'^\ jr»*,-V - '-x-t. -** . HF DOCUMENTS DEPT. -^ ■ ■■«•.< ■J*.' UC-NRLF •i4- UOCUWENTB DEPT. l^ J/ WOV 17 1918 STATE OF NEVADA ^ rue " \ i^^u; e>i UlvN^'* Uniform Classification of Accounts FOR GAS UTILITIES PRESCRIBED BY THE Public Service Commission of Nevada li CARSON CITY, NEVADA State Printing Office : : : Joe Farnswoktu, Spperintendent 1911 -ilVWSHQ^ • * « • . • • • • • ■^ UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF GAS ACCOUNTS PRESCRIBED BY THE PUBLIC yp:RVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Carson City, June, 1911. 7o Xecada (Ja.-i Utilities<: This circular embraces the uniform classification of accounts for gas utilities prescribed and issued l).y the Public Service Commission under date of June, 1911, and the detailed text of instructions to accompany such classification, prepared under the following provisions of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1911, known as the Public Utilities Law: Uniform Accounting by Utilities. Sec. 7. Every public utility shall keep and render to the Commission in manner and form prescribed by the Commission, uniform and detailed accounts of all business transacted. Other Business Separate. {a) Every public utility engaged directly or indirectly in any other business than those mentioned in section 3 of this act, shall, if required by the Commission, keep and render in like manner and form the accounts of all such other business, in which case all the provisions of this act shall apply with like force and effect to the books, accounts, papers and records of such other business. Blanks Furnished by Commission. (a) The Commission shall cause to ])e prepared suitable blanks for carrying out^lhe purpose of this act, and shall, when necessary, furnish such l)lanks to each pul)lic utility. Form of Bookkeeping Prescribed. {(t) No public utility shall keep any other books, accounts, papers or records of the Imsiness transacted than those prescribed or a])prove(l by the Commission. Each public utility shall have an office within this State, and shall keep in said office all such books, accounts, records or papers, none of which shall be removed at any time from the State except upon such conditions as may be prescril)ed by the Commission. Annual Reports. {!)) The accounts of all such public utilities shall l)e closed annually on the oOth day of June, a balance sheet taken promptly therefrom, and full annual reports of the Imsiness to l)e made to the Commission not later than the l^tli day of September following the closing of the 4 Public Service Commission op^ Nevada accounts. The reports shall he in such form as may be prescribed by the Commission. ar\d shall ct>ntain all the information deemed by the Commission necessary for the pn^per performance of its duties. The Commission may, at any time, call for desired information omitted from such reports, or not ])rovided for therein, whenever, in the judgment of the Commission, such information is necessary. It is desired that all gas utilities conform their accounts to the system prescribed herein at their earliest possible convenience. It is possible that some alterations may be found expedient at some future time, but for the present, this classification is adhered to and prescribed and upon it will be l)ased the annual reports made to the Public Service Commis- sion by all gas utilities. In order that this system may meet in a most satisfactory manner with the needs of the gas interests, consistent with the requirements of the Public Utilities Law, it is urged that all companies which are unable for anv reason to conform to the accounts for the class in which thev natu- Ti\\]y come under the above arrangements, will communicate with this Commission, stating in full their reasons or conditions why special con- sideration should be given and an explanation of how complete a compli- ance with this system can be made. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA. H. F. Bartine, Chief Coininmioner. J. F. Shaughnessy, First Associate Commimoner. W. H. Simmons, Second Associate Commis-^ioner. INCOME ACCOUNTS 6 • Pri'.Lic Skkvice Commission of Nevada IXCcniK ACCOrXT FORM FOTI REPORT OPKKATINC; REVENUES C'liimiu'ii-ial l-!ariiiiijis Iiuhistrial Karninjis .... Tower Karnineginning of ^'car A(.lju.'-t incuts During ^'e;ir ( rrolit ;ind Loss Account) . $- $ $. $. $ $. Surplus or Delicit at Close of ^'car (as per Balance Sheet) $. DETAILED ACCOUNTS WITH TEXT OPERATING REVENUES Commercial Earnings. Credit this account with all earnings from the sale of gas to com- mercial consumers for hoth lighting and fuel purposes when sold separ- ately or through the same meter. Commercial consumers, emhrace resi- dences, offices, retail mercantile establishments, etc., where the gas pur- chased is not used primarily for power or industrial purposes. Where, however, some manufacturing or industrial processes are performed in any residence or store, Init such process being merely incidental to the broader use of the premises as a commercial consumer and the gas consumed not being separately metered, the total consumption at such premises shall be credited to this account. Where gas is sold at a dif- ferent rate per M cubic feet for lighting purposes than for fuel purposes, the earnings from each such division shall l)e credited to suljdivisions of this account and reported separately to the Commission as follows: a. Earnings from Sales for Commercial Lighting, h. Earnings from Sales for Commercial Fuel. Gas sold to manufacturing establishments for lighting, fuel. and indus- trial purposes will not be credited to this account. Wliere it is the custom of the utility to charge a minimum amount in cases where the consumption during the month is less than a pre- scribed amount, the total amount of such minimum charge shall be credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utilitj^ to grant a discount from the gross bill or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date, such discounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account. Utilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts to show the Minimum Bill and tlie Discount or PcnalUi items. Industrial Earnings. Credit this account with all earnings from the sale of gas for lighting, fuel and industrial purposes sold to manufacturing and industrial estab- lishments. Do not credit this account with sales of gas for power pur- poses. Where gas is sold at a different rate per thousand cul»ic feet for any particular kind of industrial use, as light, fuel, etc., the earnings from such separate sources shall be credited to appropriate sulnlivisions of this account and reported separately to the Connnission. Where it is the custom of the utility to charge a mininnun amount in cases where the consumption during the month is less than a prescrilK^d amount, the total amount of sucli minimum charge shall l)e credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utility to grant a discount from the gross bill or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date, 8 Public Service Commission of Nevada such (lij^count or penalty sliall he charged or credited to this account. TtiHties desiring to do so may open sul)-ac('()unts to show the Minimvm BUI antl the Discount or PcnulUi items. Power Earnings. Credit tliis account witii tlie earnings from all sales of gas for power jnirposes. \\'here it is the custom of the utility to charge a minimum amount in cases where the consumjition during the month is less than a prescrihed amount, the total amount of such inininuim charge shall be credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utility to grant a discount from the gross l)ill or to add a penalty to tlie bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date, such discounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account, riilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts to show the Minimum Bill and the Discount or Penal tj/ items. Municipal Contract Lighting Earnings. Credit this account with the earnings from the sale of gas to the muni- cipality for public lighting service, embracing the lighting of streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, parks, commons, etc., but not the lighting of public Iniildings unless such are particularly included in the contract. AMiere municipal buildings are not so included in the contract for public light- ing, they are to be regarded as commercial consumers. Earnings from the Sale of Gas to Other Public Utilities. Credit to this account all earnings derived from supplying gas to other companies engaged in the production, distribution or sale of gas. Su))- accounts are to be opened for each company to which gas is furnished, the account showing the name of the purchasing gas company, the amount of gas purchased, and the total earnings from such sales, which details will be called for in the annual report to the Commission. Earnings from Residuals. Credit to this account all gross earnings derived from the sale of residu- als and by-products. Separate accounts are to be opened for each class of residuals or by-products, showing the earnings from the sale of each as follows: a. luirninys from the nale of coke. h. Kdrnings from the sale of coal gas tar. c. Earnings from the sale of water gas tar. elonging to any of tlie reserves of tlie utility uill he credited to such reserves. Interest and Dividends from Investments. Credit to this account all interest as it accrues upon interest-bearing securities which are lial»ilities, either actual or contingent, of solvent companies, cities or individuals, held as investments by the gas utility. Credit to this account the cash value, as on the date when they become collectible, of dividends ujKtn the stocks, preferred and common, of cor- porations held as investments by the gas utility. A dcscri])tion of the securities whose yield is credited to this account will be called for in the annual report to the Commission. Appropriations from Municipal Funds (for Municipal Plants Only). Credit to this account all appropriations made by the numicipality to the funds of the accounting utility for operating purposes. This account applies only to municipally owned gas utilities. Miscellaneous Nonoperating Revenues. Credit to this account all revenues from nonoperating sources not includible in any of the preceding accounts. Utilities are at liberty to open sub-accounts for the purpose of show- ing the revenues from any particular sources. OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS I. Production II. Distribution III. Municipal Contract Lighting IV. Commercial V. General VI. Undistributed Note— In case any gas utility finds it impossible or impracticable to keep its accounts with the detail herein prescribed, it should petition the Commission for authority to consolidate any two or more accounts, accompanying its petition with such facts which in its judgment make the keeping of the detailed accounts impracticable. Opemthip Expenses are intended to include all items of expense neces- sarily incurred in being prepared to serve or in serving the pulilic as a gas utility. This includes the expense of maintaining intact the organization of the utility, the manufacture, distril)ution and sale of gas and all processes necessarily incident thereto, together with the collec- tion of the revenues from such operations. In order that the Operating Expenses shall clearly reflect only the cost of rendering such public serv- ice, all expenses incident to the operation of any other utility service performed or of any transactions of a commercial nature shall be excluded therefrom. Ofteratinf/ Expenses in the l)roadest significance of the term are divisible into two classes, viz.. Operation and Maintenance. Operation should be imderstood to mean the "use" of the property and includes labor, materials and supplies and expenses, but excludes all Maintenance items. Mainienaiice should be imderstood to mean "upkeep" and should cover all expenditures for ordinary repairs, renewals or replacements of prop- Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities 11 erty resulting through wear and tear, or througli those casualties which are incidental to the nature of the operation and which expenditures are necessary in order to keep up the productive capacity of the plant to its original or equivalent state of efficiency. The items includihle in the above subdivisions except where some other meaning is clearly apparent from the language used in explaining the account shall be understood to have the following meaning: The Cost of Labor shall be understood to cover not only wages paid for manual labor, but salaries and fees paid to persons engaged in clerical, engineering or supervisory occupations. Materials and Supplies shall be understood to cover the substances or matter consumed in furnishing the gas service as required or author- ized by law and embraces not only finished and unfinished products, but all expenses incurred in connection with their preparation for use and specifically chargeable against such products and also includes a portion of the stores expenses, if such materials and supplies pass through the stores department. Hand Tools, because of their liability to loss and theft and their rapid consumption in use, are to be considered as operating supplies in the year in which they were purchased and charged to the account for the benefit of which they were purchased. Expenses should be understood to mean all expenditures made or incurred which are chargeable to the accounts referred to and which are not Labor or Materials and Supplies. I. PRODUCTION A. Coal Gas Superintendence. Charge to this account the total cost of superintendence of the coal gas production plant. This account includes the salaries of the superinterid- ent of works, chemists at works, draftsmen, results man, works foreman, and all clerical help upon all records and accounts pertaining to the pro- duction department, whether at the general office, or at the \vorks. Note— If water gas is also produced at the plant, or if a portion of the gas charged to production is purchased, the expense of superintendence will be apportioned over the resi)ective production departments. Note— This account is included in the account Coal Gas ()pcr<(- rntus. Maintenance of Coal Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. C'liarge tills ac'coinit with the expense of all lalior and material incurred in repairing buildings and structures used exclusively for the manufac- ture of coal gas, as condensing and purifying buihlings, retort houses, uut-buildings, tool houses, etc. Charge this account also with a proper proportion of the repairs to all i)uildings which are used for the joint beneHt of the coal gas production department and any other department, as for example, buildings, fix- tures and grounds also used in the production of water gas, production processes in connection with purchased gas or the generation of steam. The repairs to jointly used buildings, fixtures and grounds will be appor- tioned, charging to the appropriate maintenance accounts the proportion properly chargeahle thereto. B. Water Gas For Water Gas use the same accounts as for Coal Ga^ except as given below. Generator House Labor. Charge this account with all operating lahor from the coke or coal in storage to the outlet of the seal box. This includes labor employed in measuring and pumping oil to generators, wages of gas makers and assist- ants; operating, charging, clinkering and cleaning generators; cleaning out seals and wash boxes; and the necessary attention to apparatus, tanks, motors, pumps, blowers and engines while making water gas. (Exclude maintenance labor.) Note— This account is included in the account Water Gas Operating Lahor. Steam for Generating Water Gas. The total expense of generating steam is to be determined through a separate group of accounts known as the Steam Afyfwrtionnient Account. Where a plant is operating but one utility service from its boiler plant, as for example a water gas production department, and all the steam generated is used in the production of water gas, the details of the steam expense will appear in the Steam Apportionment Account and the total of that group will be carried to this account. Where, however, two or more services are making a demand upon the same boiler equipment, the total cost of steam, as shown by the Steam A]yj)ortioninent Account, will be apportioned over the corresponding accounts of the respective production departments. If steam is used in the water gas plant for other purposes than the production of water gas, the total expense for steam should be appoi'tioned ftu'ther, charging the appropriate accounts for the benefit of which the expense was incurred. Generator Fuel. Charge this account with the cost of all generator fuel. If coke is used, charge at tlioiler feed and condensing purposes. If water is purchased, charge at the con- tract price or the meter rate. If water is pumped by the accounting utility, charge here the cost of pumpage. (Water for fire protection and general purposes should not he charged to this account.) Miscellaneous Steam Supplies and Expenses. Charge to this account all operating supplies and expenses at the l>oiler plant not chargeable to the preceding accounts, as boiler room records, boiler compounds, boiler inspection, water purification supplies and expenses, water for fire protection and general use, light and heat at the boiler plant, hose, packing, gaskets, boiler hand tools, lubricants, gage glasses, etc. Maintenance of Boilers and Boiler Auxiliary Equipment. Charge this account with all expense of labor and material useution system. III. MUNICIPAL CONTRACT LIGHTING Labor, Lighting and Extinguishing. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all persons employed in the lighting and extinguishing of lamps included in the municipal contract lighting system. Where this service is performed by others under contract for the company, this account will be charged with the contractor's l)ill. Note — This account is included in the account Municipal Contract Lig/ttivfj Operating Labor. Labor, Inspecting and Cleaning. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all persons employed in inspecting and cleaning lamps and lamp equipment embraced in the municipal contract lighting system. This includes the salaries and wages of lamp cleaners, persons engaged in inspecting and supervising the operation of the contract lighting system, patrolling and reporting on re-lights and discontinues, and w^atching the hours of lighting and extinguishing. (Exclude maintenance labor.) Note— This account is included in the account Municipal Contract Lighting Operating Labor. Labor Resetting and Removing Municipal Contract Lamps. Charge this account with the labor employed in resetting and remov- ing all lamps and lamp equipment embraced in the municipal contract lighting system, as ordered by municipal authorities. (Exclude main- tenance lal)or.) Note — The removal or replacement of any equipment made necessary by its worn condition will nr)t be charged to this account but to the account ]\[ainte- nance of Mniiicipal Contract Lighting Sgstcni. Note — The cost of the orijijinal setting of any part of the municipal contract lighting system will be charged to the Construction Account^ Municipal Contract Lighting System. Note— This account is included in the account Municipal Contract Lighting Operating Labor. 20 Public IService Commission op Nevada Rentals. Charge this account with nil rentals paid on apparatus or equipment constitntinjj: a part of all of the municipal contract lighting system. Note— This account is included in the account Municipal Contract Lighting Supplies and Expenses. Miscellaneous Municipal Contract Lighting Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all operating supplies and expenses other than rentals incurred in the operation of the municipal contract lighting system. (Exclude maintenance supplies and expenses.) Note— This account is inchided in the account Municipal Contract Lighting Supplies and Expenses. Maintenance of Municipal Contract Lighting System. Charge this account with all expenses for labor and material incurred in refitting stand-pipes, cleaning service pipes, cutting off services, recaulking columns, removing and resetting decayed and worn posts, painting and refitting columns, straightening posts and all other work of similar character necessarj^ to maintain the municipal contract lighting sj'stem to the degree of efficiency required by the municipal ordinances. This acccnmt will also be charged with the cost of repaying necessitated by openings in connection with the above work. IV. COMMERCIAL Collection Salaries and Commissions. Charge this account wdth all salaries of the collection department employees, from the taking of applications for gas service to the deposit- ing of proceeds from collection in the bank. This includes not only the salaries of employees wdiose entire time is engaged in the collection department, but the proper proportion of the salaries of employees who are partly engaged in other departments. Charge also with fees and commissions paid for collecting bills. Note— This account is included in the account Collection Expenses. Reading Meters and Delivering Bills. Charge this account with all salaries and Avages of meter readers and employees engaged in delivering bills for gas. Note— This account is included in the account Collection Expenses. Collection Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with all supplies and expenses of the gas utility collection office not otherwise provided for, including supplies and expenses of outside collectors and meter readers. Stationery, stamps, etc., and surety bonds of collection department employees will also l)e charged to this account if it is desired to distribute such expenses. Note — This account is included in the account Collection Expenses. V. GENERAL Salaries of General Officers. Charge this account with the salaries of general officers including the president, vice-presidents, general manager, secretary, treasurer, comp- troller, auditor, and all other officers whose jurisdiction extends over the entire business and whose services are not chargeable to any particular department. Note — This account is included in the account General Office Salaries. Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities 21 Salaries of General Office Clerks. Charge this account with tlie salaries of all clerks and assistants con- nected with the general olliccs, except such as may be directly engaged in other departments, in which case their compensation should be charged to such department directly. Where general office clerks also perform services for other departments, their compensation will be apportioned accordingly and charged to the respective departmental accounts. Note— This account is included in the account General Office Salaries. General Office Rent. Charge this account with all rent paid for general offices of the gas utility. Note— This account is included in the account General Office Supplies and Expenses. Miscellaneous General Office Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all office supplies and expenses, newspapers and periodicals, messenger and janitor service, directories, telegrams, exchange on remittances, etc. Charge also with the cost of books, stationery, telephone, etc., if it is desired to distribute such expenses. Note — This account is included in the account General Office Supplies and Expenses. Law Expenses— General. Charge to this account all law expenses except those incurred in con- nection with the defense and settlement of injury and damage claims. Charge with salaries and expenses of counsel, solicitors and general attor- neys, their clerks and attendants, etc. Charge also with the cost of law books, printing briefs, legal forms, testimony, reports, fees and retainers of general counsel and attorneys, court costs, and payments of specitic notarial and witness fees, expense of taking depositions and other gen- eral law and court expenses. Expenses of arbitrators of disputed points will also be charged to this account. Note — Salaries, fees and retainers of counsel and attorneys engaged in the defense and settlement of injury and damage suits will be charged to the account Injuries and Damages. Miscellaneous General Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all miscellaneous general expenses, embracing such items as publishing annual reports in newspapers, adver- tising notices of stockholders' meetings, dividend notices and other cor- porate anoiler, fidelity, l)urglar and all other insurance. If it is desired to open an Insurance Rexerce^ all amounts set aside for insurance and charged against operating expenses should be credited to such Insurance Reserve. Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities 23 TAXES This account sluill cover all taxes chargeable against the gas utility. Where the reporting utility is also engaged in transactions outside the scope of its duties as a pui)lic utility, this account shall l)e subdivided into the following two sub-accounts, to be maintained separately: (I. Taxes Chargeable Against Gas Utilit>/. b. Taxes Chargeable to Nonnpcrating Transactions. To each such tax account there shall be charged monthly the amount of taxes accrued during the month, and such amount shall l)e credited to tlie account Taxes Accrued (or Prepaid Taxes, if such taxes are pre- paid) or the appropriate subdivision of such accounts. The amount of taxes accrued during any month shall, when the levy is unknown, be estimated, and when the levy is finally determined the estimate shall be corrected in the provision for taxes during the remainder of the year. For example, if at the beginning of the tax year the taxes against the utility are estimated to be $000 for the year, the monthly charge on account of such tax will be $50, crediting the same to the Taxes Accrued Account or Prepaid Taxes, as the case may be, until the amount of the levy becomes definitely known. If during the fifth month it is found that the levy for the year is $640 instead of $600, there will already have been charged for four months the $50 x)er month, leaving $440 to be charged during the remainder of the year, or $6d for the fifth month and each succeeding month during the remainder of the year. Such taxes as pertain to two or more utility services, or to operating and nonoperating transactions alike, shall be apportioned with regard to such departments or subdivisions upon a basis which appears reason- able and just, such basis to be reported in the annual report to the Commission. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME CONTRACTUAL ACCOUNTS Interest on Funded Debt. Charge this account monthly with all the interest accrued on the out- standing funded indebtedness of the gas utility. Credit such monthly charge to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued. When the interest has matured, charge it to the account Unmatured Intered on Funded Debt Accrued and credit the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When such interest is paid, charge the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid and credit Cash or the coupon deposit account. Interest on Real Estate Mortgages. Charge this account monthly with all th(^ interest accrued on out- standing obligations of the gas utility secured by real estate mortgages. Credit such monthly charge to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued, (mortgage obligations with respect to this account being 24 Public Service Commission of Nevada considered as funded if the.y do not mature until more than one year after the date of issue). When the interest lias matured, charge it to the account Unmdtitred Interest on Funded Debt Accrued and credit the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When such interest is paid, charge the account Matured, Interest on Funded Debt Unixiid and credit Cash or other ap]:)ropriate account. Interest on Floating Debt. I'harge this account monthly with the interest accruing on all unfunded or floating obligations on which the gas utility is liable. Credit such monthly charges to the account Unmatured Interest on Note^ and Bills Pay- able Accrued. When the interest has matured, charge it to the account Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued and credit the account Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid. When such interest is paid, charge the account Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid and credit Cash or other appropriate account. Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements. Charge to tliis account monthly all accruals required to be made to sinking funds in accordance with the provisions of trust deeds, mort- gages or other contracts requiring the establishment of sinking funds. Such charges will be credited to the Sinking Fund Reserve. All accruals to reserves or other funds, created voluntarily by the utility and not in pursuance of the provisions of any mortgage or other contract or of the requirements of law, shall be excluded therefrom. BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS 2G Public Service Commission of Nevada BALANCE STTEET FORM FOR REPORT Assets pkopektv and plant: Cost Beginning of Year. Construction and Equipment Current Year. Cost Close of Year. TREASURY SECURITIES: Treasury Stock. Treasury Bonds. INVESTMENTS: Stocks and Bonds of Other Companies. Other Investments. RESERVE, SINKING AND SPECIAL FUND ASSETS: Sinking Fund. Special Funds. CURRENT ASSETS: Cash. Notes and Bills Receivable. Accounts Receivable. Interest and Dividends Receivable. Material and Supplies. Sundrv Current Assets. PREPAID ACCOUNTS: Prepaid Insurance. Prepaid Taxes. Prepaid Interest. Sundry Prepaid Accounts. Open Accounts. Deficit. Total Assets. Uniform Accounts — (tas Utilities 27 JULANCE SHP:ET FORM FOR REPORT— (Continued.) Liabilities CAPITAL liabilities: * Capital Stock Preferred. Capital Stock Common. Funded Debt. MORTGAGE LIABILITIES: Keal Estate Mortgages. Other Mortgages. CURRENT LIABILITIES: Notes and Bills Payable. Accounts Payable. Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid. Dividends Unpaid, Deposits. Sundry Current Liabilities. ACCRUED LIABILITIES: Insurance Accrued. Taxes Accrued. Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued. Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued. Dividends Accrued. Sundry Liabilities Accrued. Open Accounts. RESERVE, SINKING AND SPECIAL P^UND LIABILITIES: Sinking Fund. Special Funds. Surplus. Total Liabilities. 28 Public Service CommissiOx\ of Nevada DETAILED ACCOUNTS WITH TEXT CONSTRUCTION AND EaUIPMENT ACCOUNTS INTANGIBLE CAPITAL Organization. Charge to this account all fees paid to governments for the privilege of incorporation and all fees and other expenditures incident to organiz- ing the gas utility business. This includes the cost of preparing and distrilmting prospectuses, cost of soliciting subscriptions for stock (but not for loans nor for the purchase of bonds or other evidences of indebt- edness) , cash fees paid to promoters, and the actual cash value at the time of organization of securities paid to promoters for their services in organizing the enterprise, attorney's fees, cost of preparing and issuing certificates of stock, and cost of procuring certificates of convenience and necessity from the Commission, and other similar expenses. This account shall not be charged with any discounts on securities issued, nor shall it include any costs incident to negotiating loans or selling bonds or any other evidence of indebtedness. Expenses incident to an increase of the capital stock, and the negotiation and sale of stock there- under, and expenses of preparing and filing certificates of amendment to the articles of incorporation, shall be charged to this account. Franchises. Charge to this account the actual amount paid to the State or to a political subdivision thereof in consideration foi any franchise deemed necessary to the conduct of the gas utility service. If any such fran- chise is acquired by purchase, the charge to this account, in respect thereof, shall not exceed the amount so actually paid therefor by the gas utility to its assignor. If any franchise has a life of not more than one year after the day when it is placed in service or in eft'ect, it shall not be charged to this account but to the appropriate operating expense account. Expenses in procuring franchises covering additional territory'' to be operated as a part of the existirig system may be charged to this account. Payments made to state autliorities or to any subdivision thereof, in consideration for granting extension of any franchise having a life in service of more than one year from the date of the grant, shall be con- sidered as a renewal. If the franchises cover separate and distinct new enterprises, payments therefor shall be classed as original and charged to this account. Rights, Licenses, Etc. Charge to this account the cost of all riglits, licenses and other intangi- ble assets having a life of more than one year from the date when placed in service, acquired Ijy the utility in or under valid patent grants l)y the United States to inventors for inventions and discoveries which are necessary or valuable to the economical conduct of the gas business, etc. If such right is extended to cover a further period of time than that covered by the original grant, the cost of such extension shall l)e Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities 29 classed as a renewal. A patent right acquired for use in an existing system and necessary to the economical operation thereof, shall be classed as an addition. Note— Utilities are at liberty to open sub-accounts showing the total cost of any class of rights or single patent. TANGIBLE CAPITAL Lands Used in Operation of Property Accounts shall be opened as indicated below, to which shall be charged the cost of all land used and useful in the operation of the gas utility whose term of enjoyment is over one year from the grant thereof. The cost of land shall include the purchase price, the cost of registration of title, cost of examination of title, surveyors' and notaries' fees, purchas- ing agent's commission, the fees and taxes accrued to date from transfer of title, and all liens upon title acquired; also the cost of obtaining con- sents and pajnnents for abutting property damages. The cost of any buildings, fixtures and improvements made to the land purchased, must not be charged to these accounts. If at the time of acquisition of any interest in land it extends to buildings or other improvements thereon, which improvements are devoted by the gas utility to its gas serv- ice and the contract of acquisition does not determine the price of such buildings or improvements, they shall be appraised at their fair cash value for use in such operations, and such appraised value shall be charged to the proper Buildings, Fixtures mid Grounds account, and excluded from the Land account. If such improvements are not devoted to gas operations, but are devoted to other operations or are held as investment, the cost (or appraised value if the cost is not determined by the contract) shall be charged to an appropriate investment account. Gas Works Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as above defined, occu- pied by the coal gas works, water gas w^orks, purchased gas works, gas holders at works, and all appurtenances thereto. Note — Utilities are at liberty to open sub-accounts showing the cost of land devoted to any particular use, as coal gas works land, water gas works land, pur- chased gas works land, etc. Distribution Department Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land above defined for trans- mission and distribution system piping, and all land occupied by the distribution departtnent buildings, structures, outlying distribution holders, etc., together with all expenses incurred in obtaining such lands or rights. General Office Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as above defined, occu- pied by the general oliice buildings of the gas utility. Stores Department Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as above defined occu])ied by storage buildings and structures, or used as storage yards. Land occupied by storage holders will not be charged to this account, ))Ut to the account r/r/.s* Work'!^ Land, or Distribution Departwrnf Tjind^ as deter- mined l\y the location of the holders. 30 Public Service Commission of Nevada Utility Equipment Land. Charge this account with tlie cost of all land as hereinhefore defined occupied hy l)arns, stahles, automohile and veliicle and other utility equipment storage structures and land api)urtenant thereto. Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds Used in Operation of Property Accounts shall i)e opened as indicated below, to which shall he charged the cost of all buildings, structures and improvements in the lands used and useful in the production of gas and all processes performed upon it U]) to its entrance into the storage holders. Such buildings, structures and fixtures include retort houses, purification and condensing houses, steam production structures, coal and other fuel sheds, and other storage buildings and structures, barns, stables and all fixtures attached to such buildings and a permanent part thereof, together with fences, walks, trestles, drives, grading and improvements of grounds. Machinery founda- tions and settings, if designed as a part of the permanent construction of the buildings and independent of their use in connection with any particular unit of equipment, shall be charged to the appropriate Build- ings, Fixtures (did Grounds account. If, however, such foundations and settings are prepared especially for certain units of equipment and designed to last no longer than such unit, their cost will be charged to the proper Equipment account. The following accounts will be raised: Coal Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds at the works devoted to the production of coal gas, including purification and all other processes performed upon coal gas prior to its entrance into the statioii holder. Such structures include retort houses, purifier houses, meter houses and permanent machinery and apparatus foundations, appurtenant walks, fences, drives, tramways, trestles, and all fixtures per- manently attached thereto and a part thereof. Water Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all structures at the works devoted to the production of water gas, including purification and all processes performed upon such water gas prior to its entrance into the holder sta- tion. Such structures include generator houses, purifier houses, meter houses, together with all appurtenant foundations and settings for machin- ery and apparatus therein and appurtenant walks, fences, drives, tram- ways, tre.stles, etc., and all fixtures permanently attached to such structures and a part thereof. Purchased Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all structures at the works devoted to production processes performed upon purchased gas, including purifi- cation and other processes prior to its entrance into the holder station. Such structures include pumping stations, purifier houses, meter houses, together with permanent foundjitions and settings for machinery and apparatus therein and appurtenant walks, fences and drives, tramways, trestles, etc., and all fixtures permanently attached to such structures and made a part tliereof. Boiler Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to the generation of steam, all i)ermanent foundations and set- Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities 31 tings for machinery and apparatus and appurtenant walks, fences, drives and tramways and all fixtures permanently attached to such structures and made a part thereof. Distribution Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings and structures devoted to the distribution of gas from the outlet of the holder to the consumers' meters. Such structures will include distribution department offices, buildings and structures at district holder stations, etc., together with all appurtenant walks, fences, drives, tramways, etc., and all fixtures per- manently attached to such buildings and structures and a part thereof. General Office Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to general oflfice purposes of the gas utility and not includi- V)le in any of the preceding departmental buildings accounts, also all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, such as heat- ing and plumbing systems, electric wiring, permanent building vaults, together with appurtenant walks, fences, drives, etc. Stores Department Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with the cost of all buildings and structures of the gas utility used for storage purposes, such as coal and other fuel storage sheds, coke sheds, pipe and fittings buildings, together with all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, and fences, drives, walks, tramways, trestles, etc. Utility Equipment Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to stable, barn, garage or other utility equipment storage pur- poses, and all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, and appurtenant fences, drives, ^valks, etc. Gas Production Apparatus. Accounts shall be opened as indicated below to which shall be charged the cost of all apparatus used in the production of gas by all methods, and including all apparatus used in connection with any process per- formed upon such gas prior to its entrance into the storage holders. The following accounts shall be kept: Coal Gas Apparatus. Charge to this account with the cost of coal gas apparatus. This account includes retorts, gas and steam engines and turbines at works devoted to the production of coal gas, purifying apparatus, such as washers, scrul)bcrs, purifiers and otlier auxiliary c(iuipment, condensers, exhausters, station meters, apparatus for charging retorts, apparatus for handling coal gas making su])plies and residuals therefrom and storage holders at works, holder accessory apparatus, together with foundations and settings of such apparatus. NoTK— If water gas is also produced or the apparatus is also used in connec- tion with the ])ro(ln('ti(>n processes ix'rfortncd upon purchased gas the cost of such apparatus will be apportioned accordingly. Note — If district holders are also operated a sub-account should be opened, to which the cost of all holders will be charged. 32 Public Service Commission of Nevada Water Gas Apparatus. Charge this account with the cost of all water gas production apparatus. This account shall include the cost of all water gas generators, gas and steam engines and turbines at works devoted to the production of water gas, purifying apparatus, such as washers, scrubbers, purifiers and other auxiliary equipment, condensers, exhausters, station meters, apparatus for handling water gas making supplies and the residuals therefrom, storage holders at works and holder accessory apparatus, together with the foundations and settings of such apparatus. Note— If coal gas is also produced at the works, and part of the apparatus is used in connection with the production processes performed upon purchased gas, the cost of such jointly used apparatus will be apportioned accordingly. Note— If district holders are operated, a sub-account should be opened to which should be charged the cost of all holders. Purchased Gas Apparatus. Charge this account with the cost of apparatus used in connection with production processes performed upon purchased gas. This includes the cost of collecting and pumping apparatus, gas and steam engines and turbines at works devoted to such production processes in connection with purchased gas, purifying apparatus such as washers, scrubbers, purifiers and other auxiliary equipment, condensers, exhausters, station meters, storage holders at works and holder accessory apparatus, together with the foundations and settings of such apparatus. Note— If coal gas and water gas are also produced at the works and a part of the apparatus above referred to is used jointly, the cost of such jointly used apparatus will be apportioned accordingly. Note— If district holders are operated, a sub-account should be opened to which will be charged the cost of all holders. Boilers and Boiler Plant Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment devoted to the gener- ation of steam. Charge with the cost of furnaces, boilers, their founda- tions and settings, boiler fittings, iron and steel smoke-stacks, feed pump, water feed pipe, injectors, economizers, water heaters, superheaters, valves, flues, steam pipes from the boilers to the engine throttle valves, steam exhaust system, boiler water purification equipment, mechanical stokers, cranes, coal and ash conveyors, steam traps, crushers, belt links, wheels, chutes and gates, conveyor cars, winches, motors, buckets, shafts, chains and similar auxiliary equipment in the boiler plant. Mains. Charge to this account the cost of all mains in place. This includes all mains from the yard connections to the district holders and from the works governor to the beginning of services, including the cost of all trenching, bracing, main pipe, special castings, lead packing, shut-offs, manholes, gates, valves and the cost of filling trenches and restoring the the surface of the ground to its former condition or that required 1)y the municipal authorities at the time the main is installed. Note— Utilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts showing the con- struction cost of low pressure street mains, booster mains and pumping mains separately. Services. Charge to this account the cost of the gas utility's propert^^ in serv- ices in or leading to the consumers' premises. This includes the cost of Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities 33 material in place, the cost of trenching for placing services, service pipe, service hoxes, stopcocks, etc., and the cost of filling trenches and restor- ing the surface to its proper condition. Where consumers are required to pay part or all of the cost of services, only that portion of the cost not chargeable to the coiisumers is chargeable to this account, and in all cases where only a portion of the cost of the service is chargeable to this account the entry thereto shall show the entire cost of the services as well as the cost charged to this account. Where services extending only from the main to the curb or to the lot line are placed before actually required for the purpose of supplying consumers, the entry of the cost should show that fact. Such services will be required to be separately reported in the annual report to the Commission. Meters. To this account shall be charged the cost of the utility's property in all meters used in measuring the gas delivered to consumers. This includes the cost of the first setting of the meter including the first set of meter fittings and connections in the premises of the consumer or such portion of such cost as is borne by the utility. The cost of changing the position of the meter or of removing it should not be charged to this account. Municipal Contract Lighting System. Charge to this account the cost of the utility's property used and use- ful in supplying gas for lighting under the municipal contract foi light- ing. This includes the cost of lamps, posts and all accessory apparatus and appliances including the first cost of setting and installation. The cost of removal or changing positions of any lighting equipnjent will not be charged to this account, but to the appropriate maintenance account. Where the terms of the contract require an extension of mains and serv- ices which are to be used exclusively for street lighting, such extensions may as long as they are used solely for the use defined in the contract in question be charged to this account. Entries to this account in respect to such extension shall be so made as to admit of a detailed statement when called for by the Commission. General Office Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of the general office of the gas utility, embracing such items as office furniture and furnish- ings, movable safes, filing-cases and devices, typewriters, adding machines, addressographs and sundry office equipment having an expectancy of life in service exceeding one year. Stores Department Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment in the gas utility storage department. This includes loading and unloading machinerj^ derricks, cranes, hoists, conveying apparatus, oil i)um])s, tar wells, etc. Utility Equipment. Charge this account with the cost of all utility equipment. This includes wagons, drays, trucks, harnesses, horses, jiutoniobiies, I)ic3'cles, motorcycles, industrial tramways, etc. , Miscellaneous Equipment. Charge to this account all equipment not includil)le in any of the pre- ceding classified capital accounts, embracing such items as shop a])pli- 34 Public Service Com.missiox of Nevada ances, shop and lal)oratory tools, work Ux^ls and instruments, street department work tools and instruments, and other miscellaneous equip- ment. Note— Utilities are at liberty to subdivide this account to show the cost of any class of such misceUaneous equipment. Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures Accounts shall be opened as indicated below to which siiall be charged all expenditures incurred during construction and before the operation of the gas utility, of the character indicated by the title of the accounts. If expenditures are incurred for the service of engineers, superintendents and other technical skill of an advisory character during the process of construction and such items are not chargeal)le to any of the following accounts, there may he opened the account Engineering and Superin- tendence. The following detailed accounts should be kept of the expenditures during construction: Salaries During Construction. Charge this account with the salaries of all general officers and general office assistants during the period of construction of the gas utility plant and up to the production and sale of gas. Office Supplies and Expenses During Construction. Charge this account with the cost of all office supplies and expenses incurred during the process of construction of the plant up to the time of manufacture and sale of gas, such as messenger and janitor service, rent of premises occupied during construction, water, light, heat, tele- grams, exchange on remittances, etc. Stationery and Printing During Construction. Charge this account with the cost of all stationery, printing, postage, blanks, record books, etc., used during the construction of the plant and up to the time of manufacture and sale of gas. Law Expenses During Construction. Charge to this account all law^ expenses incurred during the period of construction of the gas plant. Charge with the salaries and expenses of counsel, solicitors and general attorneys, their clerks and attendants, etc. Clvarge also with the cost of law books, printing l)riefs, legal forms, testimony, reports, fees and retainers of the general counsel and attorneys, court costs and payments of specific notarial and witness fees, expense of taking depositions, and general law and court expenses during con- struction. Expenses of arbitrators of disputed points will also l)e charged to this account. \Mien any of the expenditures above enumer- ated can be charged directly to the account for whose benefit they were incurred, they shall be so charged and not to this account. Thus, expenditures in connection w^ith the acquisition of land to be occupied by the works shall be charged to the appropriate construction account. Law expenses in connection w^ith the organization of the utility, when- ever such can be definitely ascertained, shall be charged to the account Orqanization. Injuries and Damages During Construction. Charge to this account }dl damages to or destruction of property other than that owned by the utility, caused directly in connection with the riNiFORM Accounts— Gas Utilities 85 construction of the gas works, and ail expenses incident to injuries or death of employees and other persons for which injuries or death the utility is held liable or in the settlement of which claims allowances are niade. This includes such items of expense as judgments for damages and plaintiff's court costs; proportion of salaries and expenses or fees of physicians and surgeons, expenses of undertakers, nurses and hospital expenses, medical and surgical supplies, contributions to hospitals dur- ing the period of construction of the plant, transportation of injured per- sons and wages and salaries paid to employees while disabled. The salaries and expenses of the utility's claim agents, adjusters and their assistants while engaged upon settling such claims arising during con- struction will be charged to this account. The compensations of the general solicitors or counsel of the utility- while engaged in the defense and settlement of damage suits will also be charged to this account. Insurance During Construction. Charge to this account all premiums paid to insurance companies for fire, casualty, boiler, fidelity and other insurance covering risks during construction of the gas works and its equipment. Taxes During Construction. Charge to this account all taxes and assessments levied and paid on property belonging to the gas utility while under construction and before the plant has begun operations, except special assessments for street and other improvements such as grading, curbing, paving, side- w^alks, sewer, etc., which shall be charged to the account to which the property benefited has been charged. Interest During Construction. Charge to this account the interest accrued upon all money, and claims payable upon demand, acquired for use in connection with the construction and equipment of the gas works from the time of such acquisition until the works are ready for commercial use. Interest receivable accrued upon such moneys and claims shall be credited to this account. Discount on Bonds During Construction. To this account may be charged the discount on bonds sold for con- struction purposes. The entries to such account shall be made with suf- ficient detail to permit of their identification and shall show the date when the bonds to which the discount applies were authorized, when issued and when sold, to whom sold, the amount realized from the sale, purpose for which the bonds were sold, and the application of the proceeds; all of which details will be called for by the Commission. Miscellaneous Expenditures During Construction. Charge to this account all expenditures incurred during construction not includible in any of the preceding accounts. Cost of Plant Purchased (in Lieu of Plant Constructed). Charge to this account tlie cost of the gas works purchased in case the plant of the utility is obtained by purchase instead of being con- structed by it. The entry to this account should show with sufficient detail the name of the parties from whom i)urchase(l, the purchase price and all other facts pertinent to such sale, which details will be called for bv the Commission. 36 Public Service Commission of Nevada TREASURY SECURITIES Treasury Securities. Charge to this account the par value of all stocks and hoiuls which have heen authorized and issued hy the utility or assumed hy it or held by the treasurer or other fiscal agent of the utility for its benefit but which have not been sold. Wlien such securities are sold their par value will l)e credited to this account. Note — This account may be subdivided into the two following accounts: a. Treasury Stock. b. Treasury Bonds. INVESTMENTS Investments. By investments, as here used, is meant the cost of the gas utility's title to or interest in all properties acquired, not for use in present opera- tions but for the income to be derived from them, for a rise in value, for the control of some private business or other utilit}^ service, or for devo- tion to future operations at a time when the acquisition of such proper- ties will not be possible under such favorable circumstances. In the annual report to be made to the Commission these investments will be required to be classified as to their character and with sufficient detail as to permit of their clear identification, showing the par value of all such stocks or bonds or other investments with the rate of return thereon, the amount of income received therefrom and the book value. Stocks, l)onds or other property in which the funds of Reserves of the utility have l)een invested will not be shown in this account but as investments of the respective reserves, and so shown in the balance sheet to be contained in the report to the Commission. RESERVE ACCOUNTS Sinking Fund Reserves. ►Sinking fund reserves shall be maintained whenever they are required in pursuance of the provisions of mortgage deeds, deeds of trust, con- tracts or provisions of the law. A separate Sinhing Fund Reserve shall be maintained for each contractual requirement, to Avhich reserve sliall be credited any appropriation made in pursuance of the terms of the respective mortgage and trust deeds, contracts, etc., and charged to the account Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements and also accumulations resulting from any security belonging to such particular reserve. The title of each reserve shall clearly indicate the purpose for which it is being maintained. An analysis of the charges and credits to this reserve will be called for in the annual report to the Commission. CURRENT ASSETS Cash. Charge to this account all money (coming into the possession of the gas utility and in which the utility has the beneficial interest. Also charge it with all bank credits, checks and drafts receivable subject to satisfac- tion or transfer upon demand, whetiier payable to l)earer or to order. All cash (lisl)ursements should be credited to this account. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities 37 Notes and Bills Receivable. riiarge to this account the cost of all notes and hills receivahle which are the property of the gas utility and upon which solvent concerns or individuals are liahle or which are sufficiently secured as to he consid- ered good. This account includes demand notes, drafts, etc., issued hy others than hanks, and time notes, drafts, etc., by whomsoever issued. This account does not include investments nor the interest or dividends receivahle from investments. Accounts Receivable. Charge to this account all amounts owing to the gas utility upon accounts with solvent concerns other than banks; also all accounts and clainis upon which responsibility is acknowledged by solvent concerns or individuals or which are sufficiently secured to be considered good and of all judgments against solvent concerns where the judgments are not appealal)le or suspended through appeal. Negotiable instruments will not be charged to this account. Interest and Dividends Receivable. When the gas utility becomes entitled to demand any interest or dividend from solvent concerns the amount to which it thus becomes entitled shall be charged to this account and shall be credited to the appropriate account in the Income Account. This account includes inter- est on matured accounts with solvent concerns and upon judgments against solvent debtors where such judgment has not l)een suspended as well as interest upon the commercial paper of solvent concerns. It does not include unmatured interest nor dividends not yet declared. Materials and Supplies Coal. Charge this account with the cost of all coal purchased for gas making purposes at its cost delivered alongside the company's storage, unless purchased delivered in coal shed or to the place of storage. The account Coal Stock Expense will be closed into this account monthly. Credit this account with coal used. This account may be sul)divided into accounts a, b and r, if desired, in order to give information regarding the cost of different kinds of coal. Credit this account with all coal used. Note— Coa? Stock Expense. Charge this account with the labor of weighing, nnloadiiifj;, piling and trimming coal in shed or in nnloading coal from cars and boats, including cost of operating hoisting apparatus, including also the cost of shovels and other hand tools and repairs to the same. (This account will be closed monthly into the Coal Stock Account.) Oil. Cliarge this account with all oil or naphtha purchased for en richer at its cost delivered in the company's storage tanks, including the invoice cost, cost of pumping and piping with i)roper proportion for any loss by evaporation or leakage. Credit this account with oil as used, charging the same to the appropriate operating expense accounts. Coke. Charge this account each month with the amount of coke produced. Close into this account eacli month the Coke Stock Expense Accoiuit. Credit this account with all the sales of coke either to the company for its own use or to the public. Note— CoAt Stock Expense. Charge this account witii the cost of handling 38 Public Service Commission of Nevada coke from the retort house to the coke yard or coke shed. The account should also be charged with all labor, iiiatcriaf and cxix-nscs incurred in handlincj and marketing; jjjas coke after it has been deposited in thi' coke yards or storage, including advertising, cartage and cost of operating coke yard machinery and ai^paratus such as conveyors, crushers, screens, elevators and the cost of hand and i)ortable tools used in liandling coke. (This account will be closed monthly into the Cuhc ^(ock Account.) Tar. Chai-ge U) this account luoiitlily the total amount of tar made. Credit tlie account with all amounts of tar sold to the company for its own use or sold to the pul)lic. The account Tar Stork Kxpen><(' will be closed into this aecount monthly. Note— Utilities making both coal gas tar and water gas tar are at liberty to subdivide this account inorder to show the debits and credits for each kind of tar separatelv. XoTE— TrfV Stoch- Exjjcnse. Charge this account with the cost of labor, material and expenses incurred in distilling and nnirketing tar, including the cost of tar l)ackages, cartage, freight, switchhig, the salary of foreman at the tar plant, tar salesnum, advertising, and the cost of operating tar handling machinery and equipment and the cost of hand and portable tools used in handling and dispos- ing of tar. Companies producing coal gas tar and water gas tar may open sub- accounts showing expense incident to each kind of tar produced. (This account will be closed monthly into the Tar Stock Account.) Ammonia. Charge this account monthly with all ammonia made. Credit this account with ammonia sold to the company for its own use or sold to the puhlic. The account Ammonia Stock Expense will be closed into this account monthly. ^OTY.— Ammonia Stock Expense. Charge this account with the cost of all labor and material required for concentrating and shipping ammoniacal liquor, and the cost of all repairs to ammonia apparatus together with the expense of selling the product of the ammonia ])lant. (This account will be closed monthly into the Ammonia Stock Account.) Purifying Material. Charge this account with all labor and material use.l in making puri- fying material including the cost of such items as oxide, lime, shavings, etc. Credit this account with the amount of purifying material used and charged to the appropriate operating expense account. Cast Pipe and Fittings. Charge this account witli the invoice cost, freight and cost of handling of all cast-iron pipe and fittings. Credit this account with the material as used, charging the appropriate oj^erating expense or construction and equi{)ment acct)unt. as the use of the pipe determines. Wrought Pipe and Fittings. Charge this account with the invoice cost, freight and cost of handling of all wrought iron pipe and fittings. Credit tliis account with all such material as used, charging the appropriate operating expense or construc- tion a(;count, as the use of the material in ciuestion determines. Meters. Charge this account with the invoice cost, freight and cost of handling all meters. Credit this account with the meters removed from stock Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities 39 room, charging the appropriate operating expense account or construction account, as the nature of tlie case requires. Appliances. Charge tliis account with all appliances purchased at their ccjst delivered in the utility's storeroom, including freight, cartage and cost of handling. Profits on all appliances sold will l)e credited to the appropriate revenue account. Credit this account with all appliances taken from storage. Note— This account may be subdived into accounts a, b, c, etc., if desired, in order to properly account for the different classes of appliances. Miscellaneous Materials and Supplies. Charge this account with the cost of all material purchased to he used by the utilit\^ and not properly chargeable to any of the preceding stock accounts at the cost of such material delivered in stock room, including freight, cartage and handling. Credit this account with all material taken from storage. Note — This account maybe subdivided into accounts «, 6, c, etc., if desired, in order to properly account for different classes of stores charged to this account. Miscellaneous Current Assets. To this account shall be charged the cost of all current assets of the gas utility not includible under any of the preceding current asset accounts. Property readily convertible into money and which is being held with the intent of being so converted into money will be considered as a current asset and charged to this or the appropriate preceding account. PREPAID ACCOUNTS Prepaid Insurance. When premiums on insurance policies are paid in advance of their accrual, the amounts prepaid whether paid in cash or by an issue of notes or other negotiable paper shall be charged to this account. As the premiums accrue they shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the operating expense account Insurance. Prepaid Taxes. When taxes are paid in advance of their accrual, the amount shall be charged to this account. As the taxes thus prepaid accrue they shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the operat- ing expense account Taxes. Taxes for special benefits or special assess- ments for improvements will not be charged to this account. Prepaid Interest. When interest is ])aid in advance of its acci'ual on any obligations of the gas utility, it shall be charged to this account. As the interest thus prepaid accrues it shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the appropriate interest account. Miscellaneous Prepaid Accounts. Charg(> this aecount with all prepaid items of the gas utility not includible in the preceding prepaid accounts. As the amounts thus pre- paid accrue they shall !)e credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the appropriate expense account. 40 Public Service Commission of Nevada CAPITAL LIABILITIES Capital Stock. In the accounts of stocks outstanding a separate account shall ))e opened for each class of stock issued and no two stocks shall be con- sidered of the same class unless they are equal in their interest or divi- dend rates, voting rights and conditions under which they may be retired, if the riglit to retire them is contained in the contract of issue. The characteristics of any class of stock in these regards shall be des- ignated in the title of the accounts opened to cover such stocks and shall be clearly expressed in the first entries to such account. To the account for any class of stocks shall be credited when issued the par value of the amount of such stock issued. If such issue is for money that fact shall l)e stated, and if for any other consideration than money the persons to whom issued shall be designated and the consideration for which issued shall be descrii)ed with suthcient particularity to admit of identification; if such issue is to the treasurer or other fiscal agent of the corporation or if by him disposed of for the benefit of the corporation, that fact and tlie name of such agent shall be shown and such agent shall in his account of the disposition thereof show like details concerning the con- sideration realized thereon, which account, when accepted by the cor- poration, shall be preserved as a corporate record. Funded Debt. The funded obligations of the utility shall be divided into classes according to their characteristics, as to the security for the same, the rate of interest, interest dates, and date of their maturity. A separate sub- account shall be opened for each such class of funded indebtedness and no accounts or debts not agreeing in the characteristics mentioned shall be included in the same sub-account. The titles of each sub-account shall express the characteristics above stated. To the proper sub-account shall Ije credited, when issued, the par value of the amount of the evi- dences of funded indebtedness issued. The entry shall shoAv not only the amount issued but the purpose for which issued and shall make clear and intelligent reference to the corporate records showing all details con- nected with such transactions. If the consideration received for the issue is anything other than money, the entries shall show further to whom issued and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify it, the actual consideration received for it. If the issue is to the agent of an undisclosed principal, the name and business address of such agent and the fact of his agency shall be shown in the entry. MORTGAGE LIABILITIES Real Estate Mortgages. The mortgage obligations of the utility shall be divided into classes according to tiieir characteristics, as to the security for the issue, tlie rate of interest, interest dates, and the date of maturity. A separate sul)- account shall be opened for each mortgage. The title of each such sub- account shall express the characteristics alcove stated. To the proper sub-account shall l>e credited, when issued, tlie total receipts from the sale of evidences of indebtedness secured by the mortgage. The entries shall show the amount of the mortgage debts, the purpose for which such debt was incurred and shall show by intelligent reference all the details Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities 41 connected with such transactions. If the consideration received for the indebtedness is anytliing other tlian money the entry shall show the per- son to whom issued and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify it the actual consideration received. If the indebtedness is to an agent of an undisclosed principal, the name and business address of such agent and the fact of his agency, shall be stated in the entry. Other Mortgages. This account shall be raised to show all mortgage indebtedness and transactions pertaining thereto in regard to mortgages other than real estate mortgages as defined in the preceding account Real Estate Mort- gages. CURRENT LIABILITIES Notes and Bills Payable. When any note, draft or other bill payable, which matures not later than one year after date of issuance or of demand or assumption by the utility of primary liability thereon, is issued or assumed, the par value thereof shall be credited to this account and wdien it is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to Cash or other appropriate account. Accounts Payable. Credit this account, when incurred, with all liabilities of the gas utility upon open accounts not includible in any of the other current liabilities accounts. Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When interest owing by the gas utility upon any of its funded indebt- edness matures and is unpaid, whether the cause of failure is on the part of the coupon holder to present coupons for payment or for other reasons, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued to which it had heretofore been credited. Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable, Unpaid. When interest owing by the gas utility on any of its notes and bills payal)le matures and is unpaid, whether the cause of failure is on the part of the holder of the paper to present it for payment or for other reasons, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Unmatured Interest on Notes and BilU Payable Accrued to which it had heretofore been credited. Dividends Unpaid. When dividends declared by the gas corporation become payable they shall 1)6 credited to this account and charged to the account Dividends. Deposits. Credit to this account, as such deposits are made, all cash deposited with the utility by consumers as security for the payment of gas bills. Deposits refunded shall be charged to this account and credited to Caxh. Deposits applical)le to uncollectible gas l)ills shall, at the close of tlie fiscal year or earlier, at the option of the accounting utility, be credited to the account of the consumer involved and debited to this account. Deposits made l)y employees or others shall also be credited to this account. J^etailcd records of deposits as between customers and employees will l)e required by the Commission, 42 Public Service Commission of Nevada Miscellaneous Current Liabilities. Credit to this account at their face vahic all unfunded ohligations upon which the gas utility is liahle and which are not elsewhere pro- vided for. ACCRUED LIABILITIES Insurance Accrued. Credit to this account at the close of each month the insurance accrued during the j)eriod in question, as determined hy the policies of all insur- ance ctn-ering the property of the gas utility. When such premiums are l)aid they shall he charged to this account and credited to CasJi or other ap])roj)riate accounts. The amount set aside as insurance reserve liy utility carrying its own insurance either in whole or in part shall he charged to this account. Taxes Accrued. To this account shall he credited at the close of each month all taxes accrued during the month and correspiMiding charges shall be made to the Ta.r('.'< account. Credits to the account Taxes Accrued will be based upon estimates until the amount of the taxes levied for the period is definitely ascertained. Such estimates shall be made upon the best data available, and as soon as the amount of the taxes for the period is known, the account involved shall be adjusted to conform. When an 3^ taxes become due they shall l)e charged to this account. Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued. To this account shall be credited at the close of each month all unma- tured interest accrued during the month upon the funded indebtedness of the gas utility. When such interest matures it shall be charged to this account and credited to the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When paid, the interest shall be charged to the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid and credited to Cash or to the coupon deposit account. Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable, Accrued. To this account shall be credited at the close of each month all unma- tured interest accrued during the month upon all notes and bills payable liy the gas utility. When such interest matures it shall ))e charged to this account and credited to the account Matured Interest on Azotes and Bills Pai/(d)le, Unpaid. \Vhen the interest is paid, it shall be charged to the account Matured Interest on Notes and BilU Pai/able, Un/ixiid, and credited to Cash or other appropriate account. Dividends Accrued. To this account may l)e credited at the close of each month the amount of dividends accrued on preferred and connnon stock during such period at the rates of dividend payments established by the corporation. W^hen such dividends become payaV)le they shall be charged to this account and credited to the account Dividends Unpaid, in which account they shall remain till paid, when junount shall l)e charged to Dividends Unjxtid^ making a corresponding credit to (Uixli or othei- appropriate account. Miscellaneous Liabilities Accrued. To this account shall be credited at the end of each month as it accrues, any other unfunded ()l)ligation of the utility not provided for in any of the preceding accrued liability accounts, making a corresponding charge to operating expenses or other expense account. LIST OF ACCOUNTS AND INDEX INCOME ACCOUNTS OPERATING REVENUES. PAGK 7 Coniniercial Earnings Indnstrial Earnings 7 Power Earnings 8 Municipal Contract Lighting Earnings .: 8 Sales of Gas to other Public Utilities 8 Earnings from Residuals 8 a. Coke i 8 b. Coal Gas Tar 8 c. AVater Gas Tar 8 d. Ammonia 8 e. Other Residuals 8 Miscellaneous Earnings from Operation 8 NONOPERATING REVENUES • Profit on Merchandise Sales 9 Profit on Piping and Connections ^> Rents from Land, Buildings, and Apparatus ,.... 9 Interest on Deposits 9 Interest and Dividends from Investments 10 Appropriations from Municipal Funds (for Municipal Plants only) 10 Miscellaneous Nonoperating Revenues 10 OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS I. Production a. coal gas operation: Superintendence 11 Retort House Labor 1 1 Purifying Labor 1- Miscellaneous Labor 1- Coal Carbonized 12 Bench Fuel 12 Enricher 12 Steam : 12 Retort House Supplies and Expenses 1-'^ Coal (ias Purification Sui)pli('s and Expenses 1'3 Miscellaneous Coal (ias Sui)pli('s and Expenses l*^ MAINTENANCE: Maintenance of I^enches 13 Maintenance of Coal (las Apparatus l-^ Maintenance of Coal Gas Buildings, Fixtures and (Grounds 14 44 List of Accounts and Index OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS I!. WATER GAS operation: page Generator House Labor 14 Steam for Generating Water Gas 14 Generator Fuel '. 14 Enricher 14 Water Gas Generator House Supplies and Expenses 15 Water Gas Purilication Supplies and Expenses 15 C. rURCHASED GAS operation: Collecting and Puniping Purchased Gas Labor 15 Crude Gas Purchased 15 Power for Pumping 15 D. STEAM GENERATION (Apportionment Account) OPERATION: Operating Labor 16 Fuel for Steam 16 Water for Steam 16 Miscellaneous Steam Supplies and Expenses 16 MAINTENANCE: ■Maintenance of Boilers and Boiler Auxiliary Equipment 16 Maintenance of Coal and Ash-handling Equipment 16 Maintenance of Boiler Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 16 E, GAS PRODUCTION (Apportionment Account) Gas Utility Proportion of Total Production 17 II. Distribution operation: Labor Removing and Resetting Meters 17 Street Department Labor 17 Meter and Fitting Department Labor 17 Customers' Premises Expenses '. 17 Pumping Gas 18 Street Department Supplies and Expenses IS Meter and Fitting Department Supplies and Expenses IS maintenance: Maintenance of Mains IS Maintenance of Services IS Maintenance of Meters ... : li> Maintenance of Distribution Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds IH 111. Municipal Contract Lighting Operation: Labor Lighting and liXtinguishing 1*' Labor Inspecting and Cleaning 15> Labor Resetting and Removing Municipal Contract Lamps IV) Rentals 20 Miscellaneous Municipal Contract Lighting Supplies and Expenses -i) List of Accounts and Index 45 OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS maintenance: page Maintenance of Municipal Contract Lighting System 20 IV. Commercial Collection Salaries and Commissions 20 Reading Meters and Delivering Bills 20 Collection Supplies and Expenses 20 V. General operation: Salaries of General Officers 20 Salaries of General Office Clerks 21 General Office Rent 21 Miscellaneous General Office Supplies and Expenses 21 Law Expenses — General 21 Miscellaneous General Expenses 21 maintenance: Maintenance of General Office Equipment 21 Maintenance of General Office Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 21 VI. Undistributed Injuries and damages -.- 22 Insurance .— 22 TAXES Taxes : 23 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME Interest on Funded Debt 23 Interest on Real Estate Mortgages 23 Interest on Floating Debt 24 Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements 24 BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTS Intangible Organization 28 Franchises , 28 Rights, Licenses, etc 28 Tangible Land (used in operation of property) 29 (ias Works Land 29 Distribution Dei)artment Land 29 (General Office Land " 29 Stores Department Land 29 Utility Equipment Land 30 Buildings, Fixtures and (irounds (used in operation of property) 30 Coal (ias Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 30 Water Gas Buildings, Fixtures and (Grounds 30 Purchased (ias linildings. Fixtures and (Jrounds 30 Boiler Plant I>uiidings, Fixtures and (irounds 30 Distribution Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 31 46 List of Accounts and Tndkx PAGE General Office Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 31 Stores Department Buildings, Fixtures and (irounds 31 Utility F^quipnient Buildings, Fixtures and (irounds 31 (ias Production Ajjparatus 31 Coal (las Apparatus 31 Water (las Ai)paratus 32 Purchased (las Ajiparatus 32 Boilers and Boiler Plant Equipment . 32 Distribution System 32 Mains 32 Services : : 32 Meters , 33 Municipal Contract Lighting System 33 General Oftice Equipment 33 Stores Department Equipment 33 l"^tility Equipment -. 33 Miscellaneous Equipment 33 Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures 34 Salaries During Construction 34 Office Supplies and Expenses During Construction 34 Stationery and Printing During Construction 34 Law Expenses During Construction 34 Injuries and Damages During Construction 34 Insurance During Construction 3o Taxes During Construction 35 Interest During Construction 35 Discount on Bonds During Construction 35 Miscellaneous Expenditures During Construction 35 Cost of Plant Purchased (in lieu of plant constructed).. 35 TREASURY SECURITIES Treasury Securities 36 INVESTMENTS Investments 36 RESERVE ACCOUNTS Sinking Fund Reserve : 36 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 36 Notes and Bills Receivable 37 Accounts Receivable .'. 37 Interest and Dividends Receivable 37 Materials and Supplies 37 Coal 37 Oil 37 Coke 37 Tar 38 Ammonia 3S Purifying Material 38 Cast Pii)e and Fittings 38 Wrought Pipe and Fittings 38 Meters 38 Li^T OF Accounts ANlj/IkoBx ' * •" 47 A • 9 •« Appliances 39 Miscellaneous Materials and Supplies 39 Miscellanooup Current Assets , 39 PREPAID ACCOUNTS Prepaid Insurance 39 Prepaid Taxes 39 Prepaid Interest 39 Miscellaneous Prepaid Accounts 39 CAPITAL LIABILITIES Capital Stock 40 Funded Debt : 40 MORTGAGE LIABILITIES Real Estate Mortgages 40 Other ^lortgages '. 41 CURRENT LIABILITIES Notes and Bills Payable 41 Accounts Payable 41 Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid 41 Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable, LTnpaid. 41 Dividends Unpaid 41 Deposits 41 Miscellaneous Current Liabilities 42 ACCRUED LIABILITIES Insurance Accrued 42 Taxes Accrued : 42 Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued 42 Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued 42 Dividends Accrued 42 Miscellaneous Liabilities Accrued 42 <''aylord li ro> Mak ers Svra cuse.N. \- P^f- JAN. 2). 1908 - : f t: ^ii^:^'r:^;^«.-;:^itPP^