The Standard Question Book and Home Study Outlines The Frontier Press Company Buffalo, N. Y. 1922 Copyright, 1914 By The Frontier Press Company Copyright, 1918 By The Frontier Press Company Copyright, 1922 By The Frontier Press Company All rights reserved. **- j ^.-: **: ***-* * , ^*. ? J *>*> a 1 * 5 ^* * * ** *, ' * * 4 PREFACE The days of the cave man have passed. Physical strength alone no longer gives prowess to the individual. "What the twentieth century demands is the trained intellect. The man who knows is the man of the hour. A very large percentage of all fundamental knowledge is and must be gained through books. They are the storehouses of the world's wisdom from which we all must draw; but of the making of books there is no end. More than ten thousand new ones make their appear- ance each year. As this process continues from year to year, the world's wisdom becomes more and more scattered. In every book that aims to be instructive there are some things of value while in many there is much that is irrelevant. It has- well been said that, if all the book knowledge of the day could be sifted through a fine screen and only the best things pre- served, the process would be highly beneficial to all seekers of wisdom. It- was this thought that prompted the building of The Standard Dictionary of Facts. This practical and very instructive work has now been on the market for several years. Its contents have been greatly improved and its sale has greatly increased with the passing of each year. The American people have already invested over three million dollars in the purchase of this single-volume book and those intelligent purchasers are enthusiastically recommending it to their friends. When The Standard Dictionary of Facts was first issued it was accompanied by a small book of questions designed to call attention to the great mass of information within the one volume. The questions were divided into chapters corresponding to the divisions of the com- plete book. There was no attempt at further classification. In each chapter the questions were miscellaneous. The little question book went into thousands of homes; it was enthusiastically received. The publishers were surprised by the demand for it made by their sales organization. Gradually there developed in the minds of the publishers the idea that additional material with careful classification would render such a book of questions more useful and with this thought in view the present question book has been prepared. The subject matter is divided into fourteen distinct groups embrac- ing approximately seven thousand questions. One particular feature is noteworthy. No separate department of biography is given. Under the subject of science, for example, we find reference to Benjamin Franklin, the discoverer of electricity; under invention reference to Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, and to Edison, the inventor of 518028 the phonograph. We are referred to Geo. W. Goethals in connection with the Panama canal, to Homer in connection with Greek literature, to Baron Strathcona in Canadian history, all important figures in the world's history down to the present day. Thus the biographical characters are associated or interwoven with their particular fields of activity. ( The survey of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history is especially complete; the older countries are separately treated from their earnest history bringing together much information often difficult to obtain in connected form. The literature section also is particularly useful, outlining the literatures of ancient and modern times and developing facts from the biographies of many of the world's best writers. It will be observed that the questions under the various headings are logical, chronological where point of time is to be considered, practical, and cover sufficient material to give a thorough review of the subject treated. Often in one question reference is made to dif- ferent departments thus Unking together points of interest which otherwise the reader might not associate. Page numbers are fre- quently not in numerical order but should always be consulted in the order in which they are given. It is the aim of the publishers that this question book serve the following purposes: It will afford the student and the teacher a careful review of many subjects in intermediate and high school work, referring them to much valuable information not found in the ordinary textbook or in the most complete encyclopedia. Numerous questions in the various departments upon the events of the day are of particular value to the student and the teacher in securing knowledge that is up-to-date. The literary club woman will find the history, language, and litera- ture departments especially useful, outlining a course of study unique in points of arrangement, completeness, and up-to-dateness. X The question book should appeal to those who, having left school early, find their lack of knowledge a handicap. For commercial reasons some desire to improve, others for social reasons, yet lack the means to this end. To all such the question book affords a systematic course of home study enabling one to acquire an immense amount rf practical information of inestimable value. To build a question book is no easy task, but the publishers feel warranted in saying that this little book serves all the purposes enum- erated. No aim is made to exhaust the material upon the various subjects, nor to treat all subjects found in the complete book, but rather to call attention to the vast amount of information available in this one-volume reference work, and to show what can be accom- plished by diligent and careful use of The Standard Dictionary of Facts. HOW TO USE The Standard Question Book is founded on the comprehensive manual entitled The Standard Dictionary of Facts. It is practically a part of that reference volume, having been planned and prepared for use solely in connection with the information therein contained. This question book, therefore, should always be studied in associa- tion with The Standard Dictionary of Facts in which will be found the answers to the questions. At this point it is important to remember that no other single source of information will furnish all of the answers to these questions. While about seven thousand are specially classified for study in this question book, The Standard Dictionary of Facts will answer in the neighborhood of a hundred thousand similar questions. How to Study. The first necessary step is to get at the start the clearest and most definite idea possible as to what The Standard Dictionary of Facts actually contains. The second necessary step is to learn how to find any desired item of information with ease and speed. Both of the foregoing are best accomplished by a careful reading of the Preface, pages 3 and 4 of this volume, and the Publishers' Preface, page 3, and How to Use, page 6, in The Standard Dictionary of Facts, supplemented by a little practice in using the Index and in referring to some of the alphabetical lists given at the beginning of the Index, page 867. Suppose that one desires to acquire more information concerning the geography of Europe. First turn to the index to this book, page 155. Here one will find a list of more than a hundred important sub- jects, alphabetically arranged and cross-referenced, all of which are given special treatment in this question book. Opposite the subject "Geography," which one will find among the other subjects in alphabetical order, are the figures "115-130." These figures indicate the pages where the whole subject of geography is treated. But under the head of geography one at once notices several subheads or subdivisions, beginning with "Africa." Glancing down this list of subheads, which is likewise arranged alphabetically, one soon finds "Europe," the subdivision desired. Opposite "Europe" are the figures "122-127" telling the pages on which European geography is treated. If, however, one should look for Europe first instead of geography, one would immediately find under "Europe" the subhead "Geography" with reference to pages "122-127." This illustrates how carefully all subjects treated are indexed. Turning to the section indicated by the page numbers, one finds about five pages filled with important questions, the answers to which will furnish a good working knowledge of the geography of the whole continent of Europe. The figures following the questions indicate the pages hi The Standard Dictionary of Facts where concise and accurate answers may be found. In a like manner the questions on all of the other subjects treated may be easily found and studied. TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORY ANCIENT ENGLISH UNITED STATES CANADA CONTI- NENTAL EUROPE MEXICO SOUTH AMERICA ASIATIC COUN- TRIES 11-68 LANGUAGE CAPITALS PUNCTUATION CORRECT USE OP WORDS LET- TER WRITING HIGHER ENGLISH 69-80 LITERATURE ANCIENT ORIENTAL GREEK LATIN MODERN EURO- PEAN ENGLISH AMERICAN 81-114 GEOGRAPHY NORTH AMERICA SOUTH AMERICA EUROPE ASIA AFRICA GENERAL 115-130 GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ASIA CENTRAL AMERICA SOUTH AMERICA 131-138 INDUSTRY INVENTION COMMERCE IRON AND STEEL IMPORTS EXPORTS SHIPPING MANU- FACTURING 139-142 SCIENCE EDUCATION FINE ARTS ELECTRICITY ENGINEERING PHYSIOLOGY COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SCULPTURE PAINTING Music 143-146 NATURAL HISTORY MAMMALS BIRDS FISHES FRUITS FLOWERS MINERALS PRECIOUS STONES r 147-150 MISCELLANY GENERAL INFORMATION POINTS OF INTEREST ORIGIN AND MEANING OF NAMES ARITHMETIC PARCEL POST RED CROSS. 151-154 ANCIENT HISTORY In studying human progress what two kinds of knowledge are considered? 54 State the distinction between prehistoric times and historic times. 54 Into what two parts is the Prehistoric Period divided? Name important achievements which preceded the invention of writing 54 Name ten economic plants which were among the first to be placed under cultivation. Mention ten important animals domesti- cated before the dawn of history 54 With the peoples of what regions does the earliest recorded history begin? At approximately what dates? 54 How must all assigned dates at the beginning of history be regarded? 54 How long did the peoples of America remain in the prehistoric period? 54 What are five of the notable wars of history? During what years did each occur? Name the chief leaders and some of the most notable battles of each war 138-139 What was the earliest known nation? 43 EGYPT What characters were used for the earliest Egyptian writing? . . . 282 What is the Rosetta stone? When was it discovered? 378, 282 Who is the author of the list of Egyptian kings which is still used? Into how many dynasties does he divide them? 43 By whom was the Egyptian monarchy founded? What was its capital? . ; 43, 54 What are the dates assigned to Menes by different chronolo- gists? Why do they vary? 43 Describe the pyramids. When was the great pyramid built? .... 561 Name three kings who lived in the so-called "Pyramid Dynasty." What great work did they perform? 43 When was the city of Thebes founded? Distinguish Egyptian Thebes from Thebes in Greece 161 When was geometry used in Egypt? Give the date of a treatise on geometry 55, 282 Who were the shepherd kings? When did they conquer Egypt, and how long did they hold it? 55, 43, 119 When were letters first used in Egypt? By whom and when was the Egyptian alphabet invented? 55 When were the temples and palaces at Thebes built? 43 Describe the early Egyptian architecture 511 What king was probably the Pharaoh of the exodus? 43 11 During what period did the decay of the. empire begin? 43 What does the word Pharaoh mean? 834 When were horses introduced into Egypt? 65 Give the origin of the name Egypt 55, 812 When did Shishak reign? After the death of Shishak by whom were the Egyptians conquered? 56, 43 What date is given to the first record of Egyptian sculpture? 57 When did Memphis become the capital of Egypt? 57 What great canal was begun in 610 B. C.? 57 In what year was Nebuchadnezzar's invasion of Egypt? 57 At what time and under what ruler did Egypt become a Persian province? 43 Give the date of Alexander's conquest of Egypt 43, 60 By whom and in what year was Alexandria founded? 60 Describe the "Book of the Dead." 282 After whose death did Ptolemy take the throne? 43 What were the characteristics of the reign of the Ptolemies, and what name was applied to that period? 43, 60 Name a great canal built in Egypt 267 B. C 61 Name the first lighthouse on record 61, 849 Who was Cleopatra, and what did her influence accomplish for Egypt? 420, 43, 63 What became of the Alexandrian library? How many books did it contain? 63, 684 Who conquered Egypt in 47 B. C.? 63 Upon whose downfall did Egypt pass to Rome? Give the date . 43, 63 Describe religious conditions in Egypt following the Roman conquest 43-44 Name a celebrated Egyptian astronomer and geographer 65, 478 When Rome was divided into eastern and western empires, of which empire did Egypt become a province? 44 Who were Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Apis? 325-338 What city was called the city of a hundred gates? What deity was especially worshiped in that city? 161 What are obelisks? For what purpose were they erected? .... 550 CHINA AND JAPAN Why is it difficult to state facts about the early history of China? . 35 Name six plants cultivated in China 2700 B. C. still of great im- portance in agriculture 55 At what time was silk culture in China established? 55 When did the Shang dynasty begin? 55 What is known of the Chow dynasty and when did it begin? 35, 56 12 For how long has the mariner's compass been known to the Chinese? 56 Who was Confucius? During whose reign was he born?. .. .422, 35 From what dynasty did China take its name? 35 When was the great wall of China built, what was its purpose, and what is its length? 35, 817 How early was the art of printing known in China? 61 In what country was paper invented? Give the^date 62 When was Buddhism introduced into China? 35 What Roman emperor sent ambassadors to China? 65 Name the forms of government through which Japan successively passed 124 How many centuries of unbroken reign does the Japanese empire claim? 124 Who was the fabled first mikado and what was his descent? 124 From what time does the authentic history of Japan date? 124 Name a conquest personally made by the empress in 270 A. D. . . 124 From what country did Japan receive the Confucian classics?. . 317 What is the signification of the word Japan? 822 CHALDEA, ASSYRIA, BABYLON Who made Babylon preeminent? Mention his achievements 55 Where was the kingdom of Assyria? 21 When and by whom was Nineveh built? 55 When was the Assyrian empire established? 21, 55 At what time did the Babylonian decline begin? 281 Give the date of the second Assyrian dynasty 55 Who were the most famous rulers of Assyria? 21 What valuable ancient code of laws has been discovered in Babylonia? 281 In what siege did Sennacherib meet disaster? What famous poem was written upon this theme? 21 Who was Pul and what great work did he accomplish? 21 Who was Sardanapalus? 57 What size was attained by the library at Nineveh? 281 Who was Nebuchadnezzar? When did he capture Jerusalem and when did he invade Egypt? 57, 470 What eclipse was observed at Babylon in 721 B. C.? 57 At what time and by what nation was the final conquest of Babylon accomplished? 58 iTHE HEBREWS What dates are usually accepted for the birth and the death of Abraham? 55 13 Who was Joseph? When was he sold into Egypt? 452, 55 When was Joseph viceroy of Egypt? 119 Give the date of the death of Jacob. The death of Joseph 55 What does the name Israel mean and to whom was it appfied? . 122, 822 Give the principal events in the life of Moses. What education did he receive? 468, 282 What is the date of the exodus from Egypt? The date of the law from Sinai? 55 What position did Joshua occupy after the death of Moses? 452 When did Saul become king of Israel? When did he die? 56 Give 'the principal facts in the life of David and the dates of his birth and death 425, 56 For how many years and at what period was Solomon king? 56 State some important facts concerning Solomon's life 489 Describe Solomon's temple 160 What is meant by the revolt of the Ten Tribes? When did it occur? What new kingdoms were formed from the Hebrew tribes? 56, 122 Give the names of the Ten Tribes, their population, and the causes of their revolt 122 When and why did Jeroboam establish idolatry? 56, 123 By wfeat conquest did the kingdom of Israel come to an end? Give the date 57, 123 How did the title Jews come into use? 122, 125 After Nineveh was united to Babylon in what kingdom were the Israelites captive? 125 Where did Daniel prophesy? Why was he in that city? 125, 424 By whom was Babylonia conquered in 538 B. C.? 58 What did Cyrus do for the Jews? 58, 125 When was Persia conquered by Alexander the Great? 60 Trace the history of the Jews under the Macedonian empire 125 Of what country did Judea become a province in 63 B. C.? 125 Who was Caligula? Why did he persecute the Jews? 125, 146 By whom were the Jews banished from Rome? 125 What did, the Jews suffer under Titus? 125 With whom was the first treaty in Jewish history made? 125 What is meant by the final desolation of Judea? 125 PHENICIA AND PERSIA Where was ancient Phenicia? 557 According to tradition, who introduced the Phenician alphabet into ancient Greece? 283, 326, 557 By whom was Carthage founded? 56 14 With whom did the king of Tyre form an alliance in 1000 B. C.?. 56 Upon what great building were Phenician workmen employed?. 557 Who first circumnavigated Africa? 57 What Persian ruler invaded Phenicia and captured Tyre? 57, 58 What country received the Phenician alphabet about 500 B. C.?. 58 On what continents were Phenician colonies planted? 557 For what knowledge were the Phenieians noted? 557 Where was the original country of Persia? 141 By whom was the Persian empire founded? Of what countries was it composed? 58, 141 Who was Cambyses? How did he extend the empire? 415, 141 Why was the battle of Marathon of especial importance? Name the leaders 22 What conquests were made by Darius? 141 Who was Xerxes? What death did he meet? 58 Name the commander of the Persian army at Thermopylae. Give facts about the battle 161 When was the royal family of Persia poisoned? 59 At what time were the Greek cities of Asia tributary to Persia?. 59 How was Persian civilization affected as a result of the battle of Arbela? 22 Name the commanders at the battle of Arbela. What nation thereafter controlled Persia? 22, 60 When and how long was Persia tributary to Parthia? 60 Who was Zoroaster? Where and how long did his religion pre- vail? State its effect upon the Greeks .504, 278 Who are the Parsees? What is their belief? How do they dispose of their dead? 278, 719 What style of writing was used by the early Persians? What was the character of the earliest writings? 281, 278 GREECE Why are both the history and the literature of the ancient Greeks obscure? 116, 283 When was Athens founded? Who was Cecrops? 55, 327 Give the dates of the founding of Corinth and Sparta 55 Who was Cadmus? What alphabet did he introduce into Greece? 283, 326 When and where were the first Olympic Barnes held? What were these games? 55, 832 Mention the first naval expedition on record 55 Who was Jason? Who were the argonauts? What was the golden fleece? 325-333 15 Who was Apollo? When was the temple of Apollo at Delphi built? 325, 55 When and by whom were masts and sails for the use of ships invented? 56 What was the cause of the Trojan war? 165 Give the supposed dates, the leading battle, and the chief leaders of the Trojan war 56, 138 Who was Agamemnon? Hector? 324, 331 Tell what is known about Homer 446 Give the theme of Homer's Iliad. The theme of the Odyssey. . . 363, 373 Who was Ulysses? What part did he play in the Trojan war? . . 342 Tell how the Greeks captured Troy in the Trojan war 165 Where was the Peloponnesus? 556 What is meant by the Heraclidae? 331 Who reformed the constitution of Sparta? 56 When and by whom were gold and silver first coined? 56 What boats were used by the Corinthians in the 8th century B. C.? 67 When was the Greek city of Syracuse founded? What is the origin of the name? 57, 842 When did the Messenian wars occur? 116, 138 Between whom was the first sea fight on record? , . .57, 116 Who was Draco? When was the Draconian code formulated?. . 428 Who were the seven sages of Greece? When did they flourish?. 116 When did Solon's code come into use in Athens? 57 Mention three noted battles of the Perso-Grecian war. Which of these is one of the decisive battles of the world's history? 138, 116, 22 Give the dates of the following battles: Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis .58, 116 Who was the leader of the Greeks at the battle of Thermopylae? Of what country was he king? Give result of battle . . 161, 116 Give facts about Sparta. What position did Sparta occupy in ' the 6th century B. C.? 158 When was a school of sculpture opened at Athens? The first public library founded at Athens? 68 Who was Minerva? What was the Greek name for Minerva? What Grecian city is said to have received its name from Minerva? 335 When was the temple of Minerva built? Where was it? 555 When was Pericles prominent in the affairs of Athens? What great building was erected during his administration? .... 58, 555 Describe the Parthenon. What great Greek sculptor superin- tended its erection? What was its style of architecture?. 555, 476 16 Name three orders of Greek architecture. In what age did Grecian architecture attain its greatest perfection? 511 What is meant by the Acropolis? 797 Who were the principal Greek writers during the "golden age of Pericles"? 201 Who was Phidias? Name some statues which he executed 476 When was the Peloponnesian war? Name the chief leaders and the cause of the war 138, 158 Who was the historian of the Peloponnesian war? Give facts about him 284, 494 Trace the alternating supremacy of Sparta and Athens 158 When was Thebes predominant in the affairs of Greece? 59, 116 Who was Philip of Macedon? When did he subdue Sparta?. .476, 59 What were the Philippics of Demosthenes? 426 What position as an orator did Demosthenes hold? What obstacles did he overcome? 426 Who instituted the Macedonian phalanx? 59, 476 When was Thebes destroyed? 60 In. what war was the battle of Arbela? Give the leaders of the * battle and the result 138, 22, 60 Why is the battle of Arbela of particular importance? Give the date 22 Give a brief account of the lif e of Alexander the Great 395 Name two countries that were conquered by Alexander the Great. In what year did he establish the Macedonian monarchy? 60 In what year did the Grecian cities revolt from Macedonia? Who became regent of Greece? 60 By whom was the first work on mechanics written and in what year? 60 Who was Aristotle? Of what great teacher was he a pupil? 399 What was the Achaean league? When did Athens join it? 9, 61 What caused the Achaean war? 9 When did Greece become a Roman province? 62 Give the meaning of "laconic" 365 Give an account of the legendary achievements of Hercules .... 331 Why has Sparta no imposing ruins? 158 Who was Herodotus? 445 State some facts in the life of Plato. What great philosopher was the teacher of Plato? 477, 284 What was the fate of Socrates?. , 489 What is the theme of Xenophon's Anabasis? 284, 504 What celebrated Greek mathematician lived about 300 B. C.? . 60, 431 17 Who was Plutarch? 477 Describe the Colossus at Rhodes 809 What are the Elgin marbles? 813 What is the sculpture known as the Laocoon group? Where is it now? 333 Describe the mythology of the ancient Greeks. Explain how they worshiped these deities 323 Who were the following: Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hermes? ~ . .325-342 ROME Legendary Age What is the mythical connection of ^Eneas with the founding of the Roman empire? 343 When and by whom was Alba Longa built? 56 Give the year in which Romulus became king of Alba Longa. The year in which he was supposedly murdered 56, 57 In what year was Rome founded? By whom? 57, 567, 378 What change was made in the Roman calendar in 710 B. C.?. . . 57 Give in order three important kings of Rome from 672 B. C. to 578 B. C 57 What is the Cloaca Maxima, and under what ruler was it con- structed? 809 What was the Roman forum? 110 Explain the Circus Maximus 808 Who was Servius Tullius? When did he die? 567 How large had Rome become in the tune of Servius Tullius? . . 567 Name the seven hills of Rome 567 What great building of ancient Rome stood on the Palatine hill? 566 Under what ruler was the coining of money begun at Rome? .... 57 When were the Tarquins expelled from Rome? What uprising of the people took place in Athens a year earlier? 58 Who were Janus, Juno, Jupiter, Mars, Minerva? 333-335 Who was Vesta? What were the Lares? The Penates? The Manes? 334-342 'The Republic What great change in the government of Rome took place in 509 B. C.? 58 When was the Capitol at Rome finished? The temple of Minerva built? &* In what year were tribunes of the people first chosen? , . . . . 58 18 Where is the Tarpeian rock and what is its history? 159 When was Cincinnatus made dictator? 59. 420 Who were the decemviri and what did they do? 39 When were the laws of the twelve tables adopted? 59 In what year was Rome destroyed by the Gauls? 59 What civil strife took place in 376 B. C.? Who was made the first plebeian consul? 59 When were military tribunes abolished? 59 When did the Samnite war begin? How long did it continue?. * 59 When was the Appian way constructed? Where was it? 60, 800 When was the sun dial at Rome erected? 60 In what year did Rome become mistress of all Italy? 61 Give the dates of beginning and ending of the Punic wars ~"l38 Who was Hannibal? What had he to do with the second Punic war? 442, 61 When did Macedonia become a Roman province? 62 Name the principal events between the second and third Punic wars 61-62 During what war did Greece become a Roman province? What great cities were taken by Rome in that year? 62 When did Spain pass under Roman rule? 62 Who was Caius Gracchus? When did he become tribune? 439, 62 Sketch the life of Cornelia, "mother of the Gracchi" 422 Give the dates of the Jugurthine war and the names of the leaders. State facts about Jugurtha 138, 452 What was the Roman social war and what was the result? .... 138 Who was made perpetual dictator of Rome as a result of his successes in war? 63 Give the dates, the leaders, and the important battles of the Mithridatic war 138 Who were the gladiators? What was Cicero's reason for approv- ing of their contests? 116 Who were the chief leaders of the Gladiatorial war and when did it occur? 138, 423, 489 Who was Catiline? When and by whom was his conspiracy discovered? 417, 63 Outline the events of Cicero's life 419 What is a triumvirate? Name the members of the first Roman triumvirate 165, 63 Sketch briefly the life of Julius Caesar, giving dates of birth and death 414 When did Caesar become dictator of Rome? 63 For whom was the month of July named? 823 19 When did Caesar invade Britain? 63 What became of Crassus and Pompey? 63 Who succeeded Caesar as master of Rome? 63 Name the members of the second Roman triumvirate 63 Give briefly the life of Mark Antony. By whom and in what battle was he defeated? 462, 63 Sketch the lif e of Cleopatra 420 Name the wars in which Rome was engaged before the beginning of the Christian era 138 What aqueducts were built during the period of the republic? . . . 510 The Empire In what year did the republic of Rome become a monarchy? What was the population of Rome at that time? 63 What titles were conferred upon Octavius by the Roman senate? 63 How long did Augustus (Octavius) rule? What was the charac- ter of his reign? 146, 401 For what writings were Sallust, Virgil, Horace, and Livy noted? Compare the time in which they lived with the date of Augustus' reign 447-497, 146 For whom was the month of August named? 801 In what year did Augustus correct the calendar? 64 In what year did the birth of Christ occur? 64 Mention the principal events in the reign of Augustus, noting particularly all conquests made 63-64 Describe the Pantheon. When was it built? 554, 566 Which one of the decisive battles of history took place in 9 A. D.? 22 Under which of the Roman emperors did the crucifixion of Christ take place? . 64, 146 Name the Roman emperors from 14 A. D. to 96 A. D 146 For what qualities were Caligula and Nero noted? 64, 415, 470 During whose reign was the city of Rome burned? What great palace was built in the same year? 64, 817 How did the streets of the rebuilt city compare with those of the old city of Rome? 566 Who first persecuted the Christians? 64 State some facts about Titus. What were the baths of Titus?. . 64, 566 What volcanic eruption caused the destruction of Pompeii? Who was emperor of Rome at the time? 558, 576, 146 What is the arch of Titus? The Colosseum? 800, 809, 566 Who were the five good emperors? 146 During whose reign was the Roman empire at its greatest extent? . 65 State five facts about the lif e of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus .... 401 20 When did the period of military despotism begin? 146 What kind of ruler was Septimius Severus? Mention three events of his reign 65 What rights did Garacalla grant the people of Rome? What was the character of his reign? 65, 415 What is meant by the thirty tyrants of Rome? 161 Who was Aurelian? When did he rule Rome and what con- quests did he make? 401, 65 What was Diocletian's form of government? 65 Trace the persecution of the Christians under the Roman em- perors 64-65 What action did Constantius take hi regard to the persecution of the Christians? 65 Describe the catacombs 781 Who was the first Christian emperor? 65 What is the story of Constantino's conversion to Christianity? . . 422 Give the earlier name of the city of Constantinople. Why was it changed? 809 By what decree was Christianity made the state religion? 422 What is the arch of Constantine? 800, 566 Who was Julian the Apostate? What attempt particularly distinguished his reign? 452 Under what rulers was the Roman empire divided? 65 Upon the death of Valens who succeeded to the eastern empire?. . x 65 When did Theodosius become emperor of the East and the West? 66 Between whom and in what year was the Roman empire finally divided? 66 Who where the Goths? 116 When was Rome sacked by Alaric? 66, 394 How many years elapsed between the sack of Rome by the Gauls and the sack of Rome by Alaric? 59, 66 By whom and in what year were public schools established in Rome? 66 Mention the conquests made and the Roman provinces acquired by foreign tribes between 410 A. D. and 433 A. D 66 Who were the Huns? 119 Give three facts from the life of Attila. By whom was the city of Venice founded? 401 Sketch the life of Genseric. When did he sack Rome? 436 Who was the last of the Roman emperors of the West? 147 What long was the final conqueror of western Rome? 66 21 How many years elapsed between the founding of the chy of Rome and the fall of the western empire? 66 Mention some great Roman temples and the rulers by whom they were built 566 Describe the bridges of ancient Rome 778 Who were the augurs? Distinguish between auguries and auspices 21-22 When was the first library opened at Rome? How many years earlier was the first library opened at Athens? 62, 58 What were the sacred groves at Rome? 330 Give an account of the Flaminian way. Describe the Appian way. Compare these two examples of Roman road building 815, 800 Quote the words of the king of Parthia when Crassus, of the first Roman triumvirate, was killed 423 State the customs connected with the temple of Janus 333 For what reason did Caesar build a temple to Venus? 566 What became of Brutus after the assassination of Csesar? 412 When was the circus of Romulus built? How do its ruins com- pare with those of other circuses? 808 Where is Fiesole? For what is it noted? 815 In what year was the arch of Constantino built? To com- memorate what event? 800 Describe the sculpture known as "The Dying Gaul". Of what school of sculpture is it a specimen? 786 When was the capitol at Rome destroyed by lightning? 65 In what year was Rome entirely surrounded with a wall? 65 When was the city of Pisa founded? What was its condition during the empire? 558 Describe the ancient city of Pompeii as disclosed by excavations. What was the size of the houses and of what were they mainly built? Who usually occupied the ground floors of the dwellings? 558-559 By whom was the city of Cologne founded? 526 From what century does the cathedral of Ravenna date? 563 ENGLISH HISTORY By what name was Britain known to the Phenicians? 804 How did Britain receive its name? 804 In search of what metal did the Carthaginians visit Britain? 58 From what country did most of the gold antiquities of British history come? 121 Name two metals used for coins in Britain before the Roman invasion 656 What was the original name of Scotland? 840 By what name is Ireland mentioned by the early writers? 121 To what people did the early British owe their language? 185 Who were the Druids? 42 What aboriginal race still inhabits some parts of Wales? 577 Roman Period When did the Romans first invade Britain and tinder what leader? 63 Under what governor was Roman power established in Britain? . 64, 394 For what purpose was the wall of Antoninus built? How far did Agricola penetrate into Scotland at that time? 846, 154 Give the extent of the wall built by the Roman emperor Hadrian 65, 818 In what British city was Constantine the Great proclaimed emperor of Rome? 422 What was the capital of Roman Britain? 581 Name five English words of Latin origin which date from the Roman occupation of Britain 185 Give five English words ef Latin origin introduced when the Britons were converted to Christianity 185 What was the state ef agriculture in Britain during the Roman period? 647 When was Britain abandoned by the Romans? 66 Why was Rome unable to defend Britain against the Scots and Picts? 45 How long did the Romans occupy Britain? 647 State some facts regarding the history of Ireland before the sixth century 121 When did St. Patrick undertake to convert the natives of Ireland? 121 23 Coming of the Saxons After the withdrawal of the Romans to whom did the Britons appeal for aid? 45 Who were Hengest and Horsa? What assistance did they render the Britons? 45, 66 WhyV(did the Saxons remain hi Britain? What part of the island did they conquer? 45 Mention three tribes of Teutonic invaders 45 What part of the island was occupied by the Angles? 45 Which of the Teutonic invaders formed the first settlement? Where? 45 What was the witenagemot? 67, 847 Trace the development of the Saxon heptarchy. Under what ruler were these Saxon kingdoms united? 45 Give the origin of the word Saxon 840 Describe the development of Christianity through the influence of Ethelbert, king of Kent 45 By whom was St. Augustine sent to preach Christianity in Britain * in 597 A. D.? 401 When and by whom was St. Paul's church in London founded?. 68 Who published the first code of laws in Britain? 68 In what part of Britain did literature have its beginning? 297 Anglo-Saxon Kings Who was the first king of England? 150 Name the Anglo-Saxon kings in the order of succession. How long did they rule? 150 What is the origin of the word England? When was the name applied to Britain as a whole? How was the word at first spelled? 813, 45 Give three facts which distinguish the reign of Alfred the Great . 70, 395 Who was Dunstan? What power did he exert? 70, 46 Where was Glastonbury abbey? 816 Mention the principal changes brought about during the reign of the Anglo-Saxon kings 46 Danish Kings Who succeeded the Anglo-Saxons in 1017? 150 Name the Danish kings in order of their reign. How long did they rule? 150 What countries besides England were ruled by Canute? 46, 72 Characterize the reign of Canute 415 24 Saxon Kings Under what king was the Saxon power restored in 1042? 46, 150 Name the Saxon kings and state how long they ruled 150 What was the character of the reign of Edward the Confessor? . 46, 429 What abbey was built during the reign of Edward the Confessor? . 579 Norman Kings Who v was the first Norman king? What was his claim to the throne? 150, 502 By what battle did William the Conqueror gain the English throne, and on what date was he crowned? 502 What was the character of the reign of William the Conqueror?. 502 Name the Norman kings. Give period of their rule 150 What is meant by the feudal system? When was it introduced into England? 110, 74 What was the Domesday book? 353 Describe the tower of London. For what was it used in early times? 163 By what name was William II commonly known? Give meaning of the name 46, 838 What events characterize the reign of Henry I? 46, 445 To whom did Henry I will the crown? 46 How did Stephen attain to the English throne? 46 What were the tournaments and when were they introduced into England? 163 What was the effect of the Norman conquest on the English language? 185-186 The Plantagenets Who was the first Plantagenet king? Explain his right to the throne 46-47 Name the Plantagenet kings in order of succession. How long did they reign? Why were they called Plantagenets?.150-151, 835 What were the inherited possessions of Henry II? 47 Give the most important events of the reign of Henry II 445 What religious controversy arose between Henry II and Thomas a Becket? 47, 404 Mention the circumstances in connection with the death of Thomas a Becket 404 In whose reign was Ireland added to England? 76, 150, 445 By what name was Richard I popularly known? 151, 47 What were the crusades? Who led the third crusade? 38, 47 Who attempted to take Richard I's throne? 47 25 Outline the principal events in the reign of John 47 What was the Magna Charta? In whose reign was it signed? Give the date 827, 47 What circumstances led to the granting of the Magna Charta?. 47 By whom was the Magna Charta declared void? 47 What was the character of the reign of Henry III?. 47 When was the so-called* "mad parliament"? 47, 76 To whom is the origin of the house of commons due? In what battle was he slain? 47 What was the cause of the battle of Lewes? What was its effect upon Henry Ill's reign? 47, 445 In whose reign was Westminster abbey as it now stands begun? . 579 In whose reign did the first regular parliament meet and of what did it consist? 47, 76 What nickname was given Edward I? 429 When was Wales annexed to England? Give meaning of word Wales 47, 76, 846 Name two contestants for the throne of Scotland during the reign of Edward 1 76, 429 What part did Edward I take in the struggle for the Scottish * throne? 429, 47 What legislative reforms took place in the reign of Edward I?. 47 In what year was Robert Bruce proclaimed king of Scotland? ... 78 In whose reign did Scotland gain her independence? By what battle? Give date 47 Sketch briefly the life of Robert Bruce 412 What title was first conferred upon Edward II? 429 What was the fate of Edward II? 48, 429 Contrast the reign of Edward III with that of Edward II 48, 47 Give the cause of the hundred years' war. How long did it last? Who was king of England when it began? 118, 151 Give an account of the battle of Crecy. Name two other battles won by Edward III 527, 48 Upon what condition did Edward III receive the west of France? . 48 Who succeeded Edward III? What was his age at the time of his accession? . . 151 What was Wat Tyler's insurrection? 48 Under what circumstances was Richard II deposed? From what noted house was his successor chosen? 48, 151 During the reign of what Plantagenet king was the scene of "Ivanhoe" laid? 363 About what time was gunpowder first used by the English? 78 Name two inventions ascribed to Roger Bacon 402 Mention three noted English writers of the 14th century 298 26 House of Lancaster Name the kings of the 'house of Lancaster, and give period of reign 151 Who was the rightful heir to the throne at the time of the accession of Henry IV? 48 From what Plantagenet king was Henry IV descended? 151 Who were the Lollards? 48 Under whose reign were heretics first burned in England? .... 48 What foreign erown was claimed by Henry V? 48, 78 In what war was the battle of Agincourt? By whom was it won? Give date 138, 78 What were the provisions of the treaty of Troyes? 48 How old was Henry VI when he was crowned king? 151, 48 Give an account of the life of Joan of Arc. How did she aid France in the hundred years' war? 399, 22, 81 Describe Cade's rebellion 33 What was the only French possession retained by the English at the close of the hundred years' war? 118, 138 Give the cause of the wars of the roses. Why were they so called? 48 For how many years did the wars of the roses continue? Name the principal battles fought 48, 138 House of York Who was the first king of the house of York? How did he obtain the throne? 151, 48 Name the kings of the house of York and give the period of their reign 151 What influence had the earl of Warwick upon the reign of Edward IV? 498, 80 What term is sometimes applied to the earl of Warwick? 498 How long did Edward V reign? What were the circumstances of his death? 48, 429 How did Richard III obtain the crown? 48, 480 What battle closed the wars of the roses? What English king was killed in this battle? 48, 480 Who published the first printed book in England? 299, 417 House of Tudor By the accession of what English king were the houses of Lan- caster and York united? He was the first of what line of kings? 48, 151 Why were the Tudor kings so called? 165 27 Name the IFudor kings in order of succession. How long did they rule? 151 What was the "star chamber"? In whose reign was it revived?. 158 What was Poyning's law and when was it passed? 121 How many times was Henry VIII married? 49 Who was Cardinal Wolsey? 503 What was the most important event in the reign of Henry VIII? What was its cause? . .49, 445 How did Henry VIII secure for himself the position as head of the English church? 49 What king of Scotland was^killed in the battle of Flodden? In what year? , 154, 80 What king of England assumed the title of .king of Ireland?. . . 121 Name the three children of Henry VIII who succeeded him to the throne 151, 49 Sketch briefly the reign of Edward VI. How long did he reign? . 49, 151 What led to the execution of Lady Jane Grey? In whose reign was she beheaded? 49, 82, 151 What were the religious conditions during the reign of Mary? ... 82, 463 Who was Thomas Cranmer? Nicholas Ridley? 423, 480 Explain the claim of Mary, Queen of Scots, tojthe English throne at the time Elizabeth became queen 463 Whose daughter was Mary, Queen of Scots? 463, 154 What was the Spanish armada and when was it destroyed? 21, 82 What were the achievements of Sir Walter Raleigh during the reign of Elizabeth? What colony did he name for the queen? 479 In what year was the first newspaper published in England? 82 Mention three writers of the Elizabethan age 299 During whose reign was Mary, Queen of Scots, beheaded, and why? 463 Who succeeded Mary, Queen of Scots, as ruler of Scotland? 154 House of Stuart What house of kings succeeded the Tudor line? 151 Name the kings of the house of Stuart? How long did the Stuarts reign? 151 Of what country was James I already king when he became king of England? What countries were thus united under one sovereign? 49, 82, 449, 590 What is meant by the "divine right of kings"? What influence had this claim upon the reign of James I? 42, 49 28 Who was the head of the conspiracy known as the gunpowder plot? Explain the plot 117 When and where was the first English settlement made in Amer- ica? For what English king was the colony named? . 168, 82, 822 Give the date of the King James version of the Bible 300 Upon what charge was Sir Walter Raleigh executed? 479 In what year did the Pilgrims sail for America? Give name of the vessel 82 What province of Ireland was seized by James I? By whom was it settled? 121 Who discovered the circulation of the blood? Name the king of England at that time 82, 151 Sketch the trouble between parliament and the king in the reign of Charles 1 49, 418 By what parliament was the "star chamber" abolished? In what respect did it violate the Magna Charta? 158 Mention the leading battles and chief leaders of the English civil war 139 What were Cromwell's ironsides? 122 Sketch the principal facts in the life of Oliver Cromwell 423 In what manner did Cromwell secure the execution of Charles I? 423 When and where was Charles I beheaded? 418 What was the result of the English civil war between king and parliament? 139 Under what leader was the common wealth "established? 84, 49 Describe the political conditions which existed during the early years of the commonwealth 49 Mention two battles in which Cromwell defeated the Scottish royalists 423 When and how did Cromwell dissolve the "long parliament"? . .423, 49 What title was conferred upon Cromwell by "Barebone's par- * liament"? 49 Whom did George Monk proclaim as the successor of Oliver Cromwell? 467 In what year did the commonwealth begin? When was the - house of Stuart restored? 84, 151 Who brought about the restoration of the Stuarts under Charles II? 418, 467 What great legislative act particularly distinguished the reign of Charles II? 418, 50, 84 Who were the covenanters? The dissenters? 38, 709 When was the great fire in London? v 84 Give the characteristics of the reign of James II 50 29 Who were the tories? The whigs? 163 By whom was James II driven i'/om his kingdom? 449 By what authority did William III become king? Who ruled jointly'with him? 50, 151 Over whom did William III gain a victory at the battle oT the Boyne? Give date of battle 502, 84 To whom was the term "Orangemen" applied? 832 In whose reign was the bank of England founded? Give date. . 84, 151 Mention some provisions of the "declaration of rights" 50 What was the "toleration act"? 162, 50 Explain the purpose of the grand alliance formed by William III. What advantage did the alliance give England dur- ing Queen Anne's reign? 50 State some facts about the first duke of Marlborough 50, 463 Mention two battles won by the duke of Marlborough. Which one of these is one of the decisive battles of the world's history? 50, 22 When was the war of the Spanish succession? What great fortress was taken by the English during that war? . . 139, 84, 533 When were England and Scotland united as The United Kingdom of Great Britain? 50, 86 Give the date of the first united parliament of Great Britain .... 86 What territories did England gain by the treaty of Utrecht?. .50, 165 Describe St. Paul's cathedral. -When was it rebuilt and at what cost? 571 Who was the architect of St. Paul's cathedral? Where is he buried? 571, 503 Under what ruler did England adopt the "Union Jack" as the national flag? Give the origin of the term 852 What progress in science was made by Sir Isaac Newton? 470 What name is given to the age of English literature of the period of Queen Anne? 398 What religious persecution did John Banyan suffer during the reign of the Stuarts? 413 House of Hanover What house of kings succeeded the house of Stuart? Why were they so called? 50 Name the kings of the house of Hanover. How long did the house of Hanover rule? 151 What was the south sea bubble? 841, 50 What influence did Sir Robert Walpole exert on the reigns of George I and George II? 50 30 In what wars did George II take an active part? 50-51, 13$ What treaty closed the war of the Austrian succession? 51, 164 Who was William Pitt? What important position did he hold? . .477, 51 What is meant by the black hole of Calcutta? 777 ID the reign of George II what changes were made in the calendar? 51 When was Canada formally ceded to Great Britain? 34 When was Great Britain at war with the American colonies? What was the result of this war? 86, 51 What led to the impeachment of Warren Hastings? In whose reign did it occur? , 443, 86, 151 What caused the war between England and France in 1793? .... 52 What brilliant naval victory was won by the English in 1805? . 52, 88 Give some facts about Horatio Nelson. In what battle was he killed? 470 What were the Berlin decrees? 52 Describe the battle of Waterloo. Give leaders, date, and result. 1 179 Of what particular importance is the battle of Waterloo? 22 With what country did Great Britain engage in war in 1812? . . 88 In 'what year was the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland consummated? 122 When was the spinning machine first used in England? 86 Give the year in which iron railways were first used in England. Steam carriages 88 When was gas *first used for lighting the streets of London? .... 88 What important medical discovery was made by Edward Jenner? Give date 450 Name important inventions made by the following: Arkwright, Crompton, Watt 399-499, 668 Mention some of the reforms of the reign of George IV 52 What was accomplished by the reform bill of 1832? 52 During whese reign did Great Britain abolish negro slavery?. 52, 151 Sketch briefly the main facts in the life of Queen Victoria. . . . 497 Of what political party was Sir Robert Peel the leader? Under what name did he reorganize this party? 52, 475 Upon whose recommendation and in what year were the English corn laws repealed? In what part of the empire did severe famine exist? 52, 90 Upon what plea did Great Britain become involved in the Crimean war? What alliance was formed against Russia? 52-53 Give leading battles, chief leaders, and period of the Crimean war 139, 38 In what year was the government of India transferred to the British crown? 53 31 Give chief events in the lives of the following: Gladstone, Disraeli, Cecil Rhodes 438, 428, 480 When was the first Atlantic cable laid? 670, 92 In what year were the British North-American colonies united as the Dominion of Canada? 34, 53 Give the dates of two Irish land acts passed during Gladstone's administration as prime minister 53 Upon what queen was the title of empress of India first conferred? . 53, 94 What were the causes of the Boer war.? How long did it last? . 53, 27-29 Mention five writers of the Victorian age of English literature. . 303 House of Saxe-Coburg Show how the name Saxe-Coburg is applied to the successors of Queen Victoria 497 Name the first king of the house of Saxe-Coburg. The present king. When did the reign of each begin? 151, 605 When and by whom was the name of the royal house of England changed from Saxe-Coburg to Windsor? . , 151 Who became premier of England in 1902? What policy did he oppose in 1903? 53, 402 What measures were proposed by Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain in 1903? 417 Who succeeded Balfour as prime minister of England? In what year? ' ; 53, 415 When did Asquith become prime minister of England? What wage bill did he introduce? 53, 400 Mention two important measures of which Lloyd George is the author 458 In what year was the old age pension act passed? The mini- mum wage bill? 53, 94 What important bill in behalf of Ireland passed Parliament in 1914?. 122 Of what does the present British parliament consist? 690 Name the countries composing the United Kingdom 534-535 When and how were Wales, Scotland, and Ireland acquired by England? 534-535 Name the deposed kings of England 41 What ruler of England ruled the greatest number of years? 151 32 AMERICAN HISTORY Name five Norsemen who visited America in the 10th and llth centuries. In what early writings are accounts of their voyages found? 98, 168, 146 Tell what you eaa about Eric the Red 431, 98 To wha* part of North America was the name Vinland given? What discoverer is believed to have named it? When did he land? 386, 146, 168 When and where was Christopher Columbus born? State has early occupation, the voyage of discovery he planned to make, the years of waiting, the attitude of Queen Isabella towards his project 421, 448 Give tiise date 539, 107 Under whose administration was Chinese immigration prohibited? . 107 During whose administration was the McKinley tariff bill passed? The Wilson tariff bill? 107, 108 Give the more important events of Cleveland's two administra- tions. Outline the leading facts of his life 107-108, 420 What states were admitted under President Harrison? 107 In what year did McKinley take office as president? 108 Name a tariff bill which became effective during McKinley's administration 108 What was the cause of the Spanish- American war? 156, 38-39 Name the leading battles and the chief leaders of the Spanish- American war. How long did this war last? How much money did it cost the United States? 139, 156-158 Describe the battle of Manila Bay. Name the American com- mander. Compare this battle with Trafalgar 131, 427 Give facts about Sampson, Schley, and Roosevelt in connection with the Spanish-American war 156-157, 486, 482 For what military service is each of the following distinguished: Adna R. Chaff ee, Robley D. Evans, Richmond P. Hobson, Nelson A. Miles, Charles D, Sigsbee, Joseph Wheeler, Leonard Wood? 417-503 By what treaty was the Spanish-American war closed? What territory did the United States acquire? How much money did the United States pay to Spain? 177, 164, 139 When did congress authorize self-government for Cuba? In what year was the government formally transferred to the Cuban authorities? 39 WTien and in what city was President McKinley assassinated? Sketch briefly the life of McKinley 108, 177, 464 By whom was McKinley succeeded as president? 108 Under whose administration was the Panama canal purchase made? When was the treaty signed? What are its terms? . 108, 553 What cabinet department was created in 1903? 108, 639 In what year was Japanese immigration restrained?. 177 44 When did the pure food law take effect? 109 When was the San Francisco earthquake? 109 Mention the leading events of Roosevelt's first administration. His second. Give a brief sketch of his life 108-109, 482 Name some prominent positions held by William H. Taft before his election to the presidency. When did he -become presi- dent? 492 What were the chief features of the Taft administration? . . . 109, 178 Under whose administration was each of the following states admitted: Arizona? New Mexico? Oklahoma? 109 When and by whom was the north pole discovered? 109 In what year were postal savings banks established? The parcel post system? 109, 849, 848 When was the progressive party organized? 94 When were the sixteenth and seventeenth amendments to the constitution ratified? In whose administrations? What are the provisions of these amendments? 109, 599 In what field of activity was Woodrow Wilson prominent before ' he entered political life? Give a brief sketch of his career 502-503 What are the noteworthy events of Wilson's administration? . . 109, 178 Who was president during the war of 1812? The war with Mexico in 1846? The civil war? The Spanish-American war? The world war? 139, 101-109 How many presidents served two full terms? 144-145 Which president served the shortest term? 144-145 How many presidents were college men? How many were self-taught or had only common school education? 144-145 How many presidents were born in the state in which you live? . 144-145 Which state has produced the greatest number of presidents? . 144-145 State the number of democratic presidents since 1860. Repub- lican 144-145 Where is Lincoln buried? Grant? Fillmore? 144-145 Which president once killed a man in a duel? 785-786 Mention a cabinet department created in 1913. .. 640 Associate each of the following names with some public enter- prise: Jane Addams, Clara Barton, Andrew Carnegie, George W. Goethals, Jacob Riis 394-481 With what country and in what year was Perry's treaty made? How many important treaties in American history have been made at Paris? 164 Who is now president of the United States? 144-145, 605 45 CANADA By whom was the gulf of St. Lawrence first explored? When? ... 34 When and by whom was Quebec founded? What was the character of the settlement? 34, 98, 562 State the year in which the French Jesuits settled at Port Royal. 98 Where was Fort St. Louis built? By whom? 34 Give an account of the life of Samuel de Champlain. When did he become governor of Canada? 418, 98 What name was given to Canada by the French settlers? 805 By what people was Port Royal taken in 1628? 98 What country took Quebec in 1629? Name the leader 562, 98 How long after 1629 did the English hold Quebec? By whose influence was Canadian territory restored to the French? Give date 562, 98 Mention two classes of missionaries active in Canada early in the 17th century. Give three facts about them 34 By whom and when was Montreal founded? Who named the place? 546, 830 Name the first bishop of Quebec 99 Mention a mission founded in 1668 99 When was the Hudson bay company chartered? What territory was granted the company? 34 From what stronghold and throughout what district did the French rule during the 17th century and the early half of the 18th century? 34 In what year did Frontenac become governor of Canada? Locate a fort named for him.. 99 Of the Indian tribes in Canada name one friendly to the English and one hostile tribe 34 What tribe of Indians captured Lachine? 99 During the greater part of the 18th century what European countries were struggling for control of America? 34 Name the principal event of King George's war 168, 99 Name the leaders at the battle of Quebec. Which was vic- torious? On what "plains" was the battle fought? What contest was practically ended by this battle? 34, 503, 467, 562 Give the date of the conquest of Montreal by the English. State the importance of this capitulation 34, 546 By what treaty of peace was the French a*id Indian war ended? What were its terms? 168, 34 How were Montreal and Quebec affected by the American revo- lution? 546, 100 46 At what time were St. John, N. B., and Kingston, Ontario, founded? 100 In what year was Canada divided into Upper and Lower Canada? What was the character of each division? 101, 34 When and by whom was the city of Toronto founded? Give the name of the fort which formerly occupied the site of Toronto 575, 99, 844 At what time was slavery rendered illegal in Upper Canada? In Lower Canada? Was this earlier or later than the abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions? 101, 155 Who was the founder of Ottawa? By what name was Ottawa formerly known? 551 In what year was the Welland canal completed? What cities does it connect? 102 When was constitutional government granted to Newfoundland? 103 At what time were Upper and Lower Canada reunited for legis- lative purposes? 34 What city became the capital of Canada in 1858? 104 By what legislative act were the British colonies in North America united? What name was given to their union? 34,53 Name the colonies included in the Dominion of Canada at the time it was constituted. Mention three others added from 1868 to 1873. What colony refused to join the confed- eracy? , 34, 105, 106 Who was the first governor-general of Canada? 151 Name the first premier of Canada. Mention other important offices held by him What was his influence in the federa- tion of the colonies? 152, 460 Give a brief sketch of the life of Alexander Mackenzie. What honor did he decline? 460 What agitation took place in Nova Scotia in 1868? 106 State the cause of Kiel's rebellion. How was it suppressed? Give its date. . , 34 In what circumstances was Manitoba organized? What name was given to the unorganized territory beyond Manitoba?. . . 34 Name the divisions of the Northwest Territory made in 1882. . . . 107 By what treaty of 1871 was the fisheries dispute with the United States settled? What arrangement was made? 34 Describe the second rebellion headed by Louis Kiel 34-35 When did the Washington treaty expire? How did its expira- tion affect the fisheries question? 35 How and when was the Bering sea question settled? 35 47 In what year was the controversy over the Alaskan boundary decided? In favor of which country? 35, 108 When was the Canadian Pacific railway completed? 107 In what year was the Canadian- Australian cable laid? 108 When was the university of Ottawa founded? McGill university? King's College, Windsor, N. S.? 100-108 In what year did the first transatlantic steamer arrive at Quebec? When was the suspension bridge at Niagara Falls opened? The Grand Trunk railroad? 104 At what time did Canada adopt the decimal system of coinage? . . 104 What administration changes occurred in 1911? What reciprocal measure was defeated at the same time? 109, 35 State the important facts from the lives of Sir Charles Tupper, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Robert Laird Borden, Duke of Con- naught, Baron Strathcona, Sir Lomer Gouin 409-495 Name the present governor-general of Canada. The present premier 151, 152 MEXICO According to traditional history what different dates are given for the occupation of Mexico by the Toltecs? 98, 132, 162 Describe the Toltecs their mode of life, their religion, their progress and civilization 132, 162-163 What was the fate of the Toltecs in Mexico? By whom were they succeeded? Give the approximate date 132, 162, 98 Give an account of the government of the Aztecs. Of their religion 132 When was the city of Mexico founded? What is the origin of its name? 98, 132, 829 Name the first Spanish discoverer to visit Mexico. Give the date. What sort of government did he set up? 132, 423, 98 With what territories was Mexico united in 1540? Under what name? How was all this territory governed? 132 How did Mexico rank with other Spanish colonies? With what country was Mexico compelled to carry on all its foreign trade? 132-133 For how long did Spain rule Mexico? Under what circumstances was the republic of Mexico established? 132-133 Who became president of Mexico in 1833? Give the leading events of his life 103, 485 Give the dates connected with the independence of Texas. What war was the result of the. annexation of Texas by the United States? 133, 103 48 Name the Mexican leader in the war against the United States in 1846. State the result of the war 139 Sketch affairs in Mexico from 1855 to 1867 133 By what country was the Emperor Maximilian sent to Mexico?. . 133 How long did Maximilian rule Mexico? How did the empire end? Who resumed the government of Mexico? 105, 133 In what year did Porfirio Diaz become president of Mexico? How long did he serve? Name two events of his admin- istration 133, 427, 109 Why did Porfirio Diaz resign as president? Give facts about Madero. , 133, 109 Who led an insurrection beginning in 1912? 133 Name the leader of an insurrection commencing in 1913 109 What led the U. S. to take Vera Cruz in 1914? 133 SOUTH AMERICA When did the Incas rule Peru? 120 By whom was Peru conquered in 1533? 120, 477 Who were the first two European explorers of Argentina? At what time were their explorations made? 20 When was Buenos Ayres founded? , Why was the site chosen? What does its name mean? 20, 804 From what European country did some of the colonists of Argentina come? 20 Where did the Spanish establish themselves in 1729? 99 Until 1775, how was Argentina governed? What change of government was made in that year? What territory was added? What city became the capital? 20, 100 What people regarded Titioaca as a sacred place? Tell one of their legends 844 When were Buenos Ayres and Montevideo occupied by the English? What was the effect on the colonists? 20 In what year did the independence of Argentina begin? 101, 20 What confederation was formed in 1816? In 1831? Describe conditions in the Argentine confederation, 1831 to 1859. . . 20 When was the constitution of Argentina decreed? 102 Mention the territories acquired by Argentina in 1881. Between what two countries were Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego divided? 20, 106 Tell something of the development of railroads in Argentina . . 108, 20 How did Argentina restrict immigration in 1911? 20 49 Name a large battleship launched for the Argentine navy. Give date 109 Hake a statement about Argentina's expenditures for education in recent years 20 Name the president of Argentina 604-605 What Portuguese navigator discovered Brazil? When? 143 When did Amerigo Vespucci visit Brazil? 396 Who made the first settlement in Brazil? In what year? 31 Under the power of what country did Brazil fall in 1578? To what country did it become a prey? 31 When did Portugal recover Brazil from the Hollanders? 31, 84 Why was the seat v of Portuguese government once at Rio de Janeiro? When did Brazil become a kingdom? 143, 31, 102 Who was the "perpetual defender" of Brazil? When did he proclaim the independence of the country? 31-32, 102 When was the republic of Brazil founded? 32 What important international steps were taken by Brazil during the year 1906? 32 Name a conference held at Rio de Janeiro in 1906 109 What demonstration of international interest was given by Rio de Janeiro in 1908? 32 Who is the president of Brazil? 604-605 To whom did Chile originally belong? By whom was it con- quered hi 1535? 35 When and by whom was Santiago founded? 839 For how many years was Chile a Spanish colony? When did Chile gain her independence? 35 Compare Chile with other South American states with respect to internal disturbances 35 From what countries did Chile gain large territories in 1881?. .35, 106 What serious disaster visited Valparaiso in 1906? 788 Who is now president of Chile? 604-605 Give facts about Atahualpa, Simon Bolivar, Santos-Dumont. . 400-485 HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL EUROPE ITALY Under whom did the kingdom of Italy begin? By what con- queror of Italy was he put to death? 66, 67 Who was Belisarius? Justinian? For whom did Belisarius take Italy? 405, 452, 67 When did the Lombards conquer Italy? 67 Where and when was Charlemagne crowned king of Italy? What other countries did he rule? 69, 418 To what empire did southern Italy become subject in 890 A. D.?. 70 Where, when, and by whom was Otto I crowned king of Italy? Of what country was he already king? 473 In what year was Italy united to Germany? 73 What is meant by the two Sicilies? 154 By whom was Sicily taken from the Saracens? What title did his son receive? 75, 482 In what century did Venice become a great maritime power? From what period does the cathedral of St. Mark date? ... 75, 576 Who were the Ghibellines? The Guelphs? What influence had their feud upon Italy? 115 What were the Sicilian vespers? 123, 155 State some facts about Savonarola. When did he live? 485 Describe the progress made by the republics of Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries. How did these conditions lead to the downfall of the states? 123 When did the dominion of Italy pass to the pope? 76 Give an account of Dante's life. Why was he banished? 424 Who was Lorenzo de' Medici? For what was the Medici family distinguished? 465, 80 For what is the pontificate of Pope Leo X noted? How was he related to Lorenzo de' Medici? 80, 456, 26 For what is Michael Angelo famed? Of what great structure was he the architect? 397-398, 572 What great cathedral was dedicated at Rome in 1626? 82, 571 Give the date of Napoleon's Italian campaign 86 When was the Italian republic proclaimed? Who became its president? 86, 88 What coronation took place at Milan in 1805? How long did the kingdom of Italy last? 543-544, 88 ' 51 After the fall of Napoleon by what authority was Italy recon- stituted? 123 What was the result of the revolution of 1848? Explain what Cavour accomplished for Italy at this time 91, 417 When did Victor Emmanuel become king of Sardinia, and when king of Italy? 497, 93 Describe Garibaldi's career. Mention one of his conquests. . . . 436, 123 When did Rome become the capital of Italy? Under what control was Rome from 728 to 1870? 95, 567 What is the Vatican? Under whose power is it? 576, 567 With whom was Italy at war, 1911-12? State result 123, 139 Sketch briefly facts about the following: Raphael, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci 479-497 What did Galileo do toward the progress of science? What opposition did he meet? 435 What Italian city was the birthplace of Christopher Columbus? What great discovery did he make? Give date 421,98 THE EASTERN EMPIRE TURKEY, OR THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE When did Justinian become emperor of the east? What were the characteristics of his reign? 67, 452 Mention some territory acquired by the eastern empire before 600 A. D. Give the extent of the empire in 600 67, 68 How was Constantinople twice saved from the Saracens? 68 From what part of the world did the Ottoman Turks come? . . . 166 When were the Turks first recognized as a nation? 67 From whom did the Turks get their religion? In what century? . 166 What does Ottoman mean? Who was Othman? 833, 166 By whom was the Ottoman empire founded? When? 76 When did the Ottomans establish themselves in Europe? 79 Trace the Ottoman encroachments upon the eastern empire 78-80 For what purpose did John VII of the eastern empire visit Italy? . 78 When did the eastern empire end? How long had it existed? . . 80, 42 During the 14th and 15th centuries what was the military rank of the Turkish empire? 166 Mention the territory acquired by Turkey between 1360 and 1520 166, 81-83 By whom was the Turkish navy created? In what century?. . 166 Under whom did the Ottoman empire reach its greatest power? . . 166 For what was Solyman the Magnificent celebrated? 166, 489 Mention the first great naval defeat and the first great reverse on land which the Ottoman empire met 166 52 When was the battle of Lepanto fought? By whom? , 166 Name Turkey's strongest opponent in the 18th century 166 What Russian territory did Turkey hold at the middle of the 18th century? 166 When did the Turkish empire lose the Crimea? 167, 87 By what means and at what time did Greece become independent of Turkey? 167 Give the cause of the Crimean war. What countries united with Turkey in that war? '. 167, 38 What was the result of the Crimean war? 167, 139 Explain the causes and the results of the Russo-Turkish war . 167, 139 Name the territory lost by Turkey between 1878 and 1885 . . . 167 By whom was Abdul-Hamid forced to abdicate? What is the order of succession to the Turkish throne? 167, 393 Give the cause and the result of the Balkan war 167, 139 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL By what names was Spain known to the Greeks and to the Romans? Why was Spain so named? 155, 842 In what century and by whom was Barcelona founded and named? 155-156, 801 In what order was Spain successively controlled ly the Moors, the Visigoths, the Greeks, the Romans? Trace the same nations in Portugal 156, 142 Under the power of what invading nation was Spain at the time of the fall of the western empire, 476 A. D.? What invaders made Toledo their capital?. 156, 844 Describe conditions in Spain under Roman rule. 156 When did the Moors obtain control of Spain? When did they lose it? When were the last Moors expelled? 156, 19, 82 In what century did small Christian kingdoms begin to spring up in Moorish Spain? 156 What is the Alhambra? When was it founded? 798, 77 Show how Ferdinand V of Castile became monarch of all the Spanish kingdoms 432, 156 When was the conquest of Granada made? 80, 156 Name an important discovery made during the reign of Ferdi- nand and Isabella. Give the date 432-433 What Portuguese city was the market of the world ia the 16th century? 82 Mention some celebrated Portuguese navigators, their voyages and discoveries 148 When did Spain acquire the PMlippines?*. 82 Between what dates was Portugal under Spanish rule? 82, 84 Describe the Spanish armada. In what year and with what object was it sent out? What was the result? 21 Under what ruler were Mexico and Peru added to Spain? Give dates 156, 83 When did the war of the Spanish succession occur? Give result . 156, 139 Why did Spain declare war against Napoleon in 1808? What country aided Spain in this war, and with what result? 156 When was Portugal released from Napoleon's power? When did it become a constitutional monarchy? A republic? 143 Upon the abdication of what ruler did Spain become a republic? How soon was the monarchy restored? 156 State the cause of the Spanish- American war. What possessions did Spain lose as a result of this war? 156, 139 Who were Cervantes, Cid, Cortez, Velasquez, Magellan? 417-496 FRANCE By what name was France known to the Romans? What Roman ruler first conquered France? '. 110, 63 Give the origin of the name France. When are the Franks first mentioned in history? 815, 65 How early was Paris known to the Romans? When and under whom did the Franks take Paris? 555, 66 Under what power was Gaul when the western empire fell?. . .66, 110 Who was the founder of the French monarchy? 67, 421, 110 To what dynasty did Clovis I belong? How long did the Mero- vingians rule France? 110, 147 What was the Salic law? 153-154, 67 Who was Charles Martel? What decisive battle in the world's history did he win? 419, 22 Name the founder of the Carlo vingian dynasty 147, 476 During whose rule did France reach its greatest power? 110, 418 Between what years was Charlemagne king of France? 147 Who was the founder of the new western empire? In what year? Over what countries did he rule? 69, 418 Explain the song of Roland and its connection with French history 382, 378 Trace the divisions of the empire among the descendants of Charlemagne 69 How and when did Normandy get its name? Who were the Northmen? 136, 832 Name the first king of the house of Capet. Over what Euro- pean countries has the house of Capet ruled? 148, 415 54 At what time was the French language first written? 72, 293 What were the crusades? Name three French rulers who led the crusades 38, 75, 77 When was the university of Paris founded? What colleges existed in Paris prior to that time? 76, 111 Which king first levied a tax to maintain a standing army? Ill By virtue of what law did Philippe of Valois become king? Ill Between whom and when did the hundred years' war occur? Name king of France at the beginning and at the close. . . . 138, 148 What country was victorious in each of the following battles: Crecy, Poitiers, Agincourt? 527, 78, 111 What part did Joan of Arc play in bringing the hundred years' war to a close? What title is applied to her? 399, 111, 8J. What was the Bastille? 518 Who were the troubadours? Name the first troubadour of note. . 385, 74 Sketch the conditions which brought about the renaissance 294 Who were the,Huguenots? Under what French king did their persecution begin? 118, 111 Describe the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Who instigated it? 118, 153, 111, 417 Who was the first king of the house of Bourbon?. . 148, 111 By what edict were the rights of the Huguenots established? What war did this close? 118, 42, 164, 138 When' did Cardinal Richelieu administer the government? Ill, 480 Give an account of the reign of Louis XIV. What cardinal was his prime minister? 459, 464 From what is the name Fronde derived? When did the wars of the Fronde occur? 113 By whom was the edict of Nantes reyoked? 42 How did the American war for independence influence the people of France during the latter part of the 18th century?. Ill State the conditions which led to the French revolution begun in the reign of Louis XVI. How long did it last? 459, 139 Sketch briefly the life of Marie Antoinette ' 398 What class of people composed the tiers etatf What other classes controlled most of the wealth of France?. 162 What is meant by the states general? .842 When did the national assembly begin? By what other name was it known? What did it do? 21 What was the national guard? When organized? Give facts about its first commander 113, 87, 455 What action was taken by the legislative assembly? 21 When did the "convention" meet? What did it proclaim? 21 55 Who were the Girondists? When did most of them perish?. .115-116 Who were the Jacobins? What political power did they exert? . 123-124 What organization was responsible for the reign of terror? When did it begin? 124, 113 Give facts from the life of Danton, Marat, Robespierre, Char- lotte Corday, Madame Roland 422-482 Mention the principal events of the French revolution 112-113 What was the French directory? Of how many members was it composed? 41 Who became commander of the French army in 1795? 87 When was the directory overthrown? -By whom? What official position did he take? How long did the consulate last? . 1 12, 469, 148 What is the legion of honor? Who instituted it? 366, 793 When was Napoleon I proclaimed emperor of France? How long did he reign? Explain the cause of his downfall .... 89, 148, 470 After the abdication of Napoleon, to what island was he exiled? How long did he remain there in exile? 469-470, 813 Sketch briefly the life of Napoleon 1 469-470 Upon the restoration of the Bourbon line who became king?. 148, 112 What was the hundred days' war? What battle ended it? 470, 112 Describe the battle of Waterloo. Name the leaders. Give the result. Why is this battle of particular importance? . 179, 22 To what island was Napoleon I banished after his defeat at Waterloo? When did he die? 112 For what purpose was the holy alliance formed? What coun- tries entered into it? 89, 117-118, 164 Name the leading battles and chief leaders of the Napoleonic wars. What position did France hold at their close? 139 How was the reign of Charles X affected by the revolution of 1830? 112, 148 When did the second republic begin? Who was its president? Under what title did he become emperor? 148, 112, 470 La what war was the battle of Sedan fought? What emperor was captured? Give facts about the battle 139, 112 Give the chief facts in the history of Alsace-Lorraine 11 What change of government followed the defeat and the capture of Napoleon III? 148 What were the Tuileries? 165 In what wars did Bazaine and MaeMahon distinguish them- selves? Which commanded at Sedan? Which at Metz?.404, 460 Mention five kings of France who were deposed 41 When did the final disposition of the Dreyfus ease occur? 112 For how many years has France been a republic? 148 56 To whom was the Nobel prize for chemistry awarded in 1911? . . 95 Connect each of the following with some important period in French history: Conde, Grouchy, Turenne 421-495 For what is each of the following celebrated: Bonheur? Dore"? Eiffel? Rodin? , .400-481 Who ie the present president of France? 605 GERMANY What is the meaning of the name Germany? 816 Who were the Teutones? What region is supposed to have been their original settlement? 160 When did the Teutones invade Gaul? Compare with the date of the first great migration of the German nations 160, 62 By whom were the Germans defeated in 55 B. .? 63 Where did the Frisians live? When and by whom were they subjected to Roman rule? 113 Name two German cities which grew out of the fixed camps of the Roman legions . . . . , 64 Give the year in which Germanicus subdued Germany .......... 64 In what manner did Varus govern lower Germany? Who was emperor of Rome at that time?. , 64 r 146 When was a Roman bridge built across the Danube? Under what Roman emperor? 65, 146 Mention a wall built in Germany by the Roman emperor Hadrian. 05 Where did the Goths originally dwell? Name the two divisions into which they separated in the 3rd century. Where did each division settle? 116 What people established a confederacy in Germany at the middle of the 3rd century? 65 From what people did Hungary take its name? What was its ancient name? 821, 65 When did the Huns invade Hungary? Where did they come from? Why are the Germans called Huns? 821, 119, 65 When did Teutonic tribes first overrun Alsace-Lorraine? 11 In what parts of Germany did France claim supremacy? Where did the Franks set up their kingdom? 66, 113 When did Charlemagne become king of Germany, Italy, and France? What was the character of his reign-? 69, 418, 113 What king is regarded as the founder of the German empire? How was he related to Charlemagne? 149, 69 When did the Carlovingian dynasty end? At this period what nations were in Germany? By whom was their king crowned? , ,. .,.149, 11S-114 57 Mention some conquests made during the reigns of Henry the Fowler and Otho the Great 149, 114, 473 During the 10th century what was the attitude of the Hun- garians towards other nations? Who subdued them? When did Hungary become subject to Germany? 118, 114 Give the main facts of the disagreement between Henry IV of Germany and Pope Gregory VII 75, 445, 440, 522 When did the Hohenstauffen dynasty begin? 149 Under whose reign did the wars of the Guelphs and the Ghibel- lines begin? At what time? Explain their strife. ... 114, 149, 115 When was the Hanseatic league formed? Explain why the Hanse towns formed a league 77, 117 By what emperor was the house of Habsburg founded? What historic feud did he terminate? 114, 149, 483 What invention was made by Gutenberg? Where? When? . . . 441, 80 Of what country is it said that its history is the history of the house of Habsburg? 22 In what century and under what Austrian niter was Hungary united to Austria? 22, 119 When did the reformation begin? In whose reign? 80, 150, 460 Give a brief sketch of the life of Martin Luther 460 What was the attitude of Charles V towards the reformation? State the importance of the period in which he reigned . . . 418 When was the diet of Worms held? What was it? What plea did Luther make? 82, 165, 460 Of what did the confession of Augsburg consist? What was its purpose? Give facts about the compiler 688, 465 Explain the cause of the thirty years' war. Give the dates, the leading battles, the chief leaders 114, 161, 138 What was the defenestration of Prague? 39, 560 Name the countries involved in the thirty years' war. By what treaty was it closed? 161-162, 114 Give facts about Tilly. Wallenstein 495/497 By what country was Maria Theresa supported in her contest for the throne of Germany? How long did the war of the Austrian succession last? 462, 139 When and where was the battle of Liitzen fought? In what war? What king was killed in this battle? 131, 441 In what condition did the thirty years' war leave Germany?. . . 114 Name the chief contestants in the seven years' war. What nations were involved? State its effect upon Prussia . . . 154, 51, 139 Give some facts from the life of Frederick the Great of Prussia . . . 434 58 When did Francis II of Germany take the title of Emperor of Austria? By whom was he driven out of Germany? .... 88, 22 At what time was Germany under the power of Napoleon? How was it governed during that period? 114, 150, 37 State the object of the holy alliance. When was it formed?. . . 117-118 How long did the Germanic confederation rule? By what vote was Austria excluded from the confederation? 150,114 State the cause of the seven weeks' war. Name the principal battles. How did it result? 114, 139 In what year was Austria finally excluded from Germany? What is meant by the North German confederation? How long did it rule Germany?. . . . '. 22, 136, 150 Who became king of Prussia in 1861? Premier in 1862? 92 When was the Franco-Prussian war? Name the leading battles. The chief leaders. What did Germany gain by this war? . 139, 114 Give the effects of German rule in Alsace-Lorraine 11 Tell some facts about Bismarck, Frederick Charles, von Moltke. Which commanded the German forces at Gravelotte? Which received a title in recognition of his services during the Franco-Prussian war? 407-467 When was the Germanic empire reconstructed? Who was its first emperor? How long had he been king of Prussia?. 114, 150, 502 In what year did William II become emperor of Germany? What characteristics make his reign conspicuous? 150, 502, 114 What incident incited and what was the real cause of the World War? 181 What territory was restored to France by the Treaty of Versailles? 115 Name the first three countries who declared war on Germany. . . 182 Name the present ruler of Germany 605 AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY By what battle of the seven weeks' war was Austria perma- nently separated from Germany? Give date 22, 119 In what respects is the government of Hungary distinct from _that of Austria? 22, 119 When did Austria pass a universal suffrage law? 94 What territories were acquired by Austria in 1909? 22 When did Francis Joseph become emperor of Austria? When was he crowned king of Hungary? _ Outline the principal events of his reign 434, 119 For what was Metternich distinguished? Kossuth? 466, 454 Who is now ruler of Austria? Of Hungary? 605 59 DENMARK Give the meaning of the name Scandinavia. In early literature what people were called Scandinavians? 840, 286 How early did the Romans know the inhabitants of Denmark?. . 40 Who was Odin? Name the mythical first ruler of Denmark 40, 337 Name two classes into which the early people of Denmark were divided, and state their occupations 40 Give the date of the first recorded invasion of Britain by the Danes, or Northmen 69, 136 Who was the first authentic king of Denmark? What countries did he unite? In what country did his descendants reign?. 40, 71 What are the Eddas? When were they composed? What is meant by the sagas? 286, 354, 379 When did Canute reign in England? When did his dynasty in Denmark end? 415, 150, 40 State the extent of the Danish kingdom in the 12th and 13th centuries 40 Mention a queen who ruled Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. By what act were these countries united? 40, 462, 164 When was the union of Calmar dissolved?. . . . , 83 How long did the Oldenburg line rule Denmark? 40 Who was the ablest Danish ruler? When did he reign? 40, 83 At what time was serfdom prevalent in Denmark? What king was active in abolishing serfdom? 40 What effect have the Schleswig-Holstein troubles produced? 40 Who is the present king of Denmark? 605 When, to what country, and for what sum did Denmark sell the Virgin islands? 41, 577, 624 SWEDEN AND NORWAY Divide the early inhabitants of Sweden into two groups. State their origin. How did an attempt to unite them result? 158 From what deity did the Ynglingar dynasty claim descent? . . 158, 337 Who were Odin, Frigga, Thor? 330-342 Give the origin of Friday, Thursday, Wednesday 816-846 Name a king who ruled the whole of Sweden. When? 158 When and by whom was Stockholm founded? What does its name mean? 571, 842 Who was the first Christian king of Sweden? 73 Who became king of Sweden hi 1150? Why did his death cause trouble with Denmark? 75, 158 When was the throne of Sweden offered to the ruler of another country? 159, 462 What countries were united by the union of Calmar? Give date 159 , 164, 402 When were the Danes driven from Sweden? Who then became king of Sweden? 159, 83, 441 In what condition did Gustaf Vasa leave Sweden at his death? . . 159 How did Sweden become involved in the thirty years' war? Who was king of Sweden? Where was he killed? 161-162, 131 How does Gustavus Adolphus rank with other rulers of his time? When did he reign? 159, 441 When was Sweden declared an absolute monarchy? 85 Characterize the reign of Charles XII of Sweden 418, 85, 87 Who was Bernadotte? How did he become king of Sweden? Characterize his reign and the Bernadotte dynasty 406, 159 In what year were Norway and Sweden united as two kingdoms under one monarch? How long did this union continue? 89, 95, 159 For what is each of the following noted: Alstroemer? Ericsson? Linnaeus? Oxenstienia? Swedenborg? 396-492 Name the present king of Sweden. 605 With the history of what countries is that of Norway interwoven?. . 137 Who was the first king of Norway? 71 In what century does the authentic history of Norway begin? .... 137 What expeditions led to the introduction of Christianity? 137 When did Olaf II rule Norway? Name a king witii whom Olaf was at war. To what country did Norway pass as a result of that war? 137, 472 In what year was Bergen fault? 75 Explain the conditions that brought Norway under the rule of Queen Margaret. What other -countries did she rule? . . 137, 462 When was Norway first united to Denmark? During what critical period in European history was this union severed? 137 Why was Denmark compelled to give up Norway? With what country did the tneaty of Kiel unite Norway? 137, 164 How did the Norwegians receive the treaty of Kiel? Why did Bernadotte invade their country? 137 Oo what conditions did Norway consent to Swedish government? Who was the first joint king of Sweden and Norway? 137 What caused the final separation of Norway from Sweden? When did it occur? Who became king of Norway?. . . 137, 95, 159 When was the first book printed in Norway? What was it? .... 289 What great discovery was ma4e by Roald Amundsen in 1911? Sketch his career 94, 397 Who were Bjomeon, de Bornemann BuH, Ibsen, Nansen? 407-409 Give the name of the present king of Norway 605 61 RUSSIA Who is regarded as the founder of Russia? State his nationality, the territory controlled by him, and the date of the found- ing of the empire 152 What Russian ruler invaded Constantinople in the 10th century? Name an invasion made by him in 907 70-71 Who became ruler of Russia in 945? 71 What ruler is called the Charlemagne of Russia? When did he reign? Mention some of his deeds 152, 73 Describe conditions in Russia during the llth and 12th cen- turies 152, 73 Name two Russian cities founded in the 12th century 75 Give the approximate date of the Mongol invasion of Russia. By what name were the invaders known? Until what date was Russia under Tartar rule? 77, 79 Give the year in which Ivan the Great became ruler of Russia. What title did he assume? 81, 149 What was the character of the rule of Ivan the Terrible? When did he reign? 315, 83, 149 By whom was the house of Romanoff founded? 83, 149 State facts about the reign of Alexis 149, 395 Give an account of the reign of Peter the Great. Why is it said that Russia's greatness dates from his accession? 149, 152, 476 Who founded St. Petersburg? Give details 834, 85, 572 When and under what ruler did the three partitions of Poland take place? What portion of Poland did Russia receive?. .164, 152, 142 Describe the reign of Catherine II 149, 417 In what battles was Russia engaged during the reign of Alexander I? What wars were then taking place throughout Europe? 395, 139 When was Poland united to Russia? When did it become a part of the Russian empire? '. 89, 152, 142 Name a war which was terminated by Alexander II. By means of what treaty? What death did Alexander II meet? . 395, 164, 132 Give a brief account of the Crimean war and its consequences. Name some of the battles 38, 152, 139 To whom and when was Russian America sold? 93 With what country was Russia at war in 1877? 139, 152 What territory was acquired by Russia from 1858 to 1909? 152 In what year did Nicholas II come to the throne? State some of his personal characteristics. Mention important events dwing his reign 140, 471 What privileges were given by China to Russia in 1900? How did this lead to the Russo-Japanese war? 152-153 62 Name the leading battles arid the chief leaders of the Russo- Japanese war. Give its result 139, 153 Give the origin of these names: Moscow, Russia, Warsaw 830-846 At about what time did the spread of nihilism begin? Who is Prince Kropotkin? 95, 152, 454 Give facts about Gorky, Kosciusko, Stolypin, Tolstoi, Witte. . . 439-503 Give the chief facts concerning Russia's part in the world war. . . 97, 153 BELGIUM AND HOLLAND In the time of Csesar what name was given to the territory now known as Belgium? What was its extent? How long did it continue under Roman rule? 22 How early is Antwerp mentioned in history? 510 Trace the history of Belgium from the fall of Rome to 953. Into what parts was Belgium divided in 953? 22-23 What royal house acquired the whole of the Netherlands in the 15th century? For how many years had Holland been an independent country? 23, 117 When and why did Belgium and Holland become Austrian posses- sions? Why did they later pass under Spanish rule? 23, 117 When 'and under whom did the seven northern states establish their independence? What country retained Belgium? 23, 117 Outline the changes made in the territory and government of Belgium from 1598 to 1714. What disposal was made of Bel- gium by the treaty of Utrecht? What name was given to Belgium by that treaty? 23 By whom was Belgium conquered during the Austrian war of succession? What restoration was made in 1748? By what treaty? 23 At what time did the Belgians attempt to set up an independent government as United Belgium? Trace the happenings of the next ten years 23 When was the kingdom of the Netherlands formed? Of what countries was it composed? Who became king? 23, 89, 117 How long did the kingdom of the Netherlands exist? Why was it dissolved? Who was made king of Belgium? 23, 89 What was the character of the reign of Leopold I of Belgium? . 456, 23 How long did Leopold II rule Belgium? 456, 23 By what treaty was the Congo Free State constituted? Who became its sovereign? To what country was the Congo State annexed in 1908? 23 For what are Rubens and Van Dyck celebrated? 483, 496 63 Who is aow king of Belgium? 605 Give the chief facts concerning the German invasion of Belgium in 1914 23 How many provmces united to form the Union of Utrecht? By what collective name were these provinces known? 117 Give an account of the life of Hugo Grotius 440 Who was John de Witt? What positions did he hold? 85, 427 When were Holland and Belgium united? Give the name of the kingdom thus formed. Name the ruler 117 In what year did Holland become a separate kingdom? How long did William I continue to rule Holland? 117, 91 How many years did William III reign in Holland? 117 Give a brief sketch of the life of Wilhelmina of Holland 501 What international court of artntration meets at the Hague? When was it established?. . . 603 To what country is the name Netherlands now restricted?. . . . 548 Name the present ruler of the Netherlands <0Q5 MODERN GREECE When was Greece taken from the eastern empire by the Latins?. . 116 By whom and when was Greece added to the Turkish empire? How long .did Greece remain a Turkish province? 166, 116 Give date -and result of the war of Greek independence 116, 89, 139 When was the kingdom of Greece founded? Give nationality of the first king 89, 116 la what year did the people demand a constitution? When was the king forced to abdicate? 91, 117 Give the name and nationality of the second king of Greece 117 When did Greece annex the Ionian isles? 93, 117 What was the result of the war with Turkey in 1896? 117 With whom did Greece engage in war in 1912? What countries ' united with Greece? 117, 167 What territory did Greece acquire in the Balkan war? . 117 Name the present king of Greece 97, 605 HISTORY OF ASIATIC COUNTRIES THE SARACENS What Semitic chiefs are supposed to have been the fathers of th^ present inhabitants of Arabia? 19 With what great religious character does the history of Arabia begin? ; 19 At what time did the Jews migrate into Arabia? What conditions were favorable to the introduction of Mohammedanism? 19 Sketch the life of Mohammed 467 When was the Koran published? What does it contain? Explain the doctrines of Mohammedanism 68, 281, 717 Who succeeded Mohammed? Give some facts about Abu Bekr.. 717, 393 During how many centuries does the dominion of the Arabs form an important period in the history of civilization? 19, 467 When did the Saracens take Jerusalem? How long did they hold it? 68 In what century was the power of the caliphs established in the east? What authority had the caliphs? What does the word caliph mean? 68, 34 When was Mohammedanism accepted in Persia? 68 What part of Africa was subdued by the Saracens in 698? In 709? 68 When was the art of paper-making introduced by the Arabs? . . 68 How large a portion of Spain was acquired by the Moors in 711? How did they govern it? 156 Trace the attacks and conquests made by the Saracens from 673 to 1055 68-73 In what battle were the Saracens defeated by France? Of what importance was this battle? 69, 22 When did Bagdad become the capital of the Saracenic empire? Under whom did it attain its greatest splendor? 69, 34 Who was Haroun al Raschid? What famous romances date from his time? 69, 443, 362 Whose reign was called the golden period of learning in Arabia? In what country did the Saracens promote agriculture and horticulture at this time? 69 By whom and when were the figures of arithmetic brought into Europe? ' 70 65 When did the decline of the caliphate begin? In what year was Bagdad overthrown by the Turks? When did the caliphate of Bagdad come to an end? 70, 73, 19 State the results of the Saracen conquests from 710 to 1492. The leading battles. The chief leaders 138 When and by whom was the Alhambra founded? When were the last of the Moors expelled from Spain? 77, 798, 82 Name three Mohammedan divisions which were provinces of Turkey prior to the World War 20 In what countries does Mohammedanism now prevail? 717 What older styles of architecture were combined in the Saracenic? Compare Moorish and Saracenic arches 512 JAPAN In what century were letters and the writings of Confucius first known to Japan? From what country were they brought? .. 317 When was Buddhism introduced into Japan? 124 Explain how the noble families of Japan came gradually to rule the mikados 124 At about what time did Japan adopt the feudal system? What change of government was made in the 8th centmry? .... 124, 317 By whom were the Fujiwarra family opposed? Mention two other families who came into power 124 Give the name of the first shogun 124 Give the meaning of shogun. Compare the powers of the shogun with the powers of the emperor, in the 12th century 124 What family controlled both the mikadoate and the shogunate from 1199 to 1333? 124 Describe the influence of the Hojo family 124 Whom did the Ashi-Kaga family succeed? What war did they occasion? 124 State Japan's attitude towards feudalism at the time Europe was 'discarding the feudal system 124 Name a shogun who perfected marine architecture. What name is given to the period in which he lived? 124 When did Europeans begin to land in Japan? During what year were all foreigners except Dutch and Chinese banished from Japan? 124 Give an account of the religious strife in Japan between 1549 and 1615. Describe the effect upon Japan of its first hundred years of intercourse with Christian nations 124 Give the name of the shogun under whom the Christians were expelled from Japan 124 Upon what island were the Dutch traders confined? 124 To whom was the name Tycoon applied? At what time? 124 In what year did the American fleet under Commodore Perry visit Japan? .90, 124 When was the Perry treaty with the United States concluded? Why did the making of this treaty hasten the Japanese revolution? , 124-125 What was the Dai Nihonshi? How did it affect the authority of the shogun? Trace a connection between this work and the revolution of the 19th century 317 What changes in government followed the revolution of 1868? 125 By what country was Japan opened to the world after several European countries had failed hi a similar attempt? 125 Give the date of the telegraph connection -between Japan and Russia. When did Japan accept the European calendar? . 95, 94 Why was Korea called the hermit nation? At what time did Korea make treaties with other' nations? 37-38 In what year did Japan adopt a constitution? Give the date of the first Japanese parliament 607, 95 Explain the cause of the war between China and Japan in 1894. Give the date and the terms of the treaty by which the war was ended 125, 164 In what year did the Russo-Japanese war begin? When did it end? 139 What was the chief cause of the Russo-Japanese war and what were some of the principal battles? In what place in the United States was the treaty closing this war signed? Mention the name of a noted American who did much to bring about this treaty 139, 153 Where is Port Arthur? Sketch briefly its history. Why was Port Arthur so important a point in the Russo-Japanese war? 559 In what year did Korea pass under a Japanese protectorate? When did Japan annex Korea? 38, 95 Sketch briefly the lives of Togo, Oyama, and Oku. Which of these was called the Nelson of Japan? 472-495 Give facts about Ito, Saionji 449-492 State facts about the educational system of Tokyo. What does the name Tokyo mean? 575, 844 How long did Emperor Mutsuhito rule? What progress did Japan make during his reign? Give date of his death 125 Name the present ruler of Japan. What is his official title? 605 What part did Japan take in the war of the nations? 125 67 CHINA How long a period of time has elapsed since wheat, rice, tea, millet, the soy bean, and sorghum are known to have been in cultivation in China? 55 When was silk culture begun in China? 55 From what country and at what time was the manufacture of silk introduced into Europe? 67 Who was Genghis Khan? What conquests did he make in the 13th century? 35-36, 77, 436 By what ruler was the Mongol dynasty founded? In what year? What city did he build? 36, 77 When was the Mongol dynasty expelled from China? By what dynasty were the Mongols succeeded? 556, 36 When and by whom were the first authentic ^accounts of China written? 36 Who were the Manchus? What dynasty did they establish? Give date 827, 36 Give the meaning of Peking. Of Nanking 834 When was the first British intercourse with China attempted? How did China treat the British merchants? 36 In what year did Great Britain make war upon China? 36 Name five ports of China opened to British commerce in 1842. What other concessions were made to the British at that time? 36 Explain why the Tai-ping rebellion was so called. How did it result? 36 During what years was China at war with Japan? State the results of the war 36, 139 Give some facts about the progress of China in commerce and science in the 19th century 36 What was the Boxer rebellion? 30, 95, 36 When did China become a republic? Who became its president? 36 For how many years did the Manchus rule China? How long was China an empire? 592, 36 State some facts in the life of Wu Ting-Fang 504 In what year did China declare war on Germany? 97 Who is president of China? 605 LANGUAGE Where does the Hamitic race belong, historically? What country was the center of the Hamitic civilization? 183 In what region do the Semitic races first appear? 183, From what two sources has our knowledge of the Semitic language been chiefly drawn? By what means has our study of this subject been greatly aided? 183* What later civilization obscured that of the Hamitic race? Into what two classes are the Aryan tongues divided? 183, 184^ What name is given to the Aryan group that traveled farthest west? To which Aryan group does the Sanskrit language belong? 184 Name the three great classes in which all languages originating on the eastern continents may be included 133-184 To which of the three great divisions does the language of ancient Egypt belong? From which were the Hebrew and the Arabic developed? Which gave rise to the languages of modern Europe? 183-184 Into how many groups may the primitive languages of the Ameri- can continent be divided? 183 To whom was the British language indebted for its earliest words? Give some examples 185 By what people were the Celts succeeded in Britain? What changes did the Anglo-Saxons make in the language? . . . 183 If the English language were divided into a hundred parts, how many parts would be of Anglo-Saxon origin? How many of Latin origin? How many of Greek origin? 183 Which early tongue is called the basis of the English language?. 185 From what source does the English derive most of its mono- syllables? Verbs of action? Prepositions and numerals?. 185 Explain why the English language is continually acquiring new words 185 Name some words brought into Britain by the Romans. What . sort of words did the introduction of Christianity bring into English? 185 What did the Norman conquest do for the English language? . 185-186 After the Norman conquest which classes retained the Saxon language? Which spoke French? 185 Contrast the names of ox, sheep, calf, deer when alive and when served as food. Account for the difference. . . 186 What sorts of words came to us from the Dutch? From which people did we get the language of chivalry, of law and govern- ment? 185-186 Name five words in our language of Dutch origin. Five of Latin origin. Five of Italian origin. Two of Danish origin . . 185-186 What characteristics are imparted to English by the German and the Latin? 186 What language is the principal source of our musical terms? Of our scientific terms? Of our dress and cooking terms? Of our military terms? 186 Mention five words the English acquired from the native Ameri- cans 186 From what languages do we get the following words: shamrock, law, wagon, sing, pie, potato, conscience, telephone, piano, embroider, ask? 185-186 Give the preferred English plural of focus, syllabus. Which is the better English usage technic or technique? Grippe or grip? 186 CAPITALS AND PUNCTUATION Give five invariable rules for the use of capital letters. Illustrate each 187-188 When should eh begin with a capital? When the names of the points of the compass? 187-188 Should the names of the seasons be capitalized? 187 Which words in the titles of books should be capitalized? 187 Give the rule for the capitalization of titles of office or honor. When should such titles not begin with capitals? Give the rule for abbreviated titles 187 State the abbreviations for doctor of philosophy, doctor of laws, his majesty's service, fellow of the royal society, September. Punctuate each correctly 202-207 What is the meaning of the wireless signal C. Q. D.? 203 Give the meaning of each of the following abbreviations and degrees: A. B., C. P. A., F. R. C. S., I. H. S., R. S. V. P., Xn., J. U. D 202-208 What rule for capitals is applied when a title is used in place of a person's name? 187 In what cases should quotations begin with capitals? When should they not? 187-188 What is the object of punctuation? Explain the difference between close and loose punctuation 188 70 Show how changing the position of a comma may alter the meaning of a sentence 188 Give the names of the marks used for punctuation 188 In what two cases are periods always used? 188 State five rules for the use of the comma. Give an example of each 188-189 Illustrate the difference between a restrictive clause and a descrip- tive clause. How is the comma used with such clauses? . . 189 When should a subject clause be followed by a comma? 189 Compare the use of the semicolon with the use of the comma. . 189 When is the semicolon used between clauses joined by for, but, and? When is it used between the parts of a compound sentence? 189 How do authorities differ in regard to the punctuation of sen- tences containing as, viz., that is? 190 Give three illustrations of different rules for the use of the colon. 190 When should the interrogation point be used? . . . .' 190 Explain the position of the interrogation point when used with quotation marks 190 When are the marks of parentheses used? When are brackets used? Give illustrations 190 Show the use f the dash as a mark of punctuation by giving two illustrations 190 State three uses of the hyphen 190 What is the purpose of the double quotation marks? The single quotation marks? Illustrate each 190-191 What is the present tendency in regard to the use of capitals and marks of punctuation? 191 CORRECT USE OF WORDS What is the correct pronunciation of the following words: address, adult, aeroplane, apparatus, chiropodist, clematis, clique, clothes, eczema? 267-270 Pronounce correctly the following: Anzac, Apache, Calais, Cleo- patra, Danish, Eiffel, Goethals, JekyU. 267-271 How should the following be pronounced: abdomen, acclimate, apricot, aunt, bicycle, frontier? 267-271 Give the correct pronunciation of bouquet, calliope, clandestine, column, comparable, curator 268-270 Is your pronunciation of the following words correct: exit, exquisite, financier, frappe", genuine, mauve, meringue, modiste, vagary, vaudeville? 270-274 71 What is the meaning of prima donna? Give the correct pronuncia- tion 266, 273 Give the correct pronunciation and the meaning of the following: apropos, chauffeur, coupe, decollete, elite, passe, protege, tSte-a-tete, tout-ensemble, vis-a-vis 263-274 Do we accept or except invitations? Explain the correct use of except as compared with besides and unless 191, 226, 254 Distinguish between being almost killed and being nearly killed . . 191 What are the correct uses of the words alone and only? Compare the meanings of alone, solitary, lonely 191, 223 Give the exact meaning of anticipate. What is the difference between prevent and anticipate? 192, 250 Correct the error in the following sentence: "I am anxious to have you live ia New York." What different emotions are expressed by distress and anxiety? 192, 237 Give sentences in which the following words are correctly used: ability, capacity, talent 221 How does intellect differ from talent? What is the difference between talent and genius? 246 When a man beats his horse, is the horse abused or misused? ... 221 Which of the following is correct: "I am going to make a visit," or "I am going to pay a visit"? 195 Should we say "Come to see me" or "Come and see me"? 191 What rule applies to the use of the words farther and further? . . . 194 Explain and illustrate the meaning of the words emigrant and immigrant 193 In what kind of sentence should the connectives so and as be used together? When as and as? 192 State the difference between a dictionary, a lexicon, and an encyclopedia 236 Do we cite authors or do we quote them? Illustrate the distinction. 229 Are all authors writers? Are all writers authors? Explain . . 255 What is a calamity? A disaster? Was the San Francisco earth- quake a calamity or a disaster? How do calamity and loss compare in meaning? 227, 193 Do we differ from or with a person? Are certain things different to or different from other things? 193 Compare the correct uses of the following words: difference^ variety; difference, distinction; difference, altercation 236 How are the words affect and effect correctly used? 193, 222, 238 Point out the error in this sentence: He had ought to go 194 Explain the distinction between the meanings of the words character and reputation 229 72 Correct the following sentence: I know a widow woman in New York. 198 What is the difference between proclaiming and publishing? Use proclaim correctly in a sentence 234 What is wrong in this sentence: The individual left here on the last train? 194-195 To what do the words fewer and less apply? Illustrate their correct use 194 Distinguish between crime and vice by using these words in sentences 233 When do we excuse and when do we pardon? When do we for- give? 239, 242 Correct the error in the following sentence and give a reason for your answer: Those kind of apples are good 197 What is the difference between salary and wages? Between allow- ance and stipend? 223 How does an axiom differ from a proverb? What is an adage?. 225 Correct the following sentences and give a reason for the correction: Leave me be. Leave me go 195 Show by sentences the correct use of the words lie and lay in the present tense. In the past tense. Correct the sentence: He laid upon the bed a long time 195 Contrast the meanings of the words enough and sufficient 239 Explain the use of learn and teach. Point out the error in this sentence: I wish you would learn me to write 195 Do we lend money or do we loan it? 195 Which has the highest authority, an ambassador, an envoy or a plenipotentiary? Explain their different functions 223 What is the difference between truth and veracity? 254 When do we avenge wrong and when do we revenge wrong? 192 Is it possible for a person to be civil without being polite? Give a reason for your answer. What does genteel mean? .... 229, 242 Does your coat sit well or set well? ^Does the hen set on eggs or does she sit on eggs? 196 Explain clearly the use of the words sit and set. Give the origin of the saying that the sun sets 196 When do we stop at a hotel and when do we stay at a hotel? . . 197 Is there any difference between correction, discipline, and punish- ment? Illustrate by using these words correctly in sen- tences 233 What word should generally be used instead of lady? What word is usually preferable to gentleman? 195 Distinguish between error and fault 239 73 Which word in the following sentence is superfluous: A number of people congregated together in the hall? 193 When do we purchase and when do we buy? 196 Correct the error in this sentence: He lives on Jefferson street. 197 Explain the difference between habitation and home. Between house and residence 243-244 Do we die of, with, or from a certain disease? 193 Distinguish between contagion and infection. Give the correct use of contagious, epidemical, pestilential 232 When do we cry and when do we weep? 234 Is a large tree high or tall? Is the bird's nest in the top of the tree high or lofty? Give a sentence in which lofty is correctly used 244 What is wrong in this sentence: I took the medicine as a preventative? ". 196 Give accurately the use of the following words: business, occupa- tion, employment 227 Distinguish between the meanings of vocation and avocation . . 227 Explain the difference between increase and grow 246 Do we smell the rose or smell of the rose? 197 Can a person be conspicuous without being prominent? 250 By what rule is the use of can and may governed? Illustrate by sentences in which can and may are correctly used 228, 195 Find the error in the sentence: She lives a long ways from the school 198 Do ingenious and ingenuous mean the same? Give a reason for your answer." 246 Give the difference between the words intend and purpose. Which is the stronger word, purpose or design? 195, 235 Show how shall and will are correctly used to express the future. How to express determination 197 Give the exact meaning of the following sentence: We will go to the picnic tomorrow, rain or shine 197 What does the following sentence mean: I will drwn and nobody shall help me? Transpose shall and witt and explain the meaning of the altered sentence 197 Find the error in this sentence: The goods arrived all O. K. . . . 206 Correct the following sentences and give reasons for the cor- rections: (a) You may have all of it. (b) She had no money at all. (c) These hats are both just alike 191-192 Do we put potatoes in the basket or into the basket? Is there any difference between walking into the room and walking in the room? 194 74 What rule is given for the use of the prepositions in and intet Which of the two is sometimes an adverb? 194 Explain the difference between audience and spectators. Is it correct to speak of the audience at a ball game? 192 "I calculate to go away tomorrow." Correct the foregoing sen- tence, and explain what calculate means 193, 227 Do we write all over the page or over all the page? 191 Can one have a bad temper with a good disposition? Explain your answer 237 Why should we not say, "I expect you know all about it"? Give the sentence correctly 194 Give the correct use of the words beautiful, handsome, pretty. Is a handsome face always a pretty one? Would you call a delicately colored flower handsome? 226 "To the victors belong the spoils of the enemy." Is the fore- going statement justified by the meaning of the words victor and conqueror? 232 Make a careful distinction between the meanings of booty, spoil and prey. Use these words correctly in sentences 227 Do we make experiments or do we try them? 197 Do we sustain injuries or receive them? > 197 Distinguish between cause, reason, motive. Causes produce effects. What do reasons and motives produce? 228 Is it permissible to end a sentence with a preposition? 193-194 What is the difference between a person's manners and his morals? Between his air and his manner? Illustrate the correct use of these words 248, 223 LETTER WRITING Name the six parts of a letter 214 What must the heading of a letter contain? Should the heading be written on one line or on two lines? How should it be punctuated? 214 In dating a business letter what abbreviations are used for January, February, and other months? Which months are not abbreviated? 202-287 On which line should the address begin? How should it be written? Should the word street or avenue in the address A begin with a capital? 214 Give three forms of salutation for a formal letter. What is the most formal salutation? To whom is it addressed? Is a complimentary salutation used for the president of the United States? 214 75 Why is it proper to write "My dear Mr. Jones" to a stranger? Which is regarded as the more formal address "Dear Mr. Brown" or "My dear Mr. Brown"? 214 What word of the salutation must always be capitalized? State the difference of opinion in regard to the capitalization of its other words 214-215 How should the salutation be punctuated? Why should the dash not be used? 215 On what line should the body of the letter begin? Where should a margin be left? How wide should the margin be? . . 215 What is meant by the complimentary close? Where should it be written? Give a rule for its capitals and punctuation. 215 Name the forms of complimentary closing used in business correspondence. What forms should be used when the writer intends to show respect? 215 Where should the signature be written? If one wishes to sign "Miss" or "Mrs." to a business letter, within what marks should such words be inclosed? 215 What is the address on the envelope called? 215 Of how many lines does the superscription usually consist? In what order are they arranged? Where should the first line be written? 215 How should the superscription be punctuated? Are commas * to be used on the envelope? 215 What title is prefixed to the name of a clergyman? To what persons is the term "honorable" applied? How is it abbre- viated? 215-216 Should a degree, such as LL.D., be written after a man's name, if Hon. has been used before the name? 216 Correct these errors: Hon. Judge Boyd, Rev. Jones. Is it per- missible to address a letter to Mrs. Dr. Brown? 216 Give the exact form for the outside and the inside of a letter addressing the president of the United States. How is the governor of the state to be addressed? 216 Give general rules for business letters. How long may a business letter remain unanswered? 216 Distinguish fully between a business letter and a friendly letter. , / 216-217, 219-220 How may a letter of recommendation be addressed? Write a letter of recommendation 217 In what person are formal invitations always written? In what person should the reply to a formal invitation be written? Give an example of a formal invitation 218-219 76 Write a letter of application. A note of introduction. An informal invitation 217-219 For what purposes may a post card be used? Is it permissible to write a personal message on a post card? 220 HIGHER ENGLISH Account for the origin of figurative language. What is a figure of speech? 208-209 Make three literal statements. Express the same thoughts in figurative language 209 Define figure of grammar. Figure of rhetoric. When we speak of figurative language do we usually mean figures of gram- mar or figures of rhetoric? 209-210 Name the classes into wnich figures of grammar are divided. How* many figures of orthography are mentioned? How many of etymology? How many of syntax? 209-210 Give an illustration of each of the figures of orthography 209 What are figures of etymology? What sorts of changes are made in words by these figures? 209-210 What is a figure of syntax? Name two principal figures of syntax and give an illustration of each s 210 Into how many classes are figures of rhetoric divided? On what is each of the first four based? 210 Name the figures based on resemblance. Give two examples of simile. Of metaphor 210-211 By what words is the comparison in simile usually introduced? Which are the best similes? 210 How does a metaphor differ from a simile? Give sentences to show x the difference. Illustrate two grades of metaphors 210-211 Which figure of speech is more commonly used than any other?. 211 Compare personification with metaphor. Define personifica- tion. Give an example 211 What is allegory? Discuss the resemblance between allegory, metaphor, and simile. State two marked differences between the metaphor and the allegory 211 Mention two well-known allegories. Name their authors. Ou1>- line the story of each 211, 374, 376 Point out and name the figures based on resemblance which are found in the following sentences: "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other." "Falsehood is cowardice truth is courage." "He had a face like a benediction." 210-211 77 Give the names of the figures based on contiguity. Define each 211 Name six varieties of metonymy. Give an example of each variety 211 State what kind of metonymy is used in each of the following sentences: (a) Do you enjoy Dickens? (b) Our flag must be respected, (c) The battleships opened fire at Vera Cruz, (d) The fisherman's net was drying in the sun 211 How does synecdoche differ from metonymy? Give an illus- tration 211 State whether synecdoche or metonymy is employed in the follow- ing sentence: "Shoot, if you must, this old gray head.".. 211 How many figures are based on contrast or surprise? Name and define three of them 211-212 Give three examples of antithesis. Of epigram. To which class does the pun belong? 212 What is irony? Quote a famous passage illustrating this figure of speech "212 To what class of figures does hyperbole belong? Name three jother figures belonging to the same class 212-213 Give an example of hyperbole. What is the effect of the fre- quent use of this figure? 212 Explain the folio whig figures and give an example of each: excla- mation, apostrophe, vision 212-213 Tell what figure of speech is used in each of the following sen- tences: "Give us this day our .daily bread." "How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood!" "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." "Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean roll!" "Waves mountain high washed the boat ashore." "The more haste, the leas speed." "Thrilling tales told to tiny tots." 211-213 Distinguish clearly between climax and anticlimax. In what class of writing is anticlimax often used? 213 Define euphemism, onomatoposia, alliteration. Give illustra- tions of each 213 Name two types of composition. Compare the language of prose with the language of poetry 198 What are the chief varieties of prose composition? What does each accomplish? 198 State the aim of narration. Mention nine forms of writing that may be classed umder narration 198 What is a plot? Hew do letters, memoirs, and biographies differ from stories, novels, and dramas? 198 78 Name some books of travel and their authors. What books of travel have been written by Frank G. Carpenter? John Muir? Theodore Roosevelt? 198, 416-482 What is the difference between biography and autobiography? How do memoirs differ from biography? Mention a well- known autobiography. What biographies did Washington Irving write? 198, 448 How does history differ from memoirs? From biography? Name some well-written histories 198-199 What is the aim of fiction? Name at least six forms of fiction. What educational value have the best novels? 199 Explain the difference between a myth and a fable. Between a parable and an allegory 199 What are folk-tales and legends? To what form of composition do they belong? Name some well-known writers of short, stories, and mention some of their best-known works 199 Of what may description treat? Which is easier to describe external objects or to delineate character? Mention three celebrated writers who have excelled in description of character 198, 199-200 How is description related to narration? In what respect doea exposition differ from both description and narration? Name five forms of exposition 199, 200, 198 Distinguish between an editorial and an essay. Between a review and a criticism. Name three writers of notable essays . . . 200 What is the purpose of argumentative discourse? Of what steps does such a discourse consist? How does it differ from a debate? 200 Into what classes of composition is persuasion divided? State the aim of persuasion. How does the appeal made by persuasion differ from the appeal made by argumentation and exposition? 200 How does a lecture differ from a sermon? From an oration? From an address? 200 Mention two celebrated orations. What rank does the oration occupy in prose composition? 200 Name the three parts into which orations, addresses, and speeches are divided 200 What are the three kinds of arguments used in a sermon? Of how many parts does a sermon consist? 200-201 Into how many groups is poetry divided? Name them 198 Explain how poetry differs from prose, mentioning ferm, language, and aim 201 79 What is the character of epic poetry? Name some of the great epics and their authors 201 To what class of poetry do "Evangeline" and the "Lay of the Last Minstrel" belong? Name others of the same class. . . 201 Give an outline of the "Faerie Queene". Of "The Lay of the Last Minstrel" 357, 366 How do the ballad and the tale differ from the epic and metrical romances? . .. 201 To what class of poetry do "Robin Hood" and "Chevy Chase" belong? Tell something about these poems 201, 378, 350 What are the characteristics of dramatic poetry? Before the age of Shakespere, what was the highest form of dramatic art? Who were the dramatists of Pericles' time? 198,201 What are the chief divisions of the drama? Distinguish between tragedy and comedy 201i Outline the plot of "Hamlet". Of "Macbeth". By whom were these written? To what class of dramatic poetry do they belong? 361, 369, 201 Mention five well-known comedies. Give the names of the authors. . 201 Give a brief sketch of,"Pippa Passes." Of "Merchant jof Venice." Of "Midsummer Night's Dream." Which of Shakspere's plays are called his fairy plays? 201, 376, 371 What is the story of "The Tempest"? Of "She Stoops to Conquer*'? Name the author of each 383, 382 How does opera differ from drama? What is melodrama? Name the author and composer of the world's greatest operas . . . 201 What classes of poems belong to the lyric group? Mention a lyric poem by Ben Jonson. By Tennyson. By Burns. ; 201, 390, 202 Distinguish the ode from other poetic forms. Mention some English odes. Give the first line of Milton's "Hymn on the Nativity." Wordsworth's "Ode on Immortality.". . .201-202, 389 What is the nature of an elegy? Mention three elegies. Give their first lines 202, 387-389 Of how many lines does a sonnet consist? What are its themes? Name three English poets who have written sonnets 202 Mention a sonnet by Richard Watson Gilder. Quote its first line 202, 214 Compare didactic poetry with other poetic forms. Give the title of one didactic poem 202 Account for the popularity of lyric poems 202 What form of poetry is "Essay on Man"? "In Memoriam"? "Lead, Kindly Light"? 202 LITERATURE What is literature, and what is its kindred science? 277 Compare literature and history. Show how the two are closely affiliated 277 By what manner of study can any single literature be best under- stood? 277 Name seven ancient oriental literatures 277 Into what three periods may the development of early literatures be divided? 277 Between 2000 B. C. and 1500 B. C. what was the character of inscriptions made in Babylonia and Assyria? In Egypt?. 277 Compare the golden age of Babylonian literature with the literary conditions of China and Arabia during the same period.. 277 When and by whom were letters first used in Egypt? Who in- vented the Egyptian alphabet? 55 Give items showing the degree of civilization of Egypt in the 20th and 19th centuries B. C 55 Sketch the progress of literature during the period from 1500 -B. C. to 1000 B. C. Compare the literature of Egypt with that of Babylon and the Hebrews 277 After the year 1000 B. C. what literatures began to decline? Compare the literary activity of China during the 500 years following 1000 B. C. with that of India, Arabia, and Persia. . 277 In what year did Cyrus the Persian conquer Babylonia? Compare this conquest with the period of decline of Babylonian literature 58, 277 In all literatures which appeared earlier prose or verse? 294 To the literature of what country does the. oldest temperance ode in the world belong? 278 ANCIENT ORIENTAL LITERATURES Give a brief description of the extent of the literature of India. 277 Name five languages included in the Indo-European group. How is the Sanskrit related to this group? ..'... 277 Which is the most ancient of the Hindu literatures? 277 Which of the oriental literatures is supposed to bear the closest resemblance to the primitive language? 277 Give an account of the Sanskrit, stating to whom it is a sacred language, by whom it is now written and spoken, and naming the earliest form in which Sanskrit appears. .277, 380 81 What does Veda mean? Divide the Vedas into four classes. Of what does each class consist? State the two parts of each Veda 277 Explain the meaning of Vedanga. What does Vedanga include?. 277-278 What is the code of Manu? The Mahabharata? The Ramayana? To what times do these writings belong? 278, 277 When and by whom was Buddhism founded? What are the sacred books of Buddha called? In what language are they written? 278, 689 In what country did many of the fairy tales told in English- speaking homes originate? 278 In the Hindu mythology who were Vishnu, Brahma, Siva? What does the word avatar mean? 342, 326 Give the legend of Rahu. Who were the Rakshasas? 340 By what name is the earliest language of Persia known? To what other language is it allied? What are the evidences that the people of India and those of Persia were originally one community? 278 Name some countries in which cuneiform letters were employed. >' What are cuneiform letters? 278, 277, 351 What is the nature of the Zend-Avesta? When was it compiled? State the position it occupies among Indo-European litera- tures 278, 277 Whom do the Persians regard as the author of the Zend-Avesta? Of what does the Avesta consist, and in what manner was it brought together? What is known of the life of Zoroaster? 278, 504 When did Alexander the Great conquer Persia? What effect had his conquest upon the language and the literature of the Persians? 60, 278 During what period did modern Persian literature flourish? How does it compare with the literature of ancient Persia? . . . 278 Mention three later Persian writers a great moral teacher, a court historian, and a writer of lyric poems 278 What position did Firdausi occupy? For what is Omar Khayyam celebrated? Tell some facts about each 278, 433, 472 Mention the chief hero of the Persian romances. Sketch the story of his life 379 Give the Persian myths of Ormuzd, Ahriman, Mithras, the ferohers 324-337 How complete is the literature of ancient China? What writings were preserved in the sacred books? 278 82 Name the first book published in China. What is known of this book and of its original date? 279 At how early a date was a dictionary of Chinese compiled? .... 56 What is the "Book of History"? The "Book of Rites"? By whom were they compiled? 279 What are the "Four Books"? By whom were they written? What was the influence of the "Five Classics" and the "Four Books" upon Chinese thought and life? 279 During what century did Confucius live? Mention three impor- tant facts concerning his lif e 422 Who was Laotse? Of whom was he a contemporary? For what writings is he celebrated? 455 Who has been called the Plato of China? Of whom was he a follower? State one of his teachings. What was his method of discussion? What is theJMengtse? 279, 370 What effect has the educational system of the Chinese produced / upon their students? . . T-. 279 Give an account of the poetry of China. In what form are official documents sometimes issued? > 279 What three philosophies are found in China? Mention some other classes of works predominant in Chinese literature 279 Which literature stands first among the literatures of antiquity?. 279 Account for the universal significance of Hebrew literature. Of what sort of people is it the story? 279 Mention some of the characteristics of Hebrew literature and Hebrew law ^ 279 In what form has the most important part of Hebrew literature been preserved? During what period were these books written? Prior to that time how was knowledge of Hebrew history preserved? 279-280 What is the prevalent idea of Hebrew literature? Contrast the Hebrew conception of God with the divinities of other nations 280 Outline the four periods into which Hebrew literature is divided . 280 Sketch the life of Moses, tracing the progress of the Hebrews under his guidance 468, 55 Name the books included in the Hebrew pentateuch. To what writer are they ascribed? Outline the subject matter of each book 280, 375 What book of the Bible is older than the books of Moses? 277 Give the names of the historic books of the Bible. Of the poetic books. Of the books of wisdom 280-281 83 & Sketch the lives of David and Solomon. To what class of Hebrew literature do their writings belong? 425, 489, 281 Who are the major Hebrew prophets? How many minor prophets are there? 281 State facts about Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel 424-450 What was the period of the Babylonian captivity? What name is given to the literature of the Hebrews from the epoch of the captivity? 57-58, 280 To what writings is the name rabbinical literature applied? What are its characteristics? What is the septuagint?. .280, 381 Divide the books of the new testament into four classes. . . . 281 Name the authors of the four biographical books. Give addi- tional books of the new testament written by some of these men. Which wrote the history of the acts of the apostles? 281, 451-463 How does an epistle differ from a letter? To whom were the Pauline epistles addressed? Outline the life of St. Paul. 247, 281, 474 What is the apocalypse? Who is said to have written it?. .281, 345 How many books are there in the old testament? How many in the new testament? 280-281 Briefly describe the Talmud. Mention its two great divisions . 280, 383 Mention three celebrated schools for the study of rabbinical literature 280 Compare the material on which the Persians wrote with that used by the Babylonians. What sort of inscriptions indicate a common origin for these two races? 281 What were the famous tile libraries of Babylon? What subjects did the works in these libraries cover? 281 What effect did the decline of Babylon have on the literature of Assyria? 281, 277 Describe the library at Nineveh. When was it destroyed? 281 Under what ruler did Babylon build up a great library? 281 Mention some valuable records recovered from the libraries of Babylon and Nineveh. In what form are these records?. .. 281 What great discovery, made in 1835, has opened to modern readers the ancient language and literature of Assyria and Babylonia? 281 What form of writing did the Sumerians originate? When? .... 281 Before the 6th century what was the character of Arabian liter- ature? . .' 281 State the influence of Mohammed on the advancement of learn- ing in Arabia during the 7th and 8th centuries 281 Name a great religious work written by Mohammed. What was its aim? 467, 281 84 From what source did Arabian writers take their stories? 282 What is the Arabian Nights? 282 What was the nature of the Maqama? Who originated it? Who was its most brilliant writer? 282 What can be said concerning the universities and libraries of Arabia between the 10th and 15th centuries? 282 Under whose rule did Arabian literature decline? 282 Who was Avicenna? What did he write? To what study did Averrhoes devote his life? 402, 401 What two cities were centers of Arabian literature in the 19th century? 282 Give the meaning of the following according to Arabian mytho- logy: peri, Eblis, Azrael 326-339 What are meant by Al-sirat, Israfil, sedrat? 324-341 Of what do the remains of early Egyptian literature consist? . . 282 During what centuries were hieroglyphic characters used in ' Egypt? What forms of writing succeeded the hieroglyphic?. 282 What discovery about the close of the 18th century simplified the study of ancient Egyptian literature? 282, 378 Mention three religious works of the early Egyptians. Name a, moral treatise contemporaneous with the "Book of the Dead" 282, 277 What was the golden age of Egyptian literature? 277 Give the title of the oldest fairy story in the world and tell how long ago it was written 282 GREEK LITERATURE Name three traditional poets of ancient Greece. Sketch some of the early legends of Greece 283 What were the twelve labors of Hercules? How does Hercules rank among the Grecian heroes? What was his distinguish- ing characteristic? 331 Describe the expedition of the argonauts. The ship in which they sailed 325 Tell something about Jason, Castor and Pollux, Theseus, Colchis, the golden fleece, Medea 326-342, 325 In what period did Homer live? From what war do his two great poems date? Which poem is called the beginning of literature? 282-283, 446 State some theories in regard to the authorship of the Homeric poems. Give the traditions of Homer's lif e 446-447 What two poems are the foundation of Grecian literature? To what class of poetry do they belong? 283, 201 85 When was the Iliad written? Of how many books does it con- sist? What does it commemorate? 363 Give the mythical history of Paris, Helen, Menelaus. Outline the story of the Iliad 331-338, 363 According to the Iliad what parts did the following play in the Trojan war Agamemnon, Hector, Achilles, Priam? , 324-340, 363 Tell the story of the Odyssey. By what other name is Ulysses known? Describe the characters of Ulysses and Penelope. 373, 342, 339 In what ways were Calypso, Circe, Telemachus, Nestor, and Mentor connected with the wanderings of Ulysses? . 373, 326-341 Why were the cyclic poets so called? When did they flourish? What do their poems recount? 283 State the time at which Hesiod lived. What are his two repre- sentative poems? Contrast his works with those of Homer 282, 283 By what name are poems that aim to teach known? What is the theme of Hesiod's "Works and Days"? Of his "Theogony"? 202, 283 During what period was the epic the only poetic form used in Greece? Explain how the republican movement in Greece led to the development of the elegy and the epigram .... 283 Name the author of some Greek elegies. When did Thales live and what did he write? 283, 282, 494 During what centuries did JEsop live? What is the character of his writings? TeU what is known of his life 283, 394 What is meant by the seven wise men? Who were they?.381, 283, 116 What is the character of the lyric poems of Greece? Mention three writers of lyrics. Which is the greatest? 283, 282 Give some facts about Anacreon. To what sort of verse is the term anacreontic applied? 397, 344 Mention the founders of three schools of Greek philosophy. What was the teaching of each school? 284 Sketch the lives of Anaxagoras, Anaximander, and Diogenes. To what school of philosophy did they belong? Which opened the first school of philosophy at Athens? 397-427, 284 Mention three noted Greeks who were pupils of Anaxagoras 397 At about what time did Pythagoras live? Mention three of his doctrines. When did Zeno live? When was the stoic school of philosophy founded? 284, 479, 504 How did Grecian drama originate? Who is known as the founder of dramatic art?. 284 86 Mention three of the greatest writers of Greek tragedy. What Greek writer holds the highest place as a writer of comedy? . 284 Give facts about ^Eschylus, Sophocles, Euripedes and Aristoph- anes. Under which did Greek drama reach its highest excellence? 284, 394-489 Who was the first Greek writer of history? Name two other great Greek historians and compare their styles of writing. 284 Sketch the lives of Herodotus. Thucydides, and Xenophon. Which is called the father of history? What did Thucydides write? What historic retreat is the subject of Xenophon's Anabasis? 44-504, 284 Name five Greek orators. Which established a school of politi- cal oratory? What two of these were rivals? 284 Give an account of the lives of Demosthenes and ^Eschines . 426, 394 At what time was Socrates born? What was his early occu- pation? To what great work was much of his life devoted? How did Socrates' philosophy differ from that of his pred- ecessors? 489, 284 Through the writings of which cf Socrates' pupils are the prin- ciples of Socrates best expressed? 284 Of whom was Plato a pupil? What are the characteristics of Plato's writings? Give an account of his life. What is Plato's "Phsedo"? His "Republic"? 477, 284, 375, 377 Who was the teacher of Aristotle? How was he described by that teacher? Tell something of Aristotle's philosophic work 399, 284 Who founded the epicurean school of philosophy? What are its teachings? Of what school did it become a rival?. .284, 431 In what century did Euclid lay the foundation for modern geometry? What is known of his life? 284, 431 What did Archimedes write? In what scientific field was he a brilliant inventor? What do modern engineers owe to Archimedes? 283, 399, 284 Who conquered Greece in 146 B. C.? What -effect had this conquest on the literature of Greece? 62, 284 Name some of the writers of Greece after the Roman conquest. 284 For what work is Plutarch celebrated? To what school of philosophy did he belong?. 477, 284 In what century did Epictetus teach? What position did he occupy during early life?. 431, 284 According to Greek mythology who were the Titans, Kronos, and Cybele? 342, 333, 327 87 How was the government of the world divided among Zens, Poseidon, and Hades? What part did each obtain? 342 Where did Zeus live? What was the extent of his power? 342 What important position does each of the following gods occupy in Greek mythology: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, 'Artemis, Bacchus, Demeter, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Pallas-Athene? . 325-338 Over what did each of the following gods preside: ^Eolus, uEsculapius, Eos, Helios, Iris, Nemesis, Nox, Pan, Plutus, Themis? 324-341 Where was the palace of Poseidon? Over what did he rule?. . 340 Who was Triton? What were Scylla and Charybdis, the hydra, naiads, nereids, Oceanus, sirens? 327-342 Who was Hades? What was the ensign of his power? What blessings did he give? 330-331 Where was the river Lethe? To what region was the name Erebus applied? Who was Cerberus? 334, 329, 327 Describe the rivers Styx, Cocytus, Acheron. Who was Charon? 324, 327, 341 What were the duties of the Eumenides? Fates? Harpies? Nemesis? 329-336 Name the nine muses and tell over what each one presided. Where did they live? 336 Give the legend connected with each of the folio whig: Clytie, Daphne, Echo, Hyacinthus, Iris, Lotis, Narcissus v . .327-336 How did the Greeks immortalize Andromeda, Casseopeia, Castor and Pollux (Gemini), Orion, Pleiades, Sirius? 325-341 Tell the story of one exploit of Perseus and one of Bellerophon as found hi the following references: Perseus, helmet of Hades, Medusa, Pegasus, Hippocrene, Bellerophon, Pirene, the ehimaera 326-339 Who was Theseus? Associate the following with one of his adventures: Minos, Daedalus, the minotaur, Ariadne. . 342, 325-336 What and where is each of the following: Castaly,'! Delphi, Elysium, Helicon, Olympus, Parnassos, Pelion? 326-339 Tell something of Adonis, Antaeus, Arachne, Atlas, Briareus, Cadmus, Chiron, Hygeia, Orpheus, Phaeton 324-339 LATIN LITERATURE What is the character of the first writings of the Romans? Compare with the early literature of other nations 285 In what wars was Rome engaged between 264 and 146 B. C.? How did this affect the intellectual condition and the litera- ture of the Romans?. . 138, 285 Whose name comes first in the literature of Rome? What was his nationality? 285 What great change in Roman customs was instituted by Livius Andronieus? In what year? How long were his writings used as texts in the Roman schools? 285 Name two great comic poets of Rome. Mention one work of each 285/284 Who is known as the father of Latin song? When did he live? What did he write? 285, 284 Against what ]were the satires of Lucilius directed? Who invented the word satire? 285 Give an account of Cato as a writer and as a Roman citizen. What was the nature of his greatest work? 285 Mention five noted Latin authors who wrote during the let century B. C , .284, 285 What influence did Cicero exert on the Latin language? What was the varied character of his writings? 285, 284 At what age did Cicero begin to speak in public? What offices did he fill? What conditions led to his proscription and death? 419 Explain the patriotic act which earned for Cicero the title of father of his country 419 What was the object of Catiline's conspiracy? What was the result of his attempt to execute his plans? 417 Sketch the life of Julius Caesar, showing conquests made by him. Of what do his commentaries consist? 414, 63, 285 What was the nature of Lucretius' writing? State the cause of his death 460 Name three works of Sallust. Why are they valuable? What was Sallust's literary style? 284, 285, 485 For what is the Augustan age of Roman literature distinguished? Mention four writers of the Augustan age . , 285 When did Virgil live? How does he rank among the Augustan poets? Name three of his works and state the character of each 284, 285, 497 Give an outline of Virgil's JSneid. At what point does it take up the tale related by Homer in the Iliad? Who is ^Eneas? Anchises? 343, 363, 324, 325 What are the "Georgics" of Virgil? 359 Compare the date of birth of Horace with the birth date of the Roman emperor Augustus 284, 146 Name three works written by Horace. State why they are attractive to cultivated minds 285, 447 89 Who was Cornelius Nepos? In what regard is his only extant work held? 284, 470 By what name did Livy call his history of Rome? Compare Livy with other historians. Tell something of his lif e . . 458, 285 What did Ovid write? 285 To what school of philosophy did Seneca belong? Name some of his works. Give three other facts about the life of Seneca . 487, 285 Mention a work written by Pliny the Elder. By Quintilian . . . 285 Outline the principal events in the life of Tacitus. Name his chief works 492, 285 What conditions gave rise to the satires of Juvenal? Did Juvenal live before or after the beginning of the Christian era? . . 285, 452 Through the influence of what conditions did Latin literature come to an end? 285 Mention five of the Latin fathers of the church. What philosophy did they follow? Give some facts about the lives and writ- ings of St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome. .285-286, 396-450 Which of the Latin fathers wrote the "Te Deum Laudamus"? Which made the Latin translation of the Bible known as the Vulgate? 396, 450, 386 Arrange in the order in which they lived: Horace, Virgil, Cicero, Ovid, Tacitus, Livy 284-285 According to Roman mythology over what did Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto preside? Which of these corresponds to the Greek Zeus? Poseidon? Hades? 330-342 What relation did each of the following bear to Jupiter: Juno, Minerva, Latona, Apollo, Diana? 325-335 For what qualities were Apollo and Minerva celebrated? Who introduced the worship of Diana into Rome? In which two of these were 1 the sun and the moon deified? .... 325, 335, 328 Over whom did Saturn and Janus rule? What place had each of the following in the life of the Roman people: Ceres, Mars, Mercury, Pax, Pluvius, Vesta, Vulcan? 327-342 Relate the mythological tale of Venus, Cupid, and Psyche. 342, 327, 340 What was personified in each of the following: Aurora, Flora, Fortuna, Luna, Morpheus, Nox, Sommis? 326-341 What were the Parcae? How many were there? What was their power over the lif e of man? 338 SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE In earliest literature to what people is the term Scandinavian applied? Until about what time was Icelandic the literary language of all the Scandinavians? What name do the earliest authorities give to this language? 286, 288 90 How does the early Scandinavian poetry compare with that of other Teutonic races? Describe the poetry of the early Scandinavian literature 286 Of what form of poetry was the saga the outgrowth? To what century does the saga in its purest form belong? When was it lost in biography? 286 What does the word Edda mean and to what is it applied? Of what does the "elder" Edda treat? The "younger" Edda? By whom and when was each compiled? 286, 379, 354 Who was the greatest Scandinavian writer of the 12th and 13th centuries? 286 During what century did Swedish literature begin? Name two of the earliest writings 286, 287 Of what did St. Bridget's revelations consist? When did she live ? 286,287 By whom was the Bible translated into Swedish? 286, 287 In what form does the earliest Swedish poetry appear? When was the first book printed in Swedish? 286 Mention two brothers who studied under Luther. What did they write? How was Swedish literature affected by the reformation? 286, 287 How did Buraeus arouse interest in Scandinavian language and mythology? Who ruled Sweden at that time? 286 During whose reign did the Swedish drama begin? Who is the greatest Swedish dramatist? 286 Give facts about the life of Messenius. Mention his first comedy and his first tragedy 286-287 Who was the father of Swedish poetry? Give an account of his writings, showing their influence on Swedish literature. 287 What is the character of the writings of Gustavus Adolphus? Who was he? 287, 83 What discoveries made Rudbeck famous? With what uni- versity was he connected? State the name and the object of his greatest work. Characterize his writings 287 Who was Emanuel Swedenborg? What is the nature of his writings? When did he live? 492 In what year was Linnaeus born? What was the chief interest of his lif e? Mention one of his works 457 What author shows the English and the French influence upon 18th century Swedish literature? Name two of his writings. After what English authors are they modeled? 287 When was Dalin born? Compare with the dates of birth of Addison and Pope. Name three other English contem- poraries of Dalin 287, 296 01 What writer is known as the Swedish Sappho? 287 Mention three poets born in 1740, 1772, 1779, respectively. Which of these is called the Anacreon of Sweden? 287, 405 In what field are the writings of Berzelius? When did he live? With what university was he connected? 406 What was the nature of the Swedish academy? The object of the Gothic society? Name two famous writers connected with the new school of literature 287 Under what pseudonym did King Oscar II write? Mention two of his works 472 Give the names of four Swedish writers of history. Which of these was the legal historian? 287 Name two Swedish women who wrote poems. One who wrote novels i 287 What was the year of August Strindberg's birth? Of his death? Name his greatest work 287 Mention two books of travel by Hedin. Sketch the life of the author 444 Between^ what centuries were the Danish ballads probably com- posed? How much later is the language in which they are preserved? 288 In what period did Danish literature begin? Mention a writer of that time. What did he write? 288, 373 What did Tycho Brahe write? In what country did he spend most of his life? 288, 411 Who was the first original dramatist hi Denmark? Who is called the founder of Danish poetry? 288 What did Holberg write? Wessel? Ewald? Oehlenschlager? 288 Name one Danish author who wrote a medical work. One who wrote on zoology. One on geography 288 Where and when was Hans Christian Andersen born? What is the nature of his writings? 288-289, 397 Mention a Danish writer of the latter half of the 19th century . . 289 When was the first book printed in Norway? By whom? 289 Who was the earliest original writer in Norway? 289 By whom was "The Dawn of Norway" written? For what purpose? 289 Name the two compilers of a collection of old Norse folk-tales. How was their material gathered? 289 In what year was Ibsen born? What are three of his best- known dramas? 448, 289 Name Bjornson's leading works. What honor was conferred upon him by Norway? 289, 407 92 In the Norse mythology who was Alfadur? Give the legend of Ginungagap and Midgard 324, 330, 335 Who were the JBsir? What were Asgard, Bifrost, Glasir?.324, 325-330 What is the connection between Heimdal, Ragnarok, and Lif ? 331, 340, 334 Who were the Valkyrs? What was Valhalla? Tell something about the Gjallar bridge and the Gjallar horn 342, 330 Relate the tradition of Odin 337 Associate each of the following with Odin: Frigga, Thor, Balder, Bragi, Iduna. Who were Frey, Freya, Frodi, Hymir, , Loki? : .326-342 To what source does Grimm attribute the tale of the sleeping beauty? 382 GERMAN LITERATURE Mention two of the oldest poems in German literature. To what remote times may these poems be traced? Give a brief outline of "Reynard the Fox" 290, 377 Sketch the progress of learning in Germany during the reign of Charles the Great and Louis the Pious. By whom was the writing of that time chiefly done? 290 What is the first novel in modern European literature? When and by whom was it written? 290 In what language were the histories of the llth century written? 290 Who became the leaders of literature in Germany about 1200? In what class of writings did they excel? 291 Name three great poets of the 12th and 13th centuries 291 What name is generally applied to the Nibehmgenlied? Into how many parts is the poem divided? What is its principal theme? 372, 291 Who were King Nibelung, Siegfried, Kriemhild, dwarf Alberich, Hagen* Brunhild, Etzel? 348-382 Mention another epic similar to the Nibelungenlied 291, 361 Tell the story of Parsifal. Of Lohengrin. Who wrote them? . 374, 367 Outline the legend of Tannhauser. What German composer made Tannhauser the subject of an opera? 383 Through what orders of monks did preaching become a powerful educational influence? By whom was the mystic school founded? Who were the greatest writers of the 14th and 15th eemturies? 291 Give an account of the life and writings of Thomas a Kempis.453, 291 In what century did modern German literature begin? Name four writers of that century .' 291 93 What were the principal works of Martin Luther and Ulrich von Hutten? 291, 460, 289 What did Hans Sachs write? When and by whom was the German drama founded? 291, 80 What was the effect of the thirty years' war on German litera- ture? 291 In whose reign did German literature revive? 291 Who were Klopstock and Herder? What did they write? What is Klopstock's "Messiah"? 291, 290, 371 Tell something of the life of Lessing. Name three of his works. Which one stimulated historic study in Germany? Which was a treatise on art? 457, 290, 291 Outline the influence of the philosophy of Kant on modern thought. Name three of his works. What name has since been applied to his doctrines? 452-453 ; 291 What was the principle of Fichte's philosophy? 291 Give an account of the life of Goethe. Mention four of his well- known works. What is the object of Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister"? 438, 291, 370 Briefly describe the character Faust. Mephistopheles 357, 335 With what other European writers does Goethe rank? To whose influence did Goethe owe much of his success? 291 What made Weimar the center of intellectual life during the latter part of the 18th century? 291 Relate the important events in the life of Schiller. Mention two of his historical works. Five of his dramas 486, 291 What is the greatest drama in the German language? - By whom was it written? 291 Name three poets who were contemporaries of Schiller. What did each write? 291-292 Give the names of three works by Jean Paul Richter. When did he live? * . .292, 290 Mention five noted German scientists. Give facts about the life and writings of each 292, 441-497 Who was Hegel? What system of philosophy was taught by him? When did Schopenhauer live? What did he write?.444, 290 At what time did Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm live? What did they write besides "Household Tales"? 290, 440 For what profession did Heine prepare? Mention three of his best-known works 444 Name five German historians. Give facts about the lives of Neander, Niebuhr, Ranke 292, 470-479 94 What is the character of Auerbach's writings? To what classes of writers do Miihlbach, Freytag, and Paul Heyse belong? 401, 292, 290 Mention three noted operas to which both libretto and music were written by Richard Wagner 497 Give the name of one German writer born in the 15th century. One in the 16th. One in the 17th. Six in the 18th. Three in the 19th 289-290 Relate the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. What was Koppelberg? 375, 333 What is the German legend of the trusty Eckhardt? 328, 354 In German tradition who was the Lorelei? What was a gnome? A kobold? 334, 330, 333 FRENCH LITERATURE From what time do the most ancient documents of the French language date? What are the four divisions of the early literature of France? 293 Is the song of Roland .earlier