ij2>»^»?Sfc^'> ,r*i^^^''' ''****^' ■"*** <-i^ o -v-iN.^4; THE ^DIALECT OF CRAVEN, IN THE 51i3BcBt=ililiing of \\^t Count!} of ¥ovft, WITH A COPIOUS GLOSSARY, ILLUSTRATED BY AUTHORITIES FROM ANCIENT ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH WRITERS, AND EXEMPLIFIED BY TWO FAMILIAR DIALOGUES. BY A NATIVE OF CRAVEN. ^ IN TWO volumes: /^t^/77^^ ^^^^^.YOh. I. THE SECOND EDITION, MUCH ENLARGED. "What a feaful girt gauvison mun he be, at frames to larn'th' talk of another country, afoar he parfitly knaws his awn." Anon. O little booke, thou ait so unconning. How darst thou put thyself in prees for drede ? It is wonder that thou wexest not rede ' Sith that thou wort full lite, who shall behold Thy rude langage, full boistously unfold ? Chauckr. LONDON: PRINTED FOR WM. CROFTS, 59, CAREY-STREET, Lincoln's inn; AND BOBINSON AND HERNAMAN, LEEDS. 1828. r ^ " TO THE I/. / REV. H. J. TODD, M.A., F.S.A. & MRS L. CHAPLAIN TO HIS MAJESTY, And Rector of Settringtoti, County of York. Rev. Sir, Though a humble gleaner in the field of Philology, in which you have exerted yourself with so much energy and success, I feel anxious to dedicate the Craven Dialect to you, who having been long engaged in similar pursuits, are so fully competent to appreciate its merits, if it possesses any, and, I trust, candid enough to criticise with forbearance its numerous defects. Gratified by your approval of the first, I have only to hope that I may not lose your good opinion in the second edition of this work. I am, Rev. Sir, Your respectful and obliged Servant, THE AUTHOR. March 31, 1828. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The Deanery of Craven, the Dialect of which I have attempted to explain, is situated in the Northern part of the West-Riding of the County of York. Its length from North to South is upwards of 30 miles ; and its breadth is nearly of the same extent. There are twenty-five parishes in the Deanery, containing, according to the last census, 61,859 inhabitants. It embraces a small portion of the wapentakes of Sky rack, Claro, and Ewcross, and the whole of the wapentake of StaincliiFe. The name of this wapentake seems to be a mere translation of the compound Welsh words, craigvan, the district of rock, from which the Deanery of Craven evidently takes its name. Though the Dialect of the whole of this district be somewhat similar, there are still shades of difference in its pronunciation ; and many expressions and archaisms may be retained in one parish, which are unknown or nearly obsolete in another. In the Southern boundaries of this Deanery, the language partakes a little of the Dialect of Leeds, Bradford, and Halifax. Thus the true Craven pronunciation VI II I'KKlAtl-.. of i(>— il, boconu's coil, fV>-al, foil. On the Western homidarii's, tlii' lan<^uago is strongly impregnated with the Lancashire Dialect. The Craven Dialect, I think, is spoken in its greatest purity on the banks of the Wharf, in tlie parish of Skipton, to Langstroth or Strother, the language of which is so well, though briefly, described by Chaucer ; and on the course of the Are, from the parish of Skipton to the Northern boundary of the parish of Kirkby Malhamdale. At the distance of five or six miles from the Eastern boundary of the parish of Skipton, the pronunciation is entirely changed. Thus house, is pronoimced hoose ; and mouse, moose ; cow, coo ; as in the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire. I have attempted to make the second edition of the Craven Glossary niore w orthy of the reader's attention, by a large addition of words, and by numerous autho- rities, collected from ancient writers. Though this has been the most laborious part of my work, it has, at the same time, been the source of the greatest pleasure; for whenever I found a Craven word thus sanctioned by antiquity, I was more and more convinced, that my native language is not the contemptible slang and patois, which the refined inhabitants of the Southern part of the kingdom are apt to account it ; but that it is the language of crowned heads, of the court, and of the most eminent English historians, divines, and poets, of former ages. I have not confined myself to English authors, but have frequently had recourse to various Scottish PREFACE. IX writers, and to the copious and learned Etymological Dictionary and Supplement of Dr. Jamieson, in which many English words are still retained, though now nearly obsolete, except in the Northern counties. When I have not met with authorities to explain a Craven word, I have frequently introduced a familiar phrase, to give the sense of it. I have cautiously avoided the admission into the Glossary of any word which I or my friends have not heard used in the Deanery. If a classical word has occasionally been admitted, it is either become nearly obsolete, or it retains a dialectical meaning differing from its common acceptation. Before I procured the authorities, I attempted to give the true pronunciation of the words by an appropriate combination of letters ; but, I must candidly confess, that I occasionally found no little difficulty in giving the true sound. Notwithstanding the richness of the Craven Dialect, abounding in varied, strong, and metaphorical expres- sions, I fear that the shrill tone of voice, though a little modulated by modern refinement, is still not perfectly melodious to the Southern ear, and that it is not yet entirely free from the censvire of Trevisa, given in his translation of Higden's Polychronicon, in 1387. " All the langage of the Northumbers and speci- alHche at York, is so sharpe, slitting and frotynge and unschape, that we Southern men may that langage imncthc understonde. I trow that it is bycause that X riiKKAci:. tlu'V boctli nvli to strange men and nations, that spoketh stron* nearly thirty years after the birth of Chaucer. AVhcn William the Conqueror took possession of the throne of England, Prince Edgar, the lawful heir to the English Crown, retired into Scotland wth his mother and two sisters, Margaret and Clu-istian, and was honourably received by Malcolm III., King of Scotland. " With the Ladie Margaret, the elder of the two sisters, the said King maryed. As the English Court, by reason of the aboundance of Normannes therein, became moste to speak French, so the Scottish Court, because of the Queen and many English that came with her, began to speak English, the which language, it should seem King Malcolm himself had before that learned.""-!- • See Encyclopsedia Brit. -j- Verstegan. PREFACE. XV Now if the Lowland Scotch and the English lan- guages were, in the time of William the Conqueror, as similar, as they are at present, what necessity was there for Malcolm to learn the English language, and whence could the assimilation of the languages of the two countries afterwards arise but from frequent intercourse? In 1385, Trevisa translated Higden's Polychronicon, from which I make the following extract : — "As it is know how many maner peple beth in this Ilonde, ther beth also of so meny peple, langages and tonges. Notheless Walschemen and Scottes, that beth nougt ymedled with othir natiouns, holdeth wel neig her Jirst langage and speche.'''' This very fact is the most convincing evidence to me, that the language of the Scottish Court and of the Northern part of Scotland, was Irish or Gaelic. Though fierce and bloody wars would frequently occur between the two nations, yet, in times of peace, and particularly in the reign of Richard I. when both nations fought under the same banner, and embarked in one common cause, the Holy Crusades, it is natural to conjecture, that party spirit would give way to friendly intercourse, and that the language of the Prince, under whom they fought in a foreign land, would gradually mix with and finally annihilate their own. The event, however, thus anticipated, was not realized till a very distant period. Notwithstanding these observations, the learned philological work of Dr. Jamieson, which does so \V1 I'KEl ACL. imuli honour to his country and crccHt to hin)sclf, will he fouiul a most useful and valuable performance, not only in explaining the Lowland Scotch, but also in throwiuir li<;ht on ancient English authors. But I cannot forhear remarking, that if the Doctor had not been so abstemious in making quotations from English writers of anticjuity, his great work, highly respectable as it is, would have been much enriched by such authorities. Our great Lexicographer, Dr. Johnson, was not exempt from this national prejudice, nor from the neglect of referring to Scottish writers, who misht have furnished him with words now obsolete or forgotten. Had the Dictionary of Dr. Jamieson contained those words of the early English writers of celebrity which have been omitted by Dr. Johnson, or his respectable Editor, Mr. Todd, this, and every other provincial and dialectic Glossary, would have been unnecessary. In the progress of this work, I have perused and referred to many English and Scottish writers, ancient and modern ; and I am now fully convinced, that if the Scottish Dialect were accurately analyzed, and if all the English woi'ds, found in our ancient authors, and words, now in use in the Northern counties, were extracted from that Dialect, the residuum would be a moderate portion of archaisms, and a large quantity of modern slang. INTRODUCTION " Collections of provincial dialects would often have been extremely useful ; many words esteemed peculiar to certain counties, being remnants of the language formerly in general use. But these collections are, unfortunately, few and scanty. County histories, which have long received the most extensive encouragement, should always contain a careful compilation of this kind from certain and correct authorities. From these, digested together, the history of our language might ultimately receive important illustration." Nares' Preface to his Glossahv. It was the remark of the most learned philologist of modern times, that the language of the Northern Counties was not barbarous, though obsolete. Under the sanction of this great authority, the author has been induced to publish the Dialect of the Deanery of Craven, in the West Riding of the County of York. IN'TUODlc TION. 1\ ui iij) l)v tluii iKitivo mountains, and principally engaged in agricultural pursuits, the inhabitants of this (listriit had no opportunity of corrupting the purity of thtir language by the adoption of foreign idioms. But it has ])econie a subject of much regret that, since the introduction of commerce, and, in consequence of that, a greater intercourse, the simpli- city of the language has, of late years, been much corrupted. Anxious, therefore, to hand it down to posterity unadulterated, the author has attempted to express, in a familiar dialogue, the chaste and nervous language of its unlettered natives. TO^TH CONNER O'MY BOOK. An this lile book'll gie the onny plezer efter a hard day''s wark, I sail be feaful fain on''t. Bud sud onny outcumlins ivver awn this outside, staany plat, it may happen gie 'em some inseet into our plain mack o' talk; at they may lam, at our discowerse hes a meeanin in't as weel as theirs ; at they mayn't snert an titter at huz, gin we wor hauf rocktons, but may undercum stand, an be insensed by this book, hie as it is, at ya talk's aqual to another, seeabetide it macks knaan yan's thoutes. Sud t'lads o' Craven yunce git a glifF o' what a seet o' words I've coud togither, it'll happen mack 'em nut seea keen, at iv'ry like, o' luggin into'th' country a parcel of outlandish words, er seea shamm'd o' talking their awn. For, o' lat years, young foak are grown seea maacky an seea feeafuUy gien to knackin, at their parents er ill set to ken what ther barns er javverin about. I's at thy sarvice, T'SETTEH-OUT O'T BOOK. A GLOSSARY OF THE CRAVEN DIALECT. A, Has generally the sound of ah, and has various significations. J . He, " an a come." Shales. 2 p. 11. 4 ^. 1 5. " Here a comes." Ben Jonson. 2. Have, " you mud as weel a dunt as nut." 3. On, " I'll gang wi the a Tuesday." " Towten Field is a tliree miles from Sherburne yn Yorkshire, and thereby renneth Cockbeck and goeth into AVarfe River a this side Tadcaster." Lelund. AAD, Old. AAK, 1 Oak. A. S. ac, cvc, pronounced also yak. Belg. AIK, / aekei: " Ane meikle aik that mony zeris that grew. D. Virff. 2 b. 59 p. "• He set his back unto an aik, He set his feet against a stane." Mins. S. B. " Nane of your sharney peats but good aik timber." Pirate. AAKIN, Oaken. "■ Over held witli nkiii trees and l)ewcs rank." D. Viry. p. 'J,\\\. 3 GLOSSARY. A AN, \ ., ; Own. AWNEJ " He says yon loivsl Ls his tiivin." Mins. S. B. '' Tlic more to confirm his awnc." Idem. AITII, / ABACK, Behind, back. " For fere they stert af>ah\ am! forth cam swak, "The Duke Nipheus wyde apoun his bak." Dou(/. Virg. 59. p. " Bot thay wyth all thare complices in fcocht "War (lung aliock.'''' Idem. 9 p. 302. ABOONE, Above. Belg. bovcu. '■'■ Our Scots nobles were richt laith To weet their cork-heel'd shoone, But lang owre a' the play wer play'd Their hats they swam aboone.'" Sir Pat. Spence P. Bel. " The powers aboo7i will tent thee." Burns. " The laird, wha in riches and honour Wad tlirive, should be kindly and free ; Nor rack his poor tenants wha labour To rise a/joon poverty." Gentle SI)e])herd. ABREED,-) ., , ABRODE,}^^^^^'^- 2. Spread abroad, " t'hay's ahreed." Belg. breed. " Admy t thou shouldst abyde abrode a yere or twayne." Romeits and Jul. 1587. ACKER, A ripple on the surface of the water, a-curl. ACKER, Fine mould. Welsh, achar, kind, good. ACKERY, Abounding with fine mould. May not this word be derived from Belg. aeckerigh, belonging to an oak, or earth, congenial to its growth } GLOSSARY. 6 ACROOK'D;, Crookedj awry. G. Krok. Hence crook timber. ADAM'S ALE, Water. ADAM'S-FLANNEL, White mullein, Verbascum Thapsus. Lin. It may have obtained this name from tlie soft white hairs, with which the leaves are thickly clothed on both sides. ADAM AND EVE, The bulbs of orchis macidata, which have a fancied resemblance of the human figure. One of these floats in the Avater, which nou- rishes the stem, the other sinks and bears the bud for the next year. ADDLE, To earn. A. S. edlean, a reward or recompence for labour. " WTiere ivy embraceth the tree very sore, "Kill ivy, else tree will addle no more." Ttisser. ADDLE, ( Labourer's wages, " He's i good addle." ADDLINS, \ " His addlins er naa girt matters." ''Saving's good addlin." ADGE, Addice. ADMIRABLIST, Most admirable, accented on the ante- penult ; also, admirable. AFEARD, Afraid. " I am afear'd there are few die well that die in battle." Sh. H. V. iv. 1. " Ich was aferd of hure face." P. Plou. Pass 2. " So wise he was she was no more afercd." Chauc. Tro. and Cress. " In no thing be ghe aferd.''^ 1. C. Phil. Wiclif. It also occurs in the Version of the Psalms by Stern- hold and Hopkins, 1609. " Then all the earth full sore afeard.'''' AFORE, Before. " Now afore God, God forbid, I say tis true." Sh. Rich. II. iv. 1. B 2 •* (U.OssAItY. AFORE-LOXO. EViloMo-. AKORKTrZ. J3i'f.)ro tlum li:i.-.t. AFTKHLIXS, Tlio last milk of a cow. See Slr'i])pi.>is:s. A(iAII, A-uo. ACiAAX, Aijaiiist, " he ran (i^a(t)i him." 2. Again. AGAIT, " To get agait," to begin. AGAITAKD8, " To gang agaitards/' to accompany. A(rAIT OX'T, At work upon it. On generally attends the verb, as " what's 'to agait ou ?" AGE, 1. To advance in years, " my daam ages fast." 2. To affect with concern and amazement ; because these passions, Avhen violent and long indulged, are supposed to bring on grey hairs and premature old age. " Ah, Tibby ! what wilt ward come tul ! Ise fit to be maddl'd in't. Au barn ! auto nobbut saa thur young flirts, aye an wed wives too, gangin to'tli kirk, donn'd up, pren'kt and dizen'd i ther vales and ther ferly farlies, it wod varily age the !" AGEE, I ArrF j-^^^^'^T' obliquely, askew. "And warily tent when ye come to court nie And come-nae unless the black yett be agee. Syne up the back style and let nae body see And come as ye were na coniin to me." Burns. " Heaven kens that the best laid schemes will gang agee." St. Ronaii's Well^ 1 vol. p. 237. AGREEABLE, Assenting to any proposal, " I's par- titly agreeable tul't." AGGY, Agnes. AGAYXE, ) , . AGEEAN, pg^'"^*- " And wha som evyr cum nguyne vis ordinance and brek itt agayn, ye will o' yr' forseyde Chapitre have Goddes malyson & St. Peters." Conlrucl for /jiii/iliiig York Mi)is/er, 1371. A(;IX, As if. GLOSSARY. 3 AHIXT, Behind, see behint, not in frequent use. AID, Aid of a vein ; of ore a lodge or vein going down- wards, N. or S. out of the perpendicular line. This in Cornwall is called the iniderleij of a Lode. AIGRE, Sour. Yix.aigreylxewcii. ale-uigre, alegar. Welsh, cgri. Mr. Todd derives it from Lat. acer. '• And with sudden vigor it doth posset And curd hke eucjer droppings into milic." limn. i. 5. " Knedea with eisell (vinegar) strong and eatjre.^'' Chauc. Romt, of the Roue. " They then* late attacks dechne And turn as eager as prick'd wine." Iludidras. " Apples eager-sweet are tasteful unto us." Lodges Trans, of Seneca. AILSE,^ AILCY, >- Alice. " Aice, madam." The Tam. of a Shrew. ELSE, j ALM, To intend, to conjecture. AJAR, A door half opened. Belg. harre, cardo. Tliou"-h this word is used in most parts of the kingdom, and is introduced into Dr. Johnson's Dictionary by Mr. Todd, still as he has not given any derivation of it, I quote a passage from G. Douglas's translation of Virgil, from the preface to the seventh book, where the expression is varied. Sax. gj/ra/i, to turn. " Ane schot wyndo unschet ane htel on char." The author of the Glossary of Douglas's Viro-il explains on char on the hinges. " Wi nevels I'm amaist fa'ii faint My chafts are dung a-char.''^ Allan Rahi.su I/. AKARD, Awkward, niuroso, peevish. Sc. acqiiarl. ALABLASTER, Alabaster, per epenlhcsin. b (il.OSSAUY. ALANE. ) ^ , ALAAN.I^^""^- "And band her him alatic." Felon Sowe. " E'en bv j'oursel uhine." cm Moricc, P. n. ALANTUIM, At a distance. It. da lontano. To this word off" is generally subjoined ; alaiilum off. ALATT, Of late, lately ; a corruption of alate. " Which axed nie from whence I came alate." Halves Tower of DocL P. R. " Then he retookc his tale hee left alate^ "And made a long discoui'se of all liis state." Hudson's Trans, of Du Bar las. ALECOST, Costmary, Tanaceium balsamita ; so called, because it was frequently put into ale, being an aromatic bitter. Norcs. ALL-I-BITS, In pieces or in rags. The double 1 is often pronounced au. ALL-LANG OF, Entirely owing to. BrocJcdt refers it to the Sax. ge-langan. ALL-TO-XOUGHT, Completely. He bet him all to 7iought. ALL, "fo?- good and all," entirely. " He's gaan^r good and all." ALL, In spite of, " I'll doot for all ye." AND ALL, Also. Dr. Johnson says this phrase means every thing ; though I think that the adverb also very frequently conveys the sense better. " What think you of our Lady of Loretto, who was brought through the air and over the sea, and house, and all by Angels ?" — Southey Vind. Anglican. " Didius, Queene Cartismanduas friend, Venutlus rival, Nero sends Veraniua next, Silures faU Both aym'd at, but North-wales and all Paulinus fbvld." Palce Albion, p. 140. GLOSSARY. 7 ALL OUT, Entirely, quite. " And destrude Kent all-out & London nome." RoU. ofGloii. " Is it all out sa wrechit thing to de ?" D. V. \2h.AZp. ALL-PLAISTER, Alabaster. ALLEY, The conclusion of a game at foot-ball, when the ball has passed the bounds. Fr. aller. AMANG, Amongst. A. S. ama7ig. AMANG-HAXDS, "Work done conjointly with other business. Between hands,, of the same import, is used by Allan Ramsay. 2. Lands belonging to different proprietors intermixed, not in the sense of Dr. Jamieson. AMANY, The adjective many, with the indefinite article prefixed, is frequently used as a substantive. " If weather be fair and tidy the grain, JNIake speedily carriage for fear of the rain, For tempest and showers deceivetli amanie^ And lingering lubbers lose many a penny." Tusser. AIMERS, Embers, from the Belg. amcren. Gaz. Ang. This, like the English word, is seldom heard in the singular. AN, Is frequently used redundantly, " as such an a thing" for such a thing. AN-AU, Also, " There's Tommy come an an." AND,) » -lyj r If, " an he were." " God geve me sorwe, but and I were Pope." Chauc. Monks. Fool. " An a may catch your hide and you alone." Sh. K. J. ii. 1. " But and it be a lie thou little loot page." Lady Barnard, Per. Rel. AN, One. " lies a bad an," "that's a good an." probabl\r a corruption of the Craven jjan," 8 1. 1. OSS \ in. ho bo. AXANTHUS, ) AXAIXTHINS, ) ANDKIiS.AIAS, Tlie mass or festival uf St. Andrew. ANENT, 1 ^ .,..,.., AVKVns I Opposite, like the Greek fj-arnof. "■ Ancnt Scottishnicn." A". James lias. Dor. ♦' The strait iliarj^e I gave niv sonnc not to hear nor suH'cr any irrevirent speeches or bookcs ancnt any of Ills parents or i)ror.vshev.s that a per se, a, o per se, o, and i per se, i, are used b}- our early- English writers. The expression and per at, and, to signify the contraction &, and substituted for that conjunction, is not yet forgotten in the Nursery. And till within these few years, a child in spelling the word abate, for instance, would have said, a bytself a, b-a-t-e, hate, abate. This mode of teaching is now nearly obsolete. APPERON, Apron. A.S.aforan. Qu. Crw. afore yan. " A buttrice and pincers, a hannner and naile, An aperne and sizers, for head and for tail." Tnsser. APPLE-PIE-ORDER, Any thing in very great order. AR, Ascar, pockard. Goth, ar, a cut, division. See Thompson s Etymons. AQUAL, Equal. ARFE, Afraid ; backward or reluctant. ARGUFY, Argue. 2. To signify. ARK, Chest. Lat. area. Welsh, areh. ARLES, See earles. "An this is bnt an arle-peuuy To what I afterwards design ye." Allan Riimsaij. AROVE, Rambling about. ARRAN, A spider. Lat. aranca. G. Dung, aragnr. 10 (.l.OSSARV. AHHID(iE, An udge or ridge. "This staaii tacks a fine arrUigc." The Scotch word arras seems to be a corruption of this term. AKSKllD, Backward. The derivation is obvious. ARSY-VARSY, Head over heels. ART, Quarter, "t'winds in an ill ari." Gael and In. aird, a cardinal point. Dr. Jainicsoti. " Thar is within ane Isle invironit on athir part To breck the storm and wallcs (waves) on evci-y art." Doug. Virg. " Sic as stantl single, (a state sae lik'd by you !) Beneath ilk storm irae every airl maun bow." Gentle Shepherd. " Altho a lad were e'er sae smart, It' that lie want the yellow dirt, Ye'U cast your head anithcr airt. And answer him fu' dry." Burns, Tibbie. " Of a the airts the wind can blaw, I dearly love the West." Idem. ARTO', Art thou. AR\'ELj Funeral, Welsh, arnn)], funeral obsequies. "Come, bring me my jerkin, Tib, I'll to the arvll^ Yon man's ded seny scou'n, it makes me marvill." Yorkshire Ale, p. 58. Dr. Whitaker, in his Hislory of Lonsdale, p. 298, says " the word arval is of unquestionable antiquity ; I have vainly sought for it in every etymologicon, to which I have access." Dr. Jamieson derives it from S. G. arfoel, conviviimi funehre, arf, herediias, ti oel, convivinm, hence the English word ale. AS, Which. "Whea's sheep's them, as I sa yuster- neet ?" GLOSSARY. 11 ASHLAR- WALL, The stones of which are built and hewn in regular course and size. Fr. echelle, a scale. Sc. estlar. " BraAV towns shall rise with steeples raony a ane, And houses biggit a' wi' estler slane.'" Jiamsa>/s Poems. " A flight of arrows that harmed an aahlar-ivall as Mttle as many hailstones." Abbot, Sir IV. Scott. Dr. Jamieson attempts to derive this word from the Fb. aisselle, a shingle. But it does not api)ear to agree in sijjnilication. ASK. lSKARD, ) lSKER, I ASKER, 'A^e^^t- ASKINS, Publication of marriage by banns. See Spur- rings. ASS, Ask. ASS, Ashes. A. S. asca. " O ze cauld assis of Troy and flamhis haith." D. Vh-ff. 2 b. 53 p. ASS-HOLE, I'he receptacle of ashes. Su. askegraf. " Efter all was fallen in powder and in «*■." D. Virg, G b. 170 p. ASS-MIDDEN, Heap of ashes. " Puir is the mind, aye discontent, That cannot use what God has sent. But envious girns at a he sees. That are a crown i-icher than he is, Which gars him ])ityfully hane, An hell's ass-midden rakes for gain." Ramsai/. ASS-RIDDLIN, On the eve of St. Mark the ashes are riddled or sifted on the hearth. Should any of the family die within the year, the shoe will be impressed on the ashes. jMany a mischievous wight has made some of the superstitious family miserable, by slily coming down stairs, after the rest of the 12 ui.ossAn^' f.iinily liavo rotirtnl to rost. niul iiii])rcssiiig tlic ashes with ii shoo (if (iiii' (»r ihi' party. AssM-:-'rin:E, AxK-. Lat. «.i/.v. Fh. «.v.st«/. '• I'luler the brayand (iiil.elis and assidrc, 'i lie lliulis slrekis jilaiic over al the sec." Doiiff. \'ir(). p. 155. AST, Asked. ASTEKH, Aetivo, hurtling; troni a-stir. " jNIy miimy slie's a scalding wife, Ilads a' the house asteer." Iiilso)i's Poems. Dr. Jamieson. ASTITE, ) As soon. A. S. tid, time ; still in use, as ASTIT, j Shrove tide, Bingley tide. Lsi^. till, ready. ASQUIN, ) Obliquely. Welsh, assrvyn. ASWIN, j " Dost thou 6(jr?«»^ at me." AT, That. Sh.Lcar,iv,ii. AT-AFTEIR, Afterwards, a redundant expression. '' I'll iinish my wark, and al-aflcr I'll gang wi' the haam." ATHER, "^Either. AUTIIER, y '■'■ Aihlr way to assay thryis preissit has he." A YTHER, ) D. Virg. 10 b. M-6 p. " Eadmond and Edward, aytlicr where seyntes." F. riou, 7 p- Dow. ATWEEN, Between. " Sprinkled with pearl, and pcrling flowers aiween." Spencer. This word is not obsolete ; see Dr. John.sou. ATS, Who is, which is ; " that ats naught." /'. e. that which is naught, or the devil. ATTERCOPS, Spider webs. A. S. a'ler, vcnenum, and copp, a covering. ATTERIMITE, A peevish, ill-natured felloAv. A. S. (iter or ceter, vencniim. AT YANCE, At once. "They ccisit all allanis incontinent." AU, All. I). Virg. 2. AUD. Old. GLOSS AIIV. 13 AUD-FARAXD, A respectable old person from uud, old, and faraud, respectable. Dan. erfaren, expe- rienced. AUM, Elm. AU.AIACKS, All sorts. AUMAIST, Almost. " And lay u/nuii.sl npon the dry sand." AUIMERD, Vid. oumer AUjMRY, Cupboard. Lat. annarii/m. Fr. armoire. " Ther averice hath alntarks." P. PIou. AUMUS^ Alms. A. S. aehnes. Fr. aumosne. " And in his almus he threw sylver." TVintoitn's Croii, " Be righteous judge in saving tliy name, Rich do almose lest thou lese bliss with shame." Chanc. Lenimy. " The silly friar behoved to fleech, For aumus as he passes." Abbot, Sir JV. Scot!. AUND, Ordained. " I's mind toot" 2. Owned. AUNDER, Afternoon, Nearly extinct in Craven. AUNTER, Adventure. " In the time of Athur an annter l)etydd." Sir Gincin P. Re/. AUNTER, A romantic tale. "He's ollas tellin some girt a7inte7:" AUNTERS0:ME, Daring, courageous. AUNTREDE, Adventured. " And after auntredc God himself." P. Plou. I have never known this verb used here. AUP, A wayward child. ^^.^jj yAlltl.e. AUTORrrV, Authoritv. 14 (M.OSSAKY. Ai;\'ISlI, Silly, clowiiisli. AVE LANG, Elliptical, oval. Qii. a corruption of olilon^? A\'EHAGE Winter outage. Fa. fiircr, winter, and Eng. ealagc. A letirned fiioiul, not ajiproving of this moiiirrcl derivation, thinks that it may with more propriety be derived solely from the French, as from the verb badluer, comes badinage, and from /liver, hivcrage. AVRIL, April. Fr. anil. This word is nearly obsolete. Dr. Jamicson, in his Supplement, says that the following old stanza, though imperfect, is used in Fife. " In the month of Averil, The gawk comes o'er the hill, In a shower of rain ; And on the of June, He turns his tune again." AAX, S " This house, these grounds, this stock is all mine atone." Sad Shep. 2. To visit. " He nivver awns us ;" /. e. he never visits nor calls upon us. AWNS, Beards of corn. S. G. agn. AWR, Our. AX, To ask. A. S. auian. " If he a.re a fish, wole he geve him an eddre." 3Tatl. 7, IVicHf. 2. To publish banns in the church. AX'D OUT, Published three times in the church. AXETH, Asketh. " And in this wise his law taxeth, That what man his daughter ad'eth." Goiver. " But for thou axesl why labouren we." Chauc. Fr. Tale. GLOSSARY. 15 AXING, Asking. " And he axynge a poyntel." WicUf. " Be your a.rynyis knoween to God." PliU'ip. Idem. AXXLE-TOOTH, ASSLE-TOOTH, A grinder. Isl. jaxle, dens molcu-is, situated near the axis of the jaw. There is another word of the same significa- tion, and probably more ancient than this, mentioned by Verstegan, though I do not recollect to have heard it in Craven. "The syd teeth, he remarks, are called wang teeth. Before the use of seals was in England, divers writings had the wax of them bitten with the wang-tooth of him that passed them," which was also therein mentioned in rhyme, as thus, " In witness of the foth, Ich han biten this wax with my ivang tothe." May not the expression be borrowed from the whang or thong to whicli the seal was generally attached ? AY, Yes. Pronounced / to rhyme with die, notwitli- standing Tyrwhit's observation that " ay has quite a different sound." See Sh. Ric. 2. iii. 3. AZZY, 1 ^ A77ARD r A way ward child. ascUits. AZZARDLY, Poor, ill thriven. B BAAD, Continued. A S. Mdan. Belg. hey den. BAAD, To bathe. A.S. bad'um. Welsh baad. Isl. bad. BAAL-HILLS, Hillocks on the moors, where fires have formerly been. Isl. baal, irtcendivm. The custom IG ' UI.OSSAHV. still ri'iiiaiiis in lln' Wosl of Sc-nllaiul, aiiimiiist the lu'rilsiucn anil vminn' pt'oplo, to kiiidK- tiros in the liiuh l has. from time immemorial, dispelled from tliis distriet the darkness of heathen and idolatrous snperstition, yet, as there are many vestiges of their ancient rites still visible on our moors, it may not be uninteresting to give a parti- cular account of them, selected from Hr. JoDiicson'.s most excellent Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish language. " 'I'lie peoi)lc of tlie parish of Ciillandcr, Perths, have two customs, whicli are fast wearing; out, not onl}' here, but all over the Highlands, and therefore, ought to be taken notice of while tlie^' remain. Upon the first day of May, which is called Baltan or Bal-tien day, all the boys in a township or hamlet meet on the moors. They cut a table in the green sod, of a round figure, by casting a trench on the ground, of such circumference as to hold the whole company. They kindle a fire, and dress a repast of eggs and milk, in the consistence of a custard. They knead a cake of oatmeal, which is toasted at the embers against a stone. Ai'tcr the custard is eaten up, they divide the cake into so many portions, as similar as ])0ssible to one another in size and shape, as there are persons in the company. They daub one of these por- tions all over with charcoal, until it be perfectly black. They put all the bits of cake into a bonnet. Every one, blind-fold, draws out a portion. He who holds the bonnet is entitled to the last bit. AVhoever draws the black bit, is the devoted person who is to be sacrificed to Baal, whose favour they mean to implore in rendering the year productive of the sustenance of man and beast. There is little doubt of these inhuman sacrifices having been once offered in this country as well as in the East, although they now omit the act of sacrificing, and only compel tiie devoted person to leap three times through the (lames, with which tlie ceremonies of this festival are closed. GLOSSARY. 17 •'• Balteiii signifies the fire of Baal. Baal or Ball is the only word in Gaelic for a globe. This festival was probably in honour of the sun, whose return, in his appa- rent annual course, they celebrated, on account of his having a visible influence, by his genial warmth, on the productions of the earth. That the Caledonians paid a superstitious respect to the Sun, as was the practice among other nations, is evident, not only by the sacrifice at Baltein, but upon many other occasions." Statist. Acct. of the Parish of Callander, Perths, hy V. WiddersMns. The following places on the borders of Craven, and at no great distance from each other, have probably, as observed by the respectable and learned G. S. Faber, B. D. received their names from these idolatrous rites, viz. — Baildon, from Baal, and dune, a hill. Idle, from Idol. Bellinge, near Rawden, from Bell, and ingle, a fire, a fire dedicated to Bell or Baal. Q,ii. Is not Baal- Jire the true etymon of the present bon-fire } Mr. Todd supposes that the primitive meaning of the word is " a fire made of bones ;" but I think the other is much more probable. — The Craven pronun- ciation baan for bone, changing the letter n for 1, exactly corresponds with Baal. On any public cause of triumph or exultation, it is not likely that a parcel of bones would be collected to make a tire. The quotation from Beaumont and Fletcher is more applicable. " This city would make a marvellous bone-fire, 'Tis old dry timber, and such wood has no fellow." BAAN, Bone. "What's bred ith haans ne'er out o't flesli," sliews the difiiculty of eradicating innate vicious prin- ciples. 18 GLOSSAIIV. BAAN-FIRE, Abon fire, alias baal tire. IsL. hcin,hacl-J}jr, roiriis. See Mr. TodcVx 2d Edit, of Juhitson. BAANS, Bones. '' To mack iiaa haaiis," is to make no iliflieulty. -. To pay no regard. "There isjfood liklihood of that man, which is any wa3's scrupulous of liis waves ; but lie which makes no hones of liis actions is apjjarcntly hopeless." Bj). IlaWs Contemp. " The king bad him to tell this tale againe, which the other making no lories thereat, did with good will." DannetCs Iliat. of Philip de Comines, 1C14. " The Lord Cardinall makes no bones to maintain." King James I. Works. BAAN-CART, The body. " I'll rattle thy haan-cart ;" threatening of a violent beating. BAATH, ^ BATH, [.Both. BAITH, ) "Gud captains bath." Sh. II. V. iii. 2. " Or like a torch at baith ends burning." Ferguson's Poems. " AVhat ever betide, ane welfare or ane skaith, Sail be commoun and equale to us baith." D. Virg.G2p. " Thoroue lyvar and longs bathe. Chevy Chase." BAB, )-,, BABBY,r^^y- " And tyl ane hah commit the battellis charge." D. Virg. io B. 251 j). " In the first cirkill or the uttir ward, Young babbies saulis weping sare they herd." D. Virg. GB. 178;). " How the first monstres of his stepmoder she Ligging one hub in creddil stranglit he." D. Virg. 251 ;;. BACCO, Tobacco. BACKARDS-WAY, Backwards. " To fall backards-wai/ oii'r ;" to fall backwards. GLOSSARY. 19 BACK-BAND, An iron chain passing in a groove of the cart saddle to support the shafts. BACKBOARD, A thin board on which meal is riddled for oat cake dough. BACKEN, To retard, " This pash o'rain 'ul hachen our potatoes." BACKENING, Relapse. 2. Hinderance. BACK-END, Autumn. BACK NER EDGE, i. e. I can make nothing of him, neither head nor tail. BACK O' BEYOND, Of an unknown distance, of the same signification as that of Shaks. Cymh. iii. 2, " For mine's beyond beyond." " You whirled them to the back of beyont to look at the auld Roman camp." Antiquary^ I. 37. " Back o' beyond" whear't mear foaled't fiddler." Dr. Jamieson has Jilcd for defiled, which is a com- mon occurrence. Our reading is more correct ; for a country little known is generally replete with wonder. This evidently is a corruption of the English phrase. Though I would most willingly indulge the learned doctor in every parental fond- ness for his numerous oflfspring, I think he must candidly allow that they have not all come North about, but that they have frequently sprung from an English stock. These, travelling and halting in different English counties in their way to Scotland, have retained the sound but have some- times lost the sense. BACK-STITCH, An ornamental mode of sewing wrist- bands and necks of shirts, &c. in which the needle having advanced two threads on the cloth is made to pass back again. c2 20 (M.OSSARV. 1JAC'KSTI)\1C, FoniuM-ly a slulo, Imt now a plate of iron on which oat cake is baked. JJACK'S-UP, " Ilis buck's np," tliat is, he is oflVndod, an expression, says (hose, taken from a cat, when angry, always raising its back. " AVeel, Nelly, since my bach is up, yc sail tak down the pictin-e." St. Jiouan's Well, Vol. I. C") p. BACK WATTER, Water dammed np in the goit imped- ing the revolntion of the wheel. BADDEH, The comparative of bad, thongh nptin frecpient use. " Than they can in hir lewcdnesse coniprehende They demen gladly to the ladder end." Chaucer. BADE, Continued praet. from bide. BADJER, A cornfactor, most probably a corruption of cadger. Teut. hats-oi, discurrere. It. baslagg'w. Gr. j3a(7rat,u). Thovipson. WUhrahavi derives it from the A. S. hijcgea/i, einere, but this seems far fetched. B.ADGER, To bait, to give trouble ; probably borrowed from the animal so frequently exposed to barbarous treatment. BAG, Udder. Isl. hagge, sarciiia. BAILEY, Bailiff, hence bum-bailey, a bailiff's attendant. BAIT, B^VTE, To lower a bargain; " thou mun hale sum- mat ;" from abate. Per aphcercsin. BAITII, Both. BAKED, Incrusted. " Troilus lies cmhaked In his cold blood." IIcyivood''s Iron Age. Nares. BALDERDASH, Trifling or obscene language. I can- not assent to the etymon of this word given by Dr. Johnson. A. S. bald and da.sJi; that of Dr. Jauiieson aj)pears nnich more probable from the c;lossakv. 21 It?L. biilliliir, the prating of fouls. A bilder is an instrument in common use in Craven. It is a mallet Avith a long handle, used by the peasants to break clods of earth. Hence balderdash may with propriety be called dirt spread by the bilder, alias bilderdasher. Mr. Todd, in his second edition of Johnson, derives it from Welsh, balddardhy, talkative. BALD-FACED, White-faced. Thus a horse with a large portion of white hair on his face is called a bald fac'd horse. " If the mare have a bald face, the filly will have a blaze." See Dr. Jamieson under Bawsand. BALL'D, White-faced. Fr. bcdllet, celui qui a une tache oil une etoile blanche, an front. Pelleticr Did. See Bell in Dr. Jamieson s Supplemeiit. BALK, 1 " To be thrown ourt' ball," is to be published BAUK, j in the church. "To hing ourt' balk," is marriage deferred after publication. Before the Reformation the Laity sat exclusively in the nave of the church. The balk here appears to be the rood beam which separated the nave from the chancel. The expres- tion therefore means, to be helped into the choir, where the marriage ceremony was performed. BALL, ^ The palm of the hand. Q.u. The bowl or hollow BAW, ) of the hand. " A bee tang'd me reight i'th' baw o' my hand." BAM, A false tale or jeer. BAIMBOOZLE, To threaten or to deceive. Todd's Johnson. BAN, V. n. To curse. Isl. bann. " Let them maligne, curse, and banne." Smit/i's Letters, 1553. BAND, Bond, a cow-band. 2, The iron hinges of a door, called door-bands. "Without a roof the gates faU'n from their bands.'" GeiUle Sliepherd. 'J:: i; loss ah v. JJAM). Prat (.fbiiul. " Exotinus pi'oparM his clcansiiif^ f^ciir, Anil witli a licit his gown aliout him /;«»(/." Fairfax'. Tasso. BAND, A si)ace of grouiul, containing twenty yards square. IJAXDISII, Bandage. " It is impossible that my bandish or ligature should have started." Crusaders, 2 vol. p. 17- BANDY-BALL, A game with a crooked bat and a ball, the same as doddart at NeAvcastle and Golf in Scot- land, in Latin Cambrica, so called from the crooked club or bat with which the game is played. BANE, Bone. " Hit hath stiX'kene the yerle Douglas, In at the brest bane." Chevy Chase. BANE, Near, convenient. Belg. haue, a path. Isl. beinn, rectus. " And liave reward for love and so get bene Unto these women courtly." Chaucer C. L. Bane is not used to make ready, as in Bishop Douglas. " Thither returnyng agayne. To seik your auld mother mak zou bane''' (ready.) D. Virg. ,3 B. p. 70. BANEST, Nearest, BANGER, Large. " Shoe's a banger:' BANGING, Excelling, beating. *•' Of Ar)/-(TT f A hill, hence Stainsforth under Bargli. Goth. BAKGH, (■ . ,_^ , . . „„„ „ I bairg. Welsh. 6/7^, per mclatliesin. B ARGHEST, \ A sprite that haunts towns and populous BAR-GUEST, j places. Belg. ier^andgce*/, aghost. A. S. burgc. " And walke the roundes ; when the barr-guest Comes tumbling out of his smoakye nest." Dr. Whit. Hist. Yorke p. 1C8. " Thou art not, I presume, ignorant of the quahties of ^vhat the Saxons of this land call a Bahr-ffcist." Talcs of the Crusaders, 1 vol. p. 294. BARKED, Bi^RK' " With barknyt bliulc and powder." D. Virg. 2 B. 45 ;;. "But wharc their gabs they were ungcar'd They gat upon the gams ; While bluidy harkciCd were their beards K K Tl ) r^,!^ ' \ Covered with dirt like bark. [v'D, j 24 (.I.OssAUV. As lliov liail worrit'il lambs, Maist liko that dav." .l/liin Ramsay. BARKIIAjM, ] a collar, formerly made of bark, hence HAIUvUM, j Barkhaams. See Hams. In the liiglihincls of Scotland they are frequently made of straw. Gael, and lu. braighaidain. " Ever liainis convenient for sic note And raw silk l/rcchamis onir thair halsis hinges." Pal. of IJonoitr. Dr. Jam. BARLEY, A temporary cessation from play, probably a corruption of the French purler. 2. To bespeak. Brockett. BARLEY-SEED BIRD, The yellow water wag-tail. BAR-3IALSTER, A superintendant of mines. Teut. Bcrg-maister. Skinner. " Sixpence a load for cope the Lord demands, And that is paid to the Berghmaster^s hand." j\Ianlove^s Treatise on the Mint. BARN, A child, known to all the Teutonic tribe. Rev. Dr. Whitaker. " Then lames may not be spared." King Jas. Demonologie.^' " Then spake a heme upon bent Of comfort that was not colde ; And sayd, We have brent Northumberland We have allwclthe m holde." Battle of Otterhourne. 2. " Daddy's ham," a child resembling his parent no less in features than in conduct. 3. '' Fray /;«;•« lile," from early infancy. BARXISH, Childish, silly. BARNLSH-LAKE, Child's play. BARN-LAKINS, Toys. BARON, Rump, frequently the pudendum of a cow. Sax. bcrendv. From this A\ord a baron of beef is GLOSSAKV. 25 probably derived, consisting of the rumj) and the loins. Sc. birn, matrix, or rather pudendum, allied to. IsL. brund-ur. Welsh, bry. Vid. Birn in Dr. Jain'eesoiis Supplement. BARREL-FEVER, A violent sickness occasioned by intemperance. BARREN, It is proper to apologise for introducing into a dialectical Glossary a word of such general import. I know not by what analytical process the word barren has obtained in our language a general signification expressly contrary to its original deri- vation. The translation of the Gospels by Wicliff proves how long this has been the acceptation of the word which he writes barei/n. In the Saxon translation of Luke's Gospel, I chap. 3 v. Eliza- beth is properly said to be unberende, from the negative un, and berende, fruitful, of the same import as fcecunda and infcecunda. But I am totally at a loss how to account for the abstraction of the negative part of the word ; and why baryii or barren, signifying bearing or fruitful, should apply to animate and inanimate objects, which are unproductive and unfruitful. Dr. Johnson, making no comment on this improper use of the word, attempts to derive it from the Saxon word, bare, naked. Home Tooke, not satisfied nith the Doctor's derivation, contends that it is the past participle of the word bar, and couA'erts barren into barred, stopped, shut, from which there can be no fruit or issue. Mr. Todd, acquiescing with neither, asserts that it comes from the old French brahaigne, meaning sterile and unfruitful, exactly corresponding with our own word. With humble submission to such great authorities, may I be allo\\'cd to conjecture; that the old PVcnch ^\<)^d 2fi GLOSSAHV. hrtiluiiiiitc, so nearly corrcspoiulinp; with our own word hanru, may have originally been derived from the Saxon or Teutonic, and that both the French and the aboriginal Britons may have retained an imperfect knowledge of the language imposed upon them by the Saxon conquerors. — Thus the Saxon word unhcrcndc may have lost its prefix or first syllable by aphscresis, in the same manner as the antient word Id, hindered, loses the first syllable of the Saxon gelelle, inipedUits, and the word like also parts with the first syllable of tlie Saxon gdic, and born drops the first syllable of the Saxon gcboren. Various etymons have been assigned for Britain, ^vithout any advertence to the word hro, so uni- versal among the Celts of our Islands, and of Gaul, where it is also pronounced bru or brocd ; which, like the Persian bar, Syriac baro, Gothic bji/r, signifies a fruitful or populated country. — See Preface of Thompson s Etymons of English Words, 4to. 1826. BASTE R, A heavy blow. BASS, ]\Iatting made, not as supposed by Mr. Todd, of rush, but of the inner bark of birch. The deri- vation from the Teutonic bast, bark, according to Dr. Jamieson, is very probable. BARTLE, Bartholomew. BAT, Blow or speed. A. S. bal,fttstis, here transferred to the stroke, " Onny way for a bat." 2. " At the saam bat" is in the same manner, " he gangs on at saam bat." BATE, To abate, or lower the price. " You bale too much of your merits." Sh. Tim. 1, 2. GLOSSARV. 27 " No leisure hated (immediately)." Hamlet iii. 3. BATE, The fibres of wood, cross-bated, that is the fibres are twisted and crooked. BATTLE-LAND, Good and fertile land. IMinsheu, Rider, and CotgraA'e. " Unto ane pleasand grund cumin ar thay With battil gerse, fresche herbis and grene swardis." D. Virg. 6 B. 18/. Ruddiman explains battill, thick, rank, like men in order of battle. " He swam ouir the same Eiver with his beistis to refresh thaim ith the battle gers thaereof." Bellendeii's T. Livius Dr. Jamiesou's Supplement. " We turn pasture to tillage, and barley into aits, and heather into greensward, and the poor yarpha, as the benighted creatures here call theu" peat-bogs, into haittle grass land." Pirate, 3 vol. j). 182. BATTER, To build a wall with great inclination to the bank. BATTER, Liclination. "Let't'wauhev plenty 0' &«//. be'una, domti.'!, and fyll-a, implcre. This, with all deference, appears much more likely than Dr. Jamieson's interpreta- tion of the word in his sujiplement, having the eye filled with a beam. BEATEiM, The conqueror. " Hees i'beatem of au." BEATER, This instrument is used to beat clay on the powder in a hole previously bored in rocks or mines, to make the explosion stronger. BEB, To sip. BECK, A brook, universal in the Northern dialects. " From this bridge I ridel a mile on a utony and rocky bank of the Tees to the leek called Thursgylle." Lelaiid's Ttin. BECK-STAXS, The strand of a rapid river from beck and slcian. BED, " Thou's gitten out at wrang side o'th' bed," /. e, thou art peevish and ill tempered. BEE-BEE, A nurse song. Gr. bauban, to sleep. Skbnier. "Utrumque convenit carmini illi sopitorio nutricum Angli- cai^um, quod alumiiis suis decumbentibiis sclent occinere, by by, identidem repetendo." Mr. Casanbon de qnatiior Ling ; 1 2wo. BEANT, Be not. BEE-BAND, A hoop of iron which incircles the hole in the beam of a plough, where the coulter is fixed. BEE-BREAD, A brown acid substance within the combs. A. S. beo-bread. Lye. BEOSS, Cattle. " I sa a seet o' beeo.s gang t'oth fair." BEOST, A beast. " Its a vara fat beust." It rarely happens that a substantive plural is shorter than the singular. BEESTLING PUDDING, A pudding made of beest. It is a custom for a farmer to make a present of beest to his poor neighbours when a cow calves. 30 ULOSSARV. /,/r\,..\rr^r^^ ) Fifst iiiilk aftcr iv COW calvcs. Bklg. EESTLINGSJ '"^"^''^"^^^^•'^""^^- ®^^- ^'•'^•^'- ^^'• HKK8T, IJEE.*^ BEES'. " So may the first of all our lens be thine, And both the l/ccstniuy of our goats ami kine." B. Jons. Narcs. 2. " To give f)CCAi of iv business or undertaking," is to relinquish it. BEET, To help, to assist. " And no man Ocel his hunger." P. Plou. " Shame fa you & your trade baith." " Canna beet a good fellow by your mystery." Bor. Mill. BEET THE FIRE, Mend the fire. " Wi virtue beets the haly fire." A Ramsai/s Pastorals. " And stirin folk to love & beeten fire." Chauc. Ct. of Love. '■'■ Its plenty beets the lover's fire." Burns. '■•■ BctuHy emendare, betan fyr." Lye Diet. "• Kest in caldrons and uthu- sum let the fire." D. Virff. p. 19. " Hinc in veteri nostro idiomale, " to beat the fire," pro ignem excitare." Spehnan. Gloss. BEET-NEED, Assistance in the hour of distress. A. S. blUin, to restore. The following verb is not in use. " He botneed a thousand." P. Plou : pass 9. Dr. rr7//7rt/rf?" says this should be /;o//o«c(/. The verb derived from the Craven word is more appropriate. BEIIIXT, , „ , . , AIIIXT ^^^^""^- '■} " Lift ye the pris'ner on ahint me." Min. S. B. •••And now w?i(;(nhcbrechans stand. AT. S. B. 3 vol. GLOSS AKY. 31 BEILD, Shelter from the cold. Expressly for this pur- pose the farmers erect Avails to protect cattle from tempestuous weather in large pastures. Isl. buele, domicilium. " But thou beneath the random Held 'O clod or stane." Burns, " Hard lucks, alate ! when poverty and eild Weeds out of fashion and a lanely Held With, a sma cast of wiles shoukl in a twitch Gie ane a hatefu name a' wrinkled witch." Gentle Shepherd. " This is our Meld the blustering winds to shun." Fairfax''s Tasso, Bk. 2 " Hecuba thidder with her cliilder for bield Ran all in vane." D. Virff. p. 5G. BEILD, To build. " At last to fortunes power ((pioth he) I yield And on my flight, let her her trophies leild.'''' Fairfax T. BEILD, A handle, a rake bield, also the Ineld of a boiler. BEILDY, Affording shelter. BELDER, To roar. BELDERER, A roarer. BELIVE, In the evening. 2. By and by, immediately, abbreviated by Chaucer, hlivc. " Beliffe ^deas membris scliuke for cauld." B. Virff. " They gan arme hylive.'''' Spenser F. 2. " From Asie to Antioge bit miles ten or five For to slen Christene men, he hiede him OcHve." MSS. of Marg. Anglo Norman, Triu Coll. Ilic/ics. " Fast Robin hee hyed liim to I iittle John He thought to loose him Ijclive ; The Shcrifl'e and all his companyc Fast after him did drive. Robin Hood and (iny of Gishourne. ni> OLOSSAKV. '' 111 ovovlo groeno, if tlio lenso lie not Ihiiu', Now stub up the buslics, the jrnisse to be fine, Least neij^boui' do dailv, so hacke thcni bclive. That neitlier thy buslics, noi* pasture can thrive." Ttmser Hcdivivus. The conniu'iitator^ supposing that bdivc signified cx'cniiig, grountllessly accuses Tnsscr of using it merely for the sake of the rhyme. BELK, Tobelsh. BELL, To roar. A. S. Mlau. BELL-KITE, A protuberant body from bell, and IsL. lavldr. BELL-WEDDER, A fretful, bellowing child. BELLOXED, Afflicted with an asthma, to which smelters of load are frequently subject. It is a painful disease, seldom admitting of a cure ; the same as the colic of Poictou. BELLY-BAND, A girth to secure a cart saddle, made formerly of hemp or straw, not of leather. BELLY-GO-LAKE THEE, Take thy fill, indulge thy appetite. BELLY-PIECE, A thin jiart of a carcase near the belly. BELLY-TLAL^IEB, " I read this verse to my ain kinimer, Wha kens I like a leg o' gimmer, Or sic an' sic guid belly-timmer." Ramsay^ s Poems. BELLY-VEXGEAXCE, Weak, sour beer, of wliich he that gets the most, gets the worst share. BELLY-WARK, The colic. BELSII, Small beer, the cause of eructation. A. S. heallccttan. BELT, Prffit. of build. " And belt the city fra quham of nobil fame The I.atine peopill taken has thare name." D. r. 1 B. GLOSSARY. 33 BEND, Strong ox leather, tanned with bark and other ingredients, which give it a blue cast. BENK, Bench. " Under a brode benk by a bourne side." P. Plou. BENSEL, To beat. Teut. henghelen. BENT, Short grass, growing on high and moorish land. Triticum Jiinciim. " Upon the bent sae broun." Battle of Olterbourne. Min. S. Bord. " He cared not for dint of sword nor speere No more than for the stroke of straws or bents." Spenser F. Q. BERRIN, Burial, probably a corruption of berying. " She cam before to anoynte my body into berying." Wiclif, Uth Mark. Wiclif uses also beriels for graves. " Beriels weren opened." 27//i Matt. BERRINER, A person attending a funeral. BERRY, Gooseberry ; a berri/-T^je. BESSY-BAB, One who is fond of childish amusements. BETHINK- YOU, RecoUect yourself, a reflected verb. BE -THIS, An elliptical expression, signifying by this time. " Bessy be-this began to smell A rat, but kept her word t' hersell." Allan Ramsay. Miller's^ Wife. BETS, Darkening for bets. A person in company is said to do this when he takes little or no part in the conversation, and is all eyes and ears, with a view of slyly catching some hint or observation, which, in making a bet, he may turn to his own profit. In this sense, it seems nearly equivalent to Cotgrave's expression, " Co)itreJaire le loup en paille," whicJi he says, is to lie " scowking and leering in a corner. 34 Cl.OKSAHV. :in(l to tiilcc no notice, wliat persons do passe, or wliut tilings be clone round about him." The following proverb in INIicge further illustrates the meaning of our Craven expression, " Ticculcr pour micux xauter," to stand oft' for advantage, to withdraw in order to make his return the more effectual. BETTER, INIore, in reference to number, as, bellcr than a dozen. Dr. Jmnicson remarks in his Sitpplemenl, that this sense of the word is unknoAvn in English Avriting, though it corresponds with the Gothic tongues- It is with us in daily use, and Mr. Todd has also illustrated it with examples. BETTERNESS, A state of improvement. Sylvester, in his translation of Odd de la Nove, has bellcrment. BETWEEN, This preposition is often used to express clliptically the present time, as "thou may lite omme between and Martlemas," i. c. between this time and Blartinmas. BETWEEN-WHILES, In the interval, between the completing of one business and the beginning of another. BEZZLE, To drink, to tipple. BID, To invite. " Bid to the marriage." Matl. xxii. 9. " I am not bid to wait upon this Lride." Sh. Tit. An. i. 2. BIDDEN, Required, taken. " This job hes bidden a sect o' doin." BIDDY, A louse. BIDE, Abide. Per aphcer. BIDIN, Bearing, abiding. A. S. bcdan, vianere. BIG, To build. Isl. byg, habitatio. BIG, Barley, with four sides or rows. Isl. bygg. GLOSSARY. 35 EIGGIN, A building. " Amang Uggims stude desolate and waist." D.V.p.bi. BIJEN, Truly. Belg. he-jaen, to affirm. " He turn'd her owre and owre again, O Gm, her skin was whyte." Edom O" Gordon.) Per. Rel. " O Gin they lived not royally, O Gin., he did not become them weel." Min. S. B. The hijen and Gin appear to be synonymous. BILDER, A mallet to break clods. Belg. buydelen. BIN, Been. BIND-WEED, Wood-bine. BINNOT, Be not. " I wish ye hinnot hovm to cheeat me." BIRDEN, Burden, pure Saxon. BIRK, Birch. Teut. Berck. Brockett. BIRTLE, A summer apple. BISHOPP'D, Pottage burnt at the bottom of the pan. Thomson supposes that Bishop-pot is derived from Fr. bis-chauffe ; but perhaps contracted from boisson- chauffe, drink warmed. Fr. bis, however, was toasted or scorched bread; and the jingle of pot andi foot, may have been the origin of calling a burnt taste a bishop's foot. " Bishop's i'th pot." Grose supposes that in former times, whenever a bishop passed through a town or village, all the inhabitants ran out to receive his blessing. This frequently caused the milk on the fire to be burnt to the vessel. " Bless Cisley (good mistress) that bishop doth bah, For burning the milk of her cheese in the pan." Tusscv BIT, A while, " stop a bit." 2. A diminutive, " a lile bit of a fellow." D 2 36 CLOSSARV. BITCII-DAUGIITER, Night mare. There is no tra- dition to cxphiin tlie meaning of this curious word. BIT LKDDY, By the Virgin IMary. IHTIMKSS, ) -, , BITEj A moutliful, " gimme a hile o' breeod," a word in daily use, though Dr. Jamicson in his Supplement says, it is not used in English in this sense. IsL. bite, hucca. BLAA, Blue, hence blaa-berries. Dr. JVilhni. BLATE, j BLACK-AVIZED, Dark countenanced. " A black-avtzed and clapper fellow Nor lean, nor overlaid wi' tallow." A. Ramsay. BLACK-BITCH, A gun. BLACK AND BLUE, Excessively, " he caud me Wac^- and blue." BLACK-FROST, Frost without rime. BLACK-OUSEL, Black bird. BLACK-WATTER, Phlegm or black bile on the stomach. 2. A disease in sheep, very rapid, and frequently fatal. BLACK-SETTERDAY, The iirst Saturday after the old twelfth day, when a fair is annually held at Skipton. I believe the name is confined to a portion only of this Deanery. On this day also many parishes, of which the Prior and Canons of Bolton Abbey were the impropriators, pay their tithe rent. It is not impro- bable but that, from this circumstance, the day has received its appellation, particularly as the Receivers were black Canons of St. Augustine. BLACK-SPICE, The fruit of the bramble. BLACK AND WHITE, Put it down i black and white, a common phrase for writing it down. GLOSSARY. 37 BLAIN, To blanch, to whiten. BLAKE, Yellow. Belg. bleeck, imle. "The butters feaful blake." The yellow bunting (emberiza citri~ nella) is in some places called a blakeUng. IsL. blar. " Blake autumn." Chatlerton vid. Brockett. BLANCH-FARM, An annual rent paid to the Lord of the Manor, by various possessors of land in this Deanery. Spelman thinks it ^v^as so called to dis- tinguish it from Black-mail (hoc est census vel firma nigra.) The blanch farm argento quasi censu albo reddebatur. Firma autein (Saxonice feorme) licet hodie pro censu utimur annonam tamen proprie sig- nificat ; mutataque tunc est ejus significatio cum proediorum domini annonarios reditus in argentum verterent, nam hi inde dici cacperunt albce finnoe. Hinc etiani in Dominiis, quibus dicimus censum antiquum pecuniarium album reditum, vocant Angli the white rent, ut ab aliis discriminetur, qui vel frumento vel animalibus, vel operibus praestantur. Quin et hoc idem esse conjicio, quod Anglo-Normanica apellatione, alias, Blanch Fearm nominatur. BLASH, To throw dirt. BLASHMENT, Weak liquor. BLASH Y, Wet and dirty. BLAST, To blow up with gunpowder. BLATTER, Puddle. BLATTERY, Dirty. BL AY BERRIES, Whortle berries. Vaccbieum myr- tillus. In Hampshire Hurts. IsL. blaber. " Nae birns, or bines, or whins, e'er troubled me Gif I cou'd find blae-berries ripe for thee." Gentle Shepherd. BLEA, A pale blue color. A. S. bleu. BLEARING, Crying. BLEAZ, A blaze. :in GIOSSAUV. BLKB. A l.ul)bK', a l.listor. IU>KEAi\KD, )^ Ilalfdried. Qii. from Isl. bJ(i(isa,farc; BLAAXED, j linen exposed a little to the wind. JJLEEI), Yield, applied to corn. A. S. bled, fruclns. Thus when corn is full in the car and is productive, it is said to I)Iced well. 13LEXD- WATER, \ An intiammatory disease of the RED- WATER, j kidnies in cattle, causing bloody urine ; for which two oz. of nitre is deemed by some an infallible cure. BLETHER, Bladder. S. Bloedr. Welsh, pledren. " And bid him burn this cursed tether An, lor thy pains, thouse get my blether." Poor Maile. Bums. BLIND-IMAN'S-HOLYDAY, Darkness, in which a blind man has as much, if not more enjoyment, than he who is blessed with vision. BLINND, A blind, a cloak. BLOAZ, Blaze. BLOAZING, Blazing. The mode of blazing for salmon in Craven was this : — A torch was made of the dry bark of holly, besmeared with pitch. The water v as so transparent that the smallest pebbles were visible at the bottom of the river. The man carried the torch (in the dark evening) either on foot or on horseback ; another person, advancing with him who carried the torch, struck the salmon on the red (the place where the roe is deposited) with an harpoon, called in Craven a leister. BLOB, A bubble 2. Water blob, the globe ranunculus. " Her e'n the clearest blob o' dew outshines ; The lily in her breast its beauty tines." Gentle Shepherd. Ramsay, BLOCKER, A broad axe used in squaring timber. GLOSSARY. 39 BLOTHER., To make a great noise to little purpose. BLOTHER'D, Foamed, bellowed. S. G. bladdra. IsL. hlmidur. " At Scales great Tom Barwise gat the ba' in his hand And t'wives au ran out, and shouted and bann'd ; Tom Cowan then punch'd and flang him mangt' whins, And he blethered ' od white te' tous brokken my shuis." Hutchinson Hist, of Cumberland. Brand. Pop. Antiq, BLOWN-SIEAT, Meat impregnated with the eggs of flies. Dr. Jamieson in his Supplement saj'^s, that blofvoi meat is a name given to flesh or fish dried by means of wind passing through dry f Qw. without mortar) stone houses, and he derives it from IsL. hlaasin, exsiccatus. It has not that signification here. When hung meat, not sufficiently salted, begins to puff up, and, in consequence of that, becomes not sweet, it is then said to be winded. BLUE, To look blue is to be disconcerted. BLUE-ailLK, Old skimmed milk. BLUME, Blossom. Germ. blum. BLUSH, Resemblance. BO, Hobgoblin. Welsh, bo. BOADLE. Half a farthing. Dr. Jamieson says, it is only one third part of a penny. BOAKEN, ) rp , 1 , , ^^»,^ >- lo belsh, to vomit. BOKE, j " He carvis (tails) ower, forth bokk and streams of blood." D. Virg. ju 338. " Gea some will spue and bock and spit." Ckland^a Poems. " Benedicite he by gan wit a bulke."'' P. Plou. p. 8. This substantive is obsolete. BOAL, The stem of a tree. S. G. bull. Brockell. Sw. haol. BOB, A bunch. Fu. buhc. W CLOSSAIir. BOH. To bulk, t(t disappoint, to f)oh a hare. 2. To fish with a short line in shady pools in hot weather. ]U)H1JLK; To bubble. lK)I}Hi:i?OUS, ) t;,! , , . , . 1 . ., BOD])ILY, Entirely, wholly. " I seem like a water-logged ship going down boddily." Dr. E. D. Clarke's Life. liODDUiM, Principle, " naabody hes a better boddum." 2. Bottom. "Sonic pyms f'urth ane pan boddum to prent fals plackkis." D. Viiff. " Had chosen so ententifely The bothum more unto my pay." Rom. of the liose. " The boddome of ane awld herp." Laying of a Gaist. Alinst. S. B, " Furth of the boddum of his breist full law." D. Virff, 4li p. BODDU:\I-CLEAN, Thoroughly neat and clean. BODDUjM, To bottom. " To boddum things hoddumly" i. e. thoroughly to investigate. BODDUMMOST, Lowest. BODDUIMS, Dregs. BOG-BEAN, Slarsh trefoil. Me7}yanlhes Irifoliatum. Linn. BOGGARD, A gobblin. Welsh, bivg. " Tliou shall not nede to be afraied for any bugs by night." Ps. xci. 5. Mattheiv''s Bible. BOGGARDLY. Liable to take fright or take boggle, or boggart. BOGGLE, To take fright. Welsh, bwg. " Nor wyth na bogill nor browny to debate." ' Douglas'' Pref. BOIL, The state of boiling. " Put it ith pan and gee it a boil." BOILING, " The haal boiling' signifies the whole party. C.LOSSAIiY. . 41 BONE;, " What's bred ith bone's iiee'r out ot' flesli." This proverb shews the great difficulty, if not impos- sibility, of totally effacing innate or early impressions. " He values me at a crackt three farthings, for ought I see ; it will never out o'th flesh that's bred ith boney Ben Jonson, BONNILY, Pretty well. " How'st wife ?" " Vara ho)miJi/, 'blig'd to the." BONNY, Pretty. Frequently used ironically, as " Thou's a bonny fellow." BONNY-DEAL, A great deal. Synonymous with sum as " Smyhng sum deal." D. Virg. 20 p. BOOK. Bulk, bigness. S. G. bolk. " Said the Chevin to the Trout " 'My head's worth all thy bojik:" Ray. " Twenty fed Oxin, large, grete and fine. And ane hundrith bustuous Louies of swyne." B. Virg. 33 p. BOOK, To say off booh, to repeat. BOON, Service done to the landlord by his tenant, or a compensation made in lieu of that service. Lat. bonus. BOORDE, Board. " It to iii. gronies for a weke boorde iiis." //. Lord Clifford's IIous. B. 1510. BOORLY, ) Rough. Teut. bocr, a boor: in Chaucer, BURLY, i borcl, coarse cloth. " With bran as bair and briest biirbj and braid." D. Virg. " But, Sires, because I am a borel man." Chancer. F. Prol. BOOS, Boughs. BOOSES, Stalls. Lat. io;y. A.^.boseg. Ish.' bas. The Scotch word bowis has a more extensive signification. " Five bowis of ky unto his hame repairit." D. V. p. 220. BOOT, Something given to effect an exchange. 42 OI.OSSAllY. BOOTED-IJREAD, Flour mixed with bran. Q«. Bolted or sifted. Belo. btnjdelcn, cribro cerncrc. Skinner. BOOTLESS-BENE, This was the question proposed by the Forester to Lady Rumelli on the death of her son. See Dr. IVhitaker's History of Craven. The Doctor interprets it " unavailing prayer." May it not be derived from boutlcss bale, irremediable sorrow, from bale, dolor, and boot auxilium, A. S. from bole. If taken in a literal sense, as bootless bean, it will be, what is good for a bean deprived of its boot or pod .'' or what happiness remained to a mother deprived of her son, her only comfort and protection.? Isl. been and boon preces. Ion : ficoOuv. Junius. " Soo//ess-prayers." Mer. of Vcn. iii. 3. "And bad God on her vew, And with the death so do bote on her bale." Chau. Tro. mid Cr. B. A. " God send every good man bote of his bale." Chau. C. Yem Tales. S ' " For hit is a botlcss bale." P. Plou. BORN-DAYS, Life. "I' au my born days; I nivver sa' sike a rascad." An expression nearly similar is used by Froysart, " I knowe not in all my hjfe-duys how to deserve it." BOSKY, Woody. Lat. boscus. " jSIy bosky acres." Shak. Temp. iv. 1. " Pro bosc. prostrat. per ventum." Bolt. Comp. MCCXCVIII. See Busky. BOSOJM, To eddy. A. S. bosm, sinus. " 'T' Avind bosoms." " It is generally in these si/uw' that bosoming winds are felt." Bacon. BOUD, Bold. Belg. boudc. GLOSSARY. 48 BOUGHT, ) Joint of the knee or elbow. Bklg. bout, BUFT, j bolt of the bone, generally pronounced buft. BOUK, To wash. Belg. buijchen. " And boukelh them at his brest." P. Plou. BOULDER, 1 . , , .. , , BOOTHERj^^^^'^^^^*^^^'"'^^' BOUN, Going, alias bound. In Bishop Douglas the participle is used as derived from an active verb ; in Craven it is used in a neuter sense only. " Bowning me furth, quhen lo ! about mv fete." D. Virg. p. Gl. " And yet againward shriked every nonne The pange of love so straineth them to crie, Now, wo the time, quod they, that we be boun This hatefull ordre nise weU done us die." Chaucer Ct. of Love and in Fran. Tale. " And boldely brent Northumberlande And harj-^ed many a towyn ; Then dyd our Ynglish men grete wrange To battell that were not howyn.'''' Percy Reliq. " And whan our parish-masse was done, Our kynge was bowne to dine." Idem. Sir Catiline. " This steid also leve we, and to sail made bot/n." D. V. 73. "And serve God there this present day, The knight then made him boivn ,• And by the miln-house lay the way That leadeth to the town." Hist, of Sir John Elland. Dr. Whit. Yorkshire. Boun, to make ready, is not often used here. BOUNDER, A boundary or limit. " For thee, O Saviour, the gravestone, the earth, the coffin, are no bounders of thv dcare respects." Bishop Hall. BOUSE, Ore, as it is drawn from the mines. BOUSE-SMITHEM, Small ore us it is waslied by the sieve. In Cornwall it is called luitch-work. \'h I'.I.OSSAItV. BOUT, Without. A. S. /tiittiii. This word explains the (litHcult passage in Shakspeaio, mentioned by Mr. Arcluloacon Narcs, in liis (ihjssary, " Jliii licing fharj^cil, \vc will still liy land, AVhicI'., as I take it, we shall." Anth. and Cleop. iv. 10. It is evident tliat the hut here is the Craven bout, Avitht)ut. " Touch not a cat bout gloves." Dr. Jameison remarks that the A. S. bulan is the same as the Sc. but. " They thai had eaten wei'c about five thousand," tjiilan, n-ifioii, and cildtim, " besides women and children." Matt. xiv. 21. JViclif. " For but I be deceived." Shak. Tarn, of a S. iii. 1. " For but she conic all woU be wast." Chaucer'' s Dream. "For but (bout) thou change thy niyndc, I do foretell the end." Romeas and Jul. " So vair heritage, as ich habbe, it were me gi'ete shame For to habbe an loverd,io/ehe had an to-name." (Surname.) Dial Itoht. Cloust. Ilickes. " I sav treuthe to you, but ye be turned and maad ns litill children, 3'e sciud not entre mto the kyngdom of hevenes." Matt, xviii. JViclif. BOUT, except. But, in the sense of privation^ answering to except, occurs in our common expression " all but one ;" i. e. all, be out one ; all, if one be out. " What is there in paradis, Bot grasse and flure, and greneris." Disc, of Cockayne, Vid Ency. Mctrop. BOUT, 1 B0GHT,/7^^'^^'"''^- " Paid for harness boiihl beyond the sec, that ys to say VI. corsetts with sallcts and gawntellets and all for our man of armes bot the leg harness xlviii. mks. It a crosse 5s. Ixxii. gorgetts of mayll \mli iv. mks ; vii pare of brygandorres Ls. viiirf. It. a furr of foynes for my Lord's black velvet gowne and the laying on of the samevi/j. xvi*. It. 10 doK. of Ivvcreycs xiii/i. xiii*. 'iud. GLOSSARY. 45 It. lyvereyes to the gentlewomen and the chapelyns iii/i. vs. iiiirf. It. bout vii score motons yat was boght at Appletrewyk fare xU iis. It. for one yniage of our Lady, iii*. H. Lord Clifford's Household Book, MSS. 1510. Molons, the common name for sheep, is now obsolete. BOUTEN, p. of bout. "And drav him all out vat there louten or sold." WicUf. This p. is not used. BOUT, Bolt. " "When a lout flew out of our goodly ship." Sir P. Spence, Min. S. B. BOUT, An entertainment. " We^ll have a merry bout." BOW-BRIDGE, An arched bridge. Of this ancient word, from the national, though pardonable, pride of enriching his own language. Dr. Jameison seems desi- rous of depriving us. Franck, in his description of Nottingham, says, that there stanes a bow (or a fair port), opposite to Bridle Smith-gate. The learned Doctor supposes that Franck had picked up this word during his travels in Scotland. Now, to commit such a flagrant theft, poor Franck was not under the least temptation, having so many specimens of it in his own country. When architecture began to improve, it is natural to suppose that stone arches were turned on pieVs which before, most probably, had supported huge timbers or trees. These erections kut t'^o'^rjv, were first distinguished by the name of Bow Bridges. Hence Stratford le Bow, &c. &c. A bridge in my own imme- diate neighbourhood is so called. I merely mention this as a caution, not exclusively to appropriate to one country what undoubtedly belongs to another. BRAA, ^ BRAY, >-A bank or brow. Welsh, bre, a hill. BREA, J 2. Bank of a river. A. S. bracan conterere. " Thidder to the bray swermyt all the rout." D. V.p. 174. 46 GLOSSAHY. BRE, Eyo-brow. " Moving na marc his curagc, face, nor l>re." D. V. p. ICO. BRAAD, \ A c , ^ BRAAD-BAND, Corn laid out in the field in band to dry. 2. To he in hraad-band is also applied to a housBj ^^■hcn the furniture is in disorder and confusion. BR A AD-CAST, Corn sown by the hand, not drilled. BRABBLE:MENT, Wrangling. Belg. hrabdeu. BRACK, Brine. " As saut as brack." Belg. brack. BRACK, Praet of break. " Till yat he blesside here bred, and IracJc hit by twayne." P. Plou. " While they eeten, Jhesus took breed and blesside and iracA:,andgaftohimandseyde,takeye,thisismybody." Wic. Mark xiv. " And brack the bands that keep them in their border." Trans, of Du Bartas, by Hudson. BRACK-BREEOD, " I nivver brack-breeod" I never tasted. BRACKEN, Fern. Sw. stotbraaeken, en in Gothic de- noting feminine gender. Pieris aqnUina. Linn. — See Dr. Jamieson. BRACKEN-CLOCK, A small brown beetle, commonly found on brackens. BRADE, To resemble. S. G. brcyd. Isl. breyda. "Ye hreid of the miller's dog, ye lick your mouth before the poke be open." Ray. BRADE, To desire to vomit. Dr. Willan derives it from abraid. BRAGGIN, The crowing of the moor-cock. This word may be of the same signification as brokking, used by Chaucer. " He singeth Irokking as a nightuigale." Welsh, bragal, to vociferate. GLOSSARY. 47 BRAINS, ■'■' You have no guts in your brains ;" j'ou are completely ignorant, you are quite destitute of skill or cunning. " Quoth Ralpho, Truly that is no Hard matter for a man to do, That has but any guts ill's brains, And could believe it worth his pains." Hudihras. BRAND, A branch of a tree. BRANDER, The end-irons on which wood was usually burnt, consisting of two horizontal bars, and two uprights, which were formerly figures, are rarely seen here. Two flat plates, at the sides of the fire, are now called end-irons. " Her andirons (I had forgot them) were two winking cupids Of silver, each on one foot standhig, nicely Depending on their brands." Shaks, Cymb. ii. 4. BRANDRITH, An iron to support boilers. A. S. hrander. BRANDED, A striped mixture of black and red. " They stealed the brooked cow and the branded bull." Min. S. B. BRAND-NEW, Quite new. Belg. hrandt nieun. See Span-7iew. BRANDY-SPINNER, Spirit merchant. BRANLINS, Worms cleansed in moss or bran, prepa- ratory to fishing, called also BramUns. BRANT, Steep. Isl. bratlur, arduius. Sw. brant. BRASH, Impetuous. BRASH, It • BRASHMENT, i ^^''^''' BRASHING, Preparing ore for bucking by hand, or grinding by a machine. BRASS, INIoney, half-pence. " He's plenty o'brass ;" that is, he is very rich. 48 GLOSSARY. BRAST, Burst. " Till at last he Irast out at ones." Lydgalc. Story of Thebes. " Striviiiff in vain that nigh his bowels brast." Spenser. " His heai't, I wis, was near to brast." Heir of Linne. Per Rel. Here used in the infinitive mood, as also in the primer of H. 8. "my hearte is almost lyke to brast." " They never saw in any child more tears, than brast out from him (Cranmer) at that time." John Fox. " My heai't waxt bote within my breast, With musing thought and doubt, Which did increase and stu're the fire, At last these words brast out." Ps. xxxix. Stern, and Hopk. " Like the new bottles that brast." Job xxxii. 19. Geneva Edit. 1562. BR ATT, ) A child, not used always with contempt BRATCHET, j as Dr. Johnson supposes. " Of you, and of our brothei", and our brats." Virgins blush. Translated by Sylvester. 2. An Apron. Welsh, brat. BRATCHET-CLOTHES, When a young man has arrived at maturity, he Avill exultingly say, "Now I've gotten out oi bi'cdchett-clothes." It seems to be syno- nymous with Cotgrave's hors de page, or sorti de page, Avhich he renders adultus, past breeching, &c. BRAUNGING, Pompous. BRAVELY, Finely, " thou's bravely donn'd." 2. In good health, " I'se bravely." BRAWN, A boar. " That valiant Greek who, aboute dawnc O'th' day, did put to death a hrawne." Dr. Whit. Richmondshire. BRAZE, To acquire a bad taste, as victuals standing too long in brazen vessels. / [- Briar. GLOSSARY. 49 BRAZZEN, Impudent, a brazzcu jackanapes. BRAY, To bruise. BREE, Brow, " ea-brees," eye-brows. BREAN, To perspire. Isl. hrenne, uror BREAR, BRERE " Thro' hills and dales, thro' bushes and thro' breres. Herself now past the perill of her feares." Spens. F. Q. " The little window dim and darke, Was hung with ivy, brere, and yew." -f/etr of Linni, P. Rel. BREK, To break. " To brek the storm and watters in every art." Douglas^ Virg. p. 18. BREK, Breaking. 2. A gap or breach. BREK-OF-A-STORM, A thaw. BREOD, Bread. " Yet may he his brede begging." Romt. of the Rose. 2. Employment ; hence " out of hrcod," out of employ- ment, without the means of attaining it. BREDE, ) „ , ^ BREEDE,!^^^"'^*^- " All painted was the wall m length and brede.'''' Chaucer. " And all the Lordship of Lechirye, in length & in brede.'''' P. Plou. '" That yhe rooted & grounded in charity maj^ comj)rehende, with all seyntis, which is the breede, &c." 3 Ephes. Wiclif. " I have sent Harry Alsbrecke to commune with your Lordship, and he wol not make you an house of Ixx. of lengthe, and xx/i. fbte of brede, to fyndc al maner of stuff longyng to the same, less than xxx^i. pounds." Chandler^s Life of Waijnjlete. IsL. hrcijda. A. S. hraed. BREEKS, Breeches. A. S. brcec. Isl. bronf. 50 (.T.OSSAltV. JJREET, liright. BHEKOTI I, Breath. BREWAHD, ) Tlie tender blades of springing corn. BKUARD, J A. S. Imml 2. The brim of a hat. Sc. brcant. BRUARD, Dr. Jamiexon observes that a metaphor is transferred from the word brcard ( a cognate expres- sion), to the first appearance of the seed of the word, after it has been sown in the JMinistry of tlie Gospeh " If left free, the brah-d of the Lord, that bejfins to rise so green in the hmd, will grow in peace to a plentiful han'est." R. Gilhaize, BREWIS, See Browis. BREWSTER, A brewer. Hence, Brewster sessions, when magistrates grant licences to inn-keepers, vid. Brocket. BRICKLE, Broken, unsettled, brittle. "Its feaful bi-ichlc weather." A. S. brica, ruptor. "For why a brickel thhig is glasse, and frayle is frayless youth." Romeiis ayid Jul. " As breckyll yse in little pieces lap." D. Virg. p. 438. Chaucer, in Personnes' Tale, uses brotle. BRIDE- ALE, Immediately after the performance of the marriage ceremony, a ribbon is proposed as the prize of contention, either for a foot or a horse race, to the future residence of the bride. Should, however, any of the doughty disputants omit to shake hands with the bride, he forfeits all claim to the prize, tho' he be first in the race. For the laws of the Olympic games were never more strictly adhered to, than the bridal race by the Craven peasants. — Even the fair were not excluded in the horse race from this glorious contest. GLOSSARY. 51 Whoever had the good fortune to arrive first at the bride's house, requested to be shewn to the chamber of the new married pair. After he had turned down -' the bed clothes^ he returns, carrying in his hand a tankard of warm ale, previously prepared, to meet the bride, to whom he triumphantly offers his humble beverage. He may go some distance before he meets her, as nothing is deemed more unlucky than for the bride and bridegroom to gallop. The bride then pre- sents to him the ribbon as the honourable reward of his victory. Thus adorned, he accompanies the bridal party to their residence. BRIDE-CAKE. The bridal party, after leaving the church, repair to a neighbouring inn, where a thin currant-cake, marked in squares, though not entirely cut through, is ready against the bride's arrival. Over her head is spread a clean linen napkin, the bride-groom standing behind the bride, breaks the cake over her head, which is thrown over her and scrambled for by the attendants. BRIDE'S-PIE. The bride's pie was so essential a dish on the dining table, after the celebration of the mar- riage, that there was no prospect of happiness without it. This was always made round, with a very strong crust, ornamented with various devices. In the middle of it, the grand essential was a fat laying hen, full of eggs, probably intended as an emblem of fecundity. It Avas also garnished Avith minced and sweet meats. It would have been deemed an act of neglect or rude- ness if any of the party omitted to partake of it. It was the etiquette for the bridegroom always to Avait on this occasion on his bride. Verslegan supposes that the term bride-groom took its origin from hence. E 2 52 tiT.OSSAUV. ^]1^D1^-^^'AIN, a wa<;gou lailcMi with furniture, given U) llio bride when she leaves licr father's house, the horses decorated with ribbons, now obsolete in Craven. BRIDLE, To bite on the hndlc, to suffer great hard- ships, to be driven to straits. " Tirer le Diablc par la tiucuc ; manger dc la vaclio enragee." Micgc. " The he puts olF a smner tor a time, and suffers him to bite on the bridle to prove him, yet we may not think that he hath forgotten us and will not help us." Latimer's Sermons. BRIDLE-STY, A road for a horse but not for a carriage. Qu. bridle per met any m : for a horse, and A. S. sliga, a path. Belg. breyden, to ride. This has the same signification as the Suffolk word, whapple way, as mentioned by liaij. BRIDLING, A bitch, maris appetens. BRIGG, A bridge. A. S. brigg. " For an offrand at Wakefeld Brigg." v\d. II. L. Clifford, MSS. 1510. " And so goth forth by the bok, a hrygge as hit were." P. Plou. p. 7. BRIGGS, Irons to set over the fire to support boilers, also made of wood to support sieves, &c. BRI^l, The heat in sows. Isl. brennc, uror. BRISKEN-UP, To be lively. This verb is both active and passive. BRIST-HEIGH, Violently and impetuously. " By pulling one and all wolde cum downe brist highle in rabbets." Leland''s Iter. BROAD-SET, Short and bulky. BROACH, A wooden spindle used in winding yarn. BROACH, , To dress stones in a rough manner with a pick, not with a chisel. GLOSSAllY. 53 BROCK, A badger, a pate, pure Saxon. " He sweats like a brock." " Marry hang thee, brock." Shaks. Twelfth Night, ii. 5. " To bores & to lockes yat breketh adoune memie heggis." P. Plou. " The! went about m Brok skynnes." xi. Heb. IViclif. " Traquau" has written a privie letter And he has seal'd it wi his seal Ye may let the auld brock out o poke The lands my ain, and a's gain weel." Minst. S. B. 3 Vol. p. IGl. BROCKEN, Broken. " It's bracken weather." BROCK-FACED, A white longitudinal mark down the face, like a badger. BROO, Brother. BRODDLE, To make holes, to goad. " Broddis the oxin with speris in our hands." D. Virff. p. 200. BRODE, Broad. "Full large he was of limb & shoulder brode." Spens. F. Q. " He kembeth his locks brode" BRODER, Broader. " The measure thereof is longer then the earth, and it is broder then the sea." Job. X. 0. Geneva Edit. BROG, To crop. Gr. f^ewcKw. BROGGLE, To grope or fish for eels. BROKE, Sheep are said to broke Avhen laid under a broken bank of earth, where they often collect together. 2. To broke over, to cover with wings. BROO-CHIP, A person of the same trade, or a chip of the same block. BR0STEN,|j3^^^^ BRUSSEN, I " For with the fall he broslcii has his arm." Chaticer. BROTH, Is always used in llio plural number. " I think thur er vara good hroth." UROTT, Shaken corn. A. S. gchrodc, fragments. IsL. brot. BROUTE, Brought. BRO^VN-LEEIMING, A ripe^ brown nut, from brown and Belg. leemifigc, lime. Ripe nuts having, when they are separated from the husk, a white circle of fine powder, resembling lime. liroclait, in his Glosmrij of North country words, derives this word from brown, and the French Its meurs, the ripe ones. BROWIS, Pieces of bread soaked in water and after- wards saturated ^^•ith fat. Wklsh, bri/wis: "Ale, Sir, will heat them more than your beef irowJA." Wils Play. N^arcs. " "WHien they sup beef brctcis in lanten kail." Abbot. Sir W. Scott. BRUFF, To cough or breathe violently through the nostrils. BRUFF, Proud, elated. BRULE, W BROOL,!'^"^''^^^- ^"- ^'■"^^' "■ l-lse on a brander, lilce a haddock He bruled, sprowling like a paddock." Allan Ramsay. BRUSH, To splash or trim hedges with a bill or hook. 2. To clear the ground with a bush of thorns, &c. BRUSLE, To dry hay. Roi/ derives it from Fn, hriidcr, to scorch or burn. BRUST, Per metathesin, for burst ; hence to brusl muck or to spread dung. BRUZZ, To bruise. BRUZZ'D, Bruised. " But all is brusd and broken." Spenser. GLOSSARY. 55 BUBBLY-NOSEj The bubbling of an impure fountain. ^^xTTT^ >■ To wash. Belg. biniken. BOWK, j ^ " She washes bucks here at home." Sh. 11. VI. iv. 2. Bowk is more in common use. The substantive I have not heard, as used by Shakspeare. BUCKET, To kick the bucket, an unfeeling phrase for to die. BUCKETS, Square pieces of moorish earth, below the flah or surface. BUD, But. This adverb frequently concludes the sen- tence, as "an he will do it hud," instead of "an he will hud do it." BUDDLE, To cleanse ore. Belg. huydelen. BUDGE, To bulge. BUFF, The skin. " They stripped into huff and began a worslin." BUFF, To bark gently. " God have mercy upon his soul ; and now when he should have comforted Chi-ist, he was asleep, not once huff nor baff to him ga." Latimer. BUFFET, A stool. BUFT, Elbow, or bending of the arm, from Belg. hoge, a bow. 2. The twisting of a snake. I never heard it used in this sense in Craven. " And wrapt liis scaly boughls with fell despight." Spencer. Virg. Gnat. BULL, When cattle throw up the fences, they are said to hull them up. BULL, *. An instrument used for beating clay into wet lioles, before powder is introduced, in order to make the holes water-tight. 2. A sandstone to sharpen scythes. >fi (".I.OSSAUY 1)ULLA("E, A common plum ; pnnius insililia. Skiiiiicr derives it from its resemblance to bulls' eyes. Lat. bulla, to which it bears a more striking resemblance than to bulls' eyes. BULLISH, Partaking of the appearance of a bull, frc- (juently ap])liecl to a coarse heifer. BULL-FKONTS, Tufts of coarse grass ; aira cccspilosa. BULL-HEAD, A small fish, a miller's thumb. BULL-BEEF, A ludicrous expression applied to one who has a proud haughty look. " He looks as big as hull-beef." BULLING, A term used by mowers, ^\hcn the scythe is blunted. BULL-NECK, " To tumble a bull-neck," is by placing the hands under the thighs, and the head on the ground between the feet, and tumbling over. BULLOCK, To hector, to bully. BULLOCK, An ox, not a bull, according to Dr. Juhnson. Is it not so called from teslicidis, abscissis, r,el abstractis 9 from A. S. bcallucas, lesliculi. BULLOKIN, Imperious ; corruption of a bully. BULL-STONE, A rough sand stone for whetting scythes. BULLS AND COWS, 1 The flower of the arum LORDS AND LADIES, j maculalum. BULLY-RAGr, To rally in a contemptuous way. Qu. from bully and rage. Dr. Jamieson says that the Scotch word rag signifies reproach. BULT, To sift. Ray uses boulted in his proverbs, which is also more generally used here : sometimes booted. " I'ancy may hotilt bran and think it flour." Ray. BU^NIBLE-BEE, Humble bee. Dr. Johnson improperly derives this insect from humble, supposing, though incorrectly, that this bee has no sting. This appella- GLOSSARY. 57 tioiij 111 like manner, is here given to a cow without horns. Mr. Todd thinks it comes from the Lat. homhus, on account of the deepness of its note. " And as a bitore bumbleth in the mere." Chaucer W. of Bath. See 2\ares and 2>loor. BU:M]\IELKITES, Bramble-berries. Qit. from bramble, and Belg. krieken, black cherries ; these are often called black cpicc. BUIMP, A strdke. Isl. bonips. BUMP, A punishment well-known by school boys. 2. To run hump, or full-bump against a person. BUN, Bound, a bufi-hedge. A. S. bu?iden, Ugatus. BUN, 1 A common name for a rabbit. The word is BUNNY, j used for calling them to their food. BUNCH, ) To kick, or strike with the feet. Swed. PUNCH, j bunka, cum sonituferire. Dr. Jamieson. BUNCH-BERRIES, The fruit of the riibus saxalills, of which poor people often make tarts. BUR, The sweetbread of a calf. BUR, Wood or stone, put under a wheel to stop its progress. BUR- WALL, A wall battered or inclined against a bank, from ivall and Sax. beorg, mountain. Welsh, brig. BUR-TREE, Elder ; bure-lree, as hollow as it had been bored. Sambucus nigra. " This Lord Daci-es, as the report goeth, was slaync by a boy, at Towton Field, wliich boy shot him out' of a bur-tree, when he had unclasped his helmet to drink a glass of wine." Dr. Whitaker, the learned historian of Leeds, who quotes this passage from Glover's Visilaiion, can- didly declares that "he does not know what is meant by a bur-lree." This is another instance, amongst many, of the advantage of local glossaries. 5{{ Gl.OSSAllV. IJL'RL, To pour out alu to lalxiurers. " Wliaa /;«>/* ;" wlio pours out the drink ? Sax. hijrclc, j)i/iccrna. 13U1?LEY, Rough. Sec Boor Ijj. 13UKN-CANLES, " To hum canlcs at baith ends" is to spend profusely. Welsh, canwyll. BURN-DAY-LIGHT, To liglit candles before dark. " Come, we burn day -light." Sh, Rom. and Jul. i. 4. BURX-IIIS-FINGERS, Is when a person has foiled or been over-reached in any attempt. BURTHENSOIME, J»roductive. " T'land's feaful bur- thensome." BUSH, An iron hoop. BUSH, To inclose iron in the nave of a carriage, to pre- vent its wearing by constant friction. BUSHEL, " You measure me a peck out of your own bushel ;" you judge of my disposition by vour own. BUSK, A bush. IsL. buske. Belg. bosch. It. bosco. " In tyl hys hand a busk take than." Wynlouii's Cron, " That all things 'ginneth waxen gay, For there's neither buske nor hay." Chau. Rom. of Rose. BUSKY, Bushy. " Above yon busky hill." Sh. \st Part llcnnj IV. iv. 5. BUTCH, To do the office of a butcher. BUTT, To border upon, from abut. BUTTER-CAKE, Bread covered with butter. BUTTER^CUPS, The flowers of the common pile-wort ; ranunculus ficaria. Lin. They seem to have obtained their name from a vulgar error, that butter is improved in colour and in flavour, though it is well known, that most kinds of cattle avoid this plant, it is so extremely acrid. Wilhering observes that beggars are said to GLOSSARY. 59 use the ranunculus sceleratus, to ulcerate their feet in order to excite compassion. BUTT, Strong leather, next to bend, made of the best cow or ox hides, the neck and rump, the inferior part, bein^ cut off square or hult-ended ; hence the name. BUTTER-FINGERED, He who is afraid of touching any heated vessel or instrument. It is not used in this sense by Mr. Brockett. BUTTER-BOAT, A small vessel for holding melted- butter. BUTTER, " He looks as if butler wadn't melt i' his mouth ;" spoken of a dissembling villain, who, while he speaks plausibly, is plotting your destruction. " Ovem in fronte, lupum in corde gerit." " These fellows which use such deceitfulness and guile, can speak so finely that a man would think butter should scarce melt in their mouths." Latimer'' s Sermons, p. 411. " Ye look as if lutter wad na' melt in your mouth, but I shaU warrant cheese no choak ye." St. Ronari's Well. BUTTS, Short lands in a ploughed field. BUTTY, " To play bully," is to play unfairly, by pur- posely losing at first, in order to draw on the unsus- picious competitor to his own ruin. uTToo [-A kiss. Welsh, /;?/.?, the lip. BUZZARD, A coward. 2. A general name for moths which ily by night. BY, The point or mark from which boys emit the marbles or taws. BY, Of. To know nothing In) a person, means to know no ill of him, nothing injurious to his character. St. Vaul uses tlie word iu tliis sense in reference to himself. 60 (il.OSSAUY " I know nothing hij niyscli", (I am not conscious of any ncf^Icct,) yet am 1 not hereby justilied." I Cor. iv. 4. OvCtv yap ifiavTU) avyoilii. BY FAR, much. BY JEN, By St. John. BY-PAST, Past, " its some days hij-pasl." " To i)iit the hij-passal \)cy\\s in her way." Sliaks. See Todd. BY- WIPE, An indirect sarcasm. C CAAD, Cold. CAAS, Cupboard or shelves for glasses, &c. Glass-caas. CAAS, Case. " If love have caught him in his laas You for to beye in every caas.''^ Chaucer. Rom. of llic Rose. " As the law narow sette his charge, As for this caas he came first to Arge." Idem. Thebe. '■'■ Having his brother suspect in this caas.''^ Idem. " In caas be that ther be any personne of our college under your ruele." Waynflete^s Letter. CADE LAIMB, A domesticated lamb. Blount derives it from the Lat. casa. Slcbnicr from an old Fr. word cadclcr, to breed tenderly. CADGED, Filled. A. S. CAFF, Chaff. Belg. kaff. " Quhy the corne has the caff." D. Virff. p. 23a. " As wheill unstable, and caffe before the wind." Poems 1(J Cenluri/. JamiesoiL's Siipplcm. CAFF, CAFF F, ) . „„ V To cavil or run off a bargain. GLOSSARY. ()l 2. To caff of a journej^, to abandon or give it up. 3. To caff of a business, to be weary of it and relinquish it. CAFFING, A participle of the same verb. " Ah, if I now put in some caffling clause I shall be called inconstant all my days." Harris Ar. See Nares. CAIND, Having a white scum on the top, or filament called inothery. Lat. canus. Belg. kacn. Welsh, caaned. CAITIFF, This word in Craven has a sense very different from that in common use. It denotes a person who is lame or disabled in his limbs, whether he be born in that state or it is the effect of an accident. " Poor lad, he'll be a caitiff all his life ;" that is, he'll be a cripple all his life. CAKE, To cackle like geese, with the a sounded as in far. CALF-LICK, Hair which does not lie in the same direction as the rest, appearing as if licked by a calf, CALF-TRUNDLE, The entrails of calf These, I am told, were formerly in great request. They were boiled and minced small, and with the aid of a little seasoning, were made into trundle pies. 2. The ruffle of a shirt or flounces of a gown. CALF-BED, The matrix of a cow. CALL, The outlet of water from a dam called also a hij-nask and dam slone.s. Belg. kal, babbling. Caw of the water, the motion of it in conseqiiencc of the action of the wind. Dr. Jamieson. Not in commou use. CALL, )_ , ., n A ^ir r At) abuse or scold. CAW, ) (iJ GLOSSARY. 2. W'licn soumloil liko hal, to run l;Uling from house to house 3. Call. " Caw mo and I'll cnw thee " '•'■ On to the Justice himself loiul can caw Let us to boR-h our men tra your fUls law." WuUnce MSS. D. Jam. CALLET, To rail. " To hear her in her spleen Callet like a butter (juean." Braithwait. CALLETIN, Pert, saucy, gossiping. CALLOT, A Drab. " Contemptuous callot as she is." Sh. 2dpL of II. VI. i. 3. Olhello iv. 2. CAM, Camp or bank near a ditch, " dyke cam." CAIMEL-RIGG'D, Any animal with a high crooked back. IsL. upphriggludur. CAI\OIEREL, A crooked piece of wood with three or four notches at each end, on which butchers hang the carcases of slaughtered animals. Its xise is to keep the legs considerably expanded. Ray uses gambrel in the following proverb. " Soon crooks the tree that good gamhrcl would be," and derives it from the Italian gamha, a leg. CAiMIMEREL, Hock of a horse. Fr. camhrc, crooked. Welsh, cam, crooked. " But he's a very perfect goat below His crooked camlrills arm'd with hoof & hair." See Narcs. " This is clear cam.'''' Shaks. Cor. iii. 1. CAMPLE, To talk, to contend. A. S. c«?«p> ^o contend. CAN, A milk pail. CANKER, Rust. CANKERED, Cross, peevish. CANLE-BARK, Candle-box, which formerly might have been made of bark. GLOSSARY. 63 CANLE COAL, A species of coal found in Lancashire, and in some parts of Yorkshire, which burns very brilliantly and swiftly. Some derive it from the Saxon, cene, quick, lively, and cclan to kindle. The Craven word canle (a candle) is no inapt etymon, though certainly more homely. This coal is frequently burnt by the poor in winter, to supply the place of a candle. Welsh, canwyll, a candle. CANNY, I Pretty. The Welsh can and cam signify CONNY, j white, fair, beautiful. 2. " To be at lang canny," is to be distressed for want of food. " I's at lang canny for summat to itt." CANT, ) Lively. S. G. gante, " He's vara cant of his CANTY, j years." " He grew canty and she grew fain." Gaherlunzie in P. Bel. " There are three cant old men, whose ages make 250 years." Thoreshy^s Leeds. CANT, To recover from sickness. 2. To take off an edge or a corner the same as canlle. " A monstrous cantle out." Sh. H. IV. iii. 1. CANTING, Splaying off an angle. CAPE, The coping of a wall. Teut. cappe, summit. CAPPER, A person or thing that excels. CAPPEL, To mend or top shoes. CAPS, Puzzles, excels. CAP-SCREED, The border of a cap. CAR-CROW, A carrion crow. Probably derived from the Lat. caro. CARE FOR, " I dunnot care for the." I'm not afraid of you. CAR, A marsh ; also, according to Grose, and my own knowledge, a wood of alder and other trees, in a moist, boggy place. ()t (M.OSSAltV. 2. Uncultiviitiul t:;;rouiul, al)t»uiuliiig willi bogs aiul rocks. A. S. cciry, riipcs. (.'AU-WATER, Rod or clialyboato water, springing from iron shale. CARL-CAT, A male cat. Sax. cart, a male, and cat. CARRIED, " Carried-on bonnily," recovering well from sickness, or exempt from painful suffering. CARRY, To drive, " I'll earn/ t'oud cow to't fair." CART A — SE, The loose end of a cart. CASE, " In case." // it should happen. It. in caso, " upon the supposition that," a form of speech, says Dr. Johnson, now little used. It is very common here. The simple j/" conveys the same meaning, it may be a corruption of percase, an old word, which I have heard occasionally. CASE-HARDENED, A villain, impenetrable to all sense of virtue or shame. CAST, Warped, " t'board is cast, or he's gitten a cast." 2. Swarmed, " the bees are cast." CASTE N, I p. p. of cast, cast off, as " cast en cloaths," CASSEN, J or cassen claiths." "By the divills means, can never the divillbe caslcn out." King James' Damojiologie. 2. Cassen iron, cast iron. CASTER, ),,.,, „ , PASTOR f "t"6 oox, a pepper caster. Brockett. CAT-STAIRS, Tape, &c. so twisted, that by its alternate hollows and projections, it resembles stairs. CATER-CORNER'D, Diagonally. CATER, OR ) Qua t re-Cousins or intimate QUATRE-COUSINS, j friends, or near relatives, being within the first four degrees of kinship. Blount. CAT-TAILS, The catkins of the hazel. CATTON, To beat, to thump. GLOSSARY 65 CAUD, called. " Nea archir ver as hie sae geud. An people kaud im Robin Heud." Epitaph of Rob. Hood, at Kirklees, in Yorkshire. CAUD, Cold. Teut. kaud. Brockett. CAUF, Calf. " An twa quey caivfs I'll yearly to them give." Gentle Shepherd. CAUF-LEG-DEEP, The water or snow so deep as to reach up to the calf of the leg. CAUM, Calm. Rider, cauhne. CAUSE, Because. " Causes-why," the reason is. CAVY, Peccavi. CAWING, CaUing. CAWKINS, The hind part of a horse's shoe, turned up. Lat. calx. Teut. kauken, calcare. " To turn back the cankers of your horses shoon." Minst. of S. B. CEILING, Wainscot. Cooper, seeling, viateriaria incrustatio. Vid. sealing. CHAFEIN, Fretting or rubbing. CHAFF, Jaw, jaw-bone, alias chaw-bone. Isl. kiaffiur. CHAFF-FAUN, Low spirited, the same as down ith' mouth. CHAMBERLIE, Urine. " Chamberlie breeds fleas like a leach." Shaks. \st Part Henry IV. ii, 1. CHAMFER, The plain splay in wood or stone. Fr. champs-faire. Of this Mr. Naves gives not the etymon. Skinner derives it, I think, improperly, from chambre, sulcatiis. Mr. Todd quotes chamfret from Sherwood in the same sense that I have given.- Cotgrave makes skue and chamfret synonymous, viz. to slope the edge of a stone as masons do in windows, for the gaining of light. CHANCE-BARN, An illegitimate child. ' \ Spoken long on the penult. 66 GT.OSSAKV. CHAP, Fellow, a purchaser. S. G. kncpf!, a person of low condition. CHAPS, Jaws. " With reeky shanks and yellow chaplcss sculls." Jiotti. and Jul. iv. 1. " With several sawers all liis chaps are smeard." Man-haler. Thos. IJeywood. 2. Wrinkles. " But if my frosty signs & chaps of age." Tit And. v. 3. CHARACTER' CHARACTER, " Are visibly characlerd and engraved." Shaks. Ham. i. 3. " And these few precepts in thy memory Look thou character." Hamlet, i. 3. CHARK, To crack. CHARKT, Chopped, having the skin ruptured by cold. CHATTER, To tear, to make -ragged. "Nobbud see how't' rattons a chatler'd t'lad's book." CHATTER-BASKET, A prattling child. CHATTER-BOX, An incessant talker. CHATTER-CLAW, To scold, abuse or clapperclaw. CHATTER-WATTER, Tea. CHATTERY, Stony or pebbly. CHATTS, The capsules of the ash sycamore, &c. called also keys. CHAWDER, Chalder. CHAUFE, To fret or be uneasy. " But gan to chaufe & sweat." Spenser F. Q. " Lest cheste (debate says Dr. Whitaker) chaufe ous so." P. Plou. p. 5. Dow. CHAUFED, Heated. " Being chaufed & in a more fervent contencion." Sir Thos. Elyot. GLOSSARY. 67 '• And cliatifed inly." Spenser. 2. Rubbed, " the thread is chatifed." CHAUJMER, Chamber. " Tuk hym out quhai'e that he lay of his chaumyre before day." Wyntoicn. Dr. Jamieson. CHAUNST, Chanced. CHAWE, CHOW, CHAVLE, ^ To chew. CHIGGLE, " As good as tooth may chawe." Argent ^- Curan. Per Rel. CHEATRY, Fraud, villany. " It's evven down cheatry." CHECKSTONES, Small pebbles with which children play. CHEEP, To chirp like a chicken. CHERCOCK, IMisletoe thrush, which gives the cheering notes of spring. Mr. Todd says it is called shirlcock in Derbyshire. CHEEKS, The sides of the doors, or the veins of a mine, which in Cornwall are denominated the walls of a lode. CHESS, To pile up. CHESS-FAT, A cheese vat. CHEVEN, A blockhead having a large heavy head like a cheven or chub, which are synonymous. CHEZ, In the following and similar expressions, this word seems to be a corruption of choose. " He'll niver do weel, chez whariver he gangs." " I can't git him to come, chcz what I say." In Slhnulus Con- scientice it occurs as the prseterite of choose, where^ speaking of the incarnation of Christ, it is said— " For he ches hur to be his moder dere And of her toke flesche and blode here." f2 68 ciT.ossAnv. '• F.ko throe in one and soveniiiie I.onl of pees Which in this exile, for our sake checs For love onely our troubles to termine For to be borne of a pure virgine." John Litigate. Monk of Bury. CHICKENCriOW, A swing or merry-totter. I find no very satisfoctory derivation of this word. The Scottish expression seems the nearest, shtiggie-shue. There he phxyed at SAvaggie, waggie, or shoggicshoii. Urquharts. Tig-tow, to put backwards and forwards. Rabelais. " Cheeke for chow, and sidie for sidie." Vide Dr. J a m ieson 's Supplcm cut. " On two near elms the slacken'd cord I hung, Now high, now low, my Blouzalinda swung." Gay. See StrutCs Sports. In Latin it is called Oscillum, and is thus described by an old writer. " Oscillum est genus ludi scilicet cum funis dependitur de trabe in quo pueri et puellae sedentes impelluntur hue et illuc. Vide Brand. CHIEVE, To thrive, to succeed. " Thou'll niver chicve." Ray says " it chieves naught with him," from achieve, per aphceresi?!, or perhaps from the Fr. chevir, to obtain. CHIG, A quid of tobacco. CHIG, To chew. 2. To ruminate upon, as " Iv'e geen him summat to chig." CHILDER, Children. " Hence I pray God to remember towards your chylderne." Bradford's Lett. 1523. " I wot that it was no chylder game." Turnat. at Tottenham. CHILDERMAS, Innocent's Day. CHIMLEY, Chimney. " Her stool being placed next to the chimley For she was cauld & saw right dimly." Pennicnik^f Poems. GLOSSARY. 69 CHIMLEY-PIECE, Mantel. CHIIMLEY-NOOK, Chimney corner. CHIP, To crack as an egg before the protrusion of the young. CHIST, Chest. " When he could not finde them within the chisl." P. Holland's Translat. of Suelonius. CHITTERLINGS, The small guts minced and fried. Belg. Schyterlingh. Blount. " His warped ear hung o'er the sti-higs Which was but souse to Chitterlings.'''' Hudihras. 2. The ruff or frill of a shirt. CHITTY- FACED, ) Baby-faced. Fr. chiche, siccus, CHICHE-FACED, J aridus proe made. Skinner. Span, chico, parvum. Minshew. CHOP, To exchange. 2. To meet by chance, improviso inlervenire. AinsworUi. CHOP-IN, To put in, to intrpduce. " Here the Ld. Cardinal! chops in the example of Phihp King of France." K'lng James I. Right of Kings. CHOPPED, p. part, of chop. " For wickit Juno, the auld Satumus get, Choppit by the sliaft and fixit at the zet." n. Virg. 304. " And some that wald have hyt his corpy in hy Venus, his haly moder, choppit by." D. V. 327- CHOWL, The part under the lower jaw, from Joml. CHOWL-BAND, The strap of the bridle under the jaw. CHRIST-CROSS, The alphabet. The ancient horn- books having generally a cross before the first letter. 2. The signature of one who cannot write. CHUCK, ) A hen. Bklg. hwykcn, u chicken. Dr. CHUCKIE, j Jamicson. yO t;L()SsAi{V. 2. A name of ciuleanncnt. What promise, ckucL Shakespeare. CIIUNTER, To complain, to murmur. Sc. channer. According to Mr. IVilhraJiam, the Cheshire word is chitnncr, whicli he derives from the A. S. Cconian, obmurmurarc. CHURCHILLED, Hogged-name, probably from the Churchill family. CHURCHING, Thanksgiving after child-birth. It was the ancient custom for the female returning thanks- giving to be dressed in a white napkin. "I,et not their while veil and thankless c/ii/rc/ti?;// fright you out, but join your heart with the congregation, in the pubUc prayers for them, and afterwards thank- God for his mercie to them and their children, de- suing his blessing for both." IVm. Herbert's Careful Falher, ^c. 1G48. CHURN-MILK, Butter milk. CHURN-SUPPER, An entertainment on finishing the harvest. Belg. kermise, a feast. Sc. kern, Qii. quern. CIRCUMBENDIBUS, A round-about way. CLAAS, Close, tight. CLAATH, Cloth. CLAES, Clothes. " O wratlifully he lefl the bed And wrathfuUy his claes on did." Minsl. of S. B. " The twa appear'd hke Sisters twin In feature form & claes." Bxirn's Holy Fair. CLAG, To stick, to adhere. CLAGGY, Adhesive, clammy. CLAM, Adhesive matter, moisture. " Ise au of a clam." Belg. klam. To draw clam. To yield a viscous matter from the teat after a certain period of gestation. This is spoken of a heifer that never had a calf In GLOSSARY. 71 order to ascertain whether she be with calf^ the farmer will try whether she draws clam or not, and if she does, he will confidently pronounce her to be with calf. CLAMBE, )p . f r T. CLAM, jPr^^tofchmb. " The fatail monstoure clam over the wallis there." D. Virg. p. 4G. " Unlock'd the barn ; clam up the mow." A. Ramsay, " Thence to the circle of the moone she clambe." Spenser F. Q " And mine unwit that ever I clamhe so hie." Chau. Man ^ V. " Elde clam toward the crop." P. Plon. Dob. pass. 2. CLAM, To daub, to glew together ; to pinch. Goth. Mamma. A. S. clamian, oblimare. " Clamour your tongues and not a word more." Shaks. W. Tale, iv. 3. Should not this be clam your tongues ; that is, glew your tongues, or be silent } When a person says his tongue is clammed, he means his tongue is so parched that he is unable to articulate. When bells are at the height. Dr. Warburton remarks, it is called clamouring them. To clamour or make a noise appears a strange mode of causing silence. Dr. Johnson s explanation of the word clamour is more in point, to cover the clapper with felt to hinder the sound. " Peace wilful boy or I will charm your tonge ;" (that is,I will coj?!/>e// your silence, I will t7a/n your tongue.") Shaks. H, VI. v. 5. "Go to, charm (clam) your tongue." Othello, V. 2. " I will not charm (clam) my tongue, I am bound to speak." Charm may be more poetical, but clam is more ad rem. Cleave, to adhere, in its neuter sense, has the sam 7- (;i,()S^AI!V. sigiiiticatiuii as clvai'c, in the l*.salins, " my tongue cicavelh to the roof of my mouth." CLAIM, To hunger, to starve, both in the active and neuter sense. Thus a person wlio had not a sufficient quantity of food allowed, would say, " Do you mean to clam me to deeath." And in giving fodder to a cow, which she refuses to eat, the keeper would say, " Eat that or clam." " If ye stay upon the heath Ye'U be choked and clammed to death." Clare'' s Poems, p. Tl. Goth, klammen, to pinch. CLAiMIMED, ) Starved with hunger. Under this -word CLEjMjMED, j Ray says, by famine the guts and bowels are, as it were, clammed or stuck together. Sometimes it signifies thirsty. In Craven it is also as common in the latter sense as the former ; and a person coming to a house on a hot day, will say, " Can ye gi me oughte to drink, for I's vara near clammed." "My entrails are c/a/nTwed with keeping a continual fast." Rom. Actor by Massinger. *' Hard is the choice, when the valiant must eat their arms or clem." Ben Jonson. See Todd. "• Now barkes the wolfe against t!ic full cheek't nioone Now lyons \\aM clammed entrails roare for food." MarstoTi's Works, 1633. Brand's Pop. Antiq. CLA:MIMERS0ME, Greedy, rapacious. CLAIM P, To tread heavily. Sw. clampig. CLAIMS, A kind of forceps or pincers, with long wooden handles, with which farmers pull up thistles and other weeds. A very effective instrument also to silence a noisy tongue. Belg. klcmmen. CLAP, To fondle, to pat. 2. To apply, " shoe clapped her kneaves to her huggans." GLOSSARY. 73 Pope reads this clasp, which Rilson converts to clip, but there seems no doubt but clap is the proper word. "And clap their female joints in stiff' unweildy arras." Sh. Rich. II. iii. 2. CLAP-CAKE, Cake made of oat, alias havver meal, rolled thin and baked hard. CLAP-BENNY, Infants, in the nurses arms, are fre- quently requested to clap-beniiy, i. e. to clap their little hands, the only means they have of expressing their prayers. 1st,, klapper, to clap, and hcene, prayer. CLAPPER, The tongue, by a metaphor taken from the clapper of a bell. " She has an ee, she has but ane The cat has twa, the very colour, Five rusty teeth forbye a stump A clapper tongue Avad cleave a miller." Burns. Sic a Wife, tjc. CLART, To daub with mud or dirt. S. G- tort. CLART, A flake of snow, especially when it is large and sticks to the clothes. CLARTY, Dirty. CLASH, To dash or splash about from place to place. CLASH Y, Wet and muddy, splashy, " t'roads vara clashy." CLAT, to tattle, to tell tales. CLAUCHT, Scratched, clawed. " And some they cluucht & lappit in thare amies This quene, that foiuiderant was for her smert harmes." D. Virg. p. 394. The corruption of this word seems generally appro- priated to the feet of birds or beasts, armed with claws or sharp nails, a lion, cat, hawk, &c. ; but when we speak of the claw or hoof of a cloven footed animal, or even of a dog, whose claws are not very sharp, wc call it a cha, pronounced like most of the other dipthongs in two distinct sylla- i CLOSSAUV bles. Clait'lxs is also used in a burlesque sense, for liaiuls^ as " keep thy dawks off me." CLA\'VER, C'lovor, pure Bolgic " 'riiey nuikc it a jjid'C of tlie wonder, that garden claver will hide the stalke, when the sunne sheweth bright." Bacon, p. 103." CLEA, A claw. " His royal bird rrunes the immortal wing and cloi/s (cleas) his beak." Sh. Ci/mb. V. 4. " vVnd as a cattle would ete fishes Without wetyng of his dees " Gower Confess. Amant. See Stevens' note on this passage of Shakspeare. CLEA, One fourth part of a cow gait in common pas- turesj one clair denoting a quarter. CLEAM, To spread or daub. 2. Leaned, inclined. A. S. clcemian. To daub with clammy, viscous matter, Gaz. Ang. oblhiere. S/chmer. Ray's example, " he cleamed butter to his bread/' is applicable to Craven. 3. To stick or adhere. " See how't barn cJcams to't 'mam." " And throw a candle clcaudng in a cursed place." P. Plou. pass. 4. CLEANIN, ) The comings of the secundines. The CLEANSIN, j after birth of a cow. A. S. claens-ian trmndere. Dr. Jamiesoiis Supplemetit. CLEAP, To name or call. A. S. chjpioii. JViclif uses clepide, called : also " I am not to clepc rightful men, but suiful men." Wiclif. " And thou shalt clepe his name Jhesu." Wiclif. " We sholde not chjpic knights y'to." See Tyrivhit. CLEAPED, Called. A. S. ckopcd. GLOSSARY. 'J5 " He had as antique stones tell A daughter cleaped Dowsabel." DraytorCs Past. Stevens. CLEAT, Butter bur. Tussilago petasites. Lin. Cheshire clot. " He had ay pricked as he wor wode A dote leaf he had laid under his hode." Chan. C. Talcs. CLECKING, Said of a fox, maris appetens. CLAD, 1 Clad, clothed. Belg. kledder. IsL. klcede, CLED, / vestis. " Hes weel fed and weel cled." " Howbeit that he may be purely cled., " And cled into the spottit linke's hyde." D. V. 23 2i- "Is any man weel c/erf." Romt. Rose, " And made the horses of the Sun to stay, To th' end, the night should not with cloud be cled.'''' Judith by du Bartas, translated by Hudson. CLEG, A gad fly, that species which is so troublesome to horses. Ostrus equL Lin. " Hee earthly dust to lothly lice did change And dim'd the aire with such a cloud so strange Of flies, grashoppers, hornets, clegs and clocks That day and night thro' houses flee in flocks." Judith by Du Bartas, translated by Hudson. CLEPT, Called. Gr. yixXtTTTai, per aphacrisiii and Apocopen, clcpt. " And aho was he clipede and cald." P. Plou. CLETCHT, A brood of chickens. Isl. khk-ia. CLETS AND SHIVS, Particles of husks in meal or grain. CLETHING, Clothing. " Also I wyl that my daughter Lore have a tyre of double roses of perle, and Robert Fitzhugh, my son, a rynge with a relyke of St. Petre finger, and Geg a pair of bedes of gold, and my servants my cleth'iny.'''' Will of Lady F'ltz.Hwjh, U27. Dr. Whit. Richmond. 7^) CI.OSSAKV. CLICK, To snatch, to st-ize. Gii. nXnTra. CLICK, A snatch. " Thou's miss'd thy click, lousy Dick." CLOI, To climb, prni. clam. p. p. clitm. A. S. climnn. *■' Tlicn all the rest into their coches c/im." Sjiciiser. " C/i/m not over hie nor zit owerlaw to Ivcht." n. r. 271. CLBOIIN, Climbing. " Ne cannot cl'unbeii over sa high a stile." Chau. S. T. CLING, To shrink, to be thin and emaciated for want of food, mostly applied to cattle, half famished. CLINKER, A smart heavy blow with the list. CLIP, To cut. "• And sleeping in her barne upon a clay She made to clippc or shere his heres away." Chaucer. 2. To shear sheep. CLIP, s. The quantity of wool shorn in one year. " We've a good clip." CLIP, V. 71. To shorten. " The days begin to clip." " To clip the King's English." To speak affectedly or broken, alias corrupt language. CLIP, To embrace. A. S. cli/ppan amplecli. " To whom whanne Paul cam doun he lai on him and biclippide an seide, nyle ghe be troubled, for his soule is in hym." ^cls XX. Wid'if, CLIPPING, Embracing. " Then worries he his daughter with clipping her." Sh. Wint. T. v. 2. CLIPPING, Shearing. " For cluppyng .rxiiii. wedders viiir/." //. Ld. cuff. Household Boook, 1510. CLIPT, Shorn. " With ane rouch twinter schepe samyn in fere Quhais woll or fleis was never clepit with schere." D. Virg. iv. 13. CLIT-CLAT, A talkative person, to whom a secret cannot be safely trusted. A very common reduplication. GLOSSARY. 77 CLOCK, To make a noise like a hen. Teut. kluck- heime. This noise is made when she has laid her lafter eggs, and wishes to sit, not to hatch, as observed by Dr. Willan. CLOCK-DRESSING, A mode of obtaining liquor on fictitious pretences, the same as shooling, which see. CLOD, To throw stones. CLOD-HOPPER, A low peasant, not a thick skull, as explained by Todd. " Jack, are ye turned clod-hopper at last ?" St. Ronari's Well, \st vol. p. 259. " A clod j'ou shall be called, to let no music go afore your child to Church." Ben Jonsori's Tale of a Tub. Brandos Pop. Antiq. CLOG, To cloy, to satiate. CLOGGY, Heavy, fat, " shoe's a feaful cloggy beast." CLOGSOME, Deep, dirty, adhesive. CLOIS, Close. Also an adjective. CLOMBE, CLUM, " Tho to their ready steeds they clomhe full light." Spens. F. Q. " "N^lio clomhe an hundred ivory stairs first told." Fairfax Tasso. CLOIMP, To make a noise. Belg. klompen. CLOiMPERTON, A person who walks heavily. CLOSE-BED, A shut-up bed. CLOT, To spread dung or earth, or to pulverize the clods in the operation of fallowing. Latimer has the word in this sense in the following passage. Applying these various agricultural operations, in a spiritual sense, to God's husbandry, he remarks, " that the preacher's work among his flock consists in new weeding them by telling them of their faults, then clotting them by breaking their stony hearts."— Lai. Serm. p. 42. Z 1 V Praet. of climb. 'J J y A blow, a heavy stroke. 78 GT.OSSARV. CLOT, Clod. " U'liLMi tlic eartli growetli into hanlcnos and tlie doles arc last together." Job. xxxviii. 3)5. Ccneva Edit. 15(i2. CLOT-HEAD, A clod-pate, a blockhead. CLOUD-BERRY, , „ , KNOUT-BERRY ^ Rubus chama^morus. CLOUT, CLOUTER, " And so there goth, Betwene them both, Many a lusty clout." Sir Thomas Moore. " Robs party caus'd a general route Foul play or fair, kick, cufFand clout.'''' Mayne's Siller Gun. Dr. Jam. 2. A rag. " There's more clout than dinner," more shew than substance. Mr. Todd has got the verb though not this substantive. CLOUT, To shake, to beat. CLOUTS, Plates of iron used about carts, from the barbarous Lat. cluta. " Let cart be wel searched without and within AVel clouted and greased, yer hay time begin." Ttisser. CLOW, A floodgate. Lat. claudo. per apocopen. CLOW, To work hard, to do any thing with might and main. Miege, under the article claw, has a similar phrase. " I clarv'd it off to day," that is, I worked very hard. J'ai bien travaille adjourd' hui. CLOWSOIME, Soft, clammy, said of pastry which is not sufficiently baked, and sticks to the teeth. CLUM, Daubed. CLUJVI, p. p. of climb. " High, high, had Phebus clum the lift And reach'd his Northern tour." A. Scotfs Poems. Dr. Jam . GLOSSARY. 79 CLUMPST, Benumbed with cold. " Eet this when ye hungreth Othr wenne thou clomsest for cold." P. Plou. CLUNG, Hungry or empty, emaciated. In Gaz. Ang. and other Etymological Dictionaries, it is derived from the A. S. clingan, to stick fast to ; and it is a common saying in Craven of a beast in this state, that the belly clings or sticks to the back. Ray in his Northern words says, that it is usually applied to any thing that is shrivelled or shrunk up. " Till famine cling thee." Sha/cs. Macbeth, v. 5. 2. Daubed. 3. Closed up. See pinned. CLUNG'D, Stopped. " They open their guts, which otherwise were dunged and growne together." Phil. HollancVs Plinie. CLUNGY, Adhesive. A. S. kllngan. CLUNTER, In disorder, confusion, Belg. klontei'. CLUNTERLY, Clumsy, clownish. " A grQ2.t dunterJy fellow." Un homme grossier. Cotg. CLUTHER, "I In heaps. Welsh, dueler. In Miege CLUTTERS, I a great dutter, " une gronde foule." " But phiz and crack, upo' the bent The whigs cam on in clulhers." Davidson's Seasons. Dr. Jamieson's Sup. CLUTHER, To collect together. "If the ashes on the herth do dodder together of themselves, it is a sign of rain." Wilsford on Natural Secrets, p. 120. Vide Brand's Pop. Antiq. 2d vol. p. 505. CNAG, A knott- Nodus arboris. Jutiius. CO-ALS, Coals. In the Southern part of this Deanery they are pronounced coils, ao is generally converted to 01, as foals, foils, co-als, coils. 80 GLOSSARY. (X)AT, The liair of cattle or wool of sheep. Hence we hear it said of a cow, " she's a good coated an." This, among graziers, is always accounted a good criterion of fattening well. " To cast the coa/," is to lose or quit the hair. COATE,) House or cottage. A. S. cole. Gr. koIth. COTE, j ciibile. Minshcw. " No sooner sat he foote withbi the late defonned cote But that the foraial change of things hiswond'ringeyesdidnote." Warner, Albioii's Eng. Todd. It is commonly used as a shed. COBBLE, A globular stone. COBBLE, V. To throw stones. COBBY, \r., ,. , COCKET,/^"^^^^^"^^y- COB-COAL, A large coal. COB, Chief, conqueror. " He'est cob on em au." COB-NUT, A childish game with nuts. A. S. koppe apex. Belg. kop-not, nux capitalis. Minsherv. COCK, To walk lightly or nimbly about, applied to a child. COCK, A piece of iron with several notches fixed at the end of the plough-beam, by which the plough is regulated. COCK-OTH-I\IIDDEN, A presumptuous fellow in his own little circle. COCK-A LEGS, " To ride cock-a legs," is to ride astride on the shoulders of another. COCK-0-IMY-THUMB, A little diminutive person. COCKER, To indulge. Welsh, cocru. " I have not been cockered in wantonness." Quentirt, Ditrward, 2d vol. p. 67- Dr. Johnson derives this word from Fk. coqueliner. COCKERS, Gaiters. " I,oke for my cockers." P. PlOH. GLOSSARY. 81 COCKIxY,) „ . ,. , , ,.„ „ r^^r^T^-€T > "ert, active : a little cockin tellow. COCK\, I COCKERING, Indulging. " The cockering of parents is the very cause that divers children come to the gallows." Commentary on Prov. xxiii. 14, by P. M. 1590. COCKET, Lively, cheerful. This ■word is generally applied to a person recovering from sickness. COCK-EYE, A squinting with one eye. COCKIXS, Cock-fighting. COCKLES-O'-TH'-HEART, Qm. Stomach. "Asope o' Gin will warm't cockles o' yan's heart." Grose has a similar expression in his Classical Dictionaj-y. It re- mains to be explained what the cockles of the heart are. "Don't the cockles of your heart rejoice ?" Abbot. COCK-LOFT, Aburlesque denomination of the bram-pa?i. COCKLETY, ) Unsteady, tottering. " What a cockliii COCKLIN, r waw thou's belt." COD-BAIT, A caddis or cad bait ; a small insect enve- loped in a sheath lying at the bottom of the water, which is food for fish. A larva, a species of Phryganea. Dr. Jamieson's Supplement. CODDLE, To indulge with warmth. Fr. cadeler, to treat tenderly. Todd. Qu. to supply with caudle ? CODDLE-UP, To recruit, to invigorate. CODDY-FOAL, A childish name of a young foal, pro- bably a diminutive of colt. CODGER, A mean, covetous person. Span, eager. IMinshew, vide Todd. CODLINS, Limestones, partially burnt. COIL, Noise. " There's a girt coil to night." Teut. kollern. Sh. Much ado, S^-c. iii. 3. I " What a loud coil lie kept, He only singing while the other wcjit." CliMron and Minipjma. T, Heyxvood. G 82 cross AH V. COIT, A coat. "His tcrgate pcirsaiul, ami his armour lycht, Ami eik his coit of goldin throdis hricht. D. I'h-ff.p. 349. COKE, The core of an apple. COLD, " To catch cold by lying in bed barefoot," is said of one who is extremely careful of himself. COLD, Could. The pronunciation of this Avord is nearly obsolete. " Neverthelesse, because God and good will hath so jomed you and nie togethei", as we must not only bee the one a comfbrth to the other in sorrowe, but also partakers together in any joj'e, I cold not but declare unto yow what just cause I think we both have of comforth and gladnesse by that God hath so gra- ciously dealte with us as he hath." li. AslfanCs Letter to his Wife on the Death of their Child. COLD-FIRE, Fuel made ready for lighting. COLD-COBIFORT, Any thing said or done to disappoint our hopes or aggravate our sorrows. A^, A T T txt' I Running about idly. Belg. kol, CALLIN, j ^ ^ COLLOCK, A pail with one handle : a great piggin. Rai/ and Bailey, haiistellum, Holyoke. COLLAR-BEAM, The upper beam of a barn. Moors Suff. Words. COLLOGUE, To whisper or to plot together, colloqiior. COLLOP, A slice of meat. Gr. xoXcSog, offula. Skiimer. Old Fr. colp. To cut off, Todd. " To cut into col- lops" is a most violent castigation. " Had ye not better that the Dollopps Had long since cut ye into collops." Maro, 109. COLLOP-IMONDAY, The day preceding Shrove Tues- day, on which it is usual here to dine on eggs and collops. On this day the children of the poor GLOSSARY. 83 generally go from house to house^ to beg collops of their richer neighbours. COLT-ALEj ") Ale claimed as a perquisite by the black- COUT-ALE, J smith on shoeing a horse for the first time. " To shoe the colt" is also a quaint expression of demanding a contribution from a person on his first introduction to any oflice or employment. " And come and asked cause and why They rongen were so stately." Chaue. Dream. Leland uses the praet. cam. " And or ever I cam to SVest Tanfield." COME, Also denotes the future, as " Monday come a se'nnight." " To morrow come never, When two Sundays come together." Fox''s Book of Martyrs. Vide Wilbraham. COJMED, p. part, of come. " The tone of only Fader bliss, Nout sliapen ne made, but kumcd is." MS. Aiitiq. Bod. Hickcs " This memory I- CONSTER, To construe, to comprehend. " With that she drew out her Petrarke, requesting him to coaster \\ev a lesson." Lylies Ephues. It is also used in a sense of discriminating, as " I cannot conster him." CONSTANT, The adjective used as a substantive ; " he did it wi' a constant," or constantly. CONTRARY, To contradict ; to act in opposition. The penult is pronounced long, as well as the adjective contrary. " You must beware, howsoever you do, that you do not contrary the kmg." LatimeT''s Sermons. " In all the court ne was ther \v if nor maid, Ne widews, that contrdried that he saide." Chau. Wife of Bath. " Had falsely thrust upon contrary feet " Sh. K. John. " In forse therefore and in contrdre my mind." D. Viry. p. 44. " Least corn be destroyed conlrdry to right, By hogs or by cattle, by day or by night." Tusser. "•Thus, quite contrdry to the law, My hurt they do prociu'e." Ps. cxix. 85. V. Slertihold. CONTRIVED, " Ill-contrived," perverse, peevish, " He's an ill-contrived barn." COOL, Coil, which see. COORDE, A cord. 86 CLOSSAUY. COPE, A custom or tribute of sixpouce due to the Lord of the INIauor for each piece of lead smelted at his mill, independent of every sixth piece (paid by tlie miners to the Lord), of lead raised within the manor. " Ef^rcss and rct^ress to the knig's highway, The nuners have, and lot and co})e they pay." Manlovc^s Treatise on the Mhit. Vid. Cuntdiiy- hfiDi's Jaiw Dictionary. COPPET, Saucy, impudent, heady ; from cop, the head. COPPIN, A piece of worsted, &c. taken from the spindle. Welsh, copyn. COPT, Convex. " Copp'd hills towards heaven." Sh. Pericles, i. 1. CORF, A basket. Bei.g. corf. Lat. cophinus. "Thei token the relefis of broken gobetis twelve cofyns ful." TViclif, Matt. xiv. Though these words are some\Mhat dissimilar, they may spring from the same root. CORN, Oats ; " gee my horse a feed o' co7-)i." " Can't carry corn ;" this expression is applied to one who is too much elated by prosperity. CORN, A corn of salt, a pepper corn, a grain of salt. Grain de sel, brin de sel. Coigrave. Probably from the verb to season with salt, to corn, hence corned, that is, salted beef. " That art which hath reckoned how many comes of sand would make up a world, could more easily com- pute, how many drops of water would make up an ocean," Bishop Hall, 139. CORN-CRAKE, Land-rail or Daker hen. ^Q^;} Because. COST, " More cost than worship," i. e. more expense and trouble than the acquisition is worth. GLOSSARY. 87 COSTRIL, A small barrel. It was formerly used here instead of a bottle, by labourers who took milk and beer in it. It is also called a stoop, containing, according to Baileij, two quarts. See Tim Bobbin. COT, A man who is fond of cooking for himself. ^/-.ott' r a village, a cottage. A. S. cote. Skinner. COSH, ) ^ ' ^ 2 A hovel, a fold, a pig cote. Welsh, cwt. COTT, A fleece of wool matted together. These are sometimes dyed and converted into matts. Cowell calls it a cote, which is a kind of refuse wool clung or clotted together. COTTERD, Entangled, coZ/-hair'd, like a wild colt. It is applied to blood when coagulated ; and also to rocks, when the strata are twisted and irregular. COTTERILL, An iron pin to secure the ferel, a different signification given by Ray. When used in the plural it is a droll expression for money, as " Hes'to onny cotterih i'thy pocket." COUD, CAUD, COUD-TOGITHER, Collected. COUD, " To flay't coud off," is to make a liquid luke-warm. COUF, Cough. " A kirk-garth couf" is a cough which is likely, in a short time, to consign its victim to the church yard. COUK, The core of an apple. COUKS, Small cinders, cokes. " Bind fast his corky arm." Sh. Lear, iv, 7- This passage would be no less forcible by the insertion of coiiJaj for corky, denoting the dry, husky, Avithered state of the arm. Of the same significa- tion as that in the Psalms, " IMy bones are burnt ' \ Cold. Belg. haud. 88 . UI,U.Sb.AUV. up as a lire brand." In the more Nortlicrn Counties, according to Cu-usc, cuiiLs are now called corks. COUL, ) To rake or scrape together, to clean roads. In COW, j the pr.Tt. co/i'd. '■' All that icli wiste wickode by ev'ry ofoiire covoiit Ich cowcdc it uj) in our cloistrc." /*. PloU. JMSH 7- COUL-RAKE, ) , COW-RAKE, l^^s^'-^Pe'-- COUi\I, A valley. Welsh, c)V}». " Louder then Nile rushing from rocker coomb Or then Encelade when he shakes his toonib." Bethulias Rescue. Sylvester. COUNSEL, To gain the affections, " he has counselled her at last." COUNTRY-SIDE, Neighbourhood in a hilly district. " lie lied the counlry-side altogether." Si. RonatLs Well., 1st. vol. page 95. " And shook baith mcikle corn and bear And kcjit the cotnitry-side in fear." COUNTRYFIED, Rustical, clownish. COUP, To exchange. Belg. koop, a sale. Goth. kouj)an. COUP. An exchange, "naa fair coup." In Scotland horse-dealers are called \u)r?,Q-coupers. COUP, A cart, the sides of which are made of boards, not of staves. " The deponent saith, that in resorting to the said monastery, he hath divers times seen thirty or forty caniages called coups of the tenants of the said manor, at one time, in which they did take and carry certain worthing or dung from the said monastery, and bestowed it on their own farm holds." Dr. Whitaker Par. of Dallon. COUPLING, The junction of the bones. " Piercing his rybbis throw at the ilk part Quhare been the cupUng of the rig bone." D. Virff. 329. GLOSSARY. 89 COUSIN-BETTY, A deranged woman. Cousin Tommy is applied to a man in that melancholy situation. COUTER,!, u f T I, COOTER I coulter of a plough. COVE, A cave. A. S. cofa or cofc, antrum, fovia. COVER, Recover. COW, To scrape. See coul. COWARSE, Coarse. COW-BERRIES, Red whortle berries. Vaccincum Vitis-idcca. Linn. COWERS, Stoops, bends, squats. It. covare. Fr. courber. " The splitting rocks coiver''d in the sinking sands." Sh. 2d p. H. VI. iii. 2. COW-JOCKEY, A beast dealer. COW-LADY, \A beautiful small scarlet beetle with LADY-BIRD, J black spots. CoccineUa-bi-puncla, or sept cm punctata. Linn. It is also called Ladij-Cotv. In France it has the name of bete a Dieu, Vache a Dieii, and bete de la Vierge, in which, as well as in our name of this beautiful though diminutive insect, there seems to be a reference to some superstition of which I have met with no account. " Lady-Ijird, lady-Urd, fly away home, Your house is on fire, your cliildren do roam." COWL, A circular s-\velling on the head, occasioned by a blow. SwED. hill. COW-PRESS, \ A lever, from Fr, prise and Eng. crow, COW-PRISE, J a purchase by the crow. See jjurchase. COW-SHUT, A wood pigeon. A. S. cusceate, from cusc, chaste, from the conjugal fidelity of the bird. Belg. Icuysheyt. Eng. coo and shout, coo-shout. " The kowschot croudis and pykkis on the rise." D. Virff. Prol. \2lh B. " While thro the braes the cushat croods Wi wuilfu cry." Burnn. 90 i.I.OS.sAIJV. tOW-8IIAin), COW-SIIKAHI), (Cnv-SIIAHN, . rCkW rr \l> /Low diiiiii;. A. n. secant. l^L.sh-(nii. COW-SKARN, COWS' EASINS, CO^VS, Fine pulverized ore tliut comes from former washings and caught in pools made for that purpose. In Cornwall and in Derbysliirc it is called slime ore. CRAALIX, Crawling. " Ten thousand snakes craUing about his Led." Spenser. VirAZV, Inlirni, "my gooil man's oml and crazi/." " IJcing l)ulli old anil craisic." Jiijiitcr (inrl Cupid. T. llrywood. CRAZIES, " Cramps and crazies," aches and pains and infirniities. CRAZLED, Jnst congealed ; " t' waiter's nobbud just crazl'd our." CREAM, To froth, to mantle. CRECKET, A little stool. Fr. criquct, a little mean pony. CREE, To seethe, hence creed rice. CREEL, An ozier basket. " And credit up the flowre of poeti'y." D. Virg. Prol. iv. Bk: " Anc pair of coil cvcHs l)are." JVi/ntoun. Dr. Jam. N. B. The verb derived from the substantive is used by Douglas. CREEPINS, Chastisement. " I'll gi the thee crccpins." CRUITIN, Recruiting, recovering from sickness, derived from recruit. Creuten is also used in the same sense. Up is frequently added to it ; " as I think as how t'-lad'll creuten up ageean." CRIB, To steal, to purloin. " 'May I be hang'd by some bell-rope If e'er I criWd an ounce of soap." Quce Genus, p. 77- CRIB-BITER, A horse that bites his manger and draws in his breath instead of eating his food. CRIPPLE-HOLE, A hole made in a wall for the pas- sage of sheep from one field to another, a creeping-hole. A. S. crjipcl. CROB, To tyrannize, to crow or triumph over one. CROCK, An old ewe. In Scottish crok, an ewe that has given over bearing. Dr. Jamieson. This words occurs in Lord II. Clifford's MSS. Household Book. XX " Drawen of croklce yowes and selled iiij. for xd. apece. Sm ilili. vii. viiic^." GLOSSARY. 93 " The captains gear was all new bought Wi cash his hogs and crocks had brought And ewes milk cheese besides." Lintoun Green. Vide Dr. Jamiesoii's Supplement. CROCKES, Two crooked timbers^, of a natural bend, forming a Gothic arcli. They generally rest on large blocks of stone. Many roofs of this construction are still remaining in ancient farm-houses and barns. Su. G. krok. " Strive not as doth a crocke with a wall." Chaucer. I know many instances where the declining crocke has pushed out the wall from the perpendicular. CROIM, To cram, to crowd. CROJMMED, Crammed. "With boxes cromjned fuU of lies." Chaucer. House of Fame. CRONK, To croak like a frog or raven. " A cronkin taad ;" a croaking toad. 2. To perch. CROOK, The crick in the neck ; a painful stiffness, the effect of cold. 2. Sheep are frequently attacked with a disease called the crook, both in their necks and limbs, so that their heads are drawn on one side. 3. A chain, suspended in the chimney for hanging boilers on. This is terminated by a hook for the purpose of raising or lowering the boilers. 4. A large bend or curvature of a river. " Bathes some fair garden with her winding crooks.'''' Sylvester's Trans, of Du Barlas, p. 53. CROOKEN, To bend, to turn any thing out of a right line. CROOKS AND BANDS, The hinges and iron braces of a door. Sec door-checks. \)l GLOSSARY. CIU)OX. I To roar like a bull. Belo. krciaicii. A. S. CRUXK, j runian. It at. grinivio. It seems to liave some alHnity to the old ^\■()r(l crool, to growl or mutter, and to croijn, as the fallow deer in rutting time. — J'idc (ofg. rccr. ^ Can all rodJy with homes crwjn anil put Ami scraip and scatter the soft sand with his f'ut." U. Virg. 300 " The croonin kie the byre drew nigh." Walter Keljne. Dr. Jamicson. " She can o'ercast the night, and cloud the moon, And make the deils obedient to her crnne." Gentle Shepherd. " Now Clinkembell, wi rattlm tow, Begins to joy and croon. Some swagger home, the best they dow, Some wait the afternoon." Btirn''s Holy Friar. CROOPY, Hoarse. From Fr. croupe, a complaint in the throat, in wliicli a rattling noise is heard. CROOT, To murmur, to grumble. CROP OUT, A vein of ore is said to crop-out, Avlien it appears on the surface ; it is synonymous with breck-out. CROPPEN, p. p. of creep. " Sire, I release thee thy thousand pound. As thou, right now, was cropen out of ground." Chaucer F. Talc. " After infirmitie and coldnesse have cropen into the church, then shall God redouble his former plagues." King James mi Revelations. " Thus causeless had croppen into you." Chaucer Tro. and Cres. " They are not cropin upon us without knawledge and foirsight." J. Knox's Letter to his Wyfc. CROSS, " I've neither cross nor coin ;" that is, no money at all ; an expression equivalent with "cross nor pile," " je n'ay croix ny pile." Cotg. GLOSSARY. 95 CROSS-MORGANED, Peevish, ill-natured. CROSS-PATCH, A peevish child. " The 2}atch is khid enough." Shaks. CROSS-VEIN, One vein of ore crossing another at right angles. CROWD Y, ) Meal and water, sometimes mixed with CROODY, j milk ; almost forgotten here. CROW-BERRY, A small black berry on the moors, less than the whortle berry. Ernpetrum nigrum. Lin. CROWNER, Coroner, derived from the English crown, rather than from the Latin corona. " Is this law ? Ay marry is it, croivners quest law." Shakspeare, Hamlet. CROWSE, Brisk, lively. "As croivse as a new washen louse." Ra?/. CROWS'-FEET, \ Deep wrinkles on the temples, at the CRAW-FEET, / corners of the eyes, which are com- pared to crows'-feet, and are supposed to make their appearance, in general, at the age of forty. " The Kanges foole is wont to crie aloud When that he thmketh that a woman herith her hie So long mote ye liven, and all proud Till crowes-feet growen under your eie !" Tro. and Cres. Chaucer. This word, with the same authority, I had prepared for the press before I saw Mr. Todd's second edition of Johnson. 2. Wild hyacinth. CRUD, Curd, by metathesis. " Thou hast put me together, as it were milke ; and hardened me, to cruddes Uke chese." Primer of Henry VIII. MDXLVI. and in Geneva Edit. 1502. " Thou mad'st mee chere as critd became." Job by J. Sylvester. CRUDDLE, To curdle. 96 (n.ossAiiv. " You must (liiiike :i {^^ood drauj^ht, tluil, it may stay lessc lime in tlie stomach lest it crudilU-y J{acon\s N. 301. " Bot thay wyth all thare comphccs in fecht, " War dung abak." D. V'lrg. p. 302. 2. Reflected on. " Eut she wad not be dung by any of them." St. JioiUDi, vol. i. p. 22. llii l.J.O.SSAKV. " I have had my cars so oil ihiiui through with these objections." Uiiliop of Winchester's Vefaee lo K. James I. Works. " Lot me tell thee, I'll niver be duiig-up wi' tliee." DUNNO, Do not. This word is not common except in tliat part of Craven bordering on Lancashire. " Though he should to the bottom sinic, Ot"i)overty he downa tliink." A, Ramsay. DUNNOT, Do not. DUXT, Done it. " Had he not resembled ]\Iy tiither as he slept I had done^i." Sh. Macbeth, ii. 2. Moor. DUNTY, Stunted. DURDUM, Noise, uproar. Welsh, dwrdh. " Then rais the mickle dirdum and deroy." King Hart. Jamieson. DUST, Tumult. " To kick up a dust ;" to make a riot or disturbance. Su. G. dj/st, tumidtus. 2. The small particles separated from the oats in the act of shelling. Farine folle. Co/grave. DUSTO, Dost thou. DWINE, To faint, to pine, to disappear. 3ei.g. divijncn. IsL. diiyn. A. S. divinan. " AVhen death approaches, not to divine but die." NicoW Poems. Dr. Jamieson, " Kindly he'd laugh when sae he saw me dwine. And tauk o' happiness like a divine." Ramsay's Pastorals. This word is also used by Chaucer. DWINED, Fainted. " All woxen washer ])ody unwelde, And drie and divined all for eld." Chauc. Rom. Rose. GLOSSARY. 125 E. E Is frequently used for 1, as "■ all e or i' pieces." EA, A corruption of in a. 2. Yes, in the South of Craven. EALAND, Island. A. S. ealond. EALING^ A lean-to. Craven, a saut-pye. EA]\r, ^ EME, ^ Uncle. A. S. ecwie, nearly obsolete. NEAM, ) " "\\'Tiilst they were young, Casslbalane their erne." Spencer^s Fairy Queen. " All this drede I, and eke for the manere. Of thee her eme.'^ Chaucer, Tro. and Cres. EAR, " I sent him away with a flea in his ear ;" that is, in a fit of anger or in disgrace. EARAND, An errand. Isl. erende. Dr. Hickes. EAR-BREED, The prominent part at the end of a cart. EARLES, ) The earnest money for service or perform- ARLES, j ance of a contract. Welsh, ernes. " An arles penny unto you of his love." K. James Bas. Dor. The same expression occurs in Saunders' Letters to the Professors of the Gospel, 1555. " Before you had taken arles in his service." Abbot. EARELY, Early. " And earehj e'er the dawning day appear'd." Spenser. " Full earli they camen to the grave." Wiclif, Luke xxiv. " Then will him earely to harken." Bradford's Letters. i-j(; c; LOSS A It V EARN, To coagulate milk. A. S. yrn-an. EARNING, Rennet. " Since nacthinfj awa, as we can learn, The kirns to Ivirn and milk to cam, Clae but the house lass, and waken my bairn, And bid her come quickly ben." Gaberlunzie Man. EARING-BAG SKIN, A calf's stomach, from Avhicli rennet is made. EARTHLY, Rough, austere. EARTII-FAST-STONE, A stone appearing on the sur- face, but fast in the earth. " The axe he bears it hacks and tears, 'Tis formed of an earth-fast flint." Mill. S. B. vol. 3, B. 291. " When each liis utmost strength had shown. The Douglas rent an earth-fast stone.'''' Lady of the Lake. ExVSIFUL, Placid, indolent. , EASILY. Slowly. " ]My daam mends easily." Vide Piper's Sheffield Words. E A SINGS, Eves of houses. " Isycles in evesynges.''^ Piers. Plou. The Craven word is evidently a contraction per crasiii of the above. 2. Dung, as cows' casings ; casement is something similar. EASY-BEEF. Cattle, not perfectly fat, are said to be easy-beef. EASY-END, Cheap. " I gat it at an easy-end." EAT OUT, " To eat him out," to undermine by false insinuations. 2. " To eat out of house and harbour," to injure a per- son by partaking too liberally of his hospitality. GLOSSARY. 127 EDDER, Adder. This term is not confined to vipers only, as Nares supposes ; for all snakes are so desig- nated here. Sax. ceter. " \VTien Poule hadde gedered a quantite of kittiiigs of vynes and leide on the fier, an edeer sche cam forth fro the heete, and took him hi the hond." WicHf, Acts xxviii. EDGE, Edge ye, stand aside, make way. " As he thus spoke he edged his horse sideways." Quentin Durward, vol. 2, p. 91. EDGE, The summit or edge of a hill, as Coin-edge, Blackston-Edge. Edge is used in a sense somewhat similar by Shakspeare. EDGE-O'-DARK, Evening. " Edge of hazard." Shakspeare. " Edge of all extremity." Sh. Tro. and Cres. EE, Eye. " Some shedd on their shoulder And some on their knee ; He that could not hitt liis mouthe, Put it m his ee." Boy and the Mantle. P. Rel. " The knights she set upon the shore all thi-ee. And vanish'd thence in twinkling of an ee." - Fairfax Tasso. " Be not over studyous to spy and mote in myne E, That m zour awin ane ferrye hot can not se." Doug. Pref. to Virg. Richard de Hampole, describing the signs of approach- ing death, among others says, " Also the lyfft ee of hym schal seme the lasse, And narrower than the tother or he bennis passe." Stimulus ConscienlicE. EED, I had. " If eed done soa, it wad sartainly hev been better." EEN, Eyes. Eyne occurs in the Psalms by Slernhold and Hopkins. " For I do know my faults, and still My siimes are in mine ei/ne." 128 GLOSSARV. " Ati my ce and Betty IMartiii/' is an odd expression signifying a mere fabulous report. This is sup- posed to be a corruption of the Latin prayer to St. iMartin, " O mi Bealc Marline." '■'• And cast her eyen downward fro the brinkc." Chaitccr^s Fairy Tale. Sliakspeare uses cyne. Tarn, of a Shrew, Act v., and Wiclif 1/g/ien. " And they have closed then* yc/hcn." Mat. xiii. " Lifteth up your yyhen." Luke iv. " Myne eyen daselled with lookynge on high." Primer li. VIII, MDXLVL EE-SAAR, An eye sore, scar or blemish. EEVER, Quarter of the heavens. " The wind's in a coud eever," that is in a cold quarter. Rey' EFTIR, After. A. S. cpfter. Run. and Dan. cflir. " Sone eflir.''^ Wintoiori's CronyMl. " And he prcchyde sayande a stalworther thane I schal come eftar me of whom I am not worthi downfallandc or knehxnde, to louse the thwonge of his chawcers. Marie i. 7- From an ancient JMSS. Vide an Account of Saxon and English Versions, by Rev. II, Baler. " And at the last, efter full lang musyng." D. Virg. p. 214. " At eflir," afterwards, a pleonasm. EFTIR-TEMSIX-BREOD, Bread made of coarse flour or refuse from the seive or tems. Belg. temscn. It. temisare. EFTIRT, After the. ■rx . ^ T^T-.T^T^^r r The bird cherry. Pnni?ts Padus. Lin. HAG-BERR\, J •' EGG-WIFE-TROTT, An easy jog trot, such a speed as farmer's Avives carry their eggs to the market. GLOSSARY. 129 EGGS AND COLLOPS, Toad-flax. Antirrhinum Linaria. Linn. 2. Fried eggs and bacon. EGODLINS, Truly. The etymon is obvious. EIGH, "i Yes. Mr. Brockett, in his Glossary of EYE or EY, V North Country words remarks, " that AYE, J the use of this adverb is perhaps more characteristic of a Northern Dialect than any other word that could be named, as it is nearly universal and uniform. So far as I remember, it does not occur in Chaucer, nor am I aware that it is to be met with in any publication older than the time of Shakspeare." If Mr. Brockett will refer to Chancer he will find eigh in Tro. and Cress. " Quod tho Cresseide let me some wight call Eigh ! God forbid that it should so fall." Also, " Ey maister, welcome be ye by Saint John." ELBOWS, To be out at elbows, to be in difficulties; aere alieno pressus, as explained by Ainsworlh. There is another common expression very similar, " hee's gitten his land out at elbows ;" that is, his estate is mortgaged. ELBOW-GREASE, Persevering exercise of the arms, exciting perspiration. '■'■ Elbow grease will make an oak table shine." Grose. " It had no elbow grease bestowed upon it." " Nee demorsos sapit ungues." Ainsivorlli. " These wei*e the manners, these the ways In good Queen Bess's golden days ; Each damsel ow'd her bloom and glee To wholesome elboiv-grcase and me." Smart. Fable 5. ELDER, Udder of a cow. K 130 r.LOsSAKV. ELDIX, Fuel, commonly callotl fire cidiii, from the A. S. aid. IsL. cldiir, or from (valan to kindle. " Fomes, ignis alimentum." Auisworf/i. In Craven it always means fuel, Avhich is procured from the moors ; hence it is known by the name of nioor-e/dhi. " Cauld winters bleakest blasts we'll citlily( easily) cowr, Our eklins driven an' our har'st is ow'r." Fergusoii's Poems. See Dr. Jamiesmt. ELEMENT, The air or visible compass of the heavens. " I loked about and saw a cra<^gy roclie Farre in the West near to the element." Tower of Doctrine. Mr. Karcs cites a passage from Jul. Caesar, in which the word is used in this sense. " And the conij)lexion of the element It favours like the work Ave have in hand ]Most bloody, fiery and most terrible." i. 3. It is a very common expression here, " t' element looks feaful heavisome." ELF-LOCKS, Hair supposed to be entangled by an elf. " £//all my hair m locks," Shaks. Lear, ii. 3. "And bakes the elf-locks in foul sluttish hairs." Sh. Rom. ^- Jul iv. 4. " He had other features which might have been pro- nounced handsome but lor the black elf-locks.'''' Quentin Durward, 2(1 vol. 121. " Hang up hooks and sheers to scare, Hence the hag that rides the mear, Till they be all over wet With the mire and the sweat, This observed the manes shall be, Of your horses all knotfree'^ Ilerrick^s Ilesperidus, 2d vol. p. 12.3. ELLER, Alder. Betula alnus. Li/m. A. S. cllar/i. " And afterward he hing him ly ve on an elleme.'" P. Plou. pass 2. GLOSSARY. 131 From Mr. Brockett's account this tree is held in great veneration in the North. There are no superstitious notions attached to it here. ELLERD, ) Swoln with felon, as the dugs of cows HELLERD, j frequently are. ELLICK, Alexander. ELLIKER, Alegar. ELSEN, An awl. Belg. elssen. " Nor liinds wi elsen and hemp lingle Sit soleing shoon out o'er the uigle." Ramsai/. ELT, To knead, or perhaps, more properly, to reduce the dough, previously kneaded, to a proper consistence for baking. When o«^-cakes are baked, it is a common practice to knead the dough the preceding evening, which ferments during the night. Sometimes yeast is used in the process of fermentation ; but very fre- quently the fermentation is made by the remainder of the dough of a former baking left in the vessel for that purpose. In the morning, previous to baking, if the mixture be too thin, more meal is added, but if too stiff, milk and water or butter-milk are applied to reduce it. This is to eli the dough, or, as it is fre- quently called eltiiig. A piece of superstition in this operation is still prevalent in Craven. Both in knead- ing and elling, the person performing it never fails, on the completion of the work, to make a cross with the finger on the surface of the dough, doubtless as a charm to preA^ent the witches from approaching the knead- tub. This is called crossing the witches out. If this should be neglected, the servants or matrons are con- vinced that some evil influence would cause the cakes to stick to the back-board, or, in some other way, render the operation diiiicult or impossible. Some- times every finger of the operator is crossed in rotation. k2 1.'}- CLOSSAKV. The b;ick-l»();ircl is ;i flal boixnl, A\itli intorscctiiij; notches cut on the siirf;ice, on which the died oatmeal is shaken into a thin substance before it be cast on the bake-stone or iron plate placed over a lire or stove. To prevent the dough adhering, the back-board is pre- viously sprinkled Vtith oatmeal. The excellence of the cake often depends on the energy with which the dough is whirled on the bake-stone. EXAUNTER, Lest. AV, Abmvorlh. " Enaunter his rage mought cooled be." Spenser. Nurcs. END, " A girt end," many. 2. Rate or price. Thus, " to buy a thing at the highest c?id," is to buy it at the dearest rate. 3. " I care not which cud goes first ;" an expression of a thoughtless, inconsiderate j)erson ; one who is careless in the conduct of himself or in the management of his affairs. 4. " i\Iost an end /' continually. "He sleeps most and end.'''' J\Iassin(/er. " Wash sheep for the better whare water dotli run. And let him go clenly and dry in the sun, Then share him and spare not, at two daies an end. The sooner the better his corpse will amend." Tusser. " I have been often here for months at an end." Abbot of Sir IV. Scott. 5. Part ; as " a girl-end of his time." C. " Reiglit an end," straight forward. Also upright. '' I sat up reight an end." 8. " At a louse end ;" in a state of thoughtless uncon- trouled dissipation. 9. " At an idle end,'' has the same signification as the preceding. END, To erect, or set upright ; " Come my lad, end this stee." r.i.ossAKY. 133 ENDAYS, Forward, end-wise. " 1 gat gaily cndays," I got on pretty well. END-IRONS, Irons on each side the fire. END-LANG, Along, directly forward. " We slyde in fluddes endlang fell (many) coystes faire." D. Virff. p. 71. " Her walke was endlang Greta syde." Felon Soioe. END AND EVVEN, To make all ends meet. ENEW, 1 Enough, applied to numbers, not to quantity. ENOW, J Dr. Johnson makes enow plural of enough. Is there any other word in the English language ending in ough in the singular number, which takes now in the plural ? " I've cake enif, an apples enew." Since the first edition of this work, I am happy to see that the intelligent author of the Suffolk Dialect entirely coincides Avith me in the explanation of this word. To prove that this word is not obsolete, he citea Sir William Jones, " Eones enow to fill a cart." Inst, of Menu. " Ynew of poore schollers woulde watch you in these languages." Basil: Doron, " Thare bene enew utheris be my fay." D. Virff. p. 433. " Yet wales enow I know to stop this winde." Fairfax Tasso, B. 20. Piers Plouhman is the only writer I have observed, who applies this word to quantity, as, " AUe the people had p'don ?/>tow." p. 10. Dr. TVhitaker's Edit. " I on Mauncelle the clerke, and an Erie Richere, And other knyghtes enowe of beyond the see." 7?. Brunne. Ency. Metro. EXOUGII, This word is often used elliptically, as " t'bcefs enouiih ;" i. e. cnoua;li boiled or roasted. I'Jl- OLOSSAllV. EXOW, By and by, presently- This seems to be a con- traction of cvoi, or c'eii iioir. ^J^;} Before. " Or bairns can read they first maun spell, I learnM this tVae my mammy, An coost, a Icgcn-girlh mysell, " Lang or 1 married Tammy." Allan Ramsay. ER, Are. ESH, Ash. Tbut. esch. " The hie eschis soundis thare and here. D. Vlrg. 365. ESHED, Asked. ESHLAR, Ashlar. Polished stones "walled in course or by scale. Fr. echder. ESP, The asp or aspen tree. Populus tremula. Linn. from the A. Sax. Msjye, espe. " He trembled like an esjibi leaf." ESTEEAD, Instead. ETHER, EDDIR, ^^^^^' " O ye generation oi' eddris." Mat. xii. Wiclif. " Ane great eddir slippand can furth throw." D. Virg. p. 130. " Frae fertile fields where nae curs'd ethers creep, To stang the herds that in rash-busses creep." A. Ramsay. ETHER, To twist long flexible rods of hazel on the top of a hedge to make it more firm. This word is pro- nounced to rhyme with weather. ETHERj A long slender rod of hazel, sometimes called yether. In Tusser it is written edder. " In lopping and feUing, save edder and stake, Tliine hedges as nealeth to mend or to make." GLOSSARY. 13-5 ETOW, In two. " To fall etojv," to be brought to bed. " She fell ill twa wi little din, An hanie she's gettm carry'd, I' the creel that day." PickeiCs Poems. Vide Dr. Jamieson^s Suj}- "And craked i' two here legges." P. Plou. " Hire thought hire cursid herte brast ahvo." Chaucer. " A short saw and long saw to cut a two logs." Tusser. " All elotv," or all in pieces. A person is said to be " all efow," when he is in bad health. ETRAATH, Truly, indeed ; a corruption of in troth. ETTLE, To deal out sparingly, to distribute in small portions. Mr. Todd refers to Rai/ and Grose. In both these authors this Avord has a different significa- tion, viz. " to intend." EUGHT, The praet. o£ owe. " He eught me five shillings." EVER AND A DAY, \ " For ever and a day," a redun- IVVER, I dant expression for eternity. " In modum perpet peril." Cooper. " A tout jamais." Colgrave. " What is his goodnesse clean decay'd. For ever and a day." Ps. Ixxvii. 8. Sternhold and Hopkins. " It will ruin the callant with thekingforeyer and a day!" Quentin Durward, vol. 2, p. 102. " Hath Peter now, for ever and a day, Renounc'd his master and fled quite away ?" Prynne''s Pleasant Purge, p. 29. 2. Or ever ; before. Avcmt que. Miege. Lat. aute- quam, priiisquam. The phrase occurs several times in the authorized version of the Bible, viz. Ps. xc. 2 ; Prov. viii. 23 ; S. Song, vi. 12 ; Dan. vi. 24. In the edition of 1 008, hefurc is used in the first and second i;i() OI.OSSAKY. of the above cited texts ; in the third it is entirely omitted, and in tlie fourth for ever is used as in the subsequent editions. 3. Fur ever; in great (juantity- " There's apples for ivver." EVERLASTING, American cudweed. GnaphctUnm ^largari/ciceinu. JJiin. EVVENj Even. " I'll be cvvcn wi' him," I will requite him, or render like for like. EVVEN-])OWN, Direct, or evident. " Anevven-downWa." 2. Perpendicularly down. " But now it turns an eident blast, An ev'n dotvn pour." Harvest Riff. 3. " An evveti down honest man ;" a downright honest man. Vide Burn's Twa Dogs. " In even-doicn earnest there's but few, To vie with Ramsay dare avow." Familiar Epistles. A liamsay. EVVEN-FORRAD, Directly forward. A. S. ijhi, not having, as remarked by Dr. Jcun'ieson, in his copious Supplement, an inclination to any side, and thus is equivalent to straight. 2. In continued succession, synonymous with " most an end." EXPECT, To suppose. " I expect ye're boun to be wed." EY, Aye, yes. " To give an eij or a nay," to assent or refuse. EYE, " Black's my eye," no one can impute blame to me. " Who can spot me, say Hack is my eye, I wrong no man in all my life, not I." Husnance Eng. Monitor, 1C8!). Of a miser it is common to say, " You may put what he will give you in your ee, and see naa warse for't." " What Eryx got by't, truly I Tliink lie might well put m. his eye.'''' Mar. p. 73. ni.os.sAKY. 137 " His eyes are bigger than his belly ;" spoken of a glutton, Avho, measuring his appetite by his eyes, cannot gorge so much as he anticipated. EVIL-EYE, A malicious eye. Superstitious people suppose that the first morning glance of him who has an evil eye is certain destruction to man or beast. If the effect were not instantaneous, it was eventually sure. If, however, he who had this unfortunate influence was well disposed, he cau- tiously glanced his eye on some inanimate object, to prevent the direful consequences. Some years ago, a poor person who was suspected by his neigh- bours to have this dreadful propensity, was pointed out to me. Though respected for his kind feelings and good qualities, he Avas, nevertheless, dreaded. JMy sage informer said, "Look, Sir, at that pear tree, (opposite the house of the unfor- tunate man who had an evil eye) it wor some years back. Sir, a maast flourishing tree. Iv'ry morning, as soon as he first oppens the door, that he may not cast his ee on ony yan passing by, he fixes his een o' that pear tree, and ye plainly see how it's deed away." The tree was certainly dead, though it was in vain for me to dispute the cause of it with my sage companion. EYE-BITE, To bewitch with a malign influence whatever the eye glances upon. The dread of this malign influence was not unknown to the Romans. " Nescio quis teneros oculus mihi fascinat agues." Virg. Ed. iii. EYNE, Plural of ee, eyes. "While flasliing beams do dare bis feeble eyen^ Spenscrs^n F. Q. 13}{ GLOSSARY. EYTHEH, Kithcr. " When the ungodly eythcr rage in cruelt}' or flourish in prosperity, the godly are often moved into sore passions, and exercised with wonderful temptations." Commentary on Prov. hy P. M. 1500. "Nothing groweth more soone into hatred then griefe ; Avhich being new, findeth a comforter, and draweth some unto him to solace him, but being inveterate is derided, and not without cause, for cylhcr it is fained or it is foolish." Lodge's Trans, of Seneca, 1(J14. F FA, ) p,.L. I" Faith. "By mj faith," ccastor, mehercule. " Tou sayst full sotli, ([uod Roger, by my fay." Chau. Cokes P. " By my fay, that is somewhat you say." FAAT, Fault. FABBIN, Flattering. FACE, " To make or pull faces," to distort tlie counte- nance in a contemptuous manner. FADDER, Father. Isl. fader. " And fro thenns af tir his fadir was deed, he translatide him into this lond in which ghe dwellen now." Wic. Test. Dedis vii. " Sir Robard de Fitzhaim, my faders name was." Rob. Cloc. FADED, Tainted, decayed, " the cheese is faded." FADGE, A bundle. FADOM, Fathom. " Twenty f adorn of brede." Chaucer. " Full/«f/o?« five thy father lies." Sh. Tempest. " Full many dif adorn iu the sea." Sr. Andrew Barton. GLOSSAllY. 139 FAFT, p. t. of fight. FAIN, Glad. " He's twice fain that sits on a staan." Ray. Dr. Johnson remarks that this word is still retained in Scotland ; it is in daily use here. " Yea man and bu'ds are fain of climbing high." Sh. H. VI. " And of another thing they were as fayn That 01 hem alle was ther non yslain." Chaucer. Kn. Tale. " My lips will he fain when I sing unto thee." Ps. Ixxi. 21. "Fayre words make fools faiiie." Hey wood'' s Epig. Vid. Sleeve ns. IsL. Jeigenth Jei/ne. A. S. Jcegan, Icvtiis, hilaris. FAIR, ) To appear, " t' cow fairs o' cawvin/' to give FAR, j symptoms of. A. S. faran, obire. FAIR, Very, " its/a»- shamful." FAIR-FAW, May they prosper, may it fall out fair or well. "That /aire hem hy falle." P. Plou. p. G. " Whom fair lefal in heaven mongst happy souls." Sh. Jiic. II. ii. 1. " But sire, faire falle you for your tale." Chanc. N. P. Tale. " Kind Patie, now fair-fa'' your honest heart Yer'e ay sae cadgy, ap hae sic a heart." Gentle Shepherd. Ramsay. FAIRISH, Tolerably good, " shoe's a fairish beost." FAIRY-BUTTER, Tremella arborea, or albida. A gelatinous substance found on fallen trees or dead sticks FAIRY RINGS, Green circles of luxuriant grass in pastures, round which the fairies are said to dance by moonlight. Dr. Wolluslon has ascertained that they 1 10 cLossAin. are occasional by :i species of expanding nuislirooms. Moure. " Ye ilemi puppets, that l?y mooiiliglit do the green sour rUtylels make, 'Whereof the ewe not bites." Tcmprx/, V. 1. FALL, A y<^;^ni»g of lambs. " I've a fairish fall of lams to year." Crop is also used in the same sense. 2. " To try a Jail," to wrestle. " No sooner Ijorne but Cu])id he did dare To try a. fall with him and threw him faire." Mercxtry G.feia, to cleanse. 2. To cleanse. Under escurer, Cotg. has to fey, rinse, cleanse, or make clean. " Jiyjieing and casting that muck upon heaps Commodities many the husbandman reaps." Tusser. 3. To discharge blood. " Shoe fci/s a seet o' bloode." FICK, To kick, to struggle with the feet. Belg. flcken. FIDGET, Restless, impatient. Now added to Johnson's Dkilonary by Todd. FIDDLE, A word often used to express contempt of what is told him by another. The application of Jlddlefaddle is made on similar occasions. l-iS (ILOSSAKV. KIDDLE, "Scotch Fiddle" I carefully examined Dr. .h)h>i,\()n's Dicl/o/uin/, with Todd's learnod additions, for an explication of this curious compound word. IMy researches being ineffectual there, I immediately had recourse to the Dictioiiarij of Dr. Jamiesoii, who, I did not doubt, from his general and local kno'\\'ledge, would give a most entertaining description of this hitherto non-descript musical instrument. How great was my surprise, when I could not discover in that copious and highly celebrated work, any mention whatever made of the Scotch fiddle. Being so woW knoAvn, and so much played upon in his own country, the Dr. most probably thought it a matter of supere- rogation even to mention the instrument. I at length made application to an intelligent neighbour, who occasionally visits Scotland, to describe to me particu- larly that delightful instrument, on which I supposed so many beautiful Scotch airs were played. My friend, after making some apology that he had not been much used to this instrument, though he had frequently seen it played ujion in Scotland, attempted to describe it. And judge of my astonishment when he told me, that the fore-finger was the fiddlestick, which played between the thumb and the fingers of the other hand : but, added he, the Scotch fiddle has a double advantage over the English fiddle, because you have but one stick, but they have two ; so that they can almost instantaneously change the sticks, and produce, by those alternate moA^ements, lively varia- tions and fueges ; Avliich never fail to excite the most agreeable sensations. Modern refinement has given this instrument a more classical name, the Caledonian Cremona ; but I could not have supposed that the Scotch, whose nationality is proverbial, would ever GLOSSARY. 149 have allowed its introduction into their country ; but " ita verboruni vetus interit aetas." The common and vulgar name, still retained, is the Ilch. FIDDLER'S FARE, Meat, drink, and money. Grose. FIG, To apply ginger to a horse, to excite him to carry a fine tail, probably from A. S.Jhegan, to exhilarate. FIGURE, Price, value. " That cow's to heigh ajigure." FILLY-TAILS, 1 Long white transparent clouds, gene- MARE-TAILS, j rally denoting rain or wind. " Whene'er ye spy hen-scrats scnA filly -tails Be sure ye mind to lower your topsails." In Devonshire these clouds are called horse tails. FINEER, To veneer. FINKLE, Fennel. Belg. Jenchel. Lat. fceniculnm. Tbut. Fenchel, Anethum Fcvnictilmn. Linn. " A. ferthing worth oi'/i/nkel seede." P. Ploti. 7 pass. " The finkle faded in our green herbere." See Dr. Jam. FINNDS, Finds. Ish. Jnn. " This John goth out and. fint his horse away." Chancer. FIND, To provide victuals. " "What shall a poore man do, which can scarce fynde then- children, much lesse hyre a master to teach them." Skyrrey''s Translation of Erasmus. FINDS-HIMSELF, Provides for himself, finds his own victuals. When a farmer's servant performs his labour on those conditions, he is said to receive dry wages. This reminds me of a rustic bon mot. A poor labourer being asked respecting a piece of work which he had in hand, answered, " that he fun hissel, and vara oft" added he, with a rueful countenance, " I finnd now't but mysel." 150 (;lossary. FINNIKIN, Particular in dress, trifling. Sec Todd's second edition. PIR-APPLES, The cones of firs. FIKE-EDGE, " To take off the Jire-cdirc," is to use any thing for the first time. Thus in grinding a new scythe, the edge given by the friction of the stone is distinguished from the less acute edge of the forge, viz. the Jire-cdge. FIRE-FANGED, Oats or malt too hastily dried in the kiln, whereby it obtains as it were a smalch of the fire. A. S.fyre andjefigan, to take hold off. " And forthir tliis Chorineus als fast Ruschit on his fa, ihns fyre-fangit and unsaucht And with his left hand by the hare him claucht." D. V. p. 419. FIRE-POIT, A poker. FIRLY-FARLY, A wonderful thing. A. S. ferlic repcnthius. A. S. faerlic, strange. Sec Nares and Dr. Jamicsoii. " Whilst thus himself to please, the mighty moun- tauis tells. Such farlies of his chuyd, and of liis wondrous wells." Drayton's Polyolbion. " Attend my people and give eare, Oifirly things 1 will thee tell." Sternliold and Hopkins. FIRINI, To confirm. FIRR'D, ) Freed. A. S. fan-, vacuus.. Land not de- FIRDED, j pastured by cattle. Isl. Jird, tranqiiiUilas. FIRST, In colloquial language, this word, when used adverbially, has in frequently subjoined to it, which is wholly redundant, as " I went to Silsden first in and then to Keighley." '' I'll gang back, but let me hev my dinner yj>*/ in." FIRST-END, The beginning of a book, &c. FIRSTER, Fiist. GLOSSARY. 151 FIRTH, I A field taken from a wood. Welsh, ffrith, FRITH, J a plantation. Todd. Skinnei- derives it from A. S. frid, peace, being such a place as the ancient Saxons were accustomed to retire to as a sanctuary. " 111 hang his merrye men, payr by payr In any frilh, where I may them see." Outlaw Murray. Minst. of S. B. FISH, " I will not make^*/« o yan and fowl of another," an expression by which a person declares that he will shew no partiality. " Ive other Jish to fry," I have other affairs to attend to. Aliud mihi est agendum. " But as it seems they were more wary They'd other ^5/j to fry then tarry." Maro. p. 62. FISHIATE, To officiate ; in ^uf^oWJisherate. FISHING TAUM, An angling line. FIT, Feet. " Some rade upo a hoi'se, some ran a fit." Gaherlunzie. " But oft the Eagle striving with her fit Would fly abroad to seek some damty bit."_ Sylvester''s Trans, of Du Bartas. FIT, ) ' > Disposed, " they're ^f to differ." 2. Inclined. " ^'sjet to think," " Tsjit to boken." FIT, To match, to be equal with. " Nay I'll^^ you." Sh. Airs Well, ii. 1. FITCHES, Vetches. Belg. vilse. Minsheiv and Rider. This word is still retained in the authorised version of the Bible. " When he hath made plain the lace thereof, doth he not cast abroad the fitches." Is. xxviii. 25. " The May weed doth burn, and the thistle doth fret, The filches pull down both the rye and the wheat." Tusscr. 15:2 c; LOSS A II Y. FITTINGS, Footings or impressions of the feet in Mind, &c. FIXFAX, The tendon of the neck. Germ. Jlacks. Jamlcson. FIZ, To make a slight hissing noise, which is also called siz. IsL. ./i^d- FIZ-GIG, A wild flirting wench. Under the word troticre, Co/grave has^sgig or Jisking. Todd. FLAAT, Scolded. A. S. flilan. Prset of flite. FLACKER, To flicker, to flutter. 2. To palpitate. "]My heart ^acA-er,?." FLACKERIN, A rapid motion of the wings. Belg. Jiiggeren. Teut. flaclcern. " Above hire lied hire Aoves fieckering" Chaucer. FLAG, A flake of snow. FLAGEIN, Flattering. Tuet. Jidzscn. Bishop Douglas uses fleichand in the same signification : and Dr. Jamiesou in his Glossanj, Jlcich. " Bot eftir that by invy an haitrent Of the fals^eichand Ulixes sa quaint." D. Virg.p. 41. " In blyth braid Scots, allow me, Sir, to shaw JNIy gratitude, hwi Jieeching or a flaw." Allan Ramsay. FLAH, Turf for fuel. A. S. flean, to play off. Isl. adjlaa, cutem dctralicrc. FLAIDE, Affrighted, frayed, afraid. " They came very fearful to her and/aw/her very sair." Minst.ofS.B. " I'd be oblig'd t' ye a' my life An offer to the Deil my Avife To see if he'll discreter mak her But that Vmflcj/d he wiima tak her." Allan Ramsay. FLARIN, SheAvy, gaudy. FLANG, Prset of fling. G1,0SSARY. 153 " The moiily miller, hall' an liatii Cam out to shew good will, Flang bj' his niittans an' his stafl" Cry'd gie me Paties mill." Allan Ramsay. FLANGE, 1 , . . , . _-. >-A projection, the same as skew. rL/AAUxl, J FLANNEN, Flannel. FLAY, " To jiay the cold off," is to make any liquor lukewarm. FLAY, )„ ... FRAY,^'^^"^^^'^^^ FLAY-BOGGARD, A hobgoblin. " The flesh fantasieth forsoth much fear o? fray ht(gges and were it not lor the force of fayth pulling it forwards by the bridells of God's most sweet promises, & of hope pricking it on behinde, gi'eat adventure there would be fayntmg by the way." M. Saunder^s Letter to his Wife. 1555. FLAY-CRAW, Something to frighten crows; a scarecrow. FLAYED, Frightened. " I hope I shall not he flayed out of it." Winter's Tale, iv. 3. FLAYSOME, Frightful. FLAYSOMER, More frightful. FLEA, To strip off the skin, to flat/. "Now they kitt and^ea the sheepe, they dispell peace and concord from the earth." Dial : hetiveen a Protestant and Papist, black letter, sans date. " A bear's skin rapt about his gi-oins, As it was flead from the bear's loins." Mar. 10. FLEA, " I sent him away wi' a ^flea in his ear," i. c. I dismissed him with a good scolding, or made him uneasy. FLEA-BITE, A matter of indifference ; " it's a mere Jled'hite." " What Jlea-bitiugs wore those, in comparison of those inward torments." Bishop Hall. (Jonlemp, lol (ILOSSAUV. FLECK, A crack or (lefect, :i spot. Geum. JJcck. Dr. Johnson lias not this substantive. A potter com- nionding his ourtlienwarc will say, " there is neither Jlcvli nor Haw in it." FLECK'D, Spotted. " A Jleck'd cow," a very common phrase, not confined to Scotland. FLEEOK, A bread rack, consisting of staves or cords for drying oat cakes upon. 2. A hurdle, or flood-gate. Belg. jlack. Rider, cralts. Teut. vlcchlc. " The painful pioneers wrought against thek will, With^c«A-s anil fagots ditches up to fill." Dii Bartas' Judith, hy Hudson. FLEET, ) A flat bog. Sax. fleot. It cannot be deemed FLETE, j an ecstuary here, except it be from the resemblance of a bay, when the flat Jlcet is nearly inclosed by hills. Skinner says Jieolan, vero a Lat: jluitare quis duhitet. In Suffolk this word signifies a shallow piece of standing water. FLEET, ) To skim milk, or take off the cream. FLETE, j Sax. fliete, flos lactis. Todd. B. vUdcn. In Chaucer, Jlele seems to imply to swim on the surface. " So sore ywis that when I on him think, Naught wete I wel, whether I flete or sink." Assemlly of Foules. " For she that doth me all this wo endure, Ne recceth never, whether I sinke or flete." Idem. KnighCs Tales. " If they be witches in deed they fleet upon the water, and are in no wise able to smk." Verstegan. FLEETINGS, Curds, Avhich are made here in the fol- lowing manner. After the curd for making new-milk cheese is separated from the Avhey, it is set over the fire, and when it almost boils, a quantity of sour butter GLOSSARY. 155 milk is poured into the pan, and the mixture is gently stirred. In a few minutes, the curd rises to the sur- face, and is carefully skimmed oft' with a fleeting-dish into a seivC;, to drain. What remains in the pan is called green whey, or more commonly whig, which is sometimes seasoned with aromatic herbs and used as a beverage. Cotgrave's is the only Dictionary which I have had the opportunity of consulting, where the word occurs nearly in the Craven sense. The article Sa- rasson he rendiey:?, Jieetings, or hasty curds scummed from the whey of a new milk cheese, then thickened with little milk, or the yolk of an egg, and boiled on a soft fire. FLEETING-DISH, A shallow dish for skimming oft" the cream. FLEPPER, To pout or hang the lip. FLEPPER, The under lip. " Look what ajlepper shoo hings." FLICK, A flitch of bacon. A. S. Jiice. Dan. fi/clce. FLIGG, To fledge. " Ue'sjliggd and flown ;" said of a person who has absconded. Mr. Narcs is very cor- rect in his conjectures about the meaning of this word, which is here in common use. " Kill bad chickens in the tread, FUgge, they hardly can be catched." R. Southwells Poems. IsL. fieigur, hence fliggurs. FLIGGURS, Birds just fledged, and prepared for flight, a term often applied to perchers or young rooks. Teut. jliggercn. FLING, Unrestrained pleasure, pcttishness. " I'll tack mj flhig." " For gin we ettle ancs to taunt her. An dinna cahidy thole her banter, She'll tak ihcJUngs." A. Ramsay. !")() c;i.().ssAUV. FLIN(r, T(» ilefraiul, to client. " I've let hlmjliiiir me out of my money." FLIPE, The edge of a hat. 2. Flake of snow. FLIPE, To pull off. "• Thair laitlilic lynyiipf I'urthward flypit, Quiiilk hcs the nuik ami iniclding wypit." Lindsdij. Dr. Jam. " And ten sharj) nails, that when my hands are in, Canjlyp the skin o' yc'r cheeks out-owre your fhin." Gcnllc Shepherd. FLIPPERING, Crying, causing the lower lip iojleppcr. FLIRTIGIG, A wild tlirting girl. FLISK, To bounce, frequently applied to a skittish horse. FLIT, To remove. Belg. flilzeti. Sax. " Alas ! that cannot be, for he \sJiU Out of the camp." Fairfax's Tasso. " Would never ^«7, but ever were stedfast Till that their Uves there asunder brast." Chauc. Flow, and II. 'Tis also used in an active sense. "Ill Jilt thee." FLITE, To scold. A. S.JlUan, contendere. livA.o.Jliiylcn. " So far he chowpis, I am constrenyt to Jlile, The thre first bukis he has ouerhippit quyte." Pref. to Doug. Virg. '• Quha cannot hald thare pece ar fre to Jlile.'* Doug. Virg. "Oh ! Eell, why dost thawfytc and sconie." Take thy auld Cloke. P. II. FLIZZ, To fly off, to make a noise. Isl. J'ysa. FLIZZEN, To laugh sarcastically. FLODDER-UP, 1 ^ FT TTDDFR TIP i overflow, to stop up a water course. " Wcpand he went for women might have sene With gi-ete teris Jlodderit his lace and cue." Douglas Virg. GLOSSARY. 157 FLOITY, A flag thick at one end and small at the other. FLOOD, Is spoken long, so as to rhyme with mood, as in iSh. Pericles, iii. 3. " Then- vessel shakes On Neptune's billow ; half the ^ooJ Hath theu" keels cut, but fortune's mood, Varies again." This pronunciation appears to have staggered the commentators. Fool and sool are in like manner pronounced to rhyme with hoot. " In his right hand a rod, and on the ^ood. Against the stream he marcht and di'ie shod yood." Fairfax. Tasso. FLOOKS, "I Animalcula in the liver of diseased sheep, FLEUKS, J resembling flooks or flounders. FLOOK, A kind of pleas, place. Fr. Ji/maiule. Pals- grave. Vid. Dr. Jamiesons Supp. FLOSSY, \ WSY, i FLOUTER, A fright. FLOUTER'D, Frighted, confused, distracted. FLOUTERSOME, Frolicsome; generally applied to a horse. FLUBSY-FACED, Plump or full in the face. FLUE-FULL, Brimful, running over. A mongrel compound of the Lat. JIho, and Eng. full. FLUNG, Deceived. " I wor sadly Jhing by that rascad." FLUSK, To fly out. 2. To quarrel. FLUSK, Debate, contention. " There wor a bit of a flusk between em." FLUSTER, I „ . . rr, FLUDDFR r "'^^^y' impetuosity. Teut. Jtughs, FLO WSY ' "^ slattern 15^^ C LOSS All Y. • Hut wliilo lie spak, Tom I«iwrio sUi- Cam \vi an uncoyf «//«?»•, Ilo-'maiif^ this sheep like fire did llee, An' took a stately wedder." A. DoiKjlas Poems. Vid. Dr. Jamicsoii's Supji. FLUZZ'D, Bruised, blunted. FLYBYTUSK Y, A haughty, unsteady, volatile person. FOAL-FOOT, Colt's foot. Tussdago Farfant. L'mu. Pled dc pouUiin. Cufgrave. FOAL-KELL, The amnion. The fine membrane by which the foetus is covered, the cell of the foal. Todd derives it from the Greek a ixviov, mcmbraua faciuin involvens. FOG, After grass, aftermath, not in the sense of Ducangc, in V. fogagium, or winter eatage, or in that of AV/y. See Junius. FOG, This word is used when fiirmers take the cattle out of their pastures in autumn ; they say " they are boun to Jog them." FOGGY, Fat, gross. A foggy body. Corpus obesum. Holyokc. Charge de graisse. Micgc. One is re- ported to have been so fatte ^wdifoggie, that he could scarce lift his hand to his mouth. Fertur quidam tarn obeso et pingui fuisse corpore. Withal. FOIL, To soil, to dirty, to sully. 2. To trample, as meadow grass is said to be foiled Avhen trampled or trodden down by hares. In this sense it is probably derived from the Fr. fouler. FOIL, " To run the foil" a phrase in hunting, used when a hare runs over the same track a second time in order to puzzle or elude the hounds. Mr. Todd has introduced into Johnson's Dictionary the substan- tive ^i/tw^, denoting the mark where deer have passed over the grass. Hounds, in general, pursue not by GLOSSAKY. 159 the visible mark, but the scent. In Craven oud is added to this word, as " shoes gaan t'oiulfo'il." FOLLERj A flat circular piece of wood used in pressing a cheese when the curd is not suflicient to fill the vat. Bailey has vallor or vallow, which he marks as a country word, but it means the vat itself. " A hollow mould in which a cheese is pressed, called also a vaie." This is very probably a corruption o^ follower, as the wood closely follows the curds. FOLIO, " In full folio," in full dress ; probably a cor- ruption of foliage. FOLK, Family. " How's jowyer folk." FOLLOW, To court, to pay addresses. " He's followed her lang." 2. " To follow one's nose." Though Di-. Johnson has given many examples on the word nose, he has omitted this elegant one, signifying to go straight forward. Qua te via ducit dirigere gressum. Ains. FOLLY, A building erected for ornament, not for use, which, by a worldly minded man may be deemed the greatest act of folly ; or it may be an appropriate term for a ridiculous structure. FOMARD, ) A pole cat, a foul or fetid mart. A. S. FOBIART, j fill, immundiis. O. Fr. fiil. Welsh, riiwlhart. In contradistinction to a sweet mart. Foomart, the pole cat or wild cat. Tim. Bobbin. " Fumart come forth and face my fljting." Stewart Evergreen. Jamieson. FOND, Silly, weak. Isl. faane, faluus. " Whether God hath not made the wisdom of this world fonnyd." Rom. i. Wiclif. " Idle and/onrf." Kini) Lear, i. 2. " Thou art so fond. ' Merchant of V. iii. 4. IGO c; LOSS A II Y. FOND LIX, All idoot. " Or to allure such fundlinf/^i whom siie trained." Spenser, " But since such fondlhiffs in their harms delight IJathcr deplore than heed their oversight." Complimenlari/ rerses to Verslcgan. FOXTLE, To fondle. FOOIIDE, A forde. Welsh, Jot: " A lamhe may easily wade thro that foordc.''^ Jas. I. on Lord^s Prayer. Spenser. FOODY, Fertile, full of grass. FOOKE, A furrow. A. S. fore, a gait. Welsh, fforc, IsL. Joor. Dan. Jnr. Belg. vorre and vore, a voren, sidcarc. Minshew. " Rig and Joore," ridge and furrow. FOOTE, Foot. Pronounced long, and rhymes with boot. " lie can no other boote And of malice they trade him under /oo<<7." Thebes, by Lydgatc. " The foresaid Peter covenanteth promyttith & graunt- eth to hym & hys Executors by these pr nts byndcth to make work or doo to be made wrought wele clenly wark made curiously and substaneyally fFoure base- ments of blake marble square of the gretenesse every square con foote half." Exors.ofll.Yll. Will. FOOTE-BRAAD, The breadth of a foot. " Charge them to stop nor move afoot hraed more Or they shall at their peril cross the score." Boss'' Ilelenore. FOOTE-IIOT, I Immediately. Statim calido pede FOOTE HAAT, j . festinante. 'Skinner. Also near at hand, hard by. " Under the montane law there stuAefute hot, Ane bing of erthe. D. Virg. p. 394. "And Custance have they taken anon fo/e hot." Ch. Man. of L. Tale. GLOSSARY. 161 " Samys of Douglas, at the last Fand a little soukyn bate And to the land it drew fut hate.'''' Barbour MSS. Dr. Jamieson. And forth she drew the Trojane sword /w/e hate" D. Virg. p. 122. " And forthwith all anone fote hole, He stale the cow." Gower. The learned writer of grammar in the Encyclop. Metrop. quotes Mr. Tooke, but whether, he ob- serves, hot means heated, as Tooke supposes ; or, Warton suggests, " hit against the ground," that is, stamped, may be a matter of doubt. " In tlie twinkling of an eye," " at a glance," are expres- sions used to denote the shortest lapse of time ; and " a stamp of the foot" (observes the contributor of this article in the Enctjclopocd'ia), may well be supposed to convey a similar idea of brief duration. Notwithstanding these remarks I still retain my opinion, that the phrase has been borrowed from the chase, and that foote-hote has originally no other signification than the strong warm scent left on the ground by the animal of which the dogs are in immediate pursuit. The scent of a hare, &c. which has got a considerable distance before the hounds, is said to be a cold scent, in contra-dis- tinction to Joote- hot c. FOOTING, Liquor or money given by a person to his fellow labourers when he enters on a new office or employment. FOR, Because. "Yet/or I lov'd thee Take thii along." Sh. Coriolan. v. 3. " And /(/)• I am i-icher." Cymtj. iii. 4. 162 GLOSSAKV. FOR, For foar of. "■ Yet here they sluill not lie /or eatcirmp; cold." Cent, of Verona, i. 2. 2. From. " These cheeks are pale for watchiiic." //. VI. iv. 7- "And take her uji in thine amies twaine For filin<^e (defiling) of lier feet." Chih!. Jralcrs. Per. Pel. For, in these last three quotations, is evidently mctalhclicaJlij for fro, now in common nse. FOR-AU, Notwithstanding. FORBOWS, The breast of an animal ; hence the bow or breast of a ship. FORCE, A waterfall. IsL. fors, vehaneulia. FORE, 1 F00RI5, >-A ford. Welsh, Jfor, a passage. FORESTEAD, J "Ne wist which way he thro the foord mote pass." FORE, Before. Spenser. FORELDERS, Ancestors. A. S. forcaldian. Isl. forclli, majores. Dr. Jamieson. 2. In the singular number, the fore udder of a cow. FOR-END, The fore-hand of a horse. 2. The beginning, as the for-end of summer in contra- distinction of back-end, the autumn. 3. The early part of life, " the for-end o' my time." FORGAIT, The start, from /ore and gait. " He did not start fair for he gat/orgaits omme." FORGIT, Forget. Bishop Jewell uses forgeale. "In gard'ning niver this rule forffit To sowe dry and set wit." FORINIILL'D, Ordered, bespoke. A. S. formcel, a bargain, a treaty, a covenant. " Forniel vel formall quasi dicas paciscenda, vel jam ])acta desponsata." Jiinhis. GLOSSARY. 163 Ray is inclined to derive it from fore and mal, sig- nifying, in the ancient Danish, sermo, a word. " And eche of them yiled his busie care Benignely chese, or for to take By her accords his formell or his make." Chancer. The verb is in frequent use, but the substantive I never heard. FORRAD, Forward. Isl. fomad. FORRADISH, Rather forward. FOSS, A waterfall. Isl. fors. FOTCH, To fetch. FOTHER, A fodder. A. S. fother. The weight of the fother varies in diiferent places, and even in the same county. The Craven fother consists of 19 pigs or pieces of lead, each pig weighing 123 lbs. " That cost largely of gold afolher." Chancer. FOTHER A!M, A heck, in which liay is put for cattle. FOUD, A fold, also a farm yard. FOUGHTEN, FOFFEN, " And when Edward the Bruyss, the bauld, Wyst at the Khig had fockti/>i seea." Barbour. Dr. Jamieson. " This batayl that I treate of nowe was one of the sorest and best fouyhten.'''' Froysan''s Crony cle. " King Vortimer no sooner advanced to the crown and dignitie of his father began open hostilitie against the Saxons & had with them fower battails or foughten fields." Verstegan. FOUK, Folk. FOUL, An ulcerous sore in a cow's foot. Fr. ful, fetid. Teut. j'aitl, putrid. This etymon is very applicable M 2 ?-^;. p. of fight. 164 GLOSSARY to tlio disease ^^•ll^cll is frequently very offensive, and believed to be infectious. FOURUM, ) A bench. Gu. (l>op/toc. A. S. Jinnll/ia, FOURINIE, j sella. aSIc'iii/ic}: Foiinuc, banc. Co/grave. " Right in the self same /yHJ-wc." Itomcus tj Juliet. 2. Form, seat or bed of a hare. "Thise wedded men, that lie and dare As in afourmc sctteth on every hare." Chaucer. Shipmati's Tulc. FOUSE, A fox ; J'oHsc, cunning. FOUTE, An indulged child. Lot. faidus. FRA, From, pure Saxon. FRAM, 1 Tender, brittle, " as fram as an iseshaclile." FRIM, j The etymon of this word given by Arch- deacon Nares and Mr. Todd does not accord with the Craven acceptation of the word. What grows with luxuriance is generally tender. It is daily used in this sense. '' Thro the/r/«i pastures, freely at his leisure." Draytoii's Moses. FRAIMATION, The mode of contriving, or cunning in performing any thing. " Youv'e nofranialion in you." Also a beginning. '•' He's making n framation." FRAME, To attempt. " IleJ'ramcs wee\." "To frame off," to prepare to move off. " het'sj'ra)ne off to bed." A. S. fremman, cfficere ct formare. " So faint and feeble were, that they ne might Endure to travell nor one foot io frame.'''' Spenser F. Q. " That yarely/rrtwc the olfice." Sh. An. §■ Cleop. ii. 2. FRAP, To brag, to boast. FRAP, A bragger. FRAPS, Noise, tumult. FRATCH, A quarrel, a brawl. 2. A playful child. GLOSSAKY. 165 FRATCH, To quarrel. 2. To sport or frolic. FRATCHED;, Restive, or that has vicious tricks in harness, applied to a horse. FRAUNGE, To fling, to wince. FRAUNGE, A frolic. FRAY, From. FRAY'T', From the. FREEAT, To lament. " Freate not thyself because of the wicked men, neither be envious of the evil doers." Ps. XXX vii, Geneva Edit. 15C1- " Let the world freate, let it rage never so much, be it never so cruel and bloody, yet be sure, that no man can take us out of the Father's hands." Bp. Ridley^s Letters, 1555. " And piece nieale wearies away the greefe, That earst his hearte did freate." Romeus ^ Juliet. FREAT, Damage, decay. " There's nayther hole nor frccal in't." FRJi^ATS, The iron hoops about the nave of a cart wheel. FREET, A fright. " Take no heed to freets either in dreames or any other things." Basil. Doron. FREMD, Strange, not related. A. S. frcmd, frcmillhig, a stranger. Vcrstcgan. A stranger or alien. Ray. Vide SJcinner and Nares. "And makes thein fremd, who friends by nature are." Sydnejj. " By fremyt werde full mony zeris tharby." D, Virg. " A faucon peregrine seemed she oifremde lond," Chaucer^s Sq, Talc. "Belter kind f remit, ihcnf remit kindred." Qiicnlin Durward. Sir W. Scoll. 166 CLOS.SARY. FRESH, A gentle swelling of ;i river. 2. Tipsy. FRESH, A colli brisk air. Grose says, though erro- neously, that it means rainy. FRESHEN, To enlarge in the udder, Sic. previous to calving. FREV, From, used instead of fra, when the next word begins with a vowel, to prevent an hiatus. FRIDGE, To fray, to wear away by rubbing. FRIENDS, " To be friends with one," to be on good terms. This, says Dr. Jamieson, is a Scottish idiom, though it is good Craven. FRINE, To whine or whimper. FRO, A contraction of from, Avhich Dr. Johnson says is not used, though here in frequent use. "Far be it fi-om your thought Scfro my will." Spenser F. Q. Nurcs supposes that this word is only used in to and fro. " Tack it J)-o him." " Fro day to day." Chaucer. " And rise again fro dceth." Luke xxiv. Wiclif. FROG-SPIT, \ The frothy matter on plants. Major CUCKOO-SPIT, I Moor. The nidus of cicada spu- TAAD-SPIT, I maria. Frog-spit is not in common use. See Cuckoo-spit. FROSK, A frog. Teut. frosch. Minshew. FROST, " To be born in a frost," to be blockhcaded, to be dull of apprehension. " Don't thee think to put Yorkshire o' me, I warn't born in a frost." The expression has, doubtless, arisen from the generally received opinion, that the natiA^es of cold regions are more obtuse than those who inhabit warmer climates. " Non obtusa adco gcstamus pectora Pocni Ncc tarn avcrsiis c•/?««. Su. G. GLUJVIP, J glaiimeg. Chaucer has glombe. GNAG, ) ^ GNATTER I gnaw, to tear. Isl. naga, rodo. GNAR, To jar, to quarrel ; also to growl, to snarl as an angry dog. Belg. knarren. GNAR, A knot. " He was short shoiilder'd, brode, a thick gnarreJ" Chancer. GNARLED, Twisted, full of knots. " Split'st the unwedgeable and gnarled oak." Sh. Meas. for Meets, ii. 2. " With knotty, knarry., baiTein trees old." Chaucer. GNATTER, To grumble. See Pegge's Supplement. GNATTERY, Full of pebbles or gn^vel. 2. Peevish, ill tempered, " don't be seea gnaUcrij." GNIPE, To gnaw. " Had in their pasture ete and gmjpe away." Dong. Virg. p. 400. GNIPE, The rocky summit of a mountain. Isl. gnipa. A. S. cnccp. GO, The fiishion, '' its quite the go." GOAN, Gone. GO-BY, " To give one the go-hij," is to dcceiv'e a person, to leave him in the lurch. When a hare has deceived its pursuers, it is said, she has given them the iio-/ii/. " Stranpjely o'er shot to lot a hjoliy So treacherously jrive liim tlie go-bg." Mara p. 3, GOB, The mouth. 2. A copious expectoration. 11)0 Ul.OSSARY. 11. Lumps, lis " truhs of suet," from goh, a gulj). Ilcncc gohlict, a (liminitivo. " A (/obbel of liirs grace." P. Ploii. " W\i\\ gohhcts of thy bleeding mother's heart." Shaks. II. VI. iv. 1. Vid. Moore. GOBSLOTCII, A p;reccly clown, a dirty, voracious eater. GODDIL, With God's will. GODNUS-WIIAT-BIGGER, Considerably larger. " God knows what ;" profanely making use of the name of the supreme Being as a mere expletive. GOD'S PENNY, Earnest money given to a servant when hired. " Denier a Dieu, denarius ad Deum, quoniam dari solet ad confirmationem contractus, et ut certior esset confirmatio, Deum testem esse dicebant." Skiioier. Bklg. godls penningli. " "NVlien John he did him to record draw, And John he cast him a gocVs pcnnie.^'' Ilcir of Linne. GOD SIIIL'D IT, ]May God shield or prevent it. " God shWd that he died sodenly." Chaucer. "Lord thou hast crouned us as it were with a shildc of thy good will." Ps. v. //. VIII. Primer MDXLVI. " God sJticId, quoth Godfrey, that my noble mind Should praise and virtue so by profit measure." Fairfax Tasso. Shakspcarc and many other ancient writers use yield, as God yield us. Macbeth. GOD'S TRU'l'H, " I speak a God's truth," as true as the Bible ; i. c. I speak with much solemnity, or I confess my belief in the existence of a God, or that I am now in his presence. GOLLS, Springs. See galls. GOLOSHES, Sec Gahchc. GLOSSAEY. 191 GOLSH, To gulp, to swallow voraciously. GOOD, " IMuch good d'it you," ?'. e. much good may it do you ; the kind wish or benediction of a person who finds the family at a meal. GOOD AND ALL, Entirely. " He's gam hv good and all ;" I. e. he will not return. "I now for ffood and all gave up the idea of finding bugs." JVatertoii's Wanderings, p. 253. GOOD EEX, Good evening. In Cot grave it is godden, and godden in the Yorkshire Glossary. Mr. Pegge, according to Mr. Todd, says that it is a contraction from good-dayen, the Saxon plural of day. GOOD-TO, Good for. " He's naught good to." Pegge^s Supp. to Grose^s Provincial Glossary. GOODISH-FEW, A good many. GOOD-LIKE, Handsome. " He's a good-like fellow." " A good-like naught," a handsome but a worthless person. GOOD-i\IAN, IMaster of a family still continues a very common expression. Sax. goman. Luke xxii. 2. " Haste makes waste and waste makes want, and want makes strife, between the good man and his wife." Ray. " The good mart of this house was Dolon hight." Spenser. " Goe foolish woman, i\\o good man reply'd." Job, by J. Sylvester. GOOD-WOaiAN, Wife. GOOMS, Gums. GOOSE, A silly fellow. 2. A cant word for a tailor from the iron smoothing instrument he uses. " Oh, Doctor Cackle-hen, dinna j'C think she would need, if it were possible, to rin over her face wi a gusing iron, j'ust to take the wrinekles out o't." .SV. Ronan's Well, 2d vol. p. l.'Jl, li)- • CI.OSSAItV. " lie (lani't s;iy l>o to u goose." This expression denotes the great cowardice of him to whom it is apjilied. "■ I dare I'ur tli' lioiiour of our liousc, Sav lioh to any Cirecian yooac."' Homer travestied. Vid. Dr. Jam. Siip]i. GOOSE-GRASS, Catch-weed. CuiIImu,, aparinc. Linn. GOOSE-SKIN, A rough or pimpled state of the skin, occasioned by cold. " I'se au goose-s/cin." GOOSE-TONGUE, Sneeze wort. Achillea, riannica. Linn. GOR, Rotten, decayed. Belg. goor, dirt, moorish earth. Welsh, usgorc, to separate., apheretically, gore. GORE, A piece of cloth inserted. Isl. gcir, aegmcntton panni. " A seint she weretl, barred all of silk A baniie cloth eke as white as morwe milk Upon hire lendes, ful of many a gore.'" Chaucer. GORRY, ^'ery fat, nauseously fat. GOSSA^MER, Down of plants, cobwebs, or rather vapour arising from boggy or marshy ground, in warm weather. The etymon of this word seems to have puzzled lexicographers. The great Dr. Johnson derives it from the Low Lat. gossipium, to which the learned Mr. Todd has made no addition. Mr. Archdeacon Naves, in his late elaborate glossary, derives it from the Fr. gossavipine, and makes a quotation from Nahhe's Hannibal, where it is used in the same sense as in Craven. " Whose curls, when garnished with their dressing shew Like that thin vapour when 'tis pearled with dew." Skinner refers to Anlh. Did. Angl. qui eo Jiomine appcllat rorcm ilium matutinum diurno sole exsic- ealum, qui, inslar tehe araneoe, tolas agros ohsidet, prccscrtim post longiores sercnas fcmpesfates. Teijt. GLOSSARY. 193 " Unscr frcuvcn liaar," i. e. Capilli B. M. Virginis vocntur, which I have some^^'here seen interpreted " God's dame's hair." — Skinner also derives it from the Fr. gossamp'me, or from the Low Lat. gossi- pium. Dr. Jam'ieson, in his Scottish Dictionary:, (a most ingenious and entertaining work) styles it summer-couts, with the very same signification as in Craven, but still Avith no satisfactory etymon. This is a very convincing proof of the great advan- tages derived from a collection of local words, towards the elucidation of language, and the im- provement of lexicography. The true etymon of this word, which has not been extracted by the united lucubrations of so many learned and ingenious men, is obvious to many illiterate peasants in Craven. — This down or rather exhalation is well known by the name of summer-goose, or summer-gauze, hence " gauze o'th' summer," gauzamer alias Gossamer. GOSPEL, "It's as true as't gospel," a common asseveration. GOSSIP, " To be up to ones gossip," to be aware of a persons designs. GOTE, ) A channel of water from a mill-dam. Belg. GOIT, j gote. Cimbric gautur, Gusa, effusio, aquae j actus. Dr. Hickes. See addenda in Thoresby's Leeds. Skinner gives the name of goivts (Q.11. go-ouls) to canals or drains in Somersetshire, which he derives from Fr. goutes. Goyt. Pegge's Supplement. GOUl), Gold. " And yeveth youre youd to that God." Pi. Plouhman. GOUD-SPINK, Gold-finch, " The ffoud-spink., music gayest child Shall sweetly join the quoir." Burns. " The sparrow chinnis in the wallis clyt't, Gold-spink and lint(iuhite Ibrdynnand tlie lyft. O Doxty. Viry. p. 103. 194 r.T.OSSARV. (JOWA, Let us j;o, go wo ; in Suffolk, pnw. J'id. Moor. It is always used in tlic wuy of invitation, and refers to tlie act of one person accompanying anotlicr, and is equivalent to go with me, accompany me. " Come goira t'otli' kirk," i. c. will you accompany mc to the Church. GOWARGE, A gourge. GOWD, To cut the dirty wool from sheeps' tails. GOWDENS, Wool cut from sheeps' tails, probably a corruption of caudhigs. Lat. cauila, or goivd-ends, so denominated from the brilliancy of their colour. GOWL, Gum of the eye. GOWLED, Gummed. "I\Iy e'en er partly gowl'd up iv'ry mornin." GO W PEN-FULL, A handful. See gaupcn. " A nievefu' o' meal, or a goivpcn o' aits." Jamiesoii's Pop. Ballads. " He gets gowtl i' goitpins.'''' SL Ronan's Well, \st vol. p. 04. GOWSTER, To bluster, to hector, to be noisy or turbulent. GRAAN, To groan. A. S. granian. Welsh, graen, grief. GRAANING-CIIEESE, A cheese or entertainment for the good wives attending an accouchment. GRADELY, Decently ; it is also used as an adjective, decent, worthy, respectable. 2. Tolerably Avell ; " how isto ?" gradely. Fr. grc, satisfaction ; a vion grc. GRAFT, The depth of earth pierced by one insertion of the spade, called a spade-^rr//?. Sax. grafait. GRAIN, Prong of a fork. Isl. grcin, ramus. "With his grete mattok havand granes three." Doug. Virg. p. 59. " "NV ith three graines like an ccl spcarc." IIuHaHiVi Tnuislat, of Suetonius. Jos. I. GLOSSARY. 195 GRAINS, Refuse of malt. GRAINING, Fork of a tree. Belg. granen, to sprout '. IsL. g rein, }-amus, where the branch divaricates from the stem. " Apoun ane (jrane or branch of yan grene tree." D. Vu-ff. p. 350. " The souch and bh quhisland amang the granis. D. Virg. p. 115. " Quhilk we ane litil howlet clepe or owl, And that sum time in granis or stolkes of a tree." D. Virg. p. 444. GRAIP, To grope. GRAITH, Preparation, readiness. A.S.giroede,gerracd paratus. In the Yorkshire Gloss, gralh, signifies riches. " To be in good graithy" i. e. to be in good con- dition, or in a proper state for exertion. In Chaucer, the verb graith seems to signify to dress, to adorn. " She had no thought by night ne day Of nothing, but if it were onely To graithe her well and uncouthly." Romt. Rose, " His feris has this pray ressavit raith, And to thare meat addresses it for graith.'''' D. Virg. " With gold and birnest lattoun purifyit, Graithit and pohst wele he did espy." D. V. p. 2G5. GRANNY, A common abbreviation for grandmother. The proverb, " gang and teach tliy grannij to sup sour milk out o't' ass riddle," is often applied to a confident person, who would attempt to teach another, who has more knowledge than himself. It agrees with the French proverb, apprendre aux poissons a. nager. " Ye've nails at wad scrat your grcmnij out of her grave," addressed to a ])erson who has remarkably long nails. <> 2 19C i;t,oss.\1{V. "■Ghosts never walk till alter inidnifjht, it' I may believe my grannam.^'' Beau. ^ Flct. Sec Todd','! second edition of Johnson. GRANNY-TriRP]EDS, The runners of the creeping Crowfoot. Rannncidus repcns. IJ?in. GRATING, The act of separating the Large from small ore. GRAVE, To dig. Isl. grafa. " I'se boun to grave flahs : an efter, to grave it'h' garden." "■ Grav'd in the hollow ground." Shaks. Rich. II. iii. 2. " Or at least grave me in sepulture." D. Virg. p. 176. GRAW, Ague- Teut. grorv-en. Welsh, gam, to shiver. This word is nearly obsolete. Ruddimnn supposes that the shivering arises gcncraUij from fear, sometimes, from disease. "• Evin in the face and visage of Turnus, Can fle and flaf, and made him for to growe^ Scho soundis so with mony hiss and how." D. Virg. p. 444. GRAY, A badger. GRAY-]MARE, A wife who rules her husband ; hence " the gray mares' t' better horse." " If you have any kindness for's And that gray mare be'n't better horse." Maro.p. 122. GRAY-STONES, Coarse millstones for grinding oats, in distinction to the blue stones which, with the French bur, are generally used for grinding of wheat. Fr. grez, rough. GREASE-BUTTER, Strong, rancid, Irish butter in firkins, used for sheep salve. GREAT, Intimate, high in favour. " Tho' he was great with the King, he always doubteil the King's Uncles." Froyssarfs Cronycles. GLOSSAllY. 197 Dr. Jamieson derives it from A. S. gr'dhiait, to agree. See Todd. GREE, To agree. " They greed my death, and then would say What ? none doth heare our words." Ps. lix. Stern. ^ Hopkhi. Ed. 1G09. GREEDY-GUT, A voracious eater, a glutton. Also a covetous person. " O greedy guts ! O ! gulphs insatiate." Bcthulius Rescue hy Sylvester. GREEN-GOOSE, A goose fed on grass before it be brought to the stubble ; or, a young goose. " So stubble gease at Michaelmas are seen Upon the spot ; next INIay produces green.'''' King^s Art of Cookery. Vid. BrmuVs Pop. Antiq. GREEN-HORN, An inexperienced youth. GREEN-HEW, The right of cutting, in woods and forests, hollies or evergreens for the supply of sheep, &c. in the winter season ; from greeu and hew. GREEN SAUCE, Sour dock or sorrel bruised and mixed with vinegar and sugar. GREEN-TAIL, A diarhoea in deer, a complaint to which they are often subject. GREES, ^ Stairs. Lat. gradus. F. Plur. grez. GRECE, >- Minshew considers it an abbreviation from GRICE, J the Fr. plur. degrez, gradus. " And lay a sentence Which as grise or step may help these lovers." Othello, i. 3. " Also we wol that by a convenient space and distance from the grees of the high aulticr of the said Cliapell, there be made m length and brede about the said tombe a grate." Will of II. VII. " A grece there was ychesyld all of stone Out of tlic rockc, on which men dyd gone." Halves Tower of Doct. Per. R, 108 ca.ossAUY. •'Ami wliau'ic Pmil com to iho ffrcca.'" JVk/if, Dedis, xxi. " Anil wlicu he came unto the f/riccce.'" JViclif.) XX'. " Then the Erie mounted liy the Grcccs." Froi/ssari^s Cronycle. GREETS, Laments. Isl. trroct. Bay derives it from the Italian gr'idarc. " I'll {\\\ iiie air wl heavy sichs And grcit till I be blind." Child Maurice. GREWND, A greyhound. Isl. grey, canis, ct hunta, venator. This Islandic etymon does not, in the least, distingush the nature and species of the dog, for all dogs may be denominated hunters. ]\Iay not the greyhound be of Greek extraction, as the word grew, to signify Greece, is used by Bishop Douglas in his preface to his Traiislulion of Virgil. " Bot sum worde I pronunce as nycliboure dois Like as in I^atyne bene Greive termes sum." Doug. Prcf. p. 5. Mr. Todd will not allow of Minshew's derivation from Grcecus. Though this identical quotation is made by Dr. Jamieson, it does not appear that he has availed himself of it in explaining this species of dog. Serenins calls this animal griphound, from Sax. gripan, to seize. See Todd's second edition of Johnson. Skinner derives it from A. S. grig' hand, vel a Belg. grcvcl. Taxus, nobis a g7-ey and hund, Canis q. d. taxi irisectator. IMinsevus dictum putat quasi Grcecus canis, qui sc : Greci omnium primi hoc genus ad venatum adliibebant, quod facile crcdiderem si Authorem laudasset. If this species of dog receives its name from the gray or l)adger, as lajci inscctator, the name is not inappropriate; for I can speak from my own GLOSSARY. 199 knowledge, that no dog is more capable of coping with a badger. Tlie greyhound has a most powerful grasp ; its long extended neck prevents the badger, which it has once seized, from attacking his legs or making the least defence ; and I have seen the badger thus instantaneously destroyed. Notwithstanding the researches of learned philo- logists, may not this word be derived from the Craven groon, a snout ? The greyhound, having the longest snout of any of the dog kind ; hence it may, with great propriety, be called a groon d hound, and when corrupted or contracted, grewn'd. The word groon is pronounced grewn in the Southern part of Craven. GREW-BITCH, Grecian, alias a grey-hound bitch or grcwnd hitch. See Pegge's Supp. " Give my seven sons were seven young hares Running over yo'n lilly lee, And I were a [jrew hound mysell Soon worried they a should be." Bord. Minsl. M vol. p. 44. " Grciv-litch at hame will worry." ScoWs Pref. to the Crusaders. GRIMING, A sprinkling, "a griming o'snaw." IsL. graaner, prninosis niveuin Jlocculis terra catiescit. " The sun was na up, but the moon was down It was the grymiiifj of a new fa'n snaw." Bord. Mm. GRIIMY, Sooty. GRIPE, A dung fork. Su. grepe, a trident. " The i/raip ho ibr a harrow tacks." Bums. The same word is uacd by Sir JV. Scott, Pirate, 2d vol. p. 79- " He shook his (jraip aloft and entered the IjoaL, with the air of Neptune himself, carryhig on high his tiident." 2. A ditch. -(H) (il.OSSAUV. GROATS, 1 Shelled oats, not (latmeal, as niontioned l)V (J HOTS, ) Dr. Jolni.soi,. " He has Mood in liim, il'lie liacl but groats." Ray. We have an equivalent expression in Craves. " Blood without ifrodts is nau Hot. A. S. hat. Belo. hcd. IIOTE, WHOT, " Hereof wonderit with briest hate as fyre." Doug. Virg. 1), 77- " So hole of foul afFectioun." Chaucer. " When the sommeris day is hote The yung nunnes takith a bote And doth ham ibrth in that river Botho with oris and with stere." Ang. Norman MSS. Dr. Ilickes. " But he was fierce and what." Spenser. " And if any of you seic to hem, go ye in jices, and be ye made hoote." James ii. C. Wicl'tf. HAB, A corruption of have. HAB-AT HIiAI, Have-at him. " Have at you." Shakspeare. " Have at thee, Jason." Chaucer. " Nay faith, have at you." Ben Jonson. " Therefore, Sir, for Godes love, ne let me no man owe Bote he habbe an two name war thorou he be iknowe." Holt, of Gloxicester. Also to obtain a thing by hab and by nab, i. e. by fair means or foul. In Gaz. Aug. hab-nab is defined rashly, without consideration, from the A 8 hahUan, to liavo ; and nabbum, not to have ; GLOSSARY. 205 by cutting off the two last syllables in each word, or q. d. hnp'n-hap, whether it happen or not. HABERDASHER, A schoolmaster, alias a haherdasher of nouns and pronouns. Thu Bobbin says, Sundays and other holydays will never interfere with A. B. C, or if you please, with my haberdashermv; of nouns and pronouns. An expression something similar is used by Ben Jonson, " a weaver of langucige." HACK, A pick-axe. " Hack nor luck, meat nor drink." HACK AT, To imitate. HACKLE, To dress, to trim up. " Come, lass, git thysel hackled." HACKLE, Hair or wool. Also feathers, as cocA-Zmc/c/e. HACK-SLAVVER, A dirty fellow; also, heck-slavver. TT A E "i „ . „' [-To have, "I hat/ the now," I have caught you- 2. To understand, " I hai/ the," I comprehend you. HAFFLE, ) To speak unintelligibly, to stammer. Belg. IMAFFLE, I hackelen, Cooperi Thes. HAFFLIN, Stammering. " While Jenny hafflin is afraid to speak." Burm Colt. S. N. HAG, To hew, to chop. Isl. hoe!^. verber. HAG-CLOG, A chopping block. HAGGLE, To attempt to lower a bargain, to higgle. HAGGED, Fatigued with hard labour or a journey. " I'se fair hugged off my legs." HAG, A hanging wood, wild, uncultivated and boggy ground. " Owre many a weary hag he limpit, An' ay the tither shot he thumpit." Samsoii's Elegy. Burns. HAGUES, Haws. A. S. hagan, fniclu.s spina: alba. Skinner. •20Ci c.T.ossAnv. IIAG-WORI\r, A snake, or blind worm, haunting the ///li:^ or liodgc. A. S. fiucg, scpcs. IIAINOUS, Heinous. Fn. hain. " For this sure a high and haiiious crime, To be condcmn'd and punisht in the prime." Jolf, by Sijlvcslcr. "■ Remeuihering with how many an hainous crime Thou hadst ollcndcd him." S/iipicrackc, hj T. Heyioood^ 1C37. IIAIPS, A sloven. " She jaw'd them, miscaud tkcm, For clashin, clackin haips.'^ Dovglas Poems. HAKE, To go about idly. To this verb about is gene- rally added, " he's oUas haking about." Belg. haachen. Germ, hocker, a pedlar. HAKES, A lounging idle fellow. HALO, I Bashful, modest. Sc. proud. A. S. //colic, HEALO, j excelsiis. Welsu, gnnjl, bashful. In Lancashire, heulo. Tim. Bohbiiu Hclo. Cotgravc, under hontciix. HALLIDAY, Holyday, '' HaUidmj-c\^Q%," holyday- cloaths. " And the halyday of the therf loves, that is seed pask neighede. Luke xxii. IVicUf. HALLIWELL, Holy-well. Old English, halighc, holy. Vcrstegan. HALSH, To tie, to fasten, to knot. 2. To embrace, thougli I've not known the word used in this sense ; from Sax. hals, colliim. " I stand, and speake, and laugh, and kiss, and hahe" Chav). Ct. of Love. HAIMEL, To walk lame. HALVE S, 1 An exclamation made by a person, on seeing HAUVKS, j another stoop to pick up something he has found, who thereby considers himself entitled to GLOSSARY. 207 receive one half of it. This popular custom is alluded to in Dr. John Savage's Horace to Scxva, imitated. Ed. 1730. London. " And he who sees you stoop to'th' ground, Cries halves ! to ev'ry thing you've found." In order, however, to deprive the other of his sup« posed right, the finder \\n\\ cry out, " Ricket, racket, finnd it, tackit, And nivver give it to the aunder (owner.) This is something similar, though in different words, to the description of it given by Mr. Brocketl, in his N. country words. HAiMLIN, ) Walking lame. This word may probably HAIMELIN, J be retained from the old custom of hamling, hameling, or hambling ; or, as it is otherwise called exped'italing dogs, which was enjoined by the forest laws, for the preservation of the King's game. It consisted in cutting off the three claws of the forefoot on the right side. Or, according to others, in paring or cutting off the balls of the feet ; and every one who kept any great dogs not cxpeditated, should forfeit to the King 2)S. 4d. It may he derived from the Old Saxon word hamme, ham, that is heme, at home, so that hamling is hame-h aiding, keeping at home, for they cannot take any great delight in run- ning abroad. Vide Minshcw. IIAiM, The thigh. Dr. Johnson says it is the hip, it has not that signification here. " The easie flexure of his supple hammcs.^'' Ben Jonson. HAIME, Home. HAINIELY, Homely, simple, unadorned. " An honestl}' discharged my conscience, In lines, tho' hamchj, far frae nonsense." A. Ramsay. HAMMER, To sttnnmer. '2()H (;i,()ss.\i( V. HA.^IIMER, " Tlu- /laiinncr o diMtli," a tist. When a l)crson is quarrelling;; \\ith another, whom he wishes to intimidate, he will hold up his fist in a menacing attitude, and say, " see, here's t'hammer o' deeoth." IIAIMIMER AND PINCERS, Is the noise made by a horse, when he strikes the hind foot against the fore foot. This is in some places, called forging. It resembles the sound made by a blacksmith's hammer ; and is occasioned by the crookedness of the hind leg, which causes it to over-reach the fore leg, or by the sluggishness of the animal. HAMIMER-SCAPPLE, A niggardly person, who at- tempts to loAver the value of an article, he wishes to purchase, a skin-Jiint. HAjMMERING, Stammering, of which the word mam- mering, in Shakespeare, may be a corruption. " I wonder in my soul AVhat you could ask me, that I should deny, Or stand so mammering on." Othello^ iii. 3. " It would not hold, But burst in twaine with his continual hammering. And left the pagan in no little mammering." Harrington'' s Ariosto. Nares. HAMPER, To beat. Dr. Johnson has it not in this sense. HAN, The groan or sigh-like voice, ^\'herewith wood cleavers keep time to their strokes. Cotgravc. " In France, at Courchiverni, neere to Blois, Within a bottle they keepe, shew the no3^se Or ha7i, which Joseph (Christ's reputed father) Used when he cleft wood, or when he squar'd it rather." Wm. Prynne. " "With mony pant, with fcUown hauclm and quaikes." Doug. Virg. p. 225. HAN, They have, an old contraction of haven. " AVhat concord Imn liglit and dark." Spenser. Vid. Todd's Johnson. GLOSSAUY. 209 HANCUTCHER, Handkerchief. HAND, " To be on the mending hand," to be in a state of convalescence. " To have the hand in/' to be accustomed to business. " To swop even hands," to exchange without boot. " He's onny hand afore/' ready and prepared for any undertaking. HAND-BREED, A hand breadth. Pure Saxon. " She's bow-hough'd, she's in shinn'd, Ae Umpin leg a hand breed shorter. She's twisted right, she's twisted left, To balance fair in ilka quarter." Burns. Sic a Wife, ^c. HAND-CLOUT, A toweh Fr. essui-main. HAND-RUNNING, Uninterrupted succession. " He did it seven times hand-running." HANDECHAIMP, A ruffle. HANDERSOME, Handy. 2. IMeddling. HANDSEL, The first use of any thing. A. S. hand and sifUan, to give. Belg. hansel, a present ; also, the first money received at a market, which many super- stitious people will spit on, either to render it tenacious that it may remain with them, and not vanish away like a fairy gift, or else to render it propitious and lucky, that it may draw more money to it. Lemon. Vid Brand's Pop. Antiq. " Goud ale to nnsele." Pi. Plou. 7 joas*. " Our present tears here, not our present laughter. Are but the handselVs of our joyes hereafter." Ilerriclt's Hesperides. " That whoso hardie hand on her doth lay. It dearly shall aby, and death for handscll pay." Spenser^s F. Q. " And tell him, for good handsell too, Til at thou hast brought a whistle new." Ilerrick's Hesperides. 210 IM.OSSAUV. IIAXD-SPIKE, A woocU'ii k'livor, shod \\itli iron. IIANDS-TUHN, "She wiiiiui do :i /laiuh-liini," i. r. she will not turn or employ hor hand in any labour. HAND-STAFF, Handle of a Hail. HANDY-CUFFS, Handcnrts, manacles. It is also fre- (puMitly used in the sense of fisticuffs, and thus it occurs in the praise of Yorkshire Ale. " And some wei'c mad to be at haii(li/-c-ii_ffs." HANGEDLY, Reluctantly. "He gangs vara hcifigecUi/." HANG-GALLOWS, A villain; a proper sidyect or pendant for the gallows. Hence, a haiig-gaUows look, a man of villainous aspect. " Hang an a — e," to loiter. " What do you ha7iff an a — e, pri'thee come along." Sup. 4- Jo. T. Ileijivood. HANGIT, A term or exclamation of contempt or disappointment. HANGJMENT, " To play the hungmciil," to be much enraged. It is also an expression of surprise, as, " what the luuigment !" HANG-NAILS, Fid. nang-nails. Ainsworlh, harg- nuils, or wort-wale of a nail. HANK, A habit. " Shoes gitten a sad hank o' runnin out ot neets." 2. A certain portion of worsted, &c. HANK, To fasten. HANKLE, To entangle. HANNO, Have not. HAP, To wrap up. A. S. hcapian, to heap up. 2'o(ld. To heap up clothes on one. " There, one garment will serve a man most commonly two years ; for why should he desire more ? Seeing if he had them, he should not be better hapl or covered from cold." Robmsori's Translat. of Mare's Utopia, 1551. GLOSSARY. 211 HAP, Covering. '' Gimme plenty o' hap." HAPPEN, Used as an adverb, probably, perhaps. HAPPIN, A rug, or coverlet for a bed. It is also used for any article of clothing that is thick and warm. HAPPY. ^ Happy is the bride, that the sun shines on. Blest is the corpse, that the rain rides on." Ridiculous as this distich is, many will give it full credence. HARD, Sour, vapid, " t'ale's hard." 2. Deaf. Hard of hearing. HARD, Part, and pret. of hear. " In no French Chronicles are such names hard of." Verstegan. " What idler thing than speak and not be hard.'''' Sir Philip Sydney. " I hard save of one." Leland^s Itin. " Thou hardest never such a one, I trow." Romt. of the Rose. " Loe I was cleane cast out of sight, Yet hardst thou my request." Ps. xxxi. 21. SternhoM S( Hopl: " Witlihi this XX. yere, Westwarde he founde new lands, That we never hard tell of before this." John Rastell. Percy Rel. HARD-LAID-ON, Much oppressed with sickness. HARD-SET, Scarcely able. " I's hard-set to addle a livin." HARD-HEADS, Knapweed. Centaurea nigra. HARD AND SHARP, Scarcely. " Hesto mesur, naa matters, its nobbud hard and sharp." 2. Cruelly, harshly, not often used in this sense. '•' jNIy worthy fi-iend, ne'er gi-udge and carj), Tho' fortune use you hard and sharp ; p2 212 GI,OSSARV Conic, kittle up your IMoorlniKl linrp, Wi glecsome touch." Hums. HARDEN, Coarse linen cloth. HARDEN, To advance in ])ricc ; " t'corn rayther luirdcns." HARDLINS, Scarcely. HARD- WOOD-TREES, Deciduous trees, in contradis- tinction to ever-greens and the lir tribe. HARE, A hare crossing a person's path in the morning is superstitiously supposed to denote bad luck. " I caren't Avhother the hare catch the dog or tlie dog catch the liarc ;" an expression of a desperate, thought- less person, utterly regardless of consequences. HARLE, Hair or wool. Belg. haer. " Shoe's a feaful hask harl'd an ;" that is, the cow has harsh hair, always an unfavourable symptom of fattening ; a qualification for which, the farmers say, is a mossy coat ; that is, a skin soft to the touch. Izaak Walton uses herl. " The sixth is a black ily, in May also, the body inadc of"l)hick wool, and lapped about with the licrl of a peacock's tail." p. 107. HARN-PAN, The skull. " In the harne-pan the shaft he has afixt." Doug. Virg. 2f)l. " How first he practi;j'd yc shall hear The ham pan of an umquile marc." Ramsai/s Poems. HARNS, Brains. Gr. KC)itrio}\ Goth, thah-n. Dan. Jiicrnc. Belg. heme IsL. hiarne. "And until his hidduoushand thamethrimblit and wrang And on the stanis out thar hurnis dang." Doug. Virg. p. 89. " "Was ncer ane drown'd in sarras, nor yet in doubt For e'er the head can win down, the humcs arc out." Jiord. Mills. GLOSSARY. 213 " It were well wair'd to tack a mell And knock out au his harns." Ferguson's S. Prov. " Nor shall our herds as heretofore Ivin afF wi' ane anothers store, Nor ding out ane anithers harns. When they forgether amang the kairns." Allan Ramsai). HARRISH, To harrass, of which it may be a corruption ; or it may be derived from the Old Fr. harier, to vex, trouble. Coigrave. " I's sadly harrish'd," a person will say;, Avhen oppressed with trouble or worn out with labour. We also say, it is harrishing weather, when it is cold and stormy. " To whom the shining forth of excellent virtue, tho in a very harrish subject, had wrought a kind of reverence in them." Pemb. Arcadia. Nares. " The tastes that do most otFend in fruits and herbs and roots, are bitter, harrish, sowre." Bacon. Nat. Hist. In these two last quotations harrish seems a corrup- tion of harsh. HARROW, " To trail a leet harrow." This expression alludes to the comforts of single blessedness, which is exempt from many cares and troubles to which matrimony is exposed. HARRY, A country man, a rude boor. Ray has Harry gaud, which, he says, means a wild girl. HARSTONE, Hearthstone : also by metonymy, one's home, as focus or lar in Latin. '' I will be maister o' my awn harslonc." H ARTEN, To encourage. A word of a similar meaning is' used by Chaucer, who leaves out the aspirate. " What for to speke and what to holden unie And what to arten." Troilus. 214 ULOSsAKV. '' Tlie tempter came full i)f (laikncssc as he is, and tliim ilidst hartcn me, that I might iles[)ise them." Translat. of St. Atiyustbie\ MedUat, 1577- HARUM-SCARUM, Wild, dissipated. " He's a hanim scariim fellow." Dr. Jamicson thinks it is allied to the Germ, hcnan schwurm-cn, to rove abotit ; from hcrum, about ; and schwarni-en, to live riotously. HASH, Harsh, most applied to weather. " It is luish and cold." HASK, Dry, parched. Lat. Iiisco, when dry, the land generally cracks or gapes. " A liask wind," a keen piercing wind. " Hask grass," rough, coarse grass. AJso rigid or harsh to the touch, as " this cow handles vara hosk." " On raggit rolkis of hard lutrsk quhyii stane." Douglas Virgil., p. 200. HASLE-OIL, A ludicrous expression for a severe castigation. H ASPEN ALD, A tall youth, betwixt a man and a boy, having. shot up like an aspen, aid being a diminutive. HASPERT, A rough, uncultivated felloAv. Sc. aspert. Lat. asperus. HASTO, Hast thou ! HASTY PODDISH, Hasty pudding, made of milk and flour ; not, as Dr. Johnson asserts, of oatmeal and water. This last mixture with us is always called water porridge. HAT, An old hat is said to be the prize won by a person who has told a great lie ; and when he is suspected to be guilty of it, it is common to say, " here's my oud hat for the " 2. A three cocked hat ; currants or preserves inclosed in a thin crust or triangular ])aste or pasty. HAT-BRUART, The brim of a hat. HAT, Pract. of hit. GLOSSAllY. 215 HATTOCK, A shock of corn containing ten sheaves. Eight of these stand on the end, inclining to each other, and are covered with other two, which are called hooders or hood sheaves. IIAUD, Hold. " Now hand ye there, for 3'e have said enough And niickle mah' than ye can iiiak to through." Burns. HAUP, Half. This word is curiously used in the fol- lowing expression j " he's nut hmif a bad an," i. c. he is a fair, respectable person. H AUF-ROCTON, Idiotic, half witted. HAUF THICK, Half fat. HAUGH, ^ A hillock. Dan. hmighiu; iumulus. ¥r. HAW, V haul, as i/aw-pike, Haw-her, hills in HA, } Craven. 2. Ha house, a mansion. " I hae a good ha'-house, a bai-n an a, byre." Gentle Shepherd. HAUT, To halt, to walk lame. HAUVE, To come near, applied to horses. HAUVISH, Silly, witless, probably a corruption of o«fish. HAVVER, Oats. Belg. haver, or from the Old Fr. avcron, or avencron, wild oats, haver, or oat grass. Cotg. IIAVVER-CAKES, Thin cakes made of oatmeal, and dried in a fleeok or hurdle. Recruits from the Northern Counties, where oat cakes are generally used, are denominated havver-cake huh: And the Serjeant of a recruiting party, in order to tempt men to enlist, hoisted an oat cake on the point of his sword, and with a stentoric voice exclaimed, " Hey for't havver cake lads." HAVVER BREEOD, Germ, haver hrcod. 21(5 GI.OSSAKV. HAVVER-3IAUT, I .L.n't ] command their horses to turn to the HAUVE, J left. " Deep was the way, for which the carte stood, The carter smote and cried as he were wood, Ileii Scot, hei( brok, what spare ye for the stones." Chancer Frere^s Talc. " When to accord the sturdy knee, And skilful trip with hait or gee, "Which horses learn without much trouble, In full career they make a double." Mara, p. 102. GLOSSARY. 225 HEUGH, A rocky hill A. S. hcaffian, cJevare. This word is strongly guttural. " From that place syne, unto ane cave we went, Under ane hyngand heuch in ane darne (retired place) we went." Donglas Virg. HEV, HEW, To knock one ancle against another. HEWSON, A term of reproach, addressed to a person Avho cannot see a thing which is plainly before his eyes ; or who is apt to make mistakes for want of using them properly. This word has always blind subjoined with it. A blind hewson. HEY, A term of exaltation. " Hey fort." " They make the ship ring with the noise O^hey, for Sicily, brave boys." Maro. " To play hey," to be in a violent passion. HEYBA, A great noise, a high-bawl. HEYE, High. " This Goddess on a hart full heye sat." Chaucer. HEYMOST, Highest. HIDE, Skin. " To tan the hide," to beat. To warm the hide is synonymous. HIDE, To beat, HIDING, A beating. HIE, To be off. " Go hie thee." Isl. heya. " Your late hies apace." Othello., also in Merchant of Venice and Macbeth, " Highe thou to come to me." Titus iii. Wiclif. " Hie thee to this place of secrecy." Quentin Durward, 2d vol. p. 227. " IVIy mindc misgives mee, somewhat is amisse, With them or with the cattle ; hye thee lad " Fracaslorius. Translat. hy Sylvester. n 226 tlT.OSSARY IIIG, A passion, a violent commotion of the mind, a corruption of the ^VKLsII r//»-. anger. 2. A temporary hurricane, " a March Iiig." HIGHTY, A horse, a name generally used by children. HIKE, To push with the horns, HIND, 1 A bailiff or hirdsman. Ish. hird, cnstodirc. IIIKD, j Servus operarhis. Rider. " Aa when a sturdy ploughman with his lnjnde. By strength have overthrown a stubborn steare." Spenser. " The rational hind Costard." Shakspeare. Lovers Labour Lost. This passage seems to have been misunderstood by Tyrwhil, Steevens, and Farmer, who suppose it tJ have been a female red deer. " Cowardly hind.'" 2dpt.ofH. IV. "An if my neyhbore had an hyne." P. Plou. 7 pass. " But an hyred hyne."'' John X. Wiclif. HIND-BERRIES, Rasp-berries, the fruit of the ruhus idoeus. A. S. hindberiau, wrongly interpreted by Lye, J'ragum. Tliomp.son derives it from D. Innd-hicr. Mr. Todd supposes that they are bramble-berries. Forte sic dicta, quia inter hinnulos et cervos in silvis et saltibus crescunt. Ray. They are excellent fruit, and are frequently gathered in the woods by poor people for sale. HINDERENDS, Refuse of corn. Goth. Af«f/«/-, behind. HING, To hang. Praet. hang, p. p. hung. Hence, hung-beef, dried beef. " Some gnaw the snakes that on their shoulders hinff." Fairfax Tasso. " O'er ilka thing a general sadness hinffs /" A. Ramsay^s Pastorals. 2. '■ To hbig an a — ," to loiter. Also, ''to hhig about," is svnonvmous. GLOSSARY. 227 HIXG-BY, ''I A HING-ON ' " •'•^^'^site- HINGES, " To be off t' hiuges." To be out of health. HIP, To pass by, to skip over. " Besydes these charmes afore, I have feates many more, That kepe still in store, Whom now I over-hT/ppe.^' Bale's Interlude, 1502. Vid. Brand's Pop. An, HIP AND THIGH, Completely, entirely. HIPE, To push with the head as horned cattle. In this sense the word seems synonymous with hike. But it is more frequently used metaphorically, implying indirect censure. Welsh, hypynt, a push. HIPPINABLE, When the hippins or stepping stones are passable. " That is overhippii quite and left behind." Dmiglas Virg. Preface, HIPPIN, Hipping. " Hope cam hyppying after." P. Plou. Dobet 3 jiass. HIPPINS, Stepping stones, over a river or brook. 2. Child's cloths. HIRSLE, To move about, to shove or hitch. Teut, aerselen, ire retro. A. S. hwyrlfan, to turn round. "And whanne we felden into a place of gi'avel, gon all aboute with the see, thei hirtleden the ship." Dedis 27. WicUf. " For on blynd stanis and rokkis kirssilit we TumUt of mount Pachynus in the see." D. Virff. p. 92. *■' And four black trotters clad wi grisle, Bedown his throat had learnt to hirsle." Ferguson's Poemc HISK, To draw the breath with difficulty. Lat. hisco. HISSELL, Himself. " Hee's not hissel," i. e. he is in a state of derangement. q2 2i>» (;i.<).ssAUV. HIT, To find. " I can ///"/ f gait." 2. To agrco. " Pray )oii lot us hit to^fotlicr." Lear I. 1. HITS, " iNIincl tliy lills," embrace thy opportunity. HITTER, Vehement, eager, restless, or passionate. HITTl^RIL, A congeries of confluent ])imples on the body, attended with itching and a slight degree of inflammation. " My legs 're all of a hilteril." HITTY-jMISSY, Right or wrong, a corruption of liil or miss. In Colgravc, tumhant, levant, well or ill, hittic missie, here or there, one way or the other. Ari.levaiit. HIZY PRIZY, A corruption of nisi-prius. HO, Wariness, moderation, mostly, if not always used negatively, as there is " no ho with him," he is not to be restrained ; he is rash, impetuous, precipitate, and acts on the spur of the moment, without judgment or discretion. " There is no hoo between them." Froyssarfs Cronycle. "All went on wheels there, there was no hoe with them, they were so lusty." " Estre (lu lard." Cotgrave. " //o, retinue." Mieye, " The King thereupon threw down his wardci', the Marshall cried ho ! and the combat ceased." Barneys Hist, of Ed. III. Vid. Mills on Chivalry^ vol. 2, p. 25. " Again, but ho there, if I should have waded any further, and sounded the depth of their deceit, I should have either procured your displeasure, or incun-ed the suspicion of fraud." Lylies Euphnes. See Todd's 2d Edition of Johnson. GLOSSARY. 229 IIOATLY, Hotly. " At what time Galgacus, the principall man, seemf» the multitude hoatly demaunde the battaile, is sayed to have used this speech." Life ofAgricola. DanetCs Translation ofTacitus,\bOG. HOB, The side of the fire ; also the hood-end. HOB-NOB, Grose explains hob-nob at a venture, rashlj\ Mr. Todd thinks Mr. Brands etymology and explana- tion more satisfactory, from habban, Sax. to have, and ncebban, to want ; i. e. Do you choose a glass of Avine, or would you rather let it alone. " Hob-nob is his word, give it or take it." Shaks. Twelfth Night. I have frequently heard one gentleman, in company, say to another, will you hob-nob with me .'' When this challenge was accepted, the glasses were instantly filled, and then they made the glasses touch or kiss each other. This gentle striking of the drinking vessels I always supposed explained the term hob-nob. HOB, HOBBY, HOBBIL, A fool. HOBBITY-HOY, A stripling, half man, half boy. Tusser calls it hobart de hoigh, or hoyk. Mr. Wilbraham believes it to be simply hobby the hoyden. The word hoyden, he says, is by no means confined to the female sex, but signifies a rude ill behaved person. HOBBLE, A scrape, a state of perplexity. " Now Captain Cleveland, will you get us out of this hobble.''^ Pirate., 'id vol. p. 152. HOBBLY, Rugged, uneven, pebbly. " This is a feaful hobbly road." Welsh, hohcld, to hobble. HOBKNOLLING, Saving your own expenses by living with others on slight pretences. J. y A shoe. 230 i.i.ossAuv. IIOIJ-l'HIC'K, A woikIcmi pcij; driven iiito llio lioels of shoes. HOB-THRUSH-LOUSE, Millepes. HOCKEH, To (It) :i piece of work in a clumsy manner. HOD, To liold, priaiij by Todd. Su. G. htirni, ciiDi iiiipr/ii circuvutgi cl korra, soinnii .siridiilinii cdrrc. IIURT-])()NE. Bewitdiod. " Is wna to hear at Joan Shepliord's /lurl done." HURTEK, A ring of iron in the axis of a cart. This is evidently derived from the Fk. hcurler, for, by the motion of the cart, the bush in the nave of the wheel is continually striking against it. Vid. Broclclt- HUSH, To detach, by force of a running stream, earthy particles from minerals. Belg. hoosoi, to let water from a dam. HUSHING, The act of separating earthy particles from minerals. HUSHTO, Hold thy tongue. HUSSOCK, A large tuft of coarse grass. 2. A large gross Avoman. HUTCH, To shrug. HUTTER, To speak confusedly. HUZ OR UZ, Us. " Shoe gavv huz ten words for yan." HUZZIF, A small case for needles, thread, &c. HY, Make haste. HYAN, A fatal disease amongst cattle, by which their bodies instantly become putrid. GLOSSARY. 241 1, 'J Yes. I is sometimes pronounced like E, par- AYE^ Y ticularly when the pronoun follows the EIGH, j verb, as " do E," for I do. " Not but ynough, also, Sire trusteth me And ye him knew also well as do /." Chaucer. Chanon's Trol. I IS often sounded like E, in in. " /' every inch a King When I do stare, see how the subject quakes." Lear. ICE-BONE, The pelvis. This is also called the Jiatch or aitch-bone, from which the ice-bone may be corrupted. ICE-SHACKLES, Icicles. In Scotland isechokill. Teut. yskekel. Goth, isiokla. In Cotgrave ice- seekles, gouttes gelees, glaqons. " Over craggis and the frontys of rockys sere (many) Hang great yse schokkalis lang as ony spere." Doug. Virff. May not this word be derived from shackle, the wrist, as a shackle of ice. Though icicles vary in their dimensions, they certainly frequently resemble the wrist in rotundity. ICKLES, Isicles, water ickles, stalactites. " Be she constant, be she fickle, Be she fire, or be she ickle.'''' Cotton. See Todd's second edition. I'D, I had. 2. I would. IDLE-BACK, A lazy person. IF, " Let's hev naan o' yower ifs an ans," let us have no hesitation, be decisive. IF'TLE, If thou wilt. IKE, A familiar contraction of Isaac. R 242 OLOSsAIiV. ILK, Eacli. This jironouii, so coninion in Scotland, is no\v extinct here ; thougli it appears from a JMSS. book on Alclieniy, to have been used by the Canons of Bolton. "And tliiin tayke veitgrcce and wad askes of y/A van el_vke iiK'kvl." This is a proof amongst many others, that the words, generally supposed to be peculiar to Scotland, are merely English words now become obsolete. ILLAN, A bad one ; from ill and u)ic. ILLIFY, To villify, to defame, llaij has to /'//, to reproach. ILL-CONDITIONED, ) ^ . , •„ , ILL-CONTRIVED, | ^^"'^' ^^'^'^^'^ .H-humoured. " Aniavdt Gu\dh'am who was a sage knight & knew right well his brothers condicions, i. e. temper." Berncr^s Trans, of Froyssart. ILL-TO-FOLLOW, When a person of most excellent character and conduct vacates an office, the remark often made is, that he is an iU'on to follow ; which implies a comparison to the prejudice of the successor. ILL-SET, Placed in or exposed to difficulties. " He's ill-sct to git a living." IME, Rime, hoar frost. Isr.. Jijirm. A. S. hijnne. IMP, An additional enlargement of a bee-hive. Su. G. ymp, insere. Qu. an abbreviation of the Lat. implc- meiitum ? Welsh, impiaw, to graft. " /)»;) out your country's drooping wing." Shdks. Rich. II. ii. 1. IMP, To add, to enlarge. This word. Dr. Johnson says, is now wholly obsolete. It is a very common expres- sion AA'hen api)lied to bee-hives, but I never heard it made use of on any other occasion. " Thus taught an prechid hath Reason, But love yspilte hath lier sermon That was so impid in my thought That hcv doctrine I set at naught." Chmtccr. Jioiii. Jl. CiLOSSAKV. 243 IN, •• To keep /// with a person," to retain his favourable opinion, to keep on friendly terms. IN AND IN, Breeding cattle without crossing the breed IN-BANK, Descending or inclining ground. INCH, " I'll pay the within an inch o'thy life," a threat- ening of a sound beating. Something similar to the expression in Shaks. Coriolaniis. " They'l give him death by inches." INCOME OF THE FAIR, Arrivals the evening befoYe the fair. A. S. inctiman. " But, Pandare, right at his incommhiff." Tro. (5; Cress. Chaucer. About the time of Rolle, the Hermit of Hampole, who died in 1394, parts of the Gospels of Saint Mark and Saint Luke, &c. were translated by the Clergy. " ^Vhen the doughter of thai Herodias was incomyn and hud tomblyde and plesid to Harowde, and also to the sittande at mete, the khig says to the wench." Mark vi. 22. INDERMER, Inner. INDIFFERENT, Tolerable, pretty well, so so. When very is added to indifferent, the meaning is entirely changed. If I ask a Craven peasant how his wife does, he replies "■ indifferent, thank ye ;" then I con- clude that she is in tolerably good health. But if he tells me that she is very indifferent, I am assured she is very ill ; or, almost in a hopeless state. For \vant of knowing the proper meaning of this expression, learned commentators, particularly from the Southern part of this kingdom, have frequently exposed them- selves in attempting to elucidate various passages in Shakspeare, which the inhabitants of the Northern Counties find not the least difficulty in comprehending. This is another proof of the benefit of a dialectic R 2 244 (ii.ossAUY. Glossary. 1'lie follow ing passage in Act iv. Scene 1, of T(tiuinif of a Slirciv, seems to have puzzled Dr. Johnson, Dr. Farmer, and 3/r. Ma/oiic. " Let tliL'ir heads be sleekly conil)eil, tiieir blue coats brushed, and their garters of an indifferent knit." " What is the sense of this I know not," says Dr. Johnson, "unless it means that their garters should be fellows, inditferent or not different one from another." In Donne's Paradoxes, p. 5(5, Dr. Farmer observes, that we find one indifferent shoe ; mean- ing, I suppose, says he, a shoe that would fit either the right or left foot. " One indifferent shoe doubtless signifies that one slwe was nearly worn out." " Perhaps by garters of an indifferent knit, the author meant party coloured garters, garters of a different knit" Alalone. Whilst these acute philologists are descanting on the eolour of the garters, which Sliakspeare never mentions, they say not a word about the mode of knitting them. The words of an " indifferent knit" simply mean, that the garters should be tolerahhj well knit, neither very fine nor very coarse. " I am m\se\i indifferent honest" (tolerably honest.) Hamlet iii. 1. " Our scheme is indifferent well laid." Abbot. "• That use almost all manner indifferente good " Secrets of Alexis of Piemont. INDIFFERENTLY, Tolerably. " Well I think I have indifferently well redeemed my pledge." Quenlin, Durward, 'Ad vol. p. 52. ING, A marshy meadow, common, in the same sense, to the INLtjso. G. Isi.. and Sax. Isl. einsre. Dan. in>;. GLOSSARY. 245 INGATE, Ingress, entrance. It is mostly used in con- junction witli outgate, when speaking of something that is lost, which, after the most diligent search, cannot be found. Thus a person will say, " I lost a sheep last week, bud I can mak nayther ingate ner outgate on't." INGRUND, The same as inhnnk, which see. INKLING, A desire. " Ive an inkling to gang to't' fair to morn." 2. An imperfect hint. In and callen, to tell. Teut. inklinken, to sound within. Skinner. Brockett sup- poses that it may be derived from Fk. iin din (d'oeil), a ^vink, if not from Su. Goth, ivincka, connivere. Sir Thomas Moore uses inkelynge. " Thus spake Orcanes and some inkling In doubtful words." Fairfax Tasso. " But as either thou tendrest my honor or thine own safety use such secresy in this matter, that my father have no inkliiig hereof." Lylies Euphues. " O which, when I gie you an inkling It will set baith your lugs a tincklhig." Ramsay Three Bonnets. " Elias never gave the subjects of Achab the least ingling of any such absolution." Jas. I. INK-STAND AGE, An inkstand. INLAID, Provided with, laid up in store. " We're weel inlaid for coals." INNERIMER, Inner. INSENSE, To inform. INSENSED, Inform'd, or liaving sense infused into his mind. " I have insenseA. the Lords of the Counsil that he is a most harsh heretick." Shaks. H, VIII. See also Rich. III. iii. 1. 24() (;i,o.ssAKV. IXSIDE, Stomach and bowels. "How isto Jolin, to day ?" '' Iso feaful ill i my inside." INSTEP, " >She is rather high in her iiislep," she is imnid and hanghty. " If thi'v (fine Diimos) l)e adorned with beauty, they be strait laced and made so high in the ins/rp, tliat they disdaine them most that most desire them." Lylies Euphues. INTACK, An inclosure, an in-lahe, because it is taken in from the common. INTUT, ) INTUTH ^ "*"*• r,} IS, I am. " I 15 as ill a miller as is ye." Chaucer. Mr. Tyrwhit (says Dr. JVhita/.crJ, the sagacious editor of the Caiiterhitrij Talcs-, has observed that this is not the language of Chaucer. Though Chaucer was not able to say where Strother was, the language used by the two scholars is sufficiently evident that they came from Langstroth, formerly called Langstrother, near Buckden, the Northern part of Craven, on the banks of the Wharf. It is worthy of remark, that the lapse of more than four centuries has had so little effect upon the language, that at the present day, and at the very same spot, the Craven Dialect is spoken in the like degree of purity as it was in the days of Chaucer. This, I conceive, is principally owing to the great retire- ment of the place ; which, inhabited by peasantry and surrounded by mountains, nearly inacces- sible, has had little intercourse with the world. But, I fear, that the moral purity of these two voung Cravenitos liad been much corrupted by GLOSSARY. 247 the connections which they had formed at the University. ISE^ I am, or I will. "/se try whether your custard or my bat be the harder." Lear iv. 6. IS'T'ER, Is there. IS'TO, Art thou. IT'LE, It will. I'TH', In the. ITSELL, Himself or herself. " I've seen a wean af't vex itselU An greet because it wasna tall ; Heez'd on a beikl, O then ! Rejoicing in the arttu' height, HoAv smirky look'd the little wight ! An thought itscU a man." A. Ramsay. 2. It is frequently used as a term of endearment, when addressed to a child, " as talc care on its-ell/' i. e. of yourself. ITT, To eat. ITTEN, Eaten. IV, In ; generally used when the next word begins with a vowel, as " he's iv our house." IV'E, I have. IVIN, Ivy. IV'RY, Every. IV'RY LIKE, Very frequently, on every occasion. IZZET, The letter Z. This is probably the corrup- tion of izzard, the old and common name for the letter, though I knov/ not, says Nares, on what authority. Dr. Johnson explains this letter into s hard. If, however, says JValkcr, this be the meaning, it is a gross misnomer, for the .~ is not the hard but soft s ; but as it has a less sharp, and, therefore, not so audible a sound, it is not impossible that it may mean .y ^urd. 2l-}> (..l.ossAKV JACK, To beat, Jackcii, BEi.r,. JACK, Knave of cards. JACK-A-DANDY, A little impertinent fellow, from jack, and Tkut. danl-eii iiicplire. "It is a. shame tor men of spirit to have such -djack-a- (lundy scarecrow on board." Pirate 3f/ vol. p. 146. JACK ROBIXSON, What a strange perversion of words will time frequently occasion! " As soon as you can say Jack Robinson" is a phrase common in every part of the kingdom, but who could suppose that it is a corruption of tlie following quotation } — " A warke it ys as easie to be doone, As 'tys to saye, Jack ! rolys on." Old Play. JACK-A-LEGS, A large pocket knife, from Jaques dc Liege, the name of a famous cutler. Dr. Jamieson. " An gil' the custoc's sweet or sour, "Wi joctelegs they taste them." Halloween. Burns. JACK-PLANE, A coarse plane. JACKSON-HORSE, Jackson's horse. The possessive case is frequently omitted, so that the two words become a compound noun. This mode of speaking and writing seems of great antiquity. " Barfoot on an anse back.'"' Pi. Plou. 4 pass. " It an offrand for xs. Wriyht wyffe iiijrf." //. Lord Clifford MSS. IS 10. " All his scholars shall every Childermas daye come to Pauli's churche and hear the childe bishop sermon.'"'' Dean ColeCs Statutes., 1512. " Like a wilde asse colt." Job xi. 12. Geneva Edit. 1502. ' He shall l)yndc' liys assc fole unto the vync." Gen. xlix. 2. I'lcin. GLOSSARY. 249 JAG, A large cart load of hay. In Cheshire, however, according to Mr. Wilbraham, jag or jagg means a parcel, a small load of hay or corn. JAGGING-IRON, A circular instrument, with teeth used in forming ornamental pastry, &c. Mi'. Todd derives the verb from the Welsh gagau, slits or holes. JAM, To squeeze, Qw. between the jamb or jaum. JAMS-MASS, The festival of St. James. JANGLE, To rove about, to lead a disorderly life. JANNOCK, Thick oaten cake or loaf. "A loaf made of oat-meal leavened." Tim Bobbin. " Mattie gae us baith a drap skimmed milk, and ane o' her thick a.it Jannocks." Rob Roy. " That isn't Jannoch," i. e. not fair, a phrase in use amongst rustic bons vivans, when one of the party is suspected of not drinking fairly. JAUM, The post of a door^, the stone partitions of a window. YR.jambe. JAUNUS, Jaundice. JAUPE, To dash like water. The substantive is seldom used. "■ Wele fer from thens standith ane rocke in the se Forgane the fomv schore and coistis hie, Quhilk sum tyme with boldynand wallis quhite, Is by the jmvpe of fludes coverit quhy te." Douylas Virg. 131. JAUPEN, Large, spacious, " a girt jaupen roum." JAVVER, Idle talk. " het's hey naan o' thy javver." JEAST, Jest. " Shews iiim to the company, Avho caught then- bellic- full at this jjleasant jcast."" Molle\'i Tranxlaiioii of Camerarins^ 1C21. " I should hut serve my souldiers as ajeast. And .Jiiditli fair would count mec but a beast." llurhoii's Tmnsl. "f Du liartas'' Juditli. •250 GLOSSAllV. JEGGLK. To be restless anil uneasy, generally applied to children. JE(i(tLIN, Restless, unquiet. JENNY WREN, The wren. An ^- The llobin and the Wren Are God Almighty's Cock and Hen." JERKIN, A waistcoat. " I'll fettle thy jcr/ciii." I'll beat thee. JERKIN, To beat. Goth, girefcin. JET, A word used by milk-maids, when they wish a coav to turn on one side. FR.Jclter. JIDDY-CUM-JYDY, A see-saw, or a plank supported on its centre. A word of like import, and of similar ehfffince, is used in Suffolk, lillijJatmluwluh. Moor. JIFFY, In an instant. " An then shall each Paddy, who once on the lAffy, Perchance held the hehn of some mackerel boy, Hold the hchn of the state and dispense in a. jiffy. More fishes than ever he caught when a boy." Rejected Addresses. Todd. JIG, To rove, to make frequent idle excursions from home. JIGE, "j With the g hard, to creak. Geuh. geigan JYGG, j fricare, vox ex sono fuctu. " Gan grane or (/eui the evil joint barge." Douglas Virff. }}. 158. JIGGING IRON. See Jagging-Iron. JILL, Half a pint. "A good jack makes a good _y7//," ?'. c. a sood husband makes a good wife. GLOSSARY. 251 JOIIMERS, Hinges, probably of the same signification as gimmals in Shakspeare H. VI. i. 2. "• By some old gimmals or device their arms are set." Skinjiers' derivation of this word, from the Lat. gemellus, is very appropriate to the Craven signi- fication of it. For, when the word is used, par (pair) is generally added to it, as a par oijimviers. The gimmal bit. Hen. V. iv. 2. I presume, is the same bit now in use, being united with a joint or ghnmer. Mid. N. Dream, iv. 1. " I hav^e found Demetrius like a gimmal, mine own and not mine own." That is two counter parts or fellows united by one bond. These ghnmer s,' or hinges, are frequently made in the form of a capital H, hence they are called H gimmers. The original reading Avas Jewel, which Dr. JVarbiirlon altered to gimmal. " And ze also stout gemmell brethir twa Chylder and sonnis unto him Daucia." Doug. Virg. />. 330. In the antiquities of Louth church it is written chymol, " paid for 2 chymols 6d." Minsliew has gemowxxn^, which he derives from Fr. gemean. JOIMY, Neat, smart, spruce. Welch, gwymp. JIMP, To indent. JINGLE-BRAIXS, An unsettled, noisy fellow. JINK, To chink or jingle. JINNY SPINNER, A large fly, called also harry long legs. " Her wagon spokes made of long spiimers legs." Shaks. Rom, ^ Jul. i. 4. JINNY-HULLET, An owl. JIST, Cattle taken to depasture at a stipulated price, from agist. JIST, To take cattle to ;rraii:,. -•yJ t;Los!5AUV. JOB, An artair, an event ; not nscd in this sense by Jo/iiixon, as " Scot's failure will be a sad Job for his family." JOBBER, A dealer in cattle. .TOE, " To he Joe," i. e. to be master. JOG-TROT, A gentle, equable pace. JOGGLE, To shake. Sc. schogle. " Girl daring darted frae his ee, A braid sword schogled at his thie." Ramsaifs Vision. JOGGLY, Shaking, unsteady 2. Rough, aajogg/j/ road. Welsh, gogi, to shake. JOINT, " To have one's nose put out of Joint/' to be supplanted in the affections of another. JORUjNI, a large y^i,--. JOSEPH, An ancient riding habit, with buttons down to the skirts. " And now my straggling locks adjusted, And faithful Joseph brush'd and dusted, I sought, but could not find, alas ! Some consolation in the glass." Mrs, Grants Poems. Dr. Jamiesoii's Stcpp. JOSSLE, Hodge podge, a dish composed of a variety of meat, JOUL, A blow. " While he was blynde, The wenclie behynde. Left him leyd on the ttore : Many a joule. About the noule, AVitfi a great batyldore." Sir Thos. Moore. JOUL, To dash, a corruption oijolt. JOUP, To shake. Belg. zmalp, a flash of water. JOWEL, The space betwixt the piers of a bridge. Qu. Sc. Jowls, Jaw and hole. Sir Walter Scolt, in his notes on the canto 2d, of the Laii nf lite Last Min.il rel, GLOSSARY. 253 explains jaw-hole, a common sewer. T)r. Jamicson, in his Supplement, derives auale, to descend from the Fr. jauale, from Palsgrave, which much resembles our M^ord. JUMBLEMENT, Confusion. JUMP, A child's leathern frock. 2. A woodienjtimp, a coffin. JUMP, Short, compact. " A jump i\t," a compact horse. 2. Nicely, exactly. Not obsolete, as Johnson supposed. " And bring him jMwp." Othello, ii. 3. JUMP, To embrace with eagerness. " I made him an offer and he jumped at it." JUMP- WITH, To meet accidentally. " I just jiimpt wi him, at four loan ends." 2. To agree with. " I have already observed that you jump with me in keeping the mid way." Jas. I. Letter to Bacon. " I'll jump not with common spirits." Merchant of Venice, ii. 9. JUMPER, A miner's auger, used in making holes for the reception of gun-powder, for blasting or blowing up rocks." 2. A maggot in bacon, &c. 3. A jumping enthusiast. JUR, To hit, to strike, to push with the head. " Donner de la teste," to butt or jur. Cotgrave. JURDEN, Chamber-pot. A. S. gor, sordes, and den, receplaculum. Thomson derives it from Arm. dourden, urine, or O. Fr. jar. " Ich shall jangle to ys Jordan." PicTS JPloti JUST-NOW, Immediately. 251- ULOSSAllV K KAAMj A comb. Sc. ///////. " I/assie lend nie yovir l)raw hemp heckle, An I'll lend you my tlnipiing kamc ; I'or tainess doavrle, I'll gar ye keckle, Ifye'U gae dance the Eob o' Dunblane." A. Ramsay. KAAM, To comb. " And there he first spyd Child Morice Kaminii his yellow hair." Scotthh Song. Child JlTorice. " She kissed his cheek, she l(aim\l his hair." M'lnst. of S. n. KALE, Broth. IsL. kmil, olus. " For there is neither bread nor h-a!e." Otterhurne. " O the monks of Melrose made gude kale." Galashiels. " With waiter caiV^ MaitlantVs Comp. Border Mins. "Set ane of their noses within the smell of a kale pot." Pirate., vol. 1, j)- 25C. " Good kale is half a male." jMeil is sometimes the Craven pronunciation of meal. " They that sup keile with the Divill ha^^e need of long spoons." K. Jas. I. Dcemonoloffie, p. 97- " Save thy wind to blaw thy kale," is often said to a noisy person whom we wish to hold his tongue. " He wadn't part with the reek of his kale," is applied to a covetous person. The young women of Craven have a custom of using kale by way of a charm, when they are desirous of knowing whom they shall afterwards marry. The rules observed by the person who practises it are these. At bed time she stands on something on which she never stood before, and repeats the following lines, hold- ing in her liand a jiot of cold laic. GLOi^SAKV. 255 " Hot kale^ or cold kalc^ I drink thee, If" ever I marry a man or a man maiTy me, I wish this night I may him see, to morrow may him ken In church fair or market above all other men." She then drinks nine times^, gees to bed backwards, and during the night she expects to see, in a dream, her future husband. " The month of February was called by the Saxons Snrout-kele, theseasonwhen kele-vfuxt, now cole-wort, began to shoot, the broth whereof was called A-e/e." Verstegan, p. 59. KALE-POT, In general an iron pan for boiling broth, &c. KARL-CAT, A male cat. Bei.g. kaerle, a husband. A. S. cearle. IsL. karl. KAZZARDLY, Hazardous, precarious. 2. Lean, ill-thriven. KEA, Go, used imperatively- " Kea thy ways," begone. KEAK, A distortion or injury of the spine, that causes deformity. It seems to have some affinity with the Cheshire word kench, which Mr. Wilbrakam defines a tv/ist or wrench, a strain or sprain. Our terra, however, is never used but for a wrench in the spine ; and to careless nurses this is a very common admonition. *' If you don't mind you'l give that barn a keak in the back." KEAK, To raise up, to prop up a cart, in order to unload it more easily. KEAVE, To cleanse thrashed corn from the fragments of straw, unripe ears, and other refuse, which are beaten off by the flail. This operation is partly per- formed by the rake, as the corn lies on the barn floor, and then with a wide riddle or sieve, which retains any remaining refuse, and suffers the grain and chaft* to pass through. This riddle is hence called a keaving riddle, and the refuse, separated by it and the rake, is called shorlfi. -JM) CI.OSSAUY. 2. To raise or lift up a cart, so as to unload it all at once. " To /catrc a cart, to overthrow it, to turn out the dung." liai/- In this sense, /•eak and Iccavc are perhaps used indiscriminately, though, I believe, the former means to raise or prop uj) the cart in such a manner, that it may be unloaded more easily, as in carting dung, which is not emptied all at once, but in convenient heaps. The Cheshire word, kec/i, has the same signification, viz. to raise up. KECK-A-HOOP, )^ Proud, elated. Fr. aujuc a hupc, COCK-A-HOOP, j cock with a crest. Blount. " Yon will set cock-a-hoop^ Rom. c5- .Jul. i. 5. "God's predestination and election should be with a simple eye considered to make us more warely to walk in good and godly conversation, according to God's woorde, and not to sit cocke in the hoopc, and put all on God's backe, to do wickedly." PhilpoVs Letter to the Archdeacon of Winchester., 1555. " You will sit cock-a-hoop.'''' Shakspcare''s Rom. <§■ Jul. KECK, To refuse with disdain, to throw up the head at any thing, synonymous with the Scotch geek. " Yestreen I met you on tlie moor, Ye spak na, but gaed by like stoure : Ye geek at me because I'm poor, But fient a hair care I." Burns' Tibbie. " She bauldy loues, bauldy that drives the car But geeks at me, an' says I smell o' tar." Gent. Shepherd. Ramsay. KECKER, Squeamish. KECKLE, To laugh violently. Belg. kichelen or kuken. " The Trojanis lauches fast seand him fall And hym behaldand swym they keklit all." Douglas Virgil, p. 133. " And kayis kccklys on the rufe abone." Douglas Virgil, p. 202. GLOSSARY. 257 " Adown my beard the slavers trickle ! I throw the wee stools o'er the mickle, As round the fire the giglets keekle To see me loup." Burns. KECKLING, Laughing " Gin my sour-mou'd grinning bucky Ca' me conceity keckling chucky." A. Ramsay. KEDDLE, To nurse, to coddle, to attend on a sick person with great care ; perhaps from caudle, or from the Old Fr. cadeler, to cocker or pamper. KEDGE, To fill, to stuff. " That ouse hes kedged his kyte," that ox hath filled his belly. KEDGE-BELLY, A glutton, a large protuberant body. KEEL, To cool. A. S. ccelati. " With a long stele That cast for to kele a crokke." Piers Plou. "Beseeching her my fervent wo to kele." Chaucer. Court of Love. " Send Lazarus that he may dip the end of his finger in water to kele my tunge." Luke xvi. Wiclif. " While greasy Joan doth keel the pot." Shaks. Lovers Labour Lost. Commentators have been sadly puzzled by this simple passage, comparing it to the inverted keel of a ship. KEEP, Support, food for cattle. " We've feaful good keep." KEEP-WEEL, To keep on fair terms, frequently through interested motives. KEIE, ) „ „ , KAY I ^^^* ^^^^- ^'^^y- " I have the keles of deeth and helle." Revel. 1. C. Wiclif. " The strong CofFre hath all deuored Under the keie of auerice." Gower. •25ii c; LOSS A It V. " I will give thee krics of lioavcii." Dial, bclu'ccn a Protestant and a Papist, black letter, sa?is date. " And if that old bookes \\ ere away Ylorne wei'c of" all remembrance the kai/.^^ Chaucer. Legend of good Women. "Neither the sword nor the keiea meddle within doores." Bis/top IlalTs Kpistles. " The Ijord graunt that this zeale and love towards that part of God's word which is a kay and a true commentary to all holy Scripture may ever abide in that Colledge (Penib. Camb :) so long as the world shall endure." Bishop Ridlei/\s Letters. KEISTY, Difficult to please in dietj squeamish. Belg. keis-etigh. KELD, A Avell. HaUkeld, a holy fountain. A keal kehl, a cold well. " Near kehl cold stream I drew my infant breath, There toil'd thro life, there closed my eyes in death." Dr. lVhitaker''s Richmond shire. " From cald kehl super Camb to the Top of Tenigent." Survey of Burton Chace. 35 Ed. li. Idem. KELK, A blow. KELK, To boat. KELK, A large detached stone or rock. KELL, A cell, " a squirrel kcll." The c and the k being frequently sounded alike. "Bury himself in every silk worms A-e//." Ben Jonson. Nares. " Knit with ane buttoun m ane goldyn keU." Doug. V. p. 237. " Phrenitis is a disease of the mind with a continual madnesse or dotage w^hich hath an acute feaver annexed, or its an inflammation of the braine or the membranes or kells of it, with an acute feaver which causeth madnesse and dotage." Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. GLOSSARY. 259 The amnion inclosing the fsctus, from the Gr. a/uvio}'. These are carefully and superstitiously preserved by some, as tokens of good fortune through life. Brand mentions several advertisements in which these kells or cauls were announced for sale ; the price asked for one was 20 guineas. Lampridbts, speaking of Diadtimenus says, " Solent deinde pueri pileo insigniri naturali, quodobstetrices rapiunt et advocatis creduUs vendunt, siquidem causidici hoc juvari dicuntur, et iste puer pileum non habuit, sed diadema tenue, sed ita forte ut rumpi non potuerit, venis intercedentibus specie nervi sagittarii." Mr. Douce observes on this ; " one is immediately struck with the affinity of the Judge's coif to this practice of antiquity. To strengthen the opinion it may be added, that if ancient lawyers availed themselves of this popular superstition, or fell into it themselves ; if they gave great sums to win these cauls, is it not very natural to suppose that they would feel themselves inclined to wear them?" Sir Thomas Brown says, '' thus we read in the Life of Antonhuis, by Spartianus, that children are sometimes born with this natural cap, which midwifes were wont to sell to credulous lawyers, who held an opinion that it contributed to their promotion." " In France it is proverbial, etre nd coifFee, it is an expression signifying tliat a person is extremely fortunate. This caul is also esteemed an infallible preservative against drowning ; and, under tliat idea, is often publicly advertised and purchased by seamen." Bramrs Pop. Antiq, 452. " Yes and that Yo' were borne with a caule o' your head." B. Jonson Alchemist s 2 2(i0 GI.OSSAUV. KELPS, Iron hooks on wliicli boilors arc hung. Pot- houks in Roy. The loose handle of a kale pot is called pot-kelps. KELTER, A cant term for money. " Hesto onny kvller i thy pocket." KEiM, To comb. Isl. kemhe. Teut. keminen. Belg. kamvicn, kcmmcn, to kcmbe. Feigner, Cotgrave. Keinb in Rider. " We kembe these haires and trim them iij) in gold." Earth Sy Age, by T. Ileywood. " And her combe to kemb her hedde." Cliaucer. " The women they sat up all night To wash their necks and heads to kerarn And make their childi-en fine as them." Mar. 27. KEM, A comb. " O lang, lang may the ladies stand Wi their gold kerns in their hair, Wating for their ain deir Lords For they'll see thame na mair." Sir Patrick Spence. KEMMED, Combed. " There are some teares of trees which are kembed from the beards of goats." Bacon. Nat. Hist. " Yet are the men more loose than they, More kemVd and bath'd, and rub'd and trmi'd." Ben Jonson. Catali7ie. KEMMIN, Combing. " Kameing his zellow hair." Gil Morice. P. Rel. " Kemmin wool/' long wool proper for combing. " Kemben woole." Piers Plou. KEMPS, Coarse fibres or hairs in wool. Belg. kemp, hemp. GLOSSARY. 261 KEMPT, Combed. " Hire heres ban they kempt, that lay untressed." Chaucer ClerWs Tale. KENj To know. Belg. kenneu. A. S. cetman. " D' ye ken that man ?" KEND, Known. " I brocht ye Op in the greenwode Kend to mysell alane." Child Maurice. KENNIN, Knowing. " Ye're seea feafully waxen, at ye're past kennen." KENS-MARKED, ) Having some particular mark or KENS-SPECKED, j speck by which any thing may be easily distinguished. A. S. cennan, et specce, macula. Skinner. " This wapentake of Skireake seems to have received its denomination from such a convention at some noted oak, or to use a local word, kenspack-ake.''^ Thoresby^s Leeds. KEP, To retch or strain, as when there is an inclination to vomit. Hay says to boken, spoken when the breath is stopped upon one's being ready to vomit. 2. To catch. " To kep a ball," is to catch it. Ray. " Mourn, spring, thou darling of the year Ilk cowslip cup shall kep a tear." Burns. KEPPING, Lying in wait to catch something. KEPT, Caught. " Some sleuit knyffis in the beistis throttis And utheris (quhilk war ordant for sic notis) (uses) The warme new blude keppit in coup and pece. (vessel)" Doug. Virg, p. 17 1, KERN, Churn. iCcr«-milk, churn-milk. " Rise ye' carle coopers frae making o kirns and Tubs." Minst. of S. B. KERNEL, the dug of a heifer. 2G2 (;i,ossAitY. KERSEN, To christen. Bklo. kcrstcn. " Pish, one good man Cirsar, a pump-maker A-ersrnV/ him." Beau. ^ Flet. Nares. KERS^MAS, Christmas, from the Belg. Kcrst-vnssc, Chrisli-massa, qua; hoc tempore solenniter celebrari sold, ^linshcw. KEST, Cast, praet. of cast. " That little infant had which forth she kest." Spenser. F. Q. "•' The weaken'd bulwarks, late to earth down kest." Fairfax. Tasso. " And they cnicifycden, and depertiden his clothis, and kesten lott on tlio who sculde take what." Mark xv. Wiclif. KET, Carrion. Teut. kact, sordes. In Suffolk, kit. KET-CRAW, A carrion crow. KETLOCK, Wild turnip, charlock. Sinapis m-vensis. Linneus. In Skinner, keel lock, car lock, a carol us ; quod quidam medicus ejus nominis fuerii primus plantoe hujus inventor. Minsheiv. KETTY, Worthless, from Teut. kact. IsL. kiot. A kefty fellow, a kcttjj cur. KEVIL, ) A horse, contemptuously applied to a person, KEPHYL, j "thou girt kcvil." Welsh, kephi/l. " And gaf hym capeles in Ms cart." Piers Plou. " A sword and a dagger he wore by his side. Of manye a man the bayne. And he was clad in his capull hyde, Topp and taylt and mayne." Guy of Gisburne. Percy Reliques. KEX, Hemlock. Coimim maculatum. Lin7i. It is not, however, exclusively applied to this plant, but also to various other umbelliferous plants, especially those with hollow stems. As dry as a kcx. GLOSSAKV. 263 ■ Eperides with legs so small, And thighs as dry as kexes." Maro: p. 96. -" And nothing teems But hateful docks, rough thistles, kexies, burs." Shaks. H. V. " Kindles the reed, and then that hollow kix First fires the small, and then the greater sticks." Sylvester^s Trans, of Du Bartas. KICK, The fashion. " He's i' heigh kick." KICKISH, Irritable. KICKSHAW^ A proud vain person, a metaphorical sense of this word, which Mr. Todd supposes to be derived from the Fr. quelques choses, and may be applicable to cookery, but the other derivation kick- shoes, is more descriptive of an affected coxcomb. KID, A bundle of heath or twigs. Welsh, cidysen, a fagot. The etymon given by T)r. Johnson is Welsh cidweln, but I can lind no such word. KILL, A kill, as a lime kill, a maut kill. Belg. kuyl, a cave, from the Greek koi\oq, hollow. " Take great stoneu in thine hand, and hide them in the brick-kil, which is at the entrance of Pharaoh's house, in Talipanhes, m the sight of the men of Judah." Jeremiah xliii. 9, KILL-HOLE, The hole of, or a hovel adjoining the kill. See Shaks. Wiiiter's Tale, iv. 3. KILT, To tuck up. "She kilts her gown." Dan. kilt-e?- op. '^ Kilt up your dais abone your waist, And speed you liame again in haist." Lindsay. Vid. Dr. Jamieson. KILT, Small, gaunt. " Thur sheep are vara kill," small in the body, perhaps from the verb, as if they were killed, or tucked up ; or is it a corruption of the Belg. kuyl, hollow ? 2(j4 i;i.ossARV. KILTED, Tucked up. " Few claiths she wore, ami they were kilted.''* Allan Ramsay. KIN, ) A kibo, a cliop in the hands or feet, occa- KINNING, j sioned by frost. KIND, Soft. "As kind as a glove." " X/wrZ-harled," soft haired. " Shoe's vary lickly for feeding, shoe's seea kind-harhd." KING-COUGH, ) The whooping cough, chincough. KIN-COUGH, j Teut. kincken, to breathe with difficulty. KINGS-PICTURE, Money. " May the King's enemies never pocket his picture." KINK, To be affected with a convulsive stoppage of the breath, through immoderate crying, laughing, or coughing. When the kinking arises from laughter, it may properly be derived from Belg. kichcn, or, as Dr. Jamieson supposes, from the A. S. cincuttg, cachinnatio. " Now, Gibby coost ac look behin, \Vi' eyes wi' fainness blinkin, To spae the weather by the sin But couldna stan for kinkin. Rainbows that day." Davidson's Seasons. Dr. Jamiesori's Supp. KINNLE, To bring forth young. A. S. cennaii. To whelp, kittle, kindle, farrow. Colgrave. KIP-LEATHER, The tanned hide of a stirk. KIPPER, Lively, light footed, nimble. KIRK, Church. " He's as poor as a ki7-k mouse." " To kerke the narre, from God more farre." Spenser. Sh. Kal. July. " If physick do not work, prepare for the kirk.'* Ray. Wiclif uses chirche, which being sounded hard, forms the identical word kirk, so that there is no neces- GLOSSARY. 265 sity of fetching the etymon from the Gr. KvpiaKov. Germ, kyrch. 2. The term kirk was not unfrequently applied to perpendicular and wall-like rocks, as maiden kirk. " Sic usque ad Kirk de Ravenber." Boundary of Clapham. Dr. Whitaker. KIRK-FOLK, The congregation at a church. 2. iMembers of the Church of England. KIRK-GARTH, Church yard. " And the Gray Friars sung the dead man's mass As they passed the chapel garth.'''' Minst. of the S. B. KIRK-MAISTER, Churchwarden. Belg. kerch-meester. Teut. kirch-meister, magister ecclesice. KIRN, Churn, kern-VLvWi, churn-milk. KIRN'D, Churn'd. " When Brawny, elf-shot never mair came hame, When Tiby kirn^d and there nae butter came." Gentle Shepherd. KIRSEN, To christen. " The four gill chap, were gar him clatter. And kirsen him wi' reekin water." Burns KIST, A chest. Isl. kista. Welsh, cist. Gr. KiQrri. " Do ye envy the city gent. Behint a kist to he and sklent." Burns. " And he bade the gude wife lock it up in his kist.'''' Guy Mannering. KIT, A pail. A milking pail, like a churn with two ears and a cover. Belg. kitte. licty. KIT, All ; the whole kit, whether applied to persons or things. "In the army, the contents of a soldier's knapsack, his whole supposed property, is called his At/, and hence this word may have come." Moor^s Suffolk Words. 2G6 GLOSSARY " But now I wad na gic ae louse For a' the kit." Kit, acquaintance, friends. " I've neither kit nor kin." KITLIXG, A kitten, quasi catling. The termination ling added to words forming a diminutive. " And the brisk mouse may feast herseli"with crums, Till that the ffreen-eyed Icidin comes." IIcrriclc''s Ilcsperutes. " An old cat laps as much as a young Idtliu." Raij. KITLISH, Ticklish, skittish, when applied to a horse. KITTLE, To itch, to tickle. Goth, killa. Belg. ketden. A. S. citclan. " Tent me auld boy I've gather'd news will l for a native or inhabitant of Craven, this district being formerly celebrated for its excellent breed of long-horned cattle. " Does that man come out 0' Craven ?" " Eighj he's a king horrid an.'^ LANG-HUNDRED, Six score. See long hundred. LANG-LENGTH, At full length. LANG-LAST, At length, in the end. LANG-RUN, This is synonymous with the preceding word. " At lang-run Bawsy rack'cl his cen, An' cries, wha's that ? "What do ye mean ? Ramsay. Three Bonnets. LANG-SETTLE, A long oaken seat, resembling a sofa, having a back and arms. They are generally much carved and placed on one side of the fire in farm liouses. Mr. Archdeacon Nares says, that this word is now little known. It is, however, in common use here. Sax. selle. Dan. sailel. Teut. sessel, a seat. "• She was not suffered to have her lang settle., or old form in its place, when, on rebuildhig the chapel, it was seated alter a uniform and beautii'ul manner." Tim Bobbin. LANG-STREAK'D, At full length. A. S. strecan, to expand. " He fell down lang- sir euk'd," LANG-SUIM, Tedious, pure Saxon. LANG-TONGUE, A blab, a revealer of secrets. Lang purler esse. Cotgrave. " A tongue babbling gossip." Titus Andronicus. Vid. Todd^s Johnson. LANG- WAY, IMuch. " It's a lang-waij better." LANT, Urine. A S. hlann, lotto. Isi>. hland. " Your frequent drinking country ale with lant in't." Glapthorne's Wit in a Constable. Nares, 2. Game of loo. 278 c.i.ossAUV. LANT, T«» hejrjiiir, a term bmrowod from the preceding substantive, in its secoiul sense. LANTERN-LEET, The transparent horn or glass of a hintliorn. LANTERN-SWASH, A great fright, a state of the utmost consternation. LAP-UP, To give up, to relinquish, a metaphorical expression from lap, to wrap, used by Lalimer. " He lappeth up all things in love." LaHmer''s Serm, vol. 2, p. TlH. LAPSTONE, A large globular stone, on which a shoe- maker hammers his leather on his lap, from lap and stone. LARN, To learn. 2. To teach. " Lam me my lesson/' see learn. LARNIN, Learning. LASPI, To comb the hair. 2. To lash out, to kick. " He lash'd out baatli his fit." 3. To be extravagant. 4. To discuss more minutely, to dilate. " I might likewise exjiatiate and lash out in proving unto you, how they did drinke sometimes one cup sometimes two cups." Prynne^s Ilealthe's Skkncssc, p. 1 8. LASH-COMB, A wide toothed comb for the hair. This word is now in use in Somersetshire. Sec Jenning's Ghssari/. LASK, A diarrheea, mostly applied to cattle, a corruption most probably of lax. LASSIE, A little lass or girl. LAST, To stretch out, to extend. LAST, " Last legs." A person is said to be on his last legs, when he has spent all his property, or is at the point of death. LASTINST, IMost lasting. GLOSSARY. 279 LASTY, Lasting. " This is a lasty cloth." LATE, To seek. A. S. ladian, to call. Mr.\Todd, perhaps, more properly derives it from IsL. leila. " She'l' nawpe and nevel them without a cause, She'l mack them late theh teeth nount in theh hawse." Yorkshire Dialogue. LATEST, The .adjective of the superlative degree is frequently used elliptically without the substantive. " Those Lieutenants who had brought aid with the latest, out of divers and cUssituate parts, he discharged with ignominie and shame." Philemon HollancVs Trans, of Suetonius. LATLY, Lately. LATT, A lath. Belg. latte. Fr. late, laite, or lal. latus. " It's thin as a latl." LATTY, As thin as a lath. LATT, ) ^ laattJ^"'"- " An example of Divis ye ryche as scTptor dos telle, The pover Lazarus for defawt dyede at liis gatt. Had he gj'ffen ahnes, hee had nott gone to hell, And now he repente hyme ytt is veiT laat." Anc t. MSS. on Alchemy. Dr. Whitaker's Craven. LAUGH, '' I'll mack the laugh o't' wrang side o't' mouth," i c. I'll make thee cry. LAUNDER, A channel cut in stone for the conveyance of water, is it so called from conveying the suds from the laundry ? LAUS, Loose. Isl. laus, soluius. Cheshire Glossanj. " And when the hers was laus, he gan to gone" Chaucer. lieves' T. LAVERACK, A lark. A. S. lavcr/c. Bklg. lawerkk. " Holy hath byrdys, a I'ul fayre flock The nyghtyngale, tlie popjjyngay, the ga.yniyllavyrock.''* Hurl. MSS. II. VI. Viil. liraiuVs Pop. An. " The tuneful laverock tliccrs the grove. And sweetly smells the summers green." O. Song. '2ii0 (ILOS.SARV. " Tis sweet beneatli the lieathcr bell To live in aiitiinui brown, And sweet to hear the lavrovk^s swell, Far, far, from tower and town." Bord. Miu.it. ii. 301. LAWFUL-CAAS, A nonsensical exclumation of surprise, Qii. is this a corruption of woeful ? LAWND, A lawn, a plain betAveen woods. Sp. lamia. Welsh, lUuvnt. Sw. liiiid, a grove. " Till I came to a lawnd of white and green." C'/iauccr. " For through this Imuul anon the deer will come." S/iahs. II. VI. iii. 1. " And under a lynde in a launde." Piers. Plou. Vis. Dowell. LAWRENCE, [The patron Saint of idle people.] When a person is remarkably idle, he is often thus addressed. " I see lang Lawroice lies gitten hod on the." May not this expression allude to those who are frequently prostrated at the shrine of a saint, when they should be engaged in the useful and active duties of life .-' But if an idle person, laid immoveably at his full length, be compared to St. Lawrence, iixed with stretched out limbs upon the grid-iron, preparatory to his atrocious and unmerited sufferings, it is a cruel and unfeeling comparison ! LAWS, An expression of surprise and astonishment. Qu. A. S. la ! lo. LAY, A rate or assessment. I do not find this sub- stantive in Johnson, though it is evidently derived from the 24th sense of the verb lay, " to charge as a payment." LAY, ) To perform the office of an accoucheur. " He LIG, j com to laii my daam." LAY-DOWN, ) ^ ,,,,,, , T JC DOWN I ^""' ploughed lands with grass seeds. GLOSSARY. 281 LAY IT ON, ) An eliptical expression for fattening. LIG IT ON, I " The kye begin to lig it on" that is, they begin to lay fat on their bones, » LAYER, A stratum. M^so Goth, ligger. 2. A slice from the breast of a fowl. LAYNE, To conceal. " But nine thouzand, there was no moo, The cronyckle wyll not lai/ne Forty thousande skottes and fowre, That day fowght them agayne." Battle of Otterbourne. LAZY-BEDS, Potatoes planted on the surface of the ground, and covered over with earth dug from a deep trench on each side of the bed, five or six feet broad. LEA, The seventh part of a hank of worsted, containing 80 threads, wound on a reel, a yard in circumference. 2. A scythe. -Dr. WilUm writes it leagh, and derives it from lee and ag, to cut. This word I never heard used here, though it is common in the East Riding. LEAD, To draw, to carry. " We'er boun to had hay." A. S. heclan, to draw. " Bot Tymetis exhortis first of all It for to lede and di-aw within the wall." Douglas Virgil. 2d Bk. " So God schal lede with him them that ben deede by Jesu." Thess. iv. 1. Wiclif. LEADER, A sinew, a tendon, called also guider. LEAF, The fat from the ribs of a hog. "A ^etf/of tat, Panne de grasse." Cotgravc. LEAF, " To turn over a new leaf," to alter one's course of life, to reform. " Changer de note." Miege. Tourner feuillet, Culgrave, in the same figurative sense. 282 GLOSSARY. LEARN, To teach, not obsolete, as Dr. Johnson says, but in common use. " Learn me my lesson." " If tliy chilclren will keep my covenant and my tes- timonies that I shall learn them." — Fs. cxxxii. 13. " I will learn you." Ben Jon. " But all to late love learneth me." Lord Surrey. LEATHER, To beat, perhaps originally from the chas- tisement inflicted by a Icalhcrn thong. 2. This expression is also applied to horses when they are driven, leather d, or flogged furiously along, " See how they leather it." See Mr. Todd's 2d edition. LEATHER, " To lose leather," to suffer under posterior excoriation. The Scotch call this nnpleasing sensation, saddle-sick. S' ecorchcr les fesses a cheval. Miege. LEATHER DICK, A frock or upper dress for a child, made of leather. LEATHER-HEAD, A blockhead, a head as soft as leather. LEATHE-WAKE, Supple in the joints. Goth, lit ha, a limb, and 7vacc, pliable. LEAVE-HOD, Let me go. LEAVER, Rather. Belg. liever. A. S. leosscr, used by Coverdale. Lei/fer, Minsheiv. Lieffer, Cooper. " We were levere by our Ijorde." Pier. Plou. " That death me liefer were than sech desj)ight." Spenser F. Q. Teut. Ich wolt liever, mallem. Ruddimau. " INIe lever were with point of foe-man's speare be dead." * Spens. F. Q. " Us Icefer were with Venus biden still." Chancer. Cowl of Love.'''' " lis out aime mieux, they had leaver.'''' Cotgrave. " Let sheep fill flank, where corn is too rank I woodland lever., in champion never." Tusser. GLOSSARY. 283 LECK, To leak. Isl. lek. Belg. laken. LECK-ON, To mash in brewing. LECK-OFF, To draw off, as wort from the mash tub. LEDDY, " By't Lcddy" probably by the Holy Virgin. " By'r Lady.'"'' Shaks. \st pi. H. IV. ii. 4. LEE, Ichor, a thin humour discharged from a wound or sore. LEE, A lie. " That I have been so reckeless To tamen him withouten lees.''^ Romaunt of the Rose. " Quod I, Loune, thou /ew." Douglas Virg. p. 239. " Princes proude that beth in pres I wol ou tell thing not Ices. Kyng Roht. of SicUij. T. Wxirton on Eng. Poetry. LEE-WITH-A-LATCHET, A notorious lie. A. S. Icogan. " That's a lee wi a latchet Au the dogs in the town cannot match it." Ray''s Proverbs. In Craven, " That's a lee wi a latchet You may shut the door and catch it." Or, " Tliat's a lee wi a lid on And a brass handle to talc hod on." LEE, To lie. " Thou Ices." " Lees to nut thinks to.''" LEEAR, A liar. LEEF, I LIEV, |S««"'r^^dily. " She good soul, has as lief see a toad, a very toad as see him." Shaks. Rom. c^; Juliet, ii. 5. Rich. II. v. 2. " For certes yc now make me heavy cherc Me were as Icfe laid upon a here." Chaucer. Empty Purse. -84 r.T.OSSARY. LEET, Lifflit. " I'll let Icet into him," a threatening to shoot a person. " He stands in his awn hrl," he is hliml to his own interest. " IatI looking day," broad day light. " And his lokyngc was as leijt." Malt, xxviii. Wiclif. LEET, To fall out, to happen. " I'll gang to't fair, /eel what will." LEET, To alight. LEET, Light, as " led as a feather." LEET-ON, To meet with, to find, to be successful. " I have led on him just now." LEETEN, To pretend. Isi.. hveta, simularc. " He Icelois to be a gradely fellow." 2. To leeten yan up," to exhilarate. LEETHWAKE, See leathwake. LEETS, Lungs. This is indiscriminately used for the lungs of animals as of men. Dr. Jolmsoii thinks it applicable to animals only. 2. AV'^indows. LEET HEELED, Nimble, active. 2. Loose in character. LEET SKIRTS, A woman of disreputable conduct. LEETSOIME, Light, easy, cheerful. It is usually ap- plied to persons recovering from sickness ; hence, the comparative adjective, Icclsumer, with the redundant rather, " I's ratlier leetsomer now." LEG, " To mack a leg," to make a bow, poplitem incurvare, genu flectere. Ai?isworih. In making a bow, it was formerly the custom to kick the leg backwards. " He that cannot make a leff." Shaks. AlVs Well that Ends Well, ii. 2. " IMakinif a Icr/f/c or two." Si/dnei/. GLOSSARY. 285 " Witli that he made him three low leggs. And gave him the fore-mentioned jigs." Maro J). 94. " Here happy Doctor take this sonnet. Bear to the fair the faithful strains, Bow, make a leg, and dotf your bonnet, And get a kiss lor Mary's pains." A. Ramsay. 2. " To put the better leg first/' to act with energy, or with expedition. 3. " He's broken his leg," said of a dissolute person on whom a child has been filiated. 4. "To give leg bail," to fly from justice. LEG, To move quickly. " They did leg it away." LEG-BANDED, When cattle are wild, the farmers will frequently bind the head to the leg by a band or cord. LEGGEREN, A layer. A. S. leegan. Belg. legger. LEGGINGS, Covering of the legs. LEN, Lend. " Unto whom I pray God len long years." XV. H. VIII. Dr. WhKaker^s Richmondshire. " To yeve and lene his owen good." Chaiicer. LENGTH, 1 Length. The amount, the quantity, " sho LENTH, j staal to'th' length of a pund o' tea." Also duration, " to'th leitth of hauf an hour." " Hes well stackit there ben That will neither borrow nor fe?i." Fergusori's Proverbs. LEISTER, ) A prong or trident to strike fish with. LIESTER, J Su. G. luistra. " An awfu' scythe out owre ae shouther Clear dangling hang, A three taed leister on the ithcr Lay large and hing." Burns. Death and Doctor Hornbook. '2&J OLOSS.VllV. LESERE. \ LEV8AH, j ''■' ••'llowbeit tliev liad nat so good leysar." Froi/ssart'ii Cronyclc. " For they sulile then hae good leysar to do y vLl, and they thought he was more metelyer thereto than any other." Idem. '•' While th.at I have a Iciser and a space." Chaucer. Squire^s Tale. LET, To feign, to pretend. " He's not so ill as he Ids." " To let be," to let alone. " Why let be, quod she, let be, Nicholas." Chaucer. Milt. Talc. " To let in," to cheat, " to take in," to gull. Let, to hesitate, to stop. " King Herald, of Norway, did not let to sacrifice two of his sonnes to his idols." Verstegan. LETTI^N, ;;. part, of let. '• I3etter me were to have letten be." Rom I. of the Rose. LEUK, To look. This mode of pronouncing the verb is common in the Southern part of this Deanery only. LEVER, Rather, " I desire not to live, I had lever dye." Med. of St. Augustine^ translated 1577- " I had lever to be lewed." Goreer. Confess. See leaver. LEY, Unploughed land, land in sward. LEY-BRECK, Sward once ploughed or broken up. LIB, To castrate. Bp:lg. lubben. Goth, leipa. Shaks- peare, in Winter's Tale, ii. L uses glib in the same sense. " Religion hue al to reveth and out of ruele to /^J." Piers Plou. " Lih or geld cattle, the moon in Aries, Sagittarius or in Capricorn." Husbandman'' s Practice., 1CC4. Brand. GLOSSARY. 287 " And superstition nurs'd thee ever since And publislit in profbunder arts pretence ; Tliat now wlio pairs his nails, or iiljs his swine But he must first take counsell of the Signe." Hairs Satires. LIBBED, Gelded. " After they be guelded once, neither cast they their homes which they had before, neither grow there any, if they had none when they were libbed." Philemon HollaruTs Trans, of Plinie. LIBBER, A gelder. LICK, To beat. Su. G. laegga, fcr'ire. " How nimbly forward each one pricks Willie their thin sides the rider licks." Maro. p. 24. LICK, A blow. LICKEN, A beating, " I'll githe a sound licken." LICKEN, To liken, to compare with. " Uplondish men wil likne hymself to gentilmen." Trevisa de incolarum Unguis, 1 385. 2. To appear or pretend. LICKENED, ) Was likely, or in danger of. " I lied Lie KEN, j lichen to a fa'n," i. e. I was in danger of falling. 2. Compared to, as in Piers Plou, 7 pass. " And ylikned in Latynten to lothliche doung hep." LICKLIEST, Most likely; licklier, more likely. LICKLY, Likely, of good appearance ; " he's a /icA7y lad." LICKNESSE, Likeness, resemblance. '• In lickne sse of lyghtynge." Piers Plou. " And he seide to them a liknesse (parable)." Luke xxi. Wiclif. " In it we blessen God the Fader, and in it we cursen men, that ben maad to the licknesse of God." James iii. Wiclif. LICK-SPITTLE, A toad-eater, a base parasite. LICKS, A beating. " I'll gi' the thy licks." l2iU{ GLO.SSAHV. LIDS, Way, manner, fashion A. S. leydcn. Belg. Iildc. " r that lids," in that manner. LIFT, Aiil (tr assistance. ■ Subsicliuni, A'nisivortli. " Come, len us a ///?." " A dead ///?," an emergency, a pressing case or situation. There is another sense of this word not noticed by Dr. Johnson. See dead lift. " To lend one a ////," ironically to supplant him, to do him an ill turn by way of requital. 2. The sky. " He rubs his een, an gies a rift Then tentively surveys the lift." Allan Ramsay. LIG, To lie, to lay. Teut. ligen, licgen. 13elg. lieghen, lighen. Sax. liggcti, a Xrjytiv, cessare, quiescere. Minsherv. The inhabitants of Craven, with their usual disregard to all rules of grammar, use this word indiscriminately, whether it be an active or neuter verb. Thus in the active sense. " I'll Ug me down ;" in the neuter, " I'll Ug down a bit, while to caw me," i. e. I'll lie down till you call me. "• He letteth him % ouer long, and loth is to change him." Piers Plou. " Ich ligge a bed in Lent." /'. Plou. 8 pass. " He Ug ith grund for it." Shaks. H. V. "For ye now wenden through the realme and eche night will lig in your own courts." Chaucer. Jach Uj)lanlit." I never knew the ^vo^d colli/ or collied used liere, but merely the compound noun. LINED, Drunk. " lie's gitten weel lined." LINGY, Limber, flexible. Bklg, Hjig-en. LINKS, Black puddings, from being tied together in the form of links. LIN- WEBSTER, A linen weaver. LIPPEN, To rely on, to put trust to, to expect. MiESO. G. hmbjait, credere. " Lippin not Trojanis, I pray zou in tliis hors However it be I drecle the Grekis fors." Douglas Virg. p. 40. LIPPENED, Expected. " Vord came to the Toun of Edinburghe, 23 Oct. 1506, from the Queene, that her Majestic was deadly sicke and desyrit bells to be runge, and all the peopell to resort to the Kirk to pi'ay for her for she was so seike that none Upned her life." Diary of Roll. Birrel. LIPPENING, Expectation. Though the verb is common I never heard this substantive used. " This we doubt not bot ye will do according to our Uppinins with all possible haist." From an autograph letter to Queen Mary., 1(5 Jtily, 1505. Keith. Dr. Jam. Supp. LIRE, Lean beef, muscular flesh. A. S. lira, lacerti. " There was no sinew, arter veine nor lire That was not mingled with their vulgar rage." Du Bartas' Judith^ translated by Hudson. " Syne brocht flikerand sum gobbetis of lyre." Doug. Virg. p. 19. Ruddiman says they call that the lire which is above the knee in the forelegs of beeves. GLOSSARY. 293 LISH, Active, strong and limber. LISSOJM, Supple, active. In Mr. Wilbraham's Cheshire Glossary, leeksome or lessome is defined lightsome, pleasant, agreeable. In this sense it seems nearly synonymous with our leetsome. Mr. W. then adds, lissome often means active, agile. LISTING, A list or border of cloth. LIST, The flank. Welsh, ystlys, by Metathesis. Dan. and SwED. luiske. P. Plou. uses lysting. " So that the grunden hede the ilk thraw At his left flank or lisk persit tyte." D. Virg. 239. " And with his fist Upon the lyst. He gave hini such a blow, That backwarde downe Ahnost to sowne The frere is overthrow." Sir Thos. Moore. LITE, To depend on, to rely. " Thou may hev it to lite on." T TTF" 1 ' yA few, a little. This word is seldom used. "That of liis worship rekketh he so lite."' Chaucer. CharwrCs Yem. Tale. LITHE, To thicken broth with a mixture of oatmeal and water. Welsh, lleilhion, liquids. In Cheshire to lillic the pot, is to put thickenings in it. Wilbraham. Probably from the A. S. gclilhian, to mollify, because the broth is hereby made smoother to the palate. In the following quotation from P. Plou. it appears to signify to soothe, to soften. " With wyn and with oilc, hus wondes he can lithe." LITHE, Mild, blythe, calm. A. S. hlilhe, tranquil. Gr. Xiioc, smooth. " It's a vara ////te evenin." 291- GLOSSAllY. "Water llioii asked swilho. Cloth and bord was drain, AVitli mete and drink lithe And seriaunce that were bayn." Sir Trislem. Vid. Dr. Jamieson " Two Talbots winp;cd thro the lilher sky." Shaks. II. VI. iv. 7- " To niacken lithe what first was hard." Cliaucer. House of Fame. LITHER, Idle, lazy, desideux, iguave. Cotgrave, from the A. S. Idlic, loii.s. Skinner. " As lither as a libb'd bitch." Prov. Sim. It is generally said, that spaying a bitch makes her quite idle. " If he were long as he were lither, he might thatch a house without a ladder." " Luther sleuthe." Piers. Plan. " My lad he is so lither, he said He will do naught's meete, And is there any man in this hall Were able him to beate." Kinff I'stmere. Percy Rel. " Ze war not wount to be so leddir ilk ane." Douy. Virg. p. 391. I' lither man's guise, Is nivver to bed And nivver to rise. Proverb LITHERLY, Idly. This word is rarely used. " Some lithcrly lubber more eateth than two, Yet leaves undone what another would do." Tusser. LITHING, The thickening of broth, Vid. lithe. LITLE, Little. A strong emphasis is laid on the i. In the following epitaph of Robin Hood, it is laitl. GLOSSARY. 295 " Hear undernead dis laitl stean Laiz Robert Earl of Huntiiigtun, Nea arcir ver az he sa geud, An pipl kauld im llobin heud. Sick utlaAvz as hi an \z men Vil England niv'r si agen." Ob. 24 Kal dekembris, 1247. Vid. Thoresby's Leeds. LITTLER, Less. LITTLEST, Least. " Where love is great, the idlest doubts are fear." Hamlet. LIVER, To deliver. Belg. leveren. " Liver at pick point." In order to expedite the working of mineS;, the agent of the Lord of a manor, occasionally lets jobs to the miners, to liver at pick point, that is — the workmen are not allowed to shift or exchange, night or day, except those who are to succeed them are ready, without a moment's interruption, to receive the pick or tool from their hands to proceed with the work. LIVERANCE, Delivery. LOAN, 1 LOIN, >• A lane. " It's a lang loan at's niver a turn." LONEIN, J " Thomas has loos'd his ousen frae the pleugh, Maggy by this has bewk the supper scones And muckle kye stand rowting in the loans.'''' Ramsey ii. 7- Di: Jam. "Warrant me she has had a long walk from the loaning.''^ Abbot. 2. " The lang loan," the throat, the gullet, " I saw it man<»; down't lang loan." LOBSCOUSE, A dish composed of meat and potatoes chopped together, seasoned with salt and pepper, and stewed in an oven or pan. This seems to have some affinity with Miegc's lohhllij, a hotch-potch, or mangle- mangle. Melange de plusieurs sortes de viande. '29() GLOSSARY. LOCAL, A local preacher among the Methodists. Lat. locdlis. LOCK, " To be at lock," to be in difficulties. LOCKER, To entangle. Isl. lock-r. LOCKE R'D, Entangled. The hair is said, when matted, to be locker d. " Quhare on his helm set ful richcly schane, Wyth creistis thre Ivke till ane lockcrand mane." Doug. Virt/. p. 2^7. Cards, when deranged, are called locker'd. LOFFER, Lower. LOGGIN, A bundle, " a logghi o' streea." LOLLOP, To walk Avith an undulating motion. LOLLOPING, The pres. part, of the preceding word. LOLLOPS, A slattern. LOIMPER, To walk heavily, frequently applied to the action of a horse. LOMPING, Walking heavily. " Fowk frae every door came lampmg^ Maggy curs'd tiiem yan and a'." A. Wilson's Poems, LONG, Owing to, from along. Dr. Johnson derives this word from Sax. gclaiig, a fault ; but Mr. Todd is of opinion that it is derived from ge-laiig, long of. " It is long of yourself." Archb, Allot. " All long of this vile traitor Somerset." Shaks. \st pt. H. VI. iv. 3. " Long all of Somerset and his dela3^" Idem. Along is still used by the author of the Abbot. "This was all along of your doings at Lockleven." LONG BAD, A game played with sticks by boys, the same as kit-cal, particularly described by Moor in his Suffolk Words. GLOSSARY. 297 LONG-TOj Distantj " long to the time referred to." This is very common, though Dr. Jamieson conjectures it has not that sense in England. LONG-HUNDRED, 120. Thomson remarks that G. hund, signified originally ten, perhaps from haund haunder, and ra rad, a line or numeration, the hands or ten fingers, ten times ten. The Goths had also the hundred of ten times twelve, which we call the long hundred, or six score to the hundred. " Pasture for 200 sheep at the great hundred." Burton's Monast, p. 139. LONKS, Lancashire sheep, remarkable for their wild- ness and excellent wool. Also natives of Lancashire. LONYNG, A lane. See loan. LOOK, This word seems to be used as an interjection, expressive of lamentation, doubt, or uncertainty, " as he leads a sad life, look ! whatl' be'th end on't," i. e. no one can foresee or tell, God knows, I know not. 2. As behold. " And looke ! who had not so much, he supplied and made it up to the full." Philemon. Holland's Translat. of Suetonius. " Looke ! as they imagined, so it was." Froyssarfs Cronycle. In the following expression in Shahspeare H. VI. it has the same signification, as alas ! " Look ! in his youth to have him so cut off." LOOK, To expect. " The f^illifiower also the skilful do know Doth look to be covered, as weather allows." Tusscr. Dec. I/usbandry. " At length the time came when he looked to suffer." Latimer''s Sermons. LOOK, " To look as big as bull beef." This odd allite- rative simile is in common use, but when the first part 298 ciLOSSAllY. of this glossary was printed off, I did not know iho propriety of it, till I met with the following passage from the J'ia liccta ad Vitam Lotigam of Dr. Vcniicr, tlie friend of Lord Bacon. In describing the effects of various aliments on the human frame, he says, " that bull's beefe is of a ranke and unpleasant taste, of thick grosse and corrupt juyce, and of a very hard digestion. I commend it unto poore, hard labourers, and to them that desire to lookc big, and to live basely." LOOP, The hinge of a door with a circular cavity, which receives the iron crook. LOP, A flea, from lonp, leap. A. S. hppe, " as cobby as a lop." LOPPEN, p. pari, of to leap. LOPPER, To curdle, as milk when it stands too long, and becomes sour in hot weather. Isl. hlaup. Teut. lab. Goth, lattpa. Swed. lopa, to run together or coagulate. See Thomson's Etymons. LOPPER-EARED, Having long, flabby ears. LOPPER'D, Curdled. 2. Very dirty, or covered with filth. " Thou's lop- per'd wi' muck." Rajj has a loppcred slut. In Suffolk it is called capper'd. LORDS AND LADIES, The singularly constructed flower of Wake Robin. Arum mactilatnm. Linn. The root of this plant is extremely acrid, and tricks are frequently played on children and ignorant people, by giving them a small piece of it to chew. At first the taste is rather pleasant, but afterwards there is left upon the tongue a most disagreeable and burning sensation, which continues for a long time. No one, who has once tasted it, will be inclined to make a second trial. GLOSSARY. 299 LOST, "He looks as an heed nayther n'on nor lost," i. e. he looks stupid or inanimate, lost in thought. " You shall find him with two cushions under his head, and his cloke wrapt ahout him, as though he had neither icon nor lost.''' Ben Jonson, Every Man his Humour. LOT, An indefinite quantity or number of any thing. " I've a fairish lot o' lambs to year." " Hev ye a good lot o hay ?" When used in the singular number, it has always an adjective joined with it, as in the above examples ; but, in the plural, it is used without an adjective, and means a greater quantity or number, an abundance of any thing, as " ye've lots of apples, and lots of hay." LOTHER, To dash or make a noise in water with the hands. A large fish is also said to lother, when it springs from the angler's hands, and dashes into the water. LOUK, To weed. Belg. loach. LOUK, Coarse grass, growing on the moors. LOUKERS, Weeders. " It : to lowkers in my lady s garthen." MSS. of Lord 11. Clyfford, 1510. LOUKIN, Weeding. " Lovlcyng my lord's corn xiirf. MSS. of Lord II. Clyfford, 1510. LOUNDER, To range or scamper about, applied to pointers and other dogs. LOUP, To leap. Isl. hlaup, cursus. Belg. loopen. " Loupe he so lyghtUck a wey." Piers Ploti. pass 5. Spenser uses lope. " With spotted wings like peacocks train. And laughing lope to a tree." "Vow, an lowphack ! was e'er the hke heard tell." Gentle Shepherd. .'iOO G LOSS AH V. " It would be piule for us a' if we sa oursells as itlicrs see us, but if I coulil have ilemcancil mysell to tak uj) wi sic men, as some folk wore glad to loup at, I might noo have been in my widowhood.'' The Last of the Lairds. LOUP, A leap. "■ Then Dickie lap a loiqy full hie." Bord. Minst. vol. 1. 22G. LOUPED, Leaped. " And he has louped fifteen feet and three." Bord. Miusl. " Togitlier lynkyn lowpit edderis tuay." Douglas Virg. p. 257. LOUPING, Leaping. " Ay howping, throw lotvping" A lea;. Montgomery. LOUS, To loose. "Behold the paynes of God and man, and release and louse man out of the bondage of sin." Translat. of St. Augustincs Meditations, 1577- LOUS, Loose. " Hyr ta fute bare, and the bandis of threde, Not fessingt, hot hung by hyr lous wede." Douglas Virg. 2. Impure, disorderly. " All lous langage and lichtnes lattand be, Observnnd bewtie, sentence and gravite." Douglas Virg. prol. of Oth Book. " Albeit he was aine lous leivand man." Pitscottie. Dr. Jamieson. 3. Out of service or apprentice-ship. "My lad wor lous last IMihilmas." LOUS-END, " To be at a lous end," to be in an un- settled, dissipated state. LOUS-ITH-HEFT, A disorderly person, a loose-blade. LOUSE-LADDER, A loop slipped down in a stocking. It is also sometimes called a ladder louse or loose. It GLOSSAKY. 301 has probably received this denomination, because, when a loop slips, the bars, as they are called, cross the stocking, like the staves in a ladder. LOUSE-TRAP, A small toothed comb. LOVE, '' To fight for love," without any stakes, to play for love is synonymous. At whist, one party will say they are six love, their adversaries having marked nothing. I cannot find love in this sense in Dr. Jo/tiison's Dictionary. Qii. is not love, in this quotation, a corruption of aloof, they are six aloof.'' LOVE-BEGOT, An illegitimate child. LOVE, ~i A chimney. Fr. I'ouverte, an opening. LOOVER, >- The chimney was formerly merely an LUVVER, ' aperture in the roof, and the fire made in the centre of the room ; this was the case not long since in many college halls. Though the chimnies here are of a modern construction, the term luvver is still retained, though not in frequent use, and most probably, in a few years, will be entirely forgotten. " Yat no light leopen yn at lover ne at loupe." Piers. Plou. " But darknesse dred and daily night did hover Through all the inner parts wherein they dwelt, Nor lighted was with window nor with lover.'"' Spenser F. Q. Bk. C, Canto 10. " One of the ship-men, as from a loover He lookt from thence, if so he might discover Some part of land." The Shipwracke, by T. Ileyivood, 10.37. LOVER-CHILD, A bastard. LOW, A flame or sudden blaze. Isl. loge. Ray derives it from high Dutch, loltc. " There's little wisdom in his pow, Wha lights a candle at the low." Mtnjne^s Siller Gun. Vid. Dr. Jamicson^s Stipp. 302 CI.OSSAIIY. " The brctli ot'liys inoutli tliat did out blow As yt had been a tyre on /oit'." Si/r. Dcgore. T. Warton on Eng. P. " Quhare ever the loive is, hete and light bene thare." Doug. Virg. p. 309. " Behaldis how the lotr doth make deray." Do7ig. Virg. p. 3:i(). " Tlie sacred /ovc o' weel plac'd love Luxuriantly indulge it." Burns. " Thus will a joiners shavings bleeze Their loiv will tor some seconds please." A. Ramsay. " I would set that castell in a loiv." Minst. of S. B. LOW, To blaze. 2. An abbreviation of allow, to grant, to give. LOW-COUNTRY, East Riding of Yorkshire, being, in general flat, particularly Avlien contrasted with this mountainous district. LOWERN, To lower. LOWING, Granting, an abbreviation of allowing, also blazing. LOWIM, IMild, still. " A lowm neet." LOW-LIVED, Of low and base propensities and habits, the penult in lived is spoken long. LOW-IMOST, Lowest. LOWZE, To loose. " And lotcs^d his ill tongue wicked scawl." Bums. LOWZE, An escape. 2. The privilege of turning out cattle on the commons, " we've a lowze o'th' moor." LOWZING, The time of loosing. " The principal divisions in the art of shooting, are standinge, drawmge, holdiiige, and lotvsinge." R, Ascham. Fox. GLOSSARY. 303 LUDGING, Lodging. " And enter in our liigeing there to rest Quhare thou sal be ressavit welcum gest." Douglas Virg. p. 244. LUE-WARJM, Lukewarm. DutcHj Hew. JRciy lias hie, in the same sense in this proverb. " No marvel if water be lue," i. e. neither cold nor hot, as used by Wiclif, Revel, iii. Vid. Todd. " Thou art lewe and neither cooid neitlier hoot." LUG, To draw by force, by the hair or ears. Su. G. lugga. " I'll lug the guts into the neighbour's room." Hamlet iii. 3. " Who reverentless shall swear or curse Must lug seveii farthmgs from his purse." Praise of Yorkshire Ale. " Another lugs him by the bleeding ears." Sylvester'' s Trans, of du Bartas. LUGGED, Pulled by the ears. " Whose reverence the head-Zw^^'c? bear would lick." Lear iv. 2. LUGS, Ears. " Tam Luther had a muckle dish, An betwisht ilka time, He laid his lugs in't Uke a fish, An suck'd it till it was done." Allan Ramsay. " Now lend your lugs, ye benders fine." Idem. 2. Handles, a pitcher wi two lugs. " Hutchon, wi a three lugged cup." Allan Ramsay. LUKE, Look. LUM, A deep pool. Is this derived from flum (flumen) used by Wiclif? "They weren baptized of him in the^Mm Jordan," Mark i. Chapter '■{() 1- Cl.OSSATtY. Or iloos it come from tlio Wklsii, lAumou, u cliim- ney, to uhicli the foam, occasioned by the boiling torrent immediately above, may bear some resem- blance ! LUINOIAKIN, Clumsy, heavy. "A girt liimmakiniQWow." LUJMIMERLY, Heavy, awkward. A corruption of liimbcrhj, as a derivative from lumber, which, in its neuter sense, means to move heavily, as burdened with his own bulk. LUMPING, Great. " A lumping pennorth," vilissimo pretio emptus. Ainsworth. LUNGE, To plunge. LUPPEN, Lept, part, of leap. " That hulde nout with treuthe Lopcn out in lothliche foi'me." Piers Plou. 2 pass. LURDAN, An idle fellow, a lord-dauc. The native Britons being imperiously treated by their indolent and haughty conquerors, the Danes, might justly so designate them. " In every house Lord Dane did then rule all, Whence lazie lozels lurdanes now we call." Mirror for Magistrates. Brockett. Mr. Todd derives it from Old French, lourdin, clownish. LURGY, An idle person. LURGY, Idle. The lurgy-fever, idleness. " Shoes sick o't' htrgy fever." LUSTYIsil, Rather lusty, fat and stout. LUTHO, Look thou. LUTIIOBUD, Only look. GLOSSARY. 305 M MA, To mow. The a sounded broad, jjret. view, p. part maan. A. S. mayan. Teut. mahen. MAAD, Made. Spoken in two distinct syllables. " And who were touchiden weren maad saaf." Matt. xiv. Wiclif. " But when I was maade a man I voidide the things that weren of a htil child," Id. Cor. 1, xiii. MAAK, A maggot. MAAKY, Maggoty, full of maggots. 2. Proud, maggoty. Teut. machtigh. IMAAN, ]\Iown. MAAR, jMore. Sax. mare. " Both to less and eke to mare." Romt. of the Rose. '• That now na mare sycht of the land thay se." Douglas Virg, j). 127. " St. Swithin's day if thou dost ram For forty days it will remain, St. Swithin's day if thou be fair For forty days Vw'iW. rain na maar." See Brand's Pop. Antiq. MAAR-OWER, JMoreover. " Maar-ower ner that," moreover than that. MAAST, IMost. " The Werd Systers mast lyke to be." Wintouri's Cronykil. IMAAST-WIIAT, Generally, for the most part. MAAST-AN-END, Generally, without much inter- mission. MACK, Race, lineage, species. " Thou's naught, and au't' mack on the." " An-macks," all sorts. X '30(i liLOSSAKY. ]MACK^ To make. " C) how freedom is a nobil thyng For it 7naks men to hiiiflyking." John JBarhour's Bruce. " Need macksU naked man run." " To mack-houd," to presume, to venture. " To mack-eftcr," to pursue, to follow with haste. ]MACK-NER-]\IELL, To have no concern whatever with the matter. " I'll nather viack ner mell." " For my part I'll not meddle nor mukc no further." Shaks. Tro. ^ Cress. 1. i. BIACKING, JMaking. INIACKSHIFT, One thing substituted, in case of neces- sity, in the place of another. MACK-WEIGHT, A small candle to make up the exact weight of a pound ; sometimes called a pig-tail. IMAD, " He rides like mad," i. e. he rides like an insane person. MADDER, Pus or suppurating matter. Welsh, madredd, purulent matter. The Craven word is much preferable to mailer, the word in common use. The etymon is also better than the Fr. mal'iere, which is given by Dr. Johnson. MADDLE, To rave, to be delirious, to be confused in intellect. " Some madling runnes, some trembles in a trance." Transl. of Du Bartas by Hudson. 2. To miss one's way. " As soon as I gat to't moor I began to maddlc." IMADDLIN, A blockhead, a foolish, confused person. BIADGE, A magpie. MAD-PASH, A deranged-person, stalking or pashing idly about the country. MAFFLE, To falter in one's speech, to stammer. Belg. maffelin. Teut. jnu/felin, huccas movere. Minshew. GLOSSARY. 307 To faulter, to speak as one that hath plummes in his mouth. Cotgrave. Bredouiller, Miege. MAFFLING, Trifling. j\IAIN, " Vara main," the greatest part. jMA'ING, Mowing. A day's mowing is about three roods. MAISTER, To master. " But if thv passion mayster thy frail might." Spenser F. Q. MAISTER, Master. " Mayster we wolen se a token of thee." Matt. xii. Wiclif. Maislress is rarely, if ever used, though I find in H. Lord Clifford's Household Book, 1510, the fol- lowing curious entry : "• To iiij. men that carryed my mastreshes fro Skyptou to Appulby iijs. iiijrf." Q.U. How were these ladies conveyed .'' Maistress is used by Froyssart. 3IAISTER-DRAIN, a principal drain. MAISTERFUL, Headstrong, difficult to govern, or control. MAISTERING, Mastering. " Her eyes so maistering me." Sydney''s Arcadia, MAISTERMAN, Ruler, governor, overlooker. MAISTLINS, Mostly, generally. MAK- AT, To make a blow at one. " He made at me wi his neaf." Vid. Dr. Jam. Siipp. MAK-FACES, To distort the features. " Some make a face with wrything their mouth." R. Ascham Tox: " Makes such faces., that mee seemes I tiee Some foul megaera in tlie tragedie." Bishop Hail. X 2 308 GLOSSAUV. JNIAK-UP, To approach. " lie began to mak-tip to me ; lie began to conic near to me." Piper on Sheffield Words. This sense is not used by Johnson. INIALANCHOLY, IMelancholy. "He was therewith in a great malancholi/." Froyssarfs Cronycle. I\I ALICE FUL, Malicious. MAM, ]\Iammy, mother. Lat. mamma. Welsh, mam. MAMS-FOUT, The mother's darling. MAN OF WAX, A smart, clever fellow. " A man, j'oung lady ! lady, — such a man As all the world — why, he's a man of wax ! Shaks. Rom. GLOsSAKV. iMAH\'KL, To u'ondor ; disused Dr. Johnson says. Ben Jonxon abbreviates it to mur'l. MASH-TUB, A vessel in which mashed or ground malt is prepared for malt liquor. MASKERR'D, Decayed, probably from moss and orr, an escar, wood in a decayed state, being frequently covered with moss. Belg. maschcl, a blemish. It. marcirc, to rot, or macchia, a spot or blemish. ]M AS KINS, An asseveration, probably a corruption of mass. " By't maslcins." " By the mass so did we all." Shaks. 2dp(. II. VI, v. .3. MASLIN, 1 Mixed corn, or flour of wheat and rye. IMASSLEGIN, j Old Fr. mesle. Teut. mastelmjn, farrago. Dr. Jamieson. Wicl'if uses medling, for mixture, which may have been corrupted from the Fb. mesle. " And Nycodemus cam, that hadde come to him first by nyght, and brought a medliny of myrre and aloes." MASSACREE, Massacre. MASTY, jMastifF. A masty, or masty dog, un matin, un gros chien. Micge. Fid. Vauirait. Thomson derives viastilf from G. maest, greatest ; and Tu. life, a dog. " This, madam, is the tinker of Twitnam. I have seen Mm licke out burning firebrands with his tongue, drink two yience from the bottom of a full poltle of ale, fight with a mas/i/ and stroke his mustachoes with his bloody bitten fist, and sing as merrily as the sobrest querester." The Two Maids of Moreclacke. Slrutt. " So far their young our masty curs will fight Eagerly bark, bristle their backs and bite." Sylvester'' s Trans, of Du Bartas. INIATTER, To approve of. " I matter naan o' thy collops." GLOSSAUY. 313 MATTER, " A matter of," about. Quasi, circiter. Ainsworth. " There wor a matter o' fifty." " About a matter," very near. MATTERS, " Naa matters," no great quantity. 2. Not very well. " How's thy wife ?" " Naa girt matters," i. e. nothing extraordinary, or to boast of. MAUKY, Proud. 2. Full of maggots ; from Goth, maaka. Mr. Thomson remarks that the Fr. ver coquin, and the Belg. bolrvorm, are both used metaphorically, like maggot (or mauk with us), to denote whim or caprice. MAUKY-HEADED, Whimsical, capricious. MAUM, Mellow. Su. G. mogn-a, from Teut. malm. See Todd's second edition of Johnson. 2. Sedate, thoughtful. MAUND, A large basket, generally used by farmers in sowing their gi-ain, which is hence called a seed maund. From A. S. mand. Fr. viande, corbis ansatus. Lat. manus; quia propter anses, manu commode circuviferri potest. Skinner. Maundie, I suppose, a basket for ofi^erings, is used by Herrick in his Noble Numbers. " Ad's gone and death hath taken Away from us Our maundie thus Thy widdowes stand forsaken." 2d vol. p. 253. MAUNDER, To muse, to ponder, to wander idly about^ or to digress in conversation. " And suffered the Syndic to maunder on to his lieutenant." Quenl'm Durward, 2d vol. p. 297- " She maundered in an undertone, complaints and menaces against the absent dehnquent." St. Ronan''s Well, \st vol. p. 33. " And leaving Meg to bustle and maunder at her leisure." Idem, 2d vol. p. 63. sit GLOSSARY. J\IAUND-FUL, A basket full. IMAUP, A'acuntly to wander. IMAUPING, "\''acaiitly wandorinj: about. iMAUPS, A stupid fellow, a mop-head. INIAUT, ]Malt. The natives of Craven invariably drop the 1 in this and similar words, and insert u in its place. Tims salt, they pronounce saut; fault, faut; psalm, psaum. " That eats and drinks o' the meal and mauC Border Minst. " As dree as havver maut," a proverbial simile used when a person, being called upon, is long in coming, or is slow in executing orders. This expression bears the impress of antiquity on the very face of it, as malt, made of oats, has not been in common use for a long period. It occurs in the Yor/i.shire Dialect, the only place where I have seen it, but no explanation of it is given in the Glosxary. " Come, Tibb, for sham, bring out the bread and saut Thou's lang a coming, thou brades of haver maut." With respect to the origin of this expression, perhaps a maltster would elucidate it better than the most profound critic or antiquary. I would ask, how- ever, are oats, in the process of malting, longer in germinating than barley ? If so, the expression probably arose from this circumstance. The sprouts of barley are, in Craven, called comings, so there may be a play or double entendre on the word. " Thou's lang a-comi/ig." MAWIN, Mowing. " Guid-een', quo' I ; Friend ! hae ye been matvin. When ither folk are busy sawin." Death <^ Dr. Hornbook. Burns. ]\IAWMENTS, Trifles, from rnawmet, a little puppet ; une petite marionette. Miegc GLOSSARY. 315 MAYj Flower of the hawthorn. MAYS, Makes. MAZED, Astonished, dizzy, stupified. " She said she was so mazed m the sea That she forgate her muide." Chaucer. Man of Latvs Tale. " Some neither walks nor sleeps but mazing stands." Trans, of Du Bartas by Hudson. " On which the mased people gase and stare." Sir Thos. Moore. " She is moped and mazed ever since her father's death." Tales of the Crusaders, vol. 2, 142. MAZZLE, To trifle, to do any thing unskilfully. MAZZLIN, Trifling. " What's thou for ollas mazzlin about t'alehouse door ?" ME, I. The objective pronoun is frequently used instead of the nominative; as "wheasthat?" "it'snobbud me." i. e. " Who is that ?" " 'tis only /." MEAL, The quantity of milk that a cow gives at one milking j from the Sax. mael, a part or portion. . The Cheshire meal, as stated by Mr. Wilbraham, is not synonymous with our meal, but with the Craven note, which see. Mousson, Cofgrave. " We have had abundance of curst cows, that have given good meals for a time, but the v\ce of nature always breaks out at last ; and, too late, when the pale is kicked down, we discover our mistake in the opinion of the beast." Oliver'' s Pocket Looking Glass, ^c. " Each shepherd's daughter with her cleanly peale Was come a field to milk the morning's meale." B. J. Song. Nares. MEAL, Oatmeal. " Her two next sons were gone to Inverness to buy meal, by which oatmeal is always meant." Dr. Johnsoii^s Tour to the West. Isles. 31G (;lossauy. MEAL-SEEDS. The husk of the oats, when detached from the grain. MEALS-MEAT, Meat enough for a meal. " Ne take a meles mete of thine." Piers Plou. ^ pass. " A meles mete for a poure man." Piers Plou. Don : G pass. " They must endure jests, taunts, flouts, blowes of their betters, and take all in good part to get a meales meat." Burton's Anat. p. 141. " A bare head in the street doth him more good than a meales meat." Bishop Hall. JNIEAN, To moan, to wail. It is occasionally used as an active verb, " he means hissel sadly." A. S. mcenan. " And thus she means." In the old copies of Shaks. Midsum, N. Dream, v. 1. See Mr. Todd's second edition of Johnson. " I hard ane may sair murne and meyne." Ritson. " And partely mened with disdeigne." Sir Thos. Elyot Govr. " Although that rebellion bee ever unlawfull on their part, yet is the world so wearied of him, that his fall is little meancd by the rest of his subjects." Basilicon Doron, p. 26. MEAT-HAAL, Meat M-hole, having an appetite for food. MEBBY, Probably a corruption of it may be. MEDDLE, "I'll nather medd/e nor mak." I'll not interfere in any way. MEEDLESS, Tiresome; mostly applied to a restless child that is always in want of something, or teazing those about him for some new plaything, &c. "Unruly." Ra^y. GLOSSARY. 317 MEER, Mare. A. S. mcere. " In a tabard he rode upon a mere.'''' Chaucer. " The widdifow wardannis tuik my geir And left me nowdir horss nor meir." Lindsay. Dr. Jam. " Kent and Keir Have parted many a good man and his mere" Wh'itaker''s Lonsdale. MEER STONES, Stones put up as boundaries to divide property. Gr. fitipui divido. A. S. mccra. Belg. meer. MEETER, More fit. " Scarce might a meeter place to ply Lute, studies, books or musique by." PalcB Albion by W. Sdayter., p. 99. MEETERLY, Tolerably well, moderately. We use it for indifferently, mediocriter, as in this proverb — " Meeterly as maids are in fairness." Ray. " Indifferent, moderate." Tim Bobbin. This word, and the preceding meeter, are more fre- quently used in the Western Borders, than in the interior of Craven. Leland, in his Itinerary, has meately in the same sense. " From Stanhope to Barnard's Castel, by mealely good come, five miles." MEET-NOW, Just now. MEETY, IVIighty, of which it is evidently a corruption. MEGS, " Byt' megs," a species of oath, Qn. by Saint Margaret ? MELCII, IVIild, soft, perhaps from milk, either tlirough the medium of the A. S. mcolc, or the Bklg. 7neUi. Wilbraham. MELDER, The quantity of oats that is ground at one time. Lat. molo. " That ilka melder, wi the miller Thou sat as lang as thou had siUor." Burns^s Tarn O'Shanter. .nn (ii.ossAitv. ^IKLL, A malk't or mull. Mr. TumUnson, Rai/'s cor- respondent, derives it from A. S. mell, crux, from a fancied resemblance of the head and shaft to a cross, especially before the nppcr part of the shaft is cut off. IsL. tncl, mimdim (inido. "Unless the mcll of uiward anguish did beat them down." J. Knox^s Letter to his JVi/fc. " Some made .1 mc/l of massy lead." Flodden Field. " To throw the shaft after the mell," to venture all ; after one loss or expense^ to venture another. jMELL, To meddle, in common use, though Dr. Johnson thought it obsolete. Fr. inele, miscere, innniscere, ut cum signijicct, qui aliorum sc immiscet rebus cl ncgotiis nihil ad se pertiiioitibus. Minshew. " I'll nather mack nor mcll,'''' Mesler. Cotgrave, " "With Holy Father fits not with such things to we//." Spenser F. Q. " To mell witli me and to meet hand in hand." Doitf/. Virg. p. 352. " jNIen are to mell with." Shaks. All's Well that Ends Well, iv. 3. " They are too many to mell with in the open field." Quenlin Durward, vol 3, 333. " Thou shalt not need none ill to fear With thee it shall not mell." Ps. xci. 10. Stern. ^ flop. " But with the same the wicked never mell. But to do service to the page of hell." Sylvester^s Trans, of Dii Jiartas. .AIELLING, Meddling. " That every matter worse was for his melling." Spenser. MELT, To prepare barley for fermentation, or to make it into malt. IMENCE, Decency, or decorum. Isl. menska. A. S. viemiisc, humanus. GLOSSARY. 319 " Meat is good, but tiicnse is better." " And Vandal ye ; but show your little inence." Burns. MENCE, To make decent^ to dress." " I'll mence mysel up a b't." " The King of Norse he sought to find With hun to mense the faught — Hardyknut." Per. Rel. JMENCEFUL, Becoming, decent. A. S. mennise, polite, civil. " But d'ye see fou better bred Was mence-fou Maggy Murdy." Ramsay. Dr. Jamieson. " That fully semly on syht Menskfiil maiden of myht." Harl. MSS. 1200. See T. Warton. Eng. Poetry. IMENCELESS, Unmannerly, rude. " An' no to rin an' wear his cloots, Like ither mensless gi'aceless brutes." Poor Maile. Burns, JVIENDS, Reformation, reparation, or allowance ; aphoe- retically for amends. " She has the mends m her own hands." Shaks. Tro. cj Cress, i. 1. 2. Recovery. " I see naa mends in lier." MENNARD, A minnow. Gael, meanan. Fr. men- nise, small. ]\IEOS, A mess. Fr. mes. " A meos o porridge." " A standing meos is a stewing disli." " But Benjamin's mease was five times so muchc as anie of theirs." Gen. xliii. ^4. Geneva Bible, 1562. MEOS-POT, A mess-pot. IMEOND, JMoaned. " Shoe mcon'd liersell." MERRY-BEGOTTEN, An illegitimate child. MERRY-DANCERS, Aurora Borealis, called also streamers. 'A-20 lii.ossAUV. INIKKK V-31AKIXG, A feast, or convivial meeting. '• Willi ti'arlosse nicrrio-nmkc and piping still." Fletcher. Purji. Jul. N'urcs. :MERRY-NIGHT, a mstlc bail. JMERHY-TOTTER, A swing, vierilof, oscillat'w, from Fn. vlrcfy and tut celeriler. Skinner. MESKINS, Vid. 7nasfchi.'!. " By the maslcin, methought they were so indeed." Chapman. May Day. Nares. INIESLES, INIeasles. This word is used by JViclif for lepers. Belg. masclen. " Clense ye mesles" Matt. X. JMESS, The number of four at an entertainment at an inn, where a stipulation was made for a party to dinner at a certain price per mess, or meos. " You three fools lack'd me fool to make up the mess." Shahs. L. L. Lost iv. 3. That the illustrious lexicographer, Johnson, in his great national work, overwhelmed with avast mass of words, which he had to arrange and elucidate by various authorities, should sometimes draw hasty conclusions, is not to be wondered at. But it is certainly a matter of astonishment, that this highly celebrated critic, who had expressly under- taken to comment on Shakspeare, should never have made any remark on the above recited pas- sage. That it had never been so understood by Dr. Johnson, is evident to any one who will examine the word mess in his Dictionary. He has neither given the sense nor any authority to show, that the word mess signifies the number four, as Shakspeare has so clearly done. Horn Tooke, in his Div. of Purletj ii. 327, attempts, with as little success, to supply the omission of the learned Doctor, by numerous and irrelevant derivations GLOSSARY. 321 from ancient and modern languages. Mr. Todd considers the word as denoting a measure or portion, as a mease of meat, a mease of pottage, and con- cludes with the ordinary or mess of military men, which is not restricted, as far as I know, to any particular number. The above passage, however, has not escaped the observation and acuteness of Mr. Archdeaco7i Narcs, who, according to our meaning of the word, fully and satisfactorily ex- plains it, by appropriate authorities. From the labor attending the compilation of a small dialectic work, I can willingly make allowances for the omission of these learned men distracted by a variety of important pursuits. The Archdeacon is very copious in his remarks on this word, and makes a quotation from Shakespeare 3 H. VI. i. 4. " Where are your mess of sons ?" viz. his four sons, Edward, George, Richard, and Edmund Earl of Rutland. " Penelop's fame thro' Greekes do raise Of faithfull wives to make up three, To think the truth, and say no lesse Our A visa shall make a messe." A. Emefs Verses, prefixed to Aviza. Lucretia and Susanna were the preceding two, there- fore Penelope and Avisa made up the mess. See Nares. " There lacks a fourth thing to make up the messe., which, so God helpe me, if I were .judge, should be hangum tnum, a Tyburn tippet, to take with him, if it were the Judge of the King's Bench, my Lord Chief Judge of England." Latimer'' s Sermons vol. 1. p. 161. " Item a payno is made, that no person or persons, that shall brewe any Weddyn Ale to sell, shall not brewe abov-e twelve strike of mault at the most, and the said persons, so marryed, shall not keep nor have y 322 GLOSSARY. above ci}i;ht mcsse oi" persons at Iiis dinner witlim the burrowc." From the Court of Ilalcs Oiven. See Branirs Pop. Ant. At the present clay, it is usual, at Lincoln's Inn, to serve up the dinner in messes of four. IMESUR, IMeasure. Welsh, mesur. ]\1ET, INIeasured. To this word up is generally sub- joined, as up-met. Met appears the abbreviated past participle of the verb mete. When up-met and down thro.steu are united, they denote abundant measure. MET, Measure. A. S. mutta. JMETAL, IMaterials or stone for roads. " This is vary good metal." MEVERLEY, Mild, of a quiet, or gentle disposition. 2. Bashful, shy, affectedly sparing in eating and drinking. ]MEW, To cry as a. cat. 2. The praet. of the verb to mow. " He meiv maar ner an acre to day." MICH, INIuch, wonderful. "Its mitch they dunnot come." " So miche the better." Pocock. " As meche as ons self." P. Plou. " And miclie peple cam to liim." Matt. XV. WivUf. "iWycfte yleft." Trevisa, 1385. " A sheepe marke, a tar kettle, little or mi/ch Two pottles of tarre to a pottle of pitch." Tusser. MICH- WHAT, ),,,,, Ti Mucii-wHAT, r^"^^ *^^ ^^"^^^ ^^;^^; " Frende and foo was much-ivhat indifferent." Sir T/tomas More's description of JiicJiard III. Also, 7mch of a michtiess, i. e. very similar. MICHIN, An idle skulking boy, one who is sly in doing mischief. Mr. Nares defines " inicher," to which our GLOSSARY. 323 term seems nearly allied^ " a truant/' one who acts by stealth. Cot grave has miching as a participial sub- stantive of to miche, which he renders by vilenier, villanie. " How tenderly her hands between In ivory cage she did the micher bind." Sydney. " The moone in the wane, gather fruit for to last But winter fruit gather when Michel is past, Tho' michers that love not to buy nor to crave Make some gather sooner, else few for to have." Tusser. " A cat I keep, that playes about my house Grown fat With eating many a miching mouse." Herrick''s Hesperides, 2d vol. p. 67- MICKLE, Much. This is not obsolete, as Dr. Johnson supposed, though it becomes daily less frequent. A. S. viicle, ab antiquo Cimbrico 7tiikil, much. " Monny a little macks a mickle." " Mickle wad hev maar." " And rain'd downe manna for them to eat A food of mickle wonder." Ps. Ixxviii. 24. Stern. ^ Hop. " Two captains mov'd with mickle pride Their speares to shivers went." Chevy Chase. " Under heven nes londe I wisse Of so mockil joi and bliss." Ango Norman. Tanner. " To morrow I shall die with mickle age." Shaks. \stpt. II. "VI. iv. P. MIDDAW, JMeadow, so pronounced also in Suffolk. MIDDEN, A heap of dung or other refuse of the farm yard. Hence the horse-inidden, cow-midden, ass- midden. Ray says it is an ancient Saxon word, a nomine mud forte." " You'd marry a midden for muck." Y 2 324 GLOSSARY. •• Ik' UiankCu, else I'se gar ye stink Yet on a midd'iu (/.'''' A. Ramsay. " NVhae'cr shall wi a middin light O' victory will be beguiled ; Dealers in dirt will be so dight Fa' they aboon or 'neath, they're filed." Idem. " Cock o'th midden," tlie principal person of the place, strutting A\ith as much assumed consequence as the cock on the dunghill. iMIDDEN-DAUP, A carrion crow. 2. A dastardly fellow. ]\IIDDEN-PANT, The filthy receptacle of a cow-house. Sax. midding. Welsh, melgcii, a recess, and pant, a hollow. The hollow of the midden where the urine is collected. " Wi glcntin spurs and weel clean'd buitts Lin sarks an neyce cword breeches The breyde groom roun the midden pant Proud as a peacock stretches Reeght crouse that day." Stages Po : Jam. Sitpp. ]\riDDEN-STEED, The place for the dunghill. iMID-FEATIIER, The principal timber at the bottom of a cart. 2. The ])ost against which folding doors are shut, (probably so called from its resemblance to the central part of a feather), to which the timber at the sides are attached. In Cheshire this word, according to Mr. Wilbr-aliam, signifies a narrow ridge of land left between two pits, usually between an old marl pit and a new one, Avhich lie contiguous to each other. MIDJERUM, The fat on the small guts of a hog or other animals. Qu. the etymon } Pcgge in his Supplement calls it the rnidgin. 2. The milt (pure Saxon) the spleen. GLOSSARY. 325 IMIDLIN, Tolerably well. MIFF, A mow or rick of hay or corn. IMIHIL, ]Michael, strongly guttural. MIHIL-MASS, Michael-mas. When work was let to the masons whilst builchng York Muister m 1371, it was called mighelmas. " Ye sail between Lenten and Mighelniasse dyne and ette als es byfore sayde, ande slepe and drynke aftyr none in ye forsa^^de loge, ande yai sail noghte cese no lefe yair werke in slapaynge passande ye tyme of a mileway no in drj-nking tyme after none passande ye tvme of a mileway." Torre's MSS. The word milewaij, signifying the time occupied in walking a mile, is now obsolete. " Fro myhel-musse to myhel massed P. Plou. MILE, This substantive is rarely used in the pluralnumber. " Withm this three mile.'''' Shahs. " The space, in sooth, as I suppose is seven mile." Chaucer. Thebes. JMILKER, A cow that gives milk. " Shoes a feaful good millier." Sometimes honest is applied to the cow. " Shoes a feaful honest cow," i. e. as good as she appears to be, neither kicks nor holds her milk, ^c BIILKNESS, The produce of the dairy. MILKUS, INIilk-house, dairy. ]MILN, A mill. A. S. mijlen. Fr. muuUn. " Peers son of Serle Arthington giffs and confirmes all the giffs that the saide Serle and his ancestors gaff to the said nownes, and also all the watyre that the may nede to make vam a mylne with." An award xxviii. of H. VI. Whitaker's Leeds. " The great swight doth it come all at ones As done these great rocks or these mibi stones." Chaucer. Tros. Sy Cress. MILN-EE, Tlie hole from which the grinded corn falls into the che.st below. 320 CI.OSSAIIY. MILNER, MiUcr. " ]VIiiiule the nii/hicrc." Piers Plou. 3 pass. " This milnarc had a dowchtyr fayre That to the king had oft repayre." Wiiitoun. Dr. JamiesoJi. ftllLN-STAAN, "And 00 strong aungel took up a stoon as a greet mtjlne stoon^ Revel, xviii. C. Wiclif. JMIND, To remember. Dan. m'mdc. IMINDS, A mere expletive. " Thou vdnds, as I wor gangin haam." IMINT, Wealth, a large sum. " He's worth a mint o'mouey." ]MIRK, ) Dark. IsL. myrk. " A murk loan/' a dark MURK, j lane. " Gane is the day and mirk the night But we'll near stay for faute o' light." Burns. iMIRTLE, To waste away, to crumble. This seems to be synonymous with Ray's smartle. MISBEHODDEN, Offensive, disobliging. " I nivver gav her a mishehoddcn word." MISFORTUNE, A palliative term for indiscretion and breach of chastity. " She wi a misfortnne met And had a bairn." The Uar^st Rig. Dr. Jam. MISKEN, Not to know, to mistake one person for another. MISLIPPEN, To disappoint. Belg. mislucken. Mr. Brockctl adds to suspect and neglect, but I never heard the word so applied. " I hafflins think his ee'n hae him mislippeii'd ; But oh ! its hard to say what may hae happen'd." TantMhilVs Poems. Vid. Jamieson's Supp. GLOSSARY. 327 IMISMEAL, To milk a cow out of regular course, previous to drying her, once a day instead of twice. " To )niss a meal," of which this word is an apparent abbreviation. MISIMEAVE, To move, to perplex, applied to a quiet, good tempered man. " Nought mismeaves him," puts him out of the way, probably from the inseparable particle 7nis, and the verb move, which, in the East Riding, is frequently pronounced meave. IMISTAEN, Mistaken. IMISTAL, "I A cow house, from milk and stall. A. S. MISTO, j mesa, vacca. MISTETCH, To teach bad tricks or habits, to give bad instructions. MISTETCH, A bad instruction, a misteaching. " Toud mear hes gitten a sad mistetch." MISTETCHED, Mistaught. MISWONTED, Tender. MITTS, Long gloves without fingers. Coles, under chirothecae dimidiatae, has mittains. MIXEN, A dunghill. A. S. mixen, sterquilinium, a meox, Jimus, hoc forte a misceo, et quia est miscela omnium alimentomm. Skinfier, vid. Cotgrave, under Fumier. " For when I see beggars quakhig Naked on mixens all stinking." Romt. Rose. " By turning a stream of water into the mickesons, he scowered away that in a weeke, that an hundred could scant have done that in a yeare. This place was as it were the common dungliill or mickson of the whole towne." Met. Ajax. MOATS, " To play the moats," to be much exasperated Q,u. to be in agitation, from molus ? Though this ex- pression is in common use, I cannot otherwise explain it. MOG, To move. "Come, mog off." This word is synonymous with the Scotch viiulge. " Thai dare na mw/yc for fricht." IVnltcr Kelpie. 3'2H t.T.OSSAUV. IVrOIDER, To omfuso, to distract 2. To labour hard, to toil. MOIDER'D, Confused, distracted, puzzled. "■ I's wellv rnoydcrt." Tim. Bob. Crazed, curis distractus. Aiiisworth. IMOIL, To labour, to drudge. Skinner derives it from moil, an old word for mule, i. c. to work like a mule. It is generally joined with toil, as " to 7uoil and toil," which Ainsworlh renders impigre, diligenler laborare. IMOIT, A mote. " As rank as 7noits i'th sun." MONNY, JMany. " Mont/ a frost, mony a thau Soun maks 7noni/ a rotten vow." Essays Highl. Soc. " O mony a time my Lord, he said." Mhist. of S. B. "For love of the nurse mony kisses the barn." Ray. " Mony hundreds of Angels." P. Plou. '•'■Monny a time and oft," a pleonasm for very frequently. Shaks. Merchant of Venice. "■ A inonnij," a great number. " Monny a bit," a long time. " Iv'e not seen him for monny a bit." " To be too monny for a person," to be an overmatch for him. " Mind thysell, or else he'll be to monny for the." " Monny a yan," many a one. " Apoune thame nisches and overthrowis mony ane." Dong. Virg. p. 397. MONNY-FEET, The millipes. Also the creeping crow-foot, ranunculus repens. Linn. MOO, IMow, a stack of hay or corn. 2. The mouth. Fr. moue. INIOO, To low in a plaintive tone, as a cow, in pain or in want of her calf. Dr. Jamieson derives it from the Germ, mu, vox vaccae naturalis, muhen, nuigire. MOOD-UP, Crowded. "Ye can hardly stir yer fit, t'roum's seea mood up." GLOSSARY. 329 MOO-HET, The hay or corn heated in the stack or mow. jMOOL, To rumple, to crease clothes, to discompose the dress. Is not this word a corruption of 7noil ? IMOOLED, Rumpled, discomposed. ]MOON, " I kna naa maar ner man ith moon," I am totally ignorant of it. " He wad mack me believe at t' mooji's made o' green cheese ;" that is, he would persuade me to believe that black is white, or some- thing quite as improbable. MOON-LIGHT-FLIT, Is when a cottager, during the night, removes his goods from the premises, in order to defraud the owner of his rent. IMOON-SHINE, A mere pretence, an illusive shadow. " A matter or mouthful of moonshine," a trifle, nothing. Grose. " To run about moonshine in a can," to be employed in no useful purpose, to go about some foolish enterprise or idle design. Ray, in his Proverbs, has a similar expression. " Thou shalt have moonsh'mc in the mustard pot," i. e. nothing. JVithal, in his Adages, renders inani spe flagrat, by " he hopes after moonshine in the water." IMOORED, When cattle are inflicted with a disease which occasions bloody urine, they are said to be moored. This term may be derived from the strong resemblance the bloody urine may have to the dark water flowing from moorish earth. This disease is also called red-water and blend water, the water or urine being blended with blood. In Scotland this complaint, which is frequently very fatal to cattle, is called moor-ill. The farmers are at a loss to what cause to attribute this disorder. A sudden removal from a limestone to a grit soil, and vice versa, will frequently occasion it. Some attribute it to coarse grass in marshy grounds, intersi)erscd with alder and 330 c: LOSS A 11 Y. underwood. If the violent in flam in at ion of the kidneys be succeeded by a consti})ation of the bowels, j)rovin- cially called taking, the disease is generally fatal. In incipient cases, a strong dose of nitre has often been found erticacious. ]\I001l-P00T, A young moorgame, metaphorically an ignorant clown ; or, as we say in Craven, " bred at moor side." " Nobbud see how that rough tike gangs of his fit, he waddles for aut' ward like a moor-poot." IMOOT-HALL, Town Hall. IMORELL, A fungus. Fr. morlUc. Sp. morel. It is called in Sw. vmrJda, perhaps from Go. morkulle, black cap. See Thomson s Elijmon.s. MORISH, " To taste morish," said of meat or drink, when a person likes and wishes to have 7nore of it. Miege has the expression and explains it thus : il est si boil, qu' il me fait naitre I'envie d' en avoir davantage. MORN, Generally used for morrow, as " I'll come to morn an I can." On the contrary, morrow is frequently used for morning, as is the common salutation good morrow, so in Coriolanus. Shaks. " I would not buy Their mercy at the price of one fair word, To have't with saying good morrow." " To 7norn come iiivver," synonymous with ad Grascas calcndas. IMORTAL, Exceeding, very. Isl. morgt, a large quantity. " A mortal nice beost," " he's mortal rich/' " I'se mortal hungry." " As all is mortal in nature, so is all nature in love mortal in folly." Shaks. As you like it, ii. 4. In Suffolk mortashus is used in the same sense. INIOSS, A peat bog. Su. G. mossa, locus uliginosus. The genitive case of moor is mous, whence mosses are deduced. Dr. Hickes. GLOSSARY. 331 " The Ure rysett in the tardest partis of all Richmond- shyre, among the Coterine Hills, in a mosse towards the West." Harrison. Dr. Whitaker^s Hist, of Rychmoyidshire. MOSS NOR SAND, I can make nothing of him, " neither moss 7ior sand." IMOSS-CROPS, Cotton grass, a name given to the dif- ferent species oiEriophorinn,Qiu.eriophorum vaginal urn? MOST WHAT, Generally ; not obsolete, as Br. Johnson supposed. MOST, The double superlative is in frequent use, as the most sweetest, the most beatdifullest. " Oh, the most affablest creature. Sir, so merry !" Ben Jonson. Alchemist. There are numerous examples of it in the scriptures. MOTHER, A white filament in liquor. Lat. amurca, Cooper. Belg. modder, moyer, dregs, vide caned. 2. Flegm from the stomach. " By the stench of feathers, or the like, they cure the rising of the mother. Bacon. Cent. i. C3. MOTHERY, Liquor covered with a white filament. MO TONS, This was the antient name in Craven for wedder sheep, but it is now obsolete. " Bout vij. score mototis at Appletreewick fare x/e. iis." H. L. Cliff. Household Book, 1510. Welsh, moUl, or Fr. moult, castrated. In former times, when wool supplied the chief clothing for man, it may be conjectured that ewes were seldom slaughtered, the wedders or motons only were brought to the table. MOTTO, The mark at which the boys in the game of pitch and hustle, throw or pitch the halfpenny. This is sometimes a button, a small white pebble, or any thing conspicuous. 332 tii.ossAKV. ]\IOUD, Earth. " INIouth lull oi' moiid" (dead or buried.) Ilishop Hull. I\IOU])-IIILL^ A mole-liillj frequently called itioiid heap. Belg. mol-hoop. " He has pitched his sword in a moodic hill." Bord. jMins. IMOUD-WARP, \A mole. Belg. vmijl, viuld, and JMOUDY-WARP, J 7vcrp, to cast up. Dan. muldwarp- " I cannot choose sometimes he angers me AVith telling me of the mold-ivarp and ant." \st p. H. VIII. Shakspeare. MOUDY, A mole catcher. The Scotch name is moudy- man, but I never heard moudy used alone for the animal. " His faithf'u dog hard by amusive stalks The bentie brae, slow list'ning to the chirp O' wandering mouse, or moudy" s caskin hoke." Davidson's Season. ]\IOUL, To grow mouldy. IMOULED, Mouldy. " Also the rayment upon them was olde, and all their provision of bread was dried and mouled." Joshua ix. 5. " Min herte is also mouled as mine heres." Chaucer. Revels Prol. MOUSE-TRAP, " Thou hesnt sense to bait a moiise- trap," a reproachful phrase, frequently addressed to an ignorant person, or one who attempts any thing in an inexpert manner. jNIOUT. To moult. WTien away is added to it, it signi- fies to crumble, to perish. The bank moiils away. Muytcii, Teut. Our old word, says Dr. Johnson, was moid or mowt, from Lat. rmito. " To moicten as foules.," Prompt. Pan: Vid. Dr. Jamicson. GLOSSARY. 333 -,„„„„„ i To take mulcture. Fr. moiidre IMUU 1 hiix MOUT, A moth. Sc. moud. "Youre richessis ben rotiui and youre clothis ben eten oi mougtis.'''' James v. WicUf. " His coat was thred about wi green, The mouds had wrought it muckle harm, The poutches war an ell atween. The cutF was faldit up the arm." Hogg's Mountain Bard. Dr. Jam. Supp. MOUTER, I Mulcture, the toll due to the miller for MOOTER, j grinding corn. Lat. mulcla. Fr. moul- ture. Lat. inolo. MOUTER, I > ) " It is good to be merry and wise Quoth the miller when he mouter^d twice" Ramsag's S. Prov. Dr. Jamieson. IMOUTER, To crumble, to fall in small pieces, from vioiif. Belg. mutsen. We also use mitre in this sense. MOUTH-HOD, " Good mouth-hod," plenty of grass for cattle. MOVE, " High move," insolent behaviour, an arrogant proceeding. MUCHNESS, \ Similarity, quality. " Is thy husband MICHNESSE, j better ?" " Nay, he's mich of a michnesse," i. e. much as usual. MUCK, A contemptuous name for money. " What's all his muck good tul .''" — — — " Nor seek by muck or might To muzzle justice." Pat. Dor. p.(j\. And again in page 104. " Never presume upon or muck or might To injure any." " To throw muck at a person," to scandalize and vilify him. INIUCK, To cleanse the cow-house. Old Swedish mocka, stahula purgare. Dr. Jamieson. 334 lii.ossAUv. IMITK-CIIEAP, As ohoap as dirt, very cheap. IVIUCK-DKAG, A kind of fork with two or three prongs fixed at the right angles to the handle, for pulling manure out of a cart. ]\IUCK-IIEAP, A very dirty person, " a girt muck-heap." ]MUCK-]\IENT, Dirt, or any thing worthless. "It's nout bud muckmcut." ]MUCK-MIDDEN, A dung hill. IMUCK-JMIDDEN-BREWARD, Upstarts, of loworigin, compared to the rapid and forced growth of corn upon a dunghill. INIUCKY, Wet, rainy. Micge has moki/, which he makes synonymous with cloudy as moki/ weather, U7i temp.s couvert, this seems to be synonymous also Avith the Scotch, mochic. " Nae sun shines there, the mochie air Wi' smuisteran rowks stinks vyld." Ballad Ed. Mag. Vid. Dr. Jamiesoii's Supp, ]MUCKY, To dirty, to soil. MUD, Might, a corruption of mought, the old regular form of the word. Spenser uses mot. " Pray me God so mot it be." " Amen, per seinte charitie." Anglo Norman MSS. Tanner. " As thus mud E do." I hardly know hoAv to explain this expression; I believe it signifies the doing any thing according to the usual custom, without any design or consideration. " Sicut mens est mos." ]\IUDDY, Confused with liquor, half drunk ; a corruption of muddled. INIUE, To mow, to make moutlis. Fr. faire la mmce. Minshew. Thus in the version of the Psalms by Sternhold and Hopkins. " They grin, they mow, they nod their heads And in this wise they say." Ps. xxii. 7' GLOSSARY. 335 " It is generally joined witli mump. " He mumps and miles." "What's to doin thedixmumpingandimuing?" MUFFETIES, Small muffs or mittens about the \vrists. MUFFS, Long gloves for women, the same as mitts. MUG, A sheep without horns, lana longissima, mollissima ; cornutis mitior. Welsh, mwi/g, soft or putted, Owen. See Dr. Jamieson's Supp. MUGGED, Without horns. MULL, The dust or refuse of turf or peat. Belg. mid. IsL. mil, quod hahet prcet. mulde ; in minutas par- ticulas dividere. Hickes. MUMMER, Morrice dancers. Belg. mommer, a masker. MUN, The mouth. Belg. mond. Teut. mund. MUN, Must, evidently a corruption of moun, used by the most ancient English ^vriters. " Mimn'e," must I ; " munto," must thou ; " munna," must he ; " munnot," must not. " As ye moun here." Chaucer. Melibeus. " Ye moun not serve God and richesse." Matt. vi. Wiclif. " Where I am ye moun not come." John vii. Wiclif. MUN, An expletive. This is applied both to male and female. " Eigh mun, tliur er sad times." MUNBY, An unavoidable event, what mun or must be, hence, " a munby. MUNGE, To masticate with difficulty or without teeth. MURL, To crumble, to fall to pieces. Belg. mul. IsL. moar. Wel. murl. MURLY-GRUBS, Sullenness, ill humour. " To be in his grubs," etre melancoUque. Mi(ge. IsL. mogl-a to murmur. MURN, To mourn. A. S. murnan, to lament, to deplore. MUSH, An article. Crushed or bruised, refuse. 336 (;i,()ssAiiY MUSK, IMusked. (^nnu's-bill. IVUhcrbiii^. Muskif, st(trks-l)ill. Dr. Sin'itli. (leraiiium moscliatum. Linn. Erodium moscluitum. Dr. Smith. IVIUSSENT, ]Must not, the same as munnot. jMUSROLL, The nose band of a horse's bridle. Fu. muscruUc. Colgravc. MUSS, The month, a term used by nurses to a child. Fr. mtiscau. ]MUZWEB, A cobweb. jMUZZLE, a burlesque expression for the visage. JMUZZLE, To trifle, to skulk, to drink. MUZZLIN, Trifling, drinking. This is synonymous with the the Scotch. J u.slin, which Dr.Jamicson derives from the T evt. Juiscl-cn , nugari. MUZZY, Half drunk. " Sleepy, a little drunk." Tim Bolihin. Miizlin is sometimes used in the same sense. ]MYCHE, To cheat artfully. MYSELL, MYSEN, " I'd rather far it had been mysell Than either him or thee." Scottish Souff. Child Maurice. " Go fetch me forth my armour of proote For I will to th' Topcastle mysell." Sir Andrew Barton. P. Rel. END OF VOL I. [^^'} Myself. 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