QA 165 16 60 ENGINEERING & MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY -^-*'; , ,_ •': ,. -''■_■ <• '-'4 Jalifornia Regional 'acility "Vx .■'**■■ ■r-^ ^l.V >^ .*::V T. 'MMir THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 8061 "IZ NVt IW 711^0 'ao;ji30is oni soig pJOi^BO jsputg jaiqduiBd junoLUomn Jl ' ON THE IMPRIMITIVE SUBSTITUTION GROUPS OF DEGREE FIFTEEN AND THE PRIMITIVE SUBSTITUTION GROUPS OF DEGREE EIGHTEEN A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF.BRYN MAWR COLLEGE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Bv EMILIE NORTON MARTIN iqoi Z^ £orb (§attimott (prcee The Friedenwald Company baltimore, mu., u. s. a. ON THE IMPRIMITIVE SUBSTITUTION GROUPS OF DEGREE FIFTEEN AND THE PRIMITIVE SUBSTITUTION GROUPS OF DEGREE EIGHTEEN A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF BRYN MAWR COLLEGE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By EMILIE NORTON MARTIN IQOI The Friedenwald Company baltimore, md., u. s. a. Engineering & Mathematical Sciences Library MS4><5-' Oil the Imprimitive Substitution Groups of Degree Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. By Emilie Norton Martin. The following work is, with some slight modifications, the same as that of which an abstract was presented at the summer meeting of the American Mathe- matical Society in 1899. With regard to the imprimitive groups of degree fifteen, which form the subject matter of the first part of this paper, it should be stated that I have added two new groups to the list as originally presented, namely, the groups with five systems of imprimitivity simply isomorphic to the alternating and symmetric groups of degree 5, and that Dr. Kuhn reported at the February meeting of the Society, 1900, that he had carried the investigation further, adding 28 to the 70 groups that I succeeded in finding. In the second part of this paper the determination of the primitive groups of degree 18 depends to a great extent upon the lists of transitive groups of lower degrees already determined. Any new discovery of groups of degree less than 18 would necessitate an examination of such groups to determine whether they can be combined with others in such a way as to generate a primitive group of degree 18. This list, therefore, cannot claim to be abso- lutely complete, since omissions are always possible. Imprimitive Svhstitution Groups of Degree Fifteen. Every imprimitive group contains a self-conjugate intransitive subgroup consisting of all the operations that interchange the elements of the systems of imprimitivity among themselves without interchanging the systems. Therefore, the problem of the determination of all imprimitive groups of degree 15 falls into two parts: 1st, the determination of all intransitive groups of degree 15 21643.3 2 Martin : On the Imprimitlve Substitution Groups of Degree capable of becoming the self-conjugate subgroups of such imprimitlve groups ; 2d, the determination of substitutions that will interchange the systems of imprimitivity and at the same time fulfill other conditions depending upon the particular group under discussion. The intransitive self-conjugate subgroup is called for shortness the head, the remaining substitutions of the imprimitive group are designated as the tail, a terminology that has been adopted by Dr. G. A. Miller in his papers on imprimitive groups. The elements of an imprimitive group of degree 15 may fall into three sys- tems of five elements each, or into five systems of three each. For the first of these cases, certain theorems given by Dr. G, A. Miller (Quar. Jour. Math., vol. XXVIII, 1896) are useful. With a slight modification in notation in order to adapt them to the notation of this paper, they are as follows, where G^ repre- sents a group in the elements with index 1, while G^ and G^ represent precisely the same group in the elements with indices 2 and 3. Theorem I. — All the substitutions that can be used to construct tails are {a\al .... a\) all {ajal . . . . a^) all {alal .... al) all \ (a\alal . alajal aWnCil) . («i«i • «2«2 «n«n) f — {a\al . . . . al) all (afal .... a^) all {alal .... a') all. Theorem II. — If G^ = ((A^l • • • • «n) all, there are three imprimitive groups with the common head {G^G~G^) pos, and two with the common head G^ pos GF pos G^ pos -+- G^ neg G^ neg G^ neg. Theorem III. — If G^ =. (ala] .... a\) pos, there are three imprimitive groups luith the common head G^G~G^, and three with the common head {G^6r^G^)i^ j^ i . Theorem IV. — If the head w G^G^G^, there is only one group which corresponds to (abc) eye. The possible heads for these groups are got either by the direct multiplica- tion of transitive groups of degree 5 in the three systems of elements, or by the establishment of isomorphic relations between such groups. The transitive groups of degree 5 are five in number, and fall naturally into two categories, the first containing the symmetric group and its self-conjugate subgroup, the alternating group, the second containing the metacyclic group, together with its two self-conjugate transitive subgroups. These five groups are represented respectively by (aia^asa^a^) all, {aia^a^a^a^) pos, ((ha^a^a^a^).;^, {a^a^asa^a^^o, {aia^asa^a^)^ . Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. 3 P>om the first two groups come the following heads : I. {a\alalalal) all (alalaldlal) all {alalalalal) all = A7280oo- 11. \(a\alalalal) all (alalalalal) all (afa^c4«4«l) all| pos = Esmm- II I . (alalalalal) pos (a?a|a|a|a^) pos (af«|al«I)2o («i«3«Ift!(''5)2o } 10, 10, 10 = ^sooo- X. (alalalalaWo («i«a«3«4«5)io («i«l«3(«4«5)io = ^looo- XI. -I (alala]alal)oo (alalalalaDsa (oi^i^l^^^D^ol 5, 5, 5 = ^soo- XII. ] (alalqlalaDiQ (aia|«^a^a|)io (alahlalafji^i \ 5, 5, 5 = ^250- XIII. (alalalalal) eye (alafalalal) eye (ajalaga^al) eye = H^z^. XIV. (aja2<^3c4«5 • (^i(«|«3«l«5 . ai«|«|«|«|)oo = -Sao- XV. (alalalalal . a^ala^alal . «i«3<^<3'/4«5)io = -^lo- XVI. (alalalalal . afalalapl . alalalaldf) eye. = H^. The groups corresponding to these heads may be isomorphic either to (a^d\i^) eye or to (a^a^a^) all. To generate a group isomorphic to (a^a^a^) eye a substitu- tion with the following properties must be added to the head : it must have its cube in the head, it must interchange all three systems, and it must transform the head into itself. Calling the group so found G, the groups isomorphic to (a^a^a^) all may be found by combining with G any substitution that has its square in the head, that interchanges two of the systems leaving the third unaffected, and that transforms H into itself, and G into itself. As all the heads given above are symmetric in the three sets of elements, each head furnishes two groups by means of the symmetrically formed substitutions s = a{aiai . alar,al . a^ayil . a\aiai . atfliai , t = a\ai . a\a% . a^a^ . aial . a'^a^ . The letters s and t are used throughout this section of the paper to denote these particular substitutions, other substitutions fulfilling the same conditions being denoted by the same letters with suflQxes. 4 Martin : On the Imprimitive Substitution Groups of Degree According to Theorem I, anys„ or ^„ must be the product of some substitution, (7„, of the most general head, ^17289001 by s or t. Therefore a^ must be a substitution of a subgroup of ^j^ogooo that contains the special 5" under consideration as a self- conjugate subgroup. We may now proceed to the determination of the groups to be derived from the various heads taken in order. I. ^1728000 gives us, according to Theorem I, only the two groups, j^i728ooo, s, i of order 5184000i, and J5i728ooo, «, t\ of order 10368000. II. j5864ooo gives us, in accordance with Theorem II, three distinct groups. Of these, two are the groups, j^eeiooo, A of order 2592000i, ) 5864000. ^^ i\ of order 51840002, A a that transforms the head into itself without belonging in the head is a =: a\a\ . This cannot be combined with s , as {psY is an odd substitution ; it may, however, be combined with t . The remaining group is therefore •| i?864ooo. '5, «i«2 . ^[ of order 5I840OO3 . Of these two groups of order 5184000, the first contains both odd and even substitutions, the second only even. III. jS432ooo gives, by Theorem II, the two groups ]^4320oo>«t of order 1296000i, 1^432000, s,t\ of order 25920000. IV. 5216000 gives us, by Theorem III, three distinct groups, a = a\a\ trans- forms the head into itself, but when combined with s it gives an odd substitu- tion whose cube cannot be found in the head. The substitution at furnishes us however, with a new t^. The three groups are, therefore, l^oieooo, s\ of order 648000, \Rmm^ s,t\ of order 1296OOO2, 1^216000. «. «i«2-^l of order 1296OOO3. The two groups of order 1296000 are distinct, since the one contains both odd and even substitutions, the other only even. Fifteen and the Primitive /Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. 5 V. ff^oQ is not contained self-conjugately in any larger subgroup of 5"i728ooo> therefore only the two following groups can be formed from it : {^120, s\ of order 360i, \Hi2o,s, t\ of order 720. VI. ^eo gives, in accordance with Theorem TIT, three groups : J^eo, s] of order 180, \ITqo, s, t\ of order 3602, \ H^Q, s, a\al . «!«! . a^al . ^[ of order BGOg. The last of these groups consists entirely of even substitutions. The remaining heads are all composed of substitutions of the type VliW^^V^a^U^vl.ut, (1) where v,,i^=- aldlala], u^i= a\alala\al, while v^i, Ua2, v^^, w^s denote the same sub- stitutions written in elements with the indices 2 and 3 respectively. The substi- tutions Va'y Ua^ generate the metacyclic group in the five elements with index 1, these substitutions being subject to the conditions The most general s^ is given by From this we find ,9f = <+^ + 'n,^.< + * + ''7^S.<3+'' + '^iC, (3) where X=2'{ 2^ -f Z^i) -f Cj , ^ v= 2'^(2''ci + ai) -f ^. J Transformation of the general substitution (1) by s^ gives us Sa^K^ u-a^ v^^, iC vl^ ut s^ = vl ulx vl, ul. v^^.u''^,, ( 5 ) where ;^ = «! -f 2"a' — Ta-^ , -j l, = h, + 2'^'-2%,^ (6) 1. = Ci + 2 Y' — 2^Ci , ) The general substitution of the group G= \TI, s^\ is T=slv:.u^:.vl.u^vl.itt.. (7) 6 Martin : On the Imprimitive Substitution Groups of Degree The most general t^ is given by t^ = vluOviluilv%u'^,t. (8) Upon squaring this substitution, we get tl = v'',^ + "' M^ vll + '^ K. v'J^ K,, (9) where 2,= ^^'Gs + bs,^ fi=2''^b,+a,l (10) On transforming the general substitution T by the general t^, we have, after a straight-forward calculation, the following expression for the case x= I: tj'T^^,t^ = s^^v-.''^ + ''' + ^+''K.vl\-'^-^'' + UCv-.'^ + '^ + '' + ''ii':,^, (11) where ^= — 2''^-"» + ^+V3 + 2' + '^ai + 2*^/3' + h,, ^ r = — 2'^'-*' + ^ + ''Z>3 + 2^+'^^&i + 2'y' + Cg. j We may now return to the consideration of special groups. VII. i/gooo gives only the two groups formed with s and t, as any a that might be used is already contained in this head. The groups are, therefore, {jSgooo, s\ of order 24000i, ^^eooo, s, t\ of order 48000. YIII. iTiooo ^^s the general substitution (1) subject to the condition a -\- (3 + y= (mod 2). From (3), it is evident that s„ is subject to the condition a-{-b -}- c = (mod 2). Therefore, s^ is already in the group generated by ^4000 and by s, and there is only one group isomorphic to (a^a^a^) eye. We find by (9) that every t^ has its square in the head, and by (11), that every f^ transforms the head into itself, therefore, we may take as a new t^ the simplest substitution for which ^3 -\- b^ + Co= 1 (mod 2), viz. : Vat = a\a{ . cqa^a^a^rr^aia^iao. The three groups with this head are, therefore, ]^40oo> -^f of order I2OOO1, jFjooo. 5. ^f of order 24OOO2, J-&4000' *' ^a^|- of order 24OOO3. Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. 7 Of these groups the first and third consist of even substitutions, the second of even and odd. IX. ^2000 has the general substitution subject to the condition a = ^ = y (mod 2). From (3) and (5), it is phxin that every s^ can be used to generate a group of the kind required. The only possible form for the cofactor of s, if it is not to give the group generated by s and the head, is Vaivl-iV^i, where a, b, c do not fulfill the condition a = b = c (mod 2). The simplest form for such a cofactor, and a form to which all others reduce, is found by making two of the exponents vanish and the third become equal to 1, e. g., Si== VgiS == a\(ila\ .alalalalalalaldlalalalal. Now, 81=: Si .VaxVa^Vas aud sl =z sf . vliV^ivls ] we may, therefore, take s\ as the s. in the place of §1 and still have the same group. But si^= (vl-^vlz)'^ s {vliV%)^ therefore the group we have now found is merely the transformed of the group generated by s with respect to the substitution v^vlz. Consequently, there is but one group corresponding to the cyclic group of degree three. If, in addition to the group given by t, we have a group given by t^, then according to the relations derived from (11), a.^^b.y^c^ (mod 2), i. e., the pos- sible values of ^^ are already present in the group generated with the help of t. The two imprimitive groups with this head are, therefore, the groups ]^2ooo. s\ of order 6000. j/^Mooo, s,t\ of order 1200O2. In this, and all following work, the terms u in the cofactors of s and t are taken as unity, unless the contrary is expressly stated. X. ^jooo has its general substitution subject to the condition a = l3 = y = (mod 2). By Theorem IV, this head gives only one group isomorphic to {abc) eye. If, in addition to the substitution t, there is a substitution fp, the relations satisfied by the exponents of the v^s in (11) reduces to a^^ib-i — c^ (mod 2). We have, therefore, two distinct groups according as ag is even or odd. The three groups with this head are j ^1000 ' * ) of oi"der SOOOj , j^iooo. s, t] of order 6OOO2, ]^iooo> '5, Va^Va^VaJ] of Order 6OOO3. XI. ^500 subjects the general substitution to the conditions a=^ ^ =■ y, where a =: 0, 1, 2, 3. Since every substitution s^ satisfies the necessary conditions, the following independent types of s„ must be examined: Va^s, vl.s, vliS, Va^vl^s. The 8 Martin : On the Iinprimitivc Substitution Groups of Degree fourth power of these substitutions is in every case the transformed of s with respect to some combination of the ^-'s; therefore, they give nothing new. The possible forms for t^ are derived from the equation easily deducible from (11); — Co + b^^Oi — c.^ = — ^2 + ^2 (mod 4), which, taken in conjunction with the limited range of values of ao' ^2- ^z^ gives org =: Z>2 = c^. That is, every possible t^ is alread}^ included in the group generated by t. This head gives accordingly only the two groups, ]^5oo, s\ of order 1500i, ^iJgoo, s,t\ of order SOOOg. XII. i?25o subjects the general substitution (1) to the conditions a == /? = }/=0 (mod 2). To determine an s^, we have from (3) the condition a + 6 + c = (mod 2). An examination of the four apparently distinct types of s„, v\s, v^v.^s, vfv^s, vlvls, shows that just as in the last set of groups, these each give a group that can be derived from the group generated by s by means of an easy trans- formation. The possible forms f^ must fulfill the conditions, deducible from (1 1), — « g + b2 = — 60 + 02 = — C2-{- a2 = (mod 2) and also — 02 + 62 = ^2 — ^i (mod 4). These reduce to the simple condition a^ = bo = Co, which furnishes the substi- tution t^ = Va^ Va7 v^z t. Thls hcad gives therefore the three groups, ]^2oo» ^1 of order 750i, {Eo^Q, s, t\ of order 150O2, ]J525o,s, Va^Va-iVai t\ of ordcr ISOOg. The second group alone contains odd substitutions. XIII. ^125 gives in accordance with Theorem IV only one group in which the systems are interchanged cyclically. The general substitution of this head is subject to the condition a = /? = ^ = 0. Applying this condition to (9) and (11) we find (^2 ^= ^2 =^ <^2 ' while a^ lies under the further restriction of being even. Therefore we have in addition to t the substitution, J "> 2 5 J 1" 12 1'' A '> 12 ^3 S3 i^ =. Va^v^^K^ t = a\ai. aias.agaj.ojag. aiai. aoal.alal. The three groups given by this head are, 1^125, s\ of order 375, \Ei2bi ^) i\ of order 75O2, {^i25» s,VaiVa2Va3t\ of ordcr 750g. XIV. ^20 imposes upon the exponents of the general term the conditions Fifteen and the Primitive Suhstitation Groups of Degree Eighteen. 9 a = 13 = '/, a'=-P'=.y'. Making use of this in (5) and (6) we find 2"a' = 2V = 2'^ a' (mod 5) , which gives at once az=.h=ic. Using this latter equaUty in the equations that are deduced from (3) and (4) we find a^ = 5^ = Ci with the single exception of the case a = 0, where the equations become indeterminate, being satisfied by every value of a^, Sj, c^. An examination of all of the appa- rently independent sets of value for %, 6^, c^ shows that in every case the group is transformable into that generated by .9 alone. In order to determine all sub- stitutions t^ we use the equation, derived from (11), — a^_ + So^ag — ^3 = '^2 — ^3 (mod. 4), from which follows at once t/g = b^ = c.,. From (12), by making use of the special case a = (3 =^'y =^ 0, can be derived the relations — a^-\- 1)^ = — Cg + «3 = — ^ + C3 (mod. 5); i, e, ag = ^3 = Cg. The only groups with this head are therefore the two groups, ]5oo, s\ of order 6O1, 1 530, s, t\ of order 120. XV. HiQ has the general term (1) subject to the conditions a = ;5 = )/ = (mod 2), a' = /?' = y'. By precisely the same line of argument as that laid down in the preceding case we arrive at the conclusion a=ib = c, a^ = b^z=c^, ^3 = S3 = C2, ag =: &g =: Cg. In this work, too, the indeterminate values of a^, b^, c^ require a careful examination that leads to no new group. From this head come, therefore, the three groups, \HiQ, s\ of order 30i, \HiQ, s, t\ of order GO,, jiTio, ^. v„^Va, Va^ t\ of ordcr 6O3. Of these three groups the second alone involves odd substitutions. XYI. H^ imposes upon the general term the conditions a=: (3 = y =: 0, a' = /?' = y, By arguments similar to those used in the last two cases, with the further addition of the condition imposed by (3), a + ^ + c = (mod 4), we find a = 6 = c = 0, «! = &i = Cj. In the determination of t^ we see at once from (9) that C3 must be even, while from (ll) we find a3=:Z>3=C3, and from (12) a3=bs = Cs. The groups given by this head are as follows: j^g, s\ of order 15, jiTg, s, t\ of order 3O2, ] Ilr,, s, vl^ v% vis t\ of order 3O3. 10 Martin : On the Lmprimitive Siihstitution Groups of Degree Passing now to the case of five systems of three elements each, there are seven heads considered in this paper, six involving all the systems symmetrically, the remaining head being unity. I. {a\a\a\) all (ala|a|) all {a\alaf) all {a\a\af) all {a\ala\) all = Hm^, II. \n^m\ POS= ^3888, ill. |i27776j 3,3,3,3,3 ■— -"486 > IV. {a\a\a\) pos {a\a^xv^^ pos {a\alaf) pos {a\a\a\) pos (aicisal) pos = ^^243 . V. {a\a\a\ . a\a\a\ . alalaj . a\ala\ . a\ala\) all = H^ , VI. {a\a\a\ . alaldi . alalaj . a{alal . alalal) eye = II3 , VII. Unity. Denoting the system with index r by A,, it is evident that these systems must be interchanged according to the five groups (^.1^2^.3^14^.5) eye, (^.1^.3^.3^.4^.5)10, (^i^^3^4^)2o, (A^A^A^A^A^) pos, (A^A^A^A^A^) all. The order of procedure in each case is as follows : 1. If the group is to correspond to (^i^2^3-^4^5) ^y^^ -^ substitution s must be found that will interchange the systems cyclically, transform the head into itself, and have its fifth power in the head. The imprimitive group so generated may be called G. 2. If the group is to correspond to (J.i^2A^4^5)io. it must contain (tj as a self-conjugate subgroup. In addition, therefore, to the s of case 1, a substitution t must be found that will interchange four of the systems in two pairs, as AzA^ . A^Ai, while leaving the remaining system unaltered, and that will, at the same time, transform the head into itself and G into itself. This substitution t must also have its square in the head. This imprimitive group shall be called G^. 3. If the group is to correspond to (A^ A. A3 A^ A^\o , it must contain both Gi and 6r3 as self-conjugate subgroups. In addition, therefore, to the s of case 1, a substitution u must be found interchanging four of the systems cyclically, accord- ing to A2A3A^Ai for instance, transforming Gi and G2 into themselves and hav- ing its fourth power in the head. 4. If the group is to correspond to (A^AoA^A^A^) pos, two substitutions, V and v', must be found corresponding to ^, A Jg and Ji J^iA • These sub- Fifteen and the Primitive Suhstitiition Groups of Degree Eighteen. 11 stitutioiis must, therefore, each interchange three systems, leaving two mialtered, they must have their cubes in the head, and must transform the head into itself. This group may be called &. 5. If the group is to correspond to [A^A-.A^A^Ar^ all, two substitutions, w and w', must be found corresponding to ^^^-2^-3^4 and A^A^. G' is to be con- tained in this new group as a self-conjugate subgroup, therefore w and to' must transform the head into itself and G' into itself. The fourth power of w and the square of to' must both be contained in the head. I. Hti^q is the largest possible intransitive group with the given systems of intransitivity, and, consequently, only one group with this head corresponds to each of the transitive groups of degree 5. For each of these groups a substitu- tion or pair of substitutions can be found fulfilling all required conditions and involving the elements of the systems symmetrically. A second set could be found only by multiplying this first step by some substitution belonging to the largest group that contains the head self-conjugately without interchanging any of the systems. But this group is the head itself. The required groups are, therefore, the following : {57776, 6-} of order 38880, 1^7776, s , t\ of order 77760, ] 5777s, s, u\ of order 155520, J57776, v,v'\ of order 466560i, J//7776, w, 10' \ of order 933120, where s = alalala\al . alajalalal . alalalalal, . OS Ql 25 3 4 an 3 4 t = a-{a\ . ayq . a^^^l . cdat . a^cq . a^cq , o Q r A a;-!")! 2 3 54 u ^=. aiaiciial . a2ar,alal . aicqcqal , 193 l^q I"!? V = a{a^ai . aUir/i^ . a^a^ct^ , v' =■ a\alai . alcdal . ala'^al , w = alalala\ . alalalal . alalalal , 2o' =:a\al.alal.alal. These letters shall be kept throughout this section of the paper to denote these symmetrically formed substitutions, other substitutions with corresponding prop- erties being denoted by the same letters with suffixes. 12 Martin : On the Imprimitive Suhstitution Groups of Degree 11. //gggg gives only one group isomorphic to {A^A.A^A^A-^ gjq, viz., the group generated by s. Any new s^ must have as cofactor an odd substitution belonging to H^^-^, but the fifth power of such a substitution is not contained in the head. There are, however, two groups isomorphic to (^1^.2^3^4^5)10, since both t and t„ = a\al . t fulfill the necessary conditions. The former generates a group (rggggo containing only even substitutions, the latter generates a group ^38880 containing both odd and even substitutions. There are likewise two groups isomorphic to (J.1J.2 -43^.4^.5)20, one generated by u, the other by a]al.u. The first of these groups contains odd substitutions, the second only even, (xggggo, is contained self-conjugately in both. Only one group G' can be found for this head, as no new v^ or vl fulfills the necessary conditions. Such a substitution would necessarily be of the form gv or Gv', where g would belong to the group -07776- If cr were even, the group so generated would be a repetition of the group generated by v and v'. If cr were odd, the cubes of at-, gv' would not be contained in the head. Two groups can be found isomorphic to (Ai^A^A^A^A^) all, the substitutions ic and lu' generating one group, the substitutions alal.iv , o}ai. ic' generating the other. This latter group contains only even substitutions. From this head we have, therefore, derived eight groups : j^gggg, s\ of order 19440, {^jggg, s. t\ of order 38880., ^Sgggg, s, a\al.t\ of order 3888O3, {Hgggg.s, u\ of order 7666O2, ^^gggg.s, a\al.u\ of order 7666O3, ■J-S3888. ^. "y't of order 233280, jSgggg, w, iv'\ of order 4665602, ■IjBgggs, a\al.w, a\al.w'\ of order 46656O3. III. 5486 furnishes us with only one group isomorphic to (^1^.2 ^3 ^4^5) eye, for an examination of the groups given by all possible types of substitutions s^ shows that each of these groups is merely the group generated by the help of s and transformed with respect to some easily discovered substitution. More- over, there is but one group isomorphic to (J.i ^12^3^4^5)10' viz., that generated with the help of t. Any cofactor of t must be of one of the types a\a}2, a\al . a^al , a\al.alal.a\al, ajal . alaj . a{al . a\al , but any t^ got by means of these, transforms Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. 13 s into 5^ (a substitution not in the head). Precisely the same reasoning shows that there is only the one group isomorphic to (^A-^A.;^A^A^A^).,(^. In addition to the group isomorphic to (^1^2^.3 ^4^.5) pos generated by means of the substitutions v and v', we must examine groups generated with the help oi v^ and v'^, substitutions which contain as cofactors of v, v' respectively the products of transposition, one transposition from each system. A number of these may be rejected at once, but we are left with the possible forms : ■yj = a\a\ . a\a\ . v = alala^ . alalcil . alalal , V2 == ala] . a^ai . alal . v = *> ^^( of order 486O2, ] 5o43, s, alal . a\al . alal . alai . a^al .u\ of order 486O3, \R2i3,v, v'\ of order 14580, \Eziz, w, w'\ of order 291600, "I ^043 , alal . ic, alal . w' j of order 29 1 6O3 . V. R^ furnishes one group corresponding to each transitive group of degree 5. These groups are generated respectively by the substitutions s, t, ic, v, v', ic, to', and can readily be seen to be indentical with those of orders 30o, 6O2, 120, 360o, 720 included among the groups with three systems of imprimitivity. An inter- change of suffixes and indices in the one set of groups gives the generating sub- stitution of the other set of groups. VI. j^g furnishes groups corresponding to the transitive groups of degree 5 by means of the substitutions s, t, u, v, v', ?r, iv'. As in the last case, however, these correspond to the groups of orders 15, 30i, 6O1, 180, 360i included in the groups with three systems of imprimitivity. By the use of the cofactor a = a]al . Fifteen and the Primitive Suhstitution Groups of Degree Eiglitcen. 15 alal . a\al . a\al . a\al three more groups can be found generated respectively by the help of t]^ = at, ill = <7^*. ^^1 = cr^^) ^ = cr^^'- These groups, however, are seen to be identical with those of orders SOg, 60g, and SGOg included in the groups with three systems of imprimitivity. This head gives, therefore, no group essen- tially new. VII. In the discussion of the head unity a useful theorem is the following given by Frobenius (Crelle t. ci, p. 287): The average number of elements in all the substitutions of a group is n — a,n being the degree of the group, and a the number of its transitive constituents. The only transitive groups of degree 5 containing 15 as a factor of the order are the symmetric and alternating groups. We have therefore to find an imprira- itive group of degree 15 with 5 systems of intransitivity simply isomorphic to the alternating (symmetric) group in 5 letters. In determining the imprimitive group corresponding to {A-^A^A^A^A^) pos, we make use of the following facts: (1) the 15 conjugate substitutions corres- ponding to terms of the type A^A^. J.3j44must be of degrees 12 or 14; (2) the 20 conjugate substitutions corresponding to terms of the type A^ A^ A^ must be of degrees 9, 12, or 15; (3) the 24 conjugate substitutions corresponding to terms of the type A^A^A^A^A^ must be of degree 15. It must, therefore, be possible to solve the equation 15 (12 + 2a) + 20 (9 + S(3) -f 24.15 = 14.60 where a =0, 1 ; /3 = 0, 1, 2. The only solution is a = 0, /3 = 2. Therefore the imprimitive group we are seeking contains among its substi- tutions 15 of degree 12 and order 2, 20 of degree 15 and order 3, 24 of degree 15 and order 5. Making use of the relations among the generating substitutions of such a group of order 60 as given in Burnside, Theory of Groups, p. 107, we find that the two substitutions corresponding to ^.1-43^3^.^^.5, A^^A-yA^A}, substitutions which will generate (^1-43^.3^4^5) pos, are respectively , s =z a\alalalal . alalalalal . alalala^al, 12 3 4 12 34 12 34 p = a\a^ . alal . at^ai . a^a} . a^a^ . ala] ; s and p are therefore the generating substitutions of an imprimitive group simply isomorphic to the alternating group of degree 5. In determining a group simply isomorphic to {AiAoA^A^A^) all, we argue as before in regard to the various sets of conjugate substitutions. The 15 substitu- 16 Martin : On the Imprimitive Substitution Groups of Degree tions corresponding to terms of the type A^A^ . A^A^ are of degrees 12 or 14, the 20 corresponding to the type A^A^^A^, are of degrees 9, 12, or 15, the 24 corres- ponding to the type A^A^A^A^A^ are of degree 15, the 10 corresponding to the type A-^A^ are of degrees 6, 8, 10, or 12; the 30 corresponding to the type A-^A^ ^3^4 are of degrees 12 or 14; the 20 corresponding to the tj^pe A-^AoA^A^A^^yq of degree 15. The equation to be satisfied is therefore 15 (12 + 2a) + 20 (9 -f 3,5) + 24.15 + 10 (6 + 2/) 4- 30 (12 + 2.^) -f 20.15 = 14.120 where a = 0, l;/3 = 0, 1, 2; ^ = 0, 1, 2, 3; ^ = 0, 1. The only solution is a = 0, /3 = 2, ^ = 3, (5 = 1. The substitutions A^A^A^A^A^, A^A^A^Ar^, A^A^A^A^ will generate the group {A^A^A^A^A-^ all, and corresponding to these as generators of the imprimitive group we have the three substitutions, i^SiT 1-^34'; i-'t4'; 5 rr a{aiala\al . aMp,Uqal . a^aia'^alcq , G = alal . alalalaj . ao«|a|rt| . alalalai, p =r a\al . alal . alal . alal . ajal . ajaf . To sum up the results of the preceding work, the 16 heads with three sys- tems of intransitivity give 41 groups with three systems of imprimitivity. The 7 heads with five systems of intransitivity give 42 groups with five systems of imprimitivity, but of these 13 groups contain also three systems of imprimitivity. Therefore there are 70 imprimitive groups of degree 15 as determined in this paper. Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. The main theorems employed in this investigation of primitive groups are the following, in which p is always to stand for a prime number. I. The order of a primitive group of degree n cannot exceed ' , where 2, 3, . . . . p are the distinct primes ichich are less than f n. (Burnside, Theory of Groups, p. 199). n. A group of degree p -\- x or of degree 2p -\- x, x >» 2, cannot be more than X times transitive. (Miller, Bull. A. M. S., v. IV, pp. 142, 143). III. If a primitive group of degree n contains a circidar substitution of prime Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eighteen. 17 order p, the group is at least {n — p -\- \)-fold transitive. (Cole's tr. of Netto's Theory of Substitutions, p. 93). IV. A self-conjugate subgroup of a primitive group must he transitive. (Burn- side, 1. c, p. 187). V. A self -conjugate stibgroitp of a x-ply transitive group of degree n{2 a prime number and <17. Multiply transitive groups. Among the transitive groups of degree 17 five contain a self-conjugate sub- group of order 17. These are of order 17, 2.17, 4.17, 8.17, 16.17 respectively, while all excepting the first are of class 16. If a primitive group of degree 18 and order 18.17 existed, such agroup would contain 18 conjugate subgroups of degree 17. It would therefore contain 17 sub- stitutions of degree 18 and 18.16 of degree 17. By Sylow's theorem since 18.17 =: 2.3-. 17, such a group contains either 1 or 34 subgroups of order 3~. A sub- group of this order must be intransitive, therefore cannot be self conjugate, and it is impossible to form 34 subgroups of order 9 from 17 substitutions of degree 18. No such group of degree 18 exists. A primitive group of degree 18 and order 18. 17.2 = 2l3^ 17 would contain among its substitutions 153 of class 16 and order 2, 288 of class 17and order 17, 170 of class 18. This group must contain either 1, 4, or 34 conjugate subgroups of order 3'^ As before, a subgroup of this order cannot be self-conjugate, as it is intransitive. If there were 4 conjugate subgroups, each would be self- conjugate in a group of order 3l 17 involving all 18 letters and necessarily tran- sitive. Such a group is non-existent. If there were 34 conjugate subgroups they must be of degree 18, and there are not enough substitutions of class 18 to form all these subgroups. Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eigldeen. 25 A primitive group of degree 18 and order 18.17.4 = 2^31 17 contains among its substitutions 476 of degree 18, 459 of degree 16, 288 of degree 17. According to Sylow's theorem it contains either 1, 3, 9, 17, 51, or 153 conjugate subgroups of order 2^. Now the group leaving one element unchanged contains 17 conju- gate subgroups of degree 16 and order 4; therefore the group of degree 18 contains 153 distinct conjugate subgroups of order 4; therefore it contains 153 conjugate sub- groups of order 2^. Each of these is contained self-conjugately in no larger group. The number of systems of intransitivity in any one is got from the following equation, where x denotes the number of substitutions of degree 18 and a the number of systems: 18cc + 16 (7 — x)=: 8(18 — a), where a :^ 1, x-< 8. There are two sets of solutions, either x- = 0, a = 4, or a; = 4, a = 3. The group of degree 17 is generated by, where t and its powers form a self- conjugate subgroup of the group of order 2^ and degree 18 that is now under discussion. It is impossible to so connect the systems and introduce the remaining elements that the first solution may give the group of order 2^ Making use of the second solution we have only to combine with the group generated by ^ a substitution of degree 18 that connects the two remain- ing elements by a transposition, and unites the cycles of ^ in pairs. The 153 groups of order 2^ give in this way 153.4= 612 distinct substitutions of degree 18, while there are only 476 in the group. This group of degree 18 does not exist. If there is a primitive group of order 18 . 17. 2^ = 2^ 3l 17, it contains 288 substitutions of degree 17, 1071 of degree 16, 1088 of degree 18. The group of degree 17 which is generated by s -=i a^a^a-ia^a^a^a^a^aQaiifi-^ya^Mi2,ciiiai^a^^a^^ and t = a^iCt^Qai/^ai^ayia^arflz . ajjUi^a^aycft^^a^ai^a^ , contains 17 conjugate subgroups of degree 16 and order 8; therefore in the group of degree 18 there are 153 such conjugate subgroups, and each of these is self-conjugate in a group of order 2^ and degree 18. Denoting by a the number of systems of intransitivity of this group of order 2*, and letting x denote the number of substitutions of degree 18 contained in the group, we have the equation 18a: -h 16 (15 — ic)= 16 (18 — a), where a ^l. There are two solutions, x= 8, a=:2;a;=0, a=3. The first solution would involve a larger number of substi- 26 Martin: On the Imprimitive Substitution Groups of Degree tutions of degree 18 than are actually present in the group under consideration. The second solution shows that the group must contain 153 conjugate subgroups of order 2^ and degree 18 consisting of substitutions of class 16 only, and involving three systems of intransitivity. A substitution must therefore be combined with< that transforms t into one of its powers, and has its head in the group generated by t] moreover, this substitution must have as one of its cycles the transposition (ajajg), and must have systems of intransitivity apart from this cycle consistent with the systems of t. Such a substitution is a'=-a.^aiQ . a^ «i4 . ci^cLy, . a^ni^ ■ Oo^is • «7«ii. a^ai^.ttiaiQ. The required group is therefore \s, t, a\. It is not necessary to prove that these three substitutions give a group of the required order, as such a group would be necessarily doubly transitive, and it is known that there is a doubly transitive group of degree 18 and of the required order. B}' the mode of construction of the substitutions, it is evident that there is only the one type of group of this degree and order. Any primitive group of degree 18 and order 18 . 17. 16 contains 2312 sub- stitutions of degree 18, 288 of degree 17, 2295 of degree 16. The group of degree 17 contains 17 conjugate cyclical subgroups of degree 16 and order 16, therefore, the group of degree 18 contains 153 subgroups of order 16, each of which is self-conjugate in one of 153 conjugate subgroups of order 32. Giving a andx the usual meanings, we find that the group of order 32 involves the equa- tion 18a: + 16 (31 — x)= 32(18 — a), where a =f= 1. The only solution is a = 2, x = 8; therefore, the group of degree 12 and order 32 must be intransitive with two systems of intransitivity, and must contain 8 substitutions of degree 18, 23 of degree 16. We have to add, therefore, to the cyclical group of degree 16, 8 substitutions of degree 16 and 8 of degree 18, all of them containing as one cycle the transposition of the remaining two letters. The group of degree 17 and order 17.16 has as generators and u = a.M^a^^a^^a^^aQa^^ayMi^al^a^a^a^a^^a^a^ . The substitution t = (i\U\% • n^a^ . a.^aio • ^s'^ii • ^'e^'s • «i/^i6 • «n«i3 • «i2<^*i5 generates with s and u the required group of degree 18 and order 17.16.18. A triply transi- tive group of such an order is known to exist (Burnside, 1. c, p. 158); so no further proof that \s, u, t:\ is a group is necessary. It is easy to see that the even substitutions of the group just found form the simple group of order 18 .17.8. Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eigliteen. 27 The three remaining transitive groups of degree 17 each contains 120 con- jugate subgroups of order 17. They are of orders 15.16.17, 15. 16. 17. 2, respectively. The group of degree 18 and order 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 would necessarily contain 816 conjugate subgroups of order 5. Each is self- conjugate in a group of order 90 connecting the remaining three elements transitively. This group is intran- sitive with two transitive constituents, one of degree 15 and order 90, the other of degree 3. The first, however, is non-existent, therefore, the group of degree 18 is non-existent. The two remaining groups also, if they can generate primitive groups of degree 18, would generate groups that each contain 816 conjugate subgroups of order 5. In the one case, we should have to make use of an intransitive group containing as a transitive constituent a group of degree 15 and order 180, in the other, the transitive constituent would enter as a group of degree 15 and order 360. Both of these groups are non-existent; therefore, the three groups of degree 17, at present under discussion, furnish us with no new groups of degree 18. As the case now stands, the conclusion arrived at may be summed up as follows : There are no simply transitive primitive groups of degree 18, and in addi- tion to the symmetric and alternating groups, there are only two multiply transi- tive groups of this degree, viz., the two given by ^ («2«io«i4«i6<^i7«9«6«3 • «4«n<^6«i2«i5«8«i3«7) . I of ordcr 2448, I (ag^io • otgaii . a^ay, . a^a^^ . a^a^^ . a^a^^ . a^a^^ . a^a^^) , J r (aia2«3«4«5«6«7«8^9«10«n«13«13«fl4«15«16«17) » "j \ («3«4«io«n^i4<^6«i6«i2<^i7«i5«9«8«5«i3<^3«7)» }- of Order 48 96 . The second of these is triply transitive, and contains the first, which is doubly transitive and simple, as a self-conjugate subgroup. The works consulted in the preparation of this paper have included, in addi- tion to the standard works on the subject by Jordan, Serret, Netto, and Burn- side, the following papers : Askwith, " On Possible Groups of Substitutions that can be formed with 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Letters Respectively." Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXIV (1890), pp. 111-167. 28 Martin : On the Imprimitive Substitution Groups of Degree^ etc. " On Groups of Substitutions that can be formed with Eight Letters." Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXIV (1890), pp. 263-331. "On Groups of Substitutions that can be formed with Nine Letters," Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXVI (1892), pp. 79-128. Cayley, " On Substitution Groups for Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, and Eight Letters." Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXV (1891), pp. 71-88, 137-155. Cole, " List of the Substitution Groups of Nine Letters." Quar. Jour. Math., V. XXVI (1892), pp. 372-388. "The Transitive Substitution Groups of Nine Letters." I3ull. New York Math. Soc, V. II (1893), pp. 250-258. "List of the Transitive Substitution Groups of Ten and of Eleven Letters." Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXVII (1894), pp. 39-50. "Note on the Substitution Groups of Six, Seven, and Eight Letters." Bull. New York Math. Soc, v. II (1893), pp. 184-190. Miller, " Intransitive Substitution Groups of Ten Letters." Quar. Jour. Math., V. XXVII (1894), pp. 99-118. "List of Transitive Substitution Groups of Degree Twelve." Quar. Jour. Math., V. XXVIII (1896), pp. 193-231. "Note on the Transitive Substitution Groups of Degree Twelve." Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, v. I (1894-1895), pp. 255-258. "On the Transitive Substitution Groups of Degrees Thirteen and Fourteen." Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXIX (1898), pp. 224-249. " On the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Fifteen." Proc Lon. Math. Soc, V. XXVIII (1896-1897), pp. 533-544. "On the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Sixteen." Amer. Jour. Math., V. XX (1898), pp. 229-241. "On the Transitive Substitution Groups of Degree Seventeen." Quar. Jour. Math., v. XXXI (1899), pp. 49-57. "A Simple Proof a Fundamental Theorem of Substitution Groups, and Several Applications of the Theorem." Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, v. II (1895- 1896), pp. 75-77. " On the Limit of Transitivity of the Multiply Transitive Substitution Groups that do not Contain the Alternating Group." Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, v. IV (1897-1898), pp. 140-143. Jordan, " Sur la classification des groupes primitifs," Comptes Rendus, t. LXXIII (1871 j, pp. 853-857. " Sur Venumeration des groupes primitifs pour les dix-sept premiers degres." Comptes Rendus, t. LXXV (1872), pp. 1754-1757. Philadelphia, January 1901. LIFE. I was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, December 30, 1869. In 1890, I entered Bryn Mawr College, selecting, as my major studies, Mathematics and Latin. In 1894, I received the degree of A. B. from this college. The first semester of the following year, 1894-1895, was spent at Bryn Mawr College as a graduate student in Mathematics and Physics, the second semester, in teaching at a preparatory school. During the year 1895-1896 I held the Fellowship in Mathematics in Bryn Mawr College, remaining there the following year, 1896- 1897, as a graduate student. During the year 1897-1898 I held the Mary E. Garrett European Fellowship from Bryn Mawr College, and spent the entire year at the University of Gottingen, where I attended the lectures of Professors Klein and Hilbert. I then returned to Bryn Mawr College, where I was Fellow by Courtesy in Mathematics during the year 1898-1899. In the spring of 1899 I passed the examination at Bryn Mawr College for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. My major subject was Mathematics, pursued under the direction of Professors Scott and Harkness, while my double minor was Physics, pursued under the direction of Professor Mackenzie. My gratitude is due to all the Professors under whom I have studied, and especially to Professor Harkness, under whose direction this paper was prepared. 21642.'? PPTiB^f^flWpiW^-^ UNIVEPwSTTY of CALIFORNU UBBAfiZ. 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