GIFT OF WILLIAM DILLER MATTHEW WILLIAM DILLER MATTHEW CHIMMOID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT BY BASHFORD DEAN PROFESSOR OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1906 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT BY BASHFORD DEAN o> PROFESSOR OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1906 EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY :ARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 32 FROM THE PRESS OF THE WILKENS-SHEIRY PRINTING CO. WASHINGTON, 0. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction 3 Paleontological evidence as to the position of Chimseroids 3 Anatomical evidence as to their position 4-9 Taxonomy of living forms 6-7 Collecting notes 7-10 Habits of Chimsera colliei; color, size, distribution, movements.. . 11-18 Sexual differences, food 19-21 Breeding 23-25 Mode of depositing eggs 25-27 Rate of embryonic development 27 Egg and its capsule 27-40 General plan of development 41 Primary egg membranes 42-45 Yolk 45-46 Germinal vesicle 47 Fertilization 48-52 Segmentation 52-63 Gastrulation 63-92 Early embryos , 75-101 Late embryos 102-109 Comparison with other Chimseroids 109-1 1 1 "Larval" Chimsera 111-114 Organogeny 1 14-132 Relationships of fossil Chimseroids 133-155 Summary of evidence bearing upon the position of Chimseroids . . . 155-156 Bibliography 159-172 Description of plates 174-194 ERRATA. Page ii, for Regne read Regne. Page 30, second column, after Rhinochimaera pacifica, for 3 read 33. Page 36, fig. 20, for Rhinochimsera read Harriotta (?). 73464,3 A day's catch of Rat-fish, Chimsera colliei, on the beach at Pacific Grove (near Monterey), California. Beside the fish are the float-lines and baskets with trawl. CHIA/LEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. BY BASHFORD DEAN, Professor of Vertebrate Zoology, Columbia University. CHIA/LEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. INTRODUCTION. ; ^ .-* ;": "./. : Chimaeroid fishes, a group representing some of the oldest and simplest of backboned animals, are considered in the present memoir with especial regard to their relationship and descent. To this end, attention has now been paid to the plan of their embryonic development, and upon this side evidence has been obtained which, whether of major or minor importance in the study of descent, has at least the interest of newness. For to the embryologist Chimaeroids have until recently remained practically unknown, and they are thus the only vertebrate group of their anatomical importance if ranked as a subclass to have escaped investigation. On the other hand, from the standpoints of comparative anatomy and paleon- tology these shark-like fishes have received considerable notice, and they have figured in publications of the past half-century as the "most primitive vertebrates," or, more precisely, as the least modified descendants of the ancestral cranium- and jaw-bearing vertebrate. And in such a role (which I now believe is only partially deserved) they have been given especial importance in problems of descent. The evidence which has been brought forward to demonstrate the primitive nature of Chimaeroids is based in part upon the findings of paleontology ; it is, moreover, as one frankly admits, supported by anatomical facts which are broad in range and which have in many instances been provided by masters in morph- ology. The substance of this evidence is that Chimaeroids, although shark-like, are nevertheless widely distinct from the shark, and that they represent a lower plane in piscine evolution. As an aid to subsequent reference, the grounds for this conclusion may now be summarized. PALEONTOLOGICAL. Chimaeroids are believed by some to be older than sharks. Their fossils, as Walcott maintains, occur among fragments of ' ' fish " plates in the Ordovician (Lower Silurian) sandstones. Sharks, on the other hand, do not occur that is, unquestionably before the Upper Silurian. Probable it is that Chimaeroids lived during the Lower Devonian and, judging from their dental plates, these forms, if Chimaeroid, were highly differentiated, even at this early period. Moreover, according to the studies of Jaekel, paleozoic Chimaeroids provide the evolutional stages from certain archaic armored "fishes" to the shagreened sharks. 4 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. RECENT. Many characteristic structures of living Chimaeroids have been referred to as indicating the primitive nature of the group. The following may be cited : Dentition and dermal defenses, by Jaekel (1901), who maintains that the dental plates are primitive or "statodont," i. c., the ancestral condition of the "lyodont, " or successional teeth of the later sharks. They have thus, if I understand Jacket's view correctly, become greatly subdivided, so as to produce the cuspid teeth of sharks. So, -top, the larger integumental plates of ancient Chimaeroids are believed to have given rise to cuspid scales, and a somewhat similar view was expressed by Pollard (1891). According to Schauinsland (1902), the scales of Callo- rhynchus are of so primitive a nature as to be directly compared to those of the earliest Silurian "sharks." Finally, Reis (1895) suggests that the curious unpaired tooth of mesozoic Chimaeroids finds its homologue only in the ancient Acanthodia. Vertebral column, with delicate ring "vertebrae," characteristic of Chimseroids, is, according to Schultze (1817), but the next stage above the notochordal con- dition of the lamprey; to Hasse (1879) it represents a polyspondylous condition ancestral to the diplospondyly of the simplest living sharks; to Gegenbaur (1901) "less differentiated"; to Howes (1902) a purely "chordal type"; to Meyer (1886) "possibly primitive"; to Rabl (1901) a column which has "not developed centra." Cranium and arches. According to Cope (1870), the autostylism of Chim- aeroids is in itself primitive, in spite of the evidence of its secondary character, which has been assumed on comparative anatomical grounds from the time of Johannes Miiller (1838). So, too, Kitchen Parker (1883) inclines, though doubtfully, to its primitive autostyly; and Gadow (1886) appears to have a similar view in stating that dipnoans were descended from a "simple autostylic form." The curious labial cartilages are regarded by Howes (1891) and others as homologous with those of hag-fishes. And connected with these the levator anguli oris, according to Reis (1896), suggests closely the condition in Acanthodian sharks. Allis (1898) also suggests that the jaw muscle (adductor) is of a primitive type (i. e., interbranchial), and in this he follows distinctly the more general conclusions of Vetter (1878), which are, indeed, in the latest time confirmed by K. Fiirbringer. The second branchial arch, it may here be mentioned, has been referred to several times (v. infra] as retaining archaic features. The labial cartilages, furthermore, are said to be primitive, inasmuch as they represent the most perfect condition of preoral gill-arches known among recent gnathostomes (K. Fiirbringer, 1903, and Schauinsland, 1903); and a presymphyseal cartilaginous element is regarded as a primitive copula between the mandibular and a premandibular arch. In fact, the entire series of copulae is archaic (Gegenbaur, 1901). Ribs are absent, a primitive character, according to Goeppert (1895). Fin structures are of peculiar interest. According to Jeffrey Parker (1886), the Chimaeroid is the only vertebrate to retain rudiments of a third pair of limbs. Its paired limbs furnish, according to Gegenbaur, M. Fiirbringer, and Braus, evidence of the origin of the paired limbs from gill-arches. In this connection Howes (1886) EVIDENCE OF PRIMITIVE CHARACTERS. 5 maintains that the paired fins of Chimaera are ancestral to those of sharks and dipnoans. Rabl (1901) also refers, but in a different aspect, to the primitive nature of the fins of Chimaera. By several writers the unpaired fins are regarded as primitive. The fin spine, as Reis (1896) maintains, shows the granular calcification of the mesozoic Ischyodus. The mixipterygia are "of less compound construc- tion" (Jungersen, 1898) than those of sharks. Brain, nerves, and sense organs have received considerable attention. Valentin (1842) states that in its brain Chimaera is intermediate between cyclostomes and plagiostomes, and his view is shared, more or less distinctly, by Johannes Muller, Mikloucho-Macleay, Gegenbaur, Wilder, and M. Fiirbringer. To Burckhardt (i 893) the Chimaeroid brain suggests characters allied on the one hand to the primitive sharks, on the other to the lower ganoids, and according to Studnicka (1895) the forebrain is nearer the primitive form of the selachian brain than even that of Notidanid. Jaekel (1902) holds also that in Chimaera, alone among fishes, there appears an epiphyseal opening in the cranial roof. In the matter of cranial nerves Cole (1896) states that " Chimaera is unrivalled among vertebrates, first, for the ease with which its nerves may be dissected and, second, for the almost ideal results that may be attained, " as well as for the peculiarity of independent nerve roots, "archaic and perhaps primitive in type." Similarly, Fiirbringer (1897) comments upon the peculiar conditions of the nerves of the occiput. Collinge (1896) notes also the simplicity of the mucous-canal system, which, he believes, separates widely Chimaeroids and sharks. From the standpoint of the auditory organ Retzius (1884) places Chimaeroids in the ancestral line of the modern elasmobranchs. Gegenbaur (1901), finally, notes that the flattened cord is primitive, like that of cyclostomes. Visceral peculiarities have also been given considerable notice. Thus Huxley (1872) refers to the "almost undeveloped gastric division of the alimentary canal, [and] the relatively small and simple heart." Gegenbaur (1901) is inclined to regard the few turns of the spiral intestinal valve as the ancestral condition of the gut of Lepidosteus and Ceratodus. Leydig(i85i), followed by Mazza and Perugia (1894), suggests that the many small brown glands of the rectum represent the ancestral condition of the digitiform appendix of sharks. Redeke (1899) maintains that in the structure of the kidney Chimaeroids are primitive, since, among other features, they retain a remarkable metamerism and have not the modified Geschlechtsniere of sharks. The foregoing are the principal lines of argument in favor of the primitive position of Chimaeroids. Whether they can be maintained in the light of additional evidence, notably on the side of embryology, is a question which will be discussed in the present memoir. To summarize the problem : Are the Chimaeroid fishes the least modified descendants of the primitive gnathostome? Or are they, on the contrary, degen- erate, specialized, or widely modified? Are they, in other words, close to ancestral forms which gave rise to sharks, with which they are obviously associated or are they but modifications of the shark-like form? In spite of the formidable list CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. of citations as to their phyletic position, every investigator will admit that Chim- aeroids have been but little studied surprisingly little studied, if we consider the morphological problems which they have trenched upon And in this regard we may safely conclude that the obstacle in the way of the investigator has often been a simple one lack of material for research. For, until recently, good material of Chimsera was relatively rare. As a deep-water form, it was taken only by special fishermen in special localities, and even then, since it was not a food-fish, it found its way rarely to a market and still more rarely to a laboratory. This, then, has been an obvious reason why embryological material was not early described. It may finally be mentioned that fossil Chimaeroids, so important to the general discussion, are rare, and, with very few exceptions, fragmentary. Recent Chimaeroids are included in 4 genera and about 25 species. An idea of their distribution and size may be had by reference to the following table : TABLE A. Kinds, Localities, and Approximate Sizes of Recent Chimferoids. Genus and species. Reference. IvOcality. Size (). Gronovius, 1754, Mus. Ichthyol., I, p. 59, plate iv, figs, i and 2. Linn., as spe- cies, Syst. Nat., Zoophylae, ioed.,p. 236. (Followed by Swainson, Guiche- not, and others.) Lacepede, 1799, Hist. Poiss., I, p. 400, plate xii. ( Followed by Swainson, Guichenot, and others. ) Hobson ( 1840 ), Tasmanian Jour. Science, vol. i. Shaw, Gen. Zool.,V, Pt. II, 368, pls.cLVii and CLVIII. ? Immature specimen. Dumeril, 1865, Hist. Nat. Poiss. I. Elas- mobranchs, 694-695. Immature speci- mens. Meters. o .85 75 S Africa .85 95 Richardson, 1841, Proc. Zool. Soc. and Trans. Zool. Soc., Ill, 174. Bory St. Vincent, Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., vol. in, p. 62, plate v. Bennett, Fishes of Capt. Beechey's Voy- age, p. 75, plate xxn, fig. 3. Colenso, 1878, Trans. N. Z. Inst, vol. XL, pp. 299-300, plate xvn. Philippi,i892, An. Mus. Nac. Chile, Zool., p. ii, tab. v, fig. i. Immature specimen ( 39 cm. ). Goode & Bean (1894), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. xvn, pp. 471-472. ( ? C milii) 1. 10 y Chile N Atlantic .70 Garman (1901), P. N. Eng. Zool. Club, vol. i, ii, pp. 75-77. Mitsukuri (1895), Zool. Mag. Tokyo, vol. vii, p. 2. Tanan 1.30 dicus), Mem. M. C. Z., vol. xxiv, pp. 20-21. Named from egg-case only. *By any remote possibility could this have been CallorhyncJtus centrina, which Gronow described from a speci- men which he saw " in museo cl. Gaubii, Lugd. Batav. " ? (Syst.,ed. Gray, 1854, pp. 15-16.) His description suggests Harriotta rather than Rhinochimaera, since "habitat in Oceano Americano." It is hardly conceivable, however, that Gronow should have happened across this rare form, and from the general vagueness of the description and in view of the absence of the type specimen the name CaUorkynchus centrina should be cast out of the systematic list. DATA REGARDING COLLECTING. TABLE A. A'l/iifs, Localities, and Approximate Sizes of Recent Chimccroids Continued. 7 Genus and species. Reference. Locality. Size(). Chimaera Linnaeus, Mus. Regis Adolph. Frid., vol. i, p. 53. Syst. Nat., ed. x, 1758, vol. i, p. 236. Capello(i868), Jour. Math. Phys. e Nat. Lisb., vol. LV, p. 314, plate HI. Gill (1884), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. vi. p. 254. Bennett (1839), Fishes, in- Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage, p. 71, plate XXIII. Gill (1862), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 331; cf. Dean, J. Sci. Coll. Tokyo (1904), vol. xix, art. 3, p. 8. Waite (1898), Ref. in "Thetis," N. S. Wales Fisheries, p. 56. Dean ( 1904 ), Jour, of Sci. College, Tokyo, Japan, vol. xix, art. 3, pp. 6-9. Gunner (1763), Det. Trondhiemske Sel- skabs Skrifter, vol. 11, p. 270, plates V, VI. Ascan., Icones rerum natur., plate xv. . Gronow 1854, Syst., ed. Gray, pp. 16-17. Shaw, Gen. Zool. , vol. v, pt. 2, p. 365, plate 157. Faber, Naturgesch. Fische Islands, p. 45. Based on abnormal specimens. Risso, 1826. No. 151. Nat. Eur. Merid., t. in, p. 168. Collett, 1904. Chr. Videnkabs-Selskabs Forh., No. 9, pp. 5-6. Based on young specimens. Waite (1899), Austr. Museum Mem., IV, p. 48, plate vi. Jordan & Fowler, 1903, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. xxvi, p. 669 (nee Jordan & Snyder, 1900, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. xxin, p. 338 ( 1901)). Gill ( 1878), Bull. Phil. Soc. Washington, vol. ii, p. 182. Gilbert MS Meters. (0.70) ( ? abbreviata ) Pacific Coast of U. S.. .70 ( =Hydrolagus colliei ) . ... ( neglecta ) .60 .80 North Atlantic and Mediterranean. ( ? Cape of Good Hope.) North Atlantic ( Cal. atlanticus) ( borealis ) North Atlantic ( ? C. Bathyalopex) mirabilis. Faroe 8 5 I.OO I.OO i-75 75 phantasma plumbea Hawaii and Japan Cape of Good Hope. . . vaillanti Dean, MS. (type in Jardin des Plantes, No. 2557.) (Since the above was in type the writer has seen in Japan two new species of Chimaera. These will shortly be described by Mr. Tanaka in the Jour. Sci. Coll.) DATA REGARDING COLLECTING. It has long been known that Chimaeroids deposit large eggs, and that these are inclosed in dart-shaped capsules, brown, heavy, somewhat after the fashion of sharks, and resembling outwardly a frond of a giant Fucus. But further than this nothing appears to have been ascertained as to their habits in breeding. At the most, it was understood, from the complicated character of the capsule, that the eggs were carried in the oviducts for a considerable time. This inference is clearly important to one who seeks to collect embryonic stages. For, given unlimited time and a locality yielding numerous specimens of Chimaera, one could evidently secure gravid females, and from these the requisite number of mature egg-capsules. Thereafter one would have merely to incubate the eggs, g CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. either in aquaria or in cases floating or sunken, and then, from time to time, select the developmental stages.* This mode of procedure, however, was not without prac- tical difficulties, as the present writer found to his cost. In the first place, he was for several years unable to locate a region in which Chimsera could be taken con- stantly and plentifully. To this end several points along the European coast were considered in vain. In the bay of Naples Chimsera is uncommon, contrary to what one is led to infer from the notes given by Costa (1854); for it was found (1891) that but few specimens could there be obtained, even through the excellent collecting facilities offered by the Stazione. Messina is said to be a favorable locality, but upon inquiry it was ascertained through Cav. LoBianco that even there Chimaera was erratic in its appearance, and that months might elapse before many specimens could be collected. At Nice, also, inquiry showed that similar conditions prevailed. The coast of Portugal gave the best promise of abundant material, but the writer found, during a visit in 1891, that collecting facilities were unattainable. There were still to be considered the collecting possibilities of the coast of Norway, where, indeed, Collett (1875) had already obtained an egg of Chimsera, when it was learned that a species of Chimsera, C. colliei, was taken in considerable numbers on the Pacific coast of the United States. It was next ascertained from Dr. Tarle- ton H. Bean that this form could be taken in the waters of Puget Sound, and that it was especially abundant in the neighborhood of Port Townsend. Here, more- over, it occurred in relatively shallow water, and Dr. Bean had seen specimens of these "rat-fish," as they are locally known, swimming about near the wharves. Puget Sound was accordingly visited, Columbia University sending out a partyf with a view to collect, among other desiderata, embryonic material of Chimera ; and during a summer (1896) efforts were made to secure both the eggs and the living fish. The latter were abundant. About a score of females were examined, but in no case were eggs obtained. From the condition of the ovaries it was inferred that the spawning season had passed. Efforts were next made to secure eggs by dredging, but this means also proved in the end fruitless. It resulted, nevertheless, in collecting egg-capsules, and in sev- eral localities. At one point in Discovery Bay as many as sixty capsules were dredged (6 fathoms) during a single morning, but these, as in other instances, were found to be empty. The majority of the capsules were broken and frayed, and bore evidence of having been in the water many months. Every effort, however, failed to secure capsules containing eggs. Possibly they might have been secured if dredging in deeper water could have bee,n carried on, for in no case was material obtained from deeper than 10 fathoms. But it was remarkable that so many empty cases should be taken close together, and in shallow water, if they had not * Since these pages were written Prof. Schauinsland has published an extremely valuable memoir on the devel- opment of Callorhynchus, but he has given no notes regarding the manner in which eggs were secured at Chatham Island, or how these embryos were reared. They appear to have been collected separately, since he describes no stage earlier than gastrula. fin this, as in similar cases, the University was indebted to the fund donated by Charles H. Senff, Esq. DATA REGARDING COLLECTING. g been deposited in the neighborhood. It was still, of course, possible that they had been sifted into the present position, perhaps by currents, from a greater depth, or that the egg-bearing capsules were actually close to the empty ones and had not been dredged. The latter alternative would clearly be suggested if the eggs, like those of certain species of rays, were deposited in beds, thrust into sand or mud deeper than the reach of the dredge a possibility which, a priori, seemed favored by the dart-like shape of the Chimseroid egg-case. But even this suggestion proved in the end valueless, for experiments showed that no eggs were to be taken by the use of a weighted dredge (one which cut deep into the muddy bottom), even when used in the especial spot which had yielded the greatest number of empty capsules. The first eggs of Chimaera were obtained on the California coast during the latter part of the same summer (1896). The writer is greatly indebted to President Jordan for his invitation to visit the Hopkins Marine Laboratory at Monterey, and for his suggestion as to the value of the Chinese fisher-people as zoological collectors. Among the fishermen Ah Tack Lee was found to be of the utmost service, skilful, persevering, accurate in locating Chimaera grounds, and keen in observing. He had even noticed that Chimsera has the curious habit of carrying temporarily its pair of eggs hung freely in the water attached only by elastic threads, and that the terminal filament of the egg-case is provided with an end-bulb which secures its attachment. A few words further regarding collecting. During the first summer, between July 22 and September 12, there were collected 300 males and 139 females. Of the latter 1 5 carried eggs. Each gravid female was found to contain two eggs in practically the same stage of development. The plan pursued was to take those eggs in which the capsule was sufficiently formed (18 out of 30 eggs) and place them in a case, which was then sunk, attached to a buoy, in water of about 30 feet. Of the number of eggs thus incubated, half were opened for the earlier stages; the rest, unfortunately, were lost, a storm having carried away buoy and hatching-case. It was none the less clear, however, that the method was successful, and it was evi- dently but a matter of time before a fairly complete series of embryos could be collected. A new and stronger buoy was therefore established off the Chinese village, and from that time to the present, allowing always for periods of laxity, the fisher-people, influenced by Ah Tack, have been collecting eggs. The only practical difficulty was found to be the suitable fastening of the hatching-cases, for at various times about 1 50 eggs have been lost. The writer is particularly indebted to Dr. Ray L. Wilbur, of the department of physiology of Leland Stanford University, for his kind cooperation in the col- lecting work. Dr. Wilbur paid a number of visits to Monterey for the purpose of opening and preserving the eggs, and incidentally prepared a number of notes which are referred to in subsequent pages. Thanks to his care, about a dozen embryos of various stages were secured. There was still lacking, however, a series of segmentation and gastrulation stages, and to obtain these the writer paid a I0 CHHVUEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. second visit to the Californian coast during the summer of 1899. This visit resulted in the taking of 179 female Chimaera, from which 20 eggs were secured. In addition to the latter, a single egg containing a late embryo was obtained, which had become attached (65 fathoms) to one of the hooks of a trawl line. It is upon these stages, accordingly, that the writer has had to depend for his review of the development of Chimsera. He may add that he was able to secure several notes regarding the eggs of Chimcera phantasma and of Chimcera -mitsukurii during a stay in Japan, and that he has further had the opportunity, thanks to his European colleagues, of examining Chima^roid eggs and young in several museums, notably in Paris, London, Berlin, Bergen, and Tromsoe. The present introduction would be seriously incomplete without reference to the generous aid which has been given the writer at various stages of his work. Especially helpful were the suggestions of Dr. Tarleton H. Bean and President Jordan, and the many courtesies received from Professors Gilbert and Jenkins, Directors of the Hopkins Laboratory, and from other members of the staff of Leland Stanford University, notably Professor Wilbur. Grateful acknowledgment should be made to Professor Theodore N. Gill, who very generously examined the proof of the present paper. In Japan, also, while a guest of the Imperial University's laboratories, both at Tokyo and Misaki, the writer acknowledges the valued aid of Dean Mitsukuri and his associates. Finally, especial thanks are due to Dr. Naohide Yatsu, Rigakushi, for his assistance both in Japan and in New York, preparing many text-figures, and aiding notably in the section of the present memoir dealing with the fertilization of the egg. During the latter study Mr. Yatsu's comments, it need hardly be added, were especially valuable in view of similar studies which he had undertaken in the case of invertebrates. The present memoir includes the following themes : I. Chimsra and its characteristics. Appearance, movements, sexual differences, feeding. II. Development: Breeding habits, mode of depositing eggs, and rate of embryonic development. The capsule and its formation. The egg and its membranes. Fertilization. Segmentation. Gastrulation. Early embryos, i. Grieg, J. A. 1899) 1896 Olsson, P. phantasma 1901 Jaekel, O. 1889 Gunther, A. ISO 375 Harriotta raleighana 1904 Dean, Bashford. (v. infra) 3 1 J 3OO-6OO Rhinochiniasra pacifica 1904 Dean, Bashford. c6i indica 1891 Wood Mason, J., and Alcock, A. j *Referenceis made in the present paper (pp. 30, et scq. and figs. 15 B-F) to several "species" of capsules of Cattorhynchus ; e. g., Specimen 7983, Zool. Mus. Jardin des Plantes, Cape of Good Hope (Quoy and Gaimard); Specimen 7982, Zool. Mus. Jardin des Plantes, Cape of Good Hope (Voyage Peron); Specimen 7984, Zool. Mus. Jardin des Plantes, Chile (Martinez) ; Specimen 8823 A, Zool. Mus. Jardin des Plantes, Straits of Magellan (Savatier). Also to specimens from Australia in the British Museum. TABLE D. Egg-Capsules of Fossil Chimceroids. fschyodus ( = Alclodus) fcrrugineus : (Upper Jurassic) 1901, Jaekel, O. The fossils Spirangium, Palasoxyris, Fayolia, and similar forms may prove to be the egg- capsules of Chimseroids or of cestraciont sharks. From their imperfect preservation, however, they may equally well be coprolites of fishes having spiral intestinal valves. To a somewhat more definite category, however, belongs the following "Spirangium" : Spirangium: 1903, Sauvage, H. E. Cf. fig. 13. If this prove to be a Chimaeroid egg-capsule it is remarkable in a feature suggest- ing the capsule of a cestraciont marginal webs arranged in spiral. CHIMJEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. TASL* E. gf-Cmses of Otimaroids Compared. (Cf. figs. 13-16.) ---" M m LI f!::ti 1 i = *f-l9 I f I j! j a si 3 = C M L J 14 " XI 3 -- 13-17 '- -- RB- is Fag-iy '* Kg. 150 i 5 33 """"""" .- 36 (So).-... 12 ' *-. _ t .--. _ 3 35 do do 33 33 3 20 20 :- -- 75 ^ : 37 n 53 4* -.-'-- - fc'i it * - THE EGG-CAPSULE. CLASSIFICATION OF CAFSVLES. Fig. 14. Egg-capsulr oj lossil Chimirroid, IchyoA(AI*odu), from Dogger bcd$ (Jurassic), Germany. Alter Jaekcl. Actual From the materials provided in the present table and figures the egg-capsules of Chimaeroids may be classified on some- what the following basis : Callorhynchus. (Fig. 15 A-F.) Capsules with case spindle-shaped; snout-sheath subequal in length to the tail-sheath; lateral web broad, exhibiting stout rugae; of these a conspicu- ous pair proceeds outward from hinge of opercular valve. No serrulse present, the opercular ridges merely separating to admit water, as in related structures in sharks. No caudal pores; in their place a slit on each side of tail-sheath opening on the ventral side in the angle between web and case. Anterior lip of operculum transverse, situated on dorsal side at a considerable distance from anterior margin of capsule. No dorsal keel. Heavy cap sules, leathery and glabrous. No capsules of Callorhynchus are known to be definitely associated with par- ticular species, although many of the speci- mens preserved in museums are ascribed to " C. MAmtftec." From a study of the capsules of the species of Chimaera, * however, it is clear that the differences between the capsules described are such that we can not believe that they belonged to the same species. Thus the Chilean capsule (fig. 15), described by Jaekel as "Ca/. ariJarf/ictis" (a synonym of C, caJ- lorhynthHS of Valenciennes) is probably of a different species from the similar egg- case (fig. 1 5 A) figured by Dumeril, and this in turn is notably different from sev- eral specimens in the zoological museum of the Jardin des Plantes, which the writer was recently permitted to examine through the courtesy of Professor Yaillant. The latter capsules are accordingly figured * Variation of the capsules within the range of the species was studied by the writer in the instance of Ckima-ra About eighty capsules were examined, but the variations were found different in character from those referred to in the present pages. CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. (fig. 1 5 B-F) from tracings of the specimens, and they will be seen to present a considerable range, both in proportional measurements and in the number and character of the rugse and rugulse. Fig. 1 5. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. From specimen collected in Chile by Plate. After Jaekel. Actual size. Fig. 1 5A. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. Locality unknown. After Dumeril. About two-thirds actual size. In further detail, the capsule, fig. 153 (Cape of Good Hope), resembles most closely that of fig. 1 5 E (Magellan). It differs, on the other hand, in having the walls of the case more delicate and transparent, in spite of the fact that the Magellan speci- THE EGG-CAPSULE. 33 men (or specimens) is much smaller in size. This difference, therefore, could hardly prove a matter merely of age. Another capsule (Chilean), fig. 150, is again quite unlike the specimen figured by Jaekel. It is almost a third larger in size, but nar- \ Fig. 15 B. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. (Quoy and Caimard.) From Cape of Good Hope. (Ventral aspect.) One-half actual size. Fig. ISC. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. (Peron.) From Australia. (Ventral aspect.) One-half actual size. rower proportionately. Its emphasized rugae arising from the opercular hinge are more nearly transverse, and, unlike any other capsule of Callorhynchus known to the writer, it presents a thick, opaque case, margined by a thin, transparent web. In 34 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. the last regard it differs again from the capsule of fig. 1 5 E, in which the portion of the web in front of the opercular hinge is far more transparent than the posterior portion. Again, the capsule of fig. 1 5 c, although somewhat resembling that of fig. 1 5 B, differs notably in proportions ; thus, the tail-sheath is relatively longer. The capsule is also much lighter in substance. A sixth and final capsule, fig. 1 5 F (Australian), one of several specimens in the British Museum, presents additional differences. It is much broader than the rest, and is notably deficient in rugulae.* I 5 D Fig. 15 D. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. (Martinez.) From Chile. (Ventral aspect.) One-half actual size. Fig. 15 E. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. (Savatier.) From Magellan. (Ventral aspect.) One-half actual size. Fig. 15 F. Egg-capsule of Callorhynchus. (British Museum.) From Australia. ( Dorsal aspect.) One-half actual size. Specimens similar to the last mentioned appear in the museums of Copenhagen and of Harvard University. Other Callorhynchid capsules include a fossil one, ' 'Aletodus" (Ischyodus), and one of the curious elongated forms from the middle Pacific, which has recently been described by Carman. The first (fig. 13), lately discussed by Jaekel, proves so similar to the foregoing recent capsules that one may doubt the propriety of regarding it as having belonged to a separate genus. The second, Carman's cap- *The specimens, four in number, in the British Museum, are essentially alike ; two were collected near Dunedin, two near Hobart (mem, kindly furnished by Mr. Boulenger). THE EGG-CAPSULE. 35 Fig. 16. Chimaeroid egg-cap- sule. Mid-Pacific. (Ventral aspect.) After Garman. About two-thirds natural size. Fig. 17. Egg-capsule of Chi- maera monstrosa. Norway. sule (fig. 1 6), differs widely from other recent forms. It has thus a remark- ably long tail-sheath; is provided with a distinct type of lateral web, for its rugae are few in number and restricted to the region of the trunk-case, and there are no conspicuous rugae arising from the hinge of the opercular flap, dividing a precardinal from a post- cardinal lateral web, as in the other forms. These differences are so striking that I am quite convinced that this capsule represents a new genus.* Garman himself tells us nothing of its antece- dents, and as he on one page refers to it as belonging to Callorhynchtts antarcticus and on another to Callo- rhynchus callorhynchus, I infer that he attributes it to the latter species and that he regards these terms as synony- mous. Chimaera. Capsules somewhat tadpole-shaped, with large trunk-sheath, short snout-, and long, tapering tail-sheath; lateral web narrow, with rugae faint, if present at all. Opercular flap extends forward to end of case; serrulae pres- ent, beginning far forward, a part of the complicated apparatus of opercular ridges (cf. pi. ni, fig. 17, A, B, c) ; caudal pores many, opening on both dorsal and ventral sides. A dorsal keel present. Capsules thin, parchment-like, smooth or slightly ridged. The species differ in well-marked details, e-g., in width of lateral web, length of tail-sheath, modeling of trunk- and snout-case, texture, number of serrulae, etc. If arranged in a com- parative series (cf. table, p. 30, and figs- 17, 18, 21, 22), C. colliei stands closest to the type of Carman's capsule, and C. mitsukurii is ob- (Ventral aspect.) Natural size. viously the most specialized. *This might be christened and specified by a systematist who does not hesitate ultimatelylto complicate Chimaeroid literature in the matter of synonyms. It may be long before a new Chimaeroid is fished from the mid- Pacific and it may be a century before this can be satisfactorily fitted to "Carman's capsule." Let us therefore pro- visionally refer to such capsules according to the names associated with them thus under Callorhynchids we may refer to the " Martinez capsule, " " P^ron capsule, "etc. CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Harriotts (?). Capsule (fig. 19) with case outlined like a short-handled spoon; lateral web wide and evenly transparent, strengthened by an even series of thickened costal ridges. Dorsal valve terminates in a broad transverse lip subterminal; its lateral rims have ruffle-like serrulae, which are most marked midway between hinge and anterior lip, and fade away anteriorly and posteriorly. No dorsal keel; on the contrary, a shallow groove extends along the dorsal wall of caudal sheath. Caudal pores in a series of decided slits; the largest, in the middle of the series, open ventrad, although they appear also on the dorsal side as a marked surf ace feature of the capsule. Capsule smooth, parchment-like, pale. iS i 20 Fig. 18. Egg-capsule of Chimaera colliei. Puget Sound. (Ventral aspect.) Natural size. pig. |9. Egg-capsule of Harriotta (?) . North Atlantic. After specimen preserved in U. S. National Museum. (Ventral aspect.) Natural size. Fig. 20. Egg-capsule of Rhinochimaera indica (" Callorhynchus indicus "). Indian Ocean. After Alcock. (Ventral aspect.) Three-quarters natural size. This interesting specimen is preserved in the National Museum at Washington, where it bears the number 22793. The present writer is indebted to the Curator of the Department of Fishes, Mr. Barton A. Bean, for his courtesy in bringing it to his attention, and to the Museum for the privilege of describing it. Its history is briefly as follows: It was taken, 1879 (on trawl line), by the Gloucester fishing vessel of Capt. G. A. Johnson, in water of 375 fathoms, lat. 42 47', long. 63 10'. It obviously does not belong to the foregoing genera, but from its resem- THE EGG-CAPSULE. 37 21 22 Fig. 21. Egg-capsule of Chimaera phan- tasma. Misaki, Japan. (Ventral aspect.} Natural size. Fig. 22. Egg-capsule of Chimaera mit- sukurii. Misaki, Japan. (Ventral aspect.) Natural size. blance to Rhinochimsera it evidently belonged to a similar fish. It is thus to be attributed, with strong probability, to the only Chimseroid of this character known from the region in which it was taken, i. e., Harriotta.* A second capsule (fig. 20), hitherto associated with Callorhynchus, should provisionally be placed with the present genus. Although collected in the Indian ocean, it .resembles closely the capsule from the Atlantic, having the same type of lateral web, costae, and subterminal opercular margin, f Rhinochimaera. Capsule with case spindle-shaped; snout-sheath stouter and thicker than tail-sheath; lateral web wide, its outer margin transparent, strengthened by a regular series of tapering costse. Lip of dorsal valve ends in a narrow, delicate lip, sub- terminal. Serrulse low and faint. No dorsal keel; in its place a shallow groove extends along the dorsal wall of the caudal sheath. Caudal pores similar to those in Harriotta (?). Capsules smooth, dark-colored, hornlike. The capsule shown in fig. 23 has been definitely associated with the species R. pacifica. It differs notably from the Indian capsule in proportions, in the number and character of its costae, and in its operculum. On the foregoing pages the egg-cap- sules of Chimgeroids have been referred to in considerable detail, since by a com- parison of their characters light is thrown upon the problem of Chimseroid descent. For it is clear that the different species of Chimasroids produce capsules specific- ally distinct; and it follows, therefore, in the light of evolutional analogies, that the fishes which produced the more differentiated capsules are the descend- ants of those in which simpler capsular structures prevailed. It follows, also, conversely, that the forms which have the simpler capsules are apt, in this and other regards, to represent more closely the common ancestor. This evidence, * Harriotta has been taken between lat. 36 and 40, long. 70 and 75; from greater depth, however 700 to 1,100 fathoms. The latter difference is not all-important, as by many analogies spawning might well occur at a lesser depth. fThe writer recently examined this specimen in the Calcutta museum, through the courtesy of Major Alcock. CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Fig. 23. Egg-capsule of Rliinorliimaera pacifica. Misaki. (Ventral aspect.) Natural size. however, may best be considered subse- quently in correlation with similar facts. The capsules may also be referred to at the present time in the evidence they present regarding the factors of evolution ; for it is clear that such highly specialized capsules provide a valuable check upon the evolutional process from the standpoint of the obvious "prevision" which they demonstrate. The capsule is, in short, adapted not so much to the egg as to the young fish which it will later contain. Thus it is specialized in accord with the shape of the young fish, its position, and its late physiological needs, all to a de- gree which is, indeed, probably unequaled in the secondary embryonic membranes of other animals. * This degree of special- ization becomes clearer, moreover, when we take into consideration the formation of the capsule. FORMATION OF THE CAPSULE. At the time the egg is about to leave the ovary the oviduct is flaccid and is richly suffused with blood ; in fact, from this time onward the oviducal sinus f in which they lie is dilated (plate i, fig. 4, and plate n, fig. 5, ovd. s.\ forming a * ' Cf. Dean, 1904, Biol. Bulletin, vol. vn, pp. 105-112. t These sinuses arise in the mesovaria, the walls of which do not become apposed. They are thus longitudinal sacs of blood in which the oviducts lie more or less freely, depend- ing upon the degree of development of the egg-capsule (cf. plate 11, fig. 5, and plate i, fig. 4, left oviduct). In the former figure, however, this condition is not seen favorably, since the oviduct is purposely pushed against the wall of its sinus, thus dislodging the opaque blood, so that the structures of the oviduct can be better described. In the latest stage in the formation of the capsule, on the other hand, the sinus is so filled with the enlarged oviduct that in ventral view it can hardly be seen ; thus in the figure the oviducts appear to lie freely in the body-cavity. The blood supply in the sinus, it may be remarked, is maintained by direct communication with the cardinal (not to complicate the problem as to the relations with the renal portal ) blood- cavities. Between the lines where the mesovarial folds are attached to the dorsal body wall a row of ostia is present ( pi. i, fig. 4, o). This method of increasing enormously the oviducts' blood (venous) supply is evidently correlated with the rapid formation of the highly complicated egg-capsule. It can hardly be regarded as evidence of a primitive gon- adial sinus, and we are led to conclude that morphologically the veins of the mesovarium have coalesced, leaving ostia as vestiges of the gonadial veins, e. g., of sharks. THE EGG-CAPSULE. 39 remarkable venous outlet, and the arterial supply is also highly developed, branches of the oviducal artery passing backward along the oviduct and dividing into an elaborate series of transverse branchlets. * The oviduct itself undergoes striking changes to accomplish step by step the stages in the formation of the capsule. To follow these briefly, the oviduct con- tracts cephalad when the egg is received, and holds it in the cavity dilated in the posterior region of the capsular gland. Here it is that the walls of the oviduct form folds and ridges and by these are able to model the secretion of the gland into the beginnings of the capsule. From such a position the early capsule was obtained which is figured in plate in, figure 12. Jts shell was papery, whitish (with but a trace of color), and so frail that it could not be removed unbroken with the contained egg. The exact mode of folding of the walls of the oviduct to produce the details of the capsule need not be given in detail. The growth in the capsule continues, as shown in plate in, figs. 13, 14, 15, and 16, the tail-sheath and its appendage of the case being the last portions formed. The fact that the anterior part of the case is finished before the tail-sheath was often taken advantage of by the writer in his effort to secure embryological material, for he found that such an egg as shown in plate n, fig. 8, could be safely incubated for earlier stages if the base of the tail- sheath was kept closed, e. g., by a ligature. In comparing the foregoing figures one observes a number of details as to the modeling of the capsule from stage to stage. The earliest condition (plate in, fig. 1 2), shows that the tip of the capsule, although delicate, is almost complete, with opercular folds, serrulae, apex, lateral ridges, and the beginnings of the dorsal keel. In the stage of plate in, fig. 16, the capsule is practically complete, save for the tail-sheath, and in this stage the lateral webs are widest, suggesting the con- ditions of Callorhynchus. The oviduct from which such a stage is taken as that shown opened in plate n, fig. 6, forms, as we could naturally expect, an exact mold for the capsule. Thus we find a cervix, c, with sphincter (for apex of the case) ; distinct creases, /. w. (for lateral webs) ; a thickened tract, with folded margins and with median groove, d. k. (for dorsal wall of case, opercular folds, and dorsal keel). As the tail-sheath was not yet developed in this capsule, the corresponding region of the oviduct, /. s., is still contracted ; but at the sides we note the broader folds, r, in which the ruga=: are laid down ; also at t. o. the deep recesses below the capsular gland in which the terminal organ comes to be formed. At a subsequent stage the lateral webs are strengthened by a process of folding, which causes them to become narrower (cf. plate 11, fig. 10, and plate in, fig. 16) ; and at the same time the tail-sheath is laid down (plate i, fig. i). In the latter process the sheath itself, with the beginnings of its caudal pores, is formed before the adjacent web (plate 11, fig. 7), and when this is completed there remains to be formed only the capsular filament and adhesive organ. By this time, however, the capsule has acquired such a phenomenal length that it extends from the oviducal (i. e. retroanal) opening forward to the anterior wall of the body-cavity * The oviducal artery divides into four branches when it reaches the anterior end of the capsular gland, two beccm- ing dorsal, two ventral, and thus they proceed, bilaterally arranged, as far as the posterior portion of the oviduct (cf. plate i, fig. i ; plate n, figs. 5 and 7 ). 40 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. terminating near the cardiac region. To add, therefore, a couple of inches to the length of the capsule involves a serious problem in the matter of space. This has been solved as follows : The capsule is gradually released, so that it comes to project from the fish's body ; at first the apex appears at the mouth of the oviduct, then the trunk-sheath, then the tail-sheath (fig. 1 2). If at this time the egg is dislodged, an abortive terminal results, as in plate n, fig. 10. If it remains, the process in the formation of the capsular filament and terminal organ progresses as seen in plate i, fig. 4. The capsule now protrudes as far as the base of the filament, and with this 26 Figs. 24-26. Egg-capsules of Chimaera colliei, partly opened, so as to show egg and young. Natural size. 24. Late blastula (about 9 days). 25. Early gattrula (about 19 days). 26. Late gastrula (about 24 days). protrusion occur many changes in the oviduct (cf. plate u, fig 4, and plate n, fig. 6), e. g. , its diameter becomes greatly constricted and its dorsoventral characters and web creases obsolescent ; it also loses its earlier differentiation into trunk-sheath and tail-sheath forming portions, and its vaginal region is extended headward, the remaining part of the oviduct becoming correspondingly reduced. All these changes are to the obvious end of molding the long capsular filament and the bulbous terminal organ (plate i, fig. 4, c. f. , and c. o. ). For the formation of the latter serves a special region of the capsular gland, i. e., its hindmost zone, a portion pinkish in color, provided with the recesses into which the terminal organ has been traced. * * Finally, a note may be given as to the probable mode of attachment of the capsule (cf, pp. 26, 27.) It is evident that the oviduct can be greatly evaginated at the time the egg is deposited (plate i, fig. 2\ and with this phenomenon is evidently connected the forward extension of the cervix (cf. plate i, fig. 4, and plate n, fig. 6). We may thus conclude that at the cervix, then, the bulbous organ of attachment can be held by the fish even when the oviducts have been greatly everted ; and it would naturally be by such elongated, even finger-like, processes that the fish could press the filamentous ends of the capsules against the object of attachment, e. g-., a. rock fragment, and thus secure their adhesion. THE EGG-CAPSULE. 4-1 Before describing the various stages of Chimsera (C. colliei) a brief survey of the general plan of development might be given (cf. Biol. Bulletin, 1903, vol. iv, No. 5, pp. 270-286): The development is shark-like (figs. 24-29). In early stages a small germinal area is present. In this polyspermy occurs, then a cleavage, in which, however, surface furrows are retarded. The early gastrula suggests somewhat closely the condition in shark, or rather in ray, but the blastopore appears near instead of at the margin of the blastoderm. The embryo develops a long, delicate tail, external gills, and a head terminating in a conspicuous frontal -"lobe." It absorbs the yolk- 2 9 28 Figs. 27-29. Egg-capsules of Chimaera colliei, partly opened, so as to show egg and young. Natural size. 27. Early embryo (about 32 days), showing subdivision of yolk material. 28. Late embryo (about 5 months), showing external gills and miniature sac. At this rime the embryo is bathed in a heavy milky fluid resulting from continued subdivision of yolk masses. 29. Young Chimaera at about the time of hatching ? eight months). The capsule at this period is greatly weathered and develops a tension which probably aids the operculum in springing open and permitting the young to escape. sac, and before hatching becomes large in size and has many features of the adult, e. g. , mixipterygia in the case of the male. By far the most remarkable feature during this process of development is the behavior of the yolk. This undergoes vacuolization, followed by fragmentation. Of the yolk a small portion only is inclosed within the sac of the young ; the remainder continues to fragment, form- ing a creamy mass which nourishes the embryo via external gills and gut. The fragmentation, we have reason to believe, is an extreme modification of the process of cleavage. 4 2 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. THE EGG AND ITS MEMBRANES. In the newly deposited capsule the egg measures 35 by 20 by 12 mm., but it is smaller, together with the capsule, if taken from young fish (cf. the size of the capsules shown in plate n, fig. 10, and plate in, fig. 17), as is also the case in sela- chians (Riickert). Its consistency becomes less fluid-like as development advances; thus, shortly before breaking from the ovarian membrane, the egg has so little con- sistency that it will flatten out to the diameter of about 45 mm. (plate n, fig. 5). Its ellipsoidal outline is assumed when inclosed in the capsule. It will, however, 32 Fig. 30. Early ovarian egg of Chimaera colliei. Section through major axis of egg. ffs, Gonadial sinus; -<', germinative vesicle around it the extent of the space indicates the size of vesicle before fixation ; o, stalk attaching egg to ovary and inclosing the arterial blood supply; /, peritoneum; /, tunic (= granulosa). Figs. 31 and 32. Sections of the marginal region of ovarian eggs (the first measuring about 5 mm. in diameter, the second about 15 mm.), indicating changes in the tunic and the development of yolk, bm. Basement membrane ( between the tunic and the egg ) ; by, botryoidal yolk masses developed in vacuoles in germinal yolk ; c, layers of connective and vascular tissue theca in ovarian membrane surrounding egg; ffx, gonadial sinus; p, peritoneum; /.tunic of ovarian tissue inclosing egg (follicular epithelium); /, inmost layer ; ;, middle layer ; o, outmost layer ; zr, zona radiata. X 585. present an almost spherical form (horizontal outline 25 by 20 mm.) if the constricting capsule be opened (plate n, fig. 8). In later stages it has the consistency of thick cream. THE OVARIAN MEMBRANES. Comparison with corresponding stages in shark (Pristiurus) shows that the wrappings of the ovarian eggs of Chimaera are the more complex. In early stages of the latter the ovarian tunic is thicker and its nuclear elements more abundant and more evidently specialized. Thus in fig. 30, which shows in section an egg of about 5 mm. , one notes the thickness of the tunic ; this (greatly enlarged) is shown in PUBLICATIONS OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON The Carnegie Institution of Washington has issued or has in press the following publications ; those which are not out of print will be sent postpaid at the prices indicated. In ordering, letters should be addressed to the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C. Payments should be made by postal money order or New York exchange, payable to the order of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Index Medicus: A monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world. Second Series. Edited by Robert Flet- cher, M. D., and Fielding H. 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Octavo, 16 pages. 25 cents. 43 :ial in character, is clearly middle, and inmost. In essed oblong, therefore, ley are large and diffuse ; he basement membrane, lial sinus, gs, the tissue of interspersed with plasma issed through the special- ay be assumed that the us the closely compacted plasma spaces (and capil- hese again transfer their 1 the egg. 33C ) mm. in diameter), gy. Germinal oup of chromosomes ; mgT, limiting region of the zona radiata. In this . vesicle recedes from surface of egg. c, showing large vacuoles ; :, zona n the vesicle and the adjacent tunic rently physiological, since :leus of the inmost layer is clearly connected with a nucleus ot the middle layer. ~In some cases such a rela- tionship is demonstrated by dividing nuclei, which, it may be remarked, exhibit sometimes direct, sometimes indirect division. At the surface of the egg is a sharply marked membrana limitans ; below this, irregular in thickness, a zona radiata, prob- ably homologous with the well-known layer in eggs of other fishes. Below this the egg shows an outer finer layer and an inner coarser or reticular layer, in which large vacuoles frequently occur. At a somewhat later stage (egg measuring about CHIM/ER( In the newly deposite smaller, together with th< capsules shown in plate n, chians (Riickert). Its con thus, shortly before breakii sistency that it will flatte Its ellipsoidal outline is a Fig. 30. Early ovarian egg of Chimaera co around it the extent of the space intlii arterial blood supply; />, peritoneum; Figs. 3 1 and 32. Sections of the marginal indicating changes in the tunic and I by, botryoidal yolk masses developei membrane surrounding egg; gs, gona i, inmost layer; m, middle layer; o, present an almost spherica capsule be opened (plate i cream. No. 13. 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Quarto, xn + 285 pages, 31 plates, and 146 text cuts. $4. No. 28. A Revision of the Atomic Weights of Sodium and Chlorine. By T. W. Richards and R. C. Wells. Octavo, 70 pages. 50 cents. No. 29. The Color Sensitivity of the Peripheral Retina. By J. W. Baird. Octavo, 80 pages. 50 cents. No. 30. Stages in the Development of Slum cicutaefolium. (Paper No. 3, Station for Experimental Evolution.) By G. H. Shull. Octavo, 28 pages, 7 plates, n text cuts. 25 cents. No. 31. The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Feldspars. Part I, Thermal Study; by A. L. Day and E. T. Allen. Part II, Optical Study; by J. P. Iddings. (With an introduction by G. F. Becker.) Octavo, 95 pages, 25 text cuts, 26 plates. $1.75. No. 32. Chimaeroid Fishes and their Development. By Bashford Dean. Quarto. In press. No. 33. Researches in Stellar Photometry. By J. A. Parkhurst. Quarto. 192 pages, 13 plates, 39 figures. $2. No. 34. American Fossil Cycads. By G. R. Wieland. Quarto. vn + 296 pages, 51 plates, 141 figures. {6.25. THE OVARIAN MEMBRANES. Comparison with corresponding stages in shark (Pristiurus) shows that the wrappings of the ovarian eggs of Chimaera are the more complex. In early stages of the latter the ovarian tunic is thicker and its nuclear elements more abundant and more evidently specialized. Thus in fig. 30, which shows in section an egg of about 5 mm. , one notes the thickness of the tunic ; this (greatly enlarged) is shown in No. 35. (See No. 65.) Investigations of Infra-red Spectra: Part I, Infra-red Absorption Spectra; Part II, Infra-red Emission Spectra. By W. VV. Coblentz. Octavo, 331 pages, 152 figures. $1.75. No. 36. Studies in Spermatogenesis with especial reference to the " Accessory Chromosome." By N. M. Stevens. Octavo, 32 pages, 7 plates. 25 cents. No. 36. Studies in Spermatogenesis, part II. By N. M. Stevens. Octavo. Pages 33-74, Plates vm-xv. 25 cents. No. 37. Sexual Reproduction and the Organization of the Nucleus in certain Mildews. By R. A. Harper. Octavo, 104 pages, 7 plates. 75 cents. No. 38. Writings on American History, 1903. Prepared under direc- tion of A. C. McLaughlin. Octavo, 172 pages. $i. No. 39. Handbook of Learned Societies. Octavo. Vol. I (North and South America). In press. No. 40. The Nucleation of the Uncontaniinated Atmosphere. By Carl Barus. Octavo, xn-f- 152. Jr.. No. 41. Traditions of the Caddo. By G. A. Dorsey. Octavo, 136 pages. 50 cents. No. 42. A Respiration Calorimeter with Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. Benedict. Octavo, 193 pages, 49 figures. (1.25. No. 43. Observed Positions of Sun Spots. By C. H. F. Peters. (Edited by E. B. Frost.) Quarto. In press. No. 44. Researches in Experimental Phonetics. The Study of Speech Curves. By E. W. Scripture. Quarto. In press. No. 45. Catalogue of Stars within two degrees of the North Pole, deduced from Photographic Measures. By Caroline E. Furness. Octavo, 85 pages. 50 Cents. No. 46. An Investigation into the Elastic Constants of Rocks, more especially with reference to Cubic Compressibility. By F. D. Adams and E. G. Coker. Octavo, 69 pages, 16 plates. $1.75. No. 47. Pulsation of Scyphomedusae. By A. G. Mayer. Octavo. In press. No. 48. An Investigation of Evolution in Chrysomelid Beetles of the Genus Leptinotarsa. (Paper No. 4, Station for Experimental Evolution.) By W. L. Tower. Octavo. In press. No. 49. Heredity of Hair-length in Guinea-pigs, and its Bearing on the Theory of Pure Gametes. By \V. E. Castle and Alexander Forbes. (Paper No. 5, Station for Experimental Evolution.) The Origin of a Polydactylous Race of Guinea-pigs. (Paper No. 6, Station for Experimental Evolution.) By W. E. Castle. Octavo, 29 pages. 25 cents. No. 50. The Relation of Desert Plants to Soil Moisture and to Evaporation. By Burton E. Livingston. Octavo, 78 pages, 16 text cuts. 40 cents. No. 51. Studies on the Germ Cells of Aphids. By N. M. Stevens. Octavo, 28 pages, 4 plates. 25 cents. No. 52. Inheritance in Poultry. (Paper No. 7, Station for Exper- imental Evolution.) By C. B. Davenport. Octavo, 136 pages, 17 plates. $i. No. 53. Egyptological Researches. By W. Max Miiller. Quarto, 62 pages, 106 plates. $2.75. No. 54. Research in China. By Bailey Willis. Quarto. In press. No. 543. Research in China. By Bailey Willis. Atlas. Folio. 42 maps. 43 r tial in character, is clearly , middle, and inmost. In ressed oblong, therefore, hey are large and diffuse ; the basement membrane, dial sinus, gs, the tissue of interspersed with plasma assed through the special- aay be assumed that the lus the closely compacted plasma spaces (and capil- These again transfer their o the egg. 33 D y W' . 10 mm. in diameter). < v, Germinal ;roup of chromosomes ; mgT, limiting s region of the zona radial a. In this 11 vesicle recedes from surface of egg. tic, showing large vacuolcs ; : , zona :en the vesicle and the adjacent tunic irently physiological, since icleus of the inmost layer is clearly connected with a nucleus ot tne middle layer. In some cases such a rela- tionship is demonstrated by dividing nuclei, which, it may be remarked, exhibit sometimes direct, sometimes indirect division. At the surface of the egg is a sharply marked membrana limitans ; below this, irregular in thickness, a zona radiata, prob- ably homologous with the well-known layer in eggs of other fishes. Below this the egg shows an outer finer layer and an inner coarser or reticular layer, in which large vacuoles frequently occur. At a somewhat later stage (egg measuring about CHIM^RC In the newly depositec smaller, together with the capsules shown in plate u, chians (Riickert). Its cons thus, shortly before breakir sistency that it will flattei Its ellipsoidal outline is a; Fig. 30. F.arly ovarian egg of Chimaera col around it the extent of the space indie arterial blood supply ; /, peritoneum ; i Figs. 3 1 and 32. Sections of the marginal indicating changes in the tunic and t by, botryoidal yolk masses developec membrane surrounding egg; g-x, gona /. inmost layer ; /;; , middle layer ; o, present an almost spherica capsule be opened (plate i . cream. No. No. No. 55. A Revision of the Pelycosauria of North America. By E. C. Case. Quarto. In press. No. 56. The Energy Changes involved in the Dilution of Zinc and Cadmium Amalgams. By T. W. Richards and G. S. Forbes. Octavo. In press. No. 57. The Roman Comagmatic Region. By H. S. Washington. Octavo, 199 pages. In press. . 58. Variation and Differentiation in Ceratophyllum. By Ray- mond Pearl. Octavo. In press. , 59. The Pawnee : Mythology. By G. A. Dorsey. Octavo. lu press. No. 60. Hydrates in Aqueous Solutions. By Harry C. Jones. Octavo. In press. No. 61. The Electromotive Force of Iron under Varying Condi- tions and the Effect of Occluded Hydrogen. By T. W. Richards and G. E. Behr. Octavo. In press. No. 62. Condensation of Vapor as induced by Nuclei and by Ions. By Carl Barus. Octavo. In press. No. 63. The Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions. By Arthur A. Noyes and others. Octavo. In press. No. 64. Variation and Correlation in the Crayfish, with special reference to the Influence of Differentiation and Homology of Parts. By Raymond Pearl and A. B. Clawson. Octavo. In press. No. 65. (See No. 35.) Investigation of Infra-red Spectra. III. Infra- red Transmission Spectra. IV. Infra-red Reflection Spectra. By W. W. Coblentz. Octavo. In press. No. 66. High Steam Pressures in Locomotive Service. By W. F. M. Goss. Octavo. In press. No. 67. The Fauna of Mayfield Cave. By A. M. Banta. Octavo. In press. No. 68. (See No. 18.) Researches on North American Acridiidse. Part II. By A. P. Morse. Octavo. In press. No. 69. Further Researches concerning the Atomic Weights of Potassium, Silver, Chlorine, Bromine, Nitrogen, and Sulphur. By T. W. Richards in collaboration with Arthur Staehler, G. S. Forbes, Edward Mueller and Grinnell Jones. Octavo. In press. No. 70. Selection and Cross-breeding in relation to Inheritance of Coat-pigments and Coat-patterns in Rats and Guinea Pigs. By Hansford MacCurdy and W. E. Castle. Octavo In press. No. 71. Atlas of Absorption Spectra. By H. S. Uhler and R. W. Wood. Quarto. In press. No. 72. Investigation of Inequalities in the Motion of the Moon Produced by the Action of the Planets. By Simon Newcomb. Quarto. In press. No. 73. Explorations in Turkestan: ArcheologicalandPhysiograph- ical Results of Expedition of 1904, under direction of Raphael Pumpelly. Reports by Raphael Pumpelly, Herbert Schmidt, J. E. Durst and R. W. Pumpelly, with contributions by F. A. Gooch, Langdon Warner, Ellsworth Huntington, and Homer Kidder. Quarto. In press. No. 74. The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances A faithful reproduction of Mss. in the British Museum, by H. Oskar Souimer. Quarto. In press. November 17, 1906. THE OVARIAN MEMBRANES. Comparison with corresponding stages in shark (Pristiurus) shows that the wrappings of the ovarian eggs of Chimxra are the more complex. In early stages of the latter the ovarian tunic is thicker and its nuclear elements more abundant and more evidently specialized. Thus in fig. 30, which shows in section an egg of about 5 mm. , one notes the thickness of the tunic ; this (greatly enlarged) is shown in THE EGG AND ITS MEMBRANES. 43 fig 3 1 ; here it will be seen that the tunic, although syncytial in character, is clearly divided according to its nuclei into three layers outmost, middle, and inmost. In the outmost layer the nuclei are small and closely compressed oblong, therefore, in form and directed ecto-entad ; in the middle layer they are large and diffuse ; in the inmost, small, irregular, and closely apposed to the basement membrane. Between the outmost layer of the tunic, o, and the gonadial sinus, gs, the tissue of the ovary contains numerous strands of connective tissue interspersed with plasma spaces, c; it is from these, doubtless, that nutriment is passed through the special- ized tunic to the inclosed egg. During this process it may be assumed that the various types of nuclei of the tunic play definite parts ; thus the closely compacted nuclei of the outmost layer purvey nutriment from the plasma spaces (and capil- laries) to the dilated elements of the middle layer. These again transfer their nutriment to the small nuclei which are closely apposed to the egg. .33* Fig. 33. Section of region of germinative vesicle of well-grown ovarian egg (about 20 mm. in diameter), gy. Germinal yolk; gs, gonadial sinus; gv, large germinal vesicle containing near its center a group of chromosomes; mgv, limiting membrane of germinal vesicle ; t, tunic ; zr, zona radiata. Fig. 33A. Detail of preceding section from point at side of egg, showing absence in this region of the zona radiata. In this region yolk granules are developed in numerous minute vacuoles. Fig. 33B. Detail of section of fig. 33, taken at a point where the side of the germinal vesicle recedes from surface of egg. gy, Germinative yolk ; mgi', membrane forming wall of germinal vesicle ; /, tunic, showing large vacuoles ; z, zona radiata. This will be seen to extend only over the margin of the vesicle. Between the vesicle and the adjacent tunic there extends only a thin peripheral layer of germinative yolk. Figs. 33C and 33D. Detail of chromosomes shown in fig. 33 (two sections). X 385. The differences in the nuclei of the tunics are apparently physiological, since intergrading forms occur ; thus in the figure cited a nucleus of the inmost layer is clearly connected with a nucleus of the middle layer. In some cases such a rela- tionship is demonstrated by dividing nuclei, which, it may be remarked, exhibit sometimes direct, sometimes indirect division. At the surface of the egg is a sharply marked membrana limitans ; below this, irregular in thickness, a zona radiata, prob- ably homologous with the well-known layer in eggs of other fishes. Below this the egg shows an outer finer layer and an inner coarser or reticular layer, in which large vacuoles frequently occur. At a somewhat later stage (egg measuring about 44 CHIM^JROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. 15 mm.) the conditions of the tunic have changed. It has become thinner (fig. 32) and has modified its structures considerably. In place of the differentiated inmost, middle, and outmost layers, an outer layer is alone conspicuous and even here the nuclei have not the crowded character of the earlier stage ; the inmost and middle layers have merged, forming a somewhat indefinite layer, poor in nuclei. In some cases markings in the (partial) syncytium indicate that the tunic is in places but one cell thick. Indirect divisions sometimes occur. The entire structure of the tunic suggests that closer physiological relations exist between the vascular supply, on the one hand plasma spaces, as in c, having now extensively drawn together into d cy Sf Fig. 34. Section of germinal region of egg of Chimeera colliei during stage of early fertilization. cy. Coarse yolk ; li, dendritic lines marking paths of sperms ; fy, fine yolk ; gp, germinal area extending as a plug-shaped mass deep into the egg ; n, nuclei, sperm, and egg fusing. Under the points marked with asterisks (*) vacuoles occur which separate masses of fine germinal yolk and are usually found to contain sperm nuclei. capillaries and the egg on the other. This physiological process is doubtless aided by the thinning of the membrana limitans, bm, and of the zona radiata. And as an indication that the nutriment is being passed rapidly into the yolk we observe that even close to the surface of the egg large yolk masses are appearing. In a final stage of the ovarian egg the tunic is still further diminished in thickness (figs. 33, 33 A). It is reduced, in fact, to a single-celled layer, of which the nuclei are usually disposed nearer the outer wall in the same niveau. Sometimes, however, they are closely apposed to the inner wall, but in all cases they are of the same general character (fig. 33 B), i. e., spherical nuclei, with sharply marked mem- brane, showing but faint traces of chromatin meshwork, but with one or two con- THE EGG AND ITS MEMBRANES. 45 spicuous nucleoles. Cell boundaries are sometimes better seen than in earlier stages, and large vacuoles are present near the tunic's outer wall ; surrounding this the ovarian stroma is reduced to practically a single-celled layer, which now alone separates the tunic from the blood in the large gonadial sinus ( fig. 33, gs). Com- parison with earlier stages thus indicates paradoxical as the statement reads that the arterial supply of the developing egg is progressively diminished and the venous supply progressively increased.* The foregoing details are given, since they indicate the complexness of the problem of the growth of the egg in Chimaera. There here exist at various stages not a tunic of an almost unvarying character, as apparently is the case in sharks, but one which in earlier stages is shark-like, but which later changes progressively, diminishing its thickness and reducing the number of its component elements, to the end that each cell of this membrane comes in immediate contact on the one hand with the egg and on the other with the nutritive fluid. It is further clear that the elements of the tunic acquire changed physiological characters as development proceeds witness the changes which occur in size, shape, and disposition of the nuclei, the appearance of vacuoles in the late stage pari passu with changes in the arrangement of the blood supply. YOLK. The yolk masses at first occur in the granular ooplasm close to the zona; next they appear in vacuoles, cavities which are noted before the appearance of the yolk masses, and are later seen to become greatly enlarged and to be drawn together around the masses of yolk. The yolk itself increases in bulk, its masses now often presenting irregular protuberances, resulting apparently from a process of accretion. In surface view many of the yolk masses appear botryoidal (in eggs preserved in sublimate, acetic-sublimate, picro-sulphuric, picro-formalin). And this condition persists while the egg is attaining its mature size. In stages as late as gastrulation the coarse yolk differs little outwardly from the foregoing conditions. The grains show only a smoother surface and a possible tendency to coalesce ; but it is evident that the vacuoles are now more closely adjusted to the yolk. The fine yolk, on the other hand, is, as Riickert's figures indicate in sharks, derived from the coarse yolk by a process of subdivision. Comparing the earlier stage (fig. 32) with one at fertilization (fig. 35), we observe that the substance of the former grains has become subdivided into morula-like masses of minute deutoplasmic elements, these, as before, lying in large vacuoles. In each of these masses one notes that there has usually been produced a globule of a highly refringent substance analo- gous to the oil-drop of the teleostean egg. In a later stage the corresponding por- tion of the egg has become a well-defined region of germinal yolk (Riickert's Keim- dotter), and we are led to conclude that the later condition, with fine grains of yolk, is the result of a continued process of subdivision of the morula-like masses and their subsequent confluence. (The general character of the germinal yolk is shown in figs. 33 A and 33 B aigy.) * In its latest stage the ovarian egg shows a series of capillaries (plate n, fig. 5), converging to an elliptical stigma. Unfortunately, the relations of the tunic in this stage were not examined. 46 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. The grouping of the yolk elements in the mature egg is somewhat irregular. Sometimes "drifts" of germinal yolk underlie the coarse yolk; sometimes they extend obliquely, admitting between them inbursts of coarser yolk. In general, at the time of fertilization, the germinal yolk dips deeply down into the coarse yolk, 36 35 Fig, 35. Section of fertilization stage, showing near the surface and at the side of the germinal area a sperm which has just gained entrance. This is shown at .>, surrounded by a lighter area of germinal material. In the depression above the sperm is a mucus, like mass which may represent in part the tail of the sperm. /, Middle piece. X 575. Fig. 36. Section of fertilization stage, showing deep entrance pit of a sperm. From the lowermost point arise branching rays. Fig. 37. Detail of section of specimen shown in fig. 34. From the path of a sperm astral rays branch in many directions, and at various points (indicated by the dark points) new centers of radiation appear. Fig. 38. Detail of fertilization stage shown in fig. 34. The present section follows almost exactly the entrance path of a sperm. The latter appears at .v, and it is seen that the entrance pit is a delicate tube extending downward in the direction of a sperm. Around the latter appears a well-marked aster, and in this neighborhood, strung along a prominent ray of the aster, are a number of deeply stained " centrosomes." A similar " centrosome " occurs near the lowermost point of the entrance tube of the sperm. forming a plug-shaped mass twice as deep as wide (fig. 34). This is possibly the homologue of the Panderian nucleus figured in the shark egg ; certain it is, how- ever, that the egg of Chimaera has not as clearly a marked series of tunics in its yolk arrangement. THE EGG AND ITS MEMBRANES. 47 THE GERMINAL VESICLE. This is eccentric in eggs even as small as' 3 mm. (cf. fig. 30). In the section of a well-grown ovarian egg shown in fig. 33 it lies close to the side of the egg. The spireme has here contracted into a minute mass and has given rise to (about) twelve pairs of chromosomes. * These are of remarkably small size, smaller by about one-half than those of a corresponding stage of shark (Pristiurus); and they are also smaller in terms of the germinative vesicle. In Pristiuris (Riickert) the mass of chromosomes at this stage measures 36 p in width and the vesicle 296 ; in Chimaera 4 39 &&?yi :-:S3sjS 'M Fig. 39. Detail of sperm nucleus from section of late fertilization stage. The sperm head is surrounded by a conspicuous aster, in some of whose dendritic rays appear the nodes referred to below. The sperm nucleus itself is undergoing amitotic division. X 475. Fig. 40. Detail of section of late fertilization stage. Throughout the germinal yolk occur asters which have no apparent reference to nuclear structures. At / many of these asters appear around a large granule of yolk. It will be seen that the rays are formed as lines in the thickened walls of alveoles. Fig. 41. Detail of section of late fertilization stage, showing asters in germinal yolk. Fig. 42. Detail of section of late fertilization stage. At n the egg-nucleus is shown surrounded by a number of asters. The asters appear to lack centrosomes and centrosphere. Note as before rays formed from rims of alveoles. Fig. 43. Section similar to the foregoing. A sperm nucleus, however (n). is shown surrounded by asters. the same mass measures 16 and the vesicle 570. In other words, with a germinal vesicle twice the size, the size of the chromatin mass in Chimaera is but one-half that of the shark. In the shark the chromatin mass measures about one-ninth the diameter of the vesicle; in Chimsera, on the other hand, about one thirty-eighth. This condition indicates again the greater specialization in the egg of Chimsera. The chromosomes themselves, it will be remarked (figs. 33 c, 33 D), vary considerably in length ; thus the pair shown at x are apparently longer than those at y and at 2, and a detailed examination has convinced the writer that this difference is a real one, i, c. , not due to the oblique position of the objects. This observation may be mentioned, since it affords an additional suggestion as to the individuality of the chromosomes, recently discussed, e. g., by Sutton, Wilson, and Moenkhaus. *Preliminary to first polar division. The number of chromosomes is clearly much smaller than in sharks ( 36 in Pristiurus and Torpedo). CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. FERTILIZATION. Fertilization begins, as in sharks, in the uppermost portion of the oviduct and continues throughout the period of the formation of the capsule.* The earliest stage in the writer's material was obtained from a capsule like that shown in plate in, fig. 1 3, earlier stages not having been handled successfully. Late stages were secured 4.6 A 45 454 46 :-.' .- 91 - " . u-' v v. '' Fig. 44. Detail of late fertilization stage, showing male nucleus in the process of approaching the egg nucleus. A club-shaped centrosome surrounded by astral rays appears at (right) side of nuclear membrane. X 475. Fig. 45. Detail of section similar to the last. A well-marked vacuole (artifact?) appears at one end of nucleus. Fig. 45A. Sperm nucleus with aster from section similar to the preceding. Fig 45B. Sperm nucleus from stage similar to foregoing. The center of aster is to be found in the section below present one. Fig. 46. Detail of section shown in fig. 34. Sperm nucleus has divided amitotically. This at first suggests a stage of copulating pronuclei. Fig. 46A. Egg and sperm nuclei in apposition. Rays not conspicuous. Fig. 47. Early prophase of segmentation nucleus. Two asters are present, one of which (the right) contains two centrosomes. Fig. 47 A. Early segmentation stage. Section passing through segmentation nuclei. No surface furrows are as yet present. X 190. from capsules about as shown in plate in, fig. 16. In the present account the stages may conveniently be referred to as early, middle, and late. An early stage is shown in surface view in plate iv, fig. 18, magnified about 15 diameters. This was drawn from a living egg and shows the germinal area somewhat misshapen, due to rupture of the vitelline membrane, f The germinal area is not sharply outlined ; it is the same color as the remainder of the egg, and * The egg at deposition is undergoing the first stage of segmentation. \ This is conspicuous at this stage, glossy and tense. FERTILIZATION STAGES. 49 is only demarked by a slight furrow. Under a dissecting lens a number of minute depressions indicate the points of entrance of sperms. Seven of such points appear in the present instance, and all of them are peripheral; four are close together. In this case sections show that no sperms have entered the middle of the germ. A middle stage in fertilization (plate iv, fig. 19), also examined in the living egg, showed 23 entrance pits. Of these half a dozen are of large diameter and several are minute, a condition which, in comparison with the preceding stage, suggests that the small pits are the early phases of the large ones, and we query, accord- ingly, whether in point of time the entrance of sperms in Chimsera may not prove an extended process (v. infra, heading /). In the present specimen it will be seen that the sperms have entered not only the germinal substance but the bottom and even the outer wall of the germinal fosse. Study of sections leads us to conclude: (a) That the tail of the spermatozoon does not enter the egg. In fig. 35 a sperm is shown which has just entered the egg ; the middle piece, mp, ends abruptly, and there is no trace of the tail. The entrance pit is not yet sharply formed. (b) That the head of the spermatozoon rotates as it travels inward. Even at the early period above figured, the filamentous character of the sperm head has been lost ; it is now spheroidal, surrounded by a light-colored area of the germ. Although hardly within the egg, its axis inclines 45 to the surface, and its middle piece is parallel with the surface, a condition which by analogy with other forms leads us to conclude that it has already begun a process of rotation. In a later stage in the entrance of the sperm (fig. 38) the lighter-colored portion of the " head " points toward the surface of the germ and thus indicates that the rotation has been carried through an angle of 180. (c) A state of remarkable kinetic activity exists in these stages. In fig. 36 a series of "astral rays" are seen diverging downward from the entrance pit of a spermatozoon (cf. the observations of Miss Foote in Allolobophora). And from paths traversed by a sperm "astral rays" arise, sometimes radiating regularly, but usually branching irregularly and forming new groups of radiation. At such points of reradiation darkly staining bodies occasionally appear which remind one of centro- somes. In the present fig. 34 branching astral rays are seen. These, it is found, have arisen around a sperm path. A similar series greatly enlarged is shown in fig. 37, a series of considerable interest, since it shows many "centrosomes" surrounded by bending and irregularly branching rays. The "centrosomes" some- times appear at centers of reradiating rays in sperm asters (figs. 38, 39); at other times they arise without any apparent relation to sperm asters or sperm paths, as around an unusually large yolk granule (fig. 40, the group at the right). As shown in the last figure, more than half a dozen centers of radiation appear around the yolk granule. On the other hand, the two large "asters" shown at the left in the present figure have no apparent relation with the former series, nor are they in the - CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. neighborhood of sperm asters. A similar pair of "asters" are shown in fig. 41, On the other hand, the asters shown in fig. 42 are arranged around the male pronucleus, but how they are related to one another can not safely be inferred. In the following section (fig. 43), drawn from the same specimen, a similar radiation occurs around a supplemental sperm head, n. In the four preceding cases it is interesting to observe how perfectly the rays fulfil the alveolar conditions for aster formation as explained by Biitschli. Note in this connection the large size of the alveoli in the immediate neighborhood of the aster. (ct) The behavior of the germ nuclei in fertilization is similar to that in shark. The sperm which enters the germ in the region nearest to the egg nucleus is the one which accomplishes fertilization; it undergoes the customary form changes while traveling through the germ. In the stage shown in fig. 44 its chromatic material is becoming resolved, and the aster which appears beside it radiates from a centrosome, which is in this case somewhat elongated, situated close to the nuclear membrane. A stage somewhat earlier than the foregoing is shown in fig. 45 ; this, however, represents a stage in the development of a supplemental sperm head. The foregoing figures are taken largely from late stages in fertilization. A stage from a nearly finished capsule (fig. 46) pictures the union of the germ nuclei, i. e., corresponding to Ruckert's fifth stage in the fertilization of the ray (Torpedo), as figured in the Kupffer Festschrift (fig. 53 B). On the other hand, fig. 46 A, which at first sight suggests copulating pronuclei, must be construed as picturing a (sperm) merocyte dividing amitotically; for here a third nucleus is found to be pres- ent, above the niveau of the other two. The figure indicates, further, the retention of the aster and an extensive pale-colored area surrounding the nuclei. (e) The behavior of the supplemental sperm heads is also notably shark-like. In even the middle stage of fertilization they can not readily be distinguished from the early sperm nucleus. Indeed, the nearer they are in a position to the egg nucleus the more difficult they become to distinguish from one another. And conversely those undergo the least conspicuous changes which occur in the margins of the germ. We have already referred, in fig. 45, to a structure which from its position is apparently the early sperm nucleus. In this phase, at the margin of the nucleus is a vesicular area, at one end of which an aster radiates from a minute centrosome. A somewhat similar appearance occurs in what, from its eccentric position, is undoubtedly a supplemental sperm head (fig. 45 A). Here the vesicular area of the nucleus is less perfectly developed, strands of karyoplasm passing from the nuclear membrane to the large and deeply staining mass of chromatin, a stage, indeed, which may be looked upon as the earlier condition of that of fig. 45. Another sperm head (fig. 45 B) from the same series of sections is intermediate between those of figs. 45 and 45 A. The vacuolated margin is now broken into several discrete areas, and the chromatin is collected into a diffuse mass, irregular in outline.* From this stage the transition is not wide to that of fig. 34, in *The aster lies below the plane of the section. FERTILIZATION STAGES. c r which is pictured a (sperm) merocyte occurring eccentrically (n) in the germinal area of an egg twin to the preceding. In this the vacuolar area has been practically lost, the aster increased in size, and the nucleus subdivided into a number, probably five or six, of smaller merocytes. Division of this kind has been observed in many instances; and on the other hand no case has been found in which a sperm nucleus divides indirectly. This condition is noteworthy, since it emphasizes on still another line the specialization of the Chimaeroid. For in the shark the sperm nuclei may undergo indirect division throughout practically the entire process of cleavage; and when early direct divisions do appear, e. g., in the third cleavage (Riickert in Torpedo), they still show traces of their mitotic ancestry. Indeed, the nearest condition to the presegmentation division of the sperm head in Chimsera (fig. 39) occurs in shark only in the period of later segmentation (cf. Riickert, op. cit., pi. in, fig. 1 8). In other words, the morphological (or the physiological) result which in the shark is effected only at the end of a series of graduated stages is accomplished by Chimsera at a single stroke a condition worthy of comment, since it affords a palpable case of "precocious segregation." (_/) The sperms enter the germ not simultaneously, but during a relatively extended period. The pits formed by the sperms when entering the germ, as already noted, are different in size, and we accordingly infer that, as the sperms themselves do not differ materially in size, nor in all probability in individual activity, the dif- ference in the pits is due to their having been formed at successive periods. This suggestion is borne out by examination of sections. Thus, in fig. 36 an entrance pit is shown, pointing down in the direction of, but not actually connected with, a sperm head lying deep in the germ. And here the pit or funnel has a wide mouth. On the other hand, in fig. 38, a funnel is pictured whose apex is still connected with a sperm head, and its mouth is narrow. The sperm head, in this case, lies in a shallower layer of the germ, and from its structure, also, is clearly a younger stage in development. It follows, therefore, that the former sperm entered the germ at an earlier period than the latter, and that the process of semina- tion is a relatively extended one relatively, since in sharks all sperms appear to enter simultaneously. The suggestion may, on the other hand, be made that the difference in the behavior of the sperms in the germ might be due rather to their location than to their time of entrance; or, in other words, that the rapidity of their development might be influenced by their proximity to the egg nucleus. This suggestion, however, is not tenable in view of the condition of the fertilization stage (middle stage) shown in plate iv, fig. 19, for here small pits occur side by side with large ones, both in the middle of the germinal area and on the sides. Finally, to contrast Chimsera and shark in stages of fertilization: In Chi- msera the entrance of the sperms is a protracted process; but as soon as the sperms (other of course than the one which fertilizes the egg) enter the germ they divide promptly by amitosis, with the very probable result of producing a greater number tj 2 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. of merocytes in a shorter time. * It thus appears that the early divided merocytes are equivalent morphologically, and probably, therefore, physiologically, to late merocytes in sharks. Furthermore, at the time of fertilization the number of sperms entering the egg of Chimsera appears to be greater than in sharks. The average number reckoned by Riickert in Pristiurus is about 16; in Chimsera it is at least 24, judging from the number of entrance funnels in late stages of fertilization. Again, in Chimera the sperms form and long retain definite paths in the germ which are unknown in other forms; so also are their entrance funnels more conspicuous. The sperm nuclei, furthermore, as well as the segmentation nuclei, are the more special in terms of the entire egg, since they are smaller than in sharks (in diameter about one-half). Also, as evidence of specialization for these structures have clearly a special physiological value witness the great number of asters and their ready mode of appearance, e. g., around vagrant yolk granules of extraordinary size. In point of histological differentiation of the germinal cytoplasm, finally, we observe in Chimsera conditions unparalleled in the shark. We recall here the differ- entiation of typical Schaumplasma, the light areas surrounding the nuclei, and the extensive development of astral rays. SEGMENTATION. Drawings of the living germ, plate iv, figs. 20-29, give a general idea of the process of segmentation. And in surface view this resembles distinctly the usual conditions in shark. There is the same type of germinal area in which cleavage lines appear, and a marginal zone which apparently circumscribes the area of cleavage. In the first of these figures the germinal area appears convex, although some- what flattened above, and is separated from the surrounding germinal yolk by a narrow fosse. The furrow which appears to traverse it is sharpest and deepest in the middle of the germ and fades away at the margins. The surrounding zone of germinal yolk, however, extends widely over the surface of the egg and lacks a sharply marked outer boundary line. Its inner boundary, i. e. , at the fosse, shows a number of small eminences These, as sections also show, correspond to the eminences formed in the shark blastoderm by peripheral (sperm) merocytes; they are more numerous at the corresponding stage and are more regularly disposed around the germ. In further detail: Sections of the present specimen demonstrate that in spite of the single apparent furrow the present stage represents not the first, but the third cleavage, two cleavage furrows having been retarded (? suppressed), for there are found to be present six segmentation nuclei. This condition, it may be remarked, occurs in certain specialized sharks (Torpedo). The first division of the segmentation nuclei is accompanied by no trace of a surface furrow. Such a stage is shown in fig. 47 A. The nuclei are here somewhat widely separated from one another and are in the resting stage ; the only indication *Recent examinations of the sections of the fertilization stage which yielded fig. 46 A (Chimaera Emb. 12, in my cabinet) show that no less than 88 (sperm) merocytes are present. Thus in Chimaera as many merocytes are present in a presegmentation stage as in Torpedo (Ruckert) in a stage of fourth cleavage. SEGMENTATION STAGES, 53 of cleavage is in the arrangement of the germinal cytoplasm afotind the nuclei. This is expressed in such a way that the germinal yolk rises between them like a walL The second stage in which cleavage is seen at the surface is shown in plate iv, fig. 21, from the egg companion to the one shown in plate iv, fig. 20, but incubated longer (about forty minutes). Here a second furrow is noticeable. The resulting " blastomeres " are unequal in size, one of them being as large as two of Fig. 48. Section passing between the point 1 and 1 of the segmentation stage shown in PI. IV, fig. 20. In the present section the line which appeared to indicate first cleavage lies below the point f; below this a vacuole is present whose lateral extent gives one the impression of the width of the furrow noted in surface view. X 35. Fig. 49. Section through a segmentation stage corresponding to PI. IV, fig. 22. It will be observed that some of the cleavage lines do not open to the surface, as at c. On the other hand, one of the spaces between the blastomeres opens into a fissure-like vacuole, a. Fig. 50. Similar section of early segmentation stage, in which, as at n, a nucleus appears without any neighboring cleavage furrow. A line of thicker germinal yolk appears in its place. Fig. 51. Section of early cleavage stage in which, when viewed from the surface, deep, fissure-like vacuoles appear as cleavage lines. the others. As in the companion stage the furrows fade away at the margin of the germinal area, and this is again surrounded by a somewhat regular ring of merocyte eminences. It may be mentioned that these characters are materially modified, i. e., as far as surface view is concerned, when the egg is hardened, e. g., in acetic sublimate. And in sections it is found that the circumgerminal fosse and merocyte eminences disappear and what was interpreted as surface furrows in the living egg appear as long and wide vacuoles. Thus in fig. 48, a section transverse to the e A CHIMjEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. first cleavage line of the stage of plate iv, fig. 20, the fosse will be seen to have dis- appeared, and the line which indicated cleavage, so conspicuous in surface view, now appears under the point / as a vacuole triangular in section, its apex touching the surface of a germ.* Vacuoles, we note, are abundant in early stages; several are present in the section of the germ just referred to, and from their arrange- ment they suggest the division of the germ into blastomeres. Three stages of early cleavage are shown in surface view in plate iv, figs. 22, 23, and 24, the first as an opaque object, drawn from the living egg, the second and third as translucent objects, in the last cases the germ having been removed, placed in a watch glass, and examined by transmitted light during the process of fixation. In these three preparations there is considerable irregularity in the surface charac- ters; in the first the margins of the blastomeres are rounded, in the others angular; outwardly they appear to represent fourth and fifth cleavages; in section, how- ever, single ' ' blastomeres " are sometimes found to contain several segmentation nuclei. It was observed that the resting and dividing nuclei were sometimes found in the same section, and it follows accordingly that in Chimaera the synchrony of cleavage is early lost. Four later stages of segmentation appear in plate iv, figs. 25, 26, 27, and 28, all drawn under conditions of transmitted light, the living specimens having been removed and examined in watch glasses. In the first of these the germ is well marked off from its circumgerminal zone; in the rest some of the marginal cleav- age lines were traced half-way across the circumgerminal zone, and in a few instances these lines could be followed quite across it. In these stages continued subdivision of the "blastomeres" has taken place, those in the central position becoming divided oftener than those near the periphery. As in earlier stages, some of the cleavage lines are probably not expressed at the surface, and are due only to vacuoles; the latter are lineal in surface view, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, occasionally almost attaining the surface, at other times lying fairly deep in the germ. ( 49, 50,51.) Sometimes, as in fig. 49, they are actually continuous with cleavage furrows, as at a, and considering the relation which they often bear to nuclei (e.g., infra, under the heading "gastrulation"), we conclude that in some cases even, indeed, in many cases they are homologous to cleavage spaces, i. e., that they are cleavage spaces which fail to become expressed at the surface of the germ. This conception appears to be applicable even when the vacuoles appear in the peripheral region of the germ in fertilization stages. Thus in fig. 34 the masses of germinal yolk separated by the vacuoles (under the points marked with an asterisk [*]) usually bear sperm nuclei which, as we know by analogy, will cause ' ' segmentation. " Accordingly, even in this position vacuoles may be compared to intercellular spaces, at least from the standpoint of developmental mechanics. In fig. 52 a section of a segmentation stage corresponding to plate iv, fig. 26, shows that cleavage has by this time extended deep into the germinal area. Hori- zontal divisions have occurred, irregularly however, for in some places the blastoderm *There is thus a possibility of there having been an open furrow in the living egg. CLEAVAGE STAGES. 55 varies in thickness from one to five cells. Noteworthy is the irregularity of the yolk wall out of which blastomeres are segmenting, as at x, and into which deep inter- cellular spaces are continued, becoming confluent below, as at v, v, v, with vacu- oles like those described in earlier stages. It may be remarked that in this stage the vacuoles pass deeply into the yolk. Another stage of late segmentation (or blastula), corresponding in general with plate iv, fig. 27, is shown in the series of sections, figs. 53-56. In the section, fig. 53, which passes near the center of the germ, the conditions differ little from the preceding stage. We observe that continued divisions have taken place and that there is still the same outcropping of blastomeres from the yolk wall, as at .a: and x, following mitoses. An advancing character in this stage is the general flattening of the germinal wall, as at the point y, a preliminary step toward the formation of the floor of the segmentation cavity, and possibly indicating fore and aft differentiation of the germ. It may be remarked that this is the first stage in which a conspicuous zone of merocytes was seen. These are numerous under the central blastomeres, most numerous under the peripheral blastomeres, and then rapidly decrease in ^V. :;;: Fig. 52. Section of late cleavage stage (corresponding to PI. IV, fig. 26). x. Mass of germinal yolk from which a blastomere is being budded out ; ?', vacuoles which are continuous with intercellular spaces. number peripherad. The three sections, figs. 54-56, illustrate such a series. The first of them, fig. 54, indicates the relation of the above-mentioned vacuoles to intercellular spaces, as at the points marked with an asterisk (*) ; the second and third, figs. 55, 56, are instructive as showing the extension of a nest of cells, n (it is the same group in both sections it appears, however, at the left in the lower section, since this has been turned over on the slide), beyond the margin of the circular mass of blastomeres instructive, since it suggests that the outlying region of the germ (circumgerminal zone) is still little different from the germ itself in its cell-forming nature. It is also to be observed that deep fissures representing intercellular spaces (fig. 56, 2), extend peripherad through the germinal yolk, corresponding to the marginal furrows described in the eggs of ganoids and dipnoi, of Heterodontus, even of amphibia. There is here accord- ingly a region in which, side by side, occur small blastomeres, large yolk masses (bearing nuclei), and undivided yolk ; there is no gradual transition from the yolk to the large blastomeres and from these in turn to the small ones, which, as we have seen, correspond in size with blastomeres of the center of the germinal area. We observe, furthermore, that the small blastomeres arise in any FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. neighboring position, as in figure 55, at a, b, or c, budding out directly from the yolk. In such cases the important question remains whether the nuclei which pass into the blastomeres are derived from segmentation nuclei or from 53 %*&%$?'$&*. 55 .SSSa^. -\ c J .- -"55, -gffi;^^?SB^ Figs. 53-56. Sections of late segmentation or early blastula stage (corresponding to PI. IV, fig. 27). The first section traverses the mid-region of the segmented area, the others progress marginalward. x, Blastomeres which have recently budded out of the yolk ; y, wall of sub-germinal yolk ; z, cleavage line passing deep into the sub-germinal yolk ; *. vacuoles which come to the surface of the germ and form intercellular spaces. X 35. sperm-nuclei. In the latter event, judging by analogy, they would show amitoses only; in the former they should multiply by mitosis. Examined in this light it is found that the nuclei which here pass into the blastomeres show amitoses, and THE DIVISION OF THE YOLK. 57 they might thus be regarded as of sperm-head origin. On the other hand, it might still be claimed that the nuclei of such blastomeres were derived from the segmentation nuclei, fora more careful examination shows (i) that amitoses exist in the blastomeres in the central region of the germ, and (2) that no mitoses are found in the zone of the merocytes, where we may reasonably expect that some nuclei are present which are derived from segmentation nuclei. The problem is, nevertheless, a difficult one, and hardly to be answered in the present outline of Chimsroid development. We point out, however, that two criteria which have been given a prominent place in the discussions of sEafk development can not be employed in the present instance, viz. (i) the number of the chromosomes which would naturally give a clue as to the origin of the nuclei can not be estimated in the merocytes, since they are here undergoing only amitotic division ; (2) the size of the present merocytes can not prove an important element for comparison, since they range from minute to large, and in shape from spherical to greatly elongated and irregular. An important phase of the cleavage in Chimaera has naturally been introduced by the foregoing discussion, i. e., as to the segmentation of the egg in its extra- germinal region. We have seen that as segmentation progresses nuclei (whether segmentation or sperm-merocyte) spread peripherad. Their presence can be determined in sections ; and in surface view, in the later stages, e. g., plate iv, fig. 28, cleavage lines can be seen passing outward in the region of the circum- germinal zone. That these lines are actual furrows is shown in such a section as that of fig. 56 (at the right). Such marginal furrows, however, are usually minute in size, and are often, in surface view at least, difficult to follow, a difficulty which may be due either to the blending of these delicate lines with the color of the circumgerminal zone, or to the partial or total confluence of the adjacent rims of the cleavage furrows, e. g., as in the marginal blastomeres of Cryptobranchus (according to Ishikawa). The distinctness of these lines, however, increases after the circumgerminal zone is passed, and they later give rise to what we must regard as the most remarkable feature of the segmenting egg. To follow this process: In fig. 57 a late stage of segmentation is shown; the germ is atg; nearby are nests of blastomeres (cf. fig. 56, ), two of which are of such size as to appear in the figure, as at.^'; from the germ radiate furrows, two of which, a and a', have become conspicuous at the periphery of the egg, where they may have merged with similar furrows, or indeed, on the other hand, there is a possibility that the long furrow passing between the points marked with an asterisk (*) may be the deflected continuation of the lines a and a'. In figs. 58 and 59 furrows are seen arising from or near the circumgerminal zone, and examination shows they deepen as they proceed peripherad. In the egg shown in fig. 59 the outgoing line subdivides and marks out superficially a narrow segment of yolk. In the same egg, but in the anterior region, we note another marginal line, b. Examined from below this stage is of considerable interest _ 8 CHIM;EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. (fig. 60), for it shows that while the cleavage lines have failed to express themselves on the dorsal side of the egg, they yet appear conspicuously on the vegetal side. Thus the line in fig. 59 at a passes sharply inward (fig. 60), subdividing into a series of 57 58 Figs. 57-61. Eggs showing progressive cleavage of the yolk mass. In a blastula (57) a conspicuous fissure it noted between the points * and *. cleavage lines which in turn merge with other cleavage lines (b-g) passing downward and inward from the equatorial zone of the egg. In some cases well-marked yolk masses are outlined, as at the point marked with an asterisk (*), suggesting large yolk-filled blasto- meres on the ventral wall of an amphibian blastula. It may be remarked that the lines here described are not mere surface mark- ings, for during the process of hardening an egg, e. g., in acetic- sublimate, one may separate the yolk masses by aid of dissecting needles, and in this process it becomes clear that the lines are in reality fissures dipping deeply into the substance of the egg. Indeed, in the former specimen it was found that the mass marked with an asterisk (*) could be removed en bloc from the remaining mass of yolk. It is evident, accordingly, that in this stage the egg is being divided up on its ventral side into a number of large yolk masses; that these masses stand in relation to the entire egg very much as do, e. -., in the frog's egg, the blastomeres of the lower pole to this entire holoblastic egg ; further, that the fissures which accomplish this result, like cleavage lines on the vegetal side of the holoblastic egg, are interconnected with a series (a-g, in fig. 60) of cleavage lines which pass downward and inward from different points in the equatorial region of the egg. Between the stages shown in figs. 59 and 60, and those in figs. 61 and 27, which are older by about nine days, observations are lacking. It is nevertheless clear, by comparison of these stages, that the yolk masses shown in fig. 60 have separated from one another widely as the fissures deepened, and that, as the masses became more distinct, their condition of surface tension in view always of the syrupy consistency of the egg caused them to round out their contours to the degree shown in fig. 61. THE DIVISION OF THE YOLK. 59 * In dorsal view the latter stage shows few large yolk masses, and these are distinct from one another, although closely pressed together. The yolk masses, it may be mentioned, were removed separately (in the living condition) without causing their rupture, and it was then seen that the fragmentation of the yolk mass had progressed further than was at first evident, for, lying below and on either side, against the ventral wall of the capsule, were many small masses of yolk (cf. fig. 61, at the right, and fig. 27, somewhat behind the embryo), their contours rounded out for the most part; but a thick, creamy or syrupy fluid in which they lay made it further evident that in some cases the yolk masses had broken down. This fluid, we remark, was observed in specimens of this stage only when the larger masses were separated; but if sea-water was injected (by pipette) between the larger masses as they lay in the open capsule, it would dissolve the underlying creamy yolk and the entire contents of the capsule would become hidden from sight in the resulting milky fluid. One might conveniently digress at this point to follow the fate of the yolk masses above mentioned. The blastoderm appropriates only a small portion (which has been estimated as about one-tenth of the volume) of the entire egg. This separate yolk mass is shown slightly shaded in figs. 27 and 61, and the blasto- derm, with its attached embryo, has as yet inclosed only a small portion of it. A similar stage is figured in plate vin, fig. 47, and a somewhat later one in plate viu, fig. 48. In the latter the blastoderm is seen to have almost inclosed the yolk. It completely incloses the yolk and forms a diminutive yolk sac in the embryo shown in plate vin, fig. 49, and a similar condition occurred in the embryo of plate ix, fig. 50. These features are dwelt upon in order to show that the behavior of the blastoderm in appropriating but a portion of the yolk is a normal phenomenon. And I note that the condition shown in fig. 61 has been observed on three occasions by myself, and that similar conditions were recorded by Dr. Wilbur.* In supplementary evidence upon this point we may again refer to the embryo of plate vin, fig. 49, for in this the yolk sac, although of miniature size, is evidently normal, since it exhibits a well-developed vitelline circulation, f The yolk-masses other than that appropriated by the blastoderm undergo con tinued subdivision. This is in progress in fig. 61, where the large yolk mass shown in the lower part of the figure is being divided into three smaller ones. We have already referred to the pasty fluid present among the lowermost yolk masses in this stage. In the egg capsule from which the embryo of plate vin, fig. 49, was taken, no extra embryonic yolk masses were found, but the egg capsule contained a fluid so cream-like as to conceal completely the embryo and lead me to infer that the egg was addled, almost causing me to throw away this valuable stage. We can only conclude, therefore, that the creamy fluid was due to the continued breaking down *In his early letters Dr. Wilbur referred to these conditions doubtfully; he was then "not sure whether they represented normal appearances." fTheyolk sac measured about half an inch in length and a quarter of an inch in breadth; accordingly at this stage of development it represents but about one-tenth the volume of the egg of an Elasmobranch of similar size (e. g., Spinax niger}. 60 CHIM;EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. of the yolk masses of the earlier stage.* That this fluid was nutritive to the embryo was also evident, since the external gills were dilated at various points with brilliantly colored blood knots, and in these, as I later found, numerous erythrocytes were undergoing division. And this condition in the gill filaments is the more clearly correlated with the presence of the milky fluid, since in similar egg capsules (sharks and rays), where this milky fluid mass is lacking, blood knots on the external gills are also absent. One infers, moreover, that the milky fluid, which from its included yolk is highly nutritive, may also be passed as food into the mouth of the embryo and assimilated in the gut. But to this I will refer at a later point. The entire process of the fragmentation of the egg of Chimaera, it will be seen, is worthy of especial comment. Unlike the eggs of other vertebrates, and unlike, indeed, those of invertebrates, unless we include a somewhat generic resemblance in certain mollusks (e. g., Neritina, Blochmann, 1887) and in certain digenetic trematodes, the present egg follows in its development two distinct paths, i. e., a small portion of the egg develops in the direction of producing the embryo with its complete though diminutive yolk sac; the remaining portion, about nine-tenths of the bulk of the egg, proceeds to undergo a process of repeated fragmentation to the end that it may be appropriated by the embryo secondarily. To account on phyletic grounds for this extraordinary and "unnatural" plan of development, one must, I believe, start with the premise that the fragmentation of the egg is a process comparable with total cleavage. This premise we may accept on the following evidence: (1) The fragmentation, like cleavage, is progressive. (2) Although the cleavage lines have never been followed conclusively from the rim of the blastoderm into the deep fissures which initiate the fragmentation, they have at least been observed in late stages of segmentation to pass out over the circumgerminal zone in the direction of the peripheral fissures (cf. in this regard the evidence of Heterodontus).f (3) The yolk masses give evidence of being nucleated. There is in the first place evidence that the nuclei travel peripherad. In the stages of plate iv, figs. 25-27, nuclei are found to have occupied the circumgerminal zone, i. e., they have traveled outward a distance equal to about three-quarters of the diameter of the blastoderm. In an early gastrula, furthermore (plate v, fig. 31), and in section, fig. 63, they have proceeded outward a distance equal to twice the diameter of the blastoderm. Now, on the evidence of progressive centrifugal movement of the *The reader may reasonably query at this point how it happens that the creamy nutritive material is not washed out through the openings of the capsule during the respiration of the young. This result has, I take it, been avoided in the course of the evolution of this process in two ways : (i) By retarding the appearance and growth of the capsular openings until the nutritive material is partly consumed ; (n) by the great density of the creamy fluid, for if the nutritive fluid be heavy (and experiments with the living eggs have convinced me that this is the fact), a moderate current of sea-water could be passed over it without causing it to be washed away. tAnnot. Zool. Jap., 1901, vol. iv, pt. I, pp. 1-7. THE REDUCED SIZE OF THE YOLK SAC. 6 1 nuclei, and as this nucleated area (in diameter) is measurably greater than that of the yolk mass which the blastoderm comes to inclose, it follows that nuclei are present in some of the outlying yolk masses. Of this, however, we must none the less admit that no direct proof is at hand, since no sections of these outlying yolk masses were made. In this connection I observe that if the embryo-bearing yolk mass be examined even under a low power (plate viu, fig. 480) one obtains a fairly con- vincing picture of its holoblastic character. (4) The foregoing evidence is none the less_strong if, conversely, we consider that on no other morphological ground, save that of cleavage, using the word in a broad sense, can this progressive and normal fragmentation be explained. Accepting, then, the premise that these divergent paths in the development of the egg of Chimera took their origin in a holoblastic egg, the present con- ditions may well have been developed on somewhat the following lines : In the primitive Chimseroid the egg resembled that of Cestraciont; it was probably, however, not as large as that of the recent Heterodontus, but its cleavage fissures were deeper and more numerous. The embryo at that stage had the usual external gills of the selachian. The next stage would be attained when the gill filaments, passing beyond the stage of the well-known trophonemata, came to appropriate the white of the egg which was contained in the deep cleavage fissures, a process which in time caused or accompanied () the deepening of the fissures, and in further time (fr) a rupture at the bottom of the fissures. Through such a process yolk material came to escape and mingle with the albuminous contents of the deep fissures. Such a process, we may now assume, was naturally followed by adaptative changes in the trophonemata, which in the end accelerated the growth and differentiation of the embryo. In short, at this evolutional stage the embryo was receiving through a (morphologically) indirect channel an amount of nutri- ment which rivaled that derived from the vitelline circulation. The result was what one would have anticipated, i. e., the down growth of the vascular blastoderm was retarded, while the fissuring of the yolk-mass became deepened and the trophonemata further modified. The line of evolution thus carried on in the egg will be seen to involve the fate of the yolk sac, viz. , in determining how great an amount of the yolk could be diverted from it. In the present species (C. colliei) about nine-tenths of the egg has been diverted, while in the Callorhynchids, where the yolk sac is known to be larger, possibly not more than half. In the foregoing process it is suggested that the first steps in the disinte- gration of the yolk mass were found in cleavage phenomena. It should, however, be admitted that the cleavage may not have been equivalent to that of the usual holoblastic type. The nuclei which spread peripherad may have been sperm-nuclei ; and in this event the peripheral furrows are special phenomena, unconnected, possibly, in phylogeny with the cleavage lines in the holoblastic egg. Certainly in favor of such an interpretation is the fate of the disintegrating yolk masses, since such a fate is paralleled somewhat by the sperm-nuclei in the shark egg. It 6 2 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. is opposed, on the other hand, by the conditions in the egg of Cestracion, where the peripheral furrows, similar in general regards, are known to be continuous with those of true cleavage. The question, therefore, can not be answered finally until evidence is forthcoming to distinguish the kinds of nuclei present in the extra- embryonic yolk masses. Meanwhile, judging at least from the behavior of the nuclei in the circumgerminal ring, I think it is not at all improbable (cf. Gastru- lation) that in these masses both sperm and segmentation nuclei are present. Returning again to the development proceeding at the animal pole of the egg: We recall that in the sections figs. 53-56 there was shown a stage of late seg- mentation, or an early blastula, such, for example, as pictured in plate iv, fig. 27. In a slightly later stage (plate iv, fig. 28) an increased number of blastomeres are present, and there is still an indefinite condition in the periphery of the germ, blastomeres being continued irregularly over the ring-like circumgerminal zone. On the other hand, in plate iv, fig. 29, a stage is figured earlier than the preceding, Fig. 62. Section of blastula. sc, Segmentation cavity. but showing a well-marked line of demarcation between the blastomeres and the cir- cumgerminal zone. It seems evident, accordingly, from this and similar instances, that considerable variation occurs as to the time at which the marginal relations of the germ are established. Thus in the stage first referred to (figs. 53-56) the circumgerminal zone was traversed by radial fissures and invaded by nests of cells; in a similar stage (plate iv, fig. 29, sectioned in fig. 62) the same region is solid and yolk-filled, forming a compact border to the germ. In contrasting these two stages one observes that, while they can differ little in point of age, judging from the number of blastomeres in the cross section of the middle of the germ, they yet have marked differences in their relation to the yolk ; the former has around it and under it "fine yolk" (Ruckert); the latter has its fine yolk contracted into a thick mass lying immediately below the germ, a condition which may be the immediate cause of the failure of marginal blastomeres to express themselves in a peripheral direction. We observe that in fig. 62 the fine yolk is pervaded with vacuoles which, from their shape and relations, are evidently equiv- alent to inter-blastomeral spaces, a conclusion which is supported both by the nucleated character of the masses of fine yolk thus outlined and by the continua- tion of the inter-blastomeral spaces with the distal ends of the vacuoles. The fine yolk, in short, is already coming to be formed into blastomeres, and it is interesting to note that a blastomere, which is found on the boundary line between the fine GASTRULATION. g, and coarse yolk is composed half of fine and half of coarse yolk. It is quite prob- able, therefore, even from this single observation (cf. also infra), that the region of the coarse yolk is not as inert as one is at first inclined to believe, an induction which suggests at once that the fewer and larger fissure-like vacuoles in this region are equivalent to the vacuoles of the fine yolk, or in other words, to intercellular spaces. A final point of contrast between the foregoing stages: In the former the blastomeres are relatively compact; in the latter there-is a general inter-blastomeral space which marks an early state of the definite cleavage cavity. It is probable, as noted for the former stage, that the anterior end of the germ can now be distinguished. GASTRULATION. The stage shown in surface view in plate v, fig. 30, and in sagittal section in fig. 63, is probably the most valuable of the author's early Chimaeroid embryos. For it may be accepted as providing a key to the problem of gastrulation not only in this form but in sharks as well. Its discovery is none the less a fortunate one, since it is a stage which has every appearance of being brief, and therefore easily overlooked. In diameter it differs little from the blastula above described (fig. 62), but its depth is notably greater. Comparing these two stages, we conclude that the deep subgerminal region of the earlier stage (fig. 62), which was traversed by vacuoles, has been replaced by the deep-lying mass of cells of fig. 63. We observe that this thickening of the cellular mass has not yet been accompanied by an extension over the surrounding region; the mass is at present compact, sub- spherical, lying in a smooth depression of the germinal wall. At one end of the cellular mass the segmentation cavity, below the letters sc, represents all that remains of the intercellular spaces of earlier stages. Near the opposite end is a small archenteric cavity, a, communicating with the surface through the opening bp. The archenteron is regular in outline, its marginal cells forming a somewhat epithelial lining (fig. 63 B). It has probably arisen by an invagination in pre- existing cells, since the cells lining its outer half are slightly pigmented and closely resemble those of the surface of the blastoderm. Especially noteworthy is this that behind the archenteron, i. e. , between it and the germinal wall, are several rows of cells. We have, therefore, evidence that in Chimera a gastrula is formed whose blastopore is located not at the rim of the early blastoderm but near it. It is thus a condition in which the merging of the cells of the blastoderm with the surrounding yolk does not yet take place in that zone of the blastoderm in which the archenteron is forming. We have here, accordingly, a condition which throws light upon the origin of the gastrula of sharks, confirming in a striking way the interpretations of C. K. Hoffman (1896, Morph. JB., p. 210). 6 4 CHIMjEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Continuing our examination of the present specimen, it will be observed that the growth of the cell mass is taking place at both anterior and posterior margins. Cells are still being contributed to the cellular wall behind the archenteron, judging at least from their relations to the yolk such a blastomere, for example, as that near 2 having become detached from the germinal wall. And at the extreme anterior region of the blastoderm many cells are being budded out of the germinal wall. Thus, as shown in the detail (fig. 63 A), it will be seen that in an overhanging portion of the germinal wall, as below and between the points marked with aster- isks (*), a row of half a dozen cells are clearly outlined in the wall a condition which indicates strongly a similar origin for the adjacent cells. At lower points of the Fig. 63. Sagittal section of earliest gastrula. a, Archenteric cavity, bp, Blastopore. sc, Segmentation cavity. I-V indicate position of nuclei in yolk region. Figs. 63 A and B. Details of foregoing section at anteriormost and posteriormost margins respectively. germinal wall, finally, cellular additions to the blastoderm are being made. Note- worthy in the present section are the vacuoles which pass deeply into the yolk and suggest, as we have already noted, modified or suppressed lines of cleavage; espe- cially well marked are those occurring in the fine yolk on either side of the blasto- derm, since they form a series of vertical fissures and mark off masses of fine yolk containing nuclei. The vacuoles also occur throughout the neighboring coarse yolk, and in connection with their appearance there we note the presence of merocytes which have traveled, as at iv, in, n or i, far out over the yolk. We note, lastly, the way in which the fine yolk passes down in rifts into the coarse yolk, for this suggests again the modified holoblastic condition of the egg. The next stages in gastrulation deal with the extension of the blastoderm over the yolk. Thus in fig. 64 is given 'a sagittal section of a stage in which the diameter GASTRULATION. of the blastoderm has doubled and during this growth it has lost the compact char- acter of the earlier stage. We recognize, however, in the cellular mass (at the left in the figure, p-nt) the group of cells which formed the ventral lip of the blastopore, and from a detail of this region, fig. 64*, we conclude that the blastopore, bp, has 6 4 " Fig. 64. Sagittal section of gastrula slightly older than the preceding. X 35. a, Archenteron ; bp, position of former blastopore ; ptn. Cells of posterior lip of blastopore ; .sv, Segmentation cavity. Fig. 64'. Detail of preceding section showing the region of the blastopore. Fig. 64". Lateral section from the series from which fig. 64 was drawn. become closed, owing probably to stress arising from the rapid extension backward of the entire blastoderm; and we note in this connection the greatly compressed character of the cells. Parenthetically, we may also call attention in another 66 CHIM.EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. section (fig. 64 A) to the great number of amitoses occurring throughout the germinal wall, and on the other hand, the absence of mitoses in this region. Referring again to fig. 64, we interpret the cavity a as the archenteron of the earlier stage which has deepened and reached the germinal wall, still preserving its smooth posterior boundary, but dilated anteriorly and fading into a mass of detached cells. And we identify the cavity sc as the segmentation cavity now enlarged and with irregular offshoots. Another section of the present specimen shows, near the side, fig. 64", the marginal extent of the dilated archenteron and the obliteration in this region of the segmentation cavity. Its major interest, however, is in contributing data concerning the relation of the blastoderm to the yolk. Especially at the anterior end we observe that the cellular elements, of great size, have recently become detached from the yolk. The details in the study of this specimen deserve especial comment, for they indicate an intimate functional relationship between mitosis and amitosis.* To illustrate these conditions a number of details are given in figs. 64 A-N, all drawn from the foregoing specimen, but from selected sections. We may first refer to the character of the merocytes. In a detail of the anterior end of this specimen, fig. 64 A, over fifty merocytes are present, most occurring in the fine yolk, but some in a superficial rift of coarse yolk which spreads inward toward the blastoderm. We observe: numerous amitoses; the masses of fine yolk whose distinct outlines suggest poly nuclear blastomeres; at one point (near i)a nucleus surrounded with fine yolk, altogether suggesting a single blastomere ; blastomeres formed out of the yolk (2 and 3); a large clear blastomere (4) which appears to have budded out of the germinal wall; and (5) a small clear blastomere, which has undoubtedly been derived from the adjacent yolk. At the opposite end of the blastoderm (fig. 64 B), and within it, is a large cell containing many nuclei, some of which are in amitotic division, and similar appearances are observed further along in the same section, fig. 64 i and j. In the first of these, i, a large blastomere has broken up into three smaller cells, in the largest of which the nucleus has subdivided amitotically into at least half a dozen smaller ones; in the second, j, a blastomere has divided and in each resulting *The merocytes here considered are regarded as products of the segmentation nuclei. The difficulty, however, in distinguishing finally between the merocytes derived from the segmentation nuclei or from the sperm-heads has already been commented on (p. 57). Figs. 64 A-N. Details of sections of preceding stage. (See page 67.) A. Detail of germinal wall at extreme anterior end of blastoderm. I -5, cells which are arising, or have recently arisen from the germinal wall. There can be little question from the yolk-filled character of some of these that they have recently arisen from the germinal wall (i. e., they can not be cells which are being passed into the germinal wall, as His suggests). Such a cell as that indicated at 5, although destitute of yolk material, is so far from the remaining cells of the blastoderm that it could only have been budded off from the germinal wall. li. Detail of the posterior rim of blastoderm showing the origin of blastomeres from the yolk wall. Observe that some of the cells are Blled with coarse yolk ; others, 3, have relatively little. The cell, 2, just separated from the germinal wall, contains a number of (amitotic) nuclei. G Detail of wall of germinal yolk. 1 , 2, 3, Nuclei arising amitotically. passing in the direction of the floor of the subgerminal cavity. 4. Blastomere arising from the germinal wall. 5, Blastomere undergoing amitosis. 6, Blastomere arising from the germinal wall, and showing aster. D. Origin of blistomtres from the germinal wall. 4 and 5, Blastomeres recently separated. 1 , 2, and 3, Nuclei about to be passed into blastomeres. E. Yolk-filled cell arising from the germinal wall, and exhibiting typical mitosis. Adjacent is a blastomere whose nucleus is dividing amitotically. f- Blastomeres newly arisen from the germinal wall. '' Vesicular nuclei in region near surface of germinal wall. ' / Vesicular nucleus, undergoing amitotic division, with adjacent vacuolar spaces. / . I A . and L. Cells of blastoderms in some of which amitosis is taking place. M and A. Cells of blastoderm dividing by atypical multiple mitosis. MITOSIS AND AMITOSIS. 6 7 Of N Figs. 64 A-N. Details of sections of preceding stage. (See bottom of opposite page.) 68 CHIMvEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. blastomere the nucleus has undergone, or is undergoing, amitosis. Now in these instances there can be no question that the amitotic divisions are taking place within the blastoderm itself, in a region where, by analogy, mitosis alone should occur, and where later, indeed, in the same form, mitoses alone are found. And we are thus constrained to conclude either that amitosis and mitosis are processes not as immutably different in fate as is generally assumed, or that at a later period the amitotic blastomeres undergo disintegration within the blastoderm. But to continue: In fig. 64 c, from a neighboring section, we observe as before amitosis occurring within the germinal wall, and this type of nuclear multiplication appears active to an extraordinary degree, as the detail, i, indicates. Moreover, with this activity, there is evidence from the greatly elongated character of some of the nuclei, 2, 2, and from the evident trails which occur, e. g., at 3, that these nuclei are passing rapidly in the direction of the surface of the yolk. We note also that cellular increments, e. g., in such a cell as 4, are arising from the germinal wall, and, as in the former specimen, amitotic division is present, 5, in the blasto- derm proper. Adjacent to this, and in as close relation with the germinal wall, there is also evidence of mitotic division, 6. We have seen that in this section the cell 4 is arising out of the germinal wall ; if any doubt exists as to possibility of cells to arise from the germinal wall at this late stage, we may refer to the detail shown from a neighboring section in fig. 64 D. Here is present a row of cells arising in this manner: in the wall itself occur the nuclei 2 and 3, of which the latter is passing into a lobe-shaped process budding outward from the germinal wall. From their position we may safely conclude that 4 and 5 have arisen in a similar way. We observe, finally, that the nucleus in cell 5 is undergoing changes in the direction of amitotic division. Another interesting detail is given in fig. 64 E. We have here two cells which appear to have arisen side by side from the germinal wall; the cytoplasm of one is clearer, more differentiated apparently than its neighbor, which contains fine yolk, yet the nucleus of the cell lacking in yolk is undergoing amitotic division, while that of its neighbor is dividing mitotically. In other sections in this series we note the following details: Fig. 64 F, a cell half budded from the germinal wall, also a pair of cells evidently in stage of telophase, of which the lower appears to have just budded out from the germinal wall; fig. 640, two reticular nuclei in the germinal wall, products of amitotic division (cf. fig. 640), in one of which are two large chromatin masses; fig. 64 H, nucleus undergoing a complicated series of amitotic divisions; this occurs near the surface of the germinal wall, and we note the presence of vacuoles, three in number, lying immediately above the main masses of the dividing nuclei ; fig. 64 i, within the outline of a single large blastomere occur- ring in the blastoderm proper, three cells appear, and two of these appear to have been derived from the largest, in which we observe as many as half a dozen nuclei; fig. 64;, a cell in a late stage of division which shows three nuclei already GASTRULATION. 69 separate in one of its daughter cells, and the nucleus in the other about to undergo amitotic division; fig. 64 K, a nucleus similar to the last occurs in a cell high up in the blastoderm, and near it a cell which has undergone amitosis; fig. 64 M and N, two cells which are undergoing an extraordinary type of division; they contain many asters, conspicuous centrosomes, but no chromosomes; in N the cell is sub- dividing into three daughter cells. The significance of these phenomena is commented upon on a later page, in the discussion of megaspheres and yolk nuclei in their relation to germ layers. To resume the question of gastrulation : The third stage in the writer's material is represented in surface view in plate v, fig. 31. It differs from the earlier stage shown in this way, plate v, fig. 30, in the following regards: (i) The circumgerminal ring, which had gradually been extending and carrying its nuclei peripherad, has faded out over the surface of the yolk, its proximal zone now alone noteworthy. (2) There is a conspicuous antero- posterior differentiation. The region of the blastopore is indicated by a short transverse shadow, marking the cavity of the archenteron, and the segmentation cavity is denoted by a broad transverse area, the ends of which as they approach the rim of the blastoderm bend backward, giving a somewhat crescentic shape. Three sections of this blastoderm are figured, the first, fig. 65, is sagittal, the second, fig. 65 A, passes between the points A- A, shown in the surface view, the third, fig. 65 B, between the points B-B. Comparing the sagittal section fig. 65, with that of the earlier stage, fig. 64, we observe increased growth at the posterior rim of the blastoderm; the germinal wall instead of shelving forward, now shelves backward, especially near the surface of the egg, still having below a sharp shoulder* against which lies the remains of the posterior lip of the blastopore, pm< of earlier stages, this region, in short, is being overgrown by the blastoderm as it progresses hindward. The archenteron thus remains, as at a, separated only imperfectly from the segmentation cavity, sc, which is now of great size. This condition, indeed, is well shown in the more lateral sections, figs. 65 A and B, and they indicate as well the narrow limits of the archenteron; the sides of which, it will here be seen, are practically confluent with the sides of the segmentation cavity. As in the preceding stage, noteworthy relations exist between the blastoderm and the yolk. We observe, for example, that in the more lateral section a tongue of coarse yolk passes inward close to the surface of the germinal wall, and we obtain evidence that the row of neighboring cells has been formed by actual outbudding. In these cells amitosis occurs, as in the previous stage. These cells, it may be remarked, do not long remain in their subjacent position, for, identified by the coarse yolk they contain, they can be traced into the blastoderm and are found widely scattered among other cells. * I'is-ti-i'fs is a second shoulder which corresponds to the anterior germinal wall of the stage shown in fig. 63. In both regions, then, the blastoderm has overgrown the surface of the egg. 70 CHIlvLEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. The fourth stage in gastrulation appears in surface view in plate v, fig. 32, and is but two days older than the preceding, plate v, fig. 31. It shows the following advances: (i) The embryo proper makes its appearance in a small depression, and is conspicuous on account of the dark adjacent shadows; (2) the center of the blastoderm rises as a circular plateau, leaving at its base a well-marked flattened rim; surrounding this the circumgerminal ring has largely faded away, its nuclei Fig. 65. Sagittal section of gastrula slightly older than the preceding, a, Archenteron. sc, Segmentation cavity. put, Posterior mass of cells (in region of ventral lip of blastopore). Fig. 65 A. Section parallel to preceding, but situated further at the side. Fig. 65 B. Section parallel to preceding, but more nearly marginal. Fig. 65 C. Detail showing coarse yolk. now having passed far out over and into the yolk;* (3) anteriorly the segmentation cavity is becoming restricted to a small area, appearing in surface view as a light- colored tract near the rim of the blastoderm. Two sections of this blastoderm are figured, one sagittal (fig. 66), the other (fig. 66 A) passing between the points A- A shown in surface view. Contrasting the sagittal section (fig. 66) with that of the * The figure represents the circumgerminal zone as too wide and conspicuous, an inaccuracy which was noticed too late for correction. GASTRULATION. 7 1 earlier stage (fig. 65), we notice that (a) almost the entire flattened rim of the blastoderm has been added ; that (b) in the posterior portion of this rim the ectoderm is already differentiating the medullary plate of the embryo, m ; that (c) the major growth has taken place backward in witness of this, contrast the distance between the anterior end of the archenteron and the posterior rim of the blastopore in these two stages; that (cT) in this connection the main cell-mass extends itself dorsalward and becomes the plateau-like region of the blastoderm ; that ( Region of outermost margin of ventral lip of blastopore. jnn, Posterior mass of cells (in position of ventral lip of blastopore). /( /'t Region of blastopore. "'. Thickening in medullary plate of embryo. *'', Segmentation cavity. Fig. 66 A. Section (lateral) parallel to the preceding. the later, a portion of its material, at least, being represented by the spongy mass of cells which now forms the floor of the archenteron, a; that finally (/) there is evidence that the posterior rim of the blastoderm is rolling inward, the surface of the blastoderm growing more rapidly in this region than the lower layer with which it is connected. Detailed examination of the sections, however, leads us to the belief that the process of inrolling extends only as far as the point i (fig. 66) ; just above this the inrolled rim of the blastoderm merges with the cells arising from the germinal wall, and from this point inward openings occur between the cells and communicate with the archenteron. The section (fig. 66 A) already referred 72 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. to as passing slightly to one side of the sagittal plane shows favorably the thickening of the ectoderm at the side of the medullary plate and its inbending. We here observe also the reduced size of the segmentation cavity, the thickening of the cell mass roofing the archenteron, and the thinning out of the mass of cells, pm, forming its floor. We may at this point consider conveniently the general bearing of the process of early gastrulation in the Chimseroid. We have seen that: (a) In an early stage an archenteron was present (fig. 63), whose ventral wall was composed of cells and whose axis was at right angles to the surface of the blastoderm. (<$) In a second stage, the area of the blastoderm had increased, and the blasto- pore was closed (fig. 64); its position (fig. 64 A), however, accurately located, but more posterior than in the first stage; also the archenteron has greatly increased in size. (c) At a third stage (fig. 65), the location of the blastopore can not be accurately determined, although it is certainly near the hindmost point of the blastoderm ; the archenteron is less definite, and its long axis, which remains parallel to the neighboring germinal wall, becomes tilted backward, as indicated by the arrow in the figure: and the cells, pm, which correspond to the ventral (posterior) wall of the archenteron, now occupy a position further under and further forward than in earlier stages, in consequence of the hindward extension of the blastoderm. (cf) Finally (fig. 66), this hindward extension is so expressed that the position of the early blastopore shifts under the rim of the blastoderm and comes to appear at the point bp; concomitantly the archenteron increases in size, its axis lying nearly parallel to the surface and its ventral wall developing extensively both in thickness and in (anterior) extension. From these conditions it follows that in the later gastrulation of Chimsera we are dealing with a reopening of the blastopore of an earlier stage. Accordingly, in contrast with gastrulation in sharks, Chimaera preserves the primitive blastopore within the blastoderm itself. This stage, however, is an evanescent one. In connection probably with a change in nutritive values, whereby the yolk is passed to the archenteron from a source more and more postero-ventral there is a constant tendency for the cells of the archenteron to be drawn, both in ontogeny and in phylogeny, closer to the source of nutriment. For this reason the cells of the archenteron multiply more rapidly from below than from above (/'. e. , the region where primitively they were invaginated from the ectoderm) with a result that the blastopore becomes of less and less importance in early stages. It is suggested, also, that during this growth there is a constant convection of the cells of the blastoderm, in the process of which elements formed in the region of the posterior wall of the archenteron pass downward and forward. Part passu, the posterior rim of the blastoderm, including the region of the blasto- pore, extends first backward, then downward and inward; it thus comes finally to lie under the rim (i. e., the later rim) of the blastoderm. GASTRULA OF SHARK AND CHIMERA. 73 We have emphasized these conditions of growth in Chimsera, since they serve, I conclude, to explain the gastrulation of the shark, a process so puzzling that Samassa (1895) has even gone so far as to deny its presence, sensu stricto, in this group. According to the present interpretation the primitive shark had, like Chi- maera, a blastopore which opened near but not at the rim of the blastoderm; in this position it next became a rudimentary organ, since, apparently, the conditions governing the increase of cells in the archenteron suffered a change inasmuch as they came to receive their nutriment directly front the neighboring germinal wall instead of indirectly, i. e., through a process of continued invagination at the blastopore. Accordingly, in the development of modern sharks the blastopore Fig. 67. Diagrams comparing gastrulae of Chimaera and Selachian. A and B, Earlier and later stages in gastrula of Chimeera colliei. C and 1~>, Earlier and later gastrulae of shark (mainly after Riickert). O, Archenteron. dl, Dorsal lip of blastopore. sc, Segmentation cavity, vl. Ventral lip of blastopore. fails to appear within the blastodermal disc, since here it has long been functionless. But obviously the blastopore would again become important in the economy of gastrulation, if nutritive material were brought into its neighborhood by any process in the growth of the blastoderm or in the encroachment of the germinal wall. Thus we may infer that it would again become a functional organ when its position was transferred to the rim of the blastoderm. In this position it still occurs exceptionally, as C. K. Hoffman has shown in Acanthias, * or it may indeed reopen deeper under the rim of the blastoderm, as the majority of investigators maintain. *In a letter, which I am permitted to quote (July, 1903), from Professor Hoffman, the comparison is accepted as follows: "In Chimaera the blastopore is located near and in Acanthias at the rim of the early blastoderm. For the rest the archenteron and the open blastopore of Acanthias agree entirely with those of Chimgera. Acanthias forms the bridge (in this regard) between Chimaera and other sharks and furnishes us the key to the problem of gastrulation of the other sharks." 74 CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. To make the comparison of the gastrulae of Chimaera and Shark more concrete we have figured two stages side by side (fig. 67, A and c, B and D). We need only add to the foregoing text the remark that the archenteron and segmentation cavity are more distinct in Chimaera, and that the differentiation of the embryo takes place in a more restricted area. We append also (fig. 68, A, B, c) a scheme expressing our interpretation of the mode of origin of the meroblastic gastrula in this form. In A is pictured a sagittal section of an early gastrula of a holoblastic type, and between the points marked with asterisks is indicated the narrow zone below which the amount of yolk is supposed to have notably increased. In B, the second stage in this evolution, is a condition not unlike the late gastrula in Chimaera: The yolk mass still segments, and the ventral lip, vl, passes inward and forward as the dorsal lip rolls backward and inward. In c, finally, is attained the condition in sharks: Archenteron and segmentation cavity merge; segmentation is lost in the Fig. 68. -Diagrams suggesting origin of meroblaslic character of egg of shaik. A. Sagittal section of early gastrula of holoblastic egg (e. g., Petromyzon). />. Section showing conditions similar to those in Chimaera colliei (cf. fig. 66). C. Section of gastrula of shark, arch, Archenteron; v!, ventral lip of blastopore ; sc, segmentation cavity. yolk mass, and the latter comes to pass its nutriment into the blastoderm indirectly, i. e., as nourishment for the growth and multiplication of the cells already formed, instead of directly, i. e., in the form of new yolk-filled blastomeres, and from this process there results a smooth germinal wall. This interpretation agrees in general with that lately restated by Ziegler (Lehrbuch Entwicklungsgeschichte, 1901, pp. 352-353); it differs in the interpretation of the fate of the ventral lip of the blastopore. According to the older view the ventral lip remains more or less passive, in the present interpretation it has undergone a marked change; the cells which primitively formed the ventral lip of the blastopore are to be sought in the region vl, on the floor of the archenteron. The de facto ventral lip of the blastopore (i. e. , in all stages but the earliest) is accordingly a secondary structure, which arises from the new conditions attending the overgrowth of the blastoderm. LATER G A STROLL. 75 LATER GASTRUL^E. Surface views of three later gastrulse are pictured in plate v, figs. 33-35, a series in which the body of the embryo becomes distinctly differentiated. In the first it occurs as a lip-like thickening, the blastoderm itself having become some- what larger in diameter and flatter than in the previous stage. In the present specimen, which was examined after my interest was aroused in the matter of the peripherad migration of the yolk-nuclei, these structures could be seen* spread out widely over the neighboring surface of the yolk. Tlfe second stage, plate v, fig. 34, resembles outwardly a shark embryo at Balfour's stage B; the light area in the anterior and median portion of the blastoderm, which marks the cleavage cavity, is, however, larger than in any selachian hitherto described. In the third stage, plate v, fig. 35, the embryo arises as a knob-like eminence, its tail end projecting some- what over the edge of the blastoderm; anteriorly the surface of the blastoderm becomes thin and transparent, and it here assumes a peculiar vesicular character. DETAILS OF THE LATER GASTRULA OF PLATE V, FIG. 35. This stage, although scarcely later than Balfour's stage B in shark nomencla- ture, is remarkable for the concentration of its elements. Thus, if we compare it in point of size with a similar stage in Pristiurus, measuring it always in terms of its blastoderm, it is of much smaller size. At this stage the length of an embryo of Torpedo measures about one-third the diameter of its blastoderm, that of Pristiurus about one-eighth, and that of Chimsera not more than one-twelfth. Moreover, its component parts are already more highly differentiated. A number of details of this stage are given in plate vi, fig. 39, and figs. 39 A-E. In the first of these (fig. 39) the embryo with its adjacent blastoderm is viewed as an opaque object; it appears next in similar position (A) but as a transparent object, showing ectoderm, entoderm, and archenteron. Behind the embryo the surface of the yolk shows a series of lines representing either surface fissures or vacuoles, related, as we have concluded, to lines of cleavage. In the following figures the embryo is viewed from an antero-dorsal direction (B), postero-dorsal (c), postero- median (D), and postero-ventral (E). The mesoblast is well indicated in plate vi, fig- 39 n > a l so the extent of the thickening of the ectoblast forming the posterior margin of the embryonic body. In connection with these figures we may refer to the series, fig. 69 A-M, drawn from sections of this embryo cut parallel to the neighboring rim of the blastoderm (i. e., transverse, although slightly oblique to the axis of the embryo), and point out the following features: (i) The size and definiteness of the gut, an important factor in establishing the contour of the embryonic body; the gut acquires the cavity, gc (which communicates with the yolk region only for a short space near the rim of the blastoderm, c, and accumu- lates around its anterior end the bulk of the mesoblast, mes). (2) The fusion of ecto- and entoblast occurring not merely at the tail end of the embryonic body but *The circumgerminal zone is, however, shown too distinctly in the present figure; its color should resemble rather that in plate v, fig. 34. 76 CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. far forward, almost to the end of the embryonic gut, the band of fusion extending in a narrow zone as denoted at x, fig. 69 n. (3) The concentration of the yolk- entoblast under the embryonic body; this becomes conspicuous quite in front of the embryonic gut, then merges with the gut, then separates from it, and, as the lumen of the gut opens out ventrally, it proceeds backward in a layer finally rounding H D F Fig. 69 A-M. Transverse sections through early embryo and neighboring blastoderm of stage corresponding to that of plate V, fig. 35. The series passes from in front backward. C, Yolk region intruding between caudal folds ; TjUf"'. V A v I ' -" x / J ( H 1 \i SV\ :-: ;-'\v^7*jfer"*. m '" BB HH II DD JE.E FF GG o. p. Q- Figs. 71 O-II. Details in sections of foregoing embryo (continued from page 83). Detail showing transition between yolk region and the cells of the blastoderm. m. Yolk nucleus lying against the wall of the vacuole '. " Zone of large vacuoles. m'. Yolk nucleus now lying within a vacuole, and transformed into V. Zone of small vacuoles and fine germinal yolk. a yolk-surrounded blastomerc. 3/C- Yolk enloderm. Detail of blastoderm, showing at y the division by mitosis of a megasphere lying in the yolk entoderm. Detail of section near the marginal region of the blastoderm, showing single megasphere, y, lying free in the space between ectoderm and yolk entoderm. .'/ Yolk nuclei undergoing division by atypical mitosis and by amitosis. RII. Details showing various phases of division in yolk nuclei. peristomial mesoblast from the entoderm more proximal in position. At some points one is inclined to admit that such a cell as shown in j, ent, is being budded off into the tongue of mesoblast. (Cf. the condition shown in the section N.) In the section F, the notochord is again continuous with the entoderm; the gut region rises, and its lumen is now walled with cells save in its median-ventral line. Here a thin wedge of yolk intrudes. Especially noteworthy is the relation of the yolk to the yolk-entoderm in this region. The latter has again a more MEROCYTES AND BLASTODERM. 85 distinct ventral line of boundary, broken only at points, as at b and b, where cells from the yolk are entering. There can be no question in this regard since the entering cells are distinguishable as large in size, circular in outline, and granular in content. (Cf. sections L, M.) Another noteworthy feature in this section is that some of the ectoderm cells as at c and c, give off amoeboid processes and, I am led to believe, later become detached, contributing to the growth of the mesoblast. A detail of this condition is shown in section j. We may finally note that the body cavity, be, reaches its maximum size in this region of the embryo. In G the floor of the gut becomes cellular ; the notochord is again separate from the gut wall ; and as before merocytes contribute directly to the growth of the yolk entoderm. In n the last-mentioned character is seen even to better advantage, for not only are the large yolk-cells passed into the lateral yolk entoderm, but they appear also high up in the central gut wall, as at^-, and in the region of the peristo- mial mesoblast, as at m. In i, finally, a section is shown passing through the region of the head tip, which now projects forward above the blastoderm. On either side of the gut the mesoblast is distinct, differing in this regard from the condition shown in an elasmobranch (cf. Ziegler's figure 19, n, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. xxxix, Taf. iv). In the neighboring blastoderm, as in the shark, the mesoblast is limited to a small tongue of peristomial cells. Before concluding an account of this stage two of its features still deserve comment, (i) The fissuring of the yolk region. The fissures are usually vertical, as indicated in all the foregoing sections, and may, as we have already seen, be regarded as homologous with cleavage spaces. (2) The mode by which merocytes become cells of the embryo. This heading, however, deserves to be treated in a more formal way. THE TRANSFORMATION OF MEROCYTES INTO CELLS OF THE BLASTODERM. In this connection a number of details of sections of stage D have been figured, figs. 71 K-II, and in examining the series we find evidence, first of all, that merocytes move from a lower into a higher zone of the yolk. Thus, in fig. 7 1 o, the merocytes are elongated in the direction of the yolk-entoderm.* Also in the three sections L, M, and N we observe a great yolk cell (megasphere)f first deep in *That this is connected with a migration of these elements in the direction of the surface of the cell mass is known by analogy witness the behavior of slime cells in the skin of amphibians and fishes (e. g., Homea). tThe tnegaspheres can have little to do with primitive ova, since they occur widely scattered throughout the blastoderm. Thus in fig. 71 H one is arising at the extreme rim of the blastoderm, in F several are seen midway between the embryo and the rim of the blastoderm, in H one occurs near the middle of the floor of the gut; others appear in mesoderm and others still in ectoderm. In these several regions they are seen to undergo division, losing more and more of their appearance as megaspheres (v. fig. 71 p). It can not be believed, therefore, that these elements are to be regarded as primitive ova, destined to carry the segregated germ plasm into the embryonic genital folds, for this would involve a conception of primitive ova traveling about extravagantly, from the gut wall to the rim of the blas- toderm, a conception the more improbable when we consider that the urogenital region, to which primitive eggs naturally belong, is already indicated by this stage, as at a, fig. 71 G. On the other hand, it follows, I believe, that the evidence provided by Chimaera strengthens materially the position of Ruckert that the megaspheres in elasmo- branchs are to be regarded not as primitive ova but as highly specialized bearers of nutriment, capable of carrying into the midst of embryonic tissues centers of new formative energy. These as single large cells could be passed through the intervening tissue more effectively than could the many small cells to which they give rise, for the resistance of an embryonic tissue to the penetration of cells is obviously proportioned to the surface-contact of the invading cells. g 6 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. the germinal wall, next having just emerged from the germinal wall, and finally having almost passed through the niveau of the yolk-entoderm. We have even data indicating how the upward migration of such a megasphere takes place. One sees in L a line of vacuoles appearing between the megasphere and the yolk- entoderm, and it follows clearly that the vacuoles, by a process of coalescence, provide a less resisting space into which the megasphere can rise. Regarding, in the next place, the fate of the megaspheres, I think that there can be no doubt that they serve to bear nutriment to the tissue which they enter. In some cases, as in fig. 71 p, at y, they undergo mitotic division (after having divided only by amitosis in the yolk), and their descendants can not be distinguished from the neighboring cells. In other cases, M and N, they become closely surrounded by cells, entoderm in the present case, which form around them a syncytium, and appear to serve as nutriment distributors; witness for example the grouping of the cells around the large megasphere in M, and the radiating arrangement of the cells adjacent to the cluster; even the ectoderm is budding off a cell at the point nearest the megasphere. In a word, I think we can fairly conclude that in Chimaera, even in this late stage, cells are constantly being added to the blastoderm from the germinal wall. This condition maintains in the case of the megaspheres, as we have just noted, and it holds equally good for other types of cellular additions to the blastoderm. We thus observe in o (a detail of section G) that between the yolk-entoderm (yc), and the wall of fine yolk (y) is a vacuolar zone,* in which merocyte elements are being ferried over to become cells of the blastoderm; thus at v' is a vacuole into which the merocyte (m) is about to pass. It is to be noted, however, that cells may also appear in the finer yolk, and thence by the mediation of an enveloping vacuole be passed upward into the vacuolar zone, thence to the blastoderm (cf. in fig. 710, at /). That throughout these stages there is a general transformation of the yolk from coarser elements into finer elements there can be no question. Deep in the yolk appear nuclei surrounded by spherical masses of finer yolk, in turn surrounded by masses of coarser yolk, in turn more or less irregularly by a system of vacuoles (= intercellular spaces) fig. 71 K. There is, to be sure, a greater or less amount of coalescence of these yolk elements, and in the zone close to the entoderm we observe that the nuclei with their surrounding fine yolk have come to merge into a single layer (= the zone of merocytes of the subgerminal wall). It is from the elements of this layer in turn that some cellular additions to the blastoderm are made. The nuclear changes which occur during the process of their "levitation" are worthy of especial comment, for while the cells of the yolk-entoderm now divide by mitosis (as in o), the nuclei of the region below the vacuolar zone divide amitotically, *Similar conditions have been observed in the early stages of teleosts (cf., among others, Hoffmann, Zeit. wiss. Zool., vol. XLVI (1888), pi. xxxv, a paper, by the way, which is too little referred to in recent work on teleostean embryology). MEROCYTES AND BLASTODERM. 87 and under varied and striking forms albeit in a series more or less gradational (/. e. , showing more decided mitotic character) as one passes from a lower to a higher zone in the yolk substance. To illustrate various types of division: In R, in a sphere of fine yolk is a nucleus about to divide amitotically* ; in s a similar nucleus has undergone such a division, in this case four nuclei resulting. In a somewhat similar case, T, noteworthy growth in two of the resultant nuclei has occurred; they have, in fact, passed out of the sphere of finer into the coarser yolk. In u three similar and large nuclei result. _In v, which represents a later stage of the condition shown in T or u, and is drawn similarly from deep in the yolk region of a section (c. g., as seen at several points in K), continued amitosis occurs; here one of the larger nuclei, especially, is seen to be budding off a small nucleus, and it has already apparently budded off several. In w, a similar detail indicates the great rapidity with which nuclei may arise; a large nucleus at one point has given off a small one, while at a neighboring point almost simultaneously (judging from the close position of the small nucleus) it is budding out a long process which is about to be separated not into a single new nucleus but into two. In x seven nuclei have arisen from a single center (? sphere substance) in the fine yolk, and of these one has undergone rearrangement in its chromatin material. Of this a dense mass occupies the center of the nucleus and is connected with the nuclear wall by a series of radiating linin strands. In Y a somewhat similar nucleus is shown in detail; at one side it is apposed to the finer yolk (= ? sphere substance) and here the mass of chromatin approaches, indeed almost touches the nuclear membrane (for nutritive reasons?). In another nucleus, z, the chromatin mass shows a doubled arrangement, preliminary, as it appears, to a stage in division shown in AA, FF, and possibly in BE. In turn the doubled nucleus in cc is obviously a further stage than AA, but it shows also around it a series of (five) smaller nuclei which, from their radiating arrangement around the dividing nucleus in the center of the fine yolk, are possibly the descendants of a similar type of nuclear division. In DD a nucleus shows a less distinct doubling of its chromatic elements than AA-CC. And in EE a distinct threefold division occurs. GG represents a stage in division carried further than cc, the neighboring nucleus having probably arisen from a similar division. In IIH are two neighboring nuclei, the products, we conclude, of a division like that of GG and cc : but, curiously enough, they are undergoing division in different ways. The upper, near which appears an attraction sphere and centrosome, has arrayed its chromatin in two masses nearly equal in size, each suggesting a confused series of chromosomes; the lower is simply passing out a portion of its chromatic substance into the fine yolk. In n, the last of the series given, two nuclei appear; they are evidently products of such a division as GG, and each in turn is about to undergo division. The lower one is noteworthy, since the division of the chromatin material is practically completed in the middle of the nucleus. It may be said in general that the nuclear processes which here approximate mitosis (cc or HH) are observed in the region immediately subjacent to the yolk entoderm. *A similar condition in the embryonic germ cells of Loligo appears to be due to rapid growth, and is not followed by fragmentation (Miss Sturges, Science, 1899, Feb. 3, pp. 183-184). gg CHIM/EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. In summary: The evidence which is thus provided strengthens the conclusion that in the gastrulation of Chimsera amitosis is not to be interpreted in accordance with the current view, i. e., as a process of decadent cell division. It is conditioned, rather, by rapid growth and multiplication of nuclei, since its products may resume mitosis when the usual rate of cellular division is attained. Moreover, the products of amitotic division in the blastoderm of Chimsera, are too many and too widely scat- tered to warrant the belief that their cellular descendants can play no part in producing permanent organs LATER GASTRULA. EMBRYO WITH PARTLY CLOSED MEDULLARY FOLDS. This stage is figured in surface view, plate v, fig. 37, and enlarged, viewed as a transparent object, in plate vi, fig. 41. It corresponds approximately with Bal- four's stage F in the shark. Comparing the blastoderm of this with the preceding stage, we find that it has increased but little in size. The spongy region, however, which occupies its central portion appears more prominently, and we observe a noteworthy thickening in the region of mesoblast (gastral) extending outward on either side of the embryo. The details of the embryo are well seen in a toto preparation. The medullary folds arch over and meet in the median line, fusing in the posterior third of the embryo's length. In front of this, after a slight interruption, the folds meet again, then diverge to a degree suggesting the corresponding stage of shark. The tail folds are conspicuous at this stage, and we observe that the gut has arched upward, a transverse line showing where a neurenteric canal is to open below. On either side in this region the mesoblast is thickened, fading away laterally. Here are forming the extensive caudal veins. Other vascular details are shown in the antero-median vessel (apparently vitelline vein) which appears immediately in front of the head and spreads out widely over the blood-producing region. We note also transverse larger vessels, the vitello-intestinal, extending outward on either side to about an equal distance. Gastral mesoblast is conspicuous in this stage; in this may be traced about a dozen somites, the anterior ones extending far forward. DETAILS OF FOREGOING STAGE, CORRESPONDING TO BALFOUR'S STAGE F. Sections are shown in fig. 72 A-E passing through the blastoderm in a plane transverse to the axis of the embryo. In the first, which passes through the tail region of the embryo, we observe that the mesoblast bands (mes) are continuous with the entoderm not in the region adjacent to the notochord but marginally (cf. the view of Graham Kerr as to this place of origin in the vertebrate gut pouches); near by the entoderm (eni) thickens conspicuously, then thins again as it passes into the notochord. Only at the open notch between the tail folds does the lumen of the nerve tube pass over into the wide space (cf. fig. 7 1 A) which is coming to form the cavity of the gut. It will be seen that it is especially the thickening of the entoderm and the constricted origin of the mesoderm which in the transparent preparation (plate vi, fig. 41) causes the appearance of a dark band in the region of the tail folds of the embryo. In fig. 72 B similar conditions in gastral mesoblast and DETAILS OF EARLY EMBRYO. 8 9 B Figs. 72 A E. Transverse sections and details of the blastoderm shown in fig. 72. The sections pass anteriorward from the region of the caudal folds, shown in section A, as far as the "neck" region of the embryo, section E. (I. Beginnings of segmental duct. met. Mesoderm. ect. Ectoderm at the point where this becomes continuous with the !/. Yollt lying free in the gul cavity. mesoderm in the tail folds o( the embryo. ' Urogenilal anlage. '"' Enloderm. 90 CHIM^ROID PISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. entoderm prevail; the thickened ectoderm at ect marks a point at which this layer is making cellular additions to the mesoblast; it represents the marginal point where the tail fold and the margin of the blastoderm meet. At other points also, the mesoblast is receiving increments ; in addition to the gastral mesoblast we note cells arising from the wall of the yolk-entoderm midway between the cavity of the gut and the periphery of the blastoderm, and we see further that an invasion of Figs. 72 F-K. Details of the region of the yolk-entoderm of fig. 72. In /' the region is indicated in detail which lies immediately below and at the side of the arching wall of the gut. (Cf. fig. 72 E.) " Large vacuolar nucleus which appears on the point of undergoing reconstitution Wl. Megasphere. into a cell of the yolk-entoderm. SffZ. Subgerminal zone, ft. Nucleus similar to foregoing, but in a less advanced condition. V. Vacuolar zone. r, c', (1. Cells which have recently been differentiated out of the germinal wall. ?/''- Yolk entoderm. G, H, and I illustrate particularly the zone of reconstruction of yolk-entoblast cells from yolk nuclei. In J a telophase occurs, repre- senting a rare condition in the subgerminal zone. In K, similarly, a telophase occurs in a megasphere. The latter has, however, passed through the zone of vacuoles and lies in the yolk-entoderm. In this neighborhood, however, as we note at the left, a syncytial condition may be present. cells from the periphery of the blastoderm has occurred, in the form of a crease- shaped invagination. In c the dorsal wall is sharply distinguished from the sides of the gut. On the floor of the latter appear small masses of yolk, y, which can only serve, as already noted, as ingested nutriment. The mesoblast in this region shows considerable differentiation; myotomes are sharply marked off; the gono- DETAILS OF EARLY EMBRYO. 91 nephrotomal zone is of notable size; at d and in the adjacent cell-mass (at the left) are the beginnings of the pronephric tubules; and below at x appears the thickening of the mesentoderm whence arises the posterior portion of the pronephric duct. In a section, D, passing through a more anterior region of the embryo, the urogenital structures are practically undifferentiated; the mesoblast extending continuously from the notochord to the periphery of the blastoderm. In this region the mesoblast probably receives little or no increment from the yolk-ento- derm, judging from the latter 's smooth surface, save only at or near the margin of the blastoderm. Below the yolk-entoderm in this region the subgerminal zone of nuclei is more conspicuous and definite than in the early stage, fig. 71 E, and this zone, indeed, appears with even greater prominence in the more anterior section, fig. 72 E (to be contrasted with fig. 71 F or G). It will here also be seen that divi- sion of the mesoblast into splanchno- and somatopleure is occurring, and that the lateral wall of the gut is more definitely established. A detail, shown in F, indicates the more special relation of the subgerminal zone to the marginal cells of the gut cavity. The subgerminal zone is here reduced to a narrow tongue (cf. also E), which inserts itself under the thickened mass of cells at the base of the gut wall, in the direction of the lumen of the gut. In the present detail the base of the gut wall is shown at gw, the yolk-entoderm at ye, the vacuolar layer at v, and the subgerminal zone at sgz. We note first of all the narrow- ness of the vacuolar layer, through the intervention of which we have seen (fig. 7 1 o) yolk nuclei become cells of the embryo, a condition indicating the specialization of this region. In this zone (v), furthermore, we see large nuclei which are evidently in transition between yolk and embryo, and at m a megasphere which has just passed through it, the vacuoles becoming reconstituted below. Most significant in the region of the rim of the gut wall is the concentration of the elements of the subgerminal zone, coarse yolk, fine yolk, lacunae, vacuoles and yolk nuclei of different kinds, the continuation (to the left) of the vacuolar layer, and the compounding of its vacuoles characters which are obviously to be interpreted as more special and complicated than in the earlier stage. A few additional details may be cited. In G, where nuclei are passing through the vacuolar zone and becoming cells, we observe that at c a nucleus which has been taken into a large vacuole (a process forming now a reconstituted cell), is still dividing amitotically, and that at c' a similar division has recently occurred, indi- cating in both cases, as we have before remarked, that the difference between ami- totic and mitotic division is one of degree rather than of kind. In H, a detail from a section close to fig. 72 E, a point is figured where merocytes and newly constituted yolk-entoderm cells occur in such confusion that it is difficult to say where the layer of merocytes terminates and where the cells of the embryo begin. And the same is true of the detail shown in i. In the last figure, on the other hand, merocytes are still multiplying, even at a point close to the yolk-entoderm. In j, a detail of the vacuolar region, cells are arising from merocytes; at b a merocyte, less vesicular than , adjoins a vacuole into which it will probably pass, judging from transitional conditions (cf. the neighboring c). And even in the vacuolar layer such newly 9 2 CHIM^.ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. constituted cells may divide, and by mitosis, although this is not of the usual type (cf. at^). In this connection, finally, in K a detail is given showing that megaspheres as they pass into the yolk-entoderm present more or less evident mitosis, witness the conditions m and m (cf. also fig. 72 F at m). Parenthetically, just below the megaspheres here mentioned are vacuoles into which merocytes are passing. EARLY EMBRYOS FROM THE COMPLETE CLOSURE OF MEDULLARY FOLDS TO OPENING OF GILL-CLEFTS. An early embryo attached to its blastoderm is shown in plate v, fig. 38. This may be contrasted with the stage of closing medullary folds shown in same plate, fig. 37. In the blastoderm we observe that the spongy central area has increased notably in size and that it has even extended to the anterior rim of the blastoderm. We note also that asymmetry has made its appearance, the embryo now lying some- what on its right side. The present blastoderm has increased more rapidly at its left, and here a lobe-like eminence is produced hindward over the yolk. The entire size of the blastoderm is scarcely larger than in the preceding figure. The embryo is shown in detail, plate vi, as an opaque, fig. 41", and then as a transpar- ent object, fig. 4i b . In general this stage corresponds with Balfour's stage G in shark; it differs, however, in the definiteness of its structures, for the anterior region has already become quite highly differentiated in spite of the fact that the tail region is still flattened out against the yolk and hardly protrudes beyond the rim of the blastoderm. About 22 segments are present in this stage. The head rises above the blastoderm and the divisions of the brain and the optic vesicles are formed, and it is an evidence of the high specialization in development that the embryo of this large-eyed form should possess large optic vesicles at this early period, i. e., before the tail end of the body is established, a fact of considerable interest from the standpoint of embryonic adaptation. In this stage two gill-slits are appearing, g 3 , g". The region of the pronephros is marked out at pn, the heart at h, the anterior cardinal vessels at c, and the vitello-intestinal at o. In the tail region the neurenteric canal is distinctly seen at n. DETAILS OF THE PRESENT EMBRYO (STAGE G). A series of selected transverse sections of this embryo may now be passed in review to indicate the more prominent advances, figs. 73 A-UU. The anterior sections A-D pass through the ectoderm inclosing the tip of the head and show a conspicuous median infolding (recessus olfactorius impar) which in surface view gives the appearance of separating a "forebrain" from a "right optic vesicle," the sections having been cut in the plane indicated by the dotted line in plate vi, fig. 4i b . The next section (E) touches the distinct end of the central nervous system, the wall of which is more extensively traversed in F and G. In H, i, and j, the lumen of the forebrain is traversed. In K and L, representing many sections, the cavities of the optic vesicles appear, and we observe here closely apposed to the ventro- median wall of the brain a mass of cells which in later sections is seen to constitute the anterior end of both notochord and gut. In sections M and N this cell mass forms a conspicuous ventral keel, in N the lumen of the gut first appearing. In o and p DETAILS OF EARLY EMBRYO. 93 F H Figs. 73 AS. Transverse sections of embryo shown in plate V, fig. 38, and in plate VI, figs. 41 and 41 A. These begin at the head end of the embryo, section A, and extend through 47 sections to the tip of the tail, section UU (see pages 94 and 95.) fft Gut cavity; n, notochord; *i somite. CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. cc DD be. Body cavity. (/' . .. Heart. Figs. 73 T-EE Continued. nc. Neural crest, in. Subnotochordal rod. y. Yolk lying free in cavity of gut. DETAILS OF EARLY EMBRYO. 95 r\ HH Figs. 73 FF-UU. Continued. w. Wedge-shaped mast of yolk which cornel to pass into the ventral wall of the gut cavity. 9 6 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. we distinguish in this ventral cell mass a lower lumen-bearing area and above a thickened mass, on either side of which, attached but not fused, lies a solid mass of mesoblast. In Q we distinguish notochord and gut (, g}; on either side of the notochord the mesoblastic somite (s) bears a cavity. In R the mesoblastic sacs are well separated from both notochord and gut, and the notochord itself, greatly reduced in size, shows a compressed and almost longitudinally subdivided appear- ance. In s, the body of the embryo is becoming flattened on its side; the lumen of the gut is deep and narrow; closely apposed to its sides are the mesoblastic masses whose lumen now becomes greatly reduced ; on the dorsal median wall of the gut appear the beginnings of a subnotochordal rod. From this stage onward the lumen of the central nervous system becomes notably reduced. In T the section passes through the embryo in the plane where the neck region flattens out over the yolk. Here we note the distinct subnotochordal rod (sn) and the flattening mesoblast which now forms a delicate band almost surrounding the gut. In the surface view of this region, on the other hand, only the thickened proximal ends of the mesoblast masses can be distinguished. In u, where the neck is flattened out, the heart appears at h; and in the upper region of the gut we note the thickening of the wall of the gill-slit, the cavity of which is seen in the preceding section at^ 1 . In v, as indeed in some of the earlier sections, a thickened neural crest appears at nc. In w the body cavity (be) is becoming conspicuous. In x the somato- and splanchno- pleure spread out widely peripherally; in the gut we notice in the thickening of the lateral walls an out-bending for the second gill-slit (cf. in z, g 11 ) and in the cavity of the gut in this and in many sections following we find masses of yolk. These masses, sometimes small, as in sections z, AA, BB, EE, sometimes large, as in Y, cc, DD, are unquestionably budded out (as in EE and HH) of the ventro-median wall of the gut. On account of their abundance and range in size we can not conclude that they are artifacts, but, on the other hand, if we regard them as normal structures, it is natural to assume that they serve as food material, and are assimi- lated by the gut in the usual way. This conclusion, simple as it seems, is none the less difficult, since it attributes to Chimaera an embryological process which appears to be unknown in the vertebrata and only remotely paralleled among invertebrates. If, accordingly, we accept the present evidence, it follows that Chimaera is to be regarded as the terminal member of an evolutional series, at one end of which were forms whose yolk-laden cells contributed directly to the growth of the young; next came those whose yolk-filled cells contributed indirectly to the growth of the young through various processes, typically through the intervention of merocytes; and finally, in Chimsera, the mode of nutrition by merocytes is supplemented by a still more oblique process, i. e., one which passes fragmented yolk material from the zone of merocytes directly into the lumen of the gut. Continuing the sections: In GG, and in many sections following, a wedge-shaped mass of yolk material (w) is converging toward the ventro-median line of the gut (v. also p. 76); in LL it becomes subdivided, and in MM appears a small recess which may also contain this nutriment (? anlage of liver). In jj and in following YOLK AND YOLK-ENTODERM IN EARLY EMBRYO. 97 sections the pronephric duct appears, at first only on the left side, as an ectodermal keel, beginning about the plane of the 8th somite. Thence, passing backward, it merges with the somatopleure at about the plane of the 1 2th somite, after MM. In this section the subnotochordal rod appears for the last time. In oo the notochord dips into the dorsal wall of the gut; and in PP it forms an evagination of its wall. QQ and RR are sections through the neurenteric canal, and ss to uu through the tail end. Two further details of this stage are shown "in figures 74 and 75. The former of a section close to that of fig. 73 LL, the latter from a section close to fig. 73 G, representing only a detail of the extra-embryonic blastoderm lying under the region of the head. Fig. 74 has been given to illustrate the ingress of yolk material through the ventral wall of the gut, for here is seen the wedge of yolk protruding through the thickened mass of yolk-entoderm cells, but under conditions which bespeak the complicated nature of the process. For the rest, there is here not a mere rupture which admits the yolk into the cavity of the gut, but an attendant Fig. 74. Detail of section of early embryo shown in fig. 73 LL. y. Yolk plug pressing into cavity o( gut ; V'.y",v"', layers of yolk of different consistencies. series of changes of which the "rupture" itself is, with fair probability, the terminal member. Thus the wedge-shaped mass of yolk (y) is composed of fine yolk; it next passes through a transitional zone (_/) into the coarse yolk (y"). And on either side of the wedge lies a layer of very coarse yolk (j/"), which obviously comes into close physiological rapport with the neighboring layers, for this thickens as it approaches the,.yolk-wedge, and here it is filled with nuclei of extraordinary size. Indeed on one, side (left) we note that this layer of coarse yolk is separated from the yolk-entoderm by a layer-like offshoot of the fine yolk (j/) from near the point of the wedge. We observe also the relation which the bordering yolk-entoderm bears to the point of the yolk-wedge, for this layer is here many times thicker than in neighboring regions. The yolk-wedge, in short, which passes into the cavity of the gut stands in specialized relation (i) to the usual mass of yolk, i. e., spreading out fan-shaped below, thus securing a large surface of contact; (2) to the lateral areas of coarse yolk; (3) to the lateral masses of yolk-entoblast, and (4) finally, as we 9 8 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Fig. 75. Detail of extra-embryonic region of embryo of fig. 73. . Ectoderm; m, maoblut ; meg, meg', gigantic yolk-cells ; , vacuole; ,V< i yolk-entoderm. have already seen, to the walls of the gut, since it passes to them yolk masses, large and small, and perhaps also dissolved yolk material. In evidence of the nutritive value of this material witness numerous mitoses in the adjacent (inmost) cells of the entoderm one of which appears in the present section. In fig. 75 a detail is given of the process by which yolk-cells are passed into the tissues of the embryo. In this portion of the extra-embryonic blasto- derm the mesoderm occurs only as detached (mesenchymatous) cells (m); the ectoderm forms a single-celled layer, and the entoderm a closely formed cellular mass (j'e). Between the entoderm and the yolk is the usual zone of vacuoles (v). At meg a large yolk-filled cell (cf. pp. 83 et seq.) pro- trudes from the yolk into the entoderm, the cells of the latter affording little bar to its progress upward. In this connection we note that the huge cell (meg) lies now within a vacuole in whose wall yolk-nuclei appear; indeed at one point a yolk- nucleus has actually entered the vacuole. In the same figure at meg' is a large cell (cut not quite through the middle) which has evidently had a similar origin to meg; for from its size it can not be confused with a neighboring cell of any germ layer. It contains coarse yolk, and on account of its irregular outline, judging from earlier instances, it has probably undergone division by amitosis. ADDITIONAL EMBRYOS OF THIS PERIOD. A second embryo of this period, i. e., prior to the breaking through of gills and mouth, is shown on plate vn, figs. 42, 42" and 42**, and on plate vni, fig. 42. The present specimen is badly bent in its trunk region, but in other regards it may be readily compared with the earlier stage, plate vi, fig. 41. The chief advances include: (i) the modeling of the trunk, in whose hindmost region only appears the former flattened condition; (2) the appearance of auditory sacs (); (3) the model- ing of optic vesicles (pp)\ the protrusion of the forebrain region into a frontal knob (). The general shape of the head, as shown in dorsal view, already suggests the adult condition, in spite of the small size of the embryo. This noj^ measures only 2. 5 mm. , not allowing for the bent trunk region. The tail at this stage protrudes beyond the rim of the blastoderm, its tip budding out like a knob beyond the flat- tened caudal eminence. About 25 somites are present. A third embryo, plate vn, figs. 43 and 43", shows over sixty somites, and gives us a picture of the young Chimaera at about the end of the first month of incubation. In this stage over sixty somites are present, and the tail bud has EARLY EMBRYOS. 99 grown out conspicuously. The broad flattened trunk terminal of the preceding embryo is here represented, and at a the anal region, a point anterior to which the number of somites corresponds in a general way to that in the earlier stage. Noteworthy advances include: (1) A more definite modeling of the regions of head and trunk. The latter has now lifted up above the surrounding blastoderm, and the head (including the chin region) has separated from the yolk-wall. (2) The gill-slits are now conspicuous, although, as sections show, they have not yet broken through; we note that the spiracular slit s, evidently the equivalent of g 1 in the former stage, is of considerable size; behind it occur three prominent depressions and the trace of fourth and fifth. (3) The appearance of pronephros and pronephric duct; the pronephros itself is situated at the plane of the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth somites, as can better be seen in the transparent preparation in the same embryo, plate vn, fig. 43. (4) The knob-like terminal eminence of the head region has greatly increased in size. A fourth embryo of this period is shown as a transparent preparation in plate vir, fig. 44. It contains a greater number of somites than the preceding, over 80 as opposed to over 60, but in many regards it appears to be less advanced in devel- opment. Thus we note that its head region appears somewhat less mature than in the former embryo; the chin is less definitely established and so also the gill-slits are shallower and the optic and auditory vesicles and the pronephros less definite. The tail, moreover, is less pointed, even bulbous where the terminal growth is taking place. In this stage we note the presence of a conspicuous postanal gut. The details of the vascular supply of the gill region are well shown ; the spiracular artery is conspicuous, and, further hindward, we observe the duct of the pronephros (pnd) and the postanal gut pag. A series of characteristic sections of this stage is given in figures 76 A-N. These show a general correspondence to the conditions of the young shark. In fig. c the premandibular head cavity (pm) is shown; in D the mandibular (m). In this section also we observe that the mouth has not yet broken through. In later sections, as in E, F, H, i, and K, we note that the gill-slits have not been com- pleted; fusions of the gut wall with the ectoderm have, however, occurred. We note in section M, passing through the pronephric tubules, that the relation of these structures corresponds closely to that in the young shark. A subnotochordal rod, conspicuous in the earlier stage, is here represented only in a rudimentary condition, as in N ; the gut has separated from the notochord and the main vascular trunks now appear in the region formerly occupied by the subnotochordal rod. The present stage corresponds closely with that of the shark in which the mesoblast bounds a continuous myo-, nephro-, and splanchno-ccele. In Chimera, however, continuity in these regions is less clearly marked, a feature which evinces greater develop- mental specialization, i. e. , in masking an archaic condition and preparing the way for the prompter growth of structures useful to the young fish. 100 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. THE RELATION OF THE BLASTODERM AND YOLK AT THIS STAGE. As already noted (p. 58), the egg of Chimaera has by this time undergone a process of fragmentation. The bulk of the egg subdivides in the direction of pro- ducing for the embryo nutriment to be appropriated via gills and gut; a single mass Fig*- 76 A-N. Transverse sections of the embryo shown in plate VII, fig. 44. Wl, Mandibular head cavity ; /"'* , premandibular head cavity. YOLK-SAC OF EARLY EMBRYO. IOI only, representing about one-tenth the bulk of the unsegmented egg, is reserved for the yolk-sac of the young fish. In the stage last described (i. e., of plate vn, fig. 44), in spite of the advanced characters of the embryo, the blastoderm has not increased vastly in size beyond that shown in plate v, fig. 38. It has, however, as we see in plate vm, fig. 47, constricted marginally, becoming cup-shaped, as it continues. to envelop the small yolk mass. How far it has succeeded in inclosing the yolk 'is : p'erhaps better seen in the details of the last figure, shown in figs. 47 a _and 47 b / ' /, : '''.''">'.',' ':'''. ''. A The relation of yolk and blastoderm is pictured in detail" in fig. 77, 'a section passing through the blastoderm parallel to the long axis of the embryo. At the points mb and mb', the rim of the blastoderm comes in contact with the yolk ; above mb the blastoderm is thickened and spongy; for, as a sign that the body of the embryo lay adjacent, this region is richly vascular. Noteworthy here is a deep sub- marginal sinus (ms) whose posterior wall (c) is cellular. We have in this condition a physiological parallel with the submarginal space in ganoids, and more directly even with Kupffer's vesicle in teleosts. On the ventral side of the blastodermic cap (on the left in the figure) the vascular sponginess is largely lost ; and the blastoderm is thin, save only at its rim (mb'). And here in place of a deep submarginal sinus, a number of distinct blood- producing vesicles appear (ms) scattered distally in a narrow zone of finely divided yolk (fy). From another standpoint, finally, the present section is noteworthy. For it shows that the entire yolk-sac is divided into masses which are largely separated from one another by a system of fissure-like vacuoles. Closer inspection shows nuclei scattered irregularly through these masses of yolk, and, everything considered, I think we can therefore justly conclude that the yolk-sac at this stage, in spite of its relatively large size, is a totally segmented structure comparable with the yolk-sac of Amia or Ichthyophis. In the present case, it is true, the yolk masses (blastomeres) show a condition of greater or less attachment to their neighbors, and each mass will usually contain more than a single nucleus. But even in this event, the comparison will, I believe, hold. In some cases the shape of the yolk masses is distinctly blastomere-like, as between the vacuoles (v) in the present section. Viewed from this standpoint, accordingly, Chimsera has retained a primitive embryological character, holoblastic cleavage; but we can hardly fail to observe that this character has lost much of its primitiveness inasmuch as the blastomeres are polynuclear and the intercellular spaces obviously adapted as reservoirs of nutriment. Fig. 77. Section of extra-embryonic region and of upper part of yolk-sac of stage of plate VIII, fig. 47. c. Cellular area ; mb, mb', margin of blastoderm: ms, marginal sinus ; /.'/i fluid yolk ; V, vacuoles. I02 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. LATE EMBRYOS. EMBRYOS FROM THE APPEARANCE OF GILL-OPENINGS TO THE TIME OF HATCHING. Four specimens illustrating this period are described on the following pages. The first of these, shown in toto (plate vn, fig. 45), illustrates a stage in which all five gill-slits are cle.arly shown, but of these only the first has completely broken through, tha,t lying immediately below the auditory vesicle. In front of this the spiracular cleft is faintly outlined. The entire head region is modeled clearly, and the anterior "end of the -embryo has separated from the blastoderm as far back as the region immediately behind the heart. The tail has greatly elongated and has entirely lost the bulbous terminal which we noted in the earlier embryo. The region immediately adjacent to the embryo is divided up into a spongy mass by many blood-vessels; we observe also that the blastoderm has almost com- pletely inclosed the attached yolk mass, a small yolk plug only being visible at the hinder end of the yolk-sac. This condition is shown in plate vm, fig. 48. Here, through the rim of the blastoderm one can faintly see the extent of the submarginal sinus which was noted in the preceding stage. From it now extend many vessels, as indicated in the figure. The region of the yolk plug is figured in plate vm, fig. 48", as viewed under a dissecting microscope. It shows an interesting condition in connection with the holoblastic behavior of the yolk; for a number of irregular masses are visible, outlined, it appears, by vacuoles, and suggest yolk-filled blasto- meres. It will be observed, however, that the contours of the yolk masses are less definite as they approach the irregular rim of the blastoderm. (Cf. fig. 77.) Sections of this stage are shown in the adjacent figures. In the first (fig. 78) the mouth (i. e., its hinder portion) and auditory vesicles are traversed; the mouth has not yet broken through nor has the neighboring gill-slit, the hyomandibular. We note that the auditory vesicle is now a thick-walled sac opening broadly at the surface; that a subnotochordal rod is present; that the brain wall in this region (hind- brain) is remarkably thick and asymmetrical, and that the fifth ventricle is corre- spondingly reduced in diameter. A section through the mid-trunk (fig. 79) indicates that in this region the trunk is spread out more widely than in the corresponding or, in fact, in any stage in the shark. The splanchnocoele (spc) is of great size, and its walls, both splanchnic and somatic, contain large spaces. The myocoele is virtually obliterated, although its margining cells have not fused across its earlier opening into the gononephrocrele. The last region is not clearly demarked; atpn a pronephric tubule appears in the position usual in elasmobranch. At df the early condition of the dorsal fin corresponds closely with that of a shark embryo. A second embryo (plate vn, fig. 46) slightly older than the preceding, was one of the specimens received from Dr. Wilbur. It had with it only a small fragment of the blastoderm, and at the time of preservation the embryo appears to have turned in a position nearly transverse to its usual one. At this stage the tail protruded widely over the rim of the blastoderm, and it follows, therefore, that, probably as an individual variation, the blastoderm has not as completely inclosed DETAILS OF LATER EMBRYO. 103 the yolk as in the former specimen. A more detailed examination of this embryo shows that two gill-slits have broken through. The mouth, moreover, is more nearly completed, the mandible appearing and the visceral region having a more advanced contour. The pronephros is conspicuous. The pectoral fin is present as a longitud- inal dermal ridge. The tail, judging from its twisted condition, is evidently capable of active movements. This, however, in its detailed structure, as shown in a trans- parent preparation (plate vm, fig. 46") is still distinctly immature; its tip retains a neurenteric canal (nc), and a postanal gut (pag)._ In the latter the irregularity at the point x is probably artifact. The present embryo measured about 20 mm. in length. 78 Fig. 78. Transverse section passing through the posterior head region of embryo of plate VII, fig. 42. At the right the section traverses an auditory vesicle and the hyomandibular evagination. The latter fuses with the ectoderm, which here invaginatesi but no opening has as yet been formed. Fig. 79. Transverse section through the middle of the trunk region of the preceding embryo. df. Ectodermal anlage of dorsal fin. P. Pronephros. J>C. Body cavity. hb. Hyomandibular evagination. * Subnolochordal rod. A third embryo of this stage is pictured in plate vm, fig. 49" to d . It measured about 35 mm. in length, and was observed living. It was this embryo whose capsule was taken accidentally on a trawl line during one of the writer's visits at Pacific Grove. As already noted, it was found developing in a creamy fluid. When placed in a watch-glass, its general position and color were as here repre- sented. It lay for a while on its side, its diminutive yolk-sac extending outward from the body and the delicate tail region showing constant undulatory movements. Most conspicuous were the bright-colored vessels on the yolk-sac, which outlined a vitelline circulation obviously shark-like. The visceral cavity showed red through the delicate wall, and in the gill region there were prominent bead-like dilatations, brilliant in color. One notes the bright red spot under the eye, which was later CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. found by sections to represent the spiracle.* Further details of the gill region are given in fig. 49". In the various figures given of this embryo we note a number of advancing structures : (1) The eyes are now well formed, protrude widely from the head, and are provided with a conspicuous lens. (2) The region of the snout shows distinct modeling. Olfactory pits are present and are separate from the rim of the mouth. The snout region, it will be seen by reviewing the preceding figures, notably plate vn, figs. 44-46, does not cor- respond to the greatly dilated eminence which forms the cap-like knob surmounting the head. This appears rather in the region of the forebrain, and the writer does not, therefore, agree in the conclusions of Schauinsland (who, however, it will be borne in mind, examined Callorhynchus, not Chimaera) as to the fate of this singular organ. It has, we suggest, the function of providing for the growth of the contour of the antero-dorsal head regionf rather than for the framework of the snout, as Schauinsland suggests. (3) The mouth has broken through, and its margins are thickened. It shows distinct movements, although at irregular intervals, in the living young. Between the rim of the upper jaw and the eye appears the spiracle, and in a remarkably anterior position contrasted with that of an elasmobranch. (4) The five gill-arches (plate vm, fig. 49 d ) show well-developed lamellae on their anterior margins, and from these are produced the external gills. The latter extend outward on either side to a distance equal to about the diameter of the head between the eyes. The presence of dilated spaces, blood-filled, in the external gills has already been recorded. It is worthy of note, perhaps, that when the present specimen was preserved masses of yolk (plate vm, fig. 49 b ) were found adhering to the gill-filaments, a fact which may have some significance, since the blood- dilated spaces appeared at points adjacent to the attached yolk masses. In this stage, it may be added, the fifth gill-slit has not as yet broken through. (5) The fins are well established. The lobe of the anterior dorsal fin, however, shows as yet no trace of a spine. The paired fins are distinct lateral folds, much as in the young shark; in fact, the pectorals are even precociously large. It may be added that the metameral elements of the fins were conspicuous in the living embryo, since blood-vessels were present and appeared in a series of brilliant spots. The ventral fins are drawn together immediately behind the anus, and no trace appears of a clasping organ or of a third pair of limbs. % The general arrangement of the fins is best seen in plate vm, fig. 49. (6) The yolk-sac, in spite of its small size, was perfect. Its structure is delicate, for at first its contour was smooth, but after the embryo had been kept living for several hours in sea-water, it was noticed that the surface of the sac This is not in the position in which Solger (Morph. JB., 1876, pp. 219-221) expected it to appear, i. e., behind the articulation of the mandible. fPossibly as a larval organ to protect the head when in contact with the wall of the egg-capsule. \Cf. T. J. Parker, Nature, vol. xxxix, p. 625. With regard to the non-appearance of mixipterygia, which certainly occur early in Chimseroid ontogeny (cf. infra, plate ix, fig. 50^ also text), it is possible, of course, that the present embryo was a female. DETAILS OF LATER EMBRYO. 105 loosened at several points, giving the wavy contour noted in the figure of the entire embryo. The arrangement of the vessels is clearly shown, and one traces the posterior umbilical veins and the anterior vitelline arteries. At first sight the yolk-sac seemed to be attached anteriorly throughout the length of the heart region. Later examination, however, showed that a single stalk, albeit a very short one, connected the sac with the trunk in a fashion very much as in the young shark. (Cf. plate vni, fig. 49 b ). (7) The lateral line sys- tem of organs is already established. At either side of the eye sensory pits are present and the backward growth of the lateral line /jj&L, / 9 / , , , j c ., M&wSkffltoL A II ' f^J could be traced as far as the anal region. DETAILS OF THE FOREGOING EMBRYO. In the sections, figs. 80-83, are shown details of the foregoing embryo. In the first of these (fig. 80), in the eye structures one observes the proportionally enormous size of the lens. Particularly noticeable, also, are the elaborately branching vessels lying be- tween the eye and the mid- brain (v, v), a symptom again of the embryo's precocious growth. In the following section (fig. 81) the spiracle (s) is seen to be continuous. Sections through an external gill-filament show, even more conspicuously than in shark, the presence of both vein and artery (a, v). In the same section we observe one of the blood-filled dilatations (d\ which have already been commented upon. This appears at or near the end of the gill-filament. In fig. 82, a section through the pelvic region just anterior to the anus, we observe on the right side the opening of a segmental duct at sd. Beside it, at mt, appears a mesonephric tubule. On the opposite side of the body a corresponding tubule, ;///, opens directly into the body cavity. One observes in the same section a dilated caudal vein at cv, and above it the caudal artery. In the section, fig. 83, we observe that the unpaired fins are already well established and that they are made up largely of mesoblast. The caudal vein and artery appear as before, and the section traverses numerous muscle plates. Fig. 80. Transverse section through the eye region of the embryo shown in plate VIII, fig. 49. V, V, Branches of anterior internal carotid. io6 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. The latest embryo in the writer's material, one of the specimens secured by Professor Wilbur, measured 5 1 mm. in length. Its age was said to be six months. (Plate ix, figs. 50 and 50 to g .) It is decidedly like the adult Chimaera, as can be seen from the figures; it has well-established snout (in which sensory grooves and pits appear), paired and unpaired fins, and clasping organs, show- ing that the present specimen was a male. On the other hand, two prominent embryonic characters still appear, viz, the yolk-sac (which in the present specimen is preserved only in part) and the external gills, a tuft of which is seen protruding from below the opercular folds. The external gills are shown in plate ix, fig. 50", c , e , and e . Their degree of differ- entiation is indicated in fig. 5o g , in which we note that in each fila- ment one of the compo- nent vessels is less con- Fig. 81 Transverse section passing through the otic vesicles of preceding embryo. At the torted than its neigh- sides external gills are shown. bor, the filament thus a, artery ;d, dilated blood knot in external gill; .. -piracle ; , vein. presenting a Ctinkly appearance when viewed under a low power. Occasionally a terminal dilatation is seen. It will be noted that some of the filaments attain great length, although in general they are fewer in this than in the earlier stage, a process of reduction having set in at certain points.* In lateral view this embryo shows fragments of yolk attached to its side and to its paired fins, a condition probably artifact, although deserving mention, since in the younger stage yolk masses were observed attached to the gills. Before making the present sketch, a portion of the opercular fold and the neighboring external filaments were removed. The sensory canals are well indicated; that of the lateral line has now passed down the side of the body and has entered the tail region. The mandible is well established. In plate ix, fig. 50, we observe the extent to which the opercular folds overlap the tuft of external filaments; we here observe also that the frontal clasping organ *Cf. also Schauinsland (op. cit., Taf. xvi). DETAILS OF LATER EMBRYO. I0 7 is long, narrow, and relatively of great size, suggesting its origin from an anterior fin spine, and interesting in connection with paleontological data(V/i figs. 132-137). In fig. 5O d , an idea is had of the extent of the overgrowth of the opercular fold on the ventral side of the head, and here is shown also that the external gill-filaments arise only from the anterior wall of the gill-slit, and that the external filaments increase in length as they pass toward the middle of each flap. A detail of the ventral fin is shown in fig. 5O f . Here the mixipterygium is but a further differen- tiation of the base of the ventral fin (cf. plate via, fig._ 49 b ), and the anterior clasping organ (acl} evidently represents the fin's anterior segmental elements (radialia) (cf. also fig. 1 1 2). The mouth region in this stage is noteworthy, since it Q* -* shows that not only are the anterior ^& ^^ and posterior dental plates (adp and pdp) present, but also a series of other eminences which are best interpreted as rudimentary dental plates. Similar structures are now described in detail in the work of Schauinsland on Cal- lorhynchus (u. infra). The present figure also indicates the early stages in the curious lip cartilages of the Chimseroid. They arise at the sides of the mouth and suggest at this stage the corresponding structures in shark. In view of the recent work of Schauinsland and of the younger Fiirbringer (Morph. JB., 1903, vol. xxxi, pp. 360-445), we recognize with interest the unpaired element at the mandib- ular symphysis which is held to represent the homologue of the basihyal of the hyoid arch. (Cf. fig. 1 1 1.) In commenting further upon this stage we note that in the eye the iris is well established, and that in the umbilical sac the yolk material is arranged in conspicuously concentric lamellae (plate ix, fig. 5o d ). The Skull. The skull at this stage may be compared instructively with that of a late embryo of Callorhynchus figured by Schauinsland in Taf. xvn, figs. 124, 125, 1 26, op. cit. The present figs. 84 A-D were, like the figures mentioned, prepared from wax-plate models. The embryo referred to by Schauinsland is more advanced than the present one, although the difference in age does not appear to be conspic- uous. On the other hand, the figures of a younger Callorhynchus shown in Schauinsland's Taf. xvm, figs. 130 and 131, can not be compared satisfactorily with the present specimen of Chimsera, for its skull was evidently far less mature, a large part of the model having been based upon outlines of procartilage. A study of the foregoing figures indicates that the skull of Chimaera is, at a corre- sponding growth period, the more highly modified; the orbits are larger, the snout Fig. 82. Transverse section through the region of the ventral fins of preceding embryo. i>c, Body cavity; crt, caudal artery; cv, caudal vein; nit, tubule of meso- nephros ; 8(1, posterior portion of segmental ducL Fig. 83. Transverse section through the tail region of the preceding embryo. io8 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. region is wider and more compressed, the palato-quadrate is reduced and trans- ferred to a more anterior position, nor is it as distinct an element as Schauinsland figures it in the kindred genus. As further evidence of the more modified character ol the skull of Chimsera, we observe that the preorbital ridges are curiously flattened, forming together a transverse brow-plate in the young skull; and that the A Figs. 84 A-D. Reconstruction of skull of CKim&era embryo shown in plate IX, fig. 50. The model is shown in lateral, three-quarters dorsal, and caudal aspects. Ot-6, Anterior and posterior points at which the palato-quadrate element has fused with the cranium ; etc, roof of auditory capsule : ch, ceratohyal ; /". fora- men through which the ophthalmic nerve passes out of the cranium ; fos, foramen through which passes the superficial branch of the ophthalmic nerve; gh, basihyal ; hch, hypochordal portion of the basis cranii ; /?, hyomandibular : pb, pharyngobranchial ; p). The yolk-sac is largely resorbed. The present is the type specimen of Professor VailUnl, and i> preserved in the ichthyological museum of the Jardin des Plantes, bearing the number 42392. In spite of its small size (its total length is only about 1 I cm.) it shows a well-developed mixipterygium (B) . A detail showing the vascular supply of the yolk-sac is indicated at A. Fig. 91. Detail of early Chimeera monstrosa, showing larval coloration. After sketch of specimen in the museum of Tromsoe. Colors are indicated, a, ashen, if, white. Fig. 92. Detail of Chimsera monstrosa indicating final larval coloration. After sketch of specimen in the museum in Copenhagen. encapsuled young. The advancing characters of the earlier young may best be followed by contrasting figs. 51, 52, and 53. The changes thus observed are: In proportions. The head length of the embryo, measured for example anterior to the base of the dorsal fin, decreases as we ascend the scale ; in the earlier stage it measures about 20 per cent, of the entire length, in the latest about 16 per cent. ; the eye alters little in size, but the region of the head lying below the eye increases notably; the shape of the pectoral fin changes progressively; almost as wide as high in the first figure, it becomes nearly twice as high as wide in the latest stage. So, "LARV.E" OF CHIMERA. 113 too, the unpaired fins change proportions notably; in the stage shown in plate x, fig. 52, their width is much greater proportionately than at other stages. In shape. The shape of the trunk undergoes noteworthy changes. In the stage shown in plate x, fig. 53, it is much longer proportionately than in the earlier and later stages. We note also that the dorsal fin (or rather that portion of it posterior to the first dorsal) changes from continuous to lobate and then again later to a lower and less lobate form, during progressive development. In color. Pigmentation appears progressively. In the youngest stage the pig- mented areas are dorsal. In the stage of plate x, fig. 53, pigmentation is more marked on the sides of the body than at any other stage. The sharpness in the coloration of the distal margin of the dorsal fins is most conspicuous in the stage of plate x, fig. 52; also a distinct larval coloration is noticed in the pectoral fin, a well- marked color being present along the anterior margin of this fin and in the anterior portion of its dermal web. Observe also the distinct patch of pigment at the base of the dermal web in plate x, fig. 53. Noteworthy, further, is the progressive increase in the number of pigmentless blotches; few in fig. 51", they become numerous in fig. 53", and small and most numerous in the stage of plate x, fig. 54. Similar changes in coloration affect the region of the eye. A late stage in the development of Chimcera colliei may finally be referred to in plate XT. At this age the young fish has attained nearly mature size (i. e., about three-quarters of that of the adult), although it is still distinctly "larval." Its coloration is darker (cf. fig. i), making the small pigmentless spots more con- spicuous. The margins of the fins, on the other hand, are pigmented, and with these we may contrast the fin margins in the adult, figs, i and 2, especially in the latter figure, where we observe that the anterior rim of the paired fins, notably the ventral, are pigmentless. We observe also distinct changes in proportions from the earlier stages; the length of the fish anterior to the anal region is now scarcely more than one-half the total length; in the earlier stage figured it is less than one- third. In the present specimen, a young male, the ventral fins partly uncover the mixipterygia ; the ventrals are small in size, surprisingly so when we consider the length of the entire fish. At this growth period the young of this species occur in schools and sometimes appear in shallow water. * In other species similar changes in colors and proportions are probably present in "larval" young. In one species, Chimcera monstrosa, they are present in even a more marked condition. In a young specimen preserved in the museum of Tromsoe, to which the writer's attention was kindly called by Dr. V. Storm, the coloration was brilliantly marked. Although not larger than the specimen shown in plate x, fig. 53, it had developed dorsals sharply marked with black, pectorals with an ashen blotch and with a white anterior rim, a pattern which has been reproduced from a sketch in the present fig. 91. It is evident, moreover, that in C. monstrosa this stage is of brief duration; for in a second and equally well- *The present specimen was taken, together with 22 others, in a water depth of less than 10 feet, near Port Wash- ington, Puget Sound, June, 1896, in a single haul of a herring seine. In this locality Chimaera is rarely taken in shallow seines. The specimens measured from 30 to 40 cm. H4 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. preserved specimen of this species one which was examined in the Copenhagen collection the colors had notably changed. The pigmented margins of caudal and postdorsal fins had become reduced to a dusky band, and the marking of the pectoral was limited to a mere fuscous blotch at the fin tip (fig. 92). The length of this specimen was but about two inches greater than the former one. From the foregoing notes we may justly conclude that Chimaera undergoes a series of "larval" changes. That these are adaptive remains still to be proven, a verdict which, it may be remarked, applies equally well to many if not all the "larval " changes of teleosts, but the fact that such changes do occur in the hatched young is noteworthy in its bearing on the specialized nature of Chimaeroid development. It is also, I believe, significant that the "larval " coloration of the young of Chimtzra monstrosa occurs at an earlier relative period than in C. colliei (i. e., that the distinctness of coloration, which in C. colliei a smaller species by the way is shown in a specimen twelve inches in length, is attained in monstrosa by the time the young measures but about seven inches), for this denotes that the structures of monstrosa are the more highly differentiated and that this species is of later origin. In another direction it contributes testimony as to the abbrevia- tion of developmental processes. ORGANOGENY. INTEGUMENT AND DENTITION. In the major problem of the position of Chimaeroids the evidence of scales and dentition claims an important place. For the question has been raised repeatedly whether the dentition of these fishes is fundamentally different from that of sharks, and whether the characteristic tritoral plates may not have retained primitive gnath- ostomal characters (Jaekel). And it has similarly been queried (Pollard) whether the present integumental defenses of Chimaeroids may not prove the rudiments of a complete body armoring. We may accordingly review at this point the evidence in the matter of integument and teeth afforded by a study of the recent forms, both in adult and in embryonic condition. It has long been known that recent Chimaeroids retain shagreen-like structures. These occur in greater or less number (a) on either side of the median dorsal line ; (<$) in connection with sensory canals, especially in the suborbital region; and (c) in the male as organs of retention in copulo. (a) Shagreen-like scales on either side of the median line are most numerous in Callorhynchus, where they form rows, each including about a dozen scales, in three definite tracts, i. e., in the head, between the first and second dorsals, and between the second dorsal and the caudal fin (figs. 93 A and B). In Harriotta they are smaller and less numerous. In Rhinochimaera they are tumid and uncalcified, occurring along the fleshy anterior margin of the caudal fin, obsolescent elsewhere. In Chimaera they are rudimentary or absent. These scales occur, therefore, in a regressive series, at one end of which stands Callorhynchus, at the other Chimaera; and it is significant, I believe, that a condition closely similar to Callorhynchus occurs in sharks, e. g., Pristiurus and Scyllium, as figured by Paul Meyer, who, SHARK-LIKE DERMAL DENTICLES. D E Figs. 93 A-F. Dermal denticles of Callorhynchus. The dorsal A. Dona! aspect of young Callorhynchus " antarcticus" (Chili), measuring 16 cm. in length. denticles are conspicuous ; their disposition and number is indicated. B. Dorsal aspect of well-grown Callorhynchus "antarcricus" (Chili), measuring 50 cm. in length. The dorsal denticles are reduced. In a specimen (Australian) measuring 92 cm. they do not appear. C. Isolated denticle from the back of a late " embryo." X 42. After Schauinsland. D. Isolated denticle of a late "embryo" (shown from side). X 42. After Schauinsland. E. Row of four denticles from the back (in front of second dorsal fin) of a late "embryo." After Schauinsland. F. Enlarged denticle from similar situation in " adult " specimen. X 21. After Schauinsland. ng CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. however, does not refer to these structures in connection with Chimsera (MT. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vi, p. 221 et seq.\ In further detail: in the dorsal scales of Callo- rhynchus, as Dumeril and others have shown, the individual scales are furcate at their base, and the free points of the base project forward and embrace the pre- ceding member of the series, thus rendering the row of scales stronger and more compact (cf. esp. Dumeril, Carman, and Schauinsland). (Figs. 93 C-E.) It has further been shown by Schauinsland that these scales present notable shark-like features in their development; they first arise, like shagreen denticles, as an out- growth of the derma; they then differentiate odontoblasts, by which in a centrifugal direction dentine is laid down ; and at the end of the process a pulp cavity remains and a basal plate perforated by small nutrient canals. In Schauinsland's words we further note that "in the latest embryonal stages the denticles, and especially their tips, acquire a greater and glassy transparency (vitrodentine), by which they become more and more differentiated from the substance of the (basal) plate. In short, developmentally speaking, the dermal denticles of Callorhynchus represent the most primitive scales which occur among living selachians. Through the presence of a basal plate perforated by dentine tubules, they suggest the scales of the oldest palaeozoic selachians. " * Schauinsland illustrates his foregoing remarks with two excellent figures, one showing in section an early stage (pp. cit., Taf. xix, fig. 139) in the development of the dermal cusp, the other a late stage in which the cusp presents a thick cortical layer of vasodentine (ibid., fig. 140), projecting its tip beyond the epidermis. On the basis of the foregoing observations, therefore, we may conclude that, as far as these body scales are concerned, Callorhynchus is distinctly shark-like; there is not the slightest embryological evidence that this Chimaeroid had ever ganoid- like scales. We might even, I think, go farther than Schauinsland, and point out resemblance with more typical selachian conditions; for this author, while main- taining that "the epidermis takes no part in the formation of the denticle," and admitting that he "was unable to demonstrate the presence of enamel," shows nevertheless in his earlier figure that the cells of the epidermis are arranged over the dermal papilla in a wayf that is more than suggestive of an enamel organ an emphatically shark-like character; and we may further conclude that the base of the denticle perforated with tubules is not merely characteristic of denticles of Silurian forms but of later sharks as well (cf. Rose, re trabeculo-dentine in Anat. Anz., 1897, P- S^)- In connection with the presence of scales arranged near the dorsal line, it has already been commented on (Schauinsland) that these structures are relatively more prominent in the late embryo than in the adult, although no explanation of this phenomenon has yet been advanced. I may accord- ingly hazard the opinion that they have been retained in this position owing to their importance as larval organs possibly for the purpose of enabling the well- *Cf. Rohon, J. O., Ober fossile Fische vom oberen Jenissei, Mem. Acad. St. Petersburg, 1889, and Die ober- silurischen Fische von Oesel, Mem. Acad. St. Petersburg, 1893. He refers to denticles of Thelodus-like forms which the recent researches of Traquair have associated with fishes which are in some regards shark-like. \Cf. e.g., Jentsch, B., Beitr. z. Entwick. u. Struktur d. Selachierzahne. Leip. 1897, fy?- 6. SHARK-LIKE DERMAL DENTICLES. 117 developed young to maintain its position in the egg-capsule, possibly also for the purpose of protecting the delicate dorsal fin, i. e. , by keeping it from rubbing against the walls and the roof of the capsule, during the movements of the young fish. According to this view the dorsal scales of the young Callorhynchus after the time of hatching are to be looked upon merely as rudimentary organs.* And it may be pointed out, in this connection, that when these enlarged dorsal scales are developed in shark embryos they appear only in those forms in which development takes place in egg-capsules.^ () Small dermal plates have long been known to occur in Chimseroids in connection with the sensory-canal system. Pollard makes a special reference to those situated in the suborbital canals, and Schauinsland gives the following notes upon them (pp. cit. , p. 13): In the immediate neighborhood of the mucous canals I have investigated those only situated on the head there also occur dermal calcifications. I find there (in transverse section) in the floor of the canal (in the neighborhood of the skull) a large plate, and in addition at its sides and bounding it four to six conical caps of dentine. The development of these is like that of the denticles, save that the plate contains no pulp cavity, while the lateral small hard structures present such a cavity, if indeed only in a narrow form, and filled with few cells, whereby they come to resemble a small denticle. These calcifications are also probably only the rudiments of former dermal denticles which came to sink down at the same time that the epidermis was invag- inated to form the mucous canals ; in this process they lost their primitive form and underwent degeneration. In adult, and especially in a number of fossil Holocephali the slime canals are surrounded by a great number of closely compressed rings formed of calcified and bony material ; these had their origin through a process of pressing together the single dentine-like bony caps noted in the embryo. In the matter, then, of the character of these plates in living forms, we may again conclude that they are equally derived from solitary dermal denticles, shark-like in type. There is no evidence, on the side of embryology at least, that these plates result from a breaking down of larger structures. It is only necessary to note further that these structures in Callorhynchus are most marked in their likeness to the selachian condition, and that they are least marked in the case of Chimaera. \ (c) In all recent Chimseroids numerous denticles are present in the male, i. e., on the frontal clasping organ, on the mixipterygium, and on the anterior pelvic clasping organ. These denticles have a transparent, almost glassy character. In the frontal clasping organ of Callorhynchus, they occur not only at the tip of the organ itself, but also proximalward and at the front and sides of the depression into which this clasping organ fits; but in the other genera, the denticles are limited only to the tip of this organ. It follows, accordingly, that in Callorhynchus appears again a more shark-like character, i. e., a greater number of denticles spread over a larger extent both of the clasping organ itself, and of the sheath into which the *In a specimen of Callorhynchus " antarcticus" (Australia), measuring 92 cm. in length, the dorsal denticles have disappeared. fThe tubercles in the encapsuled Scyllium (de Philippi, Paul Meyer) may well have a similar function. By Paul Meyer they are described (op. cit., p. 224) as rudimentary organs, viz., the remains of the ancestral annelidan parapods! $As to the condition of these dermal elements in fossil Chimaeroids, j>. figs. 138 and 139 ; by evidence thus obtained the conclusion becomes definite, i. e., that the shagreen of recent forms has been greatly reduced from a condition altogether shark-like. jjg CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. clasping organ is usually depressed. In this connection we call to mind the great size of the clasping organ in the young Callorhynchus, suggesting its origin from an anterior fin spine (cf. figs. 132-137); its small size in Chimaera on the other hand indicates the later derivation of this genus. This induction is also supported by a study of the clasping organs connected with the ventral fins in the antero-pelvic clasping organ of Callorhynchus. We observe that this structure is furnished with many dermal denticles 40 or there- abouts in the case of Callorhynchus antarcticus, according to Dumeril, whereas in the various species of Chimsera and in Rhinochimaera the number is reduced, varying usually from about six to three. In the mixipterygium shagreen denticles occur plentifully. In the case of one arm of this trifid organ in Chimcera colliei the denticles extend proximally as far as the base of the organ. In the other two arms the shagreen is limited to tracts near the tips. An abundant supply of these denticles is, however, present, repre- senting, in fact, tracts of shagreen. In Chimcera monstrosa, on the other hand, the amount of the shagreen is less, a condition which furnishes another reason for regarding this species as the more modified. In Rhinochimczra pacifica, as the writer has already noted (Jour. Sci. Coll. Tokyo, vol. xix, p. 10), the shagreen at the tip of the mixipterygium is greatly reduced. In Callorhynchus, on the other hand, it is as abundant as in the case of Chimara colliei. . DENTAL PLATES. These have always been the stumbling-block in comparing Chimseroid with sharks, for by only superficial comparison have the tritoral areas in the dental plates of Chimseroids been regarded as equivalent to the teeth or clusters of teeth in the shark. Nor has paleontology as yet been able to elucidate the problem, even to the degree in which it has thrown light upon the origin of the dental plates in the lung-fishes. In fact, as we shall later note, the study of the dentition of fossil Chima^roids leads us at the present time to no decisive results. The develop- ment of the dental plates might therefore be looked to to furnish evidence as to the nature of these structures. For it is well known that through embryology a flood of light has been thrown upon the mode of origin of the dentition of lung fishes. Accordingly, we conclude that one of the most important sections of Schauinsland's memoir on Callorhynchus is devoted to the question of the mode of origin of the dental plates. Schauinsland's account, indeed, is of such value in the present connection that I have been led to quote it in freely translated form (pp. tit., pp. 13-16) : In even their earliest stages the dental plates are laid down as distinct elements, i. e., four above and two below, and there is at no time a definite indication that these are composed of simpler elements which have fused together. The upper anterior plates are certainly simple ; the remaining pairs, however, show along their hinder (caudal) border a somewhat trifid arrangement. In this region, too, the plates with their three ridges pass into a fold of the skin, and here their growth takes place. (No trace appears even in earlier stages of the median (unpaired) mandibular tooth which has been described in fossil Chimseroids.) If we regard the three ridges as rows of teeth which have become fused together, they would have obviously a certain similarity to the dental plates of dipnoi or even of teleosts (e. g., Anarrhichas); and we THE ORIGIN OF THE DENTAL PLATES. 119 might accordingly regard the anterior plates as premaxillary or vomerine, although in the latter regard, i. e., re premaxillary and vomerine elements, we query whether we can justly introduce this comparison in the holocephali. On the other hand, if the comparison be a legitimate one, we might even go farther and regard the more median ridge of the large plates of the mouth-roof as equivalent to the fused vomerine teeth, and look upon the remainder of these plates as having arisen from fusion of the elements in a double row of palatine teeth. Of course, however, such an interpretation would be purely hypothetical. One is inclined to look upon the anlage of a dental plate as the product of a single and enormously enlarged dental papilla, circumscribed by a dermal fold, the induplicature of which is deepest at the posterior margin of the papilla. The first deposition of hard material begins at the outer surface of the papilla, and takes the form of a thin cap of dentine, soon, however, the tooth- substance appears below at the points where the plate is to come in contact with the cartilage of the head. And almost at the same time trabeculse and lamellae appear between, i. e., in the substance of the plate, and produce a rneshwork of spongy tooth-substance (pulp-dentine). The mode of origin of the plate resembles closely that of bone when derived from connective tissue (e. g., in Sphenodon). The mesenchyme cells in the papilla are collected together closely at certain points and become transformed into odontoblasts, and from these, peripherally, the dentine takes its origin. It may be remarked that the dentine is sometimes laid down in an irregular way, with branching processes, its canals ramifying, unlike the parallel canals of true dentine. Occasionally trabecules of the dental mass, especially in older individuals, show a somewhat lamellar structure, and those which are first differentiated, that is, those lying inner- most, are distinguishable from the later lamellae by their capacity to become stained. As already noted, the entire dental plate is finally formed of a meshwork of dentine-like material, whose trabecules thicken with age, so that finally the plate attains a high degree of hardness. The spaces between the meshwork represent collectively a large, greatly branched pulp cavity, whose cells in part have retained their former reticular arrangement, in part have become odonto- blasts, as far at least as they become opposed to the trabecules. In the various ramifications of the pulp cavity blood-vessels are often present. Enamel is not deposited; nevertheless the epidermis cells must have a certain influence on the character of the dentine, since the dentine becomes glassy in character when in contact with the epidermis, but remains unchanged when- ever the epidermis is lacking. The dental plates are fastened to the head cartilage by means of a firm layer of connective tissue, which indeed here and there may enter the substance of the plate, and for still stronger attachment claw-like outgrowths arise from the base of the plate, especially from its anterior and lateral portions. Finally, I must refer to the presence of remarkable structures in the dental plates, which occur only within the ridges above referred to. These take the form of a chalky mass, which appears in cleared preparations and can be traced throughout the entire length of a dental ridge ; it is partly inclosed within the meshes of the trabecules of the dentine, and by these partly again broken up into rounded masses and processes. In transverse section this chalky mass presents the appearance of a section of a many-rooted tooth, while in longitudinal section its substance appears continuous, although greatly fenestrated. A more detailed examination shows that we are here dealing with an especial variety of dentine; that is, differentiated from odontoblast-like embryonic cells, whose processes grow deeply down and develop canals which from their parallel arrangement recall strikingly those of typical dentine. In any event, the material in question can more accurately be designated as dentine than can the remaining spongy substance of the dental plate. From the latter it is also distinguished in remaining colorless after treatment with the usual stains for bone, and especially in retaining permanently, even in the grown Callorhynchus, its soft and uncalcified condition. It may be noted that this soft dentine is not present in the youngest embryonic stages ; it appears shortly after the caudal ends of the plate are established and extends gradually from a hindward into a more anterior position. It has nothing to do with the origin of the hard structures of the plate, since it appears after these have been laid down. It usually appears somewhat deeper than the outer surface of the plate ; later it often comes to lie in close contact with it, and even extends thence inward, not infrequently coming to be associated with the remaining meshwork of the dentine. What the significance of this structure is remains in any event doubtful, and only with reserve do I express the opinion that these soft masses of dentine represent the rudiments of former rows of single or I2 o CHIM/EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. already fused teeth, which had primitively passed from behind and taken up a position on the dental ridges. In the case of these teeth (a similar process occurs in the ontogeny of Cerato- dus) spongy dentine, or bone-like masses, were differentiated in the course of phylogenetic development, and these became finally of greater value for purposes of nutrition than the separate teeth ; and they accordingly fused together, overgrew the teeth, and in the end completely enveloped them. And since the teeth had no longer their primitive function, they came to lose their limy structure and degenerated, remaining in the condition in which we see them to-day. While their arrangement in three rows possibly indicates an alliance with the higher forms, their mode of successional growth suggests the origin of the rows of teeth of selachians. The results of the foregoing observations of Schauinsland, it will be seen, are disappointing to those who on a priori grounds anticipated that the dental plates of Chimaeroids would in the ontogeny of recent species be found to be formed of the coalesced bases of separate tooth elements, which, in their turn, would of course be homologous with those of sharks. One may, nevertheless, I believe, take a somewhat more hopeful view of this problem, in view of the evidence above provided. In the first place, however, in order that there may be a better understanding of the terms of the problem, it will be found expedient to review briefly the characters of dentition known among the more prominent types of recent Chimaeroids, for there is room for the belief that Callorhynchus, in spite of its many archaic features, may prove to have modified the conditions of its dental plates, or at least parts of them (the ' 'tritors ' '), more completely than some of the other forms. To this end we may compare the dental characters of Harriotta with those of Rhinochimaera, as representing extreme types in Chimaeroid dentition. In fig. 94 A are shown in Harriotta the dental plates and the roof of the mouth; in fig. 943 the dental plates, tongue region and floor of the mouth, and, in figs. 940 and 940, corresponding regions are shown in Rhinochimaera. Contrasting these forms, we notice that in Harriotta the dental plates are studded with peg-like eminences, some of which, both in the upper and in the lower "jaws," form together tumid tracts or ridges. These peg-like eminences, "tritors," are found to pass deep into the substance of the dental plate; thus, where the plate is flattened and more or less transparent, as at the anterior margin, the peg-like structures are seen to pass backward, forming long and narrow cores. These are evidently of hard, bony texture, for they often stand out from the plate-like ridges when the intervening basal portion of the plate is worn away. We also observe that the adjacent mucous membrane of the roof, sides, and floor of the mouth is studded with distinct papillae. These, it will be seen, correspond to the "tritors," in size, prominence, and closeness in arrangement, and may, I believe, from the evi- dence of similar structures in the mouth region of various fishes, be looked upon as homologous with tooth-forming papillae.* It will thus be observed, as in figs. 94 A, 94 B, that they occur within the stomadeal region; they are absent in the dorsal wall of the pharynx; they are present, however, on the floor of the mouth, and are *In a recently published paper on the oral and pharyngeal denticles of elasmobranchs (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1905, I, pp. 41-49), Imms gives reasons for homologizing similar structures in sharks with teeth. He did not, however, find the papillae present in the specimen of Chimcera monstrosa which he examined. COMPARISON OF DENTAL PLATES. 121 continued along the floor and sides of the pharynx. In Rhinochimaera, on the other hand, the dental plates have become thin and have developed hard cutting edges, giving the mouth an almost beak-like appearance. In the plates tritoral areas are reduced to thread-like elements, so delicate that they become difficult to 94* Fig. 94. Dental plates, and roof and floor of mouth of : A, B, Harriotta raleighana. C, D, RhinocHimaera pacifica. distinguish even in the hard anterior pair of "vomerine" plates; and in con- nection with the obsolescence of the tritoral areas, it is now interesting to observe a great reduction in the number and size of the papillae of the mouth. Thus on the roof of the mouth there occur no papillae throughout the wide tract immediately behind the palatine plates. 122 CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. ( Figs. 95 to 103. Dental plates of Chimaeroids. Fig. 95. Callorhynchus " calloihynctms " ; 96 t Harriotta raleighana; 97, Chimnera phantasma ; 98, C. meditcr- rnea;99. C. motubou; 100. C. mitsuturii ; 101. C. affinU; 1 02, C. colliei ; 1 03, Rhinochimirra pacifica. COMPARISON OF DENTAL PLATES. 123 Comparing now a series of the dental plates of Chimaeroids (figs. 95 to 103), we may first place side by side those of Callorhynchus and Harriotta (figs. 95, 96). It then becomes clear, I think, that the ridges in the dental plates of the former genus correspond to the clustered tubercles in Harriotta, a comparison which is well borne out by the embryological studies of Schauinsland, for it will be recalled that the separate ridges of Callorhynchus were shown to consist of a mass of chalky centers in which the lamellae of dentine were parallel to one another, although their substance, as was noted, remains uncalcified (cf. fig. 105). A similar state of affairs, it may be remarked, occurs in the posterior part of the large tumid ridges in Harriotta, for these ridges and their tritors can be readily sectioned. On the other hand, the anterior eminences of the same tumid ridges are found to be much harder than the neighboring bony plate, and may with less question, therefore, be regarded as representing true teeth. Indeed, it is, after all, a matter of minor importance that these tritoral elements have never hardened in the case of Callorhynchus; for when we consider the thickness and hardness of the surrounding bony plate, we are led to conclude that this may well have usurped the function of the separate denticles, and that these therefore remain undeveloped. The same rudimentary condition is probably true of the minute tritoral points which one finds along the anterior margin of the vomerine plates in Callorhynchus. Continuing the comparison, one can with fair definiteness understand the relations between the dental plates of such forms as Harriotta and Chimara phantasma. For, in the latter, the wide tritors at the base of the palatine and mandibular plates (fig. 97) are evidently homologous with the clustered tubercles in Harriotta. In C. phantasma, however, the crushing surfaces of the plate are smoother and less extended. In C. mediterranea (fig. 98) the dental plates have become more oblique (slanting) in their manner of attachment, the posterior flange of the plates intruding deeply below the mucous fold in the roof of the mouth. In C. monstrosa (fig. 99) the tritoral areas of the palatine plates are less numerous, while in the mandibular plates they are more abundant, but show less clearly the peculiar banded structure of the foregoing specimen. In C. mitsiikurii (fig. 100) the conditions are not widely different from those in the species from the Mediterranean. A peculiar arching appears in the palatine plates, and the ridges on the posterior face of the mandibular plates, although smaller, are more con- spicuous. In C. affinis (fig. 101) the proximal tritoral areas were not observed, and altogether the grinding margin of the palatine and mandibular plates was narrower. In C. colliei (fig. 102), while the tritoral ridges on the posterior faces of the pala- tine and mandibular plates are (usually) conspicuous, the grinding edges of these plates are exceedingly narrow. And in Rhinochimara pacifica (fig. 103), finally, we attain a condition, as we have already noted, in which the tritoral areas are reduced to obsolescence, the entire distal margin of the plate functioning as a cutting edge. From what has already been said regarding the dental plates in C. colliei (p. 19), I think we may safely conclude that a wide range of variation occurs in the dental plates of Chimaeroids. Thus the tritoral structures may vary in number, size, I2 4 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. and arrangement; in fact, one might even go so far as to maintain that from a large series of dental plates of one species of Chimaera one might obtain variants which, separately considered, would be placed with other species. Moreover, from the function of these crushing plates, it is not unnatural that marked differences should appear in specimens of different ages and from different localities (e.g., from those individuals which have lived upon different food material). In short, we incline to the belief that changes in the dental plates of Chimaeroids do not predicate as wide divergences in lines of descent as one would naturally expect. From the standpoint of adaptation, furthermore, admitting the extreme value of physiological adaptation in dental plates within the limits of the present group, we obtain a suggestion why phylogenetic changes are not recapitulated favorably in their devel- opment. In a form, for example, like Callo- rhynchus, in which the basal (trabecular) por- tion of the plates has become greatly devel- oped in the adult, we naturally expect that there will be less oppor- tunity shall we say time ? for the tritors to recur in develop- ment in a separate and finished form. If they do appear, they appear regularly only in form, soon to be remodeled or erased. Thus we find in Fig. 1 04. Callorhynchus callorhynchus. Dental plates and neighboring mouth parts of late embryo (about 1 10 mm. long). After Schauinsland. Fig. 105. Callorhynchus. Detail of middle ridge of mandibular dental plate of specimen slightly younger (about 95 mm. in length) than the preceding. The dental ridge is seen as a transparent object. After Schauinsland. Fig. 106. Callorhynchus. Dental plates of " larva " measuring about 16 cm. After spec- imen in museum of Columbia University. "family" or in "generic Callorhynchus, according to the figures of Schauinsland, that these tritors do occur in later embryonic stages (fig. 105), although this author does not refer distinctly to the relation of dermal cusps to tritors in Chimaeroid plates. Following briefly the problem of the dentition of Chimseroids, we may again refer to the presence of numerous papillae in the mouth region of these forms. For, by analogies in other fishes, these structures may well represent rudiments of discrete denticles. It is, therefore, of particular interest that in the case of Callorhynchus, where the dental plates are heaviest and largest, we find a corresponding increase in the size of the papillae. For it may be suggested that papillae which have become calcified either singly or in groups, have retained their dentitional (and ancient) trend in evolution, while those which remain soft have survived because they have undergone a change of function. The similarity in dental and non-dental structures is shown strikingly in the roof of the mouth of Callorhynchus (fig. 104), after Schauinsland. That shown in the roof of the mouth of Chimaera (plate ix, fig. 5O e ), although not DENTAL PLATES OF LARVAL CHIM^ROIDS. 125 as conspicuous, is none the less suggestive when we compare it with the strictly tritoral conditions shown in Harriotta, fig. 94 A. DENTAL PLATES OF LARVAL CHIM^ROIDS. Furthermore, if one compares the dental plates in Chimaeroids of different stages of growth, one is impressed with the evidence of larval adaptations. The plates of a Chimaeroid recently hatched (C. colliei*) are surprisingly large in size, but instead of spreading out in the form of crushing plates, they protrude marginally, forming relatively high edges and function evidently in cutting. Moreover, the substance of these juvenile plates is glassy (cf. Schauinsland, re vitrodentine) rather than horn-like or chalky, and their margins are sharp and brittle. It is clear, therefore, that the plates grow during earlier stages, notably at their outer or secant margins, and it is a probable conclusion that this condition of growth is corre- lated with the special feeding requirements of the young. In later stages the plates broaden and thicken, the secant edges become less and less conspicu- ous, and gradually the tritoral areas appear. The latter, at Figs. 107-109. Harriotta raleighana. Dental plates (somewhat diagrammatic) of three individuals measuring respectively 10, 49, and 64 cm. At A the lateral aspect of the vomerine and palatine plates is given. least in the species examined, are developed first vaguely, in extended tracts or ridges, and in these there later arise discrete eminences. This is the condition indicated above in Callorhynchus (cf. also with fig. 95 the juvenile plates shown in fig. 1 06); it is even more marked in Chimcera colliei, and it is to be observed in such a form as Harriotta. Of the last form we may introduce sketches of three stages of the dental plates.* In the first (fig. 107) the plates are frail, although well formed, and with secant prosilient edges; they have already ridges outlined and their clouded color (especially in the palatines) is probably due to the presence of vitrodentine. In the second stage (fig. 108) a number of distinct tritoral emi- nences appear. And in the final stage (fig. 109), the largest specimen of Harriotta recorded, the tritors are well differentiated. *For the privilege of examining this unique material the writer is indebted to the United States National Museum. He wishes especially to express his thanks to its Assistant Secretary, Mr. Richard Rathbun, and to its assistant curator of Fishes, Mr. Barton A. Bean. 126 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. From the foregoing characters in "larval" dental plates, and they are certainly in the general line of Carman's observations,* we conclude that among the many specializations in the young Chimaeroid may be included a larval dentition, i. e., preceding the appearance of tritors. It may also be remarked that the tritors themselves, when they come to appear in the different forms of Chimaeroids, occur in point of time in interesting sequence. In Callorhynchus they appear in the embryo (95 mm.), while it is still encapsuled, but they fail to develop into typical structures; in their place there appear calcined ridges representing collections of tritors. In Harriotta tritors become functional at a period shortly after hatching, and from this time onward increase both in size and number. In Chimaera they occur at a later period, develop slowly, and even in the adult are relatively few, and the plates themselves early develop secant margins. In Rhinochimsera, finally, they appear only in the adult, and even then in rudimentary form. In the Chim- aeroid series, there is thus, I think, such evidence of progression, even in recent forms, that we can hardly assume with Carman that from a condition like that in Rhinochimsera arose the dental plates of the other genera. On the contrary, in the case of Rhinochimaera we are dealing evidently with a terminal form, one in which the tritors fail to develop perfectly even in the adult, f CONCLUSIONS CONCERNING THE DENTAL PLATES OF RECENT CHIM^ROIDS. A comparison of a series of the dental plates of recent Chimseroids, as we have seen, strengthens the view that these structures are compound, i. e. , formed of separate denticle-like elements, homologous with the dental plates of certain sharks, e. -., Cestracjonts. The tritors, according to this view, represent dental eminences, simple or compound. But more doubtful is the homologue of the dental plate itself. It may represent either the fused bases of teeth like the Cestraciont, or a structure entirely sui generis, i. e., fused by a hardening of the connective tissue accumulated around the bases of the true dental plates. According to the observa- tions of Schauinsland the embryological facts support more or less distinctly the origin of the tritoral ridges from many tooth-like eminences dentinal in structure. On the other hand, the same evidence tends to regard the substance of the dental plate itself as independent of the tritors. An examination of the larval dentition of Chimaeroids throws, I think, a side-light on the foregoing discrepancy, for it is found *Garman, however, interprets these characters (Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club, 1901, vol. n, pp. 75-76) not as larval- isms, but as primitive ; thus, according to him " the teeth of Rhinochimsera are of a much less differentiated form than those of any other of the recent genera of the group ; that is, their later stages are more like the earlier, and presum- ably more like the teeth of primitive Chimaeroids ; they approach those of the extinct myriacanths and the very early conditions of the teeth of other living Chimaeroids, Chimaera, Callorhynchus, and Harriotta. In advanced stages the teeth of Harriotta differ from those of Rhinochimiera in possessing several series of tritors which in superficial aspect resemble, in shapes and arrangement, certain crowns of placodont teeth. On the teeth of Rhinochimaera there are no tritors ; the teeth of the very young of the other living genera are similar ; this no doubt is a mutual resemblance to those of a common ancestor, an index to derivation. ' To this interpretation, on the other hand, there are two somewhat critical objections : (i) that in Rhinochimaera, as this author has later observed, there are present tritoral points, small, it is true, but tritors none the less ; and (2) that his conception of the dental plates of fossil Chimasroids (t. g., Myriacanth) is not valid, for whatever be the puzzles of the dental plates of fossil Chimaeroids they have always tritoral areas. fThey may be expected to appear in a more perfect condition in very old individuals, somewhat as they develop in the late rather than in the young larvae of Chimaera. SKELETON. 127 that the dental plates of the adult are attained only after a process of metamor- phosis, during which the marginally high, delicate, glassy, and secant plates of the young are worn down and give rise to the adult dental plates, broad and thick, studded with tritors. Obviously, therefore, if we accept the view that a larval dentition is present, it is clear that the substance of the dental plate can better be regarded as a "precocious segregation" of the basal elements of teeth, i. e., along the outer marginal rim of the plates, than as a new and independent accession to the materials of development. All will admit, however, that the requisite proof of this conclusion can be presented only by paleontology. On a later page the evidence in this regard is summarized. SKELETON. The vertebrate column of Chimaeroids represents, according to Hasse (1879) a polyspondyly, which he regards as typifying the ancestral condition in sharks. The column of Callorhynchus was examined from the standpoint of embryology by Schauinsland, whose conclusions I summarize as follows : That the early growth of the chordal sheath resembles that of many sharks, inasmuch as its substance is invaded gradually, and only at few points, by mesen- chyme cells. That cartilage appears quite late in development. That in each segment (metamere) appear both neural and interneural plates, as well as corre- sponding (i. e., double) haemal arches, especially throughout a greater portion of the tail region. That these cartilaginous arches do not grow around with their bases the secondary chordal sheath; this is only overgrown by a stout sheath of connective tissue; the latter together with the arches on the one hand and the secondary chordal sheath on the other forms the secondary vertebras, but the secondary chordal sheath is not divided into separate (primary) vertebras the segmentation of the column being indicated only through these parate arches. Schauinsland, in brief, has been able to find no vertebral centra, in the sense in which they occur in other fishes ; and my own studies upon Chimssra have been no more successful in this important quest. No centra are found in either early or late ' ' larval ' ' stages. Nor do they occur, as I suspected they might, after the fashion of gerontic structures, in very large individuals. At the most, in the latter case, there was a fusion of neural and hsemal arches occurring in the region near the occiput, but nothing which could be interpreted as definite centra. There is still, none the less, the possibility that some form of centra were represented in the ancestral Chimssroid, and that they were gradually lost in ontogeny; indeed, as we shall later note in the Jurassic Squaloraja and Myriacanthus, centra appear to have been present in the anterior region of the column (figs. 138 and 140 c), where in all recent Chimaeroids, indeed, the most perfect neural and haemal supports appear. The development of the skull has already been illustrated in several stages of Callorhynchus by Schauinsland, and in a single late stage of Chimaera by the present writer. The results of their observations are briefly these : The chimaeroid cranium, instead of developing as a uniform trough-like brain-case (shark), appears, even in early condition, in a wonderfully complete form ; it incloses the hindbrain, 128 CHIM/EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. the forebrain, and the nasal region ; and it early develops conspicuous ridges which evidently support and protect the eyes. And it is the latter organs, it may safely be said, which have played the most important part in modifying the growth of the cranium. For the orbital region is of enormous size, occupying no less than 50 per cent of the entire length of the cranium;* and, correlated with this, between and above the huge optic capsules, the growth of cartilaginous structures is retarded. It follows, accordingly, that while the posterior and anterior parts of the chondro- cranium are well developed, its mid- or orbital region is largely unformed, and this is, I take it, the reason, the principal reason, that holocephaly has been developed, to weld strongly together the anterior and posterior parts of the crani^lm where primi- tively the orbital walls came to be suppressed as the eyes increased in size. Certain it is that the wide palato-quadrate elements extend like firm beams between the anterior and posterior moieties of the skull, and afford at the same time a support for the great optic capsules. And in this result appears a suggestion why the palato- quadrates appear so early and are so large in size; in fact, in no stage examined has it yet been found that these palatine elements are altogether separate from the cranium. In the earlier stages described (Callorhynchus) they are separate only for about half their length, and from the details of that stage it is even doubtful whether greater separateness ever occurs in the development of this element, earlier stages showing probably a prochondrial continuum very much as one sees it in the prochondrium of the paired fins of sharks. The skull of the Chimaeroid, in a word, is specialized even in early ontogeny ; witness, among other regards, the enormous size of the posterior clinoid process, the huge fosse for the infundibulum, the exag- gerated preorbital processes, the median frontal crest, and the interorbital vacuity. It is true, on the other hand, that certain skeletal structures in the chimaeroid head retain a primitive character possibly because they have been spared func- tional changes by the very fact that the palato-quadrate element has fused with the cranium. As primitive features we may here mention: (i) The perfect condition of the copulse of the branchial arches. (2) The presence of a pha- ryngeal element in the hyoid arch which resembles the pharyngobranchials of the hinder arches. (3) The relatively large and discrete labial cartilages, as probable premandibular arches, and finally (4) the presence of a symphyseal cartilage as (Schauinsland, K. Fiirbringer) the probable serial homologue of a basihyal. These characters are expressed, slightly schematized, in fig. in, and may be compared with the corresponding structures in sharks (fig. 110). In these figures serially homologous parts are indicated by shaded or unshaded areas. It should be mentioned, in passing, that even the branchial region of Chimaeroid, in spite of the foregoing primitive characters, is not without convincing evidence of precocious specialization witness the early appearance of the supporting extra- branchials of the hyoid arch, which are prophetic of the opercular flap of the adult. The problem of rostral cartilages receives no evident solution in Chimseroid development. The anterior azygous process of selachians, which rises from the * In the skull of the shark ( e. g., Scyllium ) at a corresponding stage the orbit occupies about 30 per cent of the entire length of the cranium. ROSTRUM, BRANCHIAL-ARCHES, FINS. 129 nasal septum (usually its base) is probably represented in the element which Schauinsland has figured as sp in his plate xvn, figs. 1 24, 1 26. However, in the Chimaeroid the rostral supports (r l and r 2 ) later developed into long and separately jointed elements. Quite doubtful, on the other hand, are the homo- logues of the paired dorsal elements in the selachian rostrum, those figured, e. g., by Kitchen Parker in Trans. Zool. Soc., vol. x, plate xxxvm, fig. i, as btr; they are possibly the homologues of Schauinsland's elements ^ in the figures quoted. Equally doubtful is the more dorsal azygous element (Schauinsland's rV v. the present fig. in), which folds forward and becomes a main support of the produced snout in Callorhynchus; it certainly finds no homologue in sharks, and in view of the history of the frontal clasping organ in Chimaeroids (v. figs. 132-137) I am inclined to interpret it as an element, i. e., a fin support, transposed from a hinder position, * a view which is the less difficult to accept when one considers the metamorphosis to which the head roof has been subjected by the precocious growth of the eyes. M Figs. 1 10 and 1 1 1. Skull and branchial arches of Shark and Chimaeroid compared. 7?1-Z?5, Branchial arches; -B ^f , basihyal ; b tr, basis trabecularum (Kitchen Parker) ; C, copula; C/?, ceratobranchial; Ell, Epibranchial; H B, hypobranchial ; I' , " anteriormost lip cartilage " (Kitchen Parker); Af, mandible ; PR* pharyngobranchiaL The history of the fins and their supports, finally, gives additional evidence as to the modified nature of later Chimaeroid development. We may comment, for example, upon the appearance of lobate dorsal fins, the anterior with its spine, at an early period, and the prominence of the paired fins, the pectoral, for example, having at one time a greater proportional size than in the adult. We observe also the precocious appearance of the mixipterygia and the antero-pelvic appendages (note especially plate ix, fig. 5o f ; also fig. 90, and Schauinsland's Taf. xvi, figs. 120 and 125), a well-marked character which in such earl}' embryos can hardly be regarded as primitive. Nor is the plan of development of the paired fins to be looked upon as yielding any evidence in favor of Gegenbaur's archipterygium theory. Thus, the pectoral, for example, appears not as a lobate organ, contracted, shortly to bud out radial structures, but as a lappet of a lateral fold which shows in the early stages distinct metameral elements (cf. especially plate vm, fig. 49, and Schauinsland's Taf. xxiv, fig. 174).* The paired fins, in short, develop like those of *This translocation of anterior fin-rays is by no means uncommon, associated, too, with change of function, e. g., Lophius, Autennarius, etc. Even the sucking disc of Remora might here be cited. 1 3 CHIMvEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. young sharks, save that, as in the case of many other chima^roid structures, the rate of growth is accelerated; the lateral-fold beginnings extend over fewer body segments and are higher (proximo-distally), leading us to conclude that in this mode of early fin growth the Chimsroid exhibits the same relation to the shark that the tel- eost bears to the ganoid. Especially convincing evidence as to the modified nature of the chimsroid fin is produced by the development of the ventral "claspers"; for these, the antero-ventral hooks and the mixipterygia, are to be regarded as highly modified radials. The antero-ventral clasper, it is clear, has not yet been evolved in the sharks, unless the greatly enlarged anterior lappet of the ventral fin be regarded as its equivalent ; but there is good foundation for the belief that in Chimsroids between the antero-ventral organ and the compressed lappet of the B Fig. 1 1 2. Ventral fin and appendages in Chimaera colliei. A, Fin of young specimen (31 cm. in length) ; ventral aspect showing mixipterygia and antero- ventral clasper, the latter still connected by dermal crease with the anterior rim of fin ; C, mixipterygium with lips unfolded ; B, skeleton of foregoing fin, showing the arrangement of the supports (radials) of the branches of the mixipterygium ; C, skeleton of fin, adult : D, skeleton of ventral fin of Cestracion (Heterodontus japomcus), adult, for comparison with foregoing. pelvic fin there formerly existed a number of radialia ; witness, for example, the rudiments of the segmentation of the basal plate from which the antero-ventral organ arises (fig. 112, nerve and vessel openings in B and c),f or better still, the radials which persist in the anterior reach of the fin of the Jurassic Chima^roid, Squaloraja (fig. 138, ar). The mixipterygium also bears testimony to having been closely connected with the radials of the base of the fin; thus in one stage in development, cf. fig. 1 1 2 B, the base of the mixipterygium bears rudiments of radialia, and the trifid tip is in itself a relic of a clustering of distal radials. These observations are clearly in line with Jungersen's, who, while admitting that the "appendix-skeleton of the Holocephales is of less compound construction than that of Plagiostomes," calls attention to the "wide separation of the whole organ (i. ' anterior radial* ; tni.r, mixipterygtum; '"V, antero-ventral clasper ; oc, occipital condyle; r, anterior "ring vertebrae" ; d, tract of enlarged dermal denticles. *Since the foregoing was written additional light has been thrown upon the question of metameral segmentation in the column of Squaloraja; in the Harvard specimen already referred to, a coarse segmentation, which suggests outwardly cyclospondylous vertebrae, is well shown in the postoccipital region, fig. 138 c. It is not certain, however, that these coarse segments are serially homologous with the fine rings in other parts of the column : it is possible, as embryology indicates, that they belong to the outer chordal sheath. JURASSIC CHIM^ROIDS. The second Jurassic Chimaeroid, Myriacanthus, is known, unfortunately, in less detail. Nothing has been definitely ascertained regarding its general shape or the structures of its trunk. But what is known of its head region shows that it possessed extraordinary features. The form of the head was, in general, like that of Callorhynchus, terminating in a long snout. This had a somewhat foliaceous tip (fig. 140), as in the recent genus, but, on the other hand, was broader, less acutely pointed, and studded dorsally with shagreen denticles and dermal plates. The best example of a snout of Myriacanthus belongs probably to a specimen in the Jermyn Street collection, of which a sketch is given in figure 141. The figure, which shows the snout in dorsal aspect, indicates also the spine-like nature of the frontal clasping organ. This organ is shown again, in lateral view in fig. 133. There can be little question that in this genus the shagreen-like defenses seen in the head of Squaloraja are replaced by a number of conspicuous pairs of dermal plates, some of which attain a large size and are furnished with spinous outgrowths. Thus, for example, on either side of the jaw (slightly schem- atized in fig. 142) there is a conspic- uous "trachyacanthid " spine bearing a large serrate row of four or five subspines. These elements, it may be remarked, are well shown in a second specimen from Lyme Regis, in the Jermyn Street collection, and in Egerton's type specimen of Prog- nathodus gucntheri {Myriacanthus par- adoxus), now preserved in the British Museum, in which one of these spines is shown in situ, attached to the broad jaw. The arrangement of the dental plates of Myriacanthus .* f fc \ With tair aCCUraCy (fig. 1X9). IS F ; g . l39.-S q ualor.ja. Detail of ros ha l spine of specimen P 4323 in British Museum. The dermal denticles are grouped closely together, their bases flat and greatly enlarged. They occasionally become detached. a, the .car, in the .peamen indicate. The mandibular plates show foldings on the visceral face and in these folded areas appears the most conspicuous aggregation of tritoral points. A somewhat similar condition prevails in the palatines. In front of the palatines, as in Squaloraja, there occurs a pair of "vomerine" plates. These, however, instead of exhibiting a finely arranged series of tritoral points, present three rows of larger tritors, somewhat as indicated in the restoration (fig. 1 19 A). Furthermore, in front of the "vomerines" (and this condition is unique among all other Chimseroids, fossil or recent) there is a third and still smaller pair of plates, showing faintly a series of rows of tritors. Another puzzle in the dentition of Myriacanthus is seen in the region of the mandibular symphysis, for here occurs an azygous chisel-shaped tooth which is known only in this genus and in the kindred Chimseropsis (cf. also p. 145). The restoration in lateral view of these dental plates is shown in fig. 130. On the other hand, Myriacanthus, like recent Chimseroids, was autostylic, and it 144 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. was provided with a well-marked dorsal fin which was supported anteriorly by a spine. This fin, it may be remarked, is the earliest dorsal known in Chimgeroids, and its structure, therefore, deserves more than passing mention. Thus, as shown in fig. 140, and in the series of figures, figs. 143 A, B, c, D, its position is further hindward than in recent forms, in this regard suggesting interestingly the condition of shark. It is also noteworthy that the base of the myriacanthid spine is not articulated to the fused mass of anterior epichordalia, but is still connected with a hinder independent plate, b, which, we suggest, becomes in recent Chimaeroids the articular process of the anterior cartilaginous plate. A further correspondence with a shark-like condition is noticed in the separation of the fin basis into proximal ("basal") and distal ("radial") moieties; in recent Chimseroids these are repre- sented by but a single plate, c. It should be finally observed that the vertebral column of Myriacanthus, fig. 143 B, shows anteriorly a segmentation which reasonably indicates the presence of centra. Fig. 140. Head region o( the Jurassic Chimaeroid Myriacanthus. After Egerton's specimen, in British Museum. C, Centra; 5, Detached ventro-median chisel-shaped "tooth." Summarizing our knowledge of Myriacanthus, we note that its dermal defenses are far more highly specialized than in Squaloraja, and that it has evolved an addi- tional pair of tritoral plates in the upper jaw, as well as a ventro-median element in the mandible. Furthermore, that its frontal clasping organ, although still spine- shaped, is less like a spine than in Squaloraja (cf, figs. 131, 132, and 133). On the other hand, in its dorsal fin and in its fairly evident vertebrae it is more distinctly shark-like than any other Chimaeroid. JURASSIC CHIM^EROIDS. Chimseropsis, a third Jurassic genus, is known only from the lithographic stone (Kimmeridgian = Upper Jurassic) of Bavaria. It resembles Myriacanthus as far, at least, as one can judge from fragmentary remains. It certainly had similar mandibular plates and the presymphyseal chisel-shaped element. It was provided with a similar frontal clasping spine and an elongated snout. It had also a series of dermal plates, as in the former genus, and in addition its trunk was studded with small, conical, radially-grooved denticles. Fig. 141. Myriacanthus granulatus. Detail of snout region. After specimen presented to Jermyn Street Museum by Captain Ibbetson. As indicated in dorsal aspect, the snout is broad and thickly studded with dermal tubercles. The frontal clasping spine appears somewhat in its relative position. The dental plates are dissociated. Fig. 142. Mandible of Myriacanthus, viewed from in front. Restoration after one of Egerton's specimens in the British Museum. Brief mention need only be made of the Jurassic genera Ganodus (fig. 121) and Brachymylus, since these forms are known only by detached dental plates. It is possible, however, that a more or less complete skeleton of Ganodus* is preserved in the Museum at Northampton (Smith Woodward, 1892), and, in this event, its structures closely resemble Ischyodus. f *This specimen, a male, lacks the rostrum, but shows the frontal clasping organ ; of the latter the base is expanded transversely, and shows, as in Myriacanthus and Squaloraja (figs. I34A and 137 A), a faint median crest on its attached face; its sides are laterally compressed. The column shows ring thickenings. Its dorsal spine is slender and arched (= Lepracanthus). fSince the foregoing was written I have reexamined the specimen of " Ganodus " avitus in the Munich Museum, and am inclined to agree with its determination as Ischyodus by Reiss and Smith Woodward. It is quite possible, however, that this specimen will be shown to represent a new genus as soon as a more definite knowledge of Ischyodus is obtained. Thus the present specimen has small orbits, small snout, and large dermal denticles, the latter scattered widely, especially conspicuous in the region just anterior to the ventral fin. There is also ground for the belief that a pair of dermal plates were present on or near the posterior rim of the mandible. 146 CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Ischyodus, the final Jurassic Chimseroid, deserves more detailed examination, since its skeleton has been obtained in a condition of fair preservation in the Bava- rian lithographic stone. From structural details, accordingly, this genus is known to be widely separated from Myriacanthus or Squaloraja; and on the other hand it resembled closely recent forms. It was thus similar in the shape of its head and D R Fig. 143. Anterior dorsal fin and its supports. A, Shark, (Squalid); B, Myriacanthus; C, Callorhynchus ; D, Cliiiiurra. trunk; its snout was fleshy and appears to have terminated in a flap-like tip. Its dental plates, however, are stouter (fig. 124) than in Chimera, and show fewer localized tritoral areas. Its dor- sal spine was relatively short and robust, and the frontal clasping organ is not unlike that of recent Chimseroids, save that (cf. figs. 135 and 136) it is more prominent and its ventral margin has a more extended series of smaller denticles. In the details of its skeleton, it strikingly resem- bles recent forms. One may also recall that an egg-capsule, probably of this genus (of a new genus, Aletodus, according to Jaekel), has already been referred to in the present paper, p. 31. It resembles closely the capsule of the recent Callorhynchus. It is clear that in Ischyodus is represented the advancing line of Chimaeroids, for it extends from the upper (probably, indeed, from the lower) Jurassic as far as the upper Chalk, even possibly into the Miocene (? /. helvetica), and is represented during this interval by many species of many sizes. Some were probably as small as the recent Chimczra colliei, others must have exceeded 3 meters in length. CRETACEOUS CHIMyEROIDS. 147 CRETACEOUS CHIM/EROIDS. Chimaeroids, it may finally be remarked, were at their maximum evolutional development during the Cretaceous period; they were then represented by the greatest number of genera and of species (about 50 species), a result which may well have proceeded from the acquisition in their line of some new "expression points"; such, for example, may have been the apposition of meckelian and chisel- shaped subnasal "vomerine" plates, which must have added vastly to the effective- ness of this type of dentition; also the greater development of the clasping organs; also, perhaps, deep-water adaptations which enabled these forms to enter a new and rich field for development. Certain it is that these Cretaceous Chimaeroids were of a distinctly modern pattern, and one of them is even assigned to the recent genus Callorhynchus. The details of the evolution of recent genera from their Cretaceous ancestors are unfortunately meager. Dental plates and spines are practically the only evidence at hand for comparison. If, however, we limit our studies to dental characters, we can at least conclude that their evolution has been in the line of producing tritors either in marginal or in centralized arrangement. In Ischyodus, for example (fig. 1 24), it will be seen that some of the tritoral areas of the palatines and meckelian plates are becoming localized near the median line. In Edaphodon (fig. 123) the tritoral areas of even the vomerines are more nearly median; indeed the only conspicuous appearance of marginal tritors occurs at the tip of the meck- elian plates. Elasmodus (fig. 122) indicates an interesting combination, since it has developed both the marginal and the median series of tritors. It has thus a dentition of a generalized character, and one is not surprised to find that it passes over from the Cretaceous into the Eocene. In fact, it differs little from the denti- tion of the recent Harriotta. On the other hand, Elasmodectes (judging from its meckelian plates, which alone are accurately known) represents a form which is specializing in the direction of marginal tritors; they are numerous, continuous in arrangement, and minute in size, and altogether the plates were probably beak- like in function. This type of dentition appears at first sight too specialized to have long survived. Nevertheless, granting a continued reduction of these minute marginal tritors, and more flattened and beak-like arrangement of the plates, a descendant of Elasmodectes might well be represented in the recent Rhinochimaera. As far, therefore, as a study of the dental plates alone is concerned, one might conclude reasonably that the recent genera were descended from Mesozoic forms in somewhat the following way: Callorhynchus from an ancestor closely related to Edaphodon, Chimera from Ischyodus, Harriotta from Elasmodus, and Rhinochi- maera from Elasmodectes. Such genera, for example, as the Cretaceous Lepto- mylus and the Miocene Mylognathus are apparently already too specialized to have represented the ancestral condition of the living forms. There can be no question that, with the exception of the three genera first named, the Mesozoic, Tertiary and recent Chimaeroids are a single and homogeneous stock. They have none of the 148 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. bizarre features of Myriacanthus, Chimaeropsis, and Squaloraja; no highly special- ized plates and spines in the head region, no spine-shaped frontal clasping organ, no presymphyseal element, and no second pair of "vomerine" plates. Among recent forms, Callorhynchus, a Cretaceous genus, has probably retained in most regards the striking characters of its Mesozoic kindred. And it is not to be wondered at, therefore, that its developmental features appear more conservative than in other genera. On one side of this early genus we may place Chimaera, which, as we have seen, is in many ways a highly modified form; and on the other side would be arranged Harriotta and Rhinochimaera, similar to one another outwardly, but (on the evidence of dental characters) long separated from a common ancestor. It yet remains to consider the probable relationships of the earlier forms. It is clear, first of all, that in the Jurassic epoch there existed three distinct types of Chimaeroids. One, as we have noted, is that of Ischyodus and its allies, from which unquestionably all recent Chimaeroids are descended. The second, Squal- oraja, represents an aberrant and terminal group; it is to its kindred as is Pristi- ophorus to sharks. On the other hand, one must admit that it shows certain characters* which ally it to the stock from which Ischyodus-like forms must have arisen. The third Jurassic type, represented by Myriacanthus and Chimaeropsis, is the most difficult to interpret. From present data it can hardly have pictured the ancestral line of modern Chimaeroids, for from what we already know of the elaborate dermal plates of the head and its "trachyacanthid" spines, we infer that it was already too highly specialized to have had the evolutional vigor to give rise to forms in which shagreen-like conditions again occur, for such a series would present an analogy not as close, e. g. , to the descending line of the sturgeons as to the line of the Cestracionts, in which the modern form is related only collaterally to the elaborately spined and heavily plated genera of the late Palaeozoic. Espe- cially puzzling are the dental characters of Myriacanthids; for how are to be interpreted the symphyseal chisel-shaped element and the anterior pair of subnasal plates? One might readily suggest that the former element was developed on the copula of the mandibular arch a suggestion which bears with it a greater shade of probability when we consider the size and importance of the mandibular copula as recently described by both Schauinsland and the younger Fiirbringer. And following a similar line of speculation we might maintain that the "vomerine" plates were developed on the pharyngobranchial element of the jaw arch, just as the palatine plates were developed on the next lower (epibranchial) element. In support of this hypothesis we may note that, as in Chimaera a pharyngobranchial element is present in the hyoid arch, a similar serial element appears also to have been present in the mandibular arch (cf. figs. 1 10 and 1 1 1). A second hypothesis- hypothesis may be a little too dignified a term is that the "vomerine" and "pre- vomerine" plates of Myriacanthus represent the palatine plates of premandibular *E. ff., number and disposition of dental plates, clasping organs, integumental defenses. CRETACEOUS CHIM^ROIDS. 149 gill-arches. This view, it will be seen, finds some support in the remarkable gill- arch-like character of the labial cartilages, and it becomes less fanciful when one considers how frequently the labial cartilages, especially in Chimseroids, have been homologized with premandibular arches. As far as Myriacanthus is concerned, such interpretations are clearly favored by our knowledge of its evident speciali- zation in dermal defenses, for in such a light it would be not improbable that addi- tional dermal elements would be evolved and impressed into the service of the mouth parts/, e., plates which may not have been present in the parent stock from which descended Myriacanthus, Squaloraja, and modern Chimseroids. Moreover, it is worthy of mention that the forms which are commonly accepted as the earliest Chimseroids, the Ptyctodontids, have but two pairs of dental plates. For it might be plausibly suggested that these primitive forms had not reached the stage in evolution when the "vomerines" (i. e., dermal elements) appeared as defenses for the anterior arch. In accordance with the present considerations a scheme of the evolution of the genera of Chimseroids may be arranged somewhat as on page 150, fig. 144. 150 CHIM^SROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. RECENT Rbinochi macro, ffarriolta, Ca/lorhyncbus Chimacra JURASSIC .Sharks TR1ASSIC \ \\ \\ PERMIAN Menaspis CARBONIFEROUS \ \ N N Rhynchodus \ N \ Palcpomylus^ ^ \ \ DEVONIAN Ptyctodus Fig. 144. Phylogeny of the Chimseroids. Arrangement according to palcontological data. IV. CHIM/EROIDS IN THE PROBLEM OF VERTEBRATE DESCENT. On the basis of the foregoing discussion we may finally consider the critical question whether Chimseroids are to be regarded "as the most primitive verte- brates, or more precisely as the least modified descendants of the ancestral cranium- and jaw-bearing vertebrate?" Are they, in other words, to be looked upon as more primitive than sharks and as "representing a lower plane in piscine evolu- tion' ' ? These questions have been touched upon, more or less distinctly, throughout the present paper and the conclusion has been already indicated. And I think we may now state confidently that, from the evidence of embryology and paleontology, Chimseroids represent not the ancestral vertebrate, but rather a highly modified group descended from selachian ancestors. At the present time the evidence may be summarized upon which this induction is based. PALEONTOLOGICAL EVIDENCE THAT CHIM/ERO1DS ARE DERIVED FROM SELACHIAN ANCESTORS. (a) Their later origin: The earliest genera of whose Chimseroid nature there can be no doubt do not appear before the lower Jurassic, and from this horizon have been described but two genera. Sharks, on the other hand, appear in ages remotely earlier, and they are then represented by several orders, many genera, and very many species. Thus, in the Palaeozoic alone, we may enumerate at least fifteen genera and forty species whose shark-like anatomical features are definitely known, and we may reject altogether the testimony of the numberless selachian "species" of spines and teeth. Into this limbo of indeterminata may provisionally be cast Ptyctodonts, together with Cochliodonts, Deltodonts, and similar forms. And we may in like manner regard the Permian Menaspis as doubtful. But even if we grant that all Ptyctodonts are Chimaeroid, we have still the testimony that the sharks were in earlier periods overwhelmingly more numerous and more diversified. And we have equally to admit that, even at that early period, many sharks, from horizon to horizon, modify the character of their cuspid teeth in the direction of tritoral plates. In short, admitting the evidence of dentition, one may state conservatively, that even in their epoch Ptyctodontids stood to the sharks, both in number and in variety, only as one to one hundred. And from this testimony alone we can almost reject the thesis that Chimseroids were ancestral sharks. Unfavorable to the latter view, moreover, is the fact that the culmination of the Chimaeroid line, i. e., in genera and species, did not occur before the Cretaceous, while that of sharks antedated the Permian. 152 CHIMyEROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. (<$) Shark-like morphological characters of early Chimceroids: The earliest definitely known Chimseroids were clearly shark-like. In this regard attention need only be called to the facts: (i) That they had shark-like dermal denticles scattered over the body; (2) a male clasping organ in the form of a selachian fin-spine; (3) rudiments of vertebral centra in the postoccipital region; and (4), in one form at least, tritors in the anterior dental plates which in arrangement resemble strikingly the teeth of a Cestraciont shark. Furthermore, the earliest Chimseroids present no characters which can be fairly interpreted as more primitive than those of sharks. They were, on the con- trary, more modified. Thus in their males they had already evolved the three sets of clasping organs. EMBRYOLOGICAL EVIDENCE IN FAVOR OF THE VIEW THAT CHIM/ERO1DS ARE DERIVED FROM SELACHIAN ANCESTORS. The riddle of Chimseroid development can, I am convinced, be read in only one way; for the evidence yielded by the various phases of embryology points to the modified nature of Chimseroid descent: That is, if we grant the value of tran- sitional stages in demonstrating the descent of the more complicated from the less complicated type, we may in the present case obtain a mass of evidence which must, it seems to me, be regarded as conclusive. The scope of this evidence is seen in the following summary: I. Chimseroids are more complicated than sharks in sexual characters. Males differ from females to a greater degree in point of size and proportions, and in the development of clasping organs. Of the latter, sharks have only mixip- terygia, while Chimaeroids add to these the antero-ventral claspers (which are modified anterior radials of the ventral fin) and the frontal organ (which is inter- preted as a transposed fin-spine). II. The egg-capsule of the Chimseroid is the more complicated. It is larger in proportion to the size of the fish, and is adapted more especially to the needs of the young fish. In this regard we recall its remarkable regional differentiation (i. e. t for head, trunk, and tail of the young fish), breathing pores, opercular valve, and organ of attachment characters more complicated than in the egg-capsules of sharks. III. The early egg membranes are more complex than in sharks. Here we refer to the changes in the tunic and the behavior of its nuclei. IV. The phenomena of fertilization. As one instance of complexity in Chimsera we recall that following polyspermy, the sperm merocytes divide at once amitotically; while in shark amitosis is attained only after a decadent series of mitotic divisions. Witness also, in the Chimseroid, the peculiar features of the sperm track and the character of the asters. V. Early cleavage lines, as in the case of the (highly modified) rays, are suppressed, and the synchrony of segmentation is soon lost. Further complication in Chimsera appears in the germinal wall in which are confused yolk-masses, SPECIALIZED CHARACTERS. 153 small blastomeres, merocytes and undivided yolk and in the periphery of the blastoderm. We find further that amitosis occurs plentifully within the blastoderm. VI. The fragmentation of the egg, which begins at gastrulation, doubtless arose as a primitive character, i. e., holoblastism. Its function, however, in the modern Chimseroid has become a distinctly complicated one. By this process a large part of the yolk is diverted from its primitive use and is appropriated by the embryo secondarily, via gills and gut. The yolk-sac, accordingly, is reduced to miniature size. ' VII. The embryo develops precociously. While still minute in size, i. e., in terms of the blastoderm, it presents complicated structures; when 2.5 mm. in length it has already 25 somites, and suggests the adult. Compared to the young shark it is also more specialized in its relation to the germinal yolk and in the development of the vascular system. In this connection note also the differen- tiation of many types of merocytes, and the evidence that megaspheres are not primitive ova. VIII. The head region of the embryo indicates precocious specialization. We thus note the early appearance and great size of the eyes, the appearance of the cephalic "hood," the greatly shifted position and the reduced size of the spiracle, the condition of the head mesoblast, the fewer and larger gill lamellae, the moniliform character of the external gills, due to the presence of special blood- producing organs, the reduction of the fifth gill, and the early differentiation of the branchiostegal flap. IX. The trunk region bears similar testimony in the matter of precocious specialization. We thus observe the early period at which the greatly elongated tail is produced, the anterior position of the anal region even in early embryos, the speedy obliteration of the lumen communicating between myo- and splanchnoccele, the early appearance of the dorsal fin-spine and of mixipterygia, the last a feature worthy of especial comment, since it indicates the appearance of secondary sexual characters in even small embryos. Also to be noted is the great size early assumed by the paired fins. X. Larval characters are also developed prominently. To be mentioned in this regard are: Larval coloration; larval proportions of head, trunk, and fins; appearance of greatly enlarged dorsal scales; larval dentition, in which the outer rims of the dental plates become specially developed. The foregoing are but the most conspicuous characters to be selected from the present embryological materials. Nevertheless there can be, I believe, no valid question as to their significance; for in no essential regard can they be interpreted as representing conditions so unmodified as to have given rise to the present condi- tions in the development of sharks. * *One might, it is true, regard the modern sharks as arrested " larvae" of Chimasroids, and thus maintain that shark embryos exhibit less complicated conditions than their ancestral forms. But if the diversity of specialized characters, as shown in the foregoing summary, is duly considered, this extreme view, it seems to me, can only fall of its own weight. For in view of the many lines of specialization of Chimaeroids, it seems about as improbable that these forms could have represented the ancestral sharks as that a bird could have represented the ancestral reptile, or that a recent horse could have been the progenitor of Protohippus. 154 CHIM^EROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. If this general position be granted, we have still to consider the question whether Chimaeroids actually possess any primitive characters. Reviewing the materials at hand I think we may here refer to the following: I. Holoblastism. The egg cleaves totally. Of this there can be no doubt, although, as we have seen, this condition is complicated in many ways (pp. 58-63), and its retention is with strong probability due to the highly modified physiological needs which it now subserves. In other words, the holoblastism of Chimaera is less primitive than adaptive, and thus may not represent the ancestral condition in cleavage of such a form as the shark Cestracion (Heterodontus). II. Gastrulation. The appearance of the blastopore in front of rather than at the rim of the blastoderm is, I take it, of no little significance as a primitive character. Its retention is probably correlated with the survival of a holoblastic type of cleavage. III. Primitive conditions in the mouth region. No one, I assume, will deny that a pharyngobranchial element in the hyoid arch is a primitive feature. And of kindred significance are: The presence (i) of copular segments in the branchial arches, (2) of a mandibular copula, (3) of a pharyngobranchial process in the mouth arch, and (4) of more distinct "preoral arches" than in sharks. On the basis of these characters, then and they are clearly of no little weight may we conclude that Chimaera pictures more accurately than shark the ancestral gnathostome? To this conclusion there are clearly two lines of objections. First, that in many other features Chimaera is singularly modified, and, second, that the mouth region of Chimaeroids is the less easily compared with that of recent sharks on account of the autostylism which has prevailed in the former groups since (at least) Jurassic times. In other words, in view of the first objection, it would be judicious, I conclude, to interpret the foregoing remarkable characters in the mouth parts of recent Chim- aeroids in the following way : That autostylism, although in itself a modified condition, tended less to alter the neighboring branchial structures than did the adaptation of a more flexible support for the jaw-hinge (c. g., as in the modern sharks). And that thus, under the partially conservative influence of autostylism, Chimaeroids, in spite of other structural modifications, have nevertheless retained a few of the characters of primitive sharks. The foregoing conditions (I, II, and III) are, as far as I am aware, the most important findings of embryology as to the primitive position of Chimaeroids. Less important in this question are the earlier data of morphology (v. pp. 4-5). Thus: IV. Absence of ribs. This character becomes of minor importance, in the light of developmental documents. The early shortening of the visceral cavity would obviously be unfavorable to the development of ribs, even if these elements had been present in the ancestral form. As to the latter condition, it may be mentioned that at the present time there is good reason for the belief that in the earliest sharks (Acanthodians and Cladoselachids) ribs were not present. V. Stomach, Kidney, Mazza' s Glands. In these structures also the question of primitive conditions is by no means clear. For the early shortening of the visceral cavity may readily have been accompanied by secondary modifications in the viscera. CHIM^ROIDS IN VERTEBRATE DESCENT. 155 VI. Musculatiire. The muscles of the branchial arches, like the arches themselves, retain primitive features; thus the adductor of the jaw retains its inter- branchial character. On the other hand, there is no ground for the belief that the muscles of the shoulder girdle are unaltered; Gegenbaur (1901), for example, frankly admits that they are more modified than those of sharks, and he calls attention to the general blending of the segmental muscles of the trunk. There appear also in Chimera special muscles developed in connection with the erectile spine and clasping organs which can best be interpreted as derived from the simpler elements in sharks. VII. Nervous System. In this connection it may be remarked that some of the primitive characters of Chimaera open lateral line, separate nerve roots, simple auditory organ are clearly paralleled in sharks, e.g., Notidanids. SUMMARY. Chimaeroids, accordingly, are widely modified rather than primitive forms. The evidence contributed by anatomy, embryology, and paleontology is unmistak- ably in favor of this interpretation. And there can be no doubt that the recent forms retain less perfectly the general characters of the ancestral gnathostome than do living sharks. On the other hand, it must be admitted that Chimaeroids have retained several characters of their Palaeozoic selachian ancestors which modern sharks have lost. According to many converging lines of evidence we may indeed go so far as to conclude that the ancestral Holocephali diverged from the selachian stem near or even within the group of the Palaeozoic Cestracionts. * Indeed, the recent Chimaeroids and Cestracionts retain many features of kinship. Among these need only be mentioned at the present time approximations in dentition, labial cartilages, articulation of mandibles, structures of fins, and urogenital system. Even the complicated egg-capsule of Chimaeroids finds its nearest parallel in the recent Cestraciont, a comparison often lost sight of on account of the spiral arrangement of the lateral webs in the capsule of the latter form. From the standpoint of taxonomy, on the other hand, it must be clearly recog- nized that the Chimaeroids have been separate from the early sharks for so long a time and have acquired such different characters that they are to be given a high rank among the divisions of the subclass Elasmobranchii, the equivalent, let us say, of such groups as pleuracanths or pleuropterygians.f *This conclusion recalls the remarks of W. K. Parker, in his paper on the skull of cyclostomes (Phil. Trans. 1883, p. 451) : "Even the Chimaeroids come so near the ordinary Elasmobranchs as to suggest that their embryology would not be so helpful (in the matter of the descent of the Cyclostomes) as one might imagine, especially if their solid upper face has been acquired as a secondary modification and not a -primary condition, such as we see in the Tadpole, which is especially solid and largely continuous with the basis cranii, in the larval Aglossal types, Dactylethra and Pipa. (The interposition of those remarkable sharks, Cestracion and Notidanus, between the ordinary kinds and the Chimae- roids, makes the likelihood of the solidity of the upper jaw being primary a very doubtful thing ; I once thought otherwise, but found Mr. Balfour strongly set against me in this suggestion,. ) " t One recalls at this point an early remark of Huxley : "For, considering, in addition to the cranial characters, the structure of the vertebral column, and of the branchiae, the presence of an opercular covering to the gills, the peculiar dentition, the almost undeveloped gastric division of the alimentary canal, the opening of the rectum quite separately from and in front of the urogenital apertures, the relatively small and simple heart, the Chimaeroids are far more definitely marked off from the Plagiostomes than the Teleostei are from the Ganoids." 156 CHIM^ROID FISHES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Of the interrelationships of the various modern Chimaeroids enough has been said in the foregoing pages; on many grounds it is evident that Callorhynchids have retained more nearly the characters of the ancestral Holocephali than have Chimserids. If, finally, the data of Chimseroid development be carefully scrutinized, there will, I am sure, be found material for interesting reflection. For such a study brings with it considerations of greater significance than the pedigree of a group of little-studied vertebrates. It touches, first of all, the larger problem as to the degree to which embryology may be used in determining the kinship of animals. Moreover it furnishes somewhat definite illustrations of the processes usually so obscure of "shortening up" or "concentrating" developmental stages, and of embryonic "specializations." It also contributes, but in a minor degree, to the problem of germinal layers and, in even a more difficult field, to the interpretation of amitotic cell-division. LITERATURE LIST. LITERATURE LIST. (Omitting references to a number of text-books and early zuorks.) CHIM^ROIDS. General and Systematic. 1833-44. AGASSIZ, L. Poissons fossiles. Texte III, pp. 3-4, Tab. C. (C. monstrosa.) 1871. Reference to separation of Chimaeroids from sharks, v. Wilder, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. XIV, p. 214. 1892. ALCOCK, A. Reference to "C. monstrosa, Linn.?" occurring off Coromandel coast. Indian Marine Survey. 1613. ALDROVANDUS. De Piscibus. Liber IV, pp. 402, 403. 1772. ASCANIUS, T. Icones rerum nat. PL xv. 1886. BEDDARD, F. E. Reference to Howe's view as to descent of elasmobranchs and dipnoans from Chimaeroids. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 524. 1870. BENEDEN, P. J. VAN. Reference to food of Chi- rmera. Mem. Acad. Roy. Belg., Vol. XXXVIII, in Les Poissons des Cotes de Belgique. 1839. BENNETT, J. Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage, p. 71, PL xxiii. (C. colliei.) 1862-78. BLEEKER, P. Ichthyol., IV part, p. 69, PL cxxiv. (C. monstrosa.) 1852. Ichth., Fauna van Amboyna en Ceram, 1859. p. 81. Elfde Bijdrage Vischfauna Amboyna. 1832-42 and 1846. BONAPARTE, C. L. Iconographia Fauna Ital. and Catal. Pesci Europei, No. 82, p. 20. 1823. BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT. Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., Vol. Ill, p. 62, PL v. (Cal. milii.) 1891. BRUHL, C. B. Dipnoi- u. Holocephalikopf. 4to. Pis. vii. Wien. 1898. BYRNE, L. W. On the general anatomy of Chi- maera. Preliminary notice. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Jan. 18. 1898. Chimaera monstrosa in the North Sea. Naturalist, p. 206. 1872. CANESTRINI, G. Reference in Fauna Italiana. Parte 3A, pp. 61 et seq. 1868. CAPEIXO, F. DE BRITO. Jour. Sc. Math., Phys. e Nat. Lisboa, Vol. LV, p. 314, PL in. (C. affinis.) 1819. CLOQUET, H. Diet. Sci. Nat., Vol. VIII, p. 581, PL xiv. 1605. CLUSIUS, C. Exoticorum libri decem, p. 137. (C. monstrosa.) 1878. COLENSO, W. Trans. N. Z. Inst., Vol. XI, pp. 298-300, PL xvn. (Cal. dasycaudatus.) 1904. 1905. 1873. 1852. 1798 1895. 1904. 1904. 1900. 1902. 1803. 1856. 1865. 1829. CoLLETT,-R. Chr. Videnskabs-Selskabs Forh., No. 4> PP- 5-6. [C. (Bathyalopex) mirabilis.] Rep. on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Vol. II, No. 3, p. 35, PL i. [Complete account of C. (Bathyalopex) mi- rabilis.] COPE, E. D. A contribution to the ichthyology of Alaska. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. XIII, No. 90, pp. 24-32. (C. colliei.) V. also Chi- maeroids, Skeleton, and Chimaeroids, Fossil. COSTA, O. G. Chimaera (anat.), Fauna di regno Napoli. Pis. i-vii. (C. monstrosa.) and 1817. CUVIER. Tableau filementaire and in Regne Animal, Vol. II, pp. 382, PL cxin. DEAN, BASHFORD. Fishes, Living and Fossil (Mac- millan), cf. pp. 287-288. Jour. Sci. Coll., Tokyo, Vol. XIX, Art. 3, pp. 10, PL i. (C. phantasma and C. mitsukurii.) Jour. Sci. Coll., Tokyo, Vol. XIX, Art. 1901. 1904. 4. pp. 23, PL ii. (Rhinochimaera pacifica.) DELFIN, F. T. In Catalogo de los Peces de Chile. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat, Vol. Ill (1899), i, IV, 1900. (Cal. callorhynchus and Cal. argenteus.) Concordancia de Nombres Vulgares i Cientificos de los Peces de Chile. Abstract in Riv. Chil. Hist. Nat., Vol. VI, pp. 71-76. DONOVAN, E. Nat. Hist. Brit. Fishes. Rivington, London. PL cxi, and accompanying descrip- tion. Reference to a "C. monstrosa" which had conspicuously spotted fins. DUMERIL, A. Ichthyologie analytique. Indicates Chimaera near Spatularia a hypostomate chon- drostean (gives name Chismopnes to Chimasra, Lophius, Batistes, etc.). Hist. Nat. des Poissons. I. filasmobranches, pp. 663-697, Pis. (Atlas) xin-xiv. (Standard reference to Chimaeroids.) FABER, F. Naturgeschichte der Fische Islands, p. 45. Frankfurt. (C. monstrosa, its habits, food, etc.) GAIMARD, J. P. Voyage en Islande et au Green- land. Zool. PL xx. Figures Chimaera mon- strosa (<,> ). CARMAN, S. Proc. N. Eng. Zool. Club, Vol. II, pp. 75-77. (Rhinochimaera and taxonomical con- siderations.) . The Chimaeroids (Chismopnea Raf. 1815, Holocephala, MiilL, 1824), especially Rhinochi- maera and its allies. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. XLI, pp. 243-272, Pis. i-xv. i6o LITERATURE LIST. 1901. GEGENBAUR, C. Many ref. in Vergl. Anat. der Wirbeltiere. 2 vols. Engelman. Vertebral col- umn "even in many points in a less differentiated condition" than sharks ; the chorda is of uni- form thickness through the centra ; palato-quad- rate fused with cranium ; median union of three rostral cartilages in Chimaera more shark-like than in Callorhynchus ; male median clasper a new structure ; ventral labial cartilage a "second under jaw" (J. Miiller) ; agrees with Solger that the position of spiracle was be- hind the articulation of the mandible; no mesopterygium (fused with propterygium, as in Cestracion) ; antero-lateral clasper de- rived from a radial cartilage; muscles of shoulder girdle more modified than in sharks ; loss of myocommata; flattened cord, like cyclo- stomes ; lateral line primitive, with open canal ; simplest acoustic macula ; grooved nostril, like dipnoan ; teeth reduced, i. e., dental plates, equiv- alent to oblique rows of separate teeth, and produced by "concrescence of numerous simpler teeth ;" appears to regard the few turns of intes- tinal valve as ancestral to condition of Lepi- dosteus and Ceratodus ; comments on hinder position of pori abdominales. 1620. GESNER, C. De Aquatilibus, pp. 877 et seq. 1896. GILBERT, C. H. Ichthyological collection of "Al- batross," 1891-92. (C. colliei.) Rep. U. S. Comm. of Fisheries. Vol. for 1893. Washing- ton, 1896, p. 398. Fishes obtained by steamer "Albatross " in St. Catalina Island, Monterey Bay, and vicin- ity. (C. colliei.) Rep. U. S. Comm. of Fish- eries for 1898. Washington, 1899, p. 25. GILL, TH. Smithsonian Misc. Collections, p. 63. Cat. of Fishes of the E. Coast of N. Am. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., pp. 1-63. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 331. [Hy- 1899. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1872. 1877. 1882. 1883. 1894. 1859. 1894. 1894. 1896. drolagus (=Chimaera) colliei.] Arrangement of the Families of Fishes. Smithsonian Misc. Collections, pp. i-xlvi : 1-49. Tr. Phil. Soc. Washington, Dec. 22, p. I. (C. plumbea.) Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bibliogr. Fishes Pac. Coast. (C. colliei.) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. VI, p. 254- (C. abbreviata.) Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc., Vol. VI, p. 130. (Chimaeridae divided into Chimserinae and Har- riottinae.) GIRARD, C. Rep. U. S. Pacific R. R., Fish, p. 360. (C. colliei.) GOODE and BEAN. Oceanic Ichthyology, pp. 243- 272, PI. xv. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XVII, pp. 471-473, PI- xix. (Harriotta raleighana.) GRIEG, J. A. Ichthyologiske Notiser. Bergens Mus. Aarbog for 1894-95. Bergen, 1896. 1756. GRONOVIUS, L. T. Museum Ichthyologicum and in Systema Naturae. (C. monstrosa.) 1763. Zoophylacium, Pt. I, p. 32. (Callo- rhynchus.) 1854. GRONOVIUS. Gray's Edition of Catalogue Fishes, pp. 15-16. (Callorhynchus centrinus and C. at- lanticus.) 1763. GUNNER. Der Trondhiemske Selskabs Skrifter, Vol. II, p. 270, Pis. v and vi. 1870. GUNTHER, A. Cat. Fishes in British Museum, Vol. VIII, p. 350. 1880. Introduction to the Study of Fishes, pp. 348-350. 1887. Reference to very young specimens of C. monstrosa. Challenger Report, Vol. XXII, pp. 12-13. 1840. HOBSON. Tasmanian Jour. Sci., Vol. I. (Cal. australis.) 1872. HUTTON, F. W. Fishes of New Zealand. Co- lonial Museum and Geological Survey. Hughes, Wellington, p. 74. (Cal. antarcticus.) 1895. HOLT, E. W. L., and CALDERWOOO, W. L. Report on the rarer fishes. Survey of Fishing Grounds, West Coast of Ireland, 1890-91. Scientific Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., Vol. V, Ser. II, Pt. IX, pp. 361-524- 1902. JAEKEL, O. Reference to Chimaera as the most primitive Plagiostome in Ueber verschiedene Wege phylog. Entwicklung. Fischer, Jena. Pp. 58. (Ex. V. Internal. Zool. Cong. Berlin, 1901.) . JARDINE. Naturalist's Library. Fishes, Vol. Ill, pp. 295-296. (C. monstrosa.) 1896. JORDAN, D. S., and EVERMANN, B. W. The Fishes of North and Middle America, Vol. I, PP. 93-97- 1883. JORDAN, D. S., and GILBERT, C. H. Synopsis. P. 54- 1900. JORDAN, D. S., and SNYDER, J. O. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XXIII, pp. 338-339- (C. phan- tasma.) 1901. - A preliminary check-list of the fishes of Japan. Annot. Zool. Jap., Vol. TH, Pts. II and III, pp. 3I-I59- Tokyo. 1904. On the species of White Chimoera from Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XXVII, pp. 223-226, 2 figs. (C. mitsukurii Dean MS.) 1838-53. KROYER, H. Danmarks Fiske, Vol. Ill, p. 783. 1798-1803. LACEPEDE. Hist. Nat. d. Poissons, Vol. I, p. 392, PI. xix. 1825. LATREILLE. Uses Acantherina for Chimrera, a family of Chondropterygiens with fixed gills. Families naturelles du regne animal. 1839. LAY and BENNETT, v. BENNETT. 1851. LEYDIG, F. Zur Anat. u. Histol. d. Chimera mon- strosa. Mill. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Vol. XVIII, pp. 241-271. 1881-90. LILLJEBORC, W. Sveriges fiskar, Vols. I-III. LITERATURE LIST. 161 1754, 1755. LiNNfe, C. Systema Naturae: various edi- tions, cf. esp. Gmelin's. (C. monstrosa.) 1883. MACLEAY. Fishes of Australia. (Callorhynchus.) 1877. MALM, A. W. Goteborgs och Bohuslans fauna. Ryggradsdjuren. Goteborg. (C. monstrosa.) 1896. MAZZA, FELICE. Note anatomo-istologiche sulla Chimaera monstrosa Linn. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sc. Nat. e Geogr. Ann. 6, Fasc. 4, 15 pp., PI. I. 1889. MONTICELLI, F. S. Reference to food of Chi- maera. Atti d. reale Ace. Lincei, Vol. (4) V, Sem. i. 1833. MULLER, J. V. Chimaeroids Skeleton. 1776. MULLER, O. Prodr. Zool. dan., No. 320, p. 38. (C. monstrosa.) 1832 and 1855. NILSSON, S. Prodr. ichth. scand., p. 112, and Skand. faun. Fisk, p. 705. (C. mon- strosa.) 1896. OLSSON, PETER. Sur Chimaera monstrosa et ses parasites. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, Vol. IX, No. s, pp. 499-512. 1812. PENNANT, T. British Zoology; Fishes, Vol. Ill, P. 159- 18G8. POEY, F. Synopsis Piscium Cubensium, p. 445. . PONTOPPIDAN. Norges, etc. (Translation of History of Norway, Vol. II, p. 114, PI. xxi. (Reference to C. monstrosa.) 1815. RAFINESQUE, C. S. Analyse de la Nature, p. 92. (Adopts Chismopnea for Chimaeroids and other groups.) 1713. RAY, J. Reference in Synopsis Piscium, p. 23. (C. monstrosa.) 1877. REGIUS, J. F. M. Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle de la Provence et des departements circon- voisins. I. Partie, Poissons, p. 78. Paris, Bail- Here. (C. monstrosa.) 1835. RICHARDSON, J. Fauna boreali-Americ., Vol. Ill, p. 286. (C. colliei.) 1810. Risso, A. Ichthyol. Nice, p. 53. 1826. _ Hist. nat. Eur. merid., Vol. Ill, p. 168. (C. mediterranea.) 1804. SHAW, G. General Zoology, Vol. V, Pt. 2, p. 365, PI. CLVII. (C. monstrosa.) 1898. SMITT, F. A. Poissons de 1'Expedition Scien- tifique a la Terre de Feu, etc. Bihang till K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar, Vol. XXIV, Afd. IV, No. 3, pp. 1-30. 1847. TEMMINCK, C. J., and SCHLEGEL, H. H. Fauna Japonica, p. 300, PI. cxxxn. ("C. monstrosa.") 1877. THACHER, J. K. Reference to Chimaera as a di- vergent form of shark, whose nearest relative is Cestracion. Trans. Conn. Acad., p. 284. 1762. VULPECULA, STROM. Phys. og oeconom. beskriv. overfogder. Sondmor, p. 289. 1898. WAITE, E. R. Report upon trawling operations off the coast of New South Wales, between the Manning River and Jervis Bay, carried on by H. M. C. S. "Thetis." N. S. Wales Sea Fish- eries, pp. 56-58. (C. ogilbyi.) 1904. WAITE, E. R. Mem. N. S. W. Naturalists' Club, No. 2, p. ii. (C. ogilbyi.) 1899. WAITE, E. R. Scientific results of the trawling ex- peditions of H. M. C. S. "Thetis." Introduction, and Fishes. Mem. Austr. Mus., Vol. IV, Pt. I, pp. 48-51. (C. ogilbyi.) 1904. Mem. N. S. W. Naturalists' club, No. 2, p. 11. (C. ogilbyi.) 1685. WILLOUGHBY. Historia piscium, p. 57; also fig., copied from Clusius. (C. monstrosa.) 1829. YARRELL. Reference in British Fishes, Vol. II, _pp. 464-467. (C. monstrosa). 1891. WOODWARD, A. SMITH. V. Chimaeroids Fossil. 1887. ZITTEL, K. V. V. Chimaeroids Fossil. SKELETON. EXTREMITIES. 1833-44. AGASSIZ, L. Reference to clasping organs, cf. Chimaeroids General; also, 1871, in Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIV, p. 339. 1897. ALLIS, E. P. The morphology of the petrosal bone and of the sphenoidal region of the skull of Amia calva. Zool. Bull., Vol. I, pp. 1-26. 1899. BRAUS, H. Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Mus- kulatur und des peripheren Nervensystems der Selachier. 2 Theile. Morph. JB., Vol. XXVII, 3 u. 4, Leipzig, pp. 415-629. 1901. Die Muskeln und Nerven der Ceratodus- Flosse. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Mor- phologic der freien Gliedmasse bei niederen Fischen und zur Archiptergiumtheorie. Semon's Zool. Forschungsreisen Austr. Malay. Archip., Vol. I, Lief. 3, pp. 137-300. (Deutsch. med. nat. Gesell. Jena, Vol. IV.) 1870. COPE, E. D. Contribution to the Ichthyology of the Lesser Antilles. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. XIV, pp. 445-463. 1879. DAVIDOFF, M. Beitr. zur vergl. Anat. der hint. Gliedmassen der Fische. Morph. JB., Part I, pp. 450-520, Pis. xxvm-xxxi. 1883. - Part III. Ceratodus. Morph. JB., Vol. IX, pp. 117-162, PI. vni. (Chimxra pelvic girdle and fin, pp. 142-143.) 1880. DAVIS, J. W. On the teleostean affinities of the genus Pleuracanthus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. V, pp. 349-357- 1856. DUMERIL, A. Cf. Chimaroids General. 1903. FURBRINGER, KARL. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Visceralskelets der Selachier. Morph. JB., Vol. XXXI, Heft 2 u. 3, pp. 360-445 (and Nachtrag, ibid., H. 4, pp. 620-622). 1904. Beitrage zur Morphologic des Skelets der Dipnoer. Semon's Zool. Forschungsreise, p. 502. (Chimaeroids stand further from Prodipnoans than Pleuracanthus.) 1897. FURBRINGER, M. Ueber die spino-occipitalen Nerven der Selachier u. Holocephalen u. ihre vergleichende Morphologic. Festschr. f. Gegen- baur, Vol. Ill, pp. 347-788. Reference to Ex- tremitatentheorie. Pp. 728 et seq. Reference to lip cartilages (fusion of ventral labial carti- lage of Callorhynchus secondary), p. 434. l62 LITERATURE LIST. 1888. GADOW, HANS. Modifications of the first and sec- ond visceral arches, with especial reference to the homologies of the auditory ossicles. Phil. Trans., Vol. CLXXIX, pp. 451-485, Pis. LXXI- LXXIV. 1877. CARMAN, S. On the pelvis and external sexual organs of selachians. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX. Reference to Chimaeroids, pp. 198-201. 1865. GEGENBAUR, C. Ueber den Brustgurtel und die Brustflosse der Fische. Jen. Zeitschr., Vol. II, pp. 121-125. 1869. U. d. Skelet d. Gliedmassen d. Wirbeltiere im Allgemeinen u. d. Hintergliedmassen d. Selachier insbesondere. Ibid., Vol. V, pp. 397- 1870. 1872. 447- t). d. Modificationen des Skelets der Hin- tergliedmassen d. Mannchen d. Selachier u. Chi- maeren. Ibid., pp. 448-458, fig. (Derives antero- ventral clasper from fin skeleton.) Reference in Das Kopfskelet der Sela- chier. 1904. GOODRICH, E. S. On the dermal fin rays of fishes, living and extinct. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., N. S., Vol. XLVII, pp. 465-522, Pis. vii, 6 figs. (Reference to Chimaeroids.) 1904. GREGORY, W. K. Reference to the relations of the anterior visceral arches in Chimaera. Biol. Bull., Vol. VII, pp. 54-69, figs. 1879-82. HASSE, C. Das natiirl. System d. Elasmo- branchier. Jena, p. 37. 1887. HowES, G. B. On the skeleton and affinities of the paired fins of Ceratodus, with observations upon those of Elasmobranchii. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., pp. 3-26. 1890. - Observations on the pectoral fin skeleton of the living batoid fishes, and of the extinct genus Squaloraja, with especial reference to the affinities of the same. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., pp. 675-688. 1891. On the affinities, interrelationships, and systematic position of the Marsipobranchii. Proc. and Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., Vol. VI, pp. 122-147. (Figures labial cartilages of Chi- maeroids (Callorhynchus) and compares them to those of Myxinoids.) 1902. In address before the Brit. Assn. refers to chordal type of skel. in Chirmera. Nature, Sept. 25, p. 526- 1901. HUBER, O. Die Kopulationsglieder der Selachier. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Vol. LXX, p. 87. 1876. HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Die Ordnungen d. Fische. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen. Liefg. I-IV, Leipzig. 1876-78. Fins of Chimaera. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen, Vol. VI, I. Abth., p. 22, Taf. xxvin, Reference to horn fibers not confirmed by P. Mayer. 1877. HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Kopfskelets der Holocephalen. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool., Vol. Ill, pp. 255-276. 1877. Notiz iiber einige Untersuchungen am Kopfskelet der Holocephalen. Morph. JB., Vol. Ill, pp. 280-282. 1876. HUXLEY, T. H. Reference to Chimseroid fin. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., pp. 52-53- Cf. also his Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals. 1899. JAEKEL, O. Organisation d. Petalodonten. Zeit- schr. deutsch. geolog. Gesell., Vol. LI, Heft 2, pp. 256-298. 1897-99. JAQUET, MAURICE. Contribution a 1'anatomie comparee des systemes squelettaire et muscu- laire de Chimaera colliei, Callorhynchus antarc- ticus, Spinax niger, Protopterus annectans, Cera- todus forsteri et Axolotl. Arch. Sci. Med. Bu- carest, Vol. II, pp. 174-206; Vol. Ill, pp. 300- 340; Vol. IV, pp. 189-225, 241-273. 1898. JUNGERSEN, H. F. G. Reference to Chimaeroid claspers. Anat. Anz., Vol. XIV, pp. 498-5*3- 1899. . On the appendices genitales in the Green- land shark, Somniosus microcephalus (Bl. Schn.) and other selachians. Danish Ingulf. Expedition, Vol. II, pp. 88, Pis. v. Reference to Chimaera, pp. 18, 20, 21, 76, 77, 83. 1893. KLAATSCH, H. Beitr. zur vergl. Anat. der Wirbel- saule. I. Morph. JB., Vol. XIX, pp. 649-680. General reference to Chimaera, pp. 666-670. 1859. KOLUKER, A. On the structure of the chorda dor- salis of the Plagiostomes and some other fishes, and on the relation of the proper sheath to the development of the vertebrae. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. X, pp. 214-222. 1887. LwoFF, B. Vergleichend-anatomische Studien iiber die Chorda und die Chordascheide. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes de Moscou, No. 2, Pis. iv, pp. 442-482. 1879. METSCHNIKOFF, OLGA. Reference to girdles of Chimsera monstrosa in Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. XXXIII, pp. 425, 428-430, 436, PI. xxiv. 1886. MEYER, P. Reference to vertebral characters of Chimaera. MT. Stat. Neap., Vol. VI, pp. 265-270. 1879. MIVART, S. G. Notes on the fins of elasmo- branchs, with considerations on the nature and homologies of vertebrate limbs. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. X, pp. 439-484, and abstr., 1878, Trans. Zool. Soc., pp. 116-120. 1834. MULLER, J. Summarizes characters of Chimxroid. Abh. Akad. Berl., p. 74; note also pp. 131, 141, 149, structure of cartilage, vertebral arches, anterior condylar facets. Also 1838, p. 238, labial carti- lages ; pp. 197-202 (variable) ; quadrate fusion, pp. 200-202, 221; dental plates, p. 200; skull and suspensorium, pp. 217-223; gills, pp. 217, 220; snout cartilages, pp. 229, 230, 233; nasal cap- sules, pp. 235, 236. 1886. PARKER, T. J. On the claspers of Callorhynchus. Nature, Vol. XXXIX, p. 635. LITERATURE LIST. i6 3 1897. PARKER and HASWELL. Reference in Textbook of Zoology (Macmillan), Vol. II, pp. 173-183, to pharyngohyal of second arch ("represents hyo- mandibular of shark") ; halves of pelvic arch separate (joined by ligament only) ; calcified ring-vertebrae in Chimaera ; fused pterygiophores in dorsal. 1883. PARKER, W. K. On the skeleton of the marsipo- branch fishes. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Refer- ence to Chimaera, pp. 450-451. 1902. PRINCE, E. E. Reference to fin of Chimaera in paper on Lamna in Supp. to 32d Annual Rep. of Dept. of Marine Fisheries. Ottawa, 1901. 1897. RABL, C. Theorie des Mesoderms. Engelmann, Leipzig, p. 299. (Accepts Chimaeroids and No- tidanus as phylogenetically older sharks.) 1901. Reference to fins of Chimaera as indicating little or no tendency for fusion of radials around metapterygium. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. LXX, pp. 479, 482-483, 524, 525, S3L Reference to vertebral column in Chimaeroids, p. 454. 1892. REIS, O. M. Reference to skel. characters, "cen- tra," claspers, in O. d. Kopfstacheln b. Menas- pis armata Ewald. Miinchen, Kutzner. 1.1!)5. On the structure of the frontal spine and the rostro-labial cartilages of Squaloraja and Chimaera. Geol. Mag., Decade IV, Vol. II, pp. 385-391, PI. xn. 1897. REYNOLDS, S. H. The vertebrate skeleton. Cam- bridge. 1887. RIESS, J. Reference to histol. structure of clasp- ers of Chimaera. Palaeontographica, Vol. XXXIV, p. 17, PL H, fig. 12. 1904. SABATIER, A. Sur les mains scapulaires et pel- viennes des Poissons holocephales et chez les dipneustes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. CXXXVIII, pp. 249-252. 1901. SCHAFFER, JOSEF. Ueber den feineren Bau und die Entwicklung des Knorpelgewebes und iiber verwandte Formen der Stutzsubstanz. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. LXX, pp. 109-170. 1903. SCHAUINSLAND, H. Beitragc zur Entwicklungs- geschichte und Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Zoologica, Vol. XVI, Heft 39, pp. 1-98. 1904. Reference to vertebral column of Chi- maera in O. Hertwig"s Handbuch d. Entwick- lungsgeschichte d. Wirbeltiere. 1817. SCHULTZE. Nonnulla de primordiis systematis ossium et de evolutione spinae dorsi in animali- bus. Merkel's Archiv, Vol. IV, p. 329. Refers to vertebrae of Chimaera as a higher " Bildung- stufe " than chordal. 500 rings present. 187G. SOLGER, B. (Chimaera monstrosa. On two hith- erto undescribed cartilages in the visceral skele- ton.) Morph. JB., Vol. I, Heft I, pp. 219-221. MUSCLES, INTEGUMENT, AND TEETH. 1898. ALLIS, E. P., jr. Muscles et Nerfs chez 1'Amia calva. Arch, de Zool. Exp. et Gen., 3e serie, Vol. VI, pp. 63-00. 1900. CORNING, H. K. Ueber die vergleichende Anato- mie der Augenmuskulatur. Morph. JB., Vol. XXIX, i, pp. 94-140. Refers to origin of rectus internus, and to course of oculomotor. Former resembles condition in Petromyzon, and, accord- ing to Allis and Gegenbaur, is primitive their view not accepted by Corning. 1852. COSTA, O. G. V. Chimaeroids General. 1894. DEAN, BASHFORD. V. Chimaeroids General. 1904. Notes on the anatomy of Rhinochimaera in Jour. Sci. Col. Tokyo, Art. 4, pp. 23, Pis. II. 1903. FURBRINGER, K. Reference to musculi levatores anguli oris in Chimaera as constrictors, thus con- firming Vetter as to their primitive nature. Morph. JB., Vol. XXXI, H. 2 u. 3, p. 387. 1897. FURBRINGER, M. Ueber spino-occipitalen Nerven der Selachier u. Holocephalen u. ihre verglei- chende Morphologic. Leipzig, Gegenbaur Fest- schrift, Vol. Ill, pp. 347-788. 1904. GARMAN, S. V. Chimaeroids General. 1870. GUNTHER, A. Catalogue of Fishes in the British Museum, Vol. VIII. Reference to dorsal row of scales in Chimaera and in .Scyllium, p. 403. 1873. HEINCKE, FR. Untersuchungen iiber die Zahne niederer Wirbelthiere. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. XXIII, pp. 495-591- 1897-99. JAQUET, M. V. Chimaeroids, Skeleton. 1886. MEYER, P. Reference to dermal denticle ridges in sharks, which appear closely akin to those of Chimaera. MT. Stat. Neap., Vol. VI. 1840. OWEN, R. Odontography, Vol. I. Reference to Chimaeroid, pp. 64-68. Regards dental plates as "an extreme but still more anomalous modi- fication of the chondropterygious type," "like Cestracion." 1891. POLLARD, H. P. Anat. Anz., Vol. VI, pp. 338-344. Reference to the reduction of dermal defenses in Chimaeroids. 1895. REIS, O. M. Illustrationen zur Kenntniss des Skelets von Acanthodes Bronni, Agassiz. AH. Senckenberg. naturforsch. Gesell., pp. 49-64, PI. Reference to median tooth of "Prognathodon- ten Holocephalen," p. 51. 189G. Ueber Acanthodes Bronni, Agassiz. Schwalbe's Morph. Arb., Vol. VI, pp. 143-220. Reference to levator anguli oris as also closing mouth (adductor in Chimaera) similar condi- tion to Acanthodes, spines also correspond struc- turally, and granular calcification of cartilage (Ischyodus). 1878. VETTER, B. Z. vergl. Anat. d. Kiemen- u. Kiefer- musculatur d. Fische. II. Jen. Zeitschr., Vol. XII, pp. 431-450. Accepts fusion of palate with skull. Muscles like Heptanchus, but " less spe- cialized and differentiated than in any one of the sharks investigated, a state indeed which in its ground plan enables us to reconstruct hypo- thetically the comparative estimate of the latter." 164 LITERATURE LIST. 1886. WORTMAN, J. S. Teeth of the Vertebrata. Ref- erence in vol. from Amer. System of Dentistry, PP- 364-379. VISCERA, CIRCULATORY. 1886. BEMMELEN, J. F. VAN. Reference to the entire degeneration of the hindmost (sth) gill slit in Chimaera. MT. Stat. Neapel, p. 171. 1898. BLES, E. J. On openings in wall of body-cavity of Vertebrates. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Jan. 13, Vol. LXII, pp. 232-247. The correlated distribution of abdominal 1898. 189T. 1837. 1839. 1865. 1884. 1886. 1890. 1890. 1891. 1853. 1879. 1894. 1895. 1836. pores and nephrostomes in Fishes. Jour. Anat. and Phys., Vol. XXXII, pp. 483-512. COLLINGE, W. E. The supra-renal bodies of Fishes. Nat. Sci., Vol. X, No. 63, pp. 318-322. DUVERNOY, M. Sur deux bulbes arteriels faisant les fonctions de cceurs accessoires, qui se voient dans les arteres innominees de la Chimere arc- tique. Annales des sciences naturelles, Vol. VIII, pp. 35-41, PI. in, fig. 2. Du mecanisme de la respiration dans les Poissons. Paris. Ibid., Vol. XII, p. 27, Pis. V-VI. GEGENBAUR, C. Zur vergleichenden Anat. des Herzens. I. Ueber den Bulbus arteriosus der Fische. Jen. Zeitschr., Vol. II, pp. 365-385. Ueber d. Abdominalporen der Fische. Morph. JB., Vol. X, pp. 462-464. Ueber d. Conus arteriosus d. Fische. Morph. JB., Vol. XIII, pp. 405. HOWES, G. B. Reference to rudiment of vesicula seminalis in female Chimaera (re cloacal caecum). Linn. Soc. Jour., Vol. XXIII, p. 405. Reference to Chimaeroids in visceral anat- omy of Australian Torpedo (Hypnos subni- grum). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., No. XLV, pp. 669-674. Reference to Holocephala having (with sharks) nephrochidic characters. Cardiff Meet- ing of British Ass'n. HYRTL, J. Reference to viscera, especially repro- ductive organs, of Chimaera. SB. Akad. Wien, Vol. XI, p. 1085 et seq. LANKESTER, E. R. On the hearts of Ceratoclus, Protopterus u. Chimaera. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. X, pp. 493-506, Pis. n. MAZZA, F., and PERUGIA, A. Sulla glandula digiti- forme (Leydig) nclla Chimaera monstrosa Linn. Atti Soc. Lig. di Sc. Nat., Anno V, fasc. II. Genoa. MAZZA, F. Note anatomo-istologiche sulla Chi- maera monstrosa. Atti Soc. Lig. di Sc. Nat., Vol. VI, pp. 15, PI. xn. Reference to spermato- genesis. MULLER, J. Vergl. Anat. d. Myxinoiden. AH. Akad. Berlin. Reference to bulbus, p. 193; circ. cephal., pp. 196-289; gill ves., p. 196; pseudo- branch absent, p. 253. 1S96. OPPEL, A. Reference to stomach, in Lehrb. d. vergl. mikr. Anat. d. Wirbelth., Vol. II. Jena, Fischer. 1898. Verdauungs-Apparat ; Mundhohle mit Zunge ; Speicheldriisen ; Schlund ; Magen ; Darm ; Brunnersche Driisen ; Bauchspeichel- driise ; Leber. III. Ergebnisse der Anat. u. Entwickelungsgeschichte, Vol. VIII, pp. 124-100. 1867. PANCERI, P. Circa particolaria appendici delle branche della Cephaloptera giorna. R. Accad. d. Sci. d. Napoli, pp. 3-7. 1898. PARKER and HASWELL. Reference in Textbook of Zoology (Macmillan), Vol. II, pp. 173-183, to gills, testes, spermatophores, vestigial Miillerian duct. 1898. REDEKE, H. C. Onderzoekingen betreffende het Urogenitaalsysteem der Selachicrs en Holoce- phalen. Helder, C. de Boer Tt., pp. 85, Pis. n. 1899. Kleine Beitrage zur Anatomic der Pla- giostomen. Tijds. Ned. Dierk. Ver. (2), Vol. VI, pp. II9-I35- 1894. SPENCER, B. Contributions to our knowledge of Ceratodus. PI. I. The blood vessels. Macleay Memorial Volume, pp. 1-34, Pis. v. Reference to opercular gill of Chimaeroids, cartoids, intra- intestinal vein. 1898. D. Bau der Lungen v. Ceratodus u. Protopterus. DS. Med. Naturw. Gesell., 4, 8 pp. 1903. STEPHAN, P. L'evolution des corpuscles centraux dans la spermatogenese de Chimaera monstrosa. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, Vol. LV, pp. 265-267. 1876-77. STOHR. Ueber d. Conus arteriosus d. Selach., Chim. u. Ganoiden. Morph. JB., Vol. II, pp. 197-228. 1902. STUDNICKA, F. K. Ueber das Epithel der Mund- hohle von Chimaera monstrosa mit besondcrer Berikksichtigung der Lymphbahnen derselben. Bibliogr. Anat. Nancy, Vol. XI, pp. 217-233, 5 figs. 1874. VETTER, B. Unt. z. vergleich. Anat. d. Kiemen- u. Kiefermusculatur d. Fische (Elasmobranchii). Jen. Zeit. Nat., Vol. IX, pp. 405-456. NERVOUS SYSTEM AND END ORGANS. 1897. ALLIS, E. P. The morphology of the petrosal bone and of the sphenoidal region of the skull of Amia calva. Zool. Bull., Vol. I, pp. 1-26. 1898. BRAUS, H. Cf. Chimaeroids, Skeleton. 1838. BRESCHET, M. G. Recherches anatomiques et phy- siologiques sur 1'organe de 1'oui'e des Poissons. Mem. Acad. Sci. Inst. France, Vol. V, pp. 7-73- 1894. BURCKHARDT, R. Bauplan d. Wirbelthiergehirns. Schwalbe's Morph. Arb., Vol. IV, pp. 131-150; V, p. 137, PI- vin. 1893. Vergl. Anat. d. Vorderhirns bei Fische. Anat. Anz., Vol. IX, pp. 375-382. 1901. BURNE, R. H. Note on the innervation of the supraorbital canal in the catfish (Chimaera mon- strosa). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. I, pp. 184-187. 1849. BUSCH, W. De Selachiorum et Ganoideorum En- cephalo. Inaug. Dissert. Berlin. LITERATURE LIST. 189G. COLE, F. J. The cranial nerves of Chimaera mon- strosa. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Vol. XXI, March, pp. 49-50. 1896. On the sensory and ampullary canals of Chimaera. Anat. Anz., Vol. XII, No. 7, pp. 172-182. 1890. On the cranial nerves of Chimaera mon- strosa Linn., with a discussion of the lateral line system and of the morphology of the mem- brana tympani. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Vol. XXXVIII, part 3, No. 19, pp. 631-680. ISDN. Structure and morphology of the cra- nial nerves and lateral sense organs of fishes, with special reference to the genus Gadus. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lend., (2) Zool., Vol. VII, pp. 115-221, Pis. in. Reference to Chimaera. 1898. - Reflexions on the cranial nerves and sense organs of fishes. Trans. Liverp. Biol. Soc., Vol. XII, pp. 228-247. Reference to Chimaera: Cra- nial nerves have, except in one case, independent roots, archaic, perhaps primitive ; Chimaeroids less divergent skeletally from palaeozoic ances- tors than teleosts from theirs. P. 244. 1899. On the cranial nerves and sense organs of fishes. Anat. Anz., Vol. XVI, No. 2, pp. 40-48. 1896. COLLINGE, W. E. On the sensory and ampullary canals of Chimaera. (Abstr.) Zool. Anz., Vol. XIX, No. 493, p. 31. Same title: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. IV, pp. 878, 888, 800. 1892. EWART, J. C. The lateral sense organs of elasmo- branch. I : The sensory canals of Laemargus. Edinb. Roy. Soc., July, 1891, Vol. XVII, pp. 59- 105. Zool. Anz., No. 387, 1892, pp. 1-3. 1896. FURBRINGER, M. Ueber die spino-occipitalen Ner- ven der Selachier und Holocephalen und ihre vergl. Morphologic. Festschr. f. C. Gegenbaur, Vol. Ill, pp. 351-788. 1888-89. CARMAN, S. Lat. line of selach. and holoce- phali. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harv. Coll., Vol. XVII, p. 57. 1877. HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Kopfskelets der Holocephalen. Niederl. Archiv f. Zool., Vol. Ill, pp. 255-276. 1903. JAEKEL, O. Reference to the presence of an epi- physeal opening in the cranium of Chimaera monstrosa. SB. Gesell. Naturf. Freunde Ber- lin, pp. 35-36. 1851. LEYDIG, F. Zur Anat. u. Histol. d. Chimaera mon- strosa. Mill. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Vol. XVIII, pp. 241-271. 1864. MAYER, F. J. C. Reference to Chim. in Ueber den Bau des Gehirns Fische in Beziehung auf eine darauf gegriindete Eintheilung dieser Thier- klasse. Nova Acta Acad. Cass. Leop. Nat. Cu- rios., Vol. XXX, AH. VI. 1904. MERRITT, O. A. The theory of nerve components. J. Anat. and Phys., Vol. XXXIX. Reference to Chimaera, p. 207. 1870. MIKLUCHO-MACLAY (and GEGENBAUR, C.). Note on brain of Chimaera. Jen. Zeitschr., Vol. V, p. 132. 1851. MULLER, H. Ueber d. nervosen Follikel-Apparat d. Zittcrrochcn u. d. sogen. Schleimkanale der Knorpel-Fische. Erl. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg, Vol. II, No. 10, pp. 134-150. 1842. MULLER, J. Remarks upon Valentin's paper on the nerves and heart of Chimaera. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der vergleichenden Anat. der Wirbelthiere im Jahre (1842). Archiv f. Anat., 1843, p. 253. 1846. Reference to Chimaera in Ueber den Bau und die Grenzen der Ganoiden und iiber das natiirliche System der Fische. Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 117-216. 1898. PARKER and HASWELL. Reference in Textbook of Zoology (Macmillan), Vol. II, pp. 173-183, to brain of Callorhynchus as unlike Scyllium, but having fairly close resemblance to Scymnus. 1901. RABL, C. Reference to Fiirbringer's work on cra- nial nerves of Chimaeroids. Zeit. wiss. Zool., Vol. LXX, p. 529. 1881-84. RETZIUS, G. Das Gehororgan d. Wirbelthiere. Morph.-histol. Studien. 2 Theile. Stockholm, pp. 101-104. 1897. RUGE, G. Reference to distribution of facial nerve in Chimaeroids. Festschr. f. Gegenbaur, Vol. Ill, pp. 207, 213, 250-254. 1879. SCHWALBE. Reference to nerves of Chimaera in Das Ganglion Oculomotorii. Jen. Zeitschr., Vol. XIII, p. 173- 1880. SOLGER, B. Reference to histology of sensory canals in Chimaera in Neue Untersuchungen zur Anatomic der Seitenorgane der Fische. Archiv mikr. Anat., Vol. XVII, p. 95- 1889. Mauthner'sche Fasern bei Chimaera. Morph. JB., Vol. XV, pp. 322-324, PI. xxvn. 1849. STANNIUS, H. Reference to Chimaera in Das periph. Nervensystem. Rostock. 1854. Handbuch der Anatomic der Wirbelthiere. Berlin. 1895. STUDNICKA, F. K. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte des Vorderhirns der Cranioten. SB. bohm. Gesell. Wiss., pp. 1-42. 1896. - Same title, pp. 1-32. 1899. Ueber das Ependym des Centralnerven- systems der Wirbelthiere. SB. bohm. Gesell. Wiss., pp. 1-7. 1900. Zur Kenntniss der Parietalorgane und der sog. Paraphyse der niederen Wirbelthiere. VH. d. Anat. Gesell., pp. 101-110. Ueber das Ependym des Centralnerven- 1900. systems der Wirbelthiere. SB. bohm. Gesell. Wiss., No. 45, pp. 7. 1900. Der "Reissnersche Faden" aus dem Cen- tralkanal des Riickenmarkes und sein Verhalten in dem Ventriculus (Sinus) terminalis. Ibid., No. 36, 10 pp. 1 66 LITERATURE LIST. 1842. VALENTIN. Ueber das centrale Nervensystem und die Nebenherzen der Chimaera monstrosa. Miiller's Archiv f. Anat, pp. 25-45. 1877. WILDER, B. G. Brain of Chimaera monstrosa. Proc. Phil. Acad. Sci., May, pp. 219-250. 1898. Reference to olfactory portion of brain of Chimsera. Science, N. S., Vol. VII, pp. 150-152. EMBRYOLOGY. (Mainly references to egg capsules.) 1890. ALCOCK, A. Cf. Wood-Mason and Alcock. 1892. Reference to egg capsule of Chimaera monstrosa dredged at 410 fathoms off the Coro- mandel coast. Indian Marine Survey. 1869. BESSELS, E. Reference to egg of Ischyodus from Jurassic of Wiirtemberg in Jahreshefte d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturkunde in Wiirtt., Vol. XXV, p. 152, PL in. 1875. COLLETT, R. Norges Fiske. Tillaegshefte til Vi- denskabs Selsk. Forhandl. for 1874. Christ., 1875. Figures egg of Chimaera. 1871. CUNNINGHAM, R. O. Notes on Callorhynchus : egg figured. Nat. Hist, of Strait of Magellan (of the "Nassau"), p. 340. 1897. DEAN, B., CALKINS, G. N., HARRINGTON, N. R., and GRIFFIN, B. B. The Columbia University Zoological Expedition of 1896. With a brief account of the work of collecting in Puget Sound and on the Pacific Coast. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. XVI, pp. 33-42. DEAN, BASHFORD. On the embryology and phy- logeny of Chimaera. Abstr. of paper before Amer. Morph. Soc. Science, N. S., Vol. XI, pp. 169-170. The early development of sharks from a comparative standpoint. Science, N. S., Vol. XV, No. 381, p. 626. The development of Chimsera colliei. 1900. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1865. Biol. Bui., Vol. IV, pp. 270-286, figs. Reference to capsule of Chimaera mitsu- kurii. Jour. Sci. Coll. Tokyo, Vol. XIX, Art. 3, pp. 6-7, PI. i, fig. 2. Reference to capsule of Chimasra phan- tasma. Jour. Sci. Coll. Tokyo, Vol. XIX, Art. 3, pp. 5-6, PI. i, fig. 4. Reference to capsule of Rhinochimasra pacifica. Jour. Sci. Coll. Tokyo, Vol. XIX, Art. 4, pp. 18-19, PI. II. Evolution in a determinate line as illus- trated by the egg cases of Chimaeroid fishes. Biol. Bull., Vol. VII, pp. 105-112. The egg cases of Chimasroid fishes. Am. Nat., Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 486-487. L'osuf de Chimaera colliei et 1'adaptation de sa capsule. C. R. de la Soc. de Biologic (Seance du 2 Juillet), Vol. LVII, p. 14- DUMERIL, A. Reference to capsule of Callo- rhynchus in Elasmobranches, Vol. I, p. 683, and Atlas, PI. vin, figs. 6, 7, and 8. 1899. 1905. 189C. 1899. 1880. 18S7. 1889. GARMAN, S. Report on an expedition off the west coast of Mexico. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. XXIV, p. 20, and PI. LXIV, fig. 2. Refer- ence to capsule of "Callorhynchus antarcticus.'' GILL, THEO. An interesting Cretaceous Chimae- roid egg-case. Science, N. S., Vol. XXII, pp. 601-602. GRIEG, J. A. Ichthyologiske Notiser. Bergens Mu- seums Aarbog for 1894-95. Figures imperfect capsule of C. monstrosa. Similar note. Ibid, for 1898. GUNTHER, A. Figure of capsule of Callorhynchus in Study of Fishes, p. 169. In Challenger Reports, Vol. XXII, pp. 12- 13, reference to very young individuals taken by "Triton" and "Knight Errant," and comments on the precocious appearance of claspers. "No well-authenticated egg (of Chimaera) in any collection." Deep-sea trawling cruise off the S. W. coast of Ireland. Chimaera "monstrosa" egg cap- sule 6f/2 inches long dredged at 315 fathoms. 'No filaments for adhesion ; they would probably be useless at a depth where the water is probably quiet. The eggs lie on the ground or are im- planted in the ooze by their styliform end.' Ann. N. H. (6), Vol. IV, pp. 415-417, ng. Refer- ence to capsule of C. phantasma, but without description or figure. 1897. HOWES, G. B. Remarks on eggs of Bdellostoma and Chimaera. Linnaean Soc. (Exhibition of above), Feb. 4. 1901. JAEKEL, O. Notes on capsules of Chimaera, Callo- rhynchus and Ischyodus (=Aletodus) in Neues JB. f. Mineral., Geol. u. Palaeont., Vol. XIV, pp. 552-554. P's. xxn-xxiv, and figs. 3. 1858. LUTKEN, C. F. Reference to capsule of Chimasra in Nogle Bemasrkninger om de nordiske Aegaarter. Vid. Meddel. fra d. naturh. For., Nos. 5-7. 1877. MALM, A. W. Similar reference in Goteborgs och Bohuslans fauna. Ryggradsdjuren. Gote- borg. 1895. MAZZA, F. Reference to development of frontal organ in Chimaera in Atti Soc. ligus. Sci. nat., Vol. VI, p. IS, PL xii. 1842. MULLER, J. Fig. of egg capsule of Callorhynchus in "Ueber den glatten Hai." SB. Akad. Berlin, PL vi, fig. 3. (Still the best figure of this cap- sule!) 1855. NILSSON, S. Skandinavisk fauna, Vol. IV, Fis- karne. Lund. 1896. OLSSON, P. Sur Chimaera monstrosa et ses Para- sites. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, Vol. IX, No. 5, pp. 449-501. (Figures an imperfect egg capsule.) 1897. PARKER and HASWELL. Textbook of Zoology. Figures capsule of Callorhynchus, Vol. II, p. 182. LITERATURE LIST. 167 1886. RENAULT, B., and ZELLER, R. Reference to Fayo- lia and Palxoxyris (Spirangium) in Comptes rendus de 1'Academie des Sciences, Vol. CVII, p. 1022. 1903. SAUVAGE, H. E. Reference to Jurassic Spiran- gium in Mem. Real. Acad. Cienc. Art. de Barce- lona, Vol. IV, pp. 6-7, PL i, fig. i. 1903. SCHAUINSLAND, H. Beitrage zur Entwicklungs- geschichte und Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. I. Callorhynchus. Zoologica, Vol. XVI, Heft 39, pp. 1-98, Pis. xn-xxiv. (Also preliminary notice in VH. V., internat. Zool. Congr. Berlin, pp. 658-659.) 1903. STEPHAN, P. L'evolution des Corpuscles Cen- traux dans la Spermatogenese de Chimaera mon- strosa. Comptes rendus des seances de la Re- union Biologique de Marseille, Feb. 17, pp. 1-3. Also in C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, Vol. LV, pp. 265-267. 1882. VAILLANT, L. "Travaillgur" finds young Chi- maera (130 mm.) with fragments of egg case in Gulf of Gascony. 1901. VAVRA. Comments upon and figures egg capsule of Callorhynchus in Vesmir, pp. 184-185. 1891. WOOD-MASON, J., and ALCOCK, A. Reference to capsule of " PCallorhynchus " ( = ?Harriotta indica) in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6 ser., Vol. VIII, pp. 21-22, fig. Specific name by (1899) Garman, S., in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. XXIV, p. 21. FOSSIL CHIM/EROIDS. [In preparing the present summary the author acknowledges his indebtedness to Smith Woodward's Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the British Museum, Vol. II.] AGASSIZ, L. 1833-44. Recherches sur les poissons fossiles. Reference to Spinacorhinus (=Squaloraja). Feuill., 1837, p. 94, and Vol. Ill, Pis. XLII, XLIII, and 1834, Vol. Ill, p. 381. Reference to Chimxra (Ischyodon) johnsonii, p. 344, PI. XL c, fig. 22; also Chimxra (Ischyo- don) egertoni, Vol. Ill, p. 340, PI. XL c, figs. I-IO. Reference to Myriacanthus. Ibid., p. 38, PI. vi, and p. 39, PI. vni a, figs. 14, 15. Reference to Myriacanthus granulatus. Ibid., p. 40, PI. vni a, fig. 16, 1837. Reference to Lcptacanthus tenuispinus. Ibid., p. 27, PI. i, figs. 12, 13. Reference to Spinacorhinus polyspondylus. Ibid., Pis. XLII, XLIII, and Feuil., p. 94, 1836. Reference to Lcptacanthus (Ganodus), Vol. Ill, p. 27, (in part), 1837. Reference to Psittacodon (Ganodus). Ibid., 1843, p. 340; Psittacodon (Edaphodon). Ibid., 340 (in part). Reference to Chimaera (Ganodus) owenii. Ibid., p. 347, PI. XL, figs. 6. AGASSIZ, L. (Continued.) Reference to Chimxra (Ganodus) colei. Ibid. (ex Buckland MS.), p. 346, PI. XL, figs. 8-10. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodon) tessoni. Ibid., p. 342, PI. XL, fig. 19. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodon) beaumontii. Ibid., p. 346. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodon) townsendii. Ibid., p. 343, PI. XL, figs. 20-22 ; PL XL c, figs. 17, _i8._ Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodon) brevirostris. Ibid., p. 344 (name only). Reference to Chimaera ( Ischyodon )agassizii. Ibid., PL XL c, figs. 14, 15. Reference to Chimxra (Ischyodon) centertrii. Ibid., p. 345. Reference to Chimaera (Psittacodon) sedgwickii. Ibid., p. 349, PI. XL, figs. 17, 18. Reference to Chimasra (Psittacodon) mantelli. Ibid., p. 348, PL XL a, figs, i, 2, Vol. Ill, 1843. Reference to Chimaera(Ischyodon)agassizii. Ibid., p. 341, PL XL a, figs. 3, 4 ( ?s), PL XL c, figs. 16 (non figs. 14, 15). Reference to Edaphodon bucklandi. Ibid., p. 351, PL XL d, figs. 1-4, 9-12, 19-24. Reference to Edaphodon eurygnathus. Ibid., p. 352. Reference to Edaphodon leptognathus. Ibid., p. 352, PL XL a, figs. 5-8, 13-18. Reference to Ischyodus [=Chimaera (Ischyodon)] helvetica. Ibid., p. 345, PI. XL c, figs. 20, 21. AMMON, LUDWIG VON. 1896. Ueber neue Stiicke von Ischyodus. Berichte Naturwiss. Ver. Regensburg, Heft 5 (Fest- schrift), 1894-95, pp. 253-263, 2 Taf., i fig. (I. schtipleri, avitus). 1899. Ein schemes Exemplar von Ischyodus avitus. Geogn. Jahresh., Vol. XI, pp. 158-160, I Taf. BASSANI, F. 1901. Reference to Chimaera bucklandi in "Sue alcuni avanzi di pesci del pliocene toscano." Monitore Zoologico Italiano, Vol. XII, N. 7, p. 189. BENSTED, W. H. 1862. Reference to Ischyodus agassizii. Geologist, Vol. V, p. 378 (errore). BESSELS, E. 1869. Reference to egg-case of Plschyodus (Jurassic of Wiirttemberg). Jahreshefte d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturkunde in Wiirtt., Vol. XXV, p. 152, PL in. BUCKLAND, W. 1835. Chimaera egertonii, townsendii, and mantellii ; also Chimxra agassizii. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. II, p. 206; v. also in Phil. Mag. (3), Vol. VIII, p. 5, 1836. 1838. Reference to Passalodon (Syn. Edaphodon). Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. II, p. 687. COOMARASWAMY, A. K. 1903. List of Fish Teeth of Bagshot Lands (London Basin), etc. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Lond., Vol. IX, pp. 83-84. 1 68 LITERATURE LIST. COPE, E. D. 1869. Reference to Edaphodon (=Ischyodus) monolo- phus. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 314. Reference to Edaphodon (=Ischyodus) smocki. Ibid., p. 316. Reference to Ischyodus (mirificus, smocki, mono- lophus, divaricatus). Ibid., p. 314. Reference to Sphagepcea aciculata. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. XI, p. 241. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) divari- catus. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 315, and Vert. Cret. Form. West., Vol. II, pp. 185-292, 1875. Reference to Leptomylus densus. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. XII, p. 313. 1871. Reference to Leptomylus cooki. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. XI, p. 384. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) lateri- gerus. Ibid., p. 243. 1875. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) steno- bryus. Vert. Cret. Form. West., Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ., Vol. II, pp. 284-285. Reference to Edaphodon (=Ischyodus) triparti- tus. Ibid., pp. 284, 286. Reference to Diphrissa. Ibid., p. 283. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) eoccenus. Ibid., pp. 285-288. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) fecundus. Ibid., pp. 285, 290. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) gaskilli. Ibid., pp. 285, 290. Reference to Leptomylus forfex. Ibid., p. 281. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) incrassa- tus. Ibid., pp. 285, 289. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) laterigerus. Ibid., pp. 284, 288. Reference to Edaphodon (Ischyodus) longiros- tris. Ibid., pp. 284-287. Reference to Ischyodus miersii. Ibid., pp. 285, 292. Reference to Ischyodus mirificus. Ibid., pp. 285, 291. 1878. Reference to Chimaeroids in classification as lower in the scale than sharks. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. XXVI, p. 292. 1884. Reference to holocephali as giving rise to selachii, ichthyotomi (from which hyopomata are de- rived), dipnoi. Amer. Naturalist, p. 255. 1891. General notes on Chimasroids in Syllabus of Lec- tures on Geology and Palaeontology. Ginn and Co., pp. 135. DAVIES, W. 1872. On the rostral prolongations of Squaloraja poly- spondyla. Geol. Mag., Vol. IX, p. 145, PI. iv. DAVIS, J. W. ' 1880. Reference to similarity of species of Pleuracan- thus and Ischyodus, and general resemblance of base of spines of Ischyodus and Siluroid. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., May, p. 355. 1883. Detailed reference to Jurassic Petalodonts, etc., in Trans. Roy. Dub. Soc., pp. 327-350. DAVIS, J. W. (Continued.) 1888. Reference to Callorhynchus hectori. Trans. Roy. Dub. Soc. (2), Vol. IV, p. 41, PI. vn, figs. 14-15'. Reference to Ischyodus brevirostris. Ibid., p. 42, PI. vii, figs. 10-13. 1890. Reference to Ischyodus brevirostris. Ibid., pp. 414-415. (Cretaceous of Scandinavia.) DEAN, BASHFORD. 1904. Reference to position of Menaspis armata. Sci- ence, Vol. XIX, p. 253, and Am. Geologist, Vol. XXIV, pp. 49-53, PL ii. DIXON, F. 1850. Reference to Edaphodon sedgwicki. Foss. Sus- sex, p. 203. Reference to Edaphodon mantelli. Ibid., p. 203, PI. xxxiv. Reference to Edaphodon eurygnathus. Ibid., p. in, PI. x, figs. 18, 19, 22; PI. xii, fig. 5. Reference to Edaphodon leptognathus. Ibid., p. in, PI. x, figs. 20, 21. EASTMAN, C. R. 1898. On the dentition of Devonian Ptyctodontidae. Amer. Nat., Vol. XXXII, pp. 473-488, 546- 560, 50 figs. Reference to Ptyctodus obliquus, major, molaris, calceolus, ferox, compressus, panderi ; Rynchodus secans, occidentalis, exca- vatus, rostratus, major; Palseomylus predator, frangens, crassus, greenei ; Ichthyodorulites. 1898. Reference to Ptyctodus and to Synthetodus (re- garded by Eastman as dipnoan) ( PChimaeroid) in Ann. Rep. Iowa Geol. Surv., Vol. VII, pp. 108-116, PI. i. 1900. Reference to Rhynchodus major in Am. Geol., Vol. XXV, pp. 391-392. 1900. Einige neue Notizen iiber devonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. Centralb. Min. Geol. Pal., pp. 177-178. (Rhynchodus emigratus.) 1903. A peculiar modification amongst Permian Dip- noans. Am. Nat., Vol. XXXVII, pp. 493-495, 2 figs. ( ?Chimseroid affinities.) 1904. On the dentition of Rhynchodus and other fossil fishes. Am. Nat., Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 295-299, 2 figs. Rhynchodus major, rostratus, pcrtenuis, emigratus (=Ramphodus tetrodon) ; Ptyctodus calceolus. EGERTON, Sir P. 1843. Reference to Ischyodus colei. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. IV, p. 156. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodus) beaumonti. Ibid., pp. 155, 156. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodus) emarginata. Ibid., pp. 154, 156. Reference to Chimaera dufrenoyi. Ibid., p. 155. Reference to Ischyodus duvernoyi. Ibid., p. 156. Reference to Elasmodus. Ibid., p. 156. Reference to Ischyodus townsendii. Ibid., p. 156. Reference to Ischyodus brevirostris. Ibid., p. 156 (name only). Reference to Ischyodus dutertrei. Ibid., p. 156 (dutertrii) ; Ischyodus agassizi, p. 156. LITERATURE LIST. 169 EGERTON, Sir P. (Continued.) Reference to Chimaera dutertrei. Am. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XII, p. 469, and Proc. Geol. Soc., Vol. IV, p. 154. Reference to Ischyodus sedgwicki. Ibid., p. 156. 1847. Reference to Elasmodus hunteri. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. Ill, p. 351, and Ganodus den- tatus, p. 353. Reference to Ganodus colei. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. Ill, p. 352. Reference to Ischyodus. Ibid., p. 351, PI. xm, fig. i. Reference to Edaphodon sedgwicki and Edapho- don mantellii. Ibid., p. 352. Reference to Edaphodon. Ibid., p. 351, PI. xm, figs. 2, 3. 1852. Reference to Elasmodus hunteri. British Fossils, Dec., Vol. VI, No. i, PI. I. 1869. List of type fossils in Egerton Collection. Refer- ence to "Chiniaera." Geol. Mag., Vol. VI, p. 4. 1871. Ischyodus orthorhinus. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXVII, p. 275, PI. xm. 1872. Reference to Prognathodus (=Myriacanthus) giintheri. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,Vol. XXVIII, pp. 233-236, PI. vm. ElCHWALD, E. VON. 1846. Reference to Aulacosteus (=Ptyctodus) in Geognosy of Russia (in Russian). According to Leth. Rossica, Vol. I, pp. 15-48, 1860. EWALD. 1848. Describes Menaspis in Monatsber. Ber. Akad. Wiss., p. 33. Cf. Neues JB. fur Mineral., 1849, p. 1 20. FiJRBRINGER, K. 1903. Reference to Janassa (lip cartilages). Morph. JB., Vol. XXXI, H. 2 u. 3, pp. 364, 382. GEINITZ, H. B. 1875. Reference to Chimaera mantelli. Palseontogr., Vol. XX, PI. n, p. 206, PI. xxxix, figs. 11, 12. Reference to Chimaera agassizii. Ibid., p. 206, PI. xxxix, figs. 8-10. GERVAIS, P. 1869. Reference to Dipristis ( = ? Chimxra). Zool. et Pal. Gen., p. 240. GIEBEL, C. 1856. Reference to Menapis. Zeitschr. f. d. gesamm- ten Naturwiss. Berlin, Bd. VII, p. 367, Taf. in and iv. GILL, THEO. 1905. Reference to a Rhinochimaera-like egg-capsule from the Laramie (Cretaceous) sandstone. Science, N. S., Vol. XXII, pp. 601-602. HAMY, E. T. 1866. Reference to Ischyodus beaumontii. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (2), Vol. XXIII, p. 656, fig. I. Reference to Ischyodus sauvagei. Ibid., p. 655, fig. 2. HASSE, C. 1885. Reference to Squaloraja polyspondyla. Palaeon- togr., Vol. XXXI, p. 4, PI. i, figs. 2, 3. HOWES, G. B. 1890. Reference to Squaloraja (Chimaeroid) exterm. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Dec. 2, p. 687. 1891. Reference to Chimaeroid-like column of Palaso- spondylus. Trans. Biol. Soc. Liverp., Vol. VI, PJ44- HUENE, F. VON. 1900. Devonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. Nat. JB. f. Min., Geol. u. Palaeontol., Vol. I, pp. 64-66. Reference to Rhynchodus emigratus v. Huene. Centralb. f. Mineralogie, I p. JAEKEL, O. 1890. Ueber fossile Ichthyodorulithen. SB. Gesell. na- turforsch. Freunde, Berl., No. 7, pp. 117-131. Oracanthus bochumensis, n. sp. Refers this to his (order) Trachyacanthidae. 1891. Ueber Menaspis, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen u. d. Systematische Stellung d. Elasmobranchier. SB. Gesell. naturforsch. Freunde, Berl., No. 7, pp. 115-131, PL I- 1892. Reference to Chalcodus permianus as equivalent to Menaspis armata : not a Chimreroid, as Wood- ward believed, but a "Trachyacanthid." SB. Gesell. naturforsch. Freunde, Berl., No. 9, Nov. IS, PP. IS7-I58. Reference to Chalcodus (=Menaspis) and to Reis's referring it possibly to Chimaeroid. SB. Gesell. naturforsch. Freunde, Berl., No. 9, pp. 156-158. Ueber Dichelodus Gieb. und einige Ichthyodoru- lithen. Eine Entgegnung an Herrn A. Smith Woodward. Neue JB. fiir Mineralog., Vol. I, pp. 6. 1896. Chimaeriden-Eier aus dem unteren Dogger von Heininge in Wiirttemberg. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Bd. XLVIII, p. 691. 1899. Ueber d. Organization d. Petalodonten. Zeitschr. d. deutschen geol. Gesellsch., Vol. LI. Heft 2, pp. 257-298, PI. ii. 1901. Ueber jurassische Zahne und Eier von Chima- riden. Neues JB. Min. Geol. Pal. Berl., Vol. XIV, pp. 540-564, PI- 4, 3 figs. Reference to Ischyodus aalensis, ferrugineus (=Aletodus ferrugineus), Callorhynchus antarc- ticus. LEIDY, J. 1873. Reference to Eumylodus. Extinct Vert. Fauna W. Territ. (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Territ.), Vol. I, p. 309, PI. xix, figs. 21, 22; PI. xxxvii, figs. 13, 14. Reference to Edaphodon mirificus. Ibid, p. 306, and Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (1856), p. 221. iyo LITERATURE LIST. LERICHE, M. 1901. Reference to Ischyodus thurmani and to Edapho- don sedgwicki of the latter figuring mandible and a (?) spine. Ann. Soc. Geol. du Nord, Vol. XXXI, p. 125-129. Cf. also 1903, ibid., pp. 239-252. (Chimaeroids in Landenien.) 1903. Further reference to these genera. Ibid., Vol. XXXII, pp. 239-252. MANTELL, G. A. 1844. Reference to Chimsera. Medals of Creation, p. 621. MARSH, O. C. 1869. Reference to Dipristis. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 230. Reference to Edaphodon miersi; Dipristis miersii. Ibid., p. 230. MEYER, H. VON. 1855. Reference to Rhynchodus, sp. ind. : ( Physichthys hoeninghausii.) Palaeontogr., Vol. IV, PI. xv, fig. 9 (errore). 1859. Reference to Ischyodus acutus. Palaeontogr., Vol. VII, p. 17, PI. II, figs. 9-12. Reference to Ischyodus (Chimaera) rostratus. Ibid., p. 14, PI. ii, figs. 3-8. 1860, Chimsera (Ganodus) prisca. Neues JB., p. 212. (Name subsequently withdrawn.) 1862. Chimaera (Ganodus) avita. Palaeontogr., Vol. X, p. 87, PI. xn. MONSTER, G. VON. 1840. Reference to Myriacanthus franconicus. Beitr. Petrefakt., Vol. Ill, p. 127, PI. in, fig. 8. 1842. Myriacanthus vesiculosus. Ibid., p. in, PI. vi, fig- 3- NEWBERRY, J. S. 1871. Reference to Rhynchodus. 1873. Palaeomylus frangens : Rhynchodus frangens. Rep. Geol. Surv. Ohio, Vol. I, Ft. II, p. 311, PI. xxvin, figs. 2, 3. Reference to Rhynchodus. Ibid., p. 307. Reference to Rhynchodus secans. Ibid., p. 310, PI. xxvui, figs. 1-3. Reference to Palaeomylus crassus (=Rhynchodus crassus). Ibid., p. 312, PI. xxix, fig. 3. 1875. Reference to Ptyctodus calceolus. Rep. Geol. Surv. Ohio, Vol. II, Pt. II, p. 59, PI. LIX, fig. 13. 1877. Reference to Rhynchodus excavatus. Rep. Geol. Surv. Wise., Vol. II, p. 397. 1878. Reference to Rhynchodus occidentalis and exca- vatus. Am. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. I, p. 192. 1889. Reference to Palaeomylus greenei (Rhynchodus greenei). Rep. Geol. Surv. Ohio, Vol. I, Pt. II, P. Si- Reference to Rhynchodus. Mon. XVI, U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 29, 45-51. Reference to Rhynchodus crassus. Ibid., pp. 49, 50, 286, ?H9, PI. xxvin, fig. 4. Reference to Rhynchodus excavatus. Ibid., pp. 50, 51, 288, PI. xxix, fig. i. NEWBERRY, J. S. (Continued.) 1889. Reference to Rhynchodus frangens. Ibid., pp. 29, 46, 48, 49, 288, PI. xxix, figs. 2, 3. Reference to Rhynchodus greenei. Ibid., pp. 51, 62. Reference to Rhynchodus occidentalis. Ibid., p. 62. Reference to Rhynchodus secans. Ibid., pp. 29-46, 47, 48, 286. Reference to Ptyctodus. Ibid., pp. 62, 63, 68, 69. Reference to Ptyctodus calceolus. Ibid., p. 62. Reference to Chimaera. Ibid., p. 46. Townsendii of Buckland, perhaps generically identical with Rhynchodus frangens. NEWBERRY and WORTHEN. 1866. Reference to Rhinodus (=Ptyctodus). Palaeon- tology of Illinois, Vol. II, p. 106, PI. x, fig. 10. NEWTON, E. T. 1876. On two Chimaeroid Jaws from the Lower Green- sand of New Zealand. Q. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXII, pp. 326-331, PI. xxi. Reference to Callorhynchus hectori. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXII, p. 329, PL xxi, figs. 6-9. Reference to Ischyodus brevirostris. Ibid., p. 326, PI. xxi, fig. 5. 1878. Chimaeroid Fishes, Brit. Cret. Rocks. Mem. Geol. Surv., Monogr. IV, p. 41, PI. xn, figs. 1 1, 12. Reference to Callorhynchus hectori. Reference to Elasmodectes. Ibid., p. 43. Reference to Ischyodus planus. Ibid., p. 37, PI. XII, figs. I, 2. Reference to Ischyodus brevirostris. Ibid., p. 27, PI. ix. Reference to Ischyodus latus. Ibid., p. 32. Reference to Ischyodus incisus. Ibid., p. 38, PI. xii, figs. 3-10. Reference to Edaphodon sedgwickii. Ibid., p. 7, Pis. i, ii. Reference to Edaphodon mantellii. Ibid., PI. iv, figs. 1-9. Reference to Edaphodon agassizii. Ibid., p. 12, PI. ill. Reference to Edaphodon crassus. Ibid., p. 21, PI. vn. Reference to Edaphodon reedii. Ibid., p. 19, PI. vi. Reference to Edaphodon laminosus. Ibid., p. 24, PI. vni. Reference to Edaphodon mirificus. Ibid., p. 24. 1881. Reference to Ischyodus townsendii. Proc. Geol. Assoc., p. 116, fig. NIKITIN, S. 1882. Reference to Edaphodon, from Cretaceous of Cen- tral Russia. Mem. Comite Geol., Vol. V, No. 2, p. 42, PI. iv, fig. 16. NOETLING, F. 1885. Reference to Edaphodon bucklandi. AH. geol. Specialk. Preussen u. Thiiring. Staaten, Vol. VI, Pt. Ill, p. 3, PI. i, fig. i. OWEN, R. 1840. Reference to Elasmodus hunteri, extinct Chimaera. Odontography, Vol. I, p. 66. LITERATURE LIST. 171 PANDER. 1858. Ueber die Ctenodipterinen des devonischen Sys- tems St. Petersburg. Ref. p. 50 to structure of dental plates of Ptyctodus as combining Gym- nodont and Chimaeroid characters. PARENT, H. 1903. Reference to Chimaeroids in Wealdon of Bas- Boulonnais, in Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, Vol. XXXII, pp. 17-48. PHILIPPI, E. 1897. Ueber Ischyodus suevicus nov. spec. Palaeontogr., Vol. XLIV, pp. i-io, PI. n. PHILLIPS, J. 1871. Reference to Ischyodus egertoni. Geol. Oxford, p. 306, PI. xii, fig. 24. PICTET, F. J. 1854. Reference to Edaphodon. Palaeontologie, ed. 2, Vol. II, p. 233. PICTET and CAMPICHE. 1858. Reference to Ischyodon thurmanni. Foss. Terr. Cretace St.-Croix (Pal. Suisse), p. 76, PI. ix, fig. 8. PRIEM, F. 1901. Reference to Edaphodon bucklandi. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 49 sen, Vol. I, p. 485. PROBST, J. 1882. Reference to (fig.) Chimaera deleta in Jahreshefte d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturw. in Wurtt, pp. 120-131. QUENSTED, F. A. 1852. Reference to Chimaera aalensis. Handb. Petrefakt, p. 185, PI. xiv, figs. 14-16, and Der Jura (1858), PP. 339, 347, PI- XLVII, figs. 21-28. Reference to Ischyodus personal! : Chimaera per- sonati. Ibid., ed. I, p. 185, PI. xiv, fig. 17, and Der Jura, p. 339, PI. XLVI, figs. 8, 9. 1858. Reference to Chimaeracanthus (=Ischyodus). Der Jura, p. 347. Reference to Chimaera schuebleri. Ibid., p. 782, PI. xcvi, fig. 39. 1883. Reference to Ischyodus bifurcati : Chimaera bifur- cati. Handb. d. Palreont., ed. 3, p. 293, PI. xxm, fig. 25. REIS, O. M. 1890. Zur Kenntnis des Skelets der Acanthodinen. Geognost. JB., p. 30. 1894. Ueber Phosphoritisirung d. Cutis, d. Testikel u. d. Riickenmarks. (Reference to Ischyodus.) Arch. mikr. Anat., Vol. XLIV, pp. 87-119, PI. vi. ?1892. Ueber d. Kopfstacheln b. Menaspis armata Ewald. Mtinchen, M. Kutzner, pp. 13. 1895. On the structure of the frontal spine and the ros- tral-labial cartilages of Squaloraja and Chimasra. Geol. Mag. Lend., Decade IV, Vol. II, pp. 38S-39I, PI- xn. RENAULT, B., and ZEILLER, R. 1886. Reference to Fayolia and Palaooxyris (Spiran- gium) in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. CVII, p. 1022. RlESS, J. 1887. Reference to Ischyodus schuebleri. Palaeontogr., Vol. XXXIV, p. 17, PI. i. fig. 8. Reference to Edaphodon kilheimensis. Ibid., p. 20, PI. i, fig. ii. Reference to Chimaeropsis paradoxa. Palaeontogr., Vol. XXXIV, p. 21, PI. n, figs. 9-11; PI. m,figs. I-IO. Reference to Ischyodon quenstedti. Ibid., p. 6, PI. T, figs. l-S ; PI. n, figs. 1-7. Reference to Ischyodus avita. Ibid., p. 14, PI. I, figs. 6, 7; PI. n, fig. 8. Reference to Ischyodus aalensis. Ibid., p. 19, PI. i, fig. 9- Reference to Ischyodus bifurcati : Chimaera bifur- cati. Ibid., p. 19. Reference to Ischyodus ferrugineus. Ibid., p. 20, PI. i, fig. 10; PI. in, fig. ii. RILEY, H. 1833. Reference to squaloraja dolichognathos. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. I, p. 484, and (2) Vol. V, p. 83, PI. iv. ROHON, J. V. 1892. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Ptycotodus. VH. russ. Kais. mineralog. Gesellsch. St. Pe- tersburg (2), Vol. XXXIII, pp. 1-16, PI. i, P. obliquus, ancinnatus, major. ROMANSKY, H. 1864. Reference to spine of Myriacanthus semigranu- latus. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 167, Pt. II, PI. iv, fig. 34. RUTOT, A. 1904. Reference to fossil. Chimaeroids found in the neighborhood of Brussels in Bull. Soc. beige, Geol. Pal. Hydrol., Vol. XVII, pp. 383-499. SAUVAGE, H. E. 1843. Reference to Ischyodus dutertrei. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Vol. IV, p. 89, PI. in, figs. 17-19. 1867. Reference to Auluxacanthus (^Ischyodus). Catal. Poiss. Form. Second Boulonnais (Mem. Soc. Acad. Boulogne, Vol. II), p. 63. Reference to Ischyodus dufrenoyi. Ibid., p. 73, PI. iv, fig. 12. Reference to Ischyodus beaumontii. Ibid., p. 83, PI. iv, figs. 4, 5. Reference to Ischyodus rigauxi. Ibid., p. 766, PI. IV, figs. 14, 15. Reference to Ischyodus bouchardi. Ibid., p. 81, PI. iv, fig. 6. Reference to Ischyodus beaugrandi. Ibid., Vol. 1 1, p. 79, PI. iv, figs. 7, 8; I. sauvagei, p. 86, PI. iv, figs. 2, 3. 1896. Les Ischyodus des terrains jurassiques superieurs du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, (3), Vol. XXIV, pp. 456-465, PI. ii. 1902. Les Poissons et les Reptiles du Jurassique Supe- rieur du Boulonnais au Musee du Havre. Bull. de la Soc. Geol. de Normandie, Vol. XXI (1001), pp. 3-4. Reference to Ischyodus. 172 LITERATURE LIST. SAUVAGE, H. E. (Continued.) 1903. Noticia sobre las peces de la Caliza litografica de la provincia de Leride (Cataluna). Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Bar- celona, Vol. IV, No. 35, pp. 6-7. Reference to Spirangium as doubtfully a capsule of a Chimas- roid. PI. i, fig. i. SEELEY, H. G. 1864. Reference to Edaphodon huxleyi. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), Vol. XIV, p. 276 (name only). TRAQUAIR, R. H. 1003. Reference to Gemiindina (L. Devonian) "as pos- sibly being a Chimaeroid." Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. XL, Pt. IV, p. 736. WAGNER, A. 1857. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodon) quenstedti. Gelehr. Anz. k. bay. Akad., Vol. XLIV, p. 288. 1862. Reference to Chimaera (Ischyodon) quenstedti. Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k. bay. Akad. Wiss., Vol. IX, p. 286, PI. i, fig. i. WALCOTT, C. D. 1892. Preliminary notes on the Discovery of Vertebrate Fauna in Silurian (Ordovician) Strata. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. Ill, pp. 153-172, Pis. m-v. Reference to "Chimaeroid" on pp. 163-166. WEYL, T. 1884. Squaloraja polyspondyla (foss.). Hasse. Palae- ontogr. (3), Vol. VII, p. 4, PI. i, figs. 2 and 3. Oligocene of Palmnicken. WOODWARD, A. S. 1886. Reference to Squaloraja polyspondyla. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 527, PI. LV, figs. 1-5, 7, 8, and 1887, p. 481. Reference to Squaloraja tenuispina. Ibid., p. 530, PI. LV, fig. 6. Note on the lateral line of Squaloraja. Ibid., p. 481. Anatomy and systematic position of Squaloraja polyspondyla. Ibid., pp. 527-528. PI. LV, and 1887, p. 481. 1888. Reference to English Cretaceous Chimaeroids, Ischyodus, Edaphodon, and Elasmodectes in Proc. Geologists' Ass., Vol. X, No. 5, pp. 209- 301, 333- Reference to absence of Chimaeroids in the Mount Lebanon Cretaceous in Rep. British Ass., Sec. C. WOODWARD, A. S. (Continued.) 1889. On the Myriacanthidas, an extinct family of Chi- maeroid fishes. Ann. N. H. (6), Vol. IV, pp. 275-280. A new family to include Myriacanthus, Ag. and Chimaeropsis, Zittel. 1889. Reference to Myriacanthus paradoxus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. IV, p. 279. Reference to Ischyodus egertoni. Palaeont. in Maiden Mus. Geol. Mag., Dec. Ill, Vol. VI, p. 363. 1890. Reference to Ganodus oweni. Proc. Geol. Ass'n, Vol XI, p. 303, PI. in, fig. 4. 1891. Detailed reference to fossil Chimaeroids. Cata- logue of Fossil Fishes of British Museum, Vol. II, pp. xvi, 37. Critique of Jacket's Menaspis and Trachyacanthid papers. Geol. Mag., Sept. Reference to Elasmodus greenoughi (Belgian Neo- zoic). Ibid., Dec. Ill, Vol. VIII, No. 321, pp. 112-113. 1892. Reference to supplementary observations on some fossil fishes of the English Lower Oolites. Proc. Geologists' Ass'n, Vol. XII, pp. 238, 239. On the skeleton of a Chimaeroid fish (Ischyodus egertoni?) from the Oxford Clay of Christian Malford, Wiltshire. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. IX, pp. 94-96. On some teeth of new Chimaeroid fishes from the Oxford and Kimmeridge clays of England. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., July, pp. 13-16, PI. in. Reference to Pachymylus leedsii, Brachymylus altidens and minor, Elasmodectes secans. 1898. Review of fossil Chimaeroids. Vertebrate Palae- ontology, pp. 54-61. WOODWARD and SHERBORN. 1890. Reference to fossil Chimaeroids. Cat. Brit. Foss. Vertebrata. ZITTEL, K. A. VON. 1887-90. Reference to Chimaeropsis paradoxa. Handb. d. Palaeont., Vol. Ill, p. 114, fig. 126. Reference to Chalcodus permianus. Ibid., p. 72, fig. 66. Reference to Metopacanthus (=Myriacanthus). Ibid., p. no. Reference to Metopacanthus orthorhinus. Ibid., p. in. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. THE DEPOSITING OP THE EGG OF CHIMERA COLUEI. (All figures about natural size. ) a. Anus. l.g. Lime gland. c. Crease in tumid eminence in median ventral line, m. Cord representing rudiment of dorsal mesentery, just posterior to opening of oviducts. Fig. 2. and containing the posterior mesenteric c. Crease in oviduct in which marginal web of vessels. capsule was laid down. Fig. 4. o. Ovary. c. a. Tumid eminences formed by prolapsed ends of op. Opening of oviducal sinus into cardinal sinus. oviducts. ovd. Oviduct. c. f. Capsular filament. ovd. a. Oviducal artery. c.o. Capsular organ of attachment. ovd. s. Oviducal sinus. c. s. Cardinal sinus. (Margin of. ) p. Urinary papilla. /. Funnel of oviduct. r. Folds at lower end of rectum. h. Heart. r.s. Receptaculum seminis. /. Liver. Fig. i. Preparation of gravid female, showing eggs in oviduct. The egg-capsules are well formed, the egg-containing portion situated in the hinder portion of the oviduct. The external openings of the oviduct protrude from the body. The receptaculum seminis is shown at r. s. The oviducts extend far forward ; their single opening appears at /., immediately behind the position of the heart, h. The mesovarium is greatly restricted; it can, how- ever, be distinguished on the left side of the figure where the capsular gland has been drawn out. The oviducal artery is extremely conspicuous at this stage. Fig. 2. Region of ventral fins of a specimen which has recently deposited eggs, showing the pro- lapsed ends of the oviducts. Fig. 3. Filamentous end of egg-capsule showing bulb-shaped organ of attachment. After sketch by Professor Wilbur. Fig. 3 a. Filamentous end of similar capsule. Fig. 4. Preparation showing oviducts of a specimen about to deposit egg-capsules. The oviducts, as shown in fig. i, pass back on either side from the median funnel, f. The one at the right in the figure is shown lying in a capacious blood-filled sac of the peritoneum, ovd. s. This sinus is slung from the dorsal wall of the body cavity : its sides (right and left) draw closer together as they leave the oviduct and approach the (dorsal) wall of the body cavity. And here appears finally a series of openings, op., through which blood of the oviducal sinus obtains free communication with the cardinal sinus, c. s. It is evident, of course, that the oviduct, ovd., is bathed in the blood contained in the sinus; and that it can well be seen only where it lies against the wall of the sinus, the blood then forming the dark- red masses at either side of the oviduct. The preparation has been made so that the external opening of one oviduct is retained. From it one sees protruding the narrow end of the egg-capsule. The opposite oviduct is shown opened. The details of the lime gland appear at /. g. Immediately below it from a transverse fold in the oviduct arises the viscid secretion, c. o., which draws together posteriorly and becomes the capsular filament, c. f. One observes many creases in the wall of the oviduct. In the deepest, c., the lateral web of the egg-capsule is laid down. The creases are especially note- worthy near the hinder opening of the oviduct. Here its muscular walls serve to hold the capsule as it hangs in the water while the remainder of the capsular filament is being devel- oped. CHIMAERA PLAT f>vd,a- ilVil II Litl: AnstvWerner&Wuner, Frankfu PLATE II. OVIDUCT OF CHIMERA COLUEI AND MODE OF FORMATION OF THE EGG-CAPSULE. (All figures natural size, excepting the last, fig. n.) b. c. c.p. d. k l.w. Fig. Line in which the lip of the operculum separates m- from the side of the capsule. Blastoderm. Aperture (cervix) through which the anterior end of m. o. the capsule is beginning to protrude. o. Capsular gland. In this region a series of trans- oi'd. verse zones can be made out extending as far ovd. a. posteriorward as t. o. o^>d. s. Foldings in the margin of the capsule in which r. later appear the perforations in the caudal sheath. * Groove in which dorsal keel of egg-capsule is laid /. o. down. At either side of this are thickened areas which form the dorsal wall of capsule. Folds in oviduct, in which the lateral web of the t. s. capsule is laid down. Rudiment of mesentery of gut containing ves- sels. This lies behind oviduct (cf. plate I, figs, i and 4). Mesovarium. Ovum about to break from the ovary. Oviduct. Oviducal artery. Oviducal sinus. Folds in groove of lateral web by which the rugae of the capsule are established. Stigma. Folds under the edge of the lime gland in which the terminal organ of the filamentous capsule is laid down. Thickened area in which is molded one side of the tail-sheath. Fig, Fig. Fig, Fig. Fig. Fig, 5. Ovary and oviduct of left side, showing egg about to be taken into the oviduct. The ovary is closely enveloped in the mesovarium, m. o., the fold of which is continued back, encloses the oviduct and shows at ovd. s. the beginnings of the oviducal sinus. It will be observed that the egg, o., about to escape from the ovary, is of great size. This is due to its fluid consistency at this stage, its contents having spread out when the preparation was made. A conspicuous stigma is present, to which nutrient blood-vessels converge. At this stage the oviduct is situated close to the dorsal wall of the cavity of abdomen. In later stages, during growth of the capsule, the oviduct hangs down freely into the abdomen and is bathed by the blood in the enlarged sinus, ovd. s. 6. Preparation of oviduct from which a developing capsule was removed, showing the fold- ings of the lining membrane which serve in modeling the capsule. 7. Preparation of anterior end of oviduct, showing a portion of the egg-capsule in situ. This figure illustrates the "segmental" character of the capsular gland, for each segment of which vessels are provided by the oviducal artery. The narrow end of the egg-capsule is shown within the oviduct ; at t. p. foldings are shown in its marginal walls, which later produce the perforations of the caudal sheath. At either side of the deep groove, d. k., in which the dorsal keel of the capsule is molded, appears a mass of glandular tissue. This is out- rolled on either side into the marginal creases in which the lateral web of the capsule is being laid down. 8. Immature capsule containing egg. The tail end of this capsule was incomplete, but by means of a ligature it was so preserved that the egg was incubated. By the tension of the ligature, however, the shape of the capsule was somewhat altered and the egg became more spherical in form. The lateral web of this capsule is delicate and extremely wide. 9. Egg-capsule opened, showing shape into which the egg is elongated during incubation. io, Egg-capsule at about the time of deposition, defective only in its terminal filament. This was, in fact, deposited while the fish was in captivity. From this figure one obtains an idea of the translucency of the freshly deposited capsule. ii and Fig. n a-c. Details in structure of egg-capsule. Fig. n shows a detail in the struc- ture of the opening valve. The fold in the wall near apex of capsule, a. /., passes upward and inward into a ridge, the walls of which are folded into thickened and thinner areas alternately. At a. a transverse section shows height of this ridge. At b. appears a lateral view of the same ridge, indicating how it is made up of alternating elements. By a process of weathering in the thin intervening areas fenestrae are formed which insure respiration and which later, by a continued process of weathering, break open the valve of the capsule. In fig. n c. is shown the continuation of this folding process, occurring at sides of tail region of capsule. By the weathering of the thin spaces between the folds res- piratory openings are gradually formed. 176 CHIMAERA PLATE n. tn.o. ovd.a. / il ashford Dean del. Lith.Anstv Werner iWinter, Frankfurt'-M oT c." ; '. c PLATE III. THE EGG-CAPSULE OF CHIMERA COLLIEI SHOWN AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT. ( All figures about natural size.) Fig. 12. Capsule at the stage of the fertilization of the egg. The lowermost, i. e., valve-bearing, end of the capsule is fairly complete, but its substance is delicate. The present capsule collapsed during the process of removing it from the oviduct ; the egg it contained rup- tured and flowed out through the unfinished end. Fig. 13. Capsule slightly older than the preceding. The opening end is of firmer consistency ; the lateral web is well formed and somewhat pigmented. Fig. 14. Capsule slightly older than the preceding. The lateral dorsal webs are more perfectly formed. Fig. 15. Capsule in which the tail-sheath is beginning to be formed. Fig. 16. Egg-capsule in which the egg-inclosing portion is nearly completed. The tail-sheath is still a shapeless mass. The lateral webs are widest at this stage ; they later become molded more closely and their delicate margins wear away soon after the egg is deposited. Rugae are appearing near the posterior end of the capsule. An egg at this stage can be incubated if a ligature is placed near the base of the caudal sheath. (In figs. 12 to 16 capsules are shown in dorsal aspect.) Fig. 17. Egg-capsule from which embryo has been naturally hatched. This is the most perfect of the specimens which the writer dredged in Puget Sound. Its lateral webs are still largely uninjured, the filamentous tip alone being defective lacking the bulbous organ of attachment. The ventral aspect is here shown, and we note at d. h. the enlargement of the wall of the capsule in which the mandibular region of the young fish comes to lie. The figure shows also the close laminae in which the substance of the capsule is laid down. Fig. 17 a. Capsule of foregoing figure shown in lateral aspect. The valve of the capsule is repre- sented as opened, a position assumed naturally only at the time of the escape of the young fish, the valve and its springy mechanism reminding one of the "mouth" of the corolla of a labiate plant. This figure shows the ridges, r. and /., which overlap (r. overlapping /.) up to time the young fish escapes. It shows also how the neighboring tip of capsule weathers, leaving only three eminences protruding, of which the one belonging to the lid of the valve is the longest. The dorsal keel of the capsule is here well shown, d- k. It varies little in height and passes nearly the whole length of capsule. Fig. 17 b. Capsule of foregoing specimen shown in dorsal aspect. This specimen shows adequately the extent and character of the rugae of the lateral web. At its anterior end, at r. , appears the rim of the valvular opening. In a capsule from which the fish has naturally escaped this ridge no longer returns to its former position under the ridge /. Fig. 17 c. Capsule of foregoing specimen shown from in front. This figure was prepared to illus- trate the character of the overfolded margins of opercular opening, and the peculiar curving of the sides of valve. It shows also the prominence of the dorsal keel. (The capsule of fig. 17 is somewhat light colored for one which has been long deposited. Old capsules are usually greenish black in color.) CHIMAERA PLATE in. 13 14 17 ka del. LithAns'v.Wen'.erJ. Winter, Frdnkfurl a /M. PLATE IV. STAGES OF FERTILIZATION, SEGMENTATION, AND BLASTULA. (Preparations magnified about 15 diameters. All drawings from fresh material. Figs. 22 to 28 from camera drawings of embryos which had been removed from the egg and viewed as transparent objects.) Fig. 1 8. Late stage of fertilization. The oblong shape of the germinal area is due to artifact. The preparation illustrates the number and size of the entrance pits of spermatozoa and the extent of the marginal groove. Fig. 19. Later stage of fertilization. This indicates the extent of the marginal groove and the difference in size of the entrance pits of the spermatozoa. Fig. 20. Stage showing in surface view a single furrow. As already noted, however, this stage is not one of first segmentation, since it contains several segmentation nuclei. Surrounding the germinal area is a narrow groove margined outwardly by eminences containing sperm nuclei. Fig. 21. Stage similar to foregoing, but showing at the surface four '' blastomeres." Fig. 22. Stage of early segmentation. Here the marginal areas containing sperm nuclei are far less conspicuous. Fig. 23. Stage similar to the preceding. Fig. 24. Stage of segmentation. Fig. 25. Stage of late segmentation. Blastomeres in resting stage. Fig. 26. Stage of late segmentation. Fig. 27. Stage of late segmentation. The darker color of the central blastomeres indicates a greater depth in this region of the germ. Fig. 28. Blastula. In this stage inter-blastomeral lines were traced over the light-colored circum- germinal ring. Fig. 29. Blastula. Viewed as an opaque object, and showing a sharply marked boundary between the blastoderm and the circumgerminal ring. 180 18 ft PLATE V. BLASTULA, GASTRUI,^, AND EARLY EMBRYOS. (Preparations magnified about 15 diameters. In Figs. 30-34 the circumgerminal zone has been inaccurately litho- graphed ; it should appear less conspicuous, its outer margin merging insensibly into the surrounding yolk.) Fig. 30. Late blastula, showing especially the extent of the circumgerminal ring and its irregular margin. Fig. 31. Early gastrula. The transverse shadow at the lower end of the germinal area represents the beginnings of the archenteric cavity. Fig. 32. Early gastrula, showing the extent of the archenteric space- Fig- 33- Gastrula, showing the appearance of the head region of the embryo. In this preparation merocytes could be distinguished in the outer part of the circumgerminal ring. Fig. 34- Gastrula, showing the early embryo and the extent of the segmentation cavity. Fig- 35- Gastrula, slightly older, showing the early vascularization of the blastoderm. Fig. 36. Gastrula, showing early embryo at a stage corresponding with Balfour's stage c in the shark. Fig. 37. Blastoderm, showing embryo at a stage corresponding with Balfour's stage F in the shark. Fig. 38. Blastoderm and embryo at a stage corresponding with Balfour's stage G in the shark. 182 CHIMAERA 30 31 A B PLATE v ^ A A B 33 34 37 38 PLATE VI. DETAILS OF EARLY EMBRYOS. a. Archenteron. Neurenteric opening. ec. Ectoderm. of. Optic vesicle. fill. Entoderm. / Pronephric region. ffi. g- n . First and second gill-clefts. v. i. Vitello-intestinal vein. A. Heart. Fig. 39. Detail of embryo shown in plate i, fig. 35, viewed as an opaque object. Fig. 39 a-e. Same embryo viewed in various positions as transparent object. Fig. 40. Embryo shown in plate vi, fig. 36, viewed as a transparent object. Fig. 41. Embryo shown in plate vi, fig. 37, viewed as a transparent object. Fig. 41 a. Embryo shown in plate vi, fig. 38, viewed as an opaque object. Fig. 41 b. Embryo shown in plate vi, fig. 38, viewed as a transparent object. 184 CHIMAERA PLATE vi. 39 , 40 39 u 41' ( ' fl\ .. r .. B TiWinter, Frjr PLATE VII. LATBR EMBRYOS. (Preparations magnified about 25 diameters.) a. Anus. ot. Otic vesicle. at. Atrium. ot. o. External opening of otic vesicle. b. Epiphysis. p. Pineal outgrowth. c. Conus arteriosus. -p. a. g. Postanal gut. c. e. Caudal eminence. n. Pronephros. c. v. Caudal vein. fn, d. Pronephric duct. g j , g". Gill slits. f. f. Pectoral fin. k. Cephalic knob. s. Spiracle. of. Optic vesicle. s. v. Sinus venosus. v. Ventricle. Fig. 42. Embryo, age about 25 days, corresponding to Balfour's stage G (+) of shark. This embryo bent during the process of fixation. It shows especially well the knob-like out- growth, k. in the region of the forebrain. Fig. 42 a and b. Anterior region of preceding embryo. Shown in nearly lateral and in dorsal aspect. Fig. 43. Embryo, age about 29 days, corresponding approximately to Balfour's stage i in shark. Fig. 43 b. Anterior region of specimen similar to preceding. Fig. 44. Embryo, age about 31 days, corresponding approximately to Balfour's stage j in shark. It shows a bulbous caudal thickening. Fig. 45. Embryo, age about 40 days, corresponding approximately to Balfour's stage K in shark. The circular area under the letters g.' g." was found to be artifact. Fig. 46. Embryo, age about 45 days, somewhat more advanced than Balfour's stage L in shark. At the time of fixation the embryo probably twisted, so that its axis came to lie nearly parallel to the neighboring margin of the blastoderm. (Length of embryo 20 mm.) 186 CHIMAERA PLATE vn 46 iJthAnstyWerneri Winter, Fr.:.> . . PLATE VIII. EMBRYOS OF CHIMERA COLLIEI. ch. Notochord. sp. Spiracle. n. Neural tube. x. Irregularity in line of postanal gut. Possibly artifact. n. c. Neurenteric canal. y. Yolk. /. a. g. Postanal gut. y. s. Stalk of yolk-sac. Fig. 42 c. Ventral aspect of the head region of specimen shown on plate vn, fig. 42. This indi- cates especially the extent of the stomadeal invagination. Fig. 46 a. Detail of tip of tail of specimen shown in plate vn, fig. 46. It illustrates especially the character of the caudal knob and the extent of the postanal gut. Fig. 47. Embryo and blastoderm shown attached to irregular mass of yolk. The embryo is of the stage shown in plate vn, fig. 44. It will be seen that a deep crease marks the line of sepa- ration of blastoderm and yolk, y. Fig. 47 a, b. Figures showing the foregoing specimen in natural size. These give an idea of the extent of the yolk mass around which the blastoderm is growing. Fig. 47 c. Margin of blastoderm in the region which, in fig. 47, is concealed by the tail. It is here slightly nicked, and a line of fusion can be traced in the direction of axis of embryo. Fig. 48. Embryo of stage shown in plate vn, fig. 45. The blastoderm has by this stage almost entirely inclosed the yolk mass noted in fig. 47. A small portion of the yolk is, however, seen in lower part of figure. The figure also shows, although indistinctly, a line of fusion passing from the embryo in the direction of the rim of the blastoderm. Fig. 48 a. Preceding specimen shown in posterior aspect. This indicates the extent to which the rim of the blastoderm has inclosed the yolk. The irregularity in its margin is due probably to artifact. In the yolk itself masses can be distinguished, even under a low power, which suggest separate blastomeres. The exposed surface of the yolk is somewhat irregular, suggesting that a portion of the yolk material has recently become detached. The blastomeres themselves are loosely associated, so that some of them could be removed with dissecting needles. Their peripheries are not quite as distinct as the present figure indicates. Fig. 49. Late embryo. Age unknown (probably five or six months), corresponding approximately to Balfour's stage N in shark. Although this specimen was examined living, and was apparently uninjured, its body cavity was filled with blood cells. Observe also the enlarged blood-knots in the external gills and the position of the spiracle denoted in this figure by the small red spot immediately above the rim of the upper jaw. (Embryo's length 35 mm.) Fig. 49 a. Dorsal aspect of preceding specimen. This pictures more clearly the blood-knots of the external gills. Fig. 49 b. Ventral aspect of preceding specimen. This shows especially the masses of yolk, y, attached to the external gills; also the point of attachment of the stalk of the yolk sac, y. s. Fig. 49 c. Detail of facial region of preceding specimen, indicating the extent to which the gill arches protrude at the side of the head. The gill filaments are cut away, but from their bases one observes that they occur only on the anterior rim of each gill slit. Fig. 49 d. Lateral aspect of preceding specimen. This pictures again the gill region from which the external filaments have been removed. The spiracle, sp., is seen immediately under the eye. 188 CHIMAERA PLATE vni. 1-7' 1 1-7 ' D 49 b ^ 4-7' 49 C 1-8' l T 48 nn del. er, Frankfurt^H PLATE IX. LATE EMBRYO OF CHIMERA COLUEI. a. cl. Antero-pelvic clasper. mix. Mixipterygium. a. d. p. Anterior dental plate. p. d. f. Palatine dental plate. f. o. Frontal organ. Fig. 50. Late embryo, age about six months, corresponding approximately to Balfour's stage P in shark. Lateral view. The attachment of small masses of yolk to the side of the embryo is probably artifact. The opercular fold has here been partly cut away, so as to expose the gills. X about 3. Fig. 50 a. Ventral aspect. External gills removed from the left side. Fig. 50 b. Dorsal aspect. Fig. 50 c. Anterior aspect. External gills removed from the left side. Observe particularly the large size of the frontal clasping organ. Fig. 50 d. Ventral region, showing extent to which the opercular fold has overgrown the gill lamellae. A detail is given as to the origin of the external filaments. Fig. 50 e. Region of the mouth. This shows especially the appearance of the sensory canals and the early condition of the dental eminences and of the labial cartilages. Fig. 50 f. Ventral fin, showing the early condition of the mixipterygium and of the antero-ventral clasping organ. Fig- 5 g- External gill filaments, giving detail of vein and artery. 190 CHIMAL-RA PLATI-: ix. Liih.Anst v Werner iWimer. Frankfurt a /M. PLATE X. " OP CHIMERA COLLIEI. These specimens were dredged off the Californian coast by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, in water of about 300 fathoms. Figures are of nearly natural size. Fig. 51. Newly hatched young. Length about 10 cm. This shows especially the great width of the pectoral fin, the relatively large eye, and the lack of lateral coloration. Fig. 51 a. Dorsal aspect of foregoing specimen. Observe particularly the large size of the open- ings of the auditory organ, au. Fig. 51 b. The ventral aspect of foregoing specimen. At y. s. is shown the scar, marking the point of entrance of the yolk-sac. Fig. 52. Young of about 12.5 cm. This specimen shows a marked differentiation of the dorsal fin, also noteworthy changes in coloration. Fig. 52 a. Dorsal aspect of foregoing specimen. Fig. 53. Young, 18.5 cm. in length. This exhibits an extreme degree of pigmentation. Fig. 53 a. Dorsal aspect of foregoing specimen. Fig. 53 b. Ventral aspect of foregoing specimen. 192 CHI MAE RA PLAIT: x. 51 51 E 53 a Lith Anstv.Werneri'Winler, Frankfurt a /M PLATE XI IMMATURE SPECIMEN OF CHIMERA COLLIEI. This was drawn from a freshly taken specimen and is intended to represent the fish in its natural colors ; it does not, however, give an adequate idea of the brilliantly metallic shades of the living fish, or of the translucency of the snout region. At this stage the fins are deeply pig- mented. Natural size. 194 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWEI LAKTH SC1EI- if This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ? 7 1989 OF CALIF., LD 21-50m-4,'63 (D647l6lO)4^6 General Library Universiry of California Berkeley