blusnen shine; blusnande, blisnande (part.) a. p. 1, 163 Sf 1404; blisned fpret. J 1, 1047. blustren bluster; blustered fpret. J a. p. 2, 886; blustroden Langl. b 5, 521. bo see be^en. bobancCj O.Fr. bobance, pomp, ostentation, p. I. s. XII, 45; bobaunce JFill. 1071; aiauc. a t. 6151. bobbe^ O.Icel. bobbi f nodus J? Kaldors. lex., bob, Gaw. 206; a bob of cheris Totvn. myst. 118; bobbis of grapes Halliw. diet. 190. bobbin bob, ferire, I. h, r. 179; bobbed fpret.J 8. s. ed. Web. 2246; bobbiden rel. ant. 2, 45; bobbid f part. J Lidg. m. p. 261 ; see buffen. bobet ^^colaphus\ prompt. 41; see buffet. bobetin ^^colaphizare\ prompt. 41. boc, A. Sax. boc pi. bee, O.Icel. bok pi. bcekr ffagus, liber), Goth, boka pi. bokos /. (gtpXoc), O.Fris. bok y. boka, bok/. 71., O.L.Germ. bok pi. bok n. f., O.II. ' Germ, buoh, buoch pi. buoh n. fliber), book, liber, Orm. 599; spec. 41 ; peos bOc a. r. 12; bok, buk pr. c. 51 Sf 336 ; boke fdat.) Orm. 8932; Chauc. C. t. b 190; buke Iw. 1947; bee ftiom. ace. pi.) fragm. 8, 21; horn. 1, 101; bsec, boc (bokes) X^^. 53 Sf 7263; bokes Orm. 5811; in opre bokes ffor boken) Kath. 839; boken fdat. pi.) Lay 6298; on boken fragm. 6, 20; lered on boken .s-^. gen. 4; in boke o. a. n. 350. bocfel book-fell, parchment; bocfelle fjd.) Marh. 23. 2. bocilaered La^. 16915. bochus library; bochouse fdat) ayenb. 1. bocleden hom. 1, 107 . bocrune leiter. Lay 4496. bocstaf leiter, Orm. 4308 ; bocstaven face. pi.) Lay 7637. boctreop ^f((gus\ fragm. 3, 43. bocare, ^-^.xS.r^r. bocere, Goth, bokareis, book- ■)nan, scholar; bocares fpl.) Lay 32125. bocc, 0. Fr. boce, boche, boss, bulla, umbo, prompt. 41 ; bos Chauc. C. t. a 3266 ; boche botch, "gibbtis'\ voc. 224; bohche, botche "'ulcus^\ prompt. 42; bocche Wicl. / levit. 13; Lidg. m. p. 31; boces fj)l.) Wicl. Is. 3; bocches Langl. b 20, 83. bocehen botcli; bocchin ^^sarcirent!', Wicl. 2 paral. 34. bochere, Fr. boucher, butcher, prompt. 41 ; s. a. c. XIX, 7. bocberie, Fr. boucherie, butchery, ayenb. 64. bocle, 0. Fr. bocle, buckle, ^^pluscula\ prompt. 41 ; spec. 35; ayenb. 236. bocler, O.Fr. bonder, buckler, clipeus, Chauc. C. t. a 112. bod, A.Sax. O.Fris. bod, O.Icel. bod, 0. II. Germ. j)ot, from beoden, bode, o^e:, command, message. Lay 8510 ^ 23407 ; pat ilche bod misc. 142; bode ^^nunciuni\ prompt. 41; Orm. 5255; st. gen. 395; Will. 2154; Rich. 3298; Trist. 2, 88; Chauc. p. f 343; Gaw. 1824; sende heast & bode Kath. 48; bode fdat.) a. r. 400 Sf 416; comp. 3ebod. bodword, O.Icel. boctord, command, mes- sage, Amad. ed. Web. 70; a. p. 2, 473; bode boie 67 Town. myst. 76; bodepord Orm. 7 ; bode- word ^^praeceptum\ ps. 2, 6; %t. gen. 361; Man. 9810. h^AHy A.Sax. boda, O.L.Germ. bodo, O.JL Germ, poto, boto, messenger, Bich. 1369; Am. a. Amil. 1264; Man. 22, 8; boden fplj Z.> 4696. bodicn^ A. Sax. bodian, O.Fris. bodia, lode, 7iu7itiare, Kath. 1481; he lette . . . his Clime bodien La^^. 23290; bodest fpres.J 0. a. n. 1162; bode]) Gow. 1, 163; bo- died a. r. 212; bodeden (pret.j horn. 1, 96. bodi^^ A. Sax. bodig, 0. II. Germ, boteh, po- tah, lody, carpus, Orm. 1666; bodi La^. 4908; 0. a. n. 73; treat. 138; Percev. 1166; bodie fdat.J Jiom. 1, 209; ayenh. 72; bodies fpl.J Kath. 1444. bodilich hodily, ayenh. 72; 'ho^iliohQ Mand. 281. bodiiiige^ A. Sax. bodiing, hoding, preaching, horn. 1, 91; bodinge Bob. 428, 16. bogleu haggle; bogelid (part.) Ilalliw. diet. 969. bo^^ A. Sax. bog, boh (ramus, armusj, 0. Icel. bogr farmus, cortina pjrorae), 0. II. Germ, bnog f armusj, hough (how), ramus, ayenh. 17; bog st. gen. 608; bogh Iw. 392; Triam. 410; b0u3 Brand. 9; bCu3 or braunche '^ramus', WicJ. Mat. 24; bouh p. s. 341; pe bouh hpon he adea- dect a. r. 160; bough Chauc. C. t. a 1980; bon s. s. ed. Wr. 610; bo3e, hope fdat.J 0. a. n. 16 8f 126; boshes fpl.) Orm. 10002; hopes a. r. 30; bowes Will 23; bo wis Wicl Mark 11; boes ant. Arth. Ill, 13; hughes pr. c. 680. boullne how-line, Man. 12061. hbw^^xQt how-sprit, Man. 12061. b63? bo3sam, A.S^x. bocsum (?), O.Dutch bogsam (booghsaem), ohedient, ayenh. 59; bOwsom Iw. 1156; bousom pr. c. 85; bOxom m. h. 54. bo3samnesse ohedience, ayenh. 33; boc- somnesse Rob. 234, 5. ho^Cf A. Sax. 0. Fris. boga, 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ, bogo, 0. Icel. bogi, from bu3en, how, arcw, ayenh. 46; boge st. gen. 483; bo3e, bowe La->,. 1463 Sf 6471; hope a. r. 260; bowe Chauc. C. t. a 108; bowe, bouwe Wicl. prov. 20; comp. el-, rein-, sadelbo3e. bowedraught Mand. 240. bojcre howyer; bow3ere ^'arcuarius\ prompt, 46; bo were voc. 196. bo^ieu^ 0. L. Germ, bogian, 0. Dutch bogen, how, flectere; bo3e a. p. 1, 196; bo3e fro pis benclie Gaw. 344; bowe s. s. ed. Wr. 2636; bo3ed fpret.) Gaw. 481; David bo wide fto ])e face of Saul "dccli- navit David a facie SauV , Wicl. 1 kings 19; boweden here hedes Mand. 235; summe beouweden speren Lay 22297; iboued (part.) treat. 139; comp. abo3ieii. bo^icii^ O.i^m. bogia, A.Sax.\)Vi^\^i\'i from buaii ? halitarc, manere? lieou longe wult pu beo3ie abiiten 'pissere bur3e Lay 29233; Breiines ])er bo3ede f second text abod) 6974. bo^t, Dutch bogt. Ban. Swed. bugt, from DU3en, flexura, sinus; bought Tor. 668; of peose bought was heore croune Alis. 4712. boidekiii^ bodokin, Welsh bidogyu? hodkin^ suhula, prompt. 42; boidekin Cham. C. t. a 3960. boileu, Fr. bouillir, hail, Gow. 2, 265; boile, buile "scatere", Wicl exod. 16; boillede fpret.) Marg. 247. boist, O.Fr. boiste, hex, Iw. 1836; Mand. 86; bustes, boistes fpl) a. r. 226. boistous^ Welsh bwystus, rough, rude, Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 17160; Lidg. m. p. 91; boistois ayenh. 103; buistous Wicl. Mat. 9. boie, 0. Dutch boeve, M. II. Germ, buobe ? see Gr. wh. 2, 457, hoy, pu^r, Horn ed. 68 bok boni Lum. 101 o; s. s. ed. Weh. 960; mil 464; boye Langl. proJ. 77; boyes fpl.J Havel 1899; Bek. 79. bok see boc. bokeram^ O.Fr. bouqueran, hucJcram, prompt. 42. boket hucTcetj ^^situla\ prompt. 42; rel ant. 1, 9; Chauc. C. t. a 1633. bokieu^' A. Sax. bocian, looJi; bOke Halliw. (lid. 192; iboked (ms. ibocked) a. r. 168. bol^ O.Dutch bol, O.Icel bolr, biilr, hole, truncus; bole fdat.J Gaiv. 766; a. p. 2, 622; boles fplj Halliw. did. 193. boleax, O.Icel boloxi, dolahra, rel ant. 2, 176; bulaxe Orm. 9281; boleaxes fplj Octcv. 1039. ? biilrische bulrush, prompt. 244. bolwerk, 0. Dutch bolwerk, bulwark, Lidg. m. p. 237 . bolacc hullace; bolaces (pi) Will 1809. bold, A. Sax. O.Fris. bold, house, Lay 7094; Kath. 1664; misc. 96; Rob. 116, 1; boldes fplj Mapes 343. bold see beald. bole see bule. bol^ieii^/rti^^? bohipect, bolejed, holYiQ^fpres.J a. r. 214. bolk bolh, ructus; bolke fdat.J Langl b 6, 397. bolkiii, A. Sax. bealcian? bolk, ^'ructare', prompt. 43; bolkede out "erudavit'\ Wicl. wisd. 19; see belken. bolle, A. Sax. 0. Fris. bolla, 0. Icel bolli, O.Dutch boUe, O.II.Germ. poUa, from bellen? boll f bowl J, globus, lanx, cyathus, voc. 199; prompt. 43; Horn ed. Lum. 1123; Langl 6, 213 f369j; Chauc. C. t. 13138; a. p. 2, 1146; Lidg. m. p. 62; pene boUe La-^. 14994; pe bolle of pe popi Halliw. diet. 193; bollen fplj La\ 19781; treat. 138; comp. flax-, protebolle. bollen, O.Dutch bollen? smite, swell: mi breste bollep Langl. a 6, 99; whiche man boiled pe Halliw. did. 193; bollid Hnflati\ Wicl 1 Cr. 6. boiling swelling: boiling- of heore wombes Langl 6, 218 f7, 2U4j. bolnin, Dan. bolne, O.Icel bolgna? swell, ^^tumere", prompt. 43; bolne fpres.J Gaw. 612; Town. myst. 197; al mi bodi bol- neth Lmgl b 6, 119; bolnede fpret.J Man. 8204; bolned a. p. 2, 363; bol- nid f part. J Wicl 1 Cor. 6. bolninge swelling, prompt. 43. bolstir, A. Sax. bolster, 0.1ce\ bolstr, 0. H.Germ. bolstar, bolster, culcitra, prompt. 43; bolstar voc. 178; bolstre fdat.J r. s. V, 90. bolstren, Germ, bolstern, polstern, bolster; bolsterid fpart.J Lidg. m. p. 200. bolt, A. S'jx. 0. Dutch bolt, 0. H. Germ, bolz, bolt, sagitta, pessulum, voc. 196 Sf 27 8 ; rel ant. 1, 183; p. I s. XIX, 64; Chauc. C. t. a 3264 ; lud. ( ov. 136. bon see ban. bond see band. bonde, A. Sax. bonda, O.Icel bondi, from binden? "servus^\ prompt. 43; Trist. 1, 89; Mire 1620; an olit bondeX«). ^16291; pral and bonde Chauc. C. t. 7242; ba- , rouns, burgeis & bonde Will 2128; comp. Msbonde. bondeman bond-man, o. a. n. 1677; Havel 32; Bek. 662; Langl. b 6, 194 f2869j. bone see bane. bone, O.Icel bon, boijn, precatio, a. r. 234; Kath. 611; Orm. 7606; Brand. 30; Will 1096; 8. s, ed. Wr. 646; Gaw. 327; Tor. 1678; avow. Arth. XIII, 16; peos bone Jul 30; bone, boone Chauc. C. t. a 2269; boone Eglam. 101; bone fdat.J La-^. 14912; bone fnom. pi J Aud. 72; bonen fdat. plj a. r. 142. bonen pray; bone fpres.J Orm. 6223; bo- ned fpart.J 694. boni, 0. Fr. bugne, bunny fboinej, Humor \ prompt. 43. bonk bot 69 bonk see bank. lioiinicii see bannen. , bor, A. Sax, O.Icel. bor, hore, terebra, mir. pL 142. bor see bar. bord, A. Sax. bord w. ftahida, clipeus^ mar- go J, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. bord m. (tabula^ cHpeus, mar go J, Goth, baurd w. (tabula J, O.Icel. bord n. (tabula, clipeus, mar go, oraj, 0. II. Germ, bort m. (mar go, o.a), hoard, tabula, mensa, clipeus, ora clipei, margonavis, Lay 20935, 22912 S^^ 22903; Orm. 1096; Beh 691; Havel 1722; AUs. 1210; Wicl. exod. 23; pet bord ayenb. 167; the theef fel over bord Chauc. C. t. b 922; biird Amad. ed. Robs. LXVI, 1; borde (dat.) a. r. 324; o. a. n. 479; Gaw. 481. bordclod rel. ant. 1, 129. bordc^ O.Icel. bordi (tapes J, 0. II. Germ. borto (limbusj? on brode silkin borde Gaw. 610. bordel^ Fr. bordel, Irothel, p. I. s. XXI, 92; Wicl. levit. 19. bordure^ Fr. bordiire, border, prompt. 44; Chauc. Boet. 50; bordoure d. Arth. 4211. bore, O.Icel. bora, bore, ^^ foramen', prompt. 44; m. h. 57. boriii, A. Sax. borian, O.Icel. bora, O.II. Germ, boron, bore, terebrare, prompt. 44; bore (pres.J fragm. 4, 39; borien (subj.J Kath. 1949; boriinde (part.) ayenb. 66. bor^, A. Sax. borg, borh, M. II. Germ, bore, from berjen, borrow, cautio, mutuum: por;^ borj and 3emer 3eld Shoreh. 113; pe eorl Adionard . . . walde heore borh beon La\ 11913; borgh, borw, borwgh, boru3 Langl. 4, 76 (89 J; borgh (ms. borghe) Town. myst. 231; borwgh Rich. 3259; borw, borow (ms. borwe, borowe) "W, prompt. 45; borow '^obses'\ rel. ant. 1, 9; borwe (dat. J Langl. b 14, 190; have her mi faith to borwe Chauc. C. t. 11546; boreges (pl.J hom. 2, 17; borwes Langl. 1, 7 5 (77 J; Am. a. Amil. 899; borewes Bek. 585. borj see bur3. bor^ieii, A.Sax. borgian, O.II.Germ. borgen, O.Icel. borga, borrow, cavere, mutuari: tO bor3e him fram (h)arme La->,. 21268'"'; borwe AUs. 1243; Chauc. C. t. b 105; to borewen us alle he wes ibore spec. 25; US alle from bale to borowe mir. pi. 149; ever ich . . . borupe et tisse vra- kele porlde so lutel so heo ever mei a. r. 204; bor3ep ayenb. 36; borwede, bor- wed (pret.J Langl 6, 101 (7, 92j; bor- wed Will 1/05; borwid (part. J IIoccl • I, 369; iborwed c. I 822. boi^iiige borrowing; borwinge ^^mutuatio\ prompt.- 44. borne see burne. boru, borw see bor3 & bur3. borwien see bor3ien. bos, A.Sax. bos (?), L.Germ. bos, O.Icel bass, Goth, bansts? boose, stahulum, (ms. bose) Hostar\ voe. 235; boos "bostar^ bucetut?i\ prompt. 41. boseni, A.Sax. bosm, O.L.Germ. bosom, O.II.Germ. buosum, buosem, bosom, sinus, prora, Orm. 19391; m. h. 125; bosum a. r. 146; st. gen. 2809; a. p. 3, 107; bosom Chauc. C. t. 7575; bosme (dat, J La"^. 14984; ayenb. 163; boseme a. r. 146; bosmes (pi J Lay 7849. bosine, 0. Fr. bosine, busine, Lat. bticina, trumpet, ayenb. 137 . bosse see boce. bost, Welsh host, Gael, bosd? boast, jacta- tio, gloria, Rob. 209, 20; ayenb. 71; Will 1141; worldes host spec. 94; boost strepitus? Langl. 9397 . bosten, Welsh bostiaw, Gael bosd ? boady jactare, gloriari, Langl. h 2, 80; boste & blowe transact. 18, 25; bostep (pres.J Chauc. C. t. 7254. boster boaster, d&p. R* 11, 1. bot, Brxteh bot (obtusm)? bot forke spec, 110. 70 bot bourdes bot see bat. bote, A.S'ix. O.Icel. bot, 0. Fns. bote, 0. L. Germ. Goth. l)ota, 0. H. Germ, biioza, hoot, emendatio, 7'eparatio, Lay 21926; 0. a. n. 688; Ravel. 1200; Rob. 448, W; Rich. 3086; ant. Arth. XVI, 0; pat is bote of alle bale Amad: ed. Robs. XVII, 10; vor3ived bam hore gultes hpon heo bam iknoped and biboted bote a. r. 430; til ure saple bote Orm. 2602; do bote WiU. 1378; bote, boote Chauc. C. t. a 424; to bote (boote) insuper, LangJ. b 14, 268; biite Min. 1; comp. dsed-, sunbote. ])otles bootless, Will. 134. bote, O.Icel, boti, Germ, bosze, boot, '■^ocred\ vcc. 107; prompt. 45; botes fpl.J Mand. 250. botel, A. Sax. botl, O.L.Germ. bodl? bottle, aedes; botle fdat.J Orm. 2788. botel, O.Fr. bottel? bottle, fasciculus: a bo- tel bei Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 16063. botelle, Fr. bouteille, bottle, lagena, prompt. 45; botel lud. Cov. 138. botelere, Fr. bouteiller, butler, voc. 257; boteler Wicl. genes. 40. boteiii see bopem. boteu, Sivid. bota, from bote, boot, emenda- re; bote Am. a. Amil. 2340; it boted not h. L. 66; be was botid of meldle care Eglam. 188. botiieit amend, repair; botned fpres.J Kath. 2523; botnede f2n^et.J p. I. s. XII, 151; chron. Engl. 768; botned f part. J Will. 1055; bootned Langl. 4181. botiiiiige amendment, Shoreh. 96. botoii, O.Fr. boton, button, voc. 238; bo- toun ayenb. 86. botte see batte. b6|)e, M. II. Germ, buode, booth, taberna, prompt. 46; Orm. 15817; ayenb. 215; p. 45, 11; Gow. 3, 281; a. p. 3, 441; bopes fpl.J Alis. 3457. boite .'■:ee bade. bojiel buddle, chrysanthemum? bopul, bothil ^^vaccifiia^ prompt. 46. bo|)em, A. Sax. botm, 0. L. Germ, bodom, O.II.Ge.m. bodem, O.Icel. botn, bottom (bithom, bodom), fundus, roc. 159; Jos. 15; Gaw. 2145; a. p. 3, 144; bopum . s. s. ed. Wr. 809; botum, botem fms. botme), botim ^fundus, glomus', prompt. 45; botme (dat.) ayenb. 140; Giw. 1, 108; Cha-M. a t. 13249; Mand. 52; Rarten. 4480. bouelle, O.Fr. bouelle, boiuel, ''viscus\ vcc. 247; bonele Gow. 2, 265. bouge see bulge.. bou) see bo3. bou^eu see bu3eu. bouk see biic. boiikeu, O.imtch buiken, M. II. Germ, bii- chen, buck fbouhj, lixivio incoquere, Langl. b 14, 19; bouke rel. a}it. 1, 108. boule, Fr. boule, howl, globus, prompt. 46. buuude, A.S'x. bunda, a m^n bmnd to an estate, serf, s. s. ed. Web. 582; Arth. a. Merl. 691; see bonde. bouude, O.Fr. bonde, bonne, bound, limes, Gow. 3, 92; boundes fpl.J ayenb. 206; Chauc. C. t. 7922; bunnen fdat. pi. J Icy 1313. bouiieUj from buen? prepare, Jos. 414; bonne fpres. suhj.J m. Arth. 3257 . bouute, Fr. bonte, bounty, Chauc. C. t. b 1664, boiir see bur. bourtl, 0. Fr. bebourd, bobourt, Roquef. gloss. 1, 144, Biez wb. 37 , sport, johe, Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 17030; bourde fdat.J Gaw. 1409; pe bourdes and pe trufles ayenb. 58. bourtleu, O.Ir. bourder, behourder, sport j johe; bourde fpres.J Chauc. C. t. 14193; bourded fpret.J Gaw. 1217; bourdinge f part. J Langl. b 15, 40. bourdes, O.Fr. behordeis, tournament, Will. 1477. bouwen braid 71 bouwen see bfl^en. bowe see bo3e. box, A.S-jx. box, O.TI.Germ. buhsa, Gr. Ti6^tC, ^oXy Rol. 466j 7; Chaue. C. t. a 4390. box, A. Sax, box, Lat. buxus, Gr. uu^o;, boxtree Chauc. C. t. a 1302. box box, ^^ala'p%\ prompt. 46; Chauc. I. g. w. 1384; d. Arth. 1111. brae, A. Sax. (ge)br8ec, O.Icel. brak, O.H. Germ, (ge)breh, noise, fragor, Orm. 1178. brace, O.Fr. brace, hrace, hrachimn, Mand. 15; "unms'\ prompt. 46. braceu, O.Fr. bracier, brace: in armes for to brace IlalUw. diet. 203; brace it in irine d. Arth. 1182; ibraced f part. J Jos. 265. brache, 0. Fr. brache, 0, H. Germ, bracho, hrachj hmiting-dog, rel. ant. 1, 151; bra- ches fpl.j Gaw. 1142. brad, O.H.Germ. prat, prart (or a)? hrad, ^^acideus\ roc. 234; see brerd & brod. briid, A. Sax. brad, 0. L. Germ. 0. Fris. bred, Goth, braids, O.Icel. breictr, O.H.Germ. breiter, hroad fhraad, hraidj, hitus, La^. 15898; Orm. 3431; s. s. ed. Weh. 2784; Iw. 163; Percev. 269; avow. Arth. Ill, 15; brod a. r. 102; Havel. 1647; Tor. 1252; brood Chauc. C. t. a 155; pat blOd stod al a brod Hob. 261, 19; her winges bope a brod she spradde Gow. 2, 105; and held hir lappe a brod Chauc. C. t. 10755; a brood Langl. 9031; Mand. 45; bradder fcotnpar.J Rob. 43, 4; bradder, brOddere ^Hatior\ Wicl. Amos 6. brodarwe ^^catapulta\ prompt. 53. broodaxe ^^dolahra\ prompt. 53. bradien, A. Sax. brfidian, Goth, braidjan, O.Icel. breida, O.H.Germ. breiten, bra^e, dilatare; broden dep. B. 13, 2; brOdes fpres.J Alis. ed. Sh. 122; ibroded (part.) 0. U. n. 1312. brade, A. Sax. brsedu, 0. Fris. brede, Goth. braidei, O.H. Germ, breiti, breed fhredej, latitudo, Lay 21995; brede prompt. 49; 0. a. n. 174; ayenb. 105; Gow. 2, 388; Mand. 117; Chauc. C. t. a 1970; Wicl. genes. 6; ant. Arth. XLV, 13; al abou- te on brede pei spredde Rich. 4434; pe knight ligges per on brede Percev. 797; in breede and lengpe Lidg. m. p. 98; breade a. r. 102. brsedeu, A. Sax. brsedan, bread, dilatare; breden La'i,. 14283; bredin prompt. 49 ; brede a. p. 1, 813; braddo fpret.J Jos. 642; Gaio. 1928; hordes heo brsedden IkP). 18523; comp. abrseden. brag, Dan. brag? brag, jactatio, p. I. s. XXIX, 92; Degrev. 231. brag brag, gloriosus, siiperbus: pat makep lis so brag and bolde S2)ec. 24; wordes bragge Shoreh. 110; hi schulde nou5t bereu hem so bragg(e) pt^- <^'^' ^06; brag- gest fsuperl.J Will 3048. braggeii. Ban. brage? Welsh bragiaw, Ir. bragaim? brag, crepure, jactare: he bostep and braggep Langl. b 13, 281; whanne pe voice of pe trompe ... in joure eeris braggip IVicl. Josh. 6; braggede fpret.J d. Arth. 3657. braggere bragger, Langl. 6, 156 (7 , 142). bragot, brake fc, Welsh bragawd (a liquor made of ale and mead fermented together J Owens diet., Ir. bracat fmalt liquor) 0' Reillys diet., bragget, Chauc. C. t. a 3261. braid, A. Sax. braegd, bregd, O.Icel. bragd, from breiden, braid, nexus, tortus, jactus, dolus, Gow. 2, 21; Chauc. I. g. w. 1164; Tor. 1611; he abod moni a bitter braid transact. 18, 24; sch5 braid hit a doun at on braid s. s. ed. Wr. 483; pat was a peves braid Man. 164, 3; breid Rob. 22, 15; Ipom. 1834; he went to pe uscher in a breide CI 448; brede fpl?) La^. 30392; ivele breides rel. ant. 7, 218; comp. upbreid. 72 braiin bread braiin^ O.Fr. braire, hray, %arrire\ prompt. 47; braie 3Ian. 3488; braien fpres.J Gaw. 1163; braiinde (part. J ayenh. 73. braiin^ O.Fr. breier, hray, ^^pinsere, tereri'\ prompt. 47. brain^ A. Sax. brsegen, 0. Butch bregeii, 0. Fris. brein, Irain, cerehrum, La"^. 1468; treat. 138; brein Beves 1068. brainlcs brainless, prompt. 47 . brainpanne brain-pan, Mand. 234. brake j 0. Dutch brake, Swed. braka? from brekeii, htYihe, ^^rupa, vibra\ voc. 217 Sf 276. brakcii^ brakin, Swed. brakeu, brake fhrackenj, ''filix, voc. 191 Sf 226: a. p. 2, 167 o; brake roc. 156; prompt. 47 ; lud. Cor. 22. brakiiij 0. Dutch braken, 0. Icel. braka ? ^^ vo- mer e\ prompt. 47 . bralleii^ Germ, brallen, Dan. bralle, clama- re; bralle Town. myst. 91. braiiie^ 0. Dutch brame, 0. H. Germ, brama, bream, Hribulus, vepres\ voc. 192. braiiche, O.Fr. branche, branch, ^^ramus\ prompt. 48; brandiis fpl.j Rob. 193, 6. brandy A. Sax. O.Fris. brand, brond, 0. Icel brandr, 0. H. Germ, brant, from brin- nen, brand, titio, ensis, avow. Arth. XIV, 6; Toivn. ynyst. 71; ])ene brand (brond) iff^. 7544; brond horn. 1, 81; Kath. 2395; mi8c. 154; Will. 1244; brandes (pi.) Percev. 774; brondes a. r. 368; Chauc. C. t. a 2338; comp. furbrand. brandripe, O.Icel. brandreicl, A. Sax. brand- reda? O.II.Germ. brandreita? brandr eth, Hripus'', voc. 232. braiidieii^ O.Dutch branden, brand; brondin ^^ cauteri%are\ prompt. 53. brandisseii^ Fr. brandir, brandish; brandis- sende (part.) Will. 2322. braiiken^ M. H. Germ, brangen, prangen ? branl, superbire? brankand stedez d. Arth. 1861. brant, A. Sax. brant, O.Icel. brattr, brant, ardMm, Alex. 3649. bras, A. Sax. bra;s, brass, '^aes", prompt. 47; Orm. 17417; st. gen 467; treat. 136; breas, bres Jul. 30 Sf 31 ; bres fragm. 4, 41; a. r. 216; ayenb. 203. brase^ O.Swed. brasa, O.Dutch brase, pru- na: in brasse and in brinstone ant. Arth. Xr, 6. braseii^ A. Sax. braesen, brasen, aereus, Alls. 5585; pat brasene neddre Or^n. 17424. brasicrc brasier, (faher) ^'■aerarius', prompt. 47. brastlien^ A. Sax. brastlian; M. II. Germ. brasteln, brastle, crepare, La^. 26970; sceldes brastleden 27463. brat, A. Sax. bratt(?), brat, pallium? Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 16349. ■ bra|>, O.Icel. braclr, hasty, violent, Orm, 7164; brop Gaw. 2233; brOpe (pi.) a. p. 2, 1409. bropiiche hastily, violently, Mapes 343; bropli Man. 166, 12; Fercev. 2123. bra|)C, O.Icel. brad, violence, (ms. brapf)e) Orm. 4561. bra])eful violent: bropefulle wordes Man, 55, 28. brauii, O.Fr. braon, [O.Dutch brade], brawn, ''Hacertus, pulpa\ prompt. 48; neiper ba- con ne braun Langl. 8219; ful big he was of braun and ek of bones Chauc. G. t. a 546; braunes Hacertos', Wicl. Job 22; braunes harde and stronge Chauc. C. t. a 2135. brawliii, O.Dutch brabbelen, brawl, ^^jurga- re', prompt. 48; he brawles him (gloria- tur) for his brighte wedes d. Arth. 1349. brawlere, 0. Dutch brabbeler, brawler, prompt. 48. brawlinge, O.Dutch brabbelinge, brawling, ^^jurgium\ prompt. 48; braulinge Langl. b 15, 233. bre see brew. bread, A. Sax. bread, O.Fris. brad, O.L, Germ, brod, O.Icel. brand, O.II.Germ. brot, bread, panis, a. r. 192; Shoreh. 30; brech breken 73 pis bread horn. 1, 241 ; bread, briad a- yenh. 110; brsed Ortyi. 996; breed spec. 104; Chauc. C. t. a 341; bred r. s. VII, 42; Brand. 6; pat bred misc. 40. breadlep panarium, st. gen. 2078. brech^ A. Sax. O.Fris. brec, O.Icel. brok pi. broekr, 0. II. Germ, bruoch, pruoh, hreech {breeches J, a. r. 420; Beh. 260; Langl. 2822; breech 3Iand. 2dO; brech, brek Hraccae\ prompt. 48; hrek.voc. 238; Iw. 1770; Man. 161, 13; brechen fdat. pi.) Lay 16749; breke Lidg. m. p. 114. brechgerdel ayenh. 205. breche, O.Fris. breke, from breken, Ireach, fractio, fractura, Alis. 2168; Gow. 2, 138; (= bruche?) Shoreh. 133; camp. schipbreche. breche^ breke, A. Sax. (£ep-, pider)breca, 0. II. Germ, (hus)prehho, one who hreahs; comp. sew-, sptisbreche, wedbreke. breche, M. II. Germ, brache, breach, ager no- valis? 0. a. n. 14. bred, A. Sax. 0. Dutch bred, 0. H. Germ. bret, bred, tabula, prompt. 48; nailid on a -bred of tre rel. ant. 1, 63; brede (dat.) 0. a. n. 965; a. p. 3, 184. bredchese prompt. 48. brede, A. Sax. breede (assatura) voc. 27, 0. II. Germ, brato, prato (assatura) Graff^s sprsch. 3, 285, from breden, roast meat, Lay 30583; p. I. s. Fill, 73; o. a. n. 1630; spec. 27; avow. Arth. XXXI, 15; bredes fpl.J Alls. 5249. brede see brsede. bredeu see breiden. breden, A. Sax. brsedan, O.H.Germ. braten, praten pret. priat, roast, assare, La^. 25986; brede r. s. V, 200; Rich. 1493; bret fpres.J hom. 1, 53; brede (imper.) I. c. e. 25; [bredde f pret. J Lay 30584; bredden Arth. a. Merl. 7305]; brede fpart.j Rich. 3613; [brad Gaw. 891; bred st. gen. 3147; ibred misc. 54]. breden, A. Sax. bredan (?), O.H.Germ. bruo- ten, from brod, breed, fovere; brede spec. 101; bredep fpres.J Rob. 177, 2; Langl. b 11, 339; breded, bret a. r. 200 f 222; bredde f pret. J o. a. n. 101. breden see brseden. bref, O.Fr. bref, brief, brief, s. s. ed. Wr. 3213; Man. 939. bre^e see brewe. breid see braid. breiden, ^./S^'a;. bregdan, bredan, O.L.Germ. bregdan, O.Fris. breida, brida, O.Icel. bregda, brigda, 0. H. Germ, brettan ? braid (bread), torquere, nectere, stringere, hom. 1, 201; breiden ane crune a. r. 124; breden verliche a dun 222; a gret ok he wolde breide a doun as it a smal 3erde were Rob. 22, 7; breid (pret.) a. r. 280; breid he ... a sweord Lay 1548; pe king hine breid (feigned) S£ec 6667 ; he breid (took) . . . efter his al- deren 6895; braid Iw. 3248; avow. Arth. XLIII, 9; of his slep an on he braid (started) Havel. 1282; and brud- den (drew) up Baldolf i«5. 20335; [brai- ded Alis. 5856; Isicmb. 104]; broaden (part.) Mapes 339; broiden o. a. n. 645; broidin ^^laqueatus\ prompt. 53; [broided, brouded Chauc. C. t. a 1049]; comp. a-, set-, for-, i-, to-, urn-, up-, tit-, wid- breiden; deriv. braid, brud. brek, A. Sax. (gejbrec, (ge)brece, brech (hrachj, fractura, Alis. 2168^'; Man. 14662; bre- ke prompt. 49. brekil brichle, ^fragilis\ prompt. 1 7 7; Town. myst. 101; see bruchel. breken, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. brecan, O.Fris. breka, Goth, brikan, 0. II. Germ, prechan, brechen, brealc, frangere, a. r. 242; st. gen. 3147 ; breke ayenb. 52; Maud. 228; brekest (pres.) Orm. 1548; brekep treat. 136; braec, brae (pret.) Lay 1558 Sf 10978; brae p. I. s. VIII, 93; st. gen. 3100; brak Iw. 3778; Chauc. C. t. a 1468; Wicl. numb. 11; brak, brek Rob. 10 74 brekere breost 22, 16 Sf 126, 12; brec horn. 1, 171; Mark. 6, 21; brek ayeuh. 16; pu breke Lay 6037; (heo) breken Lay 27306; ay en'. 64; Alts. 6891; s. s. ed. Wr. 1218; breeken, braken Wicl 2 paral. 31; brake Lsumh. 662; broken (part. J Havel 1238; Chauc. Troil. 7674; brokin Octav. 944; comp. a-, aet-, an-, i-, to-, up-, utbreken; deriv. brae, brake, brek, breche, briche, bruche, bruchel. brekere, M. II. Germ, brechaere, hreaker, horn. 1, 83; comp. eapbrekere. brembel, A. Sax. brembel, bremel, hramhie fhrimmlej; brembil Wicl. eccles. 43; brim- bil, bremmil ^^trihulus, vepres\ prompt. 49; brembles fplj horn. 1, 223. brember, A.lSax. brember, vepres; pe brem- bre flour Chauc. C. t. 16167 . brenie, O.H.Germ. bremo ftahanus, oestrus J? rel. ant. 1, 81. breme, A.lSax. breme, loud, sharp, keen, fierce, Orm. 7197; Will. 18; Gaw. 1142; a. p. 3, 430; m. Arth. 229; Town. myst. 197 ; pu art pel modi and pel breme o. a. n. 600; breme and bold k. T. 836; pis strif pat is so breme c. I. 638; |)il- ke feste was wel breme Flor. a. Bl. 792; breme wittes Langl. h 12, 224; breme as a bare Degrev. 1240; a breme bare Amad. ed. Web. 171; her breme blastis dep. Rich. 27, 4; when briddes singep breme spec. 44; foughten breme (breeme) Chauc. C. t. a 1699. bremeli loudly, fiercely. Will. 23; Gaw. 1698. breme, O.Fr. bresme, bream, vac. 263; prompt. 49; Chauc. C. t. a 360. breii, O.Fr. bren, Bret, brenn, Welsh Ir. bran, bran, '''■furfur \ prompt. 49; Chauc. a t. a 4063; ayenb. 210; bren, bran Langl. h 6, 184; bran voc. 201. brengeii, A. Sax. brengan, O.Fris. brenga, 0. L. Germ, brengean, M. II. Genu, bren- gen, from bringen, bring, afferre, addu- cere, ayenb. 87 ; brohte fpret.J Orm. 14361; p. s. 221; bro^te aye7ib. 118; brohte, brouhte, broute (brofte) Lay 36, 63 Sf 233; bro3te, brouhte o. a. n. 107; brOuhte (br6u3te) me a slep Langl. 6, 8; brogh- te, brouhte, broughte Chauc. C. t. b 622; broute rel. ant. 2, 277; brohten Horn ed. Kits. 44; brouhten a. r. 114; broht f part. J spec. 29; bro3t Langl. b 12, 136; brouht, brouth, browt Havel. 336, 1979 4' 2412; comp. ibrengen. breiiie see brunie. breuue, O.Icel. brenna, O.H.Germ. brinna, from brinnen, burning, imendium: hwan he . . . haveden . . . pe fir brouth on brenne Havel. 1239. brenston, O.Icel. brenna-, brenni-, bren- nusteinn, sulphur. Hick. thes. 1, 228; see brunston. breuueii, A. Sax. brennan (V), bernan, baer- nan, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. brennan, 0. Icel. brenna, O.Dutch bernen (urere, cre- marej, Goth, (gajbrannjan (xotis'.v), from brinnen, burn (bren, brunj, urere, uri, Havel. 916; his tail schal brennen in pe glede Chauc. C. t. b 111; brenne Mand. 48; brenne his londes Will. 1133; shal brenne ^^ardebif, Wicl. levit. 6; ber- nen a. r. 306; baernen Orm. 1629; ber- ne R.b. 81, 16; treat. 136, 27; brende (pret.) Orm. 1086; st. gen. 1108; p. I. s. XIII, 121; Langl. b 17, 326; Gcw. 2, 164; Wicl. 4 Icings 14; bernde a. r. 242; barnde Rob. 300, 6; bur3es he barnde Lay 30469; brenden Havel. 694; Rich. 6067; pe fires brende upon pe auter Chaiic. C. t. a 2426; brend (part. J Orm. 1000; Havel. 2832; brend gold Chauc. C. t. a 2162; Rich. 3349; brend, brent Will. 2646 Sf 4367; brent Hcccl. 1, 390; comp. a-, for-, upbrennen. breost, A. Sax. breost, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. briost, O.Fris. briast, breast fbreestj, pec- tus, Alis. 621; briest ayenb. 176; brest breoden br^w 75 Or7n. 4774; st. gen. 370; brist lud. Cav. 14; breoste La^. 4640; a. r. 18; breeste (datj Mand. 92; breosten fdat. pi J Kath. 2130. breod'en. A. Sax. (a)breodan, fall, perish: per fore ^e sculled breoden La^. 6807; heoii breoded (brepif)) pa Frensce 5196; a bro])in (degenerate?) eir p. I. s. /, 44; c mp. abreoden. breowen^ A. Sax. breopaii, M.H.Germ. briu- wen, O.lcel. brugga, hrew, coquere; brewe Man. 1245; s. s. ed. Wr. 1490; brew fpret.J p. s. 69; brew, breuh Langl. 5, 133 (219); pel browe Roh. 26, 18; browen (part.) Rich. 4365; ibrowen p. 29, 6; ibrowe s. s. ed. IFeb. 1494; [bre- wid Flor. 687]; deriv. brop, brupen. breowere, M.H.Germ. briuwer, brewer; bre- were Langl. b 19, 394; breowares (pi.) misc. 189. brewestere brewster, Langl. b 5, 306; a. ' 355. brerd, A. Sax. brerd, breard, O.R.Germ. prart, prat, brim, brink, margo, Orm. 14040; Wicl. exod. 37; berd ''margo\ prompt. 32; brerde (dcit.) a. r. 324; breorde Lay 23322. brerdfal Orm. 14529; bredful, bratful Langl. prol. 41; bretful Chauc. C. t. a f687; p. 41, 8; bradful (? ms. bradeful) La>. 32224. brerc, A. Sax. brer, brier (breer), Hrihulm\ voc. 181 Sf 229; Hribulus, vepris", prompt. 49; Wicl. Job 31; Town, mijst. 100; s. a. c. VIII, 17; breere Lidg. m. p. 218; brere (dat.) Mi7i. 31; rede brere /. c. c. 42; breres (pi.) a. r. 276; Orm. 9212- Will. 1809; Mand. 115; Chauc. C, t. a 1532; a burpen of brere spec. 110, bres see bras. brese^ A. Sax. briosa, hreese (breeze), ''oe- strum'', voc. 255; ''asilus\ prompt. 49; ''bruchus\ ps. 104, 34. brest, A. Sax. berst (?) Bosw. diet, O.lcel. brestr (defectus) Egilss. lex., M.H.Germ, brest, breste (vitium) Ben. wb. 1, 256, 0. Dutch berste (defectus) 3Iaerl. rb. gloss., damage, harm, want, prmnpt. 49; a. p. 2, 229; breste Halliw. diet. 209; berst Be- ves 1930; see burst. brest see breost. bresten, A. Sax. berstan, 0. L. Germ, brestau, O.H.Germ. brestan, prestan, O.lcel. bre- sta, O.Fris. bersta, hurst (brast, brest), frangere, rumpere, Kath. 2028; brestin prompt. 50; bresten, berste Chauc. C. t. a 1980; breste, berste Wicl, Mark 2; bersteu La-^. 27683; a. r. 80; berste Horn 662; brast (pret.) Tar. 687; Be- grev. 1622; Chauc. C t. h 697; brast, barst Langl. 6, 180 (7, 165); barst Lay 1467; Alis. 625; brosten Octov. 1088; Ma?i. 1833; bursten Rich. 2892; borsten k.^ T. 1049; brosten (paH.) Cham. C. t. a 3829; Wicl genes. 7; iborsten Hick. thes. 1, 228; comp. jet-, to-, ilt- bresten; deo^iv. brest, burst. breiT, A. Sax. bi:»d, breath, halitus, vapor, a. r. 80; brep o. a. n. 948; treat. 136; Shoreh. 102; brepe (dat.) Chauc. C. t. a' 5; Lidg. m. p. 62; bretlie pr. c. 613. brethe, O.lcel. brajui? from brap? ftry? d. Arth. 2213; brep 'farorem, ps. 36, 8. bre|>el^ from breoden ? "miserculus" , prompt. 50; bretholis (pi.) lud. Cov. 308. brethitt breathe^ halare, ''spirare\ prompt. 50 J brepi treat. 136; brepep (pres.) Wicl. John 3. breven, O.lcel. brefa, M.H.Germ. brieven, from bref, record. Uteris mandare; braved (part.) Gaw. 2521; a. p. 2, 197. brevet, Fr. brevet, brevet, Langl. prol. 71 (74). brew brew (bree), ''hrodiiun , voc. 241; comp. alebre? brewarn, A. Sax. breapaern, aedes cerevi- siae coquendae, voc. 178. brewhous, M.H.Germ. briuhiis? brew house, voc. 204; Chauc. C. t. a 3334. 76 brew brime brew, brewe? A. Sax. breap m., O.Teel. bra /., 0. IT. Germ, bra, pra n. /., O.Fris. bre n., Irew (Iree, hrea, Iraa, IrooJ, super- cilium; bre3e spec. 34; bank ne bre Man. 10333; breye fdat.J r. s. V, 238; bre- wis fpl.J Wicl. levit. 14; brees avow. Arth. XV, 15; bri3es misc. 226; comp. e3ebrcwe. brewen see breoweri. bri, A. Sax. brip? O.Dutch O.K. Germ, bri, ^^puls\ fragm. 4, 10. bribe^ Fr. bribe, hrihe, Chauc. C. t. 6960. bribing O.Fr. briber, hrihe, '^manticnlari\ prompt. 50; bribe Chauc. C. t. a 4417. briche^ A. Sax. brice, bryce Greins gloss. 1, 145, from breken, frail, poor, h. s. 5821. briche see briicbe. brid, A. Sax. bridd, lircl fhridj, pullus, avis, a. r. 102; 0. a. n. 124; s. s. ed. IFr. 3035; Mand. 48; Wicl. levit. 17; brid ^^avis, volucris\ prompt. 50; briddes fpl.J , from breoden? bropfal, cmp. O.Icel. brottfall, epilepsy? Orm. 15504. brd|> 'see bra]). bro|>el^ from breoden? had, poor? Langl. a 11, 61; ful bropel for to triste Chauc. I. g. w. 1881; bropel fsuhst.J wretch, Gow. 3, 173; lud. Cov. 217; bropels fpl.J pi. cr. 772; see brepel. broiTer, A. Sax. brOdor gen. brodor, Goth. brOpar gen. broprs, O.L.Germ. brothar, bruother, O.Icel. brodir gen. brodur, 0. II. Germ, bruoder gen. briioder, Lat. fra- ter gen. fratris, Gr. cppaxi^p, Sansc. '^Jlrfl gen. ^^Tg^, hr other, Lay 2105; broper, brother Chauc. C. t. a 529; broder Flor. 718; broper fge^i.J Roh. 291, 4; brodre fpl.J horn. 1, 7; bropre mi c. 55; brepre Orm. 8269; breper Will. 2641; Man. .51, 25; brepir Amad. ed. Rohs. LX, 8; breder Aud. 35; bropren ayenb. 102; broperen Shoreh. 45; broderen, brederen Z»5. 2101 ^ 2137; bredren a. r. 54 Sf 74; breperen Beh 463; Mand. 222. broperbede fraternity, ayenh. 110; Chauc. C. t. h 1232; Am. a. Amil. 362; Gaw. 2516. broperredene fms. -reddene), A. Sax. bro- porrseden Mone 336, fraternity, horn. 1, 41; broperrede ayenh. 110. broudin^ Fr. broder? hroider, prompt. 53. broucs^ O.Fr. broues, hrowis (hrewis), ^'■adi- patmn\ prompt. 53; brouis voc. 199; and soupid of pe brouwis a sope Rich. 3077. broiict^ 0. Fr. brouet, potage, caudle, prompt. 54; dep. Rich. 10, 3; I. c. c. 22.' broukcn see bruken. broun see brfin. brouwe see briiwe. browe, O.Dutch bruwe fjasj? comp. fii^ch- browe. bruche^ A. Sax. bryce, M.H.Germ. bruch, from breken, rupture, violation, a. r. 164; Roh. 26, 22; rel. ant. 1, 241; at pe furmeste brudie pat lie fond he lep in 2, 272; for monnes bruche Kaih. 1210; bruches fpl.J spec. 30; pe bruches of hi- re bodi Kath. 1615; pat tu pite me pid ham & alle hore bruchen a. r. 28; comp. m-, burh-, gripbruche (-briche). bruche, A. Sax. bryce, Goth, bruks, 0. II. Germ, prucher, from bruken, useful; bri- che rel. ant. 1, 225; Man. 11406. briichel, from broken, hHchel (hruclde), fra- qilis, Kath. 2029; a. r. 164; brukel m. )i. 120. brucheluessc frailty, p. r. I. p. 251. bniil, A. Sax. bryd, bryg-d, from breiden ; comp. iipbrud. brude, A. Sax. br^^'d, 0. L. Germ, briid, 0. II.Germ.hYut, 0. Icel. hi'u^r, Goth, hxups, hride (hird), mulier (sponsa, nuptaj, puel- la, a. r. 164; h. m. 5; Horn ed. Rits. 1058; p. s. 239; brid Orm. 14194; bride prompt. 50; brude, burde Lay 294 Sf 19271; burde Marh. 17, 20; Will. 683; Gaw. 752; buirde c. I. 863; h. T. 374; burde, buirde, birde, berde Langl. 3, 14; birde Percev. 1289; berde Degrev. 759. brtidale hridal, rel. ant. 1, 265; bruidale, bridale Langl. h 2, 43; bridale Orm. 14003; Octav. 1702; bredale ayenh. 118. brugge brastlien 79 briidgume, A. Sax. br^^^dguma, O.L.Gcrm. brGdegomo, bridegroom, Mark. 19; brid- gume Orm. 10422; bredgome ayenh. 233. brudlac ntiptiah, Jul. 7 ; h. m. 3. brudping nuptials, misc. i)d. brugge^ A. Sax. brycg, O.Icel. bryggja, 0. Fris. bregge, 0. II. Germ, brucca, bridge f brig J, pons, La^. 19242; Langl. b 6, 601; brigge Chauc. C. t. a 3922; Man. 241, 6; Mand. 7; bregge U b. disc. 127 1; brugge (gen.) Rob. 639, 27; brugge fdat.J a. r. 242; brigge IIoccl I, 190; brug- geu fp/.J Hob. 656, 27; camp, tubrugge. Bristowe, A. Sax. Brycgstope, Bristol, Rob. 277, 10; Bristouwe La^. 21027. brukcn^ A. Sax. O.L.Germ. brucan, O.Fris. O.Icel. briika, 0. II. Germ, priihlian, pru- chen, Lat. frui ffor frugi) part, fructus, brooJc, frui, uti, a. r. 202; h. m. 33; Orm. 2164; bruken (brouke) he heo pohte La^. 4800; bruken nanes drenches 19756; brouke Langl. b 11, 117; Chauc. C. t. 10182; so mote ich brouke finger or to Havel. 1743; bruc fpres. imper.) st. gen. 1831; broke Amad. ed. Robs. LXI, 1; deriv. bruche. briin, A. Sax. O.Fris. brim, O.Icel. brtinn, O.H.Germ. bruner, brown, fuscm; broun Chauc. C. t. a 207 ; pe brune Havel. 2181; mi brune \\^x misc. 193; of brou- ne here Rob. 429, 10. brune^ A. Sax. bryne, O.Icel. bruni, from brinnen, burn, ustio, La-i,. 8256; h. m. 9; pe brune of golnesse a. r. 264; bu- ses brune o. a. n. 1166; bringen on brune Kath. 1364; brene ayenb. 264. " brunstan '^sulphur\ ps. 10, 7; pr. c. 4863; brunston misc. 160; brun-, brin-, brenston Wicl. genes. 19 Sf ps. 10; brinston p. I s. XXI, 143; a. p. 2, 967; ant. Arth. XV, 6; bren-, bern- ston ayenb. 49 Sf 73; bronston Man. 14684*; lud. Gov. 308; bornston voc. 211. brunen^ O.H.Germ. brunen, becrme Irown; brounip fpres. J Alls. 3293. brunie^ A. Sax. byrne, 0. led. brynja, O.L. Germ. Goth, brunjo, O.H.Germ. brunja, cuirass, coat of mail, a. r. 382; Horn ed. Lum. 691; brunie, burne Za). 1663 ^ 6718; bruni Alls. 1869; Gaw. 2012; brinie Havel. 1776; brenie horn. 1, 243; breni ant. Arth. XLI, 7, bruuicd clothed with a coat of mail: bre- nyede knightes d. Arth. 316; see ibru- nied. brunt brunt, ^^impetuH\ prompt. 64; a. p. 1, 176; bront Lidg. m.. p. 261. brurd see brod. brushe, Ital. brusca, brush, peniculus, fdat.J Langl. b 13, 460. brusche^ Ital. brusco, brush, soopa, "bruscu^", prompt. 64. briiseu, A. Sax. brysan, bruise fbrise, birsej, f r anger e; brisen hom. 2, 61; Havel. 1836; brisin "■quassare', prompt. 62; brusden fpret.) I. h. r. 40; bresid fpart.) Flor. 103; Triam. 237; camp, tobrtisen. brust, A. Sax. byrst f damnum J, O.H.Germ. brust ffracturaj, from bresten, damage, defect; burst Lay 1610; spec. 24; brist e. T. 833; pr. c. 6206. bruste^ A. Sax. byrst, O.Icel. burst, bust, O.H.Germ. purst, birsftj, seta. Ell. rom. 2, 322. brustel^ A. Sax. bristl (?), O.Dutch borstel, bristle, h. T. 777; brustile, bristile, bur- stil ^'setd\ prompt. 62; bristile Town. myst. 100; brustelis fpl.J Alis. 6621; brustles, bristles, berstles Chauc. C. t. a 656; brostles Beves 748. brusteii^ O.Icel. byrsta part, byrstr fseta ornarej? brust fpart. J p. s. 161 ; ibru- sted mid golde Lay 3639. brustlien bristle; bristled fpart. J Alis. 6722; pe bristlede boor Chauc. Boet. 4281; iburstled (ibrustled) mid stele Lay 16096. brustlien brustle, crepare: and brustlep as 80 Brut buggea a monkes froise Gow. 2, 93; brustleden sceldes La'^,. 20143; see brastlien. Brut, A. Sax. Bryt, Briton, La-^. 6401. brutel, frotn A. Sax. breotan, O.Icel. briota f/rangerej, hrittle, fragilis ; brutel, britel Gow. 1, 33 (Ilalliw. diet. 2 Id); brutel, britel, brotel Langl. 8, 42 (9, 37 J; Chauc. C. t. 9155 Sf 9935; brotel Shoreh. 5; ayenh. 129. brotelhede frailty, ayenh. 130. bruteliiesse hrittleness, Chauc. C. t. 9155. Bruten, A. Sax. Bryten, Breoten, Britain: on Breotene fragm. . 5, 13. Brutisc, A. Sax. Brytisc, British, La^. 6318. brutiieii, A. Sax. brytnian, hreah, cut; brut- tene Will 1133; brittene Jlavel 2700; d. Arth. 963; brutned fpret.J Will. 1073; bretinid Ilalliw. diet. 210; britned f part. J Orm. 14178; britned, brittened Gaw. 2 Sf 680; comp. tobrutnen. brutteii, A. Sax. bryttan (?), O.Icel. brytja, hrit, f ranger e; brutte fpret.J m. t. 112 ; pe dede bodi pei britten Man. 244, 10; comp. tobrutten. bi'ii|)eii, A. Sax. bryden, from breowen? jus. brupenled r. s. V, 242. bruwe, A. Sax. (brti, brup ?) pi. brua, bru- pa voc. 42, 64 ^ 282, broiv, supercilium; ]3rowe voc. 179 Sf 183; prompt. 53; spec. 28; li h. disc. 883; bruwen (pi. J La^. 22283; brouwes h. T. 417; misc. 225; browes rel. ant. 1, 54; Tor. 1454; browen (dat. pi.) Brand. 19. buc, A. Sax. 0.1. Germ, biic, O.Icel. bukr, O.K. Germ, bull, puch, houl fhuch), ven- ter, 0. a. n. 1132; \)q>v\^ Alis. 3254; btikes (gen.) rel. ant. 1, 218; buke (dat.) a. r. 134; bouke Chauc. C. t. a 2746; buken (dat. pi.) Lay 17319. bucke, A. Sax. bucca, 0. Icel. bukkr, 0. H. Germ, boch, huch, hircus, a. r. 100; buk- ke Man. 15749; bucc Orm. 1140; buckes (bukkes) horn Chauc. C. t. a 3387 ; buckes (pi.) horn. 2, 37 . budde, O.Dutch botte? hud, ^^ gemma', prompt/ 54; buddes (pi.) Lidg. m. p. 217. budduu, 0. Dutch botten? hud, "gemmare\ prompt. 54. bude houd, '■^gurgulio', prompt. 46; voc. 255; comp. scharnbude. budcl, A. Sax. bydel, 0. II. Germ, butil, from beoden, headle, praeco, Kath. 1928; o. a. n. 1169; spec. 22; bidel Orm. 97; bu- dul, bedel Langl. 2, 77 (109); bedel Wicl. genes. 41; budeles (pi.) p. s. 151; bedeles ayenh. 37. bueii see beou. biieii, A. Sax. biian, 0. II. Germ, buen, bu- wen, O.Icel. bua, Goth, bauan, colere, par are; bun (part.) houn, paratus, Orm. 523; boun spec. 100; Will. 1138; Jos. 461; Man. 4766; Tor. 2044; Eglam. 583; sche was boun to goon Chauc. C. t. 11807; deriv. bur, bi, big(?), biggen. bueren ,see beren. bufeii see biuven. buifeu, L. Germ, buffen, Dutch boffen, hufi; boffing (part.) Rob. 414, 14; see puffen. buffere huffer: of bufferes Halhorurri', Wicl. Is. 32. buffet, 0. /v. buffet, huffet, a.r.l82; Will 4700; pr. c. 5203; buffat, boffat Wicl. John 18; buffet, boffet ^^alapa, tripes", prompt. 41, 54 8f 55. buffetin, O.Fr. buffeter, huffet, ''alapare\ prompt. 54; buffetede, buffeted (pret.) Langl. 6, 17 8 (7 , 163); buffeteden a. r. 106. bugge hug, larva, prompt. 55. buggeu, A. Sax. bycgan, O.L.Germ. bug- gean, Goth, bug j an, huy, emere, Kath. 1633; a. r. 208; o. a. n. 1368; an. lit. 9; bugge c. I. 1112; biggen Orm. 15793; buggen, biggen, beggin, bijen Langl. 4, 76 (89); bigge Alis. 5494; p. 41, 4; bigge, bie Wicl. genes, 41; begge ayenh. 23; bien Chauc. C. t. h 1246; bie Hoccl. Ill, 31; hQjQ' Havel. buggere bulge 81 53; Octov. 388; bud fpres.J a. r. 148; buip h. h. 85; pey biggep pi. cr. 360; buje fimperj La->,. 30810; bugge (bigge) fsuhj.J La^. 3556; bohte fpret.J Orm. 711; bo3te ayenh. 133; bou3te Wicl. genes. 25; bohtest spec. 58; bouhten a. r. 362; bolit fpaH.J h. h. 97; boght Octm. 589; comp. a-, for-, ibuggen. buggere, biggere, beggere, biere luyer, Langl. 10, 307 (11, 209 J; biggeres fpl.j Mand. 86. bligguiige, A. Sax. bycgung, buying, a. r. 362; beggiiige ayenh. 38. bugle, O.Fr. bugle, Lat. buculus, hugle, Hulalus\ Wicl. deuter. 14; bugele I'or. 142; bugles fpl.jAlis. 5112; Mand, 269. bugelliorn Chauc. C. t. 11565. bii^en, A. Sax. btigau, 0. Dutch ^iwigQYi, Goth. 0. II. Germ, biugan, how, flecti, se inclina- re, se vertere, ohsequi: bu3en (bou^en) tit of telde La^^. 5386; pe him buwen (bou- we) wolden 3709; bu3hen Orm. 6627; bupen a. r. 22; bou^e ayenh. 8; he sal boughe him '■HncUnahit se\ ps. 9, 31; to bo we into pe bent IJegrev. 55; bou- wep fpres.J c. I. 1305; bouwes Jos. 57 1; Will. 948; buh from uvele ^'■declina a malo\ hom. 1, 117; bouwep, bowepX^w^/. 5, 575 (6, 56 J; buhe fsuhj.J Kath. 1484; bea^ fpret.J ayenh. 239; beh La-^,. 15740; pa beh ha pe spire Marh. 22; and beh him to me over bord spec. 54; ich beih to pe deofle a. r. 304; bei3, beih c. I. 358; bey rel. ant. 2, 276; bjeh Or^n. 8961; bu3enXa5. 24683; bu3en to ful- ehte hom. 1, 91; bo3en ayenh. 84; Gaw. 2077; buhe fsuhj.J Kath. 2400""; comp. a-, an-, bi-, for-, ibu3en; deriv. bea3, be3en, bl3els, bi3t, bo3e, bojt. bu^en see be3en. buh? biihsum, A. Sax. buhsom (?), huxom, fie- xihilis, ohediens, Kath. 1805; a. r. 356; Orm. 6176; buxum st. gen. 980; buxom Will. 3085; Langl. h 1, 110; Flor. 1725; m. h. 62. buxomliche Langl. h 12, 114; buxomli Mand. 82; buxumli IIoccl. VI, 52. btihsumnesse h. m. 41; buxumnesse "o5- edientia\ prompt. 57 . builc see biile. buiue, bune to he hought? a. r. 368. buine huying? -piduten bune hom. 1, 185; a. r. 362^'. buistous see boistous. bul see bol. buld huild fheeldj, aedificium; bild Ilalliw. diet. 175; pi. cr. 157. buUleu, A. Sax. byldan (?), huild, aedificare, hahitare, La^. 2656; Kath. 1657; builden Langl. h 12, 228; bilde lud. Cov. 20; belden pi. cr. 706; belde Trist. 3, 47; Man. 135, 10; to belde and to bide in blisse d. Arth. 8; bulde fpret.J La^. 29218; Roh.21, 13; hM^^fpart.J Mand. 58; pi bur is sone ibuld r. s. V, 153. bulder, Dan. bulder, Swed. buller, holder. bulderston, Swed. bullersten, holder-stone, Havel 1790. buldinge huilding; bildinge, beldinge ^^aedi- Jicatio\ prompt. 30. bule, 0. Icel. boli, 0. Dutch bulle, bolle, hull^ Kath. 61; Orm. 990; bule fgen. dat.J Lay 14187 Sf 14209; buUe "torW, voc. 187 ; bole Haurus\ prompt. 43; Ha- vel. 2438; Man. 478; bules, boles fpl.J ps. 21, 13; boles Langl. h 11, 333; Chauc. a t. a 2139. bolehude Brand. 5. boleslating Alis. 200. bule, A. Sax. b^le, O.Dutch buile, M.H. Germ, biule, hile fhoilj; bile "gihhuJ\ voc. 207 ; bile ^^piistula', prompt. 36; bi- les, bules, builes fpl.J Langl. b 20, 83 fWart. hist. 2, 58 Sf 86 J; biles Wicl. exod. 9; beles ayenh. 224. bulge, Lat. bulga, Fr. bouge, bulge, bouge, budge, h. m. 35; Iw. 263; bouge "^ 11 82 bull buren protivpt. 46; bouge ^^uter, gihlus\ Wicl. levit. 21 8f ps. 77; boge Man. 11197. \m\\ see beli. biiike^ O.lcel. bulki, hulh; bolke ^^cumulus\ prompt. 43. biilkcu hulli, puhare: on her brestes gon thei bulk Halliw. did. 217. biille, Lat. bulla, hull, mjenh. 62; Langl. prol. 66 {69 J. biiUoke^ A. Sax. bulluca, huUock, Humlu8\ voc. 177 ; bulluc a. s. 3; bullok ^row?;^^. 56. bulteii^ Swed. bulta, Lat. pultare? holt fhultj, puhare: hit -pule pulten (bulten) on him a. r. 366; bulte flour puhando pur gar e? prompt. 65; beated pe & bulted (? print- ed busted) pe h. m. tyi;,bulted breed Orm. 992; beete and bulted flour Lidg. m. p. 98. bumbiii^ bummin, Germ, bummen, bommen, hum, "hoinhimre, homhilare\ prompt. 65 ; bummede, bummed fdranhj Langl. 5, 137 (223J. biiniblcii humhie : as a bitour bumblip in pe mire Chauc. C. t. 6554. buiiie see heme. biiiichc^ O.lcel. bunki fstruesj? hunch; bun- ches fpl.J Mapes 344. buiichoii^ Dutch bonken, hunch, Hundere\ prompt. 66; pey bonchen peire brestis Halliw. diet. 194; bunchede, bonchede (pret.J Langl. prol. 71 (74). bundel^ A. Sax. byndel, Germ, blindel, from binden, hundle, "fascictilus^\ proinpt. 55; bundels fpLj misc. 212. biiiie^ A. Sax. bune (carchesium), hun fhoonj; bunne ^''calamus, placentd\ prompt. 55; boune? ayenh. 150; bunis harrels? Hal- liw. diet. 219; bonis Wicl. Is. 1; bonnes nug. poet. 10. buiien? comp. tobunen. biiiige^ Germ, bunge, ^^lura\ prompt. 55. b 11 line see bounde. buiiscn^ L.Germ. bunsen, hounce, pulsare, a. r. 188. bunt hunt: the bunt of the saile Halliw. diet. 219. buiiteu hunt, pulsando purgare? bontep pet mele ayenh. 93. biintiug hunting, prompt. 56; bounting spec. 40. bur? burlich, 0. H. Germ, burlicher, hurly, suh- limis; \im:\i Perxev. 269; borlic rel. ant. 1, 222; borlich Begrev. 759; pi bur- liche bodi ant. Arth. XVI, 8; burllche knightes d. Arth. 586. bur^ 0. Icel. byrr gen. byrjar, lir, impetus, Gaiv. 290; bir m. h. XVII; to him he stirt wip bir ful grim Iw. 1661; hire (dat.) Alex. 711; bere Flor. 659; wip bure "cMm impetu', WicJ. Judith 14. bur, A. Sax. 0. L.Germ. 0. II. Germ. O.lcel. bur, from buen, hciuer, conclave, a. r. 34; 0. a. 71. 958; hour Havel. 2077; h. h. 32; boures fgen.J Chauc. C, t. a 3367; bure (drd.J Onn. 3323; Horn ed. Lum. 286; boure ayenh. 226; Will. 1760; Gaw. 853; boure fpl.J m. t. 91; bures Z^). 5982. burcniht Z«3. 18960. bourmaiden rel. ant. 2, 175. burdein La-^,. 15357 . burward Lay 19176. bur, A. Sax. (ge)bur, 0. H. Germ, (gi)pur, hoor, agricola; beuir rel. ant. 1, 187; bouer Lidg. m. p. 192; comp. ibur. burbil hurhle, '■'■hulla\ prompt. 56. burblon ^^hullare\ prompt. 56. burd see bord. burde see briide & burde. burdou, O.Fr. bourdon, bordon, hurden; bur- doun, bordun staff, Langl. 5, 524 (6, 8); burdoun, bordoun hass, Chauc. C. t. a 673. buren, A. Sax. (ge)byrian, O.lcel. byrja, 0. L. Germ, (gi)burian, 0. H. Germ, (gi)burren, pertain, helong ; burp fpres.J an. lit. 4; jup birp understanden Orm. 89; bers m. burgeis burnen 83 h, 10; burde fpret.J Gaw. 2278; a. p. 1, 316; burd Man. 76, 9; J)at birde wel to him ben grim Havel. 2761; him bird m. h. 17; comp. iburen. burgeis^ O.Fr. burgeois, hurgess, Flor. a. Bl 115; Will 1889; Langl. 3, 160 (162). burj, ^. >S'^;r. burg, burh, biiruh, O.L.Germ. O.K. Germ, burg, O.lcel. borg, Goth. baurgs, from ber^en, hury, horough, bur- row f burgh, brugh, brough), arx, urbs; burg st. gen. 1837 ; burh Kath. 46; 0;m. 7262; ane he3e burh (bor;^) Lay 220; bur3, bureh o. a. n. 766; burgh Ah's. 2056; Isumb. 547 ; buruh ^'urbs\ fragm. 4, 34; a. r. 74; bur^, bor3 Gaw. 2 ^' 259; bor3, boru Bob. 47, 18 Sf 72, 3; bourgh Ggw. 1, 30; Lincolne pe gode boru (borw) Havel. 773 Sf 847; burw3 pi. cr. 118; burwh prmnpt. 56; buri, A. Sax. byrig, fdat.J fragm. 4, 35; birie hom. 1, 225; biri st. gen. 2257; bur3e, burie (borwe, borewe) X«). 2168, 3553 Sf 9888; burghe, borghe Langl. b 6, 308; burewe misc. 55; borwe Will. 1889; bu- ri3e (borewes), A. Sax. byrig, fpl.J La->,. 9928; burghes Chauc. C. t. 6452; bourghes Lidg. m. p. 210. burchbriche rel. ant. 1, 33. burhfolc La-^. 9758. burh3at Lay 17670. burhmou Lay 12441; buruhmon a. r. 350. borghmot g. 350. burhreve Kath. 1927. bur3touii Wicl. Josh. 7. burhpein Lay 13716. burhwal Lay 22091. burhwere Lay 28368. burjels, . ^. >S«:r. burgeis, O.L.Germ. burgisli Heine 8 gloss., burial, sepulcrum: an bur- yels al niwe imad Rob. 204, 16; buriels c. I. 1284; buriles "sepulcrum'\ fragm. 4, 55; burieles Langl. b 19, 142; bir- iels Man. 9026; beryels "sepulcnwi', vac. 178; berieles ayenb. 228; biryel, beryel ^^sepuUrum, tumulus\ prompt. 37; beriel s. s. ed. Wr. 2561. bur^cii; A. Sax. byrgan, byrigan, bury, se- pelire; burien Lay 27872; bir3en Orm. 15254; hinen St. gen. 2424; biryin, ber- yin ^'sepehre'\ prompt. 36; birie p. s. 197; Wicl. John 19; berye Eglam. 488; bur- ye fpres. imper.j Alis. 4628; birye s. s. ed. Wr. 1257; buryede fpret.J Bob. 50, 18; hmiede Horn 906; hnrede BeL 2219; bureden Lay 19822; buryed (part.) Langl. b 11, 66; herjed Mand. 15; com p. bi-, ibur3en. bur^cu^ A. Sax. byrgen, sepulcrum; berien hom. 1, 241; buriene (dat.) 1, HI. bur^eii^ O.Fris. burgia (fidejubere)? protect, save: to bur3en him seolven Lay 21268; burhen Jul. 26; burupen from pes deo- fles botte a. r. 366; bur we Havel. 2870; bure3e fpres. subj.) hom. 1, 25; co^np. ibur3en. buri^eii^ ^. aS^?.^. byrigan, byrgan, taste; comp. aburi3en. buryiiigC; buri3ing burying, p. I. s. XXV, 80. buriiiesse^ A. Sax. (b9)byrigniss, sepuUuraj hom. 1, 35; burinaesse (burinisse) Lay 25852. burleU; L.Germ. burreln Br. wb., buUire; burland (part.) e. T. 99; Metres lai bur- ling in hur blode Flor. 1639; see burblou. burn see beorn. burue^ A. Sax. O.Fris. burna, O.L.Germ. 0. H. Germ, brunno, 0. Icel. brunnr, bourn (burn), rivus, o. a. n. 918; rel. ant. 1, 1; burne, borne Man. 8164; borne Gaio. 731 ; bourne, bournes (gen.) Langl. pi'ol. 8; bournes fpl.) Flor. 609. burne see brunie. burnen^ 0. Fr. burnir, burnish ; burned (part.) Gow. 2, 231 ; Chauc. C. t. a 1983; bur- nist Gaw. 212. 84 burre butte burre^ Germ, burre, Ban. Stved. borre, bur, "lappa", prompt. 56; Arth. a. Merl. 8290. ?bursew Wr. diet. 272. ? burtre hur-tree, "sambucus\ voc. 228 ; Halliw. diet. 221. burst see brust. bursten? comp. an-, ibursten. burton^ O.Fr. borter? hurt, "cornu petere\ prompt. 56; pe mastes faste to gidere burte Man. 4626. buriTe^ A. Sax. (ge)byrd, O.L.Germ. (ge)- burd, O.R.Germ. burt, Goth, (ga)baurps, from beren, lirth, partus, natus, origo, horn. 1, 273; burde, hm^Q Kath. 84; burde, burde a. r. 158; firme birde st. gen. 1484; Eachel non birde ne nam 1697; birpe Gow. 2, 76; Chauc. C. t. b 192; Wicl. John 9; pat pas of hire kin & al of hire birde Orm. 2052; fro his birde time rel. ant. 1, 211. buritcii^ A. Sax. (ed)byrdan, nasci? birden st. gen. 1471. biiriteiie, A. Sax. byrden, from beren, bur- then (bur den J, onus, La'^. 25970; a. r. 232; burpene c. I. 958; burpen spec. 110; burpene, berpene I. h. r. 56 Sf 57; birpene Havel. 807; birpen ps. 37, 5; berpene Wicl. eccles. 33; berdene misc. 34. burtter, A. Sax. byrdor, partus? i pe bur- derne (for burdere?) of beam h. m. 37. busard^ Fr. busard, buzzard, buteo, Alis. 3049; bosard prompt. 45; busherd voc. 220. busch^ 0. IT. Germ, busc, M. II. Germ, busch, bosch, bosche, 0. Dutch bosch, 0. Fr. . bosc, bosche, M.Lat. boscus, bush; busch, busk Will. 819 Sc 3069; busk "dmmis\ prompt. 56; st. gen. 2779; Gaio. 182; bosche Shoreh. 131 ; busche, bushe fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 1517; busse ayenb. 28; boskes fpl.J Bob. 547, 9; buskes, busches Langl. b 11, 336; bushes 3Iand. 115; buskes Percev. 758. buschel^ O.Fr. bussel, boissel, bushel, p. 30 f 6; buschel, bushel Chauc. C. t. a 4093; buischel, boischel Wicl. Luhe 11. busi, A. Sax. bysig, O.Dutch besig, busy, negotiosus, industrius. Will. 588; busi, besi Clmuc. C. t. a 1491; bisi (busi) La:^. 2837; bisi a. r. 142; c. I. 787; m. h. 108; besi Gow. 2, 42; Mand. 3; bi- segure (compar.) a. r. 182. bisihede diligence, ayenb. 55; Alis. 3. bisilTche busily, a. r. 146; Shoreh. 55; besiliche Gow. 2, 43; busili Will. 650 bisischipe diligence, a. r. 384. busie^ A. Sax. bysgu, bisigu, labour, occupa- tion; besye d. Arth. 3630. bisivol ayenb. 226. biisieu^ A. Sax. bysgian, bisgian, busy, occu- pare, sollicitare; bisien Chauc. Boet. 112; besien Gow. 2, 43; bisiede "satagebaf, Wicl. Luke 10; bisied Gaiv. 89. bisiiicsse business, Shoreh. 92; pi. cr. 727; besinesse Gow. 2, 60. buskeii^ Gael, busg, Ir. btisgam, bush, pa- rare, ornare; buske Will. 2210; buske pe forp to fare Eglam. 348; buskep (buske) 30W to pat bote Langl. b 9, 133 ; bus- ked (pret.) Gaw. 1411; pai busked and maked hem boun Trist. 1, 14; hit was buskid above wip besauntus Degrev. 1427 . busse^ O.Fr. busse, A. Sax. butse? Sax. chron. 201, buss, scapha, Man. 187 . bustleu bustle: busteling forp . . . over valeies & hulles Langl. a 6, 4. but, O.Icel. butr, Fr. but? but (butt), "me- ta\ prompt. 56; "amseges', voc. 270. hilt, 31. II. Germ, bu:^ ? bout, pulsus, Havel. 1040. buteu see biuten. butere, A. Sax. butor, buttor, Gr. pouxopov, butter, Havel. 643; buttire voc. 198; butter, botere Wicl. genes. 18; botere g. 356. buterfll3e butterfly, Flor. a. Bl. 473. butte, L.Germ. butte, butt, rhombus, prompt. 56; Havel. 759. butte caitif ^5 butte^ A. Sax. bytt, 0. Icel. bytta, luU, "u- ter\ fragm. 4, 56; butte, bitte uterus? h. m. 3d; boUen as a bitte (ms. bite, r. w. pite = pitte) Mapes 334; bit "utre\ ps. 32, 7*; bittes fpLj g. 382. butteu; 0. Butch botten, M. II. Germ, butzen ? hutt; button "pellere^ prompt. 56; butten Arth. a. Merl. 5175; he bigan to stiren & to butten Orm. 2810; but fpaH.J Havel 1916. buttok^ from but? luttoch, oppoc, voc. 183 ; prompt. 56; p. I. s. XVII, 163 ; Chauc. a t. a 3803; buttokes fplj treat. 139. buveii see biuven. buwen see bu3en. buxom see buhsum. ca, Dan. kaa, O.Dutch ka, kae, O.II.Germ. c^ha, caa; kaa ^'■monedula\ voc. 188; coo prompt. 84. cadawe caddaw, ^^moneduIa\ prompt. 57 . caban^ O.Fr. caban, calin, Langl. 3, 184 (190). cable^ Fr. cable, M.Lat. capulum, see Diez wh. 87, cable, prompt. 57 ; kablen (cables) fpl.j La-^. 1338. cache, O.Fr. cache, catch. cachepol, O.Fr. chacepol, catchpoll, horn. 1, 97 ; Langl. 12165; catch epollis ^^ ap- paritor es', Wicl. 1 lings 19. cacchen, O.Fr. cachier, chacier, catch, chase: 3if he me mihte cacchen (cache) La-^. 31501; cacche Will. 2266; cacche, ca- ■ che Chauc. C. t. a 4105; cacche, chacche Langl. 2, 167 (192); kecchen a. r. 324; kecche Horn ed. Rits. 1377 ; cachin (kacchin) a wey ^^ahigere", prompt. 57 ^ 269; vor to cachie and verri pane divel vram him ayenh. 178 ; chacen out alle misbeleevinge men Mand. 3; chace pr. c. 4316; chace a way Lidg. m. p. 139; alle . . . kache me a way m. h. 151; cahte fpret.J Lay 4547; ca3te Rol. 14, 11; kagte is (a) wei st. gen. 949; Canu- te, caughte Chauc. C. t. a 498; keihte a. r. 154; keste ant. Arth. XLIX, 2; chaced Langl. h 17, 51; caht f part. J p. 8. 152; cau3t Langl. b 17, 219; ikeiht a. r. 88; hap cachid "comprehendif, Wicl. Mic. 4; pus am i cachet from kipe ant. Arth. XII, 8; camp, bicacchen. cad? kodlomb cade-lamb? voc. 245. eadas caddis, Hombycinuni\ prompt. 57 . cade, Lat. cadus? cade, prompt. 57 . cader, Wehh cadair, caither f heather J, cunae; kader a. r. 378. caf see chaf. caf, A. Sax. caf, quiclc, eager; cof rel. ant. 1, 212; cof & qvik a. p. 2, 624; kene he was & kof Man. 66, 25; pe cove a. r. 66; biforen kafe & kene Or^n. 19962; cove (adv.) o. a. n. 379. cofliche quickly, Lay 1705; cofli Gaw. 2011; Alls. ed. Sic. 1009. caft, keft? a. r. 206. cage, Fr. cage, cage, a. r. 102. caggen cadge, a. p. 1, 511; cagged (part.) 2, 1254. cai, Fr. quai, Welsh cae Owens diet., Bret. kae Le Gon. diet. 169, quay ; kei prompt. 269. cai, Fris. Dan. kei Oufzens gloss., Molb. dial, lex., sinister; kai Gaw. 422. cair, O.Icel. kserr, carus. ka3erle3c, O.Icel. kserleilo:, love, Orm. 2187 . cairen, O.Icel. keyra (agere)? drive, turn: in contre to cairen (kairen) aboute Langl. prol. 29; kaire Gaw. 1048 ; caired (pret.) a. p. 2, 85; pe kouherde kaired to his house Will. 373; icaired (part.) spec. 37. caiser, A. Sax. casere, Lat. Caesar, emperor, Alis. 1409; Man. 5120; kaiser a. r. 138; kaisere, keisere, keiser (caiffer, kay- sere) Z^). 5220, 7331 Sr 27366; kaiser, kaisere Langl. b 19, 134; keiseres (g^n.) Kath. 3; ke3seres Orm. 3519. caitif, O.Fr. caitif, caitif, "captivus'", Wicl. 1 paral. 5; Will 710. 86 cake camp cake^ Swed. kaka, cahe, ^^lihum, placenta\ prompt. 58; h. m. 37; Chauc. C. t. a 668. cakelin^ Dutch kakelen, Swed. kakla, cacJcIe, ^'■gracillare\ prompt. 58; kakelen a. r. 66; caclep fpres.J Gow. 2, 264. calch^ A. Sax. calic, Lat. calix ailat. calice, O.Fr. calice, chalice, chalice, misc. 43; caliz a. r. 284; Brand. 14; clialice Shoreh. 20; clialis ayenh. 167 . cahl, A. Sax. ceald, cald, 0. L. Germ, cald, Goth, kalds, O.Icel. kaldr, 0. 11. Germ. clialter, from calen, cold, frigidus, horn. 1, 97; Iw. 360; pr. c. 767; cold a. r. 400; 0. a. n. 622; cold red rel. ant. 1, 182; chald misc. 30; ayenh. 153; cheld Shoreh. 0; cold fsulstj p. s.^330; Mand. 256; calde fdat.J Iw. 2974; Gow. 2, 38; see kelde. ?caldmewe Lidg. m. p. 202; calmewe m. t. 133. caldicu^ A. Sax. cealdian, 0. 11. Germ, clial- ten, grow cold; colde Chauc. Troil. 5031; m. Arth. 3647; his blod big-an to colde s. s. ed. JFr. 1678; hire heorte bigan to clielde Horn ed. Lum. 1148; kelde fpres.J rel. ant. 2, 211; colde p fragm. 5, 38; comp. a-, for-, ofcaldien. ealeu^ O.Icel. kala pret. kol part, kalinn falgerej, Lat. gelare; comp. acalen? deriv. cald, col. calender, Lat. calendarium, calendar; kalen- der Lay 7219. calf, A. Sax. cealf, O.L.Germ. calf, O.II. Germ, chalb n., O.Icel. kalfr m., calf, vitulus, Orm. 5858; calf, kalf Langl. 7 , 274 (289); k^lf fragm. 3, 28; keif a. r. 136; calveren fpl.J Mand. 105; cal- veren, calves Wicl. numh. 29. calfflesch voc. 200. calf, 0. Dutch kalf fpulpaj, 0. Icel. kalfi f su- ra J, calf, ^^sura\ prompt. 58; Chauc. C. t. a 592. calioii "rudus\ prompt. 58. calke? calketrappe, A. Sax. calcsitnpj^e /heracleaj voc. 68, caltrap (caltrop), Hri ulus\ voc. 140; calketrappen (pi.) Alls. 6070; vol of . . . calketreppen and of grines ayenh. 131. calle, O.Fr. cale, Ir. calla, ca^il, p. s. 158; Chauc. C. t. 6600; h'. T. 365; pe calle of pe liver ^^reticulum jecoris\ Wicl. le- vit. 3; kelle ^^rdiculum'", voc. 196; Em. 303; kelles (pi ) "Town. myst. 313. calliu, A. Sax. ceallian, O.Dutch callen, 0. Icel. kalla, O.II. Germ, challon, call, cla- - mare, "vocare'\ prompt. 58; callen Mark. 3, 6; so shulen men callen it ay Havel. 747; callen (pres.) Mand. 1; callede (pret.) Fercev. 610; callede, called Langl. h 18, 93; cald (part.) st. gen. 1700; icalled pi. cr. 57 4; comp. bicallen. calme, Fr. calme, calm, prompt. 58. calu, A. Sax. calu gen. calpes, 0. H. Germ . chalawer, callow, '■'■calvus', Wicl. levit. 13; pe calewe p. I. s. IX, 89; pe calouwe mous la chauve-souris, ayenh. 27. camb, A. Sax. camb, comb, O.Icel. kambr, 0. II. Germ, champ, comh (camh), pecten, crista, Orm. 6340; comb p. 16, 4; de dikes comb st. gen. 2564; kombe (dat.) ayenh. 258; comp. huni^comb. cambok, M.Lat. cambuca, cmp. Ir. Gael. camog", crooked sta.ff, voc. 232. kamel, Lat. camelus, camel, st. gen. 1398. canimed fiat nosed, rel. ant. 1, 240; cam- mid ^^simus\ prompt. 59. camnioc, A. Sax. cammoc, cammoch, peuceda- num; cammokes, kammokes (pi.) Langl, h 19, 309. camomille, Fr. camomille, camomile, p. I. s. XXXI, 114. camp, A. Sax. camp, comp, 0. Fris. kamp, komp, O.II. Germ, champh, O.Icel. kapp, camp, certamen, pugna; comp La'>,. 4347 ; kampe (dat.) d. Arth. 3670; comp. i- camp; dei^iv. kempe. campm carde 87 eampiii^ A. Sax. campian, O.Fris. kampa, kempa, O.II.Oerm. cliamfan, chemfan, 0. Icel. keppa, ccnnp fhempj, certare, pugna- re, prompt. 60; kempe d. Arth. 2633. call, A. Sax. cann (can), conn (con), O.L. Germ, can, Goth. O.Icel. kann, 0. II. Germ. chan, (pret. pres.J can fconj, possum, scio, St. gen. 309; ayenh. 21; can ''scit'\ Wid, John 7; nou can 1 no red Triam. 595; can, kan Orm. 1314 ^ 5282; 1 can (kan) a noble tale Chauc. C. t. a 3126; can, con La-]. 3291 ^ 13332; o. a. n. 197 §^ 680; con a. r. 18; h. h. 26; Aid. 16; ne con crist him nenne pone hom. 1, 32; pu canst o. a. n. 1182; canst, kanst, const Langl. 3, 166 (172); cun- nen Orm. 5514; pe wel cunnen a (con- ne of) speche La^. 7301; cunne Bek. 1325; connen, conne 3Iand. 5 Sf 213; cunne fsuhj.J a. r. 64; o. a. n. 188; • cunne (conne) La-^. 28644; pou konne Langl. h 19, 26; T^e conne, konne, cun- ne, kunne Chauc. C. t. a 3118; deriv. cunnen, kennen. caiicre, Fr. cancre, chancre, canler, a. r. 330; somme bicome cancre frete Bob. 299, 5. caiidcle^ A. Sax. candel, Lat. candela, cand- le, hom. 2, 47; ayeyib. 102; candle Bek. 1969. candelbem prompt. 60. kandelmesse candlemas, Orm. 7706; con- delmesse a. r. 412. candelstaf Wicl. exod. 25. candel stikke candlestick, prompt. 60; Wicl. exod. 25. caiiel^ Chanel, Fr. canal, canal, channel, "ca- nalis\ prompt. 60 ^ 69. canelbon channel-hone, ant. Arth. XL, 12. caiiele, Fr. cannelle, cinnamon. Lay 17744; canel p. I. s. XXXV, 76; Wicl. exod. 30. cang foolish ? Kath. 260; a. r. 62. cangliche foolishly? a. r. 56. kangschipe folly? a. r. 338. cang fool? a. r. 270; kanges fpl.J 362. caiigcn become foolish? ye arn cangede a. r. 362^'; comp. acangen. caiiguu? beo he cangun Oder crupel h. m. 33. caiine^ A. Sax. canne, 0. II. Germ, channa, can, cantharus; kan lid, Cov. 259. canope canopy, prompt. 60. cant cant, strenuus, validus? cant and kene Min. 30; kant & cof Man. 1886 i mani kant knight Ilalliw. diet. 488. Cantebrugge Cambridge, p. I. s. XIII, 66; Cantebrigge Chauc. C. t. a 3921. cantcl^ 0. Fr. cantel, corner, Chauc. C. t. a 3008; li b. disc. 346; ant. Arth. XLI, 1. cantelcape La-^. 29749. Cantware, A. Sax. Cantpare, (pi. J inhabitants of Ke7it; Cantwareburi, A. Sax. Cantpara burg (byrig), Canterbury, La-^. 2821; Cantoreburi fragm. 5, 22; Canterbury Belc. 240. cape, O.Fr. cape, chape, cape, cope, chape: he nom ane cape of his ane cnihte Z«). 13097; cope, cape ^^capa\ prompt. 91; chape of a schethe 69; 3if he haved en- ne pidne hod & one ilokene cope a. r. 56; copes fpl.J Langl. prol. 53 (d6). capcl, capil, capul, Ir. capall, capull, Gael. capuU, Lat. caballus, Gr. y.a^oiXkr}Q, hor- se, Chauc. C. t. a 4088; capul Langl. 4, 22 f23j. capon, O.Fr. capon, capon; captin rel. a?it. 1, 217; capones (pi. J Langl. i 15, 466. cappe, A. Sax. O.Fr. cappe, O.R.Germ. chappa, cap, cucullus, pileus, prompt. 60; p. s. 330; Mand. 247; pis manciple set- te here aller cappe Chauc. C, t. a 586; keppen fdat. pi. J a. r. 420; comp. fleil- cappe. car, Gael, cearr? car fkerj, sinister? wip pe car honde (printed carhonde) ant. Arth. XLVni, 2. carde, Fr. carde, card, carduus, carmen, prompt. 62. 88 cardin casten cardin^ Fr. carder, card, carminare, lyrom'^t. 62; carded (part. J Langl. h 10, 18, care, A. Sax: cearu, caru, 0. L, Germ, cara, Goth, kara, 0. II. Germ, chara, care, cura, soUmtudo, La^. 23061; Orm. 4862; c. 1. 217; Cham. C. t. a 1669; fr. c. 7263; god seute on liim seknesse & care st. gen. 776; kare o. a. n. 1690; Will 726; comp. modcare. earful, A. Sax. cearful, careful, Beh. 639; Will. 2201 ; karefulle ciiilites La-). 16760. carfulnesse carefulness, horn. 1, 116. kareleas, A. Sax. cearleas, careless, a. r. 246; careies La-^. 12478. carieu^ A. Sax. cearian, 0. II. Germ, cliaron, care, curare, a. r. 48; he 3:>ile carien for liire h. m* 6; earye Roh. 312, 2; care Min. 34; carest fpres.J Will. 3182; carep 2^. 28, 3; carande f part. J Gaw. 674; carede fpret.J Beh. 126. cariage^ O.Fr. cariage, carriage, ^^vectura\ prompt. 62. carieUj O.Fr. carier, carrg, vehere, Langl. 2, 132 fl61J; g. 20; carie Chauc. C. t. a 130; Mand. 49. karite])^ O.Fr. carite, O.Ital. caritate, cha- rity, Orm. 2998; charite ayenh. 79; Chauc. C. t. a 632. cark^ A. Sax. care (?) Somn. diet., Welsh Gael, care, cark, cura, Arth. a. Merl. 3962; Gam. 760; karke fdat.J Man. 136, 26. carkeii^ A. Sax. (be)carcian (?) Lyes diet., carl, curare; carke pi. t. 198; carke and care spec. 64; sq. I. deg. 924; carke fpres.J Jos. 30; carked (part. J Arth. a. Merl. 4464. carkeii see chargen. carl, A. Sax. carl, 0. Icel. karl, 0. R. Germ. charl, karl, carl, vir, ^^rusticus\ prompt. 62; Havel. 1789; Chauc. C. t. a 646; Town, my St. 213; karl Iw. 669. carlisch carlish: karlische pinges horn. 1, 273. caroiiie^ O.Fr. caroigne, carrion, ayenh. 86; charoines fpl.J a. r. 84. Carole^ O.Fr. carole, carol. Boh. 63, 4; ca- roles f2^l.J Chauc. C. t. a 1931. carpe, O.Fr. carpe, 0. II. Germ, cliarplio, carp, ^'■carpus', prompt. 62. carpenter, O.Fr. carpentier, carpenter, Roh. 637, 4; Chauc. C. t. a 3189. carpiu carp, loqui, ^fahulari'\ prompt. 62; carpe Will. 4681; -Jos. 440; Langl. h 19, 66; Chauc. C. t. a 474; Degrev. 9; Lidg. m. p. 191; to carpe wip jour qwene a^it. Arth. XI, 13; the king . . . carpis pes wordes d. Arth. 639; carpe (imper.) ham. 1, 287; karpede fpret.J Isutni. 234; carped Gaw. 1088. caiTC, O.Fr. carre, car, "carrus"", prompt. 62; Mand. 130; carris "plaustra'\ Wicl. numb. 7. cart, A. Sax. crset? 0. Icel. kartr, Welsh cart, Gael, cairt, cart ; cart, carte Langl. 2, 164 fl79j; carte ''rheda\ prompt. 62; Wicl. 3 hings 10; karte Orm. pref. 48; kert ^^currus\ fragm. 4, 63; carte fdat.J Lar). 11396; carten fpl.J ayenh. 36; car- tes St. gen. 2362; Ma7id. 260. cartelode cart-load, Havel. 896. cartwei cart-way, Langl. 3, 127 fl31j. cartere carter, ayenh. 160; s. a. c. XVII, 26; kartere, cartare 0. a. n. 1186. cartin cart, plaiistro vehere, prompt. 62. cas, Fr. cas, case, casus, JFill. 326. cask, O.Icel. kaskr falacerj Egilss. lex., karskr frask, livligj Fritzners ordh., lusty, live- ly; kaske Havel. 1841; see crask. casse, O.Fr. casse, case, capsa, prompt. 269; cas Chauc. C. t. a 2080. cast, O.Icel. kast, cast, fact us. Will. 4662; Mand. 92; Chauc. C. t. a 3606; Flor. 1406; Wicl. numb. 36; ant. Arth. XLVIII, 2. casten, O.Icel. kasta, cast, jacere, spec. 37; Chauc. Troil. 3660; to casten him in irens Langl. 4, 72 f86j; kasten Kath. castel clacken U46; caste Gmv. 1, 334; Wicl. John 8; F&i^eev. 682; kesten a. r. 56; keste a- yenh. ^9; Man. 54, 6; caste fpret.J horn. 1, 47; La-^. Idld"'; Brand. 8; Mand. 93; kaste Jfath. J 360; keste Isumb. 608; casten spec. 37; hi casten lieore lot misc. 50; kesten Gaw. J 6 49; cast f part. J Flor. 2181 ; icast Beh. 450; c. I. 807; traris- act. 18, 25; ikest a. r. 228; conip. a-, bi-, for-, overcasten. castel^ O.Fr. castel, castle, Beh. 2089; kastel Orm. 19941; castle fdat.J Lay 14138. casteljat castle-gate, La:\. 18652. cat^ A. Sax. catt, O.Icel. kottr m., O.Fris. katte, 0. II. Germ, cliaza /., Lat. catus, cattus, Ir. Gael, cat rn., Welsh cath /., cat, a. r. 102; h. m. 37; ayenh. 179; Langl h prol. 149; Arth. a. Merl. 8726; ofte muse}3 pe cat after hire moder rel. ant. 1, 180; kat o. a. n. 810; catte prompt. 63; Chauc. C. t. 5932; cattes (gen.) Langl. h prol. 179; kattes minte '■^nef(e)td\ rel. ant. 1, 37; cattes fpl.J Mand. 129. catel^ O.Fr. catel, Lat. capitale, see Kuhn and Schleicher's heitr. 2, 50, cattle, chattle, capital, property, money, La"^. 30673^'; e. I. 990; Rich. 1546; Langl 7, 22 (8, 24); s. s. ed. Wr. 1210; wip heore catel and heore gode transact. 18, 24; catel hadde pel inOugh and rente Chauc. C. t. a 373; pid chatel mon mai luve cheape ham. 1, 271; chetel a. r. 224. cauce^ Fr. chaussee, causey, prompt. 64; kauce Man. 183, 2. caucewei causeway, prompt. 64. caudel^ O.Fr. caudel. chaudel, caudle, Rob. 561, 12; Langl. 5, 205 (361). caudroii^ O.Fr. caudron, caldron. Brand. 17. caukeii^ Ital. calcare? tread? Langl. b 12, 229; caukede fpret.) 11, 350. caul, A. Sax. caul, capl, O.Icel. kal, O.H. Germ, chol, col, Lat. caulis, cole (cale), fragm. 3, 39; kaul voc. 141; cowl mir. pi. 8 ; kal rel. ant. 1, 52; col /. c. c. 48. caul-, colplante Langl. 6, 288 (7 , 273). calstok prompt. 58. cause. Fr. cause, cause, ayenb. 224; Chauc. C. t. a 1764; bi c*ause 174; be cause Mand. 15 Sf 46. cave, Fr. cave, cave, at. gen. 1137 ; Will. 25. cedre, Fr. cedre, cedar, ayenh. 131. ceelin ^^caelare\ prompt. 65. celle, O.Fr. cella, cell, p. I. s. IX, 60; celles fpl.) a. r. 152; cellen ayenb. 267 . celler, Lat. cellarium, cella/r. Goto. 3, 12. cercheii, O.Fr. cerchier, search; cerche Lidg. m. p. 159; cerched (part.) Mand. 315. cercle, Fr. cercle, circle, I. h. r. 28; Gaw. 615. cerge, Fr. cierge, cierge; cerges fpl.) Ha- vel. 594. certeiii, Fr. certain, certain, Rob. 52, 19; Man. 4875. cessen, cesse, Fr. cesser, cease, Langl. 2, 122 (151); cesse Chauc. C. t. b 1066; cese transact. 19, 329. * ciclatouii, Span, ciclaton (amictus) Salvd diccion., a sort of garment, or stuff? Hick. thes. 1, 225; ischrud mid hpite cicla- tiine horn. 1, 193. cindre, Fr. cendre, cinder; cindres fpl.) Mand. 101. circum, Lat. circum. circumcisen circumcise ; circumcised fpart.) St. gen. 1200. Cireucestre Cirencester, Jlob. 2, 23. cite, Fr. cite, city, a. r. 228; misc. 26; Mand. 244; Chauc. C. t. a 2701; ps. 45, 5. citeien, 0. Fr. citeien, citizen ? citezein (ci- te3ein?) G&w. 1, 75; cite3ens fpl.) Will. 3850; cite3enis g. 23. citole, O.Fr. citole, a musical instrument, Chauc. C. t. a 1959. clacke, O.Dutch klacke, clach, crepitaeulum; klakke voc. 180; prompt. 79. clacken, 0. Butch klacken, O.Icel. klaka, clack, 12 90 cleemen clasp garrire; clake /. e. c. 54; pu clackes(t) 0. a. n. 81. clxmen^ A. Sax. clseman, 0. Butch klemen, O.R.Germ. chleimen, cleam (claim), line- re; cleime Lidg. m. p. 63; dome? fpres.J sacratn. 708; cleme hit with clay a. p. 2, 312; clemede Hinivi£\ Wicl. exod. 2; comp. iclsemen. clsene^ A. Sax. clsene (mundm, pur us J, O.L. Germ, clene fexilisj, 0. R. Germ, chleiner fsubtilisj, clean, mundus, purus: cl^ene (cleane) mon La"). 6290; clene o. a. n. 584; st. gen. 605; Chauc. C. t. a 504; clene brsed Orm. 1590; cleane inpit a, r. 2; clene, cliene ayenh. 159 ^ 224; clane m. t. 206; ne mai no man clene telle Bek. 128; clennere fcompar.J p. I. 8. XXI, 98; clennest (superlat.) Langl. h 14, 43. clasnlTch cleanly: clenllche clopinge ayenh. 216; clenllche fadv.J a. r. 344; Bek. 130; pi. cr. 229. clseniiesse^ A. Sax. clsenness, Orm. 4598; clennesse a. r. 164; ayenh. 201. clseiisicii^ A. Sax. cl^ensian, cleanse, mundare, purijicare; clensien fragm. 7 , 6; clensen a. r. 314; fms. clennsenn) Orm. 1126; clensi Shoreh. 50; dense Langl. h 6, 106; clansi o. a. n. 610; clanse Mire 259; clensede fpret.J horn. 1, 237; clensed (part. J pr. c. 3705; comp. icl^nsen. cleusiiigj A. Sax. clsensung, cleansing, Orm. 15006. clay^ A. Sax. claeg, O.Fris. klai, clay, latum, spec. 85; Alis. 915; pr. c. 411;^ clei fragm. 5, 46; cley ^^argilla\ prompt. 80; Chauc. a t. 12735. cleiclot r. s. V, 73. cle^i clayey, Wicl. eccles. 22. claimeu^ O.Fr. clamer, claim: claimen (clei- men) and asken Langl. h 14, 259; clei- mep he after elopes Will. 4481; cleimed peym quit of per servise Man. 4548. clak, A. Sax. claec (?), M.H.Germ. Mac, 0. Icel. klakkr, Hot, spot: jif pat je pel 3up loken fra clake & sake Orm. 9317. clam^ Germ. Dutch Dan. klam, clajn, "glu- tinosus, viscosus\ prompt. 79. clam, A. Sax. clam, O.Dutch klem (kleem), cloam f doom J, lutum; clom Langl. a 12, 100. clameriu clamher, ^^reptare\ prompt. 79; clambred? (part. J Gaw. 801. clamour, 0. Fr. clamor, clamour, Chauc. C. t. a 995. eland, O.Icel. kland, harm, injury; clond La-^,. 11704. clap, 0. Dutch klap, 0. II. Germ, chlaph, clap, ictus, a. r. 102^'; clappes (pi.) Man. 175, 6. clappe, Germ, klapfe, klaife? clap, ''strepi- tus\ prompt. 79. clappe, O.Dutch klappe, kleppe, 2I.II.Germ. klaffe, clap, crepitaculum : clappe of a mille prompt. 79; hold pou pi clappe (tongue) chron. Vilod. 94; cleppe a. r. 70 ^^ 72. clappiii, A. Sax. clappian, 0. Fris. 0. Icel. klappa, 0. II Germ, chlaphon, clap, ''pul- sare\ prompt. 79; clappen Octov. 569; clappen to gidre '■'complodere', Wicl. jud- ges 7; clappep (pres.) Shoreh. 135; what so men clappe (talk) or crie Chauc. C. t. 12893; dappide (pret.) d. Arth. 956; clappid (part.) IIoccl. I, 394. clapper, L.Germ. Mapper, klepper, clapper, Gow. 2, 13; coppe and cJapper he bar ... as he a mesel war Trist. 3, 80; pe clepper (ms. cleper) of pe melle a- yenh. 58. clare, 0. Fr. dare, claret, claret. Ravel. 1 728; claret prompt. 79. clariouii, O.Fr. clarion, clarion, Man. 11384; clariounes (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 2511. clartcii dart, macular e; comp. biclarten. clasp clasp (elapse), fibula. Rich. 4084; clespe voc. 238; claspes (pi.) p. ,s. 222; d. Arth. 1108. claspen cleoven 9i claspen clasp; clasped, elapsed (part.) Cham. a t. a 273. clatercn^ O.Dutch klateren, clatter, strepere, Kath. 2026; pe arwes . . . clatreii fast and ringe Cham. C. t. a 2369; clatered (fret.) Gaiv. 731; clattered Lidg. m. p. 106; comp. toclateren. clatt, A.Sax.d.kdi m., O.Fris. klatli, O.Icel klsedi, 0. H. Germ, kleit n., cloth, pannus, vestimentum, Kath. 1428; clap Orm. 3208; clod a. r. 418; clop Bek. 691; ayenh. 43; Chauc. C. t. 7216; cloth ^^pa7inus\ prompt. 83; clades (elopes) (pi.) Lay 2367; clapes Iw. 1803; clodes a. r. 418; claden (dat. pi.) Lay 3187; comp. barm-, bord-, handclad. ela|>en^ A. Sax. cladian, O.Icel. klieda, clo- the,, vestzre, Orm. 2710; clathe pr. c. 3663; cloden st. gen. 2630; clopen Gow. 2,227; Gam. 72; clepe spec. 37; Iw. 1787; clodinde (part.) a. r. 16; clopede (pret.) ayenh. 133; clopeden Langl. prol. 63 (66); cladde Rich. 3097; cledde m. h. 87; eloped, icloped (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 911 Sf 1048. chijiere clothier ; clo])eres (pi.) Langl. b 10, 18. cla|)iiig; Germ, kleidimg, clothing, Orm. 1907 4; eloping Lay 3187"^; cleping ant. Arth. IX, 2. clau, A. Sax. cla, clea, cleo _^;/. clape, O.L. Germ, clawe, O.Dutch klauwe, O.Fris. klewe, 0. II. Germ, chloa, eloa pi. chla- wen, O.Icel. klo pi. klcer, claw (clew, clea), "ungula\ fragm. 2, 16; claw, ele prompt. '80; clawe, ele Wtcl. exod. 10; cleo? inisc. 96; clape (pi.) o. a. n. 163; clapes (ms. clappess) Orm. 1226; elawes Alis. 2186; elauen ayenh. 61; elees Gow. 2, 39; Hand. 198. clayer^ A. Sax. clafer, O.Dutch klaver, clo- ver, d. Arth. 3241. clavren^ Dutch klaveren, Dan. klavre, claver, scandere: hpeder pe cat of helle clavrede ever topard hire a. r. 102; claverande on heghe d. Arth. 3324. clawin^ A. Sax. clapian, O.K. Germ, klawen, O.Dutch klauwen, claw (clow), "scalpere\ prompt. 80; clawe, clowe Langl. h prol. 164; clawep (pres.) pi. cr. 366; clape (suhj.) 0. a. n. 164; clawed /^^r^^.y Chauc. C. t. a 4326. deafer^ M. H. Germ, klouber ? unguis ; clea- fres (pi.) a. r. 102. cleche deck, unguis; cleches (pi.) a. r. 174*. clechen cleach (cleelc), unguihus capere; cle- che Horn 963; c. I. 734; cleke Iw. 2478; penne sir Grauan bi pe coler cle- ches pe knijt ant. Arth. XLVIII, 7; clekes d. Arth. 1866; elekis Alex. 842; clahte (pret.) a. r. 102*; claht? (part.) spec. 37 . clecken, O.Icel. klekja, deck, hatch, breed; clekit? (part.) I own. myst. 311. clei see clay. clekeii see clechen. demon see cl^men. clenimen^ O.L. Germ, (ant-, bi)klemmian, 0. II. Germ, (bi)chlemmen, from clam, clem, artare; clem id (part.) llallixv. diet. 264; comp. forclemmen. clenchiu^ 0. II. Germ, (gi^ , in)chlenken, clench, '■^retundere\ prompt. 80; clenche o. a. n. 1206; cleint (paH.) I. h. r. 138; [iclen- ched ChauG. C. t. a 1991]; comp. un- clenchen. clenchen, M. H. Germ, klenken, make to clink (h)is harpe he gan clenche Il&rn 1488 clenchin a3en '■'■obgarrire' , prompt. 80 ])at a3en clenkep Shoreh. 113. clene see clgene. clengen make to cling, contract: per clengez pe colde Gaw. 2078; pe forst clenged 1694. clensien see clsensien. cleo see clan. cleoven, A. Sax. cleofan, O.Icel. kliufa, 0. H. Germ, chliuban, cleave, findere ; cleove 92 cleowe climben . AUs, 7702; eleven iLath. 2027; Havel dl7 ; cleve Man. 18H, 0; clefe pr. c. 6736; clef fpret.J Ravel 2643; p. I s. XXIV, 264; AUs. 3708; Trist. 3, 8; Langl h 18, 61; cleef Mand. 86; clgef La-^. 21390; clofe Town. myst. 255; clo- fen f part. J Orm. 1224; cloven Chauc. C. t. a 2934; Mand. 95; hid. Gov. 45; i- clove Roh. 49, 13 ; comp. tocleoveu. cleowe^ A. Sax. clipe, 0. II. Germ, cliwa, chliwa, clew (clue), glomus; cl(e)ope, cle- we 0. a. n. 578. tXtinyf^ii, A. Sax. cleopen, clipen, Germ. Ideu- en, glomus; cleopen fragm. 4, 7 . clepieu^ A. Sax. cleopian, clypian, clipian, clep f clip J, clamare, vocare, Katli. 2199; clepieu (cleopie) La^. 2498; 3if ei polde cleopien him tO mete a. r. 260; cleopien, clipien horn. 1, 185 Sf 189; clepen Orm. 15325; clepin ^^vocare\ prompt. 81; s. s. ed. Wr. 1452; clepen, clepe Chauc. a t. a 643; clepe Wtll. 1299; bischo- pes lie let clipie BeL 472; clupie liob. 322, 18; to J:)e 1 clepie ant calle spec. 59; perne dia]) hi clepiep lif agenh. 72; clepede (pret.) st. gen. 1274; Octov. 759; cleopede topard heovene Mark. 18; clu- pede Morn ed. Lum. 225; clepeden Orm. 12978; Wicl Josh. 22; cleped fpart.J Mand. 305; Tor. 341; Langl h 10, 21; clept Hoccl I, 225; comp. bi-, je-, in-, widclepien. cleppe see clappe. cleppiii^ O.Dutch Ideppen fpulsare, sonarej, from clap, Hinnire\ prompt. 81. deppeii see cluppen. cler, O.Fr. cler, clear, treat. 133; clier a- yenb. 24; pe cliere light Lidg. m.p. 215. flerc, O.Fr. clerc, cleric, La>,. 39; p. I s. XVII, 50; clerk a. r. 318; Chauc. C. . t. a 480. clerin clear, clarare, prompt. 81. dergesse^ O.Fr. clergesse, a learned woman, Kath. 75. dergie, O.Fr. clergie, clergy, p. I. s. XXV, 155; clergies fpl.J Kath. 538. det, Mi 11. Germ. Wbi,, cleat, ^'■cuneus', prompt. 81. dete, 0. II. Germ, chledda, cleat, ''lappa', voa, 191; trayisact. 18, 24; see clote. de|>eii see clapen. dere, A. Sax. cleofa, cl^^fa (cella, cubilej? Ettm. lex. 394, O.Icel. Ivlefi- f hammer) Fritzners ordh., 846, chamber, Havel 557; kleve ''cub-ile\ ps. 35, 5. deven see cleoven. deviei!^ A. Sax. cleofian, clifiau, O.L.Germ. clivon, clevon, 0. II. Germ, chleben, from cliven, cleave, haerere; cleve lud. Cov. 54; cleve, Idive ps. 93, 20; cliven st. gen. 372; clevep fpres.) treat. 137; cleovied Zrt^. 9389; cleve, clive fsubj.) Langl. b 11, 219; cleviinde (part.) ayenb. 107; clevede (pret.) Beh. 2242; cleved Will 734; Hoccl I, 31; Cliveden Havel 1300. dewe see cleowe. dif, A. Sax. clif, cleof, O.Icel klif, cliff, rupes: pat clif (clef) La^. 1926; klif Gaw. 713; clive (dat.) li b. difc. 1163; clife, clefe Eglam. 379 ^* 415; ciives (pi) La:>,. 21807; kliffes ps. 113, 8; cleves Chauc. I. g. iv. 1466; cliven (dat. pi J AUs. 5429. dift cleft (clift), ''scissura, rima\ prompt. 81; clift 'furchure\ voc. 148; clifte (dat.) Chauc. C. t. 7727; cliftus "scissu- ras\ Wicl Is. 22. diket^ Fr. cliquet, clichet, ''clavicula\ prompt. 82; Langl 5, 613 (6, 94); Chauc. C. t. 9920. dimben^ A. Sax. climban, O.II.Germ. clilim- ban, climb, scandere, a. r. 140; Orm. 11860; Chauc. C. t. 10420; climbe o. a. ' n. 833; Will 707; climme Shoreh. 3; clamb (pret.) Percev. 1223; clam Rob. 333, 1; s. s. ed. Wr. 851; clomb a. r. 354; pu clumbe La'^. 21439; heo clum- ben La-^. 9420; a. r. 244; clomben Gaw. clingeu clou 93 2078; clombe f part. J Cham. C. t. hl'2; iclumben hom. 1, 211 ; a. r. 17 8. clingeU; A. Sax. clingan, cling, se contrahere, marcescere; clinge o. a. n. 743: Alts. 915; lud. Gov. 54; whan pou . . . clin- gest for drie Langl. h 14, 50; ant clin- gep so pe clay spec. 85; his beli clinges pr. c. 823; his limes clonge a wei p. 1. s. XXIV, 215; clungen was his chek m. h. 88; clunge /. h. r. 142; clongin m. Arth. 751; comp. forclingen; deriv. clengen. eliRken^ 0. Dutch klinken, 0. Icel. klykkja, cMnJc, p. a. 189; clinkin Hinnire\ prompt. 82; pay herd(e) a belle clinke Chauc. C. t. 14079; deriv. clenchen. cliiit^ Dan. klint, O.Icel klettr, cUnt, rtq)es; klintes f^pl.j Kalliw. diet. 497 . elipieii see clepien. clippeii^ O.Icel. klippa, clip, Orm. 4106,; clippin Hondere\ pro)npt. 82; clippe Chauc. C. t. a 3326; Wicl genes. 31. clippen see cluppen. clippare^ O.Icel klippari, clipper, "tonsor\ 2)rompt. 82; clipper Ma7i'. 238, 5. dive, A. Sax. clif, O.Dutch klive (klijve), O.K. Germ, chliba, lappa; Cimp. garclTve. cliTeii see clevien. cliyen, A. Sax. cllfan (?), O.H.Gerni. kliban (haerere), O.Icel. klifa (scandere), dive, haerere, scandere: pet wilnep heje to cll- ve ayenl. 23; the seed of sooth . . . cli- veth (cliveth ?) within yowre corage Chauc. Boeit. 2858; hi cliven (scanderunt) into pe helle ayenl. 126; hi blp . . . heje iclive 26, clhen = cleoven ; clivin ^^Jindere", prompt. 82; pe helm he claf Man. 10895. diver, A. Sax. clifr (?) geii. pi. clifra Mone 439, unguis; clivres fpl.J o. a. n. 155; clivre (dat. pi.?) 78, diver, from cliven? clever (diver), tenaxf & te devel (is) cliver on sinnes rel. ant. 7, 213. cloche see cluche. doilde see clotte. dogge, Ir. clog, dog, ^^truncus\ prompt. 83; clogges fpl.) Town. myst. 313. clolstre, O.Fr. cloistre, cloister, ayenb. 151, clolce dooh (duhe), unguis; clokes (pi.) a. r. 102; pr. c. 6936; Town. myst. 324; Mokes d. Arth. 792. doke, Ir. Gael, cloca, cleoca, doah, Lay 13097''; Chauc. C. t. a 1999. dolike, 0. Dutch W^okQ, O./c^/. klokka, kluk- ka, doch, prompt. 83; at YII of the clokke IV. a. i. 17. dokkiu, A. Sax. cloccian (?), dude (docJc), glocire, prompt. 83; clokke? Langl. 3, 34 (35). dom silence? ayenb. 264 ^' 266. domeii, Dutch kleumen (rigere)? comp. a- clomen. domsen rigere, torpere? whan pou clomsest for colde Langl. h 14, 50; he is outher clomsed or wod pr. c. 1651; clumsid hondis dumpsed hands, ^^manus dissolutas", Wicl. Is. 35; comp. aclumsen. dond see eland. doos, Fr. clos, close, clausum, prompt. 83. dosen see cltisen. closet, Fr. closette, closet, Gaw. 934. dot, A. Sax. clott (?), O.Dutch klot, O.H, Germ, cloz, clod (dot), gleba, p. I. s. XXIII, 25; ane clot of hevi eorde a. r. 140; in -One clotte 254; clottis ''gle- hae\ Wicl. Job 38; comp. cleiclot. dote, A. Sax. elate, dote (dot), "lappa\ fragm. 3, 38; prompt, 83; rel. ant. 1, 37; Wicl. Bos. 9. cloteleef Chauc. C. t. 12505. cloterin, cloderin, O.Dutch klotteren, cloUer, ^^coagulare\ prompt. 83; clotred (clotered) blood Chauc. C. t. a 2745. clotte, O.Dutch klotte, Germ, klotze? elod- de ^^gleba\ prompt, 83. clou, Fr. clou, dove, I. c. c. 17; clouB prompt. 84. 94 cloude cnape cloude cloud, ^^nubes\ prompt. 84; Beh. 1415; Alls. 777 ; cloiiden fpl.J treat. 136; clou- des ayenh. 108; ps. 17 , 12. cloudi cloudy, nuhihis, Brand. 23; Lidg. m. p. 139. clough dough fcleugh), cleft, ravlie, Trist. 2, 59; cloughis fgen.j m. Arth. 893. clout see clut. cloutc clout, colaphus, Isumh. 619; lud. Cov. 98. clove, A. Sax. clufe (?), clove; clove of gar- lek prompt. 84. clowchin "glomiceUus'", prompt. 83. clowe, 0. Butch Idoiiwe, ^'glomus'', prompt. 83. clubbe, O.Icel. klubba, clul, ^^fustis\ prompt. 84; ''pedum'\ voc. 240; Za^. 26062; Ha- vel. 1927; Idubbe a. p. 1, 1348; clobbe Trist. 3, 4; clubbes (pi J Iw. 3200. clubbiil clubbed, '^rudis'', prompt. 84. cluche clutch; cloches, douches fpl.J Langl. b prol. 154; cloches Mapes 338. clucheii clutch (clouch): to cluche (clucche) or to clawe Langl. b 17 , 188; cluchches (pres.) a. p. 2, 1541. cluile, A. Sax. cltid, rod, La\ 1915; clou- de spec. 44; eludes (pi.) Orm. 2656; o. a. n. 1001. cludi^, A. Sax. cludig, rocky, Orm. 2734. cluniseii see clomsea. clupien see clepien. cluppcu, A. Sax. clyppan, clip, aniplecti, a. r. 424; cluppe sp.c. 38; clippe Horn 1362; Langl. b 17, 188; Barton. 621; cleppen Flor. a. Bl. 594; cleppe Octov. 585; clippip f pres. J Chauc. C. t. 10287; clupte fpret.J Lay 5011; Beh. 288; clipte Man. 12118; clipped (part.) Will. 859; comp. bicluppen. cluse, A. Sax. cltis, 0. II. Germ, chlusa, dou- se, sluice, a. r. 72; clouse prompt. 84. clusen, A. Sax. (be)cl^san, close; close Bob. 28, 14; clusden fpret.J Lay 9760; comp. biclusen. cluster, A. Sax. clyster, cluster, "poxpuc", voc. 27 7; clustir, closiQi ^'racemus', prompt. 84; clustres fpl.J Mand. 168. cluster, A. Sax. cluster, daustrum. clusterloke daustrum; clusterlpkan fpl.) horn. 1, 43. clut, A. Sax. clut, O.Icel.W\\.\>x, Welsh clwt, clout, a. r. 256; r. s. V, 68; clout ^^pan- niculus, pittaciwn\ prompt. 84; Maud. 293; pane clout Shoreh. 15; a wollen clout Alis. 4459; ich nabbe clout ne lappe p. r. I. p. 227; clutes fpl.J Crm. 3327; Havel 547; cloutes pi. cr. 244; sche rent it al to cloutes Chauc. C. t. 9827; comp. swepel-, windeclut. clute, L.Germ. klute, gleba, o. a. n. 1167. clutien, A. Sax. cltitian, clout; cloutin "^r- cire", prompt. 84 ; clutie fpres. suhj.J a. r. 256; clouted f part. J pi. cr. 424; i- clouted Langl. 6, 61 f7 , 55 J; comp. bi- clutien. cnafe, A. Sax. cnafa, 0. II. Germ, chnabe, hwive, puer; knafe m. h. 131; cnave Lay 292; pi. cr. 288; knave Ilavd. 450; St. gen. 1151; iroat. 139; Flor. 2095; Chauc. C. t. a 3434; Tor. 2008; pe kokes knave a. r. 380; knight swain and knave Alis. 7968; is youre child a kna- ve mir. pi. 128. knavechild p. I. s. XXIII, 45; Wicl. exod. 1. cnag, Dan. knag, Ir. Gasl. cnag, hiag, no- dus; knagg Flor. 1795. cnak, 0. Icel. knakkr fhrahj Fritzners ordb.j hiadi, crepitus: queinte knakkes Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 4049. cnap, A. Sax. cnsepp f vertex), O.Icel. knappr f globulus), Welsh Ir. Gael, cnap fbulla, collisj, knap, button, globulus: knappes of golde Langl. 6, 272 f7, 257 J. cnape, A. Sax. cnapa, O.Fris. kuapa, 0. L. Germ, knapo, O.Icel. knapi, = cnafe; knape st. gen. 477; s. s. ed. Web. 930; Gow. 3, 321; I. h. r. 136; Gaw. 2136, cnarre cniht 95 s. a. c. XVII, Id; cnapes (gen. J Orm. 4106. cnapechild Orm. 7 896. rnarrc^ L.Germ. knarre, knar f guar J, tiiber, vertex; knarre Gaiv. 1434; CTiauc. C. t. a 649; knarres and eludes o. a. n. 1001; ful of knarres "verticibus plenum\ Wicl. wisd. 13. ciiarri nodosus: knarri trees Ckauc. C. t. a 1977. cnavc see cnafe. c'liawe, A. Sax. (or)cnape, notus. knowleche hnoivledge, Chauc. C. t. b 1220; lud. Cov. 93; knOwleche, knOiileche Mand. 134 Sf 313; knowlache Aud. 19; knawlage Fercev. 1052. knowlcchin acknowledge, ^'■fateri\ pro^npt. 280; knouleche Mand. 120; knowlache " > Mire 1670; cnapleched fpres.J Kath. 1362; knowelecliide fpret.J Wiel. John 9; knowleclied Langl. h 6, 481; knou- leclieden Will 4782. cnaplechinge acknowledging, KatTi. 1388; Jmaiilechinge ayenb. 132; cnoiilechnnge a. r. 92; knouleching Gow. 2, 23. ciiawcu^ A. Sax. cnapan pret. cneop, 0. H. t Germ, chnahan pret. chnata, 0. Icel. pres. I kna pret. knatta, Lat. pret. perf. (a)gn5- vi, Gr. yvtova'-, Buss, snamt, Sanec. f^T-, know, noscere; cnapen Orm. 1314; knawe Havel. 27 86; ayenb. 76; pr. c. 429; knaue ^ ant. ArtJi. XIX, 12; knowen Will. 677; [' knowe Langl. b 19, 198; cnouen rel. ant. 1, 172; knoiie A^id. 43; cneop (pret.) Orm. 12684; kneow Alis. 113; kneew Alis. ed. Sk. 641; cneou Za^. 17069; kneu Hob. 316, 2; Horn 1161; knewen st. gen. 2904; ayenb. 246; knewen, kne- we Langl. b 12, 164; 3ef pii cneope Jul. 22; kna wen (part. J Iw. 2666; pr. c. 444; knowen Mand. 2; knowe Will. 726; comp. a-, bi-, icnawen. cnaweiiessc cognitio; cnop(e)nesse horn. 2, 26. cnawinge, A. Sax. cnapung(?), knowing, cog- nitio; knawing pr. c. 146; cnCpunge a. r. 280. cnedeu^ A. Sax. cnedan, 0. II. Germ, chne- tan, knead, depsere; knedin prompt. 279; knedeC%r^».> Orm. 1486; kneden (part. J Chauc. r. r, 217 ; knodon prompt. 280; comp. icneden. cneo, A. Sax. cneo, cneop, 0. L.Germ. kneo, knio, Goth, kniu, O.Fris. kne, kni, 0. Icel. kne, 0. II. Germ, chneo, chniu, knee^ genu, r. s. V, 228; to pe nipe cne fgra- duj Hick. thes. 1, 226; kne st. gen. 444; in pe tepe kne Rob. 228, 17; knewe fpl.J Trist. 2, 103; cneon Marh. 9, 20; failed a cneon a. r. 16; kneon treat. 139; cnepes fms. cneppess) Orm. 6467; knewes Arth. a. Mcrl. 6661; knees, kno- wes Langl. 6, 203 (369); pe king laei on cneouwen Zr?). 32046. cnehole, A. Sax. cneopholen voc. 68, knee- holly, (printed cue-hole) rel. ant. 1, 37. cueolieii^ 0. Hatch knielen, kneel; cneolin Marh. 20; cnelen Orm. 6138; knele Mand. 14; Eglam. 1279; cneplest (pres.) hom. 2, 26; cneoled (imper.) a. r. 18; cneoulede (pret.) Lay 29664; kneulede Bek. 640; knelede spec. 106. cneowien^ A. Sax. cneopian, O.H.Germ. chni- wen, chniuwen, genibus niti; knepede (pret.) hom. 1, 121; knowede misc. 48. cnicche see cnucche. cnif, A. Sax. cnif (?), 0. Hutch knif (knijf), O.Icel. knifr, knife, culter, Orm. 4128; enne longne cnif X«). 377 6; knif a. r. 282; spec. 102; Alis. 1061; Mand. 61; knifes, knives (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 233; knives a. r. 212. cuiht^ A. Sax. cniht, cneoht, O.Fris. knecht^ 0. II. Germ, chneht, knight, servus, milesy eques; cniht, knit Lay 346 ^ 2800; cniht, kni3t o. a. n. 1087 Sf 1676; kniht Horn 608; knicht Wart. hist. 2, 2; kni^t. Hegrev. 1606; ich am pi kui3t Rob. 116,. 11; knigt st. gen. 283; knight Chauc. CL 96 cnihten cockeii t. a 43; knith, knit Havel. 1650 ^;- 2427; knilite fdat.J a. r. 86; cnihtes fplj Orm. 8185; cnilitene fgm. pJ.J Kath. 1571; comp. bur-, incniht. knihthod knighthood, Horn 543 ; knijthod ayenb. 83. cnilitscipe or do equestris, La"^. 23672; ^'■miUtia\ horn. 1, 243. kliihteii hnight, equitem creare, Horn 640; knitted fpart.J WiU. 1354. cuobbe^ L. Germ, knobbe, kniibbe, hioh fbialj, tuber, nodus; knobbe prompt. 280; pe knobbes sittinge on his chokes Cham. C. t. a 633. ciiobbi'l, 0. Batch knoboel, hiohhle fhiuhhle), tuber, nodus; knoble prompt. 280. knok knock, Langl. ed. JTr. 6262. cnokieu^ . A. ^ax. cnocian, 0. IceL knoka, knock, pulsare; knoke]) fpres.J ayenb. 116; cnoken a, p. 1, 726; knoke (imper.) Chauc. C. t. a 3432; knokede fpret.J s. s. ed. JFr. 1420; knoked fpart.J Min. 10. ciiokel^ A. Sax. cnucl (?), O.Dutch knokel, knuckle (knocMe); knokil ^^ nodus', voc. 186; ^'condylus', prompt. 280; knokelis (pi.) rel ant. 1, 190. ciiol, A. Sax. cnoll, knoll, collis; knol st. gen. 4129; cnolles ''colics', Hick. thes. 1, 168; knolles ps. 64, 13. knolliii knoll, ''pulsare', prompt. 280. cuop^ O.Fris. knop, O.H.Germ. chnoph, cnopf, knop, bulla, globulus; knop lud. Gov. 245; as hit were a gilden knop /. c. c. 39; pe knop of pe kne voc. 208; knoppe fdat.J w. a. i. 35; knoppos (pi.) Chauc. r. r. 1080' ^^ 1683; knoppis Begrev. 1494; knoppis of bras Wicl. exod. 26. ciiotte, A. Sax. cnotta, 0. Dutch knutte, M. H.Germ. knotze, knot, h. m. 33; knotte "nodus', prompt. 280; Chauc. C. t. 10715; pane knotte ayenb. 253; pidiite knotte a. r. 2; knotten (pi.) Bek. 1379; cnottes Kath. 1157; knottes Mand. 190; pi. cr. 161, ciiottel^ O.Dutch knutte], knottle, nodulus; knottiles (pl.J Halliw. diet. 498. ciiottieii^ A. Sax. cnottian (?), knot, nodare : iknotted (part.) a. r. 420. ciiotti knotty, horn. 1, 281; knotti "nodosus" , prompt. 280; Chauc. ('. t. a 1977. cnucche^ L. Germ, knucke, knitch ; knicche ''fasciculus" , Wicl. Amos 9; knoches of hai Rich. 2985; bindep hem in knucchen misc. 225. cuul^ A. Sax. cnyll, knell, rel. ant. 2, 277. ciiullcu^ A. Sax. cnjllan, M. H. Germ, kniil- len, pulsare; knille Percev. 1348; const. mas. 689; lete al so pe belles knille Mire 779; knuUed (part.) p. s. 193. ciiuriicd nodosus? to his cnurnede' cneon Marh. 10, 29; knorned stonez Gaiv. 2166. ciiutteu^ A. Sax. cnyttan, L. Germ, kntitten, knit; knittin "nodare, nectere", prompt. 279; knitten Langl. b prol. 169; knitte his browes Chauc. C. t. a 1128; knut (pres.) a. r. 396; as me knit a net p. I. s. XVII, 157; knutte (pret.) Alls. 2251 ; knette Gow. 2, 30; knitted (part.) pr. c. 7215; icnut Kath. 1525; to ge- dir hit is iknit Aud. 10. cobel? cobilston cobble-stone, "rudus", voc. 256; prompt. 84. cobelere cobbler, "sartor" , prompt. 84; Lanrjl. 5, 170 (327). coc^ A. Sax. coc Mone 314, O.Icel. kokr, cock, gallus, a. r. 140; o. a. n. 1679; rel. ant. 1, 217 ; aymib. 258; cok Mand. 91. coc(cocV), A. Sax. coc, O.H.Germ. coch, Lat. coquus, cocus, cook, coquus, Lay 19948; kok Havel. 2898; spec. 101; cook Chauc. C. t. a 2020; Lidg. m. p. 217; kuk voc. 211; cokes (pi.) La-^. 3315. coekeu pugnare? he wole grennen cocken & chiden rel. ant. 1, 188; cocke p. s. 153; cocken (pres.) Alex. 2042; mon pat si[) briddes cokkinde rel. ant. 1, 262. cocker colt m cocker pugnator? cocker pef & horeliug rel ant. ly 188; cokkers f'pl.J Town. myst. 242. cockunge pugna? pid strong cockunge over- cume hire flesch h. m. 47 . code cocMe, ^^cochlea\ prompt. 86. codde (cod?), A. Sax. c^qM fperaj Ettm. lex., O.Dutch kodde fcohusj Kil. diet., O.Icel. koddi fpudej Fritzners ordh., cod, siliqua, scrotum, prompt. 85; cod Chauc. C. t. 13949; cod twal, Town. myst. 84; codde I fdat.J 0. a. n. 1124; coddes "s2'lzqms\ r IVt'cL Luke 15; coddis of silke llalliw. diet. 262; comp. bean-, pescodde. code, O.K. Germ, cuti (gluten)? cobblers ivax, prompt. 85; Bigby myst. 35; coode "/?^- ce\ Wicl. exod. 2. codule, A. Sax. cudele, cuttle, "sepia", prompt. 85. codling codling, prompt. 85; m. t. 118. cof see caf. coiin cofjin, "cophinus\ prompt. 85. cof re, 0. Fr. cofre, coffer, c. I. 992. cogge, O.Dutch kogge, O.Icel. kuggr, cog, scapha, CJiauc. I. g. w. 1477; d. Arth. 476; cogges fpl.J Rich. 4784; Man. 12068. cogge, Swed. kugge, cog, dens rotae, prompt. 85; frogge pat sit at mulne under cogge 0. a. n. 86. coi, O.Fr. col, quoi, coy, Chauc. C. t. a 119. coife, O.Fr. coife, coif, Man. 10896. coin, Fr. coin, coin, Chauc. Boet. append. 1, 20. coint see under con-. coite quoit fcoitj, prompt. 86. cok see coc. cokel, A. Sax. cocel, coccel, cockle; kokil "z/- zania\ Wicl Mat. 13; rel. ant. 2, 80; cokel, cokkel Chauc. C. t. a 1183; cockel rel. ant. 1, 36; cokkil Lidg. m. p. 149. cokenei cockney, a pampered child, prompt. 86; cokenai Chauc. C. t. a 4208. coker, A. Sax. cocor, O.Fris. koker, O.JI. Germ, chochar, cocker, pharetra: enue koker Z«v 6470; cocur, cokir "cothurnus', prompt. 84; cokeres fpl.J Langl. 6, 62 (7, 56). cokerin, Welsh cocri? cocker, fovere, prompt. 85. cokewold see cukeweatd. col, A. Sax. col, 0. Icel. kol, 0. II, Germ. chol, cholo, coal, carbo, ayenb. 205; Will. 2520; & dude J)er inne muchel col La^. 2366; col, cole Chauc. C. t. a 2692; cole s. s. ed. Wr. 2170; pr. c. 6762; a qvic cole Beves 1548; as blak as cole p. I. s. II, 42; coles f2^^-J ^^('^i^- ^01; brennen t6 colen st. gen. 2653. colblak coal-black, o. a. n. 75. colmose, A. Sax. colmase voc. 62, Germ. kolmeise, cole-mouse, prompt. 88. colrake coal-rake, voc. 276; prompt. 88. col, A. Sax. col, 0. II. Germ, chuoler, from calen, cool, frigidus, Mand. 305; cool misc. 149; cole red Rob. 131, 8. col see caul. Colchestre, A. Sax. Colneceaster, ColcJiester, Rob. 2, 22. cold see cald. colien, A. Sax. colian, 0. II. Germ, chuolen, cool; Colin "frigefacere", prompt. 87 ; colen Gaw. 1254; comp. a-, forcolien. coliere, 31. II. Germ, kolsere, collier, carbona- rius, Octov. 495; kolieres fpl.) Will. 2523. colke colk fcouk, coke), volva ? appel . . . pat even in middes has a colke pr. c. 6445; colke fdat.) Town. myst. 281. coUere, Fr. collier, collar, prompt. 87 . colmi see culmi. colok collock, "cantharu£\ voc. 257 . colop collop; colopes, coloppes fpl.) Langl. 6, 287 f7, 272). colour, O.Fr. colour, colour, Shoreh. 26; Will. 764. colpon, Fr. coupon, cut, shred; colpOns, cul- pons fpl.) Chauc. C. t. a 679; culpftus Iw. 641. colt, A. Sax. colt ('?), colt, "pullus\ prompt, 13 98 colvre con- 88; horn. 1, 3; Chauc. C. t. a 3263; Lidg. m. p. 255; ])et colt ayenl. 185. colvre see culfre. colwen coUow f colly J; colwid (part. J prompt. 88. comb see camb. combren see cumbren. come see cume. comete, Fr. comete, comet, Boh. 416, 13. comiii^ Lat. ciiminum, cumin, prompt. 89; Wicl. Is. 28. comp see camp. eomsen see under con-. con-, Fr. Lat. con-, con-. quailin quail, '■^coagulare'', 'prompt. 418. conceiven conceive; conceive]) fpres.J a- yenh. 136. condicion condition, ayenh. 173. confermen confirm; confermi Belc. 481. confonden confound; confonde Marg. 173. confort comfort. Will. 1408; cunfort ho7n. 1, 185; kunfort, cumfort a. r. 236. conforten comfort; conforti p. I. s. XV, 116; corforted (part.) Will. 380. conftis confuse, Langl. h 10, 136. confusion confusion, ayenh. 229. coint, O.Fr. coint, Lat. cognitus, see Diez wh. 110, quaint. Will. 653; Gaio. 1526; cointe, cpointe a. r. 140; se comte kei- ser Kath. 580; quoint Mapes 337; a. p. 1, 888; pe quointe swike Roh. 105, 5; qneinte Chauc. C. t. 5943. culvert, O.Fr. culvert, Lat. collibertus, see L)ie% wh. 604, villanous, Flor. a. Bl. 329. cullin, O.Fr. coillir, Lat. coUigere, cull, prompt. 107; sex hundred of hise he colede out Man. 2731. couchin, O.Fr. colcier, colchier, couchier, couch, ^^collocare\ prompt. 96; kouched (part.) Will. 2240. comanden command; comaunde (pres.) c. I. 956. comencen commence; comse Will. 2244; comseth, cumsep (pres.) Langl. 1, 128 (137). commencement commencement, misc. 30. commun common, ayenh. 37 . coverchief, O.Fr. couvrechief, cueuvrechief, herchief; coverchief, kerchef Chauc. C. t. h 837; kovercheef Lidg. m. p. 48; keverchief i?. I. s. XXIV, 126. coveren, O.Fr. covrir, cueuvrir, Lat. co- operire, cover; covere Man. 14101; co- vere, kevere Langl. h 3, 60; kevere Wicl. Hahah 2. covert coveH, Will 2217; pr. c. 4489. compaignie company, Man. 3131; cum- paignie p. I. s. XIII, 185; cumpanie Will. 1124. cumpas compass, c. I. 739. compassion, compassioun compassion, ayenh. 148; Chauc. C. t. a 1110. compleignen complain; compleigne, com- pleine Chauc. C t. a 908. complexioun complexion, ayenh. 157 . compoune compound, Chauc. Boet. 2419. conqueren, O.Fr. conquerre, conquer; con- quere Man. 3127. conqueste conquest, Man. 4599. curraiin, Fr. corroyer, curoy, prompt. 110. conscience, kunscence conscience, a. r. 228 §^ 306. conseil counsel, misc. 26; Roh. 48, 11; Hoccl. L, 76; consail Beh. 881; coun- sail a. r. 70; pr. c. 5943. kunsiler counsellor, a. r. 410. kunsenten consent, a. r. 272; consentede (pret.) Beh. 1871. cosin cousin, Roh. 38, 8; Man. 47 53. cosine female cousin, Roh. 330, 16; Will. 602. custurae custom, p. I. s. XVII, 204; ku- stume misc. 47 . contac strife, ayenh. 15; contak s. s. ed. Wr. 1718; contek Roh. 90, 16. counten count, computare; countep (pres) Langl. 3, 137 (141). conestable cost 99 contenance countenance, Chauc. C. t, b 320; cuntenaunce Will. 1397. controven, Fr. controuver, contrive; con- treove, contreve Man. 7146 Sf 8986; contreve Langl. h 10, 19; controves fpres.J pr. c. 1561. conveien, O.Fr. conveier, convey; conveie Will. 5111; Man. 13123. convenant, covenant covenant, Bob. 179, 18 Sf 185, 10. CO vent cotivent, p. I. s. XVI, 160; ku- vent a. r. 12. covine, O.Fr. covine, convine agreement, intrigue, JFill. 3147. conestable^ O.Fr. conestable, constable, Ha- vel. 2286; cunestable hom. 1, 247. coiling^ O.Fr. connin, cong, "cuniculus'' , voc. 177; Will. 182; coning, coni Wicl. levit. 11; cunig p. I. s. VIII, 182; conig Min. 37. coimeii see cunnen. contraric, Fr. contraire, contrary, ayenb. 136. centre-, O.Fr. contre, Lat. contra, counter-. countirfet counterfeit, prompt. 99. countirpeis, -pois counterpoise, prompt. 99. contre, Fr. contree, country. Lay 1282'^; Mand. 244; contre, cuntre Chauc. C. t. a 216; cuntre Will. 6. cop, A.Sax. copp, O.Fris. kop, O.Icel. koppr, 0. H. Germ, choph, cop, caput, culmen, p. s. 70; rel. ant. 1, 144; pa turres cop X«3. 7781; pe cop of pe Mile Mand. 17 ; coppe (dat.) Chauc. h. f. 1166; Par- ten. 5911; bi pe coppe he him nam Lay 684"^'; from pe tures coppe a. r. 228; pe coppis of pe hillis Wicl. genes. 8. cope see cape. cope, O.L.Germ. copa, O.H.Germ. chuopha, coop; coop "xtjcpoc", voc. 178. coper, Lat. cuprum, copper, Chauc. C. 1. 13220. copenere, copinere, A. Sax. copenere, Icwer, 0. a. n. 1342; copinere misc. 150; Bob. 335, 7; copiner s. s. ed. Web. 2225. copnien await, expect? ich copni pi cume Marh. 21; copnid & keped hpuch ure is kempe tO overcumen Oder Kath. 802; pe copned ant cleoped me (pat cleoped me & copned) 2378. coppe, L. Germ, kobbe, cob (cop), aranea, Mire 1937; comp. attercoppe. corage, O.Fr. corage, courage, ayenb. 164; Man. 5384. corde, O.Fr. corde, cord, p. I. s. XVII, 165. core, Fr. coeur, ewe, ^^aruld\ prompt. 93; Lidg. m. p. 43; sacram. 757 . corien (corien?), 0. Dutch koeren? gemere, queri? comp. acorien. coriun a sort of horn. Lay 7002. cork, 0. Dutch kork, cork, "suberies, cortex", pro7npt. 93. corleu, Fr. corlier, courli, curlew, scolopax, Langl. b 14, 43. corn, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. corn, O.Fris. 0. Icel. korn, O.H.Germ. chorn, Goth, kaum, corn, granum, Orm. 1500; Shoreh. 32; p. s. 342; heo freten pet corn & pat grses Lay 3905; corne fplj Chauc. h. f. 698; cornes pr. c. 3420. cornstak stacJc of corn; cornstakkes fpl.J Man. 14690. corne, 0. Fr. corne, 'corn, clavus pedis, prompt. 93. corner, O.Fr. cornie-, corner, Mand. 217; cornieres fpl.J ayenb. 124. cors, O.Fr. cors, corps, corpse, Gaw. 1237; Wicl. genes. 18; ded cors Man. 4492; corps, cors Langl. b 15, 23. cors see curs. cort see curt. cos see cus. cosche c sh, Huguriuvri\ prompt. 94. cosin see under con-. cosp, A. Sax. cosp, cops, cosp (cops), compeSy pessulus; comp. hand-, sweorcops. cost, A. Sax. cost (modus) Bout. ev. gloss.y O.Icel. kostr (optio, conditio), O.H.Germ. chost (electio, aestimatio), Goth, kustus (6oxi|JLig), from cheosen, choice, manner, 100 cost coupen quality^ Gaw. 646; Langl. 1491 ; per naes cost nan Oder Lay 18166; knewen he nogt dis dewes cost st. gen. 3327; costes fpl.j Shoreh. 10; m. h. 147; son sum ic pas paxen man pa flseh i childes costes Orm. 8056; de culver haved costes gode rel. ant. 1, 226; cost as Degrev. 364; pe ne majen aire coste halden crist(es) bibode horn. /, 21; comp. far-, or-, un- cost. cost, 0. Dutch M.H.Germ. kost, O.Fr. coust, cost, impensa, sumptus, Hob. 33, 14; p. 40, 7; Lidg. m. p. 208; hver lite pro- tit lip and moche cost ayenh. 83; upe his Q^Qw^&i Marg. 281; at mm owne coste Chmic. C. t. a 804; costes fpl.J HoccJ. /, 362; costis ^Hmpensas\ WicJ. 2 pa- ral 8. costlewe '■^mmptuo8us\ prompt. 93; Chauc. ivories 178. cost!', 0. Fr. coste, Lat. costa, coad, Tor. 1410. Cftsteii^ O.Dutch M.H.Germ. kosten, O.Icel. kosta, 0. Fr. couster, Welsh costiaw fcost, expend), Bret, kousta, Lat. constare, cost, constare: he schal costen pe ful deore c. /. 1092; costip fpres.J Lidg. m. p. 152; coste "'impetide', Wicl. deeds 21; coste fpret.J Chauc. C. t. a 1908; and ^et wolde 1 swere pat it coste me moche more Langl. h 13, 383; if pou have ojt on hur cost f expended J avoiv. Arth. XXV HI, 3. costiiien^ A. Sax. costnian, try, tempt: biite he icostned weoren fr. weore) prie inne compe Lay 24669. ('((stiiieu = costen; costnep fpres.J ayenh. 7o; pet costnede him so deore a. r.290; pou3 it hadde costned me catel Ljangl. ed. Wr. 406. costiiiuge expense, fms. costnigge) ayenh. 151 ; mid his a^ere costninge L^ay 22547 . costuuiigo^ A. Sax. costnung, temptation: ne led us noht into costnunge hom. 1 , 67 . costrelle costril, small barrel, prompt. 95 ; Chauc. I. g. w. 2664. cot, A. Sax. cot, O.Icel, kot, O.Dutch kot, kote, cot, cote, ^^cella\ fragrn. 4, 54; me ne mei nout piduten spink a lutel kot areren a. r. 362; cote "casa'\ voc. 273; Havel. 737; cote fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 2457; cotes fpl.J Langl. b 8, 16; Wicl. ivisd. 11. cotlTf rel. ant. 1, 178. cote, 0. Fr. cote, cotte, 0. 11. Germ, cozo, cozzo, coat, Hunica\ voc. 238; Gmv. 2, 47; Gaw. 152; cote, coote Chauc. C. t. a 103; Wicl. genes. 37. cote, coote, Dutch koet, coot, ^'•mergus\ voc. 188 Sf 253 ; ^^mergus, fulica\ prompt. 95; Harum\ Wicl. levit. 11. cotouii, Fr. coton, cotton, Mand. 212. cope, A. Sax. cOd, codu, cooth, morbus, Alex. 2815; cothe ^^ syncope \ prompt. 96; Toivn. myst. 31. COH see cfi. couaril, O.Fr. couard, coward, h. h. 140; Alis. 2108; cueard a. r. 288''\ coucheii see under con-. coufel? coufles fpl.J Rob. 265, 9. cough, 0. Dutch kuch, cough, "tussis'", prompt. 97; cou voc. 267. coiigheii, 0. Dutch kuchen, M. II. Geryn. ku- chen, cough, Chauc. C. t. 10082; coughen, couhin, couin ^Hussire\ prompt. 97 ; cou- we fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 211 ; coghip Flor. 248; koghe fimper.J Mire 891; couhede, couede, coughed fpret.J Langl. 5, 205 f361J. coul see cuvel. coupe, Fr. coupe, vas potoriwn: mid gilde- ne coupe Lay 24612 ; a coupe wip win sche hadde in hande Man. 7563 ; coupes fpl.J ayenh. 35. coupe = cupe? coop f coup J for poultry, rel. ant. 1, 4. coupen, Fr. couper? couped shon Tor. 193; galoches icouped Langl. b 18, 14. coupeu crammien 101 mil pen »ee clieapien. roiiplcii^ Fr. coupler, couple: kupled bode to gederes a. r. 78; couple]) ^'eopulatis', Wicl. Is. 6; icuplet (part. J Kath. 1059. r«iireii^ Dan. kure, Swed. kura, Gei^m. kau- orn, cower, inflexis genihus suhsidere; cou- re Flor. 785; pi. t. 155; kourip fpres.J Alls. 2053; koured fpret.J Will. 47. rout's, Fr. cours, course, p. I. s. XXV, J 25; Chauc. C. t. a 8; cors Gaw. 116. roiirser, Fr. coursier, courser, Chauc. C. t. a 1704. coiiscot, A. Sax. ctisceote (?), caushot f cushat, cooscotj, '■'■palumhes\ voc. 221. fove, Fr. couvee, covey, prompt. BH. coYt'le see cuvele. coveiit see under con-. fovi'reu = recoveren? covere Havel. 2040 ; pr. c. 811; keoveri p. I. s. XXIII, 136; kevere Roh. 256, 10; Will. 1521; ke- vered fpret.J Gaw. 1755; see acoveren. covcreii see under con-. Coviiitre Coventry, Roh. 6, W. rrahbc, A. Sax. crabba, 0. Butch krabbe, 0. feel, krabbi, crah, ''cancer", prompt. 99; horn. 1, 51; Lidg. m, p. 58; crabben fpl.J Alis. 4943. ? crabbetre crah-tree, prompt. 99; crabtre voc. 192. crabbid cr ailed, Chauc. C. t. 9079; Lidg. m. p. 132; crabbede wordes Langl. 10, 104 (11, 65). cracche, O.Fr. crache, cratch, ''praesepe\ prompt. 99; Will. 3233; Wicl. Joh 6; crecche a. r. 260. crat'chiii cratch, scalpere, prompt. 99; crac- chen (cracche) us or clawe Langl. h prol. 154; cracched fpret.J Orph. 78. cradel, A. Sax. cradol, //•. craidhal, cr^adle fcredlej, a. r. 82; Alis. 3655; Chauc. C. t. a 2019; credel, cradel prompt. 101; credel s. s. ed. Wr. 789; cradele fdat.J 0. a. n. 631; credile Man. 243, 7. rrseft. craft, A. Sax. crseft, O.L.Germ. craft, 0. Fris. kreft, 0. IL Germ, chraft, 0. Icel. kraptr, craft, vis, ars, Lm^. 2840 Sf 8287 ; craft Orm. 18809; Will. 635; Chauc. C. t. a 401; LAdg. m. p. 162; creft Kath. 872; ayenl. 35; pene creft fragm. 1,2; |;ough he criede wij) alle pe craft pat he coude Mand. 305; craftes fpl.J o. a. n. 568; Percev. 560; comp. dweomer-, loche-, leod-, wicchecraft. creftleas ''iners\ fragm. 2, 37 . craftmon La-^. 28944. cr«ft«'ii, A. Sax. craeftan, accomplish ? crefte Shoreh. 157; creftep fpres.J 2. crafti, A. Sax. craeftig-, O.R.Germ. chrefti- ger, crafty, m. h. 2; crafti and Strang ^r. c. 9088; crefti Kath. 125; craftier fcompar.J Will. 1680. craftiliche, craftili craftily, Langl. 10, 5 fll, 5J; craftili Iw. 3104; creftiluker fcompar.J Kath. 260. crag, /r. Welsh craig, Gael, creag, crag, ru- pes. Will. 2850; cragge fdat.J Chauc. r. r. 4156; cragges fpl.J pr. c. 6393. crahieii? JIarh. 9, 14. craier, O.Fr. craier, s^nall vessel; craiers fpl.J d. Arth. 738. crak, M. II. Genu, krach, crach, frag or; krak Alis. 641; li I. disc. 962. krakc, O.Icel. kraka, crake, "cornix", voc. 188; s. s. ed. Web. 3532. crakicii, A. Sax. cracian, O.Dutch craken, M. II. Germ, krachen, C9'ack, crepare, stre- pere, frangere; crake Rich. 5423; Flar. 92; I. h..r. 144; rel. ant. 1, 2; crakep fpres.J Shoreh. 99; so chante}) he and crakep Chauc. C. t. 9724; pei craken Gow. 3, 94; and craked hope hire legges Langl. h 18, 73; banes per crakeden Z«5. 1875; kraked fpart.) Havel. 1238. crallcu, Germ, krallen, torquere, crispare? cralle fpres. imper.J I. c. c. 35; cralled fpart. J ibid. ; curious harneis quaintli crallit pi. t. 134. cramniieii, A. Sax. crammian, cram, farcire; 102 crampe creopen cremmin prompt. 101; crammid f part. J Wicl. Sos. 13; beo ur moup crommed with clay p. I. s. XXV, 112; icrammed Chauc. C. t. 13763; icrammed, icrommet Langl. prol. 41. crampe^ O.Dutch krampe, O.II.Germ. cliram- plio, cramp fcrompj, ^^spasmus\ prompt. 100; Chauc. Troil. 3920; crampe, crompe Langl. b 13, 336. craue^ A. Sax. cran, O.Dutch krane, crane, '\grus\ voc. 188; prompt. 100; Lidg. m. p. 164; cron (crane) La^. 20163; crane fdat.J ayenh. 66; cronez fpl.J a. p. 2, 68. craui^ O.Fr. crane? cranny, "rima\ prompt. 100; cranis fpl.J sacram. 710. craiike crank, ^'■girgillus, haustrum^\ prompt. 100. crappe crap, ^^acus\ prompt. 100; crappis fpl.J voc. 201. crascliiii crash, crepare, frendere, prompt. 100; craschede brainez d. Arth. 2114. craseu^ Dati. krase, Swed. krasa, craze, cre- pare, frangere: j3e cablis crasen m. t. 128; pe pot was erased Chauc. C. t. 12862; coveitise hap crasid 30ure crou- ne dep. Rich. 4, 21. crask = cask? crask or lusti ^^crasms\ prompt. 100. cravant see creant. craven, A. Sax. crafian, O.Icel. krefja ^r^^. krafda, crave, poscere, petere, st. gen. 1320; crave c. I. 249; an. lit. 11; s. s. ed. Weh. 62; Iw. 2733; Hoccl. I, 432; crave fpres.J spec. 72; cravep Shoreh. 61 ; cravep, craven, crave Langl. 3, 216 f221J; cravede fpret.J st. gen. 1418; Havel. 633; icraved f part. J a. r. 2^\ craw, A. Sax. crop, crow f craw J, cantus ; crowe fdat.J Belc. 1090; Chauc. C. t. a 3676; comp. hanecrau. crawe, Dan. krave, O.II.Germ. chrago, craw, guttur, prompt. 101; JFicl. 4 kings 6. crawe, A. Sax. crape, 0. II. Germ, chrawe, chraia, chraa, 0. L. Germ, kraia, crow f craw J, ^^cornix\ voc. 188 ; crope o. a. n, 126; crowe Chauc. C. t. a 2692; crCwen fpl.J p. I. s. XVII, 186. cropelec meadow-saffron, fragm. 3, 41. crowefot crow-foot, prompt. 106. craweii, A. Sax. crapan, [O.II.Germ. chra- han pret. chrata], crow f craw J, canere; crawe p. s. 238; crowe misc. 46; crew fpret.J Wicl. John 18; ere we s. s. ed. Wei. 2636; crowen f part. J Town. myst. 182; crowe lud. Cov. 278; icrowe Chauc. C. t. a 3367. creaiit, O.Fr. creant, craven; creaunt a. r. 288; cravant Kath. 133. creature, Fr. creature, creature, Chauc. C t. a 2769. cred, A. Sax. cread (?), turla ? for ... mi- kel crede Man. 11244. credel see cradel. creft see crseft. crei, Germ, krei, cantus? o. a. n. 336. crekiii creak, "gracillare^\ prompt. 101. crelle creel, ^'sporta\ prompt. 101. creme, Fr. creme, cream, Langl. 4366. crenipeu^ 0. Dutch krempen, M. H. Germ. krempfen, contract, restrain; crempe o. a. n. 1788; comp. forcrempen. creiichen? crenchen (crenge) mit spire Marh. 9, 14. crencleii crinkle? the hous is crencled Chauc. I. g. w. 2008. creopen, A. Sax. creopan, O.Icel. kriupa, 0. Fris. kriapa, creep, repere; creope Alls. 676; crepen La'^. 29313; crope ffor creope), crepe o. a. n. 819; creop fpres. imper.J a. r. 292; creopinde f part. J Marh. 11; creap fpret.J Kath. 908; crep st. gen. 2924; Alis. 671; s. s. ed. Wr. 479; krep s. a. c. 1, 16; crap ffor creap or creep) La"^. 29282; crop avow. Arth. LXV, 1; (pou) crope Langl. 3, 184 fl90j; heo crupen (crope) La-^. 18472; cropen st. gen. 2974; crope Bek. 2241; crope f part. J Grno. 1, 198; Chauc. C. t. cresse crok 103 a 4259; Lidg. m. p. 240; comp. aet- creopen. cresse, A, Sax. cresse, cerse (?), O.H.Germ. chresso, cresso, cressa, O.L.Germ. kerse, cress f kerse J, ^^nasturtium\ prompt. 102; a. p. 1, 343; kerse Gow. 1, 299; is no^t worp a kerse Langl. b 10, 17; comp. watercresse. creste, O.Fr. creste, crest, ^^crista\ prompt. 102. Crete, 0. Butch kratte fcorUsJ, 0. H. Germ. crezzo (calathus), crate? pe kinges zone . . . pet wepp ine his crete ayenl. 131 . crevil, 0. Butch krevel (pruritus)? Lidg. m. p. 31. krevis, Fr. ecrevisse, crayfish, Lidg. m. p. 154. crevisse, Fr. crevasse, crevice, G'uw. 2183; crevas(se) s. s. ed. Wr. 768. cri, Fr. cri, cry, La-^. 11991""; Bel. 81; kri Will 2174. cribbe, A. Sax. cribb (?), 0. Fris. kribbe, 0. L.Germ. cribbia, O.H.Germ. crippa, cbri- pia, crih, "praesepe", prompt. 103; horn. 1, 277; Orm. 3321; Mand. 70; pr. c. 5200. crien, Fr. crier, cry, Havel. 2443; crie Brand. 22 ; crie fpres. imver.J a. r. 136; crlande (part. J Will. 4347; criede fpret.J Langl. I 5, 451; crleden hom. 1, 279. crike, Fr. cri que, 0. Butch kreke? creeh, ^^scatefhjra\ prompt. 103; Chauc. C. t. a 409; krike Havel. 708. crike, 0. Icel. kriki flaarj Fritzners ordh., femur? his nese went unto pe crike fms. crice, r. w. swike) Havel. 2450. criket, Fr. criquet, cricket, Langl. h 14, 42. crikke crick, '■'■spasmus', prompt. 103; thou might stomble and take the crik rel. ant. 2, 29. crimpil ^Wuga'\ prompt. 103. erimplin "rugare'\ prompt. 103. crips see crisp. crisme, Gr. ;(pTa|jia, chrism, st. gen. 2458. crisp, A. Sax. crisp, Lat. crispus, crisp (crips), Mand. 168; his crispe her Chauc. C. t. a 2165; crips treat. 138. crista!, Fr. cristal, crystal, spec. 52. cristeii, A. Sax. cristen, christian: a cristen man Langl. 11, 120 (ed. Wr. 6827); cristene (suhst.) Shoreh. 56; pis god« king pat pus cristene bicom Boh. 75, 1; cri- stine (cristene) (pi.) Lay 29773. cristendom Christendom, Bek. 108; pane cristendom Shoreh. 5. cristiiieii, A. Sax. cristnian, christen; crist- nie Shoreh. 9; cristnede (pret.) p. I. s. XV, 177; cristned (part.) Orm. 1782. cristiiinge christening, ayenl. 14. croce, croche, O.Fr. croce, croche, "pedurn\ prompt. 103 S^ 104; a bischopes crosse (croce) Langl. 8, 94 (Wart. hist. 2, 70); croche, It. croccia, crotch, ^^8ustentaculurrC\ voc. 277; see crucche. crockc, A. Sax. crocca, crock, "olla'\ fragm. 4, 14; a. r. 214; crokke Shoreh. 106; Langl. h 19, 275. crockere "figulus\ W'lcl. wisd. 15; crokke- re Shoreh. 106. croft, A. Sax. croft (?), croft, agellus, Langl. 5, 582 (6, 63); lud. Cov. 36. croh, A. Sax. croh (?), Gael, crog? urceus? h. m. 39; croos (pi.) misc. 29. crois, O.Fr. crois, crux, c. I. 1183; p. I. s. Ill, 88; Jos. 446; croiz Horn ed. Bits. 1314; creoiz a. r. 18; croiz, croi- ce Bek. 959 Sf 971; croice Will. 350; see cros. croiseu, Fr. croiser, Butch kruisen, cruise, cruce signare, in crucis formam ponere: to croici prie his foreheved p. I. s. XVII, 73; creoised (pres. imper.) a. r. 64; croised (part.) I. h. r. 133. crok, 0. Icel. krokr, crook, "uncus', voc. 237; "pedum'', prompt. 104; on his bake he bar a crok Tor. 1018; crook Alis. 4819; Lidg. m. p. 217; croc fraus, Orm. 11635; crokez falces, a. p. 1, 40; crokes fraudes^ 104 croke cruet a. r. 268; spec. 10'); crefti crokes Kath. 125. croke crohe fcroaJcJ, ^^iirula\ voc. 267; crau- ke refuse of tallow, prompt. 101. v.\'iilke\\ croaJc ; crouken '■^coaxare\ prompt. 105. crokiu crooh, ^^curvare\ prompt. 104; s. s. ed. . Wr. 600; croki ayenb. 177: croke mcJc. thes. 1, 229; Gow. 2, 144; croked (pres.J horn. 2, 61; crookeden fpret.J Mid. p>^- ^6; croked (part. J o. a. n. 80; Gaiv. 653. cronie criime. cromnien see crammen. croiie^ 0. Dutch 'kxom.Q, O.Fr. caroigne? cro- ne, Chauc. a t. b 432. croueii (cronen?), 0. Dutch kronen, kreuneii, 0. H. Germ, clironen ? croon, gemere ; ye crone fms. croine, r. iv. mone) Town, myst. 116. crop, A. Sax. cropp, 0. Dutch krop, O.Icel. kroppr, 0. II. Germ, chropli, crop, guttur, caput, Langl. 10940; Chauc. Boet. 1879; p. I. s. II, 98; I. h. 7. 69; hit hadde crop so an heort Alis. 688; a tree . . . of whilk pe crop es turned do(u)nward pr. c. 663; pe crop of pe rede brere /. c. c. 42; in crop(pe) ant rote spec. 100; croppes fpl.J Chauc. r. r. 1396. cropcre, Fr. croupiere, crupper; croperes, cropiers fpl.J Langl. b 15, 453. croppeii^ O.Icel. kroppa, crop, carpere; crop- pe m. t. 167; he is ase pe pidi pet spriited ut pe betere pet me hine ofte cropped a. r. 86; suche (foules) cometh to ml croft and croppeth ml whete Langl. b 6, 33; hast pou . . . cropped 3erus fr. ierus) of corne 3Itrc 1502. cros, O.Icel. kross, cross, crux, La"^. 31386; Kath. 727; Langl. . a 6, 13 fb 5, 529 has cruche); in pis purse wheper per be eni cros or crouche Ilalliw. diet. 282; f>ne crosse across, d. Arth. 3667 . erossen^ O.Icel. krossa, cross; crossid '•^cruce signatus', prompt. 105. tTotc, Fr. crotteV '■^glebula', prompt. 105; ilk a crote Man. 2102; croote ^^cremi- wn\ Wicl. ps. 101. crouchen^ crouken see cruchen. CTOUileii see cruden. crouke^ A. Sax. cruce ('?), O.L.Germ. cruca, urceus? Chauc. C. t. a 4158. crouiie see crime. crou|>^ Welsh crwth, crouth f crowd), violina, spec. 53; h. T. 485. crowe see crawe. crucchc, A. Sax. crycc, 0. II. Germ, krucka, crutch: mid his crucche La-^. 19482. cruche, O.Fr. cruche (?), O.L.Germ. cruce, crux, Kath. 117 1; cruche, crouche Langl. b 5, 529; crouche Shoreh. 15; g. 54. cruchen cruce signare; crouche f pres.J Chauc. C. t. a 3479; crouchep Shoreh. 15; heo cruchede hire Kath. 628. criicheu, Germ, krauchen? Welsh crwcau? crouch: 1 can nauther crouke ne knele Town. myst. 163; kni^tes croukep hem to & cruchep full lowe pi. cr. 751; ])ei so lowe crouchen 302. crud crowd, Arth. a. Merl. 5510. crudfle, curde curd f crud J, ^^coagulum'\ prompt. 105; cruddes fpl.J Langl. 6, 284 f7 , 269 J; curdes voc. 178. cruddin curd fcrudj, '■'coagulare', prompt. 105; crudded f part. J Wicl. Job 10. crude? croudewain, O.Dutch kruiwagen, crowd- wain. Am. a. Amil. 1858. cruden, A. Sax. crudan (?) pret. cread, 0. Dutch kruiden pret. krood, crowd, trudere, pellere; crude Horn ed. Lum. 1293 ; crou- din prompt. 105; croude Chauc. C. t. b 801 ; croude fpres. imper.J Alls. 609; crodin fpret.J p. r. I. p. 245; comp. ut- cruden. cruel, Fr. cruel, &ruel, a. r. 100. cruelte cruelty, a. r. 268; Man. 5186. cruet cruet, ^^phiala\ rel. ant. 1, 6; cruetz fpl.J Brand. 14. crul cuf 105 cm!, M, 11. Germ, krul, 0. Dutch krol, cris- pii,s; crulle i^pl.J Chauc. C. t. a 81; crol- le Alu. 1999. cruUen, 0. Dutch krollen, curl, crupare; crul- (l)ing Halliw. diet. 284; curlid prmnpt. 111. crunib, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. crumb, O.lI.Germ. chrumber, cmp. Ir. crum, crom, Gael. crom, Bret, kroumm, kromm, crum, cur- vus, Orm. 9207; croiim s. s. ed. Wr. 2477. criiiiibe crome; crombe, croumbe ^^uncus\ prompt. 104. cruuiben, O.lI.Germ. (ge)chrumben, O.Dutch krommen, curvare; cromin prompt. 104; crumpt [part. J Halliw. diet. 284. crume, A.Sax. crume, Germ, krume, crumb, • "mica\ roc. 268; a. r. 342; crome Mire 2013; crumen fpl.J a. r. 344; crumes Orm. 147 d; cromes Chauc. C. t. ed. lyrwh. 16528. crumeleii, Germ, krtimeln, crumble; kremelid [part. J I. c. c. 36. crunipe crump, spasQnus, Town. myst. 308. crumplcn crumple: was crompild and crokid Flm^. 1979. cruiie, 0. Icel. kruna, Lat. corona, crown, Lay 4261 Sf 13110; Orm. 8168; crune, croune, corune Havel. 668, 1319 &f 2734; crtine, corune st. gen. 2638 Sf 2642; co- roune ayenb. 168; crtinen fpl.J a. r. 238; crounen Rob. 242, 6. cruuicii crown, coronare; crouni Beh. 1728; kruned fpres.J a. r. 392; cruneden fpret.J Lay 31936; crimed f part. J Orm. 6462. criininge coronation, proclam. 8. crupcl, O.lI.Germ. crupel, O.Icel. krypill, kryppill, 0. Dutch krepel, kreupel, O.Fris. kreppel, from creopen, cripple (crupple), h. m. 33; rel. ant. 1, 243; cripel chron. Engl. 77 li cripil, crepil ^^claudus\ prompt. 103; crepel Gow. 3, 147. crupelen go lihe a cripple ? cripelande (part. J rel. ant. 1, 211. crus, M. II. Germ, krus, crouse, crispus, ira- tu8, Havel. 1966; crous Halliw. diet. 283. crus, crous, O.Icel. krus, cantharm, prompt. 106. cruschin, O.Fr. cruisir, croisir, crush, ^^quas- sare\ prompt. 106; cruschen d. Arth. 1134. cruskiu a little crtis, prmnpt. 106. cruste, Lat. crusta, crust, p. s. 204. cii, A.Sax. cu, O.Fris. ku, O.Icel. kja* aoc. ku, O.L.Germ. O.Dutch kO, O.lI.Germ. chuo, cow; ku ^^vacca', fragm. 3, 29; a. r. 418; Alis. 6966; ecu Langl. 6, 289 (7, 274); ki, A.Sax. cf, fpl.J Man. 4732; kie ps. 67, 31; kuiu Alis. 760; kin fms. kyn) p. I. s. XIII, 236; kiin, kien La/gl. h 6, 142; kien Wicl. genes. 32; km, ken iritl. 6 Sf 244; ken ayenb. 191; Octov. 672. COubache p. I. s. XIII, 244. coucalf Langl. b 16, 462. couherde cowherd, HYll. 4. cons J op cowslip (cowslopj, prompt. 99. cubbel kibble, fmtis, a. r. 140. cue? cucstool a stool to pmmh culprits by kick- ing them into ivater, prcmpt. 107; cok- stol p. 72, 3. cuccu cuckoo, cuculus, a. s. 3; coccou ayenb. 69. cuchenc, A.Sax. cycene, kitchen, La^. 3316; kuchene a. r. 214; kichene, kechene Will. 1681 Sf 1707; kechene ayenb. 171; ke- cliine Fereev. 466. cuckiug kicking? cuckingstol p. s. 346; co(c)kingstol rel. ant. 2, 176. cude, A.Sax. cud (?), from cheowen? cud fcude, quid J, rumen, Orm. 1237 ; kude, code, qvide, qvede Wicl. levit. 11 Jj* deu- ter. 14. cuf, A.Sax. c^f, kive fkeevej, cupa, fragm. 4, 23; klve fdat.J rel. ant. 2, 191; ke- ve f? printed kove) Beves 2416. 14 106 cufFe cumen cuffe cuj^, manica, prompt. 106; coifes fpl.J Langl 6, 62 (7, 56 J. kuggel cudgel? a. r. 292. eukeweald cuckold; kukepeld o. a. n. 1544; kukewald d. Arth. 1312; coke wold Langl. 4, 140 (164); Chauc. C. t. a 3152. cul tctus: pe cul of per eax a. r. 128. cul^ Fr. cul, rump? rel. ant. 1, 225. cule see cuvele. culfre, A. Sax: culfre, culufre, culver, colum- ha, Orm. 1258; kulvre a. r. 98; culver Wicl. genes. 8 ; colvre ayenb. 142; colvre, colvere Marg. 293 Sf 299; colvere, col- ver Langl. h 15, 396; colfren fpl.J Roh. 190, 11; colveren Alzs. 5405; colveren, colveres Mand. 118. cvlien urere? camp, forculien. culleii^ Dutch killen? hill, caedere: opur to cuUe opur to bete p. I. s. XXX, 146; counseilede Cairn to cullen (killen) his broper Langl. 1, 64 (66); killin ^^occide- re\ prompt. 274; culles (pres.) Jos. 545; culle (suhj.) a. r. 126; kille Chauc. C. t. 6623; kulle al ut pet is i pe krocke a. r. 346; culde (pret.) L T. 179; ofte me liine culde La-^. 20319; culde, kilde Langl. 3, 180 (186). cullen see under con-. ciiliii^ 8ioed. kolm? culm (coum), "full go", prompt. 108. culm en fuliginare? comp. bicolmen. culmi^ colffii fuliginosu^? Langl. h 13, 356; his colmie sntite Horn ed. Lum. 1082. kulue^ A. Sax. cylne(?), O.Icel. kylna, liln, fornax, rel., ant. 2, 81 ; kilne prompt. 274. culter, A. Sax. Lat. culter, colter,, Lngl. h 6, 106; Wicl. prov. 23; (^oMqi Mapes 338. culvert see under con-. cumbe^ A. Sax. cumb(?), comh, modius; cou- me ^^cumbd\ prompt. 97 . cunibreu^ Jf . IT. 6^^n;i. kumbern, cumher, grie- ve, molest; combren ^/. cr. 461; cumbered (part.) Em. 483; m. h. 129; combred Chauc. Boet. 2642; a. p. 2, 901. cume^ A.Sax.fima^, 0. II. Germ, qvemo, ad- vena; comp. wilcume. cunie^ A. Sax. cyme, O.L.Germ. cumi, O.II. Germ, chumi, qvemi, O.Icel. koma, com- ing, adventus, a. r. 188; o. a. n. 436; cume, kime (come) Lay 3962 ^ 6646; cume, come Kath. 413 Sc 671; come Orm. 718; st. gen. 2267] c. I. 1031; Will. 4192; d. Arth. 1203; comp. 3ein-, ham-, to-, utcume. cume \ cumelich, A. Sax. cymllc, comely, h. m. 25; kumli Iiv. 2886; comli Alls. 6055; Langl. h 15, 444; cumellche (adv.) Marh. 19, 18; comloker (compar.) Gaw. 869. comlihede Gow. 2, 354. comlinesse comeliness, prompt. 89. cumel^ O.Icel. kuml (tumulus)? on cumelan, comelan, comlen Lay 6630, 11009 Sf 30400. kumelhig. O.II. Germ, chomeling, comeling, advena, st. gen. 834; cumling Iw. 1627; cumling, comeling Wicl. levit. 25; come- ling prompt. 89. cumeu^ A. Sax. O.L.Germ. cuman, O.Fris. kuma, koma, 0. led. koma, 0. II. Germ. choman, qveman, Goth, qiman, come, ve- nire, Orm. 2179; st. gen. 305; rel. ant. 1, 223; kumen a. r. 394; comen Chauc. C. t. 7266; makep to comene ayenb. 106; cumed, kimed (pres.) a. r. 350; kimed, kimd hom. 1, 33 Sf 153; comep, comp Langl. 1, 59 (61) ; sche comep ride ■ Laimf. 867; kume (suhj.) a. r. 424; kum (imper.) a. r. 292; comep Wicl. Mat. 4; com (pret.) Orm. 101; o. a. n. 133; Will. 39; Tor. 662; a vuhel com fl(e)on from h(e)ovene ho7n. 1, 81; pa com per a mon irnen Lay 5748; cam Chauc. C. t. a 547 ; f. s. ed. Wr. 460; Mayid. 12; kam Havel. 863; pou come Horn ed. Rits. 117 8; comen Orm. 7492; st. gen. 1979; s. s. ed. Wr. 318; comen, cumlen cunnen 107 coomen LangJ. b 20, 210; coomen k. T. 189; kemin (?) «. a. c. XI, 9; cuineii (part.) Orm. 134; st. gen. 366; Iw. 2956; comen C^.'fwc. C. t. a 67 1 ; icumen Lay 320; Mark. 4; a. r. 64; comp. a-, an-, bi-, overcumen; deriv. cume, cweme. cunileii^ O.Icel. kumla (mishandle J? cumble, become tramped? i comle-n/. ant. 2, 211; cumblid (comelid) liondis '■'■manus dissolu- tus', Hid. Is. 36; comelid ^^eviratus', prompt. 6' 6'; comp. acumlen. cun^ A. Sax. cjnn, O.Icel. kynni, O.Fris. ken, O.L.Germ. cunni, O.II.Germ. chuu- ni, Goth, kuni, kin, genus, Kath. 446; BeL 61; cun, kun Lay 319 Sf 328; kun a. r. 308; o. a. n. 714; fader mo- del* ant al ml kun spec. 91; i have no kun (kin, kinne) pere Langl. 6, 639 (6, 118); kin Orm. 2063; Havel. 393; his kin and his frendes Mand. 309; ken a- yenh. 42; Will. 722; Gow. 3, 332; mo- nies cunnes ufel horn. 1, 103 ; Ones kun- nes treou a. r. 160; for nones kunnes mede p. s. 193; his cunnes men Bek. 1667 ; kinnes st. gen. 766; Davipes kin- nes man Orm. 12628; tpo cunne ancren a. r. 128; alle kinne sinnes Langl. b 20, 370; comp. fu^el-, mancun. kunred kindred, Vegrev. 836; kenred Shoreh. 46; kunrede (dat.) o. a. n. 1677 ; kinrede Mand. 67. cunraden genus, (? printed cum raden) Hick. thes. 1, 226; kunrede Rob. 284, 3; kinrede ^^prosapia\ prompt. 276; Chauc. a t. a 2790; kinrade mil. 622; pa tpelf kunreden ham. 1, 141. cunrun, A. Sax. cynryn, ^^generatio\ fragm. 2, 22. cun- see con-. cundl comp. god-, gramcund. cund = cud ? comp. namecund. cunde^ A. Sax. cynd, kind, natura, indoles, proprietas, Lay 9019"^' Sf 21492; Marh. 8, 21; he hap angles cunde treat. 134; ])eos (beastes) dod hare cunde ... in a time of pe 3er h. m. 26; peo kunde a. r. 14; kinde Orm. 663; Chauc. - C. t. a 2461; Gaw. 6; kuinde /o«. 131; pe kin- de (kuinde) pat of him com c. I. 179; as kinde askep Langl. b 2, 27; de her- tes haven an oder kinde 7'el. ant. 1, 216; to forsake his wedded wlf and do his kinde oper wai Mire 230; of kinde "w«- turae\ Wicl. deuter. 23; pe lawe of kin- de Gow. 3, 204; a-zenst kinde Mand. 223; kende, kinde "genus, progenies, pro- sapia\ prompt. 271; kende Shoreh. 9; a- yenb. 28; pat it were comen of riche kende lai le fr. 138; comp. i-, mancunde. cuiide^ A. Sax. cynde, kind, naturalis, inge- nuus, treat. 136; he pat is so cunde rel. ant. 2, 227; pe cunde folk of pe lond Rob. 40, 11; kuinde c. I. 1044; kinde Chauc. C. t. 8478; (h)is kinde lond st. gen. 1279; his kinde fader Will. 309; kinde (kuinde) wit Langl. 1, 63 (56); kende Shm-eh. 90; comp. icunde. cundelich, A. Sax. cyndelic, kindly, natu- ralis, Kath. 964; hit is a kindelich ping avow. Arth. XI, 2; kindeli Wicl. wisd. 12; kundellche (adv.) a. r. 120; kindelike st. gen. 2600; kindeli, kuinde- li Langl. 3, 16; kindeli pr. c. 1686. cundlen kindle; kindlin "fetare\ prompt. 276; kundled (pres.) a. r. 194; wanne he is ikindled rel. ant. 1, 209. kuiidles progeny, a. r. 200; kindles rel. ant. 1, 222; kindlis Wicl. Luke 3. cuiie see kine. eunneii; A. Sax. cunnan, Goth, kunnan, 0. Fris. 0. Icel. kunna, 0. II. Germ, chunnen, cun (con), posse, scire, Orm. 2968; alle pe creftes pet clerke ah to cunnen Kath. 624; cunnen pone dank iviszen, a. r. 124; kunne Wicl. eccles. 7; knOwe and kunne (konne) Langl. b 16, 46; konnen c. I. 1071; conne Gow. 1,200; s. s. ed. Wr. 33; Parten. prol. 104; Creseide 108 cunnen curtine shal not conne knowen me Chauc. Troil. 7774; \omiQ Roh. 45, 11; cunnand ^^fl'r^.y m. h. 93; pat heeld- him self so kun- ninge (koniiing) Langl. h 11, 70; cude fpret.) could fcoudj, La"^. 904; cude, kii- de d. gen. 289 ^ 1659; kiide Kath. 1544; a. r. 66; coupe Havel. 112; s. s. ed. Wr. 2319; couthe, koupe Langl. a prol. 182; Goude Shoreh. 79; koiide Chauc. C. t. a 7 13; ctidest a. r. 280; ciiden ITath. 1330; coupen p. s. 248; couthe mir. pi. 95. cuuiien^ A. Sax. cunnian, O.K. Germ, chun- nen, cun (con), experiri, tentare, Orm. 12137; heom 1 folhi ... pet cunnid to beon cleane Mark. 13, 25; smeihte ant cunnede perof a. r. 114; comp. icunnen. cuniiiuge^ A. Sax. cunning (?), cunning, "sci- ential prompt. 90; kunninge Langl. h 10, 446; Wicl. genes. 44 ; kunning Lidg. m. p. 31. cuiite^ O.Fris. kunte, "vuha\ voc. 186; counte rel. ant. 2, 282. ciipe, 0. Dutch kuipe, Lat. cfipa, coup, cupa, Flor. a. Bl. 447; twelf cupe M c. I. 1278. cnppe^ ui.Sax. Qw^^di,, cup, La-^. 14996; Ha- vel 14; Langl. 5, 184 (340); Mand. 52; cappe "calicem\ Wicl. John 18; cup- pe, kuppe st. gen. 2047 ^ 2310; coppe Shoreh. 20; Man. 1364; cuppes (pi.) • Orm. 14043; cuppes, coppes Chauc. C. t. a 2949; coppis s. s. ed. Wr. 1795. cuppemele, cuppemale Langl. 5, 139 (225). cuppeschoten cup-shotten, Man. 7560. cure^ A. Sax. eyre, 0. H. Germ, churi, from cheosen, choice, discretion, custom, La^. 8077; wind god of cure Horn 1446; right and kire st. gen. 451; after londes kire 1693. cure^ 0. Fr. cure, cure, cur a, Chauc. C. t. h 188. cureu^ Germ, kiiren, eligere: caren & cheo- sen Kath. 1893; icnred (part.) a. r. 56^\ curin^ O.Fr. curer, cure, "curare", iirompt. 110k ciinicl^ A. Sax. cyrnel, Jcernel, hom. 1, 79; kurnel "granuni\ fragm. 3, 44; kirnel "granum\ prompt. 276; "nucleus', voc. 267; kirnel, kernel Langl. h 11, 253 (7086); curneles (pi.) Lay 29266; I. h. r. 26; I. c. c. 25; curnles a. r. 260^'; kerneles Man. 14682. curneu^ Germ, kornen, corn; curne Roh. 490, 1. curre, 0. Dutch korre, cur, a. r. 140'^'; Chauc. I. g. IV. 396; Lidg. m. p. 29; kurres (pl.) pi. cr. 644. kurre^ O.lcel. kyrr, kvirr, M.H.Germ. kiir- re, Goth, qairrus, quietus, mansuetus? a. r. 288'-''. curs, A. Sax. curs, curse, maledictio, rel. ant. 1, 129; c. I. 1385; Chmc. C t. a 661; Lidg. m. p. 53; cors p. 43, 11. ciirsieii, ' ^. ^S'rt'^r. '^ cursian, curse, maledicere; cursi Brand. 26; cursen st. gen. 4005; curse Gow. 2, 364; cursest (pres.) o. a. n. 1178; kursed a. r. 198; cursede (pret.) rel. ant. 2, 277; cursed (part.) Orm. 16059; icorsed Mire 1261; comp. acursien. cursing, A. Sax. cursung, cursing, st. gen. 3926. curt, O.Fr. curt, cort, court, Havel. 1685; Bel. 747; kurt a. r. 210; cort ayenb. 137. curteis, O.Fr. cortois, courtois, courteous, Havel. 2916; Beh. 1190; curteis, corteis Will. 194 Sf 231. curteisie, 0. Fr. courtoisie, courtesy, p. I. s. XXIV, 229. curtel, A. Sax. cyrtel, O.lcel. kyrtill, h'rtle, tunica. Lay 4993; Bet 2361; spec. 40; kurtel a. r. 10; kirtel Orm. 10137; Cham. C. t. a 3321; kertel ayenb. 191. curtcour courtier; kourteour Wil'. 342. curtine, O.Fr. curtine, cortine, curtain; cor- tines (pl.) Will. 2056. cus cuveitise 109 CBS, A. Sax. coss, O.Icel koss, O.Fru. kos, 0. II. Germ, chus, cus, kus ferns J, ^^oscu- lum\ prompt. Ill; kus Hoccl. /, 155; cos a. r. 102 ; Wicl. genes. 27 ; Aud. 60; cosse fdat.J rel. ant. 1, 29; kosses fpLj Will 1011; cossen fdat. pi J La^. 30452. tvk%st\\,' A.Sax. cyssan, O.Icel. kyssa, 0. Fris. kessa, O.H.Germ. cussan, kiss, a. r. 424 ; c. I. 552; ciisse spec. 38; kis- sin ^^osculari\ prompt. 277 ; kisse m. h. 83; kesse Will 5045; ciiste fpret.J La\ 1194; muc. 42; kiste 6-^. gen. 1652; Langl I 18, 420; keste ayenh. 240; custen Beh. 288. cussiii, 0. II. Germ, cussin, Fr. coussin^ cu- shion; kussinis fpl.J llalliw. diet. 500. custe, A. Sax. cyst, O.Fris. kest, O.L.Germ. ciist, 0. H. Germ, cust, chust, Goth, (ga)- kiists, from cHeosen, manner, equality: na- ne custe La"). 21408; custe fdat.J o. a. n. 9; custe fpl.J rel. ant. 1, 178; pas wederes custes Lay 12020. cnsti, A. Sax. cystig, 0. H. Germ, cliustiger, liheral, munificent, fragm. 3, 9; Lay 6366; kisti^ Orm. 4698. custinesse liheraUty, horn. 1, 105. cut cut, "sors", pro7npt. Ill; Chauc. C. t. a 835; kut rel. ant. 1, 7 . kutte, 0. Dutch kutte, ciit, crena, cunnus, hid. Cov. 218. cuttiii cut, ^'scttidere, secare\ prompt. Ill; kutte ^^scindere\ Wicl levit. 10; cotte fpres. imper.J Mire 1889; kutte fsuhj.J Mand. 49; cutte fpret.J Lay 8182^; kut- te Alls. 2336; kutten, kitten, ketten Langl. h 6, 191; cuttecl f part. J pi. cr. 434 ; pr. c. 3715. cnttere cutter, voc. 195. caft*, A. Sax. cud, O.L.Germ. cuth, Goth. kups, O.H.Germ. cliunder, O.Icel. kunnr, emth, notus. Lay 747; ctip Orm. 9240; cfip, cuup 0. a. n. 922; coup Beh. 1198; Gm. 2, 310; Chauc. C. t. 8818; kouth Lidg. m. p. 25; heo beod . . . al t6 kfide a. r. 204; comp. for-, fiame-, un- ctid. cfidlaechen, A. Sax. cudlffican, acquaint; cudleche horn. 2, 41 ; he hine cCidlsehte Li.^. 17103. kudlechunge acquaintance, a. r. 68. cfullich familiar: mid cudllche (coupllche) wordeii Lay 19679; cu[)ll3 fadv.J Orm. 2204; coupli Gate. 937; kouJ)li Wicl 1 kings prol. cudredne familiarity, a. r. 168'''. cuiTcu, cudien, A. Sax. c^daii, cudian, 0. Fris. ketha, 0. L. Germ, euthian pret. cuthda, O.H.Germ. chunden pret. kundta, chundita, make knoivn, show; cuden La'i,. 1157; kuden his strencde a. r. 222; cuipe Jos. 484; pat so muche love him kuipe wolde c. I. 590; kiden rel. ant. i, 209; kipen Orm. 210; klpe Will 1184; Man. 6690; Percev. 1234; pe sop i wil- le pe ki])e Octav. 609; kepen Shoreh. 20; coupe pi. cr. 17; kipe, cou^q fpres.J Langl. b 5, 181; pu ctipest o. a. n. 90; pe cuded Kath. 1318; cudde, ciidde (cu- pede) fpret.J Lay 2462, 4494 ^' 15194; cMde Kath. 1354; Boh. 56, 13; c. I 756; kidde pat he was hende Trist. 3y 11; kedde Shoreh. 48; kidden, kidde Langl h 5, 440; cud f part. J Kath. 814; kid Gow. 2, 299; Man. 1621; it was ful loude kid Havel. 1060; of alle kud- de & kiide sunnen a. r. 342. cuiti, A. Sax. c^dig, O.H.Germ. kundiger, O.Icel kunnigr, cunny, intelligens: cudie meies Lay 5098. cua^ite, A. Sax. c^dd, O.Fris. kede, O.H. Germ, chundi, kith, notitia, patria, Lay 2435; pe king pat pis kuppe au3te Jos. 434; cuppe, klppe Langl 3, 197 f203j; keppe Shoreh. 19; klpe ant. Arih. XII, 8; fro kipe and kinne Gow. 2, 267. kippell3 f(i^niliarly, Orm. 16532. cuvciten, O.Fr. cuveiter, eovet^ a. r. 60. coveitise, Fr, convoitise, ayenb. 137. 110 cuveitous cwellere eoTaitous covetous, ayenb. 80; covetous Man. 4529. cuvel, M. II, Germ, kiibel? cowl; coiil ^^cupa, tina\ prompt. 07 ; g. 382. cuvelstaf coivl-stiff, st. gen. 3710. liurele^ A. Sax. cufle, O.Icel. kufl, cowl, cu- culluB, a. r. 10; cule (covele) Lay 17608; covele Beh. 2228; under covele and cope Shoreh. 110; cuvel, covel Havel. 768 Sf 2004; coule prompt. 07. cwakien^ A. Sax. cpacian, quake, tremere; cpakien MarJi. 10; a. r. 116; qvakien (cwakie) Lay 17016; qwake, vs^hake pr. c. 5411 Sf 7343; cpakede fpret.J Jul. 21; qvakede Ilich. thes. 1, 228; Rob. 24, 22; Octov. 1713; qvakide Wicl. 1 Icings 28; qvaked Langl. b 18, 246; [qvoc m. h. 00; .qvok Chauc. C. t. a 1576; Man. 202, 10]. cwale, A. Sax. cpalu, 0. II. Germ, qvala, 0. Icel. kvol, from cwelen, nex, mors; jef hine to cpale for us alle hom. 1, 121; qvale com on orve Lay 31800. qvalelius Lay 727 . qvalesid Lay 31000. ewalni^ A. Sax. cpealm, cpelm, O.L.Germ. qvalm, 0. II. Germ, qvalm, chvalm, from cwelen, cruciatus, nex, mors; cpalm h. m. 20; cpalm, cvalm, qvalm o. a. n. 1157 ^ 1100; qvalm Rob. 252, 6; rel. ant. 2, 244; p. s. 342; pe qvalm muchele pe wes on moncunne Lay 31877 ; qvelm p. I. s. IV, 0; qvalme fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 2014; comp. mancwalm. cpalmhus Kath. 600; a. r. 140. cpalmsteou a. r. 106; cpalmstope fdat.J hom. 1, 283. cwart lamentatiof cparterne, A.Sax. cpeartern, career, Kath. 670; Orm. 6168; qvarterne Lay 10203. cwavien quave; cpavien Marh. var. read. 48; qvavin Hremere', prompt. 410; qvavide (pret.) Wicl. 1 kings 28; qvaved Langl. h 18, 61. cweccheii, A. Sax. cpeccan, quetch, shake, move: qvecchen mid hafde fr. hsefde) Lay 25844; qvecchen (cwecche) to cuchene 3316; qveclie Alls. 4747; pat pa eorde a^sen qvelite (cwelite) Lay 20141; lie qveite toward pe qvene JFill. 4344; comp. acwecchen. cwed, O.Fris. O.Dutch qvad, bad, evil, wick- ed; qved 0. a. n. 1137; Rob. 414, 2; Alis. 1243; p. s. 256; pai poghte to do him qved Isumb. 611; kved, kvead ayenb. 11 6f 14; qvead Shoreh. 147; qvad st. gen. 536; Gow. 2, 246; qvade 3ere Chmc. C. t. b 1628; pe qvede Rob. 314, 20; Mire 1658; he ded al to cpea- de a. r. 72. kveadhede ayenb. 101. qvedlic ps. 17, 22^\- kveadliche ayenb. 8. qvedschipe (cwedsipe) Lay 5066; cpead- schipe a. r. 310. kveadiiesse iniquity, ayenb. 10. cweise, O.Icel. kveisa fbyldj Fritzners ordb., ulcus; cpeise a. r. 328. cwelen, A. Sax. cpelan, 0. L. Germ, qvelau, 0. II. Germ, chelan, qmal, cruciari, mori; qvele (pres. subj.J rel. ant. 1, 174; qve- len f pret. J Lay 31826; deriv. cwale, cwalm, cwuld. cwellc necator ; comp. mancwelle. cwelleii, A. Sax. cpellan, 0. II. Germ, qvel- len, O.Icel. kvelja, from cwale, quell, cru- ciare, necare; cpellen Orm. 1843; qvellen (cwelle) Lay 644; cpelle r. s. V, 14; qveUe Bek. 767; Will. 1246; Chauc. C. t. 12633; Lidg. m. p. 100; m. h. 06; Eglam. 521; qvelde f pret. J Horn ed. Lum. 088; cpalden Orm. 15526; qval- den (cwelden) Lay 1752; qvolde misc. 02; cpelled (part. J hom. 1, 270; qvelled Gaw. 1324; iqvald (icwelled) Lay 10028; comp. acwellen. cwellere necato^r; cpellere Marh. 22; qvel- lere Wicl. Tob. 3; qveller m. h. 40; comp. mancwellere. cwelm cwic 111 cwelm %ee cwalm. cwelmen^ A. Sax. cpelman, cpylman, frctti cwalm, necare; qvelm(e) Hruciden£\ ps. 36, 14. cwenie, A. Sax. (ge)cpeme, O.H.Germ. (bi)- qvilmer, from cumen, queem fweernj, agree- ahh; cpeme Orm. 466; qveme Havel. J 30; Gaw.210i); Town. myd.J^; hit wes him swide qveme La'^. 2427; qweme c. I. 600; wheme Flor. i4J; qvemest fsu- perlat.J st. gen. 3764; comp. icweme. cwemc pleasure? to cpeme horn. 1, 23; al- mahtij god to cpeme Orm. 1661; pan folke to qveme (cweme) Zaj^. 347; to qveme c. I. 1018; Man. 7390; to qwe- me p. 9, 4. qvemeful ^^placahiUs\ Wicl. exod. 32. cwemeii, A. Sax. cpeman, please; cpemen r. s. V, 256; hu pu miht drihtin cpemen Orm. 1217; qvemen Rich. 3432; qveme Goto. 1, 166; ps. 114, 9; Man. 286, 26; qvemin prompt. 420; kveme ayenh. 26; servises inedde ne cpemed nout tire lo- verde '■^coacta servitia deo non placen£\ a. r. 338; cpemde fpret.J fragm. 8, 41; fms. cpemmde) Orm. 2696; comp. 3e- cwemen. cweniiiesse, A. Sax. cyemness, pleasure; cpem- nesse horn. 1, 213. cweii, cwene, A. Sax. cpen, O.Icel. kv^en, kvan, 0. L. Germ, qvan (uxor), Goth, qens (YUvVj), queen, mulier, regina; cpen Marh. 19; C'rm. 2169; qven Trist. 2, 6; qven, qvene (cwene) La^. 43, 182 8f 4662; kven, kvene ayenh. 80 Sf 130; qwen, qwene lud. Cov. 80 8f 216; cpene a. r. 296; qvene r. s. I, 7; Roh. 26, 3; Chauc. C. t. h 161; qwene pr. c. 4461; qvene fgen.J Roh. 26, 6; qvene (dat.J La->,. 140; lor. 776; qvene (pi) La^. 24713. cweiicheii, A. Sax. (a)cpencan, quench, exstin- guere; qvenchen rel. ant. 1, 132; qven- che Shoreh. 19; Lidg. m. p. 161; cpen- ken Orm. 1191; qvenchep (pres.) treat. 136; qveint (part.) Gow. 2, 201 ; Langl. h 18, 344; Chauc. C. t. a 2321; iqveint Mire 1194; ikvenct ayenh. 186; comp. acwenchen. qverkiii^ 0. Fris. qverka, 0. Icel. kyrkja, queric, ^^suffGcare\ prompt. 420. cweriie, A. Sax. cpeorn, 0. Icel. kvern," 0. L. Germ, qvern, 0. II. Germ, qvirn, chur- ne, Goth, qairnus, quern; qverne ^^mola\ prompt. 420; p. I. s. XIX, 233; ayenh. 181; Chauc. h. f. 1798; Wiel. exod. 11. cpeornston fragm. 4, 19; qwernston voc. 233. qveiten, ui.Sax. cpedan, O.L.Germ. qvethan, qvedan, 0. Icel. kvecTa, 0. Fris. qvetha, qveda, 0. II. Germ, qvedan, chvedan, che- dan, Goth, qipan, loqui, dicere, horn. 2^ 29; st. gen. 3626; i qvepe him qvite Chauc. r. r. 6999; qvedende (part.) rel. ant. 1, 129; qwething lud. Cov. 362; cpap (pret.) quoth, Orm. 6214; qvap Will 261; Trid. 1, 96; pi er. 98; qvad, qvad 6'^. gen. 766 8f 1311; cpad, qvap, qvep 0. a. n. 187 Sf 1186; qvad, qved (cwap) La^. 696 Sf 6203; cped Kath, 379; a. r. 122; qvop, qvod Chauc. C. t. a 788; qvod Gow. i, 47; s. s. ed. Wr. 668; cop ant. Arth. XXXVII, 3; cpeden Eath. 134; qveden Z^^. 893; qvepen misc. 146; qveden (part.) st. gen. 1496; comp. a-, bi-, for-, icweden; deriv. cwide, cwiste. cwic, A. Sax. epic, cpyc, cue, O.Icel kvikr, kykr, O.H.Germ. qvecher, checher, quick (wicl-), vivus; epic Kath. 1890; Orm. 1370; qvic (cwic) Lay 22; qvic, qvik Havel 1406 ^Sf 2210; qvik chron. Engl 762; Chauc. C. t. a 1016; qvik oper ded Beh. 1822; kvic, qvic ayenh. 67 ^ 206; qwik pr. c. 6390; qvek m. h. 26; whik m. t. 166; Tmvn. myst. 163; no- piht c]?ikes nullum^ vivi, a. r. 334; na- wiht qvikes Lay 26768; of qvike and of dede Langl ed. JFr. 13066. 112 cwiccheii chapitle cprdiche quickly, a. r. 246; qvicliclie Lay 4697; qvikliclie AUs. 2607. qvikmire quick-mire, pi. cr. 226. qviksilver quick-silver, Chauc. C. t. 12700. cwiccheii = cwecclien? qvicchin quitch, " mo- ver e\ prompt. 421; cmp. 0. Dutch qvicken. cwicnesse quickness; cpicnesse a. r. 160. cwide, A. Sax. cpide, cpide, O.L.Germ. 0. If. Germ, qvidi, O.lcel. kvidr, from cwe- deii, dictum., promissum, Icgatum; cpide a. r. 208; ])es pite3an cpide ... is ifiil- led hom. 1, dl; qvide o. a. n. 6bo; qvede, qvede st. gen. 1463 ^ 4011; qvetheV Gaiv. 1150; qvides (cwides) (pi.) L'i\ 9141 ; comp. bicwide. cwiddieii^ A. Sax. cpiddian, 0. Icel. kvidja, (licire; cpidden Orm. 19368; cpiddest fpres.J Kath. 2172; cpidded a. r. 174; qviddejj misc. 86; qviddied La^. 26326; cpiudeden fpret.J Orm. 8613; qviddeden (cwiddede) Lay 13776. qwie, 0. Icel. kviga, quy (why J, ^^juvenca\ voc. 218. qwiecalf, O.lcel. kvlgukalfr, ^^vitula\ voc. 219. cwikieii^ A. Sax. cpician, O.H.Germ. qvichan, chichan, quick, vivescere, vivificare; qwi- ken pr. c. 1723; qvikie, qvike Langl. h 18, 344; cpikede fpret.J h. m. 43; comp. acwikien. cwikneii, O.lcel. kvikna, quicken; qviknin "vivijicare\ prompt. 421 ; qvikne iMngl. h 18, 344^; qvikene Wid Luke 17. qvistc, from cwedeu, heqw^st, Havel. 219. cwiver^ A. Sax. cpifer (?), quiver, alacer ? cpiver (cover) a. r. 140. cwuld^ ^. ^'«^. cpyld, cpild, O.H.Germ. qve- lida, from cwelen, 7iex; cpuld "pestis'\ fragm. 3, 6. chaccu see cacchen. chacrc, O.Fr. chaere, Gr. xa^sSpa, chair. Hob. 321, 8; Horn ed. Lum. 1261; chaire p. I. s. XVII, 266. chaf, A. Sax. ceaf, 0. Dutch kaf, chaff fkaffj. palea, Lay 29266; Orm. 1628; st. gen. 2889;- chef a. r. 270; pet chef ayenb. 62; caf pr. c. 3148; apol. 64; cheve (dat.J at/enb. 210. chaffinch chaffinch, prompt. 68. chaft^ O.lcel. kiaptr, chaft (chaff), maxilla; chaftis (pi.) ant. Arth. ed. Mad. 11, 2. chaftban Halliw. diet. 239. chaiue^ O.Fr. chaene, chain; cheine Man. 8661; chaines (pi.) ayenh. 264. chaisel^ 0. Fr. chaisel, cheinsil, a sort of fine line7i, AUs. 279; s. s. ed. Web. 1814; cheisil Lay 23761. chalil see cald. chaleiigcu^ O.Fr. chalengier, calengier, chal- lenge (callenge); chalenge ^^calumniari\ Wicl. 1 paral. 16; chalange m. h. 3; pr. c. 2263; kalengest (pres.) a. r. 64; chalanged (part.) Langl. b 6, 174. chalice see calch. challi^ A. Sax. cealc, O.H.Germ. calc, chalc, Lut. calx, chalk, Chauc. C. t. 13160; calk, chalk ^^calx, creta\ prompt. 68. chalcston fragm. 4, 44 ; chalkston Chauo. C. t. 13136. chauniberliiig; O.H.Germ. chamarlinc, O.Fr. chamberlan, chamberlain, a. r. 410; cham- beiieiu Mob. 390, 3. chanihre^ Fr. chambre, chamber, Bek. 462; chaumbre a. r. 92. champion^ O.Fr. champion, champion; cam- pion c. I. 906; champiims (pi.) a. r. 236. chauiicel^ Fr. chancel, chancel, prompt. 71. chanceler, Fr. chancelier, chancellor, p. I. s. XVII, 240. change^ Fr. change, change; chonge ayenb. 104. chauiigeii^ Fr. changer, change, a. r. 6; changep (pres.) treat. 139; changede (pret.) Mark 3, 34. chape see cape. chapelle^ Fr. chapelle, chapel, Gaw. 2186. chapitle^ Lat. capitulnm, Fr. chapitre, chap- ter, ayenb. 220; capitle, chapitle prompt. 61; cheapitres (pi.) a. r. 14. cliappen cheap 113 chapitelhous, chapitrelious chapter-house, LangJ. h 3, 174. rhappen^ O.Dutch kappeii, chap, scindere; chappid f part. J Towyi. myst. 08; comp. ofchappen. char! charcole charcoal, "carbo'\ prompt. 69: Gaw. 876. char, chare, Fr. char, car, Chauc. C. t. a 2138; chare ^'currus\ prompt. 69; Wicl. 3 kings 10. charbocle, O.Fr. charboucle, carhunc\ Chauc. C. t. h 2061 ; charboMe d. Arth. 3326. charge, O.Fr. charge, carche, carque, char- ge, Rol. 416, 9; charges fpl.j Mand. 302. chargcii, O.Fr. chargier, carlder, charge; chargep fpres.J ayenh. 97; chargede fpret.J Brand. 11; charged f part. J pr. c. 2949; icharged a. r. 204; icarked aye^ih. 138. chari^, ^.>SV;r. cearig, O.i/". 6^^n«. charager, from care, chary, maestus: turtle ledep Charij lif Orm. 1274. charkiii, cherldn, A. Sax. cearcian, chark, "stn'dere\ prompt. 70 Sf 76; charke Gcw. 2, 102; Wicl. Amos 2. charmc, Fr. charme, charm; charmes fpJ.J cyenb. 43. charmiii, Fr. charmer, charm, ^Hncantare, fascinare\ prompt. 70. charmerc charmer, ayenh. 267 . charre see cherre. chartre, O.Fr. chartre, charier, JIavel. 676; Langl. h 11, 122; cartre Rob. 77, 16. chaste, Fr. chaste, chaste, a. r. 368. chasteiiie, chestein, O.Fr. chastaigne, casta- nea, Chauc. C. t. a 2922; chesteines fplj Mand. 307. chastien, 0. Fr. chastier, Zat. castigare, chasten, chastise, rel. ant. 1, 131; chasten a. r. 218; chasti Rob. 428, 26; pr. c. 3649; chasten, chasti3en (chastizen?), chastisen Langl. b 6, 34 ; chastizin prompt. 70; chastep fpres.J ayenb. 17; chastised fpret.J Will. 64. chatel see catel. chatere chatter, (dat.) o. a. n. 284. chateriii chatter, '■^garrire', prompt. 70; chea- teren a. r. 162; chatre Lidg. m. p. 160; chaterest fpres.J o. a. n. 322; chatre fsuhj.J Langl. b 14, 226; chetering f part. J h. s. 369. ehaterestrc chatterer, o. a. n. 666. chat, Fr. chat, chat: pe chattes of hasele 3iand. 168. chanfen, Fr. chauiTer, chafe, ant. Arth. XXXV, 4: chaufe Parten. 224; chafin ^''calefacere', prompt. 68. chavel, A. Sex. ceafl, 0. Icsl. kafel (?) dat. pi. kaflun, chaid fchowlj, maxilla, Trist. 2, 32; chavil Iw. 1991; chaul Alis. ed. Sk. 1119; chevil "ma7idibulwn\ voc. 187; choule fdat.J Aud. 77 ; ])en chin him of- swipte mid alle pan chevele La^. 26066; chsefles (choules) fpl.J Lm^ 6607 ; cha- veles rel. ant. 1, 220; chaules Mapes 338. chavilbon, chaulbon ^^mandibuld\ prompt. 70; chavilbon lud. Cov. 37 . chaveleii, L.Gcrm. kavelen, chavel, garrire; chaule p. s. 240; chefled fpres.J a. r. 128. chayelinge garritus: mid chauiing(e) and mid chatere o. a. n. 284; chevelunge a. r. 100. cheake, A. Sax. ceace, ceoce Mone 316, 0. Fris. (kiake) tziake, ziake, O.Dutch cake, L.Ge:m. keke, cheek, ayenh. 248; his overe cheoke Marg. 169; cheke "mala, gena\ prompt. 72; spec. 34; Gcw. 2, 14; cheoken fpl.J a. r. 70; chekes Langl. 4, 37 f60j; chekes, cheekes Chauc. C. t. a 633; chekes, chokes Man. 1820. cheekboon cheek-bone, "maxilla", WicL jud- ges 16. cheance, O.Fr. cheance, chance, Rob. 14, 19; Shoreh. 60; chaunce pr. c. 3768. cheap, chep, A. Sax. ceip, O.L.Germ. cOp, O.Fris. kap, O.Icel. kaup, O.H.Germ. chauf, cheap, emptio, Lay 386 ^ 31799; deore cheap hefdes tu on me horn, i, 15 114 cheapien cheoseii 281; so liht cheap a. r. 398; begge as guod cheap ase me may ayenh. 44; cheep '^pr€tium\ prompt. 72; god chop hon marche, p. s. 341; Gow. 2, 10' 9; light chep Town, rm/st. 102. cheapfare chaffer, mercatura, ayenh. 36; cheifare a. r. 310; Havel. 1661; p. I. s. XXI, 67; chaffare c. I. 1112; Langl proJ. 31; ^^negotiatio\ Wicl. Is. 23. chep mo n chapman, La^. 30681 ; a. r. 208; chapmon o. a. n. 167 5; chapman ^^mer- cator\ prompt. 69; Chauc. C. t. a 397; chepmen fpl.J r. s. VII, 33; chapmen Havel. 61; fms. chappmenn) Orm. 167 83. cheapieu^ A. Sax. ceapian, O.L.Germ. copon, O.lris. kapia, O.Icel. kaupa, Goth* kau- pon, O.H.Germ. chaufan, choufon, cheap- en (coup J, emere: pid chatel mon mai luve cheape hom. 1, 271; chepen Gaiv. 127 1; chepin ^Hicitari', prompt. 72; che- pe Chauc. C. t. 6860; coupe Havel. 1800; ^heaped fpres.J a. r. 190; chepede (pret.) - Octov. 389; cheped Langl. h 13, 380. eheapild negotians, a. r. 418. chepiiige^ A. Sax. ceapung, emptio, mercatus, La^. 23413; Will. 1822; Langl. 4, 43 (66); cheepinge "/oro", Vricl. Mat. 11. chepingbope Orm. 16673. cheasfe^ A. Sax. ceast, strife, dispute, a. r. 200; cheaste, chiaste aye7ih. 66 Sf 67; cheste Shoreh. 113; Octov. 764; peos cheste o. a. n. 177; wipouten cheste Rich. 6143; s. s. ed. Wr. 1638; cheeste Langl. b 13, 109; chost Mire 338. clief^ Fr chef, chief, Roh. 74, 8; Man. 940. chef see chaf. chi'k^ Fr. echec, checJc, prompt. 71; playe ate ches jouer aux echecs, ayenh. 62. cheke see cheake & cheoke. chekcr, Fr. echiquier, checker, ayenh. 46. chckkin check, prompt. 72. chdile «£?,. 8140; st. gen. 2722; chidin ^'contendere', prompt. 74; chide aye^ih. 67; Langl. 4, 39 [52 J; p. 51, 3; chided (pres.) a. r. 198; chit h. m. 31 ; chit . . . pid gode horn. 1, 103; chidde fpret.J o. a. n. 112; Chauc. C. t. a 3999; chidden Hitigahanf , IFicl. John 6; st. gen. 1927; hi chidde £elc. 1910. fhidcre, A. Sax. cidere (?), chider; chidar prompt. 74. chidiiigc^ A. Sax. cidung', chiding, ayenh. 30. ehikcn^ A. Sax. cycen, cicen, L.Germ. kii- ken, chicken, ''puUus\ fragm. 3, 18; che- Idn prompt. 74; chikenes, chiknes (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 380; chicne mete, A.Sax. cicena mete, alsine, fragm. 3, 38; chikne mete rel. ant. 1, 37 . chekinwed chichweed, prompt. 74. chikkiu chick, ''pullulare\ prompt. 74. child, A.Sax. cild, [0. L.Germ. O.Fris. kind, O.II.Germ. chind, chint], child, natus, li- her, puer. Lay 295; pet child ayenh. 84; childes fgen.J Orm. 8056; childe fdat.J it. gen. 966; childre fnom. ace. pi. J La^. 5317; Orm. 8005; st. gen. 715; Alis. 4638; pi. cr. 756; Tor. 2643; childere lud. Cov. 30; childre, children o. a. n. 631; children a. r. 334; Bel. 24; Mand. 249; childrene fgen. pi. J La\ 15563; childrene, children Langl. 4, 103 (117 j; children (dat. pi.) Lay 12992; comp. cnave-, steopchild. childbed child-led, horn. 2, 47 . childhad childhood; childhade (dat.) Kath. 79; childhode a. r. 314. childhede infancy, ayenh. 82; st. gen. 2652; Cham. C. t. 14912. childles childless, st. gen. 930. childli childly, ^'puer ills', IFicl. Toh, 1; IIoccl. I, 64. childiii, [O.II.Germ. chindon], child, ''pare- re\ prompt. 74; f)e shal . . . pin pif an sune childen Orm. 156; childi ayenh. 224; childed (pret.) Parten. 1157; chil- ded (part.) Mand. 133. childish, A.Sax. cildisc, [O.II.Germ. chin- discer], childith, L%ngl. h 15, 145. childsc puerility? idelnesse and chilce p. I. s. VIII, 4; misc. 58. chile see chele. chilindre, Fr. cylindre, cylinder, Chauc. C. t. h 1396. chilliii, L.Germ. killen, kellen? chid, alge- re, prompt. 75; chillande (part.) d. Arth. 2965; chilled (pret.) a. p. 3, 368. chinilte, 0. Dutch kimme, chimh, ora: the streem of lif nou droppep on pe chimbe Chauc. C. t. a 3895. chimbe cymhalum? IlalHw. diet. 250. chinibeii, Swed. kimba, Dan. kime, chinWy tinnire; chimbe Chauc. C. t. a 3896; chime Gow. 2, 13. chimbleii, O.Icel. kimbla (hinde i det slags hundt som haldes kimbullj? chimbled over hir blake chin with milkqvlte vailes Gaw. 958. chimenee, Fr. cheminee, chimney, Langl. ed. Wr. 5803; chimne pr. c. 4377 . chill, A. Sax. cin (m. ?) voc. 43, cinne n. (?) Ettm. lex. 391, O.Icel. kinn /., 0. Dutch kinne /., Goth, kinnus /., O.S. Germ, chinni /., Lat. gena, Gr. -^i^joq f, chin, "mentum', prompt. 75; Mand. 101 ; pane chin Lay 8148; chinne (dat.) o. a. n. 96; treat. 139; pet nimp })ane viss bi pe prote and bi pe chinne ayenh. 50. chinche chullen iir cbinchc^ O.Fr. chinche? ^'perparcus\ prompt. 7d; Havel. 1763 (the rime requires ahiohQ). chiue^ A. Sox. cine, chine (kine)^ rima, rel. ant. 1, 217; Farten. 4343; chines "sm- 8uras\ Wid. Is. 2; chines, kines Man. 1720 8f 13976. ehiue^ O.Fr. eschine, chine, ^^spina\ prompt. 70; d. Arth. 3390. chinen^ A. Sax. (to)cinan, O.Sax. lanan, 0. Jf.Genn. chinan, */?//^, rive: pat makep heorte chinen misc. 73; pet gles ne bre- ked ne chined hom. i, 83; pat heved fro pe bodi chan AUs. 2228; dep her hert(e) chon Arth. a. Merl. 7764; [chi- ned f part. J I. h. r. 142]; comp. tochmen. chippc chip, ^'assula^\ prctnpt. 75; chippes (pi.) Gow. /, 106; Chauc. C. t. a 3746'. chippen^ A. Sax. (for)cippian, 0. Dutch kip- pen, chip, secare? chippe ILalAw. diet. 2dO. chireche, A. Sax. cirice, cyrice, O.L.Germ. kirika, kerika, O.Icel. kirkja, O.lI.Germ. chiricha, Gr. xuptaxij, xop'.axov, church f kirk J, La^. 26140; rel. ant. 1, 129; chirche, churche a. r. 22 &f 28; cherche ayenh. 7; Gow. 1, 63; chirche, kirke Langl 6, 93 (7, 84); kirke Orm. 3631; chirchen (pi.) chron. Engl. 923; churchen Bek. 1414. chirechedure onisc. 151. chirchegx)ng Roh. 380, 9; st. gen. 2465. chirechegrid X^^. 22322. chirche3eard church-yard, a. r. 318^'; church ;^erd Bek. 2217; kirkegaerd Orm. 15254. chirchehay voc. 178 ; Arth. a. Merl. 6738; chirchhay Mire 330^'; chircheie fdat.) a. r. 318. chirchehawe s. s. ed. Weh. 2625. chirchereve Chauc. C. t. 6887 . cherchtoun ayenh. 41. chirkin chirk, "stridere, sihilare\ prompt. 76; chirkip as a sparwe Chauc. C. t. 7386. chirm^ A. Sax. cirm, cyrm, chirm, clamor; chirme fdat.) o. a. n. 305. chirmen^ A.S:ix. cirman, cyrman, O.Dutch kermen, chirm, chmare, a. r. 152; chir- med fpret.) Fart&n. 878; eomp. bichirmen. chiriie^ A.S^x. ceren (?), O.Dutch kerne, churn (chern, kern), prompt. 76; kirne voc. 202. chinicii^ A. Sax. cernan (?), 0. Dutch kernen, churn; chime prompt. 76. chirpcii chirp, stridere; chirpe m. t. 102. chise see chuse. chisel^ A. Sax. cisel, ceosel, O.JIGerm. chi- sili (calculus), chieel, g'area, ^^sahulum'\ prompt. 76; cheselis fpl.) iud. Cov. 56. chisel^ O.Fr. cisel, chisel, scalprum, Shoreh. 137. chiste, A. Sax. cist (?), O.Icd. O.ILGerm. kista, Lat. cista, chest fkist), Bek. 2358; cheste fdat.) Lay 32203; chiste, kiste JIavd. 222 Sf 2018; kiste Percev. 2109. chitercH chitter, garrire ; chitre Gcw. 2, 318; chiteringe fpart.) Cnauc. C. t. a 3258. cliitirliiig chitterling, hilla, prompt. 76. chittc chit? chittes '^catulos', Wicl. Is. 34. chivalrie, Fr. chevalerie, chivalry, p. 51, 10. chiveleii chivel, rivel? his chekes . . . pei chiveled for elde Langl. h 5, 193. chiveriu shiver, horrere, prompt. 76; chive- ren (chiverin) in ise r. s. V, 142; fmisc. 177); chivere & schake /. h. r. 144; i hafe chevcrid for chele d. Arth. 3391. cho) chough, cornicula; cho3en fpl.) p. I. s. XVII, 185; pe Crowes and pe chou- ghes Mand. 59. chois^ Fr. choix, choice, Bcb. Ill, 17. choppen^ O.Dutch koppen? chop, secure: pei choppen alle pe bodi in smale peces Mand. 201; chop fimper.) Langl. a 3, 253; choppid fpart.) d. Arth. 1026. choiil see chavel. chnife^ chofife "rusticus", prompt. 77. chuffer jactator? Town. myst. 216. chnf^n^ Jactatio? Orm. 12177. chullen agere, pellere? and chulles him as men dOn a balle Ealliw. diet. 249; we 118 chuse da3 hafe beii chased to daye and cliulled as hares d. Arth. 1444. ehusc^ A.l^ax. cyse, from cheoseii, elegans, amans: pat was chuse (chise) of pe chil- de Alts. ed. SJc. 49; gent ich wes ant chis 7'eJ. ant. 1, 123; pe ladi is of le- mon chis AHc. ed. Weh. 3204; chosin fill chise hid. Cov. 180. chisli a. p. 2, 543. da, A. Sax. da, doe, Iw. 2U27 ; do ^^dama\ fragm. 3, 27; M n. 15740; doo prompt . 124; Wicl. pror. 6. dabbc dah, alapa, Alis. 2306. ilabbeii, (J.Biitch dabben, dah, ferire; dab- bej) (pres.) p. s. 102. d«di', ^l.Sax. dmd, 0./.C-er?n. dad, O.Icel. dad, Goth, deds, 0. II. Germ, tat, from don, deed, actio, factum; dede La^. 26556; a. r. 62; Orm. 2267; Eoh. 73, 12; pr. c. 2485; or he dide ani oper dede lla- veJ. 1356; in dede Chauc. C. t. a 650; dede fpl.j Brand. 27 ; deden rcJ. ant. 1, 131; c. I. 038; his uvele deden a. r. 86; mi g'ode deden spec. 00; deden (de- des) X«). 4864; deades Kcth. 57 5; comp. god-, harm-, mis-, ofer-, weldaede. dfedbote Orm. 6025; penitence ])et is dedbute a. r. 348; satisfac(c)ioun ded- bote ayenh. 32; deedbote rel. ant. 2, 243. -^. 21126; delde Bek. 1101; deled f part. J Boh. 23, 17; cliron. Engl. 370; comp. oi-, i-, to- daelen. delare, A. Sax. d&lere, dealer, ^^partitor, dis- tributor', prompt. 117 . dw[) see dead. daife daff, dastard, prompt. Ill; Langl. 1, 120 (138); Chauc. C. t. a 4208. ' daff en daff^' comp. bidaifen. dal'i, A. Sax. daeft, daft (deft J, mitis, Mapes 343; dafte Orm. 2175; Chest, pi. 1, 134; deft ^^(hjehes', prompt. 116; dat defte meiden rel. ant. 1, 200. daftelike deftly, Orm. 1215. dafti^, L. Germ. Dutch defdg. dafLi~iils:e decenter, Crm. 15021. daggiMi, 0. Fr. daguer ? pun ger e ? lect dagge his cloJ)es Langl. h 20, 142; dagges fpres. J d. Arth. 2102; dagged (part.) Chauc. C. t. ed. Tynvh. p. 155. daggcii = deawien; comp. bidaggen. daggere, Welsh Bret, dager, dagger, pugio, Chauc. C. t. a 113. da3, A. Sax. daEjg, O.L.Germ. dag, O.Icel. dagr, Goth, dags, O.K. Germ, tag, day, dies, (ms. da33) Orm. 4168; daei, dai (Ia3 dale 119 L(i\ 833 ^ 10246; hit was daei liht eiz ■war Uechter tag 6661 ; al peiie daei lihte IdmJi dej Urn. 1, 223; dei Kath. 747; a. r. 20; dai st. gen. 83; al dai Belc. 1438; day prod. 7; pet habbe]) al day liare 030 to hevene agenb. 75; dayes fge7i.J Havel. 2363; J)es da3es (daies) liht fms. lihte) La^. 26464; bi daies lihte 0. a. n. 1431; dayes ie daisg, Chauc. C. t. a 332; daies die, Kath. 1078; 0. ({. n. 1690; deies a. r. 418; da3e, daye (dat.) L^. 82 ^ 146; deie a. r. 32; dsiv>'e ^ Rich. 3249; tO da3 hodie, Orm. 6416; to dai Kath. 788; a. r. 278; . iioii a day Gow. 1, 64; da3es (daies), dawes, A. Sax. dagas, fplj La^. 1113 Sf 8724; da3es, dayes, daies ayenh. 7, 198 et 214; dages, daies 7 el ant. 1, 226 6;- '226; daies, dahes Kath. 1662 ^' 1844; daies Wm. 3843; dayes Wid. John 11; dayes, dawes Bratid. 6 Sc 6; dapes a. r. 70; dawes llavil 2344; Alis. 1436; Gotv. 2, 113; Laupf. 1 ; da3en, dawen fd-it. pJ.J Z73. 1284 ■ Sf 4277; dawen Alis. 6631; of dage brOgten st. gen. 3646; brou3t of dawe Will. 3817 ; comp. easter-, ende-, 30I-, hali3-, lif-, messe-, reste-, wada3. da3hwamlic quot'idianm; lire daihpamlTche bred horn. 2, 27; heore da3]?hamlike spine Orm. 6238; deilipamliche (adv.) horn. 1, 17. dayerewe aurora, misc. 163; dayrawe a. p. 2, 893; Alex. 392. daired, A. Sax. daegred, -raed, O.Dutch dagerad, O.II.Germ. tagarot, -rod, aii- rnrc; r. s. IV, 17. dairieme ^^aurord\ rel. ant. 1, 130; dai- rim 0. a. n. 328. daisterre day-star, 0. a. n. 328; Wid. Joh 38. da^, A. Sax. dag, 0. Dutch deg, 0. Ted. deigr, 6^o^A. daigs, O.II.Germ. teig, dough; diih "maha^\ fragm. 4, 42; dagh voc. 201; do3 ayenh. 206; dogh Mire 1882; doghe fdat.J I. c. c. 41; comp. surda3. ddwribbe prompt. 128. dinvtrow prompt. 128. da^c, A. Six. daga (dies)? da3en (pi.) Lay 3616; dawene (gen. pi.) 4606; tpenti dahene gong Kath. 2602; da3en Shoreh. 126. da^ieii^ A.Sjx. dagian, O.Icel. daga, 0. II. Germ, tagen, from da3, daw, dilucescere; dagen st. gen. 16; dayin, dawin prompt, 112; dawen spec. 96; s. s. ed. Web, 2249; dawe Will. 3261; LangL h 18, 179; daped (pres) a. r. 362; per da-, wep him no day ( hauc. C. t. a 1676; da3ecle, dawede ^/»/-^^.y Za-). 1694 4" 8623: dawed Degrev. 697. da^iiicn dvwn; dawnin prompt. 114. daigciiiiig^ daiening datvning, st. gen. 77 &- 3264. da^uiige^ A. Sax. dagung, dawning; dapunge a. r. 20; dawinge Rob. 208, 19. dah see dR3. dai see da3. dale, A. Sax. dale, dole, O.lcd. dalkr, spi- na, ''(spi)nter\ fragm. 2, 63; dole sor and blein st. gen. 3027; pidiite knotte & dolke a. r. 2. dale, A. Six. da^l, O.L.Germ. Goth, dai, O.II.Germ. tal n., O.lcd. dalr m., dale, vaUi», Orm. 9203; Rob. 362, 1; Langl, prol. 16; pr. c. 1044; pat dale Zwn. 7nyst. 28; pe ei3en dasewetz p. r. I. p. 221; dased (pret.) a. p. 3, 383; dased (part) Chauc. h. f. 658; pr. c. 6647; comp. adasen. dastard, cmp. O.lcel. daestr (fessus), dastard, prompt. 114. date, Fr. datte, date, ^'dactylus\ prompt. 114. daubiii, Ir. dobaim, Welsh dwbiaw, daub, "li7nare'\ prompt. 114; dauben "liniunt", Wicl. E%. 13; daube (imper.) a, p. 2, 313. dawc, O.II.Germ. taha, daw; comp. cadawe. dawieu see da3ien. de-, O.Fr. Lat. de. debat debate. Will. 4380; Latigl. 5, 181 (337). deceiven decevse ; deceivi ayenb. 82. deces decease, Man. 5352. declaren declare; declare Chauc. C. t. h 1672. de- dea3 121 iledeiHeii, Fr. dedaigiier, Lat. dedignari, disdain; dedeineden (pret.) Wich Mat. 21. deduit, 0. Fr. deduit, ammement, phamre, CJiaue. C. t. a 2177; dedut Brand. 2; Will. m)H. defaut dcfauit, Jloh. 35, 17; Man. 5113. defeiiden defend; defeiide Man. 14(136; defendide fprct.J Hid. judges 15. defense defense, Uoh. 253, 10. defien, Lat. deficere? Langl. 5, 219 (389 J. defoalen, O.Fr. defouler, difoal (defile); defoiile lloh. 57, 22; defoiled (pret.) Will. 4614; defouled (part.) ayenh. 167. degre degree, Chauc. C. t. a 1891. delices, Fr. delices, deliciae, pr. c. 4615. delicious delicious, pr. c. 9291. delit, O.Fr. delit, delight, a. r. 112. delltable delc^tahilis, Chauc. Boet. 756; pr. c. 5239. deli ten, O.Fr. dellter, deligJd, a. r. 52; delited (pret.) pr. e. 8336. deliverance deliverance, pr. c. 3585. deliveren deliver; delivere Mand. 2; de- livere, dilivere c. I. 1124; delivrede (pret.) a. r. 234. demenen demean: &■ deinened hem douj- tili Will. 1222. demeoren demur, demorari: demeore 30 ])e lengre a. r. 242. depeinten depaint; depeinted (part.) c. I. 704; Will 3217. clepriven depri e; deprive a. p. 2, 185. derainen, O.Fr. derainier, deraisnier, de- raign; deraine Alis. ed. S/c. 124; drei- nen c. I. 974. descenden descend; dcscendej) (pres.) a- yenb. 123. descriven describe; descrive Will 5005; descrived (pres.) a. r. 10. desert desert, desertus, Rob. 232, 19; a- yenh. 240. deserven deserve; deserve (pres.) Chauc, C. t. a 1232; deserved (part.) c. I. 402, desiren detirc, Will 5065; desire p. I, s. XVH, 147. despisen despise; dispise pr. c. 4252. despit defpite, Bob. 18, 18; Chaw. C. t, 7758. despoilen despoil; dispoill ( yenb. 45; de- spoilede (pret.) a. r. 300. destine destiny, rel. ant, 1, 61. destruen destroy; destrue ayenb. 28; de- struie Langl. b 17 , 215; destrued (part.) a. r. 388. devisen devise; devise Will. 809; devisi ayenb. 73. devot devout, a. r. 376. devocioun devotion, pr. c. 5906. lie- see dia-. lie, Fr, de, die (dee); des (pi.) ayenb. 45; dees Goiv. 2, 39; Cfiaue. C. t. 13882. ilca«l, A. Sax. dead, O.Fris. dad, dath, 0. L. C erm. dod, 0. Icel daudr, O'oth. daujjs, 0. H. Germ, toter, toder, dead* m:rtuus, r. s. V, 248; Wicl. John 6; Lidg. m. p. 35; diad cyenb. 12; dead, d-M La-^. 196 ^^ 10247; d«d Orm. 908; ded, deed Chauc. C. t. a 148; deade (pi) Marh. 1; dede Ferc.v. 155. deadlTc, A. Sax. deadlic, deadly, mortalis, horn. 1, 223; dGadiich Kath. 1104; a, r. 206; diadlich misc. 27; deadlTche sen- ne Shoreh. 99; deadllclie ifoan proclam. 6; pine daedliclie ivan La^. 8550; dead- li, deedli Wid. Fsth. 13; dedli Gow. 1, 355; Langl b 1 4, 78. ilcaf, A.Sax. deaf, O.Fris, daf, O.L.Germ, dof, O.lcel daufr, Gotli. daubs, O.H, Germ, touber, deaf, surdus, Marh. 20; diaf ayenb. 1; daef Orm. 9887; def, deef Chauc. C. t. a 446; deef pr. c. 782; Lidg, m. p, 189; lud. Cov, 254; deave (pi) Kath. 1061; defe, deve Langl b 19, 126, defli deafly. Town. myst. 100. dea^, A.Sax, deag, deah, O.L.Germ. dOg, Goth, daug, O.H.Germ. toug, (pret, pres,) 16 122 dea^ cleaw ■ is good, or worth; deah Kath. 1853; deli Mark. 1; deih ho7n. 1, 202; pet ou ne deih a. r. 420^ Tliebald noulit ne deih Man. 133, 24 ; ])at ping pat noht ne d«h Orm. 4872; liwile pine dages dugen . reL ant. J, 184; deriv. du3en, dujede, duhtij. ilea), A. Sax. deag, deah, dye, tinctura, co- lor; dehe fdat.J misc. 193. deaden, A. Sax. deagan ^r<*^. deog, dye; deye Chauc. C. t. 11031 ; diin ^'■tivgere', prcmpt. 124. ileyer, diere dyer, Chauc. C. t. 362 f364j. ileal see deel. ilear, A. Sax. dearr, dear, O.L.Germ. (gi)- dar, Goth, dars, O.ll.Gcrm. (ge)tar, fpret. pros.) dare fdarj, andeo, horn. 1, 187; dar Orm. 10659; h. h. 142; Langl. h 15, 108; Mand. 249; sacram. 316; der Lay 6639; a. r. 2u6; Shm'eh. 5; derst, dserst (darst) Lay 20375 Sf 24779^ darst Orm. 5615; o. a. n. 853; c. I. 1081; hon perstou . . . nemne his name Brand. 27; ne durren (dorren) heo me abiden Lay 15063; durre Alis. 1314; men dtirre (=purve?) selde here orf in hous a wintre bringe Iloh. 43, 7 ; dur 3Iand. 271; dorre ayenh. 22; doren WicJ. geyies. 44; dor Chauc. C. t. 12589; we ne po- re abide no3t Beh. 137 5; durre fsuhj.J Lay 24783; o. a. n. 1706; dorre Roh. 112, 1; durren a. r. 128; deriv. durren, dursti3. dearc, A. Sax. dearc, deorc, O.Icel. dokkr, dark, gr. 26; dare, dorc Jul. 30 Sf 31 ; derk "tenehrosus, ohscurus\ prompt. 119; Bob. 560, 15; c. I. 71; Gow. 2, 120; Mand. 237; lud. Cov. 21; derk fsuhst.J Will. 1285; deork Bek. 1411; dorc horn. 1, 253; durk treat. 134; p. I. s. II, 43; dirk ant. Arth. VI, 10; Lidg. m. p. 144; darke ni3t p. 57, 4; dorke fms. dorcke) , niht Lay 7 563*; derker (compar.) Langl. I 10, 182; darkest fsuperl.J Marh. 8. deorkhede ohcuritas, Ilalliw. diet. 298; durchede Brand. 2. derkliche darkly, Langl. 6363. dcarkieii, A. Sax. deorciau (?), dark, ohscu- rare, latere; derkin ^'ohscurare\ prompt. 119; derken Chauc. Boet. 448; derkede fpret. J li b. diic. 1379; pe child . . . darked in his den Will. 17 ; derked f part. J Cow. 3, 307; derkid Wicl. 3 kings 18; dirkid Lidg. m. p. 138; idurked Bek. 1414. dei'kiiesse darkness, Langl. b 16, 85; Chauc. C. t. a 1451. dearcuieii, 0. II. Germ, tarchnen (supprimere, palliare), darken, latere; durcnin hom. 1, 259*; dirkins (pres.) ant. Arth. V, 1; durcninde (part.) Kath. 2049*. deariic see derno. dealt, A. Sax. dead, O.Fris. dath, dad, 0. L. Germ, dod, dod, 0. Icel. daudi, Goth. daupus, O.II.Germ. tod, death, mw^s, Kath. 1127; deap Shoreh. 28; diap ayenb. 12; died p. I. s. VIII, 93; dead, ded Lay 284 cj^ 2587; dep, deeth Chauc. C. t. a 964; dep Wicl. John 12; deep Orm. 17450; deth, ded prompt. 115; ded Ha- ^ vel. 1687 ; Iw. 1262; pr. c. 815; deades fgen.J Kath. 1143; deape, depe fdat.J 0. a. n. 1617. depday Langl. 3, 104 fl08j. d8e])shildi3 Orm. 10436. dej)provve p. I. s. XV, 192; dedthrawe d. Arth. 1150. depuvel Bek. 2311. deaYieii, A. Sax. deafian (?), O.Fris. dava, O.Icel. deyfa, from deaf, deave fdeafenj, surdescere, surdare; deve Gaw. 1286; him deavep pa teren fragm. 5, 36; devid f part. J lud. Cov. 348; comp. adeavien. deaw, A. Sax. deap, O.Fris. dau (?) dat. dawe, O.II.Germ. tau, tou, O.Icel. dogg, dew fdagj, ros; dean, diau ayenb. 136 Sf 144; d£ep Orm. 13865; dew st. gen. 3325; deu treat. 137; Mapes 347; spec. deawien clem men 123 -.. 12; m. h. 26; pene deu horn, h 160; dewe (did.) treat. 131 ; comp. milde\y. ^ il«awieii^ A. Sax. deapian, O.JJutch dauwen, 0. II. Germ, touwen (touueii), O.lcel. dogg- • va, dewfd:tg, degj; dewin ^^rorare\ prompt. 7-26'; dffipen Orm. 13848; dewep ''rora- te\ Wicl Is. 45. deil see dead and dead. (lede see dMe. tledeii; A. Sax. dedan, 0. II. Germ, toden, Goth, daupjan, dead f deaden J: pe olde tre bigan to dede s. s. ed. Weh. 623; dedid, deadid f part. J Wicl. 1 kings 26; comp. adeden. deeii, O.Fr. dean, deien, Lat. decanus, dean, g. 64. def see deaf. do5 see da3. de^eii^ O.Fris. deja, O.lcel. deyja, Goth daujan, 0. L. Germ, dojan, 0. II. Germ touwan (touuan), d.'e (dee), mori, La-^ 31196; Orm. 8090; deigen st. gen. 3121 deien Kath. 968; deyen Will. 3363 deyin prompt. Ill; de^e h. h. 64; Gaw 996; deye Roh. 494, 9; Havel. 840 Chauc. a t. 11290; s. a. c. XIV, 10 deghe pr. c. 1939; di3e, die Langl. 2 181 (211); dien c. I. 218; die Mand 201; m. h. 19; de3ede (pref.) La\ 1160 deide Kath. 1101; Langl. b 11, 200. dijede Jos. 134; deieden a. r. 301; die- den Mand. 286. deh see deaj. dcie, 0. /^. 4488; Boh. 3, 10. ilcuuieii den: wu he dennede liim in dat defte maiden rel. ant. 1, 209; caldeliclie dennet in a beastes cribbe horn. 1, 277. Dcusc^ A. Sax. Denisc, Danish; Densce fpl.) Lay 12834; Denslie Havel. 2373. ileiit see dunt. Ucofel, A. Sax. deofol, Lat. diabolus, devil, Orm. 07 1; deovel a. r. 208; deovel (dea- vel) La'^. 17669; dievel aycn'). 13. deol see doel. deop, A.Sax. deep, O.Fris. diap, O.L.Germ. diop, diap, O.Icel. diupr, Goth, diups, 0. II. Germ, tiufer, deep, profundus, a. r. 224; Marh. 13; deop (deap) Lay 647; deop, deep Langl. prol. 13; diep ayenh. 264; dep Orm. 16697; Mapes 333; a dupe dich Brand. 27 ; deope fpl.) spec. 62; deope in bid flescli hi wode Bek. 2232; pat 3e ne falle to depc Shoreh. 104; diQO^^XQ fcompar.) horn. 1, 49; deop- pere, depper Langl. 10, 182 f 11, 138); depper Chauc. C. t. 12178. deopllche deeply, a. r. 134; deplike Ha- vel. 1417. deopc^ A.Sax. dyp, d5^pe, Goth, diupei, 0. H.Germ. tiufi, deep, profundum, p. I. s. XV, 84; depe Chauc. C. t. h 433. deopicu^ Goth, (ga)diupjan, deepen: deoped into pe soule a. r. 288; pa pe die wes . . . allunge ideoped Lay 13473. dcopnesse, A.Sax. deopniss, deepness, ho7n. 1, 49; depnisse X^ath. 980; depnesse d. Arth. 746. deor, A.Sax. deor, O.Fris. diar, O.L.Germ. dier, O.Icel. diur, dj^r, Goth, dius, O.H. Germ, tier, tier, deer, hestia : a deor swi- de sell] oh Lay 6438; deor, der Orm. 1177 Sf 1312; der rel. ant. 1, 213; deores (gen.) a. r. 196; deore (dat.) horn. 2, 37; deor (pi.) Lay 1123; libbep al so pilde deor (dor) o. a. n. 1012; duer chron. Engl. 30; der st. gen. 178; deo- ren (dat. pi.) La^. 1128; dere Gaw. 1322. dcorfrid Lay 1436. deor^ A. Sax. deor (fortis, gravis) G reins gloss. 1, 193, dear, gravis; dere (pi.) Gaw. 364; nou fele we it dere pr. c. 1469. deore, A.Sax. deore, dyre, O.Fris. diore, diure, 0. L. Genu, diuri, 0. Icel. d^rr, 0. II. Germ, tiurer, dear, pretiosus, noh'lis, cams, a. r. 408; deore, dure Lay 143 Sf 2963; deore, dere Orm. 2206 ^' 2336; diere time ayenb. 36; deere, dore Chauc. C. t. a 2433; dere Mand. 232; p. 78, 6; of dere pris st. gen. 2247 ; what him dere ])6u3t Will. 1268; pe cuntre was dere Jis. 37 ; a dere day Gaw. 92; Ar- thur pe dere Fercev. 308; of du^ti men and of dere avow. Arth. 1, 6; duere rel. ant. 1, 110; deore (adv.) a. r. 392; deore abo3t Bek. 112; dere Havel. 1637 ; Bich. 3312; deere Lidg. m. p. 217; duere h. h. 39; p. s. 214; deorre (corn- par.) a. r. 190; derre Orm. 18221; deoreste (superl.) La-). 8973; derrest Langl. h 2, 13. deorliche, yi.Sax. deorllc, dearly, Lay 31732; drinke to him deorli spec. Ill; derli Will. 1421; deorluker (compar.) Lay 30060. deorepurpe, A.Sax. deorpyrde, precious, Orm. 6689; durewurde Lay 16686; derwurjje avow. Arth. XXII, 8; der- worpe c. I. 27; Will. 1338. deore derven 125 SV^. derne, dyriie, O.L.Germ. ^qy- ni, dern (darn), secret, Marh. 8; c. I. 1030; Will. 860; Langl. h 2, 175; Gaw. 1012; m. h. 166; bi a derne sti Isumh. 40; godes derne runes a. r. 96; derne stedes ayenh. 143; derne, deorne La-^, 13604 ^^ 13624; dearne Kath. 574; dserne Orm. 2004; dierne Ilich. thes. 1, 222; diirne Bek. 23; derne (adv.) spec, 23; a. p. 2, 697; liivie derne o. a. n, 1357; derne (sulst.) o. a. n. 608; in derne "m ahscondito\ ps. 9, 29; avow, Arth. LII, 12; let ns halde us in derne Degrev. 607 . dernellcbe secretly, a. r. 146; m. t. 103; dernelTche (deorneliclie) Lay 4392; dear- neliche Kath. 407 ; dernli Town, myst, 141; derneluker (compar.) a. r. 128, dearneschipe secrecy, a. r. 152^. dernen^ A.Sax. dernan, djrnan, O.L.Germ, dernian, dernean, O.IIGerm. tarnen, daim, conceal, La'>,. 18549; derni Shoreh, 79; daernden (pret.) Lay 7694. Derte Dart. Dertemude Dartmouth, La^. 17 86; Derte- moupe Chauc, C. t. a 389. derven, A. Sax. deorfan, 0. L. Germ, (far)- dervan, O.Fris. (for)derva, O.Icel. (for)- diarfa, grieve, afflict, injure, a. r. 382; c. I. 676; to derven mine so ale Iliclc. thes. 1, 227; derve /c*. 47; .derved (pres.) Kath. 1684; derve (suhj.) Marh. 12,14: comp. iderven; deriv. derf. '-- - -i-i- 126 des dihtert des see dels. lies- see (lis-. ilcsi see dusi. desk see discli. destcii = dusten ? ne non harm hine do(u)n deste Shoreh. 62; over pe brigge he deste Trist. 3, 9. destrer^ O.Fr. destrier, war-horse, Chauc. C. t. h 2103. dette, Fr. dette, debt, a. r. 126; ayenh. 35. dettur deUor, a. r. 312; dettour IIoccL VI, 7; dettours fp/.J ayenh. 113. ded" see dead. deu see deaw. deute duty, And. 24. deveii see deavien. Devciie (Devenes) fpl.J Bevons, La'^. 308S0; Devene scire, A. Sex. Defena scire, J)e- vojislure, Za}. 21016; Devene {printed De- nene) schire llol. 6, 27 . dever, Fr. devoir, Will. 47 4; d. Arth. 1940; g. 6. dew see deaw. diacne^ Lat. diaconiis, deacon, honi. 1, 79; ayenh. 190; deakne Shoreh. 61. diad see dead. dial dial, prompt. 120. die, A. Sax. 0,L.Germ. die, O.Fris. dil', ' M. II. Germ, tich m., O.Icel. dik, diki n., dike, ditch fdichej, fossa: enne die, ane dich (one dlch) Lay 646 Sf 6426; pa dich (pe dicli) 12670; dlch a. r. 246; Roh. 86, 6; Bratid. 27; ayenh. 67; Alls. 6632; dik st. gen. 281; in fi dik (dike, diche) falle Langl. h 11, 417; to delven a dich (diche) 19, 369; diche Mand. 29; diche fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 4106; Orph. 347 ; to pare diche o. a. n. 1239; dike Mich. 6021; diches fpl.J La-^. 9238; diche i?. /. s. VIII, 21; hom. 1, 163; misc. 69. diderin^ A. Sax. dydrian filluderej? didder, ^frigutire', prompt. 121; dintus gerut him to dedur amw. Arth. XXV, 8; de- dir (pres.) Town. myst. 28; comp. bi- didren ? dieii see dea3en and de3en. diere see deore. diete^ Fr. diete, diet, a. r. 112. diggc dig, anas; digges fpl.J Chest, pi. 1, ' o2 fmir. pi. 9 J; I. c. c. 9. diggiii dig, ^fodere\ prompt. 121; diggen Mand. 107; digge Lidg. m. p. 146; ston ... to digge Will. 2243; digg(e) it lip s. s. ed. Wr. 631; digged fpret.J Langl. h 6, 109 fa 7, 100 has dikeden). digne^ Fr. digne, dignus, Jos. 262; Will. 683; Chauc. Boet. 1124; pr. c. 74; g. 29. d ignite^ Fr. dignite, dignity, a. r. 140; pr. c. 3872. di^el, A. Sax. dygo], degol, deogol, deagol, O.II.Gerni. toiigaler, secret: in one swipe di3ele hale o. a. n. 2; di3elen (di3ele) bi hajlves La-^. 26936. di3ellTche sicretJy, fragm. 8, 3 ; di3ellTche k stille Lay 13639. di^eliicssc, A. Sax. dy-gelness, secrecy. Lay 2391; di3helnesse Crm. 6601. Ai^tWyO.II.Geim. ioVi^SiWQY foccultus, secretusj? di3enlic secret? mid di3enlTche runen Lay 416. di^eii see de3en. diliteu^ A. Sax. dihtan, Lat. dictare, dight fdeetj, ordain, dispose, prepare, La"^. 3160; Kath. 1471; dihtin, ditin ^^dictare, para- re', prompt. 123; hi leten hem di3te a gret schip Brand. 6; di3t(e) a ba]j Fglam. 626; dighte Fercev. 662; al pat he dih- ted & demed hom. 1, 267 ; dihte fpret.j Marh. 2; he dihte feole domes Z^). 7221; pe king dihte him for to wende h. T. 964; di3te Shoreh. 10; and di3te me dereli Langl. h 19, 2; di3t fpait.) Will. 161; dight Chauc. C. t. 14447; pr. c. 448; a lettre has he dight Degrev. 163; idiht Kath. 1607 ; comp. adihten. dijtere, A. Sax. dihtere, disposer, ayenh. 100. dik dig- 127 dik see die. dikin^ A. Sax. diciaii, O.Fris. dika, ditsa, dike, ditch, ^^fossare\ prompt. 121; diken, diche Langl b 6, 143 Sf 19, 232; dike . Gow. 1, 15; Cham. C. t. a 536; diked fpart.J Will, 2233. dikerc^ A. Sax. dicere, ditcher; dikeres, di- kers fpl.J Langl. prol. 102 (223 J. dil =:^ dul? stunt & dil fms. dill) Orm. 3714; dille Gaw. 1529; a. p. 1, 67V; Town. myst. 136; domb and dille llallito. diet. 303. 4lile, A. Sax. dile, 0. II. Germ, tilli, dill, ^^anethimi', voc. 140; dille prompt. 121. dil^ieu; A. Sax. (a)dilgian, O.Fris. (ur)dili- gia, O.L.Germ. (far)diligon, 0. II. Germ. tiligon, efface, extirpate, extinguish; dil- jhen Orm. 4083; comp. a-, fofdil3ien. dilleii = dullen? dill, hehetare, hehescere; dil- le Ilalliio. diet. 303; Town. myst. 136; dillen (pres. suhj.J rel. ant. 1, 217 . dim, A. Sax. dimm, O.Fris. dim, O.Icel. dimmr, dim, ohscurus, o. a. n. 577; st. gen. 286; ayenb. 159; Ma^d. 60; pr. c. 1166; Percev. 1994; dim and derk c. I. 71; pe Sonne dim bicom Shoreh. 86; dimme (adv.) Gow. 2, 292; ])aii3 i loke dimme Langl. 10, 179 (11, 135 J. dimlic dimly: heo polden . . . dimliiker bemen a. r. 210. dinimin, A. Sax. dimmian, O.Icel. dimma, dvn, "ohseurare'\ prompt. 121; dimmen rel. ant. 1, 65; dimmij) (pres. J p. I. s. VI, J; him dimme Jj (pa) ei3en fragm. 5, ^ 36; dimmede, dimmed (pret.J Langl. 5, y 200 (356 J. dinimingc dimming. Rich. 6977; bi (])e) dimminge of pe day Tor. 514^. dimnesse, A. Sax. dimness, dimness, "ohscu- ritas\ fragm. 7 , 47 . dindelin dindle, Hinnire\ prompt. 121. dine see dune. dinen, dine, O.Fr. disner, dine, Langl. J, 58 (75), ding, A. Sax. dyncg (?), Swed. dynga? ji- miis, p. I. s. I, 7 ; see dung. dingen, O.Icel. dengja, M.II.Germ. tengen? ding, ferire, Langl. h 6, 143; dinge Alis. 1732; Percev. 1967; dang (pret.) Eglam. 550; wip his tail pe erp(e) he dang Iw. 3167; dong Havel 1147; Rich. 5270; dungen (part.) Havel. 227 ; pr. c. 3256; dongen Min. 29. diiiglc, O.II.Germ. tunculla (gurges)? ding- le: deopre j)en eni sea dingle horn. 1, 263. dint see dunt. dippen see duppen. dirk see dearc. dis-, des-, O.Fr. dis-, des-, Lat. dis-. desarmen disarm, Chauc. Boet. 241. dischargen discharge. Hand. 302. discoveren discover; diskoverez (pres.) Gate. 418; diskeveret (part.) Jos. 350. discreet discreet, Chauc. C. t. a 518. desese disease, Gow. 1, 139. difference difference, ayenb. 10. defien, O.Fr. desfier, defy; defie 3Ian, 5975. desguisen disguise; desguisede (prd.) Man. 4744; disguised (part.) Will. 1677, disheriten disherit; disherite a. p. 2, 185; desherite Havel. 2547. delai delay, Rjb. 421, 20; wipoute de- laie Lay 17480''. delaien delay; delaie Rob. 156, 2, diligence diligence, ayenb. 238. diligent diligent, ayenb. 32. desmaien dismay, Jos. 84; desmaie 30U no lenger Will. 3040. desparagen disparage; desparaged (part, J Will, 485, departen, 0,Fr, despartir, Lat dispar- tire, depart; departe Will. 2334; de- , -gsiitede (pret.) BeL 483; deisirted (pa7't.) pr, c. 3710, despenden dispend; despendep (pres.) a- yenb. 19; despended (part.) Langl. h 10, 325. 128 disch (logge displesen cUsplease; displesez fpres.J a. p. 1, 455. disport, desport, O.Fr. desport, difport, sport, Chauc. C. t. a 775; sport lud. Cov. 185. disputen dispute; dispute, dispuite c. J. 1082; dispuite Mire 673; desputede fpret.J ayenh. 7.9. derai, O.Fr. desroi, deray, ant. Arth. XL, 6; drai Min. 35. dressen, Fr. dresser, ltd. dirizzare, dress; dresse Chauc. C. t. a 3468; dressede fpret.J d. Arth. 7 86; dressed fp.:rt.J a. p. 2, 92. disseveren di: sever; dissevere d. Arth. 1575; deseverd f part. J misc. 31. disteinen did.an, stain; disteino Chauc. I. g. w. 255; steine Gow. 1, 225; dostei- ned fpart.J IIcccL I, 340. distreinen distrain; distreine Chauc. C. t. a 1816. destresse distress, lioh. 143, 7; Man. 3348. disturben disturb, a. r. 162; desturbi p. I. s. XVII, 360; destorbep fpres.J a- yenh. 179. divers divers, ayenh. 15. devoiden, O.Fr. desvuidier, mahe void; devuide a. p. 2, 908; devoided (part.) Chauc. r. r. 2929. ilisch^ A.t^ax. O.L.Gcrm. disc {discus, tahu- la, memo J, O.Icel. diskr f patina J, O.II. Germ, tisc fmo7isaJ, Lat. discus, dish, disk, desk: ibroken uep oder discli a. r. 344; dish Mlcl. 2 Mace. 4; aiie diss vol of peseii ayenh. 120; dish ''d sens, sciiteUa\ prompt. 122; de&V^plutemn', 120; dische fdat J Mand. 52; deske w. a. i. 39; comp. bffirdisc. discherc, dishere dish- maker, Laigl. 5, 166 J323J. disciple^ Fr. disciple, disciple, p. /. s. XVII, 390; disciples fpl.J misc. 40. discipline^ Fr. discipline, discipline, p. I. s. XVII, 114; pr. c. 5556. disc, O.II. Germ, dehsa? ''ascia\ reL ant, 1, 8; see adese. dise^ L. Germ, disse fflax prepared for spin- ning J? distaef, A. Sax. distaef (?), distaff, ''ctluk\ fragm. 4, 7; distaf voc. 157 ; C/iauc. C. t. a 3774. disi see dusi. dite, O.Fr. ditte, dicte, ditty, Wicl. deuter. 31. divcu see duven. divercii tremlle: j)at ha ne schulden nOpder diveren ne dreden Kath. 619; divere horn. 1, 283; speoken i ne dar napt ah diveri ant darie M rh. 16. diviiieii, Fr. deviner, divine; devine a. p. 2, 1^61. diviiiite, Fr. divinite, divinity, p. I. s. XV IJ^ 237. do S3e da. dohbcii see diibben. duckc, A. Six. doccG, deck, Jap-jthiini, Chauc. Trol. 5130. doi'keu dock; dokkin ''dictrtare', prompt. 126; \\u top was docked (dokked) C/iauc. C. t. a 59 U. doddcii clod: 30 shiilen dodde "attondditis'', Wicl. levit. 19; doddej) fpres.J p. s, 192; idodded fp-ur/.J a. r. 422. doel, O.Fr. d ;el, duel, IM. (orjdolium, dole fdjolj, JJand. 202 ; doeJ, deol Langl. 5, 216 (386); doel, dol, duel, dul, del Will. 564, 781, 1510, 1909 Sr 2757; doel, duil, deol, deil IVic/. 2 kings 14; duel spec. 34; deol Iloim ed. Liim. 1048; Iloh. 166, 9; dool Degrev. 1736. deolful doleful, La\ 690V'; dulful, del- ful Gaw. 560 Sf 1517. dogcrcl doggerel: rim dogerel Chauc. C. t. h 2115'. ' doggc, O.Dutch dos'ge, dog, "canis^\ prompt. 125; a. r. 2 9 oT Iloh. '69, 4; Will. 46; Mand. 66; Chattc. C. t. 8888; doggen fpl.J p. s. 239. d63 donken 129 ddj Bee da3. dohtcr^ A. Sax. dolitor, 0. L. Germ, dohtar, doll tor, dohter, O.Fris. dochter, O.Icel. dottir, Goth, dauhtar, O.K. Germ, tohter, Gr. ^oyaxTjp, daughter ^ JiUa, La"). 211; fms. dohhterr) Orm. 128; dorter ayenh. 26; doghter pr. c. 2130; doghtir Eglam. 58; doubter a. r. 54; douliter, douther JIavel 120 Sf 2867; doubter, doujter c. I. 301 Sf 347; doubter Bek. 22; dowter it. gen. 1847; doster, douter, doughter proinpt. 12^; doster Horn ed. Lum. 249; dostir f? printed doftir) li h. disc. 689; doubter (gen.) Will. 3152; dobter, docb- ter, docter fdat.J Lay 3368, 3373 ^ 3433; dobtren (dobtres) fpl.) Lay 2924; doubtren, doujtren c. I. 289; debtren horn. 1, 247; h. m. 19; chron. Engl. 545; dejter a. p. 2, 270; dobtres Orm. 6383; doubtres Havel. 350; comp. steop- dobter. dohti see dubti3. dok dock, Gaw. 193. doke see dtike. doket docket. Town. myst. 313. dole see dale. dole see dale. dolken! com^. . fordolken. dom^ A. Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. dom, 0. Icel. domr, Goth, doms, O.R.Germ. tuom, doom, judicium, Orm. 1472; c. I. 491; Havel. 2487; Wicl. genes. 18; pe dom . . . ne lest be uapibt longe horn. 1, 169; pen dom Roh. 337, 7; pane laste dom ayenl. 74; domes fgen.j o. a. n. 1695; d6mes mon a. r. 156; domes dai r. s. LV, 1; pe dai of dome pr. c. 1859; domes fpl. J Lay - 7221; comp. alder-, cristen-, freo-, bsepen-, ball-, kine-, king-, martir-, rlcbe-, peow-, wisdom; deriv. demen. domstol a. r. 306, doBib see dumb. don see dun. don, A. Sax. dOn, 0. L. Germ, ddn, doan, duan, duon, O.Fris. dua, O.R.Germ. tuon, do, facer e, Kath. 784; a. r. 16; Mand. 3; don sunne misc. 72; to depe don chron. Engl. 908; don on do on, don, induere. Lay 1701; to donne Kath. 2201; a. r. 6; to done Bek. 248; to donde (for don- ne) misc. 193 ; do pr. c. 4290; ber eran- de for to do Bek. 1234; sbal dO pe no3t drede Langl. 20, 153; dof (= do of) dof, exuere. Will. 2343; do fpres.J a. r. 200; dest Jfath. 754; a. r. 124; spec. 104; Shoreh. 96; dest, dOst o. a. n. 49, 237 Sf321; dost Orm. 5258; ded a. r. 174; dep Roh. 321, 11; ayenh. 15; ded (dop) Lay 674; dep, dop o. a. n. 156 ^' 564; be dep (dop) me gret wo c. I. 899; dop Orm. 1042; 'T^Q dod Lay 1434; beo dod a. r. 328; gret barm beo me dop c. I. 896; do me love pe so spec. 71; do a wei pi maumetes Jos. 102; do me siker- nesse per to 623; qvotb Ubbe dOtb bim swipe fete Havel. 2037; dude fpret.J Lay 431; a. r. 102; o. a. n. 1637; Bek. 1050; dude beom to understonde misc. 86; dude, dide Kath. 1552; dide, dede Chauc. C. t. a 2262; dede Isumh. 67; dede mankinde bote st. gen. 24; alle pe Englis dede be swere Havel. 254; gode paniers dede be make 760; be . . . dede bim on gate Will. 1119; dudest a. r. 306; deodest (dudest) Lay 2294; duden a. r. 330; diden Orm. 429; pei diden dedli sinne Langl. h 14, 78; dOn f part. J Orm. 237; k. T. 813; be ben don ut of paradis st. gen. 381; don, doon Chaiw. C. t. a 2092; comp. for-, idon; deriv. dsfede. douge see dunge. dongeon, donjoun, O.Fr. dongCn, donjon, dungeon, CliauC. C. t. a 1057 ; dongeOn, dungun Langl. prol. 15; dongoun a. p. 2, 1224. donken donk, madcre; donkep fpres.J spec. 44; donkande (part. J Gaw. 519. 17 130 doppe draf doppe^ A. Sax. (dufe)doppa? 7nergns? Alts. 5116; comp. devedoppe. doppar fdive-Jdopper, ^^mergidus\ prompt. 127 . dore see dure. Borkcester^ A. Sax. Dorca ceaster, Dorche- ster, p. I. s. XIII, 36; Dorcliestre Roh. 2, 24. doruen! per husbondes pei wil so dome s. a. c. ed. Wr. LVII, 33. dorre, A. Sax. dora(?), dor, scarabaeus; dor- ren fpl.J Arth. a. Merl. 6428. Dorsete, A. Sax. Dorsaete, Dorset, La\ 21014; 0. a. n. 1753. dose see dusc. dosil, Fr. dosil, dusil, faucet; dosils fpl.J Roh. 542, 5. dotage dotage, a. p. 2, 1425. dotard dotard, Chauc. C. t. 5913. dote fool, rel ant. 1, 184; Trist. 2, 72; Beves 217. dotieii^ 0. Dutch doten, 0. Fr. (re)doter, dote; dotie La\ 3204; doton ^'-delirare, de- sipere\ prompt. 128; dote Chauc. C. t. 12911; lud. Cov. 98; avow. Arth. XVI, 11; dotest (pres.) Langl. a 1, 129; do- tes Kath. 2111; he dotes pr. c. 785; dotie fsuhjj a. r. 224; comp. adotien. doteren dodder, totter? pe due dotered to pe ground Degrev. 1109. doude dowdy, Man. 11255; if slie be ne- ver so foule a doude Town. myst. 312. dou^ter^ doubter see dohter. dou^ti^ douhti see dubti^. doukeii see duken. doun see dun. douneii^ O.Icel. deyna? odm-ari: spet to dopnen Orm. 6745. doupar ^^mergus\ prompt. 129. douren^ L. Germ, duren, M. II. Germ, ttiren, grieve? doured fpret.J a. p. 3, 372. douse^ O.Dutch duise fconcuhinaj? yit is she a foule douse Toivn. myst. 104. doust see dust. douTe see duve. ' Dovere Dover, Lay 7415; Havel. 139; Man. 4335. doweii see du3en. dozeiiie^ Fr. douzaine, dozen, Langl. b 4, 37. drableii see dravelen. dr'Mf A. Sax. dreed (?), dread, pavor; dred (drede) La}. 1682; dred, drede a. r. 6 Sf 364; he hadde of water dred st. gen. 660; drede misc. 193; Havel. 828; Rob. 337, 4; ayenh. 32; Langl. b 16, 85; Chauc. C. t. b 680; Rich. 5515; pr. c. 5263; hpone hit is aire most on drede 0. a. n. 684; drade Alis. 5740. dredful dreadful, a. r. 302; c. I. 454; h. h. 202. dredles dreadless, Gaw. 2334 ; pi. cr. 524. dredlich terrible, a. r. 58; dredliche fadv.J horn. 1, 143. dr^deii^ A. Sax. (on)drMan pret. dred, 0. L.Germ. (and)dradan pret. dred, O.II. Germ, (in)traten pret. triat, triet, dread^ pavere, timere, Orm. 5907; dreden Lay 31164; a. r. 136; drede Gow. 1, 344; Langl. b 20, 153; 1c. T. 429; dredest (pres.) Jul. 24; dredep p. 47, 10; (hi) dredep aijenb. 74; ne drede 3e op napiht Kath. 1403; dredde (pret.) Orm. 19965; st. gen. 767; Shoreh. 49; dradde Beh. 127 ; Gow. 1, 341 ; comp. a-, for-, of- drseden. drseduug dreading, Orm. 5602, drsefeii^ A. Sax. drsefan, O.Icel. dreifa, Goth. draibjan, O.H.Germ. treiben, from drifen, dreve, pellere; dreved (pret.) a. p. 1, 979; comp. a-, todreefen. dr%m see dream. draf, 0. Dutch draf, 0. II. Germ, trab (?) pi. treber, draff, recrementum, ^^segisterium\ voc. 233; prompt. 129; Lay 29256; Langl. 10, 11 (11, 11); Chauc. C. t. 17346; pet draf aye^ib. 93; drof st. gen. 3582. draf, A. Sax. draf, M. II. Germ, treip, from drifen, drove: it hiled al dis werldes drof st. gen. 102; wip duntes drof him draggin dream 131 al todraf /. h. r. 141; wij) (h)is drove of bestis Will 181. dragging Swed. dragga, drag, trahere, prompt. 130. dragouii; Fr. dragon, dragon, Marg, 168; dragun st. gen. 2924. dra^e! drawbrugge drawhridge, Alis. 1206; drawe- brigge d. Arth. 2474. dra^eii^ A. Sax. dragan, 0. L. Germ. Goth. dragan, 0. Icel. draga, 0. Fris. draga, I; drega, 0. II. Germ, tragan, draio (drey), trahere, ferre, La"^. 10630; dra3hen Orm. 11646; dragen st. gen. 2378; drahen, draien, drelien, dreien Kath. 33, 1193 ' Sf 2237 ; dreaien, dreien, drahen hom. 1, 257; draje ayenl. 12; draye Town. myst. 106; drahe, drawe o. a. n. 1376; dra- ■pen a. r. 160; drawe treat. 136; p. s. 163; Chauc. C. t. a 1416; Wwl. John 4; qveper 1 wit riht and lawe mai him wit me til helle drawe m. h. 66; droh fpret.J Lay 93; Marh. 2; Orm. 769; purpre and pal he droh rel. ant. 1, 119; dro3 Gaw. 1188; oper folk pider dro3 Rol. 41, 2; drog st. gen. 1746; drogh pr. c. 2249; Isuml. 364; Amad. ed. Robs. XXVI, 2; drogh, drou^, drow Langl. b 14, 106; drOuh a. r. 102; he drouli hine a bak misc. 43; dr6u3 . . . his swerd Marg. 309; drou5, drow JFill. 1068 Sf 2208; drou Havel. 719; drow Eglam. 316; hu pu dead drohe Kath. 2467; drojen Lay 818; Gaw. 1463; drohen Kath. 2166; dropen a. r. 110; drOwen Langl. h 11, 330; pe ministres pat drOwen pe water Wicl. John 2; dra3hen fpart.J Orm. 7413; drain Trtst. 1, 66; drauhen Man. 183, 3; drawen Havel. 1926; Mand. 40; parfor pis buk es on Ingles drawen pr. c. 336; comp. a-, i-, to-, up-, Ht-, widdra3en. dra^|>e tractatus? ayenb. 261. draht^ O.Icel. drattr, from dra3en, draught, tractiis, habitus, haustus, p. s. 163; dragt st. gen. 3746; drau3t p. 29, 3; a draught (drauht, drau3t) of win Cham. C. t. a 396; a pan forme drahte swid(e) monie he ilahte Lay 29269; drau3tes as me drawep in poudre p. I. s. XVII, 226; drawe draghtes and (here) berpenes Hal- liw. diet. 316. drauhtbrigge Man. 183^ 2. drai see derai, under dis-. drakCj A.Sax. draca, Lat. draco, dragon, a. r. 246; Orm. 1843; st. gen. 283; k. T. 408; m. Arth. 2607; draken (pi.) Lay 16936; see dragoun. drake^ L. Germ, drake Schamb. wb., cmp. O.Icel. andriki, O.H.Germ. antrache, dra- he, Havel. 1241; Chauc. C. t. a 3676; drakes (pi.) spec. 44. drane^ A.Sax. dran, draen (?), O.L.Germ. dran pi. drani, drone, "fucus\ prompt. - 130; voc. 177; Lidg. m. p. 164; dranes (pi.) pi. er. 726. drast^ dreste, A. Sax. daerst, dreste, 0. II. Germ, trast (?) pi. trestir, "faex\ Wiel. ps. 74; drastis darsts, "faeces', voc. 178; drestis prompt. 131; dersteu "amurca\ fragm. 4, 27 . drasti faeculentus: pi drasti (darsti) speche Chau^. C. t. b 2113; dresti prompt. 131. drau^t^ drauht see draht. draukj O.Dutch dravick, drawh, "zi%anium\ voc. 266; prompt. 130; rel. ant. 2, 80; drauc (printed dranc) m. h. 162. draveleu^ L.Germ. drabeln Brem. wb., cmp. M.H.Germ. (be)treben, drabble, drivel, sa- livare, delirare: pei don but dravele (dri- vele) peron Langl. 10, 11 (11, 11); " drinken and dravelen (drevelen, drivelen) h 10, 41 (6683); drabelin prompt. 129; draveled (pret.) Gaw. 1760; draveled (part.) p. 66, 6. drawen see drawen. drcani^ A.Sax. dream (sonus, cantus, gau- dium), O.L.Germ. drom (somnium, convi^ 132 drecche drencnen viumj, O.Fris. dram, O.Icel. draumr, 0. II. Germ, traum, troum fsomniumj, dream, ton^s, cantus, Kath. 1498; a. r. 210; pu iherdest pene dream fragm. 7, 41; engleue dream h. m. 19; dream, dr^em, drem La^. 1010, 14286 Sf 24664; drgem Orm. 923; drem Beves 1339; AUs. ed. Sk. 781; bet puhte pe drem pat he pe- re of harpe and pipe o. a. n. 21; dreem spec. 57 ; drem somnimn, st. gen. 2095; Havel 1284; Gow. 1, 24; pr. c. 8076; mid te dredful dreame of pe englene be- men a. r. 214; mid fulle dreme o. a. n. 314; comp. belle-, gleo-, mandream. drecche trouble? Ilalliw. did. 317 ; drechcb(e) Gaw. 1972. dreccheu^ A. Sax. dreccan, cmp. M. II. Germ. trecken (trahere), torment, trouble, tarry, st. gen. 1420; dreccbe Gow. 2, 5; Chauc. Troil. 2356; p. r. I. p. 85; ac Sathanas pe frecche pe saule wule dreccbe inisc. 75; dreccbep fpres.J spec. 113; pi. cr. 504; wiles be drecched dore rel. ant. 1, 211; ba dreccbed hom. 1, 251; drecche fsubj.J r. 8. II, 47; if it so betide pis night pat pe in slepe drecbe ani wight Iw. 480; drecchand (part. J ps. 108, 10; draihte fpret.J AUs. ed. Sk. 752; coinp. idrecchen. dred see dreed. drefen^ A. Sax. drefan, from drof, trouble, disturb: ic and ^ve snlen alle (h)is blis- se dreve st. gen. 318; dreved fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 220; drefed fpart.J Orm. 147; comp. for-, idrefen. dreg, O.Icel. dregg /., dreg, faex, ps. 39, 3; dregges (pi.) voc. 198; dregges and draf Langl. b 19, 397; dreggis prompt. 131. dreggi dreggy, "faeculentus" , prompt. 131. drej, dri^, 0. Icel. driugr, from dreo3en, dreigh (dree, dry), magnus, longus, patiens, Gaw. 724 Sf 1750; drib hom. 2, 49; bl ': river brOde and dreghe Ilalliw. diet. 317; on dreghe at a distance, d. Arth. 786; drogh him o dreghe ant. Arth. XLIV, 3; a dre3 a. p. 2, 71; a dreigh (drey) Man. 1042 Sf 6048; on dri3e Gaw. 1031; a drigh Gow. 2, 46; derfe dintes and dreje Alex. 2091; pe sinnez drije a. p. 1, 822; -pon lovest Tristrem dreighe Trist. 3, 67 ; comp. undre3. dre3li d^eely, Gaw. 1026; dre3li, dri3li a. p. 2, 74 Sf 476; dreli Town. myst. 90. dreje iee dru3e. drejen see dreo3en. dreheii^ dreien see dra3en. drem see dream. dremare^ A. Sax. dremere (musicus), dreamer, ^'■somniator\ prompt. 131. dremels somnium, Langl. a 8, 138, b 7 , 154. dremen^ A. Sax. drSman, drj'-man (jubilare), O.Iccl. dreyma, O.H.Germ. troumen (som- niare), from dream, dream, sonare, canta- re, jubilare: beo gunnen dremen Za^. 13586; harpen gunnen dremen 22885; dremen somniare, st. gen. 2067; dreme (pres.) Gow. 1, 281; pet oper beoden . . . dreamen pel ine dribtenes earen a. r. 430; a selkup drem dremde (ms. dremede) me nou Havel. 1284; him drempte st. gen. 1941; peines per drem- den La'i,. 11575. dreuch^ A. Sax. drenc, O.L.Germ. dranc, Goth, dragk, 0. H. Germ, tranch, from drinken, drench, potio, potus, La^. 16084; r. 8. I, 18; drench, drenche Hob. 68, 16 Sf 69, 1; drenche Horn 1164; drenche (dat.) misc. 82; drenches (gen.) Lay 19755. drenchen^ A. Sax. drencan pret. drencte, 0. Fris. drenka, 0. Icel. drekkja, O.H.Germ. trenchen, Goth, dragkjan, drench, aqua mergere. Lay 1507; Havel. 583; 1 schal drenchen in pe depe Chaw. C. t. b 455; drenche Langl. b 12, 169; Gow. 3, 295; ) dreng heo let . . . drenche hope tw6 Eob. 27, 6; i shal drenche mln arewis in blood ^Hnelriaho sagittas meas sanguine\ Wicl. deuter. 32; drengte fpret.J Za-^. 12111; dreinte p. a. 217; Man. 2008; dreint (part.) Gow. ii, 10; idreint Cliauc. C. t. a 3620; comp. a-, fordrenchen. dreug^ A. Sax. dreng, O.Icel. drengr, man, soldier, Havel. 31; dring Lay 12713; comp. heredring. dreo^en^ A. Sax. dreogan fagere, perjicere, patij, O.L.Germ. (bi)driogan fdeciperej, O.Icel. driuga fexercere, patrarej, Goth. driugan (oxpaTSusa&at), O.H.Germ. triu- gan ffallere, deciperej, dree, perjicere, suf- ferre, p. I. s. VIII, 145; dre3hen Orm. 1505; drehen Kath. 626; pine tO polie ant dre3e spec. 62; pat pou no mist pis fore ward holde ne dreje 105; drey(e)w. h. 59; dree Isumb. 379; driven (dre3en) Za^. 370; drighe, dreghe pr. c. 20 M Sf 2235; dri3e Gaw. 560; a. p. 2, 372; drlen a. r. 80; driQ Marg. 34; Will. 459; Chauc. r. r. 7484; h T. 235; lie smot as faste as he might drie Halliw. diet. 318; penance for to drie p. 27, 2; drie fpres.J Rick. thes. 1, 228; Degrev. 560; drihd a. r. 356; dreg fpret.J st. gen. 429; dre3 f? printed dregh) s. s. ed. Wei. 2660; dreih a. r. 136; drei3h, drey Will. 2796 Sf 2864; druhen Kath. 628; comp. a-, idreo3en; deriv. drihte. dreopeu^ A. Sax. dreopan, O.L.Germ. drio- pan, O.Fris. driapa, O.Icel. driupa, 0. H.Germ. triufan, dreep, destillare, decider e; drepe lud. Gov. 170; dreep ith Lidg. m. p. 161; deriv. drope, drippe. dreori^^ A. Sax. dreorig, 0. H.Germ. trtire- ger, from dreosen, dreary, Orm. 4838; dreori "moestus", fragm. 4, 25; ich am dreori Marh. 15; dreori fustes a. r. 106; of dreori mod(e) spec. 70; dreeri Chauc. a t. 8390; dreri pr. c. 791; Isumh. 125; avow. Arth. LXVI, 7; dreri, druri Wtcl. drifen 133 2 Esdr. 2; heo weoren ... an heorte druri (dreri) Lay 14547; druri Em. 808; a. p. 1, 323. drerillche drearily, Kath. 1898. dreri3mod tristis animo, Orm. 6541. dreorincsse^ A. Sax. dreorigness, dreariness; drerinesse Hristitia\ Wicl. eccles. 4. dreosen^ A. Sax. dreosan, 0. L. Germ, drio- san, Goth, driusan, cadere; comp. todreo- sen; deriv. dreori3. • drepe see drippe. drepeii^ A. Sax. drepan, O.Icel. drepa, 0. H.Germ. trefan, hit, slay, kill, hom. 1, 283; Havel. 1865; dreped fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 221; drepez a. p. 2, 246; drap fpret.J Mapes 343; drop Havel. 2229; drape ps. 93, 6; dropen fpart.J st. gen. 2648. dr^peu see dreopen. dreri see dreori3. dresseii see under dis-. dreste see drast. dreveii see dreefen a7id drefen. dri, A. Sax. dr^, "magus', fragm. 2, 50. dri3craft magical art, Orm. 16053. dri3man magician, Orm. 16051. drien see dreo3en and dru3en. drifen^ A. Sax. drifan, O.Icel. drifa, O.Fris. driva, Goth, dreiban, 0. H.Germ. triban, drive, agere, pelhre, Orm. 16982; driven Lay 946; Chauc. Troil. 7549; drife m. h. 31; drive Bek. 197; drivest fpres.J a. r. 230; pat te deovel . . . drived op to donne Jul. 26; drifp ayenb. 75; hi drivep ihid.; heo pe drivep heonne o. a. n. 66; drlf fimper.J a. r. 274; drivende fpart.J 244; draf fpret.J Marh. 8, 14; Orm. 8260; draf, drsef, drof Lay 309, 7843 Sf 9367; drof Bek. 675; Mand. 86; Chauc. a t. 7122; a. p. 1, 1152; (H)avelok it saw and pider drof HaveL 1793; dref Man. 1590; pou drive Horn, ed. Bits. 1279; driven Alis. 5731; drive Bol. 21, 12; dreven Wicl. 2 kings 6; 134 drifte drogge dreve Rich. 5092; drifen f part. J Orm. 8239, driven Mand. 67; idriven Lay 6213; drive Will 979; dreven Wicl exod. 8; I. h. r. 68; comp. bi-, for-, to-, purhdrifen, titdrifen; deriv. draf, driffce. drifte, O.Dutch drifte, O.Icel dript, M.IL Germ, trift, from drifeu, drift, actus, voc. 279; prompt. 132; drift Alis. ed. Sh. 897.. Ilrij see dre^. dri^e see dru3e. driven see dreo3en mid dru3en. drihte, A. Sax. ^d^ht, drilit, O.Fris. dreclit, O.L.Germ. druht, O.Icel. drott, Goth. drauhts, from dreo3en, retinue, host, Lay 92. drihtfare Kath. 1862. drihtfolc Lay 111. drihtlic, A. Sax. dryhtlic, nolle: pis driht- liche lond Lay 3784; drihtlTche men 1623. drihtmon Lay 14715. drihten, A. Sax. dryliten, drihten, O.L.Germ. drohtin, O.Fris. drochten, O.Icel. drot- tin, O.H.Germ. truhtin, dominus; drihten (dristen) Lay 4; drihten, dristen rel. ant. 1, 171 (Sal. a. Sat. 227 J; drihtin Kath. 1095; Orm. 2; dri3ten rel. ant. 1, 186; dri3tin Gaw. 996; drihte, dritte, drithte p. I. s. VIII, 40, 55 Sf 60; drihte m. h. 1 ; dri3te Shoreh. 61 ; Langl. h 13, 269; f? printed drighte) Alis. 6402; Mapes 348; drihtenes fgen.J a. r. 430. drihtnesse lordship, hom. 1, 101; Kath. 1123. drillen, 0. Dutch drillen, drill? comp. a- drillen. driiiC; A. Sax. drinc, drink, potus, m. h. 24; pene drinc Lay 1303; drinc, drinch Orm. 165 Sf 15388; drinch ho7n. 1, 283; drink Mand. 248; p. 42, 4; Degrev. 1739; drinke fdat.J Brand. 11; drinches (dringes) fpl.) Lay 3558; drinkes Ha- 'vel. 1738; comp. overdrinc. driiig see dreng. drink see drinc. drinken, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. drincan, Goth. drigkan, 0. Fris. drinka, 0. Icel. drekka, 0. II. Germ, trinchan, drink, lihere, Lay 5804; a. r. 238; Orm. 165; dranc fpret.J st. gen. 1660; drank liich. 3090; Cham. C. t. h 743; Lidg. m. p. 91; drone a. T. 210; dronk (drong) Lay 6928; drun- ken Gmo. 3, 21; dronken Will. 1906; Chauc. C. t. a 822; dronken, dronke Langl. h 14, 64; dronken f part. J Chauc. C. t. a 135; comp. a-„ idrinken; deriv. drinc, drench, drunc, drunken. driiikere, A.Sax. drincere, O.H.Germ. trin- chare, drinker, treat. 138; ayenb. 52; Man. 3986; drinkares fpl.J a. r. 216. drinklin, drinkelin '■'■mergere', prompt. 132; de de childre so drinkelen bead st. gen. 27,68; drenkled fpart.J Man. 997. drippe, drepe, A.Sax. drypa (?), O.Dutch druppe, O.H.Germ. trupha, from dreopen, drip, ^^gutta, stilla\ prompt. 132. drippin, 0. Dutch druppen, M. H. Germ'. triipfen, drip, ^^stillare\ prompt. 132; drepep (pres.j misc. 151. drit, O.Dutch O.Icel. drit, dirt, ^^stercus\ prompt. 132; Alis. 4718; p. s. 240; p. 1. s. I, 7. dritcherl Havel. 682. driten, A.Sax. (ge)drltan, 0. Dutch drlten, O.Icel. drita, '■^cacare\ prompt. 132. drivel, 0. Dutch drevel, drivel (drihhle), ser- vus, h. m. 29; drivil prompt. 132; dri- veles fpl.J Kath. 2154. drivelen see dravelen. driven see drifen. drof, A.Sax. drof (?), O.Dutch droeve, 0. H.Germ. truober, troubled, sad: drof he wes on mode Lay 1040. droflic Lay 1026. drof see draf. drogge, Fr. drogue, d/rug; drogges, drugges (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 426. dronen druncnien 135 droneu^ 0. Duteh dvonen, drone: he drouned as a dragon Alis. ed. SL 985. dronken see drunken. drope^ A. Sax. dropa, 0. Icel. dropi, 0. L. Germ, dropo, O.ll.Germ. tropho, tropfo, from dreopen, dro^, "gutta, dilld\ fragm. 3, 52; Mand. 61; Chauc. C. t. a 131; Hoed. /, 416; pr. c. 3066; aenne drope blod La^. 7660; pane drope ayenh. 92; dropen fpl.J a. r. 220; treat. 136. dropemele ly dro'ps, a. r. 282. dropien^ droppen, A.Sax. dropian, O.Dutch droppen, drop f drope J, stillare; droppep (pres.) Mand. 60; droppe fsubj.J Mire 1938; dxQ^^Qd fpret.J Chauc. C. t. 12608; as pei dropped a doun Langl. h 16, 79. dros, A.Sax. dros (?), L.Germ. dros, O.JI. Germ, gitros, froyn dreosen ? dross, scoria, a. r. 284; pr. c. 3339; I. h. r. 147. drosue^ A.Sax. drosn, O.K. Germ, trosena, truosana, Goth, drauhsna? ^^fex\ fragm. 4, 22. droteii^ O.Icel. dratta? drate, drawl, prompt. 133. droukneii^ O.Icel. drukna, droulc, merger e? in a droukning dred /. h. r. 141; see druncnien. droukeniiig immersio, inehriatio? Mapes 334. drouuen see druncnien. droupen see drupen. drovi drovy, turhidus, rel. ant. 1, 220; Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. p. 166; a. p. 2, 1016. drovieii; 0. Butch droeven, Goth, drobjan, O.H.Germ. truoben, from drof, trouble, disturb; droves (pres.) pr. c. 1319; dro- ved Hurhata\ ps. 6, 4; see dreven. drubleii =^ trublen? drublin ^^turbare\ prompt. 133. drubli^ drobli Hurbidus\ prompt. 132. druerie^ O.Fr. druerie, affection, love, Fl. a. Bl. 382; drtlrie hom. 1, 271; Langl. 1, 86 (87). druggeu drudge: drugge and drawe Chauc. a t. a 1416. dru^e^ A. Sax. dr^ge, L. Germ, driige, dry, siccus, chron. Engl. 346; mid druje fotan hom. 1, 87; druye Rob. 631, 21; druie a. r. 276; druije I. h. r. 142; drue p. s. 193; drii3e, dri3e a. p. 2, 386 8f 412; drije (ms. dri33e) Orm. 9883 : com ofer dri3e fot (dry foot) 10338; drii3e trans- act. 18, 23; drige, drie st. gen. 616 ^ 3910; drle rel. ant. 1, 226; treat. 136; Gow. 2, 266; dre3e Shoreh. 146; dreye Chauc. C. t. 8776; dreie hom. 1, 227. dru^eu^ dru3ien, A.Sax. dr^gan, drugian (drupian), L.Germ. drugen, dry (drow); driin ^^siccare\ prompt. 132; dreye lud. • Cov. 230; whan pou driest (drui3est) Langl. 1, 26; driep Chauc. C. t. a 1496; driede (pret.) Mand. 68; dri3ed (ms. dri33edd) (part.) Orm. 8626; dried ps. 21, 16; comp. a-, fordru3en, -dru3ien (drupien). druh|)e^ A.Sax. drugad, L.Germ. drugde, drouth (drought), siccitas, (ms. druhhpe) Orm. 8626; dru3pe ayenb. 68; drtigte st. gen. 2348; drouhpe, droghte . Z«w^/. 6, 290 (7, 276); droughte, droghte thaue. C. t. a 2. druiic^ drunch, A.Sax. drunc, drync, O.R. Germ, trunch, O.Icel. drykkr, from drin^ ken, potus, a. r. 14 Sf 114; drunch Marh. 8, 31; on drunke & on ete p. I. s. VIII, 130; mid unmete drunche hom. 1, 103. druncpil eupidus potus, a. r. 216'^. druncnien^ A. Sax. (on)druncnian, drown, mergere: i shal drunkne ^Hnebriabo\ Wdcl. Is. 16; drunkenes, dronkenes (pres.) m. h. 138; ha druncned perin Marh. 16; druncnen Orm. 16398; druncnie (suhj.) a. r. 68; drunknede Wicl. Is. 63; pe spin urnen . . . into pe sse & druncnede hem selven hom. 2, 39; dronkened ps, 64, 10; drouned a. p. 2, 372; drouned (part.) Mand. 67; Lidg. m. p. 149; comp. ofdruncnien. 136 drunken du3e(3e drunken^ A.Sax. drunken, O.II.Germ. trun- chaner, from drinken, drunken (drunk), ehrius, st. gen. 81 1 1 pa heo weore swa drunken La-^, 13466; dronken 3fand, 260; dronke ayenh. 76; comp. for-, win- drunken, drunkenhede ehrietas, Wicl. Is. 6; dron- kenhede Gow. 3, 20. dronkelec ebrietas, Mire 31. drunkeshepe ^^ehrietas', prompt. 134 ; dron- keshipe Gow. 3, 20. drunken^ A.Sax. druncen, Goth, drugkanei, O.Ieel. drykkni, 0. H. Germ, trunchani, ehrietas, horn. 1, 176; the millere pat for drunken (dronken) was al pale Chauc. a t. a 3120; drunke p. I s. Vlll, 128. drunkenlewe ehriosus, Wzd. Mat. 24; drun- kelewe, dronkelewe Gow. 3, 6 (Halliw. diet. 310); dronkelewe Langl. h 8, 83; Chauc. C. t. 7626; drunkelew ^^ehriosus\ prompt. 133; drunklew Lidg. m. p. 68. druiikeiinesse^ A.Sax. druncenness, drunken- ness, Orm. 166; dronkenesse Chauc. C. t. 13064. druukicii mergere; drunkede fpret.) Wicl. eccJes. 30; dronked fpart.) Will. 3616; comp. ofdrunkien. drup dejected, sad; drilpest fsuperl.) Marh. 16, 34; drup est aire monne Kath. 2060. driipen^ O.Icei. drfipa, droo'p (droup), de- mitti, decumhere ; droupin Hatitare\ prompt. 133; droupe & dare transact. 18, 26; m. Arth. 2676; droupe (pres.) Min. 2; Town. myst. 223; droupus ant. Arth. V, 2; his arwes drouped nought wip fepe- res lowe Chauc. C. t. a 107. drupi dejected, sad, horn. 1, 206; Halliw. diet. 321 ; & maked drupie chere a. r. 88. droupiii^c drooping, ^^latitatio\ prompt. 113; drouping- Gaiv. 1760. drupnin^ O.Icel. drupna, droupen, demissum esse, horn. 1, 260; i droupne ant dare spec. 64. drou piling dejection, Mapes 340. druri see dreorij. drud', O.Fr. drud, O.II.Germ. trut, dilectus, horn. 1, 260. driiwieu see drujien. dubbcii^ A.Sax. dubbian Sax. chron. 219, O.Icel . dubba Fritzners ordh., dub, orna- re: to cnihte hine dubben (dobben) La\ 22407; dubbe him knight Isumh. 484; peo knightis heore bodi dubbep ' Alis. 4311; dubbede fpret.) Havel 2314; dub- bed (part.) Gaw. 76; I. h. r. 127 ; dub- bed and dight pr. c. 8700; dubbed wip precious stones Mand. 241. duble^ Fr. douole, double, daplus; doble Bek. 417. dubien^ Fr. doubler, double, duplare; dubli Brand. 28. doblcr^ O.Fr. doublier, doubler, large dish, a. p. 2, 1146; dubleres fpl.) 1279. due, Fr. due, duke. Lay 86; a. r. 300; duk, duik Wicl. Mat. 2. duche, Fr. duche, duchy, Man. 3160. duchcsse, Fr. duchesse, duchess, Chauc. C. t. a 023. dudde dud, ^^birrus', prompt. 134. duel see doel. duer see deor. duggcn cut? dug Town. myst. 313. du^cn, A.Sax. dugan (?), O.Icel. duga, 0. II. Germ, tugan (?), from dea3, dow, va- lere; dowes (pres.) a. p. 3, 60; du^ende (part.) Lay 4123; dujende pepas hom. 1, 100; doht(e), A.Sax. dohte, O.II.Germ. tohta, (pret.) m. h. 140; al he sold pat outh douthe Havel. 703; dought Trist. 2, 1; Man. 7660. dii^en, A.Sax. (ge)degan, d5*"gan, O.L.Germ. dogen? carere? pel mei duhen ancre of oder pim(p)lunge a. r. 420^. du^ed'e, A.Sax. dugud, dugod, O.Fris. du- ged, O.Icel. dygd, O.H.Germ. tuged, virtue, force, manhood: Brutus & his du- jede (do^epe) Liy 1810; unjearu tO elchere du3ede hom. 1, 103; duhede (luliti- dune 137 Jul. 4; dii5e[)e 7-e/. ant. i, icS'^; ]»at hi forletej) in lieore du3e|)e c. a. ??. b'o4; douthe Oaiv. JoUO. du3e|)eciiilit Z.v^. 10160. du3eclliche worthhy? La^. 10844. duliti^j A. Sax. dyhtig, M. 11. Germ, tiihtic, doughty, validm, stronuiis, Onn. 1 13: duli- ti Kath. 162; |)ine domes . . . beo,. 30410; denie Horn ed. Lum. 692; dunede fpret.J Marh. 20; pe erpe dunede under hem Rol. 459, 3; dinede an migtful homes blast St. gen. 3464; denede Will. 6014; rel. ant. 2, 7; comp. adunien. iluiiiiige^ A.Sax. dunung, O.Dutch doninge, sonitus, Hom.lus\ prompt. 136. duiiiiien^ A.Sax. dunnian, lecome dun: pin hew dunnet p. r. I. p. 221; dunnid ^'sul- niger\ prompt. 136. diiiit, A.Sax. dynt, dint, ictus, La"^. 8420; Kath. 22; Alis. 1606; speordes dunt a. r. 60; er pu schuldest eni dunt ihure treat. 136; dint Orm. 4290; Langl. 12124; dint, dent Wii/. 1^234 8f 3760; dent Launf. 332; duntes (pi.) o. a. n. 1227 ; c. I. 1161 ; (lintes pr. c. 7017; m. h. 135. diiiitcn dint, ferire; dintede fpret.J horn. 1 , 281 ; dunted (part. J I. h. r. 138. dup see deop. duppfn^ A. Sax. dyppan, dip, immergere; dippin prompt. 121 ; dippest fpres.J Orm, 1661; dipped (part.) pr. c. 8044. dippcre dipper, '^mergulus\ Wicl. levit. 11, dure, A.S7X. duru, O.Fris. dure, dore, Goth. dauro, O.H.Germ. turi, tura, Gr. ^6pa, door, porta, p. I. s. VIII, 64; st. gen, 1082; rel ant. I, 226; dore IlaveL 1788; Chauc. C. t. a 660; Iswnl. 662; duren fpl.J horn. 1, 87; La"^. 2363; do- ren Rol. 496, 22; spec. 110; Shoreh. 55, dorenail door-nail: ded as a dorenail Langl. a 1, 161; Will. 628. durepin st. gen. 1078. dorstod voc. 170. doretre Havel. 1806; Langl. I 1, 185. dureward Lay 17672; doreward Shoreh. 46. dure see deore. dureii, O.Fr. dm'QY, dure, durare; diwe Rob. 183, 8; Chauc. C. t. a 2770; durede fpret.J Lay 26708^; whi pat tempeste so longe time durede (dured) Langl. h 18, 63. duresse, Fr. duresse, duress, duritia, Will, 1074; Hoccl. I, 12. durk see dearc. durne see derne. durreu, A.Sax. durran (?), O.H.Germ. (ge)- turren (?), Goth. (ga)daursan, from dear, audere; durn, dorn prompt. 114; dur pr, G. 4135; durste, A.Sax. dorste, O.H. Germ, (ge)torsta, Goth, (ga)daursta, fpret.J durst, Kath. 1316; a. r. 168; st. gen. 2693; spec. 104; Imml. 618; durste (dorste) La"^. 357; durste, dorste Langl. 8, 118 f9, 113J; Chauc. C. t. a 227; dorste ayenh. 143; Jos. 664; Percev. 1966; i ne perste ... do such a fol dede Marg. 304; dursten Havel. 1866; Mand. 282. dui'sti, A.Sax. dyrstig, O.H.Germ. (gi)tur- stiger, audax. durstillche '^audacter\ fragm. 1, 57 ; dir- sti^like Orm. 16162. dusc dush, ohscurus; dose hom. 1, 259; deose a. r. 94. duschen dwelien 139 duschen = dweschen V dusk, ferire; dusclied fpret.J Arth. a. Merl. 5624; a. p. 2, 1538; see dasclien. dusi; A.lSax. dysig, O.Dutch deusig, 0.7/. Germ, tusiger, dizzy fduzzyj, dupidus, duUus, Kath. 782; a. r. 208; dusi luve ne last uoht longe o. a. w. 1466; than waxes ... his heved feble and disi pr. c. 771; desi rel. ant. 1, 17 U; jje dusie mon hom. 1, 117; dusien fdut. pLj Lay 2811; dusigest (superl.) a. r. 182. dusilec stultitia, Kath. 425. dusischipe stultitia, a. r. 182. dusi, A. Sax. dysig, stultitia, hom. 1, 111. dusieUj A. Sax. dysegian, 0. Fris. dusia, dizzy, ineptire; desiot fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 177. duskeii; from dusc, dusk, ohscurare: pine ehnen schulen doskin h. m. 35; dusken his herte pi. cr. 563; dusked fpret.J Cham. C. t. a 2806. dusknesse '■'■caUgo\ Wicl. Job 23. dust, A. Sax. 0. Dutch 0. Icel. dust, dud fdoustj, '■''pidvis', prompt. 135; a. r. 122; Orm. 1636; lad. Cov. 225; jjat dust (doust) Lay 27646; doust ayenb. 108; rel. ant. 1, 28; douste (dat.) p. I. s. XVIll, 26. dusteu, O.Icel. dusta fpukerem excutere, ver- berarej? Haldms. lex., dust, ferire, a. r. 212; ^if hit dusted (puherem emittit) 314; duste jecit, li^ath. 1094; ich habe a dun . . . idust Marh. 11; see desten. dusti, A. Sax. dystig, dusty, ^'■pulverulentus', prompt. 135; Hid. thes. 1, 224. dut^dedut, Shoreh. 129; p. I. s. XXXV, 9; Gaw. 1020. dute, O.Fr. doute, doubt, a. r. 220; doute Marg. 107. dnten, O.Fr. douter, dmbt, misc. 148; du- ted fpres.J a. r. 244; doutede fpret.J Havel. 708; douted fpart.J c. I. 382. dutten, A. Sax. dyttan, dit, claudere, a. r. 82; spec! 110; ditten Orm. 18590; dittez fpres.J a. p. 2, 588; dutte fpret.J Lay 19812'''; Mary. 208; idut fpart.J rel. ant. 1, 90; c. I. 31; comp. fordutten. diivc, A.Sax. O.Icel. dufa, O.L.Germ. duva Heine s glos\, Goth, diibo, 0. H. Germ. tuba, dove fdoovej, colu?nba, hom. 2, 49; st. gen. 605; douve Mand. 87; Rich. 5671; Langl. b 15, 393; h. s. 304; doufe 2 own. myst.33; dove lud.Cov. 48. iluve* devedoppe ^^mergulus\ Wicl. levit. 11. duyei, M.H.Germ. tiibel, dowl? dowlis fpl.J Wicl. 3 Icings 7 . duvelrihte? feolien ba (a) dun duvelrihtes li^ath. 1599. duveluuge? ant te meiden duvelunge feci dun to |)e eorde 3Iarh. 20; develing Arth. a. Merl. 7762; Beves 649. duven, A. Sax. dufan pret. deaf, douve, mer- gi: |)et pet sweord in desef Lay 6505. diiyeu, A. Sax. dyfan pret. dj^fde, O.Icel. deyfa, dive fdeevej, mergi; diven Langl. b 12, 163; diived fpres.J a. r. 282; he dived dun to grunde rel. ant. 1, 221; def fimper.J Marh. 17, 27 ; duve ^^demer- qaf, hom. 2, 43; defde fpret.J Marh. '22, 9. dwal, A. Sax. dpal (V), dpol, Goth, dvals ([jicopoc), from dwelen, wicked? pat devel dwale 6'^. gen. 20; dpale heretic, Orm. 7454; ne chid pu wip nenne d wales f fools? J rel. ant. 1, 183; see dul. dwalkenned? ])urh dpalkende lare Orm. 7441. dwale, O.Icel. dvol f mora J, Swed. dvala, Da7i. dvale fstupm\ sopor J, O.H.Germ. twala fmm'aj, impediment, scandal? st. gen. 1220; and stod as he were in dwale fstuporj Man. 9059; dwale soporiferous dririk, Gow. 3, 14; Chauc. C. t. a 4161; rel. ant. 1, 324. dwelen, A. Sax. dpelau, O.H.Germ. twelan ftorpere, sopirij; comp. adwelen. dwelien, u4./S. /. *. VIII, 162; eldeste fmperl.J cliron. EnfjI. 423 ; ayenh. 104. eld fader, A. Sax. ealdfaider, 0. II. Germ. aitfater, ^^aviis\ roc. 206; e](d)fadii- "so- cer\ prompt. 137 . eldmoder, A. Sax. ealdmoder, ^'avia\ roc. 206; eldmodir '■^socrus\ prompt. 137 . €alde old, aetas, senectus? pis peorldes aid Orm. 8831 ; pat him schal on ealde sore reowe rel. ant. 1, 184; in olde s. s. ed. TFr. 641; tee elde. ealder^ At Sax. ealdor, aldor, chief, prince; aelder, alder Za^. 1366 S^" 16662; alder hom.. 1, 210. alderdom principality, Orm. 18278. alderman alderman, Orm. 1406 J ; alder- mon "princeps^\ fragm. 2, 23: La^. 1420. alderscipe ^^priricipatas', horn. 1, 219. ealdieu^ A. Sax. ealdian, O.K. Germ, alten, eld, senescere; iealdi ayenh. 07 ; elden Chauc. r. r. 396; aldep fpres.J horn. 7, 36; eldep Orm. 18826; aldede fpret.J La\ 2937; eldeden Wicl. ps. 31; comp. for- ealdien. cam, A.Sax. earn, O.Fris. em, 0. Butch om, 0. II. Germ, olieim, eatn, avunculus; earn, {fem La->,. 8831 Sf 8897; em Hick. thes. 1, 227; Havel. 1326; Trist. 1, 84; Goiv. 2, 267; Octov. 1379; Man. 4123; m. Arth. 1681; eem prompt. 139; li h. disc. 397; iem .fins, yem) Chest, pi. 2, 66; ernes fgen.J Will. 3426; emis s. s. ed. Wr. 1064; eme fdat.J Chauc. Troil. 1022; emes fpl.J Percev. 1060. earn see am. ear, A. Sax. ear Etttn. lex. 17 , eher Bout. ev. gloss., 0. II. Germ, ehir, aliir, Goth. ahs, O.Icel. ax, ear; ef ^^spica\ voc. 233; prompt. 141; ere (dat.) Alis.. 797; iere ayenh. 28; eares (pl.j st. gen. 2104; eres Roh. 490, 2. ear see ger. eard, A. S^x. eard, 0. L. (rerm. ard, M. II. Germ, art, land, country, horn. 1, 13; terd Za-y. 29174; Orm. 1416; erd st. gen. 210; pe king- of pissen earde Zay 7417; in unkude earde a. r. 368; erde Zangl. b 6, 203; a. p. 1, 248; ich fare horn to min(e) erde 0. a. n. 460; comp. mid- deleard. eardieu, A.Sax. eardian, 0. II. Germ, arton, hahitare: ha ne muhen napt somen earden in hevene h. m. 43; erden Will. 6260: erdest fpres.J ps. 21, 4; eardid Mark. 9; erdeden fpret.J hom. 1, 89. eardiiige, A. Sux. eardung, hahitatio. eardingstope, erdingstovve 0. a. n. 28. eare, A.Sax. eare, O.Fris. are, O.Z.Germ. ora, ore, 0. II. Germ, ora, O.Icel. eyra, Goth, auso, ear, auris, KatJi. 1734; pet eare, ieare ayenh. 189 Sf 211 ; iare misc. 36; sere Orm. 2800; ere p. I. s. XV^ 118; ere ^'■auris, ansa\ prompt. 141; earen fpl.J Marh. 20; a. r. 90; 0. a. n. 338; Horn 969; earen, asr en fragm. 6, 36 ^^ 7, 38; eren Alis. 6448; p. s. 164; eres Mand. 206; pr. c. 7 82; ^eres (=- ieres) Ilalliw. diet. 946. ereiappe earlap, rel. ant. 1, 64. earpreon ^^inauris\ fragm. 2, 63. erering earring, Wicl. Job 42. 3erwigge, A.Sax. earpicga, earwiq, prompt. 143''. earewe see arwe. earfed", A. Sax. earfod, earfede, 0. Icel. er- fidi, erfadi, O.Z.Germ. arbed, arbid, ar- bedi, arbidi, arvithi, O.Fris. arbeid n., Goth, arbaips, O.HGerm. arbeit, Buss. pa6oma f., labor, tribulatio. earfed easter 143 earfepsTp, earvepsip, A. Sax, earfottsid, fragm. 5, 62 ^ 6J. earfeif^ A. Sax. earfod, earfecTe, O.Icel. er-^ fidr, difJicuU; earf(e)d, erved Kath. 99^; erved, arved a. r. 108; aifep' Orm. J 7 334; erveder fcompar.J horn. 2, 63. arved find e difJicuU to find, horn. 2, 27. serfedtelle difficult to tell, hom. 1, 231. arvedpinne difficult to win, hom. 2, 49. carYCifiiesse, ierfednesse, erfednesse difficul- ty, hem. 1, 21, 116 Sf 223. earni^ A. Sax. earm, O.Fris. erm, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, arm, O.Icel. armr, Goth, arms, Lat. armus, arm, hrachium, hom. 1 , 189; serm (arm) La"^. 28040; arm Trist. 2, 103; Mand. 172; earmes fpl.J Shoreh. 123; earmes, ermes a. r. 394 ^^ 46'^; armes treat. 139; he heo mid armen i- nom La^. 2233. earni; A.Sax. eami, O.L.Germ. arm, O.Fris. erm, O.H.Germ. armer, O.Icel. armr, Goth. arms, poor, miserahle; earm, arm h. m,. 9; aerm La-). 6608; earme steorve Marh. 12; pe arme gume rel. ant. 1, 186; his erme saule hom. 1, 27; of pisse earme live 36; ermne face. m.J 116; arme fpl J 0. a. n. 637; sermest (mperl.) La^. 14893. ermlic poor, yniserahle, hom. 1, 116; mid aermliche witen Z«3. 1046; a^rmliche biprungen 9436. erming^ A.Sax. earming, erming, yrming, poor, miserahle creature, wretch, fragm. 7 , 37; hom. 2, 67; o. a. n. 1111; aerming Za^. 16690. farnitfe^ A.Sax. ermdu, yrmdu, miser g, h. m. 27; sermde Lay 16143; armpe rel. ant. 1, 182. earn^ A.Sax. earn, O.Icel. orn, [O.H.Gertn. aro gen. aren, Goth, ara gen. arins], em (earn, yarn J, aquila, a. r. 134; aern La"^. 2826; Orm. 6880; ern Havel. 672; Will 3106; Launf. 268; arn ayenh. 61; ernes (gen.) rel. ant. 1, 209; Rob. 177, 2; ^ earnes (pi.) a. r. 196; ernes Man. 10202. earuieii^ A. Sax. earnian, 0. Dutch arnen, ernen, O.H.Germ. arnen, earn (am, yarn)^ mereri; ernien hom. 1 , 7; arne nug. poet. 14; earned (pres.) h. m. 19; ernede (pret.) hom. 2, 6; comp. 3e-, ofearnien. eai'iiiiige^ A.Sjx. earning, earnung, earning^ meritum, misc. 60; erninge p. I. s. VIII^ 32; ernunge hom. 1, 19. ease see aise. east, A.Sax. east, O.Fris. ast, O.Dutch ost, O.Icel. aust(madr), east, h. m. 11; east (in m-iente) and pest feor and ner i dd pel faire ml mester o. a. n. 923; ieast aye7ib. 124; est "oriens", prompt. 143; pat test & pest & sup & norp pis mid- delaerd biluken Orm. 12126; ferden heo test (versus orientem) Lay 23223 ; est at. gen. 829; i shall walk eest mir. pi. 172. Estangle Roh. 4, 21. gestdale Orm. 16400. testende (easteande) Lay 28306. Eastsexe Essex, misc. 146; ^stsaex (Est- sex) Lay 16390; Estsex Roh. 3, 21. estsee p. I. s. XIII, 18. estside Rob. 2, 10. eastpard eastward, fragm. 6, 46; estward Brand. 2. estwind east-wind, prompt. 143. easte, A. Sax. easta dat. eastan, 0. Fris. asta dat. asta, 0. L. Germ, osto (?) dat. ostan, [0. H. Germ, osten dat. ostene], east: bi esten a. r. 232; Man. 46, 4; bi este p. I. s. XVIII, 2. easteu, A.Sax. eastan, O.Icel. austan, O.L. Germ, ostan, ostane, ostana, 0. II. Germ. ostana, ab oriente? esten fro da(n) st. gen. 1264. easter, A.Sax. easter geyi. eastres, eastre (?) pi. eastran, 0. H. Germ. Ostra pi. dstrun, Easter; ester Brand. 7; pa sestre (easter) wes a3onge Lay 24196; aster MirG 143; iestre (dat.) ayenb. 213; astere Aud. 41; eestern "pascha", prompt. 143; in esterne (r. estern) st. gen. 3290. 144 eastern eclie «asterdei, A. Srtx. easterdaeg, 0. IL. Germ. ostertag, Easter-doy, horn. 1, 123 ; ester- dei a. r. 412. ■estercven, A.S:ix. easteraefeu, Easter-eve, a. r. 70. -easterlic, A. Sax. easterlic, 0. II. Germ. ostarliclier, pascha/u: fram pan ester- ■ liche deie horn. 1, 69. asteiiomb, Gervi. osteiiamm, chron. Vilod. estermorewe, Germ, ostermorgen, fpec. 96. estertide Easter-tide, WiH. 1417, Arth. a. Med. 2849. eastern, ^.^SV/o:. easteriie, eastern: of ^sterne f? ms. sestene) weoiide Lay 27393, caiT, A. Sax. eatle, ede, J^de ffac'lis, hvis, vastus), 0. L. Germ, otlii (faciiis), 0. II. Germ, odcr (faciiis, vastus), O.Icei. audr (vacuus), Goth, aups (sp7j|jioc), eath, hvis, Kath. (1211; ffijj Orm. 13012; ed him wes on heorten Ei\ 2234; an his mode him wes ]ja aede 22339; ed to ivelen a. r. 222; ep Hob. 327, 2; Gliv. 1, GO; Min. 20; Man. 194, 3; eth li'i/l. 3671; epe Gatv. 076; a. p. 1, 1201; Chauc. Trail. 7220; blide hi biej) and eade Jlich thes. 1, 224; ead (ed), eade (adv.) a. r. 62 Sf 276; eade, iepe p. I. s. VIII, 143; eepe Orm. 17676; epe Horn 61; c. I. 1281; m. t. 97; edere (corn- par.) horn. 2, 63; mid epran ledene //Yc^w^. 1, 43; comp. uneade. edbete easy to amend, Jiom. 2, 63. edfele easily felt, a. r. 194. epgete easily got, misc. 74. edlete liqlitiy esteemed? p. I. s. VIII, 37 ^ i3o: edelic, A. Sax. eadelic, edelic, J'^^^ic (faciiis), O.Icel. audligr (inanis, exilis), easy, light, horn. 1, 21; edelich A. m. 11; on edelich stiche a. r. 282; for jepelike gilte Orm. 10172; edeliche & pake horn.. 1, 266; purh edeliche dede Lay 24921; Tepelis (adv.) Orm. 12634; pe epelikeste ston is cristal Flor. a. Bl. 274. edsene easily seen, Kath. 381; edsene, edcene a. r. 116. edpinne easy to win, horn. 2, 49. ealTieu ease? edede (ms. eddede) his sorge St. gen. 1439. eaweii, A.Sax. eapan, eopan, JT^^^j O.Fris. auwa, Goth, augjan, ostendere, monstrare; comp. aeteowen. eax, A.Sax. eax, aex, O.Icel. ox, O.L.Germ. acus, O.II.Germ. achus, Goth, aqizi, Lat. ascia, ax (ex), a. r. 384; eax, sex Lay 2312 Sf 6473; sex ^'securis\ fragm. 4, 38; axe Orm. 10063; Rob. 17, 7; ax voc. 234; 0. a. n. 668; Havel. 1894; s. s. ed. IVeh. 384; Mand. 261; p. s. 222; ex prompt. 144; U h. disc. 1180; comp. bol-, wi3eax. eax, A. Sax. eax, 0. II. Germ, ahsa, Lat, axis, ax (ex). axtre ax-tree, voc. 167; Mire 334; Wicl. cedes. 33; extre voc. 180; prompt. 146. eaxle, A.Sax. eaxl, O.Icel. oxl, O.L.Germ. ahsla, O.II.Germ. ahsla, ahsela, ahsala, Lat. axilla, axle, humerus; sexle, exle Lay 2263 ^- 18032; axeles ^'■scapulis', ps. 90, 4; he hit herd an his eaxlun hom. 1, 246. axiltre, exiltre axle-tree, prompt. 20; exil- tre voc. 278. cbbe, A.Sax. ebba, O.Fris. ebba, ebbe, ebb, Alis. 6184; Chauc. C. t. 10673; Man. 12317. ebbiu, A. Sax. ebbian, ebb, prompt. 136 ; ebbe lud. Gov. 66; ebbe or flowe m. t. 13L ec see eac. " ecnesse, A. Sax. ecness, ecnys^ eternity, Marh. 7, 10; Kath. 664; echenesse a. r. 144. ech see sehwilc, under a. eche see ache. eche, A.Sax. ece, eternal, Kath. 302; a. r. eche efne 145 108; rel. ant. 1, 130: Orm. 971; o. a. n. 1279; eche reste Hick. then. 1, 224. echeliche eternally, Kath. 2387 . eche increase? wipoute wane and eche iiihoreh. 10. echeii^ A.Sax. ecan, j^can, O.L.Germ. okian, O.H.Germ. auchon, ehe, auger e, a. r. 124; to echen pin ahte r. s. V, 126; gechen (eche) Lay 13066; eche Rob. 199, 19; spec. 92; Shoreh. 38; Alis. 6026; Wicl. eceles. 18; eken horn. 2, 57; Orm. dedic. 57; eke Man. 176, 4; pr. c. 3256; eche fpres.J Chauc. Troil. 705; ekes '■^ad- jiciei', ps. 50, 9. ed-, A.Sax. ed-, Goth, id-, O.Icel. id-, 0. IT. Germ, it-, ed-. edgrow edgrow, prompt. 135. edhealden retain; edhalde hom. 1, 149. edisch, A.Sax. edisc, edesc, edish. edis(h)henne "coturnix\ ps. 104, 40. edlffichen, A.Sax. edlsecan, repeat; comp. 3eedl£echen. edlen, A.Sax. edlean, O.H.Germ. itlOn, retribution, hom. 1, 103. edplt, A.Sax. edpit, O.L.Germ. edwit, Goth, idveit, O.H.Germ. itwiz, reproach, hlame, a. r. 108; edwit Rob. 369, 16; sedwit Lay 5827 ; falle in edwite o. a. n. 1233. edwiten, A.Sax. edpltan(?), Goth, idveit- jan,' O.H.Germ. itwizon, reproach, hlame; edwite Langl. h 5, 370; p. I s. IV, 8; edpited, edpiten fpres.J h. m. 37; ed- plte (subjunct.) a. r. 426; edwite Wicl. eceles. 8. eddre see addre. eddre^ A. Sax. sedre, 0. Fris. eddre, 0. H. Germ, adra, vein, a. r. 258; rel. ant. 2, 273. ede see eode. edi see eadi. - efen, A.Sax. efen, emn, O.Fris. even, iven, 0. Icel. iafn, 0. H. Germ, ebaner, Goth. ibns, even, aequus, Orm. 1840; efne cfe smede a. r. 2; pole pid efne heorte pe dOm hotn. 1, 265; his sefne wiht of gol- de Lay 30835; evene h. m. 23; st. gen. 331; evene dom c. I. 490; J)ei ben eve- ne wip aungels "aequaks angelis sunt", Wicl. Luke 20; pet makep pane wal em- ne ayenb. 151 ; an emne equally, ShoreJi. 75; efne pissen worden . . . Beduer heo gon hirten Lay 25939; he heom wes leof sefne al swa heore lif 13924; ich singe efne o. a. n. 313; pat is evene aoove pin heved treat. 132; to here him evene Chauc. C. t. a 1523; em forth ml might 2235; evene forp wip pi selve Langl. 11637 ; comp. anefen. efenald, A.Sax. efeneald, even-old, Orm. 18605; evenold, eveneld ''coaetanem', prompt. 143. evenkni3t "■commilito', W^cl. Philip. 2. evencristene even-christian, Layigl. 3353; evencristen c. I. 976; emcristene Hick. thes. 1, 223; emcristen ayenb. 10. efeneche coetern^l, Orm. 18582. evenhede ^^aequitas\ Wicl. ps. 10. efenheh Orm. 15720. evenlsechen, A.Sax. efenlsecan, resemble; evenleched fpres.J hom. 1, 113. gevelengde, O. Icel, iafnlengd, equinox? st. gen. 147. evenllc, A. Sax. efenlic, 0. Icel. iafnllgr, Goth, ibnaleiks, even-like, evenly, aequa- lis, Orm. 1837; gevelic rel. ant. 1, 213; st. gen. 282; evenllche fadv.J rel. ant. 1, 172; evenli Wicl. Job, 9. efenmete, 0. H. Germ, ebenmazer, Orm. 3099; evenmete ps. 48, 13. efenrike Orm. 11868. evenworp equivalent, Wicl. Job 28. efen see gefen. efeiiling^ evenling, A.Sax. efenliug, equal, hom. 1, 57 8f 67. evennesse, A.Sax. efenniss, evenness, ^^aequi- tas\ Wicl. deuter. 9; evennes ps. 10, 8. efne, O.Icel. efni fmateriaj, Dan. evne fa- 19 146 efiieii ehtan hilityj? efter hire efne a. r. 6; after liis evene horn. 1, 187 ; i pe evene of hare cunde h. m. 43. efiieu^ A. Sax. efnan, O.Icel. iafna, O.ll. Germ, ebanon, Goth, (ga)ibnjan, even, e~ qual, compare, Orm. 1396; evenen h. m. W; WicL Is.2S; e\emn "aequare\ protnpt. 143; emni ayenh. 16; efneu, evened fpres.J a. r. 82 Sf 132; oure loverd him silf him evenep to sopnisse pere Beh. 1629; efnede fpret.J a. r. 126; evened (part.) ps. 88, 7. efuetan^ A.Sax. efnetan(?), emnettan('?), ae- quare; iemnette (fart.) fragm. 2, 7 . efiiiiig; O.Iccl. iafningi, equal, a. r. 182; efning-, efening Orm. 10702 ^^ 10991; evening Kath. 119; o. a. n. 772. eft^ A. Sax. 0. L. Germ. 0. Fris. eft, eft, postea, iterum, Kath. 1449; Orm. 181; St. gen. 1169; c. I 751; Will. 882; Langl h 17 , 111; Goiv. 2, 264; Cham. C. t. a 1669; Mand. 14; JFicl. genes. 17; IIoccl. I, 408; and eft sono cume par to 0. a. n. 821; and ever eft he was lame li h. disc. 477; eft, seft La^^. 3264 Sf 6445. eft, A.Sax. eofot (culpa)? eft and nip m. h. 35. efter see sefter. eg see ei. eg: egieche, A.Sax. segiseca, agla3ca, keen? knihtes egieche rel ant. 1, 170 (misc. 102). egge, A. Sax. ecg, 0. Fris. eg, 0. Icel. q,^^,, O.L.Germ. eggia, O.ll. Germ, ekka, edge, ^^acies\ prompt. 136; La>. 5202; Orm. 6639; AUs. 1271; li h. disc. 1923; Wicl. Heir. 11; mid speordes Q'ggfd a. r. 60. eggetol edge-tool. Will. 37 55; Gow. 2, 251. eggcil;, A.Sax. ecged, O.Icel. eggiadr, edged, Man. 7862; a knif legged in eiper side Uoh, 310, 19. eggiii, O.Icel. eggia, edge (egg), ''incitare\ prompt. 136; eggen a. r. 146; Orm. 11819; egged (pres.) rd. ant. 1, 131; egged (pret) Will. 1130; pr. c. 5483; Adam and Eve he eggede (egged) tO (don) ille Langl. 1, 63 (65); eggiden '■'■provocaveruni\ WicL deuter. 32. eggen, 0. Butch eggen, 0. II. Girm. eckan, occare: eggen ojjer harwen Langl. ed. Whit. 76. eggunge egging, insHgatio, a. r. 82; eggun- ge, egginge h. m. 5; egging Orm. 11675; a. p. 2, 241. egle, Fr. aigie, eagle, Mand. 48; Chauc. C. t. a 2178; egie is ern 3Ian. 13757. egre, Fr. aigre, eager, Boh. 80, 11; Will. 3636; Chauc. C. t. 9075; Wicl j^^- 106. egreiiche eagerly, Langl. 10928. e^e, A.Sax. ege, O.ll.Germ. egi, timer, pa^ vcr, terror: for lufe ne for eje (ms. 6330) Orm. 4481; eige st. gen. 2550; er^e, eeie (eayc) La-^. 4733 Sf 9126, eye Let 282; llich. 3609; h. s. 38; pou haddest of him non eye Man. 2894; eie p. I. s. VIII, 140; Marh. 5, 11; a. r. 418; p. s. 196; see a^e. eiful Judh. 40. e3eh«s Orm. 6191. a3ieleste La^y. 19291. e^e see ea3e. ejese, else, A.Sax. egesa, egsa, O.L.Germ. O.ll.Germ. egi so, terror, horror. ffii3esfiil La-^. 17972; eisful Marh. 9. eislic horrible, fragm. 3, 23; eisliche pih- te p. I. s. VIII, 142. c^csicij, cisien, A. Sax. egesian, egsiau, 0. II.Gcrm. egison, terrere: pet he his men eisiau ne der hom. 1, 111. e^Icu see eilen. e^te see [ehte. elite see eahte. elite see cfehte. ehtau, A.Sax. ehtan, penecate; egte? st. gen. 470. ei el 147 ei, M.K.Germ. ei, eigh, ay; ey Chauc, C. t. a 3768; ey god ayenh. 105; ey what is me IIoccl. 1\ 393. ei, A. Sax. seg, O.Icel. Qgg, 0. II. Germ, ei, egg, ovum; ey o. a. n. 104; Rob. 404, 7; Gow. 3, 76; Cham. C. t. 12734; JFwI. Luhe 11; Lidg. m. p. 204; s. a. e. VIII, 23; nCn ei^ fms. no nei3) IFt/l. 83; ey, ay Gam. 610; ay Alis. 668; Trist. 3, 70; Man. 175, 1; ey, eg prompt. 136; eyre fpl.J o. a. n. 106; eiren a. r, 66; eyren ayenh. 178; Mand. 49; Lidg. m. p. 29; I. c. c. 7; egges Langl. b 11, 343; s. a. e. ed. Wr. LVI, 13. ayschelle egg-shell, Alis. 577 . ei, A. Sax. eg, ig, 0. Dutch ei, 0. led. ey finsulaj. eilond, A.Sax. eg-, ig-, ealand, O.Dutch eiland, O.Icel. eyland, Hand {island J, ea- land, insula, rel. ant. 1, 220; eland Man. 77, 5; llond La^. 1133^^; Octov. 539; Hand Trist. 1, 94. ei see ^ni. eie see e^e. eic see eaje. eihte see ealite. eilite see f%hte. eihwer see ahwer, under a. eile, A. Sax. egla voc. 35, L. Germ, aile Schamh. loh. 6, ail, arista, ^^acus\ Ilalliw. diet. 343; eilen (pi.) a. r. 270. eile, A. Sax. egle, Goth, agius, grievous, troublesome, painful; eyle and hard . . . hit wes c. I. 223; pou^ him |)ou3te eile Beves 513; heore puhte swipe ^ille (eil) of sedelene hire faedere La\ 3281; pat te punched uvel of & eil h. m. 25. eile, Goth, agio ? pain, harm ? ded lesse eile to pen eien a. r. 50. eilen, A. Sax. eglan, Goth, agljan, ail, mo- lestare, dolere, a. r. 276; Rich. 3629; e^len Orm. 4767; eili h. on. 47; eiled fpres.J Kath. 1699; what eilep pe Chauc. C. t. a 1081; 1 wot wel what slknesse 30W eilep Langl. 6, 259 (7 , 244); ei- lie (suhj.) a. r. 418; pis eisfal piht pat hit ne eile me napiht Marh. 9; eilede fpret.) Will 951; ailed (part.) Min. 41. einieri, eimbre, A. Sax. {©myrie, 0. Icel. ei- myrja, ember, ^'■pruym\ prompt. 136. eir see air. eire see ei. eirmonger eierhandler, p. I. s. XII, 69. else see aise and e3ese. eisil, O.Fr. aissel, 6V. o^aXtc, vinegar, a. r. 402; c. I. 1150; eisel Chauc. r. r. 217; Mire 1884; Aud.- 64. cit, A. Sax. igod ? ait (eyot), insula : pan seit Lay 23873. eitlond Lay 1117. ei|)er see feider, under k. ek see eac. ekeii see aken. eken see echen. el-, A.Sax. el-, ^1-, ele-, O.L.Germ. eli-, O.II.Germ. eli-, el-, Goth, alja-, Lat. a- li-, Gr. bXko-. elenge, for elende, A.Sax. ellende fpere- grinus), 0. II. Germ, ellonter, elilenter fexsul)? elling, miserable, Chauc. C. t. 6781; p. r. I. p. 85; elenge, eliug Langl. b prol. lOU; eling Brand. 30; alenge s. s. ed. Web. 227 ; alange ^^ex- tr an ens', prompt. 9. elengeiiche Langl. b 12, 45. elelendis, elendis fms. helendis), A.Sax. elelendisc, foreign, hom. 1 , 79 8f 81. elreordi, A.Sax. elreordig, speaking another language, barbarous: an elreordi (fms. welreordi) feond La-^. 25658. elpeod, A.Sax. elpeod, another, or foi'eign, nation: for alpeodene gold Lay 2327. eldeodi, A. Sax. elpeodig, foreign, a. r. 348*; alpeodi fragm. 2, 54. alpeodisc foreign. Lay 2301. el, A. Sax. {fel, 0. II. Germ, al, 0. Icel. all, eel, ^^anguilla\ prompt. 137; eles fpl.) Mand. 161; elis I. c. e. 50. 148 el elnen elger, O.Dutch alger, ^'■fmcina'' quo an- guillae capiuntur, prompt. 138. el see awel and uvel. eld see eald. elde^ A. Sax. seldo, eldo, yldo, O.L.Germ. eldi, O.Icel. old gen. aldar, Goth, aids gen. aldais, O.II.Germ. alti, eld, aetas, se- nectus, Otvn. 201; st. gen. 706; spec. 48; ayenh. 69; Will. 5227; Langl b 11, 43; Chauc. C. t. a 2447; Mand. 203; Wicl. genes. 16; a. p. 2, 667; pr. c. 1613; elde me hap overcome /. h. r. 22; fiftene jer pan was his elde JIan. 9744; ich pas of spuche elde a. r. 318; elde, Hide p. I. s. VIII, 9 Sf 188; selde Xa). 11646. eldeii see ealdien. eldeii^ O.Icel. elda, make a fire; eilden? st. gen. 2892. elding^ O.Icel. elding, elding (eilding), fuel; eliding prompt. 136. eldreii^ A. Sax. eldran, yldran, O.L.Germ. eldiron, O.II.Germ. eltiron, elders, majo- res, parentes; selderen, seldere (eldre) La^. 7364 Sj' 12616; eldre misc. 46; ildre rel. ant. 1, 176; eldren, eldres Langl. 3, 261 (248 J; eldres Chauc. C. t. 6700; eldrene fgen.J Kath. 81; elderne dep. Rich. 6, 19. eldriiiges parents, ayenh. 36. ele^ A. Sax. ele Ettm. lex. 20, oele Bout. ev. gloss., Lat. oleum, oil, Orm. 13262; Shoreh. 41; eli Rick. thes. 1, 229; eole Kath. 2612; eoile h. m. 46; eoli Marh. 11; a. r. 320; oli ps. 4, 8. elessep Orm. 8667. eled, A. Sax. seled, 0. L. Germ, eld, 0. Icel. eldr (ignis J, fuel; elet Beves 3088. eleii, A. Sax. selan, urere; comp. anelen. elfe see alfe. Eli, A. Sax. Elig, Ely, lioh. 6, 7. elieii oil, oleo ungere; elye Shoreh. 41; i- eled (7n8. iheled) (part.) Rol. 467, 7; he wes icruned and ieled La^^. 31941. eliiige oiling: pe laste elinge die letzte clung, the extreme unction, Mire 633. ellarne, A. Sax. ellarn(?), L.Germ. alhorn, elder (eller, ellern, eldernj, ^^samhucus\ voc. 140 Sf 181; ellerne, illern, eller Langl. 1, 66 (68j; eldir prompt. 137 ; see hiller. elle see elne. elles, A. Sax. O.Fris. elles, O.II.Germ. el- les, alles, Goth, aljis, else, Orm. 7983; Will. 1132; Mand. 6; pr. c. 1281; Hoccl. II, 23; elles hpar a. r. 78; 3if heo ouht elles understode o. a. n. 662; elles whoder p. I. s. XVII, 649; in len- ten_ and elles (ellis) Langl. h prol. 91; summe qveden selles (elles) La-^. 893; ellis sacram. 211. elleve see anlefen, under an. elm, A. Sax. elm, elm, "uhmcs\ prompt. 138. elmesse, A. Sax. selmesse, Gr. IXsyjjJioaovY^, alms, a. r. 222; ayenh. 17 ; almesse Langl. h 3, 76; Chauc. C. t. h 168. elmesdede ahnsdeed, horn. 1, 136. elmesjeorn ivilling to give alms, horn. 1, 43. aelmesmon alms-man, Lay 19662. eliie, A. Sax. ellen, O.II.Germ. ellan, ellen, ellin, 0. L. Germ, ellen, ellean, ellien, Goth, aljan n., O.Icel. eljan, eljun /., strength, comfort, horn. 1, 216; Marh. 10; a. r. 106. ellenlses Orm. 10908. elne, A. Sax. ehi, O.II.Germ. elna, elina, O.Icel. oln, alin, Goth, aleina, Lat. ulna, Gr. wXlvyj, ell, Alis. 27 60; an elne long spec. 36; elne, elle prompt. 138; elle Octov. 934; elnen (pi.) Roh. 429, 3; elne st. gen. 663. elbope, A.Sax. elnboga, O.II.Germ. elin- bogo, O.Icel. oln-, olbogi, elhow, fragm. 2, 14; elbowe treat. 139. elnjerde Gaw. 210. elnen, A. Sax. elnian, 0. Icel. elna, 0. H. Germ, ellinon, Goth, aljanon, strengthen^ comfort, hom. 1, 215; a. r. 10; elnede * (pret.J Kath. 672. elning en- 149 elning^ elnung", A. Sax. elnung, comfort, 7, 1^0 ^^ 201. elp^ A. >Sax. elp, yip, elephant, rel. ant. 1, 223; see alp. elpi see anlepi3. elteii^ O.Icel. elta Fritzners ordh., elt, hiead, St. gen. 2892. em see earn. » embe see umbe. emne see efen. eniti^ A.Sax. emtig, empty, ^^ vacuus \ prompt. 139; Kath. 393; ayenh. 143; emti, emp- ti Chauc. C. t. a 3894; emti, amti Boh. 17, 23 Sf 50, 1; empti a. r. 166; m. h. 151. emtieu^ A. Sax. emtian, emtigean, empty, vacuare; empte Chauc. C. t. 12669; po pet emtep pe herte of hire guode ayenh. 58; semteden fpret.J La-^. 30408. en =: an? en ende horn. 1, 227; en En- ge(l)londe chron. Engl. 480; en middes Farten. 870; ene pe pridde day 7nisc. 199. en-, Fr. en, Lat. in. enamuren enamour ; enamiired f part. J Man. 9367. enbracen, O.Fr. embracier, emhrace; en- brace p. I. s. XXV, 113. enbreven record; enbreved (part. J a. r. 344. enbuschen, O.Fr. embuschier, amhush; enbusche Man. 986. encens incense, Chauc. C. t. a 2277. enchantement enchantment, Roh. 10, 15. enchanten enchant; enchaunted f part. J Langl. h 2, 41. encheisoun, 0. Fr. enchaisoun, occasion, cause, ayenh. 205; enchesiin, encheson Roh. Ill, 10 Sf 452, 23; ancheistin a. r. 158. enclinen incline; encllne a. p. 1, 629. encloien, i^r. enclouer, cloy; 2iQ\onvL prompt. 6; encloied fms. encloyde) Halliw. diet. 333. enclosen enclose; enclosed (part.) Will. 2220. encomoren encumher (incumher), pi. cr. 483; acombre Langl. h 2, 50; encom- brip fpres.J IIoccl. 1, 355; encombred, acombred (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 508. encountren, 0. Fr. encontrer, encounter ; encountrede (pret.) Brand. 19. encoupen, O.Fr. encoulper, inculpate; a- coupede (pret.) Boh. 544, 15; acouped Langl. h 13. 459; acouped (part.) pr. c. 2947. encressen increase; encresce, encreesse Langl. h 11, 389; encresse Chauc. C. t. a 5488; encrese Will. 683. endetten indeht; andetted (part.) a. r. 126. enditen, O.Fr. endicter, miditer, endite (indite, indict); endite Chauc. C. t. a 2741. engin, O.Fr. engin, engin, spec. 58; Alis. 1213; Chauc. C. t. 12267. enginour engineer, Man. 4571. enhansen enhance; enhaunsin, enhaunse Chauc. C. t. a 1434; anhansi Roh. 19 8y 13. enlieriten inherit; enlierite a. p. 2, 240, enjoinen enjoin; anjoini ayenh. 172; on- junne (enjun^e, angeonni) (pres.) a. r, 346. ' . enointin anoint, prompt. 140. enpeiren, Fr. empirer, Span, empeorar, impair, Chauc. Boet. 3418; empeire Mand. 316; apeire Langl. 5, 573 (6y 54). emperesse empress, Boh. 440, 15. emperie empire. Boh. 85, 19. emperour emperor, Roh. 433, 17; s. s, ed. Wr. 1. enqueren inquire; enquere BeJc. 333. enqueste inquest, Bek. 333; Shoreh. 94. enspiren inspire; enspire p. I. s. XXIX, 80. entente intent, Marg. 277. 150 ende code entiseii entice; entisede fpret.J Bob. 32, 11. eniii, O.Fr. enoi, ennui, anui, annoy; anui (ennui) a. r. 04; anoi ayenb. 267; nui c. I. 442. enuien, O.Fr. ennoier, ennuier, anoier, annoy; anuie Havel. 1735; anoie Shoi-eh. 36; anuied (part.) Beh. 1001. enYenimen envenom; envenimej:>, anveni- mejj fpres.J ayenh. 26 Sf 27 ; envene- med (part. J ll"ill. 4428. envie envy, p. I. s. IX, 69; c. I. 833. envious envious, ayenh. 27 . ende, A.Sax. ende, O.L.Genn. endi m. f fi- nis J, O.Icel. endi, endir m. ffmisj, enni n. (frons), 0. II. Germ, endi, enti m. n. f finis, ora, frons), Goth, andeis m. (axpov, Tilpac, TsXoc), end feendj, finis, Orm. 19326; Langl b 2, 100; Cham. C. t. b 263; se ende misc. 35; ])en ende a. r. 208; pene ende rel. ant. 1, 175; pe ende pet tu "ant heo liabbed in ierdet Marh. 16; ech man . . . wende horn in liis ende p. l. s. X, 41; in eclie ende (einde) Rob. 34, 20; to ende bringe e. I. 288; ende, sende (eande) Za^. 243 Sf ' 27505; sende proclam. 3; 3ende i^for iende) h. s. 2347; Eglam. 961. endedaj Orm. 7665; cndedsei Lay 3720; endedai Beh. 1963 (1973). endlang,' O.Icel. endilangr, endlong, in longitudinem, pr. c. 8582; endlong Man. 12385; endlong pe bord Gow. 1, 182; endelong Rich. 2649; Chauc. C. t. a 1991; endelong hire ant ppert over Marh. 10; he is endlonge feouwer & sixti munden Lay 21993. endeleas endless, a. r. 146; endeles Gow. 2, 231. endli, M.II.Germ. endelich, final, Parten. 4011. endesid 6'^. gen. 3777. ende see enede. enden, A, Sax. endian, 0. Icel. enda, 0. H. Germ, endon, enton, end, finire, a. r. 24; Orm. 3254; endi ayenb. 110; ende h. h. 147; a. p. 2,402; ended, endep fpres ) 0. a. n. 943; endede (pret.) Lay 8187; Rob. 32, 13; comp. ful-, ienden. ender, crnp. O.Icel. endr folim), M.II.Germ. end (ante), anterior? pis ender day (en- derday ?) spec. JIO ; an. lit. 11 ; p. I. s. XXVI, 2; s. s. ed. Web. 1080; Will. 3042; Gow. 1, 45; pi. cr. 239; ])is ender night Arth. a. Merl. 917. endiuge, A. Six. endung, 0. H. Germ, en- dunga, ending, ayenb. 31 ; ending spec. 59; pr. c. 3772. ene see &ne. enede, A.Sax. ened, O.Icel. ond, O.II.Germ. anut, anit, Lat. anas gen. anatis, rel. ant. 1, 302; ende ^^anas\ prompt. 139; (ms. hende) Havel. 1241. engel, A.Sax. engel, Lat. angelus, angel, liath. 666; a. r. 146; Orm. 143; angel Shoreh. 120; engles (pi.) Lay 29689; angles Brand. 9; englene (gen. pi.) a. r. 92. Eugle, A.Sax. Engle, Angli; Englene /^i^w.y rel. ant. 1, 170; proclam. 1; Englene lond England, L'ly 17; Engle londi' misc. 145; Engeloud a. r. 82; mang Engle peode Orm. 423 L Englisch, A.Sax. Englisc, English; an (on) Englisch horn. 1, 77; a. r. 130; an Englisc Lay 18231. eni see seni. eniii, A. Sax. eanian, Dutch oonen, can (yean), prompt. 140. enke, Fr. encre, ink, llich. thes. 1, 229; rel. ant. 2, 227; Wicl. Jer. 36. enker, O.Icel. einkar, singular aj: enker gre- ne Gaw. 150. entree, Fr. entree, entry, Langl. 6823; en- tre Man. 14091. entrin, Fr. entrer, enter, prompt. 140; en- tre pr. c. 5340. eode, A.Sax. eode, Goth, iddja, (pret.) yode, eom eower 151 iviy a. r. 52; spec. 42; c. I. 320; he eode a lond Lay 122; eode, jeode Roh. d3, 3 Sf 7y, 7; ede Jlvni 116; Mapes 33d; 3ede s. «. ed. ifr. 106 4; Man. 1 di)2; k 3ede into pe temple Orm, 136; yede Lhauc. C. t. 13200; sacram. 209; 3ode j4mcid. ed. Kols. LXVI, 0; yode l^ijium. 631; m. h. 72; pu eodest muc. 130; beggeres faste aboute eoden (jeden, 3ede) Langi. prol. 40; comp. bi-, foreode. eom see am. eorl, A. iSax. eoii, 0. L. Germ, erl, 0. Icel. iarl, earlj La"^. 7661; lieJc. 607 ; eii a- yenh. 71; Chauc. C. t. 6730; 3orl Degrev, 1681; eoiies fpi.J p. I. s. VIII, 161; Orm. 3080, eoiidom earUoni, La-). 11660; eiidom llavei. 2000. eorneu tee rinnen. eoriiest, A.Sax. eornost, 0. If. Germ, ernust, eumed, contentio: per wes feht swide stor eornest ful sturne La^. 16480; er- iiest ^^seriositasj arra\ prompt. 142 ; Gow. 1, 207; Chauc. a t. a 3186; m. t. 128; eniest "pig7ius\ JVicl. 2 Cor. 6; mid gode ernest Roh. 176, 6; more for er- neste (Ian for gamen st. gen. 411. ernestful ILqcgI. I, 203. ernestli earnestly, a. p. 2, 27 7. eorre see irre. eorite, A.Sax. eorde, iorde Bout. ev. gloss., O.Jj.Germ. ertlia, erde, O.Fris. erthe, erde, 0.11. Germ, erda, Goth, airpa, 0. Jc^/.iord, earth fyarth, yorthj, terra: peo eorde horn. 1, 63; pa eorde (pe earde) Lay 27817; eorpe Orm. 2606; c. I. 06; eorpe, erpe, erthe Langl. 7, 2 f8, 2j; erpe Gow. 3, 02; ps. 11, 7; erpe (print' ed erye), erthe 'prompt. 141; eerpe rel. ant. 1, 282; erpe, ierpe fms. yerpe) a- yenb. 8 Sf 12; 3orpe ffor iorpc) mig. poet. 60; urpe treat. 132. erpedene prompt. 141; erdedine st. gen. 1108; erthedin pr. c. 4700. eordhus Lay 2360. eordlic earthly, La-^. 26876; eorplic, eorpll3 Orm. 7036 Sf 10033; eorplich Alis. 420; urplich p. I. s. X VJI, 269. eorperiche, A.S.(x. eordrice, 0. IT. Germ. erdriche, Orm. 12132. eordetilie agricda; eordetilien (pi.) Lay 22117; a. r. 414. erpetilpe "agricuttura\ Wicl. 2 paral. 26. eordepare, A.Sax. eordparu, inhabitants of tiie earth, a. r. 322. eorttcn^ O.II.Germ. erdiner, Goth, airpeins, earthm, terrenus; erjjen Ch'iuc. C. t. 12680; pidiunen One eordene castle a. r. 388. ur]>liiig^ A.Sax. eordling(?), yrdling(?), "«- rator\ fragm. 2, 34. eotaiid^ eotend = eten? Lay 1376 Sf 1866. eoWf A.Sax. eop, O.Fris. io, iu, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. iu, Goth, izvis, (dat. ace. pi.) you; eop p. 7. s. VIII, 70; 3e hit iseod eop selven hotn. 1, 36; eow, eon (30U, ou) Lay 737 ^' 6466; eon r. s. VII, 3; op Kath. 277; op, ou, eu 0. a. n. 114 Sf 1683; ow, ou c. I. 667; ou h. h. 2; non'of ou a. r. 266; demed ou sulven 406; 30U Marg. 136; And. 6; 30W, 30U Will. 238 ^' 262; 30 w, 30U, ow Langl. 1, 14; 30w,(yow), 30U Chauc. C. ,t. a 728; 3up Orm. 89; T^ew proclam. 7; 3en, 3iu hom. 1, 223 Sf 237; 3U spec. 1311; 30 ant. Arth. XXV, 2. cowile, A.Sax. eopde, O.II.Germ. ewit, Goth. avepi, herd, flock: to |>ara eopde Oder falde hom. 1,246. cow«, A.Sax. eopu (for eapu?), O.II.Germ. awi, ouwi, 0. Dutch ouwe, oie, O.Fris. ei, Lat. ovis, Gr. oic? Sanscr. ^1^5^^, eive (eow, yowj; ewe rel. ant. 1, 161; ouwe Mapes 336; awe a. s. 3. ewelamb, 0. Butch oil am, ewe-laml, Wicl. genes. 21. eeweii see eawen. eower, A.Sax. eoper, O.L.Germ. iuwar, 0. 152 eower es- H.Germ. iuwer, Goth, izvara, fgefi. pLj vestrum; your Am. a. Amil. 832; ^iire nan Or7n. 9271; joure on Brand. 5. eower, A.Sax. eoper, O.H.Germ. iuwer, 0. L.Germ. iuwar, iuwa, O.Fris. iuwe, Goth. izvar, your, vester; eoper, euper horn. 1, 13; eouwer La>,. 3662; oper, eur o. a. n. 1690; ower Mob. 500, 8; ouper, our a. r. 8 Sj' 70; he is jour Chauc. Troil. 1679; 3or p. I. s. XXX, 58; or spec. 37 ; eowre peode X^t^. 12526; eoure sun- ne r. s. VII, 88; oure soule a. r. 50; eure saule reh ant. 1, 171; oure (joure) . hure Langl. 3, 64 (72); in eowre londe La^. 12524; eoure godes 13947; in opre bokes Kath. 839; jure ffor jur) preost Orm. 934; i wolde it were jou- res ffor jour) Chauc. C. t. h 1464. epen, O.Icel. oepa (£epa) = wepen; epep fpres.J Orm. 9198. eppel see appel. er see seider, under a. er see ser a^id ear. erber see herber. erd see eard. ere^see eare. erende see gerende. erf, erve, A. Sax. erfe, yrfe, 0. Fris. erve, 0. H. Germ, erbe, Goth, arbi, heritage, cattle, St. gen. 169 8f 183; of pat erfe pat tser pas drihtin to lake jarked Orm. 1068; erfes "pecora\ ps. 148, 10. , er(f)ward, A.Sax. erfe-, yrfepeard, heir, st. gen. 934. erfte, A. Sax. earfe(V), 0. Dutch erfte, erte, 0. Icel. ert, 0. II. Germ, arawiz, araweiz, Gr. opopoc, pisum; urfte (? ms. hurfte) treat. 132. erere "arator\ Wicl. Amos 9. er^ see arj. erien, A.Sax. erian, O.Icel. erja, O.Fris. era, 0. H. Germ, erren, Goth, arjan, Lat. arare, mr; erien and sope o. a. n. 1039; serien Xa^. 10030; eriin '^arare\ prompt. 141; erye flr^/^wi. ^i^; erye, erie Langl. 6, 4 (7, 4); eeren, ere Wicl. exod. 34; ere Mand. 44; Chauc. C. t. a 886; erede (pret.) a. r. 384; Rob. 21, 13. erl see eorl. erles, O.Fr. erres? earles farlesj: J)is tire laverd jivett ham her as on erles h. m. 7; giffen on erles d. Arth. 2687 . erm see earm. ermen, A.Sax. yrman, from earm, malce miserable; erme Chauc. C. t. 13727 . ermine, O.Fr. ermine, ermine, p. I. s. VIII, 182. erming, A.Sax. erming, misery, Alis. 1525. eriiiite, Zat. eremita, hermit, a. r. 12; er- mite, hermite p. I. s. XV, 64 Sr 78; e- remite (heremites) fpl.J Za^. 29851. eni, A.Sax. ern, aern, domus; comp. bak-, ber-, brew-, cwart-, scheaw-, slsepem (-erne). ern see earn. ernde see gerende. erne? erneful ernful, tristis? Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 12236"". ernen see rennen and rinnen. ernest see eornest. Ernle^e Arley, Zay 5. erre see irre. erren, 0. Fr. errer, err, pi. cr. 846; erre fpres.J Chauc. C. t. 12377 ; erride f pret. J Wicl. genes. 21. errour, O.Fr. errour, error, Shoreh. 30; pr. c. 4266. ers see ars. ertin, 0. Icel. erta, '^irritare\ iwompt. 142. eruh see arj. erve see erfe. es-, ex-, O.Fr. es-, ex-, Zat. ex. essai, Fr. essai, Zat. exagium, essay; assai p. I. s. XXX, 166; Flor. 1500. assayen, Fr. essayer, essay, Zangl. 3, 5; asaie Will. 3764. examinen examine; examini ayenb. 153. es- eten 153 abaissen, O.Fr. esbahir, abash; abaist (part.) Mand. 2d 5; Chauc. Boet. 3047; abasched Alts. 224. escapen escape; eschape pr. c. 2678; as- chape JVilL 167 1 ; ascapie ayenh. 131; ascapen, askape Langl. 2, 180 f202j; ascapede fpret.J La\ 1611^'. eschete, O.Fr. escheete, eseheat; esclietes fpl.J Langl. b 4, 17 d. escluse, O.Fr. escliise, sluice; scluse a- yenh. 233. escri, O.Fr. escri, cry; askri a. p. 2, 1206. escrien, O.Fr. escrier, cry out; ascried fpret.J Will. 3814; a. p. 3, 193. escusen excuse, a. r. 304^'; excusi ayenh. 7 ; esctisede fpret.J Shoreh. 40; excused f part. J pr. c. 6077. esemple exemple; asaumple a. r. 112. afraien a fray; affraie Chauc. C. t. 8331; afraied fpaH.J Will. 2138; m. h. 21. amenden, O.Fr. amender, Zat. emendare, amend, c. I. 1117; amende Belc. 1094; amended fpres.J a. r. 420. expellen expel; expelle Chauc. C. t. a 2751. expounen expound, Langl. h 14, 277. expressen express; expresse Chauc. C. t. a 1666. arachen, O.Fr. esrachier, eradicare; arace Chauc. C. t. 8979; SbrsLched f part. J Shoreh. 136. essoigne, 0. Fr. essoigne, essoine, see Liez wh. 321, Biefenb. wh. 2, 290, F:ulms zeitschr. 1 , 340, essoin, Halliw. diet. 340; asoine Roh. 339, 10. asunien, asonien, O.Fr. essonier, essoiti, excuse, a. r. 64; asoine Bob. 339, 3; asoini ayenh. 242. estonen, O.Fr. estoner, astonish; astonie wyenh. 126; astone Gow. 3, 54; astoneid fpart.J Will. 880. astraien, O.Fr. estraier, stray; astraied fpart.J Gow. 2, 132. estrange, O.Fr. estrange, strange; stran- ge Bob. 16, 22. issue, Fr. issue, issue, Langl. h 16, 196; Man. 3084. ? availen avail; availe, availle- Chauc. C. t. a 2401; availle Man. 3112. ? avoiden avoid, evacuare; avoide Wicl. 1 Cor. 13. es, A. Sax. jfes, M. II. Germ, as, carrion, meat for animals; ees ^^esca\ prompt. 143 ; pet es hom. 1, 123; ierne to pe mete ase dep pe bond to pe es fms. hes) a- yenb. 33. esch, Germ, escli ? esh ; comp. aver-, edisch ? esche see asche. eschueu see scheowen. espe see aspe. essel, O.Fr. esseul, essil faxiculusj? La^. 18992. est see east. estat see stat. este, A. Sax. est, 0. Fris. est, eust, 0. Icel. ast, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, anst, Goth. ansts, from an, favour, grace, pleasure, p. I. 8. VIII, 181; 0. a. n. 1304; flesches este a. r. 364; este fdat.J Triam. 1416; for goddis este Eglam. 904; esten ^'deli- ciae\ hom. 1, 241; estes fms. esstess) Orm. 7342. estdede st. gen. 27 58. estful a. r. 108. este, A. Sax. este, favorable, delicious: pat lond nis g6d ne bit nis este o. a. n. 999; nas nan este f?ns. esste) mete paer Orm. 829. estliche a. r. 204. estre, 0. Fr. estre, state, place, Man. 5398; estres fpl.J Will. 1768. et see aet. etel, A. Sax. etol, O.H.Germ. ezaler, edax; comp. oferetel. eten, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ, etan, 0. Icel. eta, Goth, itan, O.Fris. ita, O.K.Germ. e/.an, Lot. edere, Gr. ^3siv, Sanscr. ^f^, eat^ 20 154 eten m Orm. 7806; Chauc. C. t. 9764; eten, eoten, eaten horn. 1, 31, 45 8f 53; eoten Mark. 14, 20; ete Wicl John 18; to etene a. r. 54; ete fpres.J m. h. 70; et- te pr. Cx 4675; etest rel. ant. 1, 264; est Roh. 238, 22; ayenh. 54; etep Shoreh. 23; et Mark 17, 9; hi etep o. a. n. 1007; set fpret.J Lay 8725; et Orm. 11549; Havel. 656; Degrev. 1419; eet m. h. 39; at Belc. 274; £eten Lay 13444; eten Orm. 4797 ; eten, eeten Langl. 5, 612 (6, 93 J; eeten Rich. 113; ete fsuh- junct.J c. I. 177; eten (part. J st. gen. 329; Savel. 657; Langl. h 17, 97; Chauc. C. t. a 4351; Iw. 763; Wicl. John 21; etten s. s. ed. Wr. 837; comp. fr(a)-, je- eten; deriv. ^t. eten, A.Sax. eoton, O.Icel. iotunn, ettin, gi- ant, Trist. 1, 87; etin /. h. r. 118; yhoten (= ioten), eten ps. 18, 6; gete- nes (=ietenes) fpl.J st. gen. 545; see eotand. etcnisch, A.Sax. eotonisc, gigantic: getenisse men st. gen. 3715. eierc, A.Sax. etere, eater; eteres /'pi. J a- yenh. 47 . efl* see ead. e[»cl, A.Sax. edel, O.Icel odal, O.ILGerm. uodil, property, country, ^^patria\ fragm. 3, 49; horn. 1, 115. edelpeope h. m. 31. eiTele see sedele. el^eni, A.Sax. {fedm, edm, O.L.Germ. athom, O.n.Germ. atum, halitus, spiritus, horn. 1, 43. ed'ieii, A.Sax. edian, halare, spirare; edi Marh. 13, 2. eu see £e. euch see sehwilc, under a. evel see uvel. even see gefen. evene see efen. ever, A.Sax. eofor, O.Icel. iofurr, O.H.Germ. ,, eber, Lat. aper; eaveres ^pl.J h. m. 13. everferne r«c?«WM«, rel. ant. 1, 52; a. p. 3, 438. Eoverwic, A.Sax. Eoferpic, Yorh, Lay 2669; Everwik Roh. 2, 21. evcse, A.Sax. efese, yfese, O.L.Germ. ovese, O.Fris. ose, eaves fovea), '■^stillicidium, im- lrex\ prompt. 144; evese mar go, Wicl. Toh. 11; wodez evez Gaw. 1178; ovese rel. ant. 1, 219; ovise Parten. 5504; eveses fpl.J Langl. b 17, 227; Man. 14689; eovesen fdat. pi.) Lay 29279; comp. husevese. evesicn, A.Sax. efesian, efsian, tondere; evesede fpret.) a. r. 398; eyesed fpart.) pi. cr. 166; f printed enesed) Gaw. 184. cvcsunge, A. Sax. efsung(?), eavesing f easing), a. r. 142; evese or evesinge of a house prompt. 144; evesinges fpJ.) Jjangl. h 17, 227. evete, A.Sax. efete(?), evet feft), n-ewt, Ha- certa\ fragm. 3, 30; voc. 157 ; ^^stellio\ Wicl. prov. 30; eveten fpl.) p. I. s. VIII^ 138; evetes Beves 1539; ewtes Mand. 61. evre see sefre. ewe see eowe. ewer, Fr. aiguiere, ewer, Man. 11425. ex see eax. ex- see es-. Exchaestre, A. Sax. Exan ceaster, Exeter, Lay 9766; Excestre Rol. 4, 12. fa, A. Sax. fab, fag, 0. II. Germ, (gi)feher, foe ffa), inimicus, infestus : hold Oder fa horn. 1, 231; a foo cragge Gaiv. 1430; fa fsuhst.) Iw. 874; faa pr. c. 1453; fo Havel. 1363; Bel. 870; fo, foo Chauc. C. t. a 63; vo (fa) a. r. 62; fawe Ithez d. Arth. 747; fawe (fan) feilis ant. Arth. VII 2; fon Bet 711; c. I. 683: voau (fan) a. r. 388; comp. ifa. famon foeman, Jul. 24; h. m. 41; foman prompt. 169; Shoreh. 41; a. p. 2, 1175; Town. myst. 134; voamen (famen) fpl.) a. r. 186. fable fsesernesse 155 foshipe enmity, horn. 2, 46; fi^schip a. p. 2, 919. fable, Fr. fable, fMo, a. p. 1, 691. face, Ir. face, fac3, p. /. s. XVII, 17 1. faculte, Fr. faculte, faculty, prompt. 140. fade, Fr. fade, Lat. fatiius, fude, Gcw. 2, 117 ; h. s. 3220; ^^marcidub\ Wich eccles. 11; pi faire hewe is al fade Will. 891. tK\\tn fade; fade i?. /. s. XXX, 42; WiH. 079; faden fpres.J Gcw. 2, 117; min herte fadide f^^emarcm't" J Hul. Is. 21. fader see fader. fadieu, A. Sax. fadian, 0. II. Germ, (keun)- yaton, dispose, suit? fade Lidg. m. p. 30; rarten. prol 164; fade {part.? J Trist. 3, 41; Fercev. 616. fad me see fadme. fiiec, O.IcjI. feilg: fimmanisj? Vortiger wes f£ec for her he his laverd biswsec Lay 13007. fxder, A.SiiX. faeder gen. dut. faeder, O.L. . Geim. fader gen. dit. fader, Goth, fadar, 0. Fris. feder gen. feder, federes, O. Icel. fadir gen. fodur, 0. U. Germ, fater gen. fa- ter, fateres, Lat. pater ^m. patris, Gr. uaxi^p gen. ii:axp6c, Sanscr. nTfTF gen. TtfQJj father; feeder, fader Lay 212 Sf 3199; fader IlaveL 1224; Langl 1, 14; Tor. 2008; fadir Isumh. 313; feder rei. ant. 1, 1; feder, veder a. r. 10 Sf 26; fader fgen.J Lay 398; Orm. 186; liol. 302, 4; Town. myst. 182; faderes st. gen. 1636; federes Marh. 2; a. r. 406; fader fdat.J. Lay 2279; fader (fadir) Ch(iuG. C. t. a 100; faderes fpl.J Rob. 127, 3; fa- deren fdat. pi.) Lay 0724; comp. eld-, foster-, god-, hehfseder. faderlcs Kath. 78; federleas a. r. 10. fa^c, A. Sax. ffege, O.L. Germ, fegi, O.Icel. feigr, 0. II. Germ, feiger, fey (fee), mori- bundus, mortuus ; fsei3e, faie, feie Lay 298, 4694 Sf 9700; feye spec. 28; Shoreh. 124; Gaw. 1067; avow. Arth. IV, 6; dis feye folk Alis. ed. SJc. 397; veie Beves 3032; feye, fei5e Jos. 008 Sf 669. f^iescipe Lay 21268. fseiesid, feiesid Lay 304 ^ 23488. fx^en, A.Sax. faegeii, O.L. Germ, fagan, 0. Icel. feginn, fain, laetus; faein Lay 11619, vein a. r. 192; fagen rel. ant. 1, 220 St. gen. 16; fain p. 1. s. XVII, 412 pr. c. 4662; Isumb. 666; faweii Havel. 2160; fain, fawn prompt. 146 Sf 162 fawe k. T. 1068; vawe Rob. 183, 12 fain, fawe Ckiuc. C. t. 2439 (2437 ) Sf 6802; with herte ful faine hid. Cov. 26; feinre (ompar.) Jul. 47; fainest (superl.) Will. 3933; a. p. 2, 1219; comp. ifajeu. fajer, A.Sax. faeger, O.Icel. fagr, O.L.Germ. fagar, O.H.Gcrm. fagarer, Goth, fagrs, fair, puicher; faeir, feier Lay 162 Sf 3886; feier, feir horn. 1, 131 Sf 137; feir a. r. 206; chron. Engl. 603; k. T. 446; fajer Orm. 6392; faiger st. gen. 2636; faier rd. ant. 1, 226; fayer s. s. ed. Wr. 2633; fair, feyr o. a. n. 679 &; 684; fair, feir Langl. 1, 10; fair Chauc. C. t. a 673; enne spude yeirne stude a. r. 236; faire sightes pr. c. 9249; fehere, A.Sax. ficgerre, (compvr.) Kath. 2323; faire Horn ed. Lum. 8; fairre Will. 4437; fairere Brand. 33; feirore c. I. 737; feiruste, ve3ereste (su- perl.) La^. 4080 ^' 29663; faire (adv.) La^. 4842; feire chron. Engl. 612; fa^re Orm. 1216; he grette hiin faire Bek. 34. fairhBde pulchritudo. Brand. 9; Alis. 6392; Flcr. 1670. feierlec, O.Icel. fagrleikr, pulchritudo, horn. 1, 261; feirlec Marh. 19; feirlek c. I. 146. vairllche fairly, ayenh. 69. feirschipe pulchritudo, c. I. 690. fajer, A. Sax. faeger, 0. H. Germ, fagari ? pulchritudo? heo never ne beod sead pi veir to iseonne horn. 1, 193. fae^ernesse, A.Sax. faegerness, O.K. Germ. 156 fae3nieu faest fagarnessi, fairness, puhhritudo; V8e3er- nesse, faeiernesse La^. 22724 Sf 24266; veiriiess(e) a. r. 52; fa3eruesse Orm. 12253; faiernesse st. gen. 1233; fair- nesse Chauc. C. t. a 1098. fs^nieo^ A. Sax. faegnian, O.Icel. fagna, 0. L. Germ, faganon, faginon, 0. II. Germ. faginon, feginon, from fae3en, fawn, lae- tari; fainen La^. 3588; faine sal ("lae- tentur'j alle pat hope in pe ps. 5, 12; fawnin %landiri\ prompt. 152; peonne Teined he mid ou a. r. 194; pulves pat fainen of hare preie hom. 1, 277; he fagnede hire st. gen. 1441; heo vseine- den pas La-^. 18807; faynede Jos. 243; fauhnede (fawned, fanned) wip pe tailes Langl. h 15, 295. fx^uuDge^ A. Sax. fsegnunge, fawning; vape- nunge a. r. 290; fanning spec. 23. fajrien, A. Sax. faegrian, O.Icel. fegra, from f8e3er, make fair, become fair: pus heo dod for to feiren heom seolven hom. 1, 53; fairip fpres.J Alis. 2903; pis trau grenep and vayrep be his virtue ayenl. 95; feirede fpret.J c. I. 876. fxien see fe3en. fain see f8e3en. fsBl = fal ? ruina, clades ? paet ne mihte pes kinges folc of heom fael makien La-i,. 635; pat heo wes al forfaren purh pere leo- dene vael 2921. f»lc, A. Sax. fsele, 0. II. Germ, feiler fvena- lisj? proper, estimable; fele La'>,. 3290; 0. a. n. 1378; Mapes 350 Sf 352; Per- cev. 729; comp. unfaele. fxlien see fell en. far, A.Sax. fffir, O.L.Germ. far m., O.Icel. far n., M.II.Germ. var m., vare /., fear, Mapes 338; feer ^Himor, terror \ prompt. 156; fere Brand. 8; Wicl. 2 paral. 14; fere, feere Langl. b 13, 162. ferM fearful, Gow. 2, 13; p. I. s. XXX, 93. ferlac terror, a. r. 306; ferlak c. I. 672; fearlac Kath. 39. ferlic, A.Sax. fserlTc, ferly ffarlyj, ter- rible, sudden, ps. 138, 6**; ferlich a. r. 362; Alis. 57 19; pe fserllche died Xa^, 6835; ferli Will. 3934; a. p. 1, 1083: Isumb. 235; an swide ferli sigt st. gen. 2774; ferlTche frechen Kath. 732; fer- lich fsuhst.J mirum, La^. 5381 ; Flor. a. m. 456; feorllch Kath. 2j68 ; ferlik Havel. 1849; ferli Langl. prol. 6; Per- cev. 530; pr. c. 2955; ant. Arth. XLI, 11; verliche fadv.J a. r. 178; Rob. 299, 6; fcJerlike Orm. 3074; ferlike st. gen. 2799; ferli a. p. 2, 269. verlichh^de ayenb. 55. ikvm, A.Sax. faeran (terrere), 0. Batch ve- ren, vaeren fmetuerej, 0. L. Germ, faran fobservarej, 0. II. Germ, faren (olservare^ insidiari), fear, terrere, metuere: he pile him faeren ... & skerren Orm. 675; fearen a. r. 230'''; ferin "terrere', prompt. 156; fere Langl. b 7, 34; JFicl. 2 Cor. 10; pr. c. 2291; mir. pi. 98; ferde fpret.J Gaw. 1588; fered (part.) spec. 24; m. h. 134; ferd Man. 191, 4; Per- cev. 925; pe3h 30 be ferd of 3our fon Will. 3366; comp. a-, for-, offseren. f«ren see feren. fieringe, A.S-ix. fgeringa, O.II.Germ. faringa, subito; feringes Man. 185, 10. fsest, A. Sax. fdest, 0. L. Germ, fast, 0. Icel. fastr, 0. Fris. fest, 0. II. Germ, fester, fast, firmus: fast k findi3 laf Orm. 1602; fast "fix s\ prompt. 151; vest ayenb. 189; he makede his castles treowe & swide vaeste La'^. 11898; faste (adv.) Brand. 5; Langl. b 4, 29; Rich. 3331; Per cev. 1020; stike(de) feste (faste) La-^,. 7533; heo riden vaste (faste) 97 54; so faste shal 1 binde pe h. h. 125; panne bihelden he him faste Havel. 2148; vaste Rob. 568, 26; faste bi Eadistone La^. 9^'; faste bi pe Belle Chauc. C. t. a 719; on fest Eadestone La^. 9; balu com on veste 1455; paer on fast Orm. 3334; faestro faeste fal 157 (compar.J Ln"^. ^775; camp, ar-, bl&d-, f hete-, schame-, sdp-, stede-, treowfiest. fsestliche, festliche fastly, La\ 18096 Sf 21201; vestlaker f compar.J a. r. 234, fastrede fast in counsel ^ o. a. n. 211. vestschipe Jirmitas, a. r. 202. fseste, A. Sax. f8est(?), 0. leel festr, O.L. Germ, festi, 0. 11. Germ, fasti, fest; fest "Ugamen\ prompt. 158. fxsten^ A. Sax. faestan, 0. II. Germ, festaii, O.Icel. festa, fast f fest J, flrmare: in fe- teres ful faste festen Havel. 82; festiu ^^flffere", prompt. 138; faste m. Arth. 3324 ; and pat ich him wolde . . . faste on honde Roh. 160, 18; wo so fested hope on him rel. ant. 1, 221; fested (part. J pr. c. 629 o; fest, fast Langl. b 2, 123; Will. 1660; fest m. h. 79; comp. 36-, hand-, lif-, stadelfaesten. festinge^ A. Sax. faesting, ^'■fixura\ prompt. 168. fastnesse, A. Sax. faestness, fastness, ^^firma- mentum\ ps. 24, 14; of fastnesse ^'■firmita- tis', Wicl. genes. 41 ; vestnesse ayenb. 104. vaBstnien^ A. Sax. faestnian, 0. Fris. festna, O.K. Germ, festinon, fasten, flrmare, La^. 29061; festnen, festni Kath. 1180 Sf 2011; festnen Orm. 1718; vestni ayenb. 117; festne Chauc. C. t. a 196; fastne- de (pret.) c. I. 1426; fastned (part.) ant. Arth. XXXIX, 6; festened /. c. c. 36; comp. i-, unfaestnien. fastoing^ A. Sax. faestnung, fadening, "^r- mamentmn\ Wicl. ps. 17; festning hom. 1, 67. fagin '^adulari\ prompt. 146; flatere and fage HMiw. diet. 346; fage "blandire\ Wicl. judges 14; faged f pret. J Lidg. m. p. 27. fajen see fDe3en. fajcr see faejer. fa^ien^ A.Sax. fagian, O.R.Germ. (gi)fehen, coljur, stain: fa3eden f pret. J Lay 16413; ifawed (ivOwet) mid blOde 4166. fAh, A.Sax. fah, fag, O.H.Germ. feher, Goth, faihus, coloured, variegated, Lay 24663; fah, fOu p. I. s. VIII, 182; foh and grei r. s. IV ^ 28; foh f? printed feh) ant gris rel. ant. 1, 109; fouh fragm. «?, 17; fow and griis Trist. 2, 9; fdw and grene rel. ant. 1, 243; fa3e neddren hom. 1, 61; comp. goldfah. fai, Fr. fee, Ital. fata, Gow. 1, 193. faieric^ Fr. feerie, Chauc. C. t. 9617; fei- rie Will. 230. faier see fae3er. faile, O.Fr. faille, fail: wipouten faile c. I. 1162. fallen, O.Fr. faillir, fail, Gow. 1, 337; faile, faille Langl. 6, 326 (7 , 310 J; fai- li Gaw. 1067; failep fpres.J ayeyib. 186; him ne faillep no3t Brand. 13 ; pei sein pat we fallen Mand. 134; pe king . . . failede his mihte La-^,. 2938*; and fai- lede ... of his htire a. r. 404. fain see fae3en. faint, O.Fr. faint, faint, pi. cr. 47; feint "segnis", prompt. 163. faiutlse, O.Fr. faintise, feintise, dissimula- tion, ayenb. 26; pi. cr. 261; feintise Marg. 34. fair see fae3er. fait, Fr. fait, Lat. factum, feat; fait, feet Laiigl. 1, 160 (184). faken, A.Sax. facen, O.L. Germ, fecan, 0. Icel. feikn, O.R.Germ. feichan, deceit, do- lus, Orm. 12797. fakenliche, A.Sax. facenlice, dolose, fragm. 8, 40. fakcn, A.Sax. fscne, O.L. Germ, fecni, 0. Icel. feikn, deceptive: heo pas faken bi- foren & atterne bihinden fragm. 8, 38; faken troppe Orm. 12666; foken Man, 194, 16. faknicn, O.H.Germ. feihnon, deceive? f6ken fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 179. fal> A.Sax. feall, fell, fyll, O.L. Germ. 0, H.Germ. fal, O.Fris. fal, fel, O.Icel faU,. 158 falde fan fall, ^^casus, lapsus, rui7ia\ prompt. 147 : Kath. 2322; h. M. 15; Man. 10875; Lidg. m. p. 29; fms. fall) Orm. 11862; , Alts. 4412; val a, r. 326; for his leo- dene vallen (r. valle) La^. 29004; see fsel. falde, A. Sax. fald(?), Dan. fold, fold, ''ovi- le', voc. 204; horn. 1, 245; folde rel ani. 1, 209; Chauo. C. t. a 512; Wicl. John 10; I. h. r. 141; faldes fpl.J Orm. 3339; comp. puudfolde? foldiu, Dan. folde, fold, put in a fold, prompt. 168. faldcn see fealdeii. faldiiige a sort of doth, prompt. 147; Chauc. C. t. a 391.' fale see fele. fai^e, Germ, falge, fallow (faugh); falowe ^^novale\ Wicl. Jer. 4; falwes fpl.J Ilavol. 2509; Chauc. a t. 6238. fallen, Germ, falgeii, felgen, fallow (faugh, felly); falwe ''novo\ prompt. 148; hi fa- leweden er])e chron. Engl. 94. fallc, A. Sax. feall, 0. II. Germ, falla, trap, "dcGipula\ prompt. 147 ; comp. musfalle. fallen, A.Sax. fsallan, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ. fallan, O.Fris. O.Icel. falla, fall, cadere, La^. 801; Orm. 7640; vallen a. r. 214; falle 0. a. n. 956; feolled (pres.) a. r. 272; feol (pret.) La^. 177; Alis. 563; spec. 62; feol, veol a.r. 226 Sc 280; fel St. gen. 72; k. T. 1086; Launf 755; fel, fil Langl. h 14, 79; Chauo. C. t. a 845; vil aycnb. 16; ful Brand. 1 ; feollen La^. 573; feollen, felle Kath. 1598; fellen Langl. b 18, 309; fallen c. I. 100; feolle (subj.) a. r. 58; fallen (part.) h. h. 108; M.and. 52; comp. a-, ajt-, bi-, i-, ofer-, tofallen ; deriv. fal, fellen. fals, O.Fr. fals, false (fausej, a. r. 74; Bel. 1004; fals (suhst.) falsum, Orm. 12177 ; fans Jos. 208; false godes horn. 1, 237; false domes misc. 149; pane valsne i)eni ayenb. 24; valsest fsuperl.) Lay 30182. falshede Rob. 225, 17; Gow. 2, 226; pr. c. 1176. falsliche falsely, Langl. b 18, 349; vals- llche ayenb. 28. valsere falser, ayenb. 62. falsieii, O.Fr. falser, false: his hereburne gon to falsie La^. 23967 ; falsen Chauc. Troil. 3633; falsin ^falsificare\ prompt. 148; valsep (pres.) ayenb. 40; pet oper bileave falsie a. r. 270. fahrin falter, prompt. 148; pi limes fal- tren Chauc. C. t. b 5192; faltered (pret.) Gaw. 430; falterde d. Arth. 1092. falu, A.Sax. fealo pi. fealpe, O.L.Germ. falu, O.lI.Oerm. falwer, O.Icel. folr pi. folvar, fallow, fiavus; falwe Chauc. C. t. a 1364; falewe rel. ant. 1, 266; pe fa- lewe feld Rich. 461 ; to pe fale erpe Gaw. 728; veldes falewe wurden Lay 27468. falwe see fal^e. falewl color fiavus? o,. a. n. 456. falwieu, A.Sax. fealpian, fealupian, O.Il, Germ, fale wen, become fallow, flavescere; valupen horn. 1, 193; his hew shal U- lowen rel. ant. 1, 65; fale wen shule pi tloiires spec. 89; fale pi r. s. I, 6; vale- ped (pres.) a. r. 132; falowip p. I. s. VI, 7; valouwep ayenh. 81; falewede (pret.) Lay 4163; falewed a. p. 2, 1539; falwed (part.) I. h. r. 132. faiii, A. Sax. fa,m, 0. II. Germ, feim, foam, spuma, Degrev. 1386; fom Brand. 19; spec. 102; foom ChiuQ. G. t. 12492. fame, O.Fr. fame, fame, Rob. 29, 11. famieii, fiemen, A. Six. f«mau, 0. II. Germ. feimen, foam; fomin "spiimare\ prompt. 169; fomep (pres.) Wicl. Mark 9; famed (pret.) s. s. ed. Wr. 959; vemde Rob. 208, 7. famlen, Dan. famle, Swed. famla, O.Icel. falma? f amble: stamereu oper famelen rel. ant. 1, 65; famplen? h. m. 37, 29. fan, A.Sax. fann, Lat. vaunus, fan (van), ^^vannus\ prompt. 148; fanne voc. 233. fand fareii 159 faud, from findeii? of dis frait wile ic ha- ven fond st. gen. 336; after his Owen fond 3150. faiidicn, A. Sax. fandian, O.Fris. fandia, 0. L.Germ. fandon, O.lI.Germ. fiinton, from finden, seeh, prove, try^ tempt; fandie horn. 1, 239; fanden Orm. 11336; fande Iw. 316; Min. 24; pr. c. 2228; fondien (fondi) X«3. 2949; fonden h. h. 68; s. s. ed. Wr. 1489; let Adam fonden do tre de Noe barg st. gen. 3476; vonden a. r. 194; fonde Chauc. C. t. h 347; Fereev. 1466; he schal fonde pe dent of mine honde j&bn^ ed. Lum. IdJ ; fsincle fpres.J d. Arth. 984; iow^^]) Langl. h 12, 180; Gow. 2, 106; fonde we pis toun to were Rich. 4402; fondede fpret.J Bek. 717; fonde- den Kath. 121; fanded (part. J ps. 11, 7. vonclcre tempter, ayenh. 116. faiiding^ A. Sax. fandung, temptation, Orm. 12262; pr. c. 314; vondunge a. r. 194. fane, A. Sax. Goth, fana, 0. L. Germ.. 0. H. Germ, fano^ vane, vexillmi, -prompt. 148; chaunging as a fane Chauc. C. t. 8872; his mast of silvir . . . and of red golde was his fane Eglam. 1192. fangel? comp. newefangel. fangen, 0. L.Germ. fangan Heine 8 gloss., fang (vang), caper e, Orm. 10799; fangin ^^apprehendere\ prompt. 149; fange ps. 23, 5; Gaw. 391; m. h. 80; i nolde fange (fonge) a ferping Langl. 6, 666 (6, 48 J; fongen r. s. II, 4; pi. cr. 786; fonge Chauc. C. t. h 377; m. Arth. 3603; fonge, vonge o. a. n. 1136; no cold pat pu ne fonge Havel. 866; feng, A. Sax. 0. L.Germ. O.Fris. feng, O.lI.Germ. fiang, fieng, fpret.J Lay 30680; s. s. ed. Weh. 924; ich hem feng of pe Beh. 783; feng to pe fli3t a. p. 2, 377 ; veng to dellten a. r. 62; fonge, A.Sax. O.Fris. (ge)fan- gen, 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ, (ge)fangan, (part.) Flor. 1831; comp. a-, aet-, an-, bi-, i-, nnderfangen; deriv. feng. faiigere "smceptor", ps. 3, 4. fannieii fan (van); vanni his corn ayenh. 139; fanne ^^vanno\ prompt. 149; fannez a. p. 2, 467. fantasie, O.Fr. fantasie, fancy, Alls. ed. Sk. 384; fantesie Farten. 368. fantome, Fr. fantome, fantom, pr. c. 1197. far, A.Sax. faer (iter, vehiculum, navis), 0. Icel. far (gres-sus, iter, vectura, navigiumj; comp. infer. farcost, O.Icel. farkostr, proceeding, con- veyance, vessel, Lay 1490; m h. XIX. fare, A.Sax. faru, O.Icel. for, fare, iter, gressus, motus, veotura, h. m. 19; Havel. 1337; Ali^. 7072; Langl. h 18, 18; Chauc. C. t. h 669; s. s. ed. Wr. 842; Min. 46; a. p. 2, 861 cj- 3, 98; m. Arth. 946; Fereev. 1037; ant. Arth. IV, 8; lud. Cov. 1^3; swulc fare of fleo- 3en her was Lay 3904; her wes uni- mete fare 10236; al most redi was here . fare st. gen. 3179; wharf ore was al pis fare formest bigunne Will. 4680; song and cri and 'suche fare Mire 332 ; pei busldd pern wip riale fare Eglam. 1064; comp. cheap-, ford-, welfare. farcii, A.Sax. 0. L.Germ. O.H.Germ. Goth, faran,. O.Fris. O.Icel. fara, fare, vehi, irCy Lay 2612; Kath. 1664; Orm. 345b': Havel. 264; Jos. 506; wolde hom faren st. gen. 1418; farin "meare\ prompt. 160; fare Will. 6142; Man. 6081 ; pr. c. 1863; Fereev. 1113; after him for to fare s. s. ed. Wr. 290; fare (prcB.) 0. a. n. 460; pou farest ek bi me Pan- darns as he Chauc. Troil. 6132; fared, vared a. r. 120 Sf 214; and farep over pe flod Trist. 2, 17; fa.re fsuhj.J Langl. b 10, 406; faren Kath. 1393; farinde (part. J Lay 4262; wel farande l8U7nh. 333; for fpret.J Orm. 1807; he fOr neh Ot^f his ipitte Marh. 6; and seodden he v6r to Lundene Lay 29367 ; foor Man. 7923; foren st. gen. 2482; fCre 160 farh •feald ant. Arth. ZV, 11; pei fOre forpward Percev, 1426; faren (part.) rel. ant. 1, 223; Langl. 6, 5; sinden faren ut of life Oryn. 8361; comp. for-, forp-, i-, oferfaren; deriv. far, fare, ferde, fere, ferien, fore. farh, far, A. Sax. fearh, 0. II. Germ, farcli, Lat. porcus, farrow (far); faren (pi.) Alis. 2441. far^cn farrow (fare, ferry): pe zo^e hvanne lie hep ivar3ed ayenb. 61 ; pus beod peos pigges iveriiped a. r. 204. fart^ Germ, farz? fart, Chauc. C. t. a 3806; lud. Cov. 21 ; see fert. farton^ Germ, farzen ? fart, ^^pedere\ prompt. 150; see ferten. fasil, Germ, fasel, jiluyn praetenue, fimhHa, prompt. 1 50. faselin^ Germ, faseln, in fila solvere, prompt. 150. fasoun^ Fr. fa9on, fashion, p. I. s. XXV, 41; fasoun, facioun IVill. 500 Sf 934; fasceon Mand. 205. fast see faest. faste^ 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ. 0. Icel. fasta, O.Fris. festa, fast, ''■jejunium', prompt. 151; Orm. 11333; fasten (dat. pi.) p. I. s. VIII, 74; festen a. r. 138. fasten^ A. Sax. fsestan, O.H.Germ. fasten, Goth, fastan, O.Icel. fasta, O.Fris. festia, fast, jejunare, Orm. 11326; festen horn. 1, 2d; veste ayenh. 50; fasted (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 211 ; fastinde (part.) Havel. 865; faste (pret.) Brand. 5; veste a. r. 126; ivast (part.) La^. 22310. fasten^ A. Sax. fsesten, jejunium; festene (dat.) hom. 1, 7; comp. midfesten? vestendei a. r. 318. fat, A. Sax. feet, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. fat, 0. H.Germ. faz, vat, "cupa', vac. 233; prompt. 151; pet fet nick thes. 1, 229; pet feat Marh. 17, 24; a vet 18, 29; vete (dat.) ayenh. 203; faten (pi.) misc. 29; fattes Rich. 1491. fat, A. Sax. faet, fsett, 0. II. Germ, feizter, feiziter, from *f£eten, O.Icel. feita, M.II. Germ, vei^^en, fat, treat. 138; Rich. 6003; p. 8. 332; Chauc. C. t. a 200; (ms. fatt) Orm. 995; fat, fet *'pinffms\ prompt. 151 ; fet St. gen. 2098; vet a. r. 136; ayenh. 53; pe vatte La^. 19445; pet fette spin hom. 1, 81. fetthed st. gen. 1547 . fatiiesse, A. Sax. faetness, fatness, '-^pinguedo', prompt. 151. fatten, A. Sax. faettan, 0. H. Germ, feizten, fat (fatten), pinguefacere, pinguesoere, Wicl. ps. 140; fatte Cham. C. t. 7462; ase spin ipund ine sti vor te vetten a. r. 128; vettep (pres.) ayenh. 246; fatted (part.) ps. 22, 5. fattme, A. Sax. faedm m. /., 0. L. Germ. fathom, fadom, O.Icel. fadmr, O.H.Germ. fadem m., from fon? fathom (fadom); fadme '■^ulna\ prompt. 145; ane vedme La^. 27686; fedme Octov. 1656; fadme (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 2916; fedme Alis. 546. fattinieu, A. Sax. faedmiau, O.Icel. fadma, fathom (fadom), amplecti ; fadmin ^^ulnare', prompt. 145; mine armes weren so lon- ge that i fadmede . . . Denemark Havel. 1295; frendez fellen in fere fapmed tO g-edor a. p. 2, 399. faucuii, 7'V. faucon, falcon, o. a. n. 111. faiitc, Fr. faute, fault (faut), Jos. 208. favour, Fr. faveur, favour, ayenh. 230. fawieu see fallen. fawuiii see fae.^nien. fax, A.Sax. feax, O.Fris. O.Icel. fax, O.L. Germ. O.H.Germ. fahs, hair, coma, caesa- ries, Will. 2097; Flor. 1545; Gaw. 181; a. p. 2, 790; ant. Arth. XXIX, 5; mir. pi. 183; vsex La^. 21873; faxes (gen.) gr. 45. fe, fee see feoh. -fealil, A. Sax. -feald, 0. L. Germ. 0. Fris. -fald, O.Icel. -faldr, O.H.Germ. -falter, feald fe3en 161 Goth, -falps, -fold; see an-, feole-, flf-, hund-, mani-, twa-, preofald. feald^ fealde? A.Sax. feald(?), O.Icel faldr w., M.II.Germ. valt m., valde /., fold, plicUj sinus; volde ^dat.J o. a. n. 602 Sf 696; robes in folde Percev. 32; veste- ment of rlche fold m. h. 113; under felde s'pec. 24. fealdeii^ A.Sax. fealdan, O.II.Germ. faldan, 0. /(?«/. falda, Goth, falpan, fold; falde Iw. 1425; Isumb. 307; foldin "pltcare", prompt. 168; pe feendes strengpe to fol- de h. T. 1118; sixti sir Eoger doun can fr. gan) folde Triam. 326; for no fa(i)n- tise Arthur nold folde m. Arth. 2547; his herte began to folde Eglam. 726; ant mei no finger felde spec. 48; care and kunde of elde makep mi bodi felde rel. ant. 1, 120; ope ane viealdinde stole ayenh. 230; f olden f part. J pi. cr. 227; Man. 11889; pe folden fust Langl b 17, 176; folden in silk Gaia. 959; volden to grunde La'^. 15885; comp. bi-, i-, umb-, unfealden. fealc see fele. fearn^ A.Sax. fearn, O.II.Germ. farn, fern ffern), '■^filex\ fragm. 3, 42; fern, feme Cham. Boet. 1741; feme Arth. a. M.erl. 8876; vserne (dat.) La-^. 12819; comp. ever-, fenfern. feawe, A.Sax, feape, pi. of fea, O.Fris. fe, 0. L. Germ, fah, 0. Icel. far, 0. 11. Germ. foher, Goth, fans, Lat. paucus, feiv ffeawj, • Shoreh. 16; feape Kath. 950; feape (feu- pe) men p. I. s. VIII, 176; veawe per biep zviche ayenh. 162; fewe Mand. 255; a fewe men Rob. 18, 2; mid fewe worde rel. ant. 1, 183; ine feue ^ere Lay 387^; fifepe Or7n. 424; fowe, foue rel. ant. 1, 85; foue (? priyited fone) ps. 106, 39; Min. 7; pr. c. 764; foe Amad. ed. Hobs. XXX, 4. feblc, O.Fr. feble, fieble, feeble, horn. 1, 47; p. I. s. XVII, 547; fieble aymb. 31. feblesse^ O.Fr. feblesse, feebleness, Rob. 442, 11; fieblesse Cham. Boet. 3176. fecchen, A.Sax. feccan, fetch, capere, petere, ar cesser e, Orm. 8634; Langl. b 2, 180; vechchen a. r. 368; fecche Horn 357; an. lit. 10; p. I. s. XIII, 222; Will.. 26; hpuch este mihtestu par vecche o. a. n. 1504; fecche fpres. subj.J r. s. II, 44; if he fer fecchen fode rel. ant. 1, 216; feight(e) fpret.) Man. 9058; per he d^d fsehte Lay 6460. feche^ Lat. vicia? vetch f fitch J, "vicia\ voc. 201; ficche JVicl. Is. 28. feilen^ A.Sax. fedan, O.Fris. feda, O.Icel. foeda, Goth, fodjan, O.L.Germ. fodean, 0. 11. Germ, fuotan, frojn fode, feed, alere, pascere. Lay 3253; Orm. 2080; Havel. 906; veden a. r. 214; fede Mmd. 58; m. h. 43; fedep, fet fpres.) Langl. b prol. 194; fet a. r. 198; fedde fpret. J 'Kath. 1843; St. gen. 2630; Chauc. C. t. a 146; fed fpart.J c. I. 1276; ifed p. I. s. XIII, 135; ived a. r. 206; o. a. n. 1529. fed me see fadme. fefre, Fr. fievre, fever, a. r. 112; fevre a- yenb. 29; fivere prompt. 163. fe^en, A.Sax. faegian(?), O.Icel. fsegja, fegja, O.Didch M.II.Germ. vegen, feigh ffeyj, polire, purgare, ornare: faeien heore ste- den Lay 8057 ; fej de dus of dl brest filde fms. filde) rel. ant. 1, 213; feahe pi meidenhad pid alle gode peapes h. m. 45; feyede fpret. J d. Arth. 1114; fae3eden heore wepnen Lay 7957. feyar, M.II.Germ. vegaere, cleanser, prompt. 203. feje, A.Sax. fege, aptm; comp. ife3e. fe^e see fse3e. fe^en, A. Sax. fegan, 0. Fris. foga, 0. II. Germ, fuogen, fay, aptare, jangero; veiea a. r. 396; fte s. s. ed. Wr. 2981; vie treat. 139; vlep fpres.) Beh. 658; feide pe lemes tO tire licame horn. 2, 25; mannes 21 162 fe3unge felaje bodi3 fejed is of fopre kinne shafte Orm. 11501; comp. i-, tofe3en. feahunge ornatus, h. m. 43. Teiunge^ A. Sax. fegung(?), Germ, fiigung, jundura, a. r. 78. feh see feoh. feht, A. Sax. (ge)feoht, O.B.Gdrm. (gi)felit, jiglit (f eight), pugna, Kath. 608; pet fecht, pis fecht hom. 1, 151; fejt a. p. 2, 275; feht, feiM, feoM, fiht Lay 172, 407, 1744 8f 18693; fiht Havel 2668; pat fiht G. I. 973; viht a. r. 358; Yi^i ayenh. 180; comp. ifeht. fihtlac 0. a. n. 1699. fehten^ A. Sax. feohtan, 0. Fris. fiuchta, fiochta, O.H.Germ. fehtan, fight ff eight J, pugnare, Kath. 603; fehten, fihten Lay 1359 Sf 1580; fejte ant. Arth. XXXII, 8; feightin, feitin prompt. 153; fihten Ic. T. 1078; fms. fihhtenn) Orm. 1842; fihte, vijte o. a. n. 172; vijte ayenh. 15; (heo) vihted fpres.J a. r. 268; feaht, faht fpret.J Lay 1591 8f 4353; faht Marh. 2; fajt Roh. 274, 6; fagt st. gen. 3386; faght Odav. 535; fauht Man. 170, 19; faught Rich. 5677; fawt Tor. 668; fuhten Lay 14037; a. r. 196; fouhten Havel. 2661 ; fo3tun ant. Arth. XLIV, 13; foghten (part.) Min. 20; foghtin Eglam. 439; comp. for-, ifehten. feightare^ A. Sax. feohtere, O.H.Germ. feh- tari, fighter, ^'■pugnator\ prompt. 153. fci, O.Fr. fez, faith (fay), fides, Beh. 2062; Havel. 255; sacram. 589; fai Legrev. 428; feid st. gen. 2678; feip p. I. s. XXV, 136; Mand. 18; Eglam. 440. fcide, M.Lat. faida, feud (feid), Alis. 96. feic see i^'T^Q. feien see fe3en and feo3eii. feicr see fae3er. feih, fei3 see feoh. fein see f8e3eii. feinin^ O.Fr. feigner, feign, prompt. 153; feine Chauc. C. t. a 736; pi, cr. 273. feint see faint. feire, O.Fr. feire, fair, mercatus, Flor. a. Bl. 216; Mxe, faireLangl. 5, 119 (205). feid" see fei. fel, A.Sax. fel, fell, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. 0. H.Germ. fel gen. felles, Goth, (prusts)fill n., Lat. pellis, Gr. iziWa /., fell, pellis, Kath. 1617; Will. 1720; s. s, ed. Wr. 2483; L T. 752; fms. fell) Orm. 10441; fel ''pellem, Wicl. J oh 2; pet fel Hich. thes. 1, 227; fel, vel a. r. 362 Sf 364; vel 0. a. n. 830; felle (dat.) Gaw. 1359; pr. c. 82; velle ayenh. 210; a feyer ping of flesche and felle Eglam. 29; fellen (dat. pi.) hom. 1, 225; comp. barm-, bocfel. fel^ A.Sax. fell(?) Somn. diet., (pael)fel Greins gloss., 0. Butch fel Maerl. rh. gloss., O.Fr. fel Roquef. gloss., fell, ferox, trux, p. I. s. XXIV, 35; chron. Engl. 791; ayenh. 66; Rich. 4419; Chauc. C. t. 7584; Lidg. m. p. 145; a fel wind Langl. h 16, 31; fel and grim m. h. 123; felle (pi.) Wicl. J oh 36; felle frekes Langl, h 5, 170; mid hire felle wrenches Lay 5302''; wit wordez felle a. p. 1, 367; felle (adv.) Trist. 1, 9; he lokede felle Octov. 936; nas never feller fever Will. 897 ; felliste (superl.) ayenh. 61. felhede ayenh. 29. felli felly. Will. 3274; a. p. 2, 571; pr. c. 4449; Percev. 613. fel, O.Icel. fiall, fell, mons, m. h. 25; Be- grev. 1149; felle (dat.) Gaw. 723; d. Arth. 2489; felles (pi.) ant. Arth. I, 8. fela^e, O.Icel. felagi, fellow, socius, Horn ed. Lum. 996; Shoreh. 161; felage st. gen. 1761; felaghe pr. c. 5485; vela3e ayenh. 36; fela3e, felape hom. 1, 187 8f 201; felawe Alis. 2255; Langl. h 7, 12; Chauc. C. t. a 395; Percev. 460; felape, feolape a. r. 114; felowe Mand. 24; fe- la3es (pi) Gaw. 1702; felahes Kath. 2339. veolauliche fellowly, a. r. 38. feld fellen 163 veolaureden fms. -redden) company, a. r. 106; vela^rede ayenl. 9; felawrede Rich. 3137; k. T. 956; felaurade Horn 174. felajschip fellowship, a. p. 2, 271; felap- scipe horn. 1, 185; feolauschipe a. r. 160. feld, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. feld, O.Fris. feld, field, 0. JI. Germ, felt, feld, field, campus, Orm. 14568; spec. 105; Langl. 1, 2; Mand. 50; Degrev. 269; pene feld La^. 15285; a veld 17156; pen feld Roh. 213, 2; veld a. r. 102; feld, feeld Chauc. a t. a 886; feild AUs. 3403; fild Per- cev. 1679; Tor. 3; Amad. ed. Robs. XVI, 11; felde fdat.J o. a. n. 1714; vselde Lay 15188. felden see fealden. fele, A.Sax. fela, "feola, feala, O.Fris. felo, O.L.Germ. filu, filo, O.H.Germ. filu, filo, file, Goth, filu, Gr. tioXo, feil ffielj, mul- turn, Shoreh. 16; Will. 5; a, p. 1, 21; m. Arth. 6; ant. Arth. XXI, 2; peer pseren fele gode men Orm. 55; pe wise mon mid fewe word(e) can fele biltiken rel. ant. 1, 183; hii fele ger st. gen. 2400; fele wordes Langl I 3, 338; fele sipe LFavel. 778; per vreore feondes to feole (fale) La-i,. 1286; & alle pa uncude to hire comen of wel feola (fale) londe 2450; fele (fale) jere 13733; vale pti- send 22350; feole Kath. 89; Jos. 18; feole (veole) siden a. r. 236 Sf 320; fele, feale p. I. s. VIII, 5 Sf 35; fele (veole) peode o. a. n. 387; of so feole (fele) pinge 1772; spa vale pise 1663; fele, vale Rol. 9, 19 Sf 200, 11; fale EicJc. thes. 1, 232. feolefeld multiplex. Lay 4249; feolevold a. r. 180. felefaldien multiply ; felefaldes fpres.J ps. 11, 9. U\e, A.Sax. fele(leas), O.Fris. fele, feel, tactus, sensus: reaves me fele of pine horn. 1, 285. fele, A. Sax. (unge)fele(?), sensible ? comp. edfele. fele see faele. felefare, A. Sax. feolufor, fealafor fturdus pilar is J, O.H.Germ. felefor fonocrotalusj? fieldfare ff elf are, feldefare); felfare, felde- fare prompt. 154; feldefare Chauc. r. r. 5510; feldfares fpl.J Will. 183. felen, A.Sax. feolan pret. fealh, O.Icel. fela fcondere, celarej, 0. Fris. (bi)fella, 0. L. Germ, (bi)felhen, O.H.Germ. felahan (con- derej, Goth, filhan (xpuTixstv, ^auxsiv), feal, celare; fele d. Arth. 3237; pat go- des gift fra man wil fele (printed sele) m. h. 3; fele fpres.J a. p. 2, 914; Town, myst. 67; comp. bifelen. feleii, A.Sax. felan, O.Fris. fela, O.L.Germ. (ge)f6lien, O.H.Germ. fuolen, fualen, feel, sentire, Gow. 3, 281; fele a. p. 2, 107; apol. 1; veled fpres.J a. r. 178; felde f pret, J Rob. 17, 13; Shoreh. 86; felte Chauc. C. t. 12449; feled fpart.J spec. 68; comp. ifelen. fely, A.Sax. felb, fealh, ''occa\ voc. 180. fel^e, A.Sax. felge, O.Dutch velge, O.H. Germ, felga, felly f fellow J; felwe ^^can- thus\ prompt. 154; felo we voc. 234; fe- lien fpl.J Kath. 1944; felies Wicl. 3 hings 7 . felinge, felunge. Germ, ftilung, feeling, a. r. 114; velinge ayenb. 241. fellen, A.Sax. fellan, fyllan, O.L.Germ. fel- lian, fellean, fellien, 0. H. Germ, fellen, O.Icel. fella, from fallen, fell, p. s. 189; fellin ^^dejicere\ prompt. 154; felle Jos. 368; m. h. 45; walles felle o. a. n. 767; felle an Oke Chauc. C. t. a 1702; fellen, fallen, feoUen Lay 4204, 5632 Sf 8600; velle, fulle /. h. r. 30; he let fuUe pe grete tren Rob. 170, 14; felde, fselde, feolde, fulde f pret. J Lay 1716, 1917, 3710 Sf 4089; felde Rob. 70, 13; Havel. 1859; felden AUs. 5844; feolden chron. Engl. 94; comp. ar, bi-, ifellen. 164 fellen feor fellen see Mien. feloun^ O.Fr. felon, felon^ Beh. 565; ayenb. 29. felonie^ O.Fr. felonie, felony, p. 1. s. XIII, 97; ayenb. 149. felt, A.Sax. felt(?), O.Butch vilt, O.S.Germ. filz, felt, prompt. 154; a. p. 2, 1689. felten, M.H.Genn. vilzen, felt; felted botis p. 26, 4. feltreii, Ital. feltrare, Fr. feutrer, felter; filter fpres.J a. p. 2, 696; felterd f part. J Town, my St. 85; filtered d. Arth. 1078. fel|)e see fulde. femen see famien. feu, A.Sax. fenn n. m., O.Icel. fen n., 0. Fris. fenne m., O.H.Germ. fenna /., Goth. fani n., fen, lutum, palus, st. gen. 490; spec. 54; pr. c. 566; pet fule fen horn. 1, 81; a ful deop fen misc. 150; ven a. r. 138; fenne fdat.J La-^,. 21741; venne 0. a. n. 832; comp. laje-, morfen. fenvern ^^salvia\ voc. 139. fend see feond. fenel, fenkil, A.Sax. finul, fenol, Lat. feni- culum, fennel ffinhlej, prompt. 155; fin- kil voc. 191. fenelseed Langl. 5, 156 {313 J. fenestre, 0. Fr. fenestre, fenestra, Brand. 15; Langl h 18, 15. feng, A.Sax. feng, O.Icel. fengr, from fan- gen, captio, captwra, Jiom. 1, 39; fenges (gen.) La-^. 8610; fenge fdat.J o. a. n. 1285. fenni, A.Sax. O.H.Germ. fennig, fenny, a. p. 2, 1113. fco, M. Lai. feudum, fee (feu), Alis. 7963; fee prompt. 152; fees (pi.) a. p. 2, 960. feo^en, A.Sax. feo^an, O.H.Germ. fien, 0. Icel. fia, Goth, fijan, hate, he at enmity: wip freomen pu art ferli feid misc. 86; comp. ifeojen; deriv. feond. feoh, A.Sax. feoh, O.Icel. fe, O.Fris. fia, 0. L. Germ, fehu, 0. H. Germ, fihu, Goth. faihu, Lat. pecus, fee, pecus, "pecunia\ fragm. 4, 20; feoh (feo) Lay 4429; feh p. s. 152; (ms. fehh) Orm. 3279; feih a. r. 326; fei3, fey c. I. 467; fe Havel. 386; and gaf him lond and agte and fe st. gen. 783; fee Cham. C. t. 6279; Isumh. 90; Fglam. 294 ; liirdes that kepe thar fee mir. pi. 95; ml gold and fee sacram. 382. feoht see feht. feole see fele. feond, A. Sax. feond, 0. L. Germ, fiond, 0. Fris. fiand, fiund, O.H.Germ. fiant, fient, Goth, fijands, O.Icel. fiandi, from feo3en, fiend, '^osor, hostis\ fragm. 5, 5; spec. 93; pe feond hine ferede La^. 237; feond he wes pes kinges 11352; veond a. r. 66; feond, fend c. I. 893; fend Orm. 12354; Fglam. 564; sacram. 884; feend Mand. 87; find Tor. 991; Aud. 2; feond fpl.) Lay 10311 ; viendes ayenh. 79; feonden (dat. pi.) Lay 373; comp. ifeond. feondliche fiendly, Lay 85; fendli Wicl. James 3. feondrses hostile course. Lay 23960. feondscade Lay 26039. feondscipe, A.Sax. feondscipe, O.L.Germ.- fiunds'cepi, enmity, Lay 7714. feondslseht Lay 16456. feor, O.Fr. four, price, hom. 1, 287; a. r. 398; feore (dat.) c. I. 1091. feor, A.Sax. feorh gen. feores, O.Icel. fior, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. ferah, vita: pa ich wes an yore (= veore ?) Mtene ^ere Lay 15700. feor, A.Sax. feorr, fyrr (procul, longinquus, remotus), O.L.Germ. ferr, fer, O.Fris. fir (procul), 0. H. Germ, fer, ferro (procul), ferrer (remotus), 0. Icel. fiarri (procul), fiarr (remotus), Goth, fairra (Tcoppw), Lat. porro, Gr. Tcoppo), far .(vur), c._ I. 1304; Alis. 3851 ; pe nes n6ht feor (for) from heom Lay 543; he ferde to feor 1720; feor, veor a. r. 76 Sf 104; feor, fer Orm. 6986 Sf 8473; feor, veor, for o. a. n. feorme — 398 Sf 710; fer "procut\ prompt. 156; Havel 359; Iw. 1815; a. p. 1, 334; j,r, c. 3895; fur p, L s. /, 50; of feor a longinquo, hom. 1, 247; a fer afar, Gow. 1, 314; hi stOde a fur p. I. «• XVIII, 43; 'he ver hy far, ayenb. 112; of ferre londe Rol. 331, 19; into ferre londes Will. 155; into verre stedes a- yenh. 204; on ferrum (dat. pL?J Gaw. 1575; m. h. XXI; o ferrum Min. 29; ferrom Mand. 271; fir, 0. Icel. firr, ("compj Mark. 10, i; fir & neor hom. 1, 137; fur a. r. 192; fur and ner treat. 133; ferre, O.Fris. firra, ferra, Will. 2613; ferre, firre a. p. 2, 97 Sf 7.66; ac furre fleep p. I. s. XXXV, 132 j ferrer, O.K. Germ, ferror, Man. 44, 25; Iw. 1813; panne walkede 1 ferrer pi. cr. 207; ferrer forth pr. c. 2329; fer- rest, O.K. Germ, ferrost, fsuperlj Will 2433; it strecchep ferrest Alis. 4826; \, pe ferreste Chauc. C. t. a 494; pe fer- reste ende Kath. 1565. furwei, O.L.Germ. ferweg, via longinqua? er he a furwei com Beh. 1226. feorme, A. Sax. feorm, repast, banquet, lay 14432; ferme rel. ant. 1, 131. feorren, A.Sax. feorran, O.I. Germ, ferran, ferrane, O.H.Germ. ferron, ferrana, pro- cul, e longinquo: pa ise^en heo nawiht feorren (vorre) a muchel fur smolden La^. 25733; pet stod er veorren a. r. 288; pe Sonne and mCne and mani(e) sterren bl easte arlsep swipe ferren Shoreh. 137; of feorren icumen hom. 1, 249; is feor- l rene ikumen a. r. 70; of ferrene ifat I Xath. 1296; fro feme Havel. 1864; Hob. ^ 193, 3; fro ferre Gow. 3, 95; ferrene kinges feme Tconige, Lay 3331; of ferre- ne (forne) londe 5328; of furrene londe p. I. s. XIX, 20; to feme halwes Chauc. C. t. a 14. feorren, A.Sax. feorran, fyrran, O.H.Germ. firren, OJcel. firra, remove; ferre ps. 51, feower 165 7; verrep /"presj ayenb. 178; firres f? print- ed firnes) a. r. 76''; iverred fpart.J a- yenb. 240. feorsien, A.Sax. feorsian, fyrsian, remove; fersen Orm. 14198; firsin Jul. 16; fur- sed fpres.j a. r. 76; comp. afursien. feorS'e, A.Sax. feorda, O.L.Germ. fiortho, O.loel. fiordi, a. H. Germ, fiordo, fierdo, fourth, quartus, Lay 3311; veorde a. r. 228; feorpe, ferpe Orm. 530 ^ 4318; fierde hom. 1, 237; ferpe Gow. 3, 113; Chauc. C. t. 5946; Percev. 1118; ferpe, fierthe La^igl. b 19, 293; furpe Beh. 587; chron. Engl. 429; Alis. 52; fourpe Mand. 234. fer|)iiig, A.Sax. feording, feordung, O.Icel. fiord ungr, farthing, quadrans, Langl. 4, 41 {54 J; verping Rob. 507, 1; ferthing Chauc. C. t. a 134. feower, A.Sax. feoper, feder-, fyder-, 0. Fris. flower, fiuwer, O.L,Germ. fiuwar, fiar, fior, O.H.Germ. fior, fier, fiari, fiere m. f, fioru n., 0. Icel. fiorir, fiorar, fio- gur, Goth, fidvor dat. fidvorim, fidur-, Welsh pedwar, pedair, four (vowerj, qua- tuor; feower, feouwer, fower, feour, four Lay 25, 194, 1902, 2092 Sf 25395; feoper, fouper hom. 1, 49 Sf 159; vor, your (fouper) <7. r. 160 Sf 172; vour ayenb. 124' fopre Orm. 507; fowre, foure st, gen. 559 Sf 816; alle foure BeJc. 2395. federfoted four-footed, hom. 1, 43. feowernoked four-nooled. Lay 21999. feowertene, A.Sax. feopertene, -tyne, Goth. MNQxi2:ih\m, fourtee7i. Lay 2567 5; your- tene Rob. 279, 3. fourteope, A.Sax. feoperteoda, fourteenthy Brand. 15; fourtepe Rob. 300, 13. feowerti, A.Sax. feopertig, O.L.Germ. fi- war-, fiartig, Goth, fidyortigjus, forty, Lay 31932; fopertij Orm. 15594; feorti3 hom. 1, 227; fourti treat. 139. fowerti3pe, A.Sax. feopertigoda, fortieth, proclam. 8; yourta3te ayenb. 13. 166 fer ferme fer see fa^/ and feor. fer see fser and fur. ferde, A. Sax. ferd, fyrd, O.Fris. ferd, 0. Icel. ferd, O.L.Germ. fard ^^w. ferdi, 0, JS.Germ. fart ^,. 9177; Mia Kath. 720; fet f part. J rel. ant. 1, 128; Langl. 14569; Chauc. C. t. a 819; comp. ifetten. fetis, O.Fr. fetis, faitis, faictis, well made. Will. 126; Chauc. C. t. a 157. fetlak, Germ, feszlach? fetlock; feetlakes (pi.) Rich. 5816; fitlokes Arth. a. Merl. 5902. fetlen fettle, parare; fetled (part.) Gaw. 656; feteled d. Arth. 2149; fetild Town. myst. 309. fetles, A.Sax. fsQtels (halteus)? vasculum, Orm. 14450; vetles a. r. 164; a strong vetles 168 fetten file Marg. 207; fetles, feteles st. gen. 561 . Sf 1225. fetten see fatten and fetien. fetiire, O.Fr. feture, faiture, feature; fettl- res fplj Will. 857; Gaw. 145. feifer see feower. fej»ere^ A. Sax. feder, fider /. w., 0. Icel. fiodr, O.L.Germ. fethera, O.II.Germ. federa /., Gr. TiTspov n., feather ffitherj, penna, La^. 49; feper o. a. n. 1688; feper, fe- pere Chduc. C. t. a 2144; fedir prompt. 152; voc. 221; fiper a. p. 2, 1026; ve- deren fpl.j a. r. 140; veperen ayenh. 270. feperbed feather-hed, a. p. 3, 158. federhome (feperhame) Lay 2874; feper- hoine horn, i, 81. feiterien^ A.Sax. (ge)fiderian, feather; fepe- red f part. J Will. 191; comp. ifiderien. feitme see fadme. veflreii, from foder, charge, a. r. 140; i- vedred (ifedered) pet is i charged 204. fevre see fefre. fewc see feawe. fi^ M.ILGerm.il, fy (fie), Will. 481; s. s. ed. Weh. 1599; k. T. 612. ficchen^ O.Fr. ficher, fix, Chauc. Boet. 2446; fichede fpret.J d. -Arth. 4239. ficheu^ O.Fr. fissel? fitchew, pi. cr. 295. fieii see fe5en. fier see fur. fieriTe see feorde. fit A.Sax. fif, fife, O.L.Germ. fif, fivi, 0. Fris. fif, O.II.Germ. fimf, finf, fimfi, finfi, Goth, fimf, O.Icel. fimm, Gr. ttIjitis, Welsh pump, five, quinque, h. T. 1017 ; a. p. 1, 848; fifjereX^^. 11675; mid fif hund- red cnihten 1425; fif monep Orm. 233; vlf a. r. 26; purh fife grimme pundes Orm. 1443; betere is on almesse before panne ben after vive p. I. s. VIII, 14; cnihtes sunen vive La-^. 13993 ; pe vor- meste vive a. r. 32. fififeald, O.II.Germ. finffalter, fivefold, horn. 2, 35; fiffald Orm. 7836. fiftene, A.Sax. fiftene, -tyne, fifteen, quiu' decim. Lay 301; Roh. 70, 20. vifteo])e fifteenth, p. I. s. XII, 142; fif- tepe Degrev. 1869; fiftende Orm. 9170. fiftij, A. Sax. fiftig, fifty, quinquaginta, Orm. 8102; fifti Lay 1285. fifteo3ade fiftieth, hom. 1, 89; fiftugede 2, 117. fifte, A.Sax. O.Fris. fifta, O.II.Germ. finf- to, fimfto, O.Icel. fimti, fifth ffiftj, qmn- tus, st. gen. 159; Will. 1322; Langl. h 14, 298; pr. c. 3088; vifte a. r. 110. fige, Fr. figue, fig, Mand. 50; figes fpl.J a. r. 150. iigQixQ fig-tree, prompt. 159; figetree Wicl. John 1. figure^ Fr. figure, figure, ayenh. 234. fihteu see fehten. iikel, A. Sax. ficol, ficUe, dolosus, Havel. 1210; Alis. 2661; Langl. 3, 117 (12 Ij; transact. 18, 22; a. p. 3, 283; pr. c. 1088 ; fikel and fals hom. 1, 185; vikel misc. 93; fildl s. s. ed. Wr. 985; pis fikele porld h. m. 7 ; fikele & spikele reades a. r. 268. fikelliche ficMy: fike(l)li pai dide ^'dolose agehant'\ ps. 5, 11. fikelare^ vikelare adulator, a. r. 84 ^' 86. iikelien adulari; fikele Roh. 31, 18; vike- led (pres.) a. r. 84 ^^ 198; fikelinde (part.) hom. 1, 253. fikeluuge adulatio, a. r. 82; fikeiing Roh. 30, 16. fikien^ A.Sax. (be)fician, O.Icel. fikaz (ap- petere)? fike (fivh); fikin aboute ^'■vagari', prompt. 162; a wai fike Rich. 47 49; fi- ke adulari, spec. 46; nuUe we nout mit te fike (nugari?) Hick. thes. 1, 225; pu fikest (adularis) Marh. 13, 21; fiked mid te heaved & stinged mid te telle a. r. 206; fiked & fonded al his migt rel. ant. 1, 223; vikiinde (part.) a. r. 256' fiked (pret.) Gaw. 2274. file, A.Sax. feol, O.II.Germ. fila, fihala, file firs 169 pe^ ^Hima\ prompt. 160; Cham. C. t. a 2608; vile, file a. r. 184. vilcveste a. r. 244. file file, ivorthJess person, Man. 96, 17 ; Min. 31; rel ant. 1, 194; fiile file Havel 2499; fals file IlaUhv. diet. 366. fileii see ffilen. iilet, 0. Fr. filet, fillet, Chauc. C. t. a 3243. iilghcu see fol3en. filiii^ O.lI.Germ. h\o\\, file, Himare', prompt. 160; file Chauc. p. f. 212; vlled fpres.J a. r. 184; filed fpaH.J Gaw. 2226; i- viled a. r. 284. Hllc, A. Sax. fille voc. 79, serpyllum, spec. 44; worp a fille Hob. 297, 11; Belc. 946. Hllc see fuUe. fiiiii^ A.Sax. film, film, '^foUicuIus\ prompt. 160. iilstcu see fulsteii, under fill. iiltreu see feltren. fil|)e see fCilde. fin, O.Fr. fin, finis, misc. 144; liar el. 22. fill, M.H.Germ. fin, vlu, O.Icel. finn, O.Fr. fin, fiyie, chron. Engl. 628; spec. 62; Alls. 2667 ; Octov. 17 64; fineste fsuperl.J Langl. h 2, 9. finliche finely, c. I. 1132; Will. 768. finch, A.Sax. fine, O.lI.Germ. finco, finch, Chauc. C. t. a 662 ; comp. chaf-, goldfinch. iinde? comp. earfedfinde. findcn, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ. findan, O.Fris. finda, Goth, finpan, O.Icel. finna, find, invenire, La\ 1232; Orm. 383; an. lit. 3; finde o. a. n. 470; hi heten him sikernisse finde. ^^^. 800; vinded/>r^sy La'i,. 21780; vint o. a. n. 696; ayenh. 74; fand (pret.) Trist. 1, 62; Iw. 1706; Isuml. 374; fond st. gen. 440; Langl. 9926; Chauc. C. t. a 663; Mand. 220; ich him fond Jigge Brand. 27; vond a. r. 268; funden Za^. 277; Orm. 3398; St. gen. 2948; Havel 602; fonde Brand. 6; funde fsubj.J p. I s. VIII, 34; Orm. 833; funden (part.) Iw. 1734; pr. c. 4608; avow. Arth. LVI, 12: funden, funde Havel 1427 Sf 2376; founden Chauc. Troil 6603; fonden Percev. 1902; comp. a-, ifinden; deriv. fand(?), fandien, fundien. iiuflare finder, ^Hnventor\ prompt. 161. iinili^ see fundi. iinding, O.lI.Germ. (ar)finduiiga, finding, in- ventio, Wicl. wisd. 14. findles, fundles, Djn. findelse, invention, a. r. 6 Sf 8. find ling see fundeling. fiuen, 0. Fr. finer, finire; fine Horn ed. Lum. 262; fined ^pret.J a. p. 2, 460. finger, A.Sax. O.Fris. finger, O.lI.Germ. finger, fingar, O.Icel fingr, Goth, figgrs, finger, digitus, c. I 1104; fingres fplj Bek. 1194; vingres a. r. 290; fingren (dat. pi) Lay 49. fingerneil horn. 1, 281. fiiigirling. Germ, fingerling, ^'■digitahulum', prompt. 161. finlssen, Fr. finir, finish; finischid (part. J Will 6398. finnc, A.Sax. finn, 0. Butch vinne, Lat. pin- na, fin, voc. 221; prompt. 161; a. p. 2, 631; finnes fplj Marh. 9; vinnes Alis. 6691 fiole, Fr. fiole, Lat. phiala, vial, Wicl. numh. 7 . fir see fur. finne see forme. firmament, Fr. firmament, firmament, st. gen. 96; Bob. 112, 19. firre, A.Sax. furh(?), O.H.Germ. forha, foraha, O.Icel fura, fyra, fir, ^^abies\ voc. 228; Chauc. C. t. a 2921; firris fplj Wicl. 4 kings 19. firretre fir-tree, voc. 192. firren abiegmis: a fixxQ^Q ^qvjq Havel 207 8 firren see feorr^n. firs, A.Sax. fyre frhamnusj voc. 80, fyrsas frubosj Greins gloss. 1, 364, furze; firse ^^saliunculd\ Wicl. Is. 66; with a wispe of firsen (firses) Langl 6, 196 (361). 22 170 firsien fl&sh firsieu see feorsien. first, A, Sax. first, fyrst, O.H.Germ. first fculmenj, ^Haquear\ fragm. 4, S. first see frist and furst. iis, Sived. fis, Dan. fiis, flatus, voe. 209; see ftst. fisch, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.ILGerm. fisc, 0. IceL fiskr, Goth, fisks, Lat. piscis, flsh, Brand. 8; fiscli . . . whon pe worm lie swolewep c. I. 1129; fisc (fis) La>y 1235; fis st. gen. 162 ; fis, fihs o. a. n. 1007; Yiss lich. 265, 9; pane viss ayenh. 50; fisches (gen.) Brand. 11; fi^>ches fpl.J Lay 2009; Shoreh. 146; fishes LangJ. h 15, 581; fiskes Orm. 13297; fisses Ilich. thes. 1, 223; st. gen. 2945; fiiscen fdat. pi J La-). 21743; fische 3Iand. 103. fiscbrowe ^^garuni\ voc. 241. fisdileep "nassa\ prompt. 163. Ilshere, A. Sax. fiscere, 0. IT. Germ, fiscari, flsher, pif.eator, Horn ed. Hits. 1134; Havel. 2230; fiscsere Lay 9083; fischare prompt. 162; fixere horn. 1, 97; vissere ayenh. 50; fischeris fpl.J Wiel. Is. 19. fischej), A. Sax. fiscad, Lat. piscatus: (h)is men were iwend a vissep Itoh. 264, 22. fischiii, A. Sax. fiscian, 0. Icel. fiskja, 0. II. Germ, fiscon, Goth, fiskon, fish, ^^piscari", prompt. 163; fissen Hern ed. Lum. 1136; fischede fpret J p. I. s. XX, 3. fischiiige fishing: pat bep ago ... a vissin- ge liob. 265, 8. fisiciaii, 0. Fr. fisicien, phisicien, physician, ayenh. 172. fisike, O.Fr. fisique, ^\n&i({\ie, physic, ayenh. 53. fiskcii fisic: fiskin aboute ^'■vagari', prompt. 162; fiskep ... aboute Langl. ed. Whit. 155; lie fiskez hem bifore Gaw. 1704. fiist, 0. Dutch vist (vijst), fyd (foist), fla- tus, prompt. 163. fiistin, Germ, fisten, 0. Dutch visten, fyst (foist), flatimi edere, prompt. 163. lit flt, ^'■congruus\ prompt. 163; his fitte (par?) 0. a. n. 784. fetli fltly? Gate. 1758. fit, fitte? A.Sax. fitt Greiiis gloss. 1, 300, flt, certamen, Chauc. C. t. a 4230; fifct Eglam. 254. fitereii? fitered elopes Mire 1146. fitiii, fittin ? fltten, ^^mendacimn\ prompt. 163, iltte, A. Sax. fitt, cantiis, carmen, Langl. a 1, 139; fitt(e) Eglam. 344. fitteii, O.Dutch vitten, flt; fittes (pres.) d. Arth. 1989; fittid (part.) 2455. fijielc, M.Lat. fidula, from Lat. fidis, flddU, Bra d. 9; Beves 3735; Langl. 5374; fi- thele Chauc. C. t. a 296; fipelen (dat. pi) Lay 3642. fil>clen flddle, Langl. 8488. fij}elerc flddler, Langl. 5791. fixeue, 0. H. Germ, fuchsin, vixen, HalUw. diet. 359. fia, A.Sfx. fla, teliim, sagitta: ane fla (flO) Lay 1456; flaa a. r. 60^; flo ''telum'\ fragm. 4, 31; Chauc. C. t. 17213; s. a. c. X, 20; flan (pi.) Lay 1844; flon lloh. 394, 18; floon Gam. 648; see flan. ilackcii, O.J)atchy\?iQ\<.Qn, /S^^^^(^. flacka, flack, palpitare: her colde brest began to hete her herte al so to flacke and bete Goxo, o o -I - O, Ol'J. W'kvAf O.Icel. flserd, /re, O.lI.Germ. flado ace. fladon, flat cake; flapen (pi.) voc. 127; see flaun. flaun, O.Fr. flaon, — flape, flawn, voc. 241 ; prompt. 164; flaunes (pi.) Havel. 644. flawe sje fla3e. flax, A.Sax. fleax, O.Fris. flax, O.lI.Germ. flahs, flax, "limm\ prompt. 164; voc. 156; flax, flex Chauc. C. t. a 676; flex Langl. b 6, 13; vlexe (dat.) ayenb. 236. flaxbolle, Germ, flachsbolle, voc. 126. flea, A.Sax. flea, O.Icel. flo, O.lI.Germ. floh, flea; flee "pulex\ prompt. 165; fle Hick. \hes. 1, 231; flee (pi.) p. I. s. I, 5. flewort, A.Sax. fleapyrt, flea-wart, Ilalliw. diet. 362. fleam, A.Sax. fleam, O.lI.Germ. floum, 0. Icel. flaumr, from fleon, fuga: fleam ma- kian La-^. 1577; he nam flem 8857; pe grete flem (cursus?) of pi flod a. p. 3, 309; fleme (flem?) Alis. 4341; tornq . . . in fleme ps. 88, 24. flean, A.Sax. flean, O.Dutch vlan, vlagen, O.Icel. fla, flay (flea): he heom lette qvic flan (flean) Lay 6418; flea Shoreh. 97; ^0 Horn 92; p. s. 191; fleen "excoriare\ prompt. 166; UtiAUs. 1734; Will. 1682; flep (pres.) c. I. 1308; flogh (pret.) Iw 1699; flow Havel. 2502; Man. 12452; vl63en Lay 20957; flawin, flain (part.) prompt. 163; flain rel. ant. 1, 152; pr. c. 9520; mir. pi. 119; vla3e ayenh. 73; iflawe Alis. 894; ivlajene (pi.) Lay 27377; comp. biflean; deriv. fla3e? fla3t? flear flayer, "excoriator\ prompt. 165. fleccheu, Fr. flechir? p. s. 344; flecchep 172 flecked fieo^en fpres.J I. h. r. 137 ; flechclii fsiibjunot.J ayenb. 263; ^^Q>Qh%(XQ fpret.J p. I. s. XV, 116. fleckeil^ O.lI.Germ. flecchoter, flecked, macn- losus: a flekked pie Cham. C. t. 9722; fleckede feperes Langh 7234. tledeii^ O.Icel. Jloeda, O.lhdch vloeden, M. II. Germ, vluoten, from flod, fluctuare, fluere, Mark. 9, 34; }.)a s& vleded La'^,. 22019; |3e eadie flod pet of ham fiedde horn. 1, 209; comp. bifleden. nedeii^ O.Dutch \liedei\? fu (/ere; fledde (pret.) fled, st. gen. 3384; Havel. 1431; vledde 'ayenh. 204; fledden Langl. 2, 209 {233 J; ( %auG. C. t. a 2930; fled (part. J Degrev. 319. fledge fl(fg, '^acorns', prompt. KJo. Ile^e^ O.Icel. fley? navis; fleyen fpl.J Octov. 1671. Ile^e see fleo3e. lle^cii, A.Sax. flegan, fl^gan, O.Icel. fleyja, O.lI.Germ. (ar)flaugen, fley f flay J, fagare: fleide a pei pat fearlac Kath. 1602; flayed a. p. 2, 960; m. h. 69; flayed {part. J mir. pi. 122; comp. afle3eii. (le^eii 8ee fleo3en. lie^l, O.H.Germ. flegil, O.Dutch Ylegel, 0. Fr. flayel, Lat. flagelliim, flail, Orm. 1000; fleil ^'■flagellmn, tribulum\ prompt. 16 o; fleiles, flailes (pi.) Langl. 6, 187 (7, 174). fleilcappe, Germ, flegelkappe, prompt. 165. neke^ O.Icel. fleki, fleah, ''crates', voc. 234; prompt. 16 d; flekes (pi.) Man. 321, 8. flekcii, O.Icel. floekja (intricare)? pei fleked pam over thvert Man. 241 , 3. flckcren see flikeren. (leni fee fleam. Heme, A.Sax. flema, fly^ma, from fleon, pro- fugus, horn. 1, 157 ; Horn ed. Lum. 127 1; six 3er and a monp he was flemo Beh. 1850; flgemen (pi) La-^. 5952. ilenien^ A.Sax. fleman, flyman, O.Icel. fl€iiclieii, A. Sax. forpencan, O.H.Germ, ferdenchen, repent? (he) him ssel perof vorpenche ayenh. 5; hit ne ssel pe vor- penche (= forpunche) 169; his dediis him sore forpo;^te (= forptihte ?) Amad. ed. Rols. Xrill, S. forprgesteii, A. Sax. forpr£estaii(?), distort; forprast fpart.J a. p. 2, 249. forprawen tJirow away; vorprawe ayenh. 86. forpringen, A. Sax. forpringan, oppress; forprungen fpart.J Orm. 6169. forpunchen forthink, displicere; vordenche IlicTc. tlies. 1, 224; forpinkep fpres.J Langl 9, 129 flO, 168 J; pat forpinkep me Mand. 303; me forpinkep pat 1 so did(e) m.Artk3849; forpinkes JFill. 6422. forpursten, Germ, ferdursten, siti conjici; forthirst (part.) prompt. 173; forprist Orm. 6679. forwaken ? forwaked exhausted with wahing, Will. 790; Chauc. C. t. 6016; forwakid Town. myst. 104. forwallen hoil away ; for|>alled fpres.J horn. 1, 261. forwandren? forwandred exhausted with wandering, Chauc. r. r. 3336. forwarjien maledicere; forpar3ed fpart.J Orm. 8048. forweaxen, A.Sax. forpeaxan, wax to ex- cess; forwoxen fpart.J Parten. 2990. forwelhen = forwelken; vorwelwed fpart.J I. h. r. 22. forweiken, Germ, ferwelken, emarcescere; forwelked fpart.J Chauc. r. r. 361. forwenden convertere; forwent fpart.J st. gen. 1121. forwenien, M.H.Germ. verwenen, forwean, spoil; forweni, forwanie Langl. b 6, 36; forpened fpart.J ham. 2, 41; forweined dep. R. 6, 11. forwepen? forwept exhausted with weeping^ Will. 2868. forweri excessively tvoary, Will. 2443 1 Chauc. r. r. 3336; m. Arth. 2901. vorwerien tvear out, La^. 14479; forwe- red fpart.J Chauc. r. r. 236; forwerd pi. cr. 736. forwerien weary out; forweried fparir.J st. gen. 3894. forwernen, A.Sax. forpyrnan, prohibit, re- fuse: hpi polde god spa litles pinges him forperne ham. 1, 221; forwurnen La^. 3497. forwerpen, A.Sax. forpeorpan, O.L.Germ. for-, farwerpan, 0. II. Germ, for-, far-, ferwerfan, reject, rel. ant. 1, 216; for- perpen Orm. 1320; vorp(e)orpen a. r. 120 ; forwarp fpret.J ps. 77, 60"^; for- porpen fpart.J Orm. 1393; vorporpen a. r. 366. forvvlenchen hecome proud? forwleint fpart.J spec. 24. forpreien, A.Sax. forpregan, accuse, p. I. s. VIII, 49; Jul. 46; forpreied fpart.J a. r. 172''. forwundien, A.Sax. forpundian, wound; forwundede fpret.J La\ 147 13; forwon- ded fpart.J Roh. 66, 3; forwounded Will. 3686; Chauc. r. r. 1830. forwundrien, Germ, ferwundern, amaze, a- stonish; forpundred fpart.J Orm. 3417; forwondrid m. t. 19; forwondret ant, Arth. XXVI, 9. forwurcheu, A.Sax. forpyrcan, O.L.Germ. for-, farwirkean, O.H.Germ. far-, ferwir- chen, -yiVLYchQux, perdere ; forporhte fpret.J horn. 1, 221; forworht fpart.J La"^. 16694; forproht Orm. 17 647 ; forwrogt st. gen. 266. forwurden, A.Sax. forpeordan, forpurdan O.H.Germ. fur-, for-, farwerdan, perish La\ 28426; vorpurden a. r. 210; for- worthe ps. 1, 6; forpurpep fpres.J Orm. 18826; forworthes pr. c. 780; forpurde for-' foren 185 fsuhjunctj Kath. 2101 ; forworden fpret.J La\ 1777; forpiirpen f part. J Orm. 19216; foi-porpe, furw(u)rpe o. a. n. 673. for-, Fr, for-. forfet, Fr. forfait, forfeit, Langl. a 4, 114. forfetin forfeit, prompt. 172. forfeture, Fr. forfaiture, forfeiture, Langl. h 4, 131. forain, O.Fr. foraiu, Joreign: foreine goodes Chmic. Boet. 851. forbischin, Fr. fourbir, farhish, prompt. 170, force, Fr. force, force, Will. 1217. forcer, 0,Fr. forcier, coffer. Will. 4432; s. s. ed. Wr. 2949. ford, A.lSax. ford, 0. II. Germ, furt, ford, ^^vadum'\ fragm. 3, 51; Trist. 3, 48; pene vord (ford) La^. 20159; ford, forp Wicl. genes. 32; ford, forde, forth, forthe Langl. 5, 576 (6, 57 J; forp a. p. 1, 150. fore, A. Sax. fore, 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ. fora, O.Fr is. fara, Goth, faura, fore fvorej, pro, prae, ante: pet tu fore ibeden havest Marh. 21 ; pat ich fore habbe imurned La\ 13472; non no spak him on word fore Alis. 4038; pis . . . perle . . . pe joueler jef fore alle his god a. p. 1, 733; (h)is sone pat al pe sorwe is fore Will. 2941 ; fore pe miracle pet hi seghe was here beliave ))e mOre istrengped misc. 30; pis Gilbert hire tolde fore Belc. 31; so stille and derne he was pe fend fore c. I. 1030; ich com ... for te parnin op fore hom. 1, 253; for pe welpe . . . 1 have him wrou3t fore Will. 2076; as pei fore seiden Jos. 208; pe vore izede Jon ayenh. 190; comp. her-, hwar-, paer- fore. forefader forefatlier; forefadres, forfadres fpl.J Langl. b 5, 501. forefbt forefoot; forefet />/.; Will. 3284. foregengle ancestor; voregenglen fpl.J La^. 25082. forgoere foregoer, Langl. 2, 162 (187 ). fore3eard foreyard; for^erd Wicl. E%. 10. foreheved forehead, Bel. 2200; vorheaved a. r. 18; forheved Fercev. 495; forheed Chauc. C. t. a 154. foresiht, 0. II. Germ, forasiht, foresight ; forsi3t, forsighte prompt. 17 1. vorespeche preface, ayenh. 5. foretaken, A. Sax. foretacen, 0. II. Germ. forazeichan, foretoken; fortaken Orm. 16157; foretoken Gow. 1, 131 ; fortocne hom. 2, 81. foretellen foretell: as he foretolde Langl. a 11, 165. foretop foretop; fortop treat. 137 . foretop foretooth; fortep (pi.) Flw\ 1609. forewal, A. Sax. forepeall, forewall, Wicl. Is. 26. foreward, A.Sax. forepeard, forward; fore- wardes Mand. 61. foreward, A.Sax. forepeard, O.Icel. for- vordr, agreemeyit, covenant, La-^. 23657 ; c. I. 1055; forepard a. r. 126; vore- pard 0. a. n. 1689; foreward, forward Langl. 6, 36 (7 , 38 J; forward Chauc. a t. a 829; m. Arth. 3695. forewit prescience? for wit Langl. b 5, 166. fore see furh. fore, A.Sax. for, 0. II. Germ, fuora, from faren, course, march, proceeding, expedition, St. gen. 2984; Rob. 386, 14; Alis. 2355; rel. ant. 1, 160; Brennes . . . heom beh aefter mid starkere fore La'^. 5568; pe cnihtes weoren on fore 5858; heo nOmen heore vore into pas kinges biire 13667; and so forleost pe hund his fore o. a. n. 817. foren, A.Sax. foran, O.L.Germ. foran, fora- na, O.H.Germ. forna, (bejfwe, ante: foren an his hsefde (ms. hafde) f(yrn an seinem haubte, La^. 23968; foren (forn) to his breoste 20121; forn a3a)n (ms. a3an) him 18528; pe3 token eft forn on tO serfen Orm. 553; forn a3ens Wicl. genes. 24 186 forest foster 16; spim |)u foren me horn. 1, 51; foren us to gon st. gen. 3541 ; comp. a-, aet-, bi-, toforen. forest, O.Fr. forest, forest, Chauc. C. t. a 1975; hi Je fr. 145. forester, forster, O.Fr. forestier, forester, Langl. h 17, 112; Cham. C. t.' a 117. forette, ferette, ltd. furetto, ferret, prompt. 171. forge, Fr. forge, forge, prompt. 172. forgin, Fr. forger, forge, prompt. 172. forghe see furli. forke, Lat. furca, forh, voc. ISO; spec. 110; forken f^pl.j La^. 21102; forkis dep. R. 8, 3. forme, Fr. forme, Lat. forma, form, prompt. 172; hi makede a forme p. I. s. XIII, 314; an hare whan he in forme li|) treat. 139. forme, A.Sax. forma, feorma, O.L.Germ. 0. Fris. forma, primus, Lay 4942; Orm. 14431; 0. a. n. 820; Alis. 1292; s. s. ed. JFeh. 1424; Jos. 685; pe forme man c. I. 1477; oure forme fader a. p. 1, 638; pr. c. 483; pe vorme dole a. r. 10; fp.rme p. s. W5; firme st. gen. 59; see frame. formiii, Fr. former, form, formare, prompt. 172. formest, A.Sax. formest, fyrmest, O.Fris. formest, foremost (formest). Will. 939; Langl. I 10, 215; seppen Adam formest sunne bigon c. I. 1140; formast a. p. 2, 494; furmest p. s. 154; firmest rel. ant. 1, 213 ; st. gen. 1472; pe formeste La-^. 6855; pet formeste liht hom. 1, 139; Tormest(e) a. r. 200. foriiaise, Fr. fournaise, furnace, ayenh. 74; furneise Jul. 32. forrier, 0. Fr.^ forrier, fourrier, ayenh. 195. forst see frost. foriT, A.Sax. ford, O.L.Germ. forth, ford, ford, O.Fris. forth, ford, M.lI.Germ. vort, forth: ford pe king wende Lay 25751; pe soulen ])et beod ford faren a. r. 30; vord bringen 66; he droh pat pitnessfe) forp Orm. 3078; farep for}) 6406; ford g6n 6'^. gen. 845; pat him hadde ifed & ... forp ibrojt p. I. s. XIII, 135; forp fare c. I. 218; Alis. 6937; ps. 10, 2; he hffehte heom ford riht Lay 25713; forp riht ... he fljfeh a ]7e3 Orm. 3196; 3if pu -pult peonne vord more vorhoten pine sunne a. r. 340; forspole^ed pene hoc ford mid ])an ese hom. 1, 123; so fer forp fram his men Will. 209; so ford ant so feor 3Iarh. 15; se ford Kath. 243; he pule to vord a. r. 294; vorp to usque ad. Bob. 7, 22; ford pet ic alegge pine feond ho7n. 1, 91; whanne it was forp dales flate in the day), Wicl. Mark 6. fordfare departure, decease. Lay 6009. vordjong, A.Sax. fordgang, progress, a, r. 318. fordsld, A.Sax. fordsid, departure, decease; vordside fdat.J hom. 1, 197 . forppard, A.Sax. fordpeard, forthward, protenus, Orm. 5226; forpward Beh. 674; Will. 3630; ford ward (forpwardes) heo wenden Lay 5370; vordpard a. r. 242. for J) see ford. for|)eu see furpen. forjier see furder. ford'ieii, A.Sax. fordian, promote, effect, exe- cute; forden st. gen. 341; rel. ant. 1, 212; forped fpjart.J Orm. 212; comp. a-, ful-, ifordien. for we see furh. foster, A. Sax. fostur, 0. Icel. fostr, from fode, foster, nutrimentum, Marh. 8, 9; freo monne foster f child J Kath. 451; Eleine min a3en voster Lay 25921; in oure fostre mir. pi. 194. fosterchild foster-child, fragm. 2, 21. fosterfajder foster-father, fragm. 2, 20; fosterfader Orm. 8855. fosterling fra- 187 vostermoder foster-mother, Lay 25899; Mark. 8, 30. fosterlings A. Sax. fosterling(?), fosterling, alumnus; fosterlinges fpl.J Lay 28574. fostre, A. Sax. fostre(?), O.Icel. fostra, nu- trix, st. gen. 2624. fostrien^ A. Sax. fostriaii('?), O.Icel. fostra, O.Dutch voedsteren, foster, nutrire, fragm. 8, 57; fostrin Marh. 2, 16; fostren fms. fosstrenn) Orm. 1558; fostre Chauc. C. t. 8469; ps. 54, 23; fostrej fpres.J a. r. 296; fOstrede fpret.J Lay 25858; fostred (part. J st. gen. 2618; Havel. 1434; lloccl. 1, 229. fostrild nutrix, a. r. 72. fot, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. fiit, O.Icel. fotr, Goth, fotus, 0. II. Germ, fuoz, Gr. Tiouc g&i^' Ttodoc, Lat. pes gen. pedis, }Velsh ped, Sanscr. T\fV gen. iX^^, foot, Orm. 11369; vot a. r. 194; pan vot Rol. 490, 14; & i pe leitende fur het parpen euch fot (man, per synecdochenj Kath. 1371; and ever ilk fot of hem slowe Havel. 2432; on fote a. p. 2, 79; fet fpl.J Lay 31973; Orm. 4775; chron. Engl. 630; vet a. r. 122; fit s. a. c. XVI, 10; fotan fdat. pi.) hom. 1, 91; voten Lay 14820; fel to his fote misc. 53; fallep him to feete (im zu fikzenj Chauc. C. t. 5524; comp. crilwe-, harefot. fotfolk peditatus, Man. 12019. fOtelame (fotlame?) p. 51, 11. fotman footman. Alls. 1611 . fotsceomel hom. 1, 91. fOtsteppe footstep, prompt. 174. fotpelm ^^planta' f pedis), fragm. 2, 15. f6|)cr, A.Sax. foder, O.L.Germ. vother, M. II. Germ, vuoder, f other, vehes, onus: pat hadde ilad of dong ful many a foper (fother, fothir) Chauc. C. t. a 530; on his head fallep pe foper Rich. 1732; fopir Alls. 1809; voder to hevi vor te vedren mide pe soiile a. r. 140; pritti vodere (foper) Lay 25762. fou see fah. fouaile^ O.Fr. fouaille, fuel, prompt. 174. foue see feawe. foul see fu3el and ful. foully O.Fr. faon, fawn, ^'■hinnulus\ prompt, 175; founes fpl.) Mand. 290. fouiideii see fundien. foiiuilren^ 0. Fr. fondrer, founder ; foundred fpret.) Chauc. C. t. a 2687 ; foundret ant. Arth. XLII, 9. four see feower. fow see fah. fowc see feawe. fowcl see fu;:^el. fowin^ O.Icel. faga fpolire, colere)? ^^purgare\ prompt. 175; fowen Beves 1120; fowid (part.) prompt. 175. foware^ 0. Icel. fagari ? ^^purgator\ prompt. 174. fox^ A.Sax. fox, O.II.Germ. fuhs, fuchs, fox, mdpes, rel. ant. 1, 217 ; fox, vox o. a. n. 812 ^ 819; foxes glove digitalis, rel. ant. 1, 36; voxe (foxe) (dat.) Lay 20840; voxes (pi.) a. r. 128. foxliche hom. 1, 31. foxish foxish, ^^vulpinus\ prompt. 175. fra, O.Icel. O.II.Germ. fra, Goth, fra-, fro (fra), ah: spa fer fra godes riche Orm. 1265; drihtin takep it fra me 4820; pe limes pat er cutted fra pe bodi pr. c. 37 15; god ledde hem fro helle nigt st. gen. 89; ho ros fro dede rel. ant. 1, 209; dede hire fete . . . fro Winchestre Havel. 318; nevere heo nule him wende fro c. I. 1170; cOmen ... fro pemperour of Grece Will. 1424; fro whennes he come Langl. h 5, 532 (a 6, 16 has from); n5 ping pou may take fro na Mand. 294; fro whens he comep Wicl. John 3; god schilde us fro schame Eglam. 508. V frset, M. H. Germ, fra^ (eating). fretepil voracious, a. r. 128^. ? freten, A.Sax. fretan, O.II.Germ. frezan, Goth, fraitan, fret (freat), eat up, devour ^ 188 fracchin free Lay 31677; frete Shoreh. 161; fretiii ^^corrodfire\ prompt. 179; fretep fpres.J Orm. 16133; vret a. r. 184; frat fpret.J ps. 79, 14; fret Uoh. 203, 18; Alis. 703; Will 87; frest Lmigl 12468; ' freten Alis. 5171; freten {part. J st. gen. 2101; AUs. 5179; Chauc. C. t. a 2068; ifreten misc. 147 . fraward froivard: pa turnest tu pe fra- pard god Orm. 4672; if he fraward be pr. c. 87; froward st. gen. 3322; pe weder was cold and froward s. s. ed. Web. 2622. fracchin fratch, "stridere\ prompt. 175. fra^iien see freinen. fraht^ 0. Dutch vracht, freight ffraughtj; fraught hid. Cov. 137; freight, freit "^•^c- tura\ prompt. 177 . frahten^ O.Dutch vrachten, freight ffraughtj; fraiight(e) Chauc. C. t. h 171; fv3i,u7^t {part. J Will. 2732. fraiel^ O.Fr. fraiel, frael, frail, fiscella, Rich. 1549; fraiel, freiel Langl. h 13, 94. fraisteiij O.Icel. freista, inquire, examine, try; fraist(e) Man. 8391; fraiste fpres.) a. p. 1, 169; fraistes pr. c. 1090; Ismnb. 669; fraisted fpret.J Iw. 3253; fraisted f part. J Gaio. 1679; silver fraisted wip pe fire ^'■argentum igne examinatuwk\ ps. 11, 7 . fraked^ A. Sax. fracod, turpis? pis frakede folc horn. 2, 83. frakci turpis'^ misc. 93; he bid pidiiteu feire & frakel pidinnen horn. 1, 25; hu vrakel is pe porldes blisse a. r. 182; pis hkele porld & frakele h. m. 7; sey]) him vayre bivore and frakele bihinde rel. ant. 1, 183. frakeii frecken, '■'■lentigo, lenticula\ prompt. 176; frakin, frekin voc. 209 Sf 267; fraknes, freknes fplj Chauc. C. t. a 2169. frani, A. Sax. fram, from, O.L.Germ. O.K. Germ. Goth, fram, from : ne mahtii . . . pende mm herte fram him Kath. 1506; hit is so fur fram pe sonne treat. 137 ; to wite pe fram pe fende Shoreh. 90; vram pe ginninge of pe wordle ayenb. 12; a litil fram his halle s. s. ed. Wr. 750; pei konne noujt don it fram (from) hem Langl. b 1, 194; ])e from (fram) drihtene com Lay 20; from loden alesen 1084; vrom deie to deie a. r. 218; pet he par- die ou vrom alle peo pet ou apaited 174; wenden heom from misc. 152; pat from hevene dude alihte c. I. 656; from morwe til eve Will. 763. framward fromivard: pat evene fram ward pan est toward pane west drou3 Brand. 3; fromward, frommard (framward) Lay 1899 Sf 26168; fleo pe spudere vrom- mard ham a. r. 92. frame^ O.Icel. frami m. fpromotio, emolument tum, commodumj, O.Dutch vrame /. fcom- modumj? profit, advantage, Orm. 961; rel. ant. 1, 169; 3Ian. 2483; he dede de Ebri(u)s frame st. gen. 2540; note ant frame spec. 71; jif hit be for mi frame Halliw. diet. 37 8; frame ^fabricd\ prompt. 176. franiien^ A.Sax. framian(?), O.Fris. framia, 0. Icel. frama fproficere, ornarej, frame, proficere, prodesse : al . . . ])at ham pule framien h. m. 29; he sulden . . . here orf framen 6-^. gen. 1642; framin "dolare', prompt. 176; frames fpres.J a. r. 126^' ; litel hit frames Man. 11112; framed f part. J Rich. 1859. franchise, Fr. franchise, franchise, Farten. 3745. frankelein franldin, UbertinuH, Chauc. C. t. a 331 ; frankeleines fpl.J Langl. b 19, 39. frape, O.Fr. frape, rout, Chauc. Troil. 3259; Man. 9825. fraternite, Fr. fraternite, fraternity, Chauc. C. t. a 364. fre see freo. free, A.Sax. free, O.Icel. frekr, Goth, friks, O.H.Germ. frecher, freck ffrackj, audax, avidus; frek Min. 15; Degrev. 1365; freden freo 189 vrech (free) a. r. 128; *in\ prompt. 179; Lidg. m. p. 230; pe frecche mue. 73; freche ^pl.J Lay 94W; freke d. Arth. 2821. frecliclie fragm. h\ oS; vrecliche La^. 31772; vrechlTche a. r. 204; freldi d. Arth. 13()0. freden^ A. Sao-, (ge)fredan, O.Dutch vroeden, 0. If. Germ, fruotan, sapere, sentire; frede Gow. 2, 119; fredep fpres.J Shoreh. 7; fredde fpret.J Shoreh. 120; s. s. ed. Weh. 1514; comp. ifreden. frefreii see frofrien. . freiucii^ A. Sax. frignan pret. fraegn, O.L. Germ. frignan(?) pret. fragn, O.Icel. freg- na pret. fra, Goth, fraihnan, frain, inter- rogare, Kath. 1645; h. m. 33; st. gen. 1047 ; freiiie Gow. 2, 384 ; Oetov. 1381; fraeinien Lay 17116; frajnen fms. fra^jnenn) Orm. 5664; fraine Irist. 3, 30; Fercev. 1293; freined fpres.J a. r. 264; frainez a. p. 1, 129; freiiie fimperat.J Mire 912; fraine fsuhjunct.J Amad. ed. Hobs. LVI, 7; frain f pret. J L Langl. h 16, 174^'; freinede, fraeinede \ Lay 6627 ^ 7244; freinede st. gen. 2759; freined Will. 1303; m. Arth. 678; frai- nede, . frained Langl. 1, 56 (58); frajned (part.) Orm. 12973; comp. i-, offreinen. freitour "refectoriayn\ prompt. 177 ; Brand. 13; pi. cr. 220. frek see free. freke^ A. Sax. freca, hold man, Alis. 2161; Will. 402; Langl. 4, 12; a. p. 2, 6; ant. Arth. XXXII, 8; frechen (pi.) Kath. 732. frele, O.Fr. frele, fraile, Lat. fragilis, frail, p. I. s. XXV, 136; Langl. 3, 117 (121). fremde see fremede. freme, A.Sax. freme, /rem (freem), strenuus, 1. c. e. 5. fremsom, A.Sax. fremsum, utilis, henignus. fremsomnes, A.Sax. fremsumness, Henig- nitas\ ps. 64, 12^. freme^ A.Sax. fremu, profit, advantage: for pe freme of pe loande proclam. 3; vreme ayenh. 69; freome fragm. 5, 49; a. r. 124''. fremfiil horn. 1, 109; vremvol ayenh. 80. fremede^ A.Sax. fremede, fremde, fremde, O.L. Germ, fremidi, fremithi, O.H.Germ. fremider, Goth, framapis, fremd, extraneusj alienus, horn. 1, 185; Horn 68; a vreo- mede (fremde) child a. r. 184; fremde Havel. 2277; Ilirc 1352; of fremde lond(e) Chauc. C. t. 10743; fremde men Orm. 1250; fremde and sibbe Roh. 346, 1; wip fremid(e) and sibbe p. s. 202. fremcite? st. gen. 349. fremieii^ A.Sax. fremian, fremman, O.L.Germ. fremian, O.Icel. fremja, O.Fr is. fremma, promote, perform, profit, Kath. 288; vreo- mien a. r. 284; fremen st. gen. 173; he sholden his wille freme Havel. 441; freme ^^proficere\ ps. 88, 23; heo scullen me monradene . . . fremmen Lay 24010; fremede (pret.) Kath. 2399; fremede '-'■profuii)', horn. 1, 127 ; comp. fulfremie'n. freud see freond. frenge fringe, prompt. 178; frenges (pi.) Gaw. 598. Frenkisch^ A.S-jx. Frencisc, French, Gate. 1116; Frensc Lay 7663. freo, A.Sax. freo, fri, O.Fris. fri, fria, 0. HGerm. frier, Goth, freis fem. ini^., free, liber, liheralis, Lay 23574; Kath. 1179; 0. a. n. 1507; Beh. 554; Alis. 192; freo, vreo a. r. 220 4' 370; freo, fre Orm. 2974 ^^ 12201; fre, free Chmc C. t. a 852] fri Shoreh. 102; vri ayenh, 86; frerre (compar.) horn. 1,271; freore c. I. 243; vreoest (superlat.) a. r. 398; freoboren, freoibpren free-hm^n, Jul. 6 ^' 7. freobroder, A.Sax. freobrodor, p-ater ger- manus, (? ms. frobroder) Alis. ed. Sk. 23. freedom freedom, h. m. 5; fredom Havel. 631; Mand. 193; Man. 71, 17. freolsieu, A.Sax. freolsiau, O.Icel. frelsa, 190 freo Frie frialsa, for freohalsien, from O.Fris. fri-, friahals, Goth, freihals f liberty J '^ libera- te, celebrate: messeda^ to freolsen fms. freoUsenn) Orm. 2720; frels fpres, im- perat.J rel. ant. 1, 22. freolac, freolaic, vreoleic, freolec liberali- ty, a. r. W2, 222 Sf 386; freolaic Kath. 2398. fxQoYvoh freely, liber, Mark. 13; Kath. 68; freli m. Arth. 3121; freoliche libere, Lay 185; freli Chauc. C. t. a 1207. freman freeman, Havel. 628. frenesse freeness, prompt. 17 8. freoscipe liberty. Lay 459; vreoschipe liberality, a. r. 386. freo^ A. Sax. freo, O.L.Germ. fri, noble wo- man; fre Gaw. 1549; IJegrev. 745. frco^eii, A. Sax. iiQO^^w, free, liberare; freo- i3en, freoieii Lay 882 Sf 5619; freoiu Marh. 3; fren «^. gen. 27 87; freodefpret.J Lay 6175; fried fpart.J horn. 2, 103; camp. ifreo3en. freolsicn see under freo. Ireond^ A.Sax. freond, O.Fris. friond, friiind, O.L.Germ. inxmdi, O.ll.Germ.fnont, friunt, Goth, frijonds, O.Icel. frsendi, from A.Sax. freogan, freon, Goth, frijon (amare), friend, amans, amicus. Lay 708; freond, frend Orm.. 1609 Sf 17960; vrieiid, vrend a- yenh.162; frend JFill. 727; freend prompt. 178; frind And. 22; freond fpl.J Lay 703; Bek 367; frend Orm. 443 ; st. gen. 1775; Mapes 334; freonden fdat. pi. J La-^. 197; freonde p. I. s. VIIl, 111. ' frondllch, frendli friendly, Chauc. C. t. a 2680; frendloker fcompar.J Langl. 10, 225 (11, 171). frendlihede Gow. 2, 286. freondrede, A.Sax. freondraeden, amicitia, Alis. 1488; vrendrede ayenb. 149. freondschipe friendship, a. r. 98. freosen, A.Sax. freosan, O.Icel. friosa, O.II. Germ, friusan, freeze, frigere, gelare; fr(e)ost (pres.) 0. a. n. 620; hi freosep treat. 136; fres fpret.J Man. 121, 28; Gaw. 728; frees JFicl. eccles. 43; froreu (part. J misc. 151; frore spec. 25; ifrore treat. 137. frere, 0,Fr. frere, friar, Belc 1182; Langl. 3, 35 (36); Chauc. C. t. a 208. fresch, A.Sax. fersc, O.Icel. ferskr, O.H. Germ, friscer, fresh (frish), p. I. s. XXX, 49; als fresch for to fi3t(e) as pei were on morwe JFill. 3640; fresh Orm. 6348; Chauc. C. t. a 92; pr. c. 1254; verse horn. 1, 175; fersch treat. 136; fersch, verss Rob. 7, 3 Sf 217, 12; on fresche steden Alis. 2405 ; of fresche watir Mand. 115. freschli freshly, prompt. 178; Gaw. 1294. frese^ O.L.Germ. fresa, 0. Butch vrese, 0. II.Germ. freisa, periculum, metus? no fre- se Town. myst. 30. fresllch, 0. II.Germ. freislTcher, periculosus, terribilis? fresllche (? fresliche == fers- llche V. r.) . . . wol us affrai p. I. s. XXV, 32; ride fresli (? fresli) toward here fos Will. 1190. frest see fri&t. frete^ A.Sax. fraetu pi. fraetpe, O.L.Germ. fratoh, fret., ornamentum : her fret of gold Chauc. I. (/. w. 225; wip frette of perle Goto. 2, 228. freteii see under fra. tVetieii, A. Sax. fraetpian, 0. L. Germ, frato- hon, /ret, ornare; fretted (part.) Langl. 2, 11; a. p. 2,1476; ifretid i^^r. 3926. fre|> see fricl. frevreii see frofrien. fri^ O.Icel. frio, fra;, Goth, fraiv? fry, semen: to the and to thi fri mi blissing graunt i Town. myst. 24. fri see freo. Frie, A.Sax. Frig('?), O.Icel. Frigg, see Gr. mythol. 278, Fe?ius, Rob. 1J2, 17; Freon (dat.) Lay 13931. Fridaei, A.Sax. Frigedseg, O.Icel. Friadagr, O.U.Germ. Friatag, Friday, Lay 13932; Me froh 191 Frldai KatL 2531; Roh. 112, 18; Vri- dei a. r. 422. Vriniht (Frinacht) a. r. 122. frie, O.Icel. frj^ja fexprohratio ignaviaej? freles, O.Icel. fr^julaiiss? hlmneless, a. p. 1, 431. frieii, O.Icel. frj^ja, reprove, hlame; Me Ha- vel. 1908; to fri3en fms. fri33enii) & to tselen Orm. 16513. frieii, Fr. frire, fry; friin ^frigere\ prompt. 179; frie Cham. C. t. a 383 ; ifrid f part. J ayenb. 111. fri)t see furht. Frise, A. Sax. Frisa, Frysa, Fresa, O.Fris. Frisa, i^nso. Frislond, A. Sax. Frys-, Fresland, Frisia, Lay 23377. frisc, Fr. frise, frie%e, prompt. 179. frisen^ Fr. fj-iser, frieze; frise fpres.J prompt. 179; frised (part. J ibid. frist, A. Sax. first, fjrst #*., O.Fris. first, ferst w., O.Icel. frest w., O.II.Germ. frist /., s^«(j(9 o/* ^Vm<9, respite; frest Onw. -26'i; do pou nouth on fres.t pis fare Havel. 1337; first Aom. i, i^"!,- first, feorst (forst) Lay 4506 8f 12242; fiirst horn. 1, 19; Bel. 630; Flor. a. Bl. a 638 (h 401 J; he pet . . . dep hit a verst ayevl). 32. fristeii^ A.Sax. firstan(?), fyrstan(?), O.Fris. fersta, O.Icel. fresta, 0. H. Germ, fristan, respite: no langer wold he freste Halliw. diet. 380; frist(e) fpres.J a. p. 2, 743; verste fimper.J ayenh. 173; firsten fsubj.J Mark. 15, 6; firstede fpret.J Kath. 2399. friff, A.Sax. frid, frido, freodo, O.Icel. fridr gen. fridar, O.Fris. fretho, ferd, O.L.Germ. frithu, O.H.Germ. fridu gen. frido, frides, frith (firth), pax, tutela, septum, horn. 2, 101; st. gen. 681; bihahte to halden frid Lay 2549; frip Orm. 3380; Will. 822; Langl. h 17, 112 (11593); Iw. 157; Gaw. 1973; a. p. 2, 534; frip or forest toun or fild Amad. ed. Robs. LXXl, 5; frep Begrev. 486; on fride in peace, hom. 1, 13; 3e huntied i pes kinges . fride Lay 1432; in frepe and in feld(e) Tor. 586; firthe d. Arth. 1409; Town, myst. 131; comp. deorfrid. fripsocne asylum, rel. ant. 1, 33. Freperic, A.Sax. Freoderic, Frederic, Rob. 480, 13. friitien^ A.Sax. fridian, freodian, O.Icel. frida, O.Fris. frethia, ferdia, O.L.Germ. frithon, Goth. (ga)fripon, O.H.Germ. (ge)- fridon, keep in peace, preserve, secure from disturbance: eoper lond ic pulle fripian hom. 1, 15; ne pat . . . deade bodi nu- len ha napt fridie 283; friden st. gen. 786; fripe Man. 8733; vrepie ayenb. 7 ; fridede (pret.) Kath. 2399"^; friped (part.) ant. Arth. I, 7 . fro see fra. frdde^ O.Icel. fraudi? rana, bufo? froden (ph) hom. 1, 326; frude p. I s. VIII, 138. frofre, A.Sax. frofor, O.L.Germ. frofra, [0. H.Germ. fluobara], consolation, comfort, Orm. 87 86; frovre misc. 90; st. gen. 54; vrovre a. r. 92; frovre (frovere) La^. 9075; fr6ver(e) rel. ant. 1, 171. frofergost '^paracletm\ fragm. 3, 3; frofre- gast Orm. 10554. frofrieii, A.Sax. frOfrian, frefrian, O.L.Germ. frofrean, [0. II. Germ, fluobiren], console, comfort; frofren Orm. 150; frovren Kath. 287 ; vrovren a. r. 72; froveren rel. ant. 1, 186; vroaefrien Lay 14844; frevre Beves 183; frovri, froveri (pres.) o. a. n. 535; frevred hom. 1, 145; freverep Shoreh. 7; frovere (subjunct.?) c. I. 889; frovrede (pret.) Marh. 8; connp. ifrofrien. frefringe, A.Sax. frefrung, frofrung, consola- tion, hom. 2, 117 . frogge^ A.Sax. frocga, frog, rana, o. a. n. 146; Rob. 69, 3: "ratiam'', Wicl. ps. 77; frogge, frugge "biifo', prompt. 180; frog- gen (pi.) hom. 1, 51, froh, 0. Icel. frar (celer)? f rough (frowj. 192 froise ful evisy frouli mtsc. 94; fals and frou^ Mopes 337; fals or frow h. s. 2305; frow ^^festine\ rel. ant. 2, 216. froise froise, prompt. 180; voc. 242; Gow. 2, 93; I. e. c. 60. frok, Fr. froc, froch, prompt. 179; a. p. 2, 136; frokke fdat.J Langl 5, 64 (HI). from see fram. frome see frume. frout^ Fr. front, front, prompt. 180; frount Belc. 1195; Man. 3360. frosch, A.8ax. frox, O.H.Germ. frosc, O.Icel. froskr, frosh, frosh, '•^rana\ voc. 223 ; frosli Wicl. ps. 77; frosch, frosk prompt. 180; fioske fdat.J d. Arth.1081; froskes fplj st. gen. 2977 ; ps. 104, 30; Town. myst. 62; Gomp. eafrosk. frost, A.Sax. O.Fris. forst, O.IceJ. O.L.Germ. O.ILGerm. frost, from freosen, frost, ''ge- lu\ prompt. 180; Orm. 12655; Mand. . 130; frost, forst Wicl. ps. 77; forst treat. 137; Gaw. 1694; vorst Rol. 265, 11; forstes (pi.) 0. a. n. 524. frosti, O.H.Germ. frostager, frosty, Chauc. C. t a 268. frothe, O.Tcel. froda, froth, "spuma", prompt. 180. fro|)eii froth; froj)ip ^^spumat'\ IVicl. Mark 9; fropen, frothen Chauc. C. t. a 1659; fropande (part.) a. p. 2, 1721. froiih, frow see froh. frounce, O.Fr. fronce, frounce, Chauc. Boet. 147; frounces (pi.) Langl. h 13, 318. frouniu, Fr. (re)frogner, /ro^^-w, prompt. 180; froune Lidg. st. Th. 254. frovre see frofre. frfule see frode. frume, A. Sax. Goth, fruma, primus. frumberdling adolescens; frumberdlinges (pi.) hom. 2, 41. frumken(n)ed primogenitus, hom. 1, 87 ; hire frumkennede sune Mat. 1, 25. frumraes '? set pon friimraesen (frume reese ?) La^. 8665. frumschaft, frumscheft, A.Sax, frumsceaft, first creation, Jul. 2 Sf 3. frumschapen first created: Adam pene frumsce(a)pene mon hom. 1, 123. frume, A.Sax. fruma, principium, La"^. 13265; Flor. a. Bl. 135; from pe porlde frume (frome) o. a. n. 476; at te frume 1513; frome c. I. 595; Alu-. 5356; comp. ord- frume. friniipil, Butch frommel, ''ruga\ prompt. 181. frum|)e, A. Sax. frymcT, principium, Orm. 18558; misc. 142; i pe frumde a. r. 8; on fremede Mat. 19, 8. fruscheu, O.Fr. fruisser, frush, dash: pei frusclien to gidere Mand. 238; frouschen Begrev. 1087. frut, Fr. fruit, fruit, a. r. 150; treat. 133. fu^el, A.Sax. fugel, O.Icel. fugl, Goth, fugls, O.H.Germ. fogel, fowl, avis, o. a. n. 1097 ; fu^el, fo3el (fowel) La^. 2832 Sf 20174; fugel, fuel 5^. gen. 160 Sf 221; fuel a. r. 126; vo3el ayenh. 71; foghel pr. c. 7075; fowel Horn 1414; treat. 139; fowel, foul Chauc. C. t. a 190; foul Mand. 48; Tor. 2050; fulieles (pl.) Kath. 2124; fo3eles Shoreh. 146; foweles, foules Langl. 5, 199 (355); fupelene (gen. pl.) a. r. 298; foulen Ydat. pl.) Will 805. fuelkun, fowelcun o. a. n. 65. vo^elere, A.Sax. fugelere, fowler, auceps, a- yenh. 254; foulere Wicl. prov. 6; fuhele- res (gen.) Marh. 3. fouliu, A. Sax. fugelian, fowl, ^'■aucupari\ prompt. 175. fuir see fur. fuite, Fr. fuite, Gaw. 1425; feute Will. 90. ful, A.Sax. full, O.Icel. fullr, Goth, fulls, O.L.Germ. fnl, O.Fris. M, M, O.H.Germ. foller, Gr. izXio^, iiXzloQ, Buss, nojiiibiii, Lithuan. pilnas, Lat. plenus, full, st. gen. 110; Langl. prol. 17; a scip ful (fol) of goldeX«3. 23694; ful neh,(fulneli ?) hom. 1, 29; La^. 124; ful ipis (fulipis?) Orm. ful- ful- 193 687; 0. a. n. 1189; ful (M) iwis La^. 1324; ful pel (fulpel?) horn. 1, 17; Mark. 4; a. r. 6; Orm. pre/. 17; ful briht Hick. thes. 1, 222; ful faste Ha- vel. 82; ful hard fO.Tcel. fuUhardr Egt'ksJ transact. 19, 321; a, ful bolde bacheler Langh h 16, 179; ful wis (Goth, fulla- veis) a. p. 1, 747; ful clone ant. Arth. XXX, 1 ; ful late pr. c. 789; vol ayenb. 16; fol wel Shoreh. 1J9; Rich. 1550; pe fulle tale Orm. 11270; pat is mi fulle ivo misc. 42;^ mid fulle dreme o. a. n. 314; mid fullere streiiden /"r. streng- de) La). 29047; hare fulle fan h. m. 31; fulle seoven nihte La}. 1632; peres fulle foperti^ Orm. 11210; fulle six jer Horn 926; ahte ant tventi folle 3er chron. Engl. 416; cotnp. Si^e-, bale-, care-, dred-, ejes-, est-, fer-, grid-, 3eorn-, hih-, ileaf-, luf-, man-, miht-, milds-, neod-, nip-, red-, sorh-, sun-, tir-, \va-, wil-, wurjtful. fulbrengen, O.Fris. fulbranga, pe7\7gere; fulbroht f part. J Orm. 16335. fuldede perfection, a. r. 372. fuldon, O.H.Germ. foUetuon, perficere, a. r. 372; voldo (part.) ayenb. 28. fulenden. Germ, follenden, finibh, achieve, p. I. s. nil, 123; fulende Bel. 2305; fulended f part. J horn. 2, 61. fulfordien accomplish, achieve; fulfordie horn. 1, 237; fulfor})ed fpart.J Orm. 15597. fulfremien, A. Sax. fulfremian, accomplish, perfect; fulfremed fpart.J Orm. 2530. fulfremedlTlce perfectly, Orm. 10751. fulfremednesse perfection, Orm. 6083. fulfullen, A. Sax. fulfyllan, fulfill, a. r. 288; fulfillen st. gen. 1222; fulfille a. p. 2, 264; fulfille, folfulle Langl. 6, 36 (7, 38); fulfild, folfuld (part.) c. I. 561; folfeld Shoreh. 147. volvellinge fulfilling, ayenb. 260. fulhede ^^plenitudo\ ps. 23, 1; volhcde ayenb. 119. fulliche fully, La). 14124; a. r. 124; 0. a. n. 1687; fulllke Orm. 16302; fulli pr. c. 4570. Vfulst, A.Sax. fylst, fullest, fuUsest, 0. H.Germ. folleist, aux ilium, h. m. *17 ; purh godes fulste horn. 1, 107; fulste fdat) Liy 1747. ? fulsten, A. Sax. fjlstan, fullcstan, ful- laestan, O.L.Germ. fullestian, O.H.Germ. folleisten, auxiliari. La). 5581; filsten o-el. ant. 1, 186; fulste (pres.) o. a. n. 889; fulste fpret.) La). 1148. ? filstnen = fulsten, Orm. 6170; filstnede fpret) rel. ant. 1, 209. fulsum fulsome, copiosus, st. gen. 2153. fulsumhed st. gen. 1548. fultel? hundred is fultel (ful tel?) a. r. 372. ?fultum auxilium, st. gen. 2824; pur^ godes fultume proclam. 1; fultume (fol- tome) (dat.) La). 14618. fulprifen? f\i\\)riiQii full-thriven, Orm. 5130. fulwaxen, O.H.Germ. folle wahsau, odoles- cere; fulpaxen (part.) Orm. 10884; p. 1. s. XXX, 38. fulwen, A. Sax. fulpian, for fiilpihan (*pihan = Goth, veihan aytaCiW)? bap- tize. La). 2402; folewen Hick. thes. 1, 229; fuhvede, folwede (pret.) Jos. 683 Sf 694; folewede h. h. 22; follede, ful- led Langl. b 15, 440; fulled (part.) a. p. 2, 164; folut ant. Arth. XV III, 4; ifulwcd c. I. 1457; ifalhet Mark. 1; i- volled Rob. 239, 3. fuluht, A.Sax. fulpiht, , brrptism, a. r. 322; fulluht La). 36; Orm. 4054; fullit Marh. 19; fullouht, fullou^t Jos. 682- cj^ 693; fullo3t rel. ant. 2, 243; folht p. s. 157; fulhtes (gen.) hom. 1, 23. fulhten bapti e, hom. 1, 73 ; f ullehted (pres.) La). 29769. fulhtnen = fulhten, Orm. 94; fuluhtnie hom. 2, 17. fulwurchen, 0. H Germ. fol(I)awurchan, perficere; fulproht (part.) Orm. 15597. 25 194 ful funke ful, A.Saa:. mi, O.lceL full, Goth, fills, 0. K.Germ. filler, foul^ pididus, a, r. 118; Orm. 2032; o. a. n. 94; Ilavel. 5f)0; foul Roh. 69, 3; spec. 103; Iw. 1332; ftile {adv. J Orm. 1201; foule Alis. 1118; Langl. 5, 66 (83); liis fule sfiule La\ - 27634; 3if pine v5 enne fiilne nome a. r. 316; ftilre fcomparj horn. 1, 26; a. r. 84; Orm. 15831; fuluste fsuperl.J a. r. 216. voulhede ayenh. 17. ffilllc foully, fragm. 1, 28; fulliclie fadv.J a. r. 124. fulmart fouhnart, mir. pi. 8; fulmard prompt. 182. fuleii, A. Sax. fy^lan, fiilian, O.JI.Germ. fii- len, foul, file, "mqui7iare\ a. r. 124; Mark. 13; fileii Orm. 4493; file pr. c. 1210; apol. 22; fouliii Hurpare, macula- re', prompt. 175; fulep fpres.J o. a. n. 100; fouleth Langl b 19, 310; fouled fpret.J a. p. 2, 269; foulid (part.) ^^pol- luta\ Wicl. levit. 7; iviled Boh. 435, 16; comp. a-, bifiilen. fiilht, fulhten see under ful. fiilieii see fol3en. fiille, A. Sax. fyllo, 0. II. Germ, fulli, folli, fill, plenitas, Horn ed. Lum. 402; Eglam. 560; to eten hire fulle horn. 1, 53; fille p. I s. XrU, 391; Will. 768; s. s. ed. Wr. 967 : voile ayenh. 247 ; comp. ofer- fiille. fiilleii^ A. Sax. fyllan, fullian, 0. Icel. fylla, O.Il.Germ. fulleu, O.L.Germ. fullian, ful- lon, Goth, fulljan, fill, implere, Mark. 18, 29; an. lit. 8; fille Rich. 6039; velle a- yenh. 92; fiillej) (pres.) c. I. 731; fulde > (pret.) La\ 14965; a. r. 40; Horn 1155; filde Gow. 2, 204; velden ayenh. 233; filled (part.) a. p. 2, 104; comp. a-, ful-, i-, of-, oferfullen. fiiUeii, M. Lat. fuUare, full; fulle (pres.) prompt. 182; fulled, fouUed (part.) Langl. h 15, 445. fiillare fuller, ^-fulio', prompt. 182; volleres (pi.) ayenh. 167 . fiiliiait, 0. Icel. fullnadr, plenitudo? of his fulnape (ms. full nape) of halij gi'ist Orm. 18362. fuluesse, O.Il.Germ. folnassi, folnessi, fol- nissi, folnussi, fullness, prompt. 182; vol- nesse cyenh. 266. luliiessc, A. Sax. fulness, 0. Fris. fulnisse, O.H.Germ. ffilnussi, foulness; foulnes Wicl. pref. epist. 7. fulst, fulsten see under ful. fultuin see under ful. ful))e, O.H.Germ. fullida, fulth, plemtas, m. h. 7. fulite, A. Sax. f^kt, O.L.Germ. fiilitha, 0. H.Germ. fiilida, filth, putredo, sordes, a. r. 128; fiilpe '' ordure \ voc. 159; c. I. 1138; Mire 1942; filcle rel. ant. 1, 213; filthe ^^sordcs\ prompt. 160; vel])e ayenh. 81; fuUTen (pi.) a. r. 128. fill wen see under ful. fuiiileliiig, M. H.Germ. vundeliuc, 0. Dutch vondeliug, foundling, prompt. 182; Will. 481; fundling- Horn 226; findling p. I. s. XX ni, 56; foiindlinges (pi.) ps. 67, 6. fHuiH, A. Sax. fyndig, M. II. Germ, viindic, findy, firm; findi^ Orm. 4149; he hem malcede fundie on porde hom. 2, 117 . fiiiiilieii, A.Sax. fimdian, O.L.Germ. fundon, O.H.Germ. funden, frcm finden, seek, tend, go; funden st. gen. 2958; funde p. I. s. VII, 10; Horn ed. Lum. 103; founden spec. 82; to flui3t founden Jos. 506; founde Horn ed. Bits. 107 ; in. Arth. 1965; Amad. ed. Weh. 52; Town. myst. 216; fundie (pres.) misc. 192; when pou an hunting foundes Eglam. 259; funded La^. 21758; he funded spide me t5 forspolhen Marh. 10; pider fundep evrich man o. a. n. 719; fundede (pret.) La\ 17858; hom. 2, 115; foundeden Jos. 596. fundles see findles. funkc, O.H.Germ. fimcho, 0. Butch vonke flint furst 195 {fames, scintilla J, \funk, ^^igmculm\ fromj^t. 182: pat ilke flri fiinko Gow. 3, 18; pat was not -worth a fonk(e) Man. 172, 26. fuut see font. fur see feor. fur, A.Sax.^ f^Y, O.L.Germ. O.R.Germ. fiur, O.Fris. fiur, fior, 6V. Titjp, Jire, ignis, La'>,. 1187 ; a. r. 124; lirand. 8 ; fuir c. I. 1253; Alis. 647; Jos. 260; Mand. 35; fuir, fir Langl. 3, 88 {97 J; fir Orm. ' 10452; Havel 585; Chauc. C. L a 1246; fir, fier st. gen. 99 Sf 103; fier s. s. ed. Wr. 2505; Lidg. m. p. 35; fer horn. 1, 239; Shoreh. 99; Trist 2, 33; Mich. 781; sacram. 494; ver a^jenh. 30; corny. hellefir. fuirbrond firebrand, Alis. 6848; firbrand fr. c. 7421. fiirherth prompt. 161. furlre fire-iron, Brand. 30. liir-, fierpanne firepan, Wicl. exod. 38. firreed Chauc. C. t. a 624. ^iYston firestone, prompt. 161. funic see ferde. fiiren, A. Sax. f^ren, 0. H. Germ, fiuriner, igneus; fiiren TVicl. 4 kings 2; of spile firene kinde Orm. 17412; ffirene fpl.J Lay 18863; furene hpeoles a. r. 356. furh, A.Sax. furh(?), O.H.Germ. furh, furuh, O.Fris. furch, furrow (fur, fore); furg rel. ant. 1, 217 ; furgli Gow. 2, 63; furghe h. s. 2448; forghe Chauc. Boet. 4959; forwe Arth. a. Merl. 3470; Langl. h 13, 372; forowe, fore "sulcus', prompt. 171; forjes fpl.J a. p. 2, 1547; furwes, for- wes Langl. 6, 106 (7 , 97 J; fore wis Wicl. Jol 31; fores Ifan. 13024. fur3long, furlong, forlong, A. Sax. fur- ]ang(?), furlong, . Langl. 5, 5; furlong Will. 13; Mand. 190; forlang li I. disc. 306. furht, A. Sax. fyrht, forlit, O.L.Germ. forht, O.H.Germ. forhter, Goth, faurhts, tinudus; comp. godfurht. furht, A.Sax. fyrhtu, O.L.Germ. O.R.Germ. forhta, Goth, faurhtei, O.Fris. fruclita, fright, timor, terror; fri3t Mapes 338; s. s. ed. Wr. 948; frigt st. gen. 1234. frig(t)ful frightful, timidus, st. gen. 3459. furhtcn, A.Sax. fyrhtan, forhtian, O.H.Germ, furhten, forhten, Goth, faurhtjan, O.Fris. fruclita, fright (frighten J, terrere; frigtedo (pret.J st. gen. 1861; comp. a-, for-, of- fiirhten. furhti, O.H.Germ. forhtiger, timidus; frigti St. gen. 667 ^ &; 984. frigtihcd timiditas, st. gen. 2222. frigtilike timide, st. gen. 1617. furi, 0. Dutch vierig, M. H. Germ, viurec, fiery, Brand. 15; firi pr. c. 7762. furien, A. Sax. fj^^rian, 0. H. Germ, fiuren, fire; firin "ignire\ prompt. 162; fftre (pres. imper.J Marh. 18, 19; flrid (part. J Wicl. prov. 30. furmc see forme. furii, A.Sax. fyrn (priscus, olimj, O.LGerm. furn (antiquitus, olimJ; comp. ifurn. furnda^ former day: i furnda^en, A.Sax. in fyrndagum, O.L.Germ. an farndagon. Lay 27118. furn^er, A.Sax. fyrngear, former year? pe kindenesse pat mine evencristene kidde me fernyere Langl. h 5, 440; pe lost of vernyere ayenh. 92. fuiTC, O.Fr. fuerre? fur, prompt. 183. furrcu see faorren. fursieu see feorsien. furst, A.Sax. O.lcel. fyrst, O.H.Germ fu- rist, first, p. I. s. XII, 6; for pi comen pe3 him first to seken i pat onde Orm. 6876; first, ferst Chauc. C. t. a 725; ferst Will. 648; frist dep. Rich. 6, 27; a verst ayenh. 46; furste, A.Sax. fyrsta, O.lcel. fyrsti, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. fu- risto, primus, c. I. 300; Shoreh. 119; firste Langl. b 16, 184; ])e firste preost Orm. 293; ferste Degrev. 1522; frisfce m. Arth. 149; g. 80. 196 furst gadeling furst see frist. fiir|)cn^ A.Sax. furdon, fiirdum, qiiidem: pei- ne mot beoii furpan On stef ofer itel fragm. 2, 6; forpen Orm. 825; forde horn. 1, 7 . fiiriTer, A.Sax. furdnr, furdor, O.L.Genn. furthor, O.Fris. further, forther, O.H. Germ, furder, furdir, further, La\ 4880; ne schalt tu gon no furder a. r. 228; furper rel. ant. 1, 173; Eglam. 373; further, forper, ferther Langl. 2, 176 (201) ^' 6, 6; furper, firper h. s. 337; & fl^eh it ta na forper mar Orm. 7338; forpir pr. c. 440; forper, ferper Chauc. a t. a 36 Sf 4117; forpere, A.Sax. fur- dra, O.L.Germ. furthero, forthero, 0.11. Germ, fordero, prior, anterior, Wicl. gen. 32; his forpere fet Brand. 30; Iiv. 2004. forjjest fiirthed, farthest, Chauc. Boet-. 3018. furiti'icii^ A.Sax. fyrdrian, O.H. Germ, for- daron, further, promote; p5 pe leved pat spilch ping hem muge furdrie Oder letten rel. ant. 1, 131; furpren Gow. 1, 228; firpren Orm. 5084; forpren .s;^^c. 00; fur- dred fpres.J a. r. 156; forpered f part. J Chauc. Boet. 1057 . im, A.Sax. fus, O.Icel. fuss, O.ll.Germ. fun- ser, willing, ready, Orm. 0065; Flor. a. Bl. 368; fous spec. 50; li h. disc. 288; vous rel. ant. 2, 243; fuse (pi.) La-^. 4300. fuscii^ A.Sax. fysan, O.Icel. fj^sa, prepare, depart, march: pa com per fusen unimete ferde La\ 5778; alle we mote fusen 13534; Brutus ... fusde to fihte 1735; fusdc hine sulfne 1865; comp. ifusen. fust, A. Sax. f;^st, 0. II. Germ, fust, fist, pugniis, 0. a. n. 1538; fust, fist langl. h 17, 138; fist prompt. 163; fustes (^l.) a. r. 82; treat. 130: vfistes Lay 22785. fiistain, O.Fr. fustaine, fustian, rel. ant. 1, 120; fustian Chauc. C. t. a 75. fuwcl see fu3e1. gabbe, O.Icel. gabb, O.Fr. gab, gah, menda- cium, Flor. a. Bl. 480; c. I. 507 ; gabbe ant gile spec. 40. gabbeii, A.Sax. gabbian(?), O.Fris. gabbia (acciisare), 0. Icel. gabba (drice giekkeri eller Imier med en) Fritzners ordb., O.Fr. gaber (railler, se moquer) Roqurf. gloss., gab, deridore: lauhpen Oder gabben a. r. 200; pe agen to gabben us selven for pat pe synegeden hom. 2, 65; gabbin '■^mentiri\ prompt. 183; gabbe Langl. h 3, 170; Chauc. C. t. a 3510; gabbe ^'meii- tior\ Wicl. 2 Cor. 11; ne no ping nollep do er pan me gabbep of hem ayenb. 60; pO burnes pat so blejjeli gabbe Will. 1004; gabbed (prei.) m. Arth. 1105; gabbid (part.) m. h. 57 ; igabbet Kath. 2305; comp. bigabben. gabbcrc, A.S.-x. gabbere(?), gabber; gabbar "me?idax\ protnpt. 183; gabberes (pi.) Mand. 160. gabbiiigc, A.Sax. gabbunge('?), gabbing, ''men- dacium\ prompt. 183; o. a. n. 626; Langl. b 10, 451. gable, Fr. gable, gable, Langl. 3, 40 (50); gabil Lidg. m. p. 204. gail, O.Icel. gaddr (clavus, aculem), O.H. Germ, gart (stimulus), Goth, gazds (xev- Tpov), gad, aculeus, ^'■pertiGi\ prompt. 184; voc. 202 ^' 234; st. gen. 3185; a gad of stele /. c. c. 6; gaddes (pi.) Havel. 1016; gaddes of iriue Ilalliw. diet. 388. gadc, A.Sax. ^a^Sb, O.Dutch gada, M.H.G&rm. gate, socius; comp. igade. garic, A.Sax. gad(?) ace. gfide G reins gloss. 1 , 366, goad; gOde ^\4imuliis\ fragm. 2, 55; pi. or. 433; Wicl. cedes. 38. gailcliiig, A.Sax. gaedeling, O.L.Germ. gadu- ling, Goth, gadiliggs,* O.H.Germ. gateling, M. II. Germ, getelinc, gadling, companion, fellow, Havel. 1121; Langl. b 20, 156; a hi per gadeling Rob. 310, 0; gadeling, gadling Gam. 102; pat covetous gadling s. s. ed. Wr. 1580; pou berdles gadling geeder gal^e 07 Tor. 1015; gadeling, gedeling rel. ant. /, I Hi); gadelinges (pi.) La-^,. 12335; stalworpe gadelinges Ahs. 1192. ga'der ? to ga3dere,' gadere, A. Sax. to gaide- re, gadore, O.Fris. to gadera, together, La-). 52 ^' 10063; to gaderc 0. a. n. 807; treat. 138; Shoreh. 92; to gedere , Roh. 32, 11; to gedre Orm. 991; Mand. 70; to gidere atjenh. 43; to gidere, gi- deres, gederes Langl. prol. 46 Sf b 16, 80; to gederes Jiath. 114; a. r. 354. gjedericn^ A.Sax. gaedrian, gadorian, O.Fris. gadria, M. II. Germ, gateren, gather fgether, gedderj; g8edere(n), gadereii Lay 25463 Sf 30183; gederen ICath. 990; a. r. 146; gadren fms. gaddrenn) Orm. 13407; ga- deren st. gm. 2134; gaderi ayenh. 120; gadere Will. 30; gaderep fpres.J Beh. 617; gffiderede, gaderede /^i^r^^.y X^). 1480 ^ 9255; gadrede, gadred Langl. b 16, 80 (10960 J; gederiden JFicl. \john 11; gadred (part. J Havel. 2577; p. 14, 1; V comp. igaederien. gcderiiige gathering, a. r. 206; gederiiig e. I. 643; gaderiiige ayenh. 192; gadering pr. c. 8831. gxrsume^ A. Sax. gaersum, gersum Sax. chron., O.Icel. gersemi /. Fritzners ordb., treasure, fragm. 8, 37; gaersume, gersume, garsume Lay 2642, 4428 Sf 4561; gersum Marh. 3; I{ath. 799; gersume Flor. a. Bl 405; gersom rel. ant. 2, 217 ; garsum a. r. 350. gjete cur a? nullep heo nimen gete fragm. 6,37 . gjfitelais Orm. 6190. gietcii^ 0. Icel. gaeta, curare, custodire : lie slioldc pel giJeten hire & liire child Orm. 2079; gete ILavel. 2762; avow. Arth. LIX, 1; getes fpres.J m. h. 23; geated fimper.J a. r. 50^. gi'tcii, O.Icel. gaetinn? gffitenlTche diliqently? getenluker (compar.) horn. 2, 12 1\ gagelin^ O.Dutch gagelen, gaggle, clangere, prompt. 184; gagelen rel. ant. 1, 86. gaggin gag, "suffocare^\ prompt. 184. ga^el^ A.Slv. gagol, M.lI.Germ. gagel, gale, ^^myrtui', voc. 141 ; gawil, gawl prompt. 189. ga^hcu^ O.Icel. gagn, gain, usm, commodum, Orm. 13923; gein Marh. 18, 3. ga3henl8es gainlcn, Orm. 2019. gai, Fr. gai, gay, prompt. 184; a. p. 2, 830; pe gaje gerles Will. 816. gaili gaily. Will. 1625. gailer^ O.Fr. gaiolier, gaohr, p. I. s. XX.IV, 218; Chauc. C. t. a 1064; jailer Langl. a 3, 133 (gailers b 3, 137 J. gain see gein and ^ein. gal^ M.lI.Germ. gal, cantus: gleo and gal misc. 97; gale fdat.J spec. 26; Alis. 2548. gal, A. Sax. gal, O.L.f erm. gel, O.II.Germ. geiler, gole, luxurious, lascivious, Orm. 1201; pe gole men horn. 2, 31. golhed luxury, st. gen. 534. galiich hixarious: ga(l)liche dede hom. 1, 149; gollTche deden rel. ant. 1, 132. golsipe, A.Sffx. galscipe, luxury, rel. ant. 1, 222. gal, A. Sax. gal, M.lI.Germ. geil, luxury: pat gal misii. 151. galder, A. Sax. gealdor, galdor, O.Icel. galdr, from galen, galder, enchantment; galdere rdat.J Lay 19257. gale, from galen, cantrix? c mp. nihtegale. galcic, O.FV. galee, galley, prompt. 185; Horn ed. Lum. 185; gale Tor. 1315. galen,^ A. Sax. galan pret. gOl, O.Icel. gala, canere; gale Chauc. c. I. 1356; comp. bi- galen. galere, A. Sax. galere, ^Hncantator', fragm. 2, 49. galjc, A. Sax. gealga, galga, 0. Fris. Goth. galga, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. galgo, 0. Icel. galgi, gallow, patibulmn; galwe fdat.) Beves 1217; galwes fpl.J Man. 172, 19; I. h. r. 132; galewes p. s. 221. galheforke a. r. 174^. galwetre Havel. 43. 198 galien gang galien^ A. Sax. (be)galian, (/ale, canere; ga- lin crocirc, prompt. 18 O; galied fpres.J a. r. 128-'; liimdes per galied La^. 20858; par galede pe gouk d. Arth. 927 . galingale a sort of spice, Chauc. ( '. t. a 381; I. c. c. 8. galle, A.Sax. gealla, O.L.Germ, O.lLGerm. galla, Gr. X0^> W^> hilis, a. r. 106; Orm. 16383; AUs. 5073; Langl. h 16, 155; a. p. 2, 1022; mir. pi. 112. gaile^ O.Icel. galli, gall, vitium, vulnus, Chauc. C. t. 6522; a. p. 1, 1059. gallin gall, prompt. 185; pe hors was . . . galled upon pe bak(e) Gow. 2, 46; gallid Lidg. m. p. 168. galloc^ A.Sax. galluc, comfrey, voc. 139. galnesse, A.Sax. galness, luxury, lascivious' ness, Orm. 8015; golnesse a. r. 198; o. a. n. 492. galoche^ galache, Fr. galoche, galoche, prompt. 184. galoii^ galoun, 0. Fr. galon, gallon, Langl. 5, 191 (346); galiin r. s. VII, 37; Horn cd. Lum. 1123. galpcu^ O.L.Germ. galpon fgloriarij? 0. Dutch galpen (gannire)? from ^elpen? galp fgmip, yaupj, ructare? Langl. h 13, 88; galping f part. J Chauc. C. t. 10663. galstren^ O.II.Germ. galstron (incantare), L. Germ, galstren (fiagitare) Schiltzes idiot., galster . fgausterj, crepare: jelstred (gal- stres) & 3elped of bore god(e) a. r. 128. galtc^ O.Icel. galti faperj, O.II.Germ. galza fsuculaj? gait, ^^nefrendus\ prompt. 185; voc. 204;. d. Arth. 1101. galwe see galje. galwcii gallow (gaily), terrere? comp. bigalwen. gamen^ A.Sax. gamen, gomen, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. O.Icel. ganlan, O.Fris. game, gome, ga7ne (gamon), jocus, &t. gen. 2015; Havel. 2250; Trist. 3, 10; Am. a. Amil. 710; Degrev. 3; gamen & gleo p. I. s. VIII, 145; gomen, game Lay 7014 8f 15856; gomen a. r. 214; Mapes 347; game '^ludus, jocus \ prompt. 185; Ixoh. 26, 1; Chauc. C. t. a 853; in ernest or in game Goto. 1, 297 : game praeda, m. 1. 122; game, gome o. a. n. 521 Sf 1649; gome chron. Engl. 456; pet geme ayenh. 34; ga,mQ\ie (dat.) Fercev. 1689; gomenes (pi.) a. r. 318; spec. 24. gomeful Marh. 10, 33; mid gomenfulle worden La"^. 21430. gameliche jocose, rel. ant. 2, 8; gameli Will 427; gomenli Gaw. 1079. gamensum gamesome: gam(e)sum & glad Will 4193. gamenien^ A.Sax. gameniaii, O.Icel gamna, game, jocari; gomenin Marh. 14, 1 ; ga- menen (pres.) AUs. 5461; gamenede (pret.) Flor. a. Bl 31; ne gamnede hire pat gle ri3t nou3t Beves 3016; gomede La-i,. 4588; a. r. 368. gan, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. O.II.Germ. gan, O.Icel gS,, go, ire, Orm. 7767; Iw. 800; gan (gon) La-^,. 597 ; gOn a. r. 268; Havel 1045; treat. 137 ; gon, goon Chauc. C. t. a 12; so ne mai bit nou3t gon c. I 1084; ga Percev. 1462; pr. c. 4100; g6 Mand. 4; go slepe dormitum ire, Langl h 6, 303; 1 wil gO sittin lud. Gov. 20; guon Amad. ed. Web. 670; to ganne Lay 22279; Marh. 4, 28; gabst (pres.) Lay 26437; gest a. r. 86; o. a. n. 838; gast Crm. 4660; gecl La^. 23665; a. r. 364; gep Rob. 205, 6; c. ;. 409; ayenh. 56; getb Tor. 2142; gap Orm. 1236; goip Wicl John 9; (beo) gad (goj)) Lay 711; god a. r. 1.0; guap ayenh. 34; ga pe nu til pat ilke tun Orm.. 3390; go we (al- lons) klpe oure kni3thod Ti^ill 1184; gan (part.) Orm. 4352; Fercev. 1062; pr. c. 1995; gon Eglam. 37 5; comp. a-, set-, bi-, for-, i-, ofer-, under-, purbgan. gandre^ A.Sax. gandra, gander, rel. ant. 1, 217; gandres (pi J Mand. 216. gang^ A.Sax. gang, gong, geoug, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, gang, 0. Icel gangr, Goth. gangen gase 199 gaggs, gang, iter, Orm. 8910; gong, ^ong A^ath. 669 Sf 2502; feole dawen 3ong Zrt). 1298; gong ^'■latrina\ prompt. 203; s. 8. ed. W^eb. 1315; comp. chirche-, ford-, hand-, here-, in-, urn-, utgang. gongfirmar prompt. 203. gonghus forica, a. r. 84. gaiigen^ A. Sax. gangan, gongan pret. geong, O.L.Germ. gangan pret. geng, O.H.Germ. gangan pret. giang, gieng, O.Icel. ganga pret. gelvk, Gotli. gaggan pret. gaggida, gang, ire, Orm. 1076; rel. ant. 1, 211; gange an. lit. 9; Langl. h 2, 167; mir. pi. 122; gonge Havel. 1185; jonge, 3eonge Z<«5. 9061 ^ 27764; yonge h. h, 134; gangep (pres.) Orm. 1228; gon- ge fsuhjunct.J' Havel. 690; comp. a-, bi-, for-, ofergangen; deriv. gang, genge. ganieii^ A.Sax. ganian, 0. H. Germ, geinon, Gr. yaivziv, yaivn (gaioyi), oscitare; gOne Gow. 2, 262; ^anin prompt. 536; gones fpres.J avow. Arth. XII, 4; goninde (part. J Hich. thes. 1, 228; yaned f pret. J Rieh. 276. gaunt- gaunt, "maeer\ prompt. 189. gante^ A.Sax. gaiiet (fulica, cygnus)? L. Germ, gante, O.H.Germ. ganazo fanserj? ganet? prompt. 186. gap, A.Sax. geap Greins gloss., O.Icel. gap Egilss. lex., gap, hiatus, prompt. 186; gape fdat.J Lidg. m. p. 114; gappe Chanc. C. t. a 1639. gapiii, A.Sax. geapiau(?), O.Dutch gapen, O.Icel. gapa, gape, ^^hiare\ prompt. 186; ne make [)ou na mo men gapen on me Jul. h 125; gape Langl. h 10, 41; ga- ped f pres. J rel. ant. 1 , 220; gapes avow. Arth, XII, 4; gapande (part. J Will 2875; 3eapede (pret.) Marh. var. read. 46; 1 gaped aboute pi. cr. 156; gapeden CJmuc. Boet. 324; comp. bigapien. gar, A.Sax. gar, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. ger, 0. Icel. geirr, pike, lance, telum, hasta ; gare, gsere (gar) Lay 5079 ^' 15225; gaie (dat.J Octav. 1527; Isumh. 453; gares, gseres fpl.J La^. 1751 Sf 1847; geres hom. 2, 35; goren fdat. pi. J d. gen. 3458; comp. elger, navegar. garcllve, A. S'fx. garclife, "agrinionia", ' voc. 139. gartisch garfish, prompt. 186. garlek, A.Sox, garleac, garlich, Hick. thes. 1, 232; L c. c. 53; garlek, garleek Chauc. C. t. a 634. ganliii, O.Fr. gardin, garden, ayenh. 94; 8. s. ed. Wei. 419; Chauc. C. t. a 1051 ; a. p. 1, 260. ^;xrAi\\tf gardener, ayenh. 94; gardener Wart. hist. 1, 20; Wicl. John 20. gare see ^eare. gare, A.Sax. gara, O.Dutch gere, O.H.Germ. gero, 0. Icel. geiri, gore, Trist. 3, 52 ; gore ^^lacinia', prompt. 203; voc. 238; Chauc. C. t. a 3237; a gore f printed a- gore) Arth. a. Merl. 6405; under gore (gown, per synecdoclienj o. a. n. 515; spec. 26; an. lit. 2; rel. ant. 2, 210. gareii see 3earwien. garisoii, wareson, 0. Fr. garison, guarisou, war i son, provision, reward, cure, Rob. 114, 7 ^' 409, 12; garisoun c. I. 870; Gaw. 1837; garisiin, warison Will. 2259 ^• 5073; warisoiui yian. 1284. garisseii, O.Fr. garir, guarir, cure; warishen, warschen Langl. h 16, 105; warische Will 4283. garite, O./V. garite, garret, ^^ specula', prompt. 187; garites (pi J pi. cr. 214. gariieiiient, garment, O.Fr. garnement, gar- ment, Langl h 14, 24. gariiischiii, O.Fr. garnir, guarnir, warnir, garnish, prompt. 188; warnische Mmi. 15907; warnished (part.) Will 1083. garnisoii, Fr. garnisOu, garrison, p. r. I. p. 57; garnisons (pi) Man. 7 127 . garsuiiic see gsersume. gartere, . iV. jarretiere, garter, prompt. 188. gaseii, cmp. O.Icel geisa (cum impetu ferri. 200 gaspm gelde furcrej, and Goth, usgaisjan fterrerej, ga%e; gase Lidg. m. p. 203; gased fpret.J Chauc. C. t. 8879; comp. agasen. gaspiii^ O.IceJ. geispa, gasp, ^^hiscere\ prompt. 188; gaspe and gone Gow. 2, 262; ga- spe and gapo s. a. c. XV 11, 14; gai- spande (part. J d. Arth. 1462. gast, A. Sa-x. gast, gJBst, 0. L. Germ, gest, 0. II. Germ, geist, ghost, spiritus, Orm. 259; St. gen. 202; Flor. 778; Man. 185, . 19; gost La^. 907 1 ; a. r. 368; o. a. n. 1401 ; Jos. 49; god is a gost aye7ih. 211; so grlsli a gost Will 1730; pe holi gost Mand. 18; gost, goost Chauc. C. t. a 205. gastllc ghosthj, m. h. 2; gastllc, gastll^ Orm. 14244 ^ 14398; gostlich a. r. 194; pi gostlich fader mk. 757. gast (part.?) tcrritus, Gaw. 325; WicJ. deuter. 20. gastlTch gastly, p. I. s. XV, 147; Arth. a. Merl. 1494; gastli Chauc. C. t. a 1984. gastcii^ A. Sax. g^stanV Greins gloss. 1, 374, gast, terrere: gaste crowen from his corn Langl a 7 , 129; gaste fpres. subj.J IVicl. 2 paral. 32 ; comp. a-, ofgasten. gastues gastne:,. 5354; Boh. 2; go- des (gen.) o. a. n. 361; chron. Engl. 630; gode (dat.) hom. 1, 87; godes (pi.) Kath. 53. godcund, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. godcund, 0. II.Germ. gotchimder, divine, Orm. 5873. godcundnesse divinity, Kath. 985. godcunde, O.H.Germ. gotchundi, divinity ^ La^. 24960. godchild godchild, a. r. 210. goddo3ter goddaughter, ayenh. 48. godfader godfather, Shoreh. 69. godfurlit cerens deum, hom. 1, 27; pe godfrihte 2, 19. godhod godhead, a. r. 112; godhede c. I. 1335; ayenh. 12; Mand. 144. godmoder godmother, ayenh. 48. god gold 207 godsib gomh, Langl. 5, 152 (310); gossib Chauc. C. t. 5825. godsibrede gossipred, Shgreh. 69; gossip- rede Lidg. m. p. 36. godzibbe f.f ayenh. 48. godspel gospel, Beh. 1072; m. h. 5; gospel Chauc. C. t. a 481. godspelboc Orm. 6458. godspelprihte Orm. 5635. godspellere evangelist, a. r. 94*; ayenb. 12; m. h. 47; gospellere Chauc. r. r. 6887. godsune godson, voc. 214; godsone Brand. 2. god, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. g6d, Goth. !, 0. Icel. gOdr, 0. JS. Germ, guoter, lonus, La"). 1782; Bek. 1; good Mand. 56; guod Am. a. AmiL 16; giid Min. 9; pr. c. 80; Isumh. 177; pet god honum, a. r. 248; 3if 36 ma3en eni oder gOd don hom. 1, 37; guod ayenb. 6; pat gOde pif 0. a. n. 1578; one gode stiinde misc. 42; pe gode mannes Orm. 1459; hwat dostu godes 0. a. n. 563; gOde fdat. m.) Lay 27733; a gode Fridai Brand. 17; lifi scolde Oder monnes god- dede comen him to gode fi7n %u gute IcomenJ hom. 1, 9; wip heore catel and heore gode transact. 18, 24; godere fdat. f.J La^. 3597 ; mid godere beorte hom. 1, 3; to godre beale a. r. 194; gOdne face. m.J 0. a. n. 812; Shoreh. 135; have nou gOdne dai Horn 731; an. lit. 6; gOde fpl.J Lay 521; gOde men Orm. 3954; gOdere fgen. pi.) Lay 5705; go- den fdat. pi.) Lay 15206. gOddede good deed, hom. 1, 9; a. r. 150. gOdhede lonitas, 0. a. n. 351 ; Alis. 7060; Flor. 1682; guodhede ayenh. 233. gOdleic, 0. Icel. godleikr, lonitas, a. r. 136; gOdleic, godlec Kath. 290 ^ 899; gOdlec Marh. 10, 33; an. lit. 8; g0dle3C Orm. 1768. gOdllch, A.Sax. gOdllc, O.R.Germ. guot- licher, goodly, a. p. 2, 7 53; godli Ipom. 75; mid gOdliche scruden Lay 5362; gOdllcbe fadv.) Lay 18857; Degrev, 675; goodliche c. I. 1396; gOdli Will. 169. godnesse, A. Sax. gOdness, goodness, Lay 6897; Orm. 2109; transact. 18, 28; guodnesse ayenh. 18. goodschipe, -schupe honitas, c. I. 503. goddesse goddess Chauc. C. t. a 2063. gode see gade. godelen? hvanne pe On godelep pane Opre- ne ayenh. 66. godeii, A. Sax. gOdian, M. S. Germ, guoten, giieten, malce good, become good, benefit, Orm. 10866 Sf 15909; igOded fpart.) a. r. 386. gogel? gogileyid goggle-eyed, ^^limus", prompt. 201. gojon, Fr. goujon, gudgeon, "gohio, vertibu- lum", prompt. 201 ^ 202. gol see gul. gol? cmp. O.Icel. gOla fbene), gOlastr fopti- mus), O.H.Germ. nrguoler finsignis). gOllic, O.Icel. gOligr f bonus, eximius), 0. H.Germ. gnoUicher fgloriosus), == gOd- lic? noble, famous? gOlike tun Orm. 15662. gol see gal. gold, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ, gold, Goth, gulp, O.Icel. gull, gold, aurum. Lay 4779; Orm. 6474; golde fdat.) spec. 38; guide Iw. 888. goldfah Lay 31406; goldfbhne bope/r«^m. 6, 31. goldfinch goldfinch, 0. a. n. 1130; Alis. 783; Chauc. C. t. a 4367. goldhord gold-hoard, Marh. 17; a. r. 152; s. s. ed. Wr. 2004. goldmestling "aurichalcum" , fragm. 4, 41. goldring gold-ring. Lay 24600. goldsmith goldsmith, prompt. 202. goldwir gold-ioire. Lay 7048; Alis. ed. 8Jc. 180. 208 golden gr«di3 golden see gulden. gole, 0. Fr. gole, goiile, gole fgcwlj, guJa, faux, Chest, pi 1, 229; d. Arth. 3725; goulez gules, Gaw. 619. golet^ 0. Fr. goiilet, gullet, Chauc. C. t. 13958. golf, O.Icel. golf, golf fgonf, goaf J, solum, prompt. 202. gome see giime. gome^ 0. Icel. gaum, 0. II. Germ, gauma, gouma, gaum, attentio, cura, r. s. V, IS; nime gome lioh. 38, 4; gom Orm. 916; see 3eme. gome^ A.Sax. goma, 0. II. Germ, guomo, 0. Icel. gomr, goom, ^^ gingiva \ prompt. 202; voc. 245; gomes fpl.J rel. ant. 2, 78. gonieii see gamen. gon see gan. gong see gang. gonien see ganien. gore, A. Sax. 0. Icel. 0. H. Germ, gor, gore (gor), 'Iimus\ prompt. 203; a. p. 2, 306; gore and fen li b. disc. 147 L gore see gare. gorst, A.Sax. gorst, gorse, rel. ant. 1, 37; Wicl. Is. 55; gorstez fpl.J a. p. 2, 534, gos, A. Sax. gos, 0. Icel. gas, 0. H. Germ. gans, goose, anser, Havel. 1240; rel. ant. 1, 217 ; goos Chauc. C. t. a 4137; Mand. 49; guos ayenh. 32; ges fpl.J a. r. 128; gees Ravel. 702; 3fand. 49; Lidg. m. p. 118. gosey goose-egg, pi. cr. 225. goshauc goshaivh, Alls. 483; gosh auk Wicl. JoT) 39; gosliawk Lidg. 7n. p. 152. ? gossomer gossamer, prompt. 205 ; Chauc. C. t. 10573; Lidg. m. p. 46. gost see gast. got see gat. gote, 0. Dutch gote, from 3eoten, gote, ca- nal is, 2^^'ompt. 205; gotez fpl.J a. p. 1, 607. gotere, Fr. gouttiere, gutter, prompt. 206. go|>eleu, Germ, godeln, gudeln Stalders idiot. 1, 488, bilhire, atrepere : hise guttes bi- gonne to gopelen Langl. h 5, 347; a slab of ire pat glowinge a fure were in water hit wolde gopeli loude treat. 135. gouk = jeac, gaivh (goxvh), cuculus, homo stultus, d. Arth. 927; gok rel. ant. 1, 291. goki, diminut. of gouk, gawhj fgowkyj, Langl. h 11, 299. goul see gavel. goulen, O.Icel. gaula, gowl, ejulare; goule misc. 228; pr. c. 477; goul "ulula'\ Wicl. Ez. 21; gouleden fpret.J Havel. 164; see 3oulen. gound see gund. goute, Fr. goutte, gout, spec. 48; Shoreh. 2, govel see gavel. governen, Fr. gouverner, govern; governe Iloh. 106, 16; governejj fpres.J ayenh. 124. gowcn spectare? (})u) gopest ])aironne Orm. 12233. gra see grai. grace, Fr. grace, grace, horn. 1, 49; La'i,. 6616''; a. r. 8; Beh 421. gracious, Fr. gracieux, gracio'ts, Will. 312; graciouser fcompar.J ayenh. 24, grseden, A.Sax. gnedaii, cry, clamare; gre- den a. r. 236; h. m. 47 ; Langl. 3, 63 (71); grede o. a. n. 308; Havel. 96; Beh. 129; ayenh. 22; grede ant grone h. h. 80; crie and grede j). I. s. /, 32; bio we and grede ni. Arth. 791 ; wepe and grede hid. Cor. 361; grede]) (pres.) Alis. 142; alle ])o pat to me grede spec. 82; grede (imperat.) lloccl. VI, 36; graedde (gradde) fpret.J La-^. 8634; gred- de a. r. 244; st. gen. 3585; Rom 1202; gradde Alis. 1067; gredden Shoreh. 84; comp. bigrseden. gr%di3, A.Sax. grfedig, O.Z. 6r>?7«. gradag, Goth, gredags, O.Icel. graclugr, O.II.Ucrm. gratager, greedy, avidus; gredi^ Orm. 10217; gr^di p. I s. Till, 133; st. gen. grsef gramien 209 494; gra;die fpLj fragm. 6, 9; gredie hundes a. r. o24; grediure fcoynpar.J a. r. 416. gredi^le.^c aviditas, Orm. 3994. grsediliche greedily^ fi'ogm. 6, 22; gredi- llche a. r. 240*; gredilike rel. ant. 1, 216. gredi^iiGSse, A.Sc/x. grsdigness, greediness, Orm. 4622; gredinesse a. r. 416'. grsef, A.Sax. graef, '■^sculptura\ fragm. 2, 60. grsefe, A.Sax. graef flmiisj? grMe fspelun- caj? Bout. ev. 60, L.Germ. grefe (fossa)? fossa, lucus? grove Will. 3634; Chauc. Troil 7614; Gaw. 1366 (^' 1898; a. p. 1, 320; grsefes fpl.J Orm. 9210; greaves La'i,. 31881*; greves Irist. 1, 2; Gow. 2, 261; Chauc. C. t. a 1496; li b. disc. 661; Fercev. 172; grevis ant. Arth. XXXIII, 2. grseiicii^ O.Dutch granen (graenen)? parare? beo grifenedeii (greiiiede) lioore stedeii Zrr,. 23909. graes, A.Sax. graes, g*rs, 0. L.Germ. O.II. Germ. 0. Icel. Goth, gras, 0. Fris. gers, grass fgress, gers J, gramen. fragm. 3, 60; graes, gras Zc^. 3906 ^- 16414; gras o. a. n. 1042; treat. 137; Wil. 644; Cciv. 1, 162; Mire 1499; gres prompt. 210; St. gen. 3049; Havel 2698; Man. 336, 4; Fercev. 1192; pet gers agenb. Ill; grases (ph) spec. 114; greses m. 8193. gresboppe, A.Sax. gaersboppa, ^'lociista", fragm. 3, 30; voc. 166; Orm. 9224. grafe, O.II.Germ. gravo, O.Fris. greva. 0. Icel. greifi, grave (grieve), '■^villicus, prae- positus\ voc. 211 ; greive Havel. 1771; bis bidel & bis gre3fe Orm. 18366. graiFeii; Fr. greffer, graft, Langl. b 6, 137 ; griifiii, graffin prompt. 212. gral, A.Sax. grseg, O.Fris. gre, O.Icel. grar, 0. II. Germ, grawer, grag (grey), (ms. gray) spec. 34; grei h. m. 43; st. gen. 1723; grei as glas Chauc. C. t. a 162; grei, grai (mbst.) p. I. s. VIII, 182 (Hick. thes. 1, 224); grai li b. disc. 839; grey Langl b 16, 216; grai, gra m. h. 42; gro Launf. 237; in gr6 ant in gris spec. 26; bis greie fel o. a. n. 834; 1 de gre3e kuvele a. r. 12. ? graibond, A. Sax. grsegbund, grayhoundy 8. 8. ed. Web. 698; greibound Triam. 473; greabund a. r. 332; grebound Lidg. m. p. 29; grObund Farten. 1389; gribond ayenb. 76; grewbond s. s. ed. Wr. 738; cmp. O.Icel groybundr. grei gray, meles, prompt. 209; (pu) grisllcbe gra (devil) Marh. 6, 23; see Grimm's mythol 946. graicUj 0. II. Germ,, gra wen, become gray: grayes (pres.) Gatv. 627 . grail^ O.Fr. grael, mass-book, ^^gradale", proinpt. 207. grain^ Fr. grain, groin; grein Langl. 6, 121 (7, 112); grains (pi) rycnb. 230. grai|) see greip. gram^ A.Sax. gram, grom, O.L.Germ. gram, O.Icel. gramr, O.HGirm. gramer, angry, furious; gram (ms. gj'amm) & gril Onn. 7146; bete gram st. gen. 1228; god was bim gram Havel 2469; grom o. a. n. 992; grame (pi) Am. a. Amil 214; grame wordes La}. 24774*. gromelTcb, A.S'fx. gramlic, O.Icel gram- ligr, furious, Marh. 9, 24. grame^ A.Sax. grama, O.Icel O.H.Germ, gremi, grief anger, p. s. 199; Will 2200; Jos. 639; Chauc. C. t. 13331; a. p. 3, 63; Min. 18; Degrev. 1372; Triam. 1223; Tor. 2029; grome (grame) La^. 1436; grome Marh. 17, 12; a. r. 180; of grome & of teone Kath. 1363; al bim turnde hit to grome o. a. n. 1090; greme Gaw. 312; a. p. 2, 947; gromen (pi) h. m. 7 . gramcund angry, Orm. 1646. gremful p. I s. II, 166. gramien^ A.Sax. gramian, gremian, Goth. gramjan, O.Icel gremja, O.II.Germ. gre- 27 210 gvkn great • men, grieve, vex; gromien (gramie) Za^. 25216; grame lud. Cov. 27; And. 77; gremien Mark. 12, 19; gremen a. p. 2, 1347; greme Havel. 442; groined fpres.J Marh. 17, 12; gremed a. r. 334; gre- mede fpret.J spec. 36; him gremed(e) (gromede) pid ham Kath. 2106; gremed ^Hrritavit^', ps. 9, 26; comp. a-, i-, of- gramieu. griiii, from *grinen, O.II.Germ. grinen fmu- tire, gannirej? groan; gron Mapes 343; granes fpl.J atit. Arth. ed. Madden XL VIII, 9. grange^ Fr. grange, grange ; graunge, gronge prompt. 20 S; gronge Havel. 764. granien (gronie), A.Sax. granian, groan (grane), gemere, La"^. 26667; granen h. m. 47; grCnen vor his eche a. r. 326; ne gro- nye ne sike p. I. s. XVII, 680; grone h. h. 80; greonep fpres.J fragm. 6, 41; groni fsubj.J o. a. n. 872; granand (part.) pr. c. 798; gronede fpret.J U h. disc. 478. graiiiiig^ A. Sax. granung, groaning, La\ 17797; gianung (printed gramiiig) horn. 1, 33; groning ant. Arth. XXVI, 2. graukeii gemere; grankis fpres.J Town. myd. 166. (lirautcbrugge^ A.Sax. Grrantaii brycg, Cam- bridge, Bob. 6, 22. grauteii^ O.Fr. granter, grant; grante Rob. 116, 4; granti p. I. s. XVI, 176; gian- tej) fpres.J ayenb. 7; grantede fpret.J La\ 4789"^'; St. gen. 1423; igranted fpart.J a. r. 34. grap, A.Sax. grap, 0. Icel. greip, from gri- peii, captio; grapes fpl.J Kath. 866. grape^ Fr. grappe, grape, '^tiva\ voc. 240; Langl. b 14, 30; grapes fpl.J Brand. 19; Maud. 219. grapien^ A.Sax. grapian, O.Icel. greipa, 0. II.Germ. greifon, grope, palpare; grape ps. 113, 72; grope AUs. 1967; Langl. b 13, 347; Chauc. C. t. a 644; Flor. 1633: gropep fpres.J o. a. n. 1496; (hi) gropiep Shoreh. 126; grope fimperat.J Mire 912; gropie fsubjunct.J a. r. 368; grapede (gropede) fpret.J La-^. 30269; graped pr. c. 6666. gras see graes. grasieii^ A.Sax. grasian(?), M.H.Germ. gra- sen, graze; grase Lidg. m. p. 121; gresin prompt. 210. graspeu^ L.Germ. grapsen, grasp, JVicl. Job 6; grasp id fpret.J Flor. 678; grasped bl pe walles to and fro Chauc. C. t. a 4293. grate, Lat. crates, grate, prompt. 207 . gratcu see greten. grave, A.Sax. graef, 0. L.Germ. graf, O.Fris, gref, O.II.Germ. grab n., O.Icel. grof /., grave, ^'•sepuhruni\ voc. 231; prompt. 207 ; WicL John 19; grafe /. h. r. 79; mir. pi. 160. gravelle, Fr. gravelle, gravel, prompt. 207 ; gravel Horn ed. Lam. 1466. graven, A. Sax. grafan, 0. Icel. grafa, 0. H. Germ. Goth, graban, grave: he lette peron graven saelcude runstaven La-^. 9960; gravin ^'■fodere, tGidpere\ protnpt. 208; in eorpe grave Chauc. C. t. 8667; grave ffr bigrave) Havel. 613; grof fpret.J ps. 7, 16'^; pai grofe /. h. r. 108; gra- ven fpart.J a. p. 2, 1332; a cave de was dor in roche graven st. gen. 1 138; pere he sholde be graven ffor bigraven) Langl. b 11, 67; igraven La"^. 7636; comp. bigraven. grafere, A.Sax. grafere, graver, ^^sculptor\ fragm. 2, 69. gre, 0. Fr. gre, "gradus", p^'ompt. 208; m. Arth. 48. greade, A.Sax. greada(?), gremium: pet me do pe elmesse into pe greade of pe povre ayenb. 196; grede s. s. ed. Web. 1M02; pe coppe he putte under his grede AUs. 4187. great, A.Sax. great, O.Fris. grat, 0. L.Germ. grot, 0. II. Germ, grozer, great, grandia, ma gnus, AUs. 936; grffit Orm. 2479; greaten greot 211 grSt st. gen. 2098; BeJc. 71; gret, greet Chauc. C. t. a 318; hire heorte pas so gret 0. a. n. 43; gret wip childe h. T. 531; grat ayenb. 18; mid grseten ane huxe La-^. 27881; mid greatere heorte 669; moni greatiie diint 2284; greate fpLj a. r. 194; grete lordes Mand. 13; gretture fcompar.J a. r. 194; gretture, grettere o. a. n. 74; grettere Havel. 1893; gretter Mand. 2; grettest (super- lat.J Brand. 2; hir gretteste op Chauc. C. t. a 120; greste a. r. 66; Shoreh. 8. gretlTche greatly, Will. 2444; gretluker (compar.) a. r. 426. greaten^ A. Sax. greatian, greaten, grandesce- re, a. r. 128; grete (greti) Roh. 68, 17 ; grete p fpres.J Alis. 464; gretnede ffor gretede) fpret.J Jos. 88. gred? cmp. gredel, gredlren gridiron, ^^craticula\ Wicl. exod. 27 ; gredire /. h. r. 58; gridire p. I. ,s-. xr, 204. greilc see greade. greilelj Welsh greidell, //'. greideal, griddle, cratieula, I. c. c. 13; gredil a. r. 122. greileii see grseden. gredi^ .'ee grgedi3. gref, Fr. grief, grief, a. r. 392; Will. 2473. grei see grai. grei]>^ O.Icel. greidr, paratus, IVill. 6296; graip m. h. 99; avow. Arth. XXXVI, 8; pe graip(e) gate Laiigl. 1, 181 (203 J; greithe (adv. J Mire 346; greide (pi. J a. r. 16; graipest (swperlat.) Min. 18. graipllche graithly, pi. cr. 629; greipli Will. 984; graipli m. h. 44; Percev. 491. grei|>e; 0. Icel. greidi, preparation, Jos. 66. grci|>cii; O.Icel. greida, graith, par are, Alis. 170; grseidien, grseiden (greipi) La-r>,. 8058 Sf 17288; grespen Orm. 98; greipe Havel. 1762; Will. 1719; Mapes 334; greided (pres.J a. r. 236; graithes m. Arth. 2530; greidede (pret.J La\ 1079; greipede Bek. 931; greipide "pa- ravif , Wicl, genes. 27; graiped Percev. 123; greiped (part.) Will. 1946; igrei- ped spec 48; pi. cr. 196; igreidet Kath. 1993; comp. agreipen. grehe see grafe. greme^ gremien see grame, gramien. greiii|>e; M. II. Germ, gromde, anger, fury, Will. 2080; Alis. ed. Sk. 279. greiie, O.Icel. grein (discrimen, dissensioj? in game ne in grene Havel. 996. grene^ A.Sax. O.Fris. grene, O.Icel. groenn, 0. L. Germ, groni, 0. H. Germ, gruoner, green, viridis, Lay 24662 ; Bob. 362, 9; spec. 90; Alls. 638; Mand. 64; greene Chauc. C. t. 9911; grene bo3hes Orm. 10002: pe woundes grene c. I. 1433; grennere (compar.J Brand. 16. grenhede viriditas, rel. ant. 2, 84; ayenh. 28. Grene wicli Greenwich, Chauc. C. t. a 3907 . greiiin^ A.Sax. grenian, green, ^■Vi'r^scere\ prompt. 210; grenen h. m. 36; greni a- yenb. 96; grened (pres.J a. r. 160. grenliiig^ Germ, griinling, green-fi^h, prompt. 210. greuiiieii^ A. Sax. grennian, M. II. Germ. grennen, grin (girnj, fragm. 7 , 4; gren- nen a. r. 212; grennin ^'ringt\ prompt. 210; grenne ps. 36, 12; grenne and berke Alis. 1936; pe teep grennaud Bich. 3406; grennede (pret.J hem. 1, 277; heo grenneden him lion (r. on) Lay 29660. greiiuuiigc grinning, rictus, a. r. 212. greos (greose ?), M. H. Gei-m. grus, griise (horror J. gresli, M. II. Germ, griuslicli, = grisli, horrible, Ber. 1677; greesli mir. pi. , 34; greseli HaUvw. diet. 404. greot; A.Sax. greot, O.L.Geim. greot, griot, O.Icel. griot, O.H.Germ. grioz, grit (greetjy gravel, sabulum, a. r. 70; gret st. gen. 3774; Trisf. 3, 21; greet Wicl. Job 21; rel. ant. 2, 81. 212 greowen gnm greowen = gru wen ? grew, horrcre: it shuld grue me ill(e) sacram. Idf). grcs see graes. gresse, O.Fr. gresse, greme, 1. h. r. SS*; grese oi/enh. 205. gret, Goth, grets, O.Icel. gratr, fletu&; grot s^. gen. 1978; grete fdat.J ant. Arth. XXV, 12; mir. pi. U')0. gret see great. greteii^ A.Sax. greetan, gretan, Goth, gretan pret. gaigrot, 0. Icel. grata pret. gret, greet; gretiu ^^plorare, flere\ prompt. 210; grete Trist. 1, 67; a. p. 1, 331; pr. c. 7099; grete, greete Zangl. 6, 216 (386); grete and grOne Town. myst. 227 ; graten Havel. 329; groten st. gen. 1984; grete fpres.J ant. Arth. VII, 13; greten an. lit. 11; gret f pret. J st. gen. 2287; Man. 3613; m. h. 18; Isumh. 316; thou grete Town. myst. 292; greten st. gen. 3207 ; he greten and gouleden Ravel. 164; greten (part. J Man. 16613 : g-rete Eglam. 926; graten, igroten Ilavd. 241 Sf 286. greten^ A. Sax. gretan (alloqui, invocare, sa- lutarej, O.Fris. greta fprovccare, appellerej, O.Jj. Germ, grotean f alloqui J, 0. II. Germ. gruozan fprovocare, salutarej, greet, salute, ■ Orpi. 2806; & pult greten lire godes IiTath. 2303; gretin "salulare\ prompt. 211; greten, grete Zangl. 6, 187 (343 J; grete Will. 1430; mir. pi. 162; greete, griete Chaue. C. t. 8890; greted fpres.J st. gen. 2382; greted |)e lefdi mid one ave Marie a. r. 430; gretto f pret. J La\ 133; Horn 788; BeJc. 462; langh 10, 218 (11, 163); Laiinf. 2:/2; gretten WiJ. 4664; Alls. 6696; gret (part.) Havel. 2290; ccmp. igreten. gretiiiigc greeting, a. r. 260; gretinge La-^. 4612; greting Beh. 1238. grevaiiiu'C, O.Fr. grevance, grievance, Man. 9496; pr. c. 3019. greve see gr^efe. grcven, O.Fr. grever, Lat. gravare, grieve; greve Havel. 2963; Will. 689; Mand. 11; grevi IJek. 1622; ayenh. 39; greved (pres.) st. gen. 3818; greve (siihjunct.J a. r. 422; Langl. h 17, 111. greious grievous,, p. I. s. XXI, 16. grevousliche grievously, ayenh. 47, gri? grillch? O.HGerm. grullch? horrible, d. Arth. 1101. Orickc Greek, Graecus; G-rickes (pi.) Orm. 17660. pi. gxl^u, grise, "pcrcellus\ vcc. 204; rel. ant. 2, 79; Langl. 4, 38 (01); I. c. c. 00; gvUe8(pl.) a. r. 204^.^ gris (grise?) horror. grisful horrible, p. I. s. I, 33; gris-, grlsefiil iricl. deuter. 2 Sf tvisd. 11. grislich, A. Sax. gris-, grJ^'slTc, 0. Fris. grislik, O.Dutch griselik, grisly (grisely), horrible, Marh. 10, 27; a. r. 190; o. a. n. 224; ayenb. 49; s. s. cd. Weh. 756; h. T. 168; grislTj (ms. grissli3) 214 grisen growen Orm. 3842; grisli, griselTch AUs. 684 ^' 6717; grisli a. p. 2, 1534; grisli, griseli pr. c. 1404 ^ 1757; grisliche (adv.) a. r. 118; Bob. 24, 21; Will. 4343; pi. cr. 585; grisliche fpl) La\ 28063; grisloker fcompar.J Rob. 560, 18; pe grisllkeste weder p. I. s. XVII, 353; see gresli. grislines grieliness, pr. c. 2310; grise- linesse Wicl. deuter. 2. grisen^ A. Sax. (a)grisan, feel horror, be terri- fied, rel. ant. 1, 130; grise transact. 18, 26; s. s. ed. Wr. 2674; I. h. r. 121; m. h. 23; Lidg. m. p. 113; mir. pi. 177 ; me grises a. r. 366"^; pet ou grise pid liam 92^; gros (pret.) Horn ed. Lum. 1314; hit was no wundir poj him gros Ji. s. 7875; comp. agrisen. grisi = 0. H. Germ, griusiger fhorribilisj ? grisillche horribile. Will. 4343. grisines ^^horror\ Wicl. genes. 15. grisil ^^hmTidus, terribilis\ prompt. 213. grisle horror, Marh. 15, 3; ich cpakie of grisle & of grure hom. 1, 253. grisung horror, a. r. WO^'; grisiug Wicl. Job. 18. griste, A.Sax. grist, O.L.Germ. grist(grimmo), M. U. Germ, gris(gram), grist, molitura, frendor? g. 336; a. p. 1, 465. gristbat frendor, Lay 5189. gristbatien frendere; grisbatede f pret. J a. r. 326. gristbatinge frendor, La\ 1886; grisba- ting hom. 1, 33. gristilj A.Sax. O.Fris. gristel, gristle, '•'•car- tilago\ voc. 179; prompt. 213; gristles fpl. J hom. 1, 251. gristilboii "cartilago", prompt. 106. grid', A. Sax. 0. Icel. grid, peace, hom. 1, 45; a. r. 284; st. gen. 560; grid (grip) Lay 1416; grip rel. ant. 1, 172; Will. 3899; Man. 3659; grip fms. gripp) & frip Orm. 3380; hi nabbep noper grip ne sibbe o. a. n. 1005; pat pider wol fleon to sechen grip c. I. 702; grith Havel. 511; ant. Arth. V, 7; fms. griht) h. h. 124. gripbruche o. a. n. 1734. gridful a. r. 406. gridliche Lay 121. griiMen^ A. Sax. gridian, make peace. Lay 5551; comp. igridien. grof, A.Sax. (pyii)graf ? Greins gloss. 2, 7 58y grove, Arth. a. Merl. 1640; grove ^^lucas\ prompt. 215; Mand. 271; grove fdat.) 0. a. n. 380; Cham. C. t. a 1478; gro- veii (grove) fdat. pi. J Lay 469. grofe^ O.Icel. grof, O.H.Germ. gruoba, groove ^ fovea, Alex. 5395. grom^ O.Dutch grom, O.Icel. gromr, groom, puer, Horn 971; Havel. 790; Bel. 148; Will. 1767 ; p. s. 218 ; moni knight and grom AUs. 1150; gromes fpl. J a. r. 422; 0. a. n. 1115; ayenb. 210. grome see grame. groniil^ Fr. gremil, gromivell, spec. 27 . groii, gronien see gran, granien, groiiil see griuid. grone = grin? laqueus, a. r. 278; gronen (grunen) fpl.) ibid. grope^ O.Fris. grope, O.Dutch groepe, groop^ trench; groupe prompt. 216. gropicn see grapien. grot, A.Sax. grot, fragment, particle, a. r. 260; Will. 4257; Chauc. C. t. 6874; (karf) hem al to grotes Havel. 472. grot, 0. Icel. grautr ? groat, polenta ; grotes fpl.) I. c. c. 47. grot see gret. grotc, O.Dutch grote, groat, drachma, Langl. 5, 31; grote, groote Lidg. m. p. 50 ^ 152; grotes fpl.) Chauc. C. t. 7546. ground see grund. groute, A.Sax. grut, O.Dutch gruite, M.H. Germ, gru:^, gr'out, voc. 178; prompt. 217 . groTe see grof. growen, A. Sax. gropan, 0. Fris. growa, 0. Icel. groa, O.H.Germ. groen, gruen, grow^ grubbin gul 215 crescere; grope o. a. n. 1134; growe Langl h 20, 56; Mand. 88; grOuwep fpre&.J p. 8. 332; growinde (part. J Shoreh. 169; greu fpret.J Lay 2014; Havel. 2333; Hob. 470, 6; greowen Lay 8696; gr(e)ope, ' grewe o. a. n. 136; greowe fsuhjmict.J rel. ant. 1, 173; grow en f part. J pi. cr. 221 ; comp. bi-, igrowen. grubbin yrwi, ^^fodicare\ prompt. 217 ; grobbe . Chauc. append. Boet. 1, 29; grubbed fpret.J I. h. r. 94. griiccheii^ O.Fr. grouchier, grudge, ^^murmu- rare\ Wicl. numh. 14; grochi ayenh. 67; grugge lud. C.v. 228; grucched (pres.) a. r. 114; gruccbe fimper.J Will. 1450; grucched fpret.J Mand. 57; grucheden st. gen. 3354. gruel, O.Fr. gruel, gruel, I. c. c. 47. gruf, anp. O.Icel. a grufu fncesgriisj Fritz- tiers ordh., |)ei fillen gruf fon the face J Chauc. C. t. a 949; and laide her gruf fface do'wmvardsj upon a tre Etn. 656; on groufe fallen d. Arth. 3944. gruflinge' groveling fgruhlingsj; grovelinge ^^supinus\ prompt. 215; ^^pronus\ Wicl. Dan. 8; grovelinge to his fete pai felle a. p. 1, 1119; groflinges pou shall be laid Town. myst. 40; grovelings Alex. 5277 . grufnen, from 0. Lcel. grufa fhceje sig nedj? grufnede f? printed grusnede) and strekede and starf wid dan st. gen. 481. gruHt'u see grillen. gruud, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. grund, O.H.Germ. grunt, 0. Lcel. grunnr, ground, fundus, Lay 2296; Orm. 13286; p. s. 196; grond pr. c. 7213; ground Langl. 10924; grunde fdat.J a. r. 268; were . . . brouht to grunde Havel. 1979; falle to grounde treat. 136; eode to gronde perished. Hob. 79, 7; hire coverchiefes ful fine were of grounde Chauc. C. t. a 453. groundebbe, Germ, grundebbe, Lidg. w. p. 50. grundhat quite hot. Lay 5692. groundlias groundless, Shoreh. 154. grundlich. Germ, griindlich, profound, ra- dical, solid: mid grundlTche stre(n)gde Lay 15813; grundliche onslowen 1739; ete grundlike Havel. 651 ; groundli Jier. 4001. groundsope ^faex, 8edimen\ prompt. 216. grundeswilie, A.Sax. grundspilige, ground- sel, senecio, rel. ant. 1, 37 ; grundespu- lie fragm. 3, 33. grundpal "fundamentum'\ fragm. 3, 57; Orm. 13372. groundin, A.Sax. gryndan, M.H.Germ. grun- den, ground, 'fu?idare\ prompt. 216; grundien fall to the ground, Lay 26553; grendep f pres. J Shoreh. 137; groundid fpart.J Wicl. 1 Esdr. 3. grune see grin. grunten, O.H.Germ. grunzen, grunt, grim- nire, a. r. 326; i grunte ant grone rel. ant. 1, 120; pei, gronten Mand. 274; grunte fpret.J p. I. s. XV, 99; Mapes 34L grure, A.Sax. gryre, O.L.Germ. gruri, hor- ror, terror. Lay 27716; Kath. 1994; misc. 91; spue grure he hefde a. r. 112; for muchele grure Marh. 7. grureful a. r. 210. grusen grouse, manducare; grtise fpres. subj.J a. r. 428-^\ grut, L. Germ, grut, grut, "limus'\ prompt. 218; pe toundikes . . . wer(ej . . . full of grut liich. 4339. grutte, A.Sax. grytte, O.lL.Germ. gruzze, grit: pet tu ete gruttene bread a. r. 186. gruwen, M.H.Germ. gruwen, grow, horrere? comp. agriiwen ? see greowen and grien. guerdon, O.Fr. guerdon, guerdon, recompense, Parten. 551. guise, Fr. guise, guise. Lay 19641; gise '^ modus", prompt. 195; Chauc. C. t. a 993; a. p. 1, 1098; see wise. gul, O.Icel. gulr, golr, flavus; guile fpl.J Halliw. diet. 424. 216 gulchen garden golsoght, Sived. giilsot, Dan. guulsot, jaundice, llalliw, did. 409. gulchen^ cmp. Germ, gulken, kulken, gluckeu, klucken, (/ukh (gulh), glutch: gulched (glucches) in sorbet, a. r. 240; gulched (culched) lit vomit, 88. gulflcu; A. Sax. gylden, O.II.Germ. guldiner, O.lcel. giillinn, from gold, golden, aureus; gilden pr. c. 6360; lud. Cov. 76; a gul- dene crune Kath. 1682; giildeue crime (goldene croune) La\ 4261; j)e gildene ^ate 3Iand. 81; gildene crimes Orm. 8180; geldene scheldus Degrev. 280. giilileii^ A. Sax. gyldan, O.lcel. gylla, gild; gildin "deaurare^\ prompt. 193; gilden IVicl. exod. 26; igelt (part. J ayenh. 26; comp. overgulden. gullen see ^ellen. gulpcii; 0. Butch gulpen, golpen, gulp, sor- lere; igulped, igolped, iglubbed, iglobbed, igloppid (part.) Langl. 6, 191 (346 J. gult, A. Sax. gylt, guilt, delictum, Lay 4272; 0. a. n. 1410;'Mapes 341; Mire 1099; & nimed pene gult uppeu hire a. r. 268; pisne gult misc. 49; as sone as he hedde j)e gult idon c' I. 414; i nabbe perof gult non IJeL 827; gilt st. gen. 2262; Mand. 134; fms. gil]t) Orm. 13730; gelt Shoreh. 166; ayeyib. 30; Will. 4403; gilte fdat.J pr. c. 6669; giltes fpl.J Orm. 1143. giltles guiltless, Flor. 2090; giltel*s Orm. 871. gultcii^ A. Sax. (a)gyltau, delinquere, peccare; gulte p. I. s. VIII, 108; gilten Wicl. ps. 33; he jiolde noht on ane pise gil- ten Orm. 3111; gulted fpres.J Mark. 17 , 16; gulte fsuhj.J o. a. n. 1623; gulte fpret.J liom. 1, 83; gult (part.) Mire 419; gilt m. Arth. 1377 ; comp. a-, forgulten. gulti; A.Sax. gyltig, guilty, a. r. 68; Bel:;. 2111; Mire 901;^ gilti Chauc. 0. t. a 660; Man. 112, 16; pr. c. 2949; gelti Shoreh. 40. gnme^ A. Sax. Goth, guma, (>. L. Germ, gu- mo, 0. Icel. gumi, 0. II. Germ, gomo, Lat. homo, gom, man. m. h. 127; giime (gome) La-^. 3690; gome spec. 36; Alls. 1024; mil. 670; Jos. 631; s. s. ed. Weh. 1399; Langl. b 13, 181; a. p. I, 231; ant. Arth. VIII, 9; Havelok was a ful god gome Havel. 7 ; gomen (pi.) Horn 169; Alis. 1384; comp. brud-, heregnme. gume^ 0. H. Germ, giumo (palatum) ? gum, ^'•gingival, voc. 207 ; see gome. gumme^ Fr. gomme, gum, prompt. 218; gummes, gommos (pi.) Langl. 2, 202 (226). gun, Gael, gun, /;•. giinn, Welsh gwn, gown; goun "toga\ vcc. '238; Chauc. C. t. a 93: a. p. 2y 146; gunes (pi.) rel. ant. 2, 174; gounes Degrev. 1604. guild, gound, A. Sax. gund, Goth. gund(?), 0. II.Germ. gunt, gund, gound, pus, "chassie'\ voc. 146; gound j?row/^!^. 206 S^^ 426; re/. a7it. 2, 78. guudi, goundi, (T.H.Germ. gundiger, go ;ndy, "chassieux', vcc. 144. guuiic, Ir. Gael gunna, gun, Chauc. 1. g. w. 637; avow. Arth. LX1\ 3; gonnes (pi.) Alis. 3268. guod see god. gurd, A.Sax. gyrd, M.HGerm. giirt m., 0. led. giord /., girth, cingula; gird Alls. 2272; gerp Rich. 6733; gerthe prompt. 190. gurdel, A.Sax. gyrdel, O.lcel. gyrdill, 0. II.Germ. giirtil, girdle, cngulum. a. r. 420; spec. 36; girdel Orm. 3210; girdel, gerdel Langl. h 16, 120; Chauc. C. t. a 368; gerdel Mat. 3, 4: ayenb. 236; gurdle (dat.) La-i,. 1326; gerdles (pi.) ayenb. 236; comp. brechgerdel. gurdeu, A.Sax. gyrdan, O.lcel. gyrda, 0. II.Germ. gurten (cingere), O.Dutch gorden (cingere, caedere hris), gird; girdin "<•/»- gere\ prompt. 196; girde Wicl. exod. 12; gerde ayenh. 236; gerdej) (pres.) Will. gure 3^- m 1240; gurdus, girdus caedit, ant. Arth. XLV, 10 Sf XLVII, 8; gordez (girdez) to Gringolet Gaw. 2062 ^ 2160; gurdep, girdep fimper.J Langl. 2, 176 (201); g"urde fpret.j cinxit, Hob. 435, 7; Gecidit, a. r. 106; he gurde Suard on pat hsefd La"). 1396; gurd (part,) cinctus, Gaw. 688; girt st. gen. 3149; girt, gert Cham. C. t. a 329; gurd caesus, Alts. 2299; comp. bi-, igurden. gure^ A.Sax. gyru (palus)f gureblod gory blood? on gureblode (Sprint- ed gure blode) Jul. 28; (Sprinted grure blode) a. r. 294. gureii see jearwien. gut, A.Sax. gutt(?) pi. guttas, gut, a. p. 3, 280; gut, gutte Langl. b 1, 36; gutte ^'viscus', prompt. 220; guttes (pi.) Marg. 112; Tor. 192; gottes Rob. 289, 8. gute, A. Sax. gyte, 0. H. Germ, guz, from jeoten, fusio; comp. blodgute. gutefestre running ulcer? (pi.) a. r. 328. guttoii gut, ^^exenterare\ prompt. 220. guit, A.Sax. gtid, O.Icel. gudr, gunnr, bellum. gudstrenccle (? ms. gud strencde) Lay 1595. 3a see 36. )a see jea. 3«p see jeap. 5»te? comp. bijajte. 5alu see jeolu. garner see 3eomer. 5ard see jeard. 5are see 3earu. 5are see 3eare. 5areii see 3earwien. ^arkieu see 3earkien. 3 arm, 0. Tcel. iarmr ? Welsh garm, Gael. gairm? from 3eorren? yarm, cry, a. p. 2, 971. ^arnien, A.Sax. gearmian(?), O.Icel. iarma? O.Dutch karmen? (see chirmen), Welsh gannio, Gael, gairm ? yarm, ejulare, lamen- tari: pe fend bigan tO crie and 3arme Halliw. diet. 951 ; 3ermis (pres.) d. Arth. 3911. jam, A.Sax. gearn, O.Icel. O.H.Germ. gam, yarn, prompt. 536; yarn voc. 157; 3ern nu^. poet. 18. 3arnwindel yarn-windle, '■^girgillm\ prdmpt. 536. ^arren, M.H.Germ. karren? yar, fremere; 3arrande (part.) Gaw. 1595. ^aru see 3earu. 5arwe, 3arowe, A.Sax. gearpe, O.H.Germ. garwa, garawa, yarrow, ^^millefolium" , prompt. 536; 3arow voc. 226; yarow rel. ant. 1, 53. ^arwien see 3earwien. )at, 3ate see 3eat. ^aten, A.Sax. geatien, O.Fris. geta, O.Icel. jata, jatta? grant, concede, Orm. 9819; 3etten Lay 10052; 3ete a. p. 1, 557 ; gete Ilich. thes. 1, 230; 3etted (pres.) a. r. 170; god 3ate prompt. 201 ; 3atte (pret.) Orm. 2372; gatte st. gen. 1574; pe king liim 3ette al pat he 3irnde La-^. 4426; 3etede Jul. 7; 3ettede Kath. 1590; 3ated (part.) Orm. 154; i3etted Marh. 16. ^ettunge accord, a. r. 204. jaulen see 3oulen. 5e, A.Sax. ge, O.L.Germ. gi, Goth, jus, 0. Icel. jer, er, O.H.Germ. ir, Gr. ?)jjl[isc (for uajjLSc), see Bopps vergl. gram. 473, ye, vos. Lay 741; a. r. 4; Orm. 366; Beh. 26; Will. 269; Langl. 1, 16; prompt. 537; 3e, ye 0. a. n. 1730; Chauc. C. t. a 726; ye Havel. 161; Eglam. 4; ge, gie hom. 2, 5 Sf 21; ge st. gen. 330; yhe pr. c. 68; see eow and eower. 5e, A.Sax. ge, O.L.Germ. ge, gie, ja, O.H. Germ. Joh? Goth, jah ? see Gr. gram. 3, 271 Sf 720, et: peos sunne forded eider 3e saule 3e llchoma hom. 1, 103; 3a Iffiped folc 3a leered Orm. 846. 5e-, 3i-, i-, e-, a-, A.Sax. ge-, O.L.Germ. ge-, gi-, O.Fris. ge-, gi-, je-, e-, i-, 0. 218 Se- 36- H.Germ. ga-, ge-, gi-, (9oa. ga-, y-, e-, a-; see Gr. gram. 2, 733 and 3, 50. isedelien, A.Sax. geaedelian, ennoble, Zw^. 2249S. iahnien, A.Sax. geagnian, own, La^. 3743. ^ean fpret. pres.J favour, grant; iunne fsubjunct.J horn. 1, 125. ibsed fpret. J hade, rogavi, oravi: as ure loverd hine ibed misc. 42; ibeden (part. J Kath. 2464; ibede misc. 42; p. I s. XVII, 142; ayenh. 117; to colde gist- ninge he was ibede rel. ant. 2, 277 . iban han, ^^edicturn\ fragm. 2, 26. ibannen summon; ibonned (ibanned) /^^«r^.y Z«). 20206; havestu . . . ibanned ferde 0. a. n. 1668. ibeat, M. H. Germ, gebo^, heat, puhatio, La^. 1740. ibeaten heat, ferire; ibeaten f part. J a. r. 186; ibeten spec. 70; Alis. 3848; i- beate, ibiate aijenh. 236 ^ 239; ibete Chauc. C. t. a 4313. ibed, A.Sax. gebed, O.LGerm. gibed, 0. H.Germ. ge-, gibet, prayer; ibede fdat.J horn. 1, 7; ihQ(iiQfpl.?J p. I s. VIII, 150. ibedde, A.Sax. gebedda, M.S. Germ, ge- bette, hed-fellow, o. a. n. 1570. ibe3en incline, inflect; ibei3ed (part.) fragm,. 1, 9; ibiiid treat. 139. ibel3en helly, ttimere; ibolye f part. J o. a. n. 145. ibeoden command; iboden f part. J La\ 22122. ibeot promise, menace, La'^. 21029. ibere demeanour, clamour, noise, o. a. n. 222; of faire ibere misc. 100; reiiliche iberen La^. 15067 . iberen hear, ferre, par ere, La"^. 27850; iber (pret.) a. r. 194; misc. 37 ; iboren (part. J r. s. V, 25; c. I. 21; Chauc. a t. 8502; ibore Bek. 32 Sf 1172; Lidg. m. p. 116; abore Ilalliw. diet. 9. iberen, A. Sax. geb^eran, se gerere? pe mon pe swa ibered Lay 21010. iberjen preserve, save; ibor^en {part. J horn. 1, 71; Lay 4265; ibor3e ayenh. 5; ibor^e, ibore we o. a. n. 883; iboru- peii a. r. 8. ibeten amend, repair, horn. 1, 19; ibet (part.) Kath. 1219; a. r. 272; Will. 4613. ibidden hid, pray; ibidde (pres.) Lay 20655; ibidded (imper.) a. r. 144; i- biddep eu misc. 42. ibide, M. H.Germ. gebite, mansio? pu nah- tes(t) i nane stude habben freo monnes ibude Lay 15577. ibiden hide, stay, wait, expect. Lay 4721; ibide Flor. a. Bl. 175; he ibad pes wederes Lay 9734; pe bedeles . . . i- bide pe Idnges heste Beh. 988; ibiden (part.) Lay 3419. ibinden hind. Lay 2487 ; 3ebunden (part.) hom. 1, 3; ibunden a. r. 254; pou art ibounden ... to helpen me Chauc. C. t. a 1149; ibounde ayenh. 145. ibienden hlind, caecare; iblend (part.) Ilarh. 13, 12; iblent Shoreh. Ill; Alis. 3956; s. s. ed. Weh. 2523. iblessien hless; iblessi (pres. siihj.) an. lit. 6; iblessed (part.) c. I. 1441; Shoreh. 125; pi. cr. 520; Chauc. C. t. 5905; iblesced a. r. 376; rel. ant. 1, 159; iblesset Marh. 5, 29. iblissien rejoice: pat folc wes al iblissed M\ 27841. iblowen hlow, florere; iblopen (part.) Marh. 10, 31; iblOpe o. a. n. 618. ibod command, rel. ant. 1, 184; ibode (pi.) hom. 1, 11. ibodien hode; iboded (part.) Lay 23027, ibreiden hraid; ibraeid (pret.) Lay 5193; ibroiden (part.) 29252; ibroide p. I. s. XVII, 156. ibreken hreak; ihYoken (part.) Iiath. 1218; Langl. prol. 68 (71); Trist. 3, 55; i- broke Shoreh. 161. ibrengen hring; ibroht (part.) La^. 1852; 3«- Se- 219 Mark. 2; spec. 39; ibrOuht a. r. 144; c. I 580; ibro^t Roh. 473, 15. ibringen bring , Za"^. 16993; ibringe o. a. n. 1539. ibrodere, ibroderen, A.Sax. gebrodor, ge- brodru, M.H.Germ. gebruoder, hr others, La^. 3880 Sf 10446; ibrodran hom. 1, 125. (i)briinied, iburned clothed with a coat of mail, La^. 26277. ibiien par are; ibon (for ibfin?) (part.) La\ 12805; iboen an. lit. 13. ibuggen hmj; ibie Tor. 1223; iboht (part.) spec. 62; ibouht a. r. 398; ibojt Flm-. a. Bl. 118; ayenh. 145; iboujt pi. cr. 569. ibu5en how, se inolinare, verti, hom. 1, X 91; ibo5eu (part.) La-^. 11751. ibtihsum ohedient, hom. 1, 113. ebur, A.Sax. gebur, O.H.Germ. gipur, co- lonus; comp. nehebur. iburen pertain; iburej) (pres.J rel. ant. i, 172; iburd a. r. 420^; geberede "o^or- tui£\ Mat. 18, 33. iburjen hary; iburied (part. J Hick. thes. 1, 166; Lay 6014; Kath. 335; Roh. 50, 21; ibured BeL 321; ibered Shoreh. 89. iburjen = iberjen? save. Lay 9988. ibursten enrage? iburst (part.) hom. 1, 255; heo weoren . . . ladliche iburste Lay 1889. icamp comhat; icompe (dat.J hom. 1, 107 . iclsemen cleam, linere; idem (pres. imper.J hom. 1, 225. ' geclgensien, A.Sax. geclffiiisian, geclansian, cleanse. Mat. 8, 2; iclense pi. cr. 760; iclansed (part. J Lay 10835; Roh. 43, 16; iclenzed ayenh. 74. jeclepien clep, clamare, vocare, hom. 1, 231; icleped (part.) c. 1. 1357; Shoreh. 45; Trist. 2, 51; Chauc. C. t. a 867; Wicl. deeds 1; iclepet Kath. 2480; i- diped Brand. 7; iduped Fl. a. Bl. 140. icnawen (icnowe) know, cognoscere, Lay 24805; to icnOpen him sulven a. r. 182; iknowen c. I. 36; pi. cr. 647; i- knawe ayenh. 82; iknowe Horn 1213; Alis. ed. Sh. 607; Chauc. C. t. 6952; fleschllche iknowe Shoreh. 63; icnOwe (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 144; icneow (pret.) Lay 6625; 3ecnep hwn. 2, 143; ikneu Flor. a. Bl. 509; Beh. 87; icnapen (part.) Marh. 22, 19; beute 3if pu wulle icnawen beo pat Ardur is king over pe Lay 26433; icnOpen a. r. 64; beo iknawe Alis. 724; wel ich am perof iknowe Beh. 7 83. icneden hnead; iknede (part.) rel. ant. 2, 277. icnutten knit. Lay 29272; icnut (part.) Jiath. 1525. icunde, A.Sax. gecynd, kind, natura, pro- prietas: pet faire icunde hom. 1, 147; Julius Cesar pe . . . halt . . . eower i- cunde La^. 7909; al swa taclied (r. tseched) his icunde 22004; icunde, i- kuude 0. a. n. 1383. icunde, A.Sax. gecyude, kind, naturalis: ure icunde lond Lay 22155. icundellche natm\iiiter, hom. 1, 99; o. a. 71. 1424. icunnen try; icunned (part.) Lay 26237. icuden, A.Sax. gec^dan, make known; i- cud (part.) Lay 8196; Kath. 540; a. r. 64; Bek. 2347; spec. 25; iked Shoreh. 24. icupuesse, A.Sax. gec^'dness, "testimo?ii' um\ fragm. 3, 12. icpeme convenient, pleasing, a. r. 120; i- qveme Lay 117. 3ecpemeu please, hom. 1, 221; iqvemen (icweme) Lay 13288; icpeme, iqveme 0. a. n. 1784; iqveme rel. ant. 1, 174; ayenh. 228; iqwemed (part.) c. I. 1394. icweden say, speak; iqvepe o. a. n. 502; iqved (pret.) Lay 2267; iqveden (i- cwepe) (part.) .9/4/^, 220 3«- 3e- icheosen choose; icheose reh ant. 1, 182 ichses fpret.J La"). 6356; icure llodo icoren fpart.J Mark. 16, 10; c. /. 203 icorn Trut. 2, 106; icore Brand. 33 spec. 25; p. s. 247; chron. Vilod. 23 icoren, ichosen La-^. 1539 Sf 12312 Kath. 836 Sf 1624; a. r. 56 Sf 160 ichosen proclam. 2; ichose Beh. 227 m/enh. 42; g. 349. icheu chew, manducatio, horn. 2, 35. icherran turn, hom. 1, 117; gecherred fpres.J Mat. 10, 13. idselen deal, partiri, dividere, fragm. 5, 32; idseled (idiQ?lQd) fpart.J Lay 12196; ideled a. r. 204; ideld Beh 332. idal, A.Sax. gedal, separation, distribution, hom. 1, 135; idol fragm. 5, 31. idemen deem, judicare; idemden fpret.J Lay 4054; idemed f part. J a. r. 170; c. I. 114; idemid Shoreh. 2. iderven grieve, injure; idorven (part. J Marh. 16, 1; a. r. 106; idorve o. a. n. 1158. idihten ordain, dispose: to dsede idihte Lay 19671; idiht (part.) Kath. 1607; 0. a. n. 1547; |ju us havest ful pel idiht r. s. II, 13; idight m. Arth. 610. ^edon do, facere, hom. 1, 229; idon f part. J a. r. 316; Mand. 10; pa burh wes swide wel idon Lay 2029; idon, idoon Chauc. C. t. a 1025; idoon Hoccl. VI, 58; edon Aud. 16; ido Roh. 470, 2; ayenh. 30; idoo Lidg. m. p. 223; Tri- am. 411. idrajen draw; idrahen f part. J Kath. 1200; idra3e, idrawe o. a. n. 586; idrawe Beh 1625; Chauc. C. t. 13368. idrecchen torment, trouble; idreijt f part. J p. I. s. XIX, 45; idraht Lay 4521; pat mi saule ne beo idri3t ass. 190; [idrecched Lay 5054; idrecchet h. m. 29]. idrefen trouble, disturb; idrefed f part. J Lay 171. idre3an, A. Six. gedreogan, suffer, endure^ hom. 1, 29; idri3en Lay 7608; idrohen fpart.J Marh. 21, 30. idrinken drink; idrunken fpart.J Lay 6692; idronke ayenb. 51. idiriYQw drive; idriy en fpart.J Kath. 1816^; idriven (idreve) Lay 6213; idrive Beh 678; c. I. 199. idu^e, iduwe agreeable? o. a. n. 1582. idu3en, M. H. Germ, getugen ? honoure oure godes . . . while 3011 is wel ido3t p. I. s. XV, 182. 3edpeld, A.Sax. gedpyld, gedpild, error, hom. 1, 227; gedpilpan fdat. pl.J 119. idwellen tardare? hevene is al idveld Shoreh. 147. idpimor "phantasma\ fragm. 3, 17 . 3edwole error; gedpolen face. J Mat. 24, 24, 3eearnien earn; iernien hom. 1, 19; 3e- arnie 223; iaerned fpart.J Lay 24154. iearnunge earning, meritum, hom. 1, 99. 3eedl8echen repeat; 3eedlehte fpret.J hom. 1, 229. ienden end, finire; iended fpart.J Beh 1768; Shoreh. 150. 3iendunge ending, hom. 1, 217; iendung fragm. 1, 19. ieode fpret.J conquered. Lay 4253. ^ 3eeten, O.H.Germ. geezan, gezan, eat, comedere; 3eetst fpres.J hom. 1, 221; i- eten fpart.J Lay 31773; iete Bob. 418, 13; Brand. 14; c. I. 338; Ber. 2782; i3eten ffor ieten, as Germ, gegeszen for geeszen) Lay 6691; i3ete Shoreh. 23; iyete ayenh. 13; Octov. 757; i3ette p. I. s. Ill, 33. ifa foe, Lay 15855; ivo 0. a. n. 1716; ayenb. 171; ifan fpl.J Marh. 5, 26; i- fon rel. ant. 1, 175; ifoan proclam. 6. ifse3en fain; ifa3e Shoreh. 67 ; ifaie rel. ant. 2, 276. ifa33rien adorn? ifeired f? ms. ileired) mid golde Lay 23954. ifffiren afray; ifered fpart.J Lay 27 140. Se- 3«- 221 ifaesten fast, jirmare; ivaste fpret.J Lay 22551; ifast (part J p, I. s. Ill, 95. ^efsestnien fasten; jefestnede fpret.J horn. 1, 221; ivaestned (ifastned) (part.) La},. 31132; ifestned Kath. 1523; ivestned a. r. 218; ifastened A/is. 179. ifallen /«//; ifallen (part.) o. a. n. 514; ivallen a. r. 58; ifalle Irist. 2, 75; afalle llalliw. did. 24. ifandien try, tempt; ifonded (part. J Lay 16314; ivonded a. r. 58; misc. 38. ifangen caper e; ifeng fpret.J horn. 1, 77; Lay 820; ivongen fpart.J Lay 26848; ifonge Alia. 4573. ifaren fare, vehi, ire; ifare o. a. n. 400; ivOr fpret.J Lay 6090; ivaren fpart.J a. r. 366; ifare Horn ed. Lum. 468; she was fro pis world ifare Chauc. Troil. 5838. ifealden fold; ifolde fpart.J Langl. h 17, 166. if^^QH feed ; ifed fpart.J spec, 110; Will. 768; Chauc. r. r. 471; p. 26, 5; i- ved Lay 13573. ife3e, A.Sax. (uii)gefege, M.H.Germ. ge- viiege, aptus; comp. uiiife3e. ife3e, A. Sax. gefeg(e), Germ, gefiige, joining; comp. staefifeje. ife5en, A.Sax. gefegan, join: iveied (ife- jet) to gederes a. r. 26. ifeht fight, pugna; ifiht Lay 4347 . ifehten fght, pugnare; ivohten (ifohte) fpart.J Lay 25693; ivojte ayenh. 176. ivelen feel, a. r. 232; ifele p. I. s. XXIII, 18; ivelj) fpres.J ayenh. 31; ifelde fpret.J horn. 1, 123; Horn ed. Lum. 54. ifellen fell; ifelde fpret.J Horn 58; if el- led fpart.J Lay 988; iveld ayenh. 50. ifeojen hate, he at enmity: mine sunnen habbed . . . iveied (iveed) me tOpard pe horn. 1, 187 Sf 202; wid pine sune pu beost ivseid Lay 9837 ; heo wusten heom ifgeied 21214; ivet? c. I. 310. ifeond fiend, enemy, Lay 16077 . ifere companion, r. s. V, 182; Horn 227; rel. ant. 2, 275; ivere Lay 26020;. iveren fpl.J a. r. 392. 3eferreden company; geferredene fdat.J' Mat. 18, 17. ifeterien fetter; ifetered fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 1229; iveotered a. r. 32. ifetten fet, afferre; ifet fpart.J horn. 1^ 147; Jos. 428; Chauc. C. t. 10488; Man. 1624; ifat Kath. 1296. ifinden find, Lay_ 6219; Kath. 516; i- vinden a. r. 156; ifinde s. s. ed. Weh. 2371; ifinded fpres.J Marh. 20; ifond fpret.J Kath. 161; ivond a. r. 66; i~ vunden Lay 12303; ifunden fpart.J a. r. 48; ivonde, ivounde ayenh. 92 Sf 186; ifounden, ifounde Langl. h 15, 225; i- founden pi. cr. 631. ifiderien feather : earepe pet is ividered a. r. 60. iflemen fugare; iflemed fpart.J Lay 1363; c. I 113. ifleon, 0. H Germ, gefliehen, flee, fugere ; iflo3en fpart.J Lay 4764; ivlopen a. r. 168; iflowen c. I. 470; Alis. 1907. ifo3, A.Sax. (un)gefog, M.H.Germ. ge- vuoc, aptus; comp. unifo3. ifon capere. Lay 4555; ifo Flor. a. Bl. 694; (he) ifehd fpres.J horn. 1, 131; (hi) ifod, ivop 0. a. n. 1645. ifordien perform, execute, hom. 1, 37; i- vorden Lay 31561; ivorded fpart.J a. r. 408; pat wore wes iforded Lay 8709; his heast pas iforded Kath. 2278. ifreden perceive, experience; ivrede misc. 78; f printed inrede) Shoreh. 7; he herm ifredde Lay 27138. ifreinen inquire, interrogate; ivreined fpart.J a. r. 338; ifreined Chauc. C. t. 12361. ifreoi3en free, liherare, Lay 29474; ivrid fpart.J ayenh. 86. ifreonde, A.Sax. gefr^nd, M.H.Germ. ge- vriunde, friends, Lay 11591. 222 t^ 36- ifrofrien console, comfort; ifrefrad fpres.J hom. 1, 97; ifrovred (if revered) (part. J La^. 19545. 3efildnesse, A.Sax. gefylledness, plenitude, horn. 1, 219. ivullen ///, Lay 32184; ifulled f part. J a. r. 156; c. I 1280. ifurn, A.Sax. gefyrn, formerly, misc. 193; 0. a. n. 1306; rel. ant. 1, 182; ivurn (ivorn) La-^. 24017; gefern "o/m", Mat. 11, 21. ifusen, A.Sax. gef^^san, prepare, hasten. Lay 22123; ford he iviisde 10492. igada, A.Sax. gegada, O.L.Germ. gigado, M.H.Germ. gegate, ^^ complex', fragm. 5, 3. igsederien gather; igedered (part.) a. r. 76; c. I. 1418; igadered pi. cr. 189; p. 52, 5. igsederung gathering, ^^congregatio, concio\ fragm. 2, 27; igederunge (dot.) hom. 1, 89. igan go; igon a. r. 208; igon f part. J Chauc. a t. b 1402. igast territus, a. r. 372^\ igastliche gastly. Lay 17869. igladien gladden; igladed (part. J Lay 31718; Will. 850. ^eglengen ornare; ^eglenge (pres. suhj.J hom. 1, 229. igliden glide; igiiden f part. J Lay 9159^'\ igramien grieve, vex; igramed, igremed , (part. J 0. a. n. 1603; tire godes pat tii igremed havest Kath. 1467 . igrede cry, o. a. n. 1643. igreden cry; igrad f part. J o. a. n. 1149. igreten greet, salutare, Kath. 2303"^'; i- grette fpret.J Lay 4418; igretten r. s. V, 99; igret f part. J Shoreh. 119, igretinge greeting, proclam. 1. igrinden grind; i^rounde (part.) Langl. b 18, 78; Chauc. C. t. a 4008. igripen gripe. Lay 21513; igrap (pret.) Marh. 12; igrap (igrop) Lay 4591; i- gripen 4559; igripen, igripe (part.) Langl. 3, 175 (181). igridien make peace; igrided (part.) Lay 18263. igrowen grow; igrowen (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 3973. igrure terror? Lay 812. igurden gird; igurd (part.) a. r. 418; igert ayenb. 236. ijearwien male ready, parare; ijearwed, ijarwed (part.) Lay 220 Sf 2076; i- 3arped hom. 1, 139. i3el yell. Lay 17799. i3eldeii yield; i3olden, i3olde c. I. 343 Sf 1480; i3olde Fl. a. Bl. 809; iyolde ayenb. 120. i3emen give attention, talce care, a. r. 44^; i3emed (part.) c. I. 448. 3egeng(e), igeiig(e) comitatus? hom. 1, 237 if 243. i3erneii yearn, desiderare, cupere; i3erned (part.) a. r. 192; i3irned. spec. 28. i3ifen, 0. II. Germ, gegeben, give; i3iveii (part.) a. r. 82; c. 1. 60; i3efen hom. 1, 19; i3eveii Lay 3167 ; c. I. 608; Chauc. Boet. 4069; i3ive o. a. n. 551; iyeve ayenh. 20. ^ ihabbeii have; ihaved (part.) Kath. 467; iliaved (ihafd) X^^. 4501; ilieved a. r. 108. ihadien ordain; ihaded (iiioded) Lay 15643; ihoded o. a. n. 1177; ayenb. 49. 3eli£elen heal; 3eiielde (pret.) hom. 1, 229; iiieled (2Mrt.) Lay 29991; a. r. 274. 3eiiese command, hom. 1, 221, ilial, 0. Dutch gehel, M. H. Germ, gelieil, tvhole: ihal (iliol) k isimd Lay 821; ihol a. r. 256; Shoreh. 27 ; iiiole (pi.) Langl. a 7 , 55. iholllche wholly, ayenb. 109. ihal3ieu hallow, sanctificare ; \\\Si\Q'7^Q^(part.) Lay 29443; ihalewed p. I. s. XX, 75; ihal3ede stedes ayenb. 40. 36- 36- 22a jehaten call, command; ^ehaten (part.) Orm. 112; ihaten Mark. 2; Kath 2202; ihoten Jos. 291; ihaten (ihote) La'^. 24769; ihCte Bek. 701; Langl 7, 61 (63). ihold, A. Sax. geheald, hold, cadellmn, o. a. n. 62 J. ihealden, A. Sax. gehealdan, hold, tenere, p. L s. VIII, 28^; ihalden La^. 17212; iholden (part.) a. r. 250; iholde Itoh. 470, 17; Chauc. C. t. a 2968; Iloccl. I, 184; ihealde Shoreh. 34; pet me is ihialde to done ayenh. 8. iheawen hew; iheapen (part.)fragm. 3,47 . iheden heed: heo weren wel ihedde La'^. 2725''. iheien, O.H.Germ. gihohan, exalt,, elevate; iheied (part.) a. r. 154; iheiet Marh. II, 29. iheien conceal; ihel (pret.) Kath. 2055; iholen (part.) a. r. 146; ihole ayenl. 26. ihelmed, O.H.Germ. gehelmot, helmed, ga- leatus, La"). 26277. ihelpen help; iholpen (part.) a. r. 242; iholpe Roh. 405, 7; ayenh. 184. ihende, A.Sax. gehende, at hand, near, o. a. n. 1131; misc. 28; ayenh. 212. ihenen humhle ; ihened (part.) honi. 1, 115. ihente(n) hent, capere, h. m. 21; ihent (part.) spec. 28. iheorted hearted; spete iheorted a. r. 282. iheowien colour; iheouped (part.) a. r. 356. ihere, M. II. Germ, gehoere, ohedient? pej he ne be naujt ihere ac wikke Shoreh. 27 . ihersum, A. Sax. geh^rsum, 0. II. Germ. gahorsamer, obedient, horn. 1, 109. ihersumnesse ohedience, hom. 1, 109. iheren hear, audire, ohedire, Marh. 6; a. r. 78; c. I. 67; iheren (ihiren) La-^. 3039; ihere o. a. n. 224; spec. 46; s. s. ed. iVeb. 1871; Degrev. 27; ihure treat. 135; ahere Octov. 23; ihered (pres.) a. r. 90; ihere (imper.) Langl. h 17, 137; iherde (pret.) Marh. 2; i- hilrde Beh. 41; iherden llicJc. thes. 1, 167 ; iherd (part.) a. r. 92; ayenh. 97. iherien pruue : ihered (part.) Kath. 2413; Bek. 1213; ayenh. 23; p. 2, 10; iherid Octcv. 865. ihevijien make heavy; iheveged (part.) a. r. 332; ihevied Chauc. Boet. 4974. ihleoten sortiri: pervore him seal ileoten (fall to his lot) bitterest aire baluwen La^. 31306; nas hit noht swa iloten (destined) 7819; pii ... pat art iloten (ilote) to him h. m. 11. gehlud, A. Sax. gehl;^d, Humultus\ Mat. 27, 24. ihosed hosed, misc. 91. 3ehrefen roof; 3eref (pres. imper.) hom. 1, 225. ihrinen touch; irined (pres.) hom. 1, 77; alle heore vingeres irinen (adorned?) mid goldringes La-^,. 24600. ihuden hide; ihud (part.) Kath. 1187 ; a. r. 146; Boh. 87, 6; c. I. 32; Alis. 2403; ihed ayenh. 109; Md pi. cr. 643. ihurnd, 0. II. Germ, gehurnter, hon-ned, Marh. 9, 5. ihwser, A. Sax. gehpaer, (ever)ywhere (uhi- que): swa beod wifmen wel ihwaer (i- war) La-^. 2968; ihper Kath. 681; ant te porldes peldent is ihper ml parant Marh. 12; ihpar a. r. 200; ihper, n- per hom. 1, 165 ^ 189; comp. sehwer. ihwaet quick, keen? cnihtes per weoren swlde iwhaete Lay 9452. ihwenen vex, grieve? god so pou schelt iwene (? printed i-wenne) Shoreh. 33. ihwilc, A. Sax. gehpilc, gehpylc, O.H.Germ. gahwelicher, (ever)y, ilk, quisque; ipilc, upilc hom. 1, 13 ^ 125; iphilc, ilc Orm. 503 Sf 513; iwil Lay 18956; ilch rel. ant. 1, 131; ilc st. gen. 119; ilk 8. s. ed. Wr. 638; Man. 7, 16; pr. c. 53; ilc on other wirwed lay Havel. 1921; ilk 6n 1842; il del 818; ich Will. 332; Trist. I, 5; pi. cr. 432; 224 3e- Se- r. m. p. 59; m. Arth. 2036; uch G. I. 1228; spec. 33; ilkes fgen. n.J Orm. 0199; ipilche fdat. m. n.J horn. 1, 133; ilche Z,. 7091; comp. ^hwilc. ihwtlen, Goth, gahveilan (uaosaifaO, ie at leisure: ne mei lieo nout ihpulen vor to hercnen mine lore a. r. 422. ikeleii cool; ikelet f part. J Kath. 2291. ikenneu, A. Sax. gecennan, hen, docere, noscere, La^. 28559; ikende fpret.J 25430; ikenned fpart.J 4844. ^ekennen, O.H.Germ. kichennen, gignere; gekenned fpart.J Mat. 1, 20; ikenned La^. 26128; treat. 138; ikend agenh. 12. ikepen Tceep, ^^praestolari\ a. r. 156; Kath. 399'^'; ikepte fpret.J h. m. 19. ilacclien tahe, catch; ilahte fpret.J La'>,. 29260; Jul. 39; ilaht fpart.J p. s. 214. ^el^eden lead, ducere; jelsed (ilsed) fpart.J p. I. 8. VIII, 3; ilad La^. 24989; Kath. 2233; Bel. 374; spec. 106; Mand. 13; Chauc. C. t. a 530; iled a. r. 54. ilsenen lend; ilened, ileaned fpart.J Kath. 1908 Sf 2177; ileaned a. r. 208; ilend ayenb. 19; ilent Chauc. C. t. 13334. User, A. Sax. gel£er(?), void, La'>,. 15961; iler Roh. 541, 15. ilferen docere; il^red fpart.J La}. 6898; ilered a. r. 64; Beh. 158; Shoreh. 136; ilearet Kath. 1314. ilsesten last, exsequi, durare, La\ 17001; ilaste p. I. s. VIII, 122; Roh. 246, 5; ileste 0. a. n. 341; ayenb. 68; ilested fpres.J a. r. 320; il^step treat. 132; ilaste fpret.J Brand. 8; ilasted, ilast, alast fpart.J Langl. 3, 185 fl91j. ilsete, A.Sax. gelsete, 0. Butch gelat, M. H.Germ. gela:^, manner, look; ilete o. a. n. 403 Sc 1446. ilseten let, sinere; ileten fpa/rt.J a. r. 112; ilete La^. 18980; ayenb. 193; Chauc, Troil. 3730. ilseven leave, relinquere; ilefde fpret.J o. a. n. 123; ileved fpart.J Beh. 2228. ilang, A. Sax. gelang, along, long, perti- nens; ilong Beh. 1642; c. I. 229; spec. 61 ; whseron hit weore ilong La-i,. 15502; on hire is al mi lif ilong r. s. II, 1 ; al is on ml self along Gow. 2, 22. ilad, A.Sax. gelad, loath, o. a. n. 1607. jeladiefn) invite, horn. 1, 231; iladed fpart.) Kath. 1918. ileave, A. Sax. geleaf, leave, permission Shoreh. 46; ayenb. 50. ileafe, A.Sax. geleafa, O.H.Germ. giloubo, faith, hem. 1, 5; ileave ayenb. 50; i- laife Lay 2974; gielefe horn. 2, 143; ^eleafen face. J 1, 229. ileafful faithful: ileaffulle men hom. i, 101. ileafleas incredulous. ilefleaste incredulity, hom. 1, 95. jelefen, A. Sax. gelefan, gel^fan, 0. L. Germ, gilovian, 0. II. Germ, gelouben, Goth, galaubjan, credere, hom. 1, 229; ileven Xa). 5762; a. r. 224; ileeven c. I. 1424; ileve Kath. 342; Horn 559; ayenb. 11; s. s. ed. Web. 1198; ileved fpres.J a. r. 68; iluvet p. I. s. VIII, 66; ilef fimper.J Shoreh. 31; i- leved a. r. 56; ileove fsubj.J treat. 134; ilefde fpret.J Marh. 18, 22; o. a. n. 123; ayenb. 191; ilefden a. r. 110; ileved fpart.J Beh. 2328; spec. 47 . ileggen lay, La'^. 26890; ileid fpart.J a. r. 66; Shoreh. 126; pi. cr. 263; Chaue. G. t. a 3568. ilengen prolong, attain: leted me ilenge fgelangenj riht to Stanhenge i^^. 17834; penne beod pine dajes ilenged hom. i, 13; ilengd ayenb. 198. ileo3en lie, mentiri, fallere; ilojen fpart.J hom. 1, 91; ilo3e, ilowe o. a. n. 847; 36- 36- 225 treupe iloje ayenh. 65; ilowe s. 8. ed. Weh. 2272. ileorne(ii) learn, misc. 03; ilerne Chauc» C. t. 6576; ileorned fpart.J Kath. 386'; ilierned ayenh. 70; ilerned Langl h 7, 49. ileove, M. II. Germ, geliebe, dear to one anotlier: par tpo ileove in one bedde liggep 0. a. n. 1047 . iletten let, tardare; iletfpart.J a. r. 164; proclam. 6; Shoreh. 71; W.2ii Alis. 1776. ileven, A. Sax. gel^fan, permit; ilevet ("printed ilenet) f part. J Kath. 771^. illc, A. Sax. gelic, O.L.Germ. ge-, gilic, O.Fris. gelik, O.Icel. giikr, Goth, galeiks, O.R.Germ. ga-, ge-, gilicher, alike, like; ilik rel. ant. 1, 218; Alls. 6993; ilik to hir Chauc. C. t. 8133; ilik, ilike Langl. b 1, 91; ilich ayenh. 15; ilich ham (heom illche) Kath. 502; pu penest pat ech song beo grislich pat pine pl- pinge nis ilich o. a. n. 316; godes riche pat evre is svete and evre iliche 358; iliche fragm. 1, 35; a. r. 4; s. s. ed. Wr. 3451; iliche fadv.J a. r. 112; Brand. 33; Chauc. C. t. a 2526; Lidg. m. p. 15; alle are pei iliche (a- liche) longe Langl. h 16, 57 ; iliche, a- liche a. p. 2, 228 Sf 1477; eliche dep. R, 6, 20; allche Gow. 1, 268; elike Teton. » my st. 57; ilichest fsuperl.J Lay 29482; co7np. nnilic. ilicnesse, A.Sax. gelicness, likeneBs, horn. 1, 127; a. r. 230; Kath. 992. iliche, A.Sax. gelica, O.K. Germ, gilicho, like, Kath. 1843; a. r. 136; his iliche Lw^. 12789; p. I. s. XXIII, 66; nis non his iliche Horn 19; godes iliche Shoreh. 167; ilike horn. 1, 151; pine ilike (iliche) o. a, n. 157. ^eliffaesten vivify; ^eliffeste fpret.J horn. Ir 219. ili3en lie, jacere; ileien f part. J Lay 24923; a. r. 326; ileye Roh. 518, 3; ilei3en, ileyen, ileye Langl. 5, 65 (82). ilihten alleviate; ilihted (part.) a. r. 356. ilihten illumine; iliht (part.) c. I. 794. ilike agreeable? rsed pat heom weore ilike Lay 15117. ilikien like, placer e; iliki (pres. suhj.) a- yenb. 109. ilimpe, A.Sax. gelimp, accident; cmnp. un- ilimpe. ilimpen happen. Lay 4508; 3elamp (pret.) horn, 1, 231; ilomp a.r. 54; ilumpen (part.) ham. i, 93, ilide, M.II.Germ. gelinde, agreeable? Lay 4917. iliden ire; iliden (part.) Lay 26094. ilidien mitigate; ilidegad (pres.) horn. 1, 97. ilivien live; ileve aye b. 93. ilokien look; iloked (part.) Lay 5277; a. r. 372; ayenh. 7 ; pe lahen pat tu ham havest iloket Marh. 10, 5. 3elome, ilome, A.Sax. gelome, O.H.Germ. kilomo, frequently, p. I. s. VIII, 24 8f 46; ilome Lay 16500; a. r. 136; o. a. n. 49; Rob. 3, 1; c. I. 435; ilome and ofte Brand. 24; ilomest (mperlat.) o. a. n. 595. ilosien lose; ilosed (part.) Lay 12492; Kath. 2046. iluken close; iloken (part.) Lay 32202; iloke Bek. 824; Alis. 2769; one ilokene cope a. r. 56. iluvien love; iluved (part.) r. s. II, 33. 3ema3cche, A.Sax. gemaecca, O.H.Germ. gimahho, conjux: Marian pine gemeecchen Mat. 1, 20. im^elen speak; imelen hom. 1, 193. imsene, A.Sax. gemfene, O.Fris. gemene, O.H.Germ. ge-, gimeiner, Goth, gamains, common; imane, imene, imone Lay 97 8^ 11037 Sf 13614; pc3 sungen alle i- msen (i msen?) Onn. 3376; imene rel. ant. 1, 216; li h. disc. 608; pet heo alle habbed imene a. r. 12; speken of alle imene 90; hit is fale 5per pi3te 29 22(^ 36- imene o. a. n. 628; more is fins, his) blisse god and clene a monge frendes to habbe imene Shoreh. 125; pe imeane blisse horn. 1, 261; pet is pin pid me imeane Kath. 1867; mi Idnedom is i- mone Hoh. 311, 12; hi gonne to singe imone Brand. 17. imgene, A. Sax. gemana, 0. II. Germ. Id- meini, Goth, gamainei, communion, com- munity: pat pip pe fule havep imene 0. a. n. 301; imone horn. 1, 245; peh pe wulf beon fr. beo) ane biiten eelc imane (imone) La^. 21308; imone Horn 842; wipoute mannes imone Shorek 118. imsersien celehrate; imersed fpart.J hom. 1, 243. imeete, A. Sax. gemote, 0. II. Germ, ge- mazer, meet, modicus, aptus; imete hom. 1, 105; La^. 6584; I. h. r. 30; comp. unimaete. imseten dream: me imsette a sweven La^. 28016. imah, imouh ^^pfrocax/\ fragm. 5, 7 . imouhnesse ^^procacitas', fragm. 5, 7 . imake, A.Sax. gemaca, O.L.Germ. gimaco, O.H.Germ. kamahho, conjux, socius, par, fragm. 8, 46; in worle nes nere non pine imake Flor. a. Bl. h 77; imaken rpl.j La^. 18206. imakien make; imaked (part.) a. r. 54; Havel. 5; treat. 138; spec. Ill; Shoreh. 62; LangJ. prol 14; imad Roh. 470, 24; imaad Chauc. C. t. 5113; Hoccl. I, 203. imang, A.Sax. gemang, gemong, O.L.Germ. gimang, mixtio, turha; imonge fdat.J Lay 10868; imong (i mong?)pon scip- monnen 2229; imong moncun Marh. 12, 5. imearkien marh; imerked f part. J fragm, 8, 49; a. r. 42. imedemien moderate, humble; imedemede fpret.J hom. 1, 97 . imelten melt; imulten rel. ant. 1, 183; iraelt f part. J a. r. 284; imealt h. m. 45. imengen mix, trouble; imengedfparf.JHob. 119, 5; imenget Kath. 605; imengd Bel. 2147; Shoreh. 9; ayenb. 196; i- meind a. r. 332; o. a. n. 18; Chauc. a t. a 2170. imerren tnar; imerred (part.) h. m. 11. imet, A.Sax. gemet, O.L.Germ. gimet, 0. II.Germ. ca-, kimez, measure, moderation: pet rihte imet fragm. 5, 47; bi don ilke imet de ^e meted hom. 1, 137; best is ever imete a. r. 286. imetfest, A.Sax. gemetfasst, moderate. imetfestliche fragm. 1, 46. imetlic, A.Sax. gemetlTc, O.H.Germ. ki- mezliher, moderate: an imetliche broc Lay 21783. imeten measure, metiri; imeten (part.) Lay 21995; rcl. ant. 2, 217. imeten meet, p. I. s. VIII, 67 ; imete r. s. V, 205; rel. ant. 1, 144; imette (pret.) a. r. 154; Rob. 179, 15; chron. Engl. 611; imet (part.) h. T. 960; sa- cram. 237. imeting meeting, '^conventus\ fragm. 2, 28. imildsen shotv mercy: imilze pu Octa & his iveren al swa La'). 16837 . imoded mooded; comp. stidimoded. imot assembly, ^^synodus\ fragm. 2, 29; Lay 11545; comp. halimot. imunde, A.Sax. gemynd, Goth, gamunds, O.H.Germ. gimimt, mind, me?is: of lihte nabbep hi none imunde o. a. n. 252. imundleas '^aniens', fragm. 3, 5. imunden, A.Sax. gemjndan, mind, memi- nisse; imende (pres. imper.) ayenh. 262. imundi, A.Sax. gemyndig, mindful, memor: 3if pe imundie beod godes bibode hom. 1, 89. 3emiine3en remember, record; imuneget (part.) Marh. 21, 2; 3emene3ed hom. 1, 225; imene^ed Shoreh. 69. imunen remember. Lay 16309. ;e- \Q- 227 imunten irdend; iinunt f part. J a. r. 408; rel. ant. 2, 277; iment Alis. 6942; Octov. 1953. ineden need, cogere; ined [part. J a. r. 72, inemnen name, nominare, La\ 24366; 36- namned fpart.J hom. 1, 229; inemned a. r. 232; atjenh. 66; inempned c. h 61. inewen new, novare; inewed (part. J atjenh, 107. inimeu capere; inom fpret.J La-^. 71; i- numen (part. J Mark. 2, 26; a. r. 42; inumen (inome) La^. 5383; inume 0. a. n. 541; inomeu Alis. 4668; inome Beh. 655; Shoreh. 126; ass. 5. iniperien debase, humble; inipered (part.) hom. 1, 117; Lay 10218. inoli, A. Sax. geiioh, genog, 0. L. Germ. ginog, O.H.Germ. genuog, Goth, ganohs, enough (enow). La"). 2558; Kath. 347; Orm. 731; spec. 28; h. h. 51; inoh, i- nouh 0. a. n. 1182; ino3 Rob. 18, 21; ayenb. 22; inogh pr. c. 1466; inouk a. r. 86; inouh, inouj c. I. 408; inouj, inou, inow 7ra/. 100, 483 ^ 714; i- nou treat. 140; inou, inow Havel. 563 Sf 706; inow3, inow Wicl. levit. 13; i- now3 Lidg. in. p. 226; inow Mand. 59; pi. cr. 230; inogh, indu3, inough, inow Chauc. a t. b 1477 Sf JBoet. 1947; i- nough, anough Ti^ist. 2, 38 Sf 44; a- nog st. gen. 600; enogh Percev. 952; inohe (pi.) Kath. 514; ino3e 0. a. n. 16; treos ino3he Orm. 14; inowe pi. cr. 215; inowe men Rich. 5905; anowe s. s. ed. Web. 921; Am. a. Amil. 872. inuM, A. Sax. genyht, 0. If. Germ, ca-, genuht, abundance. inuhtsum, A.Sax. genyhtsum, O.H.Germ. canulitsamer, abundant. inihtsumnesse "abundantia\ fragm. 4, 26. ^eopenen open, aperire; 3eopenede (pret.) hom. 1, 225; iopened (part.) a. r. 242; iopenet Mark. 12. ipunden 'pound, includere; ipund (part.) a. r. 128. irad, A.Sax. gerad, Goth, garaids, M.H. Germ, gereit, paratus, La'^. 24990; M beop alle irede misc. 40. iradliche, irsedliclie Xa^. 11532 Sf 29631; irediiche ayenb. 1. irjfichen reach; iraut (part.) m. t. 88. ir{%den, A.Sax. gersedan, Goth, garaidjan, ordain: as biforen irad wes c. I. 654. irseden, Goth, garedan, O.H.Germ. giratan, counsel; ireden hom. 1, 15; irad (part.) Brand. 20. irsedi ready; iredi 0. a. n. 488; Brand. 30; ayenb. 173; aredi Shoreh. 81. 3ereard sermo, hom. 1, 225; irord 97 . irecchednesse, A.Sax. gereccednyss, rela- ti'Ai, narration; irsecchednesse fragm. 2, 10. irecchen relate, explain ; irecche Horn 358; irseht (pres.) fragm. 2, 10; irelit (part.) hom. 1, 89; iraht Lay 10842. ireste rest, hom. 1, 47. ireve, A. Sax. gerefa, reeve, praefectus, praepositus, p. I. s. VLII, 25'"''; irefen (dat. pi.) hom. 1, 115. iriht, A.Sax. geriht, O.H.Germ. gerehter, Goth, garaihts, right. irihtlechan correct, hom. 1, 115. irihte, A.Sax. geriht? right, Lay 7906; furleosen his irihte misc. 97. irihten right, correct; iriht (part.) Lay 14889; pou hast iri3t pat was a mis Shoreh. 13L irlden ride; iriden (part.) Lay 24855; iride Arth. a. Merl. 3103. irimen rime; irimed (part.) ayenb. 99. irip "messis\ fragm. 2, 55. 3erisen, A.Sax. gerisan, convetiire; gerl- sed (pres.) hom. 2, 141. 3erumen, A.Sax. ger^man, clear, evacuate; irum (pres. imper.) Lay 3698; 3erlmed (part.) hom. 1, 231. isale happy, Lay 7666; camp, unisaele. 228 3e- 36- iseli happy, La^. 28861; a. r. 60. iselhde happiness, horn. 1, 109; iseluhde a. r. 382, isaht reconciled: hpi noldest pu mid Crist malven us isalite r. s. V, 122. isahtnien reconcile; isehtnede fpret.J horn. 1, 83. isamnien assemble; isomnie Lay 24248; isomned [part. J horn. 1, 135. isomnunge assembly, horn. 1, 93. 3esaweu sow; ^esawen f part. J horn. 1, 241; isawe Shoreh. 27; isowen Langl, h 5, 550. iscole? horn. 1, 243. iscead distinction, discretion, hom. 1, 97 ; pet iscead fragm. 1, 55; 3esceod hom. 1, 231. isceadwis reasonable: pa isceadpise mon hom. 1, 105. isceadpisnesse discretion, hom. 1, 105. 3escheafte creature; 3escefte, iscefte hom. 1, 75 Sf 219. ischeapen shape, form; iscop fpret.J Hich. thes. 1, 223; ischapen f part. J Marh. 20; r. s. IF, 25; rel. ant. 1, 174; Alis. 6465; Will. 2634; Chauc. C. t. 13008. ischeawen shew (show J; ischeaped f part. J Kath. 1573; a. r. 154. iscenden shend, disgrace. Lay 25508; i- schend (part.) Marh. 15; a. r. 248; o. a. n. 1336. iscendnesse disgrace, hom. 1, 93. ischeoten shoot; iscoten (part.) rel. ant. 1, 183; ischote, ishote, iscote o. a. n. 23 ^ 1121; ischote chron. Engl. 928; ishote Alis. 5953. ischeren shear; ischorn, ishorn (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 589. isclnlden shieU; ischilde, ishilde o. a. n. 781; ischQde (pres. subj.J a. r. 84; i- shilde rel. ant. 1, 245; ischelde (im- perat.) Shoreh. 86. iscMren pronounce: ne dar heo noht a pord ischire o. a. n. 1532; lOke pat pu na mare swulc ])ing' ue iscire Lay 17129. ischriven shrive; ischriven (part.) a. r, 332; ischriYG Belc. 2188; ishn\ e LangL h 5, 91. ischruden vestire; ischrud (part.) Kath. 1187 ; a. r. 66; r. s. V, 9; ischrid rel. ant. 2, 191. isechen seelc, Lay 28827; 3eseche hom. 2, 143; iseche o. a. n. 741; isohte (pret.) Lay 24556; iso3t (part.) r. s. V, 150; Beh 68. iseggen say; iseid (part.) Marh. 19; o. a. n. 1037; c. I. 1123. ise3en visus? iseienlic visible: alle iseienliche ding IlicJc. thes. 1, 166; comp. unise3eiilic. isellen sell, trader e; iseald (part.) hom. 1, 13; isold p. I. s. XXI, 77; c. I. 344. iseme ? isemeliclie seemly. Lay 21785. isemen Sicm, accommodare, conciliare, con- venire: on name pe hire mihte isemen Lay 9587; p^ he hafde al iset and al hit isemed 21128; isemet Marh. 23. isenden send; isend (part.) proclam. 11; Beh. 1328; isent Chauc. C. t. 10094. isene, A. Sax. gesene, ges^ne, visible,. Lay 9548; 0. a. n. 166; Marg. 122; Chauc. C. t. a 592; asene chron. Engl. 44. iseon see, Marh. 7, 6; a. r. 92; r. s. IV, 41; iseo Beh. 125; c. I. 556; iseon, i- seen Alis. 144 Sf 527; ise Trist. 2, 20; Chauc. C. t. 10276; isee p. I. s. I, 14; isi Shoreh. 107; isihst (pres.) a. r. 178; 0. a. n. 1225; isihd a. r. 6; isihp c. 1. 708; iseod a. r. 196; iseop treat. 132; Shoreh. 56; isaeh, iseh (pret.) Lay 1408 8f 4671; iseih a. r. 166; ise3, iseyh o. a. n. 29; isei3 c. I. 319; isegh s. 8. ed. Web. 966; i&e3en (isehe) Lay 6420; iseien a. r. 190; iseT^e (subjunct.j 3e- 229? 0. a. n. 425; isehen f part. J Kath. 1746; ise3en horn. 1, d1 ; La'i,. 6626; Shoreh. - 160; iseien a. r. ^2; iseijeii, ise3e, i- seien, iseie Langl. 5, 4; iseje Brand. 1; iseie Will. 1874. iseowien sew, suere; iseouped fpart.J a. r. 200; isowed Beh. 1838; isewed pi. cr. 229. iseten fpart.J sitten, sessns, Lay. 18632; whan we beop isete Brand. 13. isetnesse constitution, statute, hom. 1, 87 ; proclam. 4. 3esetten set, statuere, constituere; jesette fpret.J hom. 1, 227; isette La'>,. 22054; iset fpart.J Kath. 1997; a. r. 254; BeJc. 1366. isib related, La-^. 411; Bob. 315, 5.; me- nie of hem Mm were isibbe p. I. s. XVI, 85. isibsum peaceable, hom. 1, 95. • isi3en descend; isi3eii fpart.J La^. 12537; isihen Kath. 2084. isihde sight, Za"^. 139.90; Hid. thes. 1, 224. isinheopen "conjuges', fragm. 2, 17 . : isl£epen sleep; islepe fpart.J Brand. 6; a- yenb. 128; islape Arth. a. Merl. 2377 . islean slay; isla3en fpart.J Lay 965; i- sla3e 0. a. n. 1142; ayenb. 58; islawe Beh. 2189; isleien a. r. 156; islein Kath. 201; islain Trist. 2, 33; Cham. a t. b 605. ismakien taste; ismacked fpart.J ayenb. 93. ismerien smear; ismered fpart.J misc. 28; ayenb. 93; ismiret h. m. 13^. ismlten smite; ismat fpret.J La-^. 25615; ismite fpart.J Bek. 2/43; rel. ant. 1, 267; Chauc. Boet.' 2202 ; ismete p. 73, 11. isom agreed, r. s. V, 254; isome fpl.J o. a. n. 1735; Rob. 40, 10. isodien verify, La-^. 29011; isOdet fpart.J hom. 1, 261. ispeden speed; ispede fpres.J misc. 40; ispedden fpret.J Lay 3399; isped fpart.J Bek. 1485; spt^c. 110; Ckiuc. C. t. a 4220. ispeken speak; ispeken fpart.J La^, 3136; a. r. 108; ispeke o. a. n. 1293; Brand. 15; c. I. 1062; ayenb. 44; ispoken Chauc. C. t. 9380. ispillen spill; ispild fpart.J ass. 18; a- yenb. 75. ispinnen spin; isponne fpart.J p. I. s. XVII, 156; Shoreh. 95; Alis. 7251. isprseden spread; ispred fpart.J a. r. 390; isprad Brand. 6; Chauc. Boet. 2140; e- spred Aud. 78. ispringen spring; isprunge fpart.J o. a. n. 300; ispronge Bek. 1285. istanden stand; istonden La'),. 15505; i- stond(e) fpart.J Trist. 1, 89. 3estadelfs6sten stahilire; 3estepelfaste,/'^r^^7 hom. 1, 221. 3estadelien stalilire; 3estapeled fpart.J hom. 1, 225; pis lond wes istadeled Lay 6777. isteoren steer, hom. 1, 95. isti3en ascend; istien fpart.J a. r. 400; istilie h. m. 47. 3estilleii still: be 3e&tilde pindes hom. 1, 229; istild fpart.J IShoreh. 133. istrengen fortify; istrenget fpart.J Kath. 2197. istreon progeny, procreation, hom. 1, 19; Lay 22597; rel. ant. 1, 175. istreonen generate, procreate; istreonied fpres.J hom. 1, 133; istreoned fpart.J a. r. 66; c. I. 1380, isund sound, sayius. Lay 821 ; isunde fpl.J 0. a. n. 1102; izounde ayenb. 205. isunde, 0. Butch gesonde, O.H.Germ. gi- sunti? sanitas: mid isunde Lay 3982; misc. 140. isundful hom. 1, 115. isundren sunder, separare; isundred fpart.J a. r. 252. isune3en sin; isuneged fpa/rt.J a. r. 306; 230 36- 36- iseneged ('printed isenoged) Shoreh. 6; izene3ed ayenh. 173. isutelien manifest: isuteled ('part.) a. r. 8. iswel3en devour; isvol3e, iswolwe (part.) 0. a. n. 146. iswenchen afflict; ispenchet (pres.J horn. 1, 13. ^eswevien put to sleep; 3espefede (pret.j horn. 1, 221; isweved (part.) La-). 3073. ispiken cease, horn. 1, 17; ispike (pres. suhj.J 0. a. n. 929. 3espinch, ispinch labour, p. I. s. VIII, 18; ispinc IlicJc. thes. 1, 223; ispinche (dat.J h.m. 1, 129. iswingen swing, verberare; iswungen (part.) W(.rt. hist. 1, 24; iswongen spec. 84; iswonge rel. ant. 2, 278. isporen (part. J sworn, a. r. 96; r. s. V, 60; isworn Chauc. C. t. a 3301; iswore p. 48, 6; s. s. ed. Wr. 2935. itaciiien token, significare; itacned (part.) Lay 32115. itgechen teach, La'^. 10395; iteiht (part.) a. r. 170; ita3t F/or. a. Bl 404; a- yenb. 54; itaught, itaii3t Chauc. C. t. a 127. itffise, A. Sax. getaese, commodious; itase Lay 6502. itamien tame; itamed. (part.) Shoreh. 133; itemed Ifath. 1291. itawien taw; itauped (part.) a. r. 418. ite3en tie; iteied (part.) Lay 25972; Kath. 1292; a. r. 14; iteyed, iteid o. a. n. 778; iteid, iteied Chauc. C. t. a 457; iti3ed c. I. 1130. iteiled tailed, a. r. 206. itel number: pat itel of pan scipen Lay 7805; itele (dat.) fragm. 2, 6. itellen tell, hom. 1, 133; itelle Lay 24627; itald (part.) Lay 8392; Kath. 1293; ayenb. 24; itold a. r. 198; spec. 26; Will. 1493. iteon draw, train. Lay 2418; ito3en i- towen (part.) o. a. n. 1725; heo is ful itopen a. r. 108; on itopen speord 324. iteonien vex; itened (part.) Mire 1258. itiden tide, accidere; itide o. a. n. 1733; itit (pres.) a. r. 186; itidde (pret.) Lay 27898; a. r. 152. itilien till, colere; itiled (part.) Lay 10026; a. r. 78. itimbren timber, construere, aedificare; i- timbred (part.) Lay 26226; a. r. 124; itimbret Kath. 1972. itimien, A.Sax. getimian, accidere: pa i- timede pan deofle hom. 1, 123; itimed (part.) Lay 27978. itreouwe true. Lay 4451. ituhten draw, discipline, instruct; ituht (part.) p. 8. 220; ituht efter pittes pissunge ho7n. 1, 267 ; hpon he . . . haved ituht hit pel a. r. 184; pei bup t6 pe king itight Alis. 7 164. itudien grant; ittiped (part.) hom. 1, 157; itiidet 3Iarh. 9, 20. itwinnes, A.Sax. getpinnas, twins. Lay 12256. 3epanc cogitatio, hoyn. 1, 243; ipanc p. I. s. VIII, 54. idavien permit, hom. 1, 199; ipeven La^. 15279; 3eaafode (pret.) hom. 1, 229; ipeafede 121. ipeawed mannered: wel ipeawed Shoreh. 3; ipewed Chauc. Boet. 4008. ipeinen serve; ipeinet (part.) Marh. 23, 19. ipenchen thi7ik, cogitare; ipenche Hick. thes. 1, 223; ipench pu pes ho7n. 1, 97; ipenche (subjunct.) o. a. n. 723; i- pOuht (part.) a. r. 164; ipo3t Belc. 110; ip6u3t Shoreh. 115. 3epeon thrive, grow, hom. 1, 221; ipeon Lay 9116; ipeo Brand. 7; ipi Shoreh. 102; 3eaihd (pres.) hom. 1, 223; ipej (pret.) Bek. 151; ipei (ipeh) Lay 299; ip03en (part.) hom. 1, 107; ido3e Lay 19903. 3«- 3e- 231 ipingen thrive^ grow; ipungen (part. J horn. h 107. ipoht thought; idohte fdat.J horn. 1, 99. ipolien suffer, Lay 482; a. r. 122; i- poled (part.) misc. 34; Roh. 24, 26; ayenb. 1 82. iprsesten push, put; ipraste Lay 28681; iprast (part.) m. t. 110. 3epreaii afflict; gepred (part.) Mat. 8, 6. ipreaten compel; idrat (part.) a. r. 304^\ ipringen press, push; iprunge (part.) o. a. n. 38; iprongen Chauc. Boet. 1621. ipuden push; pe ipud beod to hellen Lay 9169. ipuld patience, horn. 1, 106. ipuldi patient, horn. 1, 106. ipunchen thinl, videri; ipuht (part.) a. r. 412; elche men pes ipuht horn. 1, 93. ippsre, A.Sax. geppsere, "concors\ fragm. 2, 47. iunnen favour, grant. Lay 21083 ; iude (pret.) Lay 16649; iunned (part.) a. r. 30. iwser, iwar aware, Lay 6781 ^ 7261; ipar a. r. 104; o. a. n. 147; iwar Langl. h 1, 42; pe king was perof i- war Rol. 168, 11; iwer ayenb. 100; camp, uniwar. iparnesse wariness, o. a. n. 1228. iwakien loake, La^. 28082; ipaked (part.) Kath. 1760. iwalken walh; iwalken (part.) La^. 112; muchel ic habbe iwalken bl water ant bi londe Hick. thes. 1, 228. iwan fortune. Lay 7706; his freondes striked to gripen his ipon r. s. V, 76; pe3 ich have nou liper iwon Beh. 1022. iwarnen warn; iparned (part.) a. r. 318. iweald, A. Sax. gepeald, 0. L. Germ, gi- wald, O.H.Germ. gewalt, power: pe mon ne ah his modes ipald hom. 1, 103; al pet ich ipald ah Marh. 6; ipeld o. a. n. 1643. iwa den, A.Sax. gepealdan, domitiate, go- vern. Lay 17213; aire sceafte 3epalt horn. 1, 231. 3epaxen wax, crescere, horn. 1, 13; ipaxen (part.) a. r. 380; iwoxe p. I. s. XVII, 143. iwede weed, vestimentum. Lay 26764. iwelde, A.Sax. (un)gepylde, potent? comp. uniwelde. jewelden, A. Sax. gepeldan, gepyldan, wield, subdue; ipelt (pres.) hom. 1, 111; 3ejide (pret.) 229. iwemmen vitiate, corrupt; ipemmed (part.) Kath 1427; iwemmed Rob.^339, 10. iwende, M. II. Germ, gewende? men hab- bep a mong opre ipende a rtimhus at heore btires ende o. a. n. 661. ipenden wend, vertere, verti, Marh. 2; 3!- pende (pret.) hom. 1, 226; iwende Lay 326; ipende a. r. 260; ipend (part.) 0. a. n. 1619; iwend BeL 1198; ipent Kath. 1300. iwenen wean, assuefacere: peo pat hefde ipist and ipenet hire Marh. 2. iwenen ween, sperare; iwende (pret.) Lay 20237. ewerc worh; comp. handeperc. iwerpen throw, cast; iporpen (part.) a. r. 368; iporpe 0. a. n. 1121; iworpe Jos. 221. VNQni^TV' waste ; iwesten (pret.) Lay 4116. iweven weave; ynqyq (part.) p. I. s. XVII, 166; iwoven ^^contextus\ rel. ant. 1, 7; Chauc. Boet. 61. iwiht, M.H.Germ. gewiht, weight, pondm; ipichte (dat.) hom. 1, 173. iwiht valiant, brave; iwihte (dat, pi.) Lay 12176. ipil will, voluntas, hom. 1, 61; p. I. s. VIII, 7; iwil Lay 6936; misc. 34; ayenb. 94. iwil agreeable? pat him was ful iwil Lay 29616. iwin contest, strife, Lay 9044; misc. 144. 232 36- 36- iwinden wind; iwonden f part. J Wart. hist. 2, 2; iwounden Langl. h 6, 626. iwinne certator? comp. wideriwinne. iwinnen win, La\ 2 J 94; ipinne o. a. n. 766; iwinne Rol. 619, 6; .pec. 113; iwon fpret.J La^. 2660; iwunnen {part. J Za"^. 7233; iwonne Shoreh. 94; Langl. h 6, 93; Chauc. C. t. a 2669; ewonne a7i. lit. 87. ipis, A. Sax. gepis, gepiss, 0. II. Germ. gewisser, certain, Mark. 6, 9; a. r. 270; 0. a. n. 36; fms. ipiss) Onn. 687; i- wis Z,. 1626; Shoreh. 122. iwist heing, living; ipust a. r. 166'"^. ipit wit, sensus, intellect us, fragm. 6, 38; 0. a. n. 774; iwit Za"^. 17138; he . . . for neh tit of liis ipitte Marh. 6. ipita testis, fragm. 3, 12. iwitejien, O.II.Germ. gewizegon, prophe- sy; ipitejede fpret.J hom. 1, 6. iwiten hiow, guard, Zay 16800; c. I. 67; Alis. 763; iwite Roh. 487, 23; SJioreh. 128; ayenh. 29; m. t. 103; i- witen, iwite Zangl 8, 124 (9, 118); ipited fimper.J a. r. 64; ipist f part. J Marh. 2; iwist Chauc. Boet. 4613; i- wist, iwust c. I. 261 Sf 1473; ipust a. r. 48. iwiten go, pass, Zay 17236; pa feol he a dim & ipat hom. 1, 93; pe mete ford iwat Zay 668; wes i pere ilke wike pe aerchebiscop ford iwiten 13244; pe haved iwiten f guarded) al pis serd 13672; he sculde beon iwite (reproved J 2084; iwite hnoion, lai le fr. 321. ipitnesse witness, ^^testimonium', fragm. 3, 12; hom. 1, 91; Kath. 249 PK iwradien onalce wroth; iwradede fpret.J Za-). 27698; iwreped f part. J ayenh. 161. iwrejen accuse; ipreied f part. J a. r. 172. iwreken ivreak, uUisci; iwreken f part. J Za'if. 3661; st. gen. 1866; an. lit. 7. iwrit writ, scriptura; iprite fdat.J p.- I. s. VIII, 61. iwriten lorite; ipriten f part. J Marh. 2, 4; a. r. 410; r. s. V, 16; iwriten Shoreh. 91; Jos. 317; i write c. I. 24. iwriden writhe, torquere, ligare; iprad fpret.J hom. 1, 123; ywriden f part. J Zay 26974; iwripen Chauc. r. r. 160; iwripe rel. ant. 2, 18. iwunden wound; ipimded f part. J a. r. 240; iwonded ayenh. 148; iwounded Trist. 1, 8; Chauc. C. t. 10474. iwune, A. Sax. gepuna, 0. Z. Germ, ge- w^(u)no, gewono, 0. II. Germ, gewoner, suetus. ipunellche usually, hom. 1, 131. ipune, A. Sax. gepuna, O.II.Germ. giwo- na, custom, hom. 1, 66; iwune Zay 18806; iwune, ipone o. a. n. 476. iwunien, A.Sax. gepunian, O.Z.Gtrm. gi- wonon, O.H.Germ. giwouan, inhabit, use, he accustomed; ipuned f part. J a. r. 230; don al se heo eer weoren iwuned (iwo- ned) Zay 12611; pa Bruttes hafden i- wuned here wel feole wintre 31666; i- woned Beh. 1409; ayenh. 106. jewurchen loorh, facere; iwerche fpres. suhj.J rel. ant. 1, 173; jeporhte fpret.J hom. 1, 223; iworhte Xrt). 2066; ipraht f part. J Marh. 9; iwroht chron. Engl. 766; spec. 36; iwroujt pi. cr. 162, 3^ 3eare 233 iwurht, A. Sax. gepyrht, O.L.Germ. ge- w(u)rht, loorl^ deed: after heore iwurhte La-^. 24189. ipUrden tv/rn, become , occur , Mark. 7, 34; al pe p5 pet nu is . . . & ever schal ipurden a. r. 52; leted hine ipurden {let him have his own tvayj 96; freond iwurden (iworpe) La^. 5441; to reoupe iwurden 24944; ser heom mihte iwur- den what heo don wolde(n) 25333; i- worpen pi. cr. 665; iworpe Beh. 1252; p. I. s. Va, 4; Langl h 6, 228; iwor- pe fie done) pi wil aye^ih. 262; ipeard (fret.) a. r. 236; iweard, iward La'^,. 290 Sf 6769; ipurden Xath. 2487; i- porpe (part. J o. a. n. 660. iwurdien honour, Lay 29687 . ^e see ^ea. jea^ A.Sax. gea, O.L.Germ. O.R.Germ. 0. Icel. ja, Goth, ja, jai, O.Fris. je, ge, yea, h. m. 27; Wicl. Mat. 5; 3ea, 3a, 36 Langl. 3, 107 fill J; 3a 'Hta, etiam, imo\ prompt. 536; Orm. 2411; Will. 258; Iw. 1004; ya Havel. 1888; Alis. 3571; Lidg. m. p. 40; yaa Flor. 1736; yoo JEm. 888; ya, yai, 36 Marh. 4 Sf 5; 36 hom. 1, 47; Beh. 36; Mand. 292; ye Tor. 829; 36, 3ui a. r. 136 ^^ 334; 36 ich, M.II.Germ. ja ich, fsee Gr. gram. 3, 7 65 J 408; 3ui (3eoi, 3ei) he 334; 36 (3ea) hit 52; 3use, A.Sax. gese, gise fsee Gr. gram. 3, 764), yes fyis), La\ 17208; a. r. 392^'; 3180 a. p. 3, 117; 3is Will. 697; Eglam. 55; 3is, 3US Langl 5, 103 fl25); 3es Shoreh. 153. jeac, A.Sax. geac, O.Icel. gaukr, O.R.Germ. gauh, gouh, cuculus; 3ek Ralliw. diet. 951; see gouk. jeap, A.Sax. geap, crafty, cunning, callidus; 3ep, 3£ep X«3. 7581 Sf 12998; 3£ep & pis Orm. 8937; 3ep Gaw. 105; 3eep spec. 39; nOper 3ep ne pis 0. a. n. 465; pou art 3ong and 3ep fms. 3epe) Langl. b 11, 17; 35p Mire 1763; 3eape fpl.) a. r. 362; 3epe Man. 320, 18; camp. hinder38ep. 3ephede calUditas, 0. a. n. 683. 38eple3C calUditas, Orm. 2523. 3epliche callide, Langl. b 15, 183; 3ep- li Will. 3346;- a. p. 2, 1708. 3eapscipe calUditas, Lay 2760. ^eapen see gapen. jear, A.Sax. gear, ger, O.L.Germ. ger, jar, O.Fris. jer (ger), jar, O.H.Germ. jar, Goth, jer, O.Icel. ar, year, annus; 3er a. r. 218; Orm. 9503; 0. a. n. 101; 3eer Wicl. John 11; ger st. gen. 152; yar s. s. ed. Weh. 568; 3eare fdat.) proclam. 8; to 3ere hoc anno. Lay 8039; Brand, 11; to yere Chauc. C. t. 5750; Town. myst. 231; 3eer fpl.) Mand. 12; 3er, yeer Chauc. C. t. a 601; yeer LLoccl. 7J. 110; 3er, 3ier Shoreh. 63 Sf 71; gier rel. ant. 1, 130; 3er, 3ere Lay 301 8f 7058; 3eare, 3iere hom. 1, 225; 3ere /. c. c*. 34; yhere pr. c. 741; 3eres Marh. 2; a. r. 190; comp. Iep3er. 3erday, M.II.Germ. jartac, anniversary ^ prompt. 537 ; g. 281. yeerli yearly, IIoccl. I, 421. jeard, A.Sax. geard, O.L.Germ. gard, Goth. gards, 0. Icel. gardr, 0. H. Germ, gart, Lat. hortus, Gr. yopio'^, yard f garth); 3eard, 3erd, 3ord ^^hortus', prompt. 537 ; 3ard p. I. s. XXIII, 73; 3erd voc^ 270; Chauc. Troil. 1912; a 3erd or a gardin Wicl. John 18; 3arde fdat.) Halliw. diet. 950; comp. chirche-, fore-, middel-, win-, wurt3eard. 5eare, A.Sax. gearpe, O.L.Germ. garewi, 0. H. Germ, garawi, garewi, garwi, gear fgare), apparatus, vestitu^; gere r. s. IV, 36; Will. 1716; Goiv. 2, 227; a. p. 2, 1811; Percev. 189; Tm\ 652; gare Trist. 3, 52; Em. 198; comp. messegere. jeare^ 3are, A.Sax. geara, yore, olim, diu, Lay 2671 Sf 3415; 3are hit is pet ich puste herof a. r. 88; ase pas 3eare iseid 30 234 3earkien 3em 298; 3are Brand. 31; 3ore spec. 28; Will 1603; Mire 1304; Gaiv. 2114; s. s. ed. Wr. 2163; jore, yoore Chaue. C. t. h 174; pat 3ore hedden him abide c. I. 1339. ^earkien^ 3arkieii, A. Sax. gearcian, ^arl, parare, Za-^. 2631 Sf 19613; jarken Kath. 1762; Orm. 96; 3erked fpres.J a. r. 410; 3arkep, 3arketli Langl. h 7, 80; 3arkede fpret.J Hob. 12, 8; garkede st. gen. 3261; giarked (part.) horn. 2, 6; 3arked a. p. 2, 1708; yarked Em. 329. ^arkiiig^ A.Sax. gearcung, preparation, Orm. 10800. ^earii^ A.Sax. gearu, O.L.Germ. garu, O.H. Germ, garwer, garewer, O.Icel. gorr, gerr, yare, paratus; 3aru Lay 77 83; 3eruli a. r. 394; 3are o. a. n. 488; Roh. 237, 4; Will 3266; Man. 8831; avow. AHh. LXIV, 8; 3are, yare Gam. 90; yare Gow. 2, 237; Rich. 6727; s. s. ed. Wr. 306; m. Arth. 218; Town. myst. 37; lie woren yare into Denemark for to fare Havel 2964; & tolde him ful 3are hu he hadde ifare Horn ed. Lwn. 467 ; wri- ten ful 3are (plainly) a. p. 1, 833; gare st. gen. o90 ; 38erewe (pi) La^. 9467; 3arepe Kath. 17 60; o. a. n. 378; yarwe Rich. 67 61 ; comp. iin3earii. 38erewitel (ms. -witele) La^. 18647 . jearwieii^ A.Sax. gearpian, gearupian, ger- pan, gyrpan, O.L.Germ. garuwian, gere- wian, O.H.Germ. garweii, garewen, garen, O.Lcel gorva, gerva, gora, gera, gar, pa- rare; 38erwen Lay 12460; yaren Havel 1360; garen an. lit. 13; garen. geren st. gen. 1417 ^ 2441; 3are Man. 294, 13; gare Percev. 1411 ; gere ant. Arth. XXI, 12; 3ared (pret.) Man. 68, 13; giirede Lay 16197; garte Rich. 6037; Isumh. 402; 3arweden, 3areweden, gereden Lay 1873, 9761 Sf 9782; gered (part.) Gaw. 179; a. p. 2, 1 66 8 ; ^Qxt Min. 28; comp. for-, i3earwien. jeat, A.Sax. geat, O.L.Germ. gat, O.Fris. jet n., O.Icel gatt /., gate (yat, yet), por- ta; 38et (3et) Lay 6069; 3et a. r. 74; Bek, 2260; pet 3et horn. 1, 6; 3at Rol. 640, 16; c. I 699; 3ate prompt. 636; Orm. 4122; pe 3ate Kath. 2464; Langl h 11, 108; si gate hom. 1, 237; 3eate (dat.) a. r. 424; 3ate Will 3767; yate IIoccl I, 178; Eglam. 281; pare gate hom. 1, 239; 3eate (pi) hom. 1, 127; 3ates Brand. 4; yhates pr. c. 2127; comp. bur3-, flod3at. 38eteward (3eateward) Lay 18998; 3ete- pard a. r. 270; 3ateward h. h. 139. ^ecfl^e :icde. 5ei1, A.Sax. gedd, gidd, sa'tv, tale; 3eddes (pi) Lay 26863. ^eddieii^ A. Sax. geddian, giddian, speak, sing. Lay 21429; 3edde Langl a 1, 138; s. s. ed. Wr. 216; 3eddede (pret.) Lay 7873. ^eddiugc^ A.Sax. geddung, giddung, smig, tale, prompt. 637 ; 3eddinges (pi) Cham. C. t. a 237; 3eddingus Degrev. 1421. ^eile see eode. 5eder? with 3edire 3oskinges Alex. 6043. 3ederli promptly? Gaw. 463; a. p. 2, 463. 5ef see 3if. 5eft see 3ift. 5ci see 3ea. jeiei), 0. Icel geyja (latrare)? cry, clamarOy Kath. 207 ; a. r. 288; 3e3e (pres.) spec. Ill; Gaw. 1216; 3ei3ed hom. 1, 43; 3eiede (pret.) a. r. 162; 3eide Marh. 6; 3eiden La:^. 27760. 5eiii^ A.Sax. gegn, gen, gean, O.Icel gegn, gogn, O.L.Germ. (an)gegen, O.H.Germ, gagan, gagen, gain, co7itra; 3{Bn Orm, 2322; gein Lidg. m. p. 162; gain a. p. 1, 138; gain pe dore Parten. 2791; 3£enes Orm. 2320; yeynes pi wille misc. 90; comp. an-, in-, to-, per3ein. 3ainclap Kath. 129. 3einen '^elstren 235 ^eincume a. r. 234; 3eiiicome IlaUiw. did. 962. 3eincumen revenire; 3eincome fpret. suhj.J Lay 4436''. 3einchar reversio, spec. 46. gainsawe m. h. 75. 3einseggen gainsay; 3einseye fpres. subj.J llalliw. diet. 961 ; geinsein Lidg. m. p. 136. 3einturn return, Ifath. 2118. ^eineii^ O.Icel. gegiia, gagna (ohviam ire, oc- currore, prode,^seJ, 0. II. Germ, gaganen, gagenen (ohviare, occurrerej, gain, ohviam ire, prodesse, Kath. 179; ge3nen Or^n. 12929; per may no miht ne 3iftes 3eyne p. I. s. XXV, 89; me schal })e 3ene o. a. n. 846; gayne IFill. 698; gawne J own. myst. 319; geined fpres. J a. r. 362; p. s. 324; gaynep SJioreh. 41; us geynep (gaynetli) no raunsoun Chauc. C. t. a 1176; gayues m. Arth. 1071; 3ayned (part. J Gaw. 1724; comp. a(n)3einen. ^ek see 3eac. ^eld, A. Sax. geld, gield, gild, O.L.Germ. geld, 0. Fris. jeld, Goth, gild, 0. Icel. giald, O.K. Germ, gelt, payment, tribute, Kath. 212; a. r. '68; 3eld (3ield) Lay 7194; 3elde fdat.J hom. 1, 163; 3ilde La^. 4784; 3eldes (^l.) Orm. 10170. ^elAeUf A.Sax. geldan, gieldan, gildan, gyl- dan, 0. L. Germ, geldan, 0. Fris. jelda, Goth, (fra-, us^gildan, O.Icel. gialda, 0. H.Germ. geltan, keltan, yield fyild), red- dere, solvere, Kath. 668; a. r. 68; -his mede 3elden Orm. 19903; 3elden, 3UI- den Lay 7372 8f 13481; gelden st. gen. 6; 3elde spec. 69; Will. 321; Wicl. Luhe 10; (ich) wole hcore while 3elde Rol. 116, 2; yelde Havel. 2712; lyenh. 31; 3ilde llalliw. diet. 964; 3ulde p. I. s. XIV, 44; Flor. a. Bl. 176; jjou 3eldest no3t but borwest Langl. h 6, 296; he me 3ilt (3elt) mede La-^,. 21071; god 3ilde you Fglam. 271; 3eald fpret. J Kath. 128; 3ald Langl. b 12, 193; yald m. h. 32; pu 3ulde a. r. 406; 3olde Bek. 776; lieo 3ulden a. r. 404; gulden st. gen. 1062; 3olden Mand. 106; golden f part. J Orm. 6239; 3olden Mand. 261; Gaw. 463; yholden pr. c. 6672; comp. a-, for-, i3elden. 5cl yell, Mapes 339; 3elles fpl.J ant. Arth. VII, 8; comp. i3el. 5elke see 3eolke. jelleii, A.Sax. gellan, giellan, gillan, gyl- lan, 0. H.Germ. gellan, O.Icel gella, gial- la, yell, clmgere, strepere, Kath. 2040; pe se ... bigan to 3ellen and to bellen Halliw. diet. 961 ; shal 3ellen ^'uMabif, Wicl. Is. 16; 3elle Man. 10207; s. s. ed. Wr. 806; Ihw. 1463; Eglam.. 411; foulis horde sche 3elle Octav. 330; yhelle pr. c. 7341; helmes gunnen gullen (3elle) Lay 16407; 3ulle Brand. 23; 3elle fpres. J Chauc. C. t. a 2672; yellep a- '). 71; 3al fpret.) 0. a. n. 112; Brand, s.' ed. Wr. 801; gullen (3ollen) Z«). 9797; 3ulle Brand. 27. 5elp, A.Sax. gelp, gielp, gilp, gylp, O.L. Germ, gelp, 0. H.Germ. gelph, gelf, glo- riatio, jactatio, Lay 17 133 , Orm. 12041; c. I. 1364; Iw. 2766; Man. 264, 6; yelp Launf. 718; 3elpe fdat.J a. r. 210. ^elpeii; A.Sax. gelp an, gielpan, gilpan, gyl- pan, yelp fyilpj, gloriari, jaetari, a. r. 146; 3elpen, 3eolpen Lay 12072 Sf 22949; 3elpen, '7;\\^m Orm. 2042 ^4926; 3elpe Man. 7463; Ber. 3268; s. a. c. X, 67; fprinted yelpe) Alls. 1066; Goto. 2, 116; yelpest, 3eolpest, 3ulpest fp-es.) 0. a. n. 1299 Sf 1660; 3elpe(J Kath. 1287; 3ealp (3alp) fpret.) Lay 2870; yelp onisc. 46; yalp ayenh. 208; pu 3UI- pe Lay 26836; iyolpe fpart.) Alis. 3368. yelpcrc gloi-iator, ayenb. 22. ^elpunge gloriatio, a. r. 330; 3ulpinge Rob. 209, 20; 3elping Gaw. 492. ^elstren see galstren. 23 236 3elte 3e6nd ^elie, 0. IT. Germ, gelza fsucuhj, "scrofa", voc. 177 ; see gilte. jelu see 3eolu. jeme, 0. II. Germ, gouma? care^ attention, Lay 6981; a. r. 32; Rob. 194, 8; c. I. 502; Shoreh. 11; Langl. b 10, 195; p. 9, 2; Man. 7125; nim jeme of pi juhede Mark. 4; Kath. 1462; 3eme, yeme o. a. n. 649; yeme ayenb, 24; see gome. 3emeles, A. Sax. geme-, g^meleas, O.II. Germ, goumiloser, careless, negligent, horn. 1, 109. 3emeleasliche carelessly, a. r. 92; 3eme- lesliche rel. ant. 1, 129. 3emeleaste, A.Sax. g^eleast, negligence, a. r. 46; 3emeleste honi. 1, 117 ; 3eme- leeste Orm. 2913. ^emen^ A.Sax. geman, gieman, gyman, 0. Icel. geyma, O.L.Germ. gomean, O.II.Germ. gournen, Goth, gaum j an (pXsTistv), yeem, ■ looTc, attend, take care, a. r. 98; Orm. 2911; 3emeii pes fehtes Lay 8609; 36- me h. h. 24; Will. 2734; Langl. h 8, 52; 8. s. ed. Wr. 99; p. s. 215; m. Arth. 2512; yemen Havel. 324; yeme ps, 11, 8; 3ime Lay 12581"^"; 3emes fpres.J a. p. 2, 1493; 3emande (part.) Percev. 1136; 3emde fpret.J Lay 30845; 3emede chron. Engl. 152; comp. for-, i- 3emeii. yemer, O.Icel. geymari, ward, keeper, m. h. 114. jemer see 3eomer. ^emsle, O.Icel. geymsla, care, attention, Orm. 5095. 5einl see 3eond. ^enen see 3eineii. ^eiiieu see 3eonien. jeo^eite see 3U3ede. ^eolke^ A. Sax. geolca, yolJc fyelkj ; 3olke treat. 137; d. Arth. 3283; yholke pr. c. 6448; 3elke prompt. 537 ; yelke voc. 150. jeolu^ A.Sax. geolo, gealo(?), O.II.Germ. gelwer, Lat. lielvus, yellow (yollow, yallow), p. 8. 158; 3eoluli a. r. 88; geleu rel. ant. 1, 129; yelew Rich. 2644; 3elow, 3alow Mand. 48; 3elw (yelow) as wex Chauc. C. t. a 675; 30I0W Alis. 207; yalu Halliw. diet. 943; pe 3eolepe clad hom. 1, 53; yelwe Gow. 3, 255; Mr 3elwe (3elowe, yolwe) heer Cham. C. t. a 1049. 3alowsou3t jaundice, Halliw. diet. 950. jedmcr, A. Sax. geomer, 0. L. Germ, jamar, O.H.Germ. jamarer, lamentable, hom. i, 193; 3emer Shoreh. 113; hare 3eomere bileave Kath. 1831; yemere p03tes a- yenb. 215; 3omere fadv.J 0. a. n. 415; 3eomerest (superlat.) Lay 16566. 3eomerlic lamentable. Lay 29564; 3omer- li a. p. 2, 971; 3eomerliche (ad^).) Marh. 6; 3omerli Gaiv. 1453; 3amerli ant. Arth. VII, 8. yemernesse misc. 28. ^eomerieu, A.Sax. geomerian, O.II.Germ. jamaron, yammer, lamentari; 3eomerinde (part.) hom. 1, 97; 3eomerede (pret.) Lay 23492; 3amurt ant. Arth. VII, 9. jeoii, O.F^'is. jeiie, O.II.Germ. joner, O.Icel. enn, Goth, jains, yon (yin), ille; 3011 a. p. 1, 672; 3one li3t Langl. b 18, 145; in 3one stede Iw. 2549; on 3one Ml Man. 12300; 3one Ymn^i^^^Will. 4572; gune men st. gen. 3l35. ^eoud^ A.Sax. geond, L.Germ. giend, Goth. jaind (IxsT), yond, illic; 3ond 0. a. n. 119; Will. 3052; 3ond (yond) in the gar- din Chauc. C. t. a 1099; 3ond hoves a rial kni3t Amad. ed. Hobs. XL VI, 2; pe holi man was 3und of Irlande Brand. 1; her and gund st. gen. 3851; 3onde (for 3one) li3t Langl. b 18, 187; 3ond half Orm. 10588; a 3und half Brand. 33; 3endis Wicl. 1 Esdr. 4. ^eond^ A.Sax. geond, trans, per, hom. 1, 91; 3eond, 3ond, 3end Lay 28, 113 8f 494; 'seonden jeoxen 237 3eond te porld a. r. 72; 3end Horn ^1012; 3ond al pe world c. I 1448. ^eoufleu^ A.Sax. geondan, yond, illic; yeon- de 0. a. n. 119^'; 3onde ffor jond?) ChauG. C. t. a 1099^'; comp. bi3eonden. ^eonder^ O.Dutch gender, ginder ftllic, illucj, Goth, jaindre (IxsT), yonder fyinderj, illic; 30iider Man. 12299; pat faire child pat stondep 3onder (yonder) Chauc. C. t. b 1018; yonder Tor. 2070; yondur Eglam. 290; 3ender a. p. 2, 1617; 3endir Hal- liw. diet. 932. ^eonieu^ A.Sax. geonian, ginian, O.R.Germ. ginen, oscitare, a. r. 242; he 3eonep (yonep) mid his mtipe r. s. V, 233; misc. 183; 3enip Alls. 485; 3eonede fpret.J Marh. 9; 3enede Mapes 338; yenede Beves 7 87 ; 3eneden Wicl. ps. 34. ^eor, 3ur shriek, a. r. 306. ^eoren, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. geron, O.Fris. jeria fdesiderarej? 3eore ffor 3eorne?) fpres. suhj.J Langl. a 1, 33; 3irde ffor 3irnde?) fpret.J La-^. 11514; 3irden (3eor- den) 10297. ^eoru^ A.Sax. georn, gyrn, O.L.Ger^n. gern, 0. Icel. giarn, 0. H. Germ, gerner, Goth. gairns, yearn, desirous, eager; 3erne Chauc. C. t. a 3257; 3eorne fadv.J Lay 1261; Marh. 2, 8; a. r. 108; Orm. 2718; 3eorne, 3orne o. a. n. 538 ^ 1352; who se . . . 3erne (3eorne) biholdep pis ilke writ c. I. 76; 3erne Mire 70; Chauc. C. t. 6575; Man. 7064; Begrev. 605; dre- pen him he wolden yerne Havel. 1865; 3orne avmv. Arth. XXIII, 3; 3urne Brand. 5; chron. Engl. 52; comp. elmes-, lof-, med3eorn. 3eornlTche eagerly, horn. 1, 259; 3eorne- llche a. r. 82; giernellche rel. ant. 1, 129; 3eorneluker fcompar.J a. r. 234; 3ernloker Jos. 593. ^eorne^ O.H.Germ. gerni, Goth, gairnei, de- siderium ? 3eornful, A.Sax. geornfull, desirous, Orm. 1631; we schulde .. . beon yeornfuUe misc. 144. 3eornfulnesse diligence, Orm. 2690. ^corueu^ A.Sax. geornian, gyrnan, O.L.Germ. gernean, girnean, 0. H. Germ, gernen, 0, Icel. girna, Goth, gairnjan, yearn, deside- rare, cupere, Orm. 3579; 3eornen, 3ernen, 3irnen Lay 3434, 15409 ^' 23128; 3er- nen Iw. 1242; 3erne Will. 58; yherne pr. c. 4663; 3irne fpres.) a. r. 400; an. lit. 3; yhernes, yhornes ps. 51, 2; 3erne f suhj.J Langl. 1, 33 f35j; yerne Havel, 299; 3ernede fpret.J Kath. 1591; 3irnde Lay 4427 ; Marh. 2; gerneden st. gen. 3657 ; 3irnden spec. 43; 3erned f part. J a. p. 1, 1189; 3irned h. h. 164; comp. i3ernen. ^iruuiige^ A.Sax. geornung, yearning, a. r. 114; yherning pr. c. 1127. jeorren, A.Sax. georran Greins gloss., M. H.Germ. kerren? yer fyirj, stridere: he yeorrep & heo gredep misc. 83; 3urren pa stanes mid f)an blodstremes Lay 28358; deriv. 3arren, 3urren? ^eoten^ A. Sax. geotan, 0. L. Germ, geotan, giotan, Goth, giutan, O.H.Germ. giozau, found, pour, cast: blod 3eoten Z«5. 17318; , 3eoten . . . teres horn. 1, 39; 3eten Wicl. exod. 26; he sholde melten bras & 3eten him a neddre Orm. 17418; gBien st. gen. 3548; 3eoted fpres. J a. r. 282; 3eat fpret.J fragm. 6, 18; get st. gen. 585; 3oten Mapes 338; yhotten ps. 78, 3; 3oten f part. J Orm. 1773; Rich. 371; Atn. a. Amil. 2024; yhotin ps. 44, 3; igoten Jul. 38; i3otten h. m. 45; comp. a-, bi3eoten; deriv. gote, gute. )eoter, A.Sax. geotere, founder. Alls. 6735; 3eetere Wicl. Jer. 6; comp. belle3eter. )eove see 3ife. jeoxe^ A.Sax. geocsa, gicsa, gisca, ^exy singultus ; 30x8 Halliw. di-ct. 954. ^eoxeu^ A. Sax. giscian, O.H.Germ. geskon, yex, yesk, yisk; 3ixin, yexen "singultire", 238 3eoxinge 3eten prompt. 639; 3exe]), 3eskep, 3oxep fpres.J Chaiic. C. t. a 4151; 3oxide fpret.J Wicl. 4 kings 4; 3oxede and si3te ofte Belc. 1568. ^ixinge^ A. Sax. giscung, gicsung, xjexing^ ^^singultus\ prompt. 539; 30xing Iloh. 34, 15; Wicl. lamerd. 3; 3osldng Wr. diet. 1038. jep see 3eap. jepse, L.Germ. gopse, liollow of the hand; '7^Qi^Q"vola\ 2)rompt. 537; j^^&qyl f? print- ed jjepsen) fpl.J voc. 147 . 5er see 3ear. jerd see 3eard. ^erde, A.Sax. gyrd, 0. L.Germ. gerda, O.R. Germ, gerta, yard fyerdj, ^^virga\ prompt. 537; Orm. 16181; Iloh. 22, 7; Man. 292, 19; gerde st. gen. 2851; a 3erde (yerde) long Chauc. C. t. a 1050; 3erde, 3erd a. r. 184; 3erd Shoreh. 132; yerd ayenh. 95; 3erd (3eord) La^. 14771; yeorde i^el. ant. 1, 184; 3urd BeJc. 2368; 3erde fdat.J fragm. 5, 46; Maud. 85; if men sinot it with a 3erde Chauc. C. t. a 149; 3erdeH fpl.J a. r. 186; 3erden, 3urden /. h. r. 26; 3erdes Langl. 5, 128 (214); comp. eln-, Idne-, lim-, seil3erde (■.3erd). ^ere see eare. 5eru see 3eorn. 3eruemoii|)e Yarmouth, Rob. 227 , 20. ^ernen see 3eornen. jersteii- see 3estren-. 5CS see under 3ea. jest^ A. Sax. gist, M. II. Germ, jest, gest, yest fyistj ; 3eest '^spuma\ prompt. 537. 5estren-, A. Sax. geostran-, gystran-, gyrs- tan-, Goth, gistra-, 0. II. Germ, gestren, kestre, Lat. hesternus, y ester- fyister-, yuster-J. 3ersten-, 3urstend9ei (3orstendai) yester- day, La\ 17063 Sf 21299; 3urstendai an. lit. 4; 3isterdai Vercev. 509; yhis- tredai ps. 89, 4; 3usterdai Jos. 3-30. 3isterneve yestereven, hcri vesperi, Will. 2160; yistereven mir. pi. 122; 3uster- evin avoio. Arth. XXXVII, 6. yerstenni3t yesternight, Beves 2912. 3et gain''^ get Gaw. 1638. 3et see 3eat. 5et, 3ete, A.S(/x. get, giet, git, gyt, geta, gita, gyta, O.Fris. jeta, eta, ita, M.II, Germ, jeze, jezuo ? yet, jam, nunc, adhuc, etiam. Lay 109 &; 28636; pa (pe) 3et leovede Corineus 2245; pa (pe) 3et seip peo soule fragm. 7 , 15 c^ 31 ; 3et, 3ete, 3ut a. r. 66, 92 ^- 356; ah 3et Kath. 70; pa 3et 561; pe 3et Marh. 1; & godes engel se3de par of sant Johan 3et mare Orrn. 780; pat tu nart noht 3et in heofne 7951; ])e3 ne p&ren 3et noht tahte 9802; abid 3ete o. a. n. 747; 3ut (yet) pu aischest 995; pah mi lif me beo atschote pe 3et ich mai do gode note 1624; 3et 3if we wole repente p. I. s. XXV, 141; yete Havel. 495; 3et, 3it Langl. b prol. 210; 3et (yet), 3it (yit) Chauc. C. t. a 70 Sf 255; 3ite Begrev. 986; 3it Goiv. 3, 242; Wicl. John 2; Man. 7 , 6; Eglam. 76; yhit pr. c. 105; 3ut er j)e woiides ende Brand. 3; pat he pe 3ut of londe wende Beh. 680; 3ute 2144; 3ute more Horn ed. Lum. 70; pat never 3ute iholde nas c. I. 266. 5ete to he got; comp. eaclgete. 5etel? co7np. bi-, for3etel. 5eteii, 0. Icel. geta, A. Sax. (bi-, for-, on)- gitan, 0. L.Germ. (bi-, for)getan, Goth, (bi)gitan, O.H.Germ. (ar-, bi-, fer)gezan, get, potiri, gigncre; geten Havel. 792; Gow. 2, 242; to geten him gilte spores Langl. h 18, 14 (12098 J; 3ete transact, 18, 23; gete Jos. 23; Isumh. 151; gete fpres.J st. gen. 1497; poii getist Fglam. ■ 347; (he) get Orm. 10219; gat fpret.J Will. 2895; gat ^^genuif, Wicl. genes. 11; and gat upon hire Constantin Mand. 12; (pou) gete Langl. h 18, 332; (pei) 3eten 3ivere 239 geten 20, 166'; geeten, gOten Wicl. genes. 6' Sf Jerem. 16; goten Mand. 67; gaten Will. 1302; geten fpartj Jos. 623; Mand, 19; Chatie. C. t. a 291; pe good pat pou hast geten Langh h 6, 296; befor pat he was geten and forth broght pr. c. 443; geten, gete Will 799 Sf 1030; comp. and-, bi-, for-, of-, under- 3eten. ^eten see 3eoten. ^etten see 3aten. 3eve see 3ife. ^efcn see 3ifen and efen. ^ ^excn see 3eoxen. ^iccheu^ 0,11. Germ, jucchen, jucken? itch fjuchj; 3ichin, 3ildn, 3ekin, ichin, ildn, ekin ^^prurire\ prompt. 268 Sf 638; 3ic- chinde a. r. 80; 3echid, icched Cham. C. t. a 3682. ^kite, A. Sax. gicda, 0. II. Germ, juchido? 3ikthe " prurigo \ prompt. 638; 3ecde h. m. 9. 3if, A. Sax. gif, gyf, O.Fris. jef, Goth, ja- bai? see Gr. grtim. 3, 283, gif, si, La^. 366; a. r. 22; Orm. 1438; proclam. 6; ^' c. I 181; Will. 99; Langl. prol. 37; Mand. 3; pi. cr. 62; h. s. 666; a. p. 2, 768; I. G. c. 32; 3if, yif Chauc. C. t. a 146; yif Bavel. 126; gif Eglam. 496; ant. Arth. XX, 1; 3if, 3ef o. a. n. 61 Sf 1180; 3ef Marh. 2; Roh. 8, 16; spec. 36; Shoreh. 2; Mire 86; yef ayenl. 6; Degrev. 186; m. h. 30; see if. jife^ A. Sax. gifa, geofa, 0. II. Germ, gebo, dator; comp. r£ed3ive. ^ife, A. Sax. gifu, geofu, O.Fris. jeve, O.H. Germ, geba, Goth, giba, donum, Orm. 6482; 3ife, 3efe hom. 17 Sf 19; 3yve p. I. s. nil, 37; give Havel. 367; Man. 166, 16; 3efe, 3eve, 3eove La^. 401, 1790 Sf 7704; 3eove a. r. 202; 3eoven fpl.J Kath. 37; comp. mor3en3ive. ^ifen^ A. Sax. gifan, giefan, geofan, gyfan, O.Icel. gefa, O.Fris. jeva, Goth, giban. O.H.Germ, geban, keban, give, dare, Orm. 1864; 3iven a. r. 68; pi. er. 64; given st. gen. 11; y'lYB A lis. 6626; g'lte A)nad. ed. Hobs, nil, 10; 3iven, 3even, 300 ven La}. 2742, 20879 ^ 28273; 3iven, 3eo- ven Kath. 636; 3iven, 3even Langl. 9j 161 flO, 181 J; 3ive (yive), 3eve (yeve) Chauc. C. t. a 226 Sf 606; 3eve (3ive) c. I. 1111; yeve, ive fms. yve) ayenb, 7 Sf 46; 3efen hom. 1, 19; gieven 2, 9; 3evin prompt. 637; 3eve Moh. 13, 2; spec. 39; Mire 138; yeve Havel. 298; Hoed. Ill, 30; 3eve, geve Tor. 933 ^ 2088; geve Eglam. 266; 3eoven h. m. 19; 3ive, yeve fpres.J 0. a. n. 1686; 3!- ved, 3ifd a. r. 60; 3evep, 3ifp treat. 133 dj' 134; ivep fms. yvep) tnitc. 60; ayenh. 46; 3if (imperat.J a. r. 294; ye- vep Lidg. m. p. 48; y^i, 3ef (3eaf) (pret.) La-}. 1089 ^ 7170; 3iaf hom. 1, 223; yeaf, yaf ayenh. 6 Sf 81; 3af Shoreh. 21; Mand. 97; fms. 3alf) Orm. 761; 3af (yaf) Chauc. C. t. a 177; yaf m. Arth. 269; yaf, gaf Havel. 218 Sf 316; gaf Eglam. 407; 3af (yaf), 3ef (yef) 0. a. n. 66 Sf 1176; 3af, 3ef spec. 43 Sf 106; 3ef Kath. 367; Hob. 68, 8; h. h. 89; 3ef pan folke drinken (hibere dedit, gave to d/rinh) hom. 1, 129; gef Gaw. 370; pu 3eve Beh. 786; h. h. 92; gsefen Orm. 6476; 3even Lay 362; 36- ven, 3eeven c. I. 616; 3even, 3aven, 30- ven Wicl. genes. 19, 2 Esdr. 9 ^' Mat. 26; goven st. gen. 844; Havel. 164; sa- cram. 39; gove Will. 4781; T^abfe fstib- junct.J Orm. 3281; 3eve Beh. 308; 3!- fen (part. J Orm. 2111; gifen Iw. 3640; 3ive Langl. b 6, 390; 3even Will. 2867; yeve m. Arth. 88; yeoven rel. ant. 1^ 168; 30ven ffor 3eoven?) Gow. 1, 79; Mand. 13; yoven Hoccl. I, 99; 30ve, 30- vin prompt. 638; comp. a-, for-, i-, up3ifen. jivere, givere, 0. H. Germ, gebare, giver ^ Langl. 7, 70 (8, 72); yevere aymib 120. 240 3ifede 36I ^ifveite, jevede, A. Sax. gifede, gyfede, 0. L.Germ. gibidig? datus, La^. 8160 Sf 8366. ^ifveit'e, A. Sax. gifede fsors?) Greins gloss., copia? La^. 8118; yefj3e (for yefte?) do- niim, ayenh. 13. jifre, A. Sax. gifre, O.IceL glfr, avidus, "gu- lo8us\ fragm. 5, 6; 3ifer Orm. 10218''; 3lver a. r. 84; 3lfre (pi. J Lay 7337^. 3iverliche avide, a. r. 240. 3ifernesse, A.Sax. giferness, aviditas, Orm. 9318; 3ivernesse Lay 9491; a. r. 198; r. s. VII, 11; givernesse rel. ant. 1, 216. yviiy A.Sax. gift n. U?J, 0. II. Germ, gift, O.lcel. gipt /., from 3ifen, gift, donum. Boh. 070; pet ilke 3ifte hom. 1, 71; 3ift,. 3eft Lay 1790'' Sf 7705''; yeft Havel. 2336; 3ifte ^^dono\ Wicl. numh. 3; 3iftes fpl.J a. r. 28; Langl. 3, 90 (99); 3eftes Shoreli. 45. jild see 3eld. ^ilde^ 0. Dutch gilde, 0. Fris. jelde, gild (guild J; gilde "fraternitas\ prompt. 193; Lidg. m. p. 207; g. 29; yelde 370; ilde (ms. ylde) misc. 96; 3ilden (pi. J Lay 32001; gildes 3Ia7z. 14746. 3ilde-, 3eldehalle guild-hall, Chauc. C. t. a 370; gildehalle ^^ praetor ium!\ prompt. 193. jim, A.Sax. gimm, Lat. gemma, gem; 3im- mes (pi.) hom. 1, 259; Roh. 489, 15; gimmes Alls. 3152. 3imstan Kath. 1662; 3imston «. r. 134; 3imston (3emston) Lay 21143; imston (ms. ymston) misc. 98. ^immen^ A.Sax. (a)gimmian, ge^n: pi 3im- mede bur hom. 1, 273. 5ing see 3uiig. pippin yip, pipire, prompt. 538. ^irueu see 3eorneii. jisel^ A.Sax. gisel, O.lcel. gisl, O.H.Germ. glsal, hostage, (ms. gysel) "obses", fragm. 2, 24; 3isles (pi.) Lay 5324. ^isseii, 3iscen see 3ltsen. ^istreii- see 3estren-. jit^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. git, ye, acpcw, hom. 1, 93; Orm. 4498; mine siinen 3it beod beien Lay 5020. 5it see 3et. ^itsen^ A.Sax. gitsian, M.H.Germ. gitsen, gitesen, desire eagerly, covet; 3iscen a. r. 196; & 3isced pah after muchele deale mare h. m. 29; iie gisce pu nog(t) din nestes ding st. gen. 3515. 5itsere, A.Sax. gitsere, M.H.Germ. gitesaere, one who covets, a miser, hom. 1, 101; 3]ssare (3iscere) a. r. 202; 3isceres (pl.J p. I. s. VIII, 135. ^itsunge^ 3itsinge, A.Sax. gitsung, desiring , coveting. Lay 6560 8f 9490; 3itsung (ms. 3ittsunng) Orm. 4560; 3issunge a. r. 258; 3issinge p. r. I. p. 222; giscing st. gen. 1874; (misprinted gisting) rel. ant. 1, 216; issing (ms. yssing) misc. 38; icinge ayenb. 16. jive see 3ife. jiyer see 3lfre. jixen see 3eoxen. )o, A.Sax. geo, gio, ju, O.L.Germ. O.H. Germ, giu, ju, Goth, ju, jam, quondam. 3oman, A. Sax. geo-, jumann, yeoman (yeman, yuman). Will. 3649; Mand. 220; Isumb. 408; yomon Amad. ed. Web. 347; 3oman, 3eman Chauc. C. t. a 101; 36— man a. p. 1, 534; s. a. c. ed. Wr. XXX, 5. 5oc^ A.Sax. geoc, gioc, joe, O.lcel. ok, 0. H.Germ. joli, Lat. jugum, yoke, a. r. 156; (ms. 30CC) Orm. 4045; 30k voc. 234; c. I. 957; Chauc. C. t.' 7989; apol. 80; yok ayenb. 255; yok, 3I10C ps. 2, 3. 5ode see eode. joken yoke, Gow. 2, 63; heo 3eokeden heora earmes Lay 1872; i3oket (part J rel. ant. 2, 210. )61, A.Sax. geol, O.lcel. jol, yule, festum nativitatis Christi, Orm. 1915; an. lit. 5; sole 311W 241 Man. 10370: Gaw. 284: 3ole fdat.J Fer- eev. 1803. Seoldaei Xa). 22737: soldaj Orm. 11063: joldai s. a. c. XX, /. yolniht m. h. 101. 56IC, A. Sax. geola, dccemher, Man. 47, 2: h. s. 81, J. ^olkc t-ce 3eollve. pollen = 3elleii? yoH, ululare; ;^olle 0. a. n. 072: yolle f pros. J Ohauc. C. t. a 2672: 3ollinge fv. r. 3ellinde) L h. r. 44: 3ollide "iihilab(it'\ Wicl. judges 6. ^olpen = 3elpen? yolp fyoivpj, gloriari: 3olped fpret.J a. p. 2, 846. 50IU see 3C0I11. ^omer see 3eomer. 5011 see 36011. 50111! see 3eoiid. ^oiiiler st^e 3eoiider. 5ong see gang and 3iiiig. ^oiigcn see gangen. 5drc see 3eare. 50U see eow. 3ouIi|)C^ S'^^P^ ^'^-^ Z^Z^^^- ^ouleu; L.Germ. joleii, jauleii? yowl f yawl J: i shal 3oule ^^uMaho\ JFiel. life. 1: 3aiile (pres.) Gaw. 1453: 3aulit (^pret.) ant. Arth. VII, 0: see gouleii. 50ur see eower. 50W see eow. 50XC see 3eoxe. 5U see eow. )U5ettc, A. Sax. geogud, jogod, 0. L.Germ. jiiguth, jugiid, 0. II. Germ, jiiguiid, youth, juventus: ju3ede, 3uliede, 3603030 hom. 1, 97, 100 Sf 143: 3U3ede, 3eo3ede Lay 6566 ^ 19837: ^M^i^diQ Kath. 1462: 3upede a. r. 156: 3eo3ede p. I. s. VIII, 188: 3eii3e]3e Rwlc. thes. 1, 224: yesepe ayenh. 69: youhpe rel. ant. 1, 173: 3oupe, yoiithe Chaiic. C. t. a 461: yhoii- the pr. c. 5972. 3upedeliod, A.Sax. geogudhad, 0. L.Germ. jugudhed, juventus, a. r. 342: gudhede rel. ant. 1, 209: 3owthede Isumb. 60; yhouthede pr. c. 57 13. 5ui see 3ea. gulden see 3eldeii. jullcii see 3ellen. ^ulpcii see 3eipen. ^unc see inc. 5ung, A.Sax. giuiig, jimg, geoiig, O.Fris. jung, joug, 0. L.Germ. jung, O.H.Germ, junger, C'oth. juggs, O.Ieel. ungr, young, La'i,. 376: Kath. 178: a. r. 6: Orm. 1212: Ikh. 124: yhung, yhong pr. c. 214 Sf 3785: 3ong c. I. 151; J.s. 437; a. p. 1, 412: yoiig Tor. 197 J : sing Mail. 2370: Amad. cd. Bohs. XL, 5; pe 3inge Degrov. 1807 : yongne (ace. m.) ayenh. 162; 3iinge fp)l.J 0. a. n. 1134; avow. Arth. VII^ :j ,- yimge Ilavel. 368;' 3inge spec. 95: Isumb. 144: hid. Cov. 73: 3ungre fcompar.J a. r. 424; gimgeste (superl.) sf. gen, 2190. ';7^m\^\\^diQ javentus, Beh. 3: yonghede wi?sc?. 71. 3iinglic]i youngly, Bra..d. 33. ^ungeii;, 0. II. Germ, jiuigen, make young; giiigen rel. ant. 1, 216. aonglliig/ ^.^'/.r. jangling, goongling, O.K. Germ, jiiiigeling, yon.igling, javeniif, Fior. a. Bl. 705: Trllt. 1, 79: m. t. 110; ''''adolescens', Wicl. genes. 34; yongling Parten. 3843; 3ongeling Alis. 2366; 3eongliiuros (pi.) La\. 28681. 5uiigj)e = 3ii3ede, youngth, juventus, h. s. 2810: 3ungthe prompt. 539; 3ongpe Wicl. genes. 48. 5uril see 3erde. 5urii see 3eorn. 5urrcii, A.Sax. gyrran, jrom 3eorren? cry, shriek; 3uron Marh. 16, 4; Kath. 2040; 3urde (pret.J Jul. 50. 5ursteii- see 3estren-. 5use see tinder 300,. 5ut see 3et. 5UW see eow. 31 242 ha had ha see he. habben^ A. Sax. habban pret. hasfde, O.L, Germ, habbian, hebbean pret. habde, 0. Fris. habba, hebba pi^et. hede, 0. Icel. hafa pret. hafdi, 0. H. Germ, haben pret. babeta, Goth, haban pret. habaida, have, halere, Lay 145; Kath. 291; a. r. 14; habben and 6 wen c. I. 132; habbe ayenh. 6; g. 332; habben, hafen Orm. 123 Sf 4964; hebben AUs. 4940; haven IlaveJ. 78; h. h. 98; have Will. 72; Lidg. m. p. 29; have ant holde spec. 35; havin, han prompt. 225; have, han Langl. h prol 109 8f 6\ 148; Chauc. C. t. a 490 Sf 654; han s. s. ed. JVeh. 294; Mire 1298; Hoccl I, 31; hafe Percev. 915; haebbe, habbe, A.Sax. haebbe, hafu, fpres.J Lay 464 8f 3216; habbe o. a. n. 174; Beh. 353; c. I. 329; habbe, hafe Orm. 465 Sf 9b8; have JFill. 519; havest Lay 2275; a. r. 236; h. h. 57; hafest Orm. 12236; hast c. L 950; Jos. 350; best misc. 29; hafep Orm. 153; haved a. r. 10; havep o. a. n. 113; haved, hafd, h«fd Lay 1331, 1926 Sf 16019; havep, hap £ek 162 Sf 184; hap JVill. 477; Chauc. C. t. a 915; ILoccl. I, 437; Lidg. m. p. 28; hep Shoreh. 95; ayenh. 9; (we, 36, heo) habbed Lay 364 Sf 460; a. r. 2; habbep proclam. 2; treat. 135; ayenh. 8; habbe fsuhj.J o. a. n. 99; hsef- de, hafde, havede, hevede (pret.) Lay 110, 226, 759, 4887 Sf 25414; hafde Orm. 6; hafde, hefde Kath. 289 Sf 322; hefde a. r. 124; havede Havel. 649; he- vede spec. 36; h. h. 7 ; hadde st. gen. 3392; Band. 2; Chauc. C. t. a 48; Wicl. John 5; hedde c. I. 308; Jos. 503; hi hedden levere liese vour messen ayenh. 31; haved (part. J Kath. 446; comp. bi-, ihabben. haberdashere haherdasher, Chauc. C. t. a 361. habile^ Fr. habile, hahilis; habil, hable Far- ten. 2355 Sf 4536; see able. habilite^ Fr. habilite, habilete, hahilitas, Parten. 2341. hacchc^ Swed. hack, L. Germ, heck, hatch (hack, heck J, o. a. n. 1058; (printed hatche) Marg. 222; hatche voc. 261 ; hecche, hek ^^antica', prompt. 231; hek ^^ostioluwb', voc. 203; Town. myst. 106; hacches (pi. J Will. 2770; (printed hat- ches) Chauc. I. g. w. 648; hachches a, p. 3, 179; haches ant. Arth. XXXV, 6. hacchen^ Swed. hacka. Pan. haekke. Germ." hecken, hatch, parere, dep. R. 13, 4; ha3te, hayhte (pret. J o. a. n. 105; ihaht (part.) p. s. 237 . hache^ O.Fr. hache, M. II. Germ, hacke, se- curis, Jos. 503. hachctte, O.Fr. hachette, hatchet; hachet "se- curicula\ prompt. 220. hacken^ A.Sax. haccian, O.Dutch M.II.Germ. hacken, 0. Fris. (to)hakia, hack, caedere; hakkin prompt. 221; hakke and hewe Chauc. C. t. a 2865; hakke(?) after hOli- nesso Langl. h 19, 399; hacked (pres.) a. r. 298; hakken Jos. 512 ; hacke (im- per.) I. c. c. 52; hackede (pret.) a. r. 298; comp. of-, tohacken. had, A.Sax. had, Goth, haidus, O.Icel. heidr m., O.H.Germ. heit 77i. /., O.L.Germ.. hed, O.Fris. -hed^ -hede /., -hood, -head, state, condition, order, form: kanunkes had & lif Orm. dedic. 9; had (hod) Lay 13267; hod ayenh. 235; (ms. hode) ^^ordinem", ps. 109, 4; hode (dat.) a. r. 318; of hede pus dwlnep he Goiv. 2, 117; his cote of pe same, hede Percev. 1103; ha- des (pi.) Marh. 11, 27; hodes (hades) a. r. 26; on preom hadan horn. 1, 99; comp. cniht-, man-, widewehad (-hod), child-, god-, 3U3ed-, mseidenhad (-hod), -hede, bald-, biter-, broder-, drunken-, fae3er-, fals-, ful-, ful-, furhti-, gal-, god-, 3eap-, 3ung-, hali-, liht-, luper-, mad-, meok-, siker-, sop-, swike-, prsel-, wis-, wlanc-, wrecchehede. hadien h&ste 243 h^dien^ A.Sax. hadian, ordain; haded /j^^r^.y Orm. 10881 : liOded Zflt). 218o6^\- eomp. for-, i-, unhadien. hading^ A. Sax, hadung, ordination, Orm. 15967. hadok haddock, rel. ant. 1, 81; liaddok voc. 222; prompt. 220. haf fpret.J sustuli; haef; heaf (lieof) Lay 1914 Sf 6768; hef Kath. 184; a. r. 122; Alis. 2297; Chauc. Boet. 41; heven Lay 6789; J<:ath. 2495; Shoreh. 68; heven, O.Fris. heven, (part.) ps. 12, 3; iheven llich. thes. 1, 226; comp. a-, over-, uphaef (-haf). hafd, haeved see heaved. hseh see heah. hael see hal. h»le, A.Sax. hsel, hselu, O.L.Germ. heli, 0. JI.Germ. heili, from hal, heal, salus, Orm. 5378; hele s. s. ed. Web. 2201; Will. 597; Langl. 6, 261 (7, 246); Mand. 11; a. p. 1, 16; pr. c. 1326; Degrev. 1766; pa hele Lay 30551; mi sOule hele m. Arth. 3655; heele ^^sanitas\ prompt. 234; hele, heale a. r. 180 ^ 312; hale rel. ant. 1, 274; hele (dat.) Mire 369; Chauc. C. t. a 3102; to go- dere plre h^ele Lay 3597; to goder /'mis- fc printed geder) hele come pou hider an. • lit. 9; heale LTath. 874; eomp. unhaele. healepater? a. r. 106. healepi medicine? a. r. 164; halepi Marh. 14, 3; hal(e)wei p. I. s. XXXV, 84; haleweie fdat.J Lay 23071. hsslen^ A.Sax. haelan, O.L^.Germ. helean, 0. R.Germ. heilan, heal, sanare, Lay 26102; > Orm. 2218; heleri, healen a. r. 112 8f I 330; helen Havel. 1836; hele Wicl. John 4; Lsumh. 486; m. h. 127; hale s. s. ed. Web. 1033; helde fpret.J misc. 39; Rob. 244, 3; helde (healde) Lay 29541; t helden ayenb. 96; heled (part. J Will. f 1329; haled Man. 7, 6; pr. c. 8323; eomp. ihfifelen. h^lend^ A.Sax. hselend, O.H.Germ. heilant, saviour, La'^. 9144; hgelende Orm. 2216; helend Kath. 185; helinde a. r. 112. helere, 0. JI.Germ. heilari, healer, ham. i, 83; helare Lay 9143^; misc. 40. hseled'; A.Sax. hseled, heoled? O.JJ.Germ, helid ftuguriumjf from helen? pa make- den heo htis & hseledes sikere Lay 1938. hsBled"^ A. Sax. haeled, heled, 0. L. Germ. helith, 0. JI. Germ, helid, armed man, warrior. Lay 11989; heledes (pi.) 1779. hsBld'C; A. Sax. li£eld, 0. JI.Germ. heilida, health, salus; helde La"). 29992; st. gen. 2344; helpe ayenb. 172; Lidg. m. p. 69. h%neii see henen. hap see heap. bar, A.Sax. hser, O.JMs. her, O.L.Germ. O.JIGerm. O.Icel. har, hair, crinis, Orm. 3208; her, heer La^. 7048^ ^ 21873*; Chauc. C t. a 589; heer ^^capillus, crinis\ prompt. 235; Mand. 81; har Iw. 823; 8. s. ed. Web. 79; hor ant. Arth. XLV, 13; her fpl.) a. r. 398; here Alis. 4989; heare fdat. pi.) o. a. n. 1550; comp. horsher. heerbond vitta crinalis, prompt. 236. herseve hair-sieve, I. c. c. 7 . hard see heard. hare, A.Sax. hsre, O.Jcel. hsera; 0. R.Germ. harre, hair-cloth; here La^. 17697; Beh. 2231; heren, hearen fpl.) a. r. 10. heeri hairy, Wicl. genes. 27 . hariug; A.Sax. haering, O.Fris. hereng, 0. JI.Germ. harinc, herring, fragm. 3, 21; hering JJavel. 758; Alis. 6589; rel. ant. 1, 83. harm see hearm. base, A.Sax. hses, from haten, eommandy Orm. 3537; hese, hes horn. 1, 165 Sc 181; p. I. s. nil, 46 8f 174; heg misc. 61; has Alis. 444; comp. hihas, jehese, tithes. hesne command? hom. 1, 229 Sf 237 . haste hest, ju&sum, promissum; heste Beh. 244 hffite hahe 381; c. I 172; Shoreh. 98; Alts. 1330; m. Arth. 3686; ane heste La^. 2494; hcaste ICath. 235; heste, best honi. i, 11 Sf 125; a. r. 6 Sf 58; hest Chaue. C. t. 14062; heest Aud, 17; comp. bi- hffiste. h»te^ A.Sax. h^to, O.Fris. hete, O.Ii.Germ. heizi, from hat, heat, color, Orm. 13855; hete a. r. 238; mine. 37 ; treat. 136; a- yenh. 75; Fercev. 862; And. 46; heate Kath. 1701. h^teu^ A. Sax. hsetan, O.lcel. heita, O.H. Germ, heizen, heat, calcfacere, oale fieri; heaten a. r. 404 ; his heorte feng to bea- ten Jul. 21; hetin prompt. 238; hete Marg. 247; hette fpret.J Cham. p. f. 145; ihat f part. J muc. 148; comp. an-, ofhseten. h«,. 30778; hattren fas ace. J spec. 110. hatuiige, A.Sax. hatung, hating, odium, a, r. 200; hatinge Lay 8321, haff, O.Icel. had, scam, contempt. hadful horn. 1, 279. hauk see havec. hautaiii, Fr. hautain, Parten. 2829; hautein Will. 472. have, O.II.Germ. haba, possession, property? see haven. haveles, O.II.Germ. habeloser? inops, horn. 1, 111; Gow. 2, 214; p. r. I. p. 74. havelcste inopia, hom. 1, 116. havec, A.Sax. heafoc, hafoc, O.Fris. hauk, O.Icel. haukr, O.II.Germ. habuh, hapuh, hawh, accipiter, o. a. n. 307 ; havek rel. ant. 1, 266; hauk Chauc. C. t. 7620; hevekes fgeti.J rel. ant. 1, 227; havekes fpl.) La\ 3268; spec. 106; haukes Langl. h 4, 126; comp. goshauc. haven? havenleas, A.Sax. hafenleas, "inops\fragm. 2, 46. haven, M.H.Germ. h&hen, Lat. capere? haave, toller e; have fpres.J ant. Arth. XV, 6; see hof. haven see habben. havene, A.Sax. hsefene ace. lisefenan Sax. chron. 162 ^' 226, O.Dutch havene, M. H. Germ, habeue, 0. Icel. hofn, haven. havere he 25S yortus\ prompt. 230; Roh. 04, 9; JIoccl IV, 9; pa havene Lay 8566; havene fdnt.J B$h 1160; ayenh. 182; Wid. 569; pare havene La-^. 4532. havere^ O.L.Germ. havoro, havero, O.lcel. hafri, 0. II. Germ, habaro, haver, arena ; hafir voc. 233. havercake Langl. h 6, 284. havirstraa IlaUiw. diet. 438. hawe see lia3e. hawe Uvidus? hawe as pe leed Chauc. test. Ores. 257; hawe (haa) hew ant.^ Arth. II, 5. hawel see ha3el. hawen^ A. Sax. hapian, haw, spectare; comp. bihawen. hawer see ha^er. hawere, A. Sax. hapere(?), speculator; hau- weres fpl.j Lay 30465. he, A. Sax. he, O.L.Germ. he, hi, O.Fris. hi, Goth, his, is ? OJI.Germ. ir, er? Lat. is? he. Lay 3; Orm. 7; his fgen.J his, ejus, Orm. 32; his heorte cor suum. Lay 149; his godes suos deos, Marh. 4; a3en pe king and his Bek. 1576; him fdat.J him, ei, La's,. 48; sche s,s\'bY \iim f to him J Chauc. C. t. 6543; him f/or hine) liath 2270; Orm. 208; Havel 30; Itoh. 10 24; hine ^acc.J eum. Lay 3!^3; a. r. 58^ 0. a. n. 471; Horn ed. Lum. 1028 chron, Engl. 612; Shoreh. 4; ayenh. 7 hine,' hin st. gen. 3004 &," 3468; heo A.Sax. heo, hio, O.Fris. hio, hiu, fnom ace.) hoc, ea, a. r. 8; Boh. 237 , 15; c. 1. 301; Mire 86; Langl. 3, 29 (30 J Aud. 59; heo (360) Lay 144 ^' 1147 heo, ho (ho?) hom. 1, 83 ^ 93; heo, ha (ha?) ITath. 80 ^- 117; Marh. 2 Sf 6' heo, ho, he (he?), hi (hi?) 0. a. n. 19 32, 401 Sf 934; hie rel. ant. 1, 128 misc. 29; lai le fr. 114; hue Horn 76 Ali8. ed. Sk. 34; he spec. 26; hi hom 1, 227; Shoreh. 136; ayenh. 16 Sf 106 ho pi. cr. 411; a. p. 1, 177; ant. Arth I, 13; 3ho Onn. 115; 3ho, 30 p. /. «. ///, 79 Sf 84; ghe, ge st. gen. 237 Sf 1024; 3he WUi. 119; hire fgen. dat.J her, Lay 192; Onn. 235; Bek. 61; hire l^eij puhte god in hire ("suoj heorte to habbe monie under liire fsej Kath, 85; al is hire a. r. 46; bi hire side Havel, 127 ; hire, hir Langl. 3, 8; Chauc. C. t. a 925; hire, here Will. 153 Sf 1716; hir Bercev. 190; i moot been hires (for hire) Chauc. C. t. h 227 ; hire (for heo, ace. J Kath. 126; st. gen. 971; HaveL 316; Bel. 68; Alis. 525; hit, A.Sax. O.Fris. hit, O.L.Germ. it? O.H.Germ. iz? Lat. id? fno7n. ace. J ity Lay 11; a. r, 4; 0. a. n. 41; Bek. 25; spec. 34; Sho- reh. 30; h. h. 160; Alis. 166; s. s. ed, Weh. 277; Mire 20; Eglam. 49; hit, it Langl. prol. 32; it Orm. 763; Havel. 77; Mand. 13; Chaue. C. t. a 39; pr. c. 40; it, et st. gen. 126 ^ 590; his fgen.J treat. 139; him /"dat.J hom. 2, 119; heo, A.Sax. heo, hea, hio, hie, hi, O.Fris. hia, fnc9n. ace. pi. J ii^ eae, ea, eos, eas, a. r. 142; c. I. 52; proclam. 4; heo, ha (hii) Lay 283 Sf 5365; heo hi (hi?) dslep fragm. 6, 9; heo, ho, ha (ha?) hom. 1, 5, 23 Sf^ 81 ; heo, ha Kath. 264 Sf 648; heo, ho, hi 0. a. n. 66, 76, 926 Sf 1257; heo, hii Boh. 45, 11 ^ 237, 5; Langl. prol. 43; hio hom. 1, 223; hie rel. ant. 1, 128; hi p. I. s. VIII, 21; Shoreh. 16; ayenh. 9; hue h. h. 237; he (he?) s^. gen. 379; Havel. 162; spec, 75; ha Marh. 2; heore fgeii. pi. J eorum, earum^ Lay 25; p. I. s, VIII, 146; heore, hore a. r. 28; heore, here Orw. 119 Sf 413; here Havel. 52; Mand. 11; Chauc. C. t. a 588; Degrev. 756; here beire red Bek. 2438; hare Kath. 304; huere non Horn 1260; hire ayenb. 6; heom (dat. pi. J m, p. I. s. VIII, 146; Alis. 61; heom, hem, him (ham, 3am, him) Lay 26, 413, 763. Sf 6191; heom, hom, hem 0. a. n. 62 y S54 head healden 639 Sf 1615; hem st. gen. 305; Will. 169; Mand. 11; Cham. C. t. a 18; Tor. 1198; HoGcl V, 12; fms. hemm) Orm. 145; ech of hem treat. 132; ham fragm. 6, 25; a. r. 30; hom Gaw. 819; Degrev. 2; ant. Arth. X, 13; heom (for heo, ace. pi. J La^^. 358; 0. a. n. 1253; ham ffor ha, ace. pi. J a. r. 8; Kath. 280. head see heaved. hcaf see haef. heafdieu^ A. Sax. (be)heafdian, O.H.Germ. houbeten, head; hefedin, hedin ^^decollare\ prompt. 231; comp. biheafdien. heah, A. Sax. heah, heh, O.Fris. hach, 0. Icel. har, 0. L. Germ, hoh, 0. II. Germ. hoher, Goth, haiihs, high f heigh J, alius, celsus, hom. 1, 225; heh Orm. 2347; honged hire on heh fon high, in. altum) Marh. 5; hej Beh. 649; an hej treat. 132; Shoreh. 82; heg st. gen. 2011; hegh pr. c. 1872; Isumb. 16; hsbh, heih, hey la^. 128, 985 Sf 2452; heih a. r. 130; hey prompt. 232; Havel- 1083; heigh, high Chauc. ('. t. a 316, hij Flor. a. Bl. 151; on high s. s. ed. JVr. 2830; pe he3e strete p. I. s. XV II^ 367 ; pe hei^e (heigh e) wey Langl. 10, 155 (11, 111); pis highe qvene Goto. 2, 113; an hije strete Tor. 1526; him po^t it was hie time Ilalliw. diet. 449; he3e (adv.) o. a. n. 989; hejhe fle^hen Orm. 5991; lieie a. r. 424 ; hge^en (dat. on. n.) La\ 6849; heahere (dat. f.) hom. 1, 243; mid hsejere strengde La\ 2188; hgehne {ace. m.) La\ 8082; heye men llavel. 958; h^jere (ge7i. pi) Lay 30909; hehre (ms. hehhre) (compar.) Orm. 6297 ; herre Kath. 768; Marh. 6; a. r. 352; €. a. n. 1637; L%ngl 2, 21 (28); pa herre endes Zay 7835; heire chron. Engl 268; he3ere treat. 134; heyere dep. R. 17, 11; hegher pr. c. 992; hiere Mand. d2; hehste, heihste, hexte (superlat.) Lay 1807, 2325 8f 24142; hexte Havel 1080; p. I s. XV, 14; hexte, heixte a. r. 42 Sf 138; he3iste BeL 291; heyeste prompt. 232; hecst o. a. n. 687; hehest ICath. 4; he3hest Orm. 2146; heghest pr. c. 993. hehengel archangel, hom. 1, 43; Orm. 1862. hehfader Orm. 17107. hi3hede altitudo, Flor. a. Bl 327. hsehliche highly, Lay 8088; he3liche p. I. s. XIII, 276; heihllche, heillche a. r. 56 Sf 190; hehlike Orm. 11875; he3li a. p. 2, 1527 . hehschipe excelsitas, h. rn. 5; heischipe a. r. 100. heahsetel throne; hsehsetle (dat.) Lay 18527; hehsetle hom. 1, 113. hehnesse (hehnisse), A.Sax^ heahness, high- ness, Lay 29734; heihnesse a. r. 412; hei3nesse c. I 534. heah|)e^ A. Sax. heahdo, Goth, hauhipa, 0. II.Germ. hohida, height (heighth), altitudo; he3pe ayenh. 24; a. p. 2, 317; hei3pe Jos. 192; IVicl Ephes. 4; heighpe Mand. 40; heghte ont. Arth. XLI, 3; heght pr. c. 4760; highte Uoccl. 1, 172. liealil^ A. Sax. (ge)heald, O.Icel hald, hold, C'ldodia, cadellum; hald Orm. 5026; Trist. 3, 47 ; pey dide him in hold Man. 3913; helpe and hold i shal him yeve Tor. 2U88; halde (dat.) Iw. 170; holde Xr?^, 3861 ; a. p. 2, 1597 ; pat not a peni had(de) in hold(e) ( hauc. r. r. 451 ; pe geant stod in his holde Percev. 2005; comp. ihold. healden^ A. Sax. healdan, O.L.Germ. Goth. haldan, O.Fris. O.Icel halda, O.H.Germ. haltan, hold, tenere, p. I. s. VIII, 28; proclam. 4; hselden, halden Lay 1390 ^ 1416; halden s. s. ed. JVr. 1233; godes la3hes halden Orm. 941; healde ayenh. 6; halde a. p. 1, 489; Isuml. 304; hol- den a. r. 176; holde h. h. 124; healdep (pres.) Shoreh. 17; holdip festis p. I. 8. healden hearm 255 7, 23; (lie) haldes pam wise pr. c. 794; halt a. r. oO; Goiv. 2, 128; Langl h 17, 105; wat halt f avails J it to telle longe Roh. 231, 11; what halt it long to strive Trist. 1, 84; heold (fret.) a. r. 108; Jos. 360; Alls. 323; heold, hiild (heold, held) La^. 216 ^ 3914; heold, held Orm. 222 ij ^ 11330; hield rel. ant. J, 129; Lidg. m. p. 86; huld Bek. 95; held, heeld Chauc. C. t. a 182; heeld Rich. 1335; hild ayenh. 206; heolden Lay 8082; a. r. 152; hielden Mark 5, 14; wip pe false (pei) helden Langl. b 19, 368; heolde (suhjund.) c. I. 181; halden f part. J mir. pi. 153; for forle^en halden Orm. 2000; pus es ilk man hal- den to do pr. c. 5960; haldin m. h. 49; holden Chauc. C. t. a 141 ; pou shalt not be holden to pe Op ^^non teneleris jura- mento\ Wicl. genes. 24; holde (oUiged) Will. 317 ; Gow. 1, 368; comp. aet-, bi-, ed-, for-, i-, of-, uphealden. healden ste helden. heale see hgele. heaii, A.Sax. hean, O.II.Germ. honer, Goth. hauns, base, vile, poor: pis heane . . . tintreohe J{ath. 1971; he seal wurden bene Lay 30316; bene fpl.J p. s. 150. heanen see henen. heap^ A.Sax. heap, O.Fris. hap, O.L.Germ. bop, O.II.Germ. hauf, hoiif, heap, cumulus, acervus, caterva: pane greate heap ayenh. 130; pe hiap 159; htep (heap) Lay 816; beep Orm. 4330; beep ^'cumulus, acervus\ prompt. 235; Mand. 62; heape fdat.J a. r. 314; Lidg. m. p. 106; hepe, heepe Chauc. C. t. a 575; been . . . ban broujt it to hepe pi. cr. 727; heapes fpl.J Kath. 1996; hapes horn. 2, 219; comp. dung- beep. hepiii^ A. Sax. heapian, heap, "cumulare\ prompt. 235; heaped fpres.J a. r. 314; hepen Chauc. Boet. 4418; ha3ped (part.) Orm. 4331. heard^ A.Sax. heard, O.Fris. herd, O.L, Germ, hard, Gtth. hardus, O.Icel. hardr^ O.II.Germ. barter, hard, durus, fortis: pe pine is se heard horn. 1, 253; pe king hefde enne pein swipe beard (hard) Lay 1584; hard o. a. n. 1694; st. gen. 3061; spec. 105; ayenh. 189; pr. c. 806; hard & stare Orm. 1596; bard & sharp 9663s herd Parten. 2586; herde here a. r. 186; haerde (adv.) Lay 8814; harde Orm» 14783; he smot Corineus harde inOj Roh. 213, 8; bardne (ace. m.) p. I. s, VIII, 86; haerdere (compar.) Lay 4349; herdure a. r. 430; hardest (superlat.J Lay 4181. hserdiheorted hard-hearted, Lay 11990; herdibeorted a. r. 400. bardlicbe (bardeliche) hardly. Lay 7480; hardeliche o. a. n. 402; Roh. 126, 10; berdelicbe a. r. 290. heardschipe hardship, a. r. 6. hearden^ A.Sax. beardian, O.II.Germ. her- tan, make hard, durare, a. r. 220; harde (pres. suhj.) Lay 5871; hardide (pret.J Wicl. exod. 14; harded (part.) Chauc. C. t. 10559; ibarded Roh. 352, 2. hardnen harden, durare, asseverare, Orm, 18219; bardnep (pres.) 1574. herdnesse^ A. Sax. heardness, 0. II. Germ. hartnissa, hardness, hom. 1, 47; hardnesse St. gen. 3067; Will. 1816. hearl^ L.Germ. harl, harl (herl), fihra; herl Gaio. 190. hearm^ A.Sax. hearm, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ, barm, O.Icel. harmr, harm, damnum, in- juria, hom. 1, 253; Marh. 8; haerm (harm) Lay 2171; harm o. a. n. 1235; treat. 136; c. I. 896; ayenh. 8; Gow. 7, 270; herm a. r. 116; harme (dat.) a. p. 3, 17; harmes (pl.) Will. 453; Wicl. Judith 3. barmdede rel. ant. 1, 217. harmful harmful, Hoccl. I, 413. barmles harmless, Bek. 2113; Will. 167 U 256 hearmin hede hearmin^ A. Sax. liearmian(?), 0. H. Germ. harmen, harm^ damnum inferre, horn. 1, 263; hermien a. r. 398; liarmi ayenb. 23; hermi Shoreh. 100; harmen Mand. 190; harmed fpres.J Ka£li. 2435; her- mede fpret.J horn. 1, 97; ihsermed fpart.J La-). 3072. hearpc see harpe. heate^ heateu see lieete, liseten. heaved^ A.S:ix. lieafod, O.Fris. haved, Mfd, 0.i>wi'(?A liofd, O.Icel. hofud, Goth, haubip, 0. II. Germ, haubit, houbit, Lat. caput, head, Kuth. 1360; pet heaved a. r. 130; ayenb. 51; heaved, heved, hefed Shoreh. 23, 85 5^- 149; hMed Orm. 1557; pat hjfived, h^fd (hefd) La^. 1596 8f 3856; heved o. a. n. 74; Rob. 11, 21; Alis. 205; Mand. 10; pr. consc. -771; ant. Arth. XLII, 8; hefd m. h. 39; head Rich. 1732; Lidg. m. p. 106; hed, heed Langl. b 17, 70; heed Wicl. John 13; hed Tor. 704; hefden fpl.J a. r. 188; co7np. foreheaved. hgefdboii (hevedbon) La^. 1467 . heedborow prompt. 231. hgefedburh, O.Icel. hofudborg, Orm. 8469. hevedchirche Rob. 69, 15; hevedkirke Man. 11060. heavedeche headache, a. r. 370. heedles headless, prompt. 232. hevedlond headla^id, Ilalliw. diet. 447 . heavedmon, O.H.Germ. haubitman, head- ^ man, "primas\ fragm. 2, 25; hsefedman Orm. 297; hefdmen fpl.J ^^principes', hom. 1, 123; hsefdmen La^. 16146. hsefedpreost Orm. 299. ■ heavedsunne a. r. 10; hevedsunne misc. 37; hffifedsinue Orm. 4567 . hevedtoun capital town, Rob. 23, 4; hed- toun Man. 14762. hMpew c. I. 799. hevedwelle st. gen. 868. heedwerk headwark, cephalalgia, prompt. 232. heredliiig^ A.Sax. heafodling, chieftain. Lay 9986''. heilliiige^ M.II.Germ. houbetling-en, headlong, praeceps, Alis. 2261; Wicl. deuter. 22; hedling(e)s d. Arth. 3829. heaweii^ A.Sax. heapan, O.L.Germ. hauwan, O.Dutch houwen, O.Fris. hauwa, hawa, houwa, howa, O.H.Germ. hauwan, ho wan, O.Icel. hoggva, hew, caedere, secare; hgepen Or7n. 10083; hewen Chauc C. t. a 1422; to liewene Zr/3. 28030; hewen fpres.J Mand. 189; heou fpret.J fragm. 8, 40; hew Havel. 2729; s. s. ed. Web. 592; Gow. 2, 263; heowen Jos. 511; heowen, heuwen (hewen) Z^^. 7480 ^ 9796; heuen avoio. Arth. XLVI, 1; hewe Rob. 540, 19; hewen fpart.J s. s. ed. Wr. 1712; Gaw. 477; hewe spec. 110; comp. for-, i-, toheawen. heawere hewer; comp. fleschhewere. hebbeii^ A.lSax. hebban, O.L.Germ. hebbien, 0. Icel. hefja, 0. H. Germ, hefifan, Goth. hafjan, from haven(?), heave, tollere, le- vare. Lay 17369; a. r. 156; hebbe Rob. 17, 8; hefen Orm. 11865; heved fpres.J a. r. 86: hef fimperat.J a. r. 290; heb- be fsuhjunct.J Shoreh. 18; hefde fpret.J Lay 16509'''; comp. an-, uphebben; see heven. hechele^ O.Dutch hekel, O.II.Uerm. hachele, hatchel fhecldej, vac. 156; hechil rel. ant. 2, 176; hekoie pro7}ipt. 234; hekile voe. 269. hecheleii^ O.L.Germ. hekilon Heine s gloss., hatchel f heckle J; hekelin prompt. 234. hed see heaved. hede see had. hede^ O.Fris. hode, O.H.Germ. huota, heed, cur a, custodia, p. I. s. IX, 25; ayenb. 32; Will. 368; s. s. ed. Web. 1169; Rich. 3766; pr. c. 592; taken hede spec. 35; nimen hede Langl. b 11, 313; he- de, heede Chauc. C. t. a 303; heede Lidg. m. p. 66; hede, hiede Gow. i, 139. heden helden 257 hfidern, A. Sax. hedern (horreum), (? ms. heddern) ^'■(cel)larium\ fragm. 4, 19. beden^ A. Sax. hedan, O.Fris. hoda, O.II. Germ, huoten, heed, curare, tueri, Jul. 8; hede s'pec. 100; p. L s. Vb, 33; pe 11136 trone per mo3t 30 hede^ a. p. 1, lOdO; hedden (pret.) La^. 17801; eomp. hi-, i-, forheden. heden see liuden. hedi heedy? spec. 22. hedir see liider. hcf see liaef. hefd, hefed see heaved. hefeu see hebben. hcfi) see lievi. hefne see lieovene. heft see haft. hegge see hagge. hegge^ A. Sax. hecg(?), O.Dutch hegge, M. H.Germ. hecke, hedge, sepes, spec. 110: Alts. 7 83; Lidg. m. p. 116; hegge, hedge prompt. 232; heg ayenl. 232; hegge ^ fdat.J 0. a. n. 17; hegges fpl.J treat. 137; Langl. 3, 128 (132); Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 15224. heggiii; hedgin, O.Dutch heggen, hedge, "5^- pire\ prompt. 232; hegged f part. J Lidg. m. p. 181. he^ see heah. he^en^ A. Sax. hegian, M. H.Germ. hegen, from hay, sepire; heghin Ilalliw. diet. 443. he^cu^ heahien? A.Sax. began, bean, O.II. Germ, bdhan, Goth, hauhjan, jrom heah, heighten, exalt, elevate; hegen horn. 2, 57 ; heghen pr. c. 4119; bis monscipe he3en (heien) Lay 5408^31490; heien iT^a. 460; heien ant herien Marh. 3; he3en, hi3en, hie Wicl. Mat. 23; hl3en Jos. 226; he3bep (pres.) Orm. 2640; he3ep and herep ayenh. 136; bl3ep Gow. 3, 295; he3i (suhjunct.) Shoreh. 52; hehede fpret.J Jul. 74; he3ede Za;). 7097; heiden Marh. 1; comp. ibeien. he^lie see heahpe. heiunge exaltation, Jul. 3. heh see heah. hehe, O.II.Germ. bohi, Goth, hauhei? alti- tudo, h. m. 19; heghe d. Arth. 1146; in pe hei3e "m excelso\ Wicl. 1 Icings 9; barez . . . tO pe hi3e runnen a. p. 2, 391. hei, A.Sax. heg, big, O.Icel. hey, O.Dutch hei, hoi, O.II.Germ. hewe, howe, Goth. havi, hay, "foenu7n\ fragm. 3, 50; hey prompt. 232; La'^. 24441; G,. 26942; hendeliclie fadv.J a, r. 316; Beh, 167; Langl. 3, 29 (30). hendenesse politeness, Langl. h 19, 31. hendeschipe politeness, Marg. 189. henden^ A. Sax. (ge)heiidan, O.Fris. O.lcel. henda, talce, seize; hende Rich. 4033; s. s. ed. Wr. 2860; hende fpret J La-^. 21366''. hendi^ A.Sax. (list)hendig, J)a7i. Swed. lisen- dig, Goth, handugs (aocpoi;), handy, hahi- lis, tractahilis, Lay 4833 ; Horn ed. Lum. 1336; spec. 28; curteis and hendi mise. 166; (li)is hendi bodi p. I. s, VI, 8; his hendi fv. r. hende) children a. r. 186. heneii^ A.Sax. henan, h^nan, O.Fris. hena, 0. Dutch 0. II. Germ, honen, Goth, haun- jan, from hean, hine fhoinj, hmnhle, de- base, lul. 60; bene horn. 1, 13; haenen Lay 28870; heane, heanin Kath. 1020; he heanid ant hated me Marh. 8; hea- ned us & harmed h. m. 13; heande fpret. J Jul. 6; h&nde, hunde Lay 6874 Sf 14412; comp. ihenen. heiige^ O.Dutch henge, frotn hangen, hinge; heeng(e) ^^ car dine \ Wicl. prov. 26. heugcl^ M. II. Germ, hengel, hingle; hengil ^'■cardo\ voc. 261; prompt. 236; henglis fpl.J Wicl. 2 E,dr. 3. heugen^ 0. Icel. hengja pret. hengda, 0. II. Germ, hengen pret. hangta, hing, pendere, Havel. 43; henge a. p. 2, 1684; henge i pile pid pe horn. 1, 286; hinge Eglam. 667 ; hengde fpret. J Orm. 13773 ; henged f part. J Orm. 1018; henged on a tre Ha- vel. 1429; comp. bi-, forhengen. heugest^ A.Sax. hengest, O.IIGerm. hengist, O.Fris. hengst, stallion; hsengest Lay 3646. heune see hen and heonene. hent, O.Fris. bent, M.H.Germ. hinz? usque ad. And. 16, 74 Sf 76. hentcn^ A. Sax. hentan = henden ? hent, ca- pere, spec. 32; henten, hente Langl. b 14, 239; hente Eob. 462, 20; ' LeL 2203; a. p. 1, 668; avow. Arth. XIII, 11; hentin, hintm "rapere" , prompt. 240; hentes fpres.J pr. c. 2722; hente fpret.) Lay 21366; st. gen. 2716; s. s. ed. Web, 768; Chauc. C. t. a 698; hent f part. J Lidg. m. p. 226; comp. ihenten. henite^ A.Sax. hendo, h^ndo, O.H.Germ, honida, from bean, poverty, hom. 1, 116; bin}) '^damnum'', fragm. 2, 61. heo see he. heoleu see belen. heonene^ A.Sax. beonane, beonan, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. binana, binan, hence, hinc, a. r. 230; heonene, beonne (binene, binnes) Lay 1681 Sf 19119; beonne rel. ant. 1, 176; beonne ford Marh. 12; beonne, bonne o. a. n. 66, 864 Sf 1673; benne p. I. s. VIII, 199; Havel. 843; whan hi scbulle benne Avende Bek. 34; benne, bennes Will. 329 Sf 1746; bimne, bun- nes Brand. 11 ^ 33; bennes HicK thes, 1, 224; Shoreh. 41; Langl. 1, 162 fl76j; Hoccl. I, 49; bens Tor. 10; Lidg. m. p. 220. beonepard a. r. 248. heord^ A.Sax. beord pi. beordas; herdis hards f herds), ^^stiippa\ prompt. 241; Wicl. Is. 1; herdes Chauc. r. r. 1233; beorden fdat. pi.) a. r. 418. heorde, A.Sax. beord, O.Dutch herde, Goth. hairda, O.lcel. biord, O.H.Ge.m. herta, herd, grex, hom. 1, 96; ane heorde (bier- de) La^. 306; heerde prompt. 236; beor- den, berden fdat. pi.) a. r. 100. heorde, A. Sax. heorde, birde, byrde, 0, Dutch herde, O.L.Germ. birde, Goth, bair- deis, O.H.Germ. hirti, herd, pastor; herde Will. 6; s. s. ed. Web. 903; Wicl. John heordnesse heow 261 10; herde, hierde Chauc. C. t. a 603; hirde Mark. 12; Orm. 3193; st. gen. 456; rel. ant. 1, 20V; pr. c. 4638; hur- de rel. ant. 1, 170; heordes ("pi. J horn. 2, 3d; hirdes m. h. 63; hirdis Town. myst. 109; comp. cu-, gat-, hreoder-, neat-, schepheorde (-herde, -hirde, -hurde). heordemon, O.Dutch herdeman, herd-man, pastor, a. r. 418; herdeman Mand. 255; hirdeman Onw. 6852; Isunih. 88. hirdnesse^ A. Sax. hyrdness, custodia, st. gen. 1930. heorre^ A.Sax. heorr, O.Dutch herre, O.Icel. hiarri, har, '^cardo\ fragm. 4, 24; herre vac. 261; prompt. 237; horn. 2, 113; Gow. 1, 36; Wicl. prov. 26; harre Chauc. a t. a 550. heorif A.Sax. heort, heorot, O.L.Germ. hirot, O.Dutch hert, hirt, O.Icel. hiortr, O.K. Germ, hirz, hiruz, hart, La"^. 26762; Alis. 688; hert "cervus\ prompt. 237; Gow. 1, 54; Mand. 238; Degrev. 42; heortes 'fpl.J a. r. 398; hertis Percev. 218; heorten fdat. pi.) La^. 306. Hurtford, A.Sax. Heorotford, Hertford, proclam. 9. heoi'te^ A.Sax. heorte /., O.Icel. hiarta, 0. L. Germ, herta, Goth, hairto, 0. II. Germ. herza, Lat. cor gen. cordis, Samcr. ^fl n., heart, Alis. 20; peo heorte a. r. 282; pere heorte La-^. 12964; heorte, horte c, a. n. 37 Sf 947; heorte, herte Orm. 1460 Sf 1596; hierte IIiclc. thes. 1, 223; horn. 1, 217; huerte Horn 281 ; rel. afit. 1, 110; spec. 58; herte Rich. 2928; Gow. 3, 262; Mand. 2; Chauc. C. t. a 150; Eglaon. 153; hurte Brand. 2; treat. 138; harte Flor. 2075; Tor. 689; heor- ten fdat. J Lay 663; heorten fpl.J Alis. 2464; heorten (heortes) Lay 5826. heorteblod (heorte blod?), M.H.Germ.her- zebluot, heart-hlood, spec. 74; herteblod Havel. 1819. herteles heartless, Rich. 4410, heorteliche, M.H.Germ. herzeliche, hearti- ly, a. r. 390; hertelike Havel. 1347; herteli, hertili Chauc. C. t. a 762. heorteput heart-pit, Alis. 2250. heortesar (heorte sar?) heart-sore, horn, ly 149. hertespon umbilicus, Chauc. C. t. a 2606, heou see heow. heoren see heven. heovciie^ A.Sax. heofone /., heofon m., 0, L.Germ. heben, O.Icel. hifinn, himinn, Goth, himins m., heaven, coelum, fragm, 8, 22; pe heovene horn. 1, 195; a. r, 166; heovene (heavene) Lay 27455; he- vene Kath. 1799; treat. 132; heofne, hefne Orm. 10830 Sf 13842; hevene, heven Chauc. C. t. a 1090; heven De- grev. 1196; pr. c. 7756; hefen m. h. 98; hefne lud. Cov. 21; heofnes fgen.J Orm, 801 ; pare heofene Mat. 24, 29; of he- vene blisse heo beop iflemed c. I. 113; heovene fdat.) a. r. 356; to pere heo- vene Lay 29580; hevene ayenh..6; Langl. h 5, 516; heofenes fpl) Mat. 3, 16; hefenes hotn. 1, 225. heveneqvene spec. 93. hevenerof, A. Sax. heofonhrof, st. gen, ,101. heovenking, A.Sax. heofoncyning, horn. 1, 61; hevenking rel. ant. 1, 224; p. I. s. II, 103; heveneking c. I, 244: spec. 45. hevenlich, A. Sax. heofonlic, heavenly, Kath. 1784; pe heovenliche hird a. r, 94; pan heovenliche deme Lay 32053, hevenelTht, A.Sax. heofonleoht, o. a. n. 732. heovenriche, A.Sax. heofonrice, a. r. 150; hevenriche rel. ant. 1, 209; Gow. 1, 265; s. s. ed. Wr. 3450; a. p. 1, 718; heofenriches fgen.) Orm. 2153. heovenpare, A.Sax. heofonparu, horn. 1, 143; hefnepare Orm. 12919. heow^ A.Sax. heop, hip, Goth, hivi, hue. 262 heowe here species, color, forma; hep Orm. 19251; heou a. r. 50; heou, hou o. a. n. 619; heu Havel. 2918; treat. 140; heuh, heu3 e. I. 710; heowe Z^). 3071; hewe Will. 891; hew, hiew, hewe Chauc. C. t. a 394; heowe, hewe, hope fdat.J o. a. n. 152 Sf 577; heoupe a. r. 160; in anes peres hepe Orm. 2172; hewe st. gen. 4051; Chauc. C. t. a 3255; feir on hewe spec. 46; heue ant. ArtJi. IX, 4; hi we p. I. s. II, 43; heowes (pi.) c. I. 705; grene over alle heopes frovred mest (pe) eien a. r. 150; hewes Langl. h 11, 357. heowe = hi we, memher of a family, domestic; hewe ayenh. 195; Arth. a. Merl. 1165; Chauc. C. t. 9659; hewen fpl.) Langl. h 4, 55; heowes spec. 114; ga ... to plnen heopen Mark 5, 19; comp. isinheopen. hepeii, A. Sax. hipen, family, Orm. 594. lififimejifA. Sax. hipian, colour; heopede fpret.J a. r. 392; hewed (part. J d. Arth. 3252; comp. iheowien. h6p see heap. hepe, O.Dutch hepe ffalxj? what wip hepe and what wip croke Gow. 2, 223. hepe see hupe. hepe, A. Sax. heope, O.L.Germ. hiopa, 0. H.Germ. hiufo, hip (hep), hacca sentis, s. 8. ed. Web. 2532; Chauc. C. t. b 1937; hepen (pi.) Alis. 4983. hepetre hip-tree, Halliw. diet. 445. her, A. Sax. O.Icel. Goth, her, O.L.Germ. her, hier, hir, 0. IS. Germ, hiar, hier, 0. Fris. hir, here, hie, Marh. 6; a. r. 236; it. gen. 184; Ravel. 689; treat. 137; h. h. 46; her, heer Chauc. C. t. a 1610; hier ay enb. 18 ; her, Mre La-^. 21 ^ 7057; Orm. 241 Sf 3264; here p. I. s. VIII, 51; here, heere Langl. prol. 38. herafter hereafter, (ms. her after) st. gen. 243; Shoreh. 164. heron hereon, Langl. h 13, 130. herbi hereby, Belc. 938; (ms. her bi) o. a. n. 127, herfore Wicl. 2 Cor. 4. herinne herein, Havel. 458; h. h. 163. hermid (ms. her mid) La"^. 5355. herof hereof, rel. ant. 1, 217; hgroffe Orm, 7402; Havel. 2585. herto hereto, a. r. 388; (ms. her to) Lay 25321. herpurh Orm. 12710. herut hereout, a. r. 290. her, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. her, 0. H.Germ. h^rer (magnus, praestans). herllch, A. Sax. herlic, 0. H. Germ, her- llcher, excellent; herllche Sal. a. Sat, 240. hersum, M. H. Germ, hersam, excellent? Gaw. 932. her see hjer. heraud, Fr. heraut, herald, pi. cr. 179. herber, O.Fr. herbier, herbary, Alis. 331; s. 8. ed. Wr. 329; herber, erber Langl. b 16, 15; erher Will. 1752; Tor. 1968; a. p. 1, 38. herce, 0. Fr. herce, hearse, prompt. 236; herse m. Arth. 3532. hercnieu see herknien. herd see heard. herde see heorde. herdel see hurdel. here, A.Sax. here, O.L.Germ. heri, O.Fris. here, hiri m., 0. H.Germ. heri n., O.Icel, herr, Goth, harjis m., host, army. Lay 549; h. m. 5; Orm. 3370; o. a. n. 1702; St. gen. 1787; Havel 346; Alis. 2101; Gaw. 59; a. p. 2, 902. hereberje, herburje, A.Sax. hereberge(?), 0. H.Germ. heriberga, O.Icel. herbergi, herbyrgi, harbor, hospitium, hom. 1, 37 Sf 69; herberge st. gen. 1392; herberje, hereberwe, herberwe, herbeorwe Lay 12054, 22358, 24556 Sf 28878; her- ber3he Orm. 6167; herbergh(e), her- berwe, herburhe, herborowe Chauc. C. t. a 765; herberwe Langl. b 10, 406; herberewe Alis. 5748; herberewe, her- here her3ien 263 borwe prompt. 236; herberewe, herbore- we, herbore Wicl. ep. Philem. Sf Ilebr, 13; herborupe a. r. 260; berber Iw. 2986; Gaw. 812; pr. c. 6153; harbor Town. myst. 247. herber3eii harbor j hospitari, horn. 1, 61; herbergen st. gen. 1057; herber3i ayenl. 199; berberwin prompt. 236; herberewen Wicl. eccles. 29; herborpen fragm. 6, 43; herberwe pi. cr. 215; herberwed fpret.J Langl. h 17 , 73; herbered Gaw. 2481; herberd pr. c. 6154; herberged "^ f part. J st. gen. 1602; herborwed E^avel. 742. berber3ere harhorer, ayenb. 39. bereburne Lay 23966. heredring soldier, Lay 8601. Hereford Hereford, p. I. s. XIII, 34; Herford Will. 165. heregong march of an army, military ex- pedition, Sal. a. Sat. 229; st. gen. 848; Arth. a. Merl. 4094; beregong, bergong 0. a. n. 1191; hire3eong Lay 18194. beregume Lay 19164. heriet, A. Sax. heregeatu? heriot, p. I. s. XVII, 464. berekempe Lay 22573. Heremon misc. 145. heremserke (hiremarke) ensign of an army, Lay 27469. bereto3e, O.L.Germ. heritogo, O.H.Germ. herizogo, leader of an army. Lay 10319; beretopa fragm. 2, 23. here, A.Sax. heoru, O.L.Germ. beru, O.Icel. biorr, Goth, bairus, gladius? Min. 46; mid here and mid fure ferro ignique? Lay 8245. here, A.Sax. (ofer)h^re, M.H.Germ. gehoere, from beren, obedient; comp. ibere. hersum, ASax. b^rsum, O.H.Germ. hor- samer, obedient, hom. 2, 51; fms. berr- summ) Orm. 2534; harsum Lay 19395; comp, ibersum. bersumnesse, A.Sax. b^rsumness, obe- Lay 29731; rel. ant. 1, 131; bersamnisse hom. 1, 223. bersumien, A.Sax. b^rsumian, O.H.Germ. bOrsamon, obey, hom. 2, 145; hersumen Kath. 147; bersumest (pres.) Marh. 4, 5. here, A.Sax. bere(?), O.H.Germ. beri, from her, dignity, praise, hom. 2, 83. heveword Lay 24658 ; herepord a. r. 148, here, A.Sax. beore, h^re, O.Icel. h^rr, 0. L.Germ. (un)biuri, M.H.Germ. gebiure, mild, gentle. Am. a. Amil. 16. here see bsere and btire. heremite see ermite. heren, A. Sax. beran, h^ran, 0. Fris. bera, O.L.Germ. horian, O.H.Germ. borran, 0. Icel. beyra, Goth, hausjan, hear fMreJ, audire, obedire, rel. ant. 1, 129; Orm, 901; beren (beeren) c. I. 521; pi word ich wulle beren Lay 18888; be nalde for nane dome mare beren t6 E5me 9199i ich pe wulle huren 1210; hiren 14151: btire o. a. n. 1483; here pr. c. 526; Tor. 1307 ; sacram. 9; here (heere) Chauc, C. t. a 914; hure Rob. 165, 4; huire Wart. hist. 2, 73; hire p. I. s. II, 159; p. s. 200; s. s. ed. Wr. 457; hiere «- yenb. 70; hered f pres. J Marh. 6; alle p5 pe hered one loverd hom. 2, 9; herde fpret.J Lay 1164; o. a. n. 293; st. gen, 1285; Havel. 286; Langl. b prol. 189; Chauc. C. t. a 1123; Legrev. 77; fms. herrde) Orm. 907; i have herd sain Gow. 1, 367 ; comp. iheren. hierere hearer, ayenb. 256. heresie, Fr. heresie, heresy, ayenb. 267. heretike, Fr. heretique, heretic, ayenb. 19; d. Arth. 1307. herfest see hervest. her^ieii, A.Sax. hergian, O.Icel. herja, 0, H.Germ. herion, from here, herry, harrow, exercitu petere, vastare, praedari; h8er3ien Lay 5063; heriede fpret.J hom. 1, 205; herhede Kath. 336; & her3ede pat lond 264 her3unge hervesten Lay 1640; lie heregede lielle horn. 2, 23; herded a. p. 2, 1179; heried WUL 3725; Iw. 2874; herid m. h. 14; haried, liar- wed ChauG. C. t. a 3512; harewede m. t. 25; harowed e. T. 256; ih.QYi'i^Qdifpart.J Degrev. 140. lier^uuge^ A. Sax. liergung, devastation, horn. 1, 115; lieriunge rel. ant. 1, 172. herieu (lierien ?), A. Sax. herian Grein, lie- rian Ettm., O.L.Germ. heron, O.H.Germ. heren, Goth, hazjan? fro7n her? praise, laudare, Kath. 147 ; Mark. 2; a. r. 88; rel. ant. 1, 242; we wulled . . . pine monscipe herien La"^. 6234; to herien god Will. 1875; heryen s'pec. 51; herie ayenh. 23; Wicl. Lulce 19; herie fr. w. merye) Chauc. C. t. 8492; herye (r. w. derye) Shoreli. 28 ; herest fr. w. biperest) fpres.J 0. a. n. 1518; herede fpret.J a. r. 414; Bel. 288; hered a. p. 2, 1086; hereden Hiclc. thes. 1, 161 ; comp. iherien. heriet see under here. he ring see haeriiig. heriuge .^ee herunge. heritage, Fr. heritage, heritage, h. m. 25; p. I. s. XIII, 96. herk? hercpil capidus ausoultandi, a. r. 100. herkien (herkienV), O.Fris. herkia, O.II. Germ, horechen, from heren, hearh, horn. 1, 31; herken Will 213; pi cr. 155; Chauc. C. t. a 1526; herkin "atiscuUare\ prompt. 237; herke lai le fr. 147 ; herke (imper.) lad. Gov. 55. herkiiere hearhener; ]iQi\uieYQB fplj ayenh. 58. herknieii (herknien?), A.Sax. hercnian, hear- ken, ausciiUare; herknie t7'eat. 133; herc- nen Kath. 1735; a. r. 320; fms. herrc- nenn) Orm. 77 48; herkne Hood. I, 263; herkne fimper.J spec. 29; herknep A. h. 1; Chauc. C. t. a 2208; h^vc^\\Q(\.Q fpret.J Lay 22638; hercneden Marh. 21; herk- ned f part. J a. p. 2, 193. herl see hearl. herm see hearm. hern see heiron. heme, 0. Dutch heme, hirne, O.Icel hiarni, O.H.Germ . hirni, ham; hernis fpl.) "ce- rehrurn\ prompt. 237; hemes Havel, 1808; Min. 10; hernez a. p. 1, 58. hernepanne ham-pan, ^'■cranium', prompt. 237; Rich. 5293; rel ant. 2, 78; hern- panne Havel 1991. heme see hurne. herre see heorre. herre (herre?), A.Sax. herra (herra?), hearra, O.Icel herra, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. herro (herro?), M.H.Germ. herre, herre, master, sovereign, a. r. 6; misc. 46; Rob. 102, 5; herre, hserre La->,. 5420 ^ 77 76'. herraeden sovereignty? Lay 1984. hert see heort. herte see heorte. hertin, A. Sax. hyrtan, M. H. Germ, herzen, from heorte, heart, hearten, ^'a7iimare\ prompt. 238; herte d. Arth. 1181; liir- ten Lay 25941 ; hertedin fpret.J st. gen. 1980; herted fpart.J Will 3417. herth, A. Sax. heord, 0. Fris. herth, 0. H. Germ, herd, heai'th, focus, prompt. 237; comp. fiirherth. hier|)e, O.L.Germ.. gihoritha, O.H.Germ. ge- horeda, auditus, ayenh. 56. herunge, O.H.Germ. horunga, hearing, audi- tio, Marh. 2, 6; heringe prompt. 237 . herunge praise, hom. 1, 107 . hervest, A.Sax. herfest, hserfest, hearfest, 0. Dutch herfst, harfst, 0. H. Germ, her- bist, herbest, 0. Icel haustr, harvest, ^^auctumnus', prompt. 238; lloh. 59, 18;' Langl 6, 292 -f 7 , 277 J; Hoccl II, 27; herfest fragm. 3, 14; hervestes fgen.J Lay 25403. herfesttid Orm. 11254. hervesttlme harvest-time, Laiigl 6, 116 f7, 107 J. hervesten, M. H. Germ, herbesten, harvest, Mand. 300. hes hi3 265 r lies == he -|- se ? lies (ace. f.J earn, rel. ant. • /, J28; es Jwm. 1, 163 Sr lid; liis «- yenh. 68; j)e pe elite pile liealdeii pel pe pile he mai his pelden 3ive his for godes luve p. l. s. VIII, 28; his, is ^ Shorch. 77 ^^ 136; his face. pi. J eos, eas, horn. 1, 237; his, hise ayenh. 5 S^" 1^^^ es, is d. gen. 133 ^' 1768; HaveJ. iJ70 Sf 1174; is lioh. 338, 7. hesc see h&se. hescl see hasel. hcspc see liaspe. hestc see hajste. hetc see hate. hete see hsbte. hetcl see liatel. hcter, Jrom hate? hetter, acer, a. p. 3, 373. heteiiiche hetterly, acre, violenter, Kath. 777; . hetterlTche Mark. 6, 27; a. r. 290; heterli Alex. 669; Gaw. 1462; a. p. 1, 402; hetterli Will. 160. hejie see hgede. he|)eii^ O.Icel. hedaii, hinc, Orm. 15670; pi. cr. 408; a. p. 1, 231; Percev. 1904; go hepen Havel. 683; fra hepen forth |: , ps. 112, 2; hedeii st. gen. 1644; hethen I . pr. c. 609; hethiin ant. Arth. XIX, 11. i' hedensid horn. 1, 133. he|}eu see h^pen. heu see lieow. heve see htive. hevcd see heaved. hevel, he veld, A.Sax. hefel, hefeld (licium)? h. m. 21. hevcn^ O.Fris. heva, = hebben? heave, a. p. ^l, 16; heve Chauc. C. t. a 660; heoven Mark. 6; see hsef. heveii, hevene see heovene. heTeiieii^ O.Icel. hefna, avenge; hevin(e) m. h. XVI , heyeniiig^ O.Icel. hefniiig, vengeance, Ilalliiv. did. 447. hevi, A.Sax. hefig, O.Dutch hevig, O.II.Germ. hebiger, heavy, gravis, molestus, La'^. 26067 ; a. r. 232; Havel. 1060; WicJ . Luke 1 1 ; a. p. 3, 2; pr. c. 4683; Tw. 1270; a- pol. 26; hevi & sor st. gen. 2666; hefij Orm. 4622; hevie fadv.J a. r. 32; he- viere fcompar.J p. l. s. XV, 106. hefijlike heavily, Crm. 4771. he vie gravitas? I\or. a. BI. 440. heviiii; A.Sax. hefigian, heavy, ^^gravare\ prompt. 239; heve3i Lay 18408'^'; hevie p. I. 8. XV, 96; heveged fpres.J a. r. 424'%' hevied horn. 2, 29; heviep Chauc. Boet. 4967 ; hevied (part.) Wicl. Mat. 26; comp. ihevi3ien. heviucsse^ A.Sax. hefigness, Jieaviness, a. r. 132; heviiiisse treat. 134. hew see heovv. hewe see heowe. heweii see heawen. hi cee he. hiccheu^ L.Germ.liiokQw., hitch (hickj ; hichin, hitchin '^aniovere", prompt. 239; hicke (imperat.J dep. R. 17, 3; see icchen. hide, A.Sax. hj'-d, hid, hide; hide (dat.J Man. 110, 21; ei3te hide lond Uoh. 297, 9; sixti hiden of londe La->,. 18241. hide see hiide. hiden see huden. hider, A.Sax. hider, hyder, Gotli. hidre, 0. Icel. hedra, hither, hue, Orm. 209; st. gen. 2344; Havel 886; spec. 42; Mand. 44; Chauc.. C. t. a 672; pr. c. 608; hider in X«5. 36; hider tO Kath. 447; a. r. 80; hedir Bek. 2439; Percev. 1153; lud. Cov. 62. hidercume horn. 2, 133. hiderward, hiderwardes hitherward, hither- wards, Lay 10164 is- 30780. hidous, Fr. hideux, hideous, Will. 3177; Man. 14268. hiereii see hereii. hierte see heorte. hif, A.Sax. heof? Germ, hief? mimie horn mid graeto hive blowen Lay 790. hi^ see heab. 34 266 his hinene hij^ hije? haste: pip mikel hih Orm. 2686; an highe s. s. ed. Web. 1418; in hie Chauc. C. t. h 200; Triam. 277; ant. Arth. IV, 3. hihful a. r. 302. hi^c see huje. hije^ M.H.Germ. hige, hie, =hiwe? hl3ez {pi. J a. p. 2, 67. hijeii see hejen. hi^eiide = hi3inge? an hisende La^. f)496. hisendllche festinanter, La^. 7312; hi- hendlTche Kath. 2141. hi^icu^ A. Sax. higian, hie, festinare; hi3ie Marg. 267; hishen Orm. 2723; hihen Kath. 412; hien a. r. 92; hise Will. 1286; highe Alis. 6133; hie s. s. ed. Wr. 3108; sacram. 860; hi^ez fpres.J a. p. 2, 538; hihe {imper. J Marh. 21; high pe ps. 30, 3; hi3ede fpretj Beh 2224; pi. cr. 156; hiede, hi3ed, hied Lanql. h 20, 322 (14572); hiseden La-). 2317; hi3ed (part. J Wicl. / Thess. 2. hi^inge festinatio: an hisinge La^. 2358. hiht see huht. hihte haste, f? printed hithte) spec. 110; hi3t Mire 569. hihten^ A. Sax. h^htan(?), extol? in uch an hird pin apel is hiht spec. 33. hihite^ A. Sax. hihdC?), haste, a. r. 324 ; Jul. 77; nee hihte. hil see hul. hildeit see hulden. hilicii see helien. hilleii =:= hulien? hill; liillin ^^op6rire\ prompt. 240; hille dep. R. 25, 26; hilde fpret.J Am. a. Amil. 2302; comp. unhillen. hiller^ hillern = ellarne? hilder ; hildir or eldir "sambucus', prompt. 239. hillortrc voc. 191 ; \n\\Q^nix^ prompt. 239. hilliiige^ for hilinge? hilling, '■^operimentum, tegumentmii\ prompt. 240; ant. Arth. IX, 4; see helinge. hilt, A. Sax. hilt m. n., hilte /., O.Icel. hialt n., 0. Butch hilte, O.H.Germ. helza /., hilt, ^^capulus', prompt. 240; La"). 6506; he smot him on pe scheld igult porugh- out pe bord porughout pe hilt Alis. 1270; hilte fdat.) Horn 1434; pere hilte (pan helte) La^. 22509. hind, O.H.Germ. hint? retro, Alis. 5200, hindward "retrorsum'\ Wicl. ps. 69. hiiide, A. Sax. O.Icel. hind, O.H.Germ. hin- ta, hinda, hind, cerva. La'), 2589; Alis, 1889; Langl. h 15, 274. hindehele hind-heel, ^^atnbrosia', rel. ant, 1, 36. hindeii, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ, hindan, Goth. hindana, O.H.Germ. hintana, hind; comp. bihinden. hindeward ^Wetrorsum'\ ps. 9, 4. hinder, A. Sax. hinder, Goth, hindar, O.H. Germ, hintar, post. hindercraeft deceitful craft, artifice: of ane hindercraefte (ms. hindere crsefte) La"), 10489. hinder38ep, A. Sax. hindergeap, insidious^ Orm. 6646. hinder, O.Icel. hindr, hinder. hinderful deceitful, horn. 2, 59. hindere, O.Icel. hindri, O.H.Germ. hintaro, hinder, posterior: pe hindre partie Mand, 107; pe hindere pinges Wicl. genes. 16; his hinder fet Brand. 30; at pe hinder gate Chauc. r. r. 5850. hinderen, A. Sax. hinderian, O.Icel. hindra, 0. II. Germ, hintran, hinder, impedire: tO hindren and to lette Lidg. m. p. 93; hindre Chauc. C. t. a 1135. hindereste, hindreste, O.H.Germ. hintarosto, postremus, Chauc. C. t. a 622, hinderling hinderling, Orm. 4860. hine, A.Sax. hina(?), from hiw? hind, serv-. ant, hom. 1, 197 ; Beh, 263; Langl. prol, 39; Chauc. C. t. a 603; ps. 18, 12; m, h. 145; Town. myst. 181; hlnen fpl.J fraqm. 6, 49; La). 368; h. m. 7; Rob. 540, 17; Alis. 1215; p. s. 149. hinene see heonene. hin})e hl^f 267 hm|>e see liende. hipe see hupe. hipel tee hupel. hippcii see huppen. bird, hired see under law. hirile see heorde. hirdel see hurdel. hire see here. hire see hiire. hireii see heren and huren. hinie see huriie. hirst = hurst? hirst, collis? hirste fdat.) d. Arth. 3369, hirteii see herten and hurten. his^ gen. of he, sometimes injleded like a possessive pronoun: ail of hise men Kath. 406; purh hise gode dedes Orm. 60; hise limes rel. ant. 1,210; 'it) alle hise holde proclam. 1. his see hes. hissiii hiss, '-^sihilare', prompt. 242. hit see he. hitten^ O.Ieel. hitta, hit, offendere, attingere; hitte Langl b 12, 108; Eglam. 269; pe hitted a. r. 176'^; hitte fpret.J Lay 1550; Will 2822; Alls. 2357; a. p. 3, 289; hit (part.) Hactus\ prompt. 242. hi|>e, A. Sax. hfd, hithe, "statio\ prompt. 242. hive see huve. hiw see heow. hiw, O.Icel. hiu ffamiiiaj? cmp. Goth, heiva- frauja (oixoSsauoTi^c). hired, A.Sax. hi-, hipred, family, retinue, hlrd6'7^.2; pat hfilie hired horn. 1, 89 Lay a. r. 94 Kath. 81; Orm. 512 st. gen. 3222; spec. 32; Irist. 1, 16 hired es, herdes (gen.) Lay 2336 ^' 4342. hlredcnafe irt). 28824. hirdcniht Lay 4316. hiredgume Lay 12289. hired-, heredmon Lay 2350 Sf 6877; hlrdmon Kath. 2247 ; heredmon Gaw. 302. herdswein Lay 5662. hipscipe, A.Sax. hipscipe, family, horn. 1, 87. hiwe, A.Sax. hlpa(?) Jiom. pi. hlpan, O.II. Germ, hi wo, O.Icel. hio(V) ?i07n. pi. hion, domestic: mid pine hipun horn. 1, 225; see heowe. hlad^ A.Sax. hl3ed(?), O.Icel. hlad, from hladeu, haudus: pe loden alle tpinne lad of his godnesses pelle Orm. 19313. hladdre^ A. Sax. hlaeder, O.Fris. hleder, hladder, O.II. Germ, hleitra? ladder, scjla; laddre c. I. 915; Lingl. b 16, 44; laddre,' leddre Shoreh. 2 Sf 3; Iheddre aye7ib. 246; leddre horn. 1, 129; a. r. 354; st. gen. 1607. hladel^ A.K.x. hl8edle(?), from hladen, ladle; ladel Langl. h 19, 274; Chauc. C. t. a 2020. hladeri; A.Sax. O.L.Gcrm. hladan, O.II.Germ. hladan, ladan, O.Icel. hlada, Goth, (af)- hlaj)an, lade, omrare, haurire; lade Horn 1409; Ihade out pet \yeter ayenb. 178; lOden fpret.J Orm. 19313; laden f part, J Orm. 14054; Rich. 1389; lade a. y. 1, 1145. hlaf, A.Sax. hlaf, O.Icel. hleifr, 6^0^.- hlaibs, O.II.Germ. leib, Huss. x.i'£6b? loaf, panis, 3Iark 3, 20; laf Orm.. 1474; lof Havel. 653; Brand. 13; Trist. 1, 35; a lof bred Beves 1420; loof "panis\ prompt. 310; Ihove (dat.) ayenb. 82; laves (loves) Lay 22781; loves Wid. John 6. lammesse, A.Sax. hlammaesse, hlafmaesse, lammas, prompt. 286; lammasse Bob. 201, 8. hlaford, A.Sax. hlaford, loi'd, horn. 1, 217; laferd Orm. 42; laverd Z^v 268; 0. a. It. 959; ]jr. c. 416; hloverd horn. 2, 43; Ihoavcrd proclaim. 1; I6verd a. r. 2; St. gen. 30; Havel 96; Bek. 490; Ihord ayenb. 1 ; lord Langl ed. Wr. 204; Mand. 3; Chauc. C. t. a 837. laferddom dominatm, Onn. 11851. 268 hlahhen hleapen 16rdschipe lordship, c. I. 142; Mand. 9. lordlTch lordly, Langl. 8622. hlaferding, lording; laferdinges fpl.J Orm. 918; laverdinges La^. 27394; Ihordin- ges ayenb. 67 ; lordinges pi. cr. 609. hlaferdling lordling; loverdlinges fpl.J La^. 12664''; Beh 1)24. Iafdi3, A. Sax. hltefdige, lady, fms. laff- di3) Orm. 1807; lafdi Kath. 88; Isefdi (leafdi) La^. 1256; lefdi, leafdi a. r. 4 Sj' 38; lefdi, levedi, lavedi o. a. n. 969 Sf 1061; Ihevedi ayenh. 24; lavedi rel. ant. 1, 102; Isumh. 108; ladi spec. 113; Mand. 86; Chauc. C. t. a 88. lefdischipe ladyship, a. r. 108. hlahhen^ A. Sax. hlehlian, lilyhhan, O.M. Germ, lahhen, Goth, hlalijan, O.Icel. hlse- ja, laugh (high), rider e; lah^lien Orm. 8142; lahen (lahhe) Marh. 14, 32; la- ghe Eglam. 622; ant. Arth. XXXIV, 4; laiigben, laiihen, laughwen Chauc. C. t. a 3849; lauhpen a. r. 200; lau3we p. L s. XXV III, 3; lawhin prompt. 290; law3e pi. cr. 94; laghen, laughen, lau- jen, laii3when, lawhen, lei3lien Langl. 4, 93 (106); la3heii, lei3e Wicl. ^rov. 31; leh3eii, lih3en (lah3e) La^. 22419 Sf 237 17 ; lhe33e ayenh. 68; leighe Rich. 3461; li3he, lihe IU\ 93, 3 c^^ 101, 19; lauliped (pres.) a. r. 198; laglies pr. c. 1092; lalihinde (part.) horn. 1, 267 ; lahinde Kath. 1666; lauhvvinde Ha- vel. 946; la3inge p. I. s. IX, 72; la3ed (pref.J a. p. 2, 663; lei3ede JVicl. genes. 17; lan3eden JFill. 1784. hlaliter, A.Sax. hlealitor, O.II.Germ. hlahtar, O.Icel. hlatr, laughter; lahter horn. 1, 283; laghter j»r. c. 1461; laghtur 7>^mw. 1668; laughter Chauc. Troil. 2261; leihter "n- stis\ fragm. -4, 26; leahtre, lahtre (dat.) Kcth. 2326; lehtre La^. 3046; leihtres (pi.) a. r. 198. hlaiic, A. Sax. hlanc, lanh; lone he is & lear.c horn. 1, 249. Map? Ihapwinchc, A.Sax. hleapepiiice voc. 62 ^' 280, lapwing, ayenh. 61; lap winks "■upupa\ prompt. 288; Wicl. levit. 11. blast, A.Sax. hlaest n., O.Fris. hlest, O.H. Germ, last /., O.Icel. hlass n., from hla- den, last, onus; lest prompt. 299; laste (dat.) dep. Rich. 29, 26; a fjousand last Chauc. C. t. b 1628. hlasteii, A.Sax. (ge)lil3estan, last, onerare: pai ... wern laste & lade a. p. 1, 1145; comp. bihlasten. hlaite, O.Icel. hlade, lathe; lape ^Iiorreum\ voc. 204; m. h. 146; lades (pi.) st. gen, 2134. hlawe, A.Sax. hlap, hlsep (antrum, sepul- chrum, tumulus, agger), O.L.Germ. hleo(?) dat. \i\QYfQ (sepulchrumf), O.II.Germ. hleo pi. (h)lewa (tumulus, agger), Goth, hlaiv (Tacpoc)j low (law), antrum, tumulus, agger; lawe Gaw. 2171; a. p. 2, 992; Isumb. 392; ilc an lape & ilc an hil Ortn. 9205; lowe Havel. 1699; Alls. 4348; rel. ant, 1, 120; li b. disc. 1000; Tor. 1967; leoupe (lehe)? a. r. 368; in pe liunes lehe Kath. 1847. hleap, A.Sax. hl^p, 0. Butch lop, O.II.Germ. louf m., O.Icel. hlaup n., leap (loup) leep ^'saltus\ prompt. 297; lepe Mand 113; lupe h. in. 23; liipe (leope) La^ 1928; lope Gow. 1, 310; lupe (dat.) p 1. s. XV, 148; leapes (pi.) Lidg. m. p 32; liipes a. r. 48; comp. oveiiop (-lepe) lep3er, O.Icel. hlaupar, leap-year, voc. 239 lepe3eer Mand. 77. hleapen, A.Sax. hleapan, O.Fris. hlapa, L. Germ, hlopan, 0. Icel. hlaupa, Goth hlaupan, O.II.Germ. hlaufan, loufan, leap (loup), salire, currere ; leapen a. r. 106 lepen (leape) Z«5. 24697 ; l^epen Orm 11 '92; Iheape ayefib. 89; lepen Langl. 2, 207 (231); lepe Flor. a. III. 465 Mand. 113; Cluiuc. C. t. a 437 8; loupe Havel. 1801; leaped (pres.) a. r. 224 hleapere hlipeii 269 leapinde (part. J Kuth. Idij; leop fpret.J La^. 1462: a. r. 62; AUs, 1076; L T. 1065; leop, leep Zatig/. 2, 191 (215); lep ^i. gen, 2126; Havel. 891; Will. 2156; a. p. 3, 179; s. s. ed. Wr. 885; Fercev. 479; lep, leep Chauc. C. t. a 2687; Ihip Gyenh. 45; ieopen La^. 1836; lepen Man. 4746; lepe Octav. 476; lepe, lope Langl. b 4, 153; lopen Havel. 1896; lopin s. 8. ed. Wr. 2417; leope fsuhjunct.J a.r, 140; lupe Orw. 12037; lopen fpart.J s. s. ed. Web. 739; Langl. b 5, 198; a. p. 2, 990; comp. overhleapen. hleapere^ A.Sox, hleapere, O.HGerm. lou- fari, leaper; lepare '^cursor', prompt. 297 . hleuchcu, A. Sax. hlencan, M.H.Germ. len- keii? lench, tovquere, flectere'<^ i leiich(e) rel ant. 2, 211. hleoiiien^ A. Sax. hleonian, hlinian, O.L. Germ, hlinon, O.H.Germ. lilinen, fro9n *hlinen, Zat. (ac-, de-, in)cllnare, Gr. xXivstv, lean f line J; lened fpres.J rel. ant. i, 223; lenep Lidg. m. p. 29; leonie /subjunct.) a. r. 142; leiiand f part. J s. s. ed. Wr. 2895; leonede fpret.J La^. 10776; leonede, lenede Langl. prol. 9; lenede Will. 2991; a doun hi linede p. 1. s. X, 45. hleor^ A.Sax. O.Ij.Germ. hleor, O.Icel. hl;^r, leer, gena, fames; leor ^^maxilla\ fragm. 2, 12; a. r. 64; J^ath. 316; hire lufsiim leor Mark. 3; lere Octav. 40; ant. Arth. XIII, 6; lure .^pec. 52; lere fdat.J Alls. 799; Will. 227; Em. 294; a. p. 1, 398: m. Arth. 3624; leor(e), lere, lire Langl. 1, 3; leores fpl.J La\ 5076; lores sptc. 26: p. 27, 6; lires Halliw. diet. 522. hleoten^ A.Sax. hieotan, O.L.Germ. hliotan, O.Icil. hliota, O.H.Germ. hleozan, liozaii, leit, ftortiri; comp. ihleoten; deriv. hlot. hlcow; hleowe? A.Sax. hleop, hleo, O.L. Germ, hleo, O.Icel. \i\f, hla?, O.Fris. hli, lee flew J, tutela; lee dep. B. 29; Gaw. 849; d. Arth. 1446; le Em. 348; pr. c. pre/. XII; comp. huslepe. leopstude ^^apricus locus', fragm. 5, 1. hleowiTe^ A.Sax.\ilQoy(\, hleod, lewth; leopp ^^apricitas\ fragm. 5, 1; we wiillet gan a leode ftutelamj La\ 5307 ; per heo leode (liope) hafveden 12022. hlewc (hie we?), O.Icel. hlcer, 0. Butch lauw, O.H.Germ. lawer (lauuer)? lew flue), te- pidus; lepe hom. 1, 7; lewe Havel. 498; Wicl. apoc. 3; mi bodi wexit lewe rel. ant. 2, 211 ; comp. cost-, cheke-, drun- ken-, purstlewe (-lew)? lepnesse tepor, hom. 1, 21. hlewke (hlewke?), Z>^^^(?A leuk? /rom hlewe? luke; lewke ^^tepidus\ prompt. 302; rel. ant. 1, 52; leuke pr. c. 7481'-^; lewk Wicl. apoc. 3; Iheuc ayenb. 31 ; luke Lay 27557. Iheucliche tepide, ayenb. 31. lewkenesse lukeness, ^^tepor\ prompt. 302. hlid, A.Sax. hlid, O.Icel. Mid, O.H.Germ. lit, lid, operculum; lid p. I. s. XVI, 168; CI. 272; w. a. i. 23; lides fpl.) rel. ant. 1, 209; comp. ehelid. Iid3ate, A.Sax. hlidgeat, lidgate, postern^ Mire 1497. hlidaii^ A.Sax. (be-, on)hlidan pret. hlad, cover, close; lided f? printed lided), lides fpres.) a. r. 84^'. hliuke^ A.Sax. lilence, O.Icel. hlekkr f cate- na)'^ link: linke 'Iiilla", prompt. 306. hliiikeii link, concatenare; linked fpart.) Lid^. St. Th. 1744. hlisten see hlusten. hliit, A.Sax. hlid n., O.Icel. hlid/, Gr. xAiToc, clivus: 3eond wudes & ^eond li- den Lay 32219. hli|)eii^ O.Icel. hl^^da, lithe, anFciiltare; lipe AUs. 5751; Man. 93, 5; Tor. 337; Oc- tav. 9; m. AHh. 676; Amad. ed. Robs. XXIII, 9; Aud. 66; lithen, lipe Langl. 8, 66 f9, 57'"^'); lipe fimper.) Horn ed. Ljum. 336; ps. 30, 3; lided Jul. 73; lipes Havel. 1400. 270 hloh linefe hloh, A.Sax.^O.L.Germ. Goth, hloli, O.Icel hid, fpret.J locgh fleughj, risi; loll La'^. 26980; spec. 28; logh Triam. 1308; Oe- tav. 088; Eglam. 948; I6U3 Beh. 710; Langl. 13880; lough Trist. 3, 52; Chauc. a t. 14376; s. s. ed. Wr. 3134; low Ilavcl. 903; 16 W3 Wicl. genes. 17; lou rel. ant. 2, 272; loT^en 17 or. a. Bl. 477; 163611 (lowe) La^. 12872; l6we Hick. thes. 1, 228; lowe fsuhjunct.J p. I. s. XVIII, 46; laughen, lawheii, laiighwen, O.L.Germ. hlagan, (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 3833; comp. bihloh. hlot, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. hlot, from hleoten, lot, sors, Mat. 27, 33; lot a. r. 338; misc. 30; Rich. 4262; fms. lott) Orm, 133; hlote fplj Mark 13, 24; loten (lotes) Lay 13838; lotes Man. 7343. hlowcn, A.Sax. Iil6pan, O.H.Germ. hlohen, low; looweii Wicl. Joh 6; 16 win ^^mugire\ prompt. 313; IbwQ]) (pres.) p. 33, 6; I6uwe}) p. s. 332; lh6u|3 a. s. 4. hlowiiige lowing; lopiiige Kath. 144. hlud, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ, hlud, 0. H. Germ. lut, Gr. xXuTOC, loud; liid a. r. 210; 0. a. n. 6; Ihude (adv.) a. s. 3; lah3lieii Ihude Orm. 8142; liide st. gen. 3383; heo song so hide 0. a. n. 141; liide (loude) clepian La%. 1768; Ihoude ayenh. 212; loude treat. 136; Alis. 283; Chauc. C. t. a 672; mid ludere stefne Lay 1429; luddure (compar.) a. r. 290. hlude, O.H.Germ. luta, sound; liide (loude) (dat.) La}. 2391; luden (pi.) rel. ant. ly 188; pa luden heo iherden Lay 27034. hliide, A.Sax. hl;^de, lide, March; lud(e) Roh. 371, 3; ]ide p. 35, 11. hludcn, A.Sax. hl^dan, O.H.Germ. liluten, sonar e, clamare. liiilinge clamour, Kath. 143; luding(e) (lou- dinge) Lay 24873. \AmXy A.Sax. hlyst, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. hlust, auditio, auditus, horn. 2, 25; lust La"^. 11377. hlusten, A.Sax. hlj'stan, list, audire, anscul- tare; luston Lay 919; p. I. s. VIII, 114; luste 0. a. n. 896; listen Orm. 8374; lesten Will. 31; ilioste ayenh. 70; hlisted (pres.) hum. 2, 133; listij) Lidg. m. p. 189; lust (imper.) Marh. 3, 13; luste (pret.) Lay 29326; 0. a. n. 233. hlustiieu listen; lustnen Kath. 110; lustnep (pres.) spec. 24; listnej) Langl. 9334; lestne (imper.) Shoreh. 76; lustnej) c. I. 1027; listned rel. ant. 1, 217; lustnede (pret.) Lay 26337 ; listnede 6'^. gen. 2137. hlutteiv A.Sax. hlutor, hluttor, O.L.Germ. hlutter, 0. II. Germ, lilutercr, hlutterer, Goth, hlutrs, pure; hitter Orm. 3707 . lutternesse, A. Sax. hluttorness, imrity, (? printed luBternesse) horn. 1, 107. huap, A.Sax. hnsep (calix), O.L.Germ, nap, O.H.Germ. hnapf (crater, patera), O.Icel. hnappr (globulus), cup, bowl; nap rel. ant. 1, 129; Mapes 343; jjene nap Lay 14333; nep a. r. 344; nappes (pi.) r. s. V, 107. huappieii, A.Sax. hnappian, hnseppian, nap; nappiii '^dormitare\ prompt. 331; nappi Lay 1219^'; nappe Langl. b 3, 393: napped (pres.) a. r. 324; nappe)) Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 16938; nappide (pret.) Wicl. ps. 118; nappid (part.) Town. myst. 98. iiappiiige, A.Sax. hnappung, napping, '^dor- mitatio", prompt. 331. hnecke, A.Sax. hnecca, O.Fris. hnecka, 0. Icel. hnakki, neck, cervix; necke Lay 687 ; Marh. 12; a. r. 322; 0. a. n. 122; Bek. 2202; nekke "collum'\ prompt. 332; Langl. b 3, 133; Mand. 48; Chauc. C. t. a 238; pane iihicke ayenh. 138. neckebon Alis. 2336; nekkebon Chauc. C. t. b 669. hiiefe, O.Icel. hnefi, neaf, neif, pugnus; nefe Fercev. 2087 ; neve Havel. 2403; neeve Flor. 1636. hnejen hof 271 hue^eiij A.Sa.r. hnsegan, iteiffh, hinnire; ne- jen Wicl. Is. 24; neyin prompt. 352; neide fprei.J Boh. 469, 4. hiieoseii^ O.Icel. linlosa, O.H.Germ. niusan, neese; nesin ^^sternutare", prompt. 354. hiiesche^ A.lSax. hnesce, Goth, hnasqus, nesh h fnashj, mollis, tener; nesche a. r. J 34; * treat. 138; Alts. 915; Shoreh. 146; 5. s. ed. Web. 732; Maud. 303; nesche and softe 0. a. n. 1546; in hard & in nesche IVill. 495; neshe Orm. 995; pr. c. 614; L c. c. 33; nesch a. p. 1, 605; nesh . . JIaiel. 2743; Chauc. c. I. 1092; mir. pi. 1^ 128. nesshede mollitia, ayenh. 267 . hiiescheii^ A.Sax. hnescian, make nesh, molli- fy; neschin prompt. 353; neshen Orm. 15909; nhessep fpres.J ayenh. 94; nesched fpart.J ps. 54, 22. hiiipieii^ A.Sax. hnipian, M.H.Germ. nipfen, se inclinare; pa sunne gon tO nipen La\ 31734; pa nipeden hio ealle & slepen Mat. 25, 5. hiiite^ A.Sax. hnitu, O.Dutch nete, 0. H. Germ, niz, nit; nite "lens", prompt. 357 ; voc. 177; nites fpl.J pr. c. 651. huol, A.Sax. hnoll, O.H.Germ. hnol, noil; nol '■^vertex", fragm. 2, 11; nol "cervicem", Wicl. 4 Icings 17; nolle fdat.J p. s. 157. hiioppe^ A.Sax. Iinoppe(?), O.Dutch noppe, nap, "villus\ prompt. 358. hnot, A.Sax. hnot, not, mutilus, tonsus; not Chauc. C. t. a 109. hnute^ A.Sax. hniit, O.Icel. hnot, O.H.Germ. hniiz, 7iut, nux; nute hotn. 1, 79; ane nhote ayenh. 143; note prompt. 359; Havel. 419; Alis. 3293; nutes fpl.J st. gen. 3840; notes Dek. 1203; comp. lyi- sel-, walnote. nuthak(k)e nuthatch, picus, sq. I. deg. 55. notemigge nutmeg, prompt. 359; note- miigge Alis. 6792. nutescale La>,. 29265. ho *w hwa. h6f O.Icel. ho, ho: hoo to him hoo hoc Halliw. diet. 457. ho ho, intermissio? wipouten hC Chauc. Troil. 2175. ho see hoh. hobcleu^ O.Dutch hobbelen, hohhle; hobelen fpres.J pi. cr. 106; \i()h\Q(}iQXifpret.jLangl, a 1, 113. hobi, 0. Fr. hobin, hohhy, prompt. 242. hoc, A.Sax. hoc(leaf), hock, "malva\ fragm. 3, 32; rel. ant. 1, 37; hok mc. 265; comp. holihoc. hoc, A.Sax. hoc, O.Dutch hoek, hook, "un- cinus", fragm. 4, 15; pene hCc horn. 1, 123; hok "hamus\ voc. 240; c. I. 1128; hanged worpe he on an hOk Havel. 1102; h6ke fdatj Marh. 3, 26; Tor. 2508; hokes (pi. J spec. 105; ayenh. 264; Langl. h 5, 603; comp. angel-, flesch-, weodhoc. hod, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. hod, O.H.Germ, huot, hood, capitium. Mire 883; pi. cr, 423; Gaw. 155; pere burne hod Za^. 21421; enne pldne hod a. r. 56; als ich ever brouke mln hOd under min hat p. s. 332; hCd, hood Langl. 5, 17 2' (329); Chauc. C. t. a 195; hood Lidg. m. p, 103; htid ant. Arth. II, 5. hod see had. hood in hood, provide with a hood, prompt, 242. hodreii, L.Germ. hudern, hudder, ohtegeref hodur and happe Flor. 112; hodred in per hottes Man. 273, 5. hof, A.Sax. O.Icel hof n., O.L.Germ. O.H. Germ, hof m. (atrium, aula, domusj. hovedaunce, O.Dutch hofdans, M.H.Germ, hovetanz, court-dance, Gotv. 3, 6. hof, A.Sax. hof, O.Icel. hofr, O.H.Germ, huof, hoof, "ungula\ fragm. 2, 16; hCve Wicl: Joh 39; ' hufe (dat.J pr. c. 4179; hOves (pl.J Gaw. 459. hof, O.Icel. hof, measure, reason, Orm. 4742; wittiten hOve pr. c. pref. XI; comp. bi- hOf? 272 hof hole hofleas a. r. JOS; bofles Mark. 17. hof, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.IceL Goth, hof, 0. JI.Germ. huob, fpret.J hove, sustuli, La^. 28018; Orm. 16706; Havel. 27 dO ; ps. 120, 1; pou hove Horn 1277; (j)e3) hOfen Orm. 16840; hoven Alis. 688^; hofeii, Germ, (ge)hoben, for hat'en, A.Sax. hafen, (Kiccl. hafiiin, Goth, hafans, O.H. Germ, habaner, fpart.J hoven, Orm. 2649; hoven rel. ant. 1, 130; m. t. 20; a. p. 2, 206; pr. c. 3126; ihoven Lay 28771; a. r. 282; comp. a-, aiihof. hofer, A.Sax. hofer, O.H.Germ. hover, hovar, ^^giblfusj, struma', fragm. f), 12. hofercil, A. Sax. hoferod, gibber ; hoveret Marh. 20; hoverede {pl.J Kath. 1063''''. hog, IFekh hiich? hog, poreus, AUs. 1883; hogges fpl.J agenb. 80; La^igl. b 6, 183; comp. ponihog. ho^e, A.Sax. hoga, thought, care, solicitude, 0. a. n. 701; howe rel. ant. 1, 263; ho- we (dat.) Rob. 461, 6; AUs. 1906; s. s. ed. Web. 1450. hojheful Orm. 2902; hoh-, houh-, hop- fur 0. a. n. 1292 ^^ 1296; hohfulle (pi.) La^. 14096. ho^ieii, A.Sax. hogiau, O.H.Germ. hogen(?) fret, hogeta, how, cogitare, curare, rel. ant. 1, 173; ho3ad fpres.J horn. 1, 11^; ho3ep 0. a. n. 466; howe]) spec. 23; ho3ede fpret.J La^. 13416; comp. bi-, for-, overho3ien. hoh, A.Sax. hoh, ho, hough, poples; ho Marg. 160; h63es fpl.J Gaw. 1367 . hou3senu Wicl. 1 paral. 18. howhin, howghin hough, ^^subnervare', prompt. 261. hok see hoc. hoked hoohed, o. a. n. 79; his hokede neose Marh. 9. hoker, A.Sax. hocor, derision, scorn, Marh. 6, 27; Kath. 778; Rob. 272, 19; hoker & scarn Lay 17307; hokere fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 3966; hokeres fpl.J a. r. 188. hOkerlahter horn. 1, 283. hokerl(e)op Liy 28872. hokerliche Lay 19412; Kath. 742; a. r. 198; Rob. 417, 22; p. s. 204. hokerword Lay 19696. hokerieii moch, scoff; hokerest fpres.J Kath. 468; hokered fimper.J a. r. 248; hoke- rede fpret.J ■misc. 60; ues liit nan swa wac mon pat him ne hokerede on Lay 14796. hokcruiige mockery, deridon, a, r. 188. hoi, A.Sax. O.Fris. hoi, O.IceL holr, O.H. Germ, holer, hole, '■'■cavus', prompt. 242; hole fdat. n.J o. a. n. 966; hoi fsubst.J cavum, La-y 20862; Beh. 1162; hole Will 96; s. s. ed. Wr. 2169; hole fdat.J Marh. 10; o. a. n. 826; Havel. 1813; a. p. 3, 306; holes fpl J a. r. 128. hoUek, M.H.Germ. hollouch, ^^fcaepaj as- calonid', voc. 226. holrische ^^papyrus", prompt. 244. hoi, A.Sax. O.IceL hoi fjactantia, calumniaj? on hool frustra? Man. 16872. hoi see hal. hold, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.L.Germ. hold, O.H. Germ, holder, O.IceL hollr, Goth, hulps, favourable, friendly, faithful, st. gen. 1389, p. s. 214; hold Oder fa horn. 1, 231 hold & trig Orm. 6177; hoMe misc. 38, pin holde mon Lay 14091; mid holde mode ho7n. 1, 81; holde fpl.J p. I. s. VIIL 134; Rob. 377, 14; m. h. 102; hulde Iw. 887; holde fadv.J Gaw. 2129; holdeste fsuperl.J Lay 16369. holdelike st. gen. 1646. hold, A.Sax. O.IceL hold, corpse, carrion: he pullep freten pin ftile hold fragm. 6, 64. hold see heald. holde, O.Dutch houde, fidelity, Alis. 2912. \\oUo\) IlaieL 2781; Arth. a. Merl. 3688; holdeop Rob. 383, 8. holden s^i? healden. hole = hule ? hool, '^siliqua\ prompt. 242. lioler hope 273 holer see huler: bolh, L.Gerrn. holig? Schamb. tvb., hollow, cavus, La^. 761; hol3, holeuh o. a. n. 643; hol3 Gaw. 2162; holw WW. 205; holu Itoh. 231, 7; pet bolh horn. 1, 23; ill pe holwe asche lai le fr. 209; hol3e ("pi. J a. p. 2, 1693; holwe Hob. 131, 12; his eyen holwe Chauc. C. t. a 1363; hol3es fsuhst. pi. J La^. 20848. hol^eu hollow, cavare; hoi wed (pret.) Rob. 413''. holi holly, ilex, fragm. 3, 44; holie fdat.J a. r. 418; comp. cnehole. holihoc, A.Sax. holihoc(?), holly-hock, ^'al- thaea', rel. ant. 1, 36. holi see hali3. holieii^ A.Sax. holian, O.II.Germ. holan, 0. hel. hola, Goth, (us)hulon, hole; holin '^cavare', prompt. 243; holied fpres.J a. r. 130; holede fpret.J Man. 6836; h. s. 10736; holed (part.) Alls. 3929. holien, A. Sax. holian fcalumniare ?J Somn. diction., Goth, holon (aoxocpavTsTv) Sch. gloss., O.H.Germ. huolenffrustrarijGra-f^s sprsch. 4, 849, defraud? pat holep o pe la3he leod & rippep hem & rsefep Orm. 9319. hoiin^ A.Sax. holen, hollin, "hom\ voc. 163; a. r. 418^; rel. ant. 2, 280; see holi. holk^ A.Sax. hole, cavum: et te breoste holke ho7n. 1, 231; see holh. hoike see hulc. holkeiij Stved. holka, hoik (howk), cxcavare; hoiked (pret.) a. p. 2, 1222; holket (part.) ant. Arth. IX, 12. holm^ A.Sax. 0. L.Gerrn. holm, O.Icel. holmr, holm, mons, insula, prompt. 243 ^' 244; into pan hge3e holme La^. 20712. holm holm, esculus? prompt. 244; Chattc. C. t a 2921. holmen holmen, esculeus: holmen leves Alis. 4943. holste rain-bird? voc. 233. holt, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. O.Icel holt, 0. II. Germ, holz, holt, nemus, "saltus", fragm. 3, 48; voc. 270; prompt. 244; holte fdat.J La^. 826; Chaw. C. t. a 6; avow. Arth. XIX, 4 ; holtes (pi. J Percev. 230; holtis m. Arth. 3029. horn see ham. homage, Fr. homage, homage, Rob. 46, 3. home see hame. homme see hamme. hoii, A.Sax. hon, Goth. 0. II. Germ, hahan, pendere, Lay 10009; hop fpres.j o. a. n. 1123; he sculde beon ihon Lay 2086; comp. a-, an-, bihon. hon ho, stop, cease? hoo p. r. I. p. 193; ho fpres.J Gow. 3, 103; hoo fsubj.J e. T. 133; ho (imper.J li b. disc. 1938; Chauc. C. t. a 1706. hoiid see hand and hund. hone, A.Sax. han(?), O.Icel. hein, hone; hoone '^cos\ prompt. 243. hone delay, cessation? wipouten hone /. h. r. 109; Iw. 3667; boute hone Gaw. 1283; see ho. houen stop, stay? hone a. p. 1, 920; m. h. J 29; Town. myst. 11; see hon. honen hoon; comp. forhonen. honeste, O.Fr. honeste, honest, ayenb. 222; Chauc. C. t. a 246. hougien see hangien. houi see huni3. honour, O.Fr. honour, honour, p. I. s. XV 11^ 308. honoureu, O.Fr. honorer, honour; honouri Marg. 104; honurede Brand. 33. hontien see huntien. hop, hoop, A.Sax. hOp(?), O.Fris. hop, 0. Dutch hoep, hoop, "circulu^^\ voc. 276; prompt. 243. hOpring, O.Du'ch hoepring, Halliw. diet. 438. hope, A.Sax. hopa, O.L.Gei-m. (to)hopa, 0. Butch hope, hope, spes, Lay 13899; Marh. 8; a. r. 78; Orm. 3816; ayenb. 3; Langl. 3, 193 (199 J; comp. tOhope. 35 274 hopien horn hopeful hopeful, a. r. 332. hopieiij A.Sax. hopian, 0. Dutch liopen, M, H.Germ. lioffen, hope, sperare, exspectcire, a. r. 78; hope Etch. 3474; hopie fpres.) Bel. 137; Shoreh. 129; hope Chauc. C. t. a 4029; hope (imperat.) La^. 17936; hopede fpret.J Rob. 33, 9; hoped Iw. 1675; hopeden Will 4308. hoppe^ 0. Dutch hoppe, 0. H. Germ, hopfo, hophe, hop, ^^humulus\ prompt. 245. hoppe^ A.Sax. hoppa, huUa, caput lini, prompt. 246; hoppen fpl.j Hoceaus', vac. 156. hoppe^ A.Sax. (g-8ers)hoppa, O.R.Germ. (wi- te)hopho ? saltator ; comp. greshoppe. hoppen^ A.Sax. hoppan(?), 0. Dutch hoppeu, O.lcel. hoppa, hop, salire, h. m. 17 ; hoppe Langl. 3, 193 fl99j; Chauc. C. t. a 4382; hoppen fpres. suhj.J misc. 91; hoppede fpret.J Boh. 278, 9; hopped fpart.J Man. 13509. hoppcre, A Sax. hoppere(?), O.Dutch (gras)- hopper, hopper, frns. hopere) corhis semi- nis, rel. ant. 1, 7; hop(p)er Langl. 6, 63 f7, 57 J; hop(p)er infundibulmn, Chauc. C. t. a 4039; (h)opperes locustas, si. gen. 3096. hoppestore^ A.Sax. hoppestre(?), saltatrix; hoppesteres fpl.J Chauc. C. t. a 2017 ['^ballatricr, mistaJce for Hellatrici\ ten Brinlc, in the AthencBuyn, 2288.] hor, O.Fris. hor, 0. H.Germ. huov ffornicatio, stuprum, adulteriumj. horcop ^'spurius\ prompt. 246; Triam. 224. hordom, O.Fris. hordom, O.lcel. hordomr, whoredom, a. r. 204; Shoreh, 59; Man. 58, 4; pr. c. 8259; horedom Om-. 4632; St. gen. 3509. horehous, 0.1I,Gerrn. huorhtis, ivhoreliouse, '^lupanar\ vac. 274; prompt. 246. hdreman adulterer, st. gen. 4072. hor see har and hsbr. horil, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. hord, 0. H.Germ. hort, O.lcel. hodd, Goth, huzd, hoard. thesaurus, a. r. 224; o. a. n. 467; spec, 54; pet hord fragm. 6, 57; Iiord of gold Orm. 6732; hord of apples Chauc. C. t. a 3262; horde fdat.J Lay 6077; Gow. 3, 155; hurde pr. c. 5567; horde fgen. pLj Orm. 6733; comp. goldhord. hordhous Hailiw. diet. 459, hordeii hoard; & horden pat tu pinnest Orm. 12281; hordep fpres.) ayenb. 182; hordes ^^thesauri% i£\ ps. 38, 7. hordare^ A. Sax. hordere Sax. chron, 260, hoarder, ^^cellarius\ fragm. 4, 19. hore, A. S:fx. horu gen. horpes, (). L. Germ. horu, horo, O.Fris. hore, O.R.Germ. horo gen. horawes, sordes, limus, coenum, horn. 2, 49; 0. a. n. 596; p. I. s. XVII, 8; ayenh. 229; li b. disc. 1477; rel. ant. 2, 243. hore, A.Sax. hore(?), O.lcel. hora, O.Dutch hoere, 0. H. Germ, huora, whm-e fhoorj, meretrix. Lay 15579; a. r. 290; st. gen. 4082; Shoreh. 62; Alis. 1000; e. T. 653; lud. Cov. 218. horen, O.lcel. hora, 0. H.Germ. hiioron, for- nicari; ccmp. forhoren. hor5, A. S X. liorg, sordes, limus, coenum; horie fdat.) hom. 1, 202. hor^eu, M. H.Germ. horgen, make horry, dir- ty ; horyen misc. 92; horwed f pari. J a. p. 2, 335; comp. bihorjen. hori, A.Sax. horig, Id. H.Germ. horec, hor- wec, harry, scrdidus, hom. 2, 141; rel. ant. 2, 176; p. I. s. Vb, 13; hoori Wiel. hvit. 22; wip tonges horwe Chauc. c. M. a. V. 206. horling, 0. H. Germ, hnorlinc fspuriusj, for- nicator, ayenh. 52; s. s. ed. Wr. 2189; p. 6, 2; horlinges fpl.J p. I. s. VIII, 52 horn, A.Sax. horn m., O.Fris. O.lcel. O.H Germ, horn n., Goth, liaurn n., Lat. cor* nu n., Welsh corn n., horn, cornu, Lay 789 ^- 4538; p. s. 342; pene horn a r. 200; home fdat.J o. a. n. 318; hor- nes fpl.J Marh. 7 ; ayenb. 14; Mand. 47 horned lioviii 275 hornkeke, -kek a sort of fish, prompt. 247. hornpipe hornpipe, prompt. 247 . honied^ A.Sax. hyrned, Lat. corntitus, hor- ned, Octov. 1335; comp. ihurnd. hornen^ 0. II. Germ, hiirniner, hornen, cor- neus: pe hornene trumpe Wicl. ps. 07 . liors, A.lSax. O.Fris. liors, O.IceL hross, 0. H.Germ. hros, horse, ^ equus, a. r. 208; 0. a. 71. 629; Tor. 117 1 ; ]jet liors ayenb. 140; horses fgen.J a. r. 74; on horse spec. 48) hors fpl.j Orm. 8704; Mand. 38; Chauc. C. t. 7141; horsen fdat. pi.) Lay 1026. horsbere horse-bier, prompt. 247; Man. 9605; horsebere Lay 19597. horskam horse-comb, IlalUw. diet. 461. horsknave Ilalliw. diet. 460. horsflee3e horse-fly, Wicl. Josh. 24. horsher horse-hair, p. I. s. XVII, 158. horslode horse-load, g. 358. horsman horse-man, ^^equester\ prompt. 248; horsmen (pi.) Lay 26617. horsminte horse-mint, ^^mentastrum\ prompt. 248; rel. ant. 1, 36. hors see has. horsed; A. Sax. gehorsod, horsed, Ilalliw. diet. 460; horsid m. Arth. 87 . horu|)e; horpe, from hori, "sordes'\ Wicl. deuter. 7. horweu see hor3en. hos see has. hose^ A.Sax. O.Dutch 0. II. Germ, hose, 0. Icel. hosa, hose, "caliga\ voc. 196 Sf 259; prompt. 248; Lay 15216; Hob. 125, 2; Trist. 2, 34; Gow. 3, 236; hosen fpl) a. r. 420; Mand. 59; Chauc. C. t. a 456; pi. cr. 426; hosen and shon Bavel. 969; hosin w. a. i. 32. hosed; O.Icel. hosadr, hosed: hosed and shOd Havel 971. hosel see hilsel. host; O.Fr. host, host, Man. 3238; ost Wart. hist. 1, 16. host; O.Fr. hoste, host, hospes, fms. hoost) Chauc. C. t. a 747. host; A.Sax. hpOsta, O.Icel. hosti, O.lI.Germ, huosto, host, "tiissis\ voc. 224; prompt. 248. hostage; O.Fr. hostage, hostage, Lay 5317*. hostel; O.Fr. hostel, hostel, hotel, st. gen. 1397; Gaw. 805. hosteler; O.Fr. hosteller, hostler, keeper of an hostel, Chauc. C. t. a 241. hostin; A.Sax. hpostan(?), O.Icel. hOsta, 0. K.l erm. huosten, ^^tmsire\ prompt. 249. hot see hat. hoten hoot; hotend (part.) Will. 2387; see* huten. hoten see haten. hou); O.Icel. haugr, hough (how), collis; hoes (pi) ant. Arth. V, 5. houlen see hulen. hound see hund. houpen hoop, clamare; houpide, houped, ho- ped (2)ret.) Langl. 6, 174 (7, 159). hous see hus. housel see husel. houten see huten. houve; A.Sax. hufe(?), O.Icel. hufa, CB. Germ., hiiba, cap, prompt. 249; a silke houve Langl, 3, 276 (293); though i sette his houve Chauc. C. t. a 3911. hove "amMrca", prompt. 250. hove hoof, ^^(h)edera terrestris\ prompt. 250; comp. tunhove. hovel; A.Sax. hofel(?), hovel, tugurium, w. a. i. 19; hovil prompt. 250. hoviu; 0. Dutch M.R.Germ. hoven? dwell, remain, prompt. 251; hove Gcw. 2, 370; Triam. 1471; Lidg. m. p. 4; whl nilt pou over us hove Chauc. Troil. 4276; he hoved in de sunne rel. ant. 1, 210; and hovep per a stunde treat. 136; hoves Amad. ed. Robs. XLVI, 2; pr. c. 7579; hovez a. p. 2, 458; hoven Jos. 489; hovande (part.) Percev^ 533; hovede (pret.) Rob. 172, 12; he hovede and a- ^76 hover hreddea bod s. s. ed. Wr. 2823; and lioveden on heighe over pe lake Alts. 5445; hovide, hoved Langl. prol. 84 (210 J; hoved Gaw. 2168; pay hoved on pe flode Min. 11; they hovid & bihelde m. Arth. 259. - hover see hofer. howe see ho^e. howen see hawen. hoxcii — *liohsenen, 0. If. Germ, hahsinon? hox: J)ou shalt hoxe '^subnervahis\ Wicl. Josh. 11. hrad^ O.Icel. hrseddr, territus; rad Orm. 2170; Iw. 481; Gaw. 251; a. p. 2, 1543; m. h. 73 : Town. myst. 102. radnesse terrar, d. Arth. 120. hrse^el, A.Sax. hraeg-l, O.Il.Germ. hregil, 0. Fris. hreil, rail, vesUmentum; rejel o. a. n. 562; reil Jlich. thes. 1, 167; comp. setraeijel. raeilhus ^^vesUarium\ fragm. 4, 18. hraBilen^ cmp. O.H.Germ. VihxQgil^^ foniatus), vestire? railed f part. J Gaw. 745; real(l)i railed fms. rallied) wip wel riche elopes Will. 1618; railid d. Arth. 3263. hrakc^ A.l^ax. hraca, O.H.Germ. racho, gu- la, faux; rake Marh. 11; r. s. V, 214. hrap, Dan. Dutch rap, qiiich, celer; rape Gam. 101; rape (adv.} Chaue. r. r. 6516. rapli celer iter, Will. 3179; Langl. a 5, 176; m. h. 32; Min. 24. hrapc haste; rape ^festinaUo\ prompt. 423; Jlorn ed.Lum. 1418; s. s. ed. Weh. 1631; rel. ant. 1, 115; h. s. 2143; rape fdat.J Langl. h 5, 333; Gow. 1, 296; over peo table he leop a rape Alis. 4239.' hrapeii^ O.Icel. hrapa, start, hasten; rapin ^^festinare\ prompt. 423; rapeu st. gen. 2376; rape Gow. 1, 335; sacram. 659; rape and renne Cham. C. t. 13350; rape pe to shrifte Langl. h 5, 399; pe folk pat escaped to Scotland pam raped Mati. 90, 8; comp. uphrapen. hraif, A.Sax. hrsed, O.Icel. hradr, O.H.Germ. hrader, rath, celer; rap Percev. 98; rathe mon ant. Arth. XXXIV, 9; rathe men d. Arth. 2550; rade (adv.) , rathe, cito, mox, La\ 4338; Kath. 554; dis sonde hem overtaked rade st. gen. 2313; rape Orm. 13766; Havel. 358; ayenh. 152; Man. 87, 13; m. h. 26; rape oper late 0. a. n. 1147 ; rape, rathe Langl. 3, 56 (73); whi rise je so rape (rathe) Chauc. C. t. a 3768; reade, rede (rade) a. r. 54 Sf 86; rede horn. 1, 91; rader (com- par.) rather. Lay 3539; a. r. 190 Sf 384; raper Bek. 1652; Shoreh. 160; Chauc. C. t. 10176; reder horn. 1, 115; (h)is rapere wif l^oh. 285, 22; pe rapere toun Mand. 46; rapest (superl.) Langl. h 14, 203; Chauc. c. b. L 428. radliche, A.Sax. hraedlice, celeriter, a. r. 422''; readliche horn. 1, 247; rathli I. h. r. 84; Min. 29; mir. pi. 151. redmod, A.Sax. hraedmod, horn. 1, 105. hraveii, A. Sax. hraefn, hrsem, 0. Icel. hrafn, O.K. Germ, hraban, raven, corvus; raven rel. ant. 1, 218; a. p. 2, 455; reafen (reven) a. r. 84; reven treat. 133; leafaes (gen.) a. r. 84; remes La}. 30392; ravenes (pi.) s. s. ed. Wr. 3147. revenfot ^'■poly podium', rel. ant. 1, 36. hraw, A.Sax. hreap, O.L.Germ. hra, O.Icel. lirar, O.H.Germ. rower, raw; raw ^^cru- dus\ prompt. 424; Alis. 5774; Mand. 203; rau p. s. 237; ra voc. 20U. rawhede '■^cruditas', prompt. 424. rawiiesse^ A.Sax. hreapness, rawness, prompt. 424. hreac, A.Sax. hreac, rid, ^^acervus\ fragm. 2, 55; rek rel. ant. 2, 80; reek prompt. 428; rekes (pi.) Chauc. test. I. proL; Wicl. exod. 22. hream^ A.Sax. hream, O.Icel. hreimr? cla- mor; ream horn. 1, 209; a. r. 110*; raim (ream) La^. 11280; rsem Orm. 8137; rem o. a. n. 1215; rel. ant. 1, 223; st. gen. 1962; reames (pi.) Kath. 164. hredden^ A.Sax. hreddan, O.Fris. hredda, hrefen hreowen 277 O.H.Germ. retteu, red (rid), eripere, U- herare; redden Onn. 8126; ridde Gaw. 2246; riddes fpresj horn. 1, 273; redde fpret.J horn. 2, W; Orm. 19316; pe children perwip fram depe lie redde m. t. 133; red f part. J Arth. a. Merl 8606; comp. ahredden. hrefeii^ A. Sax. (ge)lirefan, from hrof, roof; comp. 3elirefen. hremeu^ A.Sax. lireman, lir^man, from liream, 7'eem, clamare; remen Kath. 2371; r. s. IV, 22; remen heo schule and grede misc. 77; reme h. s. 7858; a. p. 1, 1180; remed fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 223; hrimd 3Iat. 12, 19; remden fpret.J La^. 5795; Mark. 18; jif me remde lude fur fur a. r. 242; iremd f part. J a. r. 1. hreod^ A.Sax. hreod, O.S.Germ. riot, reed, arundo, arundinetum. Mat. 12, 20; reod rel. ant. 1, 37; Alis, 6433; red voc. 226; reed prompt. 426; m. h. 36; reode fdat.J La^. 20168; reedes fpl.J Hand. 189. hreof) A.Sax. hreof, O.Icel. hriufr, O.JI. Germ, riob, scaler, asper; ref st. gen. 3726; refen fpl.J hom. 1, 243. hreofle^ A.Sax. hreofla, leprous; hreoflin fdat. pi.) hom. 1, 229. hreoh^ A.Sax. lireoh, eager, heen; reli La'^,. 24784; rei rel. ant. 1, 188; reu peder Mat. 16, 3; rsehne face. m.J La^. 3884; rsehere (re3ere) fcompar.J La^. 4062; rehest (swperl.) Mark. 13; comp. wel- (h)reop. rehlTche Lay 9324. r^hscipe La-^. 24943. hreol; A.Sax. hreol, reel; reel, rel "girgil- lus, alahrum'", voc. 180 ^ 269; prompt. 428; rel. ant. 2, 81. relin reel, prompt. 429; reled fpret.J Gaw. 304; a. p. 3, 147. hreoseu^ A.Sax. hreosan, ruere, cadere; reo- sen Lay 18869; rees fpret.J Lay 15518*; ruren 27986; comp. tohreosen; derw. hrure. hreoiTor^ A.Sax. breeder, hrider, O.Fris. hrither,- r other, bos; reoder a. r. 140*; reoperes, roperes fgen.J Alis. 4719; repe- res p. s. 220; reoderen fpl.J Kath. 60; rederen hom. 2, 37; ruderen fropere) Lay 8106; roperen Rob. 52, 21; pi. cr. 431; reperne tounge bugloss, Ralliw. did. 680. . reoderheorde hom. 1, 97 . hreow, A.Sax. lireop, O.Icel. hryggr, tristis, moestus. reoullch, A.Sax. lireopllc, tristis, moestus. Lay 15080; reullch Bob. 296, 9; reow- li Alis. 6907; rewli s. s. ed. Web. 910; rewli, reuli st. gen. 1162 ^ 1968; reu- li Horn 1057 ; Mapes 338; reoplicbe fadv.J Marh. 4, 10; reullcbe Will. 86; Arth, a. Merl. 788; rewli, reuli m. h. 59 ^^ 143. reumede f? ms. rumede) tristitia? Lay 12971. ' hreow c, A.Sax. hreop, O.H.Germ. riuwa, dolor, miser atio; reope o. a. n. 1445; rewe Bek. 1051; in rew(e) st. gen. 3151. rew-, reuful rueful, Langl. b 14, 148; reuful p. I. s. XT' I, 25; m. h. 26; Aud. 7. reopfulnesse riufulness, h. m. 41; reou- fulnesse a, r. 368. hreowen, A.Sax. hreopan, O.L.Germ. breu- wan fms. breuuan), 0. II. Germ, riuwan, O.Icel. bryggva, bryggja, 7'ue frewj, dole- re, poenitere, miserere: severe bit wule pe reouwen (reuwe) La^. 16047 ; reowe rel. ant. 1, 184; spec. 37; Alis. 3944; repen f printed repen) rel. a7if. 1, 221; rewe Horn ed. Lum. 378; Triam. 1544; pe cok bigan of bim to rewe Havel. 967; . reue Aud. 42; ruwin "poenitere, compat%\ prompt. 439; it reope j) bim Orm. 3976; be rewep me c. I. 541; me rewetb sore for bende Nicbolas Clmuc. C. t. a 3462; be rewes "miseretur", ps. 36, 26; reewe fimperat.J Hoccl. I, 412; rew, reu fpi-et.J 278 hreownesse hrof St. gen. 1166 ^ 1S28; reu hoin. 2, 147; god rffip of man Orm. 65; [rewede Ha- vel 503; re wide WicJ. Esther 10; rewed m. h. 15; reude Bek. 298]; comp. bi- hreowen. rc«unesse^ A. Sax. hreopness, dolor, misera- tio, a. r. 144"^; rewnesse, reunesse Havel. 502 Sf 2227. hreows dolor? reusM r. s. VII, 15. hreowsien^ A. Sax. hreopsian, O.H.Germ. riiiweson, dolere, miserere: he reousede on heorte X«3. 22173; comp. bihreowsien. reopsuiid repentance, (Trm. 8799. reopsuiige^ A. Sax. hreopsung, repentance, Orm. 5563. hreowite^ O.Icel. hrygd, ruth frewthj, dolor, moeror, miser atio; reopde Kath. 2372; reowde, reoude (reujje) La^. 10869 Sf 12116; reoude a. r. 32 Sf 150; rewde st. gen. 2339; rewpe, reupe Rol. 103, 8 Sf 175, 1; reupe Beh. 541; ayenh. 186; s. s. ed. Wr. 1389; Man. 71, 11; reupe, reuthe Langl. 4, 95 (108); reuthe pr. c. 6729; rewpe, reuthe Chauc. C. t. a 914; ruthe prompt. 439. reoudful ruthful, a. r. 116; reoupful Alis. 6501; reupful c. I. 378. reopdfulliche ruthfuUy, Marh. 4, 8. hrepien, A. Sax. Jirepian, touch: repen & rinen a. r. 128^'; hrepe fpres. imper.J horn. 1, 221; repede (pret.) Mat. 8, 3; c mp. ahrepien. hrere^ A. Sax. hrere, reer (rear J, crudus; rere prompt. 430. ? reremous, A. Sax. hreremus, rearmouse, vespertilio, voc. 164; Wicl. levit. 11; reremis fpl.J dep. R. 24, 1. hrereii, A. Sax. hreran, from hrore, move; rere fpres. J d. Arth. 2810. hrif, A. Sax. hrif, O.H.Germ. href, O.Fris. rif, venter, uterus; comp. midhrif. hrim, A. Sax. 0. Icel. hrlm, 0. Dutch rim, rime; rim '■'■pruind\ prompt. 434, rimfrost ^^pruitm', voc. 239. hrinen^ A.Sax. O.I.Germ. O.H.Germ. hrinan, rine, tangere; rined fpres J a. r. 320; ran f pret. J Orm. 15518; comp. a-, set-, ihrlnen. brings A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. hring, O.Icel. hringr, ring, cir cuius, annulus; ring a. r. 420; Percev. 425; pisne ring p. I. s. XXII, 9; senne ring Lay 30805; in a ringe Alis. 1112; i pidepene ring(e) h. m. 21; ringes fpl.J st. gen. 1872; Ha- vel. 2740; ringe fdat. pi. J Lay 30803; comp. ere-, kinering. ringworm ring-worm, ^''impetigo\ voc. 255; ringwirm ^^serpigo', prompt. 434. hringcn^ O.Icel. hringja, O.H.Germ. (ge)- hriugen, ring, circulari: let us alle aboute him ringe Ilalliw. diet. 686; ringinde a- buten a. r. 140. hringon rijig, sonare; ringen Orm. 901 ; ringe Chauc. C. t. a 3896; rang fpret.J Iw. 1397; rong Roh. 509, 14; lai le fr. 181; Chauc. C. t. a 3215; rungen m. t. 15; rongen Langl. h 18, 425; ronge e. T, 319; Yxm^m fpart.) Havel. 1132; irungen Lay 29441; iiongQ Horn 1025. hriugen^ A.Sax. hringan pret. hringde, 0. Icel. hringja, ring: bellen per ringeden Lay 24486. riuuiige;, A.Sax. hrinung, taetus, a. r. 408. hrip, O.Icel. hrip, rip, corhis; rippe fdat. J Havel. 893. hris^ A. Sax. 0. Icel. 0. H Germ, hris, rise, sarmentum; rls spec. 26; Launf. 937; on blope ris o. a. n. 1636; rise fdat. J Chauc. C. t. a 3324 ; per he under rise lid Lay 740; hulen of ris(e) & of leaves a. r. 100; pe hare pat bredus in pe rise avow. Arth. IT, 12. hroc, A.Sax. hroc, O.Icel. hrokr, O.H.Germ. hruoh, roolc; roc ^^graculus\ fragm. 3, 19; rok 0. a. n. 1130; rook prompt. 436. hrof, A.Sax. O.Fris. hrof, roof, tectum; rhof Orm.. 11351; rof Havel. 2082; Rol. hrop huden 279 416, 1; rel ant. 2, 216; s. s. ed. Wr. 2 168; pene rof La^. 2894; rofe fdatj Chauc. a t. a 3623; rove a. r. 152; hrofeii fdat. pi. J Mat. 10, 27. hrop, O.R.Germ.YiYUoi, roop (roup), clamw ; rop Za). 12640; rope fdat. J s. a. ed. Weh. 1185. hropen^ A.Sax. hropan^r^^. hreop, O.L.Germ. hropan, O.II.Germ. hruofan, roop f roup J, clamare; rope Iw. 242; roped fpres.J a. r. 330''. hrore^ A.Sax. hr5r(?), O.L.Germ. lirora, 0. II. Germ, ruora; rore ^^co7nmotw\ prompt. 436. hrorien^ 0. L. Germ, hrorian, 0. II, Germ. hruorian, move; roorin prompt. 431 . hros, O.Icel. hr6s, roose, laics; ros Ortn. 4910; m. h. 43; rous h. s. 5160. hrosen^ O.Icel. lirosa, roose, laudare, gloriari; rosen Orm. 4906; rose a, p. 2, 1371; Town. myst. 10; roses fpres.J m. h. 49. rosing fflortatio, Orm. 4902. hrug, A.Sax. hijcg, O.Icel. hryggr, O.H. Germ, hrucki, ridge frig), dorsum ; rug h. m. 17; treat. 139; pene rug a. r. 264; rug (rugge) Lay 1912; rig Havel. 1775; Iw. 1833; rigge Alis. 5722; m. Arth. 2178; pane reg ayenh. 116; rugge fdat. J 0. a. n. 775; Langl. h 14, 212; rugges fpl.J Lay 540; ruggen fdat. pi. J Lay 27421. rigbon voc. 245. hrugluiige^ O.II.Germ. ruckelingen, lachwards; ruglunge fragm. 6, 32; Jul. 48; ruglinge Marh. 17, 29. hrum^ A.Sax. brum, fuligo. rumbus o. a. n. 652. hriiiige^ A. Sax. hrung, M. H. Germ, runge, Gotli. brugga, rung frongj; ronges fpl.J Langl. h 16, 44; CJmuc. C. t. a 3625. hrure^ A.Sax. bryre, from breosen, ruin; rure o. a. n. 1154. hrusel, ^.*Sa^. brysel, O.L.Germ. xvi^&\ Heine s gloss., ^^adeps^ rusel, fragm. 2, 13, hrusien^ A.Sax. brysian, O.L.Germ. brisian, Goth, brisjan, shake, move: p^ eorde gon to rusien Lay 15946; resye ayenb. 23; rese Chatic. C. t. a 1986; rused fpret.J Langl. b 16, 78''''; riseden burnen (rusede wepne) Lay 26917; comp. abrusien. hriiteii; A.Sax. brutan, O.Fris. bruta, [0. Icel. briota, O.II.Germ. riozan], rout: rou- tin ^^stertere\ prompt. 438; route rudere, strepere, Havel. 1911; Beves 1180; Chaue. Troil, 3592; Ilich. 4304; routep fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 3647; reat fpret.J ruit? Jul. 58; rnten ford pn^oruerwit, Kath. 2031; comp. aetbruten. hru|)|)e^ A. Sax. brydda, M. H. Germ, riide, molossus; ritb? a. p. 2, 1543. hu, O.Fr. bu, hue, clamor, fms. bue) a. p, 1, 872. hu see bwu. huche^ 0. Fr. bucbe, hutch, ^^cista, arca\ prompt. 252; Ber. 2510; I. c. c. 33; bucbe, buccbe (=: bwiccbe?) Lang. 4, 102 fll6j; arke or buccbe Mand. 85. hude, A.Sax. bj^d, O.Fris. bud, bed, O.L. Germ, bud, O.Icel. bud, O.H.Germ. but, Lat. cutis? hide, cutis, Marh. 18, 14; pe bude pe waes of pare binde Lay 1213; softe as is . . . pummon(n)e bude a. r. 120; pine bude o. a. n. 1114; buide h I. 752; bide Trist. 2, 30; pr. c. 5299; mir. pi. 151; bur sone was . . . feir of bide and bewe Triam. 468. hudeH liidellTke secretly? st. gen. 2882. hiideii; A. Sax. b;^dan, L. Germ. (fer)biiden, Gr. ZiuO'clv? hide, absconder e, a. r. 130; huido h: T.305; Mire 1105; biden Om. 1019; bide Chauc. C. t. a 1481; m. h. 54; m. Arth. 110; bede ayenb. 44; litide fpres.J 0. a. n. 265; liut a. r. 130; 3ef me but ant beled liit Marh. 15; peo pet hMed bam a. r. 174; budde fpret.J Lay 8586; Kath. 912; Rob. 226, 16; Alls. 2489; budde, bldde Langl. b 17, 108; 280 htidles humbling htidden Jos. 13; hidden Orm. 13736; St. gen. 3028; hud {part. J p. I s. VIII, 39; hid Chauc. C. t. 9818; hed Will 688; comp. bi-, for-, ihtiden. hiidles^ A.Sacc. h^dels, hiding-place, a. r. 146; an hudlese Li^. 1817; in hidils (hudlis) "m ahscondito', Wici. deuter. 27 . hudnesse^ A. Sax. geh;ydness, hiding-place; hidnes Man. 77, 1. hiidungc hiding, a. r. 174; hedinge ayenh. 196. huerte see heorte. huge huge, ^^magnus\ prompt. 255; Langl. b 11, 242; Mand. 45; Chauc. C. t. a 2951; a. p. 2, 1659; hoiige Tor. 550. hu^e, A. Sax. hyge, 0. L. Germ, hugi, 0. H. Germ, hugu, O.Ieel. hugi, hugr, Goth. hugs, mind, animus; huje, huije, huie La^. 2337, 3033 Sc 4910; hige & mihte horn. 2, 123; hijfe) & hope Orm. 2777. hii^ieii^ A. Sax. hugian(?), hycgan, Goth. hugjan, 0. II. Germ, hugen, O.Icel. huga, hyggja, cogitare; comp. forhu3ien. huht^ A. Sax. hyht (spes, gaudium), 0. H. Germ, huht (sensus), hope, joy, horn. 1, 97 ; hiht Orm. 3816; hiht & hope horn. 1, -227;, hihte, hi3te o. a. n. 272; mid gode huhte ho7n. 1, 109. huhtlic, A. Sax. hyhtlic, joyous; comp. un- huhtlic. huhteii^ A. Sax. hyhtan, hope, rejoice; huih- ted fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 132; hihtep o. a. n. 436; hijtep Chauc. Boet. 116. hiike^ heuke, 0. Butch huike, 0. Fr. huque, hulce, mantle, prompt. 232. hukel^ O.Swed. hukli Ihres gloss., cloah; huckel a. r. 88. hukkerie^ hokkerie, Germ, hokerei, huckster s trade, Langl. h 5, 227 . hukstere^ Dutch heukster, huckster, prompt. 252; hucster "ew«^«^or", voc. 123 ; hokester rel. ant. 2, 176; hucsteres fgen.J Orm. 15817. faoxterie huckster s trade, Langl, a 5, 141. hul, A.Sax. hyll, O.Butch hille ? Lat. collis? hill,' a. r. 178; Bek. 17 17 ; senne hul La^. 1645; hil st. 'gen. 1293; Havel, 1287; Wicl. John 4; Rich. 6048; fms. hill) Orm. 9205; hel Will. 2233; hulle (dat.) Alis. 2550; helle aye?ib. 5; hulles fpl.J Lay 5191. hulc^ A.Sax. hulc, hulk, "tuguriu7n\ Jragm. 4, 54; hulke Wicl. Is. 1; hqlke voc. 178. huldeiij A. Sax. (be)hyldan, 0. Icel. hylda, hild, excoriare; hulde Will. 1708; hilden ^pret.J Lay 20957'\ hule, A.Sax. hule M.ones qu. 360, hull^ gluma ; see hole. ? hulwurt, A.Sax. hulpyrt(?), "pulegium'\ rel. ant. 1, 36. hule hull, tugurium, rel. ant. 1, 214; hulen (dat. pi.) a. r. 100. huleii^ L. Germ, hulen, Butch huilen, howl; houlin ^^ulalare', prompt. 250; houle Gow. 2, 265; houlep fpres.J Chatcc. C. t. a 2817. huler^ O.Fr. houiier, ribald, lecher, h. m, 31; holier ayenb. 51; holers fpl.J Rob, 26, 21. hulieii^ (to^A. huljan, O.II.Germ.la.\\WQn pret, hulta, O.Icel. hylja, occulere, operire: hule & huide ho7n. 1, 279; hules fpres.J a. r. 150^'; Will. 97; hule fimperat.J Mire 1872; huled fpart.J rel. ant. 1, 39; hu- let a. r. 388'^'; ihulet Langl. a 6, 80. hulke^ A.Sax. hulce(?), hulc fliburnaj Mones qu. 315, 0. Butch hulke fnavis oneraria) KiJ. diet., 0. H. Germ, holcha factuaria navisj Graffs sprsch. 4, 892, hulk, corbi- ta, prompt. 252. huhir^ O.Icel. hulfr, huher, ilex, prompt, 253; holvir s. a. c. ed. Wr. XL, 1; hul- fere fdat.J Chauc. c. b. k. 129. humble^ Germ, hummel, Butch hommel. hombulbe humble-bee, rel. ant. 1, 81. humbleii^ Butch horamelen, bombilare. humblhig bombus, Chauc. h. f. 1039. Humbre huntep 281 Humbre^ A.Sax. Humber, Ilumher: ho ferde over pe Humbre Zr). 3822. huniilite^ Fr. humilite, humility, Chauc. C. t h tO'O'J. humour^ Fr. humour, humour fhumorj; hu- mours fpl.J ayenh. 129. huUj O.Icel. hunn, top of the mast: soil heo drojeii to hune Li^. 2807 8. huiiilj A.lSax. O.L.Germ. hund, O.Fris. hund, hond, 0. Icel. hundr, Goth, hunds, 0. R. Germ, hunt, hound, '■^canu\ voc. 219; a. r. 324; Marh. 6; o. a. n. 817; Havel. 1994; p. 8. 197; hund (homl) Z»). 2676'2; hond ayenh. do; Octov. 1530; hound Brand. 6; Will 10; Langl. ed. Wr. 2994; hundes fgen.J o. a. n. 822; huudes fpl.J Orm. 7406; hondes Man. 75, 28; comp. grai-, sehund. houndfisch hound-Jlsh, Chauc. C. t. 9699: houndfish Lidg. m. p. 201. houndfle3e Wicl. ps. 77. hund; A.Sax. O.L.Germ. Goth, hund, O.IL Germ, hunt, Lat. centum, Welsh cant, Bret, kant, Russ. cmo, Gr. sxaiov, Sanscr. ^rT^Tj centum: hund pousunt deade La'^. 83. hundfald centuplex, hom. 1, 147 . hundred (hundred?), A.Sax. hundred, 0. Fris. hundred, hunderd, O.Icel. hundrad, O.lI.Germ. hundort, see Gr. gesch. d. d. spr. 253, hundred, centuria, centum, a. r. 42; 0. a. n. 1101; p. s. 344; hu he sette lmndj:e([ La^.^ 199 8; an hund- red fms. hunndredd) Orm. 4333; twa hundred La^. 1556; foper hundred Orm. 4321; hondred Roh. 1, 7; ayenh. 55; hundrep Man. 35, 8; hundreth pr. c. 4524. hund-; A.Sax. hund-, O.L.Germ. ant-, 0. Fris. O.Dutch t-, see Gr. gesch. d. d. spr. 249. hundseventi, A.Sax. hundseofontig, septua- ginta, hom. 2, 51 ; huntseventi rel. ant. I 173. hune, A.Sfx. hune(?), h6re hune hoarhound, ^^marruhium^\ voc. 139. hiinen see henen. hunger, ^., A. Sax. huntod, venatus, Roh. 283. 7. 36 282 ^luntien hurten huntieu^ A. Sax. huntian, hunt, vmiari, Lay 2586; hunten Orm. 13460: Chauc. C. t. a 167 4; honteDeff rev. SO; huntede fpret J a. r. 344. hiiiitunge^ A.Sax. huntiuig, hunting, venatio, a. r. 330; huntinge Lay 21342. hiipc^ A. Sax. hype, O.Dutch hiipe, heiipe, Goth, hups m., 0.11. Germ, huph, huf /'., hip, femur, a. r. 280; hipe prompt. 241; hipe, hippe Wicl. genes. 47; hippe Gow. 2, 159; hepe voc. 179; hupes fpl.J Mob. 322, 7; Alls. ed. SJc. 190; hipes, hippes Chauc. C. t. a 472. hepebooii hip-hone, IlaUiio. diet. 445. hupel^ A. Sax. h^pel, hippie, acervulus, fragm. 2, 55; hipil IVicl. genes. 31. liuppcii^ M. II. Germ, liiipfen, hip, salire; huppe Boh. 537, 5; Jos. 14; huppe (pres.) spec. 38; hupp o. a. n. 379; hip- pinge (part.) Langl 11488; Flor. 1993; hupte fpret. J Roh. 208, 5; Brand. 8; comp. overhuppen. hiirde^ O.Dutch hui'de, O.II.Germ. hurd, 0. Ice/, hurd? Goth, haurds? Gr. Y,6pzrj? crates; hurdis fpl.J Min. 46; Golag. a. Gaw. 470. ?hurdreve ''centauria\ rel. ant. 1, 36. hurtle see heorde. hiirdcl^ A. Sax. hyrdel, hurdle; \\\i^\\ '^era- tes\ prompt. 241 ; herdil vog. 279; hurdles fpl.J All's. 6104; herdles Roh. 232, 22. hure see hwure. hurc cap, prompt. 252; Wart. hist. 2, 2. hurc, A. Sax. h^r, 0. Dutch huere, 0. Fris. here, hire, merces, Lay 31110; spec. 42; hure, huire a. r. 404 c^- 428; hure, huire, hire Langl. 2, 91 fl22j; huire h. m. 7; Mand. 285; hire Bavel. 908; Min. 28; hiire Wicl. John 4; here Alis. 5221. hfirmon '■'■mercenarius\ fragm. 5, 4. hiireu^ A. Sax. h^rian, O.Dutch hueren, 0. Fris. hera, hire, a. r. 126; hirin ^'condu- cere\ prompt. 241 ; hire a. p. 1, 506; Lidg. m. p. 43; here misc. 33; hurede fpret. J Horn ed. Lum. 752; Bek. 1173; hureden Lay 30696; huired, hired f part. J Langl. 6, 116 f 7, 107 J (ed. Wr. 4024 J. hiireu see her en. hur^eii hurry? horyed fpret. J a. p. 2, 883. hiirklcu^ cmp. 0. Dutch hurken fse inclina- re J, hurhle, se incline re? hurkelez doun with his hede a. p. 2, 150. hurleii^ Dutch horrelen? hurl, pulsar e; hur- lest f pres. J Chauc. C. t. h 297; hurled to gedores a. r. 166; hurlip JFicl. Luke 9; horlip p. S.211; pe see him hurlede up and doun p. I. s. XXIII, 25; hur- led Will. 1243; hurled f part. J a. p. 2, 44. liiiriie^ A.Sax. hyrne, O.Icel. hyrna, O.Fris. heme, hum fhernj, corner, angulus, Marh^ 8, 33; 0. a. n. 14; p. s. 150; rel. avit. 1, 264; som hurne of pe londe Roh, 178, 7; huirne Jos. -378; hurne, hirne Will. 688 ^' 3201; hirne prompt. 241; Orm. 1677; a. p. 3, 178; heme Chauc. C. t. 11433; hurnen fpl.J a. r. 314; huirnes, hirnes, hemes Langl. 2, 209 f233j; hirnes Alex. 3215. hirnestan Orm. 6824. liuiTCii^ hurrin, Sived. hurra? ^'homhi%are\. prompt. 254; comp. tohurren. hurst, M. II. Germ, hurst, 0. Dutch horst,, hurst, siha; hurstes fpl.J ant. Arth. V, 5. hurt, O.Fr. M.H.Germ. hurt, O.Dutch hurt, hort, Jmrt, laesio, a. r. 1 12; hurtes fpl.J Lay 1837; Chauc. C. t. 10785. hurtc see heorte. hurten, 0. Fr. hurter, M. H. Cerm. hurten,. O.Dutch hurten, horten, hurt, offendere, laedere, a. r. 8; hirten Orm. 11370, Alis. 5844; hirte s. s. ed. Web. 267; herte Rich. 47 15; hurtes, Jiortes f pres. J ps. 36, 24; hurte fsuhjunct.J Langl. h 10, 366; hurten fpret. J Lay 1878; i-^ hurt f part. J a. r. 98. hurtleu llWLl 283 hurtleu hurtle, ojfendere, laedere: jjei schulen . . . hurtlen to gidere ^^col.ident'\ WicL Jerem. 48; hurteiin to gedur ^^colHdere\ prompt. 263; hurtle fms. hurtel) Will. 6013; ilk an of pam sal . . . again Other hortle fms, hortel) pr. c. 47 87 ; he him hurtleth fv. r. hurtejj) wij) his hors a doun Chauc. C. t. a 2616. hus, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. O.K. Germ. O.IceJ. Goth, hus, house, domus, a. r. 134; Orm. , 1608; 0. a. n. 623; st. gen. 1619; Ha- vel. 740; hous Uoh. 20, 10; Mand. 247; 8. s. ed. Wr. 2816; ps. 83, 4; hus fplj La^. 1937; hous ayenh. 43; coonp. bak-, bede-, brew-, cwalm-, gang-, gest-, hor-, hord-, (h)rum-, mothus. husbonde, A.Sax. husbonda, OJoel. hus- bondi, husband, ^^pater familias', prompt. 264; La^. 31968; horn. 1, 247; Mand. 247; housbonde WicL John 4. hus-, housbonderie husbandry, Langl. 1, 66 (67). house vese house-eaves, Wiel. ps. 101 . houshold, Germ, haushalt, household, Lidg. m. p. 67; housholdes fpl.J Mand. 209. housholdere, -haldere householder, Chauc. C. t. a 339. huslepe, A.Sax. hushleop, protectio domus, hm. 1, 277. houslek house-leek, prompt. 261. husting, O.Icel. husping? husting, Lay 2324. huswif housewife, voc. 216; htisplf fms. husepif) a. r. 416; houswif Langl. b 14, 3. huschen^ L. Germ, huscheu, hussen, hush ; husht, bust fpaH.J Chauc. C. t. a 2981 fed. Wr. 2983J. huscheu^ A.Sax. hyscan, from husc (hux), deride; comp. forhuschen. hiisel, A.Sax. husel, O.Icel. husl, Goth, hun- sel (^oata), eucharist, a. r. 208; horn. 2, 91; Orm. 6216; housel Langl b 19, 390; Chauc. r. r. 6386; Tor. 1273; housil pr. c. 3402; hosil Lidg. m. p. 248. husieii^ A. Sax. husian, M. II. Germ, huseu, house; hou^m prompt. 261; house Ilalliw. diet. 464; d. Arth. 4284; housede fpret.J Hob. 21, 13. liousinge housing. Mire 1147 ; housing Gow. 2, 362. huske hush, siliqux, prompt. 264; Mand. 188. husleii^ A.Sax. huslian, O.Icel. husla, Goth. hunsljan, adminider the eucharist, Orm. 6129; houselin prompt. 260; housele Mand. 261; hosleii Havel. 212; housled^ houseled fpaH.J Langl. b 19, 3; houseled Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrxoh. p. 170; ihuseled a. r. 16; ihouseled Shoreh. 22. huspiliii^ Fr. houspiller, huspil, prompt. 266. hilteii hoot, Orm. 2034; houtin ''boare\ prompt. 261; lud. Cov. 179; ihouted Langl. b 2, 218. hiiting^ hiitung hooting, Jul. 62 Sf 63. hiitte, O.Dutch hutte, O.lI.Germ. hutta, hat, casa; hottes fpl.J Man. 273, 6. huve^ A.Sax. hj^fe, hive fheevej, alveus; hui- ve nl. ant. 2, 84; hive p. I. s. IK 31; Chauc. C. t. a 4373; a. p. 2, 223; hife voc. 223; heve Betes 1408. hiyiii hive, put in a hive, prompt. 242. \\VL\, A.Sax. hues (hux), husc, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ. hose, mochery: hux and hoker La-). 28866. hux\yord Lay 21682. hwa, A.Sax. hpa, O.Fris. hwa, O.L.Germ. hve, O.Icel. hvar, O.lI.Germ. liwer, Goth. hvas, Lat. qvis, who fiooj ; hpa Marh. 20; hpa f printed hwa) pas purse pen heo Kath. 170; ^if hpa is spa sunful horn. 1, 9; wha Lay 4626; Fercev. 1613; pr. c. 90; plia f printed wha) Orm. 2091; hpo f printed hwo), hpoa a. r. 6 Sc 18; hpo (hwo), po 0. a. n. 113 §f 1196; hwo, wo Havel. 76 Sf 296; hvo ayenh. 6; who Chauc. 0. t. a 831; who, ho c. 284 hwser hwanne /. 268 Sc 1159; wo Roh. 213, 20; s. s. ed. JVr. 1093; ho treat. 133; Will. 1286; I. T. 894; Degrev. 1433; 5W0 3Iapes 334; qva m. h. 3; qvo st. gen. 369; ant. Arth. XXIV, 9; hpat, A.JSax. hpset, O.Fris. liwet, O.L.Germ. O.lcel. hvat, 0. H.Germ. hwaz, Lat. qvid, what, Katli. 150; hpat herte is spa hard horn. 1, 269; of hpat (for hpam) a. r. 66; hpat (hwat), phat 0. a. n. 60 ^ 1730; hwat, wat Havel 117 8f 1951; hpet pene 30 Mark. 6; of hpet cunde 16; hvet ayenh. 20; whset heo d(3ii mihten La->,. 12262; whet he per solite 2393; what cnihtes we beod 13845; what c. I. 1061; what qvod pe prest Langl. 7 , 130 (8, 117 J; what swa ^^quodcunque\ ps. 1, ^\- what liitles pat he et p. I. -s. XV 11, 396; what for eye what for love Beh. 337 ; pat frend pat fa horn. 1, 237 ; wet h. li. 194; qvat rel. ant. 1, 292; m. h. 5; hwes (gen.) whose, ciijus, mise. 50; whes sime he weore La-^. 17 111; god . . . hpas predde Mark. 9; ancren hpas fquarumj blisse a. r. 348; hvas oyenb. 38; whas Will. 1441; whos Wid. John 4; whos (hos) c. I. 61; wos rel. ant. 1, 226; hpam fdat.J whom, cut, a. r. 56; purh hpam ffor hyan) Iiath. 225; pham (ms. pliamm) Orm. 6995; wham treat. 138; Will 314; Orph. 126; pr. c. 91; wham (wam) he mihte bitsechen his dohter & his riche Z«5. 11550; whom c. I 296; whan face. m.J quern, La"^. 27 487 ; & make king wan he wole Roh. 502, 16; to whan (for wham) hit seal iwnrden Za). 17903; for wan quapropter, 2679; to pan (whan) pe senile & of pan pe come p. I s. VIU, 164; pe ston upe whan ich sitte Brand. 27 ; to hpon Marh. 16; vor hpon (print- ed hwon) a. r. 62; wite ye for hwon mUc, 38. hwser see hwar. hwate, A. Sax. hpsete, 0. L. Germ, hveti, Goth, hvaiteis, 0. H.Germ. hweizi m., 0. Joel hveiti 7t., wheat, triticum, Marh 4,. 28; hpete, hpeate a. r. 70 ^- 2^0; hpeate Hicl. thes. 1, 224; ph^te Orm. 10521; hvete ayetib. 141; whete Langl 3, 40 (41 J; Hand. 189; wete Shoreh. 30; qvete m. h. 140. hpetecorn (hpete corn?) granum triticiy horn. 1, 241. hw^ten, A. Sax. hpa^ten, ivheaten, triticeus: whete bred Langl b 7, 120; in ane hvetene Ihove ayenb. 82. whakeu see cwakien. hwal, A.Sax. hpael, O.lcel hvalr, 0. H.Germ. wal, tvhale; whal ^^cetus', voc. 222 ; spec. 35; Chauc^ C. t. 7512; whal, qwal prompt. 523; qwal" ^7oc. 189; qval m. h. 136; of whales (wales) bone Z«). 2363. hwaiiciu;, A.Sax. hpanone, hpanan, hponan, O.L.Germ. hvanan, hvanen, 0. H.Germ. (h) wan ana, h wan an, (h)wannan, whence,, unde; whanene, whonene (wanene) La-^. 1430 ^\ 13846; panene, phonene, hwe- nene, hwenne 0. a. n. 138 Sf 1300; wa- nene Rob. 376, 15; hpeonene (hpeonne) horn. 1 , 249; hponne Marh. 16; whenne Horn 169; hvannes ayenb. 115; whannes treat. 139; whennes Will. 478; Chauc. C. t. 13750; whens Triam. 431. IiwaiiiiiS A.Sax. hpanne, hponne, hpasnne,. 0. H.Germ. hwanne, (h)wenne, O.L.Germ. Goth, hvan, when, quando; hvanne ayenb. 6; phanne Orm. 133 ; whanne Wicl John 12; wanne rel ant. 1, 209; whanne, whan Will 80 ^' 303; hpanne, ponne, hwenne, hpan, pan, hpon, hwen 0. a. n. 38, 162, 1149, 1251, 1264, 1531 ^ 1566; hponne, hpon a. r. 6 ^' 144; wonne, wenne, whenne (wan) La'^. 7 14, 3570 ^ 27174; whenne, when spec. 74; hpen Marh. 6, 25; whan Beh. 53; Chauc. C. t. a 179; whan, whon Langl prol 1; whon Jos. 25; wen s. s. ed. Wr. 994; hwan, qvanne Havel 162 Sf 1353: hwar hwelp 285p qwanne fms. quuanne) st. gen. 190; qwan lud. Cov. 266; w. a. i. 48; qvan s. a. c. /, 13; qven a. p- ^i ^^' *^- ^- "^' avow. Artli. IV, d. hpar, A.S'JX. lipar, hpser, O.L.Germ. OJcel. Goth, hvar, 0. 7/. 6>rm. (h)war, wara, where, uhi, quorsum, a. r. 8; hpar, hwar, hware, pare o. a. n. 64, 892, 1049 Sf 1727; hware, hwere Jlavel. 649 Sf 1881; whar Will. 394; pr. c. 367; phaer Orm. 1827; whser, wher (ware) Zar^. 3320 Sf 4464; hyei' Marh. 10,26; (printed Xm^x) r. s. V, 97; wher IVicl. John 20; comp. a-, ihwar. hveran whereon, ayeni. 176; whaeron (ms. whser on) Lar>,. 16602. wharbi wherciy, Will. 2266. liparfore wherefore, a. r. 168^'; wherfore Mand." 246. hverinne wherein, ayenh. 23. hpsermid Mat. 18, 26; wermid rel. ant. 2, 274; hvermide ayenb. 23. hparof whereof, a. r. 12; wharof treat. 136; wherof Langl. h 3, 66; phseroffe Orm. 14U62. hparto whereto, a. r. 392; hperto Marh. 16, 19. hperpurh wherethrough, Kath. 236; wher- pur3 proclam. 6; hparduruh a. r. 210. hveronder whereunder, ayenh. 221. hveroppe whereup, ayenh. 261. hperpid wherewith, h. m. 9; wherwip Chauc. C. t. 6713; wharwith pr. c. 3836. hwarf, A. Sax. hpearf 7n. freversio, coinmuta- tio, congregatioj Ettm. lex. 613, Greins gloss., O.L.Germ. hvarf m. fcongregatio, concilium J Schm. gloss., O.Icel. hvarf n. f'versatio, refugiumj Egilss. lex., 0. II. Germ. warb m. n. ffj (vertigo, vicisj Grafts sprsch. 4, 1236, from hwerfen, turn, con- version, convention? purh warf of poii folke La^. 2070; he per waerf makede 17486. hwarfieii^ A. Sax. hpearfian, 0. Icel. hvarfa pret. hvarfadi, turn; pharfen Orw. 14137; pharfed (part. J Oim. 9668; comp. blind- hwarvien. hwat see hwa. hwat, A.Sax. hpaet, O.L.Germ. hvat, O.Icel. hvatr, quick, keen; per weoren eorles swide whaete (wate) Xa^. 7 137; whate (adv.) Alis. 2639; to ham he ran full wate li h. disc. 1648; comp. ihwaet? hpatliche quickly, o. a. n. 1708; phat- like Orm. 12166; whatlokere (coiapar.) Beh. 1249; watloker lioh. 429, 16; whatlokest (superl.J p. I. s. XIII, 316. hwate^ A. Sax. hpaet ( men J? 0. Icel. hvot (incitamentmi, celeritas, strenuitas), speedy fortune? pe man pe leved upon hpate reL ant. 1, 131; on hwat(e) (quickly?) Ha- vel. 1932; wate Roh. 34, 16; qvate Ilal- liw. diet. 666; after sum geste stod him qvate st. gen. 1064; comp. unhwate. hwey, pei, A.Sax. hpaeg, O.Dutch wei, whey (whig), 0. a. n. 1009; whey ^^seruni\ prompt. 623; qwhey rel. ant. 1, 9. livc^el see hweol. whelc, A.S'JX. hpele (putredo?) Somn. dict.y wheal, ^^pustula', prcmpt. 623; voc. 267, hwelin, A.Sax. hvelan, suppurare? prompts 623. hwclfcii, A.Sax. (be)hpylfan, O.Icel. hvelfa,. O.L.Germ. (be)hwelbean, M.II.Germ. wel~ ben, whalve, turn, roll: he hwelfde at pa- re sepulchre dure enue grete ston misc, 61; comp. overhwelven. whelke, qwelke, dimin. of whele, whelky "pustula\ prompt, 623; whelke WicL levit. 13; whelkes (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 632. whelnieii whelm, vertere, Chauc. Troil. 139; whelmin ^'■siipinare\ prompt. 624; whel-^ me (imperat.) Ilalliw. diet. 926; comp. overhwelmen. hwelp; A. Sax. hpelp, hpylp, 0. L. Germ, hvelp, O.Icel. hvelpr, O.H.Germ. welf^ whelp; hpeolp a. r. 198; phelp Orm, 286 hwelpen liwi 6838; whelp "eatuliu', prompt. 524; p. I. 8. XV in, 'JO; welp Trid. 3, 10; wliel- pes fpl.J La^. 316W; wiielpis Octov. 314. hyvtXi^tw ivhelp, catulos parere ; phelped /'^eii, O.Icel. hvadan, unde, Man. 236 ^ 19; whethen (wepen) ps. 120, 1; whe- theii pr. c. 5205; whejjen, qvepen Gaw. 461 Sf 871 ; qveden st. gen. 1401 ; m. h. 131. Iiwetter, A.Sax. hpteder, O.L.Germ. hyethar, Goth, hvapar, O.II.Germ. hwedar, O.Icel hvaiT, Gr. xoTspo?, whether, uter: hwe])er linker o. a. n. 151; y^hsiCi^x Lay 20877; whe])er Chauc. C. t. a 1856; he nuste in weper ende turne Rob. 172, 2; qveder st. gen. 1471; qve])er m. h. 18; hpeder utrum, a. r. 64 ; hpeder . . . Oder utrum ... an, Kath. 2312; wheder, wh^r Lay 5295 Sf 13504; hpeper dep wurse flesch pe gost 0. a. n. 1408; hweper IlaveL 294; whe})er spec. 59; -phepr Orm. 526; wher c. I. 1040; wher ... or Mand. 219; Wicl. John 7 ; hpederes fere pult tu beon a. r. 284; comp. awper. hpeitere, A.Sax. hpedere, hpaedere, hpaedre, ta^nen, horn. 1, 225; wlieper ps. 38, 6. hwi, ,A.Sax. hpi, hpy-, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. hvi, O.II.Germ. hwiu, hiu, Goth, hve, Lat. qvi, Gr. '/.yj {Tzfj), tvhy, cur, Havel. 454; cud me ... hpi pe porldes peldent puned in pe Marh. 16; hpi, phi o. a. n. 150 Sf 909; hpi, hpiii a. r. 148 Sf 320; whi, wl Lay 1577 &,- 26095; whi spec. 49; Will. 48; Mand. 295; for phi qua propter, Orm. 219; for whi Shoreh. 43; pr. G. 709; 3e habbep iherd . . . for whi god pe world maken wolde c. I. 568; hve is hit voul dede ayenb. 47; qvi st. gen. 1759; Gaw. 623; m. h. 31; avow. Arth. XXXIII, 12. philc, A.Sax. hpilc, hpylc, hpelc, O.L. Germ, hvilic, O.Fris. hwelik, hwelk, hwek, 0. II. Germ, hwelicher, 0. Icel. hwicche hwinen 287 hvillkr, Goth, hveleiks, Lat. qualis, Rms. KOJiHKT., Gr. TDT^Xtxoc? ^ec Gr. gr. 3, 46, Bopps vergl. gram. 600, which fwhilkj, qualis, quis, Orm. 471; while, whulc /v«5. 2167 Sf 2305; whilk s. s. ed. Wr. 23; pr. c. 144; lipulc mon horn. 1, lo; which Gow. 1, 279; which a li3t La7igl h 18, 124; a prest . . . which was so plesant Chauc. C. 1. 12942; hpuch 21arh. 6; a. r. 8 ; whiich, W3uch c. I. 110; wuch Rob. 220, 13; hpiJche ^ife horn. 1, 19; on pilche pise rel. ant. 1,130; whichehelp Will. 27 05; whuche Jos. 270; philkes {gen. m. n.) Orm. 5287 ; whulches La-^. 20735; hpiiches kunnes fragm. 1, 34; whulche (dat. m.J La-i,. 2303; a pulche time p. I. s. VIII, 66; wulchere fdat. fj Lay 4446; whulcne face. m.J Lay 10120; hpiche fmm. pi. J horn. 1, 155; hvichen fdat. pi. J ayenh. 15; comp. ihwilc. whicche, whiicche, A. Sax. hpecca(?), area, cista, Langl. a 4, 102; which che a. p. 2, 362; whiche prompt. 255; whiicche Jo^. 39. hpiiler, A. Sax. hpider, hpyder, Goth, hvadre, whither, quo, quorsum, Kath. 1299; rel. ant. 1, 128; whider spec. 61; Will. 701; pr. c. 2115; hvider ayenh. 115; hpeder rel. ant. 1, 185; whedir lud. Gov. 38; hwuder misc. 43; whuder (woder) La^. 1202; whoder Brand. 32; qvider st. gen. 2600; qvedur ant. Arth. XI, 5; comp. ahwider. phiderpard quorsum, Orm. 16669; whider- ward Will. 106; hpuderpard a. r. 168. whik see cwic. hwilc see under hwi. hpile, A.Sax. hpil, O.Sax. hvila, O.II.Germ. hwila ftempus, hora, momentumj, O.Icel. hvila fquiesj, Goth, hveila {yj^ovo^, xctt- pQ(i, &pa), while, temptis, hora, Marh. 3; sptipe longe hire is pe hpile o. a. n. 1591; ane hwile Havel. 722; phile Orm. 142; while ^^momentum", prompt. 524; pr. c. 632; a while in J)63te he stod Bel. 1243; litel while Langl. h 17, 46; hpClle a. r. 246; qvile Gaw. 30; lud, Cov. 73; pa while dum. Lay 11309; pa (pe) hpile p. I. s. VIII, 11 ^^ 12; pe hwile (pile) o. a. n. 1141; peo hpfile a. r. 422 ; hpile diu, aliquando, horn. 1, 17; so hwile (pile) dude sum from Rome o. a. n. 1016; while Itoh. 9, 17; spec. 28; pus menie kinges per were while in Engeionde p. I. s. XIIT, 13; hpil(e) dum, Marh. 12; while Will: 2537; while (whiles) Chauc. C. t. a 35; whiles pr. c. 3645; qvile st. gen. 2041; hpile . . . hpile modo . . . modo, rel. ant. 1, 128; Oder while alias, aliquando, La'^. 7062; oper while rel. ant. 1, 110; Cper wile Roh. 100, 13; Oder hpule (hpiles) a. r. 82; per while dum, s. s. ed. Web. 701; per wile Shoreh. 43; der pile he bied a live Ilich. thes. 1, 222; per whiles Will. 2736; er while aliquanto ante, p. I. s. XX, 91; bi while inter dum, Orph. 10; philum fdat. pi.) whilom, quondam, Orm, 4868; hwilem misc. 30; whilem Alis. 41; whilum, whilom Will. 1788 Sf 2846; wliilom Chauc. C. t. a 859; whilen Lay 8279; spec. 91; wilen Mapes 340; comp, hand-, mor^enhpile. hwilwende temporary, transitory ; hpilende h. m. 25; philende horn. 1, 7. philpendiic Or7n. 18787. hwilcii, O.II.Germ. wilon fmanerej, O.Icel, hvila fquiescere), Goth, hveilan (uausaOat); comp. ih wilen. whin whin, ^^8aliuncd\ voc. 229; whinne "««- liunca, ruscus\ prompt. 524; qvin Iw, 159. hwinen^ A.Sax. hplnan, O.Icel. hvina, whine; whlnin "ululare, gannire\ prompt. 524; for chele . . . hwine misc. 82; whine Chauc. C. t. 5968; whine fpres.J rel. ant. 2, 245. ^288 hwinge hwure hwinge see winge. whippe^ O.Dutch wippe, lohipy ^^sGutica\ prompt. 624; Hand. 249; Chauc. C. t. 9545; IIoccI. 1, 118. hwippcu^ O.Dutch wippen, whip, verberare: whippin tlired in silke prompt. 524. hwirl^ O.Icel. livirfill f vertex J, O.Dutch wer- vel f vertex, verticuhmi, vertebra J, O.lI.Germ. werbil (plectrum), from hwerfen, ivhirl. whiiiboii, O.Dutch wervelben, whirThone, ^^vertehra\ prompt. 524; wliirl-, wlieii- bon voc. 183 Sf 208. whirlwind, O.Tcel. livirfilvindr, O.Dutch wervelwind, ivhirlwind, ^^turho\ prompt. 525; qwirlwind rel. ant. 1, 6. whirling O.Icel. hvirfla, O.Dutch wervelcn, whirl, ^^rotare\ prompt. 5>25; wliirle Chauc. r. r. 4362; wliirlido fpret.J IFicl. 1 lings 1 7 . hwisprcu^ A. Sax. lipisprian, O.Dutch wispe- ren, ivhisper; whisperin prompt. 525; whispre Lidg. st. Th. 695. whist whist, hist, WicJ. j idge^s 18. hpistle, A. Sax. hpistle, whistle, "Jistula", fragm. 2, 39; wliistel Zidg. rn. p. 27 ; 10. a. i. 41. whistien whistle, Wicl. Jer. 19; whistlen f'pres.J Langl. h 15, 467; wliistleden fpret.J Alis. 5328. hwistlcre ivhistler ; hpistleres fpl.J Mat. 9, 23. hyiif A. Sax. hpit, 0. L. Germ, livit, 0. Iceh liYltr, Goth, liveits, O.lI.Germ. liwizer, white, albus, a. r. 396; o. a. n. 1276; hwit Ilavcl. 1729; whit treat. 139; Tor. 458; whiit Wicl. John 4; qvit st. gen. 2810; Gaw. 1205; m. h. 43; hpite sun(n)e dei IVhitsunday, a. r. 412; white sun(n)e tide Whitsuntide, La's,. 31524; Hwite bi Whitby, misc. 146; hpitture (compar.) a. r. 324; whittore spec. 28; whittere Brand. 7 . whitflowe, whitlowe ivhitlow, '■^panaricium', prompt. 525. whitnesse whiteness, '■^albedo', prompt. 525. witporn whitethorn, rel. ant. 1, 38. hwite, O.Icel. hpiti, O.lI.Germ. wizi, white, albedo: hu hire hpite like him a. r. 98. hpitel (hpitel ?), A. Sax. hpitel (pallium) Ettm. lex. 516, 0. Icel. hvitill (uldent sengetceppe) Fritzners ordb., whittle, sagum, fragm. 4, 4; a. r. 214^\ whiten, whitten, A. Sax. hpitian, Goth, hveit- jan, O.lI.Germ. wizen, zvhite, albare, Langl. b 3, 61; hpited (pres ) a. r. 150; i- liYited (part.) ayenb. 178. whiting, O.Dutch witing, whiting, alburnus, prompt. 525. hwitncn, O.Icel. hvltna, whiten; whitened (part.) ps. 50, 9. hwiiteren whither, quatere? comp. tohwideren. hwonene see hwanene. hwonnc see liwanne. whorvil, whorl, O.Dutch worvel, from hwer- fen, whorl, verticillus, prompt. 526. hpu, A.Sax. hpu, hu, O.L.Germ. hvo, hwo, O.Fris. hu, ho, O.lI.Germ. hwQO, wio, Goth, hvaiva, see Gr. gra7n. 3, 186, how, qui, quam, horn. 1, 237 ; hpu, hu a. r. 182 ^■' 256; hwu (ms. hw) wis sho was Ravel. 288; hwou Eobert with here loverd ferde 24i7; whou pi. cr. 141; pu rel. ant. 1, 172 c^ 224; won Ilicl^. thes. 1, 225; hu La-). 561; Orm. 938; st. gen. 244; hu ich hate Ilarh. 13; hou 'Beh. 131; c. I. 569; spec. 39; aymb. 17; Will. 97. hwuch, hwulc see philc, under whi. hwmlcr see h wider. hwure, A.Sax. huru (quidem), Sived. huru (quam, quomodo)? quidem: pet pu heom jefe rest la hpure pen sunne dei hom. 1, 45; hpure pinge ''veV, 3Iat. 14, 36; hure Marh. 16, 23; la hure h. m. 23; (printed lanhure) Kath. 1074; ne hure ne quidem, hom. 1, 131; hure and hure 0. a. n. 11; hure & hure jet he hefde vOde a. r. 260. hyene iUce 289 hyene, Fr. hyene, hyen, Chauc. appe^id. Boot. 2, 35. i see ic and in. i- see 36-. i see ei. i-, O.Icel f'. imis, O.Icel. ymiss fvariusj? phat men imes fms. immess) 3eornen Orm. 11510; on imis horn. 1, 57 . iare sSaw«tfr. ^§5r, //^2cA;, i>. 5. 199; ic (ich) _^. /. s. VIII, 1; ic, ich La^. 461 8f 697; ic, ich, ih, i o. a. n. 1, 293, 868 Sf 1049; ic, ich /. h. r. 38; ic, i Orm. 105 Sf 4815; St. gen. 309; m. h. 32; ich Mark. 1; Kath. 222; a. r. 12; Shoreh. 129; ayenh. 1; ich, ihc, i Havel. 3, 119 &f 1377; Flor. a. Bl. 44, 60 ^ 61; ich, i c. I. 85, 326, 329 Sf 495; Trist. 1, 1 ^^ 89; Langl. 1, 10 8f 21; i Ma7id. 6; Chauc. C. t. a 730; pr. c. 1738. icehen = hicchen? icchen uppard Orm. 11833; and evere lai pis maide stille hi ne mi3te hire enes icche p. I. s. XXI, 132; thay iche on pe en(e)mis d. Arth. 1411. icchen :icchen. ich see ic ayid ihwilc. Idel, A. Sax. O.Fris. Idel, O.L.Germ. idal, O.II.Germ. it^ler, idle, vanus, a. r. 44; reh ant. 1, 129 ^ 218; o. a. n. 917; spec. 41; Chauc. C. t. a 2505; idel 3elp Kath. 471; an idel j^ord Orm. 825; i- del poht m. h. 33; he nolde ... no time Idel beo p. I. s. IX, 59; on idel 0. a. n. 920; on idel & pipaten ned Orm. 12514; an idel Zangl. b 14, 195; in idel Chaue. C. t. 14057; of idele manne Lay 3310; mid Idele honden ayenh. 218. Idelhed vanitas, tt. gen. 28. ldelle3C vanitas, Orm. 2165. idelnesse, A. Sax. idelness, idleness, Lay 24911; Orm. 4736; idelnisse p. I. s. IX, 62. Idelschipe vanitas, rel. ant. 1, 180; idel- schepe Shoreh. 93. idlen, A. Sax. idlian, O.II.Germ. (ar)italen, idle; Idils fpres.J mir. pi. 185; comp. foridlen. ler ear. lernen see eornen. if, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. O.Icel. ef, O.II.Germ. ibu, Goth, iba, ibai? = 3if? if, si, Orm. 589; St. gen. 464; s. s. ed. Wr. 56; pr. c. 85; if fv. r. 3if) o. a. n. 51; Langl. prol. 37 fed. Wr. 74); Chauc. C. t. a 145; if, ef m. h. 33 ^ 52. if el see uvel. i)e see ea3e. iliil, A. Sax. gicel, O.Icel. iokull, O.Dutch kekel ? icle, "stiria', prompt. 259; comp. isikel. ilfccr, eker = niker? Alis. 6175. il, A. Sax. 11, ig], igel, O.IIG&rm. igil, 0. Icel. igull, hedge-hog: prikiende so piles (printed piles) on lie fragm. 8, 13; illes pil dart of a hedge-hog, for hedge-hog? p. I. s. XVllI, 47; iiles pllles felles a. r. 418. ilc, ilch see ihwilc. ihle "instila\ prompt. 259; Man. 271; idle Alis. 4856. ildren see eldren. ile, A. Sax. O.Icel. il, O.Fris. ile? sole: to pe ile (yle) of hire helen Marh. 10. ile, O.Fr. isle, O.II.Germ. isila, isle, Horn 1330; Brand. 8; a. p. 1, 692. ilke, A.Sax. ilea, ylca, ilk, idem, ipse, a. r. 68; Orm. 755; o. a. n. 99; Shoreh. 12; Langl. 1, 81 (83); Chauc. C. t. a 721; Percev. 340; Triam. 514; m. Arth. 1765; tacram. 495; pat ilke lond La^. 1640; pis ilke dei Kath. 2315; pe ilke worn- man Wicl. John 4; ilche mise. 142; ilcan (dat. m.) horn. 1, 129; hi pan ilche oj)e proelam. 5; ulke Horn ed. Lum. 1199. 37 290 ille m ille, 0. Icel. illr, ill, mains, p. J. s. VIII, 37; st. gen. 4038; god or ille Triam. 113; pe ille 0. a. n. 421; heo gan him telle hire ille Alis. 1147; j3e ladi gret and gaf hire ille Immh. 315; be blip(e) and yeve pe nO ping ille Tor. 1683; an ille tre pr. c. 660; ille piles Orm. 6647; ille fadv.J r. s. V, 120; Orm. 6245; Langl. 1, 51 {53 J; pa swiken speken ille La^. 5426; pey hire likede swipe ille Havel 1165; Rimenild wep wel ille Horn 677; wel or ille w. h. 37. illcrii see ellarne. illiiig, O.Icel. illin;^', malice, reh ant. 1, 218. image, Fr. image, image, (yns. ymage) Kath. 1476; cyenh. 87. inipe, Dan. ympe, Swed. ymp, O.Dutch inte, ente, Fr. ente ? imp, "surculus", pro7npt. 259; transact. 18, 25; impen fpl.J a. r. 37 8; ayenh. 94; impes Langl. b 5, 137. impiii, A. Sax. impian(?), Dan. ympe, Swed. ympa, M. II. Germ, impfen, impfeten, 0. Dutch inten, enten, Fr. enter? imp, "m- serere\ prompt. 259; imped (pret.) Langl. h 5, 138; impid (part. J ^Hnsitus\ rel. ant. 1, 9; iimped a. r. 360. in, A.Sax. O.H.Germ. Goth. Lat. in, O.Fris. in, en, O.Icel. i, Gr. Iv, in fij: god fr. god) in pane castel hom. 1, 3; pa children plo3eden in pere strete 7 ; pe cnave wes iboren in pere burhe Za). 293; i pon londe 342; pu scalt do pe i peue wsei 29512; in eorde Kath. 353; in pe mar- hen 603; in halle & i bure 1470; in hire breoste a. r. 230; i pe porlde 10; in his moder pambe Or^n. 168; i pis middelserd 3496; in mine neste o. a. n. 282; in sume tide 709; i ne vinde nen- ne gult in pisse monne misc. 47; in godes hond st. gen. 104; in Engeland Havel. 108; in eyper side Eoh. 174, 15; in one day p. I. s. IX, 56; in pe rode XX; 42; wenten forp in heore wey Langly prol. 48; in erpe Chauc. C. t. a 1896. in live Mand. 135; in pe brinke Wicl. John 21; ones in pe ^eer g. 354. inblawen injiare; inblowip ^Hnfla£\ Wicl. 1 Cor. 8. inbor^, A.Sax. inborh, hail; inboreges fpl.J horn. 2, 17. inbringen. Germ, einbringen, bring in: shal inbringe "introducet'', Wicl. deuter. 30. inbu^en inclinare; inbowe Wicl. Is. 26. inclepen invocare; inclejJe Wicl. Joel 2. inkniht, 0. H. Germ, inkneht, ^^clien8\ fragm. 2, 30. income income, d. Arth. 2009. incumen, A.Sax. incuman, O.H.Germ. in- qveman, come in; income ps. 23, 7 . infer, A.Sax. infaer, entrance, hom. 1, 231. ingjin go in; ingoende, ingoinge (part. J Wicl. Mark 16. ingang, A.Sax. O.H.Germ. ingang, introi- tus, ps. 120, 8; injong hom. 1, 203; a. r. 62; injeong La'>,. 28370. igain, O.Icel. igegn, contra, m. h. 4. inhine? Jul. 33. inlate, Germ, einlasz? inlet, yn. h. 51. inlseten, Germ, einlaszen, let in; inlate (part.) Octov. 1188. inla3e ^^sujet a la lei le rei\ rel. mit. 1^ 33. inllch, A.Sax. inllc, inly; inliche Langl. I 14, 89; inli Wicl. deuter. 2; Iloecl. I, 237. inlihten, A.Sax. inlyhtan, enlighten; in- li^tid fpart.J Wicl. 2 Cor. 4. inras ^Hrruptio\ ps. 90, 6. inread very red, a. r. 402; inred s. 8. ed. Wr. 61. inseil, A. Sax. insegele, 0. II. Germ, in- sigili, sigillum, hom. 1, 127 ; Marh. 5; inse3les fpl.J Orm. dedic. 260. insetten set in: pei schulen ben insett ^'inserontttr^\ Wicl. Rom. 11. insiht, Germ, einsicht, insight, intelligen- tia, La-^. 30497; Orm. 14398; c. I. m mnen 291 568; m. h. 2; insist treat. 132; Will. 94; a. p. 2, 1659; insight pr. c. 253; mine insihte o. a. n. 1187. inteon, Germ, einziehcn, enter: porw pe faste 3at he con fr. gon) inteo (in teo ?) c. I. 877. intil, Swed. intill, intil, JIavel. 128; Trist. 2, 24; Langl. h 13, 210; pr. c. 6644; m. h. 14; & 3eden peer intil pat hiis Orm. 6452. into into, Mark. 4, 13; Jfath. 7; a. r. 54; Orm. 635; o. a. n. 1583; Brand. 32; Mand. 7; Chauc. C. t. a 2429; li h. disc. 460; heo comen into havene La-^. 5150; from hevene into eorpe a- lihte c. I. 916; into (-= unto) ^^usque ad'\ Wiel. 1 kings 18. inpard, M.H.Germ. inwart, inward, Marh, ^ 8, 4; inpard, inpardes a. r. 92 &; 272. inpardllche inwardly, a. r. 282 ; inpard- li3 Orm. 697. inpit conscience, a. r. 2; inwit Brand. 26; Shoreh. 55; ayenh. 1 ; Langl. h 17, 278; pr. c. 5428; inwitte fdat.J Man. 155, 10. inpid inwith, intra, Kath. 172; inwip Chauc. C. t. 9818; inwith Percev. 611; a. p. 1, 969. inwrappen inwrap: inwrappe Wicl. prov. 19. in^ A. Sax. O.Icel. Goth, inn, in: (he) rad in et pan est3e1;e horn. 1, 5; ne mOste per na mon in cumen La^. 6712; (heo) god in a, r. 272; he orn in Beh. 88; dis cete danne . . . dise fisses alle in suked (insuked?) rel. ant. 1, 220. in, A. Sax. inn, O.Icel. inni, inn, domus, La.^. 14263; a. r. 260; Flor. a. Bl. 20; inne fdat.J s. s. ed. Weh. 1606; Will 1485; Trist. 2, 11; Langl. 8, 4(9, 4 J; paer he pas at inne Orm. 12739; innes fpl.J Mand. 34; m. h. 63. in-, Fr. Lat. in-; see en-. informin inform, prompt. 261. implien imply; im^\\Q\i fpres.J Chauc. Boet. 4379. in-, Fr. Lat. in-. inconvenience inconvenience, sacram. 897, ignorance ignorance, Chauc. C. t. h 482. iniquite iniquity, Chauc. C. t. h 358. innocence innocence, ayenh. 181. innocent innocent, prompt. 262. inp'acience impatience, ayenb. 67 . insutfisance insujficience, Mand. 315. inc, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. inc, fdat. ace. J you, acpco, La^. 695; Marh. 21, 33; inc, ginc, gunc Mark 1, 17 ^ 11, 2, 3; junc Orm. 4493; gunc st. gen. 2830; inker fqen.J La^. 5102; h. m. 31; \m\Qx Ravel. 1882; junker Orm. 6183; gunker st. gen. 398. incite see unche. incleu inhle, hint; incle Alis. ed. Sh. 616. inde, O.LV. inde, indigo, c. I. 712; Mand. 48. indre see inre. ine see innen. ingot, Fr. lingot, ingot, Chauc. C. t. 13156. inliC, A. Sax. inca, doubt, fear? inke fms. hinke) and age st. gen. 432. inne, A. Sax. O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, inne, Goth, inna, in, intw, a. r. 62 ^^ 280; Havel. 807; Langl. ed. Wr. 13597; Chauc. C. t. ed. TFr. 10891; Hoccl. Ill, 6; he is inne sone for3eten rel. ant. 1, 184; po he wes inne 2, 272; pulke hous . . . as seint Thomas was inne ibore Beh. 83; pat hus pat breed is inne don Orm. 3530; pe put pat he was inne iworpe Jos. 221; he wont inne Percev. 437; omp. her-, liwar-, parinne. innemeste, A.Sax. innemeste, inmost; in(n)e- maste c. I. 809. innen, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.R.Germ. O.Icel. innan, O.Fris. inna (ina), Goth, innana, in, intra, intus: innen \\mQ Mark 10, 10; innen pe fragm. 6, 12; inne gride & inne fride Xa^. 184; inne pe see p. I. 8. VIII, 42; inne, ine a. r. 20 8f 30; 292 inneste lYl ine 0. a. n. 964; ine hevene ayenh. 103. inepid a. r. 38. inucste^ A. Sax. innoste (?), intimus, Wicl. prov. 26. inue^^ A. Sax. innacT, innod, intestinum; in- nepe fdat.J horn. 1, 83 ; iuto de maidenes innede "m virginis uterum\ Hick. thes. 1, 168. iiiuien^ A. Sax. innian, inn^ in domum in- ferre, coUocare; inni Roh. 336, 14; innes fpres.J Jos. 174; inned f part. J Will. 1638; ChauG. C. t. a 2192; were our seed inned Hoccl. II, 29. inniuge^ A. Sax. innung, inning, Hoccl. II, 15. inrc, A. Sax. inra, innera, O.Icel. innri, 0. II.Germ. innero, inner, a. r. 4. innerli, Germ, innerlich, Ban. inderlig, internally, Wicl. Is. 34; in(n)erli, inder- li Man. 3195; inderli Gow. 1, 227. inrcst^ 0. II. Germ, innerost, intimus, Orm. 1017; Chauc. Boet. 3913; inreste fdat.J ps. 85, 13. ippeii see uppen. irchouii^ O.Fr. ire96n, urchin, fms. irchouon) ayenh. 142; urchon ^^ericius\ prompt. 512; urchounes fpl.J Mand. 290. ire, O.Fr. ire, ire, ayenh. 147 ; Chauc. C. t. a 1782; Rich. 3633; pr. c. 8588. Ire Hihernus; Irlond Ireland, La^. 22462; Irland Brand. 15, iren, A.Sax. iren, isen, isern, O.Fris. isern, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. O.Icel. isarn, Goth. eisarn, iron (ire), ferrum, a. r. 160; Orrn. 4129; Mand. 50; Chauc. C. t. a 3809; Lidg. m. p. 54; pr. c. 8033; irin st. gen. 467; ire treat. 135; Flor. a. Bl. 6; Ire (r. w. pise) o. a. n. 1030; Izen a- yenh. 139; Ise Alis. 5149; Irene fdat.J La^. 7831. irensmip Wicl. 1 Icings 13. iren, A.Sax. iren, Isern, iron, ferreus; Irene fpl.J Mand. 30; Irenen fdat. pi. J horn. 1, 121; Irene Lay 1019; Rich. 3981. Irisch Irish, o. a. n. 322; pa Irisce Z«3. 18059. irk fastidiosus, Man. 297, 22; m. h. 23; Flor. 1519; ant. Arth. VI, 12; Town. my St. 155; irke fpl.J Triam. 463; Isumh. 118; sacram. 917. irksum irhsome, ^^fastidiosus\ prompt. 266. irkin, M. II. Germ, erken, irh, ^^fastidire\ prompt. 266; irke Mire 526; Man. 11122; pr. c. 8918; lud. Cov. 178; erke Aud. 74; irked fpret.J Gaw. 1573; comp. for- irken. irnen see rinnen. irre, A.Sax. yrre, eorre, O.L.Germ. irre, 0. II.Germ. irrer, Goth, airzis, angry: irre fms. ire, yr) on his mode Xa). 18597; eorre a. r. 304. irre, A.Sax. irre, yrre, eorre, O.Dutch erre, anger, Ortn. 18000; eorre horn. 1, 83; a. r. 116"^'; misc. 67; urre rel. ant. 1, 175; erre Mire 1225. irsieii, A.Sax. yrsian, be angry; yrseden fpret.J Mark 14, 5. is- see es-. is, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.H.Germ. is n., O.Icel. iss m., ice, glades, horn. 1, 43; fms. ys) st. gen. 99; iis Wicl. wisd. 16; pi. cr. 436; ise fdat.J r. s. V, 142; Roh. 463, 4; Mand. 130. isikel icicle; isikles fms. ijsse ikkles) fpl.J Gaw. 732; isekeles Langl. h 17 , 227. Islond, O.Icel. Island, Iceland, La-^. 22488; Island Man. 10475. isen see iren. isle see usle. it see hit. i|»e see tide. i|»en, O.Icel. idinn, assiduus, diligens. ipenli m. h. 108; pr. e. pre/. X. ivel see uvel. iven, O.Dutch ieven, ivin, hedera; ive (= ivi?) p, I. s. XXXI, 358. ivenlef (iven lef?) s. s. ed. Wr. 181. ivi, A.Sax. ifig, O.H.Germ. ebah, ivy, "A^- ivori jugement 293 derd\ 'prompt. 266; o, a. n. 27; Wicl. Jonah 4. iviberye ivy-berry, Mand. 186. ivilef Gow. 2, 21; Chauc. C. t. a 1838. ivori, Fr. ivoire, ivory, c. I 737. ip, A. Sax. Ip, eop, 0. II. Germ, iwa, yew few J, "taxu8\ fragm. 3, 43; ew rel. ant. 1, 7; Chauc. C. t. a 2923. jailc jade, Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 14818. jagge jag, prompt. 265. jaggeii jag; jaggede fpret.J d. Arth. 1123; jaggid (part.) mir. pi. 103. jai, Fr. geai, jay, Chauc. C. t. a 642. jailer see gailer. jalilie, O.Dutch jacke, O.Fr. jaque, jack, ^'balteus\ prompt. 256. janglen, Butch jangelen, O.Fr.^ jangler,/^ V^,- jaiigelin ^'■garrire, hlaterare\ prompt. 256; jangli rel. ant. 2, 243; to jangle and to jape langl. b 2, 94; jangle fpres.J Chauc. C. t. 10534; ganglinde (part. J ayenb. 226. jangler, O.Fr. jangler, jangleur, jangler; jangelers (pi.) Langl. prol. 35. jape ^^nuga\ prompt. 257; Langl. b 20, 144; Parten. 5695; japes fpl.J Mire 61. japin, Fr. japper? "illudere\ prompt. 257; japede, japed fpret.J Langl. 1, 65 (67 ); japed (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 1729; comp. bijapen. japer "nugax", prompt. 257; japers and jangelers Langl. prol. 35. jaspe, Fr. jaspe, jasper, spec. 25. jauiiis, Fr. jaunisse, jaundice, pr. e. 700. jelous see geltis. jettin, gettin, O.Fr. jetter, getter, jactare, prompt. 192 Sf 258. jolibin, jowin job, peck, prompt. 36. jogelin, Lat. joculari, juggle, prompt. 263; jogele Langl. b 13, 232. jogelour, O.Fr. jougleour, jugleor, juggler, ayenb. 172; Langl. 6, 72 (7, 6 5 J; Chauc. C. t. 7049; jogulour "mimus, histrio', prompt. 263; jugelour p. I. s. XV, 19; juglurs (pl.J a. r. 210; jogulours Mand. 237 ; jogoleris Alis. 835. joggen, cmp. L. Germ, juckein (joggle), jog; joggep (pres.) Chauc. I. g. w. 2705; jog- ged, jugged (pret.) Langl. b 20, 133. joie, O.Fr. joie, goie, joy, a. r. 218; p. I. s. IX, 206; spec. 76; yoie Eglam. 4; joie, goie ayenb. 75 Sf 226; goie Chauc. Boet. 5218. joinen, O.Fr. jungre, join; joine a. p. 2, 726; joine (pres.) Chauc. r. r. 2355; joinep ayenb. 88; joined, joigned (part.) Langl. 2, 106 (136). joinour joiner, prompt. 264. joint, Fr. joint, joint, prompt. 264. jointure, O.Fr. jointure, jointure, junctura^ Chauc. Boet. 1207. joious, Fr. joyeux, joyous, Shoreh. 120. jol, jolle jowl (joie), ^'■capu£\ prompt. 264. jolif, O.Fr. ^olif, jolhj, a. p. 1, 841; joll Will. 3479; pr. c. 589. jornee, O.Fr. jornee, Ital. giornata, journey^ ayenb. 113 ; journee Chauc. C. t. a 2738; jurnes (pi.) st. gen. 1291. jorneieu, O.Fr. jornoier, journey; journeyed (pret.) Man. 3383. joue, jouwe, O.Fr. joue, jowe, "mandibula\ prompt. 265; Wicl. Tob. 6; joues (pi.) Mand. 107; Chauc. Boet. 323. jouel, O.Fr. jouel, jewel, ayenb. 112; juel, a. p. 1, 249; juwel s. s. ed. Wr. 281L jueler jeweller, a. p. 1, 264. jouken, O.Fr. jouquier, cov^h: jouke in her chambre Langl. b 16, 92; jouked (pret.) a. p. 3, 182. joupe, O.Fr. jupe, a sort of coat, prompt, 265; Havel. 1767. jous, Fr. jus, juice, prompt. 265. joutes potage, Langl. h 5, 158 ; Mand. 68; I. c. c. 15. juge, Fr. juge, judge, "judex", prompt. 266. jugement, Fr. jugement, judgement, p. I. s. XIII, 174; pr. c. 2802; juggement Roh 53, 22. 294 juggen kende juggen^ 0,Fr. jugier, judge, judicare, a. r. 118; jugge c. I. 419; Langl, 2, 127 fl56j; s. s. ed. Wr. 3099; jugged fpart.J Mand. 92. juise^ O.Fr. juise, judicium, p. r. I. p. 71; a. p. 2, 726. jurdan jurden, Langl . h 13, 83 ; jurdon "wr- 7ia\ prompt. 267 . juste, O.Fr. jouste, just f joust J; justes fpl.J Langl. h 17 , 74; joustes Parten. 988. j listen, O.Fr. j ouster, just f joust J, Langl. b 18, 82; juste Will. 1237. justice, Fr, justice, justice, prompt. 268; justise ILwel. 2202. justifiiii, Fr. justifier, justify, '^justijicare\ prompt. 268 ; justifie fpres. suhj.J d. Arth. 663. ka see ca. kaiser see caiser. kaiengen see chalengen. kare see care. kasteii ste cast en. kebben hi? kebbede Shoreh. 111. keccheu see cacchen. kecbel hichel, hichel, small cake, Orm. 8662; Idchel Chauc. C. t. 7329. kecheue see cuchene. keje, keye, A. Sax. cteg, O.Fris. kei, hey (keigh, kayj, Wicl. Is. 22; kei3e Shoreh. 47; g. 360; keie ''clavis^'. fragm. 3, 58; keye p. r. I. p. 230; I^angl. 6, 613 (6, 94 J; pi. cr. 30; Gow. 1, 10; Chauc. V. t. 13147; Lidg. m. p. 62; keie (dat.) 0. a. n, 1557 ; \iQjQ lu^, Cov. 31; keyen fpl.J Rob. 186, 8; kaigen Mat. 16, 19; keyes liich. 4147 ; a. p. 2, 1438; kayes Percev. 2102. kei, Fr. quai, quay (key), prompt. 269; keye g. 37 4. kei see cai. keil, O.Dutch kegel, O.R.Germ. chegil, heil, conus; cailis fpl.J rel. ant. 2, 224. kekin == kiken? keek, ^''intueri\ prompt. 269. kelde, A.Sax. cealdu, O.Fris. kelde, kalde, O.H.Germ. chalti, cold, frigus, spec. 37; clielde Alis. 5501; Langl. b 1, 23''. keldeu see caldien. ke!e», A.Sax. celan, O.Fris. kela, fro7n col, keel, refrigerare, Orm. 19584; heore purst kelen hotn. 1, 141; kelin prompt. 270; keie p. I. s. XV, 102; Chauc. c. I. 775; Lidg. m. p. 31; ant. Arth. IV, 6; I own. myst. 245; I. c. c. 6; to keie pi lust h. m. 25; kelep fpres.) Gow. 2, 360; ke- led fpart.J rel. ant. 1, 53; comp. a-, i- kelen. keif see calf. keliiig keeling, Havel. 757 ; rel. ant. 1, 85. kelk kelk, ovum; kelkes fpl.J I. c. c. 19. kelle see calle. kelp, O.Icel. kilpr? kelp, kilp? his swerd lie pulte up in his kelp /. h. r. 140. keniben, A.Sax. cemban, M. II. Germ, kem- ben, kemmen, O.Icel. kemba, from camb, kemb fcombj, pectere, a. r. 422^'; kembe Flor. a. Bl. 562; ayenb. 176; kemben fpres. J Langl. b 10, 18; kembede fpret.J d. Arth. 3351; kembed Mand. 24; kem- bed fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 2143. kembstere, O.Dutch kerastere, female comber; kemster voc. 194. kernes, A.Sax. cemes, camisia, m. h. 124; withouten kirtele or kemse Man. 122, 14. keiiipe, A.Sax. cempa, O.Fris. kempa, O.L. Germ, kempio, 0. II. Germ, chempho, cliemphio, from camp, champion, ^'miles, athleta\ fragm. 2, 26; Kath. 803; Orm. 3587; Ravel. 1036; ayenb. 50; Will. 4029; kempen fpl.J Marh. 1 ; ayenb. 45; kempen (kempes) La"^. 463 ; kempes Per- cev. 47 ; Chest, pi. 1, 259; kempene fgen. pi. J a. r. 196; comp. herekempe. ken sciens: beo nu ken Kath. 2070; pu art ... ken & icnapen 2254. ken see cun. kenchen = kinken? cachinnare, Kath. 2042; kenchinde fpart.J h. m. 17. kende see cunde. kene kepen 295 k^ne^ A.Sax. cene, O.II.Germ. chuoner, Jceen, acer, fortis, a, r. 140: Kath. W32; Ha- vel 1832; p. L s. XXI, 140; Mand. 173; Eglam. 1248; Tor. 2710; ant. Arth. XL VII, 3; s. a. c. XVII, 17; he wes swa kene La^. 1374; pit so kene o. a. n. 681; a swerd . . . |)at wel isteled and kene were c. I. 1248; pe pornes bep kene spec. 110; biforen riche & kene Or7n. 16139; kenre fcompar.J Kath. 1963; kennest fsuperl.J Lay 22662; of pan aire kennuste muc. 48. kenliche keenhj, horn. 1, 107 ; Lay 1673; rel. ant. 1, 172; kenliche, kenli, kene- li mil. 37, 162 Sf 2632; kenellche ICath. 2240; kenlukeste (superl.) Lay 26429. kenschipe La-^. 6364; Mark. 11, 18. keiiel^ Fr. chenil, kennel, prompt. 271; Gaw. 1140. keiiiien^ A.Sax. cennan, O.Fris. O.Icel. ken- na, O.L.Germ. (ant)kennian, 0. II. Germ. (ar-, bi)chennan, Goth, kannjan, from can, hen, docere, noscere, La"^. 6639; g. 43; kenne J os. 168; Gow. 1, 204; a. p. 2, 866; P^rcev. 407; Triam. 606; sacram. 460; and paim pe wai til hevin kenne m. h. 3' kenne fpres.J Mire 880; pe kenned & cnaped IiTath. 2096; heo ken- nep US care p. s. 169; kenne me ... on Crist to bileve Lang/. 1, 79 f81 J; ken- de fpret.J Brand. 2; mir. pi. 162; & pas word kende La^. 32066; ase pe an- 3el hire kende Hick. thes. 1, 226; and kende an oon pat (hit) was he s. s. ed. Wr. 2876; kenned fpart.J Will 343; kend spec. 26; sacram. 16; comp. a-, bi-, ^ekennen. keuiieii; A.Sax. cennan, O.L.Germ. kennian, O.R.Germ. (ki)chennan, gignere; kennede fpret.J horn. 2, 133; kenned fpart.J Orm. 19268; pat porgh pe h6li gOstes might kenned was rel ant. 1, 160; comp. a-, 36-, ofkennen. Kent, A.Sax. Cent, Kent, Lay 7171. Kcutisc^ A.Sax. Centisc, Kentish: mid Ken- tisce leoden Lay 7441. keorveii, A.Sax. ceorfan, 0. Butch kerven, O.Fris. kerva, carve, secare, Jul 66; ker- ven Horn 241 ; kervin ^'■scindere, sculpere\ prompt. 273; kerve Langl. 6, 106 f7 , 67 J; Chauc. C. t. 10472; a. p. 2, 1104; kervis fpres.J ant. Arth. XLVII, 6; ker- ve fimper.J I. c. c. 6; kerved Lay 6864; keorvinde fpart.J a. r. 260; kervinde a- yenh. 66; carf fpret.J Mob. 116, 6; s. s. ed. Wr. 3011; carf (karf) Chauc. C. t, a 100; karf AUs. 3629; heo c^rf (carf) him pene swiire a twa Lay 4012; kerf a. r. 398; curven' (corve) Lay 21876; corven chron. Engl 767 ; kurve fsuhjunct.J a. r. 384; corve p. I s. XVIII, 60; corven fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 2696; cor- vin Eglam. 279; here her beo ikorven a. r. 424; comp. bi-, for-, tokerven. ' kervere carver, Chauc. C, t. a 1899; g. 446; kerveres fplj Langl 10, 17 8 fll, 134j. keorfuuge carving, a. r. 344. kep keep, cura, st. gen. 939; hire sone t6 servi was alle hire kep ass. 72; jef pou nimest wel gOd keep spec. 103; take keep Chauc. C. t. a 2688; koep afi. lit. 90; kepe Shoreh. 12; Gow. 3, 187; pr. c. 381. kepen^ A.Sax. cepan, c^pan, O.Dutch kepen, keep, servare, tenere, a. r. 332; st. gen. 3378; Langl 3,' 269 f287 J; Mand. 262; pe duntes b(e)od uvel to kepen fward) horn. 1, 163; whaer he mihte pene kaei- sere iwisllche kepen f take J Lay 26184: per heo wolden kepen fwaitj 26937; ke- pin ^'■custodire, servare', prompt. 272; ke- pe spec. 36; Will 66; kepe (keepe) Chauc. C. t. a 130 ; kinemede kepe fre- ceivej Kath. 399; tO kfipe here fon wen thei to hem drowe Roh. 61, 12; to kepe him when he doun sal come pr. c. 3029: ne kepe flikej ich noht pat pu me clape 296 kepere kimlin 0. a. n. 154; of pe ne kepe f care J i no3t Beh 998; keped fawaitsj & copned pi come iLath. 2467; gode 3eme kepep Shcreh. 11; kepte fpret.J Lay 27714; & god ne kepte fms. keppte) noht of pat Orm. 3114; and kepte wel his folde ChaiiG. C. t. a 512 ; he ne kipte of hem non hure p. I. s. IX, 64; pe ontful(l)e ne kepten nout pat me dealede of hore gode a. r. 248; ml bede kepid has he "oratio7iem meam adsumpsit'\ ps. 6', 10; comp. ikepen. kepere keeper, Langl. h 12, 128; Gow. 3, 175; ChauG. C. t. a 172; kepare ^^custos, conservator \ prompt. 272. kepiiige heeping, d. Arth. 4205; keping pr. c. 4196. keppe see cappe. ker, O.Icel. kiarr, kiorr, car, locus palustris, prompt. 272; kerre? Gaw. 1431; kerres . fpl.J Man. 14574; comp. alderker. ? kerlok, A. Sax. cer-, cyrlic frapum sil- vestrej, charloch (carloch, kerlachj, ^Wa- pistrum\ HalUw. diet. 492; caiiok "^- ruca\ voG. 265; prompt. 62. kernel^ O.Fr. crenel, lattlement, a. r. 62; Flor. a. Bl. 231; carnels (pi.) c. I. 695. kernel see curnel. kerse see cresse. kertel see curtel. kerven see keorven. kessen see cussen. kesten see casten. ket, 0. Icel. kiot Frit%ner8 ordb., het (kit J, caro, rel. ant. 1, 218. kete, Z. 6^^rm. keut? keen, strong? as a king kete rel. ant. 2, 9; pe kete misc. 76; of pe Sonne . . . pe leomes beop so kete treat. 138; kete lordes Will. 330; kete men Langl. a 11, 56. ketli quickly? Will. 1986. kete see kite. ketel see chetel. ke|)eii see cuden. ke|)|>e ^ee cudde. kevel, O.Icel. kefli, kafli fhacillumj, O.Dutch csLvel (sors J, kevel fkcwlj, gag, Havel. 547; kevil, keul "camus', prompt. 274; kevil ^^camo\ ps. 31, 9; keveles lots, Percev. 1426; keviles poles? Man. 12062. keveleii, O.Icel. kefla, put a kevel on: and keviles his stede Percev. 424. keven, O.Icel. koefa? keeve, turn? keve a. p. 1, 320; keved fpart.J 980. kereren see coveren. kcx^ kix kex fkeshj, kix, Langl. h 17 , 219; kix ^^ calamus \ prompt. 277. kichel see kechel. kichene see cuchene. kid kid (kit), ^^fascis\ prompt. 274. kide, O.Icel. kid n., kid, ^^hoedus\ prompt, 274; Orm.. 7804; Chauc. C. t. a 3260; rel. ant. 2, 80; kides fpl.) st. gen. 1535, kide? kide-, kidnere ren, Wicl. exod. 29 ^ le- vit. 3; kidnere /. c. c. 10; kidenei == kidenere? kidney, vgc. 149; kednei 179. kif see cuf. kigge kidge fkedge), ^^hilaris\ prompt. 274. kiken kick; kike Wicl. deeds 9; kikide fpret.) deuter. 32. kiken^ L. Germ, kiken pret. keik, Dutch kijken pret. keek, Swed. kika, spectare: and to pe roof pei kiken and pei gape Chauc. C. t. a 3841; see keken. kikir ''tentigo\ voc. 186 ^ 246. kile^ O.Icel. k^li, kile, ulcus, voc. 224; klles fpl.) rel. ant. 1, 53. killcii see cullen. kilne see cnlne. kimc see cume. kime kime, miser? pe silli kime pi. t. 643. kimen^ L.Germ. kiimen, O.H.Germ. chuman (queri)? iklmet kimed, faint? Kath. 1298; comp. aklmen, bikemen? kimlin^ fran cumbe? kimlin, alveus, prompt. 274; kimelin, kemelin Chauc. C. t. a 3548. kin kitelinge 297 kin see cun. kiiich kinch {TcinkJ, hench, ^^fasciculus\ voe. 229. kinde see cunde. kiiidleu^ cmp. 0. IceL kynda, M. 11. Germ. ktinten, kmdle, Orm. 13442; Havel. 916; kindlin ^^accendere\ prompt. 275; kindle Cham. C. t. 13896; kindled (part.) Mand. 70. kinilleii see cundlen. kindles see cundles. kine, A.Sax. cyne, cine, roi/al, noble? kinebearn Za^. 199; kinebern Mark. 4; cunebern horn. 2, 47 . kineboren Xa^. 10098. kineburh Kath. 1883. kinedom realm, Kath. 1472; a. r. 322; Orm. 2227; Flor. a. Bl. 802; Roh. 607, 12; cunedom La^. 6096. kinejerde sceptre, Orm. 8182. \ kinehelm crown, La"^. 6766. \ kinela^erd La^^. 9831. kinering Kath. 409. kinelond Lay 183. kinelich royal: ane kinellche burh Lay 14130. kinemerke fragm. 8, 60; kinemerk Havel. 604. kinericbe realm, Kath. 182; Orm. 2236; c. I. 1416; p. s. 216; kuneriche pro- I clam. 2; kunerike Havel. 2804. I- kinesgete Orm. 2224. I kinescrud hom. 1, 193. kinesetle hom. 1, 116. kinestol La^. 4617. I kinepeode Lay 2947. kinepurtte Kath. 667; kinewurde (kine- wor|)e) Lay 13384; kineworpe c. I. 14. kinepurdliche Jul. 62. kiue see chine. kining^ A.Sax. cyning, cining, cyng, cing, O.Fris. kining, kening, kinig, kenig, 0. L.Germ. cuning, O.H.Germ. chuning, chu- nig, O.Icel. konungr, kongr, king, rex. fms. kyning) Mat. 21, 6; king Kath. 27; a. r. 138; kinges fgen.J Bek. 203; kinge fdat.J Lay 26664; kinges fpl.J Kath. 226; kinge fgen. pi. J a. r. 398; Orm. 3688; kingene Lay 24609; Langl. 1, 103 (106); comp. folc-, leodking. kingdom kingdom,. Langl. h 7, 166; Mand. 40; pr. c. 8788; m. h. 96; pane king- dom ayenh. 77. kingli kingly, Lidg. m. p. 20. kingriche realm, misc. 26; ayenh. 122; Aiis. 6981; Will. 2127; Langl. h prol. 126; kingrike d. Arth. 24; pr. c. 6780. kinken^ 0. Butch kinken, kink, anhelare: 1 laghe that i kinke Town. myst. 309; see kenclien. kip, O.Dutch kip (decipulaj? kiptre ^^telo\ prompt. 276. kippiu, 0. hutch kippen, O.Icel. kippa, kip (kepj, ^^rapere\ prompt. 276; kippe Havel. 894; i kippe ant cacclie p. s. 162; he kippis Town. myst. 90; (pai) kippe a. p. 2, 1610; kipte (pret.J st. gen. 3164; Havel. 1060; kipte heore longe knives lloh. 126, 16. kire see cure. kirf, A.Sax. cyrf, O.Fris. kerf, kerf, incisu- rar Gaw. 372. kirke see chireche. kirnc ^ee chirne. kiruel see curnel. kirtei see curtel. kissen see cussen. kistc see custe and chiste. kite, A.Sax. c^ta (buteoj voc. 29 ^ 63 , kite, "milvus\ voc. 177; rel. ant. 2, 19; dep. It. 13, 22; kite, kete Chauc. C. t. a 1179; kete ayenh. 62; like to kites (printed tokites) Halliw. diet. 879. kitelen, A.Sax. citelian(?), O.Dutch kitelen, O.H.Germ. chizilon, kittle, titillare. kitelinge, A. Sax. citelung(?), 0. H. Germ. chizelunge, kittling, titillatio, Halliw. diet. 496. 38 298 kitling lacbet kitling hitltng, ^'catellm\ prompt. 277. kitte^ O.Dutch kitte fohhaj, hit; kitt ^^mulc- trmn\ voc. 217. kiiTeii see cuden. ki|»|»e see cudde. kix see kex. knave see cnafe. knaweii see cnawen. kne see cneo. knicchc see cnurche. knif see cnif. knitten see cnutten. knotte see cnotte. kok see coc. krikc see crike. ku see cii. kun see cun. kved see owed. kvic see cwic. la, A.Sax. la, lo (la), Orm. 741; o. a. n. 1543; St. gen. 3113; 15 Kath. 2458; a. r. 158; Hob. 36, 11; Wicl. John 7; ko Lidg. rn. p. 145. labbe lah, garrulus, Chauc. C. t. a 3509. labben, O.Dutch labben, garrire; labbing fpart.J Chauc. C. 1. 10302; Parten. 3751. labour, O.Fr. labour, labour, Bel. 40; a. p. 1, 633. laborin, O.Fr. labourer, labour, ^^laborare\ prompt. 283 ; laboure Chauc. C. t. a 186. laborer, O.Fr. laboreor, labourer, Lanql. 3, 282 (298). lac, O.Dutch lack, lacke, Jacli, fault, Hick. thes. 1, 231; Havel. 191; ayenh. 62; lak ^^defectus\ prompt. 285; Rob. 412, 15; Lidg. m. p. 158; lake Octov. 1394; s. s. ed: Wr. 2146; wipoute lake Shoreh. 146; lackes (pi.) ayenb. 32; lakkes Lanql. b 10, 262. lac, A.Sax. lac w., O.Dutch lake, O.lI.Germ. lacha/.? lake, lacus, palus? pen lac (lake) of Philisteus La-^,. 1280; lak a. p. 2, 438; lake ^'lacus'\ prompt. 285; icli lea- de ham . . . i pe ladliche lake of pe suti sunne Marh. 14; lake (dat.) p. I. s. XXV, 162; Mapes 337; Chauc. C. t. 5851; Lidg. m. p. 153; lud. Cov. 309, 350 Sf 387. lac, A.Sax. lac n., Goth, laiks, O.Icel. leikr, O.lI.Germ. leich m., laih, ludus, 7nunu8, sacrifcium: heo noinen pat lac Z«). 17748; bi pat alter pas pe lac o fele ^ pise 3arked Orm. 1062; lutel loc (lac) is gode lef p. I. s. VIII, 37 ; loc "mm- nus\ fragm. 4, 56; preo kinges . . . 16k him bro3te p. I. s. XIX, 128; loac st. gen. 1798; leik Havel. 1021; Jos. 17; laik Will. 678; loveli laik was it nevere bitwene pe longe and pe shorte Langl. b 14, 243 (9388): sinful laik m. h. 58; lake (dat.) La\ 31953; brohten to lake Kath. 63; lokes (lakes) (pi.) a. r. 152; lakes, le3kes Orm. 1157 ^ 2166; laikes Min. 10; Percev. 1704; ant. Arth. XLII, 5; comp. brud-, cair-, dusi-, dweomer-, feir-, fer-, fiht-, freo-, god-, hende-, idel-, love-, meok-, reaf-, schend-, siker-, treow-, wed-, wohlac (-leic). \9ie.f\it latch ; latche, Xs^XiohQ "pessulus", prompt, 283. laccheu, A.Sax. (ge)lseccan pret. laehte, latch, capere, Orm. 12300; lacche o. a. n. 1057; Jos. 356; lacche foules Langl. 5, 199 (355); lacche me in pin amies Will. 666; lecche (subjunct.) a. r. 164"^; lahte (pret.) a. r. 102'\- Horn 249; lahte fit his tunge Marh. 9; I'dT^to, a. p. 1, 1204; laujte Langl. b 18, 324; dep. B. 13, 20; laute Havel 744; laht (part.) Orm. 11621; lagt st. gen. 3141; la3t Gaw. 156; laght Iw. 3622; lau3t Will. 671: laught Alis. 685; [lacched Man. 120, 24]; comp. bi-, ilacchen. lace see las. lacin, Fr. lacer, lace, prompt. 283; laced (pret.) Will. 1736; ilaced (part.) a. r. 420. lachet, Fr. lacet, latchet, prompt. 284; Gaw. 501. lad Iffifdi 299 lad see hlad. lar. c. 1567 ; he ne let him nout blCd a. r. 112; he let (leet) it sop Langl. h 15, 168; lat (imper.) o. a. n. 258; Langl. h 3, 73; leted a. r. 42; Isete (suhjunct.) p. I. s. VIII, 170; Orm. 4859; lete Beh 757 ; let (pret.) o. a. n. 8; st. gen. 809; Havel. 2062; Bek. 451; & let it eornen Orm. 1336; & let lihtlij paeroife 16517; sho let als sho him noght had sen Iw. 1809; leet Chauc. C. t. a 128; and leet lijt of pe lawe Langl. b 6, 170; pu le- te 0. a. n. 1308; (hi) leten Brand. 5: Alts. 3278; Rich. 3305; pe lutel leten of godes bode p. I. s. VIII, 131; [lette Lay 432; Kath. 792; a. r. 54]; leten (part.) rel. ant. 2, 273 ; lete, laten Chauc. C. t. a 4346; for a knight i may be lete Fercev. 803; laten Iw. 2423; s. s. ed. Wr. 1811; Man. 61, 18; comp. a-, for-, ilseten. IxTen, A. Sax. Isefan, 0. Fris. leva, 0. Icel. leifa, O.H.Germ. leiben, Goth, (bi)laibjan, from liven, leave, relinquere, relinqui, Lay 302 l*wed lain ^94; leaven Xath. 429; a. r. 162; le- ven Gow.- 1, 86; leevin prompt. 301; leve Will 2358; LangJ. h 15, 101; icli wole ... . mi lond leve for love of pe Beh. 39; pat he ne mijte leve per 1246; lefep f pros. J Orm. 8664; lef fimper.J a. r. 102; leve fsubjunct.J Degrev. 933; lafde (lefde) (pret.) La"^. 766; lafte Jos. 707; Langh h 20, 250 (14426 J; l^fden La^. 3909; leved fpart.J JIavel. 225; Min. 3; comp. bi-, for-, ilseven. Ijepeil, A. Sax. l^ped, lewd, laicus, Orm. 846; lewed Bel. 37 8; ayeyib. 25;^Mand. 164; ChauG. (J. t. a 574; Octov. 1715; leud "laicus, ignarus\ prompt. 301; Aud. 18; lawed m. h. 5. leudnesse lewdness, "ignoratitta\ prompt. 301. laf see hlaf. laferd, lc'ifdi3 see under hlaf. laggiii Into conspergere? prompt. 283; comp. bilaggen. la^c? comp. in-, lit-, wicTerla^e. la^e, A. Sax. lagu, law, lex, o. a. n. 969; Shoreh. 50; ayenh. 126; peos la3e La'^. 6312; on , pere aide la3e horn. 1, 87; la^he Orm. 2376; laghe pr. c. 2163; mir. pi. 175; lahe Kath. 7 80; lawe Beh. 300; Langl. 3, 156 (160); h T. 387; broper in lawe Alis. 4399; fadir in la- we "socer\ prompt. 145; lane And. 39; laje (pi. J Hide, tlies. 1, 223; pa ten la3e horn. 1, 11; lape p. I. s. VIII, 156; lawen La-^,. 1167; c. I. 167 . lajheboc law-hook, Orm. 1953. lawebreche breach of law, Wicl. Is. 1. Ia3eliche legitime, rel. ant. 1, 131 ; la3he- llke Orm'. 2374. lajc^ A. Sax. O.L.Germ. lagu, O.Icel. logr, lay, lacus; laie, leye Arth. a. Merl. 5306 . Sf 9486; lai Gow. 2, 5; lauen (dat. plj Alis. 3856. leyven (la3efen) palus, La\ 22835; leiven (printed leinen) Mark. 14, 11; h. m, 33, 5; leievenne (dat.J a. r. 328. leimure a. r. 328^. latere lawyer; lawere, law3er prompt. 290; lawyeres (pi.) Langl. 7 , 59 (8, 62). la^ieii^ A. Sax. lagian, mahe a law, ordain; lahede (pret) Kath. 1213. la^ien^ O.Dutch log-en, low, lower; la3hen Orm. 2639; 103! ayenh. 28; 16 win "hu- 7niliare\ prompt. 315; lowep (pres.) Gow. 3, 295; pe Sonne lowep Alis. 5746; M- wes pr. c. 8505; lo3e pe Shoreh. 107; lowed (pret.) Will. 695; lopudest a. r. 190; lo3ed (part.) a. p. 2, 1650; lawed pr. c. 8522. lah, A. Sax. lah(?), O.Icel lagr, O.Dutch lag, leg, O.Fris. leg, law, humilis, gr. 15; Orm. 15246; laih (loh) La^. 986. I63 BeL 1783; spec. 73; Shoreh. 145 atjenh.105; a I03 {l6\y) Langl. h 12, 234 bi loogh helow, a. p. 2, 116; lonh a. r. 140; law Mill. 20; nug. poet. 17; low treat. 136; pe la3e (lowe) La^. 22135; pe la3he leod Orm. 9319; lahe (adv.) Marh. 12, 31; la3e, lOwe 0. a. n. 1456; lawe Em. 323; lawe (pi.) Havel, 2767; lahre, lah3hre (compar.) Orm. 2664 ^" 13270; lopure a. r. 380; la3hest (su- perlatj Orm. 15247; laheste Marh. 14, 34. 16311 lowly, a. p. 2, 614; 16wli Chauc. a t. a 99. 16uhnesse lowness, a. r. 27 8 ; I63nesse a- yenh. 246; I6wnesse prompt. 314. louhschipe humilitas, a. r. 358. lahe see la3e. lahhen see hlahhen. lahter see hlahter. lai^ O.Fr. lai, lay, cantus, hom. 1, 199; layes (pi.) Langl. 8, 66 (9, 57). lai, O.Fr. lai, lay: lai feo Bek. 556. * lai see lei. laik, laiken see lac, lakien. lain, lainen see lein, leinen. lair land 303 lair, O.Icel. leir, laivj lutum, Ilalliw. did. 602. laiten, 0. Icel. leita, cmp. A. Sax. platian fintuerij, Goth, vlaiton (TtsptpXsTtso^aO, P^ hit, quaerere: laite Iw. 237 ; Trist. 3, 69; Alex. lo2; Percev. 265: to le3ten & to seken Orm. 3467; laites fpres.J Gaw. 356; pr. c. 7635; laitand f part. J ps. 23, 6; laited fpret. part.) a. p. 2, 1768. lai|> see lad. lak, lake see lac. lake, O.L.Germ. lacan, O.H.Germ. lachan, linteum, Ilalliw. diet. 602; Chauc. C. t. h 2048. lakeii, A. Sax. lacan pret. leolc, lee, Goth. laikan p7'et. lailaik, O.Icel. leika pret. lek, salire, currerc: Ardiir him laec to La^. 21269; hit laec toward hlrede folc uni- mete 28522. lakien, O.Fris. lakia fimpugnarej, O.Dutch I'dcken fvituperare, deficere), from lac, lacTi dejicere: hem gan dat water laken st. gen 1231; lakkin "vituperare\ prompt. 286 lakke Mand. 214; s. a. c. XVIII, 1 to lakke his chaffare Langl. h 6, 132 I hem sholde lakke no liflode 11, 280 lakes fp-es.J pr. c. 797; pat lacede jeu hom. 1, 233; lakkede Chauc. C. t. a 766. lakien, M. II. Germ, leichen? /row? lac? laih, ludere, sacrificare: to peopten god & la- ken Orm. 973; als if he polde lejken C^ Icel. leika = laken) 12044; lake mir. pi. 139; whan pai wil ani man lake s. s. ed. Web. 1212; al so he wolde with hem leike Ravel. 469; laike Langl. h prol. 172; laikez fpres.J a. p. 2, 872 laiked fpret. J Will. 1026; Gaw. 1564 laikid m. h. 71; lakeden Orm. 7430 leikeden Havel. 954. lam, A.Sax. lam, 0. Dutch lem, O.H.Germ. leim, loam, lutum, m. h. 1; lame nug. poet. 39; pu makedest mon of lame Jul. 60. lamb, A.Sax. O.Icel. Goth. O.L.Germ. O.II. Germ, lamb, lamb flomhj, agnuts, Orm. 1312; m. h. 46; pet lamb (yenh. 232; lamb (lomb) Chauc. C. t. b 469; lomb Marh. 12; a. r. 304; Mand. 264; Man. 1692; lombe fdat.J ayenb. 236; lambre fpl.J Orm. 13329; lambren ayenb. 139; Langl. b 16, 200; WiclJohn21; Lidg. m. p. 169. lame, A.Sax. lama, O.L.Germ. lamo, O.Icel. lami, O.Fris. lam(a), loma, O.H.Germ. lamer, lame, ^^claudus\ prompt. 286; o. a. n. 1732; Havel. 1938; an. lit. 7; Lidg. m. p. 226; lome L^^. 30777. lami, O.H.Germ. leimiger, loamy, h. m. 47. lamien, A.Sax. lemian, O.H.Germ. lemen, O.Icel. lemja, lame, claudam facere; lamin prompt. 286; lamede fpret.) d. Arth. 4302; lamed fpart.j Havel. 2765; Man. 1836; comp. alamien. lampe, Fr. lampe, lamp, Marh. 20; lompe aye7ib. 232; lampen fpl.J p. I. s. XIIl, 121. lampreie, Fr. lamproie, lamprey. Itoh. 442^ 18. lance, Fr. lance, lance. Bob. 137 , 12; laiin- ce Jos. 264. launchin, O.Fr. lancier, lanch, pi'ompt. 290; launcep [pres.J pi. cr. 661 ; lancen Gaw. 626; l^imcQOi-fpret.J Will. 2765. laud, A.Sax. O.Fris. land, lond, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. Goth, land, O.H.Germ. lant, land, la7id f lond J, terra, Iw. 1023; pr. c. 1404: m. h. 98; pat land Orm. 7092; pet land pet he halt of his Ihorde ayenb. 19; lond a. r. 208; Havel 64; Will. 2761; Langl, 4, 131 fl48j; Mand. 6; Aud. 1; pat lond Lay 241; o. a. n. 999; Roh. 38, 2; se pide se pe lond pas Kath. 49; water and lond st. gen. 103; laiide fdat.J Percev. 208; londe c. I. 664; ayenb, 37; a. p. 1, 936; loande proclam. 6; lond, londes fpl.J Lay 6226 ^ 28022; comp. ei-, kineland. * 304 lande lanke lond'ouggere Langl. I W, 307. londfolc La^. 30930; o. a. n. 1158; Rob. 173, 12. londgavel La-^. 7789. londtilie La^. 14850.' londuvel a. r. 360. laude^ O.Fr. lande J)ie% wh.^ 199, lawn flaundj; laiinde '^saltus', prompt. 291; a- yenh. 216. landien^ A. Sax. landian, land; londe ^^ap- pello, applico\ prompt. 312; landed /'^^r^.y Isumb. 231. laiie^ O.Fris. lane, lone, lane f lone J, ^'vicu- lus\ prompt. 286; Rich. 4373; pr. c. 8919; lone a. p. 1, 1065; lanes fpl.J voo. 165; Chauc. C. t. 12586; lanes, lo- nes Langl. 2, 192 (216). laiie^ A. Sax. Isen, 0. Fris. len, 0. Icel. len, Ian, O.n.Germ. lehan, loan, commodatum; lane (leane) horn. 1, 257; lOne a. r. 208; p. I. s. XVir, 479; ayenl. 35; Gow. 2, 284; Chauc. C. t. h 1485; rel. ant. 1, 113; Amad. ed. Rohs. XXXVIII, 10; loone, lene Zangl. b 20, 284. lanerc, Fr. laniere, lanner, lorum, ^'Uguld\ prompt. 286; laineres, lanieris fpl.J Chauc. C. t. a 2504. laug, A.Sax. O.Fris. lang, long, O.L.Germ. lang, O.Icel. langr, O.H.Gerni. langer, Goth, laggs, Lat. longus, long (lang), Orm. 15210; ayenl. 99; s. s. ed. Web. 55; Iw. 1479; pr. c. 632; long La^. 6366;' Kath. 518; o. a. n. 754; Havel. 987; spec. 35; a long (? along =r and- long) in longum? Langl. 5, 124 (210); long ant. Arth. XXXVII, 9; pene dsei longe Lay 5668; alle longe niht 28000; 0. a. n. 331 ; al pe longe yeer Lidg. m. p. 152; al pe 3er longe o. a. n. 790; lange (adv.) Orm. 1264; m. h. 72; longe a. r. 268; Bel. 10; ayenb. 205; Octav. 130; longne (ace. m.) Lay 287; lenger (compar.) Chauc. C. t. a 330; pr. c. 3932; Icngre (adv.) Kath. 810; a. r. 8; Orm. 13163; lengre ipo- lien Lay 471; lenger ayenb. 56; Will. 633; IIoccl. I, 288; pe lenge pe mCre Alis. 5864; leng o. a. n. 42; Bek. 161; na leng libben Lay 11015; nO leng a- bide Irist. 3, 28; comp. an(d)lang. langmod ^Uonganimis\ ps. 102, 8. lon(g)sum, A.Sax. langsum, O.H.Germ. langsamer, longsome, longus, horn. 1, 107 . lang = ilang? long (lang), pertinens: al Cristene folkes hald is lang o Cristes helpe Orm. 13377; long Chauc. C. t. 12858; mi lif is long on pe spec. 29. laiigage^ Fr. langage, language, Bek. 142. lange longitude? to pere worlde longe Lay 15835. langien^ A.Sax. langian, longian, O.Dutch 0. H. Germ, langen, long, prolongari, por- rigere, pertingere, desiderare; langen Orm. 19364; him gon longen (longye) Lay 18803; d9e3es gunnen longen (longi) 30627 ; longien him to lette his madmes 30896; \oi\gie Shoreh. 1 23 ; longen Chauc. C. L a 227 8; longin ^^pertinere, desidera- re', prompt. 312; longed (pres.) Kath. 1915; hin longep o. a. n. 890; me lon- gep him tO se Rob. 289, 2; longip Alis. 139; pat pertil longes Havel. 396; lon- gede (langede) (pret.) Lay 10124; lon- gede Beh. 45; longed a. p. 1, 144 ^ 2, 17 47 ; longeden c. I. 1340; longed (part.) Will. 4570; comp- a-, bi-, for-, oflangien. languissen^ Fr. languir^ languish; languissed (pret.) Man. 9550; languishide Wiel. Dafi. 8. langour^ Fr. langueur, languor, ayenb. 93; Will. 9W. longunge^ A.Sax. langung, longing, a. r. 190; longinge spec. 28; longing Gow. 3, 309. lanke^ 0. Butch lanke, O.H.Germ. lancha, lank (Ionic), Iambus: stiches i pi lonke h. m. 35; and leip (h)is leg o lonke p. s. 156. lanterne hlsten 305 laiiteriK'^ Fr. lunterne, lantern, Flor. k. Bh 23H; ayenh. lOf); IVicI. Mot. /A lap see lilap. lapieii^ A. Six, lapian(V), 0. Dutch lapeu, OJI.Germ. laffan, lai?; Jape Langl. 5, 207 (363): (t. ]). 2 J 1434: lappiu ''hmhere\ prompt. 287 : lappej) fpres.J Gov;. 3, 215; lapiden (pret.) ]Vicl. Judges 7 . laiipi'; A. Sax. 0. Fris. 0. II. Germ, lappa, lap, lacinia, '^ora'\ fragm. 1, 30; prompt. 287; p. r. I p. 227; Langl. h 2, 30 (\' ■ JOy 260; Chauc. 0. t. a 686; G aw. 036; and loyde (hit) nppe his lappe La^. 30261^'; |)e lappc of oiire lOverdes clo])(e) p. I. . 0. Icel. leidr, 0. II. Germ, leider, loath (loth), molestus, odiosus, Mark. 14; lad (I5p) La>,. 244; lap Orm. 4140; Iw. 135; Mapes 360; lod a. r. 168; st. gen. 369; lop Will. 6201; ich pas him lop 0. a. n. 1088; loth Havel. 261; loop, loth Langl. b 9, 67; be him lop (looth) or leef Chauc. C. t. a 1837; laip h. s. 663; leith Aud. 31; pe lathe Lazare Town. myst. 248; pe lope gost p. I. s. VIII, 136; lope (pi.) Ilmm, ed. Lum. 1060; laithe m. h. 61; oure laith(e) sinnes a. p. 3, 401; lodre (compar.) a. r. 266; ladest (superl.) M.arh. 3; lodest a. r. 296; comp. ilad. ladlic, A.Sax. ladlic, O.II.Germ. leidll- cher, loathly, gr. 42; ladllch (lOpllch) Lay 4674; lodlic st. gen. 749; lodllch a. r. 118; o. a. n. 32; lopli WiU. 60; s. s. ed. Wr. 3207; Tor, 963; lOthli ^^ahoniinahilis\ prompt. 314; lodli Mapes 339; lodliche (adv.) c. I. 1136; ladli- che (pi.) Lay 1884; ladliche fend p. I. 8. VIII, 141; \k^\ik^(iY (compar.) Lay 15967; loplokest (superl.) Alls. 6312. lodlichhede ayenh. 203. lothsiim, O.II.Germ. leidsamer, loathsome, ^^ahominahilis\ prompt. 314. laff, A.Sax. lad, O.L.Germ. leth, O.II.Germ. leid, molestia, iyijuria: pat lad La^. 16073; lap Orm. 11887; lath Ilav.el. 76; he lie wile us dou non lod rel. ant. 1, 218; lop chron. Vilod. 92; Percev. 1936; avow. Arth. LVII, 3; lope (dat.) o. a. n. 1146; wipoiiten lope /. h. r. 139. lodleas, A.Sax. ladleas, a. r. 188. ladspail (r. -spel), A.Sax. ladspell. Lay 20808. laitc see hlade. laitieii, A.Sax. ladian, O.Fris. lathia, ladia, O.Icel. lada, 6^0^^. lapon, O.II.Germ. la- don, lathe, invitare. Lay 6673; ladied (pres.) a. r. 144; lapez (imperat.) a. p. 2, 81; ladede (pret.) Lay 14427; comp. jeladien. laiticii, A.Sax. ladian, O.Icel. leida, O.II. Germ, leiden, loathe; ladin Jul. 16; ladi h. m. 9; 15 pin, lothiu ^'ahominari, detesta- ri\ prompt. 316; lope Rob. 32, 9; ])at us lopep (lotheth) pe lif Langl. b prol. 156; lodie (subjunct.) a. r. 324; leode- de (pret.) Lay 6096; loped Alis. ed. Sk. 336; comp. aladien. laitiiessej 0. H. Germ, leidnissa, loathness, hom. 1, 96; lodnesse a. r. 310. 14dde leap 307 laiTife^ A. Sax. l&ddu, hatred, enmity, La"^. 2328; Intel me is of oper luve leasse of oper biclde Jul. 27; prappe & lappe Orm. 5451; much el ledde to hire sunne horn. 2, 141; lape Havel 2^76; lope Shoreh. i)7 ; lepe m. h. 81. laiTuiige^ A. Sax. ladnng, lathing, invitatio, convocatio, horn. J, 93; ladung^ (lapinge) La^. 5115. laiiiidc see lande. Itive, A. Sax. Ikf, ^O.Fr is. lava, O.L.Germ. leva, O.Icel. leif, Goth. O.lI.Germ. leiba, from liven, lave, reliquum: iias per na mare ... to lav© La^. 28583; loave a. r. 168. liiYCdi see under hlaf. laveii^ Fr. laver? lave: to lave & to kest(e) a. p. 3, 154; pe deu of grace upon me lave spec. 72; lavede fpret.J Percev. 2250; hie his fet lavede mid hire hOte teres horn. 2, 143; he lavede a sweote La'^. 7489; it lavede a blode rel. ant. 1, 144; laved (part. J Langl. h 14, 5; comp. bi- laven. laveiiilere launder, spec. 49; lavender Chauc. I. g. IV. 358. laYeiiilrie laundry, Langl. h 15, 182, lavcril see hlaford, under lilaf. laveroc fee larke. lavour^ Fr. lavoir, laver, rel. ant. 1, 7; la- voures f"pl.J pi. cr-^ 196. law see lah. lawe see la^e. lawc see hlawe. lax, A. Sax. leax, O.Icel. lax, O.lI.Germ. lahs, salmon, Havel. 754; p. s. 151; lex fragm. 3, 21. lazar laz^ir, Chauc. C. t. a 242. le see hleow. leac, A.Sax. leac, O.Dutch lok, O.Icel. laukr, O.H.Germ. louch, leek; leek ^^porrum\ prompt. 295; Langl. 5, 65 (82); Chauc. C. t. a 3879; comp. car-, crowe-, gar-, hem-, hoi-, hous-, pel-, schinlek (-lok). kail, A.Sax. lead, Dutch lood, M. II. Germ, lot, lead, plumbum, lebes plumbeus, perpen- diculum; l&d (leod) La\ 5692; Had a- yenh. 141; led Havel. 924; spec. 83; leed Hand. 75; s. a. c. XII, 11; leade fdat.J ayenb. 150; lede Langl. 5, 600 (6, 81); Chauc. C. t. a 202. leaf, A.S'ix. leaf, O.Fris. laf, O.Dutch lof, O.Icel. lauf, O.lI.Germ. laub n., Goth. laubs m., leaf, Jolium, Marh. 1; leaf, liaf ayenb. 230 Sf 232; lef treat. 137; lef (leef) Langl. b 3, 337; lef, leef, lief Chauc. C. t. a 3177; leaf (pi.) La^. 46; treo pe bered lef & blosman horn. 1, 109; leaves ayenb. 57; Isefes Orm. 13737 . lefsel, Sited, lofsal, Dan. lovsal, botver of leaves, a. p. 3, 448; lef-, leef-, levesel Chauc. C. t. a 4V61; lefsal ant. Arth. VI, 5. leafe see leave. lea^e, A.Sax. Jeah, O.Dutch loge, O.lI.Germ. louga, lye (ley, lee); le3e ayenb. 145; lei he misc, 193; leye, lie ^Hixivium", prompt. 294; lie ^'■lixivurn\ rel. ant. 1, 8. leahtcr see- hlahter. Ifjil, leel, O.Fr. leal, loyal, Man. 5924; lei Will. 5119. lealle, O.Fr. lealte, loyalty, spec. 53; leaute, \q\M' Langl. 3, 273 (289). lean, A.Sax. loan, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ, lOn, O.Fris. Ian, O.Icel. Goth, laun, 7ner- ces, praemium: fire swinkes lean misc. 60; lien Orm. 1518; pat l«n La:^. 16691; len st. gen. 2838; ]an horn. 1, 163; Kath. 806; lien p. I. s. VIII, 32; rel. ant. 1, 183; comp. edlen. leaiie see Irene. leap, A.Sax. leap, O.Icel. laupr, leap; leep ^'sporta, corhis, nassa^\ prompt. 296; '■^ftscel- lam\ Wicl. exod. 2; lepe (dat.) o. a. n. 359; s. a. c. ed. Wr. LXIX, 9; lepes (pi.) Rob. 265, 9; lepus Aud. 81; comp. bread-, fisch-, sedlep. leap, leapen see hleap, hleapen. 308 leas leggeii Icas^ A. Sax. leas, O.Fris. lutj, O.L.Gcrm. los, 0. 11. Germ, losor, GoUi. laus, O.IciL lauss, from leoseii, false, Mark. Id, 20; les Ilol 160, 0: Mich. 3230; p. s. 214; s. sJ cd. Wr. 2470; rel ant. 1, 123; leea "falsus\ irrompt. 206'; spec. 40; c. T. 1086; Chuic. r. r. cS; leas fsuhst.J a. r. 82; Shoreh. Ill; les Lidfj. d. Th. 1777; ])1 lease pit Kath. 1010; buten lesc La^^. 281o0; lease fplj p. I. s. nil, 120; Lay 7dl; lease spefnes a. r. 268; lese a. p. 2, 17 10; lese por- ' des 0. a. n. 7 56; cojiip. are-, berd-, care-, eude-, fader-, g-ruiid-, jeme-, lielp-, herte-, lif-, milit-, mOder-, iiead-, r&d-, reclie-, sak-, witleas. leasiiuge^ A.lSax. leasuug, leasing-, lea 'my, mendacium, hom. 1, 220; a. r. 82; lesiii- ge La}. 2060; Langl. h 4, Id; leesinge prompt. 208; lesiiig o. a. ii. 848; Chauc. C. t. 12407: Odor. 1660; pr. c. 4274; And. 27. leare, A.Sax. leal", Jl.Il.O'ejm. loube, krirr, jpermissio. La}. 4870; a. r. J6; lete Onn. 10220; Isumh. 142; leve ""liccntia\ prompt. 300; d. gen. 784; Fhr. a. BL 0; LarujI. h 18, 264; Tor. 440; icli . .. uime lo- ve 0. a. n. 457; leve, leeve Chauc. C. t. a 1210: live s. s. ed. Wr. 156.8; rch. Line, 6; conip. ilcave. leiTiil licitus, tv. a. i. 22; lecf-, Icevcful Wicl. Ltihe 6. leave^ A. Sax. leafaf?), fhejUef fides, Kath. 386; Shoreh, 143; liefo Orm. 16800; leve reJ. ant. 1, 131; Man. 247, 14; comp. oi-, ileave. leafful faithful, luith. 1038; Icfefful La-,. 10854; Orm. 10242; lefful d. r/en. 3447. leaflldi credible; levelilc ^^6-. 02, 5; comp. imleaflich. lea veil see lie v en. leavieii^ O.H.Germ. louben, leaf (leave); le- vi p. I. s. XV, 126; leaved (part.) st. gen. 3830; leved Will. 22; LinrjI. b 15, 05. leche^ leclien see l^eche, Icbchen. lechci'ie^ O.Fr. lecherie, lecherg, d. gen. 3510; p. I. s. IX, 140; ayenh. 0. lecherous lecherous, ayenh. 111. leelioiir^ 0. Fr, lecheour, lecher, treat. 133; leckurea (pi.) hom. 2, 20. leil see lead. leil, ledo see leod. Iciliire see liladdre. ^ leediii^ M.U.Gcrm.. keten, from lead, ^'■plum- bare', prompd. 202; ileaded (part.) a. r. 418. led en see Iseden. leileiie^ A.Sff.r. leden-, Ijdon, lidden, lingua, serm'j, c. I. 32; ledene, lednc Lungl. b 12, 253; leddcn a. p. 1, 877; mir. pi. 0; ledene (d:(t.) Jl/rh. 23, 6; ledene, leodene a. r. 136 ^' 170; ledne, lidne Vhaae. V. t. 10740. lee^ Fr. ligiie. It. lega? Ija: lee of tlirede '^(igaturd", prompt. 201 . lee see hleow. lef see leaf and leof. lefdi see under hlaf. lefc te<^ leave. lefeii see lOven. left^ lef ten sec luft, luften. leg, O.Icel. leggr (eras), leg, ''■tibia', prompt. 203; yilis. 1808; ]Qggeii (2)1.) Lay 1876'' (the frst text has sconken); Rob. 338, 5; treat. 130; Chauc. C. t. a 3267; ])e- 3es degges fet ant al spec. 52. lege see lige. legge, 31. II. O'er ni. locke, from li3en, ledge, prompt. 203. leggeii, A. Sax. lecgan, 0. II. Germ. Icggen, O.L.Gcrm. leggian, O.Icel. leggja, Goth. lagjan, from li3en, lay, poncre, Lay 8102; Kath. 773; a. r. 346; Orm. 5007; legge Bek. 2278; Langl. b 2, 34; Chauc. C. t. a 3037; lein llavel. 718; promjft. 204; leve Mapes 341 ; and say fi knight legistre leiten 309 le3'(c) liiiii oil wij) A .svverde Knhun. 4lf>; \m kist ICclh. lHi)f); (lio) leicd, lout a. r. 212 t\- :^cS6; (pe) logged p. I. s-. nil, J^yj; pei loggij) AHh. (j(J02; leide fpret.J La^. 'J 8; Flw\ 740; sclio leide liiir doiiiie be ))e childe Odav. »V6'6'; le^de Orm. 1334; leiden Kath. 22^)2; heo leiden tO giulore Z^^. '')d()4; le3d (part.) Orm. 3401; leid st. tjcn. 242(); eonip. a-, bi-, ileggen. legistiT, O.Fr. legistre,. kf/id; legistres fplj Lamjl. 7, od fS, 62/. legiiiiij Fr. legion, legion, Lcr^. 0024. le^e, from li3eii? % i^^eej, nova/is; leye Man. h'983; mi loud leye li[) p. k 162; lay(e) novale, prompt. 285; Tor. 10' f); eryeii bin lei^es (leyes) Lanr/I. 7, -1 {8, 5J. ley! and leij-lmid. Town, nii/st. 101. le^e me lii~e. le^c^ 0./«V. leiga, uierces; \(i~\ie Orm. 0'234. Ic3beman mercenarius, Orm. 6222. le^eii, A. Sax. legan. M. II. Germ, bnigeii. from lei. inilamc; iiO^ed (part.) rel. ant. ], 266. le)eii see 1003011. leh? leihtuii,, A. Sax. leahtuii voc. 285. lehtuii Bout. ev. gloss., leactun(?) Bosw. diet., laighton, hortm, misc. 45; labtoiiii rel. ant. J, 264. lehc .see blawo. leh^eii see lilablieii. iehter, A. Sax. leabtor, from A. Sax. lean, Goth, laian, O.L.Germ. OJI.Germ. laban,- vice; j)esno lebtor horn. 1, V37 ; lebtros (pi ) 2, 53. lehttT see hlabter. lei, O.Fr. lei? kx, Kath. 321; lay misc. 153; St. gen. J201 ; c. I. 240; Shoi'eh. 122; L T. 383; mir. pi 201. lei, A. Sax. leg, 15^g, lig, 0,11. Germ, long, flame, Kath. 1412; pone ley Jul. 66; leie 27. I. s. VIII, 140; r. 's. V, 236; 10130 Mape8 338; leye Lang\ b 17,207; lie Brand. 23; liglie Alis. 3458; leie (dat.) a. r. 202; leios (pl.j horn. 1, 41; p. r. I. p. 85. leie see la3e a^id I1130. leieii, loin see loggeu. leik, leiken see lac, lakien. leiii, O. II. Germ, loiigen m., lougna /., O. IceJ. lann /., denial, Amad. ed. Web. 511; laine (dat J m. Arth. 1964; witboiite lain 3Iirc 810. leiiieii, A. Sax. legnian(y), lygnian, O.lceJ. leyna, O.L.Germ. logneau, 0. II. Germ. lougnan, Goth, laugiijan, lain, negarc, ce- hre; laine Will. 006; Iw. 703; Perc^v. 1041); m Arth. 080; bore lifludo lignod hem selven Jtom. 2, 31 ; leiiios a. r. 3/4'^'; lained (part.) a. p. 1, 244; comp. a-, forleinen, leiiiteii, A.Sax. longten, lencten, lent, "rer\ fragm. 3, 4; La"^. 30626; a. r. 70; leinto Bob. 187, 8; lenten Orm. 8801; ayenh. 01; LaniJ. b 20, 359; m. h. 122. leintontTme Jiom. 1 , 25. leiu]>e see loiigpe. leir, A.Stx. leger, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ. legar, leger, O.Icel. logr n., Goth, ligrs m., loir (layer), c ihih, Wart. hist. 3, 330; layore (d:(t.) d. Arth. 2293. leirstowe sepulcher, La^. 22874. Leirchestre, A.Sax. LDegreceastor, Ldevdcr, prod. 9; Leicostro Kob. 2, 21. leiser, O.Fr. leisir, leisure, Jos. 164; Man. 2753. leit, A.Sax. leget, lyg'et, liget, fulgur, hom. 1, 43; Gow. 3, 94; 3iand. 292; Wid denier. 32; lei3t Boh. 308, 8; lait a- yenb. 66; Gaxv. 199; leite (dat.) Lay 25599; a. r. 306; Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. p. 169. ' leiteu, A.Sax. legettan(r>), Goth, laiibatjan, 0. II. Germ, lougezen, falgurare, flammare, a. r. 202; Jul. 66; leited (pres.) Marh. 13; leite (subjunct.) Gow. 3, 95; leitinde 310 lek leod f'part.^ horn. 1, 185; leitedo floret. J La\ IHdSd; Kath, 671; Mtid s. s. ed. Wr. 2228. lek see leac. leme see lim. lenie^ lemien see leome, leomieii. lemniau tee leofman. lencheii see hlenclien. leiiile, A.Sax. lend, lenden, O.IceL lend, 0. Dutch lende, 0. II. Germ, lenti, lend, ''Hum- hus\ prompt. 2^6; Orm. 4776; leende Wicl. gems. 46; lenden fpl.J Mark, 18; Skoreh. 44; oyenh. 236; lendes Orm. 3211; Chauc. C. t. a 3237 ; lenden fdat. pi. J a. r. 280. lendbon rel. ant. 1 , 216. leiuleii^ A. Sax. lendan, M.II.Germ. lenden, O.Icel. lenda, /row land, arrive, reside, Orm. 2141; Jos. 81; lende Havel. 733; c. I. 304; Will. 1466; Iw. 1440; m. t. 8; Tor. 2600; in Acris gunne pay len- de Isumb. 608; here i may no lenger lende m. Arth. 66 o; lende (pret.) J)e- grev. 1660: neli him he heom Isende (lende) Zr^. 1980. leiie see Igene and laue. leiieii see Itenen. leiigt', O.Dutch leng-e, linge, ling, asellus, ^'lucitis", prompt. 206; Havel. 832. Iciige, A.tiax.lQw^w, O.H.Genn. lengi, froiii lang-, longitudo; lenghe rel. ant. 2, 281; a. p. 1, '416. leiigeii^ A. Sax. lengan, 0. II. Germ, lengen, O.Icel. lengja, from lang, prolong, delay, remain: }ji lif lengen rel. ant. 1, 186; lenge Havel. 1734; ayenh. 173; Jos. 162; Will. 6421; Langl. 1, 186 (207 J; a. p. 1, 261; Amad. ed. Robs. XXVIII, 6; lenge and lende m.. Arth. 3276; len- ges fpres.J Degrev. 1340; lengden fpret.J pi. cr. 370; com p. ilengen. Iciigite, A. Sax. O.Icel. lengd, O.Dtdchlewgde, length flenfhj, longitudo, hom. 1, 261; on lengde it sal him rewen rel. ant. 1, 221; lengpe o. a. n. 174; in leng}3e (lenthe) and in brede Langl. h 2, 88; lengthe prompt. 206; lenkpe s. s. ed. Wr. 2696; leinjje chron. Engl. 26; lenpe a. p. 2, 426; lenthe pr. c. 6899. leiig|>cii lengthen; lengpe Will. 967; i wol- de have lengped his lif Langl. h 18, 300. leiiieu see hleonien. leiiteii see leinten. lentil, Fr. lentille, lentil, st. gen. 1488. leo, A. Sax. 0. II. Germ. Lat. leo, lion, rel. ant. 1, 126; leo, le Orm. 6834 ^- 6978; leo, leon, Wwa. Lay 1463, 4086 ^^ 28068; leon Roh. 302, 13; leun rel. ant. 1, 208; Havel. 1867; leun, liun a. r. 120 Sf 164; lioun ayenb. 14; leones, leunes (gen. J Orm. 6827 Sf 6027; liunes Ifath. 1847. leod, leode, A. Sax. leod, O.Fris. liod, 0. L.Germ. liiid /., O.Icel. liodr, \f(h m., O.H.Germ. liut m. n., populus, gens; leo- de, lede, led Orm. 7166, 7446 Sf 11313; over al pas leode Ln^. 2064; leod (leo- de, lede) homo, Langl. 6, 622 f6, 6 J; leude, lede Gaw. 126 Sf 676; lede Flor. 716; Octav. 1469: ant. Arth. XXII, 6; hied p. s. 166; liid Will. 462; leo- des fgen.J JIarh. 20, 8; pisses ledes king Lay 9666; leode fdat. J Orm. 637 1 ; pe king wes on leode Lay 3877; i pisse- re leode 4807; in lede Octav. 183; m. Arth. 663; mir. pi. 163; in 3on leede a. p. 2, 772; leode fpl.J homines, Orm. 3237; leode nere par nane Lay 1118; pa leoden (leode) 1784; wolde ye ml leode lusten eiire lOverde rel. ant. 1, 171; lede Man. 7346; his lond and his lede (leede) Gam. 71; liide Gaiv. 133; lith(e) Havel. 2616: leoden fragm. 6, 14; leodes p. s. 160; Jos. 168; ledes p. 66, 2; ledes, hides Will. 196 Sf 390; lithes d. Arth. 994; pere leodene king Lay 892; leof heo wes pon leoden 3234; inne feole leoden fgentibusj 8320. leodqvide Lay 2914. leodisc leoht 311 leodking Z^). 6'67. leodllc, 0. II. Genu, liutllcher, popular is: pat leodliche folc Lay 14698. leodrune Lay 14363. leodscome Lay 26297 . |j leodspel Lay 16757. p- leodswike Lay 12942. leoddeau Lay 2069. leodisc %)opularis, La^, 2144; ledisch a. p. 2, 1666. leof, A. Sax. leof, O^L.Germ. liof, O.Fris. liaf, O.Icel. liufr, O.H.Gcrm. liober, liu- ber, Goth, liubs, lief fleefj, carus, gratus, Lay 344; a. r. 260; Bek. 37; leof, lef Orm. 733 Sc 2366; leof, l(e)of o. a. n. 203 ^^ 1277; lief horn. 2, 7; luef rel. atit. 1, 110; lef 6-^. gen. 340; an. lit. 3; /"printed les) m. t. 89; lef, leef, YiQiChauc. C. t. a 1837; leef (lief) or loo}) Langl. h 9, 67; leof fsuhst.J a. r. 380; spec, , 92; hire \mi Alis. 2906; lef (leofj I^ath. 786; Rimenild }ji luef Ilor^i 664; leef Langl b 2, 33; ml swete lef (leef, lief) Chauc. C. t. a 3792; enne leove moii Lay 4486; bis leve mon an. lit. 12; leve (lieve) broper Cham. C. t. a 1136; , leove fpl.J Jos. 240; frendes lefe and ' . dere pr. c. 297 8; leovere fcompar.J a. r. 102; leovere heom his fr. is) to libbeii Lay 466; levere (leovere) ICath. 2312; levere Havel. 1193; levre p. I. s. VIII, ; 16; lever Will. 463; it were me lever Chauc. a t. 10996; levir Odav. 1183; avow. Arth. XLIV, 14; leovest fsuperl.J a. r. 242; levest me were pi. cr. 16; I his leofeste cnihtes Lay 28419. leofllc, A.JSax. leoflTc, amiible, delicious, Lay 31787; spa leofllc and spa lufsum Rick. thes. 1, 167; leoflich a. r. 90; lefllch spec. 62; hire leflTch(e) (leofllche) licli Kath. 1663; he heom leofllche bi- heold Lay 47; & lefli3 3ho him fedde Orm. 3181 ; leoflukest fsuperl.J 3Iarh. 4. leofmon amasius, amasia, Lay 18611; a. r. 90; 0. a. n. 1430; lefmon an. lit. 11; iemman Have/. 1283; ayenb. 2jO ; Will 663; Chauc. C. t. a 4240; Launf. 301; a. p. 1, 762; m. Arth. 686; lemmon Horn 660. Leofrich misc. 146. leo^eiij A Sax. leogan, 0. L. Germ, liogan, 0. H. Germ, liogan, liugan, 0. Icel. liuga, Goth, liugan, lie flee J, celare, mentiri, p. 1. s. VIII, 146; lejen rel. ant. 1, 176; lejhen Orm. 4907; leje spec. 91; lieje ayenb. 63; lijen (1036) X^^. 3034; li3en hom, 1, 163; 1136 0. a. n. 863; lien a. r. 68; liin, li3in prompt. 304; lie Bek. 1183; s. s. ed. Web. 2409; Chauc. C. t. a 763; liest fpres.J a. r. 236; 0. a. n. 367; lext Arth. a. Merl. 912; lixt Langl. b 6, 163; 1036(1 rel. ant. /, 224; le3p Shoreh. 100; lihd a. r. 266; lihinde fpart.J Jul. 2; leh fpret.J Lay 12942; l^h Orm. 12178; Iq^ Shoreh. 1 1 1 ; leigh Am. a. Amil. 846; pu lu3e hom. 1, 93; lowe Langl, b 18, 400; (heo) lu3en Lay 16024; ^p. L s. VIII, 81; lowen s. s. ed. Web. 799; logen fpart.J hom. 2, 61 ; lowen Langl. b 6, 96; comp. hi-, ileo3en; deriv. Iu3e. liejere, A. Sax. leogere, liar, ayenb. 62; lie3er r. s. VI, 7; ligher ps. 116, 11; Here Ipom. 928; Aud. 12. leoht^ A. Sax. leoht, lyht, O.L.Germ. O.II. Germ, lioht, leoht, 0. Fris. liacht, light, lux, Mat. 4, 16; liht (liht?) p. I s. VIII, 140; Kath. 1594; fr. lo. riht) 0. a. n. 949; fr. w. niht) r. s. V, 204; fms. lihht) Orm. 1918; liht (licht) a. r. 92; liht, ll3t c. I 723; li3t ayenb. 270; fr. w. ri3t) treat. 132; ligt fr. w. nigt) St. gen. 44; llth, litt f? printed lict) Ha- vel 676 Sf 588; litt Hick. thes. 1, 227; lihte Lay 26464; lihtes fgen.J rel ant. 1, 132. Il3tbere, A. Sax. leohtbsere, lucifer, ayenb. 11; lig(t)ber St. gen. 271. 312 leoht leoseii leolitbcrindc hom. I, 2/lL leolitfet ''lucerna\ Marl 4, 21; lihtfcit Orm. J33Vi). liht (liht?), A.t^a.v. leoht, lyht, Q.L.Germ, liolit, O.ll.dcrvi. liohter, luiht, lacidiis, L(r^. 723(S; ]i-t fr. w. ri3t) o. u. n. 23(1; (r. ?i\ iii^t) treat. J 34; s. s. ed. W,\ 2037; })e lihte dai Horn 497; bi lilite daye inisc. 44; lihte fadv.J muc. 149; lighte breiine Chauc. C. t. (1724. ligtiiesse, A. Sax. leohtness, 0. II. Germ. liuhtnisse, lucidity, st. gen. Id oil; li3t- iiesse Chauc. Boet. lOd. , ]i3tsiim lif/]it.w}jie, lucidus, Wicl. ps. 18. leohtcii^ ^l.Sax. leolitan, l^htan, O.II.Germ. liuhten, Goth, liiilitjaii, light, lucere, illu- minare; liliten {W^ii^w'^) Kath. 1411; fnis. lihhteim) Orm. ilH)H4; ]i3te (r. w. ri3- te) Bel:. 141'): of his feire si3te al pe bur g-aii li3te Horn ed. Lum. 38(1; lighte, lihte {r. w. brighte) Cham. C. t. a 2426; jihtef) f'pres.J c. I. 7 18; light mln(e) egheii fs. 12, 4; IWiia fi^ret. J La-^. 26595; li3te p. I. s.XIII, 121; lihten Jos. 191; comp. a-, a.i}(d)-, bi-, inlihteii. Iihtii5g<', li3tiiige. A. Sax. lyhtinge, iUumi- natio, fulgur, I. It. r. 46 Sf 47; Ii3tiiige treat. 135; li3ting Wicl. ps. 43. ii'ohtiicti = Icohten ? lighten, illuminare, fal- (■ert-: ligiitoiiiu prompt. 304; li3tiiede fprd.J ICicl. 2 Tim.. 1. li^htitii^e = lihtiiigeV lightning, ^[fulgur \ pr.mpt. 304; lightning Tor. 1512. Iconi -wv? lini. le«m<', A. Sax. It'-oiiia, Q.L.Germ. liomo, 0. ic>:i. lionii. Tot. Janien, leem, lumen, juhar, Kath, 1594; a. r. 94; treat. 133; leome (Iconii La"^. 17873: jeomo, leom Orai. (158 c\- 7627; Icme Flor. a. III. 235; Lrngi. h 18,' 124; lem Alis. 6848; leo- Fiion (pi.) Lay 17868; leraes Cham. C. t. ed. Tgrwh. 14936. Xtmwww, A. Sa.r. leoraiani V), lyman, O. Feel. lioina, I'd. Jflminaro. leem, Incere, fnlge- re: spa [)at liht leomeit ant leitecl JIarh. 13; leraej) All. rom. 1, 269; liimes spec. 52; leomede fpret.J Jo.^. 687; lemede Man. 9036; L'lumf. 942; h-^ined Gaw. 591; a. p. 1, 119'; Icmid m. Arth. 3308; comp. aleomen. Icoiiieii see hloonicu. leopard; Tr. leopard, leopard, Lant/l. h 15, 293; Xv^2.x^ayenh. 14; My^Y^X Will. 293 5; libardes (pi.) pr. c. 1228. Icor see lileor. leoriiicii; A.S'/x. leornian, O.U.Germ. ler- nen, lirnen, 0. Fris. lerna, lirna, learn, ditcere; leornien (leorni) Lay 9897 ; leor- nen Kath. 110; leornen, lernen Orm. 9309 .y 13005; l(e)orni o. a. n. 642; lernc lioh. 100, 10; Langl. h 20, 206; Chauc. C. t. a 308; Tor. 2202; lierni ayen'o. 34; leornede (pnt.) Lay 6297; Kath. 833; a. r. 254; lurnede p. I. s. XVII, 300; lemede Tercev. 221 ; lernde Orni. 1248; comp. ileonien. leruiiig; A. Sax. leornuug, learning, Aud. 10, leoniingcniht disciple, Orm. 2234. k'oseii; A.Sa.r. (be-, for)leosan, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. (iar)lcosan, liosan, Goth., (fra)- liusan, O.Fri.^. (iir)liasa, lee^e, perdere, Liy 15238; Kath. 805: a. r. 102; c. 1. 1177; loose Itek. 950; spec. Ill; lie- se iuiu'. 26; ayenh. 214; lesen Rich. 3182; \M\\ pro»ipt. 298; lese Mire 325; Chauc. C. t. >i 1215; pr. c. 2915; ant. Arth. XXII, 12; Ij.^^o s. s. ed. Wr. 899; lose (pres.) Lidg. m. p. 189; loose Wicl. John 6; j,)n liist lUk. 859; (iio) ](e)ost o. a. n. 1159; lest Slwreh. 109; Gow. 2, 147; l)a loosed Marh. 14, 26; leas (pret.) <(. r. 54; leas. la3S La^. 637 ,y 6931 ; leas, lieas ayexh. 85 .^ 203 ; l(!s Alis. 951; Will. 8S7; Irs, loos Lang/. h 5, 499; loos .V. s. id. Wr. 3425; pou lore L*oh. 428, 10; (we, -e, hi) loren Alis. 2842; p. .V. 100: lore Shoreh. 18; lore 'yuhiauct.) p. I. .y. XVII, 477; loren leoten leswe 313 (fart.) Mapes 334: lorn Chauc. C. t. a 3536; s. 8. ed. Wr. 3066; Per$ev. 169; . pr. c. 647; lore Will, J 360; Langl. b 18, Id; Gow. 1, 189; lloccl. I, 349; i- loren spec. 110; c. I. 204; h T. 663; ilore lioh. 160, 16; ayenh. 46; Lidg. m. p. 38; comp. a-, forleosen; deriv. leas, lesen, los, losien, lore, lure. leoten see Meoten. leoiT, A.Sax. leoj, O.Icel. liod, O.II.Germ. liod, leod, cantus, carmen, rel. ant. 1, 129; spel & leop (y printed leow) hom. 1, 163; leod (leod?) h. m. 21; led st. gen. 27; leode fdat.J Lay 30064; lede Beves 2130. leopcreft fragm. 1, 13. leodscop Lay 30609. leoit see lid. leoiTe see hleowde. Ieo|»i see lepi. leotTieu see ledien. leove^ O.Biitch Iqyg, O.II.Germ. linbi (amor J? leove hoom wes bitwune La^. 4307 . leovien^ A.Sax. leofian, O.II.Germ. liuban, amure; leovie fpres.J Lay 4666; leoYede fpret.J 4860; ileoved (part. J 4487 ; comp. bileovien. leovien tee livien. leow see Meow. leowitc see hleowde. lep see leap and hleap. lepe^ Sived. lope f rennet J, from bleapen? comp. cheselepe. lepcj A.Sax. (an)lepe; comp. sunderlepes. lepen see hleapen. lepi, A.Sax. (an)lepig, lypig; comp. anlepi. lepre, O.Fr. lepre, lepra, tntsc. 31; st. gen. 3690. leprus leprous, a. r. 148. ler see hleor. lere see lure. lere see Isere. leren see Isbren. leruien see leornien. les see Ises. les see leas. lesarde^ Fr. lezard, Ital. lucerta, lacerta, lizard, prompt, 298; lusarde Langl. b 18, 336. lesche^ 0. Fr. lesche, lesse, leash ; leeshe llaliiw. diet. 610; lese Octov. 767; leece prompt. 291. lese see leswe. leseu^ A.Si.x. O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. lesan, O.Icel. lesa, G..th. lisan, lease, glean ; lese Langl. b 6, '68. lesen^ A.Sax. lesan, l^^san, O.Fris. lesa, 0. led. leysa, O.L.Germ. losian, O.II.Germ. losen, Goth, lausjan, from leosen, release, deliver, Orm. pref. 63; st. gen. 2897; lesen of helle pine h. h. 216; leosen ne ledien Kath. 1630; leses fpres.J m. h. 167; lese fsubjunct.J Havel. 333; avow. Arth. XXIII, 7; lesande (port.) a. p. 1, 836; lesde fpret.J hom. 2, 19; lesede r. 8. V, 63; lesed Iw. 2864; lesed fpart.) Orm. 4044; pr. c. notes p. 267; comp. alesen, titlesen. lesen see leosen. lezere gleaner, ayenb. 86. leser releaser. Wart. hist. 1 , 24. leske^ O.Swed. liuske, Dan. l^ske, O.Dutch liesche, lesh flislc), '■^ingue^i', prompt. 298; fm . lesske) Orm. 4776; leskes fpl.) d. Arth. 3279. lesnesse, A.Sax. lesness, releasement, ayenh. 14; lisnisse p. I. s. XV, 76. lesson^ Fr. le9on, lesson, pr. c. 3867; lessoun ayenb. 136; lessoun, lessun Will. 341 Sf 4442; lescun a. r. 282. lest see lust. lest see Isest. lesten see lusten atid hlusten. lesten see Isesten. lespe, A.Sax. lesu, laesu, leasow, lease, pas- euum, hom. 2, 37; ine heovene is large lespe a. r. 94; leswe, lesewe Wicl. Is. 7; lese Roh. 43, 9; Brand. 7; WiU. 40 314 leswien leven 176; Gcw. 1, 17; leswa (lesewes) f]pl.J La^. 2011. leswien^ A. Sax. laespian, pasture; lesepeJ fpres.J horn. 2, 39; lespe fimperat.J a. r. 100; leseweden (pret.J Wicl. Lidce 8. lete, leten see l^te, Igeten. lettCj 0. Butch lette, M.H.Germ. ietze? from lat, let, retardatio, imped imentum, horn. /, 239; La^. 4d72^-; Shoreh. 71; Will 1340; Gcio. 2, 92; Chauc. C. t. 8176; s. s. ed. Wr. 2439; ant. AHli. Ill, 10; witliout(e) lette Mire 677 . letteii^ A.Sax. lettan, O.L.Germ. lettian, 0. Icel. letja, Goth, latjan, O.lI.Germ. lezzen, fro7n lat, let, tar dare, impedire, a. r. 162; rel. ant. 1, 131; Gow. 2, 72; lette Ha- vel. 1164; Shoreh. 69; TFill. 1233; Langl. h 17, 78; Mand. 173; i lette 3011 nojt Brand. 27; letted La^. 22009; lettep Orm. 14117; lettes pr. c. 238; lette fpret.J Chauc. C. t. 8266; Isetten (lette) La"^. 1344; camp, iietten. letterc impeditor, Langl. 1, 67 (69). lettered lettered, liter atus, Will. 4088. lettillge letting, impedimentwn, La:^. 7820; Langl 10, 219 {11, 164); letting st. gun. 1076; lettunge horn. 1, 187. lettre, Fr. lettre, letter, st. gen. 993; Man. 941. letuarie^ O.I\. lettuaire, electuary, prompt. 300; a. r. 370. letuce lettuce, ^^lactuca\ prompt. 300. leitc, O.Dutch lede, leath, otium, ham. 1, 36; lepe a. p. 3, 160. leffer, A. Sax. O.Icel ledr, O.Dutch O.II. Germ, leder, hather, a. r. 392; leper a. p. 2, 1681; leper, lether Chauc. C. t. a 3260; le])ir, ledir ^^coriurn', pr.mpt. 293. le])er see luder. lc|)crcn, O.Dutch lederen, O.lI.Germ. lidriner, leathern: a leperne (leperen) purs Langl. 6, 110 (192). leiterien, A.Sax. ledrian, lather (lether): he leperede a swote Lay 7489*; liderede blode Mark 6; liath. 1664. le|)i, 0. Iris, letheg, ledig, 0. Dutch ledig, M.H.Germ. ledec, from lede, otiosus, va- cuus, exilis: jef eiii I03 (printed bo3) per lepi (? printed lothy) were Shoreh. 166; a ful lepi ping it were Langl h 10, 184; leopi and lene /. h. r. 147; lethi '■^jiixihilis', 'prompt. 302; lepi mastes m. t. 129; his erelappes waxes lethi rel. ant. 1, 64. leitieii^ A.Sax. lidigean? leathe, lax. re, mi- tigare, Kath. 1630; (3}if he him wold(e) leodien of lade his benden Lay 4776; lepe Gaw. 2438; a. p. 3, 3; leded (pres.) horn. 2, 71; lejjes ^^mitigas', ps. 88, W; leode (imperat.) Marh. 13, 2; leode tire benden La^. 21922; leodede (pret.) Marh. 13, 4; pat weder leodede La^. 12042; leped his soru m. h. 86. Irttite see ladde. Icuke see hlewke. leuu see leo. levaiii^ O.Fr. levain, leaven, ayenh. 206; le- vein '''■fermentum', prompt. 300. levc see leave. \ levels 0. Fr. livel, levU, ^'■perpendiculum\ prompt. 301; level (livel) and line Langl. 10, 179 (11, 136); levele (dat.) ayenh. 160. leven, A.Sax. lefan, lyfan, O.Icel leyfa, 0. II Germ, (er)louban, GotJi. (us)laubjan, from leave, allow, permit; leve (pres. suhj.) a. r. 88; Havel 406; c. I 1623; pi. cr. 673; god leva hem in his blisse spilen st. gen. 2632; Crist leve pat he so mote transact. 18, 26; lefe CVw. 8873; lefde (pret.) Marl 6, 13; leved (part.) Kath. 771; comp. ileven. leven, A.Sax. lefan, Ij^fan, 'O.L.Germ. (gi)- lovian, O.H.Germ. (ge)louben, Goth, laub- jan, from leave, (he)lieve, credere, Marh. 6; rel ant. 1, 131; h. h. 236; spec. 37; ho seal leven mine godes Iliclc. thes. leven lie 315 7, 226; leeven c. I. 615; levin prompt, 301; lefeu Orm. 1153; lave Will. 4176; lefe mir. pi. 110; leve fpres.J oyenb. 89; Chauc. a t. 10079; lefe Immb. 253; leove Marg. 169; leves Havel. 1781 ; le- ven, liven Langl. h 15, 403; leeven Mand. 108; leve fsuhjunct.J «. s. ed. Wr. 1506; lefde fpret.J Kath. 430; levede lioh. 265, 18; lifde rel. ant 2, 244; lefden Mark. 2; leeved f part. J IIoccl. I, 220; comp. bileven, 3elefen. l^veii 866 Iseven. lerene (levene?), Goth. laulimuni? levin, "ful- gur\ prompt. 301; st. gen. 3265; Goto. 3, 77; levin Havel. 2690; avow. Arth. ZXV, 4; 'Town. myd. 116; levene fdat.J Chauc. C. t. 5858. leTCiit'sse "co7iJideniii'\ prompt. 301. levicii &ee livien. levicii see leavien. levflur^ Fr. levier, lever, Roh. 126, 8 ; Wicl. Is. 27; lever Parten. 4177. lewc see hlewe. lewed see l^wed. lewke see hlewke. lihbcu see livien. libelle^ Fr. libelle, lilel; libelles fpl.J ayenh. 40. lie, O.Dutch Ilk, O.Icel. llkr, =ilic? like, similis, Orm. 2569; rel. ant. 1, 227; st. gen. 223; Ilk Mand. 47; liik Wicl. John 7; lik, like Langl. 9, 6 {10, 6 J; Chauc. C. t. a 412; lilve, llche Rich. 5498 Sf 5900; llch Havel. 2155; llche s. s. ed. JFr. 2991; Will. 3678; nas non his ll- che Flor. a. Bl. 88; pei bep no man llch(e) p. 56, 11; comp. aer-, a3e-, an-, an-, atel-, beald-, biter-, blide-, brad-, breme-, briht-, caf-, cl^en-, crafti-, cumg-, cunde-, cud-, deep-, deor-, derne-, dreori-, earm-, eade-, eche-, efen-, e3es-, fger-, faest-, feond-, fl&sch-, freo-, freond-, ful-, ful-, gal-, gast-, glsed-, god-, grame-, great-, grajdi-, grim-, grls-, 3eap-, 3ear-, 3e6mer-, 3eoni-, heepe-, hal-, ham-, heah-, help-, hende-, heorte-, heoven-, her-, hoker-, hreow-, huht-, hwat-, hwl-, in-, inner-, ken-, kine-, la3e-, lad-, leof-, lif-, llht-, man-, mis-, modi-, name-, o- pen-, priid-, rad-, riche-, sar-, schame-, schand-, sem-, smerte-, sod-, sped-, stare-, stil-, Strang-, sturne-, sunder-, swa-, swete-, tid-, time-, treow-, pra-, pu-, pulde-, utter-, wac-, war-, weorld-, wis-, wod-, wrad-, wun-, wunder-, wurdlic. llkli likely, Chauc. C. t. a 1172; Hocch I, 74. llcness(e) likeness, Orm. 1047; liknesse st. gen. 202; ayenh. 92; liknesse, lik- iies Langl. h 1, 113. lie? llcvol pleasing, agreeable, ayenb. 217 . licpurde, A. Sax. licpyrde, agreeable, ac- ceptable, a. r. 120; h. m. 11; horn. -2, 7. Ilcpurpi3 agreeable, Orm. 15919. lie, llch, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. lie, O.Icel. Ilk, Goth, leik n., O.H.Germ. lih n. f., like, lich, cotyus, La^. 6682 ^ 10434; Orm. 8183 Sf 16300; lich Marh. 5; st. gen. 2441; hire lefilch lich Kath. 1553; pet rotcde lich a. r. 216; lich, llche st. gen. 2441 ^' 2488; liche "/w«W, prompt. * 302; rel. ant. 1, 178; Alls. 3482; whan he lip a cold llrhe p. I. s. Vb, 48; ll- che fdat.J Bek. 259; Langl. 10, 2 (11, 2). lichame, A.Sax. lichama, -homa, corpus, p. I. s. nil, 153; rel. ant. 1, 128; llcame La->,. 11046; llchome, licome o. a. n. 1054; licome Kath. 215; a. r. 4; r. s. V, 23; pes licome lust horn. 1, 19; llcham St. gen. 200; likame Will. 227; licam, llkam Langl. prol. 30; 11 cam Aud. 17. llchamlich corporeus; licomliche fpl.J a. r. 240; licomliche plnen Kath. 42; llchamllche fadv.J rel. ant. 1, 130. 316 liche lige lichreste, A. Sax. Ucrest, sepulcher; lich- raeste f? ms. -raste) La-^. 17223. llchwake like-wake, Mire 1465; Chauc. a t. a 2958. liche^ A.Sax. (man-, spln)lica, Goth, (man)- leika, O.II.Germ. (man)licha, /orm, figU're, horn, ly 141; Shoreh. 20; a wifmonnes llclie Lay 1142; llche, like a. r. 224 ^' 262; like Onn. 5813; Gow. 1, 143; comp. manliche. licence^ Fr. licence, licence, Langl. prol. 82 (85). likkare^ O.II.Germ. lecchari, licker, prompt. 305. lickestre linctrix: pe tonge pe lickestre a- yenh. 56. lickien^ A. Sax. liccian, 0. L. Germ, liccou, leccon, 0. II. Germ, lecchon, lick; likkin ^Hingere\ prompt. 305; licke ps. 71, 9; lickest fpres.) an. lit. 90; licked h. m. 9; lickede fpret.J p. I. s. XVIII, 69; likked Iw. 2008; a. p. 2, 1521; licked f part. J rel. ant. 1, 114; ilicked horn. 1, 200. licorice^ Lat. liquiritia, licm^ice, prompt. 303; licoriz Lay 17745; licoris spec. 26; Chauc. a t. a 3207. licorous^ Fr. liquoreux, licker ous, k. L. 22; likerous ayenh. 95; Langl. prol. 30; Cham. Boet. 1989. licoiir^ Fr. liqueur, liquor, Shoreh. 8; Chauc. C. t. a 3; pr. e. 6763; licur a. r. 164. lid see hlid. lide see hlude. lideu see hliden. lie, Fr. lie, lee, faex, prompt. 303. lie see lei. lief see leof. lie^cn see leo^en. liesen see leosen. lif, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. O.Icel. llf, 0. H. Germ, lib, life, vita, corpus, Orm. 1625; 0. a, n. 1098; h. h. 179; Mand. 100; s. 8. ed. Wr. 2816; llf & leomen Lay 702; llf and &bM\Q Langl h 12, 188; his doughter pat leove llf Alis. 2502; ani lif Mire 1300; liif Will. 357; Wicl. John 3; lives fgen.J a. r. 390; rel. ant. 1, 235; Kami. 509; Langl. h 19, 154; ah pu nevre mon to gode lives ne dea- pes stal ne stode o. a. n. 1632; live fdat.J a, r. 152; on live s. s. ed. JVr. 56; Degrev. 966; to bringe pe of live Horn 695; bringe fro live Chauc. r. r. 7260; bi live belive, quickly. Lay 4191; Kath. 2311; s. s. ed. Wr. 2693 ; belive lud. Cov. 230; bi live, blive Will. 248 ^ 1705; blive Brand. 20; bi life Orm. 17943; be life Flor. 1654; comp. cot-, muneclif. lifda^es hom. 1, 129; lifdayes Langl. 1, 27; lifdajen fdat. pi J Lay 11295; pe (h)pile pu art on lifda3e o. a. n. 1141; lifdawe p. I. s. XIII, 93; ibroht of lifdawe Horn 914. liffgesten vivify; comp. 3eltffaesten. lifhali holy of life, Jul. 2; lifholi a. r. 346; hom. 2, 133; liifhooli ^rom^^. 303. liflade lifelode, livelihood, vita, victus, Marh. 20; liflode a. r. 350; rel. ant. 1, 129; Roh. 41, 22; Langl. prol. 30; Mand. 293; Gaw. 133; a. p. 2, 561; lif-, liif-, livelode prompt. 308. lifleas lifeless, Kath. 896. liflich lively, vitalis, corporalis, transact. 18, 25; Ufli Wicl. wisd. 15; liif-, live- li ^^vivax\ prompt. 308; lifli (adv.) Chauc. C. t. a 2087; liifliche (pi.) Trist. 3, 50. livred live red? misc. 148; pe liverede see Roh. 39, 23. lifeide h. m. 45. liftime life-time, rel. ant. 1, 224; Will. 999. lifisch vivus? nan llfishe man Orm. 2463. lift, liften see luft, luften. lige, O.Fr. lige, liege, liege, Man. 7455; mi lege man Will. 1174. liggen lib ten 317 liggen^ A. Sax. licgan, 0. II. Germ, liggan, O.L.Germ. liggen, liggean, O.IceJ. liggja, from 113011, lig, jaceroy Lay 1437; Kath. 2286; a. r. 4; ligge 0. a. n. 1200; Ha- vel. 876; ayenh. 31; Will. 2194; L%ngl. h 11, 418; Mand. 240; p. 70, 8; g. 350; 8. 8. ed. JFr. 144; pr. c. 476; wher pe wrong liggep (lihp) Langl. b 3, 169 (175); ligges Percev. 797; 30 ligged (liggen) Kath. 2389; (heo) ligged a. r. 316; liggep 0. a. n. 1048; pi. cr. 83; ligges m. h. 29; ligge (subjunct.) a. r. 424; Shoreh. 30; liggende (part. J Gow. 1, 187; ligginde Shoreh. 122; lig- ging Chauc. C. t. a 2390; comp. a-, bi-, of-, underliggen. lije see lu3e. lijen^ O.Il.Germ. ligen, Goth, ligan? = lig- gen? lie, jacere, cubare; ligen rel. ant. 1, 177; li3e Mand. 276; Gaw. 1096; lien Havel 2134; Mapes 335; Im Orm. 6020; st. gen. 942; lie Chauc. C. t. a 3651; list fpres.J h. m. 9; 0. a. n. 1502; li3p, lip c. I. 775; lid Za^. 21434; a. r. 212; r. 8. V, 73; lip Orm. 1238; 0. a. n. 430; p. s. 152; Ht^ (imperat.) La"^. 18097; ligand, liand (part.) Will. 2180 ^ 2246; l£ei, lei (lai), A.Sax. laeg, 0. L.Germ. O.K.Germ. Goth, lag, O.Icel la, (pret.) lay, Lay 393 8f 681; lei a. r. 54; la3 Orm. 3692; lay Beh. 892; Langl 5, 46 (64); le3en Lay 1657; lei36n p. 8. 190; leien a. r. 106; leye Beh. 2457 ; leien, A.Sax. (a)legen, O.Icel leginn, 0. H. Germ, (gi)leganer, (part.) lain, an. lit. 11; leyen Langl 3, 38 (39); Rich. 2477; lein Mand. 286; comp. set-, bi-, for-, ili3en; deriv. liggen, la3e, leg- gen, leir, li3ere. li^eu see leo3en. lijer ^= leir ? comp. forli3er. li^ere^ O.H.Germ. (bi)legari, cubitor; comp, forli3ere. lihnen^ from A.Sax. lean, O.H.Germ. laban? bla7ne, reprehend? t6 lihnen (ms. lihhnenn) ■ pat Iserede folc Orm. 7440; t6 lihnen pe3re spsecbe 18618. liht(liht?), A.Sax. hht, leobt, O.i^m. llcbt, O.H.Germ. lihter, liehter, Goth, leihts, O.Icel. lettr, light, levis, a. r. 220; (r, w. riht) sp c. 102; (ms. lihht) Orm. 4500; llht, li3t c. I 958; hit is . . . list td zigge ayenh. 99; light Gow. 2, 95; ll3te (adv.) Rob. 25, 3; lihte (pi) Lay 5903; ne luvede ha nane lihte plahenX^^A. 106; lihture (compar.) a. r. 140; li3tere Will 2119; li3ter Langl b 17, 39. Ii3thed levitas, Wicl Jer. 3. lihtlich lightly, levis, 0. a. n. 17 59; liht- liche (adv.) a. r. 392; li3tliche Rob, 79, 2; Langl b 18, 267; lehtliche h. m. 17; llhtlike Orm. 6487; lihtluker (compar.) a. r. 254 ; li3tloker Rob. 214, 22; Langl b 12, 158; a. p., 3, 47. Ii3tnesse lightness, levitas, Wicl 2 Cor. 1; lightnesse Chauc. C. t. a 3383. lihtsum lightsome, '■facilis', prompt. 304; lightsom Chauc. r. r. 936. liht see leoht. lihte (lihte?) light (leet), puhno, fragm. 6j 58; pa lihte L^. 6499; llghtes Trisf. 1, 46; cmp. Russ. JierKoe pulmo, jierKiH levis. lihten (lihten?), A.Sax. lihtan, M.H.Germ. lihten, O.Icel. letta, light (leeght), levaroj gr. 41; a dun heo gunnen lihten Lay 26337; hpat god perof muhte lihten a, r. 96; 30 schulen beon idodded four siden i de 3ere vor to lihten oper hea- ved 422; to ligten her on erde rel. ant. 1, 209; ligten him of his birdene 217; lihte Jos. 81; lighte Goto. 2, 371; llh- ted (pres.) Kath. 1791; li3tep hem of children pi. cr. 79; lihte (pret.) h. h. 31 ; he ll3te a doun La^igl b 17, 64; liht (part.) spec. 37; list a. p. 1, 987; light Town. myst. 107; comp. a-, ilihten. lihten see leohten. 318 lihtnen lin liktneii = lihten, lighten, relieve: heo was lihtued of hire evel Jos. 644. lihtneu see leohtnen. lik see lie. like see llche. likeu^ O.L.Germ. liken (lycken) v. d. Schue- rens teut., 0. II. Germ, lichon fpolirej? comp. biliken. likien^ A. Sax. lician, O.L.Germ. licon, 0. Icel. lika, Goth, leikan, O.H.Germ. lichen, like, placer e, rel. ant. 1, 111; liken a. r. 238; & tet (= pe it) ma3 ille liken Orm. 1 827 9; likep fpres.J treat. 140; Chauc. C. t. a 777; him likep Mand. 209; me likep wel 301110 wordes Langl. 1, 41 f43j; likes pr. c. 7861; likinde f part. J ayenh. 214; likede fpret.J st. gen. 2299; c. I. 214; hit pe likede wel X^^. 8746; comp. i-, misliken. liknin^ Swed. likna, O.ILGerm. gilichinon, lilien, ^^similare\ prompt. 306; likni ayenh. 246; likne Mand. 48; liknez fpres.J a. p. 1, 499; he liknede his fader Man. 3632; likned (part. J Chauc. C. t. a 180; pe water is likned to pe worlde Langl. 8, 34 (39); ilikned Shoreh. 68. likiiugc liking, a. r. 194; likinge ayenh. 23; p. I. s. XXVI, 62; Lanql. h 11, 20; liking JFill. 462; pr. c. 292. lilie, A.Sax. lilie, O.H.Germ. lilia, lily, spec. 33; Chauc. C. t. a 1036; pe lilie mid hire faire plite 0. a. n. 439. lim^ A.Sax. lim, leom n., O.lcel. limr m., limh, ^'■memhrunfi', prompt. 306; a. r. 360; Tor. 2498; Roccl. I, 31; pr. c. 1912; lim and li]) m. t. 80; lim, lime Roh. 22, 22 Sf 208, 16; lim, lime (leme) La^. 3011 Sf 4227; lime treat. 137; Shoreh. 23; Langl. h 20, 194; leme ayenh. 47; Will. 1736; lime fdat.J Havel. 1409; wip lime and lip(e) Mapes 336; lime fpl.J 0. a. n. 1098; limes a. r. 298; Orm. 4006; rel. ant. 1, 210; treat. 138; limes, lemes Chauc. C. t. 9332 Sf 9339; lemes Mand. 169; limen (leomen) Kath, 262; leomen, leomes (lime) La^ 702 Sf 19601. limmele limhmeal, memhratim. Lay 26618; lim-, lememele Wicl. 2 Mace. 1; to- drawe limemele Ihk. 1813. lim, A. Sax. 0. Icel 0. H. Germ, lim, /mavov, line, "linum", rel. ant. 1, 7; here smok of line ffor linen?) s. s. ed. Web. 474; liifsum under line Trist. 3, 47. linsed line-seed, voc. 217. linage liste 319 liuage^ O.Fr. linage, lineage, Man. 944; Garten. 5033. Liucoliie^ A. Sax. Lindcylne, Lincoln, Lay 20()14; lioh. 2, 21. lilitle^ A.Sax. O.Icel. lind, O.H.Germ. linda, lind, ^^tiUa\ prompt. 305; voc. 228; Chauc. C. t. a 2922; sacrum. 389; linde fdat.J Alts.' 2489; Gow. 1, 119; Langl. b 1, 154; Triam. 426; in Ore linde o. a. n. 1750. liuilen^ A. Sax. linden, linden, tiliagineus: linden spon Trist. 2, 84. liindeseye, A.Sax. Lindes ig, Lindsey, fdat.J Havel. 734; Boh. 114, 5. line, A.Sax. line, O.Icel. O.H.Germ. lina, line, "chorda, funiculus\ prompt. 305; Havel. 539; Horn ed. Lum. 681; ayenh, 150; lines fpl.J Langl 5, 199 (355); comp. bo3line. linen, A. Sax. linen, 0. Fris. linnen, 0. H. Germ, lininer, li7ien, linens, rel. ant. 1, 163; no linene cl5d a. r. 418; pe 11- nene kertel ayetib. 236; linnen Langl. h 14, 55; linnene clop o. a. n. 1174; ^nid linnene clade La-]. 22290; in lin- nen i eloped Langl. 1, 3. linie, line, Lat. linea, line, prompt. 305. linieu see hleonien. linin li^ie, "diiplicare\ prompt. 306; lined fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 440. ling, O.Icel. lyng, ling, erica, prompt. 305; m. t. 189; Degrev. 336. linke, liuken see hlinke, hlinken. linnen, A.Sax. linnan, O.Icel. linna, O.H. Germ, (bi)linnan, Goth. (af)linnau, lin, cessare; linne Horn ed. Lum. 354; spec. 103; Man. 8347; linned fpres.J Kath. 1717^; linnen hom. 1, 67; Ian fpret.J Trist. 1, 4; comp. bilinnen. lins, A.Sax. lynis (axis), Butch luns. Germ. luns (paxillus axis)? liuses (pi.) Shoreh. 109. lint, cmp. O.Dutch lint (taenia linea), lint, linamentum, prompt. 306. lipnen lippen, rely, confide; lipnie (pres. suhj.) hom. 1, 37 8f 161. lippe, A.Scix. lippe /. (?), O.Dutch lippe /., O.Fris. lippa m., lip, "lahrum'\ prmnpt. 306; Alis. 6429; biting on ml lippe Goiv. 1, 283; lippen (pi.) fragm. 5, 37; Shoreh. 82; mjenh. 210; lippes Lay 29359; lippen (dat. pi.) a. r. 106. lippe slip, shred? Langl. h 5, 250 Sf 15, 493. lire, A.Sax. lira, lire, pulpa, a. r. 130; h. m. 21; li h. disc. 1325; Isumh. 262; Town. myst. 55; boon ne lire Octov. 1119; lire, lere Chauc. 0. t. b 2041; comp. sparlire. lire see lure. ' lire, O.H.Germ. lira, Gr. X'jpcc, lyre. Lay 7003. lire see hleor. liri? leide here legges a liri (leri) Langl. 6, 124 (7, 115). ■lirken, O.Icel. lerka, lirh, cogere? i lirke him up with ml bond Halliiv. diet. 523, liser(ej, Fr. lisiere, lisure, border, Langl. h 5, 210 (a 5, 124 has liste); lisure prompt. 307. lispiu, M.HGerm. lispen, lisp, prompt. 306; lisped, lipsed (pret.) Chauc. C. t. a 264. lisse, A.Sax. liss, lids, fr&tn lide, lenity, tranquillity, ease, hom. 1, 15; p. I. s. nil, 119; Lay 3261; c. I. 757; spec. 57; Will. 2828; Langl 9, 29 (10, 30); Chauc. C. t. 11550. lissien, A.Sax. lissian, lidsian, ease, relieve; lisse Gaw. 3, 82; Chauc. r. ' r. 4128; hire care tO lisse Will. 631. list see lust. liste, A.Sax. list m., O.H.Ger7n. list m. /., 0. L.Germ. O.Icel. list/., Goth, lists 7n.(?)y art, cunning, Lay 17210; a. r. 268; Kath. 1527; o. a. n. 757; Horn ed. Lum. 235; s. s. ed. Web. 2046; liste (dat.) Shoreh. 24; mid muchelere liste Lay 13078. 320 liste live listeliche rel ant. 1, 188; listli Will. 2742. liste^ Fr. lice, list, career; listes fpl.J C hauc. C. t, a 1862, liste, A.Sax. list, O.Ieel. 0. II. Germ, lista, list, limhus, Langl. 6, 524 (6, 8). listen see lusten arid hlusten. lit, O.Icel. litr, colour, st. gen. 1968; spec. 36. lit see lut. lit*, O.lceL l^ti, fault, fail? wipouten lite /. h. r. 112; Iw. 1142; Town. myst. 11. litel see lut el. litin, O.Icel. lita, lit, ^'tingere\ prompt. 308; lited fpres.J a. r. 268; lited f part. J ps. 67, 24; ilitet Kath. 1432. litenen diminish? hwan Havelok saw . . . his ferd so swipe littene Havel 2701. litere, Fr. litiere, litter, prompt. 307; liter Man. 9604. litnen, from, O.Icel. lita, spectare? pa pat litnen fms. littnenn) to pin fode Orm. 6116: ne litnie f? ms. litmie) na mon. to spide to pisse live horn. 1, 7 . litster lister, ^^tinctor", vac. 212; listare pro7npt. 307. liit, A.Sax. lid, leod n., O.L.Germ. lith (lid) m.f?J, O.R.Germ. lid ?/?. n., O.Icel. lidr, Goth, lipus m., lith, artus, memhrum, Jul. 13; h. m. 21; st. gen. 1804; rel. ant. 1, 223; lip mil. 1724; Arth. a. Merl. 8504; Gow. 1, 99; m. t. 80; Chauc. a t. ed. Tyrwh. 14881; Tor. 2498; Triam. 467; lith Mire 1365; pr. c. 1917; lides fpl.J a. r. 262; lithes Havel 2163. leodebeie fiexihilis membris, Marh. 16. leopewok, A.Sax. lidu-, leodupac, O.II. Germ, lidoweicher, lith-weak, rel ant. 2, 229. lipewurt, A.Sax. lidpyrt, "«W', rel ant. 1, 37. liff, O.Icel lid /"or do, coetus, auxilium)? nes per nan Oder lid La-^. 5213; pre leodes in con lip (lith) Langl I 16, 181. lifl' see hlid and leod. liiTe, A.Sax. Me, O.L.Germ. lithi, O.B. Germ. Under, O.Icel. linr, lithe, lenis, mi- tis, clemens, a. r. 428; det peter . . . pes lide horn. 1, 129; ]ide him beo drih- ten La-). 4; pat weder wes swide lide 7242; lipe Orm. 1307; s. s. ed. Web. 2517; Chauc. h. f. 118; Rich. 4859; Em. 833; ps. 106, 29; Isimh.494; lipe, lithe "lenis, mollis, tranqiiillus', prompt. 310; lipe fadv.J Triam. 417; comp. i- ^ lide. lideliche leniter, horn. 1, 259; a. r. 428. lidnesse lenitas, horn. 1, 95. liife, A.Sax. lida, mild month? efter(e) lid(e) July, Marh. 23. lijie, lithe, O.U.Germ. linde (lenitas)? "ma- lacia\ prompt. 310; he ne mouchte no lipe gete Havel 147 . lidfiil lenis? mid lidfuUe worden La^. 1262. liiTen, A.Sax. lidan, O.L.Germ. lithan, 0. Icel lida fferri, ire J, Goth, (af-, ga-, us)- leipan (ipyj,o{^w), O.U.Germ. lidan (fer- re), Jerri, vehi, ire, La^. 21 ; he ne dur- ste noht . . . intil pat ende lipen Orm. 8374; lad fpret.) La-^. 4880; over sae pu lide 5045; per liden to somne alle Scotleode ^^6'^6V Y\^Q\i(part.) La-^ 5783; comp. a-, iliden. li|)en see hlipen. li))cr see luder. littcricn, from ludere? fundere, jacere? lidere fpres. imper.) a. r. 290; ilipered (part.) Rol. 549, 21. litTerien see lederien. lid'ien, A. Sax. lidian, 0. R. Germ, lindian, fo'om lide, lithe, lenire, mitigare; lipe Alis. 433; Chauc. Troil 5423; h. s. 2280; a. p. 1, 357; lipep oure pine Shoreh. 19; comp. ilidien. - Hun see leo. live, A.Sax. (and-, bi)leofa, victus; comp, bilive. live lof 321 live, O.lvd. llfi, O.H.Qerm. libi (vitaj? livelich (for liflicli?) lively, a. r. 6. livel see level. liyeii, A. Sax. Man, O.Fris. (bi)liva, O.H. Germ, (bi)liban, Gr. Xstneiv, Unquere; comp. billven; deriv. lave, Iseven. Hycu sue leven. liveuait, O.Icel. lifnadr, victus, horn. 1, 63 ; livened a. r. 104; h. m. 29; lifnop a- yenh. 138. liveree, livere, Fr. livree, livery, Chauc. C. t. a 363; Man. 10667. livercn, Fr. livrer, liver, liherare; livere Jos. 707. Ihien, leovien, luvien, libben, A.Sax. lifian, leofian, lyfian, libban pret. lifode, lifde, O.L.Ccrm. libbien, libbean, O.Fris. libba pret. livade, lifde, O.Icel. lifa pret. lifda, Goth, liban pret. libaida, O.lI.Germ. leben pret. lebeta, live (leave), vivere, La^. 6902, 6904, 18049 Sf 27779; liven st. gen. 308; ILavel. 366; Mand. 24; live Chauc. C. t. a 606; life pr. c. 1869; live, libbe Langl. 3, 220 (226 J; leven g. 76; leve s. s. ed. JFr. 634; s. a. c. 11, 11; leve, libbe Shoreh. 2 Sf 70; libben Kath. 1901; a. r. 38; Orm. 372; libbe o. a. n. 1192; ayenb. 32; h. h. 247; Alis. 7966; s. s. ed. Weh. 287 ; livie fpres.J horn. 1, 211; Mq Amad. ed. liohs. LIII, 11; libbe spec. 27; lifep Orm. 2698; lived Marh. 4; a. r. 362; levep ayenb. 64; \Q^\\i Fglam. 120; pe Y\^\^^ (? print- ed luued) Marh. 17, 1; heo livied a. r. 310; pe libbed 360; (heo) libbed Marh. 10, 4; 0. a. n. 1012; livied, luvied (imperat.) Jul. 74 ^^ 76; liviende (part.) La'>,. 27213; Kath. 1227; liveand ps. 38, 6; levand lor. 316; libbinde a. r. 360; livede, luvede, leovede (pret.) La^. 262, 3236 Sf 16074; levede ayenb. 71; liveden Langl. prol. 26; leveden horn. 1, 211; comp. ilivien. livre, A.Sax. lifer, O.Icel. lifr, O.Fris. livere. 0. II. Germ, libara, lebara, liver, jecur, r. 8. V, 172; treat. 139; livere (livre) La^. 6499; lifre fragm. 6, 68; livere Chauc. C. t. 7421; liver Gow. 3, 100; levir lud. Cov. 181. livirwort liver-wort, prompt. 309. Id see la. lobbe, O.Dutch lobbe (canis villosus), loh. lobbekeling m. h. 136. lober lubber; lobres (pi.) Langl. a 'prol. 62. lobi looby, liibby, dep. li. 14, 1; lobies (pi.) Langl. prol. 62 (66). loc, A.Sax. loc, O.Fris. O.Icel. lok, O.H. Germ, (bi)loh, from luken, lock, ^^clausura\ fragm. 3, 68; ayenb. 266; lok ^^sera', prompt. 311; Langl. 1, 178 (200); Mand. 179; loke (dat.) o. a. n. 1667 ; lokes (pi.) ayenb. 161. loksmith locksmith prompt. 311. loc, A.Sax. locc, loc, O.Icel. lokkr, O.R. Germ, locch, lock, lock, cirrus: senne loc Mat. 6, 36; lok ^^cincinnus, fioc€us\ prompt. 311; lockes (pi.) La\ 21876; spec. 34; lockes, lokkes Chauc. C. t. a 81; lokkes Alis. 4164. ^ loc see lac. loche, Fr. loche, loach, prompt. 310; loches (pi.) I. c. c. 64. lode see lade. lof, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Icel. lof, O.H.Germ. lob (laus, favor), praise, La'i,. 8376; horn. 2, 91; ps. 8, 3; drihtin to lofe & purpe Orm. 1141; ben at love & at bode pi. cr. 7 16. lof3eorn desirous of praise, horn. 1, 103. loflik ''laudabilis\ ps. 96, 4. lofsang, A.Sax. lofsang, O.Icel. lofsongr, song of praise, Hick. thes. 1, 167 ; (ms. loffsang) Orm. 18026; lofsong (v. r. loft song) c. I. 29; (? printed loftsong) horn. 1, 261; (printed lostsong) Marh. 19, 14. lof, Swed. lof m.. Butch loef /., loof: heo scuven ut heore lof La^. 7869; he pent 41 322 lof lome pene lof a. r. 104: loof Man. 12088; her loof and her windas Rich. 71; heo wenden heore lofes & liden toward londe Lay. 20949. lof see hlaf. lofeii see lovien. loft see luft. logge^ Fr. loge, lodge, U h. disc. 550; a. p. 3, 457. loggeii^ Fr. loger, lodge, Mand. 193; logg-ede fpret.J a. r. 264; log-ed f part. J Will. 1918; logged Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 15004. I05, A. Sax. luh ? Gael, loch ? lough, lacus, a. p. 2, 441; louh, lough Man. 1423 Sf 10211; loghe ^dat.J ant. Arth. VII, 5. 105, I003, A. Sax. loh, O.Fris. loch dat. loge f locus J, O.H.Gcrm. luog fspecus, cu- hilej? locus, Shoreh. 126, 145 Sf 157. 105 see lah. lo^e^ O.Fris. loga, O.Icel. logi, M. II. Germ. lohe, low, flamma; lo3he Orm. 16185; lohe ,. 23211; loken Am. a. Aniil. 492; pe doren . . . loke vaste Eob. 495, 22; in armes ilk Oper pey loken Man. Inker lusi 325 3258; loken {part J Gow. 1, 226; pi cr. 31; Wicl. 3 kings 7; s. s. ed. Wr. 2951; Degrev. 552; he pas loken paer pipinnen Orm. 1091; loken kope Havel. 429; lokin m. h. 88; a Sarsins legge hap he lokin Odav. 1274; comp. bi-, i-, to-, imluken; deriv. loc, loke. louker ^^runcator", voc. 218. lukkc, Ink, O.Fris. O.Dutch luck, O.Tcel. liikka, M.H.Germ. (ge)lucke, luch^ prompt. 316. lukkeii; 0. Butch lucken, luck, succeed; lukke m. t. 225. lulling O.Butch liillen, lull, Hdlare\ prompt. 317; lulled (pret.) I. h. r. 133; lullid Chauc. 0. t. 8429. lumen see leomien. luminen limn; lumiuid, limnid (paH.) prompt. 317. luminoiir //mw^r, prompt. 317 ; limenour g. 9. lumpe^ 0. Butch lompe, lump, '■^frustum', I voc. 241; prompt. 317; Town. myst. 307. ^ lumpen lump; lumping led /. h. r. 141. lunil, O.Icel. lund, nature, disposition, Orm. 7038. Lunden^ A. Sax. Lunden, London: on Lun- dene misc. 145; Louude spec. 92. Lundeneburh La-^,. 4284. lune, Ban. luun, Swed. lugn, O.Icel. logn? lou7i, quiet: of mine live jif me lune liom. 1, 197. lunge^ A.Saic. lungen pi. lungenu n., O.Fris. lungen, O.H.Germ. lungunna, lunginna, lungun, lunga /., O.Icel. lungu pi. n., lung, ^^pulmo\ prompt. 317; r. s. V, 172; Gow. 3, 100; Wicl. 3 kings 22; lud. Cov. 181; longe Alis. 2156; U h. disc. 602; longene fpl.J Lay 6499''; longes voc. 183; Chauc. C. t. a 2752. lungwurt lung-wort, rel. ant. 1, 37 . liipe see hleap. lure, A. Sax. lyre, from leosen, damnum, jactura, perditio, La'^. 980; Kath. 805; a. r. 58; o. a. n. 1153; luere, lere rel. ant. 1, 262 &f 263; lire st. gen. 2920; lire of eorplike ahte Orm. 5667; lere Hob. 526, 12; ayenh. 36; Arth. a. Merl. 8369; pone lere hom. 1, 221; leore Alis. 1122. lure see hleor. luren, Fr. leurrer, O.Butch leuren, loren, lure, aliicere; lure Chauc. C. t. 5997; lured (part.) Langl. h 5, 439. luren, L.Germ. luren fspeculari J 9 lour flower J, look sullen; lure Horn ed. Lum. 270; louren pi. cr. 556; lourin prompt. 316; loure Gow. 1, 47; Rich. 3470; Triam. 1032; loure on ml nejebore LangL h J, 132; lourinde (part.) ayenh. 256; lourand Will. 2119; louring Chauc. C. t. 6848. loui'i, L.Germ. lurig, lowery, Lidq. m. p. 52. luring louring, o. a. n. 423. lurken (lurken?), from luren, as herkien from heren? lurh, Havel. 68; lurkin "/a- tere\ prompt. 317 ; lurkes (pres.) a. p. 3, 277 ; i lurk(e) and dare Town. myst. 137 ; lurkep pi. cr. 83; lorkinde (part.) Will. 2213 ; lurkinge, lorkinge Langl. 2, 192 (216); lurking Chauc. C. t. 12586; lurkide (pret.) Wicl. 1 paral. 12. lurkere lurker, rel. ant. 1, 133. lurten? comp. bilurten. lus, A.Sax. O.Icel. O.H.Germ. lus, louse, pe- diculus; lous Langl. h 5, 198; liise (pi.) p. I. s. I, 5; lis Langl. h 5, 197; Use pr. c. 651. lusarile see lesarde. lusch, L.Germ. lusch, lush, ^'laxus\ prompt. 317. luschen? \y\&(^\\^^(pret.) Ma.i. 2977 ; luische- de d. Arth. 2226. liisehen, liisken, M. H. Germ. Iflschen, 0. Butch luischen. Ban. luske, latere; lask(e) Man. 9, 15; luskand (part.) Tmvn. myst 189. lousi lov^y, Langl. h 5, 195; Chauc. C. t. 7049. 226 lust lutel lust, A. Sax. lust m., lyst /., O.Frt's. O.L. Germ. O.II.Germ. lust /., Goth, lustus m., O.Icel. losti m., lyst /., lust, lid, pleasure, delight, desire, Marh. 14; o. a. n. 607; Hoccl. Ill, 60; m. h. 165; Aud. 4; fms. lusst) Orm. 1628; pene lust a. r. 272; fleishliche lust spec. 72; we hadden gret lust to see his noblesse Mand. 220; lust "voluptas, libido', prompt. 317; list '^de- ledatio, Uhitwn\ 306 Sf 307 ; lust, list, lest Chauc. C. t. a 132, 192 Sf 1318; lost oyenh. 82; list st. gen. 1230; sinful list rel. ant. 1, 221; list, liste a. p. 1, 907 Sf 2, 843; luste fdat.J o. a. n. 1391; men may entren at here owne list(e) Mand. 50; lustes fpl.j Marh. 1; a. r. 176; ivele lustes rel. ant. 1, 129; listes (lestes) of love Will. 740 Sf 946. lostvol lustful, ayenh. 80. iustles lust-, listless, Gow. 2, 111; listles prompt. 307 . lustllche lihenter, rel. ant. 1, 129. lust see hlust. lusteu, A. Sax. lystan, 0. Icel. lysta, 0. L. Germ, lustean, O.II.Germ. lusten, luston p7'et. lusta, lustota, Goth, luston, list, please, delight, desire: al pat ham lusted h. m. 25; per he him lostep- ayenh. 246; 3ef pif lust hire make o. a. n. 1193 ; Jist pr. c. 795; whan hem list Mand. 38; if pe list Chauc. C. t. a 1183; luste fpret.J Kath. 1588; a. r. 238; Brand. 6; ne luste heom hider va- ren La'^. 28811; luste, liste, lest(e) Langl. h 17 , 139; luste, liste pi. cr. 71 Sf 165; liste Orm. 8119; Goiv. 2, 366; a. p. 1 , 146; liste, leste Chauc. C. t. a 750 Sf 1052; camp, for-, oflusten. lusten see hlusten. lusti, M.II.Germ. lustic, lusty, hilaris, jucun- dus, Kath. 1693; Gow. 1, 110; Chauc. C. t. a 80; pr. c. 4231; lusti on to loken horn. 1, 269; in pi youp be lusti Lidg. m. p. 68; lusti, listi "delectabilis, voluptuo8us\ prompt. 307 Sf 317 . lustiheed hilaritas, Chauc. C. t. 10602. lustili lustily, Chauc. C. t. 9667 . lustinesse lustiness, Chauc. C. t. a 1639. lustnen see hlustnen. lut, A. Sax. lyt, O.L.Germ. hit, O.Icel. litt (parvum), lite fleet), parvum, La^. 252; Kath. 34; porldliche men ileved lut a. r. 66; mid lut pordes 70; lute fr. w. prtite) Beh. 2379; a lute liste o. a. n. 763; lute gOd treat. 133; lute and lute paulatim, 137; luite Jos. 148; to luite fv. r. lutel) c. I. 632; lite cfyenh. 31; fr. w. write) Horn ed. Lum. 932 ; a lite Chauc. -C. t. a 1450; lute parvus, La\ 22208; pet is lute punder horn. 1, 187; a lute pihfc a. r. 72; i lute hpile Kath. 2183; a lute fowel Brand. 9; lite fr. w. bite) Havel. 1730; fr. w. wite) m. t. 34; pi sor3e is al to lite Shoreh. 32; it is lite Chauc. C. t. a 2627. liitc lute, prompt. 318. lutel, A. Sax. lytel, litel, O.I. Germ, luttil, O.II.Germ. luziler, O.Icel. litill, Goth. leitils, little fleetle), parvus, o. a. n. 561; pet is lutel punder horn. 1, 202; a lutel lond Kath. 2178; lutel, luttel Z«3. 1652 Sf 26452; luitel Jos. 39; litel Havel. 481; Chauc. C. t. a 490; fms. litell) Ortn. 3205; litil Wicl John 4; Lidg. m. p. 163; lutel parvum, Kath. 354; a. r. 74; a lutel Marh. 13;. lutel, litel p. I. s. VIII, 6 Sf 69; luitel c. I. 73; Mire 627; litel ayerih. 29; a litel Orm. 1715; rel. ant. 1, 211; a litel fv. r. lite) Langl h 13, 268; litel woot Arcite Chauc. C. t. a 1 525 ; a littel Ilich. thes. 1, 228; ane lutle while Lay 5818; pis lutle pine Kath. 2182; pe litle pereld Orm. 17597; sum phat litles aliquid parvi, Orm. 4681; litles phat 6952; senne lutelne sune ia^. 6329; pane lutle fujel 0. a. n. 1097; litle fpl.J Havel. 2014; lutlen fdat. pi J paulatim, Lay luten luyien a27 3569; lutleii and liitlen Mark. 12; litlum & litlum Langl. h 15, 599. Idten^ A. Sax. lutan, O.Icel. liita,' lout, se inclinare, Orm. 6139; st. gen. 1926; loutin prompt. 316; loute /. h. r. 34; Chauc. a t. ed. Tyrwh. 14168; Man. 333, 24; lilted fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 223; loutes Degrev. 1225; (hi) Kited Kath. 1781; luted (imper.) a. r. 13; Ititende (part. J a. r. 426: leat fpret.J ayenh. 239; heo leat lahe to hire leove laverd Marh. 12; ofte heo luten a dun La^. 1880; [loutede, louted Langl. 3, 111 (115 J; his hed loutede a doun Roh. 115, 5; louted Will 3485; loviii^ s. s. ed. Wr. 406; lutte Gaiv. 2236; he lutte & bseh Orm. 8961; lutten st. gen. 4070]; comp. aluteu. lutien^ A. Sax. lutian, 0. H. Germ, luzzen, from luten, latere: hsehte heom pere lu- tie (lotie) wel La'^. 21509; pe hare lu- tep al dai o. a. n. 373; dep lutep in his scho r. s. I, 29; lotiep Langl. h 17 , 102; lotinge (part.) Chauc. C. t. 12114; lutede (fret.) Kath. 1848; comp. setlutien. luti^, luti, A. Sax. lytig, astutus, fragm. 6, 1 Sf 7, 16. lutlicu^ A. Sax. lytlian, diminish, extenuate, La"^. 8838; lutlen Jul. 16; lutlin hom. 1, 265; lutli 0. a. n. 540; luttulde (pret.) Jos. 145; litelid (part.) L L. 61. luttcr see hlutter. luiTer, A.Sax. lyder, M.H.Germ. lider, lie- der(llch) ? lither, neguam, malus, a. r. 96; luder (luper) La^. 6833; luper and qved 0. a. n. 1137 ; luper ant lees spec. 49; luper, liper, leper Langl. 5, 98 (118); lider rel. ant. 1, 131; st. gen. 369; li- per Beh. 364; s. s. ed. Wr. 2250; lither pr. c. 1059; leper Jw. 599; pe ludere r§ve Marh. 6; pat leodre folc hom. 1, 241. luperhede nequitia, Roh. 240, 6; liper- hede p. I. s. XIII, 88. luderllche nequiter, male, Marh. 5; a. r. 290; liperliche s. s. ed. Web. 972; li- derlike st. gen. 1563; liperli Chauc. C. t. a 3299; letherli mir. pi. 114, ludernesse lithemess, nequitia, hom. 1, 197; lithernes pr. c. 226. lii|>ere^ A.Sax. lydre, lidre, funda; luperen (dat. pi.) Roh. 394, 19; cmnp. staeflipere. lu?e, A.Sax. lufe, lufu, love, amor, Marh. 5, 9; 0. a. n. 1510; st. gen. 8; peo luve a. r. 394; luve, lufe, lofe (love) Lay 223, 413 Sr 783; lufe Orm. 1572; pr. c. 69; Isumh. 242; lufve Amad. ed. Rohs, Lll, 11; love Chauc. C. t. a 1600; Wicl. John 13; pi love bonde spec. 58; luve (pi.) p. I. s. VIII, 156. loveache lovage, prompt. 314. lovedai love-day, a day for the amicable settlement of differences, p. I. s. XVII, 494; Langl. 10, 20 (11, 20); Chauc, C. t. a 258; Aud. 26. lovedrink philter, Trist. 2, 54. lufful a. r. 222. lovelaik Irid. 2, 82. lovelonginge spec. 61. loveles loveless, Langl. 5, 98 (118). luvelich lovely, a. r. 428; lovellch Langl. 8, 85 (9, 77); luveliche (adv.) a. r. 14; luvelTche (lofveliche) Xa). 7892; luvelike rel. ant. 1, 217; loveliche Jos, 305. lufreden, A.Sax. lufrffiden, a7}ior, m. h. 30; loverede ayenh. 146; lovered ps. 108, 5. lovcsong spec. 74. lufsum lovesome, Marh. 3; Orm. 3583; ant. Arth. XX VII, 6; pi leor is . . . lufsum Ifath. 316; lufsom Iiv. 214; -lofsom Latenf 942; lovesom Chauc. Troil. 6835; lufsumre (compar.) h. m. 11. luvepurde a. r. 112; luvepurdeiit Y«w- perl.) hom. 1, 187 . lovere, lover lover, Chauc. C. t. a 1379. lufien^ A.Sax. lufian, love, amare, a. r. 206; 328 luxurie mad rel. ant. i, 212; luvien (lovie) Z«3. 3056; lufen Orm. 940; luven st. gen. 9; lovien spec. 57 ; lovie ayenh. 6; lovye Shoreh. yi; loven Mand. 160; love Wicl. John 8; liivie fpres.J Marh. 4, 7; lovie Beh. 890; lovye, love Langl 3, 32 {33 J; Invest a. r. 282; luved Xath. 231; lu- vep 0. a. n. 230; (we, 30, hi) luvied La^. 998; Kath. 952; a. r. 282; luviep 0. a. n. 1355; mise. 36; lufen Orm. 3602; luvede fpret.J Kath. 106; luvede, lufede (lovede) La-^,. 156 Sf 256; lufede Orm. 16712; lovedest i?6;X\ 781; luveden a. r. 282; lufed (part. J Iw. 1164; comp. bi-, iluvien. luxurie j Lat. luxuria, luxury, ayenh. 157 . lynx^ Lat. lynx, lynx, ayenh. 81. ma, A.Sax. ma, O.Fris. ma, mar, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. mer, O.Icel. meir, Co^A. mais, Z«^. magis, fcampar.J ma (mo), magis, plus, Kath. 1282; Marh. 8, 32; Flor. 1104; pr. c. 3997; nefede he hern no ma iff). 91; nffifre ma ne shal he ben nane pise filed Orm. 4206; mO 0. a. « n. 564; St. gen. 354; Havel. 1846; Langl. h prol. 147; Mand. 275; a. p. 1, 869; Aud. 80; evre mo p. I. s, VIII, 53; Oder mo Oder les a. r. 42; fele Opere mO Bek. 571; nO pe mO treat. 138; ne mo ne les ayenh. 118; mO pan pries ten Chauc. C. t. a 576; mare, A. Sax. mara m., mare /. n., O.Fris. mara, O.II.Germ. mero m., mera /. n., O.Icel. meiri m., meira /. n., Goth, maiza, mai- zei, maizo, Lat. major, majus, Gr. [xst^ojv, Sanscr. Tl^VV^, more, major, majus, ma- gis, plus, pr. c. 1047; Percev. 229; nes nefre mare mon penne he hom. 1, 131; maire luve Lay 30055; ne aras he never mare 1555; eaver se pu mare pa & mare peane dOst me . . . se pu purches(t) ml pil & ml peol mare Kath. 2140; pat is mare purd 70; mare genge Orm. 19566; godes engel se3de . . . 3et mare 780; & mare Infest tu pat ping 4662; pe mare 10146; her ufer fr. ufen) mar 1715; mOre p. I. s. VIII, 1; 0. a. n. 213; Havel. 982; Langl. h 5, 289; Mand. 4; IIoccl. I, 65; more punder a, r. 54; pe more 194; more oper lasse treat. 138; mOre grat ayenh. 18; per nis nO more tO seye Chauc. C. t. a 2386; bOpe mOre and lesse 6516; moare pro- clam. 2; mOr st. gen. 993; msest, A.Sax. msest, msesta, mjeste, 0. L. Germ, mest, mesta, O.Fris. mast, maste, O.II.Germ. meist, meisto, meista, O.Icel. mestr (mestr?), Goth, maists, Gr. jisYtaioc, most, maxi- mus, maxima, maxiynum, maxime, plurimus, plurima, plwrimum, plerumque, La"^. 27601; mest p. I. s. VIII, 4; 0. a. n. 684; ever ich mest haved On(e) olde cpene a. r. 88; pesne lehter habbed mest hpet alle men hom. 1, 137; ho so havep of urpe mest treat. 138; pet biep mest worp ayenh. 23; ant tu schalt . . . meast punne ant peole pelden Marh. 6, 10; meast alle Kath. 29; it is mast & he3hest Orm. 10734; & taer pas pe3re king- a3 mast 847 1; mast mannen hom. 2, 7; mOst worpi Mand. 1; pe mseste Lay 11567; meste Havel. 983; Bob. 9, 18; pe meste del a. r. 330; (h)is meste fO spec. 24; pe meste and leste Chauc. C. t. a 2198; at te meste Brand. 31; maste Iw. 2123; pe maste lufe Orm. 5328; pe moste st. gen. 189; pe moste sinne Mand. 249. niacche, Fr. meche, match, ellychnium, Langl, b 17, 213. niacche see msecche. mace, O.Fr. mace, mace, Boh. 48, 21. mace, Fr. mace, Lat. macis, mace; macis fpl.J prompt. 319; I. c. c. 13. mad, A.Sax. mad(mod), gemsed, O.L.Germ. gemed, Goth, gamaids (avocTiTjpoc), 0. H. Germ? gameiter (stultus), mad, s. s. ed. Wr. 2091; i waxe mad (r. w. lad) spec. madden maeiden 329 20; maad li h. disc. 2001 ; mad fms. madde) "amens\ prompt. 319; (r. iv. glad) m. h. 53. madhede dementia, Mire 1667 . madliche madly, Kath. 2114. madnesse fms. maddenesse) madness, prompt. 319. madschipe dementia, Kath. 237; med- schipe a. r. 148. miulileii see mffiden. iiiadeni see madem. niatler^ A. Sax. mseddre, madder, rulia, g. 3o8; madir prompt. 319; voc. 26 o. iii%cche^ A. Sax. (gejmaecca, from mak, match, conjux, par; macclie Langl. h 13, 47; Hoccl. I, 307; Zakari3es macche Orm. 290; pe sclirewe fond his macche po p. I. s. XIV, 48; mache m. Arth. 1607; mecche Man. 13563; ches . . . Crist to meche rel. ant. 1, 225; maecchen (ace.) Mat. 1, 24; comp. ^emaecche. iHieccheii match, comparare; macchep, macche fimper.J Langl. 9, 173 (10, 193); machet (part.) ant. Arth. XXXIV, 8. m^che see meche. iiiieden^ A. Sax. (ge)maidaii, Goth, maidjan (xaTiy^Asus'.v), O.Icel. mei^a, (la ederej, mad, madden, turbare, laederef maddin ^Hnsani- re\ prompt. 319; madde (presj pi. cr. 280; madde (suhjunct.) Gaw. 2414; if pou madde Chauc. C. t. 3156; pat mad- did her eine dep. R. 6, 17; comp. a- mseden. niiR^e^ A. Sax. msege, female cousin; me3he Orm. 3178; mehe a. r. 76^'; mehen (pi.) Marh. 16, 9; see ma3e. maiht see meaht. nijei^ A. Sax. maeg, O.L.Germ. O.II.Gen'm. Goth, mag, O.Fris. mei, O.Icel. ma, (pret. pres.) may, possum, fragm. 6, 34; msei, mai (may) La^. 7 54 Sf 1202; mai (mai3) HicJi. thes. 1, 223; mai o. a. n. 228; st. gen. 371; msii, may c. I. 1 8f 206; ma3 Orm. 199; mei a. r. 6; pu maht Marh. 4, 25; spec. 91 ; maht, miht Orm. 1488 Sf 1492; mai3t c. I. 1109; mayt Havel. 852; maut an. lit. 8; meiht horn. 1, 217; a. r. 102; miht La-^. 694; h. h. 80; miht, mi3t o. a. n. 64; mi3t Brand. 30; ayenb. 7; Langl. b 12, 10; ma3en, mawen, mu3eii, A. Sax. magon, Goth, magum, O.lI.Germ. magun, mugun, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. mugun, O.Icel. megum, X'^. 13S3, 5335 Sf 12748; ma3e Flor. a. Bl. 632; mahen Kath. 757; mawen spec. 96; mugen Mat. 10, 28; mu3en horn. 1, 221; mu3hen Orm. 202; mu3e, mawe o. a. n. 182; mupen a. r. 4; mowe Rob. 316, 13; c. I. 23; Will. 3903; Maud. 5; Hoccl. I, 148; moun s. s. ed. Wr. 1340; mseie, ma3e (mawe), A. Sax. msege, muge, (suhjunct.) La"^. 3180 ^' 26210; mahe Kath. 967; mawe p. I. s. VIII, 168; mu3e proclam. 6; muh3e hom. 1, 17; mu3he Orm. 200; muhe, mowe o. a. n. 1581; mo3e ayenh. 7; mowe Havel. 394; Beh. 141 ; m^^m La'i,. 17947; mo wen Chauc. Boet. 608; deriv. msein, maeip, meaht, mu3en. iiiaei, A.Sax. maeg, O.Icel. mser? Goth, mavi? may, virgo; may La'^. 30486'^'; spec. 26; Will. 659; Mire 1351; Gow. 2, 2; Chauc. C. t. 5271; Amad. ed. Robs. LIII, 9; Town. myst. 67; mai p. I. s. XVI, 4; m. h. 39; ma3 Orm. 2489. mm, A.Sax. ma3g, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ. mag, O.Icel. magr, Goth, megs, cousin, ^^propinquus\ fragm. 2, 21; mjei (niey) Z«3. 3838; pi mei-(mgei) ne pi m63e p. I. s. VIII, 15; mei r. s. V, 162; mey misc. 79; m8e3es (meyes) (pi.) La'>,. 457 ; meies ba ant mehen Marh. 16, 9; comp. winemsei. iiiieideii^ maiden, maeide, maide, A. Sax. maegdeii, M. H. Germ, magedin, maiden, maid, virgo, puella. Lay 150, 3059, 3111 ^ 22225; meideu Kath. 66; a. r. 64; ma3den Orm. 2102; maiden Tor. 2008; 42 330 mseidekin maene maide o. a. n. 1416; Rob. 206, 12; maid Gow. 1, 160; meidene fgen. pi. J Mark. 4, 23; maideue o'cl. ant. 1, 128; comp. burmaiden. jtnajdenchild Orm. 7897; maidiii-, inaide- child ^^pueUd\ Wicl. genes. 24; maide- cMld La^. 14378. ma3denliad maidenhood, -head, Orm. 4606; meiden-, meidehod a. r. 164 ^ 322; maidenliod ayenh.228; maideiihod, -hede Chauc. C. t. a 2329; maidenhed st. gen. 1862; Gow. 2, 230. ma3denman virgo, Orm. 2086; maideii- mon spec. 82. maidckiu^ . 0. Dutch magdeken, ^^pueiy\ prompt. 319. VLimvLf A. Sax. maegeii, maegii, 0. L. Germ. megin, O.H.Germ. magan, megiii, O.Icel. magn, megiu, from ma^, main, potentiq; main La"). 1641; Alis. 666; p. I. s. XXXII, 10; lud. Cov. 26; mein Marh. 12, 4; c. I. 1479; maeiue fdat.J La^. 1918; maine Iloh. 49, 12; Gow. 3, 4; Triam. 7 40; mid alle meine hom. 1, 123. mseinclubbe La\ 16292. maindint Gaw. 336. meinfal Kath. 1096; maiufiil n. p. 1, 1092. mainhors Gaiv. 187. mainles rel. ant. 1, 211. mainliche mainly, fortiter, La"^. 808''''; mainli a. p. 2, 1427 . mainstrong, A. Sax. maegenstrang, La'i,. 27731. VAm^f A. Sax. majged, msegd, O.H.Germ. magad, virgin. meidhad virginity, Marh. 2; maidhod hom. 2, 21; ma3pha;d Orm. 2339. nisei))^ A.Sax. maegd, progeny, family, tribe, ^^fprogejnies, tribm\ fragm. 2,22; mabpe potency, power? Lay 6234"^; hire fader . . . pas of Asseres ma3f)e Orm. 7678. msel^ A.Sax. msel, O.Icel. m^el, mel, mal, O.Fris. mel, mal, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. mal, Goth, mel (xaipog), meal. Lay 19690; mel' Kath. 1839; st. gen. 1020; Bek. 2396; Chauc. C. t. 7366; mel (meal) a. , r. 262; meel ^^pastus\ prompt. 331; p. I. s. XXX, 1; mele /"dat.J Gam. 636; mseles fpl.J Orm. 4969; comp. cuppe-, floe-, lim-, pund-, stundmele, wukemalum. meltid rel. ant. 1, 132; Chauc. Troil. 2648. meeltlme meal-time, Langl. b 3, 223 (1806). m^leii^ A.Sax. maelan, O.Icel. msela, O.IL Gei^m. mahalon, from mal, speak, talky loqui, Orm. 2919; mele Havel. 2069; spec. 34; Will. 4009; Beves 1243; Gaw. 2296; d. Arth. 990; ant. Arth. VI, 9; mealed fpres.J Kath. 1326; melez a. p. 1, 496; melen (subjunct.) Jos. 46; mealde fpret.J Kath. 1246; comp. imselen. meliiig conversation. Will. 760. m^ue^ 0. Fris. mene, = imsene ? mean^ com- mon: pe mene and Jje riclie LangL prol, 18; pe mene folk Man. 168, 6; of me- ne lore Mire 2037; pe mene sinnes jw, c. 3192; peo beon to alle men . . . meane fv. r. imeane) h. m. 19; mener fcomparj Langl. b 14, 166; I. c. c. 7 . maenelich common: oure meneliclie loverd 7^el. ant. 1, 282; al pas msenelike ping Onn. 2603. msenne&se, A.Sax. gemeenness, cotnmunion: pe mennesse of hrd3en ayenb. 14. mansion, A.Sax. gemgensumian, O.IIGerin. gemeinsamon, communicare; mansen fms. mannsenn), for amansen, Orm. 10622; mansed, for amansed, Langl. b 4, 160; a. p. 2, 774. m^iic == im^ne? communion, community, Orm. 1948; mene st. gen. 601 ; meane hom. 1, 276: piduten monnes man(e) Marh. 13, 26; mOne Shoreh. 61 Sf 70; mone fsec. text imone) Lay 26916; wip- oute mone Rob. 316, 3. iii^iie^ 0. Fris. mene, 0. H. Germ, meina maenen m^sten 331 (opinio)^ moan (main), opinion, communi- catio7i, complaint: to hire ich make miii mene rel. ant. 1, 103; in a false mene Langl. h 15, 536; mane rel. ant. 1, 60; liv. 535; m. h. 119; Min. 12; mOne o. a. n. 1520; Bob. 34, 15; Sho'reh. 89; Alis. 1281; Chaue. C. t. 11232; godes prophete makede spuche mone a. r. 64; and made hir mone to Piers Langl. b 6, 125 f4042j; bi mine mone Havel 816; moone Triam. 182. mseneii^ menen, A.Sax. msenan, O.Fris. me- na, O.L.Cerm. menian, O.H.Germ. mei- nen, O.lcel. meina, mean, moan fmeen, main), communicare, indica-re, significare, queri, La"^. 8294 §* 29613; menen a. r. 274 ^' 316; Orm. 4817; meanen Kath. 1243; mene o. a. n. 1257; c. I. 401; Trist. 2, 2; Gow. 1, 94; Triam. 28 Sf 473; hwat may pis mene Ravel. 2114; hey men . . . wolde hem. . . . mene pat hii nadde non eir Bob. 330, 28; to me- ne ant minne spec. 37; to mene pe sope Will. 2218; to whom mi^t i me mene 493; his biriels for to mene Man. 9026; what hit wolde mene 9050; manen rel. ani. 1, 274; mOnen st. gen. 180; mone Bich. 4636; Percev. 128; mene fpres.) Chauc. C. t. a 2063; hit is a schep(h)er- de pat i mene m. t. 74; so so bee mee- nep fragm. 8, 58; as Marc menep in pe gospel Langl. b 10, 276; and menip him bi name Tor. 759; pei menen Mand. 132; maende, mende fpret.) La-^. 1904 ^ 2438; mende a. r. 64; heo nuste hwat heo (r. he) mende misc. 85; ase ich er mende Shoreh. 129; menden Marh. 6, 4; mened (part.) Will. 1490; comp. bimsenen. m^ninge^ 0. H. Germ, meiniinga, meaning, moaning, communication, complaint, prompt. 332; Man. 25, 26; Percev. 1986; ant. Arth. XLVI, 11. mier (mer), A. Sax. gemgere, O.lcel. m&ri, meer, La^ 2133; meer Hime8\ prompt. 333; mere lud. Cov. 17 1; mere fdat.) a. p. 2, 778; meres "terminos^ ps. 2, 8; mseren ^^jinibm\ Marh 5, 17. msere^ A.Sax. mgere, O.lcel. mserr, O.L.Germ. mari, 0. II. Germ, marer, Goth, mers, fa- mous, illustrious, glorious, Orm. 806; msere (mere) La->,. 1139; mere p. I. s. VIII, 196; spec. 26; Gaio. 878; mere, meare Jul. 62 Sf 63; meren fdat. pi.) horn. 1, 221. mserllche valde, La"^. 2677. iiixrsieu^ A.Sax. msersian, O.L.Germ. (gi)- marson, celebrate; comp. im^ersien. mJerffe, A.Sax. mserde, O.L.Germ. maritha, O.H.Germ. marida, Goth, meripa, glory: ne delende nere of his eadinesse nof his merde fms. merhde) horn. 1, 217. nixschen 7nash, rumpere? mid pine cliVres poldest me meshe (meisse) o. a. n. 84. msBssc (masse), A.Sax. maesse, Fr. messe, . mass, La-^. 18520; messe a. r. 32; Shoreh. 27; s. s. ed. Wr. 1631; messe, masse prompt. 334; Cristes masse Christ- mas, 0. a. n. 481. messeboc mass-booh, Orm. dedic. 31 ; messe- bok Havel. 186. messecos a. r. 34. messeda3 Orm. 2720. messegere mass- gear, Havel. 188. msest, A.Sax. maest, O.H.Germ. mast, mast* La'i,. 4593 ; mast '■^malus\ prompt. 329; Chauc. C. t. a 3264; mastes (pi.) La\ 1100. niSBst^ A.Sax. maest, O.H.Germ. mast, mast, sagina; mast Chauc. append. Boet. 1, 37; pe wilde bar penne he i pan mseste (maste) monie swin imeted X«3. 21263. masthog prompt. 329. mastswTn, Germ, mastschwein, prompt. 329. msest see ma. m^.'Sim, A.Sax. maestan, O.H.Germ. masten, O.Hutch mesten, "8aginare\ prompt. 329. 332 msesti ma3e masti^ Germ, mastig, masty; mastie swine Chauc. h. f. 1777. niiestliiigj A.S.7X. maestling", mseslingC?), mas- Im, aes; mestling a. r. 284"^'; mastling Roh. 87, 2; rnaslin fms. maselin) Chauc. C. t. h 2042; comp: goldmestling. maestlingsmijj fragm. 2, 34. nisetc^ 0. Butch mate, 0. II. Germ, maza, measure; mete (mete?) hom. 1, 247; h. m. 41, 8. metwand prompt. 336. nmU, A.Sax. meete, O.Fris. mete, O.lI.Gcrm. (ge-, eben)mazer, meet, modicus, aptus; mete spec. 36; pi. cr. 428; Percev. 802 ; lud. Cov. 318; mete, meete Chauc. C. t. a 2291; meete Alis. ed. Sk. 184; comp. efen-, i-, or-, unmete. metle3C modesty, Orm. 2650. metelike meetly, Orm. 10703; meteli Gaw. 1414; meetli Chauc. r. r. 822. metnesse, A.Sax. (un)m8etnesse, modera- tion, hom. 1, 10 o. metels '■^somnim7i\ Wtcl. genes. 37; metels, meteles Langl. h prol. 208 (414); me- teles ayenh. 166. ni^ien^ A.Sax. m^tau, sommare; meten Zangl. prol. 11; mete TFtll. 658; metep fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 262; met ayenh. 128; mette fpret.J p. I. s. XIII, 132; Jos. 442; Chauc. C. t. a 3684; meted (part. J pictus, Orm. 1047; met somniatus, Havel. 1285; comp. imgeten. metere ^^pictor\ fragm. 2, 58; meteres somniatores, ayenh. 32. metinge^ A.Sax. mseting, so?nmum, ayenh. 143; meting Alis. 327; Will. 706; Langl. h 13, 4; meting ^^pictura', fragm. 2, 58. mseite (mepe), A. Sax. m^d, measure, mode- ration, modesty, La^. 977; m&p Orm. 7515; mede st. gen. 3601; man ne can his mudes mede rel. ant. 1, 131; methe Alex. 4325; mep spec. 103; wipouten mep(e) c. I. 318; in mesure & me])e a. p. 2, 247; Mari ledd(e) liir lif wij) mepe m. h. 107; comp. unmep. medful a. r. 430; mepful spec. 32; methful ps. 3, 6. medleas a. r. 96; methles Gaw. 2106. medleasliche a. r. 330. iiic|)e moderate, llalliw. diet. 552; comp, unmede. medeliche moderately, hom. 2, 7 ; mede- like 6-^. gen. 1758. m^iTe^icii^ A.Sax. (ge)m8edegian, moderate, temper: we sculled medegie lieore mod La^. 25231; efter pat ])e he medeged nu his dede shal eft ben medeged his mede hom. 2, 153. mieiMeii^ A.Sax. m8edian(?), moderate, tem- per, spare: ic sal meden de stede st. gen. 1046; pe man pe hit meded riht rel. ant. 1, 132; an angel medede hire dat ned st. gen. 1242; jif pey hem self coupe have meped Man. 13615. nmyf, A.Sax. m^ep, O.Icel. mar flarusj, meiv (maw); mQB>y fragm. 3, 18; mow e prompt. 346; comp. semawe. iiiagat^ magot maggot, prompt. 321; maked (.= madek?) vac. 255. maguanimite^ Fr. magnanimite, magnanimity, ayenh. 164. maguiliceiice^ Fr. magnificence, magnificence, ayenh. 164. magiiiiien^ Fr. magnifier, magnify, prompt. 325. ma5 see msei. iiia^, A. Sax. mag(?) pi. magas, = msei ? maugh, cousin; niog st. gen. 1761 ; maiges (p)l.) Marl 13, 12; mo^e (dat. pi.) pro- clam. 10. ma^e^ A.Sax. miigB,, O.JI.Germ. ma,go, O.Icel. magi, maw, stomachus, ayenh. 56; mahe h. m. 35; r. s. V, 171; mape a. r. 370; mawe Roh. 311, 16; Alis. 1260; Langl. h 15, 56; p. 43, 6; a. p. 3, 255; m. h. 124; mawen (pi.) misc. 151. ma^e^ ni03e, A.Sax. mage, =m£e3e? female mast) makinge 333 cousin, p. J. s. VIIl, 15; ma^e, m03e (mawe, mowe) Z^^. 257 Sf 25897 ; mope r. 8. V, 162; mope fv. r. mehe) a. r. 76; mowe misc. ih; Rob. 316, 5; mOw ^^glos\ prompt. 345; mOwe fpLj p. L s. Va, 3. majl* see maeip. m'dhf A. Sax. mah, eager, La"^. 11201; pa itimede pan deofle al spa ded mahse fisce hom. 1, 123; comp. imah. mahe see ma3e. mahiiiiet^ maumet, malium (mahiin) MaJiomet, idol, La^. 230, 14585 ^^ 29221; mau- met p. I s. XV, 226; Man. 1346. niaht see meaht. mai see msei. maiden see maeiden. niaile^ Fr. maille, Ital. maglia, Lat. macu- la, mail, prompt. 320; mailes fpl.J ant. Arth. XXX, 5. mainly O.Fr. mehaing, maim; maimes fpJ.J ayenb. 135. mainieii^ O.Fr. mahaigner, mehaigner, maim; maime Chauc. C. t. 6714; maimin, mai- niii prompt. 320; imaimed (part.) Rob. 288, 4; ayenb. 135; Langl. b 17, 189. main see maein. maiii^ Fr. main. main-, meinprlse mainprise, Langl. b 16, 264. niainprlsin mainprise, "manctpare", prompt. 320; main-, meinprise Langl. b 4, 179. maintenen, Fr. maintenir, maintain; main- tene Will. 2698; main-, meintene Langl. 3, 178 (184); manteine o. a. n. 759. maiue^ O.Fr. maisnee, meiny, ayenb. 30; maine, meine Rob. 108, 13 Sf 167 , 12; Will. 184 Sf 416; meine Havel. 834; Man. 8427. meinial menial, Wicl. Rom. 16. maire, Fr. maire, rnayor, Langl. b 3, 87 . maister^ 0. Fr. maistre, Lat. magister, master, o. a. n. 1778; s. s. ed. Wr. 36; maistre Orm. 5236; meister a. r. 236. meistren master, Kath. 1280; comp. amaistren. maistresse^ O.Fr. maistresse, mistress, ayenb. 34; Chauc. Boet. 169. maistrie mastery, Rob. 3, 11 ; meistrie a. r. 140. maitt see mseid. mai|>e^ A.Sax. magede, chamomile, voc. 190; maide prompt. 319. makj O.Icel. makr, M. II. Germ, gemach, fa- cilia, "aptus\ prompt. 321. maldi ^^faciliter\ prompt. 322. m&k see madek. make^ A.Sax. maca(?), O.Icel. maki, = ima- ke? make, conjux, socius, par, a. r. 114; Orm. 1276; o. a. n. 1159; rel. ant. 1, 224; Havel. 1150; Shm-eh. 67; Will. 1898; Alts. 3314; Langl. 3, 114(118); 8. 8. ed. Wr. 239; Gow. 1, 45; Begrev. 1116; m. Arth. 1062; Lidg. m. p. 153; pe turtle pat hap lost hir make Chauc. C. t. 9954; he wenes his mak(e) mai na man find(e) m. h. 49. makeles Marh. 11, 4; c. I. 819; Chauc. Iroil. 172; ant. Arth. XXVII, 10. makere maimer, ayenb. 262; makere, maker Langl. b 10, 240. makerel^ 0. Fr. maquerel, mackerel, Havel. 758. makien^ A. Sax, macian, 0. Fris. makia, 0. L.Germ. macon, O.H.Germ. machon, 7na1ce, facere, La\ 5621; a. r. 6; proclam. 4; makien lis stronge Kath. 1026; maken Orm. 1480; st. gen. 278; c. I. 479; Grim dede maken a ful fair bed Havel. 658; maken, make Langl. 2, 117 (147 ); maki treat. 138; ayenh. 27; makie (pres.) spec. 86; makede (pret.) a. r. 224; treat. 132; made Mand. 261; made, maade c. I. 34; maden st. gen. 1992; maaden, made Langl. 2, 188 (212); maked (part.) Orm. 995; Shoreh. 71; Will. 1951; ma- ked, mad 8t. gen. 184 Sf 2470; mad, maad Cliauc. C. t. a 394; comp. imakien. makinge making, ayenb. 92. 334 mal man mal^ A. Sax. mal, 0. Dutch mal (mael), 0. I£,Germ. meil ? Goth, mail ? mole (mail? J ^ macula; mool rel. ant. 1, 108; moles and spottes Langl. h 13, 315. mal^ A. Sax. mal, msel, 0. Icel, mal, 0. L. Germ. O.H.Germ. mahal fsermo, pactum J, mail, speech, tax: o Grickishe mal Orm. 4270; samnen la^liellke & riht pe Idnges rihte male 10188; hi token unriht mOl misc. 151; moal st. gen. 81. male^ O.Fr. male, O.H.Germ. malha, mala- ha, mail, ^^mantica", prompt. 323; Lay 3543; Havel. 48; Beves 1297; Mire 1342; sacram. 17 9 r males fpl.J Langl. b 5, 234. malen^ A.Sax. (ge)m8elan? maeidare? mCled (part.) Langl. h 13, 27 5; camp. bimOlen. malice^ Fr. malice, malice, ayenl. 26; Chauc. . C. t. l 363. malicious^ Fr. malicieux, malicious, a. p. 3, 508. malle^ Fr. mail, Lat. malleus, mall fmellj, lor. 322; mealies fpl.J horn. 1, 253; melles pr. c. 6572. mallen^ O.Fr. mailler, inall, strike with a mall, Jos. 508; malle d. Arth. 4037; deoflen pat ham meallid horn. 1, 251. maillet^ Fr. maillet, mallet, Parten. 4698. Salmesburi Malmeslury, fragm. 5, 21. malskrcii masker, confundere? malskred f part. J a. p. 3, 255; hou he had(d)e . . . malskrid aboute Will. 416; malscrid f? printed malstrid) and mased Alex. 1270; maskede men Brand. 6. malt, A.Sax. mealt, .. O.ice/. malt, O.H.Germ. malz, from melten, malt, %racium^\ fragm. 4, 21; prompt. 323; Langl. b prol. 197; Chauc. a t. a 3991. maltin, Germ, malzen, tnalt, prompt. 323. mameleii see momelen. mameren mammer; mamere voc. 203. man, A.Sax. man, mon, O.Icel. man, mon, mun, Goth, man, Lat. memini, Gr. fjie- fiova, fpret. pres.J man (mun), think, will; mon Fercev. 567 ; pr. c. 96; Tor. 1113; m. Arth. 3230; pou mon be ded Iw. 703; mun /. h. r. 95; Min. 12; i mun walke on ml way ant. Arth. XXV, 3; pai mun(e) Min. 3; i wene that we deye mone Havel. 840; per mone nO dintus him dere avow. Arth. Ill, 11; we mon nug. poet. 41; ye mon Town, myst. 63; it mune (suhjunct.) Orm. 14356; pat all his gCde dede ne mune him noht beon god inoh 7927 ; deriv. manien, mu- ne, munen, munien. man, A.Sax. mann (man), monn (mon) gen. mannes, mounes, O.Fris. man, mon, 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ, man gen. mannes, Goth. man(?) gen. mans, dat. mann, nom, pi. mans, 0. Icel. mannr, madr, man (mon), homo, Rob. 38, 14;Bek. 4; Shoreh. 1; ay^nb. 21; Will. 377; Alis. 1579; Mand. 1: Iw. 2109; pr. e. 42; man (ms. mann) hem halt for gode men Orm. 387; man, mon o. a. n. 455 Sf 477; k wel ibore mon (man) Xa^. 678; 'ford mon brohte pat water 14948; mon Kath. 925; a. r. 8; c._ I. 622; Mire 105; ' Aud. 6; njannes (gen.) Orm. 1459; Chauc. C. t. b 287; monnes (mannes) Ld"^. 1566; men (dat.) hom. 1, 93; [manne o. a. n. 800; monne (manne) La^. 65; monne a. r. 68]; men (nom. ace. pi.) Lay 541; 0. a. n. 385; Langl. prol. 32; (ms. menu) Orm. 123 ; spa men (me) dide sone Kath. 1552; in eorde me hine sette Lay 27933; ase me seid a. r. 54; manne (gen. pi.) p. I. s. VIII, 82; Orm. 2597; Rob. 312, 15; feoper pusend manne Mat. 15, 38; monne a. r. 384; [mennes Orm. 386; Will. 6; Mand. 104]; mon- nen (dat. pi.) hom. 1, 129; Lay 344; manne o. a. n. 389; [mennen hom. 1, 117; menne, men Lay 344"" ^ 350""; men Kath. 406; a. r. 286; Bek. 310]; see manne; cmnp. aker-, alder-, ber-, bonde-, bur3-, cheap-, drij-, fa-, fOt-, man mang 335 gleo-, 30-, heaved-, hors-, leof-, mere-, ssb', steor-, peow-, weorc-, wep-, wifman. mancun p. I. s. VIII, 153; mankun 0. a. n. 849; monkun Ln^. 436; h. h. 130; mankin Orm, 1; st. gen. 240; a. p. 1, 636; monkin speo. 96; monkiiine c. /. 570. mankunde, monkiiinde manUnd, I. h. r. IS Sf 19; monkuinde, -kinde c. I. 1066; mankinde spec. 81; mankende ayenh. 1. moiiqvalm (mancwalm) La^. 3908. monqvelle r. s. VII, 28. manqvellere "homicida\ Wicl. deeds 28; Will 993; monqvellere ho7n. 1, 279. mondream ICath. 2046; mondrem La^. 23945. monverde (mauferde) Lay 10747 Sf 16453. manhod manhood, Shoreh. 148; Chauc. C. t. a 756; manhede WiU. 431; monhede Roh. 131, 16; c. I 649.. manlich 7nanly, p. I. s. XXIII, 33; Langl. h 5, 260; monllch Kath. 1324; a. r. 274; manli Iw. 3207; monliclie (adv.) Lay 26855; monluker fcompar.J a. r. 422; manlokest Will. 3419. manliche, A.Sax. manllca, Goth, manleika, 0. II. Germ, manlicha, human form, rel. ant. 1, 234. monredne, A.Sax. manraeden, homage, Lay 420; manrede Havel. 484; p. I. s. Xin, 203; Alis. 4665; monraden ant. Arth. L, 5; monrade h. h. 88. monscipe (mansipe) dignity, honour. Lay 346; manshipe Orm. 19014; man(s)chipe Will. 3337. monsla^e homicida, horn. 1, 13; monslahe Marh. 11, 8. monslaeht, A. Sax. manslyht, O.K. Germ. manslaht, homicidium, La'^. 27 826; mon- sleilit a. r. 56; manslagt st. gen. 485; mansla3t Bek. 365; manslau3t, mon- slauht I. h. r. 30 Sf 31 ; monsla3t Mire 1535; Aud. 2. monweored Lay 20393. maii^ A.Sax. man, O.L.Germ. men(eth), 0. Icel. meinn, O.H.Germ. meiiier, malus, manap perjurium, Orm. 4480. mandede scelus, hom. 1, 99. monspare, A.Sax. manspara, O.Icel. mein- svari, perjurus, fragm. 7 , 27 ; monsware Lay 4148. mansworn mansivorn, perjuratus, Iw. 3938; manswore Lay 22139; mOnsworn a. p. 2, 182. mm, A.Sax. man, O.L.Germ. men, O.Iceh O.H.Germ. mein, nefas: pat tu pe loko pel fra man in apes & i pitness Orm. 4478. monful '^profanus\ fragm. 4, 45. mauciple^ O.Fr. mancipe? manciple, a. r. 214. maude^ A.Sax. mand, O.Dutch mande, maund; maund ^^sportula\ prompt. 330. niande^ O.Fr. mande, Lat. mandatum, maun- dy. Brand. 11; maunde, maundee Langl. h 16, 140. mauiidemeut^ Fr. mandement, Chauc. C. t. 6942; Wicl. numh. 15. mandrage^ Fr. mandragore, mandrake; man- dragis fpl.J Wicl. gen. 30. niane^ O.H.Germ. mana, O.Icel. mon, matie, ^^juba\ prompt. 324; Alis. 1957; Iw. 1853; Gate. 187. mane see m^ne. maueu^ O.Icel. meina fprohiherej? hlame^ mone Mapes 336; per dedes pou not mones(t) Man. 219, 28. maner^ O.Fr. manoir, manor, Bel. 480; maner, manoir Langl. 5, 595 (6, 76). manere^ O.Fr. maniere, manner, Lay 18983^^'; a. r. 6; p. I. 8. XVII, 301; manere, maneere c. I. 663. manerli mannerly, Will. 5008. mang =. imang? mang fmong), mixtio, mix- tura; mong hom. 1, 185; a. r. 384; monge Man. 7384; mang pimmankin Orm. 239; on mang (among) pulfen Mat^ 336 mangen marche . 10, 16; a mang Onn. 110; a mong ei. r. 2; 0. a. n. 497; a mong men h. h. 131; e mang pL t. 793; Town. myst. 22; bi mong Kath. 200; spec. 36; bi mong pummen ^^inter mulier€s\ a. r. 100; a manges amongst, proclam. 7; Shoreh. 21; Fercev. 1148; a monges Mand. 11. mongcorn mong-corn, frumentum mixtum, prompt. 342; pi. cr. 7 86. mangen^ A. Sax. (ge)mangian, O.Icel. manga, trade, traffick; mange ps. 101, 27; man- ges fpres.J a. r. 408'^. inaiigare^ A.Sax. mangere, O.Icel. mangari, monger, ^^mercator\ fragm. 2, 40; comp. eirmonger. niaiigleii mingle; mongled fpres.J a. r. 338; monglinde (part. J 116. moiigluiige mingling, a. r. 6. mangonel^ O.Fr. mangonel, a machine to throw stones with; mongenel ayenh. 116; mangunels fpl.J Arth. a. Merl. 2440. manicle^ Fr. manicle, manacle; maniclis, manaclis (pi.) Wicl. ps. 149. maiiieiij A.Sax. manian, manigean, monian, 0. Fris. monia, 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ. manon, remember, mention: mid mupe mo- ne3en Sal. a. Sat. 240; mone3e fpres.J Shoreh. 89; manecl & menejed horn. 1, 241. niaiii^^ A.Sax. manig, msenig, monig, O.L. Germ, manag, O.H.Germ. manager, Goth. manags, many fmonyj, multus: manij foi'd Orm. 43; m3i\i7^fha,t mtiltum, 7086; many man Shoreh. 8; mani, moni o. a. n. 1323 Sf 1675; many (mony) Chauc. C. t. a 3907; moni Marh. 1; moni (mani) riche mon La^. 12437 ; on moni are y^i^Q 29131 ; moni dai a. r. 2; moni hpat 362; mony On hungri hund misc, 164; meni Beh. 664; meny a man Tor. 699; monie mus hotn. 1, 63; manies fgen. m.J p. I. s. VIll, 18; monies kiinnes La-^. 17 10; monine face. m.J Lay 3412; manige fpl.J st. gen. 428; manie ayenh. 26; monie a. r. 200. manifeald, A. Sax. manigfeald, Goth. managfalps, manifold, hom. 1, 233; manifald Lv. 2973; monivold a. r. 176. monivolden multiply, a. r. 402. menitupe, A. Sax. menigtype, "soUers^\ fragm. 2, 37. iiiaiiige^ menige, A.Sax. manegii,' msenego, menigo, mengu, O.H.Germ. managi, Goth. managei, many, multitudo. Mat. 4, .26 Sf 6, 1 ; ane monien fr. monie) La^. 24668. niankiii^ O.Dutch manken, ''mutilare', prompt. 326; mankit fpret. J Golag. a. Gaw. 1013. inanue^ A.Sax. manna gen. mannan, Goth. manna ace. mannan, nom. pi. mannans, homo; manne fgen. J ayenh. 9; monnen, monne fnom. ace. pi. J horn. 1, 16 Sf 21; mannen fgen. pi. J hom. 2, 7 ; monnen Lay 24609. maunisse^ mennisse human nature, rel. ant. 1, 129 8f 130; mannesse, mennesse Kath. 1118. mansieii see under mgene. mausioii^ Lat. mansio, mansion, Chauc. C. t. a 1974. mantel^ O.Fr. mantel, mantle, La-^. 14766; Beh. 2100; mentel prompt. 333; st. gen. 2026; ayenh. 188; mantles fpl.J Marh. 7. iiiap^l^ mapil, mapul, A.Sax. mapel, maple, Chauc. C. t. a 2923; mapul "acer', voc. 181 ; prompt. 326. iiiai'lile^ marbre see marmon. Marcli^ Lat. Martins, March, Orm. 1891 ; Marz Havel. 2669. mai'chaiit^ Fr. marchand, merchant, Chauc. C. t. a 270; marchaunt Flor. a. BI. 42; Langl. 4, 116 fl32j. iiiarchaiidise^ Fr. marchandise, merchandise, h. h. 96; Langl. h prol. 63. inarehe^ A. Sax. mearc, 0. L. Germ, marca, Goth, marka, O.H.Germ. marcha, march, horder, ^^confiniurn\ prompt. 326; Langl. raarchen masen 337 h Id, 438; pe king of pe Marche p. I 8. XIII, 32; merke st. gen. 440; marches fplj Will 2214; Mand. 292; markes ayenb. 223; merkes Trist. 3, 41. marchen^ 0. II. Germ, marchon, horder : \)e kingdom of Hungarie pat marcliep to pe lond of Polaine Mand. 6; marclien to gideres Langl. h prol. 63. MarchisC; Germ. Miirkisch, belonging to the March; Marchisce monnen Lay 30996. mare^ A.Sax. O.Icel. mara, M.H.Germ. mare, mare, "ephiaUes\ prompt. 326; mare siren? Kath. 1500; mirie singed dis mere rel. ant. 1, 221; comp. nihtmare, -peimere ? mare see mere. mare see ma. mareis^ Fr. marais, morass, Langl. b 11, 344; Chauc. Boet. 2736; marasse fpl.J d. Arth. 2605. marescal^ O.Fr. marescal, marshal, proclam. 9; marschal JBelc. 796; Langl b 3, 200. margarite^ Lat. margarita, spec. 26; Wicl prov. 25. margiiie margin, prompt. 326. margrote^ A.Sax. meregrot, meregreota, 0. L.Germ. merigriota, O.H.Germ. marigrioz, margarita. margrotestan Orm. 6407. mar^^ mari see mear3. marten see moreen. mariage^ Fr. mariage, marriage, Rob. 31, 7 . marieu^ Fr. marier, marry; marie Itob. 30, 5; a. p. 2, 52. marieii^ O.H.Germ. meron, increase, augment; morin prompt. 343; mori ayenb. 45; mOrep fpres.J Lidg. m. p. 243; mored fpart.J Goiv. 2, 181. mariiiere^ O.Fr. marinaire, mariner, Chauc. C. t. a 1627. mark^ A.Sax. marc, 0. Butch mark, merk, 0. Fris. merk, 0. Icel. mork, mark, ''mar- ca\ prompt. 326; sixti mark of golde Lay 22392; marc Hob. 393, 5; marc, mark, marke Langl 5, 31; for marke ne for punde p. I. s. VIII, 149. marke see marche and mearke. market^ Lat. mercatus, market, rel ant. i, 219; Alls. 1615; marcat ayenb. 36. markethetere batteur de marche, Chauc. C. t. a 3936. marketdaschare ^^circumforaneus\ prompt. 326. mjirl, 0. Dutch margel, mergel, O.H.Germ. mergil, marl, marga, prompt. 327 . marlepit Chauc. C. t. a 3460. marliUj Dutch marlen, marl, ^^illaqueare\ prompt. 327 . marmoii^ marble, marbre, Lat. marmor, Fr. marbre, marble. marmon-, marmestan, A.Sax. marman-, mearmstan. Lay 1317 ^7622; marbre- ston Lay 1317''; Rob. 476, 6; marbel- ston Bek. 2142. marowe, marwe marrow, ^'■socim', prwnpt. 327 ; maro Town. myst. 110. marreu see merren. mart^ Fr. marte, martes; cotnp. fulmart. martir^ Lat. martyr, martyr, Kath. 2217. martirdom 7nartyrdom, La'^. 10120. martreii martyr; martrede fpret.J Lay 10901; imartred, imartired fpart.J Rob. 81, 20 ^^ 82, 6. maschiii mash, "miscere\ prompt. 328. mase maze, error? p. I s. XXIII, 14; Langl 1, 6; Chauc. Troil 6838. mase^ A.Sax. mase, O.Dutch mese, O.H. Germ, meisa, ftitjmouse, parus, Lidg. m. p. 203; mose o. a. n. 69; comp. col-, titmase. maseil see masen. masedlTche stupidly, a. r. 272. masidnesse stupor, Chauc. C. t. 8937 . masel^ O.Dutch masel, measle; masil "«^r- pedo\ prompt. 328; maseles fpl.J vac. 161. masen mase f maze J, turbare, stupere? i mase WiU. 438; ye mase Chauc. C. t. 10261; 43 338 maser me mased (part.) Gow. 3, 6; Chauc. C. t. 4946; mased of wine ps. 77, 65; masid socram. 653; masid and mad mir. pi. 170; comp. a-, bimasen. maser^ 0. Butch maser, 0. II. Germ, maser, masar, O.Icel. mosurr, mazer, nodus, lignum nodosum, ^^murrha\ voc. 198; prompt. 328; w. a. i. 35; hire nap of mazere rel. ant. 1, 129. maske^ 0. Dutch masche, O.II.Germ. masca, mash, ^^macula\ prompt. 329. maskel^ O.Dutch maschel, macula, lobes; maslde (dat.) a. p. 2, 556. maskelles a. p. 1, 743. maslin see maestling. masoiin^ Fr. ma9on, mason, p. I. s. XII, 58; mascun Flor. a. Bl. 326; masons fpl.J Langl prol. 101 /221j. masonerie^ Fr. ma9onnerie, masonry, prompt. 329. masse^ Fr. masse, mass, prompt. 328. masse see maesse. mast see majst. mast see mh. mastif, mestif, O.Fr. mestif ? mastiff, prompt. 329. mastik^ Fr. mastic, mastic, prompt. 329. mastliiig see maBstling. mat^ O.Fr. mat, mate, a. r. 382; c. I. 1205; Will. 2441; mate Iw. 427; Rich. 6749; Flor. 771; Tor. 679; mate fpl.J Kath. 2015. mate; O.II.Germ. gimazo fconvivaj? mate, "socius'\ prompt. 329; Boh. 236, 1. mate^ O.Tc^/. mati, M.S.Germ. mk'^QfmodusJ? mote wok moderately weak? prompt. 345. maten^ O.Fr. mater, 7nate, a. r. 98; mate a. p. 1, 612; mated f part. J c. I. 1324. materas; O.Fr. materas, mattress; matteras prompt. 329. matere^ O.Fr. matere, matter, Will, 711; Chauc. a t. I 322. matines, matins, Fr. matines, matins, Langl. 5, 233 f460h^ matins Brand. 10. matte^ A.Sax. meatta, Lat. matta, mat, voc. 260; prompt. 329. mattok; A. Sax. mattoc, mattuc, mattoch, Higo\ prompt. 330; voc. 234. ma|)e; A.Sax. mada, Goth, mapa, O.L.Germ. matho, O.II.Germ. mado, ''cimex\ fragm. 3, 31 ; mape {printed maye), matlie Harmes, cimex\ prompt. 330; mapen (pi.) Arth. a. Merl. 484; meaden hom. 1, 251. matfek; O.Icel madkr, Dan. maddik, mak, maalc, mawlc; mak ^^tarmes, cimex\ prompt. 321; mauk «;oc. 190; madekes (pi.) hom. 1, 326. maitelieii; A.Sax. madelian, msedlan, med- ian, Goth, mapljan, speak, talk, prate;* medle Langl. all, 93^; madeled (pres.J a. r. 74; madelinde (part.) 86; medelede (pret.) Langl. b 3, 36^'. maitelere, A.Sax. madelere, prater, a. r. 88^. maitelild prater, a. r. 88. matTeluiige; A. Sax. madelung, prating, a. r. 76. mattem^ A. Sax. madum, madm, 0. L. Germ. methom, O.Icel. meidm (?) pi. meidmar, Goth, maipms, treasure; madmes (pi.) Lai,. 896; madmes reV. ant. 1, 174; (ms. maddmess) Orm. 647 1. maugre^ Fr. malgre, Havel. 1128; ayenh. 69; Wicl. ivisd. 19. maTiS; Fr. mauvis, mavis, turdus, Chauc. r. r. 619. mawe see maje. mawe see msew and maje. mapeU; A. Sax. mapan, 0. Dutch maien (maeyen), M. H. Germ, msfen, mow (maw)^ metere, hom. 1, 131; mawe ayenb. 214; mopen p. I. s. VIII, 11; mope o. a. n. 1040; meowen (me wen) (pret.) Lay 1942. mawer mower, voc. 213; moware prompt. 345. me, A.Sax. me (dat.), mec, me (ace), 0. Fris. O.L.Germ. mi (dat. ace), O.II.Germ. mir (dat.), mih (ace), O.Icel. mer (dat.), me meche 339 mik (acG.)^ Goth, mis (dot.), mik (ace), Lot. mihi fdat.Jy me face J, Gr. jiot fdat.J, {JLS face. J, Ir. me, Welsh Gael. mi, fdat. ace. J me, Kath. 470; a. r. 26; e. I. 330; & laerest me to cpenken in me galnesses fule stinch Orm. 1191; i me self sah godes gast 12592; pat ich me dra3e to mine cunde o. a. n. 273; ic . . . have me hid st. gen. 358; me, mi 8. 8. ed. Weh. 135 Sf 383; help me ia). 1199; wise mi 1200; mi self ich w(u)lle teo ... to telde pas kinges 791; mi fms. my) selve so to here spec. 93. me, O.Fris. O.Dutch men? sed, Kath. 327; me pu hedene hund pe hehe healent is min help Marh. 6; me penestu . . . pet ich chuUe fr. puUe) leapen on him a. r. 54. meaht, A. Sax. meaht, from msei, maught, potens; might sacram. 182; min migte name st. gen. 3038; comp. aimijt. meaht, A. Sax. meaht, miht, O.L.Germ. 0. S.Germ. maht, Goth, mahts /., O.Icel. mattr m., might fmaughtj, potestas; maht spec. 34; ma3t a. p. 3, 112; maght Iiv, 3621; maught Trist. 3, 45; mahte horn. 1, 59; cud pi mahte Marh. 7, 6; maht, miht Orm. 2015 Sf 2956; miht transact. 18, 26; miht, mi3t c. I. 1174; mi^t Langl h prol. 113; if it lay in his might (miht, mi3t) Chauc. C. t. a 538; mihte p. I s. VIII, 39; a. r. 26; r. 8. IV, 16; mi3te ayenl. 15; mihte, . mighte prompt. 337; maehte (mihte) fdat. J La^. 6810; comp. unmi3t. mi3tfu] c. I. 588; migtful st. gen. 100. mihtles hom. 1, 111. mahti^, A.Sax. meahtig, mihtig, O.H.Germ. mahtiger, Goth, mahteigs, O.Icel. mat- tugr, mighty, potens, Orm. 806; maehti (mihti) La^. 2839; magti, migti st. gen. 983 Sf 3797; mihti a. r. 182; mi3ti Brand. 16; ayenh. 103; mighti, mihti Chauc. C. t. a 108; mehti3an fdat. m.J hom. 1, 129; comp. al-, unmahti3. ma3tili mightily, Gaw. 2262. meal meiie^ menen see m^ene, m^enen. meiie^eii see munegen. menestral^ O.Fr. menestrel, minstrel, Rob. 272, 12; menestrals fpl.J ayenb. 192; menestraus a. r. 84. mengeii see munegen. meiigeii^ A.Sax. mencgan, O.Fris. menga, O.L.Genn. mengian, from mang, meng (ming): his mod him gon mengen (be troubled) La\ 3407 ; mengin "miscere\ 'prompt. 332; menge treat. 140; prappe meinp pe heorte blod o. a. n. 945; mengde (pret.) st. gen. 3581; mengde (meinde) Za). 15530; meingde (mengde) a. r. ^^.26'; menged (part.) ps. 105, 35; pr. c. 6738; mengid apol. 87; meind spec. 24; comp. imengen. mengiuge "mixtura\ prompt. 332; treat. 136; menging pr. c. 4705. meuieu see muni en. meiiuise^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. mennisc, O.II. Germ, menniscer, O.Icel. menskr, Goth. mannisks, from man, human: mennesc flesc hom. 1, 91; iu his meuniske kiude Orm. dedic. 218; mennisc human race? hom. 1, .2i?J; mennish, mannish 2, 81. menniscle3C humanity, Orm.. 85. menskeliche humaniter, a. r. 316; mensk- li Gaw. 1983. menniscnesse, A. Sax. menniscness, 0. R. Germ, manniscnissa, Immanity, hom. 1 99; Orm. 1373. menske^ O.Icel. menska (humw.iitas, virtus, honor), O.L.Germ. menuiski (humanitasjy mensh (mense), dignity, honour, Kath. 135; a. r. 38; Bob. 33, 9; Will. 313: Am. a. Amil. 690; Tritt. 2, 91; a. p. 1, 162; Percev. 1423; I. c. c. 12; mensce, menske La^. 2681 &c 3360; with menske and with manhede Degrev. 83. 342 menskin merren menskeful a. r. 358; menskful spec. 61; menscful m. h. 10. menskin meme, dignify, honour, Jul. 7 ; menske Will. 4834; Langl. 3,177 (183 J; menskez fpres.j a. p. 2, 141; menske fimper.J Kath. 2008; mensked (part. J Jos. 146. mention^ Fr. mention, mention ; mencioun Chauc. C. t. a 893. menuver^ O.Fr. menu ver, meniver, f? print- ed meniuier) Flor. a. Bl. 110; menever, meniver Langl. h 20, 137 . meoc^ O.lcel. miukr, O.Dutch muik, Goth. muks, meeh, lenis, mitis: meoc & milde & softe Orm. 667; meok p. I. s. XVIIl, 6; meoke a. r. 280; spec. 73; mek Roh. 287, 6; meke Langl. 1, 147 (171); Mand. 132; Chauc. C. t. a 69; pr. c. 393; meokest (superl.J Marh. 4. meokhede lenitas, lioh. 389, 17. meocle3C, O.Lcel. miukleikr, lenitas, Orm. 1646; mekeleic Kath. 1240. meklicli meehly, altd. hi. 399; meokeliche (adv. J Marh. 14; meoclike Orm. 11392; muekllche ayenh. 66; mek-, mekeliche Will. 408 ^ 808; mekeliche Trist. 1, 16; mekeli Chauc. C. t. 8424. meocnesse meekness, Orm. 10720; miek- nesse p. s. 336; mueknesse ayenh. 66. meoken ^neek, lenire, a. r. 276; meoken, meken Orm. 9386 Sf 13960; meeken Wicl. 1 paral. 18; mekin ^^humiliare\ prompt. 331; meke Langl. 6, 62 (70); Chauc. r. r. 3641; pr. c. 172; ^if pei . . . hem meked Will. 1276. mer see mser. mercer, Fr. mercier, mercer, a. r. 66. merche? comp. wudemerche. Merche, A. Sax. Merce, Myrce, Mercians; Merchene (gen. pi.) La-^. 30936. merci, Fr. merci, mercy, Marh. 6; a. r. 30; 0. a. n. 1092; st. gen. 1241. mere, A.Sax. mere, O.L.Germ. meri, O.R. Germ, meri, mari, Lat. mare, mere (meer). ^^mare\ prompt. 333; La-^. 21739; c. l. 671; a. p. 1, 168; meres (pi.) ps. 113, 8''\ meremaiden mermaid, Chauc. r. r. 682; mermaidin '■'siren', prompt. 334. mereman merman, rel. ant. 1, 221. mereminne, O.H.Germ. meriminni, -menni, siren, Jiath. 1600^"'; merminne (mere- minne) La-^. 1322. mereneddre ''muraend\ fragm. 3, 22. mereswin mereswine, dolphin, d. Arth. 1091; mersvin m. h. 26. mere, A.Sax. mere, myre, O.H.Germ. mer- he, marhe, maro (mearj, equa, Havel. 2449; 'oyenh. 186; Chauc. C. t. a 641; Fercev. 7 13 ; meere prompt. 333; mure Bek. 1173; mare rel. ant. 2, 211 ; Mand. 260; comp. stodmere. mere ^ee mare. mere see m^re. merj see mearj. merie see murie. merieu, A.Sax. (a)merian, purify; imered (part.) ayenh. 94; of merede golde misc. 96. merit, Fr. merite, merit, a. r. 160; merite ayenh. 134; merite, merit Langl. 1, 167 fisij. merke see mearke, marche and mirke. merling, Fr. merlan, ''gammarus\ prompt. 334; m. h. 136. merlion, Fr. emerillon? merlin, aesalon, p. I. s. XXV, 9; Chauc. p. f 339. merren, A.Sax. merran, myrran, O.L.Germ. merrian, O.H.Germ. merren, marren (im- pedire), Goth, marzjan (axav5aXtCstv), mar (mer), impedire : he palde merrin hire meidhad Marh. 4; merre h. m. 17; marre pi. cr. 66; marre (pres.) a. p. 2, 279; merred Kath. 1780; merres nug. poet. 39; a maide marrep me spec. 29; merden (pret.) La\ 22346; h. m. 9; marred (part.) Will. 664; comp. a-, i- merren. mersch meten 343 'merschj A. Sax. mersc m., O.Dutch mersche /., marsh, paluster: pane merss ayenb. 251; mersche ps. 106, 34; mersche, mershe fdatj o. a. n. 304; mershe Wicl. genes. 41. mcrshi marshy, Wicl. genes. 41. merjie see murhcte. meru see mearu. merveile^ Fr. merveille, marvel, Chauc. Boet. 3787. niervcileii, O.Fr. merveiller, marvel, Chauc. Boet. 1205; me merveilled Langl. h 11, 342. merveilous, merveillous, mervelous, Fr. mer- veilleux, marvelous, Langl. prol. 11; mer- velous a. p. 1, 1165. mes, O.Fr. mes, Lat. missus, mess, Begrev. 1202; vele mes ayenh. 55; mees Langl. b 13, 52. mes-, O.Fr. mes-, mis-. mesaventur(e), O.Fr. mesaventtire, misad- venture, Horn ed. Lum. 326. mescheance, O.Fr. mescheance, mischance, Rob. 278, 12. meschief, mischeef, O.Fr. meschief, Span. menoscabo, mischief, Langl. prol. 64 (67 J; meschef Will. 1045; Man. 2508. mesaise, Fr. mesaise, horn. 1, 279; mes- eise Rob. 34, 10; mes-, meoseise a. r. 108 Sf 220; mes-, miseise Langl. 1, 24. meschen see majschen. mesel, 0. Fr. mesel, measle, leper, Rob. 86, 17; meseles (pi. J pi. cr. 623. message, Fr. message, message, Man. 15027; messages fpl.J ayenb. 122. messager, Fr. messager, messenger, a. r. 190; ayenb. 211; Jos. 324. messe see maesse. m^st see ma. mester, O.Fr. mester, mestier, ministerium, a. r. 72; st. gen. 536; Havel. 823; mestier p. I. s. XV, 44; pet mestier a- yenb. 187. nestling see maestling. mesnage, 0. Fr. mesuage, messuage, Chauc. C. t. a 3979. mesurable, Fr. mesurable, measurable, Langl. 1, 19. mesure, Fr. mestire, measure, h. m. 41; Langl. 1, 33 (35); pr. c. 7690. mesuren, Fr. mesurer, measure, Chauc. Boet. 1782; mesuri ayenb. 252. met, A. Sax. met, O.L.Germ. (gi)met, O.H. Germ, mez, from meten, met, ^^mensura\ prompt. 335; rel. ant. 1, 131; I. h. r. 79; h. m. 19; st. gen. 439; Langl. h 13, 359; Man. 14978; met & msep Orm. 4584; comp. i-, ofermet. metfaest, A.Sax. gemetfaest, modest. metfastnesse, A.Sax. gemetfaestniss, mo- desty, Orm. 2524. metllc, A. Sax. gemetlic, 0. Fris. metlik, O.II.Germ. mezllcher, moderate; comp. imetlic. metal, Fr. metal, metal, Rob. 28, 16; oAjenh. 26; Man. 4483. mete, A.Sax. mete, O.L.Germ. meti, mat, O.Icel. matr, Goth, mats, O.II.Germ. maz, meat, ^^cibus\ prompt. 335; La'^. 657 ; a. r. 412; Orm. 3213; o. a. n. 107; st. gen. 573; Havel. 459; Chauc. C. t. a 1615; pane mete hom. 1, 237; ayenb. 29; mete ne drink Begrev. 1739; at pe firste mete Fglam. 1275; metes (pi.) La'y,. 3558; comp. morjenmete. metecusti La"^. 348. meteles Langl. b 10, 65. metisupe, A.Sax. metescipe, cibatus, rel. ant. 1, 131; meteship JFicl. Tob. 2. metes el Man. 334, 6. mete see msete. meten, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. metan, O.Fris. 0. Icel. meta, Goth, mitan, O.H.Germ. me- zan, meat (mete), metiri, a. p. 1, 1031; mete ps. 107, 8; meted (pres.) a. r, 232; met (imperat.) Flor. a. BL 328; meten, mete (subfunct.) Langl. 1, 151 / (175); mat (pret.) Wicl. 2 kings 8; 344 meten mid met Tor. 101; Eglam, 328; pr. c. 7696; meeten, mete /. h. r. 30 Sf 31; meten f part. J st. gen. 2701; rel. ant. 1, 46; comp. a-, imeteii; deriv. met, msete. meteu^ A.Sax. metan, 0. Fris. meta, O.IceL moeta (mseta), O.L.Germ. motian, from mot, meet, convenire, st. gen. 2828; me- tin ^^ohviare\ prompt. 335; mete Will. 815; mete, meete Langh h 15, 246; meete Chauc. C. t. 14108; pei meeten Mand. 164; mette fpret.J s. s. ed. Wr. 1297; metten st. gen. 1790; Alis. 5697; mette Brand. 14; comp. imeten. meteu see meeten. metinge^ A.Sax. metung, ^''mensuratio', prompt. 336. metiiige^ A.Sax. meting, meeting, prompt. 336. metsien^ A.Sax. metsian, feed. metsuiige^ A. Sax. metsung, repast, La"^. 31769. meite see m^de. metMcu see madelien. mi see me. miche^ O.Fr. miche, 0. Dutch micke, loaf of Iread, rel. ant. 2, 192; micches (pi.) Chauc. r. r. 5585. michel see muchel. michen see muchen. mid, A.Sax. mid, O.L.Germ. mid, midi, 0. Fris. mith, mithe, Goth, mip, 0. Icel. med, 0. II. Germ, mit, miti, Gr. jisxa? cum, Kath. 1953; Orm. 11077; Horn 260; spec. 93; Alis. 1513; g. 359; peo wimon was mid childe La^. 266; mid sweorde toliewen 1557 ; he wolde . . . lieon a waei mid his cnihten 7948; for- faren mid hungre 23614; ich wulle wu- nien mid pe 29630; pe mide him weo- ren 2831; mid alle mihte a. r. 4; pet heo mei peopen ,. 6616, 11055, 16831 Sr 31391; milce p. I. s. VIII, 107; Kath. 297; a. r. 30; Orm. 1476; St. gen. 3728; Eavel. 1361; Roh. 265, 5; c. I. 350; milse o. a. n. 1083; Shoreh. 44; spec. 58; milse, milce /. h. r. 18 Sf 19. milsful a. r. 264; c. I. 543; ps. 114, 5. mildsien^ A.Sax. mildsian, miltsian, show '; milcien hom. 1, 29; milcen Orm. 1041; milse "misereri'\ ps. 114, 5; milce (imperat.) Kath. 2419; milce hore soulen a. r. 428; comp. imildsieii. mile see mele. mile, A.Sax. mil, O.Icd. mila, O.II.Germ. mila, milla, Lat. mille, mile: aiie mile Lay 5819; fourti mile treat. 134; twenti mile weyes Alis. 4444; fiftene milen Marh. 2. milk see mile. milkiii, A.Sax. meolcian(?), O.Icd. miolka, O.II.Germ. melchan? milk, "mulgere'\ prompt. 338; milked (pret.) Mand. 71; imelked fpart.J p. I. s. XIII, 234. mille, millere see mulle, mullere. miliie, milnere see mulne, mulnere. milse see mildse. VAiMe, A.Sax. 0. Iris, milte,. O.II.Germ. mil- zi, 7mlt, lien, fragm. 6, 59; r. s. V, 171. min, O.Fris. O.II.Germ. min, O.Icd. minnr, Goth, mills, Lat. minus, /. c. c. 22; minne, O.Icd. minni ffor minri), O.Fris. miniiera, minra, O.II.Germ. minniro, Goth. miiiniza, Lat. minor, ps. 9, 6; pe minne Gaw. 1881; pe more and pe minne Flor. 549; Percev. 1608. mill, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. mln, O.Icd. minn, O.II.Germ. miner, Goth, meins, 7nine, my, mens: min hirde Marh. 12; min herte La-^. 7289; Chauc. C. t. a 1144; min child Orm. 2801; min hits o. a. n. 623; min loverd st. gen. 1625; pe viht is min a. r. 266; fader min c. I. 325; mi fader Kath. 466; mi sone Havel. 387; mi dep Chauc. C. t. a 1566; mi saple Marh. 3; mi tunge o. a. n. 37; mi beam La^. 2276; mines fgen. m. n.J Lay 3588; a. r. 406; mine lives Marh. 13; mi laverdes 12; to mi lives ende ayenh. 1; mire (gen. f.J Lay 8407; minen (dat. m. n.J Mat. 10, 22; mine Lay 698; a. r. 148; o. a. n. 46; min Orm. 10998; of mi necke Marh. 13; of ml mmcen mis 347 londQ 2Jek. 440; to ... mi broper Chauc. a t. a 1161; mire (dat. f.J horn. 1, 13; La^. 16936; 0. a. n. 1741; bi ml mi3te Bek. 1597; of ml soule Langl 4, 123 fl40j; minne face. m.J horn, i, 113; a. r. 306; miiine, mine La^. 7 89 Sf 3384; mine o. a. n. 36; mi Mark. 12, 2 ; mine face, fj a. r. 38; o. a. n. 1188; min St. gen. 217; mln heorte Kath. 2163; mi hpile 765; ml mede HaveJ. 119; mi soule Bek. 356; min face. 'n.J st. gen. 2882; s. a. c. II, 16; mm ipit o. a. n. 1188; min heed Chauc. C. t. a 782; mi lond La^. 8349; Bek. 39; mine fnom. ace. jpl.J Za^. 863; Mark. 8; a. r. 62; Orm. dedic. 52; o. a. n. 605; Havel. 385; Bek. 914; jif 30 beon mine Kath. 1774; mine (min) eijen Langl. 5, 90 fl09j; mm spec. 47; m. h. 18; minen fdat. pi. J La^. 2946; mine Marh. 20; 0. a. n. 364; Bek. 478; mine, min a. r. 62 Sf 234; mln spec. 61. miuceii; O.Fr. mincer, mince; mincid f part. J 1. c. c. 18. minde^ minden, mitidi see munde, munden, mimdi. niiueu^ Fr. miner, mine, Mand. 267 ; mini ayenh. 108; mineden '■'■suffoderun£\ Wicl. genes. 49; comp. underminen. mingeii see munegen. miiiieii see munien. minne? comp. mereminne. niinne^ O.lcel. minni, memory? on pi pouer pen have pou minne Mire 1965. minnen^ O.lcel. minna, min, meminisse, re- minisci; minne a. p. 1, 582; ant. Arth. XVIII, 9; pat i may minne on pe mon Gaw. 1800; of one thinge i wolle you minne m. Arth. 169; me minnis, O.lcel. mik minnir, Toivn. myst. 225; me minep (minnep?) pat ic se3de 3up Orm. 1817; me minez a. p. 2, 25; see munien. minour^ Fr. mineur, miner; minours fpl.J Langl. prol. 101 f221). minster see munster. mint mint; mintis ''^vermes\ vac. 176. mint see munet. minte^ A. Sax. minte, 0. H. Germ, minza, Lat. menta, mentha, mint, ^^menta", voe. 190; prompt. 338 ; comp. horsminte. minute^ Fr. minute, minute, prompt. 338. miracle^ Fr. miracle, miracle, a. r. 390; Havel. 500; miracles fpl.J ayenh. 56. mire, A. Sax. m^re, mire, 0. Dutch mi ere, Dan. m^re, Swed. m^ra, mire, J or mica y rel. ant. 1, 214; comp. pissemire. mire see mure. mirie see murie. mirke, A. Sax. mirce, myrce, 0. L. Germ. mirlvi, 0. Icel. myrkr, mirk, ^^ohscurus\ prompt. 339; rel. ant. 1, 210; ant. Arth. VI, 11; pe mirke nith fr. niht) Havel. 404; mire st. gen. 284; mirk Man. 221, 20; pr. c. 456; m, h. 98; merke Chauc. r. r. 5339; pe merke dale Langl. b 1, 1; merke night nug. poet. 51; merk fsubst.J ohscurum, a. p. 2, 894; in merke Latigl. b 17, 240; in mirke h. s. 2164. mirknesse mirkness, st. gen. 3104; merk-, merkenesse Langl. b 18, 136; merknes apol. 98. mirken, O.lcel. myrkja, mirk, obscurare, Horn eh. 81; merke lud. Gov. 207. mitour, O.Fr. mireor, mirror, ayenb. 158; Langl. h 11, 8. mirre, Fr. myrrhe, myrrh, a. r. 372. mir|)e see murhde. mir|)ren see murdren. mis, O.Ieel. mis, male, prave? heo prenched hore mftd mis a. r. 212; on elpi pord pet tu mis iherest 296; seid & ded so much mis f malum, injuria?) 86; 3if him mis biveolle 200; mis for to donne h. m. 17; to (a)mende hope per mis Man. 303, 2; 3if me hit pule turne a mis f O.lcel. a mis, amiss J 0. a. n. 1365; 30 penchep a mis Brand. 8; is faren mis mir. pi. 152; comp. Imis? 348 mis mis misbeoden, A.Sax. misbeodan, O.IceL mis- bioda, M.H.Germ. missebieten, use, treat ill; misbeode o. a. n. 1541; misbeode, misbede fimper.J Langl. 6, 46 f7, 45 J; misbed fpretj Man. 2088; misboden (part.) Gaw. 2339; who hap 30U mis- boden or offended Cham. C. t. a 909. misberen mishear f carry J: jif hit is mis- born h. m, 33; pe3 he him hadde per misbore Bel. 1248. misbileave misbelief, Kath. 348; misbi- leve ayenb. 13; s. s. ed. Wr. 2302; misbiliefe pr. c. 5521. misbileven misbelieve ; misbilevinde (part.) ayenb. 69. misbode ill usage, offense, La-^. 11095; horn. 2, 79. miscwemen displease; miscpemed fpres.J a. r. 182; misqveme fsubj.J pi. t. 595. mischeosen mischoose; misches fpret.J st. gen. 190. misdede, A.Sax. misdsed, Goth, missa- deds, O.H.Germ. missitat, misdeed, a. r. 124; Orm. 7830; 0. a. n. 231. misdemen misdeem; misdemep fpres.J ChauG. C. t. 10284. misdoere misdoer; misdoeres (pi.) ayenb. 8; Mand. 9. misdon, A.Sax. misdon, O.H.Germ. missi- tuon, misdo, malefacere, 0. a. n. 1489; to misdone Will. 2581; misdo Langl. 3, 118 (122); misded (pres.) hom. 1, 65; a. r. 124; misdide (pret.) Kath. 1207; misdede st. gen. 1847; Havel. 992; Mapes336; misdiden Orm. 15154; misdon (part.) a. r. 98; spec. 72. misval, O.Dutch misval, mischance, ayenb. 30. misf alien misfall, male cadere; misvalle (pres. subj.) ayenb. 193. misfangen male capere: pah he beo god me hine mai misfonge 0. a. n. 1374. misfare, O.Icel. misfor, misf are, I. h. r. 118. misfaren, A.Sax. misfaran, O.Icel. mis- fara, 0. H. Germ, missefaran, misfare male ire, st. gen. 1911; misfare (part.) Will. 995; Amad. ed. Robs. XXI, 6. misferen male ire; misferde (pret.) Za"^. 26229; Havel. 1869; s. s. ed. Wr. 2765; misferden Kath. 93; misferde Wili. 2999. misgan go wrong: pou misgos(t) Havel. 2707; misgep ayenb. 94. misdemen, A. Sax. misgyman, neglect; missejeme a. p. 1, 322; mis3emed (part.) a. r. 344. mishap mishap, prompt. 339. mislseden, A.Sax. mislsedan, mislead; mis- led(d)en (pret.) Cham. Troil. 4717. mislseren seduce, deceive; mislere p. I. s. XIV, 6; mislerede (pret.) La-^. 4311^'. misleven discredit; misleved (pres.) a. r. 416; mislevep ayenb. 180. misllch, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. mislic, O.Icel. mislikr, O.H.Germ. missellcher, Goth. missaleiks, various, Marh. 1; a. r. 180; misllche nomen Kath. 271; heo misli- che for en Lay 6270; pat ich . . . of pat matere so misseliche penke Will. 711. misliken, A.Sax. mislician, O.Icel. mis- lika, 0. H. Germ, misselichen, mislihe, displicere, a. r. 338; & tis ma3 pe mis- liken Orm. 18287; misliked (pres.) p. I. s. VIII, 7; mislikep 0. a. n. 344; mislike (subjunct.) Horn 670; misllkede (pret.) st. gen. 1728; it misllkede me Will. 2039. mislikunge mislihing, a. r. 180. misnimen, O.H.Germ. misseneman, errare; misnimed (pres.) a. r. 46; misnimp a- yenb. 83; pu misnome Kath. 455; mis- numen (part.) st. gen. 3091; misnume 0. a. n. 1514. misnotien ahuse; misnoted (pres.) a. r. 130. misraeden, A.Sax. misrsedan, advise ill; mis mistil 349 misrede Jlcyrn 29 H; misret fpres.J ayenh. 184; misrsedeii fsubj.J La^. 13130. misreken go wrong? vor sumeres tide is al to plonc and dop misreken monues ponk 0. a. n. 490; and sone mai a pord misreke par mup schal a3en h(e)orte speke 675, misrempen? jef pe pincp pat 1 misrempe 0. a, n. 1787. missape defamation, slander, a. r. 124. misscliapen misshape; misschapen (part. J a. p. 2, 1355; misshapen, misshape Langl. 7, 95 (8, 79^ J. misseggen, 0. Dutch misseggen, missa'f, defame, slander; missegge Shoreh. 98; miszigge ayenh. 189; misseist fpres.J Kath: 457 ; misseid a. r. 34; misseie (subjunct.) g. 89; misseid fpart.J Ha- vel 1688. missespeche ill speech, slander, Will. 1523. misspenden misspend; misspene fpres.J Lay 13483"". missturten start amiss; missturte, mis- st(e)orte o. a. n. 677. misspare perjury? horn. 1, 205. mistaechen, A. Sax. mistaBcan, misteach; mistagte fpret.J st. gen. 475. mistaken, O.lcel. mistaka, mistake; mis- takep fpres.J Cham. r. r. 1540. mistlden, A. Sax. mistidan, male evenire; mistlde fpres. subj.J o. a. n. 1501. mistrost, 0. Dutch mistrost, 0. II. Germ. missetrost, mistrust, lud. Cov. 126. mistrowe diffidence. Will. 3314. mistrowen, O.Dutch mistrouwen, O.lcel. mistrtia, M.R.Germ. missetriuwen, mis- trow, diffldere; mistrowande fpres. part. J Wicl. Bar. 1 ; mistropet fpret. part. J a. r. 68"". mistrum infirm? a. r. 262. mistrusten mistrust; mistrTste Chattc. C. t. 13784; Parten. 4107; mistrostende fpart.J Wicl. Bar. 1. ^ misturnen turn amiss, pervert; misturne Wicl. Lam. 3; misturnes fpres.J pr. c. 1617. mispunchen, A.Sax. mispyncan, misthink, male videri: pat te mispunched Kath. 982. miswenden, A.Sax. mispendan, miswend, turn amiss; miswendep fpres.J ayenh. 40. miswiten guard ill, a. r. 202. miswiven marry amiss, st. gen. 540. miswurchen misworh, male facer e ; mis- werche Will. 5148; miswroght fpart.J pr. c. 1993. mis- see mes-. misi mi%zy, palus: J)ur3 moni misi & mire Gaw. 749. misse^ O.Dutch M.H.Germ. misse, O.lcel. missa, 7niss, defectus, injuria, m. Arth. 3677; of hete hi habbed misse p. I. s. VIII, 118; be misse never so huge a. p. 3, 420; to (a)mende ml misse Will. 532; i wol be vengid of this gret(e) misse lud. Cov. 43; wipoute misse f fail J Shoreh. 135; rel. a?it. 1, 49. missen^ A.Sax. O.II.Germ. missan, O.Fris. O.lcel. missa, miss: he sulden missen hine st. gen. 3336; missin ^^carere\ protnpt. 340; misse spec. 57 ; Will. 1016; pr. c. 5266; a. p. 1, 329; lud. Cov. 50; heo . . . moten misse p(e)rof Kath. 651; missed fpres.J a. r. 364; miste fpret.J st. gen. 3872; BeTc. 50; an an swa ich pe miste Xfl!^. 18817; mistenOrm. 8919; imist fpart.J o. a. n. 581. mist, A. Sax. 0. Dutch mist, mist, ^^nehula\ prompt. 340; treat. 136; Alis. 5761; Langl. prol. 88 f214j; miste fdat.J p. I. s. nil, 9. misti, A.Sax. O.Dutch mistig, misty, ^^nohu- losus\ prompt. 340; rel. ant. 1, 265; mistier fcompar.J Langl. h 10, 181. mistil, A.Sax. mistel, O.II.Germ. mistil, viscus, w. a. i. 16. 350 mite mohde miiCy A. Sax. mite (tamus), 0. Dutch mite facarusj, O.H.Germ, miza fculexj, mitej acarus; mites fpl.J Chauc. C. t. 6142. mite^ O.ButchmiiQ, mite, ^^minutum", prompt. 340; Will 2017; Langl. I 20, 178; weie a mite Gow. 2, 275; nought worp a mite Chauc. C. t. a 1558. miteine^ Fr. mitaine, mitten, prompt. 340; miteines fpl.J pi. cr. 428. iiii|)eii; A. Sax. midan, 0. L. Germ, mithan, O.H.Germ. midau, avoid, conceal, spec. 24; mipe a. p. 1, 359; Horn ch. 825; his sorwe he coupe ful wel mipe Havel. 948; mide fpres. subj.J st. gen. 3807. mii^ A. Sax. mix, meox, Fris. miux, mix (mux), stercus, Kath. 204; Shoreh. 109; mixe (dat.J rel. ant. 1, 183; mexe horn. 1, 113. mixen^ A.Sax. mixen, myxen, meoxen Mones qu. 561, mixen, sterquilinium, Chauc. r. r. 6496; mixne (dat.J Jul. 41 ; mixene (ms. mixenne) a. r. 140. mixen^ A.Sax. miscan, O.H.Ger^n. miskan, Lat. miscere? mix; mvn^ (part.) s. a. c. ed. Wr. VI, 19. mo see ma. moche^ mochel see muche, muchel. modj A.Sax. O.L.Germ. mod, Goth, mods, O.Icel. mOdr, O.H.Germ. muot, mood, ani- mus, La^. 3407; 0. a. n. 952; Alls. 102; mod, mood Chauc. C. t. a ^17 60; pi predde & pi mod horn. 1, 67; let pi mod overgo Man. 3214; modes (gen. J Orm. 9386; mOde (dat.J Lay 638; he am of one mode rel. ant. 1, 216; he pohte on his mode Horn 287 ; wip glade mode spec. 80; wip . . . dreri mode Isumh. 186; mude pr. c, 2391; comp. overmod. modkare (-care) Z«3. 3115, modful Z«5. 31464. modleas, A.Sax. modleas, moodless. modleste, A.Sax. modleast, horn. 1, 111. modsorje La-^. 8692. mod, O.Icel. modr, animosiis; mode (pi. J misc. 91; comp. aedel-, an-, blide-, dreo- rij-, ead-, hrad-, lang-, over-, or-, sari-, pole-, weamod. moder, A. Sax. modor, 0. L. Germ, modar, O.Fris. moder, O.Icel. modir, O.H.Germ. muoter, Ir. Gael, mathair, Lat. miiter, Gr. lidz-qp, ptrjxyjp, Euss. wdiuh gen. Maraepn, Sanscr. JTIrTT gett. 3^137' mother (moo- derj, Lay 209; Marh. 2; Bel. 153; Langl. h 14, 264; moder, mooder Chauc. C. t. h 276; mooder prompt. 341; Jos. 98; mOdir Fercev. 445; moodir Lidg. m. p. 243; moder (geii.J Orm. 168; Will. 1177; Gow. 1, 352; pi cr. 270; pr. c. 447; moder (dat.J Kath. 931; Orm. 248; modren (plj ayenh. 67 ; comp. eald-, foster-, god-, steopmoder. moder] es motherless, Kath. 78. modi, A.Sax. modig, Goth, modags, O.Icel. modugr, moody, animosus, ^^superhus\ fragm. 3, 12; Lay 8344; o. a. n. 500; St. gen. 2660; p. s. 220; Octav. 771; Min. 19; wel modi & wel murne Horn ed. Lum. 704; m0di3 Orm. 8245; mo- dieste (superlat.J Kath. 1247 ; comp. over- modi. m6di3le3C superhia, Orm. 73. modijlike moodily, animose, Orm. 2035; modiliche Langl. h 4, 173. modijnesse moodiness, animositas, superhia, Orm. 12040; modinesse o. a. n. 1405. modieii, A.Sax. modegian, modgian, super- hire; to modienne horn. 1, 219. modrie, A.Sax. modrie, modrige, O.Fris. modire? O.H.Geryn. muotera? aunt, (ms. moddrie) Lay 30644. mo^, mo3e see ma,3, ma3e. mohd'e, A.Sax. mohde, modde, O.Dutch motte? fnoth (moughtj: mohde fret te clades h. m. 29; mou3pe, mou3te Wicl. Mat. 6; mowpe Hined\ rel. ant. 1, 6; mope Langl. h 14, 22 (ed. Wr. 8947 J; mow3te prompt. 346; mowghte voc. 223; mopes, moughtes (pi. J Chauc. C. t. 6142. moiste more 351 nioistCj O.Fr. moiste, moist, Langl. h 16, 68; Chauc. C. t. a 457. inoistiii moisten, prompt. 341 ; moisted fpret.J Farten. 3574; moisted f part. J Mand. 3. moisture moisture, prompt. 341. mokC; Swed. mocka? mohe, rete, reJ. ant. 1, 248. iiiokc (mok = mak ?) mohe, Hinea\ voc. 190 Sf 223. inokkin^ O.Fr. moquer, mod, Hudijicare\ prompt. 341. mokrcn see mukren. mol see mal. molde^ A.Sax. O.Fris. molde, 0. Icel. mold, O.II.Germ. molta, Goth, mulda, mold, pul- vis, humus, terra, Shoreh. 137 ; ayenb. 05; on molde spec. 33; Will. 917 ; Langl. prol. 64 (67 ); a. p. 2, 1114; under molde a7i. lit. 91. moldwerp mold-, moldiwarp, ^^talpa\ Wicl. levit. 11; moldewarp rel. ant. 2, 83; apol. 57. molde^ Span, molde, mold, modulus, Trist. 1, 86; Langl b 11, 341; molden? (pi. J a. r. 84. molle^ O.Dutch mol, mole, Halpd\ /prompt. 342; voc. 220. moitie^ O.Dutch moeme, O.II.Germ. muoma, aunt, prompt. 342. momeleU; O.^w^c^momelen, mumble (mamlle); momele, mamelen Langl. 5, 21; momelep fpres.J p. 8. 238; mamelit rel. ant. 1, 179. moil see man. moil see man. moiicheu munch; monche Chauc. Trail. 914. moiie^ O.Icel. mona, mater? Gow. 1, 97. moiie see mune. mone^ A.Sax. mona, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. mano, O.Icel. mani, Goth, mena, moon, ''luna\ prompt. 342; Orm. 13843; Ha- vel. 403; treat. 133; c. I. 103; s. s. ed. Wr. 332; pe mone, pene mone a. r. 166; moone Chauc. C. t. 97 59; mOnen, mone (dat.) Lay 9128 Sf 30498; mone Kath. 272; Mand. 51; mOnen fpl.J rel. ant. 1, 268. MOnendai Monday, Rob. 495, 13; Mone- daei La'>,. 13935; MOneday treat. 133; p. 75, 3. mone eee msene. moiieie^ O.Fr. moneie, Lat. moneta, money, Langl. 1, 42 (44); Chauc. C. t. a 703; mone Man. 8996; pr. c. 5570; see munet. monek see munec. moiien see munen. monen see mAnen and msenen. monettj A. Sax. monad, mond, 0. Icel. ma- nadr, O.II.Germ. manod, Goth, menops, month, mensis, st. gen. 619; pane moned La-^. 7220; monep Iloh. 59, 16; Will 5074; pi. cr. 248; tpeolf moned a. r. 218; fif monep Orm. 233; monp Beh. 1850; monpes (gen. J treat. 134; monepe (dat. J Mand. 49; monpe proclam. 7; Langl. ed. Wr. 1648; mondes (pi. J La\ 7771; monethes ^;r. c. 4988; monitliis Tor. 1860. mong see mang. ^ moiii see mani3. moiiien see manien. monstre^ Fr. monstre, monster, Mand. 47; Chauc. Boet. 403. moppe^ Dutch mop, mop, ^^pupa\ prompt. 342; fool? s. s. ed. Web. 1414; moppis (pl.J dep. Rich. 24, 5. mopisch mopish, Beh. 78; moppische men Brand. 59. ' mor, A.Sax. O.Icel. mor, O.Dutch moer, M. H. Germ, muor, 7noor, "palustre^\ prpmpt. 342; Percev. 1127; to pan more o. a, n. 818; mOres (pl.J Lay 4817; Alis, 6074. morhen moor-hen, p. s. 158. morven (-fen) moor-fen. Lay 20164. mor, A.Sax. mor (morumj. morbeam tnorus, fragm. 3, 46. more, A.Sax. (peal)mora, O.Dutch more, 0. 352 more mos H.Germ. morha, moraha fpasttnacaj, more, ^^radix\ voc. 181; horn. 1, 103 ; o. a. n. 1420; Hob. 332, 9; Langl h 16, 5; s. s, ed. Wr. 1726; bl moren and bi rote(n) La'i,. 31885; mores Brand. 13; comp. wealmore. more see ma. moreiiie^ O.Fr. morine? murrain, HalUw. did. 561. moren radicari; morede fpret.J reJ. ant. 1, 129; imored fpart.J I. h. r. 28. mor^eii^ A.Sax. morgen, mergen, O.L.Germ. O.R.Germ. morgan, 0. Butch morgen, mar- gen, mergen, O.Fris. morn, O.Icel. mor- ginn, Goth, manrgins, morn, morrow, mane, eras: pane mor3en ayenl. 46; morgen st. gen. 247; morwin lud. Cov. 257; m.orwe Alis. 1241; Chauc. C. t. a 1492; good morwe Langl. h 5, 306; pe pridde morewe spec. 82; morn p. I. s. XXIX, 20; a. p. 2, 493; more Eich. 6977; on morgen, morwen st. gen. 1161 Sf 2305; a mor3e o. a. n. 432; a morpen oper a niht a. r. 22; on pe morwen Ravel. 811 ; a more wen spec. 26; a morwe Bel. 771; at morwhen (moryben, morn) ps. 29, 6; at morwen Mand. 164; at morne pr. e. 2668; to morjen, mar3en, mser- 3en (morwe) La-^. 16066, 23661 Sf 26393; to marhen Kath. 645; he sal to morwen pole dep s. s. ed. Wr. 647 ; to morwe Beh 769; Langl. 2, 26 (43); to morne Degrev. 1695; from morwe til eve Will. 763; comp. ^er-, midmorwen. morgengivo, A.Sax. morgengifii, O.R.Germ. morgangeba, dower, st. gen. 1428; morh- 3ive (marhenjive) a. r. 94; marhe3ive h. m. 39; mor-, m8er3eve La"^. 14394 Sf 31090. morgenqvlle st. gen. 3275. mor3enliht (moreliht) La^. 17946. mor3emete horn. 1, 237 . morwespeche colloquium matutinum, prompt. 344; g. 54; mornspeche 45. morwinsterre prompt. 344. morgentid st. gen. 59; moretld Flor. a. Bl. 558; Alis. 4106. mor^eninge morning: in pare more3en(i)nge (moreweninge) o. a. n. 1718; morweninge p. I. s. XVII, 584; morewening spec. . 60; morweninge, morninge "diluctdum, matutinum!', prompt. 344; Chauc. C. t. a 1062; morweninge, morwninge, morninge Langl. prol. 5; morowninge Wicl. John 18. morieu see marien. morkneii^ O.Icel. morkna, putrescere; morltne a. p. 2, 407. mornen see murnen. morsel^ O.Fr. morsel, morsel, ayenh. 248; Gaiv. 1690; mossel Roh. 342, 6; mussel Wicl. genes. 18. morteis^ Fr. mortaise, mortise, Mand. 10. morter^ Fr. mortier, Lat. mortarium, mor- tar. Boh. 128, 6; Langl. b 6, 144 Sf 13, 44; mortier aye7ih. 116. mortrels^ mortreux, mortreus, O.Fr. mortreux, a sort of soup, Langl. b 13, 91 ; mortreux, mortreus Chauc. C. t. a 384. morit^ A.Sax. O.Icel. mord, O.L.Germ. 0. Fris. morth, O.R.Germ. mord oi., Lat. mors gen. mortis /., mors, caedes: pat mord La-). 28715; morth Alex. 1279. morpdede fragm. 7 , 37 . morJgomen Z«^. 22908. mordspel La-i,. 19654. mor|rer, A.Sax. mordor, Goth, maurpr, mur- der fmurtherj, caedes, Chauc. C. t. 14987 ; pi. cr. 635; pane morper fms. morpre) La^. 28715"'''; morpre fdat.J Bob. 144, 13. mor|)rcii see murdreu. morwen, morweninge see mor3en, mor3eninge. mos, O.Dutch O.R.Germ. mos, O.Icel. mosi, moss, '■^muscus', 'prompt. 344; Iw. 2040; Triam. 392. mos, O.R.Germ. mos, O.Rutch mose, O.Icel. mosi, moss, palus, m. t. 15. mos moutin 353 mos, A.Sax. mos, O.Dutch moes, O.II.Germ. muos, puis; comp. appelmos. niose see mase. niosel, O.Fr. musel, muzzle, Chauc. C. t. a 2161. most see ma. moste, A.Sax. O.Fris. moste, O.L.Germ. mosta, Goth. (ga)mOsta, M.H.Germ. muoste, fpret.J must, mihi licuit, me oportuit, Kath.l3dl; o. a. n. 665; p. I. s. XIII, 249; c. I. 220; Chauc. C. t. a 7 12; (ms. mosste) Orm. 7602; ne moste per nfi mon in cumen Lay 67 12; of al J3e bro- de eorde ne mOste he habben a grot for te deien uppon a. r. 260; mtlste st. gen. 2624; pu mostest Bek. 1214; mostist Mapes 336; alle mosten to belle te h. h. 8; moste Will. 1062; and bede . . . pat hi moste pane wei mid hem go Brand. 5. mot, A.Sax. mot, Dutch mot? mote, atomus: pet mot ayenh. 176; mote Wicl. Mat. 7 ; Gaw. 2209; rel. ant. 1, 27; mote fdat.J Langl. b 10, 263; a. p. 1, 725; motes (pi.) Chauc. C. t. 6450; moten Ell. rom. 1, 317. mot, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.Fris. mot, Goth. (ga)mot (x^opsT), O.II.Germ. muoz, fpret. pres.J moot, mihi licet, me oportet. Lay 3494; Kath. 1919; a. r. 98; o. a. n. 672; St. gen. 1304; Shoreh. 11; Will. 548; pi. cr. 557; a. p. 1, 31; moot Chauc. C. t. a 735; Hoccl. I, 75; per- fore ic m6t ju telle treat. 136; pa hpile pe he mot libbe p. I. s. VIII, 17; pu most Lay 9854; a. r. 102; Brand. 1; h. T. 446; ye moten Trist. 2, 58; je ne mote bileve her no leng Brand. 3; heo moten Lay 478; ha moten Marh. 14, 13 ; pei mote Langl. b 9, 108; mote fsubjunct.J Lay 4481; Marh. 5, 14; o. a. n. 52; st. gen. 1621; c. I. 332; spec. 57; h. h. 151; as evere mOte i (i moote) drinke win or ale Chauc. 0. t. a 832; & 3eornest tat tu mOte sket up cumen intil heofne Orm. 1266; al so mote bi- ttde pe s. 8. ed. Wr. 1185; welcome mot(e) he be Man. 192, 18; as mut(e) i prive Tor. 1443; we moten Havel. 18; heo mOten a. r. 298. mot, A. Sax. 0. Icel. mot, moot, coiventus, concio, concertatio, o. a. n. 468; rel. ant. 1, 219; pat mot misc. 45; pis meidenes mot Kath. 1321; mbi^fdatj Lay 12885; Gaw. 910; comp. imot. moothalle moot-hall, p. s. 336; Langl. h 4, 135; Gam. 717. mothus misc. 46. mote, O.Fr. mote, moat, agger, fossa, misc. 97 ; Langl. b 5, 595; a. p. 1, 142; pr. c. 8896. mote see mate. motere mooter, disputator ; moteres fpl.J Kath. 725. motien, A.Sax. motian, moot, disputare, cau- sam agere, hom. 1, 43; moten Kath. 586; Marh. 17; mootin ^^disceptare\ prompt. 345; mote Langl. 1, 150 (174); Gmo. 3, 296; Iw. 3328; mir. pi. 30; ajens pe nile i not moote p. r. l. p. 202; motest (pres.) Lay 1443. motihl disputatrix, hom. 1, 205; Kath. 397, motinge mooting, disputatio, actio. Lay 6559; Langl. 7 , 58 (8, 61). motlee motley, Chauc. C. t. a 27 1. moton, Fr. mouton, mutton, 'prompt. 345. moucheii mouch, manducare? mouchid (pret.) Town. myst. 320. moue, Fr. moue, mow, (ms. mowe) prompt. 346; mouwe p. s. 339. moule, Fr. mule, ^^ pernio', prompt. 346. mount see munt. mous see mus. moustre, O.Fr. moustre, muder, Langl. h 13, 362; Wicl. 3 kings 5. musterin, O.Fr. moustrer, muster, prompt, 349; mustred (part.) Parten. 3003. moutin, 0. L. Germ, (ge)muton, 0. 11. Germ. 45 354 moup mue muzon, mo^it fmoult^j, plumas mutare, prompt. 347: moute Ilalliw. did. 664; moutes fpres.J pr. c. 1 HI. inou|) see mud. moveu^ Fr. moiivoir, move; move, moeve, meve Langl. h 17 , 1U4; moevi Brand. 31; meven fpres.J Mtnid. 13; moved (part.) pi. cr. 826; meved Will. 4280. mowe see msew and ma3e. mowen see mu^en. mowcii see mawen. mowlen see muwlen. miiche ^= mucliel? much fmichj, ma gnus: muche deal La-^. 6078; a muche flod a. r. 74; muche strengpe o. a. n. 764; a muche (moche) man Langl. 8, 70 (9, 61 J; muche (moche, miche, meche) and lite (hauc. C. t. a 494; moche p. L s. XV, 147; miche Percev. 11 ; meche Tor. 270; muche fv. r. muchel) multum, Mark. 2, 28; 0. a. n. 1212; pah he muche polie Kath. 229; moche treat. 132; ayenb. 7 ; moche (first text muchele) pe boldere Xrt^). 16508; miche WlcL John 6; meche Shoreh. 139; Matid. 6; he was mike Ha- vel. 960; mid mochere (first text moche- lere) ferde Za-^. 3688. muchel^ A. Sax. mycel, micely O.L.Germ. mildl, O.Icel. mikill, Goth, mikils, O.li. term, michiler, Gr. ^ptsyaXoc U^"- fJisya- Xoi), michle, magmis, multus, p. I. s. VIII, 107; wes pet folc swa muchel (mochel) L y 1998; muchel seolver 7283; muchel luvede he us a. r. 292; ich con muchel more o. a. n. 1207 ; per coupe he mu- chel (mochil) helpe (1mm. C. t. a 258; mochel ayenb. 181; Mand. 181; HocgI. 1, 370; mechel Shoreh. 147; michel pi. cr. [)5; j)at michel can Trlst. 2, 37; michel, mikel st. gen. 26 Sf 1209; mikel ps. 21, 26; m. h. 2; pr. c. 925; mikel blisse Orm. 788;, pe ston was mikel Havel. 1025; mikil ^^multus\ prompt. 337 ; mukel a. p. 2, 366; mekil ,,. 403, 1908, 3148 Sf 30893; mahte Marh. 7, 13; mehte horn. 1, 129; mihte, mahte Kath. 62; mihte Orm. 130; mihte, mijte 0. a. n. 394; mi3te Beh. 62; ayenb. 31; mihte, muhte a. r. 58 Sf 94; micte, micthe, mithe, moucte, moucthe, mouthe Jlavel. 42, 145, 233, 356, 376 Sf 1030; moht m. h. 7; mojt Gaw. 84; moght Iw. 226; Min. 24; mught pr. c. 282; moute an. lit. 3; mihtest Orm. 4682; h. h. 95; mihtest p. I. s. XXI V, 206; ayenh. 104; msehten La-^. 12294; muh- ten a. r. 406; migten st. gen. 573; moujten Jos. 23; might (part.) Mand. 298; Chauc Troil. 3503. muk, 0. Icel. mykr Fritzuer's ordh., much, stercus, fimus, Havel. 2301 ; Gow. 2, 290; Langl. 4081; Wicl. 3 kings 14; pr. c. 9008; muc st. gen. 2557 ; mok p. I. s. I, 20. midding, Dan. mogdynge, midding f mid- den J, sterquilinium, pr. c. 628; miding Town. myst. 30. mukhille much-hill, ^^sterquilinium\ prompt. 348. mukreu mocher, accumulare? mukre Chauc. Troil. 4224; mokeren Boet. 1182. mul, A.Sux. myl, O.Dutch mul, mull, ^^pul- vis\ prompt. 348; Ilavel. 6200; Gow. 2, 204; a. p. 1, 904. - mulrein staubregen, prompt. 348. mul! mulberi, M. II. Germ, mtilbere, mulberry ^ ^^morum\ prompt. 348; molberi ps. 77 ^ 47. mule see mile. mulc^ Fr. mule, Lat. mula, mule, horn, i, 5; ayenh. 223. mulle^ O.H.Germ. muli? = mulne? millf Rob. 547 , 22; mille prompt. 337 ; Mand. 189; melle ayenh. 24; Chauc. C. t. a 3923; c-.mp. windmnlle. millehous prompt. 337 . melston miil-stone, treat. 136. milward rel. ant. 1 , 85; mel(l)eward p. I. s. XXIV, 6. millere^ mellere miller, Langl. 2, 80^' (111). mulliu^ 0. II. Germ. muUen, 0. Icel. mylja, mull, pulverize, prompt. 348. mullok mullock, Chauc. C. t.a 3873. muluc^ A. Sax. myln, O.Icel. mylna, O.Dutch molen, Lat. molina? miln, mola, a. r: 72; 0. a. n. 86; Wart. hid. 1, 43; Gaw. 2203; milne voc. 235; Wicl. Mat. 24; milnes (pi.) Man. 173, 27; comp. wind-' milne. milnehous Ilavel. 1967 . milneston rel. ant. 1, 81; milne-, railn- stoon Wicl. judges 9. muluerc, milnere, Icel. mylivMi, Oll.Cerm. mulnari, milner, molitor, Langl. a 2, 80; milner voc. 212. 356 multestre munet multestre^ A.Sax. myltestre, miltestre, ^^mere- trix\ fragm. 5, 12. Multiplieu^ Fr. multiplier, multiply; multi- ^pliep fpres.J ayenh. 190. multitude^ Fr. multitude, multitude, prompt. 348. mnmmeii^ O.Dutch mommen, mum; imum- med (part. J dep. Rich. 26, 7 . muiid^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.IceL mmid, 0. II. Germ, miint, mound, palm, protection, La\ 25569; mounde fdat.J p. s. 189; a knight of mochel mounde Launf. 597 ; feouwer & sixti munden (mundes) La'). 21994. mundebriche Hrespas vers 8eignur\ rel. ant. 1, 33. muiide^ A.Sax. (freond)mynd, O.Icel. mynd f forma j? Goth, (ga)munds, 0. II. Germ. (gi)munt (memoria), Lat. mens gen. men- tis, Gr. |JL^Ttc, mind, mens, memoria, Marh. 21; treat. 134; & habbe ou ine munde a. r. 66; muinde p. I. s. XXVI, 38; minde Orm. 17577; Gow. 2, 82; Langl. h 5, 288; ps. 108, 15; pr. c. 59; a man pat is out of his minde Cham. C. t. 13909; as pe bok makip mind(e) Flor. 2168; & wOx so mikel minde f number? J of flies Man. 2625; tur(t)les michel mind «^. gen. 3676; mende "mens, memo- ria\ prompt. 332; lud. Gov. 19; comp. imunde, wurdmund? mindles mindless, pr. c. 2288. minde == imunde, memor, rel. ant. 1, 216; spec. 82; Mapes 336; h. s. 727. muiideii — imunden, mind, meminisse; minde fpres.J m. t. 134; mindende Wtcl. Rom. prol. mundi = imundi, memor. mindi3nesse memory, Orm. 11508. muiidian^ A.Sax. mundian, O.L.Germ. mun- don, O.II.Germ. munton, protect, horn. 1, 115. hiuiidlunge opinatus? comp. unmundlunge. muue^ A.Sax. myne, M.H.Germ. mun, 0. Icel. munr, Goth, muns, thought, remem- hrance: do pu pis mid gode mune fr. w. sune) hotn. 1, 57; pet pe habben him spa pel i mune 71; he hadde ... in mone fr. w. sone) p. I. s. X, 35; mune "mo7iile\ fragm. 2, 52. munedei a. r. 22. muuec (monek), A.Sax. munec, munuc, Lat. monachus, monJc, La^. 12906; munuch hom. 1, 199; a. r. 318; monek Roh. 417, 19; monk Langl. 5, 233 f460). munecclad La'). 12984. muneclif monastery. La). 29717; Orm. 6292. muuechene^ A. Sax. mynecen, nun, La'^. 28476. muiiegeii^ A.Sax. mynegian, myngian, O.H. Germ, (bi)munigon, onitig, memorare, remi- nisci, a. r. 320; hare ahne ded ant drih- tines munegin Marh. 15; munegie (mu- ne3i) La^. 24027; mungen c. I 1193; munge, minge, menge Will. 831, 1422 ^'- 1624: munge, mengen, menewe Langl. 6, 97 f7, 88 J; minge spec. 95; Miro 1555; Octav. 7; Em. 926; a. p. 1, 854; munge fpres.J p. I. s. XXV, 167; mu- ne3ed hom. 1, 145; a. r. 144; muneged rel. ant. 1, 130; mene3ed hom. 1, 241; mene^i fsuhjunct.J Shoreh. 104; & mu- nejede hine to fusen La). 16648; comp. 3emune3en. muue^ing remembrance, hom. 1, 45; muni- ging st. gen. 1623; munegunge a. r. 26. munen^ A.Sax. Goth, munan, O.Icel. muna, from man, mun, meminisse, cogitare, st. gen. 687 ; de hertes costes we ogen tO munen rel. ant. 1, 217; monin "comme- morare\ prompt. 342; mone fr. w. sone) h. s. 1118; he wolde mone pat he was his broper sone Man. 4811; 3ho munde fmoud, miidj ... to dsepe ben istaned Orm. 1967; comp. imunen. muiiet^ A.Sax. mynet, O.Icel. mynt, O.H. Germ, muniza, Lat. moneta, mi^it, "mi- munien murnen 35T misma\ fragm. 2, 37; menet ayenh. 241; mint Mire 1776; see moneie. munien^ A.Sax. mynian, myiman(?), rememher, admonish, mention, Lay 2033; mfi pundres ich habbe iprabt jjene ich mabte munien Jul. 41; pis ha mOten ofte munnen bi ham seolven Mark. 14; ma murhden pen alle men mihten . . . munnen Kath. 1714; munne rel. ant. 2, 210; of hem we ohte munne spec. 112; i wolcle nemne hire to day ant i dorste hire munne 113; munne, min(n)e c. I. 26 H; minne Mire 1307; munne fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 120; munnest Kath. 074; pat pou mi- nes (menes) of him ^^quod memor es ejus', ps. 8, 5; munned ... ant muneged Marh. 21; 36 minnen (menen) Langl. h 15, 464; mene (imperat.) pr. c. 6740; & minede spo us alle . . . pat pe sholden bipepen ure . . . sinne ho7n. 2, 147; pai be mined ^^remimscentur\ ps. 21, 28; see minnen. muDster^ A.Sax. mynster, Lat. monasterium, minster. Lay 13028; munstre fdat.J Rob. 410, 16; minstre Orm. 1017; menstre g. 38. viunt^ Fr. mont, mount. Lay 18336; Orm. 6374; St. gen. 1744; mount Mand. 12. iii«iitaine^ Fr. montagne, mountain, Lay 1282; mountaine Brand. 24; muntaines (pl.J Will. 2610. munten^ A.Sax. myntan, munt (mint, mentj, cogitare, intendere, rel. ant. 2, 216; min- tin prompt. 338; minte Triam. 1613; mente fpret.J Shoreh. 161; pou mintest Gaw. 2274; munt f part. J rel. ant. 1, 131; mint s. s. ed. Wr. 1660; Tor. 1616; Percev. 1667 ; comp. imunten. murcHen^ A.Sax. murcnian, murmur, Orm. 7786. mure^ A.Sax. mj^re m.(?J, O.Icel. myrr /., mire, Beves 2023; mire ^^palus', prompt. 338; Rich. 6030; Chauc. C. t. a 608; Man. 70, 18; Gaw. 740; miere rel. ant. 1, 7; mures fpl.J p. s. 216; mures, mi^ res Will. 2610 Sf 3607; eomp. leimure. miri ?nirg, m. t. 128. murie^ A.Sax. myrge, merge, tnerrg fmur- ryj. Lay 10147; Kath. 317; o. a. n, 346; Brand. 14; h. T. 288; murie, merie, mirie Will. 1148, 1006 Sf 2863; murye, merye Chauc. C. t. a 236; merye Shoreh. 148; Flor. 1766; mirie st. gen, 212; miry "laetus, jucundus, hilar is'^ prompt. 338; s. s. ed. Wr. 261; pr. c, 004; murie fadv.J Horn 602; mm\% merye Langl. prol. 10; mirie Hoccl. Ly 237; murie pordes a. r. 300; murgre (compar.) Lay 24064; muriere song Brand. 10; murieste, meryest(e) Langl. h 16, 211. muri-, meri-, meryellche merrily, Chauc, C. t. h 1300. mirinesse merriness, Cham. Boet. 1703. mur^eii^ A. Sax. (a)myrgan, make merry; murgep fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 124; spec, 46; miryhes (printed mirphes), miries ps. 31, 11 ^ 46, 2. murhtt'e^ A.Sax. myrhd, mirth, laetitic, hi- laritas, p. I. s. VIII, 184; Marh. 11; Kath. 2382; murhde, muruhde a. r. 02 Sf 162; murhde, murehde, murde (murh- pe) Lay 1704, 6111 Sf 24260; murspe, mure^pe, murepe o. a. n, 341 Sf 366; mer5pe Hick. thes. 1, 224; mire3pe Flor. a. Bl. 682; murpe Alis. 1676; murpe, merpe c. I. 42; merpe Will. 31; murpe, mirthe Langl. 3, 11; mirthe, merpe Cliatcc. C. t. a 773. murken^ A.Sax. murcian, murmur; murke- den, morkeden fpret.J ps. 106, 26. murne^ A. Sax. (un)murne, moestus, La"^. 16160; Horn ed. Lum. 704; Arth. a, 3Ierl. 8338. murnen^ A. Sax. murnan, 0. L. Germ, mor- nian, O.H.Germ. mornen, Goth, maurnan, mourn fmurnj, moerere, lugei'e, a. r. 310; st. gen. 2063; murnin Marh. 14; murne 358 muruinge nseil Man. 20, Id; moiirnen ^jpec. 69; morniii ^prompt. 344; mourne ll^icl. John 16; morne (pros. J Chauc. C. t. a 3 7 04; mor- nes(t) s. s. ed. Wr. 1862; we murne m. h. 36; murnede fpret.J a. r. 366; mur- nede (moruede) La^. 13090; mornede li'ill. 82 o; mornede, morued L'Migl. 3, 163 (169 J; comp. bimurnen. muruinge^ A.Sax. murnuug, mourning, o. a. n. 1698; Bek. 23; murniug st. gan. 3206; pr. c. 1846. niurfte see murhde. murirre== moiper? a. r. 278 Sf 310; Roh. 669, 18. murJTrf^ii^ A.Sax. myrdrian, Goth, maurpr- jan, murder (murthcr), La'>,. 21616; mur- pri p. I. s. XXIII, 21; murpere, mor- pere Langl. 4, 42 (66) (ed. Wr. 2192); inirpren Orm. 8124; morperen pi. cr. 666; murdredest (pret.) a. r. 310; inur- pered (part.) Will. 1774; morprid Chauc. C. t. 8601; imorpred Roh. 110, 3; comp. amurdrin. inur|)i'cre murderer; mordrere Mand. 292; inurpereris, morpereres (pi.) Langl. h 6, 276. mus, A.S'ix. O.Icel. 0. II. Germ. Lat. mus, mouse, horn. 1, 63; mous Langl. b prol. ' 182; Chauc. C. t. a 144; mt^, A.Sax. m^s, (pi.) 0. a. n. 87; mis Langl. h prol. 147; mise Mand. 291; s. a. e. ed. Wr. LVIII, 39; co7np. Hinder-, reremous. musere mouse-ear, we. 140. raousfalle, O.lI.Germ. masfalla, ^'muscipu- la\ pro.nript. 347 . musestock ^''musGlpula\ vac. 132; (ms. musestoch) hom. 1, 63. muschil^ A.Sax. muscel, O.H.Germ. muscu- la, Lat. musculus V muscle, prompt. 348; muscle Chauc. C. t. 7682. musen^ O.Fr. muser, muse; muse (pres.) Langl. 10, 181 (11, 137); musi (suh- junct.J ayenh. 104; mused (pret.) Chauc. C. t. h 1033. museii mouse; mousin prompt. 347; milsep (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 180. musike^ Fr. musique, music, st. gen. 460. must^ A. Sax. must, 0. II. Germ, most, Lat. mustum, must, voe. 267; Langl. b 18, 368: must (most) La\ 8723. mustarde^ O.Fr. moustarde, mustard, prompt. 349; raostard ayenh. 143. mii&f A.Sjx. mud, O.Icel. mudr, munnr, Goth, munps, u. Frls. 0. L. Germ. 0. II, Germ, mund, mouth, os, a. r. 64; reL ant. 1, 211; mup Orm. 13868; o. a. n. 673; mou]) Brand. 8; pane moup ayenh. 27; mudes (gen.) rel. ant. 1, 131; miipe (dat.) Floy. a. Bl. 11 ; moupe s. s. ed. Wr. 2320; mudes (pi.) La-^. 14823; st. gen. 2216. uiUit'e^ A.Sax. muda, O.Icel. munni, mouthy ostium. Mat. 8, 18. mowle mould (moul), ^'■mucor', prompt. 346. muplen^ O.Icel. mygla? mould (moul), muee- re, a. r. 344; mowlen, moulen Chauc. C. t. h 32; mowlin prompt. 346; mowled (ms. mo weld) (part.) pr. c. 6670; pi mowlid mete p. r. I. p. 181; moulid bred rel. ant. 1, 86. iia see under ne. uadilre^ A.Sax. naedre, O.L.Cerm. nadra, O.lI.Germ. na,tra, natara f., O.Icel. nadra J., nadr m., Goth, nadrs, adder, vlpera^ Shoreh. 104; nadder s. s. ed. Wr. 774; nedre hom. 1, 163; neddre a. r. 82; rel. ant. 1, 211; st. gen. 323; Gow. 3, 118; Mand. 206; nodder Chauc. ('. t. 9660; ueddir "serpens',, prompt. 362; naddren (pL) p. I. s. VIII, 138; ned- dren a. r. 214; nedres Roh. 43, 11; naderes voc. 266; neddre streon progenies viperarum, Orm. 9266; see addre; comp. mereneddre. u^fre see under ne. iiaeil, A.Sax. naegl, nsegel, O.lI.Germ. nagal, nagel, O.Icel. nagl, O.Frls. neil, ^lall, "clavus\ fragm. 2, 43; neil a. r. 404; naeilin name 359 nail ^'clavus, unguis', prompt. S'^O; iieiles fplj Mark. W; Kath. 2151: nailes Za^. 2187'J: Havel 2163: Langh h\ 62 (7, 56 J: Chauc. C. t. 635/: comp. fingerneil. neilcnif Jul. 56. nseilsox fragm. 5, 1: nailsax (-sex) Z^/3. 3057S. nailiii^ A. Sax. naegliaii, Goth, (gajnagijan, O.Il.Germ. iiagalen, negileu, O.Icel. uegla, nail, ^^davare\ prompt. 351 : na3len Onn. 2100: ineiled (part. J a. r. 114: inailed Brand. 5. nagge^ 0. Butch negge, nag, mannus, prompt. 350. naht^ A.Sax. neaht, nilit gen. nilite, riihtes, O.L.Gcrm. O.Il.Germ. nalit gen. naht, nahtos, Goth, nalits, 0. Icel. natt, nOtt gen. nsetr, Lnt. nox gen. noctis, Gr. v6^ gen. vuxTOC, Russ. no^ib, night (neaght), i,. 2676 Sf 23110; niwe Fhr. a. Bl. 296; Shore'h. 163; niepe Ilt'ck. thes. 1, 223; nue treat. 133; newes (gen. n.) st. gen. 260; newene (ace. m.) ayenb. 162. neowcumen new-come. Lay 8662. newefangel new-f angle, Gow. 2, 273; Chauc. C. t. 10932. neopeliche newly, a. r. 218; neweliche Arth. a. Merl. 4668; newliche Chauc. Boet. 3489; neuli Man. 67, 18; rel. ant. 1, 146. nepen^ A.Sax. neopan, nuper, Orm. 173 c^- 7069; neoweu, neouwen Lay 3691 8f 20683; newe Will. 1364. newen^ A.Sax. neopian, nipian, O.H.Germ. niuwon, Goth, (ana)niujan, new, novare; newe Chauc. Troil. 3164; newed (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 210; newe}) "innovat'\ Wicl. wisd. 7; newed (pret.) pr. c. 7460; newed (part.) Jos. 688; Mire 642; comp. a-, in e wen. ni ^ee ne. iiice, O.Fr. nice, nice, nescius, ^Hners\ prompt. 366; Roh. 106, 20; Shoreh. 46; s. s. ed. Weh. 412; lloccl. I, 204; nice si3tes Langl. h 16, 33; pat we ben wise and no ping nice Chauc. C. t. d 938. nicete, O.Fr. nicete, nicety, Chauc. C. t. 12423. nickeiij 0. Dutch nieken, O.H.Germ. nicchen, nutare; nicke (pres.) spec. 32; nicked a. r. 308; nickes Will. 4146; nikkes Per- cev. 1024; nikked (pret.) Gaw. 2471. uied see nead. 11 if see under ne. nifte, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.H.Germ. nift, O.Icel. nipt, Lat. neptis, prompt. 366; st. gen. 1386; niftes (pi.) Man. 11011. iiigard niggard, Langl. h 16, 136; Chauc. C. t. d 333. ni) see neh. ni^eii^ A.^ax. nigon, O.Fris. O.L.Genn. ni- gun, Goth. O.H.Germ. niun, O.Icel. niu, Ir. Gael, naoi, Lat. novem, Sanscr. ^cf, nine, horn. 1, 219; Trist. 1, 34; ni^en (nije) siden Lay 1188; ni^hen Orm. 1061; nien Iw. 402; ni3e spec. 37; ne- 3en ayenb. 46; neghen pr. c. 729; neghe Octov. 660 ; neo^e treat. 134; per aehte per ni3ene Lay 26602; jif ^e sigged niene a. r. 30; nine Langl. b 1, 119. ni3entene (nejentene) nineteen. Lay 1860; neo3entene p. I. s. XIII, 82. neo3enteope nineteenth, p. I. s. XIII, 361. nigenti ninety, st. gen. 1027. iii^eite^ A.Sax. uigoda, O.L.Germ. nignnda, i 366 ni3t niGcn Goth, niunda, O.Icel. niundi, ni7ith, nonus, p. I. s. VIII, 170; ni^ede, niede a. r. 198 Sf 236; neojepe Bek. 617; ni^hende Orm. 4488; ne3ende ayenb. 10; Shoreh. 100; neghend pr. c. 3988; nlnpe Langl. ed. Wr. 9545; h. s. 2906. m^if niht see naht. niker^ A.Sax. nicor, O.Dutch nicker, necker, O.Icel. nykr? sea-monster; nikir '■^siren\ prompt. 356; nikeres ('pl.) La-^,. 21746; Man. 1447; nikeren ayenh. 61; see iker. nimel^ A.Sax. nemolf?), nimble fnimmel, neamelj; nimil ^^capax', prompt. 356; nemel Lidg. m. p. 168; nemil i. h. r. 113. nimen^ A.Sax. niman, neoman, O.L.Germ. Goth, niman, O.H.Germ. neman, O.Fris. nima, O.Icel. nema, nim, capere, La"^. 993; Kath. 2148; Orm. 2910; c. I. 547; s. s. ed. Weh. 1430; Langl. b 13, 373; nimen wreclie st. gen. 1042; ni- min prompt. 356; nime o. a. n. 1097 ; treat. 139; ayenb. 37; nemen horn. 1, 241; neme Rich. 3876; neomen Marh. 3; to nimene La-^,. 30118; ayenh. 165; nimed fpres.J a. r. 6; nimep Flm\ a. Bl. 9; nim fimperat.J La-^. 13156; nime fsuhjunct.J ayenb. 55; nam fpret.J Havel. 900; Gow. 1, 212; s. s. ed. Wr. 461; (ms. namm) Orm. 916; his licham of erde he nam st. gen. 200; deden he nam (scil. de wei) to mirie dale 745; pat nam he most to herte Will. 1203; nam, nom Kath. 910 ^ 1023; nom c. I. 917; BeJc. 707; Degrev. 126; he nom leave a. r. 230; (pou) nome La^. 5048; s. s. ed. Weh. 277; namen Man. ed. R. pref. 98; nomen st. gen. 1016; Will. 1309; s. s. ed. Wr. 317; Min. 43; nome p. I. s. XXIV, 104; n6men (nemen) La'^. 6723; neme Horn ed. Lum. 60; nome (neme) fsuhjunct.J La\ 7093; numen (part. J Orm. 6940; st. gen. 409; nomen Jos. 405; ChauG. Trail 6884; Triam. 1181; manrede of alle havede he nomen Havel. 2265; nome s. s. ed. Wr. 2680; comp. a-, bi-, i-, mis-, of-, over-, under-, up-, utnimen. iiimere^ O.H.Germ. nemari, captor, ayenh. 248. nimunge^ O.H.Germ. nemunga, captio, a. r. 38; niminge ayenh. 164. nip, Dan. nip, nip, extremitas? out of pe nippe of pe norp Langl. b 18, 162. iiipieii see hnipien. nipin, 0. Dutch nipen, "premere, stringere\ prompt. 357 . nite see hnite. niteii, O.Icel. nita, nite, negare ; nite l.h. r. 121; nitte fpret.J m. h. 50. nitten see nutten. niit, A.Sax. nld m. fnisus, contentio, invidia, nequitiaj Greins gloss., O.L.Germ. nith m. f impetus, contentio, invidia, malitia) J Schm. gloss., 0. II. Germ, nid m. finvidia^ \ iniquitasj Graff's sprsch. 2, 1031, O.Icel. nld n. fcontumelia, violatioj Egilss. lex., Goth, neip n. (cp^ovoc) Sch. gloss., con- tention, envy, malice, a. r. 404; nid and win rel. ant. 1, 213; nid and strif st. gen. 373; nip Orm. 123 ; nip and prake 0. a. n. 1194; nipe fdat.J La>,. 3934*; Shoreh. 156; s. s. ed. Weh. 1205; Am. a. Amil. 208; of nipe ant of onde p. s. 212. nidcraft La^. 7116. nldful horn. 1, 57; st. gen. 369; nipful Orm.. 18254. iiiit, A.Sax. nld fintensus9J Greins gloss. 2, 294, Goth, (anda)neips? dire? nip helleplne Orm. 13677. ni|>emest, A.Sax. nidemest, nethmist, infi- mm, treat. 138; pan meopemeste pinam horn. 1, 117 . niften, A.Sax. nidan, neodan, neodane, 0. Icel. nedan, O.L.Germ. nithana, O.H.Germ. nidana, neath fnethj, infra; comp. bi- neoden. niden nord 367 niiTeii^ O.Icel. nida, O.H.Germ. niden, strive^ envy; nipe ^'■aemulari\ ps. 36, 8; nidede fpret.J st. gen. 1521. iiiiTer^ A.Sax. nidor, ueodor, O.L.Germ. ni- thar, O.Icel. nidr, O.H.Germ. nidar, de- orsum, La},. 81 82; falle nider rel. ant. 1, 223; ne parp pu me napt neoder in- to lielle Mark. 17; sal gliden on his brest(e) neder st. gen. 370. niderward deorsum, rel. ant. 1, 221; n(e)operpard, neperward o. a. n. 144, iii|)ere, A.Sax. nidera, neodera, O.H.Germ. nidaro, nether, inferm\ Marg. 160; pe niper(e) ende Brand. 24; neper(e) Irist. 2, 32; pe nepere lippe voc. 146; neodere a. r. 332. iie|)ereste^ O.H.Germ. nidarosta, infimus, Chauc. Boet. 60. Bid'erien^ A.Sax. niderian, O.Icel. nidra, 0. H.Germ. niderren, nither, nether, abase, humble; nipren Orm. 13966; neodered (part. J La-^,. 29992; comp. a-, iniderien. nid'ingj A.Sax. niding, O.Icel. nldingr, miser, villam, La\ 690; niping Horn 204; a- yenb. 139; Alis. 2054; Isumb, 23. niyeleu nivel, nifjie, = snivelen? nivelen & makien sure & grimme chere a. r. 240; nifle fpres.J rel. ant. 2,211; nive- linge (nevelinge) wip pe nose Langl. b 5, 135. niwe see newe. niwel^ A.Sax. neopol, nypol, neol, procUvis, profundus: and nuel feol to grunde Lay 167 7 7"". nipelnisse, neopelnesse, A. Sax. neopel-, nypolness, profundum, abyssus, horn. 1, 225 Sf 233. no see na and nan, under ne. iioble^ Fr. noble, noble, a. r. 166; p. I. a. XIII, 119; nohleste fsuperlat.J ayenb. 92. noblesse^ Fr. noblesse, ayenb. 20; Chav^. Boet. 947 ; noblesce a. r. 166. noces; Fr. noces, a. r. 78. nocke^ 0. Butch nocke, Dan. nokke, notch. crena; nokke 'prompt. 357; nokkis (pi.) p. r. I. p. 17. nodil noddle, ^^occipu£\ voc. 206; prompt. 357. nojt^ noht see nawiht, under ne. noise^ O.Fr. noise, noise, a. r. 66; treat. 135; ayenb. 66. nok nooh, Havel. 820; noke fdat.) Gaw. 660; of pe noke ''anguli\ ps. 117, 22; he held pe lettre bi pe noke Degrev. 165; nokes fpl.J Min. 26. iiokeil nooked; comp. feowemoked. iiol see hnol. nonible^ Fr. nomble, lumbulus; noumbles fpl.J Gaw. 1347. nonie see name. iiou, A.Sax. non, Lat. nOna fscil. hora)? noon. Lay 14039; misc. 50; after none Horn ed. Lum. 358. • non see nan, under ne. nonne see nunne. noppe see hnoppe. nor see nawper, under ne. norice see nurice. norissen^ Fr. nourrir, nourish; norissi ayenb. 154; norischi Bel. 1874; norissep fpres.J Shoreh. 99; norisse fsubjunct.J Chauc. Boet. 2174; nurist f part. J pr. c. 4198. nord*^ A.Sax. nord fin septemtrimie, septem- trionem versus J, O.Fris. north fseptem- trionem versus, septemtrioj, 0. Icel. nordr f septemtrionem versus J, 0. H. Germ, nord f septemtrioj, north, in septemtrione, septem- trionem versus: & droh him ri(h)tes nord Lay 2659; ic wile . . . min sete nord on hevene maken st. gen. 278; she 10- kede norp Havel. 1255; north "septen- trio\ prompt. 358; ^^aquihnem'\ ps. 88, 13; in pe norpe Chauc. C. t. a 4015. norddele, A.Sax. norddsel, horn. 1, 219; norpdale Orm. 16412. nordende, A.Sax. nordende, Lay 12729; norpende Havel. 734. 368 norde nunne Norpfolc Norfolk, misc. 146. norphalf, A, Sax. nordhealf, treat. 137; Shoreh. 149. Nordhumberlond Northumberland, Im^. 6390. Norpsee Northsea, p. I. s. XIIl, 17. norpslde p. I. s. XVII, 350. norpward northward, Beh. 1127; Chauc. C. t. a 1909. Nordwei Norway; Norpweye fdatj Boh. 182, 20; Norwe^e La-). 4474; Norweye 0. a. 71. 909; Mail. 2878. Norpwicli Norwich, misc. 145; p. J. s. XIII, 64. noriTe north: bi norden La"). 3742; bi norde 21043. norffer^ 0. Icel. nordar fmagis ad septemtrio- nem versus J f pa ferde pe king nordur (norper) ma La^. 2674. norcTern^ A. Sax. nordern, northern: pat norderne vole Ly 31333; norperne wind spec. 51; the norpern light Chauc. a t. a 1987. nose see nase. not see hnot. note, A.Sax. notu, O.Fris. note, O.H.Germ. nuzi? from neoten, note, usus, fructus, prompt. 359; p. I. s. XIX, 53; chron. Engl 434; Shoreh. 36; ayenh. 159; s. 8. ed. Weh. 992; Mire 1484; Bich. 2651; Chauc. C. t. a 4068; h. s. 2073; a. p. 2, 381 ; is in pe eni oper note btite pu havest schille prote o. a. n. 557; note and frame spec. 71. notful useful, Chauc. Boet. 85. notsum, O.H.Germ. nuzisamer? fruitful? heore nutene neotsume ffor notsume?) weren Lay 342. note, Fr. note, note; notes fpl.j ayenh. 105. note see hnute. noten, Fr. noter, note, a. r. 158. notien, A.Sax. notian, O.K.Germ. nuzzen? note, uti, frui, a. r. 106; noten st. gen. 3144; notie Shoreh. 21; note Jos. 588; h. 8. 2602; ich notie . . . mine prote o. a. n. 1033; note Bich. 5604; pu no- test Orm. 12228; notep ayenh. 260; pe king nuste whaet he inoted hafde Lay 30603; comp. binotien. n6|>e, A.Sax. nod, O.H.Germ. nand, auda- cia, temeritas? fdat.J Shoreh. 65 Sf 111. nou see nu. nouche, O.H.Germ. nusca, ouch, ^^monile\ prompt. 359; ^'fihulam'\ Wicl. 1 Mace. 10; a nouche of golde Chauc. C. t. d 743. nounpere, noumpere umpire, Langl. 5, 181 (337). nout see neat. noiiiter, nowder see nawper, under ne. novele see navele. nu, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. O.lcel. Goth, nu, no'W, nunc, a. r. 114; o. a. n. 46; st. gen. 379; Flor. a. BI. 9; p. s. 257 ; til nu Orm. 14066; nu 3U fms. nu33u), O.H.Germ. nu ju, 9281; nu den Marh.l3 Sf-21; nu de Lay 29863; Kath. 2120; nu pe p. I. s. VIII, 5; nou Havel. 120; treat. 135; ayenh. 87; nou pe Chauc. C. t. a 462; a. p. 3, 414. nue see newe. nucl see niwel. nuht = inuht, ahundance. nuhtsom (neghtsom) = inuhtsom, abun- dant, ps. 98, 8. neghtsomnes abundance, ps. 129, 4. nuhtsomen, A.Sax. genyhtsumian, abound; nuhtsome ps. 64, 14. nui, nuien see enui, enuien. noisance, O.Fr. nuisance, nuisance, Parten. 401. numbre, Fr. nombre, number, nutnerus, p, I. 8. XVII, 223. numbren, Fr. nombrer, number, numerwre; nombre, noumbre Langl. b 1, 115. nunne, A.Sax. nunne, O.Fr. nonne, Lat. nonna, nun, a. r. 316; m. h. 164: nunnerie of m nunne (nonne) La^. 16661; nonne Gow. 3, 281; Cham, a t. a 118. nonnerie^ O.Fr. nonnerie, nunnery, La\ 16f)42''; p. I. 8. Xri, 160. nuricc^ Fr. nourrice, nurse, a. r. 82; norice p. I. s. Xin, 136; ayenh. 161; norise mir. pL 141 . nurneii; A. Sax. gnornian, O.L.Germ. gnor- non? from L.Germ. knurren, gnurren, Dutch knorren, gnorreu, Dan. knurre, Swed. knorra? murmur? he nolde not . . . nurne hir a3ainez Gaiv. 1661; nurned fpret.J a. p. 2, 669. norture^ Fr. nourritflre, nurture, ayenb. 113. nurtt" noue? a. r. 92"^'; leaved oper nurd ant oper ladliche bere Mark. 21; nurd, nurhd hom. 1, 247 ; h. m. 31. iiurvil^ nirvil, for cnurvil? knurl, nirl ^^f homo J pusillus\ prompt. 367 Sf 361. nut^ A. Sax. nyt, O.Icel. nytr, Goth, (un)- nutis, O.H.Germ. nuzzer, from neoten, useful, Za^. 9470; comp. unnut. nute see hnute. nuteii^ A. Sax. n^ten, neten, pecus, fragm. 3, 23; nutenu fpl.j hom. 1, 106; nutene La^. 341. mkiie, A.Sax. nytt, O.H.Germ. nuz, use; nuttes fgen.J La\ 13428. iiutten^ A. Sax. nyttian, O.Dutch nutten, 0. H.Germ. nuzzan, use: nutten liOte spices a. r. 370; nitten Orm. 6643; nitte Ha- vel. 5'4i; nutted fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 132; 3ef ha nutted hare nome Marh. 1 . see an and of. 6, Goth. M. H.Germ. o, oh, Kath. 1463; a. r. 64; ayenb. 228. o see a. ob-, Fr. ob-, Lat. ob. occupien, O.Fr. occuper, occupy; occupied fpart.J Langl. b 6, 409. obedience, O.Fr. obedience, obedience, hom. 1, 213; ayenb. 140. obedient obedient, a. r. 424. obeiin, Fr. obeir, obey, prompt. 361 ; ob* eie JFicl. genes. 41. offenden offend; offended (part. J Chauc. C. t. a 909. office office, ayenb. 122. officer officer, p. I. s. XXVI, 73. offrende, Fr. offrande, st. gen. 1312; Havel. 1386. offrien, Fr. offrir, offer, hom. 1, 87; offren a. r. 162; Orm. 1011; offrede fpret.J ayenb. 193; offreden Lay 8093. offringe offering, ayenb. 194. oble, Fr. oublie, Halliw. diet. 686; obles (pi.) I. c. c. 22. opposen, Fr. opposer, oppose, Chauc. G, t. d 1697. oc, O.Icel. ok, ac, et, (ms. occ) Orm. 1216; see ac. 6c == eac? st. gen. 64; & oc it maked hia egen brigt rel. ant. 1, 210; 5k Havel. 187. «c see ak. 6d see ad. oAAff O.Icel. oddi Frit%ners ordh., odd, "m- par\ prompt. 362; a. p. 2, 426; odd(e) or even Goiv. 3, 138; odde weddinge Mire 198. oiHous^ Fr. odieux, odious, Chauc. C. t. d 2190. odur, Fr. odeur, odour, p. I. s. XX XV^ 76. of, A. Sax. of, O.Fris. of, af, ofe, O.Icel. Goth, af, O.L.Germ. af, ava, O.H.Germ. aba, abe, ab, Lat. sib, Gr. oltzo, Sanscr. ^T^, of, off': alflsed ... of bende p. I. s. VIII, 68; heo polden kerchen of pe al pet pu hefdest a. r. 324; Wawain hem tOk pe knave of Arth. a. Merl. 7826; & brseid hine of his stede Lay 26777; pe king lihte of his stede Horn 61; pe leves fallen of pe tree Fll. ram. 1, 269; pe stude pet pe of feollen Marh. 17; pe weoren icumen of (sec. text fram) ROm© Xay 6680; pa he sculde of live 47 370 of of weude 6851; pu most of londe fleo o. a. n. 1304; heo bep of londe idrive c. I. 444; the blod ran of his sides ITaveL 1850; he aros of deade horn. 2, 23; he borwede of me Langl. 4, 40 (53); pe we beod of (ove) icomene Z^). 451; to clensen hem of (ms. off) sinne Oryn. 4111; a man of god(e) inwit of alle pulke him mai skere treat. 133 ; pe dome pat ic eop er of sede p. I. s. VllI, 79; peo preo sunnen pet ich spec of a. r. 56; pe child pat Isaye of tolde g. I. 646; pane g'ode mon pat of so feole pinge con 0. a. n. 1772; swulc he weore of witte Lay 8226; if he were brouct of live Havel . 513; pat of his slepe awaked Chauc. C. t. a 2523; & bicom of engel ate(l)lich deovel a. r. 52; he prohte pin of pater Crm. 11081; to parnie pummen of hore fol eien a. r. 54; he riht nOht of hem ne rohte Orm. 9024; ich bi3et hit ipriten of pe pritere Mark. 2; ich polde pet heo peren of alle . . . iholden a. r. 48; itend of pradde Kath. 156; deien of hungre a. r. 342; ])at god of pisse londe La'). 999; pe ord of pan swoide 18094; pe ende of pe tale a. r. 72; eaples of irne Xath. 2209; ponked him of his 3eove a. r. 44; heo is gulti of pe bestes deade 58; to here witiiisse of pis falshede Beh. 1117; have merci of me Havel. 491; for love of ])e Bek. 39; a ... mon of priti 3eren La^. 377; a king of muche miht g. I. 275; 3ung of 3eres a. r. 158; he pas ... clene of sinne Orm. 3171; riche of welde st. gen. 1355; fill of witte c. I 400; it was ten of fv. r. at) pe clokke Chauc. C. t. h 14; smiten of horn, i, 29; & sloh him of pat hseved Z«). 3856; & spipte hire of pat heaved JSath. 2485; his <;roune was al of ismite Bek 2327; hi strupten his elopes of 2225; 3if pin hefet pere ofe fms. offe) horn 1, 29; pis gode prest pat pe nu mselen ofe fms. offe) Orm. 462; a tere af pin ie Ilalliw. diet. 24; on sesthalf o pis middelaerd Orm. 3432; nu wot Adam sum del o wo 8t. gen. 353 ; bringe o dawe lud. Cov. 291; comp. her-, hwar-, parof (-ofe). ofasken inquire; ofeschte fpret.J p. I. s. XIII, 343; ofacsed (part. J ayenh. 152. ofbiten hite off: here aldre hevedes he ofbot (of bOt?) St. gen. 2926. ofcalden refrigerare; ofcold (part.) Rob, 322, 7. ofclepen evocare; ofclepip (pres.) Alis. 1810. ofcpellen eneeare, Orm. 6897; ofcpaldo (pret.) 8037. ofchappen chap off; ofchappid (of chap- pid?) Rich. 4550. ofdrseden pavefacere, terrere ; ofdrede (pres.) Horn ed. Lum. 291 ; ofdred (part.) Lay 8425; a. r. 178; Orm. 7925; st. gen. 3955; ne beo pu napiht ofdred LCath. 674; ofdrad o. a. n. 1150; s. s. ed. TFeh. 903. ofdra3en attrahere : to ofdrapen hire heorte a. r. 392. ofdruncnen drown; ofdruncnep (pres.) Orm. 14611; oflruncned ^^r/r^^.; 14852. ofdrunken demergere: al mankin pas . . . ofdrunked Orm. 6793. ofearnen earn, Kath. 2167 ; ofearned (pres.) a. r. 194. offeren terrify, a. r. 230; offere Shoreh. 129; offered, offered (part.) Lay 5270 ^^ 15491; offeared Kath. 669; h. m. 43; offerd st. gen. 2844; Flor. a. Bl. 475. offal, O.Icel. affall, 0. Butch afval, o/«/, prompt. 362; I. c. c. 29. offehten? pei were weri offou3ten (ex- hausted with fighting) Jos. 552. affreinen question, interrogate; affraine Halliw. diet. 26; affrained (prd.) Langl. h 16, 274. of of 371 offullen fill up; ofFulled f part. J La"). 20438. offurhten frighten; offrihte fpret.J La\ 30267''; offruht (part.) Kath. 669; of- frigt rel ant. 1, 226; st. gen. 3692. ofgon attain, deserve, p. I. s. XVIII, 21; vor to ofgon pine heorte a. r. 390; of- gOn (agon) Langh h 9, 106; ofged fpres.J a. r. 258; ofguo (part. J ayenh. 13. ofgasten terrify: so sOre hi were ofgaste p. I. 8. XIII, 212. ofgramien vex: hie ben ofgramede pid hem selfen ?tom. 2, 69. of3iten perceive, La"^. 23777. ofhacken hack off, ahscidere, fms. of acken) horn. 2, 139. ofhseten heat; he wes swide ofhaet Lay 9314. ofhealden retain; ofhealde ayenh. 24. ofheren hear; ofherde fpret.J Horn ed. Lum. 41. ofhungren hunger, fame premi? ofhungred f part. J Am. a. Amil. 1908; T^ii pu ert ofhungred efter pe spete a. r. 376; of- hungret Kath. 1030; af(h)ingred Brand. 19; p. 8. 342; af(h)ingred (ahungred) Langl b 10, 69. ofkennen cognoscere, gignere; ofkenda (pret.) Lay 1659''; r. s. IV, 42. oflangien long, desiderio teneri? oflonged, A. Sax. oflougod, f part. J o. a. n. 1587 aefter pe ic wes oflonged La^. 19034 aJonged ffor aflonged?) I. h. r. 23 Rich. 3049. ofli^en ? pa weoren weri oflseien {exhausted with lying) Lay 19300. ofliggen ohjacere; ofligge fpres. suhj'.J o. a. n. 1505. oflusten, A.JSax. oflystan(?) part, oflysted, list, cupiditate teneri: pa wes he . . . oflust after deores flsesce Lay 30554. ofnimen, A. Sax. ofniman, caper e; ofnom (pret.) Rob. 171, 6; ofnomen Lay 26669. ofrsechen reach, attingere; ofreche Horn ed. Lum. 1283; Rob. 285, 6; Will, 3874; ofrahte (pret.) Jul. 57; ofraujte Beves 867 . ofrinnen assequi; ofaerne Lay 13149. ofriven rive off; ofrTve (of rive?) pr. c. 7379. ofsaken, A. Sax. ofsacan, O.Icel. afsaka (excusare), deny: i ne mai hit nOjt of- sake p. I. 8. XV, 60. ofschamen shame, pudore afficere ; ofscha- med (part.) Shoreh. 160; heo pas . . . of(s)chamed (ofschomed) o. a. n. 934; ofsamed Rob. 342, 1. ofshreden shred off, Gow. 1, 138. ofsechen, O.Icel. ofsoekja? seek out; of- seche p. I. s. XI, 13; ofseched (pres.) a. r. 232; ofso3t (part.) Rob. 145, 5; ofsou3t Will 1676. ofsenden send for, Alis. 500; s. s. ed. Web. 704; ofsende Shoreh. 41; Will, 5293; (h)is knijtes he let ofsende Rob. 122, 21; ofsende (pres. subj.) Lay 15748. ofseon, A. Sax. ofseon, 0. H. Germ, obe- sehan? see; ofse Will. 2223; ofsei (pret.) rel. ant. 2, 272. ofserven for deserven ; ofservie misc. 75; ofserved a. r. 238. ofsetten, A.Sax. ofsettan, set around; of- sette (paH.) Will. 2648. ofsitten, A.Sax. ofsittan, obsidere; ofsit (pres.) fragm. 1 , 47; ofsitte (subjunct.) hom. 1, 115. ofslean, A.Sax. ofslean, Goth, afslahan (ctTioxTStvstv), slay, occidere, Lay 685; ofsloh (pret.) Lay 2559; ofslagen (part.) st. gen. 4077 ; ofslahe, ofslawe o. a. n. 1611. ofsmiten smite off; ofsmat (of smat?) (pret.) Lay 26071; ofsmoot Chauc. C. t. 13670; ofsmiten (of smiten?) (part.) chron. Engl. 1036. ofspring, A.Sax. ofspring, offspring, p. 372 of ofer /. 8. Fill, 105; Orm. 11034: Brand. 3; c. 1. 1484. ofspringen spring: of warn we beop of- sprong-e X^). 26418. ofsprung suboks, a. r. 64: mtsc. 38. ofstingen sting through, percutere; ofstinge (pres.) Lay 6034: oUiow^ fpret.J 10663: ofstungen (part. J 27614. ofstrupen strip off: ofstrTpe (of stripe?) Rich. 3399. ofswinke procure hy labour: pat we mi3- te ofswinke oure mete Hob. 40, 18. ofswippen (of swippen?) abscidere, La-^. 878: ofswipte (of swipte?) fpret.J 8184. oftaken tahe, assequi: Cadwalau him after wende ah oftaken he hine ne mahte La->,. 31330: oftake Bel. 63: ayenb. 43: Will 2198: Octov. 1626: oftok fpret.J Horn 1241: oftook Rich. 4367: oftOken a. r. 244 : oftake f part. J g. 366. ofteoRen vex, irritate: ofteoned (part.) o. a. n. 264: oftiened ayenh. 66. oftredeu, A. Sax. oftredan, tread down, Orm. 11650. ofprusmen suff^ocate: ofpresmed fpres.J Mark 4, 19. ofpunchen, A.Sax. ofpyncan, O.Dutch af- diuken, displease, repent: ofpinche p. I. s. VIIT, 103: lest it shulde o(f)ponkin him "W(9 poeniteret eum\ Wicl. exod. 13: ofpinke Horn ed. Lum. 972: ofpunched, ofpinched (apinched) fpres.J Lay 3364 Sf 13577: sore ofpiukep it me Roh. 64, 13: apinkep //or afpinkep?) Zafw^/. h 18, 89; apinkep, apenkep Chauc. C. t. a 3170: ofpunche fsubj.J a. r. 118: ofpuhte fpret.J o. a. n. 397 : ofpuhte (ofpohte) Lay 20903. ofpursten siti conficif ofpurst, A.Sax. ofpyrsted, f part. J a. r. 240: misc. 151: afurst ffor afpurst), athurst ffor af- thurst?) Langl. b 10, 59: af(p)erst Halliw. diet. 29: pe beggeres beop of- purste Horn ed. Lum. 1120. ofwaken expergisci: he ofwok Arth. a. MerJ. 3810. ofwalken? whan pou art weri ofwalked f exhausted with walking J Lanql. ed. Wr. 8434. ofwseven throw off: ofweve (of weve ?) Bek. 963. of, O.Fris. 0. Butch of fautj? Alls. 667. oof see owef, under an-. ofe see of. ofer, A. Sax. ofer, 0. Fris. 0. Butch over, Goth, ufar, O.Icel. yfir, O.H.Germ. ubar, over, super: ic pille senden flod ofer alne middenard horn. 1, 226: ofer erpe Orm. 14567 : ich am due ofer heom Lay 461; pe heo weoren wseldinde over 8386; over pene wal heo clumben 9420: he leaped over ham a. r. 380: wende over lond Bek. 1178: over pe nabbe i nd mihte c. I. 1110: ovir alle pe wode pey hur soght Triam. 349: over f above) alle ping him luvien a. r. 92; pet n5 viend ous vondi over oure mi3te ayenh. 170; over pre mile Arth. a. Merl. 6648; over al partouf, Kath. 728: a. r. 74; c. I. 732: Chauc. C. t. a 547; Rich. 2940: Orpji. 37 1: over fperj pe 5er /. c. c. 33: over night Gh'iuc. Troil. 2641; pe see toeode k pet i(s)raelisce folc pende ovei- h/ym. I, 141 : mile he nout . . . penden over a. r. 266: pe proli pou3t ... he let over slide ^Fill. 3619: comp. parover. overset, A.Sax. oferaet, esits nimius: over- etes fpl.J rel. ant. 1 , 131. oferbeoden, O.ic^/. yfirbioda, overbid: ofer- beden fpres. subj.J Orm. 6233 ; ur host ... is sone overbide p. I. s. XXIX, 92. oferbiden, A.Sax. of erhidsin, survive; over-. b6d fpret.J s. s. ed. Weh. 1731. overbr^den, A.Sax. oferbrsedaii, cover: wes . . . mid palle overbraed La"^. 19045. ofercasten overcast: overkesten a. r. 274; ofer ofer S7^ overcaste fpretj p. I. s. XVI T, 354; overkeste d. Arth. 3932; overcast (part.) Gow. 3, 310. ofercumen, A. Sax. ofercuman, overcome, Orm. 6275; overcumen La^. 5535; peo pet nimed more an hond pen heo mei overcumen a. r. 198; overcome ayenb. 169; Langl 4, 69 (H2); overcom (pret.) chron. Engl. 410; overcomen Mark. 1 ; overcumen (part.) Kath. 133; at. gen. 2108; overcume o. a. n. 542; over- comen Trist. 3, 46. overdede exaggeration, o. a. n. 352; a- yenh. 55. overdere over-dear, Rob. 389, 21. overdon overdo, a. r. 286; overdon {part. J Chauc. C. t. 12573. overdrinc potus nimius; overdrinke fdat.J horn. 1, 153. overdriven, A. Sax. oferdrifan, overdrive; overdrive (part.) Mire 1813. overeake surplus, horn. 1, 31. overeode, A. Sax. ofereode, f pret. J passed over; overdede 6^,. 14188; overspredde fpret.J a. r. 54; OYers^iMde La)ig I. b 19, 201; Chauc. C. t. a 2871. ofersti3en, A.Sax. oferstigan, Goth, ufar- steigan, O.Il.Germ. ubarstigan, surmount; overstihen Jul. 22; oferstied fpres.J r. s. Ill, 1. overstrong over-strong, a. r. 294. overspipe, A.Sax. oferspide, 7iimio valde, 0. a. n. 1518; overspude a. r. 368. oferspifen superare, vincere, Orm^ 1848. overtaken, overtake, O.Icel. yfirtaka, over- tahe, Langl. b 17 , 82; overtake /<^. 665; overtoc fpret.J st. gen. 1756; overtok Havel. 1816; a. p. 2, 1213 ; overtoken a. r. 244*. offrien open 375 overtilden cover with a tilt; overtild {part. J Jul. 9. ofertreden conculcm-e ; ofertrad fpret.J Orm. 12493. overtrust nimia Jiducia, a. r. 332. overtrusten overtrust, a. r. 332. overtrusti nimio conjidens, a. r. 334. overturnen overturn; overfcurne Langl. ed. Wr. 11065; overturned fpres.J a. r. 356. overprawen overthrow; overprowe Langl. . 8, 36 (9, 31 J; hie overprewe fpret.J Shoreh. 124; overprowen f part J Chauc. Boet. 491 ; overprawe ayenb. 15; over- prowe Alis. 1113. oferpunchen, for ofpunchen? it him ofer- puhte Oryn. 19596; overpoughte Man. 2350. overwejen overweigh: luve overpeid hit a. r. 386. overwene, O.H.Germ. ubarwani, presump- tion: pride & overwene rel. ant. 1, 216. overwenen overween; overweninde f part. J ayenb. 169. overweninge overweening, ayenb. 17 ; over- wening Man. 6289. oferweorpeu, J. Sax. oferpeorpan, O.H. Germ, ubarwerfan, subvertere: pet tiden ne stormes hit ne overp(e)orpen a. r. 142; oferparp (pret.) Orm. 15807^. overwinnen, A.Sax. oferpinnan, O.H.Germ, ubarwinuan, vanquish ; overwonnen fpret.J ps. 108, 3. overwrihen supertegere; OYQTYfXi'T^Qp fpres.J c. I. 716. offrien see under ob-. oft^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. oft, O.H.Germ. ofto, Goth, ufta, O.Icel. opt, oft, often, saepe, p. I. 8. nil, 11; oft, ofte 0. a. n. 539 8f 1545; Langl. 2, 16 f20j; ofte La^. '622; Marh. 15; a. r. 68; Orm. 9016; Havel. 226; Bek. 15; Lidg. m. p. 6; ofte, often Chaue. C. t. a 310 8f b 278; ofture fcompar.J a. r. 284; ofter Will. 610; Langl. b 18, 378; Mand. 19; oftest fsuperl.J Kath. 114. ofteslden saepenumero, a. r. 418; oftesipe Hoccl VI, 51; oftslthe pr. c. 7460; oftezipes ayenh. 45. oftetime oft-times, Triam. 28. ojeii see a3en. dh see ah. oht see aht. oht see awiht. oignemeiit^ O.Fr. oignement, ointment, p. I. 8. XXIIl, 124; oinement ayenb. 93; Will. 136; Hoccl. II, 42. oile tee ele. ointen oint, unguere, Wicl. Marh 16. ok see 6c and ak. oker, 0. Icel. okr, usury, a. r. 202; p. r. I. p. 236; Mire 379; apol. Ill; okir ps. 14, 5; Okir, okur h. s. 2395 ^^ 2457. okeren increase; okered fpres.J a. r. 326; okerin h. s. 2456. okerere usurer, h. s. 2563; Okerer m. h. 142; okerars fpl.J Town. myst. 313. olfeiid^ A.Sax. olfend, 0. ^. (9^rm. • olbenta, Goth, ulbandus, camel, fragm. 3, 25; olifont elephant, ayenh. 84; olfentes h^er Orm. 3208; of olif antes bane f elephants bone, ivory J, La'^. 23778. olie see ele. oliet, Fr. oeillet, olyet f eyelet J, prompt. 363. olivc^ Fr. olive, olive, prompt. 364. on see an. ^ on see an. on- see un-. on-, ond- see and-. ondc, onden see ande, anden. onder see under. onen see anien. oni see geni. onion, Fr. oignon, onion, prompt. 365. open, A.Sax. open, O.L.Germ. opan, O.Icel. opinn, O.H.Germ. ofaner, open, apertm, a. r. 60; Orm. 732; opene fpl.J Kath, 1132. 376 openen orf openlic openly, m. h. 29; openlike bisne Orm. 2909; openliche fadv.J a. r. 86; c. I. 556; Shoreh. 62; openli3 Orm* 281; openluker fcompar.J a. r. 8. openeu^ A. Sax. openian, O.L.Germ. opanon, O.Icel. opna, 0. If. Germ, ofanon, open, aperire, a. r. 70; opneii Orm. 4114; opeuede fpret.J p. J. s. X, 50; ayenh. 96; opnede st. gen. 3773; opnede, ope- ned Langl. h 18, 247; openeden La^. 5773; opened (part. J Kath. 2455; comp. jeopenen. opeuuuge opening, a. r. 60. opiniouii^ Fr. opinion, opinion, Wicl. Mat. 4; opinions fpl.J ayenh. 69. oppe see uppen. opposen see under ob-. or see awper. or-_, A. Sax. O.Fris. 0. Dutch or-, O.L. Germ, ur-, O.Icel. or, ur, O.H.Germ. ur, Goth, us, ex. oraet, O.Dutch oraete f reliquiae pabuUj? ortus orts, remnants of food, prompt. 371. orcost, O.Icel. orkostr, opes: 3if per is orcost oder eni ahte Kath. 1724. ordal, A.Sax. ordal, O.Fris. ordel, O.JI. Germ, urteil, ordeal, judicium, Chauc. Troil 3895. ? orgel, orguil, A.Sax. orgol(?), 0. Fr. orgoil, superhia, hom. 2, 43 Sf 63; or- 361, orhel a. r. 224''; qx\iq\ 3Iarh. 11. or3helmod Orm. 6262. orguiprude rel. ant. 1, 180; orgelprlde 6'?^. gett. 3767. orgeilus, Fr. orgueilleux, m-ise. 30. ormete, A.Sax. ormaete, immense, Orm. 238. ormod, A.Sax. ormod, despondent: pet pe on unilimpan to ormode ne beon hom. 1, 105. orrap without counsel, perplexed, Orm. 3150. orrest, A. Six. orrest Sax. chron. 233, O.Icel. orrasta, orrosta? combat, conflict, Orm. 12539. orsor3, A.Sax. orsorg, O.H.Germ. orsorger, ^^securus" orseoruh, fragrn. 4, 27 . ortrope, A. Sax. ortrype, 0. II. Germ, or- tri(u)wer, diffident, Orm. 11589. ortrupe, A.Sax. ortreop, diffidence, hom. 2, 43. ortropian, A.Sax. ortrupian, diffide, su- spect, hom. 1, 113; ortroped fpres.J a. r. 382; ortrowed fpret.J Alis. ed. Sk. 738; ortroweden ^^suspicahantur', Wicl. judges 8. ortroppe diffidence, Orm. 3145. or, A.Sax. or, ore, metallum, a. r. 284^; ore, oore (dat.) Chauc. C. t. d 1064. or see ar. orchard see under ort. ord, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.L.Germ. ord, O.H, Germ, ort, O.Icel. oddr, ord, cuspis, ^'mucro\ fragm. 4, 30; p. I. s. Fill, 43; La^. 8596; chron. Engl. 174; Arth. a. Merl. 1177; ord & ende Orm. 6775; Flor. a. Bl. 47; orde (dat.) a. r. 212; mid speres orde o. a. n. 1712; Horn 1389; ordes fpl.J La-^. 20658. ordfrume princeps? Marh. 8, 28. ordeiieu, 0. Fr. ordener, ordain ; ordeine Hob. 139, 19; ordeini ayenh. 94. ordinance, O.Fr. ordenance, ordinance, ayenh. 124; pr. c. 8438. ordenoiir ord irier, Chauc. Troil. 3110. ordre, Fr. ordre, order, a. r. 10; misc. 57 ; aijenh. 48. ordure, Fr. ordure, ordure, Chauc. Boet. 716; a. p. 2, 1092. ore see are. oreisoun, Fr. oraison, orison, Marg. 294; oresiin Flor. a. Bl. 579. Orewelle Orwell, Chauc. C. t. a 277. orf, A.Sax. orf Ettm. lex. 31, pecus, La"^. 15316; st. gen. 795; Roh. 6, 18; p. s, 342; Gow. 1, 17; oref hom. 2, 31; orve, oreve fdat J o. a. n. 1157. orgel over 377 orgel^ or3el see under or-. orgon^ Zat. organum, organ, prompt. 369; Chauc. C. t. b 4041 ; organes fpl.J a. p. 2, 1081. oriel, O.Fr. oriol, M.Lat. oriolum, oriel, ^^canceUus\ prompt. 369. onie, A.Sax. (un)orne, delicate? Shoreh. 80; & pas ornure of mete & of drunche pen pe tpei Cdre a. r. 370; camp, unorne. orped orped, hrave, valiant, courageous, ayenb. 183; Arth. a. Merl. 2166; Gow. 1, 129; orpiid "audax\ prompt. 37 1; orpid fms. horpid) m. t. 311. orpedlich Arth. a. Merl. 1729; orpedli Gaw. 2232; a. p. 2, 623. orpedschipe courage, Alts. 1413. orpin, Fr. orpin, orpine, prompt. 37 1. ort see under or-. ©rt? orchard, A.Sax. ortgeard, Goth, aurti- gards? orchard, ^^ fhor Jtus\ fragm. 4,37; a. r. 378; Flor. a. Bl. 271; Roh. 104, 13; orchserd La^. 12955. orchardpeard fragm. 4, 37 . OS, A.Sax. Os, O.Icel. ass fdeusj. Osbern, A.Sax. Osbeorn, BeL 501. osel, A.Sax. Osle, O.K. Germ, amsala, oosel (ousel), 7nerula, I. c. c. 36. ostire, A.Sax. ostre, Lat. ostrea, oyster, voc. 189; oistre Chauc. C. t. a 182. ostrice, Fr. autruche. Span, avestruz, ostrich, a. r. 132^'; ostriche Wicl. levit. 11. ote see ate. oter, A.Sax. otor, O.Icel. otr, O.H.Germ. ottar, otter. Intra, voc. 251; Brand. 30; otir Lidg. m. p. 158. od', A.Sax. od, usque ad: od pat ic pe segge Mat. 2, 13. dj> see ap. od^er, A.Sax. Oder, O.Fris. Other, O.L.Germ. othar, Goth, anpar, O.H.Germ. ander, 0. Icel. annar, other, alter, alius: pe Oder a. r. 14; pe Oder heste horn. 1, 11; 6per Alts. 51; an oper fms. a noper) c. I. 626; til pe oper day Havel. 1755; heo schulde Oder hpat . . . 3emen a. r. 98; & 3et pas oper phat for phi pe3 pseren drihten lape Orm. 9729; ah hit ilomp an Oder La^. 14028; (H)avelok pouthe al an oper Havel. 1395; he polde al seggen Oper (aliter?) p. I. s. VIII, 75; al Oder hit itidde La^. 27898; wan it nolde oper gon Bob. 161, 16; Oper i ne kan rel. ant. 1, 102; Odres fgen. m..J a. r. 252; Opres o. a. n. 1499; Odres (Oper) mannes fr(e)ond p. I. s. VIII, 15; Odere fdat.J La\ 12604; Oderne face. m.J a. r. 404; oderne, Odren La^. 3881 Sf 19847; Opren ayenb. 8; Odre fpl.J Kath. 1051; opre Orm. 692; hwan pe Opre sawen pat Havel. 2416; Odere st. gen. 2199; Opera Beh. 571; bpQXQu fdat. pi.) Shoreh. 45. ojier see awper. 6|>oin see apum. ou see eow. oul see awel. oule see tile. our see eower. oure see ure. ous see us. out see tit. out see awiht. outrage, Fr. outrage, outrage, p. I. s. XIII, 95; Hoccl. I, 114; outrages fpl.) ayenb. 19. outrageous, Fr. outrageux, outrageous, Hoccl. IV, 14. du|»er see awper. ove see of. oven, A.Sax. ofen, O.Fris. oven, O.Icel. ofn, O.H.Germ. ofan, Goth, auhns? oven, ''forfnaxf, fragm. 4, 21; horn. 1, 41; misc. 148; ps. 20, 10; ovin /. c. e. 38; ofne fdat.) Orm. 993; o. a. n. 292. oven see uven. over see ofer. over, A.Sax. Ofer, O.Dutch oever, over, 48 378 overe palen litus; ovre (ofie) fdat.J La-^, 8584; on pe seis ovre Havel. 321; overe Man. 4336. overe see uvere. OTeste^ A. Sax. ofost, O.L.Germ. Ofst(llco), festinatio: an oveste he wende ... to- ward Toteneis La-i,. 21493. ovet, A.Sacu. ofet, 0. Butch ovet, O.H.Germ. obaz, /rm^, fl^y^wJ. 262. ow 5^^ eow. owen see ajen. ewer s^^ eower. oxe, A.Sax. O.Fris. oxa, O./c^/. oxi, O.S. Germ, oliso, 6^o^A. auhsa, ox, "ho8\ voe. 177; prompt. 376; a. r. 32; ayenh. Ill; Shoreh. 122; oxen fplj La^. 31814; Rol. 275, 11; Alis. 760; Oxene vord Oxford, Lay 26241. pa, A.Sax. papa, pea, Lat. pavo, pea, p. s. 159; 7 own. myst. 99; poos fpl.J Wicl, 2 paral. 9. pa-, pO-, pecok pea-cock, Langl. h 12, 241; pokoc ayenl. 258; poocok Mand. 48; po-, pecok Chauc. C. t. a 104. pehenne pea-hen, prompt. 390. pacche patch, ^^assmnentuni\ Wicl. Marh 2 ; pacch(e), patclie, pahche ^^pittaciunfh\ prompt. 377 . pacieuce, Fr. patience, patience, ayenl. 167 ; Langl. h 14, 192. patient, Fr. patient, patient, Chauc. C. t. d 1984. padde, O.Lcel. padda, 0. Dutch padde, podde, pad, rana, lud. Cov. 185; paddis ^^ranae\ Wicl. exod. 8; poddes fms. podes) st. gen. 2977. padtloke paddoch, "rana\ rel. ant. 1, 8; paddok ^^lufo\ prorr^pt. 376; lud. Cov. 164; paddokes fpl.J Alis. 6126; Town. myst. 325. paiti, A.Sax. paetig, ^^astutus\ fragm. 3, 10. page, Fr. page, page, puer, Chauc. C. t. c 688. pagent pageant, "pagina\ prompt. 377 . paien, Fr. paien, pagan, Man. 7382. paieii, Fr. payer, pay, a. r. 108; pay© Bek. 315; ayenl. 39; paie, paye Langl. I 3, 62; paide fpret.J a. r. 290; paid fpart.J St. gen. 2215; ipaid La-^. 2340'', paile, O.Fr. paele (patella J? pail, prompt. 377. pais, O.Fr. pais, peis, pes, peace. Lay 480^; St. gen. 8; Bek. 404; Shoreh. 122; Be- grev. 1569; peis a. r. 166; pais, pes o. a. n. 1730; pes hom. 1, 141; Mand. 11; pees Chauc. G. t. a 532; peas ps. 27, 3. paiseu = apaisen? and paisi wip Cesare Lay 8839''. paisible, Fr. paisible, peacealle, ayenl. 261; peisible Chauc. Boet. 550. pakke, O.Icel. pakki, 0. Butch pack, Ir. Gael, pac, Bret, pak, pack, ^^sarcina\ prompt. 378; pakke, pak Langl. I 13 ^ 201; pak lud. Cov. 137; packes fpl.J a. r. 166; rel. ant. 2, 175. packe-, pakke-, paknedle, pakneelde pack- needle, Langl 5, 126 f212j. pakken, 0. Butch packen, pack: and pakken hem to gideres Langl. I 15, 184; pak- kin prompt. 378, pal, A.Sax. psell, pell, O.Icel. pell, Lat. pallium, pall; pal, peal La^. 897 Sf 1296; pal, pel Kath. 1461; pel lai le fr. 185; palle fdat.J r. s. V, 10; pat p£ede . . . al pas it of pe betste pall(e) Orm. 8173; parlies fpl.J Lay 2368. pal, 0. Butch pal (pael), O.Icel. pall, O.H. Germ, phal, Lat. palus, pale, ^^palus\ fragm. 4, 40; ^'■palus, paxillus\ prompt. 378; a litil paal ''paxillus\ Wicl. E%. 15. palais, Fr. palais, palace, Horn ed. Lum. 1256; paleis Will. 2838. pale, Fr. pale, pale, Chauc. C. t. a 205. palefrai, Fr. palefroi, palfrey, hom. 1, 5; palefrei Havel 2060; Rol. 490, 5. palen, 0. Butch palen, pale; palid "vallata\ Wicl 4 kings 25. pallen partie 379 pallen^ A. Sax. pallen, of pall: aenne pal- lene curtel La^. 23762. pallin^ O.Fr. pallir, pall, prompt. 370; pal- led (part. J Chauc. C. t. b 1292. pallen? i palle /^/or piille?) him &ovin Langl. h 16, 30. palme^ Fr. palme, palm, ayem. 131; palm rel ant. 2, 244. palmetre palm-tree, st. gen. 3305. palmtpig fragm. 3, 45; horn. 2, 89. palme^ O.Fr. palme, paume, palm, prompt. 380; paume p. I. s. XVII, 232; Langl. h 17, 141. palinere palmer; "palmeres, palmers fpl.J Langl. h 5, 106. pampren pamper; comp. forpampren. panche^ O.Fr. pauce, paunch, Parten. 5773; paunche Langl. b 13, 87. pane^ O.Fr. pane, panne, pane, prompt. 380 Sf 381; Flor. a. Bl. 110; Man. 12463; Iw. 204; Gaw. 154; a. p. 1, 1033; Eglam. 858; Parten. 5654; a pane of riche skinne Trist. 1, 52; robes wip riche pane Will. 5356. panels O.Fr. panel, panel, prompt. 381. paiii see pening. panier^ Fr. panier. Lot. panarium, pannier, Ilavel. 813. paiine^ A.Sax. O.Dutch panne, O.Icel. panna, O.H.Germ. phanna, Lat. patina? pan, ayenb. 23; Chauc. C. t. d 1614; panne, ponne Langl. 4, 64 (78); (printed paune, poune) Ali8. 2770 ^ 2800; com^. brain-, hernepanne. pautin^ O.Fr. pantoier, pant, "anhelare\ prompt. 381; pante Town. myst. 217. pantere^ O.Fr. pantiere, panther, "panthe- rd\ prompt. 381; panter rel. ant. 1, 225; foules . . . pat of pe panter and pe net been (e)scaped Chauc. I. g. w. 131. pape^ Fr. pape, pope, pr. c. 1886; pape (pope) Lay 14807 ; pope o. a. n. 746; Bel. 249; Langl. b 15, 485. papejai^ O.Fr. papegai, popinjay, spec. 26; a. p. 2, 1465; popegaie Mand. 274. papir^ Lat. papyrus, paper, g. 5. pappe^ Lat. pappa, papa ? pap, papilla, Orm. 6441; pr. c. 6767; Octav. 442; pappes (pi. J h. m. 35; a. r. 330*; Ilavel. 2132, par- see per-. paradis^ Fr. paradis, Gr. TtapaSstoog, pa- radise, Lay 24122; Shoreh. 157; parais a. r. 66. paralisie^ Fr. paralysie, palsy; parlesi pr. c. 2996; I. h. r. 130; palesie Wicl. Mat. 4. pare, A.Sax. pearruc, O.Fr. pare, M.R. Germ, pferrich, park (parrick, parroch). Lay 1432*; park p. I. s. 1, 5; Will. 2845; Gow.2, 45; park, parrok prompt. 384; parkes (pi.) Rob. 1, 12. pareel, Fr. parcelle, parcel, Langl. 10, 63 (11, 50). parehen parch ; parche ^^frigo\ prompt. 382. parin, Fr. parer? pare, s. a. c. XI, 26; parie p. I. s. XXIV, 234; pare Langl. b 5, 243. parkere parher, prompt. 384. parlement, Fr. parlement, parliament, Rub. 463, 17; Man. 1726. parlur, Fr. parloir, parlour; parlurs (gen.) a. r. 68. parosche, O.Fr. paroche, parish, Beh. 1879; paresche Mire 17; parishe Chauc. C. t. a 491. parishen, Fr. paroissien, Langl. b 11, 67. parren inclose? parred (part.) llaveL 2439; Iw. 3228. parroken park, inclose; parroked (part.) Langl. b 15, 281. part, Fr. part, part, Flor. a. Bl. 522; Marg. 308. parten, Fr. parti r, part; parte Flor. a. Bl. 387; Chauc. Boet. 174; partep (pres.) Shoreh. 76; parti (suhjunct.) a. r. 406. partie, Fr, partie, party, I. h. r. 48; g. 382, ;80 partiner pelfir partiner partner, Roh. 309, 14; ayenb. 256. pas^ Fr. pas, pci>ce, Bek. 69; Shoreh. 133. paschen^ pasken, Swed. paska, pash, pash: pasken in pe water p. I. s. XX, 8; and al to duste pashed Langl. ed. Wr. 14125. Paske^ Lat. Pascha, Pash, Orm. 15850; Langl b 16, 139. Paskeda^ Orm. 15552. passage^ Fr. passage, passage, Horn ed. Lum. 1323. passen^ Fr. passer, pass, a. r. 330; passi X»3. 1341''; Beh. 1148. pashiun^ Fr. passion, passion, Jiom. 1, 119; Kath. 1163; misc. 154; passioun ayenh. 142. paste^ O.Fr. paste, paste, Langl. h 13, 250. paste, O.Fr. paste, pasty; pastees ffl.J Havel. 644. pasture, O.Fr. pasture, pasture, Man. 7348. pate pate, p. I. s. XXIII, 83; Lidg. m. p. 54. patron, Fr. patron, pattern, prompt. 386; patrons fpl.J g. 321. pa^, A.Sax. pscd, O.Fris. path, OH.Germ. phad, path, Alis. 3219; pap, path Langl. h 14, 300; pep ^^semita\ fragm. 3, 48; ayenb. 127; pape fdat.J Havel. 2390; pades fpl.J La^. 17330; papes o. a. n. 380; Havel 268. pane, O.Fr. poue, poe? L.Germ. paute, pote? paw, fms. pawe) prompt. 386 poue fms. powe) Arth. a. Merl 1491 paues fms. pawes) fpl.J li b. disc. 1997 Isumb. 181. payement, Fr. pavement, pavement, Cham. C. t. d 2104; paviment Rob. 476, 10. pavilon, Fr. pavilion, pavilion, Rob. 272, 13; pavilOns fplj Man. 4645. pax? paxwax, -wex pax-wax, tendon of the necJc, prompt. 388. pe see pa. pece, O.Fr. pece, piece, Rob. 555, 5; Langl b 14, 48; Mand. 10. pechen, A.Sax. psecan fdeciperej; comp. bi- pechen. pecken see picken. peddare pedder, who makes peds, or carries wares in a ped, prompt. 389; peoddare a. r. 66. pedde ped, "^athus\ prompt. 390. pedlare pedler, prompt. 390; pedlere Langl b 5, 258. pegge peg, paxillus, prompt. 390. peine, O.Fr. poine, Lat. poena, Gr. tioivtj^ pain, Beh. 481; Shoreh. 38; spec. 81; Langl b 1, 167 ; Mand. 11 ; Chauc. C. t. a 1319. peinin pain, '■^cruciare\ prompt. 390; peine Will 2898; pat peined Mm to depe Langl b 1, 169 fed. Wr. 800 J. peinten paint; peinte Chauc. C. t. c 17; peint fpres.J Bek. 2151; ipeint f part. J 0. a. n. 76. paintinge painting, prompt. 390. peiuture, Fr. peinture, painture, a. r. 242. peir, peer, O.Fr. pair, pair, peer, "par\ prompt. 391 Sf 394; per Havel 2241; p. I s. XVII, 380; peire Flor. a. Bl 566; paire Chauc. C. t. c 623. peis, O.Fr. pois, poise, Langl. b 5, 243; Man. 11283. peisin, O.Fr. poiser, poise, prompt. 390; peisede, peised fpret.J Langl 5, 131 f217j. pekke peck, prompt. 391; Chauc. C. t. a 4010. pel, O.Fr. pel, pell. ?pellek voc. 266. pel see pal. pele, for apele, peal, prompt. 391; nug. poet. 3; pele, peel Langl b 17 , 302. pelegrim, pelgrim, O.Fr. pelegrin, pilgrim^ p. I s. XIV, 29 Sf 32; pelegrim, pile- grim La^. 30730 ^ 30744; pilegrim a. r. 348; pilgrim ayenb. 86; m. h. 54. pilgrimage pilgrimage, Langl 6, 86 f7, 77 J. pelfir, O.Fr. pelfre, ^^spoUum!\ prompt. 391. pelican peril mi pelican^ Gr. TCsXsxav, pelican; pellican a. r. 118. pellen = pullen? pell, pellere; pelle Havel. 810. pelot^ pelet, Fr. pelote, pellet, prompt. 391. pelt, O.R.Germ. pelliz, pelt, p. r. I. p. 16. pelten see pulten. peuance, O.Fr. penance, penance, p. I. s. X, 26. pencel, O.Fr. pincel, pencil, Chauc. C. t. a 2049. pende, penden see punde, punden. pening, A.Sax. pening, penig, O.Icel. peningr, O.Fris. penning, pennig, panning, pannig, O.H.Germ. phenning, phenting, penny, Orm.3287; peni r. s. V, 27; Beh 1174; t pani Arth. a. Merl. 3639; penie fdat.j p. I. s. VIII, 34; peni3es, pane3es (pi.) Lay 3544 Sf 29460; penies Havel. 776; penyes Man. 146, 3; Octav. 726; penis m. h. 18; pens Langl. h 5, 243; s. a. c. ed. Wr. LVIII, 26; pans Bel. 332; ayenl. 190. y^myf 01^ pennyworth, Langl. 3, 243 (256). penne, O.Fr. penne, pen, Man. 11885. peiinen, O.Fris. penda (pignerare)? pen; penned (part.) horn. 2, 43; comp. bi- pennen. peiion, Fr. pennon, pennon, prompt. 392; penounes (pi.) pi. cr. 562. peutice, Fr. appentis, pentise, penthouse, ^^appendicium'\ prompt. 392; voc. 236. Peohtes (Peutes), A.Sax. Peohtas, Ficts, Lay 9922; Peihtes Ma7i. 5697. people^ Fr. peuple, people, Octav. 854; people, pceple Chauc. C. t. 8871 8f Boet. 301; puple Shoreh. 53; Will. 499; poeple, peple Langl. 1, 5; peple Mand. 3. peper, A. Sax. pepor, pipor, Lat. piper, pepper, Langl. 5, 155 (312); Mand. 168; I. c. c. 19. per-, O.Fr. per-, par-. perceiven, O.Fr. percevoir, perceive; par- ceivep (pres. imper.) Wicl. judges 5^ perceived, parceived (part.) Langl. b 5, 143. pardoun, pardtin, O.Fr. pardOn, pardon, Langl. 2, 198 (222). pardonere, O.Fr. pardonaire, pardoner, Langl. b 5, 648. perfecciCn perfection, ayenb. 79; perfeccioun Chauc. Boet. 1088. parfit perfect, ayenb. 185; Chauc. Boet. 130. perfornen, O.Fr. parfournir, perform; performe, perfourni Chauc. Boet. 400 ^ 1823; performede, parfourned (pret.J Langl. 5, 607 (6, 88). perissen perish; perissip (pres.) Chauc. Boet. 27 12; perissi (subjunct.) misc. 33. perseverance perseverance, oAjenb. 168. perseveren persevere; persevere Chau4). C. t. d 148. partenen pertain; partened (pret.) Will. 1419. percen, 0. Fr. pertuisier, pierce, Chatcc. Boet. 2236; percede (pret.) Bob. 460, 2. ^eiYerten pervert; perverted (part.) Chauc. Boet. 737. per see peir. perche, Fr. perche, perch, "perca\ prompt, 393. perche, Fr. perche, perch, pertica, p. I. s. XV, 80; Chauc. C. t. b 4074. percheniin, Fr. parchemin, parchment, Langl. b 14, 191. pere, A.Sax. peru, O.Dutch pere, O.H.Germ. pira /., Lat. pirum n., pear, voc. 192; ayenb. 208; Mand. 245; peren (dat. pi.) p. I. s. XXIII, 89. pertre pear-tree, voc. 227; peretree Langl. a 5, 16. pere, O.Fr. perre, pierre (petra)? pier, prompt. 394. peril, O.Fr. peril, peril, a. r. 194; ayenb .^ 16; Man. 4840. 382 perilous pik perilous perilous, ayenh. 28. perle, 0. Dutch perle, 0. JT. Germ, peria, perala,^^«r/, ^^margarita, glaucoma\ prompt. 394; ayenh. Idh; a. p. i, 1. persilj persile, perseli, Fr. persil, parsley, Langl 6, 288 (1 , 213); perseli /. c. c. 18. persone^ O.Fr. pers6ne, person, parson, prompt. 3d 6; ayenh. 12; persoun p. I. s. IX, 139; persim a. r. 126. pert, TT^M pert, = pret ? pert, Launf.294; wis and pert st. gen. 3292; proud and pert Chauc. C. t. a 3960; stout he was and pert li h. disc. 123; pert in play h. T. 18. pertli pertly, Triam. 746; perteliche m. t. 258; perteli to hem ho rad Tor. 1504. pert for apert, Chauc. C. t. 6696. pertriche, O.Fr. pertris, partridge, prompt. 395; pertriches fpl.J pi. cr. 764. pes see pais. pesehe, O.Fr. pesche, pesque, Ital. pesca, persica, peach; peche, peshe, peske prompt. 388 ^ 395. pese, A.Sax. pisa, Lat. pisum, pea (pease), prompt. 395; Mand. 158; pesen fpl.) a- yenh. 120; Langl. b 6, 198; Rich. 6004. pescodde peas-cod, prompt. 395; pese-, pescoddes fpl.) Langl. 6, 294 (7, 279). pestel, O.Fr. pestel, pestle, prompt. 395; Gam. 122; Wicl. exod. 16. pestilence, Fr. pestilence, pestilence, prompt. 395; pestilences (pi.) Langl. 5, 13. pej) see pap. peutir, O.Fr. peutre, peautre, pewter, prompt. 395. pibbel pebble. pibbilston calculus, Wicl. prov. 20. pic, O.Dutch picke, M.H.Germ. bicke? pich (pike), ligo, ayenh. 108; pik voc. 234; pike h. s. 941. ?picforke pick-, pitchfork. Lay 21597; pikforke "merga\ prompt. 397 . pic see pich. pic, A.Sax. pic m.(?), Gael, pic /., O.Dutch pike /., pike, aculeus, spiculum, cuspis: peiie pic Lay 30857; pik Man. 15835; pik, pike Langl. 5, 257 (482); pike pro7npt. 396; Isumh. 497 ; pikes (pi.) fragm. 8, 19; Kath. 1946; Roh. 51, 19; as ful as an illes pil is of pikes p. I. s. XVIIl, 47. pikstaf, O.Icel. pikstafr, pike-staff, Langl, b 6, 105. picchen, 0. Dutch picken, 0. Icel. pikka, 0. Fr. piquer? pitch, pungere, pangere: picche a two pe rotes Langl. b 6, 105; and picchep first his bope p. 45, 11; pic- chinde stake spec. 110; per he pihte his stsef Lay 29653; stakes of irn he pihte in Temese gronde Hob. 51, 5; and wip hir bek hir selve so sche pight Chauc. C. t. 10732; pi3t (part.) Will. 1627; a. p. 1, 228; a spere pat is pight into pe erpe Mand. 183; paveluns were pijte ant. Arth. XXXVII, 7; ipi3t ayenh. 199; p. I. s. II, 94. pich, A.Sax. pic, O.H.Germ. pech, Lat. pix, pitch (pick), p. I. s. nil, 110; St. cod. 54; s. s. ed. Web. 1280; pich, pik prompt. 396; pic m. h. Ill; pik rel. ant. 1, 53. picheu pitch, picare; pike Havel. 707; i- piched (part.) Brand. 5. picher, O.Fr. picher, pitcher, g. 354; Per- cev. 454; pecher h. s. 10749; see biker. picken, O.Dutch picken, bicken, M.H.Germ. bicken, peck, a. r. 84'^\' picke (pecken) out Wicl. prov. 30; pe pie hap pecked you nug. poet. 43. pie, O.Fr. pie, pie, pica, o. a. n. 126; Langl. h 11, 338. pie pie, "artocreas", prompt. 395; I. c. c. 51. pigge, O.Dutch bigge, pig, "porcellus'\ prompt. 395; pigges (pi.) a. r. 204; Mand. 72, pijon, Fr. pigeon, O.Fr. pipion, pigeon, prompt. 396. pik, pike see pic. pike pinte §89 pike pilce, ^'luc%m\ voc. 189; prompt. 396; Chauc. C. U 9293. pike see pic. pikid pikedy ^^cusptdatus\ prompt. 397; pi- ked(e) scliOn Mtrc 43. pikil, O.Dutch pekel, pickle^ prompt. 397; m. t. 126. piken^ 0. Dutch picken, Fr. piquer? pike, pick: to piken it and to weden it Langl. b 16, 17; pikin prompt. 397; pike Gow. 2, 351 Sf 3, 162; pikep fpres.J p. s. 150; ni at pe mete pi top pou pike const, mas. 746. piken peek, spectare ; pike Chauc. Troil. 2909; nug. poet. 57. pikerel little pike, prompt. 397; Chauc. C. t. 9293.. pil, A. Sax. O.Dutch pil, O.H.Germ. pMl m., Lat. pilum n., pile, Langl. h 16, 86 fed. Wr. 10973); longe piles & grete dide pey make faste in Temese dide pey hem stake Man. 4611. pilch e^ J. Sax. pylce, O.Fr. pelice, pilch, " f tunica J pellicia\ prompt. 397; a. r. 362; pi. cr. 243; Lidg. m. p. 154; pilches fpl.J St. gen. 377; Mand. 247. pile, Fr. pile, pile, ^^pila\ prompt. 398; if i dwelle in mi pile of ston Tor. 375. pilegrim see pelegrim. piler, O.Fr. piler, pillar, hom. 1, 281; p. 1. s. XV, 206; Langl. h 5, 602; s. s. ed. Wr. 2022; pileer Mand. 91, pilien, peolien, Fr. piller, peler, Lat. pi- lare, pill, peel, a. r. 86; pillin prompt. 399; rushes to pilie Langl. c 10, 81 fed. Whitak. 151 J; pile Gow. 1, 17; pus me pilep pe pore and pikep ful clene p. s. 150; pat pilep h61i kirke Langl. h 19, 439; piled f part. J Will. 5123; piled, pilled Chau^. C. t. a 3935; ipiled p. 61, 3. pilkeii? pilken & peolien a. r. 86. pilorie, pillori, Fr. pilori, pillory, Langl. 2, 181 f203). pilten see pulten. pilwe see pule. piment, O.Fr. piment, a sort of drink, «, r. 404; Havel. 1728; Arth. a. Merl, 3133; Chauc. Boet. 1329. pinchen, Fr. pincer, pinch; pinched fpret.J Langl. h 13, 37 1; pinched f part. J Chauc. C. t. a 151. piude, pinden see punde, punden. pine, A.Sax. pin, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. 0, Icel. pina, pain, La'>,. 2515; Kath. 1031; a. r. 24; Orm. 2987; o. a. n. 1566; st. gen. 955; Havel. 540; Bek. 8; Shoreh. 83; Alis. 1944; Langl. 10, 388 fll, 269 J; Chauc. a t. a 1324; Hoccl. T, 448; Iw. 489; Flor. 2087; Min. 29; Isumh. 73; m. h. 55; see peine. pinful a. r. 356. pine, Lat. pinus, pine, I. h. r. 70. pi(n)note "pinum^\ prompt. 400. pinnotetre s. s. ed. Web. 544. pinen, A.Sax. pinian, O.H.Germ. pinon, 0. Icel. pina, pine, pain, torment, a. r. 216; Orm. 1614; Chauc. r. r. 3511; pine Havel. 1958; pined fpres.J Kath. 1824; spec. 81 ; pinede fpret.J Langl. a 1, 145; pineden c. I. 314; pined f part. J m. h. 144; ipined a. r. 114; ayenb. 263; comp. forpinen. pinunge, A.Sax. pinung, pining, O.Icel. pining, torment, a. r. 368. pinne, A.Sax. pinn(?), O.Dutch pinne, 0. Icel. pinni, Gael, pinne, Lat. pinna? piny voc. 261; prompt. 399; Alis. 6146; Chauc. C. t. a 196; s. s. ed. Wr. 1410; chron. Vilod. 111; ^e Mute pe pinne lud. Cov. 138; pinnes fpl.) p. I. s. xxxr, 59. pinnen pin, fasten with a pin; pinne /. h. r. 131; pinnede, pinned fpret.J Langl, 5, 127 f213j. pinok, Welsh pine? pinnock f pink? J voc. 177; pinnuc o. a. n. 1130. pinte, Fr. pinte, pint, prompt. 401. 384 pintil plantein pintil^ A. Sax. pintel voc. 65, pintle, voc. 184. pione^ Fr. pione, piony ; pioni, piani prompt. 395 Sf 401; pioine, plane, piones fpl.J Langl. 5, 155 (312). pipe, A.Sax. pipe(?), 0. Dutch pipe, O.Icel. plpa, O.K. Germ, fifa, 'pipe, o. a. n. 22; Octav. 197; pipeu fpLJ La-^,. 5110; the pipes of his longes Cham. C. t. a 2752. pipin, O.Dutch pipen, pipe, fistula canere, prompt. 401; pipen iu an ivileef Cham. a t. a 1838. pipiii peep, "pipire\ prompt. 401; (pu) pipest al so dop a mose o. a. n. 503. pipare, O.Icel. pipari, O.K. Germ, phifari, piper, prompt. 401. pippe, O.Dutch pippe, pip, "pituita\ prompt. 401; sacram. 525. pireii peer; pirep fpres.J Gow. 3, 29; pirip dep. Rich. 16, 14. pirie, A.Sax. pirige, pirus, Cham. C. t, 10091; ^iries (pi.) Langl. 5, 16. pirne pirn, ^^panus\ prompt. 402. pisse, Fr. pisse, piss, Cham. C. t. d 729. pissemire piss-mire, Mand. 301; Cham. C. t. d 1825. pispot piss-pot, prompt. 402. pissen, Fr. pisser, piss, Mand. 249; pisse p. I. s. xir, 66. pit see put. pitaunce, Fr. pitance, pittance, a. r. 114. pite, O.Fr. pite, pittj, Flor. a. Bl. 529; Hob. 143, 4; Man. 5210; m. h. 7. pitous, O.Fr. pitous, piteous, ayenb. 150; Will 643. pithe, A.Sax. pida, pith, "medulla\ prompt. 402; pith Percev. 1640. place, Fr. place, place, a. r. 358; Bek. 117. plage, O.Icel. O.K.Germ. Lat. plaga, plague, Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. p. 159; lud. Cov. 125. pla^e, M.K.Germ. pflage? plaw, ludus; plage d. gen. 537; plawe p. s. 153; Trist. 3, 73; pi m6der luper plawe Rob. 291, 1; pat trewe wes in uch plawe Korn 1094; plo3e (for pleo3e?) a. r. 184*; pla3en (pi.) Lay 29219; plahen, plohen Kath. 106; plawes spec. 45; m. h. 115. pla3eivere Lay 15631. plaigeii, O.Icel. plaga? plaw, ludere, st. gen. 2016; plawin Hullire', prompt. 403; plawe Kavel. 950; Flor. 258; sacram. 664; playand /'^^r^.y /. c. e. 37; pla3ede mid worden La}. 17335. plaice, Fr. plaise, plaice, prompt. 402; plaices (pi.) Kavel. 896. plaid, plait, O.Fr. plaid, plait, plea, o. a. n. 5; plait ayenb. 39; plai g. 350. plaiileu, O.Fr. plaidier, plaidoier, plead; plaidi 0. a. n. 184; p. I. s. XIX, 77; plaiti ayenb. 99; plede e. I. 1024; Langl. b 7, 42; plete Chauc. Troil. 2560; dep. Rich. 26, 18. plaitere pleader, ayenb. 98. plain, Fr. plain, plain: pe cuntre was so plaine Will. 2217. plaine, Fr. plaine, plain. Will. 3770. plaiuen, Fr. plaindre, ( com) plain ; plaini ayenb. 132; plaine, pleine Langl. 3, 161 (167); pleined (pret.) Will. 1845. plainte, Fr. plainte, plaint, g. 349; pleinte Kavel. 134; Rob. 328, 13; Man: 3224. plaitin, Lat. plectere? plait, prompt. 402; pletede, plaited (pret.) Langl. 5, 126 (212). plane, Fr. plane, plane, "platanus\ prompt. 402; Wicl. gen. 30. planin, Fr. planer, plane, prompt. 403; iplaned (part.) c. I. 696. planete, Fr. planete, planet, treat. 132. planke, Lat. planca, planh, Will. 2778; h. 8. 5261. plante, A.Sax. plant, Fr. plante, plant, Chauc. C. t. d 763. plantein, Fr. plantain, plantain, prompt. 403. planten, A.Sax. plautian, O.Icel. planta, 0. plasche plihten 385 II. Germ, phlanzon, Fr. planter, plant, phntare, Mand. 60; plontej) fpres.J ayenh. 123, plasche^ 0. Butch plasch, plaah, Hacund\ prompt. 403; d. Arth. 2798; see flasche. piastre^ A. Sax. plaster, O.Fr. emplastre, piaster y spec. 89; Langl. h 20, 308; piastres fpl.J ayenh. 148. plat; Fr. plat, a. p. 2, 1379; i wol |)e telle al plat Chauc. C. t. c 648; i slood doun plat to pe erpe Wicl. Dan. 8; plate feet Alls. 2001; see flat. plate^ O.Fr. plate, plate, prompt. 403; pla- tes fpl.J st. gen. 2370; Chauc. C. t. a 2121. platere platter, prompt. 403; platers fpl.J d. Arth. 182. platten^ A. Sax. plaettan, 0. Dutch pletten, strike, dash; plattinde f part. J Havel. 2282; platte fpret.J Langl. 5, 45 (63 J; pat on hem plat(te) Arth. a. Merl. 9747; to armes al so swipe i^leite Havel. 2613; his heved of hd plette 2626. plawe see pla3e. plecke^ A.Sax. plaec, O.Dutch plecke, placke, pleck, plack, platea, area, prompt. 406; plek Halliw. diet. 631; a. p. 2, 1379. pleden see plaiden. plegge^ O.Fr. plege, pledge, "vas\ prompt. 404; g. 382. ple^e^ A.Sax. plega f Indus J, O.Fris. plega, M.H.Germ. pflege fusus, curaj? play; pleye "ludus\ prompt. 404; Chauc. C. t. a 3773; pleije, pleowe La-^. 2282 Sj^ 8187; pleie, pJeoupe a. r. 318 Sf 344; playe Isumh. 188; m. h. 86; pieces (pi.) aymb. 207; pleyes p. I. s. XVI, 68; comp. balpleope. pleifere p. I. s. XVII, 64; Octov. 1232; prompt. 404. pleiful playful, horn. 1, 206. pleieii; A.Sax. plegian ^/wc^^r^y, O.Fris. ple- gia, O.Dutch plegan, M.H.Germ. pflegen (fungi, uti)? play, La^. 8131; a. r. 94; h. m. 41; 0. a. n. 486; pleyen p. I. s. XIII, 160; Mand. 60; pleye Havel. 961: pleie Will. 678; pleyen, pleye, playen Chauc. C. t. a 236 Sf 768; pleye wi|> a pl6w(e) Langl. h 3, 307 ; playe m. h. 80; pleyen (pres.J h. h, 68; pleiende (part.) Kath. 1691; pleiede (pret.J a. r. 318; pleo3ede Lay 29219; pleide Flor. a. Bl. 31; pleoweden La\ 8146. pleyare player, prompt. 404. plente^ 0. Fr. plente, plenty, a. r. 194 ; Langl. b 11, 323. pleseu; O.Fr. plere, please; plese Will. 6436; Langl. h 14, 220. pletten see platten. pliht, A.Sax. pliht, O.Fris. O.Dutch plicht, M.H.Germ. phliht, plight, periculum : pre d3e3es hit rlnde blod . . . pat waes swupe mochel pliht Lay 3897; ferst heo pleo- weden and seodde pliht makeden 8146; he bad him maken siker pligt (eiigage- mentj st. gen. 1269; & no pli3t (fight) seche Gaw. 266; i telle it on a pliht (on my faith) p. s. 218; a pliht (pli3t) c. I. 304; Joseph was wel blipe a pli3t Shoreh. 120; i sigge a plight Arth. a. Merl. 3909; Crist deyed for mannes pliht (guilt) m. h. 99; have i no mCre plith Havel. 2002; pli3t condition, a. p. 1, 1074; tidende ... of swide muchele plihte Lay 13309; beon icnowen of his pliht 18667; Moises fastede . . . tO pligt (duly?) XL daiges and XL nigt st. gen, 3611 ; a spangel good of plight s. s. ed, Wr. 1448; in mi pllt Chauc. C. t. 10209, plihtful m. h. 117. plihtllc 'perilous; plihtliche spelles Lay 23628. plihten^ A.Sax. plihtan, M.H.Germ. phlihten, plight, ohligare, Lay 1307 1 ; pli3te Horn ed. Lum. 306; plihte (pres.) Shareh. 146; i plihte (pli3te) pe mi troupe Langl. 6, 36 (7, 37); pligt (part.) st. gen. 1276; pli3t spec. 30; ipluht a. r. 208. 4^ 386 plihten polischen plihten = plaiten? plighte lud. Cov. 153; pli3te, plighte {pret.J Chauc. C. t. h 15; plighten AUs. 5831. ploh, O.Icel. pl6gr, O.Dutch ploeg, O.II. Germ, phluog, plough fplowj, aratrum, a. r. 384''; Orm. 15902; plOuli rel ant. 1, 173; plouh, plough, plow Langl. 7, 119 f8, 104); plogh, plough, plow Chauc. C. t. b 1478; plow Ravel. 1017; Mand. 250; s. a. c. IF, 2. plowbeem plough-beam, prompt. 405. plowman plough-man, Langl. b 16, 18. plowstert prompt. 405. plouugeuj Fr. plonger, plunge, Chauc. Boet. 1784. plot, Goth, plats (l7i$X7j}Jia) ? plot f plat J, prompt. 405; Chauc. fl. a. I. 499; hid. Cov. 47 ; mani foule plottes Langl. b 13, 318. plover, Fr. pluvier, plover, voc. 221 ; prompt. 405; plovers fpl.J d. Arth. 182. plukkin, A.Sax. pluccian, 0. Butch plucken, M.H.Germ. pMcken, ^/wcX*, carper e, prompt. 405; plucke lud. Cov. 146; ploclden Mat. 12, 1; plukked f part. J Langl. b 12, 249. plumb, Fr. plomb, plumb, prompt. 405. plume, A.Sax. plume, O.Icel. ploma, plum (ploum, ploomj; ploume "prunum^\ prompt. 405. pltimtre plum-tree, prompt. 406; plum-, plomtree Langl. 5, 16. plump plump; plumpe fdat.J d. Arth. 2199. plumpen, 0. Dutch plompen, plump; plump fpres. imper.J I. c. c. 51 ; plumten f pret.J AUs. 5776. po see pa. pocke, A.Sax. pocc, O.Dutch porke, poch, pustula; pokke prompt. 407 ; pockes pox, voc. 161; pokkes Langl. b 20, 97; Flor. 2024. podde see padde. podel puddle, Man. 54, 5; nug. poet. 53. poding, Fr. \)OMdim, pudding ; pudding X«w^/. b 13, 106; podinges fpl.J p. I. s. XXXV, 59. poete, Fr. poete, poet, Langl. b 12, 260. poke, A.Sax. poha, = poke? powhe Langl. a 8, 178. point, Fr. point, point, a. r. 178; pointe fdat.J Beh. 819. pointel pointel, "stilus", Halliw. diet. 634; Chauc. C. t. d 1742. poisoun, Fr. poison, poison, p. I. s. XIII, 99; puisun h. m. 33. poke, A.Sax. poca, O.Dutch poke, O.Icel. poki, O.Fr. poque, poche, poke, "sacculu8\ prompt. 407 ; Havel. 555; Langl. b 7, 191; Chauc. C. t. a 4278. poken, O.Dutch poken, O.Fr. poquer? poke, pellere, trader e ; poke fpres.J rel. ant. 2, 211; pokep, poukep, pucketh Langl. h 5, 620; pokede, poukede (pret.) Chauc. C. t. a 4169; pokid Rich. 3459; pukede, poukede, poked, pukked Langl. 5, 643 (6, 122). pol, O.Dutch pol, bol, poll, "caput", prompt. 407; Marg. 177; Langl. b 11, 57; Man. 279, 25; polle (dat.) a. p. 2, 1265; ant. Arth. IX, 11. '? polax poUax, "pipennis\ prompt. 407 ; polax, pollax Chauc. C. t. a 2544; poll- ax Rich. 6870; pollex voc. 263; see boleax. ? polbere prompt. 407 . ? polcat pole-cat, Chauc. C. t. c 855. pol, A.Sax. pol, O.Dutch poel, 31 K. Germ. pfuol, pool, palus, rel. ant. 2, 81; Percev, 682; pool "stagnum", prompt. 407 ; pole fdat.) La^. 21748; Flor. 1738; poles fpl.) Havel. 2101; comp. waterpol. pole pole, "contus, perticd\ prompt. 407 ; pole (dat.) ayenb. 203; Langl. b 18, 52. policie, Fr. police, policy, Chauc. C. t. e 600. polisehen, Fr. polir, polish; polische WicL 1 paral. 22; polische, polsche Langl. 5, 257 (482). polke pouten 387 polke pullc, small pool, prompt. 408; polk Havel 2680; Trid. 3, 32; Man, 277, 15. pollen pol, caput tender e; pollid f part. J prompt. 407; Wicl. Job 1, poniel^ O.Fr. pomel, pommel, Man. 10037; pomels (pi.) pi. cr. 662. pomice^ Fr. ponce, Ital. pomice, pumice, prompt. 408. ponipe^ Fr. pompe, pomp, Chauc. C. t. a 520. pond see pund. ponde = punde? pond, prompt. 408; p. r. I. p. 26. pope see pape. popen^ Dutch poepen, poop? poped, pouped fpret.J Chauc. C. t. b 4589. popet puppet, Chmc. C. t. b 1891. popi; A. Sax. popig(?), poppy, ''papaver\ jyrompt. 409; Gow. 2, 102. poplere^ Fr. peuplier, poplar, prompt. 408. poppere popper, Chauc. C. t. a 3931. popul^ Lat. populus, popple, ^Holium\ voc. 201; popil rel. ant. 1, 03. popultre "populus", prompt. 408. por- see pro-. porche^ Fr, porclie, porch, ayenb. 135. pore, Fr. pore, pore, prompt. 409. poren pore, spectare; pure Ilor^i ed. Lum. 1092; pore (poure) and prie Chauc. C. t. d 1738; pouri ayenb. 177; pored fpret.J Alis. ed. Sic. 1080. porln pour, ^'■fundere\ prompt. 409; pouren fpres.) Chauc. C. t. 12598; pourede, poured fpret.J Langl. 5, 134 (220). pork, Fr. pore, porTc, Rich. 3049; porkes (pi.) d. Arth. 3121. pors see purs. port, Fr. port, Lat. portus, port, ayenb. 86. Portchastre (Portchestre) Por Chester, Lay 11239. Portesmoupe Portsmouth, Rob. 260, 14. porter, Fr. portier, porter, Rob. 159, 9; Flor. a. Bl. 241; porters, porteres (pi.) Langl. 5, 628 (6, 108). pose pose, ^^catarrhus\ prompt. 410; p. I. s. IX, 92; Chauc. C. t. a 4152. posnet posnet, ^^urceus", prompt. 410 ; pos- nettis (pi.) Wicl. 2 paral. 35. possen, Fr. pousser, push (poss); posson' prompt. 410; possed (pret.) Langl. h prol. 151. possession, possessioun, Fr. possession, possession, ayenb. 149 Sf 150; possessioun Chauc. C. t. a 2242. post, A. Sax. post, Lat. postis, pest, treat. 135; postes (pi.) Lay 28032; Langl. h 16, 54. postel, O.Fr. postel (poteau) ; postles (pi. J Lay 1316; Jul. 56. posterue, O.Fr. posterne, postern, Rob. 19, 16; Will. 1752; posternes (pi.) Langl. 5, 628 (6, 108). pot, L.Germ. Dutch Dan. Fr. TVelsh pot, pot, a. r. 368: ayenb. 58; Iw. 759; Wicl. John 2. potschoord potsherd, voc. 17 1. potage, Fr. potage, potage, Rob. 404, 12; Chauc. C. t. c 368; I. c. c. 17. potel, O.Fr. Welsh potel, pottle, ^Haguncula', Wicl. Is. 10; g. 59. poten see puteu. pouche pouch, Chauc. C. t. a 3931. poudre, Fr. poudre, powder, p. I. e. XVIT^ 225; poudres (pi.) ayenb. 148. pouer, Fr. pouvoir, power, ayenb. 164; a. p. 2, 1654; (ms. power) Shoreh. 21; pr, c. 5884; poer treat. 133. pouke see puke. pound see pund. pounen, A. Sax. punian(?), pound (pun)y conterere; poune Wicl. Mat. 21. pouren see poren. pons, O.Fr. pons, pulse, Langl. b 17 , 66. pouste, O.Fr. poeste, potestas, Chauc. Boet. 3766; pr. c. 3996. pouten pout; poute (pres.) rel. ant. 2, 211. 388 poverte prikere poverte, Fr. pauvrete, poverty, a. r. 260; ayenh. 132. povre, O.Fr. pauvre, poor, Kath. 50; a. r. 260; r. s. V, W; Havel 138; povere Lay 22715; c. I. 890; povere, pore ZaftffL h 5, 257; pore Belc. 1120; rel. ant, 1, 115. praiie pra-wn, prompt. 411. praaglen! i was perwith so liarde prangled Havel 639. prank pranJc? ^^plica\ prompt. 411. prankeii prank? prankid "plicatus\ prompt. 411; prankid gounes I'owfi. myst. 312. prat, A. Sax. praett, O.Dutch prat ffastosus, arrogans), astutus, fms. pratt) Orm. 6652; mid prait (pret) wrenchen (prsetwrenchen?) Lay 81 Sf 5302; see pert. prateii, Dutch praten, Dan. prate, prate; prate Lidg. m. p. 155; lud. Gov. 353. prati, A. Sax. prsetig, praettig f astutus J, pretty (pratty), ^^formosus\ prompt. 411; lud. Gov. 104; s. a. c. XVII, 31. pratilich prettily, rel. ant. 1, 63; pratili lud. Gov. 82. pre-, Fr. pre-, Lat. prae. prechen, O.Fr. precher, preach, a. r. 70; preche Wart, hist, 1, 17; prechede f pret. J c. I 1416. prechtir preacher, a. r. 160; prechour Shoreh. 48. prelat, Fr. prelat, prelate. Lay 24502; Ghauc. G. t. a 204. presence presence, Ghauc. Boet. 185. present present^ a. r. 152. presumcion presumption, ayenh. 182. prechen see under pre-. precious, Fr. precieux, precious, ayenh. 112. preie, O.Fr. preie, prey, Roh. 270, 3; c. I 1054. preien, O.Fr. preyer, pray; preie Horn ed. Dam. 763; preie fpres.J Havel 1440; preye spec. 58; preiede, preyed f pret. J Langl 1, 78 (80 J; preyeden Wicl John 4. preiere, O.Fr. proiere, prayer, Langl h 13 ^ 135; Ghauc. C. t. a 1204; Man. 1373. preise, O.Fr. preis, praise, Ghauc. Troil. 2677. preisen, O.Fr, precier, praise, a. r. 64; preise Havel. 60; Langl 5, 174 (331); Ghauc. Iroil 2675; praisi ayenh. 135; preisede (pret. J Bel. 1360; preised (part.) Mayi. 3119. prekien see prikien. prente, preint, Fr. empreinte, print, prompt. 412; priente ayenh. 81. preon, A. Sax. preon, L.Germ. pren, preen^ acus, a. r. 84; prene (dat.) ant. Arth, XXIX, 8; preones (pi) Kath. 1947; prenes st. gen. 1872; comp. earpreon. preonen pin, prick; prene TVicl 1 kings 18; sacram. 467; preoned (pres.) r, s. V, 68; prened (part.) Alis. ed. SL 420; iprened in an clout St. cod. 98. preost, A.Sax. preost, O.Fr. prestre, priest^ a. r. 16; o. a. n. 902; Bek.364; preost (prest) Lay 1; prest st. gen. 3922. presse, Fr. presse, press, Langl. b 5, 213. pressiu, Fr. presser, press, prompt. 412. pressure, O.Fr. pressure, pressure, prompt, 412. prest, O.Fr. prest, Ital presto, Marg. 98; Will 1598; Langl h 14, 220. prest see preost. pret see prat. pretten, O.Dutch pratten, superhire: yef pe pokoc him prette vor Ms vaire taile or yenh. 258. preven see proven. pride, priden see prtide, pruden. prien pry; prie Will. 5019; Cham. G. t, a 3458; pried (pret.) Langl h 16, 168. prike, A.Sax. prica, pricca, O.Dutch prick, prick, aculeus, punctum, Mat. 5, 18; prike, prikke prompt. 413; pricke fragm. 5, 33; a. r. 228; Gow. 1, 283; prikke ayenh. 71; Ghauc. h. f. 907. prikere pricker, Langl. 10, 8 (11, 8). prikien propre 389 prikien^ A.lSax. prician(?), O.Dutch pricken, prick J Jragm. S, 19; priken Havel. 2639; prikie p. I. s. XXI, 131; prike Will. 2382; prikie, prike, prekie Langl. h 18^ 11; prikke 8. a. c. XIII, 6; priked fpres.J st. gen. 3964; prikep Chauc. C. t, a 1043; (heo) prikied a. r. 244; prikiep, prekiep agetib. 230 Sf 237; pri- kinde f part. J a. r. 134; prekande Percev. 605; priked fpret.J s. s. ed. Wr. 2551; pr. c. 5338; he priked his stede k. T. 1080. prikil^ A.Sax. pricle, O.Dutch prikel, prekel, prickle, ^^aculeus\ prompt. 413 ; h. s. 8486. prille (pirle) pirl, ^^gyraculum\ prompt. 413. primseinen^ 0. Icel. primsigna, sign (sainj for the first time; primse3nest (pres.) Orm. 1542; iprimscned (part. J ayenh. 188. prince^ Fr. prince, prince, Marh. 2; Bek. 1342; Shoreh. 15. pris, O.Dutch pris, O.lcel. priss, O.Fr. pris, prize, price, ,a. r. 392; st. gen. 326; Havel. 283; Flor. a. Bl. 750; Bek. 150; ayenb. 234; Chauc. C. t. a 815; a. p. 1, 272; avow. Arth. XXXIV, 5; pe pris , for te winne spec. 103; see preis. prisneet Langl. ed. Wr. 13487. pristale Will. 161. prisiii^ O.Dutch prisen, 0. Icel. prisa, O.Fr. prisier, prize, prompt. 414. prison^ Fr. prison, prison, Langl. ed. Wr. 6841; prison, prisoun c. I. 386; prisoun Bek. 48; prisun a. r. 126; st. ge:i. 2040. prive, O.Fr. prive, privy, a. r. 168; Boh. 25, 18. privete, O.Fr. privete, privity, horn. 1, 185; privite a. r. 152. pro-, O.Fr. pro-, por-, Lat. pro. processioim procession, p. I. s. XIII, 304. porchacen, O.Fr. pourchacier, purchase; porchaci ayenh. 9; porchase Boh. 16, 3; purchasede, purchaced Langl. 7, 3 (8, 3). procuratour procurator, proctor, Chauc. C. t. d 1596. proctlreii procure; procuri Bek. 1276. proferin proffer, prompt. 414; profre Langl. h 17 , 140. profession, professiouu profession, Langl. 1, 98; professiun a. r. 6. ? por-, purfil trimming, Langl. 5, 26. ? purfilen trim ; purfiled (part. J Langl. 2, 9; Chauc. C. t. a 193. profit profit, Chauc. Boet. 318. profitable profitable, ayenh. 185. profound profound, p. I. s. XVII 221. pro-, purlong'in prolong, prompt. 417 . prophete, profete prophet, Orm. 5195 Sf 5801. porpos, Fr. propos, purpose, Boh. 558, ■ ^3; ayenh. 220; purpos Chauc. C. t. a 3981. proposen propose, purpose; purposede fpret.J Chauc. Boet. 5148. porsewen, 0. Fr. por-, poursuir, pursue ; pursuep fpres.j pi. cr. 664; persewede fpret.J d. Arth. 1476; porsewed fpart.J Will. 2474. purveaunce purveyance, Will. 1598. porveien purvey; porveie Boh. 305, 2; purveied fpart.J Will. 1605; Chauc. Boet. 478. proveour fms. proweour) purveyor, Langl. h 19, 255. provende provender, Man. 11188. provost provost, Will. 2265; Chauc. Boet. . 293. prokieii; L. Germ, prokeu, Welsh procio, proke, stimulare; prokie h. m. 47 ; proked fpres.J a. r. 204; prokede fpret.J p. s. 343. proliin prowl, "scrutari", prompt. 415; proUe fpres. 8u^)j.J Chauc. C. t. 13340. prong prong, hid. Cov. 287. pronge "aerumna", prompt. 415. proppe prop, '■^contus', prompt. 415. propre^ Fr. propre, proper, pi. cr. 569. 390 prosperite pund prosperite^ Fr, prosperite, prosperity, a. r. 194. prou^ O.Fr. prou, profit, advantage, p. L s. XVII, 311; Mire 548. prouesse^ 0. Fr. proesse, prowess, valour, Hob. 112, 2; ayenb. 90; pruesse Horn ed. Lum. 556. prove, Fr. preiive, proof, Shoreh. 62; preove a. r. 52. proYen, Fr. prouver, prove, Arth. a. Merl. 3011; proven, prove, provi Beh. 788, 791 Sf 1006; provie Shoreh. 137; provi ayenh. 158; proven, preven Langl. 8, 120 (9, 115); preoven a. r. 390; prove Mand. 50. priid, A. Sax. prut, O.Icel. prtidr, proud, ms, r. s. V, 70; st. gen. 1414; Havel 302; Flor. a. Bl. 241; prfid, prut a. r. 176 ^ 276; prut (prout) La-^. 8828; proud spec. 104; atjenb. 258; prout treat. 138; Degrev. 1559; prude fdat.J Kath. 578; proude Langl. 3, 172 (178); prtidest fmperl.) a. r. 296. prudllclie proudly, Kath. 577 ; ant. Arth. XXVIII, 2; proudliche ayenb. 168. prude, A. Sax. prj^ta, O.Icel. pr^di, pride, superbia, a. r. 140; r. s. II, 34; pruide Mapes 342; Mire 1107; prude, prute Z«3. 11715 Sf 19409; prute Rob. 163, 13; treat. 139; pride Langl. b 10, 75; Mand. 3; s. s. ed. IVr. 585; Octav. 560; prede Shoreh. 110; ayenb. 16. prudcii, A. Sax. prutian(?), O.Icel. pr;^da, pride, become proud, rel. ant. 1, 188; pridin ^^superbire", prompt. 413; he ne ssel him not prede ayenb. 258; proudep fpres.) p. I. s. XXV III, 18; prtiden (subjunct.) a. r. 232^. prudence, Fr. prudence, prudetice, ayenb. 125. prudent, Fr. prudent, prudent, Chauc. C. t. c 110. psalm psalm, a. r. 32. psalm-, salmprihte psalmist, h. m. 3; sahn- purhte horn. 1, 135. publican, Lat. publicanus, publican; publi- canes fpl.) Orm. 10147 . puen, O.Fr. puier? pue treat. 139; pued fpret.) m. t. 260. puf, Dan. puf, Germ, puf, buf, puff: a- pindes puf a. r. 122. puffen, Dan. pulfe. Germ, puffen, puff\ a. r. 426; puffed (part.) Langl. b 5, 16; see buffen. puke, O.Icel. puki, Ir. puca, Welsh pwca,. puck (pouk), daemon, diabolus, misc. 76; pouke Langl. b 14, 190; Rich. 566. pule, A.Sax.^ylQ, O.Dutch i^nlwe, O.II.Germ. phuluwi, pillow (peel), ^^pulvinar\ fragm. 4, 4; pilwe prompt. 399; pilwes (pi.) Gow. 1, 142; Lidg. m. p. 118. pilwebere pillow-bear, Chauc. C. t. a 694. puUen, A. Sax. pullian(?), L.Germ. pulen? pull, Chauc. C. t. 10227; pullin Hrahere\ protnpt. 416; pulle Langl. b 16, 73: a. p. 2, 68; & let him perinne pulle (pel- lere) I. h. r. 60; comp. topulJen. pulpit, Lat. pulpitum, pulpit, pi. cr. 661. pulten pellere, trudere; pulte Rob. 71, 11; pilte p. s. 196; pelte Arth. a. Merl. 2926; pulte (pres.) o. a. n. 873; pulte (pret.) La^j. 7528'''"; hii pulte hem vorp bivore pe opere Rob. 479, 7 ; pilte, pelte Horn ed. Rits. 1433 (ed. Lum. 1415); pult (part.) c. I. 207; Will. 4219; pilt St. gen. 2214; s. s. ed. Wr. 670; Rich. 4085; p. I. s. Ill, 56; ipultZ«5. 10839''; heo peren ipult tit of paradise hom. 1^ 129; see bulten. pultrie poultry, Chauc. C. t. a 598; g. 353. pumpe, Fr. pompe, pump, prompt. 416. punchin punch, "tundere\ prompt. 416; punche lud. Cov. 355; punchiden (pret. J Wicl. Fz. 34; see bunchen. pund, A. Sax. O.Fris. O.Icel. Goth, pund, 0. II. Germ, phunt, pound, libra |^cw(?o ; punde (dat.) p. I. s. VIII, 34; pond (pi.) ayenb. 190; punde (gen. pi.) o. a. n. 1101; an hundred pund Havel. 1633; punde qvalite 391 pounde 'pl. cr. 410; punden fdat. pLj La^. 5118. pouudmele by the pound, Langl. 2, X98 (222). puiide^ A.Sax. pynd? G'reins gloss. 2, 362, pound: min net liht her wei hende wipin a wel feir pende Horn 1138. pond-, pun-, pon-, pinfolde pound-, pun-, pinfold, La7igL h 6, 633; pinfolde voc. 239; prompt. 400. punden^ A. Sax. pyndan, O.Icel. pynda? pou7id fpindj, includere: bestes to pind(e) RalUw. diet. 623; pinnin prompt. 400; in prison . . . pende pl. t. 608; pe pater lipon me punt hit a. r. 72; (^e) punded ihid. ; comp. ipunden. pinder pounder fpmder J, ^Hnclusor^ voc. 214; pindare prompt. 400. puiige^ A. Sax. pung, O.Icel. pungr, Goth. puggs, purse, Alis. 1728. pungeu^ A. Sax. pyngan, pungere; punge Langl. a 9, 88; puinde (pungde) Lay 23933. puiiischeu^ Fr. punir, punish, Langl. 3, 69 (78); Chauc. Boet. 326; punissi ayenl. . 148. pur, pure? purblind purhlind, Huscus\ prompt. 416; Rob. 376, 2; pureblinde Huscos\ Wicl. exod. 21. piir, Fr. pur, pure, (r. w. fur) Roh. 8, 11; for pure (puire) teone Langl. 7 , 116 (8, 100). pureii see poren. purgatorie^ Fr. purgatoire, purg'atory, a. r. 126. purgen^ Fr. purger, purge; purgi Beh. 37 1; ayenl. 132. puriliin^ Fr. purifier, purify, prompt. 417 . purpre^ Fr. pourpre, purple, Kath. 1461; pourpre ayenh. 229. purs, Fr. bourse, purse; purs, pors ayenh. 62; pors p. 64, 6; purse (dat.) r. s. VII, 39; purses (pl.) a. r. 168. pursberer purse-bearer, p. I. s. XXIII, 114. put, A.Sax. pytt, O.Icel. pyttr, Lat. puteus, pit. Lay 16961; a. r. 68; treat. 132; Alis. 717; Jos. 4; pit Mand. 94; putte (dat.) r. 8. V, 111; Langl. b 10, 370; pette rel. ant. 1, 160; ayenb. 207. putfalle pitfall, p. s. 193; pitfalle voc. 264; prompt. 402. paten, Gael, put (push, thrust), Bret, pouta, bouta (pousser), put, pellere, trudere, a. r. 116; pute r. s. V, 136; puten, putteu Havel, 1033 ^ 1061; puten, putte Zaw^/. 3, 76 (84); putten Mand. 227; putte Brand. 8; Mire 1660; puttir. out s. «. ed. Wr. 2068; poti ayenb. 136; puttest (pres.) horn. 1, 15; pottist Mapes 336; puted rel. ant. 1, 224; putte}) p. 16, 3; heo puted . . . vord a. r. 328; pai pottin Aud. 35; -putte (pret.) Lay 18092; Jland. 230; ( hauc. C. t. a 988; put (part.) lud. Cov. 29; iput Marh. 22; see butten. putt ok puttoch, "mihus\ prompt. 418; potok voc. 252. pud'ereu puther (pudder); puderes (pres.) a. r. 214-\ philosophie, Fr. philosophic, philosophy y Chauc. Boet. 167 . philosophre, Fr. philosophe, philosopher, Chauc. C. t. a 297. phisik, phisike = fisike, Chauc. C. t. b 4028. q?a see hwa. qvaier, O.Fr. qvaier, quire, prompt. 418; qvaer a. r. 282. qyaile, O.Fr. qvaille, quail, prompt. 418; a. p. 1, 1084. qvaileii see under con-. qyakien see cwakien. qval see hwal. qvale see cwale. qyalite, Fr. qualite, quality; qvalites (pl.J ayenb. 163. 392 qvan rad <|vaii^ qwanne see hwaiine. qvaut qicant, "contus", prompt. 418. qvantite^ Fr. quantite, qtcantit^^ p. I. s, XXX, 40 qvappen quop; qvappe ^^palpitare\ Wicl. Toh. 6; Chauc. Troil. 2906. qvarel^ O.Fr. qvarrel, quarrel, square holt, Roh, 491, 19; ayenb. 71. qvarrere, Fr. carriere, qu rry. Will. 2232. qvart^ Fr. quart, quart, Chauc. C. t. a 649. qyartcr, Fr. quartier, quarter, Chauc. C. t. d 1963. qfarterouu^ qvartron, qvartnm, Fr. quarte- ron, quartern, Langl. O, 131 (217 J. qfaschiii, O.Fr. qvasser, quash, ^^quasmre\ prompt. 419; qvassed fpret.J Man. 209, B. qvasi queasy (quaisy), m. t. 333; qvaisi ? p. r. I. p. 215. qveechen see cwecchen. qved see cwed. qveint see coint. qyeiseu squeeze? qveise out the jus rel. ant. 1, 302. qvelleii see cwellen. qyeme^ qweme see cweme. qven, qwen see cwen. qvence^ Fr. cognasse? quince, prompt. 420. qver, O.Fr. cuer, choir f quire J, ^^ chorus', prompt. 420; Mand. 70; Lidg. m. p. 238; qveor p. I. s. XVII, 436. qvere, Fr. curee, qiiarry ; qverre Gaw. 1324. qvereic, O.Fr. qverele, quarrel; qvereles fpl.J Chauc. Boet. 4259. qvcrister chorister, pro7npt. 420. qveriie see cwerne. qwert, whert ^HncolumCs, sospes\ prompt. 420; qvert s. s. ed. Web. 771; Jud. Cov. 202; hoi and qvert Zidy. m. p. 38. qvestioun^ Fr. question, question, Shoreh. 136. qvi see hwl. qyibibc^ Fr. cubebe, cubeb, prompt. 421; qvibibis fpl.J I. c. c. 16. qvic, qvik see cwic. qvile see hwile. qTllle quill, ^^calamus\ prompt. 421. qyilte quilt, ^^culcitrd\ prompt. 421 ; qwiltes fpl.J g. 350. qvit, O.Fr. qvite, quit, ayenb. 137; qvit and skere c. I. 1142; qvite m. Arth. 490; cpite a. r. 6. qvit see hwit. qvitaunce^ Fr. quittance, fac J quittance, prompt. 421. qyiteD^ O.Fr. qviter, quit, frejquite,. pi. cr. 351; qvite Will. 325; Gaw. 2244; pr, c. 3920. qviter, L. Germ, k water, k wader, II. Germ. koder? qmtter, sanies, rel. ant. 1, 192; qvetor 1, 302; qvitere ^'sanieni\ Wicl. Job 2; qviture Rob. 435, 1; qvitoure p. I. s. XVII, 159. qviteren suppurate; qviterende f part. J Wicl. wisd. 5. qviver, O.Fr. cuivre, quiver, ''pharetra\ prompt. 421. qvo see hwa. qvoint see coint. ra, J. Sax: m, rah, O.lcel. ra, O.H.Germ. reh, roe, pr. c. 8938; roa (ra) Marh. 3, 26; roo '^capreolus'\ prompt. 435; rel. ant. 1, 121; d. Arth. 922; Fglam. 26 L rabuk roe-buch, voc. 219. rabel rabble? Ggv>. 1899. ralict, Fr. rabot, rabbet, runcina, prompt. 421. rabi't rabbit, cuniculus, prompt. 421. rableii, 0. Dutch rabelen, rabble, blaterare ; rable fpres. imper.J llaiUio. diet. 661. racc'u for eracen? to race out pride Lidg. m. p. 162. racche, A. Sax. ra}cc(?), O.lcel. rakki, rach, huntinq-doq; racches fpl.J Orm. 13505; Gow. 2, 274; d. Arth. 3999. rail see hrad. rad, A. Sax. (ge)rad, rsede, rede (rede ? GreinJ, O.Fr is. rede, Goth, (ga)raids, M. rade rseden 393 J J. Germ, (ge)reit, paratm, expeditm, o. a. H. 1043; St. gen. 2481; rede (rede?) Will. liJIJ3: comp. irad. radliche, A. Sax. rsedlice, parate, expedite, La-i,. 2d()03; p. s. 252; radii Gaiv. 367; (WOW. Arth. XIX, 6; rade-, rede- llche Will. 41 cV 439; redliche Ilich. thes. 1, 167 ; readlTche Mark. 10; read-, redeliche a. r. 344 Sf 422; o. a. n. 128 J; redeliche^. cr. 811. rade, A.lSax. rad fitio, iter J, O.Icel. reid feqiiitatioj, O.Dutch rede (statio navium), M. 11. Germ, reite feqiiitatioj, from riden, road, equitatio, iter, statio naviwn, Jul. 76; rode Mapes 339; roode prompt. 436. roodliors, M.R.Germ. reitros, Wiel. 3 hings^ 4. rxcheii^ A. Sax. r&can, O.Fris. reka, retsa, resza, O.II.Germ. reiclien, reach, porrigere, attingere, La\ 21412; reclien Langl. h II, 353; reche pr. c. 3814; m. h. 61; ])e scliadewe . . . rochejj to Lempne Jland. 17; reched ford mid bode honden a. r. 338; raht(e) fpret.J ^pec. 42; m. h 162; ra3t(e) a. p. 2, 1691; raghte, raughte Chauc. C. t. a 136; naght Octav. 977; me him to relite (realite) anue sceld La-). 23775; rmiifpartj Will. 4823; raiiglit Lidg. st. Th. 158; comp. a-, a)t-, i-, of-, oferr^dieii. rie«l ^ee hrad. rffid^ read (red), A. Sax. r^d, O.Fris. red, O.L.Germ,. rad, O.Icel. rad, O.II.(>erm. rat, reed, cozmsel, advice, La\. 610 cV- 866; red 0. a. n. 682; st. gen. 309; Rob. 26, 6; Bel. 100; c. I. 1001; Shoreh. 127; transact. 18, 28; Jos. 491; s. s. ed. Wr. 1260; pr. c. 2014; ant. Arth. VIII, 2; pesne red hom. 1, 63; he scholde nimeii his red Flor. a. Bl. 798; red, reed Langl. h 13, 374; Chauc. C. t. a 665; reed ^^consiUum\ prompt. 426; spec. 104; Iloecl. I, 108; red, read a. r. 6 Sf 66; r&d, rap Orm. 1415 ^ 18719; red, rath llavel. 7 5 Sc 1194; read, rad Kath. 579 Sf 2000; reades mon a. r. 224; rsedes men pr clam. 2; rade fdat.J Arth, a. Merl. 2834; what is me to rede Willr 903; rffides fpl.J La\ 2090; comp. cun-, hl(w)-, wanred. redful Zr?5. 5292. rffidjive counsellor, La->,. 11615. redles o. a. n. 691; Town. myst. 225. rsedwis wi^^t in counsel; readpTsost f super- lat.J Mark 13. r«d? comp. an-, fast-, samred. redels, A. Sax. rsedels, M.H.Germ. rgetsal, see Gr. gram. 2, 335, riddle, aeniiima, coc. 160; Wicl. judges 14; rtdels, redeles, rideles Langl. h 13, 184. rsedeii^ A.Sax. rjedan, Goth, (ga)redan, 0. Fiis. reda, O.L.Germ. radan, O.Icel. rada, O.II.Germ. ratan, 7'ead, eonsiliari, inter- pretari, La\ 2330; reden Chauc. Troil. 668; rede o. a. n. 1697; Bek. 831; Gow. 1, 151 ; Iw. 2153; p. I. s. Ill, 60; Percev. 1248; ant. Arth. XLTII, 4; he kan rede pe a rijt Flor. a. Bl. 142; rede redels Langl. h_ 13, 184; pat dre- mes coupe rede a. p. 2, 1578; rapen Om. 2948; rathe, rnthe Ravel. 1335 Sf 2817; rsede /"pres.J Orm. 18336; rede a. s. ed. Wr. 1689; IIoccl. I, 382; ic rede dat ge flen st. gen. 3118; reade a. r. 24; redep c. I. 943; vviio se riht redep . spec. 26; yef me him wel ret rnjenh. 22; '^ red fpret.J I. h. r. 64; rcfiden X^^. 11414; [radde Orm. 6496; Bel: 467; For. a. Bl. 761; redde st. gen. 3436; aije^ih. 184]; comp. a-, bi-, for-, irjfeden. I'^deii^ A. Sax. (ge)r£edan, 0. Butch reden, Goth, raidjan, M. R. Germ, reiten, ready parare; redde fpret.J Man. 14088; rnd"^ 1-arge ronm about hem redde AHh. a, Merl. 7906; pet setle spa h(e)o radden hom. y, 61 ; comp. a-, iriseden. r^deii see reden. riwleii, A. Sax. rteden fconditioj Leos gloss. 50 394 r«di raimen 326; comp. brOder-, cim-, cud-, fela^-, fer-, folc-, freond-, hate-, her-, luf-, man-, nehebur-, sibraeden (-reden, -raden). radi (readi), Swed. redig, ready, paratus, expeditus, La-^. 8651; r8edi3 Orm. 2527; redi r. s. II, 45; st. gen. 1066; Langl. 4, 155 fl92j; 3Iand. 236; a redi wey Tor. 868; reedi Wiel. John 7; comp. i- raedi. rediliche readily. Will. 1226; redili Trist. 2, 37; Cham. C. t. 14082. redinesse readiness, prompt. 426. nedieii ready, paratum facere^^ redie Mand. 185; redies (pres.) Iw. 1956; redi the d, Arth. 4137; and redied hem forth to wende Ilalliiv. diet. 673; comp. biredien? raf, r«fen see reaf, reaven. WBft, O.Icel. raptr. trahs; raft avoiv. Arth. XXV, 3. raeftcr, A.Sax. raefter, 0. Dutch rafter, rafter; refter '■'tignmn\ fragm. 4, 8; ^^trahs\ voc. 260; pane refter ayenh. 175; rafter Cham. C. t. a 980; rseftres (refteres) fpl.J La^. 7829. r»il see hrsi^el. ram see hream. rsemen (remen), A.Sax. (a)r8eman, O.H.Germ. ramen (intendere, dirigerej? tendere, rape- re? Lay 4128 Sf 16751; remip f pres. J Alis. 3347; reame fsuhj.J a. r. 72; heo . . . r^emden to gadere La"^. 613. rseren (reare), A.Sax. rseran Cfor rsesan, from rlsan?) rear, erigere. Lay 17458; rere Cham. dr. 468; pey lete rere a, halle s. s. ed. Wr. 138; rere (pres. im- per.J ps. 50, 11; r^rde fpret.J La\ 22111; rerde p. I. s. VIII, 86; Rob. 28, 5; comp. ar^eren. r«8, A.Sax. rses, O.Icel. ras, from risen, race, impetus, cursus ; res o. a. n. 512; misc. 93; Jos. 491; he was wrop and maked a res s. s. ed. Web. 2391; res, rees Gam. 547; rees Gow. 1, 335; e. T. 1080; avow. Arth. XXII, 16; res, reas m. Arth. 1957 Sf 2961; moni grimne reas La"). 2283; ras pr. c. 8938; r^ese, rese fdat.J Lay 21367 Sf 31236; on a rese Percev. 1366; a. p. 2, 1782; to pe bischope in a ras he ran m. h. 141; rffisen fdat. pi. J Lay 5200; comp. feond- ru;s, inras. r%seii^ A.Sax. r^esan (mere, currerej, O.Icel. rfisa frwrej, 0. Dutch rasen (furere), race (rase), mere, currere, furere, Lay 1004; rese Ipom. 1831; rase Gow. 2, 264; Saladin began to rase for ire Rich. 3633; rsesde (pret.) Marl 10, 50; ant te drake resde to hire Marh. 10; & resden to pan castle La^. 1679; ir^Bsed (part.) Lay 27296. raft, rafter see raeft, raefter. rage, Fr. rage, rage, c. I. 197 ; ayenh. 142. ragin, O.Fr. ragier, rage, ^^rabere\ prompt. 421; rage St. cod. 94; to rage & td pleie Chauv. C. t. a 3273. ragge, 0. leel. rogg (villus J, rag, ^'•panniculus', prompt. 421; Shoreh. 110; ragges (pi.) p. s. 150; Gow. 1, 100. ragged ragged: a ragged colt Alis. 684; raggede elopes Langl. b 11, 33. raike, O.Icel. reik, raik (rake), cursus, d. Arth. 2985; reike ^^vagatio', prompt. 427. raikeii, O.Icel. reika, ~ rsechen? raik, va- gari; raike pr. c. 4891; m. Arth. 3373; m. h. 58; reike Mapes 342 ; YdSkQ^ (pres.) a. p. 3, 89; raikinde (part.) a. r. 140*; raiked (pret.) Gaw. 1727 . rail, Swed. regel, O.H.Germ. rigel, rail, '^paxillus\ prompt. 422; Gow. 3, 75. raileii rail: raile vinis prompt. 422; railed upon a rowe Mi7i. 16; lettres railed a rjght m. Arth. 3531. railen see hrseiJen and reilen. raimen = rsemen? ratne (ream), raum, ten- dere, tang ere, rapere? Langl. a 1, 93; rai- mi ayenb. 44; raime Alex. 2488; falser men might n5 man raime e. T. 431; reime Man. 185, 4; al pat pe riche ram rand 895 mai reime Langl. c 14, 96 fed. Whitah. 220 J; raimep (presj p. s. 160: reimcp p. r. I. p. 231; reimed fpretj Man. 29, 17; raimed d. Arth. 100; comp. areimen. rain see liran. raiscii; O.Icel. reisa, Goth, raisjan, O.H.Germ. XQi'AQW fcurr ere, pr ojicuci J, = i'^^en? raise, er iff ere; rejsen Orm. 15509; reise Chauc. C. t. d 2102; Wicl John 11; reisede (pret.) rel. ant. 1, 224; comp. a-, iip- raiseii. raisiU; Fr. raisin, raisin; raisins fpl.J I. c. c. 16. rak raclc, nebula? Halliw. did. 662; Gaiv. 1695; a. p. 3, 176. rake, from reken; comp. serendrake. rake, A. Sax. race, O.Dutch rake, from re- ken, ralce, '■'rastrum', prompt. 422; voc. 201; r. s. V, 214; Chauc. C. t. a 287 . rakestele Chauc. C. t. d 949. rake, A. Sax. racu ? rahe, regio, semita, Gaw. 2144; out of the rake of rijtwisues renne suld he nevire Alex. 3384. rake see hrake. rjVke = raike? fr. w. lake) Town. myst. 218. rakel racUe, promptus, Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 17227; a. p. 3, 526; rakil Hoccl. 1, 83; (ud. Cov. 24. rakeiite, A. Sax. racente, 0. Icel. rekendi f catena). rakentcie, A. Sax. racenteag ffor racent- teag'), chain, Beves 1636; rakete^e La"). 16752; raketeie p. I. s. VUI, 141; raketehe horn. 1, 249; Jul. 46. rake re raker, Langl. 5, 165 f322j. rakieu, A. Sax. racian fregere), 0. Butch ra- ken fradere, tangere), O.Icel. raka frade- rej, Swed. raka fradere, currerej, Goth. ufrakjan (Ixxsivsiv), raJce; rakin radere, prompt. 422 ; raken tangere, st. gen. 3324; raken currere, pi. cr. 72; rake Arth. a. MerT. 8048; Town. myst. 167 ; Horn tO halle rakede Horn 1084; mid swe»rden heom to rakeden Lay 18058. rakke, 0. Dutch racke, rack, ^''praesepe\ prompt. 422; Halliw. diet. 665. ram, A. Sax. ramm, O.H.Germ. ram, ram^ "vervex\ prompt. 422; Iw. 3019; Lidg. st. Th. 1; fms. ramm) Orm. 1136; rom "aries\ fragm. 4, 44. Rameseye Ramsey, Rob. 283, 5. ramieii = rsemen ? roam, currere, vagari ; romen Chauc. Troil. 1608; rOme Havel. 64; Langl. ed. Wr. 6836; romep fpres.J Alts. 7207; rominde fpart.J s. s. ed. Web. 1429; rOmed fpret.J Will. 1608; pa Romleoden rameden 3eond upen Lay 7854. rainniiii ram, prompt. 422; rammed fpret.J Arth. a. Merl. 533. raiiiiiiisch rammish, Chauc. C. t. 12815. ranipe romp f ramp J, grassafrix, h. L, 25. rainpeii, Fr. ramper ? ratnp, romp : she ram- pep in mi face Chauc, C. t. b 3094. ramsis, ramseis, Swed. rams, ra7ns, ramsmis, ailium. ursinum, prompt. 422. ran, Ir. Gael, rann, Welsh rhanV song, *. .V. ed. Web. 2723; ron spec. 33; ronues fpl.J Kath. 108. ran, O.Icel. rann faedes, domusj. ransaken, 0. Icel. rannsaka f search the house J, ranMck, st. gen. 2323; ransake Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 1005; ransake fpres.J rel. ant. 1,8; ransakand fpart.J ps. 7, 10. rauc, A. Sax. ranc, O.Icel. rakkr, ranlcfronkj, fortis, superbus, st. gen. 2105; heh folc & ranc f?tis. rannc) Ortn. 9622; rank Man. 13805; h. s. 5095; Isumb. 200; ronk Gaw. 513; a. p. 1, 843; ranke fpl.J p. s. 341; ronke a. r. 268*. ranclen ranhJe, Beves 2656. rancour, 0. Fr. rancoeur, rancuer, rancouTf Chauc. C. t. a 2732. rand, A. Sax. rand, rond, O.H.Germ. rand M., O.Icel. rond/., rand, or a; nmde fdat.J Gaw. 1710; randes fpl.J pi. cr. 763; randez a. p. 1 , 105. 396 rand en I'iixen raiideu; O.Fris. randa? lacerare? ronden Kath. 1908; rondiu ant rendin Mark. 6. raitiloii^ 0. Fr. raiidon, random, Parten. 1121 ; randoun m. Arth. 2888; randoum Mand. 238. rank see ranc. rap see hrap. rap, AMax. rap tn., Goth, raip, O.lcel. reip «., O.H.Oerm. reif m., rope, funis, Orm. 16818 ; eiiiie rap (rop) Xa). 20333 ; rop Roh. 448, 11; roop prompt. 436; rape fdat.J rel ant. 2, 282; rope Shoreh. 110; rapes fpJ.J Min. 31; cmp. sti(3)rop. rape, rapen see hrape, lirapen. ropere roper, Langl. 6, 166 (323 J. rappe, ISwed. rapp, rap, "ictus'\ prompt. 423; rappes fpl.J Octov. 334; Em. 660; Alls. ed. Sk. 348. rappiii^ Swcd. rappa, rap, ^'pulsar e\ prompt. 423; rappe lud. Cuv. 183. mv, A. Sax. gerar, roar; rore fdat.J Gow. 3, 14; raris fpl.J Gol. a. Gaiv. 85. rarieii, A. Sax. rariaii, O.Dutch O.H.Germ. rereii, roar, rugire; rare Iw. 242; pr. c. 1341; roren JFicI. Job 6; roorin j^^'ompt. 431; n)re p. I. s. XIX, 241; Will. 86; Eglam.. 321 ; rurinde f part. J Marh. 11; rarede fpret.J d. Arth. 184; rorede Oc- tov. 1139; he rorede als a bole Havel. 2438. ras see rses. rascaile, rascalie rascal, recrementum; vulgus, prompt. 423 Sc 424; raskaille d. Arth. 2881. rasch, O.H.Germ. rascer, O.lcel. roskr, rash, acer, velox; rasch & ronk a. p. 1, 1166; rashe fadv.J I. c. c. 18. rascheii, O.lcel. raska? rash? rA^okmfpres.J d. Arth. 2101. rasin, Fr. raser, rase, prompt. 424; rasitli fpres.J Wicl. wisd. 13. raseii see rasen. rasour, 0. Fr. rasour, razm-, ayenh. 66; Chauc. C. t. h 3246. raspeii, Dutch raspen, Dan. raspe, Swed. raspa, rasp, radere: rospen & raken st. gen. 2132; rasped f part. J a. p. 2, 1545. rastc see reste. rateleii, O. Dutch ratelen, rattle, crepitare, rel. ant. 1, 65; ratled fpret.J Arth. a. Mcrl 1858. rateii, Swed. rata ? rate, reprove ; rated f part. J Chauc. C. t. a 3463; comp. araten. ratini, Fr. ratou, ratto:i, Langl. h prol. 158. ratte, 0. Dutch ratte, rat; rattes fpl.J Langl. b prol. 200; Mand. 250. rattc rat, rag, tatter: i rattes & i clutes hom. 1, 211. rattcu, 31. H. Germ. ratzenV lacerare? ratted f part. J a. p. 2, 144. rait see lirad. ra|), rajjen see r^ed, r^edeii. rayeii see hraven. ravin, O.Fr. raver? rave, "delzrare'\ prompt. 424; rave Goio. 1, 282; Mire 1326; lud. Gov. 44; xaxQ fpres.J Hoccl. 1, 394; we rave Chauc. C. t. 12881 ; raved fpret.J Langl. b / 1, 10. rayissen, Fr. ravir, ravish, Chauc. Boet. 3114; ravished fpret.J Langl. b ,19, 52; ravisched fpart.J Man. 436. raw see hraw. rape, A. Sax. rap, row fraw, rew), Itath. 1954; rawe Trist. 3, 13; a. p. 1, 544; avow. Arth. VI, 8; rowe ^^ series, linea\ prompt. 438; Horn 1086; Am. a. Amil. 1900; Tor. 818; on rowe Mire 123; for pre nijtes a rowe he sei3 pat same si3t chron. Vilod. 68; rowe, re we Shoo^eh. 93 Sf 95; rewe Beh. 2201; Gow. 1, 50 S^' 3, 308; Chauc. C. t. a 2866; dep. Rich. 3, 10; a repe a. r. 90; bi reape 336; rapen fpl.J Jul. 21 ; comp. dairawe (-rewe). rawen? pe da}- rOwep Langl. c 2, 114; rowed fpret.J b 18, 123. raxeii rax, pandiculari? raxed, roxed, roskid fpret.J Langl. b 5, 398. raxleu re- 397 raxleu pandwnlari? raxlede fpret.J La^. 2oiJU2: raxled a. p. I, llVd ; rascled & remed Langl. c 8, 7 . re-, O.Fr. Lat. re-. rebellin ntbel^ prompt. 425. rebuken, O.Fr. rebouquer, rebuke; rebuke d. AHh. 1333; rebuked fpret.J Langl. 11, 4UJ. receiveii, Fr. recevoir, receive; receive h. s. 230'; received (part.) pr. c. 5430. recet, O.Fr. recet, receipt, receptus, Rob. 98, Id; Man. 4464. recoileii, Fr. reculer, recoil, a. r. 294. recordeu, 0. Fr. recorder, record, a. r. 256; recordi ayenb. 21. recoveren, O.Fr. recovrer, Lat.^ recupe- rare, recover; recovere Jc. L. 179; re- covere, recoevre Langl. b 19, 239; re- kevcre Wicl. eccles. 2. xQCY(^'d.\\i 7'ecreant, Varten. 47 HI ; recreaunt Gaw. 456. raunson, O.Fr. raen90u, raeucliOu, Lat. redemptio, ransom, Man. 3332; raun- soun c. I. 514. redressin redress, prompt. 427 . rescouen, O.Fr. rescourre, rescue; rescoue Chauc. Boet. 3809; Man. 4966; d. Arth. 4131. reformen reform ; reformej) fpres.J ayenb. 81. refreiiiin refrain, prompt. 427 . refi-esclien refresh; refresche Vhauc. C. t. a 2622. I refusin refuse, prompt. 427 . rehercen, O.Fr. rehercer, rehearse; reherce pr. c. 2390; reherce, reherse Chauc. C. t. b 89; reherce, reherse fpres. imper.J Langl 1, 22. rejoissen rejoice; rejoische Will. 4102. relef, O.Fr. relief, relief, a. r. 168; c. I. 1277. relessen, Fr. relaisser, release; relesse fpres.J Chauc. C. t. 11917; relessed fpart.J Ijangl. b 3, 58. releven, Fr. relever, relieve; releve Langl. b 18, 141. religioun religion, p. I. s. XVII, 253; religiun a. r. 8. remedie remedy, ayenb. 207; Chauc. C. t. a 1216. remembrance remembrance, Chauc. C. t. b 3908; Mand. 252. remembren, O.Fr. remembrer, remember: i remembred me a. p. 3, 326. remenaut remnant, Chauc. C. t. a 724; remenaunt 3Ian. 6988; remenont ayenb. " 100. remueu, Fr. remuer, Chauc. Boet. 1394; reraue Hob. 533, 23; ayenh. 104; re- mued fpret.J Will. 1326. reneien, I\. renier; reneie ayenb. 57; Langl. b U, 120; Chauc. C. t. b 3751. renoun, F\. reuom, renown, Chauc. C. t. a 2240; Man. 14753. reparin, O.Fr. reparier, repair, p-rompt. 430; repaire Cham. C. t. a 1516. repentance repentance, Chauc. C. t. a 6100. repenten repent; repente Chauc. C. t. e 850; repentep fpres.J ayenb. 238. reproven reprove; reprove pr. c. 5314; repreven IVicl. prov. 25; repreve Man. 11665. reqviren require; reqvere Chauc. C. t. d 1052; reqvire fpres.J Gaw. 1056. resemblen resemble; resemble Chauc. C. t. d 90. resignen resign; resigne fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 5200. resolven resolve; resolved fpart.J Cham. Boet. 3814. respit, O.Fr. respit, respite, Bek. 631; ayenb. 39. restoren restore; restore Will. 2953. restreinen restrain; restreine Chauc. C. t. b 3777. rettin, O.Fr. reter, '^reputare\ prompt. 431; rette Will. 461; rette fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 726. 398 read recclien retenue retinue, Chauo. 0. t. 6937 . revel, O.Fr. revel, revel, Chauc. C. t. a 2717; reveles {plj Will Wd3; Langl b 13, 442. revelen revel; revele p. I. s. XXX, 16. revelour reveler, Chauc. C. t. a 4371. revUen revile; reviled (part. J pr. c. 8544. reward reward, regard, JFill. 3339; Langl. b 17, 266; pr. c. 1680. rewarden reward; rewarde Ff^ill. 3840; Wicl. Job 39. read, A.Sax. vesid, , 0. Fris. rad, O.L.Germ. rod, 0. II. Germ, rot, Goth, rauds, Q. Icel. raudr, red (read J, ruber, a. r. 112; rajd (read) La^. 16940; red r. s. V, 244; red, reed Chauc. C. t. a 163; reed Mand. 67 ; IIoccl. I, 169; de reade se st. gen. 2670; reade fadv.J Kath. 1432; comp. inread. redbrest redbreast, prompt. 426. rednesse redness, prompt. 426. read see ned. readieu^ A.JSax. readian, 0. II. Germ, roteii, redden; redes fpres.J spec. 34; ireaded f part. J a. r. 366. reaf, A.Sax. reaf, O.Fris. raf, O.Dutch rof, O.II.Germ. roiib, robe, spoil, horn. 1, 226; warp lie an his rugge a r^ef (reaf) swide ' deore La^. 23760; reve fdat.J o. a. n. 468; Arth. a. Merl. 8396; & Ijeten pa tM liggen La-^. 8612. reaflac, A.Sax. reafiac, rapine, hom. 1, 39; rMclc La>,. 9939; reflac a. r. 2U2; st. gen. 436. real, O.Fr. real, royal. Will. 1697; real, rial, roial Chauc. C. t. a 1018. rialine^ 0. Fr. realme, reaiime, roiaume, realm, Gaw. 691; roialme Man. 14763; reaume Bel. 948; Will. 1964. rialte, O.Fr. realte, royalty, p. I. s. XXX, 88; realte, reaute Will. 1926 ^ 6006: reani^ A.Sax. ream(?), L.Germ. raum. Butch room, ream, cream; rem Arth. a. Merl. 1466; comp. milcrem. ream see hream. rearde, A.Sax. reord/7br reard), O.II.Germ, rarta, Goth, razda, O.Icel. rodd, rairdy voice, sound, sermo, ayenb. 60; reord, rerd Orm. 9666 Sf 16664; reorde, rorde o. a. n. 311; rorde ^^sonus\ ps.l8, 6; rerd *. *. ed. Web. 910; Iw. 2073; Town, myst. 307 ; he him kneu wel bi his rerde rel. ant. 2, 274; comp. 3ereard. rcardi? comp. elreordi. reordicii, A.Sax. reordian, loqui, La^. 22174. reaveii, A.Sax. reafian, O.Fris. ravia, 0. Dutch roven, O.Icel. raufa, reyfa, 0,11, Germ, roubon, Goth, (bi)raubon, from reaf, reave, despoil, Kath. 1229; a. r. 286; rgefen Orm. 2016; reven st. gen. 2802; Havel. 480; reven, reve h. h. 120 ^ 132; revin ^'■spoliare', prompt. 431; rea- ve Shoreh. 46; reve Chauc. C. t. a 4011; apol. 48; revej) fpres.J IIoccl. V, 21; reves pr. c. 261; revis s. s. ed. Wr. 2348; if he reve me mi ri3t Langl. b 18, 274; rsevede fpret.J La). 4038; re- ved Min. 12; refde Marh. 13 ; refte Ha- vel. 2223; reved fp rt.J Will. 2766; reft Tor. 2176; raft s. s. ed. Wr. 1015; ireaved ayenh. 143; comp. bireaven. revere, A.Sax. reafere, O.Icel. raufari, rey- fari, O.II.Germ. roubare, reaver, spoliator ^ r. s. VII, 27; ''praedo\ Wicl. Jer 4; reavares (pi.) a. r. 160; h. m. 29; rse- veres Lay 14069; reveres hom. 1, 15; Langl. b 14, 182. reverie, Germ, ranberei, spoliatio, Rob. 194, 10. raving (reving), A.Sax. reafang, spoliatio, La>^. 2647. recclien, A.Sax. reccan, O.II.Germ. recchen, O.L.Germ. reldden, O.Icel. rekja, from reken, retch, regere, dirigere, extendere, expoiiere: ich pe wulle raecchen deorne runen Lay 14079; if he can rechen dis dremes wold st. gen. 2122; wen hoe shulden pidere recche rel. ant. 2, 278; reccliend reg 399 pe buniie recched hire rune Mark. 9; recched ever abuten a. r. lh'4; ricchis, riches Gmo. 8 Sf 1873; out of his slepe he raught m. Arth. 3191; lit of scipe heo rehton La'>,. 2dO'4b'; here armes whan hi upward rei3te p. I. s. XX, 93; i was rauht on roode tre XXV, 63; coinp. a-, for-, i-, uprecchen. recchend^ A. Sax. reccend (regensj. rechendom, A. Sax. reccenddom, regency, government, frogm. 1, 39. p^ch see rek. reche, M.H.Germ. ruoche fcuraj. recheles, A. Sax. receleas, M.H.Germ. ruochelOs, reekkss fretchlessj, Cham. C. t. a 179; Lidg. at. Th. 1039; reckelses Orm. 932; rechelese hinen Jio^n. 1, 245. rechelesnesse recklessness, Langl. ed. JFr. 6638. recheluste, A. Sax. recelest, incuria, hom. 2, 63. recheii; A. Sax. recan, reccan, O.Icel. roekja (raekja), O.L.Germ. rokian, M. H.Germ. ruochen, recTc, curare; rehchen Lay 18042; recche o. a. n. 803; Langl d, 31 (65); rekken (rekken?) Orm. 16165; 'prompt. 428; recche fpres J La^. 17051; f.r. w. fecche) p. I. s. VIII, 112; of 5 per ping ne recche i noht spec. 69; i reche never who it here And. 51; recche, rekko Cham. C. t. a 1398 ^ 2257; recched a. r. 104; reccheth, rekkep Langl. h 15, 172; recp o. a. n. 491; reches a. p. 2, 465; ye rechep Alis. 7319; pei recchen Mand. 64; reche fsubjunet.J rel. ant. 1, 225; recke (r. w. necke) Hard. 2047; rohte fpret.J La-^,. 11482; fms. rohhte) Orm. 9024; as him no ping ne rohte liek. 1053; rohte, rOjte o. a. n. 427; rojte Brand. 34; avow. Arth. XXV , 15; ' rouhte a. r. 60; roghte, rOughte Cham. C. t. a 3772. r^chen see rsfechen. Fifed ? camp, daired. red see rsed, read and hreod. redden see hredden. reddour^ O.Fr. reddur froideurj, Will. 2953; p. r. 1. p. 213; d. Arth. 1456; reddur pr. c. 6091. rede? camp, midrede. rede^ 0. H.Germ. roti, red, rubor, Cham. C. t. h 356. rede (rede?) see rad. reden^ A. Sax. redan, 0. Icel. roeda, Goth. rOdjan (Xsystv, XaXsTv), read, legere, dicere^ loqui, a. r. 286; rel. ant, 1, 224 ^ 263; Havel. 244; Shoreh. 47 ; clerkes pat conne reden c. I. 1241; no tonge ne mihte re- den ne poujt penken his mihtful deden 1359; rsden (reade) La^^. 4497; rede /. h. r. 108; me hit mai in boke rede o. a. n. 350; (h)pa schal unker speche rede 1782; whi pey wolde nOught of him rede Man. 10598; per herd(e) i rede in roune who Tristrem gat and bar Trist. 1, 1 ; rede and say(e) pr. c. 6288; rede fpres.J st. gen. 34; reded, ret a. r. 170 ^- 244; ret hom. 1, 125; pei reden Mand. 83; redde fpret.J rel. ant. 1, 59; redde, radde Langl. b 3, 334; radde La^. 10; redden Cham. C. t. 11025; red fpaH.J Orm. 6870; rad Gow. 1, 194; Mand. 132; Degrev. 962; irad p. I. s. XVII, 431. reden see reeden. redere reader, lector, Marh. 20; Bel. 1068; Shoreh. 47. redi see rsedi. redich^ A. Sax. raedic, 0. H. Germ, ratich, retich, radish, rel. ant. 1, 36. redien perform? his pille for to reden fr. IV. ibeden) hom. 1, 55; comp. aredien. Redinges^ A. Sax. Readingas, Reading, Rob. 424, 19. redunge reading, lectio, a. r. 286. ret see reaf and hreof. refter see raefter. peg see hrug. 400 regioun relvenere regioun^ Fr, region, region, Cham. C. t. e 122. regne^ J-V. regne, reign, ayenb. 107 ; Man. 7115. regiien^ Fr. regner, reign; regne Langl. 3, 271 (2H3); regne (pres. suhj.J Havel. 2f)86; regnede Man. 7287 . re^el see hrsejel. rejel, A.lSax. regol, regula. rejhelboc Orm. dedic. 8. re3olsticke ^^regula'\ fragm. 3, 60. re^ii see rein. reh, rei see hreoh. reihe^ rouhe, A. Sax.^ reohha, ra^j, raja, prompt. 427 S( 438; rehjen (rohje) fpl.J Lay 20667; riglie Man. 15196. reie, O.Dutch M.R.Germ. reie, ray, chorea; reyes fpl.J Chauc. h. f. 1236. reic see ruje. reil see hrtfi3el. reilcii jimre'f reilej), roilep (pres.J Chauc. Boet. 7 17 ; railetli Lidg. m. p. 220; rai- ling (part.) p. r. I. p. Ill . reinicii see raimen. rein, A. Sax. regn, ren, O.lcel. regn, O.L. Germ, regiu, regan, 0.11. Germ, regen, regan, O.Fris. rein, Goth, rign, rain, '■'■pluvia', prompt. 428; La"^. 3808; a. r. 246; st. gen. 3265; treat. 136; Langl. b 14, 66; YQ'T^ii Orm. 8622; rene fdat.J ayenh. 130. reinbowe rainbow, voc. 273 ; st. gen. 637 ; p. I. s. IT, 170; renboge horn. 1, 225. reinfoul "picas', prompt. 428. reinpater rain-water, horn. 2, 140. reiuiii^ A. Sax. regnian, renian, 0. JL Germ. regonon, O.lcel. regn a, rigna, Goth, rigu- jan, rain, '^pluere\ prompt. 428; re3nen Orm. 8604; rine La'^. 19745; ayenb. 40; reinep f pres.J Langl. b 17, 333; Mand. 45; reine fsubjunct.J a. r. 98^; rine treat. 136; rlnde (reinede) fpret.J Lay 3895; rainde [ron, roon] Langl. b 14, 66; comp. bireinen. reiiies, Fr. reins, fpl.J reikis, Wicl. wisd. 1. rciseii see raisen. reisiiii; Fr. raisOn, reason, a. r. 156; resfln p. I. s. HI, 10. rek, A.Sax. rec, O.Fris. rek, O.lcel. reykr, 0.11. Germ, rouch, from reoken, reelc freechj, 'fumui\ ps. 17, 0; reek prompt. 428; reecli Halliw. diet. 674; reke fdat.J pr. c. 0431; d. Arth. 1041. rek see lireac. reke properantia? in a grete reke Halliw. diet. 676; wip gret(e) reke Arth. a. Meri. 7004. rekels, A.Sax. recels, rj^'cels, ricels, O.lcel. reykelsi, incense; rekils Town. myst. 125; recles m. h. 105; fms. recless, reccless) Orm. 1744 Sf 6475; rekles ps. 140, 2; recheles, rechles a. r. 216 4^ 376; rikels rel. ant. 1, 53; richels f? ms. riches) i«rv 8001 ; rlchelis prompt. 433. rekeii^ A.Sax. recen, L.Germ. reken, prompt^ apt, spec. 27 ; a. p. 1, 5; rekeneste f^u- perl. J d. Arth. 4081; comp. unreken. rekenli promptly, Gaw. 251 ; a. p. 2, 127. rekeu^ A.Sax. recan fregerej Haupt's zeit- schr. 0, 520, O. Icel. reka fagerej, Ooth. rikan (acopsus'.v), M.H.Germ. rechen fcon- gererej, regere, agere, tender e? pis kni^tes come reken in Bek. 2001; ich pnle for- pure fr. forpur) reke o. a. n. 1606; to her sone sche gan .to reke Octov. 182; let me in reke Beves 304; in erpe pi bodi reke Arth. a. Merl. 1027; rak fpret.J Beves 3360; his spere to his heorte rac Lay 9320; reke f part. J Beves 1686; in onre ashen olde is fir ireke Chauc. C. t. a 3882; comp. misreken; deriv. rake, rakien, recchen. reken, A.Sax. recan, O.lcel. reykja, O.H. Germ, rouchan, from rek, reek, fumare; reko Lidg. m. p. 114; reken fpres. J avow. Arth. XV, 8. rekeiiere reckoner; reknare "computator"^ j^rompt. 428; rikenares fpl.J a. r. 214. rekenien reow 401 rekenien^ A. Sax, (ge)recenian, O.Fris, re- kenia, reknia, O.S.Germ. rechenen, reckon, ratiocinari, enumerare; reknin ^^computare", prompt. 428; reknen Gow. 3, 121; re- kene treat. 133; Will, 1934; Langl. h 2, 61; Mand. 213; U I. disc. 2109; rekene, rekne Chauc. C. t. a 1954; re- keni ayenl, 19; rikenen a. r. 210; Jos. 76; pine peines rikene hit were long spec. 68; rekenede fpret.J p. I. a. XXIIl, 17; recned (part. J Orm, 2055; comp. irekenien. rekeiiinge^ O.H.Germ. rechenunga, reckoning , ayenh. 18; Langl. b 5, 434; Chauc. C. t. a 60.0; rikening Jos. 444; rekninge ^^ratio, computatio\ prompt. 428; rekning Lidg. m. p. 240; recning p. I. s. I, 23. rekke^ O.Dutch recke fperttca J ? hevie rekkes binde tO hire fet p. I. s. XV, 192. r^l see hreol. rem see ream and hream. reme see rime. renieu see hremen and rumen. rempeiil pey rempede pern to reste Man, 3492; comp. misrempen? r^n see rein. reiideii^ A. Sax. rendan, O.Fris. renda, rend, lacerare, Kath. 1999; rende Will. 1851; Langl. b prol. 198; Lidg. m. p. 202; rende fpret.J Jul. 70; Horn 727; Bob. 289, 14; rente Chauc. C. t. a 990; rendden ia^. 7849; rended (part. J m. h. 144; irend a. r. 148; comp. torenden. reeiie^ O.Fr. rene, rein, ^''habena!', prompt. 429; reine Chauc. C. t. a 4083. reng^ Fr. rang, Welsh rheng, rhenc, Bret. renk, Jr. rang, ranc, rank, series; on a reng Arth. a. Merl. 1508; renk Brand. 12; out of pe renge he com ride Beves 3631; renges, ringes fpl.J Chauc. C. t. a 2594; see hring. rengen^ Fr. ranger, range; renge Man. 8257; renged & recched ever abuten a. r. 164; his batail renged Parten. 2224; see hringen. renk see reng and rink. renne^ O.L.Germ. O.Jcel. renne, O.II.Germ. rinne, from rinnen, run; ren '^cursus\ prompt. 429; rimes ren st. gen. 1. reiiuels^ O.H.Germ. rennisal ? rendles, rind- les ; renlis ^'coagulum^\ prompt. 429. renneu^ A.Sax. rennan, sernan, O.II.Germ. rennen, O.Fris. O.Tcel. renna, Goth, (ur)- rannjan, from rinnen, run (ren), make to run; sBrnen La\ 8129; erne o. a. n. 1204; ernde fpret.J Horn 1239; arnde Boh. 140, 4; summe sernden heore stede Lay 8134; comp. forrennen. rennen see rinnen. rennare^ M. II. Germ, rennaere, runner, "cur- sor", prompt. 429; urnare chron. Engl. 900. rente, Fr. rente, rent, o. a. n. 1773; Chauc. C. t. a 256; renten fpl.J a. r. 168. renten, rente, Fr. renter, rent, Langl. 7, 32 f8, 35J. reod, A.Sax. reod, O.Icel. riodr, ruber, La"^. 19890. reod see hreod. reoken, A.Sax. reoran, O.Icel. riuka, O.H. Germ, riuchan, fumare, olere ; rekep fpres.J Chauc. I. g. w. 2609; deriv. rek, reken, roke. reopen, A.Sax. reopan(?) pres. r^pd, = ri- pen, reap, meter e. Jut. 75; repen horn. 1, 161; repe p. s. 152; ps. 125, 5; reepip fpres.J Wicl. John 4; rep fpret.J Langl. b 13, 374; ropen ibid.; Wicl. Buth. 1; ropen fpart.J Chauc. I. g. w. 74; deriv. rep. repare reaper, "messor", prompt. 430. reorde see rearde. reosen see hreosen. reod'er see breeder. reou, reoude see hreow, hreowde. reoven, A.Sax. reofan, O.Icel. riufa, = ri- ven, rumpere ; ref fpret.J rel. ant. 1, 1; sacram. 48. reow, reowe, reowen, reowsien, reowde see 51 402 rep ribbe hreow, hraowe, hreowen, hreowsien, hreowde. rep, A.Sux, xf^ ? from reopen, reep, "messts\ Wzcl. 2 kings 21 ; repe ^^man?'pulus\ voc. 201 Sf 233; Wicl deuter. 24; rel ant. 2, 80; reepe Town. myst. 13 ; see rip. reptlme Wicl. prov. 26. r^pen see reopen. repien see hrepien. rerde see, rearde. rere, O.Fr. riere (retro). rerewarde rear war d^ d. Arth. 1430. rerc see hrere. reren see hreren and reeren. res see ra;s. resche see rusclie. rescheii! hire leofllclie lich reschte of pe leie Mark. 18. resen see rsesen. resien see hrusien. resine, Fr. resine, resin; recina Wicl. Jer. 51. reste, A. Sax. rest, O.K. Germ, resti, O.L. Germ, resta, rasta, O.Icel. ros'c IP GotL, rasta? rest, quies, a. r. 266; o. a. n. 281; St. gen. 2d2; c. I. 90; Chauc. 0. t. 9729; reste & ro Urm. 4972- to reste (raste) eode pa sunne La^. 28328; to eche reste KatJi. 2373; whan pei were a reste Lavgl. ed. W^r. 2939; coni'p. lichreste. resteda3 Orm. 4175. restelees restless, Chauc. C. t. c 728. resten, A.Sax. O.Il.Germ. restsin, O.LGer.n. restian, rest, quiescere, Marli. 6; a. r. 260; Orm. 9598; st. gen. 1369; Brand. 6; Langl. h 3, 235; reste Chauc. C. t. d 1736; restep fpres.J Shoreh. 133; a- yenh. 31; reste fprct.J Za'\. 2511. reestiu reest, reist, ^^rancere\ prompt. 431. rest! reesty, reisty, rusty, "rancidas\ prompt. 431; rel. ant. 2, 29. reiiHy L.Germ. rauten, roten, Swed. rota? ret, rait, macerare, prompt. 43 1, rotten see under re-. rei!'e, A.Sax. r5de, hrede, Jierce, severe: pe wed. •• ais in somer smepe sOn bigan b^ ru3 and repe m. h. XV III; for pa reda dome hom. I, 15. re])er see hreoder. reu see hreow. reule, Lat. regula, rule, p. I. s. IX, 46; ayenb. 150; Chauc. C. t. a 173; riple a. r. 2. reulen, Lat. regulare, rule, Wicl. prov. 3; reule Langl. 4, 9; reulep fpres.J ayenb. 124. reu|)e see hreowde. reve, O.H.Germ. reba fvitisj? comp. hai-, hurdieve (-rif). reve, A. Sax. gerefa, reeve, ^^praepositus\ prompt. 431; La^. 15597; Marh. 6; Havel. 1627 ; Beh. 49; reve, reeve Chauc. C. t. a 542; reves fgen.J Langl. h 5, 427; reveu fpl.J Kath. 1975; ayenb. 37 ; comp. burh-, chirche-, schirreve. rcfschipe ojfice of a reeve, Kath. 11. reveii see hraven. reveii see reaven. reverence, Fr. reverence, reverence, Langl. h 14, 204. rewe see rawe. rewe, rewen, rewde see hreowe, hreowen, hreowde. ribald, riband, O.Fr. riband, ribald, Langl. b 16, 151; riband ayenb. 51. riban, Fr. Bret, ruban, Ir. ribiu, Gael, ri- bean, ribbon, rel. ant. 2, 19; riband prompt. 432; rebant voc. 268; ri banes fpl.J Langl. b 2, 16; rebans ant. Arth, If, 4. ribbe, A.Sax. ribb, O.Dutch ribbe, O.K. Germ., rippi, rib, ^^costa\ voc. 148 Sf 226; prompt. 432; s. s. ed. Web. 1572; ribbes fpl.J Lo^. 1603; Havel. 1900; Chauc. C. t. 6088; ribben fdat. pi. J Lay 1599; comp. uOwribbe. ribbewort rib-wort, prompt. 433, ribben riftere 403 ribben^ L.Germ. ribben, dress with a rib: ribbin flax prompt. 433. ribibe see riibibe. riccheu see recchen. riche^ A. Sax. rice, 0. L.Germ. rlki, Goth. reiks, O.JI.Germ. richer, rich, potens, "o- pulentus'\ prompt. 433; La"^. 128; Kath. 2360; a. r. 66; Orm. 6384; Bel. 341; Shoreh. 57; Rich. 6899; rike m. t. Id; rlchere fdat. f.J Lay 764; richne, ricbene face. m.J La^. 6593 8f 23791; ricchere (compar.J Lay 9911; p. I. s. Xlll, 92; richere st. gen. 1280; rlcbore chron. Engl. 409; richeste (superlat.) horn. 1, 125; rlccbeste, richeste Langl. 3, 201 (207 ); comp. efenrike. richedom, O.L.Germ. rikidom, O.R.Germ. richetuom, opulentia, Lay 3328; h. m. 3. richellche richly, Lay 2728; Am. a. Amil. 689; Trist. 2, 40 ; richelike st. gen. 2442. riche^ A. Sax. rice, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. riki, Goth, reiki, O.JI.Germ. rlchi, reign, realm, dominion, a. r. 208; Kath. 47; o. a. n. 357; Horn 20; treat. 132; spec. 94; a- yenh. 66; Gow. 2, 268; pat riche Orm. 7011 ; pe king sende swa wide swa i- leste his riche Lay 595; inne godes riche p. I. s. VIII, 179; rike Havel. 290; h. h. 178; Iw. 142; ps. 21, 29; Flor. 1809; comp. bischop-, eorde-, heo- ven-, kine-, king-, weoreldriche. richels see rekels. richesse^ Fr. richesse, riches, ^'opulentia\ prompt. 433; Rob. 113, 11; c. I. 1016; Will 5057. ridden see hredden. ride, Germ, rit, from riden, ride, st. gen. 3950. ride (ride?), cmp. A.Sax. ger^de (geryde?) (opportunusj Greins gloss. 1, 443; comp. unride. ridel one ivho rides; comp. forrldel. ridil riddle, ^^crihrum\ prompt. 433. ridelin riddle, "crihrare", prompt. 433; ridlen a. r. 234; ridlide fprd.J Wicl, Ban. 14. riden, A.Sax. ridan, O.Fris. rida, O.Icel. rida, O.JI.Germ. ritan, ride, ire, equitarey Lay 432; on horse riden Havel. 370; ride Beh. 1179; ildep fpres.J Orm. 6966; rit Langl. ed. Wr. 339; ridinde fpart.) a. r. 216; ridende Will. 1954; rad fpret.J Trist. 1, 16; m. h. 135; Percev. 496; he . . . rad rnglinge into helle Marh. 17; rod Tor. 505; rood Langl. 11567; Chauc. C. t. a 390; riden Alis. 1038; Chauc. C. t. a 825; ridden Rich. 4025; riden (part.J Chauc. C. t. a 48; comp. iriden; deriv. ride, rade. ridere rider. Lay 9288; Langl. 10, 306 (11,. 208). rie see ru3e. rif, O.Dutch O.Icel. rif, reef, Gow. 3, 341, rif see hrif. rif, A.Sax. O.Dutch rif, O.Jcel rifr, rife, largus, st. gen. 1252; Shoreh. 112; Hoccl. J, 427; of riches pou art so rif Eglam, 1041 ;^ilf, rife ps. 26, 1*; rife Gow. 1, 213; rive h. m. 29; p. I. s. XVII, 52; p. s. 195; Will. 5414; balu per wes rive Lay 20079; his craffces are so rife Percev. 560; rive (adv. J Kath. 2513; Mapes 350; pat folc pat deide so rive Rol. 252, 6. rifli largiter, rel. ant. 2, 7 ; m. h. 42. rifliu, O.Fr. rifler, rifle, "spoliare", prompt. 433; riflede (pret.J Langl. h 5, 234; rifeld (part.) Min. 6. rift, A.Sax. rift, O.Icel. ript, vestis, velum: me hire hafd biwefde mid ane hali rifte Lay 28475; comp. wa3erift. rifte, from riven, rift, "rima\ prompt. 433; reft Chauc, r. r. 2661. riften rift, eructare; riftes (pres.J ps. 18, 3; rifted (pret.J ps. 44, 2. riftere, A.Sax. riftere, "mes8or\ fragm. 2, 55. 404 rig rimen rig, Q.Icel. hregg? rig, tempestas? a. p. 2, 382. rig see hrug. riht, A.Sax. riht, O.L.Germ. reht, O.H.Germ. rehter, O.Icel. rettr, Goth, raihts, Lat. rectus, right, a. r. 8; fms. rihht) Orm. 15362; ml riht arm Lay 28040; richt rel ant. 1, 23; rith Havel. 1812; Ma- pes 336; riht fsubst.J La-^. 2511; o. a. n. 950; vor te don alle men riht a. r. 286; rigt st. gen. 3714; a. p. 1, 621; a riht aright, La'^. 17631; a. r. 76; pe righte way Mand. 6; mid ri3te Brand. 3; Shoreh. 60; rihtere fdat. f.J La\ 29092; rihtne face. m.J o. a. n. 1238; rihte (adv.) hom. 1, 167 ; o. a. n. 1246; he fleah dun rihte Lay 25613; righte as pou were a god Mand. 295; righte whare scho lay Isumh. 194; pat him riht luvied Kath. 1741; an on riht a. r. 18; riht sOne Lidg. m. p. 29; al rihtes spa hom. 1, 133; an on rihtes a. r. 42; & slowe doun rihtes JFill. 1165; comp. i-, un-, upriht. rihtful r?^^;^>/, /. h. r. 144; rijtful Langl. h prol. 127 ; it is ri3tful ^^justum es£\ Wicl. genes. ^30. ri^tfulnes rightfulness, h. s. 600. rihtlechen, A.Sax. rihtlsecan, correct, recti- fy, hom. 1, 17; rel. ant. 1, 130; riht- leche misc. 86; ri3tleche TVill. 1310. rihtllche rightly, hom. 2, 27 ; rijtli Will. 232. rihtnesse, A.Sax. rihtness, rihtnyss, right- ness, rectitudo. La}. 14; rihtnesse ayenb. 154; ri3tnisse BeL 1627 . riht wis rightwise (righteous J, Lay 6537; c. I. 63; p. L s. XXV, 38; m. h. 1; rihtpTs a. r. 268; Orm. 2880; rijtwTs TFicl. genes, b; a. p. 1, 674; rightwis s. s. ed. Wr. 2754; pr. c. 9154; d. Arth. 3989; de rigtwise st. gen. 1043. rigt wished justitia, st. gen. 3740. rihtpisle3C justitia, Orm. 2531. rihtplsliche righteously, Kath. 7 53; xvTf,- wisli a. p. 1, 708. rihtplsnesse, A.Sax. rihtpisness, righteous- ness, a. r. 304; Orm. 10916; ri3twis- nesse Langl. h 18, 197; rightwisnesse Mand. 294. rihteu, A.Sax. O.H.Germ. rihtan, right, ad- just, direct: to rihten €o(u)re leoden Lay 6254; his ban rihten 19502; rigten st. gen. 3423; righte Gow. 3, 170; pe riple pet rihted pe heorte a. r. 410; rihtes Jos. 451; righte "dirige\ ps. 24, 5; rihtep Orm. 9201; rihten (pret.J Lay 25732; &> here arewes ri3te p. I. s. XVIIL, 43; rihted (part.J Orm. 9208; comp. a-, i-, uprihten. rihtueii Tighten, corrigere, Orm. 10361. jike see riche. rikels see rekels. rilieueu see rekenien. riliieii, O.Icel. rlkja, reign; riked (pret.J ps. 92, 1. rim, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.Icel. rim, O.R.Germ. rim, hrim, rime (rhyme), number, Havel. 21; he pat havep pis rim iwriten misc. 57; purh tale & rime of foperti3 Orm. 11248; rimes (gen.) st. gen. 1; rime (dat.) Shoreh. 165; Hocel. I, 247; wri- ten rime rel. ant. 1, 224; in rime i rede Octov. 1679; ant seide pise rime Horn 812. rim see hrim. rime, A.Sax. rima, reoma, rim, or a: bl pisse S£e rime Lay 6216; rime cuticle of the egg, voc. 150; pe rime of his e3en JVicl. Tob. 11; rim of a whele prompt. 434; rim, reme integument of the foetus, pr. c. 520; rimez (pi.) Gaw. 1343; comp. dairime. rimen, A.Sax. rlman, O.H.Germ. (gi)riman, rime (rhyme), number, count, Orm. 11217 ; rime Gow. 2, 173; Chauc. C. t. 13021; Man. 71, 5; Lidg. m. p. 55; comp. a-, irimen. rimen rlpinge 405 rimen see rumen. rimpil^ 0. Butch rimpel, rimple, ^'■rugd\ prompt. 434. rimplen^ O.Dutch rimpelen, rimple, rugare; rimplid (part. J prompt. 434; Chauc. r. r. 4495; Lidg. m. p. 200. riiii|)e see rumde. rin^ O.Icel. rin, rine, amnis, Halliw. diet. 685; Ein, A.Sax. O.Icel O.Dutch O.II. Germ. Ein, Rhine, Langl prol. 108 f 229 J rindc^ A.Sax. rind, O.Dutch rinde, 0.11. Germ, rinda, rind, cortex, o. a. n. 602; I. h. r. 24; e. I. 1308; ayenh. 96; Man. 333, 4; peos rinde a. r. 150. rinen see hrinen and reinen. ring, ringen see bring, hringen. Rinisch Rhenish, d. Arth. 203. rink, A.Sax. O.L.Geryn. rinc, O.Icel. rekkr, vir, Will. 1193; rel. ant. 1, 78; a. p. 3, 216; renk Langl. ed. Wr. 382; Gaw. 691; dep. Rich. 9, 13; rinkes (pi.) Lay 5188. rinnen, A.Sax. rinnan, irnan, yrnan, eor- nan, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. Goth, rinnan, 0. Fris. 0. Icel. rinna, renna, 0. Dutch rinnen, rennen, runnen, run (rin, ren, wrn), currere; rinne Fercev. 1662; ren- nen Langl. b 15, 220 ; renne Havel. 1161; irnen, urnen, .eornen La->,. 8130, 21229 Sf 24696; eornen a. r. 74; Orm. 1336; urne Rob. 514, 17; ierne (ms. yerne) agenb. 173; Octov. 965; erne Arth. a. Merl. 1228; rinnes (pres.J Iw. 3245; renned Kath. 2511; rennep Mand. 32; rennip Tor. 1298; urnep, eornep o. 41. n. 375; ernep, eornep c. I. 730; his eghen rinnes pr. c. 781 ; runnande (part.) m. h. 114; ran (pret.J Havel. 216; spec. 83; Mand. 41; Tor. 1050; pr. c. 5297; (ms. rann) Orm. 1364; ran, ron Langl. 5, 43 (61); ron Hich thes. 1, 227; euch peoved ... ron of pat baleful blCd Kath. 205; ran (r. w. barn) Arth. a. Merl. 2587; iarn (ms. yarn) ayenb. 191; orn a. r. 188; Rob. 208, 12; runnen Wicl. John 20; avow. Arth. XXV, 4; ronnen Chauc. a t. a 2925; urnen Za). 4578; a. r. 112; urne Brand. 22; runnen (part.) a. p. 1, 26; ronnen, ronne Langl. 8, 90 (9, 82); ronnin "coagulatus", prompt. 436; ironne Chauc. C, t. a 8; iorne Horn ed. Lum. 1146; comp. set-, bi-, of-, overrinnen ; deriv. renne, rennen, rune. rinsen, Fr. rincer, rime: rinsede coupes d, Arth. 3375. riote, O.Fr. riote, riot? nOn pisure read ne mei bringen hire ut of hire riote a. r. 198; he ne hep none hede of longe rio- te of tales ayenb. 99; men . . . seide in olde riote Beves 1192. riotour rioter, Chauc. C. t. c 692. riotous riotous, Chauc. C. t. a 4408; d. Arth. 363. rip see hrip. rip, A.Sax. rip, "messis^ Wicl. Job 18; comp. irip. ripe, A.Sax. ripe, OLGerm. ripi, O.H.Germ. rlfer, ripe, "maturas", prompt. 434; o. a. n. 211; Brand. 33; ayenh. 28; Alia, 5757; Langl. b 16, 71; Wicl. John 4. ripel, Dutch repel, Germ, rifel, ripple. ripilstok voc. 269. ripen ripe, scrutari: ripe up d. Arth. 1877; ripe (pres. imper.) Town. myst. 112; ri- pande (part.) a. p. 2, 592; riped (pret.J m. h. 143. ripen, A.Sax. rlpan, metere, p. I. s. VIII, 11; ripe ayenb. 214; repen (pret.) horn, 1, 241; Lay 10033. ripere, A.Sax. ripere, messor; riperen (dot. pi.) Mat. 13, 30. ripien, A. Sax. ripian, 0. II. Germ, rlfan, ripe, ripmi; ripin ^^matiirare\ prompt. 434; ripen Langl. b 16, 39; ripest (pres.) Hoccl. II, 33; rlpede (pret.) horn. 1, 241; ripid (part.) Wicl. Joel 3. ripinge "messis", Wicl. fudges 15. 406 rippen roche rippen see ruppeii. Ripun^ A.Sax. Eipum, Hripum, Bi^oti, misc. 146, ris see hris. rische see rusche. rfsen^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. rlsan fsurgerej, 0. II. Germ, risan fruere, caderej, O.Dutch risen fsurgere, lahij, O.Fris. O.Icel. risa, Goth. (ur)reisan, rise, surgere, Orm. 4197 ; st. gen. 4039; risen, rise Langl. b 19, 142; rise Wicl. John 11; s. s. ed. Wr. 1603; ras (ros) fpret.J La\ 1555; raas fs. 3, 6; ros rel, ant. 1, 209; st. gen. 261; Alis. 4378; Will. 1193; roos Langl. h 5, 234; Wicl. John 11; risen s. s. ed. Wei. 2089; rise Man. 222, 22; resin Tor. 2558; reson Eglam. 284; risen f part. J Chauc. C. t. a 1499; risin s. s. ed. Wr. 211; comp. a-, bi-, ^e-, uprisen; deriv. list, rasen, raisen, rseren? risien see hrusien. rist, A.Sax. (a-, 8e)rist, -rest, Goth, (ur)- rists, from risen, rist, surrectio, ortus: pe Sonne rist Alis. ed. Sk. 791; comp. a-, uprist (-riste), orrest? ritten^ 0. H.Germ. nzzen? scindere, rumpere? ritte Havel. 2495; ritte fpret.J Gaw, 1332; comp. toritten. rij», A.Sax. rid, 0. L. Germ, rith Seines gloss., rithe, "rivus", fragm. 3, 52. ri|»J)e see hruppe. rive, O.Dutch rive, from riven, ^Wastrum\ prompt. 435. riye see rif. rivel rivel; rivelis ^Wugae\, Wicl. Job 16. riyelen, A.Sax. (ge)riflian(?), rivel, rugare; TV^^Q (pres.) rel. ant. 2, 211; riveling {part. J Chauc. r. r. 7214; riveled fpret. part.) Gow. 3, 370. riyeling, A.Sax. rifling, a sort of shoe, Man. 282, 4. riven, O.Icel. rifa f rumpere J, O.Dutch riven fradere, fricarej, O.K. Germ, rlban (fri- carej, rive, radere, rumpere; rivin prompt. 435; rive Chauc. C. t. c 828; pr. c. 888; sacram. 713; a sondir rive Lidg. m. p. 189; rife Town. myst. 11; rivez fpres.J Gaio. 1341; iki fpret.J Iw. 2615; Percev. 2157; pat spere pnrh raf (rOf) La-^. 23943; roof Wicl. 2 kings 2; riven f part. J Man. 148, 10; his robes riven were Trist. 1, 53; rif^n Iw. 3539; reven s. a. c. XII, 6; comp. toriven; deriv rive, rifte. rivere, 0. Fr. riviere, river, Horn ed. Lum 230; river Chauc. C. t. d 2083. rixien, A. Sax. ricsian, rixian, 0. H. Germ richison, reign; rixed fpres.J Kiel, thes 1, 224. rixlien reign. La-). 19323; rixlen Orm 2237; rixled fpres.J Marh. 19; a. r. 80., rixlede fpret.J Lay 6907 . rixlunge reign, horn. 1, 111; a. r. 248 rixlinge Kath. 44. ro see ra. ro, A.Sax. rop, O.Icel. ro, O.K.Germ. ruo- wa, rawa, quiet, Marh. 20; Orm. 7042; c. I. 90; p. s. 149; m. h. 14; rC ant reste rel. ant. 1, 116; roo Flor. 840; Rich. 7 130; ^. Arth. 3614; Town. myst. 222; comp. unro. robben, O.Fr. rober, roh, spoliare, Kavel. 1958; pi. cr. 459; robbed fpres.J a. r. 86; robbep ayenl. 39; robbede fpret.J Roh. 16, 24; irobbed f part. J h. m. 15. robbeour, O.Fr. robeor, roller, Rob. 389, 19; robbour Mand. 250; robbour, robbere Langl. 5, 242 f469j; robbere ayenl. 79; robbare a. r. 150. robberie, O.Fr. roberie, rollery, Bek. 396; roberie ayenl. 9. robe, O.Fr. robe, role, misc. 39; Rob. 313, 1; ayenb. 163. roc, A.Sax. rocc, O.Icel. rokkr, O.K.Germ. rocli ftunicaj, "toral", fragm. 4, 6. roc see hroc. roche, Fr. roche, Ital. rocca, roch, st. gen. 256; Rob. 22, 20; ayenl. 142; Will. roche rote 407 2367 ; rokke "rupes", prompt. 436; Chauc. a t. ed. Wr. 11373. roche^ Dan. rokke, Swed. rocka, roach, prompt. 435; see reihe. rocke^ O.Dutch rock, O.Icel. rokkr, O.H. Germ, roccho, rocly coins, voc. 157 ; h. I. 79; rokke prompt. 436; rok rel. ant. 1, 4; mir. pi. 122. rockcii see rucken. rod, rode see rud, rude. rode, A. Sax. r6d fvirga, pertica, crux J, 0. L.Germ. roda fvirga, patihulumj, O.Fris. rode fpatihuhimj, O.K. Germ, ruota (mr- ga)y rood, rod, pertica, crux, La'>,. 11165 ^ 22101; Kath. 928; a. r. 26 ^^ 60; Orm. 5608; r. s. VII, 22; st. gen. 386; Havel. 431; p. I. s. XV, 125; spec. 85; a. p. 1, 704 Sf 3, 270; rode, rodde o. a. n. 1123, 1382 8f 1646; comp. llm- rode. rOdetreo Orm. 5602. rode see rade. rodi see rudi. pof see hrof. rogge? fms. roge, r. w. dogge) Chest, pi. 2, 94; rog d. Arth. 3272. roggeii see ruggen. rohje see reihe. roiliii, O.i^r. roillier? roil, ^'vagari", prompt. 436; roilep fpres.J Langl. a 11, 206. rok, Fr. roc, rooh at chess, Man. 11397; rook prompt. 436. roke, from reoken, role, fumus, "nehula'\ prompt. 436; st. gen. 1163 ; Beves 247 1. Rokesburw Roxburgh, Ravel. 139. roki rohy, ^'■nehulosus'\ prompt. 436. rokke see rocke and roche. rolle, O.Fr. rolle, Lat. rotula, roll, a. r. 344; Chauc. C. t. c 911. rollen, Fr. rouler, roll, Chauc. Troil. 17 51; rollede (pret.) La^. 22287"". torn see ram. rom see rum. Rome, O.Fr. ROme, Rome, Lay 5247. Romleode people of Rome, La"^. 7187. Rom ware inhabitants of Rome, La\ 7936. romen = (h)remen? raum, clamare; romi avow. Arth. XII^ 3; rOmede (pret.) d, Arth. 784. romien see ramien. ron see ran. roud, Fr. rond, Lat. rotundus, round, ayenh. 1; round Rob. 414, 11; Chauc. C. t. a 3934; a round around, Beh. 2152; Man. 10536; a ronde Beves 1373; a round of bacon Langl. c 10, 152; & te grene ho- pes beod . . . forpurden tO druie hplte rondes a. r. 148. rondien see randien. rouge see hrunge. rouk see ranc. rop see hrOp and rap. ropen see hrdpen. roppe, A. Sax. roppe(?), rop, intestinum, a, p. 3, 2/0; roppes fpl.J ayenb. 62. ror see rar. rore see hrore. '" rorien see hrorien and rarien. ros see hros. rose, A. Sax. rose, 0. H. Germ.. Lat. rosa, rose, Kath. 1434; rosen fpl.J a. r. 276. roseii see hrosen. rospen see raspen. rost, O.H.Germ. rost (craticula). rostirin, O.H.Germ. rostisan, ^^craticula\ prompt. 437. rosten, 0. II. Germ, rosten, roast, frigere, assare, I. h. r. 59; roste p. I. s. XV, 203; rosted fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 147; Iw. 757. rot, O.Dutch rot, rot, "putredo\ Wicl. prov. 12; a. p. 2, 1079; Town. myst. 84. rote, O.Fr. rote? rote, pi. cr. 377; hi rote rel. ant. 2, 245; Chauc. C. t. 14933. rote, O.Icel. r6t, root, radix, a. r. 54; spec. 57; ayenb. 34; p. I. 8. II, 98; Will. 638; h. 8. 7619; rOte, roote Langl. h 15, 99; Chauc. C. t. a 2; roote c. I. 408 rotelen ruddok 830; r5tes fpl.J Orm. 3213; Mmd. 190; roten fdat. pi. J Kath. 2153; r6te(n) Xa^. 31885. rotelen^ O.Dutch rotelen, = ratelen? rottle, ruttle, rel. ant. 1, 65; rotled fpret.J AUs. 930. roten^ O.Icel. rotinn, rotten, putridus, Langl. h 15, 99; Cham, a t. a 3875; h. s. 6765; rotin a. r. 84''. rotien^ A.Sax. rotian, O.Dutch rotten, O.S. Germ, rozzen, rot, putrescere, a. r. 116; Mapes 347; roten Orm. 4773; Mand. 49; rotie spec. 101; ayenb. 32; rotede /"pret.J St. gen. 3342; Bel. 2304; roted {part. J a. r. 84; Will. 4124; comp. for- rotien. rotin^ O.Icel. rota? root, ^^radicare\ prompt. 437; iroted (part.) a. r. 386; ayenb. 26. pdj)er, A. Sax. rOder, 0. H. Germ, ruodar, rudder frutherj, "remus\ fragm. 2, 41; ayenb. 160; Gow. 1, 243; Man. 6576; p. r. I. p. 22; Cham. dr. 1379. P0U5 see ruh. rouken see rtiken. roum^ roumen see rum, rumen. round see rond. roune^ rounen see rune, rtinen. rouste^ O.Icel. raust, voice, Alex. 488; ropst Orm. 9197. route^ O.Fr. route, rout, La-^. 2598^; p. I. s. XXI, 14; Shoreh. 135; Will 1213; Langl. b prol. 146; Cham. C. t. a 622; rute a. r. 350. routeii rout, assemble? route Rob. 39, 20; in al pe lond durste no cristen route Cham. C. t. b 540. routen^ O.Icel. rauta? rout, mugire; route Havel 1911; avcw. Arth. XII, 3. routen sie hruten. rouweii see ruhen. Rovecestre, A.Sax. Eofeceaster, Rochester, misc. 145; Eoucestre, Eouchestre Rob. 4, 9 Sf 6, 4. rovare = reavere? rover, ^^pirata 437. rowe see rawe. ropen, A.Sax. ropan, O.Icel. roa, row, remi- gare, Jul 77; rowen Horn 122; rouwen (rowe) La"^. 7813; rogen rel. ant. 1, 174; rewe fpret.J Brand. 5; Trist. 2, 49; comp. bi-, umberowen. rowen, O.H.Germ. ruowan fquiescerej? rdwe Ber. 284. rowen see rawen. roware ro-wer, ^^remex", prompt. 437 . rown, O.Icel brogn, O.H.Germ. rogan, roe (rone, rown, rowndj, prompt. 438. roxen see raxen. ru see ruh. rubbin, Gael rub, Welsh rbwbio, rub, ^^fri- care", prompt. 438; rubbep fpres.J Chaue. C. t. a 37 47 ; rubbede, rubbed Langl h 13, 99. rubi, Fr. rubis, ruby, spec. 25; rubis (pi) ayenb. 76. rubibe, ribibe, rebibe, O.Fr. rubebe, violin, Cham. C. t. a 3331 ; ribibe prompt. 433; Halliw. diet. 682. rucken, O.Dutch rucken, O.H.Germ. rucchen? rod, agitare ; rokken Chauc. C. t. a 4157 ; rokke Rob. 98, 23; rocki ayenb. 116; rocked (pres.) a. r. 82; rokked (pret.) Langl. b 15, 11; rokked of pe roust of bis riche bruni Gaw. 2018; heo ruckeden (? ms. ruokeden) burnen La^. 22287. ruckin, from ruken, ruck, cower, prompt. 439; nou pei rucken in hire neste Gow. 2, 57; rucking (part.) Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 15232; rukking Lidg. m. p. 118; this shep rukking in his folde p. r. I p. 19. pud, A.Sax. rud, rud, ruber: whit inoh ant rod (? ms. rode) on eke spec. 34. rudden, O.Icel rydja, hrydja, rid (red),' clear? and has irud us pe way c. I 1227. ruddok, A.Sax. rudduc voc. 29, Mone's qu. rude rumen 409 314, ruddock, ^^frigiUa\ prompt. 438; Chauc. p. f. 34U; sq. I degr. 46. rude, Fr. rude, rude, Will. 1851; Chauc. C. t. b 3098. rude, A. Sax. rudu, rud, rubor, a. r. 330; 0. a. n. 443; rudde Gow. 3, 27; e. T. 200; rudde,, rode Chauc. C. t. a 3317; rode spec. 26; St. cod. 60; Alis. ed. Sh. 178; m. Arth. 179. nidi ruddy, a. r. 330; h. m. 35; ruddi prompt. 438; rodi Alis. 7833; Langl. b 13, 99; Chauc. C. t. 10699; Wicl. Mat. 16; rudie fadv.J Kath. 1431. rudieii rud, rubefacere; ruddoii '■^fricare', prompt. 438; necke & heved ... he ruddede . . . wip his here p. I. s. XV 11, 172; iruded (irudded) & ireaded a. r. 50 Sf 356. rudnin rubescere^ Jul. 27 ; pe reve rudnede al grome Marh. 19. riie, Fr. rue, rue, "ruta>\ rel. ant. 1, 36. ruffelin ruffle, prompt. 439. rug see hrug. rugged rugged, Arth. a. Merl. 1501; ruggid "hispidus\ prompt, 439. ruggen^ O.Icel. rugga, = rucken? rug, agi- tare^ YOggin 2)'>^07npt. 435; ruggede f'pret.J nug. poet. 41; roggede d. Arth. 784; rogged Langl. b 16, 78; Lidg. m. p. 40. ruggi^ Swed. ruggig, hirsutus, Chauc. C. t. a 2883. rugluuge see hrugluuge. riijc, A. Sax. ryge(?), O.Icel. rugr, 0. Dutch rogge, O.II.Germ. rocco, rye, secale, p. s. 152; rie prompt. 433; Min. 2; reye, reie Chauc. C. t. d 1746. riih, A. Sax. rtih, rup, O.H.Germ. rtiher, rough (row), hirsutus, fms. ruhh) Orm. 9211; riigh Town. myst. 100; ru st. gen. 1539; rouj transact. 18, 23 ; Wicl. genes. 25; rough Alis. 6261; Mand. 285; Chauc. C. t. a 3738; rou fms. row) Orph. 253; his ruhe necke Marh. 12; pet rupe vel a. r. 120; mid rfi3e felle 0. a. n. 1013; ruhure (compar.) a. r. 284. ruheii; O.H.Germ. {gi)YWiQTi, roughen; rouwe fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 211. ruit, O.Fr. ruit, rut, rugitus; riot and ruit /. h. r. 132. ruke^ O.Swed. riika, ruch froohj, acervus; ruken fpl. l a. r. 214. rukeleu ruckle, acervare; pu schalt . . . ru- kelen on his heaved beaminde gleden a. r. 406. ruken (hruken?) rouk f rook J, crouch, cower: ne mei he nouder on hire ne ruken ne riden a. r. 266; and in pi bedde to rouken pus Chauc. Troil. 6779; pe ned- dir pat on pam sal rouke pr. c. 6765; pe scheep ])at roukep in pe folde Chauc. C. t. a 1308; deriv. ruke, rucken, hreac? ruin, A. Sax. O.Fris. rum, O.Icel. rumr, 0. II. Germ, riimer, Goth, rums, spacious^ • large, o. a. n. 643 ; roum Rob. 303, 28; Arth a. Merl. 6936; Chauc. C. t. a 4126; heofnes rume riche Orm. 3689; in roume stede ps. 30, 9. riimhende liberal, La:^y 6538. rumliche largely, La^y 2452. rum, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. rum m.^ 0. Icel. rum n., Goth, riims m., ream (roum J, spatium, La\ 1003; pe laferd hafde litel rum in al ])at micle riche Orm. 8489; gede on rum secessit, st. gen. 4000; roum s. s. ed. Web. 599; Chauc. I. g. w. 1995; a. p. 2, 96; pr. c. 9168; rom s. s. ed. Wr. 615; roume (dat.) Arth. a. Merl. 8065; a roume (at a distance) he stod Trist. 3, 6; a roume he hovid Rich. 464; stand on roume Town. myst. 235. rum see hrum. rumeU; A.Sax. rumian, r^man, O.Icel. rj^ma, O.L.Germ. rumian, O.II.Germ. rumman, from rum, roum, rime, reem, evacuate^ clear, Lay 10640; rimen rel. ant. i, 175; rime Man. 9868; reme Arth. a. 52 410 rummelin rustin Merl. MO 8; pi lond t6 reme Horn ed. Lum. 1272; roume Langl. c 1, 180; pene wsei rumde La-^. 28323; rumede Roh. 536, 2; roumede Jos. 697; comp. irumen. ruiiimeiiu^ rumlin, O.Dutch rommelen, rumlle, fTom'pt. 439; romblen Cham. L g. tc\ 1216. riiinpe^ Dan. rumpe, Swed. rumpa, rump, ^'■caudd\ prompt. 439. runitTe^ A. Sax. ii«^md, fro7n rum, space; rimtlie prompt. 434; a rtimde at a di- stance, La\ 27492. ruii^ O.Icel. hryn {strepitiisj? & ruten forrl picl spuch rune Ifath. 2031. run? comp. cunrun. niiici, Welsh rhwiisi, O.Fr. roncin? Havel 2669; rounce Gaiv. 303; rounse "m«w- nus'\ voc. 187. rune, A.Sax. ryne, O.Icel. runi, O.II.Germ. run, Goth, runs, from rinnen, run, cur- sus, horn. 1, 207; Marh. 7 , 12; p(e)oves rune o. a. n. 1166; hpon pe tunge is o rune a. r. 74. rune, A.Sax. O.Icel. run^ O.L.Germ. O.K. Germ. Goth, runa, colloquy, conversation, counsel, o. a. n. 1170; elche rune he i- hard p. I. s. VIII, 46;^oiiQ heo heolden YuxiQ La->,. 26332 ; rune, run Orm. 18719 ^ 18786; on Sexisce runen fr. rune, language) La^. 32000; roune Alis. 806; Trist. 1, 1 ; ne mai no man wip pe hol- den Yonne an. lit. 4; herkne to mi roune spec. 29; wi p briddes roune f song J 43; (in Englicche roun(e) Man. 13767; runes fpl.J Kath. f)74; godes derne runes a. r. 96; pat he write runen fUterasJ lay 26340; comp. leod-, som-, sunderrune. runstsef letter; runstaven fpl.J La-^. 9961. runcl, A.Sax. rynel, "cursor', fragm. 3, 12. runien, A.Sax. runian, O.II.Germ. runen, rotm, horn. 2, 107; runen La'^. 32116; rounen p. s. 326; rounin "susurrare\ prompt. 438; roune Cham. C. t. 7164; m. Arth. 3423; rounep in his ere Langl. h 4, 13; heo rtinep to gaderes r. s. Vll^ 59; rounede fpret.J Ihh. 1200; h. s. 6931 ; rouned Alis. 7614; a. p. 3, 64. rungen? rung up & sture pe a. r. 290. runi, A.Sax. rynig, currax? pe runie wulf Lay 20123. runiuge (rouninge) conversation. Lay 14070, runisch furioiis? Gaw. 457 ; a. p. 2, 1646. riinkien, from runien, as herkien fro^n heren? runlv(e) or roune Town. myst. 68. rupere, A.Sax. rypere, rapier; ruperes fpl.J hom. 1, 16. ruppeu, A.Sax. ryppan(?), rip, rapere: to rippen hem & r^fen Orm. 10212; rupten (pret.) Lay 10684. rure see hrure. rusche, A.Sax. risce(?), M.IIGerm. rusche, rush frish, reshj, "scirpus\ rel. ant. 1, 6; rische, rusche prompt. 436; rusche, rische, reshe Langl. 3, 137 (141); rishe Cham. r. r. 1701; resche Gow. 1, 160; s. s. ed. Wr. 2884; lud. Cov. 170; resse ayenh. 263; risches fpl.J Rich. 6038; comp. bulrische. ruschen rush, ruere; rusche d. Arth. 1339; rushes fprcs.J avow. Arth. IF, 11; rushinge f part. J Cha^w. C. t. a 1641; rusched fpret.J Gaw. 2204; a. p. 2, 368; rusheden Wicl. Mat. 7. rusel see hrusel. rusien see hrusien. russet, O.Fr. russet, rousset, russet, red cloth, misc. 92; Langl. 8, 1 f9, Ij. rust, A.Sax. rust, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. rost, rust, "ruligo\ prompt. 439; a. r. 160; p. r. I. p. 183; pr. c. 6670; m. h. 106. rusti, Germ, rostig, rusty, "ru'biginosus\ prompt. 439; Chauc. C. t. a 618. rustin, A.Sax. rustian, O.II.Germ. rosten, rust, "ruhiginare\ prompt. 439; rusten a. r. 344; ruste Chauc. C. t. a 602; irusted f part. J a. r. 160. rute sabd 411 rutc see route. ruteii see liriiten. rmter see hreoder. riiw see ruli. sji, O.Icel. sar, soe, "ima\ roc. 200; so Jla- vel. 933; soo prompt. 462. sablc^ O.Fr. sable, sahle, prompt. 440. sac, A. Sax. saccc, 0. IT. Germ, sach, O.Icel. sekkr, 6^o^/i. sakkus, Z«^. saccus, Gr. aaxxoc, ««c^ {seek J, p. I. s. XVII, 186; sak Chauc. C. t. a 4017; sek Iw. 2032; ps. 29, 12; zech ayenh. 81 ; seckes fpl.J Ravel. 2019. sach el satchel, Wicl. Luhe 10; sacliels fpl.J Chauc. Boet. 223. saekcUj O.Icel, sekka, sack; sakked (part. J Chauc. C. t. a 4070. sacraiiiciit, Fr. sacrement, sacrament, a. r. 268; sacrement ayenh. 14. saeren, Fr. sacrer, sacrare, Jos. 302; sacred fpres.J a. r. 268; sacrep ayeiib. 235. sacrifice, Fr. sacrifice, sacrifice, axjenl. 187 . sacriiieii, Fr. sacrifier, sacrifice; sacrifie Wid. exod. 10. sacrilege, Fr. sacrilege, sacrilege, ayenb. 34. sad, A. Sax. ssed, O.L.Germ. sad, O.Icel. I sadr, Goth, saps, 0. II. Germ, sater, sad, \ < satur, "soiidus\ prompt. 440; WUl. 1463; Mand. 169; Childric ... is sad of mine londe Z«). 20830; selden i am sad pat semli for te se spec. 29; of worldes winne sad Mapes 341 ; hit was god and sad Shoreh. 146; strong sad and sound Gow. 3, 92; sad and trewe Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 4555; zed and stable aye7ih. 83; pe sade fms. sadde) man Langl. 8, 28 I f9, 23 J; sade fpl.J o. a. n. 452; sadder r fcompar.J Langl. 5, 4. sadli sadly, Will. 469; Chauc. C. t. 8976; a. p. 3, 442. sadnesse sadness, Shoreh. 52. sadel, A. Sax. sadol, O.Icel. sodull, O.H. Germ, satol, saddle, Langl. 4, 18 fl9j; Iw. 422; Chauc. C. t. a 2162; Gaw. 437; sadele fdat.J La^. 6473; sadles fpl.J Arth. a. Merl. 3881. sadelbowe saddle-how, rel. ant. 1, 176; Arth. a. Merl. 8158. saililer saddler, voc. 212. sadelieu, A.Sax. sadelian, saddle, La^ 13530; sadlen Beves 757; sadulde fpret.J Octav. 1198; sadeled, sadled f part. J Langl. 2, 147 fl69j. sadieii, A.Sax. sadian, O.H. Germ, saton, sade, sadden, satiare; sade p. I. s. XXX, 4; saddin ''solidare\ prompt. 440; to sadde us in bileve Langl. h 10, 242. s«, A.Sax. S£e m. f., O.Icel. s«r, sior, siar, O.L.Germ. sen, seo, O.H. Germ, seo, se gen. sewes, Goth, saivs m., sea, l.icus, mare, Orm. 14796; S£e, sea Z^). 123 8f 12005; pe sea (see) ICath. 1800; se rel. ant. 1, 220; see treat. 137; sees fgen.J rel. ant. 1, 220; seis Havel. 321; p£ere sse strond Lay 7241; innan pan sea hom. 1, 43; in pere sea 51; 1 der SQe a. r.230; bi pare see o. a. n. 1754; camp. Norpsee. sgeflsc sea-fish, Lay 22550. s^flod Lay 2630. sMot(e), A.Sax. sjBfipta, Lay 4530. segrund rel. ant. 1, 220. ceehound Alls. 5669. saelldende Lay 12339. s^emon seaman, La^. 1165. semawe sea-mew, ^fiulic^r , voc. 189; se- mow(e) ^^alcedo\ prompt. 452; semewe Lidg. in. p. 202. sgestrond Hitus\ fragm. 3, 51; Lay 9235. seepater sea-water, hom. 1, 159. sseweri Lay 4619. ssed, A. Sax. s&d, 0. L. Germ, sad, 0. Icel. sad n., O.H. Germ, sat /., seed, satiim, semen; sed rel. ant. 1, 129; Orm. 5070; 0. a. n. 1041; treat. 138; ])et zed a- yenh. 143. seedlep seed-leep, prompt. 451. 412 s&clin saht sedin seed, ^'sementare'", prompt. 461. sscl, sel, A.Sax. ssel, sel, O.Tcel. ssell, Goth. sels (xpYjOTOC, (XYa^oc), heatus, bonus, La^. 1234 S^^ 4071; sel h. m. 47; selere fdat. f.J Lay 21654; sele fpl.J Alis. 7430; selre, selere fcompar.J La\ 67 ^ 21166; selest f super!. J La^. 918; comp. i-, un- sael. sel, A.Sax. s^el oii. f.(?J, O.Icel. ssela, Goth. selei /., seel, beatitas, opportunitas, La\ 24104; Orm. 14304; st. gen. 417; m. t. 69; lud. Cov. 273; s. a. c. XX, 13; sele a. p. 3, 5; avow. Arth. LXllI, 2; %m\Q fdat. J Lay 1310; sele o. a. n.9d3; selden sal he ben on sele rel. ant. 1 , 180; comp. mete-, iinsel. sell, A.Sax. sselig, O.Lj.Germ. salig, O.II. Germ, saliger, silly fseelyj, beatus, ICath. 1421; a. r. 362; ps. 2, 13; Wicl eccles. 14; pr. c. 3810; a. p. 1, 638; "feh'x'\ prompt. 432; "bonus', Lay 1484'^; Chauc. C. t. 14923; sell child is sone ilered Bel. 138; sell wif what eilep pe an. lit. 10; sell miser, Havel. 477; Bob. 33, 6; p. s. 194; Cham. C. t. a 3601; pi. cr. 442; a sell litil clout Mand. 293; pe sili man 6-. ,s'. ed. Wr. 13()1; comp. i-, unseli. seliliche beate, a. r. 184; selili^ Orm. 17318. selinesse beatitudo, Chauc. TroiJ. 3662. 'sclehitc beatitudo, felicitas, Lay 23136; sehihile a. r. 334; selhde J^ath. 893; h. M. 39; comp. i-, unselhtle. sel|)C, A. Sax. sgelcl, 0. II. Germ, salida, bea- titudo, felicitas, rel. ant. 1, 181 ; Havel. 1338; spec. 33; fms. sellpe) Orm, 3831; comp. unsaelde. swte, A.Sax. ssete, O.Icel. s&ti, O.II. Germ. geskze, from sat, seat, sedes, Orm. 11961; sete r. s. IV, 70; misc. 88; Shoreh. 149; ps. 44, 7 ; pr. c. 9318; Begrev. 1463; seete a. p. 2, 92; Lidg. m. p. 98; comp. Ivinesaete. ssete, A.Sax. (and)saite, M.II.b'trm. (ant)- saei^e; cotnp. andsaete. Saeverne/ A.Sax. Ssefern, Severn, Lay 9379; Severne Boh. 2, 7 ; Man. 1960. saffrau, Fr. safran, saffron, rel. ant. 1, 129. saggiii, L.Germ. sacken, Swed. sacka, sag, desidere, prompt. 440. sa)c, A.Sax. sage, O.H.Germ. saga, O.Icel. S(3g, saw; sawe '■^serra', voc. 181; prompt. 441; pi. cr. 733. sa^e, A.Sax. sagu, O.Icel. O.H.Germ. saga, saw, dictum: peo saje horn. 1, 133; gelc his sa3e saeide Lay 26343; sage st. gen. 4133; sa3e, sahe, sape a. r. 36; sawe Chauc. C. t. a 1163 ; facram. 393; such wonder nas never iherd in sawe c. I. 619; alio seide at o sawe Will. 1112; saghes (pi.) ps. 18, 4; sahen ICath. 338; sawen rel. ant. 1, 171; Salomones sawes Langl. 7 , 137 (8, 124); comp. bi-, ^ein- sawe. sa^el, A. Sax. sagal, sail, sowl: £elc b£er an honde senne sa^el stronge Lay 12280; sopel 'fu&tis\ fragm. 4, 31; mid sahlen ''fustihus\ Mat. 26, 47. sa^el, u4..S«x. sagol; comp. sopsawel. sa^cii, O.H.Germ. sagon, O.Icel. saga, saw; sawin ^^serrare\ prompt. 441; saged fpres.) rel. ant. 1, 223; sahede fpret.) Marh. 22. sa^eii see seggen. sawei" sawer, voc. 212. sahe see sa3e. saht, A.Sax. saht, saeht, O.Icel. sattr, re- conciled, at peace, p. s. 214; sa3t a. p. 1, 32; saght Iw. 3898; saught Trist. 3, 43; Man. 2890; saut an. lit. 8; saeht La'^. 6114; sahte Orm.. 3731; spec. 47; bote mi sustren ben sau3t(e) and some c. I. 620; comp. \-, un-, wrangsaht. sahtnesse, A.Sax. sahtnyss, peace, Orm. 3616; sanhtnesse, sau3tnesse c. I. 474;- sahtnesse, saehtnesse, sehtnesse Lay sAhte salt 413^ 2809, 8262 &,- 30131; seihtnesse a. r. 120. sahti;^ A.Sax, saht, sjBht, O.Icel. satt, s^tt, l)eme, a. r. 2d8^; saehte (salite) Xa^. 9844; seihte a. r. 260; saughte d. Arth. 1001. sauhten^ A. Sax. sehtian, O.Icel. ssetta, re- concile, mahe peace, c. I. 346; sau3te Langl. a 4, 2^; sauhte, sau3te, saughte Gam. 150; saute an. lit. 8; seite fr. xv. ei3te) Bob. 633, 16. sahtlcn^ A. Sax. sahtlian, reconcile, maTce peace, Orm. 361 ; saghtliii, sau3tle ZaM^//. 4, 2''%- saglitle ^pres.J pr. e. 1470; sau3tle Degrev. 1767; sa3tlecl (part. J a. p. 2, 1130; saghteld Iw. 3962. saiightliiig reconcilmtio7i, Man. 3266. salitiiieii recoyicile, make peace, Jiom. 1, 39; sau3tne Langl. 4, 2; sa^litnieu (sehtue) i«5. 8776; seihtni (saditni) a. r. 28; comp. isahtnien. saie, Fr. sale, say, Wicl. exod. 26. saien see seggen. saini^ Ital. saime, Fr. sain, sai^n, seatu, Halliw. diet. 702; seim a. r. 412. saiut^ seint, Fr. saint, saint, aijenh. 13; seint Za). 32; p. I. s. IX, 1; sant Toivn. myst. 101 ; sontes fpl.J spec. 96. saiiiteii^ O.Fr. saintir, saint; isonted (pa)t.) a. r. 360. saiscii^ 0. Fr. saisir, seize ; saise Havel. 261 ; seise Langl. h 13, 376; seise, sese Man. 7142; seisi Beh. 699; g. 362; seised (part.) Havel. 2613. saisiiie^ Fr. saisine, seizin, ayenh. 144; sei- si ne c. I. 237 . sake? comp. wipersake. sake^ A. Sax. sacu flisj, O.L.Germ. saca (lis, causa), 0. II. Germ, sacha (lis, causa, res J, O.Icel. sok (lis, causa, injuria, res J, sake, lis, causa, ifijuria, st. geti. 1392; Irist. 2, 93; Man. 136, 24; a. p. 1, 799; m. h. 130; pat he wicl ROmleode summe sake arerde Zr/3. 26290; sake & sinne Orm. 1336; cheste and sake 0. a. n. 1160; pipute sake 1430; for hire sake a. r. 4; in 'hare senvolle sake Shoreh. 66; withouten sake ^^.siiie causd\ ps. 3, 8. saclses, O.Icel. saklauss, sachless, innocent, Orm. 1900; sacles st. gen, 916; sak- les Iiv. 2626; Man. 182, 14; mir. pi. 146. sakcii^ A. Sax. O.L.Germ. sacan (certare, increpare), Goth, sakan (jjLa;(£o{>at), 0. H.Germ. sahhan (litigare, increpare); comp. set-, for-, of-, widsaken. sal, A. Sax. sael gen. sales, 0. H.Germ. sal n., atrium; sale fdat.) Horn ed. Lum. 1107; spec. 26; Am. a. Amil. 444; Gaiv. 197; a. p. 2, 107; Fercev. 1686; I. c. c. 10. sal see schal. sal, A.Sax. sal, O.Icel. 0. H.Germ. seil, sole^ saul, restis; sol misc. 161; sool prompt. 463. salainandre, Fr. salamandre, salamander, a- yenb. 167. salari, Fr. salaire, salary, prompt. 440. sale, A.Sax. O.H.Genn. sala, sale, ^^venditio\ prompt. 440; w. a. i. 31. salfe, A.Sax. sealf, 0. H.Germ. salba, salve, unguentum, Orm. 6477; salve a. r. 124; 0. a. n. 888; p. r. I. p. 173; Chmtc, Troil. 6613 ; comp. e3esalfe. salfeii, A.Sax. sealfian, Goth. 0. H.Germ. salbon, .mlve, ungere, Orm. 9427 ; salve (imperat.) Marh. 6; salvede fpret.) Langl. b 16, 709; isalved (part.) a. r. 274. salhe, A.Sax. sealli, 0. H.Germ. salha, sala- ha, Lat. salix, sallow (sa/ly, seal) ; salwhe jjrompt. 441; salyhes fpl.) ps. 136, 2^'; salwes Chauc. C. t. d 665; salewis Wicl. levit. 23. saliin, Fr. saillir, sally, prompt. 441. salt, A.Sax. sealt, O.L.Germ. O.Icel. Goth, salt, 0. H.Germ. salz, salt, sal, a. r. 138; Orm. 1002; Langl. b 16, 422; Iw, 414 salt sande 2047: pet zalt ayenh. 242; sealte fdat.J Shoreh. 9. salt, A. Sax. sealt, O.Icel. saltr, salt, "sal- sus\ prompt. 441; pe salte se Havel. 1305; salte fplj Orm. 13849; Mand. 156; salte teres Chauc. C. t. a 1280. saltiu, A.Sax. syltau, salt, ^^salire\ prompt. 441; salte Mand. 149; salte, selte, silte fpret.) I h. r. 58 Sf 59. salve see salfe. salwe, salowe, A.Sax. salu, O.Tcel. solr, 0. Dutch saluwe, O.H.Germ. salawer, salloiv, fuhus, luridus, prompt. 441. salwe see salhe. sain-, A.Sax. O.Icel. sam-, Gr. otfia? samrsed, A.Sax. samraed, O.Tcel. samracTa, concors. somrednesse, A. Sax. samraeduess, con- cordia, a. r. 254. somrune colloquium, La'). 5479. samtale concors, Orm. 1535. sam-, A.Sax, O.L.Germ. sam-, O.H.Germ. sami-, Lat. semi-, Gr. YJjjit-, sam-. samded semimortuu?, Roh. 163, 19. same, Goth. O.H,Germ. sama, O.Tcel. samr, Sanscr. 3[T^Xr, Gr. 6|jl6c? same, idem, p. I. s. XXV, 178; Langl. I 3, 54; pat same londi Man. 136, 7; of pe same tree Mand. 11; of pa same stanes Orm. 9914; some rel. ant. 2, 281. samed, A. Sax. Isamod, somod, samed, so- med, O.L.Germ. samad, samod, samed, Goth, samap, O.H.Germ. samant? simul, una: pe ba somed Igesinge speken La'). 3068; pet halt pe gode somed a. r. 254; somet Marh. 15. sameii, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. O.Icel. saman, Goth, samana, si7nul, conjunctim, st. gen. 40; Iw. 1417; Man. 88, 6; a. p. 2, 400; pe3 bape samen cpemden god Orm. 377 : ie weron alle samen at Liiicolne Havel. S79; same Degrev. 1396; somen h. m. 43; avow. Arth. XXVII, 9; ha somen jseiden Kath. 532. samue? at somne, ^.>S^/^. aet samne (somne), O.L.Germ. at samne (samna), una, ad^ tmum. La). 24146; to somne, to sumne, " A.Sax. to somne, O.L.Germ. te samne, . O.H.Germ. ze samana, 2ma, ad unum, La). 61 Sc 1393; to samen Orm. 649; in same in unum, Rich. 4386; li h. disc. 2097; p. r. I. p. 141; i some Eoh. 40, 10; c. I. 1418. samiiieii, A.Sax. samnian, somnian, O.Fris. samna, samena, O.L.Germ. samnon, 0. II. Germ, samanon, sam, conjungere, colli- gere; samnen Orm. 3285; samne a. p. 2, 53; somnien, sumnien La). 19183 ^- 30628; someni Roh. 568, 7; samenand (part.) ps. 32, 7 ; somnede fpret. J La). 6398; Bel. 1879; samned Man. 3, 5; samned (part-.) Am. a. Amil. 415; same- ned Havel. 2890; comp. isamnien. samninge, A.Sax. samnung, somnung, O.H. Germ, samanunga, assemhly, congregation^ rel. ant. 1, 23; samning Man. 3464: samening st. gen. 458; somnunge h. m. 9. saumple, for esample, Wicl. Esth. 1. samplere, for esamplere, Lat. exemplar, sampler, Parten. 2947. sand, A.Sax. sand, sond, O.L.Germ. sand, O.Icel. sandr, O.H.Germ. sant, sand f sond J, arena, sahulum, Orm. 14802; sond a. r. 402: St. gen. 2718; Havol. 708; pat sond La"). 123. sandchisel Mat. 7, 26. Sandwich, A. Sax. Sandpic, Sandwich, Roh. 300, 22. sande, A.Sax. sand, sond fmissio, legatus?), M. H. Germ, sande fmissio J, mission, mes- sage, 7nessenger? m. h. 8; he sent his sande fra tonne to tonne Isiimh. 689; sand Trist. 3, 5; sande, sonde La"). 3125 ^' 4971; sonde a. r. 190; h. h. 150: Langl. h 3, 349; s. s. ed. Wr. 340; a, p. 1, 942; sone se hire sonde com a- 3ain ITath. 153; sonde ''daps', fragm. 4y 16; sond ''missio\ prompt. 464; gon sandi Satern 415 on sond Ipom. 2263; of ever ilc sonde . . . liidst and best, he. giif Benjamin st. gen, 2296; sandes man f? ms. sanderr mann) messenfjer, Orm. W383; sondes mon Zrt^. 13596; a. r. 190; sonden /^^/.y La^. 4661; a. r. 246; hper beod pine disches mid pine spete sonde r. s. V, 106; of alle his sonde |>r. c. 3636. sondmon messenger, Lay 12747 . soiiili^ A. Sax. sandig', sandg, MancL 34. saiig^ A.Sax. sang, song", 0. II. Germ, sang", O.lcel. songr, Goth, saggvs, from singen, song (sang J, cantus, Orm. 3923; Iiv.396; pr. c. 9264; mir. pL 161; zang ayenh. 68; song Z^). 22701; Mark. 2; o. a. n. 7 13; comp. even-, lof-, uhtsang. soiigere^ A.Sax. sangere, O.JI.Germ. sangari, O.Icel. songari, cantor, horn. 2, 117. sanucii^ O.lcel. sanna (from sannr sooth), demonstrate, Orm. 11289. saiitreii saunter? santred and doubt^l Far- ten. 4663. sap^ A.Sax. seep, 0. Butch sap, O.H.Germ. saph, saf, sap, succus, transact. 18, 26; pet zep ayenb. 96. sape^ A.Sax. sape, O.Dutch sepe, O.JI.Germ. seipha, soap, horn. 1, 63; sope 'a. r. 66; Boh. 6, 19; Langl h 14, 6. saphir^ Fr, saphir, sapphire, spec. 26; sa- lirs fpl.j ayenb. 77. sapi sappy, prompt. 441. sar, A.Sax. O.lcel. sar, Gbth. sair, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Gvrm. ser, sore, dolor, vulnus, Lay 7998; nopder sar ne sorhe Kath. 1170; sor a. r. 376; o. a. n. 1234; Havel. 234; p. s. 169; Alls. 4397; a. p. 1, 130; sor and blein st. gen. 3027 . sar^ A.Sax. sar, O.lcel. sarr, O.L.Germ. ser, O.H.Germ. serer, sore, gravis: pe king was on mode sar (sor) Lay 638; sOr a. ' r. 208; sare fadv.J Marh. 17, 18; Orm. 3809; pr. c. 7402; Percev. 1114; sare (sore) pu hit salt abuggen Lay 8168; sore st. gen. 1166; c. I. 314; him hun- grede swipe sOre Havel. 664; sore wepte sche Chauc. C. t. a 148; skvuve fcompar.J Lay 149; sarre a. r. 112; h. m. 27; Mtrc 1666; Wil. 2026; sorest (superl.) a. r. 382. sarlic (sorlich) surely. Lay 28467 . sarge^ Fr. serge, s^rge, Wic\ exod. 26. sarij, A. Sax. sarig, 0. II. Germ, serager,. sorry fsaaryj, Orm. 8946; sari Lay 166; Marh. 17, 14; pr. c. 3468; Percev. 168; sori "tri'stis", prompt. 466; a. r. 88; o. a. n. 994; st. gen. 974; Rob. 62, 7; p. s. 203; L-mgl. h 10, 76; sarine (ace. m.J horn. 1, 111; sarier (compar.) Iw, 2126; soriure a. r. 310; soriere p. I. s. XXIII, 106; JFtcl. genes. 40. ■ sarillche sorrily, Marh. 11, 32; sarili Lv. 431; soriliche a. r. 224. sarimod 5orry of mood. Lay 29791; sori- mod 0. a. n. 1218; st. gen. 3620. sarinesse sorriness, horn. 1, 103; sorinisse iJek. 1943. sarpelere^ O.Ir. serpeliere, sarplar, Lidg. m. p. 204. sat, A. Sax. sact, 0. L. Germ. 0. Icel. Goth. sat, O.H.Germ. saz, fpret.J sat, sedi, Orm. 6807; Bel. 1186; Chauc. C. t. a 616; Rich. 3464; Percev. 968; Lidg. m. p, 12; per he sset (sat) ... an his kine- benche La^y 9692; pe swike set (sat) a dun 12968; set a. r. 166; Kath. 139; pu sete a. r. 238; s£eten Orm. 16660; seten a. r. 268; Rich. 3471; seeten misc. 229; sete Brand. 6; Trist. 1, 60; sete fsubjunct J Bek. 1213; seten, A.Sax. seten, O.lcel. setinn, Goth, si tans, O.H Germ. (ge;Sezener, (part. J sitten, s. s. ed. Web 2649; Mire 1179; Wicl. LuJce 7; seten, siten Chauc. C. t. a 1462; siten ps. 126, 2; cofnp. iseten; deriv. sitten,^ set, setten, setel, saete. Saterii Saturnm: Saternes daig, A.Sax. Sseternes daeg, Mark 16, 1; Sateres dai Lay 13933"". 416 satin scale Saterda3, A. Sax. SseterdcCg, 0. Dutch Saterdag, Saturday, Orm. 4350; Sater- day p. I. s. IX, 199; Sater-, Seterday Langl. 5, 14; Saetterdaei La^. 13933. Saterni3t liol. 657 , 9. satiii^ Fr. satin, satin, (hauo. C. t. h 131 . saiif, Fr. sauf, save, ayenh. 36; Will. 868; sauf, sauve Bek. 434 <^' 435; save Roh. 54, 24. sauge^ O.Fr. sange, sage, ^^salvia\ prompt. 441; sacram. 585. saule see sawle. sause^ Fr. sauce, sauce, ayenh. 55; sanse, sauce ChauG. C. t. h 4024. sauvaciiiu^ O.Fr. sauvation, salvation, a. n 242. sauven^ Fr. sauver, save, a. r. 98; sauven, salviu Kath. 1025; saven c. I. 554. saveour, O.Fr. sauveour, saviour, Man. 5358. savete, O.Fr. sauvete, safety, c. I. 354. savour^ O.Fr. savour, savour, spec. 87 ; Chaue. C. t. d 2196; a. p. 2, 510; pr. c. 656; savur a. r. 102. savoureii^ Fr. savourer, savour; savoure Cham. C. t. d 171; savorej), savouretli fpres.J Langl. b 8, 108. sawe see sa3e. sawen^ A. Sax. sapan pret. seop, O.L.Germ. saian, sehan pret. seu, saida, O.II.Germ. saan, sahan, sAwan pret. sata, O.Fris. sea part, (e)seii, O.lcel. sa pret. seri, sadi, Goth, saian, saijan pret. saiso, soiv (saw), serere; sowen st. gen. 2347 ; Roh. 496, 6; sowen, so we Langl. 5, 548 (6, 33); sope 0. a. n. 1039; sapen (pres.) Orm. 5071; sawen ps. 125, 5; seop (pret.) horn. 1, 133; siep, sep 2, 151; sew Langl. ed. Wr. 8778; seu Roh. 470, 5; Mapes 347; m. h. 145; seopen p. I. s. Vill, 11; seowen (sewen) La:>,. 1941; sewe Roh. 21, 13; sawen (part.) pr. c. 445; sowen Chauc. C. t. c 375; comp. 3esawen; deriv. ssed. sapere, A. Sax. sapere, sower, sator, horn. 1, 133. saple^ A.Sax. sapel, sapul, sapl, saul, saple, saule, O.lcel. sala, O.L.Germ. seola, O.H. Germ, sela, Goth, saivala, soul, anima^ Marh. 3; Kath. 215; Orm. 1555; sawle a. p. 2, 1599; saule X«3. 27634; Shoreh. 41; Isumh. 733; ant. Arth. XVII, 12; pe sople, pec soule fragm. 5, 43 Sf 54; soule a. r. 10; st. gen. 486; treat. 139; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 9010; ])e soule lo- vep pe bodi so pat nevere heo nule him wende fro c. I. 1169; sople (gen.) hom. 2, 27; ml saule hele Hic/c. thes. 1, 167; saule (pi.) hom. 1, 119; zaulen ayenh. 1; soulen a. r. 30. sax (sex), A.Sax.- seax, O.lcel. sax, O.K. Germ, sahs, sax, La-i,. 15214; sex "cwJ- tellus\ fragm. 4, 12; Man. 7874; ssexe (dat.) La-). 5034; sexes (seaxes) (pi.) La-). 15252; saxes, sexes Roh. 125, 6 Sf 144, 12; comp. flint-, nseilsex. Saxe^ ^.Sax. Seaxa, Saxon ; Saxes (pi.) Lay 15219. Sexlond (Saxlond) Lay 15083. Sexleode Lay 15137. Saxisc, Sexisc Saxon, Lay 14143 ^^ 14979. scabbe^ A.Sax. scaebb(?), scah (shah), ^'scahies\ prompt. 442; scabbe, sbab Wicl. levit. 22; scab misc. 31; scabbe (dat.) Chauc. C. t. G 358 ; scabbes (i^l.) Latigl. ed. Wr. 14091; shabbes p. s. 239. scabbed scabbed, Havel. 2449; scbabbede (scabbide) schep Langl. a 8, 17. scaberge 'fourrer, Farlen. 2790; scauberk, scaubert scahhard, '^vagina', prompt. 443. scafohl^ skaffald, O.Fr. eschafaut, scaffold^ Chauc. C. t. a 2533. scaft see schaft. seal see schal. scald^ O.lcel. skald, poet; scaldes (pi.) Orm. 2192. scald en see under es-. scale (scale?), A.Sax. scealu (putamen, glu- ma), O.Dutch schale (schale ?) (putamen, gluma, squama, concha), O.II.Germ. scala scalle scade 417 (patera, concha, glumaj, O.Ied. skal (pa- tera, lanxj, scale f shale), ^'•squama\ prompt, 442; rel. ant. 1,7; schale testa, putamen, prompt. 443; I. c. c. SO; scOle *'lanw\ prompt. 449; a bolle oper a scole a. p. 2, J 143; a disch ine his one bond & a scoale (skale, schale) in his oder a. r. 214; mile wes i pere scale (scole) La^. 1182; in cupp(e) and schal(e) m. h. 120; scalen squamae, La"^. 21327 ; scales Gow. 1, 27 O; comp. nutescale. scalle^ O.Icel. ^2iS\\ ( sinciput, cahities), scall, '^squama', voc. 179 Sf 222; ^^ glabra', prompt. 442; Chauc. ed. Tyrwh. 439; to kepe his heved ... fro pe scalle Ilalliw. diet. 959. 8calli(l scalled (scald), "glahrosus\ prompt. 442; scalled browes Chauc. C. t. a 627 ; pe scallede ayenh. 224. scalope^ O.Fr. escalope, scallop; skalopis (pi.) d, Arth. 3474. scame see schame. gcanioine, Lat. scammonia, scammony, La^ 17740. seance? a seance (skaunse) askance, Chauc. C. t. d 1746. gcandle^ schandle, O.Fr. escandle, esclandre, scandal, slander, a. r. 12 Sf 380; sclaundre Jioh. 333, 20; sclaunder Will. 4045; sclondre ayenh. 6; sclaunder, slaunder prompt. 458. scant scant, '^parens', prompt. 442; skant mir. pi. 78. scare^ O.Icel. skari (damnum)? ure frenden to scare Za). 5835. scarlet^ O.Fr. escarlate, scarlet, Rob. 313, 1; Langl. 2, 13. scarmischen^ Fr. escarmoucher, skirmish; scarmish Parten. 2079. scarn^ 0. II. Germ, scern, O.Dutch scheme, O.Fr. escarn, escharn, eschern, scorn, ludi- brium, Lay 17307; skarn Orm. 4402; scorn ayenb. 22; schorn (scarn) a. r. 108 Sf 290; scorne '^derisio\ prompt. 450; skorne Mand. 212; schorne (dat.) s. a. c. ed. Wr. XTI, 27. schornleihter a. r. 344. scornllche Bek. 710. iicarnen^ O.H.Germ. scernon, O.Dutch scher- nen, O.Fr. escarnir, cscharnir, eschernir, scorn; scornin "derid&re^\ prompt. 450; scorni ayenh. 211; to scorne and tO scolde Langl. h 2, HI ; scarned (ms. scar- ned) (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 176; schorned a. r. 248; scornede (pret.) Bek. 80; scorned Man. 278, 10; schorned Will. 554; dep. Rich. 22, 26; skarned (part.) Orm. 7397 ; scorned Mand. 14. scomere scorner, Langl. ed. Wr. 13524; scornare "derisor\ prompt. 450. Kcxrniiige (scorninge) scorning, derisio. Lay 2791; schornung-e a. r. 200. scarp see scharp. scarre^ Fr. escarre, scar, "rima'\ prompt. 442; '^scopulus\ Wicl. 1 kings 14; see sker. scars^ O.Fr. escars, scarce, Bek. 274; scarse ayenb. 54. scate^ O.Icel. skata, scate, squatus, prompt. 443; rel. ant. 1, 81; schate voc. 254. seaterin^ A.Sax. scaterian, 0. Dutch scheteren, scatter (shatter, sketter), ^^spargere' , prompt. 443; schaterande (part.) Gaw. 2083; skatered ^^dissipavif, ps. 17 , 15; skatered (part.) Chauc. C. t. 12842; schaterid apol. 81; ischatred Arth. a. Merl. 553. scafl'e^ A.Sax. scada, sceada, O.L.Germ. sca- the (homo noxius, latro}, 0. Icel. skadi (nxa), O.H.Germ. scado (damnum), scath (scaith, skeath), noxa, damnum, homo no- xius, rel. ant. 1, 221; st. gen. 302; ne dCd heo noht muchel scade (scape) Lay 15784; per wuned pe scade (sec. text feond) inne pa/^r. pe) scended pas leode 25691; scape Havel. 2006; Rich. 5002; a. p. 2, 21; avow. Arth. XVI, 12; hit is scape Gaw. 674; scape, scathe '^dam- num", prompt. 443; scape, skape Langl. 53 418 scapel Scot > 4, 83 (96); scathe, skape Chauc. C. t. a 446; skape an. lit. 8; Man. 5179; scliape Will. 3084; oomp. waldscade. scadedede Lay 29578. skapelaes scathless, Orm. 11356; scapeles ant. Arth. XXXVII, 4. scaplich 7ioxious, Chauc. I. g. w. 1368. scadewerc La->,. 1547 . sca|>el^ Goth, skapuls, 0. H. Germ, scadeler, scathel fscaddlej, noxius, a. p. 3, 155. seaiti^ A. Sax. scaedig, noxious; comp.un- shapij. sca|>iii^ A. Sax. sceadian, Goth. (ga)ska])jan, 0. Icel. skada, 0. H. Germ, scadon, scathe, nocere, prompt. 443; skatlie Town. myst. 213; scaped fpret.J a. p. 2, 1776; ska- ped dep. Rich. 11, 26; skaped f part. J Orm. 4964. sceld see schiJd. sceort see schort. science^ Fr. science, science, pr. c. 5946; sciences fpl.J Chauc. Boet. 85. scip see schip. sclandre see scandle. sclat see slat. sclavine^ O.Fr. esclavine, pilgrim^ cloah, Horn ed. Lum. 1054; slavine Isumh. 497 . scleuder see slender. scliise see under es-. scof, O.Fris. schof, scoff, irrisio, Alis. 6986; Mire 902; scoffes (pi. J ayenb. 128. scd5, O.Icel. skogr, siha; scoghe fdat.J Alex. 3916; scOghes fpl.J ant. Arth. V, 1. scolde scold, jurgatrix, prompt. 449; Lanql. h 19, 279; e. T. 653; p. 51, 4. scoldeu 5(?o/^, jurgare; ao^oldiQ Langl. b 2, 81. scole, A.Sax. scolu, O.Icel. skoli, O.H.Germ. scuola, school, schola, a. r. 422; ayenb. 34; Langl. b 20, 271; Chauc. C. t. a 125. scolemaistre schoolmaster, Kath. 522. scole see scale. scoler^ A.Sax. scolere, O.S.Germ. scuolare, scholar, Mire 845; Chauc. C. t. a 3190. scorn see scum. sconde see schande. scoue see schene. sconce^ 0. Fr. escouse, sconce, ^^ahsconsa\ prompt. 450. scop, A.Sax. scop, O.K. Germ, scof, from schapen, poet; scopes (pi.) Lay 30615; comp. leodscop. scope, Swed. skopa, M. H. Germ, schuofe, scoop, ^^alveolus\ prompt. 450; scopes (pi.) Man. 8168. scopen scoop, haurire; do scope pis water Man. 8164. scorchen scorch; scorched (part.) Parten. 3678. scorcucR exurere? scorcned purh pe druhpe Orm. 8626. score, A.Sax. scor, O.Icel. skor, from sche- ren, score, incisura, numerus vicenarius, prompt. 450; Arth. a. Merl. 3109; Launf 419; ten score Langl. 10, 180 (11, 136); skore oper writ g. 362; schore dep. Rich. 9, 24; ani shore or hoi or reft Chauc. r. r. 2660; foure schore Will. 1102. scorel, sqverel, 0. Fr. escurel, esqvirel, squirrel, sciurus, prompt. 450. scorge scourge, prompt. 450; scourge Wicl. John 2; schurge a. r. 418; scourgen (pi.) Marg. 121. scorin, O.Icel. skora, score, prompt. 460. scorklin scorhle, '■^ustulare', prompt. 450. scorn, scornen see scam, scarnen. scorpioiiii, Fr., scorpion, scorpion, ayenb. 62. scot, A.Sax. scot, sceot, O.Fris. scot, schot, M.H.Germ. scho^, from scheoten, scot (shot), tributum, Rob. 296, 18; p. s. 71; Octov. 1282; pet scot ayenb. 51; schot s. a. c. ed. Wr. LXXIV, 73. Scot Scot ; Scottes, A. Sax. Scottas, 0. Icel. Skotar, (pi.) Lay W808. Scotlond, A.Sax. Scotland, Scotland, o. a. n. 908. Scotpeode Lay 20417. scotten scurved 419 scotten^ M. 11. Germ, scho^^en, participate, horn. 1,201; je schulen scotten mid him of his blisse ine heovene a. r. 348. scouleu see sculen. scourin^ Dan. skure, L.Germ. schuren, scour, Urgere, prompt. 450; scoure /. c. c. 9; schoure AUs. 3722. scoute^ O.Fr. escoute, scout, s. s. ed. Wr. 2218; hid. Gov. 136. scoute^ O.Icel. sktiti, scout, rupes; scoutes fpl.J Gaw. 2167. scrapien see schiapien. scratte, O.Icel. skratti, 0. II. Germ, scraz, scrat, hermaphroditus ; skratt voc. 217. scrattin scrat, ^'acalpere, scahere\ prompt. 450; scratte pr. c. 7378; scratted (pres.) a. r. 186''. screameii scream, h. m. 37; scremep f pres. J p. s. 158. scren^ O.Fr. escren, screen, voc. 197 Sf 260; prompt. 450. screnken see schrenchen. scrichen see schrlchen. scrippe^ O.Icel. skreppa, scrip, ^'pera\ prompt. 450; Horn 1069; Chauc. C. t. d 1737; scrippe, schrippe Langl. 5, 542 (6, 26 J. scripture^ Lat. scripttira, scripture, Chauc. JJoet. 382. scrid'^ A. Sax. scricle, O.Icel. ^\.n^ic fcursiisj, petitio, st. gen. 1419. scriiteii^ A. Sax. scridan, O.Icel. skrida, 0. L.Germ. scridan, O.H.Germ. scritan, gra- di: pa com Scottene king scriden to hi- rede La^. 10799; skripe Min. 20; scrad fpret.J La'i,. 4109; Tarbis him scrOd fad- ^ at J st. gen. 2695; scriden Lay 8405; comp. purhscriden. scrivener scrivener, prompt. 450. scrof see scurf. scrog^ Dan. skrog, 0. Icel. skrokkr? scrog, shrog, frutex? skrogges fpl.J d. Arth. 1641; shrog(g)es Town. myst. 110. scroggi scroggy; the wey was scroggi gest. Mom. 18. scroue^ O.Fr. escroue, scroll; scrope a. r, 282; scrowis fpl.J Wicl. Mat. 23. scrubben^ L.Germ. schrubben, Dan. skrubbe, scrub; scrobbep f pres. J Alis. 4310. scrud see schrud. seu(e)^ A. Sax. scupa, scua f umbra J, O.Icel. skuggi f umbra J, Goth, skuggva f speculum J? screen, shade, prompt. 450; skuez fpl.J Gaw. 2167. scuften? leten riht scuften (sufte) La\ 4131; & schuft his scheld on (h)is schul- der Will. 3290. scul, 0. II. Germ, scelaher, 0. Icel. skialgr fobliquusj. sculei^ed, A. Sax. sceoleged, skelly-eyedy straho, fragm. 3, 2. sculen^ A. Sax. (be)scylian, 0. II. Germ, sci- lehen, shelly, limis oculis spectare? schulen a. r. 210. sculen^ Dan. skule, L.Germ. schulen, Dutch schuilen, scowl: skoul(e) and stare pr. c. 2225; scoule f pres. J prompt. 450. sculkeii (sculken?), Dan. skulke, L.Germ. schulken, frotn sculen, as lurken from luren, sculk, latere; sculke ps. 38, 12; skulkep f pres. J Gow. 2, 93; sculkes pr. c. 1788: skulked fpret.J Man. 6976. sculkere sculler, rel. ant. 1, 133; sculcare prompt. 451. sculle = schelle ? scull, ^•cranium', prompt. 450; Beh. 2166; sculle, skulle Chauc. C. t. a 3935; schulle a. r. 296; scolle Rob. 16, 18. sciim^ scorn (scum, scorn?), O.Icel. skum, 0. II.. Germ, scum, scum, ^^spuma\ prompt. 449; scom rel. ant. 1, 52; scome fdat.J aymb. 44. scumiii^ 0. II. Germ, scumen, scum, spumare^ fms. scummin) prompt. 450. scurfy A.Sax. scurf, O.H.Germ. scorf, scmy fscrufj, prompt. 451; scrof voc. 179. scurte see schurte. scnrved^ A.Sax. scurfed, scabiosus: pe ssor- vede fprinted ssoruede) ayenl. 224. 420 scut schal scut scut, prompt. 461. scutele^ A. Sax. scutel, 0. If. Germ, scuzel, scuttle; scotile voe. 267. schabbe see scabbe. schad see schead. schade^ A.Sax. sceadu /., scsed gen. sceades n., O.L.Germ. scado, 0. II. Germ, scato, Goth, skadus m., shade, shadow, umhra, Roh. 107, 4; f. I. s. I, 38; schade, schadwe Chauc. C. t. h 7 fed. Wr. 4427 J; schade, scliadue Will. 22 Sc 764; scliadpe Hicli. thes. 1, 167 ; schadewe Mand. 16; shadepe horn. 2, 29; scheadepe a. r. 190; schadowe prompt. 443; schadue Alls. 2628; schadu Horn ch. 626; ssed ayenh. 96. schadoweu, A.Sax. sceadpian, Goth, (utar)- skadvjan, O.L.Germ. scado wan, O.R.Germ. scatewen, shadow, shade, ^^umhrare\ prompt. 443; ssedui ayetih. 97 ; schadewe]) fpres.J Mand. 167; schadewede fpret.J c. I. 876; schadowed a. p. 1, 42; co?np. bi-, umb- schadwen. schsBd see schead. schseuen^ A.Sax. scseuaii, O.lI.Germ. sceinaii, O.Icel. skeina, from schliien, hurst, break: sceldes gunnen scenen Lay 31234; scjfeii- den fpret.J Lay 6186; comp. toschgeneii. shse|)(;^ A.Sax. scsed, scead, O.Icel. skeid, O.lI.Germ. sceida, sheath, vagina, Orm. 14676; scsede (sepe) Lay 8177; schepe Rol. 136, 10; Mand. 86; schethe, sche- de prompt. 444; schede s. a. c. XVII, 6; IV. a. i. 40. schaft^ A.Sax. sceaft, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ. scaft, O.Icel. skapt, from schapen? shaft, "hastile\ prompt. 443; li h. disc. 930; schaft, shaft Chauc. C. t. a 1362; saft St. gen. 3899; scseft (scaft) Lay 6494; schafte fdat.J Fercev. 62; schaftes (pi.) Amad. ed. Roh. LV, 6; sceaftes (saftes) Lay 4228. schaftmonde, A.Sax. sceaftmund, palm, d. Arfh. 2646. schafte^ A.Sax. sceaft, O.lI.Germ. (ga)scaft, Goth, (ga)skafts, from schapen, creation^ creature, Kath. 239; shafte Langl. h 11, 387; safte st. geyi. 3628; schaft "^^- mentum\ ps. 102, 14; pulke schaft to underfonge c. I. 661; schafte, shafte fpl.J 0. a. n. 788; god ])at alle shafte (ms. shaffte) prohte Orm. pref. 68; sceafte, scefte ^. Is. VTII, 42; schefce Shoreh. 36; comp. frumschaft, 3escefte. scha^e^ O.Icel. iik2^^i fpromontoriumj? shaw ; schawe Flm\ 1604; schaje fgen.J Gaw. 2161 ; ^(^•aji;d(dat.) a. p. 3, 462; schawe Gow. 2, 46; Degrev. 1662; as goldfinch in pe schawe (shawe) Chatic. C. t. a 4367; schawes fpl.J Alis. 6109; Will. 178; Min. 48; comp. wudesca^e. schailiu^ scheilin shail f shawl, shewlj, loalk awkwardly, prompt. 443. schaken^ A.Sax. sceacan, scacan, O.L.Germ. *skacan pret. skoc, 0. Icel. skaka, shake f shack J, mov'ere, quatere; schake Alis. 4266; Flm: 1978; shake spec. 110; schake, ssake Rol. 26, 7 Sf 218, 12; ssake ayenh. 130; scake pr. c. 6410; ich muhte ... scheken ham ... of me a. r. 344; schok, shook fpret.J Chauc. C. t. a 2266; out of pe sadil he schok Percev. 694; schok, ssok Rob. 24, 21 Sf 208, 16; nes per nan biscop pat ford on his wsei ne scoc Lay 13246; schoke Man. 39, 16; schake, shake fpart.J Chauc. G. t. a 406; comp. a-, at-, toschaken (-sce- ken). schakle^ A.Sax. sceacul, scacul fcolumharj, O.Dutch schakel fanulus, macula J, O.Icel. skokull fskagiej, from schaken? shackle, '''■yiumdla', prompt. 443; scheakeles fpl.) a. r. 94. schaklin shackle, prompt. 443. schal, A.Sax. sceal, sceall, O.L.Germ. seal, O.Icel. Goth, skal, 0. II Germ, seal, scol, sal, sol, fpret. pres.J shall fsallj, debeo, Kath. 403; c. I. 364; Mand. 26; Wicl. schale schande 421 John 4; hit schal punche pe spete civ. 1, 229; seal (sal) Za^. 1247; seheal, sehel Shoreh. 1 Sf 108; seal, ssel (seeal) p. I s. VIII, 13 &i' 45; sal rel ant. 1, 132; st. gen. 12; s. s. ed. Wr. 268; Man. 37, 18; pr. c. 34; m. h. 11; sal, sel Hick. thes. 1, 223; voryef me pet ich pe ssel ayenb. 115; xal lud. Cov. 216; schalt Eath. 516; pu schalt idllQ (cades) 0. a. n. 956; pou sehalt (shalt) hit sone findeXXoc)> knight, soldier. Wart. hist. 2, 104; Gaw. 160; a. p. 2, 1029; scalc (sec. text eniht) La->,. 19126; sealkes (pi.) La^. 4219. schalowe shallow, prompt. 447 ; shalow Far- ton. 739. schame^ A. Sax. sceamu, seamu, sceomu, seomu, O.L.Germ. 0. II. Germ, seama, 0. Icel. skomm, shame, '^verecundia, ignomi- nia\ prompt. 443; Bek. 11; Shoreh. 35; pr. c. 7 145; shame Orm. 7284; schame, schome «. a. n. 50; seame p. I. s. VIII, 84; seame, seome (same) Z«3. 448 ^^ 3493; same st. gen. 234; ssame ayenb. 8; schome Eath. 91; scheme & schonde chron. Engl. 329; shome h. h. 51 ; scheome a. r. 60; AUs. 7819; ha haved us alia scheome idon Jul. 72; comp. leodscome. shamfast, A. Sax. seamfaest, shamefast (shamefaced), Orm. 2175; scham-, scha- mefast CAaw(?. ('. t. a 2055; schamefast ^^verecundus\ prompt. 443; shamefast Hoccl. I, 431 ; lud. Cov. 124; ssamvest ayenh. 222; sceomefest fragm. 5, 8. sehamfastnesse ChauLc. C. t, a 840. scheomeful shameful, a. r. 302; sehamful Chauc. a t. c 290. schomelesis shameless, a. r. 170; shameles, -lees Langl. 3, 44 (45). scamelest impudentia, Mark 7 , 22. scheomelieh ignominious, a. r. 116; scham- li Will. 556; schomeliehe (adv.) r. s. VII, 9; schamllche Trist. 2, 32; sha- meliehe p. r. I. p. 229; shamelike Ha- vel. 2825; mid seomellehe witen Lay 20462. schamien^ A. Sax. sceamian, seamian, O.H. Germ, seamen, Goth, skaman, O.Icel. skamma, shame; schamin ^^verecundari'\ prompt. 443; and schamen al mi kinrede Chauc. C. t. 11869; it shal not shameu pe ^'non te pudehi£\ Wicl. Is. 54; sea- mien p. I. s. VIII, 83; ssamie ayenb. 229; schame pr. c. 7 159; scomien (sa- mie) La-i,. 25209; scneomien Marh. 7; scheomen a. r. 312; shamep (pres.) Orm. 18284; schamie (schomje) pe o. a. n. 161; pai ^Q^^wcaQ'-eruhescanf, ps. 6, 11; schamede ^^confmi\ rel. ant. 1, 8; sha- medest, sehomedest Lang . 3, 183 (189); shamed (part.) Orm. 1986; schamid and scheut And. 1; comp. u-, for-, ofscha- mien. schamil^ A.Sax. seeamul, O.H.Germ. scamal, shamble (skemmel), scabellum, rel. ant. 2, 176; schamel, scheomel r. r. 166^'; comp. fdtsceomel. shaude^ A.Sax. seeand, seand, second, scond, Goth, skanda, O.H.Germ. seanda, scanta, disgrace, ignominy, Orm. 11956; schonde 422 schanke schat Horn ed. Lum. 714; chron. Engl. 329; Rol. 63, 12; p. s. 221; Will odd; sconde (sonde) La-^. 453; sonde rel. ant. 1, 221. scliandlich ignominious, Arth. a. Merl. 4286; wid scondliclie deade La-^,. 2274. schanke^ A. Sax. sceanca, scanca, shanh, ''eras', prompt. 444; Man. 189, 12; sceonke fragm, 2, 15; shankes fpl.J Orm. 4775; Havel. 1903; schankes Chauc. C. t. 14613; schonkes Mire 892; sconken La^. 1876; schonken fdat. pi. J a. r. 258. schap^ A. Sax. (ge)sceap, O.Dutch schap, 0. Icel. skap, M.H.Germ. (ge)scliaf, shape (shapj, Jorma\ prompt. 444; Will. 2885; Chauc. C. t. a 1889; pe shap ne pe shaft Langl. ed. Wr. 7346; shap mem- Irum genitale, Orm. 5937 ; rel. ant. 2, 28; schape Jfath. 449; shape hom. 2, 67; scheape |^(^. C. t. a 369. schiren, A.Sax. sciran, O.lcel. skira, shire, char, bring to light: nes per nan swa hgeh mon pat durste word sciren fhring forth, utter J Lay 16822; schired & brilited pe heorte a. r. 384; god . . . de sode shire st. gen. 2036; eomp. i- schiren. schirte see schurte. schitei see schutel. schiteii, A.Sax. scitan, O.Dutch schiten, 0. lcel. sliita, M. H. Germ, schii^en, shite f slate J, cacare; schite rel. ant. 2, 176; shite]) fpres.J Alis. 6670; eomp. bischiten. schitteii see schutten. schive, O.Dutch seliive, M.H.Germ. schibe, schiven schort 429 shive, orhis, prompt. 447; a. r. 410^'; 8chife voc. 241; schives fpl.J I. c. c. 17. sehiyen^ O.Dutch ^d\uQ\\, M. II.Germ. schiben, = scheoven ? scliive ll^ic/. judges 16. schiverC; M. 11. Germ, scliiver, schever, 0. Dutch schevre, shiver fskiverj, ussula, prompt. 447 ; Chauc. C. t. d 184U; sbever Iw. 3234; - scifren, scivren fpl.J La\ 4537 c^' 27786; schevires Tor. 177. schiyeriii^ 0. Dutch sclievren, shiver, in assu- las finder e, prompt. 447 ; ther schiveren schaftes Cham. C. t. a 260 o; sclieverede fpret.J d. Arth. 1813; schivered, sclie- vered fpnrt.J Will. 3411 Sf 3616; sclie- verid Rich. 6309; comp. toschivereii. scho, A.Sax. scoo, 0. L. Germ, scoh, O. Icel. skor, Goth, skohs, 0. II. Germ, sciioh, scuocli, shod, calceus, r. s. I, 20; schoo prompt. 447 ; scho, sho Chauc. C. t. a 263; sho Orm. 10438; sso mjenb. 220; schii rel. ant. 1, 83; seeds fpl.J horn. 1, 37; scheou a. r. 362; sclion Will. 14; schoon Mand. 69; shoii Havel. 860; g. 369; shooii Langl. ed. Wr. 9681; son St. gen. 2781. shoppaiig- shoe-thong, Orm. 10387 . schode see sclieade. schoderen see scliuderen. schoin^ A.Sax. sceoiau, 0. II.Germ. scuolion, shoe, ^^calceare\ prompt. 447 ; sho Havel. 1138; scheoinde fpres. part. J a. r. 16; shoed, schod, ischood fpret. part. J Langl. 2, 134 (163 J; iscod La^. 7831. schoggiu^ 0. Dutch schocken, M. II. Germ. schocken, schucken, shog, shug, shock, shuck, ''agitare\ protjipt. 447 ; they schokke quatiunt, d. Arth. 4114; was schoggid "jactahatur\ Wicl. Mat. 14. schokke^ O.Dutch schocke, M.HGerm. scho- che, shod:, acervus, prompt. 447; voc. 264. schokkiii^ O.Dutch schocken, M. II. Germ. schochen, shock, acervare, prompt. 447; pei wille schokken hem to gidre Mand. 262. schokken see schoggen. scholde^ A.Sax. sceolde, scolde, 0. L. Germ. scolda, scolde, Goth, skulda, O.Icel. skul- di, skyldi, 0. II.Germ. scolta, solta, fpret.J should, dehui, Shoreh. 28; Mand. 6; i ne scholde do nC ping a3en his wille pat he ne scholde sigge pat ich wolde holi churche aspille Bek. 1602; scholde, shol- de 0. a. n. 381 ; til pat godes sune . . . him sholde on eorpe shsepen Orm. 268; scolde, scholde, sculde (soldo) La->,. 2079, 2084 Sf 3746; - cride on him pat he ssolde helpe hire Hob. 237, 18; 3if ure loverd demde him al efter rihtplsnesse . . . po scholde him ipurden a. r. 332; J)e stronge . . . pinen pet he schulde drien f which he was to endure J 112: sholde, shulde Latigl. h 3, 202; schul- dest Kath. 469; Will. 6194; pe scolden p. I. s. VIII, 164; pei sholden Havel. 1196; ssolden ayenb. 6; sulden st. gen. 967. scholdre see schuldre. schonie see schame. schonde see schande. schonieii see schiinien. schoiikc see schanke. schoppe^ A.Sax. sceoppa(?), shop, taherna, prompt. 448; schoppe, shoppe Chauc. C. t. a 4376; shoppe g. 368; ssoppe Rob. 641, 16; schoppes, shoppes fpl.J Langl. 2, 189 f213j. schord see scheard. schore^ A.Sax. score(?), O.Dutch schore, from scheren? shore, litus, Gaiv. 2161; a. p. 1, 230. schore^ 0. Dutch schore, shore, fulcimen^ prompt. 448. schore see score and schare. schoreii; O.Dutch schoren, shore, fulcire ; i- ssored fpart.J ayenb. 207 . schorn see scam. schort; A. Sax. sceort, 0. H. Germ, scurzer, short, ^^curtus, brevis', prompt. 448; Bek. 430 schortin sclireawiu 776'; schort, short Chauv. C. t. a 306; short Orm. 16279; pr. c. 774; short, scort 0. a. n. 73; scheort a. r. 146; eceort (sort) La^. 28624. ssorthede brevitus, ayenh. 99. scheortllche shortly, hreviter, a. r. 308; shortlike Orm. 12788; shortli pr. c. 4848. schortnesse shortness, prompt. 448. sehortin^ A. Sax. sceortian, short, shorten, "hreviare\ prompt. 448; schorten Man. 175, 21; schorte, sht>rte Chauc. C. t. a 791; scorted fpres.J horn. 1, 25; comp. aschortien. schot, A.Sax. (ge)sceot, O.Fris. scot, O.Icel. skot, O.II.Germ. scoz, from scheoten, shot, jacidum, telum. Alts. 3491 ; schot, shot Chauc. C. t. a 2544. schotwindowe sliding window? Chauc. C. t. a 3358. schot see scot. schoti'^ O.Dutch schote, from scheoten, shoot, Jactiw, s. a. c. X, 51; schote ^^tetanm\ prompt. 448; schotis (pi.) d. Arth. 3627 . schotieii^ A.JSax. scotiaii, O.Icel. skota, shoot, jaculari: scotien mid heore flan La'^. 16555; schote Will 178; Percev. 213; sliote pr. c. 1906; schotte d. Arth. 1992; schoted fpres.J h. m. 15; pei schoten Mand. 190. schottcnf ne gabbe pu ne schotte rel. ant. J, 183 (ynisc. 126). schoiir see schur. schoute see schiite. schoutiii shout, ''vociferarv', prompt. 448; shoute Chauc. Trail. 1705; Tor. J 854; mir. pi. 165. schovele, ^i.^S^'.r. sceofl, /rowschuvenV shovel, pala, I. h. r. 43; Rob. 99, 17; schoveles, shoveles fpl.) Langl. h 6, 192; comp. steorscofle. schoveler shoveler, prompt. 448. schovelin shovel, prompt. 448. schoweu see scheawen. schragge shrag, segmen; schragges fpJ.) d. Arth. 3473. schraggeii shrug, shreg, resecare; schragge fpres.) prompt. 448. schrapieii^ O.Dutch schrapen, M.H.Germ. schrapfen, scrape, scalperc, radere ; schrea- pien a. r. 116; shrapin Lidg. m. p. 184; schrapin, scrapin prompt. 450; skrape h. s. 7045; shrapep fpres.) p. s. 239; Jjangl. h 11, 423 ; scrapip niig. poet. 3; lud. Cov. 41 ; screpe fsuhjimct.) ayenh. 98; scraped fpret.) Triam. 392; comp. ut- scrapen. schreade^ A.JSax. screade, 0. Dutch schrOde, O.II.Germ. (a)scrota, shred f screed), segmen; screade Shoreh. 30; schrede prompt. 448; Arth. a. Merl. 1540; shrede Havel. 99; schreaden fjjl.) a. r. 416. schrcadeii^ O.Dutch schrOden, O.II.Germ: scrotan pret. screot, shred f screed), secare; shrseden Orm. 8118; schredin prompt. 448; schrod fpret.) Chauc-. C. t. ed. Wr. 8103; pei schrede Degrev. 293; ant. Arth. XLIV, 10; [schredde Wich 4 kings 4;] schrede fpart.) d. Arth. 2688; comp. of-, toschreden. schreadieii^ A.Sax. screadian, shred fscreed), secare? scradied fimperat.) La^. 5866. - schreawe shrew; schrewe ^'pravus', prompt. 449; treat. 133; Will. 4643; s. s. ed. Wr. 1705; Cham. C. t. d 291; schrewe levedi p. I. s. XIII, 202; shrewe Langl. h 10, 437; ssrewe ayenb. 32; schreawes fpl.) Shoreh. 108; schrewes Mire 1481; schrewis Amad. ed. Robs, XXXIX, 5; schrewen Brand. 22; ne lust me pip pe screpen chide o. a. n. 287. schreuhede pravitas, p. I. s. XX Ti', 31; Shoreh. 158. schrewin shrew, ^^depravare', prompt. 449; i schrewe 30U Chauc. C. t. d 446; schre- wed folk Chauc. Boet. 398; schrewede havenes Mand. 46; schrewede aventures Rich. 267 8; comp. bischrewen. schrede schuderen 431 schrede see schreade. schredeii see schreaden and schrftden. sclireneheii^ A.Hax, screncaii, O.H.Germ. screncheii, supplant, deceive, Jul. 34: screnche p. 1. s. VTIT, 167: screnken Orm. 11801: schreiicte fpret.J Kath. 11H9; comp. aschreiiclieu. schricheu^ O.L.Germ. scricoii, Swed. ykrika, 8hriek, screech f shrike, scrihej : scriclien Flor. 454: m. t. 99: schrikin "vagire\ prompt. 449; shrike p. s. 158; Town, myst. 26: skiiche s. s. ed. Weh. 1290: skriko pr. c. 7347: schiichest, scrichest (pres.) 0. a. n. 223: sliriked horn. 2, 179; scrtken ant. Arth. X, 12; shrighte fpret.J AUs. 6738; Goto. 3, 321; Cham. C. t. a 2817; comp. biscbrlchen. scbrideii see schruden. schrift^ A.Sax. scrift fconfessioj, O.K.Germ. scrift fscriptiirij, O.Icel. skript (scriptura, pi dura, disciplina ecclesiasticaj, from schrl- ven, shrift, a. r. 8; scrift Za). 18390; schrifte "confessio", prompt. 449; Shoreh. 33; shrifte Orm. 9262. schriftfader p. I. s. X, 69. scrifte^ A.Sax. scrift, confessor, horn. 1, 19; schriftes fyen.J a. r. 418. schril^ L.Germ. schrell Brem. wb., shrill, argutus; shrille (adv./ Langl. c 7, 46; Orph. 102; sclirillc, shrille fpl.J Chauc. a t. h 4J8d. schrillen shrill, argute sonare ; schrillip (pres. J AUs. 777 : scrilles and scrikes ant. Arth. XLH, 3. schrimp shrimp, squilla, prompt. 449; sclirim- pes fpl.J Chaiw. C. t. h 3145. schrin^ A. Sax. scriu, 0. Icel. skrin, 0. II. Germ, serine, Lat. scrinium, shrine, AUs. 4670; schrine fdat.J Bel. 2434. schrinin lay in a shrine, ^prompt. 449; i- sclirined fpart.J Bek. 2426. schrinkeii^ A.Sax. scrincan(?), 0. Dutch sclirin- ken, shrink, se cantrahere^ sclirinke tnisc. 80: scrinkin Xa^. 2278; scrinkep /^/?r^«.y p. 8. 158; schrank fpret.J Gaw. 2313; schronk Chauc. Boet. 38; shrnnken fpart.J Gow. 1, 98; your shrunken lippis an. lit. 84; shrunke Lidg. m. p. 201. scbriveii; A.Sax. scrifan fpoeyiitentiam vel compeiisationem praescriberej, 0. Fris. skrl- va fscribere, compensationem imponerej, 0. Icel. skrifa fscribere, pingerej, 0. II. Germ. scriban fscriberej, Lat. scribere, shrive, poenitentiam vel compensationem praescribere, sua peccata conjiteri: icb chulle fr. puUe) scbriven me a. r. 340; he shal shrifen |)e Orm. 6128; scriven La^ 32074; schrive Shoreh. 33; shrife pr. c. 3508 ; schraf fpret.J m. h. 10; scbrOf a. r. 68; scbrof, shrof Langl. 3, 44 f 45 J; schriven fpaH.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 7022; shri- ven Havel. 364; comp. ischriven; deriv. schrift. ssrivere confessor, ayenb. 174. schrogge see scrogge. schrud^ A.Sax. scrud, O.Icel. skrud, shroud^ vestis, vestimentimi, r. 8. V, 3 ; shrud Orm. 17591; Havel. 303; scrud p. I. s. VIII, 183; pet ilke asroud ayenb. 258; schru- de fdat.J a. r. 300; schroude a. p. -2, 47; scrild (srud) fpl.J La\ 10180; schrft- des Marh. 19; shroudes Langl. b prol. 2; comp. kinescrud. schruden^ A.Sax. scr^dan, O.Icel. skrj^da, shroud, vestire, a. r. 214; scruden La.-^. 8945; shriide p. s. 153; shriden Orm. 3676; schride Mapes 337 ; shride Havel, 963; schrede Horn 718; Am. a. Amil. 934; ssrede ayenb. 90; scbrudde fpret.J Kath. 912; a. r. 302; shrid fpart.J Orm. 137; Havel. 978; comp. iscbruden. schruggin shrug, prompt. 449. schucke^ A.Sax. scucca, sceucca, diabolus, Marh. 7; a. r. 316; h. m. 41; scucke Lay 276; schucken fpl.J Jul. 56. schudde tugurium, prompt. 449. schuderen^ O.Dutch schuderen, shudder, hor- rere, Kath. 809; shoddrej) f pres. J spec. 432 schuhten schutten 1 10 ; schiidrinde (part. J Marli. Id; scho- deride (^rd.) d. Arth. 2 J Ob'. scliiihteii, M. II. Germ. schiu(li)zen ? terrere; schuchted fpres.J a. r. 312^\ schulil^ A. Sax. scyld, 0. Icel. skuld, skyld, 0. II. Germ, scult, from sclial, dehitum. sehuldi^ A.Sax. scyldig, O.II.Germ. sculdiger, from schukl, dehitus, reus, Kath. 2206; a. r. 206; h. m. 3d; comp. d8e]jshildi3. shuldre^ A.Sax. sculdor, O.Fris. sculder, 0. H.Germ. scultera, shoulder, humerus, Orm. 4776; schulder Will. 3290; a. p. 2, 981; shulder pr. c. 5206; slioldre Havel. 2738; schuldre fdat.J Bek. 2234; scul- dre (soldre) La'^,. 19127 ; ssoldren fpl.J Hob. 313, 7. scholderbon shoulder-hone, Octov. 1139. scliulderblad shoulder-blade, Iw. 2614. schiildreu shoulder; shuldreden fpret.J Ha- vel. 1056. schuleii see sculen. sehiille^ Germ, scliolle, Swed. skolla, plaice? Havel. 759. schunclieii shunch, terrere, consternare, Jul. 34; pe scliimcheil liine veor a pei a. r. 312; comp. asclmnclien. scliiiuicii (scliunien ?), A.Sax. scunian (scu- nian ?), shmi (scun), abhorrere, devitare, Kaih. 811; a. r. 82; h. m. 35; scimien La^. 14605; shunen Orm. 4502; suneii st. gen. 1864; schonye Langl. h prol. 174; schone Mapes 336; Jos. 490; d. Arth. 1719; scliunest (pres.) o. a. n. 590; schone I ) treat. 133; slionej) Alis. 4919; schoiies ^Weproba£\ ps. 32, 10; schimie fsubjunct.J a. r. 92; scunede (so- iiede) fpret.J La^. 3112; schuneden a. r. 286; comp. an-, bischunien. schiiiiteii sJmnt, consternari: J)e skerre liors . . . j)et schuntes a. r. 242^'; schuntes, schountes d. Arth. 1055 Sc 3816; schmit(e) fpret.J Gaw. 1902. schiip see scliip. schiipiie^ A.Sax. scypen, shippen, shuppen. stahulum; schipne, sliepne Chauc. C. t. a 2000. schuppcu^ schuppere see sclieppen, sclieppere. schiir^ A.Sax. O.II.Germ. scur m., O.Icel. skill* /., shower, nimbus, imber; schour Will. 4514; Trist. 2, 74; li h. disc. 1156; schour, shoiir Chiuc. C. t. a 3520; shures fpl.J horn. 2, 175; schoiires Man. 333, 9; shoiires Langl. b 18, 409. schurte^ O.Icel. skyrta, shirt, Bek. 260; scurte (seorte) Z«3. 23761; schirt(e) "in- ter ula', prompt. 447; schirte, sherte "su- bucula\ Wicl. levit. 8; scherte, sherte Cham. C. t. a 1566; sherte Langl. b 15, 330; sserte ayenb. 191. shurtelappe Iloi^n 1209. schurteu^ A. Sax. (ge)scyrtan ? M. H. Germ. schtirzen? schurted ou to gederes a. '■. 422. schiite^ A.Sax. scyte, O.Fris. schet, O.H. Germ, scuz, from scheoten, jactus, a. r. 62; pene scute L%-^. 1461; ech 3eres scute (germenj I. h. r. 28; ssute Rob. 537, 4. scjiutc, O.Dutch schuite, O.Icel. skuta, shout, lembus; shoute m. t. 120; schoute fpl.J Alis. ed. SL 484; schoutos Rich. 4785, schutel^ A.Sax. scytel, from scheoten, shuttle^ shittle, sagitta, radius; sc(hjitil, schetil pr.mpt. 447 ^ 470; schetil voc. 235. schutel^ A.Sax. scytel? shuttle, shittle; schi- til "praeceps\ prompt. 447 . sclmtcls^ A.Sax. scytels, sera; scutles horn. 1, J27. schutte^ A. Sax. scytta(?), 0. Dutch schutte, O.Icel. skyti, O.II.Germ. scuzzo, jacuiator, Sagittarius; scutter. fpl.J La^. 27046. schuttel^ A.Sax. scyttel, obex; schittil "pes- sulus'', prompt. 447; tvo ssetteles agenb. 94. schutleii^ A.Sax. scyttan, O.Dutch schutten, O.Fris. sketta, shut, obserare, Alis. 2640; shutte, shette Xrt?^^/. b prol. 105; schitte Wicl. Is. 22; ssette ayenb. 179; schette schuven 43^ fpret.J Chauc. C. t. a 3634; shitte Par- ten. 3295; schetten Will. 3267; schet (part. I a. p. 3, 462; ischet s. 8. ed. Web. 2436; comp. bi-, for-, tOschutten. schuveu^ A.Sax. scfifan, O.Fris. skuva, shove, trudere, a. r. 314; sctiven Lay 17396; shilfe horn. 2, 53; schef fpret.J misc. 51; Brand. 19; sc«f (sef) La^. 9366; scliof (schof?) Ans. 4250; s. s. ed. Wr. 1411; shof Eavel. 892; Goiv. i, 165; scufen (soven) Lay 20925; schoven AHs. 5889; schove Beh. 2241 ; shoven (part. J Gow. 3, 202; schove Cham. C. t. 11593; see scheoven; comp. utschuven; deriv. scheaf. se, A.Sax. se, O.lcel. Goth, sa, Sanscr. XT, Gr. 6, see Bopps vergl. gram. 345, ille: se fader hoyn. 1, 219; se king misc. 26; se de ille qui, Hick. thes. 1, 222; ze pet ayenh. 117; sie fms. sye), A.Sax. seo, sio, O.lcel. sia, su, Goth, so, ilia, Mark 13, 33; si (si?) eorde horn. 1, 239; si mirre misc. 28; zi pet ayenh. 102; si (Goth, si, O.L.Germ. O.lI.Germ. siu, sia, sie?) jeleste sume pile horn. 1, 235; see scheo. se see swa. se, O.Fr. sed, see, sedes; see Beh. 809. se, sea see S£e. seam, A.Sax. seam fsutura, sarcina), O.Fris. sam, O.lI.Germ. saum, soum (limbus, or a, sagma, sarcina J ^ O.lcel. saumr fsutura J, seam, sutiira, sarcina; seem prompt. 452; a seem of whete Langl. 3, 40 f41); seem Orm. 3724; pe coote was wipouten seem Wicl. John 19; searaes fpl.) hom. 1, 225; semes o. a. n. 775; st. gen. 1368; Will. 2554; Mand. 9. seamsere, A.Sax seamere, "sartor", fragm. 2, 44. sear, A.Sax. sear, M. IT. Germ, sor, sear; seer "aridus", prompt. 453; Man. 18, 25; seere braunches Chauc. r. r. 4749. seernesse "ariditas^ prompt. 453. seare, A. Sax. searo, 0. Icel. sorvi, Goth. sarva, O.H.Germ. (ge)sarwe, -serwe, ar- mour, apparel; sere hom. 1, 33. searien, A.Sax. searian, M. II. Germ, soren, sear ; seerin "arescere", prompt. 453 ; sere Mis. 796; serid fpart.J Lidg. m. p. 241; comp. asearien. seaiT, A.Sax. sead, O.Fris. sath, M.II.Germ. sot, puteus; seape, s^pe fdat.J fragm. 6, 26 Sf 7, 34; seaden fdat. pi. J Lay 841. seaw, A.Sax. seap, O.H.Germ. sou, succus, jus; sew voc. 266; prompt. 454; rel. ant. 1, 81; seew Wicl. genes. 27; sewe Gow. 2, 325; sewe fdat.J Gaw. 892; I. c. c. 43; sewes fpl.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 10381; comp. bursew, elesaep. sec see seoc. seclieii, A.Sax. s^-clian, aegrotare; secli fpres. suhj.J a. r. 50; isgecled fpart.J La^. 30549; iseclid Ber. 2583. secnien sicken, aegrotare; secned fpres. J a. r. 368; siiknede fpret.J Wicl. 4 kings 20; secned fpart.J Orm. 4771. secheii, A. Sax. secan, 0. Fris. seka, 0. Icel. scekja, O.L.Germ. sokean, Goth, sokjan,- 0. II. Germ, suocban, seek f seech J, quaerere. Lay 12863; a. r. 164; c. I. 26; seche 0. a. n. 1759; Rob. 209, 4; Will. 223; Mire 651; Gow. 1, 267; Mand. 59; Tor. 1013; he scholde pider seche Jos. 528; zeche ayenh. 94; siche(?) Marg. 28; se- che, seke Langl. prol. 47; Chauc. C. t. a 17 8^ 784; seken Orm. 2718; d. gen. 3598; sekin prompt. 451; seke Isumh. 130; seche fpres. J Marh. 14; secst hom. 2, 29; s6htQ fpret.J Kath. 976; spec. 41; fms. sohhte) Orm. 2942; souhte a. r. 130; sohten Lay 11168; 'soht fpart.J spec. 53; sOgt st. gen. 848; comp. a-, set-, an-, bi-, i-, of-, purh-, undersechen. sed see seed. sede see side. seg, A.Sax. secg, O.Dutch segge, sedge fsegjy ''ca/rex\ fragm. 3, 42; segge prompt. 55 434 seld 451; segge fdat.J o. a. n. 18; seggis fpl.J Wi'cl. genes. 41. seg^ A. Sax. secg, O.L.Germ. segg, O.Icel. seggr, vir, La->,. 8016; Will. 772; segge Langl. 3, 54 [63 J; a. p. 2, 398; ant. Arth. XXIII, 3. sege, O.Fr. sege, siege, a. r. 238; Jos. 292; Man. 5082. seggcn^ A. Sax. secgaii^ sagian, O.L.Germ. seggean, 0. Tcel. segja, O.R.Germ. sagen, say, dicer e, Kath. 635; Orm. 55; det is to seggen horn. 1, 127; segge o. a. n. 903; Hob. 17, 18; ShoreJi. 23; seggen, siggen, suggen Lay 512, 983 ^ 1164; siggen a. r. 24; sigge treat. 136; Alis. 4198; s. s. ed. Wr. 1708; suggen r. s. IV, 32; sugge e. I. 420; seggen, seye Langl. 3, 166 (172); seien h. m. 3; rel. ant. 1, 128; spec. 84; seyen Havel. 2886; seien, seigen st. gen. 1139 Sf 2494; sein prompt. 451; s. a. c. XII, 4; sein, seie Chauc. C. t. a 779 Sf 1151; ■ seye Mand. 2; Wicl. John 2; h. s. 37; sa3en rel. ant. 1, 186; sayen spec. 36; Mapes 347; saien an. lit. 3; sain Rich. 1339; seist fpres.J Kath. 392; seid a. r. 182; hit seid in pere tale Z^^. 22889; sigged a. r. 52; segge fsuhjunct.J o. a. n. 844; seide fpret.J La^. 672; Kath. 154; 0. a. n. 9; c. I. 860; Langl 3, 47 (48); Chauc. C. t. a 776; Wicl. John 5; sejde Orm. 149; seid (part.) st. gen. 2425; spec. 105; h. h. 15; comp. iseggen. seggere sayer; comp. sopsiggere. sehen visus? sehenlich, A. Sax. (ge)sepenlic, visible; seheliche (pi) Marh. 11; Kath. 250; comp. i-, unsehenlicli, -sepenlich. seht see saht. seien see seggen. sell, A. Sax. segl m. n., O.Icel. segl n., 0. L.Germ. segel, O.R.Germ. segal m., sail, ^^velum\ fragm. 2, 43; prompt. 451; La-^. 4595; Havel 711; Bel. 1837; seile (dat.) Chauc. C. t. a 696. seilclsed (seilclop) sail-cloth, La"^. 4549. seiljerd sail-yard, "antenna", fragm. 2, 43; prompt. 451. seil, A. Sax. sigle, (in)segele, Goth, sigljo, Lat. sigillum, seal, h. m. 11; seel pro- clam. 7; Mand. 231; comp. inseil. seilicu^ A. Sax. seglian, O.R.Germ. segelen, O.Icel sigla, sail, vela dare, La'>,. 25525; seyle Mand. 305; seileden (pret.) Alis. 5640. seelin^ A. Sax. (in)seglian, Goth, sigljan, seal, "sigillare', prompt. 452; sele lud. Cov. 340; iseilet (part.) Marh. 5; isea- led a. r. 388. seini see saim. seine^ A. Sax. segn, Fr. signe, sign, signum, Lay 9282''; Jos. 197; Man. 10162; signe Bek. 411; Will 3213. seine^ A. Sax. segne, O.L.Germ. segina, 0. Fr. seine, Lat. sagena, sein (sean), voc. 159; saines (pi) Alex. 4271. seinian^ A. Sax. segnian, O.R.Germ. segenon, O.Icel signa, O.Fr. soigner, sign (sain), signare, hom. 1, 127; saine Flor. 297; Percev. 287 ; i sal seine "benedicam\ ps. 62, 5; and seyned him swipe Langl h 5, 456; iseined wip tire seel proclam. 7; iseinet (printed isemet) Marh. 23, 18. seisen see saisen. sek, O.R.Germ. sech, '-'■vomer', voc. 234. seeken^ siiken, 0. R. Germ, siuchan, "aegro- tare\ Wicl 1 kings 30. seken see sechen. sel see ssel. selil, A. Sax. seld, sedes, hom. 1, 93; selde (dat.) Lay 25988. seld, A. Sax. seld, raro; seldere (compar.) hom. 2, 207. selcud, A.Sax. sel-, seldcud, selcouth, raro notus, mirus. Lay 280; st. gen. 3972; selkud a. r. 8; selctip Orm. 19217; selcoup Alis. 154; selkoup Langl ed. selden sellen 435 Wr. 7309; pe selcoupe sijt Will 2329; selcouthe maners pr. c. 1618. seldh-ponne, A. Sax. seldhponne, raro, a. r. 428. sellic, A. Sax. sel-, syl-, seldlic, O.L. Germ. seldlTc, Goth, sildaleiks, marvellous^ st. gen. 466; sellich an. lit. 96; sel- llch, sillich (sulllch, seolllch) La"). 6438 Sf 7328; selli Trist. 1, 8; s. a. ed. Weh. 248; Iw. 107; Man. 174, 2; sellic fsuhst.J p. I. s. VIII, 92; La^. 23050: sulllc horn. 7, 171; of selllche (seolliclie) plsdome o. a. n. 1299. seldsene, O.Icel. sialdsenii, seldseen, raro visihilis? seltseue h. m. 27; our speclie schal beoii seldcene a. r. 80. seldspeche rara loquela? a. r. 76. selden^ A. Sax. seldan, seldon, seldum, 0, Icel. sialdan, O.H.Germ. seltan, seld, sel- dom, raro, Orm. 8468; rel. ant. 1, 180; Gmv. 1, 30; Octav. 72; Hoccl. I, 165; pr. c. 260; selden, seldom Langl. 7, 137 (8, 124 J; seldum st. gen. 2181; seldom prompt. 452; selde Lay 8018; a. r. 72; 0. a. n. 944; Flor. a. Bl 462; Cham. a t. a 1539. sele, A. Sax. seolh, O.Icel. selr, O.H.Germ. selach, seal, phoca, prompt. 452; Havel. 755. seelskin seal-shin, rel. ant. 1, 51. sele, A. Sax. sele, O.L. Germ, sell, O.Icel. salr, domus; comp. leaf-, wunsele. sele^ O.Icel. sell, O.H.Germ. silo, seal, epirhe- dium, helcium, prompt. 452; sile st. gen. 2978. self, A.Sax.&Q\i, seolf, silf, sylf, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. self, O.Icel. sialfr, O.H.Germ. selber, Goth, silba, self, ipse: lie is god self Kath. 1093; heo pas hire self per imong 1579; pe biscop self Ortn. 1022; self bis kinde st. gen. 1806; self ffor selfe?) de fon 2610; god self . . . seip Shoreh. 23; what man self es pr. c. 128; 36 self h. s. 6301 ; zelf agetib. 59; he seolf Lay 10958; heo seolf //or seolfe?) 5990; sulf a. r. 56; pu sulf o. a. n. 497; pO com our loverd silf p. I. s. XIX, 290; pe selve duk Will. 1368; pe suIyb mCder a. r. 328; selven fdat. m.) Kath. 1130; & seidest pe selven 631; of mi selven Isuml. 120; of pe seolven Marh. 4; sulven a. r. 296; selve li h. disc. 75; at pe selve hx\%Q Flor. a. Bl. 21; seolve Alis. 2323; pe seolve hit turnep t6 grome o. a. n. 1284; sulfne /^«cc. m.) p. I. 8. VIII, 7 ; seolfne, sulfne, seolven, sulven («eoive) Lay 493, 1865, 8333 Sf 8457; pe selfen Orm. 4469; purh god selfen 4131 ; and make him selven wood Chauc. C. t. a 184: he huld him silve forlore Beh ^63; seolve (pi.) Lay 25381; pise selve word(e)s Will. 889; pe sulve stottes 0. a. n. 495; selven fdat. pi. J Kath. 1298; & beon eow selven rlche Lay 5802; selven, selve Langl. 5, 33 {43 J; to us sulven a. r. 302; selven face. pi. J Kath. 362; fts selfen Orm. 12970; seolven Lay 5199; puruh lis sul- ven a. r. 248; for ous silve Bek. 1668. seolfcpale, A.Sax. sylfcpala, suicide, horn. 1, 103. silfgren silgreen, voe. 265. selfwille, O.H.Germ. selbwillo, self-will^ p. I. s. XXXI, 195. selfwilli, O.Dutch selfwillig, following his own will only, prompt. 452. sell see sseli. selk see silk. selleu^ A.Sax. sellan, syllan, O.H.Germ. sellen, O.L.Germ. sellien, O.Fris. sella, O.Icel. selja ftradere, venderej, Goth, sal- jan (^ustv), from sale, sell f sill J, trader e, vendere, Orm. 6345; sellen, sille WicL genes. 47; sellin prompt. 452; selle apol. 9; zelle agenh. 36; selle, suUe Langl. 3y 189 fl95); seoUen, sullen Lay 30707 Sf 31053; sullen a. r. 190; suUe Roh. 223, 8; p. 8. 151; sille p. I s. XXIII, 436 sellere senwe 130; sealde fpret.J Shoreh. 47; salde, sselde (solde) La^. 10020 Sf 13437; salde Iw. 1703; pr. c. 4849; solde a. r. 398; st. gen. 1843; Brand. 25; sealden, sal- den hom. 1, 91; salden Orm. 16557; sold f part. J Langl. ed. JVr. 11089; cjmp. isellen. sellere, O.Fris. seller, seller; selleres fpl.J ChauG. C. t a 248; Mmid. 86. selliuge selling, '■^venditio\ prompt. 452. seljie see s^lpe. selver see silver. sem see seam. semelin, for assemblen? g. 47; semble d. Arth. 63; sembled fpart.J Will. 2147. seme, O.Icel. soemr, convenient, decent, Gaw. 1085; a. p. 2, 549; comp.^ iseme. semelich, O.Icel, soemiligr, seemlij, li h. disc, 849; semlich a. r. 94^"; Gow. 3, 299; semeli ^'■decens\ prompt. 452; pr. c. 73; semli, semeli Chauc. C. t. a 751; semli Isumh. 268; simli Tor. 126; pi semllche schape Kath. 449; pat sem- liche child Will. 49; semelike ("adv. J st. gen. 1504; semloker fcompar.J Gaw. 83; semlokest (superl.) spec. 27; semelokest ant. Arth. VI, 1. semelinesse seemliness, ^^elegantia\ prompt. 452. semen, A. Sax. seman fcomponere, reconcilia- rej, O.Icel. soema fdecerej, seem, convenire, decere, apparere, spec. 32; preostes heo per setten as perto mihte(n) semen X^). 10207; fendes made hem semen to ben so hole Mand. 284; seme o. a. n. 187; semep fpres.J Orm. dedic. 66; Langl. prol. 32; pat semip pe wel nug. poet. 56; semip non to hur but he Eglam. 112; semes Havel. 2916; me semes Will. S20; pine eyen semen dede Chauc. Troil. 6761; semde (pret.) a. r. 112"^'; Will. 2880; ac semdest me mid sunne fragm. S, 12; semden Marh. 9, 3; comp. bi-, isemen. semen, A. Sax. seman, s^man, from seam, onerare; semde (pret.) Shoreh. 85. sen see seon. senat, Fr. senat, senate, fms. senaht) Za). 25388. senatour, Fr. senateur, senator, Roh. 201, 5; senaturs fpl.J La^. 25337. seuchen, A.Sax. sencan, O.K.Germ. senchen, from sinken, make to sink, merge, Jul. 79; in sunne ant sore we i am seint s'pec. 24; Gomp. a-, bisenchen. sendal, O.Fr. sendal, a rich stuff, Chauc. C. t. a 440; p. I. s. I, 11. senden, A.Sax. sendan, O.L.Germ. sendean, O.Icel. senda, O.K.Germ. senten, senden, Goth, sandjan, from sande, send, mittere, La::^,. 27879; a. r. 422; St. gen. 1683; ChauG. C. t. a 2976; sendep fpres.J Brand. 13; sent a. r. 246; treat. 136; sende fpret.J Kath. 48; Orm. 1861; Ha- vel. 136; p. s. 248; sendest h. h. 211; send fpart.J Orm. 97; sent Langl. h 17 , 146; comp. a-, bi-, i-, ofsenden. sendinge, M. H. Germ, sendunge, sending, "missio\ prompt. 452. sendren see sindren. sene, A.Sax. sien, sfn, O.L.Germ. siun, 0. Icel. sion, s^n, Goth, siuns, from seon, visus, hom. 2, 25; Orm. 9394; ich habbe gode sene o. a. n. 368; comp. an-, eah- sene. sene, A.Sax. (ge)sene, syne, O.Icel. s^nn, seen, visihilis, ^^manifestus\ prompt. 452; Orm. 2173 ; Havel. 656; spec. 58; Langl. h 1, 147 ; Chauc. C. t. a 134; comp. ed-, seldsene, isene. sene^en see sunejen. sengen, A.Sax. (be)sengan, M.H.Germ. sen- gen, from singen, singe ; sengin ^^U8tulare\ prompt. 453; senge Chauc. C. t. d 349; zengp fpres.J ayenh. 229; seind fpart.J Chauc. C. t. b 4035; comp. bisengen. senne see sunne. senwe see sinewe. seo seoven 437 seo see am. seoc, sec, A.Sax. seoc, s^c, O.L.Germ. seok, O.Fris. siek, siak, O.Icel. siukr, Goth. siuks, O.II.Germ. siocher, sich f seek J, aeger, Orm. 6165 Sf 8073; seoc, sec (seac) La^. 2794 8f 6781; sek at. gen. 1175; an. lit. 7; pr. c. 772; m. Arth. 158; seek prompt. 451; Mand. 11; sacram. 556; sec, sic a. r. 176; sek, sik Cham. C. t. ed. Wr. 7174 Sf 7350; sik BeL 892; siik Wicl. John 4; zik ai/enb. 148; pe sike man Shoreh. 29; seeke fpl.j HocgI. I, 409; sike Langl. h 15, 568; seccure fcompar.J a. r. 46. sekli sickly, Will. 1505; seekli Roccl. T, 15. seocnesse, A. Sax. seocness, sickness, La'). 19303; seknesse Mand. 89; secuesse, slcnesse a. r. 178 Sf 182; siknisse Brand. 14. seolf see self. seolk see silk. seoher see silver. seon, sen, A. Sax. seon, O.Fris. O.Icel. sia, O.L.Germ. O.II.Germ. sehan, Goth, saih- Yan, see, videre, Orm. 47 ^^ 318; seon, sen, see Langl. 1, 146 (170); sen st. gen. 279; Rich. 129; sen, seen Chauc. C. t. a 1709; suen spec. 100; seo h. h. 221; to zienne ayenh. 108; sixt fpres.J treat. 134; c. I. 8; Shoreh. 140; sext s. s. ed. Wei. 362; sest Kath. 1074; Ha- vel. 534; sihp, sip 0. a. n. 950; sijp treat. 133; 30 seop Bek. 897; we seep (seth)^ Langl. b 3, 216; sah fpret.J Orm 148; sag st. gen. 26; sauh Man. 31 11; saugh Mand. 24; Tor. 1718; sauh sau3, saw, sei3, sey, say Langl. 5, 10 saugh, seigh Chauc. C. t. a 193 Sf 850 sau Mapes 336; rel. ant. i, 61; saw Percev. 873; say Eglam. 380; seh Kath. 173; spec. 41; se3 Bek. 28; a. p. 1, 158; seih c. I. 369; seigh Alia. 5718; sey Degrev. 1567; see s. s. ed. Wr. 480; s. a. c. LXXIV, 10; se Aud. 78; sigh Gow. 1, 46; pou se3e Shoreh. 83; se3e, sei3e, seye Langl. 8, 75 (9, 66 J; sawen Mand. 91; sogen, sowen st. gen. 3108 Sf 3522; sowen Havel. 1055; S£e3hen Orm. 3342; sehen Kath. 280; se3en p. I. s. VIII, 49; seghe Isumb. 17; sie Octav. 466; se3e fsubjunct.J trdat. 135; sei3e Langl. h 5, 86; se3hen (part.) Orm. 3335; sei3en, seyn Langl. b 10, 68; seien, seie Will. 264 Sf 5003; seyn Matid. 70; Chauc. C. t. h 172; Eglam. 450; se3e transact. 18, 23; sewen st. gen. 1195; comp. an-, bi-, for-, i-, of-, ofer-, purhseon; deriv. sene, siht. seon, A. Sax. -seon, = sihen, sey, colare: pet rede blod seh at hom. 1, 121. seere, Germ, seher, seer, Wicl. 2 kings 15. seor^e see sor3e. seocteii, A.Sax. seodan, O.Icel. sioda, O.Fris. siatha, O.II.Germ. siodan, seethe; sethin ^^coquere', prompt. 454; sepe Rich. 1493; Chauc. C. t. a 383; p. 43, 1; sepen fpres.J Mand. 129; sepe fsubjunct.J a. p. 2, 631; seopinge fpart.J Marg. 251; sed fpret.J st. gen. 1487 ; sep Itc. 1699; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8103; suden La^. 20978; soden Brand. 8; soden, so pen Langl. b 15, 288; soden fpart.J Rich. 3069; Mand. 251; sopen Iw. 1701; sode Will. 1849; isode Brand. 8. seoittteu see sippen. seoTen, seove, A.Sax. seofon, seofone, Goth. O.II.Germ. sibun, O.Fris. siugun, sigun, O.Icel. siau, seven fsovej, septem, La^. 463 Sf 7 16; seoven, seove, seovene a. r. 22, 62 ^ 27 8; seovene 7msc. 59; seofen, sefen Orm. 545 Sf 8753; seven Kath. 1680; seven, sevene Langl. 4, 73 f86j; seaven mir. pi. 7 ; sevene Hick. thes. i, 222; Havel. 2125; Shoreh, 45; seven ho7n. 1, 13; sove treat. 132. sefenfald sevenfold, Orm. dedic. 267; seo- vevald Marh. 23; seovevold a. r. 38. 438 seovede setten seoventene seventeen, La^ 2140; seven- tene Arth. a. Merl. 8906. seofenti3, A.Sax. seofontig, seventy, Orm. 4319; seoventi a. r. 62; seventi st. gen. 706. seventipe, A.Sax. seofontigoda, seventieth, Rob. 282, 21. seoveite, A.Sax. seofoda, O.R.Oerm. sibendo, O.Icel. siaundi, seventh, septimus, Marh. 8; a. r. 14; sevepe Horn 927; Jos. 577; sovejje treat. 138; sefpe p. I. s. II, 97; sefte lud. Gov. 83; sevenpe Havel 1826; Langl. ed. Wr. 9631; Chauc. C. t. a 1462; sefende Orm. 4464; sevende st. gen. 446; Shoreh. 62; pr. c. 362. seowen, A.Sax. seopian, O.H.Germ. siuwen, (rOi^A. siujan, Lat. auere, sew /sowj ; sewe Urn. 69; dep. Rich. 20, 14; sewe, sowe Langl. 6, 9 (7 , 9 J; sowe fpres.J prompt. 466; seouped (imperat.) a. r. 420; se- wed, sowed (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 686; comp. iseowen. sewstare ^'sutrix\ prompt. 464. sep see sap. sepulchre^ Fr. sepulcre, sepulchre, misc. 62. ser^ O.Icel. ser, seer, several, particular, Orm. 18663; avow. Arth. X, 4; sere (pi. J Flor. 331; Gaw. 822; p. r. l. p. 139; pr. c. 48; seere Man. 19, 3. serlepes severally, Orm. 613; Gaw. 601. serilclie, Dan. s^eiiig, particularly? Will. 2149. sep see sear. sere see seare. sergant^ O.Fr. serjant, = servant, sergeant, misc. 33; sergeaunt pr. c. 6084; d. Arth. 1173; sergont, serjont ayenh. 32 Sf 188; serganz fpl.J Havel. 2088. sei'^e see sor^e. serk, A.Sax. serce, syrce, O.Icel. serkr, sarJc, indusium, Havel. 603; serke Langl. 6, 48 (66 J; p. T. I p. 128; Em. 60U- serke (dat.j s. s. ed. Wr. 1391; wipoute serke Gam. 269. sermon^ Fr. sermon, sermon, ayenh. 20; ser- mtin misc. 187 . serpent^ Fr. sei-pent, serpent, p. I. s. III., 26; Chauc. C. t. d 1994. seryaunt^ Fr. servant, servant, a. p. 1, 698. servient Fr. servir, serve, a. r. 12; serven st. gen. 6; Havel. 1230; serf en Onn. 47i; served (pres J Kath. 2104. servise, Fr. service, service, Lay 8071; a. r. 312; St. gen. 1672. ..^erwe see sorje. sesouii^ Fr. saison, season, Will. 29; sesom, sestin Langl. prol. 1. set^ A.Sax. O.Icel. set, O.H.Germ. sez, /rom sat, set, sedes ; sete fdat.J transact. 18, 26; sette a. r. 368; mi^^fdat. pl.J La"^. 30841. setraeijel '^tapete\ fr^gm. 4, 9. set see sat. sete = ssete, proper? I. c. c. 8 ; sete, seete spec. 89 S^' 114; sete for mannis oodi g. 397 ; comp. unsete. sete see s&te. setel, A.Sax. setl, O.H.Germ. sezal, settle, aella, ^^cathedra\ ps. 1, 1; setil pr. c. 6122; setle fdat.J horn. 2, 69; o. a. n. 694; setle fpl.J Mat. 21, 12; comp. heah-, kine-, prumsetel. setelgang occasus, ps. 49, 1. setleii^ A.Sax. setlan, settle, collocare; setlip fpres.J Alis. 484; setled f part. J Orm. 14049; Will. 2462. setnesse, A.Sax. setness, statute, Orm. 16837; zetnesse staliUty, ayenh. 104. setten^ A. Sax. settan, 0. L. Germ, settean, O.Icel. setja, Goth, satjau, O.H.Germ. sezzen, from sat, set, ponere, statuere, La^. 6309; a. r. 274; Mand. 72; til pat tO sette bigan pe sunne Havel. 2671; on kneus pey schule hem sette Mire 272; ^QtiQ fpret.J Marh. 19; Bek 1693; Chauc. C. t. h 329; pe king sette to fleonue La-i,. 1670; and sette treen st. gen. 1278; Havelok sette him ^\m Havel. 927; setten seppen sidling 439 I p. I 8. XXX r, 296: set f part. J spec. 31; fms. sett) Orm. dedic. 41; cmip. bi-, for-, je-, ill-, of-, ofer-, umbesetten. 8e]>|)en see sippen. scur, O.Fr. seur, sure^ lloccl. I, 320; sur Will. 973. seurte su/rety, Will. 1463. seute^ O.Fr. sieute, suit, Will. 1080. seyen see seoven. sereren^ O.Fr. severer, sevrer, sever; severes fpres.J Gaw. 1797 . sew see seaw. sewen, O.Fr. sevir, sievir, sivir, suir, sue, sequi; sewe Mand. 226; sewe, seuwe Will. 581 Sf 2821; sewe, suwe Langl. h 11, 21 fed. Wr. 6616); siwi Lay 1387""; sue Wicl. genes. 24; ^v^^\i (pres.) spec. 24; sivvep, siuep o. a. n. 1526; suped' a. r. 208; suwede fpret.J c. I. 1274; seweden st. gen. 2661. seweii see seowen. sex see sax and six. si = si3e? sigaldren enchant? a. r. 208; sigaldride fpret.J h. s. 503. sigaldrie enchantment? a. r. 208^; Alis. 7015; Chest, pi. 2, 69. si see se. si see earn. sib, A.Sax. sibb, sib, O.Fris. sib, O.H.Germ. sipper, Goth, (un)sibis, O.Icel. sifi, sih, afjinis, Orm. 307 ; st. gen. 228; mir. pi. 55; sib, sibbe Langl. 5, 634 f6, 113 J; sibbe "consanguineus\ prompt. 455; Horn 68; Arth. a. Merl. 8914; sibbe fpl.J p. I. s. VLIL, 17; a. r. 204; Havel. 2277; Shoreh. 69; sibbe or fremde Mire 1352; sibbe & fremde Man. 6484; comp. i-, godsib. sibman sibmati, "af^nis^\ Halliw. diet. 741 ; sibbemen (sibmen) fpl.J La-^. 1360. sibnesse, A.Sax. (ge)sibiiess, sibness, affi- nitas, horn. 1, 275; misc. 92; h. h. 206. sibrede, A.Sax. sibraeden, sihred, affinitas, prompt. 455; Rob. 492, 9; Gow. 3, 284; sibredin d. Arth. 691. sibsum, A.Sax. sibsum, O.H.Germ. sibbi- samer, amicable, peaceable; sibsume fpl.J Mat. 5, 9; comp. isibsum. sibsumnesse, A.Sax. sibsumuoss, amity, horn. 1, 91; misc. 54. sibbe, A.Sax. sibb, O.Fris. sibbe, Goth, sib- ja, O.H.Germ. sippa, sibba, O.Icel. sif(?) pi. sifjar, sib, amity, affinity, o. a. n. 1005; Alis. 5982; s. s. ed. Web. 288; saehte and sibbe he luvede Lay 6096; of Davipes kin & sibbe Orm. 3315. sic gemitus, Jul. 21; sike spec. 90; siche rel. ant. 1, 22; sike fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 1117; in sik(e) and s5r(e) st. gen, 1239; sikes fpl.J a. r. 284. sic see seoc. siche, sichen see sic, siken. sid, A.Sax. L.Germ. sid, O.Icel. sldr, side, latus, longus, pr. c. 1534; siid prompt. 455; side fpl.J h.- s. 3227; side robes spec. 37; side fadv.J Lay 29902; Orm. 5900; sidder fcompar.J Langl. b 5, 193. side, A.S'ix. sido, 0. L.Germ. sidu, Goth. sidus, O.H.Germ. situ, O.Icel. sidr, mos. sidefiil "pudicus', fragm. 5, 8; sedeful Orm. 2175. side, A.Sax. side, 0. L.Germ. sida, O.Icel. sida, O.H.Germ. sita, side, latus, a. r. 294; Orm. 4777; c. I. 1154; spec. 88; on selchere siden (side) Lay 621; a side Gow. 2, 372; Chauc. C. t. a 896; M siden, bi side Lay 5498 Sf 12426; par bl side 0. a. n. 25; bl side pe urpe treat. 134; siden fpl.J a. r. 392; cotnp. est-, nor])-, sflp-, westside. sidebenche side-bench. Will. 4565. sidbord side-board, Gaw. 115. sldwa3 side-wogh; sidpages gr. 18; sld- popes fragm. 6, 48. sidling, sidlinges, M.H.Germ. sltelingen, sideling, sidelings, Man. 10348 Sf 10869; 440 sie siker sidlinges d. Arth. 1039; sidelinges (?^w^r. 4206. sie see se. sie^te, O.Fris. siochto faegritudoj? Shoreh. 98. sifte, O.Dutch sifte, crihrmn; cifte prompt. 78. siftin^ A. Sax. siftan, O.Dutch siften, sift, "crilrare\ prompt. 455; sifted (part. J Chauc. a t. ed. Wr. 12869. siggen see seggen. signifieii^ Fr. signifier, signify; signifie Roh. 154, 13; signifieth fpres.J Alis. ed. Sic. 853. si) (S13 = sic?) sigh; sighe fdat.J Chauc. a t. a 1117. si^e, A. Sax. sige, 0. H. Germ, sigi, 0. Icel. sigr, Goth, sigis, from si3eii, victory, horn. 1, 13; La-^. 23896; Orrn. 5461. sijecraft magic art? Lay 15501. si^efast victorious, Orm. 16958; si3efest (printed si3efeit) fragm. 4, 29. sighen (sighen?) sigh, Gow. 2, 319; s. s. ed. Wr. 1860; sihghin, sihiu "siispirare\ prompt. 455; sihin lud. Cov. 391 ; si7,'h{e) (pres.) Will. 909; sihd 0. a. n. 1587; sighes Percev. 1064; sigande f part. J st. gen. 1436; si3ede, si3hede fpret.J Langl. l 18, 263'^;^iiQdiQ pi. cr. 442; si3ide Wicl. Josh. 15; si3ed Tor. 2388; sighed Fglam. 832. si^eii^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. sigan, O.Fris. O.lcel. slga, lahi, ferri: si3en to helle Lay 14589; ford heo guimen 813611 29071; sihen Kath. 2353; sie Chauc. Troil. 6552; sihefl fpres.J h. m. 47; sled r. s. LIT, 5; 8136 fsuhjunct.J Shoreh. 3; sah fpret.J Lay 10255; si3en 8682; sihen Jul. 76; comp. an-, isi3en. sihc, O.H.Germ. siha, O.Dutch slge, O.lcel. sia, sie, ^^colu7ri\ prompt. 79^. siheii^ A.Sax. 0. IT. Germ, slhan, O.Dutch sigen, O.lcel. sia, sigh fsiej, colare; sie fimperat.J I. c. c. 7; see seon. siht^ O.H.Germ. siht, frotn seon, sight, visus. Lay 20929; r. s. V, 52; spec. 25; sigt st. gen. 1626; si3t Shoreh. 33; Will, 762; sight Man. 174, 2; s. s. ed. Wr. 2414; sith lud. Cov. 117; sihte p. I. s. nil, 184; fms. sihhtej Orm. 228; si3te Marg. 155; comp. bi-, fore-, insiht (-sihte). sighteles sightless, st. gen. 1528. siht, A. Sdx. siccet ? suspiratio, gemitus ? si3tes fpl.J Will. 924. sihtcii, A.Sax. siccettan? suspirare, gemere; sighte rel. ant. 1, 71; s. a. c. ed. Wr. LXII, 2; sihte fpret.J hom. 2, 167; sihte, si3te 0. a. n. 1291; si3te Flor, a. Bl. 417 ; Brand. 28; sighte Degrev. 209. sighti, M.H.Germ. sihtic, ^'visibilis'", prompt. 455. sihtte, A.Sax. (ge)sihd, visus, a. r. 52; Kath. 1620; st. gen^ 1630; zi3pe ayenh. 47 ; comp. an-, eh-, isihde. sike, A.Sax. sic, O.lcel. sik, siki, sihe, ^Wi- vus\ voc. 195; siche fdat.J Shoreh. 123; sikes fpl.J Man. 8165. sike see sic. sikel, A.Sax. sicol, O.H.Germ. sichila, Lat. secula, siclde, Kath. 827; treat. 133; sikel, sikul Langl. h 3, 306 fed. Wr. 19 83 J; sikil "falx\ prompt. 455; rel. ant. 1, 7. siken, A.Sax. slcan, sike, suspirare, gemere, a. r. 110; siken ... & suh3hen Orm. 7924; sike Havel. 291; Will. 691; Chauc. C. t. a 1540; slken, siche(n) Lay 12772 ^ 13626; sike, siche Beh. ' 1446 ^ 1517; siche misc. 50; rel. ant. 1, 274; Launf. 249; sikep fpres.J 0. a. n. 1352; sikande f part. J a. p. 2, 715; slkede fpret.J Langl. b 18, 263; siked spec. 92. siker, O.Fris. siker, sikur, O.L.Germ. sikur, O.H.Germ. sichurer, Lat. securus, sicker, secure, Lay 15092; Kath. 25; Orm, 4844; St. gen. 869; Will. 2361; Chauc. sikerin smgen 441 C. t. ed. Wr. 11451; pr. c. 8358; sekir Tor. 1001; sikerure fcompar.J a. r. 164; sikerer Langl. b 12, 162. sikerhede, O.Il.Germ. sichurheit, security, 0. a. n. 1263. sikerlcc security, Mark. 14. sikeiiiclie securely, a. r. 62; o. a. n. 1139; sikerlike st. gen. 1300; Havel. 422; sekirli Percev. 2002. sikernesse security, a. r. 342; Havel. 2836; Jos. 623 ; seMrnes Fercev. 1204. sikerin^ O.Fris. sikura, sikeria, O.L.Germ. sicoron, O.H.Germ. sicheron, ^^8eGurare\ prompt. 433; sikeri Rol. 343, 18; sikere s. 8. ed. Wr. 47; sikerede fpret.J Man. 14716; sikered (fart.j Will. 1463. siking gemitus, Will. 3431. sile see sele. silen sile, labi; sile Degrev. 343; siles he a douiie avow. Arth. XVI, 13; & siled firre a. p. 2, 131. silen^ Swed. sila, sile, colare; siled (part.) Halliw. diet. 743; silud /. c. c. 21. sileuce^ Fr. silence, silence, a. r. 22. silf see self. silk^ A.Sax. seolc, O.Ieel. silki, silk, sericum, spec. 36; p. I. s. I, 11; Mand. 212 Chauc. a t. 10927; seolk a. r. 420 selk li h. disc. 223; selke Shoreh. 34 seolke fdat.J La>,. 22704. silkwirm silk-worm, prompt. 436. silkeu^ A.Sax. seolcen, silken, Lidg. m. p. 104; silkin Em. 377; selkin Alis. 278. sillable syllable, prompt. 433. sille see suUe. silleii see sellen. silte silt; elite ^^glarea\ prompt. 77 . siltcii see salten. siher, A.Sax. silfer, seolfer, O.Icel. silfr, O.H.Germ. silbar, silabar, Goth, silubr, silver, argentum, Bek. 1472; silfer Orm. 13796; silver, selver Langl. prol. 78 {81 J; Chauc. C. t. a 113; selver Kath. 270; r. s. VII, 4Q; Will. 2334; p. 3, 4; seolver a. r. 132; o. a. n. 1366; seolver, sulver La-^. 884 8f 3370; suelfer p. I. s. VIII, 133; comp. qviksilver. sihercn^ A.Sax. silfren, O.H.Germ. silberiner, Goth, silubreins, argenteus, Wicl. genes. 44; seolverne fpl.J Lay 22783; silverene d. Arth. 1949. simnel^ O.Fr. simenel, simnel, collyra, voc. 198; prompt. 436; simenels fpl.J Havel. 779. sinile^ A.Sax. simle, simble, O.L.Germ. sim- bla, Simla, O.H.Germ. simble, semper, horn. 1, 239. simouie^ Fr. simonie, simony, p. I. s. XV 11, 143. simple^ Fr. simple> simple, Bek. 1038; «- yenb. 134; Will. 714. sin-, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. sin-, 0. Icel. si-. sinfuUe, A.Sax. sinfulle, "ast'Ctoov", rel. ant. 1, 38. singrene, M. II. Germ, singrtiene, sengreen, ^^Jovis bdrba\ rel. ant. 1, 37 ; sengrene prompt. 231. sindir, A.Sax. sinder, O.Icel. sindr, O.H. Germ, sintar, cinder, scoria, prompt. 436. siiidren, L.Germ. sin(d)ern, sinder, deliquare? pe ilke welle is zvo clier and zvo izen- dred ayenb. 231. sinewe, A.Sax. sinu, seonu, O.Fris. sine, 0. Icel. sin, 0. H. Germ, senewa, sinew, '■^nervus\ prompt. 436; s. s. ed. Web. 1048; sinwe, senewe Wicl. genes. 32; senwe st. gen. 1803; siniieu (pi.) p. I. s. XV, 194 ; senuweu Za). 6498; seonepen Marh. 7; senewes spec. 101; comp. hou^senii. siugcu, A.Sax. 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ, sin- gan, Goth, siggvan, O.Icel. syngva, syngja, sing, canere, a. r. 44; Langl. b 13, 219; zinge ayenb. 22; singep fpres.J Shoreh. 23; singende f part. J Lay 29714; sang, song fpret.J Chauc. 0. t. a 2212; song Langl. ed. Wr. 13376; pu sunge o. a. n. 1049; sungen Marh. 22; Orm. 3373; 56 442 sings tere sippen sunge Gow. 2, 176: songen Mand. 278: sunge fsuhjunct.J o. a, n. 1028; sunge (songe) La^. 17436: suiige, ?>o\igQ fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 266: isungen (isonge) Lay 18520: deriv. sang, sengen. singstere female singer ^ Will. 1 E$d. 2. sin^eii see sune^en. siuke^ 0. Butch sinke, sink^ latrina, prompt. 456. sinkeiij A.Sax. O.L.Germ. sincan, O.H.Germ. sinkan, sinchan, Goth, sigqan, O.Ieel. sokkva, sink, lahi, sidere, Marh. 7 ; Chauc. C. t. a 951 : sinkep fpres.J Orm. 13381 : sank fpret.J Gow. 1, 229; Langl h 18, 67: sunken st. gen. 3775: sonken Mapes 339: sunken (part.) Orm. 14569: sonken Will. 4111: Mand. 101: isunken Lay 28485: comp. a-, bi-, forsinken; deriv. senchen. siniie see sunne. sippiu sip, sorhillare, prompt. 456: sippe Chauc. C. t. d 176. «ire, O.Fr. sire, sire, sir. Lay 22485: a. r. 86: r. s. VII, 79: Havel. 310: sire bischop Beh 997: sires fplj Will. 2248: Chauc. C. t. a 3909, sirurgieii^ surgien, Fr. chirurgien, surgeon, Chauc. C. t. h p. 204: surgien Langl. b 20, 308. sise see asise. sisour^ for asisour, Langl. h 4, 167 . sisseii, Butch sissen, siss, sihilare: cisses fpres.J voc. 152. sister see suster. site, O.Icel. sut faegritudo, sollicitudoj? Alex. 546: Min. 28: m. h. 149: ant. Arth. Xni, 1: sorowe and site 3Ian. 5, 3; Flw. 1631: ser3he & sit Orm. 4852. sitten, A.Sax. sittan, O.L.Germ. sittean, 0. Icel. sitja, O.H.Germ. sizzan, from *siten sat seten, Goth, sitan sat sitans, sit, se- dere, Kath. 1574: a. r. 22: Orm. 14086: Langl. h 2, 96: sitte Brand. 24: sit fpres.J Marh. 17; I. T. 699; heo sitted La^. 14118; sitte fsuhjunct.J a. r. 10; ne sitte hit hire se uvele h. w. 7; sittinde (part. J a. r. 16; comp. set-, bi-, for-, wipsitten. sij), A.Sax. O.Icel. sid, O.H.Germ. sid, Goth. (pana)seips, sith, post, (sip ? = sippe) Goto. 1, 104; sip whanne Langl. b 20, 186; sip pe world bigan Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 4577. sift", A.Sax. sid, O.L.Germ. sith, sid, 0.7/. Germ, sind, Goth, sinps, O.Icel. sinn, iter, vicis, h. m. 9; st. gen. 274; sip an. lit. 9; sipe fdat.J o. a. n. 993; sum(e) sipe Orm. 5372; dis one side st. gen. 3093; wanede hire sides ffortwiesj Lay 25847; his precche sides hotn. 2, 167; preo sides f times J rel. ant. 1, 130; ten sides st. gen. 1731; sipes Langl. h 5, 431; Mand. 291; fif siden a. r. 18; sipen ;?. s. 151; side Lay 1103; fif side Kath. 794; sipe Havel. 778; Flor. a. BI. 212; spec. 134; feole sipe h. T. 470; mani pousand sipe (sipes) Will. 103 Sf 1696; comp. bale-, cwale-, earfep-, fseie-, ford-, heden-, lif-, sorh-, wa-, wensid. si|)e, A.Sax. side, sithe, Havel. 2553; Langl. b 3, 306; Rich. 6788; Gaw. 2202; sithe ^falx\ voc. 277 ; prompt. 457 . si|)ien, A.Sax. sidian, O.L.Germ. sithon, 0. HGerm. sindon, O.Icel. sinna, from sid, ire, fragm. 8, 33; siden rel. ant. 1, 224; ford siden La\ 21279. sij)re? of sipre, Icel. of sidir fdeindc, de~ niquej? Orm. 322. si|)|)eii, A. Sax. sid dan, seoddan, sj^ddan ffor sid pan?), O.Icel. sidan? sin fsenj, since, Orm. 231: sippen (sithen, sippe, sithe) pat pe world bigan Chauc. C. t.. 2104 f 2102 J; sin 603 f601j: sins i have had a wif 9419; sippe treat. 132; sippe, sith Langl. b 5, 441; sipen, sitthen, sipenes, sitthenes 6, 65; sipe, sith, sin 20, 320; sippe a longe time pi. cr. 158; sipe Crist deide 353; seoddeu. 8iye skie 443 a. r. 146; r. s. V, 29; seodden (suppen) La^. 1725; seppen c. I. 46; Irist. i, 10; seppen, seppe Will. 104 Sf 433 seoppe 0. a. n. 1402; zeppe ayenh. 14 siden (siden?) horn. 2, 183; st, gen, 84 sipen Havel. 399; Jos. 4; Mand. 16 Man. 2, 10; a. p. 1, 13; Isumb. 146. sithe m. Arth. 126; sepen Etch. 6562 sepin ant. Arth. XX, 5; sithen, sen pr. £. 731 Sf 2212; sin ffoccl. I, 71; sen Degrev. 1648; sethens g. 414. sive^ A.Sax. sife, O.Dutch seve, O.R.Germ. sib, sieve, "cribrum^\ prompt. 457 ; Gow. 1, 294; Cham. C. t. 12868; sife fragm. 4, 22; camp, herseve. shiu, O.Dutch seven, crihrare, ^'colare\ prompt. 457. sife|>e^ A.Sax. sifoda, "acus\ fragm. 4, 21 ; sivedis "furfur', prompt. 457. siwen see sewen. six, A.Sax. six, seox, siex, sex, O.Icel. sex, O.L.Germ. selis, O.H.Germ. sehs, sehse, Goth, saihs, Lat. sex, ^Gr. !£, six. Brand. 28; Ohaiw. C. t. 10705; six, sixe a. r. 30 c^ 298; six hundred La^. 613; pa sixe 25387 ; sixe si])e3 Langl. h 5, 431 ; sex st. ge>i. 577 ; 3[an. 66, 16; Lidg. rn. p. 34; j)e sexe .da3es Orm. 4166. sixtene sixteen, La^. 1103; a. r. 298; sextene Orm. 572; Arth. a. Merl. 394ji. sixteope sixteenth, p. I. s. XII, 81; six- tepe Rob. 261, 7. sixti sixtg, La^. 27446; Bel. 1851 ; sex- ti3 Orm. 7675; sexti pr. c. 4525. sixte, A.Sax. sixta, O.H.Germ. sehsto, Goth. sailista, Lat. sextus, sixth, a. r. 14; Belc. 601; sexte Orm. 4322; Goio. 3, 121; s. s. ed. Wr. 83; pr. c. 3982; siste, seste hom. 1, 39 Sf 43. skarii see scarn. skec, O.Fris.Bohsk, O.R.Germ. soah? rapine!^ Rob. 256, 12; Arth. a. Merl 4736. skei see scheoh. skeiiie, O.Fr. escaigne, skain, prompt. 457 . skelien see schellen. skemten, O.Icel. skemta, amuse: and skente hi mid mine songe o. a. n. 449. skemting amusement, Orm. 2165; skempting rel ant. 1, 218; skenting La^. 30625; skentinge o. a. n. 446. skeppe, O.Icel. ske-p^si. (^modiusj, skep, "spor- ta\ prompt. 457. sker, O.Icel. sker, sker, scar; scarre "scopu- lus", Wicl. 1 kings 14; imdir a skerre Hallitv. diet. 709. sker, O.Icel. skiarr, scar, pavidus; slcar Tawn.' myst. 198; pe skerre hors a. r. 242*. sk^re, A.Sax. sc^re(?), O.Icel. skserr, sheei\ purics, G. I. 1073; Zaunf. 881; schere purs dai, Dan. Swed. skser Torsdag, Brand. 16; Mire 640; schere pors dai Mand. 19; scere pors dai rel. ant. i, 144; shere purs dai sacram. 398; sheer purs dai Lidg. m. p. 253; skere (adv.) U b. disc. 1914; & habbed iqveden lis scere La^. 12752; of blisse je beop skere r. s. IV, 78; skerre (compar.) a. r. 314. skereii, O.Dan, sksere, O.Swed. sksera, skeer^ sheer, purificare, pur gar e, a. r. 308 ; ske- re i^o J. 334, 18; rel. ant. 1, 241; s. s, ed. Wr. 3398; parof pu . . . most pe skere o. a. n. 1302; of scape i wol me skere p. s. 156. sker(r)el "larva\ prompt. 457. skerreii, 0. Tcel. skirra, scare f scar J, pavefa- cere, Orm. 676; skeren a wey "abigere\ prompt. 457 ; scarrez fpres.J a. p. 2, 598. sket, O.Icel. skiotr, celer ; skete fadv.J Arth. a. Merl. 294; Ganc 187; Gaw. 19; a, p. 3, 195; skete, sket Alis. 3047 8f 5637; sket Orm. 1266; Havel. 1926; Trist. 1, 51; li b. disc. 484. skie, O.L.Germ. skio, sceo m., O.Icel. sk^ n., sky, ^^nubes\ prompt. 457 ; Gow. 2, 50; Lidg. 7n. p. 161; dat brigte skie biforen hem fleg st. gen. 3643; pat it ne lefte not a skie in al pe welken 444 skig sla3e Chauc. h. f. 1600; skewes fpl.J c. I. 1494; a. p. 2, 1206; skewis Alex. 661; skiwes rel. ant. 1, 262; skies 210. skig, Swed. skygg-, O.lcel. styggT, =: scheoh? a. p. 2, 21. skil, skile see schile. skin, A.Sax. scinn, O.lcel. skinn, skin, Chauc. C. t. a 3811; Lidg. m. p. 133; pet skin ayenh. 81; sciii 230; skinne ^^pellis, cutis", prompt. 437; skinne fdat.J Em. 954; skinnes fpl.J Mand. 216; camp. barm-, bereskin. skiunare skinner, prompt. 457 . skip ship, "saltus', prompt. 458. skippiii sivip, "saltare", prompt. 458; skippe Ilorn 1361; Alis. 768; Chauc. C. t. a 3259; JIoccl. I, 120; skipte fpret.J Langl. h 11, 103; comp. overskippen. skippare skipper, "saltator", prompt. 458; skipperes fpl.J st. gen. 3087 . skir see sclilr. skirmeii, O.JI.Germ. scirman, shiimish, fence, a. r. 212; skirme Alis. 662; schirme o. a. n. 306; skirmden fpret.J La^. 8406. skirpeu, O.lcel. skixpa fspuerej? pat iinfaele folc pat skirpep p£er ongsenes Orm. 7389. skirt skirt, limhus, prompt. 458; Man. 7884; skirtes fpl.J Mand. 221. sla, A.Sax. slahe(?), OH. Germ, slelia, sloe fslaaj; slo ^'prunum\ prompt. 459; r. s. 11, 28; Havel. 2051; Chauc. r. r. 928; slon fpl.J Alts. 4983. slab slab: a slab of ire treat. 135. slabbeii? hou ist pet hi ine helle slabbep Shoreh. 151. slac slack, ravine, ant. Arth. XXIII, 12; slak Degrev. 333; slake fdat.J Isumb. 622. slxdc (slade), A. Sax. slsed, slade, vallis, La^. 8585; slade Wicl. 2 kings 16; Gaw. 2147; a. p. 1, 141; slades fpl.J La\ 28365; Gow. 2, 93. slan see slean. sl«p, slap, A.Sax. slrop, O.Fris. slep, Goth. sleps, 0. L. Germ, slap, 0. H. Germ, slaf, deep, somnus, Orm. 1903 Sf 3148; slep a. r. 144; ayenh. 31; sleep Langl. prol. 45; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 1392; sl?epe fdat.J Orm. 8352; lieo weren on slsepe La^ 1159; slepe Tor. 927 ; slape Horn 1315; a slape Will. 1995; slope Flor. 1632. slopern f? printed slepern) '•^dormitoriurn\ fragm. 4, 3. slopleaste insomnia, fragm. 3, 6. slepwurt "lactuca\ rel. ant. 1, 37 . slapel, A.Sax. slapol, somnolentus, fragm. 3, 7. sl^peii, A.Sax. slsepan pret. slep, Goth, sle- pan pret. saislep, O.Fris. slepa, O.L.Gcrm. slapan, O.H.Germ. slafan pret. slief, sleep, dormire, Za"^. 733; slei^en a. r. 4; sle- pin prompt. 459; sclepen rel. ant. 1, 177 ; slepe Flor. 1657 ; sclepe. lud. Cov. 41 ; slapen horn. 2, 7 ; ' slape s. s. ed. Web. 929; Arth. a. Merl 814; sleep (sleap) fpret.J La"). 26009; slep st. gen. 967 ; slep, sleep [slepte] Langl. b 5, 382;. sleep fslepte] Chauc. C. t. a 98; [slepte Lay 4005; a. r. 236; Mand. 222; fms. sleppte) Orm. 2484;] slepen f part. J . . .; [sleped, slept Langl. h 5, 4;] comp. i- slffipen. slepere, A.Sjx. slsepere, sleeper, treat. 138; slep are a. r. 258. slepi, A. Sax. slsepig, 0. H. Germ, slafager, sleepy, st. gen. 871; Gow. 2, 113. sl%ten, 0. H. Germ, sleizan fscinderej ? from sllten? slate fdeatj, Orm. 13485; him to slete mid grete houndes rel. ant. 2, 278; heo . . . sletten him pid hundes Jul. 52. slating, jl.Sax. sleeting, slating. Lay 12304; comp. boleslating. sla^e, A.Sax. slaga, O.H.Germ. slago, from slean, interfector ; comp. a3en-, mansla3e. slaye, A.Sax. siege fpercussoriumj ? voc. 59, O.H.Germ. sla.gSLf malleus J? Graff's sprsch. slaht slean 445 6, 773, sleij, ''pecten\ voc. 217 Sf 234; prompt. 458. slaht^ A. Sax. (psel)sleaiit, slyht m., O.H. Germ, slaht /., from slean, caedes, Kath. 200; sla3t Roh. 66, 2; sla3t, sclajt a. p, 1, 800 Sf 2, 56; slauht Jos. 266; slaught AHs. 1910; Gow. 1, 348; slaht, slseht, sclscht X«3. 11252, 17951 Sf 28730; sleight Arth. a. Merl 4936; Ell. rom. 1, 279; comp. man-, waelslaht. slahter^ O.Icel. slatr, slaughter, m. h. 38; slaghter pr. c. 3367; slauhter Man. 91, 23; slaughter Arth. a. Merl. 3918; slautir prompt. 458. slak, A. Sax. sleac, O.L.Germ. slac, O.Icel. slakr, O.H.Germ. slacher, slacJc, ^Haxus\ prompt. 458; ayenh. 32; Alts. 1252; pe slakke skin Cham. C. t. ed. Wr. 9723. slacnesse slackness, ayenh. 33. slakien^ A, Sax. slacian, 0. Dutch slaken, slake,- a. r. 134; sclakien p. I. s. Till, 19; slakie ... his bendes Za^. 23343^'; his wrappe for to slaken Will 728; pe pride of sir David bigon fast t5 slaken Min. 43; slakin Haxare\ prompt. 458; slake Chauc. C. t. 8678; s. s. ed. Wr. 1210; pr. c. 6224; Lidg. m. p. 53; mir. pi. 134; ne ml purst slake Langl. h 18, 366; to slake his lust m. h. 80; in sle- p(e) i slake spec. 54; fasted til his fel him slaked rel. ant. 1, 211 ; slakep Shoreh. 30; spa pat i slakie to ofearnen hevenrlche Kath. 2166; and slaked his spere Percev. 1696; comp. aslakien. slan see slean. slante? on slante (slonte) aslant, ant. Arth. XLVIir, 6; a slante d. Arth. 2254; a slonte "ohUque\ prompt. 6. sl4p, slap en see sleep, slaepen. slascheH slash; slascht (part.) Wicl. 3 kings 5. slat^ sclat, O.Fr. esclat? slate (slat, sclatej, prompt. 458; slattes (pi. J Mapes 350; sclattes Wicl. Is. 9. slatten slat: heo sleated (sclattes, sletted) a diln boa tpo hore earen a. r. 212; a slat swin p. s. 154. 8lau|>e see slewde. slaveren^ O.Dutch slaberen, slaver (slalher); slavers /^j?r^«.y pr. c. 784; slaver it Have\ voc. 143; comp. bislaberen. slaw, A.Sax. slap, O.Dutch sleuw, O.L.Germ. sl§u, O.Icel. slser, slior, O.H.Germ. slewer, slow (slaw), ^^hebes, tardus \ prompt. 458; slap h. m. 37; dil & slap Orm. 9885; slOu treat. 138; slouh a. r. 258; slawe (pi.) pr. c. 5546; lud. Cov. 251; slowe Chauc. C. t. d 1816. slawli slowly, pr. c. 3193. slawnesse slowness, prompt. 458. slo(p)purm slow-worm, ^^stellio", fragm. 3, 30. slapen, A.Sax. slapian, he slow, horn. 1, 161. slean, A.Sax. slean pret. sloh, O.Icel. sla, O.H.Germ. Goth, slahan, slay, caedere, a. r. 138; slaen (slean) X«). 3952; slen Horn ed. Lum. 85; p. I. s. XIll, 98; AHs. 1735; slen, sleen "omc?W, prompt. 459; Langl. 3, 267 (285); sle Tor. 240; sle, slee Chauc. C. t. a 661; slsen, slan Orm. 4450 ^ 8040; slea, sla3e ayenh. 8 Sf 223; slaa Isumh. 302; slon st. gen. 1328; spec. 91; sdon s. a. c. ed. Wr. XLIII, 53; slo Ravel. 1364; P&rcev, 925; slead (pres.) a. r. 118; sl6d rel. ant. 1, 218; sloh (pret.) Horn 611; SI03, SI0W3, slow, slou Roh. 19, 4, 20, 7, 23, 25 Sf 175, 2; sl6gh Eglam. 488; fir ... he slogh Iw: 2039; slouh a. r, 118; SI0U3 Bek. 2356; slough, slow' Chauc. C. t. a 980; slOw Havel. 2633; Langl. h 20, 149; s. s. ed. Wr. 1028; a. p. 1, 1221; T(yr. 698; slog, slag st. gen. 2668 Sf 3913; SI003, slew Wicl Luke 15; slew Triam. 1436; pu slo3e Lar^. 10999; slOwe p. I. s. XXIV, 189: heo sl53en (statmrunt) heore teldes wide 446 sl^ sliden 3eond pa feldes La-^, 7865; sloghe pr. c. 5526; slOpen a. r. 270; slowen Mand. 280; sla3en {part. J Orm, 4458; slagen st, gen. 509; slawen Havel. 2000; spec. 96; sclawen Hick. thes. 1, 228; slawe h T. 1055; s. s. ed. Wr. 1646; slain Mand. 280; Cham. C. t. a 992; slaii Percev. 555; slOn Tar. 2128; sleie IFtll. 379; comp. a-, i-, oMan; derlv. sla3e, 8le3e, slegge, slalit, slaMer. slec sleech, limus, Kath. 1677. sleeken^ sleldven, A. Sax. sleccan, 0. Icel. slokkva, from slak, slecJc, si etch, Orm. 10126 ^- 14484; slekldn ''extinguere\ prompt. 459; slecche m. t. 200. sledc^ 0. Butch slede, slide, O.Icel. sledi, O.H.Germ. slito, from sliden, sled, '-^tra- ha\ voo. 232; prompt. 458; sledis fpl.j Wicl. 1 paral. 20. slegge^ A. Sax. slecge, from slean, sledge, maUeiis; slegges fpl.J Parten. 3000. slej**, A. Sax. siege, O.L.Germ. slegi, from slean, caedes: lire drihten pes iled to sle3e al spa me dede a, seep horn. 1, 121; comp. ofersleie. sleh^ O.Icel. slcegr (sl{«gT), sly (she J, La^. 14366-^; Orm. 13498; sle3 ass. 144; Bel: 2050; I c. c. 19; slee3 Wicl. 2 paral 2; slegli Mire 856; sclegh // I. disc. 351; sley Havel. 1084; Man. 9849; sleigh, sll Chnuc. C. t. a 3201; sligh Alls. 9; Lidg. m. p. 29; sli ^'■astidus, cal- lidus\ prompt. 459; sle3e fpl.J ayenh. 265; sleghe pr. c. 7570; sley ere, slihere fcom- par.J Chauc. C. t. d 1322; sleliest fsu- pcrl.J Mark. 12. ■ sleiliche slily, Will. 637; slei3li, slili Chauc. C. t. a 1444. slinesse sliness, prompt. 459. sleihschupe, -schipe calliditas, c. I. 801. %U\i}^^, O.Icel. slcegd, sleight, La^. 17212"^; sle3|)e ayenh. 18; sleghpe Mire 364; slei3pe Will. 2151; sleithe "calliditas, astutia", prompt. 458; sleihte Man. 129, 18; sleighte Langl. ed. Wr. 13148 r 3fand. 301; Chauc. C. t. a 604. slekneu slacken; sleken pr. c. 6558; sleke- nid f part. J apol. 19. slender^ 0. Dutch slinder, slender (sclender)y exilis, "gracilis\ prompt. 459; Rich. 3530; slendir Lidg. m. p. 50; sclender Mand. 291; Chauc. C. t. a 587. sleiigen^ O.Icel. slongva, from slingen, tm^- quere; slenge Havel. 2435; pre hondred hevedes of (li)a slende Beves 248; Crist on crois was sleint p. r. I. p. 248. slente ■= slante? slent, ohliquitas, declivitas: bi slente oper slade a. p. 1, 141. slenteii sclent, labi; into pe erpe hit sclente- Halliw. diet. 711; he sleint o way Am. a. Amil. 2279. slep^ slepen see sl%, slsepen. slet, M.H.Germ. slO^ fgrandoj? sleet. Hick* thes. 1, 231 ; sleet "nicula\ prompt. 459; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 11562; slete fdat.J Iw. 375; Gaw. 729; Town. myst. 99. sieve, A.Sax. slefe, sleeve, "manica\ prompt. 459; Octav. 1027; sleeve Chauc. 0. t, 13152; slefes fplj m. h. Ill; sleven. fdat. pi. J a. r. 56. slewe, O.H.Germ. slewi, frotn slaw. sleiivol desidiosus, ayenh. 32. slepttc, A.Sax. sl&pd, sloth, "desidia'\ horn. 1, 103; sleiipe Boh. 195, 3; ayenh. 31; Shoreh. 34; spec. 49; sleupe, sleu3pe Langl. prol. 45; slaupe La'^. 27039; pi. cr. 91; a. p. 2, 178; lud. Cov. 404; sloupe Chauc. C. t. h 530; sloiihde a. r. 144. sli see sleh. slicb, M.H.Germ. slich, L.Germ. slik Schamh, toh , slitch, limus, mir. pi. 4. sliden, A.Sax. ^i^d^Vi, M.H.Germ. sliten, slide, labi, a. r. 252; slide o. a. n. 1390; Chauc. Troil. 6721; Lidg. m. p. 65; slit fpres.J ayenh. 149; spec. 110; slod fpret.J Will. 792; I h. r. 136; Launf. 214; a. p. 1, 59; slood Wicl. slider slobren 447 1^; sliden (part.) Wicl. prov. 24; islide 0. a. n. 686; p. /. s. XXIX, 88; comp. asliden; deriv. slede, slider. slider^ A, Sax. slidor, sUdder, Gow. 3, 14; Chauc. C. t. a 1264; Am. a. Amil 1843; pe pei is slider o. a. n. 956; slidir "lu- hricm\ prompt. 459; sledir h. s. 5262. sliderin^ 0. Dutch slidereu, didder, "kh"\ prompt. 459; slidre Gener. 4152. slideri^ Swed. sliddrig, sUddery, Wicl. ps. 34; sliddri a. r. 74. slijt, O.Dutch ^Yiohi, sleclit, O.H.Germ. ^loh- ter, O.Icel. slettr, Goth, slaihts, slight, planm, laevis, a. p. 1, 190; sleght Totvn. myst. 145. «lik Bee swulc. slike^ from sliken? dilie, slick, sleek, laevis, prompt. 459; Kavel. 1151 ; Chauc. r. r. 542. sliken^ 0. II. Germ, slichan, serpere, lahi; slikes (pres.J ant. Arth. XLVIIl, 6; comp. atsliken. slikieu^ from slike, slick, sleek, laevigare, po- lire: he can so wel his wordes slike Gow. 2, 365; sliked fpres.J r. s. 1, 43; til sleupe and sleep sliken his sides Langl. ed. IVr. 1080; isliked f part. J o. a. n. 841; ayenh. 99; isliket Katk 1675. slim, A. Sax. O.Icel. M.II.Germ. slim, slime, limus, a. r. 276; Shoreh. 105; slime fdat.J Gm. 3, 96; ps. 68, 3. slimi slimy, Langl. h 5, 392. slinge^ O.Fris. O.Dutch slinge, 0. II. Germ. sliuga, sling, ^funda"", prompt. 459; Shoreh. 132; Langl. h 20, 162; sclinge i-el. ant. 1, 6; slinges fpl.J Alts. 1191; comp. stafslinge. slingen^ A.Sax. O.H.Germ. slingan, O.Dutch slingen, O.Icel. slyngva, sling, torquere; slingin prompt. 459; slang (pret.) Alts. 5538; Shoreh. 132; slong Jul. 63; s. s. ed. Web. 1316; slungen Rich. 5227; slonge Roh. 362, 9; slongen (part. J Per- cev. 672; deriv. slinge, slengen. slingare^ O.H.Germ. slingare, sling er, prompt. 459; slinger Oct(yv. 1599. siip^ from slipen? slip, ^^Umus', prompt. 459. slip, O.Dutch slippe? slip, ^Hacinia'\ prompt. 459. slipen, A.Sax. (to)slipan, O.Dutch slipen (polire, acuerej, O.H.Germ. sllfan (lahi), slipe, lahi, polire? slipe /. c. 15; sllpej) (pres.) Gow. 2, 347. sliper, A.Sax. slipur, from slipen, slipper, luhricus, transact. 18, 22; ps. 34, 6; Wicl. prov. 26. slippe slip, descent? g. 374. slippen, O.Dutch slippen, M.II.Germ. slipfen, /r,. 535; st. gen. 2990; s. s. ed. Wr. 1959; pane smite ayenh. 140; smete Halliw. diet. 762. smiteii^ A.Sax. smitan, O.Fris. smita, Goth. (bi)smeitan, O.II.Germ. smizan, smite, fe- rire, jacere, a. r. 324; Orm. 14677 ; o, a. n. 78; for to smite pis holi man his swerd he dr5u3 Bel. 2122; smite fur Brand. 30; smit (pres.) a. r. 60; treat. 136; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 7998; tit of his drote it smit an onde rel. ant. 1, 220; smat (pret.) La^. 534; Marh. 9; Iw. 377; smot Rol. 218, 13; st. gen. 2925; li h. disc. 1185; pu me smite (smete) bi pon rugge Lay 8157 ; smiten rel. ant. 1, 101; Cow. 2, 72; smite Roh. 217, 17; smeten Rich. 3988; smite (sub- junct.) c. I. 1255; smiten (part.) Man. 178, 17; smeten Flor. 1620; camp, hi-, ismlten; deriv. smite, smitten. smitare smiter, a. r. 156. smitten^ O.Dutch smetten, M.H.Germ. smit- zen, from smiten, smit, linere, contamina- re; smitted (part.) ps. 105, 39; ismittet h. m. 13; comp. bismitten. smiit^ A.Sax. smid, O.Icel. smidr, O.H.Gcrm. smid, smith, a. r. 52; st. gen. 466; smid (smip) La^. 1562; smith Chauc. C. t. a 2025; smipes (pi.) o. a. n. 1206; spec. 86; smepes rel. a.d. 1, 240; comp. gold-, maestlingsmid. sinitt'ieU; A.Sax. smidian, O.Icel. smida, Goth, (ga)smipon, 0. II. Germ, smidon, forge; smidie La\ 30743; smipie Langl. h 3, 305; ofte a ful hapur smid smeo- did (smides) a ful p5c knlf a. r. 52; smithed (pret.) Chauc. C. t. a 3762. smittite^ A.Sax. smidde, O.Fris. smitha, 0. II. Germ, smidda, smithy, a. r. 284; smippe p. I. s. IX, 60; smithi prompt. 461; smepi pr. c. pref. IX. snioc, O.Icel. smokkr, O.II.Germ. smoccho, smock, rel. ant. 1, 129; smok ^Hnteruld\ prompt. 461; Goio. 1, 115; pi. cr. 79; Chauc. C. t. a 3238; smookis (pi.) Wicl. Is. 3. sniod sordes? a. p. 2, 711. smoke^ A.Sax. smoca, smoke, ^fumus\ prompt. 461; Marh. 9; Brand. 23; Alis. 4352; Langl. h 17 , 321; Mand. 247; Cham. C. t. d 278. smoki smoky, prompt. 461. smokien^ A. Sax. smocian, smoke, fumare. Lay 25734; smokede (pret.) Brand. 23. smolder snegge 451 smolder! smoke and smolder Mapes 345; Langl h J7, 32 L smoldreu smolder, siiffocare: in smolderande smoke a. p. 2, 965. sniolt^ A. Sax. smolt, smolt, ^^sere^ius', Mat. Ih', 2; Gaw. 1763; a. p. 2, 732. snioren^ A. Sax. smorian, 0. Dutch smoren, smore, smoor, suffocare; smore ^^fumigo\ prompt. 401 ; smored f part. J pr. c. 7601. smorten^ L. Germ, smorten, smurten, suffo- care? smoiirte fpret.J Bob. 322, 7. smonter smother, hom. 1, 43; smorper Bob. 407"^; smoke and smoper Mapes 339; to helle smurdre a. r. 272. snioi'iTreii smother, suffocare; smordrinde (part.) hom. 1, 251; smeordrinde (smo- drinde) smoke Marh. 9. snioter ? smoterllcli ? Chauc. C. t. a 3963. smotereu^ Butch smoderen. =- smateren? cniip. bismoteren. siiid|)e see smede. snid|)er see smorder. smuddeii^ L.Germ. smudden, smut? comp. bismudden. smii^en^ A.Sax. smugan, O.Icel. smiuga, M. II.Germ. smiegen, repere; smu3d fpres.J hom. 1 , 191. sniiil, smullen see smel, smellen. smultiug^ A.Sax. smylting, "electrum'\ fragm. 4, 41. smurien see smerien. snacchen^ O.Dutch snacken, snatch, captare ; snache AUs. 6559; snecchen a. r. 324; snacches fpres.J Man. 13889. snade^ A.Sax. snsed, O.Icel. sneid, from sniden, frustum; snode ^'offa\ fragm. 4, 18; ayenb. 77; mid per ilke snode misc. 40; snodes ''frusta', ps. 147, 17. snxden^ A.Sax. snsedan, O.Icel. sneida, M. H.Germ. sneiten, sned, secure; comp. to- snseden. snseseu^ A.Sax. snsesan, O.Icel. sneisa, fe- rire? snese a. r. 212*; comp. asnsesen. snaile^ A.Sax. snegl, snaegl /., O.Icel. snigill m., snail fsneel, sniggle J, ''limax'\ prompt. 461; lud. Cov. 209; snawile p. I. s, XXXV, 40; snlle voc. 223; HaUiw, diet. 766; snailes (pi.) o. a. n. 87; Mand. 169. siiaipe^ O.Icel. iineypSL(skam)? Fritzners ordh. snaipeli, O.Icel. sneipiliga? ant. Arth. VII, 4. siiaipcn^ O.Icel. sneypa (beskcemme)? snape^ corripere? snaips (pres.) pr. c. notes 268; snaiped (pret.J Gaw. 2003. siiake^ A.Sax. snaca pi. snacan, 0. Dutch snake, snake, "anguis'\ prompt. 461; st. gen. 2805; Gow. 3, 118; snaken (pi.) p. I. s. VlII^ 138; AUs. 5972; snakes ps. 13, 3; cmp. O.Icel. snakr pi. snakar. snakereu repere? hpon he snakered topard oil a. r. 380. suapcreit snapper: pi foot schal not snapere ''pes tuus non impinget'\ Wicl. prov. 3. snare^ O.Dutch snare, O.Icel. snara, snare, "laqueus, pedica\ prompt. 461; "pedica\ rel. ant. 1, 7; Chauc. C. t. a 1490; ps. 9, 16; lidg. m. p. 168. siiarin snare, "illaqueare\ prompt. 461. siiarlin snarl, "illaqueare\ prompt. 461. snattid "simus\ prompt. 461 ; snatted (print- ed fuatted) nose AUs. 6447 . snaw^ A.Sax. snap, Goth, snaivs, O.Dutch sneuw, 0. L.Germ. 0. II.Germ. sneo gen. snewes, O.Icel. snger, sniar, snior, from sniwen, snow (snaw), nix, ayenb. 267 ; Iw. 375; a. p. 2, 222; pr. c. 1440; snau La's. 27459; snow prompt. 462; treat. 136; Mand. 130; snou o. a. n. 430; snCwh, sn6w3 c. I. 722; snawe (snowe) (dat.) La-^. 20125. snaphpit snow-white, Marh. 18; snOuhpIt a. r. 314. snowin snow (snaw), mngere, prompt. 462; snawes (pres.) voc. 201. snegge^ O.H.Germ. sneggo, snecco, snag, Umax : pane snegge ayenb. 32. 452 snekke snuten snekke snecJc, "pessulus\ prompt. 461; voc. 237 ; snek Town. myst. 106. sncl, A.Sax. snell, snel, O.L.Germ. snel, 0. K. Germ, sneller, 0. Icel. sniallr, snell, celer, strenuus, X«). 28860; rel. ant. i, 132; 0. a. n. 829; Mire 121; snelle (pi. J 8. s. ed. Wr. 316; snelle (adv.) Alis. 2670; Em. 300; Fercev. 2170. Snellen^ M. II. Germ. %Vi.<^Q\i(incitare)? snel- les, snellus fpres.j ant. Arth. VII, 4. snep, O.Icel. suapr? sneep, stultus: hit pin- chep bope pise and snepe noht pat pu singe ac pat pu pepe o. a. n. 223. siierchen^ O.Icel. snerkja fse contrahere, cor- ragarej^ pe htide ... as hit snarchte (snercte) ant barst Mark. 18. sueren sneer: sal snere ^'subsa7mahit'\ ps. 2, 4; snered ''deriserimt'\ 34, 16. suesen see snsesen. sDeveu sniff? sneved [part. J horn. 2, 207 . snevelen snivel; snevled fpres.j horn. 2, 37 ; sneveling (part. J Langl. h 6, 13d^'; sni- velinge treat. 138. siieweu (snewen?), from snlwen? snew, nin- gere; sneuwinge {part. J c. I. 722; sne- wede fpret.J Chauc. C. t. a 345; comp. bisnewen. snibbiii snib, '^repre]ienderd\ prompt. 461; snibbe, snebbe Chauc. C. t. a 523; snib- bed fpret.J ps. 0, 6; m. h. 38; snibbid (part. J apol. 6; Lidg. m. p. 256. siiighte? Lidg. m. p. 192. siiikeiij ^./SV^^. snican, repere; sniked /^^r^s.y horn. 1, 251. snile see snaile. snipe snipe, scolopax, prompt. 461; rel. ant. J, 82. suite snite, ^^ihis\ Halliw. diet. 767 ; Wicl. L. 34. sniten see snuten. sniteren? sniterand ant. Arth. VII, 4; pe snaw snitered Gatu. 2003. suitTen^ A.Sax. snidan, 0. Icel. snida, Goth. sneipan, O.H.Germ. snidan, snithe, secare; snip (imperat.J Orm. 14666; snap (pret.J Orm. 1338; deriv. snade. suirelen see snevelen. sniwen^ A.Sax. snipan, O.H.Germ. sniwau, O.Icel. *snlva part, snivinn, ningere; hit sniwip Alis. 6450; sniup, sniwe(p) o. a. n. 620; deriv. snaw. suobbeu snoh, singultire? snobbe (pres.J rel, ant. 2, 211. snoii^ A.Sax. snod, snood, ^^vitta\ fragm. 2,. 53. snode see snade. snokeu^ L. Germ, snoken, snooh, odorarij prompt. 462. snore^ A.Sax. snoru, O.Fris. snore, O.H. Germ, snur, snor, "nurus\ fragm. 2, 23. snoi'iUj L.Germ. snoren, syiore, ^^stertere\ prompt. 462; snoreth (pres.J Chauc. G. t. h 790''. siiorten see snurten. snot, A.Sax. snot(?), O.Fris. snotte, O.Dutch snot, snut, M.H.Germ. snuz? snot, '■^mu- cus', voc. 245; snotte voc. 186; prompt. 462. snoter, A.Sax. snotor, O.Icel. snotr, Goth. snutrs, ^^priidens'\ fragrn. 3, 10; Orm. 7087. snoternesse, A.Sax. snotorness, prudentia, sapientia, horn. 1, 97 . Snotingham, A.Sax. Snotinga ham, Notting- ham, misc. 146. snoute see snate. snow see snaw. snuffen snuff, emungere; snuffid (part. J Wicl. exod. 25. snurtin, L.Germ. snurten, snort (snurtj, f re- mere, stertere, prompt. 462; he snortep in his slepe Chauc. C. t. a 4163. snute, L. Germ, snute, snout, ant. I, 224; Horn ed. Lum. 1082; snoute ^^ro8trum'\ prompt. 462; Horn ed. Fits. 1088; Alis. 6534; Gow. 1, 283; Cham. C. t. h 4095. snuten, A.Sax. sn^tan(?), O.Icel. sn^ta, 0, snuven som 453 JI.Germ. sntizan, mite; snitin "emun0ere\ prompt. 461; ])i nese snite const, mas. 745; snitte fpret.J p. I. s. IX, 85; sni- tid f part. J Wicl. exod. 37 . snuveii, 0. i>wM snuiven, M. II. Germ, snu- ben, anhelare: to snuvende horn. 2, 191. so see swa. so see Sit. sobbiii soh, ^^singultare'\ prompt. 462; sobbe Lidg. St. Th. 3380; sobbep fpres.J Gow. i, 289; pei sobbe lud. Gov. 105; sobbed fpret.J Langl h 14, 326. zobbiugo sobbing, ayenb. 211. sobre^ Fr. sobre, sober, ayenb. 254; Langl. b 14, 53. socke see sok. socue^ A.Sax. socn, O.Icel. solm, 6^o^7^ sokns, 0. II. Germ, suohni, from saken, inquiry, refuge, territory, custom, La\ 2365; sookne prompt. 463; sokne, sokene Chauc. C. t. a 3987; sokene Langl 2, 78 (110); comp. bi-, cMrch-, frid-, hamsocne. sodain^ Fr. soudain, sudden, pr. c. 1951; sodein Chauc. Boet. 161. sodfe)^ L.Germ. sode, O.Fris. satha, sod, I. c. c. 6. softe^ A. Sax. softe, O.H.Germ. samfter, soft, mollis, lenis, KatJi. 1539; a. r. 304; o. a. n. 6; st. gen. 335; c. I. 957; Langl. prol. 1; fr. w. ofte) Kami. 991; spec. 62; fms. soffte) Orm. 1307; softe fadv.J Gow. 2, 45; sOftre fcompar.) Lay 16109; softest fsuperl.) Mark. 11. softeliche softly, a. r. 368; sCfteli Langl. 3, 37 f38f softiii ^^mollire\ prompt. 462; softi La^. 12042""; softed fpres.J a. r. 244; softe fimper.J Mark. 5; sCftid f part. J Wicl. ps. 54. softnen soften; sOftne LToccl. IV, 11; sOfte- ne d. Arth. 2691. softnesses A. Sax. softness, softness, La^. 25549; a. r. 196. so)c see su3e. soile, O.Fr. soile, soil, a. p. 2, 1039. soiieu, O.Fr. soillier, soil; soiled fpres.J a. r. 84; soiled f part. J I. h. r. 143; soiled, suiled Langl. b 14, 2; isoilled p. I. s. XVII, 10; see solien and sulien. sojouriieii see under sub-. sek^ A. Sax. soc, from suken, suctus, Wicl. Is. 11; a. p. 3, 391. sok, A.Sax. socc, O.H.Germ. soc, soch, 0. Icel. sokkr, O.Dutch socke, Lat. soccus, soch, voc. 259; socke prompt. 462; sockes fpl.J p. s. 330; sokkes p. 26, 3. s6k(e)s A.Sax. soc, from saken, soke, juris- diction, territory, g. 350. soket socket, prompt. 463. sol sordidus? rel. ant. 1, 129; sol clOd a. r. 324. sol see sal. solace, O.Fr. solaz, solace, a. p. 1, 130; solas ayenb. 72; Will. 1550. solde, Fr. solde? o. a. n. 764; sonde ^^sti- pendium'\ Wicl, 2 Cor. 11. soudiour, O.Fr. soldoier, soudoi«r, soldier^ Will. 3954. sole, A.Sax. sole, O.H.Germ. sola, Goth. sulja, Lat. solea, sole, prompt. 463. " solein sullen, "solitarius", prompt. 463; Chauc. p. f. 607 ; Wicl. Job 3 ; Lidg. st. Th. 249. solemiie, 0. Fr. solemne, solemn, a. p. 2, 1171. soler, O.Fr. solier, sollar, ^^solarium\ prompt, 464; p. I. s. XIII, 340. S0I5 see suluh. solieii, A.Sax. solian, M.H.Germ. solen, Goth, (bi)sauljan, inqimiarc: nis ... nOht so lipit pat hit ne solep 0. a. n. 1276. solstice, Fr. solstice, solstice; solstices fpL) st. gen. 150. solwi sordidus, voc. 171; Trist. 2, 60. solwin, solowin, 0. Butch solnwen, inquinare^ ''^macular e\ prompt. 464; mXoi^^^Q fpret.) h. 8. 9153. som see sum. \ 454 som- sote som- see sam-. som^ A. Sax. (ge)soin, conveniens, concors; sO- me f:plj Lay 9883; c. J. 520; some & saulite misc. 97; comp. isom. some see same. sonie^ A. Sax. som, concord, La-^. 2552; a. r. 426; misc. 89. somen see samen. somer see sumer. somnieii see samnien. somonen^ somons see under sub-. son, Fr. son, sound fsounj, Will. 39; fr. c. 4971; soun treat. 135; Chauc. C. t. d 2273. solid see sand. sonde see sande. sondi't' .'T^ sunder. sone see sune. sone, A.Sax. sona, O.Fris. son, O.L.Germ. Sana, sano, sane, san? soon, mox, La"). 200; a. r. 422; Orm. 198; treat. 132; s. .§. ed. Wr. 362; pr. c. 68; s5ne, soone Langl. 3, 47 (48); soone Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 9491; stine Min. 18; sonre fcotnpar.J a. r. 58; sonest fsuperl.J a. r. 392; sonnest Langl. h 1, 70. song see sang. Sonne see sunne. sont see saint. sope, O.Lutch sope, O.lcel. sopi, fr.m siipen, sope, haustus, misc. 152; a. p. 2, 108. sope see sape. soppe, O.Dutch soppe, O.lcel. soppa, from stipen, sop, jus, panis intinctus, prompt. 465; soppe, sop Langl. b 15, 175; Chauc. C. t. a 334; sop Gaw. 1135; Man. 7547; zop agenh. 107. sdr see sar. sorceri, O.Fr. sorcerie, sorcery. Mire 973. Sore Soar, Man. 2270. sorel, Fr. surelle? sorrel, ^^acetosa\ prompt. 465; I. c. c. 54. sor)? comp. orsor3. sorje, A.Sax. sorg, sorh, O.lcel. sorg, O.L. Germ, sorga, 0. II. Germ, sorga, suorga, Goth, saurga (Xutitj, jjiept^va), sorrow, cu- ra, soUicitudo, p. I. s. T III, 98; Shoreh. 32; zorje ayenh. 27; sorhe Marh. 6; sorge, sorwe st. gen. 68 ^'^ 268; sorje, seorwe Xflj). 2919 S^- 31807; sor3e, sore- we, seorhe, seorwe o. a. n. 431 ^^ 1599; sore^ei'Tor. a. Bl. 528; sorwe Bek. 1516; Mand. 25; Chauc. C. t. d 1079; in sorwe and pine ligge Havel. 1374; sorowe "ear, ^'kasta", prompt. 468; La^. 6472; o. a. w. 1022; chron. Engl 631; Chauc. C. t a 2894; Octav. 863; pr. c. 5292; speres fgen.J Ziq. 8696; spere, speren (speres, spear es) fpl.j La^. 6864 Sf 27462;^ speres a. r. 110. sperescaeft spear-shaft, Lay 14762. sperewurt spear-wort^ rel. ant. 1, 37; prompt. 469. sp^re sphere, pr. c. 4887 ; Parten. 6609. sperieo see spurien. sperke see spearke. Sperlings spiiiing, Germ, spirling, sparling f Sperling J, ^'eammarm\ voc. 189 Sf 222; Sperling m. h. 136; sperlinges fpl.J I. c. e. 64. sperreu see sparren. spete see spite. speten see spaten. spewen see speowen. spic, A. Sax. spic voc. 82, 0. Icel. spik, 0. R.Germ. spec, spech, ^^larduni\ fragm. 4, 10; Lay 24437; spik prompt. 469; Man. 12346; spiclie fdat.J misc. 161. spiee^ O.Fr. espice, spm, a. r. 78. spicerie^ O.Fr. espicerie, spicery, pi. cr. 301 ; d. AHh. 162. gpie, O.Dutch spie, O.Fr. espie, spy, *^expl(h rator\ prompt. 469; Alls. 3666; Isumh. 249; spies (pi.) st. gen. 2169. spien, O.Dutch spien, OJcel. speja, O.H.Germ. ■ spehon, O.Fr. espier, Lat. specere, spy. f, st. gen. 2172; spiin "explorare'*, prompt. 469; spie a. p. 2, 780; spien, espien Chauc. C. t. d 316; espie Lidg. m. p. 64; aspien {==■ O.H.Germ. arspe- hon?) Mand. 66; aspie Will 774; a- spieden (prd.) a. r. 196. spiere^ O.Dutch spiere, O.lcel. spejari, O.H. Ge^-m. spebari, -speculator, Wicl Fsth. 8; spiares fpl.J Lay 1492*. spigot spigot, Wicl. Job 32. spik(e); JM. spica, spike, Langl c 13, 179. spile, O.lcel O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. spil, 0. Fris. spil, spel, ludus? pedes spile st. gen. 2977. spilqverne "gyraculum''\ rel ant. 1, 9. spiien, A.Sox, spilian, O.lcel spila, O.L. Germ. O.H.Germ. spilon, ludere, st. gen. 2632; spilede fpret.J Lay 13816; Shoreh. 120; spiled fparf.J st. gen. 3183. spillen, A.Sax. spilian, spildan, O.lcel. spilla fcorrumperej, O.H.Germ. spildan fprodi' gere, ejj'underej, spill, perdere. Lay 880; spill in ^^ ef[ under t\ prompt. 469; spille F^ek. 204; c. I 903; Will 966; Langl b 19, 298; Gow. 2, 114; Man. 279, 4; pr. c. 1320; Isumb. 193; al his hplle he scholde spille o. a. n. 1020; late ye nouth ml bodi spille Havel. 2422; spilp C pres.J ayenh. 182; spilde (preb.J rel. ant. 1, 48; spilden Lay 28863; pai spilden maui a man Trist. 1, 4; spilled (part. J Alis. 1062; spilt Gow. 1, 270; comp. a-, for-, ispillen. spillinge, xL Sax. spilluns:, spilling, prompt. 469. spiiik spink, fringilla, voc. 189. spiudle, A. Sax. spinl, O.H.Germ. spinnela, spindle, 'fitsus', fragm. 4, 7. spiuiieu, A.Sax. Goth. O.H.Germ. spinnan, O.lcel spinna, spin ; spinnin ^^n&re\ prompt. 469; spianen, spinne Langl 6, 130 f216j; span fpret.J Lidg, m. p, 90; sponne Chauc. Troil, 3683; aponnen (part,) Wicl judges 16; C9mp. ispimieii. 460 spmnere sprayen spiniiere spinner, spider, rel. ant. 1, 219; spinnare ^^jilatrix, aranea\ prompt. 469; spipre (for spinpre) ayenb. 164. spinnestere^ spinstere, Dutch spinster, spin- ster, Langl 6, 130 (216 J. spire^ O.Ieel. spira, spire, '"'■hastula', prompt. 469; shal nevere spir springen up Langl. c 13, 179; as an ok comep of a litle spire Chauc. Troil. 2421 ; imeind mid spire and grene segge o. a. n. 18. spirien see spurien. spiriu spire, ^^spicare\ prompt. 469. spirit^ Lat. spiritus, spirit, st. gen. 203; Chauc. C. t. a 2766. spit = despit, Gaw. 1444. spite^ 0. Dutch spit, spet, 0. R. Germ, spiz, spit, "verii\ fragm. 4, 16; Hob. 207, 3; Octov. 122; U h. disc. 582; spite, spete prompt. 469; spete voc. 256; spetes fpl.J Mapes 334. spitel spittle, veruculum. spitilforke Ilalliw. diet. 785. ■ spitelstaf spittle-staff, a. r. 384^. spitel spital, hospital. spiteluvel leprosy, a. r. 148. spiticn^ O.Dutch spiten, speten, M.II.Germ. spi:5^en, from spite, spit, veru figere ; spite fpres.J prompt. 469; spiteden fpret.J Kath. 2210"^'; ispited fpart.J La^. 26522; Roh. 207, 3; comp. purhspitien. spittcn^ A. Sax. spittan, spit, spuere, Jid. 48, spit fpres.J h. m. 17; spitten and spewen Langl. h 10, 40; spit (imperat.) a. r. 290; spitte (subjunct.) Mire 890; spitte fpret.J Alis. 890; comp. bispitten. spiwen, splen, A. Sax. spipan, O.L.Germ. spiwan, O.R.Germ. splwan, spian, O.Fris. spia, Goth, speivan, spuere; spl fpres. imper.J a. r. 310; deriv. speowen. splatten! to ^platt(e) pe bor Eglam. 490. splent^ Germ, splint, splint fsplentj, .assula, rel. ant. 2, 84; d. Arth. 2061; splentes of steel i^ecA. 4979: splot^ A.Sax. splot, macula. splotti maculosus, Wicl. genes. 30. spoiliii spoil, "spoliare", prompt. 470; td spoile helle Mire 509; ^e shulen spoile "spoliabitis"', Wicl. exod. 3. spoke see spake. spole/ 0. Dutch spoele, O.R.Germ. spuole, spool, '■^panus\ voc. 180; prompt. 470. spoil, A.Sax. O.Fris. spon, O.Icel. spOnn, spann, O.Dutch 0. II. Germ, span, spoon, assula, cochlear, voc. 232; prompt. 470; Trist. 2, 84; s. a. c. XII, 7; spone fdat.j Percev. 2250; I. c. c. 51; spOnes, spoones fpl.J Chauc. C. t. d 288. sponneowe, M.R.Germ. spanniuwe, O.Icel. spannyr, span-, spon-new, Alis. 4055; spannewe Ravel. 968; Chauc. Troil. 4514. sponge, O.Fr. esponge, sponge fspungej, a. r. 262; spunge 3IurJc 15, 36. spor, A.Sax. O.Icel. O.R.Germ. spor, spur, vestigium; comp. hwelspor. spore see spnre. sport see disport. spot see spat. spot see spat. spotle see spatle. spotted see spatted. spous see spus. spouten see sputen. sprxdeu, A.Sax. spr8edan(?), O.Dutch spre- den, O.R.Germ. spreitan, spread; sprsede (sprede) La'^. 14203; spreden a. r. 400; spredin ^^ expander e", prompt. 470; sprede 0. a. n. 437 ; Langl. h 3, 308 ; s. s. ed. Wr. 622; Man. 38, 4: spret fpres.J a. r. 98; ayenb. 17; spredde fpret.J p. I, s. XIII, 118; spradde La^. 1215; Gow. 1, 182; a. p. 3, 365; spredden st. gen. 2567; spred fpart.J Orm. 1015; sprad lud. Cov. 373; comp. bi-, i-, over-, to- spreeden. spray, Dan. sprag, spray, sarmentum, Roh. 552, 21; spec. 27; Chauc. C. t. b 1960. sprayen, i)^^. spraga, Swed. p,^x2ik2i.'i crepare? spray s. a. c. XLII, 1$ ; foivn. myst. 145. spraulin spure 461 sprauliUj OJI,Germ. spratalon? sprawl, ^^pal- pitare", prompt. 470; spraule Wicl. Toh. 6; spraulend f part J Gow. 2, 5; spraulid fpretj lud. Gov. 186; sprauleden Havel. 475. sprec^ A. Sax. spree fsarmmtumj, O.Icel. sprek ffrutexj? sprekes fpl.J Mark. 15. sprecchen^ A. Sax. (on)spreccaii ffruticarej? ant sprechi in ham sprekes of lustes Mark. 15. spreden see spr^eden. sprcngc springe? pu schalt hpippen on a sprenge o. a. n. 1066. sprengen^ A. Sax. O.H.Germ. sprengan, 0. Icel. sprengja, from springen, mahe to spring, springe, spargere, Wicl. Is. 28; sprengep fpres.J Gam. 503; sprenged ou mid hali pater a. r. 16; spreind fpret.J Alis. 341; spreinden Jos. 314; spreind, ispreind (part. J Cham. C. t. a 2169 ^ b 422; misbileve ... a mong men was isprenged Hob. 119, 16; comp. bi- sprengen. ^prenkelin^ 0. Butch sprenkelen, sprinhle, spargere, prompt. 470. sprenteu^ M.H.Germ. sprenzen, sprent (sprint), prosilire: sparkes of fire pat obout sal sprent pr. c. 6814; sprente fpret.) Octav. 473; to the chambirdore he sprente rn. Arth. 1846; sprent Gaw. 1896; Percev, 1709. spreot^ A.Sax. spreot, O.Dutch spriet, from spruten, sprit fspretj, Alis. 858; spret ^^contus\ prompt. 470; Octov. 601; Will. 2754; sprete fdat.J a. p. 3, 104; comp. bo^spret. spre|>(e)^ Germ, sprode, Dan. sprced, spreath, fragilis? Shoreh. 103. ^prind^ A.Sax. sprind Mones qu. 399, alacer? Shoreh. 2. springe^ A.Sax. springe, spring, O.L.Germ. 0. H. Germ, spring, spring, "scaturigo, planta\ prompt. 470; st. gen. 581; who so sparep pe springe (spring) "qui par- cit virgae", Langl. b 5, 41; comp. of-, welspring. springflood, Germ, springflut, Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 11382. springen^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. sprin- gan, O.Icel. springa, spring, salire, rumpi, oriri, a. r.282; pe blostme ginnep sprin- ge and sprede o. a. n. 437; pe day bi- gan to springe Chauc. C. t. a 822; Tor. 1958; a welle ... dat springed ai rel. ant. 1, 210; sprang fpret.J Kath. 2488; Orm. 10258; Alis. 5539; sprong st. gen. 60; Langl. ed. Wr. 9041; Jc. T. 194; of hire wisdome sprong (sprang) pat word wide Xa^. 6302; senwe sprungen fro de lid st. gen. 1804; sprungen f part. J Orm. 511; Havel. 1131; sprongen Goto. 3, 249; comp. a-, i-, to-, upspringen ; deriv. sprin- ge, sprengen, sprung. sprintel surculus, ramusculus? sprintles fpl.J a. r. 276. sprote^ A.Sax. O.Dutch sprote, O.Icel. sproti, O.H.Germ. sprozo, frotn spruten, sprote, surculus. Town. ?ngst. 14; i ne have stikke i ne have sprote Havel. 1142,-^ sprotes fpl.J Alex. 790. sprotte^ L.Germ. sprotte, sprat, sarda, voc. 222; m. t. 119. sprung^ 0. H. Germ, sprung, from springen, saltus, ortus, Kath. 322; sprunges fpl.J Jul. 50; chron. Engl. 195; comp. ofsprung. spriite^ O.Dutch ^^xmiQ, sprout, germen, stir- cuius; sproutes fpl.J ps. 77, 51. spruten^ A. Sax. spreotaii, 0. Fris. sprfita, 0. Dutch spruiten, M. H. Germ, spriu^en, sprout, germinare; sproutin "pullulare\ prompt. 471; spruted fpres.J h. m. 11; sproutand f part. J ps. 64, 11; deriv. sprute, spreot, sprote, sprutten. sprutten^ A.Sax. spryttan, M.H.Germ. sprut- zen, sprit, spirt, gurminare: pe pidi pet sprutted ut a. r. 86. spudde spud, prompt. 47 1. spare^ A:Sax. spura, spora, O.H.Germ. sporo, m2 spunen stief O.Icel. spori, spur (spare J ^ ^^mhar'\ voc, 221; 0. a. n. 777; ai^oie prompt. 470; Havel 256^; Boh. 306, 20; spuren (spo- res) fptj La^. 23772; spuren horn. /, 243; AUs. 817; spores Langl h 18, 12; Chauc. 6. t. a 473. spurien^ 0,11. Germ, sporon, spur, calcafia euhdere, stimulare; spuria (sporie) Lay 21354; spured fpres.J h. m. 13; st. gen. 3070; spurcde fpret.J Jul. 60; sporecl Parten, 4214. spttrien^ A. Sax. spyrian, O.Icel. spyrja, 0. II. Germ, spurian, from spor, spir, sper, speer, investigare; spire Will. 4504; Gow. 1, 108; Man. 112, 12; m. h. 05; spe- rin "percunctari, inquirere'\ prompt 460; spere ^Hnvestigare'' , rel. ant, 1, 6; Flor. 203; Triam. 502; spire, spere fpres.J Langl. b 17, 1; spured f part J Gaw. 001 ; spired Havel 2620. spurnen^ A. Sax. spurnan, (on)spyrnan, 0. Icel spyrna, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. spur- nan, spurn, caleare, offendere, a. r. 188; spurnin "calcitrare\ prompt. 471; in speche i sporne rel ant. 2, 211 ; jje ground he spornep Gow. 2, 72; pat pou ne spuni(e) pi fot til stane ^^ne offendas ad lapidem pedem tuim\ ps. 00, 12; spurnde fpret.J Rob. 341, 17. spiis, O.Fr. espous, spouse, spomus, a. r. 10; sptise sponsa, a. r. 08; o. a. n. 1527. spousbreche adulterer, Slioreh. 64. sptisbruche adultery, a. r. 56; spousbreche ayenb. 37. sptishod state of spouse, horn. 2, 45. spousaile^ O.Fr. espousaille, spousal, Mire 532. spusen^ O.Fr. espouser, espouse, Havel 1123; spouse p. I s. XV J, 11. sputen^ Q.Dutch spuiten, O.Icel sp^ta, M. H.Germ, spiutzen, spout, spuere; spouted fpart.J Chauc. C. t. b 487; Man. 8106. sputteft? ich . . . ham . . . sputte to more Mark. 14; J)et flesch sput fv. r. put) , . . tOttpard spetnesse a. r. 106*; as pe feond sputte fv. r. spurede) ham te dOn Jul 58. sqvatten^ Dan. sqvatte, 0,Fr. esqvatir? squat; sqvatte ps. lOO, 6; sqvat f part. J Wicl 2 Icings 22; I h. r. 142; comp. tosqvatten. sqyeleii^ Stoed. sqvala, squeal; sqvelonde f part. J IMliio. diet. 701. sqveling squealing, m. h. 167. sqycre^ O.Fr. esqvierre fequerrej., square, f? printed sq?//re) Flor. a. Bl. 325 ; squires fplj Chauc. astr I. 1, 12. sqvier, O.Fr. esqvier, escuier, squire, esquire, Chauc. C. t. a 70; Wicl 1 Icings 14; sqwier d. Arth. 1170. sqwiuacie^ Fr. esquinancie, quinsy, prompt. 471. sqyiiit? a sqvint asquint, a. r. 212. sqyirc see swire. stable^ O.Fr. estable, stable, stabilis, ayenh. 83. stable^ O.Fr. estable, stuhle, stahulum, o. a. n. 620; Bob. 280, 8. stablissen^ O.Fr. eatablir, estaUish ; stablisse Langl. b 1, 120"^'; stablische 7F«c/. ps. 20. stac, O.Icel stakkr, stack, Havel 814; stack ^'acervus\ prompt. 471; stacke fdat.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. p. 166; comp. corn-, heistek. stad = stede? locus, Shoreh. 158; s. s. ed. Wr. 3325. stsef, staf, A. Sax. stffif, O.Fr is. stef, 0. I)utch^i2^i, O.Icel steifr, O.H.Germ. sta}), staff, baculus, liter a, versus. Lay 8154 Sf 22105; staf St. gen. 3140; Rob. 126, 14; spec. 48; Chauc. C. t. a 405; Par- ten. 6555; fnis. staif) Orm. 4312; stave fdat.J 0. a. n. 1167 ; staves fpi.J Boh. 126, 5; Mand. 247; steves ayenh. 156; comp. bOc-, candelstaf. stefif^i3G syllable, fragm. 1, 14. staflic literal: stafllkQ drinch Orm. 14478. steflipere '•^ffjundibalum'\ fragm. 4, 33. stafslin^e staff-sling. Chaw. C. t. b 2019. stair sta Ikin 463 st«ir, L.Germ. steger, from sti3en, 8te(*r, ardiius; stair Akx. 4828; a. p. 1, 1021. steire, A. Sax. stager, O.lhdch steger, from sti3en, stair, gradus, scala, a. r. 284; steir /. h. r. 134; staire Chauc. Troil. 1903. stael, A.Sax. stsel, Germ, (dieb)stal? stelepurde, A.Sax. staelpyrde, stalworth, horn. Ij 25; stalepurde Mark. 15; stale- worpe Lay 3812""; Hob. 39, 4; stal- wurpe a?it. Arth. LV, 10; stalworpe Eaml. 904; stalworp Wm. 1950; Trist. i, 9; apol. 108; stalworth pr. c. 689. stalpurpli3 fms. stall-) Orm. 11947. stenc, A.Sax. stfeua, steen, stean, stone-pot, misc. 85; Wicl. 3 Icings 17. &im\^xiy A.Sax. steenen, O.H.Germ. steininer, Goth, staineins, from stan, stonen, lapideus; stonen prompt. 477 ; Wicl. John 2; stffi- nene (stouene) wal Lay 9241; iue sto- nene pruh a. r. 378; stanene fetles Orm. 14029. stseneii^ A.Sax. stanaii, O.R.Germ. steinon, Goth, stainjan, steen, stone, lapidare; stene ayenh. 213; stonin prompt. 477 ; stCnye Langl. h 12, 77; stende fpret.J rel. ant. 1, 144; stenede a. r. 122; staned, ista- ned fpart.J Orm. 1968 8f 1978. st^pe^ A.Sax. staepe, O.Dutch stap, O.R. Germ, staph, from stapen, stap, ^' gradus \ fragm. 3, 59; stape, steape o. a. n. 1592; stape Roh. 338, 5; ayenh. 47; steapes fpl.J horn. 1, 187. stserc see stare. stsettc ? stsedeli, O.Fris. stedelTk, M.H.Germ. st^ete- llch? stahilis? L'!y 1600. staf see staef. jstage^ O.Fr. estage, stage, Flor. a. Bl. 255; Parten. 4925; a. p. 1, 410; stages fpl.J oyenb. 122. jstaien^ O.Fr. estaier, stay; steiin prompt. 473; staid fpret.J Lidg. m. p. 103. jstair see st^ir. stake^ A.Sax. staca, O.Fris. stake, from steken, stale, ^^sudes", prompt. 471; Ha- vel. 2830; Will. 1723; Chauc. C. t. 2552: Flor. 1665; g. 362; to ane stake binde Lay 16684; stake fpl.J spec. 110. staken^ O.Dutch staken, stalce, palare; stako Man. 1852. stakerin stagger f stacker J, ^^vacillare\ prompt. 471; stakerep fpres.J Chauc. I. g. w. 2684; stakered fpret.J Man. 12377; stakerd Totvn. myst. 308. stal, A.Sax. steall, steal, O.Fris. 0. Butch O.H.Germ. stal, O.Icel. stallr, stall, static, stabulum, h. m. 5; h. s. 11874; g. 353; heo stal makeden i^^. 1671; per tok he stal Man. 14144; pu nevre mon . . . stal ne stode fprofuistij o. a. n. 1632; steal horn. 1, 263; pe bone ... no stel ne schel him stonde Shoreh. 28; stalle fdat.J rel ant. 1, 219; Alis. 1885; p. s. 188; Man. 327, 1; ho. 695; ant. Arth. XXXV ^ 5; i stude & 1 stalle Kath. 682; oxe a stalle o. a. n. 629; i stall pat he3hest is in heofne Orm. 2145; stalles fpl.J Langl. b 16, 128. stalfeht Lay 1841: stal see stael. stale^ O.Dutch stel? stale, ^^defaecatu^", voe, 198; prompt. 472; Chauc. C. t. b 1954; wip stale ale rel. ant. 1, 52. stale^ A.Sax. stalu, O.H.Germ. stala, from stelen, furtzim, horn. 1, 39; p. I. s. VITI^ 128; ayenb. 9; bi stale furtim, horn. 7, 249; stale fpl.J Mat. 15, 19. stale^ L.Germ. stale, stale, scapus, gradtisf a. p. 1, 1001 ; peos tpO stalen of J)isse leddre a. r. 354; stales Shoreh. 3. stalke stalk, scapus, voc. 210; prompt. 472; Cham. C. t. a 3919 Sf r. r. 1701; p. r. I. p. 2; to climben bl pe ronges and pe stalkes Cham. C. t. a 3625. stalkin^ A.Sax. stealcian(?), stalk, pedetentim ire, prompt. 472; stalke and crepe Goto. 2, 351; stalkep fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 464 stallea stapsn 1479; and stalke ye peder ful ^iillQ Lidg. m. p. 112; stalked fpret.J Trist. 3, 26; a. p, 1, 152; stalkeden Will. 2728, stallen^ A.Sax. steallian, M.H.Gertn. stallen, stall, locare, locum habere; stalle a. p. 1, 188; par holi soiilen stallep ^horeh. 91; stalled (part. J a. p. 2, 1334; stallid Lidg. m. p. 168; istalled Chauc. h. f. 1364; comp. forstallen. stalou^ O.Fr. estalon, stallion, voc. 187; stalun altd. II, 1, 400, staltTe stealth, furtum, st. gen, 1767; stalpe Roh, 197, 11, stam see stem. stameren^ 0. Butch stameren, stammer, hal- lutire, rel. ant. 1, 65; stamered fpret.J Arth, a, Merl, 2864. stamiii^ O.Fr, estamine, stamin, a. r. 418. stamping 0, Dutch stampen, O.II.Germ. stam- fon, stamp, pinsere, prompt. 472; stampe Wicl. Is. 14; stampe fpres.J Chauc. C. t. c 538; stamped (part.) Alis. 332. stan, A.Sax. stan, O.Fris. O.L.Germ. sten, O.II.Germ. stein, O.Icel. steinn, Goth. stains, stone, lapis, Kath. 1260; Orm. 9879; lw.361; pene stan hom. 1, 141; ston st. gen. 1604; pes deorepurde ston a. r. 134; stille als a ston Havel 928; pane ston Shoreh. 124; stoon Mand. 90; Wicl. John 11; stanes (stones) /^^/.y X^t^. 5694; comp. fir-, 3im-, marmon-, mul- stan. stCnbowe ^^arcuballista\ prompt. 477 . stoncrop stonecrop, prompt. 477 . standed .stone-dead, Farten. 115. Stanhenge Stonehenge, La'^. 15191; StOn- lienge Fiol. 150, 4. Stanleghe Stanley, p. I. s. XV 11, 387. stanmarche, A.Sax. stanraerce, petroselinum, prompt. 472. stonstille stone-still, a. r. 414. stanwal stone-ivall, La^. 15846, stanc^ O.Fr. estanc, stanJc, tank, stagnum, a. p. 2, 1018; stankes fpl.J Mand. 209. stanchcii^ O.Fr. estancMer, stanch; staunchen Chauc. Boet. 1948; staunche Gow. J, 138; stonchi aj/e?ih. 73. standard^ O.Fr, estendard, standard, Fob, 303, 18. stande^ A.Sax. stand, O.Dutch stande, O, H.Germ. stanta, from standen, stand, ca- dus; stonde ^futis\ prompt. 477; r. s, V, 110. standen^ A.Sax. standan, stondan, O.L.Germ, Goth, standan, O.Icel. standa, O.Fris, stonda, O.R.Germ. stantan, stand fstondj, stare, Orm. 649; standen in instare, 2149; stonden Z^^. 25938; a. r. 22; st. gen. 1607; Havel. 689; Chauc. C, t. a '88; Btondm profnpt. 47 7 ; stande, stonde Zangl. b 17, 54 fed. Wr. 11478); stondep fpres.) c. I. 693: stant Gow. 2, 136; stont Mand. 73; stondende fpart.) st, gen. 3149; stoudinde a. r. 16; stod fpret.) La-^. 1175; a. r. 352; Orm. 141; Tor. 241; (pu) stode o. a. n. 1632; stoden st. gen. 3543; Gow. 3, 146; stan- den fpart.) I. h. r. 116; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 9368; Man. 191, 5; a. p. 1, 518; stonden e. T. 322; comp. a-, aet-,. bi-, i-, nmbe-, up-, widstanden. staiicu see stsenen. stange^ O.Dutch stauge, 0. H.Germ. staiiga,. O.Icel. stong, from stingen? stang, perti- ca, contus, Gaiv. 1614. staugeii^ O./ce/. stanga, stang, pungere ; stan-^ ged fpret.J pr. c. 5293. stiiui^ O.R.Germ. steiniger, stony, h, m. 17; m.. h. 52; stOni ^^lapidosus\ prompt. 477 . stape see staepe. stapel^ A.Sax. stapul, O.Fris. stapul, stapel,. O.Dutch stapel, O.II.Germ. stafel, staple^ gradiis, fulcrum: ech stapel of his bed &. s. ed. Web. 201; stapil, stapul prompt. 472; schet wip a stapil and a clasp Rich. 4084; pe steire f printed sterre) of fiftene stoples rel. ant. 1, 130. stapcii^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. stapan, O.Fris. staplen stede 465^ stapa, gradiy ire ; stop fpret.J La^. 23 861 ; stopen ('part.) Cham. C. t. 9388; deriv. staepe, stapel, steppe, steppen. staplen^ A, Sax. (under)staplian, 0. Dutch stapelen, julcire? stapled (part.) Gaw. 606. star, O.Icel. storr, star, ^^carex\ prompt. 47 2; Havel 939. stare, A.Sax. stearc, O.Fris. sterk, O.L.Germ. stare, 0. II. Germ, starcher, starh, fortis, Marh. 9; stare & hard Orm. 1472; stare and strong o. a. n. 5; stark ^Wigidu8\ prompt. 472; Havel. 341; spec. 87; Chauc. C. t. 9332; Man. 174, 23; stsere, sterc (stare) La^. 9197 ^ 10905; sterc horn. 1, 6; sterk a. s. ed. Web. 2123; pe sterke dom a, r. 144; starkere (dat. f.) La\ 5568; staercne (ace. m.) La\ 21227 ; sterke (adv.) La'^. 16683. starcliclie starUy, Kath. 7 18; staerclielie i«5. 26973; starkli lud. Cov. 124. starche, Germ, starke, starch, amylum, prompt, 472. stare, A.Sax. stser, O.Icel. stari, O.II.Germ. stara, stare, ^''sturnm\ HaUiw. diet. 798 ; Chauc. p. f. 348; Lidg. m. p. 150; ster Hurdus\ fragm. 3, 18. stare glaucoma? stareblind, A.Sax. O.Fris. stareblind, 0. H.Germ. starablinder, glaucomaticus ? o. a. n. 241. stariii, A.Sax. starian, O.II.Germ. staren, 0. Icel. stara, stare, ^^patentihus oculis respi- cere, niter e\ prompt. 472; stare Gow. 2, 63; Chauc. C. t. 14535; a. p. 1, 149; pr. c. 7426; starest (pres.) o. a. n. 77; starep r. s. V, 234; starinde (part.) Havel. 508; staringe treat. 140; stared (pret.) Langl. h 16, 168; comp. bi staren. starkcii starTcen, durescere? p. r. I. p. 224. starling starling, ^^sturnus\ prompt. 472; sterling voc. 188; sq. I. deg. 56. stat, O.Fr. estat, state, estate, a. r. 204; Roh. 43, 8; c. I. 1206; ayenl. 48; estat h. 7n. 13; g. 6. statue, Fr. statue, statue, a. p. 2, 995. stature, Fr. stature, stature, pr. c. 4980. statiit, Fr. statut, statute, Gaw. 1060. sta|^e, stathe, A.Sax. staed n. m.(?), O.Fris. sted, O.L.Germ. stath, 0. H.Germ. stad, stat, Goth, staps m., stathe, '^statio\ prompt. 473; step "ripa\ fragm. 3, 53; uppen Sevarne stape Za). 7. stattel, A.Sax. stadol, O.Icel. stoduU, O.H. Germ, stadal, staddle, statio, basis, La\ 15911; stapel voc. 264; bulded oper boldes uppou treope stadele Jul. 72. stadelfest, A.Sax. stadolfaest, stahilis, Kath. 71; stadelvaeste (ace. f.) La^. 9819. stadelfsesten, A.Sax. stadolfaestan, stabi- lire; comp. 3estadelfsesten. stadelpurde? a. r. 272*. staitel stabilis ? purh stadele . . . 5efe Za-^. 401. stapelnesse stabilitas, ps. 68, 3. staitelieu, A.Sax. stadolian, stabilire; stape- led (pret.) ps, 8, 4*; comp. istadelien. staitien statuere? comp. bistadien. steal see stal. steam, A.Sax. steam, O.Dutch stom, steam; steem '•^ vapor, flamma", prompt. 473 ; stem h. s. 2526; a stem als it were a sunne- bem Havel. 591. steap, A.Sax. steap, altus: moni steap mon La^. 1532; stffip & heh Orm. 11379; pe pap . . . was narwe and step Alis. 7041; pe strem step Arth. a. Merl. 7910; wip vois ful stepe Rich. 5985; stepne (ace. m.) La^. 19815; stepe, steepe (pi.) Chauc. C. t. a 201; eijen stepe I:. T, 15; ehnen steappre pene steorren JI/^rA. ^. stepnesse steepness, prompt. 474. stecche see stucche. stede, A.Sax. stede, styde, O.Icel. stadr, Goth, staps gen. stadis m.y 0. H.Germ. stat m., state /., O.L.Germ. stad, stedi, O Dutch stad, stede, O.Fris. sted /., steady locus, Orm. 13786; treat. 136; Isumb.. 511; pr. c. 5002; pane stede Itom. 1, 59 466 stede stel 221; he toe him on sunes stede st. gen. 2637; in stede Mand. 227; stande in stede transact. 18, 28; strengpe stont as in no stide p. I. s. XXIX, 90; stede, stude 0, a. n. 966 Sf 1654; stude Lay 28534; Mark. 9; pene stude o. r. 6; i stude h. m. 23; in pe stude (illico) s. s. ed. TVr. 1738; fire loverd heom on- swerede an on ine pe stude misc. 39; stedes fpl.J Havel. 1846; comp. bedstede, (h)leopstude. stedefaest, O.Dutch stedevast, O.lcel. stad- fastr, steadfast, proclam. 3; stedefast Orm. 1597; Bel. 37; Shoreh. 159; Gow. 3, 115; stedevest ayenb. 84; studevest a. r. 302; stidefast Lidg. m. p. 65. stedefsestliche steadfastly, proclam. 4. stedefastnesse steadfastness, "stahilitas\ prompt. 473 ; stidefastnesse Chauc. Boet. 2748. studefastschipe stahilitas, c. L 282. stede^ A. Sax. steda, steed, equus admissarius. Alls. 692; Octav. 718; Percev. 605; pene stede La-^. 6496; riden on stede Havel. 88; steden fpl.J Bob. 185, 1; spec. 48; Arth. a. Merl 3372. steden^ O.Dutch steden, O.lcel. stedja part. staddr, stend, statuere: ne studed f avails J h(e)om napiht ho7n. 1, 77; stedid [part. J p. 13, 2; sted Town. myst. 25; o mang pi fas her sted ertou Iw. 2987 ; stad Jgs. 397; Gaw. 644; in sorowe was he stad FJor. 1313; comp. bi-, widsteden. stedi^ A Sax. O.Dutch stedig, steady, stahilis, contumax? stunt & stidi3 Orm. 9885. stedul Helarium\ prompt. 473. stef, O.jPm. stef, rigidus, fortis. Will. 289 4; Wicl. prov. 18; stevere fcompar.J Wicl. deut. 9. stefhede rigor, ayenb. 263. stefliche rigide, ayenb. 258. stef see staf. stefne^ A. Sax. stefD, stemn, 0. Icel. stefna, Goth, stibna, 0. Fris. O.L.Germ. stemna, O.H.Germ. stimna, steven, stem, vox, con- stitutum, Marh. 21; a. r. 82; Orm. 10680; stefne, stevene iT^^A. 7i7; stefne, stevne, stevene o. a. n. 317, 522 ^ 897; stefne (stemne) Lay 20790; stevene st. gen. 622; Havel. 1275; Shoreh. 128; Gow. 2, 30 Sf 253; h. s. 10062; Isumb. 36; pr. c. 4559; wip merie stevene Chauc. C. t. a 2562; pei setten stevene 4383; stevine Triam. 12. stefneiij A.Sax. (ge)stefnian, (a)stemnian, 0. Icel. stefna, stemna, steven, constituere, convocare ; stevene Trist. 3, 58; p. r. I. p. 113; istefned f part. J a. r. 310. stefuetcn^ A.Sax. stemnettan? steven(e)ted se stille Kath. 1271. stereniug constitutum, spec. 46. steiiu = sti3en, prompt. 473. steike^ O.lcel. steik, steaTc, assum, prompt. 473. steil^ O.H.Germ. stiagil? from sti3en, "^m- dus\ prompt. 473. steincii see disteinen. steken^ O.L.Germ. stecan, O.H.Germ. ste- chan, steali, steck, pungere, flgere, a. r. 62; & let hem steken in an hus Orm. 8087; steke h. s.. 11225; pe dore t6 steke faste Bek. 683; stak (pret.) Chauc. r. r. 458; Iw. 699; steken a. p. 2, 884; steke f part. J s. s. ed. Wr. 1360; Rich. 4282; isteke Trist. 3, 64; stiken wip pe spere Jos. 273; stoken Alis. 1132; Iw. 695; Gaw. 782; stoke Cow. 1, 60; istekene fpl.J a. r. 50; comp. bisteken; deriv. stiche, stikien, sticchen, stikel, sticke, stake. stekien see stikien. stel see stal. stel, A.Sax. st^le, O.Dutch O.lcel. stal, 0. H.Germ. stal, stahal, steel, chalybs. Lay 25879; a. r. 160; c. I. 1254; Shoreh. 132; steel Mand. 190; Chauc. C. t. 10300; stiel Trist. 3, 94; stile fdat.J Parten. 2259. stele steor 467 stelbo3e? La^, 23899. stelgere Gaw. 260. stele, A.Sax. stel, 0. Butch stele, O.H.Germ. stil, steal, scapus, mmiulrium, prompt. 473; stele fdat.J Langl. b 19, 274; Chmie. C. t. a 3785. stelen, steolen, A.Sax. O.Z.Germ. O.H.Germ. stelan, O.Fris. O.Icel. stela, Goth, stilan (xXsTiTStv), steal, furari, celare. Lay 736 Sf 2333; steleii st. gen. 1036; stele a- ymih. 79; Chauc. C. t. a 662; stele fpres. subj'.J Orm. 4467; st. gen. 3611; stal fpret.J Langl. h 13, 367 ; Chauc. C. t. a 3996; Lidg. m. p. 266; s. a. c. XIX, 16; pu stele o. a. n. 103; stelen p. I. s. VIII, 81; stolen (part. J st. gen. 1748; istolen horn. 1, 31; istole ^^^. 810; comp. bistelen; deriv. stale, stalde. stelen, A.Sax. stelan, O.Icel. stsela, steel, chalyle temperare; isteled (part. J c. I. 1248. stelen, A.Sax. stylen, chalyleus. Alts. 1980; Will. 3636; stilen Parten. 266; pe ste- lene brond La"^. 7634. stellen, A.Sax. stellan, 0. Butch O.H.Germ. stellen, from stal, statuere: hire nome . . . pe me serst hire on stalde Lay 7132; istald (part.) a. r. 6; h. m. 19; comp. astellen. stem, A.Sax. stemn, stefn, staefn, O.Icel. stafn, O.L.Germ. stamn, O.H.Germ. stam, stern, stam, stipes, Man. 296, 8; stam puppis, d. Arth. 3664. stem see steam. stemen, A.Sax. steman, stj^^man, from steam, steam, vaporare ; stemed fpret.J Chauc. C. t. a 202. stemmen, M.H.Germ. stemmen, O.Icel. stem- ma? sister e? stemme fpres. suhj'.J a. p. 2, 906; stemmed fpret.J Gaw. 230. stemne see stefne. stench, A.Sax. stenc, O.L.Qerm. stanc, 0. II, Germ, stanc, stanch, from stinken, stench, odor, foetor, Marh. 11; a. r. 216; Brand. 23; ayenl. 248; stenche fdat.J r. s. V, 96. stenchen, A.Sax. stencan, afflict, annoy: pe smoke pereof hem ssolde hope stenche & blende liol). 407 , 2; comp. astenchen. stenen see st&nen. steug, A.Sax. steng m., 0. Butch stenge /., from stingen, "vectis\ fragm. 4, 31. stent, for estent, extent, stent, tcx, prompt. 474. stenten see stunt en. steon = sti3en: per pu penest he^est t6 steo r. s. I, 38. steop ? steopbern, A.Sax. steopbearn, step-ham, hom. 1, 116. stepbrothir, O.H.Germ. stiefbruoder, step- brother, prompt. 474. steopchild, A.Sax. steopcild, step-child; stepchildre fpl.J ps. ^3, 6. stepdoghter, A.Sax. steopdohtor, O.Icel. stiupdottir, O.H.Germ. stieftohter, step- daughter, voc. 206. stepfader, A.Sax. steopfaeder, O.Fris. stiap- feder, O.Icel. stiupfadir, O.H.Germ. stiuf- fater, step-father, m. h. 123. steopmoder step-mother. Lay 14421; step- moder Will. 2640; stepmoodir Lidg. m. p. 219. stepsune step-son, Lay 32138; stepsone Roh. 61, 16. stepsistir step-sister, prompt. 474. steor, A.Sax. steor, O.H.Germ. stior, Goth. stiur, steer, juvencus; ster, steer Chauc. C. t. a 2149. steor, A.Sax. steor, M.H.Germ. stiur, O.Icel. st^ri n., steer, guber?iacuhim ; ster Orm. 16268; stere, steere Chauc. C. t. h 833; steores man Orm. 2136; steores mon (steres man) Lay 11986; stere, steere, stiere fdat.J Langl. b 8, 36. steor(mo)n "gubernator" , fragm. 2, 41; sterman voc. 274; Town. myst. 31; steormen fpl.J Lay 28436. 468 steore steppen steorscofle gubernaculum, fragm. 2, 43. steerstaf gubernaculum, Wicl. prov. 23. steore, A.Sax. steor, st^r, O.R.Germ. stiura, government, discipline, horn. 1, 117; stere st. gen. 3418. steore, A.Sax. steora, O.H.Germ. stiuro, 0. Icel. stiori, governour ; stere st. gen. 3420. steoreu, A.Sax. steoran, st^ran, O.H.Germ. stiuran, O.Fris. stiura, stiora, O.Icel. sty^ra, steer, giibernare, Kath. 362; Orm. 1659; stere Flor. 825; ps. 2, 9; a. p. 3, 27; steerep, stereth, sturep (pres.) Langl. 8, 47 (9, 42); steered (pret.) transact. 18, 23; comp. isteoren. steorfa, A.Sax. steorfa, O.H.Germ. sterbo, pestis, horn. 1, 13; earme steorve Mark. 12. steorfen, A.Sax. steorfan, O.Fris. sterva, O.H.Germ. sterban, starve, Gow. 2, 28; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 9865; stervin "mo- ri", prompt. 474; sterve ayenh. 70; Lidg. m. p. 32; steorved f pres. J a. r. 222; stervep s. s. ed. Weh. 348; sterve fsuh- junct.J Langl. h 11, 422; starf f pret. J st. gen. 481; Alls. 579; Chauc. C. t. a 933; Lidg. m, p. 149; sterf a. r. 360; storven st. gen. 2975; Alis. 5082; stor- ven, storve ayenh. 12 ^ 67 ; storve fsuh- jmict.J st. gen. 1958; storven f part. J st. gen. 3162; s. s. ed. JFob. 1126; storve Will. 1515; istorven a. r. 308; istorve Chauc. C. t. a 2014; comp. asteorveii. steonie, A.Sax. steorii(?), O.Icel. stiorn, 0. Fris. stiorne, stiarne, stern, gubernaculum, Langl. a 9, 30; steriie Chauc. h. f. 437 ; m. t. 129; a. p. 3, 149; steerne Wicl. prov. 23. steorre, A.Sax. steorra Ettm. lex., stearra Bout. ev. gloss., O.L.Germ. sterro, O.H. Germ, sterro, sterno 7n., O.Icel. stiarna, Goth, stairno /., star fstarnj, stella, La'^. 17870; Kath. 1663; sterre prompt. 474; st. gen. 132; Shoreh. 123; Langl. b 18, 231; Chauc. C. t. a 2061; Mand. 70; steorne Orm. 3464; sterne m. h. 95; steorren Cpl.J Marh. 9; Alis. 134 ; ster- ren treat. 132; ayenh. 267; comp. dai-, even-, lode-, morwensterre. sterned, O.H.Germ. gestirnoter, starred, pr. c. 993; pe stirrede bur Marh. 22. sterri starry, Chauc. Boet. 904. steort, A.Sax. steort, O.Fris. stert, stirt, O.H.Germ. sterz, start f stert, steartj, Cau- da, stiva; stert prompt. 474; rel. ant, 1, 208; Havel. 2823; comp. plowstert. steortnaket Marh. 5; steort-, stertnaked ^printed steore-, stercnaked) a. r. 148 Sf 260; startnaked c. I. 431. steowien /"for steawien?), O.Dutch stouwen, M. H.Germ. stouwen, stouwen? stow fstawj^ sistere: he sette stronge lawen to steo- wien (stewe) his folk La-^. 6266; steowi misc. 193; stowin prompt. 478; step pine unpittie pordes Marh. 6; stow lud. Cov. 217; stewede f pret. J d. Arth. 1489; stewid, stouwet (part.) Langl. a 5, 39 fh 5, 48 has ruled); istepet Kath. 657; comp. widstewen. step see steap and steop. stepel, A.Sax. stepel, st^pel, steeple, turris, horn. 1, 93; Roh. 528, 5; lai le fr. 152; stepul voc. 193; stipul Flor. 1887; steples fpl.) ayenh. 23. stepen =^ stapen, gradi, ire, horn. 1, 207 ; Marh. 15; stap (pret.) Roh. 338, 13; Trist. 3, 52; step p. I. s. XV, 82; (he) step up Kath. 7 14; (pu) stepe Jul. 62; (heo) stepen La'^. 21035. stepin, O.Icel. steypa (fundere), steep, "ew- f under e\ prompt. 474; steped (part.) L c. c. 6. steppe, O.Dutch steppe, from stapen, step, gradus, pdssus, prompt. 474; steppes /'^/.y G. I. 740; Mand. 81; Iw. 2889; c mp, fotsteppe. steppen, A.Sax. steppan, O.Fris. steppa, 0. H.Germ. steffen, step, gradi. La}. 18420; steppe Rob. 336, 1; Langl. b 5^ 352; st4r stije 469 stepped fpresj rel. ant. 1, 208; stapte fpret.J Octov. 1435. ster see steor. sterc see stare. sterc, O.H.Germ. stiurer? fortis? E'orn ed. Lum. 1344; Ealliw. diet. 803; see stor and stftr. ^iQ^llchQ fortiter? Chauc. Troil. 3526, stere see steore. st^ren^ A.Sax. steran, from stor, thurijlcare: me schal ham steoren mid guldene chelle horn. 1, 193. steren, A.Sax. steran, O.Fris. (to)stera, M. H.Germ. stodvenfmoverej? steer? comp. a- steren. steren see steoren. sterieii see sturien. sterlings M.ff.Germ. sterlinc, sterling, Langl. b 15, 342; sterlinges fpl.J Hob. 294, 8; Chauc. a t. c 907. sterue see steorre. Sterne see sturne. stenie see steorne. sterre see steorre. stert see steort and sturt. sterten see sturten. sterven see steorfen. steteii^ O.Fris. steta, O.Icel. steyta, pulsare; stetten fpret.J Arth. a. Merl. 3322 Sf 3817. stevene see stefne. stewe see stuve. stewe, Germ, staiie? stew, ^^vivarium\ prompt. 481; stewe (dat.) Chauc. C. t. a 350; stiewe m. t. 119. stewien see steowien. sti see sti3 and stije. stiburn stubborn, ^^au8terus\ prompt. 475; Lidg. m. p. 168; stiborn Chauc. C. t. d 456. sticche see stucche. sticcheii; O.Dutch sticken, O.E.Germ. sticchen, stitch, pun g ere ; stiched fpres.J h. m. 9; stijt f part. J Will. 4425; istiht a. r. 424; comp. purhsticchen. stiche^ A.Sax. stice, O.Fris. steke, Goth. stiks, O.H.Germ. stich, from steken, stitch^ punctio, prompt. 475; a. r. 110; h. m. 35; stik Iw. 3053; stiches fpl.j pi. cr. 553. sticke^ A.Sax. sticca, O.H.Germ. sticcho, stich, baculus, fragm. 3, 60; o. a. n. 1625; enne sticke a. r. 370; stikke prompt. 475; Langl. b 12, 14; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 13193; stikkes fpl.) Orm. 8651; comp. re3olsticke. stide, stidi3 see stede, stedi. stie, stlen see stije, stijen. stif, A.Sax. stif(?), O.Dutch stif, stiff, "ri- gidus, fortis\ prompt. 475; fragm. 5, 45^ Lay 2110; Bel. 637; Octov. 1041; Iw. 31; Gaw. 107; stif and stare o. a. n. 5; stif and toght Chauc. C. t. d 2267; a stif spere Alis. 2745; stlvest fsi^er- lat.) Langl. b 13, 294. stlfliche stiffly, Bek 171; stifli Iw. 3186. stifnesse stiffness, prompt. 475. sti), A.Sax. O.H.Germ. stig, O.Icel. stlgr, from sti3en, sty; stlh Orm. 12916; stl "semita\ proynpt. 47 5; rel. ant. 1, 213; st. gen. 3958; Havel. 2618; s. s. ed. Web. 712; Will. 212; Wicl. Job 16; Iw.599; Horn ch.l72; Isumb. 40; stije fdat.J a. p. 3, 402; stijes fpl. J horn, i, 7 ; stijhes Orm. 9202; stihes "semitas", ps. 8, 9; sties Man. 8432; stl3en fdat. pi.) Lay 16366. sti^e? stirop, A.Sax. stigrap, O.Icel. stigreip, 0. R. Germ, stegereif, stirrup, stapeiy prompt. 476; Horn ed. Lum. 758; Beh. 190; Arth. a. Merl 3260; Chauc. C. t. d 1665; Launf 977; Gaw. 2060. stije, A.Sax. stigu fsemita, scala? harafj, O.H.Germ. stiga fsemita, haraj, O.Dutch stlge fsemita, gradus, hordeolusj, sty fstighj; sti scala, s. s. ed. Web. 3295; stie "A«- ra\ voc. 178; stl prompt. 475; a. r, 128; Chauc. 0. t. d 1829; stl an le 470 sti3ele stingen hordeoluSf prompt. 475; sties scahey Alex. 1437; comp. upstl3e, swinsti. stiward, A.Sax. stipeard, O.Icel. stivardr, steward, oeconomus, prompt. 476; La^. 1475; a. r. 386; st. gen. 1991; Havel 666; Mand. 236; s. s. ed. Wr. 1508; Degrev. 1577. sti^ele^ A. Sax. stigel, M.H.Germ. stigele, stile; stile prompt. 475; Chauc. C. t. c 712; Mm. 5. sti^en^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. O.S.Germ. stigan, O.Fris. O.Icel. stiga, Goth, steigan, Gr. OTStXStv, stie, scandere, hom. 1, 149; sti- 3lien Orm. 2753; stihen Kath. 1012; stlen a. r. 40; Chauc. Boet. 2444; sti3e p. r. I. p. 200; stie Mand. 134; stihd fpres.J a. r. 216; stl3p o. a. n. 1405; pe stench pet of pi mud stihed Marh. 13; stiglien ps. 21, 30; stig fimper.J st. gen. 4100; stah fpret.J Orm. 16700; staw Shoreh. 3; steg st. gen. 319; ste3 p. I. s. XX, 94; stegh rel. ant. 1, 23; Mire 518; steegh Alis. 5827; steh Marh. 1; steih a. r. 250; lie stei3 up to he- vene pi. cr. 810; steigh Mand. 96; stey Eoh. 322, 6; pr. c. 4603; stea3 ayenh. 13; steahX^a. 338; stisenZa). 26005; stihen Marh. 19; sti3e a. p. 2, 389; sti- 3hen f part. J Orm. 2783; stigen st. gen. 4130; comp. a-, i-, oversti3en; deriv. sti3, sti3e, sti3e, sti3ele, steil, stseire. stihten^ A.Sax. stihtan, 0. Butch stichten, 0. II. Germ, stiftan, dispose, fix? sti3t (part.) Will. 4425. stihtlen dispose, order, rule? sti3tle pi. cr. 315; sti3tlez fpres.J Gaw. 2213; sti3t- led (pret.) Will. 1199; Alex. 195; sti3t- led fpart.J a. p. 2, 90. stikel^ A.Sax. sticol, O.H.Germ. stechaler, from steken, stickle, arduus, Parten. 5848. stikilllche Alis. 219. stikeling^ M.H.Germ. stichelinc, stzcJcling, "silurus\ prompt. 475; stikling voc. 222. stikeiunge acriter? h. m. 17"^. stikien^ A.Sax. stician, from steken, stich; stikin ^^figere', prompt. 475; stekie Langl. I 1, 121; stikep fpres.J treat. 140; ea- repe pet ... stiked i de heorte a. r. 60; stikede fpret.J p. I. s. XVIII, 48; Beves 828; he stiked fast s. s. ed. Wr. 1246; stikeden (stekede) Z«3. 20962; istiked fpart.J Chauc. C. t. a 1565. stikke see stioke. stil see stel. stile see sti3ele. stille, A.Sax. O.Dutch stille, O.H.Germ. stiller, still, "quietus, tranquillus\ prompt. 475; Kath. 373; a. r. 116; Orm. 1177; c. I. 1030; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 11782; apol. 5; stille fadv.J La^. 67 47 ; st. gen, 2428; Havel. 2997; pr. c. 3782. stillehede, M.H.Germ. stilheit, quies, a- yenl. 142. stilliche, A.Sax. stilllce, stilly, a. r. 82; r. s. 1, 30; Alis. 1566; h. s. 2432; stilleliche Roh. 19, 16. stille^ O.H.Germ. stilli ? still, quies: pet ma- kest stille efter storme a. r. 376. stillcii^ A. Sax. 0. H. Germ, stillan, 0. Butch stillen, still, tranquillare, sedare, st. gen. 3924; stillin "pacificare\ prompt. 475; stille Flor. 831; stilled his teares a. r. 186; comp. 3estillen. stillen still, "stillare\ prompt. 47 5. stiliiesse^ A. Sax. stillness, 0. H. Germ, stil- nessi, stillness, hom. 1, 115; a. r. 414; Wicl. Joh7i 11. stilte, 0. Butch stelte, O.H.Germ. stelza, stilt fsteltj, gralla, prompt. 475; rel. ant. 1, 86. stilite^ O.H.Germ. stillida, quies, tranquilli- tas, a. r. 156; h. m. 41. stiiic, A.Sax. stinc(?), stink, st. gen. 2975; stink ^ factor \ prompt. 475; Chauc. C. t. d 2274; lud. Cov. 275; stinch Orm. 1192; stinche fdat.J Bel. 2406. stingen^ A.Sax. stingan, O.Icel. stinga, O.H. Germ. stingan(?), Goth. (us)stiggan(?), stinken stol 471 sting f pungere, pL cr.648; QiingQ^ fpres. J a. r. 82; stang fpret.J s. s. ed. Web. 739; stoiig Lay 11363; St. gen. 3896; stun- gen Orm. 17441; stongen Mand. 286; stungeu (part.) at. gen. 3901; pa. 4, 6^; stongen Chauc. C. t. a 1079; e. 1. 645; istunge La^. 27597; o. a. n. 515; iston- gen p'. cr. 553; istonge spec. 84; cornp. of-, to-, purhstingen ; deriv. stange, steng. stinken^ A. Sax. stincan (ferri, olere), O.K. Germ, stiuchen (ohre, oljacerej, Goth. stigqan (xonxstv), O.lcel. stokkva fcurrere, aalirej, see Holtzm, altd. gram. 1, 77 ^ stink, Orm. 4781; heo hit ue mupen stinken folfacerej a. r. 86; stinkin "foete- re, oIere\ prompt. 475; peo pet rotied and stinked a. r. 84; stinkinde (part.) ayenh. 32; stanlc fpret.J Langl. ed. Wr. 10753; Mand. 97; Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 14535; h. s. 8313; stone a. r. 326; stonk Beh 2404; c. I. 1284; stunken a. r. 230; stonken f part. J Mand. 10; deriv. stinc, stench, stunch. stinteu see stunten. stipeiij Z.C^^rm. stip en, fulcire; comp. under- stipen. stipre fulcimen? pe stipre pat is under pe vine set /. h. r. 135. stirk^ A. Sax. stirc, stirk, "jitvencus\ voc. 204; "juvenca\ prompt. 476. stirnc see sturne. stirteii see sturten. stith, O./c^/. stedi, stith, stithy, Havel. 187 7; Chauc. C t. a 2026; stithe ^^incu8\ prompt. 476; stepi pr. c. pref. IX. stitf, A.Sax. stid, 0. Fris. stith, durus, for- tis, Lay 10083; stid & strong st. gen. 1591; stith Man. 194, 1; stidne dom hom. 1, 95; stipe (adv.) m. h. 4; a3ein pe stip(e) i stod spec. 99; stipe fpl.J ps. 10, 7; stedes stipe k. T. 338; knightes stipe Trist. 1, 6; stipe stormes Amad. ed. Roha. XLVIII, 7; stither fcompar.J pr. c. 3173. stidimained Lay 25820. stidimoded Lay 26022. stipli Gaw. 431. stiyen^ O.Dutch stiven, O.Fria. stiva, from stif, stiffen; stive Triat. 2, 5; stived (part.J Will. 3033. stob, O.Dutch stobbe, O.lcel. stobbi? atobf stipes, rel. ant. 1, 168. stoc, A.Sax. stocc, O.Fris. stok, O.lcel. stokkr, O.H.Germ. stoc, stoch, stock, "trun- cus", fragm. 3, 47; o. a. n. 25; stock Shoreh. 1; Mand. 10; stok voc. 236; Arth. a. Merl. 3865; pr. c. 676; over stok and over ston Or ph. 332; stocke (dat.) ayenh. 19; stockes (pl.J Lay 12816; Marh. 1; stokkes Langl. 4, 95 (108); Flor. 1150; comp. musestoc. stokdouve stockdove, prompt. 476. stokfisch stoclcfish, prompt. 476. stoc, A.Sax. st5c(?), locus ; stokes (pi.) Orm. 15694. stokkeii, O.Dutch M.II.Germ. stocken, stock, "coigner\ voc. 163; stockid him an a stol Wart. hist. 2, 106; stocked in pri- son Chauc. Troil. 3229. stod, A.Sax. stod, O.lcel. stod, O.R.Germ. stuot, stud, equitium. Hick. thes. 1, 231; stood Gow. 3, 204; stode Percev. 326; stode (dat.) o. a. n. 495; pou come of liper(e) stode p. s. 201. stodmere a. r. 316; stodemere Percev. 367 . stode, stope, A. Sex. stod, O.lcel. stod, = stude? "postis", prompt. 476 Sf 478; stoodes (pi.) Wicl. ecchs. 29. stoffen, O.Fr. estoffer, stuff; stuffin prompt. 481; stoffes (pres.) Jos. 601; stoffed (part.) Gaw. 606. stofnen, O.lcel. stofna, instituere, apparare; stofned (part.) Orm. 14561. stok see stoc. stoken, O.Dutch stoken, stoke, stimulare ; stoke Chauc. C. t. a 2546; stokes (pres.) d. Arth. 2554. stol, A.Sax. O.Fria. O.L.Germ. stOl, O.lcel 472 stolpe slot stOU, Goth, stols, O.H.Germ. stuol, stooly sedes, a. r. 166; misc. 145; s. s. ed. Web. 1889; stool "scabellum", prompt. 476; stole fdat.J Langl. h 5, 394; stOles, stoo- les fpl.J Chauc. C. t. d 288; comp. bi- schop-, dom-, kinestol. stolpe^ O.Icel. stolpi, stolp fstoupj, postis, Halliw. diet. 810. stolt^ O.Icel. stoltr fgenerosus, superhisj, 0. Dutch stout faudax, fastosusj, O.H.Germ. stolzer fsuperlusj, stout fstoltj, superhus ; stout spec. 52; Shoreh. 150; Chauc. C. t. a 545; hi le fr. 249; stout and fers BeJc. 512; stout and kene Ic. T. 936. stoutliche stoutly, Will. 1950. stomak^ Fr. estomac, stomach, prompt. 476. stomlen see stumlen. stompe see stumpe. ston see stan. stonde^ stonden see stande, standen. stonen see stsenen. stonien see stunien. stoppe^ A.Sax. stoppa, stop, ^^situla\ prompt. 477. stoppel stopple, ohtur amentum, prompt. 477 ; Chest, pi. 1, 142. stopping A.Sax. (for)stoppian(?), 0. Dutch stoppen, O.Icel. stoppa, M.H.Germ. stopfen, stop, stipare, ^^oUurare\ prompt. 477; stoppen Chauc. Troil. 1896; p. 10, 10; p. s. 326; stoppi a^jenh. 257 ; stopped fpres.J a. r. 72; stoppede fpret.J Isumh, 448; sto-p-ged Alis. 1224; Btopi^Qd fpart.J pr. c. 7368; istopped Shoreh. 156; comp. forstoppen, stor, A.Sax. O.Fris. stor, O.Icel. storr, stoor, magnus, fortis, La^. 85; o. a. n. 1473; st. gen. 842; Havel. 2383; stor ant stark chroK Engl. 464; stoor "austerus, rigi- dus\ prompt. 477; store fpl.J Gaw. 1923; ant. Arth. LV, 10; stOre windes Iw. 373. storlic magnus, fortis: pat feht wes s wi- de stOrlTc (storllch) Za^. 10647; stor- llche fadv.J Kath. 1274. stor, A. Sax. stCr, 0. H. Germ, stur ? thus, voc. 140; misc. 26; ayenh. 211 ; (printed scor) Shoreh. 123. stor, O.Fr. estdr, M.Lat. staurum, store, Rol. 395, 13; Jos. 456; a. p. 1, 846; stoor prompt. 477 ; Chauc. C. t, a 598; store fdat.J Degrev. 72. stoF, 0.^.6^^/'m. (ki)stor, O.i'V. estor, estour? stoor, stour, tumuUus, proelium, Flor. 1659; stour Iw. 2633; pr. c. 1838; m. Arth. 3064; Parten. 2231; stOre fdat.J Alis. 2110; s. s. ed. Wei. 956; stoure Will. 4214; Eglam. 9; ant. Arth. XLIII, 6; stoures fpJ.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 14376; stures m. h. 23. storen, O.Fr. estorer, Lat. (in-, re)staurare, store; astore Roh. 107, 5; Alis. 5817; astori ayenl. 136; he storede ])em wip corn Man. 2916; istored fpart.J La'^. 13412''. storie, for historie, story, a. r. 154; Havel. 1641. storien, 0. Dutch 0. II. Germ, storen, stoor, store, movere : pat folk gan to storie i«v 23756^'; store e. T. 755; w. a. i. 78; hpen lia . . . ne storid ham seolf Ma^^h. 14; loke ye store not of pat sted Hal- liw. diet. 813; ^ibxQ^Q fpret.J La^. 9334^'. stork, A.Sax. sioxG, 0./s; stra- les (pi. J La^. 5695. strand^ A.Sax. strand m., O.Dutch strande. O.Icel. strOnd /., strand; strond st. gen. 2717; Alis. 1981; strond (stronde) La^. 4623; stronde "litus\ prompt. 480; stran- de (dat.J Orm. 19450; stronde Horn 115; a. p. 1, 152; comp. s&strond. strange A.Sax. Strang, strong, O.L.Germ. Strang, O.Icel. strangr, 0. H.Germ. stran- ger, strenger, strong (strang), fortis, Shoreh. 14; ayenh. 32; Iw. 2386; s. s. ed. Wr. 2655; pr. c. 881; Strang «fe hard Orm. 6326; strong La^. 173; Marh. 12; a, r. 6; 0. a. n. 5; strong and stark Alis. 5527; strong & stOr p. r. I. p. 101: me wolde tO stronge depe him bringe Bek. 1076; strangne (ace. m.J ayenh. 227; strange (adv. J s. s. ed. Wr. 197; stronge Brand. 24; stronge (pi. J st. gen. 37 13; strengre (compar.J Marh. 12; a. r. 326; strengor k. T. 657 ; strenger Chauc. C. t. c 825; strengeste (superlat.J Kath. 734; strongest a. r. 280; Gow. 3, 147. strangliche strongly, p. I. s. XVII, 295; strongliche Marh. 14; strongluker (com- par.J h. m. 15; stronglukest (superlat.J a. r. 218. straunge^ O.Fr. estrange, strange, "extraneus\ prompt. 479. straunger^ O.Fr. estrangier, stranger, prompt. 479. strangieu^ A.Sax. strangian, 0. H.Germ. stran- gen, fortify; strongede (pret.J Lay 8239. stranglen^ O.Fr. estrangier, strangle, stram,gu- lare ; astrangli ayenh. 50; strangled (part. J Havel. 640; astrangled Roh. 342, 10. strapil^ A.Sax. strapul(?), Hihiale\ voc. 259; strapeles (pi. J a. r. 420; straples BeL 1477. straw^ A.Sax. strap, streap, O.Icel. stra, 0. Fris. stre, 0. L. Germ, stro, 0. H. G&rm. strau, strou, stro, straw (stra, streaj, stra- men, Langl. ed. Wr. 9404; stra Havel. 315; Iw. 2655; strea a. r. 296; str6 Gow. 1, 282; stre, stree Chauc. C. t. a 2918; stree Mand. 253; comp. bedstrau, 60 474 straweii strengde strawberi strawherrtj, ^^fragum\ prompt. 478; streberi voc. 141. straweiij A. Sax. streopicau, strepian, O.H. Cerm. strewen, O.Fris. strewa, O.Ioel. stra, Goth, straujan, strew (straw, strowj, sternere, Flor. a. Bl. 436; strapen fms. strappenn) Orm. 8193; strowin prompt. 480; strewes fpres.J ps. 147, 16^"; stre- wed fpret.J Trist. 2, 98; streopeden Mat. 21, 8; strawed f part. J Alis. 1026; Will. 1617 ; Eglam. 376; strawid s. s. ed. Wr. 2692; strowed Lidg. m. p. 186; vomp. biritrewen. stre^ strea see straw. stream^ A.Sax. stream, O.Fris. strain, O.L. Germ, strom, 0. II. Germ, straum, stroum, O.Icel. straumr, stream, flumen, Mark. 5, 34; ayenh. 72; stream, str^em, strem Lay 2849, 6116 ^' 19756; strem st. gen. 2096; s. s. ed. Wr. 3191; strem, streem Chauc. C. t. a 3895; streames fpl.j a. r. 188; comp. waterstraem. strcche stretch? horn. 1, 111. strecchen, A.Sax. streccan, 0. Dutch streckcn, 0. II. Germ, strecchen, stretch, extendere, Jul 27; strecche Will. 219; Mand. 2; Chauc. a t. ed. Wr. 12397; strechche ayenh. 103; strecched fpres.J a. r. 280; streahte, strehte (stralite) fpret.J Lay 1910 ^' 17886; streihte a. r. 280; strei3te ^. / s. XVII, 345; strahte if(7rA. 9; strauglite Chauc. C. t. a 2916; strch- ten Ma^lc 11, 8; a v/ei strei3teii Jos. 456; streijt f part. J p. r. I. p. 252; ijtraujt Chauc. B et. 4957 ; straught Oc- tov. 959; istreiht fragm. 5, 45; istrei^t treat. 140; istraht chron. Engl. 756; i- strau3t Jos. 269; comp. astrecchen. streiiiin^ O.Fr. estreiiidre, strain, ^'stringere\ prompt. 479; streine Chauc. C.t. ed. Wr. 9627 ; streine fimper.J I. c. c. 43; istreind f part. J Bet 1477. streiuour^ strenioure strainer, prompt. 479; streinour /. c. c. 16. sfrcit, O.Fr. estreict, strait, "strictus", prompt 479; Lay 22270; Bel. 260; Chauc. 0. t. a 174; streit pat is to seye narow Mand. 45. strek^ Butch strek? stride, directus; streke fadv.J d. Arth. 1792; strek, strik pr. e. 2623 Sf 3378. strikli pr. c. 3288. streke see strike. strekeii streak, extendere; streke ps. 84, 6; strekez fpres.J d. Arth. 2085; strekede fpret J st. gen. 481; streked f part. J Man. 12703; striked? Will. 1617. strekiii^ O.Icel. striuka, = striken, streekf prompt. 479; & strek f fell J into a studie Will. 4C38. strem see stream. stremeUj O.Icel. streyma, f7'om stream, stream^ fluere, ps. 61, 11; stremden, streamdea f fret. J a. r. 188^; stremed f part. J Wicl. prov. 5. stremcre streamer, prompt. 479. stren" see streon. streuch? r. s. 1, 14. streiien see streonen. streiig, A.Sax. streng, O.Icel. strengr, O.R, Germ, stranc, string f streng J, st. gen. 479; Bob. 456, 8; pene streng Lay 1454; streng, string Chauc. C. t. d 2067 ; string ^funiculus', prompt. 480; strenges fpl.J p. I. s. XVII, 156; stringes Alis. 208; ps. 32, 2. streiige, A.Sax. strougu, O.II.Germ. strengi, from Strang, force, rel. ant. 1, 130; st. gen. 714; Boh. 302, 7; fms. stren3e ?) Lay 26690. streiigeii^ A.Sax. (a)strengaii, 0. II. Germ. (er)strengen, O.Icel. strengja, fortify, Kath. 942"^'; Orm. 2614; strongect fpres.J Marh. 14; strengep Shcreh. 26; strengith Tor. 6; streughed fpart.J ps. 26, 14^'. strengit'e, A. Sax. strengdu, 0. II. Germ. strengida, strength fstrenthj, Kath. 647; h. m.11; st. gen. 581; strengde (streng}) e) strengden stripen 475 Zrt!^. 17213; strengpe c, I 801; Shoreh. 17; strengde, strencde, strende a. r. 14') Sf 280; streng-pe, strencpe o. c n. 173 ^ 1713; strencde Mark. IV; strencpe Orm. 6019; streiiide ho7?i. 1, 6'V; strein- pe spec. J7; strenpe a. p. 2, IJOo. strengiten strengthen, Kath. 942; strengpep {pre,^J Langl. 8, 47 fiJ, 42); streiided a. r. 140; strengpede fpret.J H >l. 140, 22; istreugped (part.) misc. 30. streiikcu aspergere, Orm. 1090; strenked (part.) 1771. strenkil strinkle, aspergillum, prompt. 479; ps. 50, 9; strencles fpl.) Orm. 1095. strcukeliii strinMe, "aspergere', prompt. 479; strenkle a. p. 2, 307 . streoii^ J. Sax. (ge)streon (thesaurus), O.L. i trm. 0. H. Germ, (ge)striuui (mcrum), progemj, h. m. 3; pat li6li streon misc. 153; pe streon (gtrm.) a midde p(e) eye treat. 132; siwd bi3ete on him a steorne streone Alis. 51 1; streon, stren Orm. 27 Sf 16396; e. h 155; stren Sal. a. Sat. 230; Shoreh. 64; streen Chauc. 0. t. cd. Wr. 8033; strene (dat.) horn. 2, 19; streones (pi.) a. r. 208; comp. istreon. streoiien^ streonien, A.Sax. streonan, str;^- nan, 0,11. Germ, striunan, O.L.Gcrm. (ge)- striunian, engender, procreate, La"^. 18844 k 18846; strenen reh ant. 1, 222; streo- ned (pres.) a. r. 234; streonep AUs. 7057 ; strenes Havel. 2983; strinen ps. 72, 27; streonede (pret.) h. m. 9; c. I. 1388; enne sune on hire he streonede (strenede) Xrt3. 2571; strende ho7n. 2, 19; streoned (part.) Orm. 33; comp. istreonen. streoniiigc procreation, e. I. 1389. strepeii see strftpen. strcsse, for destresse, stress, prompt. 480. stretc see strsete. streweii see strawen. stride^ L.Germ. strid, stride, gradus, prompt. 480; strides (pi.) Hick. thes. 1, 168. strideii; A.Sax. (be)strldan(?), L.Germ. stri- den, stride, gradi, La^. 17982; an. lit. 96; strit (pres.) spec. 110; stridende (part.) Hick. thes. 1, 168; strad (pret.) Iw. 3193; comp. bistriden. stric, O.Yr. estrie, striga, Havel. 998; stri Town. myst. 148. strif, 0. Fr. estrif, strife, Kath. 680; a. r. 200; St. gen. 373; Bek. 1642; c. I. 273; Chauc. a. t. a 1187. strike^ A. Sax. stric, strica? O.JJutch streke,. Goth, striks, O.H.Germ. strich? from striken, streak, linea, Wicl. Esth. 10; streke prompt. 479; strikes (pi.) Cham. astrol. 1, 7. sfriki'^ L.Germ. striek n., from striken, strike^ (streak), "hostorimri', voc. 201 ; strek(o) prompt. 479 ; stric of line "Uni (mani)- pnlas\ voc. 217 ; streek of flax prompt. 479; a strike of flex Chauc. C. t. a 676. sfrikile^ 0. Hutch strekel, strickle, streckhy sfrichel, hostorium, voc. 233. striken^ A.Sax. strican, O.Dutch striken, 0. LI. Germ, strichen, strike, mulcere, linerey caedere, La^. 20303 ; strike s. s. ed. JVeh. 1254; pr. c. 7018; a. p. 1, 1124; strike peron blak sope rtl. ant. 1, 108; striked (pres.) Liath. 2514; strik (imperat.) a. r. 408; strac (pret.) La},. 9318; Mark. 5; & strac in after godes folc Orm. 14810; strak apol. 3 ; strook Langl. ed. Wr. 363- he strok his herd s. s. ed. Weh. 142; striken Horn 1023; striken men pider- pard Li^ath. 17 ; striken (part.) Jos. 5l9r Jlapes 341; strekin Percev. 1371; deriv. strike, strikile, strac, straken. striiid strind, Jossa? strindes (pi.) a. p. 3y 311. strind see striind. strinen see streonen. string see streng. stripe^ 0. Dutch stripe, M. H. Germ, strife^ stripe, "vihex\ prompt. 480; voc. 267 ; 8.. a. c. ed. Wr. LXXIV, 29. stripen see strflpen. 476 strippen studien strippen^ L.Germ. strippen Brem. ivh., strip, stringere; strippe Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8739; strip(p)in, streppin prompt. 480. striving O.Fr. estriver, strive, '■^ contender e\ prompt. 480; strive Horn 729; Chauc. C. t. a 3040; Wicl. John 18; strife m. h. 48; strived fpres.J a. r. 84; r. s. V, 75; strived^ fpret.J Bek. 1576; strived Will. 4099; striveden Alis. 2870; [strof a. r. 398; Chauc. C. t. a 1038.] stroc see strac. strogelin struggle, ^^Golluctar%\ prompt. 480. strond see strand. strondc see strunde. strong see Strang. stro|>e, O.Icel. strodinn? a. p. 1, 115; stro- the Gaw. 1710. stroupe see strupe. strout^ strouten see strut, strtiten. stroweii see strawen. struciou^ Lat. strutliio, a. r. 132^; Wicl. levit. 11. struien for destruien, Jos. 507; struien, stroien Langl. b 15, 587 ; strie a. p. 2, 1768. strumpet strumpet, ^^meretrix\ prompt. 481; strumpetis fpl.J Chauc. Boet. 66. striind^ A.Sax. strand, generation, La^. 2736; strend ps. 21, 32; strunde fdat.J Jul. 55; strlnde Flor. 2174; Alex. 5105; strunden fdat. pi. J a. r. 28^\ strunde flumen? stronde '■^torrentem', Wicl. deut. 9; strunden (pi.) horn. 1, 187 ; a. r. 188^; h. m. 35. strunten strunt, turgere; stronte dep. Rich. 21, 8. strupe^ Swed. strupe, stroop, guttur ; stroupe prompt. 480; Man. 190, 9. strupen^ A.Sax. (be)str^pan, 0. Dutch stropen, O.H.Germ. stroufen, stringere, Kath. 1548; stripe Marg. 238; hem for to stripe (strepe) of harneis and of wede Chauc. C. t. a 1006; strepep (pres.) ayenh. 105; stripe (imperat.) I. c. c. 48; strftpte fpret.J p. I. s. XX, 81; struptest Jul. 62; istruped (part.) a. r. 148^'; istrupt c. I. 431; comp. ofstrtlpen. strut, O.Icel. strutr ? M. II. Germ, stru^, strut (strout), turgor, contentio, h. s. 3350; he maden mikel strout Havel. 1039; a strut (strout) astrut, astrout, ^^turgide\ prompt. 480; a strout p. 55, 2; his eghne stode on strout Isumh. 620. struten, M.H.Germ. striu^en, strut (strout); stroutin Hurgere\ prompt. 480; stroute contendere, Havel. 1779; stroutende /'^rttr^.y rel. ant. 2, 15; strtited (pret.) Arth. a. Merl. 233; strouted as a fanne Chaue. C. t. a 3315. stubbe, A.Sax. stybb, O.Icel. stubbi, stub, stipes, Gaw. 2293; Ipom. 1270; stubbes (pi. J Chauc. C. t. a 1978; a mong pe stubbe 0. a. n. 506. stuble, O.Dutch stoppel, M.H.Germ. stupfel, stubble, ^'stipula\ Wicl. Josh. 2; stubbil prompt. 481 ; ps. 82, 14*. stubbel-, stobelgoos stubble-goose, Chaue. C. t. a 4351. stucehe, A.Sax. stycce, O.H.Germ. stucchi, stitch, stetch, ^frustum\ fragm. 4, 18; misc. 64; sticche p. I. s. VIII, 96; stuc- chen (sticches) (pi.) La"^. 16703; stuc- chen Kath. 2032; stechches ayenb. 111. stuechen frustum, a. r. 428; stucchenes (pi.) a. r. 14; Kath. 2032"". stude, A.Sax. studu, M.H.Germ. stud (postis)^ stud; stode Hulla', voc. 175; see stode. stude see stede. studie, O.Fr. estudie, study, p. I. s. XVII, 217; Will. 4056. studien, 0. H. Germ. (ga)studian (statuere), O.Icel. stydja (fulcire)? stay, support? heo ne studed (stut) never ancre pununge a. r. 142; hpi studije (studgi) je nu Kath. 1270; ne studged ah sturied Mm-h. 9; ine pise vour virtues ham studede pe iealde filozofes ayenb. 126. studien, O.Fr. estudier, study; studie ayenb. studil sturdi 477. 24; astudied (prcs.) a. r. WO; studiedeu fpret.J Langl. b 15, 681 . studil; studul, stodul, O.E.Germ. studil, 0. Icel. studill, studdle, '^telarium\ prompt. 481. stue see stuve. stuke^ L.Germ. stuke, stouh, stook, stuck, strues; stouke Town. myst. 313. stulpe stulp, ^^paxillus\ prompt. 481; see stolpe. stumlen^ stumblen, O.Dutch stomelen, stumble, pi. cr. 591; stummelin ^'caespitare', prompt. 481; stumble voc. 143; rel. ant. 1, 6; stomblen Chauc. C. t. a 2613; stomble Langl. a 9, 27; stomling f part. J Tor. 661; stumbled, stombled fpret.J Man. 12435 8f 13050; stomelid m. Arth. 115. stumpe^ O.Dutch stompe, stump, truncus, prompt. 481; Town. myst. 308; stompe Eglam. 739; stumpes fpl.J Lidg. m. p. 30; stompus Triam. 1561. stumpen stump, offendere; stumpep fpres.J 0. a. n. 1390. stumren^ O.Icel. stumra, stummer, caespitare; stomere fpres.J rel. ant. 2, 211. stunch; O.E.Germ. stunc, from stinken, odor, foetor, horn. 1, 43; a. r. 104. stunde^ A.Sax. O.Icel. stund, O.Fris. stunde, stonde, O.L.Germ. stunda, O.H.Germ. stunt, stuuta, stound, momentum, hora, Kath. 1269; Horn ed. Lum. 739; ane lutele stunde La^. 3440; stund st. gen. 2041; 6per stund, O.E.Germ. andera stunt, an- other time, Orm. 996; stounde treat. 136; Langl. 8, 65 f9, 56 J; m. Arth. 114; he polede mani a biter stounde s. s. ed. Web. 849; stunde fdat.J a. r. 190; o. a. n. 802; Eavel. 2614; stounde a. p. 1, 658; help nou in pis stounde h. T. 1076. stundmele, A.Sax. stundmselum, by the hour, Eich. thes. 1, 168; stoundemele Will. 736. stunden^ Germ, stunden f respite J? dor he stunden ffor stundeden?) til helpe cam st. gen. 1987; nO ping he ne stinte ne stounded Man. 10902. stunien^ ^.aS^^o;. stunian, stun; stoniin '^per- cellere, stupefacere\ prompt. 476; stonede fpret.J Aud. 78; stouned Gaw. 301; stoned fpart.J Parten. 2940; comp. astu- nien. stunt; A.Sax. stunt, O.Icel. stuttr, M.E.Germ. stunz, stunt, obtusus, ''stultus'*, fragm. 1, 44; stunt & dil Orm. 3714. stuntllc stuUe, hom. 1, 109. stuntnesse, A.Sax. stuntnyss, stultitia^ hom. 1, 117. stunteu; A. Sax. (a)styntan, 0. Icel. stytta, from stunt, stunt, stint, obtundere, cessa- re: pe qvale gon to stunte La"). 31891; stinten Orm. 12844; tO stinten al oure strif Lidg. m. p. 95; stinte Will. 1042; Langl. b 1, 120; avow. Arth. XXVIII, 16; stinten, stenten Chauc. C. t. a 903 Sf 2732; stuntep fpres.J c. I 894; stin- tep Mire 897; stunt a. r. 202; stinte fpret.J e. T. 241; stente m. Arth. 1844; comp. a-, aetstunten. stupeU; A.Sax. stupian, O.Icel. stupa, O.Didch stuipen, stoop fstoupj, Jul. 72; pat mon ne mail mid strengde stupen (stoupe) hine to grunde La^. 25950; stoupin "inclina- re\ prompt. 478; stoupe ''nutare\ rel. ant. 1, 6; Langl. b 5, 394; li b. disc. 322; over pe table he g-on stoupe Alit. 1103; stoupip fpres.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 10222; ^toxji^ifsubjunct.J ayenh. 151; stupede fpret.J misc. 5'J : Flor. a. Bl. 697 ; he stoupede doun h. s. 5615; Iw. 3255. stur, L. Germ, stur, stour, rigidm, fortisy spec. 87; h. s. 11473. sturdi sturdy, ^^contumax\ prompt. 481; rel. ant. 1, 6; Chauc. C. t. 8925; stordi Alis. 1332; Gow. 3, 289; stordi, stourdi Rob. 157, 7 ^ 186, 2. sturdinesse sturdiness, '^contumacia\ rel. ant. 1, 7. 478 Sture sub- Slure Stour, p. I. s. VIJJ, 126; Ailmar rod bi Stilre (Stoiire) Jlorn ed. Lum. 685 fed. Hits. 688J. stiircii see steoren. sturgiun^ Fr. esturgeon, sturgeoji, llavel. 7 53. sturieii^ A. Sax. styrian, stir, movere, Lay 17403; Kath. 1273; a. r. 130; sture Horn 1445; stiren Orm. 2810; Arth. a. Merl. 2842; stirin prompt. 476; stire, stere Langl. h 17, 54 Sf 220; Chauc. C. t. c 346; sterie aijenb. 173; steren Mand. 22; stere Gow. 2, 13; stere strif And. 35; stired (pros.) reJ. ant. 1, 209; he . . . stiiried aa mare Marh. 9; sturied leihtres a. r. 198; sturede fpret.J Kath. 2146; Roh. 17, 9; Jos. 567; sturede liis tunge Lay 17434; lie stired pe coles Cha.ic. ('. t. ed. Wr. 13206; stired (part.) st. gen. 396 1 ; stired '^motus\ ps. 12, 15; istured Ifith. 797; comp. a-, bisturien. sturmen^ A. Sax. styrman, O.Icel. styrma, O.ll.ierm. sturmen, from storm, storm, agitare; storminge (part.) Chmc. lioet. 712; sturmden (pret.) Lay 18327. sturne^ A.Sax. styrne, stern, severus, austerus. Lay 2811; a. r.268; Flor. a. Bl 701; lioh. 27, 1; p. s. 153; spec. 31; stirne Orm. 15514; steriie prompt. 474; li h. due. 402; Sterne and stout Degrev. 105; steorne Alis. 2390; sturne, sterne (adv.) 0. a. n. 112. sturnellche sternly. Boh. 321, 16; sterne- liche Langl. ed. Wr. 5603. sturt^ 0.11. Germ, sturz, start (stert); stert Havel. 1873; Chaue. C. t. a 1705; stirt *'sa/ttis'\ proinpt. 476. sturten^ O.Dutch storten, O.lI.Germ. sturzen, start (start, stert), salire, mere; stirtin prompt. 476; stirte Ma7i. 5027; sterte Chauc. C. t. a 1044; buliuc sterte jj a. s. 4; sturte (pret.) Bob. 212, /; sturte (storte) Lay 23951 ; stirte Arth. a. Merl. 3338; Pharaon stirte up st, gen. 2931; stirte forth llavel . 873; sterte Will. 2277; Degrev. 1205; m. Arth. 2989; comp. a-, set-, missturten. stirtil ^^praeceps", prompt. 476. sturtlen startle (startle); stertlinde (part.) Mapes 335. stiiruiige^ A.Sax. styrung, stirring, horn. 1^ 189; steringe p. r. l. p. 251. stut^ A.Sax. stut, stout, ^^culex\ fragm. 3y 20. stutteii^ M.H.Gerni. stutzen? = stunten ? sidere, Jul. 51; pa no cud en ha neaver stutten hare cleppen a. r. 72'^'; stitte p. I. s. XIII, 239; stutted (pros.) horn. 1, 267; stuttinge (part.) Wicl. Ls. 32; pe stefne stutte Marh. 21; comp. aetstuttou. stuve, O.Fr. estuye, stew, caJdirium; stue, stewe prompt. 481 ; stuives, stives, sti- wes, stewes, stuvves, stues (pL) Langl. 6, 72 (7, 65); stives Chauc. C, t. d 1332; stewes (?om;. 3, 291; Mand. 131; stues pi. cr. 631 . stiiwiii^ O.Fr. estuver, stew, vaporare, prompt. 481. sub-, Fr. sub-, Lat. sub. sucuren, - Fr. secourir, succour; socoure Will. 1 186; Man. 7469; soucouri ayenh. 186; sucurede (pret) misc. 32. sucurs, Fr. secours, succour, a. r. 244; socurs Man. 51Jd6. souchen, O.Fr. souchier, suscher, suspi- cari; souche Will. 1983; souches /^^^r^^.y pr. c. 7 88; souched (pret.) Town. myst. 319. sudeakne suhdeacon, Shoreh. 50. soffisen suffice; souffise Lloccl. /, 356. soffren suffer; soffri Lay 24854"^; soffrep (pres.) ayenh. 139; suffred (part.) Will. 1014. soget subject. Will. 4V3; pi. cr. 650. sojornen, O.Fr. SQiorn^r, sojourn; sojourne Man. 351)0 ; sojournede (pret.) p. I. s. LX, 104. submitten suhnit; submittede /'^r^^.y C%^w^- Boet. 434. such sum 479 somonen, O.Fr. somoner, mmmon; somoni ayenh. 87; somone Mu7i. 3266; somui, sumni Bek. 397 ^' 737 ; sompne Langl. - I 3, 314; Chauc. C. t. d 1377. somonour, somnour summoner, Cham. C. t. a 643; somonour, sompnour Laugh b 4, 167. somounce, O.Fr. semonce, summons, /. h. r. 38; somons Man. 977; somouus d. Arth. 91. supposen suppose; suppose Chauc. C. t. d 786; pr. c. 3776. suspecion suspicion, Man. 2906; suspe- cioun Chauc. C. t. d 306. substance sulstance, ayenh. 113. substanciel substantial, ayenh. 113. sotil suhtile, subtle, ayenh . 24; Langl. h 16, 12; sotil, soutil, subtil Chauc. C, t. a 2049. sutilte subtiliiy, pr. c. 6903; sotelte /. c. c. 6. suburb suburb, prompt. 482. such see swulc. sucre^ Fr. sucre, sugar, ayenh. 83; sugre, suger Langl 6, 100 (122 J. suet suet, prompt. 483. sugge^ A. Sax. sucge, "Gurruca\ prompt. 483; comp. heisugge. su)e, A Sax. sugu, L.Germ. suge, soiv, sus; supe a. r. 204; zoje ayenh. 61; soghe Tovjn. myst.91; sowe Langl. h 11, 333; Chauc. C. t. a 2019. sowthistile sow-thistle, prompt. 466. suh^hcn^ Ban. sukke, Swed. sucka? suspira- re, gemere, Orm. 7924; suggep fpres.J St. cod. 64; suggeden fpret.) rel. ant. 1, 224. suht^ A Sax. 0. L.Germ. O.U.Germ. suht, 0. Icel. sott, aegritudo; comp. gol-, ^alow- soujt. sukeUj A. Sax. silcan, sugan, O.U.Germ. sugan, O.Icel. suga, Lat. silgere, suck (souk). Lay 13194; souken c. I. 78; souke Ljangl. h 11, 116; soukes fpres.J pr. c. 6767 ; soukend (part.) Gow. 1, 268; sec (pret.J a. r. 330; sek Arth. a. Merl. 2861; ssec (soc) (s6c?) Lay 12981; sok Octov. 666; p. I. 8. IV, 39; s. a. c. ed. Wr. XLVI, 8; pu suke (soke)X^3. 6026; soke Arth. a. Merl.. 2964; soken Alls. 6119; soken (part. J lud. Cov. 28; soke h. s. 6024. sulc see swulc. sulf see self. sulieu^ A.Sax. sylian, 0. L.Germ. sulian, in- qidnare; suled (pres.J h. m. 36; suiled a. r. 168; suliep o. a. n. 1240; isuled (part.) pi. cr. 762; isuled, isuiled a. r. 160 ^- 396; isulet Marh. 3; see solien and solwien. sulle, A.Sax. syll, O.Icel. sylla, O.Dutch sulle, Goth, sulja, sill, ''basis', fragm. 6j 2; sille prompt. 466; sille (d t.J Gaw. 66; selle Chauc. C. t. a 3822. sulleu see sellen. sulpen poUuere? sulpande (part. J a. p. /, 726; sulped (pret. part.) 2, 16. suluh^ A.Sax. sulh, sulloio, sull, aratrum, a. r. 384; sulje Z,. 2281 ; spot a. r. 110; swot Havel. 2662; c. I. 200; swoot Chauc. C. t. 12506; lud. Cov. 30; swete prompt. 483; swate fdat.J La^. 17803. spati, spoti, A.Sax. spatig, O.Icel. sveitiigr, M.H.Germ. swei^ic, sweaty, a. r. 104. swa|» swath, fascia. swapclut voc. 143. swathe, A.Sax. spaclu f vestigium J, O.Dutch swade fstrigaj, swath, striga, prompt. 482; "andeitie'\ roc. 154; swathes fpl.J d. Arth. 2508. swathin, A.Sax. (bi)spedian? swathe, ^fasci- are\ prompt. 482; iswapid f part. J voc. 143. swa))el, A.Sax. spsedil, spedel, O.Dutch swa- del, sivaddle, fascia. svepelband Halliw. diet. 825. swepelclout yn. h. 91. swa|)leii swaddle, fasciare ; swapild f part. J voc. 203; swepled Gaw. 2034. swaiTrieii, A.Sax. spadrian, swather fzwodderj^ deficere ; swoddrie f? printed swondrie) p. I. s. XVII, 257. swaitriiige defectio; svoddringe Roh. 264, 21. swe^, A. Sax. speg, Jrom sw63en, sonus ; speih frag^n. 1, 14; spei horn. 1, 87; speije fdat.J fragm. 7 , 42. Sweden, A. Sax. spegan, sonare ; spei5eii fragm. 1, 14; speied & singed horn. 7, 193; it sweyed so murye Langl. b prol. 10. spc^er, A. Sax. speger, 0. II. Germ, sviger, Goth, svaihro, Lat. socrus, Gr. sxupa, ''sofcrus/\ fragm. 2, 23; spegre, spigre ''socruni\ Mat. 8, 14 Sf 10, 35. swei^, O.Icel. sveigr ? siQay, Chauc. Boet. 816. swei^en, 0. Tcel. sveigja, sway fswey, sweigh), flectere, versare ; sweyed fpret.J Gaw. 1429; a. p. 3, 151. swein see swain. sweip see swap. swel, A.Sax. (ge)spell, O.Dutch (ge)swell. swelen sweord 485 simll, tumor, s. s. cd. Weh. 1566; pene spel a. r. 274. swelen^ A. Sax. spelaii, sweol fsweelj, urere; swele Ber. 2J49: swelde fpret.J Lay 26694: comp. forswelen. swelj, O.Dutch swelg, faux; zvelj ayenh. 66 ^' 82; sweluj Wicl. 3 kings 11; sweluh "vorago\ prompt. 482; swelogh Mand. 33; swelu, sveluh fms. swelw, svelhu) Man. 1463. swel^eii, A.Sax. spelgan, speolgan, O.L.Germ. (far)svelgan, O.Icel. svelga(?) pret. svalg, O.II.iJerm. svelhan, swelly, glutire, vorare; swelghe pr. c. 6232; swelwen Lidg. st. Th. 4073; swelwin prompt. 482; swele- we p. r. I. p. 237; swelighis '■^devoran£\ ps. 13, 4; spalh fpret.J Orm. 14692; swolgen fpart.J st. gen. 1976; comp. a-, for-, iswel3en ; deriv. swel3, swal3, swal- 3en. swelle tumidus, elatus? bolde and swelle Octav. 1667. swelien^ A.Sax. spellan, O.H.Germ. svellan, O.Icel. svella, swell, tumere, Lay 19800; swelle misc. 80; Langl. 119, 278; Chauc. C. t. a 2762; spelled fpres.J h. m. 31; spelle fsuhjunct.J a. r. 274; swal, sval f pret. J 0. a. n. 7; swal Chauc. C. t. d 967; for hunger ich swal misc. 82; swol- len fpart.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8826; swoUe p. I. s. XXV, 162; comp. to- swellen. swelni^ O.H.Germ. svilm f sopor J 9 aestus? Alex. 760; a. p. 3, 3. spelten^ A.Sax. speltan, O.L.Germ. sveltan, O.Icel. svelta, Goth, sviltan, O.H.Germ. svelzan, swelt, tiri, mori, Marh. 7 ; Orm. 916; spelten ich schal & beornen horn. 1, 197; swelten Lay 19801; Jos. 377; swelte Langl. b 6, 164; Lidg. m. p. 38; d. Arth. 813; i swelte and swete Chauc. C. t. a 37 03; spealt f pret. J horn. 1,226; swaelt Lay 26666; spalt Orm. 31 ; swalt a. p. 1, 816; swelt Will. 1494; swulten Jjay 6071; spulten Orm. 6321; comp. a-, forswelten. swem^ O.Icel. sweimr ftumultus J, M.H.Germ. sweim fvihratioj? sweam, st. gen. 391 ; lud. Cov. 72 8f 109; sweem "tristitia", prompt. 482; sweme fdaf.J Lidg. m. p. 38. swomful sacram. 798. swemli /. h. r. 136. swemeu^ A.Sax. (a)s]?£eman, M.H.Germ. swei- men fvagarij, O.Icel. sveima fgrassari)? contristare? he seal alle pa swiken swe- men f? printed swenien) mid ei3e La^. 16099; ne speamen hire heorte mid per- nunge a. r. 330; swemith fpres.J lud, Cov. 148; swemande fpart.J a. p. 2, 663; ispeamed fpret. part. J h. m. 17. speuchen^ A.Sax. spencan, M.H.Germ. swen- ken ftorquerej, from swinken, fatigue, tor- ment, afflict, hom. 1, 13; a. r. 134; spenche p. I. s. VIII, 126; spenchen, spenken Orm. 8942 Sf 12216; spenchest fpres.J h. m. 36; pu spenchest te t6 spide Marh. 6; monine mon on swevene ofte heo s wenched La-^. 16787; comp. i- swenchen. speiig^ A.Sax. speng, O.Fns. sweng, from swingen, verber, o. a. n. 799; spenges fpl.J Marh. 14; a. r. 80. sweiigilj O.Uuteh M.H.Germ. swengoi? swin- gel, flagellum, prompt. 482. sweugen, A.Sax. spengan, O.Fris. swenga, swinge, jactare, verberare ; swengin ffor swingin?) prompt. 482; speng fimperat.) a. r. 290; swenged Z«v 22839; speinde fpret J a. r. 280; sweinde Lay 8183 Sf 21138. speor^ A. Sax. speor, 0. H. Germ, svehur, sweher, Goth, svaihra, Lat. socer, Gr. Ixupoc, "socer \ fragm. 2, 22. speor^ A. Sax. speor, "columna", fprinted speor) fragm. 3, 68. speord^ A.Sax. speord, spyrd, spurd, O.Fris. swerd, swird, O.L.Germ. sverd, O.IeeL 486 sweore sweven sverd, O.H.Germ. svert, sword fswcrd, swurdj, gladius, eyisis, Mark. 5; a. r. 212; sweord Alts. 147; pat sweord (swerd) Lay 1658; sperd Orm. 16284; swerd St. gen. 1307; Chaw. C. t. a 112; Wicl. John 18; Eglam.265; iv. a. i.41; sverd Hob. 207, 15; sword Mand. 291; pet zYOi'd. ageub. 148; swird F/or. 585; sweord, sweordes fpl.J Lay 26305 Sf 28548; swerd, swerde, swerdes Langl. 1,97 (103j; sweorden (dat. 'ph) Lay 6699. swerdberare sword-hearer, prompt. 483. STveordbroder, M. JI. Germ, swertbruoder. Lay 30523. sweore see swire. sweoven see sweven. swep, A. Sax. sp^ep? sweep? des dremes swep ne wot he nogt st. gen. 2112. spepe^ A. Sax. spipe, speope, 0. Icel. svipa, 0. Dutch swepe, flagellum, Orm. 15562; swepis fpl.j Town. myst. 227 . swepen^ O.Icel. sopa, sweep, verrere; swepin prompt. 482 ; swepe Chaiic. C. t. ed. Wr. 8854; Flor. 138; pe water con fr. gon) swepe a. p. 1, 111; sweped f part. J pr. c. 4947. swepare sweeper, prompt. 482. swenl see sweord. swere see swire. swerare swearer, prompt. 482. swerieii^ A. Sax. speria-n, O.L.Germ. O.II. Germ, sverien, O.Icel. sverja, from swar, swfar, jurare, La^. 5403; sperien a. r. 70; swerie Roh. 346, 10; zverie ayenh. 6; swere Langl. 1, 97 (103); Chauc. C. t. a 1821; sperie fpres.J Marh. 21; (hi) sweriep Belc. 2022; comp. forswerien. swerkeu^ A.Sax. speorcan, O.L.Germ. sver- kan, caligari. ohscurari; swaerked fpres.J Lay 22030; swurken fpret.J Lay 11973. swerven^ A.Sax. speorfan, O.Tcel. sverfa /^^^r- gtrej, 0. Fris. swerva, 0. Dutch swerven fvagarij, O.H.Germ. swerban, Goth, (af)- svairban, swerve: pat it may swerve to no side Gow. 3, 92; pe dint swarf Arth. a. Merl. 9369; heo sperf to Criste Juith. 2212. spete, A.Sax. spete, O.Fris. swete, O.LGerm. svoti, O.Icel. scetr, Goth, sutis, O.ILGerm. suozer, M. II. Germ, siie^e, Lat. svavis (for svadvis), Gr. f;56c, sweet (soot), dul- cis, suavis, JCath. 613; swete Ravel. 2927 ; Roh. 244, 6; Mand. 57; pr. c. 4915; spete, svete o. a. n. 358 Sf 866; svete spec. 23; spet Orm. 1258; swet st. gen. 3302; sqvete ant. Arth. XXV, 10; swi- te s. s. ed. Wr. 2080; spete, spote a. r. 80 Sf 98; swete, swote, sote Chatic. C. t. a 3205 Sf^ 3206; syote Marh. 4; swote spec. 57; spote (adv.) a. -r. 238; swote /. h. r. 24; swetture (compar.) misc. 97; svettere spec. 68; s wetter pr. c. 3699; spottre Marh. 11. speteliche sweetly, Kath. 673; a. r. 264; r. s. IV, 44; sweteliche Will. 1329. swete, O.Icef. soeti, O.H.Germ. suozi, stvoet, dulcedo, Gaw. 2518. sweteii, A. Sax. spetan, 0. H. Germ, siiozen, sweeten; swetin ^^dulcorare\ prompt. 483 ; salt pat ure mete spetep Orm. 1649. sweten see sweeten. speting sweeting, hom. 1, 271; sweting Will. 916; Town. myst. 96; sveting spec. 51. spetnesse, A.Sax. spetness, O.H.Germ. suoz- nissi, sweetness, h. m. 7 ; swetnesse c. I. 582; spetnesse, spOtnesse a. r. 80 Sf 102; swotnesse, svotnesse /. h. r. 28 Sf 29. swe|)el see swapel. speveii, A.Sax. spefen, spefn n., O.Icel. svefn, O.L.Germ. sweven(?) dat. swefne, Sanscr. "i^fjIT, Lat. somnus (for sopnus), Gr. UTCvoc m., sweven, somnus, somnium, Kath. 1572; sweven Goio. 1, 24; s. s. ed. Wr. 1936; a sweven Lay 25552; pat sweo- ven 25553; swevin Octav. 158; mir. pl. 122; swevene Langl. prol. 11; prompt. 483; svevene p. I, s. XIII, 147 ; spefne sweveriien swia 487 (dat.J a. r. 224; swevene st. gen. 225; Lidg. St. Th. 1224. sweYenicn^ A.Sax. spefnian, Zaf. somniare; swevenep fpres.J Wicl. Is. 19; swevenid fpret.J Langl. a prol. 10^. swcYct, A. Sax. speofot, somnus; swevete f dat.J Lay 17773; speovete Kath. 1438. swevien^ A. Sax. spefian, spebbau, O.Icel. svefja, O.H.Germ. (in)sveppen, Lat. so- pire, sweh, sopire ; speved fpres.J horn. 1, 233; swevede fpret.) La^. 25548; he spefede pe mid pen spei3e fragm. 7, 42; comp. 3eswevien. swie, A. Sax. spige, silent: pe devel com to pis maide swie (swipe?) Marg. 157. spipike stiUe woche, a. r. 70^\ spiftj A. Sax. spift, swift, celer, velox, Orm. 6972; swift 7m8C. 94; Arth. a. Merl. 535; swifte fpl.j Lay 5902; Chauc. C. t. a 190; a. p. 1, 570; swiftre (swiftere) fcompar.J Lay 26068; spifture a. r. 94. zvifthede velocitas, ayenb. 78. spiftliche swiftly, Kath. 689; sviftliker fcompar.J Ilalliw. diet. 826. spiftnesse, A. Sax. spiftuess, swiftness, a. r. 94; swiftnes pr. c. 9029. spiftschipe velocitas, a. r. 398. swi^ieii^ A.Sax. spigian, O.Fris. swigia, 0. L.Gcrm. svigon, O.H.Germ. svigen, he si- lent; spiede fpret.J h:m. 2, 101; swi3e- den Lay 16820. spike^ A.Sax. spica, O.Icel. sviki, from swi- ken, deceiver, traitor, a. r. 98; swike Ha- vel. 423; spec. 46; svike Roh. 221, 1; speoke h. on. 45; swiken fpl.J Lay 3816; camp, leodswike. swike^ A.Sax. spice, deceptive, treacherous, La^. 14865; st. gen. 2845. spikedom, A, Sax. spicdom, 0. Icel. svik- domij treachery, hom.l, 55; Orm. 3997; swikedom Lay 8310; st. gen. 2883; p. 8. 220; swike-, svikedOm o. a. n. 167; svikedom Roh. 36, 18. swikehede treachery, o. a. n. 162*'. swike^ A.Sax. spice, O.H.Germ. (a-, bi)swich, deception, rel. ant. 1, 220. swicful Lay 8022. swike ''decipula\ voc. 221; Rich. 4081; lw.677; he biuded uppon pa spike chese horn. 1, 53. swikel^ A.Sax. spicol, O.Icel. svikall, decep- tive, treacherous, Havel. 1108; ps. 5, 7*; Man. 3828; svikel chron. Engl. 791; pe swikele king Liy 15026; pe swikele wi- mon rel. ant. 1, 144; swikelne face. m.J rel. ant. 1, 183; spikele fpl.J p. I. s. Till, 127; spikelure fcompar.J a. r. 180. svikeldom o. a. n. 163. svikelhede o. a. n. 162. swikelli ^^dolose\ ps. 13, 3. swikelnesse deception, misc. 74. swiken^ A. Six. spican, 0. L. Germ, svlcan, 0. Icel. svika(?) pret. sveik, 0. H. Germ. svichan, cease, fail, deceive. Lay 4111; spike fpres.J o. a. n. 1459; swike spec. 48; zvikep ayenh. 157; jipike fsuhjunct.J Marh. 5; comp. a-, bi-, iswiken; deriv. swike, swikel. swilc see swulc. swiieii^ A.Sax. spilian, swill, lavare: dishes swilen Havel. 919; swile h. s. 5828. swinie^ A.Sax. spima, O.Fris. swima, 0. Icel. SYimi, vertigo, h. s. 11287; Degrev. 1211; d. Arth. 4246; Town. myst. 8. spimineUj A Sax. spimman, O.H.Germ. svim- man, O.Icel. svimma, swim, natare, horn. 1, 51; swimmen Langl. h 12, 163; swim- me Ilo-rn 1432; Chavc C. t. a 3575; swam fpret.J Will 2760; Gow. 2, 272; swam, svam Brand. 8 ^' 31; spummen hom. 1, 129; swommen ^I^icl. deeds 27; svommen (swomme) Lay 1342. swimniere swimmer, natator, Langl. h 12^ 167. spin, A.Sax. spin, O.Fris. svvin, O.Icel. 0. L.Germ. svin, O.H.Germ. svin, swin, Goth. svein, swhie, porcus, a. r. 128; swin Chauc. C. t. c 556; pat wilde swin Lay 488 swmc swire 468; pet zvin ayenh. 255; spin fpl.J a. r. 230: Orm. 7410; swiii La^. 25682; Mand. 248; sviii rel. ant. 1, 62; spiiien fdat. pi. J hom.l, 135; comp. mast-, mer- swin. swiinkote swme-cote, prompt. 483. swinflesch voc. 200. swiinlierd(e) tivine-herd, pro7npt. 483. swinstT, O.Icel. svinstT, O.Dutch swinstie, 0. II. Germ, swlnstige, sivine-sty, pr. c. 9002. spiiic^ A. Sax. spine, from swinken, lahour, a. r. 94; Orm. 6102; swine (swineh) La^. 2297; swink Havel 770; c. I. 200; Trist. 1, 102; Chauc. C. t. a 188; pr. c. 755; hid. Cov. 30; zvineh ayenh. 83; spinkes fgen.J Kath. 806; spinke fdat. J a. r. 220; spinche p. I. s. VIII, 186; swinche BeJc. 9; comp. 3eswineli. spincful laborious, Orm. 2621. spinefulnesse Orm. 2526. spiiideii^ A. Sax. spindan, O.II.Germ. svintan, vanish, decrease, p. I. s. VIII, 29; swinde p. s. 150; comp. aswinden. spiiigeii^ A. Sax. spingan, O.L.Germ. O.II. Germ, svingan, swing, vihrare, verier are, Jul. 58; Orm. 6362; swinge Havel. 214; swing fpres. imper.) I. c. c. 11; swang fpret.J a. p. 1, 1058; swong Man. 13054; lie spong hire . . . abuten his spire Marh. 9; with swerdes swonge pei to gider Will. 3856; sw(u)ngen (part.) Havel. 226; swungen, swongen ps. 72, 5; swon- gen with swepis Town. myst. 227 ; swonge /. h. r. 142; comp. i-, toswingen; deriv. sweng, swengen, swingle. swingle, A. Sax. spingla, O.Dutch swingel, swingle, flagellum, ^'■pessef , voc. 156. swiiigleii, O.Dutch swingelen, swingle, fla- qellare: i bete and swingile flex rel. ant. 2, 197. ^'iiik see swine. spjflkeii; A. Sax. spinean, lalour, travel, a. r. 358; spinken after mete Orm. 6100; spinken fer til haljhen 15760; swinken st. gen. 3778; swinke Itol. 99, 6; Mire 1346; Chauc. C. t. a 186; Isumb. 396; zvinke fpres. J ayenb. 171; spanc fpret.J Ortn. 17699; swane st. gen. 2014; swank Havel. 788; Shoreh. 165; spone a. r. 110; swoncZa^. 7488; pat ieh ... hider sponk (swone) 0. a. n. 462; swunken st. gen. 1656; spunke p. I. s. VIII, 128; swon- ken Zangl. prol. 21 ; swonke liich. 3762; swunke (swonke) fsubjunct.j La^. 17909; spunken f part. J Orm. 6103 ; ispunken a. r. 404; comp. a-, bi-, ofswinken ; deriv. swine, swenehen. swiiikere labourer, Chauc. C. t. a 531 ; zvin- keres fpl.J ayenb. 90. swipe, 0. Icel. syipr, M. H. Germ, (nider-, umme)swif, sivipe, vibratio, verher, prompt. 482; pat of pen ilke sweorde enne swipe (swip) hefde La^. 7648. swipir, A. Sax. spipor(?), sivipper, ^^agiUs\ prompt. 484. sweperli d. Arth. 1128. swippeii, A. Sax. spipian, O.Icel. svipa ? vi- brare, verberare : &> lette hit a dun swip- pen Z«3. 16510; swippes fpres. J pr. c. 2196; sqvlppand f part. J ant. Arth. V, 3 ; swipte fpret.J La^. 16518; Man. 12117; spipte hire of pat heaved Kath. 2485; heo bid sone ispipt ford a. r.228; comp. ofswippen. swird see sweord. spire, A. Sax. spira, spyra, spiora, speora, O.Icel. sviri, collum, cervix, Marh. 9; swire Havel. 311; spec. 28; a. p. 2, 1744; Fercev. 790; Min. 37 ; sqvire ant. Arth. XL, 7; spire, speore a. r. 58 Sf 394; pene swfire, sweore (swere) Za^. 4012 Sf 26565; speore horn. 1, 49 Sf fms. spore) 169; sweore, sp(e)ore, swere o. a. n. 73 Sf 1125; spere p. I. s. VIII, 73; swere Alls. 2000; s. s. ed. Web. 461; Gow. 2, 30; svere Rob. 389, 22; zvere ayenb. 155. swid swor 48^ swireban d. Arth. 2059. speorbeah ^^momle\ fragm. 2, 32. speorcops "boja\ fragm. 6, 3. swiiT, A. Sax. spiJ, spj^tt, O.L.Germ. svith, Goth, svinjjs, 3I.II.Germ. swinder, O.lcel svinnr, fort is ; spide (adv.) swith, valde cito, Mark. 5; spipe pel Orm. 2157, swlde st. gen. 1009; swipe Ilavel. Ill, c. 1.320; Will 41; Trist. 1, 15; Langl h 5, 456; Chouc. C. t. I 730; s. s. ed Wr. 2; Tor. 1956; swipe fele Shm-ek 104; high pe swipe ps. 30, 3; pis mai ran til hir moder swipe m. h. 39; svipe Brand. 2; chron. Engl. 341; Man. 134, 13; swithe pr. c. 5713; sqvipe ant. Arth. XIF, 10; spide, spude a. r. 5H ^- 236; swide, swiide La^. 1349 ^ 4170; spipe, svipe, spupe, supo o. a. n. 2, 376, 1245 Sf 1591; supe Flor. a. Bl 355; swiper fcompar.J Lay 1580; pe spidre h. m. 39; on par spideran fdextraj halfe horn. 1, 229; mid his swidrcn honde La). 21424; spidest fsuperlat.J ICath. 734; swa we hit swidest ma^en don La). 25794. swidelTche Lay 4421. swicten, A. Sax. spidan, fortify; swided (ms. swided) (pros.) rel. ant. 1, 210. switt'en, O.lcel. svida, swid, urere ; sv/ipe ps. 120, 6-'; swipez (pres.) a. p. 3, 478; comp. forswiden. swiveii, A. Sax. spifan, O.leel. svifa, O.Fris. swiva, stvive, vihrare? yone wenche sal i swive (futuere) Cham. C. t. a 4178; eomp. oferswifen; deriv. swaif, swaiven. swo see swa. swodilrieii see swadrien. spoft quod eversum est? misc. 176. SW65 sough (sow), sonitus, gemitus ; swog st. gen. 484; pe swogh of pe see d. Arth. 759; swogh, swough Chauc. C. t. a 1979 ^^ 3619; SW0U3 Beves 1563; swOugh Arth. a. MeH. 7142; Iw. 824; m. Arth. 903; swouh /. h. r. 135; swow Rich. 796; fel doun on swow Will. 87; s5w Eglam. 374; sw63e (dat.) Alex. 5020; swoghe Isumh. 89; Clement lay in swOghe Octav. 900; he com with a svowe Man. 170, 14; pe swoughes and pe cries Lidg. St. Th. 4348. swo^eii^ A.Sax. spOgan (sonare, strepere), 0. L.Germ. svogan (cum sonitu ferri), sonare y cum sonitu, vel gemitu, procidere; swCwe Alls. 7874; spopinde (part.) a. r. 288; swej (pret.) Gaw. 1796; swey a. p. «?, 429; iswo^en, iswowen (part.) La"). 3074 ^ 4516; a dun he feol iswo3e Horn ed. Ljum. 428; isv63e Brand. 1; iswowen Jos. 203; iewowe Rob. 290, 8; Alis. 2438; deriv. SW03, swo3ien, swe3, swe- 3en. swo^icu^ Goth. (ga)sv6gjan(cT£vaC3tv)? sought gemere, cum gemitu procidere ; swowe Langl. h 5, 154; swowed (v. r. swowned, swou- ned) (pret.) Langl. h 14, 326; sOghed, soughid Parten. 1944 ^' 2890; sou3ed a. p. 3, 140. swojiie swoon (swound, sound); swowne Goio. 1, 268; pr. c. 7289; sche fel in swowne Triam. 37 5; she fil a swOwne (on swoune) Chauc. C. t. c 245. swo^neii swoon (swound, sound); swownin ^ilhire, synGopare\ prompt. 484; swoweue Man. 1841 ; swOgheued (pret.) Alis. 5857 ; swowned Will. 2098; swowned, swouned Langl. h 20, 104; swownid Octav. 983; swouned Legrev. 360; sOwened Em. 780; sownid 'Tor. 1886; swowned, sw^Ouned (part.) Chauc. C. t. a 913. swol^^ swol3en see swal3, swal3en. swon see swan. swopeu see swapen. swor, A.Sax. spor, Goth. O.L.Germ. O.E. Germ, svor, O.Tcel. svor, sor, (pret.) swoor, juravi. La). 3446; st. gen. 1338; Ilavel. 398; Bek. 719; sw^or, swoor La?igl. 2, 146 (168); svor Rob. 347, 9; pu swOre Beh. 1015; (heo) sworen La^ . 6170; 62 i 490 swor t^l Langl. h 1'), 586; swore Chauc. C. t. a 1826; svore Man. 28, 22. swor, M. II. Germ, swuor, jurandum ; swore ^dat.J 3Iirc ll;67. sword see sweord. swot see swat. swotc see swete. swoweii see swojen. swul swulc, A. Sax. spjlc, spile, spelc, O.L. Germ, sulic, 0. II. Germ, su-, solicher, Goth, svaleiks, O.Icel. slikr, such fsichj, talis, qualis; swulc, swilc, sulc, sulcli, such (socli) La^. 491, 1375, 4085, 6486 Sf 26128; spile Orm. 1632; nis no loverd spile se is Crist p. I. s. VIII, 40; swilc tiding sL gen. 407; metal swilc he wolde 3620; swilk IIavel.2123; Rich. 6019; pr. c. 155; Ismnl. 11; spileh rel. ant. 1, 131; spilch, spich Hick. thes. 1, 222; spuch Marh. 16; Kath. 690; a. r. 12; h. m. 7; spuch, svich, such 0. a. n. 405, 1307 Sf 1496; swich g. 360; swieh, such Chauc. C. t. a 3; k such lmi3t Itoh. 217, 22; soch Eglam. 30; sich Percev. 159; Town, myst. 27; sech Tor. 2241; selk an. lit. 5; slik Iw. 141; Min. 25; swulchen fdat. m.J Lay 2087 ; swulchere (dat. f.J Lay 4449; mid sueher sor3e Shoreh. 33; swulene face, m.) Lay 18934; nenne spuchne mon a. r. 96; swulche fpl.j Lay 6564; swilke, swiche, suche Langl. prol. 32; suche Bel. 174; De- grev. 112; soche Aud. 81; zvichen (dat. pi.) ayenh. 37 . swure see swire. ta, A. Sax. O.Icel. ta, O.K. Germ, zehe, toe, digitus pedis; taa pr. c. 1910; to Beh. 1478; p. 1. s. VI, 13; too s. s. ed. JVr. 1131 ; ton (2)1.) pi cr. 426; toon Chauc. C. t. h 4052; tos Ravel. 2163; tan (dat. pi. J Jul. 59. tabard^ O.Fr. tabard, tabart, tahard, "colo- bim?i\ prompt. 485; rel. ant. 1, 62; ta- bard, tabart La7igl. 5, 111 (196). table, Fr. table, table, tabula, horn. 1,^11; tables of ston ayenb. 5; gemenes of des and of tables 45; see tavel. tabour, O.Fr. tabour, tahour, Havel. 2329; Chauc. C. t. d 2268; tabor "tympa7iu7n\ rel. ant. 1, 6; tabours (pi.) Will. 3813. tacneii, A.Sax. tacnian, O.Icel. takna, teikna, Goth, taiknjan, 0. II. Germ, zeichenen, zeich- nen, /rom taken, tohe ', signare, Orm. 1639; tokened (pres.) st. gen. 638; tokenep Shoreh. 8; Will. 2937; tacnede (pret.) Lay 2832; takned (part.) ps. 4, 7; camp. bi-, itacnen. tacuiuge, A. Sax. tacnung, tohening. Lay 15974: tokning st. gen. 1624; tokeninge c. 1. 557. tade, A.Sax. tadie, toad, Hufo\ voc. 190; tadde ^^(rana ru)beta\ fragm. 3, 30; horn. 1, 53; p. s. 238; toode prompt. 495; tadden (pi.) a. r. 214; tades j?r. c. 6900; todes Mand. 61. t^chen, A.Sax. tgecan, teach, monstrare, do- cere, Orm. 3468; techen a. r. 210; st. gen. 2792; Langl. b 17 , 40; teche o. a. n. 1021; Chduc. C. t. a 308; pr. c. 5548; teache p. 1. s. VIII, 152; tekj) (pres.) ayenb. 6; hi teclie]) 8; teche (im- per.) Degrev. 914; tsehte, tahte (pret.) Lay 3705 Sf 10240; tahte chron. Engl. 105; (ms. tahhte) Orm. 1071; me tajte hire ])e wei Belc. 75; taujte Langl. 1, 74 (76); Wicl. John 7; he taughte him sone to pe kiste Percev. 2109; bxute an. lit. 8; taite rel. ant. 1, 187; teihte a. r. 158; teihte p. I. s. XVII, 47; taht (ms. tahht) (part.) Orm. 18741; taU5t Langl. b 10, 223; comp. bi-, itsechen. - techcre teacher, Alis. 17. tsel, A.Sax. tgel, blame; tel Havel. 191; teil h. s. 2042; with cha(r)mes & with tele (fraud?) he is ibro5t a3ein to hele Mire 368. taelen tal 491 i'Men, A.Sax. ta)lan, O.Icel. tsela, prove, La\ 3334; Orm. 2033; tele o. a. n. 1311 ; telep fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 176; tifeldeii fpret.J La^. 3801. toliiige^ A.Sax. t£elung(?), illusion? Shoreh. Vo; wichecraft and telinge Mire 360; false teolunges a. r. 208. t«se, A.Sax. tsese flenisj; comp. itase. tJBScI, A.Sax. t&sel, O.R.Germ. zeisala, tea- sel ; tesel, tasil ^^Garduus\ voe. 141 Sf 191; tasil prompt. 487; taseles fpl.) Langl. h Id, 446. ta^seii^ A.Sax. t&san, O.Dutch tesen, M.H. Germ, zoiseii, tease ftosej; tOsin ^^carpere\ prompt. 407 ; toose rel. ant. 2, 101 ; pei tose and puUe (TO^i;. 1, 17; iviX^^^fpa/rt.) Gaw. 1160; camp, totasen. tafeta^ Fr. taffetas, taffeta, Cham. C. t. a 440. tail, A.Sax. taegel, taegl, O.H.Germ. zagelm. f Cauda J, O.Icel. Goth, tagl n. (pili caudae, {>pt^), tail, Cauda, Brand. 8; Mand. 201; Cham. C t. d 466; pe teil, pene teil a. r. 208; tailes fpl.J La^. 20557. taile, talie, O.Fr. taille, tally, ^Halea\ prompt. 486; taile, taille Cham. C. t. a 510; be taile and be score Launf. 410; taile oper scrit g. 362. tailed tailed, caudatus : pe tailede sterre Eoh. 416, 15; comp. iteiled. tailiii, taliin, O.Fr. tailler, tally, incidere, inscribere, 'prompt. 485 ^^ 486; jif i bigge . . . au^t bat 3if it be itailed (itailled) i for3ete it 3erne Langl. h 5, 429. tailour, O.Fr. tailleor, tailor; taillours /^/J Langl. prol. 100 (220). taiseu see teesen. tait, O.Icel. teitr (laetus, hilaris), O.H.Germ. zeizer ftenerj, hilaris, alacer? tait ... & qvoint a. p. 2, 811; tait(e) bestes Gaw. 1311; pe laddes were kaslte and teite Havel. 1841. takel, O.Dutch takel, Welsh tacl, tackhy in- strumentum, st. gen. 883; Chauc. C. t. a 106; a. p. 3, 233; ur takel ur tol WaH. hist. 2, 100; takil Man. 12081; Tor. 1404. taken, A.Sax. tacan(?), O.Icel. taka, taTce, tangere, caper e, Orm. 85; st. gen. 1318; to pan fehte taken Z^). 23688; hu heo mihten taken on (incipere) pat pe scucke weore fordon 25065; take Mand. 161 ; s. s. ed. Wr. 240; tfin Trist. 2, 21; ta- kep fpres.J Shoreh. 00; he takep nu tO fulhtnen Orm. 18260; pet ne may na3t polye pet me him take ayenh. 22; tCc fpret.J Ija-i,. 1016; Jul. 10; pat Adam god forlet & toe him to pe deofel Orm. 356; 3ho toe pel pip godes pord 2451; tok Alis. 3813; ])e gailer him tOk an appel p. I. s. XXIV, 231; took Langl. ed. Wr. 10135; ttik Isumh. 189; token s. s. ed. Wr. 1463; & token to 3eien I^ath.2001; he token leve st. gen. 2200; taken fpart.J Orm. 1150; c. I. 202; Chauc. C. t. a 1430; tan lud. Car. 15; itaken Xa^. 5502; itake Bck. 610; comp. a-, bi-, of-, over-, under-, up-, uttaken. taken, A.Sax. taeen, tacn, O.Fris. teken, 0. L.Germ. tecan, O.Icel. takn, teikn, O.H. Germ, zeichan n., Goth, taikns /., toJcen^ signum, La\ 3801; Kath. 195; Orm. 3335; ps. 85, 11; token st. gen. 646; tocne a. r. 316; ayenh. 226; taene fdat.J Lay 11900; in tOkne pat pais scholde be bitvext god and manne Shoreh. 131; comp. foretaken. takke tach, ''fibula', prompt. 485; tak /. h. r. 145. takkin, tachin, Fr. (at)tacher, tacl, fatjtach, figere, prompt. 485; tacked fpart.J Par- ten. 4802; tacehed /. h. r. 143; Gaw. 219. tal, A.Sax. (ge)t8el(?), Goth, (un)tals, O.H. Germ, (gi)zaler flevis, agilisj? tall, "ele- gans\ prompt. 486; per is nO bagpipe half so tal Lidg. m. p. 200; a taile man lud. Cov. 215. 492 tale tare talliche tally: & talllclie hire atired IFt'Il 1706. tale^ A.Sax. talii, O.Fris. tale, O.Icel. tala, O.H.Gtrm. zala, taJe, sermo, narratio, nu- merus, La^. 7397 Sf 12765; Kath. 637 Sf 1203; a. r. 68 Sf 320; Onn. 4310; Havel. 2026; ayenb. 234; Lidg. m. f, 44; ilierde ich holde grete tale o. a. n. 3; and tolde Eve a tale st, gen. 321; sevene ger bi tale 1673; on Enge](e) tale 2526; folc wipoute tale Roh. 393, 21; lie 3af answere and tale Shoreh. 123. talewls Langl. 3, 126 fl30j. tale^ A.Sax. taiu fopprohrium, calumnia), 0. Icel. tal f dolus, no.xaj, 0. II. Germ, zala fpericulmnj, Name; tole Shoreh. 36. tal), O.Dutch talg, tallow, sebum ; talgli rel. ant. 1, 53; taln3 JVicl. levit. 6; tal ugh Rich. 1552; taluli prompt. 486. talwi tallowy, prompt. 486. talie see taile. talien, A.Sax. talian, O.Fris. talia, O.Icel. tala, O.H.Germ. zalon, tale, fahulari, ser- mocinari, Kath. 795; talen Chauc. C. t. a 772; tale Will. 160; talie fpres.J a. r. 356; hunten par taliccT La'^^. 20857; peo mariners criep and talep Alts. 1415; taliinde f part. J ayenh. 207; taleden fpret.) Lay 3800; taled f part. J Gow. 3, 329. talkin talk, ^'•fahulari, sermocinari\ prompt. 486; Marh. 13; talke Langl. h 17, 82; talked fpres.J a. r. 422; h. m. 17; tal- kie (suljunct.) La^. 788; talkede fpret. J a. p. 2, 132; Fercev. 1526; talkeden Will. 3077. talmeii, O.Icel. talma fimpedire), L.Germ. Dutch talmen fcunctarij, talm ftaum), de- Jicere? talme Flor. 769; til ml tonge tal- mes rel. ant. 1, 292; mi harte talmes d. Arth. 2581. tarn, A.Sax. tam, torn, O.Icel. tamr, O.II. Germ, zamer, tatne, mansuetus; tame st. gen. 174; spec. 71; Gow. 1, 144; torn Kath 1318; tommure fcompar.J a. r. 144. tamehed mansuetudo, st. gen. 1485. taniicn, A.Sax. tamian, temian, O.Fris. te- ma, Goth. (ga)tamjan, O.Icd. temja, 0. II.Germ. zeman, tame, onansuefacere; tamin ^^domare\ prompt. 486; tame Mire 1728; temien a. r. 138; temie Lay 25231; teme Mapes 335; temep fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 245; temede fpret. J a. r. 176; te- med f part. J p. s. 214; comp. a-, itamien (-temien). tamiiige taming, prompt. 486. taiigc, A.Sax. 0. Dutch tange, 0. Icel. tong, O.H.Germ. zange, tong f tang J, ^^forceps\ voc. 232; tonge prompt. 496; o. a. n. 156; p. I. s. IX, 79; tangen fdat. pi. J Brand. 22. taugc, O.Icel. tangi, tang, "pugi&\ voc. 221 ; tonge "aculeus'\ promp)t. 496. tangil iratus, prompt. 486. tankard, O.Fr. tanqvart(?), tankard, "ampho- rd\ prompt. 486. taiiniu, O.Dutch tanen, tannen, Fr. tanner, tan, prompt. 486; itanned fpart.J g. 358. tauuere, O.Dutch taner, taniier, g. 359. taniii, Dutch tanig, tawny, prompt. 486; tauni Langl. h 5, 196. taper, A.Sax. tapur, taper, cereus, horn. 2, 47; Shoreh. 49; tap re fdat. J Langl. h 17 , 203; taperes fpl.J Marh. 18; Bek. 1883. tapet, O.Fr. tapit Gachet gloss. 26, tapet, ^'■tapetuni\ proinpt. 486; tapit Hapete\ voc. 242; Gaio. 568; tapetis fpl.J Wicl. 2 kings 17. tappe, A.Sax. t3eppa(?), 0. L.Germ. tappe, O.H.Germ. zapho, tip, epistomium, proinpt. 486; Chauc. C. t. a 3890; teppe ayenh. 27. tappe, A. Sax. tseppe, tape, ^^taenia\ voc. 196; tapes fpl.J Chauc. C. t. a 3241. tappeu, Lj.Germ. tappen, tap, palpare, an. lit. 86; tep fpres. imper.J a. r. 296. tappestere, A.Sax. taeppestre, tapster, Chauc. C. t. a 241. tare tare, Cham. C. t. a 4000; taren f^yl.J targe te3elare 493 Arth. a. Merl. 7364; taris ^^zizmia\ irwi. Mat. 13. targCj A. Sax. targe, O.IceJ. targa, O.Fr. targe, targe^ clipeus, Chauc. C. t. a 47 1 ; Parten. 4212. targcn^ O.Fr. targier, tardare ; targi misc. 36; targe Alts. ed. Sk. 211; targede fpret.J p. I. s. XILI, 17 d. target target, prompt. 487 . tar^eii^ tarieu see ter3en. tartc, Fr. tarte, tart, prompt. 487 . tasel see tgesel. taske^ O.Fr. tasche, tasque, task, prompt. 487, tassel^ O.Fr. tassel, tassel, prompt. 487 . tastcii^ O.Fr. taster, taste; taste Flor. 109; he gan taste aboute pe mou]) Langl. h 13, 346; taste fpres. impcr.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 12431; tasted fpret.J s. s. ed. Web. 1048; architriclin tastide J)e water fFz'cl. John 2. tater^ L.Germ. tater, O.lcel. toturr, tatter. tatereil tattered, laceratus, pi. cr. 7 o3 ; tatird pr. c. 1537 ; Town. myst. 4. taterin^ 0. Butch tateren, '^hlatcrare\ prompt. 487. ta|), O.lcel. tad, tath, stercus. tajiiii tathe, ^'stercorare', prompt. 487 . tauueii; O.Dutch touen, M.Il.Germ. zounen, monstrare, st. gen. 1022; taunede fpret.J rel. ant. 1, 226. ta?el, A. Sax. taefel, O.lcel. tail, 0. II. Germ. zabel, table: somme pleoide mid tavel Lay 8133''.. taevelbred, O.H.Germ. zabelbret, La-). 8133. tavelin^ A. Sax. tseflan, O.lcel. tefla, M.H. Germ, zabelen, play at tables, Marh. 13; tavelep fpres. J o. a. n. 1666. tavenie, Fr. taverne, tavern. Hob. 195, 6; ayenb. 56. tapen^ A.Sax. tapiau, O.Dutch touwen, Goth. taujan (iiotsTv), O.H.Germ. zawen, zowen, taw ftowj, parare, subigere, Orm. 16908 ; tawij) fpres. J rel. ant. 2, 175; cotnp. i- tawien. tawer, A.Sax. tapere, tawer, '^coriarim\ Wicl. deeds 9. te see to. teafor^ A. Sax. teafor, teaver, ^'minium'', f printed teapor) fragm. 2, 59. tealt, A.Sax. tealt fvncillansj? cristninge staiit te tealte Shoreh. 9. teani^ A.Sax. team f progenies, seqiielaj, 0. Fris. tam ffrenum, progeniesj, 0. IceL taumr, O.H.Germ. zaum, zoum fhabenaj, team, progenies, protelum, Jul. 60; pane team a. r. 336; tsem Orm. 2415; tern Hob. 261, 4; Alls. 2350; ps. 136, 7; teem chron. Fngl. 147; a tern of foure grete oxen Langl. b 19, 257; UmefdatJ Tor. 2022; temes fpl.J o. a. n. 776; p. I. s. XXI, 129; comp. bearnteam. t4Jar, A.Sax. tear, O.Fris. tar m., O.lcel. tar, Goth, tagr n., O.H.Germ. zaher «»., tear, lacrima ; i%^ Havel. 285; Mapes 338; teer lud. Cov. 213; pe ter, tere horn. 1, 159; tere, teere Chauc. C. t. b 3251; teares fpl.J Kath. 2361; a. r. 110; teares (teres) Lay 5075; taeres Orm, 13849; teres o. a. n. 426; st. gen. 2356; Gow. 1, 143; tiares ayenb. 173; tieres Horn ed. Lum. 654; teareu fdat. pi. J Horn ed. Rits. 970; comp. liunitiar. techc, tecche, O.Fr. teclie, "»io«, conditio'\ prompt. 487 ; tecches fpl.J ayenb. 32; wikked tecclies Man. 3899. techeu see tsechen. tedir^ L.Germ. toder, tiider, tedder, voc. 234. te)e, A.Sax. teag, O.lcel. ta.ug, frojn teon; teye '^theca'", i^rompt. 487 ; tie Gow. 2, 246; s. s. ed. Wr. 2951; Degrev. 552; biloken in hire teye r. s. VII, 68; comp, rakete3e. te^c, A.Sax. teg^, tj'-ge, tie, ligamen; teis fpl.J Jos. 504; tesen fdat. pi. J Lay 20998. tejele, Lat. tegula, tile, ayenb. 167; tigel St. gen. 2552; tile Chauc. C. t. d 2105, teghelstan rel. ant. 1, 54. tilare tiler, prompt. 494. 494 te3elin tempren lilin tile, prompt. 494. te5eii, A. Sax. tegaii(?), t^gan, tie fteej, li- gare; teien (ti3e) La^. 20997; tei3en, tien Langl 1, 94 (96); teye p. I. ' s. XXI, 130; teide fpret.J a. r. 140; ti3ed, tied c. I 407; tei3ed, teied f part. J Will. 3226 8f 3232; ti3ed a. p. 1, 464; tighed Alis. 779; teyd Chauc. C. t. ed. TFr. 10306; comp. i-, unte3en. teil see tail. teiii, A. Sax. tan, O.Icel. teinn, Goth, tains, O.II.Germ. zein, virgula? a tein of silver Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 13163. teit see tait. tek, O.Dutch tick, M.lI.Germ. zic, tich, tactus, prompt. 487 . teke see tike. tel, A. Sax. (ge)tsel, O.Icel. tal, O.L.Germ. (gi)tal, numher, a. r. 42; camp. itel. tel see tsel. tehl, A.Sax. teld, O.Icel. tiald, O.II.Germ. zelt, i^//^^, tetitorium, Ia\ 31384; m. Arth. 2624; teld, tgeld (= tield?) 6-^. ge^i. 2023 Sf- 3769; telt prompt. 488; telde ,^^«?^.; Iw. 2033; a. p. 2, 866. teldeii^ A.Sax. (be-, oferjteldan part, tolden, O.Icel. tialda pret. tialdada, tild (till, tile), tendere ? telde Alis. 3067 ; tilden his musestock ham. 1, 33; tillen pe nettes a. r. 334; tilded a. r. 334''; telded on lofte a. p. 2, 1342; teldit, iteldid, itil- led Langl. a 2, 44; it^elded Lay 17489; a paviloun iteld he sigh Launf. 263; comp. bi-, overtilden. tilduiige? a. r. 278. tele teal, querquedula, voc. 163; prompt. 487; sq. I. deg. 320. teleii see ta3len. telle? comp. earfedtelle. telleii^ A.Sax. tellan, O.Fris. tella, O.L.Germ. tellian, O.Icel. telja, O.II.Germ. zellan, * from tale, tell, narrare, numerare, Lay 14; Orm. 4330; st. gen. 497; Chauc. C. t. b 247; telle p. s. 131; Havel. 2613; Octav. 37 3; hit telled narratur, a. r. 74; tealde (pret.) Shoreh. 32; agenb. 239; talde Kath. 1318; Orm. 3372; Iw. 339; talde (tolde) Lay 1330; tolde a. r. 66; Langl. b 3, 232; XX li. he pern tolde Octav. 387; telde s. s. ed. Web. 798; tolden st. gen. 2221; tald (part.) pr. c. 213; told a. r. 336; teld Rich. 3343; comp. bi-, itellen. tellere teller, Will. 334. telliiige numeratio, ayenb. 1. telwiii^ O.Icel. telgja, "resecare\ prompt. 488, tern see team. teme, teeme, Fr. theme, Gr. Osfia, theme^ Langl. 3, 86 (93). tenieii^ A.Sax. teman, tyman, from team, teem, ducere, parere: to pitnesse . . . te- men p. I. s. VIII, 34; tO hire he wolde teman Lay 1263; he hehte Tennanciiis to Cornwale temen 7174; teamen h. m. 33; 3ho ne mihte t^emen Orm. 130; te- me 0. a. n. 499; h. s. 9346; a. p. 3, 316; innes for to teme & take Man. 11177; i nul nout teme (cotitend?) spec. 32; timen pi. cr. 742; temed (pres.) a. r. 220; tumde (pret.) Lay 27919; temden 1936. teiiieii^ O.Icel. toema, froyn tom, teem; temin ^^vaciiare\ prompt. 488; temez (pres.) d, Arth. 1801; pei teme sadils Ilalliw, diet. 837 . Teniese, A.Sax. Temese, Thames, Lay 7 404; Rob. 2, 7; Man. 4331. temieii see tamien. temperance^ Fr. temperance, temperance, a- yenb. 124. tempeste^ O.Fr. tempeste, tempest, misc. 32; Man. 2984. temple^ Fr. temple, temple, Lay 1137 ; Kath. 1489. temple^ Fr. tempe, temple, prompt. 488. tempren^ O.Fr. temprer, temper ^ temperare^ pi. cr. 7 43; temprep (pres.) ayenb. 234; tempred (part.) Orm. 2893. temse teono 495 tenisCj 0. Butch terns, temse, crihrum, voc. 200; prompt. 488. tenisiii; A. Sax. temsiaii, 0. Dutch temsen, crihrare, prompt. 488. ten, A. Sax. ten, teue, t^n, t^ne, O.Fris. tian, tien, 0. Icel. tiu, tio, 0. L. Germ. tehan, Goth, taihun, 0. II. Germ, zelian, zehani, Lat. decern, Gr. Slxa, Ir. Gael. deich, Welsh deg, Russ. ;i;ecflmb, Sanscr. ^TFT, ten, teen, ayenh. 5; ten, tene a. r. 200 8f 244; Shoreh. 92; ten, tgen (= tien?) st. gen. 1955 8f 3413; ten jer Lay 251 4; tene (ten) beod inoli^e f^^6'6'; tene -S«;^^. 794; Bel. 1851; comp. eahte-, feower-, fif-, ni3en-, seven-, six-, preo- tcne. ten see teon. tcnauut, Fr. tenant, tenant., Langl. 6, 39 {7, 40). tenche, O.Fr. tenche, tench, prompt. 488. tende see teope. tenden, A. Sax. tendan(?), Goth, tandjan, tind, infiammare, hom. 1, 81; tende treat. 135; he slial teenden "i7iGendet'\ Wid. exod. 30: tende Parten. 2136; tende fpres. suhjunct.J a. r. 296; tende fpret.J s. s. ed, Wr. 2183; hi tende here li3t p. I. 8. IX, 16; itend fpart.J Kath. 197; comp. antenden. tenden, i^r. tendre, tend; tende I. h. r. 120. tendre, Fr. tendre, tender, a. r. 372; Ha- vel. 217; ayenh. 77. tene, tenen see teone, teonen. teneis tennis, prompt. 488. tenement, Fr. tenement, tenement, prompt. 488. Tenet, A.Sax. Tenet, Thanet, Rob. 122, 8. tenge, A.Sax. (ge)tenge, propinquus: eludes Ii(e)ovene tenge (? ms. finge, r. w. genge) 0. a. n. 1001. tenoun, Fr. tenon, tenon, prompt. 489. tentaciiin, Fr. tentatiou, temptatim, a. r. 232. tente, Fr. tente, tent, prompt. 489. tenten, O.JFV. tenter, tempter, tempt, tentare, a, r. 236; itented, itempted f part. J a. r. 226 Sf 228. ten|)e see teo|)e. teolien see tilien. teon, A Sax. teon, O.L.Germ. tiohan, Goth. tiuhan, O.R.Germ. ziohan, Lat. dilcere, ducere, trahere, meare, La"^. 1831; c. I. 821; Alis. 6954; teon, teo Kath. 2129; teo 0. a. n. 1232; a pousend men ne mowe hire enes of pe stede teo p. I s. XXI, 112; ten Arth. a. Merl. 1435; towarde Egipte he gunne ten st. gen. 1953; he wulde ttat he sulde hem ten dat he wel dewed sulde ben 1913; tee Roh. 40, 6; Rich. 5137; lud. Cov. 33; te Orph. 280; m. Arth. 1015; tuen h. h. 234; tihp fpres. J o. a. n. 1435; hit hine tid to pan bittre dede hom. 1, 27; ten (suhjunct.) rel. ant. 1, 216; tea3h fpret.J hom. 2, 193; tseh, teih Za). 805 Sf 21616; te3 Flor. a. Bl. 617; teg st gen. 320; tei3 Jos. 57; tey rel. ant. 2, 278; tigh Gow. 2, 318; heo tu3en, tu- wen Lay 1834 Sf 2619; tuhen Marh. 22; togen f part. J st. gen. 3647; towen Gaw. 1093; a. p. 1, 251; comp. a-, bi-, i-, up-, tit-, widteon; deriv. te3e, team, to3e, to3ien, tu3e, tu3el, tuht, tuhten. teone, A.Sax. teona, O.L.Germ. tiono, teen, vexatio, injuria, Lay 176; a. r. 114; Bel. 829; Alis. 2980; pene teone fragm 6, 41; pidute teone & treie hom. 1, 193 teone, tene Kath. 403 ^ 620; tene Orm 19866; St. gen. 2992; Ilavel. 729; Shoreh 130; Langl. b 6, 119; Chauc. C. t. a 3106; s. s. ed. Wr. 1797; Man. 8212, Triam. 345; Percev. 1345; m. Arth 1449; ich lede ml llf wip tene and kare an. lit. 7; 3if i told(e) him treuli mi tene and min anger Will. 552; tiene a yenb. 31; tuene rel. ant. 1, 263 ; teonen fpl.J iMy 11689; h. m. 7. teonful teenful, Lay 4585; tenful Will. 2666. 496 teonen tide tcoucii^ A. Sax. teonian, tynaii, O.L.Germ. (ge)tiuneaii, O.Fris. tiona, tiuna, teeti^ vexare, irritare ; tenin prompt. 489; tene s. s. ed. JFr. 2434; h. s. 7443; Eglam. 444; tene fprcs.J a. p. 2, 769; tened Kath. 549; lieo teoned a. r. 118; alle wordes him tienep and grevep ayenh. 142; tene|)-Xffw^/. h 15, 412; tened (part.) Will 1992; tenid rel. ant. 2, 196; dep. Rich. 17, 16; comp. a-, i-, ofteonen. teoricu^ A. Sax. teorian, O.L.Germ. (far)te- rian, M.II.Germ. zern? tire, deficere; tire Tcwn. myst. 126; him teorep his miht fragm. 5, 38; comp. ateorien. kofe^ A. Sax. teoda, O.Icel. tiundi, tiondi, O.L.Germ. tehando, Goth, taihunda, O.II. Germ, zehanto, tithe, tenth, decimiis, LeJc. 619; tepe Shoreh. 101; tipe Langl. h 15, 480; a. p. 2, 216; tigde, tende st. gen. 597; tipe, tenpe Will. 4715 ^ 5346; tende Orm. 27 15; ayenh. 2; teonde horn. 1, 219; tenpe h. s. 2926. teojierc tither ; tiperes fpl.j Chauc. C. t. a 1312. teo|)icii^ A. Sax. teodian, tithe, decimas dare; tithin prompt. 495; tepe3ede fpret.J Hob. 261, 26; iteopeged (port.) a. r. 28. te|)inge^ A.Sax. teodnng, tithing, lloh. 267 , 3. teow? comp. ladteow. teppe see tappe. ter see tear. terc^ A.Sax. torn, teorii, O.Dutch tere, 0. Icel. tiara(?), tar, pix, voc. 279; ter st. gen. 662. tere difficult, Alex. 150; Legrev. 1409; ant. Arth. X, 4; see tor. tcreii, A.Sax. teran, Goth, (ga)tairan, O.II. Germ, zeran, tear, tire, vellere, lacerare, p. I. s. XXV, 150; tere Alis. 5985; Chauc. a t. h 1326; Legrev. 1688; tire Flor. a. Bl. 736; m. t. 112; terep (pres.) misc. 67; he tired on his Icet rel. ant. 1, 218; tar (pret.) L T. 100; and tar hire hi pan ere La^. 25850'^'; teren Hand. 81; tiere La^. 24843'^'; toren (part.) s. s. ed. Weh. 782; comp. toteren. tereii tar, pice linere; tere Havel. 707 ; ter- red (part.) st. gen. 2596. terpen, A.Sax. tergan, tyrgan, 0. Dutch ter- gen (vexare, irritare), tarry (terry); teryin ^Hrritare, morari\ tervvin '■fatigare\ prompt. 489; gef him . . . bilimped for to tirgen rel. ant. 1, 216; i wol not tarien you Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 10387; tarye Alis. 2010; tarye (pres.) Hand. 160; pat 30 terren him to wrappe "m^ eum ad ira- cundiam provocetis\ Wicl. deuter. 4; he tar3ede a lute while p. I. s. XIII, 179; taried ps. 105, 16; itaried ^fatigatus\ rel. ant. 1, 9. tcrmc, Fr. terme, term, a. r. 338; ayenh. 33. teriie, O.Icel. tiorn, tarn, lacus, a. p. 2, 1041; tarne avow. Arth. X, 7. teiTeii^ terwen see ter3en. tette see titte. tew, A.Sax. (ge)tap, M.II.Germ. (ge)zouwe? instrumentum piscatorium? prompt. 490. tewiii = tawen ? tew, suhigere, prompt. 490; tewe Man. 12453. tiar see tear. ticcheii, A. Sax. ticcen, 0. II. Germ, zikki ? "hoedus\ fragm. 3, 28; a. r. 100. tid, 0. Icel. tidr (creher) neut. titt (crelro, celeriter), tite, celeriter, a. p. 2, 64; tid, tit TF«7^. 1013 Sf 4167; Langl. h 13, 319; tit Ggw. 2, 320; h. s. 1764; Tor. 2063; pr. c. 1914; m. Arth. 3713; A mad. ed. Ilohs, LVI, 6. tidliche, 0. Icel. tidllga, cito, Jul. 58; Kath. 1956'%' tidlike st. gen. 1231. tide, A.Sax. O.Fris. O.L.Germ. tid, O.Icel. tid, 0. II. Germ, zit, tide, tempus, hora, fragm. 1, 30; Marh. 18; 0. a. n. 489; Will. 859; pr. c. 379; eche tide ... of pe dai Brand. 10; al tide ps. 78, 4; sum tide Min. 2; it chaungep as pe tide tideii tilie 497 Chauc. C. t. h 1134; tid Orm. 13402; de liolie tid j)at me cleped advent horn. 2, 3; it sal ben dS laste tid st. gen. 263; tide fdat.J Gow. 1, 133; Am. a. Amil. 281; an are tide Lay 14924; in pe same tide Lidg. st. Th. 3409; tide fpl.j 0. a. n. 26; hadde he ibeon f)er anne dai 6])er tpa bare tide p. I. s. VllI, 70; ii^Qiifdat. pi. J a. r.22; comp. Qyen-, herfest-, mel-, moreen-, sumer-, uhten-, undern-, wintertlde. tideu^ A.Sax. tidan, O.Icel. tida, tide, acci- dere, evenire, Jos. 392; Chaiie. C. t. h 337 ; tidin prompt. 493; tide Will. 3017; IIoccl VI, 39; tidep fpres.J Beh. 1928; Marg. 308; tit s. s. ed. Weh. 292; p. s. 334; 3ef Horn is hoi ant sound Apulf tit no Avound Horn 1352; him ne tit non oper mede p. I. s. XII, 48; tidde fpret.J chron. Engl 542; Will 198; comp. bi-, itiden, mistiden. tidi, O.Dutch tidig, O.IIGerm. zitiger ftem- pestivusj, tidxj, st. gen. 2105; Langl h 9, 104; Parten. 5722; pe tidi child Will 160. tidinde^ tidinde, 0. Icel tidindi, nuncium, La-^. 2052 Sf 5153; tipende Orm. dedic. 158. tidingc^ Butch tijding, Germ, zeitung, tid- ing. Lay 2052^'; h. m. 45; s. s. ed. Web. 423; tiding st. gen. 407; tidinge, tipinge o. a. n. 1035; tidinge a. r. 70; tipinge Bek. 1527. tidreu see tudren. tiene see teone. tiifeii^ O.Fr. tiffer, tiff, adjust, adorn, Alis. 4109; Gaw. 1129; tiffed (part.) Will. 1725. -ti^, A.Sax. -tig, O.Icel -tigr, Goth. *tigus pi tigjus, O.H.Germ. -zig, -ty ; comp. ahte-, feower-, fif-, ni^en-, seven-, six-, ^ priti3 (-ti). tije see tu3e. tijel see tu3el. tijeie see te3ele. tijeii see te3en. tihen, A.Sax. tihan, Goth, teihan, O.IIGerm, zihan, Lat. dicere; comp. ontlhen? tiht^ A.Sax. tiht, from tiheji, accusation? ti3t m. t. 163. tiht see tuht. tiht = piht, tight: a wod(e) pat was full tight Tor. 591. ti3tli tightly, Will. 66. tihtcu^ Germ, tichten, ^\,. 14071; Kath. 51; pro- clam. 3; toforn s. s. ed. Weh. 304; to- fore 0. a. n. 1728; treat. 133; Zangl. h 5, 457. to3ein contra, Marh. 15; a. r. 130; to- 3eines Zay 1439; Horn 1328; c. I. to top 503 38(); toyeines tnitc. 42; to^seues Orm. H632; t03eaiics jv. /. s. VIII, 175: to- yens ayenh. 112. tohope, A. Sax. 0. L. G, rm. tohopa, lio^c, horn. 7, 15d Sf 101. touame toname, cognomen, horn. 7, 143; Wicl. ecchs. 47; Man. 7000; touome (toname) La\ 9383. totagge? a. r. 318. toturn refuge, Mark. 11. tOpard, A. Sax. tOpeard, toward, adversus, horn. 1, 3; Kath. 412; Orm. 0038; toward treat. 134; sum ben devout liOli and toward p. I. s. XXXI, 315; to- ward, towardes Z^^. 616 ^ 666. to see ta ajid twa. tode see tade. toft, A. Sax. tofi(?), O.lcel. tope {fundus J, toft, ^^campus\ prompt. 496; Langl. prol. 14. toggeu, O.Dutch iook^w, 0. II.Germ. zocdhon? trahcre, vellere, a. r. 424; toggin prompt. 496; toggid fpres.J MarTi. 14; toggip p. J. s. XXXII, 6; toggid fpret.J Alts. 2306; rel. ant. 1, 69; togged (part.) Mapes 339; comp. totoggen. to)c dux; comp. hereto3e. to^cii, 0. Dutch togen, 0. Fris. 0. Icel. toga, M.n.Germ. zogen, tow, trahere; to we a. p. 3, 100; tojede fpret.J Lay 7636^. toh, A. Sax. toh, O.K. Germ, zaher, tmgh (tow), tenax, m. h. XV; tough Ohauc. r. r. 1726; tough, tou prompt. 498; tOu Rol. 176, 8; rel ant. 2, 29; to3e (pi.) Lay 6866*; tOghe Octov. 1084. ' townesse toughness, Wicl. 3 Icings 9*. toht tought, tensus; to3t Eob. 22, 14; a. p. 1, 621; pe kni3t so to3t Gaw. 1869; touht p. s. 331; toght, touht, tou3t, tought Chauc. C. t. d 2267; tout p. 28, 8; ml tohte rude misc. 193; pe tohte ilete 0. a. n. 1446. toilen = tilien? toil: tO toilen wip pe erpe pi, cr. 742; it was . . . reuliche toiled to and fro Mapes 338; tore and toiled /. //. r. 143. token, tokenou see taken, tacnen. tol, A.Sax. toll, O.L.Germ. tol, Olcil. tollr, O.H.Germ. zol, toll, "vectigar, prompt, 496; Lay 13316; ayenh. 192; Langl. o 14, 73. tolhope Helonium\ voc. 274; Wicl. Mat, 9. tolhous "teIoniwn\ prompt. 496. tol, A.Sax. O.lcel. tol, tool, instrumentum, Will. 2243; Wart. hist. 2., 109; tol and tcikel st. gen. 469; tOle Alis. 816; Gaw. 413; tol en (pi) Lay 29263; t6les, too- les Langl 10, 177 (11, 133); tole (dat, pi) Arth. a Merl 607; comp. cggetOl. tolc fee tale. tolleii, O.lcel tolia, pay, or take, toll, pr mpt. 496. toilen toll, trahere, allicere : drawen or toilen Chauc. Beet. 1496; tolli o. a. n. 1627; pis toiled iiim tOupard pe a. r. 290; tolled (misprinted colled) men to him rel. ant. 1, 221; ha tollid to gederes ant toggid Marh. 14; tollid his oune wlf a way s. 8. ed. Wr. 3062. toUere, A.Sax. tollere, toller, h. s. 6672; tollare HelonariiLs\ prompt. 496; tolleres (pi) Langl h prol 220. torn see tarn. torn, A.Sax. tom, O.lcel tomr, toom; toom ''vacuus', prompt. 496; Flor. 144; Man. 192, 13; tome saule "ardmam inanem\ ps. 106, 9*; tome (pi J Totvn. myst. 113. torn, O.lcel tOm, otium. Will 3778; a. p, 1, 134; toom prompt. 496; tome Roh. 667, 16; s. s. ed. Wei. 3; Man. 3409; pr. c. 6248; Town. myst. 176; i have n5 toom (tome) to telle Langl. 2, 160 (186). tomblen see tumblen. tonge see tange and tunge. tonne see tunne. top, A.Sax. topp, top, O.Fris. top, O.lcel 504 top traitour toppr, M.H.Germ. zopf, to^, apex, cacumen, cirrus, Alis. 1417 ^^ 1727; Cham. C. t. a 590; top ne more o. a. n. 1328; top and tail Arth. a. Merl. 8136; top over tail Will. 2776; a top of flax rel. ant. 2, 78; toppe fdat.J Brand. 16; Langl. 3, 135 fl39j; p. 11, 11; Triam. 764; d. Arth. 1144; bl pone toppe he hine nom Lay 684; teon seiles tO toppe 1340; comp. foretop. topj 0. Dutch dop, top, O.R.Germ. toph, top, turbo, prompt. 496. tor difficult, Gaw. 165; tor for tO paien a. r. 108"^'; tor & hefi3 lif Orm. 6350; tor, toor Will. 1428 ^ 5066; see tere. forche, Fr. torclie, torch, Flor. a. Bl. 238; Langl h 17 , 203; torches f pi. J Jos. 191; Gaw. 1119. tonl^ A.S^x. 0. Dutch tord, turd, "stercus", voc. 208; prompt. 497; o. a. n. 1686; Chauc. C. t. h 2120; pou art not worp a tord nug. poet. 16. tornen see turnen. torpeliiesse ? a. r. 322. torpleii cadere? a. r. 322. tortuce tortoise, prompt. 497 . tttryien^ A. Sax. torfian, jactare ; torfede (pret.) Marl 12, 41; torvedeXa). 16703''; comp. totorvien. toseii see tsesen. toost toast, Hostus\ prompt. 497 . tote? totehille ^^sp€cula\ prompt. 497; totehil "arcem", Wicl. 2 kings 5; toothil "spe- culanb\ Is. 21; toothille Mand. 312. toten^ A. Sax. totian ? toot, spectare, specular i, a. r. 52; Langl. h 16, 22; t6te Gow. 2, 143; totes fpres.J Gaw. 1476; tote (imper.) p. I. s. XXIX, 27; totede {pret. J Havel. 2106. totelen see tutelen. toteron totter, ^^vacillare\ prompt. 498. toti totty, vertiginosus? Chauc. C. t. a 4253; nug. poet. 1. tod*, A. Sax. tod, O.Fris. toth, O.L.Germ. tand, O.lcel. tonn, Goth, tunpus, O.H. Germ, zand, zan, Welsh dant, Lat. dens, Sanscr. ^'TT^, Gr. 65o6c, oStov, tooth, a. r. 218; St. gen. 4148; top Gow. 2, 252; ted fpl.J Kath. 194; a. r. 288; tep a. a. n. 1538; s. s. ed. Wr. 2592; topen fdat. pi J Lay 21384; comp. wangtop. io^Ulf tothid toothed, '^dentatus\ prompt. 498. toucheu^ Fr. toucher, touch, c. I. 1309; touche Chauc. C. t. d 87; iouokQw^fpart.J Will. 1383. toun see ttin. tour see ttir. touriiicut^ Fr. tourment, torment, p. I. s. XX, 58; torment ayenh. 79. tourmenten^ Fr. tourmenter, torment; tor- mentep fpres.J ayenh. 53; itourmentel (part.) p. I. s. XVII, 170. toute see tute. tow^ A.S.ix. ioy(^), O.Dutch ioMw, O.lcel. ib^ tow, stuppa, Gow. 2, 315; Langl. ed. Wr. 11856; Chauc. C t. a 3774. towaille^ O.Fr. touaille, towel, Flor. a. Bl. 563; Mand. 250; Chauc. C. t. b 3935; iwEiiles fpl. J Jos. 285; towailes ii^rc 1871. to wen see to^en. trace, Fr. trace, trace, pr. c. 4349. traciii, Fr. tracer, trace, prompt. 499. traht, A.Sax. traht, tractus. trahtneii, A.Sax. trahtnian, tractare; traht- ned (part.) Orm. 11680. traieii, O.Fr. trair, (be)tray; traye Wicl. Mat. 26; trayest fpres.J misc. 42; traiid f pret. J p. I. s. Ill, 42; trayed f part. J Jos. 102. traile, Fr. traille, trail, prompt. 499. traileii, Fr. trailler, trail; traille Tor. 1316. training Fr. trainer, train, prompt. 499. traisouu, O.i^r. traison, treason, ayenh. 37; a. p. 2, 187; treisun a. r. 56; trestin hom. 1, 279. traitour, O.Fr. traitor, traitor, p. I. s. XIII, 106; c. I. 1333; treitur hom. 1, 279. tramaile trennen 505 tramaile^ Fr. tramail, trammel, 'prompt. 499. tramme tramf a. p. 3, 101; trammes fpl.J Alex. 127. trampelin^ Dutch trampelen, L.Germ. tram- pelu, trample, prompt. 499; tramplip fpres.J Wicl. prov. 6. trampiiij L.Germ. trampen, Dan. trampe, tramp, prompt. 499; trampi}) fpres.J Wicl. prov. 6. travs-^ Fr. trans-, Lat. trans. transporten transport, Chauc. Boet. 419. traiit^ O.Dutch trant, gressus? Town. myst. 145. tranteii^ O.Dutch tranten, trant, lente gradi; trautes fpres.J Gaw. 1707. trappe^ A.Sax. treppe, O.Dutch trappe, trap, ''decipula\ prompt. 499; Orm. 12301; Chauc. C. t. a 145. trappe caparison, Alls. 3421; trappes fpl.J liich. 1516, trappid " inhaler atus\ prompt. 499; trapped Chauc. C. t. a 2890. trappeu^ A.Sax. (be)traeppen, O.Dutch trappen, trap; tiSLp^in ^^ci7'cumdare' , trappid "illa- queatus, deceptus', prompt. 499; trapped Lidg. st. Th. 1830; comp. bitrappen. tratte trot, anicula; trattes fpl.J Will. 4769; trattis Town. myst. 150. trarail^ Fr. travail, travail, travel, misc. 33 ; ayenh. 130. trayailiii^ Fr. travailler, travail, travel, "la- horare\ prompt. 499; travaili ayenh. 33; travaile pr. c. 5942; i wolde travaille . . . twenti hundred mile Zangl. h 16, 10; pu travaillest per aboute n63t p. I. s. XIII, 163. trave, Portug. trave, trave, Chauc. C. t. a 3282; fms. trawe) prompt. 500. tre see treo. tred, O.Dutch trede, M.H.Germ. trit, tread, passus, Flor. 1882; treden /(^/.^ a. r.380. tredil treadle, prompt. 501. treden^ A.Sax. tredan, O.Fris. treda, O.R. Germ, tretan, tread, calcare, Orm. 2571; trede fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 3022; trad fpret.J Orm. 2561; po pou into hevene trede rel. ant. 1, 49; treden, traden, tro- den Wicl. Luke 12; troden Langl. b 11, 347; treden f part. J Orm. 4416; itrede 0. a. n. 501; comp. for-, of-, totreden. tre)e, A.Sax. trega, O.L.Germ. trego Heine s gloss., O.Icel. tregi, affliction, grief: per is blisse a baten tre3e p. I. s. VIII, 187; treye rel. ant. 1, 113; pr. c. 7327 ; treie Will. 2073; an. lit. 6; al pat whilom was murpe is turned to treie and tene p. s. 340; traye s. s. ed. Web. 1681. treye^ A.Sax. tryge, L.Germ. trugge? tray, alveolus, trulla; treyes fpl.J Rich. 1490. trejeii, A.Sax. tregiau, O.Icel. trega, afflict, grieve; tregest fpres.J st. gen. 3975; traied fpret.J ps. 5, 11; traid s. 8. ed. Web. 523; trayed f part. J Alis. 3046. trelis, Fr. treillis, trellis, prompt. 501. tremeliii; Fr. trembler, tremble, prompt. 501 ; tremblede, trembled fpret.J Langl. 2, 211 f235j. trendil; A. Six. M.H.Germ. trendil, trendle, ^'■sphaera\ Wicl. Is. 29; HroGhlea\ prompt. 502; ^Hnsubulum', Ilalliw. diet. 887. trendeu^ Dan. trende? volvere: roUen & trenden Chauc. Boet. 2835; Horn hire up hente and in his armes trente Morn 434; and hire bokes went(e) and trent(e) «. «. ed. Web. 2370; aboute itrent Shoreh. 137; comp. bitrenden. treudiedj A.Sax. tryndeled? orbiculatus: trend- led als a wel rel. ant. 1, 225. trendlen^ A.Sax. (a)treudliun, M.H.Germ. trendeln, volvere: letten teares trendlen Kath. 2361; trendlin, trendelin prompt. 502; pe3 appel trendli from pon tr(e)ope 0. a. n. 135; trendeled fpret.J a. p. 1, 41; trendelid Rich. 4506; be trendlid "volvi", Wicl. fudges 7. trennen j O.Dutch M.H.Germ. trennen fsepa- rare J? uch t6p from 6per is trent rel. ant. 2, 212. 64 506 treo tres- ireOf A. Sax. treop, treo, O.Z.Germ. trio, O'oth. trill, O.Fris. O.Icel. tre, tree, Kath. 1192; Flor. a. Bl 291; pat treo La-^. 26061; pet treou, treo a. r. ISO Sf 392; trew st. gen. 3301; tree Langl. b 16, 4; tre "arbor, lignum', prompt. 500; Havel. 1022; 8. 8. ed. Wr. 699; trau ayenb. 26; treoupes fgen.J a. r. 150; treo we, trope fdat.J 0. a. n. 135; trowe fr. iv. knowe) Shoreh. 159; trewe Arth. a. Merl 1599; treo wen, treon fplj La-^. 1835 Sf 25978; treon treat. 136; treon, tron o. a. n. 1133 Sf 1201; treos Orm. 14; trowes A.U8. 6762; comp. appel-, boc-, cheri-, dore-, per-, plum-, rode-, ulm-, war3-, wintreo. treowerk La^. 22899. treen, A. Sax. treopen, treen, ligneu8, WicJ. exod. 7. treope, A.Sax. treope, tr^^^pe, O.L.Germ. tri- uui (=striuwi), O.Frk. triuwe, trouwe, O.Il.Girm. (g-e)triuwer, trtiwer, O.Icel. trur, tryggr, Goth, triggvs, true, trig, ji- du8, Kath. 231; a. r. 100; treo we, treou- we (trewe) La'). 8851 Sf 31068; trewe 8t. gen. 720; Havel 1756; Shoreh. 124; Trist. 1, 10; Langl. 1, 86 (88); Eglam. 262; triwe Rob. 488, 6; triewe Lidg. m. p. 55; truwe prompt. 503; trig fms. trigg*) & trope fms. troppe) Orm. 6177; treowe fpl.j proclam. 6; treowere fcompar. J La). 18840; treoweste fsuperlat.J La). 25487 ; comp. itreowe, ortrowe. treulac, O.Icel. truleikr, fidelity, horn. 1, 215. treopliche truly, Marh. 13; trew-, trewe- llche Langl. 1, 153 (177 ); treouliche a. r.218; treuliclie Rob. 348, 5; treu- li Mand. 48. treounesse trueness, a. r. 294. treowscipe fidelity. La). 9818; treopesclii- pe a. r. 8. trewe, A.Sax, treop, O.L.Germ. treuwa, 0. Fris. treuwa, triuwa, trouwa, 0. II. Germ. triuwa, truwa, O.Icel. tru, Goth, triggva, fides, Chauc. Troil. 5981; Man. 195, 8; Triam. 1251; d. Arth. 879; comp. mis-, ortruwe. tropfest, A.Sax. treopfaest, fidelis, hom. 1, 89. treoweii, A.Sax. treopian, trupian, O.H.Germ. triuwen, truwen, triien, 0. Icel. trua, Goth. trauan, troiv, fidere; ivoyQufms. troppenn) Orm. 214; trowe Havel. 1656; Langl. b 17, 162; pr. c. 3776; pou shalt not trowe "tion credes'\ Wicl. deuter. 28; trowe fpres.J Chauc. C. t. a 691 ; h. 8. 483; troue ant. Arth. XXU, 9; true rel. ant. 1, 22; treo west misc. 94; treo- ped Kath. 1334; treowed (trouep) La). 3413 ; trewid st. gen. 2037 ; trowep Mand. 6; trowede fpret.J Rob. 110, 1; comp. mis-, ortrowen. treows truce, fides; treowes Alis. 2808; trewes Rich. 3207; Trist. 1, 11; li b. disc. 537; Man. 7743; trips a. r. 286; triwes Rob. 488, 18; truwes h. 2. 215; truis, trfiwis prompt. 503. treosien, A.Sax. treopsian, fide con fir mar e^ La). 8489. treowite, treoude, A.Sax. treopd, O.H.Germ. (ga)triuwida, O.Icel. trygd, truth (trouth), fides. La). 9819 Sf 25471; treowpe .^/es. 4115; on ure treowpe proclam. 3 ; trep- de rel. ant. 1, 130; trewde st. gen. 1524; trewpe Horn ed. Lum. 305; treupe Rob. 514, 11; spec. 30; Will. 20(16; Langl. 1, 12; Wicl. John 4; ure treupe (troupe) and ure hope c. I. 1294; troude ,. 17171 ; troken st. gen. 105; trukep fpres.J fragm. 5, 38; trukede fpret.J La^. 16416; 3if bileave him tru- kede a. r. 230. trum^ A.Sax. trum, flrm, robust; oomp. mis-, untrum. truinc^ A. Sax. truma, troop, cohors, h. m. 21; misc. 149; st. gen. 1829; trume (trome) La^. 28352; trome Havel. 8; Shoreh. 108; Arth. a. Merl. 5108; d. Arth. 3592; comp. schildtrume. trunien^ A. Sax. trymian, trymman, from trum, tritn, firmare, convalescere? ge sal of a sune trimen st. gen. 1024; comp. bitrumen. trumpc^ O.Fr. trompe, O.Icel. O.H.Germ. trumba, trump, Huba\ prompt. 503; trumpe, trompe Chauc. C. t. a 676; trompe Man. 9916; trumpes fpl.J Alis. 185. trusse^ Fr. trousse, truss ftrousej, Farten. 720; d. Arth. 3592; trous(e) spec. 111. trussen^ Fr. trousser, truss, a. r. 322; trusse Havel. 2017; Langl. 2, 194 (2 18 J. trusty O.Icel. traust n. fflduciaj, Goth, trausti n. (Sta^lT^XT^), O.Fris. trast, 0. II. Germ. trost m. fsolatiumj, trust, flducia, a. r. 202; Ma?id. 283; have trust on Ms help h. m. 11; trist p. s. 304; e. T. 550; triste p. I. s. V, 5; Fglam. 546; trist, trost Wicl. Is. 31; trest Flor. a. Bl. 408; f misprinted treft) dep. Bich. 6, 1 ; troste prompt. 503; comp. mis-, over-, un-, wantrust. trAst, O.Icel. ti'SLUstr ffldus J, O.II.Germ. (gi)- troster ffretusj, fidus, fretus, a. r. 66''^; trest Arth. a. Merh 271; trost Man. 60, 24; g. 46. trustliche hom. 2, 9; trostl(l)ke rel. ant. 1, 223; trostli Wicl. prov. 10. trusteii, O.Icel. treysta fflderej, O.H.Germ. trosten fconsolarij, trust, fldere, Mand. 226; trCiste Bob. 33, 7; tristen Havel. 253; triste Shoreh. 118; Gow. 1, 176; e. T. 230; tresten rel. ant. 1, 181; trOsten, triste Wicl. ps. 117 ; trosten, tresten pi. cr.472; trosti ayenb. 242; ixk,^i^\) fpres.J La\ 1794P'; treistes Man. 119, 14; traistes pr. c. 1091 ; we truste Chauc. C. t. a 501 ; truste, triste fsubjmict.J o. a. n. 1273 ; pet alle meidenes . . . trustin on pe 3Iarh. 7; 3if pei . . . trusten in god almi3ti Langl. b 11, 279; truste fpret.J Kath. 2222; Bob. 204, 3; triste Brand. 5; comp. mistrusten. trust i trusty, fldm, f delis, Marh. 13; a. r. 266; spec. 47; Langl. 8, 82 f9, 74j; tristi dep. Bich. 11, 24; a. p. 2, 763. tru|), A.Sax. truct, O.Icel. trudr fhistrioj, Hiticen\ fragm. 2, 39. trawe see treowe. tubbe^ L. Germ, tubbe, Dutch tobbe, tub. tuder tuiider 509 cupula, dolium, prompt. 604; Chauc. C. t. a 3621. tuder, A. Sax. tuddor, product, horn. 2, 177 . tudren, A. Sax. tydran, produce, procreate : to tidren & to tsemen Orm. 18307; tu- derid fpres.j horn. 2, 177 ; tudered (part.) d. gen. 630. tuel see tuwel. tueu see teon. tuft tuft, cirrus, (printed tuste) prompt. dOd; a tuft of heres thauc. C. t. a 606. tuggen, i.6^^rm. tucken, O.Zf.G^^rw. zucchen? tug, trailer e, vellere ; tugge h. s. 9287; ituggid (part. J IIoccl. I, 107. tu^e, A. Sax. tjge(?), O.II.Germ. ziig, from teon, tractus ; tige horn. 2, 67. tubrugge, Germ, zugbrticke? Rol. 643, 8; p. 8. 222. tujel, A.Sax. tygel, O.Icel. tygill, O.II.Germ. zugil, fro7n teon ; ti3el ^Hractorimn\ fragm. 4, 2. tuht, A.Sax. tylit, from teon, discipline, horn. 1, 247; ti3t Ilalliw. diet. 878; comp. untuiit. tuliteiij A. Sax. tylitan, 31. II. Germ, ztihten, draiv, train, discipline, a. r. 268; ti3t(e) a. p. 1, 717; te-t (pres.J Shoreh. 07; to Mahune heo tuhted La^. 27321 ; tih- ten & turnen hjejjen folc ... to lefen uppo Criste Orm. 7048; tnhte fmhjtmct. J horn. 2, 247; ixxhiQ fpret. J fragm. 7, 41; J3e deofel heom tnhte to pan perke lioin. 1, 121; tuhten La^. 810; tist (part.) Beves 3047; Alisaiinder ])o to reste is tight Alis. 4486; comp. bi-, ituhten. tiiitiiigc, A. Sax. tybtung, indticement, horn, 1, 229. tuhtle discipline. Lay 24675; comp. uutubtle. tukcn, A.Sax. tukian, tuck (touk), vellicare; tiikest fpres.j o. a. n. 63; tuked Kath, 660; & tuked hire al to pundre h. m. 17; tuked (part. J horn. 2, 21; he pas ... so scheomeliche ituked and so seoruh- fu(l)llche ipined a. r. 366; tukked, itou- ked fsuccinctusj Chauc. C. t. d 1737; i- touked {fuUedJ Langl. h 16, 447, touker tuchr, 'fulir, voc.181; Wicl. Mark 9. tulien see tilieu. tulk, tolk,. O.Icel. tnlkr (tnterpresj, vir, Gaw. 3 Sf 1966. tuWeUf A.Sax. (for)tyllan, till, trahere, alli- cere: wij) empti hand men may nOne haukes tulle Chauc. C. t. a 4134; tille s. s. ed. Wr. 1663; tO tille pis yong man to foli m. h. 113; tullep fpres.j r. s. VII, 40; tilles pr. c. 1183; tulde fpret.J a. r. 320. tumbe, O.Fr. tumbe, tomb. Lay 6080*; p. l. s. XII, 141. tumbcu, A.Sax. tumbiau, O.Icel. tumba? saltare; tumbede fpret.J Mat. 14, 6. tunibestere saltatrix, Ilalliw. diet. 894; tumbesteris, tombesteres fpl.J Chauc. C. t. c 477. tunibh'U, Dan. tumle, Swed. tumla fvacilla- re, volutarej, tumble, Alis. 2466; tumlin ''volutare', prompt. 606; tumble]) fpres.j Shoreh. 34; tumblide fpre'.J ^'saltavit", Wicl. Mat. 14; tombled Man. 70, 16; sche . . . tombled over pe hacches Will. 2776. tumbler tumbler, ^'saltator', voc. 218; Wicl. eccles. 9; tumlare prompt. 606. tumcn see temen. tun, A.Sax. O.L.Germ. tun, 0. Dutch tuin, O.II.Germ. zun m., O.Icel. tun «., town, septum, oppidum, Orm. 7016 S^- 8629; rel. ant. 1, 217; st. gen. 713; Havel. 1001; toun Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 10046; . pen toun Rob. 184, 3; i have bou3t a toun "villam emi, aypov Tjyopaoa", WicL Luke 14; tunes (tounes) fgen.J Lay 1639; tune fdat.J a. r. 418; o. a. n. 1169; tunes (tounes) fpl.J Lay 1639; comp. teppel-, bur3-, leihtun. tClnmon "villanm\ fragm. 4, 36. tunder, O.Icel. tundr, M.E.Germ. zunder. 510 tunen twecche tunder, fomes, rel. ant. i, 220; Man. 14683 ; tundir prompt. 506; tunder, ten- der Langl. b 17, 245. tunen^ A. Sax. tj^^nan, O.Dutch tuinen, 0. Fris. (be)tena, 0. II. Germ, zunen, from tun, tine (teen), sefire, a. r. 62; tuinen Mzrc 490; tiniu prompt. 494; tine p. r. I. p. 167; ttinden fpret.J La^. 15320; comp. bi-, untunen. tunge^ A.Sax. O.L.Germ. tunge, O.Icel. tunga, Goth, tuggo, 0. II. Germ, zunga, tongue, lingua, Kath. 194; a. r. 70; Orm. 4869; st. gen. 372; Gow. 1, 64; tunge, tongo 0. a. n. 37 ; tonge, tunge Chauc. C. t. a 265; tonge Hob. 12, 11; Langl. 8, 80 (9, 72); Fercev. 628; tungen fpl.) a. r. 410; tongen Shoreh. 100. tuniic^ A.Sax. tunne, O.Ioel. O.H.Germ. Ir. Gael, tunna, tunftod), dolium, a. r. 214; r. 8. V, 110; tonne agenb. 27; Chauc. C. t. a 3894; tunnen fpl) La-^. 30672; comp. wintunne. tunhove tun-hoof, ^^hedera terrestris', prompt. 506. tuppe tup, ^^vervex', voc. 219. iVLV, A.Sax. tur Sax. chron. 234, O.H.Germ. turre, Lat. turris, tower, a. r. 226; st. gen. 661; Flor. a. Bl 222; ane tur (anne tour) Xr?). 7763; tour Ravel. 207 3; h. h. 31; Langl. prol. 14; tures (gen.) a. r. 228; tures (toures) fpl.) La-). 23888. turbleu see trublen. turbut^ Fr. turbot, turbot, Havel. 754. lurf^ A.Sax. turf dat. tjrf, O.H.Germ. zurba /., O.Icel. ioxf 'A f., torf^., O.Fris. ixivt m., turf fterve), cespes, La"). 15395; mid turf and clute o. a. n. 1167 ; turves fpl.) Havel. 939. t^^Il, O.Fr. tourn, turn, a. r. 280; h. m. 47; st. gen. 63; a freendes turn (torn) Chauc. C. t. c 815; turnes fpl.) Kath. 853. turnement^ 0. Fr. tornoiement, tournament, a. r. 390; tornement ayenb. 101. turiien^ A.Sax. tyrnan, O.Icel. turna, O.H, Germ, turnen, O.Fr. torner, Lat. tornare, turn, Orm. 169; tornen c. 1.1211; torne, tourne Langl. b 20, 46; terne Arth. a. Merl. 7940; Mire 2034; time of pe hide a. p. 2, 630; turned fpres.) r. s. I, 3; turned giu to me horn. 2, 59; turninde fpart.) a. r. 356; turnde fpret.) La^. 4092; 0. a. n. 1090; Brand. 24; turn- den Marh. 19; tirneden Havel. 603; comp. a-, bitumen. turuare turner, prompt. 507 . turtle, A.Sax. turtle, Lat. turtur, tm-tle, Orm. 989; tortle spec. 38; turtles fpl.) Mand. 87. turteldouf(e), O.H.Germ. turteltuba, turtle- dove, m. h. 159. tusch, A.Sax. tusc, tux, O.Fr is. tusk, tusch, tush ftush, tosh), dens exscrtiis, Eglam. 383; tosch prompt. 497; tuskes fpl.) Jul. 68; rel. ant. 1, 8; toskes ps. 57, 7 ; tuxes a. r. 280; Alis. 6547. tuschel, A.Sax. tuxel ? tuxlis fpl.) Octov. 929. tiiseu, Germ, zausen, touse, vellere ; comp. totusen. tute, 0. Dutch tuite ? cornu, culm ; toute p. I. s. XXXV, 136; Chauc. C. t. a 3812; Town. myst. 9. tutel rostrum? a. r. 74 Sf212; tuteles ^^/.; 80. tuteleii, O.Icel. i\].i\2^'i tuttle ; totelin "susur- rare', prompt. 498; tuteled fpres.) a. r. 212. tiittieii see tidien. tunc? comp. manijtuwe. tuwel, O.Fr. tuiel, tuel, teivel, Chauc. C. t. d 2148; tuel /. c. c. 38. tux see tusch. twa see twe3en. tw^nien, A.Sax. tp^man, divide, separate; twemen La-^. 2948; tpeamen a. r. 252*; tpeamin a tpa Marh. 5; cotnp. totwsemen. twecche, A. Sax. tpecca, lujnhricus; comp. angeltpsecche. twesen twi- 511 tpe^eii^ A.Sax. tpegeii, O.Fiis. tweiie, O.L. Germ, tvene, 0. 11. Germ, zveiie, zwene, Icel. tveir, Goth, tvai, Uuss. ;^Ba, Lat. duo, Gr. 66o, Sanscr. Til> twain, tway, duo, Orm. 12722; tweien (tweie) cnihtes La^. S462; twei3e (twei) dawes 1113; pei tweine fVill. 1628; liem tweie 2147; tweyen, tweye, tweine Langl. h 5, 32; tveie (twey) men o. a. n. 795; tvaye bo^es ayenh. 67; tpei a. r. 370; twei g. 350; twei kinges Roh. 38, 6; a scliaft or twey s. s. ed. Wr. 747; tweine Chauc. C. t. a 1134; prompt. 504; hise tpe5en (for tpa) dohtres Orm. 6386; of tpe3en ffor tpam) prestes 483; tpa (tpa?), A. Sax. tpa /., tu n., 0. Fris. twa /., twa (twa?) n., O.L. Germ, tva /., tve n., 0. Icel. tvser /., tvo n., Goth. tvOs /., tva n., O.lI.Germ. zva, zvo /., zvei 7i., Ituss. ;^Bs /., ;i;Ba n., Lat. duae /., duo n., two, h. m. 9; tpo dolen a. r. 10; tpa gildene crimes Orm. 8179; tva (two) nilit La^. 1 113; twa children 7145; tvo jer Hob. 225, 4; tvo ziden ayenh. 153; a tpa in two, enzwei, Marh. 5, 17; a two Jos. 103; Vegrev. 1620; breke a two spec. 40; to smite pe corde a two Chauc. C. t. a 3569; on two, on t6 Havel. 471 ^^ 1823; tvo, to JFill. 1698 Sf 2877; to st. gen. 423; g. 30; prompt. 495; tpa ffor tpe3en) prestes Orm. 487 ; twa dayes s. s. ed. Wr. 3180; i^oixQ fgen. m. f. n.J La"^. 17560; tpeire a. r. 406; tpeire cunne salve o. a. n. 888; tpam fdat.J p. I. 8. VIII, 155; of tpam pinge o. a. n. 1477; ich liabbe . . . i3even hit mine twam (two) dohtren La^. 3167; tpAn horn. 1, 241; bituhen unc tpa Marh. 8; of pa tpa prestes Orm. 490. tpafald twofold, Orm. 14034; tpovold a, r. 50. tpelf, A.Sax. tpelf, tpelfe, O.Fris. twelf, twelef, twilif, O.L.Germ. tvelif, twelifi, Goth, tvalif, O.Icel. tolf, O.R.Germ. zve- lif, zvelife, twelve, dmdecim, Kath. 1844; t\e]{ treat. 139; ayenh. 11; twelf (twelve) winter Langl. h 5, 196; twelf, twealf La-^. 1168 ^ 11065; tpelf, tpelfe Orm. 537 ^ n069; tpeolf, tpeolve a. r. 200 Sf 218; tpelve o. a. n. 836; tvelve Arth. a. Merl. 934; an of pam tpelfeu Mat. 26, 14. tpelfte, A.Sax. tpelfta, twelfth, Orm. 11047; twolfte p\ c. 4802; lud. Cov. 84; tvelfte ayenh. 14; tpeolfte a. r. 412. tpenti3, A.Sax. tpentig, O.L.Germ. tven- tig, O.lI.Germ. zveinzig, Goth, tvai tig- jus, twenty, viginti, fms. tpennti3) Orm. 1894; tpenti Kath. 2502; tventi Ha- vel. 259; treat. 139. tpentude twentieth, Marh. 23; tventeope treat. 139; twentipe Will. 5354. twelf see under twe3en. tweiigeii^ O.R.Germ. zveugen, dwengen? froin twingen? twinge: pat me ne tpenge pine hude 0. a. n. 1114; he tvengde and schok hire bi pe nose p. I. s. IX, 81. tweiiti^ see under twe3en. tweoii^ A.Sax. tpeon, himu ; see bitweonen. tpeoiiien^ A.Sax. tpeonian, tpj^nian, dubitare, hom. 1, 109; tpeoned fpres.J Mark 11 j 23; tweoneden, twineden fpret.J La-). 907 c^^ 3791. iYfi-, A.Sax. tpi-, O.Fris. twi-, O.Icel. tvi-, O.lI.Germ. zvi-, twi-. twibil, A.Sax. tpibill, twihill, %ipenni8\ voc. 196; prompt. 505; spec. 110; nug. poet. 13. tpifeald, A.Sax. tplfeald, O.Fris. twifald, O.Icel tvifaldr, O.lI.Germ. zvifalter, duplex, hom. 2, 187 ; tpifald Orm. 4997 : twi-, tvifald m. h. 19 ^' 37; tpifold rel. ant. 1, 131; twifold ps. 108, 29. twilight. Germ, zwilicht, twilight, "dilu- culum, crepusculum\ prompt. 505. twined, A.Sax. i-^\x^i)^, of different opinion: weoren alle twirsede (twlroade) Xa). 19416. ^12 twicchen ]>k tplspecbe, A.Sax. tpigsprsec, double speech, rel ant. 1, 129. twicchen^ A. Sax. tpiccan(?), M. H. Germ. zwicken? twitch (tioick) ; twichin, twikkin prompt. 50 o; tvicche p. I. s. XXI, 131; twi3t(e) fpret.J Wart. hist. 2, 258; twight(e) m. Arth. 1038; Wi'T^i, twight [part. J Chauc. C. t. d 1563; comp. to- twicchen. twie, A.Sax. tpipa, O.Fris. twia, twy, twice, his, st. gen. 808; Horn ed. Lum. 1452; tyie chron. Engl. 247; tpige, tpepe MarJc 14, 30 Sf 72; tpie, tpieu a. r. 20 ^^ 36'; twien (twie) Za^. 10504: tpi3en hom. 1, 37; tpies, M.II.Germ. zwies, zwis? a. r. 70; twles Za7igl. ed. Wr. 3315; Mand. 261; tvies ayenl. 35; tpijes Orm. 566; twi3es Will. 3721. Ivig, A.Sax. tpig, O.Dutch twig, O.lI.Germ. zvig, twig, ramus, ayenh. 22; twigge prompt. 505; tpiggo fpl.J Mat. 21, 8; tpigga hom. 1, 5; twigges ps. 79, 11; dep. Rich. 17, 16; comp. limtwig. twi^e iee twie. twih, A.Sax. tpih.; CG7np. bitwih. Iwin^ O.Icel. tviuiir, tvennr, tivin, hinus: pis tpinne seolpe Orm. 8769; twinue sriid st. gen. 2367; in twinne in twin, s. s. ed. Wr. 1499; a twinne atwin, Jos. 49; twinne rel. ant. 1, 214. twiiij 0. Butch twin, twine, jilum duplex, prompt. 505; a twines prsed Za). 14220; twines preed Chauc. C. t. a 2030. twinclei!^ A.Sax. tpinclian(?), twinMe; twinc- lep fpres.J Wicl. prov. 6; twinkled fpret.J Chauc. 0. t. a 267 . twinkeliuge twinkling, prompt. 505; nug. poet. 50. twinin^ 0. Butch twinen, twine, duplicare, prompt. 505; twinep fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 240; twinande f part. J a. p. 2, 1691; twined fpartj Lay 14220^'; Langl. h 17, 204. twinien see tweonien. twingen^ O.Fris. twiuga, dwinga, thwinga, O.L.Germ. thvingan, O.Icel. pvinga(?), 0. H.Germ. dwingan, stringere, arctare; twin- ges fpres.J '■^affiigit'\ ps. 51, 10; twun- gen f part. J ps. 37, 9*; deriv. twengen? twiiikiii^ M.II.Germ. zwinken, twink, "nicta- re\ prompt. 505; twinke fpres.J Gam. 453. twinliiig/ O.lI.Germ. zvinelinc? twinling, ^^ gemellus', voc. 215; prompt. 505; twin- lingis fpl.J Wicl. genes. 25. twiuiie twin, ^^gemellus, geminus\ prompt, 505; comp. itwinne. tpiuncu twin, divider e, separare, a. r. 332; twinnen pi. cr. 496; twinne Will. 1572; Lidg. m. p. 247; p. r. I. p. 109; twinne fpres. suhj.J IIoccl. 1, 17; er ye twinne Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 12110; tvinned f part. J Trist. 3, 36; comp. a-, totwinnen. tpiituiiiige separation, a. r. 396. twiiisicii? twinseden cnihtes Lay 4236. iwini, 0. Butch twint? Ber. 433; twinte dep. Rich. 17, 18. twircii, M.II.Germ. zwieren, twire, nictare. twisel, O.lI.Germ. zvis(e)ler, double: twisil tunge Wicl. eccles. 5. twiseleii twizzle? tpiselende f part. J hom. 2, 117. twist, 0. Butch twist, twist, Chauc. C. t ed. Wr. 10223. twistcii, 0. Butch ivfi^iQw, twist; twiste C/i^wc. C. t. ed. Wr. 10879; hi tvistep ine tvo ayenh. 159. twiteren, O.R.Germ. zvizaron, twitter, fri- tinnire : pilke brid . . . twitrip (twiterith) Chauc. Boet. 1875. twix, A.Sax. (be)t)?ix, O.L.Germ. tvisc; comp. bitwix. two see twe3en. |)a see pe. |)a, A.Sax. O.Icel. pa, O.Fris. tha, O.L. Germ, tho, O.lI.Germ. dO, tho, turn, quum, Kath. 24; Orm. 453; paa Fercev. 497; pa pe heo cOmen hom. 1, 87; pa wes pser panen 513 Turnus sari Lay 166; pa (pO) al pis wes idOn 849; p^ r>-pa?) 1203; peO 3779; pd? 4150; pO 0. a. n. 23; Brand. 10; Will 1865; Hoed. /, 12; I. c. c, 11; po, poo Langl. 2, 119 (148); p6, tho ChauG. a t. a 993; do reL ant. 1, 209; St. gen. 717; tho m. Arth. 249; pO, peo, poa, peoa a. r. 52, 78, 236 Sf 314. I^aer see par. ^afien see pavien. Jiah (pah?), A. Sax. peah, peh, O.Fris. thach, O.L.Germ. thoh, O.H.Germ. doh, Goth, pauh, though, tame7i, quamquam, horn. 1, 119; Kath. 229; spec. 29; pah hpedre fat tamen) his saule pes in helle horn. 1, 131; pah, paih, peah, peh (peh ?), peih (poh, peh) Lay 244, 603, 2345, 2513 ^' 4039; pah, paih, peh, pej o. a. n. 811, 1329 Sf 1425; pas ayenh. 9; Mire 358; Gaiv. 350; Aud. 52; pagh /. 0. c. 5; heo hit mai don pauh a. r. 6; pauh hit punche attri hit is pauh healupinde 190; ase pauh hit pere 338; pauh, pau3 c. I. 1296; pauh, peij Langl. 1, 10; pau, pei Man. 4878 Sf 4879; pe3 Flor. a. Bl. 62; treat. 134; pei Rol. 30, 10; g. 350; it pas poh fms. pohh) ful mikel riht Orm. 23; poh spa peh ve- rum tamen, 249; poh phepre 310; pogh Eglam. 727; thogh, pough, pouh Chauc. C. t. a 253; pou3 g. 75; pou Ravel. 299; Tor. 1020; sacram. 702. |»ak^ A. Sax. paec, O.Icel. pak, O.H.Germ. dach, thatch fthachj , tectum, voc. 237; prompt 490; pakkes fpl.J Man. 14689. l)ake, A. Sax. pace? thoke HnsoUdus', prompt. 491. |»akken^ A. Sax. paccian, pal/pare; pakkep (pres.) p. I. s. XXXV, 142; pakked fpretj Chauc. C. t. a 3304. ^n, A.Sax. ponne, O.L.Germ. than, O.H. Germ, danne, denne, Lat. tarn? than, quam, Orm. 1761; treat. 132; pan, pane 0. a. n. 24, 8f 39; dan, danne at. gen. 142 Sf 144; pane, panne, ponne, pene, penne (pan, pane) Lay 3014, 3453, 6515, 6903 Sf 8916; panne Mat. 6, 25; p. I. s. VIII, 1; ayenh. 16; pen Kath. 170; spec. 38; Jos. 592; pen, pene, penne a. r. 8, 84 Sf 108. |»aii^ A.Sax. pon, panne, ponne, O.L.Germ. than, Goth, pan, O.H.Germ. danne, denne, Lat. turn? then, tum, quum, Iw. 1804: pan, pane, panne Orm. 469, 557 ^ 8401; pan, panne Havel. 226 Sf 232; dan, danne st. gen. 9 ^ 999; pane, pon, ponne, penne (panne) Lay 711, 1546 ^ 3413, 3616 Sf 25799; panne p. I s. VIII, 3 Sf 20; treat. 132; Wicl. John 12; panne, ponne, penne o. a. n. 508 ^ 822; panne, penne Langl. 1, 56 (5,8); penne horn. 1, 133; Kath. 373; spec. 37; h. h. 80; pene, peone, penne, ' peonne a. r. 42, 46, 108 Sf 218. |»anc^ A.Sax. pane, pone, O.L.Germ. thane, O.H.Germ. danch, thank, cogitatio, gratia, p. I. s. VIII, 36 Sf 45; pane, pone Lay 4360 Sf 5068; pank Gotv. 1, 66; Mand. 285; pank, thank Chauc. C. t. a 1808; god pank Havel. 2005; pone a. r. 222 Sf 404; Roh. 485, 8; a. p. 1, 900; pone, ponk o. a. n. 461 Sf 490; ponk rel. ant. 1, 109; Gaiv. 1380; his pan- kes, O.H.Germ. sines danches, su^ spmte, Chauc. C. t. a 1626; his ponkes ho7n. 1, 31; Belc. 291; hire ponkes p. a. n. 70; comp. T^e-, embe-, iinpanc. )>anen^ A.Sax. panon, pan<)iie, O.Fris. tha- na, O.L.Germ. thanan, O.H.Germ. danan, dannan, thence, inde, illinc, ham. 1, 241; panene, ponene, peonene, ponne, peonne, penne (panene, panne) Lay 235, 654, 1297, 5971, 16257 Sf 31362; panene, panne Roh. 288. 16 Sf 377, 16; panne p. I. s. VIII, 71; panne, ponne, penne 0. a. n. 132, 508 Sf 1726; penene rel a7it. 1, 282; peonne Kath. 2233; penne h. h. 5; Jos. 25; Rich. 2947; peonne, 65 514 panken parm pennes Langl, 1, 71 (13); pannes Bek. 1141; ayenh. 12; pennes Will 2191; Chauc. a t. h 610. |)ankeii^ A. Sax. pancian, poncian, O.Z. Germ, tliancon, 0. U. Germ, danchon, 0. Icel. pakka, thank, gratias agere, Orm. 3900; Chauc. Troil 1940; panke s. s. ed. Wr. 2421; ponkien horn. 1, 5; ponke Will 3522; pankie fpres.J La^. 3534; ponki Kath. 2415; Brand. 3; ayenl. 6; danc fimperat.J st. gen. 1320; ponked a. r. 430; pankede (fret.) Ismnb. 501; iponked (^art.) Lay 20827. |»aime see pan and panen. j)ar, A.Sax. paer, O.lcel. Goth, par, O.L. Gertn. tliar, O.H.Germ. dar, dara, there, ihi, uhi, illuG, AUs. 2130; Eglam. 341; par, paer, pare, paere, pere Lay 8, 123, 259, 716, 1830 ^ 27332; par, pare 0. a. n. 26 ^ 295; paer Orm. 55; pear ICath. 8; per c. I. 491; Rob. 69, 1; ayenl. 1; Chauc. C. t. a 43; per, pere a. r. 68 Sf 80; Will. 216 Sf 1627; dor st. gen. 211; dore re/, ant. 1, 211; pore h. h. 63; Man. 2930. parafter thereafter, (par after?) o. a. n. 393; peraefter Lay 1220; perafter ' Langl. 5, 137 (223); (printed prafter) Kath. 191; dorafter st. gen. 146. peran thereon, (per an?) Sorn 573; peran (paron) Lay 7275; peron a. r. 178; paron o. a. n. 104. perbi thereby, a. r. 160; h. m. 23. paerfore therefore, (paer fore ?) Orm. 2431 ; perfore Lay 316; Kath. 301; Wicl. John 7 ; parvore o. a. n. 1327 ; per- vore ayenb. 6; dorfore st. gen. 1215. perfram therefrom. Brand. 24. paerinne therein, Orm. 1651; perinne Lay 642; a. r. 352; treat. 138. peryen, Germ, dagegen, Havel. 2271. parmid, Germ, damit, o. a. n. 81; per- mid p. I. s. XIX, 169; permide c. I. 374; Will. 5358; dormide st. gen. 2656. parof thereof, o. a. n. 120; perof h. m. 25; Langl. b 13, 420; dorof st. ge^i. 234. parover thereover, o. a. n. 1136; perover Brand. 27. parto thereto, o. a. n. 103; perto a. r. 6; Bel:. 37; ayenb. 8. parpiirh therethrough, o. a. n. 1558; paerpurh Orm. 2325. perunder thereunder, s. s. ed. Wr. 2055; dorunder st. gen. 3184. peruppe Brand. 6; peroppe Shoreh. 2. periite thereout. Lay 1179; paroute Iw. 2156. perpid therewith, Marh. 15; perwip Bel. 272; Langl. 1, 16. j»ar see parf. |)arf, A.Sax. pearf, O.lcel. Goth, parf, O.L. Germ, tharf, O.H.Germ. darf, (pret. pres.) indigeo, p. I. s. Fill, 22 ; h. m. 5; Orm. 12886; rel. ant. 1, 174; o. a. n. 803; Jrist. 3, 69; parf (par) Man. 7237; darf Flor. a. Bl. 315; Shoreh. 64; perf a. r. 192; par Chauc. C. t. a 4320; tliar Gaw. 2355; pr. c. 2167; lown. myst. 14; ne par (dar) he seche non oper leclie c. I. 733; dar Octov. 1337 ; (pu) ])Qd,xii fragm. 6, 33; perft horn. 1. 37; pert Lay 22923; parf (perf) Kath. 1160; parst Gow. 2, 61; perst Brand. 29; tharst pou (darstou) nevere care Langl. b 14, 55; purfen Lay 18042; purven a. r. 6; purve hom. 1, 253; purfe (subjunct.) Orm. 7766; purve misc, 75. |>arfe^ A.Sax. pearf, O.lcel. porf, egestas: alle pa pat hafden ned & parfe to pin lielpe Orm. 12247; nis hit nan perf hom. 1, 9. |>arfe^ A.Sax. pearfa, egenus: ic em parva & precche hom. 1, 115; pearf en (dat. pi.) Mat. 19, 21. |>arm^ A.Sax. pearm, O.lcel. parmr, O.H. Germ, darm, tharm, intestinum, misc. parnen pe 515 ^ 151; tharm voc. 247 ; prompt. 490; paermes (parmes) fpLj Lay 818; permes fragm. 6, 58; pannes h. m. 35; parmis h. 8. 702. |>arnen^ O.Icel. parna, parfna Mdh. gloss. ^ egere, Orm. 10142; parne Havel. 2835; tharne pr. c. 8509; avow. Arth. LXVI^ 15; lown. myst. 126. |)at see pe. jiayieii^ A.Sax. pafian, suffer, permit; daven st. gen. 3139; pave Havel. 2696; pavied ant polled Marh. 15; ne pave pu ])at storm me duve horn. 2, 43; pat god ne pole noht ne pafe Orm. 5457 ; comp. ^epavien. |)afunge; A.Sax. pafung, permission, a. r. 344"". |)awe^ O.Icel. pa, thaw, regelatio; thowe prompt. 492. |)aweii^ A.Sax. papan, thaw fthowj, regelare; thowin prompt. 492; thowes (pres.) voc. 201. \t, A.Sax. pe, O.L.Germ. the, O.Fris. the, thi, O.H.Germ. der, the, ille, qui, Havel. 9; ayenh. 5; pe man pe pule siker ben p. I s. nil, 20; pe king Lay 126; pe is al so federleas a. r. 10; pe pe ille qui, 86 ; Moises ... pe havede pe lawe to 3eme h. h. 24; de st. gen. 47 ; pe {for pat) child Lay 295; pe lond Kath. 49; pe pater a. r. 312; pe folc Orm. 141; pe [for pes) kinges Lay 332^; to pe (for pam) kinge Kath. ^1307; of pe blod Orm. 1070; pe (for pene) hali gast Kath. 117 ; pe ddm Orm. de- die. 75; pe wei Beh 75; peo, pe, A. Sax. peo, 0,L.Germ. thin, O.H.Germ. diu, ilia, fragm. 5, 43 Sf 54; peo (po), pe hom. 1, 83, 87 Sf 89; peo, pe, pse Lay 4010, 9815 Sf 12005; peo ded al so a. r. 52; peo heorte 282; pe heorte 50; pe nihtegale o. a. n. 13; t6 pe ffor pere) eorde Marh. 20; tO pe sOule biheve a. r. 388; pe ffor pa) speche o. a. n. 13; pact, A.Sax. paet, O.Icel. pat, O.L.Germ. that, Goth, pata, O.H.Germ. daz, Sanscr. ?Tfl, Gr. to, fnom. ace. J that, proclam, 2; pset, pat p. I. 8. VIII, 4 Sf 7; pat child Lay 297; pet (pat) lond 1239; paet (pat) weder 7 843; hit is feole ^ere pat heore Jjraet- tes comen here 26294; pat Kath. 70; h. m. 3; pat filr r. s. IV, 9; pat jer 0. a. 71. 1259; pat hed Roh. 17, 17; pat folc Marg. 250; pat child Shoreh. 12; pou hast duere aboht pat pou le- vedest me noht h. h. 60; pet fragm. 6, 51 Sf 57 ; ayenh. 1; pet beod lire e^an hom. 1, 127 ; al pet me eaver ded a. r. 4; pet pater 314; pat (for J)e) gCde man Orm. 2105; pat Oper knight Chauc. C. t. a 1014; mon . . . pet (])at) peos boc rede Lay 58; pat (for pes) folkes Orm. 1689; alle pet (for pe) luvied pe a. r. 282; pe pat seggep Shoreh. 99; pes, A.Sax. ])aes, O.L.Germ. thes, O.Icel. pess, Goth. ])is, O.H.Germ. des, Gr. to'j, (gen. m. n.J hom. 1, 9; a. r. 62; o. a. n. 822 ^' 882; pes kinges Lay 332; wa wes Lumbardlsce folc ])es (pas) 2745; pes hali gastes Marh. 2; paes pe ma Mark 10, 48; pes te mare Or7n. 444; pes pe bet Sal. a. Sat. 234; pere (gen. f.) hom. 1, 5; Lay 331; pare tile o. a. n. 28; per saule Shoreh. 4; per hvile ayerib. 217; pam (dat. 7n. n.J Mat. 2, 8; pam, pan hom. 1, 17 Sf 37; pan proclam. 5; on pan londe Lay 127 ; under pan (inter eaj 9660; nas he noht to pan iboren 30779 1 wid pon pe (cum eo id, dum modoj pu him 5eve grid 8253; for pan propter ea, rel. ant. 1, 128; for pan pe hom. 1, 225; for pan com ic of hefue diln Orm. 17621; after J)an o. a. n. 200; fram pan time Shoreh. 123; after pan ayenh. 24; betvene him and pan pet is bevore him 154; at po daye 14; 516 pe peaw er pan antea Am. a. Ami!. 2398; to dan 8t. gen. 2792; for do 1046; on pen flore fragm. 5, 48; of pen epple a. r. 66; pid pen pet 284; to pen inne an. lit. 3; at pen ende Trist. 3, 90; at ten ende r. s. VII, 47; at pen (pe, te) ale Langl. prol. 42; at ten ale Chauc. C. t. d 1349; pid pon pat Marh. d; after pon chron. Engl. 303; bi pon c. I. 556; under pon m. t. 107 ; p6 tides of po dale misc. 34; pare fdat. f.J fragm. 6, 32; psere, pare Za"^. 93 6f 1233; on pere helle grunde p. I. s. VIII, 149; of pare ule o. a. n. 31; in pfire tide Shoreh. 86; to per eorde Marh. 22; a. r. 18; pene face. m.J p. I. s. nil, 171; pene feoM liath. 1188; pene, pen a. r. 10 Sf 52; pane, pene La^. 2894 Sf 3253; o. a. n. 1093 ^^ 1346; pane proclam, 7; Shoreh. 5; ayenh. 7 ; pane wei Beh. 701; pen toun Roh. 184, 3; pen way h. h. 39; pa face. f.J horn. 1, 37 ; he nom pa Eng- lisca boc pa makede seint Beda Xa^. 19; pa ffor peo) la3e horn. 1, 9; pa qvene La^. 198; pa, A .Sax. pa, paege, O.Fris. tha, O.L.Germ. thia, thea, Goth. pai, O.Icel. peir, O.H.Germ. dia, die, Sanscr. fl, fnom. ace, pi. J thaa, tho, they, fragm. 5,37; horn. 1,3; pa, peo (peo?), pai horn. 1, 5, 47 Sf 283 ; pa, pse, pea, po, peo, paie La^. 2009, 2020, 6420, 7095, 7121, 7789, 19542 Sf 21868; pa, pe3 Orm. 125, 389 Sf 6451; pa, pai pr. c. 152 ^ 1253; pO ayenh. 6 ; p'') pe luveden iinriht p. I. s. VIII, 47; po hote J3apes Roh. 28, 12; po, peo o. a. n. 843 Sf 1305; poa, peo Kath. 360 Sf 501; po, pei Mand. 10 Sf 20; pei (they)^were Chauc. C. t. a 407; po wor- des 1123; po, pe (pe?) Havel. 1841 ^^ 2044; peo Bel. 421; peo, pe a. r. 2 ^^ 166; pe fet Marh. 18; men po aiii god cunnen rel. ant. 1, 130; pei Will. 318; Langl. 1, 8; pey pat nolden on me leven h. h. 235; alle pey pat god drede lud. Cov. 84; pa ffor pam) Orm. 2796; bi pa lionden horn. 1, 41; of pa men Kath. 145; non of po spec. 29; oon of poo Chauc. C. t. a 2351; to peo pet tin nome munnid Marh. 21 ; psere fgen. pi. J fragm. 1, 8; pare, pere X«). ^776' Sf 3346; pare o. a. 7i. 1584; pair pr. c. 52; pejre Orm. 127; pam fdat. pi. J hom. 1, 31 Sf 93; p. I. s. VIII, 134; pr. c. 202] Isumh. 148; pejm Orm. 1142; pan Za^. 9081; o. a. n. 1762; proclam. 3; pan, pon, pe ayenh. 11, 30 Sf 139; pon hom. 1, 175; t6 pen eien a. r. 50. \e, A.Sax. pe, O.Z.Germ. the, O.Fris. tha^ aut, 0. a. n. 824 Sf 1408; Roh. 220, 13; pe, l)a La). 1418 cj- ^6*67^. |»e, A.Sax. pe, O.Fris. tha, /or pen ? quam: 30 beod strengre pe heo hom. 1, 151. j)e, A.Sax. pe, p5^, Goth, pe, O.Z.Germ. thiu, O.H.Germ. diu, O.Icel. pvi, the, eo: pe bet Za\ 701; for pi propter ea, 26134; pe bet a. r. 58; for pi, pui 6 ^ 152; pe more 0. a. n. 448; for pe, pi 69Sf277; pe bet Brand. 7; pe leng pe more Beh. 46; pe bet Chauc. C. t. d 1951; for ))i a 1841; pi sathanas . . - pe saule wule derye misc. 76; for pi Kath. 85; Orm. 361; Havel. 1194; c. I. 85; Begrev. 29; ant. Arth. XXXIV, 9; for thi pr. c. 375; for di st. gen, ' 1581. |)cah see pah. J)eaw, A.Sax. peap, O.Z.Germ. than, O.IZ Germ, "^'dau, thew, mariner, custom; peau a. r. 278; hom. 2, 47; thew '^mos\ prompt. 490; ps. 64, 7 ; purli hali3 p«p Orm. 6754; of maine and of peauwe Xa). 6361 ; peapes fpl.) a, r. 240 ; h. m. 3; peawes ayenh. 17; peauwes, pe- wes, paewes (peuwes) Za^. 2147, 6899 ^' 7161; pewes c. I. 763; Will. 189,- peawed peoh 517 Mire 1462; Ohaue. C. t. ed. Wr. 8286; a. p. 2, 1436; thewes pr. c. 1883; pewis Lidg. m. p. 256; m. Arth. 1081; Amad. ed. Mobs. XXXIX, 4; lere gode pepes o. a. ti. 1017; fele pewea rel. ant. 1, 109; eomp. leod-, unpeaw. peawful ? peapfulle f'^ printed pawfalle) mihtes h. m. 46; mid peauful(l)e talen a. r. 422; mid peufulle worden La"^. 1797. |)e»wcd mannered : wel clewed st. gen. 1914. |»eccheii^ A. Sax. peccan, O.lcel. pekja, O. II. Germ, decclien, thatch (thetchj, tegere: pecche Langl. b 19, 232; comp. bipec- chen. I^echeue fax:^ Lay 8084; cmp. A. Sax. pecele. [ thede thead, "qualus'\ prompt. 490. I ^ede see peode. ' jief see ])eof. jeh see pah, J('Ii ■-('€ peoh. ^eiii, A. Sax. pegen, pegn, O.lcel. pegn, 0. Z.Germ. thegan, O.II.Germ. degan, thain, tht!/h', vir, miles, ^^ministtr , satrapa\ fragm. 2, 26 6f 4, 10 ; Lay 1684; llavel. 2466; peines fpl.J Marh. 17; r. s. V, 177; chron. Engl. 683. |ieiuen^ A.Sax. pegniaii,- «^/w, Z«5. 30786; peine fpres. suhj.J rel. ant. 1, 181; pei- neden fpret.J Lay 24696; comp. ipeinen. |)eker^ A.Sax, J)ecere, O.II.Germ. dechari, thatcher, voc. 212. [lelHch see under pus. |>eH see pan. |»«^ii see peon. I^ciichen^ A. Sax. pencan, pencean, 0. L. Ctrm. thenkean, O.lcel. penkja, Goth. Jiagkjan, O.II.Germ. denchen, Jrom pane, think, cogitare. Lay 18139; Kath. 1736; a. r. 204; penche c. I. 17; ayenh. 47; Rich. 4674; Chauc. C. t. a 3263; pen- ken Orm. 1761; penke Mand. 278; thenkin prompt. 490; penche fpres. J o. a. n. 486 ; penke , pinke Langl. h J, 411; 3e peuchep Brand. 8; pench on me spec. 92; pOhte fpret.J Lay 14410; Kath. 137; spec. 41; fms. pohhte) Orm. 2377; p6ht f part. J fms. pohht) Orm. 2364; comp. bi-, i-, umbepeuchen. Iieiiiie^ pennes see panen. |»«o see pe. jieode^ A.Sax. peod, O.L.Oerm. thioda, 0. Fris. thiada, Goth, piuda (lOvo;), O.IceL piod, 0. II. Germ, dicta, diot, people, na- tion, horn. 1, 237; Lay 6218; c. I 20; k. T. 996; peod Orm, 3438; ine un- kutto peode a. r. 260; into pare peode 0. a. n. 1683; pede Havel. 106; Alts. 7969; Man. 19, 16; Pereev. 1266; a. p. /, 482; m. Arth. 61; in pe hepen pede Octav. 616; ase fele pede ase fele pewes rel. ant. 1, 109. Iieodi; from peode ; comp. elpeodi. |)eodise^ Goth, '^'piudisks, O.II.Germ. diu- tiscer, belonging to a countrtj: pa peo- disce men La'^. 6838; comp. elpeodisc. J»eof, A.Sax. })eof, O.L.Germ. thiof, O.Fris. thiaf, O.lcel. piofr, Goth, piubs, 0. H. Germ, diob, diub, thief, fur, a. r. 174; h. m. 17; Bek. 384; pief aymh. 37; puef spec. 106; clef st. gen. 1773; pef, thef Langl. h 12, 206; pif s. s. ed. Wr. 612; peoves fpl.J a. r. 174; o. a. n. 1372; pefes Mand. 260; thefes pr. c. 6210. peofliche furtim. Brand. 13; Alis. 4002. lieoftTe^ A.Sax. peofd, O.lcel. p^fd, O.Fris. thiufthe, theft, furtum. Lay 4263; a. r. 202; peofpe Bek. 396; piefpe ayenb. 9; piifpe Rob. 603, 20; pefte Chauc. C. t. a 4396; h. s. 2073; defte st. gen. 3512. iMJoh, A.Sax. peoh, O.Fris. thiach, O.lcel. pio, 0. L. Germ, thio, 0. H. Germ, dioh, thigh f thee J, femur; peo o. a. n. 1496; pe3 li b. disc. 476; pe Havel. 1950; thee d. Arth. 1046; peh, plh Lay 518 peon pes 26071 ^' 30581; plh fragm. 2, 14; pi llol. 244, 2; thi prompt. 490; peos fplj Orm. 8079; pejes spec. 52. |>eeorf, A.Sax. peorf, O.Icel. piarfr, O.H. Germ, derber, tharf, Orm. 997; perf bred Mand. 19; therf ^^a%ymus'\ prompt. 490; perve (pi.) a. p. 2, 635. |)erfling^ A. Sax. peorfling fazymum quid J, Orm. 1590. J»eos see pes. |>eostre^ A.Sax. peostre, py-stre, O.L.Germ. thiustri, O.Fris. thiustere, ohscurus; pie- stre ayenh. 159; pester Or^n. 13426; Arth. a. Merl 1705; Jos. 160; puster rel. ant. 1, 89; peo pustere niht Z^^. 8802; bi peostre nihte o. a. 71. 1432; piastre fpl.J p. I s. VIII, 38; diestre Mich. thes. 1, 222. peosternesse, A. Sax. peosterness, ohscu- ritas, a. r. 142; Ortn. 3787; piester- nesse rel ant. 1, 131 ; ptisternesse, pesternesse ^ 0. a. n. 369 ; disternesse St. gen. 58; pisternesse Ravel. 2191; pesternesse Langl. b 16, 160. [>ustre^ A.Sax. peostru, p^stru, obscuritas, Shoreh. 121; puster 0. a. n. 230. jfeosirm, A. Sax. peostrian, ohscurare, horn. 1, 143; pester Jos. 235; peostred fpres.J a. r. 94; peostrede (pustrede) fpret.J Lay 4575; comp. apeostren. |)eote^ A.Sax. peote, tubus; comp. waterpeote. |»eoten^ A.Sax. peotan, O.Icel. piota, O.H. Germ, diozan, ululare, Mark. 22; peoted fpres.J a. r. 120; peotinde fpart.J Kath. 163; see pHten. |)eow, A.Sax. peop, servile; peu Havel. 2205; Beh. 648; pewe fdat.J Will. 5514; peowe (peue) fpl.J Lay 334. peopdom, A. Sax. peopdom, servitude, h. m. 5; fms. peoppdom) Orm. 3617 ; peow- dom (peudom) Lay 454; peoudom a. r. 218; pedom c. I. 247. peowllc , M. H. Germ, diellch, servile ; peplike dede Orm. 4177. puman, A.Sax. peop-, peomann, serfy Bob. 470, 24; ])QmQn f? printed yfQmev^ fpl.J 501, 20. peoppummon Mark. 4. J»eop, pep, A.Sax. peop, Goth, plus, servusy fms. peopp, pepp) Orm. 31 §^ 7454; peou Lay 29390; comp. larpen ? |>eope^ A.Sax. peopa, servus, Marh. 1; a. r. 372; pewe c. I. 245. |)eope^ A.Sax. peope, Goth, pivi, O.L.Germ. thiu, 0. Icel. p5^, 0. II. Germ, diu, serva^ Marh, 3. Jjiwien, A.Sax. ])eopian, serve. Lay 10015; peopest fpres.J hom. 1, 25. |>eopten^ frotn A. Sax. peopet f service J ^ do service, Orm. 44. j>er see par. j»erf see parf and peorf. |)erl see purl. jierm see parm. J)eriie, 0. Icel. Jjerna, 0. L. Germ, thiorua, O.lI.Germ. diorna, dierua, puella, Havel. 298; Shoreh. 63; h. s. 7354; pierne a- yenb. 129. lies, A.Sax. pes, O.L.Germ. these, O.Icel. pessi, O.H. Germ, deser, diser, this, hie,' Lay 2376 ; Kath. 230; pes nome a. r. 17 ; pes dai 0. a. n. 259; pes b03 a^ yenb. 41; des st. gen. 3967; peos, A. Sax. peos, 0. L. Germ, thius, haec, a. r. 84; peos peorld hom. 1, 33; peos Gift 0. a. n. 1667 ; peos, pes Lay 7083 §• 10110; pis, A.Sax. pis, hoc, Lay 6287; 0. a. n. 113; pis beod godes pordes a. r. 144; pis pater 246; pis mot 0. a. n. pestre piggen 519 468; pis (for pes) gode man Orm. 461; pis king c. I. 307; pis (for peos) lare h. m. 3; pis {for pisses) lifes Orm. 2708; pisses, A.Sax. pisses, pises, /^^^^. m. 71. J La^. 823: pisses hpeolpes a. r. liJ8; pissere, A. Sax. pisere, pisse, fgen. f.J horn. 1, 103; pissere, pisse Mat. 13, 22; pissen, A. Sax. pissum, pisum, {dat. m. n.J La'^. 10391; et tissen (=pissen) one cherre a. r. 266; pis- sen, pisse fragm. 7, 48 Sf 8, 24 ; pi- sen Mat. 8, 9; pisse horn. 1, O; in pisse live Brand. 30; pissere, A. Sax. pis- sere, pisse, fdat. f.J La-^. 2460; Shoreh. 63; pissere, pesser, peser horn. 1, 89 Sf 235; on pisse pise Marh. 13; of pis dede 22; pisne, A.Sax. pisne, face. m.J p. I. s. XIII, 141 ; pisne, pesne horn. 1, o ^^ 27 ; pisne, pesne, pusne X«3. 827, 4081 ^^ 10453; pesne a. r. 58; perne ayenh. 94; Shoreh. 161; pas, A.Sdx. pas, face. f.J horn. 1, 235; La^. 2044; pas ffor peos) peorld hom. 1, 35; pas burh La^. 2061; pas, A.Sax. pas, pses, O.L.Germ. these, O.H.Germ. dise, dese, fnom. ace. pi. J those, these fthirj, ps. 22, 5j pas, pees, pes, peos La^. 476, 1038, 2219 Sf 3816; pas, pir pr. e. 257 ^^ 491; pos p. I. s. VIII, 21; 0. a. n. 139; Alls. 6477; pes h. m. 9; des St. gen. 1643; peos a. r. 94; Marh. 5; pos, pise agenb. 7 Sf 10; pese rel ant. 1, 132; pese, pise Lungl h prol 184; pise Orm. 4573; puse treat. 135; pir m. h. 9; in peos ffor pissen) pordes a. r. 158; pissere, pisse fgen. pl.j Lay 2463 Sf 7180; pisen fdat. pl.J Marh 5^ 8; pissen fragm. 1, 5; La^. 10461; bi pisse tpam porde p. I s. VIII, 155. |)estre see peostre. \t\mi 0. leel. padan, thenee\ inde, ilUnc, Orm. 1098; Havel. 2498; pr. c.5831; deden rel. ant. 1, 225; st. gen. 65. |)eu see peow'. |)eu see peaw. peveporn, A.Sax. pefe-, p^feporn, „rham- nus', Wicl. judges 9; pefeporn rel. atU. 1, 37. j)ew see peow. ^ew see peaw. j»ewe see peowe. |>ewen^ A.Sax. peopan, pepan, pj^pan, M, H.Germ. diuhen, duhen, diuwen, prcmere^ reprimere: pat he mijte pat lipere folc so pewe p. I. 8. XXIV, 57; to psepen 3unker childre Or?n. 6217; comp. under- pewen. |>i see pe. ^icke, A.Sax. piece, O.L.Germ. thikki, 0. Icel. pykkr, O.H.Germ. diccher, thicks Lay 12578; a. r. 382; o. a. n. 580; pikke Langl. h 19, 398; Chaue. C. t. a 1056; thikke "spissus, densus', prompt. 490; picke fadv.J Bel. 77; isawe al to pikke Shoreh. 27; piccure fcompar.J a. r. 50; pickure 7tuse. 148. |>ickeii^ A.Sax. piccian, thicken; thikkin prompt. 491; picke Goiv. 2, 327; pickep fpres.J treat. 139. |)ider, A.Sax. pider, pyder, 0. Icel. padra, thither, illuc. Lay 544; a. r. 128; Orm. 1700; 0. a. n. 719; Havel 850; Bek. 73; Will. 33; Chaue. C. t. a 1263; Man. 6, 19; puder Boh. 539,28; peder p. 32, 4; pedur Lglam. 432. piderpard Kath. 160; o. a. n. 143; pi- derward pr. e. 7539. jjief see peof. ]»ierne see perne. jiiestre see peostre. ^iggen^ A.Sax. picgan, O.Icel. piggja, O.L. Germ, thiggean, O.H.Germ. diggen, thigy accipere, petere; thiggin prompt. 28; pigge Havel 1373; piggied fpres.J Marh 7, 5; pigge fsubjunct.J hom. 1, 10 3[; piggand f part. J ps. 39, 18. 620 pih poht |)ih see peoh. |»iheii^ A. Sax. pihaii, 0. L. Germ, thihan, Goth, peihan, 0. II. Germ, dihan, creseere, augere; pich fimper.J rel. ant. 1, 22. 4hiht, MH.Germ. dihte, O.Icel. pettr, thight, theet, "solidus'\ prompt. 491; see tiht. thihtiu ^'soUdare'\ prompt. 491. |>ild see puld. J»llc see under pu. mWt, A. Sax. pill(?), thill, ''temo\ prompt. 491; pilles "Unions', rel. ant. 2, 83. pilhors voc. 202. {>imbil see pumel. j»iB, ^. Sax. pin, 0. Z. (r^rwi. thin, 0. Icel. pinn m. pin /. pItt n., Goth, peins m. peina /. pein n., 0. H. Ger^n. diner m. diniu /. dinaz w., thine, thy, tuus: pin name ayeiib. 107; pin pif Orw. 156; pin herte 1460; pin heved o. a. ?^. 74; pi bodi 73; al pat pin is spec. 42; pi fader Lay 2292; pi man Havel. 2173; pi wille ^^^. 341; pi broper C/^awc. C. t. a 1131; pi moder a. r. 54; pi tun- ge r. 5. F, i7^; of pi ffor pire) hive Marh. 18; pines /'^^w. w^. n.J horn. 1, 11; La-:^. 3517; pine wifes Shreh. 69; pire fgen. f.J Lay 28104; pine (dat. m. 71.) Mat. 4, 10; Lay 1247; Orm. 1251; 0. a. n. 971; spec. 62; Shoreh. 69; of pin owe bodi Beh. 846; pire fdat. fj fragm, 6, 11; horn. 1, 33; Lay 1576; 0. a. n. 915; pinne face. m.J Lay 5074; pinne, pine a. r. 38 ^- 106; pine horn. 1, 17; ayenh. 8; pin Orrn. 1319; pi Kath. 444; Beh. 141; pine face. f.J a. r. 48; r. s. I, 10; pine strengpe ayenh. 54; for pine sake spec. 28; pin face. n.J r. s. V, 151; din st. gen. 397; pi muchele milite Kath. 654; pine fnom. ace. pi. J Lay 3093; a. r. 100; Orm. 6727; Ravel. 620; Beh. 1648; for pe and pine freende Shoreh. 28; for pi children Beh. 424; pinre fgen. pi. J Mat. 5, 29; pire Lay 22448; pine fdat. pi. J fragm. 6, 24; of pine fan Kath. 688. |»iiicheii see punchen. |»iiig, A.Sax. O.Icel. ping, O.Fris. O.L.Germ. thing, O.H.Germ. ding, thing, res, causa, Orm. 1839; o. a. n. 229; Wicl. John 1; for godes ping hom. 1, 67 ; ping fpl.) c. I. 8; Man. 158, 25; m. h. 1; pinge h. m. 7; pinge fgen. pi. J Kath. 254; pingen fdat. pi. J hom. 1, 133; pinge Shm-eh. 100; in alle pinge proclam. 3; comp. brud-, hiis-, wifping. |>iugeii^ A.Sax. pingan, creseere, augere; comp. ipingen. |»ingen; A.Sax. pingian, O.Icel. pinga, O.L. Germ, thingon, O.H.Germ. dingon, cau- sam dicere, coticiliare, hom. 2, 43; tO pin- gen us pip tire god Orm. 8997. |>inken see punchen. J»iiinc see punne. |)inle see pridde. |»irl, pirlen see purl, ))urlen. l»irs see purs. ^irst, pirsten see purst, pursten. |>is see pes. thistile^ A.Sax. pistel, O.Icel. pistill, O.Il. (>erm. distil, thistle, "carduus\ prompt. 491; pistles fpl.J rel. ant. 1, 264; comp. sowthistile. |>istre see peostre. j»ixel, O.H.Germ.. dehsala, dehsela, 0. Dutch diechsel, "ascia\ ps. 73, 6; thixil prompt. 491; voc. 234. |>6 see pa. |)ode (podde), A. Sax. poden, thod, turbo, Lay 27645. ])oh see pah. |)dht, A.Sax. (ge)poht, O.Icel. pottr, M.IL Germ, (ge)daht, thought, cogitatio. Lay 18549; Kath. 512; p. s. 220; fms. pohht) Orm. 2577; poht, p03t o. a. n. 492; po^t Beh. 861; dO^t st. gen. 1558; pouht a. r. 62; pouht, pou^t c. I. 6. pohtful thoughtful, Orm. 3423. poke prsed 521 |»dke see ])ake. ^ol, A. tiux. j)oll(?), 0. Ictl. pollr, 0. Dutch dol, tholl, clavicula, fms. thoUe) prompt. 402. d^ole^ O.Icel. J)ol, patie7ice, st. gen. 3496. poleburde patient, horn. 2, 79. doleburdnesse patience, horn. 2, 53. poiemod, A. Sax. polemod, O.Icel. polin- modr? patient, Lay 3141; Kath. 177; a. r. 168; c. I 854; spec. 72; h. s. 10925. polemodliche patiently, p. r. I. p. 240. polemodnesse patience, a. r. 8 ; h. m. 41; c. I. 985. |)olieiij A. Sax. polian, O.Icel. pola, O.L. Germ, tholean, 0. II. Germ, dolen, Goth. pulan, Lat. *tulere perf. tuli, thole, ferre, pati, Lay 284; Kath. 1006; a. r. 6; c. I 410; ^pec. 28; polen Om. 897; Alis. 5361 ; dolen st. gen. 3664 ; polie Bek. 36; polie, pole Langl. 4,71 (84); pole Wm. 918; Goto. 2, 355; s. s. ed. Wr. 647; h. s. 1449; apol. 56; a. p. 2, 190; polede fpret.J treat. 136; Shoreh. 25; pl.'cr. 90; poled f part. J Chauc. C. t. d 1546; comp. ipolien. |)oling^ A Sax. polung, O.lI.Germ. dolunga, .sufferance, apol. 5. |)Oii see ])au. J»oiic see ])aiic. ^oiier see ])uner. J^oug see pwang. J»or see par. J»dr see puner. jjorh see purh. Jjoni, A.Sax. O.Icel. porn, O.L.Germ. thorn, 0. II. Germ, dorn, Goth, paurnus, thorn, spina, sentis. Brand. 16 ; Langl. ed, Wr. 7885; Cham. C. t. a 2923; porne fdat.J Isumb. 103; pornes (pi. J a. r. 134; Orm. 9212; h. s. 7514; domes st. gen. 1334; pornen fdat. pi. J Lay 649; comp. Iia3e-, hwit-, peveporn. thornbak thornhach, prompt. 492; pom- bake Havel. 832. pornhog hystrix, ayenh. 66. |)oriieii; A. Sax. pyrnen , 0. Fris. thornen, O.lI.Germ. durniner, thornen, spineus: pe pornene krune a. r. 258; pernene helm Mark 15, 17. |>oriii^ M.lLGerm. dornec, thorny, a. r. 134; m. h. 52. J)orp, A.Sax. O.Icel. porp, O.Fris. O.L, Germ, thorp, Gcth. paurp, 0. H. Germ. dorf, thon'p, throp; thorp, throp ^'■oppi- dmn\ prompt. 492; prop horn. 2, 89; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8075; porpe fdat.J Lidg. m. p. 140; porpes (pi.) a. p. 2, 1178; propes Will. 2141. |)orst see purst. |)0S see pus. Jiost, A. Sax. post, 0. II. Germ, dost, thostj ^^sterciis', ps. 82, 11^; Wicl. cedes. 9; thost prompt. 492; poste (dat.) p. s. 237. |»ou see pu. |)ouiiic see piime. |)Oweii see pawen. \vk, O.Icel. prar? thro, minax, acer, ferox? Iw. 3570; m. h. J 24; prO Trid. 1, 4; L T. 1078; Octav. 547; m. Arth. 1525; his pro po^t Gaw. 645; men pat pro were to fi3t(e) Will. 3264; hur peinis were so proo Triam. 405. prali, O.Icel. praligr, A.Sax. preallc, M. II.Gcrm. drolichV pe proli poujt Will. 3518; prali (adv.) I. h. r. 110; prdli a. p. 2, 180; ant. Arth. XV, 10. j»rd, A. Sax. prea, 0. Icel. pra n. ? minay saevHia? Man. 10204; h. s. 10570; a. p. 2, 754; in proo Percev. 673. |»r«il (pred), A.Sax. praed, O.Fris. thred, 0. Icel. pradr , 0. II. Germ, drat , from prawen , thread (threed) , filum , Lay 14220; prede (dat.) Will. 4430; predes (pi.) Chauc. Boet. 44. predbare threadbare, Langl. ed. Wr. 2870; Chauc. C. t. a 290. m 522 pr^st preap |»rsest pressus? preste fdat.J ai/etib. 121; prast(e) Gaw. 1443. |iriesteii^ A.Sax. prsestan, threst, thrast, pre- mere, irudere: mine cnihtes balde scuUen prsesten (preaste) biforen me Z^^. 23373; preste AUs, 3326; Cham. C. t. a 2612; Triam. 774; purles per pet pater prest in G. r, 314; praste fpretj La^. 27644; Chauc. C. t. c 260; preaste . . . smoke tit Mark. 9; preste Trist. 3, 9; prasten (preste) tit of telden La^. 26318; hi presten out hare e^en ayenb. 204; prast (part. J p. l. 8. XXX, 69; comp. for-, ipraesten. j>rsBt see preat. jjra^c (praje ?), A.Sax. prag (prag ? Rolt%m. gram. 1, 176), course, time, horn. 1, 35; pra3he Orm. 3475; prawe AUs. 3836; Rich. 5062; Man. 180, 11; m. h. 142; in a lite prawe Savel. 276; pro^e, proj'e fr. w. oje, icnope) o. a. n. 260 ^ .478; prowe La^. 640; Will 679; Chauc. C. t. d 1815; p. s. 343; in a prowe treat. 137 . I^ra^eu (prajen?), A.Sax. pra^gan, Goth. pragjan, Gr. i^ix^iv, carrere: pe se bi- gan to pro^e under hire wo3e Horn ed. Lum. 969. jiral, A. Sax. pearl, 0. Fris. thral, severe? rel. ant. 2, 118; was in hert(e) thral Gener. 3947. Jral (pral?), A.Sax. prsel, O.Icel. prsell, thrall, servus, Marh. 12; h. m. 7; Horn 423; Havel. 527; Rob. 198, 12; c. I. 242; spec. 89; Shoreh. 102; pral, thral Chauc. C. t. d 1660; dral st. gen. 2881; prel (prel?) Lay 14852; a. r. 370; aye7ih. 19; preles {pi. J p. I. s. VIII, 95; prelles a. r. 130; pralles Lay 492. praldom, O.Icel. praeldomr, servitude, Lay 29156; Rob. 12, 4; Langl. ed. Wr. 12281: Lidg. m. p. 63; pr. c. 8005. pralhDd servitude, Horn ed. Lum. 439; prSlhede Horn ed. Rits. 443; Rob. 47, 12. pralshipe servitude, horn. 2, 51. prelwerk, O.Icel. pr^lverk. Lay 455. |}ralle? that helpeth sowles out of pralle p. r. I. p. 91. |>ralieii (prallen?), O.Icel. pr«la? make thrall, Chauc. r. r, 882; prallede fpret.J Lay 11205; pralled Mand. 2. |)rang^ A.Sax. geprang, MH.Germ. gedrang, from pringen , throng (thrang), turha, Alls. 3409; Iw. 839; Tor. 1057; thrang pr. c. 4704; prong a. p. 2, 135. |>rangieu throng (thrang ), premere; thronge fpres.J d. Arth. 3755. |)rave^ A.Sax. preaf(r';, O.Icel. prefi, thrave, threave, acervus, Ilalliw. diet. 867 ; thrave, preve Langl, b 16, 55; thrafe Town. myst. 12. |>rawe see pra3e. j>rawe, A.Sax. prea, O.Icel. pra, O.U.Germ. dra(u)wa, dro(u)wa /., throe (tlvraw), Alis. 616; thrOwe ^\ierumna\ prompt. 493; prawes fpl.J in. h. 181; prOwes Roh. 12, 11; Triam. 411; comp. depprawe. j)raweii, A.Sux. prapan, O.R.Germ. draian pret. drata, throw fthrawj, torquere, tor- nare ; prawe ps. 139, 11; ssel prawe pet chef into po vere ayenb. 139; prope r. s. 1, 37; prowe Langl. b 16, 131; preou fprd.J Lay 807; preow Alis. 2427; preu Horn 1162; ayenb. 133; prew Langl. b 20, 163; pa cheorles up preowen (preuwen) Lay 12321; prawen (part. J Gaw. 194; prauwen Lay 27359; was prowen ^^jactahatur', Wicl. Mat. 14; iprowen c. I. 739; iprowe Chauc. C. t. ed. TTr. 10640; comp. for-, overprawen; deriv. pned. |)re see prl. prean^ A.Sax. prean, O.H.Germ. dra(u)wen, dro(u)wen , castigare , minari: prayhand "castigans", ps. 117, 18; prad ? fpret. part. J a. p. 2, 751; comp. 5eprean. |)reap threap, controversia, acervus: a prep misc. 149 ; witouten prep a. p. 2, 350. preapen j)ri 523 l^reapen^ A.Sax. preapian(?), threap, urgere, arguere; prsepen Orm. 6744; prepe h. 8. 6067; threpe pa. 93, 10; Town. myst. 102; preaped a3ain pe Kath. 1939; threpide fpret.J d. Arth. 930. |)rcapiien minari; preapni ayenh. 84. |>reapniiige minatio, ayenh. 65. |»reat^ A. Sax. preat, threat, minatio, turma, horn. 2, 61 ; prst Lay 9791 ; dret st. gen. 2021; prat a. p. 3, 65; ])y:q\q fdat.J 0. a. n. 68; preates fpl.j Kath. 40. |>reatenj A. Sax. preatian , 0. Icel. preyta, threat, minari, Kath. 623; a. r. 248; pretien La-). 17300; prete Chauc. I. g. w. 754; h. 8. 6398; a. p. i, 560; pre- tep fpres.J o. a. n. 1609; Beh. 1563; spec. 43; preat h. m. 17; prete "arguas', ps. 6, 2; praetede ^pj-et.J Lay 7644; dreated st. geji. 4126; preted {part. J Gaw. 1725; prat p. s. 168; camp, i- preaten. |>reatiieii = preaten, threaten; pretnep fpres.J Hob. 457, 14; pretnede fpret.J Bel. 1804, |)retninge threatening, p. I. s. XIII, 248. ^reatuiige^ A. Sax. preatung, menace, a. r. 156; pretingo Lay 19369^^; 'Langl. h 18, 279. |)red see pr»d. j|»rel see pral. |»rciige, Germ, dreng, gedrenge, from priiigen, press: a mong pe prenge Lay 2229*. |)reugeii^ A.Sax. prengan(?), O.lcel. prongva, M. II. Germ, drengen, premere: prengden fpret.J Orm. 16182. l>reo see pri. jiresch ? til resch wold, A.Sax. prescpald, prescpold, perscold, 0. Icel. preskioldr? threshold, ^Himen\ prompt. 492; preshwold Chauc. C. t. a 3482; thresh wold, prexwold Langl. 6, 201 f367 J; preoxpold fragm. 4, 62; priswald Iw. 3222; perswald voc. 170. firesehen^ A.Sax. prescan, perscan, Goth. priskan, O.H.Germ. dresken, thresh, thrash; threschin ^'triturare\ prompt. 492; pre- ssin an. lit. 84; presche, threshe Chauc. C. t. a 636; presche fpres J rel. ant. 1, 6; preshe, th resch e Langl. h 5, 563; pu preshest Orm. 1481; preoscho fsuhjunct.J a. r. 306; proshen f part. J Orm. 1530; idroschen a. r. 186; ipor(s)chen horn. /, 86; iporsse ayenh. 139. jjrest, presten see priest, prsesteii. jjret, pretien see preat, preaten. |)reTe see prave. \f\, A.Sax. pri, pr5>^ m. preo /. n., OFris. thre m. thria /. thriu n., 0. L. Germ. thria, thrie m. f. thriu n., 0. II. Germ. dri m. drio /. driu n., O.lcel. prir m. priar /. priu n., Goth, preis m. prija n., Lat. tres, tris m. f. tria n., Gr, xpslc ^^- /• T^pi'X n., Russ. mpH, Welsh Ir. Gael. Bret, tri, three: pri dages Marl 8, 2; pri reaferes horn. 1, 243; godes pri Shoreh. 142; pri hestes ayenh. 7; pri ping 170; preo men La^. 22144; preo kinges Orm. 6526; preo sunnen a. r. 56; preo 3er Bel. 147; preo nijt Jos. 6; pre sones chron. Engl. 107; prS dayes Ilavel. 656; pre sipes Maiid. 291; we pre k. T. 810; preom fdat. m.J Lay 11617; sefter preom dagen Mark 8, 31. preofald, A.Sax. prie-, pr^feald, O.Fris. thrifald, O.JI.Germ. drifalter, threefold^ Marh. 11; preovold a. r. 82; prefald Orm. 14034. preohad trinity, horn. 1, 267. prili, M. n. Germ, drilich, drilich, Lat. trillx? trinus, a. r.^ 26; prile i preo hades Marh. 11. prillihod trinitas, e. I. 9. priuisse, prinnisse? A.Sax. pri-, pr;^ness, trinity, /^rm^^c? primnesse) Orm. 11177; prunnesse horn. 1, 269; fprinted prum- nesse) a. r. 160; preonesse, preonnesse ? fprinted preomnesse) horn. 1, 99. preottene, A.Sax. preotyne, thirteen. Lay 524 pricche prote mi; a. r. 234; prittene Orm. 11071; prettene Beh. 2435; prettene, prittene La7igL 6, 128 (214). prettepe thirteenth, Rob. 232, lb'; thret- tende pr. c. 7173. priti, pritti, A. Sax. pritig, prittig, 0. L. Germ, thritig, O.K.(Jerm. drizng, thirty, triginta, La"^. 377 Sf 2688; pritti a. r. 404; Beh. 814; h. h. 72; Man. 6, 1; Wul. John 5; pritti3 Orm. 3207; thretti, thirti prompt. 492. prittifald thirtyfold, h. m. 23. prittude , A. Sax. pritigoda, thirtieth, Kath. 43; h. m. 23. |»ricche see prucche. jiridde^ A.Sax. ])ridda, O.L.Germ. thriddio, Goth, pridja, 0. Iceh pridi, 0. II. Germ. dritto, third fthridj, tertius, a. r. 14; Beh. 583; Langl. b 16, 188; Chauc. C. t. c 836; Hand. 48; I. c. c. 55; dridde st. gen. 761; pirde s. s. ed. Wr. 49. \Th, A.Sax. })riga, pripa, 0. Fris. thrla, thrija, O.L.Germ. thrijo, thriwo, thrice, ter, h. m. 23; Alis. 1263; s. s. ed. Wr. 2179; Chest, pi. 2, 25; preope Mark 14, 30; prien rel. ant. 1, 144; prieii, preoien, preie (pries) La-^. 14338, 14352 ^ 26066; pries a. r. 106 ; ayenh. 35; Shoreh. 11 ; pries, thries Chauc. C. t. a 63; dries rel. ant. 1, 209; prices Ortn. 1149. |>rifeii^ O.Icel. prifa, thrive, auger i, crescere: prifen ... & paxen Orm. 10868; prive Havel. 280; Langl. b 5, 284; Tor. 1155; prive, thrive Chauc. C. t. a 367 5; tlirife Town. myst. 8; praf fpret.J Orm. 3182; Percev. 212; m. h. 109; prof Rob. 11, 5; priven {part. J spec. 23; ipriven rel. ant. 1, 121. j»rift, O.Icel. prift, from ])rifen, thrift, auc- tus, prosperitas, p. I. s. XIV, 70; Trist. 3, 70; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 13353; priftes fpl.J spec. 47. |»rifti, thrift! thrifty, Chauc. C. t. b 138; thrifti "vigens\ prompt. 492; d. Arth, 317. Jirim see pmm. |»riii, 0. Icel. priiinr , trinus : prinne lac Orm. 1 144; on prinne wis(e) m. h. 163. \v\\\^, A.Sax. gepring, O.L.Germ. gethring, press, Beves 1365; pringe fdat.J La^. 12448; misc. 86; Alis. 2533. |)ringen^ A.Sax. pringan, O.L.Germ. thrin- gan, O.II.Germ. dringan, O.Icel. pryngva, thriiig, premere ; pringe misc. 42; Alis. 2388; pringez fpres.J a. p. 2, 180; pringen Wicl. Luke 8; pringe (subjunct.) 0. a. n. 796; pringing (part.) Chauc. r. r. 656; thrang (pret.) ps. 77,59; prong Trist. 3, 88; pro ugh her herte it prong Gow. 3, 262; prungen Langl. b 5, 517; binnen heo prungen (pronge) La-^,. 9421; prongen a. p. 2, 1775; pronge E^n. 659; thrungen (part.) ps. 72, 22; comp. bi-, ipringen; deriv. pring, prang, preng, prengen; prung. |)riste^ A. Sax. priste, 0. L. Germ, thristi, audax. La"). 356; o. a. n. 171; ar3e pe beop to done god to uvele al to priste p. l. s. VIII, 10. pristelechen, A.Sax. pristlaecan, audere^ hom. 1, 25. |>risteii see prusten. Jirivcii see prifen. |)r6 see pra. j)robbeii throb; probbant (part.) Langl. a 12, 48. jiro^e see pra3e. jiroh see pruh. firom see prum. j)rdn, O.Icel. proaz, crcscere; pro m. h. 112, J>i'Oiig see prang. Jirop see porp. jjrostle, A.Sax. prostle, throstle, tardus, o. a. n. 1659; prostel Gow. 1, 54; prostil h. s. 7481; prustle spec. 26; prustele Will. 820r |)rote^ A.Sax. protu, 0. II. Germ, droza, prowe pu 525 throut, a. r. 216; o. a. n. 658; ayenh. 14; Alia. 5952; Mand. 290; s. 8. ed. Wr. 2070; ps. 3, 11; Gaw. 1740; throte '^giittur\ prompt. 492. proteboUe laryyix, r. s. V, 173; Chauc. a t. a 4273. Jirowe see pra3e. |)rdwc see prawe. jiropin^ A.iSax. propian, 0. H. Germ, droen, druen, pati, Kath. 1140; proupede fpret.J horn. 1, 17; preowede La-^. 11389; dro- wede St. gen. 1180. |>ropuugc^ A. Sax. propung, proping, 0. II. Germ, druwunge, passio, a. r. 372; pro- piiige Orm. 16206; drowing st. gen. 1317. |)rucche^ A. Sax. (of)prycce, M. H. Germ. druc, thrutch, pressus; prich Gaiv. 17 13. |>riiccheii^ A.Sax. ])ryccaii, O.II.Germ. druc- clien, thrutch, triidere, premere: a dun prucche La^. 19483; pri3t fpret.J Gaiv. 1443; pri3t fpart.J a. p. 2, 136. |)ruh, A.Sax. pruh, O.II.Germ. druch, through, area, Kath. 2516; peos pruh a. r. 378; thrugli 2 own. myst. 290; j)roh chron. Engl 7 47 ; prou3 p. L s. XVI, 168; Shoreh. 4; prowe fdat.J rel. ant. 1, 161; throghes (pi.) ps. 67, 6. |>ruh see purh. thriiiii^ 0. H. Germ, drum f finis, stirpsj, 0. Dutch drom (licium), thrum , '■'■licium\ prompt. 493; throm voc. 236. |)runi^ A. Sax. prymm , troop, power, glory: on a thrum (prom) Man. 13469. |)rumferde La^. 1366. ])rimsetel Mat. 6, 34; hom. 1, 219. |>rumiiieii^ O.Dutch drommen, thrum, stipare: & pa pre bOc prumde to are Lay 64. |>rung^ A.Sax. prynge? /rom pringen, thrung, pressus, turha, a. r. 162; prunge fdat.J Lay 27624. |)ruppc? Brutus hefede gOde cnihtes . . . ilead to pffire pruppe Lay 631. )>riische^ A.Sax. ^xy^Q,Q{'i), O.II.Germ. dro- sca? thrwsh, o. a. n. 1669; Will 820; pruisse p. I. s. XXXV, 96. thrushil^ M. II. Germ, droschel , "merula\ prompt. 493. |>rusiiicn^ A.Sax. (a)prysman, suffocare; comp. a-, ofprusmen. |)rust see purst. jiriisten^ O.Icel. pr^sta, O.Z?.(?^rw. drilsten? thrust fthristj; thristin "premere", prompt. 492; pat he mouthe in seckes priste Havel. 2019; pristip, prestip ''premit'\ IVicl. prov. 30; pruste fpret.J chron. Engl. 671; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 9877; hi presten out hare e3en ayenh. 204; priste Man. 8886; comp. toprustem |)U, A.Sax. O.Icel. Goth, pu, O.L.Germ. 0. Fris. thu, O.II.Germ. du, Ir. Gael. Lat. tu, Riiss. mu, thou, Kath. 212; o. a. n. 33; Horn ed. Lum. 91; BeJc. 40; pu seolf Lay 3192; du st. gen. 360; pu, pou Havel. 627; pou c. I, 326; ayenh. 6; Langl. 1, 26; pou, thou Chauc. C. t. a 1094; pin fgen.j Havel. 1128; pe, A.Sax. pe, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. thi, O.Icel. per, O.II.Germ. dir, Goth, pus, fdat.J the, Kath. 210; a. r. 12; Bek. 39; Chauc. C.t. a 1129; hpi leavestu (= lea- vest pu) ham pe ane Jul. 22; yi pu pe self pel nimest gom Orm. 4162; of pi sulf a. r. 276; pou wost pi selve Chauc. C. t. a 1174; pe, A.Sax. pec, pe, O.L.Germ. thi, thic, O.Fris. thi, 0. Icel. pik, Goth. ])uk, O.II.Germ. dih, dich, face. J L'ly 474; o. a. n. 34; pou sselt pe resti ajjenb. 7; pi selven Langl. 1, 131 fl41j; as J)e ffor pu) silf iseje Beh. 2068. |»ik see pe. pule, A.Sax. pylc, O.Icel. pvilikr, Gr. TTiXi-KOQ? see Gr. gram. 3, 49, Bopps vergl. gram. 600, thick, theclc, talis: jjulke time Roh. 182, 9; pulke dom c. I. 180; pilke text Chauc. C. t. a 182; cmp. puUich. 526 pucke purfen |>ucke^ 0. Icel. pykkr findignatio, offensioj? vor te don pe eft spuche pucke a. r. 326. |>uden^ A. Sax. p^dan, press, push; pudde fpret.J La^. lh98; Mark. 12; comp. i-, underpuden. |>uder see pider. |)ufteii female servant? a. r. 4; puftenes (gen.) h. m. 45. |»ulc see under pii. ^uld^ A.Sox, (ge)pyld, O.L.Germ. (gi)thuld, 0. H. Germ, dult , patience ; pild Orm. 2613: ps. 9, 19. puldelTche, A.Sax. pyldelice, 0. R. Germ. (ka)dultliclio, patiently, a. r. 106; pil- deli3 Orm. 1186. \v\A\y A.Sox, (ge)pyldig, O.H.Germ. dulti ger, patient, Kath. 177. |)ullich see under pus.^ |)Uine^ A, Sax. puma, 0. Fris. thuma, 0. R. Germ, dumo, thumh fthoum, thoomj, poUex, a, r. 18; poume rel. ant. 1, 190; ayenh. 43; ihonvsihQ prompt. 492 ; pome (pome?) voc. 184; pombe, thombe Langl. h 5, 439; Cham. 0. t. a 663. \\imt\, Icel. ptimal], thimhle; tbimbil Hheca' (pollicis), prompt. 491; nug. poet. 13. |)UI1? punwange , A. Sox. punpange , -penge, -ponge, O.Icel. pimiivangi, O.R.Germ. dimwengi, temple, Hempus', rel. ant. 1, 54; thunwonge prompt. 493; tbonwange Ralliw. diet. 866. |»uiicheii^ A.Sax. pyncan, 0. L. Germ, tbim- kean, O.R.Germ. dunchen, O.Icel. pykkja, think, videri, a. r. 122; punche p. s. 194; pinchen p. I. s. VIII, 31; pincbe 0. a. n. 346; puncbed fpres.J La^. 1325; Kath. 346; punchep c. I. 720; me pim- chep h. h. 140; pinkep Om. 15667; puncp, pincp o. a. n. 840 ^^ 1672; pinkp Shoreh. 30; ptibte fpret.J Kath. 85; a. r. 112; fms. pubhte) Orm. 8936; pubte (pohte) La^. 4411; puhte, pu3te 0. a. n. 21 ^ 1661; pu3te Flor. o. Bl. 54; pOU^te Roh. 14, 19; Langl. b 11, 47; him poubte (poujte, thougbtc) Chauc. C. t. a 954; comp. bi-, for-, i-, mis-, ofpunchen. |)Uiier^ A.Sax. punor, O.R.Germ, donar, thunder, tonitru ; poner Iw. 370; ps. 76, 19; thoner Town, myst, 63; dunder at. gen. 1108; ponder Mand. 292; punres (gen.) Kath. 2024; ponres St. cod. 54; punres daei, A.Sax. punres dseg, O.Fris. Thunres dei, M.R.Germ. Dunres, Donres tag, 0. Icel. pors dagr, Thursday, Jovis dies, La'>,. 13929; purs dei a. r. 40; purs, pors day Langl. b 16, 140; pores dai Rob. 297, 17; c. I. 1417; Shoreh. 126; punre (dat.) hotn. 1, 43; pondre Rob. 308, 7; ayenb. 130. ponerblast Iw. 339; ponderblast Flor. 1643. ponderdent Chauc. C. t. a 3807 . |)uiieren^ A. Sax. punerian, punrian, 0. R Germ, donaron, thunder, tonare; poneres (pres.) voc. 201 ; thonered (pret.) ps. 17, 14; ponderde Jos. 235; ponrid s. s, ed. Wr. 2213. |)uniie^ A.Sox, pynne, O.Icel. punnr, O.R, Germ, duuner, thin, tenuis, a. r. 144; rel. ant. 1, 120; spec. 47; pinne Chauc, C. t. ed. Wr. 9556; penne Shoreh. 99; punne (adv.) o. a. n. 1529. thinhede "te7iuitas\ prompt. 491. thinnesse , A. Sax. pynnyss , thimtess, prompt. 491. thiiiniii^ A.Sax. (ge)pynnian, thin, "■tenmre\ prompt. 491. ^urfe^ O.Icel. purfi, egens: al pat bem pas purfe Orm. 9628. |>urfeii^ A. Sax. purfan(?) pret. porfte, 0. Icel. purfa(?) pret. purfti, Goth, paurban pret. paurfta, from parf, egcre ; purfte (pret.) a. r. 336 ; Orm. 16164; p. s, 338; durte st. gen. 234; purte m. h. 40; armed ... as semli ... as ani purh pur»t 527 segges purte Will. 3788; thurte Town, myst. 317; jjorte Flor. a. Bl. 253. |)urh, A.Sax. purh, derh, O.L.Germ. thurh, O.H.Germ. durh, duruli, 0. Fris. tliruch, Goth. })airli (Sta), through, thorough (thurfj, per: purh muchele jeoven Kath. 37; isahet purh ant purh Jul. 38; purh Cristes helpe Orm. dedic. 26; purh (poih) La^. 401; purh, puruh a. r. 02; and ich so do pur3 niht and dai o. a. n. 447 ; pur3 (pureh) ginne castel and bur3 mo mai ipinne 766; purh, purch 1401; pury (purp?), pur 1406; purcli misc. 30; durg st. gen. 196; purj a. p. 1, 669; ichosen pur^ us proclam. 2; purgh, thurgh Chauc. C. t. a 920; thm-gh pr. c. 1428; pure^ Flor, a. Bl. 312; por3 Shoreh. 14; Mire 502; pet izi3p por3 pane wal ayenb. 81; porgh Mand. 3; porw, poru Ravel. 367 ^ 631; porp, porw, poru Bob. 1, 4, 3, 2 Sf 84, 12; porw Begrev. 1263; porw dep he scholde pe lif forlete c. I. 17 8; pourh spec. 31; hope were maked pourh me h. h. 94; poru3, porou3, porw Langl. 2, 123 (152 J; ])orow apol. 30; purf treat. 132; pruh rel. ant. 1, 102. purhboren, 0. II. Germ, durhporon, ho7'e through; p(.rowbore Man. 16184. purhcostnen pertentare; purhcostned f part. J La^. 25440. purhdriven, A.Sax. purhdrifan, drive through, Kath. 1943; purhdriven (part. J 1204. purheode permeavi: he purheoden (porh- 3eode) Francene peode La^. 5217. purghfare thoroughfare , Chauc. C. t. a 2847. purhferen pervehi; purhferde fpret.J Kath. 1147. purhgan go through, Orm. 12860; purh- gon Lay 19645. purhgengen permease, La\ 1207 . purhloken looh through, Orm. dedic. 68. purhrennen run through; purhaernen Za). 16657. porowride, M. B. Germ, durchriten, ride through, Man. 14516. purhscrlden pervadere. Lay 10887. purhscheoten , A. Sax. purhsceotan, shoot through; porghschoten fpret.J Man. 4373. purhseken seek through, Orm. 242; porp- sou3te fpret.J Boh. 151, 11; pourhsdht (part. J spec. 99. purhseon see through, a. r. 50; durhsijd fpres.J Hick. thes. 1, 223. purhspitien spit through, Jul. 57. purhsticchen stitch through; puruhstihten fpret.J a. r. 272. purhstingen sti?ig through; pourhstong fpret.J spec. 70; purhstungeu f part. J horn. 1, 147. purhut throughout, La^. 4826; Marh. 22; 0. a. n. 879; durgut st. gen. 3704; puruhut a. r. 212. purhpunden wound through, Orm. 17443. purhwunian permanere. Lay 1384; purh- punest fpres.J Kath. 662. jmrl, A.Sax. pyrl, thirl, foramen, a. r. 62; dirl rel. ant. 1, 211; perles fpl.J ayenh. 204; comp. eh-, nosepurl. |)urlcnj A.Sax. pyrlian, thrill f thirl J, a. r. 392; c. I. 1152; thirlin, thrilin ''perfo- rare\ prompt. 491 ; porlip fpres.J Alis. 2394; pirles Will. 612; purleden fpret.J a. r. 292; Jos. 509; purleden, pirled Langl. 1, 148 fl72j; purled fpart.J spec. 62; thirled Chauc. C. t. a 27 10 ; thirlid mir. pi. 151; ipurled (iporled) La^. 4541. |)iirrok^ A. Sax. purruc(?), 0. Dutch durk, thurruck, Chauc. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. p. 154; thurrok "senti7ia\ prompt. 493. J»urs, A.Sax. pyrs, O.Icel. purs, O.H.Germ. durs, thurs, thrust, daemon, Kath. 1880; Marh. II; thurs d. Arth. 1100; pirs Wicl Is. 34. |»urst^ A.Sax. purst, pyrst , O.L.Germ. 528 pursten uhte thurst, O.M.Germ. durst, O.Icel. porsti, thirst, sitis, a. r. 114; AUs. 5058; Langl. h 18, 366; ChauG. C. t. h 100; purst (porst) Lay 6224; purst (prust) Kath. 1702; porst ayenh. 73; pirst, prist Ortn. 5682 &f 14484; prist Lidg. m, p. 53; tlirist pr. c. 6204; lud. Cov. 105; prest Iiv. 2074; Mand. 230. purstlew siticulosus, Lidg. m. p. 75. |)ursteiij A. Sax. pyrstan, O.Icel. pyrsta, 0. H.Germ. dursten, thirst, sitire; purstep fpres.J Gow. 2, 135; Langl. I 18, 365; pirstep Orm. 14485; purste fpret.J a. r. 188; cornp. a-, for-, ofpursten. |)ursti^ A. Sax. purstig, drystig Bout. ev. gloss. , 0. II. Germ, durstager , thirsty ; pristij Orm. 6163; thresti pr. c. 6165. |}us^ A. Sax. pus, O.L.Germ. O.Fris. thus, thus, sic, a. r. 10; Orm. 237; c. I. 610; Langl h 9, 92; Man. 164, 4; pus, thus prompt. 493 Sf 536; pus (pos) La'',. 28136 ; pos Shoreh. 3; pos, pous ayenh. 52 Sr 71. pullich, A.Sax. pylllc, pyslic, talis, Kath. 357; a. r. 8""; pullich, pulli h. m. 9 Sf 25; pulh (pulli) mot Marh. 7; pe Oper heste is pelllch ayeiih. 6; pelliche pinges 27; see pule. jiilseiHl^ A.Sax. pusend, O.Icel pusund, Goth. ])usundi, 0. H.Germ. dusunt, thou- sa?id, mille, a. r. 236 ; pusend (pousend) La^. 24613; fopr pusend Kath. 2037; c'm pusende Orm. 1316 ; pousend treat. 134; pousend, pousand Chaue. C. t. 1954 (1956). pusendfald Kath. 2323. J)iistrc see peostre. thoutiUj M. H.Germ. duzen, say thou to some body, prompt. 492. |)iiten -= peoten Orm. 2034. ])UYel^ A. Sax. p5^fel, "frutex' pifel fragm. 3, 45; puvele fdat.J o. a. n. 278. |)pang^ A.Sax. ppang, ppong, O.Icel pvengr. tho7ig fthwang, lohang), lorum , corrigia, Orm. 10439; pwang Iw. 3160; pwong (pwang) X«3. 14219; pwong Wicl. John 1; Gaw. 194; pong Roh. 116, 5; rel. ant. 1, 115; pvaiiges fpl.J m. h. 10; ponges Will 1720; comp. schOpwang. |>wert, 0. Icel pvert , ace. neut. of pverr (transversus), A.Sax. ppeorh (perversus), Goth, pvairhs (opyiXoc), 0. H.Germ. dver- her (transversus) , thwart, transversum: over pwert Havel 2822; over pvert Man. 241, 3; ppert over Marh. 10; a. r. 82; a thirt athwart, Farten. 169; his herte do wurd dwert (for j)wer, perver- sus) st. gen. 3099. ppertut prorsus? Orm. 194. |)werteii thwart, adversari: dwerted (pret.) St. gen. 1324. l)witel thwittle, whittle, cultellus, Chauc. C. t. a 3933. l)witeii, A.Sax. ppitau, thwite, ivhite, secare; thwitin prompt. 488; pwiten (part.) Chauc. r. r. 933. u- see un-. uch see ihwilc. uder, A.Sax. tider, tidr, O.Dutch uider, M. H.Germ. uter, Gr. ou^ap, udder; uddir, iddir "ube?-", prompt. 258. ufel see uvel. ug, 0. Itel. uggr, metus; uggo (dat.) hom. 1, 209. ugli, O.Icel. uggligr, ugly, ^Iiorrihilis', prompt. 509; s. s. ed. Web. 2782; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8549; Iw. 1730; pr. c. 6683; mir. pi. 164; an ugllke snake st. gen. 2805. uglines ugliness, ^^horr(>r\ pr. c. 917. uggiUj O.Icel. ugga, ugg, ^Iiorrere', prompt. 509; ugge pr. c. 6419; pat op uggi pid ham a. r. 92'%- uggid (part.) apol 109. uhte, A.Sax. uhte, O.L.Germ. 0. H. Germ. uhta, Goth, uhtvo, O.Icel otta, dilucu- lum: on uhten Orm. 2484; hi sloven ulde ua- 529 and fu3teii pe ni3t and pe U3ten Horn 1424: upon ujten a. p. 2, 893. uhtsong a. r. IS. uhtentid Orm. 5832. uldc see elde. ule, A. Sax. ale, eople(?), 0. 11. Germ, ula, uwila, O.Icel. ugla, owl, Hubo, 8trix\ fragm. 3, 19; o. a. n. 26; oule ayenh. 27; Gow. 1, 100. ulke see ilke. ulm^ Lat. ulmus. ulmtree, A. Sax. ulmtreo]?, Wicl. Is. 41. umbe^ A. Sax. ymbe, O.L.Germ. O.H.Germ. umbi, O.Icel. umb, um, Gr. ajicpi, urn, circum, post, Orm. 304; spes. 49; Gaw. 589; a. p. 2, 879; beo iimbe me Marh. 6; & is umbe ... pet heo him luvie a. r. 218; umbe stunde 344; umbe fif winter Lay 6617; umbe hpile Kath. 12; um while Langl. h 5, 345; Man. 241, 20; embe Mat. 17, 12; horn. 1, 51; rel. ant. 1, 131; to speke so embe no3t i?. /. 8. XIX, 164. umbecluppen, A. Sax. ymbclyppan, om- plecti; umbeclipped fpres.J Gaw. 616. umyhode ^^circumivi\ ps. 26, 6; umbiye- den (ms. un-) Havel. 1842. umbefalden fold around ; umbefoldes fpres.J Gaiv. 181. umbegan amhire; umbigoon f part. J Halliw. did. 899. umgang ambitus, ^^cirGuitus\ ps. 11, 9. umbe3iven circumdare ; umgivand (part. J ps. 3, 7 . umbegrowen grow around; umbegrouen (part.) a. p. 2, 488. umbelappen lap around ; umlapped (pret.) ps. 39, 13; umbilapped f part. J Wicl. Heir. 5. umbeleggen lay around; umbeleid (part.) Man. 187, 18. nmberOwen row around, Lay 114. umbrune, A.Sax. ymbryne, circuitus. umbridei ffor umbrindei?) emberday, a. r. 70; embirday prompt. 139. umshade shade around. Town. myst. 75. umbesheren circumcidere, (printed umm- beshepenn) Orm. 4132. umbeschlneu shine around; umbeschon f pret. J a. p. 3, 455. umbesetten set around; umset (part. J pr. c. 1250. embsnipen circumcidere, hom. 1, 81. umbestanden stand around; umbistOde (pret. J Havel. 1875. umbestriden umstride, inequitare: he um- strad a nobil stede Iw. 1302. embepanc meditatio; embeponke fdat.J hom. 2, 87. umbepenken umbethinh, meditari, Orm. 1240; umbi-, umthinke the Town. myst. 4 ^' 251; umbipoghte (pret.) Isumh. . 426; umpoght m. h. 79. embetiten, A.Sax. ymbutan, circumy Marie 14, 47. umbewseven amicire; umbeweved (pret.) Gaw. 581. UI1-, A. Sax. 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ, Goth. un-, O.Icel. ti-, un-. unafuUendllc insatiable: unafiUendllche gredinesse hom. 1, 103. una3eten imperceptus? Lay 25797 . unachteled inaestimatus, st. gen. 796. unbald, A. Sax. unbeald, timid. Lay 28159; unbold spec. 100. unbeden unbidden, Orm. 17081. unbermed non fermentatus, Orm. 1591. unbiburied unburied, Kath. 2275. unbiheve improjitable, hom. 2, 7 . unbihof disadvantage ; unbihove (dat.) Lay 8576. unbileave unbelief, Kath. 261. unblessed unblessed; onblissede (pi.) a- yenb. 41, unblipe tristis, o. a. n. 1585; Havel. 141; spec. 30; a. p. 2, 1017. 67 530 UIl' un- onbo3sam inohedient, ayenh. 21; unbow- som pr. c. 8596. oubo^samnesse inobedience, ayenh. 33. unboren unborn, Orm. 17327; unbore rel. ant. 1, 184. unbriche, A.Sax. unbryce, inutilis, Halliw. did. 900. unbtihsum inohedient, rel. ant. 1, 184. unbuxumhed inobedience, st. gen. 345. unburied unburied, a. r. 352. unclenc unclean, Orm. 1712; o. a. n. 91; st. gen. 1867. onclenlich uncleanly, ayenb. 42. unclaennesse uncleanness, Orm. 2168; onclennesse ayenh. 203. unclensed uncleansed, Orm. 10617. unlmawen unknown, pr. c. 337; unknowen Chauc. C. t. d 1397 . uncost vice, rel. ant. 1, 213. uncumellch uncomely, h. m. 25; un-, on- comeli Langl 9, 160 (10, 180). uncunde unldnd , treat. 135; unkuinde Jos. 242; unkinde st. gen. 449; Trist. 3, 42; onkende ayenb. 188. unkundelich unkindly, a. r. 116; unkin- deli Gow. 1, 348. onconninde insciens, ayenh. 59. onconninge inscientia, ayenh. 131; un- kanning pr. c. 169. uncusti illiberal, fragm. 3, 9. unctid uncouth, ignotus, Lay 6624; un- cup Orm. 228; uiicoup c. I. 586; un- kude fpl.J a. r. 348; uncoupe Percev. 1047; unkoupe Langl 7, 155 (8, 141). uncuplij Orm. 14341. uncpeme disagreeable, Orm. 1527 . uncpenked unquenched, Orm. 10491. undeadlich immortal, Kath. 965; h. m. 39; undedlich Mark. 10; undeedli JFicl. 1 Tim. 1. underf injlrmus: pat underve flescb Kath. 1174. undrej? pi dayes salle be undreghe Halliw. diet, 901. unefne uneven, a. r. 312; unevene fpl.) misc. 75. unefenllch unevenly, a. r. 410. unendliche infinite, a. r. 398. unede, A. Sax. uneade, uneath, difficilis, Lay 2259; unaepe fadv.) Orm. 16289; unepe treat 136; Mand. 282; Gaw. 134; onepe pi. cr. 217; unedes st. gen. 2341; unepes Gow. 3, 6. unfasle, A. Sax. unfaele, ungracious, incle- ment? Lay 22018; his unfaele peopes Orm. 8034; unfele o. a. n. 1003; un- feale a. r. 198"". unfain unfain, m. Arth. 2691; m. h. 90; unfawe Launf. 732. unfair unfair; unfaire fpl.) a. p. 2, 1801. unfaken not deceptive, Orm. 4149. uufere infirm. Lay 6780; unfer st. gen. 2810; unfere fdat. pi) I h. r. 114. uiifor3olden unrequited, horn. 1, 163. unframe disadvantage, st. gen. 1566; un- freme p. I s. VIII, IW. unfrid discord, dissension, Lay 2557. unfrigt intrepidus, st. gen. 37 13. uiigein ungain: pes gates are ungaine Flor. 1421. ungeinliche ungainly, Marh. 9. unglad unglad, tristis , spec. 29; Will. 747; a. p. 3, 63. ungledliclie a. r. 308. ungod not good, Orm. 16739, uugrip dissension, Orm. 16280. unjearu imparatus, hom. 1, 103. iin3erTm, A. Sax. ungerlme, innumerable, Orm. 18993. unhaele infirmity, mischief. Lay 11546; Orm. 4779; unhele Chauc. C. t. c 116; Flor. 1340. unhelpe unhealth, p. I. s. VIII, 8. unha3er inept. iinha3herli3 Orm. 425. unbal unwhole, -hale, Orm. 4778; m. h. 129; unhol a. r. ^7^; unhale (onhole) fpl) Lay 19647. un- uu- 531 unhalsum unwholesome^ Orm. 7 177. unhap unhap, h. m. 29; Gaw. 438; a. p. 2, 143; unhep a. r. 180. unhappi unhappy, Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 4726; Lidg. st. Jh. 821. unhende impolite, ungentle, Lay 28826 ; a. r. 204; h. m. 9; p. r. I. p. 191; Iw. 2943. unhendeliche Kath. 2148. unherli unnoUe? m. h. 129. unhersumnesse disobedience, Orm. 4217 . unhold unfavourable; unholde (pl.) spec. 24; imholde enemies, a. r. 222. unliolde disgrace, horn. 1, 161 . unhope despair, a. r. 8. unhuhtlic unjoyous. La'). 5101. unpharfed unchanged, Orm. 18794. unphate misfortune, o. a. n. 1267 . uniciinde not native, La\ 18429. unifeie enormous, La^. 5573. unifoh enormous, La^. 8674; unifouh fragm. 7 , 23. unillc unlike, La^. 9919; uiiLllch Jul. 60; uniliche fpl.j p. I. s. Fill, 179. unilimp misfortune, horn. 2, 177; unilimpe rel. ant. 1, 174. unimake im/par: elclies wurmes unimake (onimake) La"^. 17961. unimet, A. Sax. ungemet, O.H.Germ. un- gimezer, immense: in liis uuimete blisse a. r. 40; mid unimete (onimete) ferde La'). 1654; unimete fadv.J a. r. 102; h. m. 19. unimete, A. Sax ungemaete ? immoderate, immense, (r. w. hete) misc. 73. unimeteliche a. r. 398. uniqveme inconvenient, rel. ant. 1, 184. unirimed non numeratus, Lay 433. unirtide, A. Sax. ungeryde Greins gloss. 1, 443, enormous? unirude duntes horn. 1, 253. unise3en invisus. unisejenlic, unisepenlich invisus, horn. 1, 97. unisele unfortunate, miser ahle\ p. I. %. VIII, 101; Lay 26446; o. a. n. 1004. uniseli unfortunate, miserable, Lay 4010; a. r. 68. uniselde infelicity, horn. 1, 171; Lay 2545. unisom at variance; unisome fpl.J o. a. n. 1522. unisunde insanitas, Lay 18452. uniwar unaware, Rob. 88, 20. uniwaelde impotent? Lay 5901. uniwider, A.Sax. ungepeder, O.H.Germ. ungewitere, tempest; unipidere (dat.) hom. 1, 115. unipil unwill, reluctance, hom. 1, 69. unlsered indoctus, Orm. 17117; uulered pr. c. 5947; unlerid Wicl. 1 Co7\ 14. unlage injustice, st. gen. 1762; unlawe Beh 602. unla^hellke non legitime, Orm. 15867 . unleaflich incredible ; unlefliche (pl.) Kath. 345. unlede, A.Sax. unl^d, unlaede, Goth, un- leds, poor, miserable, o. a. n. 1644; misc. 122; onlede Shoreh. 109. unleod foreign people? unleoden (onleode) fpl.J Lay 6939. unllc unlike, Orm. 16859 ; unlTch Jul. 14; unliche fadv.J p. I. s. Vb, 55. unlimp misfortune, a. r. 274. unlitel not little, Orm. 726. unlust displeasure, h. m. 35 ; Orm. 2623; Mapes 336; IIoccl. I, 189. onlosti unlusty, ayenb. 170. unluved illicit, hom. 2, 207 . unmeoc not meek, Orm. 9880. unmerred unmarred, Marh. 10. unmete, A.Sax. unmaete, O.H.Germ. un- mazer unmeet, immodicus, immetisus, spec. 23; li b. disc. 1629; Gaw. 208; a. p. 7, 758; d. Arth. 4070; unmete (unmeete) c. I. 634. unmep immoderation, Flor. a. Bl. 675; mid unmepe o. a. n. 352. 532 un- un- nnmed immoderate, a. r. 50. unmeadellche Mark. 15; unmedluker fcompar.J a. r. 238. unmiht unmight, impotence ; uiimi3te fdat.J Bel. 1441. unmihti unmighty , spec. 22; unmi3ti Chauc. Boet. 241; Wicl. wisd. 11. unmilde unmild, Orm. 9880.; o. a. n. 61; Bel. 1494. unmundlunge, A. Sax. iinmyndlinga, un- expectedly, horn. 1, 249; (ms. unmun- lunge) a. r. 280. uiimurie injucundus, o. a. n. 346. unnait "inanis\ ps. 2, 1; unneite fplj a. r. 130 "". imned non coactus, Orm. 11457 . unneode displeasure? to his a^re unneode (onneode) Za^. 308. unnut unprofitable, vain, p. L s. VIII, 3"^; misc. 192; unnet a. r. 82; rel. ant. 1, 129; unnit Orm. 4921; unnut fsubst.J a. r. 352; unnit Orm. 8059; unnette fpl.j Jul. 45. unorne indelicate? a. r. 108; o. a. n. 317; Horn 338; ure unorne fleis hom. 1, 85; his fode -pas unorne Orm. 828; unorne Igefe 16809. unornelike Havel. 1941; unornelij Orm. 3750. unplned not pained, Orm. 1367 ; p. I. s. XVII, 173. unrsed imprudence, folly, La^. 6517; un- red 0. a. n. 1464; st. gen. 1906. unredi unready, Wicl. 2 Cor. 9; pr. c. 1990. unreken inept, st. gen. 2817; spec. 100. unreste inquies, Chauc. Troil. 5548; Wicl. Jud. 14. unri3t unright, injustus, Bel. 330; un- riht fsubst.J p. I. s. VIII, 47; La^. 6553; unrigt st. gen. 1276; unright Rich. 2125. unrihtful unrightful; onri3tvolle fpl.J ayenh. 39. unrihtpls unrighteous, Orm. 390; un- rigtwis st. gen. 2014. unripe unripe, o. a. n. 320. unro inquies, Ilalliw. diet. 903; unroo Percev. 362. unrot Hristis\ Mat. 26, 38. unrude = unirude ? unrid, enormous, hom. 1, 249; unride Orm. 4784; rel. ant, 1, 220; Ravel. 964; Arth. a. Merl, 886; Trist. 3, 38; I. I. 142; Man, 3435; Percev. 1131; Town. myst. 84. unrideli hom. 1, 281; Gaw. 1432. unsad insolidus , Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8871. unssel, A. Sax. unsael, 0. Icel. ussell, un- fortunate, miserahle ; unsel Xa^. 30541; unsele rel. ant. 1, 113; usel (ms. usell) Orm. 3668. unssel inopportunitas : on unsele inoppor- tune, rel. ant. i, 131. unschriven unshriven, a. r. 314. unseli3 unfortunate, miserable, Orm. 4812; unseli Kath. 1811; a. r. 174; st. gen. 1073; Jos. 704; Gow. 2, 142; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 12396; Iw. 2939. unsselde infelicity. Lay 4748; unselpe Orm. 1561; o. a. n. 1263. unseluhde infelicity, a. r. 86. unsauht irreconciled, at enmity, Jos. 64 ; unsaught Goiv. 3, 153; unsahte fpl.J Lay 3930. unsahtnesse discord, Orm. 7187. unssehte discord, dissension. Lay 11459; unseihte fragm. 7 , 26. unshaplich unshapely, rel. ant. 1, 129. unshapi3 iymocent, Orm. 2889. unshapi3nesse innocence, Orm. 58. unse33endlTc inexpressible, Orm. 2823. unsehen invisus, Marh. 10; unseiene (unsehene) gostes a. r. 312. unse3henlTc invisus, Orm. 17296; un- sehelTch Kath. 255. unsemli unseemly, Mapes 335; spec. 31; d. Arth. 1044. un- un- 533 unsene unseen, st. gen. 2878. unseouped unsewed, a. r. 344. imsgte improper? spec. 23, 31 8f 49; his sorwe was unsete Trist. 2, 11. unsib non cognatus ; unsibbe fdat. pi. J Orm. 2474. onsibbe, A. Sax. unsibb, inimicitia, La^. 9843*. unsiker insecure, a. r. 144; pr. c. 1089. unsip misfortune; unsipe fdat. J o. a. n. 1164. unskil indiscretion, Orm. 427; st. gen. 3506. unslegh, 0. Icel. tisloegr, not sly, pr. c. 1938. unsmepe not smooth, Orm. 9209. unsode unsodden, o. a. n. 1007 . iinsouht unsought, a. r. 324. iinsom discordant; unsome fpl.J La"^. 3931. iinsparliche unsparely, Jul. 59; unspareli Gaw. 979; d. Arth. 3160. unstapelfest "inconstans\ horn. 1, 151; unstadelvest a. r. 208. unstedefast unsteadfast, p. Is. VIII/ 122. unstrang unstrong, Orm. 7911; unstrong Lay 10474; Marh. 12; a. r. 6; o. a. n. 561. unstrencde infirmity, a. r. 232; un- strencpe Orm. 16915. unsund unsound; unsond m. Arth. 2859. unsunde insanitas, La"^. 29315. untald untold, pr. c. 7447 . uutalelich, M.R.Germ. uuzallich, innu- merable, horn. 1, 251; a. r. 410. untemid untamed, Wicl. eceles. 30. untidi untidy, Kath. 2433; Will. 1455; Langl. I 20, 118. untiled untilled, Langl. h 15, 451 ; un- tuled Roh. 372, 10. untime untime, intempestas, rel. ant. 1 , 132; in untime a. r. 344; Langl. b 9, 186. untimellche untimely, intempestive, rel, ant. 1, 131. untodaeled indivisus, Orm. 11518. ontodelinde indivisible, ayenb. 266. untodelendlich indivisible, horn. 1, 99 Sf 101. untopen untrained, rude, a. r. 372; un- tohe h. m. 31. untopeschipe a. r. 170. untrewe untrue, Horn 645; spec. 46; ontrewe ayenb. 18. untroupe untrouth, Chauc. C. t. b 687; ontreupe ayenb. 17. untrum infirm, Mark 14, 38; untrume fpl.J Marh. 22. untrumnesse infirmity, Orm, 72. untrust untrust, diffidence, a. r. 332; untrust, untrist Wicl. Rom. 4. untuderi not generative, st. gen. 964. untuht indiscipline, M.apes 336. untuhtle indiscipline. Lay 24655; un- tijtel? Gaw. 1114. unponk ingratia, Chauc. C. t. a 4082; undone a. r. 202; unponk a. p. 2, 183; onpank pan ayenb. 69 ; his un- pankes ejus ingratiis, Orm. 7194; hit is pe an undonke Lay 11769. unpeap bad habit, vice, h. m. 9: undeau a. r. 152; unpen o. a. n. 194; un- deawe (dot.) Lay 3064; unpaepes (pi.) Orm. 17782; unpewes rel. ant. 1, 110. undeode foreign people? a. r. 312. onpoliinde intolerable, ayenb. 265. unpuldelTche impatiently, Kath. 163. unpaker non vigil, a. r. 272. unpaldes fortuito? hom. 1, 23. unwar incautus. Lay 7810; Hoed. I, 41; pe unpare soule a. r. 274. unwarned umoarned, Rob. 51, 10. unpaschen, unpeaschen unwashen, hom. 1, 187 Sf 202. unweder unweather, tempest, st. gen. 3058. unwelde impotent, st. gen. 347; Gow. 1, 312; Chauc. r. r. 359; Town. myst. 76. 534 un- un- unweli poor, ps. 78, 8*. unpemmed immaculate, a. r. 10; Orm. 14735: unwemmed Chauc. C. t. h 924. unwepned unweaponed, La^. 5654. unwiht monster, La^. 15734; unpiht a. r. 238; h. m. 41; o. a. n. 33. unwil ? hire unpil ea invito, h. m. 31. unwille displeasing? o. a. n. 422; mid unpille heorte a. r. 238. uupine enemy, Kath. 1228; a. r. 178; Orm. 19838; unwines fpl.J La\ 1628. unwis unwise, La^. 16022; spec. 42; un- pis Orm. 16954. unwisdom wiwisdom , La'>,. 3383 ; un- pisdom a. r. 278. unpTsliche unwisely/, a. r. 338. unpit folli/, Orm. 6003; onwit ayenh. 82. unpeote ignorant, a. r. 8; unpiten, un- peoteu fpl.J Kath. 1054; unpeoten Marh. 6. unpitenesse ignorance, a. r. 278; un- peotenesse horn. 1, 255. unwiter inscius. Lay 16023. ouwitinde unwitting, insciens, ayenh. 37 . unwitti unwitty. Lay 786; Wicl. wisd. 3. unwittili unwittily, Langl. 3, 101 (105). unwrsest infirm-, invalid, La"). 16307 ; unpreast hom. 1, 237 ; unprest a. r. 274; unwrest chron. Engl. 921 ; Alis. 620 ; li h. disc. 2118; unprseste Orm. 4889; unwreste c. I. 1149; unwraste Havel. 2821; pe unpreste herde ^Hners pastor', horn. 2, 39; unwraste dede s. s. ed. Web. 1917; unpreste fpl.J o. a. n. 178; unpreaste men Kath. 1266. unwrestliche c. I. 1468. ^ unprestschipe a. r. 304; unwrestschupe c. I. 1143. unpunded unwounded, Orm. 14735. unpunne tristitia, p. I. s. VIII, 105; unwunne spec. 47 . unwinli d. Arth. 955. unpurd unworth, indignus, a. r. 94; un- purp Orm. 16163; unword, unwurde Lay 3464 Sf 24656 ; uuworp c. I. 1112; onworp ayenh. 132. onworpllch indignus, ayenh. 132. unworpi unworthy, Beh. 1397 . \-y A.Sax. un-, O.Fris. un-, und-?=::and? un-. unbalden discourage? unbalded f part. J Lay 11547. unbenden unbend; unbente fpret.J st. gen. 483. unbinden, A.Sax. unbindan, = ^./S^aia;. on-, inbindan, 0. Fris. und-, onbinda, Goth. andbindan, 0. II. Germ, ant-, an-, int-, inpintan? unbind, Orm. 3682; unbin- den, unbinde Langl. h prol. 101 ; on- binde ayenh. 172; unbond fpret.J p. I. s. VIII, 95; St. gen. 2223; unbunde Z«). 5926; iinbounden Havel. 601; un- bunden f part. J hom. 1, 7; unbounde Alis. 85; m. t. 103. unclapen unclothe; unclope Wicl. E%. 44; unclopede fpret.J Havel. 659. unclenchen unclench : unclainte pe barres Alis. ed. SL 1172. uncnutten , A. Sax. uncnyttan , unknit, solvere; uncnutte fpres. suhj.J hom. 2y 137 ; uncnut fpart.J Kath. 1157 . undon, A.Sax. undon, undo, gr. 39; st. gen. 2114; ondo Shoreh. 78; ayenh. 106; undede fpret.J Will. 4846; lai le fr. 183; undOn fpart.J Lay 19206; ondon Shoreh. 61. undutten recludere ; uudutte fpret.J Kath. 1821. unfalden, A.Sax. unfealdan, unfold; un- volden a. r. 100; unfolde Langl. h 17 , 176; unfeold fpret.J Lay 10544; un- folde fpart.J m. Arth. 1044. unfastnen unfasten, Wicl. Is. 14; unvest- nen a. r. 252. unfeteren unfetter; unfetere, unfettre Langl. 3, 134 fl38j, unhadien disordain. Lay 13169. unhelien, A. Sax. unhelian, unheal, dete- un- under 535 gere^ revelare; unhilen Orm. 12944; unhile WicI, Iluth 3; unheled (part. J a. r. 150; unliiled Langl. h 17 , 319. unhillen = unhelien ? st. gen. 1912. unhliden detegere; unliden ('pret.) a. r. 68. unhillen detegere? iinhuled (part. J Jos. 515. unlimen deglutinare^ a. r. 256. iinlouken, A. Sax. unlucan, redudere, c. I. 77; Langl. h 12, 112; onlouken Shoreh. 55 ; onleak fpret.J ayenh. 67 ; unlek 8. s. ed. Weh. 2251 ; li h. disc. 1816; unloke (part.) misc. 147. iinspennen solvere; unspennede fpret.J a. r. 158''. uusperren aperire, Orm. 12158; unspere Langl b 18, 259; Lidg. m. p. 54. iinstrencden mistrengthen, a. r. 138; iin- strengdet (part.) Kath. 1275. iintejen, A. Sax. unt^g'an, untie; untije £eves 3384; unteiged fimperat.J Mark II, 2. untimen (ontune), A. Sax. unt^nan, re- cludere, La"^. 18949. unwinden, A. Sax. iinpindan, unwind; un- wond fpret.J lai le fr. 189. unwreon, A. Sax. unpreon, == unwrihen, Alis. 336; unwreo Belc. 2300; unpreod fpres.J a. r. 88; unpreah fpret.J Kath. 1769; unpreih a. r. 56; unprojen, uu- pro3e (unwrowe) fpart.J o. a. n. 162 Sf 848. unwrihen, A. Sax. unprlhan, discover, re- veal; unprlen a. r, 328; unwrle Chauc. Troil. 860; unprihd fpres.J a. r. 84; unprien fpret.J a. r. 58; unprien fpart.J p. I. 8. VIII, 81 ; unwrien o. a. n. 162*; onwrije agenb. 88. unwunien desuescere: he him onwonep ayenb. 32. unwurpien, A. Sax. unpeordian, disdain, dishonour; onworpi ayenh. 22; unpurpep fpres.J Orm. 18285. un-, 0. Fris. Goth, und , 0. L. Germ, und, unt? until until, ad, Langl. b prol. 227; pr. c. 555; Isumb. 243; see ontil. unto, 0. L. Germ, unto, unto, ad, Chauc. C. t. a 488; Flor. 1335; F&rcev. 1273; m. h. 37 ; unto i cum ogain Iw. 930. unc^ A. Sax. 0. L. Germ, unc , Goth, ugk, ugkis, O.Icel. okkr, fdat. ace. dual J us, V(i), La^. 25901 ; Marh. 5 ; Orm. dedic. 27; rel. ant. 1, 186; st. gen. 1776; unker, A. Sax. uncer, 0. II. Germ, unker, 0. Icel. okkar , fgen. dualj vojv , Za^. 23665; hweper unker o. a. n. 151. unche^ A. Sax. ynce, Lat. uncia, inch; in- die prompt. 261 ; seven inche Man. 10039; enches Beves 746 ; feouwer un- chene long La^. 23970. uiicle^ Fr. oncle, uncle. Boh. 58, 5. uii,. 21505. w»)eu, A. Sax. psegan (affligere, deciperej, 0. H. Germ, weigen f affligere , vexarej; wsije? Shoreh. 159. w^ken, A.Sax. psecan, become weak, weaken;^ weken Chauc. Troil. 5813; see waken. w«l, A. Sax. pael, 0. Icel. val, 0. H. Germ. wal, the dead fallen in battle: pat wael Lay 4111. w3Blkempe dire champion. Lay 23810. walkirie, A.Sax. paelcyrige, O.Icel. val- kyija, Bellona, a. p. 2, 1577. pelreop hom. 1, 229. wselslalit mortal battle, La-^. 1369. walspere mortal spear. Lay 28577 . p«l, A.Sax. pgel, 0. Butch wal (wael), weel, ''gurges', fragm. 3, 53; wel misc. 149 ; weel Horrente\ ps. 35, 9. w^len, A.Sax. pselan fvexare, affligere J, 0. Icel. vsela (arte facerej. pseling? Orm. 2192. w«ue see weane. p%peii, A.Sax. p^epen, O.Fris. wepen, Goth. *vepn pi. vepna (oTiXa), O.Icel. vapn, 0. L. Germ, wapan , 0. H. Germ, wafan, weapon, gladius, telum, Orm. 2616; wepen Chauc. C. t. a 1591; Begrev. 1606; wepne membrum virile, Langl. b 9, 180; wapen Man. 187 , 19; pr. c. 1707; wO- pen st. gen. 469; wsepne fpl.J arma. Lay 1702; pepne o. a. n. 1369;- wepne Havel. 89; Langl. b 12, 107 ; pepnen fdat. pi.) a. r. 60. pepman, A. Sax. psepmann, psepenmonn, homo masculus. Mat. 19, 4; fms. pepp- mann) Orm. 7998; wepmon Lay 1868; 544 waepnien wa3n 0. a. n. 1379 ; p. s. 153; wapman st. gen. 1001; pepmen fplj Kath. 2365; a. r. 54. wepnien^ A. Sax. psepnian, O.Fris. wepna, O.Icel. vapna, O.II.Germ. wafenen, wea- pon, armare, La^. 20347; pepnede fpret.J Kath. 191; psepned f part. J Orm. 677; wopened st. gen. 3373; iwgepiied Lay 17375. wsBr see war. wsesand^ A. Sax. psesand, O.Fris. wasende, O.II.Germ. weisunt, tveasand , arteria, gurguUo; wesand voc. 207 ; wesaunt Gaw. 1336. yiki, A.Sax. pset, O.Fris. wet, O.Icel. vatr, wet fweetj, humidus; wet La'i,. 28080; Man. 15576 ; pet a. r. 278; weet c. I. 1433; Mand. 100; in wate and drie pr. c. 7611 ; wete fpl.J Chauc. C. t. a 1280; Degret: 824. pate, A.Sax. psete, O.Icel. vseta? wet, hu- mor, liquor, Orm. 7852; pete a. r. 164; wete rel. ant. 1, 210; treat. 138; weten {dat. pi.) Lay 19769. wateii, A.Sax. pgetan, O.Icel. Yseta, wet, humectare; wete Roh. 321, 22; Man. 10340; wetes fpres.J spec. 36; wete fsuhjunct.J Mand. 158; watte (wette) fpret.J Roh. 322, 5; camp, beweten. water see water. waTeii, A.Sax. (be)p£efan, O.Icel. veifa, Goth, (bi)vaibjan (gaAAStv), O.II.Germ. (zi)weiben, torquere, vibrare ; weve Rob. 64, 14; a. p. 1, 318; into pe cloistre ... hi gonue weve Beh. 2077; peved fpres.J horn. 2, 85; wonderliche it pe weves Will. 922; and smot of Modred his hefd pat hit wefde f^rst text wond) a (pene) feld Lay 28049''; his brond aboute he wevede li b. disc. 505; & we- wed up a wintlow(e) Will. 2978; and wefden up pa castles 38ete La"^. 19003; he wolde his heved fro pe bodi have iweved Alis. 3807 ; hii were a doun iweved Beves 954; camp, bi-, of-, to-, umbewffiven (-weven). wafre, O.Fr. waufre, gaufre, wafer; wafres fpl.J Langl. h 13, 271; Eoccl. I, 146. wage, O.Fr. wage, guaige, gage, w.xge, "sti- pendium'\ prompt. 513; Hoccl. I, 119; wages fpl.J Langl. b 11, 283. wagen, O.Fr. waigier, guager, gager, wage, fen J gage ; wage Langl. 4, 84 f97 J; d. Arth. 547. waggiii, Swed. wagga, M. II. Germ, waclcen ? wag, ^^movere, vacillare', prompt. 513 wagge ^'■vacillare, titubare', rel. ant. 1, 6 2). s. 332; wepne wagge Havel. 89 pagged fpres.J a. r. 374; waggep Langl. b 16, 41; p. 44, 6; he waggep pe lip- pen ayenb. 211; wagged fpret.J pi. cr. 226. wa5, A. Sax. pag, y^g, 0. Fris. wach, 0. Icel. veggr, Goth, vaddjus? loogh, paries; wah La-i,. 25887 ; wagh ps. 61, 4; W03 ayenb. 72; waghe fdat.J pr. c. 6619; wawe, wowe Havel. 474 Sf 2078; wo3e Gaw. 858; wowe p. I. s. XVII, 293; wajes (wowes) fpl.J Lay 10182; popes a. r. 346; 0. a. n. 1528; wowes Langl. b 3, 61; Mand. 247; comp. hele-, sid- wa3. pa3herift Orm. 1014. wa^e, O.Dutch wage, O.II.Germ. waga fmo- tusj? fluctus, unda, ayenb. 207; wawe Gow. 1, 184; m. t. 130; wa3es fpl.J Lay 11977"^; wawes Brand. 24; Langl. 8, 40 f9,35j; Cham. C. t. b 468; Lidg. m. p. 63; wawghes Town. myst. 31. wa^ien, A. Sax. pagian , Goth, vagjau, 0. H.Germ. wagen, move; wa3e3en Lay 26941; wawe Rob. 207, 10; Alis. 2634; Will. 19; pagiende f part. J ham. 2, 175; wawid f part. J Wicl. Luhe 7 . pa^n, A.Sax. p86gn, ^^sen, O.Fris. wain, wein, O.Icel. vagn, O.L.Germ. wagon, 0. H.Germ. wagan, wain, waggon, Orm. pref. 21; wain ^^plaustnm\ prompt. 513; wall wal 545 Roh. 416, 9; pein fragm. 4, 53; waines fplj sL gen. 2362; Arth. a. Merl. 4722; Hand. 260; comp. croudewain. wah see \va3. pai — wa? llich. thes. i, 223; o. a. n. 120; r. 8. V, 167; wai la wai Chauc. a t. ed. IVr. 14529; Isumh. 140; him pas pa3 & ange Orm. 11904; waei la wsei Xff). 8031; pel Mark. 16; pei la pei a. r. 50; wei la wei st, gen. 2088; Ravel. 462; Will 935. peimere, Goth, vajamcrei? h. m. 21. wsei-, weisTd La^. 25846 Sf 28199. waik see wac. wailciij 0. leel. vaela , vala ? wail, lamen- tari; waile Arth. a. Merl. 2573; Chauc. C. t. a 3398; wailand (part.) Gow. 1, 144; wailede, weiled fpret.J Langl. I 14, 332; weiled Will. 1515; comp. biwailen. wain see wa3n. waine^ 0. Fr. gaigne , gain , hooty , Man. 5953; wain ayenh. 43. waite, O.Fr. waite, guaite, gaite, wait, a- yenh. 121. waiteiij 0. Fr. waitier, gaitier, wait, Havel. 512; Chauc. C. t. h 246; waitiu ''ohser- vare\ prompt. 513; liis profit t5 waite Langl. b 5, 202; waitep (pres.) ayenh. 179; lokep and waitep wane lie come to londe La\ 23077'''; waites pr. e. 1243; weiteden fpret.J a. r. 196*; comp. awaiten. waitere ivaiter, ^^ speculator" , Wicl. 4 Icings 9. wai])e see wape. waiYeii = w£even? cmp. O.Fr. weiver, waive: to waiven (waive) up })e wiket Langl. b 5, 611; and of hire herte alle zenne to waivie /"printed waynye) ayenb. 88; & . waived ^printed wayned) from pe beres Will. 2386; and waived a wey wanhope Langl. b 20, 167; waived his herd Gaw. 306; fro pennes art pou weived Chauc. C. t. b 308. fokCf O.Icel. vaka, wake, vigilia, a. r. 314; 0. a. n. 1590; comp. lichwake. pakeman Orm. 3812; pakemon a. r. 14; wak(^e)man s. a. ed. Wr. 1443. pakeii; A. Sax. paean , Goth, vakan , wake, expergisci, vigilare, Orm. 7484 ; waken rel. ant. 1, 221; leste . . . sake w6 & wrappe bitwene hem wake Mire 1654; woe fpret.J st. gen. 2111; w6k Ilaiel. 2093; wok, wook Chauc. C. t. a 1393; wo ok e. T. 778; hirdes poken Orm. 3752; woken Langl. b 14, 69; wOke Bek. 681; waken f part. J Min. 41; wa- kin lor. 280; comp. awaken. paker^ A. Six. pacor, O.Icel. vakr, O.JL Germ, wacharer, wacker, vigil, a. r. 142; waker rel. ant. 1, 132; Langl. ed. Whit- ak. 160; p. r. I. p. 187; wakir prompt. 514; pakere fpl.J Marh. 17 ; comp. un- waker. pakien^ A. Sax. pacian, pacigan, O.Icel. vaka, 0. II. Germ, wachen, wake, vigilare, a. r. 6; h. m. 37 ; pakegen horn. 2, 41; waken Havel. 630; waki ayenb. 52; wakeden fpret.J La^. 9859; p. s. 343; waked f part. J St. gen. 2516; Havel 2999; wakid Octav. 130; comp. a-, bi-, for-, iwakien. wakicn (wokie), A.Sax. pacian, O.Icel veikja, O.H.Germ. weichen, become weak, weaken, La\ 19798; wokep fpres.J misc. 101; wakede fpret.J La^. 2938. pakeuen^ A. Sax. pacnian, 0. Icel vakna, Goth, (ga)vaknan, loaken, expergisci, h. m. 31; wakne Havel. 2164; pacnep fpres.J Orm. 5845; pakened Marh. 11; waken- ep p. s. 152; spec. 60; wakned fpret.J m. h. 134; wakened p. I s. XXV, 148;, comp. awakenen. wal see wsel, wei and walh. pal, A.Sax. peall, O.Fris. O.L.Germ. wal, wall, murus, a. r. 104; wal La^. 9420; Flor. a, Bl 273; Rob. 98, 15; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8923; walles fplj La^. C9 546 wai walken 1135; palles Orm. 14801; comp. burh-, fore-, grund-, stanwal. walwurt wall-wort, ''ebulum'\ rel. ant. 1, 36. wal? palhat loiling hot, Jul. 31; Orm. 14196. wale, A.Sax. pealc(?), M.II.Germ. wale, 0. Icel. valk, walk, volutation, tumult, Za^. 2342 Sf 6225; walke fdat.J rel ant. 1, 223; Chauc. C. t. a 1069. wald, wa3ld, A.Sax. peald, O.L.Germ. 0. Fris. wald, 0. II. Germ, wald, wait, weald, wold, saltus, La^, 16461 ^ 21339; wold st. gen. 938; lud. Gov. 16; polde fdat.J 0. a. n. 1724; wolde rel. ant. 1, , 222; paldes (pi.) Mark. 10; woldes La-). 20138. waldscade La). 25859. wald, O.Fris. wald m.ffj, O.Icel. vald n., == iwald ? power : i ... ah it paid Orm. 11815; wold St. gen. 2000; palde fdat.J Orm. 38; walde (wolde) La). 5253; wolde Fercev, 2006; m. Arth. 745; his herte she hadde in wolde Fm. 399; paldes fgen.J h. m. 27; pilles & poldes a. r. 6; tomp. anwald? wald, A.Sax. peald f forte J? and wald he hit for3ete Shoreh. 34. wold, O.Icel. valdr, governour, st. gen. 3412. wolde, welde, 0. Fr. waude, gaiide, ivold, weld, lutum, ^^satidix\ prompt. 520 §{- 532; welde Chauc. append. Boet. 1, 17. waldeii, A. Sax. pealdan , 0. L. Germ, wal- dan, Goth, valdan, O.Fris. walda, O.Icel. valda, 0. II. Germ, waltan, govern, rule; to walden kineriche La). 2966; pealden h. m. 39; wolde p. I. s. XV, 10; Chauc. C. t. d 271; Man. 264, 2; pealded fpres.J p. I. s. VIII, 195; 3oure tongen je wealde Shoreh. 100; peal- dinde f part. J Kath. 934; pield fpret.J horn. 2, 167 ; comp. iwalden; deriv. wald, welde, welden. waldeiide (weldende), A. Sax. pealdend, go- vernour. La). 25568; pealdende horn. <2, 17; peldende 1, 75. waldliig (welding), A.Sax. pealdung, power^ La). 19011, wale, O.Icel. val n., 0. II. Germ, wala /..^ wale, elect'io, optio? & ic pin pale 1- pearp fragm. 8, 29; to wale ant. Arth. XXVII, 3. wale, Goth, valis (yvVjaioc, rjaTiTjjjtlvo;)? wale, electus? pe wale burde Gaw. 1010; pi wale regno a. p. 2, 1734. wale, A.Sax. palu fvihexj, O.Fris. walu(?), O.Icel. voir fhaculasj, Goth, valus (pap- 6oc), ivale, prompt. 514; Man. 12062; d. Arth. 740. wale see wele. waleii, Goth, valjan, wale, eligere ; wale spec. 33; Alex. 1667; waled f part. J Gaw. 1276. walet wallet, Chauc. C. t. a 686, waleweii see walwen. palh walloiv, waugh, nauseous, h. m, 35. Walh, A.Sax. pealh, 0. II. Germ. Walher, O.Icel. *Valr pi. Valir, Welsh man, slave; Wailh La^. 14852. palmore, A.Sax. pealmore ('?), ^^pastinaca\ fragm. 3, 41. walnote, O.Icel. valhnot, walnut, Langl. ed. Wr. 7082. walnoteshale Chauc. h. f. 1281. Walisc, A.Sax. peallisc, paelisc, O.Icel, Valskr , 0. II. Germ. Walhiscer , Welsh, La). 1302; pe Walsche (Walshe) Langl. 5, 167 f324j. pealne, A.Sax. Pyln, M.II.Germ. Welhin, Welsh woman, slave. Mat. 26, 71. Waliiigford, A.Sax. pealinga ford, Walling- ford, Roh. 299, 17. walke, M.II.Germ. walke, walche? walkmilne walk -mill, fullonica , Town, myst. 313. walken, A.Sax. pealcan, M.II.Germ. walken, walchen, walk, volvere, ire. Will. 2129; Chauc. C. t. a 2309; wide walken Langl. walkere wan 547 h S, 14: ]?alkecT fpres.J horn. 1, 173: pelc fpret.J Kath. dl6; welk pr. c. 4390: Percev. 209: Amad. ed. Hobs. XLIV, 1: weolken Lay 12040: welkeii st. gen. 668: walke f part. J Horn ed. Lum. 953: comp. iwalken. walkere , A. 8ix. -pealcere (?) , 0. IL Germ, walchare, walker, ^^fidlo\ Wicl. Marh 9: walker voc. 212: walkeres (gen.) Belc. 1135. palkien wallc, a. r. 4: walkede fpret.J La-). 12040"": c. I. 1376: walkide Wicl John 7 : walked (part.) Langl. 5, 537 (6, 21 J: cloth . . . iwalked h 15, 447"". walkiic = wolcne ? st.gen. 103. palle, A. Sax, -peall (?), 0. Fris. walla m., wall, J'otis, Marh. 11: at ore walle misc. 84: -pallen (pi.) horn. 1, 189: wallen rel. ant. 1, 267: weallen La-^. 1240. pallen^ A. Sax. peallan, 0. L. Germ. 0. H. Germ, wallan, O.Fris. walla, wal', hullire, aestuare, Orm. 10507: wallen rel. ant. 1, 101; palled (pres.) a. r. 118: wallep Shoreh. 90: peallinde (part.) a. r. 216: wallande a. p. 1, 365: walling Alis. 1622: peol (pret.J Kath. 1925: Jul. 58: pe bl6d out of his wounde wel k. T. 1087: comp. for-, upwallen; deriv. walle, wel, welle, wellen, walm, welm. wallen wall, surround with a wall: walle Rol. 51, 3: wallede (pret.) st. gen. 435: walled (part.) pi. cr. 164. walm^ A. Sax. pgelm? O.H.Oerm. walm, from wallen, walm, aestus, scatehra, s. s. ed. Wr. 2390: walme (dat.) Lay 22124: palmes (pi) hom. 1, 141: see welm. palmhat Jul 68. wallop^ Fr. galop, gallop. Will. 1770. walopeii^ Fr. galoper, gallop: walopande (part.) d. Arth. 2827 : waloping Farten. 4827. walteii; A. Sax. pealtan, M.II.Germ. walzen pret. wielz, wait, volvere: waltez (pres.) a. p. 2, 1037. waltriii^ weltrin, 0. Dutch welteren, waiter, welter, "volutare", prompt. 521: waltered (pret.) a. p. 2, 415: waltrid dep. Rich. 14, 20: walterid (part.) hid. Cov. 342: he was waltrid "volvehattir", Wicl judges 5. walwen, A. Sax. pealpian, Goth, (af-, at)- valvjan , wallow , volvere : 1 wal we and winde Chauc. C. t. d 1102: paleped hom. 2, 37: palepifl h. m. 13: walewep a- yenh. 126: walewep (walweth) aboute Langl 8, 41 (9, 36): walewede (pret.J d. Arth, 3838: walewide Wicl. Jud. 13: comp. bi wal wen. |>aleping wallowing, a. r. 294. pambe^ A. Sax. pamb, pomb, O.Icel vomb, Goth, vamba, O.H.Germ. wamba, womh, venter, Orm. 2471; wambe ps. 16, 14; pr. c. 4161; pombe a. r. 78; wombe La^,. 19800: ayenh. 50; Mand. 157 . waniliii^ Dan. vamle, tvamhle , "nauseare\ prompt. 515. wau, A. Sax. pan, pon, O.Fris. wan, won, O.L.Germ. wan, O.H.Germ. waner, 0. Icel vanr, Goth, vans, wan, deficient. wanhope, O.Dutch wanhope, despair, Rob. 333, 3; ayenh. 29; Langl b 2, 99; jMand. 285: Chauc. C. t. a 1249; loton. myst. 184: sacram. 67; wonhope c. I. 951. wanmol ineloquent, st. gen. 2817 . panred hom. 2, 147 . wanspedi, A. Sax. panspedig, infelix; panspedie men hom. 2, 177. wantojen ? wantowe , wantown wanton, "insolens', prompt. 515; wantoun Chauc. C. t. a 208. wantounesse wantonness, Langl 3, 120 (124). pantroppe incredulity, Orm. 3148. wantrust diffidence, Chauc. C. t. ed, Tyrwh. 17231. wanwit, O.Icel. vauvit, insipientia, I. h. r. 180. 548 wan wanien wan, A. Sax. pann, pomi, wa7i, pallidus, p. 1. s. II, 43; Am. a. Amil. 2446; Chaue. 0. t. a 2466; Wicl exod. 21; min wlite is wan rel. ant. 7, 186; wan, won spec. 64, 83 §' 93; -pon h. m. 43. wan fortune? al mi woiidli wan rel. ant. 2, 96; wane liv. 1429; Percev. 422; i - wOn an. lit. 6 ; Chaue. Troil. 6860 ; rlche won Flor. a. Bl. 386; gOd won Havel. 1791; of god(e) corn gret won lioh. 2, 1 ; po lie say non Oper won 12, 16; pis worldes won spec. 24; hit is wiclced won reJ. ant. 1, 263; woon Langl. h 20, 170; wone, woone ^^copid\ prompt. 632; wOne Koccl. I, 294; comp. iwan. panics Mark. 11, 22. wanclo, from wankel ? wanclen infantes ? La^. 31834; see wenchel. pand, O.Icel. vondr, Goth, vandus, wa^id, virga, Orm. 16178; wand Irist. 1, 83; pr. c. 6880; hid. Cov. 96; wond st. gen. 27 16; Mapes 336. wand, A. Sax. pand(?), want, tvont; wont Halpd\ voc. 177 . wand, O.Icel. vandr, mains: pu schalt in pe piitte wnnie mid pe wonde misc. 176. pandrap = wandrede ? Orm. 4846. wondred = wandrede ? p. s. 162; pond- rede (-rede) fdat.J a. r. 310. wandrede, O.Icel. Yandrsedi, trouble, dis- tress, La^. 12611; wandrepe c. I. 1116; wandrcthe I'own. myst. 137 ; v/andreth ■m. h. 21; pondrede Marh. 4. wandicn, A. Sax. pandian, Goth, vandjan (0Tps9£tv), from winden, fugere, vereri; wande Triam. 1626; wonde spec. 29; Mire 384; Will 4071; Gow. 1, 332; Rich. 228; Am. a. Amil. 660; Chaue. 1. g. IV. 1186; wondi Shoreh. 103; wonde fpres.J Horn. 343. wandrien, wondrien, A. Sax. pandrian, 0. Hutch wanderen, wander, La^. 12044 Sf 14796; wandren Langl 6, 304 (7, 290 J; wacdrin, wanderin ^%'agari'\ prompt. 616; sclial wandre '^amhulaverif , Wicl John 11; pandred fpres.J horn. 2, 86; pon- drinde (part.) Marh. 11; wondrede fpret.J La^. 21969. wandcringe wandering, prompt. 616. wane, A. Sax. pana, 0. Icel vani, wane, de- fectus, deficieyis, st. gen. 1028 ^ 3363; Shoreh. 121; p. s. 341; Arth. a. Merl 3132; Gow. 2, 307; Man. 8329; g. 30; no god nis him pane p. I. s. VIII, 186; M Intel per wses wone X«3. 1906; pone h. m. 29; vor pone of pitnesse a. r. 68; tpo pone of tpenti Kath. 67; wone rel ant. 1, 171; e. I 229; wone of wit spec. 30; comp. andwane. wane see wune. wane = w^ne, weane? La^, 2198. wanlTch miserable? wepen and wanllche iberen La^. 30288; wanllclie weoren pa souden 26990. wansid La^. 3088. wansum miserable? st. gen. 1099. wang, A. Sax. pang, pong, O.L.Germ. wang, O.Icel yangr, Goth, vaggs, wong, campus; wong Herritorium^ prompt. 632; wonges fplj Havel 397. wange, A.Sax. pange, ponge, O.L.Germ. 0. 11. Germ, wanga, O.Icel vangi, wang, gena, maxilla; wongen (pi) La"). 30268; wonges spec. 28; Trist. 1, 67 ; Jos. 647 ; comp. pun wange. wangtop tvang-tooth, dens molaris, Chaue. C. t. ed. Tyrwh. 14060 ; wangtooth 'prompt. 616; wongtoth voc. 207 . wangere, wongere, A.Sax. pangere, O.H. Germ, wangari, Goth, vaggareis, cervical, Chaue. C. t. b 2102. wanien, A.Sax. panian, ponian, O.Fris. wania, wonia, O.H.Germ. wanon, O.Icel vana, ivane, minuere: Brnttes gunnen wonien (wanien) La-^. 26991; heo w(u)I- led wonien tis .96.2; wonien, wanye Langl 7 , 66 (8, 69); wanye Chaue. C. wanien -ward 54^ t. a 2078 ; wane Gow. 3, 109; Mand. 44; wonep fpres.J Boh. 42, 6; pe mOne paxed & -poned a. r. 166 ; hi wanyep Brand. Id; -ponied Kath. 2218; wanede fpretj Mob. 410, 16; wonede c. I 232. wauicii^ A. Sax. ]?rmian, O.lI.Germ. weinon, OJcel. veina, plorare, flere ; -panen Orm. 6663; wOnie and grede o. a. n. U76; lieo wonep & gronep misc. 162; -ponien- de (part. J fragm. 6, 32; wanede fpret.J La^. 26847. wailing see wanunge. waiikel^ A.Sax. -pancol, O.L.Germ. wancol, O.lI.Germ. wanchaler, wankle, instabiUs, rel ant. 1, 221. waiinc see hwanne. wausiu^ A.Sax. pansian, tvanse, minuere, "decrescere\ prompt. 616; Marches nah- tes pansen Orm. 1901; wansit fpret.J p. r. I. p. 234. waiitj O.Icel. vant, loant, defcctus: hem pas pant gastllc insiht Orm. 14398; wante p. s. 341; pet tu hevedest ponte perof a. r. 284. ■pantsum indigent, Orm. 14824; want- sum m. h. XV III. waiiteu^ O.Icel, vanta, want, deficere; o pord ne schal per ponten a. r. 344 ; wantep fpres.) Langl. h 14, 173; won- tep G. I. 649; napiht ne ponted ham Kath. 1686; pe3 pantep Orm. 13380; wantede fpret.J st. gen. 1233; Havel. 1243; wanted pr. c. 6194. wauuuge^ A.Sax. panung, ponung, loaning, minutio; pidiiten ponunge Mark. 11. panuiigc^ A.Sax. panung, ploratus, h. m. 37; waning Lay 17796; poning o. a. n. 311; woning rel. ant. 1, 227. wapen see wsepen. wapman see under wsfepen. wappcn wap, whap: wappin in clothis "m- volvere', prompt. 616; pe jonge men . . . upon pe wiket wapped fpulsaveruntj a. p. 2, 882; his bodi is wappid al in wo 8. a. c. ed. Wr. XXXIII, 1; comp. a-, at-, biwappen. par, A.Sax. peer, O.L.Germ. war, O.Icel. var, Goth, vars, ware, wary, a. r. 48; ich (p)ulle makien pe par of alle mine piheles Mark. 16; ^if man mihte purpen par fperceivej pat 3ho pip childe psere Orm. 1963; war *'cautus\ prompt. 616; St. gen, 721; Havel. 788; pr. c. 2022; pat no man ne scholde . . . war of him beo Bek. 1161; war and wis Chauc. C. t. a 309; war, weer La-^. 1486 Sf 2967 ; par, per, pear o. a. n. 170 \ 1638; parre fcompar.J h',7n. 1, 263; comp. i-, unwser. waiiiche warily, La-^. 12300; parliche a. r. 138; Kath. 82; warli ant. Arth. XXXV 111, 7; Jud. Cov. 334. warnesse wariness, JVicl. deuter. 32. warscipe caution, La'^,. 6603; parschipe a. r. 262; h. m. 41. par, Sived. var, pus, sanies: par & pirsen Orm. 4782. war, A.Sax. pser, O.Icel. var(?) pi. varar, O.lI.Germ. wara, foedus, fides. warlow(e), A.Sax. pserloga, O.L.Germ. warlogo, warlow, perfidus. Town. myst. 60; waiiowes fgen.J a. p. 3, 268. parant, O.Fr. warant, garant, loarrant, Marh. 8; warant Havel. 2067 . warautie, O.Fr. warandir, garandir, warrant, misc. 77; warante Man. 6919. parch, A.Sax. paerc, warch, wark, dolor, a, r. 282^"; see werk. ward, A.Sax. peard, O.L.Germ. ward, Goth. vards, 0. II. Germ, wart, 0. Icel. vordr, ivard, custos; warde fdat.J Langl. h 18, 320; wardes fpl.J Alis. 1977 ; comp. here-, dure-, 3ate-, hai-, sti-, wudeward. -ward, A. Sax. -peard, 0. L. Germ. 0. Fria. -ward, Goth, -vairps, 0. Icel. -verdr, 0. H.Germ. -werter, -warter, versus, in after-, bac-, east-, fore-, ford-, fram-, ham-, heone-, hider-, hinde-, hwider-, 550 warde warnien in-, nider-, nord-, sud- , to-, pider-, up-, tit-, west-, widerward. parde^ A. Sax. peard, O.H.Germ. warta, ward, a. r. 6; warde ^'custodia\ prompt. 616; Lay 10402; Marg. 35; Man. 132, 14; wardes speculae, pr. e. 9083 ; comp. bac-, efterwarde. wardmot Langl. b prol. 94. |)ardein warden, a. r. 272; wardein p. I, s. XIII, 105; Will 1104. wardieii^ A. Sax. -peardian, O.Fris. wardia, O.L.Germ. wardoii, O.II. Germ, warten, ward, custodire ; wardie p. I. s. XII, 24; •parded fpres.J a. r. 182; wardip Alis. 909; wardide fpret.J Wicl. 1 Mace. 4. pare^ A. Sax. -paru, 0. Icel. vara, 0. Dutch ware, loare, merx, a. r. 66; (printed jare) p. I. s. VIII, 34; ware Lay 11356; st, gen. 1990; Alis. 7077; Langl. 2, 189 (213); ChauG. C. t. d 522; m. t. 204; Iw. 2992. ware^ A. Sax. -paru, O.II. Germ, wara, cautio, cura: be on war(e) spec. 46. ?warlok "sera eompeditalis\ prompt. 517; a. p. 3, 80. ware, A. Sax. -paru, the inhabitants of a place, as a body ; comp. burh- , Cant-, eorde-, lieoven-, Romware. wareine, O.Fr. warene, warren, Langl. b prol. 163. Warcwik Warwich, proclam. 10. warf see liwarf. war), ^.6'^^^. pearg, perg, 0. II.Germ. wsbvch, O.Icel. vargr, Goth, (launa)vargs, villain, felon; pari Marh. 4; peri (pari) a. r. 352; warien fgen. pi.) La\ 28215. war3treo, O.Icel. vargtre, patibulum, Beh. 2116 ; parhtreo horn. 1, 283; paritreo a. r. 122; waritreo (weritreo) La-^,. 57 14. parieii, A.Sax. pergian. pyrgean, O.R.Germ. wergen, Goth, (ga)vargjan, warry, male- dicere, a. r. 70; warye h. s. 1288; warie Hoccl. I, 63; weri pr. c. 7422; warie fpresj Chauc. C. t. b 372; peried horn. 1, 109; pereged Mat. 15, 4; warie fsub- junct.J Havel. 433 ; weried fpret.J ps. 61, 5; pr. c. 4202; paried (part.) Kath. 203; waried st. gen. 544; Gow. 2, 144; Tor. 1540; pereged rel. ant. 1, 131; comp. a-, forwarien (-warjen). pariunge, A.Sax. pyrigung, maledictio, a. r. 200. Warham Wareham, Rob. 288, 12. wari, A. Sax. parig, 0. II. Germ, warager, O.Icel. *vergr superl. vergastr, sordidus; pori p. I. s. VIII, 72; a. r. 386 ; wori Brand. 12; in porie patere horn. 1, 29. parieii, A. Sax. parian, 0. Iris, waria, 0. Icel. vara, O.L.Germ. waron, O.IIGerm. (be)waron, ivare, caver e, servare, a. r. 418; waren st. gen. 2154; warie Alis. 4083; ware Rob. 115, 9; Chauc. ed. Wr. 664; Flor. 4U5; ware (imperat.) Gow. 2, 388; s. a. c. X, 41; ware pe for wanhope Langl. 5, 225 (452); comp. biwarien. warischen, warison see garissen, garison. parm^ A.Sax. pearm, O.L.Germ. warm, 0. Icel. varmr, O.II. Germ, warmer, warm, calidus, Orm. 10146; o. a. n. 622; warm Chauc. C. t. d 1827; parme (pi.) a. r. 418; warmer (compar.) Lanr/l. b 18, 410. warmeii, A.Sax. pearmian, Goth, varmjan, 0. II. Germ, warmen , war?n , cahfacere, La^. 16209; parraen Orm. 27 11; warme s. s. ed. Wr. 2526; warmen (pres.) rel. ant. 1, 220; permende (part.) Marh 14, 67; wermede (pret.) misc. 43. periii))e, L. Germ, wermde, loarmth, calor, horn. 1, 37 . warnien, A. Sax. pearnian, parnian, 0. Icel. varna, 0. II Germ, warnon, ivarn, caver e, Monere: parnie op pid herme p. I. s. VIII, 115; vor to parnie pummen of bore fol eien a. r. 54; pearnen h. m. 37; warnen st. gen. 1581; warne Rob. 45, 14; parni (pres.) o. a. n. 330; warnede (pret.) Lay 7984 Sf 28499; warninge water 551 Bek. 1076; Langl 4, 55 r69j; warned (part.) c. I. 390 ; Chauc. C t. a 3535; comp. iwarneu. pariiiuge^ A.lSax, -pearnung, O.R.Germ, warnuuge, warning, a. r. 256*. wariiischcu see garnischen. warji, A. Sax. pearp, O.lI.Germ. warf, from weorpen, warp, "stainen\ voc. 218; prompt. 517 » warpiu^ O.lcil. varpa, warp, jacere, "curva- re\ prompt. 517 ; thou art warpid . . . in wo mir. pi. 151. warre, A. Sax. pearr , 0. 11. Germ, werra (varixj, war, nodus, prompt. 516. wartc, A. Sax. peart, O.lcel. varta, O.Dutch warte, wrate, 0. H. Germ, warza, wart fivratj, ^'■verruca', voc. 207 ; werte 179 ^ 267; Giauc. C. t. a 555; werte, wrete prompt. 533. war|>^ A. Sax. pearod, peard, O.R.Germ. warid, warth, litus, a. p. 3, 339; parude fdat.J Mat. 13, 2; warpe Gaw. 715. was, A. Sax. pses f aqua J? Gow. 3, 357. pascheu, peaschen, A. Sax. pascan, O.L. Germ. O.R.Germ. wascan pret. wosc, wash, lav are, horn. 1, 189 Sf 203 ; pa- shen Orm. 2711; washen Havel. 1233; waschen Gow. 2, 137; wascen (wassen) La-^. 10182; wassen st. gen. 2291; wasche Brand. 30; pasched fpres.J a. r. 300; poscli f pret. J horn. 1, 157; wosch p. I. s. XXni, 125; Mand. 91; peosch a. r. 300; woschen Langl. a 2, 196; wosclie Brand. 12; waschen (part. J Mand. 92; Wicl. John 13; ipaschen a. r. 288; iwasclie Bek. 2223; see weschen. waschestrc lotrix; pasliestren (dat. pi.) horn. 2, 57. paschunge washing, lotio, a. r. 332. wase, 0. Dutch wase, fax, Brand. 23; Ber. 2351. wase, A.Sax. pase(?), O.Fris. wase, O.lcel. veisa , woose, ooze, limm ; wose prompt. 532; ayenl. 87; as weodes wexen in wose and in dunge Langl. c 13, 227; waise Man. 70, 16. waspe, A.Sax. paps, Lai. vespa, O.H.Germ. wafsa, wefsa, wasp fwapsej, voc. 223; prompt. 517; pi. or. 648. wast, 0. H. Germ, wahst, Goth, vahstus, from waxen, waist, stature, prompt. 517 ; Gaw. 144; ant. Arth. XLV, 6; waste fdat.J Gow. 2, 373; pacste hom. 1, 77. wast, O.Fr. gast, waste. Will. 690; he hap maad ml covenaunt wast "pactum meum irritum fecit", Wicl. genes. 17; waste fsubd.J e. T. 451; Gaw. 2098. wastel, O.Fr. wastel, gastel, libum, prompt. 517; Havel. 878. wasten, O.Fr. waster, guaster, gaster, waste, La-). 22575; waste Mand. 239; gaste spec. 90; pasted fpres.J a. r. 138; h. m. 29; wastep ayenh. 19; wastede f pret. J Boh. 136, 10; wasted fpart.J JVill. 2620. pastine, O.Fr. wastine, guastine, ivaste, de- sert, hom. 1, 141. wastoiir waster, Jjangl. 6, 176 (7 , 161). pastum, A.Sax. psestum, paestm, O.L.Germ. wastum, fro?n waxen, friiit, stature, Marh. 2; pastme Orm. 1939; westme fdat.) La^. 15698; pestmes fpl.) hom. 1, 13; wastmes Lay 32108. pastmel36S Orm. 13858. wat tee hwat. pater, A.Sax. paeter, O.L.Germ. water, 0. II. Germ, wazar, water, aqua, a. r. 314 ; Orm. 3212; water st. gen. 749; water, wseter Lay 113 Sf 5263; peter Marh. 19; pet weter agenb. 106; watres ('gen.) st. gen. 1246; watre fdat.) Langl. b 17y 228; patere hom. 1, 225; comp. rein- water. paterdrinch Orm. 14482. vvaterkresse tvater-cress, Alis. 5767 . paterfetles Orm. 14411. paterflod water-flood, Orm. 18088. watirnedir "hydru^", voc. 223. .>\ waterpol Bob. 131, 6. S52 watren web waterscenc La^. 19695. paterstr86m Orm. 18092. peterpeote horn. 7, 225. patreii^ A. Sax. -paeterian, water, trn'gare, Orm. 13848; woteri mjenb. 98; his e3en watreden (watrede) Langl. 6, 177 (7 , 162). ))ateri, A. Sax. paeterig, ivatery, a. r. 376; wateri, watri Langl. h 18, 410. watlen wattle; watlede fpret.J Langl. h 19, 323. Watliiigestrete , A. Sax. psetlinga strfete , Watling-street, Roh. 8, 1. wa|)e, ^. Sax. padii (vagatio, venatio), O.R. Germ, weida (venatv) , pascuaj , O.Icel. veiiTr fcapturaj , waith , venatio ; waith Gaw. 1381; ant. Arth. XXXIV, 5; Town. myst. 33. waj)e, O.Icel. vadi, permilum, noxa, Man. 10352; wathe pr. c. 4558; wape, wope Gaw. 222 Sf 2355; wope a. p. 2, 855; wapes fpl.J qvow. Arth. XIV, 4; watlies (wopes) ^'■periGuld\ ps. 114, 3. wayeu, A. Sax. pafian, O.Icel. vafa, wave, fiuctuare, vacillare; wave Hoccl. I, 399; wa,fe fpres. suhj.J Town. myst. 313; wa- vid wip eche wind Ltdg. m. p. 256. waveron, O.Icel. vafra, M.H.Germ. wabern, waver, "vacillare''\ prompt. 518; weverinde (part.) Shoreh. 16. wawe see wa3e. pape, A. Sax. papa, O.IIGerm. wewa, pain, misery, liom. 1, 73; pope rel. ant. 1, 130; 0. a. n. 414; wowe La^. 6268; Shoreli. 166 ; p. I. s. Va, 3; peo peope fragm. 5, 31; )?apen fpl.) Orm. 13349; popes a. r. 198. waweii see wa3ien. wax, A.Sax. peax, O.Icel. vax, O.Fris. wax, O.H.Germ. wahs, wax, ^^cera" , prompt. 518; Rich. 782; m. h. 153; lud. Gov. 341; wax, wex Chauc. C. t. a 675; wex Za^. 2370; p. I. s. XIII, 121; Langl. I 17, 204. wax, M.H.Germ. wahs? waxdom , 0. Butch wasdom , cr^ (ms. waxdam) Man. 6546^'. waxen waxen, cereus, Gaw. 1650. paxeu, A.Sax. peaxan ^^rt?^. peox, O.Icel. vaxa pret. vox, ox, 0. II. Germ, wahsan pret. wiiohs, wax, crescere, fieri, h. m. 3; Orm. 3935; waxen Xa). 26990; st. gen. 1128; waxin prompt. 518 ; wexe spec. 133; ayenh. 95; Will. 124; Gow. 3, 109; Mand. 44; Hoccl. II, 5; paxed, pacsed fpres.) a. r. 54 Sf 74; pest a. a. n. 689; pe5x (pret.) a. r. 258; peox, pex Kath. 12 ^ 19; weox, wex La-^, 1995 Sf 25516; wox c. I. 97; pex Orm. 7694 ; wex st, gen. 584 ; Havel. 281 ; Degrev. 619; ant. Arth. XXVI, 4; wex, weex Langl. b 3, 328; wax? Roh. 322, 3; Will. 630; Mand. 303; lor. 73; woxen Jos. 433; Gow. 3, 152; woxen, wexen Langl. h 9, 32; paxen (part.) Orm. 3190; waxen Havel 791; Iw. 1738; comp. iwaxen. waxiii wax, ^^cerare\ prompt. 518; wexede (pret.) Chauc. astrol. 2, 40. pe, A. Sax. pe, 0. L Germ, wi, O.Icel. ver, O.H.Germ. wir, Goth, veis, we, nos, Mark 2; we La^. 364. wea, A.Sax. pea (miseria), = wa ? pemed(e) iracundus, Ilich. thes. 1, 167. peamod, A.Sax. peamod, iracundus, a. r. 118; pemod hom. 1, 5; wemod treat. 138. pemodnesse, A.Sax. peamodnyss, "W, hom. 1, 103. wealdeii see walden. wcallcii see wallen. peaue misery? h. m. 9: peane & teone a. r. 114; pene hom. 1, 169; wsene La-^. 5655; ant penden of peos peanen to peolen Marh. 1. wensid La^. 539. weaschen see waschen. web, A.Sax. pebb, O.L.Germ. webbi, O.H. webbe weggen 553 Germ, weppi, from weveii, web, rel. ant. 1, 115 5' 219; treat. 139; ayenh, 164; web, webbe Lm}gl o, 92 fill); webbe "tela", lyrompt. 619; webbe (dat.) La^. 19947; comp. gold webbe. webbem ^^liciatoriuyn', voc. 218. webbe, A. Sax. -pebba, textor, Chauc. C. t. a 362; webbes fpl.J p. s. 188. webbe, A. Sax. pebbe, textrix, Langl. b 6, 215. webbou, ^ /SV^. pebbau, texere, prompt. 519. webstar, A. Sax. pebbestre, ivebster, textrix, prompt. 519; comp. wollewebstere. wecche see wacche. peccheii, A. Sax. peccaii, 0. II. Germ, wecclian, 0. L. Germ, wekkian, 0. Icel. vekja, Goth. (us)vakjan, expergefacere, excitare, horn. 2, 137 ; wechche s. s. ed. Web. 1628; wec- ched fpres.) Lay 798; pecched a mong hem flite rel. ant. 1, 128; wsehte (wehte) fpret.J La^. 26216; wei3te Brand. 21; comp. awecchen. ped, A. Sax. pedd, O.Fris. wed, O.Icel. ved, Gcth. vadi, O.II.Germ. wetti, gage, pledge, a. r. 394; wed spec. 110; Ah's. 884; Mire 1290: Gow. 1, 94; g. 8; pet beste wed ayenb. 113; wed, wedde Langl. b 5, 244; wedde "pignus\ prompt. 519; wedde fdat.J st. gen. 2198; Mand. 13; Amad. ed. Robs. XXXIII, 10; ml lond ich wuUe sette to wedde Lay 25172; his nekke lip to wedde Chauc. C. t. a 1218. wedbrek(e) ps. 49, 18. \vodbroder, O.Icel. vedbrodir, Lay 14469. wedlac, A. Sax. pedlac, wedlock. Lay 395; misc. 150; pedlac Orm. 2499; wedlok "matrimonium^', prompt. 520; Langl. ed. Wr. 5397; wedlaik Man. 254, 18; pr. c. 8261; pedlake fdat.J a. r. 206. pedlope, A.Sax. pedloga, fragm. 7, 27 . wed see weod. peddeu, A.Sax. peddian, O.Icel. vedja, Goth. (ga)vadjan, M. II. Germ, wetten, tved, ol- ligare, spondere , Orm. 10407; wedden St. gen. 1090; Chauc. C. t. b 223; wed- di Shoreh. 67; wedde rel. ant. 1, 196; ich wedde hope mine eres Langl. 4, 120 (146); weddede (pret.) Lay 4432; ped- ded (part.) Orm. 1942; weddid bre])rin m. t. 2; ipedded a. r. 394; i wedded Alis. 4400. wedding, A.Sax. peddung, wedding, st. gen. 1428; p. I. s. XVII, 92. wede see w£ede. pedeu, A. Sax. pedau , 0. L. Germ, wodiau, from w6d, furere, a. r. 264; Kath. 1263; Orm. 14140; wede Bob. 53, 10; Trist. 1, 95; Iiv. 2632; Octav. 339; m. Arth. 787; pedinde (part.) Kath. 379; comp. aweden. weder, A.Sax. peder, O.L.Germ. wedar, 0. Icel. vedr, O.II.Germ. wetar, weather, tempestas , st. gen. 3055 ; treat. 133 ; ayenb. 129; Langl. b 18, 410; a. p. 2, 444; m. h. 135; pet weder wes swa wilde Lay 4679; k derlc weder per ards Rob. 560, 15. wedercoc weather-cock, ayenb. 180. wederin, A.Sax. pedrian(?), M.II.Geim. witeren, weatlur, prompt. 519. wederinge, A. Sax. pedenmg, Hemperies\ prompt. 519; p. 76, 5; wedering g. 23; piderunge horn. 1, 13. wef, M. II. Germ, wif? fms. weffe) ^^vapor\ prompt. 520; fro pe comep a wikke wef Mapes 335; weph ? st. gen. 4096; (m». weffe) verber? Rich. 5291. weft, A.Sax. peft, O.Icel. veftr, from weven, weft, subtemen, Wicl. exod. 39; Town. myst. 18. wegge, A.Sax. pecg, O.Icel. veggr, O.Dutch wegge, wigge, O.II.Cerm. weggi, wekki, wedge (wig), ^^cuneus\ voc. 203; Chauc. astrol. 1, 14; wegge (wedge), wigge prompt. 520 &f 526. weggen, weien? A.Sax. pecgaii, O.II.Germ, wegen, movere, agitare; weied (pi'es.) 70 554 wei wel La^. 20137; weide fpret.J La^. 24478; iweid (part. J Shoreh. 14. pei, A. Sax. y^g , 0. L. Germ. 0. II. Germ. weg, O.Fris. wei, O.Icel. vegr, Goth. vigs, way, via, o. a. n. 956; wei 6'^. gen. 1429; Havel 772; and to him pane wei nom Beh. 707 ; wey Langl. J, 640 {6, 24); Eglam. 274; a pei away, a. r. 238; a wey Gow. 3, 226 ; faren a wsei (wei) La^. 10060; alne way semper, misc. 148; ayenh. 6; al wey Chauc. C. t. a 276; alles peis always, h. m. 27; alle weyes 3Iand. 21; nanes weies no loays, La^. 11216 ; nones peis a. r. 86; Oder weis (oper weies) La^. 10199; Oder peis horn. 1, 31; Oper weis c. I. 626; ye^e fdat.J Crm. 6669; weyes fpl.J Ah's. 2903; weiges st. gen. 3244; comp. bi- wei. weybrede, A. Sax. pegbraede, 0. II. Germ. wegebreita, waylread, "pla7itago\ voc. 266; prompt. 620. wayfare d. ArtJi. 1797. weyfarende way-faring, Man. 3669; pei- verinde a. r. 360; wayverinde ayenb. 39. Avaiiwiter La'^,. 12860. weiwitti La^. 12860''. wei^ O.Fris. wei, M.H.Germ. w/ege (fimtus, aqua)? comp. halewei. we^e see W£e3e. Wey« Wye? Roh. 276, 16. pencil, A. Sax. pegan, 0. H. Germ, wegan, O.Fris. wega, weia, O.Icel. vega, Goth. (ga)vigan, Lat. vehere, Sanscr. ofBTTJT,- - weigh, ferre, lihrare, p. I. s. VIII, 32; peien a. r. 336; weyin prompt. 620; to pe3e bope scheld and spere o. a. n. 1022; we^e ayenh. 44; weye treat. 132; Gow. 2, 276; weye fpres.) IIoccl. VI, 49; peihd, peied a. r. 232 ^^ 332; pay we^en her anlcres a. p. 3, 103; way fpret ) rel. ant. 2, 277; wej Beves 1424; heo we3e La^. 24471 ; wey en (part.) Langl. 1, 162 (176); iweje ayenh. 162; iweyey. 366; see woj; comp. overwe3en; deriv. wei, waje, wfie3e, wa3n, wiht. weieu see weggen. wey ere iveigher, Chauc. astrol. 1, 17. Weill see wa3n. weht see wiht. wei see wai. weke, A. Sax. peoca, O.Dutch wieke, O.II. Germ, wieche, ivich, eUychnium, voc. 231; Langl. ed. IVr. 11776; weike prompt. 620. wekc see wike. wekeii see waeken. pel^ A. Sax. pel , 0. L. Germ, wel , 0. Fris. wel, wal, wol, O.Icel. vel, val, O.II. Germ, wela, wola, Goth, vaila, well (weel, woll), hene, Marh. 3; a. r. 4; Orm. 1033; pe mon pe pel ded he pel ifehd hom. 1, 131; pel oft 0. a. n. 36; wel pro- clam. 2; Bel. 118; ayenh. 22; Mand. 41; Wicl. John 4; hit wes wel neyh midday misc. 60; wel, wsel La^^. 41 Sf 23121; wel, weel Chauc. C. t.a 1826; wel, wal, wol st. gen. 229, 1996 ^ 3636; wel sixti Havel. 1747; wol fair 186; wol liich. 1280; s. a. e. XV, 12; wil s. s. ed. Wr. 332; pat W3el hotium? La^. 8111. peldede, A. Sax. peldaed, hetiefit, hom. 1, 133; weldede La^. 3306; Langl. 3, 62 (66). welfare welfare, c. I 189; Will. 2076; Gow. 2, 116; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 14760. welsom prosperous, Wicl. genes. 24. wel^ 0. II. Germ, giwel (globus) ? trendled als a wel rel. ant. 1, 226. pel, A. Sax. pell, pj/ll, well, fans, a. r. 72; 0. a. n. 917; pane wel La^. 19812"". wilspring p. I. s. XIII, 293. pelsprung hom. 1 , 196. wel see wil. wel see wsel. welche welde 555 welche, from walken? linibus? Langl. h 6, welde, A.Sax. "pylde, from waldeii, dominans, potens; peldre fcomparj horn. 1, 105; comp. 36-, uiiwelde. welde, A. Sax. (ge)pylde, 0. Icel. veldi , do- minion, power, p. I. s. XlII, 32; Chauc. r. r. 395; m. h. 109. welde see walde. pelden, A.Sax. (ge)peldan, pyldau, ivield, dominari, a. r. 358; to pelden al his kinedom Orm. 8159; welden La-). 1140; rel. ant. 1, 174; st. gen. 2143; Langl. I 11, 72; welde Havel. 129; Roh. 536, 20; h. h. 106; Mire 237; Flor. 765; pr. c. 5777; walde (welde) fpret.J La). 8976; welde (walde) c. I. 978; welde Jos, 600; welt (part. J Will. 856; cofnp. a-, 3ewelden. wele, A.Sax. pela, peola, 0. L. Germ, welo, O.K.Germ. wolo,' weal, opulentia, felicitas, Langl. ed. Wr. 12484; transact. 18, 26; pr. c. 1002; wele or wo Gow. 1, 46; wele, weole La). 7732 Sf 10394; wele, -peole o. a. n. 1273; peole a. r. 192; pene eorpliche peole fragm. 6, 34; weole c. I. 504; spec. 32; L T. 967; weole after wo we rel. ant. 1, 174; in welde and wale st. gen. 809; peolen fpl.J Mark. 1; comp. weoreldwele. welen, 0. Icel. velja, 0. II. Germ, wellen, weal, eligere; wele Iw. 2507; comp. ut- welen. wel^eu, A. Sax. pelgian , pelegian , ditare, locupletare; comp. awel3en. welheii = welken? shal weleweu "marcescet'\ JVicl. Ls. 19; weole we fpres.J spec. 50; welyhes ps. 89, 6^'; welewitli p. r. I. p. 173; welwed fpret.J a. p. 3, 475; comp. forwellien. pell, A.Sax. pelig, O.H.Germ. welager, ''dives', fragyn. 2, 45; weoli La). 13904; pa weole3en 427 ; comp. unweli. welk, A.Sax. peoloc, welh fwilhj ; wilk f?7ns. wilke) "concha', prompt. 528; voc. 254; welkes fpl.J I. c. c. 17. welkin, O.H.Germ. wolchen, welk, "marcere\ prompt. 521; welke rel. ant. 1, 6; wel- kep fpres.J Gow. 1, 35; welkes ps. 89, 6; pr. c. 707; welkede fpret.J st. gen. 2107; welked Chauc. C. t. c 738; comp. forwelken. welkne see wolcne. welle, A.Sax. pella, pylla m., pylle /., 0. Icel. vella, O.H.Germ. wella /., from wallen, tvell, fons, voc. 239; prompt. 520; Flor. a. Bl. 279; spec. 94; Will. 5535; Mand. 169; s. s. ed. Wr. 1382; aue pelle hom. 1, 41; pa welle La). 19812; pen pelle a. r. 156; welle, wulle, wille Shoreh. 119; pelle fdat.J Orm. 19314; pere welle (wille) La). 19750; pellen fpl.J a. r. 282; wellen Brand. 12; ayenb. 80; at Welle f Wells J misc. 145. wellespring st. gen. 1243. pellepater hom. 1, 159. welleu, A.Sax. pellan, pyllan, O.lcel. vella, O.H.Germ. wellon, well, bullire, rel. ant. 1, .5«?; welle m. h. 29; eli letten ho welle Hide. thes. 1, 229; pei schulen welle to gidere ''conflahun£\ Wicl. Is. 2; welle fpres.J spec. 40; welle "fundo, coa- gulo\ prompt. 520; welle fsuljunct.J 1. c. c. 51; welland f part. J pr. c. 7126; ipelled fpret. part. J a. r. 284. welni, A.Sax. pelm, pylm, aestus; welmes fpl.J Mapes 355; comp. fotwelm ? welnieu aestuare: ha wiilmep f? printed bul- mep) up Flor. a. Bl. 305. welp see hwelp. welte, from walten? ivelt, limbics, voc. 201; prompt. 521. welteii, A.Sax. pyltau, O.lcel. velta, M.Il. Germ, welzen, fro7n walten, loelt, vohere; welte fpret.J d. Arth. 3152; welt a. p. 3, 115; iwelt f part. J Shoreh. 162. weliTe, O.Dutch welde, wealth, st. gen. 796; wel])e rel. ant. 1, 174; Will. 2076; 556 welwen wenen Lidg. m. p. 69; Isumh. 699; ant. Jrth. , XVII, 7; welthe pr. c. 1307 ; welpe, weolpe Langl. 1, 53 fddj; welpes ''di- vit{os\ ps. 36, 16^'. welwen see welhen. peiii, A.Sax. pamm, O.Icel. Goth, vamm, 0. L.Germ. warn, wem, macula, vitium, a. r. 10; wem p. L s. XVIII, 96; Langl. h 18, 131; Chauc. C. i. ed. Wr. 10435; m. h. 126; wemme Rich. 1090; wemme fdat.J misc. 98; a. p. 1, 1002, Parten. 466. wemlees p. r. I. p. 211. wemmeii^ A.Sax. pemman, O.H.Germ. (gi)- W(3mmen, Goth, (ana)vammjan, macidare, vitiare; wemmi Roh. 206, 1; pemde fpret.J horn. 1, 83; pemmed (part. J Orm. 2326; wemmed Jos. 678; Wicl. deuter. 12; comp. a-, iwemmen. wen, O.Icel. vsenn'j lonus, pulcher; wener (compar.) Gaw. 945. , penllch, A. Sax. penile, O.Icel. vsenligr, 0. L.Germ. wanlic? horn. 2, 83; lie may been . . . wenliclie lorpeu rel. ant. 1, 173; penlukest fsuperl.J horn. 2, 29. wenche, for wenclile? A. Sax. pencle(?), wench, ^^pueUa\ Wicl. Mat. 9; ^'■ancilla', prompt. 521; misc. 100; p. I. s. XVII, 116; Will. 1901; Arth. a. Merl. 894; Gow. 1, 263; Langl. 5, 208 {364 J; Chauc. C. t. a 3254; weuclen (wenchen?) fdat. pi.) p. I. s. XVI, 98. penchel, A. Sax. pincel, puer, Orm. 3356; a. r. 334"". wenile? comp. hal-, liwilwende. penden, A. Sax. pendan, 0. L. Germ, wen- dean, O.Fris. wenda, O.Icel. venda, O.II. I Germ, wenten, wenden, Goth, vandjan, from winden, wend, vertere, a. r. 110; Orm. 3441; wenden (wende) Lay 712; penden, wende o. a. n. 1326; wenden, wende Langl. 5, 144 (230 J; Chauc. C. t. a 21; to wenden dus here clogt st. gen. 4061 ; wende Begrev. 1567; wende into helle ayenh. 13; wended fpres.J Lay 20864; pent a. r. 104; pe wedercoc . . . pet him went mid eche winde atjenh. 180; wende fpret.J Bel. 69; & pa leaf wende Lay 46; & pende hire piderpard Kath. 160; he pende heopes Jul. 38; wente st. gen. 321; Mand. 224; pen- den rel. ant. 1 , 129 ; pend (part.) Orm. dedic. 113; wend Havel. 2/38; went *. s. ed. Wr. 1485; comp. a-, aet-,. hi-, i-, towenden. wene, A. Sax. pen /., O.Fr's. wen m.f?), Goth, vens /., O.Icel. van /., 0. L.Germ. wan m.f?), O.H.Germ. wan m., wani /., spes, opinio, dubitatio, Flor. a. Bl. 651; of pine kume nis na wene L'\ 28141; pen is pat he pas fordred Orm. 7 152; pene fdat.) a. r. 390^; wene Mire 381; pa 3et hit weore a wene whar pii heo mihtes(t) a3e Lay 18752; an oper ping me is a pene o. a. n. 239; withouten wene Percev. 1987; m. Arth. 548; pip- liten pen Orm. 4326; wene fpl.) rel. ant. 1, 173; comp. overwene. wene, A. Sax. (or)pena, Goth, (us) vena;, comp. serwene. wenen, A. S-ix. penian, 0. Icel. venja, 0. H. Germ, wennan, ivean, assuefacere ; wene ffor onwene) ^^ahlacto\ prompt. 522; comp. for-, iwenen. penen, A. Sax. penan, 0. Fris. wena, Goth. venjan, O.Icel. vsena, 0. L.Germ. wanian,. 0. H. Germ, wanen, iveen, sperare, putare, 3Iat. 5, 17; a. r. 106; Orm. 9826} wenen Lay 4196; Mand. 252; panne mawe we wenen pat he wule us w(u)r- pie rel. ant. 1, 183; pene o. a. n. 237; man mai longe lives wene (pene ?) misc. 36 f misprinted thene r. s. I, Ij; wene pr. c. 2154; wene fpres.) st. gen. 315; Havel. 655; spec. 92; wenep Shoreh. 67 ; ayenb. 21; wende fpret.) Bel. 1758; Trist. 1, 3; Begrev. 1591; Amad. ed. Robs. XXXVII, 2; m. Arth. 1160; pet wenen weoreld 5&7 heo per wende vinde misc. 53; peuden Mark. 4; wende fauhjanct.J Langl. b 13, 280 : c.mp. i-, overwenen. wenen see hwenen. weng^ O.Icel. vengr, 'Wa", v^c. 233; prompt. 522; whenge fdat.J Langl. b 12, 263''; penges fplj h. m. 47; Orm. 8024; wenges ps. 16, 8; Maud. 48; Chauc. C. t. a 1964'^'; see winge. weiiue^ A. Sax. -penn, wen, struma, verruca, vofi. 267 ; prompt. 522; wen ayenh. 262. weod^ A. Sax. peod, O.L.Germ. wiod, weed, Alis. 706 ; weed "herha nociva\ prompt. 519; wed rel. ant. 1, 214; Shoreh. 32; weode, wede, pode fdat.J o. a. n. 320, 587 Sc 593; weoden fplj Hob. 404, 11. weodhook ^^sarculmn\ IVicl. Is. 7 ; wied- hoc ayenb. 121; wedhoc voc. 232. weoden^ A.Sax. peodian, weed; wede "nr^?5.; Gow. 2, 320; weven a. p. 1, 71; see wof; comp. iweven; de- riv. web, weft. weven see wajven. wcTcre, O.R.Germ. weberi, weaver^ Wicl. Job 7; weveres fpl.J Langl. prol. 99 f219j. wex see wax. wexeu see waxeu. pi, M.H.Germ. wi, «/'rt^, Aowi. i, i^«5. wi see hwi fltw^^ wi3. pic, A.Sax. pic, O.L.Germ. wic, O.R.Germ. wich, Z«^. vicus, 6'r. olxoc, «^^'c^, e^/cA, vicus, ^^castellum'\ fragm. 4, 34; Orm. 8512;^ pike o. «. w. ^^i; wike -4/«s. 4608J rel ant. 2, 93; wike {dat.J h. h. 177; wike (plj Lay 7786. piketun, A.Sax. picttin, o. a. n. 730. wicclie, A.Sax. picca, witch, Langl. h 18, 69; wichche ayenl. 41; witche, wiche "magus\ prompt. 526 ; wicclies fpl.J st. gen. 3028; wicbes pr. c. 4214. picche, A.Sax. piece, witch, saga, fragm. 2, 50; Jul. 40; wiccbe p. I. s. XIX, 282; spec. 38; Mand. 159; wicbe Fercev. 826. wicchc? piccbecreft, A.Sax. piece-, piccrseft, witch- craft, Ifath. 1052; a. r. 268; piccbe- craft Orm. 7077; wiccbecraft Will. 118; Ch'iuc. C. t. d 1305. wicchen, A. Sax. piccian, L. Germ, wicken, witch; wiccbin, witcbin, wicbin "hario- lari, incantare\ prompt. 527 ; wiccbe Will. 2539; wicbe an. lit. 11; wiccband f part. J ps. 57 , 6; comp. biwiccben. wicchinge witching, p. I. s. XXI, 128. wiche f A. Sax. pice, witch , mountain-ash, prompt. 526. picke, from wiken? malm, a. r. 358*; 3if J)iii maccbe is pis & gOd & tu pitlses & picke Orm. 6197; wicke Eoh. 208, 2; Will. 4599; Gow. 1, 194; wicke and feble was bere d6gt st. gen. 1072; a wicke dede Havel. 688; wicke, wikke Chauc. C. t. a 1087; wikke rel. ant. 1, 222; Shoreh. 152; Langl. h 5, 229; Man. 288, 8. wikbals rogue, Man. 267, 22. wikbede p. I. s. XVI, 34. wiknesse ps. 5, 7 . wicked wicked, ayenl. 1; Will. 3507 ; wik- ked spec. 30; Mand. 249; Man. 66, 10; s. s. ed. Wr. 294; wikkid ''malus\ prompt. 527 ; pes wickede wifman ia). 14983^'. wikkedlicbe wichedly, Langl: 5, 143 {229 J; wickedli Will. 3860. wickedbede ayenl. 43. wickednesse wichedness, ayenl. 31; wik- kednesse Langl. I 5, 290. wid, A. Sax. pid, 0. L. Germ. 0. Fris. wld, 0. Icel. vidr, 0. II. Germ, witer, wide, st. gen. 565; pi. cr. 164; Chauc. C. t. a 491; pid & Sid Orm. 9174; wiid ''latus, amplus\ prompt. 526; pat wide water Lay 113; pe wide world Gow. 3, 242; wide (adv.) st. gen. 672; wide and side . Lay 29902; s. s. ed. Wei. 1687; Arth. a. Merl. 200; pide pbar wide where, Orm. 8943; wide wbare p. I. s. /, 43; Beves 2141; Fercev. 1481; pat me mi3te ibtire wide Brand. 22: pidne face, m.) a. r. 56. pidnesae wideness, Marh. 17; wiidnesse prompt. 526. wideren = wederen ?^ wither : i widder a way Town. myst. 21. pidepe, A.Sax. pidupe, pidpe , pndupe, pudpe, O.L.Germ. widowa, Goth, viduvo, 0. II. Germ. wVtuwa, witwa, Lat. vidva, widow, a. r. 10; widewe, widwe Chaue. C. t. a 253; pidpe Orm. 7651; widve 71 662 widwer wiht p, I. 8. XIII, 221; wodewe ayenl. 48; widewen fpl.J Lay 9689 ; widewene fgen. pi. J rel. ant. 2, 276. pidepehad widowhood, h. m. 23. wid?er, M.H.Germ. witewaere, widower, s. s. ed. Wr. 3438; wideweres, widewers, widwers fpl.J Langl. 10, 194(11,114). wie see wi^e. wicd ^ce weod. wiel see wi3el. pif, A.Sax. pif, O.lcel. 7if, O.L.Germ. wlf, O.K. Germ, wib, wife, femina, Orm. 301; wif h. h. 180; dat wif st. gen. 231; pet kveade wif ayenb. 181; wiif W^ill. 375; wives fgen. J c. I. 195; wive fdat.J Chauc. C. t. a 1860; pif fpl.J horn. 1, 225; wif, wives Lay 26 ^ 21914; pivene fgen. pi. J a. r. 158; comp. lifts-, midwif. wifhod, A. Sax. pifhad, wifehood, Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8575. Willi wifely, Chauc. C. t. 8305. wifman woman, ayenb. 11; plfmaii, pim- man Orm. 291 Sf 2031; wifmoii, wim- mow Lay 152 ^' 1869; wimmau st. gen. 375; Ravtl. 1168; Shoreh. 80; Fercev. 1683; pimmon, pummon o. a. n. 1357 ^' 1359; pummon a. r. 12; Marh. 3; wumman Rich. 3863. womraanhede womanhood, Chauc. C. t. a 1748; Hoccl. VI, 3(J. pummonllch womanly, a. r. 274. wifding nuptials. Lay 31128. wifle (wifle?), A. Sax. pifel, 0. led. vifl? ^^bipennis', prompt. 526; wifles fpl.J Man. 4383. pig, A. Sax. picg, O.lcel. Yi^^, jumentum? horn. 2, 89. wiggc? comp. earwigge. wigge see wegge. wi), A.Sax. pig, O.lcel. vig, O.L.Germ. 0. R. Germ, wig, battle; wi st. gen. 3220; wi^e fdat.J Lay 4728. wieax, -aex Lay 1567 ^' 2264. wije, A.Sax. piga, military man, warrior j. Gaw. 131; a. p. 2, 545; wie Begrev. 563: wi3es fpl.J Will. 2036. wijel sorcery, deceit. Lay 19250; pigeles fpl.J rel. ant. 1, 131; pi3eles, pieles a. r. 92 Sf 300; piheles Marh. 13; pieles fragm. 8, 54. wiselful Lay 31659. wijelen, 0. Butch M.II.Germ. wigelen, frowr we3en, vacillare: pigeled ase vordrunken mon a. r. 214. wi^elien, A.Sax. pigliaii, 0. Butch wichelea fhariolarij, practice sorcery; comp. blwi- 3elien. pielarc, A. Sax. pigelere , '^augur\ fragm, 2, 49; a. r. 106. pi^eluuge, A. Sax. pigeiung, sorcery, horn. 1, 115; wigeliiig Lay 15791. yWki, A. Sax. piht , 0. L. Germ. 0. R. Germ. wiht, Goth, vaiht, vaihts, O.lcel. vaett,. Ya3ttr, wight, creatura, Orm. 1761; o. a. n. 1642; pet apariede piht M(crh. 7; pat 8vete wiht spec. 45; wiht, wi3t Langl. 1, 61 f63j; wi3t fni/. 407; a. p. 1, 338; wight Mand. 130; m. Arth. 608; everi wight Chauc. C. t. a 842; yif pou me lovest aui wight *. s. ed. Web. 293; pihte fpl.J 0. a. n. 204; alle qvike pihte p. I. a. VIII, 40; feole cuime wihte Luy 1577 5; wi3tes genii, Rob. 130, 7; elves and . . . wightes (wi3tes) Chauc. C. t. a 3479; comp. a- wiht. wiht, A.Sax. (ge)piht, M.II.Germ. (ge)wihte, O.lcel. vett, from we3en, weight, pondus, Lay 30835; chron. Engl. 503; c. I. 638; wi3t Flor. a. Bl. 650 ; wigte st. gen. 439; wi3te g. 350 ; pihte fdat.J p. I. s. VIII, 191; wi3te ayenb. 44; wighte Chauc. Troil. 2477; weght(e) pr. c. 7690; we3tes, weghtes fpl.J Langl. b 14, 292; pehte fdat. pi. J Orm. 7812; comp. iwiht. wiht brave, valiant. Lay 20588; strong and Wiht wilde 563 wiht h. T. 996: wijt Will. 2877: wight Alls. 1390: Trist. 1, 9: pr. c. 689: m. Arth. 460 ; hardi and wight Eglam. 8; wicth, with Havel. 344 ^' 1064: a wi3te (wiht) man La^igl. 9, 21 (10, 20): wij- tere fcompar.J Will. 3441: wihteste fsu- perl.J La}. 31498; comp. iwiht. wiht-, wi^tlTche Lmgl 2, 184 {208 J: wi3tllche, -li Will 65 ^ 92. Ifiht, A.Sax. piht, Wight, misc, 146: Wijt Uoh 2, 17. pike, A.Sax. pice, puce, 0. Fris. wike, O.Icel. vika, Goth, viko, O.H.Germ. we- cha, week, a. r. 70: wike Xa). 13927: treat. 133: Man. 9353: Iiv. 3058 : g. 9; wike, weke Chauc. C. t. a 1539; wa- ke Gow. 3, 116; puke Orm. 4188: woke "septimana", prompt. 532; ayenh. 212; Mand. 261: h. s. 293; wike fpl.J Brand. 10: weke Amad. ed. Robs. XVII, 1; woke Odoc. 612: wike, wiken La^. 3919 cj- 3921; woken Shoreh. 121; wukes st. gen. 2473; wokes Isumb. 153. pukemalum bg weeh, Orm. 536. wike, A.Sax. pic, 0. IceJ. vik, from wiken, wihe, angulus: wlkez fpl.J Gaw. 1572. pike, A. Sax. pice, office, Jul. 24 ; wike Zr/3. 29752: Alis. 4608; pike fpl.J 0. <:. n. 603; wike Shoreh. 25; piken horn. 1, 137. wike see wic. piken, /or pike? office, Orm. 7208. wiken, A.Sax. pican, O.L.Germ. wican, 0. Icel. vika(^?) ^r^^. veik, 0. II. Germ, wl- chan, cedere, deficere: wike fpres.J spec. 87; deriv. wike, wac. wikenere, A.Sax. picnere, officer; wikeneren fdat. pl.J Lay 6704. wiket, O.Fr. guichet, wicket, Langl. 5, 611 f6, 92J; a. p. 2, 857; Fercev. 490. ifikien oixsTv, hahitare. Lay 18102. wikinge fnis. wickinge) (wikeninge) habita- tio. Lay 30453. ifikir wicker, ^^vimen", prompt. 527. wikke see wicke. wil at ones desire, agreeable^ jif ou is pilre Kath. 571; comp. iwil. wilcume, A.Sax. pilcuma, O.H.Germ. willicomo, welcome; pilkume a. r. 394; wil-, wulcume (wil-, welcome) Lay 4901 ^ 8528; pelcume horn. 1, 259: 0. a. n. 1600': welcume st. gen. 1830: welcome h. h. 149; Langl. 2, 208 f232j: welcome Bek. 1265: prompt. 532. wulcumen, A.Sax. pil-, pylcumian, wel- come. Lay 17098; wolcumep (welco- mep) fpres.J 0. a. n. 440; pelcumied Mat. 5, 47; wilcumede fpret.J Lay 10957: welcumede st. gen. 1396: wel- comede Brand. 3. wildsei, A.Sax. pildseg. Lay 1798. wilgomen Lay 20944. piljeove Marh. 16; a. r. 368. Wilhelm, A.Sax. pilhelm (?), pUlelm Sax. chron 211, O.H.Germ. Wilihelm, Wil- liam; pillam a. r. 340; Williem Bek. 511: William WUl. 70. wilspel, O.L.Germ. wilspel, Lay 1350, wilsum, A.Sax. pilsum, agreeable. Will. 5394. wiltidende Lay 17090. pil, A.Sax. (ge)pill, O.Icel. vil, will, volun- tas, hom. 1, 61; a. r. 12; 3ef pi pil is Marh. 7 ; mi pil & mi peol(e) Kath. 2139; idel pil rel. ant. 1, 132; wil Lay 2793; st. gen. 194; pat wil Shweh. 16; pilles sponte, a. r. 6: pilles & pal- des h. m. 27; comp. iwil. wilful willful, r. s. VI, 2; Bek. 1309, wil see wel and wilde. pilde, A.Sax. pilde, O.Fris. wilde, OH. Germ, wilder, Goth, vilpeis, O.Icel. villr ferrabundusj, wild, ferus, silvestris, Orm. 6191: pilde flOd 0. a. n. 946; wilde Lay 785; Shoreh. 121; in wilde studes Rob. 130, 8: wilde fir Rich. 5229: wil- de of red(e) Flor. 35; wilde der »t. gen. 564 Wilde willien 169; wil and weri 973; wilde Iw. 1650; wiU of rede 379; wil Havel. 863; wille rel. ant. 1, 209; in a wode pay were gon wille Isumh. 159. wildnesse wildness, prompt. 528. wildsom silvestris: pe wildsome way Tor. 508; moni wilsum way he rod Gaw. 689; wilsom ^^duhim\ prompt. 528; Town, my at. 268. wilile^ M.H.Germ. wilt n., fwildj deer, Gaw. 1150. pililerne locus silvestris, a. r. 160^; rel. ant. i, 130; wilderne Lay 1238. pildernesse loilderness , a. r. 158; wilder- nesse La-^. 30335 ; pildernisse, wilder- nesse o. a. n, 1000; wildernisse p. I. s. XV, 131. wile, A.Sax. pil, O.Icel. vel? see Gr. gram. f3d ed.J 1, 462, wile, ^^astutia\ prompt. 528; Chauc. C. t. a 3403; m. h. 2; piles fpl.J Kath. 893; Orm. 10317; wiles pr. c. 1360; wills s. s. ed. Wr. 2731. wile see liwile. wilje,' A. Sax. -pilig, pelig, 0. Duteh wilge, wilige, willow (willy, wilghj; wilglie Halliw. diet. 931; wil we Chauc. C. t. a 2922; wilwe, wilowe "salix'\ protnpt. 528; weloghe voc. 228. will wily, "astictus'\ prompt. 528 ; Will. 2764; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 13009; Man. 9849. wilk see welk. pille, A.Sax. pilla, O.H.Germ. willo, O.L. Germ, willeo, Goth, vilja, 0. Icel. vili, will, voluntas, Marh. 1; a. r. 60; Orm. 258; wille Lay 29058; Havel. 528; Bel. 121; Langl. h prol. 200; Man. 92, 15; pr. G. 2394; willen facc.J Lay 1270; Gomp. selfwille. wille! convp. an-, unwille. pillellclie voluntarie, horn. 1, 41 ; a. r. 396. wille see welle. willen, A.Sax. *pillan part, pillende, O.R. Germ, wellen, 0. L. Germ, willien, Goth. yiljan, O.Icel. vilja, Lat. velle, fms. pilen) Orm. 5297; pile, A.Sax. pile, pyle, pil- le, pylle fvolo, vult, velim , velitj, 0. L. Germ, willeo (volo), will (vult), willie (velim, velitj, O.H.Germ. willu, wille, wile (volo), will, wile (vult), vilja (ve- lim) , Goth, viljau .(volo), vili (vult), (pres.) will (wull, ivoll), volo, vult, velim, velit, rel. ant. 1, 131 ; Orm. 105; wile st. gen. 277; Havel, 3; ayenh. 57 Sf 101; wille rel. ant. 1, 208; Shoreh 59; Man. 105, 25; pile, pille, pulle o. a. n. 214, 262 Sf 903; wille, wiiUe (wole) Lay 697 ^' 1387; pule p. I. s. VIII, 79; Marh. 3; a. r. 60; icliulle (= ich pulle) ICath. 1308; c. l. 38; wole Beh. 39; wol Will. 281; Goiv. 1, 107; Langl. prol. 38; Chauc. C. t. a 42; pilt wilt, vis, ICath. 1359; pilt, pult a. r. 90 ^^ 98; 0. a. n. 165 ^ 1064; pult Marh. 4; wille will, velis, Shoreh. 103; pulle horn. 1, 57; pille wil, velit, o. a. n. 188; pulle h. m. 31; pillecl, A.Sax. pillail, pyllad, will, volumus, vultis, vo- limt, Kath. 692; willep ayenb. 16; willep^ wulle{) misc. 59 dc 61; pullecl a. r. 34 cj- 48; w(u)llect (wollep) Lay 481; wol- lep Bek. 403; wilen, A.Sax. pillen, pyl- len, will, velittius, velitis, velint, st. gen. 2304; willen (for willep) j^Jro^/,. 1871'^\ prccchc, A.Sax. praecc, O.U.Germ. wrehher fexulj, from wreken, miser, a. r. 66 ; Orm. 3878; r. s. II, 42; pu precche piht 0. a. n. 556; ml wrecche lii Brand. 23; pat wrsecche vole Lay 2357 L preccliedom miseria, a. r. 232; wrecche- dom misc. 152. wrecchede miseria, o. a. n. 1219; Bel. 1282. wrseccheliclie misere, La\ 30554; prec- chelike, -li^ Orm. 3326 Sf 3708. prccche^ A.Sax. praecca, precca, O.L.Germ. wrelddo, O.R.Qerm. reecho, wretch, Kath. x 2078; Orm. 10140; o. a. n. 534; wrecche ireat. 138; Chauc. C. t. a 931; wrechche ayenh. 31; wrsecche Lay 3860; precchen fpl.J p. I. s. VIII, 142; wree- ches st. gen. 1074. wrccched wretched, Chauc. C. t. a 921; wreehed pr. c. 557 ; wrecchede ball St. cod. 99. wreeehedhede miseria, Rob. 102, 2; ps. 11, 6. wrecchedllche wretchedly, Mand. 251, wrecchednesse wretchedness, Langl. h 11, 44. wrecchen^ A.Sax. precean fsuscitarej; camp. awrecehen. wreche see wraeche. wre^e accusatio? preiful a. r. 302. pre^cn, pre3hen, A.Sax. pregan, O.L.Germ. wrCgian, 0. Fris. wrOgia, Goth. yrOhjan, O.Icel. rcegja, O.U.Germ. ruogen, wray, accusare, Orm. 416 8f 2889; preien a. r. 304; wreghe pr. c. 5462; wreie Flor. a. Bl. 533; wreye misc. 39; Chauc. C. t. a 3503; wreie Beves 1211; wreide (pret.) Bek. 1226; preiden Mark 15, 3; wreghed (part.) Iw. 2859; comp. bi-, for-, iwre3en. preiere accusator, horn. 1, 57; wreieres fpl.J Havel. 39. preJuiige accusatio, a. r. 200. prekeii^ A.Sax. precan (pellere, ulciscij, 0. L. Germ, wrecan (ulcisci), Goth, vrikan (StwXitv), 0. Tcel. reka f pellere, persequij ulciscij, O.U.Germ. reehan f ulcisci J, wreak, pellere, ulcisci, Orm. 914; pet tu pult for te preken pe reaven god his strenc- de a. r. 286; wreken Havel. 327; pat heo hine wreken wolden Lay 1627; wreke Chauc. C. t. a 961; Percev. 1065; Town. myst. 286 ; wreke out of his ve- la3rede ayeyib. 189; wrak (pret.J Arth. a. Merl. 5972; Irist. 3, 88; Gam. 303; wrek ayenh. 215; wreken Lay 13749; wreken, A. Sax. precen, 0. Icel. rekinn, O.H.Germ. (gi)rochaner, (part. J st. gen. 2028; Havel. 2368; Trist. 3, 91; wreke s. 8. ed. Web. 350; sacram. 212; wreken, wroken Langl. 2, 169 (194 J; wroken Man. 8354; wroken fro uch a wOpe a. p. 1, 375; wrokin mir. pi. 131; comp. a-, iwreken; deriv. wrak, wrake, wrecche, wrseche. wrekere ultor, Chauc. p. f. 361. prench^ A.Sax. prene. Germ, rank, wrench^ dolus, a. r. 338; o. a. n. 811; wrench misc. 36; rel. ant. 1, 175; ayenh. 129; wrenche Alis. 4050; m. h. 2; wrenke Man. 58, 20 ; wrenche (dat.J Lay 81 ; Rob. 55, 2; prenches (pi. J o. a. n. 798; wrenches «. s. ed. Web. 1756; Chauc, C. t. ed. Wr, 13009; Hoccl. /, 378; wrenkes and wiles pr. c. 1360; prenche (gen. pi. J o. a. n. 813; wrenchen (dat, pi. J Lay 1894; prenche p. I. s. VIII, 127, prenchful a. r. 268; Kath. 892. prenchen^ A.Sax. prencan, M,H.Germ. ren- 576 wrengde writere ,^ ken, wrench, torquere, a. r. 222; pren- chen lit of pe peie Marh. 4 ; prenche horn. 1, 281; wrinchaud {part. J pr. c. 1638; wreint fpret. part. J p. s. 157; comp. aet-, biwrenchen. wrengit'e, frotn wrang-, pravitas, rel. ant. 1, 210. wreime^ A. Sax. -prenna, praenna, wren fwranj, "regulus\ voc. 221; prompt. 533; Gow. 3, 349; wrenne, pranne o. a. n. 564. wreon^ A,8ax. preon, = wrihen, La'>,. 27859; Alts. 1606; preod fpres.J a. r. 88; preih fpret. J a. r. 390; wreyh, wrey c. I. 918; wreig-h Am. a. Amil. 2333; prujen p. 1. 8. VIII, 81 ; iwrojen (part. J La^. 5192^; comp. bi-, unwreou. frrcoitieii, A. Sax. predian, O.L.Germ. wre- thian , sustentare ; preoded fpres.J a. r. 252; pat je preodied op on Kath. 859. wresten see wrsesten. wrej)e see wraede. wrej)eu see wradien. wreffa^e see wrsedde. wricken^ Butch wrikken, Dan. vrikke, Swed. vricka, move; wrikkend f part. J rel. ant. 2, 216; pe devel wrickede her and per p. I. 8. IX, 82. wrien, A.Sax. prigian, wry, tendere, vertere; wrie Chauc. Troil. 1998 ; pried fpres.J r. 8. Ill, 7 ; hue wriep a wey spec. 48; wri fimperat.J Mire 888; wried fpret. J Chauc. C. t. a 3283 ; wried f pari. J Ge- ner. 5957. priheles^ prieles, A. Sax. prigels, velamen, a. r. 322 Sf 420''; wriels, wrielis Wicl. Job 24. ))rihenj prien, A.Sax. prihan, O.K. Germ. (iut)rihan, wry, velare, tegere, a. r. 84 8f 420^; prihe horn. 1, 279; wrle fpres.J Chauc. C. t. d 1827; prihd a. r. 84; wrijp, wriep ayenh. 61 Sf 167; wrle (i7nperat.J h. s. 1147; wrijen fpret. J La\ 17349; wreghen Arth. a. Merl. 1774; wrien f part. J Chauc. r. r. 912; iwri3en Lay 5192; iprien (ipri3en) a. r. 58; iwrije ayenh. 66; iwrie Roh. 55, 19; Langl b 14, 232; Chauc. C. t. a 2904; see wreon; comp. bi-, over-, unwrihen. wriht, wrihte see wurht, wurhte. wringen, A.Sax. pringan, O.Dutch wringeu, 0. H. Germ, ringen, wring, torquere, pre- mere, Langl. h 14, 18; washen and wrin- gen Havel. 1233; wringe rel. ant. 1, 115; Octov. 1212; I. h. r. 138; wringip fpres.J Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 9427 ; wrang fpret. J Iw. 2773; wrong st. gen. 2064; Hid. thes. 1, 228; s. s. ed. Wr. 2508; he wrungen hondes Havel. 152; wrongin Alls. 7891; wrungun, wrongun f part. J Wicl. numb. 24. wriiikilj A.Sax. princle(?), O.Dutch wrinkel, wrinUe , ^^ruga\ prompt. 534 ; wrinclis fpl.J Wicl. genes. 38. wriste^ A. Sax. prist, 0. Fris. (hand)wirst, O.Icel. rist, M.H.Germ. rist, riste, wrist, carpus, voc. 147; wirste 208; wriste, wirste prompt. 534. prit^ A.Sax. prit, O.Icel. rit, writ, scriptura, a. r. 98; Orm. dedic. 331; writ proclam. 7; St. gen. 1974; Havel. 2486; c. I. 76; Aud. 10; pat writ Lay 484; pet holi writ oyiisc. 36. writrune Lay 57 50. priteii^ A. Sax. pritan, 0. L. Germ, writan, O.Icel. rita, O.H.Germ. rizen, write, scri- bere, a. r. 42; Orm. 3554; writeu Lay 41; Alis. 4793; prat fpret.J Orm. 5816; wrat Lay 6317; Flor. 2175; prOt a. r. 12; 0. a. n. 235; wrot Beh. 164; wrot, wroot Langl. 10, 169 fll, 125j; wroot Alis. 4778; priten Orm. 5810; writen Langl. h 10, 428; write Gow. 3, 85; priten fpart.J Orm. 3085; writen Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 12052; Wicl. John 8; pr. c. 2042; comp. iwriten. pritere, A.Sax. pritere, writer, scriptor, Marh. 2. writing wulf 577 writing writing, scriptura, ayenh. 8. wri|)e, A. Sax. prida(?), torith, ligamen; wripen (pi.) Alis. 5753. wriiTeu, A. Sax. i^ridan, O.Icel. rida, O.II. (Jerm. ridan, ivrithe, torquere, vertere, li- garey Lay 17394; wripen a wey Chauc. Boet. 4452; of pe way , . . ne wil he wripe a. p. 1, 350; wrsed (pret.) Lay 6729; wrop s. s. ed. Web. 1792; Man. 13054; wroth Gaw. 1200; wroop Wicl. 2 kings 23; he wripen him One crtine misc. 48; wripen f part. J Langl. h 17, 174; writhin, wrepin ^'■tortus', prompt. 534; a wrethin haft s. a. c. XVII, 9; eomp. iwriden; deriv. wride, wrad, wrsede. wrixleii, A.Sax. prixlian, change; comp. bi- wrixlen. prixlunge^ A. Sax. prixlunge , change, horn. 1, '207. wro see wra. wrong see wrang. wrotcn^ A. Sax. protian, 0. Dutch wroeten, 0. H. Germ, ruozen, 0. Icel. rota ? wroot, root, turn up the earth with the snout, rel. ant. 2, 216; wrOtin prompt. 534; wrote Min. 23; Orph. 239; avow. Arth. XII, 13; wroted fpres.J Lay 469. wroit see wrad. wrunkle^ 0. Dutch wronkel, wrunUe, ruga. wrunklcn^ 0. Dutch wronkelen, lorunkle, ru- gare ; ronkled ? (part.) Gaw. 953. wu see hwu. wu=wi? yu me horn. 1, 157; (printed pumme) Marh. 13, 22. pude y A. Sax. pudu, 0. E. Germ, witu, 0. Icel. vidr, wood, lignum, silva, a. r. 402; Orm. 14568; o. a. n. 1626 ; wude st. gen. 1306; pene wude (wode) Lay 8700; wode treat. 137; Mand. 50; pane wode ayenh. 95; wude, wudes (wodes), A.Sax. puda, fgen.J Lay 2168 Sf 8687 ; wude (wodes), A.Sax. pudu, fpl.J Lay 11772; pudes Marh. 10. wudebinde woodbind, -bine, voc. 140; wo- debinde prompt. 531; Chaue. C. t. a 1508. wudobrune "huglossa", rel. ant. 1, 36. wodedouve ^^palumba', prompt. 531. wodekok wood-cock, prompt. 531. wodeland wood -land, Man.' 1972; wode- lond Lay 1699. pudeleie (podele^e) a. r. 96; wodeleye Horn 1160; St. cod. 58. wudemerch(e) sanicle, rel. ant. 1, 36. woderime Lay 739, woderote Lay 467 . wuderove , A. Sax. pudurofe , woodroof, "hastula regid\ voc. 140; woderove prompt. 531; spec. 43. wudesca3e (^wude sca3e?) Lay 21561; wodeschawe Gam. 638; Isumb. 74; wo- deshawe rel. ant. 1, 245. wodescape Lay 25859*. wodeschide prompt. 531. Wodestoc Woodstock; Wodestoke fdat.J Rob. 439, 12. pudepale, O.Dutch wedewal, M.H.Germ. witewal? woodwal, o. a. n. 1659; wode- wale "piciis\ prompt. 531; Vhaw. r. r. 658. wode ward wood-ioard, prompt. 531. wodewQse, A.Sax. pudupasa, "satyrus\ prompt. 531; "pilosus\ Wicl. Is. 34; Gaw. 721. wodewexe, A.Sax. pudupeaxe, woodwex, genista tinctoria; wodewexen (dat. pi.) g. 358. wuke see wike. wul see wil. pnlilcr^ A.Sax. puldor, Goth, vulprs, glory^ Orm. 3379. pulf, A.Sax. pulf, Goth, vulfs, O.Icel. ulfr, O.H.Germ. wolf, wolf, lupus, Kath. 31; a. r. 120; wulf h. s. 5523; lud. Cov. 68; wlf (=wulf) Havel. 573; wulf, wlf (wolf) Lay 1545 ^- 21305; wolf Bob. 280, 19; Chauc. C. t. a 513; wulves fist "fungus', rel. ant. 1, 37; pulve (dat.) 73 578 wulle wune a. r. 252; pulves fpl.J o. a. n. 1008; wulfes mir. fl. 150; wolves chron. Engl. 732; comp. werwulf. pulle^ A. Sax. pull, Goth, vullu, O.Icel ull, O.K. Germ, wolla, wool, Orm. 12652; wulle "lana\ prompt. 534; Giw. 1, 17; woUe ayenb. 137 ; Langl. 6, 13 f7, 10 J; Mand. 208. wollemongere g. 353. wollewebstere Langl. h prol. 219. wulle see welle. wuUen^ A.Sax. pyllen, 0. II. Germ, wullener, woollen, laneus ; wollen Alis. 4459; Langl. h 5, 215. -puhene, M. K. Germ, wulfinne ? Iwpa, a. r. 120; w(u)lvine Havel. 573. wumman see wifman. puiide^ A. Sax. pund, 0. L. Germ, wnda, 0. II.Germ. wunta, wnta, O.Icel. uiid, wound, vulnus, a. r, 326 ; Orm. 2218; wunde, wnde (wonde) La^. 2285 Sf 8604; wun- de Havel. 1980; wnde misc. 42; wonde ayenh. 174; wounde c. I. 1198; Cham. C. t. a 1010; wunde fpl.) misc. 140; wounde spec. 97; Beves 724; wounden Roh. 223, 21; wondes pr. c. 5337. wiiiidieii^ A.Sax. pundian, 0. II.Germ. wun- ton, wound, vulnerare; punden a. r. 124; Orm. 12484; pundie horn. 1, 15; pun- ded fpres.J h. m. 15; wondede fpret.J Bel. 2125; wundeden (wondede) La-^. 1724; wunded /^^«r^.y 5^. gen. 853; woun- ded Chauc. Iroil. 1625; comp. for-, i- wundien. puiitler^ A.Sax. pundor, 0. L. Germ, wndar, 0. II.Germ. wuntar, wntar, 0. Icel. undr, wonder, miraculum, prodigium, Kath. 152; Orm. 218; 3if him punched punder a. r. 8; wunder o. a. n. 361; wunder, wnder (wonder) Z«3. 1126 ^ 4659; wun- der st. gen. 69; wundur ant. Artli. XVI, 7; wonder c. I. 619; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8213; pat wonder Belc. 86; pa sci- pen wenden to wundre La^. 7833; haved ischriven hire al tO pundre a. r. 68; tO tuken spa tO pundre h. m. 27; wundre (pnder) fgen. pi.) o. a. n. 852. wonderblipe Will. 1895. w(u)ndercraft La^. 1147. wonderdede Roh. 337, 6. wonderful wonderful, c. I. 62; wondervol ayenh. 15. wundergod marvelously good, La^. 25475. punderheh Orm. 12055. wunderlic marvelous, La\ 12308; pun- derlich a. r. 390; an punderlike taken Orm. 15461; wonderliche fadv.J Shoreh. 162; woundirlTche s. s. ed. Wr. 2678; wondirli Percev. 2004; wunderlicheste fsuperlat.J misc. 60; punderlikeste, pun- derlukeste p. I. s. VIII, 34. wunderkene Lay 7277. wundermere La'^. 15641. w(u)nderrauchel La'^. 25078; pundermi- kel Orm. 7284. w(u)nderriche La-^. 25295. w(u)nderstrong' La"). 1744. wonderping- Brand. 31; c. I. 644. wunderwel La-^. 11361. wonderworc La-^. 17376^'. puudreii^ A.Sax. pundrian, O.IIGerm. wun- taron, wonder, mirari, Orm. 15475; ne pundrie heo hire nopiht a. r. 376; pun- drede fpret.J Kath. 317; hem wondrede alle Beh. 101; i wondred me Chauc. r. r. 738; wundreden La^. 21979; comp. a-, forwundren. piindi'ungc^ A.Sax. pundrung, ivondring, miratio, hom. 1 , 89. wuiic^ A.Sax. (ge)puna, 0. II.Germ. (gi)wo- ner, O.Icel. vanr? suetus, st. gen. 1530; wone Havel. 2297 ; Octov. 1062; Man. 14514; ne were pou wone be god and mild s. s. ed. Web. 672; comp. iwune. puue^ A.Sax. (ge)puna, O.H.Germ. (gi)wo- na, O.L.Germ. (gi)wono, O.Icel. vani (consuetudo)? cudom, hahitude, habitation, a. r. 266; wune misc. 87 ; rel. ant. ly wunien wur3en 579 211; St. gen, 513 Sf 1681; Flor. a. Bl 557; he dude al se hit is wune (wone) Lay 11184; ne maei i . . . habben . . . pesne wone 13492; wone Rol. 287y 4; c. 1. 278; ayenh. 6; Langl b 15, 177; Chauc. C. t. a 1064; h. /. 1166; Man. 75, 25; a3ens wone Shoreh. 164; wile pou art in pis wreche wone p. I. 8. IT, 164; wane Percev. 1347; wunen fpl.J st. gen. 688; wones Langl. h 3, 234; poanes (panes) a. r. 416; panes Marh. 21; comp. iwune. wunsele La^. 15703, punien^ A.Sax. punian, O.L.Germ. w(u)non, wonon, wanon (haUtare), O.TIiGerm. wo- nen fhabitarej, giwonen fconsuescerej, wun, won, hahitare, sueseere, a. r. 134; Kath. 921; wunyen misc. 83; wunien, wonien Lay 478 Sf 1205; pser he punen sholde Orm. 8708; t5 punen spa pe folc perto 19541; wunen st. gen. 306 ; wonien rel. ant. 1, 103; wonye treat. 138; ayenl. 220; wonye, wone Langl 2, 200 (224); wone Havel. 247 ; ps. 64, 5; Gow. 1, 340; pr. c. 16; m. Arth. 2445; punest fpres.J 0. a. n. 338; woniep ayenb. 87; punied on to Intel drunch a. r. 412; wonede fpret.J Alt's. 5269; woneden Chauc. C. t. a 2927 ; woned [part. J spec. 47; rel. ant. 2, 274; h. h. 46; Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8215; comp. i-, purh-, unwunien. punne , A. Sax. pynn , 0. L. Germ, wnnea, 0. H. Germ, wunna, py, pleasure, delight, a. r. 192; Eath. 1511; h. m. 27; o. a. n. 272; wunne spec. 47; winne Havel. 2965; Alis, 3887; Man. 14908; e. T. 1024; Triam. 533; m. Arth. 3788; pa- radises winne c. I. 1312; alle mine wun- nen Lay 22668; wunnen (wnnen) bi- r^ved 1124 Sf 3421; to eche punnen Marh. 1; comp. un-, weoreldwunne. w(u)nfolc? Lay 1385. winnehalle Gaw. 2456. wunllc, A.Sax. pynllc, foyotcs, Lay 8090; winli Will 749. punsum, A.Sax. pynsum, winsome, Marh. 19; wunsum (wonsum) Lay 1187; win- som "jucundus\ ps. 80, 3; wnsumre (compar.) Lay 905. punungc^ A. Sax. punung, 0. H. Germ, wo- nunga, habitation, mansion, horn. 1, 129; a. r. 74; Kath. 2456; wuning, poning 0. a. n. 1760; woninge p. I. s. XVj 75; woning Lay 7094*; Chauc. C. t. a 606. purchen^ A. Sax. pyrcan, 0. L. Germ, wir- keau, O.Fris. werka, wirtsa, O.H.Germ. wirchen, wurchen, O.Icel yrkja, Goth. vaurkjan, from weorc, work fworchj, ope- rari, facer e, a. r. 6 ; Kath. 174; wur- chen (werche) Lay 5066; p(u)rchen, wurche, pirche o. a. n. 408 ^ 722; wurche Rob. 232, 22; wirchen Havel. 510; wirche Wicl John 9; wirche, wer- che Chatcc. C. t. a 2759; worchen c. I. 17; worche Mand. 1; worche, wirche Will 307 ^" 471; werchen, worche Langl 1, 80 (82); werche Shoreh. 29; ayenb. 174; Gow. 1, 63; Aud. 9; pirken Orm. 9342; wirke pr. c. 6905; Isumb. 398; werken st. gen. 2799; worhte (wrohte) (pret.) Lay 12024; prohte Orm. 2256; prouhte a. r. 258; wrouhte, wrou^te Langl 1, 80 (82); wrogten st. gen. 529; wroht (part.) spec. 31; wrojt Mire 210; wrouht Havel 2810; wrouht, wroujt c. I. 3; Langl 3, 101 (105); wrought lud. Cov. 28; comp. for-, 1- wurchen. wurd see word. wurde^ A.Sax. yjrd, O.L.Germ. wrd, wrth, 0. H. Germ, wrt , from wurden , weirdy fate; wirde Gaw. 1752; a. p. 1, 249; ant. Arth. XVI, 1; purdes (pi) h. m. 33; wirdes Langl c 13, 206 ; werdes Chauc. Boet. 10; Hmni ch. 456; Isumb. 202. wnr^en^ A. Sax. (a)pyrgan, 0. Fris. werga, 580 wurlit wurd wirga, O.H.Germ. wrgan, worry: wirwin, worowen ^^dr angular e, suffocare\ prompt. 630; wiry(e) Cham. r. r. 6264; worowe pr. c. 1229; wirhiep fpres.J Langl. ed. Whitak. 159; wiryede fpret.J p. r. I. p. 83; wirwed, werewed f part. J Havel. 1915 Sf 1921; iworewid dep. Rich. 17, 9; comp. awurien. wurht^ A. Sdx. (ge)pyrht, 0. L. Germ, (far-, ge)wrht, from wurchen, factum, meritum; prihte fpl.J horn. 1, 69; after hise prih- te Orm. 8240; comp. iwurht. wrigtful St. gen. 2204. purhte^ A. Sax. pyrhta, 0. II. Germ, wrhto, O.L.Germ. wrhteo, wright, operator, faher, a. r. 78; Marh. 20; wiirlite (wrohte) La^. 21134; prihte Orm. 18780; wrijte Langl. h 10, 401; wrijte, wrihte, wrigh- te Chauc. C. t. a 614; purhten fpl.J horn. 1, 93; perhten Mark 12, 10; comp. godspel-, hweol-, psalmwurhte. purm^ A. Sax. pyrm, peorm, O.L.Germ. wrm, O.H.Germ. wurm, wrm , O.Icel. orrar, Lat. vermis, worm, vermis, serpens, draco, a. r. 138; Orm. 4870; worm treat. 139; c. I. 1129; Gcw. 2, 299; wirm st. gen. 2925; rel. ant. 1, 211 ; werm misc. 28; ayenh. 215; lud. Cov. 29; wurmes fgen.J La^. 17961; wurmes, pormes fpl.J o. a. n. 601; wormes Bek. 2237 ; Langl. h 11, 320; purmene fgen. pi. J h. m. 43; comp. silkwirm. wermete, M. II. Germ, wiirmse^e ? worm- eaten? fms. wermethe) ayenh. 229. w urn en see wernen. purp^ A.Sax. pyrpe, M.II.Gcrm. wiirf, from weorpen, jactus, a. r. 56; wrp misc. 41. wurs mains? pe wurse, wrse (worse) La"^. 1140 ^- 2843; purs, A.Sax. pyrs, O.L. Germ. 0. H.Ger^n. wirs, Goth, vairs , fcompar.J worse, pejus, p. I. s. VIII, 111; wurs La^. 11193; purs, wurs, wrs 0. a. n. 34 ^ 793; wors Shoreh. 97; ayenh. 20; rel. ant. 2, 276; no pe wors hire nas Marg. 252; wers m. t. 33; purse, A. Sax. pyrsa , 0. L. Gerrn. wirsa, pejor , a. r. 82; a purse stede 'p. I. s. VIII, 149; pe fal is purse h. m. 15; worse Langl. h 14, 224; worse, werse Chauc. C. t. a 1224; perse Orin. 7395; werse Eglam. 293; wirse Man. 8696; purst , A. Sax. pyrst , fsuperlat.J worsty pessime, p. I. s. VIII, 119; Marh. 14; perst Orm. 4250; purste pessimus, a. r. 82; wurste La^. 29545; werste Gow. i, . 25. pursieii^ A.Sax. pyrsian, worse, pejor are, horn. 1, 47; person Orm. 11845; worsi ayenh. 33; pursed fpres.J a. r. 326; wursede (wersede) fpret.J La^. 18931; iworsed f part. J c. I. 811; iwersed pro- clam. 6. pursuing pirsum wirsom, ^^sanies\ a. r. 274^" Si^ 322''; pirsen Orm. 4782. wurt, A. Sax. pyrt, 0. L. Germ, wrt, 0. Icel. urt, Goth, vaurts, O.H.Germ. wrz, wurz, wort, herha, olus , st. gen. 119 ; wurt, wrt rel. ant. 1, 175; pert Mat. 13, 26; wurtes fpl.J voc. 264; wortes Gow. 3, 162; Langl. 6, 310 f7 , 296 J; I. c. c. 54; wortis Chauc. C. t. ed. Wr. 8102; wurten fdat. pi. J La^. 31884; comp. bfm-, blod-, hul-, lip-, liver-, lung-, med-, mug-, ribbe-, slifep-, spere-, wal- wurt. wort^erd Wicl. 3 kings 21. wurte, O.Dutch worte, O.Icel. virtr ? cervi- sia mustea, voc. 257 . puriT^ purde, A. Sax. peord, pyrd, pyrde, 0. Icel. verdr, Goth, vairps, 0. II. Germ. werder, worth, dignus, a. r. 38 &; 130 ; Marh. 1 S^ 5; pat is mare purd fmajo- ris pretiij Kath. 70 ; purp Orm. 1156; purp, prp, WTp 0. a. n. 572 Sf 1550; wurd, wurde (worp, worpe) La,'^. 13445 ^ 26555; wurp, wurpe Roh. 322, 13 Sf 458, 5; purde Mat. 3, 11; he bid dedes purde horn. 1, 109; worp, worpe wurd wuschin 581 Beh. 367 Sf 2217: worp Shoreh, 96; ayenh. 7; werth ps. 93, 11; wiirder fcompar.J La^. 30993; comp. ar-, deorc-, He-, luve-, stalwurde. piirdlich, A. Sax. peord-, purdlic, dtgmis, horn. 2, 29; purdliche fadvj a. r. 40; rel. ant. 1, 130; purplike Orni. 1033; purdliche /'pLj Kath. 1077; wiirdliche La"). 28923; worploker fcompar.J a. p. 3, 464; wurdlukest (worplokest) fsuper- ht.J La\ 26496. purdmund , A. Sax. peord- , purdmynd, dignity, honour, Kath. 21 H; piirpmint Orm. 3379; wordmunt La^. 18861. worpnesse, A. Sax. peordness, dignity, honour, proclam. 3. purdschipe, A. Sax. peord-, pyrdscipe, worship, dignitas, honor, a, r. 278; o. a. n. 1344; wurdscipe La-^. 24924; purpshipe Orm. 726; worpssipe ayenh. 8 ; worshipe Langl. ed. Wr. 2041 ; worshepe pr. c. 6217 . wor])ssipvol worshipful, ayenh. 80. worpssiplich honourahle, ayenh. 80. purdschipen ivorship, honor ar e , revereri, Kath. 66; worschipe Mand. 3; wor- ssipie ayenh. 6. purtT^ A. Sax. peord, purd, O.lcel. verd, Goth, vairp, 0. II. Germ, werd, ivorth, pretium, honor, a. r. 290; pet purd horn. 1, 91; wurp Iioh. 373, 3; worp Langl. ed. Wr. 2422; p. 47, 11; drihtiu to lofe & purpe Orm. 1141; knightis of gret(e) worpe Alis. 1662. purdful Kath. 1017; purpful Orm. 6196; 0. a. n. 1481. purcteii^ A. Sax. peordan, pyrdan, purdan, O.L.Germ. werthan, O.lcel. verda, Goth. vairpan, O.H.Germ. werdan, Lat. verte- re, vertere, evadere, devenire, fieri, Kath. 167; Orm. 160; wurden Lay 12376 ; st. gen. 41; hit schal prpe (wrpe) pel isene o. a. n. 846; worpe Will. 327; lat hem worpe Langl. ed. Wr. 976; what shal worthe of us m. Arth. 1817; worst fpres.J p. I. s. XII, 109; s. ^. ed. Wr. 606; purded a. r. 96; porp o. a. n. 406; to morwe worp pe mariage i- mad Latigl. 2, 22 (43 J; worp to nOght Iw. 1642; we worpep Beh. 996; wurpe, worpe fsuhjunct.J Havel. 1102 8f 2221; ward fpret.J Lay 2927; pard Kath. 27; parp Orm. 147; peard a. r. 244; pis maide werp a slep p. I. s. XXI, 38; he werp upe (pe mure) Beh. 1176; purden Mat. 3, 16; wurden Lay 1112; purpen (part. J Orm. 1888; worpen a. p. 1, 394; comp. for-, iwurden. purcfieii; A. Sax. peordian, pyrdian, pur- dian, 0. Icel. virda, Goth, vairpon, O.K. Germ, werdou, esteem, honour, revere, horn, 1, 46; wurdien (weorpi) Lay 9610; purdchen , purgin Kath. 669; purpeu Orm. 208; wrpie rel. ant. 1, 172; wor- pi p. I. 8. IV, 18; purded fpres.J rel. ant. 1, 129; yfxmUAQn fpret.J Lay 1162; wurded f part. J st. gen. 1012; comp. i-, unwurdien. pur|»i^^ purpi, 0. L. Germ, wirthig , 0. H. Germ, wirdiger, worthy, dignus, Orm. 2706 Sf 4200; wurdi rel. ant. 1, 218; st. gen. 1012; wurpi Rich. 6134; worpi Bei 412; c. I 1624; spec. 71; Chauc. C. t. a 43; wurthiest fsuperlat.J lud. Cov. 20. worj)illche worthily, Langl. ed. Wr. 896. purjtiiige^ A. Sax. peord ing, reverence, vene- ration, hom. 1 , 7 ; wurdiiig st. gen. 1774; worpinge Shoreh. 96. piir|)iiigc worthing, wording, fimus, horn. 7, 86; purdinge Marh. 3; h. m. 13. wusch^ A. Sax. pflsc, O.H.Germ. wunsc, wish, prompt. 636; wisch Mand. 146. wuschin^ wischin, A. Sax. p^scan, O.H. Germ, wunscaii, O.lcel. ceskja, loish, ^'op- tare', prompt. 630 Sf 636; wische Arth. a. Merl. 8732; Mand. 146; wusche, wishe fpres.J Langl. 5, 92 flllj ; pu- 582 wussmge zedewal sshed rel. ant, 1, 130; wessep ayenb. 66; wesckte fpret.J Langl. a 5, 195; wisten horn. 2, 3; st. gen. 801. pussinge tvisMng, horn. 2, 179. wuten see witen. ya see 3a. yow see eow. zang see sang. zedepalj O.Fr. citoual, %edoary, a. r. 370; sedewale spec. 27; Alts. 6792; cetewale, cetuale Chauc. C. t. a 3207, ADDITIONS. a- abad — bQten abade sine mora, Jul. 73. abel3en mahe angry — abelh fpret.J hom. 1, 111. ablenden — ablende (fret.) hom. i, 121. abllken, M.H.Germ. erbllchen, alhescere? ablikep fpres.J St. cod. 53. acheoken — acheked {part. J hom. 2, 181. acoverunge recovery , hom. 1, 251. adrlven, A. Sax. adrifan, 0. H. Germ, ar- triban, drive away, expel; addiivan hom. 1, 115. aduschen = adwescben ? aduste fpret.J h. m. 41. ahangen hang up ; ahengen fpret.J Mark 15, 24; ahangen fpa^-t.J 15. ahrusien, A. Sax. ahrysian Greins gloss. 2, 110. aleomeu — alum(e)d, alimed, alemed fpres.J hom. 2, 107 ^ 141. arseden, A. Sax. araedan, conjecture ; are- dan hom. 1, 121. ariste Jul. 62; on pam aeriste Marh 12, 23. asadden, M. II. Germ, ersatten, satiare; asad (part.) p. s. 212. aschaken — ascaked ^^excutite", Mat. 10, 14. aspeowen exspuere; aspeped (pres.) hom. 2, 199. asteren — ne he sake ne asterde hom. 1, 95. astrengpen strengthen; astrengped (= i- strengped?) (part.) misc. 32. astunien — astouned (part.) Shoreh. 88. asturien — astireden (pret.) Marl:; 15, 11. aspolkenesse, A. Sax. aspolcenness EUm. lex. 753, ignavia, hom. 1, 83. atellen , 0. H. Germ, arzellan , enarrarsy hom. 2, 113. aprawen? of his horse he apreu La^. 807"". awakien — (hi) awakede hine misc. 32. awecchen — hio apehten hine Marh 4, 38. a — a ha "evax", prompt. 8. k, O.Icel. a JEgilss. lex. 3, O.L.Germ. eo, io Schm. gloss. 28 Sf 65, Heine s gloss. 131; ffi (= a ?) La^. 1269. aighpanen '■^undique\ Marh 1, 45. aywhare, -whore Man. 721 8f 6285. ache — eche h. m. 35; comp. heavedeche. ache, Fr. aclie , "apium", prompt. 6; spec. 26; comp. loveache. adamant, O.Fr. adamant, diamond, '^adamas\ prompt. 6; Chauc. C. t. a 1990. adiing addling, meritum, Orm. 17705. «fre — ever ant aa Marh. 17. aeftcr afterende hom. 2, 199, sep ~ ar, Or Trev. 1, 131. erdede hom. 2, 153. %t setbreiden — setbroiden (part.) Mat. 21, 43. aeteowen — ateopede, atepede Mat. 2, 7 ^' /5. setlseten remit? edie ben alle pO pe here giltes ben atl^ten hom. 2, 69. af see of. aflcn — avelen produce, obtain, hom. 2, 157, age misc. 35. ahtlieii — ettled (pres.) hom. 2, 79^ 584 akerii acorn fachornj; acharns fpl.j Irev. 1, J93. al — al ffor alne) dai o. a. n. 373. almihten omnipotent, La\ 16783; almih- tin horn. 1, 15; almigtin st. gen. 30. almaunde^ Fr. amande, almond, ^^am\jgdalum\ 'prompt. 10; almondes fpl.J I. c. c. 9. almarie^ O.Fr. almarie, almaire, ahnry, aum~ ry ; almari ^^armarium\ prompt. 10; al- maries (pi.) Langl. b 14, 246. alum^ O.Fr. alum, alum, a. p. 2, 1035. amboht see under and-. ametist^ Fr. amethyste, amethyst, p. I. s. XXXV, 93; amatiste misc. 98. an — nis on pe non liolinesse o. a. n. 900; he is feyr & briht on heowe misc. 96. aforeward := foreward : Judas com avore- ward misc. 42. ?ongart ogart, arrogance, m. h. 49. anhitten hit on? wip swerde ihc pe an- hitte Horn ed. Lum. 7 12. anlich — Saxons . . . liight(e) alle oll- che (alike? similiter J Man. 41. oluhnen — olhnede (pret.J Jul. 53. All — for pen one (ms. ])e none) Jul. b 223. ankenned unogenitus, Orm. 7 141. anil- audreden Mark 6, 50. andseche, A. Sax. andsa^c /'., denial, horn. 2, 147. andsete adversary, horn. 2, 115. antenden — atende Ber. 2728. and ~ and, end 3£ark 1, 40 8f 3, 26. anis, Fr. anis, afiise, (ms. anys) spec. 26. appel appulyerd apple-yard, prompt. 13. appulhord prompt. 13. appulseller prompt. 13. ar — erres (pi. J pr. c. 5327 . arch^ Fr. arc, arch, areas, prompt 14. archangel^ Lat. archangelus, archangel, hoin. 1, 41. archebischop — erchebiscliop Man. 6873. archediacnc archdeacon; arcedelme ^^^. i7^. are arwurde, A. Sax. arpyrde, venerabilis. arp(u)rdllce venerahiliter, horn. 1, 229. ar) — areu o. a', n. 1498. ars arsroppe Wicl. 1 kings 5. arsparmym^. harsparm) vac. 186. arswisp prompt. 14. askien — esclie misc. 137 . assene^ O.lcel. asna, asina. Mat. 21, 2. autorite^ Fr. autorite, authority, Man. 14596. aveleu see alien. badien — pat at pi 3ate bat (= badep ?) c. I. 884. ballard calvus, Trev. 1, 241. bandon — habben him spa a bandun horn, 1, 189. barlic — barliche (dat.J Trev. 1, 405. batte — battes (pi. J Trev. 1, 381; bottes 7nisc. 43. baud ■=. ribaud? bauson — bausons (pi. J Trev. 1, 327 : beatere beater ; comp. marketbetere. bed bedrede Man. 8964. belle tunica, Trev. 1, 403. bend — bendes (pi. J misc. 53. benisouu; O.Fr. beneison, leyiison, benedictdo^ Man. 6961. berfrei — berfreis (pi. J Man. 1031. berie — comp. iviberye. berieu see bur3en. bernak(e)^ bernaldle, Fr. barnache, barna- que, barnacle, prompt. 32 Sf 33; bernacle ''camus\ Wicl. 2 kings 19; men of re- ligion etep bernakes Trev. 1, 335; bar- nacles canii, 353. bi — be po ialde laghe 7nisc. 27. bigalen — bigaled (pres.J horn, 2, 197, biginne deceive? misc. 79. bigrgedeu — bigreded (pres.J horn. 2, 69. bilean, A. Sax. belean, prohibere vttupe- 5B& rando: for t5 bileande (= bileanne) pat n6 man perpe pe gilt . . . aniippeii god horn, 2, 107. bischinen — beshine Ber. 1113; beschi- ue (part. J Trev. 1, 325. bisichen gemere; bislcbed fprea.J horn. 2, 201. ' bismere, busmere Trev. 1, 179. bitrumen — bitrumede (fret.) horn. 2, 87. biwi^elien — bipihelen Jul. 66. l)iker pugna, Man. 9234. bille hill, scJieda, Chauc. C. t. c 170. bla blaman — blomen fpl.J Trev. i, 45. blakien — blakede fpret.J Jul. 48. bleiichen — bleint fpret.J Man. 1522 blenchte, blencte Jul. 73. bljeten — blete Ber. 3245. bliken — comp. abllken. blome Man. 4166. bokere "scriha\ Mat. 8, 19. bolken — bolked fv. r. balked) fpret.J Trev. 2, 195. bonde misc. 77; bonde (pi. J 89. bosard see busard. box 7:6^1?, ^om. 2, 143. bread bredcorn bread-corn, Langl. 6, 64 (7 , 58 J. bred see brerd. breoseii? comp. tobreosen. briuk — brinke (dat.J Man. 4623. Bristowe Bristol, Trev. 2, 35. broche — hap set a broche (ahroachj pe tonne Lidg. m. p. 164. brocTer — brodre (pl.J Mark 12, 20; brOp- ren (dat. pl.J misc. 53. bruehe — comp. mund-, schipbruche bruggeii^ A.Sax. brycgean(?), hridge; brigge- den (pret.J horn. 2, 91. brusche Man. 8338. buc Jul. 71. buggen — begge, bigge Irev. 2, 19. buld — buldes '^aedificia\ Irev. 2, 71. bulten — bulte Chauc. C. t. h 4430. bunsen — tundere pat is bete and bounse- Trev. 1, 281. bur) bui;ghbreche, A.Sax. buruhbryce, -brice, laesio urhis, Trev. 2, 95. burhpare "civitas", Mat. 21, 10. bur^e^ber^e shelter f pat per atwond purh wode bur^e La-^. 2168. burden — berie, berye Chanc. C. t. c 884. burden — beriene (dat. pl.J Mat. 23, 27. ber|»eii "partus", Irev. 2, 197. buschen? ibusched wip pomes Man. 9194. butle, 0. L. Germ, butli Forstem. namenh. 2, ^i^, rrbotle? (ms. buttle) horn. 2, 185. eaiser^ — kaiser misc. 96. calk calceus; calken (dat. pl.J Mark 6, 9. canel — chanel Trev. 1, 133. eanune^ O.i^r. canogne, canon; csinxmQa (pl.J 0. a. n. 729. carbuncle^ O.Fr. carboncle, carhuncle, Trev. 2, 235. carolen^ O.Fr. caroler, carol; karoled (part.) Man. 1777. castel castelwal Man. 5078. clef see clif, cleowe — a clewe of prede Trev. 2, 385. clibbe? misc. 144. cliccheu? cli3te (pret.J Ber. 2515; clighte Chest, myst. 1, 115; in ^oure armour so fast icli3t ass. 7 19. clokke Chauc. C. t. b 4044. clot — clottes (pl.J Trev. 2, 23. cnorre^ 0. Dutch M. 11. Germ, knorre, hnor, tuber; knor Ber. 2514. coc "gallus\ Mark 14, 68. cockunge — cokkinge Trev. 2, 83. col colfox Chauc. C. t. b 4405. colien — cOlede (pret.J Jul. 70. copeiiere adulter, Trev. 2, 199. cops, A.Sax. cops; comp. fOt-, sweorcops. cotelere^ Fr. coutelier, cutler, Ber. 3296. ediTe horn. 2, 177. 74 586 coughen — coughed, kowlied fpret.J Trev. 2, 195, cr&wen — crew fpret.J Chauc. C. t. h 4387 . erike (printed trike) st. gen. 2947. cun cunreden Jul. 60. cnude — comp. godcunde. chanel see canel. charche charge, g. 358. cheafer^ A. Sax. ceafor, O.H.Germ. chevar, kever (Iruchm), chafer; cheaffers ^^scara- haei\ Trev. 2, 211. chene^ chine, Dutch keen, ^^hiatu8\ Trev. 1, 233 Sf 415; see chine (chine?) chepin^ A. Sax. cepan, c^pan, venderef Jul. 62; cheptan fpret.J Mark 11, 15. cherTcl, Fr. cerfeuil, chervil, "caerefoliu'm\ prompt. 73; chervelles, cherveles fpl.J Laogl h 6, 296. chetel Jul. h 54. chew — purmene cheu horn. 2, 121. chikeu — chikene fpl.j Mat. 23, 37. child Mat. 2, 9. chinibe — chimbes fpl.J Man. 11387 . chireche — chereche misc. 31. chirchsocne horn. 2, 89. chost see cheaste. chucken chuck, singultire; chukketh fpres.J Chauc. C. t. h 4372. da^ — daghen fdat. pi. J misc. 35; bi olde dawe 47. daired St. cod. 97 . dajeninge — daweninge Chau^. C. t. h 4072. date^ Fr. date, date, Man. 17 47 . de- desire desire, desiderium, Man. 7956. delinge partitio, divisio, Trev. I, 247; camp. todelinge. dis- desconfite discoinfit, Man. 13944. defien — defied fpret.J Langl. b 20, 65. deshontir dishonour, Man. 6242. ddm domkete horn. 2, 83. drednesse timor, pavor, Jul. 69. dune — dine hom. 2, 117 . duppen — duppep fpres.j Irev. 1, 117 . durreii — durst (part.) Man. 6362. dusien — he desiged Mark 2, 7 . duYen — & def . . . dun to per eorde Jul. 76. eald — ialde (dat.) misc. 27 . eaneu (enen) — i)ened (part.) Trev. 2^ 303. eardinge — erding hom. 2, 159. earm armhertnesse misericordia, hom. 2, 95. earmd'e — ermde '^paenuria\ Mark 12, 44. easter — eastern (pi.) Mark 14, 1. esterfeste Brand. 10. eajf edluke easily pulled, Jul. 70. eax axtreo Jul. 56. ebbeii — ebbed (pres.) hom. 2, 143. eisil — eisile (dai,) Mark 15, 36. ele — olie st. gen. 1548; oile, uile ayenh. 93. elmesse almesful charitable, Orm. 9931 ; Bek. 1674. en- , enbaumen embalm ; enbaumed (pret.) Langl. b 17, 70. enclosen — aclosed (part.) Shoreh. 145. eow — yu misc. 33. eower — eopren (dat. pi.) Mark 6, 11. erre see ar. cs- ebaissen — abaischt (part.) Man. 5062. scalden, Ital. scaldare, Lat. excaldare, scald, Hick. thes. 1, 229; pr. c. 6576; scoldep (pres.) ayenb. 66; schaldinde (part.) a. r.-246; scaldand ps. 82, 10 ; iscalded (pret. part.) Chauc. C. t. a 2020. 587 affrai, O.Fr. esfroi, a fir ay, Man. 9054. issen, 0. Fr. issir, issue, exire ; isseden fpret.J Man. 3466. etlen see ahtlien. f^tie — evetes (printed enetes) fpl.J Trev, 1, 335. fs^nien — fele shule fagenien on his bur- de horn. 2, 135. f^le _ fele, feele 2rev. 1, 399. fah — vOuh ne gray misc. 96. faiteu deceive? Langl. h 7, 94. faitonr^ O.Fr. faitour, deceiver? faitours, faitoures fpl.J Langl. 10, 71 (11, 68). faken — facne ^^tiequitia', Mat. 22, 18. famieu — femin Jul. 68. famine^ Fr. famine, famine, Chauc. C. t. c 451. fan — fanne Chauc. C. t. a 3315. fandien — comp. ifandien. fauchon^ O.Fr. fauchon, falchion, Langl. ed. Wr. 9622. fele — fele (vele) prenche o. a. n. 813. femen see famien. feiiile for defende, Man. 6491. feopren "a longe\ Mark 5, 6 ; feme Man. 5040. feorsien — fersien hom. 2, 205. fesiii — fesep (vesep) a wey Trev. 1, 339 i- 2, n. fctercM — fetered (fart.) Man. 8568. flamme — flaumbe Langl. h 17, 207. ilammen^ O.Fr. flamber, flame; flaumep, flaumbeth (pres.) Langl. h 17 , 225. flaschen — flaschep and waschep Trev. 1, 63. flecked — flekked Trev. 1, 159. fole — pan folen ^^pullurn\ Marie 11, 5. for — for pan pat hit nO pit n6t o. a. n. 780; far pat ich fleo bl nihte 365. forbeoden — furbed (pret.) Man. 9158. forgrowen ? forgrOupen mid brimbles hom. 2, 129. forhOren — forhOred (part.) hom. 2, 81. forli3er — forleigre "fornicatioms\ Mark 7, 21. forscalden — forscaldede, forschaldede (pret) Jul. 70 Sf 71. forsenchen submerge; forsenchtest forseno test (pret.) Jul. 60 Sf 61. forslOwpen, forslewpen lose through sloth, Chauc. C. t. h 4286. forspillen — pile . . . forspille ''perdi" derif, Mat. 16, 25. forteon, A. Sax. forteon Greins gloss. 2, 332, O.H.Germ. fsLTziuha.n, seduce; for- ted (pres.) hom. 2, 87. fortreden — fortreden (part.) hom. 2, 153. fortuhten, A.Sax. fortyhtan, seduce? for- tehten (pret.) hom. 2, 87. fortuhting seducement, hom. 2, 105. fore foreland foreland; forlondes (pi.) Trev. 1, 305. forewlten — fore-, forwot praescit, Chaue. C. t. b 4438. fore — he folwed pe fOre of an oxe Trev. 1, 197. formest — fermeste Mark 12, 30. fot fotcopses "compedes\ Mark 5, 4. fra frowardliche frowa — po heo bet dO ne mihte o. a. n. 1070. te — wi(p) pi, for wip pan Man. 8997. ^eoh — pies (pi.) misc. 51. |»ln — pine songes (gen.) o. a. n. 896. l»r«d — prede (dat.) misc. 77. jjrea(=pra) — purch his pre creftes (pre- creftes?) horn. 2, 167. |>urlen — pruUe Trev. 1, 339. umbe umbclusen circumcludere ; umbclosed (pret.) Man. 4080. nn- unfaele — jje unfele man hom. 2, 79. unhal — unhole (pi.) misc. 82. unheled inopertus, Trev. 1, 367. unihoded not ordained, o. a. n. 1178. unlef disagreeable, hom. 2, 189. unmight Man. 15564. unwiht indigntis, o. a. n. 339. un- untanen — untlned (imperat.) hom. 2, 115. under undersetten — undersette (pret.) Man. 284. 592 uppen — leide upe (up) pis dede man /. h. r. 44. Are nostrum, misc. 142. uriii(ej^ Fr. urine, urine, Man. 9011. uyelien — evelep fpres.J Trev. 1, 81. uvere — uvere breyh (uverbreyh?) super- cilium, misc. 150; in pe over side ^Hn swperiori parte\ Trev. 1, 121 . Talliant^ Fr. vaillant, valiant, Man. 6952. venerie^ Fr. venerie, venery, Man. 856. wa w5sith Man. 15712. wsepen wepentake (-take?), A. Sax. p£epen(ge)ta- ce Ettm. lex. 129, wapentake, Trev. 2, 87. wakieu misc. 42; wakiep fimperat.J ibid. wallen — pul (pret.) horn. 2, 167. wan see hwan. wand (want ?) — wontes fpl.J Trev. 1, 339. wanien — wanye Man. 1255. war) wary- , weryaugel, 0. II. Germ, warch- engil, hutcher-bird, Ghauc. C. t. d 1408. waritreo misc. 51. welm — welmes scatelrae, Trev. i, 429. weoreld — werd Man. 222. Weye (Wie) Man. 8304. pesterne^ A.Sax. pestern(?), desert, horn. 2, 129. wis — mid pisse hom. 2, 25. witen — it is tO witinge (= witene) Trev. 1, 347. wlate wlatful Trev. 2, 167. Woden — Mercuri is on oure langage Wd- den 31an. 7372. wosen ooze: wosep oute Trev. 1, 63. CORRECTIONS. •age 2 a, line 25, read 235 )j .2 b, 5) 3, „ Wr. for Web. « 16, „ aclominid » 7 a, » 15, „ gan(n)e n ' 10 h, » 30, „ acusi n 12 b, » 23, „ ai, for ay n 13 a, » 42, „ ahwider . . . ahpider » 43, „ ouhpuder n 14 b. 5) 1, insert ebare, before La), )) 21, read evenli5th n 17 b. )J 21, insert p&t, before is »> 18 a. » 35, read at win den n 21 a, )> 31, » v^v J) 21 b, )) 44, „ elvish n 23 a, ?> 29, „ pille n 30 b, « 40, „ ?n. h. 141, for Wr, diet. n 37 a, » 43, „ Bearrucscire n 41 b. » 9, „ overcomen 11 50 a. ?) 1, „ 18396, for 11302 n 53 b. » 4, „ bisape w 54 a, J» 2, „ bisemen n 54 b, » 28, „ J)oru n 55 a, » 19, „ bistaded » 74 b, » 1, insert brenge, before ayetib. n 80 b. » 5, read voc. 255; boude prompt. n 101 a, ?> 42, „ credil, for credel n 103 b, ?) 18, insert b, before 8 n 104 a, )) 24, read tre n 107 a, » 8, „ comble »> 108 a, ») 39, » rigt )) 115 a, J) 21, „ te, for pe j> 130 a, » 5, „ Dorkcestre n 142 b. )) 26, add fms. yare) n 145 a, ?) 27, read 379, for 369 n 149 b. ?J 43, „ 81 n 156 a, J> 39, insert fer, before Mapes n 156 b. )> 8, read 2086 n 168 a, » 42, » 22 » 186 a. )) 23, ^ „ mon » 192 a. » 1, „ levis « 193 b, » 23, insert fulwaxen, before p. )) 206 b. J> 23, read grounde 5) 209 a, » 1, „ 1494 )) 210 a, » 42, „ 7 b, for 72 J? 220 b. » 2, „ 6708 » 231 b. » 1, „ iwalden )J 232 b. )) 42, add iwrohte . . . (& 4208 )) 241 a. » 36, read 3eo)e])e ?) 242 a, )> 32, insert hefde, before hafde J) 246 a, )) 24, read 957, for 6474 » 280 a, » 6, „ hudlese 107 594 Page I 285 b, line 14, read omen J) 288 b, 57 28, 77 wu, for pu )) 289 b, 5? 27, 77 lies (ms. yles) )) 290 a, JJ 43, 57 XX, jj 291 b, 5) 37, 55 iniiemest, innemest ?j 800 b, If 6, prestes ?) 308 a, >> 29, 55 1217 V 321 a, ?) 43, 55 129 V 326 b, ?? 4, 77 1939 V 331 a, » 30, insert of, before mene » 341 a, )> 34, read 3S2 JJ 345 a, J? 31, 55 media J) 352 a, » 3, 55 1422 V 367 b, ?J 32, dele OJcel. nordr fseptemtrlonem versus). » 369 a, )} 23, read useful V 373 a, » 44, insert ne, after me »> 385 b, ?> 41, read pli)te ?) 386 b, n 27, 57 bij^ennis » 396 b, ?» 27, dele (part,) 7) 399 a, )) 39, read rouhte, for rohte ^J 412 b, 7? 38, 75 2490 ^> 423 a, 77 37, J, shad, for schad ?) 434 b, 7? 27, 55 saine » 452 a, 77 21, ), snevied, and take this to sneven V 455 a, 77 36, 57 "veridicus''' V 457 b, 77 43, 57 1792 )> 465 a, 77 43, ,, 43, 18 ^) 477 a, 77 23, 75 1392 ?J 480 b, 77 24, 57 lipes ?) 487 b, 77 8, dele * 1) 496 a, 7) 23, read d, for a ?J 497 a, 77 15, insert tit, before Marg. 77 16, dele tit J» 505 b, J7 34, read wel » 515 a, J7 31, 77 72, for 312 » 520 b, 77 42, 57 dogt 57 538 b, 40, 77 hour, misc. 34; oure jj 545 a, 7? 17, 77 wailend )) 546 b, 77 33, 55 13021 -)> 550 a, 77 38, 57 2216 Printed by Kramer and Bauni, Krefeld. -^jnrx' ToUiH ?<^^)!a^^^^9!* department '^^*»^ ^02 Ma in Library LOAN PERIOD 1 ' HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7^AYS Renewols and Rechorges .oy be .ode 4 days pnor to the due dote Books moy be Renewed by calling 642-3405. 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