REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received _^f himself, as not to believe that he may learn much, and derive much assistance from communication with his brethren, nor so engrossed with his own share of the common work, as not to be desirous of imparting to others whatever has been recommended by his own experience to himself." THIRLWALL. Hontron : MACMILLAN AND CO. 1882 [The right of Translation and Reproduction is Deserved.] ier PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. & SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THE following Treatise on Marine Surveying and its connected subjects is intended to meet an Educational want which has existed for some time past. I mean a small Manual on the subject, arranged on a plan similar to that employed with success in Text-books of Elementary Science, and which combining a sufficient description of the Instru- ments used, and of the various methods pursued, with a care- ful selection of representative Examples, with their solutions, may, it is hoped, serve as a sufficient Introduction to this branch of Science for the use of Younger Naval Officers, and