1 > i ^B S5T Ts ■^oB 'BRfl/iV5ro/eAf> Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/essayonalgebraicOOjarrrich AN ESSAY ALGEBRAIC DEVELOPMENT, CONTAINING THE PRINCIPAL EXPANSIONS IN COMMON ALGEBRA, IN THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS, AND IN THE CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES; THE GENERAL TERM BEING IN EACH CASE IMMEDIATELY OBTAINED BY MEANS OF A NEW AND COMPREHENSIVE NOTATION. By the rev. THOMAS JARRETT, M.A. FELLOW OF CATHARINE HALL, AND PROFESSOR OF ARABIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY J. SMITH, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY : FOR J. & J. J. DEIGHTONS, CAMBRIDGE; AND RIVINGTONS, LONDON. M.DCCC.XXXl PREFACE. The following pages are intended to illustrate and apply a system of Algebraic Notation submitted to the Cambridge Philosophical Society in the year 1827, and published in the third Volume of their Transactions. In that paper the ap- plications were necessarily few, and the whole was deficient in that development which was indispensable to render the introduction of the system into general use at all probable; but in the present Work it is applied to the demonstration of the most important series in pure Analysis. The methods by which these are demonstrated are partly original, and partly taken from one or other of the works of which a list follows this Preface, but they are in general so much modified that a distinct reference to the inventor of each demonstration appeared useless; so much, however, is due to the admirable works of Schweins, that it would be unjust not to make a distinct acknowledgment of the great use that has been made of his " Analysis."'' The demonstration of the legitimacy of the separation of the symbols of operation and quantity, witli certain limitations, belongs to Servois, and will be found in the "Annales des Mathematiques;" and the proof, that the coefficients of the binomial, (the index being a positive integer,) are integers, is due to Mr. Miller, of St. John's College, and is the only independent proof with which I am acquainted. IV PREFACE. The following apparent innovations in the ordinary notation are not original : (1) E^(p{x), for 0(a?+Z>t^?), is partly due to Arbogast, who uses E(p(x) for the same function. (2) d"u, for y--, is due to Lacroix, although not used by him, being merely pointed out in a single line*; it was suggested to the writer of these pages by the analogous integral notation invented by Professor Airy. (3) (w)^^„, for the value assumed by u when x is put equal to a, belongs to Sehweins. In order that the work may be as independent as possible, the Reader is supposed to be acquainted only with the first rules of Algebra, and the fundamental theorems of Trigo- nometry; and, for the sake of facility of reference, the whole of the theorems have been arranged in an index at the end of the volume. The additions contain a few Theorems of importance that did not suggest themselves till too late to be, inserted in the text, together with a few simplifications of the demonstrations inserted in the body of the Work. In conclusion, the Author has to acknowledge the great liberality of the Syndics of the University Press, in defraying a considerable part of the expense of publishing. * Calcul Diff. Tome ij. page 527. LIST OF WORKS WHICH HAVE BEEN CONSULTED. Annales des Mathematiques. Arbogast, Calcul des Derivations. Herschel, Examples on Finite Differences. Hindenburg, Sammlung combinatorisch-analytischer Abhandlungen. Lacroix, Calcul DifFerentiel et Integral. Laplace, Theorie Analytique des Probabilites. Schweins, Analysis. ■ Theorie der DifFerenzen und DifFerentiale. Wronski, Introduction a. la Philosophic des Mathematiques. INDEX TO THE CHAPTERS. PAGE CHAPTER I, On Series in general 1 II. On Products and Factorials 12 III. On Combinations and Arrangements 20 IV. On Binomials and Exponentials 23 V. On Finite DifFerences 40 VI. On Differentiation in general 66 VII. On Polynomials 78 VIII. On the Differentiation of Exponential and Circular Functions 93 IX. On the Expansion of Circular Functions 102 X. On the Integration of certain Definite Functions 123 XI. On Generating Functions 136. INDEX TO THE SYMBOLS. PAGE ART. 1 2 s,„«,„. 2 3 S„,a,„. 5 15 S,„S„a..„. 13 28 P,„a„, and P,„a„,. 15 38 [a , l^a, and [a. 19 49 m «i+l n+1 20 53 Crtty, and C «,• 21 59 ""CrAarA)- 22 62 A + mam- 41 116 (0 + x//)„M. 117 45 125 (w)^^„, and 0,=„(?*). 126 £.(..). 127 D.{u). 129 A.(^.). 58 168 £,,y(M), and Z),,^(7<). 66 188 d:u. 67 195 £"• 78 224 a.^.Cro. 79 228 ■3r/0(«), "ar'^Ca), 73-" 'a", and ■z3-"'«, 89 241 Gam-i- 136 335 S,„a,„. 336 Gi.Z*^. ERRATA. The Reader is requested to correct the following Errata before he proceeds to the perusal of the Work. PAGE LINE ERRATUM. CORRECTION. 5 8 a5 + «2«-l «5+-+a2«_i 6 last s„ s„ 19 1 c}...} n+1 1 c 6 P p 21 3 T "c 22 17 -(^'"■ -c"^"" last hut one +a.a3 + aia2 0i+a,a3 last 2«.«,' Sa^ar 24 19 A m— 1 A 47 last ^Ax) D,(m) 48 3 ^(w)
' last hut one
8 and 9
last hut one
1. In the expansion of Algebraic Functions it has been
usual to investigate the first three or four terms, and from
these to deduce the remainder of the series by analogy. The
unsatisfactory nature of this method in all cases, and the errors
into which it may readily lead us in very many instances, must
have been obvious to all who have made use of it. In some
cases indeed, the connection between the consecutive terms at
the commencement of the series is so obscure, that the most
patient of analysts have given up the search, and have been
compelled to state that " the law of the series is not obvious."
In order to avoid this obscurity and embarrassment, we shall
adopt a notation by means of which the general term will be
obtained in every case, and which will enable us to perform
any operation whatever on a series, with the same facility as on
a single term.
2. The m^^ term of a series being usually some function
of m, we shall denote it by «,„ ; and, taking the letter S as an
abridgment of the word Sum, the symbol S,„«„, will be used to
denote the sum of n terms of which the m"' is a^^ : that is,
S,„a,„ = Cfi + Oo + «3 + ••• + «n-
In this notation it will be seen that the index placed over
the S denotes the number of terms, and that the index placed
under the same letter, is that to which the successive values
1, 2, 3, ..., w, must be given, in the function a,„, in order to
form the consecutive terms : that is,
S,„0(w) = 0(1) + 0(2) + 0(3) + ... + (p{n).
Or, to give examples of a more simple nature,
S„, m^ = f'' + 2- + 3- + ... + n^.
8m m' = l'' + 2'" + 3' + ... +7l\
3. The symbol §,„ a,„ denotes that the r^^ term must be
4. Theorem. If a,„ = 6„„ (ZZl)*, then S„ «„=§„&„.
For, since a, = 6,
a, = h,
az = h
&c. = &c.
a, + ffo + «3 + &c- +«« = &! + h. + ^3 + &c. + &„,
or S,„a„, = 8,„i™.
• By this notation is meant, that this equation is to hold for every integral value of
tf>?, from 1 to V.
5. Theorem. S,„ («„. + b,„) = S,„ «,„ + S,„ b,„ .
For, S„, (a,„ + b„) = a, + b^ + a.> + h^ + . . . + a„ + b„
= «i + rt2 + -+«n + ^ + &2 + ••• + &«
6. Theorem. If & is independent of m, then S,„ a^fe = 6 . S„ «,„•
For, S,„a,„ft = Qib + a^b + a^b + ... + a„6
= 6 (Oi + tta + «3 + ... + «n)
7- Cor. ^,„b = nb.
8. Problem. To invert the order of the terms of a given
Now, S,„ «m = o, + oTo + ffg + ... + «„_i + a„
= a„ + a„_i + a„_2 + ... + «!, by inverting the series;
In order therefore to invert the series, we must substitute
71 - 7n + 1 for m in the expression for «„, .
n r n—r
9 . Theorem. S„, a,„ = S;„ «,„ + S,„ «,+ ,« •
For, S,„ «,„ = Joi + ao + fla + ... a,j + la^+i + «r+2 + ... + «,i5
By means of this theorem we can separate from the rest
any number of terms, taken either at the beginning or end of a
given series.
10. Theorem. 8„,.v"'-'=
1 - X
For, a.-"'-^ = .r"-^
1 -X
\ -X \ - X
k af'-' = k ~ - k Y^ « (^) and (5) ;
,,0 ,-,1 ^^'n „ 1 ^^m ^
+ 8™-, S„- , (9)
\ - X \ - X \ - X \ - X
1 - .r"
11. Cor. ]. = S„.a"
12. Con. ^Z. — ^ = k -i""' + ^—
\ — X \ - X
and — — = S,„(-ir-' . ci--' + (-1)" . ,
1 + .f ^ ^ 1 + X
If X is < 1, the term will diminish as n increases,
1 -X
and therefore, by taking n sufficiently great, S,„ a'""' may
be made to differ from by a quantity less than any
assignable quantity, although that difference will never vanish
for anv finite value of //. In this case is said to equal
\-x ^
an ipfinitc series of wliich the m"' term is .r"~'; and this
relation is denoted bv the eciuation — — = Sm'i''""'-
' 1 - .r
13. If the law which determines the value of a,„ in the
series S™ «,„ is such, that a,„ = for every value of m greater
CO n
than 72, we may substitute S,„a,„ for S„,«,„; and this substitution
will frequently facilitate our investigations.
14. Theorem. S,„ff,„ = vimfhm-\ + S,„«2mi
and 8;„«„, = S,„rt2,„_i + S„, «a„,..
2ra ,- ■''
For, S„, «,„ = ai + ^2 + «3 + «4 + «5-t*-. 4 «;;» ^
= («! + ^3 + as + a2„_i) + (^2 + a, + ac . . . + «2„)
= S,„^„„_l+S,„ff2„,.
2n— 1
and 8„, rt„i = «i + ffo + a,'. + . . . + n->n- 1
= («! + ^3 + . . . + «o„_ i) + (tto + «4 + • • • + «2n-2)
« H— 1
= S,„ «.„_, + 8,„«2;«-
COU. S„, «,„ = S,„ tf^m-l + ^m fhm-
By means of these theorems we can separate the odd and
even terms of a given series.
15. The symbol S,„S,//,„,„ denotes the sum of r terms of
which the m"" is 8„ «,«,„: that is,
)• a s s s ■■!
S,„ S„a,„,„ = S„ai,„ + Sn(t->,n + Hi«:!,« + + H.«r,n
= «1,1 + «i,o + «l,3 + + «l,.5
+ «l.M + O^.li + «2.3 + + «2,*
+ «3.1 + rt3,-, + «3,3 + +«3..
+ &C. + &C.
+ «,-, I + «.-,2 + «>-,3 + + «^r,s-
It is obvious that the same principle may be extended to any
number of svmbols of summation.
16. Theorem. (8,„ a,„) x (8nK) = S„,«„, . kx * •
For, S,„ «,„ = ffi + a^ + «3 + ... + rt,.-
••• (S.ff,„)x(S„&„) = ai.S„6„ + «,.S„&„ + a3-S„6„+...+ar.S„6„
17. Theorem. If r is independent of n, and 5 of tn,
then S,„ S„ a™, „ = S„ S™ a,„, „ .
For S„ «,„, „ = «,„, 1 + o,„, 2 + «m, 3 + . . . + a,„, , .
r « r »■ »■ )•
•• S„ S„ a„, „ = S^ «„,, 1 + S,„ ff„,, 2 + S,„ a,„,3 + . . . + S,„ a™, „ (4) and (5) ;
03 03 03 m
18. Theorem. S,„S„o,„,„=S,„S„a^_„+i,„.
For, S,„S„ff„,„=S„ §,„«,„,„, (17);
+ «1.2 + «a,2 + «3,2+--- +«,«-!, 2 +&C.
+ ai,3 + «2,3+--- +«m-:?,3 +&C-
+ ai,,l+...+«,„_3,.l +&C.
+ &C.+ &C. +&C.
+ai,„+&c.4-ff,„_„+i,„ +&C.
+ &C.+ &c. +&C.
+ «!,,„ +&C.
+ &C.
" That is, the product of S„, «„ multiplied by S„ b„ , is a series consisting of r
terms of which the m'^ is fl„, . S„ &„ .
by summing vertically;
CO m
CO m » CO
19. Cor. l. S,„S„a;;,,„=S,„S„a,„+„_i,„.
X m-1 (» » m
20. Cor. 2. S„S„a,„,„=S„ai.„+S,„S„a„+i,„, (9);
» as
= S„S„a,„+„,„ (19);
CO r r m 05 r
21. Theorem. S,„S„«;„,„=S,„S„a,„_„+i,„+S,„S„a^+,_„+i,,.
05 )• )• r >■ r
For, S,„S„a,„,„=S„ai,„+S„«2,„+S„a3,„+...+S„a;„,„+&c.
= «1,1 + «1,2 + «1,3+ •••+«!.«+ •••+«l,r
+ a2,l + «2,2 + «2,3+---+«2,«+---+«2,r
+ «3,l + «3,2 + a3,3+---+«3,n+.'-+«3,r
+ &c. + &c. + &c.
+a,„,i+a,„,2+«m,3+-- +«,«,«+•••+««,,-
+ &c. + &c. + &c.
therefore, summing diagonally,
SmS„a,„,„=ai,i + (%,l + ai,2) + («3,l + «3,2 + «l,3)+---
+ (a,.i + a,_i,2 + a,-2,3+.--+ai,r) + (ar+l,l + «r,2 + ar-l,3+.--+«2,r)
+ («. + 2,l + «r+l,2 + «r,3+"-+«3,r) + &C. + &C.
12 3 >•
= {S„a2-n,n + S„a3_„,„+S„«4-n,n+...+S„a,-«+l,a|
+ {S„a,._„+2.n+S„a,.-«+3,,.+&c.5
22. Theorem. S,iSra„,, = S„ Sra„+,-i,r
m m-n+\
and =S,j S,«„+r-i,
m n 1 2 .-J m
For, S„S,a„,i.= Srai,r+Sra2,r+Sra3,r+ ...+Sra,«,r
+ a2,i + a2,2
+ «3,l + «3,2 + «3,3
+ «4, 1 + «4, 2 + ^^4, 3+ Ct^, 4
+ &c. + &c.
+ Cf„,l + a„_g + a„,3+ +Cfm,,n'
therefore, summing diagonally,
S„Sra„,r=ai,l + «2,2+a3,3+...+««i,m
+ «2.1 + «3,2 + «4,3+...+«m,m-l
+ «3,l + «4.2 + a5,3+...+«m,,n-2
+ &C. + &C.
+am-i,i + a«i,2
»n m-1 »n-2 m-n+1
= Srar,r+Srar+l,r+Srar+2,v+...+Srar+»-l.r+...+am,l
m TO— n+1
and, summing vertically,
TO « m TO-1 »n-2 m— »i+l
S„Sra„,r = Sra,-,l + S,ai + r,2+Sra2 + r.3+...+Sra„ + , _!,„+. ..+«„,,,„
TO m—n+l
23. Theorem. S„Sra„,,,=S„ S,(a,„_,,r+«.,:-r+i,r)
+ Sra2m-i + l,r+l + Ki ©r («2
l + %
■+l,r + ji + a)?
and S„ Sra„,r = S„ S,.(a2n-r.r + «2»-r+l,r) + Sra2m-
>n— 2 m— n— 1 2)n— 1
+ S„ Sr(a2m-r-l.r + « + l + «2m-.-l.r + „ + 2) + S,.a2m-
For, S„S,.«„,, = S,a,,r + Sr«2,r + S,a:5.r+ •
+ «2,l + «2.2
+ «3,l + a3,2 + «3,H
+ a4,l + «4,2 + «.l,3+«.J..|
+ &c. + &c.
+ «2m,l + 02m.2+ • • • +«2,n.2m '■>
+ S,.«2»
therefore, summing diagonally,
(«l,l) + («2,l) + («3,l + a2.2)
+ (a4,l + «3.2) + (a5,l + «4.2 + «3,3) + («6,l + «5,2+1.3)
+ («7, 1 + «6, 2 + «5, 3+ a4, 4) + («8, 1 + «7, 2 + «6. 3+ «.% 4)
+ &C. + &C. -f&C.
+ ^2m-l,l + ^2m-2,2 + Cf2„_3,3+aj;„_4,4 + a2m-5,5+'"+^wi,m
+ ^2m, 1 + «2m -1,2 + ^2m - 2, 3 + ^2m - 3, 4 + *2m - 4, 5 + • • • + '^m + 1. '«
+ «2m,2 + «2m-l,3 + «27«-2,4 + «2m-3,5 + «2m-4,6+---+^m + l.m + l
+ ^2»n,3 + ^2m-l,4 + «2m-2,5 + «2»n-3,6 + <^2m-4,7+"-+®»n + 2,»i+l
+ «2m,4 + <^27/i-l,5 + «f2m-2,6 + «2m-3,7 + <*2m-4,8+-"+®m + 2.m + 2
+ «2m,5 + «2m-1.6 + «2m-2,7 + «2m-3,8 + «2m-4,9+.--+^m + 3,m + 2
^ +^2TO,6 + ^2m-l,7 + %)n-2.8 + *2m-3,9 + ^2m-4,10+ •••+*m + 3,m + 3
+ &C.
+ V^2m, 2m - 3 + '^Sm - 1, 2»! - 2) + KShm, 2m - 2 + ^2»i - 1, 2m - 1 )
+ («2m,2«-l) + (a2m,2m)-
= S„S,(a2»-r,r + a2«-r+l,r)+S,.ao,«-r+l,r+l
m— 1 m—n
2m-l n 2m— 2 n 2m-l
and S„ Sra„,r=S„ Sra„,r+S,.a2m-i.r, (9);
m-1 « TO-1
= S„ Sr(a2n-r,r+«2n-r+l,r)+Sra2m-r-l.r+l
TO-2 TO-n-1 2)H-1
+ S„ Sr(a27«-r-l.,+« + l + a2m-r-l,r + .> + 2) + Sra2,„-l,r»
by the former case.
24. Theorem. If «,„+i = «,„+&,„, C",',_i), then a„=«,+S,„6,„.
For, K«„.+i = sl«m+sl6,„, (4) & (5).
n--2 n-2 n-1
••• S,„a„+i + a„=ai + S,„a,„+i + S„&,„, (9)-
.-. «„=ai+Sm^a? cancelling identical terms.
25. Theorem. If a,„+i=ca,„+6,„, C:;;_i),
then a„=c"" ^ . «! +SmC"' " ' . 6„_,„ .
For, «„_„ + i=ca„_,„+6„_„,;
. • . c"" ' . a„ _ ,„ + 1 = c'" . a„ _ „,+ c'" " ' . />„ _ „, , multiplying by c"' ~ ' ;
and S,„c'"-^«„_,+i=S,c"'a„_„+S™c'"-'.6„_„,, (4) & (5);
n— 2 n— 2 n— 1
«« + S„, c"" a„_^=SmC'" a„ - ,„ + c" - ' . a , + S,« c™ " ' 6„ _ „, . (9) -
26. Theorem.
For, (S,„a._i *"'«-') (§«6«-i^^"-^)
= S„a,„_i ..T^'"-' . S„6„_i.r"-\ (16) ;
= S,„S„«,„_i.6„_i.a^'"+«-~, (6);
= S,„S„a^_„.6„_i.a;"'-S (18);
= S„a^'"->.S„a™_„.6„_i, (6).
27. Cor. (S,„ «,„_! . J-'™-^^ = S™ ci?™-' . S„ a„-n • ««-!•
28. The Product of n factors, of which the m* is «,„, will
be denoted by P,„ a,„ ; that is,
P,„o,„ = «! . ttv . «3...a„.
The symbol P,„ «,„ will denote that the r"' factor is to be
29. Theorem. If «,„ = 6,„, Cl,^), then P,„a,„ = P,«6„,.
For, since Gj = &,
a2 = 62
&c. = &c.
a„ = b„ ;
therefore, multiplying,
Oi . a.^ . (Is . . . a„ :^ bi . h.j . bs . . . b„ ,
or P„G„ = P,„6„.
30. Them-em.
If 6 is independent of w, then Pm («,«&) = 6" . P„,o,„.
For, P,„ (o,„ ft) = a, 6 . 02 b . a^ h ... «„ 6 .
= a^a.^a-^ ... a„ . b"
= b".V„M,„.
31. Problem. To invert the order of the factors of a given
Now, P„, «,„ = «! . a.> . a-^... a„
= a„ . «„_, . a„_2 ... «i, by inverting the order of the factors;
If, therefore, we substitute 7i-m + l form, in the expression
for «,„, the order of the factors will be inverted. See Art. 8.
32. Theorem . P,„ a,„ = P,„ («,„) . 'P,„ (« ,.+ „,) .
For, P,„a,„ = (fli . a.> . a^... a,) (a^+i • a,^., . ar+3..-««)
= P,„(a.). ?!(«.+.).
By means of this theorem we can separate from the rest
any number of factors, taken either at the beginning or the
end of a given product. See Art. p.
33. CoR. P„,(«-«)-P«(«v4.J='Pm«™-
34. Theorem. P„,a,„ = l.
For, P,„ («,„) . P,„ («,,, ,„) = P'l «,„, {S3) ;
or P,„ (a,„) • P,„ «,„ = P,„o,„;
.". Vrndm = ^ ? by division.
35. Theorem. P,„ a,„ = = .
P™«,«-« P."_,„,_,
For, P,„ a,„_„ = P,„ (a,„_„) . P,„ «„, (32) ;
and = 1, (34).
.'. P«(o.).P,««m-«=i;
division ;
and P,„a,„
36. Theorem. If a„+j = a,„ . 6„,, then a„ = a^. VmK-
For, b„,
= p1
/«,« +
i) -a
Om + i
-, (32);
— , cancelling the identical factors,
• •• «„ = a, .P,„6„,.
37. Theorem. If «„+, = a,„ . 6„,
then a,„ = a._> . V,„bo,„, and a^,,,, = Uy . 'P„A
For, ft^^ =
••■ p16..= p1(^, (2C));
P™(a2m + 2)-%„
„-2 , (32) ;
«2-P,«ff2«, + 2
— , cancelling the identical factors.
»— I
••• «2« = O2 . P,>,„,.
Also b,,„_
.-. pU.«-.
P™(«2«! + l) -^SH-l
"~ n—2 '
«1 • Pm«2m+-1
••• ao«-
1 = ai-P,«(6„„_,).
38. The symbol [« denotes the product of n factors
forming an arithmetical progression, of which the first term
is a, and the common difference m; if m = - 1, the m may be
omitted ; and, if, in the same case, n = a, the n also may be
omitted : thus
jo = a(a + m)(a + 2m)...(a + n - 1 . m),
\a = a(a - l)(a - 2)... (a - 7i + 1), and
[a = a(a - l)(a - 2). ..2 . 1.
39. Theorem. \ab = b".\a .
For, \ab = ab . (ah + m)(ab + 2ni).,.{ab + n - 1 . m)
n, m
= b'' .a
= 6" . I ffi . See Art. 30.
40. Theorem. I a = 1 a + w - i . m .
», m n, —m
For, \a^=a.{a+ m) (a + 2m) ...(a + n -I . m),
= (a+n-1 .m) (a+n-2 .m) (n+n-3 . m) . . .(a+m)a,
by inverting the order of the factors ;
= \a-h7i-l. m . See Art. 31.
n, —m
41. Theorem. \a = \a . \n + rm .
For, [ff = \a.(a + m) (a + 2m). ..(a + r - 1 . m) j x
{ (a + rm) {a + r + I . m) . . . (a + w - 1 . m) \
= \a . \a + rm . See Art. 32.
r, m n — r, m
42. Theorem. \a = i.
0, m
For, [a. I g + . m = [a , (4.1);
0, m >i,m U+n,ni
or \a . \a = \n .
.-. lo = 1, by division. See Art. 34.
1 1
43. Theorem. \a = -.
' a — n 5
|« -7i7n = |a -nm . \a , (41),
n— jj, m n, m —n, m
and = 1, (42);
• nm . I a = 1.
.-. \a = -.
- nm
by division;
See Art.
-m '
Theorem. -. =
1 -m
= \- m + m.
= 0.
45. The theorems in Articles 34, 35, 42, and 43 are ana-
logous to the equations a°= 1, and a~"= — ; which last equations
indeed may be deduced from them as particular cases.
Iw In
46. Theorem. ^^— =
For, jw . \n- m = \n
[n [w^
, Wl fl — TO
I m \n — m
I w \n \n
+ 1
47. Theorem. ~— +
Im m + 1 I m + 1
\n In \n
b- hu hr f n-m\
[to [m + 1 Im V m+\)
\n .{m + 1 +n -m)
— "»
|to + i
(ti + 1) |w
ly^ + l
+ 1
48. Problem. To shew that ^ is a whole number ; n
and 7» being integers.
\r + \ \r \r
Now, fii = _:2ii_+^, (47);
|to+ 1 |m+ 1 [TO
.-. — 2iI_=--2i]^ + S,f-, (24);
|to + 1 |to + 1 [to
If, therefore, ^ were an integer, _2+L_ would be an integer ;
'— TO+l
but i— is an integer, and therefore j— is an integer.
49. The symbol {a^ + b^ \...\ c ] ...] denotes the re-
m m+1 n+1 n+1 1
suit of the combination of the symbols
{«! +fti {tto + h^ {"-{an + K { c f ... j ;
1 2 3 n n+1 w+1 1
the brackets being omitted after the expansion, if they are then
without signification.
n n m—1 m
50. Theorem. | a,„ + 6,„ 5 . . . {c = S„«,„ . VA + c . VA-
m m+1 n+1
For, {arr,'k'h^\...{c={a^+h^{ao+h^\...\ c \...\
m m+1 n+1 12 3 n+1 n+I 1
= {«!+ {61 052+ |&1&2«3+ { •••
12 3 4
+ \hA'-A-i • ««+ \bih..Ac} ... I
n n+1 n+1 1
= aj+6ia2+6i&2ff3+...
+ bA"A-lC'n + bA"-bnC
= S^a^"VA+c-VA-
51. Theorem. If a„ = 6„ + c„ . a„+„,
m 4-1 m
then a„ = S,6„+— i.„ . PtC„+in.« + ««+«,« • PtC«+i=l.« ■
For, a„=56„+c46„+„+e„+„j...{&„+— i.„+c„+,-Zi.4--l«n+'««S-i'
12 3 s s+1 m+1 m+1 1
by substitution ;
= l^n + .—j.a + C„ + ,— i.„ j ... {a« + m«» W ;
J s+1 m+1
= S,6„+-,...PtC„+^ri.a + ««+m«-PtC„+<-ri.«, (50).
52. CoR. If a„,„ = 6,„,„ + c„,„ . am+«,n+e» then
>• j-i
«m,n = Ss&m + iri.«,n + jrT.)3- PtCCm+TTi .«,« + <". /s)
53. 1 HE symbol Crffr will be used to denote the sum
of every possible combination^ (without repetitions of any one
letter in the same combination,) that can be formed by taking
m at a time of n quantities of which the /*" is a^; and the
m, n; s
symbol C,a, will denote the same thing, with the condition
that Oj is to be every where omitted.
m+l,M+l m+l,n m,n
54. Theorem. Cr a^ = C,- a,+a,,+■^ . Cr Or-
For, Cr^r must consist of terms into which a„+i does not
enter as a factor, and of others into which it enters as a factor
once only ; and it is obvious that Cr Or will express the first
m, n
set, and that a„4.i.C,«r will express the second. Hence the
truth of the theorem is manifest.
55. Theorem. If 6 is independent of r, then
"Criarb) = 6'".c"fv
m, n
For, Cr («r b) denotes the sum of a certain series, each term
of which is the product of m quantities, and into each of which
quantities b enters as a multiplier ; and Cr a^ denotes the sum
of a series, each term of which is the product of the same m
quantities, each being deprived of its multiplier h.
56. Theorem. If a is independent of r,
m.n L_
then C, («) = f— • a'"-
... ^
For, the number of terms in C.a, is f— ; and each term
consists of m factors. Since, therefore, in C,- («) each of these
factors is equal to a, the truth of the theorem is manifest.
57. Theorem. -^ ='c'X-'.
For, the numerator of the first member of this equation con-
sists of every possible combination of 7i quantities, taken m, at a
time ; and, hence, that side of the equation consists of a series of
fractions, the numerator of each being unity, and in which the
denominators are formed by taking away, in every possible
manner, m of n given quantities, and will, therefore, consist
of every possible combination of these n quantities taken 7i-m
at a time.
= 1.
= 1.
59. The symbol Cr,s(«r-^s) denotes that there are 7i
quantities of which the r*"^ is a,., and n others of which the
s^^ is 6s, and that every possible combination, (witliout repe-
titions of the same quantity in any one combination,) is to
be formed of the first series, by taking them m at a time;
and that each combination thus formed is to be multiplied
hy n — m quantities of the second series, so taken that in
each of the combinations the whole of the natural numbers
from 1 to w shall appear as indices : thus,
+ Ozdihibzh^ + a^ar^bih^bi + a^a^hib2b'i.
m, n—m m, n
60. CoR. If h, = 6, then Cr, . {a, . b,) = 6""'" . C. «r-
61. Theorem.
n— m+l, m n—m, m n—m+1, m—1
n— m+l,m
For, Cr,s (^r • &«) will consist of terms into which a„+i enters
as a factor, and &„+i does not; and of others into which 6„^.,
enters and a„+i does not. Also each of these terms must con-
sist of n factors, exclusive of the factors a„+i or 6„+i ; and each
of them must contain n-m+1 factors of the series a^, a2,...a„+i,
n-tn+l, n
and m of the series fcj, 625. .-^n+i- Also C^.sC^r-^i) must con-
tain every possible term that can be formed consistently with
these conditions. Hence «„+i • Cr,s(«r-6s) will contain all the
w— m+l,m— 1
terms of the first kind, and 6„+i . C,,s(«r-6s) all those of the
second kind.
62. The symbol A+„am denotes the sum of every pos-
sible Arrangement that can be formed of any numljer of
quantities of which the wz*'^ is a,„, these arrangements being
subject to the condition that the sum of the indices subscript
shall in every single arrangement amount to n; repetitions of
the same letter being allowed in any arrangement : thus
A+„,o„, = o, + a^a^ + a.^a.^ + ao^i^i + a,ajaiai + a^a^a^ + ffia,
= ^4 + 20.301 + 02^ + 202 • «i^ + «A
63. Theorem. A + rO. = Smflm- A + r«r
n m—\
= S„a„_;„+i.A+rar-
For, A+rfl^r is the sum of all the terms that can be formed
of any number of quantities «!, «2> &c. such that the sum of
n — m
the indices subscript shall be w; now a^.A+^a,- will include
n n — m
every term in which a^ is a factor, and Sma^.A+r^r will
include all the admissible values of a„, and therefore every
term of A+rOr-
n n n — m
.-. A + r«r = Smttm- A+r«r
M m — 1
= S«0„_„ + ,.A + rar, (8).
64). CoR. A+rOr = 1-
n n
65. Theorem. If «„ = Sma„_„ . 6„,, then a„ = ao • A+r^, •
For, fli = tto • &i = <^o • A + r &,-
^2= «l6l + 00^2
= tto (6l^ + 62) = «o • A + r 6r •
a^ = «2 ^1 + ^1 ^2 + ^0 ^3
= «o(&l^ + 6l&2 + 62 6l + 63)
= «o. A + r^r-
^4 = ag&i + a^br, + ajfeg + 0064
= tto (6i* + 61^ 62 + 61 62&1 + 61 63 + 6261^ + 62^ + 6361 + 64)
= Oo-A+rftr-
Suppose, therefore, a„ = Oq • A+r6r ;
then o„+i = S;„ «„_„+! 6;n
n+l n— ni+l
= S;„ao.6„.A+r6,.
n+l n— m+1
ao.S.6„.A+.6„ (6);
ao.A+.6r, (63).
If, therefore, the law were true for n and all inferior integers,
it would be true for n+\ ; but it is true for 1, 2, 3 and 4, and
therefore for n.
QQ. Theorem. If a„ = Cn+ S^ a„_m • h^ ,
n TO— 1 n
then a„= S„.c„_,„+i. A+.fer + «o- A+v6,..
For, proceeding as in the last Article, we shall find that
4 m-1 4
«4 = S„C5_,„. A + r^r + Ao- A + r&r-
Suppose, therefore, a„ = S™ c,_„+i • A+^&r + «o • A+r 6^,
then o„+i=c„+i+S;;,6;„.a„-,«+i
n+l n— TO+1 i-1 n— m+1
=c«+i+S^6„SS,c„_^+i_,+i. A+,6,.+ao-A+,64' by substitution;
n+\ TO— 1 s— 1 «+l n— TO+1
=c„+,+S;„&„_,„+2-SsC„_,. A+,&r+ao-S„6„. A+r&r, (§) and (6);
s-\ n m s-l
+ao.A+r&r, (9) and (63);
n m s~\ n+l
= C„+i + Sm6„_m+,.S,C„_s + i. A + r^r + Oo- A + ,.6r
n n— TO+1 s—\ n+\
=c„+i+S„S,6„_„_,+2-c^- A+.&r+«o. A+,6„ (6) and (22);
n n— TO+1 s-1 >J+1
= C«+l+S„C„.Ss&„-™-s + 2- A + r^r+flo- A + ,^, (6);
n «— TO+1 n+l
=c„+i+S,„o„. A + ,ft,+«n- A+,.6r, (63);
n m «+l
= C«+l+SmP„-« + l- A + ,6, + ao- A + ,6,, (8);
n+l TO n+l
= S;„c„_„+2.A + ./>.+an-A+,6„ (9).
If, therefore, the law were true for n and all inferior integers,
it would be true for r/ + l ; but it is true for 1, 2, 3 and 4, and
therefore for n.
w+1 n—m+l,m-
67. Theorem. P,(a, + &,) = S. a,,K.6.)-
For, by actual multiplication,
P,.(a,, + br) = a^a^a.^ + a^a^h^ + a^a^bo + aza^b^
= s™ a,,(«,..&.).
M+l H— m+1, m—l
Suppose, therefore, P, {a, + 6,) = S;„ Cr, ^ («, • &»)»
M+l n+l n-m+l,m-l
then P,(a, + 6,) = (a„^, + 6„^0 . S. C,.(a.. 6,)
«+l n-m+l, m-1 n+l n-m+l, tn-1
= S™a„+i . C,,,(a, . 6,) + S™6„+i . a,,(a, . 6,) (6) :
= ««+!• C,,,(a, . b,) + S„ a„+i . C,,,K . 6,)
n—m+l, m—l
+ S.6„+x . a,,(a.. 6.) + 6„+i . a,.K. 6,), (9)
:C,U«,.6s)+S„{a„+i.d.,.(ar.6,)+&«+i-CU«r.6.)J+C,,,(ar-^), (5);
a,,K.6.)+s. a,;K.6.)+a,.K.6.), (61);
n+2 n—m+2, -i
= s. a,K.6,), (9).
If therefore, the law were true for n factors, it would be
true for n+l ; but it is true for 3, and therefore, it is true for n,
n M+1 n—m+l, m—1
68. Cor. 1. Put 6, = a?, then P^(^ + a,) = S,„ C^.^Ca^-r)
n+l «-m+l, n
= S„.J?'"-^aa„ (60).
69. Theorem. If a,, is the r'^ root of the equation
»+\ n-m+l, n
= S,„am_] ..2?'""S then shall am-i=Cr(-ar).
For, S;„ «„_, . .r™-' = P,(a; - «,)
= S„^™-'.a(-a.), (68)
.-. «,„-! = (CiV- «r)-
70. Problem. Given 6r-i = Smffm~' • '^m? C=m)' to find a7(.
Multiply both sides of the equation by C,(-a,)
then 6._"7(i'(- «.) = L^m . «:-"~U'(-«.)» (6)-
••• kbr-r~K(-a,) = S.a;,„.a<-'".~d'(-«.), (4) and (17);
= S™.x-..P,K-a,), (68).
re, <
But P,(«m-ffr) = 0, for every value from m=l to ?» = w,
except for m = t;
n n—r, n; t v ; t
therefore, Sr6,_, . Cs(- a,) = .r, . P,.(at - a,),
P,(n, - o,)
71. Cor. If6,_,=6'-', then a, = ?4^1^lMl°i)
72. Theorem.
n+l „+i
.2? - 6 .r - 6
For, '-6'" ' J'g^^,_,^^,_,_
.?? - 6 ^
0? - cZ' - o
n+l H+1
and r = Ka^-i.S,.x'-\b'"-"\ (4);
,v - b X -b ' V /
= fflo • Sra-''"' . b-' + S,„a,„ . Sr.'c''"' . 6'""% (9) ;
= S.cr— rS,«„^,_, . 6-\ (6) and (22).
x - o w -b
73. Cor. If 6 is a root of the equation 0=SOT«m-i-'2?"'~S
the second side of the equation is divisible by x-b.
For, the remainder after the performance of this division
n + l
is Swa^-ift"'"^ ; which =0, since b is a root of the equation.
74. Theorem. 1 0+6 = S™ , "' ' • I « -1 6 ; ^ being any
positive integer.
For, |a+& =g+fe=|«+|^ •
la+6=(a+6+»^)([« + |6) = [a . (a+r+fe) + [6(a+6+r)
= [a^+[a.[6^+|^. |^a + |6 = |^a + 2. la. [6 + |^.
2,r \,r l,r \, r \Tr 2, r 27r \,r \~ 2,r
|a+6 =(a+6+2r)(|a+2.|«.|fe + |6)
3,r 2, r l,r l.r 2,r
= |a(a+2r+6)+2 . [a . l6(a+r+6+r) + j6(a+6+2r)
:[a+ [a^. [6+2 . [a . [6^+2 . [a . |& + |a • [6 +[6_
3,r 2,r l.r 2~ \, r l,r 2,r 1 27)^ 3,/-
2, r l,r },r 2, )•
A 4— m, »• m-
Similarly, I a+b = S„, i ""^ • | a . 1 6
Suppose, therefore, l^/-L/»- {u), &c.
be all similar to >|/(?^) ; then
{i /+"(w), andZ)/(w)=?*;
also £;"£;'(?o =£;""*"" (w),
Ef(u) = u, and E_,-".E,"{u) = u : (llO), (111), and (112).
131. Theorem. £/. 4a-0(i)i
= a.0(cr+Z).r)-a.0(cr)
= a.D^.(p{x)
138. Theorem. D,-M>/(M)=M+S,„c,„.Z).r*"-"''(l)-
For, let a be any quantity independent of cc, and put
u=(p{u) ;
then D,;(u-\-a)= \(p{x+Dcv)+a\ - {0(.i7)+a|
= (j){a;+Dx)-(l)(x)
.: Z),-».A"(w)=w+S,.Z),r*"-'"*-(c„), (123);
=u+huC,n-D.r-^''-"'Hi), (137).
139. Cor. 1. D,-'(u+v)=D,'' {D,.D,-'{u)+D,.D,-'iv)],
=D,-\D4D,-'(zi)+D,-\v)], (136);
=D,,-'(u)+D,-'(v), (138).
The arbitrary constant must be added after the performance of
the operations indicated in the second member of the equation.
140. CoR.2. D,-'{a2i)=D,-'{a.D.D,-'(u)\, (130);
=D,-\D4a.D,-'(u)\, (137);
= a.D,-^{7i), (138).
141. Theorem. E,.D,{u)=D,.EXu).
For, D,{u) = E,{u)-u.
.: E,D,{ti) = E,E,{u)-E,(u), (l34)
142. Cor. E,.D,-'{u)=D,-' E,{u),
and E,,-' D,-'{u)=D,-\E,-\u).
143. It follows from the last nine Articles that the func-
tions denoted by the symbols E^'\ -O/"? are distributive, and
commutative with each other and with any factor independent
of w.
144. Theorem. Z)/(w) = S„(_l)— i.-Jii;^.jE/-"'+H«)-
For, A(w)=^,(w)-w
= {E-\).u, (115).
.-. Z)/ (z«) = (£,,-!)„ w, (116);
=hr,{-\T-'--r^^.Er'"^'{u), (119) &(143).
1 45. Theorem. E,^ (w) = S™ r^^^^ -J^^' iu).
For, EXu)=u+D^(u)
= (l+2>,)w, (115);
••■ Ef(u)=il+D,)„u, (116);
=S^.^lJ_.2>;"-i('^), (119) and (143).
146. Theorem. i>/.A'''=l w./i" ; where /< = Z).i'.
For, D^ .a,'"=(ct'+//)"-a"=w..i''''^A+inferior positive powers of r^-
Z>/ . „.P,(w,) = S,. C.K.A^O. (128).
159. Theorem. D,{7iv) = u.D,,v+D,{u).E,,v.
For, jE,,(?,7/)(u + D,.r)
= // 75 + Z>,, (?< ) . y + ?^ . D, V + D, {ii) . D, V
^iiv + u. D, V + 1),,. (?<) . E,. V ;
. . D,{nr)^?(.I),v + D,{H).E,,v.
160. Theorem
For, D, f- 1 ==
HV +I>X'f^i) .v-uv-u .D^v
V . E,^v
161. Theorem. If (pin), 0i(w), \//(u), and v//i(y) are
distributive functions, commutative with each other and a con-
stant factor, and if (p{u).\p{v)+(p^(u).\l^^(v) is denoted by
((p^+(pi^i)uv, then shall
... l!L
For, by proceeding precisely as in Art. 118, we shall find
Suppose, therefore,
+0,[0'-'«+^(^r-'(w)].fi[>^"-"^^>^r-H^)]^ (113):
+ (^"-'« + >.0rO<). >/,«-'« + !. x/,,'«(v)}, (114);
= 0«+'(w).x/,''+H^)+s,„j^.0''-"'^>r(?^).>l'"-™^^->/'r(^)
+ S.j^.0"-™^^^inw)->/'"-'''"'-KH")+^i''"^(w)-^/'i"-^'(^),
= 0-^(«).x|,-^(t;)+s.~^.^"-"-^<^roo-^"-'''^'-^r(«)
+0,«+>(w).>/./'+'(i)), (5) and (47);
\n + l
^">T^-r'"'^'-i'^""'('')-^""""''-^^"'-'(^^h (9)-
If, therefore, the law Avere true for n it would be true for
n + 1 ; but it is true for 3, and therefore it is true for n.
162. Cor. l. The equation just found may be written
or ((^>//+0i>|/i)„?/t' = (^x|/+0i>|/i)'''wv. See Art. 120.
It must be carefully observed that, in the expansion in-
dicated by this last expression, the symbols (f) and (h^ are to be
prefixed to w, while yj^ and \//, are to be prefixed to v.
1G3. Cor. 2. It' ,,+ 'Z>,..£j,)mu, (161) ; where 'Z)^ only belongs to u.
=S.-^ii^i-.z>;"-'(w)-A''-"'"'£;"-'(^), (161)-
166. Theorem.
For, Z), (^< d) = E^ {u) . E,, ( y ) -uv
= (E,.E,-l)uv, (161);
.-. D/0<«) = (£,.£,-l)„.M«
=S.(-i)'"-^T-::^^.^/-™^'(w).£/-'«-^K»), (161).
1 67- C o R . 1 . D," (u y ? .r (w u) = (/* + D^ i() (y + D^v) -uv
= u . D^ u + u. D^v + D^ {u) . D,, V .
.: h-'.D^(uv) = v.h-\D,ti + u.h''.D,v + h-\D^{u).D,v;
and \h-KD,(uv)],^,=tJ. \h-KD,,:u\,^, + u\h-\D,v\,^,
+ [\h-\D,u\,^,.(D.v),^o or (Dr.u)„^,.\h''-DM,=.]
.-. d^.(uii)=vd,u + ud_,v+ \d,u.O or 0.d,^v\
=vd^7t + ud,rii-
d,.(uv) d,.u dAi
204. Cor. -^ A_^ = _!_ + ^
205. Theorem. =S;«-^
For, 1+1 » ' ^ ^^^ r , _^ . „,+ l ^ ^^^^^
V,.Ur P,W, '''"+'
-1. = +S,n , (24);
= S.— , (9).
206. Coil. 4. P,?^,= S™c/,w„, . P,«,.
207- Theorem. d^.u"=nu''-^ d,:U, for every rational
value of *^.
^ d,.P,.w,. " d^w,
For, \ =S,. ^-^, (20.5).
Tut Ur=u.i then =1:5,. =w. .
u^ u u
n being a positive integer.
Also, since 1=?/". ?^"",
.-. 0=7r".nii"~^d_^u + 7c".d^.u~'', (193) and (203);
and d,.u-"=-nu~'''^d_^7i.
Again, «*'" = (?< ")"; in and n being any positive integers.
.-. ^mu~"'~^d^u = n.(u "y~Kd,.(u ")
±!!i m ± !^ _ 1
and dj.. (u ") = i — . r« " . d^u.
Hence, d^.u"=nu"~^d^u, for every rational value of 7i.
208. Theorem, d,. {-] = -.{— -
For, d.
209. CoR. d
=v-Kd^u+u.{-l)v-'d,v, (203), and (207);
u fd^u dj.v\
If \ U V )
VrVrf P,.V, { P,7/,. P,.t
210. Theorem, dj" . x" = |w . a-" - '" .
For, d,,.x''=nx''-\ (20?) and (197) ;
d,^^..v"=n.d^.x"-\ (196);
&c. = &c.
211. Theorem. dJ'.(uv) = S,nr^^^-^^.d;'-"' + Ui.d:"-'v.
For, d,,.(uv) = vd,u+ud,v, (203);
= {d,^+^d,^)uv, where 'd,, belongs to v, (l6l).
••• d;'.{uv) = {d_,+^d;},,uv
= (d,+'d,yuv, (162);
... t
Or thus
£,(«»)= (S.j^.,
")(s-^-''-"-'")' cs^'^
sj^'-'-s S'"-"'"": , m-
\n—in ■
\n '"\n-m+l \m-l
and (/;' ■ (?/ iJ) = Sm I '" ' • d," -'"^^u. dj" 'u.
212. Cor. rf,.P,w,,= ('d,+-rf, + ...+"'d,)^ (y).d^^.f(y)\
=d4d^y.(p(y).d^.f(y)\, (219);
= d4d._y. w+(-i) ,,,,,
(197) & (210).
224. The symbol 8,.+sCf',) denotes the sum of every
term that can be formed with the following conditions: each
term is the product of m quantities in which r has the values
of the successive natural numbers, while s has any m values
such that their sum shall be w, zero being admissible as a
value of s, and repetitions of the same value of that letter
being allowed in the same term. Thus :
225. C6r. s"+.Ca,)=K"''"''«ls,, + ,C«.)- •
226. Theorem. ^ (S,.«,)"=S,,+,?^-
For, J-.(S,.«,.)"=8! "'"7' 1?"' ^ W'
Suppose, therefore,
I m-l m~l,n f, ^
p.(S,-»,)- = S„.^:
1 m 1 ,n-l
then i— . (S,.a,)"= t- (f/,„+S,.«r)"
n+\ a n-t+l m-l
\n-t+\ \s
= S"+A, (225).
If, therefore, the law were true for m-l, it would be true for
m ; but it is true for 2, and therefore for in.
1 TO m,n Sj ^ II
227. Cor. ^.d;'.P,?,,.=S.+.-^, (212).
\n 'If
228. The symbol '3r^"'0(a) denotes the coefficient of ai^
in the development of 0(S,„«,„_ia?'""'), which coefficient may be
called the m!^ polynomial coefficient of (p(a) taken with respect
to a. In this symbol the index subscript of nr is the letter
according to the indices subscript of which the different powers
of X ascend, and the quantity following the functional symbol
is the term independent of x in the series S,„aa-i'^"'"'*- If the
index subscript of "W is omitted, that letter is understood which
Throughout this Chapter a is put for Aq, for the sake of brevity.
immediately follows it, and if the function is a power of the
polynomial, the parentheses including the first term of the
polynomial may be omitted : thus
*zjr'"0(a) denotes the coefficient of cT?'" in S„0,„_i(a)<2?"'"',
*Z3""'«" |S„,a„_ia?™-ij%
•2r'"a,"' 5^'«"'+"'-i'^"'"'S"-
229. CoR. •2r„".0(«) = 0(a).
230. Theorem, -zzr'" a'' = S,. I ri .«"-'' . — j — — , for every
value of 01.
For, (S,„ Q„,_ 1 -t?™ - 'y={a+a; . ^,a,x'-y, {[)) and (6) ;
= S,„-r^.«"-'" + ^.t^'"-^(S,.a.cr'-ir-', (92);
= S»r-^2:^i--.«"-'" + '..3?'«-^S,-^^'■"'.•^^^'■ "'«/"-', (228);
= S™-^™ ' Sr I '" ^ . • «" '"^'■.•zjr'' -'.«,'"-'■, (6) and (18).
m— r+1
^+''-''ar'-ia,'»-' + i, since '5r'".a,o=0;
=s,-7— •«""'' •'23""'~''- ^^r> (8).
231. Cor. 1. 'Z«r"'a,"=S,"^— •«/"'''^^"""''a,+l•
232. Cor. 2. If ii is a positive integer,
•ZtT . o,, ^ a, • '
■m+r -
w-w+r-1 . TO-r+l
233 From this last value we may deduce any number of
terms of the expansion of
TS" a
much more readily than from
the general expression for that expansion. We hi
73-'". a"
n-m \m \n—m-\-l \m-l
+ &C.
\n-m+2 . \m
Hence, putting m=l, and n=m — I,
TfT a
\n-m+l \m-2
\n-m+2 . \m—2
And, putting m=2, and n=m-2,
\n-m.\m \n-m+l . \m-2
|n-m+2'\ |TO-4 [2 | m-3 ' J
W-Wi + 3
+ &C.
And, proceeding in the same manner, we shall obtain suc-
cessively the following terms ;
n \n-m.
n-m+l \m—2
• «2
\n-m+2\\m-4! \2 Im-s' J In-m+s' [Im-G is
\m-5 w-4 J- ?i-m+4Hm-8 U \m-l 3
ai'"-^ /«3 \ a{'-'> 1 a»-™+5 f aj"' - '" . «/
|m-6 V|£ 7 \m-5 \ \ n-m+5 \ \m-lO \5_
a., «!
«3+ |-
fi'-a • r— + 1 — • Oj
(«3a4 + a2«5)
-9 [3 '""" ' 1^-8 V""' [2 [2 ■ V \m-l
|w.-6 *j Iw— m-i-6 ||m-12 |6 Iw — 11 U
«i'"-'" fuo-.a.,; a.? \ a^"'-^ (ai ar^ \
+ 1 -p — f- + T^ • «4 + 1 J— +a2a3«4+ 1 — • «5
|m-10 V|2 [2 [f 7 [m-9 V|3 [2 /
+ i I — +03a5+a2«6 + I •«-} + I - [;
\n-s\ [2 [2 '\
««- . a" ^
Ui-2 ■ ^ \n-\
+ 1 • «o •
-i-ai ^+a2«i + I -as}- + i \a^ai + aoa-^+aM
VI 2 / 2 j 1^-2 •^
+ 1 :-«7-
[7*-5lL2[3 [3_ [4 7
rt"-' (a./ «./ af (a.r \ a{^ ]
[7A-2 ( 1 2 j [^-1
234. Since ~ (S,„a,;.-ry'"-')"=s'r +. ''\^ — -, n being
any positive integer, (226);
05, n ff ^
— Or. + s \ • ^*'
.-. — 1 = the sum of all those terms of Sr+s-f-^ in which
{r-\) = m.
This equation may be thus written:
S " r - 1
,-, + ,, + s(r-l)-7-— •
235. Theorem, -sr'" . « - ' = a - ' . A + ,. ( -' ) .
For, (S^a,„_i.r'"-')-^ = S„a^""'V""'a-', (228);
.-. l = (S,„a,„_i.2?'"-^)(S„ci?"-V"-'«-')
= S,„a'""'.S„a,„_„.'Z3-"-'a-', (18);
= 1 +S,„.'P"' . S«a,«_„+i .-za-"-' r/ - ', (()).
= 8„a,„_„+i-'Zjr"~ '«"' + «. 73-'" «-', (());
= S„(-^).^"'-'V/-', (s)
•• ■3r'V/.-i = (^".r/-^).A^.f^V (65);
236. Theorem.
Sf, /n"* - 1 CO m >i - 1 / _ /)
For, ^;^"'-^-^"' ' =(S^ff,_,.r."-^)(S„fi„_,.i-"-')-', subject
to the condition that all the coefficients after «,_], and ^^.i
vanish ;
= S,„.t?'"-'.S„«„-„.'Z3-"-^&-', (228), and (2());
= 8,„*^'"-'.S„a,„_„./>-'.A+,(^], (235).
^ d,".(h(u) " , , , ^ T*r" "'ft'" , fL'"fi
(i^TT-)"] (^^'^^
n \ m(,i'"+l)"' m(a'"+l)'"j
_ 1 » /?^=0, then
D,-'-(uv)=S,n(-lT-'-j^.D;''-'{ii).D,-^''^"'-'^Ef-'v. 62
179- D^~^.a^=—f^ — +const.
a —I
180. />,-".«' = «■'. (a"-l)-« + S,„Z>,r*''-"'*.c,„.
181. Z)^-'.(a^M) = aMS^(-l)'"-i.a('"-')\(«"-l)-»'.i)'"-iM
182. D-Ha + hx=^^
^ A
ITh hh{n+\)
- ^+1
^ 1 1
'^^a-y-hx hh{n-l)\a+bx
n,bh }i—l,bh
, 1 -1
"' "1^ (w-i)cr-r
,,+1 ^™-i.o" ,
.^"=S.-| --Iv, and A-^
187. Sm«,«=(A;/-A;Jo)««+i-
189- dj\d/ti=dr""^"u. 66
190. d," ?/ = ?<.
1^6 INDEX.
d^.(u + a) = dj.u ; a being independent of x. 67
d^.{au) = adj,u.
cp{^v+h) = S,n^^-d.:"-Kcl>{a^).
199. E,u=Sm-r -dj^'^u, and D^ri=Sm] — .dj''u.
[m-l [m
200. i)/7* = (e'"''-l)''w.
201. d/.0(cv) is the coefficient of I — in the expansion
of (p{.v+h). 69
202. If?* is a function of a', then d^.(p{u) = d^(p{u) .d^u.
203. dXii'v)=vd^ii+ud^v, and f^uv=u f^v-f^{d^u. f^v).
dJuv) d^u d^v
204. ^ — ^ = _^_ + _i_ .
.05. ^-:^-"-4.^. 70
VrUr ^'"
206. 4 . VrU,= 8,n d,U„ . P,'.W,.
207. d,..u"=nu^~^dj.u ; w rational.
* Taylor's Theorem.
iiOS. (/,._ = --"-—. 71
V V \ u V J
VrUr PrW, ( " ,?/, " d,,V,
(I- a = i; \br~
-op. ,/^. :ji_^ = ^r::- s. ^^ -S,. -
P.r, P,
210. dj\:v"=ln..v"-
211. r//'. (/H') = S„,~^^ •(//"'" + ^^-(^;"^'"- 72
m - 1
212. d;.V,u,= {^/d,)\V,u,.
21.'^. If M is such a function of .v as may be expanded in
positive and integral powers of .r, then shall
u = S„, .^ . d"^:^ . 7/ .* 73 & 1 54
214. d ,d,^u = d,^d,.ii\ a' and 7/ independent,
21.'") . dj" . (/ ,/' u = dy' . d, '" V. 74
lm-7i.\n-\ '' ^
218. If u is such a function of a; and y tliat it may be
expanded in positive integral powers of w and ?/, then
■ -«=s,„s„-^ — ^^ — ,d::: .d!:zin.
Vm-\ . \n-l
= • "!/ = ()
31aelaurin's Theorem.
178 INDEX.
ART. ^AfiK
219. If ,r is a function of .1 and ?/, then
d^.\d^z.(p(^)\=d^{d^z.(p(z)\. 75
220. If y='*^\z+x.(p(y)^, where z is independent of x
and y ; then shall
221. If y=z+x.(p{y\ then
/(y)=/(^)+S. ^ . d--'- \^)X- d.-K^) \ -t 7«
222. /,(wi))=S;„(-i)'"->.d/-'M./;"t)+(-i)"./,(d;'«.//v).
76 & 155
223. /.?«=S,„(-0""'T--^/"'^*+(-i)"./r{r--^'/^4- 77
225. a. + .C«,) = Sr' + 'fC8~+.sC«-)' 78
226. r-.(S.«.r = S,.,.,sT^.
22p. •2r„".0(o) = 0(a).
ni <7t"' ~^ fl ^
2^0. -ST'" . ff"= S J w . r/"- ' -U- ; w rational.
232. If w is a positive integer, then shall
73-"'. a," ™ a,"-^•s^'«-^a'',+, ?; <'-'" + ''- '.■Hr'-i.a7^V+'
= bri -1 =br-
\n '^[n-r . Ir ' ln-w+r-1 . 1 w-r+1
" liaplace's Theorem. t liagrange's Theorem.
W .0' =*'";'" a
r~ ■ =or,+«,+*(i-i) —
zoi). "sr -'i =(f
:S,„.r"'"^S„ «,„-„•/> '-A^
,'r /-'',
T =^m«« • (p (U) . r- ;
\n ^ ' \m
d"' u
= (p («) +8„ci''' . 8,„ C -" + ^ (/)(«)
73- '.ffi
W— 7W+1
=cr-'-l + 8,„g.._,..i"'-""-'.
D,-'ii = h-\j,u- - +S™e,,„_i./r""-'. (//"-'?/.
243 . A,, 'u=frU- -+ S,„ g„„ _ 1 • (//™ " ' ^^
244. zl-'.-r^
24.K r/,.e' = ,
+ S,„ g..,r. - 1 • I >* • 'V"'-'" *" ' + const. .92
180 INDEX.
LM6. (!;.€' = €''. ij3
2i7- d,.e" = €".d_^u.
248. d;.f:"' = e"\a".
249. d;.a' = a\{\og,ay.
250. (/,. (logj .r)= -.
251. f/,.(loo-^//)= — . ()4
233. iog..,,=i.s,„(-,r-.t'-ir,(_,y. /• <_^:zi):.
254. If .i"^l<], lo-,.r=i.S„(-0"'"' ^'''~'^"'
W Wi
55. If a' < 1 , log, (1 +.r) - S,„ ( - 1 )"' - ' . — ^
log, (1 -.?•)= -b,„ — , and
log^ -- =2b,«^
" l-.i' 2m-l
1 ", ,7,'""'-l
256'. log, x= - . b™ , „ ,t;;, •
» ^,IH - 1 >
257. 0(€') = S,„r^^.l<^(i + A)5o"'-'.* <}fj
CO ,>,« + Wl - 1
J5S . (e '■ - 1 )" = S„: ,-'- • •^" • 0"
n + w-1
Hcrschcrs Tlieorcm.
n-I nrn-l
'^59. -T—^S.i -.S^C-i)"-'
e' + I
-T~r=^'n\ r-S.(-ir-'
7. ,, = ->,2"' 2m+l A"-' n'-"
- 1 2 2 /?/ 7^
- A"0"-"'
in - 1
.h'' + '"-\r2" + "'-
|log, (1+A)|".0"' = 0, (m^7i); and
|log,(l + A)j".0"=[w.
sin .X'
I, and
tan ,v
f/r-sin cr=cos cr.
rfj. cos cr= -sin a-. 100
(//"-'. sin , T = (-1)"-'. cos cr, c//".sin cr=(-l)'\sin .r.
/"-'. cos cr=(-l)".sin x, and rf/".cos ci' = (-l)". cos a\
d,. tan ,r=(sec wf. 100 & 155
, . cot X = - (cosec xy. 1 56
f/f.scc ti'^scc f.tan t. 100
182 IXDEX.
271,1 .7z.s.(-ir-'. "^ J;_\ '^ ^ (cos.^r-\
in I
283. (sinA'y'=(-iy"-2-"+'.Sm(-l)'""'.r^^^^i--cos(w-2w+2)a,'
m— 1
"""•^' "'
:(-iy'"-".2-"^^S,„(-l)'""^, '"'^ .sin(?z-2y?/+2),r.
284. (cos.vy' = 2-" + '.S,« i" ' ■cos(M-2m+2).r+2-".77^
1^^-^ Li!'
i(n+l) L_
or = 2 "" "^ ' . Sn, 1 "' ^ • cos {n -2 in + 2) .t.
m— 1
185. sin.r=S„,(-l)"'-'
286. cos.r=S,«(-l)"
287- e*''^^=cos.r±\/^.sin.r,
2 cos .r=e''^^+e-^^^i , and
l.sin .r=e*^^-e"'''^'-i .
j(2m-i)i'rV-i = (_i)'"-iy^_l, and €'"'-'>'' ^'-' = (-1)'""'. HO.
"^ ' 2w-2m+l V 2r/
2.00. sec.r=S
> "7> / - 1 \
cot.r=S„(-i)''-'-.'''"''"-'-S™r— ^^ — .A. ,.(7-^
"^ ' [2?i-27« ^[2r+l
cos.c,r=S„(-l)-'..t'--.A.,(i^). .
sin ,T'=.r.P;
log, sin cr=loo-, .t-S;„ ( - J • ^^ • S.^-"".
M / O ^.\ -'Hi 1 OS
^fee '^"" '"— '"C36
298. tan-
2m -1 ,^57,
If .v