REESE LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived , igo . Accession No. 83054 Class No. HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS EDITED BY J. S. AMES, PH.D. PKOKKSSOK OK PHYSICS IN JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY V. THE LAWS OF GASES THE LAWS OF GASES MEMOIRS BY ROBERT BOYLE AND E. H. AMAGAT TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY CARL BARUS PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN BROWN UNIVERSITY I NEW YORK AND LONDON HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1899 HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, EDITED BY J. S. AMKS, PH.D., PKOFKSSOR OF PHYSICS IN JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVKK8ITY. SOW READY: THE FREE EXPANSION OF GASES. Memoirs by Gay-Lussac, Joule, and Jonle and Thomson. Editor, Prof. J. S. AMKS, Ph.D., .Johns Hopkins University. 75 cents. PRISMATIC AND DIFFRACTION SPECTRA. Memoirs by Joseph von Fraunhofer. Editor, Prof. J. S. AMKS, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. GO cents. RONTGEN RAYS. Memoirs by Rontgen, Stokes, and J. J. Thomson. Editor, Prof. GKOKGK F. BAEKKR, University of Pennsylvania. GO cents. THE MODERN THEORY OF SOLUTION. Me- moirs by Pfeffer, Van't^Hoff, Arrhenius, and Raoult. Editor, Dr. H. C. JONKS, Johns Hopkins University. $100. THE LAWS OF GASES. Memoirs by Boyle and Amagat. Editor, Prof. C A ur, BAUDS, Brown University. fX PREPARATION: THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. Memoirs by Caruot, Clausius, and Thomson. Editor, Prof. W. F. MAGIK, Princeton University. THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF ELECTRO- LYTIC CONDUCTION. Memoirs by Faraday, Hittorf, and Kohlransch. Editor, Dr. H. M. GOOD- WIN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. THE EFFECTS OF A MAGNETIC FIELD ON RADIATION. Memoirs by Faraday, Kerr, and Zeeinan. Editor, Dr. E. P. LKWIS, University of California. WAVE-THEORY OF LIGHT. Memoirs by Hnygens, Young, and Fresnel. Editor, Prof. HKNKY CHEW, Northwestern University. NEWTON'S LAW OF GRAVITATION. Editor, Prof. A. S. MACKKNZIK, Bryn Mawr College. NEW YORK AND LONDON: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. Copyright, 1899, by HAKPEK & BKOTUKKS. All rights reserved. PKEFACE OF course anybody may read the famous Memoirs of Ama- gat in the original; but everybody cannot so easily get these papers permanently into his possession. I believe, therefore, with the present translations to have scored a point in the in- terest of accessibility, and thus to have materially contributed to the advancement of science. C. B. BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, R. I., March, 1899. 83054 GENERAL CONTENTS HAGK Preface v A Defence of the Doctrine Touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, proposed by Mr. R. BOYLE in his new Physico-Mechan- ical Experiments, against the Objections of Franciscus Linus. 3 Biographical Sketch of Boyle 10 On the Compressibility of Gases at High Pressures. By E. H. Amagat 13 On the Elasticity and the Thermal Expansion of Fluids Throughout an Interval Terminating in Very High Pressures. By E. H. Amagat 53 Biographical Sketch of Amagat 107 Bibliography 108 A DEFENCE OF THE DOCTEINE TOUCHING THE SPEING AND WEIGHT OF THE AIE Proposed by Mr. R. BOYLE in his New Physico- Mechanical Experiments,. against the Objections of FHANCISCUS LINUS, wherewith the Objector's Funicular Hypothesis is also Examined London, 1662 A DEFENCE OF THE DOCTRINE TOUCHING THE SPRING AND WEIGHT OF THE AIR* BY ROBERT BOYLE PART II., CHAPTER V. TWO NEW EXPERIMENTS TOUCHING THE MEASURE OP THE FORCE OP THE SPRING OF AIR COMPRESSED AND DILATED We took then a long glass-tube, which, by a dexterous hand and the help of a lamp, was in such a manner crooked at the bottom, that the part turned up was almost parallel to .the rest of the tube, and the orifice of this shorter leg of the siphon (if I may so call the whole instrument) being hermetically sealed, the length of it was divided into inches (each of which was subdivided into eight parts) by a streight list of paper, which containing those divisions, was carefully pasted all along it. Then putting in as much quicksilver as served to fill the arch or bended part of the siphon, that the mercury standing in a level might reach in the one leg to the bottom of the divided paper, and just to the same height or horizontal line in the other ; we took care, by frequently inclining the tube, so that the air might freely pass from one leg into the other by the sides of the mercury (we took, I say, care) that the air at last included in the shorter cylinder should be of the same laxity with the rest of the air about it. This done, we began to pour quicksilver into the longer leg of the siphon, which by its weight pressing up that in the shorter leg, did by degrees streighten * Selected from Boyle's New Physico - Mechanical Experiments, Lon- don, 1662. 3 MEMOIRS, ON the included air : and continuing this pouring in of quicksilver till the air in the shorter leg was by condensation reduced to take up but half the space it possessed (I say, possessed, not filled) before ; we cast our eyes upon the longer leg of the glass, on which was likewise pasted a list of paper carefully divided into inches and parts, and we observed, not without delight and satisfaction, that the quicksilver in that longer part of the tube was 29 inches higher than the other. Now that this observation does both very well agree with and confirm our hypothesis, will be easily discerned by him that takes notice what we teach ; and Monsieur Paschal and our English friend's experiments prove, that the greater the weight is that leans upon the air, the more forcible is its endeavour of dilatation, and consequently its power of resistance (as other springs are stronger when bent by greater weights). For this being con- sidered, it will appear to agree rarely-well with the hypothesis, that as according to it the air in that degree of density and correspondent measure of resistance, to which the weight of the incumbent atmosphere had brought it, was able to counter- balance and resist the pressure of a mercurial cylinder of about 29 inches, as we are taught by the Torricellian experiment ; so here the same air being brought to a degree of density about twice as great as that it had before, obtains a spring twice as strong as formerly. As may appear by its being able to sustain or resist a cylinder of 29 inches in the longer tube, together with the weight of the atmospherical cylinder, that leaned upon those 29 inches of mercury; and, as we just now inferred from the Torricellian experiment, was equivalent to them. We were hindered from prosecuting the trial at that time by the casual breaking of the tube. But because an accurate experiment of this nature would be of great importance to the doctrine of the spring of the air, and has not yet been made (that I know) by any man ; and because also it is more uneasy to be made than one would think, in regard of the difficulty as well of procuring crooked tubes fit for the purpose, as of making a just estimate of the true place of the protuberant mercury's surface ; I suppose it will not be unwelcome to the reader to be informed, that after some other trials, one of which we made in a tube whose longer leg was perpendicular, and the other, that contained the air, parallel to the horizon, we at last pro- cured a tube of the figure expressed in the scheme; which 4 OF THE UNIVERSl' THE LA OF .GASES tube, though of a pretty bigness, was so long, that the cylinder, whereof the shorter leg of it consisted, admitted a list of paper, which had before been divided into 12 inches and their quarters, and the longer leg admitted another list of paper of divers feet in length, and divided after the same manner. Then quicksilver being poured in to fill up the bended part of the glass, that the surface of it in either leg might rest in the same horizontal line, as we lately taught, there was more and more quicksilver poured into the longer tube ; and notice being watchfully taken how far the mercury was risen in that longer tube, when it appeared to have ascended to any of the divisions in the shorter tube, the several observations that were thus successively made, and as they were made set down, afforded us the ensuing table : A TABLE OF THE CONDENSATION" OP THE AIR A A B C D E 48 12 00 29* 29* A A. The number of equal 46 44 11* 11. 01* 02f| 30^ 33^ spaces in the shorter leg, that contained the same parcel of air di- 42 m 04y^- 33* 33J versely extended. 40 10 06A 35* 35 38 91. 07H 37 36^f B. The height of the mer- 36 34 32 9 8* 8 ipA ISA 02 0 meters only. The first horizontal row shows the temperatures at which the observations were made. The corresponding pressures are contained in the first vertical column. In case of marsh gas (methane) data are given only up to- 300 atmospheres. This gas was actually studied in certain series as far as 420 atmospheres, like the others ; but an error appeared in the values of the coefficient for co-ordinating these curves which increased to more than three per cent., and which I have not been able to explain to my own satisfaction. I therefore prefer to give the data of the first series only, which showed sufficient accordance throughout. MEMOIRS ON VALUES OF pv FOR NITROGEN Meters, Hg. 17.7 30.1 50.4 75.5 100.1 30 2745 2875 3080 3330 3575 40 2740 2865 3085 3340 3580 60 2740 2875 3100 3360 3610 80 2760 2895 3125 3400 3650 100 2790 2930 3170 3445 3695 120 2835 2985 3220 3495 3755 140 890 3040 3275 3550 3820 1(50 2950 3095 3335 3615 3880 180 3015 3150 3390 3675 3950 200 3075 3220 3465 3750 4020 220 3140 3285 3530 3820 4090 240 3215 3360 3610 3895 4165 260 3290 3440 3685 3975 4240 280 3370 3520 3760 4050 4320 300 3450 3600 3840 4130 4400 320 3525 3675 3915 4210 4475 VALUES OF pv FOR HYDROGEN Meters, Hg. 17.7 40.4 60.4 81.1 100.1 30 2830 3045 3235 3430 3610 40 2850 3065 3240 3445 3625 60 2885 3110 3295 3500 3680 80 2935 3155 3340 3550 3725 100 2985 3200 3400 3620 3780 120 3040 3255 3455 3665 3830 140 3080 3300 3500 3710 3880 160 3135 3360 3560 3775 3945 180 3185 3420 3620 3830 4010 200 3240 3465 3685 3870 4055 220 3290 3520 3725 3930 4110 240 3340 3570 3775 3980 4160 260 3400 3625 3830 4040 4220 280 3450 3675 3880 4090 4275 300 3500 3730 3935 4140 4325 320 3550 3780 3990 4200 4385 < 1 T ISITY] THE LAWS OF GASl^^i MARSH GAS (METHANE) Meters, Hg. 14.7 29.5 40.6 60.1 79.8 100.1 TO 2580 2745 2880 HI 00 *J \J 40 2515 /V i TTJ 2685 >vOOV/ 2830 tJ X \J\J 3060 3290 3505 i 60 2400 2590 2735 2995 3230 3460 80 2315 2515 2675 2950 3195 3440 100 2275 2480 2640 2935 3180 3435 120 2245 2465 2635 2925 3180 3440 140 2260 2480 2655 2940 3190 3460 160 2300 2510 2685 2975 3220 3490 180 2360 2560 2730 3015 3260 3525 200 2425 2615 2780 3065 3305 3575 220 2510 2690 2840 3125 3360 3625 230 2560 2730 2880 3150 3385 3650 M.IIg. 16.3 \ 20.3 ALUEf 30.1 5 OF j 40.0 PV FO 50.0 R ETI 60.0 IYLEN 70.0 E 79.9 89.9 100.0 25 01 /LA 991 ^ 9360 /CO 30 /V J-TTV/ 1950 v/v'-L tJ 2055 4vO vVr 2220 2410 2580 2715 2865 2970 3090 3225 40 1350 1700 1900 2145 2335 2510 2675 2825 2960 3110 50 850 1075 1540 1860 2100 2315 2490 2670 2825 2980 60 810 900 1190 1535 1875 2100 2310 2500 2680 2860 70 880 945 1110 1340 1675 1920 2150 2365 2560 2740 80 975 1030 1130 1285 1535 1780 2015 2240 2450 2640 90 1065 1115 1195 1325 1510 1710 1930 2160 2375 2565 100 1150 1200 1275 1380 1535 1690 1895 2105 2335 2515 110 1240 1280 1360 1460 1590 1725 1915 2705 2310 2490 120 1325 1370 1440 1540 1660 1780 1950 2115 2305 2470 130 1415 1455 1525 1620 1725 1840 2000 2150 2320 2480 140 1505 1540 1610 1700 1800 1910 2060 2190 2350 2505 150 1590 1625 1690 1785 1880 1990 2125 2250 2390 2540 160 1680 1715 1780 1865 1960 2070 2195 2310 2445 2585 170 1770 1800 1860 1950 2045 2145 2265 2375 2505 2640 180 1855 1890 1945 2035 2130 2225 2340 2450 2565 2700 190 1940 1975 2030 2120 2210 2310 2415 2525 2635 2760 200 2030 2065 2115 2200 2290 2390 2490 2600 2715 2835 210 2110 2145 2200 2285 2375 2470 2565 2680 2790 2910 220 2195 2225 2280 2370 2460 2550 2650 2760 2865 2975 230 2280 2315 2370 2460 2540 2635 2730 2835 2940 3050 240 2360 2395 2450 2540 2625 2720 2810 2910 3015 3125 250 2445 2480 2540 2625 2710 2800 2890 2990 3090 3200 260 2530 2560 2625 2710 2790 2880 2980 3075 3175 3275 270 2610 2640 2710 2790 2875 2965 3060 3150 3240 3345 "280 2695 2725 2790 2875 2960 3045 3140 3225 3320 3420 290 2780 2810 2875 2960 3040 3125 3220 3310 3400 3490 300 2860 2890 2960 3040 3125 3215 3300 3380 3470 3560 310 2945 2975 3040 3125 3210 3290 3385 3465 3550 3635 320 3035 3065 3125 3200 3285 3375 3470 3545 3625 3710 MEMOIRS ON M.Hg. VAl 18.2 LUES 35.1 OF pv 40.2 FOR 50.0 CARBC 60.0 )N DIOXIDE 70.0 80.0 90.2 100.0 30 Liquid 2360 2460 2590 2730 2870 2995 3120 3225 40 a 2065 2195 2370 2535 2700 2840 2985 3105 50 tf 1725 1900 2145 2330 2525 2685 2845 2980 60 a 1170 1500 1860 2115 2340 2530 2705 2860 70 725 950 1530 1890 2155 2380 2570 2750 80 625 750 825 1200 1650 1975 2225 2440 2635 90 685 810 865 1080 1430 1775 2075 2315 2530 100 760 870 920 1065 1315 1630 1940 2200 2425 110 825 930 980 1090 1275 1550 1845 2105 2325 120 j 890 995 1045 1140 1285 1510 1775 2030 2260 130 955 1060 1115 1190' 1315 1505 1735 1980 2190 140 1020 1120 1175 1250 1360 1525 1715 1950 2160 150 1080 1180 1235 1310 1415 1560 1725 1945 2135 160 1145 1250 1300 1370 1465 1600 1745 1960 2130 170 1210 1310 1360 1430 1520 1645 1780 1975 2135 180 1275 1375 1410 1485 1580 1700 1825 2000 2150 190 1340 1440 1480 1550 1645 1760 1875 2035 2180 200 1405 1500 1550 1615 1705 1810 1930 2075 2215 210 1470 1565 1610 1675 1765 1870 1980 2120 2250 220 1530 1625 1670 1740 1825 1925 2040 2160 2290 230 1590 1690 1730 1800 1890 1990 2090 2210 2340 240 1650 1750 1790 1865 1950 2045 2150 2260 2390 250 1710 1815 1855 1925 2010 2100 2205 2320 2435 260 1770 1870 1920 1985 2070 2165 2265 2375 2490 270 1830 1935 1975 2050 2130 2220 2320 2435 2540 280 1890 2000 2040 2110 2190 2285 2380 2490 2600 290 1950 2060 2100 2170 2260 2340 2440 2550 2655 300 2010 2120 2160 2235 2320 2405 2500 2605 2715 310 2070 2180 2220 2300 2375 2460 2560 2660 2765 320 2135 2240 2280 2360 2440 2525 2620 2725 2830 The curves given in figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, represent these results comprehensively. In those relative to nitrogen, to hydrogen, and to marsh gas a part of the ordinate lengths has been sup- pressed. It is therefore necessary to reproduce this inferential- ly with the aid of the numbers given at the origin. EXAMINATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS An inspection of the curves shows at once that the families may be referred to two extreme and to certain intermediate types. For hydrogen all the lines are appreciably parallel and 26 THE LAWS OF GASES straight at all the temperatures at which experiments were made. This invariability in the form of the curves seems to indicate that this gas has reached a limiting state charac- terized by their direction. At all the temperatures which I investigated the values of pv increase in their variation with pressure. Carbon dioxide and ethylene form the contrasting type. The products pv at first decrease very rapidly, reach a minimum, 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 FIG. 2. ISOTHERMS (pv) FOR NITROGEN and thereafter increase indefinitely. These variations of pv, very rapid at temperatures near the critical point, show a marked diminution when temperature rises. The point of the curve at which the ordinate is a minimum moves regularly away from the origin, and the locus traced comes out very clearly on inspection of the curves. The minimum seems to move away from the origin less rapidly after passing a certain temperature ; after which it apparently retrogrades. At least, this takes place in marsh gas and nitrogen. Now these gases which constitute the intermediate type are at like temperatures much more dis- tant, from their critical state than ethylene or carbon dioxide. For the case of nitrogen and marsh gas the displacement of the minimum ordinate appears much less sharply defined than for the other gases, for the reason that when curvature diminishes, the position of this ordinate is much more difficult to determine sharply. I subjoin a table for carbon dioxide and ethylene, 27 MEMOIRS ON showing at what pressure in meters of mercury the ordinate is a minimum at different temperatures : CARBON DIOXIDE ETHYLENE 16.3 55" 20.3 60 35.1 70* 30.1 70 40.2 80 40.0 80 50.0 98 '50.0 88 60.0 115 60.0 95 \70.0 130 70.0 100 80.0 140 79.9 105 90.2 150 89.9 115 100.0 160 100.0 120 The curves for carbon dioxide and ethylene may advan- tageously be considered by themselves for the time being ; be- cause of the larger variations of compressibility involved, they 44 42 26 40 38 36 34 32 ,30 28 i 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 FIG. 3. ISOTHERMS (pv) FOR HYDROGEN are more suitable than the others for the demonstration of the general laws of these variations. Let the curves for carbon dioxide be taken first. It is obvious at the outset that at tem- peratures in the neighborhood of the critical point the initial branches of the curves, or those which precede the minimum ordinate, are concave towards the axis of pressure. The con- 28 THE LAWS OF GASES cavity is well marked, and appears to be prolonged quite into the region of small pressures. This is indicated by the dotted lines which represent the phenomenon approximately, at press- ures lower than those at which the experiments began. To construct these parts of the curve I simply determined 20 '40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 FIG. 4. ISOTHERMS (pv) FOR ETHYLENE the point of departure corresponding to normal pressure, which was found without difficulty, since I knew the volume of carbon dioxide for the particular pressure and temperature at which the manometer was charged with gas. From this I deduced the volume occupied by the gas, and consequently the value of MEMOIRS ON pv, at the same pressure for all the temperatures, in virtue of the values of the coefficient of expansion of carbon dioxide, given a long time ago in my own papers, for temperatures between and 100 and under normal pressure. Thereupon I joined the points of departure so obtained with the first points of the continuous curves, allowing myself to be guided by their 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 230 300 320 YIG. 5. ISOTHERMS (pv) FOR CARBON DIOXIDE general trend. Similar dotted lines were drawn for nitrogen and hydrogen, but not for ethylene and methane, since I lacked data as to their dilatation. To return from this digression to the general form of the curves, I may point out that the concavity observed in the initial branches which is presented in the case of ethylene, 30 THE LAWS OF GASES occurs also, I might almost say a fortiori, in the results which Regnault investigated as far as 28 atmospheres. In fact, these data were obtained at temperatures lower than those from which I started i. e., lower than 35 for carbon dioxide. The concavity specified vanishes pretty rapidly when tempera- ture rises. At 50 0. it is no longer apparent, and the curve only presents the convexity which produces the minimum of pv. For gases other than ethylene and carbon dioxide, the con- cavity has entirely disappeared even at ordinary temperatures. This form of curve for the lower pressures, for the moment at 36 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 40 60 80 "100 120 140 '160 180 230 220 240 FIG. 6. ISOTHERMS (pv) FOR MARSH GAS least, does not command much attention ; but it is quite dif- ferent in those parts of the curves which follow the minimum ordinate, and throughout which pv increases indefinitely. For temperatures in the neighborhood of the critical point, the curve turns rapidly after passing the ordinate in question, and changes almost at once into a line which is very nearly straight. Some points seem to indicate traces of concavity, so vaguely, however, as to be referable to errors of observation. As temperature rises the convexity of the curves diminishes very rapidly, and the general aspect of the families of curves shows an unmistakable tendency to slope upward and to change to straight lines throughout their extent. The occurrence of minimum ordinates thus gradually ceases. 31 MEMOIRS ON True, this tendency is indicated clearly only in the isotherms of carbon dioxide and of ethylene. If, however, one calls to mind that hydrogen is at ordinary temperatures in a thermal state, which the two gases specified reach at very much higher temperatures ; that for hydrogen the transformation in ques- tion is actually complete at ordinary temperatures, continuing in the same sense up to 100 without showing the slightest trace of any superimposed deformation ; if, finally, one adds the evidence obtained from the curves for methane and nitro- gen which make up the intermediate type, then the general features of these gaseous phenomena become strikingly appar- ent. Indeed, I would insist on this point of view (the conse- quences of which will be shown below), that not only do the curves straighten out for all gases in such a way as to reproduce the case of hydrogen at sufficiently high temperatures i.e., in a way to present values of pv continually increasing with pressure but that they really tend to become straight lines throughout their whole extent. For hydrogen the occurrence of straight isotherms is as completely verified as the accuracy of the experiments permits up to 100 atmospheres about and from ordinary temperatures onward. At smaller pressures, a trace of concavity seems still to cling to the curves. This is much less discernible at 100, if it be not altogether wiped out. The concavity of the curves for nitrogen is clearly marked at ordinary temperatures, but it is much less accentuated at 100, where the rectilinear portions are already apparent. Another fact not less important (as will appear below) is this, that the curves in their rectilinear parts are nearly parallel ; parallel in such a way, moreover, that to obtain the general direction of these lines a characteristic for each gas it is sufficient to construct one of them near the critical point. Under critical conditions the lines become straight almost immediately after leaving the minimum ordinate. Neverthe- less, it would be hazardous to affirm that these lines are abso- lutely parallel ; they seem rather to merge gradually into straight lines, being asymptotic to a direction which differs very little in all the cases for the portion already sensibly straight in the curves constructed. The endeavor must now be made to unravel general laws relative to the variation of compressibility with temperature. 32 THE LAWS OF GASES AVe have seen that for each gas there exists a temperature beyond which pv increases continually with pressure. It is, however, inaccurate to state that with increasing temperature the gas continues to diverge more and more seriously from the law of Mariotte, in the sense of being less compressible. The contrary is the fact. Let the values of the ratio -^r-, be examined p v between the limits p and p' of pressure and at different tem- peratures. It follows from the parallelism of the lines that in passing from a given temperature to another higher in the scale the values of pv and p'v' increase by the same quantity. Hence the value of the ratio increases, since it is smaller than one. All this is clearly shown in the following table containing 7)V values of - between 100 meters and 320 meters of pressure p v and at different temperatures: HYDROGEN C. RATIO V?-, pv 17.7 0.830 40.4 838 60.4 ' 845 80.1 853 100.1 . .856 Thus for increasing temperatures the gas expands more in accordance with Mariotte J s law, for the simple reason that the constant difference of the products pv and p'v' is added to the greater and greater values of the products. The reason is not that jov tends to become constant, a result which occurs for no gas whatever. It is quite certain that, on sufficiently cooling hydrogen, this gas would eventually contract more than the law of Mariotte indicates. On increasing temperature the discrepancy would at first vanish and thereafter change sign. But the divergence, instead of continuing to increase negatively, would reach a maximum value, after which it would begin to approacli unity, as is actually the case in the experiments, c 33 MEMOIRS ON Let the family of curves relative to carbon dioxide now be examined : They begin at 35 C. i.e., only a few degrees above the critical point. Following the values -,, from degree to degree between the pressure limits 100 and 120 meters of mer- cury, for example, we find the ratio smaller than unity at 35, 40, and 50. Above 60, on the contrary, the ratio exceeds unity ; after this it evidently again becomes smaller as the temperature continually increases, and finally remains indefi- nitely at a point below this value. Clearly, therefore, the period within which the gas is more compressible than the law of Mariotte asserts may be preceded by a period where it is less so at a lower temperature. The curves also show that a 1)V pressure exists beyond which - L r - l is always smaller than unity, whatever be the temperature. If one imagines the locus of the points of minimum ordinates actually constructed, and if the curve has itself a maximum abscissa (I have shown that this is very probable), it is beyond the pressure corresponding to this abscissa that the fact in question becomes manifest. Approaching the region of lower pressures one observes simi- larly that a value exists beyond which the primary period cor- 79?^ responding to -; < 1 no longer occurs. The value in ques- tion is the pressure at which the gas liquefies at a temperature very near the critical point. It is the critical pressure. All these results are rather complicated, although an inspec- tion of the curves immediately shows them clearly. They may, however, be enunciated in a simpler form. Suppose the family of curves divided into two regions by the curve which is the locus of minimum ordinates. The left-hand area will then DV comprehend those parts of the curves for which --,--, > 1; in the right-hand area, contrariwise, we shall everywhere have ItV *DV J - i , < 1. In the first region, -; decreases when temperature increases ; in the second the opposite is the case. The following table has been computed from the data for carbon dioxide to substantiate these results. It may be observed in passing that in the second region the effect of temperature diminishes whenever pressure increases. 34 THE LAWS OF GASES CARBON DIOXIDE TEMP. 3QX10M VA LUES OF - pv 200* ?V 140* 20(W 18.2 (Liq.) .745 .726 .658 35.1 3.255 .833 .777 .747 .670 40.2 2.893 .924 .783 .758 .688 50.0 " 1.693 1.452 .844 .774 .685 60.0 1.444 1.437 .967 .797 .699 70.0 1.329 1.322 1.069 .842 .712 80.0 " 1.258 1.227 1.131 .888 .736 90.2 1.214 1.168 1.128 .940 .761 100.0 " 1.172 1.134 1.122 .975 .782 The limits of pressure between which ~- ; has been calculated are inscribed at the head of the respective vertical columns. We may therefore summarize the role of temperature in its effect upon the compressibility of gases by the following laws : 1. For pressures lower than the critical pressure and with con- tinually increasing temperature, the divergence from Mariotte's law, positive at first at sufficiently low temperatures, passes through zero and eventually becomes negative. Beyond a certain negative value, however, the discrepancy diminishes indefinitely without changing sign. 2. For pressures between the critical value and a superior limit peculiar to each gas, the period during which the dis- crepancy is positive is preceded at still lower temperatures by a period for which it is negative, in such a way that the discrepancy changes sign twice. #. Beyond the superior limit indicated in the preceding law the discrepancy is negative at all temperatures. It diminishes in general as temperature increases, always excepting those press- ures which are too near the limit specified. In these places the variation is more complicated. 4. Begond a sufficiently high temperature the law of compressi- bility of a gas is represented by the equation P ( Va) = const., wherein a is the smallest volume to which the gas can be reduced; in other ivords, a is the absolute volume of the constih 35 UNIVERSITY MEMOIRS ON The last law virtually states (as will appear below) that beyond a certain sufficiently high temperature all the curves become straight lines. It goes without saying that the departure from the law of Mariotte here in question refers to pressures arbitrarily chosen within the limits of pressure indicated by the laws. DILATATION OF GASES AT HIGH PRESSURES The data which precede are evidently available for the com- putation of the coefficient of expansion of a gas, even though the experiments were not specially directed towards this end. True, results so obtained cannot have a degree of precision comparable with those investigated by the ordinary methods at low pressures ; but the accuracy will nevertheless be sufficient to point out the general features. Mere inspection of the families of curves enables us to form a conception of the remarkable variation to which the dilatation of a gas is subject in the neighborhood of the locus of minimum ordinates; above all, at temperatures near the critical point. If we reflect that for a given pressure the length of the ordi- nate is at each temperature proportional to the volume of the gas, it follows that the dilatation for each pressure is conse- quently given by the curves. To arrive at the general facts, however, it is necessary to compare the coefficients of mean expansion at different pressures between the sufficiently narrow limits of temperature. It is with this end in view that I have computed the table which is about to follow. 7j' 2 The coefficients of expansion inserted are the values of //__//\ between the limits of pressure and of temperature indicated. The volumes were deduced from the curves by dividing the ordinates pv by the corresponding pressure. It sufficed for this purpose to take the difference of ordinates corresponding to t and t' degrees at each pressure, to divide this difference by fk\^ 1J -/I?? 7? m- 7T the inferior ordinate giving ^ or - , and finally to pv v divide this result by the difference of temperature. The data thus obtained for carbon dioxide and ethylene follow : THE LAWS OF GASES Pressure CAKB 18 35 ON DIOXIDI 40o_60 3 60 80 80 100 40 Meters Liquid .0074 .0058 .0046 60 .0196 .0096 .0052 80 .0113 .0500 .0176 .0089 100 " .0072 .0217 .0238 .0135 120 .0062 .0114 .0151 .0123 140 .0085 '.0128 .0127 160 .0043 .0066 .0095 .0108 180 .0056 .0079 .0087 200 .0039 .0052 .0071 .0072 220 .0048 .0057 .0063 240 .0033 .0045 .0051 .0056 260 .0040 .0045 .0048 280 .0029 .0039 .0042 .0046 300 .0038 .0039 .0044 320 .0025 .0037 .0038 .0040 ETHYLENE Pressure 20040 40o_60 60 80 80 100 30 Meters .0084 .0064 .0046 .0040 60 .0366 .0178 .0097 .0067 80 .0121 .0195 .0132 .0088 100 .0079 .0108 .0121 .0100 120 .0062 .0075 .0095 .0082 140 .0048 .0062 .0076 .0068 160 .0041 .0057 .0061 .0058 200 .0034 .0043 .0044 .0044 240 .0030 .0035 .0036 .0034 280 .0027 .0031 .0030 .0029 320 .0025 .0027 .0024 .0024 - If by running along a horizontal column one endeavors to find how the coefficient of expansion varies with temperature at constant pressure, one observes a rather complex result for the values given in the middle of the table, which correspond to* the neighborhood of the locus of minimum ordinates ; but if one considers only the extreme regions, regions which corre- spond to low pressures or to pressures relatively high, it becomes easily manifest that the coefficient diminishes regularly with temperature. Particularly on arriving near the limits of press- 37 MEMOIRS ON lire will it be observed that the expansion is sensibly propor- tional to the interval of temperature. This is the case with hydrogen at all pressures. Again, if in a survey of the vertical columns of the tables we endeavor to find the variation of the coefficient of expansion with pressure at a given constant temperature, we encounter a clear-cut law at once. The coefficient is at first seen to increase with pressure up to a maximum value, and thereafter to decrease regularly. This maximum corresponds very nearly to the pressure for which the ordinate is a minimum. If in place of taking the mean coefficient between limits as far apart as 20 the temperature interval t' t be more and more diminished, the limiting value -j- - will coincide as to the pressure position of its maximum with the same pressure which corresponds to the minimum ordinate. In proportion as temperature increases, this maximum is less and less marked until it eventually vanishes, as in the case of hydrogen. The following table, drawn up for this gas, shows at the same time that the mean coefficient decreases uniformly when pressure increases. HYDROGEN Pressure 17 60 60 100 40 Meters 100 180 260 320 .0033 .0033 .0031 .0030 .0028 .0029 .0028 .0027 .0025 .0024 I may, therefore, summarize the laws relative to the expan- sion of gases in the following way : 1. The coefficient of expansion of gases (referred to the unit of volume) increases with pressure up to a maximum value, beyond which it decreases indefinitely. 2. The pressure corresponding to this maximum coincides in position with the pressure for which the product pv is a minimum. Consequently, at this exceptional point the gas accidentally obey* the law of Mariotte. 38 THE LAWS OF GASES 3. For continually increasing temperatures the maximum in question becomes more and more indistinct and finally vanishes. COVOLUME ATOMIC VOLUME We have seen that for hydrogen the curves obtained are nearly straight lines, and that the same is the case for carbon dioxide and for ethylene throughout a considerable part of the region beyond the minimum ordinate. We have seen further- more that for increasing temperatures the curves tend more and more to become straight lines throughout their whole ex- tent, thus again resembling the phenomenon observed with hydrogen at temperatures above that of the atmosphere. In this case the curves become (1) pv a p -j- 1). The initial ordinate b being the value of pv at the limit i.e., fora pressure infinitely small, if the laws which we have adduced are true under these conditions. This indeed is a question which has not yet been sufficiently studied and which I shall shortly take up again. We shall therefore regard our inferences limited as to pressures to an interval within which the results present a sufficient degree of certitude. As to hydrogen, I have already stated that for pressures less than 100 atmospheres the line still shows a slight curvature even at 100 0. But it is reasonable to admit that this curvature will quite vanish at temperatures taken high enough, and that the line will become straight at least, above the pressures in the neighborhood of normal pressure. The equation (1) may be put in the form (*) P (r- a )=b, b and a being constants. The result arrived at is therefore this, that at a given temperature the product of the pressure and the volume diminished by a constant quantity does not vary. If furthermore the relation is written (j^tf-l, it appears that when p = cn, v = a. That is, a is the volume which the gas eventually takes when pressure increases indef- initely. This may be rationally interpreted by considering a as the absolute volume of the matter within the gas, supposing that the molecules will ultimately touch each other, and not the molecules only but the atoms which make up those molecules. MEMOIRS ON Dupre and M. Hirn have reached a similar conclusion with- in certain limits by different methods, and in a way quite un- like that which I have just explained ; but their inferences would lead to interpretations which are at variance with my re- searches, taken as a whole. In fact Dupre, from fundamental formulae in the mechanical theory of heat, which he treats in his work (Dupre, Theorie me- canique de la chaleur), deduces the following law which he calls the law of covolumes, as an approximation of a higher order of accuracy than the law of Mariotte. I will quote it verbatim: "At constant temperature the pressures of a mass of gas vary inversely, as the volumes diminished throughout ~by a small con- stant quantity c u . This is to be called the covolume wlien the volume u under normal conditions is the unit of volume." For nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and air the covolume of Dupre is positive ; for hydrogen it is negative. Seeking a verification of this law by aid of the numerical data in the classical research of Regnault, Dupre found that this was feasible for hydrogen, as may well be anticipated after what has just been said ; but for nitrogen, and above all for carbon dioxide, the verification leaves much to be desired. It could not be otherwise, since the law of the covolume presupposes that the curve representing the results in the above co-ordinates is straight. This condition is not realized for the case of nitrogen, nor for carbon dioxide, unless it be for temperatures and under pressures for which the covolume becomes precisely contrary in sign to that deduced by Dupre. The law of the covolume with the interpretation given to it by this physicist cannot therefore be admitted. M. Hirn has published an elaborate research * on the same sub- ject. Endeavoring to interpret the variations from the law of Mariotte, he points out that even if the molecules of a gas exert no reciprocal action on each other the gas cannot rigorously obey this law, since the variable part of the volume is not the total volume of the gas, but rather the latter diminished by the volume of the atoms. This is equivalent to admitting the quan- tity a defined above. M. Hirn contends that it is merely the variable part of the volume which ought to enter into the ex- . pression of Mariotte's law, a conclusion far from evident. For the case in which one may not neglect the interactions * Hirn : Theorie mecanique de la clialeur, t. ii. 40 THE LAWS OF GASES of the molecules, M. Him introduces an internal pressure to be added algebraically to the external pressure, and the general expression of the law for constant temperature becomes p and p being the internal pressures corresponding to the vol- umes Fand V. For hydrogen p and p' would be approxi- mately zero, whence P ( V a) = const., an expression which M. Him verifies by aid of the data of Regnault. For nitrogen this correction of volume becomes insufficient, and does not even retain the same sign. It is therefore neces- sary, in order to explain the variation of this gas, to admit an internal pressure of marked value. Now if this is the case with nitrogen for pressures less than 20 atmospheres, one cannot assuredly deny that it must also be the case for hydrogen when this gas is reduced to the three-hundredth part of its volume. But for pressures as large as 430 atmospheres, and very cer- tainly even for higher pressures, the law for the compressibility of hydrogen is given by the equation p ( V a) =const. as rigorously as for smaller pressures. The internal pressure is therefore zero. Furthermore, if we examine the data rela- tive to carbon dioxide and ethylene, we again observe that for temperatures near the critical point a large part of the curve becomes straight. This takes place for carbon dioxide at 35 from 100 to 430 atmospheres ; and the same phenomenon is observed at 18 C. between the same limits of pressure, even though the body is now a liquid i.e., has been subjected to what is properly termed liquefaction. Under these conditions the compressibility of the gas is thus represented by the relation p( V a )= const., and a has the same value as at 100 C., and higher temperatures where the same formula represents the phenomenon from the lowest pressures upward. Hence one may argue that under circumstances in which the internal pressure ought to attain a very large value (at 35 between 100 and 400 atmospheres), this pressure would actually vanish from the equation; whereas it would show a preponderating influence between normal press- ure and 100 atmospheres, where it ought itself to explain the greater part of the variation of volume. * 41 MEMOIRS ON I have already shown that, even after making full allowance for the atomic volume, the occurrence of an internal pressure in such a way as to represent a mere addition to the external pressure is quite insufficient to give an account of the variations from Mariotte's law. The demonstration was on that occasion based on numerical difference's of rather small value. To-day, with the new results which I have reached, I am able to make this fact much more evident. I will therefore take up the demonstration again and complete it, introducing in its turn the atomic volume. Let V be the volume of the gas at the pressure P and the temperature T\ let a be the corresponding atomic volume; let the gas be compressed as far as pressure P', and let V be the new volume at the same temperature. Hence one obtains (P+p)(V-a) ! lP'+p')(V'~a) (1) p and p' being the internal pressures for the volumes Fand V. Now let the gas be heated as far as T' degrees and let P l be the pressure needed to keep the volume at V. The internal pressure, if it depends only on the mean distance apart of the molecules, will again be p. Compress the gas until its volume has diminished to V and let PI be the pressure needed for this purpose. The internal pressure will again be p' for the reason specified. Hence we should obtain : {Pj + p)(r _ a ) (/Y+/)(F'-a)- Equations (1) and (2) may be put under the following form : P(V-a) p'(V'-a) -J(F-q). 'p'(V'-a)~ P'(V'-a) (& ZiLEz^) - 1 ,/'(F'-a) -p(F-a) '- ' Put p'(V'-a)-p(V-a) () P'(V'-a) nd y(F'-a)-XF-) Pi(V'-a) rp The relations (3) and (4) now become : P'(F'~) =1+ ^ P'(V~-a) =l + a '' 42 /< ( Tl . THE LAWS OF GASES Here a and a' are the variations from Mariotte's law, after the correction for atomic volume has been applied ; in other words, the discrepancy of the law : p ( V a) = const. Furthermore, by dividing (5) by (6) : ' Hence the departure from the law P(V a) = const. must be in the inverse ratio of the corresponding final pressures P t and P,'. As an example, data may be given for carbon dioxide at 35. 4 between the pressure limits 30 and 70 atmospheres. From the isotherms one finds at once that at pressures of 40 and 220 at- mospheres at 100 the gas has the same volume as at 30 and 70 atmospheres at 35. Hence a _220 ^"lo"' The volumes V and V are given in turn by the ordinates corresponding to 30 and 70 meters of mercury. It suffices to divide these by the corresponding pressures. The value of a is deduced from the straight part of the curves of which it is the angular coefficient. Thus without difficulty F=7.9, F' = 1.03, a = 0.625. Hence one should have (7.9-. 625) 30 (1.03-.625) 70~~ (7.9-. 625) 40 = 1 + a , (1.03-.625)220 whence, after reduction, a 5.65, a'=1.81. Finally, in accordance with equation (7), 5.65 220 1^=40- or 3.12 = o.o, an absurdity out of all proportion with such discrepancies as might arise out of mere errors of experiment, even when the approximate method of verification is taken into account. The so-called internal pressure cannot therefore be admitted into gaseous kinetics in so far as this pressure is to depend only on the mean distance apart of the molecules i.e., to be a 43 MEMOIRS ON function of volume only. It is also a function of temperature, as M. Blaserna* has already inferred elsewhere. In his calculations of the internal work of a gas M. Him makes frequent use of internal pressure. The results at which he thus arrives may therefore appear discordant with my own results. Without wishing to enter into a detailed discus- sion, I will remark that this disagreement can onJy be appar- ent ; it is due simply to the fact that rather in the interior of the molecule than between integrant molecules is the larger part of the internal work expended. It does not follow that the values of internal work numerically calculated are errone- ous. M. Clausius has evolved a theory which has since become classic, and which can very easily give an account of the dis- crepancies of Mariotte's law. This theory, which in its incep- tion is traceable to Bernoulli, and the first kinetic explana- tion of Mariotte's law to Kronig, interprets pressure as due to the impact of the molecules of a gas on the walls of the vessel holding it. Pressure thus depends on the kinetic energy of the translational motion. When a gas is compressed at constant temperature, it suffices to assume that a part of the translational or intermolecular energy is transformed into intramolecular energy or into the energy of molecular rotation, to give a complete account of the discrepancy of Mariotte's law. For the result would be a diminution of pv. As the effect of atomic volume would make the law deviate in a contrary sense, one is led to antici- pate the differing phases through which the compressibility of a gas passes, according as one or the other of the two causes supervenes. It is even possible that both causes may annul one another, and that the gas thus accidentally obeys Mariotte's law, as is the case, for instance, in the region of minimum ordinates. Taken as a whole, the results which I have reached show pretty clearly that a special theory for gases and another for liquids is out of the question. Consider, for example, the isotherms of hydrogen : how is it possible to admit one theory to explain the facts represented by one part of the curves and another theory to explain the rest, seeing that their form shows * Blaserna : Comptes rendus, t. Ixix., 1869. 44 THE LAWS OF GASES conclusively that a phenomenon of perfect continuity has been observed ? Now the theory of impact cannot be applied to hydrogen under 400 atmospheres, since under these conditions the proximity of its molecules would make it rather a liquid than a gas. As long as questions on the condition of carbon dioxide or of ethylene at ordinary temperatures are upper- most, one may infer that the two parts of an isotherm situated on each side of the minimum ordinate are subject to the different laws ; inasmuch as an abrupt variation, which may reasonably be interpreted as limiting two different thermal states, sepa- rates them. But this is no longer applicable when the gases are subjected to higher temperatures, nor for hydrogen (as I have stated) even at ordinary temperatures. It is very remarkable that the law given by the equation p(V a) = const., which has been the immediate outcome of my experiments, and which appears to be the limiting law tow- ards which all gases converge when their temperatures are raised, is the same law which is in action in the neighborhood of the critical point, whenever the compressibility of a body is considered throughout increasing pressures. Thus it is rather a law for the liquid than for the gaseous state. I will even add that it is specifically the law of liquids at least, within the limits of actual experimental inquiry; for it appears from the group of isothermals that carbon dioxide at 18, which is then truly liquid, follows exactly the same law. Its curve is a straight line whose angular coefficient is a. Thus we arrive at a result which appears at first sight quite paradoxical, that elevation of temperature transforms the gas into the state of a perfect liquid; and that the region of branches of the iso- therms situated on the left of the line of minimum ordinates, the region which corresponds accurately to the gaseous state in the ordinary sense of the word, is a period of turbulence terminating in the phenomenon of liquefaction properly so called. This phenomenon disappears when temperature rises indefinitely and the body becomes a perfect fluid, to employ a word which is at once applicable both to the liquid and the gaseous states. The state in question is defined by the simple equation p ( V a) = const., or pW const., if W is the interatomic vol- ume. The law thus expressed is so very simple that one is naturally induced to seek an explanation for it depending sim- 45 MEMOIRS ON ply on a consideration of interatomic volume ; for what I have already said about internal pressure shows, among other things, that internal pressure does not appear to exert as much in- fluence on the changes of volume of a gas or of a liquid as has been usually supposed. This influence should be reducible to disturbances quite of secondary importance in their bearing on the law in question disturbances which may, for example, be of the order of magnitude of the discrepancies of Mariotte's law occurring within the limits of pressure explored by Reg- nault. To reach an explanation based purely on the consideration of atomic volume, let us observe in the first place that the law PTF=const. is capable of the following enunciation : The be- havior of the body during compression is such as if an infinite- ly subtle fluid rigorously subject to the law of Mariotte per- vaded the whole space between the molecules, the material particles or the groups which they form showing only a negli- gible amount of translational kinetic energy and producing an effect only by their presence i.e., by the volume which they delimit i-n the same way as if they were ordinary walls of the region. Why may not this fluid be the ether in a certain degree of concentration ? Such an hypothesis would give a complete account of all observed facts. It by no means excludes the theory of molecular impact, as we have seen ; it merely re- stricts the limits within which kinetic action is applicable. Evidently the ether ought to perform some function relative to the phenomenon with which we have been occupied; but this role has never been specified, nor, so far as I know, has anything been said about it. If one considers the exclusive importance of the ether in optic phenomena, the relation of these to thermal phenomena, and the close connection of the latter with those which we have been investigating, the strong probability that the ether must fulfil some important function is manifest. It seems probable that the molecules are surrounded in every thermal state solid, liquid, or gaseous with atmospheres of ether. These atmospheres account for their perfect elasticity, as evidenced in the kinetic theory of gases an elasticity which it would be very difficult to explain, or which would be even quite inexplicable, if the molecules were simple i.e., reduced 46 THE LAWS OF GASES to single atoms. Granting this, let a gas be considered at low pressure and at a temperature but little above the critical point. Let the gas be compressed at an initially constant temperature. The theory of molecular impact deduces Ma- riotte's law in the usual way. Changes in the distribution of kinetic energy between the motion of molecular translation, the motion within the molecule, and its rotational motion suffice to explain the discrepancies of the law, to which, in a certain measure, molecular attraction may join its effects. Thus the gas is more compressible than Mariotte's law indi- cates, even if allowance be made for the absolute volume of the atoms. Very soon, however, these with their atmospheres of ether occupy the major part of the volume, and so hamper each other in their movements of translation that the latter virtually vanish. This occurs in the neighborhood of the min- imum ordinate. Finally, for continually increasing pressures the atmospheres of ether will actually become contiguous, and the molecules appear as if suspended therein. The ether now forms a medium which is continuous, and by its reaction pro- duces the observed pressure against the walls of the vessel. If this ether obeys Mariotte's law, which is now to be regarded as the limiting law of an infinitely subtle fluid, the volume which it occupies is exactly W, and PPT^const., or P (V a)=const. Hence, although there has been no liquefaction in the true sense of the word, the body is rather a liquid than a gas, for the reason that the molecular translational motion, which is a criterion for the gaseous state, has vanished. With the beginning of an increase of temperature, the ethe- real molecular atmospheres will expand simultaneously with the molecules themselves, and the atoms separate more and more fully until decomposition ensues. Inasmuch as the total volume of the ethereal atmospheres is larger, the law p W= const, ought to begin to apply for a given mass of gas at a larger volume than at the lower initial temperatures. This indeed appears very well to account for the fact that for a given mass of gas the volume corresponding to the minimum ordinate increases with temperature. If temperature continually rises, the fraction of the total volume occupied by the ether also continually increases, and when the effect of the latter preponderates the curves will rise and be gradually transformed into straight lines. 47 MEMOIRS ON Perhaps I ought to add, in order to escape an unfavorable issue, that the ether taken into consideration here is that only which is retained by and condensed around the molecules in the form of a molecular atmosphere. The ether which is not so condensed but pervades the molecular spaces, whatever be the distance apart of the molecules, is without relevant in- fluence. This does not oppose any reaction, and for it the walls of the vessel do not exist. The hypothesis which I have just formulated thus renders a natural and complete account of the details of the phenomena brought out by experiment. It does not exclude those kinetic theories which have gained general acceptance among physi- cists. So far as I can see, it is not at variance with any estab- lished experimental fact. It restricts the limits within which the theory of impact is apparently applicable by establishing a transition from the liquid to the gaseous state, which may be passed continuously and the mechanism of which is easily in- telligible. Finally, it introduces no difficulty whatever into the phenomenon of liquefaction properly so called. I have already stated that the law PW const., which ap- pears to be the general law for fluids, is applicable to liquid carbon dioxide below the critical point, as is evidenced by the straight isotherm for 18 contained in the family of curves. I endeavored to verify the same fact with several liquids, nota- bly w r ith chlorhydric ether, for which I published the compres- sibilities as far as 100 and 37 atmospheres several years ago.* The law was reproduced with a very fair approach to accuracy ; but in order that these verifications may not be over-estimated, it is well to insert the following remark: If the liquid were quite incompressible its isotherm would necessarily be a straight line, for the ordinate would vary proportionally to p, v being con- stant. For liquids in general, therefore, inasmuch as they are nearly incompressible, their curve must differ exceedingly lit- tle from a straight line, no matter what may be the true law of compressibility. It is thus impossible to derive any very cer- tain inferences from the behavior of the greater number of liquids. For liquid carbon dioxide, however, the case is alto- gether different, and, a fortiori, for hydrogen between limits of pressure as far apart as those within which I have operated. * Annales de Chimie et de Physique (5), t. xi. ; Memoirs sur la Comprem- bilite des Liquides. 48 THE LAWS OF GASES I have still to give the numerical values of atomic volume, having calculated it for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and ethy- lene, all of which contain the straight parts of the isotherms clearly defined and of marked extent. In computing the limit- ing directions of the lines for the other gases, one is liable to make a considerable error. To obtain a it is adequate to establish the relation p(r-.)=p'(r'-a) between two pressure values sufficiently far apart and compre- hending a part of the curve sensibly straight. Thus the value of a is deduced from p, p', v, v', given by experiment. Hence one obtains the atomic volume of the mass of gas subjected to the experiments from which the curves were constructed. This mass is defined by the normal pressure and the tempera- ture at which the manometers were charged with gas. I have preferred to refer the atomic volume to the unit of volume of the gas at C. and 76 centimetres of mercury, ob- taining the following values : Hydrogen 0.00078 Carbon dioxide 0.00170 Ethylene 0.00232 Finally, I may remark that the interpretation given for the value of a is independent of the hypothesis on which the theory of the gaseous state is founded. It will readily be seen that it is enough that the curves of compressibility should tend to become straight lines in the. limit; for under these conditions pv = a p + by or Va for jo oo. No matter to what theory one may subscribe, therefore, a ap- pears as the smallest absolute volume which the matter can occupy. One naturally infers that this is the atomic volume. This remark is particularly applicable to hydrogen, the iso- therms of which are practically straight throughout their whole extent. For the other gases the determination of a rests on the inferences deduced from the curves as a whole, but less certainly. The results are therefore given with less assurance. To pursue this subject exhaustively within the limits which I have set for myself, it will still be necessary to study the compressibility under conditions of pressure lower than those MEMOIRS ON THE LAWS OF GASES occurring in the present research. These experiments will be made directly with an open manometer. I hope to carry the measurements as far upward as 300. I hope also to trace the phenomena further into the region of extremely low pressures a few millimetres, for instance on which subject 1 have al- ready published* an introductory paper. Returning again to these experiments,, I shall be in a position to add many material improvements to the method which I formerly employed, and above all to the apparatus. They will be completed, I hope, in the course of the next academic year. * Annales de Ghimie et de Physique, t. viii., 1876 MEMOIR ON THE ELASTICITY AND THEEMAL EXPANSION OF FLUIDS THROUGHOUT AN INTERVAL TERMINATING IN VERY HIGH PRESSURES BY E. H. AMAGAT (Anncdes de Chimie et de Physique, 6 Serie, t. xxix., CONTENTS PAGE PART L Method* of Manipulation : Introduction 53 Methods of Experimentation : 1. The Measurement of High Pressures Manometre d Pis- tons Libre 55 2. Apparatus for Extremely High Pressures : Method of Electrical Contact 61 Details of Manipulation 65 Plan of a Series of Measurements 67 3. Apparatus for Higher Temperatures : Method of Sights 71 Preliminary Operations 75 PART II Data for Oases. 77 Results Obtained by tJie First Method (Method of Electrical Contacts] 78 Results Obtained by the Second Method (Method of Sights) . . 80 Examination of the Results : General Laws 89 Coefficients of Expansion at Constant Pressure (- j . . 94 Variation of the Coefficient of Expansion with Press- ure , 97 Variation of the Coefficient of Expansion with Tem- perature 98 Coefficients of Expansion at Constant Volume fi=(- Y and Pressure Coefficients B = 101 Variation of the Coefficients B and (3 with Volume 104 Variation of the Coefficients B and fi with Temperature. 104 MEMOIR ON THE ELASTICITY AND THERMAL EXPANSION OF FLUIDS THROUGHOUT AN INTERVAL TERMINATING IN VERY HIGH PRESSURES BY E. H. AMAGAT PART I. METHODS OF MANIPULATION INTRODUCTION IN the Memoir which I publish to-day I have brought to- gether the whole of my researches on the expansion and com- pressibility of fluids,* in so far as they have occupied me dur- ing the last ten years. A part only of the results has been published in the Comptes Rendus de V Academic des Sciences; the experimental portions, moreover, were sketched with the utmost brevity compatible with clearness. The present researches for gases are a direct continuation of my earlier work on the same subject. In the latter the limits of pressure and of temperature employed were too narrow, and the number of isotherms mapped out not great enough to re- veal certain relations which appear very clearly in the present results. Such are, for example, the form of the isotherms in the region of the critical point which lay beyond the limits of my first group of curves ; furthermore, the contours of these * The parts of this great memoir referring to liquids will not be in- cluded in the present translation. 53 MEMOIRS ON curves in the region lying to the right of the locus of minimum ordinates, and in which the isotherms under very great press- ure seem to merge into straight lines, etc. As for liquids, the question was virtually untouched when these researches were begun. The increase of the coefficient of compressibility with temperature had been observed for some liquids, together with the contrary effect for water. I myself extended these results, in a memoir published in 1877, to a large number of liquids, and within limits of pressure and of temperature beyond any which had been applied at that time ; but the laws as a whole were yet to be investigated, the deter- mination of pressure coefficients was not even attempted, the data relative to the variation of the coefficient of compressibil- ity with pressure were altogether contradictory. Well-known treatises of physics even to-day contain errors in relation to this subject which surpass the limits of plausibility. Since that time, however, several important researches bearing on these phenomena have been published outside of France. The researches which I am about to describe have been made with a view towards reaching the highest attainable pressures, both for liquids and for gases. It is my purpose, furthermore, to make special investigations for the low pressures i.e., for the first one hundred or two hundred atmospheres, and there- after to co-ordinate them in such a manner as to give a com- plete presentation of the phenomena. Experiments devised to reach a thousand or several thousand atmospheres must at lower pressures of necessity show an inferior degree of accuracy than may be reached in experiments specially adapted to the latter. Circumstances have not permitted me to terminate this research, but the most difficult part of it is finished. In this place I may be permitted to say that the instruments which are to be described, as well as all others used in my re- searches for upwards of fourteen years (1877 to 1891), were con- structed, in the workshop attached to my department (service) at Lyons, by M. Gianotti (at present instrument -maker in Lyons). My tasks have, throughout, been singularly facili- tated both by his skill in construction and by the earnestness with which he aided me in the experimental work. Glass apparatus was made by M. Alvergniat, or by his suc- cessor, M. Chabaud. Indeed, all the apparatus, either of ordi- nary or of cut glass, which has been used in my experiments 54 THE LAWS OF GASES for twenty-five years or more, was constructed by these gentle- men. I need not further advert to their services, cheerfully rendered in the cause of science. I shall first describe the methods and the apparatus. They are of like construction, both for liquids and for gases, except as to the piezometer containing the fluid and the manner of charging it. I shall begin with the apparatus for pressure measurement. METHODS OF EXPERIMENTATION The Measurement of High Pressures " Manometre a Pistons Litres." When I undertook the present researches there was no in- strument available for the accurate measurement of pressure beyond the range within which it was customary to compare the well-known empiric pressure-gauges with the open ma- nometers. In practice closed gas manometers are subject to serious inconveniences. Moreover, they cannot be employed above 420 atmospheres, this being the upper limit of the meas- urements which I made, in 1878, with an open manometer in the shaft of the mine at Verpilleux. The principle of the instrument improperly called manometre de Desgoffe* solves the question theoretically; but the practical construction adopted was actually so defective that no reliance could be put on its indications. The manometers of the valve or plug type may perhaps render service in certain cases. M. Marcel Deprez has improved them by replacing for the first time, I believe the valve by a free plunger (piston litre), which does not allow water to pass except with extreme slowness. But these instruments even when perfected are not available in researches which cannot well be conducted without a pressure- gauge of continuous registry. The grave difficulty in the way of a realization of Gaily - Cazalat's idea is this : to make the pistons perfectly free to move while at the same time obviating leakage. For the large piston the difficulty is in a certain measure solved by the ad- * This instrument was invented by Gally-Cazalat ; constructed at first by Clair, then by Bianchi, and finally by Desgoffe. 55 y v- OF THB UNIVERSITY MEMOIRS ON dition of au india-rubber membrane. Nevertheless, this in- genious device is not quite beyond criticism ; for in the first place the sectional surface is badly determinate, while in the second the action of the membrane gives rise to an error which the operator must either endeavor to estimate or to obviate. In the first instruments which I constructed I retained the membrane design, but an index rigidly attached to the large piston enabled me to follow its motion, and, therefore, that of the membrane also. It was then my purpose to provide the apparatus with a regulating pump, which by injecting a vari- able quantity of liquid below the membrane would enable me to keep it always in the same horizontal plane, thus suppress- ing nearly completely the action referred to. Later I found it more advantageous to do away with the membrane altogether and to leave the large piston entirely free. To secure freedom from leakage, I found it sufficient to give the piston a suitable thickness and to replace the actuating water by a lubricating and at the same time slightly viscous liquid ; castor-oil is very serviceable for this purpose. The analogous difficulty remained for the case of the small piston, which, experiencing strong pressure in a leather-lined stuffing-box, moved only with difficulty and by jerks. It was necessary to make this piston free, like the first, but the con- dition of no leakage was here very much more difficult of at- tainment in spite of the small section. For while the large piston receives only the relatively small pressure of the counter- poising column of mercury, the enormous total pressure which is to be measured bears down upon the small piston. I suc- ceeded, however, in meeting the present difficulty by the identi- cal artifice i.e., by using a sufficiently viscous liquid, in this case molasses. Nevertheless, the function of this body is some- what different from that of the castor-oil : for while the oil con- tinually lubricates parts, oozing with extreme slowness between them in a way not to interfere with effective action, the mo- lasses penetrates the space around the piston supposed to be well oiled in advance with very great difficulty even at very high pressures. When the molasses has succeeded in penetrating and removing the oil, the apparatus still functions, although with loss of same of its original sensitiveness. It is then pref- erable to detach the small piston and to clean it. When the apparatus has been Adjusted with care, it is sufficient to place 56 THE LAWS OF GASES an object of even insignificant weight on the large piston to produce a corresponding small ascent of the column of mer- cury. The small piston is in general less sensitive, above all after the molasses has penetrated between it and the socket. Finally I succeeded in quite annulling the resistance due to friction by impressing on both pistons a slight movement of rotation. An analogous artifice has long been employed by FIG. 1. FREE-PISTON MANOMETER (Manometre d Pistons Libres). M. Bourdon to overcome the friction of the piston of the ap- paratus used in standardizing his spirals ; but while the leather- lined stuffing-box requires a rapid movement of rotation in order to obviate the friction of a tight fit, my apparatus needs only a slow and slight angular displacement of the pistons in order that the column of mercury may at once take its definite position of equilibrium. Fig. 1 gives a section of the apparatus. The liquid trans- mitting pressure arrives by the tube, c, through a channel in the 57 MEMOIRS ON piece of steel, b, screwed to the brass * lid, a. This piece secures the socket of tempered steel, d, holding it down free from leak- age by aid of round leather washers. The small piston, also of tempered steel, moves up and down in this socket. The parts are so fashioned that a small chamber, 00, is left below b. Into this the charge of molasses is to be put. The lower end of the small piston abuts against a small plane of tempered steel, which is seen in the figure, screwed to the centre of the large piston, P. A valve-screw, d' , may be raised to admit of the escape of air from below in adjusting the apparatus. Cir- cular grooves are cut equatorially around the outer walls of the large piston. The oil accumulates in these channels during its upward leakage, and finally reaches the hollow part or cup of the large piston. The latter moves up and down in a mas- sive envelope, also of brass. This is screwed down to a heavy trough of cast-iron, serving as the base of the apparatus, by a crown of square-headed bolts, and further secured to the lid, a, of the apparatus by a second crown of longer bolts. A key, not shown in the figure, may be attached to the large piston at its centre, for the purpose of withdrawing or of inserting it. In such a case the key replaces the small plane of steel. On the right side of the figure, and screwed to a lateral pro- jection of the trough, is the steel coupling carrying the glass tube in which the mercury column rises. This coupling con- sists of two parts : the lower part carries a stopcock, and thus the operator is able to remove the glass tube, even when the trough is charged, without spilling the mercury within it. At the left of the figure, and symmetrically placed, is the regu- lating pump, and this, for a reason similar to the one just given, also consists of separable parts with a stopcock in the lower. The channel by which the oil, H, is injected is prolonged by a tubulure extending upward much above the mercury surface, Jf, in order that this may under no condition reach the pump, which is of brass, and thus in danger of amalgamation. The angular movement of the two pistons is produced by the steel rod, mm', screwed f to the prolongation of the small pis- * In the case of instruments for measuring very high pressures, the strength of the brass bolt crown is insufficient ; the central part of the lid, as shown by the dotted lines, should be made of steel. f For pistons of very small diameter, this prolongation is enlarged and different in form. 58 THE LAWS OF GASES ton. This rod passes between two pins, i, screwed to the mar- gin of the large piston, arid leaves the apparatus through a win- dow in the upper part of the cylinder. Thus both pistons may be put into the same horizontal angular motion, which is trans- mitted by a simple arrangement not shown in the figure. The regulating pump makes it possible to keep the stem, mm', at a height such as will not interfere with the upper or lower edge of the window. Moreover, by an inverted action of the appur- tenances of the manometer, the pump maybe made to produce very considerable pressures above the small piston and in the space where the bodies subjected to experiment are placed ; it is often convenient to make use of this method to regulate the pressure at the moment of measurement. M. Vieille * has re- cently made a very happy application of this artifice, in con- nection with his studies on the behavior of the crushing ma- nometer (manometre-crusliers). If well constructed, my apparatus will give pressure -values of remarkable uniformity, the accuracy of which depends only on the sectional ratio of the two pistons. The sensitiveness can be increased at pleasure by increasing the value of this ratio and making use of a graded series of pistons. The ap- paratus which I used was provided with two large pistons, the one 6 centimetres and the other about 12 centimetres in di- ameter, together with a series of small pistons, the smallest being 5.527 millimetres in diameter. The absolute error is about the same throughout the whole scale of pressures. The relative error would become intoler- ably large if a few atmospheres only were to be measured, which, however, is beyond the purposes of the instrument. It is, nevertheless, my intention to construct a small model special- ly designed for the lower order of pressures, and I hope to find it relatively quite as reliable. On several occasions I made comparisons of data for the same pressures furnished simultaneously by two different free- piston manometers, or when one of these was replaced by a closed gas manometer. The agreement of the former was al- ways very satisfactory, but this was usually less so with the gas manometers. I do not hesitate to ascribe these discrepancies to the difficulty of manipulating the latter. Here is the com- * Memorial des Poudres et Salpetres, v. MEMOIRS ON parison of the free-piston manometer which I constructed in 1885 for M. Tait, with two nitrogen manometers and an air manometer. Pressures are given in atmospheres. TABLE 1. MANOMETERS NITROGEN PISTON NITROGEN PISTON AIR PISTON 226 Aim. 224: At m. 102 Atm. 103 Atm. 217 Atm. 215 Atm. 278 " 275 " 154 " 154 " 262 " 263 " 328 " 326 " 213 " 215 " 305 " 306 " 391 " 387 " 256 " 257 " 358 " 362 " 438 <{ 438 " 299 " 297 " 401 " 406 " 363 " 359 " 408 " 402 " Never did the comparisons of free-piston manometers present like divergencies. The following table contains a comparison between the re- sults given by a membrane manometer with but one free piston and a manometer with two free pistons : TABLE 2. MANOMETERS. MEMBRANE. TWO PISTONS. RATIO. 103 Atm.. , 102 Atm. . . 1.010 156 215 260 304 368 444 550 604 697 154 213 257 301 364 439 545 600 692 1.013 1.010 1.012 1.010 1.011 1.011 1.009 1.007 1.007 The agreement of piston and gas manometers improves when the latter are used under the best conditions. In Table 3 are the results of a comparison with an air and a nitrogen manometer, devised for very high pressures, much more sensitive than the above, and directly graduated for each gas by comparison with a column of mercury in one of the THE LAWS OF GASES towers of the Fourviere cathedral in Lyons that is, under the best conditions possible. The free-piston manometer was it- self so adjusted that fractions of an atmosphere were easily read off. TABLE 3. MANOMETERS AIR PISTONS NITROGEN PISTONS OPEN MANOMETER PISTONS 20.36 Atm. 26.32 Atm. 26.29 Atm. 26.50 Atm. 1.66 Atm. 1.74 Atm. 32,39 " 32.34 " 32,51 " 33.59 " 2.95 " 3.02 " 38.34 " 38.44 " 39.12 ' 39.21 " 5.07 " 5.16 " 44.98 " 45.00 " 45.77 ' 45.81 " 6.52 " 6.61 " 50.92 " 51.05 " 52.26 ' 52.41 " 57.37 " 57.50 " 58.12 ' 58.87 " 64.24 " 64.16- " 65.35 < 65.53 " 72,15 " 72,45 " 71.00 " 71.36 " Finally, in the last two columns, the table contains a com- parison, throughout a few atmospheres only, with an open mercury manometer, the errors of which may be regarded practically zero. The discrepancy is obviously inadmissible for pressures as small as these ; but for higher pressures, 50 or 60 atmospheres for example, the absolute error not becoming larger, the results are exceedingly satisfactory. For the series of measurements reading upward as far as 3000 atmospheres, I chose a pair of pistons such that one at- mosphere was equivalent to 1.601 millimetres of mercury at C. For the series limited by 1000 atmospheres, the equiva- lent height was 4.99 millimetres. In each case I selected those sectional ratios which gave me the highest attainable sensitive- ness for the case of a column of mercury 5.20 metres in height, the maximum elevation at my disposal. 2. APPARATUS FOR EXTREMELY HIGH PRESSURES Method of Electrical Contact. The methods of which I made use in my preceding re- searches do not admit of being carried much above 400 atmos- pheres. It is very difficult to obtain glass tubes which will resist interior pressures more intense than this. To solve this difficulty by plunging the piezometer bodily into a stronger 61 MEMOIRS ON cylinder, necessarily metallic and opaque, presents grave diffi- culties in regard to the reading of volumes. Otherwise it is the method of Oersted. The difficulty in question was first avoided by means of gravitational apparatus, or by covering the interior of the stem of the piezometer by a film which is dis- solved by the liquid transmitting the pressure, thus indicating the height to which it has been raised. These procedures have two serious defects : aside from the fact that they merely give the maximum of the height to which the liquid has been raised, they are quite impracticable for the construction of a regu- lar series. They have given rise to very grave errors. The method pursued for gases by Natterer, which consisted in com- pressing a known volume of gas into a given space, repeating the operation a great number of times and determining the pressure corresponding to each accession, is certain to be sur- rounded with great difficulties, and rapidly becomes quite im- practicable if one endeavors to raise the temperature. The work of Natterer is none the less extremely remarkable, par- ticularly if the time when it was done (1851) is called to mind. It is hard to explain why it has remained so long unknown in France. At the time when I began these researches that is, about 1882 M. Tait was engaged with a study of the compressibility of water, and he called my attention to the method of electric contacts which he employed in his researches. Among other things, I had also thought of this artifice, but I had as yet made no trial of it. Upon the recommendation of the eminent physicist I tried it at once ; and since then I have employed no other method, either for liquids or for gases, in all series of measurements carried to the highest attainable pressures and at temperatures not exceeding 50. Fig. 2 gives a sectional elevation of the apparatus construct- ed for these researches. The receiver, or barrel, GG, in which the piezometer is placed is a cylinder of steel 3 centimetres in diameter internally, and surrounded by a steel jacket, G'G', to a point about as far down as the bottom of the aperture within. The total outer diameter is 18 centimetres, the avail- able depth of the receptacle below the position of the upper junction is about 88 centimetres. The somewhat excessive pro- longation of the unjacketed breech has a special purpose to which I shall refer below. Pressure is transmitted by a charge THE LAWS O ES of water injected by a force-pump, and enters at D by way of the valve-coupling, i?, screwed to the upper part of .^fcne receiver on the right. When the pressure attains a certain value de- FIG. 3. \ J FIG. 2. FIG. 2. PRESSURE APPARATUS WITH ELECTRICAL CONTACTS. FIG. 3. PIEZOMETER FOR GASES. FIG. 4. PIEZOMETER FOR LIQUIDS. 63 FIG. 4. MEMOIRS ON pending on the upper limit which is to be reached, the screw- valve is closed, and compression is thereafter continued with the use of the device screwed to the head of the receiver. The central piece, A, is pierced by an aperture 16 millimetres in diameter, in which a cap-shaped leather washer, C (drawn in larger scale at the side), moves up arid down. This washer has the form of a little cylinder with a flat base. It is pushed for- ward by a rod of steel, P, advancing with slight friction and terminating in a cone at its upper end. Here the motion is impressed upon it by a steel screw, F, the threads of which are 2 millimetres apart and move in a nut of brass carried by a second hollow cylinder of steel, B, surrounding the central piece, A. This second cylinder is screwed to the jacketed re- ceiver, against which it presses the central piece, A, making a pressure-tight joint with it by the aid of a leather washer. The screw is actuated by a four -armed lever seen at the top of the apparatus. At the left, on the same level with the influx valve, there is a special attachment, F, of steel, adapted to carry the electric current into the piezometer, insulated from the body of the apparatus. This is attained by aid of a small cone of steel, K, preliminarily inserted into the channel within the piece, F, and which is wedged after having been surround- ed by a very thin, small conical shell of ivory, 00, insulating perfectly. Moreover, the taper of the cone is so directed that the internal pressure will force it into more intimate contact with its surroundings. The small steel cone joins the ends of the conducting wires, which are screwed into it in the manner detailed in the enlarged figure. This attachment has never shown the least trace of leakage. On a level with the influx valve and the attachment, F, there is still a third coupling, not shown in the figure, which puts the barrel in connection with the manometer (these three pieces are in reality placed so as to divide the circumference of the cylinder into three equal parts). The connecting tube is about 2 meters long and made up of three parts bored at the lathe, the last piece being afterwards bent down by forging. I at first employed thick tubes of drawn steel, but they burst at about 2000 atmospheres. The piezometer containing the fluid to be compressed is of a form shown separately in Fig. 3 for gases and in Fig. 4 for liq- uids. The stern carries a series of fine platinum wires laterally 64 THE LAWS OF GASES inserted into the glass and reaching as far as the middle of the bore. Between each thread there is inserted an electric resistance wrapped around the tube. These resistances are made up of wire covered with india-rubber, and a small part of each coil is exposed so as to be soldered to the corresponding- ends of the platinum wires. The whole is then covered by a wrapper, insulating perfectly even when plunged in mercury, and remaining sufficiently soft to insure an equal compression of the glass on opposite faces. When the piezometer is placed within the barrel, the upper terminal is joined to the prolonga- tion seen within the cone of the attachment, F, contact being thus completed throughout. When the mercury into which the lower end of the piezometer is plunged rises in the tube conformably with the increasing pressure, and just touches the first of the lateral platinum wires, the current may be closed between any part of the barrel or its metallic appurtenances and the conductor joined at the outer end of F. The jacketed part of the barrel is further enveloped by a spacious brass cylinder filled with ice or charged with water kept in circulation and issuing from special auxiliary apparatus adapted to secure constancy of temperature between and about 50 0. Entering near the bottom, the circulating water issues from a tubulure near the top. A thermometer shows its temperature. Two stopcocks, seen at the bottom of the water- jacket, facilitate influx. The bath is surrounded with wood sawdust, contained between the four braced timbers of oak, and kept in place by shutters not shown in the figure. The upper part is protected with felting. Details of Manipulation. Let the case of a liquid be first considered. The piezometer, Fig. 4, clean and dry, is filled with the liquid, which must have been boiled to remove the air in the usual way. This done, a column of mercury several centi- metres high is introduced at the lower end of the stern by aid of a funnel, the end of which has been drawn out to as long and fine a point as desirable. This end of the stem is then plunged into a small glass full of mercury, and the body of the piezometer carefully heated until the meniscus reaches the lower end. On cooling the mercury again rises, and the column so formed is very uniform and free from breaks due to the other liquid. Thereafter the stem is provided with a small cylindrical reservoir of steel, and the stem dips into the E 65 MEMOIRS ON mercury contained as shown in the figure. It is now neces- sary to find the mass of the liquid operated on. For this pur- pose the piezometer is submerged in a long test-tube of glass containing mercury at its lower end, into which the little steel reservoir is plunged. A current of water at constant tempera- ture is made to circulate in the test-tube, and when a state of thermal equilibrium has been reached the volume of the liquid is read off on a standardized scale etched into the lower part of the stem. The piezometer may now be put into the barrel of the pressure apparatus, also charged at its bottom with a sufficient quantity of mercury. The electric circuit is then completed, a spring-stop added to hold the piezometer in place, the attachments for the production of pressure screwed on, and all is now ready for making a series of measurements. In the case of gases, the following operations are necessary: The current of gas is passed into the piezometer, perfectly dry, and heated from time to time during the operation, and passed out through the fine point at the top. At suitable periods a sample of the gas is tested, and when the examination shows that the piezometer contains perfectly pure gas only, the point at the top is closed with the blow-pipe. Thereafter, without separating the piezometer from the purifying and drying train in which a small excess of pressure is kept in action, the pie- zometer is received and held vertically by a tube of brass in a special apparatus, which in turn is submerged in a glass trough supplied with a current of circulating water. When the tem- perature has become stationary, the normal pressure is again established in the dissicating trains, and the rubber tube con- necting this apparatus with the lower end of the piezometer, which alone is outside of the bath, is removed with caution. At the same time this end is plunged into a cistern of mer- cury. This operation to be well made requires some skill and practice. It is now only necessary to fit the small steel thimble to the lower end under mercury, and to place the piezometer in the barrel. All heating which may cause the gas to flow out during the adjustment is to be scrupulously avoided. It is obvious that the pressure of the barometer was taken at the required time, and that the mass of gas is thus perfectly determinate. All piezometers, whether adapted for liquids or for gases, were calibrated with mercury in such a way that the instant at which THE LAWS OF GASES the mercury touches one of the lateral platinum filaments of the tube is shown electrically precisely in the manner to be adopted during the experiments. The volumes given by the calibration tables are therefore quite identical with the corre- sponding measurements under pressure. For the gas piezometers, in particular, this standardization is a rather delicate operation because of the small volumes to be measured. I carried it out in two ways, directly in weight and indirectly in volume. By aid of a standard tube calibrated with great care and temporarily soldered to the stem carrying the platinum contacts, I measured the volume of mercury which is withdrawn from this stem while the column is made to glide from one contact to'the next. In this case the- small olive- shaped reservoir just below the upper point is calibrated sepa- rately. The point, though very fine, is itself calibrated from a fiducial mark onward, in order that the diminution of volume produced when the fine point is cut off and resoldered may be estimated, however small it may be. Plan of a Series of Measurements Fig. 5 shows the completed apparatus and its accessories. In the rear of the figure is the tank containing the water to be heated. Constancy of temperature is obtained by the aid of a crown burner of gas, a regulator, an influx tap, and an over- flow, all conveniently disposed. For the lower temperatures, water cooled down as far as zero in a refrigerator is raised to any desired degree of temperature by its passage through longer or shorter spirals kept within appropriate temperature baths. On the left is seen the large force-pump communicating with the corresponding stopcock and coupling. Quite in front is the free-piston manometer with the lower end of the mercury column. At the right, on a bracket, is the galvanometer, in- serted into the electric circuit to announce the galvanic con- tacts. It is seen at once how the first instant of contact is obtained. For the others I adopted the following arrange- ment : The current is branched and the galvanometer mounted differentially. One of the shunts passes through the resistances of the piezometer, a box of resistances, and a rheostat. The galvanometer is put back to zero after each contact, and these are unmistakably indicated by the suppression of a definite quantity of piezometer resistance whenever the contact is 67 MEMOIRS ON made. The force-pump is first to be actuated in order to completely fill the apparatus and to start the excess of internal FIG. 5. DISPOSITION OF APPARATUS FOR VKRY HIGH PUKSSUUKS pressure. To find the exact instant of contact use is made of the compressing screw,, which, moreover, is employed ex- 68 THE LAWS OF GASES clusively as soon as the pressures reach values of 400 to 500 atmospheres. When a contact is obtained it is necessary that the apparatus should return again to its initial temperature, since this has been changed by the thermal effect of compression. The initial conditions may be considered as established when, on breaking and reproducing the contact many times by means of small pressure increments slowly applied, it is found to recur uniform! vat the same pressure. This pressure is then marked with a fine chalk pencil on the scale of the mercurial column. The galvanometer is now set back to zero, while the compres- sion is continued as far as the next contact, progressing in like manner until the last contact is reached. Thereafter the series is repeated throughout in the opposite direction i.e., all con- tacts are passed again in a march of decreasing pressures. If the series has been carried to completion rather too rapid- ly, it will happen, owing to the inverse thermal effects during the periods of increasing and decreasing pressures, that the pressures observed in descending will be a little smaller, caet. par., than those observed in ascending. The difference is usually very small, and the mean may be taken. Its value at the same time is a criterion of the degree of accuracy guaran- teed. When the constancy of temperature in the apparatus has been exceptionally good, and if the observer has waited long enough at each contact, the pressures in the ascending series are exactly reproduced by the corresponding pressures in the descending series. This is the best proof which can be given of the trustworthiness of the instrument used in measuring pressures. Work may be done more expeditiously by completely sub- merging the piezometer in mercury. The thermal effect of compression is then small, and by reason of the good condition of mercury, the thermal equilibrium is re-established very quickly. In this case, however, the insulation of the resist- ances requires much greater care. When the cylinder and the piezometer are filled with water it is perfectly feasible to put in evidence the reversal of the thermal effect of compression on the respective sides of the temperature of maximum density of water. These operations, which require the concerted observation of MEMOIRS ON at least three persons, are long and tedious. A single series may extend over two, three, four hours, or even more, depend- ing on the number of contacts and supposing that no accident occurs. I stated above that the prolongation of the unjacketed breech of the steel cylinder seemed to be of excessive length. The reason of this design may be found in an accident which happened to me in the experiments in which oxygen was com- pressed as far as a maximum density above 1.25 (relative to water) at the temperature of 17 C. The cylinder was quite strong and filled with mercury.* Suddenly, with a strident noise, a jet of pulverulent mercury was hurled across the right section of the breech, striking the base of the apparatus, re- bounding thence to more than a metre in height in all direc- tions. The noise was like that produced by a jet of steam escaping from a boiler under high pressure. A right section of the column after being polished showed nothing in particu- lar when examined under the microscope. "We have thus en- countered the classical experiment of the rain of mercury through the pores of a body of steel about .08 metre thick. The pressure was certainly as high as 4000 atmospheres. The same apparatus under the same pressure did not admit of the exudation of a single drop of glycerine. It would doubtless have shown the same negative result for water and for other liquids. J^o similar accident occurred during the course of my work, so far as a flow normal to the section of the cylinders used is concerned. The reason why the thickness of the breech was increased to an extreme degree in the direction of the axis is, therefore, clear. I was induced to devise a jacketed cylinder in consequence of an accident of another kind. The first large cylinder of steel which I used (weighing 116 kg.) split apart along opposite generatrices throughout a considerable part of its length. Al- though there was neither projection nor separation of parts, nor any sudden issue of gas, the rupture was nevertheless ac- companied with a detonation of extreme violence. During a few moments the mercury escaped from the fissure, and I bad time to observe it in form of .a bright metallic plate 6 to 7 cen- *-Cvmpt8 RendiiH. March 2, 1885. 70 THE LAWS OF GASES timetres in breadth. It was owing to the occurrence of these two accidents that I added the steel jacket to the cylinder, as already described. 3. APPARATUS FOR HIGHER TEMPERATURES Method of Sights. It would be difficult to work at temperatures markedly higher than those for which the apparatus just described was designed. The mass of the jacketed steel barrel, the presence of the ap- pliances added at its top and which project outside of the bath, would make a uniform degree of high temperature very diffi- cult of attainment. The joints and the cap-shaped washer would no longer insure freedom from leakage. Finally and particularly, for the case of gases, the piezometer stems, fragile at best by reason of the inserted platinum filaments, would be- come prohibitively so, while the difficulties of an adequate in- sulation of the parts would in like measure greatly increase. The following design, which I shall call the method of sights (methode des regards), has enabled me to work as far as 360 C. It would even be possible to reach higher temperatures, in modifying the apparatus in the way which experience has suggested, but which I do not expect to apply at present. I have also thought it desirable to restrict the pressures within 1000 atmospheres, although in many trials I went much beyond this. The method may expediently be described together with the apparatus. The latter is represented in sectional elevation in Fig. 6. In the lower part of the apparatus the jacketed barrel, HH, of the preceding compressor will be recognized, although three breaks were needed to shorten the figure. At the top of this is fixed (as above) the apparatus for producing pressure, modified by the introduction of a cross of steel, A, A, F, F, forged and thereafter turned and pierced at the lathe throughout the axis of the arms. The horizontal arm, AA, carries the bolts, BB, screwed to its two extremities, suitably tubulated, in which the sights are cemented with marine glue. These are small cylinders of crown glass or of quartz, with good plane parallel faces, about 1 centimetre in diameter and 2 centimetres long. The joint with the gland is 71 MEMOIRS ON 4> S I J FIG. 6. APPARATUS FOR THE METHOD OF SIGHTS. FIG. 7. PIEZOMETER FOR LIQUIDS. FIG. 8. PIEZOMETER FOR GASES. 72 THE LAWS OF GASES sealed with a washer of celluloid. The piezometer is mounted symmetrically with the axis of the apparatus, and the figure shows a piezometer of gas in place. Its reservoir is submerged in mercury, which now partially fills the barrel. Its very long stem terminates above in a small olive-shaped reservoir ending in a fine point, as above. Below the enlargement is the gradu- ation, about 25 centimetres long and made of very delicate cir- cular marks narrowing towards the top. Little globular ex- pansions were blown out between them along the lower part of the stem, with the object of virtually increasing the total length of the graduated part. The piezometer is suspended from its upper end by aid of a small pad which is attached to it under the uppermost bulb, and sustained by the aid of a device, BB, CO, shown enlarged in a separate figure. This piece is connected at CC to an intermediate stem of glass joined in the same way at its upper extremity to a long rod of steel. The latter, after having traversed a stuffing-box charged with leather washers, is in its turn joined to the lower end of a long steel screw. This is movable in a socket of brass carried by the same coupling which receives the leather of the stuffing- box. The jacketed barrel, part of the barrel HH, is as usual provided with a stopcock (not shown), through which the in- itial pressures are applied in virtue of the force-pump. An- other tube communicates with the manometer. In place of the third coupling, which, in the former case, supplied the electric current, there is now a tube of steel leading to a special steel reservoir, to which the device for producing pressure, former- ly described, is suitably attached. High pressure is, therefore, brought to bear at this place by manipulating the lower screw. The method of experimentation will now be intelligible without much further explanation. By means of the screw at the top of the apparatus, the division -rings on the stem of the piezometer are successively placed in the line of sight. Thereupon pressure is applied until the meniscus appears flush with the division mark, and this pressure is registered. The readings are made with a reading telescope well centred in the line of sight, and the field of vision is illuminated with a simple gas-lamp placed on the opposite side in the same direc- tion. This light is quite sufficient as long as certain precau- tions are taken which I will now indicate. The injection water rapidly loses its transparency, particularly when the stem is 73 MEMOIRS ON heated. Keading thus becomes more impossible in proportion as the layer of liquid penetrated by the rays is thicker. To obviate this difficulty I at first placed cylinders of crown-glass, plane-parallel and perfectly transparent, throughout the whole length of the channel. Readings at the lower temperatures were then easily made, but at the higher temperatures the faces of the glass cylinder were rapidly attacked in the hot re- gions and after a time covered over with an opaque pulverulent layer, being thus completely corroded. Hence, in subsequent work I replaced the crown-glass cylinders in the hot parts of the tube by quartz cylinders with their faces normal to the axis. Readings could then be made without difficulty. Again, to avoid the decomposition of leather, which would have clouded the internal faces of the sight-cylinders, the joints in the nuts and valves were sealed with celluloid washers. The different temperatures at which it was proposed to in- vestigate were obtained by enveloping the arms of the cross, AF, by an appliance adapted to do service either as a water- bath or as a vapor-bath. The lower part of this surrounded the three arms permanently, the seal being made with red-lead. The upper part of the bath differed in form according to the uses to be made of it, and it was fitted into a shouldered rim in the lower part and held in place by friction. To obtain a vapor-bath an appliance with a two-chambered interior was at hand, provided with a perforated bottom. The condenser communicated with the tubulure F of the removable lid, which at the same time furnished a support for the ther- mometers. When a liquid bath was wanted, the partition was replaced by an agitator actuated by a small Gramme machine. Constancy of temperature was then obtained by suitably ad- justing the distance and the gas supply of the crown burner seen at the bottom of the bath. At D, under the leather stuffing-box, and at the extremities, BB, of the horizontal arms, small water- jackets were added, fed with a current of cold water. This prevented serious over- heating of the leather washers or of the mastic seals at the sights. The discharge water flows into the lower reservoir, keeping the joints of the cross, which are plunged in it, cold, and then escapes by a lateral tubulure. The result of this cooling is that under the stuffing-box, G, m particular, the cross reaches the temperature of the bath 74 THE LAWS OF GASES only at a considerable distance below the lid. I thought it worth while to make direct tests by using long, probelike ther- mometers specially made for this purpose, in order to be prop- erly guided as to the maximum height up to which the tip of the piezometer could be raised at any temperature without en- countering seriously reduced values. It would have been far preferable indeed, at higher temperatures, it would be abso- lutely necessary to close the cross immediately below the stuffing-box, and to produce the vertical displacement of the piezometer by means of an appropriate appliance attached at the lower end. All this is feasible, though not without diffi- culty. PRELIMINARY OPERATIOXS After what has been said relatively to the first method, only a few words are needed. The piezometers, Figs. 7 and 8, both for liquids and for gases, do not differ from those above de- scribed except as to the stems, which now carry the circular division marks in place of the platinum filaments formerly used. They are filled and the mass of the contents determined in identically the same way as before, but it is much more difficult to adjust them in place. This can only be done by a suitable pulley-block fastened to the ceiling, by means of which the cross may be raised or lowered without the least jolting. Even slight percussion would invariably break the stem of the piezometer. Constancy of temperature is now reached much more rapidly than in the preceding experiments, whether the environment be an ice-bath, a water or a vapor bath ; for the total mass which is to reach a stationary temperature distribution is enormously smaller. A full series of experiments is neverthe- less tediously prolonged, seeing that the number of division marks on the stem is so much larger than the number of plati- num filaments above. As far as 100 the temperatures were given by water-baths. A point very near 200 corresponds to the boiling-point of methyl benzoate, another at 260 to amyl benzoate. Many bodies were tested as to their availability in vapor-baths between 100 and 200. For 140 I employed xylene and ethyl acetate, but the results were less satisfactory than in the preceding cases. I was quite unable to obtain a perfectly constant temperature from xylene. The specific heat per unit of volume seems to be very small, and the heat 75 MEMOIRS ON transferred insufficient to compensate for the external losses. I shall therefore publish the series made at this temperature with this special reservation. In all the series of measurements made up to 100 by this method, I restricted the observations to an exact number of degrees, using thermometers for this purpose compared in ad- vance with a standard provided by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, and calibrated by M. Guillaume. They are reduced to the hydrogen thermometer by means of the table of M. Ohappuis. At 100 either a water-bath or a steam- bath was available. I have given the results for 100 exactly, the interpolation being insignificant and no error resulting from it. Temperatures above 100 were determined by means of ex- cellent thermometers of hard glass, constructed by M. Chabaud, who also made the piezometers. A preliminary comparison of these instruments with the hydrogen thermometer showed only very small differences, for which allowance was made through- out. There is no room here to give the data for this calibra- tion, as I had hoped to do; but I took into account the displace- ment of the zero mark by applying a special test .after each series of measurements. The variations of this point were small. However complicated the apparatus itself may appear, the measurements are made with facility, barring accidents, of course. The length of time consumed alone made them te- dious. When a division mark has been brought into the field of the telescope, pressure is applied until the mark is tangent to the mercury meniscus, which here appears as a dark demar- cation on a luminous background. The adjustment is easily made on compressing with the screw, and this, as in the pre- ceding work, was used exclusively whenever the pressures ex- ceeded a high value. Unfortunately, at high temperatures the action of the water eventually tarnishes the external surface of the graduated stem, and the meniscus appears blurred. Hence it is always necessary to stop after each series made at the higher temperatures, and take the apparatus apart in order to lightly repolish the stem. The operation is easily accom- plished with the aid of a polishing wheel, mounted on a lathe. The present corrosion, however, is not to be compared to simi- lar experiences with crown-glass mentioned above. It is for this reason that hard glass piezometers were selected. Pressures are measured in the way described above. Ob- 76 THE LAWS OF GASES viously, account must be taken of the temperature of the mer- cury column, of the height of the mercury in the piezometer above its level in the barrel, and of the position of this level relatively to the manometer. The measurement of small volumes is one of the difficulties of these researches. Without entering into any detail, I will simply state that allowance was made for the form of the me- niscus, and of its position with reference to the division mark during calibration and during the subsequent measurements. Only in the case of gases are the errors here in question to be apprehended. Their volumes diminish with extreme rapidity, even when the reservoirs are made as large as is compatible with the dimensions of the barrel. PART II. DATA FOR GASES The results summarized by the following tables were ob- tained in experiments of the kind just described. After adding all corrections, the pressures were first ex- pressed in atmospheres. To find the corresponding volumes, the piezometer may be supposed to be standardized at C., seeing that volume ratios alone are in question. Account must be taken, however, when necessary, of the temperature differ- ences occurring when the different parts of the piezometer (stem and reservoir) were calibrated. The corrections due to thermal expansion and to compression were afterwards applied in their turn. In my former researches I have given all the necessary data. Having found the mass of the fluid in the manner stated above, and recalling that the calibration is supposed to be cor- rect at zero, all the subsequent volumes are reduced to the value they would have if the given mass were that of unit of volume at C. and 1 atmosphere. My tables, without excep- tion, refer to this unit. Thereafter I constructed a series of curves corresponding to my data, in which pressures are the abscissas and the products, P V, of pressure and volume the ordinates. From these curves I selected a series of correlated values of PV, corresponding to groups of pressures differing in round numbers by 25, 50, or 100 atmospheres, and from them I deduced the values of V. For carbon dioxide and ethylene I batched the data in smaller pressure intervals because of the 77 MEMOIRS ON complex form of curve observed in the region of the critical point. Supplementary tables are here given. The data for the pressure coefficient are taken directly from the curves. It sufficed to draw the lines of equal volume, which, under present circumstances, are straight lines passing through the origin, and then to read off the pressures at which these lines cut the successive isotherms. The curves were drawn either as a whole or by distributing them on sheets of millimetre cross-section paper, stretched on a large drawing- board more than 2 meters broad. The gases studied are oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, air, car- bon dioxide, and ethylene. The last were operated on by the method of sights only ; the other gases by both methods. RESULTS OBTAINED BY THE FIRST METHOD (Method of Electric Contacts) I will begin with the results of the first method. The num- bers relating to pressures below 500 atmospheres belong to the series of data obtained by the second method. The series found by the method of contacts does not begin until above 500 or 600 atmospheres. The other results are reproduced here so as to give completed series at zero. TABLE 4 OXYGEN C. C. 15.6 C. HYDR C. QO C. OGEN 15.4 C. 47.30 C. p PV FX10 FX106 PV FX 106 FX 106 FxlOe Aim. 1 1.0000 10 6 1 0000 10 6 100 .9265 9265 1.0690 10690 200 .9140 4570 1.1380 5690 300 .9625 3208 1 2090 403000 400 1.0515 2629 1.2830 320700 500 1.1570 2314 1.3565 271300 600 1.2702 2117 2228 1.4322 2387 700 1.3867 1981 2075 1.5050 2150 2234 800 1.5040 1880 1959 1.5760 1970 2046 900 1.6200 1800 1871 1.6515 1835 1895 _ 1000 1.7360 1736 1800 1.7250 1725 1778 1893 1100 1.8502 1682 1740 1.8007 1637 1685 1785 1200 1.9620 1635 1689 1.8690 1557.5 1604 1694.5 1300 2.0722 1594 1645 1.9383 1491 1533 1617.5 1400 2.1798 1557 1605 2.0048 1432 1472 1551 1500 2.2890 1526 1571 2.0700 1380 1418 1493 1600 2.3960 1497.5 1540 2.1352 1334.5 1370 1442 1700 2.5024 1472 1513.5 2.20065 1294.5 1326 1396 78 THE LAWS OF GA TABLE 4. Continued OXYGEN HYDROGEN C. C. 15. 6 C. QO C. C. 15. 4 C. 47.3 C. P PV FXlO* FX106 PV FX106 FX 10 FX106 Atm. 1800 2.6073 1448.5 1488.5 2.2644 1258 1288 1354 1900 2.7113 1427 1465 2.3275 1225 1254.5 1316 2000 2.8160 1408 1444 2.3890 1194.5 1222.5 1280.5 2100 2.9190 1390 1424 2.44965 1166.5 1194 1249 2200 3.0217 1373.5 1406 2.5102 1141 1168.5 1220 2300 3. 1234 1358 1390 2.5714 1118 1144.5 1194.5 2400 3.2244 1343.5 1374 2.6340 1097.5 1122.5 1170.5 2500 3.32375 1329.5 1360 2.6950 1078 1101 1148 2600 3.4229 1316.5 1346 2.7547 1059.5 1082.5 1126.5 2700 3.5208 1304 1332 2.8134 1042 1063 1107 2800 3.6176 1292 1319.5 2.8686 1024.5 1045 1088 2900 3.7120 1280 1307 1028 1071 3000 1296 1012.8 TABLE 5 NITKOGE C. C. N 16.0 C. 43. 6 C. A C. C. IR 15. 7 C. 45.10C. PV FX io FX106 FX 106 PV FX 106 FX 106 FX 106 1.0000 10 6 _ 1.0000 10 6 .9910 9910 .9730 9730 1.0390 5195 ' 1.0100 5030 1.1360 3786 1.0975 3658 1.2570 3142 1.2145 3036 1.3900 2780 1.3400 2680 1.5260 2543 1.4700 2450 1.6625 2375 1.6037 2291 2384 1.8016 2252 2331 1.7368 2171 2251.5 2387.5 1.9368 2152 2224 2354 1.8675 2075 2147 2271 2.0700 2070 2134 2242 1.9990 1999 2061.5 2176.5 2.20385 2003.5 2062 2162 2.1329 1939 1992 2097 2.3352 1946 2000 2095 2.2596 1883 1933 2030 2.46545 1896.5 1945 2035 2.3842 1834 1880 1970 2.5942 1853 1897 1982 2.5081 1791.5 1834 1917 2.72025 1813.5 1854 1933 2.6310 1754 1793.5 1871.5 2.8456 1778.5 1818 1891.5 2.7528 1720.5 1757 1832.5 2.9665 1745 1784 1853.5 2.87385 1690.5 1725 1796.5 3.0861 1714.5 1752 1817.5 2.9916 1662 1695 1762.5 3.20815 1688.5 1724.5 1787.5 3.1103 1637 1668 1733 3.3270 1663.5 1699 1758.5 3.2260 1613 1643 1705 3.4461 1641 1675 1731.5 3.34005 1590.5 1629 1678.5 3.5640 1620 1653 1707 3.4540 1570 1598 1654 3.6823 1601 1632 1683.5 3.56615 1550.5 1578 1632.5 38004 1583.5 1613.5 1663.5 3.6804 1533.5 1559.5 1612 3.9200 1568 1596 1644 379125 1516.5 1542 1593.5 4.0378 1553 1579 1626 3.9000 1500 1525 1575.5 4.1553 1539 1564 1608 4.00815 1484.5 1510 1557.5 4.2700 1525 1549.5 1592 4.1146 1469.5 1495 1541 4 3558 1502 1536 1577 42195 1455 1480.5 1525 4.4970 1499 1522.5 1563 43230 1441 1466 1509.5 Atm. 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 79 MEMOIRS ON The following tables contain the data needed for the calcula- tion of the pressure coefficients. They show the pressures at which the unit of mass occupies the volumes given in the first column at the stated temperatures : TABLE 6. PRESSURES AT CONSTANT VOLUME CONSTANT VOLUME OXYGEN 0C. 15. 6 C. CONSTANT VOLUME HYDRC oc. >GEN 15.4 C. 47.3 C. FxlO 6 2117 1880 1736 1635 1497.5 1408 1343.5 1304 Aim. 600 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 2400 2700 Aim. 669 888 1106 1325 1765 2188 2618 2925 FxlO 6 1725 1557.5 1380 1258 1194.5 1097.5 1024.5 Aim. 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2400 2800 Aim,: 1055 1264 1579 1889 2099 2518 1925 Atm. 1164 1390 1737 2071 2300 2746 CONSTANT VOLUME NITRO< 0('. ^EN 16.0 C 43.6 C. CONSTANT VOLUME All oc. i 15.7 C. 45.1 C. FxlO 6 Atm. Atm. Atm. FxlO 6 Atm. Atm. Atm. 2070 1000 1088 1239 2171 800 876 1007 1946 1200 1298 1474 1999 1000 1089 1250 1813.5 1500 1613 1812 1883 1200 1295 1474 1714.5 1800 1937 2168 1754 1500 1610 1828 1663.5 2000 2150 2401 1662 1800 1924 2166 1583.5 2400 2572 2858 1613 2000 2131 2394 1525 2800 2990 1533.5 2400 2552 2846 RESULTS OBTAINED BY THE SECOND METHOD (Method of Sights) The following tables of results obtained by the second method are arranged like the preceding, except that only the products P V are given for all the series : 80 THE LAWS OF GASES TABLE 7. OXYGEN" Atm. 1 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 oc. 15.65 C. 99.500 C. 199.50 c. PV FX106 PV FX106 PV Fxios PV FXIO 1.0000 10 6 .9265 9265 1.0045 10045 1.3750 13750 .9135 6090 .9920 6613 1.3820 9213 1.8000 12000 .9140 4570 .9945 4972 1.4000 7000 1.8190 9095 .9315 3726 1.0135 4054 .4240 5696 1.8500 7400 .9625 3208 1.0420 3473 .4530 4843 1.8850 6283 1 0040 2869 1.0800 3086 .4900 4257 1.9220 5491 1.0515 2629 1.1250 2812 .5320 3830 1.9610 4902 1.1025 2450 1.1750 2611 .5760 3502 2.0040 4453 1.1560 2312 1.2270 2454 .6220 3244 2.0500 4100 1.2120 2204 1.2815 2330 .6690 3035 2.0950 3809 1.2690 2115 1.3370 2228 .7200 2867 2.1420 3570 1.3275 2042 1.3940 2144 .7725 2727 2.1910 3371 1.3855 1979 1.4515 2073 .8270 2610 2.2415 3202 1.4440 1925 1.5080 2011 .8810 2508 22920 3056 1.5030 1879 1.5660 1957 .9340 2417 2.3430 2929 1.5615 1841 1 6240 1911 1.9875 2338 2.3950 2812 1.6200 1800 1.6820 1869 2.0415 2268 2.4465 2718 1.6780 1766 1.7400 1831 2.0960 2206 2.4980 2629 1.7355 1735 1.7980 1798 2.1510 2151 TABLE 8. HYDROGEN p oc. 15.50 C. 99.25C. 200. 25 C. PV Fxioe PV FX106 PV FX106 PV FX106 Atm. 1 1.0000 10 6 100 1.0690 10690 1.1290 11290 150 1.1030 7353 1.1630 7753 1.4770 9846 1.8480 12320 200 1.1380 5690 1.1980 5990 1.5135 7567 1.8840 9420 250 1.1730 4692 1.2350 4940 1.5500 6200 1.9200 7680 300 12090 4030 1.2685 4228 1.5860 5286 1.9560 6520 350 1.2460 3560 1.3050 3728 1.6225 4636 1.9930 5694 400 .2830 3207 1.3410 3352 1.6590 4147 2.0300 5075 450 .3200 2933 1.3780 3062 1.6950 3766 2.0670 4593 500 .3565 2713 1.4150 2830 1.7310 3462 2.1050 4210 550 .3935 2533 1.4520 2640 1.7675 3214 2.1400 3891 600 .4315 2386 1.4890 2482 1.8040 3006 2 1762 3627 650 1.4685 2259 1.5260 2347 1.8400 2831 2.2120 3403 700 1.5045 2149 1.5620 2231 1.8760 2680 2.2480 3211 750 1.5400 2053 1.5985 2131 1.9130 2551 2.2840 3045 800 1.5775 1972 1.6340 2042 1.9490 2436 2.3200 2900 850 1.6140 1879 1.6690 1964 1.9860 2336 2.3560 2772 900 1.6490 1832 1.7060 1896 2.0210 2244 2.3915 2657 950 1.6850 1774 1.7410 1832 20660 2174 1000 1.7200 1720 1.7760 1776 2.0930 2093 81 MEMOIRS ON TABLE 9. NITROGEN p oc. 16.03 C. 99.45C. 199.500 C . PV Fxioe PV FXIO PV FX106 PV FX10 Aim. 1 1.0000 10' 100 .9910 9910 1.0620 10620 150 1.0085 6723 1.0815 7210 1.4500 9666 1.8620 12410 200 1.0390 5195 .1145 5572 1.4890 7445 1.9065 9532 250 1.0825 4330 .1575 4630 1.5376 6150 1.9585 7834 300 1.1360 3786 .2105 4035 1.5905 5301 2.0145 6715 350 1.1950 3414 .2675 3621 1.6465 4703 2.0730 5923 400 1 2570 3142 .3290 3322 1.7060 4265 2.1325 5331 450 1.3230 2940 .3940 3098 1.7665 3924 2.1940 4875 500 1.3900 2780 .4590 2918 1.8275 3655 2.2570 4514 550 1.4585 2652 .5265 2775 1.8900 3436 2.3200 4218 600 1.5260 2543 .5945 2657 1 9545 3258 2.3840 3973 650 1.5935 2452 .6615 2556 2.0200 3108 2.4485 3613 700 1.6615 2374 .7290 2470 .0865 2980 2.5125 3589 750 1.7300 2307 .7975 2397 2.1535 2871 - 2.5765 3435 800 1.7980 2247 1.8655 2332 2.2200 2775 2.6400 3300 850 1.8660 2195 1.9330 22,74 2.2865 2690 2.7060 3184 900 1.9340 2149 2.0015 2224 2.3540 2616 2.7715 3079 950 2.0015 2107 2.0690 2178 2.4230 2550 2.8380 2987 1000 2.0685 2068 2.1360 2136 TABLE 10. AIR P C. 15.70 C. 99.40 C. 200. 4 C. PV FXIO PV Fxio PV FX106 PV FX106 Aim. 1 1.0000 10 6 100 .9730 9730 1.0460 10460 1.4030 14030 150 .9840 6560 .0580 7053 1.4310 9540 1.8430 12290 200 1.0100 5050 .0855 5427 .4670 7335 1.8860 9430 250 1.0490 4196 .1260 4504 .5110 6044 1.9340 7736 300 1.0975 3658 .1740 3913 .5585 5195 1.9865 6622 350 1.1540 3297 .2250 3500 .6085 4596 2.0410 5831 400 1.2145 3036 .2835 3209 .6625 4156 20960 5240 450 1.2765 2837 .3460 2991 .7200 3822 2.1530 4785 500 1.3400 2680 1.4110 2822 .7815 3563 2.2110 4422 550 1.4040 2553 1.4740 2680 1.8440 3353 2.2700 4127 600 14700 2450 1.5375 2563 1.9060 3177 2.3300 3883 650 1.5365 2363 1.6015 2464 1.9670 3026 2.3900 3677 700 1.6020 2288 1.6670 2381 2.0300 2900 2.4515 3502 750 1.6690 2225 1.7340 2312 2.0930 2790 2.5130 3351 800 1.7345 2168 1.8000 2250 2.1555 2694 2.5750 3219 850 1.7990 2116 1.8655 2194 2.2180 2609 2.6370 3102 900 1.8640 2071 1.9300 2144 2.2830 2537 2.7000 3000 950 1.9280 2030 1.9960 2101 2.3490 2473 2.7640 2903 1000 1.9920 1992 2.0600 2060 2.4150 2415 2.8280 2828 82 THE LAWS OF GASES I shall insert here also certain supplementary results obtained from these curves, which will be found useful in correcting the readings of gas manometers. To these I append the results of experiments made in 1864 at Fourvieres with the same end in view : TABLE 10 (2). VOLUMES (Same Unit of Mass as Heretofore) p OXYGEN AT 15.65 0. FxlO 6 H YDROGEN AT 15.50 C. FxlO 6 NITROGEN AT 16 05 C. FxlO 6 AIR AT 15.70 C. FxlO 6 125 Aim. 175 " 225 " 275 " 325 " 375 " 425 " 475 " 7976 ' 5663 4456 3735 3261 2939 2706 2528 9168 6746 5411 4552 3959 3528 3199 2940 8560 6255 5044 4298 3790 3460 3205 3003 8400 6114 4907 4178 3689 3343 3094 2900 TABLE 11. EXPERIMENTS AT FOURVIERES (Values of PV at \) PRESSURES IN METERS ,76 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 NITROGEN AIR 1.0000 1.0000 .9930 .9901 .9919 .9876 .9908 .9855 .9899 .9832 .9896 .9824 .9895 .9815 .9897 .9808 .9902 .9804 .9908 .9803 .9913 .9807 83 MEMOIRS ON TABLE 12. DATA FOR THE COMPUTATION OF THE COEFFI- CIENTS OF PRESSURE (Pressure at Constant Volume) CONSTANT OXYGKN CONSTANT HYDROGEN VOLUME 0C. 16.65C. 99.50C. 199. 50 C. VOLUME C. 15.5C. 99.25C. 2(;0.2CC. rxio 6 Atm. Atm. Atm. Atm. FX10 Aim. Atm. Atm. Atm. 9205 100 108 149 196 10690 100 106 137 174 6090 150 163 233 312 7353 150 159 207 262 4570 200 219 322 437 5690 200 212 276 351 3726 250 276 415 566 4692 250 265 345 439 3208 300 332 508 698 4030 300 318 414 528 2869 350 388 598 827 3560 350 370 482 614 2629 400 446 691 3207 400 423 551 700 2450 450 502 781 2933 450 476 620 788 2312 500 558 868 2713 500 530 688 874 2204 550 624 953 2533 550 582 756 2386 600 635 824 2259 650 687 891 , 2149 700 741 960 CONSTANT VOLUME NITROGEN CONSTANT VOLUME AIR 0C. 16.03C. 99.4. r >oc. 199.5 C. oc. 15.70C. 99.40C. 200.40 C. FX106 Atm. Atm. Atm, Atm. FX10 Atm. Atm. Atm. Atm. 9910 100 107 146 192 9730 100 107 146 193 6723 150 162 225 299 6560 150 162 227 303 5195 200 217 307 414 5050 200 217 310 420 4330 250 273 392 530 4196 250 373 395 538 3786 300 328 474 644 3658 300 329 479 655 3414 350 383 556 758 3297 350 383 564 770 3142 400 439 637 869 3036 400 439 646 881 2940 450 494 718 2837 450 495 728 993 2780 500 548 797 2680 500 550 807 2652 550 602 875 2553 550 603 887 2543 690 656 957 2450 600 658 970 The following tables relative to carbon dioxide and ethylene contain the .valueSxOi .the products P V only : THE LAWS OF GASES TABLE 13. VALUES OF PV FOR CARBON DIOXIDE p oc. 10 C. 20 C. 30 C. 40 C. 50 C. 60 C. Atm. 1 1.0000 50 .1050 .1145 .6800 .7750 .8500 .9200 .9840 75 .1530 .1630 .1800 .2190 .6200 .7470 .8410 100 .2020 .2130 .2285 .2550 .3090 .4910 .6610 125 .2490 .2620 .2785 .3000 .3350 .3950 .5100 150 .2950 .3090 .3260 .3460 .3770 .4190 .4850 175 .3405 .3550 .3725 .3930 .4215 .4570 .5055 200 .3850 .4010 .4190 .4400 .4675 .5000 .5425 225 .4305 .4455 .4655 .4875 .5130 .5425 .5825 250 .4740 .4900 .5100 .5335 .5580 .5865 .6250 275 .5170 .5340 .5545 .5775 .6040 .6330 .6675 300 .5595 .5775 .5985 .6225 .6485 .6765 .7100 350 .6445 .6640 .6850 .7090 .7365 .7650 .7980 400 .7280 .7475 .7710 .7950 .8230 .8515 .8840 450 .8090 .8310 .8550 .8800 .9075 .9365 .9690 500 .8905 .9130 .9380 .9630 .9900 1.0210 1.0540 550 .9700 .9935 1.0200 .0465 1.0740 1.1035 1.1370 600 1.0495 1.0730 1.0995 .1275 1.1570 1.1865 1.2190 650 1.1275 1.1530 1.1800 .2075 1.2375 1.2680 1.3010 700 1.2055 1.2320 1.2590 .2890 1.3190 1.3500 1.3825 750 1.2815 1.3105 1.3395 .3700 1.4000 1 4315 1.4640 800 1.3580 1.3870 1.4170 .4475 1.4790 1.5105 1.5435 850 1.4340 1.4625 1.4935 .5245 1.5570 1.5885 1.6225 900 1.5090 1.5385 15685 .6000 1.6325 1.6650 1.6995 950 1.5830 1.6115 1.6430 6740 1.7065 1.7395 1.7745 1000 1.6560 1.6850 1.7160 1.7480 1.7800 1.8140 1.8475 r 70 C. 80 C. 90 C. ]00C. 137 C. 198 C. 258 C. Atm. 1 50 1.0430 1.0960 1.1530 1 2065 1.3800 _ 75 .9180 .9880 1.0515 1.1180 1.3185 1.6150 1.8670 100 .7770 .8725 .9535 1.0300 1.2590 15820 1.8470 125 .6430 .7590 .8580 .9470 1.2050 1.5530 1.8310 150 .5750 .6805 .7815 .8780 1.1585 1.5295 1.8180 175 .5730 .6515 .7410 .8320 1.1230 1.5100 1.8095 200 .5955 .6600 .7315 .8145 1.0960 1.4960 1.8040 225 .6285 .6815 .7460 .8175 1.0835 1.4890 1.8035 250 .6670 .7135 .7690 .8355 1.0810 1.4870 1.8060 275 .7070 .7515 .8015 .8600 1.0885 1.4875 1.8115 300 .7485 .7900 ,8375 .8900 1.1080 1.4935 1.8200 350 .8325 .8725 .9135 .9615 1.1565 1.5210 1.8465 400 .9180 .9560 .9660 1.0385 1.2175 1.5630 1.8830 450 1.0035 1.0400 1.0775 1.1190 1.2880 1.6160 1.9280 500 1.0880 1.1240 1.1610 1.2005 1.3620 1.6775 550 1.1720 1.2085 1.2430 1.2830 1.4400 1.7450 600 1.2540 1.2900 1.3265 1.3655 1.5180 ' 1.8120 650 1.3360 1.3725 1.4085 1.4475 1.5960 1.8835 700 1.4170 1.4535 1.4900 1.5285 1.6760 1.9560 750 1.4985 1.5335 1.5705 1.6100 1.7565 2.0330 800 1.5780 1.6140 1.6505 1.6890 1.8355 21080 850 1.6575 1.6925 1.7285 1.7680 1 9150 21860 900 1.7345 1.7710 1.8075 1.8460 1.9940 2.2600 950 1.8100 1 8470 1.8845 1.9230 2.0720 2.8350 1000 1.8840 1.9210 1.9590 1.9990 85 MEMOIRS ON Atm. 31 33 34 35 37 40 44 45 48 50 53 55 56 57 60 65 68 70 71 72 73 74 75" 78 80 85 95 100 110 TABLE 14. CARBON DIOXIDE (Supplementary Table for Values of PV) 100 200 30 32 350 400 50 600 700 80 90 1000 .7380 7 1 on 7860 . f IzU . 6990 .0750 ^7640 .8350 _ .0790 .7420 .8170 .8820 __ .7060 .7895 .8590 .8750 .8920 .9235 .6530 .7490 .1050 .7380 .8190 .8350 .8555 .8880 .9520 1.0110 1.0660 .7060 .7930 .8670 .9330 .9950 1.0520 1.1050 .1145 .6800 .7750 .7920 .8155 .8525 .9210 .9840 1.0430 1.0980 1.1535 1.2070 .6370 .7460 .8300 .9020 .9680 1.0280 1.0850 1.1420 1.1960 .6050 .7260 .7455 .7720 .8135 .8890 .9570 1.0185 1.0760 1.1340 1.1785 .5850 .1480 .1520 .6680 .6935 .7245 .7720 .8555 .9285 .9940 1.0540 1.1130 1.1710 .5950 .6290 .6690 .7260 .8200 .8990 .9690 1.0325 1.0930 1.1530 .5350 .5780 .6310 .6950 .7970 .8810 .9530 1.0190 1.0810 1.1420 .4700 2300 .5400 .6020 .6730 .7820 .8685 .9430 1.0100 1.0730 1.1350 ~ _ .2230 .4910 .4600 .2190 .4050 .5310 _ _ .2190 .2680 .5100 .6130 .7410 .8360 .9170 .9880 1.0535 1.1180 _ .2205 .2410 .4200 _ _ _ _ .2225 .3180 .5400 .7000 .8030 .8900 .9660 1.0335 1.1005 2810 5030 _ _ _ _ .2670 .4350 6510 .7690 .8630 .9425 1.0135 1.0835 .2650 .3410 .5990 .7340 .8350 .9190 .9935 1.0655 .3140 .5460 .6980 .8060 .8960 .9735 1.0480 .3090 .4910 .6610 .7770 .8720 .9540 1.0305 .3130 .4170 .5880 .7210 .8240 .9140 .9970 [Tor Table 15, see p. 87.] TAI P JLE 1 6. 50 3UPP 7.50 LEMJ 10 EKT^ 20 LEY 30 VALL 40 'ES C 50 >F PI 60 7 FOI T0 1 ET1 80 IYLE 90 NE 100 Atm. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4i> 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 58 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 .6340 .6165 .5955 .5330 .1610 .1570 .1580 .1600 .1645 .1095 .1755 .1810 .2025 .2425 .2565 ,3100 .6490 .6155 .6735 .6425 .6820 .6685 - - - - .5730 .5470 .5150 .4770 .1890 .1850 . 1855 . 1875 . 1900 .1945 .2050 .2145 .2535 .6085 .6370 .7320 - - - - - .5675 .5100 .4670 .3300 . 2150 .2075 .2060 .6030 .5620 .5075 .4700 .4200 .2900 .2400 .6980 .6840 .6290 .5975 .7310 .8300 .8140 .8865 - \ - - - .2090 .2125 .5180 .2290 .2270 .2285 .2315 .2655 .2785 .3303 .5610 .5235 .4805 .4300 .3310 .3110 .3110 .3165 .3370 .3 GOO .6905 .6195 .5500 .4830 .4300 .3990 .3915 .4030 .7810 .7285 . 6805 .6310 .5805 .5390 .4875 .4710 86 .8595 .8170 .7430 .7045 .6660 .6060 .5665 .9290 .8925 .8315 .8000 .7670 .7090 .6680 .9850 .9630 .9090 .8815 . 8555 .8035 .7620 1.0285 .9795 .9550 .9310 .8840 .8465 1.0920 1.0260 1.0050 .9265 1.1530 1.0940 1.0755 1.0050 THE LAWS OF GASES OOiOOOOiOOiOO*OO*OOiOOifci>O-<2:Oi6SO-3OTh- l ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOxOOiOOiOOtO *a *o i& M Oh- l l L tT> o o co oo GO - oo tc <% Or Oi O< Oi O< O( O Oi O O Ot Or Ot Or O O Ot O O Ot O Ot Or Ot c ^ ^ O O Oi O O U O( OT h- 1 O O O O O O Ci S^OO-^-^JOtOCGOOi^GiOr ? 6 O O O O< O O O O Ot O Ot Oi O O* O O O"? O< O O O Oi Oi O Or O - ^O^>CC>^C' OT O Ot O O O O CO CO W tfi I- 4 H* Q CO OS 1 T-I so d | r-i TH GQOJ>-OCQCOrHCOOrHCO OS O O} JO JO JO JO TH TH rH CO CO C5 SOBi 'OSOOCOCOt-OOJOOQ I TH CO JO JO CO t- 00 00 OS JO t- JO TH Tfl t^ 5 id JO -H co cd cb i> JO <* CO o ^* oo ^ ^^^( gCOOOCOOOO^GQOO >- {> TH 10 -^ CO CD r^' JO CO r-i^OO-^COOS'-i ' TH rH GO CO JO i> ^ 70 CO (M JO JO JO O7 rH CO JO O7 00 C5 CO ft ^ O IsjCOCOWrHQOCOOOO S j -S od t-- ^ co o o co r-' i H ^ pi. ^3 ^ ift ft H r-' o 11 o co co oo' os OOOOS'HCOOJOTf OS CQ Oi rH JO CO TH rH J '-H^rHOS rH T 1 CO CO ~ O C7 (75 00 CQ O (M W *O to o co c-i o co o THE LAWS OF GASES EXAMINATION OF THE KESULTS General Laws An inspection of the above results will lead to inferences similar in a general way to those which I adduced in my memoir of 1881. I shall now, moreover, be able to examine a 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 Atm. P.100 200 300 400 500 600 FIG. 9. 700 800 900 1000 great number of moot points, relative to which no decision could certainly have been made by aid of investigations no more extensive than those heretofore available. It did not seem necessary to give all the curves for the divers MEMOIRS ON gases, seeing that the principal types were drawn in full in my first research. The group of isotherms for carbon dioxide graphically represented within the limits actually reached suf- fice for exhibiting the results in their general features. The first diagram (Fig. 9) shows the isotherms for this gas, when the pressures are laid off as abscissas and the products PFas ordinates. The second diagram (Fig. 10) shows the region in 2.00 1 T.75 _ 1.50 1.25 J.OO 0.75 0.50 - 0.25 Atm. P. 25 250 the neighborhood of the critical point with more detail. The part of the isotherms represented by dotted lines has been added merely to round off the figures. They have not been made the subject of measurement in the present paper, except- ing the lines for 32 and 35, which are dotted throughout. At temperatures lower than the critical point, a part of the isotherms is in the form of straight vertical lines, correspond- ing to liquefaction. These did not occur in my first group of curves, which began at 35. The ordinates of the extremities of each straight part show 90 THE LAWS OF GASES the volume in the liquid state and the corresponding volume of the saturated vapor, and hence, also, the densities of the two states, respectively. The locus of these points is Andrews's curve of liquefaction, and has been traced in the second dia- gram (Fig. 10). Another dotted curve, recalling, as does the preceding, the form of a parabola between the limits of con- struction, is the locus of the points of minimum ordiriates, P V. The abscissas of this curve pass through a maximum, as was to be anticipated from the facts which I have already indicated elsewhere i.e., for gases in a region remote from their critical points, like methane, air, nitrogen, the abscissa of the mini- mum ordinate shows a retrograde march for continually in- creasing temperatures, an inversion of what took place in the case of carbon dioxide within the field to which I was then re- stricted. The following table gives the maximum vapor ten- sion, the pressure corresponding to the minimum ordinates at the different temperatures, as well as the value of PFat that ordinate for the gases oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethyl ene : TABLE 19 VALUES OF PV VAPOR TENSION T CARBON DIOXIDE ETHYLENE OXYGEN CARB. DIOX ETHY- LENE P PV P PV P PV P P ~"c~ Aim. Aim. Aim. Aim. Aim. 34.5 .0740 42 .1570 175 .9120 34.4 40.6 5 47.5 .1850 45.5 7.5 51.5 .2055 48.1 10 44.5 .1035 55.7 .2270 44.4 51.1 15 165 .9910 . 20 56.8 .1475 72 .3095 56.4 . 30 76 .2185 87 .3900 70.7 40 101 .3083 101 .4700 50 125 .3465 114 .5485 60 143 .4830 125 .6245 70 162 .5690 135 .7030 80 179 .6500 145 .9750 90 196 .7310 153 .8490 100 210 .8140 161 .9220 100 1.3750 137 245 1.0850 185 1.1660 198 255 1.4920 188 1.5340 258 218 1.8100 =====- 91 / OK THK ^J" MEMOIRS ON The temperature 10 C., corresponding to the maximum vapor pressure 51 atmospheres, appears from the form of the isotherms for ethylene to be extremely near the critical tem- perature. These results are thus approximately identical with the data obtained by Mr. J. Dewar. The method pur- sued does not admit of a direct determination of the point in question, and critical data can be deduced from the table only by calculation based on the intrinsic equation of the gas. Quite recently M. Mitkowski,* in an interesting paper on the compressibility of air, has prolonged the locus of mini- mum ordinates as far as 145 C., and has shown that this gas has a maximum abscissa at about 75 C. and 124 atmos- pheres. The form of the isotherms beyond the region of minimum ordinates is one of the questions which I particularly wished to investigate. These curves, beginning with a distance from the ordinates in question, which is smaller in proportion as the tem- perature is lower, seemed to me to undergo a transformation into lines sensibly straight. I was aware of the existence of slight curvature ; but this was so little marked as to suggest that further prolongation of the family of curves would bring out a fascicle of parallel straight lines more and more clearly. In fact, this hypothesis proved to be specially attractive, inasmuch as the angular coefficient of these fascicles severally gave the limit of volume for an infinite pressure. Hence they lead to a very simple interpretation of the covolutne, thus found direct- ly and with precision. Unfortunately, this hypothesis of mine does not seem to be verified at least, within the limits of temperature and pressure of the present research. The isotherms all present a concavity towards the abscissa, slight, it is true, but nevertheless beyond question. Concavity is expressible as a diminution of the an- gular coefficient of the tangent, and I have summarized the P' V'PV values of the coefficient - , =e in the following tn- f mT ble. This gives t between the pressure limits given in the first column at the different temperatures indicated in the first row. * Academie des Sciences de Cracovie, 1891. 92 THE LAWS OF GASES p'V' PV TABLE 20. VALUES OF e = p ,_ p HYDROGEX X 106 AT NITROGKN 6 X 106 AT AIR e X 106 AT OXYGEN 6 X 106 AT oc. 47.3 0C. 43.6 0C. 45.1 0C. Aim. Aim. From 500 to 1000. " 1000 " 1500. " 1500 " 2000. " 2000 " 2500. " 2500 " 8000. 732 690 638 612 579 693 643 618 588 1300 1213 1186 1154 1316 1233 1176 1168 1264 1190 1301 1063 1261 1206 1147 1090 1158 1106 1054 1015 971 HYDROGKN t X 106 AT ETHYLRXK e X 10 6 AT CARBOX DIOXIDE e X 106 AT C. 99. '25 200.5 oc. 1000 0C. 100.00 Atm. Aim. From 200 to 400 725 742 730 712 727 725 725 720 730 732 719 _ 2357 2180 2080 2002 2195 2157 2090 1715 Ki07 1542 1490 1635 1617 1550 " 400 " 600 " 600 " 800 " 800 " 1000.. Clearly the isotherms present slight curvature, as pointed out above. Between the same pressure limits the angular coeffi- cient increases by a small amount with temperature. This in- crement corresponds to widening of the fascicle, which is dis- tinctly seen for the case of carbon dioxide in the region of lower temperatures. As temperature increases the curves grad- ually cease to spread apart. In the permanent gases like hydrogen, nitrogen, and air the variation with temperature is scarcely perceptible. A comparison of the decrements of these coefficients between the same pressure limits but at different temperatures shows no variation clearly enough indicated to be specified like the preceding; those groups of observations which extend over a sufficient interval of temperature are restricted to a pressure interval of 1000 atmospheres. Whether under sufficiently high pressures and at high enough temperatures the angular coeffi- cient will reach a limiting value cannot, therefore, be foreseen. In all cases the smallest values of these coefficients are superior limits of the smallest volumes possible. It might be interest- ing to compare these values with those computed by aid of the intrinsic equations. To take the simplest form of equation, that of Van der Waals, the third part of the critical volume is evidently a limit of this reduction. MEMOIRS ON Carbon dioxide, for instance, has a critical volume of .004224, the third of which, .001408, is markedly less than the smallest angular coefficient, .00149. COEFFICIENTS OF EXPANSION AT CONSTANT PRESSURE /I dv\ \v dt) The laws of expansion are particularly involved in the neigh- borhood of the critical point. For temperatures below the critical point the coefficients can obviously not be computed for pressures intermediate between the tension maxima corre- sponding to the given limits of temperature; for the change of volume here originates not merely in thermal expansion between these states, but is due also to a change of state. In other words, the coefficients are infinite between these limits, and in the following table crosses are put in the place of the two co- efficients which, for the reason given, are without meaning. For pressures equal to the maximum vapor tensions at one of the limits of the temperature interval, the coefficient re- fers to the gaseous state for the case of the lower limit, and to the liquid state for the case of the upper limit. Hence, for a given temperature and at the corresponding maximum vapor tension, there are two coefficients, belonging, respectively, to the two states of aggregation. One refers to incipient satura- tion, the other to an absence of vapor. It would be extremely interesting to compare the values of these two coefficients at different temperatures. Such an inquiry, however, would re- quire special investigations, and on the whole present serious difficulties. Since the variation of the coefficient with tem- perature is very rapid under these conditions, it would be necessary to greatly restrict the temperature interval on ap- proaching saturation. Two tables follow relative to carbon dioxide and ethylene respectively, in which the mean coefficients of expansion are given for the pressures inserted in the first vertical column. The temperature intervals for which the coefficients apply are shown in the first horizontal row. To avoid misapprehension, it is to be observed that the coefficients are reduced or referred to unit of volume by successively dividing by the volume cor- responding to the lower temperature limit, and not by the initial volume at zero centigrade. 94 THE LAWS OF GASES CDOO 5OiOi4^O06565> k| k| 'I 'I k fcfc. OOOOO'OOfO-3Of65h-*OCDCDOOOO-3OiCN5- OOOOOOOOOrOOtOOOiOOfOOrOOS! ( ki k6565656565OOO04^4^ -3CDI k6565OtOi65OO( k On 5 4^. O 1 4^ OO OO 65 ? Oi OO OtOiOiOiOiOiOiOOCD v 4^4^65OOO04 i -OtOO 1-^^6565656500004^4^ I. GO CD' i k H-> 4^ -3 i OiO4^CDOiOOO65O065-3O 4-OtOiCD-34 i "4 i -4^OOCDOOOOCDOOOi 365t iOOCD Oi-3-3-3OOOOCDO 65 . X i 4^ Of^h-k ^- J 6565656565-O04 ; '4 i 'OiOiOi 5CDI ' k6S4^-5 H-* , OO X GO O H * OO Oi Oi I k O Oi O Of ( k 3 65 Of Oi Oi 65 i k Oi " CD H- i OOOfOCOfOil i k h- k kOC065OOCD65OiOTOOi CD 4^ CD 4^ O '6565656565O04i.4^Oi-3CDOiOT OOOt kOOOiOCOfk kOf6565650l k65OOi-5 >>T 004-OC65l-'06500CDOfOC650iOGOOOCD ^^ O X SS * " h- k656565OOO04^OiOiOOl k-3 CD65COOfH-k4^OOi kCD4^ kCD CD OO Of Of OO Oi 65 I k Of 65 4-- t k CD CD O O GO' x Oi Oi 4^ OC 65 2, Of OO OO H- OO tXJ ;cn o en oo CD H- 65 Of OO OO I ' Oi CD GO -5OO GO Oi Oi t- 4 MO04^Oi-5 OCO rf^ OOOCDOOOO-3OiO50rOfX OC^Oi kO-3 00- OO O' CD 4* 65 65 ^ OO 6i 4^ 00 CO GO 00 CD Oi -32 l" -5OO^Or4^OiOCOfi k^ 65 65 65 65 OO CO CO OO Oi O 4- C: 4- H* 65 4-ii 1 1 654^. 51 kQOOi 3 l ~ l CDOi65| | 65| OO OO GO -5 Oi Of O*^ 00 Ot Oi O 1 1 1 j OOCO OO OO OO OO 1 Of 4^ 00 i- 1 rf^ GO OO O CO 1 1 *s 1 1 x 1 Oi 1 1 H- 95 MEMOIRS ON O G9 *> 00 OO ^ ?> T-< CO 00 CO X CO CO T* 8 O T ! O GO ^ iO X "* O CO ?> C-.-0 CO LO ^^ ^ e i"^ J " " ' O 3^ CO *-" O ^> O5 CO O C^ * OO CO O O 00 T I - I \ \S *- ~ o> X O O ^H T-H t- e * ? S T ( *> CO O Th CO ^t ?t ^ 7^ O 7^ SS'O X - p'-t J COOOOCC5O7'?>?>'r^Ci O^OOOi.O^-^HCOCO7^7^70 > >C iC THE LAWS OF GASES VARIATION OF THE COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION WITH PRESSURE An inspection of Table 21 shows that at the outset the coeffi- cient of expansion changes with pressure, in the manner al- ready specified by Regna-ult for pressures of a few atmospheres. It then passes through a maximum, which occurs at a pressure regularly increasing with temperature. The maxima in each vertical column of the tables are put in parentheses. During my first researches on this subject I believed that these maxima occur at the same pressure for which the product P V is a minimum ; but the more extended data of the present memoir show this law to be only approximate. At the critical temperature the maximum coefficient of ex- pansion evidently coincides with the critical pressure, since the former is then infinite. Under other conditions, depending on the form of the isotherm, this pressure is much smaller than the pressure corresponding to the minimum ordinate. The locus of maximum coefficients of expansion thus starts out from the critical point (in my first memoir the initial isotherm was taken at 35.1 C.); and since this is a point of double inflection, the inquiry is pertinent whether the locus in question is not identical with the point of inflection of the isotherms. This is not the case. For increasing temperature, the maximum co- efficient is always encountered a little earlier than the mini- mum ordinate. It is thus comprehended between the locus of the summits of these ordinates and the locus of the points of inflection. Little by little it approaches the former, and ends by intersecting it in the region of its minimum abscissa. Table 22 for ethylene leads to a series of results of an analo- gous character throughout. The following table (23) shows for oxygen, hydrogen, nitro- gen, and air that the diminution of the coefficient of expansion continues regularly even as far as 3000 atmospheres. The same fact is exhibited in Table 24 for the same gases throughout higher temperatures. MEMOIRS ON 1 Ay TABLE 23. VALUES OF - p OXYGEN HYDROGEN ^mospheres 15.6 0015.40 9047.30 1000 .00236 .00200 .00206 1500 189 178 173 2000 164 152 152 2500 147 138 137 3000 134 128 129 P NITROGEN AlR Atmospheres 16.0 Oc_46.6 0015.70 0045.10 1000 .00193 .00191 .00206 .00197 1500 140 151 144 148 2000 133 131 116 126 2500 111 108 107 112 3000 098 098 110 105 VARIATION OF THE COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION WITH TEMPERATURE The above tables, 21 and 22, show that the coefficient at first increases with temperature, passes a maximum, and thereafter diminishes. Under constant pressures of successively increasing value the maximum occurs at temperatures which continually increase, while the maximum itself becomes less accentuated and finally vanishes within the limits of the tables. An increase of value alone remains, which, in its turn, gradually becomes less ap- preciable. At 1000 atmospheres the maximum is certainly still encountered at sufficiently high temperatures. To verify these observations it suffices to treat such gases as are much farther removed from their critical points. It is then manifest that the maximum has been reached or even passed in all cases, as, for instance, Table 24 fully evidences. All the coefficients are here notably smaller between 100 and 200 than between and 100. Henee the, maximum has been passed. THE LAWS OF GASES 1 A TABLE 24. VALUES OF - - = a V At OXYGEN HYDROGEN NITROGEN AIR to 99.50 to to 99.25 to 0to 99.45 to to 99.4 to 99.5 199.5 99. 25<> 209.2 99.45 199.50 99.4 200.4 Aim. a a a a a a a 100 ,00486 .00444 200 534 .00300 .00332 .00242 .00433 .00280 455 .00287 800 512 297 314 231 402 267 422 275 400 459 280 295 221 358 250 371 261 500 405 264 278 214 315 235 331 241 600 357 245 261 204 282 219 294 222 700 320 226 249 196 256 204 269 207 800 288 212 237 189 236 189 244 194 900 261 198 226 182 218 179 226 182 1000 241 218 -- 214 171 In Tables 21 and 22 the maxima relative to temperature were put in square brackets. It is seen that they make up a group which lies very close to the maxima relative to pressure, and which, like the latter, would appear with greater regularity if the limits of the temperature and the pressure intervals were both narrower. The real maxima coincide, as it were, acci- dentally with the numbers in the tables. The locus of the maxima relative to temperature starts from the critical point, as did the locus of the maxima relative to pressure. It approaches the locus of minimum ordinates more rapidly than the latter, and intersects it sooner, as it were. Below the critical temperature the first coefficients of each horizontal row in Table 21 refer to the liquid state, since the pressure exceeds the maximum vapor tension. At pressures lower than the critical pressure the coefficients for the gaseous state, properly so called, at once decrease. As early as 1870 I showed * that for the cases of carbon dioxide and sulphur di- oxide the coefficients decrease regularly from C. to above 300 under atmospheric pressure. For pressures of a value higher than the critical pressure there is no further occasion to consider the distinction between the two coefficients which I have just explained ; for the dis- continuity no longer occurs under constant pressure. To ob- viate all misapprehension I have marked three coefficients with an asterisk (*), which, although corresponding to temperatures * Comptes Rendus, July 4, 1870; Annales de CUimie et de Physique, 1872. 99 MEMOIRS ON below the critical temperature, belong to the gaseous state (at 50 and 60 atmospheres). To return to the gaseous state : It was shown above that in case of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and air the coefficient of expansion has passed beyond its maximum value even at ordi- nary temperatures. The following table (25*), containing values _\ f) of - not reduced to the unit of volume, proves that the coeffi- cients are practically independent of temperature, oxygen alone excepted : TABLE 25*. VALUES OF - xlO 8 A t p OXYGEN HYDROGEN NITROGEN AIR to 9950 99.5 to 199.5 0to 99.25 99.25 to 200.2 0to 99.5 99.45 to 199.5 0to 99.4 99. 4 to 200 Atm. 100 4518 4320 200 2442 2095 1890 1835 2251 2086 2296 2095 300 1643 1440 1265 1222 1522 1414 1544 1422 400 1207 1072 947 919 1124 1066 1125 1084 500 937 856 754 741 877 859 887 859 600 756 703 624 615 718 715 720 706 700 634 592 535 526 609 609 615 602 800 541 512 468 460 530 525 533 525 900 470 450 415 409 469 463 469 463 1000 418 376 425 413 Thus the coefficients beginning with 0C. are sensibly constant for a given pressure, the same fact which was brought out by Table 23 as far as the highest pressures. Hence the coefficients computed for the successive intervals vary nearly inversely as the successive initial volumes. This appears to be the law tow- ards which the decreasing march which follows the maximum points converges for conditions of increasing temperature. This limiting state is reached sooner in proportion as the pressure is smaller. Hence, at all pressures and sufficiently high temperatures, this simple law supervenes : the increment of volume is pro- portional to increment of temperature reproducing the case of perfect gases. In a general way only is the volume proportional to the absolute temperature increased by a constant ; for this constant diminishes as pressure decreases in such a way that if pressure is small enough, the law of the proportionality of vol- 100 THE LAWS OF GASES ume and absolute temperature is encountered. This again is the law of sensibly perfect gases. COEFFICIENTS OF EXPANSION AT CONSTANT VOLUME, 1 dp dp 3 7^, AND PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS. B = -^- p dt dt To avoid all confusion, I will call the values j pressure co- efficients. This reserves for - ~ the time-honored, but other- wise very curious designation of expansion coefficient at con- stant volume. In Table 25, on page 102, computed by aid of the data in Tables 6, 12, 17, 18, these coefficients are given relative to the temperature interval inserted at the heads of the vertical columns, and for the constant volume in the first of these columns. The pressures indicated for carbon dioxide and ethylene under the caption "Initial Pressures" do not all refer to zero, but to the lower limit of temperature of the first mean coefficient on the same horizontal row. The tables contain a gap which corresponds to the region contained within the curve of liquefaction. It must be borne in mind that reduction to the unit of press- ure of the coefficients /3 has been accomplished by dividing by the pressure corresponding to the lower temperature of each interval at variance, therefore, to the notation frequently adopted. I have already made a similar remark relative to the reduction of the coefficients of compressibility and of expansion under constant pressure to the unit of volume. MEMOIRS ON CQ. ft 5 t> OO t O5 00 O i> to 10 > os co oo co CO CO CO CO CO CO Tj< c o co oo oo y, t- to co io ic a r-H CO CO ^f tO O COO500COi>COCOODT-i 8 os 01 10 t r-coco co T-I CO CO JO J> i i toot>S co c^Jo co^ I I t iCOCOJOi>OCDOOi> I I T- i T i CO rf OSCOCOCOCO^COt-' T-H>OJOCOZ>T-iO' OS O OS JO 3D CO "* J> t- > I T-iCOCOJOi>T-iJ>O500CO I 1-1 TH CO Tf OO 5O CD -* -i-i t> O Oi OS CO O O O O O OSlOt>COGQ PS iis J> CO QO JO {> 00 O t- Tfi 1O ^ CO CO 00 O -r-i OS C^t f- * 4O O 5 OO COr^T^S^ 10 ^ 50 ^ 051 " 102 CO T i JO C~ T-H T i CO I I CO CO 00 JO T-< 10 CO I I I' ^ <* CO i> 00 i 1 1> TH co T-I as 1-1 o > i ^ ao os 1-1 co JO i> 00 OS O I-H O5 TH rH C CO Tt* 1O 2 JO O JO O JO O CO CO CO *> -00 CO 1-1 CO 00 i i i i 1 T-HO JO CO t- rH CO 00 ' ' ! ' O 00 O^ 10 OO COOCOOOOCOOOC- CO 00 CO JO rt< CO CO O7 THE LAWS OF GASES TABLE 26. VALUES OF B AND & PRESS- HYDROGEN OXYGEN UK KS CONSTANT CONSTANT AT ZKRO. VOLUMES 99. '2 99.2- 200. 5 VOLUMES 99.5 99.50199.50 ATM. FX10 5xio 3 /3X105 5X10 3 /3X10 6 rxio" 5X103 /3X105 5X103 /3X105 100 10690 373 373 366 267 9265 492 492 470 315 200 5690 766 383 742 269 4570 1226 613 1115 357 300 4030 1149 383 1129 272 3208 2090 696 1900 374 400 3207 1521 380 1475 268 2629 2924 731 2570 372 500 2713 1895 379 1842 267 2312 3698 740 600 2386 2256 376 700 2149 3710 371 PRESS- NITROGEN AIR URES CONSTANT CONSTANT AT ZERO. VOLUMES 99.4 99.40199.60 VOLUMES 0099.40 99.40200.4 ATM. FX106 5X103 ,3X10* 5X103 /3X105 FXIO* 5X103 /3X1Q5 5X103 /3X105 100 9910 462 462 460 315 9730 462 462 465 319 200 5195 1075 537 1070 349 5050 1105 552 1090 351 300 3786 1748 582 1700 359 3658 1800 600 1742 364 400 3142 2382 595 2320 364 3036 2470 617 2327 360 500 2780 2982 596 2680 3085 617 600 2543 3582 597 2450 3718 620 TABLE 27. VALUES OF B AND /3 PRESS- HYDROGEN OXYGEN URES CONSTANT CONSTANT AT ZERO. VOLUMES .6015.40 0047.30 VOLUMES 015.60 ATM. FX10 5x103 /3X105 5X103 /3X1Q5 FX106 5X103 /3X10 600 2117.0 4423 737 800 1880.0 5641 705 1000 1725.0 3571 357 3467 347 1736.0 6795 679 1200 1557.5 4155 346 4017 335 1635.0 8013 668 1500 13800 5129 342 5010 334 1497.5 (1600 atm) 10513 657 1800 1258.0 5779 321 5729 318 2000 1194.5 6428 321 6342 317 1408.0 12051 602 2400 1097.5 7662 319 7315 305 1343.5 13974 580 2800 10245 8117 325 1304.0 (2700 atm.) 14423 538 PRESS- NITROGEN AIR URES CONSTANT CONSTANT AT ZKKO. VOLUMES 0016.0 00-43.60 VOLUMES 0015.70 00-45.1 ATM. FX10" 5X103 /3X10 5 5X103 /3X105 FX10 5X10 3 ,3X105 5X10 3 /3X10- 800 . 2171.0 4841 605 4591 574 1000 2070.0 5500 550 5481 548 1999.0 5668 567 5543 554 1200 1946.0 6125 510 6284 524 1883.0 6051 504 6075 506 1500 1813.5 7060 471 7155 477 1754.0 7006 467 7273 485 1800 1714.5 8562 475 8440 469 1662.0 7900 439 8115 451 2000 1663.5 9375 468 9197 460 1613.0 8344 417 8736 437 2400 1583.5 10750 448 10505 437 1533.5 9681 403 9888 412 2800 1525.0 11875 424 103 MEMOIRS ON VARIATION OF THE COEFFICIENTS B AND /3 WITH VOLUME The pressure coefficient B is seen to increase very rapidly when volume decreases i.e., when the initial pressure at zero increases. The coefficient ft (Table 25) at first increases for in- creasing volume, and thereafter passes through a maximum which is much less pronounced when the temperature is higher. Finally ft decreases with increasing volume. In case of nitro- gen the maximum is not yet reached between and 200 within the pressure limits given in Table 26. For hydrogen, on the contrary, its occurrence falls within the -same limits, since ft is then sensibly constant. For the highest pressures the maximum has been passed by in case of each of the four gases in Table 27. VARIATION OF THE COEFFICIENTS AND /3 WITH TEM- PERATURE Generally speaking, the coefficient B varies very little with temperature. An inspection of the table shows for carbon dioxide between and 100 that this variation is quite in- significant. This is the identical result reached in my re- search* of 1881. Some time after Messrs. W. Ramsay and Sidney Young published important researches on the same sub- ject, to which I shall recur on another occasion. Between 100 and 260, B shows a slight diminution. This is also true for the case of ethylene. For hydrogen, air, and nitrogen the variation of B between and 200 (Table 26) is scarcely apparent, particularly after the pressures approach the high values. A similar influence may be drawn for the other three gases (Table 27) for a press- ure interval quite up to the highest pressures. It must be ob- served, however, that these results are restricted to smaller temperature intervals. It appears to follow from the results as a whole that the variation of the pressure coefficient with temperature, always very small, quite vanishes at sufficiently high temperatures and probably at all temperatures under sufficiently high pressures. This is evidenced by the results shown by those gases which, within the temperature limits of the present research, are al- * Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 5 e Serie, vol. xxii. 104 THE LAWS OF GASES ready in a thermal state far above their critical points. Under these conditions the pressures corresponding to constancy of volume are not proportional to the respective absolute tem- peratures ; they are proportional to them when each is dimin- ished by a constant function of volume only. This constant is numerically a number of degrees, and it at first increases rap- idly when volume diminishes ; thereafter it passes through a maximum, decreases passing through zero into negative values, and continues to decrease in absolute value. Whenever this constant vanishes the gas is clearly characterized by the law of perfect gases, and this happens in the case of hydrogen at about 800 atmospheres. It is exceedingly remarkable that under these special conditions the value of the pressure co- efficient is nearly equal to the value which holds for normal pressure i.e., to that attributed to gases when they approach as nearly as possible to the state of a perfect gas. It would be extremely interesting to discover whether the observation in question is of general significance. Unfortunately, the other gases studied have not under the highest pressures applied reached the state for which the constant in question vanishes. The variations of the constant ft may be deduced from what has just been stated. In every case this coefficient for a given volume varies very nearly inversely to pressure. In the region comprised within the curve of liquefaction, and corresponding to the gap in Table 25 (carbon dioxide), there is no true pressure coefficient. The values - now refer to the maximum vapor tl t tensions and no longer vary with volume. Necessarily an abrupt variation of these values occurs on breaking across the curve of liquefaction, excepting, perhaps, the line of equal vol- umes, which passes through the critical point with an inver- sion of the sign of the variation on one side or the other of this line. Indeed, it is easily observed that the values of yr for the lines of equal volume passing above the critical point and near the curve of saturation are smaller on the outside than on the inside of this curve. The contrary will be the case for the lines of equal volume which pass below the critical point. In every case the above inferences relative to pressure coefficients seem to be immediately applicable as soon as the curve of liquefaction is left behind. 105 MEMOIRS ON The isotherms below the critical point are difficult to map out in those parts which are contiguous with the curve of liquefaction. This curve cannot be obtained by means of the above experiments as accurately as may be done by comparing the densities of the liquid and of the vapor obtained in experi- ments specially designed for this purpose. I have carried out measurements of this kind for carbon dioxide between zero and the critical point; but I will not enter into details relative to these results,* as they lie outside of the scope of the present in- vestigation, beyond giving a tabulated view of the data. The agreement between the present values of maximum vapor tension and those contained in the above tables is apparent. The same research furnished the following elements of the critical point : Critical temperature 31.35 Critical pressure 72.9 aim. Critical density 0.464 TABLE 28. DATA FOR CARBON DIOXIDE DENSITY OP THE DENSITY OP THE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM T LIQUID VAPOR VAPOR TENSION T LIQUID VAPOR VAPOR TENSION Deg. Aim. Deg. Atm. .914 .096 34.3 18 .786 .176 53.8 1 .910 .099 35.2 19 .776 .183 55.0 2 .906 .103 36.1 20 .766 .190 56.3 3 .900 .106 37.0 21 .755 .199 57.6 4 .894 .110 38.0 22 .743 .208 59.0 5 .888 .114 39.0 23 .731 .217 60.4 6 .882 .117 40.0 24 .717 .228 61.8 7 .876 .121 41.0 25 .703 .240 63.3 8 .869 .125 42.0 26 .688 .252 647 9 .863 .129 43.1 27 .671 .266 66.2 10 .856 .133 44.2 28 .653 .282 67.7 11 .848 .137 45.3 29 .630 .303 69.2 12 .841 .142 46.4 30 .598 .334 70.7 13 .831 .147 47.5 30.5 .574 .356 71.5 14 .822 .152 48.7 31.0 .536 .392 72.3 15 .814 .158 50.0 31.25 .497 .422 72.8 16 .806 .164 51.2 31.35 .464 .464 72.9 17 .796 .170 52.4 * Gomptes Rendus, May 16, 1892 ; June 7, 1892. 1892; Seances de la Soc. de Physique, 1892. 106 Cf. Journal de Physique, THE LAWS OF GASES I have not up to the present time been able to repeat the same work for ethylene. Certain other properties of the isotherms for carbon dioxide and ethylene, as well as divers inquiries of a more theoretical kind, are not in place here. In the present memoir, as well as in the following work relating to liquids, I have purposed merely to exhibit the experimental methods, to 'publish the numerical results obtained, and to deduce from them such gen- eral laws as result from inspection. EMILE HILAIRE AMAGAT was born on the 2d of January, 1841, at St. Satur, a village in the arrondissement de Sancerre, in the Departement du Cher. It was at first his intention to be a technical chemist, but he abandoned this career almost at the very outset in preference of one in pure science. For several years Amagat was preparateur of the celebrated Berthelot at the College de, France. After this (between 1867 and 1872) he was called to Switzerland, where he served as pro- fessor at the Lycee de Fribourg. It was there that Amagat com- pleted his these de doctoral, being formally honored with this degree in Paris in 1872. Returning to France, he was successively made professor at the Lycee d'Alencon, a I'Ecole Normale Specialede Cluny, and in 1877 was appointed professor of physics in i\\e Faculte Libre des Sciences of Lyons. In this institution, then merging into active existence, he created the department of physics, and in it con- ducted his most famous researches. He left Lyons in 1891 for Paris, where he resides at present in the official position of examinateur a I'Ecole Poly technique. Amagat has been correspondent of the Institut de France (Academic des Sciences, Section de Physique) since 1889. He was elected a foreign member of the Royal Society of London in 1897, and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in the same year. He is honorary member of the Societe Hollandaise des Sciences, of the Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles, of the Philosophical Society of Manchester, etc., etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY AMONG Amagnt's papers those bearing particularly on the laws of gases may be summarized for the reader's convenience as follows. A complete list of Amagat's researches will be found in a pamphlet published by Gautier-Villars et tils, Paris, 1896, entitled: Notice sur les Travaux Scien- (ifiques de M. E. H. Amac/at. De {'influence de la temperature sur les ecartes de la loi de Mariotte ; C. JR., Ixviii., p. 1170, 1869. Sur la compressibilite du gaz ; C. R., Ixxi., p. 67, 1870. Sur la dilatation et la compress, des gaz ; C. R., Ixxiii., p. 183, 1871. Sur la compress, de 1'hydrogene et de 1'air a des temperatures elevees ; C. R., Ixxv., p. 479, 1872. Sur la dilatation des gaz humides; C. R., Ixxiv., p. 1299, 1872. Compress, de 1'air et de 1'hydrogene a" des temperatures elevees ; Annales de Chimie et de Physique (4), xxviii., 1873. Dilat. et compress, des nz a divers temperatures ; Annales de Chimie et de Physique (4), xxix., 1873. Recherches sur 1'elasticite de 1'air sur de faibles pressions ; G. R., Ixxxii., p. 914, 1876 ; ibid., Annales de Chimie et de Physique (5), viii., 1876. Sur la compress des gaz a depressions elevees ; C. R., Ixxxvii., p. 432, 1878. (Preliminary work at Fort Saint-Just.) Experiences du puits Verpilleux ; C. R., Ixxxviii., p. 336, 1879. Sur la compress, des divers gaz a des pressions elevees; C. R., Ixxxix., p. 439, 18^9. Influence de la temperature sur la compress, des gaz sous de fortes pres- sions; C. R., xc., p. 994, 1880. Sur la dilatation et la compress, des gaz sous de fortes pressions ; C. R., xci., p. 428, 1880. Sur la compress, de I'oxyire'm', et 1'action de ce gaz sur le mercure, etc.; C. R., xci., p. 812, 1880. Sur la compress, de 1'acide carboniqtie et de 1'air sous t'aible pression et temp, elevee ; G. R., xciii., p. 306, 1881. Memoire sur la compressibilite des g?iz aux fortes pressions ; Annales de Chimie et de Physique (5), xxii., 1881. Sur la relation (p, v, t')=0 relative aux gaz, etc. ; C. R., xciv., p. 847, 1882. Sur 1'elasticite des gaz rarefies ; C. R., xcv., p. 281, 1882. Sur .... la compress, du gaz azote ; C. R., xcv., p. 638, 1882. 108 MEMOIRS ON THE LAWS OF GASES Sujets relatifs a 1'etude du gaz ; Annales CMmie et de Physique (5), xxviii., 1883. Memoire sur la compress, de Pair et de 1'acide carbonique . . ; Annales de CMmie et de Physique (5), xxviii., 1883. Memoire sur la compress, de Fair, de 1'hydrogene et de 1'acide carbonique rarefies ; Annales de Chimie et de Physique (5), xxviii., 1883. Sur une forme nouvelle de la fonction (p, v, t)=Q ; Annales de Chimie et de Physique (5), xxviii., 1883. Resultats pour servir aux calculs des manometres a gaz ; C. R., xcix., p. 1017, 1884. Note relative a une erreur . . . . ; C. R., xcix., p. 1153, 1884. Sur la densite liraite et de volume atomique des gaz, etc.; C. R., c., p. 633, 1885. Sur la volume atomique de 1'oxygSne ; C. It., cii., p. 1100, 1886. Compressibilite des gaz : oxygene, hydrogene, azote et air jusqu'a 3000 atm.; C. R., cvii., p. 522, 1888. Nouvelle methode pour 1'etude de la compress, et de la dilatation des liquides et des gaz . . . . ; C. R., cxi., p. 871, 1890. Sur la determination de la densite des gaz etde leurvapenr snturee . . . . ; C. R., cxiv., p. 1093, 1892 ; ibid., C. R., cxiv., p. 1322, 1892 ; Journal de Physique, p. 288, 1892. Sur les lois de dilatations des gaz sous pression constante ; C. R., cxv., p. 771, 1892. Sur la comparaison des lois de dilatation des liquides et de celles des gaz, etc.; C. R., cxv., p. 919, 1892. Sur les lois de dilatation a volume constant des fluides . . . . ; C. R., cxv., p. 1041, 1892. Memoires sur 1'elastioite et la dilatation des fluides jusqu'aux tre"s hautes pressions ; Annales de Chimie et de Physique (6), xxix., 1893. Sur la pression interieure dans le gaz ; C. R., cxviii., p. 326, 1894 ; ibid., C. R., cxviii., 566, 1894. Sur la pression interieure et le viriel . . . . ; C. R., cxx., p. 489, 1895. Verification d'ensemble de la loi des etats correspondants de Van der Waals; C. R., cxxiii., p. 30, 1896 ; ibid., C. R., cxxiii., p. 83, 1896. The titles of a few relevant papers by other investigators follow: RELATIONS BETWEEN PRESSURE, VOLUME, AND TEMPERATURE Ramsay and Young, Philosophical Transactions, 177, 178, 18O, 183. Barus, C., Philosophical Magazine (5) 3O, 338-361, 1890.- Tait, P. G., "Challenger Reports," Physics and Chemistry, vol. ii., part iv. ; Proceedings of tlie Royal Society of Edinburgh, vols. xii. , xiii., xx. Leduc, A., Journal de Physique (3), 7, 1898. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 15, 5-115, 1898. Wroblewski, Wiedemann, Annalen, 29, 428, 1886. Rose-Innes, Philosophical Magazine, 44, 45, 1897, 1898. 109 MEMOIRS ON THE LAWS OF GASES CONTINUITY OF LIQUID AND GASEOUS STATES Van dor Waals, "On the Continuity of the Liquid and Gaseous States." Translation. London, 1890. (Original Dutch edition, 1873.) Clausius, R., Wiedemann, Annalen, 9, 337, 1880. Sarrau, Comptes Rendus, 1 1O, 880, 1890. Ramsay and Young, Philosophical Magazine (5), 23, 24, 1887. Brillouin, M., Journal de Physique (3), 2, 113, 1893. Tait, P. G., Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 36, 1891. Nature, 44, 45, 1891. Rayleigh, Lord, Nature, 44, 45, 1891. Bakker, G., Zeitschrift filr Physikalische Chemie, 21, 127, 1896. Young, S., Philosophical Magazine (5), 33, 153, 1892 (37, 1, 1894). CRITICAL STATE Andrews, Philosophical Transactions, 166, 421-449, 1876. Cailletet and Colardeau, Annales de Chimie etdePhyxique(}, 25, 519, 1892. Mathias, E., Journal de Physique (3). 1. 53, 1892. Kuenen, J. P., Philosophical Magazine, 44, 1897. THE END. TEXT-BOOKS IN PHYSICS THEORY OF PHYSICS By JOSEPH S. AMES, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics in Johns Hopkins University. Crown 8vo, Cloth, $1 60 : by mail, $1 75. In writing this book it has been the author's aim to give a concise statement of the experimental facts on which the science of physics is based, and to present with these statements the accepted theories which correlate or ' ' explain " them. The book is designed for those students who have had no previous training in physics, or at least only an elementary course, and is adapted to junior classes in colleges or technical schools. The entire subject, as presented in the work, may be easily studied in a course lasting for the academic year of nine months. Perhaps the best general introduction to physics ever printed in the English language. . . A model of comprehensiveness, directness, arrange- ment, and clearness of expression. . . . 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