UC-NRLF ^B 37 73t, OF Tin: University of California. C^IP^I' OV" Received CLt^ . .iSq^- tAc cessions No . ^ /^^^ (^ii^s No. t c } /C , ;4^' 9()(f BI-METALLISM AS SOCIAL EVOLUTION . AT TH^ . TRI-MILLENIAL 1900 A PHILOSOPHY OF THE ROCK OF SILVER AND THE ROCK OF GOLD WITH THE TRUTH BETWEEN THIS BATTLE OF THE ELEMENTS AND HEMISPHERES AS ELECTRICITY (NITROGEN) BY J. WL. MILNE WORTHINGTON, O., U. S. A. i' I ^tm^-0 tMPLIN PRINTING CO. COLUMBUS, O. 1897 ^<^ (,1%'^'i The positive Han and Nation and Hemisphere versus the negative ilan «nd Nation and Hemisphere. Silver flercury or Warmth versus its counterpart, Chlorine of Gold or Cold. Speech is Silver, and talks too much, versus Silence is Gold, and talks too little. The Chemical properties of the warm 5un and Day versus its opposite, the properties of the cold floon and Night. The liberal Hydrogen, which radiates and gives too much, versus its oppo- site, the conservative Oxygen, which absorbs and receives too much. The Greek Celtic, or prodigal or second son, versus the Roman Saxon, Roman Spaniard, or older son. nilitancy in the open, on land, versus its opposite. Navy and industrial rionopoly. Paul, who pioneers and plants too much, versus ApoIIos, who receives and waters too much. The Sharp of Life versus the Flat of Life. The King of Warmth and Love versus the King of Cold and Law. Is it not better to radiate and give time than to remain at home receiving and absorbing others' time? No, my dear brother, the mathematical or reverse process is the basis of all life. To posit or radiate abroad and give time in pioneering is undig- nified. We are at the receiving end and prefer to remain at home and accumulate others' time. But is it not manly to be open and above board Apollos? No, my dear Paul, the mathematical and reverse process is the manly part, which, being interpreted, You are entirely too fast, Paul, and if we did not keep you down would wreck and inflate our Nation and Continent into mercurial ether. And are you not merely our mathematical and re- verse process, entirely too slow, Apollos, and if we did not keep you from sinking would drag us by your density down, yes, down into the very grave? Gold and its chemical properties of chlorine and negative affinities of bromine and iodine are the night and winter of life, remember. Your cold gold conserva- tives are in the saddle on two Hemispheres at pres- ent and your negative fleets surround the islands of Crete and Cuba, helping destroy, by starvation and famines and your pestilential fumes of night, the liberals who dared to state and to assert your prom- ises are never kept. Yes, but my dear Paul, you are too impatient — you do not give us time to keep our promises — disturbing the peace of Europe and doing your best to manufacture gunpowder and drag us into war with Spain, to violate international law. We also sympathize with Crete and Cuba and have voted $50,000 to the Cuban cause, or rather to assist our Americans in Cuba. That is all very good as far as it goes — you have some sympathy for Greece and Cuba, that is true; you are possessed of some hydrogen, too, remember, but you have more sympathy with the Negative Turk and Spaniard and have more oxygen than hy- drogen. While we, as your counterpart, would have had a little sympathy for the Turk and Spain, but would have openly assisted Greece and Cuba, and our fleets would have been at the Dardanelles and in Havana instead of doing patrol duty for the Sultan and for Spain. So that you must observe, Apollos, v^e are counterparts, and in shutting up the mercury of life in Continents, shutting up the mercury of life in Cities, and violating Terrestrial laws you are shutting up your own vitality and bringing pesti- lence and the plague and the famine and travail to our very doors. There now, Paul, be calm and do keep still about the plague and pestilence. It might disturb and in- terfere with industry. You are very prone to show off, Paul, and be theatrical and act the demagogue under the guise of patriotism. Too ready to line up with the liberal and jingo side of life, who are never satisfied unless when creating a disturbance. Greece creating a disturbance in Europe, Ireland disturbing the peace of the Empire, Cuba disturbing the peace of the American Continent and England's prodigal disturbing the peace of the conservative Boer. Yes, Apollos, that may be; we are somewhat dem- onstrative, but you are our reverse, ever, remember, too cold-blooded and slow, Apollos. "Thou hatest to be reformed'' and are thus ever responsible for this disturbance. Too slow with your promised re- forms in Turkey, too slow with your reforms in Crete, too slow with your reforms in Ireland, too slow with your reforms in Cuba, too slow with your reforms in Africa and too slow with your financial reforms in America. Yes, my dear Apol- los, we may radiate under the guise of patriotism, but you are merely our reverse process ever, you absorb under the guise of patriotism. But, my contrary and reverse process, you are possessed of such inflating tendencies you are never satisfied unless when increase and advance is the order and only truth of life. And are you not my counterpart, my opposite, Mr. Cold Gold, and possessed of such contracting, withering, blighting tendencies that you were never so happy and jaunty as now, when contraction and retreat you consider the order and Truth of this Universe? Contraction (at our expense, of course), too dull to observe your own City vitality and Nega- tive affinities must also suffer; that Truth rests be- tween and cuts with a two-edged sword. But you are possessed of such visionary ideas, Paul, of such anarchistic and socialistic tenden- cies — tendencies that are degrading and danger- ous, and must be suppressed by the better elements of the land. Your social fads and theories are very pretty, but there is nothing sound about them ; they do not work in business. What we desire now is business, not sentiment or preaching. Then how comes it, Apollos, you are simply prac- tising on the quiet, some of you, what we advocate in the open? You form a pool, why? Because you were fighting each other and going into a commer- cial grave as a consequence, but you decided at last to pool your issues and thereby save all extra ex- pense and waste. You are not idle, but find a place for each and are rewarded according to your worth. Exactly, Apollos, in short, you are practising in Mo- nopoly what we aim at in Bi-Metallism, which would mean a Universal pool — all in the Monopoly — the even balance reached at last and the silver and the gold of life would then be side by side, with each re- warded according to their true worth. Paul you are certainly a dreamer. Why, Bi- Metallism would revolutionize all values, create an industrial panic and scatter our Cities to the winds. Why not let well enough alone instead of being agi- tated and creating feeling and a disturbance. Under Bi-Metallism there would be no earthly chance to make money. We would have to give as much as we receive. Certainly, Apollos, and have you not, by your wiles and sorcery, beguiled us to your Cities? Have you not taken more than you were entitled to be- cause of this Monopoly? Does it ever occur to you, Apollos, in accumulating, as you term it, in robbing us, you merely rob the other part of your own body, National, political and individual, and go to sleep and die as a consequence? And does it ever occur to you, Apollos, in ceasing to coin silver, which, in its process of smelting, feeds and fills the air with mer- curial ether and hydrogen, you are violating a Ter- restial law of Nature? Kobbing yourself as well as us of much vital food and creating travail in and on our Universe? That the days and all life of day, including Continents on the silver part of life, or positive, will become warmer and that the nights and all life of night, including Continents, will become colder — in short that positive Terrestrial atoms will become warmer and negative Terrestrial atoms colder? Bosh! What has a Terrestrial body to do with business? What we desire now is peace and quiet in order that Confidence may be restored and the factories set in motion. As is the individual so will be the body politic, social, industrial, National and Terrestrial, and if you disturb a Terrestrial body it will, by every law of mathematics, create disturbance in an individual, political, industrial and National body. Are we not a miniature Continent — yea, a miniature Crea- tion? Do we not contain all the chemical proper- ties of a Continent? And does the Continent and its air not furnish us our food? Tamper with a Terres- trial Law of Nature and Nature will catch up with you. You mean the unusual agitation manifest in sil- ver men, or liberal men (as they term themselves), and on Silver Continents is caused by closing the mints to the coinage of silver? That in shutting out silver and coining more gold than ever before we keep back and shut up, in a sense, the silver half of life. Good. And do they not require keeping down and keeping under? Are they not too prodigal now? True, Apollos, we have ever been far too prodigal, in a sense, and good natured and easy with you, but remember we have been the Pauls who pioneered and hustled and planted too much for you, and that when Paul's confidence is shut up and he ceases to be prod- igal or liberal and give too much, Apollos will cease to receive as much as usual and the growling we must soon face will he a natural result. Chemically speaking, you mean that in ceasing to coin silver, coining gold and charging the air with the Negative properties and currents of density we strengthen silver which contracts with cold's prop- erties of oxygen, and that lack of confidence and business life and life generally will follow? You have my idea exactly, only that, as your smelter will inform you, the properties of the one metal feed and strengthen and purify, by contrac- tion, the other, but that each is poisoned by its like. I presume you mean, Paul, that gold is strength- ened by heat, which is silver's properties, and that silver, as its reverse or complement, is strengthened by cold, or the chemical properties of cold. Is that what you aim at? Yes. Then gold and silver may be taken from the baser metals and the air, after all, if your argument would hold? Yes, most assuredly so; but in seeking this result we must remember, as the smelter will also inform us, the sun will volatilize all silver life into mercu- rial ether, which sun and mercurial ether feeds gold and negative minerals, while night and winter and their properties volatilize gold and feed all silver life and positive minerals. Smelters will also in- form you that the use of salt, which is a concentrated cold, will not even prevent the mercury from being lost during the day. So that as individuals, Apollos, we really do die daily, and but for the other half of each would not start to life again, and it might be well, Apollos, to seek PauPs confidence again instead of denouncing him. There may be something in this as a science, but supply and demand regulate prices and the National progress, nevertheless, my fertile and volatile brother. True, supply and demand and Monopoly regulate prices but what regulates all, Apollos? We fondly imagine we can chain the elements, but the elements, of which we are a part, chain us yet somewhat, we are beginning to find out. Gold conservatism, or cold, is the night and winter of all life, is it not, my dear, placid brother? And do you expect to con- vince any one outside of New York and the conser- vative East and side of life the night and winter of all life is the only sound and safe policy, without re- gard to the sunshine of life? Come now, Apollos, winter, contraction, dissolution, death, will hardly pass for the Truth and only "sound,'' as yet. Well, Paul, contraction is not a bad thing to have at times. Your side of life desire too much creation, think the trouble is caused by a lack of everything, deluge the whole earth with produce and life and never satisfied. Contraction is a good thing to have, Paul. It destroys all the weeds of life, the vines that never should have been created; you think there is too little of everything, including money. We are the reverse, it would seem, and inclined to think there is too much of everything, including life and money. But in shutting up the mercury, Apollos, did it ever seem to you it means shutting up much of our 10 vitality and much of that positive current which purifies the air, and that those only who are able to reach the other side — ^the even balance — and be Bi- Metallic in their tone are likely to escape this winter of our life? What is the use of being so excited and agitated and fussy, Paul. Bi-Metallists seem to die like the rest of us. If we can stand it, who are satisfied with Gold, as the soundest Truth, surely you can. Why delight in being so contrary and perverse? If to shut up the silver of life means explosions, we are likely to go together. Yes, but Apollos, you forget there are two of us and that you are as perverse and stiff-necked in our eyes for acting the pig and wanting gold and cold only as Truth as we are perverse in your eyes for seeking an even balance. Justice with us seems to be that silver and silver life and atoms or warmth should be treated with as much consideration as gold life and atoms or cold. You persist in forget- ting there are two of us, complements of each other. Oh, hang your Justice and preaching and senti- ment; we are here to make as much as we can. What we desire now is peace and quiet and a rest. Peace, yes Apollos, and Arbitration, while you and your Negative Affinities absorb the usual lion's share of the spoil; but look out, Apollos, lest the earth swallow and absorb the sea somewhat. And what are you going to do about it, Paul? We thrashed you among the hills of Scotland, have kept you down in Ireland, thrashed you in Volatile France, thrashed you in Silver Kussia, have shut 11 you up in Crete, penned you up in Cuba, thrashed you often before and will do it again, my quarrel- some brother. Thrashed us in Scotland; yes, with the assistance of Argyle. Thrashed us, yes, in France, with the assistance of Silver's prussian blue. Thrashed us, yes, in Kussia, with the assistance of the Volatile France. Very adroit at getting another to do the fighting for you, and especially adroit at running off with the larger share of the spoil; but when the prodigal returns, my dear brother, you will have no other prodigal to assist you and we will then find out whether gold or silver, oxygen or hydrogen may be the more ductile or yielding side of life, and whether equal balance of power does not mean an equal balance of territory and Continents, as well as of individual atoms. Now, Paul, do be calm and not advertise your ill nature; you are too restless and boisterous and hot- headed. Yes, Mr. Cold ApoUos, bromine and chlorine and cold may be your idea of good nature and the only safe and sound policy, but your cold will never help you for having violated a Terrestrial law. Terrestrial rot. What we propose now is busi- ness and peace and quiet and rest. True, Apollos, ever to your side of life, and we are evidently going to have it to — that is Terrestrial rot and a rest. This, my dear brother, may be a prodigal Hemisphere versus a receptive Hemisphere, the East as Conservatives versus the West and young South, the producer versus the consumer, but it is 12 not the question of classes versus masses you would have us believe, and when the Pauls of life have their confidence shut up he withdraws his investments, hoards his substance instead of crowding it on the market, contraction begins, your gold is drawn from your treasury, no silver is being coined to feed you, and through a chaos of snarls and growls and rot and death we arrive ultimately, by a Natural law, at Bi-Metallism. Contraction, dissolution, death. Yes, but Nitro- gen is a two-edged sword, and for every silver son that falls a counterpart somewhere will meet their death. My dear "King of love my Shepherd is," since when did you start out as a calamity howler and begin to pose and show off as a Philosopher? I thought you were a hustler and progressive and creative, but here you are settling down and contracting and cre- ating feeling and fostering repudiation. Why not get to work and do something? Man alive, you will die of dry rot if you settle down at home and practice the receiving part. It is better to give than to re- ceive, Paul. Brace up and invest, spend your money freely in order that we may do the receiving. Thank you, Apollos. Do your own planting and pioneering and producing; you have abused us, vio- lated our confidence, dictated to us the value of our goods, as well as the value of your own, broken your promises, been running off with the lion's share of the attention and spoil, and there will be no more confidence reached until Bi-Metallism has been reached. Confidence is that which rests between 18 us — Justice and Faith. Bi-Metallism is Faith, be- cause it holds neither of us under ground or in bond- age, and your flout of creating feeling, etc., is sheer ignorance, since your abuse of us in our ears is the same feeling. When you catch an absorbent calf by the ear it bawls. When you catch a greedy pig by the ear it squeals. Yes, and every other ox and pig around takes up the strain and bellows; yes, and grunts around your heels, "pitch fork,'' anarchist, dangerous, revolutionist, cheap reprobate, prodigal, and "bad form," "don't you know" is offered as argu- ment, mathematics and analysis. The same nega- tive hiss that crucified martyrs and has fought every liberal suggestion beginning with flouts and jibes and noes and ending by accepting the suggestions giving birth to them as a policy and claiming them then as their very own — Gold the basis of society! The golden molten calf the basis of society. Ah, he is a wonderfully greedy beast, this prince of dark- ness, and he is never satisfied. And yet we are not one whit better, as presently constituted, for if we were not so prodigal he would simply not receive as much. We have too much hydrogen; he has too much oxygen, and it takes us both in Harmony to reach Truth or Nitrogen or Electricity, for Truth, between heat and cold is Electricity. Truth between flat and sharp in Harmony is Electricity. A current and counter current, a cycle of giving and receiving, where neither note dominates. Truth between every Bi-Metallic harmony of color, the blending of a blue with red, an orange with purple, is Bi-Metall- ism, or Truth of Color, an equality in which neither 14 tone dominates, but in which they heighten and illu- minate and feed each other. Not such an Electricity or Truth, however, as man has as yet chained in his business, but a Truth far more powerful, existing in the even balance of all atoms. Nitrogen or Spirit, the Creator of all life. Besting in the even balance until such time as we return to Justice as a Terrestial people. The attempted Harmony of two negative atoms create discord and absorbtion and is a continual source of unhappiness, individual or National as it is a perpetual filch, and the same will apply to the attempted harmony of two positive atoms, only that, instead of absorption, it is the reverse process and is propulsion. The size of a body does not govern its gravity, as has so often been supposed. No, it is the degree, as any electrician will admit. The harmony of a positive with its true negative in color in the even balance, however, is a New Crea- tion. The two alloy as one, they throw off a body which is negative and, while invisable, they are the Truth of that body and subsequent life, as chemistry and the harmony of colors, as mineral pigments or atoms will demonstrate, and it would seem the same law of Nature governing mineral atoms govern all. My dear Paul, you talk too much — are too vis- ionary, and there is nothing sound or solid or sub- stantial about your arguments — what we need in life now is less music, less color, less excitement and more sound, common sense; and the more I hear you the more I am convinced, Paul, gold is the basis of so- ciety and the only reliable policy or metal, while the 15 mere suggestion of silver sounds cheap and is offen- sive and vulgar. "Gold is the only sound," etc. Ah, yes; and what Jiidge would agree with defendant who came into court boasting the defense as the only truth of that court? And what composer would agree with the flats of life who came into the music room boasting the cold bassos and cold altos as the only truth, with- out regard to the warm soprano and tenor tones? And what artist would agree with Negation who came into the studio boasting Gold's negative pig- ments of green and orange and red were the truth of Color, without regard to Silver's pigments of the blue and purple of life? And what chemist or board of health officer or Physician would agree that the prop- erties of gold alone are the basis of his society? That oil could exist without the wine of life? My dear Apollos, you are a fine conservative fel- low, somewhat cold at times, but some day you may be alive to the fact there are two of us, or strictly speaking, four of us. A prodigal man at the liberal side a grey eagle of life also at the prodigal hydro- genic side. A quiet, conservative man, and a quiet, conservative woman at the oxygenic or receptive side. And you may also note that while you detest the vo- latile and creative in us, you are wedded to it your- self, nevertheless, either as an individual, national or continental atom. And the reverse will hold, for while detesting a calm man, we seem to fancy a placid woman, and as a rule are wedded to the lion of life. It seems doubtful, however, if, as presently consti- tuted and dominated by Monopoly, man ever meets 16 his true counterpart, otherwise there would have been an evolution of the race as the result of a nat- ural selection or of a harmony dictated by Truth, in- stead of by Monopoly, for the soul seems never to be satisfied, either, with Monopoly in giving too much or with Monopoly in receiving too much, and seems ever striving, or aiming at, or seeking for, something it has never — found. Look here, Paul, suppose we stop this canting and ranting now. We are in a Monopoly of the world's products. The cities and stores in every land are our agents, just as the distributing points of the Standard Oil Company are and act as agents. We have you down in bondage; yes, under the very ground, and we intend to keep you down if we can, now — there. That sounds better than peace, peace and arbi- tration, while you quietly absorb the earth, but you are in for it now, Apollos, and will have to face a rabbit your owm size at last, for when silver men and nations begin to realize the truth and, returning, claim their portion in the even balance on the earth, including territory, all the growling you can raise, Apollos, will not avail. Eemember, that when the prodigal returns and ceases to be prodigal the recep- tive half do not receive as much as usual, and ceasing to be prodigal and returning to just weights and even balances, including the coinage of treasure and the division of territory, cannot be repudiaton. It might also be well to remember that as you disturb the leaf of a tree you disturb all the living life thereon, and so with a terrestrial body. If the silver m^ mercury or 17 hydrogen in the air or earth is shut up or compressed, in- stead of being coined to purify the air and earth, it will purge that body and Continent — yes, and all its life. Travail in the air and an the earth means travail in the human body, and agitation, travail, famine, the sword, pestilence, and the plague are part of the purging process. Methinks Negation's foot has stumbled in his greed for gain, as foreordained, and we must be prepared to face the night and winter of our life before the dawning Tri-Millenial. You are a fine fellow, Apol- los, calm and steady, with many staying qualities we seem, as yet, to lack, but when it coiaes to infallible and the only sound policy, we object, knowing Truth, to rest with the scales between us both. With Justice on his side, no negative can keep the silver under ground or compressed for long without serious individual political and national results; yes, even to terrestrial atoms, meaning earthquakes. In short, earthquakes and eruptions, individual, political, na- tional and terrestrial will simply follow as a natural law. Paul, you are a good-hearted sort of fellow, after all, when we let you alone. Bi-Metallism may be all right, but business is business, and really, now, we cannot afford to begin and give back any territory or possessions. We can out-point you and out-man- euver you with our influence and diplomacy at every turn, Paul, and you may as well get to work. Do the duty and work you were created for, pioneering. And yet conscience tells me that Bi-Metallism would be Justice. Hold on a little, Paul. What is your rush. You say that flouts and jibes and scolds are not math- 18 ematics or analysis and that we must start our own individual brains and factories and test by their mathematical process the suggestions offered by you and the questions of finance that brought us where we are, then we will begin here and now. If we here, as two individuals, divide our possessions, will it benefit the balance of creation? No. Does a pool of any kind afford those outside the pool the same chance? No; and every man and every woman in this universe is kept back because they are not all in the pool together, as you know. But, Paul, if we induce the nations to form an international pool, then it would descend, by every law of mathematics and analysis, according to your theory, to the mean- est creature on earth, for cereals and animals, too, you will note, Paul, are out of balance and in monopo- ly of either too much silver properties or too much gold properties. So, likewise, with the metals, if we coin an equal amount of silver side by side with gold, so that the air we breathe, and the air all atoms breathe and feed upon, is equal and has an equal chance, and so that we would be equal givers and re- ceivers, neither dominating. We might all be in the pool, as Americans, but would be leaving out the other Continent entirely, the conservative continent, so that you would virtually be having us, as a terres- trial people, at the feet of a silver idol or prodigal Continent, instead of, as at present, at the feet of and in bondage to, a negative or receptive Continent Our aim is to practice, as a whole terrestrial people, what we have ever preached on Sunday, but violated at our Monetary Conferences on Monday — Even bal- ances. Absorb all, take all, into the pool. A ter- restrial wedding and blending. So that, Paul, you will perceive we are both working towards the same goal, only by the reverse process of each other. We desire to absorb all, take all, into the pool. You de- sire to give all the equal chance. If you were half as fast at heeding business that enables us to earn our income as you are impatient to spend it for us before it is earned, we would reach success so much earlier, Paul. You are too slow at heeding our de- sires and point of view, and too fast and anxious to display your own fire-works. There are two of us, you say; then face our side first. You are the oppo- sition or defense, and evidently unaware of it. You denounce us, but, as admitted, seem very fond of wedding us and enjoying our gold either as an indi- vidual atom, a national atom or a terrestrial atom. Since you are beginning to settle down to analy- sis now, Apollos, and mathematics we may soon be able to reach an even balance of protection to Paul and his silver warmth, as well as to Apollos and his cold gold. Yes, my dear brother, we are too fast and too impatient, and possessed of too much warmth and youth, and the longer you keep us penned up and shirk the question of finance in favor of your selfish factories and eastern cities, gold, as "the only sound Truth," the warmer and unyielding and re- fractory the sun's warmth is likely to become. And while it is true this is your innings and the current has been reversed, the East being the advance agent with the West and young South as receptive (dark- ness turning into day and the reverse holding), we 20 are the party who posited the question of finance and money as the issue, and the conditions of the game were finance, and no one would listen to any- thing but finance. If you will create a policy that will be other than absorption, we will assume the mathematical process, but since Paul and the silver side of life generally posit the argument and the great question of Bi-Metallism was advanced by the liberal half of life, while the conservative half, by a law of nature, lined up with their own graven image, or mineral of density. We must remind you to keep the promises you made and face manfully the finan- cial and other questions of domestic, social and po- litical economy, confronting the age instead of dis- gusting all with your selfish and mathematical fac- tories. Too slow at heeding the promises made to the people, too ready to let your mathematics dictate and to frame a law favoring the older son, while the second son has to whistle and do the grovelling for you. That we are wedded to this Monopoly of money ourselves, as individuals, as nations and as terres- trial bodies, we admit, but the fight we have main- tained against its dominance over us has been per- petual. Has it not ever stifled our aims, ambitions and progress? Has it not kept us continually in bond- age and the only result been the birth of another life to leave us and try and strive again for this same even balance of the scales. Just as it has resulted in the birth of a Colony or Nation to strive again for this same even balance of the scales. As to your problem, we note you begin at the math- ematical end as usual, Apollos. As individuals, how- 21 ever, before we became Nations, we may be pardoned for suggesting the individual is even yet responsible for this Monopoly and Bacteriology and Electricity confirm the possibility of one human atom changing the life of a Terrestrial atom, if assisted by Nitrogen, although admitting your reverse process would hold. Paul, you are an interesting fellow, after all. Have many attractive qualities — qualities we lack. Agile and original and somewhat more volatile, but we never know where to find you, Paul, or what you will do or say next. You are so uncertain, my counter- part, and — my, but you are fast, and dying of prodi- gality. Then gold is not the only Sound Truth, is it? Ahem! I have sent my representative to find out, Paul. Then wire him Apollos to brace up before the storms begin, because there are two of us — one ex- pecting the other to make brick without straw (heat) — and the other thinking he can generate steam, and reach prosperity "without the aid and consent" of moisture — or the other half of the Universe. Yes, you are such a restless lot, you pitchforks of life, and seem to be getting more and more so every day. Why not keep quiet and let the factories turn out pros- perity for you. Mathematical factories and gold and cities, my dear Paul, and law are "the basis of so- ciety." Of course, Apollos; you seem to forget, however, that everything you have, from the food you eat to the raiment you wear, must come first from the Pauls w^ho plant the producing and silver side of life, and when Paul does not come to town, why my dear fel- low, town will very soon move out to Paul, and there is your Bi-Metallism, with your factories and Cities (in Monopoly at present) scattered to the winds. — There now, Paul, be calm; not so fast, not so much love, my king, and a little more Roman Saxon law and order. Ah, yes. Law for your own selfish factories and negative affinities, but have a care, my older brother, Apollos; our desire was unto you as long as you did what was near right, but when your foot slipped, re- member our eyes were to be open. And w^hen Eng- land, in her absorbent greed, desired to grab Vene- zuela, desired to grab Mines in Alaska and Mines in Africa, under the guise of a Saint and Arbitration, the while their fleets were propping up their negative Turk and absorbing Africa, the silver and prodigal Nations of the earth began to detest her. And when the East began to desire Gold alone and absorption and Monopoly as the only sound policy, the West and young South began to detest her, and when the small stores began to learn they were being quietly ab- sorbed by Monopoly they began to detest her, and when the producer generally began to realize the Cities and stores and receptive atoms or bodies, In- dustrial and National, representing Negative in the play of the Universe, were forever absorbing the Lion's share, they began to detest them and this Mon- opoly, until the whole earth now is in revolt at this absorbent greed and gun-powder is being manufact- ured by contraction in the breast of the silver half of life, even to Terrestrial bodies and refraction of the Sun. Keep your feeling and agitation and abuse in 28 store now, Paul; remember it is your own counter- part you are denouncing. The Koman Saxon, my dear brother, is as safe and sound among the Nations as gold is in business. Yes, Apollos, and they are the only and the infallible. Methinks that has a familiar sound. But Leo XIII is a prodigal son himself, never- theless, from a spiritual point of view — tender, and warm-hearted, and compassionate, radiating and giving into the ether more vitality than he receives. Yes, a silver son whose compositions and whose sentiments betray the breath of living life — yes, mark him well for soon this father, too, will, as he nears the other side, be calling in his flock and will adopt a Bi-Metallic tone. Bi-Metallism, that is International Bi-Metallism, we propose to bring about, as the conservative half of the world, in our own conservative way and in our own good time, and we do not propose to have a pol- icy manufactured for us, Mr. Paul. Ah, indeed, Mr. Apollos, then if you intend to formulate a new policy other than absorption, your creative Forakers and Thurstons and the hydrogen of your administration will have to formulate it. Was Negative ever formed without the silver plate in harmong with iodine, bromine, chlorine, etc.? And was positive ever cre- ated and completed again as original without the negative being in harmony with the grey eagle of life, as represented in the chemical properties of the sun? My dear Apollos, you must be dull if you can not see that even political parties are governed by the same natural laws as are any other atoms, and 24 that they, too, are out of balance. Your McKinley party seems like the Cleveland party. More oxygen and gold properties than hydrogen and silver prop- erties; but wait until the parties settle down to busi- ness and you will find it is no longer Republican ver- sus Democrat, but Whig versus Tory, or Liberal ver- sus Conservative, or Silver versus Gold. The same reprobate Naturalist, Paul; how horrid. Think what the Nation escaped when it escaped Bi- Metallism. Reprobate is merely a flout, ApoUos. The ques- tion is, are these suggestions true? And if true, then Truth is beastly only to the beast. And what has Nature to do with business and National Exchange? My dear Apollos, the laws governing business relations are Nature's laws, and the laws govern- ing National relations and Terrestrial relations in the flowing and the ebbing tides are Nature's laws. And as there are unjust relations with individuals, there are unjust relations with political parties and Nations. Unjust relations in the individual are like the Apricot and Mule — soon blotted out; so, likewise, with the Nations. When the time arrives, however, for us to adopt Bi-Metallism and thereby practice what we preach, the Na- tions and the individuals, it begins to seem, will have their promised heart's desire, and we will embark on a New Era of life under the New Covenant and under a light that will be something other than the sun and moon. When we acquire a taste for tobacco we take with it its counterpart, which is a mortgage on us, 25 ever craving more. When we acquire a taste for wine we take with it its counterpart, which is a mort- gage on us, ever craving more; and so with all our varied tastes and habits. The more we give the more we desire to give. The more we receive the more we desire to receive; and it will be found the same argu- ment holds in a National body bonded to its counter- part, as well as any other atom with life on earth, and it will only be a question of time when the mort- gage will be foreclosed and death, individual or Na- tional, would be the natural result, unless our eyes were opened to the Truth. A Truth which reads American prodigality, good nature, liberality, giving ever, as a Continent, more than we received, has been responsible for our bondage as a Continent to the otlier half of life. If America, as a Hemisphere, would remain at home instead of spending their time and attention and treasures in another land, the other Hemisphere would then be willing to meet us half way in all things, including values. If the West and young South, who have ever been generous, would remain at home, the East would very soon be willing to meet them half way in all things, including values. When the producer has his eyes open to the fact the City and store dictate to him the price of his own goods, which they consider "cheap'' and "repro- bate," and sell him the same goods adulterated and with the strength manufactured out of them at high prices, then is it time to scorn the husks by returning home. And that, my dear Apollos, is what your con- traction and Monopoly is going to be responsible for. Electrically speaking, England, in her business 26 relations with Kussia, or any silver Nation, is en- gaged in International purity and Justice for each Nation, dictating the value of their products; it is a cycle of giving and receiving — a current and coun- ter-current in which neither dominates. But Eng- land, in her business relations with other gold stand- ard Nations, by virtue of her Monopoly, dictates the price — a perpetual filch both ways, — and is, elec- trically speaking, a national and promiscuous adul- teress beguiling the Nations of the earth with her sor- cery and wiles. A veritable Babylon, in short, while posing as an Altruist and Saint, for the harmony of two Negative atoms reads absorption by the larger body as emphatically as that the attempted harmony of two positive atoms reads propulsion — the one warmth snuffing out the other. Humph! The factories will hold the people in groups, as any man of sense would perceive. But you have everything but sense, Paul. Why, if I had your audacity — your nerve — without your agility and theatrical airs, there is nothing on earth that I could not do, Paul. But you are too sensational, too visionary, take in too much territory, and there is entirely too much fur and feather about you, Paul. As to your abuse of England, that is simply vulgar, prompted by jealousy and envy and an ill-natured atttempt to "create feeling'' and prejudice. "Creating feeling" — Methinks that has a familiar sound, Apollos; and "prejudice'' — yes, but you shirk the question of Truth, as usual, detesting a Truth of yourself that hurts and brings forth "creating feel- ing," etc., preferring a Truth that reads "dangerous," 27 Anarchist, Eepudiator, etc. Yes, we understand. As to the other suggestion, the reverse ever holds if True, since we are counterparts and you are my mathematics. If I had your repose and staying qualities, with some of my own, so that I could reach the even balance, I should be in harmony with the Universe, a part of Truth, and there is nothing on earth I could not do. To reach the other side and see ourselves as the other side may see us is now the Philosophy of our time, Apollos. To thoroughly recognize there are two of us and that we are dia- metrically opposite, with the Truth between us, is to be Bi-Metallic in our tone. As to the fur and feather and demagogic part, every male on earth is a demagogue pealing a love song to his mate and possessed of a bearing suggestive of plumage and fur of varied hue. Why is it your side of life — ^the conservative man — detests a brilliant color, Apollos, and has little use for poetry or allegory, or anything oriental and with a rythm or cadence about it? You certainly seem constitutionally opposed to an even balance in anything. All negative birds are quiet in their manner, as a rule, Apollos, and somewhat quiet in their dress, but the negative bird is a maneuverer and full of wiles and sorcery, as mark how she will lure you with deceit far from her nest Not that we object to placidity, Apollos, but only in answer to the assertion gold is the basis of society and the only and infallible Truth we protest, insisting there are two of us, that neither should dominate, and believ- ing in Keciprocity, which is also the Philosophy of 28 Electricity — a current of giving as well as receiv- ing — a current and counter-current. Paul, you are like the silver sun of which you speak — fitful, somewhat boisterous and far too mer- curial. When we imagine you down for all time you break forth in a fit of warmth as if there never had been night or death. Tempest and tumult and some- thing tragic and startling, your eyes seem to be a magnifying glass, Paul, exaggerating ever — ^too much noise and boom and parade, Paul. Yes, Apollos, and you seem to be like the cold, cold moon, that is growing very old, remember, calm and placid and cold — the only spectacles through which you observe everything. Your eyes are sim- ply my reverse process, however, the magnifying glass reversed seeing everything a long way off and a narrow guage. Your idea of the Universe is one manufactured by Negation to special order and war- ranted to suit all negative points of view, a Universe of slow, gradual growth and evolution. There is nothing fitful in your idea of life or fitful or spas- modic in your idea of growth. Age after age with Negation has advanced under Negation as the only "sound," etc., and is still advancing — by sloth — never thinking for a moment there are days and summers of life as well as nights and winters, and that there are storms and tempests, as well as calms. Do you im- agine, Apollos, if an earthquake should wipe us out of existence the ruins of your negative and industrial sky-scrapers and factories would compare favorably with the ruins of France or Greece in Creative worth in Architecture or in an ideal God? 29 And your idea of a Universe, Paul, as I under- stand it, has been that it is an embryo which ex- plodes in combustion every thousand years or two, as the veil of the Universe is rent in twain, and that a new created world springs up in evolution at Heaven's command, but that is an exploded theory, my dear boy. Even your advanced Gladdens and Abbotts are beginning to realize the Bible, as a sacred work, contains much that is fiction and poetry, song and "folk lore." True, Apollos, in part, that every sheep seems to be straying, "every one to his own way." Casting down such as stand in the way of book or literary knowledge as if knowledge received from books was anything other than negative mathematical or past history knowledge. "I will distil my speech upon the dew," Truth tells us, and is warmth of life not fed in a sense by moisture as moisture is fed by heat? And was the reverse process not formed to test the theories by mathematics? And if the Bible had been formed to suit Apollos only, when we are diametrically opposite, without regard to Paul, where would have been the Truth that holds us even yet in hand? My dear Apollos, as a Philosophy of the positive giving part of life as well as the gravity and receiving part of life the Bible is the greatest of all Doctrines and the only Spiritual or Electrical Truth, a Truth that has ever recognized and cared for both. If Gladden and Ab- bott would study the Philosophy of Electricity they would begin and realize the suggestions of a prodigal 30 son, of Isaac, of the Song of Moses and the Rock, in fact that all allegorical suggestions from Genesis to Revelations were both Spiritual and Material, for Spirit or Electricity or Nitrogen is composed of atoms and mineral pigments of mercury and hydro- gen, as well as gold and oxygen and the properties of the air, are identical with those of the earth and human body. Electrically or Psychically speaking, Jonah would be swallowed by the whale, if at sea, for the whale is a negative fish, and if Jonah was too mercurial, the whale, being too absorbent, would absorb him. Electrically and Chemically, the study of Electricity as a Philosophy would also enable these advanced thinkers to read the covenant with Moses in the Testimony, was an allegorical de- scription, not only of the positive and negative Con- tinents and negative and positive Continents, but also of the anatomy of the positive and negative man and positive and negative woman. That, Electric- ally speaking, or Psychically or Spiritually speak- ing, they represent the same as the first chapter of Ezekiel, the creation of a Photograph and the Crea- tion of all life. That it is scales level, even balances and Bi-Metallism, as Electricity and as the same Truth has far more Philosophy in it than seems to be realized. Think of it, Apollos, not a breath of living life was ever created without reaching this even balance or harmony of the metals and minerals of all the precious treasures of this earth, the Nitro- gen of life, for the human body, while dominated by a monopoly of either hydrogen or oxygen, has all the chemical properties of a continent. And in times 81 like these, when it is a question of a father versus his son, we may understand what is meant in the Song of Moses, "Of the Kock that begat thee thou art un- mindful and hast forgotten God that formed thee." Yes, my dear Apollos, these are times when knowl- edge is being distilled upon the dew as food for babes, and days are also near, it would seem, when some of our wise men will be ridiculed, too, for a very large proportion of children in these very days are going through a fire of heat because, forsooth, they will not bow down to a Golden Molten Calf; that is (let us see how large, for in these days we are material not spiritual) in a monopoly. Material, yes; but where is the matter, pray, that does not con- tain the Spirit of Nitrogen? Even Spencer has changed his ideas and acknowledged psychology and matter as indissolubly connected. Gold the basis of society! the chemical properties of the moon the basis of society. And does the mariner not recognize a Truth between sun and moon? And does the mariner not recognize a breeze towards the land during the day and at night the reverse process, a warm breeze from the land to the sea? And what mariner would trust to and take his observations from any moon alone, without re- gard to sun? But you forget, Paul, woman really represents love, and that without her there would be neither love nor compassion on earth; while as to Nations, Kyd's suggestion of the Saxon race and Saxon son, as being illustrative of tenderness and compassion and altruism, is generally accepted. 32 Then how comes it, Apollos, the conservative and negative half of life have ever crushed Ireland while propping up her negative and placid diplomatic affinity, the Turk? And how comes it the conserva- tive or negative half of life are surrounding the Island of Crete and starving the people of that island? Look at their conservative compassion in Cuba, Apollos, how benignly and with what cold- blooded composure they altruize the people into cities that they may starve and die. I tell you, sir, gold absorbs all atoms, psychically and otherwise, into cities and factories merely to starve and die and every Nation that has ever worshiped at her shrine has worshiped but to die and try again. That wo- man and gold and wool and factories and cities rep- resent one part of Truth and "sound" and Altruism and Love, we will admit, as mark with what fond- ness they care for their family, "protecting" them, bearing them in her arms, nursing them on her bosom, soothing them. But it is her own young and family, particularly, Apollos, and there is little love manifested anywhere on earth, as yet, from the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air to the po- litical party named conservative or Nation named conservative, for the other side of life — the family of others. The word liberty to them is repudiation when not all on their side. In Truth, Apollos, the oxygen of life is something of a "Jealous daughter of Judah," and the positive side of life, while pos- sessed of many weaknesses, while being somewhat light and ductile has, nevertheless, been wide in range and quite as altruistic and able to note there 33 are two of us as they are to note each side is merely lining up with its mineral. And that one side, the Mathematics of life, the factory and City, in the play of the Universe has become so puffed up — has such a "big head" — it fondly imagines itself the only God. Not that we object to woman, the only true gold of life in any sense, but to anything other than equality as between man and woman we object — to gold as the only sound we object and repudiate, to maneuvering and diplomacy and adroitness and sor- cery, which reads only the maneuverer is sound, the open man who gives and is out-maneuvered because he is composed of hydrogen and prefers to give, be- ing "unsound" and void of honor and integrity — to all such sorcery we object. If Negation or Mathe- matics must dominate the earth, as she has encom- passed man, then let us have the genuine true gold as our Diplomats and adroit maneuverers; and if Mathematics is to be the advance agent, the pioneer who will clear the forests "without the aid and con- sent" of hydrogen or silver, why the first mouse that appears, my dear Apollos, will simply create a panic on your bourse. The Negative Nation, boasting itself as the only and infallible. The Negative political party boast- ing its affinities of factories and gold as the only and infallible. The merchant and the farmer boasting round the store fire of how they absorbed their neigh- bor. And the woman in the circle of her friends boasting of the number of her admirers and of how she had beguiled them, are birds of the same feather, and their name is "gravity, the greatest of discover- 34 ies"; but those who are in touch with the world as a whole at this present time realize there must be a prodigal (giver) for every one of these receivers, and they are also noting that hydrogenic Nations and political parties and individuals are up in arms on two Hemispheres at this absorbent greed, as that it is a battle royal, a battle of the elements now no- ticeable in the earth and air, as well as among the Nations. A battle of the elements of heat versus cold, with the Truth resting in the even balance, as Electricity. Not that we insinuate all are alike as promiscuous as England, Heaven forbid! for as no two stars in the firmament are alike in glory, neither are any two oxygenic colors or gases or atoms alike, although they are the counterparts of hydrogenic blue and purple of all life. And just as Nations and individuals tuned to the hydrogenic harmony are, as the rays of day, becoming more and more refrac- tory, as the contraction proceeds, so likewise we will find it in the animal life. They, too, will become refractory and obstinate and stiff-necked, for the elements of Heaven, as well as the elements on earth, are evidently at war; and the arch fiend of selfish greed (money), knowing well this innings is his last, with only one more wicket to fall, will do his best to throw a volume of water at the new birth — a volume of water and mud, however, which the earth will merely swallow up. Humph! Mere "generalizing'' and evanescent vaguery, void of facts, not a single figure to back the assertions or foundation to build upon. All in the hydrogenic air, as usual, what Gladden would term 35 "fifth Century imagination," and ludicrous in the light of this ''Scientific Age.^^ And then the Mil- lenial, I presume. Yes, you forget 1900 is the Millenial, Apollos; however, you brush that fact aside as you do the sug- gestion there are two of us, and that one cannot live without the other. What sort of a figure would Eng- land make without her Celtic Colonies? What sort of a figure would the East make without the West and South? The same sort of a figure, Apollos, that woman would without man, or gold would w ithout silver — contract, wither up, die. Sneer at the Millenial, Apol- los, as you will, but the elements will remind you, from time to time, of its approach — 'Hhe handwriting is there upon the walV As to Gladden^s ''Scientific Age,'^ the science of the day and hour and age, Electricity tells us the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, is written in the language of Electrical Philosophy and in an Allegory which Negation, by very Nature, detests and will refuse to recognize, as the liberal man will pass details and figures as uninteresting and dull. But you forget, my dear Paul, the age of positive and negative Philosophy died with Greece some thou- sand years ago, w4th all its cycles and its planes and its mineral aflfinities and theories. This is an age of peaceful industry and practical business life. Of morality and humanity and mathematics. Now take the Turk, for instance, whom you liberals ever abuse. Investigations prove conclusively the Chris- tian Greeks are ever the first to stir up a dust and create agitation. The Conservatives fortunately are in power at present and have been able to sit down on this gunpowder and disturber of the peace, and while public sentiment for a time favors Greece, the calm sound and reliable elements in the land, as in the Venezuelan trouble, will eventually prevail, as they have ever done. This is an age of peace and in- dustry and conservative methods, my dear fellow, and of arbitration, and the days of the brigand and gunpowder and daring highway robbers are gone. The Greeks and Celts have ever been unreliable. "Beware of the Greeks bearing gifts." Ah, yes, my dear cold-hearted brother, "Beware of the Greeks bearing gifts," but you know very well the Eoman Saxon son never was the bearer of gifts. Could not bear gifts gracefully if he wanted to, be- cause he has been the "receiver" ever of those gifts. An age of Morality! Yes, the fleets of Conservative Apollos blockading little Crete lest the inhabitants secure any food to eat. Conquering them by starva- tion — the fleet of America aiding in the same cold- blooded work in Cuba. Yes, a wonderfully moral age of gorged divorce courts, of Negations, Contrac- tion — of Negation, cruel ever to his brother. But your innings is nearly over, Apollos, and since every atom on earth has its counterpart for every silver son you destroy, you destroy the Psychical life current of his counterpart, your own body. As to the Philoso- phy of Cycles and planes and affinities that died some two thousand years ago, we are merely beginning to arrive with the Cycle of time at a point in civilization passed by former races in former Cycles of time, since methinks to open our eyes and observe Cycles cours- 37 ing along and whizzing through the air in straight lines, at times, may be evidence of a fact we are only beginning to understand what Cycles meant, and methinks the study of Electricity, not for what we can pocket by it, but with a view to learning what it is and of what composed, may inform us we are only beginning to realize what Electrical planes meant, and politics is certainly an evidence of how a man will line up with his mineral or affinity or point of view; but wait until the Nations begin to line up, Apollos, as Nations, not as Conservatives, and you may find there is nothing in this world yet, other than Eoman, that is not Greek in tone. We have had many and various names for our cereals, but they are all either dominated by too much hydrogen or silver or by too much oxygen or gold properties. We have had many and various breeds of poultry and cattle, even, but, after all, there is the active breed versus the passive breed. The one is too nervous and prodi- gal, the other too dull and much of a pig. So that neither alone, my dear Apollos, is the only "sound,'' and as long as you fill the air with more of one min- eral than you do with another, we are likely to be out of tune and to line up with opposite points of view, while to charge the air mth negative only of density and shutting up the positive life and mercurial currents on two Hemispheres, will simply mean earthquakes in Terrestrial bodies and atoms, earthquakes in national bodies, earth- quakes in individual bodies, and contraction which, of course, means dissolution and death. The hour of dark- ness before the dawning day. And when are all these calamities to reach us, 38 Paul? I thought Electricity was the lightning's flash that, like thought, could span a Continent in the twinkling of an eye. We are anxious to see some of these signs and wonders and calamities that ap- peal so much to your warmth. And I say, Paul, when did you begin to pose as a Prophet after the order of Melchizedek while being averse to peace and arbitra- tion? And Paul, how much longer are you to be in learning the gods on your side, composed of positive accumulation, Jewish tin, have ever sold you out and been responsible for your death? Arbitration, yes, Apollos, and Venezuela; but that was a liberal triumph for the prodigal Continent frowning; no, that was the end of Venezuelan ab- sorption. Those seeking peace in sincerity will find it, as you know, in Bi-Metallism, in the even balance of territory, as well as weights and measures. Some one has been doing business among the Nations, un- der the guise of a Saint, with a false pair of scales, and the Great Adjuster of weights and balances is beginning to expose, not only her shame but the wan- ton sorcery with which she has beguiled the Nations and been "grinding down the faces of the poor'' upon two Continents. My own body you say? My own counterpart? Then if it will not meet half way in all affairs of life and will persist in forcing us to bow for- ever at the graven shrine of money, why, let it go. There is no Truth in such a counterpart or atom. As to the destruction of our power by the more absorbent tin of life. That alchemy will corroborate in connection with mineral atoms, and we are cer- tainly governed by the same laws of heat and cold, 39 action and reaction. As for calamities, why, my dear Apollos, they are with us now. Set your mathe- matical brain and factory in motion, Apollos, and figure out the natural result of the contraction al- ready with us and your conclusions will bear me out. Twenty-five per cent, of values on the tax dupli- cate by contraction is cutting down one-fourth of the weeds of life also. Since contraction of atoms includes human atoms, we must remember. For one who is such a stickler for laws (to suit negation) it is a pity you fell out with Nature's laws, Apollos. But you are going to learn, my dear brother, there are Terrestrial laws — laws governed by higher Nature, as well as laws framed to suit Monopoly or lower Nature. Terrestrial rant and rubbish, Paul. Why, you are getting to be a "silver crank," and really not in any condition to be about. Apollos I Do you remember what Negation said of General Sherman when he demanded half a mil- lion men to crush at once the rising South? Did they not say the man was mad, had lost his senses, "don't you know," and should be removed? Yes. Well, my dear Apollos, you are simply the same nega- tive half of life, and as unable now to anticipate what is coming as you were then. General Sherman was the sharp of life. John Sherman is the flat of life. The one was volatile and fast and warm, the other is diplomatic and slow and cold. The one detested diplomacy, the other detests war. Splendid specimens of the positive and nega tive man in life. Splendid specimens of propulsion 40 and absorption. The one will be remembered for his boldness and daring in cutting the wires leading to diplomacy and marching to the Sea. The other will be remembered as one who formed and fashioned, yes, and brought, the Koman Saxon golden and ab- sorbent Calf of contraction here to America. And yet to Conservatives John Sherman will seem the better man, and to Liberals General Sherman will seem the better man. But, strictly speaking, from a spiritual or electrical point of view, one is as good as the other — the one being merely the reverse pro- cess of the other. If you would care to know, Apol- los, the gift of seeing ourselves as others see us is simply to be Bi-Metallic, to weigh our arguments, to balance them in an effort to reach Truth. You have offered so many fantastic ideas, Paul, it is no easy matter to keep up with you. There is one suggestion your counterparts or opposites of life has opened up to me, however, in connection with the Bible and I am really more glad than otherwise we met this evening. The Bible seemed often to be con- tradictory, favoring first one side and then the other. But since it is evident our points of view really are diametrically opposite, and since each finds encour- agement there, the Bible certainly comes to me now with a greater light, and while doing my best, na^* turally, to look at the bright side of affairs, now that our party is in control, it does begin to appear we may be on the eve of a decided change in our indus- trial affairs. If we sit down and face, mathematic- ally, the present situation, taking the army of sev- enty million bodies as our own, allow for a shrink- 41 age of 25 per cent., already manifest in taxes and values, the amount of real estate accumulating in the hands of the sheriff, the natural result of contrac- tion by floods and wars and the season's disasters in the West and South, which, in its turn, will be felt by the railroads and cities, necessitating reductions in wages and strikes at a time when agitation and disturbance seem in the air — these alone, with the corresponding lack of confidence, are evidence of times of travail that must be met ; and while flouting your suggestions of returning to a paternal form of government again, in the interest of the unemployed, we have really accepted your suggestion in our effort to tax the people for the benefit of the unemployed. That negative atoms destroy and poison other nega- tive atoms we may admit, and that the contraction is cutting in both directions we will also have to own, with cities and city life and factories and mines, the mathematical affinities in the play of the Universe, evidently the greater sufferer. We may also own that mercury, in harmony with its opposite, would, as lightning or electricity, purify the air; but I am not satisfied, and doubt the suggestion, that travail and dread disease is in the air we breathe and feed upon now as a result of ceasing to coin silver, al- though admitting mercury assists in purification. As to the suggestion. Negative atoms create discord and that it would apply to Nations, England, in her relations with India, Eussia, China or Mexico, we must admit can only dictate the price one way, since silver goods are high and they hold each other level; while England, in her relations with America and 42 other countries where gold is the standard of value and basis of exchange, will, by virtue of her monop- oly of commerce, incline to dictate the value of everything each way, just as the store does the American producer. We will also have to admit a strong argument in favor of coining the metals side by side in France, That it has, since in part adopted, kept the family and increase at a nominal rate and afforded the land owner a chance in life. If you will only give us time, however, International Bi-Metallism will come as a result of our efforts. Monopoly dominates all life in Nature, Paul, and, in a sense, seems to have been foreordained, since it has ever crowded out the other part to new fields and, therefore, been respon- sible for reaching earth's ends. It is a well-known fact a conservative man will avoid liberal men if they are too much in evidence, and the reverse would hold, if true, while we all know a liberal man does love to Pioneer. Moreover the silver men and Na- tions, when in Monopoly, crowd out, by war or vio- lence, the conservative half, as witness Mexico and Cuba with Spain, or Russia with their accumulative Jew, as you term it; while, on the other side, Eng- land and Germany, since gold was in control, have quietly crowded out their Celts. I am also prepared to admit gold and negation favor or represent, some- what, contraction as an atom, an individual or a Nation, but prodigality and inflation has had every- thing up so high we must reach the ground at times in order to take breath. If you will only keep calm and quiet and not create a disturbance Bi-Metallism will come that much sooner, Paul. But, my placid brother, can you keep a people down when the very elements are at war within them? Why trifle with their impatience? When Paul does not come to town, Apollos himself will do the growling, you will find. Why shirk the money question? Why persist in flouting and scolding your brother? You are the conserva- tive Apollos. The liberal half of life have ever been "the lambs,'^ electrically speaking, whom you have fleeced. Are you so dull as to imagine "Confidence," which rests between the silver and the gold, is going to be found by flouts and adjectives, instead of by Mathematics and Analysis? Can you not see every flout and every day of golden cold merely means an extra nail in the cofiin of your Neg- ative Cities, merely increases lack of confidence? Why not face the situation with analysis instead of manufacturing, by your venom, silver gunpowder that will rend your body Terrestrial, National and individual, from sea to sea? Do you desire to emulate Pharaoh with Israel? Don you expect us to manufacture brick without heat? Expect confidence without the mercury of life? That is certainly the electrical solution or sug- gestion of your policy of shutting up the mercury of life; and not only does it mean dread disease in our air, but it means that your first born too will feel it, for this is silver versus gold, or father versus son — "a Father rending his own arm." The true gold of all, however, like the prodigal, has ever been left, as a rule, to fight it out alone, since gold was in con- trol, for the prodigal who hustles and moves to a far 44 country leaves his counterpart invariably behind. The iron, or negative, or conservative man, by a na- tural affinity, is wedded to the silver eagle of life. But the lion — the prodigaPs true mate, the only true gold, as a National body or individual body — it begins to seem may yet have her heart's desire, for Bi-Me- tallism will certainly level all balances and bring each counterpart face to face. But I would prefer to be a gold man, Paul. I hardly like the idea of being neither the one nor the other, a sort of strad- dler or two-faced being; and yet, as you suggest, the perfect man or Truth had four in Ezekiel. True, the perfect man would be in harmony with the elements and could then destroy a city or an army at will. "How could one chase a thousand and two, put ten thousand to flight, unless their rock had sold them and the Lord had shut them up,'' is somewhat sug- gestive of these very times and of Bi-Metallism, or Electricity, and it would certainly put an end to war, while, no doubt, as we near the even balance we will be able to see ourselves as others see us, but it is go- ing to be as difficult for us, as conservative, to be the advance agent and prodigal part as it is going to be for you to play and act the receptive part. Yes, I can see how cross and surly we are likely to be, as individuals and Nations, with each other as a result of being out of tune. But I say, Paul, if there is any Truth in what you suggest that, as is the individual atom so will be the human, political, social, National and Terrestrial atom, with the reverse holding, and we do find them out of tune, why, my dear fellow, according to your Philosophy of Electricity, when 45 we go to the gold mines and silver mines for the pre- cious treasures of the earth, we will find the silveu mines in flames by contraction and the gold mines turning either to moisture or ice and in a state of chaos also, by contraction. And we may expect to find a silver or positive continent as an atom and agriculture in a state of fire, and the sword and a Negative or Conservative Continent and Cities gen- erally, in the play of the Universe, in a state of pesti- lence and famine, with the walls broken and the vitality departing. And if the Truth of this Uni- verse is a current and counter-current, why, Paul, this Continent and Nation and our Cities, individual and otherwise, would be receiving all this contrac- tion in turn. That might have been under the rule of "pyrotechnics,'^ but not under the rule of Mathe- matics and law. International law. And if the Truth of this Universe is Electricity or Nitrogen, as Spirit and Bi-Metallism means the coming of the Nitrogen, we may expect to see all Oxygenic matter and water, like an atom of gold or clay in the furnace, change from an olive tinge to that of orange, thence, in its exposure to the furnace of your earth's com- pressed warmth, or Nitrogen, to red. Ah, yes; sounds quite like the Millenial and "that last sunset when the stars shall fall," but we will hardly believe it yet, Paul, believe our fleets or waters will contract. Very likely not, Apollos; hut you forget 1900 is the Millenial. The Tri-Millenial. The beginning of the third cycle of time, when, hy every Natural, Electrical and Mathematical law, a new development or birth may be expected in the harmony of the Silver Cycle with 46 the Gold. You also forget, in your reference to "that last sunset/' etc., the year 1900 will witness the great- est fall of stars and fire our earth has ever encoun- tered. And what does earth mean if not our individual body as well as Terrestrial body? These are Mathe- matical facts, Apollos, you cannot brush aside with a "flout." The handwriting is there "upon the wall,'' scold as you will. If you will send a sepecial mes- senger after your own heart, my dear brother, to Spencer, of England; Edison, of New York, and Langley, of the Smithsonian, calling in your ablest Alchemist and your Philosopher of light, you may be surprised to learn the atom of silver and the atom of gold not only tell the story of heat and cold, hydro- gen and oxygen, but that the story of the Heavens, as known to an elderly Celtic woman, handed down from generation to generation, is quite as near the Truth of this Universe of ours as the wisdom of our Mathematical men in figuring the distance of Heavenly bodies through a reflecting glass, such as the moisture and the ether of the Heavens may be. As to "that last sunset," also, we may note first, what you cannot get away from, that the sun is even now clouded and spotted and refractory, and that on two Hemispheres simultaneously the liberal or sunshine of life are retiring to their tents, contract- ing and becoming compressed and refractory, while we have the most promising of all "signs and won- ders," the conservative half of life, the party of dark- ness and night are turning to the party of day. To brush these facts aside, Apollos, with a sneer may suit you when "talking politics," but they will be, and are, beside you continually in your sober mo- ments. But think of the contraction, Paul, the "savage butchery" of it all. It is a bitter pill ; yes, bitter to the taste, this Truth of yours, and really, now I am hardly ready yet to accept it, although admitting there is more in Bi-Metallism than has been realized. Believe it, my doubting Thomas, Apollos, no, of course you will not, and as to the contraction and "savage butchery," it is a pity you did not think of that before bringing to us your Golden Molten Calf of absorbent Monopoly and greed. Believe a Truth that is a retributive Justice? No, you desire to do the butchering and starving to death yourself, Mr. Cold Blood, in Crete and Cuba, and by absorbing our life into your cities to starve, and think that part of it quite the proper thing, but a God who rests in the Center and metes out Justice to both, why, such a God is a savage God. Yes, we understand, Mr. Ne- gation, but for every son and silver woman and child you destroy, my dear Contractor, you merely cut off, the life current of their counterparts, since man, it is being demonstrated by Electrical Philosophy, does not live by any means on bread alone, but is fed Psychically while asleep. We fight our weaker part in fighting you. McKinley and Hanna fight their weaker part, the Thurstons and Forakers of life, in fighting the silver side. As the silver men, in fight- ing McKinley and Hanna, are fighting their conserva- tive Gormans and Hills and Whitneys. And you will observe it may also apply to Nations, since Eng- land, in fighting the volatile France or Kussia, merely 48 fight the weaker part of their own body — the silver Celt of life. As Prussia, in fighting England, would be fighting his German part of life. The reference to music may also hold in life, individual and na- tional, since what is flat in one harmony may be the sharp in another. England's prodigal son in Africa would really be the silver pioneer part, while Prus- sia's Eoman son would be the Boer, too slow with his reforms again. All know France pioneered it in Suez and Egypt, but Apollos received it as usual. It does begin to seem we are fighting our own life, as individuals and nations, in fighting each other, and going to the grave as a result of our greed some- what. That part I will admit, and Electricity, as the Philosophy of Nitrogen, of that which rests in the even balance between affirmative and negative, would apply to every argument and be the Truth, in a manner, of every subject. Yes, we will have to ad- mit the metals are the Philosophy of color and the philosophy of Music the Notes inflating as they de- scend the scale, expanding as they are strengthened and fed by gold or cold, and at the other end of the scale the reverse process the notes contracting and being purified as they ascend the scale. They are also the philosophy of clays, it would seem, which, like negative minerals and colors, are purified by contraction in the furnace of heat. But, my dear Paul, you will have to confess Ck)ntraction does purge us of our dross and tin, and you will have to admit that contraction of life, even, is necessary from time to time. True, Apollos, I do admit it. Admit we have ever 49 been too prodigal in all things; but you must not growl and marl, Apollos, when Contraction cuts your side, including cities, territory and life, and must not blaspheme a God and Justice that is a retributive Jus- tice and whose sword is a two-edged sword. True somewhat, Paul, and it is evident Blaine's Keciprocitj and Pan-American conception was the same Principle of an even balance — a current and counter-current, as Bi-Metallism would suggest. And that, in fighting the silver of life, we not only combat part of ourselves as individual atoms, polit- ical atoms, and national atoms, but that it will apply to Terrestrial atoms, for the Great South American Republics are of silver tone, we must admit, and there seems no reason why Blaine's Pan-American con- ception, as the Destiny of his Nation, should not be carried out at this time and the Hemisphere, includ- ing Canada, combine in Harmony as one great Bi- Metallic whole. We will also have to own, Paul, Gold has favored the growth of cities and negative affinities, absorb- ing the rural districts, as that in the contraction, as the rural districts and interests are cared for by Justice^ it will be at the expense of oxygen gold or cities gen- erally. In short, Paul, the city and gold can only profit and increase at the expense of the country and silver, and the reverse must hold. When Agricul- ture begins to increase in value it will be at our ex- pense. Exactly, Apollos, but your ideas of an even bal- ance heretofore have been as your conception of Tem- perance — and all on one infallible negative side. 50 But we are all likely soon to learn it takes both par- ties to reach Ccmfidence and that either alone never has and never can, "v^ithout the aid and consent" of the other half, or the Justice or Truth or Conscience (for I take it they are one), which rests between the two and within ourselves as atoms individual and continental. Yes we are in for it, both of us, Apol- los. The peach bud blighted in the early fall will cling to its branch throughout the winter months, but with the flood of Nitric life and light that comes on the Odylic Spring, it drops, yes dead upon the ground, to be taken up as food by the parent stem; and what are we but buds upon a parent tree, who must be Bi-Metallic in our tone and proof against the flood of Nitric fire and flood of stars our earth (which, of course, is our body also) encounters in 1900 the Tri-Millenial? But we know all about stars and meteors, Paul. Ah, yes; do we? Ask Oamille Flamarion, who is likely to know, and you may be surprised at the an- swer. You hear sound and harmonies, but, tested by your mathematics, the Truth of sound, you must admit, is that which is void. So, likewise, with Color and Vision; by greed we have separated color into a positive color and negative color, while mathemat- ics demonstrates Truth there is also opaque. Ah, yes, we are seeing Sun, Moon and Stars simply be- cause Nitrogen radiating through all, casts their shadow in the ether of the Heavens. "In them hath he set a Tabernacle for the Sun," is as true of to-day as it ever was, Apollos ; and if you have any wise men left other than Negation, it might be well to consult 51 them. Send a special messenger, my dear Brother, to Langley, of the Smithsonian, asking as to the luminous and photogenic matter of the human being as an atom and you might be also surprised to learn the human body or brain is composed of both positive and negative, just as a grain of maise, if dissected carefully, will prove to be both positive and negative. That stars are falling from time to time, my dear brother, is true and so, by wars at stated intervals of time, have human lights been going out Paul, I must admit it bitter to the taste. When you get after me and see my weak points of contrac- tion or the mote in my eye, I resort to "creating feel- ing," detesting a Truth of myself, forgetting that, in discussing the demagogic and inflating sunbeam in your eye, I am creating the same kind of feeling. Yes, it is somewhat bitter to the taste to learn there is little Truth in us, as presently constituted, and that we, as the conservative half of the world, are not in- fallible, but the mathematical part of Truth only. Can you demonstrate to me, in a practical sense, the Philosophy of Electricity or Nitrogen as the Higher Nature of all life, Paul? And why it is Elec- tricity, as chained by man, has to be so contiually fed? That, Apollos, would indeed be a task fit for the gods. The same sun, however, which will volatilize all silver life into mercurial ether, and moon that will volatilize all gold life into space is the reason all atoms meet death and have to be renewed. Conquer sun and moon, Apollos, and you have conquered death. Look now at the Cycle dominated by Monop- 52 oly and we will suggest such a Cycle as we used in a material sense only a year or two ago. The front wheel was large and the hind wheel was small, and they were out of balance, dominated by Monopoly. This wheel we will designate as + in the play of the Universe. Reverse the process, however, and we simply have a Cycle which we designate — . Or, as another illustration, examine the anatomy of the hu- man brain, especially of the forehead, and you will find the third eye of half the men diametrically oppo- site the reverse process of each other. The same will also apply to woman, in a sense. One-half of each are "bond,'' the other half are "free." Those who are free and open, possessing the Greek frontlet, are formed as a radiator, we may designate as + and the transmitter, psychically or electrically speaking. Those who are bond, the reverse process and acting as the receiver. — If you place these men side by side, however, you will find, as by placing the Cycles side by side, it is a wheel within a wheel, or current and counter-current, like the flowing and ebbing tide. Whereas, two posi- tive beings are each anxious to do the talking, the current in each being propulsion, with the reverse holding on the other side, each current being an ab- sorbent. This Philosophy of Electricity seems not only to be the anatomy of an embryo, as any one may note who will dissect a grain of maise, or any other grain, carefully, but is undoubtedly the electrical Philoso- phy in allegory of Ezekiel, Chapter I, as it is the Phil- 53 osophy of a Photograph or a bill created in the Halls of Washington. So that there is little of anything new under the sun, Apollos, and we are merely arriving with the Cycle of time at Electricity with its Cycles and Planes, material and electrical, as known to Bible Philosophy and the Covenant with Moses in other days. In for it! Yes. That representing the country in the play of the Universe, it would now seem, must be given to the fire and sword. That rep- resenting Negation in the play of the Universe must also be scattered to the winds. But there will be a fairer City, Apollos, when the night of life has gone, and nothing will defile that City, for Truth will be the Light therein, and there will be no sun and moon and no more curse of a Monopoly and death. The mountain of the Curse must he conquered, Apollos, as we near the Tri-Millenial and the mountain of the blessings with the level scales. Conservative Monopoly in man will guage his brother by his own graven idol of how much he can accumulate, considering the man who is easy and gives more than he receives, a worthless fel- low. We, as the liberal half of life, heretofore (the worthless fellow), guage a man by his ability to be warm-hearted and charitable, considering the man who forever ran off with the lion's share of the spoil, an over accumulator. Chemically and electrically speaking, it would seem we could not be over-recep- tive without losing our originality of thought, and could not, in reverse, be over-creative and original without losing our staying qualities. A mathemat- ical problem, wonderfully arranged to reach the 54 corners of the earth. But in lifting yourself up in brigandine, my brother, methinks the other half of life are wide awake now to your pose. Yes, Apollos, you have upset the goose that ever gave the golden egg. And where will you get your golden egg, Apol- los? Money will stagnate and rot in the bank, as by shutting up the silver of the earth it is purging your Terrestrial body of a Continent, produce will stag- nate and rot and sour. Yes, railroads will stagnate and rot and human beings will stagnate and rot. It is a horrible state of affairs to contemplate, but it must be faced as the result of your Contraction, Apollos. Silver inflates, expands, and is a demagogue, and all hydrogen life or liberal life in Monopoly are governed by the same law of Nature — heat inflates, radiates, expands; gold, as its reverse process, merely contracts because it represents cold and density. It is winter now, Apollos, your winter, and you must not growl. Meantime Silver Paul should endeavor to be calm, for it is his harvest nearing. As Apollos begins to give his cold confidence, Paul begins to receive more than he gives. They are both out of order, both ready to fight at the drop of a hat Yes, Chaos and Contraction and gold and cold is merely beginning, and the golder it becomes the warmer silver atoms will become, yes, even to Terrestrial bodies — as they are compressed. If you will study the Chemical, Psychical or Elec- trical Philosohpy of heat and cold — or silver and gold, for they are the same in chemical properties — you will find that when the density of air is greatly 55 increased and its volume reduced by pressure, it be- comes intensely hot, and you will find the reverse holding (as another proof of counterpart), for when the density of air is decreased, by its volume being expanded, it becomes quite as cold. And if you knew the power you are generating by compression in the silver half of life — a power which, when used by a mob or body of men, has put to flight a great Continental Army, my dear brother, you would has- ten to meet the questions of finance and sociology con- fronting the people of the Hemispheres at this time. It is astonishing how apt we are to think our own side the only Truth, however, Apollos. Our own point of view, our own graven image of an idea as Truth. Your side look at the sun and think only of the graven gravity part the absorbent and receiving part. The sun absorbs moisture or the earth ab- sorbs heat, but you will never see that while the sun is absorbing moisture he is radiating and giving more heat than he receives moisture and goes to his grave as a consequence. Likewise the night, the mathematical part of day. You in Negation will observe that at night the earth is gravity again and absorbs dew, never thinking the earth merely the reverse process, this time receiving dew and radi- ating heat and light. All lamps of life alive and burning while we sleep. No, you shut your eyes to any giving current in life. To give is vulgar and undignified, and yet mathematics, your own mathe- matics, will demonstrate it is a Cycle of giving as well as receiving — giving, on the one part, more than we receive — receiving, on the other hand, more than we give, and chasing each other down into and out of the grave as individuals and Nations as a conse- quence. But gravity, greedy, graven gravity, is the only Truth of this Universe, the "greatest of discov- eries,'' the Truth of this Universe. Monopoly — ^the Golden Molten Calf, the Truth of this Universe. My dear Apollos, some wise men are going to have a fall and children, it seems, are going to place them on their feet. Humph! All theory. Nothing practical or sound. Never satisfied unless violating law with- out creating a disturbance and endeavoring to upset established laws and facts. Why, if all the Pauls were alike, my brother, it would be safe to get to- gether powder and ball and place the country under martial law. Certainly, Apollos, that would be part of your program and it would be as natural for Mr. Cold Blood to herd women and children into cities and starve them to death on this side, as gold has ever done, as it is for Mr. Conservative Cold Blood to starve them in Europe and Cuba, because, forsooth, silver and silver life is cheap and worthless and vul- gar and must be punished for daring to remind the other half their promises of reform are never kept. Law has no use for charity. Law flouts charity as being soft and mere sentiment. Law knows no love that is not absorption and does not frame a law to suit the older and the Roman son. Yes, Apollos, it is an age when over-accumulators are treated in the penitentiaries to the choicest of all foods, while love and charity is left to starve; that provides over- accumulators with feasts and entertainments while love and charity are absorbed to meet the expenses. But when you coin silver love, my dear brother, as fast as you coin golden law, methinks "the stone which the builders rejected may be the chief stone in the corner" after all, as that your high-headed, towering sky-scrapers are likely to have a fall now in the contraction, and may be refuge only for the owls and bats of life, electrically speaking. Pretty and sentimental and imaginative, Paul, but not practical. According to your suggestion the change from negative to positive, and the reverse holding, we might expect to see the sun turn to dark- ness and "darkness turn to day," while chaos would be with us now on earth. Certainly, the blending of the two degrees means change — an immaculate change, or birth. That is, if Bi-Metallism or even balance is the Justice and the Truth of this Universe and to be manifest now soon upon the earth. If Gravity or Monopoly, or the Golden Molten Calf, is the only Truth, however, why look out for prosper- ity? But what is your idea of prosperity? Con- traction seems to suit you if it be at our expense, but when you find contraction is cutting your cities and values, is our gain, in short, and your loss, why, my dear Apollos, you will very soon be singing, "Will ye no come back again"? And are we not, as a whole Terrestrial people, in a state of chaos? Or do you imagine "order fair prevails"? Will you never understand there are two of us and that we are the reverse process of each other, either as atoms 58 of silver and gold or as individual atoms or Nations or Hemispheres? Take your first son to the garden, Apollos; plant 100 strawberry plants each and you will find out there are two of you and counterparts, for Nature has not forgotten you, Apollos, and life there, too, will shudder, yes, and die at the cold and absorbent touch of iron, while Nature will respond with life to the warmth of your son. The electrical or psychical explanation is simple enough and may be demonstrated in any family where the characters or points of view, or Natures or Minerals (or graven images), are pronounced. Your touch is cold and absorbs the life current of the plant, taking more than you give, by virtue of your receptive monopoly. The son, your reverse process of your own life, gives more life current to the plant than he absorbs. The one is the transmitter, electrically or psychically, the other is the receiver and, in this case, at least, my dear brother, "the child is father to the man." But the blending of the two degrees may create Nitric Acid or Nitrogen in the human body, Paul, and create havoc generally with us as presently con- stituted. Certainly, Apollos, it will cause contraction, a veritable fiery furnace, in short, that will, in its turn, reach you also. That is part of the Terrestrial rot, as a result of bringing your graven image to this Continent, as well as the other, and tampering with a Terrestrial law. And who would believe any such Truth as that? Not your advanced scholars and divines. Likely not, Apollos; we are all apt to manufac- 59 ture a Truth to suit our own fancy in these days, without regard to the fancy of our counterpart, or Truth resting between the two. "The song of Moses,'' "The Prodigal's return," Abraham's sacri- fice, Mordecai and Esther. A recognition of the sec- ond son as well as the first, and a recognition of the white horse as well as the red horse. These alle- gorical suggestions and the evolution offered by every Bible Prophet Philosopher are as mere "folk lore" and "ignorance" to present literature. True, literature may preach the even balance — Bi-Metallism — ^yes, and remind you there are two of us, which, of course, you will pass as uninteresting. Two of us they will preach, however, Apollos, al- though should one of the two offer a suggestion it might possibly be flouted as "ignorance." Give the advanced divines time, however, Apollos, and it may he they will carve you out such a book as will suit your fancy. There may not be much of the book left when they have finished with it, Apollos. It would be undignified to bless the second son or ac- cept the white horse as one who wears the crown. Ah, yes, to suit your fancy, Apollos, it would be all lion and no lamb. But, electrically speaking, it would seem the lion may yet rest beside the lamb of life, as sugested, my dear brother. Humph! I doubt it all. Certainly, Apollos, you were born to doubt, have been doubting and saying "No" from the beginning of all time. As we have been saying "Yes" from the beginning of time and born say- ing yes, possibly. But we have reversed the 60 current now and, as your days lengthen, Apollos, and your colds strengthen, Apollos, you are likely to have an ocular demonstration of the fact that while silver and all silver atoms in Monopoly inflate, gold is merely its reverse process, or complement, and in Monopoly will contract; that contraction means death, whom, via Bi-Metallism, it would seem we are to conquer. But silver will also contract now; yes, undoubtedly. For every conservative Turk that falls a silver Greek somewhere will also meet his death, for every Koman Spanish son that falls a silver Cuban son somewhere will meet his death, and for every conservative Boer in Africa that falls an English Celt will somewhere meet his death. And if England dominate in Africa it will only be to die in Europe. As gold and all negative minerals and atoms are tried and strength- ened and purified and refined hy contraction in the fur- nace of heat, however, Apollos, I will admit silver and all silver or positive minerals and atoms, are tried and strengthend and purified hy contraction in the furnace of cold; and while we certainly will not ask you to believe life, such as it is, and governed by Monopoly as the only Truth, you will have difficulty, my dear Apollos, in convincing us contraction or death is the only Truth of this Universe. The baser metals and minerals, chemistry will demonstrate, are the most inveterate absorbents. Cold brick in Its first stage of the furnace is an inveterate absorb- ent of heat. While on the other side corn meal is an inveterate absorbent of moisture, requiring little heat in its preparation for food. 61 The pure silver and the pure gold are each ductile and yielding, one to the other, and each, as you have observed, seems worJcing towards Bi-Metallism merely hy the reverse process of each other. Yes, Paul, I believe that part of it, but am not satisfied with your violation of a Natural and Mate- rial law. Remember Drummond's story of the swal- low, Paul, and Kyds "stressing and struggling." Even balances may do in Heaven, but we have never yet been able to reach them on earth. Then, Apollos, you will either have to abandon your body or your soul, your business or your Church, for the fight is on now, yes, in the very air we breathe, through earth and sea. Disgusted with the hypo- cracy of your conservative preaching, while prac- ticing absorbtion with cat-like stealth, the liberal half of life (including the sun) are retiring to their tents until the issue has been fairly met, determined to find out, at least, whether it be possible to do on earth as it is in Heaven. Strong in the belief that while the country of life will be given to the fire and flames, the city of life will also be scattered to the winds; while those left may be so strengthened and purified by this contraction the city of the future will be pure and undefiled. That may be, Paul, that may be. But you have too many visionary ideas, too much given to getting off your feet, going out beyond your depth. There have been many false Prophets, remember, and you are not the first, Paul, who has strained at a camel and had to swallow a gnat. Too many if s and an's and suppositions. And may Truth not be reached in the parable, Apollos? And may Truth not be reached in a true harmony of color, as it may on the harp? Visionary and gnat, and that sort of thing, is merely a flont, Apollos; no mathematics there. You must have your theory before you can test it by your mathe- matics. Do you expect to start your factories and get up the steam of progress without the heat of life? The farmer who endeavors to grow silver heat corn only on his farm, without feeding the land with its counterparts, would find, in a few short years, his farm was dead. But the farmer who farms his land by God^s own Holy laws of Bi-Metallism or Reciprocity or Rotation, has a farm that never dies. And yet, Apollos, you expect us to manufacture brick for you without the wheat straw, the heat, elec- trically speaking, of life? You certainly are a very greedy Pharaoh, but the time is coming when, if you will not make haste to reform and meet us half way, Mr. European Apollos, we will simply "break the ^bonds' asunder and cast away the yoke from us." Of course you will growl — growl repudiation, but it will come by law, Apollos — a law neither of us will be able to resist, for it will be a Natural law. Will we relish it? No ; at least not until we reach it, some of us, since your idea of an equal balance seems to be 4 for you and for us in the division of four; but con- traction is cutting with a two-edged sword at pres- ent and balances are being regulated to suit the other half also, somewhat. Give us time, Paul, give us time. You are en- tirely too impatient. Our Eastern Mathematical 63 factories will turn out progress for the West now as soon as the tariff bill is out of the way. And the East will now become the advance agent, will it? The hustler who spends his money freely to the West, who allows the West to dictate the prices of its products? Ah, yes; but it will be by the Natural law of contraction, however, Apollos, and because you may be running short of food. Paul, as you have suggested there is nothing in this world yet, in a manner other than Roman, that is not Greek in tone, it might be well for us to emu- late Rome's attitude with the English Church in their effort to reach the even balance before the Tri- Millenial. If you will get your various forces and ideas that are so rattled and scattered together we may then be able to learn what you desire and may be able to meet you half way. Meantime if we can- not manufacture brick without heat, you certainly cannot produce without moisture. But we have never posed as the only sound half of life, Apollos, and as infallible. We have merely offered you the suggestion of Bi-Metallism — gold and silver side by side, just weights and even bal- ances — as the only sound policy we can ever accept. We neither desire a Silver Graven Kid nor a Golden Molten Calf, and while willing to allow England an opportunity to act graciously — in the blending of the two degrees, two in the field, one taken the other left — Bi-Metallism is as likely to include a Terres- trial as well as an individual atom, and it is not likely the people have been gathered to this Continent out of the house of bondage and from every land only to 64 have the graven image chaining them again, and merely by chance. With gold in Monopoly, which, like any other Monopoly, means Baal and death for a basis, your Terrestrial body is as likely to die as any other atom, my dear Apollos, and while England has it in her power to grant us peace, a lasting peace, by offering Bi-Metallism as the wedding and blend- ing of the Nations of this earth, it would seem that, instead of peace, she is bringing us a sword. England is mistress of the seas, Paul. Has the greatest navy and does the largest business of any power on earth. Then look at her Queen. The noble woman, wife and mother. True, Apollos, I grant it true. We may see the fangs of her ocean greyhounds as they plow the mighty deep, and we may see her warships lowering round the coast of every land, proclaiming to the Na- tions her intention to protect her ^Hnterests^^ wherever they may be. Yes, and Victoria certainly has been a noble woman, and while in her day of gladness wedded to the silver side of life, and with a fondness for the Celtic race, there has been little done, how- ever, for them, other than "receiving" their homage, you must own. A charming receiver, Apollos; but it takes the grey eagle of life the Princess of Wales, with her warmth, to do the radiating and sunny part in life. And your Negative Apollos would cut a sorry figure without her, as you know. As sorry a figure as your army would without their Highlanders, their Celts and Scottish Greys; and as sorry a figure as your Navy would without your dashing Beresfords. 65 There are two of us, Apollos, you must own, either as positive or negative. Your rose of England is a beautiful and lustrous flower, we grant, and charged with pigments, to, of gold; but there are Scottish bells of blue, and purple heather on the other side the silver side of life. There is no lily of your field, no rose that hangs upon your garden wall. There is no modest primrose of the dale or blossom breathing golden fragrance to the air, that does not have a silver prodigal somewhere for mate. A lover so "debased," the oxygenic son, the ox of life, in sacrilege proclaims. Unmindful not only of the father who begat him but of the God who formed us both. But you forget we are the great English speaking race, Paul, and should be loyal and bound together by the bond of language. And from where did you derive your language, if not from Greece and Rome and France? And from where did you derive your blood, if not from Greece and Rome and France? And do you imagine, when it is a question of warm blood versus cold blood, your "absorbent" language will count for anything? Our blood is not the same, my brother Apollos, and you know it. "For their Rock is not the same as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being Judges" — (Song of Moses). And if your gold could not buy us in the early days, do you think the gold of Oreb can buy us when it comes to a question of shut- ting up one-half of Psychical life? My dear brother, you must be dull if unable to note Destiny is driving the Roman Saxon and the Roman Spanish son back to the Egypt of his life from whence he came. To jubilate at a time when your family are suffer- ing for food to eat and dying of the plague and pesti- lence is of itself an evidence you have more territory than able to care for, my dear brother, and you may prepare to disgorge very soon now, as the contraction proceeds. The black horse with the Scales levels all balances, remember. As Chemistry and Electricity will corroborate. But that is a vulgar attempt to create feeling by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the peo- ple. Yes, Apollos, you mean, however, it is a Truth of yourself that hurts and brings forth the baby squeal of "creating feeling." The Truth you prefer, my dear placid brother, is a Truth that will hurt us, such as pitchfork, anarchist, dangerous and bad form, and cheap and reprobate silver. Exactly, Apollos, but the question hetween us is not, does it hurt? does it create feeling and make us growl? hut, Is it true? The days of sorcery and infallibility and the only sound, etc., are going with the second Cycle of our time. These Cycles are breaking down our cities, Paul. They are upsetting all business interests, disturbing the street car business, interfering with railroad travel, crowding out the horse and playing havoc with the coal trade and business generally. And the electrical Cycle seems to be art and part of the ma- terial Cycle — working together, there seems no limit to their progress or any telling where they are likely to lead us. Why, from present indications, 67 the very suggestions we have flouted as being popo- cratic and silveritic, are with us before we have been in control six months. Contracted real estate and contracted railroads; real estate selling for taxes and no one to buy, returning to a paternal form of govern- ment, by taxation, in the interest of the unemployed. Certainly the horse is going and social life is in a state of transition; and can you manufacture your cold ice in an artificial way without ammonia? But Nitrogen is the Eefiners fire, and who may abide the hour of its coming? Physicians know well the Ni- trogen so prevalent in Spring will release from bond- age many a weary laden soul, and Naturalists know the coming of the Nitrogen is a consuming fire that robs the tiny buds of form if oil has gone and any light was out. Those who are noting the extraordin- ary amount of Nitrogen in the ground and air at the present time are not going to believe it is here by chance, but are looking for it in man, in the eyes of fire begotten of the Truth, for Nitrogen will certainly "purify the sons of Levi," and, as we reach it, will ob- literate the sun and put an end to war, since, with a flash of this indignant Truth, a city, or a regiment would soon be blotted out. Smile as you will, Apol- los; remember the human body is an electrical table and the Covenant with Moses, in which we have de- lighted, is virtually the Power which has not only crowded out your horse, but is being manifest al- ready, by contraction on the earth. You have crushed us, Apollos, but in crushing us have merely also crushed yourself — for Truth is a two-edged sword. 68 True, somewhat, Paul, but if you had remained at home instead of going forever abroad and being so easy and good natured and such a spendthrift as a Continent, we would not be required to play the re- ceiver. And further, Paul, if you will only cultivate patience now, instead of discord and strife, we will proceed to absorb new territory for you. Absorb territory, of course. Gravity and absorp- tion is your idea, your only idea, of life. Nation will now absorb Nation, while preaching peace, peace and arbitration. Eailroad will now absorb railroad. Bank will absorb bank. Street car Company will absorb Street car Company. Business will absorb business, and one individual atom of a human body will absorb another. Ah, it is a wonderfully greedy beast, this Golden Calf — this Baal, this Monopoly, this death, and we are quite as bad, for we are but the prodigal who ever worships at its shrine. Will you never learn, Apollos, we are merely counterparts — the reverse process of each other? When, as mineral atoms in the depths of the earth, were we not as one, and the reverse of each other? So wonderfully fashioned in the depths of the earth by the Creator of all life as human atoms, are we not the reverse of each other even now? And while composed of varied tones and hues, when grouped together as political atoms, do we not range together as the reverse process of each other? And while, as Nations, we have various tones and modes of speech, the one language absorbing the other in its westward march, are we not either decidedly Roman and stolid in tone or Greek and mercurial in tone? And in ad- vancing the argument to Hemispheres as Terrestrial atoms, May we not suggest the Western Hemisphere as being decidedly active in tone, with the older world as passive in tone? And do you fancy, my older brother, we have been gathered together from every land merely by chance, and that you may fol- low us with your selfish "loyalty" and selfish law? A law that gives you everything? That you can bring the golden Calf, that has ever absorbed the Nation's vitality, unto Cities, crowding out the prod- igals to other lands? It at least would seem doubt- ful. There is one argument, Paul, in our favor, which you will have difficulty in reversing. Why is it you, as the silver side of life, are like a carion bird, look- ing for every little accident and calamity and death — gloating over it, spewing it out of your mouth only to be the dog again returning to his vomit, while "fac- tories'' are starting up in every corner of the land? .You persist in shutting your eyes to our factories, Paul, and the evidences of prosperity and confidence which are at hand. My dear Brother, if the Philosophy of the Kock (Nitrogen) is the Centrifugal force and Truth of this Universe there is not an argument either side in Monopoly can advance that cannot be reversed and that will not cut as a two-edged sword. We gloat over depression, you say, and persist in brushing aside the evidences of factories, etc. And you, as our reverse, Apollos, merely bow down and worship your own graven image of a negative mathe- matical factory, shutting your eyes to the depression existing in every city, because Paul is not coming to Town and being the lamb of life. Is he a wise gen- eral and mathematical who does not consider one- half of his army who are starving and suffering for food to eat, because forsooth, he has stuffed the other half in Monopoly and greedy gorge? That we have birds of carion on our side. Electricity and Alchemy will demonstrate; but, my dear brother, they have, for counterpart on your side, the animal Landseer introduced, also, as well as the carion — a member of the cat family that, in Monopoly and quiet stealth, is resting on the bosom of the young America, ab- sorbing, yes, his very vital life. Ah, he is a wonder- fully greedy beast this carion as the — in man on the hydrogenic side of life and a wonderfully greedy beast this — in man on the oxygenic side of life. But the current has been reversed now, Apollos, and it will be interesting for us to note with what reluct- ance the golden half of life in the receptive man ad- vances and gives the current in order to protect his interests or principle, and it will also be interesting to note how the silver side, who are being compressed and shut up, will be able "to abide the hour of trial," will be able to remain at home and act as the re- ceiver, while the Nitrogen is burning within him as the Great Kefiner's Fire. Humph ! Mere theory and vague imagery, with- out regard to facts. Nothing solid as a basis. Must you go? Then do cultivate repose of manner, Paul, and dignity, and a due respect for the law. Love may be all right, my volatile brother, but law and 71 mathematics and factories and cities are the basis of our society. Love or Nitrogen or Electricity or Spirit may gov- ern the next world, Paul, but law and the golden rule of gravity are Lords on Earth. As your own liberal Divines observe, we have too much of this disem- bodied Spirit — all Spirit and no body. Certainly, Apollos, that is the side of Truth you look for and the only side you see, oblivious to the fact there is a reverse process of that Truth we see, reading, "there are too many large bodies on this earth void of soul." Yes you love to quote our side when they note a flaw in us but will never recognize those same Divines are able to note there are two of us — two sides — or that one is merely the reverse process of the other. As to your golden rule and law, when the earth quakes beneath your feet and your own earth of a body quakes in travail, do you think the golden rule will help you out? And since you are respon- sible for this contraction, by retiring to your tents, do you think Justice will help you out Paul? Good night. 72 'A drop of ink may make a million think. Apollos, after PauPs departure. Did you ever hear such a menagerie of nonsense? We must get together cannon and ball. Despatch our flying squadrons with sealed orders that our "interests" be protected and our International laws be respected. Nature's laws — how horrid. And yet Bi-Metall- ism would be justice and the whole world does seem out of tune. But such a lot of allegorical bosh. Greek astrology and alchemy and electricity. Why the blending of the two degrees in the human body, constituted, as it is, of all the chemical properties of a Continent, would create bromides and crystals, with all the gems and precious minerals and treas- ures of the earth. Confound the fellow's Bible sug- gestion and the Tri-Millenial. Who ever thought of becoming Bi-Metallic or of disappearing, by com- bustion, into the crystaline ether of the Heavens? The sugestion of compressing hydrogen is also omenous and might create such a state of affairs in the forehead as has been offered by the various Bible Prophet evolutionists. The compression would also create such intense heat as would be likely to "pluck out the hair," while there is also the possibility of explosion such as an opening of the third eye in an evolution of the race. Humph, yes, and there also seems a possibility of human spontaneous combus- tion. And the reverse side — our own side — is also to be feared, for our men are getting as mincing and jaunty on their feet as liberal men are compressed. Yes, a reverse that reads hydraulics or condensed moisture, and if the argument will apply to Nations, as it would seem from their agitation, and to Hem- ispheres, as it would seem from their temperature, and the sea's contraction, why, then, we may prepare for contraction generally. That there is + and — in hydrogen, which have the relations of positive and negative, we will have to admit, and the same is rec- ognized of oxygen, so that his argument of a posi- tive and negative prodigal and mathematics, it seems, would hold in reference to human atoms. We must also admit, as suggested by chemistry and metallurgy, there are seven primary colors, as seen in the bow upon the clouds ranging in a Bi- Metallic harmony, and that, as there are seven notes in music, so, likewise it would seem there may be in us as human atoms seven distinct churches, with each, as his Electricity would suggest, tuned to a certain vibration. Yes, Bi-Metallism has a meaning few politicians seem as yet to realize, and since this brother of mine has taken it up, we know from past experience no power on earth will move him until his project has been faced. As that the longer we refuse to meet him, the more refractory will his warmth become and the more of our oxygen and gold and city life will he attract. Yes, we must also own these Cycles, material and electrical, are creating such a change in our mode of life contraction seems absolutely nec- 74 essary. And yet, as the horse is going, so may the ammonia of human life be going. With Harmony established, the treasures of the earth, as employed at present, would count for nothing then. Should the degrees in the atoms of individual life be in Harmony at the Tri-Millenial, who knows what form the evolution or birth may take? To look at an egg or an embryo no one would imagine a fowl with wings could evolve from such a cavity unless led to expect it. That we are breathing ammonia and brimstone daily and dying daily me must admit, and it may be we are in a cavity (down in hades) in- stead of being on the outside, as we fancy; for, after all, who knows definitely whether, in looking at the Heavens, we, as the former image of Truth, may not be looking at our own shadow, at the great Divine mind of which our mind is a miniature likeness. That Paul, as the producer and silver half of life, was formed to be in touch with Nature we must own, as that we were evidently formed to receive his pro- ducts and that it should be Keciprocity. Paul re- ceiving my sister as mate while we, as the reverse, receive his sister. We will be compelled to admit we have absorbed more into our cities than entitled to, however, and must prepare to suffer by the contraction. But there is a wierdness about this alchemy and astrology and witchcraft that seems to our side, at least, as doleful and uncanny as his Grecian mountains or his Grampion Hills. ^^^^ -a^i"^* ^1 . -rr«-*v'> Flout these suggestions as you will, Apollos; if there be any Truth here, truth will remain with you, brush it aside as you may. Dominating ever on your negative salt sea wa- ters, you are no match alone, on land, for any posi- tive Continental Army and you will merely be driven out of Europe with the second Cycle of time. Mere coincidence? Mere chance all these efforts of the Nations to regulate the balance of power? Mere chance that prompts the churches now to seek the level scales and "Harmony"? Chance that prompts the silver half of life to seek an even balance too? Mere chance that brought us out of every land to this America of ours, as well as yours? That groups this change and agitation and contraction, the fall- ing of the stars and the party of darkness turning to the party of day, all towards the Tri-Millenial? Name it chance, if you will, when talking selfish, greedy politics, but at the bottom of your heart — when in your sober moments — conscience tells you you are merely shirking your duty by brushing these facts aside with a flout, instead of facing them man- fully and being equal to the emergency. Old as this Universe seems to be, unless the hu- man race had been removed by wars and by devas- tation generally from time to time, it would require as many mansions and worlds as there are stars in the firmament to hold the Natural increase. This any one could figure out who would start their Math- ematical brain and factory and settle down to analy- sis, instead of striking and "creating feeling" and a disturbance with flouts and scolds and jibes — a 76 negative strike of Allah! Allah! Gold is the only god and the mercury of life is cheap and debased and unsound and vulgar and bad form, don't you know. All of which, to one who is the Kock of silver, as well as the Kock of gold, must be the greatest rubbish. Is Truth not Alpha as well as Omega? Is Truth not the pioneer and beginning as well as the Mathe- matics and ending? Is Truth not silver inflation and increase as well as gold's contraction and decrease? Is Truth not as likely to be silver's sunny life as well as gold's cold death? Ah, my dear brother, we preach Truth, but there seems to be little of any Truth in us, since we continually practice fraud. Re- pudiation? But the negative consumer and mine owner and factory owner will shirk his share of the contraction, as per usual, and endeavor to take it out of the blood of labor. Repudiation? Yes, will the very worm that crawls upon the ground not turn upon you if you crush it with your iron heel? Re- pudiation? Yes, as our forefathers repudiated England's conservative bondage in other days, his- tory will repeat itself. As Mexico and Cuba have repudiated Spain's conservative sloth and bondage in these days, and as Greece, who is likely yet to be assisted by the silver Nations against all the Nega- tive and maneuvering Turks of life, will repudiate the bondage, so, likewise, the party of life and youth and future hope will repudiate you, my conservative brother, if you will not hasten to reform and coin us silver love as well as golden scolds and law. Do you imagine the Black Horse of Truth with the level scales followed by this contraction of Death 77 will not be likely to mete Justice out to and care for the White Horse of life as well as the Bed Horse of life? As to Arbitration, my dear conservative New York Apollos, if you will recognize there are two of us and counterparts and are willing to arbitrate our little difference of giving silver an equal chance with gold, why, my dear sir, we will have solved the Phi- losophy of life and reached the Covenant as an American people. Since, however, we find your idea of Arbitration an Arbitration that favors gold only, why, my dear brother, the sooner you rid your- self of this "ridiculous pose" the better for your future "interests." This logic is as plain, Mr. Apollos, as the sugges- tion you have arrived at a period in life when — it must be your body or your soul and body — your methods of absorption by Monopoly or your con- science and church, your method of robbing our Treasury as a perpetual filch and that of Reciprocity, which is Bi-Metallism, just weights and even bal- ances. And in such a contest those who have marked the Divinity shaping the course of this Hem- isphere must realize what such a contest means. If Terrestrial Philosophy, who recognize Magnet- ism, is strongest in winter, when and where the air is dense, instead of rare, and as silver in smelting is at night, will answer why the sun's light is at pres- ent so refractory (if not because the air charged with negative currents is denser than usual), the writer would claim all atoms tuned to that vibration are alike refractory and obstinate and unyielding be- 7a cause of a change from the ductile in the rare atmos- phere of hydrogen. Ah, yes, we chain the elements, but the elements are chaining us to such an extent we allow our Roct^ to run away with us without regard to our other half — and the Truth between us and the Rock of our salvation. All of which, together with the Philosophy of our time, will read. Confidence is the Creator of Money as well as other life, but that Money only never can and never will create Confidence, since there are two of us, and Bi-Metallism is the only Con- fidence and Truth, the level scales. Electricity, Ni- trogen, Spirit, as any student of Electrical Phi- losophy must own. And is the Nation not as safe under an Altgeld in the demagogic open light of day with the ability to note there is an active mercury as well as a chlo- rine of density, as the Nation will be under a quiet Hanna consorting with England as the only conser- vative and sound, under cover of the darkness and the night, who fondly imagines Conservatism the ad- vance agent, while the active half, who have ever been their pioneers and whom they have been "fleec- ing" with their Monopoly of gold as the basis of ex- change each way, are now considered cheap and rep- robate, and forsooth vulgar, for presuming to sug- gest a repudiation of this bondage. When the colonies of England realize gold as the basis of exchange, each way means England's price for everything you sell her and England's price again for everything you buy from her. That by the sor- cery of "gold as the only sound" she has been en- 79 abled to draw from their treasury, in one long, per- petual and insidious "filch," more than her share — the balance on the average in her favor. When these facts, which can be demonstrated by an ex- amination of gold standard records and by other sciences in the attempted harmony of two negative atoms, when the colonies and the other Nations of the earth have their eyes opened to this simple, yet sublime. Law of Nature pervading all life, animate and inanimate, England's Monopoly and selfish law (favoring the receiver of life) could be made to col- lapse without the loss of a single life or the firing of a single gun by adopting a silver standard and hold- ing the balance level if she refuse Bi-Metallism. And if the conservative Roman Saxon and Roman Spanish son of density and law (to suit himself, the older son) in Europe and America imagine they will be allowed by the liberals — the Grecian Highland Celtic and hydrogenic silver side of life, including the leading Military Powers of Europe — to lift them- selves up in such a brigaudine of peace, peace, while with catlike stealth they absorb the earth, proclaim- ing their conservative graven image of a rock of gold as the only sound — proclaiming density, oxygen, the fumes of night and greedy, graven gravity and ab- sorption as the only Truth of this Universe, without regard to either the hydrogen and rarity of life or the Truth of Nitrogen in the even balance between the two, they are reckoning without a Mighty Host and the man must certainly be dull who does not note the blues and greys of life are champing at their bits, impatient for the silver trumpet's call. 80 IN CONCLUSION. While the effort throughout has been to demon- strate there are two of us, one dominated by warmth and the other dominated by cold, with each inclining to their own graven point of view without regard to the other half or the Truth resting with the level scales between, we will own contraction necessary in order to obliterate corruption and level all bal- ances again. Who knows how soon the people "that walk in darkness'' may see the Truth of light radiat- ing through every form of life? Who knows how soon our ears may be open to the Truth of sound? That Nitrogen is the wall resting between the Cloud by day and fire by night Philosophy and Chemistry already own, as that the "drop of dew upon the blade of grass" or "small rain upon the tender herb" con- tain the Lightnings flash, as that the harmony or even balance of a positive and negative current would generate in us a light that would be something other than the sun or moon. Electrical Philosophy also owns all atoms of life are tuned to a certain vibration, and are throbbing and pulsating with a song we cannot as yet hear. That woman represents one-half, and has ever been identified with one-half of all the good, and joy and rapture of this Universe we must own, but we must also own woman is found identified with one-half of all the evil also of life. That there are 81 two of us, a silver side and a gold side every law of Nature and every science suggests, neither of which should dominate, but they also demonstrate all atoms as presently constituted are unfinished, unbalanced and in bondage to this Monopoly of a greedy body, with the baser minerals and atoms as the most in- veterate absorbents, and the most jealous and cov- etous daughters of Judah. If we are to recognize gravity and absorption as the only Truth the sooner labor is thoroughly organ- ized and absorbs Monopoly and the few greedy Trusts the better for all. Those who are noting the ele- ments on two Hemispheres, however, incline to be- lieve we are merely taking our places in the great dramatic play of life. Mere puppets in this Battle of the Elements. And is it likely then the liberal and festive silver half of life and the true gold of life, ever yielding one to the other, will continue to be ductile and yielding that the contraction be at their expense alone? And can Confidence be reached without them? And yet the time must come we own when we may have "a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny" with "See thou hurt not the wine (as well as), and the oil" of life. A time when money will cut a very meager figure in life, will neither make the man and woman, nor govern their selections and point of view, but when all governed by Equity — level scales — life will then be to live and let live, to give as well as receive. A current and counter-current in which neither dom- inates. That such a state can never be reached as pres- 82 ently constituted we must all admit, but the sugges- tion we offer is that the elements are at work on us even now regulating and balancing all the weights and measures of our life. These suggestions — an inductive Philosophy of the Kock of silver and the Rock of gold are offered for analysis, trusting they may be tested by a posit- ing as well as a negating process, however, in order to reach the Truth; and the hypothesis of the study would be. If, as is the hydrogen and silver atom of life so is the liberal individual, political party. Na- tion and Hemisphere, and if, as is the oxygen and gold atom of life so is the conservative individual, political party. Nation and Hemisphere, and we find them all in travail and out of tune in an effort to reach the even balance. Inasmuch as level scales or Bi-Metallism means by every Science, Truth or Creation, may we not expect to reach a New Era of life towards the end of the Century — ^towards the Tri-Millenial? And if visionary, why do the Na- tions and political parties and the people and the Churches strive for such a vain and visionary thing? If gold alone or gravity, without regard to the giving half of life, is to be the only Truth, he must be a dull man who cannot realize labor, when thor- oughly organized, would simply swallow up and ab- sorb Monopoly (The earth swallowing the sea elec- trically speaking), since Militia would not be likely then to protect their enemy in life. In truth gold as the only sound and Truth on this side would be in the same state of "splendid isolation" their mineral and conservative affinity England finds herself on the 83 other Hemisphere. The isolation of absorbent greed and selfishness. An isolation far more complete when the colonies accept the challenge and proceed to protect themselves against the perpetual filch by repudiating a standard of value and an Equity that is all on one side of the scale, dictating the price each way. Gold either as an atom, an individual, a political party or a Nation, has never had very much of a heart or soul and the little cold and sluggish heart it has ever had throbbed ever for itself alone, ever receiv- ing much, giving little in return. English law and Justice and Equity! Think of it. A law leaving the estate to the older son while the family have to whistle and grovel for him. How Equitable and how Just do we behold it! And are Conservative political parties not all alike? "Hating to be reformed when thou sawest a thief thou con- sentest unto him.'' Do they not detest a change or advance? Is their idea of life not absorption, run- ning off with the lion's share, coining a law to pro- tect themselves, coining a metal that is their own receptive graven image? And do they expect the silver half of life to worship at their shrine forever? Let the conservative of life mark his brother now in every corner of the earth and methinks he will find an atom as indifferent and unbending and refractory to his golden sorcery as ever were the other side. When all the princes then of darkness boast their gold, their graven image and the properties of night as Truth, why should the princes of the morning 84 blush to own the bright and morning star while rec- ognizing Truth as resting in the wall between? This with reference to the photogenic and lumin- ous matter of the human brain. The active brain being phospherous, hydrogenic or the wine of life presumably. The passive brain being oxygenic in its density or the oil of life. And why agitate if gold is food for silver? you ask. As the wheat in soul and mineral tone is gold or oxygenic its body, the straw, is composed of silver's hydrogen of heat; and while gold as now coined is feeding its opposite of silver, destroying the conservative soul or vital tone, it is feeding his hydrogenic body. On the silver side it is the reverse process merely, the oats and barley of life having for soul or vital tone the silver properties have for body the oxygen or gold properties. Gold in its process of being coined, therefore, feeds all silver life but is poison to all negative atoms and it is only a question of time when the conservative individual will fear his very shadow and the liberal man's body — the Cities of life — must wane in favor of his brain or soul or vital tone, suggesting there will be little of any peace or Confidence now on either of the Hemispheres until Bi-Metallism and the even balance in the division of territory has been reached. And does any one im- agine the level scales can be reached without Eng- land's having to disgorge some of the territory she has absorbed? And does any one imagine the level scales can be reached without the Cities of life hav- ing their walls broken down and their population redistributed and rearranged? Or that the even 85 balanced individual would not be the consummation of Old Testament "folk lore/' New Testament "po- etry" and "allegory" and "song"? An evolution of the body as well as of the spiritual, Electrical or Psychical soul? Ask a Tesla, an Edison or any stu- dent of Electrical Philosophy or Psychology. Gold alone, without a silver half to draw upon will fade and wither and will never yield the fruit of life, will blight and droop and die, but gold and silver side by side, true counterparts, would reach the Truth of life, and feeding and illuminating one the other like a Turner's brilliant Bi-Metallic harmony of color (hissed and hooted at first by passive artists of course) they would live and never die. And does any one imagine it would be an easy matter for England to conquer her body and yield up any of her territory and offspring? Or for Cities to yield up their inhabitants or for individuals to yield up any of their offspring in conquering their body? And does contraction and level scales not mean a yielding and giving on the receptive side with the reverse holding on the other side? And yet it must be evident we never can be free until we reach this level balance where Truth resides, until as a great Terrestrial people by adopting Bi-Metallism, we cast the golden calf into the fire. As evident as it must be to any one who will stop to consider that boasting "gold as the only sound" is not only the worst form of anarchy — is not only being governed by greedy, receptive, selfish and one-sided Nature, but is far more to be dreaded in its sorcery and' quiet, insidious stealth than a party seeking equity S6 and level scales. And while the best element in each party recognize Bi-Metallism as Justice, each party must beware of those who boast their "gold as the only sound," since it is the same Tory Benedict Ar- nold of old as Altgeld suggests. The same conser- vative hiss that greeted Washington when march- ing through the Eastern streets. As another demonstration there are two of us and diametrically opposite, yet feeding each other, take a thermometer of mercury or spirit and take a ther- mometer of chlorine of gold or highly refined oil, place them side by side and it will convince any doubting Thomas that what is food for one is poison for another in one sense as that one feeds and strengthens the other. It will also convince any doubting Thomas gold or the oil of life instead of feeding density is poison to the Conservative and strength to the mercury of life. So that Bryan is really the Moses of life to Conservatives; and the re- verse must hold gold has been and is going to be the prodigals salvation, for its brazen attitude has cre- ated in him revolt, and when the liberal half of life cease to be liberal and ductile the receptive half ceasing to receive, the current is reversed and a bat- tle of the elements begins, a battle that will result as any student may note in the liberal Hemisphere be- coming one Bi-Metallic whole — breaking their bonds asunder and casting away from them the yoke be- gotten of sorcery and selfishness. And is this era and these agitations on two Hemispheres the work only of a few demagogues? Mere coincidence — mere chance? Guided by gold as the only *sound," or is 87 the era and these agitations being governed by the Centrifugal Power, the Nitrogen of life, the two- edged sword that levels and adjusts all balances? The Destiny of our Nation! — And will a doctrine of Christian Sociology of level scales, and equity be agreeable to the conservative and "sound'' and in- fallible part of life at this time? Will it not be hissed and rejected as usual and denounced because, for- sooth, it will not longer worship at the golden shrine? If Christ should come and be manifest upon the earth again would this octopus of greedy monopoly that has the Nations by the throat not denounce Him as an "Anarchist," a "Repudiator," a "Reprobate"? Would the "enlightened" half of the earth, domi- nated by their gold as the only sound, not cast Him into jail, spit upon Him, yes, and even crucify Him? Is the man who dares to range against this greedy and absorbent pig of life not denounced as "danger- ous," "demagogue," Anarchist and all the other ad- jectives at their command? And do they imagine they are not "creating all the feeling" by striking with a tongue full of venom and from clusters "bit- ter as gall"? That the Military powers of Europe and the great young West and South will repudiate this ridiculous conservative pose must be evident to the liberal half of life at least. And as the greatest of Diplomats would have the assistance of her maneuvering peace, peace, and arbi- tration and diplomatic son among the Nations, as Spain would have the assistance of Rome, as Japan would have the assistance of all the other golden and "enlightened" Negative Nations of density, does any one imagine the volatile and demagogic France, the emotional Slav of Silver Russia and by no means least the demagogic Emperor of Prussias hydro- genic silver blue, w^ould not be found ranging on the other* side, as some of them have ever done? That it will not be as Natural for a liberal Nation to line up with a liberal Nation in such a battle of the Ele- ments? And would the tender mother in individual life not detest her husband and cling to her own degree in the body of the son she bore? Will such a battle of the Elements not disrupt every individual family government as well as National government? And did language and creed count for anything in Canada lately when it was a question of Justice? Does Justice rest with only one side — with only one language and creed, and will it count in a battle of the Elements of Silver versus the Elements of Gold? Wait and see, and mark if it will not extend to every form of life. When man violates a Natural law the Physician is not a prophet who may diagnose the case, and one does not require to be a Prophet to diagnose the result of this violation of a Terrestrial Law. 89 x.-^\ w YC 24190 m UNIVERSITY OP CAUFORNIA UBRARY