/ N \ C. M. CADY'S MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS. NEJr SnEET-MUSIC. VOCAL. PrlendlCft*. A sus- taining ttut view : " Comt* one "top nearer, one shndo cican'r ' Itrfttlhc onu word livfurv wu part." But I sec nothtnfc in all this but a lon{;ing. common to every one, fur communion with the loved and lot. Siveel EcUo Dell. SongandCho. Illustrated. Henry C. Work 35 This IS bx^cd upon the following incident: Tt - ■" V " ■ ' ' ' ■ ' ' ■ ■ -T "-:! InlhcT^nnd r,f , Mil M-e your ,n ■. but while nu! Ill a fi'W -i^t. IK' \..i3 I'un.jil lit a \::iy handled in both words and music. Full of beau- iifiii ciu-' :■> uiiJ liomciy p.i(hos. Ciraiiiinitlicr^s Clock* Song and Cho. Illustrated. Henry C. W oiU ^ 35 As qiiuiiit ^ conceit in it* way as Dr. Holmes' *' Onc- horsc Shay." It reaches the heart, however, with much more power, and is already loo popular to require descrip- tion, lor if von h^tvcn't ii alrcidy you kooii will have it, and then yuii will Lnuw all about it. Tlio Saiuc^ with lithographic tikcncxs of Mr. Sam. I.U..JS 40 The Same, an-anscd for Guitar by \V. L. Hayden.. . 35 Saiikoy^M '^NliicCf and Nlnr.*^ With splendid I'urtraits «tf Iniiti Mcssr*. Mo.jdy ;tnit Sjiikey 35 The porir-iils :il>Hie arc worth ihc price. Littio CaOldeii llalr. Song and Cho. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wiii^ht.,.., as 'We've :i little, hrJKhl-evcd lilrdle In our house, Coltleii li:ilrL>tl, autl jii^i as ciiiujinx liS a iiiuuae. i^asy, Uri'ht, a:itl benutilul. lim, " 1 ou iwcct lor anything I' All who love children ex- claim, Song and Cho. T. HTc Sball Ncvrr Forget. UriK);^ _. ... as A tearful hut iutpinng tribute toour ** Itr.ivc Hoys in Blue who marched .iway. and when their battles all were o'er " came no more." There is no bitterness in this, nothing to which any one can object. Tlio Same, in vocjI parts only. For use as a "Decora- tion Hymn" t$i a tor.) ^ 10 This is one of ihc mo^t telling, effective decoration hymns, in both words and music, that nas ever been written. You will want it the 30th of May. We'll !TIoct In Heaven at Laiit. Song and Cho. Wm. li. U.iltcr, Mil.. Doc 25 lieaiitiriii wurd-. wedded to •%implc music, which, when once heard, hauMts you. While a charming song for all home and social gatherings, it was fxriX. written as a parting song fur school graduates, and is specially adapted to all such occasiuns. Nlslitina:ale> SInsr Ifo to Rest. Song and Cho. Julian \). Schuliz as Kasy and natural, yet arii.stic. The melody will live. The warbling of the nightingale, skilfully represented in the accompaniment, adds much to its effect. Oh. Keep "Jfy linaso Kcar to Thee. Song and Cho. Words by Samuel N. Mitchell. Music by H. P. Danks 30 - Thii, like the Nighling.ilc sonj, requires a cultured rendi- tion. The mclady ai»J the liarmony in the chorus demand true, smooth voice*. It cannot be well sung by everybody, and yet it is not diflicu't. But in words and music it is x beautiful >ont;. well worthy of the author of '| Silver Threads amon i the *.;oId." No extract can do it justice. It must be studied OS a whole to l>c appreciated. Good in patlor or concert. Thero'a a Rood Time. Sonc and Cho. Words by E. U. l^tta. Mu>ic by R. II. Mahaffey 25 1 hi^ is a song of hope and pood cheer that everybody can sing and everybody ovight to sing, fur. with all its simphcity, ii i>;v ^rniiiue in.piration. Unl.iir as it is to jiid-^eof the son,; )./ its tlinrus alone, I here give it in min':ilurc. Get your I", tends to join \ou and sing it with spirit. Vou will see how Mr. Mahaffcy, by the simplest means, lifts you into the real enthusiasm of good cheer : t2 - * J 1-1— 4 — "H-^t-f^ U^M^^A Uen'm t frnwl Uoio ret to l^. Vespers of Home. Song, or Duet and Cho. D. Hayden Lloyde 35 This IS a beautifully drawn picture of children " white- robed" for their rest, saying their evening prayer, *' Now I jay me down to sleep." Here is a part of the third stanza : "*ir wo die,* (W pray the ehllilren, ami the mother*)* bead drops low : Olio from out her fold Is nleepingdeep iK-ncalh Ihu wlnlerVmiow : ' '\'n\i.ei our noiiU,' uiiil pOKl ttie cat»en)Oiil fllu a iclcaiii of erystui UeUU Like the trailing ot lllsKarmeiils, trilling evermore In while. SIttIn;; on tlio Style. Comic Song. Witnessed, written, ami cnnipwicd by A. F. Hater ^ 35 'Ibis, in a style of broad humor, describes how a satirical Newfoundland d'>g m.idc a fashionable l.uly ilissatisficd with ihc long train of her dress. Those who enjoy a good, hearty laugh will get ibis. Comniiinton Service for the Episcopal Chunrh, by Wm. H. Walter, Mu^. Doc., organist of St. Ignatius Church, New Vork i 00 Interesting to all cultivated choirs, but especially so to such as desire a fresh communion service that will grow better and better wiih use. If any farther endorsement of its sterling excellcr.cc be needed, it is aflforded in the fact' thnt i' is adopted and sung in the choral service of Trinity Church, New York. The two following remarkable songs, words and music by Henry C. Work : This, in both words and music, is one of the most pa'hetic and powerful pictures ever drawn. **Siiluril:iv iiiirlit ; Sivturdav nicht! The la-l h'H'C that lliitfiTed bus taken Its flight. From iimrnliiK till evening, tlie wi-arv week throwh. In vain lia-* he Imttletl for i«onii-1htiiir to ilo, Poitr man ! eniptv-haiKK-il Imw can he return Tn thoHi' \vlif>Av fate h:ui>rH on Un: jieiicf lie inaycari. ? Haw c:tii In- reply to bis giiehtlouor :*vvfet : ' Did pupa hriiig papa'^ diii aoiucQii* to cut ? ^ CnoRtrs. ' Out of employ ! out of employ ! Plstress in the cotta;;c where once tl-crc wasjoy. Hnw fritihtful the chmlow:* that fall jn the lloor. Wlicn want and htar\ alloii appear nt tho iiuor \" The genius of Mr. Work is nowhere more app.-'rent than in this song. The music is easy, natural, and ycty expressive, but one of the strongest features of the son^ is the. skill with which he heigbtcns the picture by bringin-r tn".«v..h v.-rse the innocent prattle of the starving child : "If niadoze to heaven, den I must do, tu.. ISut, pa, rii frow down Itreail und huttcr n-r \t>'r. And in the last verse : " Dcss Dod fordlls us when I le b tkes dally hnhur Rut the thrilling power of this song is, after all l-rgcly due , to the f.ict that it is so terribly true. How maiy i>: the last few years have been dnven hy these ** sh.idows3n the floor to the poor-house, the insane asylum, and the ffa»e ! If any wonder how such things can be in this land o; penty, thev find an answer in Mrr Work's other new and cmvuliively comic Irish song, *' Mac O'Macorkiiy." r.u the broadest Hoganhi.-in stroke of all u the way he ends caci verse with "There's our great fnttln' pig Miualllii' for swill." Thtmiisic here is as excruciatingly funny as the word*. ITIarna IVIajr. Scmg and Cho. Words by Ella D. Cheek. NliMcbyK. II Miibaffey 95 I'lis is very beautiful in words and music, and has such a freslneiA about it that 1 am confident it will become very popilar. Sofl-l/ In tho Ta>*ley there Dallies palo and llUrs fait Ulonm nliovo your sunny hair. Angel Marna May. Ami ' ^oflly. sweetly Hloep. While the hlnra their vlj{lls keep, Aud lonely »it unil weep For my Uunia May. Oiiti-Amiel Marno. Mania May, Oiianl me lest I ao a<;el9. leave (he gates L\)ar ; I'll meet thee, Mariiu Muy.** The nusic is flowing and natur.il, and so full of real inspira- tion nat, when once heard, it cinnot be forgotten. Mr. Ma- hafTc' is young, and likely to become Cimoiis as a composer. IjOime Oreani Aenln. Song. Sullivan 95 I is very popular and beautiful song is here arranged for voics of medium range, with choirc notes for hi(;h voices. Jiis'as complete and even more desiraiilc than some of (he CO c editions of other publishers. 'Ibis song will l>e found in Pa*lor 4;einN. INSTRUMENTAL- 'Vr the aid of teachers and others, the pieces under this had have the key indic.ttcd by letters and the grade of diffi. c Iiy (in a scale Iiom t to 7) by figures. Tririplns Waltz, C, 2. J. W. Shryock 35 18'aio Schottlnclie. C, 2. '* 35 Tyo easy ;(nd charmim; pieces, both for the parlor and for teac|in« purposes. Mr. Shryock displays great talent, in this styh »f composition. I'he waltz is adapted to organ or p.iiO. FItin-Flam Waltzes. G. 3. Chas. Hambitzer.. 35 Itilli.nit, showy, and i>opular in style. Tmclcr iHeinorleA. F, 3. Wm. R. Chapman... 35 llano or or^aii. Written for and performed l>y tbe author at ;he obsequies of his intimate friend, the late Mr, R. W. Si*es, of New Vork. Artistic, full of pathos and tender bcfuty. IThrcli of tlie Century* C, 4. Wm. R. Chap- lan w V'rittcn for and played with great i^i/at hy the authors pi )iU in the Unt commencements and pubhc-school cxcr- c its of New York City. Grand and effective, the baritone sii) for the right hand being specially melodious. l^ve EclloCK. Idylle for Piano. G, 4. Wm. R. Chap- nan 50 (his represents the Alpine shepherd-girl sending back " l>ve echoes" to the shepnerd-boy s pipe. Full of melody attl sweetness. CAprlco do Concert. D minor, 6. Wm. R. Chap- Tiar . . , 40 A b'iltiant concert piece and octave study. Mr. Chapman is young, cultured, talented, and very promising as a com- poter. The following instrumental pieces by Alberto Himan are so beautifulf cfTeciive, and, in dilTcrcnt ways, attractive, that they merit tpccial attention, and will, I am sure, become very pop- ular, A little mure than ten years ago, a boy fourteen years old, inder the nom de plume of "Jules Egghard,*' wrote *• La Illondinc" and other things, that were published in Eu- rope, reprinted in this country, and became popular through- out the civilized world. H.ivin'; played the piano in concerts nenrly round the world, he now settles down in New York to make for himself a reputation as a composer under his real name, Alberto Himan. These are some of his first effusions under this name. They ^rc sdl carefully fingered. 40 SOUnNIR.DE KINM. 1 DKSTO niMAtI* 1 0|fc W Jl There arc torches of delicate humor in thio'>ng. worthy of Tom I lond, as, for cx.imple, where the bcggarirl, in order to prove hers an **ould Oiri»h family,*' avers, ' " Atoiip the liolpliway fnrnuist Ca.'*Ile KilTnoy Wu rode in uurdookcy'vaDiugcsu;;q This has a sustained, ringing melody throughout, with a beautiful rippltns accompaniment. Sure to please performers and listeners. Grade 4. Illnian^^ Crand ITlareli. E^, 3 40 i ho-^c who vi-itcd the Centennial last year will perhaps recognize this as ihcre played by (jilmore's famous orchestra. IJrilliant, and in the popular style. Sophle'fi Blrthdiij Waltz. G, 9 30 A lovely little waliz for beginners, and pleasing to every- body. ETorybody')* Favorite IVazurkai 4. 30 Urilliant and charming. Merry iTIaiikcriv. G and D, 3 25 "1 his gives two pieces to be played at llie same time by one performer— one piece hy the right hand *he other by the left. I, "Fiber's Hornpipe and *' Yankee Jjo^dlc;" 2. " Dcr Frei-ichuet7 Waltz" and *' IJuy a Broom." The cfTcct is very comical. The fe.it seems impossible to the li'icncr. but '.s re.TJIy nit difhciill, and 11 very useful to the performer in se- curing independence of hands. Interesting to everybody. iTaw^^nkna Farcwell. D, 3. M. Hrownold. I ITlvoGcins. ji^^uxjn, hli^ Alfred Smith, f"" '5 These arc both artistic and beautiful. | All the above pieces may be played piano. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MUSfC LiBRARY Xlllth Thousand. %^\i^ INSTRUMENTAL AND VOCAL, BY THE SISS'X" CO^£PO^]IS^.l ^3 TO WHICH IS ADDED ORIGINAL Charades for Parlor Performance. BY ^©T, NEW YORK : PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, C. M. CADY, 107 DuANE Street. 1879. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1875, by C M. Cadt. In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. • •"^poiiliiiy; Spi-ing) NATURAL AVATER FOR SALE BY ALL RESPECTABLE DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MINERAL WATERS. The Champion Spoutixg Spring contains a very large preponderance of the elements which render mineral waters valuable as mecliciiie, and which are in constant use by Physicians of the various schools ; and the remarkable cure of some of the prevailing diseases ftas given the water ot this Spring great favor among professional men. For Ileadarhe, or disordered state of the Stomach arising from the use ol wine or hearty eating, it is a fine corrective, giving immediate relief. It is invaluable for the treatment of Biliousness, Dyspepsia, constipation, Piles, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cutaneous Diseases, Scrofula, &c., and owing to the presence of Lithia, Magnesia and Bi-Carbonate of Lime, is recommended by Physicians for Brighfs Disease of the Kidneys, and Diseases of the Bladder. DIRECTIONS.— As a cathartic, take half a pint or more, as experience may dictate, before breakfast, and at a moderately high temperature, it prompt action is desired. As a tonic, half a glass three or four times a dav, between meals. As the cathartic principles of the Champion Water are double those of the Congress Spring, onlv half the quantity is required. u ij u '^°"^'^"' *""* increasing success of the Champion Water is'due to its hvgienic properties ; it is refreshing and healthful, and should be found m everv home. ^ PARR i TILFORD, New York City. E. J. HART i CO., .\o. 73—79 Trhoupiloulns Street, \'. (1.. La. JONES k SIBLEY, Cor. jth and .Market Street. St. Louis. 3Io. J. i E. N. BLOrhl. No. »0 Market Street. Thirajo. Ill, H. C. GAYWRD. No. 110 )lonnment Square, rievehiiid, 0, COLEMi.N t EOGEES, .\o. M West Baltiinore St., Baltimore. M. .A.I^]^I^ESs:EID to W. ][. BROW.V i BRO., N'o. 25 South Sharp Slreet. Baltimore, Md. G. G. CnRNELL. Penn Avenue. Washiuston, D. T. STflTT i CRmnVLLL. Penn Avenue. Washiniton. D. C. BLLLflfli i rRCNSIlAW, .No. )3S Arrh Slreet, Philadelphia. Pa. FREDERlfK BRflWN. Cor. 5th and Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. S. S. PIERCE. Cor. Court and Tremont Street, Boston, Im. CARTER, HARRIS & UAWLEY, Bio. J-J6 Washington Street, Boston. TO X'^ FRIEJ^D, THIS WOEK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. Music 32.3 CIlS'p PREFACE. It "has ceen my aim to present in t'nis ico/c the cest selection cf mzcsic extant, for parlcr use, and affcrd it at a price so Iciv as to 'oe ivit'nin fne reach of all. It includes znsiTzimental and vocal Tncrceazcx, ranging in difflcsUy from easy to moderately difficult, and in gzialiiy from, the popular and Irilliant to the standard and classical, cut each of its Jcind a gem. In thus seehing a variety of the test music from the test and most popular authors, I have Tnade the discovery that ' (Beethoven, J^ozart, Jtfendelssohn, Schumann, Schu'cert, Chopin, Strauss, Au'cer, Ofenoach, Gounod, KucT:en, Sullivan, HuUah, and the other composers represented in this collection have really urritten tetter than I ever did, and therefore the toclc contains no effiusicns cf my ourn. JTo dcu'ct m.any thousands cf musical people will te the happier for it. Let the fad of the above discovery te neatly worked into m.y epitaph. It is hoped that this grave senii-,nent -may impart to m.y prologue the solemnity so eagerly sought for in every well regulated preface. r^ -k/t n' J^ewYork,J^ayl§,lS75. C. M. C. 'tmi.t OS' INSTRUMENTAL. 1. Flying Dutchman Arranged by Himan, 2. Recollections of a Music Box. Pape. 3. Amaryllis Arranged by A. H. Pease. 4. Tranmerei Schumann. 5. Anvil Chorus, II Trovatore Verdi. 6. The Happy Farmer Schumann. 7. L'Escarpolette, (swing song) Fontaine. 8. Eoossaisen. Opus 18, No. 2 Schxiiert. 9. Beautiful Blue Danube. Waltz Strauss. 10. Petite Tarantelle Heller. 11. Mazurka. Opus 6, No. 1 Ohopin. 12. Spring Song Heller. 13. Eoossaisen. Opus 33, No. 2 Schubert. 14. La Brunette Talse Egghard. 15. Baby Bye. 4 hands Mason. 16. Don Juan (La ci darem). Arranged by Ketterer Mozart. 17. Gems from Schubert Schubert. 18. Les Deux Anges. Arranged by Berg BlumenthaL 19. Thunder and Lightning Polka Strouss. 20. Ecossaisen. Opus 67, No. 1 Schubert. 21. La FUle de Madame D'Angot. Arranged by Cramer Lecocq. 22. Faust (Old Men's Chorus and March). Arranged by Sidney Smith Gounod. 23. Soldiers' March Sdiumann. 24. Fairy Polka Spindler. 25. Melody Rubenstein, 26. Jolly Brothers' Galop Budik. 27. Warblings at Eve. 4 hands. Bichards. 23. Wedding March Mendelssohn. 29. La Belle Helene. Arranged by Godfrey Offenbach. 30. Fra Diavolo. Arranged by Krug Auber. 31. Little Hunting Song Schumann. 32. Reminiscence of Mignon. Arranged by Berg A- Thomas. 33. Curious Story Schumann. 34. Girofle-Girofla Lanciera. Arranged by Clande Lecocq, 35. Senate Facile. Betthocen. VOCAL. 36. Let Me Dream Again SuUiran. 37. You and I Claribei. 38. Esmeralda. Gipsy Song Lerey. 39. Looking Back. Song SuUitan. 40. The Danube River. Ballad Aid*. 41. Good Night, Farewell. Song Kucken 42. Sweet Echo Dell Work. 43. Marjorie's Almanac. Ballad Charlotte Sainton Dolby, 44. The Mandolin. Serenade Connolly. 45. Little Bo-Peep. > ., 46. The King of France. [ ^"^"^ ^°'^ 47. Jack and JUl. 1 ,, ,, 48. Three Children Sliding. \ 49. My Lady Wind " " 50. The Storm. Descriptive Song HuUah. 51. Softly now the Light of Day. Quartette Weber. 52. The Jewish Maiden. Song Kucken. 53. Johnny Morgan. Song and Chorus Read. 54. The Ivy Green. Song RusselL 55. Nancy Lee. Song and Chorus Adams. 56. Clochette. BaUad MoOoy. 57. The Brook. Song Dolores. 58. Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. Song Knight. 59. Bethlehem. Shepherds' Nativity Hymn Gounod. 60. Terzetto. Lift Thine Eyes. From Elijah Mendelssohn. 61. O Rest in the Lord ! Solo Menddssohn. Charades for Parlor Performance H. L. Wait. 1581391 your tate, ; >.W :< 3 = -3 h •^ " 5 g s § X » !; > = « 5 i<^ d K £ J g S M^5 SI • a o • "f 3 • 5 5-3? a S^ -5 ? a f 21 =• «• n J i. Q E tr: a 4 ; § s 3> W £ >, s oE => - c s .■= ■ ■^ 3 rt-O — S p c . « t> 2 ■" -O o-aJ=j: u o w e C C Co o f IE FLIllG iff €lMii. (2ier jTlicgentic pjoUantier. ) ^iauo. Arranged for the Piano, by ALBERTO flIMAN. Op: 00 Andante. (J^ioo.) RICHARD WAGNER. =1: 3-^- ±=.1-1 %-- '^^ "I 12^: k a tempo. :J===?=c=i=^f2TT=zi=:i23iii=d==d: i=i=p=EJzfcE^gE?: -1^^ : :gi :a: — ■§ €- i^ia^^ ~i — -|2- i^: ava I t §*i=i :«-: -f=^ _^_. 3--:^^^ —0>~i—G>" Elt #=* ■*> -©•- -a I »> ^^ tz]=:f5: St- A little fngfer. -i- :#^. gz.: -J- - gi-^— -^— # -•- ilEf^gs 12^; — i — I — :|i£=:fz: q^iq-q: -=?^=9Z3. poco cresc. -#- -^ |EiLi:Pil 3^-^- rM^Sfr-= -^- ist f-J-J^ :i:lEfe I J-^- cl?— gi -^— -gi— * -*- fe^i£fe|-= SifelZ^i Z3=,2^=drs?jd -(5'-' (S*- £^£ foco marcato. H- IS^I -s>- =b=E -t5^ ::!^±z:J^, XI -iS-' tS*-* tS^-' T^i-* T$^* tS*-* / Copyripht, is::, by C. M. Cadt. -lS»-* -!$>-• Ti r/te j^fvi.ii, Du(c/»na.i.-i. / ..^ ^ By ALBERTO HIMAN, SOUVENIR DE NINA, Price 40cts. / f I 9J.-E3 ■)S: "9" V ti3zzizti£- =^ jTS7z:ir^(5'. u_. ~D~5iLi'i|-L:i^i:, AlUi/relU,. (J = 66.) SPINNING SONG. fc^EE 9 '- — — #— PP ^t^m^^i^m t5»-' -^-' -6h' ^ 1 -IT tr tr --^^ 5^^-^- •#— *T ~ :*.^je: ,_K.,J rsai « • y 'ttx^ !-gg »-g-»-g — -'-0-^ -0- :z»: — ^ 'S* • « •-3:*=iii«:i-»-SJi, • '#-! J L ^J r- — r ■^ — »--» T#j «-«-* — -^1 I I I— J • «^# SS^- rit±T "l ?■ ^^ K 1 " ! i ---» t i l l ! - -« ? — • — • j-i 3t?5 L^_B-^J :qi:t — jtfa-— ^j -a-^-< 4a- — |-a--- r _» ^^ 1 -! 1 1 • • « * ■#-T" ' > S#* ^ #-*---•-« — 1-*-*- q r ^^^^ — ^ — -f -- >-=^-#n . — Ti --: — 1^=:^ .^' -i — r- itnz: a^X^MZZi'-ir^Jt- :.=!! rJ: .•liATi cz= «^ •^:» XTie Flying Dutchman.-x. HIMAN'S GRAND MARCH, as played by Cilmore's Orchestra. Price 40 cts. ■tt •^ :fcU==: p:?EEt: ■1 I -if— £=.i^fr — -^5#':-#-,. -—m I—I -•— fft— t— . #-| 1— 1—1 J^ :?>?— d 1 — ^, — i= — Ij r^— ? — w—j — I — • — « — « — # •- — — 3: ^^ poco rit. (J = BO.)v, '^-'- A«n teiiuto. P *-l »'^ g ~ f=£:v:»:J-«i*; r p-:^— ^ 19—9 -^•i^ *!_«- -S— • — »- f -#-T— , -*(-I# - ^_ ziit=czi»: k-- ^.;|iz«|*|i-::ilS, I V I. • « • ritard. JLa_ >— •- -• •- V- -^-- rp a tfmpo. % f 9-1 •ii: if — I— f?— e ^ -e — -^— 1- .^.., IBZirrr^zZ.. h^ fc??*^ •n" i^- ^ 1 • • • • •-• • — #-- • • --r r The Ilying Dutchman.— 3. SOPHIE'S BIRTHDAY WALTZ. Alberto Himan. Price 30 cts. ;?5 — « »- JlTJli •tzziq: •-•^ -H— !- I I — 5# «— •J? — # •-! #-•- 9^- ^ _-_^ ^- 9Lfc ->- -2^ :ar -tr^ ._JL E?3f=±:iz=z; -• — • •- Ei: aSiJi: ,JE^J T if-— «T ^ ^ ^ 4.-ia:. -•-^# i:?-^.:!f'_':f^3l •-j:#j « ' * -i— .1. ^f'.M 0-M-' -t— "i— ■-j — I I \ — ' -^— HH— I — #-1— t- -f— I I I h :i=-=.==d: . . ^- '= =J-J|^JLj:g:=[*-r*-^J= — < »^3 lEi: r/- *i « ,Le__fW-«:2JL ^f* L,-.,J =^ ^-i-# I >5 I ^ :g .T::ii= z|*r» :5iTzz --i^: xii: r ^ ! :■ 1: • wJi^ ^' »'^ ' •'i^'ilLL -■a^ — |— I ! ! ! — III -• — •- m^r^-MZ-^A-j-MTJl The Flying Z>utchtnaji.—4. EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE MAZURKA. Price 30 cts. y- ^^^~ n'-^ ^:^ i:? --/^?f'^— — t i ll! •-«-•— •a.fa:*; - I I I I :g.tJ: 1=1! i-*f- 9: -ff -• •- J#-^#-! 3 •^#^ ._^-_^- n» ^ m _• g- "m-'- y tyr^frf^ i -m •- mm ^ J: * "• »- "•ii*_ =iT •*-* j* r^m'm' FiE3: -• #- H" -•-=-#-' 1 I -•— •- J • "■•^ Tfc« Flying Dutchman.-s THE MERRY MASKERS. (Two airs to be played at once by one performer.) Price 25 cts. EecoTTecffoTif^ of ifc Mmst® los CAPRICE. I had a little music box Ml/ favorite tunes did play ; My cruel friends they teaseh me so, J gave the box away. Yet off in mind the toy I see, Thouf/h loiuj past from my view, And one sweet air it played for me. Til try and play for you. Op. 27. Adagio. 6vn. * ^_T___^ -^ii,-jja-^»-T—m—0-.—m- J^. WILLIE FA pi:, I*ianist to the Jtoyat J-'aittily of England, yp vna corda. :t- --p=^- I — i — ^l_- ^l== 'n-* li Allegretto. Rislit hand 8va. throughont. — •*— *?— - ^ — t— -t— — -P- • 2#- -■• • i J^.. • T^ iSo/Z PeiZoZ to be kept dotai l/iroug/iout the piece. --•■>#-*■• -#-1— -*• •♦^.> « i •*• -t- -I— — -«• — «*- ■#■ il ■«■ ■"-— -«■■#• i • C^-^'-tm fr-s — •-«- » • Fed. ^ Fed. ^ ^ • • ■0- -0- • • JL M. -m-ai- • — i -- ■^— ^-f— — 1 F 1 " — :^ r • — i-s-i- • • — ^ — - — ^» — Ped. ,^^ i- '^ 1 Fed. * • Pe(/ect»on« o/a jrii«tc Box.~2, Ped. ••i: Pol. * Ped. — # F 1 «~ :EE Pal. -• — * -T-l— £E -• 3_ » — •- P# ■#■ -^ •#• Ped. * plfe?=E^;: Ped. * Paf. * Ped. * ^^'^^ A • — I » F Perf. :{: Ped. ^=i=t * :t= f' M * * ^ Ped. m * o^-T=^r=c tf— — 1--J- T- -^-fi^ ■»-■'■ -0— -r- -t-j^^ ■»■■*■ ^.^ .p . —< —-*•■#■ ^ . i__-f?#g^-#- . ^ — r .^. _.-r ^ r— H-H -^_^ Pe. p«f. * ^^- * ^ Fed. * p«;. * ^= Ped * "I — =uic. * •_ P«f/. * m^m^ I #_i • • _ IteccUections of a Music Box.—S„ Pe^. * -r :E^ Pe(^. * Pec?. * -I— -h- Fed. . ^ 1=^- Fed. * i^f=' :t=z ■0---»- _ ^ .#. — -— ?i ^-^ i*#'i — ^^ m . ^JZ' •_• • A. Pet?. * ^i=E: I f- rallentando. Fed. . * =7.=t:: :t: poco Fed. * -X=t:-- JLiOCU. Fed. -0- iT- zi'i± i* i Beeollections of a Mu*ic Box.— 6, iMilYLIxlS. (Air par le Roi Louis Xm.) Allegretto. Ananged by A. H. PEASE. a JT^-^-j-^^- -Q:-D- li-D it ^i»E»E!__ > JL > — I — ] — I — i — I — *-S — *■ S— r *^ 5 — *- S— ^ 2— *^ S— <- S <-2— <^ 2—1 a lA tA kA lA lA ; ; I I ^_ •? l__. i quasi firp't t^:=it=^=ti:t:-= <- m — I I I — <- « — 8rr,.^, : Vgiiix ^pzirr ~ * ~ ^» z^g^-i — J — - ^— ' — ' — ! — I — ?-: — I — ze: _' L =z»pz=g — ^— *-* ^^^ ^"^W sempre arpeggiando. ^^^ r ^^ sempre arpeggiando. Sr^?^ -m—\ — •— P--»— K— »- By permluiOD of Root & Son's Hnsic Co loco. ;•»- ^ t f 4i-lf #— » # • S ^- a: ]: — c ^ 1 L I- u • • • • « — I- n a=S: -i^^^^-T^- 3 ■*■■*■■* i: TL ~ • • ♦ - - ^ 31 §^ ~l H #, » ' i?£5:e 3ZE ,^* i^E;3=l^ :i=D pj-e _• •- zifl. ««-•- -#-■#■ -ssr ■ff^^S— y-J* J — « — •■ ^:^:r. ,N .-^r _• •_ iszfc • • • ^ *. z_ • ^' • • • -# 8 V' f,^.,*'^ ,*s*s*' ,#--#'-*■ .*-^ ■*- -*-^*^^'<^ -*"^ ■''''■^ "''"^■^ ''''''^ "'^^^ — t-— :M^=t: Amaryllii.-S. _ _ _ .^Z^^M. loco. -*—' m-^~t=%^='^^^= ^^= ■ I — i 1 ^^=^=1=^ #— «- ■•■ ■»■ •»- -»• -m- > '• — •- !!=■ -• — 0—m—m > :«=?z=«^: ■^*=f^-_=q— q=i: S 1— q: -f — •- « — «- =*: =f :#: *^- tt' • * • •*■ • • _Ti-r— •( r-> — -• — • J— 3- • — • — -^ •--=•*- ^ F *-r r ^ -^^ ^ J— •— • — ■ — *-■»■ ■ •■ — — 1 — ' — ^- -r 1 , 1 M .m. r_n_c c ^ f. ^ — 1 «• ^ II u m m m •^' m •~»~^ _•_»_ :f^?-^?^ i£3^^z:r=r:=L-j -^-iC — *.^j ^—yL • • f—fj. ^ ^ PP — ii • 4 '=i^^^-2-i-2- -^=z' -^- pp 9. pp .-A ^-^ ^«nary(U«.— 3> Moderalo M. M. ^- 100. R. SCHUMANN. ROM ANZE Piu moto. ^S» • ■ • — J- —I — 1/— r I ^^ , >-■#■_ • T— >* •'^- /•eJ. * -t —J/— F- — •— *r /• Pal « Tr- -(21 -' ^ ^t I Trteumerei.—S ^NVIIi QMOm'WB. IL TROVATORE. Allegro Viro. 9^e: ;^rij^|i-#d:#_^*r»- - 1 » — = Fed. * ^?f*^i^: =:;:4:: ^E -T?!- 8r.,,^ i^^S /V(/. 3: -»iE=»=«t*=fr — tirzit: :p =pi:t=t: r ifc <» 8ca< ^^loco. %^ I §1 — I -• #-h- *»—•-# -I 1 h ~^ Fed. ^ 9-tZt Ped. £t*— ='l*«>^ * -h- H-Ji. — 1- :t:». » 0- 9 I — f Btii'.'-^^t > * fi " vr. Joco. ^" s ."^=n~ IT, 1~ -•-#" I •-! H---N-- 3 • • 3 -#• .-I J : 1^^^ Fed. ^^ -3 0-0' I I I- :«iti ^ — •- :i*=i -3^z=^: •-#' •-*-H- 1— A — H A--4- d=z=:5^ I'i—- — — -^- ' 7 7 Sra^ i-j^.^.^^#^p:^fl=.4;^^#^i^.^.:^#^_#-. •^t^.iii.Tr:^^-^ :|=l=l= Sp'I^ looo. -j^*-^0^^0^0^^0-f^0-=r0»*^_ t^«^z#:iip^p^*^#zzr»;.- Ped. I p|«. « — '• p W m #_ |^.;f^z=J^^zi:i^^- :|=^ «~izziriz:x /'/'/» ;S^ §i: -B^ -■E^ SE= ipzz -^- • — -»^m » f=^P -h- -^ -©^ :t=:t= •-•-^ :E \W 5t -0-0-0- ^ tS^ -S^ :^- s>- -s> ^^- -F %va -^- •*-^-*' ■^^^■^ •*^*'-#' ■#--*'^ -^--^^ ■*^*-^ ■*-^--*- ^-^ ^ .^^*'^ ■*-,*'^ 1*"^-^ .*s^ ^ .^S*'^ -^-^^^ ^ -• — t^^ — I 1 — I — ^ Ped. 9^ '4^ k. 1^ ^ ^ ^ - •— r — r — ; — I — I L.y-f-f- >ta - ^ r< ^^~' '"^ — h ^*-» f^^J -•- ♦ ^ ^ +t" 1 ! 1 h- --s=t=s- I? ^ ^ -It "1 — P«f. ^-1^^- 2^-|«— i|^-^5— ^ t-^f :J=^E^SEE w> ^ risoluto. J_^^_jy__-g- — *_:__* _-£l-_. ^s - # — 0- -0- }=E=3=fc :?ir -• — :EE -S^ — « a ^J' •— r- « -A- "W -p^ 1 1 . ~ i_ -i-- -V- -•- "i — 1 -•- 1/ -0- 1 1 ■ •' _i 8c«* II r=i: m S>- -0- . -0- ^ — p r— ?■ £EEEE ;3E^E r— k :i!=u".zi:!iz ~ i — * • :C=^^ p.- I — r-f^- loco. ;^ ^p Pe(i. H^ I ^ : ::j=:-J: * Ped. -^^— 4- ^•s- r '-- — I — I — ^■ -*■ -M- ' ■0' im * S^^ azzt • s -1 ¥ ii ii ^noi( Chorus. -3, STRIDE LA VAMPA. Adagio espressivo. JS i Tl~~^^ fc -•-•- :■!■ -I — I- Ped. 0-0- '0-0- H h- :»:a: I — i — ^^^^^ Pill. H^^^-- -0 — • r^. — I — I- ♦ i I :=?: HJt JS Ped. -^ •_ ?-it^-?3: ±: -• 0- J0 •_ * -0-0- #-— i*:^^?-'i^' /'«(?. Li?=|i ti^T ^^ ^tzrm—Szr^M 0-0- Jmzr U^ f Pal. Vf^f: ^ I n=f-,'^^ _t=i— ti _•_•- ^•r« m—r Ped. -^. '•—I 1- i:*^" »- * - 0-0- ±: r_ ~i~— ^M. -#-^- •-•- -4-t-# /V,7. -•-•- -•-+- •■^0.._^^ -• •- -t -fi-=#: :p: 9^ I — j — ^_ -^— ^ Ped. ^ 4 :f:±:«aj:rj: «^ • •- siIe g ;:)>=.: p«f- ■ ii-# >5- G*^^^^.^ ^ '■^-^ ^--^.^ ^-^^-^ M Allegro. IB. •*_•?. ^ •, r^ri.ii=S?:'; *»« r^iiii — i»" — I — r^ • — Ped. PP e:^ tempo prima. .UlL lE^EEE x^ezcza: X" 8ui" 'hco. -^">-^£b#4= ^ ^ ^ ^ :?z:p==3=piq:T!V=j:^rzr^:^:^^:r=-;r?zir, I I JiV. -X=i-^\ PP Ped. W^-^ Ped. _2*Sr Jf5- -»— r — .•-r- : i — = EE I -S>- -I— 9^ -^^-^♦ i?-L ^ -i — fc^- ;ee=e E*ziz?: :&= :iEa=r: 1 •- =^ I' CI r^- -i5>- f- rtZTii: -t-^ PP ^ ^^-^ > — * — :L^t-^- - - ^ ** * ^'''- ppp -A — I s^-T^' — '-a — I -m.-^ — K — f-r-m- :r^^ ^ Pf^ =4 morando. :t:i ;?±r? ^nt>{{ C%oru«.— 4. THS iiPPY FMMER. AUegro con tpirito. ^ — n ^- -.n ^- 8_?3^JE5 c*z -0 --M- ^••«i=^ ■0—0- iEi R. SCHUMANN, P^^^ t=^^- *~*~«r ^^: -n n- #— * 10 T Z0I10Z xi±: -N-J- « — i=t -0 — -I — I — .•- —-5 — -^ N-JS—-: .0—0- r?— •- -• — • •? ^5- •? •? »•-»•- ♦ ^^ Itlt i^ -^-j- 5i^E=t^ .0—0- -^— '- /^ r- ■ESE^ i=|=^ HiSEE -*- ■• — 0- ZZZZZ0—0 T ^ 'p^ ' eeEee AJ- ritard. /^ .»;_#-_^, q*: -•— •- :BZfl=8; -7^7- -^.^. !=•: ^^NiP I -I *=i: ^B^^ r — r efv^j JO (S V/ I N G SONG.) Ulusfratimi Mvderato. CH. FONTAINE. core grmia. S?H=i=*=t=!' __«-»?_ :^^-ti^ ?4 fr ■7-7" -0 • :E :t= -3 — iH— ^ — # — -— # rT=t^ 7-7- « _ — I — ^j -M-j:^^-jy: igrr .91 _a_e lilZi^ -=1— ? — /- i: rr^A^ti ' dares 1 ^■^■i7]^'i^^^j-:T:aiT ?;l^. I -| r- r- 1 A-e- J ,^ r — r rt: -H K- -Mr-^zjrjt:. r- :-i :?^S^: I ^S . I ! temj'O. r -•J •_ :tz=^: — ?7 ip^:^: .>! /_ « • • «« *f L/ ; '■ « • ^ 3i_>^ — k'- :#3t=?— * "i — V • C-ff^ 74=i^=rd? I __i l=¥ ^i^ ^ a Con espressinne. :± -0—^ -^— N ^^.=3-^ _LJ 1_. 4^'=;^^ .i-^E^: -I '--=^ -^•—:- 4—\ i-^j; I f-t^ I -A- ^rf' —J? ^i^. I , I . , -• — iN- ^6*P q==Ht 1 Hv— I H- » /— ^- -A—K ifzzziz -0 — •- I ores. I ^«f: — * — U-^ — b>- f—0—^ -t^=F ^ f^^ ^rits-q— ^t=^ ,3i1^: I ^ '*~i: r -<5'-i- 'i (/j'm. -#-l « -•— fc-— y- « ^_J^jm^, fei^ J :iA=:1 kfes^ ^ cres. 5*pr^^'- =«»=^'=f= -r(5i-^ *= SSL-;{J rr-r- iftfeE*=5 i=3; |:iEEfe3§^ Ped. * ^— ? 1 1—"^ 4Zl — E-5i -'?-|— ^- ^'««earj>oieffe*— 9. rail. tempo e legato. :t: ;ftt-i -/^ ::^=p: :tr;; BZTzr^ .^:_: -• -»-^-^- '■0- ' •^ :t^it=: z± -HI /J « _. mr .-__, civ ^/_ _L.( 1^.^ :^1 /- IlTZ^tZ-^lT fi- fl_«- 3=i^=c =5 ^: /J-=i=5^ — t^ .,[T;?^i;/ decres :S Ii'etearpolette.- ^ Sirs; - ^ I — *• I •-*- !d: -^—^ :i=iz=^il,i^t^ |.;j -0 — ^^ r^s 8p«-*^-'-' g^l=3:_s^ ai^ig^ — ii. =^1=^9 ^yt-' ^f; sir \ * I •#• I I % 0- »-^ E^lEt --l-H^— H^ ._! i_ • 4 1... g T "5 T-j ?- ■•z:=T-j— /'/: •*_i •*_ T-Ji — r Xi*esear2>otrttet — 4, Op. 18. No. 2. I , ECOSSAISEN. rrr I :i==rS: ^£^^:^ ^^ =»-:t:— r=r: SCUUBEKT. -r~r-L^^ ;' ^ ^ ^ X *r -• — •- xzit '^^ — I \ » — » _^ — » I -• • 1 :tzitz — • — I N- l=#=i:=T lif-fit»:f=!E?' -tf" :c=r»: •_ =t'=t: It » #-#-^"p •— p- -K-H r /^ riF _l/_._sr_. :=J?ziJJS: v^ ittttlfti ilttt it f&^ f-^ (AN DER SCHONEN BLAUEN DONAU.) Introduction. Andantino. .kA JOHANN STRAUSS. Op. 3U. PP .^4 jR: -t-^ -ffl mf -^7.= ^: >tf — I — r; — r ^Ped. ^ «> »f ' S"^ — ! — r .-^_.. 3^ _^.., -&- . ^.._ __i_^- ^z - — '/ >^ri. — - -K-- |/-/-zz:at=z: I — i'_±z:zz: -,^-: PctZ. * -^i54 ^^- — -^-^-i -i2 -^ V^^- jSl u L Tempo dl Valse. p '^ Fed. ^^ — -<• ■=d«rii: f^-n- s-*r—k—'^- -/-ff«» ! I I i I I- -• — « H^ :* 9 #A^* •* •"«!• -1—1 1 r :i=E^' /'c^?. •#+»-•- * -^^- WZjJt i i jt~^2t~jL — it — *r /= -3=i=^ ■*■-»-■*■ s- ■*- ■»- ■#--*• ■*• -#-•♦■ -•- ■•■0- ■»■ ■#■ -#-1 I II III II I It I II I . '^ *^ _^.-^,__^ *.- jL A •^f^ /^ , \- -I I i - I I I I I ■ :i=i=; I t I III c-*r-i — 2. • •-•^ =^=i^^ ^=•=1?^ ¥-^ n\ 5-: V 'y m^ j^ ■<&- b^- ^-^~ — I— 4±i -^^Wi-'y^ /— •- 5« VI m JT* |:| f±i: /t^ Pl-i- -*^ No. 1. Ped. m^^ -(S-,-i- » — # EE ^' -•— • r- -J i=t- f3EE £EE 1 i > I i\.i. ■c- -*- -•— • EEEEE w ^•J: :r: E ^^->: r-*f— (SI Li^iiJjJJ $fe 5Ec «?•—?= F^^ -• — •- '=S": •%? ••-■• EE^EzdEFEE E^E :J: ^ :f»=f»; (S"-'-^- p-.- P«i. E^ «?— ;ii*^-*#ri— rt|:»: -«■ -fii-- q=»i=»^ -• — « — #- -I :.=!- f-\-^- -<(5>-^ ff ■5:.. — "I -•— • •-ir» £ 1- t:zii f- M. M. ;e^ & >_^.j?i 1-j^^ /= mS^ 0^m :N-r.^-i Me P »J: • __; *» r, *f ~ *f ~i r K^- 1=^^5 J^_;z_ :«.•-. "-c^ :tLZl?!±fc *Ef= i^:5 / c*^ :i~i: (S^ a; — 9 — 0— -©' m-\ --^r^ :E£E •J, i * :± A A i ^ ' u^ V - _i L_ — I ~a r fz 1 — ^ — ^' 1. _ I 2. A .(Sl.^ **>m*> •vJLsj* i^zifc -**E?£ :l^±?:5 -I>— b^- a »_ • — :3- +- :p: ?=S:tEKr: p ■^^^j4— (2- '^-t- PP 1 ** V • /? mf t5i± I>anube Waltz.— 9, No. 2. A-^ ^-J "^-•- =E--t=p: -• — •- -I— !- F- ^t r -•— •- ^: -•— •- 7^3 c: -F=F -r — 0-»- ii=t^ -(Si-' 6^' 8sa. • — •- :E^ ;?i±: :E -•-•- 3EEEES -^ — #- -©> — ^^ -(SHi- -•-•» fr^s »a.^ ■11- 'a * eS -• — •- mf =F »_•. tLiz=3i£|: -♦!?—•- EE _»_•_ - I ! ! r^ 3=^^ ^t=F- 9?^^ _i 1- n — h : :t ©>-■ :^ip: -•-SI i: ^«-*«. -h^ b^- — •— •- € — •- :p=t=: J I ±: - ? ± ± ^^^ ^i -6?i- -•_». ?^r :«_»zu: I r- -^ 1>V Ip' sr^t -i f r - PP I 1 lA^^ .•— •- PPZF?^'-^ ^^ T t—v I I r J » — # — #- ESEE ^i^-« ii^ T" II feEEEE r — r- 33^ -iS'-t- I; IS: rr :£E r ^^ -•— •- 6 £■ * J2.' ;ee 3=i=fe fekEzB ^. — .v_r*L, -4 TEE 3=q: ^^- -iS^^- f= ■i^ P=:= &=E^ #— # — 2>an««6« TTaltx.— 5. No. 3. g=T- L^^: — r 3=EE ^r— ^ — ^ -^ — ^- ::i=i i r pp _« •_ : U— L- =k licnis i=d= :E3: i ii^^=^ — r- r.^ 9fc=i^ r=^ =i=i: mf -^^Ek :d::^==^. -g — i— I — I — p- 7=^- A A ;t,|iz^ -• •- I^.^=E= #---•- :t:=zti 'fzaiezsza" ^F^ .• «_ -• — •- "I — .m •_ ii^iz -« A A A A :E=E^ =F= _• m :t: _• w. H 1 1 ■■ h -- 1 » •- •-■-•- A. A. 4'^ — ^^^ :^zzt: i; AAA -'^^ N N- P^J=^ _• •_ Itt e^eT' L'K /- r /r\ :•: 4— — ■^ t _•;_-_• •-■-• i^zzii: =±r-^ 3eIeI: T^ ' * J9anu&e TTaffz.- Ko. 4. (S>- -iS-T- '=5i ■■#■ «-«-«- -A -2?-^^ i:i:- :E g=^:E^ :p=:p <|ES-%- f-F=/ :i — r jfiifr. -•a- g ititz: ^ ^1 a^i^^?: :^= :?^^z^ -i -•— •- -l^t^E; — • — •- ■^:: ^^E^a :|=t -X .1 ?* »L_ r :S1 :ii:- ^ ".H, iz±i; d_-^2:=t .m. J. EE3 JPF^M^ =t=F= IfiEi 'W- ^-K -i — vr=t •- £ ^- »-• E -E *;e -•— » S«= __/_ :f=^ It ^..K^^^- ^Et^ (S!^ ^-t^ m±±- \ Vi / l.£a r rs fii^if*. :^- ♦ :: ♦ X"= ite E -I ^^-i- :E:E I — ^ Ei^-i.'^ •-^ sJizc: ■^»-*i ■1. 2. t-il ^^f^ ^^?:^-t 9*^zrit-f :*-^T^h- -! 1 i— ^-n 1 — I — —T— •-•-|-»-»---i-:.~^-r -•-! — ; — T?^« €- il ;EEE?E MEE^ ^ I I. ' ~*"f • !E™P±^E :t::: F g=l £7= '»•• K tn: 3Ei =t=^ ?S / _._.U-^ •ii l>anwhe Waltz ■ No. 5. -<5> — : >- T — r -m- ♦ * -A ♦ ♦-«-#-^-#-* ♦ li- --j- 1^: tf^— '-^^ V— jy-"- r^iizgiii l^tg: ; iE_fei^ — I — u-J h- «-': ife^ mmm T4^ti P-^ J^± -4^- ^^=«: t/': -b^ ^^t=|: d— - P^— • »-&• ^91 _4- t — •- ::N- — £= =F 4^ fi>-i- * T I F 1. :fe ^?=^^: 3=^: -# — •- 3=^=?; j=S=EZ -0- EE^^ -t • •— £=E^E :3=:zi ^- ^ '^m i= -i*— ^ -M «_^- -1 »-•-•- :fct ,* *- -• • •- I II =P=i=i: :E: -i=i :e=^ :cn:=r=pz :p 7>anuba TTaKz.- s.? ?»=l=i= =p=l=t= ?^E=E= -(5>-*- :E: !_«_• »_ :E -.fct?. lit =p=t: EE 1=^ j« •_ --^t=t- -0 — 0- '=}=F- bM -0 •- 't*: :t= =E=i=J: m]: x^c =»=l=^ £=E :|=i= L^-r: z ->—•-• i%E^EB £ =E=E -Iziziz =^=t=i= ^r t-=L=i © • M.JLJt. M. " ".• •_ -^ 0- -b :t=T: :i=i; -i^ M. _# •_ ^|*r^|: ILfe :t=t: ^u=:p: -4 ■=1=1= ^Tv ' f_f- i=iSizz«: I « •_ I^ m #_ -1 • •_ 3=t:i=^t szii: J - ! ^z:i=^ 3=a: a=s ^ s — /r\ 1^21= i^^M=^?^ w^U f- f^t^V ^m—!Z—m. '^ m r m ^ m -t- =t=F :iES -^ «» -r *=l^ iTSt! 1^-^ 3^=±;« ••• T*-* Danube Walt* 7. PETITE TARANTELLE. Opns 46. Vivace. STEPHEN HELLER. rUNO.< •z^#: tiifi^T^is^: —.-7 N*- -Ml — r^ . .^5^K^ ZZ.ZfZ^Z.1 -\irr-tr :*z:z»: •-i^» «._5 — -y— -5"' T- • • • , £^P ::^^i-:1ii "J *' V— -^ — fq— I— 1-^—1- : — fV"! — M'" fP -k' -^ — -/ — ^ :8s:^p.! / 1>^ — -•■T- =^: _• • V — 1^ d.'# £?i;n-5: V 1* :0 t 0.S.. 3^ • • :• « -# *f •< ^ ** •« ""7 ? ', / " /" V ? 3g:^ # « -^It*z5z5- =f^ k' - -r-rt=^»' rir, • r»- 5 ^ =^-JS^-W. -# 0- 52 ?• ;3^:i^:r V V i ■0-_ / 7 K^ ^z*-55 ^— S^: -0M*i 9MM~ ^ ^ — - ■•-* M^ :F=#^ .• •_ -• , i~r : I 7 ¥ /- :^ir>_M.--ir^f"-'-» :.J-rg s-=s= ¥ ^- -»4 K: U:^ :t7-»-7-7 -i'' h •- « J i -•:^^» 1/ — r -A- :t=c:E:tz v-^-5±-i b X X -A — I — r / -•-^-•- i^=F= X r=:t: «T« tfi .C •^. n — r li -^* -^'X* -^< / -•-^ :t=c: -\ r- »...»_ liH — ^ P. P M-^-'-^-^- --t- :S:^:«:pj •5^=^ — /> =^ -f— I- 1^ 1^ '^ — ^ ,• « _» « -/ i^ S^E?S»r :fz 1,^ v^-5- g^g^^jW -^...-_ .JS #-^ V-^?: *!-^ •^ :Si?^S-.?zl- -• — -"^m .l_*l.!' -l^-t ?-«f7 -?! -i^--^-!*?- •^ ^ 8 — ^r— i^r — S— -Ls^^ ^ : :^T /-^-^ =^r--*-»: -1^'?^^^ ¥i I I A i «_»!j>!-i_*: VSC«f -X-! /■= 1*1 *« " irA Pc — b — ^=p^l^: ;^s^E > -it » A '^ 'V- ^^ ^-m • t cre«. • •- H 1 r- • •=*—•= Fed. * IBZ^II '• ♦ Ped. * -3 — ?^gE|tf.;.lfl I » _ 9^1^ fi? — ^•-f-*- ^4. ^- il^ -p: -&- -F az* Pe//. 8: * Fed. «■ -- — , — ^- * ^ ^i|- :>^ '1*^ -(S^ ^* kA >^^ ^; f^-«. x,^ ^^ s;^ N_ ^;A ?<♦ h; >^a ^^^^^> Ped. * ^?^1^= h-h- =;=2=^F :^H E icziiii: ;? * Ni ?=^^ /^' p«urilM>— Chopin 'a,—S. \ -♦■■«••*■ * : 1 — I — ^r-^ |-^ — \ I r—tr zzj — ^± ^* ,V j^i^ J^f: j^t P:^ j^Ti j^± ^* !^^ ]^± /"» 7W. =S=S^ :.^if:^^ ;3s; E3= Fed. % — I 3=.3iF E ^E: i» * ^Mi Fed. > it ^_ . =r_ ^r— r— r— r- ri^!=:i^'=^:=:^t= ^Ei^E^E^i -* x=f:; ^* -l5H TrH — f #1=^ riten i :i9^ (J tempo. Fed. 9-ii*. I; * St rJ: r.ZZL ^-m J :3 ? ::^=SE -#• ' ■ Fed. * -• »- n — ^- ?2?=r I Pcf/. * 'X--- i I'ed. * • tgi^g^ ^ :E: #=mJ E3^'=-^ « :3=: 'f^^* Jzi: ! pp- /^ riten. -0 »- : — ?s, I tf«==*=^!^ • — • :t=i, T=^=f=r /r\ — r •--—I — r^*-^ ^0-, ^^!- ^*-0J — ^- (5>- ;b Ma»urli»— Chopin' a.- PRIHfi SOHG PIANO. STEPHEN HELLER. J =72. -H-#-#- pn tifeifi SSEiEf ::]=J= z: ± A -0-0' ■=t: H — #- :{: p«d * *r Pet/. ^|f-i^.-i^ 5^;l! i±A ■m - H— J \ — I— # — #- :»z:^r: riten. :>^±z3=J^ t^-^ ~p # : :I^- 4*- tempn. 1/ A . V— T T 1/ ISii^,^- ppT^.. iiiits^fe iPoA a tempo. '1 V mts= -0-T L • I ritard. -->- a tempo. J^ * Fed. :{: Fed. 5='= _•_#: -1 — * : 1 — ] # =S^= IK ^ !»,_ « m 1 ^.^^^•: :»_•: ^'ii^jP=5E£ Spring Song.— 3 » -*■ y /; Pe(/, iW. Peti Perf, Opus 33. No. 2. ECOSSAISEN UM^^E WALTZ. Tempo cli Valse. JULES EGGHARD. -h-#- t=: m: u • • "5- •*■ ^^ • • -• — •- F _• m_ _• •- t: :E£Ez^^ ■=i: S.-^* -• — •- 4=t-t * P ♦ ♦ i?i: i^=^= ttJ.=J It: s> — it: f= :fE _# »_ dim. -ti^i • • il^i^z: :3= • • -• — » * =i: ^^-z _i] — t — LJT — _!__: -5 — ••^ — # — •— 13: ilecres. -rrV ^ P I — p.t.|i-i: »=* i-^BE ;SEE -•_»- _»_». ^=p 0-» :i=± :i: -0-t -I 1 — •- ^-fc^: ^"f -0- ■#- ^^i=^ r-t»-- -s> — -m — •- :E: s ? *-•- • ■•- ;[s?^:iz^ dim. nnli: If^ ?=3=i: -» — »- li -33^ '*- BEti -S^ (i Mollo tranquiUo. u=v pp 9-1=3: _i_^- *=a; -IS- Si S — ^- :± ■-fii- •^^=#-«- »-M-0- cres. _0_ i •-•-4 - — f •-■-•- ;i iXE?:?: • • ■•• -r5>- ••■-»• ••■ — • — « — :^- i^ 3^ •«- ■+ « (9 — a^i -is *-^ — I — t— — »---f s=^ -\- •-r» --mlT~S -I — I — I — I- -•-■h — I — . — h X- £^33^ -i9- •»■ ->9- -0- -i9- -0- -G- t> 3 • — -5 — pp S^EEg (ja- B^ -=]:= ^Ei: -m- -rr z±=:±. &- H- ^3^ »-■-! — I — I — H- -I i i H ::^=rt ■--•-P-H '-p- -»— I ^ 1 1 I =E: E ^.•r^-* H ^ 1 1 1 — :&^^: ■=*=/i: ,te=t:z= ^r^!=E' :?=P 1^ - — « — ^ — pp -&•- ^ :i^=&.: 3^5 Pi 3 :5 -0-n-ilm • -I ^- qiifz#=^ •-•-•• -I — ^ — I — (- .— =^=tp :r=:4: ji * tS^ ••- It: -C * * "*' ± ± F?^i-»= §1— * — i — I — fci F= ■ • _• •. 9^0 -I— I- W=XL -» — •- ±: :b;2«: — (©- :E _5 •_ -i — I— i^^s , in F^-r^^ m m -r=n— s- • • • -m9 — «•— a* — — s • — 1 • — r ^± ± [Jecres. • • ^ • • t t 1 » '• • r 1- |— p ^ r M • .1 L 1 1 — . . • • =^-F=F- h^ r - • U H= LrMa .^ — • • — •_ r— r 9;s !S=i M= ^^^^ ■I • - i- '-\^ -I — 0- -I — i — < :.=1 molto. =1: -f— h- •-^ zi^rp: ni_ m -f-^ :=i: =i=t /■/'' — i=i: f= :|=l= hgzi d— i=i=t A Xa £run«tt« Fal«e.— 3> mM,^ mm, mmawB a s'a.i'. Melody by Dr. Lowell Mason. Modenito. Staccato e leggierissimo. DVOS. SECONDO. WM. MASOX. Opus 26. • • mm^' • • Pluyfully. U^f- A- ±1 tr- # • ' -•f- r _•_•. ;?=S • • ^ legato. Kh— -•■ f:i^?rjii=f=f Si "T — y , r^.- •i: ^•?-^^ r-_t::l legato. ^^^'iSjL^^^ dim. stacmtth • • 9i£^ ^ — ^=^- 4iL^itr^ -•-. 0^'-i- m-»'-f — 5=3t dim. , j__-.- legntn. dim. molto cresc. P^^--&' N^^^ #-■-• legato. *^^^^J!z zwzZ^mZ -#-■ 1 ! 1 y i=j=ji* ?z*EEi±! ;»=i^ •-»- , l^^^tf'^-i^Fi molto fv ^^ ^^ ffh— I — I — •- ztnccnto. :f:^f=i^?=f: _, . i_ f.^^:?^^;; fe^: • y ^ • _ 1 «_ L__ ^ (=2— _2?:r - By permission of W. A. PONT) * 00. Melody by Dr. Lowell Masou. Moclerato. IS. [Q-sai's ^ fax WM. MASON. Opus 26. DVOS. P R I M O, ^•^■^^^■^■^ A ^Plmjfully. # 0- —9 — I r- — , A jrz^m -0 — 0- £= -■ — #- TfH^Ml ?=rc:^t: A -#■ 8t'a- fr^t=E; A ^A I • • • -a e c x=z:X: _« •_ -p-- (• ^ guor"^' r-^-^"^-^ -• •- 'gs^^E^I -# •- A It a^ZTiT -• — -•- ic— c- :t=t— t: • The left hand of the " primo" player crosses over the right hand of the " secondo' player where the Bass clef occurs. Andantino. m.g. ItM m&M, Opera de Mozart. p hiendmix. j^^ d d^- d •zis: —' — ^ < ^--:.± -0—0- \ I Ir'!^ dim. mb. iijv: t=fi^_ — p -0-0- E. KETTEREE. Op. 191. tn.d.m.g. l0-m—^f-m- f0%—-i ld_0 ♦■=:_• '?-•-*-* ^U ■«■<-«■ ^ — -i (- 0-1 ! - •-<-5-*-[- — • P do tl rj^a- :t -e^— -I — h- -! 1 ^ dim. y 0-ii "1 — ^ — r i^T^-trii'-*- t~0 ». -b'- x==it a I > U tJ "tr c-^c::^ -F= »_pe:,- -»- -t: B dim. tr -0- -0- :t: V- •7 ?^- _^_i=-. m.j?. m.d. m.g. m.d. m.g. / m.d. A ±M. *-« ^ 9 ^ r m.g. m.g. m.d. g^^^_£ife ^- ^^ -R-* 1^=^ k »^c/ F f- S^Et :e=q=5- dim. (SS— ^ 1 • — •- 'I 1 — I — / i ■ — ■ 1/ J S. ^-=^f: :^i;t i.^^ *-±±i^^. •^=!!: -* — t^-r-- .;-/ jP%^- ^fc!zj^3^. -! ^~ • — •-* — •- ^r ^ -•-•■*♦ fr b^ ^ifi: — « ^^ — ^ — ^- ^— v~i^ •— ^ fe^j. _^_«_. v2* »" ^ « r H N id2. -• — •- '• m iST -^•^*t..** *-fr 9=-ti _• •_ 9 0-0 m - >^ -«r--F •• # •• -I — -<- A $ ^— ^ r :tr^ ^ ** * ZMZtsz"!*: ^■^f^L J>on Juan^—H. 42- t^ljf^^^^ m Y>ll^l m -<«-. -«- — 1_,. -#-i liix: =T -•-.- ^^i- -^' Brioso. > ^ ^ ^ i?e5?3=- i^ ^^^ •-»••-' -I I •-»- M.M.^a.^M. t^^^^^^ 8iv<" ii fe;z:w^Ef^ rJ- :^=w-if; 1 "I — -•—»—•—»—•- -I — -C— t — a — ^ — — ^— 10 — C— C •— •- 9 #< ^ •-■•■••■■•■-•--•--#- -•-•-•-•-•-5- I J «»##0*»0 0000 5 — * 1 ^— • za-'=i -0- > |:=r— 5: * *^«=-fe ffj. "> ^ ? ? I? ? '> > ^ > 1 Lis: > «'>- . t ff '^ CM rnff. - ^ hrillante. en rail. ^ P|'-4, 0—0 s 7 ^— f-- Z>OM t/Mari,— 5. i^ I -0-^ tf^ .-i^ - 1 f^iEt?= I ■ST n t^ 1 1 liiBElf. ECOSSAISEN. Opus 18. iTo. 1. • • aai=?= •«'- jP f=t= :• •: :t=t:: £ :t:: -»— r- •=t: piiz: -i iH "-S— -I X^HXi -I — I — --#- :i3rt: -0 — •- * =m SCHUBERT. - - i^y f=F ^ -Pi: ^rh±''^- nzB-= S: -^: -J-.'- "m^^ No. 2. ±± lii:-^ it=- -0—0- :E :q= ZM-IZI 3=: _ -jt i— ^ :iiE?; ^-1— t— h- -»■ j».i=i: -1— ^ I — I — i — \-- -■-I-+- +— I— ' — H £= ;=P= E=E^ 3"ii^»: rfipS: iasn iVo. 3. ^ s ! 1 _-(5»- -e) — ^= iS-zg; 1 — r-- •j-» =F- 2. -I ! -» — •- i— ^ — -& — ^1 '. , ^ " tz^*z :i- ^ ^ ^ t I* fr^^t t~f- rt *- -•" • 0~ 1^^ E^E: I 3^|zi ff :4=^ =d: « — «— I- — I- =3^ 1=1 -F= I T' f 1=1: r — r LES * (BL UMESTUAL.) Andante. THEMA. i^i-i^iEi Legato con Esprei. P §^e3=t -•—•-zt .0-1 — i^^i Taried by ALBERT W. BERG. d-d=t±.:i_-d=:J -_i t=itt: « t#— (Sa — 33=^'; t • ♦" li r- ^=1= ==1: J=r ^F=* J^r o — • • • :f*^; --1-4- E^^ rS •- r^i :fzi»Tsisi+il: ^* m/ — =rz 7-j— t: ic: -•-^-h; ip- !^-— aiT^^q r Pt3- ;^«?L<^ :B -#-^- d=tt:± :t=^t= ■• #- 2-— •-^#— Z;)- 9^i^ **"•> ^F=^F=: ni — 0.^ dzit:: ±§; t i — zr-w- !=F -Aziz: :PEi^=ES I'M Dim. T*- -0—0- WM zp^y=l VARIATION. ii' — ^^0 ^^—^0-^^-0- ;t tv«;^»=: 3i!Bfe =«--= -^0—»0—F00' :t==E=fe :i=:^^#-;^# *zt-r-»-r-t;-»-t: §!!3:e1e=3^ K :fS^« 3=ESi 0-0^-0-0^-^-0 ^|E^^-£5=£^= f^ -•-h— I — # I I- ±=.^-i * By permission of 9. Braiuard's Sons. iq -I 4 - f • — '0-^0 — •# ^fcppggE '»-•• h-t — »-• — I — ' — li .' — .- — .- — •?■-• 9-i^ =^==?= :^=lji' — t. — — • #- 7DJ ,zc; m^i=%=i^ ^^^ -F •zm->}2r=^mzr- /rv ^;£^?|T5.;^- t=^f=j: Hi: /TV FINALE. •i ^-d— -• ^ — I — 0- -t-<* -^ ■*• +- it^i#-F--#--i ■- '■ 1 ■ ■ a-r "T— -^ 1 . ^ — I — I — ' F-J — i — i — ' — I ■ bi H : V" :«=d: I: f=i;=i-«=^ -A 1 N— £m i>eiu9 ^n^M.— 9< i=.^= ^— — . ^[fe^:;* • ■2!Z3^^^^ S -i-'^-zN '^i^^i^m V S*- V • V s#-' V • ^1^ V V SE.: 9^i^^ =?iiT='7':E5zErE?--'b,: t-- H— -^ 1 Ps , * 8 • — « — • V -ff — •- ± t^ •- • — s Ztz^mz^MZ — r^^(t-0- 'fe:ra^^t -h- r— H- ::i^ : qz:*zj^« z^=w=lzii i =f=a=*z:e=g : 27 -+- r/- V — ^ — ? -?— ?- H E«=3^t3=iz| jn.j?. i^ m iiizzzx: I »-0-0 — ^- -•-•-•-#- m.gr. :t=:2z=:! :?— 3- 0-0-0- »^m- itrf-r-fr-^f Wi.J'. — ^r-F-- t_-»- -I 1 1- ^EiE =i-i f9i X r t — — t-z:: ^^ 3=^'-;^z=x — T 1 r /T\ -3-^-1 F= /^/^ iX JDews ^n0e«.— 3. ^ ^ -^ I I /TS (St- "J MWMmSiM M.M ^j^^J i«i (UNTER DONNER UND BLITZ.) FAST POLKA. Introdu ction. ii _ N ^^s ^> JOHAN STRAUSS, Op. 324. FOLKA. POLKA. ■rt^-rT^--ir7j :± j_ J. # — •- §: ill -9-9-0 if-* :E=E .• »- -•■■•-!••■ ■«■ -•■-»-'•■•• -^ r-B.^-.'—'- rr 1 1 !"T ' r " ^ — ' fe. .^t^ :|=S'-.".-r|i«-^i;«^ •^ — } — I — t — t—- ^^-4? ku-^ S : : :t ^.=-4._y_lj:^^^'S=r=Jt'?-^rf^^^ W "^tj^LM. '— > -t=; ^EF^ztE^ 1^ .V ^-'^^ V" :,z:«^:^ -^ Kl!- T »=^ — 1. It: 1 V— ^-: _ff ^ c I I I ± 2. f/- — -#- #r -^^-^- :Uz:3=t: I ^ I ■f--=H=±-- -m- -m- -I — I /^ • 'f _• _ _, t X m "■» "•~ -i— m r~ j^ 3^ §iZE; mzjfz.<»i =E^= i!5<22_ ^ M. JL :i3: « •- — ^ — • -•^ r- tZLzr s^- •— •— ^: :a gz :t= r-' — I- -s ^^ I I ZlZZMZZH •_ LI 3t M-¥-^ -; — I- •-^ It ji. ^ ^ ■-^ — I— --\^^ ;Ezee « — •- 0-0-0- Thunder and Lightning,— 3. PISALE %^^-^ /■= }) fzf^ \pp ■»'<*L^Li i \t\ ! \t\ fj -w I . •_ r _•_•_•- _ #_*_•- •-•-•- 8-: 9 •- : 1- f t r-^ ~0^ fr^r •_•- •_•- fe -« — •- 1=1 :i: t-i — r-n ■ =1=1 J= :•— -- |±fri* t=^^.tfe»--?:cf££r^ rr^iXZ TI*!*^' S^^? • ===r I|S^^=I-J $= ^±^^1?:^ r 1 ^ ^ 1 1 V ZV* • [I" -1 . .. L_l>l-i w jg--- ^— ^ £?-*^^ :r:-A?_j s?=i=s- m\t EiiH^Emj Thunder and Lightning.— 4. -s- --- i J — 0^-. — » r=rg^ r f -*?-§— ^ # •— f :S=vii.?— £i»i|:s5?: z:" fp ^^.^ € r- :S-Srfc| 1. c »: c -•-i — 0- — • — € ■z=:ii: . BTlTi- -•- •■ T*:.:^ •...•- ta_vS_?^_ ^«'-^i?-*- Ij — »-^ .11:=: ^?3Efc -U- T -:=: =?^=^ T -^1 •_•_•- 18?=^ * ii- :J= :il.t=.t 5^i _^__..^. in^ pI'S^ES^ =1= .ii m N t __^_ ,o> klft iiEEl: _9*zT *_-;_ _( ::d': -<5i, 'SC -r -^^ Z%wnul Zlghtniug.—5. -9-S-9- 'j__: > •• •• tJE • • 8 • -($1- -#-•- ECOSSAISEN. SCnrBERT. ^ 1 ,s. ^f: ±^ ^- ^^ d:p: :^^ i n :^ — H I i I J^f^ -c^ — 1 ^1? -Of^ iz« :/ ' ■#- . ♦ -J -t$- 00* •-• !&- ■ s >_•: :_i[ J 1— 1 i AUffjro modernto. OUVERTURE. CRAMER. tr ><,- pp ff staccato. -S-^-3=q:^^__ ff^Efe=fti'»^zg=?i3: -0 1 — m—0 — tr ^ii__^5_g :^ii..~re "•~»- :fe=^-: -3zi*^ «r '^jii^^i^-^-Mfi^^f^^^^tp^. 3=Lii' -^-^— T-j-ts^- 3: :iEs.l :t:: F^ :ira-2_-i#=x=l= ^i^^-^=^ ji-2-__N fo- tr tr tr */■ *i^g^3^ ^^__^_ -Jt^z: tr -A- a^^fe JS: ^=^E«-i; ^- -^ — -^ ^ ^ :^=t= rf^ p •*■ ors. ^— 13^— A= _._«—■_._• ._#—i#i;._»—#—p aiLzai^Jift :iz_»irnr B.^-^ do. » •. 17 ^5 _i : I ; ' ;_ i ^;_ f p -4- "»: rit. # •- zzs: m ralL Andante turn troppo lento. ROMANCE. "JB VOUS DOTS TOUT MOI L'ENFANT DB LA HaLLE." Con simplicita et espressiotte. ^^^^ *-{3j;j 2r " mi^ t «^ • — • f=;=F= t=r*:=i^ -0 •-; 1 ■-< ^-0-^-0- -4— •-•-«?-#- 9Z-Z-t~mt • — • • •• A A • • _ • »-• 0- d-z::^- •f — « i-*"* -|» —0- t-V- ^—r tr^l • t rail. 5L«p-i /TN I, :•"•: poco piu nnimnto. • • • • — •—• — #- •=?-j-s -•-7 ■j-" rn: -0-0-0- -O-0- ■7-7- -0-A •>#j5l«. I i lis-.. ±?+r.»^ L,_4f-r ^1— r-l— (— I i— »-^#- Jg 90 a»0^9 -# — #- ^rr m •: 0^0 ^^ •=. tr-r t!^: S:= (»-^ ■-^#-•.—7—^ !iri- ^ ?2- .*-•-•: V— - Fed. i^ Andante. -u. '■&A'- + P legato. igi^^k ROMANCE. *'Ellb est tellement innocente." ; I dolci: ■#-1 -#•; * I • :^*-^ : ^!a p^^g^ : 1 1- I 1 •- -s>- :•!•: vv Y^f^ •— ^••^* fe: F=t= -!-•- # •^^••, -•-i — • • - • --* n • ^■i*:^ •=^^ -s^+f^-j----- -•>--* <• •» — 1-# — #- Trriztr '>' ¥i ^oco ra?Z. ^ tempo. I -#■ I I -s— a-it ^-# # — ^-# •• -•_•_•_•_ iSi- J=-te3. -dm -3EE£tiS3-= Fed. * Xa J^Ue de Madame Anffot,^4, morendo. "^n^ -•^=#- =s=i -»— -fi-; ra/Z. ^ r- *'• • — I — — ll+Zt ■■■■■ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^r^^^ • A rr I — dim. rail. ^ AUegro non troppo. DUO. " Ah ! Ah ! Les fortes closes, non Jamais." ii Ji, -»-¥* leggiero. -C- -^ -«- i'eti. * •-i-l-i • . Iff'-*-* -— P— •-• »-i — •- -•— •■ Perf. * "■ * ft. * U=^ I Pal. * ^#*^ -^•••f r&= Ped. * '^I?' c; ::f H"i»ztr :""□ tetzE- •-i r=c=tt: 7-^ » .trci. ^•^^•i ;•--• -• — - -jezMir. •z^zb: izizfi :«zrz«: r-~ \J I J I i— t— >.*-> Si!S^ -t=x :l=3[:~: -•—I — — IT-- .z^-^-i}.'=s -1' . I V .-^^li+zz-zz^^iz*: -?-§^ -^-^^ _• •_ zans: Si*!?!: z=S--Sz '^ Li •:-: -»-i — \ — ~^- -j — j V .• « -i — I— •— •- w I _•<_ ^ ^ -P--«- ,■•• I I I A. ,i:i^3Ei: :iizs=i: ff -M^ Z0- ^ ^1- ff >0- H — P^- -0 0-0-0-0 3 . . • • rz:«_»z«:.»: X« mie de JUadame AngoU—B. Chanson Politique. AUegro. marcato. ^ri'% -ff- ■*- ' >x -•■ I >- --h- .•,jn ^•^ -' * •-' — »-_^_J-L _ . ■ ■' ■ ' ■ ■ -L#- — /- rail. rr\ -0 — # — #— r „— • «» 0. I^ — -0 — i^- I > - — •— • r-< — • — b — 1-^-^ =F — 5T_; j,,L_, / - - _B S- — 0-0— -0- o~ »_ I k' '» — #- ^ 0—0»» -0 •-• • 0—0-0-^0- I — bn — [T ^,^- ■• — •- :c:=s:rj r- -0-^-0-^-0- > i' ^ .0.0. .0.0. -0M- 0^—0 — •- yp0-lz^l I • I / > K ^ %=^^. -0 •• -00-^00 F "«__« '•-•- • H \^ -«- - ^f^- rnZ/. 0-0- -0-0 Fed. * Fed. CHffiUR DES CONSPIRATEURS. "Quand on conspire." M_j. 9 3t ^: * f-=F^ 1*=^ :^ _L. ; ! P«7. :*-p=«-r: :#"_~»: III- -h-j— (- p<= > ! i • — #- # — - — m — --- zf^EE^^ :5E£p==^t^= -z^-^lP-^zt ^^z=z crei. ^ • • A L, A A A-^ u /" , '"■" ^ r- rpz:»-Tr- A A A > i • — •— ngi — >— tfc g 5^. •zii=»-«i*-p2— CTT^r-— -r- r-r-^- j^^^^jjr^^r:— ^,=r=zzzrzz^;^^ Fl^= brillanie. ' i i i 1^ "IlJI '^""'o- ii-^ ^- ^-^== =^ = ^- -i^— |;iife2=:=i?:ai::zz=r ~g2 — — /»' 14: »ii^ » ii^it z — ^ #-#- Tempo di valse moderato. fe± •~#- zzihh=ri=iiz _ _ Xo /''J/te da Madame Angot — 7. *»:13S Ped. ?i^E ££E; m _» — ' — »— »■ jhzi: ijf Pe(^. ■=i=« :?Ez:Ezi:t: F J=«rjji t: • _•_ zitr^ic: ffr ^==:f :zii="#: T-^ ^sir. TZini: I-r-i-- -^_x 'Mzm ^ P^iZ. ^ Pe — I— i — I — I — I — ■-#- 1 ••— #1*^ giilJ-f^riifc: -ff-F * ••-•• =^==z^t:^=2=i=ii=r Xa fH<(e de Jlfadante Angot. — 8, ztiEErt tt=: £ ;*^l^: — »— •- t«=fzit ^E± in; _• m. -(Si. "1 — -• •_ wmm .M. tf -M- '' ~z—c: -0—»- 3=p: p«(/. * Fed. -0—0- -.i- F=^^- * Fed. ip. •_•_ H: ■P*^^- #— I r It: i5czt=tJ :t:=f-l :^ -I h -'i3^^tk,^=\ S-p a^feESi 1^ r I 1 I I A -A^— it- =''f:i'-=*=^i -»— — £— ir-?:t^ztr -i — r~r - iE=z^Ez ±z::=E- Pcf/. _• «. Fed. * J—: /V(7. .Vi 0—0- -H-t-'- /vn ■*• . ff- ■0- ■0- j0- 1- 8ca lunija. tt m 'x'sr 'JtzrMZJiL sSeE: l^—. 0ZXZMZZ0:- • • • • |f*«I*^*^**«??*^*5 • • • • -0-0-0—0- I 35^5^3 -0-0-0 — •- azszizi^: — •- szizaiza: / S-#--#--#--#- b'- ■0--0--0--0- '•.0- ■0--0--0--0- -•• J0--0--0--0- 0—0-0-0-0- "P: 1 I I i 1^1 I I i * -It^-^ — ^; — , ^ • COUPLET DE LA DISPUTE. "Ah, c'est donc toi, Madame Barras." AUegro. ^^^ .= — m — ^ 1 T . / — •' — 0^0L .0 — La Fills de Madame Angot.—9. staccato. -0-\ .-n; -I — \ — ^- I I I -•-t-rx inztz* ^ I I I I -0-0~0 ^5— S ^-f ^5zn; -#-1— #- *Z1*Z^Z* r_| . -K ZETlt: i-# h I— ^ ■ff-»-*- m |.fc!: 0-^00-0 -0'\—0~^- -A—n-^- :a:2zwzm~r 0SJZMZ #^- poeo rail. i —M :L_r- »•- w»- ^ tempo. • « ■ffjf i — I — '. — I — I -I — ' — ' — I — I — ! — ■■ — ' — ! — 1-' — ' — I — I 1 — I — I — I 1— m 5 •••■*■ ■•• ^1 0-0-0- -0-p: jiJzz^±: 0-0- 0Z0~0 i'^^E :*iirii: rail. _^ ^ '«wj90. i±^0 1 r , . • l?ii — r-- •4 £^t -•_tl_S- # • • # « • 0-0-0- Ped. :35^e — » — * 0- -0-'r-0- mzc: — fi fi •- E#= . r=s :Eee ?' :^=r=^,: • — ^1 *•£?=-. -.=t ?E?^^ -^1 (— Pr- Poi. * rilen. •- ^ ^ZtiS vite. ^; •— • — •— • M. ^ M. ^ :czit=t— ^ -•— » — »— »- lisii= :f^Lfe F -0-^0 « #- -lit— =t: -• 0—0—0 Sta •" V # ** -I — »- iizzrSix "a X r X / . ; Q±Sz7: r:;' '— H- ' 1 8cfi ^~*^=S="^^^ Ped. * r y '^ ^ 5 ^-^- £a JTille de iladame Angot. — lO. W^'UBT. SIDNEY SMITH. Op. 117. p^^^^^ P" -P— ~=|!^i:»=l:=r. ^^^ leggiero. •=- 4 ti. :i-rz=T=_t= tJ r- ^ 7* -^*-* .-^ — h-i :t=t: p«/. .,^. * S _ N /^ ■iEff;s •:tfil?.i»z=i: #-#- I — i — h- 1.^ P=p:*= U" ••-■•--^ ^ ?»_•- -•-I i — (- -^i— — ». u ^E: -P— P-r- -*- =-;=;-i=:t:--: ■l^-V ifarziale. i9r . ■•••■••. I i. :5:*^*«7*: = ^: ^ i Pet/. grandioao. * :i= -?— »-^ s =^— p- * »-x #-^ g-v PSE^T :r. i^— • j^ Ped. ff J- B$EJ feE^lzJ: r?^ g21=g^^=5=^f=^i=5: :e^!e^ p: -r =^i=?^t- I ♦ * A ♦•♦ = ff Fed. * -•— ^ ff Ped. * a: -^=n s=^=5^: ife^r i:^: 3£«fe!^ls:^sJEi S^^^^^E^E^ -'-; l2|:?:5|— -^ "■3 Ped. * --Z) - -? I ^=z: -H^ — T-T_;- ^Pfp • 2*/^ "•««. Ped. N * 5i2=Es3i2=2=£S ♦ ^ iSni ^ :t t:| « — V ^-^-7 '.*/• ? m*f r^-?^- Perf. J 1 -^-^- tz?- 4f^>=t^=rf_^f=.=, 4fP«- =^ =- > -w-»- JFViufi.-*.' a tempo. | I I Z, Fed. m "S. ^ ^'^'^ •■ — V •m- '- *?—?-*? i_ I :q: 3^ ^_p_5_ // Fed. -J0-_ I- A ♦ £: li. t.^^ -^ ff , ' ff — ^ ^ ;-t: ^i=r A • ♦ r i ♦•'2: =t * -«r-W-^ :-^F ^5E?=iEE5E :C— 4— r- * Hi: :z==p==i= pi= ^ ^ p«/. ■^\ :;^ Fed. ^ . * Fed. _^ ^ Ped, ^ % ^^ ,^^ p,a. ^\^Fe •^ -♦. -^ -m- -w —^ —^ —^ y ^ •#--•■•■#- i -F- -rzi-'^l'-'zzp- ^ »z=H-t=:[:=t=p ^E^F=r ^^ ^^ itorf accel. (djine. faiMt.— 3 SOLBi; • Quich and hud. ?'^i tr 0-^0— m 9'P :•-?=?: 1 '• — 2 L_ Ml ■*?-> i?'— ?- -i/— '- i=^0=^ -.^-^ '•-t:ii-5- t — ■—^- V- m—ir • — • — •- -f— if— ,»— JT- -• » '- 7 P l^=S=tZ^v; »^s^=s ^ i« Il •;_ --^=^- 9-0—0- f :^=?=¥: -I — ^- •-^ -'f-*'^-*?- -s^— - ^tlF- IJ^t s .•S__Z__S' #-v •— • ^ f •> * •» # ""^' #- hv=5^y— 5= y— *— s: 7--r— — ;- S* H* '— ^- i 3^ i^ /" 3=^ ** ^ V 3i: "17" 1^=-^ ^i-»— ,— — ^ — *f — ' *y — m " ■ 1 , t-T ~:=ri= (^ — » — '—m — t— 9-1 ^ i? t «? • a 5 »/ ' *f 1 ^— • -0- \ — 1 • ' / _f ^ A . —^ . / _y 11 1 r 1 ^ ' / ' L_^ 1 ■ 1- ' 9 —^ ? — *_A _ ia¥ P P •-• ^ 1 m. ' k :" =3 ^— --~ --i -♦ E^^pg H. " ^ =fc 1 Fed. Fed. Fed. .^.- :p=«^£R= '^^ ipziii: f: "^ > »= * ■S: --N 57^=1= -^ — ^- *^l-»-~^ •— — «:j^ -T •- :F=^=' •^' =»=i=*i?^ n# -K* :| 1: iWr- 9^ — \ "-^—f =^ ^^= ^-^. :•— #, -1— ?-^- F -X ♦ N. itzxz rt- T-»- # ^ — •-t ::^- ■^*- =z=te=z:p: Pe<«. * Fed. * ==it: Ped. -n- « P::i=«=H=l/ *=f=i}l^ ,N#_^^ :^t^=t - 1 1 1 — >- ^»' J^*- ■f=^ Fed. rairy Polha.—H. Modenilo. =s2^EG_«=iiE n^L[$-i ANTON RVBIN8TJEIN. r^ ^2: :f:: ^^ ^^ f: r- -# — ■Jm. i' =1= r- ^' I - airi_±r7_ i^=\ :t: 1^ ;ts » — t ^ I i-.^^=: IT :f r 5i^ i^^: 5>^E3: Jf ^^ :r -••«? -^ f — ? - #-^»?-^ g- -^-#-^-#- 3j::tE5j: :i^ r I'S -r« 1-- I ->■ r I i^i r r r* — ^1 --Tj E li: Jt^ % £ q=S=S=«: f =^^ r- tf*— iff — i: j; :E=E O- r !r9; >- 'fffj;- s i;«- i J i: — : -^ — I ^ -^ — I , 1 . ' ^—i-^m — ^_ • ,^0 — !_2j I stringendo. '-^m&si :q-. /T^ -»- i-' >-f- -r • b« • i* — ;— ff* r— r r <^^ ^ if* — 1 r . ± — ^i — «^ Tempo prime. 1^1 ._H j—r ms r" •-I— • — «- :R=t ^i ^: T:^ -^1 ^=fr=5zt ^r^ >- i^i I 3=1^1 -.-^i r ?— • •- ^ f^!=5=?^:j=tz-,-iS: :C^=: '^■=f=— f>= i=^» ^ ^ii r^ s;. r J-- ■^, ri fj. ,^ -^ ^ -^ b IeS: -4_J- 3F5:; :#3!Z»: •fi^ ??= r^ 1 nil ~ ^^ J. jL ♦ f: i^-:^ 1 ^ »•: K^' ^ P-^= :E: a^ &=I3 :^ ifei: i 1' ^ 7- EE^Et .n ■I • - -i- .r;'- # ^ — ^i — '>< — » ^- :j=rJ2ip; E -^ ^ '♦ EE 2^^^^^ m ■H 0- ZfZL -T^"-^- m --^-- :z:3. Jfelody.-A. (B RUDER LUSTIG.) GALOP. F. BLDIK. Op. 10. :ii3=f=f= 2^=p: 1 1 — 9 • »—»—»—» : I ! i :t: T" -• — • :»izn:=r— c: 1 r' i^ ^?^^^ • • _• •_ -• — f- iif=t^c£r- ~ — >- ICI •-^^ 5^^ »--#-^# a-t^j -I — ^- :tzi:zii: in: -» r- "i — r' -•—•—• t=t; tit _• • •. -•- "I — v-'- ^' --X -#-h- rr -1=- ^^ - » » W - a -O^ --■^ ■•■ — ■*■ — f^ * ^— 5=5=f-«- I9i5^ EEt: ^^ i-zitmr^ti f:^* J 1^^!="^: jf •? III ' ^IIh- 1. •-^A"*S -f— I — •<- !lclS 2. -i r ^=^ : —1? -• — 0- -• #_ LJ :si:± I ?=^ -0—0 X=r ■~1~» ■ I I •Jii^ 0—0—0—0 •zii^i— ■: .0 — 0—0—0- •7 :izzz /> ;&=!: :qz:f=f=»: ^ • • • :f:it-t:_f:: T— •— ~ r=— 1= ■=^^^ i^"*-*» ?-^?«: zf-tZZr-t )■'- 0~'-0-90 '>i^ct J3E?; -• — I- it:=tzt=tr :t=±=±-t: -• — 0—0- -0 -p-S^p ■fr*f- ^ — ,— • :s=s ^ • • • 'b t-t-t — P5 N — ^ — • -i — I — I — i — ^^-^-K-^.- ■■'.E^^. -»-»-jt- 1. TlilO. 9^^^ :fciii-p: ._, ! 1- ?=^ :t=^=^ -( — r-l — - :^^r -;/-*?- 2. ENDING. TRIO. x-t- t-i- r — -£a- -(9- Fi^^E^ -rA- ^* :^ * :=: r £ jl ^ >^. •Ltt— T^* _ « ._ « • 0^W- X— — ^ -z^^/- :p: Z3:=tz:c=r^r x=c:zt; ' £ 4 T m j^*: ♦ ♦ ♦ ■»■ ■0- m 7 ' T T T T ^* 7 ; M. JL ^ ^ -^ * * * P^-^::- •-. \- • « • ^ -t t=t •J • t 2'-*-. t\ — #— ^— #— T— — . ' ! i — Lf-- E- ^ / '^ » 1 \ 1 1 ; 1 Jolly Brothers Galop,— H. # -^ ■«■ •* tLfe^s- 53E^ -I— ^- V -'- ^^- -A — -A — F—»—f — ' ^ 1^ :!!ri2: -=?=t= -# — I 1 •- ?z^"-^ •#- ^ • — •- re: =^^r^- :i^t: >- :t: :i. -P- ^ i — '^-t-?: V — L_;/. :^I?: ■^ ^ ^ zlijz— ^zi±— ±=-«-=t: 1?: zt==t -r r- -.^ E^=t V- A :t=l •:— < -1 — H- :f=pzzzzf:: -a^-dr . # •_ :--t=r: :t 1^ :zf?— r=tz3*=t zz^E*E»=»E -tL :•: :t: :ti: ~# — » 9- -» —?— #—*- 1=1: -I f- -?=!!=t: i^zt •?-•? --*^- ± 1 zi:. ^^*: 3«=i: ♦2. 2).G :t=± Jolly Brothers Oatop.—S S¥S. SECONDO. AndcmtiM. BRINLEY RICHARDS. Fed. -X ^^m^= * :Tz=i: -- N-, :q^: -7- PtiZ. -i==^ "_r^-»" * 1=^ ^: £^ -J * :irT=iiz=s; ~i- ■^-^ ■ill. ■£=± iiztLi^iii * -I f=V-^-^r 1=»S=3 ^ tempo. dim. '#— »- -0—0- 'l9^: =f -f-*f-^ •— • m=^; -^?-«?-«?= ~^^^ "1 li 7 I :^-i^'- I —I * __j ^ > > rS^iEtEEZE P^^. * --^*?-'t- Fed. * :«=i: -^-f- §!fe1=ti -«?- -f^- 53- ^i; :v=i: -«? — ^- :m~9i "5 — e " 13: :ti=: EE^^ti -• — •- -S S! S if E?S. PRI MO. Andantino. BRINLET RICHARDS. ..':7r.z?4»v^_i4^--« *:rr#j?^?- fl 9.va- ^•■^•^■^ i^.^-^.^-.^^,«K^^^.^-,#-.^.^.^S^.^^^.,^,^^^..^.^ :2=:if:^=ir ^l2=r: A tempo. -T- I I Fed. * ^=l=5|=*= _• i — •- _ #_*r_4r_I -»-^-^4- -^-* sznzB -^-^ ->'- :J-5-5-t=¥= ^*^l=*= -»-^h^-i=^- ruH. -•-^-^ -•-• — 4^ ^ tempo. dim. ZZIZ -0—0- © ;^{z=!izp=t: :JEt §^:g=^s xt PES3EE zrzc~rz0^_ -0-^~~: 0—^—^ -» ^ I I I #■ T--r-#-^-h-!-H-#— Sra^"^"^"^ -^"^ .*-^-^^^^ ^.^^^ ■^^^^^■^s^s^.^^^s^ .^s^-.^^ S^tl^s^s^.*'^-*- ^^■T^ ^ ■^^^'^- i**.^s^ ^-■^■^^S^^^^^s^.^ s t»: IS Ped. cre>. ^ »^ .t^ ^M m^ t^S-t- f Fed. T- -^^=tl=-7- -•- 0- SECONDO. -*_*-* — / — * :i; 7«» I •»_ P«'-ll [|S1 :i=^-> -V»f_»;- S ; — r--- -^-^ roll rp=^ r -• — 0~ -^-^ Warbling at Ere.— 3^ PRIMO. 8ra^ 8va^ :^^=-^-- ^^^-i^~s^- ^?:^{gz:|^^|^z|^_|^ P l:^:^IS^^f^ ■z=rg 9 f : -^ — ! ^ ^- fr'S^-E^i^^^'Ttr^ Jf • — •- 8ta- 8ca- es -£^=^ -^ •,^ y a» — : — ;^ — ?-gz4:g^f.g^^^g^fJ f^^ to/Z. S: Sror*^^''-''*^-' Scrt-*^-" .0-i- '^-^' irzzrizrK _•_•_-_•_ -•-(-— —i- 7> '*'»oi— ^«^ 7b«<»— ^ ^-^- fe-^ is * SIS A tempo. 5ltzz: ! • li: iPed. -9~ * -#-S-U« Ped. ■Jf- « -j — m- -, — I — SBOf -i» [?:z:l; • 1 =^-^- Pe.7. :z^zd= * d^-: Warbling at Eve^ — «• •-^- -•^:ir — w- -#-*-^ Perf. * H E?^ feig . raZZ. -^ f=F=v^ r*-=i: SECONDO. i&iE^^.±^ A tempo. Fed. I M- ±±ziii=:^ M=j: :3._:d: ?-^-2- * -«?- -«?- :q^z:q: dt2z=?= Pc*/. =i — d— 3.— ^ — * ^&=3^ ^-fi— ? — :^ ^— (im « roll. 9J,^Pe3=^^ --I #- A tempo. ' Ped. -J— IBZZf =4= * =»?- -^- ^-'^3 PeA * l_ S=^^=3E -4- ■.T=^^i: * a^fe ?5 :?^*=i: i^El ^^— *r ^=i: ?=^ — *?- iP ;5^ A— «?- — « — ^ tempo. — ^- m •! *^ • ~iS: ■#• T*- . IFarblina at Bve,—S> PRIMO. 8va. a tempo. '^-- B*: i) I 5=*=P= > Iff-*- -s^ ^i*= ^p =fcrq — s}_ St»a. it •l — »-\ — »-l ^1 1 h-. — I — < ■•- -I* i«- U^^-L«i- g~.* fe ^^pg^^ /'^./. ^» |ar- .^^^S£ tJ»*-**»*^:- ^^^B^ft! ^e- g — s- 8va 8va. j*:*:^» »_^,jm-:=i_J^^m ?**•- -I _ L) I ^ ] ^ -I — 5t'a. ~m m~ Rail. te rfflBi A tempo, f ^-Z- Warblinga at Eve.— 6. W3EBB3H@ MA^XM (MLDSUIOMER NIGHT'S DREAM.) MENDELSSOHN. Allegro vivace. -i9- ■#■■#•■•• d==:z: 3 3 — • • 0—0-0 0--0 « « 0-0- ^-^=mi — H ff T=^ B:;:=-.^i:=|«--: i^' — g — 5^-^- --s^ :«?=i?J :^z=iz=:«: :4— X (C • — 0- -|- :i=l^-j '/ :s^=:r!!^xft -4- « — •- — +• T^ "tJ?— f -I— --1- ::^=rrpr -^ — f# -" — * — ' — <5> 1 F , • I -iS>- -0 — « ■ -!» 1= fk _ :* /^r '3^ :^r=-4- •-[= £^=t .^.. fe^-'El P#»=-'^ -•-3- 3 -F=i =F=^- 1 3^: H d :^3«!-t:«: -F=R a^=?$5; U- — -t- tSi- 1^-? 1 1 i — —I 1 "-5- -'^-=^«#-M# _ — S^- ^^iMLMlk •0-. 1^1 '^'^^[t-M-h^'-i -i-iz -g— S -rS^ Ea. 3E5 -•t-«- zpzpzzf^.: -^ ^ -^--ri^-^r—^r^ ••' i5» #— « fci: 1^ * -25^ ff — q — -J.— _i- — ,— « — d-. «' zSEiEpz :=.• '9—» — »~ a^d: IT 3EIJT1 :EE« 1- -•— •- -LEEi^ :ii^ -i^' =F-f" 9i :1: --A E=F S t^jifiifti: I ! I ij— q: ^4=^: -rSi- tV -Ii=^i?= il^^ife :J=^:.d: 5*:|ti T" 'jr 3E:.EdE= J=v- ilo .q=i:t- *"»* rS — 1 i2a 1 ' 1 rS— N- -1 i^-d i^- J • • mm' m " 9: W 1 ' ^ — • - f #.y_ i p .\ WW' V 1 J ^•.:^ •••• r ^ - 1 1 ^ 1 J _^_i_i — ^— -^-^s 7— -i-^7 >^— 1 ^— — <5z=^ — -»--—- / — 1 1 - • 6^— -Ti- :fc ^=R" -* _«_^_. -•-•-•+- f^=5 ^1 :tii -t:t---rtriti ^ id: jJ_j_4_J:?_2-5: -.^-J- ■#-•■ -•— •- -Ti*- TTeddint; Starch.— S. »/ ^!^=3E _=^ F=F=--r -j-j- -2^ •£•-• '»""• Lfi)- 3E3e; • * ^ -^-f?5-•-•- 3EF=: "•— i :^:rj: :F==F:f >-- £3^- r- I < .«__j ^25 ^'^#'^^-^:^"''^ = :5^ tT ^ — -9- -ZT =q=^^H^d ^: r r— r »_••-• 9- i_^ ff -^- r- :2: A^ zi r±: (&— *t^# I ^._^,_ Weddinq March.— 4. ^— t=i:z=:±=[:: -J-r?- fz-.?=i?:ii ^5^ _# •, ^z=«i~i^ -^ _>-_fA* ^^ EE£h PS^-M: -#-3- :i-;iiJ i^: i 3-«-r5 3- -#-3- ■!•: :EEE; fi^ 9^ ^j'^^i^ -j> _«LI F^5 2? -' 1 'f t^-v- :»[=ii5-s EFJIE (S ~J-^ :* p« ^:$'^ -©*- ^f teZ^g^ o- -l-J^ Jl^ -0 — 0- zS': f^ — « — f=S^SE» • • — « — §!5^i33 -• — •- ■-i^- Spfj*-*^" m^ F ff -g- -15>' :«?iS — ^ *~r^ ©^ -J— i- -^— • 1^1^?^; 3=i]=i: •^' -^— •- ^ ^—*!—J—0. :gE_= .it—m- izi^i -i- m •_ E>=^H1EF1 N =^|^^rs^gl;|=5v^^ -I !- -(- // ■•■ -Si- (S — /TV 1/5 3_i_ id tdjtd • zj»"'^ •— «- Weddtna March.— S. •0- ^ ^ ■••-#-•#••#• ■2£ La Belle H£lene Galop. Composed by OFFENBACH. Arranged by D. GODFREY. Introduction. -" — itCiiczt ^_^_0_ffS fit — '0 m » 9 »— »— # — »—0- PIANO. 3!ifel^=^fc?= Jl -• — -- =:=ztz -^ -l=ti -0 • 0- =c:=^c: GALOP. 1 % — I — V •EfEK «. — •- -•-I — r- rt: :'Er'- _^_«. ■^-5- -• H :t^ ■'—0 — — i. — 1 — i ■0^ t»- |— ^— *— •- _,_^_._ ^C— I — I- -( 1 h- ?==? I ' I -0 - — \ -t-- f==f -btz?=U=^ 5==S -\ — I — I — :!=: -0 0- H +- -L :#=»- I — 0- 5^ff ; 0—r- ■ — 0—0 -•-- r^-#-| • // :==; i=^^=?=td -0—0-\ — •- ■0-.^ A '=t:— r -•— i — •- ^f=^ lf-0 ~. — I — r— -0*-0* I I I -r i-^^ — f-n fi-S-»- J ^t^ 4^5 :pi^c=!i: fe.>, :^=& /•/^ if-_^- ^-3^- :t: '^EE=gEE ^^^ ■ — i# ^•'— -^h^-^^h ^ 1^ -»>, -0-t—i P nzz ff ^§=^- ^-■•Si- It: 3: ^ -i^-f-rft* i^T-5^^H::c^g ♦'^ ♦ ^ ^ 5: ^^^ * ^fe ^ -#— 1— •-■(- -•— I; •— H- - ^tf- r ?=i: y—y- V 9- -9—9- #-| r- -•-, — ' — *- ^ _• •. -• — --•- -t- _• •. -h- -^-'f-b--^- r=i: -t=J • • -# — •- :t=:r-t: m •_ — _ — I- -9-9^ Sit^ _• „•- • 9- ■r-nrr- -9—t—i- iz==r? r -9- -9 9- -• — h 'JUT' -yzzS-laz -^=r-9-r. '»— •- itzx^fi^r J=i -I — ,^^. I ! I TlilO. ^ —— — ■^^ ♦ - • ^^=i^-l-i-ri _ 1 — 1 — Pi) '" t"' » ^ 1 « c c Qii-H-^?: '" r I. » ... . L A — « — I --I ^ — , _ '— h- >f: x: 31 "F- ^ =?=V: — t — ^i i-^^-ii^' — ^- Xa £e2(e Helene — 9. i 3:= Hi^^P=rf: ♦ -^ Si ff -^r £?=E^ :p: -^S -t: =u^=u^ • — !■ ■-r& li: =t: 4— -I— :t^= P=i S-' fe*: :p -^ :t=2=; // -^—p- lf=f: ^^ T r » — ( =P r=^- z:^^: ^mrr\ -^ — i- -t-rp^ •4— -t-> ^?=^ > m — 9 1 ff T • • » m. -0 — i — — '■ — — 5" ff 10 ^ r ^ - t Lp_t^: X E-t - =t: t_t- ^ ^-J FPr-Fi ,# — •- 5=EeJ^ -p_u :bz:^:§g=grzf-*-p: M — •- tMe^ fziUtz^ ■-l^^^ ff -it. ^^ ♦ :?#♦ l=-^^r ^ te: ^?- §^=.E^E^^ £^=[^==£^=£3 :(:=::^ =»r:t=f=HEb;=i:=?=t E^^E^ ;s -I — i-.* czF3 :^^r=^ 1= -I : -i :?z: isina Zxi Se{{« SeliMte — 3. Sis 90 -r- H — k ^ ?=E^± :|i: :|=: - I . 3 'i E -i — •— I— ■I — -0- ": r ^Ei^ r=i:» ^E3- s; ^=^'= :g~i — >r •.p:«3::* i>.a«^ CODA. t0i ?>#-• l=i — x» — I — '*=\=\=\ it:=rt-^-r •-.:|i=.=!'-.^iz.ii: -0 r I :c— •=#gi=.r» .=irp _• •_ _• fC m •_ -0 • * •- -^^— •'^, # • ^ 0- • #^ *• #'^» **,_._*._,. t^f.0 t-^-1^^^^ ftt. tf-' ir \- -^ . ■", --^LfLc L.- '^ -1 — 1 — \ 1 — 1 ' — — ' »— » '-W — _! ^.J L— -j erea - . . y'ff— • • • r— r r - ccri t t t t -0- % ^ M ■ t X - s s ? s A %~%—l— t ^ -» — — • — • — -0 •— • -N- -«-*?—'?-#- :^ N ^: 1- iz5z:^: fe p ^Js ^ • (/(7» - in fe X- ±='--=5='- M - e?i »< • •> rfo. .__ ^ ^r ' -i •-r-b=^ ^— •- V— ?-i^- -• — t- tf=fEi; S: -#— I- • • "»zi»: =F=F ^S^Ej Xa 3elto Helena.- t^ttt -»- •#• 9-i ^ M. A. -r-v-T-y =p=:. \ -•—I 9- I I I l==f LZLZLzr^ 4- — t- #• -^-7-^;-7H-r-r-"-f- .^8=^ *=? I I I -I — ^^1t t XL t '^ t- * ± ^ ^ • • t^ ->L-ff • » ^ •- • » » • _• — »_»_» * • » » -r i r — •_ c : 5 r_ -«>■-*-■#- .m. "S. .M. "jE m m » m -C c • « --I 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 L ^-ii=! t- ^ s -* ? - '- r -r _5 «- — !>- -?-^- :f: /■/• -«- -— i- -y- ^=1= f — Sir: ia JBelJe Helene S. FM^ ®Iik'^@l«@« -i Allegretto. D. KRUG. Op. 123. P '^-^-^^•^^^^^ -s^ ■'«•-■ ^ — ^^ ^^- 9-:2rm- .cres. - , - ■0 ■ _i^_*_ -"7 J- r=t=:t:: ^— - ritenuto. -jd 1 ' \ f-^ ■ 1 1 ■ ■- : 'zfz0pzM=^'zf- 0zizM-' 5iiiJ_^_^_ g — ^— ^: _ • _•_ dim. — i-'-i--'. 1- -8-?-?-8-?-^ a tempo. /I -' — b _^_-. — 0- ESEE£EE^ — t^— ^^^^ %tf ai ^- :&3F-^t^ "i'^fc±:i!=i=iz rJi: — t: ^^ -W-*-' Litr:.:*^ :^^?^ j-q— ? »-*-^ =J^._: Jig-'^^ 3=F :.it=.r' i^^*^^ ^ li^ :^^ r^^ ..*._.*_ ^t^^ It: :s^=t*^ ±?±|i * -• H -•-I h- '5& :^~E^ :t=ii^=t: i i: ^_._.. 9^= 9^&^ IZiZIZt^ I: H; ^^ 'i^± !zt=M: :tz=?-- ^f2- ^^! =f== - ?0 -'—»~^0jrL.0~L0 1^# ■ _ i . _ # »_. •_iz« t:# r '?0 _• -^•_* # * • rL»: * m : «. ; •_| • ., #_.. Ped, * Fed. * ix ?0 "l — -0-^0 —>- fet'j ■^■4z*iiit £3: -I U-* «:^r: - •y—* • — |- -0— •5— « '^ -^"^^^^ -0- -0- -i % -m-0 m0-m0 0^0--^0', — 5r ifiz. tzSi; •■^ •-^•- i==i=5:: -*^»^ p«i. * -?f- »i: ^^ SHO^-O !?«>«*j^j^j|*jf^ '«'i|-: fej=sls?r -v-^i— -1 9Z7Z0~^0Z Fed. Hi -P^f^. * P«cZ. * -TN m -1 ^L : *;_ f-X -#-^ fe^ I i_. Ll_ •?_ —0—0^-. p cies. i l=-=i= ^i — I— t-*-#-h- :.:r=r-'-^- i-ti :*_^_ r : y ff v-7^— r-? .» — *?- =«=5z:^zz.tEd ^r^ [^'^^ tUfjr* ^'- t^0^0 -y-^r?: 0^M0-m» 51S^^ -y — 3j ^=^\ 5^^ iiVa JMatroJo.— ». ~0^ix:2.0 :^ Jp^T^^^li^0^ ff -^ >7 ^ Andante con mot«. 'm^ p dol. 'Ml :^— t — 1— J — I — h '^^- -•-■= — I— #- -I 1 — I — »— h •-! 1- •-•-—#- nf^'- :^i»it:,_fz-: ^>r_^. 0-\- , ^ -a • --■-I "-t— 1— t— I-i— t-j— •r^^fT i* S qE^z -•_p I kC^., ^il -• — •- , t- -^-0-^0 — I- -0—0- t^- 0z-~ifr: ff—n—' — I 1 j ._ M~Mizwr:m—Mz 0—0—0 — 0- 0- • m ^0^J _i? — « — i- ::^ ^ri'A ^M0' ^i|:qrq-j__ '* — * • — ^—0- JR. i i//w. 11 :_^« ^ i •?- % Allegro. ij • • • • a a ' #_# 5^|f=f=r^' likzil —I ^ 1 ; 1 *_!_•_« ~r •— r: • • • ri^tit: ■I — i— ILZZCZEZL -i- 0-0-0-^— fy ii£I- -- 1— ^ 1 1 ^ • ••-•—•- r-T -^—-i — , — -Ph— 4 — T^0-0-0-f^'- :i=i" •:i^^«>_t*=*: 9:«Z£ -tz^ res. . . /"/" »-^ #-#-» ^; :t=P-^_:-= £^=^ tSE^ i^- -i — J- :E! — trirziTztzit:: J*ra Diaroio.— 3, :|: f,..k-kitft *^i-kk_±^. i^irt-t^T •* J^_s- , i— ♦*_* jf^_i_, , •±?:»^^r: T-"^;"^- -E^=P=^-£- ^=ESt£2!l^:'3^'S=M^^^^^ -pip=^» ^ -•-^ r-#- . ^^^. ■r— — m. ?;ff^ cre». • • -#-H-|— — ^ f — ^ -1 — 1 /- w •» ^^^^ / y 1 .A_.J* t^E^ aifiirirfi t^^^ ■7^l.:b: -«_ :t:.— ■^ ■ *-|-i ^- - h ■ ' — I 1 1 — ^-~j b ■^■==^ — ■ — ; 1 ^ — : '-i — T-* — i— ■ ^-^-/- -g-^- ■I-P' i=t,i^ -5^ ;e=^ V 1*'- -•-(- -E^t: : ^ — i^^ :t: :^-*^-l^: '^^'^^^^ M. JL0. M. ZfZZW y»: • • • -ft-5— • ^^b '-p i — ' i •-! • •*• -^^ __-,_,./ -^# H- ^ w-^ ^ ^ M _^ V . 1 -•^^ ! •rA—\-m \ \ l->- fe ^ ' ^ '- i ^^ / *- _#.,. a — ! — 1 — 1--— ^ — ' — -_-• -'-0 m — ^ — f— 1 ^ — ' '-—-*- • -#,#-#,#^^ -—••,;•#, •^^ • « • » ^ • ^ • • • • ^ *?—0—^—^- -0 — ^— «—•—«— ^- -> 7 «r >-?-?- ^9> 't? Ljj^ 1^ "^-H- 1— I— 1-^ __ -I rtf:- • • • .A ^ -•-»-•-* — h-f molto. ££e; ;e • • • • '— I — I — "^ — 1 — —I — I — I — I— i— =E -•-•- ^jgt;: PI- • • • ■■#■-'■-'- t-i2-^f- -*«'-^ fc^- -^—0'm-» -i 1 ■-! 1 .•-•-. « • • • |-=E IP -0-0-0- it: :£^ 0-0—0—0-0—0 »—•—•—• Szi: tt— =•: PeU. 0—^-0 * — T — 1~0 — 7~ /■/■ //^ -i-^-^JzT- ■ J^ra i>iavoto.- (JJEGERLIED CHEN. ) Brisk and joyful. SCHUMANN. iil -fvJ — N- ::?v E=^ l»Z!=lt Pti. -#--•-# \^- -#-1 — (- --.-:?L^*f- f-S ~N- -• K» — - - Ped. « -I?- ^=t^±5 -1/- // t=r:: 1^ Ped. * -#-»- -I — I — -—I — I — P i I -I — I — 1- -I— I V -•-•- »=^=» I^TTZirV i»*- ff Ped. ^^E^zn^ — >•-• — »-« — *• :«:? I-J-J- r-h-r-r-T— ! -j — \- - :»-*- :?={i_-z> ,-1^,. • • Fi^=^f=?q=r=f=i^ V !?' iLzicin: -• K -I* -V-; •iv- w— :s?-i5 .mzimzzih iirrizig; 1 _^_«!_BI -•-1-1- F=f iiziJ: -»- '■^X='ti ■*■ ■'•■ -t =^— ^ J- ^ 1 ^3 rr # T-#--- A A n.Tizr: v-i.-. « A. W. BERG. Andantino. id »: •-iEt t^^P iszzmz |J: — 1 — ^- -0-m- i='—i i^r- i=^i- a-#— • — •- r i T s '^•.n !^M :Si=T 'S^-? ^g^ ~r-r {Mignon's Song.) Andante. , rit. i=^ -I^'zl Fed. * :;2=«^ic ?_i2^z: :ii=3«: It >-* .,._•_,_ =t j?ii2=?z±'~ "' -h^h— '5^^^. IzizEHHE^ :t=^ :^^" ■0 -'-0-ir *— Ur f^. >- »— '-i- - X— f=;!=t ^: -r^_£:EZ5 =^^ x: * * Ar^-_1r. * -bL- * B7 permissioD of Wm. A. Pond k Oo. I PeJ. is^-^ :4 :i: :^:2^ •-■-• (?/)«. *• -^ it= 'l*-'.-g'^' '-»?-A -j-;-^i^=i=^^1=^^^ I • • p -gi- I-I-. !••—•- rit. Fed. jV Perf. * Moderato, tempo di polacca. -Mmz I Pei. ^ia Titania.) 4 ^ — :|=^ - - * EE^^=EES^Efef:EE: -r:'- Pa/. -«■ M. M. M. -m » •— •- :pzx: -! — h- dn^^^^TT^ • ^_ • Fed. .«. _ _ — --' — ^ — -— ^-h- Peil. * rP?^^ rfe-^^l — I — ,^_j — _^ — >rufeir*= ^. Jfij/non— 5. -^-^ #-T- ':t -•-f- ^^ :*=«:*nzfe^_ :^?- fPed. ic: L^=:» •i»i|i=?=»zii: P«7. . * -^-^ ^ Pe- m^3i^^^. .1 I JfJ^non — S. i^r^a^f^ -^-=^^ Ped. • •_ # « » •_ r.^^=3 :=5 3Efe • t^-S- :^-^=t Pe./. ^ ' — r - -i -• — • — •—•—•—•- -^.J- ^•Jiii^qirq: -A-J— Fed. * =f3E=E5 ^1^^ i ^ti^^^-» • •_ Fed. * „• •_•__•. r /'«=*z::> V * ^ 1=^1-1 _l Pe-/. * ^, — | — — — ^^l^^-*_^- -*—W^ ♦ #♦ i ^^^-fc^EE^E- ^^ ^-- S*: :!2«-r EfE^'.E?-fEt;^Et^*z? ^^M^= z'/' I' :?^V=?::ji=f=:?=:fr::^I;^zr iife^— !Zl^=f^=?Eti=?=— t^=^ Jntrnon— £. -3S- i :^:lE^E= -r is: p<(/. ^ • :t=r « =:-i:i: ©11 8 SCHUMANN. Op. 15. Allegretto. (Jr 112.) ^?f=^ d: mf -• — •— *- i*:f-iE=g i ■^ 3-> — ^ — •— ^:zz^|g^=t. j^- -^Tj'^-^^ -^: -| 5^=8^8 i^ES I Ft I I ^ 4>-^ I < :i^^ ♦ ^ J?^-^>---i*^-#- cz :^fE -t: it^ ?.Md= ?;?--# ;£*• r -r ^: i^.Ei= ::r "^"iZI ^f-r-9-9^ :^ d= — I— i-" — I — I -sf- "Girofl£-Girofla" Lanciers. (Opera by Lecoque.) Attegro^ JL ^ . . . . i. ^ Arranged by CLAUDE. No. 1. '/ '0-0 0-0- :t3rt-t •-• — 0-0- -t~m-' £§=E^': ■»»*• -h— I js-h— H -•-• 0-0- ; — — _- •$■ cd Coda. ..:^^ :^lf»- as*=»E =Lc:ic*=:cz»z:=ti l^tHi:^ ^zpz-z^fm — I — ^ i *■ > — - • ♦ i;*- ^•n^ :ir?=i::^=ir_: :J: r '' • . ?^ =^#-^-#-,^" ^^^iS;?*^ if=^*5 di4:3- -(--1 1 — I — I iq-i- ■ B7 peimiaslon of A. O. Sltde & Co. % No. 2.- f • • mm 1—1 — W^ W^ ■• ■• W0 a# B B^ j~»- "j^rffi 1 1 '- ;ii^: :F=f.t:f=.- »— » ? — ^- -j — , — i 1 — ♦ X* -• # 8S -— ^ // V :j=^_: -•-•- -Jzr:.#.";»z:*: -t — I — I — I— -» — •- — =1— P — I— C- — ' — ^--FF-' ^=FZ^: .f=^,f marcato. C:^-'— — - Ffrnc«. JTo. 3.. • • m^ijim m I — • — I — I — ■ — ^ I — I- -I •_! 5JI *- • » fL»^*ih • • ■ -I — I — r '# 0-0ii0 0-0 0-050 0-0 T 0—1 -#-#_•- 'zIm -I — ^ — I — I — t- ^-^=f OUrofiC' Oir ofla,— 9 . '^mm =|=^^p=^5=1^^ %} -0- ■^i-^-^t^H -H • • =:qz:= E^EE5^E=: •t i-=E -r-r- -^^ tf=f=i=rp: rirt-zc: i_, — ^-i — j-j- ■-t_a- # • • •i-Lfzir* -r: .#_#_# ,•_•_•. *= ^f — e-^ — I- •f" « "f" •_ ._ _ijfi_i_i .■?: .^^- _f_^_# • • • JV^o. 4., Confuoco. . irj ^js: M=l I i ii=f4i=? SEfe9;Ei!EfE 6iroJi«-Giro/ia.— 3 izTzzi: E> -•-.- pd: /r\ Riill. ^ir=rW •f-«(» ::>--:*=-=: T- V- AUer/ro. *h- :t=c=itrrr 1:^1 iMZ :r— t: !=t-t: ra//. _•_•_ im P—t :E i_fe=^^-~"='" -•-r- */• v: '-^' :3^.:E3: f :s=t: .•!« -•— H -U—j- — j__J 1__ -0_.f_, — p_# 5r5 -^-i,^ i-^:?^ f D.S. • • • s • p ^9'* • • INTROBUZIONB. 3o. 5. i2 ?« — ^'^-=:;^ »f * !?•■ -^ "• 133^=5|?Ei§^ :Sii=:t SlE^=t^ E?=E^ t£;EE: ^=^=•=5= • • CHrofie'Oirofla.- •- -w- ZBz: -0— CI— — : — - 1 — -^- Jl M. ^ ••• ■0- -#■ — 0~ - m— -•— ^r — i — — 1 'it^ -- ^ -<2^ mm^ p §ii=t=EE • — •- -^=t -I&- :E^E -•— •- :t=c- JL ^ M. -0- it: -i h- S Sca-'-"-*^-'-' ^F^FZ?= Itll! -.- ^CtF J^- !?==: ,-j>^lfe="^^^^*^^^. I^^li§g ^^. I__^^- 9iE^E '-^ P — ^i r^^^ ^^Zi=^ --t- m'^-'- t^v^t dim. ,^Az ,# •_ •^•- :^=^-i= i3z»r:#: ' Tj_,__«i_i SifeE^ _::?vz5± -^-'-7-ih I — — "s: 1 s^. "T T •■^t! :■£- ?> :^ 9r-k==fc I — ^-^ :E===t .-^^ ?=i= dvlce. •^ • 13= T-f -^ H •- #-_ , —I i 1 i i 1 , 1 1 : , 1 ti ^ * • zmz±L9fz9z!t:M^^ zmz±Lmz^mJz9/L i=l '-^ ^-r— r- %-=zi ^^•-; • m», W'9 I 1 Ei :C-T I, t- t|Jl Allegro. EONDO. #— I— • r^zTZZ'irrz' Hz^zz^ki M bifSi r- '=t--i? iE^: •-• • *. •i — 0-1 — •^ S=5: zzwLtzzur. 3=E? -I K- 1— 1=1! Sonata Facile.—^. t f T — •— f— • 9Pg|=r^ ■•-—•- — i-<*-P- I — •- I — I — f 1 = 1 ?^: -- ' ! ! I I XZZ ^-■■-#- f=t c •_ :p=* :c: 1= |g IP ^ •r*':iM: -'"^^-^l^'-'-"- i^'^ cr«s -^ :^:: ^•l--^ >;r^:£=ffeg -t- t_^=J: I f +-0-J-0 1-0-T »- fcpE^S -^_ 9^^?: •-i .vv H •- •- 1=1 -^— I 1 1 ■- ^•^ ^^ :F=i=-: -^-^ /^ -* ^ A E"-l ■^- "»;^^=t:: ?P-^ -I : •- :*ix*zt ^-^ :^=it^ ■I — ' — 1 — I- -•-I — t- r-tii-^ ^-•-# IfL -h-#- ir= ^=^3 Sonata Faeile.- -6^ •^ ■* ♦ ♦ :^z±_-= =E=^EE 9i i^! ■ •-• — •- '-r ^- ^e- -I 1 r ■EEcES: •-i — # ($>- £: z:=izr: r-b=r-p: ^^ FP=i=c=^ '-.-•- i — 5i: --X S; ^^^ -if'=f t=E: =t=r=[:: • =r: T=- -•t?f^#- !— H-#-=- ^S^: f_ \ /- ?^=b ITS ^-- -•• •#• ••■ ^« -0 0- -•-! ^-^i__, 1 — r^» 1 «- t!i -# -I — I — --«- H h— ■— ^ V*—.- r/tzT -^-' ^ :_5i ^S: /"a arf i=t tihitum. ■=E-: j*-p=-^=^^ .^ »- f f :^-'ir> r: 9: ^-i -•-' — 0- .• « ^0-t — 0- mf tumztztz £^ -1 — ^-.0^0 |_. ^EHez^= :i=z= Le?^= ;=^ 3^H E=fc t 195 y I }- Sonata FaeiU.- LET ME DREAM AGAIN. Words by B. C. STEPHENSON. Andante espressiro. -|-=F b^- Eii5= -f\.0-0- 0-0-0- ■^mi -0-0- ^ -^-^-i -i?«-l^^ dim r Music by ARTHTB STJLLTYAN. ■1^ 1 I 5N=4=i= l-^= -N— i- — ■ — m — «. ~»~ SriTM. — MT S^=l^iE '-^^■ -\- -^~=-i=i-- "Sr ^^ Z2^-. :»zi=zV=:;SZ="a-| 1. The sun is set- ling, and tlie hour is late, Once more I stand be - side the 2. The clock is strik-ing in the bel - fry tower, And warns us of tlie ev - er r^=^=^- -0-0- 'MZM. r=d: a^H^siE -0-0 0- ^ m. 0k. — . ^_ -± -l~iz -i^EB 'i-MT — I- id: — •- :i=i- --N- '!"• — «: ——I — =^?^=3= tt fc wick ■ - fleet - :fc=^- -(21 -<5>- m E3 et gate. The bells are ring-ing out the dy ing hour, But nei - ther lieeus the time which oh ing day, The ward glides. For JI^&S -•-• ie=i=i^^ =^^=^=^= :ii«: -t—i=i- I- '0- ^r^-V ll^C — #- 4==i=: *^— — 5 1 I ~~9ZlMZZ9i: I 0»< *» 3ESE3: >^:^ :^: -s— V :bz:«~s: :q=q: :s: =1= :^=:^: fe H drcn singing on their home - ward way but love a - chil time may pass way, bides. ^>z^=jz b>_3.^_ n-#--#- -0- :sc I- -'F-V tr a^E=3^ -K- TlMl -tS^ x: And he I feel k-^ti-^iiKD=^== -•-•- l-Jt^t itrr ^— is whisp'ring words of his kiss - es on my =±3:ii: izt. dim. -A- raU. unpoco piu lento. :^MZ lljV • » ___ * sweet in - tent, While I half (loubtin—^ -i5>-^ ~0r »~ -0-0-0-0-0-0— -&~^- -©>— ^ 5 2 >«-« « •- -+- "^ ^- Z3: -^ ■it=^-- '0-0— J- id: -I©— T- cres. IIZK A--^-^ -• — 0- ~-(21 :^ let me dream a - gain. i: ^^•■» ■»■ •»■ -w -l—ll Is this a dream ? thi n wak - ing would be pain, -F==^= ^0M-0M. M.t.M.0M. ''^0 9 0-0 -W- '^i«*f**i*»: -» — •- ^0 ••>«;-»•- -+ 1^ appassionato ad lib. |. ■ core forza. :E: -i/- /'f ^-^^ ^ ^ conforza. ^ JZ ^ i?_l -=^-— •-' 1 . ^-L-z /T\ 11^1 Oh ! do not wake me, do not wake me, let me dream a - gain. =-??=■= -0-r t?}: 0*0»0'^0'^»0» I I • I I «E?E5=S: ^T\ -c^ ^•/' — I ->s>- ' ZfCt me dreatH again.— 9. -w W_ — — •- ^ ^ ^ * if sf sf sf rzii I i ^=i rd /T\ (C YOU MB I; Words and Music by CLARIREL. m ^ V=i=^ ^ (!5>- -# — m- ^ N I Ny ( -N- t^f 1. We sat by the riv - er, you and I ! In the sweet snm - mer time Ions? a - go. So §=t3=^ u ^ X ^- m: * 9 SL (22_ ^fTk!^- 3^^ ^>~# *^ 1=^ e igtfa #= ^ "zy ^ ^ — ^ — •- ^^=^ ^ g > J - =V=J^ smooth -ly the wa-ter glid-ded by, Mak-ini:; mn - sic in its Iran - quil flow; m We I ^^ 4=? X !9=i^ p E *? i a . *r • J i * * E T H «- -^-;-^-;- 7y -+♦ * ' 9 • _ g: S g * P f » ^ t^=t^ -4- > hr ■ P 1 ^ -# 1^ # F I ?2: threw two leaf - let?, yon and I, To the riv - er as it wan - der'd on. I i r=^ -I H ^S£ ^ iz=^ I II r I • ; *r azsm /' _ ' • -«5^ =^ ^ i? ■FF And Ti^ 1 |>/5 . m m \ N ^ fl^ r ' 1 1 1 — y — ^ — b^ — u — -^ — b — = v=^ -^— — 1 — — #— ?5 XI N _s —m • r-. ^ 1 1 1 b^iL: -b^ -^ 1 — * * •- — ^ •■ 1 one was rent and left to die, Ami tlio oth - er float - ed for - ward all a - lone, And i rv^ j %—%%-^*A ^ '^V -»»•»"»• 2^ 9^ -Jt. -tS^ T©^ •^- ?e?- , N V 9 '' 1 « • s> ' ^ A m N 1 ' ■ ^ / t \ m ' T m \ m • « ' ' « "^ rD J * i. [^ ^ * i \j u n # « * • 9 ^ « ^^- — ^ ^ b ^ — Oh ! we were sad-den'd, yon and I ! For we U 1/ T. ' t^ ' F-f- felt that onr yonth's golden dream Mi^ht ^&~r^ — '1 i ■ r ■ 1 1 1 i ■ ; 1 11 ' 1 1 A- 1 r « d * •' A *< ' - *• m » m * _i J ^ ' ^ ftr ' ^ fr\^ 1 A * * 1 m * ; ' • . 1 » L ', • • • (' ) 4 : • * S « ' • • ' • 9 9 9 • 9 J • • • .. .. .(S .. ^ « m 5S- i t ^tt I- — 1 9 9 -^ (S 0^-> ^ -1 -H G> ^ \f ^ ? h i? iitzz*: E > ^ # ^ > ^ ^ ^^ Composed by W. C. LEVEY. 1. Where is the lit- tie Gipsy's home? Un - der the spreading gicenwood tree, Where-ev - -er she may 3. Oh leave her like the bird to sing, To sing — on ev'-ry tree and bow'r, Oh leave iicr like the tea '& ( fe^ EE4 r^5: -*-#-•-#- ■•■ i ^ ^^= i ?^ i5 dolce. rt=fftrT ^ fc^ ?^ P-*- ^ — w — •" ? roam, bee, Where-e'er that tree may be To tlit tromflow'rto flow'r,., Roaming the wide world o'er, Roaming the wide world o'er, -4^ Cross - ing the Cross - ing the Fed. * Fed. I ^^^=^ ores. ±1^ ores. *=s r/-: r r r m '^^ ^- Ni=r deep blue sea, She finds on ev'-ry shore, A home a-mong the free, She finds on ev'-ry deep blue sea. She finds on ev'-ry shore, A home a-mong the free. She finds on ev'-ry -fr^-^ sempre ores. ra ZZ. ^^ -- ■1 h h ^ — > Vi > ((\)>if^ \^ — " » -r b — 3 — 3— -#— fs -^ r-T^fr W ' "- 1*-^ tf -f-^ #— ^ •- «J 1— - 1 U ^ — k t^ 1 M L-> — 1 -V- shore, shore, A home A home among the free, Ah!., among the free. Ah ! . , Voi Voi la, la. La La Gi-ta Gi-ta na, na, Voi- Voi- I dolce. rrz^ ^^_ V f S ^ a? r ^^g r r ^^^^^^^ ^r^^^*^^ -^^^- :3t^ la, La Gi-ta - na. La Gi - ta > na. 1; Es - me-ral-da, £s - me-ral- da, Es - me-ral da, Zin-ga - ra Voi- Es - me-ral-da, Es - me ral- da, Es - me-ral-da, Zin-ga - ra, Voi - dolce. ^^=^ :¥=== g ^ T la, La La Gi - ta Gi- ta na. Voi - la, na, Voi - la, La La > 4^ Gi - ta - na, Gi-ta - na. Es - me-ral-da, Es - me-ral-da, Es - lue-ral-da, Es - me-ral-da, r r ^ -^ — H-- * f -- m ' \ . r r ■ T f i Ftd. Etmera Uia . —9, tz=%rtLtr>-^t. 'is/ h line. ^ ff M time. i=i ^^^^? T Ig Es-ine-ral da.Zin-ga-ra Es-me-ial-da, Ziu-^.'a-ra. lOmil Qui Voi-la,LaZin-^'a-ra. Ah! Voi-la,LaZin-ga- Fed. * Fed. * s^EE IS^ . Omii. ra — ivE r tISE. grazioso. SBEES IS JlO rf I # v #-L-gIg ^^ I; * • ^ »-f- i 2. The Gip - sy is like the bird,.. A bird, .that sinjjs in ^ ±± • <» "S M m u •e— 22: ~ * Pe(i r^ W^ 5=7 7 .* - ^ JV^ tx;^iK graziosu. tt 5-^ •»: -d -9 fe Fed. -^ ^ -r^>'-fH- ^r^^:?-':ir fei d-= * Fed, * raTL i^=fe '^.bizb^z^ ^ * i^ J • J . iL :i;*- 221 ?^ tree and bow'r, The Gip- sy is like tlie bee, — The bee that flits from flow'r to flow'r. She ■^ — 7 j *^ r ^ ^;*j i ^j I % -7— T -J{f ^ " ^^ ^:v s j?v=f!^ lA L*-Lj 5^ ^^ 15 Peci ^■# _X * Pe2r £rm«ra( 'i tempo, leggiero. 33 4^ :i=^ E^E^^E :l Lirr 3= '^.^r ±1; Gi-ta- =?=¥^ -^^ -*wfw^^*w- 5 * Ped « D. a aZ FTNE. ig ^ — v-;jzM^==^ pj ^M'- ?£3^ElEfe^t^^ ?=: na, LaZin-ga - ra, LaVoi-la, Gi- ta - na, Zin-ga- ra. *mm m'f\r f' * ^- ^- «^ ^I^^^^- '^ Msnte ra Ida*- 1«@@I£IM@ ©^ Words by LOUISA GRAY Music by ARTHUR S. SULLIVAN. ^^=^ ^ ^-r -c-£ £ ^ 1, I hoard a voice long years a - go, A voice so wondrons sweet and low, That 2. But ere our sura - mer pass'd a - way, That gen - tie voice was hush'd for aye, 1 ^m +* *s ^♦^ ^- E a ■« — « 3 ^ i^^ ^^ ?^^ trembling tears un - bid - den rose From the depths of love's re ■watfli'd my love's last smile, and knew, How well the an-gels loved her pose, too,. P ^ i!*^ ^- J: 4 ^9 3= -J^ eres. f Bi ^ It Then i--;^. dim. ^^"^- Si^: S! r T m W- IBl 3S£ J f ^ ^ :it=P: :?=: X it:*: float - ed thro' my dreams at night, si - - lent but with blind - ing tears, ^ And made the dark -est day seem bnght, I gathered all the love of years, n '^^ i^3t i 5^^ ^ It And iz?: 22: 1?^=^ :?r 7r->— ^ rail. £^1^ ^ whispered to inj heart, "My love," And ncst-lini,' there, for- f,'Ot to rove, laid it with my dream of old. Where ail i loved slept white and cold. H=^^ aa» ipr: 1^^ -0 m- ^iii^^i — I — I — i — I — ^- 0-0-0^0-9-0 I I tf^ * * ¥ ^ * ^^£^ *RI*S p raZZ. ^*=^=^tiN^lP^* ?7n ^oco piM ?e?ito e con mo?to ienerezza. S h S i S Xrooilcinff Bach. — ;?. ^lan i)dii?ii8^ ma^im. Tempo di MazurTca. k. HAMILTON AIDE. ^1 w '^=r- Stl > 5l '^m £= .fi -r- > ^ •^*£ :^ '•^^ > T^. z^ P^- ^ ^ ^^ t'f: *• #^ • *• ^•*- 1. Do vou re - call that 2. Our boat kept meas - ure m-- "ir > ^ r» 3t: P z%—% :l=t :^^ --r- - I 1 I tz > -^ -I I 3 ■ * ^P^ h '' ^ — 9~- We From =F — » — ?^ lis - ten'il to peas-ants danc fi I_ J — I ^ — ni^Ut in June, Up - on Avith its oar, The nui I. ^^^ ^t-^^^^-^ the Dan - ube riv - er ? sic rose in snatches, t a - ing > k 5»^ -• # 9 9- 3 3 d= 3 a mile slower. m £=t^E: i?^ t|: Land - ler tiino, on the shore. mm We With watchM boi.4' the rous moon-beams quiv - er. sonijs and c;itch - es. #■ -0- oft since know not then wh V ^^^ fi p • • -# — •- have that -\ t 4=t= original time. '^^1 S watcliM the moon, 15ut nev - er. love, Land - ler rang Thro' all my soul. Oil ! nev-er, but nev-er, Can Can ::^t=± that the 1:=^ :±i with expression. 35E5 ni<;ht in June, sonsfs tht'V san^ #*^V :*z«_ d: Id: ^ &e«- marc. -^P==^ :^ Se :^ rprrsn::^ ^^^ on the Dan - ube riv-er, on the Dan - ube riv-er, Mizzm-wzmzM Can Can I — for -get that night in June, Up - on for - get tlie songs they sang, Up - on i^ti^- m tlie Dan-ulie riv-er. tlie Dan ube riv-er. -0—0 0-0-m-0- The Danube River.— 2. €0-§B-"!ll€iT, FiRSWELL. Con anima. _i*=f 1 ? r i'^'^^^ F. KUCKEN. I > 1 — ?^ Jtt± ^^^ 1. Good - ni?,'ht, fare - well my own true heart, 2. 1 see thy heart re - fleet - ed lie, A thou - sand times good A star with - in the rit. ^ A ^ nir;ht,.. stream,. ^ =]=^ ^ i Each thought of thee It shines forth from bids tliy sor - clear row part, blue eve, And And i^ ^=^ £=S :ss i# lLlTj fc^^g nt :j=t ^^ ^ ^.'^ pressez. ^ ^ 4- ^ mf 1 rit. # f^ ^ (Jim. -S #1 -s>- Pe^. * Fed. poco animato. Srt-lp e fl> > zm -s?- ^*: #=^^ i 22: ren - - ders joy sheds — o'er me moi-e bright, its beam. Though far, And though thy im no more age than fe>-q 3i ; las a =i= V: ti^ ?=F# ^^ -»->- legato. fH 4= -# — * Fed. -1 ^ -•— e- J^ LEIr J- d^-^ ir^^ in k ^ Peri^. stacc. -»-» inqi: « =ii^^ ^ sempre ores. ores. fczz^^ — e- Z2^ ? -&- -X 5e=±i £^ dwells with iiie, Tliou art my guid - ing star one briglit glance, l_ e'er of thee pos - sess'd, A A When That te: a^ oer me look my r-cjj' ■ss y j^i ^ di ^ ^ 3 ^==p^ ± *— 1 ^ t >"^ ^ :^- ^ fel dark' - ning clouds 1 see, Tliy luve guides me a - far. . heart will e'er en - trance And ren - der ev - er blest When That ^^ rit. ^ * d i -A-A- 4 \ '*-i ^; o'er me dark' - ning clouds I see, Thy love guides n;e a - far. look my heart will e'er en - trance, And ren - der ev - er ble*t. ■P^^ J^* -?-«- ESsa Jh trm #■ ♦ Q*n d -night, Farete»lt.—» tranquillo. times fare -well, Good - niL,'lit, fare - well, my own true heart. \ 1 I r I I I / Fed. ^ a * 1^^^=^ * ?^?#^ ?z: ^ -^ ^ marcaio il canto. — A ^7 7,^ , ^r G^od-i%ighU Fareteell.- To my Sister Etta. JWBM® m©m@ ©Miiii, TTiree sons of a New England widow had long toiled in the Land oj Oold, when this message reached them : " Come and see your mother before th* dies !" They started immediately, but while crossing the Sierra Nevada the youngest became ill, and in a few hours breathed his last. He tras buried in a lovely spot, near the summit. The moUier lived long enough to greet her surviving sont; but tier mind wandered, and she never fully realized thai Willie had gone before. Words and Music by HENET C. WORK. No. Bl. ^ -#^-^ *HW »' t: 2z: PIANO. C^ [X^ ^ ^ 9 i ^ iCS 1. Three there 2. Is he 3. Com - inii ± ^ ^-^ • » ^ P^ were that left my cot ; la - den well with gold? home - ward, does he sing Two are here, and one is not ; Why does Does he brini? me wealth nn - toM ? TViiy then Like a lark np - on the wing? Why then I ^'^^=^ ;^ --^=^i^ M, ^ OBpyrigU, 1876, by a X. OSDT. If preferred, the last haff of each ttanza may be sung oy another voice. !zi2 ^ =^ ? S » « ^^^ =6= -H Wil - lie lin-ger? Say, CJin yon tell?" does he lm-± will! Then come, oh come! oh come, oh couic ! Ah!. a ^a — ^5 £^ ' ^ I : M- ^ 4-(«- iJL Z7m) Jfando/* r L i p s ^i^ g — fi- r if they knew, That I to you, Now touch tlie gay gui - tar I Bat a i= i» Pe^. * Fed. ^^^ E -U^ * Fed. d ^- 3^ J .- 4^ * Peo'T" -»— # -h*: -!t_\^- * K *•# > — (. id?: & P iEE?S 3tzt > ^ * if tliev know our meet ing, Nev - er a word thev'll sav. I5ut a ?^^ ± Ss * Pet?. * Fed. * H-j :-^ 7 - ^ t * pi4: ;> ilzJzzz* s s > .^ Repeat Chonta pp ± M z^^ si - lent light. Our watch by night. And fade at break of day. ^ L-fc ^^=^ E=^^ 4.f- -t— • -w— <- 44^ Tempo. -iT-*-* ^ 27m MandoHfk.- piltU f»0-f ^^p* yuRSERT soy 6, Andante quasi Allegretto. :^ 1. Lit - tie Bo - Peep lias lost 2. Lit - tie Ik) - Peep fell fast 3. Tlien up she took her lit her sheep, And can't • tell whore to find a - sleep, And dreamt she heard them bleat tie crook, De - ter - mined for to find them ; ins ; them ; li E^3 ^ H g ^ -+=^ ^ ± » G» iz=6: TT > g S Htt cres. dim. -i — r- & » » l.eave them a - lone, and they'll come home, \\hen she a - woke, 'twas all a joke— What was her joy to be - hold them nii,'h, Waf;-c;in<; their tails be - hind tliem. Ah ! cru - el vi - sion so fleet - in;;. hind them. Wag-ging their tails be -S-^— s^- a^ & ores. t^ T dim. \t %\'ii% Cff ^f^v^tt. A llegretto MoJerato. With decision. > > w =f ^R^=v=^ 4: -y — *^ > NURSERY SONG. ^I^ V=II i 1. The King of France, and four thou-sand men, Drew their swords, and put them np a -gain. 2, The King of France, and fonr thou-sand men, Marched up the hill, and then raarcli'd down again. f S / -0- > > > ^1 » r * ^ iL * ^- i E ■r=aC I Ktl iJiil lilL Allegretto. yUKSEBT SOyO. J "^ liz ==- J n S n K k > s ^ if 1 ' ■ , i/ '» f» " P m - . , •> 1 •< ~ /* • 1 , 1 V 1 7> f s ^B— 7 ^ * -*— I -^ ' *— •> -^ / ^ 1 ' * ^ ' »* fJ . 1 1 s s « V 1. Jack and Jill Went np the hill, To fetch a pail of wa - ter ; Jack fell down, And 2 Up Jack fjot, And home did trot. As fast as lie could ca - per ; Went to betl, To 3. Jill came in. And she did grin, To see his pa - per plais - ter. Mo - ther, ves'd, Did Andante quasi Allegrelto. da: a W 1 brokehiscrown, And Jill came tumbiins af - ter. mend his lieail, With vi - ne-gar and pa - per. Tvliip her next, For cans -ing Jack's dis - as - ter. -^-*- T „ — «- ^= fTT 1. Three cliil-dren slid- ing on the ice, All t, Kow had these chil - dren been at home. Or 3. You pa - rents all that chil - dn-n have. And r lI: ■poco rit. -!ia- i3 j=/ — ?f — » — — a — ->-^ m I a on a sum-mer's day. As it fell out they all fell in, The rest they ran a - way. slid - ing on dry gro&nd, Ten thou-sand pounds to one pen - ny They had not ail been drowned, yon. too, that have none. If you would have them s;ife a - broad, Pray keep them safe at home. m f iSia: ^^ -^ ^ s ; =^^ ^=e ^^ •••>-?■ pun, rit. r-»_ _f^ ^^ May be aung as a Four-part SoDg. a in NURSEBT SOXO. Moderato e marcato. -V -^-j^— :; ^ ''*~' — P iT^ — K- =«?= — ^- 1 — ^^ ^— ^ — s- y-<--^ \=^ — i^—^ -^- w • • • -#-^ -^->^^^ 1. My la - (ly Avind, my la - dy wind, Went lonnd a - bout the honse to find A 2. And then one night, when it was dark, She blew up such a ti - ny spark That 3. And thus when once, my lit - tie dears, A whis - per reach - es itch - ing ears. The -rr I ?^ ^^ E: ores. ■ a t s? ^ ^^^^^^?- , •#•- chink to get her foot in, iier foot in ; She tried the key - hole in the door, She all the house wa^ potli - er'd, was poth - - er'd ; From it she rais'd up such a flame, As same will come, you'll find, — you'll find, Take my ad - vice, re - strain the tongue. Re - ^- i i?^ ?; -0- tried the ere - vice in ' the floor, And drove the chim - ney soot in, the soot in. flam'd a - way to Belt - ing Lane, And White Cross folks were smoth - er'd, were smoth - er'd. mem- ber what old Nurse has sung Of bn - sy la - dy wind, la - dy wind. I 'T- Words by ADELAIDE PROCTER. Con mofo. "^ 4^ Music by JOHN HULL AH. i 7 jt |{ 1. The tern - pest ra - ges 2. The thun - ders roar, the 3. Warm cur- tain'd was the SSI ^ ^ fz fe^ ♦ • u^-* i ^ "^ 7 — r- / p ■*^- ■* A 1 ' ^ /2 5£ 7 y •i-y^T^ ^ &?zfc± ^^ * 4 » • ^ rt^r ^ Avild and hii,'h, The waves lift up their voice and cry Fierce an-swersto the an - gry sky.. lightnings glare, Vain is it now to strive or dare ; A cry goes up of great des - pair. . lit- tie bed, Soft pil - low'd was the lit- tie head, The storm will wake the child, they said.. gSEE ^^'-=5- ^fl^ s s ■1-^ e ? , n ' - ^ ^ I -^^-^ -?— 9- ^ ^^ ^ ?^;= ^ :i= ^^^ -(TS^ / -?M<- ^ ^^ /1^ -1 — h 5= dim. f i^ s mjl apiacere. Uczj =t ^ V ffl tempo Imo. E ^ g r -Ji Mi - se - re - re Mi - se - re - re Mi - se - re - re Do - mi - ne. Do - mi - ne. The Do - mi - ne. Thro' the black night and driv - ing rain, A storm - y voi - ces of the main. The Oow'r-ing a - mong his pil - lows white. He ^ colla voce. fes T^ ^ 5^ ^ ft K S Eff =3 P s- ^ ^ ^ ^^ r^ 7 7 slevtnndo. /?s ^^ fSE ^m ^^ X ; ^ w > ^ ship is strui,'!,'lin<,'. all in vain To live up - on the storm - y main. moan - in? wind and pelt - ing rain, Iteat on tbe nurs - 'ry win - (low pane. prays, his dim eyes wild with fright, Fa - tlier, save those at sea to- night! 3 i i i -^-^-^-^ ♦ * i a 2^1 ac ere. i^^^^^ m $ ■^mm b# J . ^< ^ ?^?^ Mi - se - re - re Do - mi - ue. Mi - sc - re - re Do - nu - ne. 4. The ^^ W colla voce. W^ "ZS ^ /^ mr ri¥^ « slentando. ^ 'frf 3. 3- '^^^-^ ^ — f -- -• -#■ I^ IS T^ un poco meno mosso. feE ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^^ il^^ -* — # — •- morn - ing shone, all clear and gay. On a ship at an - chor in the bay, And ^^ xx M-f-U-J ^a^ # '(^ PS^ S*: 4:^ =F=^ ^ '^ ^ ^ -?^— f- =^=^ ft^ n« />(o«>«».— ;>. ^ ^=^^^ Pavsalunga. apiacere. ^ 1^=^ P on a lit - tie child at plaj' !. ^ ^ t rT%^ J i i %-^r^ i^^^ i /rs — r" I I \ 1- Pausa lunga. =^ s g. / r ^^ Glo - ri - a Ti - bi ■# ^ / i is: "Tg" -• — e- Do nu - no, Glo - ri - a Ti bi Do 3-= / ff mi - - ne. * ^^ISTJ_^ ^ --^' iafllf ttftW mm 99 VOy WEBER. .zngzn^ f 1^ ^ -(S- =3' zesz. 1. Soft - I J now the 2. Thou, wiiose all - per 3. Soon, for me, the light of (lay Fades up - on my sight a - way ; vad - iiig eye Naught es - capes, with - out, willi - iii, light of day Shall for - ev - er pix^s a - way j SSE ^- -fa. -«>- -^- 2(2_ 4S>- Iffil i^ 1 — ] a '^ rJ |-^. -&- ga=|sE Free from cai-e, from Par - don each in Then, from sin and ^ ^- ■jU- =&^ 4a- T=i^ 1^^=^^=: ^ * ^ :^s;= =3: ^^ la - bor free, fir - mi - ty, sor - row free, Lord, I would com - pen fault, and Take me, Lord, to 2ia- 4-- -1S>~ E 1221 ^: -C^ The Storm.— 3. =F mune with Thee ; se - cret sin. dwell with Thee » -» — =?= .jc ? to " -^ i TBS SE"WSSH aASBEH, } Con dolore. i^^=ift: =:^rMzztLlz^ti ji p^ :^^ t- 1. Tlie luirp is now si - lent. 2. Wliere are tliej, the cliil - dren 3. Tlie arms of our daugh-ters, ^m -^ 9 *|7^ ^i=t ^ F. KUCKEN. il^: ^^ tlie of in strings rent in twain, The tiiy lion - or'd race, They're chains they are bound, The .T^ . . H^M V^ -f I t ^f^i'? ¥-^ ^ Unpoeo viarcato il basso. -*-*- ? ^^ r S: S - >c ^- ^ ^ g heart's se - cret long - ings no long - cr re - main ; The fall - en in bat - tie to save thy dis - grace ; Tiie once fair and bloom -ing are bow'd to the ground; The tim - id bird, town lies in dav now seems \f ^t t- --^~ ~^^^ -TSt 1 1 J — I — ^ J J I 4-4^ '*=^ droop ing, ash - es, drea - rv not lip - ward it de - sert - ed the and chill'd as the ^ flies ; — En plain — In grave;... De ^^S^^^^g ^S? snared by the fowl - er it goie they are ly - ing, the rid - ed by foe - men, the hi. Con espress.- n- flat - tors brave tliat Jew is and (lies, were slain, a slave. u tiier-laiul dear tlier-iand dear tlier-land dear, Fa - ther-land mine. I Fa - tiicr-land mine, Fa - tlier-land mini'. The ne'er shall re - pose when will Je - - ho irrave will n - - nite on thy rah to us, 1 1)0 - .^om a - - sram, ven-i,'eance in - - ciine. then shall be thine. Fa - Fa - Fa - thiT land ther-land ther-land fe^: 3t=itJ: Fed. r~^. I — . 1 :^ > A»-A- f *3#- ■*■•#-■•- ^IITTJ JOHNNY MORGAN. Written and Composed by MOD ERATO, ^iana. JOHN READ. Arr. by H. W. FITCHETT. -^^- .^ ,^ zb^~7- -jtzJi :-\-^±-:^jL -O-i- :5- :p: 1. I'll slug ofabandthat used to play mu-sic iu the street, And it you hoard it 2. Tlicy used to say that Johnny was the smartest of tlunn all, y\.nd round the a - rea 3. Now one day John ho chanc'dto play out - side a la - dy's door, And the la - dy said she'd 4. John play'd up - on his in - stru-meut and pleased the la - dy so, That when the time ar- ^ rl?:: ■r^^-2=l t^- ^^i?-> — =^— " — - -9- P -0- -0- ■&■ -! 0- -ji — \ — * — <9 — :i '9' 'SZ -If a a- ^ \J -T- -jV- ZX -^— ^ V — /- zz-zz:-^ -9 — ,- -•-=- j'ou would say it was a - ny - thing but sweet, windows he would of - ten make a call, nev - er heard such mu - sic play'd be - fore, -rived to leare she would not let him go, They all play'd diff 'rent in - struments, the His mu - sic was so live - ly, all the It ploaseilhcr so that you must know she She ask'd if he would mar - ry her, which J. F. P. &; Co. 892—2. Page 2. |ii I' L -t l?E i^i --T- -\ ^■ \-|- -e-s- mu - sic was the same, They were all one fom - i - ly, and Mor - gan was their name, lat - est airs from France, The servant girls could not keep still, the mu - sic made them dance, heav-y suras would pay To John to stand out - side the house and play to her all day. John did to - ry soon. Now on the or - gan Johnny Mor - gan plays her many a tune. ii^i 11^ sm -H iT t =?=^ -m in: :^=3: -9' 'MI •ZiT 4-# — ^- CHORUS. (2d time,ff.) :r!2--iT— T -^--N iili^i --A^ -- ^- :x John - ny Mor -gan play'd the or- gan, The fa-ther beat the drum, -^ .— .— •^ ^-^ — • ,— 1» The sis - ter play'd the m^^ '& — I- -Q r o — 9 -N 1:^=^ ?^ -• — 5^^ tarn - bourine, Thebrotherwentpom, pom, pom, pom,pom,pom. All — F— I 0- alone, oa an old trombone, the — 3^^=Ht -ir-\ aiB^: — ^ — 1^ -\-HV- -i- X xi_=; -\i — \— V- »— 0—9— ^ —0-1 ' g— g— 1 mu-sic was so sweet. They of- tea got a penny to go in - to an-oth-er street. ■I— -t— #■ -#• ■* ♦ ==t: ^sz^' >^ J. P. p. & Co. 892—2. JohoDy Morgan. Page 3. THE lYY 6EEEH. Words by " BOZ." Allegro Moderato. Music by HENRY RUSSELL. ad lib. a tempo. ^E|£^^gEjJ^JEEE^^ ^ ^.^S?^ i 1. A (lain- tj plant is the I - yy green, That creep-eth o'er ru - ins old Of 2. Fast he steal- eth tlio' he wears no wings, And a stanch old heart has ho How 3. Whole ages have fled and their works de - cay'd, And na - tions have scat-ter'd been lUitthe ^F>» :^Pr-r^ a^r^ PPI^ ¥=*(- ^^=5= fir si i i p%= r-f -0 — 0- :^=i>=:rfc=^ -*— 1^ ^ £^ ^ ^ 5^^a^^=pfe ^ right choice food are his meals I ween, In his cell so lone and cold The close-Iy he twin-eth how closely he clings To his friend the huge Oak tree And stout old I- vy shall nev - er fade. From its hale and hear - ty green;.... The ^ ^m ^ fe^:^ wall must be crumbled, the stones de - cay'd To pleas-ure iiis dain - ty whim, And the sly - ly he trail - eth a - long the ground. And his leaves be gent - ly waves, As he brave old j)lant in its lone - ly days Shall fat - ten up - on the past j For the EJg-y=j^«^ Quasi pp a colla voce. ^ -^— ^ i—i—i^=^ii i=M ^ ^^t^ t is^ ad lib. ¥-^ 5^^^? T^7=f ^ » ' 1- ::B^ '-z^- mould'riu? J J: f^^ ^-Jg ; tl j)^ rZo?. «^r •! *i #-(• '^^. PP ^. *=N^t^ ■*• -w iJ-.^ / / .f ^ it^^ =;^ ^ v r — •— * — -y— * Creep - ing where no life is seen, A J life is seen, A rare old plant Is tlie I - v;v greeu. death has been, A rare old plant is the I - vy green. life is seen. A rare old plant is the I - vy green. ^d^^ ^ ad lib. i E -# N ^ ^ ^j r T! 53 1 ^ > * ^ :;z=i£ ^ rare old plant is the I- vy green. Creep - lug, 8vn- « «- creep -in':r. S?± I ^=?=^^^ J- lifiEi creep -in;: where no ?^ ^^ 5t =^' I fe ri=r ^ -^ -^ -d W^^¥¥m m=^ T ^F^ i^ 3=* - ^-'^^J^ V.' * life is seen. Creep - inir. -& f$^ t t t creep - ing. A rare old plant is the I - vy green. I Kk ^m Zhe Ivy Green.- 3. SONG AND CHORUS. Words by Frederick E. Weallierly, M. A. with Spirit. -#.*.#■ •#- Music by Stephen Adams. -* • -^ ^^ hm ^m^- ^'^ ?i ■^■^ ^1 w >-^ S ■^-^^-^ A r *- i^'^ ^ « ■•■•■•• I I f]:t=q:j!-j| £iS£f: -I ^ -i-S^. r^^^mm cfcri?: /TN H-J^ - •? 7 7 zt :f^ ^•^ 1. Of all the wives as e'er jon know,. 2. The bar - bor's jiast. the breez - es blow, . 3. The boa' - s'n pipes the watcii be - low, . . Yeo ho ! — lads ! ho ! Yco Yeo ho ! . . . lads ! ho 1 Yeo Yeo ho! — lads! hoi Yco ,-- rV -^r\ =^-f r#=7=^s-^ //= ,^ ^S^^i= :^ :Ji:=J -tSi-T « — «- -0—0' t -A^ -A^^- -«-l- -0 — • — 0- T— ^-^ Mzimzjt ~m—9- -N#-^ ffi] -_! 0- P 9-'n-0' ^r-0 • -0—^- =f=S: ^^ H-#- ■^- -V- lio! — yeo ho! hoi — yeo ho! ho! — yeo hoi There's none. . . like Nan -cy Lee, I trow,. 'Tis long... ere we comeback I know. Then here's a health a - fore we go — Yeo Yeo Yeo hoi. hoi. ho!. lads! lad.s I lads! I sS L*3*=*: ^SSe^^ ho! . , ho!.... hoi ... yeo ho ! yeo ho ! Veo ho ! -^-zt See t lere she stands, an' waves her hands, up - on — the quay,* An' But true and bright from morn till niglit my home will be. An' A long, long life to iny sweet wife, an' mates at sea ; An' ia: fr^^ 1 '^ — ' ' ^9^-r >— • • I ;" -7-^- •tf ^ *" ^ -t- 9 — •— r~ *- :T T=^ V -= _^_^_^ -0—0- -«-i-«- -^-^4- •— ^- ^CT i^ ^-V m ^ ^ • As sung on boaid the U. S. Tjc'iiug Ship " Jfinnesota," with more than 360 boys and men. * Pronounced Key. - J2- I \\ =? ia: ^ 'I 7 =i=?= -*-r-#- A=l come gk ev - '17 day when I'm a -waj, she'll watch for me, An' whisper low, when tempe.| — » — 9r m — «- 5- ♦ ♦ -« — €- -• — •- i ti -• — •- ^ / 3^ ^ N^ J ^ ^ wife the sail - or's star N shall be, The sail -or's wife his star shall be. JLOCHITTB ® Words by ARTHUR SKETCIILEY. i&z :^ Ifttt gg^^^^fe 5= S Music by JAMES L. MOLLOY. I 1. Spiiiiiiiit; w;u:.vouiisClo- clK't - te, 2. ISi- k'lit w;isyiiun;,'Clo- dii't - te, 3. Let me, he !«aid, Clo - diet - te, # Came a foiul voutli to woo,. Grieved in her iieail was she,. . This lit -tie blos-soin take,. .She was a sa ^ — »^ ••>■ -P^ quet - te, qiiet - te, quet - te, i He was a lov - er true,. None was so dear as lie. . . . As though her heart would break Clo - chet Clo - ciiet Clo - chet te, Clo - chet - te, You te, Clo - diet - te, I te, Clo - chet - te, I r^ , m. w¥ T J S: :^ :f: S- '5: 1^ -«■ -«- -m- -m- ^^=^ J ,h J -« — — • *- ^ :^=Z3: 1st (fc 2'^ ii'nc. W ' • * -*> — ar- :A =P2: :i drive me far from you,. <'o for love of you., know now you are true,. Clo - chet - te, Clo - chet - te, I come to say a - dieu. Uh ! speak then dear Clo - chet - te ; She on - iy said a - dieu . Clo - diet - te, Clo - diet - te. We'll [ Omit 1"— r 3= M , M .r tr^ t*». .*».Zm m S L :^=^ 1 — r 2^ 3±: P .# 3(1 tim-R. =221 9 -T» \ >^ m??. r*;^. nev - er say a - dieu. a tempo. ?« — I # I ^ ^ )^ ^-^— t: ^>-T' « « » »^ I > I ;*f:= i^E^^ 45- S-^^- I U I )0 -* » — •- 3 3 w^ "BP ^jl 4^ ^ i^% \^ \j^ aS2i» ?) Words by TENNYSON. Vivace. Music by DOLOllES. J*^ i^ ''^ i^ ^^ 1*^ r*!5 r^ 1=^ F^ r^ f^ p^ r=*: 1=*^ P*^ > -i/" « p fe ^^3 ? r ? • ?X4A? r ? : ? r ? =c ?t-,-f .? J ?'?'?' 7 * 7 ^^^gf:^iS£ii^ *"?'? « ? J 'fi'f rf'i'YTf H 1,. J fi ^ Ti -^ -7; ^i -^ -'n JS , ■''?l -H j"!! Jij J^ 'f , t- ^1=^ _v__# •) # y ^1*=^ ;Jfc4 *=^t^::^«=f f — J 7.7. ?T7"^ 7.7.' r^ ^ 7:7^7 _ =t=;^t^^ hi 5.-M yi ^ ^ _> i 'if^ ^ ^ N ^^=^ h N ' :^=^ ^ S ^r:^ m m m m m 1. With iiia-ny a curve 2. I wind a - bout, 3. I steal by lawn my banks I fret, and in and out, and gras - sy plots. By ma ny a With here a I slide by field and fal low ; bios - sora sail in^; ha - zel cov-ers ; And And I i j.^^^ ji .^ .?] ^^ ^^^ -^ I ^"^ ^ ^ -^ ^4-:^^-^-^ w^=^^ #^^=£:7:F=fc^T3=^^^^'^ ^ =^=^g-'-y-f-r-*-g-*-y y • i \ S ^ * 1 ^x » . •> ^ • * 4 ^^=^ ^^ -0 — 0- ma-nv a fui - ry fore - land set With wil-Iow, weed, and nial-low, I liere and there a Jus - - ty trout, Ana here and there a grayling, And move the sweet for - get - - me-nots, That grow for hap - py lov-ers, I * <# «< • V #_ •>_•_ •> . I » ( •< Zi * » ' *' *• ^^=¥= =?=i=?^*^?=^ i ni m m g # ^ . ^ I J 1^ ifczfc slip, 1 slide, I gleam, I glance, A - mong my skimming swallows • here and there a snow - y flake Up - on me as I trav-el, mur - mur un - der moon and stars In bram - blv wild-er - ness-es; I With I ^-^-^-^AiX^^ ^^' -^ =^- -^^ -^ ^1 ^ ^^ ' 1 * 1 ^r-# >=^W -^ -^ 4 1 * 1 , .=r-* ■<=-* •«^ ■ <^=-*m ^-*-m—^^^-X—'=-*-M S^ rfj ^E^ % rt-i-r 1 +^ * ^? J ? ' ? - fT^^ ^g^^P^ m /TN ^^ tp5^=tr -V-^v •* 5^=1^ • r-g-^ E make the netted sun - beams dance A - gainst my san ma-ny a sil-ver wa - ter - break A - bove the gold lin - ger by my shin - gly bars, I loi - ter round dy shallows ; I en grav-el ; And my cress -es, And >-; -=^-# ■ ■- # ' w « _ w « _ » ! <— 1 ^ » >- # I -.=-# s=-» -^^0 -O *M • 4*i- —. * -^^^ M-E^^^^^^^ :1=^-=;=?=.=?:£=^: «-* ^ 1.1* 1 -4 ?^? iL-?_u-; ^ rail. ^4=iMtM^^ Xlie Drunk.— 2. -^ f' rr\ ^ ^ ^ =^^=^ ^V ^ ^ chat-ter, cliat-ter, as I flow, draw tliem all a-lon<^, and flow, out a-gain I curve and flow, N I N To join 3^ S 5E the brimminj' riv-er. For ^^^^J^ J-4^^ >._^ i-^ ^ .^ ^ i^ J^ 1) a tempo. zr|=:^z:fErf -^-f -f-f-^ Jtl—*'—tL- •f^Jt^ i. m ^jZ-iJ- ■¥=^ p — »- -N-*- =^t=5= ^M^ ^ men may come, and men may go, Rnt 1 go on for - ev - er, ev - er, -==-* -^-# ^=-t ^ ^=^-< ^==-# -^iir-* ^=-J ^;^-» -=^ ^=7-^ =r-^ =-# ■':^-« ^=-J ^=-* P n\ ^ ^^ t-*=± ^ s ^ =F=^ 1^ I 1(0 on for - ev - er. ev - er, I go on fir - ev - er. ^ it , .11 >^^L^^^ ^^ , >^ - il -^ -^ -^ -'^^^ •^=-< ==-< .,=-? >,=^-= ■,^-« ■v=-J "=-* H=-* •^=-* -^^-J =r^ >=-* ^=^-* ■<=^-« ■'=-* ■'=rV- JU^^,^^,^^ ^ ^ , J^ J ^ ^^1 ^ ^ H i!l Jl • ff j - v^ * >=-# Vs=-* ^=^^ ^=-* ---^ ~=r-» ^=-«- - ' - ' ■ ■ " ■ ^' Last time. f^^^^^^ *ca^«f r P ) t t-Ttirf'i-f^^'-^-^r^ -f f=a o # «< •i — ^ r r- f s • z * -I — ' r p; f ^i^H : ? J ? . ? . ? m=i XKo Brook 3. m¥& in tit §x^ilt d tit §tt^. Words by Mrs. WILLAfiD. Andante con moto Mnsio by J. P. KNIGHT. m «/ S • ^eN V^ m^r- ^ J: m?^ tr^ t^^^t 9 I • -«>- j»-i--»-i — »- i i£ A Fed. * ^^ ^ -H— N- r •f • " • r/ t^ ^^ ^^=^ £=^ -> — t^ ^—1 ^ 1. Rc^k'd in the era- die of tlie deep, I lay me down in peace to 2. And sncli tlie trust that still is mine, Tho' storm-y winds sweep o'er the ^*=? m ^m V ^^ t ^ ' J^ -*»«= m v_ ^Hr^-r-^^ '^ '.y "vz*: ^r* t ^-*^i T' •r ff ? ^-^ T^ :^=^- S^ W [^ W ^ ^^ -^— #- m 'pr-* Se -cure I rest up - on the wave, For thou. Lord — hast pow'r to Or though the tempest's fi' - ry breath Rous'dmefrom sleep — to wreck and ^ -*'. — h-*l n ^ -t n m _. m &3^ ■*Z •* v* ff I 1- > - I I: zzzszx: save; death, ^ l I jsiz m -v-^ £^33 I know thou wilt not slii:jlit my call. In - cean cave still safe with Thee, For Tiion dost mark the spar - row's The germ of im-mor-tal - i - !^S^ w - j.il g , # 1 ^ ^ ^ w « — 1-« ^ 15:^ ♦ — *~ It r i rT ^ Pt =4=^ m m :>r > b N r j g ^-*: ±=^ ^ 4' S • S ki. 4 And calm and peace-fiil is my sleep,. And calm and peace-fui is my sleep,. 4' md^ Eock'd in thecra-dle of the Eock'd in the cra-dle of the fall! tj! m fr P-^ iiry 7_l 3 [^ iS i^ ^^^^ ^^ J: •# p" «rJrsr IS~^ J.* 8; -< i !r^0. ^ J: ^•^ ^"N g'N *^ ^ ^ * ^^ - w-- u :; And calm and peaceful is my sleep. And calm and peaceful is my sleep. Rock'd in the era - die of the deep. Rock'd in the era - die of the deep. fUL 1^^^ ^ Ji% g k '^ ■ ^r^H ^ tr^dV^ e 1 #: -*-*-« *-» ^^ colla voce. ■nn. ■±raU. coUa voce. P =«^ ^^ ^^ U ^ U =^ :^=^ Botk'd iu th« CradU «/ M« I>e«p.—». BETHLEHEM. THE SHEPHERDS* NATIVITY HYMN, Written by UENRT FARNIE. Allegretto Pastorale. Ck>mposed by CHARLES GOUNOD. / nTn ^ 1 ,^ A A 1 A A A A — ^-1 — ^ A A ^ 1 s A 5—^ R 1 51 5I— _ A 1 s-^ ^ A \ 1 S2 . — a-^ -j P • P p * ^ ' — \- — # d-^ t-^ -at-' i =^i=^ =3^^^=^ ^ 1. Cra - 2. No 3. Babe died all low long - er sor weak and wail ly, Be - hold the 8av - iour child, A Be - ing ho - - ly In row, As with - out hope, oh earth ! A bright - er mor - - row Dawn'd ing, In low - ly vil - lage stall. Thy glo - ry yeil - - ing. Thou ^ Tm i ^ pp m W r 53 ^ r- f r r w ^ i cres. mi 5^ ^ ^^ E :^ ^ ere*. i S f^ dwell -ing rude and wild! Ne'er yet was re - gal state Of mon - arch proud and with that in - fant's birth! Our sins were great and sore But these the Sav - iour cam'st to die for all! The sa - cri - fice is done The world's a - tone - ment i^ S=+ i^^m cres. f -*^-4- ^ j-y^ y^ ^ 5 ^ ^^ rr ores. m i^it ^ ^- ^ I ^ f w t rz^ ^ i r=^=^ great . bore. won. £ Who grasp'd a na - tion's And God was wroth no Till Time its course hath -+- ^ fat«.. more. run. ? So glo - rious as the His own Son was the 0, Je - sus, Sav - iour ! S ^ 5 r £ M^ ^ ^^ =f5: £ I dim. ^ ? man - ger bed of Beth - le - child that lay in Beth - le - morn - ing Star of Beth - le - 1 ^""^ ^ dim. f^EE J- BetM*hnn,—». ^^ - hem !. - hem !. - hem !. ^ t=^ ^ B! 4= \' — -r^y f ^ ^i i -0- V 3 m 3= E5E 221 i^six: r- EM t To be Sung without Accompaniment. " ELIJAH." Andante. By MENDELSSOHN. Ll le f-JV^^ = ■/ 3^ lit Soprano. £ i ^^^=^ 2a Alio. Lift tliine eyes, lift thine eyes to tbe mountains, whence com-etb, whence com-etli,wheuce = */ =f^ -tr-N-J =K=^ -H f^E^ Lift thine eyes, lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence com eth, whence com-eth,whcnce ""W * # =^ t J. ' ^ ^^ srriK :^ ^ * -^ - ♦ ♦ ^ Lift thine eyes, lift thine eyes to the mounUiins, whence com-eth, whence com cth,whence cres. com eth help. Tliy help com eth from ores. J ^ ■jst. the iz=^ •-' com eth lielp. Thy help com - - eth, com - eth from the Lord,. cres. -a ^^ — • — help. com - eth Thy help com - - eth Lord, the dim. cres. i^^T^^ VP -^i!=^ -m — •- ^m ^=pc \^ =i^=^ Lord, the Mak - er of heav :^-I^- izf^ --I— ^- en and earth. He hath said, thy foot shall not be mov - ed. Thy p cres. -%^j-|-j rrf?: A— X ^ -T 3t=iE ^F=3 :^ -0--0- the Mak er of heav - en dim. -\ — *^ and earth. V He hath said, cres. thy foot shall not be mov- ed. 3r* ^ * Uak er of heav - en and earth. He hath said, thy fbot shall not be mov - ed. tf* ores. -e> 0- \t 'i '^ — ti' — 1^ ■ \ — Keep - er will nev - er slum VV f= l ^RRR; ^ - '" r ^ ber, nev - er, will nev - er slum - ores. ber, =¥=^ ^2 *=i^ -0 #- -» ^ — *- fe Thy Keep - er will nev - er slum VV ber, nev - er, will nev - er cres. ^ ^ ->— ^-tt ■ » Thy Keep - er will nev - er slum i^^^ ber, nev - er, will nev - er ?*^ -k— V nev-er slum dim,. ^^0 -== »f -r'lt^ — ' s=*^ S S 3?±zi; ^ ber. Lift thine eyes, lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence dim. p — - «/ - ^ ^ h J * * -^-^ , , — " — ^- ber. Lift thine eyes, lift thine eves — to the mountains, whence dim. p — - «/ — — — • slum * / ^^^ :P^ ^ ■i^=^^ ^ slum - ber, will nev - er slum - ber. Lift thine eyes, lift thine eyes to the mountains. t& P ,/==-_ P -0 — 0- :^ca= :^c=Jti -^ r — i— - :f=«=d £ -i ¥ — ^^^-^ com - eth, whence com eth, whence com - eth help, whence coni-eth,whence com-eth.whence com-eth help. 1 ■H^^?^ ^=V 33^ :^=^ 3t^t ->— K -•—^ ■^»- ^ com - eth, whence com-eth, whence com - eth help, whence com - - eth,whencecom-eth,whence com-eth help. '/ - — V I ^ P ^^*=^ :h=it ^ V- ^ ■0- ■0- whence com -eth, whence com - eth help, whence com - - eth, whence cometh.whence com-eth heljv a Zkr*cMe.-9. " ELIJAH." f Tl m I.OIIB, A B I A. By MENDELSSOHN. Andantino. (J = 72.) > N * n za^Mi ^^- -^ # ^ . -^ bp^ ^ ^ rest in the Lord, wait pa - tiont - ly for Him, and lie shall ^1 ir=»^ PIAKO. y ^^ A 2tt ^m % :S » ^ ^^ f lezrat lis: ±=i: ^ give thee thy lieart's de sires : rest in tlie Lord, wait pa - tient - ly for I ?^^ :?=F • ^ Him, and He shall give thee thy heart's de h sires, . =^ # and He shall ^ -^- ^ -i X * a • i t * * I r u ^ ^ - * V j l-*-iK i? ^Q=* r" :a; ^#^ t-r ^=^ ..yif /- lis I5r ^^ ^F«=^ give tliee tlij heart's de - sires. Com - mit tliv way un - to Him, and trust in i^ l =?WTP^ ^^^ ^ f^ :i=rj=*t J i [^ i ? ^ y- t^— f- :^=^ ^ ^=*-^ 1^ ** -*^ £ 3f^^t Him ; Com - mit thy way nn - to Him, and trust in Him, and fret not thy ■ -*€ •• ■*• 1»- -ft ■•^ — *^ i g^ ^^ ^ > T u r ^^ "^ r ^ ^^ ^& ft ^: N— ^-,- ^ :*^ ^ :^ - self be - cause of e - tH do - ers. rest in the Lord, -wait pa - tiont - ly for ^^m ^^^^ J^?=?5: S~*— g = Him, ■wait pa - tient - ly for Him ; rest in the 1on\, wait pa - tient - !y for I ^ ^y— T^ w^^^iuw^ pp ^ :n=il —\- — — I *— :«t r m •- -i *- ? ait=»= q=^ O JJent <« «/if Lic is inspired and beautiful ! " The N. Y. Christian Union says : — " The music is simple, unpretentious and good. It meets that popular and growing taste, especially in the Church, for worshipful music" The N. Y. Independent says :— " It contains mucli of the .Sullivan and Dykes order. \Ve recommend it to schools, choirs and liouic singers." 1. Its Singing School department is alone worth more than 75c. 4. Its Concert Music is alone ^vorth more thain 75c. 2. Its Chants and Tunes are alone worth more than 75c. 3. Its Anthems are alone 'worth more than 7Sc. 5. Its Glees and Part Songs are alone worth more than 75 c. Send 75o. at once and get a sample copy, BARGAIN'S I>r STRATXON" VIOLINS. CL ARABELLA. SXRING-S A^TD CADY PIA^TOS. C. M. CADY, 107 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. 167 hmnAm Ut farloii |^r|[onnmTC% KINDLY FXJRNISHED BY HORATIO L. WAIT, Esq., OF CHICAGO. ROMANTIC.-^ Acts. Tom and Dick, two jolly young Chabactirs.— Mary and Annie, two merry girls, fellows, and a comical old boatman. RO Act 1.— a Bofa or chairs covered with cloth being arranged like a boat and equipped with brooms for oars. The two girls are taken out to row by the two jolly fellows. They pine boat eonge and enjoy themselves as if on the water, and then come ashore again. MAN Act 2.— Mary and Annie In their bed chamber prepare to retire in a bed made of sofa, chairs, pillows, etc., sticking out from under which, conspicuous to the audience, is a pair of man's boots. The girls arrange their hair, put night-dresses on over their costumes, and just after getting into bed, while talking about the How and their beaux, discover that they have forgotten to blow out the candle. After much teasing Mary gets out to blow out candle, and before doing so, takes a look uudci* the bed, and seeing the boots screams '''a man," and both nuh out screaming. TIC. ACT 3. — Old Boatman discovered growling because the jolly fellows have not paid him for the boat tiiey hired of him, and espying Diclc in the distance calls him. Dick enters and tries to persuade him to give him credit, or tick as the old boatman calls it, in which he succeeds. ROMANTIC. Act 4.— Tom and Mary enter promenading in street dress. Stop to admire beautiful sunset, when Tom proposes to .Mary and she accepts, when they go out. Then enter Dick and Annie promenading, who stop to admire sunset, when Dick pops the question and Annie accepts, then they go out. Then enter all four, who meeting, announce theirmutual •ngagemaats, which on being explained, are pronounced as a very romantic coincident. END. DOMESTIC.^ Acts. Chabicters.— Mr. and Mrs. Prim, Hiss Flora McFlimsey, Hon. AngnstusPitz Herbert Biddy O' Riley, and several servants. DO Act 1.— Biddy O'Riley in a kitchen kneading dough, and groaning over the hardship of bavins to be maid of all work in a family of two, when young Mrs. Prim enters, and upbraids her mth making away with the family provisions, and Biddy flares up, then Mrs. Prim scolds her for making bad bread, and Biddy wrathfnlly drives her out of the kitchen, packs up her old valiie and bandbox, and deserts the bouse. MES Act 2.— Mrs. Prim discovered in her kitchen trying to make the dough Biddy loft into bread, and Is surprised by the entrance of the gorgeous Mis^ McFlimsey, who has walked through open doors unannounced. Miss McFlimsey is very airy anil says she knows nothing alM)ut bread making, when Mrs. Prim says she has made a mess of her bread and asks for instruclions, when the exquisite Augustus enters unannounced also, and escorts Miss Flora off for a drive. TIC. Act 3.— Hr. Prim comes home in a harry and finds his dinner not ready. Scolds and says he must always have it ready at exactly 6 to a tick. Mrs. Prim cries, and they have a scene, when he rushes off to advertise for a Domestic. DOMESTIC. Act 4. — Mrs. Prim in her parlor, and the door-bell rings, when she admits a green Irish girl, who applies for a situation in answer to the advertisement. Then a Dutch girl comes, then an Irish girl, then a French girl comes, then an English girl, and so on. END. MERCENARY.-4ACTS. Characters.— Old Mr. Croesus, Mrs. Croesus, Miss Columbia Croesus, Captain Flyaway Dash (formerly Jonathan Nash), Old Prudence Nash, passengers on steamer, etc. MER Act 1.— Old Mr. and Mrs. Croesus discovered studying over a guide-book in a Swiss Inn, planning a visit to the Mer de Glace. He makes funny blunders In pronouncing names of places, and Mrs. Croesus more ridiculous ones in trying to correct him. They call In Columbia and wish her to go with tliem, but she seems m nn abstracted mood, and pleads Indisposition. As soon as the parents have gone, Columbia makes a signal out of the window to Captain Flyaway Dash, and thin soliloquizes over her imprudence in encourag- ing such a rakish character as he seems to be. Enter Captain Dash, who encourages her. Expatiates on his great wealth and property in America, and persuades her to agree to run away with him, and ho is very particular to make her promise to bring all her diamond! and valuables with her. CE - re 7J < 3 -^: — 2 s ^3 , ?? s-3. ^ -*i — -I ?S3 ; O 2 ft S cr o 2.^ i§r§3' O 09 jrf O JI ' gf ' 1.5 "r *< ^ — T a _CB^»-<3 SC^2!^ CS=^» 5 » ~: 3 - >: I- ^^ = a,^-; ? 2-=S = ~ = EC ^ "— O "■ S |.c I g < g- = < ^ ' V —3 = *< :5 S--3 i 3 1 1 ^ = „ ft , S. i 3 — i 53 "2. S'^ ^- re- - rt 3. 3'- « 3 Q - s - 5^ ^5. = ^^ = ?sa. 3 = S-i: ~ — - tr 'D — C 3 2.3 2 o'a §2^ s-EE§ c "^ -^ ^ ITS re E-^ ?2 = 3 = 5" 5-^ 3 3 tD a . JTS *: '-«' 3 c c 1 a ^ re 3 = ■^ ;: OS _. _ (6 a. rr; 3. 3 s 5 _ re r - P ■- 3 S -r 3 « 5 rt'3. 3 ^ I 3 i - m ,- • 3r «s P _. "= O M S = ■^ - » s - i =1 S ^. 5 =• •- ^ C O CO TTr- cs E.£ 5 3 •C — O 00 till 3 Jn X 00 ■' -^ -. '^ S3 ~3 » 3" c . —• H. ^ ^ S „ 2 3 y &. o 2 3 ■3 — 3 i.1 § B t= ■a £ 3 — 3 3 E* 5 5 3" i* 3 >< o 3 I ■ o O O r o a: o 168 CHARADES FOR PARLOR PERFORMANCE. the yoniii; ■•f;al" who has married hiT son Jonnlhan. After much nilsundcrstandlng, the painful truth cumeii out that Captain Dash 13 an uiinrincipled ecanip and adventurer, and to all poor diiitresscd Columbia's questions as to hi-' iille(;cd possessions, such as " Has he not got a rieli copper mine at Lake bupcrior f " etc., Old Prudence reiterates the answer " nary " a copper mine, etc., etc. MERCENARY. Act 4.— Captain Dash discovered gnmblins with an old gambling friend, for Columbia's diamonds. Enter Columbia, who storms and upbraids the Captain. Calls him a mercenary deccjvcr, and finally faints away. END. SPELLUNACY.-3 Acts. CiiiiucTBRS.— Old Dr. Bookworm, Mr.' Bookworm, Bella and Dora, his danchters, Tom and Dick, two ntudenta, and Spelling Class. SPEL At-T 1.— Old Dr. B'lokworm discovered in his study, absorbed in stud^-lng a hu^e hook Enter his daughters, Bella and Dora, who ask for his dictionary, to find the word Sy-zv-"y. that Tom has been telling them of, to see what it means, and how it is spelled. Old Dr. Bookworm enters Into a learned disquisition upon the word, and orthography generally, Tom and Dick call, and are shown into the library. .Make love to Bella and Dora. After having poked some fun slyly at old Dr. Bookworm, and get him to hunt the dictionary through, in vain, in a very absorbed way. for the word Backache, which Ihev spell out Backache, and a^k him the proper pmnunriation of. Bye and bye the cirla discover tha joke, and the Old Doctor drives them all out of his study. LUNACY. Act 2.— Mrs. Dr. Bookworm discovered mending stockings, and complaining about her family cares. Calls iii Bella and Dora to help her. They talk cnthusiasticaliy about the spelling schools they have attended with Tom and Dick. The mother scolds them for being so intimate with these young scamps of students, when Old Dr. Bookworm enters and in a very excited state, tells of a spelling match he has attended, and proceeds to unfold a grand sclieme he has formed for revolutionizing the educational systems of the world, by means of competitive spelling matches. Ills wife tries to check liini ; says he is crazy, etc , but he makes out to make arrangements for his first match, and his wife after moralizing over him, pronounces it a clear case of lunacy. SPELLUNACY. Act 3.— a spelling match, presided over by Old Dr. Bookworm. Conducted In ft rtdlculoua way, with aa many participants as can be conveniently used. END. and after salutations, goes to place of concealment and brings out another black bottle, and gives Old (irundy a drink, saying he keeps a little Bitters, for his health, and enjoins him not to let the " old man or old the woman " know onythUig about It, The Grundy family are beard arriving, and the two go out. PLATONIC. Act 8 —Bill Granger discovered trying to do the agreeable to Lucy, but he Is verjr awkward and unsuccessful. Lucy's thoughts are evident!)' elsewhere, and she seems to bo expecting somebody. Suddenly Mr. Homer Wise arrives. Bill sees that he Is not wanted, and leaves. Mr. Homer Wise and Lucy commence making love vigorously. Proposes and is accepted. They embrace. When suddenly Old Orundy and Parmer Granger appear. Grundy pretends to scold, and wants to know if that is w hat Mr. Homer Wise calls Platonic love. Old Granger holds up hlu hands in horror, and exclaims " What will Mrs. Grundy say f " END. WASHINGTON.-^ Acts. PLATONIC. -3 Acts. Chakact™.— Mr. and Mrs. Grundy, Lucy Grundy, Homer Wise, a student, Parmer Granger and W iTe, BUI Granger. PLA Act 1.— Sirs. Grundy and Lucy discovered talking about getting up some private theatricals Mr Grundy engaged in reading newspaper Mr. Homer Wise calls. Enters into the discussion, which becomes animated. Various plays are talked of, and extracts read or recited in an extravagant way, and so boisterously as to disturb the reading of old Mr. Grundy, from whom they receive gruff Interruptions. The plav of Romeo and .Juliet turns the conversation to the subject of love, and Mr. Homer Wise talks learnedly of £ atonic love. Mr. Grundy makes satirical comments thereon. The (irundvs tell Mr [omer W ise they are going to sjwnd the Summer up In Maine, with Farmer Gmn-er and invite liim to visit there. TONIC. Act 2.— Old Mr. Gmndy discovered seated in Farmer Granger's house. 'Wonders where all the occupants have gone to, and why his family don't arrive. Enter Farmer c;ran"cr who salutes Grundy, and then goes mysteriously to closet and brings out a black botlle, and gives Orundy a drink, saying he keeps it for a Tonic, and cautions him about lettiii" his wife or Bill know anything about it. Then goes out to hunt up his "old woman." Enter Mrs. Granger. She is rejoiced to see Old Grundy, and then after halutalions, etc., §oe.s to a place of concealment and brings out another black bottle, and gives Old Grundy a rink, saying she like- to take a little Tonic for her stomach's sake, and cautions him not to siwak of It to the old man or Bill. She then goes out to get lunch for (irundy and his family ready before the latter arrive. Enter Bill (■'runger, who greets old Grundy cordially, CHARArTEBS.— Mrs. Shoddy, Mr. Shoddy, Miss Susie Shoddy, Hon. Prank Subsidy, Member of Congress from Buncombe, and .Mchitabel, his wife, several Senators, etc. WASHING Act 1.— Mrs. Mehitabel discovered in her kitchen with a large washing, and her maid of all work has just deserted her. She must do it herself, aiid at once, as there is no laundry near and she is about to go to Washington with her husband who has just been elected to Congress. So she gets a tub and goes to washing, when old Mr. Shoddy suddenly enters tlirou^'li open doors, having rung in vain, in search of Hon. Mr. Subsidy. After some plain Yankee talk from Mrs, Subsidy, and much grandiloquent discourse from old Shoddy, he retiree. TON. Act 2.— Parlor in Mr. Shoddy's house. Mrs Shoddy and Susie talk about their expected visit to Washington and Susie sings opera airs. ItidieiiUiui-ly talks about " the Ton " and high life generally. Old Shoddy enters and tells how he found Mrs. Subsidy actually washing her own clothes, whereat the Shoddys are honilled. WASHINGTON. Act 3. — Mr. and Mrs. Subsidy rcct'ivinp at their house in Washington. Several Senators present talking up a "stealing Hcnemc." Enter the three Shoddys who are presented to hoetese, and findiup ht-r a little airy, the ladies twit her about her doing her own washing, and trouble is imminent, but "they are interrupted by arriving visitors, when old Shoddy attracts attention and bIiowb hia igiiorance of matters ecnerally, except in the especial line of bribing Congressmen, etc. END. DILUTE.-3 Acts. CHARACTEns.— Miss Seraphlna Scroggs, Susie, her nnrse, Miss Blonde, Adolphas Stnbbs, and Dr. Filute. Dl Act 1.— Miss Seraphina and Miss Blonde discovered in the boudoir of former. They with great mystery discuss a wonderful new hair dye. Afterwards talk about Adolphns, tho adorer of Seraphina, and of his musical talent, when Miss Blonde terminates her visit and withdraws. End of Scene. LUTE. Act 2.— Adolphns appears under Serar)liiiin's window on a cold rainy night, clad In on old cloak made from a " waterproof," holdiiitr up a dilapidated old umbrella, and carrying a fryint; pan for a Lute to serenade his adored otio. Bis ai-dor has been much dampened by the rain, and he has caught a had cold and moralizes over his folly, but makes an effort to sing romantic songs and calls to his Seraphina. Suddenly old Scroggs' dog is heard barking, 80 Adolphus runs off. DILUTE. Act 3.— Miss Seraphina discovered sick on a sofa, attended by Susie the nurse, who Is being scolded in a petulant way because Seraphina caught cold while listening to serenade, and because the Dr. does not come. Finally Dr. Pilute". a comical old HomtKopath, enters, and has quite a discussion with Seraphina about high dilutions, and prescribes a ridiculous dilution for her, which causes Susie to cxprcf^s her mind in a very indignant way and driva the Doctor out of doors, whereat Seraphina faints away. END. 1 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Lo« Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the lit>rary from wtilch it was borrowed. «. OCT 16 199^ ible WE SHOULD LOVK EACH OTHER MORE. Koug ami Duet, or Song, Duet and Chorus Words by E. K. latta. concert. Prici; :W cenr.- NANCY I,BK. W.mU by K. K Wealhcrby. Mu«ic by Siepheu AdnnH. An eioeediugly popular ^ilor b iiong UuBic by R. B MahsSey. Sple^id and ~ al. Price 25 cenu*, •• C. M. CADY'S MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS-CONTINUEI 000 413 77 POSTSCRIPT No. 2. SEQUEL TO Grandfather's Clock, WITH A FINE LITHOGRAPHIC TITLE-PAGE. ILLOSTRATING THE FINAL FATE OF THE FAMOUS OLD TIME-KEEPER. A HOMELIKE, POWERFUL SONC. WORDS and MUSIC by HENRY C. WORK. Price 4:0c. LATEST POPULAR SONCiS. The Fisher and his Boy. Words and music by Chas. H. Gabriel. A descriptive song, powerfully dramatic. 40c. 'T^pas But a Dream. Words and music by Harry Percy. 30c, Only Three Words—" I L.jve Thee." Words by Willis Woodward ; music by Fernando de Anguera. Two charming love songs. Keep the Old Friends mrlth the Ne^7. 30c. Words by A. W. French ; music by R. B. Mahaft'ey. Home is Home inhere all are Loving. 30c. Words by E. R, Latta ; music by R. B. Mahaffey. Messrs. l.atta and Mahaffey are preeminently the apostles of friendship and domestic love, and in the above two sones they give us the soundest kind of doctrine sugar*coatcd, so tl at it is delightful to lake. Try it. Sunny Land Beyond the Sea. 30c Words by A. W. French : music by Harry Percy. A splendid song, and well adapted to voices of medium range. Blue Eyes W^aitlng*. Words by "Gracie" ; music by Harry Percy. 30c. Blue Eyes waiting in childhood for papa ; in girlhood, for her lover : in old age, for the angels. Beautiful and effective. Work \7lth a "Will. Words and music by Harry Percy. A rousing song — one that takes tike wtld-fire. 30c. MUSIC BOOKS. PARLOR GEMS. All of the above "standard music," and about twenty other charming selections besides, are included in my book of ** Parlor Gems/' sheet-music size, givmg $20 worth of sheet- music, elegantly bound in cloth and gold, for S^- Such a book cost $3 before the war. "Parlor Gems" has reached a sale of more than 8000, and now sells faster than ever. THE PR A ISE. A book of Church Music by James Baxter, consists of ^84 full-sized p.-iges embracing a full variety of fresh, new music for Choir, Singing-School, and Festival uses, including nearly 100 pages of Anthems. The new feature of this book is a department of Anthems, Concert Choruses, etc., arranged with orchestral accompaniments, such as can be played in almost every village, and which are alone worth twice the price of the bo;!:. Price, $10 a dozen. Sample copy, $1. SONGS OF THE NATDONS. Contains 40 of the best National Anthems in their native tongues, with English words and historical notes. Compiled by t>. P. HoKTON, for Schools. Homes, Glee Clubs, and Patriotic Gatherings. The tiile-p.-igc of "Songs of the Na- tions" gives in six colore the fl;»gs, cx.ict in form and color, and the inside the standard anthems, of the civilized nations from which American citizens sprung. It is not only aij cdu- cationa) work of necessity lo the young, hut, like one s Family Bible, interests all who have, or ever h.td, a country or ances- try to he proud of. It is already in use in the public schools of New X'ork and Brooklyn, and in the school-ships of the U. S. Navy. ($4 a dozen.) 40 cents. THE HEAVENI.Y CHOIR, By Theodore Wood, contains over ^oo Hymn<, with fresh, at- tractive Music, for Praise-Meeiin^iS, Sunday Scliools, .ind Churches. It is a Moody and Sankcy order of book, ami is abreast of the Reviv.»l tendencies of the times. U aims to combine the life, glow, and beauly that charm tlic young with the deep fervor and spirituality that edify the old, thus bridg- ing tin- chasm that has too long existed between the SunHay- Scho.l an 1 the Church. It is the cheapest book of its kind Bumbcrof frc-^h, nrvv things that deserve " the late P. P. Bliss' best. Bound in Esnts. POSTSCRIPT. •♦NOTHING SUCCFKltS I.IKE SUCCESS," especially if it be deserved. •' Grandfather's Clock," by Henry C. Work, is now the best s-liing song in America. This popularity at'.ds mtercst to all Mr. Work's late songs, and above all, lo his last one, "'I he Fire Bells are Rmgiug." which bears a splendid portrait of him. 'I'his soup has the musical strength of his "Marching I hrou^h Georgia," with vastly more drainaiic palhos- C-randlfathers Clock Waltz. A. Himan $0 35 Graadfather's Clock Caprice— Piano. A. Himan. 40 Grandfather's Clock Trans.—Piano. F. Brandcis. 60 Grandfather's Clock March— Band. Downing. 75 MUSIC TEACHERS should have the Baxter Text-Books, il.us-.rating the "New School of Music." and the following admirable and carefully-fingered leaching pieces: "Tripping V/alt2," "1876 Schultische," " Merry Maskers," and "Two Gems," each 25c.; "Sophie's Birthday Waltz," and "Sea- View Schottische," each 30c . and for more advanced pupils, "Souvenir de Nina,'* " Htman's Grand March." each 40c.: "Love Echos," "March of the Century," each 50c.; and " La Brise," by Gottschalk, $1.00. Meet Me at T^wilight. A charming love song. Words and music by Mrs. C. H. Barks. lale. of Mississippi. 30 cents. The Fisher and His Boy A powerful, descriptive song. Words and music by Charles H. Gabriel. 40 cents. Mother is Falling Since Father Died. A touch- ing song and chorus. Words by Willis Woodward : music bylFernando do Anguera. 30 cents. 'T^vas But a Dream. Words and music by Harry Percy. A beautiful love song and chorus. 30 cents. The two next are the latent and most popular of English comic songs, both by John Read. Whoa! Emma. 30c. : Johnny Morgan, 25c.: while Mac O'Macorkltydnsh), by Henry C. Work, 35c., and Sitting on the Style, a soi\g of Fashion Hater, 25c., are the most attractive m my repertoire of fun. . Xhe Welt'omc Hour is evidently 10 be for a Umfi time the favorite siiiciiig lx>olt for stliools, convcmions and choirs. l>cc;tu«e ackiiow- Icdgeil, wherever used, to be the best book of iU kind. Send 75 cents for a suiiiple. ... . j l»arUir Gemft is the most ouccessful book of Instnimental and Vocal Mubic for Parlor us^ ever published. It5 last edition (the eleventh thousand) contains ' Nancy Lee," " l-ct Mc Dream Again." ;i id many other new and yood things. Send *2 for a sample copy. Canvassers everywhere w.imcd for it. and all in THK FltLD ARE DOING WELL I Preclou* dowels are ^oinz I'l^e * prairie fire, .t I with good reason. It is the 1-KF.SHEST and itl-.si. as well as CHEAPEST S. S. singing book in the field. Think of suuh a book as this, substanuilly bound ill lK)ard. at 415 a hundred ! " Str.-itton ViUiiis" and " Cady Pianos" are alsogreat successes. U you don' t find mfonnation enour'i on this sheet, write me. All the books and sheet music htirein ment-oned atc ALU'K A.MreS' C M CAOV. . 7 IH ask STRFBl. Nrw Yowk PRICE-LIST a^ SMALL MUSIC- AL INSTRUMENTS. STRJLTTOy VIOLINS. To have a good tone and improve rapidly with use, a violin must be scientt6cally made. The best that can be done is to imitate the old Cremonas that vary in thickness with almost every square inch. To do this perfectly by hand requires great skill and labor, which make such a violin cost from $200 to $500. A'terycars of experiment and the expenditure of a fortune, Mr. John F. Stratton, an inventive Yankee, suc- ceeded about a year ago in perfecting machinery that turns out tops and backs of violins perfectly graduated to the model and varying thickness of the old Cremonas, almost as fast as a planing-raill dresses pine llooting. His factory is located at Leipsic, Germany, where choice materials and skilled labor are cheap, and he stays there to superintend it himself, while his partner, Mr. Chas. H. Parsons, manages the large business of John F. Stratton & Co. in New York. From their large stock here I have for some months been selecting these im- proved violins, and sending to all parts of the country on the following plan, with a success indicating that Mr. Stratton will soon have to supply the world, for I do not see how any- body else can furnish half so good an instrument for the mon* ey. It is workin;^ a complete revolution in the violin business. I select by tone, maierialsy trimmin^s^ and /tnish^ three grades, of the Stradi^arius model, as best suited to the wants of the American people, as follows : No. 1.— Violin for tho Million, \7-ith com- plete outfit— bow, -wooden case, rosin, and extra Clarabella strings $5.00 Wo. 2.— Violin for Amateurs, with com- plete outfit— bow, w^ooden case, rosin, and extra Clarabella strings 10.00 Wo. 3.— Violin for Artists, with comploto outfit-bow, wooden case, rosin, and extra Clarabella strings, $16.00 to 25.00 So confldent am I of tlie rmpld Improve* meut of theae STRAXTON VIOLINS, tbat II' any one wlio purchanea cue or my selec- tion, and uses It steadily at concert pUcli for one y«ar, is wMIln;; to sell It, 1 WILL THEN PAV HBTI TK.N PER CE^T ITIORE TH.IN DT COST HIITI; or. If tho puro 2.— Cocoa. 6 " " " 800 3.— Boxwood, 8 German Silver Keys la.oo 4.— Cocoa, 8 " •* - " 15.00 All the above are full-toned, easy-blowing D flutes, skele- ton keys, patent lined, slide for tuning, G. S. ferrules, etc., in fine paper box. German Accordeons. 1.— 10 Keys, single reeds. $2.00 a. — 10 " double reeds 4'<» 3. — 10 " '* " a rows of trumpets, a box basses with trumpets. German-silver comers. .. , 7.00 Banjos. 1. — Screw, sheep-head S3-*^ 2. — Rosewood, calf-head, brass screws, brass hoop 8.o>. Maelzel Metronomes. T. — Mahogany $6.00 2. — Rosewood, best 7.50 3. — " " with bell 9.00 Handsome Spring-back Folio, or Kinder, for sheet- music I. as RoLi.., holds I to 50 pieces of sheet-music 1.00 Philharmonic A or C Tuning-fork , 30 Bear in mind that all the above prices are special, for cash only, often below regular wholesale rates, and secure what is good and durable — "scomihing what's noice." If I quoted the cheapest, 1 could furnish guitars at $2, and violins, flute:*, accordeons, and banjos a' less than $1, but 1 do not touch such cheap things, I Save no time to answer questions of mere curiosity. If you have the money, mean to buy, and need information, write tk. With cash in hand in this great musical emporium, my :icperience and facilities for buying enable mc to furnish anything musical, up to a $to.ooo church organ, cheaper than yon are likely to get it elsewhere. Money should accompany all oricrs, but over $5 in value may go CO. D., if you prefer topiythe extra expense- It h.is been the tulc of^my life to sincerely study the interest of my cus- tomer, and I offer my reconl and experience of twenty-five years in studying ami supplying the musical wants of the American people, as the best guarantee that you will get. through nic» the most pcissioix for your money. t^~ To Correspondents.— "Write as briefly and plainly as possible what you want, fn;:losing money therefor. Life is loo short to be spent ovet little charges, statements, and re- ceipts. If you do not know hov much money to send, be sure to send enough. It will be a gain lo yoti and to mc in the end, for. if anything can be saved f-om the amount after filling your order, I shall return it to you at once. \Vriic plainly your address (town, county, a:id Stated and do not forget to sign your name legibly. C. M. CADY. 107 Dt'ANE Street, New York. s^; ,\l..-[,A r.ltlSK; . ■>! (-,nr*--''rT|ir, K li , Prir^SllO. Tni-^ wii'i wri't-^n Va- 0»rt-*i0hri]k just before he left Now York for the last time, '-'-'■ -■ ■ '- ----z ctiin!>x-ier'?i arhcr !■■ " ■tK'Sitioii?. it 19 Univ( Sc I