o # LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Gl FT OF jL.cL^^U-w% %^Q..uUjt^- SolLL4La./^ Clas: PRESENTED BY EDWIN JAQUETT SELLERS, 800-S03 Betz Building, PHILADELPHIA, PA. €iom)L 'er aENEAIiOaY OF §x. ^vmtb f 0)Sejrb ^iniitt OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA AND HIS DESCENDANTS 1734-1899 BY Edwin Jaquett Sellers OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PHILADELPHIA 1899 ■^ ^ Edition limited to tioo hundred copies^ of ichich this is No i39 PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF fiutiotiuctfon For references of the Pfeiffer family in Germany and other parts of Europe, see the various biographical and en- cyclopaedic works, Rietstap's " Armorial Register," and "Das Grosse und Vallstandige (aufangs) Siebmacherische (hernacher Fiirstische und Helmerische) nun ober (ITeigel- ische) Wappen-Buch. In sechs Theilen, etc. ISTiirnberg, verlegts Christoph Weigels des altern seel. witteve-Ge- drucht bey Lorentz Bieling, 1734," generally referred to as "Das Siebmacherische gross Wappen-Buch," a copy of which is in possession of Mr. Julius F. Sachse, of Philadel- phia. For references of the " Piper" family of England, said to have come from Saxony, see Marshall's " Genealogist's Guide." For references of the " Piper" family of N'ew England, of English descent, see Munsell's " Genealogical Index," as well as other American indices. For reference of the " Phifer" family of North Carolina, which claims descent from the " Pfeifiers of Peitfersburg," see " Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians," by John H. "Wheeler. One of this family, John Phifer, signed the " Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence." 178097 4 . INTRODUCTION For reference to persons of the name of Pfeiffer, although variously spelled, who came to Pennsylvania, see " Immi- grants in Pennsylvania, 1727-1776," by I. Daniel Rupp. Should any additional information be possessed, it is hoped it may be communicated to the writer. E. J. S. Philadelphia, May, 1899. Boctor Smnci^ Soslepft ^feiffer and "bi^ BeslcentiantsS I. 1. Doctor Francis Joseph Pfeiffer, a native of Ger- many, was born May, 1734.* Volume XVII of the " Penn- sylvania Archives," Second Series, page 375, contains the following reference to his arrival in America : " List of foreigners imported in the Ship Phoenix, Capt. Reuben Honer, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, England. Qualified Nov. 22, 1752." The name of " Frantz Joseph Pfeiffer" appears in the list of passengers. Concerning Dr. Pfeiffer's marriage there are contradic- tory statements. His Bible, in possession of Miss Mary Matilda Bryant, of Philadelphia, a great-granddaughter, contains a record written in German, and which, translated, is as follows : " The 25th March, 1756, Anna Margaretha Beckerin was given to me in marriage." According to this, which seems conclusive, the name of his wife was Ann or Anna Margaret Becker. We find, how- ever, in the list of marriages published in the " Pennsyl- vania Archives," Second Series, Volume VIII, page 483, among those celebrated at the Old Swedes' Church, Phil- adelphia, the following : * Epitapb. 6 DK. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER " 1756, March 25, PfeifFer, Francis Joseph, and Marga- rete Wallter." An examination of the original records of the church to' produced the following : "Mar. 25, 1756, marriage of Francis Joseph Pfeiffer and Margarete "Wallter, by publishing ye 25th of March, 1756." The ceremony was performed by the rector, the liev. Olof Parlin. The name given in his Bible has been adopted. The first reference found, styling him a physician, is in the Recorder of Deeds' ofiice, Philadelphia, Book I, jSTo. 16, page 242. Conveyance by Charles West, of Philadelphia, Cooper, and Hannah his wife, to Joseph PfeifFer, of Flour Town, in the County of Philadelphia, " Practitioner in Physick," Nov. 28, 1763. Volume II of the " Pennsylvania Archives," Second Se- ries, page 447, contains the following reference to his nat- uralization : ''At a Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, before Law- rence Growdon and William Coleman, Esquires, Judges of the said Court, the twenty fourth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty- three, between the Hours of nine and twelve of the clock in the forenoon of the same day, the following subscribing per- sons being foreigners :" continuing on page 450, " The persons hereafter named, being Foreigners, and of the People called Quakers, and other Protestants^ who con- scientiously scruple to take an Oath, Severally took the Afiirmations & made the Declaration according to the Di- rections of an Act of the thirteenth Year of King George the Second, entitled ' an Act for naturalizing such foreign Protestants and others therein mentioned as are settled or shall settle in any of his majesty's Colonies in America,' and of an Act of General Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, made in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-two :" AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 7 In the list of names appears " Joseph Pfeiffer, of Spring- field, Philadelphia County." References in the Recorder of Deeds' Office, Philadelphia, to land conveyed to and by Dr. Pfeiffer : Book D, N"o. 59, page 176. N'ov. 14, 1759. Standish Ford and wife, of Phila., to Joseph Pfeiffer, of same place. Property on Second Street. Book D, No. 58, page 282. Aug. 26, 1761. Joseph Pfeifier of Phila., and Margaret his wife to Gallus Sleigh- ter of same place. Conveyance of property received from Standish Ford and wife. Book I, No. 16, page 242. Nov. 28, 1763. Charles "West, of Phila., Cooper, and Hannah his wife to Joseph Pfeiffer of Flour Town, County of Phila., Practitioner in Physick. Property on Second Street. Book D, No. 8, page 269. May 28, 1764. Joseph Pfeiffer, of Flour Town, County of Philadelphia, Practi- tioner in Physick, and Margaret his wife to Christopher Rex. Conveyance of ten acres formerly purchased by Dr. Pfeiffer. Book I, page 243. Nov. 12, 1773. Bowyer Brooke, of Phila., Boatbuilder, and Hannah his wife, to Joseph Pfeiffer of the Northern Liberties, County of Phila., Practitioner in Physick. Property on Coats Street. Book I, No. 16, page 519. Oct. 7, 1776. William Sit- greaves, of Phila., Merchant, and Susanna his wife, and John Whiteman, of the Northern Liberties, to Joseph Pfeiffer, of the same place. Practitioner in Physick. Con- veyance of three acres and seventeen perches in the North- ern Liberties. Book D, No. 9, page 541. Dec. 8, 1782. Col. William Coats and wife to Doctor Joseph Pfeiffer, of the Northern Liberties. Property Fourth and Poplar Lane. 8 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Book D, No. 19, page 20. Jan. 17, 1784. Henry Mag, of Passyunk Township, County of Phila., and Elizabeth Brown, of the Northern Liberties, widow, to Joseph Pfeiffer, Practitioner in Physick. Property in Passyunk Township. Book D, No. 9, page 421. Apr. 14, 1784. Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania to Francis Joseph Pfeiffer, Practitioner in Physick, of the Northern Liberties. Prop- erty on Poplar Lane. Book J), No. 19, page 348. Sept. 15, 1787. Samuel Williams, of Phila., and Ann his wife, to Doctor Joseph Pfeiffer, of the Northern Liberties. Property in Northern Liberties. Book D, No. 70, page 64. Sep. 8, 1789. James Ash, Esquire, Sheriff" of the County of Phila., to Doctor Joseph Pfeiffer, of the Northern Liberties. Property in the North- ern Liberties. Book D, No. 48, page 59. July 16, 1794. Martin Brish, of Phila., & wife, to Doctor Joseph Pfeiffer, of the North- ern Liberties. Property Second and Vine Streets. Book D, No. 62, page 298. May 9, 1795. Abraham Coates, of the Northern Liberties, and wife, to Doctor Jo- seph Pfeiffer, of the same place. Property east side of Second Street near Brown Street. Book D, No. 66, page 437. Apr. 1, 1794. Joseph Pfeiffer, of the Northern Liberties, Practitioner in Physick, and Margaret his wife, to Godfrey Felten. The foregoing properties, not sold during his life. Dr. Pfeifffer bequeathed to his children and grandchildren. He was a member of the German Society, as appears by its rolls. He died April 16, 1804, his death being referred to in Poulson's American Daily Advertiser of April 19, 1804, as follows : AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 9 " Departed this life on Monday the 16th instant, Dr. Joseph Pfeiffer, in the seventieth year of his age. His re- mains were interred yesterday afternoon, attended by a considerable number of mourning relatives and friends." He was buried in his private burial-ground, the following being a copy of his epitaph : Doctor Joseph Pfeiffer ; Born May, 1734, Died April, 1804. " I know that my Redeemer liveth, And though worms destroy this Body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Job xix. ver. 25. His remains were removed, January 23, 1851, to the present lot in South Laurel Hill Cemetery. The following is a copy of his will, on file in the Register of Wills' Office, Philadelphia, recorded in "Will Book No. 1, page 199, being jSTo. 44 of the year 1804 : *' 13^ it iRememteretr That I, Joseph Pfeiffer, of the N'orthern Liberties of the City of Philada., Practitioner in Pbysick, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, praised be the Lord for the same and all other his mercies, do hereby make my last will and testament in manner fol- lowing, that is to say. First, I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease out of my personal estate, and all the rest of my monies, plate, furniture and personal estate whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Ann Margaret Pfeiffer, to be at her own dis- posal from and immediately after my decease, excepting always my iron open stove and brass andirons, which I give to my daughter Elizabeth, and all my medicines and shop furniture and implements, which I give to my son George. Item. I give and devise to my daughter Margaret Fitler 10 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER and to lier heirs and assigns forever, all that my messuage, tenement and lot of ground situated on the west side of Delaware Third Street continued in the Northern Liberties, containing in breadth on said Third Street ninety two feet and in length extending "Westward to Delaware Fourth Street as now expected to be opened and continued, where said lot widens to the breadth of one hundred feet as the same is now enfenced together with the appurtenances. Item. I give and devise unto my daughter Elizabeth Longhead my tenements and lot of ground on the west side of Dela- ware Front Street continued in the Northern Liberties, which I purchased of Everard Bolton, together with the ap- purtenances to hold to her my said daughter Elizabeth during all the term of her natural life and no longer, and from and immediately after the decease of her, my said daughter Elizabeth I give and devise the same tenements and lot of ground with the appurtenances unto all the child and children of her my said daughter Elizabeth, born and to be born, which shall be living at the time of her decease and the lawful issue of such of them as shall be then de- ceased, their respective heirs and assigns, in equal parts as tenants in common forever, so, nevertheless, that such issue take and receive such part and share only as his, her or their deceased parent might have had and taken if then living. Item. I give and devise unto my beloved daughter Susanna Justice and to her heirs and assigns forever all that my messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situated on the East side of Second Street continued be- tween Brown Street and Phillips' Ropewalk in the North- ern Liberties aforesaid, purchased of Abraham Coats, also all that Eastermost part of my four acre lot of ground on Poplar Lane in said Liberties, which said part now devised to my said daughter Susanna is bounded Westwardly by the said Delaware Fourth Street as now continued in said Liberties and Southwardly by the said Poplar Lane, to- gether with the respective appurtenances (excepting and reserving always the lot of thirty feet in breadth on said Fourth Street continued hereinafter devised to my son AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 11 George in trust for a burial grouud for my family). Item. I give and devise unto my son George Pfeiffer all that piece of ground, by me laid off of my four acre lot for a burial place for my family, situate on the East side of Delaware Fourth Street continued in said Liberties and at the dis- tance of about fifty six feet Northward from Poplar Lane, containing in breadth North and South thirty feet and in length extending East and West to the line of John Peters' ground, to hold the same lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances to him the said George Pfeiffer and his heirs forever in trust only for the use and purpose of a family burying ground or place for all my family, offspring and descendants to bury and lay their dead forever. Item. I give and devise unto my son George Pfeiffer, his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof forever all that my messuage or tenement and lot of ground where I lately dwelt, situate on the East side of Delaware Second Street continued between Vine and Callowhill Streets in the Northern Liberties with the appurtenances, and I do release and discharge him my said son from all charges and demands on account of his education. Item. I will and devise unto my grand-children Rachel Jacquet and Joseph Jacquet, the children of my beloved daughter Mary Jacquet deceased, and to their heirs and assigns in equal parts as tenants in common all that my Westermost part of my four acre lot of ground situate on the Northerly side of Poplar Lane in the Northern Liberties aforesaid and which part hereby devised and intended for my said two grandchildren is to be bounded Westward and Northward by ground late of Samuel Burge or David Deshler deceased, Eastward by Delaware Fourth Street as now lately opened and South- ward by Poplar Lane aforesaid, together with the buildings and improvements thereon and other appurtenances, and I do authorize and direct my executors hereinafter named and the survivor of them to let and demise or farm out the real estate in this my will given to my said grandchildren for the use and benefit of my said grandchildren respec- tively until he or she arrive at full age. Item. As for and 12 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER concerning all the rest, residue and remainder of my lands and tenements, ground rents and real estate whatsoever and wheresoever, I do give, devise and bequeath the same unto my said four children, Margaret Fitler, Elizabeth Loughead, Susanna Justice and George Pfeiffer and my said two grandchildren Mary * Jacquet and Joseph Jacquet, their respective heirs and assigns, as tenants in common, they my said two grandchildren, Mary f and Joseph Jac- quet, as representatives of their said deceased mother, nevertheless, to have and take together only one fifth part or share and not otherwise. Provided always and it is my mind and will that my said beloved wife Ann Margaret Pfeiffer shall have and enjoy during the term of her natural life the new dwelling house and lot on IS'ew Fourth Street in which I now dwell and also the one third part of all the clear rents and income of all the rest of my tenements and real estate hereinbefore devised to my said children, Mar- garet, Susanna, and George and to my said two grandchil- dren respectively and further that she my said wife shall have and receive the rent and income of the whole of my real estate during the first year next after my decease. And further it is my mind and will that each of the lots and tenements hereinbefore particularly devised to all my said children and grandchildren respectively (the lot for the burying ground excepted) shall be valued and appraised by two or more judicious men to be chosen by my executors for that purpose and whatever the devise of one shall exceed in value the devise of the other the same shall be discounted and allowed in the division of the residue of my real estate, it being my intention that each child's share shall be as near equal to the other as possible. Provided also, that what I have hereinbefore given and bequeathed to my said wife is in lieu and full satisfaction of all her dower or thirds in my estate and not otherwise. Item. I do hereby nominate and appoint my said beloved wife, Ann Margaret, Executrix and my said son George Pfeifter and my son-in- law Jacob Fitler and my esteemed friends Jacob Brown, * Mistake of the scrivener for Rachel. f Ibid. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 13 Senr., of Philada., Cutler, and Philip Peltz, Executors of this my last will and testament. And the better to enable my Executors of this my last will and testament to make the division of my estate among my said devisees, I do hereby authorize and empower my said executors and the survivors or survivor of them to bargain and sell all or any part of the said residue of my lands and tenements not hereinbefore specifically devised to my said children and by proper and sufficient deeds to grant and convey the premises to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, and the monies arising from Buch sale to divide among my said five children and their representatives in proportions agreeably to the intent of this my last will and testament. Lastly, I do hereby revoke all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made and pub- lished. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three. Joseph Pfeiffer. [Seal.] Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator Joseph Pfeiffer for and as his last will and testament in the presence of us : John Snyder William Smith Benj. Brown Philada., May 2, 1804. Then personally appeared John Snyder & William Smith, two of the witneses to the fore- going will, and on oath did depose and say that they saw and heard Joseph Pfeiffer the testator sign, seal, publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind, mem- ory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief. Coram, Charles Swift, Register. 14 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Ann Margaret Pfeiffer, George Pfeiffer, Jacob Fitler, Jacob Brown, Sr., and Philip Peltz, the executors, sworn and affirmed the same day and letters testamentary granted to them." The private burial lot referred to in Dr. Pfeiffer's will was subsequently sold, by virtue of an Act of the As- sembly, approved April 22, 1850,* of which the following is a copy : « No. 342. A SUPPLEMENT To an act, entitled ' An act to prevent waste in certain cases within this commonwealth,' passed the twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two ; to land and building associations; giving the court of Sus- quehanna county jurisdiction in a certain case; relative to the service of process in certain cases ; to party walls in West Philadelphia ; to the proof of a certain will ; to the sale and purchase of certain burial grounds in Philadelphia ; to the laying of gas pipes in the district of Moyamensing ; to the release of certain sureties in Erie county ; to the State Lunatic Hospital ; relative to the service of process against sheriiFs ; to the rights of married women ; to ground rents ; and relating to foreign insurance companies. Section 13. That Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longh- ead of Philadelphia county, are hereby made trustees for the heirs and descendants of Dr. Joseph Pfeiffer, deceased, for the purposes hereinafter named, to wit : to sell a certain lot or piece of ground at public or private sale, and make a good and sufficient deed and title for the same ; the said lot being situate in Delaware Fourth street, in the district of the Northern Liberties, and county of Philadelphia, on the east side of the said Fourth street above Poplar, which * Pamphlet Laws, page 549. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 15 said lot is the same which the said Dr. Joseph PfeifFer, by his will dated the twenty-second day of December, a.d., one thousand eight hundred and three, left to his said heirs and descendants as a place of burial or interment. Section 14. And be it further enacted, That the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead are hereby em- powered and enjoined to use the proceeds of the sale of said lot in the purchase of a lot suitable for family sepulchre in some cemetery in the near neighborhood of the city of Philadelphia, which said last mentioned lot shall be substi- tuted for and used in place of the said first mentioned lot hereby authorized to be sold ; and all rights and privileges which any person now has in the said first mentioned lots shall be transferred and vested in the said last mentioned lot to be purchased as aforesaid, by the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead, and the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead are hereby authorized and empowered to do every thing needful for the accomplishment and ful- filment of this trust : Provided, That before the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead enter upon the said trust, that they the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Loughead, each give a separate bond in the sum of five hundred dol- lars, with sufiicient surety, to be approved by the court ot common pleas of Philadelphia county, for the faithful per- formance of the said trust ; which said bonds shall be filed with the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of said county : And further provided. That in case of any vacancy in said trust by reason of the death or refusal to accept the said trust, by the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Loughead, or either of them, the said court of common pleas of Philadelphia county shall have power to fill such vacancy or vacancies by the appointment of a competent person or persons who shall carry out the purposes here- inbefore set forth : And further provided. That the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Loughead shall not receive more than five per cent, each, on the amount of the sale of the said lot, for their services in performing the purposes of the trust aforesaid." 16 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER In pursuance of this Act the lot was sold to one David or Davis Horn, which is recorded at Philadelphia in Book G. W. C, No. 73, page 102, as follows : ^^ C|)i!S IFntretttUre made the seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, between Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead, Trustees as hereinafter mentioned, of the one part and Davis * Horn of the Northern Liberties in the county of Philadelphia, Merchant, of the other part. "Whereas, "William Coats and Margaret his wife, by indenture dated the fourth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty one, recorded in the office for recording deeds, etc., for the City and County of Phila- delphia in Deed Book I, No. 17, page 237, etc., granted and conveyed unto Joseph PfeiiFer (by the name of Francis Joseph Pfeifter) in fee, one full, even and equal moiety or undivided half part of a certain tract or piece of land situated on the north side of Poplar Lane, between Third and Fourth Streets, in the Northern Liberties aforesaid. Containing four acres and forty eight perches, more or less; and whereas, the said William Coats and Margaret his wife, by Indenture dated the sixth day of December Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty two. Recorded in the Office aforesaid in Deed Book D No. 9, page 541, etc., granted and conveyed unto the said Joseph Pfeiffer in fee the other one full equal and undivided moiety or half part of and in the said tract or piece of land, subject to the payment of the yearly rent or quantity of two bushels and nine twentieths parts of a bushel of good mer- chantable wheat unto the Trustees of the University of the State of Pennsylvania, their Successors and assigns forever in half yearly payments, as therein mentioned, or in lieu thereof, at the election of the said Trustees, their Successors or assigns, from time to time, the current price of such wheat at the time of such payment in lawful money of Pennsylvania, which yearly rent the said Trustees of the * Transcribed David in other parts of deed. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 17 University of Pennsylvania, by Deed Poll endorsed dated the fourteenth day of April Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, recorded in the office afore- said in Deed Book No. 9, page 21, etc., released and dis- charged unto the said Joseph Pfeifter, his heirs and assigns forever, and whereas, the said Joseph PfeiiFer, being so thereof seized, afterwards departed this life, having first made and published his last will and testament in writing, dated the twenty second day of December Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and three, duly proved and remaining filed in the Register's Office at Philadelphia, wherein and whereby he did give and devise unto his Son George Pfeiffer all that piece of ground by him laid ofi:' of his four acre lot, for a burial place for his family, situate on the East side of Delaware Fourth Street, continued in said Liberties and at the distance of about fifty six feet !N"orth- ward from Poplar Lane, Containing in breadth ISTorth and South thirty feet, and in length extending East and West to the line of John Peters' ground, to hold the same lot or piece of ground, with the appurtenances, to him the said George Pfeiflfer and his heirs forever, in trust only for the use and purpose of a family burying ground or place for all his family, offspring and descendants to bury and lay their dead forever ; and whereas, by an Act of the General As- sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the twenty-second day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty, the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Loughead were made trustees for the heirs and descend- ants of said Joseph Pfeiflfer deceased, for the purposes thereinafter named, to wit, inter alia, to sell the said lot or piece of ground devised by the said Joseph Pfeiflfer for a burial place as aforesaid, at public or private sale and make a good and sufficient deed and title for the same, provided, that before the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Loughead should enter upon the said trust, they should each give a separate bond in the sum of five hundred dollars with sufficient surety, to be approved by the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Philadelphia County for the faithful perform- 18 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER ance of the said trust, which said bond should be filed with the prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of said County. And whereas the said bond has been duly filed in accordance with the provisions of said act, now this Inden- ture witnesseth, that the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead, Trustees aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars lawful money of the United States of America unto them at or before the sealing and delivery hereof by the said David Horn well and truly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold, aliened, released and confirmed and by these presents, in pursuance of the said recited Act of Assembly and by force and virtue thereof, do grant, bargain and sell, alien, release and confirm unto the said David Horn, his heirs and assigns, all that the above mentioned lot or piece of ground situate on the East side of Fourth Street in the Northern Liberties aforesaid, beginning in the East line of said Fourth Street at the dis- tance of fifty four feet Northward from the corner of Poplar Street, thence Northward along the East line of said Fourth Street twenty four feet, thence Eastward at right angles with the said Fourth Street by ground of Joseph P. Longhead sixty one feet five inches and seven eighths, thence South- westward along the line of ground formerly of John Peters thirty nine feet six inches and a quarter, and thence North- westward by ground late of Peter Kline forty seven feet ten inches to the place of beginning, together with all and Singular the improvements, ways, Streets, passages, waters, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interests, property, claim and demand whatsoever, of them the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead, Trustees aforesaid, or which were of him the said Joseph Pfeiffer deceased at and immediately before the time of his decease, as well at law as in Equity, of, in and to the same, to have and to hold the said lot or piece of ground above AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 19 described, hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned and intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said David Horn, his heirs and assigns to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said David Horn, his heirs and assigns forever ; and the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead, Trustees aforesaid, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, not jointly nor one of them for the other, but each for himself and for his own acts and deeds only, do covenant, promise and agree to and with the said David Horn, his heirs and assigns, by these presents, that they the said Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead, respectively, have not at any time heretofore made, done, suffered or committed any act, matter or thing in Deed or in law, whereby or by means whereof the said lot of ground and premises hereby granted or any part thereof are, is, can or maybe impeached, charged or affected in title, estate or otherwise, howsoever. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals. Dated the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us : / Jos. P. Loughead [Seal] Henry H. Hickman [ I. P. Fitler [Seal] Geo. W. Ash Received the day of the date of the above written In- denture, of the above named David Horn, the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars in full of the consideration money above mentioned. Witnesses at Signing : ^ „ T-. 5^ * I Jos. P. LouaHEAD Henry H. Hickman Geo. W. Ash I. P. Fitler Before me the subscriber, one of the Aldermen in and for the county of Philadelphia, came the above named Isaiah P. Fitler and Joseph P. Longhead and severally ac- knowledged the above written Indenture to be their and each of their act and deed, and desired the same might be 2 20 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER recorded as such. Witness my hand and seal the seventh day of November, Anno Domini, 1850. Geo. W. Ash, Aid. [Seal] Recorded Nov. 9, 1850." After the conveyance, two lots were purchased in South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Section 2, Nos. 195 and 196,* which were conveyed to the said Loughead and Fitler, as trustees, for the use of the descendants of Dr. Pfeiffer. Since their death, no successors have been appointed. January 23, 1851, the remains of Dr. Pfeiffer and other members of his family were removed from the private burial-ground to the new lots in South Laurel Hill Ceme- tery, where they at present repose. His wife died August 30, 1817, and was buried in her husband's burial-ground, the following being her epitaph : Ann Margaret Pfeiffer, Kelict of Dr. J. Pfeiffer, departed this life August 30th 1817, in the 90th year of her age. " Lord, what is my hope ; truly my hope is even in thee." PsAL. xxxix. 7. Her remains were removed at the same time as her hus- band's to the present lot in South Laurel Hill Cemetery. There are two miniatures of Dr. Pfeiffer, one in posses- sion of Mrs. James Moore Bryant, of Philadelphia, and the other in possession of Mr. Edgar Isaiah Smith, of Philadel- phia. The writer had two oil portraits copied from these, one for the late Mayor Fitler and the other for himself. The frontispiece is reproduced from the miniature in pos- session of Mrs. Bryant. The children of Dr. Pfeiffer and Margaret his wife, as ascertained from his Bible and will, were as follows : 2. Margaret. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Joseph, b. July 13, 1762; d. July 16, 1762.t * See Interment Book, No. 2, page 636, at Cemetery's Office, t See Dr. Pfeiffer 's Bible. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 21 5. Mary or Maria. 6. Susanna. 7. George. II. 2. Margaret Pfeiffer, dan. of Doctor Francis Jo- seph Pfeiffer (1) and Ann Margaret Becker, b. Jan. 30, 1757 ; * m. Jacob Fitler,t May 19, 1780, at St. Michael's and Zion Church, Phila. ; | d. Sept. 22, 1833; bur. in her father's private burial-ground, but her remains were re- moved Jan, 23, 1851, to South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. The records of St. Michael's and Zion Church contain the following reference of Jacob Fitler's birth and baptism : " Fiedler, Johan Jacob, son of Johan Georg Fiedler and Anna Elisabeth, born Mar. 15, 1754, baptised Mar. 31, 1754. Sponsors, Jacob Gerber and Anna Magdalena." The following refers to the arrival of Jacob Fitler's father in this country : § " List of foreigners imported in the ship ' Royal Union,' Clement Nicholson, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. Qualified Aug. 15, 1750." Among others, " Johan Georg Fitler." Jacob Fitler was a prominent tanner in the Northern Liberties ; Sheritf of Philadelphia, 1813-1816 ; 1| d. Sep. 14, 1822; bur. Sep. 16, 1822, in his father-in-law's private burial-ground, but his remains were subsequently removed at the same time as his wife's to South Laurel Hill Ceme- tery. Poulson's American Daily Advertiser of Sep. 16, 1822, contained the following notice of his death : " On Saturday, the 14*'' inst., Jacob Fitler, Esq., in the 70*^ year of his age, after a long and severe illness. His friends and acquaintances are particularly requested to attend his * Dr. Pfeiffer's Bible. f Spelled " Fiedler" in the records. I Pa. Ar., Sec. Ser., vol. ix, p. 369. g Pa. Ar., Sec. Ser., vol. xvii, p. 313. II Martin's Bench and Bar, p. 101. 22 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER funeral from his late residence, N°. 511 N'orth Second Street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock." The same paper of Sep. 17. 1822, contained the follow- ing obituary : " Died, on Saturday, the 14**" inst., Jacob Fitler, Esq., in the 70"^ year of his age, after a long and severe illness. The deceased was much respected and esteemed by his acquaintances, and much beloved by his family. The gen- eral opinion entertained of his integrity secured his election to the office of Sheriff of the City and County of Philadel- phia ; in the discharge of the duties of that office, it is be- lieved, he caught the disease which carried him to his grave." The following are the epitaphs of Jacob and Margaret Fitler and a son Walter : Margaret Fitlkr, wife of Jacob Fitler, Died September 22, 1833, Aged 76 years 7 mos. & 23 days. Walter Fitler, son of Jacob & Margaret Fitler, Died October 16, 1794, Aged 1 year 5 mos. & 15 days. Jacob Fitler, Born Mar. 15, 1754, Died Sep. 14, 1822. Jacob Fitler and Margaret his wife had issue 8. Jacob. 9. William. 10. George. 11. Walter.* 12. Daniel. 13. Katharine Louisa. III. 8. Jacob Fitler, son of Jacob Fitler and Margaret Pfeiffer (2), m. Susan Bender. Issue : * Referred to in above epitaph. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 23 14. Jacob. 15. Margaret. 16. Elmira. 17. Susan. 18. Marv. 19. Katherine. 20. Isaiah Pfeiffer. 21. Lavinia Virginia. IV. 14. Jacob Fitler, son of Jacob Fitler (8) and Susan Bender, m. Mary Christian. Issue: 22. Jacob. 23. Katherine, m. Thomas Campbell. Issue : 24. Katherine. 25. Thomas. 26. Elmira. rV. 15. Margaret Fitler, dau. of Jacob Fitler (8) and Susan Bender, m. Jonathan Smith. Issue : 27. Addison Fenimore. 28. Edgar Isaiah, of Phila., who possesses a minia- ture of Dr. Pfeiffer (1), from which the writer had an oil portrait copied. He also possesses several Fitler miniatures. 29. Lavinia Elmira. IV. 16. Elmira Fitler, dau. of Jacob Fitler (8) and Susan Bender, m. Joseph Innes Stretcher, son of Thomas Stretcher and Ann Jane Warner.* He was buried at In- dianapolis, Ind. They had issue : 30. Anne Elizabeth. 31. Susan Fitler. 32. Julia Margaret. 33. Josephine. 34. Katherine, m. Deb Darling. 35. Mary, m. Henry Beebe. * See " Warner," " Kollock," and " Stretcher Genealogies," by the writer. 24 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER V. 30. Anne Elizabeth Stretcher, dau. of Joseph lunes Stretcher and Elmira Fitler (16), b. June 26, 1836 ; m. first, Gen. Charles S. Russell, Feb. 13, 1855 ; he was b. at Bos- ton, Mass., Mar. 31, 1831 ; d. Nov. 2, 1866. She m. second, George W. Joseph, June 8, 1867 ; he was b. Mar. 6, 1835 ; d. Mar. 24, 1893. Charles S. Russell was offered a commission of major by President Lincoln in 1861, but, not having been long at West Point, he felt he had not sufficient experience to ac- cept this offer. Afterwards, Caleb B. Smith, a cabinet offi- cer, sent a captain's commission, which was accepted, in the Eleventh U. S. Infantry. His first station was at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; from there he joined the Army of the Potomac, one of the first to enter Richmond, Va., and raised the Colored Twenty-eighth Indiana Regi- ment. His first fight was in front of Petersburg, Va. He was commissioned colonel by Governor Morton, of Indiana. After the close of the war he was ordered to Corpus Christi, Texas, with General Whitzel, of Ohio, where he remained one year. From here he was ordered to Indiana to muster out his colored regiment. From there he rejoined his old regiment — Eleventh U. S. Infantry — at Richmond, Va. While there the cholera broke out, and he lost a great many men. He was very attentive to the sick, and in rec- ognition of this the new quarters were called " Camp Rus- sell." He died at Cincinnati of cholera. He was brevetted major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general for meritorious services. Mr. Joseph served in the One Hundred Days' Regiment. Issue by first marriage : 36. Annie Bell. 37. Caroline. Issue by second marriage : 44. George Frederic, b. at Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 10, 1874; d. Jan. 11, 1897. The following is a sketch of him written by a friend and copied from the Philadelphia Press : AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 25 "A YOUTHFUL LIVINGSTONE. DIED OF JUNGLE FEVER IN THE WILDERNESS OF COLOMBIA. The readers of this and other newspapers will recall with pleasure a series of travel sketches written from the wilder- ness of British Guiana and Venezuela and published over the name of G. Frederic Russell. They will recall with a smile his picturesque account of tlie swizzlers and the swiz- zers of Georgetown. They will remember the story of his difficult and dangerous voyage up the river Portaro to the gold mines in the rank jungles of Guiana, and the story of his journey along the Schomburgk line into the fever- haunted swamps of the Orinoco. One of his letters told how deadly the fever had been in the wilderness of Colombia, where he was then staying, and how the only American there beside himself had died on the day of his arrival. It remains for this brief chroni- cle to tell why his pen has been laid aside forever. He had recovered from one attack of fever and was on his way to new fields of discovery when he was prostrated again with that deadly scourge of the tropics. He died at Turbo, on the river Atrato, on January 11 of the present year. He was on a river steamer in an effort to make the nearest consulate, where he might find purer air. He died in his state-room, attended only by a native, as nearly as can be ascertained by the meagre reports that have come, the second night after going aboard. He knew that death was coming, and gave directions regarding the disposition of his effects and met his fate with the brave spirit of a hero. He was born at Indianapolis, Indiana, December 10, 1874, and was therefore only twenty-two years old. He was pre- paring for college, when, at seventeen, he had to abandon his studies to take up the more serious work of life. He began work in Philadelphia as a reporter on the Public Ledger, and afterwards on the Philadelphia Press, and finally became connected with the North American. He had a decided leaning towards literature, working with astonishing patience and good success at stories and 26 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Bketches of life. His tales had both style and promise, and considering the fact that all of his work had been done in four years his career was remarkable. He went south as correspondent for the Bacheller Syndicate and met the fate of most Americans who venture into the tropical reaches of Colombia." The following explains itself: "Turbo, Gctlf of Darikn, Colombia, October 25, 1897. Hon. Clifford Smyth, American Consul, Carthagena. Sir: I have the honor to report that, in compliance with your request, I have visited the burial place of the late Mr. Frederic Russell, in the cemetery at Turbo. Mr. Russell's grave is in the village cemetery, about a quarter of a mile from the main street. It lies in what is, perhaps, the place of honor in the cemetery, and is marked by a plain wooden cross, the cross-piece of which is bound to the shaft by a strong tendril cut from a near-by vine. The cross was apparently cut from a small green tree, and the bark was left on. The wood has now dried, and it will, I think, last for several years. By some strange coincidence, which one might almost regard as an intelligent sympathy in nature, a slender, clinging vine has sprung from the earth at the foot of the cross, and has twined itself about the shaft in regulated spirals until its top waves a few inches above the top of the cross. A bud is growing on the vine near the arm of the cross, and probably it will blossom in due time. The un- conscious sympathy of this little vine, in this quiet, tropical forest, in a far-away land, affected me more than I can put into words, especially as I had known and esteemed Mr. Russell in life. The influence of the little vine was per- haps more marked by reason of the fact that no other grave in the cemetery had this token of remembrance. There are several other graves in line with Mr. Russell's, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 27 and althougla they are the resting places of persons whose relatives live in the village, yet they are no better marked or cared for than his. Mr. Russell's grave lies underneath the branches of one of the grandest forest trees that I have ever seen. There are other trees reaching out their branches above the grave, and although they are by no means small, yet they are dwarfed into nothingness by this giant of the forest. The cemetery is in a forest of great natural beauty. My partner attempted a sketch of the grave, and if anything can be made from it he will be glad to forward it to the family on our return. In Quibdo I shall doubtless obtain details of Mr. Russell's illness, and on my return in December I shall be pleased to place at your disposal all that I have been able to learn. Inclosed are three leaves which I picked from the little vine of the cross with the idea that you might wish to for- ward them to the family. I am, Sir, Yours sincerely, Wm. Willard Howard." VI. 36. Annie Bell Russell, dau. of General Charles S. Russell and Anne Elizabeth Stretcher (30); m. Louis Morris Gray. Issue : 38. Russell. 39. Sophia Van Bram. 40. Grace Louise Van Bram. VI. 37. Caroline Russell, dau. of Gen. Charles S. Rus- sell and Anne Elizabeth Stretcher (30), b. at Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 2, 1860 ; m. David Scull Bisphara. He was b. at Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1857. They reside in London, England. Issue : 41. Vida, b. at Florence, Italy, Apr. 19, 1889. 42. Leonie Anne Francesca Carnegie, b. at London, Eng., Nov. 12, 1893. 43. David, b. at London, Eng., May 6, 1898. 28 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER V. 31. Susan Fitler Stretcher, dau. of Joseph Iiines Stretcher and Elmira Fitler (16) ; m. George H. West. They reside in Detroit, Mich. Issue : 45. Katherine. 46. Frank. 47. Bessie. 48. George ; m. Margaret Waterman. V. 32. Julia Margaret Stretcher, dau. of Joseph Innes Stretcher and Elmira Fitler (16) ; m. Harry Otis, of Cleve- land, Ohio. They reside in I^ew York City, N. Y. Issue : 49. Elita or Elmira Procter. V. 33. Josephine Stretcher, dau. of Joseph Innes Stretcher and Elmira Fitler (16); m. Eugene Veheland. They reside in Wash., D. C. Issue; 50. Edgely; m. Chamberlain. 51. Victor Eugene. 52. Hardy. 53. Birdie ; m. Byron Bryan. IV. 18. Mary Fitler, dau. of Jacob Fitler (8) and Susan Bender ; m. William Mullen. Issue : 54. Emma. 55. William. 56. Elmira. IV. 20. Isaiah Pfeiffer Fitler, son of Jacob Fitler (8) and Susan Bender, b. 1825 ; admitted to the Phila. Bar, Dec. 9, 1854 ; m. Lizzie Conrad ; d. May 23, 1868 ; bur. in Pfeiffer Lot, South Laural Hill. Issue : 57. Lillie. 58. Frederick. 59. Anne, buried in South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila., June 25, 1868, aged 6 yrs. IV. 21. Lavinia Virginia Fitler, dau. of Jacob Fitler (8) and Susan Bender ; m. William S. Swift. Issue : AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 29 61.* Isaiah Frank, d. Dec. 3, 1857, aged 4 yrs. 9 mos.f 62. Harvey. 63. Lavinia Virginia, d. Mar. 17, 1859, aged 11 mos.| III. 9. William Fitler, son of Jacob Fitler and Marga- ret Pfeiffer (2), b. Sept. 20, 1785 ;§ m. Elizabeth Wonderly, dau. of William and Elizabeth Wonderly ; d. June 12, 1836. || She was b. July 13, 1788 ; d. Mar. 30, 1880 ; bur. at Central Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. Issue : 64. William, bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery. 65. Emily. 66. Joseph Pfeiffer. 67. Theodore. 68. Alfred, b. Nov. 20, 1817; d. Mar. 18, 1896; bur. at South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. He was a prominent conveyancer. He was a director of the City National Bank and the Franklin Fire Insurance Company, and a Director of the Guarantee Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety Company. 69. Charles. 70. Elizabeth, bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery. 71. Josephine; m. George Gordon. 72. Jacob. 73. Cecelia. 74. Edwin Henry. rV. 65. Emily Fitler, dau. of William Fitler (9) and Elizabeth Wonderly ; m. George J. Weaver. Issue : 75. Michael. 76. Cecelia. 77. Annie. 78. George. * No. CO omitted by mistake in numbering. t Epitaph at Laurel Hill. t Ibid. I Epitaph at Central Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. II Epitaph. 30 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER y. 75. Michael Weaver, son of George J. "Weaver and Emily Fitler (65); m. Eliza Wall. Issue : 79. George J. 80. Williara. V. 76. Cecelia Weaver, dau. of George J. Weaver and Emily Fitler (65) ; m. John Wells. Issue : 81. George. 82. Edwin H. F. V. 77. Annie Weaver, dau. of George J. Weaver and Emily Fitler (65); m. first, William H. Loper; second, Frank Bacon ; third, William P. Sanderson. Issue by first marriage : 83. Richard F. ; m. Mary G. Knorr. 84. G. J. Weaver, m. Fannie Gordon. 85. William. 86. Emily. IV. 66. Doctor Joseph Pfeiffer Fitler, son of Wil- liam Fitler (9) and Elizabeth Wonderly, b. Dec. 6, 1817; * m. first, Mary Cheetbam, b. Jan. 9, 1821 ; d. Feb. 16, 1855 ; bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. ; second, Ellen M. Bruner; d. April 29, 1872. Issue by first marriage : 86J. William, b. Feb. 24, 1842 ; d. Aug. 1, 1847 ; bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. 87. Charles Henry, b. Apr. 14, 1844 ; m., June 29, 1865, Emily Ball. Issue : 87a. Rebe Blanche, b. Aug. 24, 1870; m. S. Boyd Carrigan, June 2, 1896. 88. Emily Weaver, b. Jan. 28, 1850 ; m. John C. Cor- nelius, Jan. 9, 1871. Issue : 88a. John C, b. Oct. 11, 1879. 886. Emma Josephine, b. May 8, 1872; m. William H. Cookman, Oct. 24, 1898. * Epitaph in North Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila., says 1811. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 31 89. Josephine Wonderly, b. May 14, 1847 ; m. Jo- seph Potter ; d. May 5, 1887. Issue : 89a. Clarence Wonderly, b. Oct. 29, 1885. Issue by second marriage : 90. Alfred Edwin, b. July 6, 1864. 90a. Frank Herbert, b. Jan. 13, 1867. 906. Lillian Bruner, b. Sep. 21, 1869 ; m. John Mor- rison Wood, Oct. 18, 1896. W. 67. Theodore Fitler, son of William Fitler (9) and Elizabeth Wonderly; m. Sarah L. Bracey. Issue: 91. Charles Alfred. 92. Eugene B. 93. George W. 94. Mary Josephine, b. Dec. 5, 1852; d. Dec. 26, 1867; bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. rV. 73. Cecelia Fitler, dau. of William Fitler (9) and Elizabeth Wonderly, b. Feb. 1, 1820 ; m. Joseph Moore ; d. June 6, 1897; bur. at Central Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. Her husband was b. Feb. 20, 1816; died Sept. 29, 1874; bur. in same place. Issue : 95. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 19, 1843 ; d. Mar. 10, 1848 ; bur. in father's lot. 96. William Fitler, b. Nov. 14, 1846; m. Addie Grove; d. May 23, 1877; bur. in father's lot. 97. Joseph, b. July 19, 1849. 98. Alfred Fitler, b. Jan. 23, 1854 ; m., Nov. 23, 1882, Emily Louisa Kellogg. She was b. May 26, 1855. Issue : 100. Alfred Fitler, b. Mar. 9, 1884; d. April 4, 1884; bur. in Central Laurel Hill, Phila. 99. Charles Henry, b. Jan. 26, 1859 ; d. June 1, 1870 ; bur. in father's lot. 32 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER IV. 74. Edwin Henry Fitler, son of William Fitler (9) and Elizabeth Wonderly, b. in Phila., Dec. 2, 1825; m. Josephine R. Baker, Dec. 11, 1860 ; d. May 31, 1896; bur. in Laurel Hill Cemetery. His wife was b. July 23, 1831. The prominence achieved by Edwin Henry Fitler by rea- son of his selection as the first mayor under the operations of the Act of Assembly of June 1, 1885, commonly known as the Bullitt Charter, only emphasized his excellent stand- ing as a citizen and the high position which he occupied in the community. Born in this city December 2, 1825, he received an academic education, and, proposing to devote himself to the practice of law, he began the study of the rudiments of that profession in the office of Charles E. Lex, and also studied conveyancing with his brother, Alfred Fit- ler. His father, William Fitler, was a prominent and suc- cessful tanner and leather dealer at Second and Walnut Streets, where the old Fitler mansion still stands, although it is no longer occupied or used by the family. The bent of Edwin's mind was in the direction of me- chanics, and after four years' study of legal lore he decided to abandon the profession and follow his natural inclination. The knowledge of law acquired in his early youth proved, however, of great advantage, and contributed largely to his success. During his nearly fifty years' career as a manu- facturer and business man he never was involved in litiga- tion of any kind. After laying aside his text-books he entered the cordage house of George J. Weaver, at Ger- mantown Avenue and Tenth Street, and in two years he had mastered the details of the trade and was admitted to partnership, the firm being thereafter known as George J. Weaver & Co. Under Mr. Fitler's management labor-saving machinery was introduced, many of the improvements being of his own conception. These inventions he never patented, but gave them freely to the public. In 1859 he purchased the interest of his partner, and the firm-name became Edwin H. Fitler & Co. At the time of his death the firm consisted of himself and his two sons, Edwin H. Fitler, Jr., and W. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 33 W. Filler, and it is known all over the world as one of the most flourishing and solid concerns in existence. In 1880 the establishment became too cramped for its extensive op- erations, and it was removed to Bridesburg, where the present works cover fifteen acres of ground, and they are fitted with the highest type of modern machinery. The product is the largest of any cordage factory in the United States. During his entire career Mr. Filler's relations with his employees were of the most cordial character. Many of the workmen have served the firm for twenty years and upward, and such a thing as a strike has never been known at the Filler Cordage "Works. The esteem in which Mr. Filler was held by his colleagues in the trade is evi- denced by his repeated elections as president of the Amer- ican Cordage Manufacturers' Association. At the outbreak of the war of the rebellion Mr. Filler threw the whole weight of his influence in favor of the Union, and his money, lime, and counsel were freely given to the government. Many of his employees enlisted in the Federal army, and no company left the city belter equipped for the duties of the field than that which was organized at his works, a matter that he personally attended to. His prominent position in the Union League brought him into the political arena, where he was always foremost in advo- cating Republican principles and in favoring the selection of competent men for office. He was frequently mentioned in connection with public office, and his friends at one time endeavored to persuade him to become a candidate for United Slates senator, and again for governor of Pennsyl- vania. He resisted all such efforts, however, to induce him to seek the suffrages of his fellow-citizens until the time arrived for the selection of the man who, as mayor of the city, was to carry into eflfect the radical governmental fea- tures contained in the new city charier which went into operation on the first Monday in April, 1887. There were no precedents to be followed. The new mayor was obliged to formulate and lay out a course of action for the guidance of his successors ; hence it was that the nomi- 34 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER nee of the Republican party for the exalted office must be a man of wide experience and business sagacity, who had the confidence of the community. The party leaders in conference with representatives of the business interests, including the leading members of the once powerful and influential Committee of One Hundred, selected Edwin H. Fitler, and his nomination and election followed. His majority was nearly thirty thousand, which was at that time the largest ever received by a candidate for mayor. During his administration many reforms were instituted and many improvements were made in all branches of the city gov- ernment, as well as in the physical features of the munici- pality. The mayor rigidly adhered to his own ideas and his own policies, regardless of political or other pressure, and the lines laid down by his administration have been for the most part followed by those who came after him in the office. After his retirement from the mayoralty, in 1891, Mr. Fitler devoted himself to his business and lived the life of a quiet and unostentatious gentleman. In 1888, while he was mayor, his name was presented by Charles Emory Smith in the Republican National Convention at Chicago for the nomination for the Presidency, and he received twenty-two votes for that honor, including those of the solid delegation from this city. Mr. Fitler was a director of the National Bank of the Northern Liberties, and has been vice-president and presi- dent of the Union League. In 1875-76 he was a member of the Centennial Board of Finance, and did his full share of the work which made the great exposition a success and a credit to the city of Philadelphia, He was noted for his hospitality and his many engaging social and congenial qualities. Edwin Henry Fitler and his wife Josephine R. Baker had issue : 101. Annie Margaret, b. Oct. 17, 1851 ; m. Charles Harkness Howell, Jan. 29, 1880. He was b. Feb. 10, 1848. Issue : 105. Josephine R., b. Mar. 15, 1881. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 35 106. Beatrice, b. Sep. 24, 1884. 107. Cooper, b. Aug. 23, 1887. 108. Cecile Fitler, b. Oct. 6, 1893. 102. Edwin Henry, b. Sep. 24, 1853 ; m. Nannie H. Myers, Jan. 31, 1877. She was b. Jan. 8, 1857. Issue : 109. Nathan Myers, b. Nov. 2, 1878. 110. C. Cecil, b. Aug. 27, 1882. 111. Edwin Henry, b. Aug. 2, 1883. 112. Dale B., b. Dec. 17, 1888. 113. Margaret, b. Aug. 1, 1896. 103. Cecelia "Weaver ; m. George Ramsay Howell ; d. Issue : 114. Gladys, d. 104. William Wonderly, b. Dec. 19, 1857; m. Jane Audenried, Oct. 23, 1889. Issue : 115. Marion Audenried, d. 116. Rachel Young, b. Dec. 10, 1896. III. 10. George Fitler, son of Jacob Fitler and Mar- garet Pfeifter (2) ; m. Issue : 117. George. 118. Margaret. 119. Louisa. 120. William. 121. Mary. ni. 12. Daniel Fitler, son of Jacob Fitler and Margaret Pfeifter (2), b. 1789; m. Katherine Heft; d. Oct. 4, 1849; Sherift^ of Phila., 1838-1841.* The North American and United States Gazette of Oct. 6, 1849, contains the following : " Suddenly, on the 4"" inst, Daniel Fitler, in the 61" year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Ger- mantown Road above Fourth Street, on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hill." * Martin's Bench and Bar, p. 101. 3 36 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Issue : 122. Jacob. 123. Theophalus ; m. Annie Cole. Issue : 129. Edgar. 124. Rebecca. 125. Olivia ; m. John G. Davis. Issue : 137. Theodore. 126. Daniel. 127. Clarinda; m. Albert Vogel. Issue: 127a. Daniel Fitler, b. Oct. 21, 1846 ; d. May 17, 1856; bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. 127b. Mattie Fitler, d. Dec. 15, 1880 ; bur. in same place. 128. George Washington; m. West. IV. 124. Rebecca Fitler, dau. of Daniel Fitler (12) and Katherine Heft ; m. Samuel Davis. Issue : 130. Olivia; m. William Ernst. Issue: 130a. Adele; m. William W. Kennedy. 1306. Marie. 130c. William. 131. Fitler. 132. John. 133. Clorinda. 134. William. 135. Rebecca. 136. G. Harry, lavt^yer. III. 13. Katharine Louisa Fitler, dau. of Jacob Fitler and Margaret Pfeiffer (2) ; m. Isaac Koons. Issue : 138. Margaret Elizabeth. 139. Emma M., b. Aug. 1, 1824; m., June 26, 1849, William K Coleman ; d. May 3, 1851. 140. Addison, d. y. 141. Edward Augustus, b. Mar. 16, 1829; d. July 14, 1854. 142. William Rollin, d. y. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 37 143. Cornelia. 144. Helen L. 145. Mary Katharine. 146. Harrison, b. Oct. 27, 1840; d. Apr. 16, 1861. 147. Isaac Boyer, b. Jan. 5, 1843; d. Nov. 11, 1883. rV. 138. Margaret Elizabeth Koons, dau. of Isaac Koons and Katharine Louisa Fitler (13), b. Oct. 3, 1821 ; m., Sep. 21,1841, Williams Isaac Blanchard; d. Feb. 22, 1876. They had issue : 148. Katharine Louisa; m. William A. Wiedersheim. Issue : 152. William Caner. 153. Theodore Edward. 149. Emma Koons ; m. Frederick A. Riehle. 150. Helen ; m. James A. Griffiths. Issue ; 154. W. Blanchard. 155. Margaret E.; m. Charles P. Chupein. Issue : 156. Helen G. 157. Charles P. 158. Adele. 159. Theodore B. 151. William W. ; m. Leila D. Posey. IV. 143. Cornelia Koons, dau. of Isaac Koons and Kath- arine Louisa Fitler (13), b. Oct. 7, 1833; m., Nov. 15, 1853, Samuel Augustus Bispham. He was b. Aug. 21, 1827 ; d. July 29, 1885; bur. in North Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phila. Issue : 160. Clara. 161. Edward K. 162. Samuel ; m. Ella Mount. Issue : 165. Eleanore. 166. Samuel. 163. Harrison A. ; m. Barbara Graff. Issue : 167. Barbara. 168. Edward Koons. 164. Maria Stokes. 38 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER IV. 144. Helen L. Koons, dau. of Isaac Koons and Kath- arine Louisa Fitler (13), b. May 5, 1836 ; m., l^ov. 17, 1858, George W. Earl; d. Feb. 12, 1862. Issue : 169. William H. 170. Alice. lY. 145. Mary Katharine Koons, dau. of Isaac Koons and Katharine Louisa Fitler (13), b. July 14, 1838 ; m., Sept. 13, 1866, William J. Caner ; d. June 24, 1867. Issue : 171. Harrison Koons ; m. Emily T. Colket. Issue : 172. Harrison K. 173. George Colket. 174. William John. 175. Gerald Wayne. II. 3. Elizabeth Pfeiffer, dau. of Doctor Francis Jo- seph Pfeiffer (1), and Ann Margaret Becker, b. Mar. 25, 1759 ; * m., Sept. 11, 1783, at the First Pres. Ch., Phila., Eobert Longhead ; f d. Apr, 20, 1824. They had issue : 175|. Catharine, b. May 24, 1784 ; d. Sept. 1, 1784. 176. Joseph. III. 176. Joseph Loughead, son of Robert Longhead and Elizabeth PfeiiFer (3), b. Nov. 4, 1785; m., Sept. 2, 1816, Mary Davis, dau. of John C. Snyder, M.D., of Bait, Md. ; d. Dec. 19, 1858. She was b. 1783 or 4 ; d. Dec. 8, 1863. They had issue : 177. Jane Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1817; d. May 31, 1818. 178. Elizabeth Francis Pfeiffer, b. June 25, 1819; d. Dec. 26, 1847. 179. George Pfeiffer, b. May 22, 1822; m., Oct. 27, 1845, Elizabeth Hubbell Gibson. She d. May 26, 1882. Issue : 181. Josephine ; m. Henry Hofman. * See Dr. Pfeiffer 's Bible. t Pa. Ar., Sec. Ser., vol. ix, p. 37. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 39 180. Joseph Pfeiffer, b. Nov. 3, 1826 ; m., Jan. 4, 1851, Maria Marielle Marselis; admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, Feb. 5, 1848; d. Nov. 19, 1878 ; bur. in Pfeiffer Lot, Laurel Hill Cemetery. They had issue : 182. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1851 ; m. Charles Hathaway. 183. Cornelia, b. June 10, 1853 ; d. Dec. 20, 1853. 184. Marielle, b. June 10, 1854 ; m. Theo- dore "Winthrop Arms. 185. George Henry, b. May 10, 1856 ; d. Nov. 24, 1858. 186. Eachel, b. Feb. 16, 1858; d. Mar. 24, 1859. 187. Isaac Marselis, b. Apr. 18,1861; m. first, Oct. 22, 1884, Eliza Hoff, dau. of Thomas M. Drysdale and Mary Louise Atlee. She was b. Aug. 31, 1862 ; d. Nov. 14, 1886 ; he m. second, Jan. 9, 1890, Estelle Hun- ter Brooke. Issue by second mar- riage : 188. Adelaide, b. July 14, 1893. 189. Gertrude, b. Apr. 28, 1895. H. 5. Maby Pfeiffer, dau. of Doctor Francis Joseph Pfeiffer (1) and Ann Margaret Becker, b. at Phila., July 22, 1764;* bap. May 14, 1794, at the Second Pres. Ch., Phila. ; m., at the same church, Nov. 11, 1791, Thomas, son of Lieut. Joseph Jaquett and Susanna Jaquett ; f d. Mar. 16, 1796, and was buried in her father's private burial-ground, but her remains were removed Jan. 23, 1851, to the Pfeiffer * See Dr. Pfeiffer 's Bible. t Pa. Ar., Sec. Ser., vol. ix, p. 575; also "Jaquett Genealogy," by the author. 40 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Lot in South Laurel Hill Cemetery. Her husband was b. 1761 ; m. second, at the Second Pres. Ch., Phila., Temper- ance Kennedy, May 15, 1799 ; * d. July 7, 1828 ; bur. in the Second Pres. Ch. Yard. The following is the epitaph of Mary Jaquett : In Memory of Mary Jaquett, wife of Thomas Jaquett, who departed this life March the 16th 1796 in the 31stf year of her age. Also Her Grandchildren Mary S. Bryant Matilda S. Bryant Thos. .Jaquett Bryant The foregoing epitaph was printed in " The Jaquett Ge- nealogy" by the writer without noting the error of " 31"" instead of " 32*." In 1899, the entire epitaph was recut as follows : Mary Jaquett, wife of Thomas Jaquett, and daughter of Dr. Francis Joseph Pfeiffer, Born July 22, 1764, Died Mar. 16, 1796. Also her grandchildren, Thomas Jaquett Bryant, July 26, 1823-Feb. 26, 1825. Mary S. Bryant, Dec. 27, 1827-Mar. 26, 1829. Matilda Stretcher Bryant, Aug. 28, 1829-Aug. 22, 1830. Conveyances recorded in the Recorder of Deeds' Office, Phila. : Book G. W. P., ^o. 3, p. 346. June 7, 1824. Con- * Pa. Ar., Sec. Ser., vol. ix, p. 575; also "Jaquett Genealogy." f This should have been 32''. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 41 veyance of Thomas Jaquett, of Phila., to John Frowert, of the same place. Premises situate on the West side of Fifth Street between Mulberry and Cherry Streets. Being the same received from Wm. Webb et ux. Mar. 22, 1811, Book I. C. No. 20, p. 564. Book I. C, No. 20, p. 566. May 10, 1812. Samuel Bunting et ux. to Thos. Jaquett. Extinguishment of ground rent on last-named property. They had issue : 190. Rachel. 191. Joseph. III. 190. Rachel Jaquett, dau. of Thomas Jaquett and Mary Pfeiffer (5), b. Sept. 1, 1792;* bap., Oct. 25, 1792, at the Second Pres. Ch., Phila. ; m. Rev. Wm. Bryant, Feb. 13, 1817 ; t d. Nov. 2, 1856. t He was b. June 19, 1780 ; § d. Dec. 12, 1841. || He was rector of the Church of the Epiphany, Phila. They are both buried at Ivy Hill Ceme- tery, Mt. Airy, near Phila. They had issue : 192. Mary Pfeiffer, b. Dec. 2, 1817 ; 1 d. Sept. 1, 1818.** 193. Margaretta Elizabeth. 194. Joseph Pfeiffer. 195. William de la Fletcher. 196. Thomas Jaquett, b. July 26, 1823 ; ft d. Feb. 26, 1825. tl 197. Rachel Jaquett. 198. Jaquett, b. March 24, 1826 ; §§ d. Oct. 21, 1837.||1| 199. Mary S., b. Dec. 27, 1827 ; H d. Mar. 26, 1829.*** 200. Matilda Stretcher, b. Aug. 28, 1829 ; fff d. Aug. 22, 1830. tXt * See Kev. "Wm. Bryant's Bible, in possession of Miss Mary Matilda Bryant, of Phila. t Ibid. X Ibi<3- § Ibid. || Ibid. ^ Ibid. ** Ibid. ft Ibid. Xt I^id. ^ Ibid. |||| Ibid. t[1[ Ibid. *** Ibid. fit Ibid. ttt Ibid. 42 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER 201. Louisa Koons, living. 202. Jackson Kemper. 203. Mary Matilda, living. IV. 193. Margaretta Elizabeth Bryant, dau. of Rev. William Bryant and Rachel Jaquett (190), b. Aug. 4, 1819;* m., July 27, 1841, Charles Eldred; d. l^ov. 15, 1892. He was b. in London, Eng., Apr. 18, 1818 ; d. at Camden, N. J., May 9, 1822; bur. in Evergreen Cemetery, near that city. They had issue : 204. Lucy, b. June 24, 1842 ; d. Dec. 20, 1862. 205. William Bryant, b. Aug. 3, 1844; d. Aug. 17, 1844. 206. Mary Annie, living. 207. Charles, b. June 25, 1853 ; d. July 8, 1853. 208. Margaretta, b. Mar. 2, 1857 ; d. July 5, 1857. IV. 194. Joseph Pfeiffer Bryant, son of Rev. William Bryant and Rachel Jaquett (190), b. Sep. 11, 1820; m. Sarah Levering Moore, Nov. 24, 1847 ; d. May 12, 1858. She was b. May 18, 1822 ; she has a miniature of Dr. Pfeiffer (1), from which the writer had an oil portrait made. They had issue : 209. Emily. 210. James Moore. 211. Lucy. 212. William Fletcher, b. Apr. 24, 1856. V. 209. Emily Bryant, dau. of Joseph Pfeiffer Bryant (194) and Sarah Levering Moore, b. Sep. 9, 1848 ; m. by the Rev. H. L. Duhring, at Phila., Nov. 7, 1877, Joseph Don- nelly ; he was b. Feb. 17, 1848. They had issue : 213. Sarah Levering, b. Aug. 5, 1878, at Phila. 214. Charles Anderson, b. Dec. 21, 1879, at Phila. 215. John Fullerton, b. Aug. 8, 1881, at Phila. ; d. July 16, 1882, at Gum Tree, Chester Co., Pa. * See Rev. "Wm. Bryant's Bible in possession of Miss Mary Matilda Bryant, of Phila., his daughter. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 43 216. James Bryant, b. Aug. 23, 1884, at Phila. 217. Howard Reeder, b. Aug. 24, 1886, at Gum Tree, Chester Co., Pa. 218. Emily Bryant, b. Aug. 29, 1887, at Gum Tree, Chester Co., Pa. 219. Joseph Fullerton, b. Aug. 7, 1889, at same place. 220. William Wallace, b. Nov. 29, 1890, at same place ; d. June 17, 1891, at Gum Tree, Ches- ter Co., Pa. V. 210. James Moore Bryant, son of Joseph Pfeiffer Bryant (194) and Sarah Levering Moore, b. Dec. 4, 1851 ; m. Margaret Porter; she was b. Nov. 30, 1848. Issue : 221. Mary, b. May 3, 1875. 222. Cheston Morris, b. Sep. 21, 1880. V. 211. Lucy Bryant, dau. of Joseph Pfeiffer Bryant (194) and Sarah Levering Moore, b. Feb. 13, 1854 ; m., Apr. 30, 1873, Rev. Herman L. Duhring; he was b. May 2, 1841, ordained in the Protestant Episcopal Church June 21, 1863. They had issue : 223. Herman Louis, b. Mar. 23, 1874. 224. George Henry, b. July 15, 1875; d. Jan. 29, 1882. 225. Joseph Bryant, b. Sep. 27, 1878. 226. Rachel Ashton, b. Aug. 11, 1880; d. Nov. 1, 1882. 227. Lucy Bryant, b. Sep. 17, 1882. 228. Emily Bryant, b. Oct. 27, 1884 ; d. Mar. 18, 1890. 229. Caroline Adelaide, b. July 18, 1886. 230. George Thomas, b. May 5, 1889 ; d. Feb. 20, 1890. 231. Rebecca Cecelia, b. Feb. 19, 1892. IV. 195. Rev. William de la Fletcher Bryant, son of Rev. William Bryant and Rachel Jaquett (190), b. May 17, 1822; m. at Stamford, Conn., Jan. 17, 1855, Elizabeth Camp; d. at Jackson, Mich., Aug. 20, 1856; bur. in the 44 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Church-yard of the Church of the Epiphany, Phila., but his remains were afterwards removed. He was a graduate of the Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Va., and was ordained by Bishop Meade. His wife was b. at Brookefield, Conn., Oct. 13, 1828. They had issue : 232. Marie Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1855; m. Walter Jarvis Preston, M.D. They had issue : 233. Marguerite Elizabeth, 5 yrs. old. 234. Jarvis Bryant, 9 yrs. old. rV. 197. Rachel Jaquett Bryant, dau. of Rev. "William Bryant and Rachel Jaquett (190), b. Oct. 20, 1824 ; m. John Phillips Rhoads, July 6, 1848 ; d. Oct. 15, 1889. He was b. June 10, 1827. They had issue : 235. Walter Bryant, b. June 20, 1849; m., Sep. 11, 1873, Sarah Murray. Issue : 236. Walter, b. July 3, 1875 ; d. July 20, 1876. 237. Martha, b. July 3, 1875. 238. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1877; m., Sep. 24, 1895, Simon Mendelson Meehan ; he was b. Sep. 13, 1874. IV. 202. Jackson Kemper Bryant, M.D., son of Rev. William Bryant and Rachel Jaquett (190), b. at Phila., Dec. 18, 1832 ; m. Caroline Baker Colmery, Sep. 1, 1859, by the Rev. R. J. Keeling ; d. Dec. 23, 1896 ; bur. in Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, N. J. She was b. at Christiana, Del., Oct. 20, 1838. They had issue : 239. Carrie Louisa, b. at Newark, Del., July 23, 1860; m. by the Rev. J. F. Garrison, Feb. 25, 1886, John Taylor Pierson ; d. Oct. 13, 1893; bur. in St. James' Cemetery, near Stanton, Del. He was b. in Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle Co., Del., July 5, 1856. They had issue : 247. Elsie Taylor, b. June 5, 1887. 248. Kemper Bryant, b. Dec. 27, 1889. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 45 249. Howard Marshall, b. Mar. 16, 1891. 250. Mabel Mendenhall, b. July 30, 1892; d. July 21, 1893; bur. in St. James' Cemetery, near Stan- ton, Del. 240. Alice Colmery, b. at Hammonton, N". J., June 7, 1862; m. by the Rev. Henry B. Bryant, Sep. 15, 1887, Richard Bower. He was b. at Phila., July 6, 1860. Issue : 251. Jeanie Kemper, b. July 19, 1888. 252. Walter Leonard, b. Dec. 7, 1890. 241. Annie Jaquett, b. at Hammonton, 'N. J., Nov. 18, 1863 ; m. by the Rev. Edgar Cope, May 13, 1897, John Taylor Pierson. 242. Joseph Pfeiffer, b. at Camden, N. J., June 22, 1865; m. Susanna Carter, Aug. 25, 1897. She was b. at Fallsington, Pa., Nov. 1, 1876. 243. Jeanie Keeling, b. at Camden, IST. J., June 25, 1867; d. Feb. 3, 1870; bur. in Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, N". J. 244. Jackson Kemper, b. at Camden, N. J., Dec. 16, 1870; d. Jan. 9, 1871; bur. in same place. 245. Edith May, b. at Camden, N. J., Mar. 31, 1872 ; m. by the Rev. Edgar Cope, assisted by the Rev. H. L. Duhring, Aug. 27, 1895, Mar- shall Baker Colmery. He was b. at New- ark, Del., Aug. 30, 1869. Issue : 253. Harold Marshall, b. Aug. 24, 1896. 254. William Chandler, b. Nov. 25, 1897. 246. Marion Wallace, b. at Camden, N. J., July 23, 1881. III. 191. Rev, Joseph Jaquett, son of Thomas Jaquett and Mary Pfeiffer (5), b. at Phila., Mar. 11, 1794 ; bap. May 14, 1794, at the Second Pres. Church, Phila.; m. at St. 46 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Peter's, Phila., by Bishop White, Dec. 3, 1829, Elizabeth Stretcher, dau. of Fenwick * Stretcher and Elizabeth Jau- don ; t d. May 24, 1869 ; bur. in Stretcher Vault, St. Peter's, Phila. His wife was b. at Phila., Dec. 27, 1802 ; bap. May 24, 1805, at St. Peter's ; d. May 25, 1882 ; bur. in Stretcher Vault, St. Peter's, Phila. Rev. Joseph Jaquett was ordained a deacon of the Prot. Epis. Ch. by Bishop White, Nov. 16, 1821, and a presbyter, Dec. 22, 1822. Prior to the study of Theology he had been engaged in the drug business with the view of becoming a physician.| He was Rector of St. James the Greater, Bristol, Pa., and, subsequently, of St. Matthew's, Francisville, Phila. In connection with the late Isaac Leeser, V.D.M., Synagogue Mikva Israel, Phila., he revised and edited the first American copy of the Hebrew Bible, which work was greatly the cause of blind- ness the last few years of his life. § Recorder of Deeds' Office, Phila., Pa. Book M. R., No. 8, p. 148. May 13, 1815. Rachel Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, Phila., Single woman, and Joseph Jaquett, of the same place. Druggist, devisees named in the last will of Dr. Joseph Pfeifter, dec'd., to John Patterson of the same place. Conveyance of premises situate on the West side of Fourth Street, North of Poplar Lane. Being part of a lot bequeathed by Dr. Pfeiffer to his two said grandchildren. Book I. W., No. 8, p. 247. May 30, 1815. Rachel Jaquett, single woman, and Joseph Jaquett, Druggist, both of the Northern Liberties, City of Phila., devisees of Dr. * Usually called Finnix. f See " Capt. John Avery and his Descendants," " Kollock Family," "Jaudon Family," and "Jaquett Family," all by the author, and " Stretcher and Fenwick Families," in preparation, also by the author. X Certificates of each are in possession of the author ; also two oil por- traits and a miniature of Kev. Joseph Jaquett. An oil portrait of his wife is in possession of their daughter, Mrs. David W. Sellers, of Phila. 2 For a full account of Rev. Joseph Jaquett, see "Jaquett Genealogy," by the author. ( Vr.'iVERSITY J ■n^ AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 47 Pfeiffer, to John Patterson. Premises Fourth and Poplar Lane. Book G. W. R., No. 2, p. 171. June 5, 1815. Rachel Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, and Joseph Jaquett, of the same place, druggist, devisees of Dr. Pfeiffer, to Frank- lin Lee, of the same place. Premises Fourth and Poplar. Book M. R., No. 8, p. 201. Mar. 18, 1816. Joseph Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, Druggist, of the first part, Rachel Jaquett, of the same place, spinster, of the second part, and Adam Duey, of Phila., of the third part. Conveyance of premises situate on the north side of Poplar Lane West from Fourth Street, being part of a tract be- queathed by Dr. Pfeiffer to his grandchildren. Book G. W. R., No. 35, p. 436. Apr. 10, 1816. Rachel and Joseph Jaquett to Elizabeth Loughead, widow. Ditto. Same book, p. 657. Apr. 10, 1816. Same to same. Ditto. Book M. R., No. 23, p. 103. Aug. 5, 1818. Joseph Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, Druggist, to Wm. Bry- ant of the same place, and Rachel his wife, late Rachel Jaquett. Division of land inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Plan of property annexed to record. Book L W., No. 1, p. 153. Aug. 5, 1818. Wm. Bry- ant, of Phila., and Rachel his wife, late Rachel Jaquett, of the first part, and Joseph Jaquett of the Northern Liberties, Druggist, of the other part. Division of land inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Book G. W. R., No. 2, p. 174. Aug. 5, 1818. Ditto. Book L H., No. 6, p. 503. July 31, 1822. Joseph Ja- quett, of the Township of Lower Dublin, County of Phila., to James B. White, of the Northern Liberties, same county. Premises Fourth and Poplar inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer, 48 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER which he received from Wm. Coats & Margaret his wife by deed recorded in Book D, No. 9, p. 541. Book G. W. R., No. 14, p. 314. Aug. 7, 1822. Joseph Jaquett, of Holmesburg, Township of Lower Dublin, Co. of Phila., Clerk, to John Patterson. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 11, p. 94. Sept. 3, 1822. Joseph Jaquett, of the Township of Lower Dublin, Phila. Co., Pa., Clerk, to "Wm. Savidge, of Same Co. Premises Fourth and Poplar, inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Book G. W. R., No. 12, p. 452. Mar. 1, 1822. Same to John Patterson of same place. Same book, p. 454. May 18, 1825. Same to Joseph Longhead, of the Northern Lib- erties, Teacher. Premises Fourth and Poplar, inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Book G. W. R., No. 28, p. 665. Sept. 3, 1822. Same to Thos. Goldsmith. Ditto. Book A. M., No. 57, p. 544. Sept. 3, 1822. Same to Peter Weyant. Ditto. Book L H., No. 10, p. 49. June 8, 1823. Joseph Ja- quett, of Bristol, Bucks Co., Pa., Clerk, to Catharine Shep- pard, of the Northern Liberties, widow. Premises Fourth and Poplar, inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Book G. W. R., No. 2, p. 175. Jan. 21, 1824. Joseph Jaquett to Caleb Camatt. Premises Fourth and Poplar, in- herited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Book G. W. R., No. 7, p. 393. July 17, 1824. Joseph Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, Gentleman, to Jas. B. "White, of the same place. Premises Fourth and Poplar, inherited from Dr. Pfeiffer. Book G. W. R., No. 7, p. 396. Feb. 1, 1825. Joseph Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, Gentleman, to Jas. B. White, of the same place. Ditto. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 49 Book G. W. R., No. 14, p. 316. Feb. 24, 1825. Same to Joseph Loughead, Teacher. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 7, p. 395. Mar. 28, 1825. Same to JaB. B. White. Ditto. Same Book, p. 399. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 13, p. 380. May 30, 1826. Rev. Joseph Jaquett, of the Northern Liberties, to Philip Par- tenheimer. Same locaUty and title. Book G. W. R., No. 13, p. 639. May 30, 1826. Same to Philip Partenheimer. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 21, p. 385. July 6, 1826. Rev. Joseph Jaquett, of Northern Liberties, to Benton Coston. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 23, p. 609. July 6, 1826. Same to Benton Coston. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 13, p. 382. Oct. 6, 1826. Same to Caleb Pusey. Same locality and title. Book G. W. R., No. 21, p. 594. Jan. 9, 1827. Same to John Snyder. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 28, p. 278. Dec. 31, 1827. Same to John Snyder. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 27, p. 32. Jan. 31, 1828. Same to James Shaw. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 34, p. 107. Mar. 20, 1828. Same to Benton Coston. Ditto. Book G. W. R., No. 23, p. 612. July 21, 1828. Same to Geo. W. Ash. Ditto. Book A. M., No. 1, p. 173. Mar. 18, 1830. Rev. Joseph Jaquett and Elizabeth S. his wife to Anna West. Ditto. 50 DK. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Book A. M., No. 13, p. 408. May 24, 1831. Same to John Farr. Ditto. Book A. M., No. 55, p. 753. June 6, 1831. Wm. Johns and wife, of Phila., to Joseph Jaquett, of same place. North side of Filbert Street East of Thirteenth. Book A. D. B., No. 18, p. 314. May 24, 1858. Rev. Joseph Jaquett, of Philadelphia, and Elizabeth his wife,* of the first part, Anna Frances Jaquett, of the same place, single-woman, and Finnix Jaquett, of same place, physi- cian, of the second part, and David W. Sellers, of same place, Attorney at Law, of the third part. Whereas Wm. Vicary and Mary his wife conveyed to Finnix Stretcher of Phila., by Deed dated Jan. 6, 1810, Re- corded in Deed Book D, No. 4, p. 534, premises East side of Seventh Street below Spruce. And Whereas Finnix Stretcher by his will, dated Jan. 8, 1847, recorded in Book No. 19, p. 46, devised the same to his wife Elizabeth, etc., and after her decease to her daugh- ter Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Jaquett, etc., and after her decease to her children, etc., and whereas the said Elizabeth Stretcher the widow of the testator died and the said Eliza- beth Jaquett her daughter had issue only two children, to wit, the said Anna Frances Jaquett and Finnix Jaquett, parties of the second part hereto, both of whom are of full age, etc. Conveyance to David W. Sellers. Book L. R. B., No. 196, p. 56. July 1, 1866. Rev. Jo- seph Jaquett and Elizabeth his wife,t of the first part, David W. Sellers, Counsellor at Law, and Anna Frances his wife,| of the second part, and Finnix S. Jaquett, Doctor of Medi- cine, of the third part. Whereas Edward Burd and Elizabeth his wife, by deed dated Mar. 25, 1805, recorded in Deed Book E. F., No. 22, p. 204, conveyed to Finnix Stretcher in fee the premises * Formerly Elizabeth Stretcher. f Ibid. X Formerly Anna Frances Jaquett. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 51 situate West side of Blackberry Alley * between Spruce and Locust and Eighth and Ninth Streets, and Whereas the said Finnix Stretcher by will dated Jan. 8, 1847, recorded in Book 19, p. 46, bequeathed to his wife Elizabeth for life, etc., after her death to his daughter Eliz- abeth, wife of Joseph Jaquett, for her life and after her death to her children, and Whereas the said Elizabeth Stretcher, widow of the tes- tator, died and her daughter Elizabeth Jaquett had issue only two children, the said Anna Frances Jaquett,t parties of the second part, and Finnix S. Jaquett, party of the third part hereto, both of full age. Conveyance to party of the third part. They had issue : 255. Finnix Stretcher, M.D., b. Sept. 12, 1831 ; mem- ber of the Class of '49, University of Penn- sylvania ; graduate of the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Mar. 4, 1854 ; Surgeon in the Sixty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, Fifth Cav- alry,! being mustered into service Dec. 22, 1861; resigned Feb. 24, 1862; d. Dec. 11, 1870; bur. Dec. 13, 1870, in Stretcher Vault, St. Peter's, Phila. An oil portrait of him is in possession of his sister, Mrs. David W. Sellers, of Phila. 256. Anna Frances. 257. Joseph Pfeiffer, b. 1841; d. Nov. 24,1852; bur. in Stretcher Vault, St. Peter's, Phila. An oil portrait is in possession of Mrs. David W. Sellers, of Phila. IV. 256. Anna Frances Jaquett, dau. of Rev. Joseph Jaquett (191), and Elizabeth Stretcher, b. at Phila., Jan. 23, 1838; m., July 22, 1858, David Wampole Sellers, at St. Peter's, Phila., by the Rev. William H. Odenheimer. He * Now Duponceau Street. f Wife of David W. Sellers. X Hist, of Pa. Vol., Bates, vol. ii, p. 577. 4 52 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER was b. at Phila., May 11, 1833; registered as a student of law under the preceptorship of the late Hon. John Cadwal- ader, and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar May 11, 1854. They had issue : 258. Anna Frances, b. at Phila., Aug. 16, 1859 ; m. at the residence of her father, Phila., Apr. 21, 1892, Edward Page Vogels. He was b. Apr. 2, 1855. They have issue : 266. Eleanor Stockton, b. at Atlantic City, K J., Sept. 19, 1896. 259. Elizabeth Louisa, b. at Phila., Mar. 21, 1861. 260. Mary,* b. at Phila., Dec. 31, 1862; m., at St. Peter's, Phila., June 3, 1895, George Howard Stirling. He was b. Apr. 25, 1860. They reside in Green Spring Valley, Bait. Co.,Md. They have issue : 267. David Sellers, b. at Green Spring Valley, Bait. Co., Md., Aug. 16, 1896. 268. Philip Sellers, b. at same place, June 1, 1898. 261. Florence, b. at Phila., Apr. 22, 1864; m., at St. Peter's, Phila., June 2, 1885, Marcellus Coxe, son of Ferdinand Coxe. He was born Nov. 7, 1857. They have issue : 269. Francis Travis, b. at Phila., Mar. 13, 1889. 262. Edwin Jaquett, b. at Phila., July 25, 1865 ; grad- uate of the University of Pennsylvania, June 10, 1886, with degree of A.B. ; registered as a student of law under the preceptorship of his father, and graduated at the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1889, with degrees of LL.B. and A.M.; ad- mitted to the Philadelphia Bar June 15, 1889 ; m., at St. Peter's, Phila., by the Rev. * Usually culled Minnie. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 53 Dr. J. Lewis Parks, Blanche Bingham, dau. of Michael Ehret, of Phila., June 6, 1894. She was b. at Phila., Oct. 15, 1871. They have issue : 270. Ellen Jaquett, b. at Phila., Mar. 6, 1895; bap. at St. Peter's Dec. 1, 1895. 263. Charles Jaquett, b. at Phila., Mar. 21, 1867; d. Feb. 9, 1868; bur. in Stretcher Vault, St. Peter's, Phila. 264. Sydney Jaquett, b. at Phila., Nov. 29, 1868 ; d. at Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 21, 1887 ; bur. in Stretcher Vault, St. Peter's, Phila. 265. Agnes, b. at Phila., July 21, 1873. II. 6. Susanna Pfeiffer, dau. of Doctor Francis Joseph Pfeiffer (1) and Ann Margaret Becker, b. at Phila., July 16, 1767 ; * m. William Morris Justice ; d. Dec. 17, 1838. Her husband was b. June 1, 1767; d. Sep. 15, 1793; both he and his wife were bur. in her father's private burial-ground, but their remains were removed Jan. 23, 1851, to the Pfeiffer Lot in South Laurel Hill Cemetery. The following are their epitaphs : In Memory of Mks. Susannah Justice, Relict of William Morris Justice, the last of the children of Dr. Joseph Pfeiffer, who departed this life on Monday the 17th of December 1838, aged 71 years, 5 months and 1 day. By whose pious care provision has been made for a wall round this Family burying ground.f " Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." * See her father's Bible. f Private burial-ground of Dr. Pfeiffer (1) is referred to. 54 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER Also In Memory of Joseph Pfeiffer Justice, only son of "William M. and Susannah Justice, who departed this life on Thursday the 20th of December 1838, in the 16th year of his age. Also William Morris Justice, who departed this life September the 15th 1793, aged 26 years 8 months and 16 days. The slab containing the foregoing epitaphs was recut, 1898, as follows : William Morris Justice, died September 15, 1793, Aged 26 years 3 mos. & 16 days. SusANXAH Pfeiffer Justice, Kelict of William Morris Justice, Died December 17, 1838, aged 71 years 3 mos. & 1 day. Joseph Pfeiffer Justice, only son of William Morris & Susannah Justice, Died December 20, 1838, In the 16"" year of his age. It will be observed that either the date of the death of William Morris Justice is wrong or that of the age of his son, as, according to the epitaphs, the father would have died twenty-five years prior to the birth of his son. They seem to have had issue only one child : 271. Joseph Pfeiffer.* n. 7. George Pfeiffer, M.D., son of Doctor Francis Joseph Pfeiffer (1) and Ann Margaret Becker, b. Nov. * Referred to in above epitaph. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 55 13, 1769 ; * graduate of the Medical Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1791, the subject of his thesis being " An inaugural Dissertation on Gout," a printed copy of which is in possession of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and also the Philadelphia Library; f m., June 23, 1792, at the German Reformed Church, Phila,, Mary "Williams ; | d. Aug. 9, 1804. She was b. 1769 ; d. Dec. 15, 1815. They were both bur. in his father's private burial-ground, but were removed Jan. 23, 1851, to the Pfeifter Lot in South Laurel Hill Cemetery, as were also the remains of several of their children. The following are their epitaphs : Doctor George Pfeiffer, departed this life August 9th 1804, In the 35th year of his age. " In the midst of life we are in death." His mind was enriched with the choicest gifts of science, his heart was humble and sincere, his morals chaste, his deport- ment modest. Eminently useful in his Pro- fession, deservedly beloved and respected by all who knew him. He's gone to brighter scenes above, In the realms of peace and love. May those he's left and loved most dear Live so as sure to join him there. Also Mary Pfeiffer, Relict of Doctor George Pfeiffer, who died on the 15th December, 1815, in the 47th year of her age. Also Joseph, aged 5 months, Mary Ann, aged 16 months, William, aged 19 months, children of George and Mary Pfeiffer. Also George, son of George and Mary Pfeiffer, aged 26 years. * See his father's Bible. t Book No. 1985, 0.3. X Pa. Ar., Sec. Ser., vol. viii, p. 764, 56 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER The foregoing epitaphs were recut in 1898, and were ab- breviated as follows : Doctor Georgk Pfeiffkr, Died August 9, 1804, In the S5^^ year of his age. Mary Pfeiffkr, Relict of Doctor George Pfeiffer, Died December 15, 1815, In the 47"" year of her age. Joseph, aged 5 mos., Mary Ann, aged 16 mos., William, aged 19 mos., George, aged 26 years. Children of George and Mary Pfeiffer. The following is Dr. George Pfeiffer's obituary : "Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, Aug. 12, 1804." " ' In the midst of life we are in death.' On the 6th. inst. aged 35 years, of the Dysentery, at his dwelling in the Northern Liberties, Doctor George Pfeiffer, a young man of the most eminent talents in his profession, and an ornament to society — he was a kind and affectionate husband, a tender and indulgent father, a man of strict in- tegrity and humanity, and amply blessed with all the social virtues. He has left a disconsolate widow and five children to lament their irreparable loss, and mourn the severe tho' just dispensation of Divine Providence, in taking away their protector, in the bloom of health, and in the prime of life. He was universally respected b}" all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and will long, very long be kindly remembered by them." The above also appeared in " Pelfs Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser, Aug. 10, 1804." Rush Library, Phila. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 57 The following is a copy of the will of Dr. George Pfeiffer : * ** i3e it l^ememtetCtr that I George Pfeiffer of the Northern Liberties of the City of Philada. Physician being at this time sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory sensible of my mortality have thought fit to make and hereby do make my last Will and Testament respecting my Worldly goods and Estate in manner following that is to say — First I will that all my just debts and funeral ex- pences shall be duly paid and Satisfied as soon as con- veniently can be after my decease. Item as for and con- cerning all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate whatsoever & wheresoever in possession and reversion or remainder expectant and otherwise howsoever I will and direct that my beloved Wife Mary Pfeiffer shall have the use and benefit thereof during all the Term of her natural life she maintaining educating & bringing up all our dear Children in such manner as she in her own discretion shall think best, as I have the fullest confidence in her love and aftection for our dear Children, and her concern and solici- tude for their Welfare. And from and immediately after the decease of her my said Wife then all my said real & personal Estate or the residue & remainder thereof to go to and I give and devise the same unto our five beloved Children George, Henry Hamilton, Charles, Daniel and Joseph Pfeifter their respective Heirs & Assigns in equal parts as Tenants in Common for ever. Provided always and it is my mind and will that what I have herein before given and bequeathed for my said Wife is in lieu and full satisfaction of all her Dower whatever in my Estate. And further that in case she doth again intermarry the Husband shall not in right of such Marriage have or claim any Estate Interest or controul whatever of in or to the part or share of my Estate in this my Will given or intended for her my said Wife, but she shall in that respect have full right sepa- rately to hold and dispose thereof equally the same as if she remained sole and unmarried. Item I do nominate * Reg. of Wills, Phila. Docket No. 1, page 225, No. 68. 58 DR. FRANCIS JOSEPH PFEIFFER and appoint my said Wife Mary and my brother * Joseph Williams and my esteemed friend William Wigglesworth Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby fully authorise and impower them and the Survivor of them to do and perform every Act matter Deed and thing that shall be necessary & required in behalf of me or my Heirs in respect to the division of my father's Estate and for the execution of this my last Will & Testament and the management of my unimproved Property to the best advantage for the benefit of my Devisees. And I also request them to examine the Accounts of my late honored Father Docf Joseph Pfeififer from March 1801 to May 1803 rela- tive to such cases and Patients in which my said father & myself attended together and for which I was to have re- ceived an equal share of the fees, And likewise I request them my said Executors to examine and settle the accounts that may be between me and my honored Mother wherein I have acted as her Agent and collected & paid debts for her account. Lastly I do revoke all other Wills & Testa- ments by me heretofore made and published. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this eighth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and four. Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the Testator, George Pfeiffer, for and as his last Will and Testa- ment in presence of us. John Alsop, William Allibone, Benjn. Brown. Philada. Aug" 22°'' 1804. Then personally appeared John Alsop & William Allibone two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will and on their Solemn Affirmations did declare & say that they saw & heard George Pfeiffer the * Brother-in-law. > George Pfeiffer. [l. s.] AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 59 Testator sign seal publish and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief. &' Coram I. Wampole, Dep. Reg. The Ex°' Mary Pfeiffer, Joseph Williams & Wm. Wigglesworth, Sworn & Letters Testamentary granted to them." Dr. George Pfeiffer, like his father, was a member of the German Society of Philadelphia, as appears by its rolls. He and his wife Mary had issue : 272. Joseph, d. aged 5 months.* 273. Mary Ann, d. aged 16 months. f 274. William d. aged 19 months, j 275. George, d. aged 26 years. § 276. Henry Hamilton.|| 277. Charles. T[ 278. Daniel.** * See epitaph above. f See epitaph. X See epitaph. ^ See epitaph ; also his father's will. II Mentioned in father's will. It is not known to the writer whom he married, but he is said to have had a son Henry or Harry who became a professor of Mathematics in Dickinson College, who is said to have been about 27 years old at his death. The writer has never heard that he married. I" Mentioned in father's will. The writer knows nothing further of him. ** Mentioned in father's will. The writer knows nothing further of him. JfnicjT Note. — Women are indexed in maiden surname. A. Alliboke, "William, 68. Alsop, John, 58. Arms, Theodore Winthrop, 39. Ash, George W., 19, 20, 49. James, 8. Atlee, Mary Louise, 39. AtTDENRiED, Jane, 85. Avery, John, 46. Bacok, Frank, 30. Baker, Josephine K., 32, 34. Ball, Emily, 30. Becker, Ann Margaret, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14, 20, 21, 38, 39, 53, 54. Beebe, Henry, 23. Bender, Susan, 23, 28. Bispham, Barbara (167), 37. Clara (160), 37. David (43), 27. David Scull, 27. Edward K. (161), 37. Edward Koons (168), 37. Eleanore (165), 37. Harrison A. (163), 37. Leonie Anne Francesca Carne- gie (42), 27. Maria Stokes (164), 37. Samuel (162), 37. Samuel (166), 37. Samuel Augustus, 37. Vida (41), 27. Blanchard, Emma Koons (149), 37. Helen (150), 37. Katharine Louisa (148), 37. Blanchard, Margaret E. (155), 37. William W. (151), 37. Williams Isaac, 37. Bolton, Everard, 10. Bower, Jeanie Kemper (251), 45. Richard, 45. Walter Leonard (252), 45 Brace Y, Sarah L., 31. Brish, Martin, 8. Brooke, Bowyer, 7. Estelle Hunter, 39. Hannah, 7. Brown, Benjamin, 13, 58. Elizabeth, 8. Jacob, 12, 14. Bruner, Ellen M., 30. Bryan, Byron, 28. Bryant, Alice Colmery (240), 45. Annie Jaquett (241), 45. Carrie Louisa (239), 44. Cheston Morris (222), 43. Edith May (245), 45. Emily (209), 42. Henry B., 45. Jackson Kemper (202), 42, 44. Jackson Kemper (244), 45. James Moore (210), 42, 43. Mrs. James Moore, 20. Jaquett (198), 41. Jeanie Keeling (243), 45. Joseph Pfeiffer (194), 41-43. Joseph Pfeiffer (242), 45. Louisa Koons (201), 42. Lucy (211), 42, 43. Margaretta Elizabeth (193), 41, 42. Marie Elizabeth (232), 44. Marion Wallace (246), 45. 61 62 INDEX Bryant, Mary (221), 43. Mary Matilda, 5, 41, 42. Mary Matilda (203), 42. Mary Pfeiffer (192), 41. Mary S. (199), 40, 41. Matilda Stretcher (200), 40, 41. Kachel Jaquett (197), 41, 44. Thomas Jaquett (196), 40, 41. William, 41-44, 47. ■William de la Fletcher (195), 41, 43. William Fletcher (212), 42. Bunting, Samuel, 41. BuRD, Edward, 50. Elizabeth, 50. BuRGE, Samuel, 11. C. Cadwalader, John, 52. Camatt, Caleb, 48. Camp, Elizabeth, 43. Campbell, Elmira (26), 23. Katherine (24), 23. Thomas, 23. Thomas (25), 23. Caner, George Colket (173), 38. Gerald Wayne (175), 38. Harrison K. (172), 38. Harrison Koons (171), 38. William J., 38. William John (174), 38. Carrigan, S. Boyd, 30. Carter, Susanna, 45. Chambkrlain, 28. Chektham, Mary, 30. Christian, Mary, 23. Chupein, Adele (158), 37. Charles P., 37. Charles P. (1-57), 37. Helen G. (156), 37. Theodore B. (159), 37. CoATES, Abraham, 8. Coats, Abraham, 10. Margaret, 16, 48. William, 7, 16, 48. Cole, Annie, 36. Coleman, William, 6. William N., 36, Colmery, Caroline Baker, 44. Harold Marshall (253), 45. Marshall Baker, 45. William Chandler (254), 45. CooKMAN, William H., 30. Cope, Edgar, 45. Cornelius, Emma Josephine (886), 30. John C, 30. John C. (88a), 30. CosTON, Benton, 49. CoXE, Ferdinand, 52. Francis Travis (269), 52. Marcellus, 52. D. Darling, Deb, 23. Davis, Clorinda (133), 36. Filler (131), 36. G. Harry (136), 36. John (132), 36. John G., 36. Olivia (130), 36. Kebecca (135), 36. Samuel, 36. Theodore (137), 36. William (134), 36. Deshler, David, 11. Donnelly, Charles Anderson (214), 42. Emily Bryant (218), 43. Howard Pveeder (217), 43. John Fullerton (215), 42. Joseph, 42. James Bryant (216), 43. Joseph Fullerton (219), 43. Sarah Levering (213), 42. William Wallace (220), 43. Drysdale, Eliza Hoff, 39. Thomas M., 39. DuEY, Adam, 47. Duhring, Caroline Adelaide (229), 43. Emily Bryant (228), 43. George Henry (224), 43. George Thomas (230), 43. H. L., 42, 43, 4.5. Herman Louis (223), 43. INDEX 63 DuHBiNG, Joseph Bryant (225), 43. Lucy Bryant (227), 43. Kachel Ash ton (226), 43. Kebecca Cecelia (231), 43. Earl, Alice (170), 38. George W., 38. William H. (169), 38. Ehret, Blanche Bingham, 53. Michael, 53. Eldred, Charles, 42. Charles (207), 42. Lucy (204), 42. Margaretta (208), 42. Mary Annie (206), 42. William Bryant (205), 42. Ernst, Adele (130a), 36. Marie (130&), 36. William, 36. William (130c), 36. F. Parr, John, 50. Felten, Godfrey, 8. Eenwick Family, 46. Fiedler, Anna Elisabeth, 21. Johan Georg, 21. Johan Jacob, 21. FiTLER, Alfred (68), 29. Alfred Edwin (90), 31. Anne (59), 28. Annie Margaret (101), 34. C. Cecil (110), 35. Cecile (108), 34. Cecelia (73), 29, 31. Cecelia Weaver (103), 35. Charles (69), 29. Charles Alfred (91), 31. Charles Henry (87), 30. Clarinda (127), 36. Dale B. (112), 35. Daniel (12), 22, 35, 86. Daniel (126), 36. Edgar (129), 36. Edwin Henry (74), 20, 29, 32- 34. Edwin Henry (102), 35. FiTLER, Edwin Henry (111), 35. Elizabeth (70), 29. Elmira (16), 23, 24, 28. Emily (65), 29, 30. Emily Weaver (88), 30. Eugene B. (92), 31. Frank Herbert (90a), 31. Frederick (58), 28. George (10), 22, 35. George (117), 35. George W. (93), 31. George Washington (128), 86. Isaiah Pfeiffer, 14-20, 23, 28. Jacob, 12, 14, 21-23, 29, 35, 36, Jacob (8), 22, 23, 28. Jacob (14), 23. Jacob (22), 23. Jacob (72), 29. Jacob (122), 36. Joseph Pfeiffer (66), 29, 30. Josephine (71), 29. Josephine Wonderly (89), 31. Katharine Louisa (13), 22, 36, 38. Katherine (19), 23. Katharine (23), 23. Lavinia Virginia (21), 23, 28. Lillian Bruner (906), 31. Lillie (57), 28. Louisa (119), 35. Margaret (16), 23. Margaret (113), 35. Margaret (118), 35. Marion Audenried (115), 35, Mary (18), 23, 28. Mary (121), 35. Mary Josephine (94), 31. Nathan Myers (109), 35. Olivia (125), 36. Pvachel Young (116), 35. Eebe Blanche (87a), 30. Kebecca (124), 36. Susan (17), 23. Theodore (67), 29, 31. Theophalus (123), 36. Walter (11), 22. William (9), 22, 29-32. William (64), 29. 64 INDEX FiTLBR, William (86J), 30. William (120), 35. William Wonderly (104),33,35. Ford, Standish, 7. Frowert, John, 41. G. Garrison, J. F,, 44. Gerbkr, Jacob, 21. Gibson, Elizabeth Hubbell, 38. Gordon, Fannie, 30. George, 29. Graff, Barbara, 37. Griffiths, James A., 37. W. Blanchard (154), 37. Growdon, Lawrence, 6. H, Hathaway, Charles, 39. Heft, Katherine, 35, 36. Hickman, Henry H., 19. HoFMAN, Henry, 38. Honer, Reuben, 5. Horn, David, 16, 18, 19. Davis, 16. Howard, William Willard, 27. Howell, Beatrice (106), 35. Cecile Fitler (108), 35. Charles Harkness, 34. Cooper (107), 35. George Ramsay, 35. Gladys (114), 35. Josephine R. (105), 34. Jaquett Family, 46. Anna Francis (256), 46, 50, 51. Finnix Stretcher (255), 50, 51. .Joseph, 39. Joseph (191), 11, 12, 41, 45-51. Joseph Pfeiffer (257), 51. Rachel (190), 11, 12, 41-44, 46, 47. Susanna, 39. Thomas, 39-41, 45. Jaudon, Elizabeth, 46, 50, 51. Family, 46. Johns, William, 50. Joseph, George Frederic (44), 24-27. George W., 24. Justice, Joseph Pfeiffer (271), 54. William Morris, 53, 54. K. Kkehnq, R. J., 44. Kellogg, Emily Louisa, 31. Kennedy, Temperance, 40. William W., 36. Kline, Peter, 18. Knorr, Mary G., 30. Kollock Family, 23, 46. Koons, Addison (140), 36. Cornelia (143), 37. Edward Augustus (141), 36. Emma M. (139), 36. Harrison (146), 37. Helen L. (144), 37, 38. Isaac, 36-38. Isaac Boyer (147), 37. Margaret Elizabeth (138), 36, 37. Mary Katharine (145), 37, 38. William RoUin (142), 36. Lee, Franklin, 47. Leeser, Isaac, 46. Lincoln, President, 24. LoPER, Emily (86), 30. Richard F. (83), 30. William (85), 30. William H., 30. LouGHEAD, Adelaide (188), 39. Catharine (175J), 38. Cornelia (183), 39. Elizabeth Francis Pfeiffer (178), 38. George Henry (185), 39. George Pfeiffer (179), 38. Gertrude (189), 39. Isaac Marselis (187), 39. Jane Elizabeth (177), 38. Joseph, 48, 49. Joseph (176), 38. Joseph Pfeiffer (180), 14-20, 39. INDEX 65 LouoHEAD, Josephine (181), 38. Marielle (184), 39. Mary Elizabeth (182), 39. Rachel (186), 39. Robert, 38. M. Mao, Henry, 8. Marselis, Maria Marielle, 39. Meehan, Simon Mendelson, 44. Moore, Alfred Fitler (98), 31. Alfred Fitler (100), 31. Charles Henry (99), 31. Joseph, 31. Joseph (97), 31. Sarah Elizabeth (95), 31. Sarah Levering, 42, 43. William Fitler (96), 31. Morton, Governor, 24. Mount, Ella, 37. Mullen, Elmira (56), 28. Emma (54), 28. "William, 28. William (55), 28. Murray, Sarah, 44. Myers, Nannie H., 35. N. Nicholson, Clement, 21. Odenheimer, William H., 61. Otis, Elita (49), 28. Elmira Procter (49), 28. Harry, 28. Parks, J. Lewis, 53. Partenheimer, Philip, 49. Patterson, John, 46-48. Peltz, Philip, 13, 14. Peters, John, 11, 17. Pfeiffer, Charles (277), 57, 59. Daniel (278), 57, 59. Elizabeth (3), 9, 10, 12, 20, 38, 47. Pfeiffer, Emigrants, 4. Family in Germany, 3. Francis Joseph (1), 5-9, 13-17, 20-23, 38-40, 46-48, 63, 54, 58. George (7), 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 64-59. Harry, 59. Henry Hamilton (276), 57, 59. Joseph (4), 20. Joseph (272), 55-57, 59. Margaret (2), 9, 12, 20-22, 29, 35, 36. Mary (5), 21, 39, 40, 45. Mary Ann (273), 55, 56, 59. Pfeiffersburg, of, 3. Susanna (6), 10, 12, 21, 53. William (274), 55, 56, 59. Phifer Family, 3. John, 3. Pierson, Ehie Taylor (247), 44. Howard Marshall (249), 46. John Taylor, 44, 45. Kemper Bryant (248), 44. Mabel Mendenhall (250), 45. Piper Family, 3. Porter, Margaret, 43. Posey, Leila D., 37. Potter, Clarence Wonderly (89a), 31. Joseph, 31. Preston, Jarris Bryant (234), 44. Marguerite Elizabeth (233), 44. Walter Jarvis, 44. PusEY, Caleb, 49. Rex, Christopher, 7. Rhoads, Elizabeth (238), 44. John Phillips, 44. Martha (237), 44. Walter (236), 44. Walter Bryant (235), 44. RiEHLE, Frederick A., 37. Russell, Annie Bell (36), 24, 27. Caroline (37), 24. Charles S., 24, 27. George Frederic (44), 24-27. 66 INDEX Sachse, Julius F., 3. Sanderson, William P., 30. Savidge, William, 48. Sellers, Agnes (265), 53. Anna Frances (258), 52. Charles Jaquett (263), 53. David Wampole, 50, 51. Edwin Jaquett (262), 62. Elizabeth Louisa (259), 52. Ellen Jaquett (270), 53. Florence (261), 52. Mary (260), 52. Minnie (260), 52. Sydney Jaquett (264), 53. Shaw, James, 49. Sheppard, Catharine, 48. SiTGREAVES, Susanna, 7. William, 7. Sleighter, Gallus, 7. Smith, Addison Fenimore (27), 23. Caleb B., 24. Charles Emory, 34. Edgar iBaiah (28), 20, 23. Jonathan, 23. Lavinia Elmira (29), 23. William, 13. Smyth, Clifford, 26. Snyder, John, 13, 49. JohnC, 38. Mary Davis, 38. Stirling, David Sellers (267), 52. George Howard, 52. Philip Sellers (268), 52. Stretcher, Anne Elizabeth (30), 23, 24, 27. Elizabeth, 46, 50, 51. Family, 23, 46. Fenwick, or Finnix, 46, 50, 51. Joseph Innes, 23, 24, 28. Josephine (33), 23, 28. Julia Margaret (32), 23, 28. Katherine (34), 23. Stretcher, Mary (35), 23. Susan Fitler (31), 23, 28. Thomas, 23. Swift, Charles, 13. Swift, Harvey (62), 29. Isaiah Frank (61), 29. Lavinia Virginia (63), 29. William S., 28. U. University of Pennsylyania, Trustees of, 8, 16, 18, 19. Veheland, Birdie (53), 28. Edgely (50), 28. Eugene, 28. Hardy (52), 28. Victor Eugene (51), 28. ViCARY, Mary, 50. William, 50. VoGEL, Albert, 36. Daniel Fitler (127«), 36. Mattie Fitler (1276), 36. VoGELS, Edward Page, 52. Eleanor Stockton (266), 52. W. Wall, Eliza, 30. Wampole, Isaac, 59. Warner, Ann Jane, 23. Family, 23. Waterman, Margaret, 28. Weaver, Annie (77), 29, 30. Cecelia (76), 29, 30. George (78), 29, George J., 29, 30, 32. George J. (79), 30. George J. (84), 30. Michael (75), 29, 30. William (80), 30. Wells, Edwin H. F, (82), 30. George (81), 30. John, 30. West, Anna, 49. Bessie (47), 28. Charles, 6, 7. Frank (46), 28. George (48), 28. George H., 28. Katherine (45), 28. INDEX 67 Weyant, Peter, 48. White, Bishop, 46. James B., 47-49. Whitzel, General, 24. WiEDERSHEiM, Theodorc Edward (153), 37. William A., 37. William Caner (152), 87. WiGGLESwoRTU, William, 58, 69. Williams, Ann, 8. Joseph, 58, 59. Mary, 55-59. Samuel, 8. WoNDERLY, Elizabeth, 29-32. William, 29. 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