THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR. LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS THE SPENCER COLLECTION OF MODERN BOOK BINDINGS NEW YORK 1914 K I.ISI.F.) THE SPENCER COLLECTION mony between the cover and the book ex- tended even to materials and methods of workmanship, as for instance — an ex- treme one — in the "Aurora Australis" of the Spencer Collection, for which the wood of a packing case which contained pro- visions for the British Antarctic expedi- tion of 1907, is used. Mosaics, in the richest of leathers, crushed and plain, cover the sides, backs, and doublures of these books, while the richest of silks, satins, and other stuffs are often added to give greater luxuriance. New methods for the treatment of the leather, unheard of before, are adopted, such as modeled leather to produce the effect of sculpture in relief; chiseled leather, to produce the effect of etching; and material other than leather, such as porcelains, metals, and enamels. Many of the designs made under the influence of these new conditions are varied and striking, having no suggestion of anything which had gone before, with the possible exception of some of Pade- loup's most extreme mosaics in the Chinese style. They range through the conventionalized renderings of motives, the partly conventionalized to the natural- istic, and they embrace all forms of orna- ment, animal, vegetable, and human. The influence of the Japanese method of orna- mentation, for which a craze had been worked up, and the influence of the pic- ture-poster, are strongly felt. Perhaps the most striking thing about these modern bindings is the large size of the lines with which the design is con- structed, epecially when compared with the delicacy of line of the older forms of decoration. This is due to the bigness of the design itself, — large wreaths of flowers and leaves, large birds, or butter- flies, large pictures covering the whole of the boards, and not to any lack of skill in the rendering of this part of the binder's art. Skill was never more in evidence, it had never been called upon to such an extent, and technical difficulties hardly seem to exist except to be played with. Largeness is the keynote to the whole movement. Of the individual binders, Marius Michel may be said to be the dominating spirit, the most original and important name today. While master of the older styles, there is no method of the new styles that he does not essay with an individuality which may easily be distinguished from those of his competitors. Although thought so revolu- tionary at first, his designs have come to be accepted as the best examples of the search for a new style. In the twenty- six books collected by Mr. Spencer, the range of Michel's work in mosaics is well shown, especially his fondness for partly conventionalized flower motives. Illus- trations of five of his bindings are given herewith. In the twenty-nine examples of fimile Mercier's work collected by Mr. Spencer may be seen the perfection of gilding by this "impeccable" master of that art, one who has never advanced so far afield from the traditions as Alichel, but whose designs are always characterized by ele- gance and taste. One of the illustrations herewith shows his binding for Gautier's "Jean et Jeannette." Leon Gruel, while not so stronglj' indi- vidual in his designs as Michel, is yet as versatile in his methods of expressing them. His chiseled bindings, like the "Imitation of Christ" here shown, are good examples of his work. To be convinced of the consummate workmanship of the French binders, to see the extent of their manual dexterity, one has but to examine the gilding and the inlaying of these men, and of Lortic and Joly. Theirs is the skill of the gold- smith and the enameler. Whether or not the art of their designs is as great as that of the older binders, it is idle to discuss at this time. Decorative art is good if it serves its purpose well, is appropriate, and is well done. It is certain, however, that the best of the work of the present- day binders, like that shown in the Spen- cer Collection, will take its place in the history of book-binding, together with the work of the Eves, Le Gascon, the Pade- loups, and the Deromes. CATALOGUE OF THE SPENCER COLLECTION By Chester March Cate, under the Direction of Wilberforce Eames Authors Adam, Paul. Basile et Sophia. Dessins de C.-H. Dufau, graves sur bois par G. Lemoine. Paris: P. Ollendorff, 1900. 3 p.l., 325 p., 1 1. 8°. no. 33 of forty copies on wove paper. Illustrations: 27 vignettes in the text and 13 plates, paged in. On the leaf preceding the half- title, mounted, the cover of the ordinary edition, printed in colors. In all, 41 illustrations. Binding, by Stroobants, 1910, three-fourths brown crushed levant morocco. Back tooled and lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Original covers bound in. Alexandre, Arsene. Les reines de I'aiguille; modistes et couturieres. (fitude parisienne.) Illustrations dessinees et gravees par Francois Courboin. Paris: T. Belin, 1902. 2 p.l., 189 p., 1 1., 5 pi. l(i extra pi. 8°. no. 65 of 100 copies on Japan paper. Illustrations: 3 vignettes, 15 head-pieces, 5 plates, and 15 tail-pieces, with proofs of all, in two states, on 74 plates; appended, plate proofs in two states of a design not used. In all, 114 illustrations. Binding, by. Gruel, of white crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt. Sides within two frames of fillets inlaid in olive green, the inner adorned with small flowers in gilt and with semicircular indentations at the corners, containing the arms of Paris in gold and silver on a mosaic of blue and red, and small ornaments composed of thimbles, scissors, needles, and thread. Double with white morocco. Centre panel within two fillets inlaid in olive green, and an inner frame of two fillets in gilt interlacing and entwined with delicately tooled foliage and small flowers in gilt and colors. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid. With gilt edges and lining of green grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Anne of Brittany. Book of hours of. See Catholic Church, Roman. Aucourt de Saint Just, Claude Godard d', baron. See Godard d' Aucourt de Saint Just, Claude, baron. Audsley, George Ashdown, and J. L. Bowes. Keramic art of Japan, by George Ashdown Audsley and James Lord Bowes. London: published for the subscribers by the authors, 1875. 2 v. 63 pi. illus. f°. One of 1000 copies printed. V. 1. Introductory essay on Japanese art, p. I-LXXI, illustrated by 13 photo-lithograph and auto- type plates and numerous wood engravings printed in colors; text, p. 1-61. v. 2, 35 plates printed in gold and colors, and 15 plates in autotype, each preceded by a leaf with descriptive text. Originally published in 7 parts. Appended, in V. 2, a list of the subscribers. Binding, by Champs, three-fourths dark green crushed levant morocco. Back lettered; panels tooled with a vine in gilt and inlaid with flowers in red. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Aumale, Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d'Orleans, due d'. La bataille de Rocroy, par Henri d'Orleans, due d'Aumale. Paris: Societe des bibliophiles frangois, 1899. 3 p.l., 87 p., 3 1., 7 pi., 1 port. 66 extra pi. 4°. no. 3 of thirty copies on Japan paper printed for members of the society; this copy printed for M. le due de Fitz-James. Appended, a list of the members of the society, December 30, 1899. Illustrations: etchings by Adolphe Lalauze from original aquarelles by his son Alphonse Lalauze, consisting of a frontispiece and a portrait of the author, each in two states; title-page vignette por- trait of Auguste de Thou; initial head-piece, 6 plates, and final tail-piece, in colors, and with plate proofs in one tone and in colors; following the text, an original aquarelle by Alphonse Lalauze designed for the tail-piece, but refused by the society; mounted on the leaf preceding the original cover, a manu- script note of M. Germain Bapst referring to the cancelled tail-piece; inserted following the half- title, a second original aquarelle by Lalauze; ap- pended, 46 plate proofs in colors in various states, including 17 with remarques or notes by the artist in the margins. In all, Tl illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within fillets and an ornamen- tal frame inlaid in blue and tooled in the manner of Derome. Double with white morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel surrounded by a deep dentelle border in the style of Derome. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of red grosgrain silk. Original covers, dated 1900, bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Aurora australis. [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July, 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings; by George Marston. Printed at the sign of "The Penguins;" by Joyce and Wild. Latitude 11° 32' south, longitude 166° 12' east. Antarctica, 1908.] 99 1., 10 pi. 4°. David, T. W. E., The ascent of Mount Erebus. Nemo, Midwinter night. A messman. Trials of a messman. Putty, A pony watch. Lapsus lingus, Southward bound. M., A. F., Erebus. Shellback, An ancient manuscript. Murray, J., Life under difficulties. Mawson, D., Bathybia. One of ninety copies printed. Title within or- namental border, with vignette in colors. At head of title: 1908-09. Text said to have been partly printed in the south Polar regions; edited by E. H. Shackleton. Loose sheets, laced in. Plate called for in the text of "Life under difficulties," by J. Murray, omitted; said never to have been published. Illustrations: 10 plates (3 etchings and 7 litho- graphs), and one lithograph in the text. Binding: covers made from the wood of packing- cases which contained the provisions; leather back. [8] BINDING (DOUBLURE) BY LORTIC. 1900 (ZADIG, BY VOLTAIRE) WORKS BEQUEATHED BY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SPENCER Authors, continued. B., L. La tribu indienne; ou, fidouard et Stellina. Par le citoyen L. B. [i. e., Lucien Bonaparte, prince of Canino.] Paris, An vii [1799j. 2 v. in 1. 5 pi. 12°. One of the few copies printed on wove paper, and reputed to be the only one recorded in that state. Illustrations: 5 plate proofs before letters (in- cluding the rare Soif de I'or) by Roger and Godefroy after Prud'hon, three bearing the signa- tures of the artist and the engraver. For a de- tailed account of these plates, see: Cohen, Henry. Guide de I'amateur de livres a gravures du xviiie siecle. Paris, 1886. 5. ed. 8°. Binding, by Mercier, of red straight-grain morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with a frame in the manner of Bozerian. Double with pale blue wa- tered silk within a border of the Greek key pattern. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over niarbled and lining of light blue watered silk. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. From the library of M. Lebarbier de Tinan and of M. Montgermont. Bookplate of W. A. Spencer. Badauderies parisiennes; les rassemble- ments; physiologies de la rue; observees et notees par Paul Adam, Alfred Athys... et Eugene Veek. Prologue par Octave Uzanne. Gravures hors texte de Felix Vallotton. Vignettes dans le texte par Frangois Courboin. Paris: Imprime pour les Bibliophiles independants, chez H. Floury, 1896. 2 p.l., xii, 232 p., 30 pi. 8°. no. 124 of 200 copies on hand-made Japan Eaper; plates on machine-made Japan paper. Edited y Octave Uzanne. Illustrations: 126 vignettes in the text, and 30 plates. In all, 156 illustrations. Binding, by Carayon, 1897, three-fourths dark red crushed levant morocco. Back lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges. Original covers and outside wrapper bound in. Baisers, Les. See Dorat, Claude Joseph. Balzac, Honore de. Les contes dro- latiques, colligez ez abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumiere par le sieur de Balzac t)Our I'esbattement des Pantagruelistes et non aultres. Cinquiesme edition. lUus- tree de 425 dessins par Gustave Dore. Paris: Societe generale de librairie, 1855. xxxi(i), 614 p., 1 1. 8°. First impression. One of the few copies on India paper. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1909, of black crushed levant morocco. Sides surrounded by a three-line fillet tooled in blind, enclosing an in- laid panel of gutta percha; front panel embossed with an oak leaf scroll intertwined at the top with a ribbon lettered: Une drachme de joyeulsctez; pendant from the scroll, a shield stamped with a figure from the vignette on the title-page; back panel embossed with a vine and clusters of grapes. Double with red morocco, gilt. Centre panel plain, within a border of conventionalized oak leaves in- laid in black, and surrounded by an inlaid frame of black morocco with an inner and outer fillet in gilt. Back lettered in blind. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of black figured silk. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Bookplates of W. A. Spencer and the Bibliotheque de Paul de Saint-Victor. Histoire de I'empereur, racontee dans une grange par un vieux soldat. Pre- face de Henry Houssaye. [Les eaux- fortes en couleurs gravees par Adolphe Lalauze d'apres les aquarelles originales de son fils Alphonse Lalauze.] Paris: H. Leclerc, 1904. 3 p.l., (i)iv-viii, 59 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 31 extra pi. sq. 8°. no. 76 of 100 copies on wove paper. Illustrations: frontispiece, and 14 vignettes in the text, with one of five sets of 15 artist's proofs (no. 2), autographed by the engraver; appended, 15 impressions in black from the original plates; inserted following the half-title, an original aquarelle by Alphonse Lalauze. In all, 46 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1906, of green crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides inlaid with bands of dark brown morocco forming a frame and a large diamond-shaped centre panel, both outlined with fillets in gilt. Centre panel tooled with a border of curved fillets and small ornaments in the angles; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer; cor- ners tooled with the Napoleonic eagle within a victor's wreath and small ornaments surrounded by two-line fillets. Mosaic doublure consisting of large circular compartments outlined by fillets of dark brown and gilt intersecting at right angles; the interspaces tooled with a victor's wreath on a mosaic of blue and adorned with small ornaments in gilt on a mosaic of orange. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid. With edges gilt over marbled and lining of dark brown silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Les proscrits. Dix-neuf composi- tions dessinees et gravees a I'eau-forte par Gaston Bussiere. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1905. 2 p.l., 80 p., 1 1., 5 pi. 37 extra pi. sq. 4°. no. 17 of twenty large paper copies reimposed on Japan or wove paper; this copy on wove paper. Initialed by F. Ferroud. Illustrations: original designs, consisting of a title-page vignette, initial head-piece, 10 vignettes in the text, 5 plates, and final tail-piece, all with plate proofs in two states; inserted before the title- page, an original aquarelle by Bussiere. In all, 55 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of green crushed le- vant morocco, gilt. Sides within three frames of three-, three-, and one-line fillets respectively, the second with small ornaments at the corners. Double with maroon grosgrain silk within an ornamental border of fillets and small tools; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and let- tered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of maroon grosgrain silk. Or- iginal covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Banville, Theodore de. Les princesses. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravees a I'eau-forte par E. Decisv. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1904. vi p.. 1 1.. 42 p.. 2 1., 20 pi., 1 port. 49 extra pi. 8°. no. 23 of forty-five copies on Japan paper. In- itialed by F. Ferroud. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, title-page vignette, initial head-piece, 20 plates, and final tail-piece, all with plate proofs in two states; inserted before the half-title, an original aquarelle by Rochegrosse. In all, 73 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1908, of black crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame of two double fillets. At the centre an ornamental circle within a wreath, and at the corners quadrants of the same design; the intervening space divided into compartments of irregular size and shape, four filled with dots, and the remainder tooled with branches of foliage and small ornaments. Double with red morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel within a frame of fillets and tooled with a Grolieresque pattern; the intcrsjiaces part stippled and part plain. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over marbled and lining of red 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Authors, continued. silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules Amedee. Le chevalier Des Touches, par J. Barbey d'Aurevill)'. Dessins de Julien le Blant, graves par Champollion. Paris: Librairie des bibliophiles, 1886. 2 p.l., 239 p., 2 1., 6 pi., 1 port. 14 extra pi. 8°. no. 92 of 100 large paper copies on wove Hol- land paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 6 plates, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 21 illustrations. Binding, three-fourths dark reddish-brown crushed levant morocco. Back stamped with a small orna- ment and lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges. Original covers bound in. Bookplates of W. A. Spencer, and of Ch. Bouret. Bastide, Jean Franqois de. La petite maison. Preface d'Abel Patoux. Seize aquarelles dessinees et gravees en cou- leurs par Ad. Lalauze. Paris: H. Leclerc, 1905. 2 p.l., (i)vii-xiv p., 1 1., 51(1) p., 1 1. 48 extra pi. 8°. no. 1 of 150 copies. On wove paper. Illustrations: original cover vignette, title-page vignette, 2 head-pieces, 10 vignettes in the text, and final tail-piece, with the original aquarelles for the same, and an additional original design for a frontispiece omitted in this copy; appended, plate proofs in two states for all 16 designs. In all, 63 illustrations. Binding, by Gruel, of blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt. Sides within ornate borders of small tools, fillets inlaid in olive green, and an inner frame tooled with three-line fillets forming a diaper of diamond-shaped lozenges alternately inlaid in olive green and each stamped with a small tool. Double with green morocco. Centre panel tooled with a repeat pattern of small flowers and enclosed by six fillets. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Bayard, Histoire du gentil Seigneur de. See Mailles, Jacques de, called "le Loyal serviteur." Beraldi, Henri. Estampes et livres. 1872-1892. Paris: L. Conquet, 1892. xiii, 277 p., 1 1., 42 pi. (12 col.) 8°. no. 20 of 390 copies on wove paper. Autograph Eresentation copy from the author to M. Cham- olle. A descriptive account of the Beraldi collection of 12,000 portraits and prints, catalogues of which were issued under title "Mes estampes" (1. ed., 1884; 2. ed., 1887); and 400 illustrated books (about 1,000 volumes) in fine bindings, forming the greater part of the Paillet collection, a catalogue of which was issued by Beraldi in 1885 under title "Bibli- otheque d'un bibliophile." Illustrations: frontispiece and 41 facsimiles of bindings, consisting of 12 chromotypes by Danel, and 29 heliogravures by Dujardin; following the text, a vignette portrait of Cuzin. In all, 43 illus- trations. Binding, by Chambolle-Duru, of light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a fillet inlaid in olive green and an inner frame of fillets of red and olive green interlacing in a Greek pattern. Inside border of two fillets enclosing three two- line fillets intersecting at the sides and corners. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. La reliure du xixe siecle. Partie 1-4. Paris: L. Conquet, 1895-97. 4 v. 10 fac, 283 col. pi., 8 port, on 2 pi. illus. 4°. no. 266 of 295 copies on hand-made wove paper. Large paper copy. Illustrations: 10 facsimiles of letters, 283 helio- gravure reproductions of rare bindings, and 8 por- traits of modern French binders. In all, 301 illus- trations. Binding, by Mercier, 1899-1902, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within two frames of six- and five-line fillets respectively, and an inner frame of three-line fillets intersecting at the corners. Doublure by four different binders, viz.: v. 1, by Lortic, 1902; orange morocco within a border of small tools; three-line fillets forming a repeat pattern of rectangular compartments, each con- taining a rose inlaid in red and adorned with small tools; interspaces inlaid in blue and adorned with small tools on a stippled ground, v. 2, by Gruel, 1901; olive green morocco; oriental mosaic in brown and blue, with stippled and blind-tooled ornamenta- tion. V. 3, by Mercier, 1900; blue morocco within a border of small tools; borders of fillets in gilt and inlaid in dark blue surrounding a Louis XVth frame inlaid in dark blue and adorned with fillets in gilt, small tools azure, and sprays of small flowers inlaid in red and pink. v. 4, by Marius Michel, 1899; citron morocco within a border of small tools; large flowers, buds, and leaves inlaid in green and two shades of blue tooled in gilt and entwined with a ribbon inlaid in dark blue. Back tooled and lettered; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and linings of colored silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip cases. Beranger, Pierre Jean de. Dernieres chansons de Beranger, de 1834 a 1851, avec une preface de I'auteur. Illustrees de 14 dessins de A. de Lemud, graves sur acier par MM. Balin, Brunet [and othersj. Paris: Perrotin. 1860. 2 p.l., iii, 374 p., 14 pi., 1 port. 14 extra pi. 8°. At head of cover title: OJuvres posthumes de Beranger. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 14 plates with plate proofs before letters on India paper and mounted. In all, 29 illustrations. Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Double with light green morocco within fovir fil- lets; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red gros- grain silk. Original covers bound in. Bound in at the end, the covers to parts 27-41 of Perrotin's 1847 edition of Beranger's "Qiuvres completes." Binder's title: Beranger. Qiuvres. Ma biographic, ecrite par Beran- ger; avec un appendice et des notes. Ornee d'un portrait en pied dessine par Charlet, d'une photographic d'apres le marbre de M. Geoffroy-Dechaume, et de huit gravures d'apres d'Aubigny, Sandoz et Wattier, executees par Durond, Mas- sart, Lalaisse. Nargeot et Ruhierre. Paris: Perrotin, 1860. 2 p.l., 416 p., 1 1., 7 pi., 4 port. 10 extra pi. 8°. At head of title: CEuvres posthumes de Beranger. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, 2 other portraits, and 6 plates, each with plate proof before letters on India paper and mounted; one double plate, and one photograph, together with a second copy not retouched. In all, 21 illustrations. Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Double with light green morocco within four fil- let; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over WORKS BEQUEATHED BY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SPENCER 11 Authors, continued. rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red gros- grain silk. Original covers bound in. Bound in at the end, the covers to parts 42-54 of Perrotin's 1847 edition of Beranger^s "CEuvres completes." Binder's title: Beranger. CEuvres. Musique des chansons de Beran- ger; airs notes anciens et modernes. Neu- vieme edition, revue par Frederic Berat, augmentee de la musique des chansons posthumes d'airs composes par Beranger, Halcvy, Gounod et Laurent de Rille. avec deux tables. Tune alphabetique, I'autre historique, des 450 airs du recueil. Paris: Perrotin, 1865. 3 p.l., 344 p., 78 pi., 1 port. 121 extra pi. 8°. On leaf preceding text: Album Beranger par Grandville. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and a second portrait by Reynolds after A. Scheffer; facsimile of part of a letter from the author to Grandville; 78 plates by various engravers after Grandville, with plate proofs on India paper, and 41 extra plates by the same artists on India paper. In all, 200 illustrations. Binding, by Lorfic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Dou- l)!e with light green morocco within four fillets; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. ""With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red grosgrain silk. Original covers, dated 1866, bound in. Binder's title: Beranger. CEuvres. CEuvres completes de P.-J. de Be- ranger. Nouvelle edition revue par I'au- teur. Illustree de cinquante-deux belles gravures sur acier entierement inedites, d'apres les dessins de MM. Charlet, A. de Lemud [etc. fidition augmentee de dix chansons nouvelles et du fac-simile d'une lettre de Beranger.] Paris: Perrotin, 1847. 2 v. 1 fac, 52 pi. 62 extra pi. 8°. Originally published in 56 parts; covers to issues 1-26 bound in at the end; those to issues 27-56 bound in at the end of the copies of Perrotin's 1860 edition of "Ma biographic," and the "Dernieres chansons" belonging to the Spencer collection. Illustrations: facsimile letter from the author to the publisher, together with a second impression of the same; frontispiece portraits of the author by Sandoz; that to v. 1 engraved by Pannier, that to V. 2 engraved by Massart; engraved title-page to v. 2, with plate proof in two states; and 52 Flates, each with plate proof before letters on ndia paper and mounted; the plate facing p. 358 in V. 1, and that facing p. 75 in v. 2, and the proof before letters to the plate facing p. 57 in v. 2, repeated. In all, 114 illustrations. Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Double with light green morocco within four fil- lets; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red gros- grain silk. Original covers bound in. Binder's title: Beranger. CEuvres. Bertolotti, Antonio. Francesco Cenci e la siui faniiglia; studi istorici di .'\. Berto- lotti. Scconda edizione, ampliata e con nuovi documcnti inediti. Firenze: Tipo- grafia dclla Gazzetta d'ltalia, 1879. 2 p.l., (1)4-474 p. 12°. Binding, by Stroobants, three-fourths red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Back lettered; panels stamped with center tool. With marbled end papers and gilt top. Original covers bound in. Blackmantle, Bernard, pseud, of C. M. Westmacott. The English spy: an original work, characteristic, satirical, and humorous. Comprising scenes and sketches in every rank of society, being portraits of the illustrious, eminent, eccen- tric, and notorious. Drawn from the life by Bernard Blackmantle. The illustra- tions designed by Robert Cruikshank. London: Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825- 26. 2 V. 72 pi. 8°. First edition, v. 2 published by Sherwood, Gil- bert, and Piper, 1826. Continued by the same edi- tor under title: St. James royal magazine. Illustrations: 72 copperplates, etched, aquatinted, and colored by Cruikshank. Binding by Riviere and Son, of red straight- grain morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Inside dentelles. Back tooled and lettered; panels mitred and cornered, with center tool. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Bookplate of W. A. Spencer, and armorial book- plate of Daniel Cooper. Boex, J. H. H. See Rosny, J. H., pseud, of J. H. H., and S. J. F. Boiix. Boex, S. J. F. See Rosny, J. H., pseud, of J. H. H., and S. J. F. Boiix. Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas. CEuvres poetiques de Boileau-Despreaux. avec une introduction et des notes par F. Brune- tiere. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1889. 2 p.l., xxxi, 473 p., 3 1., 22 pi., 1 port. 4°. One of 25 copies on India paper; this copy numbered 129. Illustrations: etchings, consisting of 4 head- pieces, 1 tail-piece, 22 plates, and 1 portrait, en- graved by Barbant, Ilaussoulier, and others, after designs by Rossigneux, Lechevalier-Chevignard, and others. In all, 28 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1910, of dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a broad orna- mental gilt border, with fleurons of thistles inlaid at the corners. Double with dark green morocco. Centre panel within a border of three three-line fillets interlacing in a Grolieresque pattern; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Ilack tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark green grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protec- tive cover, lettered and inlaid, and inserted in slip case. Boufflers, Stanislas Jean de, marquis. Aline, reine de Golconde; conte par _le Chevalier Stanislas de Boufflers. Paris: Grave & imprime pour la Societe des amis des livres. 1887. 2 p.l., iv, 29(1) p., 3 1. illus. 18 extra pi. 8°. Edited by O. l^zanne. Text engraved bv A. Leclere. Appended, a list of the members of the society. One of two copies, numbered 115 bis and 115 ter, reserved for copyright; this copy no. 115 ter. Illustrations: 15 etchings (including 3 aquatints') in the text, by E. Gaujean after A. Lvnch, with plate proofs before letters of all except the vignette on p. 8, and with plate etchings in the pure state of the vignettes on p. 6 and 25 (on Japan paper), and p. 8 and 20 (on Holland paper). In all, 33 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with a medallion within a wreath suspended from a frame with oriianicnts in the corners and at the top and bottom; the whole within an outer border of three fillets. Double with blue morocco within a border of small tools. Ct litre panel within a scrollwork border with crowns 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Authors, continued. and thistles and surrounded by a three-line fillet; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of red watered silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Bourdeille, Pierre de, seigneur de Bran- tome. See Brantome, Pierre de Bour- deille, seigneur de. Bourges, filemir. L'enfant qui revient. Illustre par Louis Malteste. Paris: A. Romagnol [1905]. 2 p.l., xl, 12 p., 1 1., 5 pi., 1 port. 22 extra pi. 8°. (Collection de I'Academie des Goncourt.) no. 84 of 130 copies, p. i-xl, script text, with illustrated borders; p. 1-12, text in roman type. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, a second half-title illustrated in colors, 41 borders illustrated in colors, and 5 colored plates, with 20 plate proofs, in one tone, of 40 of the illustrated borders, appended, and with a plate proof, in colors, of the first border inserted before p. 1. In all, 69 illustrations. Binding, by Stroobants, 1911, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Inside roll-produced border. Back tooled and let- tered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Bourget, Paul. Pastels; dix portraits de femmes. Nouvelle edition, revue et corri-- gee par I'auteur. Illustrations de Robaudi et Giraldon. Paris: L. Conquet, 1895. 2 v. 213 extra pi. 4°. One of eight copies on white wove paper. With very broad margins. V. 1, 4 p.l., (1)4-330 p., 1 1. v. 2, 200 pi. Illustrations: v. 1, 11 aquarelles by Robaudi (for the general half-title and the half-titles to the chap- ters) reproduced from copper intaglios, printed^ m colors "a la poupee," and retouched by the artist; 3 additional aquarelles similarly reproduced but not used; 35 aquarelles by Giraldon (fleurons, head- and tail-pieces, ornamental letters, etc.) reproduced by lithography in colors; 11 original aquarelles by Robaudi (one on the verso of the general half-title and 10 on plates) specially executed for this copy. V. 2, 200 lithograph plate proofs for 27 of the de- signs by Giraldon in from five to ten states, the final state of two wanting. In all, 259 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1900-1901, of brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. v. 1, sides, within three five- lines fillets broken and interlacing in a geometrical design; in the corners, violets, with leaves and flowers inlaid in appropriate colors. Double with grayish-green morocco within a border of srnall tools. Centre panel within a wreath of violets inlaid in pur- ple and four shades of green and surrounded by a frame of three fillets. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid with units from the design on the sides. With marbled end papers, gilt edges, and lining of dark brown grosgrain silk. Lower edges entirely uncut. Original covers bound in. v. 2, three-quarters bind- ing only. Back as in v. 1. With marbled end papers and rough edges. In loose leather protectiye covers, tooled, lettered, and inlaid, and inserted in slip cases. Bowes, James Lord, joint author. See Audsley, George Ashdown, and J. L. Bowes. Brantome, Pierre de Bourdeille, seig- neur de. Les sept discours touchant les Dames galantes du Sieur de Brantome, publics sur les manuscrits de la Biblio- theque nationale par Henri Bouchot. Dessins d'fidouard de Beaumont, graves par fi. Boilvin. Paris: lovavst, 1882. 3 v. 9 pi., 1 port. 20 extra pi. 8°. no. 2 of 20 copies on India paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 9 plates, all in two states, together with a com- plete set of artist's proofs on old Japan paper auto- graphed in pencil by Boilvin. In all, 30 illustrations. Binding, by Canape, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with fillets interlac- ing at the corners, and forming, at the ends of the beard, compartments ornamented with small tools. Inside border of two double fillets, with ornaments at the corners. Backs tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip cases. Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme. Physi- ologic du goiit de Brillat-Savarin, avec unc preface par Ch. Monselet. Eaux- fortes par Ad. Lalauze. Paris: Jouaust, 1879. 2 V. 1 port. 51 extra pi. 8°. no. 55 of 170 copies on Holland paper. Illustrations: v. 1, frontispiece portrait of the author and 27 vignettes in the text; v. 2, 24 vig- nettes in the text; with plate proofs to all the vig- nettes in both volumes. In all, 103 illustrations. Binding, by Champs, half dark green crushed levant morocco. Back lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Original covers bound in. Broglie, Charles Jacques Victor Albert de, due. Le jour de Fontenoy, par le due de Broglie. Navarre: Sous la direction d'un amateur, 1897. 4 p.l., iii, 74 p., 8 pi. 72, extra pi. 8°. no. 55 of seventy-five copies on wove paper. With autograph of Adolphe Lalauze and of Alphonse Lalauze. Illustrations: etchings in colors by Adolphe La- lauze after his own designs and those of his son Alphonse Lalauze; in detail: original cover vignette, title-page vignette, initial head-piece, 8 plates, and final tail-piece, all with plate proofs in black; in- serted preceding the text, an original aquarelle signed by both artists, and appended, one of six sets of plate proofs in colors, in five states, of all the illustrations. In all, 85 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1906, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a border of small tools and fillets surrounding a frame inlaid in red and adorned with small tools in the style of Louis xv. Double with white morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel plain, within fillets and a deep dentelle border in the style of Derome. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled, lettered, inlaid, and inserted in slip case. C, de, comte. Les contes remois, par M. le Ctc. de C. . .[i. e., Louis Marie Joseph le Richc, comte de Chevigne.] Dessins de E. Meissonier. Paris: M. Levy freres, 1858. 3 p.l., (1)4-239 p., 3 port. 3. ed. 8°. On large-size Holland paper. Illustrations: 3 portraits, including one of Meis- sonier, and 49 head-pieces, all on India paper and mounted. In all, 52 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1907, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of two double fillets, the corners left open, tooled with a floreated harp, and inlaid with a yellow rose; the interspaces tooled with branches of leaves and buds. Double with ochre morocco inlaid with a Grolieresque pattern in blue, the interspaces filled with delicate branches of leaves and flowers tooled in gilt and inlaid in red, yellow, white, and green. Back tooled, inlaid, and lettered in gilt. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lin- ing of dark gray-brown grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. BINDING (DOUBLURK) BY LORTK'., 1S47 (LF. BIBLIOMANE, BV lllARl.ES NODIEK) WORKS BEQUEATHED BY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SPEXXER 13 Authors, continued. Catholic Church, Roman. Le livre d'heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne. Traduit du Latin et accompagne de notices inedites par M. I'Abbe Delaunay. Paris: L. Curmer, 1861. 2 v. illus. 49 extra pi. 4°. [v. 1.] Text. 477 p. [v. 2.] Translation. 474 p. One of 850 copies printed. Originally published in SO parts. Text, in ISth century gothic type, from the orig- inal manuscript in the Bibliotheque nationale at Paris. Prefixed to v. 2, a list of the subscribers; appended, a catalogue of the plants used in the decorative borders. Illustrations: 63 large miniatures, including the calendar, and nearly 350 borders, the work of Jean Bourdichon, reproduced by lithography in the orig- inal colors. At p. 7, a portrait of Queen Anne. Inserted in the text, mounted photographs of 49 of the miniatures. Binding, by Cape, of brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt. Sides within two frames inlaid in black, each surrounded by two fillets in gilt. In the centre, the arms of Anne of Brittany tooled in gilt and inlaid in leather of five different colors. Double with dark green watered silk within a border of small tools. Backs inlaid and lettered in gilt. With lining of dark green watered silk and gilt edges, those of v. 1 tooled, with the letter L painted in red at the top and bottom, and the letter A in red, black, and white on the front. In loose leather protective covers, lettered in gilt, and inserted in slip cases. Chants et chansons populaires de la France. [Serie 1-3. Paris:] H. L. Delloye, 1843. 3 V. illus. 8°. First impression. On wove paper. Engraved title-page also to each volume. Title to serie 3 reads: Chants et chansons populaires de la France. Notices par M. Du Mersan. Original cover to serie 3 dated 1844. Each volume originally published in 28 parts. Leaves in this copy washed and sized. Illustrations: 338 steel engravings by various artists on 169 leaves. For detailed information concerning the illustrations, see: Brivois, Jules. Guide de I'amateur. Bibliographic des ouvrages illustres du xixe siecle. Paris, 1883. 8°. p. 94. Binding, by Mercier, 1902, of green straight- grain morocco, gilt. Sides within fillets surround- ing a border with floreated ornamentation at the corners and sides joined by fillets of five lines; center panel adorned with a floreated lozenge in a frame composed of a single line fillet with a small ornament at the corners. Double with red watered silk within fillets and a border of small tools. Backs tooled and lettered. Original covers bound in. In- serted in slip cases. Chamay, Desire. Les anciennes villes du Nouveau monde; voyages d'exploration au Mexique et dans I'Amerique centrale, par Desire Charnay, 1857-1882. Ouvrage contenant 214 gravures et 19 cartes ou plans. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1885. xii, 469 p., 1 1., 1 map. 1 port. 4°. no. 1 of twelve copies on Japan paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, 187 designs in the text, and 45 plates, paged in. In all, 233 illustrations. Binding, by Bretault, three-fourths red crushed levant morocco. Back lettered in gilt. With mar- bled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Chateaubriand, Frangois Auguste Rene dc, vicomte. Les aventures du dernier Abencerage. Portrait d'apres David d'Angers, interprete par Florian, 43 illus- trations de Daniel Vierge, gravees par Florian. Paris: £. Pelletan, 1897. 135(1) p. 44 extra pi. 4°. no. 54 of fifty-five copies on India paper. This copy printed for Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: ornamental half-title; portrait of the author after the medallion of DaviJ d'Angers; fiontispiece; 3 head- and 3 tail-pieces; 25 vignettes in the text, and 10 plates, with 44 plate proofs ap- pended. Plates paged in. In all, 88 illustrations. Binding, by Canape, 1911, of red crushed levant morocco. Sides within fillets surrounding a border of twisted rope tooled in blind, with gilt dots at the sides and in the interstices; centre panel adorned with a large diamond-shaped lozenge and corner ornaments tooled in blind, filled with knots, and twisted rope interspersed with gilt dots. Double with green morocco tooled in gilt in the same manner as the sides, but with a circular panel stamp showing a six-pointed star interlaced with semicircles, with knots in the interspaces. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges and lining of red grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and let- tered, and inserted in slip case. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, now newly imprinted. [Colophon: Here ends the book of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by F. S. Ellis; ornamented with pictures de- signed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, and engraved on wood by W. H. Hooper. Printed by me William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Alall, Hammer- smith, in the county of Middlesex. Fin- ished on the 8th day of May, 1896.] 2 blank 1., ii p., 1 1., 554 p. f°. One of 425 copies. Side notes and headings in red. "The hearty thanks of the editor and printer are due to the Reverend Professor Skeat for kindly allowing the use of his emendations to the Elles- mere ms. of the Canterbury tales, and also of his emended texts of Chaucer s other writings. The like thanks also the editor and printer give to the delegates of the Oxford Universitj' Press for allow- ing them to avail themselves of Professor Skeat's permission." Illustrations: S7 pictures by Burne-Jones; full- page woodcut title, 14 large borders, 18 borders or frames for the pictures, and 26 large initial words, together with small and large initial letters, designed by W. Morris. Binding, by Riviere, 1910, of red crushed levant morocco. Sides within three ornamental embossed borders separated by fillets tooled in blind and surrounding a centre panel tooled in blind with ornamental fillets forming compartments, each stamped with a centre tool. Double with vellum within a frame of fillets tooled in blind and enclos- ing an embossed border. Centre panel surrounded by a broad Florentine border of fillets and small tools in gilt. Back lettered and embossed. With rough edges and vellum paper end papers; gilt top. In red morocco box of book form, adorned with blind tooling, lettered on the back, and lined with red watered grosgrain silk. Chevigne, Louis Marie Joseph le Riche dc, comte. See C, de, comte. Claretie, Jules. La canne de M. Miche- let; promenades et souvenirs. Preface par .'\lfred Mezieres. Douze compositions de P. Jazet, gravees a I'eau-forte par H. Toussaint. Paris: L. Conquet, 1886. 3 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Authors, continued. p.l., iv, 256 p., 1 I., 12 pi., 1 port. 26 extra pi. 8". no. 18 of 150 conies on large-size hand-made wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 12 plates, all with plate proofs in two states; on the half-title, an original aquarelle by Jazet. In all, 40 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1896, of full black crushed levant morocco, without ornament. Double with red morocco, within a border of small tools. Centre panel surrounded by a frame of two fillets and an inner frame of three, broken and orna- mented at the corners. Back lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of pale gold silk brocaded in black and white. Original covers bound in. Coignet, Jean Roch. Les cahiers du Capitaine Coignet (1776-1850), publics d'apres le manuscrit original par Loredan Larchey. Illustres par J. Le Blant. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1888. 3 p. 1., (i)vi- viii, 294 p., 1 1., 18 pi. 5 extra pi. f°. One of 25 copies on Japan paper. This copy reserved for E. Martinet, the printer of the book. Illustrations: 66 vignettes in the text, repro- duced by the process of Guillaume freres, 18 photo- gravure reproauctions by the process of Dujardin, each mounted and accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress, and 5 original pen and ink drawings by Le Blant. In all, 89 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1897, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides inlaid with a frame of green morocco tooled in gilt and surrounded by fillets of five lines; corners square, with floreated armorial ornaments of different design on dark green morocco inlaid in a circle of red; at the sides, an octofoil inlaid in the same way. Double with brown morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel within a deep ornamental border, the design inlaid in leather of six different colors; the whole within a border of three inlaid fillets, the outer and inner of ochre, and the centre of green morocco tooled with a Greek fret. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark green grosgrain silk. In loose leather protective cover, lettered, inlaid in colors, and inserted in slip case. Exhibited by Mercier at the Exposition universelle, Paris, 1900. Coppee, Frangois. Le passant; comedie en vn acte en vers. Reproduction en fac- simile du manuscrit de I'auteur et d'une page de musique de J. Massenet. Com- positions de Louis fidouard Fournier. Eaux-fortes de Leon Boisson. fidition avtorisee par Alphonse Lemerre. Paris: A. Magnier, 1897. 4 p.l., xxxix(i) p., 2 1. 4°. One of four copies only, printed on white satin. Autograph letter of A. Romagnol, director of the Librairie de la collection des dix, inserted. Illustrations: 39 illustrated borders for the text proper, and 8 designs for the preliminary and sub- sequent matter. In all, 47 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1908, of white crushed le- vant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with an arabesque border enclosing a diamond-shaped centre ornament of the same design, both inlaid in leather of six different colors; the whole within a frame of three fillets. Double with light blue morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel tooled with a repeat pattern of plain and floreated fleurs-de-lis within oval frames of two sizes, and enclosed by an inlaid border of light brown. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges and lining of white watered silk. In blue morocco box lined with old rose plush. Paris: A. Magnier, 1897. 7 p.l., xxxix f., 1 1., 1 fac, 1 pi. 144 extra pi. 4°. One of thirty-eight copies on India or hand- made wove paper, numbered 16 to 53; this copy on India paper, no. 30. Illustrations: 39 illustrated borders for the text proper, 8 designs for the preliminary and sub- sequent matter, 1 facsimile, and 1 plate, with plate proofs in three states for all except the plate and the design on the second preliminary leaf, and with one additional state of the design on the fifth pre- liminary leaf, appended; inserted following the first preliminary leaf, a portrait of the author and one of the illustrator, both no. 19 of an impression of 20 copies, on Japan paper, and autographed by M. Romagnol, the engraver. In all, 193 illustrations. Binding, by Gruel, 1903, of full tan-colored calf. Sides within fillets in gilt and in blind forming at the ends of the board, rectangular compartments adorned with branches of flowers and foliage, and at the corners, square compartments containing eight bust medallions after motifs from the gates of the Baptistry in Florence; the entire ornamenta- tion modelled by hand and chiselled in the leather. Double with dark blue morocco. Centre panel within five fillets plain, a sixth au pointille, and an inner frame of two fillets enclosing a third in blind; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In- serted in the end papers, an autograph letter from M. Gruel concerning the binding. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Cours de danse fin de siecle. See Rod- rigues, Eugene. Curtis, George William. Prue & I, by George William Curtis. Illustrated from drawings by Albert Edward Sterner. New York: Harper & Bros., 1892. xix, 271(1) p. 1 extra pi. 8°. no. 73 of 250 large paper copies. Illustrations: frontispiece etching (signed artist's proof, with remarque), 9 head-pieces, 72 vignettes in the text, 7 tail-pieces, and 15 plates, paged in. In all, 104 illustrations. Binding, by the Club Bindery, 1898, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within three fillets and almost covered with an elaborate spray of roses and leaves. Double with pale blue silk within six fillets enclosing a border of small tools. Back lettered; panels mitred and cornered, with center tool. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of pale blue silk. Inserted in slip case. Dante Alighieri. Vita nova. Illustree par Maurice Denis. Traduite par Henry Cochin. Paris: Le Livre contemporain, 1907. 2 p.l., (i)iv-viii, 110 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4\ no. 73 of 130 copies printed for members of the society; this copy printed for M. J. Raynal. Text and translation. Illustrations: frontispiece, 40 vignettes, and 84 initial letters, all in colors. In all, 125 illustrations. Binding, by Ruban, of light tan crushed levant morocco. Sides tooled and inlaid with fleurs-de- lis in white and silver and sprays of carnations in green, red, and gilt around a frame inlaid in brown; at the inner corners and passing over the back, imitation hinges inlaid in brown. Double with pink brocaded silk within a frame of fillets, with groups of pink forget-me-nots, and white fleur-de- lis inlaid in the sides and corners. Back inlaid with a pink scroll bearing the title inlaid in red letters outlined in silver. With gilt edges and lining of pink brocaded silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Daudet, Alphonse. La Comtesse Irma. Illustrations et gravures en couleurs de WORKS BEQUEATHED BY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SPENCER 15 Authors, continued. Pierre Vidal. Paris: A. Romagnol [1905). 3 p.l., 16 p., 1 I., 1 port. 21 extra pi. 8°. (Collection de TAcademie des Goncourt.) no. 84 of 130 copies. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, with smoke proof on tissue paper, and 10 vignettes in the text, with plate proofs in black and in colors appended. In all, 32 illustrations. Binding, by Stroobants, 1911, of mauve crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fil- lets. Inside border of small tools. Back tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Contes choisis de Alphonse Dau- det, avec sept eaux-fortes par E. Burnand. Paris: Librairie des bibliophiles, 1883. 2 p.l., iii, 311 p., 2 1., 6 pi., 1 port. 7 extra pi. 8°. One of twenty copies on Whatman paper; this copy numbered 36. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 6 plates, all with plate proofs before letters; on the half-title, margins, etc., 74 original aqua- relles by Robaudi. In all, S8 illustrations. Binding, by Chambolle-Duru, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a two-line fil'et, and an inner frame of two- and five-line fillets broken and intersecting at the corners. In- side border of seven fillets. Back lettered; panels witliin five-line fillets. With edges gilt over rough and marbled end papers. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. La mort du Dauphin. Illustrations de O. D. V. Guillonnet, gravees a I'eau-forte par Xavier Lesueur. Paris: A. Ferroud [1907]. 25 1. 45 extra pl. 4°. no. 24 of twenty-five copies on old Japan paper. Initialed by F. Ferroud. Illustrations: cover design and 21 designs in the text, with 44 plate proofs of the same in two states, and 21 fleurons, initial letters, frames, etc., the final state of all the illustrations heightened with gold. Inserted as frontispiece, an original aquarelle by Guillonnet. In all, 88 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within three frames of one-, two-, and three-line fillets respectively, the inner broken and ornamented with fleurons with dolphins and fleurs-de-lis. Double with dark green grosgrain silk within three frames of fillets, two of one line inclosing a third of seven lines; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back lettered; panels mitred and corncrea and stamped with a dolphin as centre tool. With marbled end papers, edges gilt over rough, and lining of the same material as the doublure. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Tartarin sur les Alpes; nouveaux exploits du heros tarasconnais. Illustre d'aquarelles Aranda, de Beaumont, Monte- nard, de Myrbach, Rossi. Gravure de Guillaume freres. Paris: C. Levy. 1885. 4 p.l., (1)6-334 p., 4 1. 2 extra pl. 8°. At head of title: Edition du Figaro. Sequel to "Tartarin de Tarascon." no. 24 of twenty-five copies on Japan paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, with smoke proof on tissue paper, 15 head-pieces, IDS vignettes in the text, IS tail-pieces, and 16 colored plates, paged in; inserted before the half- title, an original aquarelle by Rossi. In all, 154 illustrations. Binding, by Gruel, 1908, of light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides witliin a one-line fillet, and an inner frame of two fillets in dark brown, each enclosed in two fillets in gilt and intersecting at the corners. Double with liglit gray-green mo- rocco. Centre panel within two fillets of dark gray-green enclosed by two in gilt. Back tooled, inlaid, and lettered. With gilt edges and lining of bronze colored silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Daudet, Leon. Un sauvetage. Illustra- tions de Ch. Fouqueray, reproduites en couleurs par Fortier-Marotte. Paris: A. Romagnol l1908]. 2 p.l., 34 p., 1 1., 1 port., 14 pl. 17 extra pl. 8°. (Collection de I'Academie des Goncourt.) no. 84 of 130 copies on wove paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, 2 vignettes in the text, and 14 plates, all with plate proofs in black. In all, 34 illustrations. Binding, by Stroobants, 1911, of brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within three fillets. Inside border of four fillets. Back tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. De la Borde, Jean Benjamin. See La Borde, Jean Benjamin de. Denon, Dominique Vivant. Point de Icndemain. [By Dominique Vivant De- non.] Illustre de treize compositions de Paul Avril. Paris: P. Rouquette, 1889. vii, 38 p., 1 1., 1 port. 28 extra pl. 8°. One of 12 copies on Japan paper, numbered 14 to 25; this copy no. 16. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 13 vignettes in the text, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 42 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1907, of green crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with a floreated scrollwork frame of 18th century design, the inter- spaces inlaid in dark green morocco and adorned with flowers and foliage; the whole within an outer border of three fillets. Double with old rose morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel covered with a semis of roses and dots within a delicately tooled frame, a single unit at the bottom being replaced by the monogram of Mr. Spencer; the whole within an outer border of two fillets. Back tooled, inlaid, and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of old rose watered silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Followed by an historical notice of the author, by Anatole France. Descaves, Lucien. Flingot. Illustra- tions et gravures de Georges Jeanniot. Paris: A. Romagnol (1907,. 2 p.l.. 37 p., 1 1.. 4 pl., 1 port. 38 extra pl. 8°. (Col- lection de I'Academie des Goncourt.) no. 84 of 130 copies on wove paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author by Charles Fouqueray, engraved by E. Gaspe, with plate smoke proof on India paper autographed by Fouqueray; plate proof of a second portrait of the author, autographed by Jeanniot; 14 vignettes in the text, and 4 plates, with plate proofs in two states appended. In all, 57 illustrations. Binding, by Stroobants, 1911, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fil- lets. Inside border of four fillets. Back tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Diderot, Denis. Jacques le fataliste et son maitre, par Diderot. Douze dessins de Maurice Leloir, graves a I'eau forte par Courtry, De los Rios, Mongin, Teysson- niercs. Paris: Imprime pour les Amis des livres, 1884. 2 p.l., 402 p., 2 1., 10 pl., 1 port. 29 extra pl. 8°. no. 76 of 138 copies; this copv printed on Japan paper for M. le Comte .Alfred Werle. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, in two states: engraved title-page also, in two states; 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Authors, continued. 2 vignettes in the text, and 9 plates, with 11 plate proofs before letters; 12 original aquarelles used for the illustrations, and 2 cancelled plates with plate proofs before letters. In all, 42 illustrations. Binding, by Champs, of garnet red crushed le- vant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of fil- lets; centre panel tooled with branches, leaves, and flowers, straight and curved fillets, and small or- naments inlaid in blue and green. Double with sage green morocco. Centre panel plain, with branches of foliage in the corners inlaid with a heart-shaped ornament in green; the whole sur- rounded by fillets and a broad border divided into square compartments inlaid with semicircles at the sides and triangles at the corners in green, and adorned with small ornaments tooled in gilt and inlaid in red. Back tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers, gil^ top, and lining of maroon watered silk. Inserted in slip case. Dorat, Claude Joseph. Les baisers, precedes du Mois de mai, poeme [by C. J. D.] La Haye: Lambert, 1770. 119 p., 2 pi. 1 extra pi. 8°. First impression; large paper copy, on Holland paper. Title-page and captions rubricated, p. 29- 30, 33, 35-36, and 104 wrongly numbered 5-6, 31, 11-12, and 204 respectively. Illustrations: engraved title-page by Eisen en- graved by Ponce; 1 plate by Eisen engraved by de Lcngueil; title-page fleuron, 23 vignettes, and 20 tail-pieces by Eisen, and 2 tail-pieces by Marillier, engraved by Aliament, Baquoy, and others. In all, 47 illustrations. For detailed information concern- ing the illustrations, see: Cohen, Henry. Guide de I'amateur de livres a gravures du xvirie siecle. Paris, 1886. 5. ed. _ 4°. col. 160-161. Binding, by Cuzin, of red crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of five fillets ornamented in the style of Louis xv. Double with blue morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel surrounded by a deep dentelle border in the manner of Derome. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papres, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Inserted following the end papers at the front, a plate impression in colors of a bookplate inscribed: C'est ma toquade. Jean s'en alia comme il etoit venv, and bearing the monogram J. F. T. Book- plate of W. A. Spencer. Droz, Gustave. Monsieur, madame, & bebe. fedition illustree par Edmond Morin et ornee d'un portrait de I'auteur en frontispice grave par Leopold Flameng. Paris: V. Havard, 1878. 4 p.l., 436 p. 8^ no. 50 of fifty copies on India paper. Auto- graph letter from the publisher to M. L. Conquet inserted. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of_ the author and 248 vignettes, initial letters, etc., in the text, Binding, by Marius Michel, 1900, of greenish- blue crushed levant morocco. Sides inlaid with an oval frame of orchids in lavender and dark blue, the stems in black and intertwined, a single stem at the bottom forming the letter S. Double with light brown morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel plain, within a frame inlaid in blue and surrounding a border of delicate conventional- ized leaves and buds springing from stems parallel to the frame, tooled in gilt, and inlaid in blue, dark purple, and green. Back inlaid and lettered. With ed^es gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of light green brocaded silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, lettered, and inserted in slip case. Dudevant, Mme. Amantine Lucille Aurore Dupin. See Sand, George, pseud. of A. L. A. D. Dudevant. Dumas, Alexandre, the elder. La dame de Monsoreau. Compositions de Maurice Leloir. Gravures sur bois de J. Huyot. Paris: C. Levy, 1903. 2 v. 2 pi. 255 extra pi. f°. Unique copy on Japan paper, autographed by the publisher. Illustrations: 2 original engraved covers, the fronts ornamented with a frame, the backs with a vignette; 2 title vignettes; 2 frontispieces; 237 de- signs in the text; 245 smoke proofs, and 10 original aquarelles by Leloir, 2 occurring on the half-titles, and 8 at p. 38, 170, 300, and 349 in v. 1, and p. 53, 117, 401 and 468 in v. 2, respectively, the mst 8 accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive let- terpress. In all, 500 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1907, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides surrounded by fillets and a broad Grolieresque border, the interspaces filled with delicate tooling. Double with dark blue morocco. Centre panel surrounded by two inlaid fillets of gray-blue_ inclosing an inlaid border of ochre with conventionalized flowers inlaid in rose and green springing alternately from parallel straight stems intertwined with foliage in gilt and passing around the border; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Backs tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. In loose _ leather protective covers, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip cases. Histoire de mes betes, par Alexan- dre Dumas, fedition illustree d'un beau portrait de I'auteur, de 11 dessins hors texte par Adrien Marie, et de nombreuses vignettes dans le texte. Paris: C. Levy [1878]. 2 p.l., 399 p. 8°. no. 10 of ten copies on India paper. Illustrations paged in. Binding, by Stroobants, 1912, three-fourths olive green crushed levant morocco. Back lettered; panels mitred in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Original covers bounci in. Les trois mousquetaires, avec une lettre d'Alexandre Dumas fils. Composi- tions de Maurice Leloir. Gravures sur bois de J. Huyot. Paris: C. Levy, 1894. 2 V. 4°. One of four copies on Japan paper. Illustrations: 250 woodcuts in the text. On the half-title, an original aquarelle by Leloir. A third volume, containing 250 smoke proofs, missing. Binding, by Carayon, three-fourths blue crushed levant morocco. Backs tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Bookplate of W. A. Spencer, and one bearing the monogram L. C, and inscribed: H. Giacomelli a son ami Conquet. Dumas, Alexandre, the younger. Her- minie, I'Amazone, par Alexandre Dumas. Paris: C. Levy, 1888. 2 p.l., Ill p., 1 1., 1 pi. illus. 45 extra pi. 8°. no. 201 of 225 copies on wove paper. Illustrations: etchings by Delville after Robaudi, consisting of a frontispiece, 7 head-pieces, and 7 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states, and with the original pen and ink and wash drawings, each signed by Robaudi. In all, 60 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, of blue crushed le- vant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of two double fillets. Double with red morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel within a frame of three fillets, broken and ornamented at the corners. Back lettered; panels tooled with a flcral ornament. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of blue brocaded silk. Original covers bound in. From the Hoe library. Bookplates of W. A. Spencer, and of Robert Iloe. Duruy, Victor. Histoire des Grecs, de- puis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la reduction de la Grece en province ro- BINUING IIY GKL'EL (IMITATION DE jfeSUS CHRIST, BY THOMAS A KEMPIS) WORKS BEQUEATHED BY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SPENCER 17 Authors, continued. maine, par Victor Duruy. Nouvelle edi- tion revue, augmentee et enrichie d'envi- ron 2000 gravures dessinees d'apres I'an- tique et 50 cartes ou plans. Paris: Hach- ette et Cie., 1887-89. 3 v. 8°. First impression. On India paper. Binding, by Champs, three-fourths brown crushed levant morocco. Backs tooled and lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Histoire des Romains, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu' a I'invasion des barbares, par Victor Duruy. Nou- velle edition, revue, augmentee et enrichie d'environ 2500 gravures dessinees d'apres I'antique, et de 100 cartes ou plans. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1879-85. 7 v. 8°. First impression. On India paper. Binding, by Champs, three-fourths brown crushed hvant morocco. Backs tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Erasmus, Desiderius. filoge de la folia; augmente de la preface d'firasme adressee a Thomas Morus, son ami. Notice de Gabriel Hanotaux. Quarante six com- positions gravees sur bois de Auguste Le- pere. Paris: Pour les Amis des livres, 1906. 3 p.l., vii p., 1 1., 143 p., 3 1. 8°. no. 129 of 135 copies on hand^made laid paper. Text within ruled lines and rubricated. Illustrations: 46 woodcuts in colors. Binding, by Joly fils, 1907, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within two eight-line fillets and an inner fillet au pointille broken and interlacing at the corners to form small compart- rr,ents, each stamped with a jester's wand. Double with light brown morocco. Centre panel sur- rounded by three fillets enclosing a repeat pattern of squares formed by intersecting two-line fillets, each square containing a circle at the centre and adorned with small toolsj the interspaces stippled. Back lettered; panels within five-line fillets and stamped with the same tool used in the compart- n]cnts on the sides; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. With gilt edges and lining of dark blue silk. Original covers bound in. In locse leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Flaubert, Gustave. Un ccieur simple. Illustre de vingt-trois compositions par fimile Adan, gravees a I'eau-forte par Champollion. Preface par A. de Claye. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1894. 2 p.l., xviii p., 1 L, 79 p., 1 1., 10 pi. 46 extra pi. 8°. no. 75 of eighty copies on wove paper. Ini- tialed by the publisher. Illustrations: frontispiece, 5 head-pieces, title- page vignette and 2 others in the text, 9 plates, and 5 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 69 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1897, of dark green crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame of two fillets inlaid respectively in light brown and light green. Double witli light brown morocco. Cen- tre panel inlaid with a spray of conventionalized purple buds and flowers surrounded by an oval and a rectangular frame, the interspace filled with conventionalized leaves and white flowers with green and yellow centers, springing from the outer frame. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark green gros- grain silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Herodias. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravees a I'eau-forte par Champollion. Preface par Anatole France. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1892. 2 p.l.. xxxii, 88 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 38 extra pi. 8". no. 73 of eighty copies on wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: 4 head-pieces, 8 vignettes in the text, 3 tail-pieces, and 4 plates, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 67 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1897, of black crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame of two fillets inlaid respectively in red and yellow. Double with brown morocco. Centre panel inlaid with a spray of conventionalized lotus flowers in leather of five different colors; in the corners, triangular compartments of plum-colored leather outlined with bands of black; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer; the whole surrounded by a border of plum-colored leather inlaid in black with a Greek fret. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of gold-colored satin. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. La legende de Saint Julien I'hospi- talier. Illustree de vingt-six compositions par Luc-Olivier Merson, gravees a I'eau- forte par Gery-Bichard. Preface par Mar- cel Schwob. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1895. 2 p.l., XXX, 72 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 52 extra pi. 8°. no. 80 of eighty copies on wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: 3 head-pieces, 17 vignettes in the text, 3 plates, and 3 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 78 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1897, of brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of two fillets inlaid in black and light brown re- spectively. Doiible with light green morocco. Cen- tre panel inlaid in brown with a frame of con- ventionalized leaves surrounding a lily with green leaves and stem, white buds and flowers, and sta- n.ens of bright yellow; at the bottom, the mono- gram of Mr. Spencer. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark brown grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Madame Bovary. Compositions de Alfred de Richemont. gravees a I'eau-forte par C. Chessa. Preface par Leon Hen- rique. Paris: .-\. Ferroud, 1905. 3 p.l., iv, 334 p., 1 1., 20 pi. 54 extra pi. 8°. no. 72 of 200 copies on Japan or wove paper; this copy on wove paper, initialed by F. Ferroud. Illustrations: title-page vignette, 3 head- and 3 tail-pieces, and 20 plates, all with plate proofs in two states appended. In all, 81 illustrations. Binding, by Gruel, 1907, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame inlaid in green and a border of floreated scrollwork, straight and curved fillets, and small ornaments, inlaid in leather of seven different colors. Double with green morocco. Centre panel within two fillets, a border of small tools, and an inner frame of six fillets with ornaments at the sides and corners. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark blue silk. Original covers bounil in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Salammbo. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravees a I'eau- forte par Champollion. Preface par Leon Hcnnique. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1900. 2 v. 18 pi. 108 extra pi. 8°. no. 17 of twenty large-size copies on laid or Japan paper; this copy on laid paper. Two auto- graph letters of Rochojjrossc inserted in v. 1. Illustrations: 2 frontispieces and 2 title vignettes, each in three states; 15 head-pieces, 15 tail-pieces, and 18 plates, all in three states, and 4 original aquarelles by Rochegrosse, two specially designed at the request of Mr. Spencer. In all, 150 illustra- tions. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Authors, continued. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1905, of reddish- biown crushed levant morocco. Sides within an inlaid border of light green leather thongs interlac- ing at the ends, and at intervals apparently passing through imitation incisions in the cover; corners adorned with inlaid fleurons in two shades of light green, with a dot of light brown at the center. Dou- ble with dark green morocco. Centre panel within an inlaid border of highly conventionalized buds in light green and red with stems tooled in gilt, and surrounded by an inlaid fillet in light brown. Backs inlaid and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of light green bro- caded silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip cases. La tentation de Saint Antoine. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravees en couleurs par E. Decisy. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1907. 2 p.l., 213 (1) p., 1 1., 6 pi. 61 extra pi. 8°. no. 14 of twenty copies on wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: an original aquarelle by Roche- grosse, 26 vignettes in the text, and 6 plates, with 30 plate proofs before letters in the finished state in blacl<, and 30 in colors. In all, 93 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1912, of red crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame inlaid in black, with a large circle in the centre inlaid with a trefoil of leaves in dark green and a large con- ventional flower in gray-green and two shades of red; at the corners, four smaller circles inlaid with trefoils of holly leaves and berries in red and three shades of green; interlacing with the two upper, and extending about the centre circle, a scroll in- laid in citron and light brown bearing the title tooled in blind; at the bottom, the letter S inlaid and intertwined about a leaf of holly. Double with pale green morocco. Centre panel within two frames inlaid in dark green enclosing a border of conventionalized holly leaves in red inlaid on a band of light green. Back panels framed and in- laid with units from the design on the sides. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of pale green brocaded silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, let- tered in gilt, and inserted in slip case. France, Anatole. Au petit bonheur; comedie en un acte. Representee, pour la premiere fois, le ler juin 1898. Paris: P. Dauze, 1898. 3 p.l., 83 f., 1 I., 1 port. 4°. no. 11 of fifteen copies on Holland paper. Lithograph facsimile of the entire original manu- script. Inserted, an autograph letter from the pub- lisher to M. le baron de Claye. Illustrations: frontispiece etched portrait of the author. Binding, by Noulhac, of full red levant moroc- co, without ornament. Inside border of two double fillets, a scroll and flowers at the corners, and at the top, a small ornament repeated at the side and bottom. Back plain; at the bottom, the mono- gram A. C. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and fly-leaves of tinted hand-made paper lightly embossed with Tudor roses. Balthasar et la reine Balkis. Aquarelles originales d'apres Henri Ca- ruchct. Paris: L. Conquet, 1900. 2 p.l., 38 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. One of 300 copies on wove paper, privately printed; this copy printed for Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: frontispiece, 5 head-pieces, 3 vig- nettes, 20 decorative borders, and 5 tail-pieces. In all, 34 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1912, of dark orange crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a border of circles and links composed of two fillets and adorned with small tools. Double with light brown watered silk within a chain border enclosed by two fillets. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of light brown watered silk. Original covers bound in. Clio. Illustrations de Mucha. Paris: C. Levy, 1900. 4 p.l., (1)4-188 p., 3 1., 7 pi., 1 port. 26 extra pi. 8°. no. 43 of fifty copies on India paper. Illustrations: frontispiece etched portrait of the author, 6 vignettes in the text, and 7 plates, with 13 plate proofs in black and 13 in colors. In all, 40 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1911, of citron crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a border of twisted rope on a mosaic of red; at the top, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Double with brown morocco. Centre panel within fillets and a border tooled with a Greek motif. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid with the design used on the sides. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of brown silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and let- tered, and inserted in slip case. Histoire comique. Points seches et eaux-fortes par Edgar Chahine. Paris: C. Levy [1905]. 2 p.l., 186 p., 1 1. 29 extra pi. 8°. no. 12 of twenty copies on India paper. Illustrations: 28 vignettes in the text, with plate proofs on India paper; appended, an impres- sion from a cancelled plate of the design on p. 97. In all, 57 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1911, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of three fillets inlaid in two shades of blue, and fourteen fillets in gilt. Double with black mo- rocco. Centre panel surrounded by a frame of two- line fillets interlacing at the corners in an intricate geometrical design. Back tooled, lettered, and in- laid. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark blue silk. Original covers bound in. — — Le jonglevr de Notre-Dame. Texte calligraphie, enlumine et historie par Ma- latesta. Paris: F. Ferrovd, 1906. 4 p.l., xxxii p., 1 1. 34 extra pi. sq. 4°. Modern prose version of the Old French poem, Le tombeor Nostre Dame, first published in the author's "L'etui de nacre," 1S92. no. 10 of twelve copies reimposed on Japan paper. Initialed bj' the publisher. Text, illumina- tions, and miniatures in imitation of a mediaeval manuscript. Illustrations: 35 designs in the text, engraved by Reymond and photomechanically reproduced in gilt and in colors, together with numerous initial letters; inserted before the title-page, an unpub- lished body-color drawing by Malatesta; appended, dry-point etchings by Malatesta of 33 of the illustra- tions. In all, 69 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of light brown crushed levant morocco. Sides within two fillets in gilt and a frame of fillets in gilt and in blind enclosing oblong and square compartments adorned with Gothic tooling. Double with blue grosgrain silk within a border of fillets and Gothic ornaments. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. In- serted in slip case. La legon bien apprise; conte par Anatole France, image par Leon Lebegue pour les Bibliophiles independants, Paris, 1898. Paris: Bibliophiles independants, 1898. xxiv p., 1 1. 25 extra pi. 8°. no. 98 of 200 copies on wove Japan paper printed for members of the society; this copy printed for Mr. Spencer. Let into a fly-leaf at_ the end, an ornamental envelope designed by Lebegue and addressed to Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: original cover design, and 25 aquarelle borders and designs in the text, hand- colored under the direction of the artist, and in this copy, touched up with gilt; appended, 25 plate proofs in black of the illustrations in the text. In all, 51 illustrations. Binding, by July fils, 1909, of reddish-brown crushed levant morocco. Sides within a border of lUNDlNt; UY GRUEL, ims (tartarin sur i.ks ai pes, bv daudet) WORKS BEQUEATHED BY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SPENCER 19 Authors, continued. twisted rope tooled in gilt. Double with brown n'.orocoo. Centre panel inlaid with a Grolieresque pattern in greenish yellow and light brown. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over marbled and lining of brown silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Le lys rouge. Compositions de A.-F. Gorguet, gravees sur bois par Des- moulins, Dutheil, Romagnol, et en cou- leurs par Ch. Thevenin. Paris: A. Roma- gnol, 1903. 2 p.l., 303(1) p., 1 1., 13 col'd pi. 198 extra pi. and insertions. 4°. Unique copy, in two volumes, specially printed for Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: v. 1, frontispiece etched portrait of the author in black, with plate proof in bistre and the original pen and ink drawing; 35 designs in the text, all with smoke proofs and the original pen and ink drawings, and an additional smoke proof to the head-piece on p. 49; 22 colored plates, including two states of the frontispiece and back cover vignette and 7 plates not called for in the list, 21 bearing the autographed approval of the publisher, v. 2, 113 plate proofs in various states, including 67 on satin; a leaf of trial sketches in crayon, and an autograph letter from the publisher to Mr. Spencer. In all, 211 pieces. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1907, of green crushed levant morocco, v. 1 inlaid with leather of ten different colors. Sides adorned with con- ventionalized leaves, buds, and groups of flowers, and surrovinded by a frame of three fillets, the two inner apparently passing through loops sus- pended from the outer. Double with light brown morocco. Centre panel plain, within a border of conventionalized leaves and flowers inlaid in green and red, and surrounded by a frame inlaid in black and two fillets tooled in gilt; at the side, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. With edges gilt over rough, marbled enu papers, and lining of gold-colored satin figured in rose. Original covers bound in. v. 2, three-quarters binding only. Back inlaid and lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. In loose leather protective covers, lettered, and inserted in slip cases. Memoires d'un volontaire. Com- positions de Adrien Moreau, gravees a 1 eau-forte par Xavier Lesueur. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1902. 3 p.l., 96 p., 5 pi. 53 extra pi. 8°. no. 3 of twenty copies on Japan or wove paper; this copy on Japan paper. Illustrations: 15 vignettes, 3 head-pieces, 5 plates, and 3 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states; inserted before the half-title, an original aquarelle by Moreau. In all, 79 illustrations. Binding, by Rene Kieffer, of full blue crushed levant morocco, without ornament. Double with blue-green morocco. Centre panel within a frame of two fillets enclosing a design of garlands of flowers and foliage and fillets inlaid in dark blue and tooled in gilt. Back lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of silk brocaded in stripes and in colors. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Notice historique sur Vivant De- non. Paris: P. Rouquette et fils, 1890. xii p. 8°. Bound with: Dominique Vivant Denon, Point de Icndcmain. Paris, 1889. 8°. Title from cover. Sainte Eupiirosine. Les actes de la vie de Sainte Eupiirosine d'Alexandrie, en religion frere Smaragde, tels qu'ils furent redigcs dans la laure du Mont .A.tlios, par Georges, diacre. .\vec les illustra- tions & cncadrements de Louis fidouard Fournier, les eaux-fortes de E. Pennequin, & les gravures sur bois de L. Marie. Paris: F. Ferroud, 1906. 2 p.l., 47 p. 33 extra pi. sq. 4°. First published in the author's "L'etui de nacre," 1892. no. 13 of fifteen copies reimposed on Japan or wove paper; this copy on wove paper; initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: original aquarelle by Fournier on the half-title; 12 vignettes in the text, with plate proofs in two states; borders, partly colored, of 9 different designs, with 9 plate proofs on India paper appended. In all, 55 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of blue crushed le- vant morocco, gilt. Sides within four fillets, the two inner enclosing an ornamental border of small tools. Double with maroon grosgrain silk within fillets and a border of small tools; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of maroon grosgrain silk. Orig- inal covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Thais. Compositions de Paul-Al- bert Laurens. Gravures a I'eau-forte de Leon Boisson. Paris: Librairie de la col- lection des dix. 1900. 2 p.l., 240 p., 1 1. 235 extra pi. and illus. 4°. (Collection des dix.) Unique copy, in three volumes, on large-size paper, specially printed for M. Albert Belinac. Illustrations: 65 vignettes, together with the original aquarelles for the same, and the various states of the engravings, including the artist's proofs; in all, 235 pieces. Binding, by Marius Michel, of brownish-red crushed levant morocco. Sides inlaid with parallel thongs of citron morocco, interlacing; at the ends and apparently passing through imitation incisions in the cover. Each volume double respectively with blue, light green, and brown morocco; the centre panels within borders of buds and flowers of the lotus, papyrus, and euphorbia inlaid in dif- ferent colors, the stems passing through a border of two fillets of dark green, the interspace inlaid at regular intervals with blocks of red. Backs in- laid and lettered in gilt. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of brown brocaded silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective covers, lettered in gilt, and in- serted in slip cases. Vie de Jeanne d'Arc. Paris: Manzi, Joyant & Cie. [1909-10.] 4 v. 11 fac. (2 col'd), 4 plans. 61 pi. (8 col'd), 26 port. (13 col'd). illus. 4°. no. 2 of 300 copies on Holland paper; unique copy, extra-illustrated with the additional plates found in the copies of this edition on Japan paper. Illustrations: 35 steel engraved head-pieces; 35 woodcut tail-pieces, and 102 plates, including 23 in colors. In all, 172 illustrations. Each plate and illustration in the text accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress. Binding, by Canape, 1910, of dark brown crushed levant miirocco. Sides within a frame of parallel intersecting vertical and horizontal fillets tooled in blind surrounding a centre panel embossed with fleurs-de-lis and small ornaments in square and tri- angular compartments. Double with blue morocco, gilt. Centre panel within a frame of parallel in- tersecting vertical and horizontal fillets, the corner compartments inlaid in light blue with shields bear- ing an armorial device; the compartments at the ends tooled with rows of fleurs-de-lis. Backs em- bossed and lettered in blind; dated 1910. With edges gilt over rough, and lining of gray-blue gros- grain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective covers, tooled and lettered in gilt, and inserted in slip cases. Gautier, Theophile, the elder. Jean et Jeannette. Illustre de vingt-quatre com- positions par Ad. Lalauze. Preface par 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Authors, continued. Leo Claretie. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1894. 2 p.l., xxxii, 207 p., 1 1. 76 extra pi. 4°. no. 1 of ten copies on Whatman paper. Ini- tialed by the publisher. Illustrations: title-page vignette, 12 head-pieces, and 12 tail-pieces, accompanied by the original drawings in pen and India ink for the same, and by plate proofs in two states; inserted before the text, an original unpublished full-page aquarelle by La- lauze. In all, 101 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, of blue levant morocco, Eilt. Sides tooled with an ornamental frame of lOuis XVth design, the corners tooled pointille with a diaper of diamond-shaped lozenges contain- ing each a small flower; the whole within an outer border of three fillets. Double with orange moroc- co within a border of small tools. Centre panel within a delicately tooled frame surrounded by fillets. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of blue-gray grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protec- tive cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Jettatnra. Compositions et gra- vures en couleurs de Frangois Courboin. Paris: A. Romagnol, 1904. 2 p.l., 193 p., 1 1. 219 extra pi. and insertions. 4°. (Collection des dix.) Unique copy, in two volumes, on large-size wove paper. Illustrations: v. 1, original cover vignette and 25 etchings in the text, with the original aquarelles of the same and an original pen and crayon draw- ing by Courboin inserted before the half-title; v. 2, plate proofs in various states, artist's proofs, three pages of trial sketches in pen and ink, and 3 pages of manuscript relating to the illustrations; 192 pieces in all. Binding, by Gruel, of citron crushed levant mo- rocco. V. 1 inlaid with leather of ten different colors. Sides adorned with foliage and flowers and three frames of ornamental fillets intertwined with scrollwork and surrounding a diamond-shaped flore- ated centre ornament; symbolic ornaments at the corners. Double with olive green morocco. Centre panel within eight fillets tooled in gilt and in blind. Back inlaid and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue silk. Original covers bound in. v. 2, three-quarters binding only. Back inlaid and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt top. In loose leather protective covers lined with red plush, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip cases. Mademoiselle de Alaupin — double amour — par Theophile Gautier. Reim- pression textuelle de I'edition originate [1835). Notice bibliographique par M. Charles de Louvenjoul. Paris: L. Conquet, 1883. 2 V. IS pi., 1 port. 54 extra pi. 8°. no. 7 of 150 copies on Japan paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author by C. Nanteuil, engraved by Burney, in three states; title vignettes in both volumes by Champollion, en- graved by Louis Leioir, each with plate proofs in two states; 17 plates designed by £. Toudouze, engraved by Champollion, and issued in 1884, with 34 plate proofs for the same in two states. Separate engraved title to the plates, in four states, the final bearing the initials of the publisher. Appended in V. 2, 4 trial illustrations by Teanniot and Toudouze, engraved by Burney, Boulard fils, and Champollion, and issued with separate title in 1885, together with 7 plate proofs for the same in from two to four states. In all, 75 illustrations. Appended in v. 2, an historical notice of the heroine, specially printed on Japan paper and in- serted in this copy. Binding, by G. Mercier, 1911, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of four fillets and an inner frame of Louix XVth design, composed of three fillets broken and ornamented at the corners. Double with brown morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel within a frame of three fillets and an ornate inner frame of modernized Louix XVth design, composed of small tools and fillets forming compartments inlaid with blue and others adorned with small quatrefoils in red; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue watered grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Militona. Un portrait et dix com- positions de Adrien Moreau graves par A. Lamotte. Paris: L. Conquet, 1887. 2 p.l., 255 p., 8 pi., 1 port. 11 extra pi. 8°. no. 124 of 150 copies on Japan or wove paper; this copy on Japan paper. Initialed by the pub- lisher. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, initial head-piece, 8 plates, and final tail-piece, all with plate proofs before letters on wove paper. In all, 22 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, of orange crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of six fillets, the three inner ornamented at the corners and inlaid with a small blue flower. Double with blue silk embroidered with birds and flowers. Cen- tre panel within a frame of six fillets, the corners left open and inlaid with a small blue flower. Back toolecl, lettered, and inlaid. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue silk embroidered with flowers. Original covers bound in. Une nuit de Cleopatre. lUustree de vingt-et-une compositions par Paul Avril. Preface par Anatole France. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1894. 2 p.l.. xx, 82 p., 1 1., 6 pi. 67 extra pi. illus. 8°. Special copy on Whatman paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: title-page vignette, 6 plates, 6 head- pieces, 6 tail-pieces, and 3 vignettes in the text, with the 22 original pen and ink drawings for the same, 22 plate proofs of the pure etching, and 22 plate proofs before letters, with remarque. In- serted as frontispiece, an original aquarelle by Paul Avril. In all, 89 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, of brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of two single line fillets inclosing a third frame_ inlaid in blue and a border of lotus blossoms inlaid in yellow, white, black, green, and burnt orange. Centre panel within a frame inlaid in blue with semicircular indenta- tions at the corners inclosing scarabs inlaid in black, burnt orange, and green. Double with brown mor- occo within a border of small tools. Centre panel surrounded by a deep mosaic dentelle border of Egyptian style inclosed by fillets in gilt and a frame inlaid in green. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid with units from the design on the sides. With marbled end papers, edges gilt over rough, and lining of dark brown grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled, lettered, and inlaid, and inserted in slip case. Le petit chien de la marquise. Pre- face par Maurice Tourneux. Vingt et un dessins de Louis Morin. Paris: L. Conquet, 1893. 2 p.l., v p., 1 1., 67 p., 2 1. 25 extra pi. 16°. no. 113 of 150 copies on wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: 24 colored engravings, all with plate proofs in black on India paper. Inserted to face the title, an original aquarelle by Morin. In all, 49 illustrations. Binding by Marius Michel, of green crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of fil- lets of one, two, and three lines, the latter entwined with a garland of leaves, and with fleurons at the corners. Double with brown morocco within a border of small tools. Centre panel within a double fillet plain and a second au pointille with fleurons and marchioness' crowns at the corners. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough. r1irrJ