LN SAN Dteod U. C. L A. EDUC. DEPT, fl >/l ^ (Jftmtaiion EDITED BY WILLIAM T. HARRIS, A. M., LL. D. VOLUME XL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SERIES. EDITED BY W. T. HARRIS. IT is proposed to publish, under the above title, a library for teachers and school managers, and text-books for normal classes. The aim will be to provide works of a useful practical character in the broadest sense. The following conspectus will show the ground to be covered by the series : I. History Of Education. (A.) Original systems as ex- pounded by their founders. (B.) Critical histories which set forth the customs of the past and point out their advantages and defects, explain- ing the grounds of their adoption, and also of their final disuse. II. Educational Criticism. (A.) The noteworthy arraign- ments which educational reformers have put forth against existing sys- tems : these compose the classics of pedagogy. (B.) The critical histories above mentioned. III. Systematic Treatises on the Theory of Edu- cation. (A.) Works written from the historical standpoint; these, for the most part, show a tendency to justify the traditional course of study and to defend the prevailing methods of instruction. (B.) Works written from critical standpoints, and to a greater or less degree revolu- tionary in their tendency. IV. The Art of Education. (A.) Works on instruction and discipline, and the practical details of the school-room. (B.) Works on the organization and supervision of schools. Practical insight into the educational methods in vogue can not be attained without a knowledge of the process by which they have come to be established. For this reason it is proposed to give special prominence to the history of the systems that have prevailed. Again, since history is incompetent to furnish the ideal of the future, it is necessary to devote large space to works of educational criticism. Criticism is the purifying process by which ideals are rendered clear and potent, so that progress becomes possible. History and criticism combined make possible a theory of the whole. For, with an ideal toward which the entire movement tends, and an ac- count of the phases that have appeared in time, the connected develop- ment of the whole can be shown, and all united into one system. Lastly, after the science, comes the practice. The art of education is treated in special works devoted to the devices and technical details use- ful in the school-room. It is believed that the teacher does not need authority so much as in- sight in matters of education. When he understands the theory of edu- cation and the history of its growth, and has matured his own point of view by careful study of the critical literature of education, then he is competent to select or invent such practical devices as are best adapted to his own wants. The series will contain works from European as well as American authors, and will be under the editorship of W. T. HARRIS, A. M., LL. D. The price for the volumes of the series will be $1.50 for the larger volumes, 75 cents for the smaller ones. Vol. I. The Philosophy of Education. By Joliann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz. $1.50. Vol. II. A History of Education. By P.of. F. V. N. Painter, of Roanoke, Virginia. $1.50. Vol. III. The Rise and Early Constitution of Univer- sities. With a Survey of Mediaeval Education. By S. S. Laurie, LL. D., Professor of the Institutes and History of Education in the University of Edinburgh. $1.50. Vol. IV. The Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings. By Gilbert B. Morrison, Teacher of Physics and Chemistry in Kansas City High-School. 75 cents. Vol. V. The Education of Man. By Fricdrich Froebcl. Translated from the German and annotated by W. N. Hailmann, Superintendent of Public Schools at La Porte, Indiana. $1.50. Vol. VI. Elementary Psychology and Education. By Joseph Baldwin, Principal of the Sam Houston State Normal School, Huntsvillo, Texas. $1.50. Vol. VII. The Senses and the Will. Observations concern- ing the Mental Development of the Human Being in the First Years of Life. By VV. Preycr, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Trans- lated from the original Gentian, by H. W. Brown, Teacher in the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. Part 1 of THE MISD OF THE CHILD. $1.50. Vol. VIII. Memory. What it is and how to improve it. By David Kay, F. R. G. S. $1.50. Vol. IX. The Development of the Intellect. Observa- tions concerning the Mental Development of the Human Being in the First Years of Life. By W. Preyer, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Translated from the original German, by H. W. Brown, Teacher in the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. Part II of THE MIND OF THE CHILD. $1.50. Vol. X. HOW to Study Geography. By Francis W. Parker. Prepared for the Professional Training Class of the Cook County Normal School. EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES ITS HISTORY FROM THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENTS BY RICHARD G. BOONE, A.M. PROFESSOR OP PEDAGOGY IN INDIANA UNIVERSITY NEW YOKE D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1889 U. C. L A. EDUC. DEPT, COPYRIGHT, 1889, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. U. C. L A . LA EDUC. DEPT, EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE editor takes great pleasure in presenting this work to the public, as the first noteworthy attempt at a general history of education in the United States. It forms a tolerably complete inventory of what exists, as well as an account of its origin and development. Ever since the Oracle uttered the admonition " Know thyself," civilized man has been slowly turning his atten- tion to the importance of studying the deeds and institu- tions of his race. He finds in them a revelation of human nature altogether above and apart from the self-knowledge that comes to each individual through his own conscious- ness. For in the history of deeds and institutions there stands out prominently the effigy of human nature in its essential outlines. In contrast to this the individual con- sciousness offers a picture in which the essential is obscured or obliterated by the complications of the passing moment, which assume undue importance. Modern science has caught most fully the meaning of the Oracle It has become fully aware of the importance of knowing every object in the light of its history. How it began and how it developed must lead to a knowledge of what it is. The knowledge of a thing only as a dead result is very superficial. We learn what it is good for vi EDITOR'S PREFACE. by seeing it in the entire sphere of its action. This reveals its living force and character. Practical knowledge, in the eminent sense of the word, is to be found in this study of history. The statesman or the teacher knows practically when he knows the trend of the system which he is to direct or manage. As a mere inventory, the results of this history will at first surprise us. We see the broad scope of the educa- tional idea not merely its school course from the Kinder- garten to the university, but its supplementary institutions, the library, the museum, the reading circle, the scientific association, the variety of special schools ; the wide-spread impulse toward founding educational institutions, showing itself in all the colonies at the beginning, and increasing with the growth of the nation. All this becomes impress- ive only when seen in the solid mass. But, more than all, the trend of the movement inter- ests us as it becomes apparent through the contrast of beginnings with subsequent stages of unfolding : 1. We see everywhere a movement from private, en- dowed, and parochial schools toward the assumption of education by the State. The General Government, founded " to promote the general welfare," as the preamble to the Constitution recites, has fostered education from the begin- ning by extensive donations of lands. States first establish colleges and universities, and next free common elementary schools ; and afterward gradually fill in intermediate links of the system, and then add supplementary institutions. By-and-by State systems of education for the unfortunates and criminal 'classes arise. Then special schools for the training of teachers, and the foundation and support of libraries and museums at public expense begin. Private endowment and religious zeal initiate new lines of educa- EDITOR'S PREFACE. v ii tional experiment, and as soon as their utility to the gen- eral welfare is demonstrated they are adopted into the system of free education supported at public expense. 2. There is a trend away from isolated efforts and to- ward system and supervision. System has this advantage, that it makes supervision possible. It is the object of general superintendence to discover what is fruitful and promising in the work of individuals or localities, and to strengthen the whole system by making the adoption of these improvements universal. Each shall contribute something worth adopting by all, and, in turn, avail him- self of their experience. In this lies the great significance of our national trend toward system. 3. There has been a trend in methods. This appears in several particulars, namely, in the adaptation of the matter of instruction to the mind of the child, so that he assimilates relatively more, and memorizes or stores up in an undigested form relatively less. This adaptation ap- pears most noticeably in the instruction of the primary grades, and, next to this, in the advanced instruction in natural history and physics. The pupil is made to con- duct his own researches, and is furnished the material for study. The methods also have improved, in the fact that they widen the investigation into collateral branches. Formerly each subject was isolated from its relations; now it is illuminated by light thrown on it from other provinces. The methods of discipline have generally im- proved. Corporal punishment has been very much dimin- ished. The entire educational idea of the people has pro- gressed in the direction of divine charity. The institu- tions for the education of women, together with the men- tioned supplementary institutions for unfortunates (the deaf and dumb, the blind, the feeble-minded, etc.), and viil EDITOR'S PREFACE. for the reform of criminals, the multiplication of means of education for the youngest children all show this. Again, the opening of free public libraries, museums, and courses of lectures, shows the logical results of the democratic prin- ciple in the diffusion of knowledge. Teach the people how to read, and then furnish them what is best to read. Our national Government bases itself on the ability of the people as people to govern themselves through the ballot-box. The history of education shows how it has seemed fit to make provision for the enlightenment of those citizens. It has grown clear in the process of ages that the only help which may be safely given to individ- uals or communities is the help that aids and increases self-help. All other help dwarfs the individual and weak- ens the State. Now, the only infallible aid to self-help that has been found up to this time is education which produces intellectual enlightenment and training in moral habits. This alone is a help that is good alike for sound and perverse. It improves the former and corrects the latter. This view of education has been seen by the fathers of the republic, and preached by the religious founders of our colonies. The conviction has become so generally prevalent that it has produced the joint action private, national, State, and municipal looking toward the foun- dation and encouragement of schools and supplementary institutions, recorded in this book. The patriotic will hope that the results reached are encouraging; at all events, whether, gratifying or otherwise, the study of the facts is necessary and salutary to Americans interested in the welfare of their country. W. T. HARRIS. CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS, May, 1889. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. IT is now generally recognized that any complete study of education must include the historical no less than the critical and practical phases. Neither can be left out of account. Wanting the theory, instruction becomes aimless ; without knowledge of means, wasteful. But the teacher who presumes to work without an ac- quaintance with the record of his profession, is like a ship lacking log-book and compass progress will be only a happening. And yet, of general histories of education, there are, in English, less than half a dozen, only two of which are more than primers. In these two, American schools receive the merest mention eighteen pages in one, and two in the other. For the only other attempts at a notice of our State and municipal systems, we are in- debted to foreign interest. Prominent among these are P. A. Siljestrom's " Educational Institutions of the United States " (1855) ; Eev. James Eraser's report to the Parliamentary Schools Inquiry Commission, on " The Common-School System of the United States " (1865) ; Francis Adams's " Free Schools of the United States " (1874) ; and occasional statements drawn from educa- tional exhibits and conferences at international exposi- x AUTHOR'S PREFACE. tions. These are all more or less critical estimates of American schools as seen through foreign eyes ; were all made for special purposes ; are chiefly descriptive, and rarely historical. Valuable as they are in themselves, they are imperfect as setting forth American schools to American teachers. Profit comes always from a close and comparative study of current systems, their general aims, conditions, and accompanying agencies; and the books named can render an incalculable service to Ameri- can teachers. But so vitally is every present related to its past, that the study of contemporary institutions can be made intelligent only in the light of their origin. To know along what lines in educational experience have been the great changes, and why, and so what is new and what old, in current doctrine and practice, serves to temper undue enthusiasm over real or supposed new de- partures, and saves from condemning the worthy only because it chances to be old. "While it can not be claimed that education is more seriously regarded now than by the thinkers of every past generation, it certainly is more widely studied. More is demanded of the body of teachers more professionally and socially. The inferior teacher has an increasingly smaller hope of public confidence ; the well-informed one, more of leadership. This is the meaning of normal schools, institutes, reading-circles, teachers' classes, and professional libraries. It is believed that this history may help along this impulse make it possible to study intelli- gently, and as a whole, the particular but complex institu- tion called the American School. The book lays no claim to completeness. It is meant to be a text-book, suggestive of lines of thought for the teacher, and sources of information. One constant aim AUTHOR'S PREFACE. x i has been, avoiding mere description on the one side, and personal criticism on the other, to exhibit faithfully the development of contemporary institutions and educational forces with something of their national setting. To bring the sketch into a small compass, within reach of the leisure and conditions of the body of teachers, and yet omit no fundamental factor in the educational movement of two centuries and a half, have compelled a frequent readjustment of materials. But it seemed bet- ter, all things considered, to cover the whole field of elementary, higher, and special educations, and so give a basis for special studies by individuals. Besides, so interwoven are the interests of the one with those of the others, that no treatment of the common-school system would be complete that ignored the academies and col- leges, and vice versa. The author has been placed under repeated obliga- tions to the librarian, assistants, and other officials of Johns Hopkins University, during some months' resi- dence at which most of the present work took shape ; and particularly his indebtedness to Dr. Gr. Stanley Hall, whose long and varied educational experience, and wide reading, through much counsel and suggestion, have con- tributed to whatever of value the book may have. The Peabody Library, of ninety thousand volumes, including much valuable literature upon special phases of education and educational institutions, and the Maryland Historical Library, both of Baltimore ; the Library of Congress, and the Pedagogical Library of the United States Bureau of Education, at "Washington thanks to Librarian A. E. Spofford and Commissioner Dawson were both freely and frequently used. The great task, of course, was in the gathering and x ii AUTHOR'S PREFACE. sifting of materials. These were found in abundance, but widely scattered ; not generally to be had in cyclo- paedias or compilations, but in journals, both general and educational, often in broken sets ; in monographs and addresses ; in reports and manuals ; in histories ; and in the proceedings of educational bodies and learned acade- mies, and in the annual statements of special institutions. Barnard's "American Journal of Education" (1855- '80), and the " Official Keports of the United States Bureau of Education" (18G8-'87), have been the sources of the most, and most valuable, information for the periods they cover. In addition to the frequent mention of them throughout the volume, the author's formal acknowledg- ment of their services is here gratefully given. Care has been taken to verify facts, where it has been possible, by reference to first and official records. But, as has already been suggested, much has had to be taken at second-hand. Of any errors of statement, either statistical or other, the correction will be gratefully received and cheerfully used. The bibliography following each chapter is meant to cover, not so much the accepted and standard literature, which may be found in any general catalogue, as in a limited way to call attention to some of the best recent literature, whether of books, pamphlets, or magazine arti- cles. Never was the general press more given to an all- sided discussion of educational interests than now ; and the professionally inclined teacher finds it necessary to be acquainted with its contents. As suggesting lines of col- lateral and special reading, these brief reference-lists are given a place. E. G. BOONE. BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA, April, 1880. CONTENTS. PAGB INTRODUCTION ..... ... 1 PART I. THE COLONIAL PERIOD. CHAP. I. THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS 9 1. New York and the Dutch West India Company. 2. Virginia and the Virginia Company. 3. Early New England Schools. II. COLONIAL COLLEGES 20 1. Harvard College. 2. The College of William and Mary. 3. Yale College. III. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS 43 1. The Massachusetts Law of 1647. 2. The Connecticut Code of 1650. 3. Other New England Schools and Teachers. 4. New York prior to the Revolution. 5. Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution. 6. New Jer- sey prior to the Revolution. 7. Colonial Education in the South. PART II. THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. IV. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 61 1. "Pauper" Schools. 2. Teachers. 3. Common-School Text-Books. 4. The Education of Girls. V. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES 70 1. Academies. 2. Colleges. 1 X1V CONTENTS. PART HI. THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. CHAP. PAG* VI. CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES . . . . . . .79 1. The Transition. 2. The Creation of School-Funds. 3. Permanent Funds and Local Taxes. VII. CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES (continued). School Supervision 94 1. The District System. 2. State Supervision. 3. City Supervision. 4. County Supervision. VIII. THE PREPARATION OF TEACHERS. . . . . .117 1. Educational Associations. 2. Institutes. 3. Nor- mal Schools. IX. THE PREPARATION OF TEACHERS (continued) . . . 142 4. Pedagogical Training in Colleges. 5. Educational Literature. X. RECENT COLLEGES 158 A. The Curriculum. 1. The Physical Sciences. 2. Modern Language Studies. 8. Institutional History. 4. Economic Studies. XI. RECENT COLLEGES (continued ) 186 A. The Curriculum (continued ) 5. Elective Courses and Studies. 6. Graduate Courses. B. University Organization. 1. State-established Colleges. 2. Privately Endowed Institutions. XII. THE PROFESSIONS 209 1. Theological Education. 2. Legal Education. 3. Med- ical Education. XIII. TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION 221 1. The Beginnings of Industrial Training. 2. The Cur- riculum. 3. Agricultural Education. 4. Military and Naval Education. CONTENTS. XV CHAP. PAOB XIV. EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES AND CRIMINAL CLASSES . 243 1. Deaf-Mute Education. 2. Education of the Blind. 3. Education of the Feeble-Minded. 4. Reforma- tories. 6. Indian Education. 6. Education in Alaska. XV. SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS 264 1. Private Schools. 2. Denominational Schools. 3. Even- ing Schools. 4. Museums of Art and Science. 6. Clubs and Circles. XVI. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES 285 1. General Societies. 2. Libraries. XVII. THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION . . . 307 1. The Bureau of Education. 2. The Smithsonian Insti- tution. 3. Special Scientific Work. 4. Special Pub- lications. PART IV. CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. XVIII. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 326 XIX. THE GRADATION OF SCHOOLS 331 1. Primary Schools. 2. The Kindergarten. 3. The High School. XX. EDUCATION IN THE SOUTH 347 1 . The Ante-war Period. 2. The Period of Reorganization. A. The Freedmen's Aid Society. B. Government Agency, c. Denominational Agencies. D. The Peabody Fund. E. The Slater Fund. F. Public- School Systems, a. Normal Schools. H. Col- leges, i. Professional Schools. 3. General Conditions. XXI. THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF WOMEN 362 1. Ladies' Seminaries. 2. Colleges for Women. 3. Co- education of the Sexes in College. 4. Examinations and Annexes. 5. Association of Collegiate Alumnae. 6. The Professional Education of Women. CONCLUSION . . . 382 EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. INTRODUCTION. OF the underlying notion of the colonists who instituted the American school system, Dr. D. C. Gilman has asked:* " How far was it a natural evolution from the social usages and laws of England ? How far from those of Holland ? " For an answer to this query, one of which Lieber says " it must be of interest to every American," the future gives continually less of promise. Every day loses something of record. The question remains. It recurs perennially. It must be asked by every thoughtful mind. Every day's ex- perience enforces the belief that no life is dissociated from its past of government or man. Whence, then, the Ameri- can idea of control, of society, and the family ? of educa- tion and industry ? of place and character ? For these are the flower of culture for which institutions exist. Of whom and where were learned the lessons of self-mastery and direc- tion, of distributed sovereignty and co-operation ? For these make a general education, not so much possible, as safe. They can not be supposed wholly unknown to Puritan and Huguenot Europe ; and yet the want of them has made her the battle-ground of the centuries. * " Education in America," D. C. Gilman, " North American Review," January, 1876. 2 EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. "Puritan" and "Huguenot," "Saracen" and "Protest- ant" the very names recall the birth in Europe, of the impulse whose developments in the newer West have out- stripped the best in the Old World. They mean what mod- ern dissent and the independence of a growing individual- ism have led us to understand by them. They mean mod- ernism wherever found in institutions or the personal life, in education or industry. Mr. Eugene Lawrence says : " The true parent of the cur- rent system of teaching was the Reformation." It was the world's recoil from authority ; the renunciation of servitude ; the assumption of personality. Protestantism meant, not so much independence, as a growing fitness for independence. We have learned to think of the race, in every period, as growing toward its manhood ; and America is a step in that growth, a phase of race-development; a long stride may be Americans believe it is. Horace Mann insisted, and his life enforced the thought, that " the transference of the fortunes of our race from the Old to the New World was a gain to hu- manity of a thousand years." It was the opinion of Froebel, to which he gave frequent expression, that " the Kindergarten could only have its full development in America, where the national principle is self-government ; in perfect freedom, but according to law." Here were to be found the more favorable conditions, free- dom from established customs and precedents, and an ab- sence of fixed public institutions, giving room to invention, a field for new and, in the light of a larger independence, more rational adventure. The period itself (seventeenth century) was one of vigor- ous social and intellectual activity. The invention of print- ing, and the consequent and rapid multiplication of books equally multiplying the resources and occasions of mental culture were more than paralleled by the coincident in- crease in the facilities of commerce, the extension of geo- graphical discoveries, the increase not less than the diffusion of physical knowledge, and the expansion of industries. It INTRODUCTION. 3 was a period in whose activity every people and every sort of human interest more or less participated. Society became eclectic. The past was studied and drawn upon for its wis- dom. Nations began to take note of their neighbors. Gov- ernments were remodeled. New inventories were taken, and men came to read history with a new purpose. In the awak- ening education shared richly. " The idea that education must be coextensive with sov- ereignty," says Dr. E. E. White, " was not original with our fathers. This has been," he continues, "the favorite doc- trine of aristocracy the world over " ; and " despotism clam- ors for a restricted education, because she would have a re- stricted sovereignty." That control should be intelligent is older than Plato, and is denied by no people. In the Zealand school law of 1583, education is insisted upon because " it is the foundation of the commonwealth." And Charlemagne, eight centuries before, had required that the children of all persons participating in the government should be educated, "in order that intelligence might rule the empire." Nor is the idea of universal freedom less ancient or more Western in its origin. It has been the inspiration of poet and statesman ; the dream of Roman gladiator and Greek slave ; of Israelitish brick-maker and Russian serf. The idea of local self-government was already historical at the time of the colonization of North America. Among the Germanic ancestors of the colonists, the custom was so gen- eral for the inhabitants of a district to control their local affairs, that it has been said : "One leading principle pervaded the primeval polity of the Goths ; where the law was admin- istered, the law was made." * In ancient England, local self-government was found along with the common political and territorial division of tithings, hundreds, burghs, counties, and shires, in which the body of the inhabitants had a voice in managing their own * Frothingham's, " The Kepublic of the United States," p. 14 4 EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. affairs. Local self-government was the germinal idea of Anglo-Saxon polity. So is the notion of universal education common to all philosophy. That it is yet to be realized, only emphasizes the aspiration. John of Nassau, in the sixteenth century, urged upon the States-General that they should " establish free schools where children of quality as well as of poor families, for a very small sum, could be well and Christianly educated and brought up." He saw the fruitfulness of a wise and state- administered system of universal education. This he said to his subjects " would be the greatest and most useful work you could ever accomplish, for God and Christianity, and for the Netherlands as well." * In the middle of the tenth century, the Arabian Caliph Alhakim, at Cordova, besides schools in every village, estab- lished twenty-seven others at his own expense, where the children of indigent parents were instructed free of charge. Prior to this even, Abderrahman I. had established, in addi- tion to the usual agencies, high-schools for girls, taught by female teachers. The expulsion of the Jews, the effects of the Inquisition, and the limited opportunities and means of education, prevented the influence of this early Arabian learning from being immediately felt in the colonies of the early Spanish explorers. t The very barbarism of the uninstructed but self-depend- ent Saxons and Germans attracted Alfred and Charlemagne, and schools and universities attest the faithfulness of their service. Charles X and Gustavus Adolphus did for Sweden and their generations what America, with all her achievement, has failed to do since made education so common that in * Motley's, " Rise of the Dutch Republic." t See, in the " Report of the United States Commissioner of Education," a collection of facts relative to the Old World early ideas of education, 1875, p. 13. Also " Circular of Information," No. 11873. INTRODUCTION. 5 the year 1637 (the year of the founding of Harvard) " not a single peasant's child was unable to read and write." * In the previous century, under William, Holland, having founded the universities of Leyden and Frankfort, supple- mented them -by Latin or "great schools," and lower, or public, or " small schools," for the elementary training. Fixed salaries were paid to such as, by an examination before the magistrates, had shown their competency. Following the Union of Utrecht (1579), it was ordered that " the inhab- itants of towns and villages should, within six weeks, find good and competent schoolmasters." Two years later, it was further provided that " such as neglected to do this should be bound to receive the schoolmasters sent to them," and provide the usual compensation.! In the year 1618 the Synod of the Protestant Episcopal Dutch Church .of Dort urged that schools be instituted, " not only in cities, but in towns and country places." So common was the impulse, it is said, that " neither the perils of war, nor the busy pursuit of gain, nor the excitement of political strife, ever caused them to neglect the duty of educating their offspring. Schools were everywhere provided at the public expense, with good schoolmasters to instruct the children of all classes in the usual branches of education." f Motley, the historian, is authority for the statement* that in 1635 the Latin school at Dordrecht had been in ex- istence for some centuries, || and was one of the most famous institutions of Northwestern Europe. It frequently instructed six hundred students brought from all parts of the conti- nent. It was a training-school for a nation of merchants, and, though classical, was eminently practical as fitted to the social conditions. " The one linguistic need of the boys," * Schmidt's " Geschichte der Erziehung." t Compare this provision with that of the Massachusetts law of 1G42, p. 16. J Broadhead'8 "History of New York," vol. i, p. 4G2. * See his "John De Witt," p. 35. 1 Founded about 1290. 6 EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. said Motley, "was instruction in Latin and French. No progress in public life was possible without a knowledge of these tongues."* Mr. Motley concludes that the New England colonists gained their educational impulse more from the Netherlands than from their own country. And a recent writer, t after asserting that the influence of the Dutch in shaping our edu- cational life has not been enough regarded, says : " Our free public-school system of which we are justly so proud seems to have its beginnings distinctly traceable to the earliest life of the Dutch colonies here in America, and to have had its prototype in the free schools in which Holland had led the van of the world." It was a favorite doctrine of the protesting Luther that every child was worthy to have the best education lan- guages, history, music, mathematics everything that can contribute to his highest development. And in a " Letter to Magistrates " (1524), after recounting the advantages to the Church and to the religious life of the individual, he insists that, " if there were no soul, no heaven, no future after this life, and temporal affairs were to be administered solely with a view to the present, it would yet be a sufficient reason for establishing in every place the best schools, both for boys and girls ; that the world, merely to maintain its outward prosperity, has need of shrewd and accomplished men and women." Taking the sentiment as typical of a national idea, Hon. Henry Barnard speaks of the " common school " as " only an improvement on the parochial schools of Ger- many." J Once more : John Calvin, at Geneva, in the sixteenth century, made education, so far as he might, obligatory upon all ; and, to-day, the thrifty cantons of Switzerland enjoy * It would seem as if the founders of the Boston Latin School adopted the form of this, without the social demand (see p. 338). t H. B. Adams, in " Johns Hopkins Studies in History," series iii, p. 15. J " American Journal of Education," vol. x, p. 32. INTRODUCTION. 7 the beneficent influences of a law of whose significance the author little dreamed. Tracing the growth of this impulse, George Bancroft says : " The common-school system was de- rived from Geneva, the work of John Calvin ; introduced by Luther into Germany ; by John Knox into Scotland ; and so became the property of the English-speaking nation." * So instances of old ideas clustering about this common sovereignty and universal education might be cited indefi- nitely. No stronger word, however, has been said in the in- terests of the latter, and the enforcement of school provisions and attendance, than by Plato, in his "Laws." Indeed, throughout both this and the " Eepublic," one frequently falls upon ideas peculiarly modern, and especially so of edu- cation. In the " Laws," as a part of a discussion on schools and their importance to the state, the Athenian stranger is made to say : " In these several schools let there be dwellings for teachers who shall be brought from foreign parts by pay ; and let the frequenters [learners] be taught the art of war, and the art of music ; and they shall come, not only if their parents please, but if they do not please ; and, if then educa- tion be neglected, there shall be compulsory education, of all and sundry, as the saying is, so far as this is possible ; and the pupils shall be regarded as belonging to the state rather than to their parents, "t That these sentiments can not be more definitely derived, only marks their universality. They form a kind of ideal of civilization ; and the problem that the states were set to solve had been a long-established theory of thinkers and statesmen. The English, as the later born of European na- tions, was the heir of all the East ; and among the early colo- nists to this country were specimens of both individuals and families from the highest level of English thought. There * " History of the United States," vol. iii., p. 100. t "Laws" (Jowett's translation), book vii, p. 732. A presentation of Plato's "Theory of Education" appeared in the "Presbyterian Keview" for July, 1887, by Prof. J. Watson. 8 EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. were English Churchmen in Virginia, English Puritans in Massachusetts, English Catholics in Maryland, and English Quakers in Pennsylvania. And, not ignoring the early edu- cational attitude of Dutch and Swede, Spanish Saracen and modern German, the united colonies were founded and school systems organized by somewhat homogeneous forces a people of common stock, having common political in- stincts, and with the tradition of common institutions. In England they sprang from a superior class : a rank that pro- duced Milton and Sir Walter Pvaleigh and Locke ; Hampden and Cromwell ; Carver, Eaton, and Winthrop ; Robinson, Cotton, and Davenport. Of the first six hundred who landed hi Massachusetts, one in thirty, it is said, was a graduate of the English Cambridge. These and their companions were rare men. They had the schooling for a service the like of whose execution, in completeness and good sense, the world has never equaled.* " With matchless wisdom they joined liberty and learn- ing in a perpetual and holy alliance, binding the latter to bless every child with instruction, which the former invests with the rights and duties of citizenship. They made edu- cation and sovereignty coextensive, by making both uni- versal.''! * Two interesting papers were published some years ago : the one in 1859, " The American System of Education," by Dr. E. 0. Haven ; and the other the " Common School Historically " a most valuable summary made in 1878, by Prof. David Putnam, and read before the Ohio Teachers' Asso- ciation. Both are well worth reading on this point. t E. E. White, " Proceedings of National Education Association," 1882. PART FIRST. THE COLONIAL PEKIOD. CHAPTER I. THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS. IN a prefatory note to a recent oration, the Rev. Phillips Brooks records that " the Public Latin School of Boston en- joys the distinction of being the oldest existing school within the bounds of the United States." * ^ As frequently happens of sweeping statements concern- ing " first events " and " oldest institutions," this one of Dr. Brooks seems questionable. A similar claim has been made for Dorchester, Hartford, Brooklyn, and Virginia. Indeed, it is known that various schools had been established prior to that in Boston, one of which, the school of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York, founded as early as 1633, con- tinues to the present. Those in Virginia, though established earlier, had gener- ally a short existence. Schools in the three sections f were very unlike, and were typical of very dissimilar institutions. 1. The New York Settlements. The Dutch West India Company, organized in 1621, re- ceived, nine years after, instructions from the States-General * Founded 1635. t New England, New York, and Virginia. 10 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. of Holland, among which occurred the following order, " to all founders of colonies " : Patroons should particularly exert themselves " to find speedy means to maintain a clergyman and a schoolmaster, in order that divine service and zeal for religion may be planted in that country."* And it was re- quired that to this end " each householder and inhabitant should bear such tax and public charge as should be consid- ered proper for their maintenance." Four years later, in an official estimate of the company's expenses, the schoolmaster is entered at three hundred and sixty florins per annum (just one fourth that of the clergy- man), t Under these provisions, the educational policy of New Amsterdam was unbroken, and for many years more or less uniform. The second Director-General of the new province was Wouter Van Twiller, who arrived at Manhat- tan in the year 1633, and with him Adam Roelandsen, the first schoolmaster. The latter remained nine years. With the advent of the new administration, the first school-tax was levied, four pounds being collected. This would seem to give color to Brooklyn's claim to have had the first free public school in the United States. J Corel de Beauvois, a recent arrival from Holland, was called to take charge of the school ; adding to his duties as instructor those of grave-digger, court bell-ringer, and pre- centor. During this period, and for many years thereafter, indeed until 1808, when a special board of trustees was ap- pointed, this school, both for support and management, was in the hands of the local congregation of the Protestant Re- formed Dutch Church. It was perhaps only an elementary parochial school, receiving now and then aid from the public treasury, and, while controlled by the Church, was maintained * " Colonial History of New York," vol. i, p. 99. These volumes are valuable not alone for New York, but for all the early colonies. t Ibid., p. 155. t See article " Brooklyn " in Kiddle and Schem's " Cyclopaedia of Edu- cation." THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS. H for the use of the general public. From its founding it has a continuous history,* through a long line of teachers, legislative and ecclesiastical provisions, and educational progress. Though Stuy vesant wrote in 1642, " Nothing is of greater importance than the right, early instruction of youth," no care seems to have been shown for more than the rudiments, including, besides reading, writing, and arithmetic, the doc- trines of the Church,f and the fundamental " Freedoms, Priv- ileges, and Exemptions," granted to the colonists, through the West India Company, f But in the year 1658, while yet Stuyvesant was Director, the burgomasters petitioned " for a fit person as Latin School- master, not doubting that the number of persons who will send their children to such teacher will, from year to year, increase, until an Academy will be formed, whereby this place to great splendor will have attained." The petition was granted, and the first classical school was instituted nearly a quarter of a century after the founding of the Bos- ton Latin School. The first principal was one Dr. Alexan- der Carolus a professional teacher who was paid out of the public treasury five hundred guilders ($187.50) annually, was given the use of a house and garden, received six guild- ers from each scholar, and was privileged, in addition, to practice medicine ! During this early period, from the first, teachers, whether of private, parish, or public schools, were subjected to an established and formal examination ; and, while licensed by the council of '" nine men," must be sanctioned by the dea- cons of the Church. * This has been well and fully written by H. W. Dunshee, in " A His- tory of the School of the Reformed Protestant Church in New York." t It was ordered (see "New York Colonial MSS.," edited by George Bancroft) that " no other religion should be publicly admitted in NewNeth- erland, except the Reformed, as it was then preached and practiced by pub- lic authority in the United Netherlands." t Dunshee, p. 51. 12 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. Besides Roelandseii and Cornelison, of elementary teach- ers, there were others. Mr. Dunshee, the historian of the school, speaks of certain private schools, of Jan Stevenson and Aryaen Jansen, and " other teachers in hired houses," prior to 1649. By the middle of the century, New Amster- dam had a population of eight hundred. This was doubled in the next decade, and, by the close of Stuyvesant's adminis- tration, fifteen teachers are recorded as having served in the settlement, some of them with long terms. As early as 1650 they were paid regularly out of the public treasury ; the ex- cise money being set apart for this purpose. The pay there as elsewhere, then and since, was probably poor enough ; for a few years later one William Vestens headed the long line of petitioners for "an increase of salary."* 2. Virginia and the Virginia Company. Even prior to New Amsterdam and Boston, the needs of education were being considered by the older colony of Vir- ginia. These also were an earnest body of men. In 1619 Sir Edwin Sandys, treasurer to the London Company, moved in the English Parliament, the grant of fifteen thou- * It has frequently happened that the services performed and the wages received by the common-school teacher have been sadly disproportioned. Concerning the former it is interesting to note the functions of the teacher in the early colonial period. He was usually, both in New England and the middle colonies, clerk of the town, chorister of the church, and official visitor of the sick. Indeed, far into the last century, the teacher was scarcely differentiated from the preacher. The Rev. Gideon Sheets, when engaged as minister at Renssclaerwick, New York, was required among other duties " to bring up both the heathens and their children in the Christian relig- ion; to teach the catechism; and to pay attention also to the office of Bchoolmaster for old and young." The following extract from the " Town Book," indicates the manifold duties of a New England schoolmaster of 1661: 1. To act as court-messenger; 2. To serve summonses; 3. To con- duct certain ceremonial services of the church ; 4. To lead the Sunday choir ; 5. To ring the bell for public worship ; 6. To dig the graves ; 7. To take charge of the school ; 8. To perform other occasional duties. Adam Roelandsen not only taught the youth, but took in washing also 1 THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS. 13 sand acres of land for a university. It was to be a great Episcopal college a preparatory school to English learning and English religion. The grant was made. The king ap- pealed to the churches for contributions. Interest was aroused. Schools as well as a college were projected. Fif- teen hundred pounds were contributed " toward the erect- ing of some chui'ches and some schools for the education of the children of those barbarians." Two years later, upon the ai'rival of the Royal James, a subscription was opened by the chaplain, Rev. Mr. Copeland, for the erection of a free school. The company gave "one thousand acres of land, five servants, and an overseer, for the maintenance of a master and an usher. " * Toward the erection of the house, also, the company subscribed one hundred pounds, to which were afterward added other small amounts of money, and a few books. About the same time (1621) two English crews gave nearly sixty-seven pounds ; f and the year following a bequest of three hundred pounds was left to the proposed college. Matters were promising. Affairs, educational and commercial, were shaping themselves to the profit of both the company and the settlers. School and college were in sight ; buildings and land had been provided. But the terrible Indian war of 1622 came on. Settlements were laid waste, houses and property destroyed, and lives lost. Edu- cation was out of the question ; rather, the education most needed was that of arms and self-defense. Neither school nor college, howevei*, was forgotten. Immediately steps were taken to increase the funds and replace the buildings. Collections were made throughout the kingdom, in English factories, and on board ships. But the summer following, it was ordered that "all the moneys collected be deposited, until the plantation be so settled as there may be use of a school there.' 1 ' 1 \ * E. D. Neill, " Virginia Company of London," p. 211. t Warren and Clark. " Public Libraries of the United States," p. 22. J " Virginia Vetusta," Neill, p. 180. 2 14; THE COLONIAL PERIOD. In the Bermuda (Somers) Islands there was already a considerable population some five thousand inhabitants and a school regularly established. The bequest (three hundred pounds) noted above, failing of its purpose be- cause of the Indian massacre, was turned (1622) to the Somers Island Company, on condition that they " educate three Virginia Indian children, and, when they were of proper age, put them into business or send them back to con- vert their relations." The Bermuda school, both then and later, had a reputation on two continents, and claimed the thought of the philosopher Berkeley, who sought to found a college there. Richard Norwood, writing from the island (1645), stated that he had been teaching in that place for thirty years, and at that time had twenty pupils.* That on the continent also the efforts stand as something more than vain attempts, appears from an extract made from a thoroughly entertaining description of Virginia, 1649. The writer says : " I may not forget to tell you we have a free school, with two hundred acres of land, a fine house up- on it, forty milch kine, and other accommodations to it; the benefactor deserves perpetual memory; his name is Mr. Benjamin Symmes, worthy to be cherished. Other petty schools we have too." f 8. Early New England Schools. On the 13th of April, 1635, the people of Boston, in town- meeting assembled, impressed not less with their need of schools than with their appreciation of education in general, requested "Brother Philemon Purmont to become school- master, for the teaching and nourteuring of children " in the town. In part pay for his services, thirty acres of land were * It was here that Bishop Berkeley proposed founding his college, and in anticipation of which he spent some years at Newport, R. I. For further notice of the schools of the island, see Neill's " Virginia Company of Lon- don," p. 214. t " Massachusetts Historical Collections," vol. xi*, p. 119. THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS. 15 voted him by the young colony. Almost immediately " a garden plot was voted to Mr. Danyell Maude, schoolmaster," also. Both of these occurred within less than a year from the^ founding of the town. John Winthrop, writing, 1645, said : " Divers free schools were erected at Roxbury (for the main- tenance whereof every inhabitant bound some house or land for a yearly allowance forever), and at Boston, where they made an order to allow forever fifty pounds to the master, and an house, and thirty pounds to an usher who should also teach to read, write, and cipher. Indian children were to be taught freely. The charge to be by yearly contribu- tion, either by voluntary allowance, or by rate of such as refused; the order being confirmed by the General Court." Sixteen years before, wild and warlike natives alone stood between Virginia and the proposed Charles City school and Henrico College ; three years before, the infant school of the Reformed Church was beginning its long career. Looking back upon these events, it is easy to see that they were big with promise of the marvelous achievements of the first half of that great seventeenth century, destined to do so much for liberty and intelligence. These three settlements were civili- zation centers for a continent. Little can now be definitely known of the first few years of the Boston school or schoolmaster. They were brave, and not the less scholarly men, who were laying the founda- tions of a new commonwealth. Posterity is left to infer the greatness of the deeds of those years from the outcome. Other Massachusetts towns also showed a vigorous and liberal spirit of culture. Rehoboth was set off from Wey- mouth as a colony about 1643, and the fifth man upon the list was a professional schoolmaster, who taught the village urchins twelve months in the year. Plymouth Colony had ordered schools, 1650; while, ten years before, Dorchester had petitioned for some islands " for and toward the main- tenance of a free school."* Ipswich and Salem each, had * " Records of Massachusetts Colony," vol. iii, p. 139. 1(5 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. schools as early as 1641, Cambridge the year following-, and Roxbury in 1645.* In the year 1642, in an attempt to make the privileges of the few towns general, the Colonial Court enjoined upon all towns the duty of seeing to it in their localities. The order is comprised in the following extract from the Massachusetts law of 1642: t "This court," so the record runs, "taking into serious consideration the great neglect of many parents and masters, in training up their children in learning and labor, and other employments, which may be profitable to the common- wealth, do hereby order and decree, that in every town, the chosen men appointed to manage the prudential affairs of the same, shall henceforth stand charged with the care of the redress of this evil ; so as they shall be sufficiently pun- ished by fines, for the neglect thereof, upon presentment of grand jury, or other information of complaint in any court in this jurisdiction: and for this end, they or the greater number of them shall have power to take account, from time to time, of all parents and masters, and of their children, especially of their ability to read and understand the princi- ples of religion and the capital laws of this country, and to impose fines upon such as shall refuse to render such ac- count to them when they shall be required ; and they shall have power, with the consent of any court, or the magistrate, to put forth apprentices, the children of such as they shall find not able and fit to employ and bring them up. They are also to provide that a sufficient quantity of materials, as hemp, flax, etc., may be raised in their several towns, and tools and implements provided for working out the same." t * For a history of this school, with much additional contemporary mat- ter of interest, see C. K. Dillaway's " History of the School in Roxbury." t Taken from the " Records of the Massachusetts Colony," vol. ii, p. 6. J From almost the beginning of New England settlements it seems to have been common to transact the current public business in a meeting of the people assembled. By such body Mr. Punnont was called to be Boston's first teacher ; Mr. Cheever, in New Haven ; and Mr. Lenthrall, in Provi- THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS. 17 What grave educational and social questions were then sprung by the Boston fathers, that subsequent generations have had to answer! Parental responsibility, the general viciousness of indolence, the educative, office of labor, the state's relation to individual need, compulsory employment and schooling, the function of courts, and the state owner- ship of child-life, were all suggested by the act quoted. The town society in its organized capacity was commissioned to secure to the child its rights, and to the community pro- tection. The selectmen of every town were further required " to have a vigilant eye over their brethren and neighbors, to see that none of them shall suffer so much barbarism in any of their families, as not to endeavor to teach, by themselves or others, their children and apprentices, so much learning as may enable them perfectly to read the English tongue and [obtain] a knowledge of the capital laws ; upon penalty of twenty shillings for each neglect therein." * "If, after admonition, parents were still neglectful of their duty in these particulars," children might be taken from their parents, and servants from the custody of their masters, and bound to such masters as the selectmen might deem worthy to supply the place of " the unnatural parent " boys until the age of twenty-one, and girls until that of eighteen. dence. In these meetings all were freemen, and all equal in privileges. The voice of each was individual and stood for one only. As early as 1632, however, twelve men of Dorchester were selected to meet statedly, and hold in consideration public interests. Two years later, Boston chose a like number, and Charlestown the year following ; Watertown, Newton, and others soon did the like. And Mr. Palfrey says ("History of New Eng- land," vol. i, p. 372) that, " at the fifth General Court of Massachusetts, twenty-four persons appeared delegated by eight towns." It was such a representative body of freemen, fit type of the later administrative republi- canism, that passed the school act of 1642, from which the extracts are taken. * See Horace Mann's comments upon this in " Tenth Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education," 1849. 18 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. Commenting upon this act and the primitive Boston idea of barbarism, Horace Mann was led to say that, " tried by this standard, many a man who now glories in the name and prerogatives of a republican citizen would, according to the better ideas of the Pilgrim Fathers, be known only as the barbarian father of barbarian children.'' * It would seem that the first school in Connecticut was at New Haven, during the year 1638. f Prof. G. B. Emerson says Ezekiel Cheever left Boston with those who founded the settlement, and " began his services as schoolmaster in that year ; the pastor, Mr. Davenport, together with the magistrates," according to the records, being invited to con- sider what yearly allowance was " meet to be given him out of the common stock of the town." Two years later a second and higher grade school was established, and Mr. Cheever, then a young man of twenty-seven, was made its principal. This also was supported, in part, out of the " common stock. " Besides Mr. Cheever's, there were other schools in New Haven. Care was even then taken that every child should have its just deserts. In a year from the date of settlement, one Thomas Fugill appears on the public records, charged by the court to keep Charles Higinson, an indentured serv- ant or apprentice, " at school one year ; or else to advan- tage him as much in his education as a year's learning would come to." With the exception of Mr. Cheever's school, instruction was chiefly elementary, comprising only reading and cipher- hag. The former was called a grammar-school, in which were taught, besides the common higher branches, Latin, rhetoric, grammar, etc., corresponding nearly to the modern high-school, but with relatively more of the classics. The first school appearing on the town records of Hart- * " Lowell Institute Lectures," 1869, p. 851. Also " American Journal of Education," vol. i, p. 297. t Eeport for 1840. THE EARLIEST AMERICAN SCHOOLS. 19 ford was a somewhat famous one in that day, in operation as early as 1641, and kept by a not less widely known teacher, Mr. William Andrews. He was employed to teach the school for one year (twelve months) for fifteen pounds ; each patron to pay at the rate of twenty shillings per year, the poor being paid for at the town's charge. In Rhode Island, Newport had a public school in 1640, and Providence one, twenty years later. Throughout the colonies, schools were endowed ; first with lands, very early with bequests, rents, and donations, and supplemented by taxation. They were not free. Tui- tion was paid for all. The abuse of the principle is an interesting historical study. Bibliography. Consult "The School of the Reformed Dutch Church" of New York, by H. W. Dunshee, which contains also pertinent information of other schools and colonies ; " Documents of the Colonial History of New York," in eleven volumes ; and manuscripts of the New York Historical Society; the "Virginia Company of London," "Virginia Carolorum," and " Virginia Vetusta," three volumes, by E. D. Neill, comprising original documents and records ; the " History of Education in Rhode Island," edited by T. B. Stockwell ; the " Roxbury Grammar-School," by C. K. Dillaway; the "Massachusetts Historical Collections," and the official " Colonial Records " of Plymouth, New Hampshire, Massachu- setts, Connecticut, and Providence Colonies. A series of articles also by G. G. Bush in the "Yale Review " for 1885, affords a general view of "Early Education in New England." In the "Atlantic Monthly "for January, 1885, is a description of the "Dame School," such as the early English colonies had a few curious examples of. 20 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. CHAPTER II. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 1. Harvard. IN the autumn of the sixth year of the settlement of Bos- ton, the General Court * of the colony, with a far-seeing liber- ality, and a wisdom of sacrifice such as shall be for years to come a monument to it and its people, voted t the sum of four hundred pounds " toward a school or college ; whereof two hundred pounds shall be paid the next year, and two hundred pounds when the work is finished, and the next Court to appoint where and what building." The following year twelve of the most trusted men of the whole colony, previously appointed, magistrates and minis- ters, of political foresight and abundant learning, were set to execute the official mandate, " to take order for a College at New Towne." Among these early educational leaders were such men as the Rev. Thomas Shepard, John Cotton, and John Wilson, Jr. ; all clergymen and all college-bred ; J Stoughton ; Dudley, the Deputy-Governor, and above all " Winthrop, the Governor, the guide and the good genius of the colony."* Such were the men and the sources of greatness of the infant colony, and pledge of the college. Here were learning and character ; world-wisdom and refinements of the heart ; breadth and wholeness of culture, such as could alone justify the boldness of their attempt. "It is questionable," says * This Massachusetts Assembly, over which Henry Vane presided, has been said to be " the first body in which the people, by their representatives, ever gave their own money to found a place of education." (Quoted by Palfrey, vol. i, p. 247.) t September 8, 1636. J Mr. Savage estimates that in 1633 there were in Massachusetts and Connecticut not fewer than forty men who had been more or less educated at Cambridge, England. * " History of Harvard University," Josiah Quincy, vol. i, p. 9. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 21 Mr. Dwight, " whether a more honorable specimen of public spirit can be found in the history of mankind." Institutions of learning are expected among men of in- tellect and refinement, but not in poverty ; in leisure, but not surrounded by public dangers. " These early settlers," wrote Quincy, " waited not for affluence, for days of peace, or even domestic concord." Neither narrowness of terri- torial limits, nor fear of savage enemies, nor scanty subsist- ence, nor meager population ; neither religious dispute, nor uncertain abode, nor lack of leisure restrained their un- bounded zeal for an education that to them seemed not so much desirable as necessary, that " the light of learning might not go out, nor the study of God's Word perish." Notwithstanding their own learning, however, and solici- tude for their children, they must have failed in their under- taking had it not been for the generous gift of John Har- vard. A citizen of Boston, writing back to friends in 1643, says : " After we had builded our houses, provided necessaries for our livelihood, reared convenient places for worship, and settled the civill government, one of the next things wee longed for and looked after was to advance learning and to perpetuate it to posterity ; dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches, when our present ministers shall lie in the dust. And as wee were thinking and consulting how to effect this great work, it pleased God to stir up the heart of one Mr. Harvard (a godly gentleman and a lover of learning, then living among us) to give the one half of his estate (it being in all about 1,700) towards the erecting of a colledge, and all his library. After him another gave 300 ; others after them cast in more, and the publique hand of the State added the rest." * The official record is similar. Of John Harvard little is known. The institution founded is his best monument. This much may perhaps be said : He was a son of Robert and Katharine (Rogers) Harvard, and was * " Massachusetts Historical Collections," vol. i, p. 242. 22 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. born in the parish of Southwark, London, November 29, 1607. His father was a butcher by trade, dying while John was yet a youth. He entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge, at the age of twenty-one, his name appearing on the registrar's book as a pensioner. He received the bachelor's degree in 1631, and was made a master four years later. Beyond these meager facts, concerning his life in England, it is only known that he was a dissenting clergyman, and set sail for this country some time in the early part of 1637. Almost immediately upon his arrival in Massachusetts he was admitted a free- man of the village Charlestown along with his co-laborer, Mr. John Fisk, and others. He continued his ministry, as appears from the records, and was wealthy beyond his sur- roundings. His small bequest was almost double what the whole colony besides was able to give. Thirty years old, and a finished scholar, after the severe standards even of that ul- tra-classical period, his counsel was sought outside the field of theology also; for, almost immediately upon his arrival, he was appointed one of a committee " to consider of some tilings toward a body of laws for the town." After a year in the colony he died of consumption, September 24, 1638. He has been called " reverend " and "godly." Henry Bar- nard says of him, " He was the greatest benefactor of edu- cation in America." " It was given," said Edward Everett, " to the venerated man whom we commemorate this day " * (1828), " first to strike the key-note in the character of this people ; first to perceive with a prophet's foresight, and to promote with a princely liberality, considering his means, that connection between private munificence and public education which, well understood and pursued by others, has given to New England no small portion of her name and praise in the land." His books, which formed the nucleus of the present Har- vard Library, were solid and standard. The catalogue is still * Upon the erection of a monument at Charlestown to hia memory. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 23 preserved, showing two hundred and sixty volumes, and is one window into the intellectual habit of the man. As might be expected, they were chiefly theological and polem- ical. They were also classical, and mark the thoughtful bias along with general culture. There were Aquinas and Chrys- ostom and Calvin ; Duns Scotus, Luther, and Pelagius ; but there were, besides, Bacon and Homer, Isocrates and Plu- tarch, Pliny, Juvenal, and Horace. John Harvard * was a fit benefactor of the first American university. The colony caught his spirit. Among the magistrates themselves two hundred pounds was subscribed, a part in books. All did something, even the indigent. One sub- scribed a number of sheep ; another, nine shillings' worth of cloth ; one, a ten-shilling pewter flagon ; others, a fruit-dish, a sugar-spoon, a silver-tipped jug, one great salt, one small trencher salt, etc. From such small beginnings did the in- stitution take its start. No rank, no class of men, is unrep- resented. The school was of the people. The institution was as yet only a modest school ; not till later did it aspire to be a college, much less a university. The first principal, during whose administration the Harvard bequest was received, was Nathaniel Eaton. " Of this man," says Josiah Quincy, " nothing has been transmitted worthy of being repeated " ; a thought emphasized in the statement of Hubbard, that " he was fitter to have been an officer in the Inquisition than the instructor of Christian youth, "t Eaton was succeeded (1640) by Mr. Henry Dunster, with the title of "President." A scholarly, painstaking, pious, earnest man, he, of all the early friends of the college, after its founder, deserves most thoughtful notice. Under his di- rection was formed the first code of laws, regulations were * The remains of John Harvard lie buried on Harvard Hill, in Charles- town, where (1828), almost two centuries after his death, a monument was erected to his memory ; it was upon this occasion that Hon. Edward Ever- ett pronounced his famous oration on the founder of Harvard College. (See "Orations," vol. i, p. 176.) t " History of New England," p. 01. 24: TUB COLONIAL PERIOD. adopted, and degrees established. Like John Harvard, Mr. Dunster was educated in Emmanuel College, and, like him also, had been a nonconformist clergyman. From his own early training, he patterned the Harvard course largely after that of the English universities, though variously modified to suit the new conditions. After nine- teen years of only informal management the policy began to be more fixed, and the requirements for admission were announced as follows : " When any scholar is able to read Tully or any like classical Latin author, ex tempore, and make and speak true Latin in verse and prose (suo ut aiunt Marte), and decline perfectly the paradigms of nouns and verbs in the Greek tongue, then may he be admitted to the college ; nor shall any claim admission before such qualifi- cation." The course covered three years, and, in the nomenclature of the day, was both " liberal " and comprehensive. It must be remembered that for sixty years the institution was little more than a training-school for ministers, managed as a the- ological seminary, having religion, of a more or less well- defined type, as its basis and chief object. Yet, as Prof. Emerson has put it,* "It is one of the most remarkable things in the history of Harvard, that, in all the constitu- tions of the college, there is nothing illiberal or sectarian ; nothing to check the freest pursuit of truth in theological opinions, and in everything else; and this, too, while the founders of the college were severely and strictly orthodox ; often exclusive in their own opinions, and while their object was unquestionably to provide for the thorough education of ministers of the gospel of like views with themselves." The course t included two years of logic, and something of physics ; two of ethics and politics ; two of mathematics (including, however, only arithmetic and geometry), the equivalent of four years of Greek, and one year each of He- * " Lowell Lectures," 1869, p. 293. t Eichardson's " The College Book," p. 8. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 25 brew, Chaldee, and Syriac. Latin was excluded as some- thing that must have been mastered before entrance, its con- versational use being obligatory upon all within the limits of the college, in place of the mother-tongue, which was " to be used under no pretext whatever, unless required in public exercises." The Bible was systematically studied for the en- tire three years, Ezra, Daniel, and the New Testament being specified. A year was given to catechetical divinity. Daily prayers must be attended " at six o'clock in the morning and five o'clock at night all the yeare long " ; at which time stu- dents were required to " read some portion of the Old Testa- ment out of Hebrew into Greek, and the New Testament out of English into Greek, after which " one of the Bachelors or Sophisters should logically analyze that which was read." History was taught by lectures a few weeks in the winter, and botany in like manner in the summer. Allowing even for this last, science was practically unknown ; all profane literature was excluded ; and even "philosophy, such as is worthy of the name," says Richardson, " was untouched." Not less exacting were the requirements of studentship. President Dunster seems to have been head and body of the whole institution. No possible conduct escaped his eye. Class deportment, plan of studies, personal habits, daily life, private devotions, social intercourse, and civil privileges, were all directed. Concerning degrees it was ordered that "every scholar that on proof is found able to read the originals of the Old and New Testament into the Latin tongue, and to resolve them logically ; withal being of Godly life and conversation ; and at any publick act hath the approbation of the overseers and master of the Colledge, is fit to be dignified with his first degree."* For a second degree, it was required, in addition to the * See " New England's First Fruits," a quaintly entertaining sketch of Harvard, written 1643, and to be found in " Massachusetts Historical Col- lections," vol. i, p. 245. 26 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. above, that the applicant should "give up a system, or synopsis or summe" of logic, natural and moral philoso- phy, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy ; and defend his thesis. The first commencement was held in 1645, when nine young men took their degrees. The first doctorate conferred was upon the famous Increase Mather (1692), a distinction " as well deserved," says Quincy, " as it was acceptable to both father and son." Under President Dunster the college grew and prospered. Few men have done so much for American education as he. In a chaotic period he gave it form. Amid distracting re- ligious and political claims, he secured to the college a union of interests and a co-operation of forces that, aside from formal education, did much to shape and fix a com- mon New England sentiment. During his office, Harvard acquired such repute that "in several instances youths of opulent families in the parent country were sent to the American Cambridge for a finishing education." * In the year 1647 the population of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was about four thousand, and that of all New England something more than five times as much. There were in all, fifty towns and villages, as many ministers, and half as many churches. Of the twenty graduates in the first decade, twelve found their life-work in Europe ; but of the five hundred alumni during the seventeenth century, fully one half, it is estimated, entered the ministry, and chiefly in New England. After Chauncy, successor to Dunster and second president of the college, " both presi- dents and tutors were chosen from its own graduates." t The four colonies had, in the first decade, given Harvard thirteen hundred dollars Boston, one third of it. Con- necticut, about this time, projected a college ; but, failing in the undertaking, the money raised was generously turned * Palfrey's " History of New England," vol. i, p. 200. t George C. Bush's " Harvard College," p. C3. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 27 over to Massachusetts. Indeed, it is on record that, up to the founding of Yale, the one settlement of New Haven had furnished one thirtieth of the Harvard graduates. The institution was intrusted to a managing hoard in 1642, and eight years later received its first and only charter, sealed by Governor Dudley, and ratified by the Constitution of 1780. Fellowships were introduced by President Dun- ster, and, about 1725, two professorships founded by a Lon- don merchant. Aside from the latter, the salaries were, for a hundred years, paid out of the colonial treasury. In an official paper signed by Governor Endicott, bearing date 1655, and addressed to the General Court, information was given that " all the estate the college hath (as appears by the inventory thereof), is only its present building, library, and a few utensils with the press,* and some parcels of land (none of which can with any reason, or to any benefit, be sold to help in the premises), and in real revenue, about twelve pounds per annum (which is a small pittance to be shared among four fellows), besides fifteen pounds per an- num, which by donor's appointment is for scholarships." During the next fifty years the embarrassments of the col- lege were numerous, both financial and official. Salaries small as they were were repudiated ; the buildings were decayed, and the political influences of the English Restora- tion were noticeable in the diminished support accorded the college. Added to all this, the president proved inefficient, and the attendance greatly decreased. But for timely help from New Hampshire, and occasional private aid from Eng- land, the institution must have been seriously impaired. Under the provincial reorganization of William and Mary, a strong effort was made to revive the college interest. A royal charter was repeatedly sought. It was a period of extreme religious controversy and political unrest, witchcraft * The printing-press brought from England, and set up at Harvard by Stephen Daye in 1C39. (See Thomas's " History of Printing," voL i, pp. 203, 231). 23 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. was at its highest, Calvinism and the newer New England Congregationalism were in conflict.* The college was with- out a recognized charter, and for twenty years without a resi- dent head.t The once unquestioned power of the clergy was waning. There was faction without, and sometimes incom- petence within. A child of the people, and expecting little from royalty, it received less. Having only a provincial charter, with no English authority, the institution lacked permanence. The management was various and unequal. A fixed constitution was indispensable. This came, as has been noted, not from the queen, but from a royal Governor, Joseph Dudley, of whom and whose service to the college, Mr. Quincy has said, " Of all statesmen who have been in- strumental in promoting the interests of Harvard College, Governor Joseph Dudley was most influential in giving its constitution permanent character." President Leverett (1707-1724) was a man of rare intel- lectual attainments and dignity of character. Rich in schol- arship, he was at the same time, what was far more common then than now, both theologian and statesman. He was one of the earliest, if not the first, among American recipients of election to membership in the Royal Society of London. Under his somewhat uneventful service were initiated cer- tain improvements hi the curriculum, which, while not com- pleted for many years, ultimately made the Revolutionary Harvard very different from that of the seventeenth century. First, Latin ceased to be required in conversation, and through Virgil and Cicero became a part of the instruction. Chaldee and Syriac were omitted, though Hebrew long re- mained. After a time there was added to the course, some- thing of geography, and in a limited way of physics. Not * This is well treated in Quincy's " History of Harvard University,'' vol. i, p. 366. t Both Increase Mather (except for a few months of the sixteen years he held the office) and Samuel Willard, residing in Boston and having minis- terial charges. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 29 until near the Revolution was any attempt made to organ- ize the instruction into a system, by establishing departments or courses. This change marks an epoch in the development of the Harvard curriculum. All instruction was thrown into the four groups : 1. Latin. 2. Greek. 3. Logic and meta- physics. 4. Mathematics and natural philosophy ; each of which was put into the exclusive charge of one man. By benefactions during the century prior to the Revolu- tion, the college received in money nearly fifteen thousand pounds, of which Thomas Hollis, an English Dissenting friend, and his son, gave one half. It received also one thousand acres of land, and a few books. Nevertheless, the management all these years had to do with poverty and fac- tion and antagonisms. Dunster was compelled to resign his presidency through the jealousies of Paedobaptist fanat- icism. Chauncy lived in grinding poverty ; Mather and Willard both depended upon pastoral relations to eke out a pinched maintenance ; and Leverett died bankrupt.* But most of all and most serious, the institution was for years disturbed by being brought into the religious controversies of the time. In a controversial age this was inevitable. The conscience of dissent begot a habit. The very foundation idea of the college was the theo- logic want. The presidents and members of the corporation were generally the prominent scholars, the theologians, and political leaders, of the community and time. The college easily came to be the arena upon which, or the interest about which, were fought those terrible logomachies of dogma and doctrine. These required, as they had, the best learning, the shrewdest insight, the most politic minds of the day. * The president's salary during this period never exceeded two hundred pounds a year, and usually was but one hundred and fifty. The total grants made to the college during the first century, by the colony, amounted to about eight thousand dollars. At the close of the century (1732), the total annual income from all sources was but seven hundred and fifty pounds. 30 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. In the controversies sustained by the Mathers; in the New England scheme for establishing a chair of divinity by Hollis ; in the conflict of Puritans and Episcopalians; Whitefield and Wiggles worth ; Chauncy and Edwards, the college was repeatedly shaken to its foundations. Yet, through it all, it accomplished a much-needed work, with manifold wholesome reactions upon society and govern- ment, so that it has been affirmed, with show of truth, that " the founding of Harvard College hastened the Revolution half a century."* . The College of William and Mary. Ten years after the settlement at Jamestown (1617), the English king, James I, addressed the following letter to the bishops of the English churches : " Most Reverend Father in God, right trustie and well- beloved counsellor, wee greet you well : " You have heard, ere this time of the attempt of diverse worthie men,' our subjects, to plant in Virginia (under war- rant of our letters patent), People of this Kingdom, as well for the enlarging of our Dominion, as for the propagation of the Gospel among Infidells: wherein there is good prog- ress made, and hope of further increase; so as the under- takers of that Plantation are now in hand with the erecting of some churches and some schools for the education of the children of those barbarians ; ... in which we doubt not but that you and all others who wish well to the increase of the Christian religion will be willing to give all assistance and furtherance you may, and therein to make experience of the zeal and devotion of our well-minded subjects, espe- cially those of the clergy. " Whereby we do require you, and hereby authorize you to write your letters to the severall Bishops of the Dioceses of your Province, that they do give order to ministers and Concerning this controversial period and its relations to the college, read chapters vii, x, and xxii of Quincy's u History of Harvard University." COLONIAL COLLEGES. 31 other zealous men of their Dioceses both by their own ex- ample in contribution, and by exhortation to others to move our people within their severall charges to contribute to so good a work in as liberal a manner as they may ; for the better advancing whereof our pleasure is that those collec- tions be made in the particular parishes four severall times within these two years next coming ; and that the severall accounts of each parish together with the monies collected, be returned from time to time to the Bishops of the Dioceses, and by them transmitted half-yearly to you ; and so to be delivered to the treasurer of that Plantation, to be employed for the Godly purpose intended and no other." * Two years afterward (1619) Sir Edwin Sandys, treasurer, reported fifteen hundred pounds, one half of which had been loaned to the company as an investment, whose interest should be applied to the support of the school. He recommended, however, that the building of the college be temporarily postponed ; that a piece of land be laid out at Henrico, which should be called the "college land," one half the returns from which should go to the company, and be set apart as a "college fund."t It was so ordered. A hundred laborers were sent over, a superintendent of buildings was appointed, and Rev. Patrick Cope! and made first president of the college. The enter- prise was promising. Everything was planned on a large scale. These were loyal English subjects and had the pat- ronage of the throne. In the year 1621 the preparatory school at Charles City was ordered open, with its lands and servants and revenue. The college was to follow. The massacre, the next year, put a stop to every enter- prise, except that of self-defense. Superintendent Thorp, nine of the college laborers, and more than three hundred * Neill' 8" "Virginia Vetusta," p. 167. t The story of the efforts in Virginia during these years to found a college is told with much interest and a fund of original material, in Mr. Neill' s "Virginia Company of London." 32 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. colonists, perished in a day. It seemed as if years must elapse before anything further could be even attempted. Dangers were all about. The Virginia savages were at their crudest, crops were uncertain, disease had numerous victims, and for many months the company's reports abounded in disappointment and defeat. Of ten thousand colonists, old and young, said to have arrived in the first sixteen years of the Virginia settlement, but two thousand remained. Yet the colonists were not disheartened. The only peo- ple on the continent asking immediate means of schooling, their sacrifices become heroic. New England existed in four towns. Davenport, Winthrop, Eaton, and John Har- vard were still in England. As yet Virginia was America. Ambitious beyond their means, there was no Berkeley to oppose. Almost immediately after the massacre the idea of the college was revived. One Edward Palmer, an educated Englishman, and holder of a Virginia patent, provided by will for the founding of a university and school of art, on an island near the mouth of the Susquehanna River. He is said to have spent many thousand pounds improving the island, and the immediate site, that it should be at once a quiet retreat for the studious, and afford security from the attacks of the savage. It was to be called u Academia Virginiensis et Oxoniensis." * Of all this, however, nothing remains but the memory of a mis- placed aestheticism, the vagary of an educational enthusiast. The Indian was a poor subject for a school of art ; and the Indian seemed to rule. In 1660 the founding of the college was again revived, this time by the settlers themselves. The Virginia Company had dissolved, nearly forty years before. It had sought to colonize the country, make a profitable investment, convert the heathen (the infidels), and magnify the king. On every point they came out bankrupt : money had been sunk in the experiment, lives lost, and the gains to religion, to learning, * " Virginia Vetusta," p. 183. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 33 and to human comforts, were painfully small. The settlers were now few, and in poverty. Harvard was flourishing, paying her president one hundred and fifty pounds a year, and fighting heresy through anti-paedobaptism. In the year named, the Virginia Assembly, moved by the want of able and faithful ministers, enacted that "for the advance of learning, education of youth, supply of the ministry, and the promotion of piety, there be land taken for a colledge and free schoole." Subscriptions were taken, and others invited by magisterial order and sanction.* They came from every class and of varying amounts. In this first appears the spirit of the people as distinct from the administration and the Church. It marks a feeling of confidence and self-helpfulness wholly new to the Vir- ginian. Although nothing came of it immediately, it con- stituted the beginning of an interest that culminated in the founding of William and Mary College thirty years later. The institution was as yet without name only known as the " college " but referred to in frequent communications, public documents, bequests, and legislation ; and universally so recognized throughout Virginia, the Bermudas, New Eng- land, and in Parliament, for fifty years prior to the reign of William and Mary. Finally (1688), certain wealthy planters subscribed for the college twenty-five hundred pounds, and the preamble to the charter then sought, and obtained five years later, was largely in the words of the act of 1660. The Winthrop of Virginia was Rev. James Blair, for many years a minister of the Established Church, first in England, then in the col- ony; and later an educator, a scholar, and an author, he was familiar with the people, their institutions, and their ignorance, as few others could be. He presented the cause to the queen in person, receiving her enthusiastic support. King William co-operated. Both generously gave aid in money, promising a charter. * Hcnning's " Statutes at Large" (Virginia), vol. ii, p. 25. 34: THE COLONIAL PERIOD. When Seymour, the attorney-general, was presented with the royal order for a charter, he refused. The home country was involved in a war with France ; and Virginia and the barbarians could wait for their college. Mr. Blair urged, by way of manly appeal, that, as " Virginians had souls to be saved as well as their English countrymen," the institution was needed to prepare young men for the ministry. " Souls ! " cried Seymour, "damn your souls! make tobacco." Not- withstanding official profanity, however, the charter was granted the first royal educational charter in America. Aid was abundantly given. A provisional board was con- stituted, Mr. Blair was made first president, and the college of William and Mary became the second colonial school. By charter the college was established in the Middle Plan- tation, now Williamsburg, where it remains ; was given twenty thousand acres of land, a penny a pound tax on all tobacco exported from Virginia and Maryland, and the fees and privileges of the Surveyor-General's office.* It further provided for a chancellor, who should hold his office seven years ; a president (in terms of the charter, a commissary) ; the education of Indians ; immunity of the college belong- ings from taxation, and a representative of the college in the colonial Legislature. In respect of the last point, at least, the history of William and Mary is peculiar among Ameri- can institutions of learning. This representative might be one of the faculty, or a member of the board of visitors, or " one of the better sort of inhabitants of the colony," but, in any case, the selection was by the college faculty. The bish- ops of London were the chancellors down to the Revolution. George Washington, chosen to the office in 1789, was not only the first American, but the first layman, to receive the honor. The institution came into existence rich. In three months it was given more than Harvard received for the first fifty * Washington and Jefferson both received their surveyor's commission from the College of William and Mary. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 35 years. In twenty years, while Harvard was in poverty and Yale had yet no fixed existence, the property of William and Mary included, besides buildings and grounds, 22,450 acres of the richest of Virginia river-bottom land, a large tobacco revenue, the fees and profits of the Surveyor - General's office, together with a considerable cash income. In its royal foundation, its generous endowment and liberal pat- ronage, it stands in sharp contrast to the early years of Harvard. This was established by Puritans and stood for the severest of ultra-orthodox though dissenting Protest- antism ; that was founded to be and was an exponent of the most formal ceremonialism of the Church of England. The one was nursed by democracy ; the other befriended by Cava- alier and courtier. Endowment for the one came from the thin purses of an infant and needy settlement ; the other was drawn from the royal treasury. The one was environed and shaken for a hundred years by the schisms of a contro- versial people ; the roots of the other were deep in the great English ecclesiastical system. In the organization, besides the grammar-school for teach- ing the Latin and Greek, and a school of philosophy, includ- ing mathematics, there was designed to be a third, and one to which these were to be in the main supplementary and subordinate, in which should be taught divinity and the Ori- ental languages ; * for it was part of the original plan, run- ning back through the years to 1619, that the college when established should be " a seminary for the breeding of good ministers."! Governors and visitors were required to be members of the Church of England, professors to subscribe to the Thirty-nine Articles, and students to know the cate- chism. Of the curriculum up to the Revolution, less even is known than of that of Yale of the same period, and far less than of Harvard. All were of English pattern, though * To these was afterward added the " Indian school." t See " Massachusetts Historical Collections," vol. v, p. 164. 36 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. modified in time by local conditions. History seems to have had an earlier prominence in Virginia than in the colonies North.* The general course covered three years, and in- cluded the five departments Greek, Latin, mathematics, moral philosophy, and divinity. It was classical and pre- scribed. For a hundred years the speaking of Latin in original composition was required twice a month. Meager as it all seems in the light of inadequate records, it was nev- ertheless a " school of the prophets," outside divinity. It was a place where independence grew, but where tolerance also thrived. Its teaching has been described as after the Oxford order of humanities : the abstract as the foundation of the concrete; everything for discipline; the ancient lan- guages before the modern; the laws of right rather than those of matter. Whatever it was, the historic product is worthy of consid- eration. Jefferson and four other signers of the Declaration of Independence were graduates ; three Randolphs, Monroe, Judge Blab-, and Chief -Justice Marshall. This, too, from a school whose annual average enrollment for the entire period was less than seventy-five students. With an annual revenue of 4,000 it was by far the best equipped institution in America; but its buildings were twice burned, its libraries lost, and it came out of the war (1783) with entire loss of its landed interest, and, in the de- preciation of currency, of all its endowment, revenues, etc. The regulations of William and Mary College were no less severe than those of Harvard already noted. Laws were passed (1754) prohibiting students " keeping or having to do with race-horses," against " playing or betting at the billiard or other gaming table," or being concerned in " keep- ing or fighting cocks," under pain of severest animadversion or punishment. Everything was prescriptive and manda- tory. Even the faculty had no escape. Just prior to the * See Adams's " College of William aud Maty," and " Study of History in American Colleges." COLONIAL COLLEGES. 37 Revolution, the Professor of Divinity and the master of the grammar-school having married and taken up their residence outside the college grounds, it was resolved by the Board of Visitors that it was " the opinion of this visitation that the professors and masters, their engaging in marriage and the concerns of a private family, and shifting their residence to any place without the college, is contrary to the principles oh which the college was founded and their duty as pro- fessors." It was further ordered that thereafter, upon the marriage of a professor or master, his professorship be im- mediately vacated.* S. Yale College. With John Davenport,f one of the founders of the New Haven Colony, it was a design from the first to provide them a college. He had assisted in the establishment of Harvard and lost no opportunity to give like direction to the newer colony. In 1647 a lot was set apart for a col- lege. Within ten years the need was so urgently felt that New Haven had subscribed three hundred pounds and ad- joining settlements nearly as much more. The project how- ever, halted. The "college" was not begun. The people were few, and the embarrassments attending all new settle- ments pressing at New Haven. Besides, the support of all the colonies was needed at Cambridge. The cost was counted, the returns from two small colleges put beside the influence from one vigorous and well-supported one ; and it seemed to them more wise to be content with something less than a college at home, and wait for a more favorable season. Of course, it could not long remain that the colony of Davenport and Eaton should be dependent upon another for the best education. The inconveniences of a journey to Bos- ton, the extra expense, and the importance of a sufficient * See " Sketch of William and Mary College," anonymous, p. 50. t He was a member of the committee, 1637, to carry into effect the order of the General Court locating Harvard College. 38 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. and thoroughly and wisely educated ministry, all served to keep alive the original design. In 1698 a plan was pro- posed, and embraced with great unanimity. It contemplated a college founded and directed by a general synod of the churches. It should be called the " School of the Church," and receive from them toward its support, and an oversight " as far as should be necessary to preserve orthodoxy in the government." * The synod seems not to have been formally constituted ; but the ministers, among whom, all the while, the design was concerted and cherished, held it in remem- brance and discussed it in their councils. In the year 1699 ten of the principal clergymen of the colony were agreed upon to be " trustees to found, erect, and govern a college." They met the year following with invited counsel, and formed a society, to consist of eleven ministers, to take initial At a second meeting, but in the same year, each trustee brought a number of books, and, laying them on a table, pre- sented them to the body, saying in substance, " I give these books for the founding of a college in this colony." These forty volumes, and the acts of the trustees at this meeting (1700), constitute the beginning of Yale College. Like that at Cambridge, sixty-three years before, it was without dis- play; and, except for the magnanimous character of the founders, without promise. The colony had a population of fifteen thousand (about one fourth that of Massachusetts), a tax-list of two hundred thousand pounds, and fifty or more college men, including the clergy. The whole of New England had a population of less than one hundred thousand, whose patronage must now be divided not only between Harvard and Yale (with tbe advantages three to one in favor of the former financially), but more or less also with the recently founded William * On this point sec a " Sketch of the History of Yule College," by Prof. Kingsley, 1835. COLONIAL COLLEGES. 39 and Mary College. With limited means and a scattered pop- ulation; little royal support, and the taxing industry of a pioneer life ; exhausted by Indian wars, and no established commerce, the prospect was anything but encouraging. The beginning was made, however; a charter was ob- tained the year following (1701), and Rev. Abraham Pier- son chosen first rector. The school (it was not called a college sometimes a collegiate school) was opened in March, 1701, and, until the following September, one Jacob Hemingway was the sole student. The first fruits were largely gleanings from Cambridge. The school increasing in numbers, a tutor was elected in 1703, and the school took on something of organization. The regulations, for the most part, were those at Harvard, as also the course of study. There was nothing in the chai-ter concerning any relig- ious test for trustees, rectors, or tutors. It was early re- quired by the trustees, however, that no instruction should be given in any other system or synopsis of divinity than such as the trustees should order ; and that students should recite daily, and be examined in, the " Assembly's Cate- chism " and Ames's " Cases of Conscience," and " Theologi- cal Theses." To add to the first year's embarrassments, the school had no fixed existence. It had been decided (1701) to open it at Saybrook, " if it could be done without too much inconven- ience." Inasmuch as the rector lived at Killingworth, how- ever, where he had his clerical charge, the school was first located there. At Mr. Pierson's death (1707), Rev. Samuel Andrews was made acting rector, with whom, for nine years, the seniors resided and were taught, at Milford. For most of this time the under classes were with two tutors at Say- brook, the nominal seat of the school, and where for fifteen years the commencements were held. Factions had been at work for a permanent location. In 1716 the trustees being unable, financially, to decide the question at once, allowed to students (except seniors) the privilege of finding their own instructors until the next 40 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. commencement. Seniors were required to reside with the rector. The school, small as it was (about twenty-five stu- dents), was scattered in half a dozen towns of the colony. The provision was extremely unsatisfactory. The institu- tion was really no institution. Its work was inconsiderable in amount, and lacked every element of system, or unity, or pervading purpose ; and yet, even then, next to the churches, it was the one object of concern for clergy and educated laity ; the one interest, universal and ever pres- ent ; whose discussion was destined to unite the Connecti- cut colonies as nothing else could. The factions were bit- ter enough in seeming, but they were superficial. It was finally decided to locate the school permanently at New Haven. This was effected in 1718. As yet little has been said of the financial condition and growth of Yale College, and nothing of the event which finally gave it a name. Elihu Yale * was born in Boston, April 5, 1648. At ten years of age he was taken to England to be educated. Twenty years he spent in the schools and in special study. He afterward went to the East Indies, acquired a large fortune, was made Governor of Madras, and, later, Gov- ernor of the East India Company. In 1718 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. His donations to the college at New Haven, largely in books, amounted to about five hundred pounds. Next to John Davenport, also, the college owed much to Rev. Cotton Mather, of Boston. Somewhat disaffected toward Harvard, on theological grounds, f both he and his * A good biography of Elihu Yale, including so much as is known of his life, may be found in the " Yale Literary Magazine," April, 1858. t The Saybrook school was opened the year after the unsuccessful at- tempt at Harvard to impose a religious test ; and it has been frequently affirmed, with some show of truth, that the first movers in the Connecticut school alleged this as a reason : that the college at Cambridge was under the tutelage of latitudinarians. (Quincy's " Harvard University," vol. ii, p. 462.) COLONIAL COLLEGES. 41 father had, from the beginning, encouraged the Connecticut venture. A private letter from the younger Mather to Gov- ernor Yale probably suggested the Yale donation, and led, at the commencement, 1718, to affix to the now established institution its present name. Besides Mr. Yale, others, both in this country and in England, contributed to the college, prominent among whom was the Rev. George Berkeley, who gave ninety-six acres of land in Rhode Island, and one thousand volumes for the library. The conditions and cir- cumstances of this gift are interesting. Dean of Derry, and afterward- Bishop of Cloyne, he was a man of outward as well as intellectual rank. Though a High Churchman, he was a liberal-minded, scholarly, generous-hearted lover of learning. He came across to America early in the century, hoping, with the promise of a parliamentary grant, to found a college in the Bermudas. His property accumulated ; but, his scheme failing, he returned to England, leaving in America many nonconformist friends to whom and for whom it was easy to make generous gifts. The entire contribution of every sort made by the Com- monwealth of Connecticut prior to the Revolution was less than twenty-five thousand dollars, and in a century and a half had not reached one hundred thousand dollars. In- deed, the institution has been chiefly supported, as it was originally founded, by private means. Of the course of study not much can be given from these earlier years even less than of Harvard of the same period. As might be supposed, it was chiefly theological, though an occasional tutor seems to have injected somewhat of science into the common routine. Dr. Samuel Johnson (1718) broke away from the established cosmic doctrine, and introduced the Copernican theory. Mr. Ezra Styles, a little later, made simple experiments with an electrical machine which had been presented to the college by Benjamin Franklin. Rector Clap (1740), " to keep the college abreast with what were thought to be the demands of the age," made certain addi- tions to the curriculum. The work in physics and mathe- 42 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. matics was increased; the latter comprising instruction in conic sections and fluxions, surveying, navigation, and the calculation of eclipses. While there was not, for many years, such a thing thought of as modern history, Dr. Clap announced, and regularly delivered for a number of years, " lectures upon all those subjects which are necessary to be understood to qualify young men for the various stations and employments of life." Here was an attempt at least, whatever its success, to fit culture to living. The " Great Awakening," also, of 1740, through the preaching of White- field and Jonathan Edwards, led to the founding (1755), after years of bitter excitement, and tract and pamphlet war, of a professorship of divinity. Earlier in the century, Rector Cutler and part of the tutors had gone over to Epis- copacy,* and had been " excused from further service." This was sufficient cause for alarm throughout the New England congregations, and led in 1722 to the introduction of a religious test in Yale, for rector and tutor, that lasted for a hundred years. All officers of the college were re- quired to assent to the " Saybrook Platform " of 1708, giving satisfaction of " the soundness of their faith in opposition to Arminian and prelatical corruption." This was reaffirmed in 1753, and was followed by the divinity chair noted above. Bibliography. Of the colonial colleges, Harvard is best known, and has best pre- served its history. The earliest, Part I, of " The First Fruits of New England," published in 1G42, and to be found in the "Massachusetts Historical Collections," is a brief but detailed sketch of the first Ameri- can college. One published in 1833, by Prof. Benjamin Peirce, covers the colonial period only. The best of all is the " History of Harvard University," by Josiah Quincy, 1840. Information of William and Mary College is very meager. An anonymous sketch, published in 1874, gives a brief history, a list of the alumni, and what is known of the faculty * This defection of Mr. Cutler and his friends, and the former's relations to Harvard College, as well as to tho theological controversies of the day, are well depicted by Mr. Quincy in his first volume (see pp. 364-376.) COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 43 and curriculum from its founding. Consult also "De Bow's Review," August, 1859, "Scribner's Monthly," vol. xi, p. 1, and a recent sketch by H. B. Adams, published by the Bureau of Education. Somewhat more is known of Yale College, though far less than of Harvard, and the "Annals of Yale College," by President Thomas Clap (1766), a "Sketch of the History of Yale College," by J. S. Kingsley (1835), and "Yale University," by T. B. Dexter (1885), contain most that is authoritative. Next to these, perhaps first in importance, because dwelling upon certain details, are the numerous articles that have appeared in the " Yale Literary Magazine," begun 1836. CHAPTER III. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. ACCORDING to Horace Mann, there are three fundamental propositions upon which the common-school system of Massachusetts rests. These he gives as " 1. The successive generations of men, taken collect- ively, constitute one great commonwealth. " 2. The property of this commonwealth is pledged for the education of all its youth up to such point as will save them from poverty and vice, and prepare them for the ade- quate performance of their social and civil duties. " 3. The successive holders of this property are trustees, bound to the faithful execution of their trust by the most sacred obligations ; and embezzlement and pillage from chil- dren have not less of criminality, and more of meanness, than the same offenses perpetrated against contemporaries."* This was written but forty years ago, and so belongs to the present ; but the sentiment was scarcely less true of Mas- sachusetts two hundred years before. New England early adopted, and has, with a single ex- * Sec his " Lectures," vol. ii, p. 549. (Keport for 1846.) 44 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. ception, constantly maintained the principle that the public should provide for the instruction of all the youth. That which elsewhere, as will be found, was left to local provision, as in New York ; or to charity, as in Pennsylvania ; or to parental interest, as in Virginia, was in most parts of New England early secured by law. " For the purpose of public instruction," said Daniel Webster, " we have held, and do hold, every man subject to taxation in proportion to his prop- erty ; and we look not to the question whether he himself have or have not children, to be benefited by the education for which he pays." That it was not always so only serves to define the growth of the educational idea. The act of 1643 in Massachusetts, whose provisions were adopted in most of the adjacent colonies, was admirable as a first legis- lative school law. It was watchful of the neglect of parents, and looked well after the ignorant and the indigent. But it neither made schooling free, nor imposed a penalty for its neglect. It provided employment for the idle, and so early recognized the dependence of social institutions upon in- dividual thrift ; it admitted the force of intelligent citizen- ship, and sought to make the school also serve the uses of the State, enjoining upon all towns provision for universal education. The spirit of the law was progressive. But schools were largely maintained by rates, were free only to the necessitous, and in not a few of the less populous districts closed altogether or never opened. This led, five years later, to more stringent legislation. 1. The Massachusetts Law of 1647. As the Colonial Assembly, in the founding of Harvard, was moved by a consideration of the interests of the Church, so the preamble to the first compulsory common-school- enactment of Massachusetts urged the necessities of the relig- ious life as its occasion. As suggesting the general scope and tenor of the law, the following extract is made : " It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as, in former COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 4.5 times, keeping them in an unknown tongue, so in these later times, by persuading from the use of tongues; so that at last the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded and corrupted with false glosses of deceivers ; and to the end that learning may not be buried in the graves of our fore-fathers, in church and commonwealth, the Lord assist- ing our endeavors : It is therefore ordered by this Court and authority thereof that every township within this jurisdic- tion, after the Lord hath increased them to the number of fifty householders, shall then forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read ; whose wages shall be paid, either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in general, by way of supply, as the major part of those who order the prudentials of the town shall appoint; provided that those who send their children be not oppressed by pay- ing much more than they can have them taught for in the adjoining towns. " And it is further ordered that where any town shall in- crease to the number of one hundred families or house- holders, they shall set up a grammar-school, the master thereof being able to instruct youths so far as they may be fitted for the university ; and if any town neglect the per- formance hereof, above one year, then every such town shall pay five pounds per annum to the next such school, till they shall perform this order."* In this law, it is evident, the school system of Mas- sachusetts had its birth. Schools did not spring up all at once, and throughout the State ; nor were all of equal effi- ciency ; the school course was not yet fixed ; resources were limited ; teachers were poorly prepared ; there were no ele- mentary texts and no school organization. With every possible support of the law, there were many hindrances. As a matter of fact, if perhaps Sweden be excepted, there was no precedent in the world's history for such universal * " Massachusetts Colonial Kecords," vol ii, p. 203. 4 4G THE COLONIAL PERIOD. education, through the agency of free schools as a civil in- stitution. The attempt must have seemed, to the nations looking on, as the irrational presumption of a youthful colony. The law was a public measure and sought the schooling of all: not the poor alone, or of preference; nor select schools for the sons of ministers and magistrates ; nor family schools; but common schools, upon the principle, then efficient, but formulated later, that " they must be cheap enough for all, and good enough for the best." It should be noted that the law makes provision for grammar-schools; that is for schools which should give instruction in Latin and Greek ; and, indeed, in whatever should be necessary to fit young men to enter Harvard. They belonged to a type of pre- paratory school, characteristic of New England, the original of the best modern secondary institution. Still further, the law was mandatory ; a penalty was attached for a town's neglect. The original forfeit, five pounds, was increased in 1671, 1683, and 1718, successively, to correspond with the in- creasing wealth of the towns, to a penalty of sixty pounds for a town of three hundred families.* * Mr. Joseph B. Felt, in his " Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency," has been at some pains to estimate the relative cost to the com- munity of these forfeitures, measured by the community's resources. It is known that, in early American times, grains were used as tender in payment of debts. New Haven for many years paid her annual quota to Harvard by sending " one peck of wheat to each man." For the payment of obliga- tions, the law fixed the value of the product in terms of its standard unit. The average rate for Indian corn for the last half of the seventeenth cent- ury (the period under consideration), Mr. Felt estimates at less than three shillings per bushel. To pay a fine, therefore, of sixty pounds, to which a town of three hundred families was liable, would require four hundred and twenty-three bushels. At sixpence a day (the wages provided by law, 1630, and in force many years), it would take a man forty days to pay a fine of one pound. The penalty imposed upon towns by the law of 1647, was five pounds ; equivalent, at the above rate, to the work of a common laborer for two hundred days. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 4-7 2. The Connecticut Code of 1650. Three years after the law just cited Connecticut passed a very similar one. A difference will be seen in the reasons assigned for the enactments in the two colonies ; and it is a significant fact that the " indifference and indulgence of many parents and masters " is made a sufficient reason for the colony's interference in the interest of the child. This enactment continued in force, substantially un- changed, until the close of the last century, and, excepting that of Massachusetts, marks out the only system of schools during the colonial history. It is given almost entire, first as a means of comparative study, and as a specimen also of the severe ethical standards of the day : " Forasmuch as the good education of children is of sin- gular behoof and benefit to any commonwealth, and whereas many parents and masters are too indulgent and negligent of their duty in that kind: It is therefore ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that the selectmen of every town, in the several precincts and quarters where they dwell, shall have a vigilant eye over their brethren and neighbors, to see first : that none of them shall suffer so much barbar- ism in any of their families, as not to endeavor to teach, by themselves or others, their children and apprentices, so much learning, as may enable them perfectly to read the English tongue, and knowledge of the capital laws, upon penalty of twenty shillings for each neglect therein : also that all mas- ters of families do once a week at least, catechise then- chil- dren and servants in the grounds and principles of religion, and if any be not able to do so much, that then, at the least, they procure such children or apprentices, to learn some short, orthodox catechism, without book, that they may be able to answer to the questions that shall be propounded to them out of such catechism by their parents or masters, or any of the selectmen when they shall call them to a trial of what they have learned in this kind. And further that all parents and masters do breed and bring up their children 48 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. and apprentices in some honest, lawful calling, labor, or em- ployment, either in husbandry or some other trade profitable for themselves and the commonwealth, if they will not, nor can not, train them up in learning to fit them for higher employments : and if any of the selectmen, after admonition by them given to such masters of families shall find them still negligent of their duty, in the particular aforemen- tioned, whereby children and servants become rude, stub- born and unruly, the said selectmen with the help of two magistrates, shall take such children or apprentices from them, and place them with some masters boys till they come to twenty-one, and girls to eighteen years of age com- plete which will more strictly look unto, and force them to submit unto government, according to the rules of this or- der, if by fair means and former instruction they will not be drawn into it."* In addition to the provisions quoted, the code required of every town of fifty families an elementary school, and every town of one hundred families a grammar-school, as provided in the Massachusetts law. The enactment in the colony of New Haven (1655) was very similar to this, differing perhaps only in being, if equal- ly considerate, more exacting. The same watchful eye over their brethren was enjoined upon the deputies of the Court or other officers. Negligent parents and masters were to be warned, and, if still remiss, pay a double fine. For a third offense the Court might " proceed to a greater fine," or, " tak- ing security for due conformity to the scope and intent of the law," might take such children or apprentices and bind them out " both for the public conveniency, and for the par- ticular good of the children and apprentices." Ten years afterward the two colonies were united, the Connecticut " code of 1650 " becoming operative for the whole province. The law was revised when the civil or- * Extract from Code of Laws, 1650, paragraph 19, u Colonial Records of Connecticut," p. 520. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 49 ganization \vas perfected (1672), each of the four county towns, irrespective of population, being required to maintain a grammar-school. Elementary schools were later required of towns having thirty families, and in those of seventy householders must continue eleven months in the year. It was a vigorous system among a thrifty and self-deny- ing people. It betrays no loose sentiment of tender-hearted indulgence. Children should be brought up, not left to grow up. It was the sternest kindness, participation in whose benefits was incident to citizenship.* These laws of Massachusetts and Connecticut t remained in force for many years of the former practically till the State Constitution of 1780, of the latter eighteen years longer, until school societies and petty districts were formed. 3. Other New England Schools and Teachers. In Rhode Island there was no attempt at a school system prior to the efforts of John Howland about 1790. There * As illustrating further the severity of the ethical idea current at the period, two extracts are presented from the capital laws of the colony of the same date : u SEC. 14. If any child or children above sixteen years old and of suffi- cient understanding, shall curse or smite their natural father or mother, ho or they shall be put to death ; unless it can be sufficiently testified that the parents have been very unchristianly negligent in the education of such children, or so provoked them by extreme and cruel correction, that they have been forced thereunto, to preserve themselves from death or maiming. " SEC. 15. If any man has a stubborn or rebellious son of sufficient un- derstanding and years, viz., sixteen years of age, which -will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and when they have chastised him, he will not hearken unto them ; then may his father or his mother, being his natural parents, lay hold on him and bring him to the magistrates assembled in the court, and testify to them that their son is stubborn and rebellious and will not obey their voice and chastisement, but lives in sun- dry notorious crimes ; such a son shall be put to death." t " Blue Laws, True and False," by J. H. Trumbull (1876), is an excel- lent exposition of the spirit of discipline and its consequences, in early Con- necticut. 50 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. were schools in both Providence and Newport; but the col- ony was small (with a population of less than ten thousand in 1700), broken into feeble settlements, and offering little opportunity for organization. Up to 1820, as a matter of course, the school history of Maine was the same as that of Massachusetts, from which it was then set off as a separate State. A like remark may be made of New Hampshire. United with Massachusetts in 1641, it was subject to the law of that colony until 1693, when, having become an inde- pendent province, and copying the spirit of the Massachu- setts system, the selectmen of the towns were required to raise money "by equal rate and assessment on all the in- habitants for the support of schools," the penalty being put at twenty pounds. In Vermont, as the first white settlement dates from 1724, no schools were maintained during the period other than occasional and chance ones. Education to the New England of this period was a pub- lic responsibility part of an exacting religious duty. Viewed from the individual side, it was to many a privilege. It claimed the public's second attention ; and, next to the pulpit, commanded the best talent in every settlement. Among the New England teachers there were men of both learning and ability. Not a more cultured body of men ever formed a colony than settled about Boston, Salem, New Haven, and Hartford. They coveted the best advan- tages for their children, frequently making the best men their teachers. It is on record that of the twenty-two mas- ters of Plymouth from 1671 to the Kevolution, twenty were graduates of Harvard. The like was true of Eoxbury.* Such men, next to the functionaries of church and state, commanded the highest respect. In the churches, they had * It was this school whose memory has been perpetuated in the " Free School of 1645 in Roxbury," by C. K. Dillaway ; and of which Cotton Mather said, " It had afforded more scholars, first for the college, and then for the public, than any town of its bigness, or, if I mistake not, of twice its bigness, in all New England." COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 51 special pews provided for their use beside those of magis- trates and the deacon's family. In every community was usually one who was the teacher professionally, so consid- ered as much as was the minister or physician. But, among them all, Ezekiel Cheever stood, and stands pre-eminent. Born* in 1614, he came to this country at the age of twenty-three, joining Eaton and Davenport at New Haven the year following. Here he taught twelve years, first in the free schools, and later in the grammar-school, with a " scholarship and force of personal character which left a permanent mark on the educational policy of New Haven." For eleven years he taught at Ipswich, nine years at Charlestown, and thirty-eight years as master of the Boston Latin School. Cotton Mather links his name with that of Master Corlett's, in the couplet : " 'Tis Corlett's pains and Cheever's, we must own, That thou, New England, art not Scythia grown." Mr. Cheever was the author of an " Introduction to the Latin Tongue," popularly known as the " Latin Accidence," which was the hand-book of Latin instruction in New Eng- land for more than a century. President Quincy said of it: " For simplicity, comprehensiveness, and exactness, I do not believe it is exceeded by any other work." Under his guid- ance, the Boston Latin School became the principal classical institution, not only of Massachusetts Bay, and New Eng- land, but, according to Dr. Prince, " of the British colonies, if not of all America." He died in 1708, aged ninety-four, after having taught seventy years. Women were not formally recognized as teachers until after the Revolution, not generally so till late in the present century, though dame's schools were not infrequent through all the earlier period. * For an extended and appreciative biography of Mr. Cheever, see "American Journal of Education," vol. i, p. 297. 52 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. Salaries varied, much as they do now. Exceptional ability always commanded extra remuneration. In consid- ering this question it must be remembered that schools then continued, nominally, twelve months in the year ; the sala- ries, ranging from two pounds, paid to Thomas Fox, in New- port, some time before 1700, to sixty pounds paid Ezekiel Cheever (1670) as Master of the Boston Latin School. Mr. Barnard is authority for the statement that previous to 1800 the wages of a master varied from four to ten dollars per month, besides board, which was generally "given." Mis- tresses received from fifty cents to a dollar and a half per week, and board. The kind and amount of instruction have already been broadly marked out for the whole of New England by the legislation quoted. The classics required in the grammar- schools were, no doubt, well taught. But the elementary instruction, limited to reading, spelling, writing, and the simplest calculations, was very meager. Its content can best be shown perhaps by enumerating the school-books used. Prior to 1665, Richard Mather's Catechism * was, aside from the Bible, almost the only one known. Then, and later, the New Testament was in common use ; and the Psalter, containing 1, the Psalms; 2, Proverbs; 3, the Sermon on the Mount ; and 4, the Nicene Creed. The Horn-Book was very early employed in this country, as it was in England, while the historical " New England Primer " was not introduced until near the close of the seventeenth century, then taking the place of the Cate- chism. By these books was determined the organization of the schools, as follows : * " A Catechism, on the Grounds and Principles of the Christian Relig- ion, set forth by question and answer, wherein the summe of the Doctrine of Religion is comprised, familiarly opened, and clearly confirmed from the Holy Scriptures. By Richard Mather, Teacher to the Church in Dorches- ter in New England, 1650." COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 53 1. Psalter class beginners. 2. Testament class. 3. Bible class. Of the education of girls almost no mention is made, though they were now and then admitted to the dame's schools. 4. New York prior to the Revolution. Outside the localities already described, there was little that could be dignified by the name of school system, though here and there, as in the early days of New Eng- land, regard was had for education both elementary and advanced, with like courses of study and in the same texts. It is claimed that, at the surrender of the Dutch in New York (1664), so general was the educational spirit, almost every town in the colony had its regular school and more or less permanent teachers. After the occupation of the prov- ince by the English, little attention was given to education ; the settlers were robbed of their revenues ; and the new gov- ernment was not forward to aid Dutch schools in the control of a nonconforming church. While many of the parochial schools were broken up, that in New York city insisted on its chartered rights, maintained its privileges, and is still in existence. Thirteen years after the surrender, a Latin school was opened in the city ; but the first serious at- tempt to provide regular schooling was in the work of the " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel " (1704) in the founding of Trinity School. The society kept up an effi- cient organization, for many years, and at the opening of the Revolution had established and chiefly supported more than twenty schools in the colony. About 1732, also, there was established in New York city a school after the plan of the Boston Latin School, free as that was free, and which became, according to eminent authority,* the germ of the later King's (now Columbia) College. * " New York Colonial Manuscripts," vol. viii, p. 486. 54 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. From all which it would appear that while the Dutch set- tlers in New York were earnest in the support of their princi- pal schools, the English officials, either in London or in the province, showed little interest in the matter. The whole attitude was in sharp contrast to what was found in New "Eng- land. Eev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, President of King's College, writing (1762) to the English archbishop, complained that, when royal patents were granted for large tracts of colonial land, "no provision was made for religion and schools." These, he insisted, should be encouraged, whatever else be neglected. It is safe to say that, prior to the Revolution, hundreds of acres had been appropriated in New England for schools, and in Virginia many thousands. In one other recpect, also, the educational influences in the two sections were different. Lieutenant-Governor Col- den, petitioning for aid for King's College, seeing " that dis- senters from the Church of England had the sole education, not only in seminaries of learning in New England, but like- wise in New Jersey and elsewhere," argued that it was "highly requisite that a seminary founded on the princi- ples of the Church of England be distinguished in America by particular privileges ; not only on account of religion, but of good policy, to prevent the growth of republican principles which already too much prevail in the colonies." 5. Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution. Here, as in the last-mentioned colony, no system of schools existed until the present century. In this province, however, some attempts at education are worthy to be noted, both because of occasional individual success, and the fact that, in the social and civil conditions of that period, recent educational sentiments have received their impulses.* The original draught of the Penn Colony charter required * In Sypher's " School History of Pennsylvania," chap, xxxvi, on "Education," is a very satisfactory summary of the schools and school legislation of the colonial period. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 55 that the Governor and Provincial Council should erect and order all public schools, and " reward the authors of the use- ful sciences and laudable inventions in said province." In the fifteen years following the settlement, a feAV schools were opened in other parts, and in 1698 the Society of Friends established one in Philadelphia. This was the now famous Penn Charter School, to which all children were admitted, male and female, even servants ; and provision made that while the children of the rich might attend at reasonable rates, " the poor should be taught gratis." Though a Friends' school, it was open indiscriminately to children of all de- nominations, and for fifty years was the only public school in the province. Near the middle of the last century (1754), urged by the interests of the large German population of the colony, Dr. Franklin and others, aided by contributions from Europe, were instrumental in organizing the " German Society," in Philadelphia, whose purpose was " to found and maintain schools for the numerous children of German settlers." It had a long service, instructed at times nearly one thousand pupils, and proved a powerful civil as well as educational factor in the development of the colony. It is a matter of history that the Swedes early took pos- session of fertile valleys along the Delaware, and even in proximity to the mountains, in what is now Pennsylvania. A. thrifty, industrious people, they acquired property, and exerted a far-reaching influence on the State's institutions. Others came Hollanders and English, Catholic and Prot- estant, Churchmen and Quakers. A book,* descriptive of the Swedish churches of this section, includes a characteriza- tion of the people and social conditions of the time, which is suggestive. " The people," the author says, " are a mixture of all sorts of religious belief ; the schoolmasters have a dif- ferent faith from their pupils, and the children, in like man- ner, differ from each other. Hence, Pennsylvania is known * "History of New Sweden," by Israel Acrelius, p. 357. 56 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. all over the world for its lamentable destitution and defi- ciency in the instruction of its children in the knowledge of Christianity." Forty years before, about 1725, his people, he claimed, scarcely knew what a school was. While this will be admitted, or it should be, as an exaggeration, it is still only an exaggeration of an actual state, having a foundation in fact, that persisted through the colonial period. A hetero- geneous population, and the idea that public education was a form of charity, obstructed schools generally.* Among all the early teachers of the province, the reputa- tion of none is more worthy to be perpetuated than that of Christopher Dock. A simple but scholarly man, a Mennon- ite and teacher, exceedingly conscientious, little acquainted with the ways of the world, but devoted to his school, he acquired a reputation as an instructor and companion of the young that, if the record of his life be true, makes him a veritable Pestalozzi in his way. He taught for many years in Germantown ; then, dividing his time with a neigh boring village, gave three days to the one and two to the other each week, and so continued for twelve years. His life is historical, though little known. He used a blackboard as early as 1725, instructed in music, and had a well-developed method of primary numbers. He was an author a century and a half ago, and one of the fathers of American pedagogy. His " Schul-ordnung," f published about the middle of the century, must have seemed to most of his contemporaries very strange and unreal, so modern and orthodox it seems now. Mr. Dock is an excellent repre- sentative of the best colonial Pennsylvania teaching every- where. Service and success were individual, intermittent, and local. There was no system, no uniformity. * Of successful private and church schools there were some excellent examples. Prominent among these were those of the Moravians and Qua- kers. Most German settlements had schools; of public schools there were none. t See page 149. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 57 6. New Jersey prior to the Revolution. Although the settlers of New Jersey, Delaware, and Penn- sylvania, were of similar tastes and antecedents, and one would expect a kindred educational history, they are found to differ greatly. Schools were established in Newark, and (1683) an island in the Delaware River was appropriated to education in the Burlington settlement, the revenue from which by rent or sale was to be enjoyed " by all the fami- lies equally." The fund is certainly one of the oldest per- manent school-funds in America, the income of which is yet enjoyed by the town. Ten years later (1693) a general law was passed, legalizing schools in any town of the colony, "the consent of the major part of the inhabitants to be binding upon all," to pay their shares for the maintenance of a school, " even to the distress of their goods and chattels.' 11 This seems equal to the best New England interest, and was withal thoroughly republi- can. Within ten years schools had been established in all the counties, and, for a sparse and pioneer population, were generously supported. But the law, at best, was only per- missive, and subject to annual defeat in each community. There was no permanence, and for more than a century no further attempt to perfect a system of schools. In New Jersey also, as in Pennsylvania, what is most significant of the general condition is the individual service rendered by the occasional teacher. Typical of the whole- some but unorganized educational spirit, and the influences that were working, were the labors of Rev. William Tennent. An Irishman by birth, a clergyman by profession, a teacher of choice, and liberally educated, he probably did more to shape the first sentiments of culture and morality about him than all others combined. After preaching for a Presby- terian congregation in New York, and later in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, he was called (1726) to the charge at Nesham- iny, twenty miles north of Philadelphia, where he soon established what has come to be known, through the writ- 58 TEE COLONIAL PERIOD. ings of George Whitefield and others, as the " Log College." In a rude school-house, uncomely and secluded, the reputa- tion of his great work is justified, as that of any school, by its service to society. Mr. Tennent was a classical scholar, conversing in Latin with the ease of his vernacular, and proficient in other languages as well. He is described as a man of integrity and industry, with great piety, and drawing students from adjoining provinces. He taught for twenty years, most of the time in the " Log College," * the germ of the now famous Princeton, the College of New Jersey. 7. Colonial Education in the South. The colonies of the South were settled, on the whole, quite as early as those farther north Virginia and New York about the same time ; South Carolina a dozen years before Pennsylvania. Maryland made a permanent settlement a year before the Boston Latin School. Except Georgia, then, lateness of colonization can not be urged as a reason for de- lay in establishing schools. As a matter of fact, however, there was no school system in any colony south of Connecti- cut before the Revolution, and no enterprise of the kind to speak of before the present century. As elsewhere, there were isolated and transient schools, throughout the provinces, which had a commendable influence in forming public sen- timent. In both Virginia and South Carolina, however, the sons of those who could afford it were sent abroad to be edu- cated, or put under tutors at home ; and parents, assisted by settled clergymen, and an occasional transient teacher, fur- nished all the elementary instruction of the period. Indeed, it was a part of the policy of the colonies, charac- teristic of the class who settled them, though not unknown also in Rhode Island, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, to leave elementary instruction to the family. Of Rhode Island, Mr. Barnard says, " Her people tolerated no legislative inter- * See a sketch of the " Log College and its Founder," by Archibald Alexander, 1851. COLONIAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS. 59 f erence with religious belief or practice, or with the education of children, which, like religion, was considered strictly a pa- rental and individual duty. " When the English Commission- ers of Foreign Plantations asked what course was taken in Virginia for instructing the people hi the Christian religion, Governor Berkeley replied, " The same that is taken in Eng- land out of towns, every man according to his ability in- structing his children." But he also added, what has become historic, though little understood in its connections : " I thank God there are no free schools nor printing-presses, and I hope we shall not have them these hundred years ; for learning has brought disobedience, and heresy, and sects into the world, and printing has divulged them and libels against the best of governments: God keep us from both!" And the hope of Berkeley was fulfilled, for he spoke in 1671, and there was no system of schools in Virginia attempted before Thomas Jefferson. There was one school in South Carolina whose founding and career are deserving of mention. It was the Dorchester Seminary, established by a body of Massachusetts Congrega- tionalists who colonized in the South about 1734. This seemed more like the New England academy than any other school in that section ; and, with the four other gram- mar-schools claimed for the colony, probably justified Mr. Ramsay's assertion that, " from this time, all who wanted might find in South Carolina the best of classical instruc- tion." The Battle Creek School of Maryland, also, was older even than this last, and of nearly equal rank, and was the type, both in function and organization, of the later county academies. It can not be said that any of the colonies were indif- ferent to education of any grade, any more than they were to the claims of religion and individual honesty. But to some of them these were not matters of public control. It was not schools, but free schools, which Governor Berkeley denounced. During his short administration he was more 60 THE COLONIAL PERIOD. than once a generous subscriber to funds for private acade- mies a policy of conduct entirely consistent with his own and the South's views concerning the means of education ; consistent too, with the practice of all the colonies, or parts of them at some period, even in New England. Only seventy years ago in Boston, primary instruction was first made pub- lic, and elsewhere even later. As a fact, the taking on of general education as a function of government was yet an experiment, well into the present century. The question of how much, has carried with it a multitude of others, whose answers are the way-marks in the growth of American edu- cational ideas. Bibliography. The only comprehensive reference on the colonial schools and school systems is Barnard's "American Journal of Education," begun 1855. Its republication of original papers, legal enactments, and early educa- tional documents, gives it a peculiar and unquestioned authority. Con- sult also "Ezekiel Checver and his Descendants," in "New England Historical Register," vol. xxxiii, p. 164, and " Colonial Education in the South," " De Bow's Review," vol. xx, p. 622 ; also " Local Government and Free Schools in South Carolina," by B. J. Ramage, 1883. PAET SECOND. THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. CHAPTER IV. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. FROM the first vigorous colonial resistance to English ag- gression it took America fifty years to establish an independ- ence among nations. The Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 were two culminating incidents in the conflict. How much more than this was necessary before national equality was granted, how much of diplomacy and inven- tion, advancement in learning, and domestic control, can scarcely be estimated. The period was not altogether one of revolution ; but the ideas and the type of men dominant in 1783 ruled still in civil and administrative and social affairs for a quarter of a century. They enacted laws, erected schools, shaped education, and gave direction to sentiments of industry and refinement and the means of progress. In a history of culture, the period of the Revolution in America may be said to include the War of 1812. Indeed, the next period, that of reorganization, can not be said to have had a recognized beginning until twenty-five years later (1837). The two chapters following seek to sketch the conditions of elementary, secondary, and collegiate education during the period named. 6 62 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. 1. " Pauper Schools." Francis Adams, speaking for his own country, recently (1875) said:* "Our public elementary schools of England have always been regarded as charitable schools." The same idea prevailed for many years in this country, in Pennsylvania, almost wholly throughout the South, rare- ly in the West, but more or less in New England, though not extensively in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Rhode Island held that elementary instruction might not safely be interfered with by the State except in the interest of those who were unable to provide for their own ; and, contradictory as it seems, when John Rowland and his mechanic friends undertook (1785) to establish the free school in Rhode Isl- and, it was objected to chiefly " by the poorer sort of people." A generation later, Governor Hammond, of South Caro- lina, in his annual message, animadverting upon the com- mon schools, but evidently speaking in the atmosphere of a local unfriendly sentiment, took occasion to say : " The free- school system has failed. Its failure is owing to the fact that it does not suit our people, our government, our insti- tutions. The paupers for whose children it is intended need them at home to work."t The sentiment was not peculiar to this State : Governor Hammond was only more emphatic. In half the original colonies the idea was a ruling factor in more or less of the educational legislation through the early constitutional period. By the Maryland act of 1723, and fol- lowing, visitors for the counties were empowered to select certain children to be taught gratis. The literary fund of Virginia (1810) was set apart for the exclusive benefit of the poor, as was a special Georgia appropriation of two hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars seven years later. In the same year also New Jersey began the foundation of a * " Free Schools of the United States," p. 52. t Rev. James Eraser's report, p. 10 ; quoted there from an address by Dr. B. G. Northrop, delivered 1864. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. 63 school-fund, but almost immediately provided for an op- tional taxation of townships " for the education of paupers." Even Ohio, as late as 1821, attached a charity clause, and so defeated the purpose of an otherwise liberal enactment. In Pennsylvania, also, throughout both the colonial and the early constitutional periods, the public-school idea was compassed by the care which it was thought the State should take of the dependent and unfortunate classes. Public schools in the early history of Pennsylvania were " pauper schools." This appeared in the Penn School, Philadelphia, and was reaffirmed in the Constitution of 1790. Such schools raised and maintained a well-meant, char- itably intended, but unfortunate distinction between rich and poor, so as in time to frustrate the design of the schools and the generous charity of their founders. The poor de- spised the provision as a public badge of their debasement ; the wealthy shunned them as degrading. That this was not merely the bias of legislation imposed upon the public appears in the constant misinterpretation of the spirit and function of the common schools by the people themselves. Not till far into the present century was even Philadelphia freed from the invidious distinction, while the emancipation of the rural districts came later. Elsewhere a similar antipathy resulted from very differ- ent conditions. The "school fees" in England and the " rate-bills " in the United States were designed to throw a part of the burden of maintaining the schools upon patrons. While doing this they had the effect in every State where tried either to exclude those from the privileges of the school who could not afford them, or to subject them to the odium of "pauper patrons" when school fees were remitted. In either case the " odious rate-bill " has been the occasion of setting off society into classes, excluding some, and so limit- ing the efficiency of the schools.* "* See this question of rate- bills discussed, in the light of both English and American experience, in Mr. Adams's "Theory of Free Schools," " Free-School System," pp. 45-57. 64: THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. These fees took on various forms. They were not always assessed in money, though in cities they were usually so. In country districts in most States, both East and West, the rate frequently included board for the teacher. In Rhode Island, pupils were assessed for fuel as late as 1833, fee-bills being entirely abolished fifteen years later. In Vermont they remained until 1864, in New York three years and in Connecticut four years longer, and in New Jersey until 1871. 2. Teachers. In general, the teachers of the last century were poorly qualified for their work. But of the majority of the teach- ers, of what generation, since Adam Roelandsen, Dutch schoolmaster under Wouter Van Twiller, at Fort Amster- dam, and Brother Philemon Purmont, in Boston, might the same not be said ? The cause is not difficult to find. What with the material urgencies of a new country, the dangers without and want within, a professional spirit was not to be expected. Contemporary conditions show less excuse. In a pamphlet, published in 1791, the teacher of the period is characterized as generally " a foreigner, shamefully deficient in every qualification for instructing youth, and not seldom addicted to gross vices." * Dr. William Darlington, also, of Pennsylvania, describes the country school-teachers (1788) as "often low-bred, intemperate adventurers of the Old World," but generally on a par with the prevalent estimate of the profession. For some years before, and again soon after the War for Independence, the Atlantic States were at times overrun with English adventurers or Irish immi- grants, many of whom occupied the interval till they should find employment, in teaching. Some came, as did other laborers, indentured for their passage-money. One Boucher, a royalist, in an address (1763), t is reported as saying that * See " American Journal of Education," vol. xiii, p. 752. t See Neill's " Maryland Colony," p. 212. Thomas Scharf, in his " His- tory of Maryland," vol. ii, p. 22, says, of the same period, "Probably much ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. 65 " at least two thirds of the contemporary Maryland educa- tion was derived from instructors that were either indent- ured servants or transported felons. Not a ship arrives," he said, " either with redemptioners or convicts, in which school- masters are not as regularly advertised for sale, as are weav- ers, tailors, or -any other tradesmen." With such standards of intellectual and literary excel- lence among the people, no prominence could he expected among their servants the teachers, and yet the case was not wholly bad. In each of a dozen colleges were a few men of ability and noble influence men to know whom, and to live in whose atmosphere, was an education. Of this char- acter, without exhausting the list, or excluding others, were Dwight and Stiles, of Yale, and a little later Prof. Silli- man ; Dr. David Tappan and Prof. Sewall, of Harvard; Maclean, of Princeton ; President Wheelock, of Dartmouth ; and, somewhat earlier, Prof. Hugh Jones, of the College of William and Mary. In the academies there were Masters Moody and Doddridge ; Ebenezer Adams, of Leicester ; and Dr. Thomas Rowe, the teacher of Isaac Watts. Benjamin Abbot began in this period, also, his long career at Exeter. Concerning the common or elementary school-teachers, however, the story is different. Exceptions were few. The learning of the day was not of the school-room. The period was one of activity, not thought. Life was conduct : culture was valued, not less ; but doing, more. The years were full of a wisdom suited to the times. The needful teachers were new institutions, an unbroken continent, impoverished treas- uries, menacing neighbors, and the care that belongs to vent- ure without precedent. All these the period had ; and from their influence, in season, came both men and scholars.* more than hall the population, not including slaves, were totally illiterate and grossly ignorant," and still further that there was " no general educa- tion, no free circulation of books, no emoluments and distinction of liter- ature." * Tor a vivid and entertaining sketch of life and culture in the Revolution- ary period, see McMaster's " History of the People of the United States." 66 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. 5. Common- School Text-Books. The subjects of the school course remained much the same as in the first century, with this difference : whereas then there were almost no hooks but the Bible and Cate- chism, scarcely had the war closed, when texts were pub- lished in such numbers and quality as revolutionized the methods of teaching. The change was fundamental.* Spelling at first was not distinct from reading; or, rather, reading had not differentiated from spelling. The "New England Primer," first published some time during the seven- teenth century, had already gone through fifteen editions in 1720, been many times revised and enlarged, and, in the re- issue of 1777, dedicated to the " Hon. John Hancock, Presi- dent of the American Congress." It was used until the close of the century, but was probably valued more for the abridg- ment of the Catechism it contained than as a speller. The " New England Psalm-Book," after fifty editions, was still in use during the Revolution. The Dilworth " Spelling-Book," published about the middle of the eighteenth century, with a little elementary grammar, furnished all the instruction given upon this subject for three generations. Besides these were half a dozen other spellers of various grades, including John Woolman's " First Book for Children," Daniel Flem- ing's " Universal Spelling-Book," and one by Mr. Pierce, a Pennsylvania teacher, which contained a tolerable English grammar. Of course, the eminently popular, successful and influential speller of the period was Webster's "Spelling- Book," published in 1783. The author planned " A Gram- matical Institute of the English Language, comprising an Easy, Concise, and Systematic Method of Education, designed for the Use of English schools in America." It was to be in three parts a Speller, a Grammar, and a Reader. The first contained, besides appropriate word-lists, much geographical knowledge of countries and towns, to be taken occasionally * McMaster, vol. ii, chap. vii. Also, Thomas's " History of Printing." ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. 67 as spelling-lessons. The wide use of this book almost justi- fies the author's assertion that " the Spelling-Book does more to form the language of a nation than all others combined." The readers of the period were a great improvement on those previously used. Webster's " Third Part " came first (1785), and, like the speller, was very comprehensive. Its modest title " An American Selection of Lessons in Read- ing and Speaking ; calculated to improve the Mind, and re- fine the Taste of Youth ; and also to instruct them in the Geography, History and Politics of the United States. To which are prefixed Rules in Elocution and Directions for giv- ing Expression to the Principal Passions of the Mind" marks its scope. Its only rivals for many years were Bingham's " American Preceptor " and the " Columbian Orator," about the close of the century. Of others, having less sale, were Murray's " English Reader," reaching its fifth edition ; Chip- man's " American Moralist " ; Stanford's '' The Art of Read- ing "and Goldsmith's " Roman History," all published about the opening of the century. Another book of merit, and used as a reader, was an "Account of the Historical Transac- tions of the United States after the Revolution" (1788), by Webster. Hodder's " Arithmetic, or that Necessary Art made most easy ; being explained in a Way familiar to the Capacity of any that desire to learn it in a Little Time," the first of a long line of similar texts, had passed through twenty-five editions in 1719, and was practically the only book in use until the publication of Pike's " Arithmetic " (1785). This claimed a "new system," was somewhat more pretentious, and con- tained an appendix of forty pages, or an " Introduction to Algebra," for the use of academies. Daboll's " Arithmetic " was published about the same tune, and, a few years later (1790) the " Schoolmaster's Assistant," by Thomas Dilworth, an English teacher at Wapping. Of works on language there were many, from Bailey's " English and Latin Grammar," in its fifth edition, 1720 ; new ones being pu bushed at the rate of two to a generation for 68 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. the century. Mr. Cheever's " Latin Accidence," first issued in 1645, was republished about the middle of the next century, and again in 1838, with the commendation of distinguished scholars throughout New England. The "Young Lady's Accidence," by Mr. Caleb Bingham (1790), is notable as one of the first books on English grammar, " the first ever used in the Boston schools," where it was continued many years. Besides these were South's " Short Introduction to English," and the much-used " Grammar " of Lindley Murray. Mr. Murray was never a teacher, but, watchful of the progress of education, gave, about 1790, a series of informal lessons, on the teaching of English, to the assistants in a girls' school in York. These were afterward put into form and published, and, later still, reissued in the United States. Of all the other texts of the period, the only one claiming attention is the geography. Except the incidental informa- tion gathered into readers and grammars, no instruction was afforded in this subject before the " Universal Geogra- phy" of Jedediah Morse (1784).* This was an 18mo book, contained four maps, and, excepting in a limited way Nathaniel Dwight's " Catechetical System of Geography," it was the only available text for nearly half a century. 4. The Education of Girls. By a kind of " traditionary blindness," few among the colonial fathers saw the contradiction of the most funda- mental of their religious and political principles in disre- garding or thwarting the intellectual life of their daughters. The independence which they claimed, carried implicitly the emancipation of all mind if in holy things, certainly in secular; but, with a bias born of generations, while demo- cratic in government and Protestant in religion, in a few things they exemplified the most conservative aristocracy. * An abridgment of this book was made seven years afterward, in which were added historical accounts of the European settlements in Amer- ica, the thirteen States, and of Europe, Asia, and Africa. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. 69 Before the close of the last century, most New England towns had made some provision for the education of girls, either in short summer terms, or at the noon hours, or other interval, of the town (boys') school. But no such opportunity was afforded girls to make the most of themselves, as had been forced upon most boys for a half-dozen generations. There were certain schools that were not only eminently successful as schools, but were agencies of wide influence in educating public sentiment, and at the same time of service in publishing the possibilities of the female mind. For a hundred years the Penn Charter School, Philadel- phia, had admitted both sexes on equal terms. The Mora- vians had established a school for girls at Bethlehem, Pa., as early as 1745, while the Philadelphia Female Academy dates from the Revolution. Among the earliest in New England were Dr. Dwight's Young Ladies' Academy, at Greenfield, Conn. (1785), and the Medford School, near Boston (1789) ; the latter is said to have been for many years the resort of young lady students from all the Eastern States. The most vigorous and systematic experiment, however, and the most vigorously and systematically antagonized was in Boston. As early as 1700 there had been " writing- schools," to which girls were admitted. They were irregu- larly maintained for nearly a hundred years, but to no defi- nite purpose. Instruction was usually given by the teachers of the common schools, but between the regular sessions. About 1787 Mr. Caleb Bingham,* with an illustrious repu- tation as a teacher, proposed to open a real school for girls, where, besides writing, they should be taught reading, spell- ing, arithmetic, and English grammar. Immediately upon opening, his room was filled. The supply created a de- mand. More sought admission than could be accommodated. With the selectmen's daughters in school, female educa- * For a biography of Mr. Bingham, and much interesting matter con- cerning the early education of girls, see " American Journal of Education," vol. v, p. 325. 70 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. tion was becoming popular. It was proposed to establish three new schools for girls, called "reading-schools." Now was introduced a curious organization. Pupils attending a writing-school in the morning in one building, were, in the afternoon in another building, by another set of teachers, in- structed in the "reading-school." While the girls were in one school, the boys were in another ; and, to avoid too great hazard, the girls were only allowed to attend school six months in the year. This came to be called, very appropriately, the " double- headed" system, and continued until near the middle of the present century. A like separation of sexes in the same building, without the alternation of rooms and teachers, is yet practiced in Baltimore and in many Eastern and some Southern cities. Bibliography, Oil " Social Life in the Colonies," just prior to and during the Revo- lution, see " Building the Nation," by C. C. Coffin, chapters vi, vii ; and on the text-books of the period, the " History of Printing in America," by Thomas ; the " Christian Examiner," vol. vi, p. 1 30 ; and " De Bow's Review," vol. xxvSii, p. 434. CHAPTER V. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. 1. Academies. ALONGSIDE each of the first colleges, frequently antedat- ing them, sometimes forming part of the organization, was a grammar-school. This was true of Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Dartmouth. Such schools served the double purpose of fit- ting for the college and supplementing with a classical train- ing the meager elementary instruction of the common schools and the home. They were the only preparatory ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. 71 schools of the time and of uniform type, their courses being fitted to the time-sanctioned curriculum of the college. They taught much Latin and Greek, an extended course in math- ematics, and were strong generally on the side of the hu- manities as these were understood. Theirs was an eminent service, making the severe training of the college possible. But within a century there had been established schools of a high order which did not, and were not designed to, in any special manner, prepare for the universities. These were independent institutions of extended courses, some of them endowed in a limited way, presided over by the best scholarship and teaching in the State, and altogether deserv- ing the name of the people's college. During the period these rapidly multiplied, and with changed social conditions came new academic functions. The academy, both name and institution, was evidently borrowed from Great Britain. Scotland had such schools in her principal towns as early as the twelfth century, while the so-called middle schools of the Continent, the classical drill-schools of Germany, and the great public schools of England Rugby, Eton, and the like, " the most English in- stitutions of England," venerable with age are their Euro- pean antecedents. The Edinburgh High School dates from 1519. In 1644 John Milton, after describing, in his " Tractate," a complete and generous education as "that which fits a man to per- form justly, skilfully, and magnanimously, all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war," recommended that " less time be bestowed on grammar and sophistry," and that an academy be established which should be both school and university. Immediately upon the " Act of Toleration," academies were set up by Dissenters, who subsequently intro- duced them into the colonies. Indeed, Harvard, Yale, and William and Mary were for many years not superior to the best classical schools of English Dissenters. The Dummer School, Massachusetts (1763), Flatbush Academy, " Erasmus Hall," on Long Island (1787), and a few years earlier, Ger- 72 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. mantown Academy, Maryland, Phillips Exeter (N. H.), Phillips Andover, and Leicester academies, Massachusetts, all belong- to this period, and, while the most famous, con- stitute but a small proportion of all. Of the Moravian academies at Bethlehem and Nazareth, Pa., the historian Winterbotham asserts (1795) that they were "among the best establishments of any schools in America." At the close of the century New York had nineteen of these schools and Massachusetts about an equal number. They were to be found in almost every State, both North and South, and were the one characteristic educational agency of the time. In these and their like, sometimes followed by a college training, oftener not, were educated the " boys of '76 " and the generation following. Franklin, for a time, both the Adamses, and Johu Hancock, were trained in the Boston Latin School. Prof. Tappan, of Harvard, Chief -Justice Parsons and Sewall, prepared for college un- der Master Moody at Dummer Academy; while Benja- min Abbot and John Adams, masters at Exeter and An- dover, made for themselves and their schools a lasting rep- utation.* The English academies were usually well endowed. (Eton has an annual revenue of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and pays the head-master twenty-five thousand dol- lars.) The Americans of the last century were in no condi- tion to endow so well their schools, though possibly they did better. The academies were kept near the people, breathing the spirit of the time. Most of them were incorporated ulti- mately. Some were founded by returns from lotteries, more by appropriations from the public treasury, and yet more by private munificence. An interesting characteristic of these academies and pe- culiar to the oldest colonial grammar-schools is the signifi- * The New England academies, typical of such agencies throughout the States, have been well characterized by Mr. C. W. Hammond in the " Amer- ican Journal of Education," vol. xvi, p. 423. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. Y3 cance of the term "free" as applied to them. They were not at all " free " in the modern meaning of the word ; the privileges of attendance involved the payment of a fee. The larger the endowment, however, the smaller the fee usually ; and to most of them, in whatever State, admission might be had hy the needy without charge. The Dummer School was for those specified in the bequest, chiefly the inhabitants of Byfield, Mass. So the Hopkins grammar-schools in the seventeenth century were free to the towns of Hartford, New Haven, Hadley, and Cambridge, in which they were situated. Later, the Phillips Academies were opened to all from whatever State in the sense that no race, nor rank, nor limitations of residence, nor religious distinctions, were made conditions of admission. Equal privileges were given on the same terms. They were free, then, in contrast with the like schools and seminaries of England, admission to which re- quired membership in some particular church or other or- ganization, and so were exclusive.* 2. Colleges. After the three colonial colleges already noted, sixteen others were founded before the close of the century, six of which preceded, by a few years, the Revolution. Of these, the earliest was Princeton, already referred to incidentally as the local outgrowth of the " Log College " of Rev. William Tennent. Though founded by Presby- terians, and still supported by them, it stands as the repre- sentative of the State's higher education in New Jersey. Following Princeton was King's College (now Colum- bia), New York. It was founded by royal charter (1754), and was meant to be an Episcopal seminary. Initiated by a legalized lottery the usual step in such moral and educa- tional enterprises then it received local excise money, pri- vate benefactions, and the " King's Farm," a valuable grant * See a second view also offered by Mr. Hammond in his " New Eng- land Academies and Classical Schools." 74 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. held by "Trinity Church*' for religious and educational purposes. Started upon an Episcopal basis, it met the an- tagonism, not only of Dissenters, of whom President John- son bitterly complained, but of the Dutch, also, who natu- rally opposed anything English. Nevertheless, it pros- pered. Prior to the Revolution it received liberal grants from King George III, and generous contributions from the nobility and gentry of England, besides substantial aid from the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts." Its curriculum had been expanded in the few years, even beyond that of Harvard and the older institutions. In addition to the usual subjects it included u divinity " and msdicine, something of natural science, the modern languages, and " whatever else of literature may tend to accomplish the pupils as scholars and gentlemen. " * Predisposed to royalty, the college was closed early in the war, and not reopened until 1784, when it became Columbia College, with its general control in the "Regents of the University of the State of New York." Even before the agitation in New York city about King's College, Pennsylvania, led by Franklin, began to talk of an institution in Philadelphia. In the year 1749 was opened the Philadelphia Academy, with a kind of charity-school attachment. In the former were taught Latin, English, and mathematics. It immediately took on the functions of a high-grade seminary, at the same time fitting young men for college. Within a decade, it had four hun- dred students, was chartered with the privileges of a col- lege, had an extended course of study, a department of law, and drew patronage from half the colonies. At the close of the war it was merged in the University of Penn- sylvania. Brown University, though founded (1764) as a Baptist institution, was, nevertheless, one of the first schools of the period to emphasize the growing sentiment for a thoroughly " Historical Sketch of Columbia College," 1884, p. 3. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. 75 undenominational collegiate training. Dartmouth College * developed from the Indian school of the honored principal, and first president, of the college, Rev. Dr. Wheelock. It was chartered 1769, and had a few years later a large landed interest (twelve thousand acres in one body, and valuable), yielding even during the last century a considerable reve- nue. A second college was founded in New Jersey (1770) Queen's, now Rutgers ; and sixteen others, in various States, before the close of the century. Of these, three were in Maryland, two each in Virginia, Tennessee, and Vermont ; and one in each of the six States Maine, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, and South Caro- lina, with one in the District of Columbia. A marked feature of the period is the rapid multiplica- tion of colleges that followed the first flush of independence. Four were established during the war ; twelve immediately following. By the close of the century the country -had more colleges in proportion to the population than it has now. Massachusetts was the first to protest. When it was proposed to found Williams College, Harvard filed a long and formal remonstrance. It was urged that " Harvard was properly a college of the whole government ; and that the Commonwealth would do its people an injury by taking the support from one old and established institution, and en- couraging a new and feeble school, "t The protest failed, and the college (Williams) was established (1793). It still remains true that the Harvard principle was sound. Will- * Dartmouth has a very excellent history in a work published 1878, written by B. P. Smith. Chapter xii, p. 100, contains a succinct statement of the celebrated " Dartmouth College Case " touching the charter of the college. Consult also the " Dartmouth Causes and the Supreme Court," by J. Shirley, St. Louis, 1879. Works of Daniel Webster, vol. v, p. 462. t Tennessee at this time, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey, had each two, and Virginia three, colleges. On the " Multiplication of Col- leges and Education in Smaller Colleges," see the " Ninety-fifth Eeport of the University of the State of New York" (1882), p. 833; also, " Educa- tion and the State," by F. A. P. Barnard, p. 30. 76 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. iams has a record of which to be proud ; but, of the sixteen institutions founded between 1776 and 1796, the present con- ditions of five only, hint at even passable thrift. The cur- rent average attendance of the others falls below eighty, with a present aggregate endowment of less than three mill- ion dollars. This was a time of general expansion. More or less un- settled, society was necessarily less given to formal and pre- scribed culture, but devoted to organization and attempts at practical readjustments. Harvard now first assumed the name of university ; for, though there had been collateral professorships, these were maintained by assessments upon students, were not co-ordi- nated into departments, and left the institution only an aca- demic school of art. Signs of catholicity also appear, in that students were no longer required to attend the divinity lect- uresj except they were preparing for the ministry. The democratic tendencies of the time were shown in many ways. Students from about the beginning of the Revolution (1770 in Yale) were catalogued alphabetically, and not as previously by the social rank of their families. Literary societies, voluntary associations for social and general cult- ure, were multiplied ; and at William and Mary College was formed (1776) the first Greek fraternity in this country the Phi Beta Kappa the parent of both secret and open college fraternity organizations in America.* New interests were arising. The New England colonial conflict had been a theological one. The opposition and divergence of sects freedom from which, in Virginia, had constituted, in the estimation of President Blair, one of that colony's commending social features were rapidly being obscured, in the greater immediate civil and political inter- ests which all the colonies shared in common. Less impor- tance was attached to the formal subscription to creeds ; re- * For a sketch of this organization, its origin, and occasion, sec Quincy'a " Harvard University," vol. ii, p. 397. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. 77 ligious tests were less frequent and insistent. William and Mary elected a lay chancellor ; Yale, also, though nominally on a Congregational foundation, received aid (1792) from the State, and gave place in her corporation to State representa- tives. The college, once an appendage to the Church, was seen, in view of imminent State dangers, to have an equal value to the Commonwealth. First encouraged because it pro- vided an educated ministry, there was coming to be recog- nized an opinion, despite the deficiencies in culture, that edu- cation is something more that it has a value in itself ; that schools might well be maintained apart from the Church as an organization, and in no way lessen their usefulness. Of the four colleges established during the war, two were non- sectarian, as were three fourths of the sixteen colleges found- ed in the twenty years after 1776. Colleges founded prior to 1800. INSTITUTIONS. State. Date. Character. 1 . Harvard Massachusetts .... 1637 2. William and Mary 3 Yale Virginia Connecticut 1693 1701 Epi&copal. 4. Princeton New Jersev 1746 Presbyterian. 5. University of Pennsylvania* 6. Columbia Pennsylvania New York 1749 1754 Non-sectarian. Episcopal 7. Brown Rhode Island 1764 Baptist. 8. Dartmouth New Hampshire. . 1769 Congregational. 9. Queen's (Rutgers) New Jersey 1770 Reformed 10. llampden-Sidney Virginia 1776 Presbyterian. 11. Washington ana Lee Virginia 1782 Non-sectarian. 12. Washington University.... Maryland 1782 Non-sectarian. 13. Dickinson Pennsylvania .... 1783 M. Episcopal. 14. St John's Maryland 1784 Non-sectarian 15 Nashville* Tennessee ... 1785 16. Georgetown District of Col. . . . 1789 R. Catholic. 17. University of N. Carolina.* 18. University of Vermont* . North Carolina . . . Vermont 1789 1791 Non-sectarian. Non-sectari an 19. University of E. Tennessee. Tennessee 1792 Non-sectarian 20. Williams 21. Bowdoin.... Massachusetts Maine . 1793 1794 Congregational. 22. Union New York 1795 Non-sectarian. 23. Middlebury Vermont 1795 Congregational. 24. Frederick College Maryland 1796 Non-sectarian. State. 78 THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Bibliography. The "New England Academics," by Rev. Charles Hammond; the "Old Academies," " New-Englander," January, 1885; "Academies in New England" (1830), "American Quarterly Register," vol. 5i, p. 131, and vol. iii, p. 288 ; the " Relation of Academies to Colleges," " Congre- gational Review," vol. ii, p. 60, and "Putnam's Magazine," vol. ii, p. 169. The colleges of the period are well represented in " A History of Harvard University, 1636-1776," by Benjamin Peirce; a "History of the College of New Jersey," by J. Maclean ; an " Historical Sketch of Columbia Col- lege," 1754-1876, by J. Van Amringe; "History of the University of Pennsylvania," by T. H. Montgomery ; the " Early History of Brown University," by R. A. Guild (1864); the "First Half -Century of Dart- mouth College," by N. Crosby (1769-1820); and "Descriptive Analysis of the Society System in Colleges of the United States," by W. J. Baird. PART THIRD. THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. CHAPTER VI. CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 1. The Transition. THE transition from a colonial dependence to national independence was a costly one. The States came out of the contest bankrupt financially ; disorganized in industries ; a Government without precedent ; the real War of Independ- ence yet to fight, and the civilized world looking on to see the failure. Not three decades had passed from the inaugu- ration of Washington when the final conflict was over. The War of 1812 was fought, a substantial independence achieved ; and the States, no longer engrossed with conflict- ing and unsettled foreign interests, turned their attention to economic and industrial questions at home. Trade began to revive ; commerce had found a way ; social and govern- mental forces were active and planning. The period was one of great change and much growth. In four decades population had trebled. The six cities of 1790 had grown to twenty-six in 1830 ; then, one thirtieth of the entire population, they were now one sixteenth. The acquisition of territory had been enormous. The scarcely more than eight hundred thousand square miles of 1783 had expanded to upward of two million square miles in 1819, or 80 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. five times the total area of the original thirteen States. The increase alone was equal to one hundred and fifty-eight States such as Massachusetts. The Mississippi was open to American commerce its full length, leading to a rapid extension of set- tlements in the Southwest. It was the era of new States. Eleven had been added to the first thirteen. Trade was opened with the West Indies. In the census of 1820, statis- tics began to be taken concerning manufacturing interests. Appropriations were made by Congress, as well as by several of the States, for internal improvements, in the year 1816 three hundred and fifty thousand dollars being set aside by congressional act for this purpose. Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland established "improvement funds." Manufactur- ing associations and trade leagues were organized in Penn- sylvania and North Carolina. Congress voted one hundred thousand dollars annual appropriation to the navy. A sys- tem of coast defense was projected, and the pre-emption land act passed. The year 1830 opened upon twenty-five canals, including the great Erie, with an aggregate length of sixteen hundred miles ; while, five years later, one thousand miles of railroad had grown from the Quincy (Mass.) four-mile granite line of 1826. Already the slavery question was forcing itself upon the public mind, leading directly to the founding of the Ameri- can Colonization, and other manumission societies, and end- less political readjustments. Academies of science, philoso- phy, and history, the " North American Review," in Boston, and thirty colleges, took their start in this period. It was in these years when most of our educational systems origi- nated or began their reorganization. Professorships of science, law, medicine, and the modern languages were added to the existing faculties. In place of the thirty-five newspapers of 1775, there were three hundred and twenty- three in 1810, and one thousand two decades later. It was a period of great awakening and great activity. In the atmos- phere of the Revolution were born and reared statesmen and soldiers ; not less did the years following give scholars CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 81 and authors and teachers, tradesmen and benefactors, pro- fessional and scientific men.* It was the period of the Adamses and Jefferson ; of Frank- lin and Webster ; of Governor De Witt Clinton ; of young Denison Olmsted ; of Horace Mann and Joseph Henry ; of Everett and Story; Gallaudet, of Connecticut; Guilford, of Ohio; Grimke, of South Carolina; and Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey. Way land, in Rhode Island; Peers, in Ken- tucky ; and Shaw, in Virginia, were planning school systems in their several States. Chancellor Kent was in his prime, and Randolph and Marshall and Jackson and Clay were con- temporaries whose like the modern world has rarely seen. In the presence of such men, one ceases to wonder that the young nation was growing confident and aspiring. To the vigorous young the future is always promising. To them the maintaining of a free government seemed, if not easy, at least possible. How possible ? The wise men these and others set themselves to answer the question. They differed in their views about the Constitution, and wrangled over the dangers of centralization ; the best men were fearful of the inroads of slavery and the dangers to commerce ; but all agreed that intelligence was necessary to citizenship. Look through the writings of Washington and Jefferson, and it will be found that the best thought was given to the importance of a right training of mind. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion," said Washington, " it is necessary that public opinion should be enlightened." So Mr. Jefferson repeated- ly urged, and made it the guide of his later years, that " the diffusion of light and education are the resources most to be relied on for ameliorating the condition, promoting the vir- tue, and advancing the happiness of man." * On the general culture, the refinement, the progress of institutions, etc., Holmes' s "American Annals," first published at the opening of the century and reissued a generation later, contains much material not to be found in later books covering the same period. 82 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. The sentiment was no forced one nor exotic. It was familiar to the best men in every State and station ; to John Adams, and Madison, and Rush ; to lawyer and statesman and clergyman. It was so general, that the memorable saying of Chancellor Kent, that " the parent who sends his son into the world uneducated, defrauds the community of a youth- ful citizen and bequeaths to it a nuisance," * was not more a personal opinion than the expression of a wide-spread public faith. Out of such patriotic and exalted sentiments, that of universal and liberal education had an easy birth. Not that intelligence sprang suddenly out of ignorance, or that suffi- cient schools were at once provided. History can hardly be so set off into periods. Most "turning-points" are curves; improvement is growth. But, in the fifty years after 1800, there was a time when progress noticeably accelerated. Organization was upon a higher plane. Institutions took on new significance. New arts and industries, thronged cities and an active press, the exaltation of personal and co- operative life, and the increased recognition of humanitarian interests, were, both logically and chronologically, accom- panied by a large and wholesome enthusiasm for education. The time was pregnant with half -seen possibilities. In this awakening was the American renaissance a re- turn to vigorous life, such as had not been enjoyed for a hundred years. Something of the early enthusiasm for learning and the means of learning came in with Jefferson and Mann, Mark Hopkins, Denison Olmsted, Mary Lyon, and their contemporaries. Early in the century (1805) the Public School Society of New York city was formed; the claims of public primary education were urged Boston, 1818; and New York pro- vided for the county supervision of schools. Within the * " In the United States, he who does not send his child to school (which he should do, for the same reason as he pays his taxes, or fights in time of war) must be regarded in a peculiarly insidious sense as an enemy of the State." DB. G. S. HALL. CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 83 period were introduced or discussed the first high-schools, manual training-schools, and mechanics' institutes, semi- naries for teachers, associations, institutes, and the publi- cation of educational journals. Independent professional schools and departments, technological institutions, and learned societies, school and general public and free libra- ries, were multiplied. Evening and special schools for laboring classes, and the whole list of institutions for the defective and dependent classes institutions for the blind, the deaf, the imbecile, orphans, and the wayward took their rise during these years. There were without doubt great agencies at work looking to general education. "A broad philanthropy," says Mr. Bicknell, "rather than a deep philosophy, ruled the hour; when men consulted their instincts more than formulas of logic in their educational policy." But they were impulses well rooted and guided, out of whose working have come the current systems. This enlargement of educational interest was accompa- nied further by certain tendencies toward centralization peculiarly modern, and which claim a fuller treatment. These appear in the creation of school-funds by the States, and the accompanying boards of control, superintendents, commissioners, etc. Begun with a purpose, they show a far- reaching wisdom, and an understanding of the educational problem, rare enough in any age ; surprising, then. 2. The Creation of School-Funds. The sources of income for the support of schools have been various. Local, State, and national taxes ; municipal and legislative appropriations ; city, State, and congres- sional land-grants ; land-rents, students' fees, rate-bills, and private benefactions ; swamp and saline lands ; bank-tax and surplus revenue funds ; fines, forfeitures, and escheats ; excise tax and vender's license, have all contributed to the support of education. Speaking generally, most early funds were local and 84 .THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. annual. This is especially true of New England and Penn- sylvania, where the idea of local self-government was strong. For a different reason also the same statement applies to parts of the South, where, as in Rhode Island, education was put alongside of religion as a matter of personal and domestic concern. The district system, as will appear elsewhere, is a phase of this same early tendency to divide authority, dis- tributing the school control among many small and inde- pendent corporations. First appearing in New England, it has, at some time, been upon the statute-books of more than half the States of the Union. It was part of the general im- pulse toward the sharing of administrative power, educa- tional, political, and religious, which was a vigorous and long- lived reaction against the unreasoning monarchism which had prevailed into modern times, and been imposed upon our forefathers. The later years the last half -century in education show a bias toward a larger and more central control. The co-op- erations of an industrial life in a populous country not only require a general likeness of interest, but a homogeneity of culture and participation in a common experience. This disposition of the public, in the direction of organization and concerted action, is manifest in most civil affairs. It is shown in the consolidation of industry into corporations; in the inauguration of fraternities and lodges, and guilds and granges ; in the organization of charity and the union of church agencies in the service of missions, Christian asso- ciations, benevolent exchanges, etc. It appears also in the endowment of research, and the multiplication of learned societies, as set over against individual investigation ; while the constant aggressions of legislation upon territory once recognized as individual grounds has led Herbert Spencer to say: " The old superstition was the Divine Right of kings; the modern one is the Divine Right of Parliaments." Among all representative governments the mark of centrali- zation is upon contemporary interests. Education is no ex- ception. Questions of compulsory school attendance, re- CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 85 formatory training, and the treatment of bodies of illiteracy, reveal, in their discussion, a like sentiment. Care for the defective classes, once regarded as a private charity, is now made a State interest almost without exception. Speaking historically, the first step in all this centering of educational control was the creating of permanent school- funds. A. THE BEGINNINGS OF PERMANENT FUNDS. As has already been seen, Massachusetts and other colo- nies both North and South, made appropriations of land, some of which, held by leases, ultimately went into the general re- serve.* Connecticut as early as 1733 had set apart her public lands lying in the northwestern part of the colony " to the perpetual use of the schools." A portion of the proceeds was distributed to the town and parish school societies, and now constitutes a part of their permanent funds. To these have been added at different times " excise moneys," local bequests, and forfeitures, forming in some towns considerable sums. In the year 1786, upon the cession of Connecticut's Western domain to the United States, a State reservation was made of what is now northeastern Ohio, and called the " Western Reserve." This (except a small tract) was sold 1795, for one million dollars, which was turned into the school-fund. By a law of 1786, New York t State set apart two lots in each township of the unoccupied lands, for "gospel and school purposes," and fifteen years later ordered that the net proceeds of half a million acres of vacant and unappropri- ated lands should be devoted to a permanent fund for the support of common schools. New Hampshire, 1821, began a similar fund, by exacting * A very exhaustive study of the " Origin and History of the Massachu- setts School-Fund" is presented by Hon. George S. Boutwell, in the Re- port of the Board of Education, 1859. t For a statement of the New York School-Fund (for the Common schools) and the Literary Fund (for the benefit of academies), see " His- torical and Statistical Eecords " of New York, 1888. 86 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. one half of one per cent upon the capital of all banks within the State. And Maine, about the same time, devoted the pro- ceeds of the sale of twenty townships of public lands for a like use ; a part of which was distributed to the towns, as in Connecticut, but held as invested capital whose income only might be used for schools. Certain bank-stock held, and the funded debt of the State, were made in New Jersey a perma- nent fund whose revenue, since about 1820, has been applied to the public schools. Rhode Island, Vermont, and Pennsylvania have no in- vested school-funds. The first supplements the local rev- enues by an annual appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars, and the last by not less than one million dollars. As might be supposed, and as has been frequently as- serted by historians, little was accomplished in the South during this period ; little even attempted. Yet the principle of State responsibility, and somewhat of State control, was admitted, and became a factor of legislation in half the Southern States. A beginning was made by Delaware as early as 1796, it seems, though no definite results came of it; the present fund dates from 1837, and rests upon bank-stock, and a bond of the State, together amounting to about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Virginia (1810) began the constitu- tion of her " Literary Fund " by legislative appropriation, which was augmented from various sources, until, at the close of the War of 1812, it amounted to two million dollars. South Carolina followed (1811), but feebly, and North Caro- lina (1825). Any substantial benefit from the funds was negatived in all three of the States by conferring them chiefly upon the poor. Alabama, Florida, and Georgia made large appropriations of land, and maintained, espe- cially the last, flourishing academies, but upon special en- dowments or local support. At the prompting of Congress (1806), grants of reservation lands were made in Tennessee, one hundred thousand acres each to colleges and academies, and one thirty-sixth of the remaining unoccupied territory CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 87 for the use of the common schools. All this, which later would have yielded such abundant revenues, was almost wholly wasted, and the present fund began with an in- vestment in Bank of Tennessee stock (1846). This was increased both by legislative enactments and bank-stock dividends, amounting in 1858 to one million five hundred thousand dollars. Large grants of land were made by Kentucky and Louisiana also. In the former (1821), one half the net profits of the Bank of the Commonwealth were made a " Literary Fund," to be distributed annually for the maintenance of common schools under State control. The land-grants in Louisiana were, in the year 1847, consolidated, aggregating nearly eight hundred thousand acres, and form- ing a large and for some years a productive investment. B. LOTTERIES. An interesting feature of school administration, fifty to seventy-five years ago, was the lottery. It came in for all sorts of uses, and some which to-day would be counted very questionable. Those referred to here, however, were legal- ized, had the sanction of public opinion, and were considered altogether an honorable means of raising funds. Their pro- ceeds were in some instances considerable, and contributed to increase the common-school fund, and the endowment of colleges ; to aid in the erection of buildings, furnishing ap- paratus, and paying salaries. The first steps taken (1747) toward the founding of what is now Columbia College were in the grant of a system of lotteries. Williamstown Academy, Massachusetts, was partly so founded (1790), and two years later, four lotteries were granted to the Regents of the University of the State of New York, one eighth of whose proceeds should go to the academies, and the remainder to the common-school fund. Upon Union and Hamilton Colleges, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Vincennes University, Indiana, and academies throughout the West, was bestowed such aid. The Catholepistemiad, first University of Michigan, and the 88 TUB PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. General Board of Education, were granted four lotteries, fif- teen per cent of whose proceeds should be applied to the general fund. William and Mary College and Brown and Harvard* Universities were recipients of like favors. In- deed, for the half-century following the Revolution there was almost no public enterprise requiring pecuniary aid that did not receive more or less State recognition and assistance through lotteries, at some tune and in some section. From municipal improvements to founding and equipping colleges, establishing libraries, initiating and aug- menting school -funds, and building churches, the lottery has been a common source of relief. One writer, speaking for Rhode Island alone, says lotteries were made " to con- tribute to churches in Providence, Newport, Bristol, and half a dozen other towns ; by Baptist, Methodist, Presby- terian, and Congregational faith." They were the church fairs of our grandfathers a device whose function, as a source of general revenue, possesses a decided historic in- terest. C. CONGRESSIONAL LAND-GRANTS A more important source of school revenue, in the form of permanent investment grows out of the provisions of the famous " Ordinance of 1787 " and subsequent acts. The several colonies, upon establishing independent gov- ernments, and even before the " Articles of Confederation," laid claim to the undeveloped territory lying west of them and extending nominally, to the Pacific. Virginia owned Kentucky and the territory north of the Ohio River, except some reserves in Ohio. Tennessee was held by North Car- olina ; Alabama and Mississippi by Georgia ; Maine by Mas- sachusetts ; and Vermont claimed by both New York and New Hampshire. The claims of Pennsylvania and Con- * Harvard, 1775, took two thousand tickets in a public lottery, and realized eighteen thousand dollars toward the erection of Stoughton Hall. Again, in 1811, Massachusetts Hall was almost wholly built from the pro- ceeds of a lottery that brought twenty-nine thousand dollars. CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 89 necticut also were conflicting, and the dispute was finally submitted to Congress (1775). The offer of Virginia, in the year 1781, to cede her terri- tory, was accepted by the General Government (1784). Two years later (1786) Connecticut withdrew her claims, reserv- ing to herself a section in the northeastern corner of Ohio, from the western boundary of Pennsylvania, one hundred and twenty miles westward and from the forty-first parallel of latitude north to the lake, called in the early days " New Connecticut. " The school-fund to which reference has been made elsewhere began in the sales of this " Western Re- serve." For the organization and control of this Northwest Terri- tory Congress provided in 1787. In the year 1784, Mr. Jeffer- son, as chairman of a committee, had presented to Congress the draught of a bill respecting the disposition of the public lands, in which one is surprised to find no reference to schools or education. Eleven months later another bill was reported, containing the provision that " there shall be reserved the central section of every township for the main- tenance of public schools, and the section immediately ad- joining the same to the northward for the support of re- ligion." After several amendments and prolonged discus- sion, the clause referring to the support of religion was strick- en out. The remaining provisions were confirmed two years later in the " Ordinance for the Government of the Terri- tory Northwest of the River Ohio," * along with which was given the fundamental declaration which has since been incorporated into almost every State Constitution that " re- ligion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged." Ohio, the first State admitted to the Union from this Ter- ritory, received three townships ; one as a Territory, and two upon admission as a State (1802), for the support of a univer- * Of this ordinance it is said Nathan Dane was the author. 90 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. sity, and subsequently the sixteenth section in each township toward the maintenance of common schools. Prior to 1821, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan had received like grants. In the South, under the general provision for the disposition of public lands, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee received three townships each. Maine, Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, and Iowa, respectively, received the sixteenth section only (one square mile out of each town- ship of thirty-six square miles). In the year 1841, by act of Congress, sixteen States Ala- bama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ne- braska, Nevada, Oregon, and Wisconsin each received five hundred thousand acres, of which three million in the ag- gregate went to augment the common-school fund. Upon the organization of Oregon Territory, 1848, the reservation for schools was doubled, whereby California, Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Nevada have each received both the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections. The provision applies, indeed, to every new State since 1848, ex- cept West Virginia. By act of Congress (1849), supplemented by legislation the year folio wing, and again in the year 1860, thirteen States Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, and Wisconsin received an aggregate of 62,428,413 acres of swamp-lands, 14,000,000 acres of which Were appro- priated to the use of schools. The total land-grants made by the United States for edu- cational purposes up to 1876 one century of its existence amount to nearly eighty million acres, or one hundred and twenty-five thousand square miles ; a territory greater than the landed area of Great Britain and Ireland, and more than half that of all France. Of this it is estimated that more than eighty per cent has contributed to permanent funds for the elementary schools. In addition to the appropriations of land, it has been the CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 91 policy of the Government to turn into the State treasuries, also, a percentage of the net proceeds of the sale of public lands within their borders. At first this was three per cent (later made five per cent), and was known as the " Three- per-cent Fund." In the year 1818 Congress ordered that one sixth of it should be given to the founding or main- tenance of a college or university in each. The disposi- tion of the remainder being left to the option of its holders, in a dozen States it was diverted to education ; Missouri realizing one million dollars' increase of the per- manent fund. Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, and a few other States, re- ceived saline lands, the proceeds from the working or sale of which were added to the school-fund. In New Jersey (1871) the income from the sales and rents of riparian lands between high and low water were made a part of the school- fund, a sum the future possible revenue of which has been estimated at millions. In some of the newer States school lands have been sold in part only. Nebraska has two million five hundred thou- sand acres, none of which can be sold for less than seven dollars per acre. Texas has about twenty-four million acres. D. THE SURPLUS REVENUE FUND. In 1836, by act of Congress, a large surplus in the United States treasury, amounting to over $42,000,000, was ordered to be deposited with the several Stages, in proportion to their representation in Congress. On account of subsequent financial embarrassments, the amount actually distributed was something less than $30,000,000. Sixteen of the twenty- six States then organized (1837) set aside their quota of the deposit, in whole or part, as a fund whose revenue should go to the maintenance of the common schools in their re- spective States. Eight of these * so appropriated the whole * Alabama, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Ehode Island, and Vermont. 92 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. of their shares, amounting in the aggregate to $9,855,134. Eight States,* of the $9,462,798 they received, added a part to their school-funds, the other going for internal improvements and general purposes. In ten States receiving the deposits none was given to education. These were Arkansas, Lou- isiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia, receiving in the aggre- gate $8,793,713, which went, as named above, to general pur- poses or internal improvements. New York received most and Delaware least, in both of which it was set apart for education. 3. Permanent Funds and Local Taxes. Notwithstanding the large common-school endowments t considered in the last paragraph, they furnish but a limited part of the total school revenues. By the United States Commissioner's report for the year 1886-'87, it appears that the expenditures for education in the United States, by States and Territories, was $115,103,886; of which less than six millions was received from perma- nent funds. More than sixty millions of dpllars were col- lected in local taxes, a revenue representing a capital of a billion and a half of dollars. With all the large funds, it is, after all, the willing citizens' tax that supports the schools. Pennsylvania appropriates $1,000,000 annually from the State treasury, but raises $9,000,000 from local sources. Illinois, with a permanent fund of over $12,000,000, makes an annual expenditure nearly as large, all but half a million being from local taxes. In the table have been grouped the ten States having the largest school-funds, in which the annual income, at four and a half per cent, from this source, is compared with their respective school expenditures for the academic year 1885-'86 : * Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. t The aggregate of the invested school-funds of the thirty -five States approximates one hundred and twenty million dollars. CENTRALIZING TENDENCIES. 93 Resources and Expenditures of Public Education in ten States, 1885-86. STATES. Invested fund. Eevenue. Expenditure. 1 Illinois $12,049,000 $542,205 $10,136,000 fl Missouri 10,475,000 471,375 4,328,000 3 Indiana 9,458,000 425,610 5,314,000 4. Minnesota 6 731,000 302,895 2,372,000 5 Nebraska 4,904,000 220,680 2,351,000 fi Ohio 4 375 000 196 875 9,328 000 7 Iowa 4,100,000 184,500 4,660,000 8 New York 4,083,000 183,735 13,285,000 institutions which insist upon a more or less close following of the traditional course (mathematics, philosophy, and the classics), as entitling the graduate to the degree B. A., would break with the Johns Hopkins control in the plan proposed. 200 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. The question is not, they say : Shall a degree be given where the classics have been omitted ? but: Shall the B. A. be con- ferred without them ? Johns Hopkins, in Groups II, III, IV, and VI, says Yes. The curriculum of the recently founded college for women, Bryn Mawr, near Philadelphia, is the group system, as are those of Indiana University, Washington and Lee, and Tulane Universities, substantially. Graduate work for advanced degrees in the University of California, and a few others, is also set off into groups upon the same principle. 6. Graduate Courses. As an outgrowth of the larger personal interest, and the less insistence upon a uniform curriculum, certain colleges have developed an amount of advanced and original work in various lines hinting at a true university spirit. The admission of unmatriculated students to select courses, or to lectures in particular lines only, has thrown open the majority of higher institutions to a larger general and popular patronage. For the academic year 1885-'86, out of a total of three hundred and forty-six institutions, one hundred and fifty-four reported four thousand six hun- dred and five * students pursuing these special courses. These are frequently undergraduates, studying for no degree, and represent more or less incomplete and desultory work. That this is not an unmixed evil might be shown ; but among the special students are some who have already taken their first degrees, and whose work is therefore advanced, and special only in the sense of looking to mastery in particular fields of learning. Historically, in this country, graduate study was sequent to elective courses. Both were phases of the same general impulse to adapt the instruction of the college, by selection within, or by extension beyond the course, to pro- nounced tastes and individual wants. It is not meant by this that there were not instances of prolonged and special * Nearly ten per cent of the total attendance (48,485). RECENT COLLEGES. . 201 disciplines under the foi'mer system ; but they were rather in- dividual than part of the plan, though frequent and worthy. As early as 1832 Harvard had provided for additional instruction in the modern languages and philology, and Yale ten years later in Arabic and Sanskrit, as also occasion- al terms in chemistry under Prof. Silliman. General phi- losophy soon followed in offering graduate instruction. Early in President Tappan's administration, the University of Michigan outlined a " university course," * in which lect- ures were given in most of the departments, and which were open to such students only as had already obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science or of Arts. Such student, by pursuing two courses during each semester of one year, sustaining an examination upon three of the courses, and presenting a satisfactory thesis, was given the degree of " Master of Arts or of Science." Columbia College also, about 1840, opened a " post-gradu- ate" course, in which Prof. Arnold Guyot delivered his celebrated lectures on " Comparative Physical Geography, in Relation to History and Modern Civilization " ; and Mr. George P. Marsh a course upon the English language, t These were not continued after the one year, though re- appearing in the broadly elective system and formal pro- vision for graduate instruction in 1880. Reference has already been made to the nine graduate courses of Cornell, established at its opening, and the nine- teen at Johns Hopkins, seven years later. The graduate department at Harvard was instituted in 1872. Upon the extension of the elective principle in 1882, the lines of class distinction were obliterated, and all courses thrown open alike to graduate and undergraduate ad- vanced courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, philoso- phy, and classical philology being most frequently pursued for higher degrees. * " Farrand's History of the University of Michigan," p. 113. t " Historical Sketch of Columbia College," 1884. 202 TflE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Altogether, eighty-three institutions in the United States, having advanced courses, report eight hundred and eighty graduate students. In Princeton the class forms seventeen per cent of the entire enrollment ; in Columbia, four per cent ; Harvard, seven percent ; Cornell, five percent ; Uni- versity of Notre Dame, Indiana, fourteen per cent ; South Carolina College, ten per cent ; and Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, an average of sixty per cent for twelve years. B. UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION. In a recent characterization of the American university, Dr. Gilman notes * four types as determined by their foun- dations. These he denominates : 1. The College University; 2. The State University ; 3. The privately endowed Univer- sity ; 4. The Supervisory University. The first has already been described in the sketch of the colonial and Eevolutionary colleges. Their object was a rich and severe culture, classical in scope, and religious in aim. Except for the theological bias, they betrayed no im- pulse toward specialization. They were academic institu- tions, collegiate in method, and universities only in potentia. In general the first American schools were of this type, in- cluding all the colonial colleges, except perhaps the Univer- sity of Pennsyvania, which was a State institution. "William and Mary College, Virginia, and Columbia College, New York, were established under the support and protection of royal charters, but were in all other respects of the " college university" type. The fourth class has, in this country, but one represent- ative, the University of the State of New York. It is an organization including all the incorporated colleges and academies of the State, and certain academical departments of the public schools. The governing body is vested in a board whose corporate title is " The Regents of the Univer- * " Cyclopaedia of Political Science," article "Universities." RECENT COLLEGES. 203 sity of the State of New York," and whose functions include general control and inspection, but not instruction. Looked at from the present century, then that is, de- scriptively and not historically the second and third classes only remain. To these should be added the purely denomi- national institutions, to which class belong about seventy- five per cent of the colleges of the country. 1. State-established Colleges. The State university had its inception within, and its con- trol more or less determined by, the civil authorities, and the foundation of its support in the public revenue, either na- tional or local, or both. Its instruction is non-sectarian and free, or with nominal tuition only. As a State agency, its principal object is general training. It belongs practically to the present century, only four institutions antedating 1800. These were the college in Philadelphia, which at the close of the Revolutionary war became merged in the University of Pennsylvania; the University of North Carolina, 1789; University of Vermont, 1791 ; and the University of Tennes- see, 1794. The last received national as well as State aid. From this time, excepting the Universities of Georgia and South Carolina, both established in 1801, and Ohio, in 1804, no other State institutions were founded for a generation. The Ohio University * was the first in the Northwest, and was established on a grant of the Ohio purchase. After Virginia (1825) came Indiana in 1828, Alabama in 1831, and others in rapid succession, so that by the middle of the cent- ury seventeen of the twenty-four States then existing had made public provision for university training. There are now thirty State universities. Of the thirteen original States, six only have such provision. * Dr. Manassah Cutler, who was the author of the puhlic policy of re- serving Government lands for the support of education, also drew the arti- cles of incorporation, arranged the course of study, and selected the teachers for the Ohio University. 204 TEE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. The table shows not only the State institutions, but the time and order of their founding: State-established Colleges. States. Date. Kentucky 1868 Kansas 1861 West Virginia 1867 Illinois 1868 Arkansas 1868 Minnesota 1868 California 1869 Nebraska. 1869 Nevada 1874 Colorado 1875 Oregon 1876 Texas 1881 Florida. . . , 1883 States. Date. I.Pennsylvania 1755 2. North Carolinu 1789 3. Vermont 1791 4. Tennessee 1794 5. Georgia 1801 6. South Carolina 1801 7. Ohio 1804 8. Virginia 1825 9. Indiana 1828 10. Alabama 1831 11. Delaware 1833 12. Michigan 1837 13. Missouri 1839 14. Iowa 1847 15. Mississippi 1848 16. Wisconsin 1848 17. Louisiana 1853 Washington Territory 1861 Dakota " .... 1888 Montana " 1884 2. Privately Endowed Institutions. These perpetuate the name of the donor, and compi-ise some of the best-equipped and most efficient institutions; but, far more and better, they point to a wide-spread individ- ual interest in the highest education. Bishop Fraser, twenty years ago, condemned unsparingly the needless multiplica- tion of universities in this country, but commended as warmly the instances and the spirit of " individual munifi- cence so common in America, so rare in England, as among the not unhealthy signs of the times." The institutions of this class are far too numerous for more than representative mention. They are among the wealthiest, and, in larger or smaller gifts, include more than three hundred of the colleges. Among those founded by private means are Cornell University, Johns Hopkins, Le- high, Wellesley, Tulane, Vanderbilt, Bryn Mawr, Boston University, Leland Stanford, Jr., University (California), RECENT COLLEGES. 205 Vassar College, and the Clark University (Worcester, Massa- chusetts) ten institutions, not to name others, representing a productive endowment, exclusive of buildings and other properties, of twenty-five million dollars. But, besides the privately founded and endowed institu- tions, some of the State schools and most of the denomina- tional are more or less dependent for their endowments and after-prosperity upon private means. Of this class are Har- vard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, the Northwestern (at Chicago), De Pauw University (Indiana), Amherst, etc., representing more than ten million dollars, most of which has come from private beneficence. Naturally the aggregate of such benefactions can only be approximately estimated. The following table, made from information collected chiefly from the reports of the United States Commissioner of Education, and excluding gifts for secondary or professional schools, may be taken as fairly representing the annual and aggregate amounts contributed to colleges and universities alone, in the years for which re- ports are had since 1871 : Private Endowment of Colleges by Years. YEAR. Total en- dowments. To colleges for women. YEAR. Total en- dowments. To colleges for women. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879 $6,282,461 8,238,141 1,845,354 2,703,650 1,273,991 1,389,633 3 878 648 $689,993 242,295 26,035 79,128 241,820 62 815 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. $4,601,069 8,522,467 6,688,043 5,134,460 2,530,948 $214,529 81,604 310,506 322,813 266,285 1880. 2,666,571 399,'9&7 $49,755,436 $2,937,810 Supplementary to the table just given is the following, showing a few of the large benefactions and their recipients. But it should not be forgotten that beyond the forty millions which these few names represent, the most hopeful mark of educational vigor is the large number of relatively small gifts 14 206 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. from hundreds of donors. This, too, it has been already said, includes only the moneys for colleges and universities, ex- cluding secondary schools, medical and theological schools, special large benefactions to the South, etc. : Table of Benefaction*.* 1. Asa Packer Lehigh University, Pa $3,500,000 2. Johns Hopkins .... Johns Hopkins University, Md 3,500,000 3. Isaac Rich Boston University, Mass 2,000,000 4. Leonard Case School of Applied Science, Ohio 1,200,000 5. James Lick University of California 1,650,000 6. Peter Cooper Cooper Union, N. Y 1,200,000 7. Ezra Cornell Cornell University, N. Y 1,000,000 8. The Vanderbilts . . . Vanderbilt University, Tenn 1,775,000 9. Paul Tulane Tulane University, La. 2,500,000 10. W. C. De Pauw . . .De Pauw University, Ind 1,500,000 11. Leland Stanford . . .Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Cal.. . 5,000,000 12. S. W. Phoenix Columbia College, N. Y 650,000 13. Amasa Stone Adelbert College, Ohio 600,000 14. John C. Green Princeton College, N. J 1,500,000 15. Mathew Vassar Vassar College, N. Y 908,000 16. George I. Sency Wesleyan University, Conn 700,000 17. Ario Pardee Lafayette College, Pa 500,000 1 8. Benjamin Bussey . . Harvard College, Mass 500,000 19. Joseph W. Taylor . Bryu Mawr College, Pa 450,000 20. Joseph Sheffield ... Yale College, Conn 500,000 21 . Henry W. Sage Cornell University, N. Y 342,000 22. E. P. Greenleaf Harvard University 630,000 23. J. P. Jones Haverford College 500,000 24. Stephen Girard Girard College, Pa 8,000,000 25. Jonas G. Clark Clark University, Mass 2,000,000 Without elaborating, it may be noted that there is an evident tendency, both in the older institutions and the later founded, toward non-sectarian education ; this, in face of the fact that two hundred and fifty-nine of the three hundred and forty-six colleges are denominational, and that four fifths of those founded since 1850 are more or less under the control of church organizations. Within the last twenty * Of course many millions have been given for secondary education also, attention being called here to superior institutions only. RECENT COLLEGES. 207 years, church enterprise has been especially active in the in- troduction of higher education into parts of the West, and into the reconstructing States of the South; nearly three fourths of the denominational colleges founded in the period, heing in the South, and in the States bordering upon the Missis- sippi River. Beside this is put the fact that, while seven of the thirteen original States have no State-maintained col- leges, every State admitted since 1790 has assumed the re- sponsibility of providing collegiate training along with ele- mentary. Out of a total attendance of less than fifty thousand in superior institutions, those supported by the State enroll about ten thousand ; or eight per cent of the institutions (State) instruct twenty per cent of the students. In West Virginia the proportion is sixty per cent, Colorado twenty- nine per cent, Michigan twenty -five per cent, Nebraska twenty-two per cent. The table appended exhibits the relative endowments of representative institutions of the three classes, private, eccle- siastical, and State foundations. There are a few State in- stitutions that rank well with the majority of those from other classes a fact which will appear more to their credit when the comparatively recent foundation of most of the former is noted : Table of University Endowments. INSTITUTIONS. Property. Endowment. Total. Ecclesiastical Institutions : $5,190,772 $5,190 772 Yale 509 600 657 680 1 167 280 Princeton 750 000 1 400 000 2 150 000 1,615,000 812,000 2 ? 427'oOO Wesleyan (Connecticut) 509,000 667 000 1 176 000 Brown University 600,000 767 000 1 367 000 Tufts 200,000 700 000 900 000 Amherst 500 000 650 000 1,150 000 Hamilton .... 400 000 277 000 677 000 Madison 200,000 550,000 750,000 $5,283,600 $11,671,452 $16,955,052 208 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. INSTITUTIONS. Property. Endowment. Total. State Institutions : $1,333,000 650,000 790,000 1,370,000 1,000,000 1,050,000 600,000 482,000 450,000 1,550,000 $981,000 800,000 800,000 672,000 1,080,000 582,000 540,000 860,000 400,000 1,100,000 $2,314,000 1,450,000 1,590,000 2,042,000 2,680,000 1,632,000 1,140,000 1,342,000 850,000 2,650,000 Vinrinia . . California Missouri Ohio Illinois Pennsylvania. Privately Endowed Institutions: Cornell $9,275,000 $1,300,000 $8,415,000 $5,000,000 $17,690,OCO $6,300,000 1,200,000 1,264,000 1,400,000 1,100,000 2,225,000 1,167,000 3,650,000 550,000 3,000,000 Tulane 225,000 500,000 850,000 2,000,000 723,000 650,000 250,000 1,000,000 1,038,657 900,000 750,000 225,000 444,000 3,000,000 300,000 2,000,000 Vanderbilt Bryn Mawr Wellesley Vassar Johns Hopkins De Pauw Lehigh Grand totals $6,998,000 $13,658,000 $21,856,000 $21,557,000 $33,744,000 $56,501,000 Bibliography. The current literature on this section is very extensive, and the fol- lowing selections are made more because they are generally available, than that others are inferior. In general, consult : " The College of To- day," by R. R. Bowker, " Princeton Review," 1884, p. 89; "Our Col- leges before the Country," by W. G. Sumner, "Princeton Review," 1884, p. 127 ; "Aspects of College Training," D. C. Oilman, "North American Review," 1883; "The True Ideal of an American University," J. Dwight, 1871; "What an American University should be," James Mc- Cosh, " Education," vol. vi, p. 35 ; the " University of the Future," Hiram Corson, 1875. Also, "Student Freedom in Colleges," Presidents Eliot and McCosh, before the Nineteenth Century Club, New York, February, 1885, and the discussion of this by Dr. F. Patton, " Presbyterian Review," April, 1885; the "Elective System in Harvard College," Samuel Brearly, 1886; "Electives," "Education," vol. v, p. 473; "Elective System in Education," " Our Continent," February 22, 1882 ; the " Early History THE PROFESSIONS. 209 of the University of Virginia," Jefferson and Cabell, 1860; "Academic Freedom in Germany," H. W. Farnam, " Yale Review," January, 1887 ; Discussion of President Eliot's " Annual Report " for 1884-'85, in "New York Independent," May 6 and 13, 1886 ; " Should Colleges give the B. A. where Greek is omitted ? " " New York University Convocation," 1886, p. 105 ; " Post-Graduate Degrees," " Proceedings of the University Con- vocation," 1884, p. 251; the "Place of Original Research in College Education," J. H. Wright, " Proceedings of the National Educational Association," 1882 (includes an exposition of the German seminary idea) ; "Original Research as a Means of Education," H. E. Roscoe, 1884; " Handbook of Requirements for admission to American Colleges," A. F. Nightingale, 1879 ; the " Question of a Division of the Philosophical Faculty," A. W. Hoffman, 1882 ; the " Organization of University Edu- cation," in Conference on Education (" International Health Exhibition Literature," vol. xv.) ; " University Corporations," J. L. Diman, 1882 ; " College Endowments," Rossiter Johnson, " North American Review," May, 1883. CHAPTER XII. THE PROFESSIONS. NEXT to the universities, both in time and in importance, are those institutions providing for what are known as the learned professions theology, law, and medicine. Among every civilized people these professions have been recognized as the conservators of learning, and the most efficient connect- ing links between school and life. Whatever their limita- tions, their dogmatism and pedantry and quackery, they have been from early history the best representatives in society of the culture of the university. Until recent years, for them were taught science, history, and philosophy. Their attitude has determined courses of study, and fields of inves- tigation, and schools of literature, historical interpretations and standards of culture. That they have lost much of this almost absolute control over the means and standards of general culture, neither detracts from their historical signifi- 210 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. cance, nor depreciates their present eminent social import- ance, or their contributions to the general welfare. 1. Theological Education. From the nature of American institutions, theological edu- cation, of course, has no organic connection with the general system. No State institution supports such a department; though Straight University, Louisiana (founded by the Con- gregationalists), Livingstone College, North Carolina (of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion's Church), Howard Uni- versity, District of Columbia, Harvard, and Yale, all claiming to be non-sectarian, maintain theological courses. With these exceptions the current education of the profession is denominational, though variously liberal as to sectarianism. The Eoman Catholic Theological Seminary of St. Sul- pice and St. Mary's University, Baltimore (1791) has been claimed as the oldest institution of the kind in the United States, though it seems that the Reformed (Dutch) Church had established one at New Brunswick, New Jersey, seven years before. The only other school of the kind belonging to the last century is the United Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Xenia, Ohio, founded in 1794. Among the colleges, Harvard was first to establish a separate department of theology (1817), Yale following after ten years. The instruction in both of them, as well as in William and Mary College, had been given since then- foun- dation with more or less of ecclesiastical bias. In Yale it is said, under Dr. Dwight (1795-1817), students received in the Sunday sermons a somewhat complete course in divinity ; so that graduates frequently went at once into the pulpit without further special studies. Even before this the Moravians had opened a seminary at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1807) ; the Congregationalists, at Andover (1808), and Bangor, Maine (1816) ; the Presbyte- rians, at Princeton (1812) ; and the Lutherans, Hartwick Seminary, New York (1815). Besides those named, there were established twenty-eight schools before the middle of THE PROFESSIONS. 211 the century. In less than forty years since, more than one hundred seminaries have started. These one hundred and forty-two institutions, representing twenty-seven de- nominations, are found in twenty-eight States, the District of Columbia, and Indian Territory (this last is a Baptist Sem- inary, maintained by the Indians themselves, having six in the faculty, and seventy students). The Jews support one the Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati. Ten States Ar- kansas, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia report none. The total number of students in these seminaries is six thousand five hundred, less than one fourth of whom are graduates with literary or scientific degrees; fifteen years ago the proportion was nearly one third. In the seminaries of four States New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Connecticut at present the percentage of college-bred stu- dents is about forty-two; fifteen years ago it was fifty-five per cent. In some sections the standard of required entrance scholarship is very low. In one State, with two hundred and thirty theological students, but five had taken degrees; and less than half of them had more than a high-school training. In another, among one hundred and seventy-nine students, the showing was yet worse. It would seem that there is a strong tendency in theology as in trade to rush into the work with a constantly decreasing general preparation. The average length of course of one hundred and nineteen institutions is a fraction over three years. In its character, as in that of the college of liberal arts, modern thought has forced some noticeable modifica- tions. Modern theology, modern theism, and anti-theistic theories, occupy a large place, with something of the philo- sophic relations of Christianity to science and comparative cosmogonies. The course in Harvard includes the history, methods, and principles of biblical interpretation ; compara- tive studies in Vedic religions, Hindoo philosophies, Buddh- ism, Mazdaism, and Chinese religions; the psychological basis of religious faith and its content ; and ethics, in a study 212 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. of such social questions as public charity, labor, prisons, tem- perance, divorce, and the treatment of the Indians. And yet there are fields of investigation and discovery in pagan experience, and pagan cosmogonies, and pagan myths; plant and animal worship ; blood covenants and the vicarious sacrifices of primitive peoples, with large possibilities in the newer development of anthropological and contempo- rary social science, which would seem to contribute to any rational study of the Christian religion, but which are usu- ally omitted from the professional preparation. 2. Legal Education. If a fairly comprehensive elementary education, gener- ally diffused, is fundamental to a free people, not less mate- rial is it that there be generous provision for the profound- est and freest discipline in law and government. Failure in this is suicidal. The profession is large and increasing. Its members have been a ruling factor in shaping both constitu- tion and law. From the presidential office, through both Houses of Congress, the Cabinet, State Legislatures, and ad- ministrative departments, State and Federal, a majority of the incumbents have been of this class. For the safe exer- cise of such function is demanded a broad and liberal prepa- ration. Questions of government are to be studied at first hand ; institutions in their genesis ; social law and custom ; historical and comparative studies in legislation and judica- ture. Familiarity with economic forces and political ques- tions the conditions and interests in concrete, which under- lie all legislation and administration as well, is indispensable. But all this is needed for the lawyer as such. Whatever culture makes him wiser to frame laws, rationalizes his prac- tice as a jurist and at the bar. Here as elsewhere the sphere of interest has been greatly enlarged in fifty years. Anthropology and institutional history and ethics can not be ignored. In a recent address before the Yale Law Club, David Dudley Field, after insist- ing that there is something more for a lawyer to do than to THE PROFESSIONS. 213 learn what is contained in Kent's " Commentaries," said : * " Population increases ; the wants and industries of the peo- ple increase also; developments occur on all sides, more often in the right direction, sometimes in the wrong; and we who are affected by them have to see to it that we for- ward and guide the one, while we hinder or arrest the other ; I say we have to see to it. We, all of us, the lawyer in his sphere, the citizen who is not a lawyer in his." It would be satisfying to know that the average formal training of the lawyer covered so large a field. That it does not, requires no special training to see. The profession has not wholly lost the " scholastic fondness for verbal subtleties, puerilities, and refinements which obscure sound reasoning." Of the highest ideas of " fitting for the bar," current at successive periods, the data are wanting for any connected study. Enough, however, is known to indicate the line of development. In the United States two courses have been open to the prospective lawyer. These correspond to the apprentice and technical methods of learning a trade. The one belongs to the office, the other to the school. The one emphasizes the practice, the other the principle. Against the thought is too often set the form. The office service, viewed pedagogically, is not without its advantages. It in- volves the principle, so familiar to teachers, of " learning by doing." Besides there is a wholesome economy in seeing half -understood theory put into daily practice by a master. To have grown into a knowledge of law, under no formal lessons, but in daily contact with Kent or Story or Marshall, were better than four years at Harvard or Columbia. But not every lawyer is a jurist, and many offices are shops. To know the practice only is scarcely professional. Ability to reproduce legal forms though necessary is a small part of legal knowledge. From an early day in our national history, there were not * Quoted \vith comments in the " American Law Review," February, 1888, p. 58. 214 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. wanting those who saw the need of a better preparation than is possible to an apprentice or lawyer's clerk. Chancellor Kent, the distinguished jurist, and professor in Columbia College, delivered successive courses of lectures as early as 1796 ; and Judge Wilson, in the College of Philadelphia, six years earlier (1790-'91). A kind of private school, at which lectures were given by one Timothy Reeves, had been opened at Litchfield, Connecticut, 1784. The lectures however, were few, desultory, with no attempt at a logical treatment, and very inadequate. Later (1798), Judge Gould became asso- ciated with him, and the school is said to have been continued for more than thirty years, and to have been the first suc- cessful one in the United States. In the first years following the Revolution, the ranks of lawyers were rapidly filled and extended. A generation before, ambitious young men had prosecuted their legal studies in England. Independence once established, intercourse with Europe was less frequent. An English work of 1790 affirms that there were three hun- dred practicing lawyers in Connecticut; and that in New York State and the North "lawyers swarmed." Burke had said, fifteen years before, that "nearly as many of Black- stone's ' Commentaries ' had been sold in America as in England." Office pupilage, and a year in Blackstone, were the order of the day. The first school inaugurated after the beginning of the century, and the earliest of those still in existence, was that of the University of Maryland, founded 1812. (At this time there were seven medical schools in the States, one of which had been in existence nearly half a century.) The Mary- land experiment was followed (1815) by a professorship at Harvard, which two years later was dignified by the name, if not the appointments, of a " school." Private enterprise in a Yale graduate had maintained, for a quarter of a cent- ury, a law-school in New Haven, to which students came f rom the adjoining States ; and which, in the year 1824, at the instance of President D wight, was recognized and incor- porated as a part of Yale College. THE PROFESSIONS. 215 The particular achievement, though, with which the present consideration is concerned, coming within the first half of the century, is the founding of the Univer- sity of Virginia. It opened (1825) with eight independ- ent schools, in which law was co-ordinated with medi- cine, philosophy, science, the languages, and mathematics. This was the most progressive step of the period, and did much throughout the States to confer upon the profes- sion its rightful dignity. Of others in the same period there were the Law School of Cincinnati College (1833), and departments in Emory College, Georgia, (1837), In- diana University (1840), Cumberland University, Tennes- see (1847), and the University of Mississippi (1848); per- haps a dozen institutions in all, with an aggregate of four hundred students. There were even fewer colleges giving serious attention to history or political science, and none, if the work of Lieber he excepted, to the constitution and functions of government, and the nature of civil rights, as the basis of legal study. And yet the period was rich in the seeds sown for the generations. Story was in Harvard, and Thomas R. Dew in William and Mary. The " Commenta- ries " of Kent had been published, and, scarcely less import- ant in their legal aspect, the " Hermeneutics " of Lieber, his "Political Ethics," and "Civil Liberty and Self -Govern- ment." Within the next ten years the number of institutions was almost doubled : in 1872 there were thirty schools, reporting two thousand students. One impulse to this larger activity is to be found in the establishment of more thorough courses in Columbia College and Michigan University, both in the same year (1858), and both regenerative, if not revolutionary. This may be taken as the beginning of the more system- atic and comprehensive and scientific study of law hi the United States. The stand then taken by these two institu- tions has given them an enviable record, and commends the severer standards of legal fitness. Their prosperity has been constant, the two schools including at present nearly 216 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. twenty-five per cent of all the law students in the United States.* Concerning the legal profession as a representative of a liberal culture, a study of the records of forty-five schools reveals certain unwelcome truths. Very few institutions impose any scholastic conditions for entrance; fewer yet provide a graded course of instruction either lectures or reading or, even indirectly, give any marked encourage- ment to graduate study in the profession. Of the first of these points, a recent correspondent in the "American Law Register" says that, of twenty-three law- schools interrogated, " eleven do have some sort of entrance examinations. " Most of them, however, must be very meager. To the Law School of Columbia College candidates for a de- gree may (1) present diplomas of graduation from some reputable college, and be admitted without examination ; (2) present a certificate of having satisfactorily passed the regents' examination ; or (3) take the formal entrance examination, which includes (a) history Greek, Roman, English, and United States ; (6) grammar, rhetoric, and composition ; (c) Latin Caesar's Gallic War entire, six books of Virgil's ^Eneid, and six orations of Cicero. Michigan has similar require- ments, and Iowa since 1885. Harvard imposed an entrance examination in 1877 ; an act which had the effect, says President Eliot, "to increase the proportion of college graduates." Yale had examined for admission, two years before. Other institutions, as the University of Kansas, recommend candidates to take a course of general cult- ure, but have no established conditions for entrance. Of the students in the Harvard Law School from sixty-five to seventy per cent have taken academic degrees, in the University of Georgia sixty-six per cent, Columbia fifty- three per cent, Boston University forty-four per cent, and Albany Law School forty per cent. But these are supe- * Seven hundred and thirty-seven, out of an aggregate of three thousand one hundred and eighty-five, reported to the Bureau of Education. THE PROFESSIONS. 217 rior the average for 1886-'87, of fifty institutions, was but twenty-one per cent. Referring again to the statistical article in the " Law Reg- ister," it was claimed that nineteen institutions have made some attempt at grading the courses of study requiring cer- tain subjects to be taken in course and before others specified. In no other class of professional or academic work has so little effort been made to co-ordinate the parts, or arrange and present them with an eye to their logical or economic sequence. In the last decade, however, something has been accomplished. Harvard since 1877 has had a three years' course, the first two years of which are elective, and Michi- gan University a full graded and prescribed course since 1886. In both the last and at Columbia the work covers two years ; but at the latter each year is complete in itself, and recognizes almost no necessary sequence of subjects. 3. Medical Education. In its relation to general knowledge, the attitude of medicine is unique. As a profession it is pre-eminently the scientific one ; it stands close to physical Nature, and con- cerns the material interests of man. It is one of the oldest, and yet, of all the professions, its practice is most empirical. Few callings have wider contributing fields of thought, or are richer in the conclusions of modern inquiry. That the profession has vastly profited by the general advance, is evi- dent upon a superficial investigation only how much less than it should, appears from the insufficient and hasty courses in its schools. As the earliest practice of medicine was non-professional, so the first instruction was private. In this, as in colonial times, theology, and in law even yet, the apprenticeship system has been widely prevalent. With few physicians, no schools, an undeveloped chemistry, and biology unknown, medicine was chiefly a practice, and but imperfectly either a science or a profession. Successful practitioners everywhere drew about them would-be doctors. Pupilage was common. Emi- 218 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. nent men sometimes had students from the adjacent col- onies. These provisional courses of reading were followed by a certificate, and so the ranks of the profession recruited and enlarged. Sometimes, also, formal indentures were practiced, the English period of seven years being served. As early as the year 1745 one Dr. Thomas Cadwallader, of Philadelphia, gave his students, and a few others who joined them, more formal and systematic and complete instruction in anatomy than was usual. A few years later, similar training was to be had in Newport, Rhode Island, and just prior to the Revolution, in a dozen or more colonial towns and cities. By the middle of the century, also, dissection as a means of instruction was employed in New York city. All this, of course, was only a temporary expedient. It was individual and local. Text-book anatomy, with rare excep- tions, the compounding of medicines and an occasional attendance at the treatment of a " special case," comprised the whole education of many early physicians. It is not strange that the thoughts of the best practitioners were soon turned to some more efficient means of professional training. The problem was not a simple one. The University of Pennsylvania, founded in 1749, and chartered a few years later, was already in a prosperous condition. In the year 1765, five of the twenty-four trustees being themselves physicians, the growing demand for medi- cal instruction was warmly approved by the board, and in that year was elected the first medical professor to fill the new chair, " The Theory and Practice of Physic." This, it should be remembered, was twenty years before the first theological seminary, and almost half a century before the oldest of existing law-schools. There was neither time for specialization nor means ; and the department covered the subjects now requiring, in the same institution, fifty profess- ors. The first permanent hospital for the sick had been opened some years before, in the same city ; and in 17G8 King's College founded a medical " school," which had a half-century's doubtful success, and closed. Harvard organ- THE PROFESSIONS. 219 ized a similar department in 1783 (a generation before the other professional courses) ; Dartmouth in 1797 ; and the University of Maryland three years later. During the same year also (1800) was established the first pronounced special- ization, and the only institution of the period, with specific provision for instruction in surgery " The College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of New York City." It initiated a new period in medical training. With the opening of the year 1811, the department of Columbia College being discontinued, there remained, as the net result of almost fifty years' experience, five institutions, with an aggregate attendance of six hundred and fifty stu- dents, two thirds of whom were in the University of Penn- sylvania. The population of the country was about seven millions. From all these institutions, six hundred appli- cants had received the degree and been admitted to prac- tice. Prior to the Revolution, it has been estimated that there were four hundred physicians, not more than fifty of whom had the sanction of colonial schools, and fewer still of English training. The improvement was very great, and had been almost wholly accomplished in a sin- gle generation. In the next quarter of a century, five other colleges, in- cluding Yale, established departments, and in six States in- dependent medical colleges were founded. The spirit of expansion and reorganization was upon this as upon all other phases of education. In the seventeen years from 1837 to 1853, twenty-five new schools were set on foot ; and, in the period since, the multiplication has been almost four- fold. There are now one hundred and seventy-five institu- tions (including dentistry and pharmacy) out of two hun- dred that have been attempted, representing thirty-two States (Delaware, Nevada, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and West Virgina reporting none). More than one third of the institutions are in the four States of New York, Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania ; one fourth of them are in the South. The ten cities Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cincin- 220 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. nati, Louisville, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco, and Washington contain half of them. The specializations also mark another significant change. The one all-inclusive professorship of 1765 has developed into dental, pharmaceutical, and veterinary courses, besides the schools of medicine and surgery ; the latter appearing as allopathic, homoeopathic, eclectic, and physio-medical half of all the schools and sixty-three per cent of the students being " regulars." Concerning the course of study, almost no uniformity exists, either of opinion or practice. In length it varies from two to six years, of from sixteen to forty weeks each. Eighteen institutions report one course only, and one hun- dred and twenty-nine but two courses. The conditions for admission are not more encouraging. It can scarcely be regarded as a " learned profession," in the sense of being founded upon a liberal general scholarship. Less than eight per cent of the more than sixteen thousand medical students have previously taken any academic de- gree. In respect to this, it stands lowest among the profes- sions; and it is a change earnestly to be desired that the efforts of Michigan and Harvard, and certain other institu- tions in Philadelphia and New York, to increase the require- ments, should be successful. Within the last quarter of a century, also, something has been done toward grading the medical course, by Northwestern University at Chicago, Michigan, and elsewhere. That medical instruction should follow some systematic plan, such as governs in all other study, need scarcely be urged. The steady, vigorous growth and popularity of institutions that have such requirements would seem to recommend its more general adoption. But the most important changes are those taking place in the subject-matter of the course itself in the occasional introduction of certain correlative branches. Primarily, more attention is being given to the history of medicine, both its practice and philosophy. Small beginnings have been made in psycho-physical studies also, and the pathology TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 221 of mind and general biology ; and it appears as if, along with abundant clinical advantages, and a well-used dissect- ing-room, the medical college of the future will require large general and special laboratory facilities. Post-graduate and polyclinic schools also mark an ad- vance on previous years. Seven such schools are reported two each in Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia, and one in St. Louis where opportunities are afforded for advanced and special study. In this department the University of Pennsylvania offers thirteen courses. Bibliography. "On the Education of Ministers," Dr. F. L. Patton, "Princeton Re- view," May, 1883; "Ministerial Education in the Methodist Episcopal Church," S. M. Vail, 1883; " Medical Education," " Proceedings of the New York University Convocation," 1885, p. 291; "Medical Education," " Science," March, 1888, p. 103 ; " Medical Education and Medical Col- leges in the United States and Canada" (1765-1885), "Report of the Illinois State Board of Health," 1885 ; the "Physician of To-day and of the Future," "Yale Review," December, 1887; the "History of Medical Education in the United States," N. S. Davis, 1876 ; " Legal Education, its Aim and Method " (pamphlet), G. B. Finch, 1885; "A Century of Law in America," G. T. Bispham, "North American Review," 1876; the "Learned Professions in America," "Chambcrs's Journal," vol. xli, p. 6. CHAPTER XIII. TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. THE three professions named, it has been said, were called "liberal" because "they require the utmost perfection of character in their members ; and because, as devotees of re- ligion, law, and medicine, they have in all ages pursued them as freemen, with hands unfettered and tongue untied, subject to no bonds except those of truth." Whether this be true, it 15 222 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. expresses a common sentiment, and the idea does not seem to have occurred to most minds that " there is a score of oc- cupations, professional in the fullest, and practical in the most literal sense outside of those called learned, in which a careful scientific education opens the door to the highest usefulness and success."* Technological instruction, re- garded in its general scope, is not more practical than pro- fessional. Viewed from the standpoint of society, its organic laws studied, and looked at in its civic and State conservative relations, the technology of industry becomes more than a trade. From the standpoint of the individual, its pursuit requires all the perfection of character, all the devotion to truth, and freedom from restraint and bias, ascribed to stu- dents and practitioners in law, medicine, and theology. Both in influence and dignity it has vastly appreciated in a generation. It is assuming the professional aspect. The nomenclature of industrial education is not a little confusing. " Technology," says a standard and recently re- vised " Cyclopaedia of Science," " is a term invented to express a treatise on grammar." In the "American Cyclopaedia" it is made to include the " principles of science as applied or related to the industrial arts." The term "industrial" itself is no less obscure. Now it is referred to manual-labor schools ; again, to trades. A recent magazine article confines the term to shop-schools. It is not un frequently made coex- tensive with agriculture. According to the " Cyclopaedia of Education," it includes any course in which are taught one or several branches of industry. It is a matter of history that industrial schools were formerly, in England, institutions founded and supported by the Government, as " reformatory agencies for young offenders." Sixteen contemporary re- formatory institutions in the United States bear the same name. In a recent most admirable article, " Industrial Art Education " is used to comprise every sort of school subor- * S. T. "Wallis, in "Johns Hopkins University in its Relation to Balti- more." TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 223 dinating science to art or industry, from veterinary colleges and schools of commerce and forestry to schools of textile design, metal-working, and invention. Art itself means to one, skill ; to another, industrial achievement ; to a third, invention ; to a fourth, painting or sculpture. The earliest manual-labor institutes were farms ; now they may include any work hut farming. The few exceptions are of an earlier foundation, and only serve to confirm the statement. At the bottom of technical training is a mastery of the principles of science in their relation to productive and ad- ministrative art. Mr. J. Scott Russell, from the standpoint of his own countrymen, has phrased it as " that which shall render an English artilleryman a better artilleryman than a Frenchman; an English soldier a better soldier than a Prussian; an English locomotive-builder better than a German; an English ship-builder better than an American; an English silk-manufacturer better than a Lyons silk-man- ufacturer ; and an English ribbon-maker superior to a Swiss ribbon-maker." It is the perfecting of man on the creative side. And in so far as this spirit takes on the character of universality, technology becomes professional. In a historical treatment of the subject, much appears that is in no sense professional, is local and transient ; but which belongs to the development of the impulse, and ex- plains the current interest. It was antecedent to, because the logical ground of, the more scientific study of re- cent years. 1. The Beginnings of Industrial Training. One of the first manifestations of the new industrialism in the first half of the present century was the inauguration of the manual-labor seminaries. Among these were the Rensselaer School, New York (1834), and the Fellenberg In- stitute, at Windsor, Connecticut. Within ten years the ex- periment had been tried in a dozen States. It was proposed to combine literary instruction with manual labor, sharing the day between them, and afford students the means of 224: THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. wholly or partially meeting their expenses. Of this charac- ter were the Oneida Institute, the Genesee Manual Labor School, and the Yates Polytechnic, of New York, all founded before 1830, and a dozen or more in Illinois, out of one of which Knox College took its rise. Franklin College, Indi- ana, was first a manual-labor organization, as were others in Michigan and adjoining States. Though many of these efforts to promote industry in connection with literary in- stitutions failed, and most of the schools were closed or re- organized as academies, they served a double and worthy purpose: the function of intelligent labor was magnified, and the seed sown for a more fruitful harvest. For how much of the idea of technical education in agriculture and the mechanic arts the present is indebted to these institu- tions, can not perhaps be determined. Enough is known to suggest that the obligation must be large. The Rensselaer School (1824) had, for that day extensive laboratory advantages in chemistry and physics, and taught the analysis of soils, fertilizers, minerals, and animal and vegetable matter, with their applications to agriculture, do- mestic economy, and the arts; and as early as 1835 had a department for instruction in engineering and technology. Its influence throughout has been bracing and intelligent, and it deserves abundant honor as the pioneer in the United States in a much-needed culture. Among its hundreds of alumni, to name only two, are S. Edward Warren, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the late Wash- ington A. Roebling, chief-engineer of the great East River (New York) suspension-bridge. Next to the institutions named, and generally of a more technical character, were the three or four military acade- mies of forty to sixty years ago. The United States Military and Naval Schools, the Military Institute of Virginia, and the South Carolina Military Academy, all founded before 1846, offered even then the best training for ordinary engi- neering and mechanical pursuits to be had in this country. Indeed, the only other institutions of the period, pretending TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 225 to give such instruction, were the University of Virginia, whose course in science, however, for twenty years after its founding meant little more than chemistry ; Norwich Uni- versity, Vermont ; and the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. To these should be added, perhaps, the school of civil engi- neering first established (1846) at Union College, under Prof. W. M. Gillespie. In the fifteen years following, and covering the period up to the national land grant of 1861, twelve other institu- tions were founded having pronounced scientific aims. Six of these were special schools, independent organizations of well-defined purpose, and the first considerable approach to the true technical institution. These were the Spring Gar- den Institute, the Wagner Free Institute, and the School of Design for Women, all of Philadelphia ; and the O'Fallon Polytechnic Institute, established ten years later in connec- tion with Washington University, St. Louis. Supplementing these special schools or technological institutions, perhaps logically antecedent to and sometimes chronologically antedating them, are the fixed and more or less independent scientific departments of the older and bet- ter endowed collegiate schools. It has been seen that the university curriculum in a century has greatly changed. From the single classical course of the colonial school to the present aggregation of studies the steps have been both many and slow. It took Harvard half a century to accept a chair of Chemistry, the Erving professorship (1783) being the first formal recognition by an American college of the broad field of natural science. Yale (1802) appointed Prof. Benjamin Silliman to a like position. The Massachusetts professorship of Natural History was added to Harvard about the same time, and the Rumford chair of the " Application of Science to the Useful Arts," ten years later, marking the only advance for a quarter of a century. The impulse, however, was being felt for a more generous recognition of science. Silliman and Prof. Olmsted, in Yale, Prof. Amos Eaton in the Rensse- laer school, the Connecticut and American Academies of 226 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Arts and Sciences, and the Philadelphia Academy of Natu- ral Science, were all so many agencies to magnify the im- portance and service of acquaintance with natural phenom- ena and their laws. In 1846 Yale instituted two new professorships, one in agricultural chemistry, and the other in practical or applied chemistry ; and the year following the corporation of Har- vard voted to establish in the university an advanced school of instruction in theoretical and applied science, and in the other usual branches of academic learning, to be called the "Scientific School of the University of Cambridge." The two developed into the Sheffield and Lawrence Scientific Schools of Yale and Harvard respectively. Union College (since 1873, Union University), New York, chartered (1795), has for more than forty years maintained a course called the " School of Civil Engineering." Except the Rensselaer Polytechnic, this was apparently the only institution providing instruction in civil engineering, until the Lehigh University, founded and generously endowed by Asa Packer in 1868. The " School of Mines," Columbia College, established four years before, perhaps included civil engineering as one of its subordinate courses. Besides these, the University of Missouri (1871), Ohio University (1879), and the University of Wisconsin (1881), provided instruction in mining and metallurgy. Kindred courses or departments are sustained in a number of the agricultural and mechan- ical colleges, the Colorado School of Mines, etc. The Chandler Scientific School of Dartmouth College grew out of a bequest of fifty thousand dollars (1851) for the establishment of a school of instruction in the college " in the practical and useful arts of life." It includes mechan- ical and civil engineering, and provides that " no other or higher preparatory studies shall be required for entrance than are pursued in the common schools of New England." This aims to turn out intelligent workmen. On the con- trary, the School of Technology of Lehigh University has a five years' course, has chemical laboratories said to be un- TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 227 surpassed in this country, and sets forth as its object the fitting of foremen and superintendents, rather than work- men of manual dexterity and skill in the use of tools. The Towne Scientific School (1872) of the University of Pennsyl- vania, similar to others in general, differs in the recent pro- visions made for instruction in "marine engineering and naval architecture." The Pardee Scientific Department of Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, the Scientific School of the University of California, and the John C. Greene School of Science in Princeton, all deserve mention, both for their excellent work and their contributions to the solution of current technologico-industrial problems. The Case School of applied Science (1877), Cleveland, Ohio, and the Sibley School of Cornell University, are ex- cellent examples of the two classes of technological agencies independent schools and university departments, well endowed, and with a purpose to fit for the highest service in science and the arts. 2. The Curriculum. Though homogeneous in the scientific principles in- volved, the instruction as to its applications is very diverse. Upon this fact rests the most hopeful promise of the present tendency. A few things well taught, a grounding in the principles of abstract science, knowledge of and skill in the most comprehensive applications, open the way for indefinite developments. Without attempting an exhaustive, or a strictly logical classification, it may be said that technical training, as repre- sented in the institutions of the United States, appears as agriculture in forty-seven of them ; mechanical art in fifty- six ; architecture, including naval and military, in sixteen ; metallurgy specified in seventeen ; and engineering, eighty- nine (civil, fifty-four ; mining, thirty ; electrical, five). Of the eighty-six institutions prominently identified with advanced technological work, twenty-eight, or about one third, are provided with shops for instruction in practical 228 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. mechanics. The great significance of this fact appears in the statement that two thirds of these (twenty-eight) institu- tions have been founded within the last twenty years, and most of the practice schools even later. Supplementary, also, to these courses are thirty-seven schools of instruction in art and design ; a dozen or more manual training schools ; either public and free, as in To- ledo, Baltimore, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia ; en- dowed, as the Miller Manual Labor School, Crozet, Virginia, and the Manual Training School of Washington University, St. Louis ; or private and maintained by tuition, as in Chi- cago, Cincinnati, and Cleveland ; several industrial organ- izations (forty to fifty), of the nature of " homes," " reform- atories," "orphanages," "Indian schools," etc. ; besides more or less of like work in the elementary grades of public schools in the larger cities,* and a very satisfactory introduc- tion to it all in the constructive habit born of the Kinder- garten. Most of the schools include two or more of the courses named. Delaware College ; Cornwallis College, Oregon; four of the six institutions in Georgia ; the Storrs Agricult- ural School, Mansfield, Connecticut ; the Agricultural College, Brookings, South Dakota; and the Massachusetts School at Amherst, are almost wholly given to agriculture and im- mediately related subjects. Colorado has a special school of mines, and the technological instruction of the Western University of Pennsylvania, of Syracuse University, the University of the City of New York, and Union College, is practically confined to civil engineering. A few schools are really polytechnic : such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Worcester Polytechnic School, the O'Fallon Institute of St. Louis, the School of Technology, Lehigh University, the Cornell College of Agriculture and Mechanic * Jamestown, New York, is a good illustration of what may be accom- plished in this direction in any town if sensibly undertaken. The manual of Superintendent Love is suggestive of thoughtful training. TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 229 Arts, and Rose Polytechnic Institute, Indiana. The Colum- bia College School of Mines, the John C. Greene School of Science, and the Universities of Wisconsin and Minnesota, comprehend most forms of engineering. Cornell and Yale, the Industrial University of Illinois, and the State Agricult- ural Colleges of Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Oregon, have more or less complete courses in forestry ; and by a few institutions are taught veterinary science, domestic economy, telegraphy, print- ing, etc. Of the thirty-seven schools of design, one half have for their leading purpose .the promotion of the industrial arts, as architecture, engineering and manufactures ; most of them include something of the fine arts, a dozen of them such instruction only. The Massachusetts Art Normal School is a training-school for teachers of industrial drawing. This was founded under the direction of Prof. Walter Smith, than whom it is safe to say no individual has done more for the higher industrial interests of the country ; and was doubt- less inspired by the profound conviction, then becoming general, that at the bottom of all this work the alphabet of technical training is thorough instruction in drawing, fixing habits of invention and construction. The Massachu- setts law of 1869, authorizing free instruction in mechanical drawing in the cities and large towns, the employment of Prof. Smith as Superintendent of Drawing in Boston the year following, its introduction into twenty-two other cities almost immediately, Prof. Smith's State directorship, and the establishment of the State Normal Art School (Boston, 1875), mark the beginning of an intelligent interest in drawing in the United States. It had already (1869) been put into the public schools of Cincinnati and Syracuse, and within ten years appeared on most of the programmes in the larger cities of the country. In a recent report on drawing made to the National Educational Association (1884), of sev- enty cities giving information, sixty-seven make it compul- sory along with other branches. About half of them have 230 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. special supervision, the work graded and extended into the high-school. It forms a part of the regular course of in- struction, also, in one hundred and eleven of the one hundred and twenty-four public normal schools of the country. Concerning the manual-training school there are two widely different views. The one insists that it shall teach no trade, but the rudiments of all of them ; the other that the particular industries may properly be held to maintain schools to recruit their own ranks. The first would teach the use of the axe, the saw, the plane, the hammer, the square, the chisel, and the file ; claiming that " the graduate from such a course at the end of three years is within from one to three months of knowing quite as thoroughly as an apprentice who had served seven years any one of the twenty trades to which he may choose to turn." Of this class are, besides most of those already named, the Haish Manual Training School of Denver ; that of Tulane University, New Orleans ; the Felix Adler's Workingman's School, of New York City; and the School of Manual Technology, Van- derbilt University, Nashville. Among schools of the second class are some interesting institutions. They include the numerous general and spe- cial trade-schools for boys, instruction in the manifold phases of domestic economy for girls, and the yet small but rapidly growing class of industries open alike to both. Sewing is taught in public or private schools in Balti- more, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Providence, St. Louis, and about a dozen other cities, besides in a number of special institutions. Cooking-schools are no longer a novelty in half as many of the larger cities, since their introduction into New York city in 1876. Printing may be learned in the Kansas Agri- cultural College ; Cooper Union, New York ; Girard Col- lege, Philadelphia, and elsewhere. Telegraphy, stenography, wood-engraving, various kinds of smithing, and carpentry, have, especially the last two, numerous representatives. The TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 231 New York Kitchen Garden, for the instruction of children in the work of the household, is an interesting modification of the Kindergarten along 1 the industrial line. For young ladies, the Elizabeth Aull Seminary, Lexington, Missouri, is a school of home-work, in which "are practically taught the mysteries of the kitchen and laundry," and upon whose graduates is conferred the degree of "Mistress of Home- Work. " The Lasell Seminary at Auburn dale, Massachusetts, also has recently (1885) undertaken a similar but more com- prehensive experiment, including lessons and lectures in anatomy and physiology, with hygiene and sanitation, the principles of common law by an eminent attorney, instruc- tion and practice in the arts of domestic life, the principles of dress, artistic house-furnishing, healthy homes, and cooking. Of training-schools for nurses there are thirty-one, dis- tributed through twelve States and the District of Columbia. New York has eleven ; Massachusetts, five ; Pennsylvania, three ; Connecticut and New Jersey, each two ; and Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Rhode Island, South Caro- lina, Vermont, and the District of Columbia, one each. Of schools of a different character still, there have been or are the Carriage-Builders' Apprenticeship School, New York ; those of Hoe & Co., printing-press manufacturers ; and Tiffany & Co., jewelers; and the Tailors' " Trades School " recently established and flourishing in Baltimore, besides the Pennsylvania Railroad novitiate system, at Altoona ; in which particular trades or guilds or corporations have sought to provide themselves with a distinct and specially trained class of artisans. The latest and in some respects the most interesting experiment of the kind is that of the " Bal- timore and Ohio Railroad service " at Mt. Clare, Baltimore. It was inaugurated in 1885, apprentices being selected from applicants by competitive examination. It was a technological school, whose instruction prima- rily comprised the various phases of railroading, but was pre- pared for, and supplemented by, drill in geometry, algebra, 232 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. physics, locomotive - engineering, mechanics, mechanical drawing, free-hand drawing, geometrical drawing, English, and history. 3. Agricultural Education. Of all the institutions for investigating and realizing the applications of science to the arts, the most prominent in recent years have been the agricultural schools founded under the congressional Land Grant Act of 1862. The Legislature of Michigan in 1850 instructed their dele- gates to Congress to ask three hundred and fifty thousand acres of land for the establishment of agricultural schools in their State. In a generation twelve new States had been formed ; and the center of population had moved westward one hundred and fifty miles. Large developments in indus- try were taking place in the Mississippi Valley. The section was predominantly agricultural. Wealth lay in the right tilling of the soil. This great and newly recognized need of the country for intelligence in farming soon became matter of common discussion. It was an era of farmers' societies, agricultural conventions, etc. Following the legislative and general interest in Michigan,* Illinois the next year held at Granville an "Industrial Convention," inviting those en- gaged in agricultural and mechanical pursuits. The burden of discussion was the lack and need of industrial education ; and a resolution was passed urging the " immediate establish- ment of a university to meet the wants of the industrial classes." A second convention was held in June of the fol- lowing year at Springfield, and a third at Chicago a few months later, at which the nature and organization of such institution were discussed, one committee appointed to digest a plan, and another to petition Congress, through the State * A comprehensive discussion of the value of agricultural colleges, as seen at that early day, and valuable bits of history, both of the Michigan institutions and of the attempts made in other States, may be had in the " Reports of the Michigan Schools," under Superintendent Ira Mayhew, 1885-'88. TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 233 Legislature, for the needed lands "/or the establishment of an industrial institution in each State, to co-operate with the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, for the more liberal and practical education of our industrial classes and their teachers." As a result of these and similar efforts, East and West, an act of Congress was passed in 1860 appropriating certain lands for such purposes, but it was vetoed by President Bu- chanan. Two years later substantially the same act was passed, which, with the sanction of President Lincoln, pro- vided for the appropriation of lands, thirty thousand acres for each senator and representative in Congress, according to the representation of 1860. From the privileges under this act, mineral lands were excluded ; not more than a million acres might be located in any one State ; and a share in its benefits should accrue only to those States accepting within three years after its passage, i. e., prior to July 2, 1865, or to new States within three years of their admission as States. The act further provided that all moneys derived from the sale of apportioned lands should constitute a perpetual fund, the interest only of which might be appropriated " to the en- dowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college " in each State, where " the leading object should be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are re- lated to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes, in their several pursuits and profes- sions in life." In course of time every State accepted the congressional offer. Seventeen had opened institutions before 1870. Rhode Island, Kansas, Massachusetts (in part), New Jersey, and Vermont, very early ; * Mississippi, South Carolina, and * A very full report of the establishment of these first institutions may be found in the first " Report of the United States Commissioner of Educa- tion," Hon. Henry Barnard, 1867-'68, pp. 133-309. 234: THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Georgia (in part), since 1880. There are now forty-eight schools operating under the act. In most of the States South, the institutions founded have been opened since 1870 ; Tennessee, Virginia (at Hampton), and Kentucky only, beginning before that time. Massachusetts, Missis- sippi, Missouri, Vii'ginia, and South Carolina, have each two schools. In Georgia the fund was divided among six institutions. In twenty-two States the instruction required is provided by State colleges or universities. The other institutions are independent schools of science. Twenty- four of the forty-eight institutions admit women on equal terms with men. The whole area of land appropriated was nine million six hundred thousand acres. Not all of it has been sold, but the amounts realized aggregate something over seven mill- ion dollars, an average endowment to each State of nearly two hundred thousand dollars. Almost as much, however, has been received from other sources ; about six million dollars from individual benefactions. Two thirds of the schools have experimental farms,* averaging about three hundred acres each. Mr. Scott Russell concludes that the complete agricultural school should teach technically the following subjects and their immediate applications to the business of farming, in both its fixed and commercial aspects : 1. Surface geology; 2. Anatomical botany ; 3. Physiology ; 4. Agricultural chemistry ; 5. Comparative anatomy ; 6. Animal physi- ology ; 7. Veterinary medicine and surgery ; 8. Land-sur- veying; 9. Leveling; 10. Practical mechanics; 11. Agri- cultural economy and plans; 13. Agricultural geography; 13. Theoretical mechanics ; 14. Elements of mechanism ; 15. Technical botany. Alongside of this ideal and admi- rable course are presented two actual courses as they are * An act of Congress approved March, 1887, provides for an annual appropriation " to establish agriculture experiment stations in connection with the colleges" established under the above-named act. TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 235 followed in Massachusetts and Colorado. These are fairly representative of their respective sections, and illustrate the work under widely differing conditions. Massachusetts. Freshman year : Chemistry. Human physiology. Botany. Agriculture. Algebra. Geometry. Drawing. English. French. Sophomore year : Geology. Zoology. Botany. Agriculture. Surveys and leveling. Geometry. ^ Trigonometry. Drawing. History. English. French. Junior year : Practical chemistry. Entomology. Colorado. Freshman year : Botany. Algebra. Geometry. Drawing. English. Book-keeping. History. Sophomore year : Zoology. Horticulture. Agriculture. Surveys and leveling. Geometry. Trigonometry. Drawing. History. English. Chemistry. Physics. Mechanics. Junior year : Agricultural chemistry. Entomology. 23G THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Junior year : Junior year : Physics. Physics. Horticulture and gardening. Horticulture. Stock and dairy. Mechanics. Astronomy. Drawing. Roads and railroads. Agricultural debate. English. German. Physiology. Meteorology. Senior year : Senior year : Practical chemistry. Microscopy. Botany. Agriculture. Landscape-gardening. Veterinary science. Roads and railroads. Rural law. Book-keeping. History. English. Mental science. Botany. Landscape-gardening. Veterinary science. United States Constitution, and political economy. Mental science ; logic ; ethics. Stock-breeding. Shop mechanics. Astronomy. Domestic economy. With a general correspondence, especially in the first two years, there is considerable divergence, growing out of the different social and commerical and physical surround- ings, very natural from a pedagogical point of view, and suggestive of intelligent control. TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 237 4- Military and Naval Education. The need for trained soldiers and seamen was early felt in this country. The War for Independence had been a school of tactics. Its heroes were the country's teachers. The war closed, their influence was still held for the main- tenance of some school which, in the words of Washington, should keep the nation u supplied with an adequate stock of military knowledge." Although the Military Academy was formally instituted at West Point, in 1802, the idea was poorly appreciated. It was a school in name only, and scarcely military. It had little system, because no purpose. Following the second war with England, it was reorganized, a course of study de- vised, and its discipline prescribed much as it remains to-day. The conditions of admission which then required only that the candidate be " well versed in reading, writing, and arith- metic," now include in addition a knowledge of the ele- ments of English grammar, descriptive geography, particu- larly of our own country, and the history of the United States. The new course of study, besides English grammar, geography, and history, each occupying one year, was made to include also two years of French, algebra, geometry and logarithms, geometrical constructions, mensuration, plane and spherical trigonometry, conic sections, natural and experimental philosophy, astronomy, engineering, and eth- ics. As will be seen, it furnished a substantial mathemat- ical drill, and one of the earliest expansions of the cur- riculum on the side of science to be found in this coun- try. It was still, however, chiefly academic, and only indirectly or secondarily contributed to the fixing of a military science. The present curriculum is more special- ized, and, while affording an admirable general discipline, has a decided scientific and technological bias, and particu- lar functions. As set forth in the official regulations (1883) it embraces : 1. Infantry, artillery, and cavalry tactics ; target-practice ; 10 238 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. military police and discipline; use of the sword, bayonet, and gymnastics. 2. Mathematics. 3. English, French, and Spanish languages. 4. Chemistry, chemical physics, mineralogy, geology. 5. Natural and experimental philosophy. 6. History, geography, and ethics. 7. National, international, and military law. 8. Ordnance, gunnery, and the duties of a military lal ratory. 9. Practical military engineering. 10. Civil and military engineering and the science of war. The courses in mathematics and physics are comprehen- sive, and, in forming the general merit roll, rank in relative value, with civil and military engineering and the science of war, the highest in the course. The subjects and their order are prescribed, and the discipline is founded upon an absolute authority. Election has no place in the four years academic or military training. The instruction from a tech- nological standpoint, is of a high order, and commands gen- eral confidence. It was recently said by General Hazen, " After seeing much of European armies, I believe that, at the opening of our civil war, our little regular army was officered by better technical soldiers than any other army in the world due, I believe to West Point." The object of the institution is not civil but martial life. It is "neither metaphysical discussion nor hair-splitting argument on the law, in. which the young men are expected to excel. They are to have the sterner arguments of the battle-field; to arrange squadrons for the hardy fight; to acquire that profound knowledge of the science and mate- rials of nature, which should fit them for the complicated art of war ; to defend and attack cities ; to bridge rivers ; to make roads; to provide armaments; to arrange munitions ; to understand the topography of countries ; and to foresee and provide all the resources necessary to national defense." TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 239 The number of cadets is prescribed by law, as follows: 1. One for each congressional district. 2. One for each Territory. 3. One for the District of Columbia. 4. Forty whom the President may appoint, ten each year, from the country at large. The selection is by competitive examination, and includes both physical and intellectual capacity. After the manner of the United States Military Academy were soon established similar institutions elsewhere, under State or local or private control. The first of these was the " American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy " at Norwich, Vermont, in 1820. Fifteen years later, two were opened at Portsmouth and Lexington, Virginia, the latter of which became the Virginia Military Institute,* is still in existence, and, next to the West Point school, the largest, and most flourishing military institution in the United States, and besides ranks high as an engineering school. In the years before the war, also, were founded the South Carolina Mili- tary Academy (1842), the Kentucky Military Institute (1845), and the Louisiana State University, which had been estab- lished upon a military basis (1860), and of which, at the breaking out of the war, General W. T. Sherman was presi- dent. Since the last, Pennsylvania and Michigan have organ- ized academies ; and the national Government an " Artillery School" at Fortress Monroe, Virginia (1867), an "Infantry and Cavalry School " at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (1882), and the " Artillery School " at Fort Riley, Kansas (1886) . The curriculum of the last covers two years, and includes, besides literary studies, the construction and service of artillery and material, gunnery, and mathematics as applied in the artil- lery service, and lectures upon the organization, use, and application of artillery ; the duties of artillery troops in cam- * " Stonewall " Jackson was for some years a professor in this institu- tion. 240 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. paigns and sieges; the construction of guns, carriage and other material; and upon military law and military history.* Reference has already been made to the Merrill Land Grant Act (1862), one of whose provisions was for instruction in military tactics. The original act was amended four years later, providing for a special detail of officers of the army to give instruction in drill and tactics in the higher literary and other educational institutions of the country. Under the provisions of this act more than one hundred and fifty officers have been reported as giving instruction for longer or shorter periods in colleges in two thirds of the States. But nautical training in the mean time has not been ignored. In this modern day of commerce and the brother- hood of races, no people can be national without being at the same time maritime. Other things equal, the strength of a people is the strength of its bond with other people. A mastery of the seas means not only power abroad, but vigor at home. If, then, domestic industry and social and profes- sional life demand a preparation, not less a life on the sea and commerce with nations. The United States was fifty-six years old before the first formal instruction of her seamen. The department of the navy had been created in 1798, and, in imitation of the Eng- lish custom, chaplains of the ships were required to act as schoolmasters. Fifteen years after, it was ordered that each of a number of new ships should carry an instructor ; but he was merely a chaplain worked over, with only a chance fitness for his position, and in no wise supported in his teaching. Better provision was recommended (1814) by President * The Government also provides instruction in the branches usually taught in the common schools, at nearly every one of the one hundred and twenty military posts in the United States. The day-school is open to all the children at the station. A night-school is usually maintained for such enlisted men as desire to attend. The teachers also are enlisted men, who are detailed for the purpose, with extra pay. (From a private letter by Chap- lain George Bobinson, in charge of education in the United States Army.) TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. 241 Madison, as it had been before, and was afterward by others, but " the United States had not yet learned the fact," says Prof. Saley, " that a nation with a large commerce is bound to do its part in maintaining the police of the ocean." In- struction was, of course, given all these years and long after at the navy-yards or on board cruising ships. The former were at New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk. In 1835 there were three ships which, seven years later, had thirteen in- structors of mathematics alone. At the navy-yards there were twice as many. At this time Prof. Chauvenet was in charge at Philadelphia, and was a man in a thousand. He was a master, both as teacher and scholar. In 1845 George Bancroft became Secretary of the Navy. After years of com- promises, the Government had found a man who was equal to the situation. He asked for no legislation. He only pro- posed to use the power he had and make the most of it. A school on shore was projected, whose instruction should in- clude both theory and practice, and embrace besides aca- demic studies, the law of commerce, marine surveying, ord- nance, gunnery, and the use of steam. A half-dozen of the most efficient of his force were selected, the rest were retired, and there was opened at Annapolis, Maryland, in 1845, a school which became, under Chauvenet and others, five years later, the United States Naval Academy. The present course includes : 1. Naval tactics and practice in seamanship. 2. Mathematics, navigation, astronomy, land and nauti- cal surveying, and dra wing. 3. Natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, the construction and management of the steam-engine. 4. Chemistry, mineralogy, and geology. 5. Gunnery and infantry tactics. 6. Modern languages. 7. Ethics. Besides the instruction afforded at the Naval Academy, there is also the Nautical School on board the St. Mary's vessel at Brooklyn, seventy per cent of whose five hundred 242 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. graduates have become seamen, and that on the California training-ship Jamestown. The University of Michigan gives annually a course of lectures on naval architecture in which are discussed the resistance of ships, speed, buoyancy, sta- bility, wave-motion, etc. In Massachusetts, towns are au- thorized by law to establish schools for training young men in nautical duties. The Naval War College at Newport, Rhode Island, is a school of graduate instruction for officers of the navy. It was opened in 1884, with a greatly specialized but withal a comprehensive course of technical instruction in military and naval science. It embraces (1) the science and art of war; (2) law and history. Under the first are taught (a) strategy and tactics ; (6) military campaigns, (c) joint mili- tary and naval operations, (d) the management of seamen in military operations, and (e) elements of fortification and in- trenchment all from the military point of view; supple- mented by (/) naval strategy and tactics, (g) naval cam- paigns, and (h) joint military and naval operations, from the naval standpoint. Under the second are embraced, (a) in- ternational law, (6) treaties of the United States, (c) rules of evidence, (d) general naval history, and (e) modern political history. Bibliography. "Scientific Schools in Europe, considered with reference to their Adaptation to America," Dr. D. C. Oilman, Barnard's " American Jour- nal of Education," vol. ii ; " Art Education Scholastic and Industrial," Walter Smith,! 873 ; " Report on Industrial Education," Senate document, 1883 ; " Report on Technical Education in the United States and Can- ada," by the English Commission, 1884 ; " A New Principle in Education Development of the Constructive Faculty," Felix Adlcr, " Princeton Re- view," 1883 ; the same reviewed and criticised in the "Presbyterian Re- view," January, 1884 ; " Education in its Relation to Industry," Arthur McArthur, 1884 ; " Industrial Education, a Pedagogical and Social Neces- sity," P. Seidel, 1887; " Industrial Training," " Forum," April, 1887 ; the "Progress of Industrial Education," P. C. Garrett, 1883 ; "The Modern Polytechnic School," inaugural address of Dr. C. 0. Thompson, of EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 243 Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1883; "Technical Instruction in America," J. H. Rigg, " Contemporary Review," August, 1884 ; " Technology and Pub- lic Education," C. 0. Thompson, before Michigan State Teachers' Associ- ation, 1884; " Manual Training," Charles Ham, 1886; "Manual Train- ing," C. M. Woodward, 1887 ; " Manual Training," by Colonel Augustus Jacobson, " Proceedings of the National Educational Association," 1884, p. 293 ; " Manual Training," Felix Adler, ibid., p. 308 ; the " New York Trade School"; "Report of Massachusetts Board of Education, 1884 ; " Naval Education," D. D. Porter, the " United Service Magazine," July, 1879. CHAPTER XIV. EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES AND CRIMINAL CLASSES. THE idea of education in its economic aspect, as a means of reforming the offending classes, while not new, has a larger field, and, in the different ethical standards of the time, more favorable conditions for its growth. No intelli- gent person supposes that a limited education is a sure cure or prevention of crime, but that, other things equal, the advance in general intelligence means higher measures in conduct ; and the frequent reform of the viciously inclined, if taken early, may be proved by history for a hundred years. The. idea itself is not recent ; but faith in the prin- ciple such as seeks to make the regenerative influences of a right education common to all the class is altogether modern. So also it may be said that care for the dependent classes, as charity to the unfortunate and needy, is a characteristic of recent civilization. But other than this and indefinitely superior is the attempt to enlarge their intellectual horizon. Brotherly kindness has fed and clothed, sheltered and pro- tected them in all ages of civilization. But provisions for their education, not only as mental improvement, but train- ing them to self-support, and as lifting them out of the 244 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. pauper class, point to a higher and more recent interest. The blind, deaf-mutes, minor orphans, imbeciles, the insane, vagrants, and young and uncared-for offenders against so- ciety, all, speaking broadly, belong to the same non-produc- tive class, a drain upon society, except they be given pos- session of their remaining powers, and a mastery of nature by patient, intelligent training. In this class, also, are to be considered the Indians in large part, and their education in learning, industry, and the ways of civilized life. 1. Deaf -Mute Education. Even the oldest records of teaching the deaf are recent. Among the ancients, regarded as under a curse, or idiotic, or at best so deficient in intellect as to be irresponsible, they were debarred from all civil rights. Even Blackstone held * that a man who is born deaf, dumb, and blind is to be regarded "in the same state with an idiot." The first systematic attempt to instruct them was by Pedro Ponce de Leon, in Spain, in 1550. Seventy years after, was published a simple alphabet. By the middle of the century the system was introduced into England ; lip- reading was described by a Hollander about the same time, and before 1700 the two-hand alphabet was invented. But for two centuries from the time of Ponce de Leon, the interest was wholly benevolent and individual. In 1774, at Leipsic, was opened a government school. Such American deaf-mutes as received any instruction were sent to England. In the year 1815, however, Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, a recently ordained minister in Connecticut, interested in the deaf-mute child of his neighbor, undertook her instruction. The attention of others gained, steps were taken to found an institution. Mr. Gallaudet was made director. He at once visited the schools of England and Scotland, and spent three months with Sicard in Paris. Immediately upon his return there * " Commentaries," Book I, chapter viii. EDUCATION OP UNFORTUNATES. 45 was opened at Hartford " The Connecticut Asylum for the Education of Deaf and Dumb Persons." The State Legisla- ture appropriated five thousand dollars. Private means did most. Later, Congress granted the institution twenty-three thousand acres of land, whose proceeds form a part of the present endowment, and, upon the assumption that the one institution would be sufficient to accommodate the deaf- mutes of the country at large, the name was changed to the " American Asylum for Deaf -Mutes at Hartford." But many children were found so affected, and in 1818 the New York Institution was opened as a day-school, and for several years was under the direction of the State Superintendent, as were other public shools. Following these were established similar asylums in Pennsylvania (1821), Kentucky (1823), Ohio (1827), Illinois (1837), Virginia (1839), Indiana and Tennessee (1847), North Carolina and Georgia (1845), and South Carolina (1849) twelve in all, in as many States, in thirty years. There are now sixty-one institutions in thirty-five States (Delaware, Louisiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Ver- mont, arranging for the education of their deaf in adjoin- ing States), two Territories New Mexico, and Utah, and the District of Columbia. Eleven States have two or more each ; New York has six, and Missouri four. These schools enroll in the aggregate nearly eight thousand pupils, and represent an expenditure of a million and a half of dollars. More than half of them are public institutions, and all, with perhaps half a dozen exceptions, receive State (or municipal) aid. Yet a large majority of them require tuition fees, and are so made exclusive or pauper establishments. In deaf-mute instruction two methods are chiefly used ; that of De 1'Epee, the sign method, introduced by Gallau- det, and in exclusive use in this country for fifty years. It includes writing, and teaches by means of objects, gestures, and arbitrary symbols. The other is the German or articu- lation method, and involves lip-reading. This begins with the voicing of simple sounds, slowly and distinctly by the in- 246 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. structor, whose motions are carefully watched by the pupil, and afterward imitated. Other sounds follow in the inverse order of their difficulty. The method was first introduced into the United States by the Clarke Institution, Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1867. Since its successful use there it has been introduced elsewhere, noticeably, and with equal re- sults, by the " New York School for Improved Instruction," founded soon after, by the Boston Day-School, and others. Besides these establishments for elementary instruction, there was chartered in 1857, and opened seven years later, at Washington, in connection with the Columbian University the " National Deaf -Mute College " for advanced instruction. It offers the usual college course, and uses the same text- books. The Iowa school also, besides the usual elementary graded courses, has advanced academic, art, and industrial departments. Concerning industrial training it need only be said that all schools provide it in some form, and there are few posi- tions in life which the well-taught individuals of this class may not fill to public profit as well as personal credit. The industrial exhibits of deaf-mutes at recent expositions are a monument to their skill and intelligence.* 2. Education of the Blind. There are estimated to be about thirty thousand blind in the United States ; of these, less than three thousand are re- ported as receiving any formal instruction. The attempt to provide for their education, while older than that of the deaf in Europe, was introduced into the United States fifteen years later. The " Hospital for the Three Hundred," founded in Paris in 1260, was only an asylum, no attempt being made at systematic mental training prior to Valentine Haiiy, the " Apostle of the Blind," who in 1786 published a relief print, * At New Orleans (1885) eighteen institutions made exhibits of both lit- erary and industrial products, the latter including needlework, printing, Bhoemaking, carpentry, photography, drawings, and fine art. EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 247 and five years later opened a school for the blind. This, re- ceiving the king's sanction and favor, became afterward the " Royal Institution of France," and has been followed by many others in the intervening century : first in Germany, then in Russia, England, Scotland, and the United States. To Dr. S. (r. Howe educator and philanthropist, whose name is inseparably associated with the work in the United States belongs also the honor of its introduction. The Perkins Institution in Boston (1832) did for the blind of New England and the East what the American Asylum at Hartford acomplished for deaf-mutes. Others were immedi- ately founded, one in New York the same year, and another in Philadelphia the year following. By the middle of the century, there were eleven. There are now thirty-two such institutions in thirty States ; the blind of Connecticut, Dela- ware, Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont, being accommodated in neighboring schools ; and New York and Maryland having two institu- tions each. All reputable schools of this class afford instruction in most subjects of the average curriculum of secondary insti- tutions, including a full course in mathematics, the lan- guages, and history, the philosophical studies, and some- thing of natural science. To this are generally added some form of industrial training and always music. The one is given as part of the general culture which every child needs, not less than as a means to intellectual growth ; the other as satisfying the peculiar need incidental to blindness. That the industrial training called for is neither insignifi- cant in character nor seriously restricted in variety, appears from the occupations of the educated blind.* In a late re- port of the United States Commissioner of Education, the fol- lowing statistics are given ; and, while it is not supposed that * At the New Orleans Exposition the exhibit of the blind was quite remarkable. A dozen institutions in this country were represented, and twice as many forms of industry all from children. 248 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. the list is complete in any particular, it is suggestive of tlie industrial importance of the class : Occupations of tJie Blind. Superintendents of institutions. . *16 Teachers in schools not for the blind 2 Teachers of the blind tl35 Ministers 36 Studying or practicing law 5 Authors 17 Publishers 8 Agents and lecturers 70 General teachers of music 463 Church organists 88 Piano-tuners 125 Composers and publishers of mu- sic 14 Graduates from colleges 17 Manufacturing 305 Handicraftsmen 702 Merchants 269 Farmers 59 Newsdealers 7 Dealers in instruments 6 Horse-dealers 9 It appears that about seven hundred, or nearly one third of the whole, have to do with music next to handicraft, the largest single interest. Education along this line is of para- mount importance. It is on the side of culture and refine- ment and the growth of the gentler feelings, and very prop- erly forms a part of every course. Fundamentally, all literary training rests upon the ability to read. Two principal alphabets have been designed, both employing the fingers. In the one are used raised letters, either in the common or some slightly modified form. The other makes use of dots or points, raised also, but not resem- bling the letter in any way. A modification of the latter a system of point-writing and printing is the one generally in use in the United States. In 1856 it was said there were but forty-six books for the blind published in English ; now there are three large publishing-houses in this country alone. The point-system has also been applied to musical notation. No study of the blind in this country, their education, the means employed, and their success, would be in any sense complete that failed to include the case of Laura * This includes half of all the schools for the blind in the United States, t One fourth of all the teachers employed. EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 249 Bridgman. A deaf-mute, and blind, and. her other senses impaired, the limitations of her life have scarcely been equaled in the world's experience, much less the marvelous results of her education. The case has been repeatedly and admirably described, but must remain of perennial interest.* What she became, one is tempted to say, Dr. Howe made her. The story of her training should be familiar to every teacher. " His work," says Prof. Hall (referring to Dr. Howe), " was so ingenious and successful that it remains one of the greatest triumphs of pedagogical skill ; and his studies of his pupil during the most interesting period of her education may be called almost classical for the psychologist. " 3, Education of tJie Feeble-Minded. Fifteen States f have made permanent provision for the respectable maintenance, education, and training of those of feeble minds. In these States are nineteen schools and homes, with nearly four thousand inmates, all of whom, with one exception (the New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women), are children. These schools are provided with over four hundred teach- ers and a course of training which, while chiefly industrial, usually comprises, according to the capacity of the children, something of language, calculation, and the use of the pen- cil. Though this must be meager, the importance of sys- tematic and persistent and uniform intellectual exercise, simple as may be, but with an intelligent purpose, can not be overestimated. Next to this, possibly first in importance, because more available is the industrial training, the ability * A second case, promising to be of scarcely less interest, is .that of Helen Keller, of Alabama a second Laura Bridgman a report of whose condi- tion and intellectual beginnings may be found in the " Annual Keport of the Perkins Institution," Boston, for 1887. A notice appears in " Science," also, February 24, 1888. t California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 250 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. to use the organs of the body, to subordinate them to the simple purposes of the mind, the use of tools and implements, and a knowledge of things. In the Illinois Institution and a few other schools Kinder- garten exercises have been tried with the most marked and satisfactory results. 4. Reformatories. It has been said that institutions for reformatory educa- tion began in this country as "Houses of Refuge"; that, later, they were called " Reform Schools," both names being discarded in the more recently established institutions of like functions "Industrial Schools." In its unqualified form the statement is misleading, though true to the spirit of progress. The significance attaching to it seems to be that the institutions described are coming to be more and more educative, and so regenerative, rather than merely cor- rectional and retributive. Discipline through growth is su- perior to any coercion. Besides, not all institutions so called are for the vicious and law-breaking. The system includes as well the unfortunate, the homeless, the evilly- surrounded, the idle and vagrant, the needy. And, wheth- er the term used be "Houses of Correction" or "Indus- trial Schools," "Orphans' Homes" or "Houses of Deten- tion," " Farm-Schools," " Reformatories," or, as in France, " Correctional Colonies," or " Ragged Schools," as in Eng- land and Scotland, or by whatever name, they concern a body of necessitous youth of both sexes, not always nor usually of the criminal class, but numerous and danger- ous, except their impetuous energies be directed into whole- some service. The contemporary reformatory institution in this coun- try dates from the year 1820, in the founding of the New York House of Refuge, on Randall's Island. This does not imply that no previous care had been had and ex- ercised in behalf of wayward youth. Plymouth Colony, in 1658, had "joyned to the prison a House of Correc- EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 51 tion," * and other communities and States, and every gen- eration, perhaps, had felt the danger and sought to stay it ; but action was local and temporary. The Plymouth ex- periment bore no fruit in similar institutions, and was itself soon abandoned. The New York "House" originated in the efforts of Edward Livingston and others, and was purely philanthropic. The Boston House of Eeformation was established in 1826, and one in Philadelphia two years later. For almost twenty years these seem to have been regarded as local experiments, and not generally understood. Then came the "Isaac T. Hopper Home " and " Western House of Refuge," both in New York, and an institution for boys at New Orleans. All these, it should not be lost sight of, had been instituted by individual beneficence and philanthropy, and, though receiving occasional aid from the State, they were yet pri- vate institutions, or privately founded and managed by cor- porations. In the year 1848 was established at Westborough, Massachusetts, a State Pvef ormatory, and that it was the right and policy of the State to care for this class soon came to be common sentiment. Similar institutions were directly opened in Pennsylvania, Maine, Connecticut, New Hamp- shire, and Ohio, followed since by other States both West and South. Of Reform Schools proper there are sixty in twenty-five States. These have approximately fifteen thousand inmates, supported at an annual cost to the public of two million dol- lars. Besides these, there are from four to five hundred " Homes " and asylums for orphans, dependent and vagrant children, which, since the Charleston (South Carolina) " Home," 1790, have housed and reared and educated half a million children. Of the Industrial Reform Schools, eighty- three per cent are State or municipal. The former are chiefly public ; of the latter more than half are denomina- tional. The establishment, following the war, of homes for * " Plymouth Colony Kecords," vol. iii, p. 137. 252 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. soldiers' orphans, and the recent provision of some of the Western States to furnish separate care for almshouse chil- dren, have greatly increased the enrollment in these insti- tutions. In all of them, whether reformatory or preventive only, three phases of training seem not only desirable but neces- sary. The nature of the instruction here, also, must be de- termined by the class want. First, there are needed habits of industry. This is uni- versally admitted, and has led everywhere to the introduction and pursuit of farm and shop and household exercises ex- ercises in the practice of which may be taught, if not trades and special businesses, at least the principles of industry and the busy habit. These are great conservers of purity, and, from pedagogical motives only, to have fixed these tenden- cies is so much fundamental gain. A few of these schools have farms, thirty institutions reporting somewhat of agri- culture and more of gardening. In most of the institutions for girls, house-work is required ; laundry and tailoring in twenty-four, and in these and others shoemaking, cane-seat- ing, carpentry, smithing, etc. To furnish a second kind of training, as the basis of all other instruction, and as a means of literary and aca- demic drill, the common branches are taught, of which, be- sides reading and arithmetic, history and drawing and mu- sic, for obvious reasons, are emphasized. The schools report in the aggregate fifty thousand volumes in their libraries, which, well selected and used under intelligent guidance, are an important factor in their education. As a third function of these schools, if anything be ac- complished, they are called to establish right ethical senti- ments, and develop standards of conduct. This is effected slowly, if at all, and only by virtue of the wisest foresight and patience. Toward the fixing of such moral and restrain- ing influences, transferring authority from without to within, perhaps nothing has been more generally efficient than the school -room discipline : the habit of regular and instant obe- EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 253 dience ; subordination to authority for a common interest ; the general spirit of co-operation ; the growth of a class sympathy ; the frequent self-sacrifice, and the rendering of services to companions and teachers ; and the constant fa- miliarity with the moderation of impulses and frankness of demeanor which the well-regulated school-room uniformly teaches. Altogether, the right management and discipline of these classes almost one hundred thousand of them in the schools, and a larger number yet without constitute one of the most serious economic and educational problems of the day. 5. Indian Education. A. THE COLONIAL PERIOD. Outside of New England and the other Atlantic colonies, the earliest attempts to educate the Indian were by the Cath- olics. Father Juan Roger in Carolina, in 1568, and Bena- vides, among the Pueblos of the Southwest, half a century later, began the work of teaching the savage reading and the productive arts of life. In the early part of the last century Spanish missions were established among the Indians of southern California, whose descendants are known as "Mis- sion Indians." * The first colonies on the Eastern coast were founded upon land-grants in which care for the Indian was one of the stipulations. The charter of the Virginia Com- pany, and, fifteen years later, the supplementary acts of the Colonial Assembly, specified as one of their functions, " the enlargement of God's kingdom among the heathen people." "That the Christian faith may be propagated among the Western Indians," was one of the reasons assigned for the founding of the College of William and Mary ; and for a hundred years the organization of the college included an Indian school. For many years also prior to the Revolution * See Helen Hunt Jackson's " A Century of Dishonor," and " Ro- mona" ; also, report by Mrs. Jackson to the United States Indian Com- missioner, 1883, and one by Prof. C. C. Painter, 1887. 17 254 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. William and Mary shared with Harvard a bequest of Hon. Robert Boyle * " for maintaining and educating Indian scholars." Soon after the founding of Harvard, the General Court of Massachusetts ordered " that the county courts in their jurisdiction take care that the Indians of the several shires be civilized," and about the same time was begun the great work of John Eliot, teaching them, learning their language, translating the Bible, and setting them off into towns.f " They must be civilized," he said, " as well as, if not in order to their being, Christianized." The mantle of Eliot seems to have fallen upon Eleazer Wheelock, who in 1743 opened in his own house a school, which for many years he main- tained at his own expense, feeding, clothing, and schooling Indian children from the neighborhood. This was followed ten years later by Moore's Indian Charity School, enrolling fifty to sixty children annually until about 1770, when it was merged into and became the nucleus of the newly founded Dartmouth College. Hamilton College, New York, had a similar origin (1812). Up to this time the effort to educate the Indians had been almost wholly individual, much scattered, and entirely without concert or plan. Next to Eliot's labors and Moore's Charity School the work with the Oneidas in New York through and after the Revolution was probably most efficient. The descendants of this tribe in New York and Wisconsin are said to be practically self-supporting, having their own churches and schools, owning their lands, and being fairly industrious. Following the Catholic missions, Protestant churches sought and found numerous fields for both re- ligious and secular service. The Moravians early in the eighteenth century and the Quakers near the close, Episco- * Died 1691. t Whatever may be thought of the wisdom of Eliot's methods, these fourteen u praying towns " have an historic interest wholly apart from their religious aim. EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 255 palians, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and numerous union and Indian missionary associations, have many fold increased the efforts to serve the Indian. Sometimes the service has added to his knowledge and happiness, some- times to his knowledge only. The best meant offices have not unfrequently been the most short-sighted and irra- tional. All that had been accomplished at the opening of the century was to show that the average Indian was not lacking either in ability (intellectual) or skill. It remained to be seen whether he have the requisite flexibility of temper, the adaptability to take on the co-operative and confiding habit of civilized life. B. GOVERNMENT CONTROL. For half a century the almost uniform attitude of the Government toward the red man was one of military do- minion. Nominally the administration has been by civil- ians ; but the policy has not generally been a civilizing one. Coercion and treachery and neglect have sometimes taken the place of nurture and fidelity and the wise forbearance that mark true teaching.* From the first, Congress was supposed to exercise a sort of supervision over the race, neither knowing how nor seek- ing, however, to establish fixed relations of comity or helpful- ness. About 1820 was made an appropriation of ten thousand dollars called the civilization fund, which was for many years the only Government aid to Indian education. The Indian Bureau, at present belonging to the Department of the In- terior, was created in 1833. Not, however, till the so-called " peace policy " of President Grant's Administration was any particular emphasis placed upon education. The positive course of Government then and subsequently, and the co- * An Indian visiting Washington in 1880, being called upon, made the following speech to official listeners : " Four years ago the American people promised to be friends with us. They lied. That is all." " Keport of the Bureau of Ethnology," 1879-'80, p. 520. 256 TIIE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. operation with existing agencies, mark the beginning of In- dian education as now known. In order to understand the present conditions it is neces- sary to recall certain administrative facts. Prof. Painter summarizes the Government Indian policy under three heads : " treaties, the reservation and agency systems, and the ad- ministrative and judicial departments at Washington." Of the first, General Sherman is quoted as saying, " We have made more than a thousand treaties with various In- dian tribes, and have not kept one of them." * Growing out of the treaty system, and as a part of the inevitable accompanying compromises, are the "reserva- tions." These amount in the aggregate to more than 212,- 000 square miles, t Of this policy the almost uniform testi- mony is that it is irredeemably vicious. " The reservation line is a wall that fences out law, civil institutions, and social order, and admits only despotism, greed, and lawlessness." Supplementing this treaty-reservation policy is the agency system, whereby each reservation is provided with a Gov- ernment representative, resident and supreme. That almost unlimited power held as a political reward easily degener- ates into a source of abuses must be expected. So general had become the impression that the first of these was a mistake, that Congress in 1871 enacted that thereafter " no Tpflian nation or tribe within the territory of the United States shall be acknowledged or recognized as an independ- ent nation, or tribe, or power, with whom the United States may contract by treaty." And seven years later, equally persuaded of the viciousness and general unfairness of the reservation policy, Congress passed the " General Land in Severalty Bill," authorizing the President of the United States, according to his judgment, to allot the land in any reservation to the Indians located thereon. * Address of Pro C. C. Painter, Mohawk Lake Conference, 1886. t The one single reservation of the Indian Territory is larger than all New England. EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 257 So much has heen said the better to exhibit the little that is known of the purely educational work being done among the Indians. The problem is a complex one and far from present settlement. Abused confidence among them, the disorders growing out of a common ownership in land, the evils of a machine-made agency, a large enforced idleness, and the dissipation incident to unaccustomed modes of life, negative the best results. It is not too much to say that for no single year in the history of this question has the full civilizing force of the simplest education had room to be felt. Further, the elevation of a people from a wandering hunter's life to a settled industrial one is a matter not of a year or years, but of generations. In such a process education requires more than books and forms. Even the restraints of an agricultural life may be too exacting. The nearest in- dustry that suits his taste, lying on the side toward civiliza- tion is, pedagogically speaking, the lesson next to be learned. But the conventionalities of the new life must also be learned. As one of the conditions of any general co-opera- tion the language of then* surroundings must be known, means of intercourse and record adopted, new attitudes of mind and desire ; and the part of education most essential is " making one understand what kind of place this world is, what one's relations to it are, and consequently his rights, duties, and responsibilities."* That this is the kind of education the Indians are every- where getting nobody supposes. That individual schools, and individual pupils in many schools, are getting it, can scarcely be denied. And it is by the elevation of individuals that races are civilized. C. CONTEMPORARY INDIAN SCHOOLING. Since 1882 there has been a special " Education Division " in the Indian Bureau. The first superintendent was Mr. J. M. Haworth, who at his death (1885) was succeeded by the * W. G. Sumner, " The Forum," May, 1887, p. 260. 258 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. present incumbent, Hon. J. B. Riley. Besides reservation Indians and the five civilized tribes in the Indian Territory two classes with which the present consideration is chiefly concerned there are the remnants of the Six Nations in New York, scattering settlements in half a dozen other States east of the Mississippi River, and those in tribal relations, no account of which will be here taken. The Indian school-population aggregates nearly thirty- nine thousand, scattered over nineteen States and Territo- ries, with a school enrollment of about sixteen thousand, and a daily attendance of thirty-four per cent. When it is considered that but forty-one per cent of the school census of cities throughout the United States are daily in school, the success among Indian children seems surprisingly great. If the centers of civilization, with from fifty years to two centuries of school experience, and resting upon a civiliza- tion reaching back to Alfred the Great, may take pride in so little, what hope may not T>e cherished of the future of the Indian ? As appears from the table, Indian schools are : 1. Those under the immediate charge of the Indian Office, about sev- enty per cent of all. 2. Those for whose support special appropriations are regularly made, but which are not man- aged directly by the Bureau. 3. A class of schools chiefly maintained by missionary or church organizations, or under private endowment, but schooling a definite number of In- dian children by agreement with the Department. These are the " Contract Schools " item three in the table. 4. The schools of the Indian Territory. Besides these there are a few schools in the far West, chiefly maintained by societies or individuals, with uncertain support, and from which only imperfect statistics are to be had. (1) Bureau Schools. The first class are under the general management of Superintendent Riley. They comprise boarding, day, and industrial training schools numbering one hundred and EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 259 sixty-three. The boarding-schools have about half of all the pupils. In the industrial schools, and in the boarding- schools, indeed, are taught the common processes of farming and related tasks dairying, stock-raising, fencing, building, ditching, and domestic management and service ; in some of them blacksmithing, carpentry, etc. At Standing Rock, Dakota, there is an Agricultural School, having a farm with one hundred and fifty acres under cultivation, and about sixty pupils ; and an industrial boarding-school with twice the enrollment. The Normal and Training School at Santee Agency, Nebraska, is particularly worthy of note. It was organized in 1870, and gives instruction in reading, writing, drawing, arithmetic, English composition, geography, his- tory, physiology, and music. From this, and from the Hamp- ton and Carlisle schools, have been furnished a large number of Indian young men and women as teachers to other agen- cies. A graduate of the Hampton school is principal of the Shawnee boarding-school, another at Pawnee, etc. At Chilocco, two educated Kiowa girls and a Comanche In- dian man have the local management. The normal school referred to accommodates both sexes. It has an industrial department, with thirteen instructors, and provides train- ing in carpentry, smithing, shoemaking, brick-making, and farming for the boys, and housekeeping and related tasks for the girls. It has thirteen teachers in the academic school, uses eighteen buildings, and enrolls over two hun- dred students. Both the Pine Ridge Indians and the Osages have com- pulsory education laws of their own construction and en- forcement, pronounced the "best ever devised." A child's absence from school, except for good reasons, cuts off the rations for the whole family. The Osages, a rich tribe, with landed possessions and large money annuities, in their own Council (1883), and not directly influenced by the United States authorities, provided for an attendance of not less than six months yearly. The school age is generally from six to sixteen years. 260 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Indian Schools. KIND OF INDIAN SCHOOLS. 21 Capacity. jl ll 1 1. In charge of Indian Bureau : a. Boarding-schools 68 5,050 5,484 4,111 $548.787 65 b. Day-schools flO 3,135 3 115 1 890 59,678 80 c. Industrial training-schools 5 1,455 1,573 1,342 243,089 12 Total Bureau schools 163 9,640 10,172 7,349 $851,555 57 2. Special schools : a. Carlisle Training, Carlisle, Pa 600 617 547 $81,000 00 b. Chilocco Training, Chilocco, Ind.Ter. c. Genoa Training, Genoa, Neb 180 175 197 215 166 171 28,544 64 31,264 77 d. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va 150 160 116 19,382 79 e. Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan Sao as9 273 61,532 00 /. Lincoln Institution, Philadelphia, Pa. a. Salem Training, Chcmawa, Or 200 250 218 205 200 185 33.364 10 40,747 71 h. St. Ignatius Mission. Flathead Res., Mont 200 186 170 22,500 00 Total special schools 8 2,005 2,137 1,828 $318,336 01 8. Under contract with the Indian Bureau: o. Boarding-schools 41 2 733 2553 2081 $228445 58 b. Day-schools 90 843 1 044 604 ~ 10 777 53 Total contract schools 61 3,576 3,597 2.685 $239,223 11 Total Indian schools W 15,221 15 ;HK; 11 862 $1,409,114 69 (2.) Special Schools. Of special institutions belonging to the second class named, there are four training-schools at Carlisle, Penn- sylvania, Chilocco, Indian Territory, Genoa, Nebraska, and Chemawa, Oregon the Hampton Institute, Virginia, and the Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas; the Lincoln Insti- tution, Philadelphia; and the St. Ignatius Mission, on the Flathead Reservation, Montana. The first of all these so recognized was that at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Captain R. H. Pratt, being put in possession of seventy -four Indian prisoners at St. Augustine (1875), undertook their education. At first chiefly industrial, upon the removal of the school in 1879 to Carlisle, formal instruction was begun in literary branches as well, and with the number more than doubled. They are taught, besides books, carpentry, harness-making, shoemaking, blacksmithing, carriage-making, tin smithing, baking, sewing, laundrying, and farming. The course at EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 261 Hampton and the Western schools is much, the same. At Carlisle has been recently introduced a device, possibly adopted elsewhere, for acquainting Indian youth with the ways and insights and conventionalities of civilized life. It is known as " outing," and consists in putting into farmers' families boys and girls who have had a partial training in the school. They remain on the farm from a few months to a year, receive nominal wages, are admitted to the family, and not unf requently attend the district school of the neigh- borhood. Of nearly six hundred in attendance, more than half have been so accommodated. At Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute about one fifth of the six hundred students are Indians, the others negroes. All receive pay for work, at the rate of five to eight cents an hour. (3.) Contract Schools. Two thirds of the schools of this class are boarding- schools, well represented in the White's Institutes, at Wa- bash, Indiana, and Mount Hamill, Iowa. Both have large farms and shops, and accommodate each from fifty to seventy-five Indian children, besides a small number of whites. The former are received from various reservations and tribes, and educated for a definite period at a stipulated price under contract with the Government Bureau. They include pupils from the Sioux, Wyandottes, Senecas, Modocs, Peorias, Miamis, Comanches, and perhaps a dozen others, of both sexes, and varying in age from eight to eighteen years. (4.) Education in Indian Territory. The civilized tribes of the Territory embrace the Chero- kees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles. Each has an independent school system, both of common and sec- ondary instruction, and in the English language only. Most of the teachers are educated Indians. There are sustained boards of education, directors, superintendents of public schools, and an annual teachers' institute for each nation. 262 TnE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. In the management the local neighborhood provides the house and furniture; the nation, the books and teachers. In the elementary schools, the Five Nations enroll over eight thousand pupils; in the secondary schools, fifteen hun- dred. The Cherokees and Chickasaws each maintain an orphan school and asylum, that of the former having one hundred and fifty inmates. The Creeks and Cherokees, as a part of their system, support separate schools for the four hundred to six hundred negro children among them. Co- education of the races, while the exception, is not uncom- mon. The Choctaws and Creeks have maintained regularly from forty to fifty of their youth at colleges in the States ; and Dr. T. A. Bland is authority for the statement that " there is not in the Cherokee nation an Indian man, woman, or child of sound mind, fifteen years of age or over, who can not read and write." Out of a school population of fifteen thousand the Five Nations provide regular instruction for more than nine thou- sand, or sixty-two per cent. This is a more general partici- pation in the benefits of the public schools than was enjoyed in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, or Virginia, for the same year. 6. Education in Alaska. Alaska is so far away from most of the States, so little is known of its people, so habitually do we associate them in our thoughts with the American Indians, that the education of the Territory is scarcely regarded even by school-men as belonging to our system. And yet there are towns whose adult illiteracy can be in many cases paralleled in large sec- tions east of the Mississippi River, and whose schools have developed a skill that strongly hints at Yankee competition. For half a century before its purchase by the United States there were maintained by the Russians boarding and day schools, elementary and advanced for both sexes ; academies which taught, besides the usual branches, the Slavonian and EDUCATION OF UNFORTUNATES. 263 English languages, higher mathematics, navigation, and astronomy ; and a theological seminary. The natives, especially the Aleuts, are represented as su- perior intellectually to the Indians, belong to the Russo-Greek Church, live in good houses, dress in American garments, and use the tools, utensils, and means of culture of a civil- ized home. Two hundred and fifty miles to the northwest of Unimak Island are the Pribylov Islands. In 1870 these were leased for twenty years to the Alaska Commercial Company for seal-fishing, one of the conditions of which contract was that a school for the natives should be maintained on each isl- and, at the expense of the company, and for at least eight months each year. From a recent report it appears that out of a total population of less than four hundred thgre were enrolled in the two schools seventy-five children, or ninety- five per cent of the minors. The first successful school or- ganized and maintained by the Government was established at Sitka in 1880. A system of compulsory education was inaugurated and enforced, and within a year the school had two hundred and fifty pupils. A boarding-school for girls opened at Fort Wrangel about the same time, being removed to Sitka, was united with the former, under the organization of a Government Industrial and Training School. The school population numbers between five and six thousand, of whom twelve hundred are enrolled in thirteen schools. A number of these are denominational or missionary enter- prises. In 1885 there was created the office of "General Agent of Education in Alaska," and Mr. Sheldon Jackson appointed to the position. Bibliography. See "Visible Speech," by Alexander Melville Bell, 1867; "Education of the Blind History of its Origin, Rise, and Progress," by M. Anagnos, 1882; "Life and Education of Laura Dewey Bridgman," by Mary Lam- son (for three years her special teacher), 1878; "Laura Bridgman," by G. Stanley Hall, in "Aspects of German Culture," 1881. See also sketch 264 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. of the Perkins Institution for the Blind, and notice of Laura Bridgman, in Dickens'a " American Notes," chap. iii. See " The Jukes," by R. L. Dugdale, 1877; and "Dangerous Classes of New York," by C. L. Brace, 1872 ; " Indian Education," " Proceedings of National Education Associa- tion," 1884, p. 177; "Latest Studies on Indian Reservations," by J. B. Harrison, 1887; "Education in Alaska," by Sheldon Jackson. CHAPTER XV. SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 1. Private Schools. IN a.sketch of public education in a new country private schools might fill a large chapter, for it is almost without exception true that the one grew out of the other. In most localities before public education by the State was tolerated or encouraged its benignant influence was suggested, and its right to general recognition justified, by public-spirited men and women, who did what the community as a whole would not undertake. Private enterprise has commonly been the genesis of the public institution. Every reform, every adoption of the new and promising was once personal opinion. The whole- some conservatism of government throws the burden of proving a thing good upon individuals and societies. The first manual training, the first Kindergartens, the first em- phasis of science, were born of personal conviction, grew alone or in contracted circles, and were forced to wait for public recognition. The first art schools and galleries, and museums and libraries and reading-rooms ; the earliest sur- veys and explorations ; the first study and instruction in agriculture ; the first Indian, negro, and Alaskan schools were all the product of individual effort or private co-opera- tion. So the beginnings of primary schooling, the instruc- tion of girls and the higher education of women, were even SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 265 less honored than the "annex." And, equally so, the com- mon school had its birth in the abounding individual enter- prise of colonial New England and New York and the South. Danyell Maude, the first private schoolmaster of New England, was the contemporary of " Brother Philemon Pur- mont." Father Channing, in his "Early Recollections of Rhode Island," says that " prior to 1770 private schools were the only ones that were continuous, even for Providence and Newport." In New York, throughout the State, and into the present century, the supplementary services of indi- viduals were the impulse that, through Governor Clinton and Gideon Hawley, eventually brought about the present public-school system. Moreover, in many States, both East and West, even after the public schools were begun, the private schools were these public schools continued by subscription. The average length of the school year, in thirty-six States reporting, is a fraction over six months. Excluding the six States Mary- land, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, having the longest terms (nine and a half months) the average length for the remaining States is barely five months. In these States, the private school comes in as a valuable supplemental agency extending the school term ; not unf requently continuing the same teacher, and by common consent, if not by law, more or less of the same supervision and the established course. Besides these also there is a class of secondary schools similar in grade to the public high-school. In cities these take the form of ladies' seminaries, or boys' classical schools, numbers of which may yet be found, especially in the South and East. A secondary school of somewhat different character is the so-called business college.* There is unquestionably a * The Bryant and Stratton " International Chain of Commercial Col- leges," begun a quarter of a century ago, many of which remain in the larger cities, is an interesting development in American education. 266 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. sufficient reason for its existence. General Garfield insisted that " business schools were an attempt to answer the public demand for a practical education " a kind of materialized protest of the provident mind against the too common un- practical education of the elementary schools. The public asks a really available culture. Out of environing conditions, and the constitutional im- patience of a long preparation, have been evolved the trade school, the business institute, commercial college, etc. Set- ting themselves up in recent years as professional schools, now chartered and authorized to issue diplomas and confer degrees, and now, in the fullness- of unlicensed Philistinism, without established curriculum, but assuming to include the circle of practical knowledge to book-keeping, penmanship, and arithmetic they have added political science and eco- nomics, commercial law, modern languages, phonography, telegraphy, etc. There are two hundred schools of the class, with almost fifty thousand pupils. 2. Denominational Schools. As has been seen, the earliest approaches to the public school in this country were among a people who strongly dissented from established ecclesiastical authority, and, in more or less independent religious bodies, sought the free- dom of worship and intellectual intercourse that they were elsewhere denied. This independent, protesting spirit, an un- willingness to submit to anything like a hierarchal authority, has everywhere been favorable to the most widely diffused education. Every phase of literary and professional and technical institution has been, in turn and co-operation, made to contribute to the general intelligence. In the line of this current, co-operating more or less with State and pri- vate agencies, and more often supplementing them, the Church has claimed and been granted a place. Most Prot- estants use the public schools for elementary instruction, but sustain more or less generally their own institutions for superior and sometimes secondary training. SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 267 Among the oldest of existing denominations, the Meth- odists have for nearly a century supported church-schools. Their first permanent college * was the now venerable Wes- leyan University at Middletown, Connecticut, founded in 1831. They have now similar institutions in every section of the country, and for a decade have been especially active in the West and South. These comprise ten theological schools, prominent among which are the Boston University School of Theology and the Drew Theological Seminary ; forty-five colleges and sixty-one classical seminaries, besides eight female colleges. Forty years before the Methodist Cokesbury School in Maryland, the Presbyterians had founded the College of New Jersey in Princeton not only one of the oldest, but now one of the solid institutions of the United States. Be- sides thirty-six colleges, Presbyterianism supports and is sup- ported by thirteen theological schools, well represented in Princeton, Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, and the Theological Seminary of the Northwest at Chicago. Among the Baptists are thirty-four colleges, seven theo- logical schools, and forty to fifty academies for secondary instruction, chiefly in the South. As the school system started among the Congregation- alists, so it has had their constant and generous support. Among both colleges and academies they have a large repre- sentation. Of the former, are : Harvard, in its founding ; Yale, Dartmouth, Williams, Bowdoin, Amherst, Oberlin, and the later Fiske ; of the latter, Andover (theological seminary), and Phillips Academies at Andover and Exeter ; besides Mount Holyoke and Wellesley. But all other denominational service in education is par- tial and irregular compared with the comprehensive grasp of the Catholic Church. Their aim is all-inclusive, and as- sumes no other agency. Ignoring the public school, their * Cokesbury College, at Abingdon, Maryland, founded 1787, being twice burned, was not afterward rebuilt. 268 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. plan is coextensive with their membership. With one fifth of all the theological seminaries, and one third of all their students ; with one fourth of the colleges, nearly six hun- dred academies, and twenty-six hundred parochial (ele- mentary) schools, instructing more than half a million children, the church is seen to be a force which, education- ally considered, is equaled by no other single agency but the Government itself.* The twelve Catholic provinces Balti- more, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, New Orleans, New York, Oregon, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco, and Santa Fe are subdivided into seventy-nine dioceses. The latter average from thirty-five to forty parishes, each of which is supposed to have a school for the elementary train- ing of their children. As a matter of fact, ninety-three per cent of them do maintain parochial schools, in which are educated, generally by the priesthood, rarely by laymen (except in the teaching congregations), the 511,063 pupils. In addition to these are 588 academies, usually for girls, and 91 colleges.f The Theological Seminary of St. Sulpice, Baltimore (re- cently raised to the rank of a university, and authorized to confer degrees), is, according to the "Catholic Year-book," the oldest organization for theological instruction in this country, dating from 1791. To the Catholics, also, belong several industrial and reform schools, orphans' homes, and normal schools. * For a statement of the work of the " Brothers of the Christian Schools" see "Education," November, December, 1885 ; also "Govern- ment Report of the Educational Exhibits and Conferences at the New Or- leans Exposition," 1885. t The corner-stone of a Catholic University was laid in May, 18S8, near "Washington, District of Columbia. It is to receive its students from the Catholic colleges, and to have a full university organization. The enter- prise was started by a gift of three hundred thousand dollars from a Miss Caldwell, of New York. (See the announcement in " American Catholic Quarterly Review," April, 1885.) SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 269 3. Evening Schools. The evening school, as found in our large cities, is a very natural product of the conditions. There are two classes in whose interest it exists : 1. For children who can not be brought into the system of day-schools ; and, 2. For (a) men and women of limited education, employed during the day, but ambitious for intellectual and industrial improvement, or (6) recent immigrants who wish to know the national language, the forms of business, and means of industry. Evening or night schools, like elementary industrial schools, and nautical or floating schools, are illustrative of the at- tempt constantly making to adjust the public-school forces to the public needs. How well it has been accomplished can only be suggested. The first evening schools were probably due to the evils of vagrancy, and to the truancy of children, and those of school age. Again, they were demanded in manufacturing towns, and, generally, in cities for messengers, clerks, and servants. They were tried in New York city in 1834, but failed for want of teachers. Fourteen years later they were successfully established by the Public School Society, which within two years had fifteen schools and eight thousand pupils. They were introduced into Boston through a chari- table organization, and legalized in 1857. The recent growth of the system has been rapid. The Chicago enrollment has more than trebled in five years ; and those of New York and Philadelphia doubled. For the most part, the night-schools in the United States are provided for, and used by, the maturer classes of the young. Indeed, in some cities they are opened to men and women only, or to children beyond the compulsory school age, employed during the day. The abundant material re- sources of the country, the open avenues to industry, the power implied in wealth and property, drive youth into business before manhood even ; and, under the most guarded systems, the education is often meager and unsatisfactory. 18 270 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. To give these the opportunity of continuing their studies is both politic and beneficent. New York maintains a large system of night-schools for this class chiefly. With an en- rollment of twenty thousand, one half of them are between eighteen and twenty-one years of age. For the classes described the studies are chiefly element- ary. They include, primarily, writing and calculation (in- cluding book-keeping), grammar and physiology, sometimes history, and always drawing. Occasionally there are intro- duced the elements of geometry and algebra ; and in Cincin- nati general history and elocution, both of which are excluded from the Boston course. Perhaps the most profitable parts of the instruction are book-keeping and drawing. For cer- tain classes, industrial training is fundamental. It should be borne in mind that, in these schools, is no hard and fast course of study to which all are held, and the completion of which counts for advanced standing. Boston only, so far as appears, has made any successful attempt to establish a grade. Usually, upon entrance, each applicant chooses his work it is rarely chosen for him, even by advice. Few take all that is offered. That it seems necessarily so is the misfortune of, not so much the school, as the social conditions. Not all night instruction, however, is elementary. Of sixteen of the larger cities making returns (1884), five report one evening high-school each, and Brooklyn two. The at- tendance upon these seven schools alone aggregates about three thousand students, representing more than a hundred trades, and justifying the agency beyond criticism. One educator has said, "There is no argument for the regular high - school that does not apply with equal force to the evening class of like grade." And, as might have been predicted, this night high-school is far more efficient, secur- ing more certain good results than the elementary evening school. Attendance is more regular, and study more to the purpose. New York, Boston, Paterson, Cincinnati, and Brooklyn, all sustain elaborate courses of study, or rather long lists of subjects offered, from which applicants may SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 271 choose. Philadelphia has among the secondary classes one German-English school and one Italian-English ; Louisville teaches German ; San Francisco, Spanish ; Boston, whatever foreign languages the demand justifies. The last-named city requires examination for admission to the high-school, as in other parts of the system ; the examination including reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography. A half-dozen cities give certificates of profi- ciency for completed work. Among evening schools also which offer advanced and higher technical instruction are those of the Maryland Insti- tute, Baltimore, and Cooper Union, New York. Peter Cooper was horn in New York city, February 12, 1791, where he died in 1883. He had hut a single year of schooling, yet in his manhood he took a man's interest in all that concerns the public or individual welfare. He was prominent in the development of public-school education in his native city. He was a trustee and officer of the Public School Society; later, a school commissioner, and through- out his life identified with the schools. The high opinion he held of the value of education, both from a business point of view and in its moral aspect, led him early to consider how he might contribute to the better enlightenment of those whom the schools did not reach. " I determined," he says, " if ever I could acquire the means I would build such an institution as would open its doors at night, with a full course of instruction, calculated to enable mechanics to un- derstand both the theory and the most skillful practice of their several trades ; so that they could not only apply their labor to the best possible advantage, but enjoy the happiness of acquiring useful knowledge the purest and the most in- nocent of all sources of enjoyment." Cooper Union was incorporated in 1857. As provided by the will of the founder, the institution, among other advan- tages, maintains a course of academic instruction, and a School of Art, both at night. It has a library of twenty thou- sand volumes, and a reading-room furnished with four hun- 272 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. dred and fifty periodicals. The course of instruction lias industrial bearings, wholly apart from humanistic or disci- plinary studies. It includes algebra, geometry, trigonom- etry, calculus, physics, elementary and analytical chemistry, astronomy, engineering, descriptive geography, mechanics, and mechanical drawing. It is meant to cover the element- ary principles of science, and their application to the practical business of life. The School of Art furnishes instruction in perspective, mechanical, and architectural drawing ; wood- engraving, photography, and telegraphy. In full, the regu- lar course covers five years, whose completion is marked by a diploma and the medal of the Cooper Union. The institu- tion enrolls over four thousand students, one half of whom are clerks and mechanics. 4- Museums of Art and Science. The rapid development of science and the consequent turning of the public attention to the study of Nature, phys- ical investigation, and observation generally, has emphasized the great importance of collections of objects of study, in- cluding also works of art. Except a half-dozen of them the museums of the present are the product of the last forty years. This is especially true of art collections, though the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts was founded 1805 and the Boston Athenaeum two years after. The National Academy of Design, New York, was estab- lished in 1826, and four years later was begun that rare col- lection of coins, gems, and specimens of printing by the His- torical Society of Pennsylvania. If to these be added the Museum and Gallery of Art of the New York Historical So- ciety (1804) and the Museum of the Maryland Historical Society (1844), the Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford (1842), the Yale School of Fine Arts (1825), and the fine arts de- partment of the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. (1848), all have been named that were founded prior to 1850. These muse- ums number in the aggregate about thirty in two thirds as many cities. A dozen of them belong to colleges and four SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 273 to libraries. Of the last are the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, and the Boston Athenasum, Lenox, and Redwood Libraries. Among the most notable galleries of art is the Corcoran Institution, Washington. Founded in 1869 and generously endowed by W. W. Corcoran with an annual income of seventy thousand dollars and its already choice collection, its growth and wholesome influence are assured. The princi- pal collections of the old masters are to be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York (1870), the Bryan Gallery of the New York Historical Society, the Jarvis col- lection in Yale, and in the Pennsylvania Academy. The most notable institutions in the West are the Art Gallery of the Illinois Industrial University, the Museum of Art and History in the University of Michigan, the Crow Museum of Fine Arts, Washington University, St. Louis, and the Muse- um of the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. To half of them there is unrestricted admission by the public, and by nearly the same number regular lectures are sustained. Of museums of science that of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science is perhaps the oldest, dating from 1812. Like most others it is general in its character. Besides these, rapid developments in particular fields of science have here and there built up special collections for their illustration and verification, giving rise to museums of zoology like that at Harvard ; and botany, as the Agricultural Museum at Washington; of geology and mineralogy, as at Rochester University ; of entomology and ornithology, as the Cuttings Museum, Vermont ; and of medicine, as at the Army Medi- cal Museum, Washington, and that in Yale College. Of the first class, the State Museum of New York is an admir- able example. It had its origin in the specimens gathered in the progress of the State Geological Survey, begun in 1836. It comprises a library, a laboratory of analytical chemistry, and collections of seeds and zoological and min- eralogical specimens, and is maintained by State grants. Having many duplicate specimens, it has been a part of its 274 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. policy to encourage the establishment of museums, and has in ten years distributed to normal schools, colleges, and academies in the State more than twenty thousand labeled and classified specimens. The enterprise is unique and of incalculable benefit. A similar but more specific service has been rendered the teachers of New York city by Dr. Bick- more, in charge of the American Museum of Natural History in Central Park. The plan includes a course of lectures at the museum rooms, primarily for teachers, covering in a period of years the various phases of natural science, in- cluding ethnology and special anthropological studies. It was initiated in 1884. The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard had its origin in the collections made by Prof. Louis Agassiz. By the year 1858 a vast amount of material had been gathered, and specimens were being received thousands annually from all quarters of the globe. In the year named there came a generous bequest of fifty thousand dollars to found a " national museum." Friends of the institution contributed seventy-five thousand dollars, and the State Legislature one hundred thousand dollars more. The museum management is independent of the university control, though co-operating with and supplementing its departments. The one great museum, however, both in fact and in making, is that of the Smithsonian Institution at Washing- ton. It has numerous departments, the more important of which are : 1. Anthropology ; 2. Archaeology ; 3. Natural resources ; 4. Exploitive industries ; 5. Elaborative indus- tries; 6. Ultimate products; and, 7. Social relations. The Ethnological Bureau has made large collections in recent years. Of a more specific function are the Pedagogical Museum of the Bureau of Education at Washington, and that of the State Educational Department of New York, recently begun at Albany. In this connection, also, should be included though de- serving a larger place industrial and other expositions as SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 275 educational agencies. The interdependence of nations, the kinship of interests, the diversity of conditions, and the abundance of skill in the world of our neighbors, have been brought out by these schools of competition. Even the local exhibits of limited sections of our own country, of single States or cities, or particular industries, constitute a feature of great educational value. New industries have been cre- ated, new resources discovered, new tools put into shops, new implements into fields, new machinery into factories, new apparatus into laboratories ; millions of capital have been re- invested, and the centers of population shifted, as a result of their suggestions. They represent something of the uni- versal spirit brought to the merchant's and farmer's and shopman's doors. They furnish the much-needed occasions for comparative study within the limits of local experience. It is a wholesome club-life on a large scale, where friction of mind brings sharpness of thinking. " From whatever point of view we look at them," it has been said, " whether material, intellectual, politico-economi- cal, or merely commercial or industrial, expositions exert a decided influence on the welfare of nations. They are the milestones of progress ; its measures of the dimensions of the productive activity of the human race. They make people acquainted with the market, they cultivate taste, and afford material for valuable comparisons. They bring nations closer to one another, and so promote civilization." * 5. Clubs and Circles. In its social significance, the distribution of culture is the great educational desideratum. How to make the technical and particular knowledge of the few the common experience of the many, this fixes the direction of all systems of educa- tion. Yesterday's doctrine of a class is the wide rule of con- duct to-day. To extend the boundaries of knowledge and obedience, and man's mastery of nature, is the function of * J. D. Blanqui, in " Cyclopaedia of Political Science" : " Expositions." 276 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. universities and societies, of laboratories and endowed re- search. To the college and secondary school, the Church, the lecture, and the press are left the diffusion of this knowl- edge, and making more wide-spread this obedience and mas- tery. Looked at from the social standpoint, the latter is fundamental. The success of the undertaking conditions the health of the social body and the perpetuity of government. In homogeneity of culture are political and civil strength. " There is no future for a stratified civilization " ; hence the need for every possible local agency for the exchange and circulation of the maturest and most saving experience. It is of less importance even that much intelligence exist than that the data of intelligence shall under wise direction be brought within easy reach of all. It is a law of life not less sociological than biological that vigor and fruitfulness are promoted by adaptation and correspondence among the parts. Personal culture and special knowledge, and individual in- vention and local intelligence, must somehow be worked down into communities, crystallized into form, talked about around hearthstones, shaped into customs, and so erected into institutions. And to this end, born of the need and fed by the spirit of local self-interest, have sprung up more or less general, less or more formally organized societies. They are variously named, and even more diverse in constitution and aim ; but, taken as a class, they are of greater importance as educational means than appears from a casual view. Under the guise of clubs for intellectual and social ad- vantage have been formed philosophical and scientific or- ganizations, less pretentious than the learned societies ; lit- erary bodies for the study of the masters ; and historical unions, with no official countenance from the large associa- tions, but gathering up into permanent records the delicate and far-reaching but fast-wasting threads of a rich local lif e. Then there is the modern reading circle, including societies for home study, correspondence schools, the Chautauqua, and Agassiz Associations, etc. These can not be regarded with indifference when it is considered that they enroll nearly SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 277 twice as many students as all the colleges of the United States combined, for both men and women, and as many as all the secondary institutions * taken together. A. SOCIAL CLUBS. The " Junto," of Philadelphia, was one of the earliest social clubs whose history is left us, and more or less closely the model of this class. It was a "club for mutual improve- ment," and enrolled Franklin and his few thoughtful ac- quaintances. It had weekly meetings, and was called by Franklin the best school of philosophy, morality, and politics then (1727) existing in the province. About the same time was a similar organization at New Haven, under the lead of Bishop Berkeley; another in Charleston, South Carolina. In the Revolutionary period there were many of them. The last half of the nineteenth century has no monopoly of this means of culture, but in every generation it has been a natural outgrowth of thoughtful intercourse. Contemporary clubs cover every possible field of inquiry, from theology and metaphysical speculation to politics and agriculture, and concern every city, besides many of the large and smaller towns. Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Cincinnati, and New York, have been forward in encourag- ing the former. The Cincinnati " Literary Club " has been in existence since 1849, and been honored with the member- ship of such men as A. R. Spofford, the founder, Justice Stanley Matthews, T. Buchanan Read, Salmon P. Chase, Oliver P. Morton, George B. McClellan, ex-President R. B. Hayes, J. J. Piatt, and others. The membership is limited to one hundred. Among numerous other clubs in the same city, the "Unity Club," the "Historical Society," and the " Cuvier Club " are deservedly prominent. The Philosophical Club of St. Louis is particularly wor- thy of note as the center of one of the most pronounced * These include high-schools, academies, and seminaries, college pre- paratories, and normal schools. 278 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. philosophical movements of this country. It was formed in 1862, under the influence of ex-Governor Brockmeyer, of Missouri, and Dr. William T. Harris, who drew about them a coterie of men and women interested in and intelligently alive to the problems that have attracted the philosophic minds of all the ages. In the atmosphere of its influence was begun (1867) and is yet published the "Journal of Speculative Philosophy," edited by Dr. Harris, and which, for profundity of learning and for comprehensiveness of philosophical discussion has not its equal in this country. The Concord School of Philosophy is itself * an organized club, with annual meetings, at which Dr. Harris, Julia Ward Howe, Dr. Hiram K. Jones, F. B. Sanborn, Rev. C. A. Bartol, and, in their time, Emerson and Alcott, have elaborated their philosophies. Its first session was held in the summer of 1879, with a programme of lectures and con- versations that covered five weeks. In addition to some unrelated courses of lectures, incident to the association of teachers of more or less diverse views, one season each has been devoted to Goethe, Emerson, and Aristotle, and re- peated and comprehensive courses upon Plato and Hegel and their philosophical implications. Milwaukee has, for some years, maintained a society of like general aims, though of less formal and permanent organization. Indi- anapolis, for nearly twenty years, has had among the resi- dents of one quarter of the city a " College Corner Club," spending three years at one time upon Shakespeare, and nearly as much upon Browning, besides studies in Goethe, and other literatures and philosophies. It is estimated that there are over one hundred Browning clubs in the United States, and others for the consideration of special philoso- phies, histories of particular periods or events, or for definite scientific investigation. In Jacksonville (Illinois), as a cen- ter, was formed a philosophical club called " The Akademe," which enrolled members from all parts of the country. It * Sec " International Review," vol. ix, p. 459. SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 279 held regular monthly sessions, and for several years pub- lished its proceedings (including papers read) in a monthly journal. Dr. H. K. Jones, a distinguished Platonist, was the founder of the movement. Of a less general and more technical character were the discussions of the " Round Table," maintained years ago in the West among the city school superintendents of St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, De- troit, Dayton, and two or three other cities, than which no single influence, perhaps, did more to rationalize and unify and perfect the organization and instruction of Western school systems. The Michigan " Schoolmasters' Club " and one of the same name in Boston (1881) represent the con- temporary high-class teachers' society, and the highest au- thority upon questions of education and civilization. B. THE "OLD SOl'TIl" MOVEMENT. Of a different kind, but eminently helpful, are the his- torical lecture courses that, in ten years, have been formed after the manner of those of the " Old South Church," Boston. During the winter of 1878-79, Miss Alice Baker gave to the young people of the city a series of talks on "Early American Times," and the year following, Prof. Fiske a course of lectures on the "Discovery and Colonization of America." Out of these two have developed the successive annual courses since 1883. These lectures are for young people, not for children ; are historical, and designed to pro- mote studies in American history among the youth of Bos- ton. At each lecture are distributed " Old South Leaflets," generally a republication of matter pertinent to the topic dis- cussed. Historical courses of the same kind are maintained at Indianapolis (1885), Madison, Wisconsin (1886), Chicago and Bloomington, Illinois, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and perhaps elsewhere. C. BEADING CIRCLES. The idea of the organized reading circle providing as- sistance and encouragement for home study seems to have 280 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. been brought to this country from London about fifteen years ago. There was doubtless similar co-operation long before, but it was chiefly local and occasional, with results correspondingly individual. In fifteen years the impulse has become a force involving the concert of communities, and looks to an immediate general good. In this sense the institution is modern. (1.) General Organizations. Miss Anna E. Ticknor, of Boston, learning of the English society, invited the co-operation of some friends in the or- ganization of extra-school study in New England, which effort resulted (1873) in the " Society to encourage Studies at Home." The purpose, as then formulated and still held, is " to induce among ladies the habit of devoting some part of every day to study of a systematic and thorough kind." Instruction is entirely by correspondence, and is given in six departments History, Science, Art, Literature, German, and French representing twenty-four subjects ; of which history, science, and English are most prominent among courses taken. The staff of six, having in charge the forty- five readers of the first year, has been enlarged to one hun- dred and ninety-one correspondents, with over five hundred members. These represent thirty-seven States and one Ter- ritory, and all classes and conditions of society. A very im- portant factor in carrying on the work of the society is the "Lending Library." Members may, if they choose, borrow from the society their books, paying carriage one way and one half cent a day for their use. The privilege is used by about two thirds of the membership. Similar to the last in aim and organization, though of more recent date, is the " Society for Home Culture," started in Philadelphia in 1880, by members of the Society of Friends. Instruction is given in Grecian and Roman history, church and mediaeval history, modern European history, American history, English history, travels and descriptions of nations, physical geography, geology and mineralogy, botany, as- SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 281 tronomy, literature and language, political science, and edu- cation. The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, instituted in the summer of 1878, prescribed a definite course of read- ing and study covering the principal subjects of a college curriculum, though " omitting of necessity the thorough drill in mathematics and the languages." The peculiar Chau- tauqua idea is the plan of simultaneous study by all classes the work of each year being complete in itself. In addition to the regular course of four years, are special courses in Eoman history and literature, English history and liter- ature, astronomy, political science, microscopy, botany, chemistry, psychology, philology, art, temperance, missions, agriculture. The circle enrolls seventy-five thousand mem- bers from every State in the Union, from the Dominion of Canada, Alaska, the Sandwich Islands, Great Britain, several of the European states, India, Japan, South Africa, and the isles of the sea. The local club idea is admirably exemplified in the separate Chautauqua circles, of which there are many thousands. Besides these are the local unions, embracing the circles of a given section as the New England Chautauqua Association, the Northern Illi- nois Union, the United Circle of Philadelphia, the Brook- lyn Assembly, and the North Carolina Chautauqua. The C. L. S. C. (as it is known) is but part of a plan which, taking more definite shape, was organized (1883) into, and incorporated as, the " Chautauqua University." To the original function have been added the College of Liberal Arts and the School of Theology. Six courses are offered in the former, two each, leading to the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., and B. S. Similar in general scope and workings to the last is the " Correspondence University," organized the same year at Ithaca, New York. It has regularly sustained classes in physical science, languages (including Hebrew), philosophy, history and political science, and law. 282 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. (2.) Special Organizations. Out of these experiments developed the idea of providing special courses for particular classes. It was not entirely new, though the application was. The Mechanics' Insti- tutes and Libraries, and Apprentices' Societies of cities had been more or less common for a century. Very early, also, both East and West, especially in Pennsylvania and Ohio, were teachers' libraries, circulating, limited in books, and more restricted in variety, but designed to provide all the teachers of a neighborhood with a somewhat uniform course of reading. Later, the organizations noticed in the preced- ing section were doing something for teachers ; but the in- fluence was general and quite as serviceable to the clergy- man, the farmer, or the school-girl, as to the teacher. The Boston society was exclusive and had a limited membership, while others were specialized in subjects foreign to the pro- fession, and so were missed by the teacher. In the winter of 1883 Ohio organized a " State Reading Circle " for teachers, and published a suggestive list of books in literature, history, science, and pedagogy, with directions for reading and organizing into local circles. No course was prescribed, the multitude of books recommended left teach- ers, as before, in doubt as to what to read, and with little of joint action. Besides, it also suggested much of general culture, and little of professional. It soon came to be recog- nized, in Ohio and the neighboring States, that if the name and the idea have any significance, the " Teachers' Reading Circle " must be chiefly professional. There is much to be mustered : familiarity with professional literature, the his- toric systems and reformers of education, something of philosophical doctrine as a basis for one's theories, current systems and contemporary school interests, the constitution and functions of the child and the teacher, the State and society in which he finds his labor. This does not mean that one shall be less a man or woman, less cultured and scholarly, but more a teacher. SUPPLEMENTARY INSTITUTIONS. 283 Toward this idea Ohio had pioneered the way. With this thought before them, the year following teachers in Indiana organized a circle. It is a State institution, the con- trol vested in a board of nine members elected by the State Teachers' Association, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction being a member ex officio. It has a prescribed course of reading, after published outlines, with directions and bibliographical references, an official department in the "State School Journal," and a system of certificates and diplomas for completed work. The course extends over four years, and is made to include three lines of study, two of which are professional and one general culture. As a result of the four years of experiment in Indiana for it was an experiment the last year reported a membership of over seven thousand, with all the counties in the State represented, and enrolling in some counties every teacher. Reading circles now in some form are parts of half the State systems and they are found in many cities. The year following the movement in Indiana similar organizations were effected in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wis- consin, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Da- kota, Alabama, and North Carolina. Something has been done in Rhode Island, also in New York, Missouri, Pennsyl- vania, Maine, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Arkansas twenty-five States in all. The organizations, as might be supposed, vary greatly in plan, in management, in comprehensiveness and efficiency. Illinois reports 2,341 members in the first two years, and 738 who finished and passed upon the work prescribed. Two courses were main- tained an elementary course of two years and an advanced one of three. Similarly the Missouri organization, while contemplating a four years' course, makes the first two years complete in themselves and elementary. The New Jersey Circle opened in 1887 with flattering prospects, city and town teachers joining with those from rural districts, and the enrollment as to numbers being out of all proportion to the number of teachers in the State. Of the Rhode Island 284 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Circle the membership is coextensive with that of the State Institute of Instruction, and without further fees. The sub- jects offered are pedagogy, history, literature, language, geog- raphy, and science. The work is voluntary and elective. In Michigan the general course is three years, though the State Council offers additional subjects for advanced study. The " Chautauqua Teachers' Reading Union," organized in 1885, is part of the general Chautauqua plan, and so more national than State. It has nine courses of study, elective, and extending over three years. The " Teachers' National Reading Circle," instituted the year following, has a like organization and similar course. Two States Indiana and Illinois have projected " Chil- dren's Reading Circles," to suggest appropriate books and, working through local teachers, encourage the better selec- tion of books, and their more thoughtful reading by the young. The management otherwise is the same, and under the same board of control as is the "Teachers' Reading Circle." The Agassiz Association is an organization of several hundred local societies banded together for the elementary study of nature. Primarily for children and young people, its membership has come to include all who wish to do, or use it to induce others to do, original work in science. The parent society was that of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, organized in 1876, from which and under whose direction others have taken their plan and inspiration. The clubs number nearly one thousand, with fifteen thousand members, and are found in every State, Canada, England, and Japan. They study botany, entomology, geology, anatomy, physiology, etc. The official organ is "The Swiss Cross." Bibliography. " Sectarian vs. Public Schools," " The New-Englander," vol. vi, pp. 230, 299 ; " Defects in Political Institutions," Cardinal Gibbons, " North American Review," October, 1887; "The Proposed American Catholic University," " American Catholic Quarterly Review," April, 1885 ; " Peter LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 285 Cooper," " The Chautauquan," vol. iv, No. 7, p. 398 ; " On the Educa- tional Uses of Museums," "Proceedings of the New York University Convocation," 1887, p. 208; "How to spread Information," " National Educational Association," 188Y, p. 238; "The Chautauqua Movement," by J. H. Vincent, 1886; and "Expositions," in "Education," vol. vi, pp. 62, 178, 272; "History of the Agassiz Association," by H. H. Ballard, /'Science," vol. ix, p. 93. CHAPTER XVI. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 1. General Societies. "AN inventory of the means of general intelligence," said Horace Mann, " which did not include these institutions the lecture, mechanics' institutes, and scientific and gen- eral societies would justly he regarded as incomplete." Less formal in its organization but more spontaneous in its results than the school, the free association of students and investigators has led to some of the most valuable con- clusions of modern science. The individual bias corrected and the personal enthusiasm tempered by the combined judgment and diverse views of one's fellows, knowledge takes on the form of universality, and so becomes true sci- ence. This friction works out a revision which otherwise must come from the slow process of the unskilled criticism of the general public. The scientific academy has a field as definitely marked as the college or university, and has been described * as " the most potent agency which our civiliza- tion possesses for the discovery of truth." While the Smithsonian Institution combines in itself the two functions of increasing and diffusing knowledge, about * By President Oilman, "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society," vol. xviii (1880), p. 538. 19 28G THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. equally emphasizing both, " the prime function of the uni- versity is education, its secondary object research. The con- verse is true of the academy." This aims at investigation, experiment, observation, and only incidentally instructs. It looks to the enlargement of the field of knowledge, and yet the academy as an organization finds its chief service in the stimulation it affords the individual, the suggestion and criticism, the direction of thought and broadening of views. The association is the occasion only for a sharpening of insight and a multiplication of data whereby right com- parisons are possible. A. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. Such academies are, first, scientific, and find their type in the American Philosophical Society, established by Franklin and his companions in 1743. This, besides the American So- ciety of Philadelphia and the Berkeley Society of Newport, Rhode Island, fifteen years before, both of which were short- lived, was the only organization of the kind for half a cent- ury. * At the close of the century the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded (1799), and twelve years later the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and a simi- lar body in New York (1818). If, then, the Linnaean Society (1807) and half a dozen literary and semi-historical associa- tions be excepted, the development of the academy belongs to the last fifty years. This enlargement was a part of the new spirit of the period, which took shape in the American Ethnological Society (1842), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1848), and the American Geo- graphical Society, all typical of manifold new interests. So also may be named, not excluding others of equal merit per- * It is told (sec " Proceedings of Washington Biological Society," Feb- ruary 6, 1886) that, before the middle of the seventeenth century, Bishop Wilkins, of London, Mr. Boyle, and other scholars, purposed leaving Eng- land to establish in America a " scientific society " or community and or- ganization for research, hearing which Charles II provided for the estab- lishment of the " Eoyal Society " instead. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 287 haps, the American Philological and Modern Language Asso- ciations, the Oriental Society, the Archaeological Institute, the American Society of Microscopists, the Ornithologists' Union, etc., all of which, national in their field and so gen- eral, are yet special in their inquiry. Further, there are local organizations also for special re- search, as the science clubs, most State societies, the Tyndall Association, and, in certain colleges, seminaries of mathe- matics, engineering, the natural sciences, psychology, eco- nomics, or of particular phases of these. (1.) The American Philosophical Society. An account of the American Philosophical Society, the oldest of these organizations, and the type in form and con- duct of many, will suggest the constitution of most others. The society began with eight members besides the founder (Benjamin Franklin), including a physician, a botanist, a mathematician, a mechanician, a geographer, and a natural philosopher. It was chartered (1780) as the "American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting Useful Knowledge." For many years its work was done in the five sections : 1. Medicine and anatomy; 2. Natural his- tory and chemistry ; 3. Trade and commerce ; 4. Mechanics and architecture ; 5. Husbandry and American improve- ment. Put beside the better of the more recent societies, this seems very general and ill-defined. A section was added about 1790 on "history, moral science, and general litera- ture,"* and a few others later, specialized from the first. Franklin was for many years the society's secretary and the first president of the incorporated organization (1780-'90). At his death he was succeeded in office by David Rittenhouse, of whom Jefferson (himself a member for forty-six years) t * The genesis of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. t Mr. Jefferson was much interested in all scientific and philosophical questions. It is related of his horseback-ride to his inauguration as Presi- dent of the United States that he carried with him a saddle-bag of strange 288 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. said, " Genius, science, modesty, purity of morals, and sim- plicity of manners, marked him one of Nature's best samples of the perfection she can cover under the human form." The membership has included, besides those already named, men of such eminence as Benjamin Rush, A. D. Bache, Bertram the botanist, Alexander Hamilton, John Randolph, Benjamin Silliman, and Robert Fulton; and of foreign gentlemen, Priestley, Erasmus Darwin, Dr. Jenner, and Sir Humphry Davy seeming to justify the contempo- rary comment that the " Philosophical Society of Philadel- phia comprehended within itself whatever the American world had of distinction in philosophy and science in gen- eral." In its meetings were first discussed and revised many of the theories and discoveries in physics, chemistry, meteor- ology, and economics, which have played so large a part in modern science and progress. The orrery of Rittenhouse, the Delaware Canal, American silk-culture, the use of fertil- izers, and the revision and enlargement of the census, all took their impulse from its deliberations. (2.) The Boston Academy of Sciences. As representative of a comprehensive organization that of the Boston Academy of Sciences is presented. It consists of fellows and honorary members assigned to three classes, with the minor sections as follows : CLASS I. The mathematical and physical sciences : 1. Mathematics. 2. Practical astronomy and geodesy. 3. Physics and chemistry. 4. Technology and engineering. CLASS H. The natural and physiological sciences : 1. Geology, mineralogy, and the physics of the globe. fossils, whose description he had attempted, and concerning which he sought scientific authority. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 289 2. Botany. 3. Zoology and physiology. 4. Medicine and surgery. CLASS III. The moral and political sciences : 1. Philosophy and jurisprudence. 2. Philology and archaeology. 3. Political economy and history. 4. Literature and the fine arts. (3.) The Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Early in the century natural history had received a strong popular as well as scientific impulse in the publication of Wilson's "American Ornithology," and certain devel- opments in botany, under Dr. Muhlenberg and his school. The study of the general phenomena of life, in France and England, was claiming scientific attention, in which Ameri- cans participated. The Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences took its origin about 1812, with the versatile scien- tist Mr. Thomas Say and his companions, and, very early, under the prevailing scientific interest, became specialized toward biological investigations. This was in contrast with other societies, as appears from the organization. The eight sections comprise: 1. Biology and microscopy. 2. Conchology. 3. Entomology.* 4. Botany. 5. Mineralogy and geology. 6. Invertebrate paleontology. 7. Inverte- brate zoology. 8. Ethnology and archaeology. Its library is said to be one of the most complete and reliable collections of works upon natural history in the United States. B. TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETIES. The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, is representative of a large class of organizations whose function is to point out and enforce the applications of science to the industrial in- terests of society. It includes mechanics' institutes, dating from the last century; industrial associations of the more * This constitutes the American Entomological Society. 290 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. modern type, to which the public is largely indebted for a revival of handicraft training, the promotion of art, and the constructive habit, so important to an industrial people ; and the more formal trade and technological organizations. Of the latter are the "Society of Arts," of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the "Associates of Cooper Union." In a general way, also, the National Academy of Sciences, which was formed during the civil war, and which grew out of the exigencies of the period, has a like constitu- tion. (1.) Cooper Union. In the act of incorporation of Cooper Union it was pro- vided that the trustees of the corporation might associate with themselves such persons as they should see fit, whose united organization should be known as the " Society of the Associates of Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art." Its objects are stated to be " the encouragement of science, arts, manufactures, and commerce; the bestowal of rewards for such productions, inventions, and improvements as tend to the useful employment of the poor, the increase of trade, and the riches and honor of the country; for meri- torious works in the various departments of fine arts ; for discoveries, inventions, and improvements; and, generally, by lectures, papers, and discussions thereon, and other suit- able means, to assist in the advancement, development, and practical application of every department of science in con- nection with the arts, manufactures, and commerce of the country." Investigations are carried on in fourteen sections, comprising both technological and economic inquiries. (2.) Society of Arts. In conformity with the original plan of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, the Society of Arts was estab- lished in 1861. It looks to the advancement of the practical sciences in connection with arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. An idea of the society's function may be gathered from the following list of topics discussed in one LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 291 year (1886-'87) : " Steel for Warfare," " Railroad Engineering Education," " Incandescent Lighting," " Electric Welding," " Stellar Photography," " Evolution of the Modern Yacht," "The Freezing Process in Excavations," "Water-Power of the United States," " Bessemerizing of Copper," " Coal-Min- ing," " Sources of Business Profits," " Bail way-Tracks," " Au- tomatic Fire- Alarms," "Submarine Signals." C. HISTORICAL AND ECONOMIC SOCIETIES. Of a different character are the general historical associa- tions for the collection and preservation of records, eminent biographies, State and administrative papers, and whatever adds permanence and completeness to the traces of institu- tional life. The Massachusetts Historical Society (1791) is the parent of all this large class. Among other active organizations are the New England Historico-G-enealogical Society, the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society, the Pilgrim Society (Plymouth), the American Historical Association, of somewhat general inter- est, the Newport (Rhode Island) Historical Society, and the Albany Institute, in the East; the Maryland, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Missouri, and Southern (Virginia) Historical Societies, in the South; State pioneer associations in Cali- fornia, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and numerous his- torical societies throughout the West belonging to this class. Besides these, there are the more recent economic organiza- tions, represented in the American Social Science Associa- tion, the Institute of Civics, etc. Such organizations are to be found in every State and most of the Territories more than one hundred in all be- sides a number of others that, including more or less of philosophical and scientific inquiry, or connected with libra- ries and museums, have a similar character. D. SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. One of the most helpful services of these general societies of whatever aim is the publication of their proceedings and 292 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. contributions. In the aggregate they number perhaps three hundred to four hundred volumes. Unique among them is the " American Journal of Science," started in 1818 under Prof. Silliman, who did so much for science in the first half of the present century. It embraces the circle of the " physi- cal sciences, and their application to every useful purpose." Its one hundred and thirty-three volumes form a work of permanent value as exhibiting the progress of American science in the century. The ''Journal of the Philadelphia Academy of Science," which is one year older, admitting to its pages "only that which is new, or is thought to be so," in natural history, has for sixty years had a wide circulation both in Europe and America, and has been pronounced "absolutely indispensable to every American naturalist." The published documents of the Massachusetts Historical Society number forty-four volumes, include the Winthrop and Sewall and Belknap papers, and are of more than local importance. Together with like collections by other colo- nies, they have been the (original) sources of most of the early historical literature of this country. The " Plymouth Colony Records " comprise ten volumes, and those of Massa- chusetts and Rhode Island, the " New Hampshire Provincial Papers," and the records of the town of Boston, aggregate fifty more. Broadhead's " Documents of the Colonial His- tory of New York," a similar set of papers in New Jersey, the publications of the New York Historical Society (com- piled by Mr. George Bancroft), including the noted "Lee Papers," and the archives of Maryland, have all been the work of either historical societies or of Legislatures and in- dividuals, at the suggestion of such bodies. Their labors are invaluable, not for the number of volumes they represent, but for the indispensable fund of historical information, town and church histories, political papers and correspond- ence, biographies, records and diaries, glimpses of the past, data for the comparative study of institutions and custom and progress. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 293 2. Libraries. When one considers that, exclusive of parish and Sun- day-school libraries, all private collections, and public and school libraries of less than three hundred volumes each, there are in the United States twenty million volumes, the magnitude of the library interest is apparent. And yet these millions of books, in more than five thousand libra- ries, have been gathered in a century and a half. A. COLONIAL BEGINNINGS. Though rich in the sources of suggestion and example, the colonial history is both short and of meager details. The earliest community-libraries were, doubtless, sug- gested by the occasional choice private libraries of public- spirited citizens. Of historic note among these were : 1. The Sharp Library of New York, which was presented to the town in 1700, and fifty years later became the nucleus of the New York Society Library. 2. The Logan Library of Phil- adelphia; a valuable collection of classical works, owned by a learned Quaker, who conveyed three thousand vol- umes to the village in 1745, with an endowment. 3. The Prince Library, the property of a pastor of the Old South Church, Boston. This was rich in the annals of New England ; and, after being held by the church a hun- dred years, was finally deposited with the Boston Public Library. It is not likely these were all. Among the colonists were scholarly men. But, at any time before the Revolution, libraries must have been small, for their collection was both difficult and expensive. In 1723 there was but one printer in New York, and two only in Philadelphia. Practically all books were brought from England. It is not strange, then, that in the first one hundred and fifty years from the founding of Jamestown, the country had barely six libra- ries, besides what might be found in the colleges. It is esti- mated that there were in the colonies, all told, in 1775, about 294 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. forty-three thousand volumes, forty-five per cent of which were in the colleges. The most fruitful collections of this period were the social or subscription libraries. The oldest of these was that in Philadelphia, which Franklin said was the " mother of all North American subscription libraries." It had its sugges- tion in the " Junto," * a reading and debating club of Frank- lin and his companions, and was started in 1732. The selec- tion was chiefly of reference-books, though they circulated among " subscribing members." t Of theological works and controversial, it is said the library had none ; something of polite literature, and much of science, travels, the mechanic arts, and philosophy. The same general character is still preserved, while it has been much enriched by certain rare collections, newspaper files (one set continuous from 1791), pamphlets of the Eevolution, etc. The society has now one thousand members and one hundred and fifty thousand vol- umes. Next to this, both in time and influence, is the Redwood Library, of Newport, Rhode Island (1747). It had large donations before the middle of the century, and was the recipient of substantial favors from the English bishop, George Berkeley. This gentleman was both philosopher and theologian. Coming to America (1729), his scholarly tastes I early made him the center of the culture and learn- ing of Rhode Island and Connecticut colonies noted for their learning and refinement. A society for literary and philosophical intercourse was founded the next year. Aspir- ing to the possession of a library, its members contributed a -* The basis of the American Philosophical Society, perhaps, started ten years later. t Mr. James Parton's "Triumphs of Enterprise " contains (p. 177) a very readable and trustworthy chapter on the " Rise of Circulating Libra- ries." J " So much understanding, so much knowledge, so much innocence, and such humility, I did not think had been the fashion of any but angels till I saw this gentleman." ATTERBUP.Y. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 295 few books, and in 1747, through the generosity of Abraham Redwood, the library was established, said to have been one of the choicest collections on theology, history, and the arts and sciences of its day. Scholars came to it "from the Carolinas and the West Indies, from New York, and even from Boston," * to replenish their stores of knowledge. It is still flourishing, with nearly thirty thousand volumes in the library, extensive galleries of painting and sculpture, and a liberal yearly income. About the same time, and probably inspired by the New- port and Philadelphia ventures, a number of young men in South Carolina associated themselves for mutual improve- ment ; a library was formed, which, though destroyed dur- ing the Revolution, became, in organization, the nucleus of the present Public Library of Charleston. The present New York Society Library was incorporated (1754) as the " City Library," and was chartered under its present name just before the Revolution. In half a cent- ury from 1800 it had increased from six thousand to forty thousand volumes, has now more than twice as many, and ranks as one of the earliest and most successful loan-libraries in the country. It contains rare editions, valuable news- paper files, and is withal the " library of the old Knicker- bocker families of New York city." One other library deserves mention in this connection, as indicating the intelligence and general refinement which might then be found in not a few New England communi- ties. The " Social Library " of Salem, Massachusetts, was a club organization (1760), limited in its membership, and phil- osophical. Its books were few, but well chosen, numbering, fifty years afterward, but eight hundred volumes; though including the memoirs of the French Academy, the Royal Society transactions from the beginning, and the memoirs of the Berlin Academy, besides philosophical works of indi- * Stockwell's " History of Public Education in Rhode Island," p. 269. 296 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. viduals and the publications of contemporary literary insti- tutions. I). RECENT LIBRARIES. Between the Revolution and the second war with Eng- land, little more was done in improving libraries than other educational agencies. But the period since has shown inter- esting developments. New agencies for increasing knowl- edge were devised ; new means of spreading it. School and church, government and trade, social interests and estab- lished forms were put to the test out of the ordeal emerged, if not new institutions, vastly modified and improved old ones. Within this period, besides those named, have started the Mercantile, Mechanics', and Apprentices' Libraries; en- dowed and public libraries; school and free town libraries; most of those in colleges and professional institutions ; State and national libraries. The aggregate is enormous, and constitutes one of the most available of educational agen- cies. (1.) Mercantile Libraries. The first of these, as the principal libraries of the colonial period, are supported by subscription, but differ from those already noted in belonging generally to or taking their mem- bers from a guild or class. Three such were established in the year 1820 the Boston and the New York Mercantile, and the New York Apprentices' Library. The Philadelphia Mer- cantile was founded a year later. After the example of the English society, mechanics' institutes were formed in this country, which frequently took advantage of the library in- terest to hold their members together ; but no large collec- tions resulted. The two oldest of these mercantile library institutions are also representative of two distinct types of control. Most of them are principally for merchants' clerks or me- chanics, and, as in Boston, are managed by them. In New York, on the contrary, the Clinton Hall Association of the LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 297 City of New York is an organization of prominent mer- chants, who own the building and " hold in trust and manage all property, real and personal, for the benefit of the libra- ry." The officers of the library control their own affairs, financial and administrative, as a distinct organization, hav- ing free rent, and holding the books equally open to mem- bers of both associations. The institution has two hundred and twenty-five thousand volumes, nine thousand members, its own bindery, property to the value of half a milion, and ranks fifth in size in the United States. Of the same class is the St. Louis Mercantile Library (seventy-five thousand vol- umes). The Brooklyn organization is pecular in that, while a class institution in name and control, it is free to all on equal terms. It has ninety thousand volumes ; San Fran- cisco sixty thousand, and Philadelphia as many as both. This last is famous for the large bibliographical department numbering five thousand volumes. There are thirty-five li- braries belonging to this class, and as many more that, while social in their organization, are somewhat more literary, and go by the name of young men's associations, athenaeums, etc. Of the former is the Young Men's Association Library at Albany, New York, founded in 1833. The Boston Athe- naeum is a unique institution. Primarily devoted to its read- ing-room, it has a library of one hundred and fifty thousand volumes. It is proprietary, owning real estate, library, and fine-art collections, and invested funds to the amount of a quarter of a million of dollars. (2.) Public Libraries. The Public Library in Boston " sprang," says Mr. Henry Barnard, " from a feeling on the part of its most thoughtful and judicious citizens that the system of public education, so liberally provided for the young, might be and should be extended to those of more mature age." The sentiment took form in 1847, when Mayor Quincy offered to give to the city $5,000 in order to initiate a library, provided $10,000 should be otherwise raised for the same purpose. The gift was ac- 298 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. ccpted, and a legislative act secured authorizing its establish- ment. In fifteen years it numbered nearly one hundred thousand volumes. Besides cash donations from Mr. Joshua Bates ($100,000) and others, it has received some valuable gifts of books. The famous mathematical collection of Prof. Bowditch was presented by his sons. Theodore Parker be- queathed to it his own scholarly library of over eleven thou- sand volumes. Mr. George Ticknor donated seven thousand volumes of ancient classics, Spanish and Portuguese. It re- ceived, also, the Prince Library from the Old South Church, and the Boston Shakespeare Collection. It comprises four hundred and fifty thousand volumes, and is, next to the Library of Congress, the largest in the United States. The Cincinnati Public Library, of one hundred and fifty thou- sand volumes, and the Public Library of Chicago, nearly as large, are both public (free) and tax-supported. (3.) Endowed Libraries. The endowed librai-ies of the United States either found- ed or maintained, or both, by private benefaction form a large class. Among the oldest and most widely known of these are the Astor and Lenox Libraries of New York, the Case Library of Cleveland, Ohio, the Peabody Libraries in Baltimore, Maryland, and Danvers and Peabody, Massachu- setts, and the Sutro Library, San Francisco, California. John Jacob Astor, of New York, died March 29, 1848. One codicil to his will said : " Desiring to render a public benefit to the city of New York and to contribute to the ad- vancement of useful knowledge and the general good of society, I do, by this codicil, appoint $400,000 out of my residuary estate to the establishment of a public library in the city of New York." Eleven trustees were appointed, whose first president was Washington Irving. The institu- tion was opened (1854) with eighty thousand volumes, se- lected wholly for reference, a character which the library still retains. It has since received from the Astor family (three generations) two large and well-equipped buildings LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 299 and $300,000 in cash donations and bequests. The library is a general, not special one, but with history constituting about one fourth of the whole (two hundred and twenty-five thou- sand volumes). It has a permanent invested fund of $775,- 000. Of the same general character, both as to organization and books, is the Peabody Library, Baltimore, established in 1857. It has approximately one hundred thousand volumes, free to any one within the building. The proposed New- berry Library, Chicago, comes of the half part of an estate left to the city, in a residuary bequest, by Walter L. New- berry in 1868. The trustees have just come into possession of $2,149,200, out of which are to be furnished buildings and a reference library similar to the last. (4.) School District Libraries. It has been generally said that libraries supported by public funds began in England (1850). But the State of New York, fifteen years before, had a working law for pro- viding and supporting free-school libraries throughout the State. Three years afterward, $55,000 a year was ordered turned from the general school fund for their mainte- nance, on condition that the districts raise an equal sum. Within fifteen years they numbered a million and a half of volumes. These were to do for the rural districts of the Empire State what Boston meant to do for the city con- tribute to out-of-school improvement. The limit of their efficiency was soon reached. In 1860 only seven hundred thousand volumes were reported, notwithstanding more than a million dollars had been expended in their support. Following New York, Michigan (1837) authorized the establishment of township libraries, and Massachusetts im- mediately after. Connecticut passed a similar law in 1839, Rhode Island in 1840, and Iowa the same year, while yet a Territory. Indiana's first law was enacted in 1841, but supplemented eleven years after, by ordering a tax of one fourth of a mill on each dollar, and twenty-five cents on each 300 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. poll, to be levied for two years, and the proceeds applied to the purchase of books for the school districts. Within three years half a million volumes had been distributed. Ohio made substantially the same provisions in 1848, and Wis- consin also, whose legislation Mr. Barnard pronounced " al- together in advance, in its practical bearings and complete- ness, of anything then attempted." Of twenty States which, prior to 1875, had made some attempt to provide books for the school districts, eleven had sent out more than three million volumes. In a general way it may be said that, while they fell short of the expectations of their friends, these libraries yet served to prepare the way for the more recent town libraries that promise to be a needed and whole- some supplement to the common schools. (5.) Free Town Libraries. New Hampshire initiated the plan of town libraries main- tained by public tax, or municipal appropriation (1849), the amount of the grant in any case being left to the town. This was a year before the so-called Public Libraries Act of Eng- land. Previous to this, single communities in New Hamp- shire * had assumed the responsibility, and by public vote had established and by annual appropriation supported exactly similar libraries. Castine, Maine, had one in 1827, and the Bingham Library, at Salisbury, Connecticut, in 1803, ante- dated the State law by sixty-six years. Such instances were not unknown even in the West, though they came later, and were generally given private aid. The State Library law of Massachusetts (1851) grew out of an attempt to establish a library at Wayland, in that State, a few years before. New Bedford first organized un- der this law a library that has now fifty thousand volumes. Maine, Vermont, Ohio, Wisconsin, Connecticut, Indiana, and Iowa had all made similar enactments before 1870 ; perhaps a dozen others have done so since. * Peterborough had then had a free public library for fourteen years. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 3Q1 (6.) Professional Libraries. Another class, far less numerous, and more special, are those belonging to the professions law, medicine, and the- ology. Of the last, there is but one not connected with seminaries or theological departments. This is the General Theological Library of Boston, founded in 1860 by members of different denominations, "looking toward Christian union by first promoting a better understanding among the sects." Alto- gether the United States has seventy-six theological libraries, including both independent seminary and department libra- ries, with an aggregate of eight hundred thousand volumes. Of the function of medical libraries, it has been asserted : * " Few persons have any adequate idea of the amount of med- ical literature in existence, or its proper and true value. The result is that the same ground is traversed over and over again ; cases are reported as unique and inexplicable which, when compared with accounts of others buried in obscure periodicals, or collections of observations, fall into their proper places, and both receive and give explanation." The medical library is indispensable to the practitioner or student who would know his profession ; and yet, for the most part, the collections are very insignificant. Of the two hundred and fifty or three hundred thousand volumes in the United States, the three cities "Washington, New York, and Philadelphia contain four fifths ; one third of the one hundred and twenty-six schools reporting none. The col- lection in the last city is regarded as valuable, though that in the Surgeon-General's office, at Washington, is incom- parably superior, not only to all others in that city, but, in numbers and character, outranking any other in this coun- try. It contains eighty thousand volumes. To the bar, the need of well-stocked libraries of the pro- fession becomes daily more urgent. The rapid multiplica- * Dr. Billings, "Public Libraries of the United States," p. 171. 20 302 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. tion of reports complicates incalculably the practice of the profession. It is estimated that, including the judicial re- ports of the English, Irish, Scotch, and American courts, standard treatises and digests and the statute laws of these countries, " a fairly complete library would embrace, approx- imately, seventy-five hundred volumes, and cost not less than fifty thousand dollars. The principal center for this class of literature is New York, with its eighty-two thousand volumes. Boston has fifty thousand, and San Francisco forty thousand. The Bar Association Library of Washing- ton the only one in the city catalogues but five thousand volumes ; though it is supplemented by a vast collection of books more or less closely bearing upon the profession, and a large number, the most valuable of all, in the Government departments, estimated at two hundred thousand volumes. Of the forty-five law schools, fourteen report no libraries. Harvard (1817) has twenty -two thousand volumes, particu- larly full in Roman jurisprudence and the commercial law of Continental Europe. That of Yale, formed later, is much smaller (nine thousand volumes), but fairly complete in English and American reports and international law. The earliest collection seems to have been that of the Philadel- phia Law Association (1802), though the Social Law Library of Boston is nearly as old. Besides these, two Courts of Appeals in New York, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and Harvard, possessed the only ones prior to 1825. (7.) State Libraries. Supplementary to collections of law books proper are sev- eral State libraries, which because of their character very naturally follow them. There are forty-seven of these in the several States and Territories, having nearly a million volumes. They include public documents of every kind local and national, legislative, judicial, and administrative. Some of them were formed very early, though perhaps none before the Revolution. There was one in Philadelphia in 1777, others in New Jersey and New Hampshire twenty LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 303 years later, and similar ones in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, and Indiana, all before 1825. (8.) Government Libraries. Government Libraries are of two kinds : 1. The Congres- sional Library ; 2. The department libraries. While the seat of the national Government was at Phila- delphia, officials used the local City Library. Immediately upon the removal to Washington (1800), Congress appro- priated five thousand dollars to be expended in the purchase of books " for the use of the two Houses of Congress and the members thereof." Two years later an annual appropriation was ordered and permanent regulations adopted. It was provided that the library should be open freely to the Presi- dent, heads of departments, judges and attaches of the courts, members and officers of the two Houses, the diplomatic corps, and, later, to the Secretary and Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution. The library grew slowly, having twelve years after (1814) but three thousand books, which in the one day's occupation of the city by the British were entirely destroyed by fire. The year following, Jefferson's private library was pur- chased. A generation later (1851) a second fire destroyed two thirds of the collection, including works on English and European history, the arts, sciences, literature, and voyages, leaving but twenty thousand volumes. Then was erected an iron finished building. In eight years the library had added fifty thousand volumes, and was receiving an annual appropriation of ten thousand dollars. In 1866 it was given the Smithsonian deposit, and the next year the Peter Force Library of " Colonization and History of the United States," numbering sixty thousand volumes. The enactment of the copyright law (1870), requiring the deposit of two copies of each published work, makes about twelve thousand entries annually. The books now number nearly six hundred thou- sand, besides two hundred thousand pamphlets, and are open in the room to all who choose to use them. 304 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Besides the Congressional Library, most of the depart- ments have special collections, some of which are very com- plete and valuable. In addition to those indicated in the table there are libraries at each military post and garrison, at army headquarters, at the National Soldiers' Homes, and on naval and merchant vessels, aggregating two hundred thousand volumes. Government Department Libraries. DEPARTMENTS. Volumes. Character. 1. State 23,000 15,000 20,000 100,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 30,000 15,000 20,000 Diplomatic history, economics, voyages ; 1,000 volumes Eng- lish newspapers. A complete set of state papers. Legislative and executive. Scientific works and journals. Large pedagogical collection. Best technological library in the United States. Very complete in agricultural science and reports of agricult- ural and scientific societies in Europe and America. o Treasury 4. House 5. Executive Mansion 6. Coast Survey 7 War 8 Military Academy 9 Naval Observatory 10. Naval Academy 1 1 . Bureau of Education 12 Patent-Office 13. Judiciary 14. Agriculture (9.) College Libraries. Among the most important of all the classes named is the college library. It was also one of the earliest. John Harvard's private collection started the first one simultane- ously with the first college. Among the first donations to Virginia education were books and maps for the "college." Yale had a like beginning ; and yet in a different sense the modern college library is important. It is both less and more valued ; less a general possession, more as a special in- strument. It is not now always the first step in the found- ing of colleges. Forty existing institutions report none. LEARNED SOCIETIES AND LIBRARIES. 305 The total catalogue of three hundred and six libraries is something over three million volumes. Twenty-four insti- tutions, only, report more than twenty-five thousand vol- umes each ; nine have sixty thousand or more. A good college library is a thing of growth. But four of these twenty-four larger ones were started since 1860 : Lehigh (1866), Cornell (1868), University of California (1869), and Johns Hopkins (1876). This is one of the characteristics of the contemporary library : it is coming to be adapted in kind and conditions to the use to be made of it. It is made a laboratory, a work- shop. To the student it becomes the starting-point for re- search, the source of adjustments and verifications of knowl- edge. It is indispensable in the study of history and lan- guage, but scarcely less to the student of science who would avoid the needless repetition of observations and established conclusions. Much use of books by associated departments tends to set off the mass of books into special libraries, each with a particular character. So a university will have its general library, society libraries, and professional libraries. It may have, further, its mathematical references or biologi- cal or psycho-physical ; its historical and philosophical ; ap- pliances made constantly available for special studies; not so many catalogued volumes, but trusted authorities. This is true of all the eight or ten largest collections. Not that they are kept in separate buildings or under independent management ; indeed, they are not generally so controlled. But, with the greater independence of departments and the larger option among courses and the narrowing of special- ties, comes the need for a more systematic use of technical authorities and references and an adapted literature. With such interpretation the library is no longer a place in which to lounge, but an instrument to be used; and so around well -managed libraries have grown up seminaries for special inquiry, and societies, and a contributing litera- ture, and subject alcoves, of great variety and of yet great- er service. 306 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Another device for making the library more generally available and useful is the classified subject index. Not a few small libraries of well-chosen books are made doubly serviceable through the use of catalogues so arranged as to place within easy reach their material. Next in importance to the free use of books is the very extensive utilization of magazine, newspaper, and other current literature as sources of information bearing upon studies. Judiciously selected pamphlet collections are of incalculable value. The geo- graphical and educational and economic bureaus of the Johns Hopkins University illustrate this function. Most colleges sustain reading-rooms of substantial literature, also brought by index into the regular current of the library service. Columbia has ten thousand pamphlets, Cornell fif- teen thousand, Michigan as many, Yale forty thousand, and Harvard two hundred and seventy thousand. So important are the management and use of these col- lections considered in the best colleges, that in more than one institution they have come to be subjects of study. The Columbia College " School of Library Economy " (1883) is a well-organized enterprise that in a more or less complete way is being tried at Johns Hopkins University, Cornell, Harvard, Michigan, and elsewhere, both East and West. Rochester University, New York, has given annual lectures on the founding, control, and development of libraries since 1880. At Columbia the faculty of the School of Library Economy consists of nine instructors, including the di- rector and twenty to thirty special non-resident lecturers annually. The course includes lectures and observations on : 1. Library economy. 2. The scope and usefulness of libraries. 3. The founding and extension of libraries. 4. Buildings. 5. Government and service. 6. Regulations for readers. 7. Administration, catalogue, references, loan, etc. THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 307 8. Libraries on special subjects. 9. General libraries. 10. Libraries of special countries or sections. 11. Reading and aids. 12. Literary methods. 13. Bibliography. 14. Catalogues of general collections. Bibliography. " The Literary Influence of Academies," by M. Arnold ; " Learned Societies," by J. Farrar, " North American Review," vol. viii, p. 157; Warren and Clark, " Public Libraries in the United States," 1876 ; " Col- lege Libraries as Aids to Instruction," published by the Bureau of Edu- cation ; "Free Public Libraries," T. Greenwood, 1886; "Libraries and Schools," by S. S. Green, 1883 ; " Libraries and Readers," by W. E. Fos- ter, 1883; " District School Libraries," Horace Mann, Lecture VI; also " Relation of Libraries to General Education," Horace Mann, " Third Re- port," 1839. Of incalculable value is the " Library Journal," edited by M. Dewey, New York. CHAPTER XVII. THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. THE modern representative Government, like the contem- porary Church, is an organized protest against the dominance of unreasoning authority, from whatever source. Neverthe- less, the national Government in this country has had a large share in the control and direction of educational thought and institutions. It has created and repeatedly enlarged school funds, first and directly, by appropriations of land, to the common schools, academies, and universities ; and indirectly, through the surplus revenue deposit, and the three per cent of public land sales. It is officially charged with the education of the Indians and Alaskans ; provides generously for military and 308 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. naval education, both in the two national institutions and in established colleges and universities in the States; furnishes homes and instruction to many hundred soldiers' orphans, and has with rare wisdom contributed millions to the school- ing of the impoverished South. The true spirit of republi- canism has never opposed any centralization that looked to the greater general good. And to the service of the Govern- ment in the particulars named, must be added another chap- ter treating of the National Bureau of Education, the Smith- sonian Institution, and the general scientific work carried on through its departments. 1. TJie Bureau of Education. Pinckney, of South Carolina, Madison, of Virginia, Mor- ris, of New York, the wise Jefferson, and a half-dozen other contemporary statesmen, advocated the establishment of a national university, " for the advancement of useful knowl- edge, and the promotion of agriculture, commerce, trades, and manufactures." The idea, in some form, has since come up in almost every administration. In his message to the two Houses of Congress in 1790, Washington's often-quoted words were full of wisdom and rare foresight. " Knowledge," he says, " is hi every country the surest basis of public happiness. In one in which the measures of government receive their impressions so imme- diately as hi ours, from the sense of the community, it is proportionally essential. . . . Whether this will be best pro- moted," he continued, ''by affording aid to seminaries of learning already established, by the institution of a national university, or by any other expedients, will be well worthy a place in the deliberations of the Legislature." Six years later he urged immediate attention to the improvement of agriculture as a fundamental concern in this country, and recommended "the creation of a national central agency, charged with collecting and diffusing information, and en- abled by premiums and small pecuniary aids to encourage and assist a spirit of discovery and improvement." Twenty THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 3Q9 years after the address just quoted, M. Julian, a Frenchman, urged upon his Government the comprehensive and com- parative study of educational questions through a national establishment, whose duty it should be " to collect the mate- rial for a general report on the scholastic institutions and on methods of instruction in the different European states." The need for such an agency in this country early at- tracted the attention of educators. The teachers of Essex County, Massachusetts, in association 1849, voted to petition Congess to established a " bureau in the home department for promoting public education." Fifteen years later, at the sixth meeting of the National Educational Association, a paper was read and discussed on the subject of a " National Bureau of Education," for the establishment of which the intelligence and interest of the country were pledged. The year following, Bishop Fraser, after emphasizing the impor- tance of a more general supervision, commended the grow- ing sentiment in the States in favor of a central agency. In 1866 the attention of the National Educational Association was turned toward the subject in a practical way. At the first meeting of the Section of School Superintendents, held in Washington that year, a committee, of which State School Commissioner E. E. White, of Ohio, was chairman, was ap- pointed to memorialize Congress on the establishment of such a bureau. This memorial was presented in the House of Representatives, in June of the same year, by Hon. James A. Garfield, in a speech which is rich in the history of the educational sentiment of this country. After some unim- portant modifications the bill passed both Houses, and on the 16th of March, 1867, Hon. Henry Barnard was appointed first "United States Commissioner of Education." Originally created a Department, it was two years later made a Bureau of the Interior, as it remains. Mr. Barnard held the office but three years, and was succeeded by Hon. John Eaton, who resigned in 1886. The present commis- sioner is Hon. N. H. R. Dawson. The function of the bureau is : 1. To collect such statistics and facts as shall show the 310 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. condition and progress of education in the several States and territories ; and, 2. To diffuse such information respecting the organization and management of schools and school sys- tems, and methods of teaching, as shall aid the people of the United States in the establishment and maintenance of effi- cient school systems, and otherwise promote the cause of education throughout the country. A. BUREAU PUBLICATIONS. The office issues an annual report, and publishes occa- sional circulars of information, besides carrying on an ex- tensive correspondence in both hemispheres. Its nineteen reports make a valuable statement of a most interesting period of our educational history. They completely cover the quarter of a century since the war, and shed a flood of light upon the saving influences of a right training of youth. Among the sixty or seventy circulars are included discus- sions of American and foreign systems; elementary, sec- ondary, and collegiate instruction, and various phases of them ; industrial, physical, and art training ; Kindergar- ten and normal schools ; school architecture, expositions, and legislation ; besides methods in particular branches of the curriculum. Its special reports on " Medical Education," " Public Libraries," " Education and Labor," and " Education and Crime," the "Theory of American Education," and "City School Systems of the United States," would be of incalculable service if studied by every teacher. B. PEDAGOGICAL LIBRARY. In the prosecution of its official duties there has been collected an educational library, in size and richness unsur- passed in this country. It contains eighteen thousand vol- umes and about fifty thousand pamphlets. It is full in more or less disconnected and diffuse but original material for the history of American education. This includes State and city reports, American and foreign educational journals, catalogues and special publications of colleges and other THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 31 1 educational bodies, scientific periodicals and papers, besides a large collection of American text-books and foreign school documents. C. PEDAGOGICAL MUSEUM. In addition to the library and supplementing it, the bureau has the beginnings of an admirable educational museum. It consists of clay and other models of primitive and civilized industry ; art-work from city schools ; globes, maps, charts, herbaria, school cabinets, portraits and busts of educators ; Kindergarten and industrial exhibits, besides specimens of apparatus and furniture. 2. The Smithsonian Institution. About this institution cluster some of the most grateful recollections and the most cherished hopes of science. Its history is a record of enviable service. In the year 1829 there died in Genoa an Englishman, James Smithson. He had spent his life in travel and study. Devoted to science, and a man of leisure, he became an in- vestigator and author. In an authorized biography of him is given a list of twenty papers published by him, mono- graphs chiefly, on scientific subjects, showing not only a comprehensive interest and knowledge, but a familiarity with the latest achievements of science. He was educated at Oxford, and was a member of the Eoyal Society. He re- mained unmarried, never visited the United States, and, so far as known, in political sympathies was undemocratic. He belonged to the English aristocracy, and to the house of Percy made famous by Scott and Shakespeare.* A. THE SMITHSON BEQUEST. Notwithstanding his English citizenship and his undemo- cratic instincts, upon his death the United States Government was made by provisional bequest the trustee of his large es- * "Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections," vol. xvii, pp. 151, 152. 312 TIIE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. tate. The property was to go to his nephew; but, if he should die without heirs, should be committed to the United States (save a small annuity) " to found at Washington, un- der the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establish- ment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." Upon the death of this relative, Henry James Hun- gerford (1835), the United States Government was informed from London of the conditions of the bequest, and the Hon. Richard Rush dispatched to receive it. The net amount was five hundred and eight thousand three hundred and eighteen dollars, to which were afterward added some small sums, making in the aggregate about five hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars. B. PLANS PROPOSED. Much doubt existed as to the original design of the testa- tor, and yet more as to the means to be employed. It took Congress nine years to decide upon its disposition. The one condition, to provide " for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men," is very general. The impression almost uniformly present at fi>st was that Mr. Smithson meant to bestow his fortune upon the cause of education, and that a school or college or university was the only mode of meeting the condition. So it was argued that this should be one of a number of colleges toward the crea- tion of a national university, the possession of which had been the hope of statesmen and scholars from the times of Washington and Jefferson. Others would have the annual income used to maintain a cabinet of natural history, a mu- seum, or a general accumulating library. Indeed, this last had the strongest minority support from Rufus Choate and others. It was suggested that the money be made a primary school fund for the city of Washington or for infant and Sunday school encouragement throughout the United States, or that it be applied to geographical or other explorations. One party (to the credit of our representatives a small one) proposed to refund the money to James Smithson's brother, his proper heir, on the ground that the United States could THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 313 not legally become a trustee for individual benefactors. It is needless to say the better judgments prevailed. The trust had been accepted, and its right use was a sacred obligation. It was early agreed by the committee to whom the whole question was referred, and of which John Quincy Adams was chairman, that " no part of the fund should be applied to the education of children or youth nor to the establish- ment or support of any school, college, or university, insti- tute of education, nor ecclesiastical establishment." It was then proposed that there should be founded an institution for physical research, contributing to agriculture, war, engineer- ing, architecture, mining, commerce, and manufactures. John Quincy Adams pleaded for a great astronomical obser- vatory rivaling those of Greenwich and Paris ; Mr. Tappan for an institution after the plan of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The best educated sentiment was converging upon an agency of physical or general research ; that a part or all of the proceeds of the fund should be appropriated "to a system of annual awards " for original contributions to sci- ence and the useful arts, scientific collections, the publica- tion of scientific communications, and provisions for lectures. The very approach to the final organization in its delibera- tion, and the all-sided regard for ultimate efficiency, are pro- phetic of the conservative and comprehensive service of the subsequent management. C. THE ORGANIZATION. The formal act establishing the institution passed hi 1847, the corporation being made to consist of the President, Vice- President, members of the Cabinet, the Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court, the Commissioner of Patents, the Mayor of Washington, and such other persons as these may elect to honorary membership. The immediate supervision rests with a Board of Regents composed of the Vice-President and Chief-Justice, the Mayor of Washington, three senators, three representatives, and six other persons, two of whom shall be residents of Washington, D. C., and four from the 314 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. States, no two from any one. From the Board of Regents one is chosen to be Chancellor, and by them a local execu- tive officer called "secretary." The plan of internal organization as submitted by Prof. Joseph Henry, first secretary, and as finally adopted, in- cluded the following provisions : Toward the increase of knowledge 1. Such systematic encouragement should be given as would stimulate to original research by rewards for scientific memoirs ; 2. An annual appropriation of money should be made sufficient to generously compensate physical research. Further, looking to the diffusion of knowledge, there should be published : 1. Regular reports on the prog- ress of different branches of knowledge ; 2. Occasionally, as may be advisable, separate and less formal treatises on subjects of general interest. More specifically the organiza- tion was made to include : 1. A museum ; 2. A chemical laboratory; 3. A library; 4. A gallery of art; 5. Lecture- rooms. The botanical collection was, after some years, trans- ferred to the Agricultural Department, and to the Army Medical Museum certain articles of professional interest. The library early acquired a valuable and, for this country, a rare collection of books, including philosophical and scientific transactions of learned societies throughout the world. These were finally turned over to the Congressional Library (1866), where are annually deposited copies of its exchanges, and publications of whatever kind. Carrying out the spirit of the original design to co-operate with exist- ing societies and institutions as far as possible the accumu- lations of the Art Gallery were deposited with the Corcoran Aii Exhibit, in Washington ; and, upon rebuilding in 1865, after the fire, by which both buildings and records were destroyed, it was decided to discontinue the regular lect- ures. There remains, then, the simple and single function of carrying forward, on a liberal scale, systematic physical research, and the publication to the world of its verified conclusions. It has been from the founding, and remains, THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 315 the policy of the regents and the secretary to do no work of investigation or collection or diffusion of knowledge, that is being done, or can be as well undertaken, by existing agencies. Extensive researches have been made in the broad field of ethnology, in the much-worked but promising one of astronomy, besides the more common fields of science and meteorology ; most of the last, however, being recently transferred to the Signal-Service Bureau. D. PUBLICATIONS. The publications of the institution are of three kinds : 1. Contributions to knowledge. 2. Miscellaneous collections. 3. Annual reports. Of the first there have been about one hundred and fifty volumes, in which appear only memoirs, records of extensive original investigation and researches resulting in what are believed to be new truths, and to con- stitute positive additions to the sum of human knowledge. The miscellaneous collections comprise a series begun in 1862, to present reports on the current state of our knowl- edge on particular branches of science ; instructions for col- lecting and digesting facts ; lists and synopses of species in the organic and inorganic worlds ; museum catalogues ; re- ports of explorations ; aids to bibliographical investigations, etc. Of these there are something more than a hundred vol- umes ; and of the annual reports thirty-eight. Besides these there are the occasional bulletins of the National Museum, and reports of special bureaus ; the latter including ethno- logical studies of great value. E. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. Not the least important part of the Smithsonian organi- zation is the ''National Museum." In the original act of establishment (1846) it was provided that " all objects of art, and of foreign and curious research, and all objects of natu- ral history, plants, and geological and mineralogical speci- mens, belonging or hereafter to belong to the United States, 316 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. which may be in Washington, and such like collections made by the Coast and Interior Surveys, or by any other parties for the Government of the United States, shall be deposited in the rooms provided by the Smithsonian Institu- tion." This large accumulation of materials, besides being a record of past investigations, and affording a stimulus to and opportunity for research, is an educational agency of the most comprehensive reach. The materials are arranged in five divisions : I. Anthropology, with three departments. II. Zoology, with ten departments. III. Botany, in two departments. IV. Geology, in three departments. V. Exploration and Experiment, in four departments. Every precaution is taken to make its resources service- able to their intelligent use. Persons not officers of the institution may obtain access to the collection, for purposes of study, by filing an application, which must be indorsed by the director. It has been described as " the best record of original research and investigation ever made in this country." Altogether, it may be said, no institution in this country has more perfectly accomplished its object, and none con- tributed more generously to either the increase or the diffu- sion of knowledge, than the Smithsonian Institution. Its studies of the antiquities of America, and the encouragement given to such studies by others, have more than justified its establishment and recognition by Government. 3. Special Scientific Work. A. THE COAST SURVEY. Among the earliest departments, and, at that time, in an undeveloped country, the most important, as it is to-day per- haps the best matured of any in the comprehensive system of scientific work by the General Government, is that of the THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 317 United States Coast Survey. Its inauguration marks an epoch in the growth of a national spirit. It dignified na- tional interests and influence. The enterprise was established under President Jefferson (1807), and was designed primarily to furnish accurate maps of the coast ; to determine positions for, and establish nauti- cal and other signals ; to determine and mark the course and conditions of shore-currents, tides, and prevailing winds, and whatever should contribute to the safety and efficiency of domestic and foreign commerce in our ports. The survey was put in charge of the Secretary of the Treasury, and work ordered after plans submitted by Prof. Hassler, a Swiss resident in this country, and who was made superintendent. Operations were begun on the New Jersey coast in 1816. The commission being transferred almost immediately, how- ever, to the army and navy, the work was checked. It was revived in 1832, and Mr. Hassler reappointed superintend- ent. At his death (1844) he was succeeded by Prof. A. D. Bache, with whom the present system may be said to have commenced. For twenty years he was center and compass of the greatest single educational and scientific enterprise the Government has ever undertaken. Under his direction both Pacific and Atlantic coast lines were cut into sections, each with its own base-line ; and the survey set about making a systematic exploration and map of the entire shore. Trian- gulation frequently reached far inland, and through subse- quent years has covered adjacent States in a way to form the basis of their topographical surveys thus rendering a double service. About the year 1870 the province of the sur- vey was enlarged by Congress, and the triangulation carried farther inland, with a view of covering the intervening sec- tion, " so as to form a geodetic connection" between the east- ern and western coasts, determining points in each State of the Union for needed local, geological, and topographical surveys. In addition to the immediate service it was meant to ren- der the location of the coast-line, the mapping of harbors 21 318 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. and other inlets, and the location of danger-signals it has made numerous valuable hydrographic and magnetic ob- servations ; carried on deep-sea soundings and dredgings ; studied minutely, and for years, the tides from nine hundred stations ; mapped the Gulf Stream ; perfected determinations of latitude and longitude ; contributed data for calculating the measurements and curvature of the earth, and corrected variations of the magnetic needle. How much has been ac- complished in all these respects, or in each, and how emi- nently serviceable have been the conclusions both to eco- nomics and to abstract science, can not easily be overstated ; its contributions to the " general welfare " give it a promi- nent place in the functions of the national Government. It has been pronounced by Mr. J. D. Whitney " the only great scientific work in this country, which has been uninterrupt- edly carried on for any considerable time ; and one of the few things done under the authority of the General Govern- ment hi which every American citizen can take pride." B. GEOGRAPHICAL S0RTEYS. The Department of the Interior early made surveys and explorations in the unoccupied territory of the Great West. At the opening of the present century much of the territory lying between the Mississippi and the Pacific was a wild region. Till the second quarter of the century the Utah Basin was unknown, and far into the third quarter much of Nevada and adjoining parts. To map its domain was one of the first needs of the Government toward its settle- ment. Very early, therefore, geographical exploring parties had been sent into the more accessible of the little known parts. Lewis and Clark made then: memorable expedition along the upper Missouri and the Columbia in the three years from 1804 to 1806. Major Pike, a year later, explored the source of the Rio Grande. Major Long mapped the Platte River in 1820, and Lieutenant Allen the head- waters of the Mississippi twelve years later. About the same time Captain THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 319 Bonneville, on leave of absence from the army, at his own cost, and for love of science, went into the Great Basin region, and, though he has rarely been noticed in its history, dis- covered and described Salt Lake. Nicollet, under Govern- ment, again, explored and surveyed Minnesota; and Fre- mont, in that fruitful transcontinental tour to the Pacific, gave his country (1843-1847), besides new views of the Platte and the Utah Basin, the now magnificent California. Then came the gold discovery of 1849, and the Pacific Railroad survey of 1852-'57 ; the fixing of the Northwestern boundary line, and resurveys and mapping of the larger Western riv- ers ; and the only really great geographical survey of the century in the United States that of the fortieth parallel begun in the year 1867, by Clarence King, under the direc- tion of the War Department. This survey covered a belt one hundred miles wide from north to south, and along the line of the Central Pacific Railway, from the western boundary of Nevada to the east- ern base of the Rocky Mountains. Its work covered seven years, and furnished material for the most accurate informa- tion then had, not only of the topography, but of the geologi- cal and biological conditions as well, of the entire section. The published report comprises six large volumes, with nu- merous elaborate illustrations. These volumes are : I. Systematic Geology. II. Descriptive Geology. III. The Mining Industry. IV. Paleontology and Ornithology. V. Botany. VI. Microscopic Petrography. C. GEOLOGICAL 8UBVEYS. Many years before any such interest was shown by Gov- ernment, more or less systematic attempts were made by States or individuals to effect local geological surveys. About the time of the organization of the Coast Survey, Mr. William 320 THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. McClure macle a painstaking examination of the Appalachian chain and the Piedmont region, together with the adjacent States and Territories. He continued his observations for several years, and into the West, visited the mining centers of Europe and America, and gave withal a permanent direc- tion to geological study in the United States. Amos Eaton, also, under the generous patronage of Stephen Van Rensse- laer, surveyed the regions about Albany, New York, and the route of the Erie Canal. Resulting, no doubt, from these exhibitions of local interest, and suggested by the geograph- ical explorations then making, fifteen years later (1834) a national survey was undertaken, in the appointment of G. W. Featherstonhaugh, an Englishman, to examine geologi- cally the Arkansas Territory ; he became, therefore, the first " United States Geologist." David Dale Owen was employed to explore and survey public mineral lands in the upper Mississippi Valley, an expedition which revealed a rich lead supply, as a few years later from two other surveys were made known the resources of copper. The systematic study of the Rocky Mountains began, under Dr. F. V. Hayden, in the year 1853, along with the paleontological investigations of Mr. F. B. Meek. Fifteen years later Dr. Hayden was appointed United States geolo- gist, and given charge of a scientific corps for the survey of the Territories. In the mean time, however, the researches begun by him were the commencement of the real geological investigation of the Great West. Besides his geographical and geological researches, he made large contributions also to the ethnography and philology of the numerous Indian tribes which he met along the Yellowstone and in neighbor- ing regions. In 1879 this and the previous commission were combined into the " United States Geological and Geographi- cal Survey," in which the two forces co-operate under one management. The work of Mr. J. W. Powell, present director of the survey, began twenty years ago in an exploration of the Colorado River, which was repeated the next year. In 1869 THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 321 he was employed by the department to make an extended tour and study of that region, which he did in its geology, botany, zoology, and ethnology, publishing the results in 1878 in five large and valuable volumes. The survey is or- ganized under eleven departments, comprising general gla- cial and volcanic geology, archaean geology of the Appa- lachian and Lake Superior regions, structural and historical geology of the Appalachian region, topographical* and geological survey of Yellowstone Park, paleontology in five sections, chemical and physical laboratories, microscopical lithography, and economic geology. D. THE SIGNAL SERVICE. Since the survey of the fortieth parallel the most impor- tant service of the Bureau of Engineers has been in the establishment and maintenance of the "Signal Service." This term originally meant still means in militant govern- ments and in the United States in war-times an organized system of transmitting reports and messages between officers and the army or between posts of an army. It has come to signify, in this period of our national peace, a system of communicating intelligence of storms or other approaching weather changes by flags or other device. The bureau has five hundred stations within the territory of the United States, twenty-five in Canada, three hundred and thirty-three foreign stations, and five hundred and sixty-three naval and merchant marine vessels, with all of which it co-operates in collecting simultaneous meteorological observations and publishing information. In addition to the familiar but little understood weather predictions, which, contrary to popular belief, constitute but a part of its service, the bureau's studies include the nature * For an interesting presentation of the changed meaning of " topogra- phy" see "Science," September 23, 1887. The issue of the same journal also, for July 29, 1887, has an elaborate statement of the work of the party in perfecting a new map of the United States from these surveys. 322 TnE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. and conditions of earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, etc. ; it con- structs charts, sailing directions, and light lists for uses in navigation, and is coming to be recognized as one of the serviceable scientific bureaus of Government. From the central office tri-daily reports are made of weather, wind- direction, and temperature to the New York Associated Press, to the United States Associated Press, to two telegraph com- panies, to nine individual papers, and to the Secretary of War. E. NAVAL EXPEDITIONS. In the effort to add to scientific knowledge the United States navy has been an active agent. Its expeditions have been numerous and fruitful. Under its authority the Ant- arctic was explored by Wilkes in 1835-'42, and the Arctic by Kane and Hall in the years 1854 and 1872 respectively. Rodgers visited the Pacific in 1852, and Captain Lynch, Africa and the Dead Sea four years earlier. The Amazon was explored about the same period, and shortly afterward Mordecai went to the Crimea. In 1854 was made Captain Perry's historic voyage to Japan, which did so much toward opening up that country to Western influence. The Howgate Expedition to the North in 1877-78, and the recent Greely cruise of three years in the same region, are well known. T. THE NATIONAL OBSERVATORY. A service more in the line of pure science, if not of greater immediate economic utility, has been rendered in the establishment and continued generous use of the Na- tional Observatory at Washington. Its organization was authorized (1842) as a "depot of charts and instruments for the navy." * It is located at Washington, with a branch observatory on Mare Island for the Pacific coast. Among its instruments are mural and * It is said that the repugnance of the dominant political party to sat- isfying the long-cherished desire of John Quincy Adams, prevented its being called at once the National Observatory. THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 323 transit circles ; meridian transit, and prime verticals ; and two (a nine-inch and a twenty-six-inch) equatorial telescopes. Its prime object was and remains the improvement of navi- gation. For fixing boundaries, and determining the latitude and longitude of cities it co-operates with the Coast Survey ; and for the position of points abroad, with the navy. From its chronometers, time-balls are dropped at noon in Phila- delphia, Baltimore, New York, New Orleans, Washington, Hampton Roads, Savannah, and Newport, Rhode Island. It has a very complete library of twelve thousand volumes. Connected with the observatory is the Nautical Almanac Division, which publishes the " American Ephemeris," the "American Nautical Almanac," the "Atlantic Coasters' Nautical Almanac," and the " Pacific Coasters' Nautical Almanac." G. THE BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. Skill in farming and related industries, and familiarity with the principles which underlie them, are obviously fun- damental in the United States. Washington has already been quoted as urging Government attention and encour- agement to these interests. Recognition has been given in the establishment of a Bureau of Agriculture in the Department of the Interior (1862), and though its services have been both numerous and widespread, and at times exceedingly fruitful, it is per- haps of all departments of the Government least understood and most depreciated. The act creating it declares its func- tions to be, " to acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture, in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word, and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds." It has twelve special- ized departments, besides an extensive museum and library. The former are : 1. Pomological Section. 2. Contagious Diseases of Animals. 3. Fertilization. 4. Entomology. 5. Seeds. 6. Forestry. 7. Chemistry. 8. Ornithology. 9. Plant Diseases. 10. Satistics. 11. Microscopy. 12. Animal Industry. THE PERIOD OF REORGANIZATION. Besides a botanic or propagating garden at Washington, its organization includes two experiment farms, one main- tained in the South, and the other in the West. 4- Special Publications. Besides these organized services contributed by the na- tional Government to the enlargement of the sphere of nat- ural science, and the general diffusion of its beneficent uses, there are certain incidental and secondary ones, though not the less positive in their educational bearings. This larger service is shown first in the abundant litera- ture of the departments, the annual and special reports, and the particular and general histories of their respective duties. The decisions of the Supreme Court, for example, number one hundred and twenty volumes and form the standards of law and equity for the bars of the entire country ; and the special reports of the Interior Department on the Indians, railroads, public lands, and labor, constitute a fund of valu- able information. When Audubon's " Birds of America " was ready to publish, the magnitude of the undertaking, both in expense and execution, must have exceeded the pos- sibilities of ordinary means ; but the generosity of Astor, and the aid of the Department of State, gave the public one of the rarest works, and immortalized American science. Serv- iceable in a different way have been the publications by this department of reports on the three great expositions Paris in 1867 and 1878, and Vienna in 1873. In the publication of Wheaton's "International Law," also, the office rendered timely aid. The decennial census has been shown by Dr. Harris to be full of the most significant educational informa- tion to every locality. Three years before the first census, a volume was published containing information on foreign countries; in 1820 another on "Home Industries." The treasury reports on commerce and navigation were made , the same year. The first inquiries on education were made in the sixth census (1840), whose answers contributed to the general educational awakening of the period. THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION. 325 The anthropological studies also made by Surgeon Bax- ter, among* civil- war recruits, deserve mention as among the most careful and comprehensive of the kind made in this or any other country. The " Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion," in six volumes, and the gen- eral "Official History of the Civil War," in one hundred volumes, will furnish an authoritative statement of the oc- currences of an eventful period. It is safe to say that the Government itself, from the administrative side alone, is one of the greatest educational forces of the country. Bibliography. " The United States Bureau of Education Answers to Inquiries about its Work and History," 1883 ; " Origin and History of the Smith- sonian Institution," W. J. Rhees ; concerning the Smithsonian bequest and the final organization of the institution, much valuable material is con- tained in the memoirs of John Quincy Adams, edited by C. F. Adams. " Organization of the Scientific Work of Government," by J. W. Powell, 1885 ; " Government Geological Surveys," " Nature," vol. xii, p. 265 ; also " North American Review," vol. cxxi, p. 270 ; the " United States Coast Survey," " American Journal of Science," vols. xlix, Iv, lix, Ixii, and Ixxv ; " What has the Coast Survey done for Science ? " " Science," December, 1885, p. 558 ; " Catalogue of Government Publications," by Ben. Perley Poore ; and " What has been done for Education by the Gov- ernment of the United States," John Eaton, " Education," vol. iv, p. 276. PART POIJR CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. CHAPTER XVHI. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. ON the plane of the State, enforced attendance is an attempt to make good citizenship certain, by making educa- tion universal. It is not a modern device, though it has its recent applications and new conditions. In its most un- yielding and narrow sense, it was authorized and enforced among the Hebrews by Joshua. Under Solon, the Athe- nians were enjoined to reach every child ; and, " with the Spartans," says Mitford, " attendance upon the schools was made every man's concern." * Among more recent nations, German states had made experiment of compulsory legislation as early as 1732; Ba- varia in 1802. The cantons of Switzerland, always forward in promoting the general welfare, have had like provisions for more than half a century, and Denmark since 1814.f The German system was introduced into Greece twenty years after, and into Sweden in 1842. Norway, since 18G9, has required even that pupils from private schools attend the public examinations; and, if found deficient, enter the pub- lic schools. England authorizes local boards to require the * " History of Greece," vol. i, p. 286. t Attempted as early as 1793, but IneflectuaUy. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. 327 attendance of children between six and thirteen years of age. Following the example of England, Scotland almost immediately revised the " Parochial and Burgh School Act " of 1869, and, while still retaining school fees, inserted a com- pulsory clause, providing that no child under thirteen may be employed in any labor, except it be shown that he has attended school at least three years, from five to thirteen, and is able to read and write. In more recent years the same principle has been tried with greater or less success in Italy, Japan, France, and other European and Oriental countries. So much has been given of foreign educational legisla- tion to afford a kind of setting for the numerous recent attempts in the United States to make really general partici- pation hi the benefits of a free education. It will be seen that the problem is an old one ; most of the applications are both recent and Western ; the whole exceedingly complicated by the diffusion of authority, which characterizes our republi- can institutions. Yet how much simpler is the question in a new community, among a homogeneous people, without fixed institutions and with a high notion of learning and the regenerations of culture, may be seen in the prevalent sentiments of New England under the first administrations. The Massachusetts law of 1647, and the Connecticut code of 1650, were, both theoretically and practically, coercive, and efficiently administered. They early recognized and formulated the now common sentiment that the perma- nence of a representative government also demands an education coextensive with its sovereignty; that universal suffrage is meaningless if not wedded to universal educa- tion. That the public school is the only agency for securing such citizenship has been sometimes questioned; that it is the most available means is generally accepted. The steps toward compulsory education have been taken, more or fewer of them, in most States. In the older sections the legalizing of free schools by au- thorizing localities to tax themselves for the common school- 328 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. ing was thought to be and was a great advance on the casual instruction which had prevailed. It was an admission of the supremacy of the common need. Still, the law was only permissive. Schools might be established and they might not. Such a statute was on the books in Rhode Island for twenty years, leaving no trace of its existence other than the system in Providence. It was simply inoperative. The history of Pennsylvania is similar, and that of most States South prior to 1870. The more recent provisions of State Constitutions (since 1820), especially those in the Northwest, are mandatory upon school officials, formulating the system, appointing the administration, fixing a minimum time, and regulating the tax, but not at the same time always equally constraining upon children and parents. Massachusetts requires that in every town there must be kept at the public expense a sufficient number of schools, and for a minimum time, for the instruction of all the chil- dren who may legally attend. Michigan, Minnesota, Ore- gon, and other States have somewhat similar provisions. Nineteen States name a minimum school term, in some uni- form throughout the State, elsewhere varying with the den- sity of the population. The average required term in these States is nearly four months and a half. Nine of them * withdraw from delinquent communities any sharing in the State school fund. Four States have enacted truant laws, upon the principle that, by establishing separate schools for the offending or truant or disturbing class and enforcing their attendance, that of the majority would be satisfactory. The like general results also have been sought in the effort to accommodate the public, to make attendance easy. Schools and school surroundings have been made both more attractive and more safe. They have been multiplied and so brought to each man's home. Tasks have been modified * Colorado, Kentucky, Mississippi, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Arizona, In Michigan the offending party is prosecuted as for any other violation of law. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. 329 and courses revised to fit the general want. Industrial prac- tice and the principles underlying it have been introduced into the better secondary schools, and an immediate value thus set upon their training. The ultimate object of all these is the same as that of, and justifies, compulsory attendance laws. Though considered only as devices, these indirect efforts have accomplished something. Attendance grows more regular. Terms have been lengthened (something more than a month since 1880). Teachers have improved. Nevertheless, thousands remain away from, while within easy reach of, the best schools. In populous districts, and especially manufacturing cen- ters where it has been found profitable, child labor has robbed the school to replenish the family purse. To meet this injustice, factory laws and the like restrictive enact- ments have been passed, most of which have an educational aspect. New Hampshire and Rhode Island make it unlaw- ful for any child under ten years of age to be employed in any manufacturing industry. In Pennsylvania children under thirteen are excluded from silk, cotton, paper, and other specified factories and from the mines. Eight States * prohibit the employment of children under a designated age in any industry except upon evidence of recent prescribed schooling, the Pennsylvania law (a typical one) providing that no child from thirteen to sixteen may be employed more than nine calendar months in a year, nor except after twelve weeks of schooling. This, again, is only a negative compulsion, and, as a means of securing a more general use of the schools, ranks with their multiplication and bettering, the improvement of teachers, and the revision and rational- izing of the school course. By one class of men it is urged that such indirect control is the only legitimate republican management. To others, positive enactments, the fixing of * Connecticut, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. 330 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. a minimum attendance, as well as a minimum term, pre- sents itself as a possible means. With a conservatism born of the masses, the States have been slow to enact, and the administration slower to enforce, the more coercive laws. A large and not unwholesome laissez-faire is implicit in our State and local life. But, when it shall be found that conditions of danger no longer right themselves, or involve more dangerous delay, it is safe to confide in the certainty that an organized public will take them vigorously in hand. Upon the part of no small num- ber of thinking tradesmen and educators, legislators and patrons, the time seems impending when the State, as a means to universal education, and so a means to public safety, should make the acceptance of that education obliga- tory. Seventeen States have such statutory provisions. Massa- chusetts, in the act of 1852, required that every child between the ages of eight and fourteen years should attend school for twelve weeks each year, six of which must be consecu- tive. 'A penalty was imposed for violation, and twenty years later the term lengthened. South Carolina passed a similar law in 1868, and Connecticut and New Hampshire immedi- ately after ; New York in 1874, and California, Kansas, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont, the same year ; Maine and Wisconsin (1875), Michigan and Nevada (1879), Ohio (1880), Dakota (1882), Montana and Washington Territories (1883), and Illinois (1885). Justice compels the admission that, as it stands on most statute-books, the law is at best inefficient, if not unmeaning. Its execution is irregular, half-hearted, or ignored ; the duty of its enforcement is often indefinitely placed, while the law not unfrequently carries no penalty for its infraction, either by officers or patrons. Bibliography. On compulsory education and allied topics consult " Social Science," G. L. Harrison, 1877 ; "Dynamic Sociology," L. F. Ward, 1883; "Social THE GRADATION OF SCHOOLS. 331 Statics," Herbert Spencer, 1865; "Higher Ground," Augustus Jacobson, 1888 ; " Relation of Education to Crime in New England," Rev. A. S. Fiske ; " Compulsory Education in Relation to Crime and Social Morals," Dr. W. T. Harris; "Compulsory Education," C. E. Norton, "Nation," vol. v, p. 191. CHAPTER XIX. THE GRADATION OF SCHOOLS. VIEWED from the side of organization, the acme of wise supervision is the working adjustment of each part of the system to its antecedent and subsequent stages a process termed grading. Given the various attainments of pupils on the one side, and the logical or economic sequence of sub- jects on the other, gradation results in the co-ordination of the two into classes with their appropriate work. The classi- fication may be more or less conventional, and the nomen- clature wholly so though, historically, the terms in use have a fairly definite content. The names "high-school," 'grammar-school," "elementary," "primary," "intermedi- ate," and "secondary," at first descriptive only, have been more or less specialized into terms of individual significance. From the standpoint of the college, "elementary" and " secondary " name two successive stages in the educational preparation for college studies ; the " high-school " is one of the secondary agencies. As part of a city system, on the contrary, assuming the primary and higher grades, the high- school is the culmination only. 1. Primary Schools. Prior to about 1818, speaking generally, the only public schools were the so-called "grammar-schools." They were in reality schools of mixed grades, with a comprehensive course of elementary and secondary instruction, often fitting for college, but to which children were not admitted except 332 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. they had " learned in some other school, or in some other way to read the English language by spelling the same." The " other way " was the private or dame school, or home the only means of primary instruction for many years. The first low-grade school in New York city was opened in 1828, by the " Infant School Society." Four years later it was" assisted by public tax, and ultimately became a part of the common system. In most other communities its adop- tion came later. In the West, of course, it came in with the organization of States, and the original enactments of school laws. That it was not at first regarded as an essential part of the public-school system appears in that, both in and out of New England, for many years, it was as is the modern Kindergarten managed independently of other schools : in Boston, until 1854.* Moreover, it appears that among the earliest infant-schools were the Sunday classes among poor children, who were brought together for instruction. These were only semi-religious at most, and on the instructional side, in some towns, grew into the public primary school. Notwithstanding its occasional exotic origin, it is now a part of every public-school system, whether rural or urban. In cities it includes about one half of all the pupils doing elementary work, commands the best preparation and ex- perience of teachers, and most patient temper ; and is, with- al, peculiarly characteristic of the contemporary common school. 2. The Kindergarten. As another phase of child education belonging to the re- cent period is the Kindergarten. It is a recognition of the importance of a rational nurture of the young. The system originated with Friedrich Froebel. He was the embodiment of its idea. With all its changes, it remains essentially his discovery. The first Kin dergarten was that opened by Froebel * " Annals of the Primary Schools in Boston," by J. Wightman, is a representative sketch, and very sufr^estive of improvements in primary in- struction, covering a period of nearly forty years. THE GRADATION OF SCHOOLS. 333 himself at Blankenburg, in Thuringia, barely half a century ago. After ten years, by invitation of royal patronage, he removed into Liebenthal, where, connected with his school, he began the training of young women as Kindergarten teachers. Froebel dying in 1852, the cause of infant educa- tion was enthusiastically espoused and generously promoted by the Baroness Marenholtz-Biilow. Her zeal and intelli- gence interested all Europe. She became the Kindergarten apostle of the Continent. France, Italy, and England adopted it. It was introduced into this country by pupils of Froebel himself, and his immediate European successors. Mr. Carl Schurz came to the United States in 1852. Three years after- ward he settled in Watertown, Wisconsin, where his wife " herself an adept in the theory, and expert in practice, by attending con amore Froebel's own lectures and Kinder- garten in Hamburg " * founded among the Germans a Kin- dergarten. Through Mrs. Schurz, Miss Peabody became ac- quainted (1859) with the Kindergarten idea, studied it from every available source, and the year following, " without a knowledge of the details of Froebel's system," opened a school in Boston, which, with about fifty children, was main- tained for many years. During this period Miss Peabody published the "Kindergarten Guide," through which her school became known far and wide. Becoming convinced, in 1867, that she had not the full Froebel idea, she went to Europe to study the system for herself. "An hour," she says, "in the Hamburg Kinder- garten, opened her eyes." Upon her return to Boston she began anew her advocacy of the system. What Baroness Marenholtz-Biilow did for Europe, Miss Peabody has done for America. She was the earliest, as she has been one of the most persistent, advocates of its merits. Hers was the. first literature on the subject hers a pioneer labor. * For this item, as for others here and there in this paragraph, the author gratefully acknowledges indebtedness to Miss Elizabeth Peabody. 22 334: CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. In the mean time some attempts had been made by Ger- man-speaking communities in Hoboken (1861) and New York (1864) to introduce the Kindergarten ; but it met with little success for a time, although the two schools named are yet in existence. About 1870 Mrs. Kriege and her daughter the latter a graduate of the training-school of Baroness Maren- holtz - Billow opened in Boston the first true Kindergarten. The school still continues. A year later a Kindergarten was attached to a private school in New York city, and Miss Boelte (now Mrs. Kraus-Boelte) made director. Miss Boelte was a graduate of the Froebel Training School, maintained by the widow of the founder. In this New York school Miss Susan E. Blow, of St. Louis, was a pupil. Upon her gradu- ation, she returned home to introduce the system into the public schools of St. Louis.* Dr. W. T. Harris, Superintend- ent of the St. Louis Schools, had urged it for three years ; and in 1873 Miss Blow offered " to undertake gratuitously the instruction of one teacher appointed by the board, and to supervise and manage a Kindergarten, provided the board would furnish the rooms and a salaried teacher." The offer was accepted, and the first school opened ; the year follow- ing, three others. During the centennial year, thirty such classes were reported, and in the school year 1879- 1 80 the entire number enrolled in the St. Louis free public Kinder- gartens was 7,828. Such were the beginnings in Boston, New York, and St. Louis initiative centers. Outside these cities into others, large and small, the interest was communicated, and schools established. A half-dozen enthusiastic, sensible teachers * Miss Blow was already well trained in the theory of the Kindergarten, and more or less familiar with the practical details of its management. She had made, the year before the arrival of Miss Boelte, the offer to supervise a Kindergarten and instruct one teacher gratuitously, provided that the board would furnish rooms and pay the salary of the pupil-teacher, but postponed beginning her work for a year, in order to avail herself of the advantage of another year's study of the system in the excellent Kindergar- ten of Miss Boelte. EDITOR. THE GRADATION OF SCHOOLS. 335 had found place in American education for a new influence ; had erected a new institution the public, free infant-school ; had introduced it into fifteen cities, in one hundred and thirty classes, and over four thousand pupils. In the five years, from 1874 to 1878, ninety-three new Kindergartens were established. Since the centennial year, the number of schools has more than doubled, with five times as many pupils. The first "Kindergartens in the United States were private, and patronized chiefly by the well-to-do families able to pay a tuition. Soon were undertaken schools for the poor and the uncared-for charity Kindergartens, that have done so much to put best influences and refined standards within the reach of the waif and the neglected. Later came public Kindergartens. Of the first class are the Model Kindergarten, of San Francisco ; the Garfield Kindergarten, at Washington ; the La Porte Kindergarten, at La Porte, Indiana ; and the Kraus Model Kindergarten, New York city. Among the largest of charity Kindergarten enterprises are, or have been, those of San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, and the Quincy Shaw Free Kindergartens of Boston and Cambridge. Besides, St. Louis, San Francisco, Washington (D. C.), Des Moines (Iowa), Portland (Maine), Boston, Worcester, Ionia (Michi- gan), New York city and Oswego (N. Y.), Columbus and Dayton (Ohio), Lancaster (Pennsylvania), Austin (Texas), and Janesville and Milwaukee (Wisconsin), support one or more public Kindergartens. Boston has recently adopted the Quincy Shaw Kindergartens, which will hereafter be supported as part of the common-school system. In Phila- delphia,* of the forty schools, nine are private, four are char- ity, and eight public ; of the other nineteen, there are com- bined private and charity classes, and sixteen under the management of the Sub-Primary-School Society, partly sus- tained by public funds. * They have just been made public in their adoption by the Public School Board. 336 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. Altogether, of the four hundred and seventeen schools, forty per cent are public, thirty per cent private, and tho others charity or mixed classes. These public Kindergartens represent sixteen States and twenty-five cities. Besides these, seven other cities contribute more or less of public money to Kindergarten instruction, and so are pledged to the idea. These, in the aggregate, represent a city population of four million, and a wide reach of country from Massachusetts to California. After the individuals named, much credit for its introduction is due to the voluntary societies that, in most cities, have espoused the cause of free Kindergartens. The Sub-Primary-School Society in Philadelphia, the Free Kindergarten Association of Chicago, and the half-dozen similar organizations in San Francisco, are examples of this co-operative spirit. Prof. Felix Adler and the Society of Ethical Culture in New York have made the Twenty-second Street Free Kindergarten a historic confirmation of the regenerative power of cleanliness and innocent play, and directed interests, and refined example, even among the lowest. The work of Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw (daughter of Prof. L. Agassiz), in Boston, was a remarkable charity. In 1877 she started four schools among the poor at her own expense. The year following she opened fourteen more. All were among the laboring and poorer classes, all free, and all an individual charity. The work extended to Cambridge, and included about thirty schools, at an annual expense of from thirty thousand to fifty thousand dollars. Their adoption by the city * seems to be a forward movement. In addition to the four hundred and seventeen Kinder- gartens there are several reliable training-schools for teach- ers. The first of these was that of the Krieges, in Boston, already noted. In 1876 there were five ; there are now forty- one, with four hundred and fifty-two pupil-teachers. Nine State normals have Kindergartens attached. * Maj, 1888. THE GRADATION OF SCHOOLS. 337 Table of Kindergartens* in the United States. STATES. Schools. Teach- ers. Pupils. Support- ed by public funds. Kinder- garten trainiug- Bchools. Pupil- teachers. Alabama 1 56 1 13 1 1 2 48 12 8 2 1 3 3 10 46 16 10 71 1 1 15 60 1 34 6 63 5 2 4 1 1 1 31 11 1 1 1 3 121 3 30 2 2 3 157 31 22 3 1 11 5 19 86 31 19 244 4 1 28 124 1 74 13 108 15 2 6 2 1 1 58 22 1 1 1 35 2,815- 105 519 28 21 31 2,684 446 368 51 27 192 69 286 1,446 725 336 6,081 50 30 680 2,813 30 850 192 1,899 186 32 116 17 10 10 2,491 195 26 10 50 "i* i 3 1 2 "i" 2 33 "io California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware..* Illinois 1 "i" 4 2 1 101 32 5 Indiana Iowa Kansas .... Kentucky 1 i ' i' 11 i 68 1 .... .... 5 1 3 1 '"4 "l3 34 4 9 25 Louisiana Maine ... Maryland Massachusetts M ichigan Minnesota M issouri . Nebraska Nevada New Jersey 2 10 'ii' "72 New York North. Carolina . . . Ohio 5 '2 Ohio 46 46 52 56 10 n Maine 61 69 67 65 4 In noting the increasing proportion of women teachers between 1855 and 1875, it should be remembered that it in- cludes the war period, when there was a large withdrawal of male teachers : Table shoiring Per Cent of Women Teachers in each State, 1885-86. No. STATE. Per ct. No. STATE. Per ct. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Alabama 36 23 76 73 82 57 45 33 67 49 76 58 47 54 65 67 89 75 89 20 21 -2-1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 45 40 75 77 88 79 81 40 56 83 62 87 46 32 31 88 50 34 79 Nebraska Connecticut Delaware Florida New York North Carolina Ohio Indiana Ore . Mo.M schools of S. K. Hall, 129, 138 ; recent, 138. Modern I:IIIL;\I;IL.^ studies, 1>. Qualifications of teachers, 5<>, 04, 117, IL'O, 136, 147. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 184. Queen's College founded, 75. Quick, R. H., 144, 150. Quincy, Joeiah, 21, 61. Rafinesquc, 149. Raleigh, Sir W., 8. Rate bills, 15, 19, 45, 55, 63. Reading books, 67. Reading circles, 279, 284. Reading schools, IJoston, 70. Recent colleges, 158, 186. Redwood Library, 294. Reformation, the, and tree schools, 2. Reformatories, 250 ; industrial train- ing in, 252. Reformed Dutch Church, 10. Reform schools, 251 ; curriculum of, 252. Regents of the University of the State of New York, 202. Regulations in early Harvard, '25 ; in William and Mary College, 36. Religious tests in Yale, 42. Renaissance, the American, 82. Rensselaer School, the, 224. Reorganization, period of, 79 ; in the South, 347. Reports, of educational institutions, 154 ; of city systems, 155 ; of col- leges, 157 : of Horace Mann, 154 ; of St. Louis, 155. Representative town government in New England, 14, 16. "Republic," the, of Plato, 7. Reservation Indians, 256. Review courses in college, 143. Revolutionary period, 61. Rheims, normal school at, 126. Rhode Island, first schools in, 19, 49; history of education in, 150, 295 ; lotteries in, 88 ; early idea of education, 62; School Co'mmis- sioner, 106; school fees, 64; school- funds, 86; school reports, 155; INDEX. 399 school system, 49, 58; teachers' institutes, 124; reading circle, '283. Richards, Zalmon. 122. Rickoff, A. J., ana the Ohio schools, 112. Rilcy, J. B., 258. Riparian lands, New Jersey, 91. Rittcnhouse, David, 287. Ritter, 158. Boebling, W. A., 224. Robinson, John, 8. Roelandsen, A., 10. 12. Roman history, Goldsmith, 67. Round Table, the, of the West, 279. Roxbury School, the, 16; early teach- ers of, 50. Royal Society of London, 28, 40 ; origin of. 286. Ruuit'ord chair of Science, 225. Russell, J. Scott, 223, 234. Russell, William, 128, 158. Rutgers College, 75. St. Louis philosophical club, 277; school reports, 155, 156 ; traiuing- school, 140. St. Alary' s Nautical School, 241. Salaries of early college presidents, 29; of teachers, 12, 15, 52. Salem, early schools of, 15 ; library, 295. Saline lands, 91. Sandys, Sir Edwin, 12, 31. San Francisco Training-School, 141. Saracens, the, 2. 4. Saybrook school, 39. Scharf, Thomas, 64. Schmidt's " History of Education," 5. School-books, 66. School district libraries, 299. School fees, 13. School-funds, 83 ; Burlington, New Jersey, 57 ; commissioner of, in South Carolina, 8>. School journals, 151. School lands unsold, 91. Schoolmasters' Club, the, 279. School of Design, the, for Women, 225. School of library economy, 306. School of Mines Quarterly, 153. School of psychology, 144. School societies, 96, 98, 100. School suffrage for women, 3S1. School system, American, 1 ; State, 101. School-tax, 10, 92. School term. 19, 49, 329. " Schul-ordnung" 56, 149. Schurz, Mrs. Carl, 333. Science and the arts, 225 ; in early Yale, 41 ; in the college course, 168; museums of, 272 ;' teachers' class in, 274. Scientific academies, 285 ; depart- ments in colleges, 225 ; journals, 153 ; work of government, 316. Scotland, education in, 7. I Sears, Barnas, agent of Peabody fund, 355. : Secondary schools, 338 ; of the Revo- lutionary period, 70. Sections of National Educational As- sociation, 123. I Seclcy, Prof., 170. : Seminaries, ladies', 363 ; in the uni- I vcrsity, 183. Seventeenth century, 2. Sewing, instruction in, 230. Seymour, Attorney-General, 34. Sharp Library of New York, 293. Shaw, John A., Superintendent of New Orleans Schools, 110. Shaw, Mrs. Q. A., Kindergartens supported by, 336. , Sheffield Scientific School, 197, 226. i Shepard, Thomas, 20. Sherman, General W. T., 239, 256. Sibley Scientific School, 227. Signal Service ? 321. Sign-method m deaf-mute instruc- tion, 245. Sigourney, Mrs. L. II., 121. Sillhnan,* Benjamin, 65, 162 ; Jour- i nal, 292. Slater fund, 356. " Small schools " of Holland, 5. Smart, J. II., 124. Smith Colleire. 369. Smith, Goldwin, 181. 1 Smith, Prof. Walter, 229. j Smithson bequest, the, 311. i Smithson, James, 311. ; Smithsonian, the, 285, 311, 312; museum, 274, 315; Prof. Henry in, 814 ; the publications of, 315. Societies for the promotion of schools, 118; general, 285; scien- tific, 286; teachers', 120. 400 INDEX. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 53, 74. Society tor the Collegiate Instruction of Women, 872. Society of Arts in Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, 290. Society to encourage Studies at Home. 280 ; for home culture, 280. Soldiers' orphans' homes, 252. Somers Island, school on, 14. South Carolina, College of, 163, 171, 176, 179, 202, 204; colonial edu- cation, 58, 59 ; colonization of, 58 ; modern languages in, 171 ; normal schools in, 135 ; public schools in, 858; recent education in, 360 ; school-funds of, 86. South, J., introduction to English, 68. South, the colonial, 58 ; ante-war period, 348 : education in, 347 : general condition of, 359 ; period of reorganization, 350 ; public- school system of, 357. Spanish, instruction in, at Colum- bia, 172. Sparks, Jared, 175. Special Indian schools, 260. Specializing in normal training, 140. Spelling-books, 66. Springfield, supervision of, 111. Spring Garden Institute, 225. Squadrons in Rhode Island, 96. Stages in the development of school systems, 94. Stanford, " The Art of Reading," 67. State Control, Boards of, 10V ; gen- eral view of, 107. State Libraries, 302. State Normal Schools, 130. States of Northwest Territory, 89. State Universities, 203, 207, 208. Statistics, school, 154. Stiles, Ezra, 65. Story, Joseph, 122, 175, 188. Stoughton, 20. Stowe, Prof. C. E., 121, 130. Studies in history and political science, 179, 184. Stuyvesant, 11. Subscription schools, 265. Sully, J., 150. Sumner, W. G., 257. Superintendent of Schools, 103 ; Boston, 110; Indian, 257; mode of choosing, 115. Supervision of schools, 94, 101, 109, 113 ; city, 109 ; county, 113 ; early, 102, 113; forms of, 96; in New York, 101, 114; State, 101, 107, 109. Supervisory university, 202. Surplus revenue, 91, 348. Survey, Coast, 816; geographical, 318 ; geological, 319. Swamp-land grant, 90. Swarthmore College, co-education in, 372. Sweden, education in, 4. Swedes in Pennsylvania, 55. Swiss Cross, the, 284. Switzerland, early schools of, 6. Symmes, Benjamin, 14. Svriac, instruction in, at Harvard, "25. Systems, colonial school, 43. Table of State Universities, 204. Tappan, David, 72. Tappan, Henry T., President of Michigan University, 195, 201. Taxes, local school, 92. Teachers, colonial, 50 ; female, 380 ; efficient, 127 ; Institute of, in Ohio, 124 ; of the Revolutionary period, 64; preparation of, 117, 120,136, 142 ; proportion of the sexes, 380 ; reading circles, 282 ; respect for, 50 ; services and pay, 12. Technological education, 221 ; socie- ties, 289. Tcnncnt, Kev. William, 57, 73. Tennessee land grants for colleges, 86 ; University of, 204. Terms, school, 19, 49, 52, 329. Territorial claims of the colonies, 88. Territory, growth of, in the United States, 79. Texas school lands, 91. Text-books, elementary, 52, 66. Theological curriculum, 211 ; edu- cation, 210 ; libraries, 801 ; train- ing for women, 375 ; Chautauqua School of, 281. Theology as a learned profession, 209, 211 ; in early colleges, 29, 35. 39, 41, 7G. Theory of education, Plato, 6. Thirty-one Boston schoolmasters, 154. Three-per-cent fund, 91. Ticknor, Elisha, 127. INDEX. 401 Ticknor, Miss A. E., 280. Ticknor, George, 188, 189. Tillinghast, 338. Tompkins County (N. Y.) Institute, 124. Topography, changed meaning of, 321. Towne Scientific School, 227. Town meeting, the, 16. Township system, the, 99, 115. Town, the, in New England, 97 ; libraries, 300. Town, Salem, 124. Tractate, Milton, 71. Trade, growth of, in the United States, 80. Trade-schools, 231. Transition, period of, 79. Translation of pedagogical works, 150. Treaties with Indians. 256. Trinity School, New York, 53, 74. Troy Female Seminary, 364. Truant laws, 328. Tulane University, 200. Types of university, 202. Unfortunate classes, education of, 243. Union of Connecticut colonies, 48. Union of Utrecht, 5. Union College, engineering in, 226 ; French in. 171 ; physics in, 160. University Convocation, 121. University, Chautauqua, 281 ; nor- mal schools in, 143 ; of North Car- olina, 145, 160; of Pennsylvania, 77, 178, 180 ; of the city of New York, 145, 189 ; of the Pacific, 144; of the State of New York, 74, 202 ; of Virginia, 189; organization, 24, 202 ; privately endowed, 204, 208 ; the function of, 77. Unsettled educational questions, 383. Unsold school lands, 91. Utica Convention, 121. Utility of modern languages, 170. Utrecht, Union of, 5. Vassar College, 367. Vermont, colonial system, 50 ; fee bills, 50; local supervision, 114; University of, 204. Veterinary schools, 220, 234, 236. Virginia, colonial university, 13, 30 ; early schools, 12, 14 ; land cession, 89 ; literature fund, 86 ; University of, 189, 208, 215. Virginia Company, 12, 32. Wabash College, 120. Wade, L. S., 113. Wagner Free Institute, 225. Wait, Green & Co., Journal of, 151. Wallace, S. T., 222. Warner Observatory, 160. War of 1812, 79. Washington Academy, 72. Washington, George, 308 ; Chancel- lor of William and Mary College, 34, 77 ; on higher education, 149, 308. Watts, Isaac, 65. Wayland, Francis, 149, 151. Weather predictions, 321. Webster, Daniel, 44. Webster, Noah, 127 ; text-books of, 66. Wellesley College, 368. Western Academic Institute, 121. Western Baptist Educational Asso- ciation, 119. Western colleges, 195. Western College Society, 119. Western Literary Institute, 121. Western Eeserve, 85, 89 ; College of, 120. Westfield Normal School. 131. West Point Military Academy, 237. Wharton School of Finance and Economy, 180. Wheaton, " International Law," 324. Whecdon, Professor. 176. Wheelock, Eleazar, 75, 254. White, Andrew D., 176, 181, 184. White, E. E., 3, 8. Whitcfield, 30, 42. White School of History and Politi- cal Science, 181. Wigglesworth, 30. Wurhtman, Joseph, 232. Wilkes (Captain) Expedition, 322. Willard, Mrs. Emma. 121, 264. Willard, President of Harvard, 29. William of Holland, 5. William and Mary of England, 33. William and Mary College, 30; Chan- cellor of, 34; curriculum of, 35, 160 ; French in, 171 ; marriage of professors, 37 ; physics in, 160 ; vs. Harvard, 35. 402 INDEX. Williams College founded, 75 ; ex- ploring parties, 164 ; history in, 175 ; language chairs, 171 ; phys- ics in, 160. Wilson, John, 20. Windsor, .Ju-tin. Narrative and Crit- ical History of America, 178. Winterbotham, 72. Winthrop, John, 8, 20. Wisconsin University, training in pedagogy, 145. Woodbridge, W. C., 151. Woolman's " First Book," 66. Woolsey, T. D., 197. Women, colleges for, 365 ; excluded from early teachers' associations, 121 : higher education of, 362 ; theological education of, 375 ; med- ical education of. 375 ; in normal schools, 379 ; in European schools, 862 ; as teachers, 51, 378 ; legal education of, 378 ; school suffrage for, 381. Wouter Van Twiller, 10. Writing-schools, Boston, 69. Yale College, founding of, 37 ; aided by the State, 77 ; chemistry in, 162 ; courses in economics, 183 ; early embarrassments of, 39 ; elec- tions in, 197 ; graduate instruc- tion, 201 ; history in, 175 ; modern languages 5n ? 172; physics in, 160, 161 : theological instruction in, 163. Yale College Society, 119. Yale, Elihu, 40. Zealand school law, 3. Ziiiiiiu rniann. Comparative Gram- mar, 173. Zofilogy instruction, 1C6 ; Museum of, 274. THE KND. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. Spencer's Education : INTELLECTUAL, MORAL, AND PHYSICAL. Divided into four chap. ters: What Knowledge ia of most Worth? Intellectual Education Moral Education Physical Education. 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