J K IRLF GIFT OF yL^rWtxU LAW GOVERNING ELECTIONS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, PASSED AT THE Regular Session, A, D, 1895, And as Amended 1897, 1899, 1903, i ; ^ TALLAHASSEE, FLA.: I. B. Hilson, State Printer. 1904. CHAPTER 4328 [No. 7.] AN ACT to Provide for the Registration of all Legally Qualified Voters in the Several Counties of the State, and to Provide for General and Special Elections and * for Ihe Returns of Elections. Be it Enacted ly the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, that shall at the time of registration be a citizen of the United States, and shall have 'resided who ar* and had his habitations, domicile, home and place of 2iSJ5SSJj permanent abode in Florida for one year, and in the county for six months, shall, if otherwise qualified ac- cording to law in such county, be deemed a qualified elector at all elections under the Constitution. Natur- alized citizens of the United States, at the time of and before registration shall produce to the registration of- ficer his certificate of naturalization or a duly certified copy thereof, and shall make oath that he is the identical person named in such certificate, before they shall be al- lowed to register; Provided, That the following classes of persons shall not be entitled to vote: First. Persons not duly registered according to law. Second. Persons under guardianship, including those kept in or confined in any public prison. Persong Third. Person who are insane or idiotic. Fourth. Persons who may have been convicted of fel- ony by any court of record. Fifth. Persons who may have been convicted of bribery, perjury, or larceny, or of any infamous crime in any court of this State, or any other State, or interested in any bet or wager, the result of which shall depend upon any elec- tion, or that shall hereafter fight a duel, or send, knowing- ly carry or accept a challenge to fight, or that shall be a second to either party, or that shall be the bearer of such challenge or acceptance; but the legal disability shall not accrue until after trial and conviction by due form of 257190 4 LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1904, Sixth. Xo person shall be permitted to vote at an elec- " tion who shall have failed) to pay at least on or before the second Saturday in the mouth preceding the day of such election, his poll taxes for the two years next pre- ceding the year in which such election shall be held; Provided. That no person shall be prevented front voting on account of not having so paid a poll tax for any year which shall not have been lawfully assessable against him by reason of his not having been of age, or having been over 55 years of age or who has lost a limb in battle. an who shall have procured and shall exhibit the certificate of the supervisor of registration to that effect as hereinaf- ter provided for -,. Provided, That no person who has not been in this State one year previous to' any general elec- tion, shall be required to pay more than one year's poll taxes, *Sec. 2. A general election shall be held in the several counties of this State on the Tuesday next succeeding the eieltion. first Monday in November, A. D. 1898, and biennially on the same day thereafter, or upon such day as may hereaf- ter be fixed by law. at which general election there shall be chosen by the qualified electors in this State such elec- tive State and county officers whose term of office may then require an election to be held to fill such office, be- side State Senators and members of the House of Rep- resentatives of this State, and such other elective of- ficers as may be required to be elected, as provided by the Constitution and laws of this State, except as herein otherwise provided. *Sec. 3. A- Governor, the administrative officers of the Tear of elec- exe cutive department, and the State Senators represent- iion. ing the odd numbered .districts shall be elected at such lection to be holclen in A. D. 1900, and every four years thereafter. State Senators from tlxe even numbered dis- tricts shall be chos3ii at the general election in A. D. 1898 for four years, and every four years thereafter, and . members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen at every general election hereunder. A Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court, a County Judge, a Sheriff, a Superintendent of Public Instruction and a County Surveyor ishall b chosen for each county in this State by its qualified elec- *Aniendmer.t, 1897. LAWS OF FLORIDA. 5 tors at said election in A. D. 1000, and every four years thereafter. A County Assessor of Taxes, a County Tax Collector and a County Treasurer for each county in this State shall also be chosen at said general election in A. D. 1898, in like manner, and at every general election thereaf- ter. A Justice of the Peace and Constable for each justices district shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof at said general election in A. D. 1898, and every two years thereafter. One Justice of the Supreme Court shall be chosen at the general election hereunder in A. D. 1898. and at every general election thereafter unless changed by law. A County Board of Public Instruction, consisting of three members, one member from each School Board J Dis- trict, elected from the several counties at large of this State, shall be chosen at the general election A .D. .1898, and at eve^y general election thereafter, unless changed by law. *Sec. 4. A representative to the Congress of the United States shall be elected in and for each Congressional Dis- congresaion- trict of this State on the first Tuesday after the first Mon- al election, day in November, A. D. 1S9S, and biennially on the same day thereafter. Electors of President and Vice-Presi- dent of the United States shall be elected on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1900, and on the same day every four years thereafter. Sec. 5. Special elections, shall be held in the following cases : Special eleo- First. Where there has been no choice of any officer tion3 ' who should have been elected at a general election. Scond. When a vacancy shall occur in the office of State Senator or Member of the House of Representatives of this State. IUit in case of a vacancy in the office of State Senator or member of the said House of Representa- tives, a special election shall not be held unless a session of the Legislature shall be held after the vacancy occurs and before a general election. Third. When a vacancy shall occur, more than three months before a general Hen ion. in the office of repre- sentative to the Congress of the United States, or in any vacancies other office which the Governor shall not be aiHhori/ed to fill by appointment. But if any vacancy shall oc -ur at a * /Amendment, ?3^7. 6 LAWS OF FLORIDA. ^ 1904. time not more than three months before a general election, the Governor may, in his discretion, order a special elec- tion to fill the same. Fourth. When it shall be necessary to elect Presidential Electors, by reason of the offices of President and Vice- President both having become vacant. *Sec. 6. The Secretary of State shall, between the first days of July and September in any year in which a gen- Notice of eral election shall be held, make out and cause to be pub- tkSfto ^ ec " lished, at least sixty days prior to the day of holding the nibUshed. election, in one or more newspapers printed at the State Capital, at least once a week until the election, a notice stating what offices and vacancies are to be filled at such general election in the State, and in each county and dis- trict thereof, and shall send to the sheriff of each county a notice of the offices and vacancies of each county to be filled at such general election by the qualified voters of his county, or any district thereof, and the sheriff shall cause a copy of such notice to be published weekly in a newspaper printed in his county, if there be one in the county, and if there be no such paper printed in his county, he shall cause at least five copies of such notice to be posted! in the most conspicuous and public places in the county. Sec. 7. Whenever a special election for any office is re- Pabiications quired to be holden, the Governor shall make an order SecUoS. ecU1 declaring on what day the same shall be held, and deliver the same to the Secretary of State, whereupon the Secre- tary of State shall publish notice of the election to be holden therefor in one or more newspapers published weekly at the State Capital, for not less than fifteen days nor more than forty days prior to said election, contain- ing notice of the vacancy or vacancies to be filled, and of the county or counties in which elections are to be held thereafter, and the Secretary of State shall also (deliver to the sheriff of such county or counties, in which such special elections are to be held, a notice of the time of election and of the offices to be filled by the voters of their respective counties, or any district thereof, and the sher- iff shall cause a copy of such notice to be published weekly in some newspaper printed in his county, if there *Amendment. 1897. LAWS OF FLORIDA. 7 be such a newspaper, and if there be no such paper ' [ 1904. printed in his county, he shall cause at least five copies of such notice to be posted in the most public and con- I spicuous places in the county. Sec. 8. Upon application for registration each elector shall be required to take and subscribe the following oath : Registration I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will protect and 01 defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida; that I am twenty-one years of age and have been a resident of the State of Florida for twelve months, and of this county for six months; that I am a citizen of the United States, and that I am qualified to vote under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, The supervisor of registration and district reg- istration officers in this act provided for are hereby au- thorized and required to administer this oath, and the elector shall also be required, under oath, to be admin- istered by the registration officer, to give such descrip- tion of himself as will be sufficient to clearly identify his person with the act of registration. Sec. 9. Upon the expiration of the term of office for which each supervisor of registration of electors has f^ 1 ? 18 ?)" *" . , , . Registration, heretofore been appointed in each county, and every two years thereafter, the Governor shall appoint, subject to removal by him at any time, one competent, discreet, and fair-minded person in each county, who shall be a quali- fied elector thereof, to be known as the supervisor of reg- istration of electors in said county. Such supervisor shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor shall be appointed an4 qualified. He shall keep his office at the county site, and shall have exclusive charge of the registration of electors, and for this purpose shall open Duties an* and keep books suitable for such registration of electors p01 in each e-lection district in such county. He shall ap- point, subject to removal at any time by him, a district registration officer for each election district in his county, whose duty it shall be to attend to the registration of electors in such district as hereinafter provided. The supervisor of registration shall not be eligible for any other office until six mouths after ( -easing to be such su- pervisor. Each supervisor shall, before entering on the performance of his duties, take the oath prescribed by section 2 of article 1C of the Constitution, and shall give Bond. Pay. Powers. Penalty. LAWS OF FLORIDA. a bond to the Governor of the State in the sum of five hundred dollars, with two sureties, to be approved by the board of county commissioners of his county, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as such supervi- sor. The compensation of such supervisors shall be suck sum or sums in proportion to the amount of work to be done, as may be fixed and allowed by the board of county commissioners in each county respectively. The district registration officers shall be paid for their services by the respective counties such sum or sums as may be fixed and allowed by the board of county commissioners in each county respectively, after the supervisor of registration shall have certified to the amount of service performed! by each of such district registration officers. Each super- visor shall have power at any time to remove any district registration officer within his county whenever he deems proper, and such district registration officer, when so re- moved, shall, on demand, surrender to such: supervisor all books and papers connected with his office. The will- ful failure of any such district registration officer to promptly comply with, such demands of the supervisor to deliver up such books and papers, shall be deemed a mis- demeanor, and, on conviction thereof, he shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each district registration officer shall, before entering upon the per- formance of his duties, make oath in writing before any officer authorized to administer oaths, that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of his office, which oath shall be transmitted to the supervisor of registra- tion, and preserved by him. Upon the removal of any supervisor of registration of electors, it shall be his duty to immediately ;orviso'r shall proceed to make up the registration books for the several districts in his county, so that three registration books for each election district shall exactly correspond and be as nearly as mav be a duplicate the one of The other. Such books shall be so marked on the lv:cks there- of as to designate clearly to which election district the? belong, and one of the said books for every election dis- trict shall be marked bv tlio supervisor on the back there- of with the words "OfhYp ropy." and which office copies shall at all time be kopt bv the supervisor in his ffice. The original registration books used by the district reg- istration officials shall also, after b^ing returned by them, be kept by the supervisor in his office. 12 LAWS OF FLORIDA. Proviso, 1904. Sec. 15. Each elector, upon being registered, shall be furnished by the registration officer with a certificate of registration?' registration, which certificate, issued by the supervisor, shall be numbered in each district for which they arc i'ssued, by consecutive numbers, in the order in which they avr issued by him. which certificates shall contain a statement of the full name, age, color, height, occupation, place of residence and date of registration, as entered in the registration books, which certificates shall be signed by the registration officer. No person shall be allowed to vote in any other election district than the one in which he is registered; nor shall any person whose name does not appear upon the registration books be allowed to vote; Proriclca, That irhen the name of any one who was duly registered prior to the approval of this act does not appear on the registration books of the election district in which he registered, and in which he resides, such per- son shall, on makir>io- satisfactory proof to the supervisor of rejristration of the fact of his previous registration, and that his name has been improperly omitted from the said books, be entitled to have his name restored to sftid books on application to the supervisor of registration, and shall thereupon receive from such supervisor a certificate of registration similar to that hereinbefore provided for, across the face of which shall be written in red ink the words '^Restoration (Certificate," by the supervisor of reg- istration, on the production of which, at the proper poll- ing 1 place of the proper elction district, he shall be enti- tled to vote, even thouorh his name does not appear on the registration books of such district; Prnri fieri. Said certificate of registration properly identified him to the managers of the oloction. The certificate of registration shall be of the following form : REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE XO . . Restoration certificate. Election District Xo Form of res- STATE OF FLORIDA, iatration cer- tificate. COUNTY. ) The bearer -....', is at the date hereof a quali- fied elector in the above district. He resides at . , is years of age. by occupation a He is .... feet .... inches in Jiie - ht: his color is and he is entitled to vote in said district, unless herein- LAWS OF FLORIDA. 13 , after disqualified. Registered on this day of. . . . 1964. A.I). 18.. Supervisor of Registration for said County. The certificate of transfer in this act provided for to t>e used in ca^es of transfer from one election district to an- other, shall be of the following form: TRANSFER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE NO. ... STATE OF FLORIDA, ) > Election District Xo GOUNTY. ) 9 The bearer is at the date hereof a qualified elector in the above district. He resides at . , . Transfer is years of age, by occupation registration He i . . . .feet .... inches in height; his color. , certlficate and ke is entitled to vote in said District Xo , where he formerly resided. Transferred on this . . dav of . ... A. D. IS. .. Supervisor of Registration for said County. Sec. 1f>. Whenever it may be necessary, the Supervisor of Registration of any county shall transfer and tran- scribe into new registration books from whatever regis- Duty of Su- tration books may bo in possession of such supervisor, the names of all electors who appear upon said old books, to be properly and legally registered electors thereon at the time of such transfer to said three new books, taking care that the names of all electors shall be transcribed only in the books of the election district to which such electors belong. At the end of tho time provided by this act for the registration books to be kept open by the supervisor of registration the said books shall be closed, and shall not again be opened for registration until after the next succeeding general elections, except as herein Registration provided, and the supervisor of registration shall attach closed. 10 ** his certificate to each of said three registration books, certifying that they have been examined and revised by him, and that he has caused such registration to be made in compliance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, fairly and impnrtially, to the best of his abili- ty, and such books, or list of names so certified, with such additions, corrections, erasures and revisions as in, 'my LAWS OF FLORIDA. from time to time in conformity to law, be made to or of the same, shall constitute the registration books and lists of such county. The supervisors of registration of elec- tors in the various counties shall be the official custodian supervisor. ojf the l)0oks of registration, and they shall have the ex- clusive control and management of all matters pertaining to the proper registration of electors at all times. When- ever it shall come to ihe knowledge of the supervisor of registration that any elector has died or become disquali- fied to vote by reason of conviction of any ffcsqualifying crime, or from any other cause, or has removed from the county, or from one election district to another in the county without obtaining a certificate of transfer, or that his right to vote has become in anywise affected since his registration, it shall be the duty of said supervisor to make a note of such a fact on the proper registration books opposite the name of such person, and to mark off the names of duch persons as have so ceased to be qualified electors by running a pen through the name of such per- son on such books, and in such cases the supervisor shaU carefully note in said books the date of such erasure, and in no case shall the inspectors or managers of any elec- tion allow any person to vote whose name shall appear on the books to have been there struck off or erased, whether such person shall have a certificate of registra- tion or not, unless he produces or exhibits to such mana- gers a proper certificate, signed by the supervisor of regis- tration, showing that he has been properly restored to said books subsequent to the date of said erasure of his name from said books. All additions to, corrections and other entries in, and all erasures of names, and the causes and dates thereof, shall be made by the supervisors in all three of the registration books belonging to each election district in his county, so as to keep all three of said books at all times as near as may be duplicates the one of ihe other; Provided, That when the name of any elector shall have been wronfully or erroneously erased, the same shall be restored by the supervisor of registration on applica- tions and proofs to him, or may be restored by order of the board of county commissioners, if the supervisor on application and proofs, fails to do so; And provided further. That the registration books shall be kept open to inspection of the county commissioners and the public LAWS OF FLORIDA. 15 during the consideration of any application for permit to 1904. ^ sell liquors, wines and beer. Sec. 17. Every elector shall have the right to a renewal of his certificate of registration without fee or change when the same becomes defaced by time or accident, upon Renewal of his surrendering such certificate so defaced to the super- certiflca ^ visor of registration. Any elector who may lose his cer- tificate of registration shall be entitled to a renewal there- of by the supervisor of registration of the county in which such elector was registered, upon application therefor, and proof of the loss, in the following manner : He shall at any time before the next general election apply for a renewal of his certificate, stating under oath, to be admin- istered by the supervisor, the facts of his former registra- tion and of such loss, and that he has not sold, bartered or parted with his certicate, and has not willfully de- stroyed or lost it, which application the supervisor shall examine into, and if the facts therein alleged shall be sus- tained to the satisfaction of the supervisor, he shall issue to the applicant a renewal of his certificate, marking or stamping across its face the word "Renewal," and shall make the proper entry in the registration, books of the fact of such renewal. The decision of the supervisor in such case, if it shall be against the application, shall be ^ subject to revision by the board of county commissioners, if he be notified of such appeal to said board within three days after notice to the applicant of the rejection of his application. Sec. 18. In case of the removal of an elector from one district to another district in the same county, such elec- Renewal of tor shall notify the supervisor of registration of such elector change of residence, and shall surrender his certificate of registration to such supervisor, who shall at once enter the fact in the proper registration books, and shall give, without fee or charge, such elector a certificate of trans- fer of registration in accordance with such change of resi- dence. If such person was registered before a certificate of registration was provided for by law, and therefore he has ro certificate, he shall be entitled to have his name transferred as above provided for, and shall also receive the certificate of transfer as above provided for. In case of the faliure or refusal of any elector to notify the super- visor of his removal of his residence, as in this section 16 LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1904. provided for, it shall be the duty of such supervisor, upon the fact of such removal being brought to his knowledge, f * era , se "the name of such person from the registration books, and to note therein the cause and date of such erasure. No elector, who, having been previously regis- tered, shall have removed from one district to another in the same county, shall be allowed to register, nor shall he be allowed to vote by the managers of any election, vith- out a certificate of transfer of registration, as above pro- vided. DUTIES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING REGISTKA- TION. *Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the county commission- em of each county, on the first Wednesday after the reg- Duty of istration books are closed, as provided for in this act, in County Com- , , . missioners. every 3~ear in which there is a general election, to ex- amine and revise the registration books of said county, erasing therefrom the names of all such as have died, or removed from the county, or from one district to another in the same county, or who are otherwise disqualified to vote, and restoring such names as have been improperly taken off by the supervisor of registration; said examina- tion and revision shall be completed within three days thereafter, and immediately the county commissioners shall cause to be published in a newspaper, if there be Publication one Published in such county, and also post at the court house door a list of the names, alphabetically arranged, that have been erased or stricken from the registration books of each district in such county, either by the su- pervisior of registration, or said board of county com- missioners, and any person whose name shall have been wrongfully or erroneously erased or istricken off, and who shall, within a time not less than ten days before the day of- any general election to be held in such county, make such fact appear to the satisfaction of said board 1 , shall be entitled to have his name restored to the regis- tration books, and the supervisor of registration, when so ordered by the board of county commissioners, shall restore such name or names to said books, with the date *Amendment, 1903. LAWS OF FLORIDA. IT of replacement and entries as to how or why such resto- 1904. ration was made, and he ghall, without charge, issue to said person or persons a new certificate or certificates of registration, as provided for in Section 15 of this act, and it thereby made the duty of the county commissioners of each county to hold such special meetings as may be necessary from time to time for carrying the' provisions of this section into effect, and they are authorized to re- quire the county treasurer to pay such expenses. as may be necessary in the performance of their duties; Provided, That in case any special election is held in any county of the State it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners, to hold a meeting at least fifteen days be- fore said election and proceed to revise the registration Revision, l list and give the notices as provided, as in cases of general election in this act. Sec. 20. At each election the supervisor of registration shall furnish the inspectors of elections of each polling Regist place in each election district with one of the registration books * books for such district, the supervisor retaining in his of- fice the other copy or duplicate of such book that he has marked "office copy," as provided in section 16, for the care and custody of which books so delivered to them, the inspectors receiving the same shall be responsible, and which books they shall return to the supervisor of registration within three days after the close of the elec- tion. The supervisor of registration shall not be author- ized or required prior to any election to furnish copies of the registration books of his county, or to allow indis- criminate handling or examination thereof by any one, but he shall at all times allow any elector to examine as to the status of his own name upon the books of the election (district to which such elector may belong. Sec. 21. The supervisor of registration shall note on the registration books, which he shall furnish to the inspec- Duty of tors of the different election districts, the name of all per- P ervlsor - eons registered therein who shall have paid on or before the second Saturday of the month immediately preceding the day of election, their poll or capitation taxes for two years next preceding the year in which such election is held as shown by the lists furnished to the supervisor by the tax 'collector, and only such persons shall be deemed qualified voters authorized to vote at any general, 18 LAWS OF FLORIDA. 19Q8. Duty of Office hours iector. x special or municipal election ; Provided, That no person shall be prevented from voting on account of not having so paid a poll tax. for any year which shall not have been lawfully assessable against him by reason of his not hav- ing been of age or was over the age of 55 years, or who has not lost a limb in battle, and who shall have obtained from such supervisor a certificate to that effect, and shall at the time of offering to vote exhibit such certificate to the inspectors of election. And it shall be the duty of such supervisor upon proof being made to him to give such certificate to such person, without cost to such per- son, provided he is otherwise a duly qualified and regis- tered voter. *Sec. 22. The county commissioners (or in case of a municipal election the city or town council) shall cause to be prepared or secured one ballot box for each polling place in their respective counties, of sufficient size to receive and contain all the ballots of the particular pre- cinct or voting place for which it is intended, and it shall be plainly marked or labeled with the name of the elec- tion district or precinct or number thereof for which it is intended. Before any general or special election they shall place in said ballot box twice as many official bal- lots, so printed by them, as there are registered qualified electors in said election precinct, and after securely lock- ing said box, sealing up the keyhole thereof, and all other openings, shall send the key thereof, in a sealed envelope, to the inspector of election of said election district to- gether with the box. The custodian shall be placed un- der oath or affirmation to perform his commission faith- fully and impartially.,, without favor or prejudice to any political party. fSec. 23. The Tax Collector of each comity shall in per- son or by deputy be present in his office from 9 a. in. to 1 p. m. and from 2 p. m. to G p. m. each day, Sundays ex- cepted, for twenty clays immediately preceding the sec- ond Saturday of the month proceeding the day of an 7 gen- eral or special election, for the purpose of re< i eivin# all poll taxes properly tendered to him, and he shall *is' soon as practicable after receiving the same, give receipts therefor in due form of law. In which receipts shall be *Amendrrenti 1807. tAmendn ent, tqo3. LAWS OF FLORIDA. stated the color and age of the elector and the number of ] ^- the election district in which such elector or person pav- ing such poll tax resides. The. Tax Collector shall make a list of those who have paid their poll taxes in each year prior to the second Saturday of the month proceeding ihe Tax Coiiec- - 11 LOrs to xiiciH.9 day in any year upon which any genera] or special elec- certified lists tion shall be' held, and such list shall be alphabetically ar- gl^pjjj ranged. The Tax Collectors of the several counties of poll tax. this State within five days after the second Saturday in the month proceeding the day in any year in. which nny general or special election shall be held, shall make a cer- tified list in duplicate of all persons who have pr\id their poll taxes for the two years next proceeding the year in which such election is held, prior to the second Saturday in the month preceding the day upon which such election shall be held, and one of said lists shall be delivered by the Tax Collector as soon as the same is completed to the supervisor of registration, to be filed in his office, and the other shall be forwarded to the Comptroller of the State of Florida, which he shall file in his office. Any Tax Collector or any Deputy Tax Collector who shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall bo punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dol- lars or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year. *Sec. 24. For the purpose of carrying on and conduct- ing all such general and special elections, it shall be the county Com- duty of the county commissioners, in each county, at Sppoint e in- t0 least twenty days prior to the holding of any general or specters. special election therein, to appoint three intelligent, dis- creet and fair-minded inspectors of election, and a clerk of election, for each polling place in each ami every elec- tion district in such county, all of whom shall be resi- dents and registered qualified electors of the election district for which they shall be appointed; all of whom shall not belong to the same political party. The county commissioners in each county shall cause the names of HOW inspec- such inspectors and clerks of election to be published in designated. a newspaper published in such county, if there be a news- paper printed in the county, or posted in a conspicuous *Atnendnunt, 1897. 20 LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1904. place at the court house, if there be no newspaper printed " in the county, for at least fifteen days before the day of holding any general or special election in. such county. Inspectors and clerks of any general or special election Pay. of any county shall be paid for their services by their re- spective board of county commissioners, and the inspec- tors who carry the returns of such elections to their county seats and properly deliver them shall receive two (2) dollars per day, and five (5) icents per mile each way while performing such service. No elector who cannot read and write the English language shall be appointed inspector or clerk of election. *Sec. 25. In case of the absence or refusal to act of any of the inspectors or clerks of election appointed by the Refusal of board of county commissioners for any district or polling cierk c to r act. place, the qualified electors present favoring the ticket which the absent inspectors or clerk had been chosen to represent, shall choose from among their number one in- spector, inspectors or clerk as will, together with the in- spector, inspectors or clerk present, constitute a board of four; Provided, The inspector, inspectors or clerk so Proviso. chosen shall (if any such be present, represent the same political party that the absent inspector, inspectors or clerk w r ould represent if present, and the preson or per- sons so chosen shall) be authorized to act as inspectors or clerk of the election at the polling place where they may be chosen, and said inspectors and clerk shall each take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, which shall be written or printed, to the effect that they will perform the duties of inspectors and clerk of election according to law, and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. Such oath may be taken before any officer authorized to administer oaths, or before either of the persons who are to act as inspectors, one of them to swear the others, and one of the others thus sworn in turn to administer the oath to him who has not been sworn, and such oath shall be returned with the poll list, and the returns of the election to the Supervisor of Registration. One of the !n! inspectors shall be chosen by them as chairman of their epectors. board. How oath may be taken. *Amendrreni, 1897. LAWS OF FLORIDA. 21 In any and all questions that may arise before said in- 1904. spectors of election, the decision of a majority of them JJ^ ^ a f e " shall decide such questions. tions arising i ,. ,. before In- *Sec. 26. There shall be in each and every election dis- specters. trict in each county one polling place, presided over and managed by a board of inspectors and clerk of election, Polling as provided for by law. At each of said polling places a p space, such as the inspectors of election shall deem fit and sufficient, shall be railed off and constructed, . with an opening at one end or side for entrance of the voter and an opening at the other for his exit, as a polling place in which to hold the election. But one voter shall be allowed to enter any polling place at a time, and no one except the inspectors of the election snail be allowed to speak to the voter while in the polling place casting his vote, and no iuspeitor shall speak to or interfere with any voter concerning the manner of his voting OP any ballot he may vote, otherwise than to perform his duties as such inspector specified herein. Sec. 27. The polls shall be opened at such voting places at 8 o'clock a. in., on the day of the election, and shall be kept open until sundown of the same day, the time to opening of be observed for such opening and closing of the polls to poUs * be regulated by the customary time in standard use in such locality. The inspectors may, however, adjourn be- tween 12 and 1 o'clock for half an hour. The inspectors shall make public proclamation of the opening and closing of the polls, and the mid-day adjournment. During the adjournment the ballot box shall be kept in the posses- Adjourn- sion of, and in view of two of the inspectors, who shall r not have the key thereof,, and during the election and canvass of the votes the ballot box shall not be concealed from the public. Sec. 28. In all elections hereafter held in this State on any subject which may by law be submitted to a vote of the people, and for all, or any State, county, district, or municipal officers, the voting shall l>e by secret official Secre t bai- ballots printed and distributed as hereinafter provided, lots - and no ballot shall be received or counted in any election to which this act applies, except it be provided as herein prescribed. *Amendment. Session 22 LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1904. Cast of bal- lots. County Com- missioners to print ballots. Other du- ties. What names the ballot to contain. Sec. 29. The printing and delivery of the ballots and cards of instruction to voters hereinafter prescribed shall in municipal elections be paid for by the several cities or towns respectively, and in all other elections by the several counties respectively. *Sec. 30. The board of county commissioners (or in case of a municipal election the city or town council) of each county shall cause to be printed on the ballots to be used in their respective counties the names of all can- didates who have been put in nomination by any caucus, convention, mass meeting, primary election or other assembly of any political party or faction in this State and certified and filed with them not more than sixty nor less than twenty days- previous to the day of election, which certificates shall contain the name of each person nominated and the office for which he is nom- inated, and shall be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of such caucus, convention, mass meeting, or other assembly, or by the canvassing board of such prim- ary election, and be duly acknowledged by one or more of them before arty officer authorized by law to take the acknowledgments. The board of county commissioners (or in case of a municipal election, the city or town council) shall also cause to IK? printed upon said ballots the name of any qualified elector who has been requested to be a .candidate for any office by written petition signed, in case of a candidate for a State or Federal of- fice, by at least five hundred electors, in case of a county or municipal office, by at least twenty-five electors quali- fied to vote in the election to fill said office, when such petition lias been filed with them not more than sixty days nor less than twenty days previous to the election. And in addition to the name printed upon said ballot, and whether there b3 any names printed on said ballots or no. there shall be printed under each office to be voted for at the election, blank lines in number equal to the number of persons who may be elected to fill that office. The name of no person shall be printed upon the ballot who shall, not bss than twenty .days before the election, notify tin? board of county commissioners, in writing, acknowledged before an officer authorized by law to take LAWS OF FLORIDA. acknowledgments, that he willnot accept the nomination 1904. ^ specified in the certificate of nomination or request of electors; Provided, however. That when any person who has been regularly nominated and who shall decline to run for the office to which he has been nominated, the party by which such person was nominated shall be al- lowed five days after such declination to run by such person, in which to substitute another candidate. In case of any person to be voted for by the electors of the whole State, or of any entire Congressional District, such cer- tificate of nomination shall be filed in the office of the Certificate Secretary of State not less than thirty da.vs before the office of e seo* da of election, and such Secretar of State shall there- upon immediately certify to the board of county commis- sioners of each county in the State in case of an officer to be voted for by the electors. of the whole State, and to the boards of county commissioners of the counties com- posing the Congressional District in case of an officer to be voted for by the electors of such district, upon suita- ble blanks to be prepared by him for that purpose, the fact of such nomination and the name of the nominee or nominees, and the name of the office to which he or they may be nominated, and the name of such person shall be printed by the board of county commissioners upon the ballot in its proper place in all respects as herein provided for nominations filed in the office of the board of county commissioners; and any Secretary of State who shall willfully fail or refuse to certify such nomina- tions as herein provided shall be guilty of a misde- meanor; and, on conviction, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars and in the event of such failure or Penalty. refusal, such certificate shall be made by the State Comp- troller. 9 Sec. f>l. Any person who shaall falsely make or fraudu- lently destroy any certificate of nomination, or any part penalty for thereof, or file any certificate of nomination, knowing the ^ t s e e cert'fl- same, or any part thereof, to be false, or suppress any nomination which has been duly filed, or any part theivof. shall be guilty of a felony, and, on conviction 'thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one or more than five vears. 24 LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1904. Sec. 32. The board of county commissioners shall ruing certi- cause to be preserved in the office of the clerk of the cir- fleates. cu jt cour t all certificates and petitions of nominations filed thereon under the provisions of this' act for six months after the election for which such nominations are made. What the fcaltot to ontain. Constitution- al amend- it. taJlot. Sec. 33. The ballots printed in accordance with the provisions of this act shall contain the names of all can- didates nominated as hereinbefore provided who have not declined. The names of all candidates for the same of- fice shall be printed together, irrespective of party. But the order in which the titles to the several offices to be filled shall be arranged upon the ballots, shall be left to the discretion of the officer charged with the printing of said ballots. Sec. 34. Whenever a constitutional amendment or other public measure is submitted to a vote of the people, the substance of each amendment or other public measure shall be twice in the same language indicated upon the ballot after the list of candidates, followed in one case by the word "yes," and in the other by the word "no." Sec. 35. All ballots provided by the board of county commissioners of any county for an election shall be alike, printed in plan type in straight lines, upon plain white paper so thick that the printing cannot be distin- guished from the back, with a slender line between each name, and extending sufficiently to the left of the names to easily permit making before each name a cross mark (X), and in the appropriate place the words, "vote for one" (or two, or other number, as the case may be), to indicate the number which may be elected to each office, and shall be substantially in the following form, except, the order in which the several offices to be filled namely : LAWS OF FLORIDA. 25 < '*- Official ballot, elected, A. D. 189 (year to be printed). 190*. Precinct No County. (Precinct and county to be printed). (Make a cross mark (X) before the name of the candidate of your choice). Vote for one: For Governor. Henrv Fishier. William Jones. Form at ballot. John Smith. Vote for one: For Secretary of State. William King. Thomas Moore. James Simpson. Vote for one: For Sheriff. Thomas Jones. George Smith. James White. Vote for two: For Representatives in the General Assembly. William Daniels. John Doe. Constitutional Amendment. Article. .Section. . Yes. Constitutional Amendment. Article. .Section. . No. Sec. 36. All ballots for use in each precinct or ward shall be fastened together in convenient numbers in books or blocks, in such manner that each ballot may be How ballot* detached and removed separately. Each ballot shall have to be arrant- attached to it a stub with perforated lines of sufficient size to enable one of the inspectors to write or stamp his LAWS OF FLORIDA. 1904. Number of ballots at voting place. Commission ers. name or his initials thereon, and so attached to the bal- lot that when the same is folded the stub can be detached therefrom without injury to the ballot or exposing the contents thereof. *Sec. 37. There shall be provided for each voting place at least one hundred ballots for each fifty registered qual- ified electors at said polling place. *Sec. 38. The county commissioners of each county, or in case of a municipal election, the Mayor or other chief Booths to be executive officer, shall provide at each polling place, a provided by County room or covered enclosure, and in such place or covered enclosure shall provide booths or compartments, one booth or compartment for each one hundred or fraction of one hundred or over fifty qualified electors registered for that election, and furnish each with a shelf or table for the convenience of electors preparing their ballots. Each booth or compartment shall be so arranged that it will be impossible for one elector at a shelf or table iti one compartment to see an elector at a shelf or table in another compartment in the act of marking his ballot. Each voting shelf or table shall be kept supplied with conveniences for marking the ballots. Sec. 39. Xo person shall be permitted under any pre- text whatever to come within fifteen feet of any door or window of any polling room from the opening of the polls until the completion of the count of the ballots and certificates of the returns, except as herein provided. f See* 40. The board of county commissioners (or in case of a municipal election, the city or town council) of each county shall cause to be printed in large type on cards, instructions for the guidance of electors in prepar- ing their ballots. They shall furnish to the inspectors twelve, or more if necessary, such cards for each precinct or ward, and it shall be the duty of the inspectors to post one of such cards in each booth or compartment for the preparation of ballots, and not less than three in promi- nent places elsewhere and outside of the polling place the day of election. Said cards shall be printed in large, clear type, and shall contain full instructions to elector? as to what shall be done. First, to obtain ballots for >.-