THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF MT^S. LKON V. SHAW £J^. : ^ -^gjjh^^^h^ ■ GREEK AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, C0MPRI3IN0 • ALL THE WORDS IN THE WRITINGS OF THE MOST POPULAR GREEK AUTHORS; WITH THK DIFFICULT INFLECTIONS IN THEM AND IN THE SEPTUAGINT AND NEW TESTAMENT: DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND THE UNDERGRADUATE COURSE OF A C0LLEGL4.TE EDUCATION. BY THE REV. JOHN, GROVES. WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONAL MATTER, BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. -t! Xari^ei. PiND. « BOSTON : v HILLIARD, GRAY, LITTLE, AND WTLKINS. 1S29. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, fo vdt .• District ClerJt's Office. Be it REHEMnERED, That on the twentieth day of June, A. D. 1828, in the fifty-second year of the Indepen- dence of the United States of America, Milliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit: " A Greek and English Dictionary, comprising all the Words in the Writings of the most popular Greek Authors; with the difficult Inflections in them and in the Septuagint and New Tefitament : designed for the Use of Schools and the Undergruduute Course of a t'ollegiate Education. By the Rev. John Groves. With Corrections and Additional Alatter, by the American Editor. es Af ri nail ipixrivioiv XaH^u. PiND." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and hooks, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during tlie times therein mentioned ;" and also to an act, entitled, " An Act supplementary to an act, entitled. An Act fur the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." " ^ " ^' JNO. W. DAVIS, Clerk of the Distiict fif MaesachuselU. Va PREFACE. The object of the compiler of this work was to offer to the public a Dictionary, which young Greek scholars could use with ease and advantage to themselves ; but sufficiently full to be equally serviceable as they advanced ; a Book that would answer for School, for College, and more particularly, for reading the New Testament and the Septuagint. It was not without a conviction of its necessity, founded on experience, that this work was undertaken. How far it will answer the proposed end will be best known to those who make a trial of its merits. To explain how that has been attempted is the purpose of these pages. To give English significations for Greek words is the original principle on which this Dictionary was compiled. The surprising ease with which very young boys understood the Gospels, with the assistance of Parkhurst's Dictionary, — suggested the commencement of this work. They translated the Go.spels with much more facility, than the Latin elementary books they were reading at the same time ; although this Dictionary, then the only one which gave English explanations for the Greek words, afforded by no means sufficient assistance for beginners. The superior ease with which Greek could be thus learned, even under this disadvantage, suggested the thought of removing this difficulty by the publication of a Dictionary, which to English significations, — would add the several assistances that this now offers. In the arrangement of the words, the alphabetical method has been adopt- ed as best suited to the capacity and diligence of the young learner. In this respect, and in some others, this Dictionary resembles the Greek and Latin Lexicon of Schrevelius, for a long time used in schools. The outline of the plan of each is very similar; but this differs from Schrevelius in many parti- culars, some of which it is hoped will appear to be improvements. Immediately after each word is placed its form of declension or conjuga- tion, together with any peculiarity attending it; such as the Attic genitive ' of contracted nouns, the future or perfect of any dialect peculiar to certain verbs, &,c. N -xt is placed the derivation or com])osition of the word. Particular attention has been paid to this part of the work. In most I..exicon3 the bare theme is usually set at the end of the word, without anv attonij)t to show how it forms a part of the word to which it is thus attached ; and r - r- » 00'> 'J e> Iv PREFACE. often without any signification in Latin or Eiiglisli. The incapacity or in- dolence of the great majority of school-boys, is tluis left without any thing to excite the one or assist the other ; while industry and attention are damped and discouraged. Here, the composition or derivation, generally followed by the original theme, is set before the English signification, so as to catch the eye. The English of these words is always given, so that the connexion between them and the present word may be perceived, and a judgment formed how the one is deduced from the other. Where a word is compounded with an adverb, preposition, or other particle, an attempt has always been made to give the meaning of that part, or to show the effect it has in alter- ing the signification of the word to which it is prefixed. This has often been difficult, and sometimes has remained unsatisfactory ; because the word often takes several significations, from the different shades of expression given by the various powers of the particle. In a few obvious instances this effect has been noticed ; but generally all farther explanations bave been avoided, experience having convinced the compiler that young learners do not attend to them : and scholars will require much more than can be given in a work that beginners can use with ease and advantage. The English significations of the Greek word follow next. These have | been selected from a careful comparison of the Latin of Stephens' Thesau- rus, Scapula, Damm, Schleusner, and in many instances, other Lexicons have been consulted with advantage. Some few very unusual significations, occurring only in authors likely to be read by very advanced scholars, have been omitted. In this part two or three synonyms have been given for each signification ; and the most usual or vernacular expressions have been intro- duced, that thus the Greek sentence may fall into familiar English. Several also of the Indexes or Vocabularies annexed to new editions of school books, have been looked into; so that, it is hoped, that the significations thus selected, will be found correct; and that the latter, having been chosen for these particular authors, will catch the attention of the young scholar, while engaged in translating their writings, as being well adapted to his imme- diate reading. After the significations are subjoined, any irregularities or varieties arising from dialect, &c. and some of the more difficult inflections of each word are added. Such is a sketch of the mode of arrangement pursued. It may be proper to mention, by what additions this Dictionary hopes to claim the student's ' attention. A considerable number of new words have been introduced. These consist of words occurring in the authors usually read, and in the Septua- gint, which are not to be found in Schrevelius. They are also taken from the Cjreek tragedies now generally read at schools, from elementary books latterly introducoid, and from Mr. "Walker's new selection of Lucian's Dia- 'ogues. So that this Dictionary will be found to answer for the study PREFACE. r of those introductory works alluded to ; for the New Testament, and the Greek translation of the Old ; for Homer ; for most of Lucian's Dialogues and his luyy^a^sTv for the works of Xenophon ; for some of the orators and Greek tragedians ; comprising a copious school course, and a large portion of the Greek authors read in our Universities. A book of this kind, applicable to so many authors, must be generally useful, though it cannot aspire to the name of a universal Greek Dictionary. An attempt to do so would extend it far beyond the limits of a companion for the school boy, or the College student ; especially when the following addition is taken into consideration. All the inflected parts of words which are in Schrevelius are to be found in this Dictionary, with many others. These consist of oblique cases of nouns, pronouns, and participles; of persons, tenses, moods, &-c. of verbs, and comprise all the difficult variations occurring in Homer, and those other Greek books just mentioned. When it is considered that there are instances of oblique cases, which retain but small resemblance to their nomi- natives, and that in verbs, even those perfectly regular, there are parts unlike their themes, both at the beginning, and in the middle, as well as in theie terminations, this must be acknowledged to be not only a useful, but even a necessary part of a Greek Dictionary. And when the numerous varieties and irregularities of words in most common use are taken into account, this part of the work will appear almost indispensable. There is no English attached to these parts and inflections, but a reference is given to the theme, where all the significations will be found. This part of the work has been particularly attended to, where it respects the New Testament ; for every variation of case, gender, and number, and of mood, tense, person, &c. occurring in that book, is inserted in this Dictionary; except the forms of the simple parisyllabic declensions. These were considered too obvious to any one that had read the Greek Grammar, to require a place here; but there is a notification of this omission placed at the head of the list of abbreviations, with a rule of direction when any of these inflections occur. So consider- able an addition of words without any signification, was made from a con- sideration, that, as the Gospels are very frequently used as an elementary book in Greek, beginners would require more of that kind of assistance than others. There was also another motive. Tliere are many persons, wlio, long after they have ceased to study languages, and have embarked in the active pursuits of life, feel, at their leisure hours, an inclination to renew the Indies of their youth ; and a more intimate acquaintance with the Biblr; IS a favourite object with persons of this turn. A mind of this cast, that retains any recollection of the Greek Grammar, will, with the assistance of this Dictionary, bo able to recall all it has learned, with considerable addi- tions. Ry the use of it, every difliculty that occurs in the New 'I'estamciit, md in those books already mentioned, will be smoothed ; the student hp.'ing made acquainted with the nature of any inflected word, which long disuso VI PREFACE. may h;ivo rendered liini unable to analyse; while suflicicnt exercise remainn for the uuderslanding, in being left to select an ai)i)ropriate signification from among the English given for the theme referred to. Thus, this Book will be particularly useful to those who may wish to revive their knowledge of Greek ; and especially of the New Testament. Should leisure enable or inclination dispose them to extend their reading to the Greek of the Sep- tuagint translation of the Old Testament, they will fin-ther find in this Dictionary all the words occurring in thai book. None of the infiections of these words are directly inserted, except a few peculiar terminations, which seem to be provincialisms, used by the Alexandrian Greeks, who are .sup- posed to have made parts of that translation ; but many of these inflections may be found the same as in other books. These were omitted, because to insert all that may be met with were an endless task ; it was unnecessary to do so, because the books of the Septuagint are not used as an elementary study; and because the previous reading of the New Testament will give sutficient practice of grammatical analysis to enable the student to trace the inflections in the Septuagint. Thus this Dictionary will answer for thp study of the entire Bible, of the New Testament in its original language, and of the Old in a language into which it was translated by persons who cannot be suspected of having been biassed by any of the schisms that have divided the Church of Christ. These additions have extended this work a little beyond the size of Schre- velius, while nothing useful or material has been omitted. There are indeed no references given or authorities cited, experience having shown the com- piler that young students pay no attention to many of those assistances which more advanced scholars look for in Dictionaries; while these receive very little benefit from that scanty portion of references or quotations wliich can be given in a book adapted to the use of schools. Accordingly, after very mature consideration, every thing has been retrenched that did not co- incide with the young scholar's capacity ; and the room thus made has been filled up with what more usually catches his attention. He has here given to him what he will notice at present, instead of what he may look for at a more advanced period of his studies. He has laid before him what will be immediately useful, for what might be serviceable hereafter. Very k\v phrases are given, and that only when an indeclinable part of speech, joined with another word, may be construed briefly by an adverbial expression. All this plan could not be put in practice at first, for the propriety of some parts of it occurred only during the progress of the work; but it has been very strictly adhered to in the course of two rigid revisals that the work received before it went to the press. Satisfaction respecting the execution of this work will be best had by in- specting a few pages, opened indifferently in several parts of the book. ' There it will be observed that the accents have been retained. The use of them, whether as a means of acquiring the ancient pronunciation, or of establishing PREFACE. Tii a fixed one, is very questionable ; because the tone, emphasis, or other in- flection of voice implied by any mark, can hardly be conveyed by words. Such modulations of the voice must be lost with the persons who used them. The best method perhaps of fixing the pronunciation of the ancient Greek would be to adopt that of their modern descendants. These still understand the oldest books in that language more readily than Englishmen can read Chaucer's works, or Wickliffe's translation of the Bible. Whatever marks they use might be adopted, because the intonations of the voice implied by them can be learned by oral instruction from this people. To say that the ancient accents may serve a secondary purpose, and be useful as distinctive marks of words otherwise similar, is but to make a stupid apology for the indolence that will not endeavour to discover the signification of a word from the tenor of the sentence, and the spirit of the context. However, that the ^absence of such assistance may not be alleged as a defect in this work, they are inserted according to the rules for their use generally followed. The spiritus lenis, which only serves to mark the absence of the asper, has been omitted, because it expresses nothing ; and creates confusion to be- ginners. The Apostrophe, Dialysis, and / subscribed have been particularly attend ed to; and the quantity of the doubtful vowels has been marked. The type is clear and distinct, having been cast for the work ; and the paper is better than what is generally used for such books. Under all these circumstances, the utility of this Greek and English Dic- tionary is anxiously anticipated, as likely to be serviceable to the young scholar and college student, in the acquisition of a language remarkable for the extent of its use in ancient times, and for the extraordinary length of time, that beyond all other languages it has existed, with some alterations, as a vernacular tongue ; to the retired gentleman, who can find pleasure in recur- ring to those early studies which are now considered as an indispensable part of liberal education, and an ornament to the higher ranks of society ; and to the thoughtful Christian, who may wish to imbibe the precepts of the Gospel from their purest source. i NOTICE CONCERMNG WORDS FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT EvF.Kv inflection of case, iiender, or nuniborof nouns, pronouns, or jiarticiplcs occurring in the New TcstniuL'iit, lias been inserted in this Dictionary ; except tiu; forms of tlic einiplc pariiJylliibic declensions. Tiierefore, it'nu}' sucii word is not to bo found, its nomi- nativo case ends in -«, -»;, -aj, -»/j, -oj, or -or, and must be loolied for accordingly. Also every variation of mood, tense, person, &c. of verbs in tlio New Testament, may be found licre. Alonir witli these may be found many otiier inflections from classical authors. These inflections are not always ]uil directly in column ; but several cases are sometimea inserted under one, a;? may be observed in Viva, Oiotaa, Mvpidic;. In like maimer, tenses, &c. of verbs that resemble each other, are frequently put to- gether. Such words are always separated by a — , and each begins with a capital letter, as may be seen in Tcyn-jfiuivoi, EaKdnxa, MiVj/fji. act. active ind. indicative impr. imperativo pres. present impf. imperfect 1 f. or f. tirsi future 1 sin. first person singular LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. PARTS OF THE VERB. mid. middle opt. opative sub. subjunctive 2 f. second future 1 a. first aorisl 2 a. second aorist 1 du. first person dual pass, passive inf. infinitive par. participle per. or p. perfect pper. pluperfect ppfut. paulo post future 1 pi. first person plural PARTS OF THE NOUN. mas. masculine sin. singular n. nominative a. accusative fern, feminine du. dual g. genitive sup. superlative coinp. comparative neul. neuter pi. plural d. dative V. vocative JEol. ^.olic Ati. .\ttic BcDOt. Bccotic Dor. Doric Heb. indecl. Hebrew Ion. Ionic Lat. Latin LXX. the Septuagint Poet. Poetic Svrac. Syracusan asp. aspirate fr. from til. theme wh. which Anadipl. Anadipiosis Apoc. Apocope Apos. Apostrophe Aphx-r. Apha;resis indeclinable Cras. Crasis Dial. Dialysis Ectas. Ectasis Epen. Epenthesis Metapl. Alctaplasmus Parag. Para;;oge Pleon. Pioonasmus Prosth. Prosthesis Syn. Synx'resis Sync. Syncope Sys. Systole compos, composition redujil. reduplication col. ccUcctivo cont. contracted cop. copulative dim. diminutive enclit. enclitic impers. impersonal irrcg. irregular intcns. intensive nog. negative obs. obsolete priv. privative redund. redundant Adj. adjective Adv. adverb Prep, preposition Subs, substantive •S*'i OREEK AJiB ElVGLiISH DICTIONARY. AAZ ABA ABA A, the first of the Greek letters, called alpha. As a numeral mark it signifies one, or with a dot underneath, a, one thou- sand. In composition it is 1st, privative, or negative, as, bpa- rii, visible, adparoi, invisible ; 2d, intensive, as, arnt^ia, to stare, from rdvu, to strain ; 3d, collective, as, jraf, all, a-rras, all together ; 4th, redundant, or superfluous, as, dara^vi, or ard- j^f, an ear of com ; afi^rt^pi^, or jiXr)^oi(, weak. In cormwsi- tion it takes v after it before a vowel, as, avafidprnrof, sinless, from a neg. and afiaprdvwj to sin. A, Dor. for t, as, aire for tiVt. 'a, Dor. for )/, the article. Also a Dor. for ^, adv. whither. A, Dor. for w, in g. pi. of simple nouns, sometimes with- out an accent, and som<:- tJmes circumflcxcd. Also in other cases as, Vloaciiav for Flo- i cciiiJv. In verbs, as, (ioaai for (iouiai. 'a, ncut. pi. of 5f, 5, 3, or o(| 5f, 'A, adv. of admiring, complain- ing, wishing pitying ; oh I alt ! altM '. , "a, "i, of laughing; ha, Im. A da rot, for /larof, hrring repeated by a poetic pleonasm. Ai'iyftf, -lo( -oTif, 0, fi, (fr. a nog. and rfyu), to break) not to be bro- ken, ^rm, Hrong. 'Aair, for flit, 3 sin. 2 a. md. act. of an^liti, or ahiu* Xafiiii, Dor. for ariifif. Ad?u, r -Tdi, p. -Ka (a word formed from the sound of breathing) lo brtaihe, pant, A dravi the breath ; to exhale, steam, rise in vapours. AdBijv, for Tjdrjv, 1 a. pass, of aau. AdBiKTOi, same as ddiKTo;. Adfivif, -lo{, fi, an instrument used in bird-catching, 'Aarrroj, -ov, b, f/, (fr. a neg. and ajTTCi), to touch, or larrrw, to hurt) thai may not be touched, consecrated, dedicated ; strong, invincible, invulnerable ; that can attack, or subdue others, victori- ous. Aapuiv, Heb. indecl. The brotlier of Moses, the first high priest of the Jews. 'Aaaa, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act. Poet. for Tiaa ; and Aaad/jitjv, 1 a. ind. mid. Poet, for TiadfiTiv' and AdadTjv, Poet, for ijaOtiv, 1 a. ind. pass, of AdoKit), or Ad^o), to hurt, th. ardot, which see. Ao<7(, 3 pi. pres. md. act. fr. dtiftt. Aaa/jbf, -ov, i,(fr. ad?o>, to breathe) the warmth of the Irrcath, breath- ing ; exhalation, vapour, steam. Ad(r)^CTO!, and Avda^crof, -ov, 4, i;, (Ir. II nog. and /;^w for Kari^xm, lo restrain) not lo be endured, intolerable ; grievous, vexatious. ' Aarai, 3 sin. o{ da fiat, pros. mid. or pass, of (i/it;i. Hut, Aiirat, 3 sin. prtw. ind. mid. of auu 'Aarof, -01). h, f], (fr. dui or ardu), to hurt, witn u inlcns.) drslnirtive, injurious, ruiutmi, prmidous ; greedy, insatiatitr ; (with a nog. ) innocent, hamilrss ; that neither receives, nor in/tirts hurt. Adw, f. adatt), to delude, deceive, mislead, tnfutunle, bniiilder. I a. ind. pass. adOnv, and adaOtiv. J Alia^iuv, Heb. indecl. an epithet ofl (J) Antichrist, Abaddon, destruc' tion, perdition. Afid^o), f. -at,), (fr. a intens. and Pd^d), to talk) to extol, praise; to become famous. AfiaOiji, -loi, -ovi, b, fi, (of a nee, and Pddos, depth) without depm, shallow. "Afiai, (Dor. for Ti^at, nom. pi. of iijiri^ used adjectively it signifies tender, delicate. 'A/?aiof, fr. a intens. and fialof, which see. AJiaKfuii, (fr. next) quietly, calmly, stilly. AfiuKii;, -fos -oiJi, b, >), (fr. a nee. and 0d^iji, to speak) mute, dumb; still, quiet, calm. A/idKrjaav, Ion. for vPaKTicav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of Aflaiiiu) -(3, f. -r/cro), p. >;/?««ri7ifa,and AfiaKl^tt), f. -law, (fr.(i/3aK^{,silent) to be silent, dumb ; to be ignorant of, not lo know. AfidKtov, -ov, ri, (dim. of dSa(, a table) a smalt table, properly one divided into lines or sqttares for the ptirjiosc if cnlitilation ; a draft, or cheejuer-board. AftaKlaKoi, -ov, b, (fr. last)rt,wia// square, or other shaped piece, of vs used to sacrifice. 'Afiiii'Ta, a. sin. of 'A/3af, the name of a man. ' Kfta^, -koi, h, a bench, table, hoard, or side-humd ; a luJile, or board used for calculation, chtis, &c. ABI X^Jmerof, -jv, 6, fi, (fr. a noe. and p(iTr(yi), to ilip) not to he sunk, tlrowneil, or ovrrwhdm- eil ;j!oiUin^f buoyant; unbcijiliz- td. 'XfiarTTOi, -ov, 0, i), fr. a neo. and (itizTu), todi|), or dye) not
  • -, tJ, a kind of cake. Ajjapq, a. sill. mas. cunt. of. A/Jupiis, -/«j, -oBj, 6, 1^, (fr. a nog. and /ju'jjoi, weight) /ii;/i<, 7iot heavy; trifling, volutile; easy to be endured; not 6urr/c»i»ome, not rhargeable. ' A jias, -II vToi, Abas, a man's name. A/ias, Dor. for T/iii;?, g. sin, of A/idVai, 1 a. inf. act. of a/?a^u. Aiiaadtiaros, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and jidaavoi, a touchstone) un- tried, not proved, or explored; not examined by torture. APaaavl(iTu)s,{fr. last) ivithout trial, or examination, unadvisedly. ApairDiCVToi, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and /JaffiXtus, a king) without a king, ruler, or chief; indepen dent, free; unlike a king. A/3a(jiXciirwf, (fr. last) without a king ; unlike a king. '.Kfiaroi, -ov, b, i;, (fr. a neg. and iiaivu), to go) pathless,untroddcn, ■unfrc([ucntcd ; impassible, inac- cessible, lofty, sleep; not to be trodden, or entered, holy; lone- ly, solitary ; deserted, desolate ; accursed. AjSurdu), f. -ilidb), (fr. last) ?o ma/ce desolate, lay waste. 'A/? (3a, Syriac, indecl./a/, (fr. last) weakness ; fickleness, inconstancy, caprice, 'A/JcX, 0, Heb. indecl. Abel, a man's name. A.Sf'Xrtpof, -a, -ov, (fr. a neg. and i3i\TC00i,htttcr)slupid,silly,dull, foolish ; a blockhead. A/itXrcjj^i, -as, 1), (fr. last) stupi- dily, dulness, want of sense, or talent ; folly, infatuation. Ajita, Heb. indecl. Abia, a man's name. A/3iuOap, Heb. indecl. Abiathar, a man's name. 'A/3i/3Xo{, -ou, 6, (fr. a neg. and iiiiiXoi, a book) wilJiout books, unlearned. Alit)^riv!t, -rji, ;„ ^Mtene, the name of a country. 'A0/o<, -ou, b. It. (fr. a neg. and 0ioi, a livelihood; or jiia, Rtren^lh) poor, intligent ne.ceji- kUous, needy; simple, innocent, harmless; weak, feeble: or (fr. a intcns. and same) rirJi, weal- thy ; strong, hardy, vifjlent; long- ABP lived : or (fr. a neg. and /3';, (fr. a neg. and (ioijOiiD, to assist) want of' aid, helplessness. Afioi'iOrjTOi, -ov, b, !}, (fr. same)rfes- litute, helpless; deadly, incurable, A(i6i}0oi, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) past help, irremediable, incurable. AlioXiui, -d, to meet, encounter. A/-)i3X?;(rai',Ion. hri)jii\rjaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. 'A/^oXof, -ov, &,(fr. a neg. and/3«iX- Xu, to cast) that has not cast his first teeth, not lost the mark of mouth; young, APov\t.vTiOi, (fr. aneg. and (iov\i), counsel) unadvisedly, rashly, hastily, imprudeiUly, inconside- rately. Al'iovXia, -aj, //, (fr. same) rask ness, folly, imprudence. 'A/3ouXo;, -ou, b, »;,(fr. same)unod- vised, tlmughlless, inconsidcrale, imprudent, hasty, rash; unfore- seen, unexpected. Ai3owX(5rara, sup. of Al^oiiXwf, see ajiovXevna;. Afiovriu), Ion. for aj3ovTov, g. of A/3oi'Tj;?, -ou, b, (fr. a neg.and jiovs, an ox) having no cattle, poor. "A0pa, or 'Afipn, -as, I'l, (fern, of a|3oJf, tender) llabra, or Abra, a woman's name ; a maid of lutnour^ handmaid, servant, A/3p«ufi, Heb. indecl. Abraham, a man's name. Xflpaidrns, -ov, b, Abrculates, a man's name. A(ipaK(iji -u), and AjSpaVw, fr. a rcdund. and /Jprfvoj, which see. (2) ABP APpdKr/aav, Ion. for itfipttKyiaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. A/JpHYf, Ion.for^j3pa;^£,3sin.imp. act. of ajipaX'^- AfipiKTos, -ov, b, !i, same as % (fr. a neg. a.nd lipWui, to weigh heavy) /ig-/i<, not heavy. Afipl^ai, 1 a. inf. act. of nj3pf^u. 'A/3po/?(ir(;s, -ou, b, {], (fr.(i/3p3{ ten- der, and lialvij to walk) one who walks softly, stepping lightly, moving stately. 'Aj3p (fr- a intens. and yrjdiui, to rejoice ; or fr. ayaoi to admire) admirable, for what- ever may be the present subject, excellent, surpassing ; good, pure, correct in conduct ; bountiful, kind, benevolent, merciful; pro- fitable, iiseful; fertile, product- ive; brave, courageous ; skilful; ingenious, clever, active. Ot aya- 6ot, the good, the virtuous. AyaddTrii, -rjTOi, n, (fr. last) good- ness, good condttct; bounty, be- nevolence ; courage ; skill. by Apos. before an aspirate, for] Aya0oDpyi»;, -»;?, )';, Ion. for aya- aydyovTc, Alt. for ay6vTC, n. a. V. du. par. 2 a. act. — Aya'yu, -pf, -p, Att. for dyia, 2 a. sub. act. and Aydyiav, -ovca, -ov. Sec. Att. for dyuiv, &c. par. 2 a. act. ofdyoi. Ayd^Ofiai, f. -oo^at, (fr. aydd), or aydojiai to wonder) to he angry, break out, exceed ; to envy, grudge ; to admire, wonder, gaze ; to venerate, look up to. AyaOoo^i'd, -a{, ri, (fr.ayaBii good, and aox^i rule) the rule, or do- minion of goodness, good govern^ ment. AyaOap^iKdi, -n, -bv, (fr. last) rul- ing well, governing justly, wise. AydOcoi, and Ion. pydOcof, -ou, b, i), (fr. dyav, very, and Gtif God) divine; excellent, superior; no- hU, iUustrinus. Kya9\i, -lio(, li, (fr. ayaOHi, good) a ball, or clew of yarn, or thrr^tl. Ayadoioyib) -d, f. -fjaoi, p. -pKn, (fr. ayaOi( good, and ipyov work ) lo do good, bmifil, serve ; to do u»ll, act ri(;ldli/ ; lo ilo works of charity, arvl mercy, pres. iiif act. cont. ayaOoioyilv. AyaOocpyla, -,i(, and Ion. AyaOntn- yll, -pf, h< (ff- fame) benrficAmce, hoiinly, nrtivc kindness; an ex-, t',''tf. Ayi'),inyd<;, and Cont, AyaOovoybi, •ov, i, /;, (fr. same) beneficent, heneioli-nl, a brnrfacjor ; a sena- tor nf Sprirta. AyoOo«>/7s, -/t/){, h, and AynOoK- Xfl;, by Cras. for ayadocny6<:. AyaOoo) -w, f. -liaw, and Aya6vvij),f. -vvw, (fr. ayaSJf, good) to do good to others ; to act well myself; to be glad, to rejoice. AyadwOeli, -uaa, -iv, (par. 1 a. pass, of last) glad, rejoiced. AyaOuj;, (fr. same) well, rightly. AyaOwavvp, -pi, i), (fr. same) good- ness, AyaOwraro;, -p,-ov, Slip..ofoya9d{. 'Ayai, -0)1', -a'l, (fr. (fyo), to break) breaches; a shore, or strand; and vxiunds. Ayaierai, 3 sin. prcs. ind. act. of Ayaloftat, (fr. aydu), to admire) to be angry ; lo entertain a gruage, or spile, lo envy ; to admire, won- der. AyoToj, -a, -ov, (fr. same) elegant, 7ieat,Jine, gay; enviows, enviable. AyuxXtiTit, -ov, h, I'l, (fr. dyav very, and xXcirdj celebrated, th. kXc/u, to celebrate) and, Ayn»fX/)5, -/of, -oDj, b, >;, (fr. same, and icXtoi fame, ih. xXdui, to ce- lebrate) and, AyaK^vrdi, -oTi, b, /,, (fr. (same, and xXvrbf famed, tli. kXx'io), lolicar) celebrated, crieil up, rxtoltcd, fa- mous, renmimed, eminent, AyaKriiitvuv, /K.o\. fitrayaKTijifvpv, fern. a. sin. ofayaKrifilvos, Poet, for uyav KtKTiOjihoi (th. ktI^w, to build) well built. AynWlniia, -rlrof, rh, and, AyaXX/arrif, -lof, .\W. -twf, //, (fr. aydWut, to r.xull) transport, ex- ultation, leaping fitr joy, ecstasy, drtighl. AyuXAino-0(, 2 pi. cont. prcs. impr. mid. Xi(/i//tO(i, 1 pi. cont. prcs. AFA sub. mid. — -Xtiificvoi, n. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. mid. of AyiiXXiacj •&, f. -duoi, p.>)yaXXiat;a, (th. aydXXu), to adorn) 1 a. ind. mid. pyaWtaadfipv, -u>, -aro' pass. pyaWtdcOpv and, .iydXXo/iai, (fr. dyav very much, and HWonai to leap) to leap for joy, slww delight by gestures, ex- ult, rejoice, triumph ; to adorn, bedeck. AydWo'xov, -ov, to, an odorous In- dian wood. Ayd'XXu), f. -XiD, p. »;y(£XKa, toadorn, decorate, embellish ; to sacrifice, consecrate, dedicate; AydXXofiai, to glory, exult, triumph. 'AyaX/m, -aros, to, (fr. last) an ornament, a decoration, Jinery ; a delight, gratification ; an offer- ing, statue, image; a form, sha- dow. AyaXuarioi', -01), TO, (dim. of last) a little image, statue, or figure. AyaX^dTOTToiOf, -ov, b, (fr. dya)iiJLa an image, and roiioj to make) a, statuary, carver. 'Ayafiai, f. -dcoiiai, (th. aydu), to wonder) to admire, wonder, praise, respect; to prize, esteem; to envy ; 1 a. ind. mid. riyaad- fipv, pass. pydirQpv. Ayaftoi, -ov, h, p, (fr. a ncg. and yiilios, wedlock) unmarried, sin- gle. Ayav, much, very, too much, ex- ceedingly. AyavaKTtu) -S>, f. -fiaw, p. pyavdn- rpKa, (fr. dyav very much, and dxQofiai to be oppressed) to grieve, or fret through anger ; to be moved, or filled with indigna- tion, or resentment, resent, be in- dignant, to stomach, take ill. pres. inf. act. cont. aynvaxTcXv. AyavdKTp), -bv, (fr. a intens. and ydvof, joy) mild, gentle, rntm, soothing ; affable, ngreeablr ; pleasing, desirable, dat. pi. aya- vo'iai . 'Ayarof, -»;, -or, fr. dyav very, and aivif scvcr(!) cruel, severe, aus- tere, morose, inexorable, hard hrartid ; or (fr. dyu) or dyvv- fii, to break) broken, snapped ; britllr. Ayavd'tipiDV, -oro?, '», /;, (fr. nyavbf nnid, ami 0, Hcb. iiidccl. cups. Ayaviop, Dor. tor ayi'ivwp. Aydoftaif sco o^u'tti. Ayar^ — A yarr^f, 3 and 2 sin. cont. ind. act. — Ayazarc, i pi. cont. ind. or impr. act. — Aya:TaTii>, 3 sin. cont. impr. act. — Ayairnv, prcs. inf. act. cont. of Ayoiru'w. Ayajrd^t, prcs. impr. act. — Ayavii- (ovTt, Dor. for iiyaKiii^ovai, 3 pi. pres. iiul. act. of Ayand^io, Poet, for ayandw. AyaTTdrd, Dor. for ayuirifrd, n. pi. ot aj'urr>;ri5j. Ayaruui, -w, f. -i/dw, p. »;)'a:T>;va, ^0 6e strictli/ united in affection, to love, cherish, prefer, delight in, covet ; to cnicrtain, welcome, treat kirully; to be content, to agree, ac- quiesce, pres. impr. act. ayaitdc -a' inf. aya-Kiiv par.l a. act. ayn- r^caj. par.pcr.pass. JiyaTrrifiivoi:. Ayairrt, -ijs", i), (fr. last) love,Jriend- ship, affection, charity. — plu. love-feasts, feasts of charity. AyaTrr]Oi)aojxai, -t], -irai, 1 f. ind. pass, of same. Ayd-rrifia, -aro;, ri, (fr. samej o thing loved, a delight, favourite, darling, AyaT;;»u)p, -opoi, h, rj, (fr. aya-rdut to love, and avr\p a man) fond of men : also, manly, high spirited, brave. Also, Agapenor, a man's name. Ayairfiaai, n. ayaTzrjaavroi, g. -aav- Tt, d. sin. par. 1 a. act. — Aya- vijcare, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Ayavi'iarjTC, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Ayairi'jcw, -cis, -et, 1 f. ind. act. of ayando). Aydtrricni, -los, Att, -cuj, i;, same as aydTTr;. Aya-rrrjTOi, -r/, -ov, (fr. nya~d(j>, to love) beloved, well beloved, dear. AyaTTrjTu);, (fr. last) icillmgly, with good will, readily. AyavZ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. act. — Ayavtbv, nom. — Aya- Tuiras, a. pi. nya-rroiVTiiii; g. pi. cont. par. prcs. act. — Aya-nibjuii, pres. ind. or sub. cont. pass. — AyaTrojftcv, 1 pi. -wcti, 3 pi. cont. pres. or sub. act. of same. AyaTTiij?!', -qi, -ri, Att. for ayaTrwf/i, pres. opt. act. cont. of ayuTruo). AyavwfiiiT), fern. par. pres. pass, of ayuxdo}, yvvti understood, o miitress, a sweetheart. Arr much or violently; loud roar- ing. Aydtrrdj-, -r>, -ii; (fr. aydio, to ad- mire) that may, or ought to lie admired, wonderful; desirable, enviable, .\ydaTijip, -opoi, b, (fr. a coll. and yacTiip, the womb) an uterine brother, a brother by tlie same 7nother. \ya), (Poet. fr. dyav, very much, and ^Qiyyojuai, to resound) loud, noisy. Aydia, -<5, f. -ijaoj, p. rjytiKa, to ad- mire, wonder ; to be lost in amazement; to gape with asto- to ' kyan, Heb. indecl. Agar, a wo- man's name. AyapiKhv, -ov, rh, agaric ; a fungus growing on trees, and used in medicine and dying. Aydpijooi -ovi, -ov, b, i), (fr. dyav very, and piio to flow) swift- _flowing, rapid; boisterous, tumul- tuous, agitated. AydaavTO, Ion. for nydaavro, 3 pi. ofnyaaduiv, J a. ind. m. — Aya- aaaOat, 1 a. inf. m. of aydCpjxai. 'AyacOat, pres. inf of dyufiai. AyaaOe'ii, 1 a. par. pass. — Ayac- adfitvoi. Poet, for ayarrdficvos, 1 a. par. o( ayd^ofiai. AydaToyof,-ov, b, Ij, (fr. rfyarmuch, and cTivu) to groan) groaning nishment ; to envy, resent; stand aghast. 'Ayyapa, -ojv, rd, (fr. dyyapo;, a Persian post boy) stations, re- lays, or stages of the post in an- cient Persia. AyyapcHov, and lan.Ayyapt]tov,-ov, TO, (fr. same) the Persian post; any post, despatch, or mail. Ayyapevovai, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Ayyapcvcii), -ets, -t(,lf ind.act.of Ayyapcvoi, f. -evao), (fr. next) to press for public service ; to com- pel another to go somewhere, or to carry some burden ; to engage as a courier, act as a carrier. 'Ayyupos, -ov, h, the bearer of the royal despatches among the an- cient Persians ; a post boy, mes- seiiger, courier. Ayyapoipopio) -d, f. ->;crai, (fr. last, and fopiw, to carry) to carry des- patches, or messages. 'Ayyc,fora'yyc«,n.a. v. pi. of u'yyoj Ayycdiov, -ov, to, (dim.ofnexl)aHy lesser kind of vessel, a cup, gill. AyyiTov, -ov, to, (fr. dyynf, a ves- sel) any small vessel, a ewer, ba- sin ; a tub, cask, cistern. Ayytiijiirii, -cm -ovi, b, i;, (fr. same, and ciSoi, likeness) formed, or used as a vessel ; sloped, like an urn, or pitcher. Ayyt^iovai, for ayyiXovm, 3 pi. 1. f. of ayyf'XXii). AyycXeia, and AyytX/u, -n$, i), Ion. AyycMtj, -li, hi (fr. nyyf'AXio, to tell) tlie power or right of deliver- ing oracidur responses, the de- claration of an oracle; a denun- ciation, publication, or decla- ration ; a message, embassy, mandate, comm/mdmeiU ; news ; and AFE AyyiXiiiijidpoi, -ov, b, (fr. last, and ipopiii) to carry) the deliverer of an oracular answer; a nuTicio, or envoy. AyytXiKof, -)), -iv, (fr. dyyiXos a messenger) ofii message ur 7nes- sciigir ; angelical. Ayyt\iuiT)ii, -ov,b,a'ndAyytXtTUt -uhs, )'i, (fr. same) a messenger. AyycX\6vTo>v, g. pi. par. pres, act. Alt. for uyyeXXirucav, pres. impr. act. of Ayyi\Xti>, f. -cXO, p. /lyytXxa, to deliver a vieasage, threat, or warning; to denounce, tell, de- clare ; to publish, reveal ; to bring news. I a. act. rjyyetXa. p. pass. I'lyyeXnai. 1 a. pass. rjyyiXOriv. part. ayycXdds. P- "lid. t'lyycXa, 'AyytXfia, -aroi, to, (fr. last) a ?nessage, nevis ; a command. 'AyytXof, -ov, b, (fr. same) a mes- senger ; envoy, legate, ambassa- dor; agent; a messenger from heaven, an angel. Ayyto-i, d. pi. of o'yyof. Ayyiii'ov, -ov, rb. Ion. for ayynov. 'Ayyoj, -cos -out, rb, a vessel, tub, cask, pitcher, a basket, &c. Ayyovpiov,or'Ayyovpo>',acua/mber .Kyypl^w, (fr. next) to irritate, pro- voke ; to grieve, or pain. 'Ayypts, i;, grief, pain, irritation. Ayypiarris, -ov, b, (fr. last) one that provokes, or irritates. 'Aye, 2 sin. and 'Ay£9', by Apos. before an aspirate, for dycrc, 2 pi. impr. act. of ayw. lead, con- duct, bring, take. Or, used ad- verbially, come, come on ; come now, let us see. ~Ayc, Dor. for Tiye, 3 sin. 2 a. act. of dyo). 'Ay£(, 3 sin. — 'Ayovai, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — 'Ayciv, pres. inf. act. — 'AyzoOai, pres. inf. pass. — 'AytaOt, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. of same. Aycip6vTiji>v, g. pi. par. pres. Att. for ayctpiTiixrav, 3 fil. pres. impr. act. of Ayclpo), f. -cpa, p. t'/yepxa, Att. ayi'r ycpKa, to collect, gather up, beg, borrow ; to summon, raise, levy ; to assemble, come together, meet. 1 a. nyapa, 3 pi. Ion. dycipavibt f/ycipav inf. nyapaf par.ayeipas. per. pass, t'lycpiini. 1 a. riyip6r}v. 1 f. aycpOrjaopdt, per. mid. //yopa. AyciTtii, -ov, b, a wrong-doer; wrongful, injurious. 'AytiTo, Dor. for I'/yaro, 3 sin. imp. of fiyiojiai. AycXd^ui, f. -dc(j), p« rjyeXaKa, (fr. ayiXv, a herd) to. flock together, associate; to assemble. AycXaTos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. snme) herd- ing, or associating together, gre- garious ; one of the .flock, or licrd ; common, ordinary, vulgar; a herdsman, shepherd. AycXniibv, -wi'o;, b, (fr. same) the fold, the stalls or retreat for the herd. AyytX/oj, Poet, and Ion. AyytXfijf, Ay£^«pYf'oj -17), f. -I'/croi, (fr. aytXr; -ov, b, (fr. same) n messenger,\ a. hen], nnd ap^ti ru\c) to lead the legale, ambassador, ] Jlock or herd; to rule, govern, (4) AFE herdsman, shepherd; the lead- er of the flock ; a leader, rukr, chief. AycXapX""""} ^^'"' P^""' P"^^^" '^°"'' of ayeXap)(^ioj. Ay/XaoTOf, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. and ytXa'u) to laugh) that will not laugh, rough, rude, sullen, surly, morose, serious, sober, grave, harsh. - A'ye\a to have), trium- phant; proud, haughty, arro- gant; daring, fierce; vain, fickle ; boastijig, vain-glorious ; provident, careful. Aytpiixi^i, (fr. last) proudly, &c according to the adj. 'Aycf, Poet, for dye, pres. or 2 a. impr. or Dor. for fjyn, 2 sin. imp. act. 'AytaKtv, Ion. for I'lytv, 3 sin. imp. act. of dyo). Ay«o-fXaof, -ov, b, (fr. dyta to drive, and Xads people) Age- silaus ; an epithet of Pluto, and the name of several men. 'AyccTa, (fr. Lat. aggesta) a mill tary engine. .^.yicTparos, -ov, b, !], (fr. dyii> to lead, and orpardj army) a cap- tain, leader, general ; an epithet of Minerva. 'Ay£T£, and by Apos. dyer, pres. impr. of dy(i>, used adverbially, come, come on. Ayirris, -ov, b, (fr. dyu) to lead) a conductor, leader, guide. Aycvaros, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ycvo) to taste) that has not tasted, fasting, hungry ; who has not tried, inexperienced ; untasted ; tasteless, insipid. AyewiitTptiTos, -ov, b, >'j, (fr. a neg. and yciojitrpia geometry) ungeometrical, ignorant of ge- ometry. Ayedpynrof, -ov, b, f), (fr. a neg. and ytuyp/u) to cultivate) uncul- tivated, neglected, barren, waste. 'Ayn, -Vi, fi, (fr- aydu) to wonder) ndmirntion, wonder, astonish- ment; or (fr. dywiii to break) a fracture, rupture, breach ; a rock, precipice, strand, beach ; a wound. 'Kyn, Ion. for cAyri, 3 sin. 2 a. pass, of ayo) or dyvvjii. Aynyi'^arai, Alt. and Ion. for tjyipfiivoi ti(r(, 3 pi. per. pass. Ay^yfpta, Alt. for iiycpxa, per. ind. act. Ayiytp/im, Att. for fiytpfini, per. pass, of nyt/poi. Ayi}Xa(, inf. — Ayi'/Xnj par. ofi/yr;- X«, 1 a. act. o( uyd}t\t,). Ayn^arltit -aTiii> -oi, (fr. /lyf/f accursed, and »;imc) to rrjirl or banish any poUutrd person, or thing ; to pu- rify, expiate. 'Ayiiia, -arof, rfi, (fr. rfyw to load) (5) An an assemblage, crowd, troop , flock. 'AyrijjLi, -»;;, -rici, obs. hence mid. 'Ayufiai, which see. Ayrivopia, -aj, i;, and Ion. Ayt\voplr), •li, >'l, (fr. ay^vwp manful) man- liness, spirit, courage, bravery, Ayv'op'ji'n, Ion. for ayijvopiaij, d. pi. of last. Ayi'/vwp, -epos, b, >/, (fr. dyav very much, and aiijp a man) manly, ■manful, spirited, brave, courage- ous ; also Agcnor, a man's name. Ayfjoyia, by pleonasm for dyrjxa, Att. for ti^a, per. of dyuj. Ayi'ipaos, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and yfipai old age) exempt from old- age, undecaying, unimpaired by age, ever young. Aynpdrov, -ov, rd, (fr. same) the herb everlasting. Ayt'iparoi, -ov, and Ayi^pois, -u, b, 17, same as ayi'jpaog. 'Aym, -ioi -ous, b, r), wicked, ac- cursed, polluted, abominable, pro- fane. ' AyvaaaQai, Dor. for. yy^craadai, 1 a. inf. of ijyfo^ai. 'Ayrjdi, 3 sin. pres. ind. ofdyvni. Ayiyff^Xaof, -ov, b, Agesilaus, a. Spartan king. 'Ayv'X"?"^-) Poet, and Dor. for t'jynolxopos, (fr. !)yiojiai to lead, and X''(>"i ^'^e chorus) the leader of the dancers, or singers ; or of any other theatrical perform- ers. 'Ayrjrfip, -rjpos, b. Dor. for ^vijr^p, (fr. f/yioiJiai to lead) a leader, conductor, manager; guide. Ayirii, -ri, -iv, (fr. aydct) to won- der) admirable, enviable; won- derful, splendid. ' Ayr}Xa, see ay))oxa. 'Ayia'^Ei, 3 sin. pros. ind. act. — ' Ayia^Sucvos, -v, -ov, par. pres. pass. — 'Ayirf^wv, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres. act. of 'Ayid^u, f -o-w, p. f/yiaKa, (fr. ciyioi holy) to consecrate, sanc- tify, separate, or set apart; to esteem, or ret:ere as holy, or snnctifled ; to purify, cleanse from pollution ; to rxpiiUe, atone, appease ; to hallow, sanctify, make holy: per. puss. I'lytda/iat, 1 a. !iytdaO>ii', 1 f ayiaaOijaopai. 'Aytdixai, 1 a. impr. 111. — 'Aym'- aare., 2 pi. I a. impr. act 'Ayinnii, 3 sin. la. sub. act. — 'AyiaaOtjTu, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. pass. — ' Ayidcount, -p, -irai, 1 f. ind. mid. — ' Aylatrov, I a. impr. act. of last. ' AylntTjia, -aroi, t!), and ' Aytaniifif, -oil, b (fr. same) sanctification, sanctity, holiness, purity. ' Ayinnrt'ipinv, -on, rd, (fr. same) a sanctuary, a holy place. 'Ayiaorla, -as, i^, (fr. same) holi- ness, purity; ceremony, wor- ship. AytynpTOf, -ov, b, i'/, (fr. a neg. anri ylyaoTov a kemcl) witn fiArpvi iiMilrrHlood, grapes with- out stones. AIlv Ai'lv AFA 'Aj'^n), sumo ns »r. uiul Ion. for r/yi- tiof -»ri, iini). net. of Ayii'/u) -li, una also Aylvio, Poet, for n'yu. "Ayiuc, -ov, ri, (fr. next) « holi/ place, or thin,?-, « mnrtuari/ ; nyia, -air, rii, ittul ayiai, -u)i', cii, /Ae Aa/v of holus ; l/te upper re- gion of the heavms. "Ayiof, -avvri, ->!(, >'h (fr; ayto; holy) sancfification, sanctity, holiness. AyKd^Oftat, (fr. ayK>i, an arm) to hold m the arms, to embrace; to cherish, foster, nurse. AyKaXio) -H, Poet, for avaKa\io>, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. ayxaXiu. 2 a. act. ind. ai'tKaXov impr. ayxaXc. Ayica\>i, -'IS, >l, (fr- "y'l ^" ^"Ti) en arm. It is generally used plural : the arms ; the clasping, or folding of the arms, in order to hold, or carry any thing. AyKa\i!^ofiai, (fr. last) same as ayK(i?^ofiat. AyicaXij, -ihos, h, (fr- same) an armful, a bundle, parcel, packet. AyKa'\tiayo)ybs, -ov, b, (fr. last, and dyu) to take) and AyKa\iSoip;, (fr- last)^«/«n5', vnth the hook, anelinq. AvKiaTotvii), (fr. same) to fish with a hook, t'j angle. AyKiurni'i), (fr. same) to catch with a hook, tojish. AyKicrgiilriS, -cot -ovs, b, f/, (fr. same) shapsd like a hook, hooked, barbed. 'AyK^uros, for aii(f. Inf. ayKo- lil^eiv, par. ayKOi'l^mv, 1 a. mid. >;yico/iiod/(i;i', 3 sin. opi. ayxo- filaiiiO' for -(Tfitru Ayxovita -C), (fr. av!} and Koviiii to hiislt-n) to inirk diligcnlly, to la- bour, to toil, to exert; to drive, urge, ha.stcn. 'AyKos, -cos, -ovs, tA, a valley, glen, dole; o precipice, crag. AyKu^aai, Macedonic, for cvijvd- X"'aK()liij>. .\yKnuvoiint, for ai'aKpuvo/xii. AyKT>)p, -fipos, b, (fr. dy)(to to choke) o sirup, lie, buckle, clasji, button; rape, lialltr. AyKv\ri, -71S, >'i, a thimg, loop, or strap, used for throwing the dart ; a kind of dart ; a hook, handle ; the bend of the elbow, or knee ; a sort of cup ; a defect in tlie tong-iic ; the ynrd-artns, or ends of the sail-yard, Ay'ircij}, f;. Ion. of AyKDAo/;s, -nv, and -tos -ovs, b, r/, (fr. sanie and x'i^^^ "■ claw) vnlh broad or bending hoofs; with crooked claws, or talons. 'AyKvpa -as, I'l, ai nnrhor, grapnel, hook ; a stay, support, protection ; sten/lfast hope. a. sin. liyKvpav a. pi. ayKvpas. Aynipinv, -ov, rb, (dim. of last) a small anchor, &c. Ayicupi'^w, (fr. same) to knock doum ; to trip up ; to supplant, remove l»i intrigue. .\yKvo6u} -w, (fr. same) to anchor, (6) to come to an anchor; to Jii:, conjirni, establish. AyKcir, -oriof, b, the elbow, any bending if the body or limbs ; the forr-urm, tlu arm, a eubil ; the horns, or handle of the lyre ; an angle, corner . AyKwvii^oftai (fr. last) to elbinu, thrust with the elbow, to hint, or signify by tourhing with tlie el- bow; to hold in the arms, em- brace, clasp ; to encircle, html round; to crook, make an angle. AyKU)vtaKOs, -ov, b, (dim. of same) a small elbow, a knuckle, joint. Ay\niOapos, -ov, b, >k (fr. ayXabs bright, and iOiipa llie hair) hav- ing beautiful hair. AyXairt, -as, /;, (Ir. same) bright- ness, splendor ; beauty ; orna- ment; joy, delight; excellence; Jlglaia, one of the Graces. Ay\a'(ii to know) not to know, to be ignorant of, not to uniUr- ■ 'and ; h err, or sin through : •naranre. Imp. riyvdiav -ovv, 1 a. par. ayi-t/Ja-af. Ayyirifta, -arof, ri, (fr. last) mis- take, error ; a sin or fault through ignrircmee. g. pi. ayyorjfirfrwi'. 'Ay»"'i'i, -a{, Q, (fr. BamH) igno- Timrr, leant of knowUdi>e ; un- tkilfulness ; imprudence, error, tin. Ayvailiji, VneA, fjr nyvnlta. Ayyil'iciv, Jon. for ayvjlfi, 3 iiin. prcs. Bub. i>( ayvoilui. I 'Ayv*?, -r,v, !), It willow, al«o a/isk, \ •h, -if,, pure i un-\ unjioUutrd^ umlrjilnl ; • nin, or guilt ; sepa. 'iniWTf ; innricrnt, 'lr.last)'-Aat/i/i/, •, ODfrnicm from II. cl. SHI. ii)i,;ri;Ti. ' ^ loovy, nciil. fun. cont. Ay- _ j-ooBvTtf, noni. pi. COTif. par. " pros. act. ofaytvtu. ' "t; 1 pi. cont Ayvoouai, • rci. ind. !>f;t. — AyvooC^ir- Aro vot) -»i> -«v, par. pres. pass. cont. — Ayvoir, par. pres. act. cont. of same. 'Aywdes, -ii)v, ai, pebbles used as weights to part of' the machinery in weaving. 'Ayvvfti, Ayvi'u, or 'Ayu, f. a^o), p. >iX"i '" break, bruise; dash forcibly ; to wreck, shatter ; vio- late, infringe. 1 f. Alt. ta'fu), and per. Att. cdxa. 1 a. act. ^^a, Att. td^a. 2 a. ind. act. dyvvv, -vs, -V, pass. )'i^driv, Att. td')^driv. 2 a. pass, riyriv, Att. iayrjv. per. mid. T)ya, par. yyus, Att. taya, and tayuij. 'Ayvvvr', Ion. and-Apos. fori/ywv- ro, imp. pass, of last. Ayi'u, and Ayi'viD, contracted from ayitiiia. Ayvuiioviu), (fr. ayvtifiiav foolish) to act foolishly, do silly things. Ayvufidiruii, (fr. same) foolishly, stupidly ; unreasonably, ungrate- fully ; rashly, unadvisedly. Ayvuiiiocvvti, -tji, ?/, (fr. next) ful- ly, silliness ; awktvardncss, igno- rance ; rashness, temerity ; rude- ness,roughness, perverseiiess, ob- stinacy ; ingratitude ; uncouth behaviour. Ayiuiuiav, -orog, ti, fi, (fr. a neg. and ypiiuT) judgment, th. yviui to know) fooli, It, !i, (fr. a neg. and yifof otftpring, th. yivii^ai, to IK') ]iast brririns;, ineapalilc of prorrr.ation ; barren, cniltltesa ; unlyirn, n^orr Inrn. Ayonii, -/, (fr. iianic)./7u(n- ey of language, tloqucnce. "Ayoc, -i.og -ors, rj, imrrati'm, re. Arp »pert ; a »i ej-piatioriy utonenicnt, sutis/actiou ; crimt, ^ilt, sin ; pollution. Aydi, -ov, i, (fr. tiyu) to Icail) a tender, /iciirf, cliirf ; a captain, general. Ayoaris, -ov, h, the palm of the hand; the back of the hand ; the Jist, a grasp; the forearm; the arm. Aypa, -a{, (/, a dravghl nf ^fishes ; game, prey, a capture ; a trap ; the chase, hiniting, fotdirtg, &c. AypdfifiaTOi, -on, h, {;, (fr. a licg. and ypdfifia a lettfcr) iUuerate, unlearned. AyoavXim -d, f. -i/ffu, p. i)ypa<'\TtKa (fr. dypoi the country, ami auA/) a residence) to live in the coun- try ; to abide in the Jields, pro- pcrly by night. 'AypavXoi, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) abiding in the Jields. Aypav, oi aytlpw. Ayp6vie, (fr. aypdi a field) to the field, to the country. Aypovofila, -af, ri, (fr. same, and v6)ioi a law) regulation, or divi- sion of land. Aypovdfiot, -o)v, o!, (fr. same) offi- cers to regulate, or divide land ; surveyors. Aypis, -ov, b, land, a field, farm, country seat ; the country. .\.ypoTipo;, -a, -ov, (fr. last) wild ; rural, rustic ; a tenant of the wilderness, inhabitant of the country; a hunter, or huntress. AypoTi'ii, -ov, and Ayportip -ijpoi, b, (Ir. same) a rustic, clown; wild, fierce, savage. AypviTvc7Te, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. of AypvTTvio) -a, (fr. aypiirvoi sleep- less) to lie awake ; to watch, rvake ; to be watchful, or guard- ed against sin. Aypv!7i'ia,-ai, fi, andlon.aypuirv/i?, -rii, fi, (fr. same) waking, watch- ing ; watchfulness, vigilance, cir- cumspection, d. ])1. aypvTTvlatg. ' AypvTTi'Oi, -ov, 0, i'l, (fr. a neg. ypii an atom, and vvvoi sleep) sleep- less ; umtchful, vigilant ; diligent, assiduous, incessant. AypvTTi'iwvTe;, n. pi. cont. ])ar. pres. act. — Aypv-rrvovai, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. oCaypv-rrviw. AypwTo-u, (fr. aypii land) to hunt, pursue, prey. Kypwaca, -ag, fj. Poet, a huntress. AypMCTTji, -ov, b, and aypioaruip, -upoi, b, (fr. same) a hunter ; a rustic, peasant, cloum. ' Aypi^crii, -toi, t'l, (fr. same) lier- bagc, grass, pasture ; dogsgrass. Aypiirm, Poet, for ayp6rr)s. Ay« a god, godlike. AyX'Svpos, -ov, b, ^, {fr- same, and Siipa the door) neighbour, neigh- bouring, adjoining, near. Ay;^i/iaX''"'f' AyxlfiaKos, and Ay- XijiaKos, -ov, b, (fr. same, and ^laxo/iai to fi^i) fighting near, at close quarters, Ay;^/uoAov, (fr. next) near, nigh, at hand. Ayx'Vo^of, -ov,b,h, (fr. dyxt near, and ^o\eiJi to come) from the same country, neighbourhood. &c. also coming near, approaching. AyXivota, -as, h, (fr- "ext) wit, eiruteness; ingenuity; sv-htiUy, craft. A.yxivoos-ovs,-oov-ov,b,)'t,{fr.dyx^ near, and v6os the mind) witty, acute ; ingenious, sagacious, cle- ver ; artful, crafty, cunning. Ayxipoos -ovs, -oov -ov, b, >i, (fr. same, and jtcu) to flow) fiowing togetfur, vihose streams are near. A.yX((^ao, JE6\. for Ayx'toov, g. of Ayy?), anil Ayx^^'MV, -ou, ri, (fr. dy)(^i near) nearness; relationship ; prupinquity, con- sanguinily. iLy)(iartvs, -lo;, Att. -/u)f, 0, (fr. same) a near relation, a kins- man ; a protector, avenger. Ay;^i<7'TCTJij, f. -evao}, (fr. same) to 6e nearly related, next of kin ; to succeed to the rights of inherit- ance ; to act as a kinsman. Ay- Xiarciofiai, to have a claim of propinquity set aside. AyX'<''"'>'0^» or ayxi'riivo;, -rj, -ov, (fr. ayx' *^'ose, and larrfni to set) standing close, pressed to- gether, crowded, thick. 'Ayx"^"*") -<">> *i '/> (fr- "yX' "^^'■) the nearest, next. AyxlcTpoipa, (fr. next) quickly, smartly. AYxi<^Tpo(pos, -ov, i, ';, (fr. dyx' near, and aTpiipij) to turn) liable to sudden alterations, changeable, ficUe ; quick, active; sudtlen. Ayx^'^"', (fr- same) hither, hither- ward, near, hard oy. Ay;^iJ0<, same asny;^!, and ay;^oD. Ayx<'>''7, -1i, >'lj (fr- dyX'^ '" stran- gle) strangulation, choking; a noose, hatter, 'AyXO<, (fr. dyxi^ 'o choke) suf- focation, choking, strangulation. Ayx^rarai, -n, -of, (sup. of liy^i near) nearest, next, close. Ayxordroi, (fr. last) most nearly, very closely. Ayx^rtooi, -a, -ov, (comp. of <£y;^i near) nearer, closer. Kyx"^, Pf»ct. for dyx'- Ayx°"i pfcs. impr. pass. of. AyY"-, f- -(^w, p. f/yxajto strangle, choke, suffocate ; bind tightly, compress ; restrain, manage, or curb ; to liUnce. Ay;^w/i3Aoj, -ov, h, !), (fr. dyxi near, and a/iaXd; even) equal, even ; nearly of the same age, stature, or rank. 'Ayii), f. ri^u), p. tixa, to bring, lead, corulurt, escort; corn/, hear; to introduce, bring in ; to move, drive, impel ; to draw, drag, rob, ravage, pluruler ; to v:pigh, con- tider, explain, interpret ; to }f. esteem, vrtluc ; to utter, pro- • wnmce; to marry; j»a.s». to tpervt, r^lehrnte ; to irutwe, prr- Vail on, move, 'ifferl; to govern, tule, train, educate ; to rjtnvn/ oneself away, go, depart, p. Att. Ay^x't, and nyfinx'i. 2 a. iiul. ftyov, Alt. f,yaytiv, unpr. dyayf ■ub. aydyia. inf. nyiytiv. p»;r. pass, riy/iai, 1 a. fix'ini', 1 f. ax^fianuai. 'Ayo, to break, soc dyvvfji, Ay-iytiif, -hf, Alt. -/w;, h, (fr. ilyta to lead) a leader, guide, r^ndurinr ; a batter, bridle. Ay'ay!l, -jjc, /;, {fr. same) a driv. tTJf, or lea/ling niray, rtirryin^ ', carriage, ronvn/anrr ; a roail, ■ !,'hway ; a coumr, or manner u AAA of life; education, training, rear- ing, discipline ; comfort, conso- lation ; amusement, inducement, a lawsuit, appeal; conduct, be- haviour. Aywyifiof, -ov, b, i), (fr. same) easy to be led, docile, tradable ; port- able, to be carried. Ayiiytov, -ov, rd, (fr. same) a bur- den, a cart-load. Ayuyo;, -or, h, (fr. same) a guide. Aycji', -iHvoq, b, a contest, spectacle, games ; the scene, course, circus, amphitheatre, where such are perfonned ; the assemblage ol spectators there ; a temple ; the concourse attending ajiy cele- bration there ; a concourse, or assemblage of any sort, as of ships ; a circle, circuit ; strife, contention, contest, competition, rivalry; a lawsuit; peril, danger. Ayui'i'a, -as, i), (fr. aydiv a contest) strife, struggle, contest, conten- tion ; anxiety, agony, anguish. Ayoiiiao) -w, (fr. same) see ayiji- .\.yu>viiaTai, and Ayiavlcaro, Ion. for rjyujvia^ivoi etc}, and tjaav, 3 pi. per. and pper. of aywii'^o/iai. Ayuvtcujiai, Dor. for ayuiiiSuai, Att. for ayuvicofiat, 1 f. mid. of ayuri'^o/iai. Aywvi^eaOc, 2 pi. pres. ind. or im- pr. mid. — Aywii^oD, 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. — Aywvi^dnevos, par. pres. pass, of .\yrrtnrss, inrxpericnee, want of art or ingenuity. Kfinfiiiioi', -nvns, b, Ij, (fr. ;, -or, (fr. next) ad- amantine ; hant, solid; firm, strong; hardy, resolute, invincible. A^afias, -avTos, b, (fr. a neg. ajld Saftdu) to tame) adamant, dia- mond. Aidfiacros, -ov, b, i), (fr. same) unsubdued, unconquered ; refrac- tory, untameable; implacable, in- exorable. Aia^ioj -u, same as aJap^td), 1 a., inf. act. ala^Tjcai. ASd-ai'os, -ov, b, >;, (fr. a neg. and Sa-ravdiii to expend) without charge, or expense, gratuitous ; not chargeable ; thrifty, frugal. Aiairdi'dis, (fr. last) without ex- pense, gratis, thriftily. ASdpKtis, -ov, b, sea water collected to evaporate in order to get the salt; a matter gathering upon plants in salt marshes ; pickle, brine. 'At^aaav, for a'l'u, which the Laco- nians use for df>iv, much, very, and dcrav 1 a. ind. act. of dSw. Aiacrrbs, -ov, b, //, (fr. a ncg. and 6alo) to divide) undivided, indi- visible ; iL'hole, entire. A 6axioy, to excite itching; to scratchy scrape ; to tickle. ' .\.^&avos, -a -ov, (fr. di, or a'^u, Laconic for d^rjv very, and avos dry) very dry, arid, parched. A'^hhs, Poet, for n&ct'is. A^^riK6TC<, Poet, for alitiKdrcS' 'Ah^rjv, Poet, for a'(5);i'. A(5(5;;(/iay('a, -as, i'/, (fr. next) vora- ciousness, greediness, gluttony. Aiin'idyos, -ov, b, i), (fr. dSfiiv much, and ipdytii to eat) greedy, gluttonous, ravenous, corrosive. Ai^M, indccl. Addi, a man's name. Af'fii^, a measure of four of the Xolvt^. About a gallon. ' A!it Ka\ nvrd. Dor. for tfiov it Kal nvrl), there she is herself. "Aic, Dor. for i/.^t imp. of ue^u, ^A^e, Dor. for j'('f> here. ' Ahia, Dor. for hiMa from Ijivs- A('f»)», -ios-ov;, b, i;, (fr. a ncg. and if OS fear, til. iclid) to fear) fear- less, iutrejiid, boUl ; stubborn, hrailstrong ; haughty, in.vitrnt ; shameless, impudent; safe, secure. 'Aiti, 3 sin. of dio). 'Aiit, conl. iiirl, Dot. for i/Sit, fifiT, d. sin. of I'/ivs. 'Airi'i, -as, f/t (fr- next) freedom from fear, security, safety ; in- Irrpidily, rouragr, bravery. Aiuhs, Po'f. fornitfis. WsnAfitl- iX Ion. for dictas, g. of. dicta, AiclimiTos, and Aifluarof, -ov, b, fl, (fr. a nrg. and }it7iin fear, th. iiliht to fi!ar) /rar/cM, undaunt- ed, inlripid, bold. AAE AaH aai 'Xit'*', prcs. inf. cont. of uc'i'u). But ii'c'fii' same from tds, Poet, and Ion. for aic'S({i6i. ASc\(Pi), -Ti(, fi, (fr. ah\';, (fr. same) the daughter of a brother, or sister, a niece. A^cX^tShi -out, -ov, b, (fr. same) the S071 of a brother, or sister, a nephew. Aic\ij>ifiov, -ov, rb, (dim. of same) a little brother, a dear little bro- ther. ASeXvi the womb) a brother pro- irlv ■ ■ perly by the same mother ; a bro^ ther generally ; n kinsman, cou- sin ; one of the same tribe, cast, profession, or countri/ ; one of the same faith, a christian; adj. twi\t, related ; similar, congenial, brotherly, Aoi\]i, -vrn;, i', (fr. last) the relation of brothers, or sisters; a brotherhood, fralernity ; a so- ciety of brethren in Christ. AiifiaTo;, -ou, b, i';, (fr. a neg. and fifias the body) without a body, bodiless; incorporeal, spiritual; dead. Or, for acdfiavTos, wh. see. Ahifitv, Ion. for nltiv. ' Afievigos, -ov, b, tj, (fr. a neg. and civogov a tree) without trees ; bare, barren ; open, clear. Aiii, Dor. for iiaij-iXts, ncut. of Aih, neut. of afin, for ariSm, wh. see. Ai5tVi70T05, -ov, b, li, (fr. a neg. and icar.6Trii a lord) without a mas- ter, free; without authority, or recommendation ; unauthorized , unwarranted ; v:ilhout a lord, or ruler. Aica-n(jTij)s, (fr. preced. ) /ree/y, a/ liberty, at large. AitvKiii, -IOC -oPf, 6, }i, (fr. a neg. and fcvKOi the sweet juice of the grape) bitter; disagreeable, unpleasant ; unwelcome. Ajai.ia, -as, -c, for aii'itratfii. A(?£uJs, (fr. a6c>ii fearless) /earZes* ly, undauntedly. "A(hi, 2 a. sub. act. of ac/u. "Affi, ]roi, -ov, b, {], (fr. a neg. and iijMia to hurt) unhurt; sound, whole, entire, safe. 'Ai^j/Xof, -ov, b, )';, (fr. a neg. and Si)\os clear) unseen, hidden, la- tent, concealed; obscure, mean, ignoble; doubtful, dubious, un- certain. Ait]\6Trjg, -r]To%, and ASt]\ia, -ag, i';, (fr. last) uncertainty, obscurity; inconstancy, flcMeness. Aii'iXiai, (fr. same) uncertainly, ob- scurely, dubiously ; impcrcepti- hly. _ kirj^iovQyriTOf, -ov, b, '/, (fr. a neg. and ^7]fHovpY^<^ 'o constitute) in- rfl'ectual, inrjjicadous ; weak, feeble, Aiiviiovdv, prcs. inf. act. conl A(5i;//ova)i', par. prcs. act. cont. of Aitjfioviw -w, f. ->;<7(<), p. n^rifidvnKa, to languish, faint, sink with la- bour or fatigue ; to grieve, de- spair ; to be overwhelmed with sorrow, or anxiety, 1 a. act. ?;6>;- Itdvtioa. 'hi'ii', and ah^nv, enough, abun- dantly, sufficiently. Aiiiv, -hoi, b, a kernel, gland; the tonsils, or almonds of the tongue. Afr;viu)i, (fr. next) artlessly, arvk- irardly. Afiriviii, -loi -oTi;, b, r]. Poet. (fr. a neg. and Ci'ivoi design) unde- signing, artless, simple; unskil- ful, stupid, dull. AinpU, -iroi, and Ai'/jpirof, -ov, b, li, (fr. a neg. and ^npi(, a fight) vilhout dispute, amicable, peouce- able ; irresistible, 7Wi to be op- posed. Ait]P'r(j>i, (fr. last) itulisputabty, v:ithout dispute, unquestionably a neg. and ctSta to see) a dark, obscure place; a place unseen, or not to be seen by mortals ; hades, the receptacle, or region of tlie dead, containing all the fabulous mansions of the hca- tlien ritual. According to the christian doctiine, the invisible world of spirits, the unsein place of souls ; the place of the dead generally, but vulgarly a place of torment ; the abode of the damned, hell; death. Airjipuyia, see aiitjipayla. AiidyiuiaTOf, -ov, b, li, (fr. a neg. and iidyiiuifit to distinguish) indisti7iguishab!e, indiscernible, doubtful. AitaipcTos, -ov, b, ii, (fr. a neg. and ■ iiaipiu) to separate) inseparable, \ closely attached. ASioKplros, -ov, b, {], (fr. a neg. and Si.aKpivo) to distinguish) not to be distinguished, iyidistinct, confused ; peaceable, not litigi- ous ; undistinguishing, impar- tial. ASia\tl-nTOi, -ov, b, i';, (fr. a neg. and haXciirui to intermit) uji- ceasing, continual, without inter- mission, AiiaXdnTbii, (fr. last) continually, incessantly. AiidWaKTOs, -ov, b, >;, (fr. a neg. and ^taWdoao) to reconcile) ir- reconcileable, adverse, discordant. AStdXvTOi, -ov, b, /;, (fr. a neg. and 5ta\vii) to melt) not to be melted, indissoluble ; binding, flrm. AiiavTov, -ov, rb, (fr. next) an herb, maiden-hair. Aoi'ai'Tof, -ov, b, !/, (fr. a neg. and liaivu) to sprinkle) not sprinkled, or moistened, dry; rigid, mi- bending, strict, AiiaiTTijiTos, -ov, b, »';, (fr. o neg. and iiairi-KTU) to decay) flrm, lasting, durable; infallible, cer- tain. Aiid(TTpo(poi, -ov, b, li, (fr. a neg. and hanTpiij>o) to distort) unper- veiled, invariable. AiidrpenTOi, -ov, b, >';, (fr. a neg. and liarpiTna to pervert) un- moved; immoveable, flrm, unal- terable. AStarpiTTTO)?, (fr. last) immoveably, flrmly. AiiaipOopia, -ai,h, (fr. next) incor- ruptness, integrity, honesty ; pu- rity of manners ; sincerity. AfidipOopoi, -ov, b, !i, (fr. a neg. and itafOopa corruption, th. (iiOdpio to corrupt) incorruptible, uncor, r.ypt, pure, honest, sincere. Aitdtpopos, -ov, b, ,), (fr. a neg. and iia(liipo> to difl'cr) indi/ferent, middling, neither good nor bad ; trifling, insignificant. Aiidil'cvoTos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg, and cta^'tv^ojiai to deceive) that cannot be deceived, or imposed on. Aii^i'KTOf, -ov, 6, f], (fr. n neg. and hfidoKij) to teach) untaught, ig- norant, illiterate, inerperienced ; natural, spontaneous. Ai>ii, and Poet. aWi/f, -ov, b, (fr. Acu^haoTOi, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a ncg, (10) A AM iia through, and c^crd^oi to exa- mine) unsearchable ; viexpressi- ble, ineffable. Aiinyn-roi, -ov, h, {,, (fr. a neg. and cinyionat to relate) not to be told, beyond expression, inex- pressible. AiiKtlre, act. — AiiKuaOe, pass. 2 pi. cent. ofaliKita. AoiKiaaat, Ion. and JEci[. for a6t- Kijcrai, 1 a. inf. act. of AJiic/u -<2, f. -t';CO), p. ijc'iKriKa, (fr. a neg. and iUv justice) to injure, wrong ; to annoy, hurl, damage, harm. Par. pres. a^ixiiov, -wv, a. sin. a^iKovira. 1 a. ind. 1701- Ki'iaa' impr. aSiKtjcov. pres. pass. aliKiojiai -ovjiat. per. ind. pass. TliiKvfai. 1 a. rjiiKt'iOnv. AiiK^BeU, -uaa, -iv, g. -trrog, par. 1 a. pass. — AitKndi^, -fis, -ji, 1 a. sub. pass, of last. AitKJi^a, -aroi, to, (fr. same) an act of injustice; injury, hurt, tcrong, damase ; crime, offence; disgrace, scandal. AitK^cai, par. 1 a. act. — AitKrjaat, 1 a. inf. act. — A^ncjcoru, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. act. — A^tKnaji;, ~ sin. and -cnre, 2 pi. and -aojc-i, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Ai'iki/cu, -cii, -ct, 1 f. ind. act. of a6i- AitKijTtos, -a, -0%; (fr. same) to he injured, &c. ; hurl cannot be avoided, wron^ must be done. kiiKla, -af, >), (fr. same) injustice, ■ partiality, wrong, injury ; false- hootl, deceit ; unriglUeousness, iniquity, villany. Ai?<\. ior afitviov, g. pi. of Kilvb^, -n, -dv, drtisf, thick, cnjnous; rrowrlrd, numcrmis ; strong, hnr- dT(i>(, (fr. a neg. and eiopOcSu I.. •^>rrcct) incorritrihly. . -01), b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ...i ihirRt) not tJiiriti/, vwint, crnt ; qurruiung, cooling, allay- ing thirnt. 'Ai)iiiTO(, -01', «, Dor. for ' Kft^tirof, Admrtiis, a nian'x name. K'jiM, -^ro?, name on ' \f,firiTo%, -ov, h, li, (fr. n nr^. and finfiAio to •iiibdiie) unlamnl, wild, un- broken ; unlrarJnlile, Jlerce, sa- vage, Aliitirii, -Hot, ht same as last. AaP ACfi^Trj, -';>', >';, Admete, aiwoman's name. kifioXla, or K^jnii\ia, -a?, i'/, (fr. a neg. and ibjtCiv intelligent) igiui- rance. °A^oi/ii,2 a. opt. act. ofut^/u). h.lioKT)rov, AioKi'iTio^, and 'AJoKoiy, (fr. next) unexpectedly, sudden- ly, unawares. AioKnro;, -ov, b, 1;, (fr. a neg. and ioKiii) to consider) unexpected, unthought of, sudden ; of no consideration, mean, wurtldess. AioKtiiog, -ov, b, >'], (fr. a neg. and idKtftoi ap[>roved, th. cokiu) to consider) disapproved, rejected, cast off; undiscerning, silly, senseless, stupid ; unqualified, unfit, barren, worthless. AcoXtir^fu) -u, f. -fjaij} (fr. din;, abundance, and Xto-;^!? conver- sation) to converse freely, to chat, ^ gossip together. 1 a. inf. act. aooXec^'jaat. AioXEoy^i];, -ov, b, (fr. same) a talker, a gossip. Aoo\taT^ia, -ai, i), (fr. same) talka- tiveness ; conversation, chat. ASo\ca)(ds, -ov, b, »j, (fr. same) talkative, loquacious, chatty. 'AcoXoi, -ov, b, hi (fr- « ffg- 3Jid i6\oi deceit) cnridid, ingenuous, sincere; pure, innocent; unmix- ed, unadulterated, Ai6\(o;, (fr. last) sincerely. ~Alov, Dor. for f/ioi; imp. ind. ant. of ifcui ; or neut. of iiiiov, par. pres. of same verb ; but "Aiov, Dor. for I'liov, 2 a. ind. act. of uc/w, or avidi'O), opt. acotfii, 'ASoyii, Dor. for^^ovi?. Ai(h't]Toi, -ov, b, }), fr. a neg. and iovlij) to cfisturb) immoveable, unshaken, firm ; unmoved, mo- tionless, still, calm, quiet. A^ovli, -tioi, II, same as arihovii. 'AiovTCi. n, pi. par. pres. act. — 'A^oueri, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ddia. Ain^lui -w, (fr. a neg. and U^a fame) to live inglorious, to be of nfi account ; to vilify, defame. Aio^ia, -uf, )'/, (fr. same) infamy, ignominy, disgrace, dishonour, 'Ai^ofof, -ov, b,!i, (fr. same) inglo- rious, mean, infamous, contempti- ble, obscure. "Aioi, -ov, n, (fr. di5fui to please) joy, delight, pleasure, 'Af.of, -£o{ -oiif, t4, (fr. diK, '/, (fr- last) same as ne.\t. 'A^purrii, -ijroi, i/, (fr. same) abun- dance, plenty ; wealth ; power, strength, vigour, maturity ; great- ness. ' AipdrriTt, d. of last. "Aipvvaii, -los, Att. -fuf, i^, (fr. a&pivia to increase) youth, pu- berty, manhood, 7naturity, 'Afpvvw, f. -Biu), p. ijipvyKa (fr. a^pdj abundant) to increase, en- large, extend, aggrandize ; rear, fatten. — ' Aipviopai, to grow, to become great, to act proudly; to arrive at manhood. 'Aiv, Dor. for ijiii. ' ASvY^ioacof, Dor. for jr/^OyXuxrcoj. 'A^vcvns, Dor. for )/^ii£:t»;j. 'AivXoyoi, Dor. for i/i^uXoyof. 'A^i'/jeX/';;, Dor. for lii)vpe\iU. Kivvapia, -nf, 1/, and Ion. A&vvaplri, -Tj;, t'l, (fr. n neg. and Mvufiat to be able) impossihilily, impotence. Aovvacla, -nf, 1';, (fr. same) impo- tence, weakness, inability, imbc- cilily ; simplicity, silliness, Aiinariio -d, f. I'loii), (fr. same) to be unable, to be impotent; to be impossible, 1 f. ind. act. aiivva- Ti'iau), -£if, -CI. Aivvliroi, -ov, b, i';, (fr. same) un- able, incapable; impotent, weak ; imptssibte, impracticable. Comp, ai^vV'iTiorrpoi, sup. -TioriiTOi. A^vvdriof, (fr. last) weakly, feebly ; foolithly, ' AivTiioiii, Dor. for ^iV'irroof. 'Ai^i'f, Dor. for iV!t!c. 'Ai^iiroi' -nv, rb, (fr. a neg. and fivviii or (iiiu) lo enter) a sacred, or consecrated pbfc, a purl of the Temple inio wliii-ii mine hut the priest was allowed to enter, a shrine, 'AfHrof, -nv, b, !,, (fr. name) inac- ressible, not tn be apjironclied ; consecrated, hotv, hedlowed. 'Af>it>, f. -T>", '" sntintc, fill, glut, gratify; to injure, hurt, harm. AEI ^^u, Poet, acliuf r. f/iroi, j>. j)Kn, sine, tvarbU ; to jiroplus;/, to tillir oracles ; to priusc, cclibrate. I a. f)(ra, per. |iuss. jiaftai, 1 a. '.K.iui, to j>lipofiK)iTOi, -oil, b, !}, (fr. n net;. fiSsfov a nifl, and ii^ouni to take) //lo/ " i// ?io< take a bribe, incor- ru]>t, vpri^^lit, hoyiest. 'A^upof, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a nog. and iiipov a gift) without presents; tingijted, withotit reward ; incnr- rxipt, upris:ht, honest. Also tohu does not give, niggurdli/. ASu)Tr}s, -oil, b, (fr. a neg. and tV' Sijjfii to give) u'Ao (/oes not give, ungenerous, covetous. A.e6\cvw, f. -cvcu), p. tO/ia, (fr. aiO- Aof contest) to contend at public games ; to Jig}U, ; to contest, strive, dispute, vie, emulate ; to strive, labour, toil. 1 a. opt. _^ol. aiOXcuaeia, -af, -c. AtBXiw, Ion. for aO'Siu, same as last. Aid^nrfip, -ijpof, 6, (fr. same) one who Jights at public games ; a champion, prize-Jighter, pugilist, wrestler. AlOXtov, 'At6Xo)', an(l~AOXo>', -ov, Td, (fr. same) a prize, premiujn, reward of victori/. Af'0Xiof, -on, b, (fr. same) a cham- pion, prize-Jighter, pugilist. AcdSovikia, -as, i;, (fr. same, and viKV victory) victory, success, or triumph, in public games. 'AtOAof, -oil, b, a contest, trial of skill ; a fight, skirmish, battle ; risk, danger, hazard ; a con- troversy, dispute; public games, tournaments, or martial exer- cises ; pains, labour, toil, fatigue, distress. Kt0\oays, ever, aye ; frequently, continually, perpetually. Aciyct'crduiv, jEol. for aeiycvcTiov, g. pi. of. Anycvirris, -ov, b, (fr. au always, and yivojint to be) everlasting, eternal, immortal. Atiit>oi. (fr. a neg. and tiiiii to see) Poet, same a."? actirji. Aeiiev, Dor. for ati'Aciv, pres. inf. act Adiio, Ion. for adcov, pres. impr. pass, of aciV'u. Aceri/f, -/of -ovi, b, >'/, (fr. a neg. and ti'r'.io to see) not to be seen, invisible ; dark, obscure, gloomy. Also (fr. ciiof shape) shapeless, deformed, uncouth. Ai'dt)ai, Ion. for aiiliri,Z. sin. pres. sub. act. — Adcoica, Dor. for AEK'ovaa, n. fiin. pur. pres. act. — Afii^rf/iti'os, par. pres. mid. or pass. — Atibuv, Ion. fur i/ilfioi', imp. act. — AfWuiri, (l:il. sin. ]iar. jires. Dor. fur }i('lot}a. Ael^uor, -ov, ri, (fr. nc.\t) the herb houscleek. Aci^wof, -on, 0, )'/, (fr. oit always, and ^lot) life) immortal, everlast- ing, tternal.. AelKCin, -as, I'l, and Ion. aetKilii, -IS, )/, (fr. aiiKiis indecent) k»(- digni/y, contumely, ujf'ronl, out- rage, insult. AciKiXios, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. same) im- becoming ; woi'thless, despicable, cnntcmpliblp ; loathsome, foul, unlucky. .\ttK)is, -(OS -oT's, b, )'i, (fr. a neg. and £(Vw to become) unbecom- ing, indecent, imseemly ; harsh, severe, cruel. AciKi^u), Alt. aiKi^o), f. -ao), (fr. last) to insult, ojfront, treat cruelly ; to act indecently ; to befoul, soil, pollute ; to disgrace, dishonour. Ati/iwj, (fr. same) shamefully, in- decently, unbecomingly. Adjicvai, Poet, for aifitvai. Dor. for u'cii', pres. inf of a'w. AdjxvrjdTos, -ov, b, Ij, (fr. ad al- ways, and iii'do/iat to remem- ber) ever to be remembered, not to beforgottat, memorable. Advaos, -ov, b, !j, and Aeivdoiv, -ovca, -ov, (fr. to flow) ever forcing, con- tinually running ; pcranual, un- ceasing ; ever livirig, everlasting. 'Atipa, Ion. for f/cipa, 1 a. ind. act. icipa of Adpti), f. aipw, p. tjtpKa, to lift, raise, elevate ; to earn/, convey, bring ; to hang, suspend, tie or fasten to ; to take upon, to under- take. 1 a. act. ind. n'lcipa- im[)r. detpov. mid. ijeipdpijv. par. anpd- ftcvos. 2 a. i/tpov. par. pres. pass. ■actp6fiivos- 1 a. pass. ind. titpdriv- sub. atpOa. Aiif, -icua, -IV, par. pres. act. — Ati'oi, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of «',;//(. AdaaT, Ion. and Apes, for ijdaa- To, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. or Apos. for atkart, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of adiu). 'Acicua, Poet, for firfia. .KCKai/tpivos, -n, ■01', (P'"'- pres. pass, of next) compelled, forced, constrained ; adj. unv;iUing, loaili, not inclined, averse. AcKd^oi, (fr. auiov unwilling) to force, oblige, cMmpel, constrain. AiKo^opat, to be forced, be un- willing. (12) AEP AiKi/Ti, (fr, a neg. and eictiTi will- ingly) unuillingty. Ahioi-, -iivaii, -or. Poet, for ukwi: 'AiXiiis, Poet, for i;Aioj. AiXX,],.Tis, >'h " •ftorw, whirlwind. A-lXXiis, -dins, b, fj, (fr. last) swift, rapid (is a storm. Ac\Xi)s, -ius -ols, b, fi, (fr. same) slorniy, tempestuous, boisterous, roaring ; vwknt, turbulent, fu- rious, rapid. A/AXoroj, -(IV, b, I'l, and nt/\Xoroiif, -o^os, b, I/, (fr. same, ami -novs a font ) swift-footed, feet, rapid. .\.cXXi,), (fr. same) Aillo, a woman's name. AcXXwii/s, -cos -ovs, 6, t), (fr. same) stormy, &c. see utXXt'is. AeXiTijs, -(OS -ovs, b, //, (fr. a neg. and tX-nis hope) rinexpecled, un- looked for ; sudden, uriproeided for ; despaired of, hopeless. AiXtovtiSi n. pi. of aiXinav (fr. a neg. and Attu to expect) de- spairing, desjwruting . 'A(Xttt\ for dcXnra, ncut. ]il. of diXrTTOs. AeX-TTTia, -as, and Ion. atXnT!i],-r]s, ^, (fr. same) rcant of hope, de- spair, heipelessness. Ef acXnTlns, suddenly, unexqiectedly , AtXtrriw, (fr. same) Poet, for avtX- TTiaTtU). 'AcXttus, -ov, b, >i, (fr. same) un- hoped, unexpected, improbable. Aluciat, and dpfuiai, Dor. and Ion. for adv, pres. inf. of dw. Aivvaos, and aiivawv, Poet, for advaos and acivdwv. Afi'i u'(io-On(, Poet, for atvvacOat, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Aordo^iai -wpat, (fr. ad always, and vdu) to flow) to stream, is- sue, flow corrstantly ; to be sprinkled, or moistened, be wet. 'Ae^e, Ion. for i/tfc, 3 sin. imp. — A/furo, Ion. for viltro, imp. pass, of a(i,oi, for av^dvui. Ai^lyvtos, -ov, b, (fr. al(ti) to in- crease, and yuioi' a limb) invi- gorating, strengthening ; train- ing fen' combat. Ac^i),-'>i', Aepyls, -ios -ovs, 0,1), and Aepybs, -or, b, //, {fr, a neg. and ipyov, work) same as apyis- .h.cpyin, -as, n, and Ion. acpyln, -IS, !,, {fr. same) idleness, laziness, inactivity, sloth, dulness. AcpiOopnt, and riepiOopat, Poet. (fr. adpiji, to raise) to raise, lift ; tn hang, be suspen'led ; to vibrate, flutter ; to fluctuate, be >rreso- lute, or uncerteiin. Imp. ijcpiOo- fir]v, 3 pi. tjtpiOovTO. \ AZH Aipdcv, Bceot. for rjipdrjaav, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of ati'pw. Afpdn^; Ion- for vioSn^, 1 a- pass. of same, par. ato&iis. Af'piof, -ov, 6, >;,' (th. ai)p, air) acrioi, aiVj^ ; high, lofty ; /i^'A/, unsubslanlial. ktpoiiaTtu) -u), (fr. same, aud/?afyci; to walk) to Tnore through the air, be in the clouds. Acpucti, -tcaa, -tr, (fr. same) dark, misty, dim, obscure; deep, hol- low, glnomy. 'Kcpov, Ion. for ficoov, 2 a. act. — Af'pw, -m, -T), i a. sub. act. of ati pij), 'Ktoaa, Dor. for dpcn, Poet, for ioart. Acpai:rovs, -oSof, b, i, (fr. afip air, or aclptj to raise, and ttoC; the foot) airy-footed; suriji, fleet, tumble. _....^. jLcpatrdnii, -ov, and -vtos, b, >), (fr, unsopnisticated, same and riroftat to fly) T'ly'"-?! A^o), to make dry, drain ; In dry, AH0 ' drought) dry, parched, briltle, cracking, (fr. dinv enough, and i^u) to hold) united, connected, cohering, continuous ; continual, constant, incessant. A^ym, -ioi -0?;, 6, i;, 'A^yos, -ov, b, f), and 'A^ivf, -vyoi, b, r/, (fr. a neg. and ^tiyivfii to yoke) un- yoked, loose; single, unmarried. 'A^ina, -wv, Tu, (neut. pi. of d^u- fios)unkavened cakes, brcadutch- out leaven, barm, ycst, or fir- rtient ; the feast of unleavened bread which lasted seven days, on the first of which the Pass- over was sacrificed. A^ij/iiV;;;, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ^uuj/ leaven) unleavened, see AGE aC^viiOi. 'A^vfios, -ov, b, >i, (fr. same) un- leavened, unfcrmcnted ; pure, simple, unmixed, unadvlterated. high, soaring, floating through the air ; lofty, towering. Aipaij),JEiO\, for aipu, 1 i. of acfpu. AtpTd(,(, (fr. last) nnfrh/ ; viiOwut hurt, dumber, or puni^hmrnt, A?^>lv, -lnof, b, the board. 'A^>;rA(, -(), -iv, (fr. HPia to r'-vfrc) nufust, reverend, vrnrra'dt, iiu>- ful. A^px^^i (fr. nrjit) with noise, shout- ing, &c. ; loudly, clamarouitly ; ince^fanlly. tcni, and fl:^!)? sound) utUring a grtal fmnd, loud^ unity, rlamor. ou* ; clashing, crathmg. (fr. rf^fj parch, scorch. 'Afyfiai, to grow dry, exhale; to grieve, fret; to pine with sorrow, or vexation. "A^ta, and "a(o;/«i, to respect, fear, worship, venerate. A^iip, Azor, a man's name. 'A/^ojotos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ^uivt] a girdle) ungirt, loose. 'A^wrof, -oir, ri, Azotus, the name of a city. 'At;, 3 sin. pros. sub. act. of drifii. Arjiih) -u, (fr. a neg. and riSif sweet) to perceive no siueetness or flavour ; to disrelish, dislike; to be cloyed ; to be overcome with irksomcness, weariness, or la- bour; to be fatigued. AiiriKiOi, Poet, for rir]l>]Ki>;, par. per. act. of last. A>7<5^?, -ioi -ovi, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ^^v( sweet) unpleasant, dis- agreeable ; palling, cloying; taste- less, insipid, comp. at^iiaripoi, sup. -rarof. A'l^la, -a{, /;, (fr. same) unplea- santness, irfonvcniencc, trouble, vexation ; rancour, grudge, vari- ance, sjiite. Kv^li,'-), (fr. same) to be disagree- able, or vexatious, to trouble, vex, plairue ; to vienn/, torment, imp. act. afiln(,ov, for r;i;(^(^oy, pass. ar)^l(^6firiv, for T;r)/if(i/ivv. Kn^oviivf, -I'of, and -(jo?, 0, (fr. a>i- i^cuv a nightingale) the young of a niglitingale. Kri^ovh, -l^oiy fi, (dim. of same) a little, prt nightingale. \ri?:ij>v, -6i'0(, /), (fr. ntlfto lo sing) a songstress ; the nightingale. Af)''uic, (fr. same) ilisngrreahly, vrx'ilioiisly ; rt lurlnnfly, hardly. 'AnO', by AjHii. fordiiro, reg. diro, imp. pans, of rti7/i(. \i8r}s, -coi -ovs, b, 1), (fr. same) unaccustomed, unacquainted; un- tisual, strange ; irregular, vio- lent, ill, evil. 'A>ma, -aros, to, (fr. ditfti or dos, to blow) a breath, blast, brecse; breathing. .^.I'lficvai, Dor. for ai/rai, for aivat, pres. inf. of 'Arjt", see dui. This verb is form- ed as from aiu, like rtdiiiit, from ■&«'w ; but it constantly retams the long vowel, and takes no augment. A^p, -ipof, b. Hie air; but Aftp, -/pof, I/, darkness, obscurity ; an exha- IcUion, mist, cloudiness. 'Arjai, 3. sin. — Aao-i, and attci, 3 pi. pres. ofdtiixi. \;;o-i)Ao?, -;;, -or, see aM\os. Atjovpoi, -ov, b, I], (fr. afip air, and avpw to draw) panting, blowing ; floating in the air, airy, light; active, nimble, agile. .Ki'/Tni, -ov, b, and At'irri, -vii >h (fr- di7/ii to blo^v) a blast, breeze, gust, gnle. Ai'iTov, du. pres. act. — A//iTni, pi. pres. mid. — 'A»?ro, imp. pass. oi drifii. 'Arirof, and AiijTo;, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) exposed to the wind, blown, blasted ; stormy, violent ; firm to resist the tvind ; icindy, puff- ing, panting. Or, (fr. a neg. and diia, to satiate) insatiable, greedy, voracious. Also Poet, for atToi. Ai'/miTOS, and At'iocrriro;, -ov, b, f/, (fr. a neg. and (/rrdo/iai to sub- mit) invincible. "AO', Apos. for (ire. AQaniid, (fr. next) fearlessly, un- dauntedly, intrepidly. AOaft(ii)i, -loi -ovs, b, II, (fr. a neg. and ^dfifioi amazement) unter- riflcd, undaunted, fearless, bold, intrepid. AOdva, AOavda, AOavaia, Dor. for AOoi'ij, &c. AOiivaala, -a(, fi, (fr. next) im- mortality, endless life; the herb tansy. AOaviiri^ui, f. -laio, (fr. next) to deify, immortalize, free from death. AOdvaroi, -ov, b, r;, and -rj, -or, (fr. a neg. and ^diarof death) im- mortal, ever living, never flying, perpetual. aOatilroio, aOnvdrtif, aOnrdroiat, Ion. for aOavdrov, nOrii'draii, nOiii'iiTotf. AOavdrav, Dor. for iiOavdr<]V. '\0avTOf, -ov, », /;, (fr. a nrg. and ^drrui, to bury) unhuried. KOdpa, -Of, 1), a puddinf;, or pot: tagr ofmral, eggs, and cheese. \Onpc(ii, Heb. indrcl. .'iJir*. AOinros, -ov, b, i';, (fr. a neg. and ?rnninii, to N«'e) unseen, nnprrrriird, unnnlired, invisible. Aluo who lints not see, or oh- sm See nfij'Xyw. 'AOffiti, -lOTos, -lios', or -iro;, also AOtfiiaro';, or AOqucrios, and AOifitroi, -ov, (}, i), (fr. n ncg. and ^/;<(j law) vnlaiiiful, illegal; iniquitous, jcicked, unjust, wrong- ful ; (dwminable, impure, unna- tural. 'AflfOf, -ov, h, >'i, (fr. a ncg. and Otoi, God) 7ingudlji/, denying God, an lUhcint ; impious, irre- verent, without God ; hatxd, or forsaken by God. AdcpdvevTos, -ov, b, //, (fr. a ncg. and ^cpaTTcviD, to serve) incur- able ; iinntlcnded, neglected. Also ■negligent, careless, disresjjcctful. AdipTii, see adiiprji. AGf'pif, -iKof, same as aOt'/p. Adepl^i'), f. -I'o-ii), p. };6(ptKa, (fr. o6i>p the beard of grain) to de- spise, contemn, disregard, slight ; to scl no valxie on. ABeaia, -n?, i), (fr. a ncg. and -S/o-ic a sett'.;ment) inconstaiicy, fickle- ness, "perfidy, breach of faith. 'AOtcfiOi, -ov, h, )), (fr. a neg. and ■?£cr^df a law) lawless; vickrd, hare, file ; illegal, unluvful. g. pi. of aOfffjKUi'. A6i<^i>iij> to behold) unseen, neg- lected, disTegarded ; not to be teen, invisible ; unfarcsceen, sud- den, unexpected. A.Ocis)f, (fr. tlOcoi, impious) impi- ously, irrevrrently. A.6}jvat, -uiv, a'l, (fr. AO^vri Miner- A0P va) Alliens, the name of a city of ancient (irorcc. Alh/vaToi, -Hi; 01, the Allieniaus. A(^;>'«'^£, to, or towards Athens. AOi'irifltv, from Athens. AO>]v>](n, at, or in Athens. Adlji}], -);f, t), AOi'iva, -(!S, as if from AO))vda, A0t]vul)i, -in, !/, AOijreia, -ag, >), Alhcn/', the name of a heathen finude deity, railed also Pallas, and by the I^atins Minerva. AOiip, -I'pog, li, an ear (f com, the heard ichirh grou's on it ; chuff' ; any thing worlhbss, or trijiiiig. AOiipi)^, -to; -off, h, Ij, see aOcipiis. AUj}poXoiydf, or AOtpoXoyo;, -ov, b, (ir. nO^ip chaff, and X/yw to ga- ther) a fan, a ■wimiowing ma- chine. A9t'y>)s,-io(-ovi, and 'AOi^tos, -mi, b, i';. (fr. (i neg. and S-iyw to touch) untouched, unsidlied, pure ; unnffecied, not to be touch- ed, or moved. 'A OX', Apos. for o'OXrt, pi. of ,,'OXo)'. AOXtt'w, and aOX/w -ti, f ->'/at,), p. I'lOXrjKa (fr. diOXog contest) to strive, contcrid, as in the public games of G recce ; to struggle, .fight ; to ivr/rk, labour, toil. A0Xi;, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. — AOXrjcti, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of a6\iio, 'AOXtjfta, -txTog, ru, (fr. n'fOXof a contest) a combat, fight. 'ABXijaii;, -lOS, Att. -£(i)?, >!, (fr. same) a contest, combat, strife, struggle, fight. AOXtjTt);, -ov, b, (fr. same) a cliam- pion in the Grecian games, a urresller, a combatant, a prize- fighter. AOXidrr/i, -ijros, >i, (fr. next) v/retchedness, misery, unhajrpi- ncss, misfortune. AOX'ios, -a, -ov, (fr. I'lOXo; or dcOXo; distress) struggling, striving; unhappy, tvrctched, miserable, unfortunate, distressed, conij) a6Xiu')Tcpos, sup. -lirnTOi. AOXodicia, -Of, )/, (fr. h'GXos a con test, and riOrifu to order) the care, inanagement, or regulation of public games.^ AOXoOiTi'u) -Co, (fr. same) to exhibit, regulate, or conduct public games. AOXoOirr,;, -ov, and AOXoOeriip, -ipos, b, (fr. same) a president, judge, or umpire, at jiublic games ; manager, or conductor of such games. ~AOXoi', -ov, to, (fr. next) the prize at public combats ; a premium, reward, recompense, "AOXog, -ov, b, same as riiOXoi. A0Xo'o (fr. a neg. and -Sii^yf spirit) to de- spond, despair, be discouraged, or dispirited. AOvfjireog, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be despaired of, it is all over, it is past recovery. A6vfiia, -af, i;, and Ion. nOvfd)/, -rjq, {), (fr. next) dejection, de- spondence, despair ; reluctance. 'AOOiios, -ov, b, II, (fr. a neg. and •Su/zoj spirit) dejected, downcast, sad, desponding. i AOvfJws, (fr. last) dejectedly, &c. AOvowiti, 3 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. 01 aOvfiiiii. 'AOvpfia, -ni-oy, rb, (fr. aOvpu) to j)lay) cJiikr splay, sport ; a play- thing, a toy ; a delight, pleasure. AOvpos, and uOvpwroi, -ov, b, //, (fr. a neg. and 5vpa a door) without a door, open, u7ictosed, free, pass- able, pervious. AOi'ow, (fr. same) to play as chil- dren abroad, to gambol, sport, frisk ; to sing, viarble, dOvpt, for I'/Ovpc, 3 sin. imp. ind. 'AOvTos,-ov, b, {], (fr. a neg. and $-vuj to sacrifice) unft for sa- crifice, profane, polluted, abo- minable. AQwof, -ov, 0, n, (fr. a neg. and &iiiii a fine) notjined, unpunished, free; innoratt, guiltless. Ado){io> -01, f. -cudoj, (fr. last) /o exempt, clear, absolve, acquit ; AOwdojiai -ovjiai, to be innocent. 'AOoti, -ui, i, Mount Athos. AdoMiTii, -loi, Att. -£W5, t'l, (fr. nOiTios not fined) exemption ; ab- solution , pardon, acquittal. A'l, noni. plu. of 6, — Ai, nora. pi. fem. of t)j. Air A(, oh ! alas ! ah me ! Ai, Dor. for ci, if — A7, Ion. for cidt, oh that — uouUl that — ATa, for yaZa, ai, !i, Poet, for yij. Aid^u, f. -((1), or -au), (lir. ai alas) to bewail, lament, mourn, grieve. AtaKtSao, Ion. for AiokHov, g. of XtaKiSjis, -01), 6, ^acidtSj the son or descendant of A;, (fr. ai alas) mournful, la- mentable; heaiy, weighty ; grave, serious, severe, reprehenxive ; direful, portentous, onunous ; perpetual, continual, lasting. Ailioi, fy ! shame ! ivo ! alas ! It expresses anger, and sorrow. Ai'ya, a. sin. — Aiyar, Dor. for aiywr, gen. pi. of ai'^. Atyddcv, Dor. for AiyrjSfi', from Aiy^, ns, ri, or Atyai, wv, al, ■^gte, the name of a town. Aiyaiov, -ov, rb, rf\ayog under- stood, (fr. last) the ^gean sen. Aiyaliar, -uvo?, b, JEgeon, the name of a sea monster. Aiyavta, -Of, /;, and Aydvtov, -ov, TO, a dart, javelin. Atycrtv, (fr. diaau) to rush) sudden- ly, quickly, hastily, unexpectedly ; violently, vAth impetuosity, furi- ously. kiyiv, -vi, >'i. Ion. (fr. a!f a goat) a goaCs skin. Aiydirii, -ou, b, (patronjin. fr. Ai- ytvi .^geus) jEgides, a man's name. Aiyetoi, and A/ytos, -ov, h, f/, (fr. aij a goat) of or belonging to a goat, a goat's, goatish. Also jEgeus, a man's name. Alycipof, -ov, ri, the black poplar, or alder tree. Ktyta'Xda, -at, f/, .^gialea, a wo- man's name. Aiy(a>ii'f, -/of, 0, (fr. aiyiaXif the shore) a fisherman who live^ on the share. Aiyia^irr)(, -ov, h, (fr. next) one living on the shore, or by titc sea. AtytS\6<, -ou, b, (fr. aiyif a storm, and uA{ the sea) a staheuUm rnck, ''HIT, promontory ; the seashore, strand, bench, a. Bin. atyta\6v. Atylft\ for atylca, a. sin. a^ aiyU. Aiyiiiov, -ov, rd, (dim. fr. aif a (foat) a kid, a young gorj. AiyKw, f. -iTit), p. -Kit, (fr. same) to bird, feed, or krrji goals. Also (fr. alanu), to rush) to blow vio- lently, tear, rend. AiyiOaXot, -ou, h, n bird living on litv and insects ; a titmouse. AiyMf, -tu, h, the name of an un- known bird. KiytKirjiioi;, -ov, 0, If, (fr. oJf a goat, and Kv/ifin a, leg) having legs like a goal ; a satyr. Aiyl>i<^, -irof, b. fi, (fr. a!f a goal, and ^thtii to Ofsprt) inue.cessiblr, rvrn to poals ; high, lofty, tourr- ing. AtgHips, the name of a town. AIA A/viXoj, -ov, b, (fr. all a goaf) an herb of which goats are fond. Aigilos, an island in the Tuscan sea called by the Latins Capra- ria, now Caprnra, or Cabrera. Aiyi'Xw, Dor. for Aiyi'Xov, g. ofAi- yiXoj. Aiyi'Xu)!^', uiTTog, b, — (fr. ai^ a goat, and (it^ the eye) a fistula in the corner of the eye, called jEgilops, from occurring fre- quently in goats ; ttiW oats ; a mast-bearing tree. AiyivTjTat, -wv, o'i, .^ginetans, na- tives of jSlgina. Aiyid^of, -ov, Ion. -oio, b, (fr. aiyii a goat's hide, and t'^u to hold) tpgis-bearing ; an epithet of Ju- piter, who is represented with a shield, covered with the eegis, or shin of the gnat Amalthea ; on which was mounted tlie Gor- gon's head. Aiyi'-oi'j, -o^os, 6, );, (fr. a)^ a goat, and -off a foot) goat-footed. Atyli, -icog, i), (fr. a'l^ a goat) a goat's hide; the jEgis or skin of the goat Amalthea which suckled Jupiter ; a breastplate, a shield. Also (fr. aicaw, to rush) a storm, tempest. Aiy\uvra, aty\utv, Dor. foraiyXi;- tira, and aiyX^tv and aiyXijtv from aiy\i)eis. Alyhj, -7](, I'l, lustre, brightness, splendour, brilliancy. AiyX»/£ff, -tcca, -cv, (fr. last) bright, shining, glittering, splen- did, brilliant. AtyofiocKOt, -ov, b, and Atyi^drag, -a, b, Dor. for aiyoffurrii;, -ov, b, (fr. aif a goat, and jiuaKa) to feed) a goatherd. Aiy(5«rcp(i)s, -{Jirog, b, (fr. same, and «'(»o5 a horn) having gnat's horns; Capricorn, an imaginary animal, uith the head of a goat, and tail of a fish. Aiyvrwi, -ov, b, same as yiixp, a vulture ; an eagle. AtyvzTtof, -a, -or, (fr. next) Egyptian. AiyvTrroi, -ov, b, Egypt. AiywXidf, -ov, b, an owl. AiyCiv, -wi'Of, 0, (fr. a'l^ a goat) a fold, pen, or stable for goats. Aiywi', g. pi. of fi/f. Alywv, -oxoi, b, JEgnn, a man's name. Aifao, JEo\. for mVop, g. of aW»K. AMt, n. pi. feni. of Jf with the enclitic fe. Atfiin, Ion. for atiov, g. oi alirif. Aii^loftai, -oTjiai, f. -Inniini and -iii70fini, p. fii^tOfiat, (fr. aiiu)( respect) to rrvirr, reverence, re- spect, regard ; to be ashamed ; to fear, ofcri/ ; to pardon, forgive, remit, prcH. inf. pass. cont. ni- itiaOai. prm. iMi[)r. mid. 2 pi. cont. ntfiiicOf. At^K, mnt. ofdiVt/f. AifioOiv, for rjh'aOtinav, 3 pi. 1 a. pass. — KifinOnn, I a. impr. pass. — klhaniii. Port, for al- fiiaai, 1 n. imp. mitl. of mi^/o^ni. Aliialuoi, -vv, o, ^, (fr. aiiiouai to (15) AIE revere) avful, venerable, re- verend, respectable, compassion- ate, pitiful. AH17X0S, -7;, -or, (fr. aW77f unseen) secret, private, concealed ; ob- scure, dark ; unexpected, unfore- seen. Or (fr. a intcns. and Si'i- Xof clear) manifest, apparent, bright. Or (fr. ad ever, and 67}\iti) to hurt) hurtful, consum- ing, destructive, devouring. Aiir,nwv, -ovog, b, >/, (fr. aiiiofiai to revere) reverent, respectful, dif- fident, bashfxd, tijiiorous, modest, A'tcjii, -co; -ovf, b, ^, (fr. a neg. and dfw to see) invisible, un- seen, antiquated, past, gmie. A'iing, -ov, b, (fr. a neg. and d^u to see) Poet, in prose lii^rn which see. Pluto, death, hell, the grave, Aiii, d. of a??, a'lSog, for atiijs. A((5ioj, -ov, b, )/, (fr. ad ever) per- petual, continual, everlasting^ eternal. A'tiiOTr}^, -riTu;, ^, (fr. last) perpe~ tuily, eternity. Ar^f'w?, (fr. ad ever) continually, eternally. Aiivoi, -h, -ir, (fr. a neg. and dha to see) dark, dusky, shady, gloomy, atiifii Ion. for atSvali d. pi. fern. ,4i^o7, d. sin. cont. of aiiJuiy. AK^oticraroi, Poet, for aiiotdraTOif sup. of aK^oroy. Aiiolov, -ov, rd, (ncut. of next) the groin, the reins, the privities. At^oTog, -a, -ov, (fr. aiiui; respect) reverend, i^e^ierable, awful, so- lemii, retired, secret, private ; chaste, modest. Aiiofiai, for aibeofiat, par. pres, aildiicvos. Aiiovg, g. sin. cont. of ai^iif. A'dpda, -ag, and Ion. A'ifprjtv and Ailpiij, -rjg, »;, (fr. alipig rude) rudeness, ignorance, inexperi- ence, uriskilfulness, awkward- ness, simplicity, Aiiog, g. of aif, for atirjg. Ai}pdriai, Ion. for aU^pdatg, d. pi. ofaiipda, A'ifpig, -log, Att. -f(i)f, 0, ^j (fr. a neg. and i^pij prudent) rude, simple ; ignorant, uneducated ; inexperienced , awkward. A'ii^poilK)]g, -ov, b, >'], (fr. n'lf'plg ig- norant, and Mfri justice) inequit- able, unjust ; partial, unreason- able, wrongful, injurious, mali- cious, AideS, a. sin. — Aif'u, n. P. v. du. of ai^wg. AU^uvdg, -tog, or -ijeg. Ait. -tug, b, ifr. aifr)g hell) A'idoTfrus, the ing of the hratli'/, (fr. ncxl) irarm, J'rniut, glowing ; young, youth- ful, blooming, AiC',J>', a'lil afi;3f, -ov, b, (lieihaps IV. (i(i always, niul ^/u) to glow) n youth, a young pi r. ion. A.lris, g. all) (I. Ion. for 01(1?, ala from nil ; for yala Poet, for y/"/. A(»/Tu«, /Kol. for Ad'/rou g. ofAoJ- Ti)i, ^'Eclex, a man's name. Afi)7-os, see ur]Tof. AtO, by apes, for ul'rt n. pi. feni. of OOTt. AiOuXij, ->;{, ^, and nfOuXoj, -ou, i, (fr. 0/0(0 to burn) smoke, soot; cmhcrs, cinders, ashes. AiOaXiiov, -oi'Of, 6, »;, (fr. same) warm, hot, sunny, basking ; JEthalion, a man's name. AiOuX(5£if, -caaa, -cv, (fr. same) hot, warm, burning ; smoky, sooty, burned; glittering, shin- ing, bright. A.iOa\uii) -d, f. -licru), (fr. aidu) to burn) to blacken, cover with soot, burn, consume; to inflame, kin- dle, set on fire. A.iOai; Dor. for atOdv, g. pi. of atOds. AiOe, Dor. for tide. Atdfpiog, -ov, b, )'i, (fr. aiOfip air) ethereal, atrial, pure, light; high, lofty. AiOcpopariu) -d, (fr. same, and /jai'vu walk) to move through the air ; to walk on air. AiOfpocK^i)?, -ics -ot;, b, f/, (fr. same, and d^o; likeness) airy ; light, unsubstantial, trifling ; flckk. AiOnp, -ipoi, b, the air, atmosphere ; fern, serene weather, a calm. Ai9i6Tri(7(Ta, -t]?, /;, (fr. next) a wo- man of JEthiopia. AiOloip, -OTTOS, b, and AiOto-rcvg, -ioi or -iiiii, b, (fr. aiOui to scorch, and w'p the countenance) an ^Ethiopian, AtOos, -co; -ovi, ri, (fr. same) viarmth, heat, burning ; the warmth of summer, glow of a furnace. AtOii, -fi,-ov, and AiO(iv, -livoi, b, fl. Poet. (fr. same) burning, burned; dusky, brown, dark, black. kiOovua, -»/?, '';, (l"r. same) aporlico, porch, piazza, corridore, gallery. Also, par. prcs. fern, ot aiOot. Ai'Oo'^', -oTTOi, b, t), {Cr. same, and d'l' the countenance) hot, u}arm; scorched, burned ; brown, dushy, dark, sometimes bright, shining. Aidna, -a;, and Ion. Aidprj, -rjg, )'/, (fr. aiOfip the air) serenity, a clear, or bright sky, cabn Vieathcr. At9oia, -ai, !/, (fr. last) screneness, calmness ; a flame. AtOpriycvfig, -eo; -oh;, o, >';, and ai- Opnytvirrji, -OM, 0, (fr. aiOpa a calm, and yiVo/cu to cause) bringing fair weather ; calming, cooling, refreshing. AtOoioKoirio) -H, (fr. alOpa a calm, and Koirri a bed) ty lie, or sleep, in Uic open air. AIM AiOpVuls", -'"), -hv, (fr. aiOpa a calm) in the morning, early. AiOphs, -ov, b, t), (fr. same) calm, serene, still, fair, in the open air. A70pos, -ov, «, (fr. same) white or hoarfrost, bright air. AiOvia, -as, ^, a cormorant, a sen ftwl. AtOvacfii), (fr. next) to sparkle, shine, gloiv ; to warm, heat ; to excite, disturb, rouse. AiOior, -011(7(1, -or, (par. pres. of next) burning, blazing, fltry, hot, glowing, shining, bright, gleaming; warm eager, vehe- ment, violent ; high-spirited, met- tlesome, hot, impetuous ; tawny, dusky. AlOu, f. -erw, p. -Ka, to bttrn, kin- dle, inflame; to shine, glitter, glow. AIk', apos. for attca, Dor. for cIkc, same as ciftiv, (fr. ui Dor. for t if, and Kt truly) if tndy, if indeed, if only, if by chance; (/) whether. AiKuWu, f. -«X(3, to sooth, coax, flatter, wheedle, fawn, caress. AiK!i\os,-ov, b, (t'r. last) aflatlerer, sycophan t, toad-eater. A'lK)], -Tis, !}, (fr. ntcaio to rush) an assault, attack; violence, force, fury, impetuosity ; spring, re- houiid, recoil. AtKits, -eos -ovs, b, )';, see aiiKi'is. AiKui, -ns, »;, and aiKtov, -ov, to, a wound, stroke,, stripe. AiKt^o), i. -iVu), (fr. atKtjs, forati/ciij unmerited) to heat, strike ; wound, cid, maim, mutilate; break, shatter ; torture, treat cruelly, treat shamefully ; to waste, desolate, ravage, par. prcs. pass. aiKifo/s, mourn- fully, Scully. Ai'XoiJpof, -ov, b, (fr. (i(rfXX(0 to shake, and ovpii the tail) a cat. Alfia, -Uros, TO, blood, gore ; blood- shed, murder; blood, consan- guinity, descent, relidion ; seed, offspring, race. A'i)taKopla, -as, n, (fr. last, and Kopi(j) to satisfy) ohsr'juirs, fune- ral ceremonies. PI. victims sa- crificed on sucli occasions, of- ferings to the infernal deities, or to the dead. X'lurl^as, -atra, -av, par. 1 a. act. of ai//u'(7(rii). A!/i«(ti(J, -r7;, !i, (fr. aijia blood) a thorn hedge, a fence made of, or set v;ith sharp stakes. AlllUCCd), Alt. -TTUl, f. -f(/J, p. "X"! (fr. same) to sprinkle, besmear, or stain with blood. A'tiiaTtK^veiu, -as, i/, (fr. same, and cK^vu) to pour out) a jiour- ing out, or shedding of blood. (10) AIN A\fii!Tij, -tii, )), (fr. same) a sword, or rather an epilhel of it. Al/itiTi — Aiiiaros — A!/J(iru)v, cases of same. A'tfiaTi^u, (fr, same) to let bloody bleed; to stain, or cover with blood. Ai/ioTotK^iif, and A\piaT(i>Si)(, -ios -oils, b, I), (fr. same, and tiSos likeness) like blood ; bloody. \\l'aT6tis, -eaaa, -tv, (fr. same) blood-stained, bloody, gory, AtftaToaTHyfis, -ios -ovSt b, i;, (fr. same, and (rr(i(^'iaii>, (fr. af/za blood, and jii'iyvvfit to burst) to be ajlictcd with a discharge, or flux of blood. Alixop^ayia, -as, 17, (fr. last) a dis- charge of blood, bloody flux. Al/iop^of'(o -S, (fr. next) to have a discharge of blood, either habit- ual, or temporary, atjiopjioovaa par. prcs. fem. Aift/ipfioos -ovs, -oov -ov, I'l, (fr. aJiia blood, and pdos a flux, th. peij} to flow) a 7nenstrual vioman, Alfiof/jioovaa, n. fem. cont. par. pres. act. ofahioplioiui. AT/uoj, -ov, b, (fr. aj/ja blood) a viood, thicket, grove. AtfioipdpvKTos, -ov, b, fl, (fr. same, and (bopivh) to smear) stained with blood, mixed with blood, raw. A'ty-vXla, -as, >'i, (fr. aJ/uuXof kind) mirth, cheerfulness, festivity ; flattery, caressing. A'titvWw, (fr. same) to cajole, wheedle, banter, flatter, deceive. A'iiivXofi)';T)js, -OV, 0, (fr. same, and firiTLs design) fair-spoken, cour- teous ; imposing, persuasive, flat- tering ; artful, deceitful. AljivXos, -ov, b, !), (fr. a^^ta blood, and jivWu) to agitate) thrilling, cheering, animating ; kind, cour- teous; soothing, flattering, coax- ing ; cheerful, merry, jovial, hearty, jolly ; delusive, deceitful, artful. AtiioiiSio), and A'tfioiSidot -Ci, (fr. ni/i(i blood, and onoiis a toolh) to have the teeth set on edge ; to be amazed, aUoyiished, stunned. A'ijiMv, -ovo;, b, !/, (fr. same) bloody, gory ; murderous. AliiuH', -ovos, b, t'l, knowing, intelli- gent, skilful, clever, ingenious, cxjjert. Atvn, Poet, ior aivijis. ' AiVopiTrjS, -ov, b, {^r, an'bs pel verse, and aptrh virtue) who abuses his talents, perverse, re prnhatc. Aiiias, and Aivdais, -ov, b, JEneas, AIN Ain AIP a man's name. g. ^ol. Afveiao,! ed, heinous, comp. aii>6Ttpo(,]Aizciv!),(km.o{ Ion. Aircf£u,a. Au/av, V. Aivfa.l sup. -rarof. AiTrciiOf, -^, -ii', (fr. auruy high) Ai»t?v, pres. inf. act. cont. — .*.a'fr-|AivoTOK£ia, -aj, ^, Poet, and Aiyo-j high, lofty, elevated; towering, Tc, 2 pi. cent. pres. ind. or impr act. of aireii). Aivffff'iiif, Att. g. of AiVto-if, -6fiooof, -ov,l>. If, (fr. name, and li6ooi lot) hard-fated, unfortu- nate, wretcheil, misrralile. AivorSOrif, -iof -oijf, i, I'l, (fr. some, and Ttia-^ut to .HiiffiT) <^ff''r- ing misrry, enduring hardship, wretrhrd, njHirJed. KirovXfi^, -Ttyof, k, r, (fr. aivdf He- vere, and nX/iaeru) to mrike) lash- ing, cutting ; austere, morose, in- txorahlt, Atfi^ntlui-lu, (fr. aivof praine, and voilft to render) tn give praise, to sing praises, to celebrate, to laud. Aivof, -0X1, f>, a fahle, an apologue, a moral, allegory, proverb; an argument, discourse ; praise, ce- lebrity. An^<,->), -iv, sei-rre, harsh, austere; grievous, painful ; cruel, unre- lenting ; dreadful, trmhle ; wick- c t6ko(, -oh, 0, (fr. aivos severe, and TiKTO) to travail) who has severe labour. Aiyvjiat, to take, carry off, seize, deprive, ahvro. Ion. for pwro, 3 sin. imp. ind. AiJ-uii') par. pres. act. cont, of ai- Atvwv, Heb. indecl. .iSnon, the name of a plare. Atiwy,)), .^non,the nameofa city. Auwf, (fr. aiiof drcadHi]) wretch- edly, grievously ; dreadfully, hor- "Wy > fi^f'^''i'i 'nightily. Ai^j atyd;, b, and >'i,agoat. A if, -a'tKOi, fi, (fr. ataau) to rush) swiftnei'f, speed, celerity; impe- tuosity, inolence, force; an as- sault, attack ; a wave, surge. Aifir, d. pi. of a/f. Atoiaa, Dor. for atovcra, par. pres. of aiu. Aio\ifrii, -ov, b, .ZEolides, a man's name. A(oX(f, and Poet. AioXrjif, -lioi,!i, .^olia, the name of a country. AtoWlit), Poet, for AiCWii), f. -o)iio, p. -Ka (fr. ai(5Xo{ varied) to vary, diversify, variegate ; to change, alter ; to vibrate, quiver ; waver, fluctuate. Ato\ofip6vTi]^, -01), and Dor. AioXo- jSpdi'To;, -a, b, (fr. aiijXof swift, and jipovr!) thunder) the quirk thunderer, an epithet of Jupiter. AioXoflaip;;^, -TiKog,b, >i, (fr. ai6\oi varied, and &uipa^ a breastplate) armed with a coloured breast- plate. Aio\diii}Ti(, -t^oi, and AioXo/f^njf, -ov, and Dor. Aio^oju'iTOy, -a, b, (fr. same, and ^lijTij counsel) o/" extensive thought, "f deep de- signs ; sapient, tcise, sagacious, provident. AtoXo/xlrpiis, -jv, b, (fr. same, and Ijhpa a girdle) wearing a co- loured girdle or bell. A(oX/>rwX(j{, -ov, b, >';, (fr. same, and rwXof a young horse) driv- ing pied, or afferent coloured, or sijnft horses ; also active, expert in horsemanship. At6\oi, -tj, -oy, varied, diversified, variegated, party coloured; agile, nimble, active, suiift ; waving, floating, quivering ; chargeable, fickle, flexible ; subtle, artful, sly ; complicated, involved; wreathed, torttums, twisted. Aii\o(, -ov, b, jEoIus, the king of rhe winds. Aio^oy^alrrif, -ov, n, (fr. niAXof va- ried, and ^ahri llio mnne) vilhn wni-ing mane, or adorned with a ciAourrd crest of hair. 'Alnv, Ion. for ^lor, imp. of aiia. Aiat'iitii -(, I}, a Kprink- linn, moistrvini:. AinpTiira, a Srylhian word nigni- fying mrrnslayrrs. AiTuav, a. sin. f;, the herb darnel or tares ; a mallei, hammer, axe. Aipag, Sync, for acipas, 1 a. par. act. of atipci}. A7pc, pres. impr. act. — Ai'ptif, 2 sin. and — Aipei, 3 sin. and — AiptTc, 2pl. pres. ind. act. —Aipt- rat, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. ofaipoi. A'ipee, Ion. for i/pce, 3 sin. imp. of aipeo). Aipedf^ci, Ion. fora\p[6uiiri, sub. of 'ipfdvv, 1 a. pass, of a!p/w. liipidn. Ion. for ijpedri, 3 sin. 1 a. pass.— A iptflf;? part. — A'lptQf,- oofiai, 1 f. of aipfu), Alpco, Ion. for atpov, pres. impr. mid. of alpu). Aip/ffcif, n. a. V. pi. cont. — AJpt- ams, g. Atf. — A"p£(7(v, a. sin. of a"pfo-if. Aipf(T('^of,-oi',i,);, (fr.aip/o) to take) easy to be taken, or captured. A'ipccif, -(Of, Att. -£(of, i;,(fr. same) election, choice, preference ; adop- tion, opinion, tenet; heresy; a sect, schisma. AipcTf'os, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be chosen, preferred, &c. AtpfT/^<.),(fr.same) to select, choose, prefer ; to inhaJiit. A(pfri»-df, -or,b, (fr. same) one who chooses or adopts sonic particu- lar course or opinion ; a sectary ; a heretic. Aipirif, -Ifioi, f), (fr. pntr.c) she who chooses, prefers, loves ; a mistretf, a svettheart. Aiprrbf, -i), -ov, (fr. some) to be chosen, preferred ; desirable, pre- frrahle,rlif:ibte, select. Aip/bi -, ind. ilXov' impr, iXc, &c. mid. ind. iWd/oiv' impr. iXov- opt AI2 f. -(io lOcar iiway ; io consume, iXolnny ' sub. tX(o;«ii • inf. iXiaOiu ■ expend, lay nul, /, (fr. aipci lares) qt'tares, or darnel. Ai^oi, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a intons. and Ipot a beggar'.s name) beg^arli/, UTctcIicd, mhrrnbtc. Ai'poj, f. apa, p. j;/)va, '" raise, lift, deoalc ; to excite, impel ; to sus- pend, luinf; up ; to hold in sus- jKnse, keep in doubt ; to Iteight- en, e^u:;gcrate, aggrnvcUc ; to take, bear, curri/ ; to conceive, perciivc ; to take off", cut off, de- stroy ; to weigh anchor, strike tatts, start, set qff. Aipd/mi, to ■undertake, commence ; to bear, sujf'er, endure; to bear off", car- ry away. 1 a. act, ind. j/pa impr. upov opt, apo'ijii' sub. upu inf. dpai- par. upas' pcr. pass jipjuar 1 a. ind, ypdnv impr, up- OtiTf 1 f. pass, apOi'iionat. Atpuiv, -ovaa, -or, par. pros. act. — A.ipn)iTi, 3 pi. pres. sub, act. of last, ' A IS) aiioi, )'i, same as aici;;. Ai'ji d. pi. fern, of cs. Aiffij, ->;s, i;, fate, destiny, supreme decree ; fortune, allotment, lot, portion, share ; place, room, stead ; duty, office, engagement ; reason, equity. Ji.iadKij)v, -ovoi, b, a kind of hawk. Kicaoos, -ov, 6, the name of a river. Ai. (icOniiai, to be ajjlicled, feel, perceive; to remark, dis- cern, comprehend, think ; Io learn, understand ; 2 a, mid, ind. TjaOdiiriV opt. aicOoi'/jijVSub. ata6(j>itnf inf. atatiiaOaf par. aiaddnevo;. Ai(70»)'i, and-0;;- ;ia, -Sroi, to, (fr, last) a sense; perception, sensation ; IhouglU, knowledge, judgment. AiadntrrfjOtov, -ov, ro, (fr. same)a?i organ, instrmncnl, or means of sensation, as the eye of seeing, &c. ; or of perception, as the mind ; sense, faculty, talent. AioOijrikof, -tij-bv, (fr. same)/ecZ- ing, sensible, sensitive ; intelli- gent, shrewd, sagacious. AtadnTtKCis, (fr. last) shrewdly, sensibly, &c, Aiadr)Tii, -i), -Jv,(fr. to feel) palpable, sensible, that may be seen, heard, &c. perceptible. AtaBii), for atu), to feel, hear, per- ceive ; also, to expire, die. AiaQidvrat, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of aiaOdvoftai. Alaljioif-ov, 0, l), (fr. a7aa fate) fa- tal, fated, decreed ; just, vpright, e<)uitable, pints. pitious, favourable, lucky, for' tunatc, prosperous, Aii, unjust, wrongful; wicked, impious, ungodly ; hurt- ful, mischievous, noxious ; slight- ing, conlemptupus. Aicvuvdw -w, f, -);o-w, to govern, rule, reign, preside. AtavixviiTiji, -Oil, and aiffu/ii'^rj/p, -Tipo;, b, (fr, last) a ruler presi- dent, umpire, conductor of public sports ; an ancient epithet of kings, Aitrj^vri;, -ov, b, JEschines, a mun's name. Ai.a)(ib>v,-ovoi, b, )'/, comp, — AiV- y^iaroq, -?;, -01', sup. from ne.\t, see uiff^pu';, A'tay^os, -to; -ot>c, ro, vilcncss, base- ness, meanness ; reproach, shame, disgrace ; deformily, ugliness. Aiax^poKcp&us, -i)j,ca,sC%of ataypo- KepSi'ii. Aiaxpo'^cpitia, -a;, i), (fr.adi^^puj vile, and KepSo; profit) projitby vile means; wages of vice; ava- rice, meanness. AKJ^pOKcpiiiii-Ci, f. -;7(ra),(fr, same) to gain by vile means ; to prosti- tute, to pander. At(T)(^poK[p^r]g, -lOi -OVS, b, i;, (fr, same) making vile gains, pursu- ing scandalous traffic, trading in vice; covetous. Aiaj(^poKtphSji, (fr, last) for or by scaiulalous profits. Aici')(^poXoyia, -oj, i;, (fr, atcrxpo; vile, and \6yoi talk) vile, indecent talk, obscenity. Aia'X^poroiiia -di, f. -t'laui, (fr. same, anil voiiu) to do) to act meanly or indecently ; to demean, or debase oneself. Aiaxn6-owi, -ov, h, t), (fr. same) who' does mean tilings ; vile, piti- ful, base, scandalous, indecent. AtaxpopiiniJoavi'tn-Vi, I'h (f""- aicX"^ vile, and /j/oj to speak) index:ent conversation, obscenitij. (18) AIT p. -toKa, to Aidxpbs, -«, -0)1, (fr, -a.i. I a, r^ax^v* Or]V. 1 f. ai(T;^i)i'0);(rOf(«(, A(cr;;^iJi'0);;n, -dro;, ri, (fr, samej a mark, brand, stigma; any caus of shame ; the privities. Alamiro;, name, Ataiovcio;, .,35 sop. AiVaf , -a, b, Dor, for aiDjj. Air£, Dor, for tfrc, whetlwr, if, or, either. AtTcaTioi,-a,-ov,(fr.aiTi to ask)a»e, reason, moUve, incite tnent ; an accusation ; blame, fault, crime; a comiition, state, situation, case. Acr((iu), (fr.samc) cmising, liffictim, operative, efficient ; in fault, guilty, culpable, accused; sub. a cauxc, source, origin, au- thitr, mover, cump, oiniirtpoj, sup. -roToj. AiT(6u(irn(, Poet, for airiuirni, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. piiss. of Ai- Ttdfiiat. KiTiMrn, -to{ -ov(, b, !], (fr. aiTiu a -- iiise) relating tocauses, motives, r origins. .i'Tfj, -lit I'h -^tna, a volcano in .Skily. AiroTi;v, -nfi-'/i &c. Alt. for niru?- pi, opt. ofaiTj'w. Airo(, l)or. for rintvoi;. Air<»ia(, -oil, h, !}, Italian. A«rof»ri,d.sin. cont. and — AiroD- an, n, ftm. bin. cont. of hitju). KiTiiftiOa, mill, or and Airoj- piv, art. 1 pi. cont. prcs. sub. — Ltriv, par. [ires. act. cont. of name. A(<>iV< ""d Poet, ai^jidnaiii, (i'r. >i a upoar) to (innuiuJi, or spear ; Injhhl. .-; , ... •. MV. ai;^riX(i)- • , captivity; rejirri.^^ «'< pI'DSItlCH. ,f. -CPCid, p. i;J|f(inXrj- '•■•'■) //> leifl, or car. , (« enaliuf, 1'/ inlocap- : t't rrslram, i'>ii» or pro- ^/idXiiriff- Aiy^pit, -fii, >), a spear ; the point; a weapon ; spirit, courage. At^pnr!);, -ou, h, (fr. last) a spear- man, a soldier, a warrior. Adj. warlike, hontilc. ai;^/ir;T(Ju), g. Dor. Boeot. iEol. and ocy/")- rauiv, g, pi. jEol. for ai^jirjTor, and ai^iiiirdv. voc. aivfii/ru. .\.i^fio66pos, -ov, b, (fr. atyixii a spear, and ^oofcj to carry) a spearman, a soldier, a lifeguard, A.7ipa, and by Apos. ar<^', immedi- ately, directly, fortliwith, quickly, speedily. A(i^/;pds, -(I, -Or, (fr. last) quick, swift, .\.nl.ttpoKi^cvBoi, -ov, b, 1';, (fr. last, and KfXti'Ooj a road) quick on tlic road, speedy, ^flect. Ai'u, Poet, to hear, lustcn, attend ; to learn, know, perceive ; to breathe forth, expire, die. par. pres. atuiv. Aiwy, Dor. for t]7(iv. Aidii', -wros, b, (fr. aii ever, and !ov beino) eternity; an age, life; dur(i'.ion,or continuance of time ; a period ; a revolution of ages ; n dispenSiUion ofprovirle.nce ; this world, or life ; the world, or life to come, .\.tiiva, -wvag, -dvt, -uivof, -ui'ui', -cDo-(, cases of last. Xtiovl^u), (fr. last) to ctei-nize, per- petuate, immortrdizc. Ai'iviof, -ou,6, 1/, (Ir. same) eternal, immortal, perpetual ; former, past, ancient. Aio'ioa, -as, f;, (fr. next) n raising, lifting, suspending, or hanging up ; u vessel, bucket, or thin^ SHspendg/l ; an image hung itp among tWfcir vines, according to heathen superstition. Ai, (fr. nn/) an pit. 1 f. mil. p!\'), (fr. R.irne, nr ifby Kynr. iot aKaOap^rrn) nn- rtrannrss, imjtvrlty, lewdnr.i.i. Ai('(".iprof, -oil, «,/;, (fr. same) im- pure, unclran, drjilcd, unfit for ond iMcK'j to (ak«) taken by\ receiving the rilrs of rclieion (19) AKdOem-oi, -w, b, }), (fr. a neg. and Kari'xia to restrain) not to be re- strained ; licentious, unruly, tur- bulent, 'AKaiva, and Ion. Ak«i'ii;, -rji, Ij, (fr. uKi) a point) a goad ; a staff, pole, 'AKaipa, and Aicaipio?, (fr. a neg. and Kainbi oppoitiinity) unsea- sonably, unti,ncly, uiyjiily, awk- icardty. AKatpioixai -oD/iai, f. -;/(TOfi(ii, p. i)Kah7]jiat, (fr. same) to want means, or opportunity ; to miss, full. Anntpia, -aj, Ij, (fr. same) unsea- so7iablr-ncss, inconvenience, awk- war:lncss ; embarrassment. AKuiptoi, -ov, b, >!, (fr same) mo- mentary, transitory, slight, tri- vial, transitnt. AKaipbg, -ov, b, (^,(fr. same) unsea- sonable, untimely, inconvenie/U, awkward ; unjit, unquulijied. AraxaXij, -i'5o;, fj, an Egyptian seed. AKaK>'iTris, -ov, u, (fr. a neg. and KOKus bad) innocent, gniltless, harndcss ; benign, benevolent, AKOKia, -as, >';, (fr. same) inno- cence, simplicity, integrity, .KKaKOi, -ov, 5, >i, (fr. same) inno- cent, harmless, simple, undesign- ing, artless, g. pi. uKacwi', AKuXapl>LiTr]i, -ov, b, )'/, (fr. aKa\di quiet, .and jjiui to flow) calmly flowing, gently swelling, smoothly gliding, g. ^>Eol. aKa\apl)ciTao, AKay.rj';, a nettle ; a sort of fish, or shell, A^"aXXi)s, -(OS -oBs, b, ti, (fr. a neg. and Ka\bi fair) vithout beauty, plain, ordinary, AnaXXifpf'jTos, -01', 5, 1';, (fr. last, and ifpis sacred) wipropilious, unfavourable. AKaXbi, -!), -01; (fr. yjKii quietly) quiet, calm, still, Aicd\vrrO';, -ov, h, fj, (fr. a neg. and KoXi'rrw to cover) uncovered,ex- posed, Intre ; open, unconcealed, AKapaiTo\6y^>t^, -ov, b, (fr. axiSpai unwearied, and Xiiy;^); a spear) umviaritd at the sp-ar, brave, rourngrous, aKapavroXoy^Sv, g. pi. Dor. AKa|lnvroldtl^(rt(, -ov, I'l, (fr. same, and (Ki'Yn^ini to tight) unwearied in the JiglU, valorous, iniinci- ile. \KaftarT6rto«{, -080s, i, (fr. same, ond iroff a foot) unwearied of .font, active, swift, nimble. Aniijiiii, -avTOi, b, <;, (fr. n ncg. and Kiluno to lir<;) vnwearicd, indrl'iUignt/lr, not faligutd, not tired ; inreswnt, constant. ; vio- lent. Also Arnmas, a man'w niinii'. AKilpiirDi, -oil, b, >), (fr. Hamo) sanio, g, din. Ion. oKapdroio, d. pi. fein. Ion. aKiijioTijat, KKUfiirflf, -I'n^ -nh<, ami 'Anta/irros, -01', A, li, (fr. n ncg. and ndurTui lo 1)011(1) untirnding, unyiiiaini; ; »t\p', rigid, injle.vimc ; lulling no return. * AKA Acafi -ui Of, 4, iiiul 'Ann ()«, -vi, i^, (fr. UK/) u point, uiul uitfi'uj lo tlourish) a thorn, a brier; the spine. A*car'sfuot. Ak(ii'0;aTaaKCvaaros,-ov, u, fj, (fr.a ncg. and KaraaKCvdi^tii to adorn) un- furnished, tmadomcd, wiflnish- cd ; rude, barren, uncultivat- ed. AKaraaTaala, -as, i), (fr. a neg. and KaOioTn/ii to arrange) com- motion, sedition, tumult, riot ; inconstancy, flcklcness. AKardararos, -ov, b, >;, (fr. same) tumultuous, riotous ; unsettled, changeable, flckle ; unstable, in- constant. AKardcr^cTOs, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and Kari^ta to check) not to be restrained, turbulent, unruly, lawless. AKardiPcvaros, -ov, b, t';, (fr. n neg. and KaTa\f.'cv6cnai to belie) not belied, falsifled, or counterfeited; unfeigned, true. AKaripyaoTos, -ov, b, rj, (fr. a neg. and KarcpydC^oixai to complete) unfinished, rude, defective ; im- perfect. AKarnyoptiTos, -ov,b,ii, (fr. a ncg. and KaTrjyopiu) to accuse) not accused ; unblnmed, blameless, innocent. ' AkHtos, -ov, b, S], and A»caT>"),-^f, >;, (perhaps fr. dyw to drive) a kind of light ship, a frigate ; a drinking vessel. AKariov, -ov,ro, its dim. 'Akovotos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a intens. and Kaiia to burn) not to be burn- ed, incombustible ; unquaichablc, not to be extinguished. kKay^inro, Ion. and A /.o^tJaTo Poet, for aKdyrivTO, 3 pi. pper. pass, of aKa^io), or imp. ind. of oko- Xni^at. AKii^eu), by redupl. for a^iu), axd- p^/)/ii, and aKni(i^ii>, (fr. d^os grief) to sadden, distress, agi- tate. In pass, to fret, pine, grieve. AKaxi'iftvos, part. pres. mid. or pass, of aKd')(ri)n. AKa')(i^to, Ion. for uKa^i^ov, pros, impr. pass, of AA.-a;^(^w, see uko- AKii^jiivos, by Sync, for aKn^rj/ic- vos, j>ar. pres. mid. of hkox'/ij'- Or, for t}Kaafiivos, par. per. pass, of aKd^ui. Or, for riKaKriufvos, par. per. paSB. ofa/cup(;/i<). AKdxoiTo,'i sin. pres. opt. pass, of aKaylii> -w. (20) AKH AKtiiftcvos, Ion. and Poet. foroKc^ fuins, pur. pres. ofofr/o/iai. AAfi/)(>.ii/i(ij, -a, b. Dor. for uKcipc- KifirSf-uv, b, (Ir. a inten.s. Kclpu) to dip, and /c(S//i? the hair) wear- ing the hair short, shorn, crop- ped, cut .iltort. An epithet of Apollo. AKMauii, indecl. Ilcb. a field of blood, AKivrnros, -ov, b, I/, (fr. a ncg. and KivTiia to goad) xtntumed, un- broken, not used to the spur, or goad. AKio/iat -o?/;, (fr. same, and KipSos protit) loss, harm, hurt, damage ; unprofitableness, insig- nificance. AKtpacKdjjiris, and Dor.AKtpatKfS/iOf, same s.saKttpoK6jiris. 'AKtais, -los, Att. -Ibis, I'h and Poet. ' AKtcjia, -aros, rd, and AKtOfibs, -ov, b, (fr. aKiofiai to cure) a cure, remedy. AKtaccrai, Poet, for aKictTat, I f. of oKiOfiat.. AKcarbs, -fi, -dv, (fr. aKtofiai to cure) curable, that may be healed, remedied, repaired, or mended. AKiorpa, -as, hj " needle, bodkin. Akcvjicvos, itol. and Dor. for oKovS/xeos, par. pres. pass, of axovui. AKidiaXos, -ov, b, I/, (fr. a neg. and Kii, the edge, the point; a spear, dart, javelin, vxapon ; a splinter, sharp piece ; the extre- mity, utmost degree, height. AKi'/feoTos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. next, per- haps its sup.) utiburied, urda- mented, unmourned, unhonoured, neglected. AKrii}i]s, -ios -ovs, b, !], (fr. a ncg. and Krjios care) careless, negli- gent, unmindfid ; unconcerned, heedless, thoughtless ; inattentive, indifferent, conicmptuous ; neg- lected, slighted, unheeded, un- buried. AK)i(]ia, and -ti'a, -as, >'i, (fr. last) negligence, neglect ; indolence, sloth ; sadness, grief, mmirn- ing. A.K!j6id^o), f. -aui, p. -Ka, (fr. same) to he indolent, idle, lazy ; lo ■neglect, slight ; to mourn, pine, grieve, fret. Aur/Kon, Att. for ^Koa, per. ind. mid, of aKovo). \Kr]K6c(rav, or aKrjKdciaav, axriKoi vol, nK;;KO(!r£S, Att. for rfKdnaav, pper. nxotvai, inf. i;K(5orts, par, per. mid. of a*toOw. AKI AKM AKO A-Kvafi-TOi, -uv,o,)i, (iV. a neg. anij A(CJjX>7TOs, -ou, 6, 1'l, (iV. a neg. and A<.if, -iSoi, >i, same as a*./). KijA/u to soothe) iinplacabU, in- AKt^iiTOi, -ov, 6,^. (fr. a neg. and exorable, vmdictive. I ki;^£(i» toovertake)7Jo^o6eol'ey■- A«l;At'ia>Tof , -on, 6, )/, (fr. same, and { taken, unaUainable, out of reach ; KTi\i&oa to tarnish) immaculale,. implacable. spotless, pure. iAKtj^iiruis, and aKtxi'a, (fr. last) 'KKr,fia, -aroi, rd, same as aKog. in vai>i,fruitlessti/. A-, //, and Dor. A/cod, -«;, false shame, oj/'ectaiion, refusing wliat us wished for, Akkuj, -w, §, Acco^ a M'oman, whose Alci'iparo;, and aiajpaaioi, -ov, i, t), (Ir. same, and Kcodu to inLv) unmixed, pure, unadulterated, inviolate, unlouchetl. Or (fr. a neg. xrio the heart, and drn ma- 1 former expressions, hce) sincere, true, honest. Alsoi .4.».Xa<)UT05, -ou, o, «, Dor. foraxX;/ (tr. a neg. and /cijp death) im- 1 pwroj-, -ou, 6, ;5, (fr- a neg. and tention, obedience. AK6t]v, Ion. for j;fc(5/;i', 2 a. pass. — AKotjcoftai, 2 f. pass, of oKoiio). murtai, undecaying, perpetual, everlasting. Ax/ipiof, -ov, i, t], (fr. o neg. and Kijp the heart) heartless, dispirit- ed; lifeless, dead. Also (fr. a neg. and xfip fate^ immortal, ever- lasting ; enlivening, animating; undecaying, safe, unhurt. AKTipvKTCt, (fr. next) without a herald, unproclaimed, not so- lemnized, AKi'ipoKTOi, -ov, i, q, (fr. a neg. and ItTjpvffait) to proclaim) not cried, or proclaimed, unpublished by a herald ; obscure, not celebrated, AKTij^iaro, Ion. for a<;;;:^|i;ii ro, 3 pi. pper. pass, by Au. redupl. from a vita, A/crrxf^arat, or axnx'arai. Ion. for axnxi'iVTai, 3 pi. per. pass, of axaxii^, AKn)(cnat, or aKfiytniai, same as aKa\iu, or axaxni"- Aic(^ij7Xo{, -oil, i, ^, (fr. a neg. and Ki^itiXoi mixed with dross) un- alloi/ed, clear, pure, sincere, fio- nest, incorrupt, innocent. A'ci/ii'^Xwf, (fr. last) sincerely, ho- nrstly, &c. ATirtfdt, -h, -iv, (fr. a neg. and Ktvitii to move) unable to move, vaeak, infirm. Comp. aKiiv6Ti.- po<, sup. -rarof. A«/i5(j)rof, -ow, i, 4, (fr. axij a point, i AK/id^ct, it is time silliness gave rise to the twoJAKo/^iyroj, -ov, 5, ;'/, (fr. a neg. and Koijidto to lull) sleepless, waking, watchful, inextinguisluible. AKOivuvrjTOS, -ov, i, »;, (fr. samo, and Koivujviio to impart) incom- municable ; not to be shared, im- parted, told; unsocial, soli- tary. AKolrns, -ov, h, t'l, Dor. aKohas, -a, b,a, (fr. a coll. and KotTrj a bed) n husband, a married person of either sex, a bedfellow, 'Akoitis, -lof, Att. -£ii)f, I/, (fr. same) a wife, a bedfellow, .\Ko\aaia, -as, i% (fr. a neg. and KoXd^ti) to restrain) irregularity, licentiousness, incontinence, in- temperance, excess. AK6\aiTT0i, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same) un- chastised, undisciplined, licen- tious, irregular; immodest, in- tcjnperate. AKoXovBiii) -d, f. -I'lChi, p. >iko\ovOi]- Ka, (fr aKv\ov9os a.' follower) to to call) not called, unin- vited. AkXIvik, -to; -ovi, b, q, (fr. same, and kXiVu to lean) firm, steady, unbending, resolute ; fixed, up- rigtu. 'AkXvotos, -ov,b, I), (fr. same, and (cXw^u) to wash) unwashed, not overflown, or deluged, calm, un- ruffled. A(, -ov, b, !}, and -f;,-ov. Poet, m feni. nKinriTS, g. -of, d. AKnaloi, -a, -ov, (fr. same) adult, blooming, vigorous ; ripe, lujou- ri'inl; mature, perfect, Axfiaarfif, -oB, b, (fr. same) bloom- ing, flourishing, vigorous, AKfifi, -ri(, I'l, a point, edge ; point, moment, critical time; Jlower, bloom, vigour, maturity of age; highest ilegree of increase, or im- provement, AKfi!)v, Dor. fiKjinv, for /car' axuiiv, now, at this mumrnl, yet, still. -a, D'tr. (fr. a nes- and Kivhi toi 'AK/i7)i")f, -on, o, i^, (fr. iKr/i/) bjrioin) m^ive) imrnoveahU,flrm, stcaily ; flrrd, unnunied ; unilisturbed, at reft. A«(i"i<, -oil, h, the stones of berries, iLr. n plant. mature, fulUgrown ; fasting, hungry, dry, ihirsti/. A*/"")?, -^rof, i, )';, (fr. a neg. and Ko'^iwj lo toil) unwearied, frealt, vigorous, strong Anns, -a, -oi", and dKit, -lov, 4, ,^, AKfinDirov, -ou, ri,(fr, dttfuav on an- (fr. (I nog. and kU n maggot)) vil, and WOi/^i Ki »i!t) Ok block unrorrupt, sound, wMe, gup. I on which an anvil is Het. axt,:,T.iTof. \ '^•'fovlifif, -ov, i. Dm. AKftovldaf, Vtipfl<, -<1, -4i', (fr. a inlonj. «)( a -i, 6, the son of Acmotl, wi« to weary) an ani-i/. ' («l) follow, attend, nc^umpany ; to imitate, follow after, conform to, obey, serve ; to pursue, perform, discharge ; to reach to, in a suc- cessive train. AifoXouflJ/oai, 1 a. inf. act. — Ako- XovOi'iaavTCi, n. pi. and -Otjadv- Tuiv, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. AKoXovOnrtKii, -fi, -h', (fr. same) following, succeeding, cojise- quent, proceeding from ; obedi- ent, attentive. AKoXovOia, -as, f), (fr. same) pur- suit, chase ; attendance ; a reti- nue, company, procession; train, series ; consequence. AKdXovOoi, -011,6, fi, (fr. a coll. and KiXcvOos the road) a companion, follower, attendant; an aeoh/lh, or young priest. Adj. suitMe, congruous, coincident, corres- pontlcnt ; consequent. AkoXovOovoi, 3 pi. cont. prcs. ind. act. or d. pt. cont. par. pres. net. of a/coXouO/'u). ' AkoXovOw( (fr. axrfXoiiOoj attend- ant) conse'/uetitli;, suitaMy. AitaXviifios, -ov, b, I), (fr. a neg. and KoXvfijidia lo swim) that cannot swim, that wdt not float, Kieoiunrla, -m, i'/, (fr. same, and KofiiCut to regard) nrglmrnce, carclcssnrns ; 'iiant of equipage, provisions, &c. AxA/iiraarn.f and 'A«ofi?r«<, leu, b,ii, (fr. a neg. ond n/i/inof ostenta- tion) willioul boosting or osten- tnlion, I 'A«ro/n//of, -ov, h, ^t (&• a neg. and AKO «o/ii/d> osteiitalious) unn.ixiiiii- ing, niMlfSt, unqualijied. Akoiiuo •a, (fr. OKdyii a whetstone) lo tvhet, sharpen, frind ; to quicketi, excite. AKiii'<^i>Xo;, -ot',i, i), (IV. a iie<;. and KivivXof a lliunip) u-ilhoiit blows, unpunishrd, Axii-if, -';^■^ i^, n grinding-stone, u-/ieli>toiie, AkovIti, (tr. a nop. nnd Kiii'is dust) without toil, edsili/, rewlily. AkAvXtov, -ov, rd, the herb aconite, or nwnkshade ; poison. 'Akovto, aKovTij oKovTCi, fr. itKuiv, -ovaa, -ov. AKdvTtai, -oil, b, (fr. liKtov adiirl) a serpent, called in Latin Juculus. Akovti^u), f. -iVo), p. -iKii, (fr. same) to throw the javelin ; to hvrl, dart, discharge. 1 a. >ik6v- Ticra, Ion. aKdi'Tiaa. AkovtIov, -ov, tJ, (dim. of same) a smaller kind of javelin, Sec. ^Kovrhii, -to;, Att. -£u)s, i;, (fr. dKu)v a dart) /, (fr. same, and Kooiia to sweep) U7>su:ept, unbrushed, unpolished, dirty, neglected. 'AMpov,-ov, -b, the herb sifeeicane, or galingule. AatSj, -fos -Ov;, ri, (fr. aKcoyiai to cure) a cure, inedicine, remedy; expiation, atonement. AKiaftriTo;, -ov, b, i';, (fr. a neg. and Koafitbi to adorn) unadorned, plain, not ornamented. AKooftla, -«f, ?';, (fr. same, and Koaiiif order) want of ornament, plainness, simplicity ; irrei>ula- rily, confusion, disorder, tumult. 'AKoafto;, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) plain, unadorned ; irregular, disorder- ly, undisciplined, tumultuous. AKiofiia;, (fr. last) disorderly, dis- gracefully, inilccently. AKocriui-myiT, -{)CM, (fr. next) lo feed on barley ; to pamper, fat ten, AtoffTi), -Tis, 'i, barley, food in ge- neral, viotu'ds. AKP Axui'd'^w, (fr. axovii) lo liear) to hear, to listen, to attend on an invitation, to be invited. Akovc, -ctu), sin. and -crc, 2 pi. |>rcs. impr. act. — Anovcti, -et, " 3 sin. and -ofitv, -crc, -ovet, pi. prcs. ind. act. — AKoviinv, Ion. for Ako^civ, prcs. inf. act. of axovu), 'Akovi), -)■){, t'l, same as oKoii. 'AKOvpof, -ov, b, I), (fr. a neg. and Kcipui to shave) unshorn, nntrini- nied, rough, unseemly ; beard- less. Or (fr. Koufiof, Ion. for (fdpoj a youth) childless. Akoi'i?, see okiov. AKovataaOdi, -elara, -h', 1 a. par. pass, of AKovaid^ia, (fr. next) to force, com- pel. AKOvaui^ouai, lobe forced ; to act laiuillingly, be reluctant; to .'!hiin, avoid, loathe, decline. AKOeato;, -ov, b,!;, and -ia,-(ov, (fr. a neg. and Uiav willing) ununll- ing, involuntary, loathe, discon- tented, reluctant. AKovahog (fr. last) unwillingly, re- luctantly. 'AKovcfia, -aro;, ri, (fr. ukovw to hear) a hearing, the thing heard, a sound ; fame, report. AkovotIos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) that must be heard, attended lo, obey- ed. AKOvarij;, -ov, b, f fr. same) an cew- ditor, hearer, scholar. AKovoTtKOf, -!), -bv, (fr. same) re- lating to hearing, or sound ; list- ening, attentive, obedient. Akovoto;, -uv, b, t), (tV. same) to be heard, audible, distinct. Ak.ouri'^u, f. -(au), p. iiKovriKa (fr. same) to cause to hear, to make atJencl. 1 f. Alt. aKovrid, -cis, &c. Akovw, f. -ao), p. ijKovKa, to hear ; to hearken or listen lo, attend; to comprelicnd, learn, under- stand. ; lo regard, obey ; to be called, or said lo be. imp. act. flKovov, 1 a. >]KOvaa,\on. dKovaa' opt. aKovaalni, JRo\, aKovada, •a;, -£• par. uKovca;, JRol. okov- eai;. per. pass, finovajxai. 1 a. r,Kov(jOriv. 1 f. aKOvaQf}ao)iai, 2 a. act. ind. r}Koov. 2 f. ind. act. oKodi. 1 f. ind. mid. aKOvao/iai. 2 sin. uKovcri. Ion. aKovacui. per. mid. fiKoa. Att. aKi'iKoa, 2 f. mid. uKOTJooftai. Xkovuiv, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres. act. — AKovwai, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. 'AKpo, -a;, II, (fr. rfxpoj highest^ a height, summit, eminence; ajorl, citadel, for tr(Lts ; a cape, pro- montory; beach, slinre ; extre- mity, verge. AnpaavTOq, Poet, for dxpavTOg. AKPiiii;, -lo; -or;, b, !j, (fr. uKfjo; high) high, elevated, nn an emi- nence; on the surface, superfi- cial. A/, (fr. a neg. and Kpdro; strength) unable to curb the ajipetiteii, intemperate, dissolute, debauched, unchaste. AKpar/jTo;, -ov, b,,'i, (fr. same, and Kpario) to restrain) 7iot to be checked, restrained, or kept with- in bounds; ungovernable, licen- tious. AKparii^ia, (fr. axpdrov unmiKcd wine) to carouse, indulge; to breakfast. AKodrtUfxa, -uroj, rfi, (fr. same) breakfast : an early meal taken by tliose who cannot restrain their hunger. A/cpariorroj, -ov, b, fj, (fr. last) who breakfasts, having break- fasted, AKpaTov, -ov, rb, (neut. of ne.xt) pure or unmixed wine. 'AKpdro;, -ov, b, /;, (fr. a neg. and Ktpdvvvjii to mix) unmixed, pure, simple ; unsullied, untouched ; perfect, complete, just, AKpd^o\o;, Dor. for aKpv')^o\os, -ov, b, !;, (fr. dKpo; extreme, ami Xo^>) anger) irascible, passionate. AKpifimv. -ovo;, b, (perhaps fr. uKjio; high, and Kpifidui to hang) a large branch, or eirm of a tree ; a bough ; a shoot, sucker. AKpcaiTcpov, (fr. (fffpos extreme, and icTTtpo; evening) late in the even- ing, dusk, 'AKpt],-y];, ^, Ion. fornvpa. ' AKprijio;, -ov, b, )/, (fr. aKpo; ex- treme, and i';/3); youth) young, boyish, cliildish. Ak-piiTonoctrit -'/?> Ion. for aKpriroiro- ala,-a;,'i, (fr. rt'vp>/rof unmixed, and nici; drink) strong drink; drinking plain wine ; a drinking bout. .KKpn-omlTrj;, -ov, b, (fr. same) a toper, drunkard, 'AKpiiTo;,-ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and Kipdvwixt to mix) unmixed, pure, plain; sincere, Itonesl, innocent, chaste. AKOifid^"), f.' -daw, p. -aKa, (fr. uKpilifi; exact) to examine, try, prove, intjvire, search, scrutinize, AKpiilacijb;, -ou, b, (fr. same) exa- mination, trial, scrutiny, search; a limit, boundary, restriction, \Kpiihia, -as, }i, (fr. same) exact- ner,s, accuracy, nicety. AKP AKP Aicf)i/3''(7rfpo5,comp. -raroi, sup. of jA*.poi3dXo!r, -ov, b,{Sr. same) as/:ir- Xxplliiis, -hi -off, 0, »^, ncatrate, I Ltisher, liglu-amied soldier. exact, nice, cornet, strict, rigid ; perfect, Jinishcd, complete. AKpiiioiiKaiof, -on, ri, (fr. last, and AKpofivarlhi -u, (fr. ukocj extreme, :ind /jiw to cover) to lutve not been circumcised. iiKti\aw) strictness of Iccw, i-igid,\AKpoliv(TTia, -a;, i), (fr. same) the right. JiKOiPoXoyiofiai -oT'iiai, (fr. same, and Xf'yu) to counl) to coriut ac- urately ; to e'lumrratc, define, ■ describe, discuss. .\K0ifi6j) -u>, f. -biaia, p. i;r,<; speech) hiisty in language, iwiixcreet in speech, rash, imper- tinent. 'hKotroi, -00, i, 1/, (fr. a neg. and «oiVui to judge) rash, hasty, in- considtrale ; irregular, perplexed, confused, indistinct; boundless^ ejtreme ; untried, not judged, who lias not pleaded, AKptroipiWof, -ov, 6, i'/, (fr. last,and ^I'AXoy a leaf) with lirnnches in- lertroven, intertwined, leafy. A' ' ,. -o>', 4, fi, (fr, game, ; to mix) iniliscrtmi- ' . '.1/ iinied, huddUd togetlter I'. rr,fifusion. AnpTrw,-, (fr. same) indiscreetly, r'iMi/ ; indistinctly rnmfusedly ; unjiully^ without trial. AKpiufia, -uTOf, rd, (fr. next) a MiAind, a voice; that which is heard ^ or listerudto ; as a play, a musician, &c. A'p'idnfiai -Cifiai, f. -avo/iai, p. V^piifiai, to Itear, li.tttn ; to at- tend, oliey. par. prCB. axpoadjit- 1 '■{ -UfltVOf. A««;./Ti<, -io<, Alt. -toif, 4, (fr. last) hearing, listening ; an hear- ing, an audirnrc ; attention, oltr- dirncf^ respect. ArpooTZ-piov, -')u,t4, (fr. same) nn nuiluTtrt-chambtr, a public hall, (IT court. A rn ,;t>i(, -oK, i, (fr. xame) an au- .. '-.r, a henrrr, srhnliir extreme, and cdicniXoj a finger) the thumb. Ak-pdcpva, -wv, Tti, (fr. same, and rooi an oak) acorns, mast, ituts, berries. AKpodhiov, -ov, TO, (fr. same, and ■?if or ^(i', sand heaped on the shore) a heap of corn, the first fruits of it ; a heap of spoils, that part rf them dediceited or of- fered. Anpoddpa^, -aKO(, h, >';, (fr. sainc, and -^lipaf the breast) tipsy, v:arm-hcttrted, full to tlic throat. AKno/cfXciiin'u -w, (fr. same, and Kt\aipoi black) to have a hlach hue, to be black externally ; to look dark, or sternly, to frown AKpoKvidtatof, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and Kvf^as darkness) evening, twilight, dusk. AKpdKoiws, -ov, b, (fr. same, and KfJ^i; the hair) long-haired; with spreading foliage. AKOOKoft^iav, see uKpo^opitiv. AKpofiavrii, -io( -off, 6, >/, (fr.samc, and fialvoiiat to be mad) mad, distracted, outrageous. AnoopiiaOiot', -ov, rd,(fr, same, and fiaaidi for ita^is tlie teat) a nipjAc. 'Anpov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) the top, tip, summit; edge, extremity; end. AKpdvriov, -ov, rd, (fr. same, and ii/v; Ion. for vaE; a ship) the prow, Itead, or stem of a ship. AKpoTnOfii, -foi -ov(, b, li, (fr. same, and r/vOof prief) extreme- ly salt, mounful, dispirited. AKnovoir}Tt (fr. same, and rov{ the foot) on tiptoe. ATo''''''<,-'it, I'l, (fr- "tmc, and ihrow) to slioot, throw, i.i ..../, in vnUrys, (in i'oXl0^lv(, -lu, «, (fr. loHt) H Mhoiirr nf wrapmis, a volley ; a skirmiih, skirmishing. nuaOi] the foriskiii) the foreskin, or prrjmce ; tlir glanil, or nut. '.KKorif, -It, -01', /ii('/i, eleia'.td, hfty, lopmoU ; rnimtl, or drawn In a jiaint, sharp ; rxtremr, outirurd, external; jurftct, consummate, finislird. fill'. O hriphi, stnnmil, (23) AKT clijf. comp. oKpdTtpos, sup. aKp6' Taroi. AKp6ao/ii; tJte top, ridge, sumynil ; pcrfec tion, complttion. AKpnrofios, -ov, v, '), (fr. same, and Ttfivio to cut) precipitous, steep ; rough, rugged, abrupt, craggy. AKp6)^o\os, see oKpay^oXoi. AKpo^oplCov, -6voi, /;, (fr. same,and X''ph) a sinew) aicart, 'A/cpii), Dor. for uKpov, g. of oKpof. 'AKpiav, -loroi, b, (fr. dxpoi ex- treme) an end; the exlreniities of the limbs. 'A«.pu;, (fr. oKpos high) on the sur- face, szqier/icinlly, slightly, light- AKpiaTripid^w, f. -dao), p. -aKa, (fr. nKpoiTi'iptov a fragment) to cut off the extremities ; to maim, lop, mutilate. .\KpijiTi}piacfioi, -ov, b, (fr. last) avi- putation ; maiming, lopping, vm- titntion, disfiguration. AKpwTt'piov, -ov, TO, (fr. dxpiav the extremity) apiece cut off; a lop- ping, a fraginent ; a wreck ; the cxlranily, e7id ; a pinnacle, bat- tlement ; protv, beak, ornameivl of ships. Aktoiv, -i7f, i';, Acteea, the name of a nymph. AKTa7oi and 'A/cTicf, -a, -ov, (fr. oKTi; the shore) on the shore, near the coast, maritime. AKrai'ui', -oi'0{,and -u)vo5,o,j'Jc/£E07i, Akt>i, -ri(, I'l, (fr. (I'yu) to break) a coast, shore, strand, beach ; a rock, reef, cliff; grain, com ; the elder tree. .^KT/jpwv, -ovoi, 0, 1/, (fr. a neg. and KTdopai to possess) poor, indi- gent, needy. Aktiv, and Aktis, -Tvof, >/, a ray, a sunbeam; a flash, brightness; aKTiviaci, Ion. for okt'ioi, d. pi. 'Akrioj, -ow, see asTa^cf. Akt'Xni, -ov, b, jiquila, a man's name. AKv\tcTo(, -ov, b. Si, (fr. a neg. and (cvXi(i> lo roll) that will not roll, cannot be rolled; steady, firm. AitvXof, -ov, i, the acorn of the Jtrx, or scarlet oak. Ak'i'/iavTof, -ov, and aKvpuv, -ovof, b, !), (fr. « neg. and Kvpa a wave) culm, unrujfled. Akv/iiiiv, -iivoi, b,li, (fr. same, and KUb) tu be»ith cliiid) barren. Am'peXoj'/iu -ui, f. -<(TU), |i. -yjKn, (fr. ii«iipo{ void, mill X/)'(i) to Kprak) to sjiCiik inrarrrrtly, impriiprtly, or without aulhonly. 'Axvpof, -or, b, i), (fr. o neg. and r.tpos force) void, invalid, of no force or 'flirt ; lain, in^ectuul ; olisolelr, uhroeatid, null. AKi'iiiiw -ui, f. -b'lffui, \u i7iri'pu»'(i,((r. name, mid KvpAio to coiiliriii) to ijiroguir, rrvfike, repeal, annul. AAA AKuKry, -))i, f), (same as nxi)) Oie' rdzf, or point ; a ivcavon. AKiiXiarof, -i), -ov, lirprtred of any partj or memhtr. And 'Ak(j\o(, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a nog. and KiiXo^a meniUer) that warUssome part, member, or /I'lnfc, especially the feet; tnaimed, 7nutilaled, de- fective. AurwXiirof, -ou, 6, i), (fr. same, and k-wXi'w to hinder) imhindered, free, at liberty, unrestrained. AkuXfruf, (fr. last) uithmtt stop, hindrance, or prohibition. Aviir, and AKovi, -dvTof, 6, a dart, javelin, weapon. 'Avwr, and aIkij)v, -ovaa, -ov, (fr. a neg. and ckC)v willing) unwilling, averse, reluctant; im^otuntary, unintenlioncU. "aXii, a. sin. of «Xf. "AXa(5' for a\aie, to sea, seaward. 'AXu/i.i, -)]i, t'l, inh. AXu/iii'(j^^f, -on, 0, (fr. liXapa ink, •and dp;^o; chief) a penman, writer, scrivener ; a governor. AXo'(3a<7Tf)oy, -ov, ri, and a\d(iaa- Tooi, -uv, 6, alabaster ; a box made of it for, or perfume ; such a box made of other ware. ' A\uSpOfioi, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. (iXf the sea, and Ipi/ioi a course) roving at sea, cruisiiig ; a corsair, pi- rate. A\a^ovcia, -as, /;, (fr. aXd^oiv a hraggart) a boast, ostentation, pretension ; pride, pomp, arro- gance. AXa^ovcvofiat, f. -£i!(7o^ai,(fi'.same) to boasl,brag, glory, vaunt. AXnfiJitf, -^ovas, cases of AXa^iiv, -6ias, h, i), a boaster, pre- tender. Adj. self-assuming, inso- lent, vain-glorious, arrogant. AXaOtia, A\a9cvu>, A\adfis, Dor.for a\t)Qda, &c. AXaOcij, par. of »;Xa9;?i', 1 a. pass. of d\rijxi, a\iit>, or aXdo^ai. A\d9tiTOi,-ov, b, )'i, (fr. a neg. and Xat/Odvu) to hide) not to be con- cealed, notorious, public, conspi- cuous. AXai^;, -d, -or, for iraXaidj. AXaKara, -uj, a. Dor. for );Xa»:a'- -n- AXaXay//os, -ov, h, and AXdXaypia, -uToi, TO (fr. next) a din, slum t ; a cheering used by soldiers in battle ; exultation ; sound, me- lody, warbling; lowing, bleat- ing. AXoA«'|oi', neut. sin. — AXaXd^ov- rai, a. pi. par. pres. act. of AXuXdi/j, t. -a'ffu, p. -aKa, (fr. next) to cry alala, shout, cliccr ; to wail, yell, howl; to clatter, tinkle, clung, clank. AXaXq, -T/i, I'l, and Dor. a\aXa, -c'n, a, cUaia, an unmeaning word, forming the shout of soldiers joining battle. AXdXniiai, ind. aXdXiicOat, inf. aXa- Xtijiivos, par. per. pass, by re- dupl. from aXdofiat. Or by a like redupl. pros, from aX^yai, act. dXtjiii. AXdXr}ro;,-ov, 0, n, (fr. a neg. and AAr XaX/u) to speak) inexpressihlej unutterable, unspeakable, inej- fable. AXaXiiT^i, and Dor. aXnXiinV, -ov, 6, (fr ciXrtXi;) same as ttXaXay- AXaXKOfitvri'ii, -I'^Of, fi, (fr, aXaXATu to assist, and ftho^ strength) able to relieve, the mighty helper, an epith(!t of Minerva. 'AXuXkoi', Ion. for i/XaXdOM, imp. or '2 a. of AXhXku), same as aXk-fw, or dX/fw. 'AXiiXof, -ov, b, i'l, (fr. a neg. and XuXiui to speak) dumb, mute, si- lent, AXaXvKTrifiat, by Att. redupl. for nXvKTi)^iai, which is either a Poetic present tense, or per. pass. Ion. of aXvKTioftat, Poet. AXa^ciitf, -u)v, o\, Alaxones, a peo- ple adjoining Scythia. AXdofiai, f. -»//, Ion. AXaoaKO- 77('i;, (fr. aXabi purblind, and cko- ■xii a view) dimness of sight, an indistinct view ; a bad lookout, neglect of guard. AXara^vcis, -i), -Uv, (fr. next) easily destroyed, injtired, impaired, or pained; soft, tender, delicate; v>eak,frail. AXaTTd^ui, f. -fu, (fr. Xa-nd^w to ex- haust) to waste, destroy ; to rob, spoil, pillage, plunder ; to empty, exhaust, drain. 1 a. tjXd-aa^a, Ion. aXdza^a' inf. aXdrra^ai. "AXof, -aros, rb, (fr. uX; the sea) salt ; brine ; the sea ; hospitality, entertainment. AXaCTCw -u, (fr. uXaorof indelible) to feel heavily, resent, be angry, not forget ; to fret, grieve. ' AXaaroi, Dor. for dXriaroi. .\.Xd(!T(j>p, -opos, b, (fr. a neg. and X»;9o/(a: to forget) a punisher, an avenger, who inflicts woes not to be forgotten ; an evil genius, a demon ; execrable. Also Alastor, a man's name. AXdras, -a, b, Dor. for AX)/r>;;. Also Alatas, or Alctes, a man's name. AXnro, Ion. for i{Xn.To, 3 sin. imp. of aXdojjat. But, "AXaro, Dor. for J/Xaro, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of fiXXo^ni. ' A\iiii>rvi, -t'oj, /;, (fr. nXno; pur- blind) blindness, dimness nf sight. 'AXye', for dXyea, pi. of dXyoi, d. dXyiat. AXyciiii, ->;, -h; AXyripbi, -a, -bv, and AXy'ivieii, -taaa, -ci', (fr. next) crievous, mournful, sad; painful, aching. Comp. aXyct- vdrepoi, sup. -rarof. AXy/oj -d, f. -^u(i), p. ^XyijKa, {fr. nXyoi pain) to ache, feel pain ; rrumrn, fret, pine, grieve. (24) AAE AXyiiiitv. -6voi, h, 'AXytJitOf -aroi, rb, anil 'AXyi/aii, -luj, Att. -cids, )), (fr. same) wo,snrTmo; pain, ache; grief, mourning, trouble, AXyrjpbi, -t), -iv, (fr. sanre) grieV' ous, mournful; painful. AXyluiv, conip. dXyiams, sup. (fr. same) more and most grievous:, mournful, painful, &c, 'AXyos, -£0{ -ovi, tJ, wo, grief, sor- row, sadness ; trouble, har>, -iv, (fr. a\ia heat) warm, temperate, tepid. AXcth'u), (fr. aXf'u to shun) to fee, escape; to shun, avoid. Irnp. aXieivov, Ion. for jjX/civov. AXti), -rjs, I'l, (fr. same) seeaXto. 'AXt^a, -as, I], see AXtcta. AXdavTos, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and Xctahu) to polish) unpolished, coarse, unfinished. 'AXciSp, -dros, rb, (fr. aXio) to grind) meed, flour. AXciXtipa, Att. for ijXet(})a, per. of aXci^oi. 'AXetjtjia, -uTos,Tb, (fr.same) unc- tion, anointing; ointment, be- smearing, daubing. AXiIos, Dor. for HXtioj, -ov, b, fi, Elean, of Elis. A'XdTrrns, -ov, 6, (fr, aXcl(bw to anoint) an anomtcr, one who oil- ed and attended the lurestlers; a perfumer. AXcnrrpiv, -ov, rb, (fr. same) n vessel for ointment ; a room for anointing. AXds, par. pres. of dXtifit, or par. 2 a. pass, of aXt'w. AXdaov, -ov, rb, an embossed cup, a drinking vessel, tankard, gob- let. AXdT>is,-ov, b, (fr. next) a sinner. See aXtrpds, AXelr(a, sec aXirio). AXciTOvpyri'ria, -as, >'/, i^"'- a ""^g- Xarbs public, and ipyov work) an immunity from public duties; a privilege, exemption. 'AXtirfi(i,or '.KXcKpv-m, ^/i^nd AXei- AAE 0ap, -urof, ri, (fr. next) oint- ment, uncttm ; oiling, greasing y pitch, calking. AX£I(^ J, f. "i-oi, p- fi\ct(pa, to anoint, oil, grease ; to daub, smear ; to overspread, coat, calk; to con- secrate. 1 a. ijXtnl'a' par. d\ci- x^ai. 2 a. I'l^Kpov. per. mid. »;Xoi- (fia. Att. a\ri\ot(pa. per. acl. Att. aXijXiipa' pass. aX^Xifi//a(. pper. pass. Alt. a'XrtXififtriii, and Poet. 7/X;;Xi'/if. AX£«rijp, -}jpo{, b, Sync, for aXe^ij Trip, (fr. oXffu) to avert) a de- ftiider, protector, guardian. A.XtKTopo. A.Xcbi, -ov, b, )'i, (fr. aXia heat) tiot, warm; temperate, tepid. Also Dor. for 7;X£os, which see. AXidTTji, -nros, f'h (fr- aXiu) to ga- ther) a collection, gathering ; a crowd, an assemblage. AXuippuiv, -oiof, 6, /;, (fr. same, and (pphv the mind) wandering in mind, erroneous ; foolish ; mad, distracted. A.Xc-iiu)To;, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and XtniiioTOi scaly, th. Xfrij a scale) without scales, smooth. AXirrji, -ov, b, (fr. aXfu to grind) of a mill ; with 6vos understood, a millstone. AXerpii, -ifos, ly, (fr. same) a mil- lerKi wife. AXfTcji', -ibvoi, b, (fr. same) a workliouse, where refractory slaves were set to grind. KXtvaiai, -hiv, o'l, the sons, or de- scendants of Aleuas. kXi^dvoptvoi, -r],-ov, about Alexan- KXtvara, Ion. for rjXcvaro, 1 a. ind. dria, or Alexander, or a kind of verse ; all from AXifavcpoi, -ov, b, (fr. aX/fui to protect, and ailio a man) Alexan- der, a man'8 name. kXi^dilfiof, ov, b, Ij, (fr. aXi^ui to avert, and dvcuof the wind) that turns tlir wind, excludes air ; shtltering screening. AXi^'ijwOai, I a. inf. mid. of aXiyu. Or by Sync, for aXt^naaaOui, 1 a. inf, mid. — AXc^t/i£i'a(, Dor. and Ion. for aXi((ii', pres. inf. act. — AXc(i7){, li, (fr. same, and ap't prayer) a female who averts cnrtejt, or turns away prvjrrs. KXi(i,)laia(, -ov, b, tile son of Alriias. AX((i«a«o(, -OB, h, //, (fr. aXl(u> to avert, and «(i«4{ evil) preserva- tive, prrveniitir ; gub. a good genius, an nuertrr of evil ; a de. frndrr, protector, gunrdinn. KXi^ifijipoTof, -ov, i, I), (fr. same, and (loarif human) proterting, ginrdmg, drfrmiine , averting. KXi^ifiopof, -ov, b, ';, (fr. same, anill true, speaking truth. D (25) mid. — AXcvaoOai, inf. — AXeu dutvoi, par. Sync, for tjXcvaaTo, aXciaaadat, aXivcdfiCvoi from nX£uu». See also aXiaoOai. AXcvftat, Dor. for aXovjiai, cont. of aXio/iai. See aXiui. \Xcvpov, -ov, rd, (fr. aXio) to grind) meal, flour. AXtvu), to avoid, shun, flee; to avert, keep, or turn off". Also AX/u -(3, f. -rjau), and -iVw, p. -ko, to grind. aX/o/iui, in the sense ofaXfUdj, to quit, flee, escape; to shun, avoiit, decline ; to writhe, twist, strain, bend, in order to avoid violence ; to conceal, hide, shut up, an in order to avoid or escape pursuit ; to collect, as- senjile, crowd together as for the same purpose. Also to tvawlrr, ramble, stray, as if for the same reason. Par. 2 a. pass. aXi!;, -uaa, -iv. \Xtu)nfi, -)"■/{, »'/, (fr. last) escape, safely, security, protcrtinn ; a refuge, asylum ; a hulwark, fortress, AXf), -ijs, 4, (fr. aXdofiat to stray) a going astray ; error, mistake ; roving ; an unsrllled life, XXtiOiia, -n<, fi, (fr. aX^Or); true) truth, rernrily ; reality, farl ; fidelity, faithfulness ; integrity, rii^htiousness. a. Ion. aXnOtitiv. AXijOtunxit, -i), -iv, (fr. next) tain the truth ; to act sincerely ; to verify, confirm. AXtjOiitri, for aXijdcia. AXrjdni, -ioi -oCs, b, i/, (as fr. a neg. and X.-jOw to lie hid, or Xivflij obhvion) true, real, certain, au- thentic, unerring ; V(did, decisive, competent; candid,sincere, honest. comp. aXijSfVrtpoj, sup. aXriQh- Taroi. AXridi^ojiai, same as nXtjOev^a. AXribtibi, -fi, -ov, (fr. aXridni true) true, sincere; real, genuine, es- sential. AXTidoBvvr), -vi, >;, (fr. same) ue- rity, reality, genuineness. AXt'idovaai, n. pi. fem. par. pres. acl. of next. AXiidui, f. -j;;Xi7».-a, same as aXf'ui, to grind. AXrjdCJi, and AXr]81vS)i, (fr. aXrjOfi; true) truly, sincerely, really. AX/im, -ov, b, ,',, (fr. a neg. and XnU booty, or Xi'/tov a crop) poor, 1 indigent. AXijktos, -ov, b, '/, (fr. a neg. and Xr'iyhi to cease) incessant, un- ceasing, continual; restless, not to be stopped. AXtiKTd, -log, t], Alecto, one of the furies. AX)'iXcKa — AXt'iXeafjtai — AXijXeo-- lih'Of, Att. for t'lXtKa, per. act. I'lXeajiai, per. pass. ijXtanivoi, par. of aX/u), to grind. AXi'iXiifiat, for dXaitni, JEo\. for dXtjiiai, pres. mid. or pass, of dXriftt. Or it is put for iiXrifiat, per. pass, of same, dXtjfit, or aX/ui. AX^X"ipa — AX''jXi ft ftai, -\pai,-T7Tai — AXijXi^^tVof, Att. for t'lXcitlia, per. act. I'/Xfi/ifiui, -'I'ai, -irrat, per. pass. tiXttfifiivos, par. of aXciilxi). 'AXtj/ta, -aroi, rd, (fr. aXao/ini to wander) a wandering, rambling, straying ; mistake, error. AXi'iiicvai, Dor. for aXTivat, pres. inf. act. of 'AXrjfii, (fr. aXitii) with which it is the same in all its significations, except the first, pres. inf. nXi> vat, par. (iXflj, -una, -Iv, imp. or 2 a. iiXnv, 3 pi. t'lXtaav, by Sync, and Ion. dXav, 2 a. inf. aXriviH, AXi7^ui>', -ova;, b, i), (fr. aXdofiai to stray) wandering, rambling, straying ; a viigalmnd. AX),TTof, -oil, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and X(i/i/3(»i(i) to catch) not to he caught or held ; imprrgnnhle, in- accessiblr ; incomprehcnsililr. 'AXrlf, -/of -oii{, b, If, (fr. /iXif enough) abundant, nnmrrous ; rMlrrted, ussrmblitl, crnwded to- gether. "AXt/f, -cvTOf, I'l, Hales, a river in Liicania. 'AXtinrof, -nil, b, Ij, (fr. a neg. and Xi'iOia to forgctl) indelihie, not to be forgiitlrn, perpetual. "KXnriu, 3 sin. 2 a. suli. mid. of flXXo/iUI. AM AXijrti'u, (fr. next) to iramlrr, ji/rnv, "T ) tojtoat. AAOrvii 'oi'i i) (Ir. . 'AAOtTu, Ion. lor i)\0tTO, imp. mid. or pass, of 'AXOuj, AXdiio, and AAOofim, f. -)>u), ii, -ioi -ols, 6, /;, (fr. (7Xf the sea, and a'i;/ii to blow) ilou-ing from, or over the ara. \\iiiicroi, or 'AAiu'frof, -ou, o, (fr. I'iAf the sea, and utruf an eagle) the ouprey. 'AXtiiKftidv, -oi'oj, !>, IlaViacmon, a river. AXmoToj, -ov, 0, t'l, (fr. X(«'iJ(i) to move, wilh a nep.) inevitable, nnavoidnble ; unable to escape, u-itho'/t resource ; (with a in- tens. ) vehement, violent, in- tense ; inressant. AA('/?u7-o{, Dor. for n^iftaroi. ' K\iii(i6)(og, -ov, b, !], (fr. UAf tlie sea, and Ppe^u> to wet) wa-ihed by the sea, seabcplen. XMyKios, -ov, b, t'l, like, alike, simi- lar, resembling. 'XXtda, and 'AAc/a, -as, fi, (fr. wAifi'j a fisherman, th. tiAf the sea) a Jishing fishery, supply of fsh. A\icqk>k, -loi -0S5, b, t'l, (fr. uAf tlio sea, and 'epKOi a fence) sea- hound, seagirt. AAVaj, -f'of, Att. -fwf, b, (fr. uAf the sea) ajisherman. AXtcvTlxij, -));, )'/, (fr. last) fish- •ng,Jislicry. AAi£uw, f. -evtroi, p. {jXievKa (fr. same) to ./fs''. pres. inf. act. iXievciv. '.\Xi^o}, f. -iVu, p. -Ilea, (fr. (iAf salt) /o preserve with salt, pickle, com, cure. per. pass. i;Xi(T/^a(. 1 a. iiXiaOriv, 1 f. iXtcBi'iaoitai AAI AX, b, salt, or liAj, 1% the sea) stdl, saltish, brackish, bitter; marine, nuvtd ; maritime. 'AXifioi, -ov, b, t), (fr. (1 intens. and Xifidi hunger) dry, thirsty, hun- gry, bnrri n. Also, good against hunger, satisfying. 'AXiiivpt'/cis, -taaa, -tv, (fr. ilAf the sea, imd (iijpw to pour) Jlouing into the sea. AXitCito -w, f. -I'laio, (fr. aXlui ihe same) to roll, turn, move round; to wallow, tumble. AXuSiofiai, -ovfuii, to be engaged, concerned, or employed about; to converse, be intimate, or acqviiintrd with. AXntii'iOpa, -as, t'l, (fr. last) a fold, paddock, or yard, where beasts m.'iy roll and tumble ; a maze, labyrinth. "xXiro;, -n, -ov, (fr. uXs salt) salt- ed, pickled ; fruitless, vain. AXiios, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and Ai'i'oi' flax) without nets ; unfit for nets ; improper fur Ji siting. "AXif, Dor. for IjAif. 'AXif, -tKos, t'l, a kind, of wheat ; porridge made of it. 'AXioto, Ion. for aXtov, g. of uAioj. 'AAii5i.«iiCTrof, Dor. for »';Ai<5/cau<7TOf . "AAiof, Dor. for J'/Aio;. "AAiof, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. uA{ sea) of the sea, marine. Also vain, fabe, empty, u-orthless, unimportant, silly, unmeaning, idle, insigjii- ficnnt. ' AXiOTpc(jii]S, -los -ovs, b, /;, (fr. uXs sea, and rpiijxa to rear) sea-bred. ' AXidiii -u>, f. -liaw, p. -u)Ka, (fr. liXios vain) to frustrate, defeat, disappoint ; annul. 'AXi^rXayKTOi, -ov, b, 1), (fr. same, and TrXa'^u) to wander) cruising, roving at sea... 'AXiirXoos -ovs, -oov -ov, b, t'l, (fr. same, and tXcu) to sail) floating, sailing ; ploughing, traversing the main ; surrounded by, or sunk in the sea, 'AXIttvoos -ovs, -oov -ov, b, )'/, (fr. same, and ttvio) to breathe) " A\K take ; to seize, catch, capture ; to find out, detect, discoi;Xi'- Oioi, and )/A(Oi'wj. 'AXiVof, Dor. for {/XIkos. See also aXipLo; '.\Xi'«rriin-o>, -yv, 0, i/, (fr. uAjthe] taint. dark, azure. "AA(?, sufficiently, enough, plenti- fully, abundantly. ~AXi J, -lioi, t'l. Dor. for 'HXi j, Elis, ^*^"'^■• - r . AA(cr)'fw -to, I. -iicc), p. -tjKa, Co pollute, corrupt, contaminate, sea, and K-rv-im to resound) sea- resounding, .ir.a-bcalcn. aXIikvos, -ov, b, li, (fr. a neg. and Xifiiiv a. harbour) without o. port, haven, or harbour ; inlwspiiahle, dangerous. ' KXifificn, -IS, fi, (fr. aXi the sea, and fitjoas regard) Halimedi, a sea-nymph. ^Xiayiifjia, -nms, to, (fr. last) pol- hdi'in, taint, nontaminaiion ; iin- puriti/, uncleanness. kXippodos, -ov, b, li, (fr. nXs the sea, and jiiOos the noise of the waves) tea-flowing, sea-resound- ing. ' AXiaKii), or "aXw/k, f. ahdiaiii, p, nnpr. i'AuOi' sub. aXCo. inf. uAuii'ui" par. uXois. This tense and the perfect have always a passive signification. pres. inf. pass. t'tXiisKiaQaf par. aXiOKAjuvos. ]•( r. ind. pass. f;Xu)- ^lai. 2 a. inf. pass. (iAi/vai. ' AXiCfia, -tiros, rb, Alismu, a plant. AXtarpcipfis, -los -oi;, (fr. uXs SCa, and TpiTToi to engage) employed 071 the sen, seafaiing. AXirpis, AXirr/s, and AXtir;;;, -ov, b, (fr. aXiTioj to sin) a sinner, transgressor, an offender ; a cri- minal. ' AXItovtos, -ov, b, li, (fr. tiXs sea, and rpvij) to wear) wasted, or worn out by the toils of the sea, seaworn ; urrecked, shattered, AA/w, f. -I'ffu, p. I'lXiKa, to roll, turn, move, round. 'AA(uj, (fr. aXios vain) in vain, to no purpose, fruitlessly , amiss. AXku, and aXkocis, Dor. for aX*.i>, and iiXKt'icis. aXkuOoos, -ov, b, Alcalhoos, a man's name. AXKaia, -ns, t'l, ovpa understood, (fr. nXKri strength) a lion's (ail. AXKatSris, -ov, b, the son ofAlcarus. AXKaiK&s, -oti, b, iifAlcfCUS. AXkoIos, -a, -Of, (fr. oXki) strength) strong, noble, generous. Also Alcaus, a man's name. AXKo.vf'pos, -ov, b, Alcnnder. ' AXKap,-iipos, rd,(fr.oA/c^ strength) defence, safeguard, protection ; assistance, relief; a bulwark, fortress. 'AXkcu, -as, t'l, wild maUmus, marsh mallows. AXkMuio, JEo\. for aXkiHov, g. of AXxciins, -ov, b, Alcides, an epithet of Hercules. aXkiio -01, f. -ntrto, and 'aXkw, f. \(i>K.i, Att. iaXtok-n, to receive,^ -^ta, (Jr. r>i:^:t) to defend, protect ; (26) AAi^ AAA AAA ^izve, preserve : assist, relieve ; tu, other) (keickere, in ar^Uhcr\ Q^, reject ; to alie-nate, estrange. avert, repel. \ place. AAXa;^rfSci',/r(Mn aJiorter A\Xot6ofiai,-ovfint,tobec}iange(l, AAici), -^f, »;, s're7i^t/i,_/«rcf, fi^oMr, ; place. I lorrupted, vitiuteil ; to change in poioer; courage, braver;/, forti- ' AXXawv, iEol. for a'X.Xwi', g. pi, of| mind, gu wad.; help, assistanre, relief; dWo;. AAXoiuxris, -ws, Alt. -tioi, )/, (t'r AXXryoi', for avd'Atyo), which Ion for aviXcyoi', imp. of ai'nXt'yu). labour, toil ; victory, triumph AX(r^t<{, -£ff(ra, -£v, (fr. last) strong, mighti/, courageous, brave ; help- ing, assistant. .WKijarii, -iloi, !i, AlcestU, a wo- man's name. AAA(/3(a'<;(of, or AX»tf/?ioj, -01', 0, an herb ; anchusa, hugtop. AXxt^oi, -ov, b, li, (fr. aXxn strength) strong, able, vigorous, . powerful, mighty ; brave, gener- ous; helping, aiding. AXkiiatoiiSat, -wr, oi, the descend. aids ofAtcmeeon. AXKfti'/vn, -IS, ^, Alcmenc, a wo- man's name. A>«rr^p, -)ipo?, 0, (fr. n>.K>) strength) an avenger, assiTlor ; defender, jifitron, protector. A^Kvdni, -;/f, 1/, Alcyone, a wo- man's name. 'AXkvwv, -uvos, 'i, (fr. ('iXj the sea, and Kvu) to iiatcli) the halcyon, or king^fisher. 'AXko), and AX.-iXdii), f. uX^ui, aX»fi;- aii), and /iXuX»:j,'<7/Xo((, sec nXXr/Xoir. AXXdXo'^ow'rt, Dor. for aWnXo- ibovlii. 'AXX«i', Dor. for aXXqi; a. sin. of g», iir. AXXarrorwXi/(, -ov, b, (fr. xamc, and ru)X((i» to sell) a teller of snu'ngr^, tic, AXXf((.ii, 1 a. inf. art AXXo'Cji, tliiin. I f. act. of iiXX>i'o<7(i>. A XX«{, -livTof, fi, a sausngr, or such kiiul nfpudiUng. i AXXfiairm, or -rriD, f. -fw, p. ijX same) change, cdicralton. 'AXXo/vu, Dor. for a'XXurr. AXX«j, Poet, for uoWies, n. pi. of AXXoxcro,, -ov, o, i), (fr, liWo; aoXXjJy. other, and ruKui birth) nionslrous. AXX/^hi, Poet, for aiuXi^ai, 1 a. j iiregular, nnraiturul, .nrange. inf. act. of (iiaX/yw. l"AXX«/)X/(ai, I(J '.\XX);, (properly the d. of a'XXofl leap, boxmd, spring; to danc, with /(tpiAi part, or o(\) wayi to rise, get up; to .'spring, issue, understood) otheiwisr, else; i/i| hnlible vp. imp. ijXXifiiii'. 1 a. another part ; elsnvhcre ; in anv-'i mid. j;Xri'f(»;i'. iiXro, without the ther direction, in another toa^ AXXriyopeii) -w, (fr. «'XXoj othe: and ayopiin) to speak) to alUgo- rize, allude to, hint at, prefigure, represent metaphorically. XXXriyvfia, -as, I'l, (fr. last) an al- legory, allusion, parable, fable. AXXijyopiKOf, -i), -bv, (fr. last) alle- gorical, allusive. AXXriyupovficra, -wv, ra, (n. pi. par. pres. pass, of aXXrjyopio)) the expressions, or narrative con- taining the allegory, or allusion; an allegory, metaphor, allusion. 'AXXtjKToi, A.0I. for (iX»;Kros'. AXXriXtjct, Ion. for nXXijXais — AX- X))Xoi<"i', Poet, for aXX;;Xoii' fr. aXX^Xoiv. AXX»;Xoifa, alletujah. AXXijXoiliayin, -li, i'l, Ion. for AX X'/Xoipuyla, -uf, (';, (fr. uXXijXuv each oiher, and ijidyui to eat) eating each otiicr ; mutual de- struction. AXXr)Xoftilutr ; In surreed,fol- I dilTirrnt pUuf, Ic, low in order ; t'l rr'fuitr, 2 a. //A- 'aXMOooik, -ov, h, ./, (fr. same, and Xayay, per, Jin**. i/XXxy/on. I 0.] $p6o( siiund) of a s'rnnce voire, qXXif^Oi;)'* I •*. iiXX'i)^(fi'ioiiiini, 2] using a dij/ecent cry in liattli, f. iiXX/iyi;(7i/iiii, 1 u. ml, »iXXufi<, Pirfign, I a. mid, iu'l. tiXXufiiiiiiv o\>l.^ A^XoTuu -fi, -or, nln<> in frni. nX- nA>(/(«i^r inf. iiXXa(aoOai. t X'»i'/, (fr. uniiif) other, dffi'Kri nt,\ torn, slnin,;r manner, rite, or rr- AXXiitt,!, for riXXn iirm, or nriiu, diverse; nviisr, discordant. I rrmony. some, the rest, AXXniii;) -10, f. -luirio, p. r/XXo'wkn AXXo0i")XS>, -nv, b, //, (fr. stinie) a AXXrt^'/i'., and aXX((;^Q, (fr. riXXos, {fr, hsl) lvlinngi,nltir ; to cast, slranrrr, foreigner; of another (27) asp. JE(A. for l/Xro, pper. pa.s«. or for ijXaro, 1 a. mid. or for ijXcTo. 2 a. mid. AXXo5rfj(5(j«XXos, -01', t, '/, (fr. n'XXcf othtr, zp&i towards, and dXXoi olhtT)changiable, variable,f!ckle, inconstant, 'AXXof, -»;, -0, another, other, the other ; the rest, some ; these and tkosc; another'' s. 'AXXoae, (fr. last) elsewhere, to another place, r>r pitrposie, 'AXXotc, (fr. same) otherwise, at another time, in anotlicr manner ; .■ionietimes, now and then, AXXorcplios, JE()\. for aXXdrpiof. AXXorpiotrriVvoTO?, -ov, b, )/, (fr. uXXoTpi'of another's, and friVvo- ros an inspector) a meddler, in- lermeddler, busybody. AXXorptoi, -a, -ov, (fr. dXXof ano- ther) other^s, another''s, not one''s own ; ."Strange, foreign ; differ- ent, of another sort ; unsuitable; absurd, AXXoTpiuipOoviij) -la, (fr. same, and ifiQnvim to envy) to hate another for excellence or success ; to envy, grudge, AXXorpioqipoiui -Hi, (fr. same, and (ppoiito to think) to take a con- trary part, be alienated, cs- tranged, or averse, \XXoTpi6ta -u), f. -uiciii, p. jjXXo- TpiuiKa (fr. same) to alienate, estrange ; to nilhdraw, emigrate ; to claim, iippropriiite, KXXinpiiiii, (fr. same) strangely, AXXoTpijyrrif, -los, Att. -cws, l/, (fr. same) alienation, rslrangemcnt ; departure, separation, AXXoifidacu:, (fr. o'XXof other, and I'ldu lo speak) to talk incoherent- ly ; tn be deranged, or disordered in mind, AXXmlipovii'i -H, f. -I'iTU), (fr. same, anil (/ipoi/u) to think, th. i/ipiii' the mind) to think on oiher things ; to feign, ilissemble, tlis- simulide ; to .faint, be distressed, distrarted, or imxine, AXXnij,pii'oj, -01), i, i;, (fr. same, and i/>w(r| voice) q/" n different t'lnguage ; xtran^r, foreign. AXXd^if, Poet, for aWa-^ou. KWutoKi, Poft. and Ion. for avl- Xut, iinii. a(rt. of (umXuui. AXXi'roi, Poet, for dXurof. AXXi'u), root, for nvaXi'ii). 'AXXwOti', by Ectas. for dWoOtv. 'AXXwj, (fr. a'XXof another) other- wine ; beside, moreover ; idli/, fruillcssli/^ in vain ; rashly, un- inlentionaUy ; falsely, incor- rectly. 'AXfia, -oTu?, t3, (fr. aWo^at to leap) leaping, dancing ; a leap, bound, spring ; an eminence, mound, tomb. 'aX^ci'oj, and JEol. 'AX^cvof,by Sync, for aWdncvog, par. pres. ot aWoixat, AXuij, -ijf, f], and AX/^upif, -I'^oj, i/, (fr. (iXj the sea) a liquor that remains in saltpils baiealh the sail ; brine, pickle. 'AX^Cpof, -a, -01', (fr. last) salt, bri ny. AX^, -KOi, !/, same as aXo/. AXoaci) -ui, f. -);(T(ij and -dau, p. -i/Ka, (fr. aXw{ a threshing floor) to tread, or rub corn out of the ear, to thresh ; to strike, fell, kill. par. 1 a. pass. aXoadd;. AXoui'u, Poet, for last. AXojt'u) -(3, f. -I'jau), p. ->;Ka, (fr. a r>eg. and Xdyof account) to make no account of; to neglect, slight ; contemn, despise. AXoyiri, -r/i, »;, (fr. last) contempt, slight, inconsistency, absurdity ; rashness, temerity. AXdyiof, -a, -ov, (fr. same) insen- sible, stupid, unreasonable ; con- temptuous, scornful ; negligent of accounts. AXoyiffWa, -u;, i';, (fr. same) indis- cretion, impruitence, rashness. AX6ytu) to anoint) f'tt, grease ; ointment, oil ; an anointing, dauljtng ; oblitera- tion. AXoki^u, or AvXoKi'^u, f. -tail), (fr. oCXaf a furrow) to make furrows, plough, 'AXof, -oKos, fi, same as av\a^. ^A\os, Dor. for JXof. AAT 'AXoaiSvn, -i)j, ft, (fr. uXj the sea, and (Tci'iw to shake) an epithet of a sea nymph ; murine, satborn, daughter of tlie main. ' XXovpyoi, -ov, and ' AXovf)y!i;, -loi -oPj, h, ^, (fr. same, and iftyov work) made from the sea, purple, violet-coloured. 'AXor;, -ovaa,-iv, par. 2 a. act. of aXw^K. 'aXo(/io>, -on, i, »;, (fr. (I neg. and Xiii/)Of a crest) uilhoul the crest, v;anting the crest, unplumed. 'AXo'^o;, -ov, /;, (fr. a together, and Xf^oi a bed) a wife, consort, concubine. AX'iu), Poet, for aXa, 2 sin. cont. inipr. mid. of aXdofiai -oifxat, impr. pres. aXdov -ui. aXooii', par. pres. act. cont. of aXodui — a. sin. mas. cont. aXo tavTa. AXdojvTat, Poet, for aXcjvrai, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. of aXdojiat. 'AXttus, -ui', al, the Alps, moun- tains so called. ' AXtti'ioto;, or 'AXrioros, for -Srt'X- TTKTTos, sup. of -S-a'Xrof, ■SuXtticoi', 5aXjricrros, or rather the sup. of 'AX-rrvoi, -rj, -ov, (fr, a'Xc^i meal) feeding, nourishing, cheering ; agreeable, pleasant ; comp. aXrr- vi'uv, sup. dXitvicTos. "aXs, uXoq, (';, the sea, the ocean. "AX{, aXbs, b, salt ; wit, fancy, genius. 'AXaoi, -co; -ovi, to, a wood, grove, thicket ; a lawn or open .space in a forest. AX(7a)(5»/j, -cos -ouf, b, I'l, (fr. last) woody, shady, leafy ; branching 'AXrlKOi, -i), -if, (fr. aXXofxai to skip) nimble, active, lively. ^AXto, Ion. and Sync, for JjXaro, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. oC ilXXoixai. Or for ))Xto pper. of same. AXuj7, -17?, »;, the head, or stock of the plough, into which the tail or handle is fixed. ' AXvkos, ->i, -ov, (fr. (IX5 salt) italt- ish, briny. XXvKrd^iii, (fr. aXi'w to rave) to fear, dread, apprehend. AXvKTCOjJiai, AXiiKTrjimt, and AXo- XtiKTiiiiat, Poetic verbs, (fr. aXi'ir- ffu to rave) to vxinder in mind, doat, rave ; to faint, sink ; to be alarmed, shocked, angry, indig- nant. ,AXvKTOTTcSrj, -rii, '1, (tr. dXvKTos, Poet, for dXvroi not to be loosed, and TTii]ri kXlers) fetters that bind for ever ; an in/lissotuble chain ; d. pi. Ion. aXvKTO-KlSrjai. AXiif«f,par. 1 a. act. — aXv^ctoi, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. oCaXvirKta. 'AXvrroi, -ov, b, 1'/, (fr. a ncg. and XvTTr] grief) free from grief; cheirful, gay, merry ; not griev- ous, agreeable, grturful. 'AXv- Ttov, rd, ease, cherrfuhirss, mirlli. 'AXvi, -vos, b, II, (fr. aA<'(.) lo r.ivc) anxiety, di.igust. perturbation, distraction of mxrul, perplexity, distress. AXvaOiiivu>,OT AXvcOcvu) (fr. same, and oO/ i/uj strength) to /am<; to (28) AAfi sink under weakness or sorrow ; to grieve, despond, AXvaOftalvui, (Ir. same, and aaO- fiiiivu) to pant) lo ache, be oppress- ed, to pant. 'AXOffif, -lof, Att. -{W5, >', (fr. a neg. and Xvw to break) a chain, bond, feller, AXuffi7£Xi)5, -lof -oDf, b, i), (fr. a neg. X()u) to pay, and riXoi tax) unserviceable, unprofitable, use- less ; pernicious, hurtful. AXvfTKd^h), (same as next) par. pres. d. sin. aXvoKn^ovTi. AXvok-w, f. -^o>, (fr. aXiu) to avoid) to skulk, shun, avoid, evade ; .flee, escape. 1 a. j^Xv^a- par. dXv^ai. 1 f. mid. aXv^o/iat -j], -CTai. AXvdfidf, -ov, b, (fr. aXvta to rave) anxiety, perturbation, distrac- tion, AXvaau, (fr. same) to staffer agi- tation, or distress of mind; to rave, be mad. AXvaralvo), (fr. same) to be weak, to faint, be dejected. aXi'tijj, -ov, b, (fr. a neg. and Xvio to release) a tictor, beadle, con- stable. 'AXutoj, -ov, b, t'l, (fr. same) not loosed; not to be loosed, released, remitted, requited ; fast, firm ; binding. AXvxJh, -~)i, f)-, (''■• next) a sinking, or depression of the spirits, anxi- ety, perplexity, or distraction, of mind. AXuo), f. -iaia, to afflict or>ie's self, fret, grieve ; to despond, despair ; to wander in mind, be distract- ed, rave ; to wander ; to exult, triumph, boast ; to be idle, do nothing, live at ease. 'AX(pa, indecl. alpha, the first let. ter of the Greek alphabet. Me- taphorically, a beginning, source, origin. AX^alos, -ov, b, Alphceus, a man's name. AX(pdv(j), or AXipc(j), f. -)'/(T(j, and -iaw, (fr. ciXr/ju) to find, discover, invent ; to earn, get, produce, re- ceive as wages. 2 a. act. ind. tiX(()ov' opt. dXcboifit. 'AX(pctoi, -ov, b, Alpheios, a river. AXipcrriftoini, -ii)v, at, (fr. aX to find, and (iovi an ox) those young women, who from their attrac- tions, get presents from their lovers, when riches chiefly con- sisted of cattle; beautiful, en- chanting, charming, bewitching ; fertilizing, rich, luxuriant. AXtjinTrfii, -ou, b, (fr. aX(^/ui to find a finder, inventor, discoverer ; leader, chief, prince, noble, ria man, d. j)l. Ion. aXipcarTiai. ' kX<1)i, by Apoc. for 'AXipiTov, -ov, rh, fiour, meal; parched corn, victuals, AX(p&i, -n, -dv, (fr. a neg. and Xi- voi scale) peeled, or white from cutaneous eruption, white. AX7f , -7;, 2 a. opt. — 'aXui- 01 2 a. impr 'AXwra, Ion. for Yi^oiKa, per. ofaXuifii. AXu/ifVi;, IT. sin. fern. par. pres. cont. of aXtfa/iQi. AXu^i, see aXioKu). aXi, (fr. same) a she-fox; a cap of a fox's skin. AXonrrjf, ./Tl. HpI). n mark. A)infD<'ii^t(, -{j)v, n'l, (fr. I'i'/ia with, aP't i^niij an oak) mxid-nymphs. A/iii^ijuf, -i^f, „'i^ (fr. „ iii'g. an'i, (fr. a neg. and lidxonat to fight) invincible, not to be subdued; unconquered, untamed. Or (fr. a intens. and Ijatftdoi to desire) violent, furi- ous, savage, fierce. Or (fr. a intens. and ftriKOi. Dor. ^S- Kos length) huge, large, great, long. AfiaXoKiaria, -as, fi, (fr. a neg. and Ha\aKOi delicate) hardness, firm- ness, solidity ; fortitude, resolu- tion, magnanimity. Afia\lvvio, (fr. afiaXos tender) to soften, soak, mactrale ; to de- stroy, waste, consume. Or (as from bfia\bi plain) to level, over- throw, ruin. AftaMtla, -as, i), Amallheia, the goat that suckled Jupiter. 'A/ioXXa, -rii. If, a handful, gripe; a sheaf. A/iaXXti'ci), (fr. last) to gather into handfuls, or sheaves; to grasp. A/JrtXXo^£ri)p, -^poi, and AfiaXXo^f- rns, -ov, 0, (fr. same, and iito to bind) v;ho ties the sheaves, u hinder, A/JuXdf, -i), -iv, JE.o\. for u;raXd{, soft, tender ; unfiedged. 'A/io/zif, -Cxof, II, a kind of grape. Aft^v, pres. inf. act. cont. of afxdij). Aitavtrfii, -ou, b, mushroom, or fungus of some sort. 'A/Jofa, -t]S, 1), (fr. (i^a together, and dyu) to drive) a chariot, carriage, cart, vehicle. 'Apta^cvio, (fr. last) to travel in, or drive carriages ; to cart, draw, drag. 'A(ia((j, -Ifioi, f/, (fr. same) a small cart, carriage, &c. K)ia(,trui, -ov, b, q, (fr. same) about carriages. 'Afia^irbf, i), viz. 6f5df, a carriage road, high- way. 'A/jaforijyi'w, (fr. samo, and irf/yvv- fit lo frame) to make carl^, cnr- riaees, &r. ^ Kfinp, -urn<, t!>. Dor. for fitinp, Afinpii^-a<, li, a trench, ditch, drain, sender, canal, rmiduil. A/tdpliKOf, -ov, h, sirerl marjoram. Aiiiini'rrlimi, ntiil A/iii'f)'Vro<, -oti, (/, //, (fr. fi ii''p. anil finpnlvtit In fadf) unfiiitirii:, rvrr-fair, and (vrr-youn/:. Aitnp/iA) -ij, (fr. niiilnn a canni) to run thrfnikh n jiijti,flow fdong a roniluil ; In o'ui/, fullow, 'Aii'iprart, prf'R, impr. Oct. — ' A iinorurirc, 2 pi. prcs. iiid, or (29) AMA impr. act. — 'Aitaprdveif 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of 'A(iaprai'u), f. -tjaui, p. {jfidpTrjKa, (fr. oftaprfu) obs. ) to miss a mark ; to lose, be disappointed ; to go astray, deviate, swerve ; to 7}iistake, err ; to pass by, neglect, omit; lo sin, transgress, qfflnd. 1 a. par. a/zapn/ffaf. 2 a. fcd. i'lliapTov, Ion. S-wpToV sub. afidp- Tw' par. nftapTiov. 'Afiaprdf, -dios, rj, (fr. last) fault, crime. Afiaprfi, same as 'd^a. 'A/i(7'p-)7, 3 sin. and — ' AfidprriTt, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — ' AnaprnGeii, -uaa, -{>', par. 1 a. pass. — 'AfiapTi'icai, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. of o^iapTaid). 'Afidprrifia, -arof, to, (fr. same) any deviation from right ; error, transgression, sin, fault ; failing, fnilure ; defect, blemish ; a siti- Offering. 'Aiiap-ia, -ag, )';, (fr. same) sin, guilt, transgression ; falsehood, deceit; an offering for sin; pu- nishment. 'A/uipTi'ioos, -60V, h, /';, (fr. same, and v6og the mind) guilty, cri- minal, depraved, corrupt ; in- sane, mad. 'A^npTonrijs, -ev; -ous, i, i), (from same, and jrrof a word) with a bad delivery, confused, wander- ing. Also deceitful, false, vain. AftdpTvpoi, -ov, 0, /;, (fr. a neg. and jidprvp a witness) without wit- ness, unsupported '^y proof, un- attested. 'A^uprwXof, -ov, b, !), (fr. anaprdvo) to sin) a sitmer, sinful, Afiapvyt), -Tis, ri, and Afidpvyita, -aros, TO, (fr. next) brightness, lustre; a fiash of lightning. Afinpvaaio, f. -fu), p. -;^a, to shine, glitter, sparkle, fiash. 'Audi, Dor. for tuidi. a. pi. of lyiii. A/jn'(7u5, Dor. for afitiaai, 1 a. par. act. of (jf/ao). Afidat}TOi, and 'A/iao-roj, -ou, h, f/, (fr. a nt'p. and fiaadofiai to chew) uncheued. AjidoOni, pres. inf. pass, cont. of a/iau). ' Aiiarpo^nii) -, Ai'iixiri, and Ajinjfwf, (froni ii'Xt) without fiqhting, pencrahly. AMD'iXOi, -»<'» Oy >h {^'- " '^^S- *"'' /irf^uuiii to ti^;)))) uithout hatlle, or .nfliling, tiot (jiKinrl.iomr ; ij»u'rir/iA:«, pencfdhlr. Also un cnnquerahlfy iittincible ; incon leMiMf ; iiiipnicticMe, Aitdu -w, 1. -ijiru;, |). /;^r;icii. to rfii/>, mote, (•«/ down ; to collerl, ga- tlitr ; to heap up, pile. Apjialt'tii', Kftjiaii), Pot'l. for ava- liiiiicir, pres. inf. and avafiali], i a. o|iI, nf Hvajiaimt. A/i/JaXtv, Dor. ainl Ai.i.i\. for uva- i3dXov, 2 a. impr. mid. of «i'u- (jit'X.Xu). AflidXXofiai, Poet, for ufa|3(fXXo- /((ii, see al^a|id\Xu^. Ap'idat, Poet, and Dor. for avt- /ji/ar, 1 a. iiid. net. of nvn/id/voi, sometimes used for aiapii^d^ui. A/ijJa', b, 1/, (fr. same, and yuii'ia an angle) obtuse- ■ftngled. A/i/3Xoiu), (fr. next) to hunt, to turn the edge; to tarnish, make dull, or di7n ; to impair, weaken, repress. Ait,3Xvs, .tTn, -u, blunt, obtuse ; dull, dim ; luavy, stupid ; inanimate. Aii^Xviaynii, -ou, b, (fr. last) duU lies:, weakness, or shortnets of fight. Afi/?Xu(irr(i), (fr. same) to see badly, tuLVe weak, or short sight ; tu mis- take, blunrler. Aii!iXiji^ui,\ a. sub. pass. ofu;i)3X(Ja). Aii(}Xij)')oiiiov, -01', rb, (fr. aitliXdoi to miscarry) an abortion. 'A/tffXuiai!, -los, Alt. -twj, >;, (fr. game) a iniscarrying, miscar- riage. AflioXdiav, Dor. Ion. and Poet. for ava(ioXdfriv, (fr. avnfioXfi de- lav) with delay Sy tediously, lazily. AyilioXdf, -alio?, li, (fr. no7ai, for (U'(i /Jiu/iois, at, or on the altars. &c. Seo /icouo's. 'Afifiiiii', -uvof, b, a l>nss or spike in the middle of the shield ; any si- milar prntubera^ier ; a knob, stud; a hill, hillock, eminence ; the edge, or brim. A/^/iiiiroc, Poet, and Ion. for ara- lioi'itrii, 1 a. par. act. of ava- /?orfci). A/ij, Dor. for r^if, from eyut. AiiiyapTOi, -uv, b, li, (fr. u neg. and layalpti) to grudge) without stint or .itop ; unbounded, eilensivr, immense, large, great ; icitling, ready, prompt ; unenvied. .\Hidvaoi, -ov, h, L (fr. same, and ficOi'io to intoxicate, tli. fiiOv wine) not drunken, solier ; not into.Tica/ing, iivcrtini; drunken- ness. Also subs, an amethyst, a violet coloured precious stone. Ajuilhro, Ion. for nudiitro, imp. ind. mid. of u^iti.Jw. Aftdiiovrii, -oil/, 01, (fr. next) pro- perlv the principals in framed roofs ; and the rafters in smaller roofs, which by mutual resist- ance support each other ; any beam or timber in budding. Xnctjiu), f. -i^'iD, p. I'ljiCKpa, to ex- change, barter ; to alternate, in- terchange ; act, or talic »i turns ; to converse, answer, reply ; to pass by, or over; to transport, ferry, or carry over ; to requite, re- pay, recompense, per. pass, fiji- ficifiai. 1 a. r]fiti, f. -liffw, (fr. last) to weaken, debilitate, imjmir ; to de- feat, frustnde. ' Aftipti, Dor. and ' Anipaiat, Dor. and Poet, for Sijiipa, and liiiipats, d. |)1. Afiipyio, to clear or extract the im- purities from oil ; to clarify, pu- rify ; to strain, squeeze, press ; to strip, cull, gather. Aitip^w, (fr. a neg. and ftipito to lookat)to'/az2/c, Win^; to darken, churl, shade, or obscure; to ilej/rive of briglUness, Or (fr. a inlcns. and fiipiii), Dor. for //cpi'^o) to share) to rob rif Ids portion, de- prive, cheat, dcfrawl. imp. t'litep- cov. Ion. dficpi'ioi', 1 a. pass. ind. iljiipOriV .«ul). uiiipdu), -}]i, -jj. Ajitpiii, -ioi -ow{, 0, i), (fr. a neg. and ufooi part) not to be shared, or ilivi'led, indivisible. A//;of^a),sanic n^i aficipoi, or antp^oi. Aft'oi/jviiaia, and Ajjcoii'ita, -as, //, (fr. next) security, confitlcnce, carelessness ; quietness, assur- ance, safety. K/iipifivoi, -ov, b, !i, (fr. a neg. and Hipifiva care) careless, confident^ AMH secure, quiet ; unheeded, disre- garded, Aficpiiivuis, (fr. last) indiJirerUly, secitrelt), at ease. 'Aficpos, Dor. for rjiicpos. 'Antpca, -as, -e. Ion. for ij/iipaa, 1 a. ind. act. — Ajicpaio, -^s, -fi, 1 a. sub. act. — Afiioaai, 1 a. inf. act. o{ a/icploi. Or by Sync, for jiftipiaa, ajitpiijCi, and a^ttpi- cat, ofajitpi^io. Or JEuL for nfii- pa, a/icipii)-, and aftcipcii, ofaficlpio. Afitpiiaaii, Dor. and ..Eol. for I'lfic- pwffof, 1 a. par. oflj/icpdw. 'Aftti, Dor. for liftcls, >>•?'. oC eyd. AiicrddcTOi, -ev, i, I'l, (tr. a neg. and ficTaridniii <» transpose) «;i- changeable, fixed, determined. AiuraKlvTjTos, -ov, b, ri, (fr. i'i( an(;cr) void of anger, mild, calm, temperate, meek. AffipttTof, -ov, b. It, (fr. game, and in/nt'ta to roll up) 7101! spun, or reeled; unwound, entangled, per- plexed, intricate ; endless, im- perfect, unfinished. 'A find -"v, and -nrof, i, a cake made tiiith milk, Afiicdvrijy, g. pi. par. I a. n''l. of afiifii). Kjitfttjp, -npof, b, (fr. nfiiut to reap) a reaper, motver. Afiiiris, -oil, b, !,, (fr. name) har- vest-time, the harvest, crop. Afir}Tu>n, -/fmc, b, b, (fr. t n<"(;, nnA A MM fit'iTvp a mother) vnlhmtl a mo- ther, that has no mother; mo- therless, orphan ; unlike a mo- ther, cruel. AfinX""^ ''"' Ofir'i^ava, neut. pi. of afD'i^avoi. Afirj^aviu) -w, f. -ijaii), (fr. a ncg. and fiij^ai'i) contrivance) to he without means nf acting ; to he straitened, perplexed, embarrass- ed ; to be at a loss, to want, to need. Annxavfiit -ioi-oi'i, h, j), (fr. same) without means, or assistance, at a loss, perplexed, anxious; art- less, unskilful, without ingenuity. viri, -rti, )), (ft. same) dijiculty, perplexity, want of means, em- barrassment. AfitJXai'oSt-ov, b, fi, (fr. same) un- skilful, awkward, artless ; at a lost, distressed, perplexed; diffi- cult, unattainable, impossible; not to he evaded, dangerous, 7nischievous, artful, insidious, in- triguing, Afirrxavw;, (fr. last) in perplexity ; with difficulty. Aftia, -as, I'r, a fish so called. Afii'av-oj, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a ne". and fitaivu} to taint) undefilcd, un- tainted, unpolluted ; innocent, pure, chaste. 'Afiidcos, Dor. for {jftiOeos. AiitOpitv, by Metath. for aoiOfiuv, pres. inf. act. cont. of apiOfiiio. 'A/iiXXa, -ris, !i, a fight; contest; trial of skill, contention, emula- tion, 'A^(XXao;((jt -Zfiai, (fr. last) to fight, quarrel, disjyute ; to vie, rival, emulate. 'Afilv, Dor. for i^^jTi', d. pi. of cyd, Afiivacali, indecl. Aminudah. Afitvalos, -a, -ov, Jtminean, relat- ing to Aminca ; a part of Cam- pania famous for its wines. Afit^ia, -as. Ion. and Afit^in, ->is, i), (fr. « neg. and filywiii to mix) distinction, separation; property, private right ; freedumfrom mix- ture, pureness ; simplicity, sin- cerity ; sexAusicm, privacy, retire- ment. Afiisi -lios, fit "■ vessel for urine; a small ship, AfHirO}, (fr. a neg. and piaBis hire) without fee, or reward, gratis. Afilitdiarof, -ov, b. If, (fr. same) un- hired, diseni;aged ; unpaid, not retrarded. A/iirpoYfruir, -(JvofiJ, /;, (fr. a neg. Iilrnu a girdle, and X'''''''^ * coat) without a girdle, ungirded. Or (fr. a cop.) wearing a girdln on the cont of mail, A/iix9^X(5(i«, -tirrn, -cv, (fr. Fame, ijlyvvui to mix, niid (iXf the sea) forbidding an inlrrroursc, unso- ciaL, inhospitable ; dangerous, in- accessible ; ns an island without a safe port. Or (I'r. a inlcnH. nniibulx^il tt mist) cloudyj'oggy, eloufl-capt. 'A/iiia, -aro(, tA, (fr. Hvrin lo tie) (J knit, tijing, tastrning. (ill) AMN' AfinaOu), Poet, for avaftadu, 2 a* sub. act. of avafiaiddvu, ".Kfiftn;, yEol. for j'jfias, a. pi. of cyii. "Afifit, Poet, for {^ftas, JE,o\, for Vcui', luj. Ajif'iya, Poet, for ava fiya, very large, great, so large. .Kfifiiivas, Poet, for uvaficivas, 1 a, I)ar. act. of avnfu'vio. 'Aufjcvat, Dor. lur aijuvni, which IS Ion. for dttv, pres. inf. act. of du), for a'(^«. Aftfiivofitv, Poet, for arafiivojxtv, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of avafttvio. "Afificvos, or n/inof, Dor. for 'fific- vos, par. pres. of i'lfiai. 'Afiftes, ^o\. "Afifics, Dor. for fifulsi n. pi. of cyii. 'Ajificaoy, Poet, for ava fticov, in the midst, ajnids!, among. ' Afificmv, JE,o\. for I'liihiv, g. pi. of eyd. ' A^fti, -los, Att. -co)s, rd, amirii, bishop's weed, a medicinal herb and seed. 'AjifCtya, Poet, for avduiya, (fr. avafiiyvvfiL to intermmgle) to- gether, along vith. Afifulyhiv, Po«t. for avofilySriv, (fr. same) confusedly, indistinctly, mixed among each other; pro- misnwiisty. 'Afifiiv, or i^Jt/ji, Dor. and JEo\, for !jft7v, d. pi. offj'w. .i/i/zi'^af, Poet, for avafti^as, 1 a. par. act. of avafilywin. 'Afifitai', -ov, TO, red lead, vermilion, 'Afnnopos, ^ol. for dfiopos. 'Afifios, -oil, ,'j, for i^'dfiftns, (fr. (/«/w to pulverize) properly the dust of parched land ; powder, sand, Afxftuihjs, -tos -ovs, b, >i, (fr. last) dusty, sandy, dry. 'Afiftuv, JEol. for iiftSiv, g. pi, of cyui. "AfifiwY, -otyos, b, Hccmmon, an epithet of .lupiter. 'Afifiwvios, -ov, bf relating lo Ham- moii. 'A/jtrrifioSf-ov, b, (fr. nftvbs a lamb) a grandchild, n/fspring. Pro- perly of the yoUM}^ of sheep. Afivafiiiiyv, Dor. for afivt'iftuiv. Afivus, -d^os, »'(, same as afivt'i- Afivdau, Dor. Sync, for avanvf/mt, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of avafiiji. Vt'/tTKli}. ' AfivnoToi, Dor. for dfiitfrrros. Afivciasy -a, -ov, (fr. afivbs a lamb) of a lamb. \ftvt), -))<, i';, (fr. same) a ewe- lamb, Afivtifiuvlh) -St, f. -I'ldht, and .Kftvi]- fiovcviit, (fr. next) to forget. Aiiv/iiiuiv, -ovos, b, 'i, (fr. a nog. and ftvdofiiii to remember) for- getful, oblivimis; inattentive, neg- ligrnt ; ungrateful ; not record- ed, forgotten. AfiviirriKaKiut -iTi, (fr. same, fUld K'litis evil) tn forget injuries; tn forgive, pardon. A/'VtffiXftKi'K, (fr. laal) forgiv- ingly. Aiivi'i'TT'i'm, (fr. next) without a A MO wnrridgc-contract, without wtd- tiH-k. A/iiiJarnirOi-, -ou, b, i), (fr. u ncg. ami fii'iiOTivu) to coiiii) not tii- g'lgnl, or promixol in marriage ; unmarrtej. Aftyqarta, -iif, >';, (fr. same, and /ii'u'ii/iiii lo r»iiicinl)or) nii aiii- nestij ; fnrgrtjulness, oblivion ; forgivrncss, 'AfitiiaTOf, -or, b, i), (fr. same) /or- goUen^ unknown, obscure, low, humble. Afivlov, -ov, tH, the membrane co- vering the ctitbryo in tite womb ; a vessel J'or the blood of the sacrifice. A/Jiif, -M05, )'/, (dim. of a/i^ a ewc- lamb) a Hide lamb. A/ii^s'i -ov, b, a lamb, Afii'oipdfioi, -ov, {/, (fr. last, and ^f- pu to carry) a breeding ewe, or tcith young. n^io(f'i, (fr. next) alternate, reciprocal, mu- tual. Afiot^fi, -ns, >i, (fr. aiiiljluj to ex- change) a change, exchange; retribution, recompense. Afoi^bi, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. same) mu- tual, reciprocal; aiding, assist- ant. Subs. pi. auxiliaries, allies. A/ioip/ci) -w, f. -»; to milk) giving milk ; milky ; white, aiio^yaXr), fem. Ion. A/JoXytiif, -/05, b, and auo\yiov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) a milking ves- sel, milk-pail. Afto\yii, -ov, b, (fr. same) milking lime; evening, night. Aitd^vvTos, -ov, 0, >/, (fr. a neg. and fio\vvii) to taint) unpolluted. Afiioa, -ai, //, a pudding, or cake ofjlnur and honey. Aiiopj3u7o(, -a, -ov, and A^dfj/3io?, -ov, b, It, (fr. aftoofibi dark) dark, dusky, obscure. A/Jioplitinj), (fr. same) to follow, at- tend, wail upon. AfJioplidi, -f), -iv, obscure, dark, thaily ; subs, o companion, fol- Imver, attendant. Afjiopyh, -hi, h, (fr- a/j/pyw'o clari- fy) the lees of oil ; an herb used in dying purple. The name of an island. Afiopirris, -ov, 0, f/, same as a)i6pa. 'A/jopof, -ov, 6, 1';, (fr. a neg. and fiupo; a share, th. fiiipij) to di- vide) portionless, without a share; destitute ; unfortunate, helpless. AMn 'A/('£uj. Poet, (or avaraiavl^w 1 a. int. act. auzatavicai. A/JiTfiXof, Poet, ior avdna\ui. AfiTii^Lov, Poet, for ava-nSXuii, 2 a par. act. of araTraAXu. A/ir(ii'£Tni, Pout, for uvairavcrai, 3 sin. pros. ind. pass. — Ajimtv- anaOc, Poet, for avaTTavaaaOc, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. mid. of ava- iravw. Ajinavfta, 'Afiiravaii, AfirrauffT);- pioi', AfiitavaTi'ifiios, Poet, for avd- TTavfjia, &c. Aii-c&iov, Poet, for ovu vctiov, along the plain, AjjTTcipai, Poet, for arairufias, 1 a par. of ava-ntipu). Afur/Xayof, Poet, for avii TfXayof, along the sea, through the .«ea. A^rtXtdi', and A^irfXiii))', -(itof, b. Poet, for aff7Tc\u>v. A/jTTf'Xf'i'Of. -01', b, {], (fr. djjtrrc\oi a vine) viny, of the vine. KjiTTiXdcti, -caca, -tv, (fr. next) planted, or cropped with vines, fertile in vines. 'AfnTt)iOi, -ov, I'l, a vine, vineyard. auTf^wi, Dor. for n^Tr/Xouf, a. pi. A/iffcXoupyin, -as, »j, (fr. last, and fpyov work) vinedressing, work in a vineyard ; pruning. AixTTcXovpy&s, -ov, b, (fr. same) a vinedresser, a labourer in a vine- yard. Aii-c\6(l>vToi, -ov, b, h, (fr. same, and !', dark, dusky, ob- scure ; purblind, short-sighted. Or (fr. u^uip water) wet, moist, damp. AfivriToi, -ov, b, I], (fr. a neg. and fjviui to initiate) not entered, in- itiated, or instructed; profane, vulgar. AfivOdv, -avos, b. Poet, for Afiv- 6duv, -wvoi, b, a man's name. A/it'0»)TOf, -ov, b, !i, (fr. a neg. and ;/u(?/o/joi to speak) inexpressible, unspeakable, in^ablc, unuttera- ble. AiiVKriroi, -ov, b, !/, (fr. same, and tivKati) to low) without the low- ing, or noise of cattle ; vAtlio^U herds; poor. KjivK'SaQcvjfrom AfVKSai, -wv, at, Amydcp, a city of Laconia ; also a kind o/shots so called tVoni it. A/jivKXatcSw, Dor. for afivKXa'i^w (fr. last) to speak in the Doric, or Laconian dialect. XfivXiov, -oil, TO, (fr. next) bread made of boiled uheat. 'jLnv\oi, -on, b, t'l, (fr. a neg. and ftvXn a mill) unground, whole hut soaked. 'A.ftv>iov, -ov, ri, (neut. of last) boil- ed wheat, starch. Aiivfuov, -oyos, b, !), irreprehcnsible, blameless ; innocent, upright, xmrthy ; opulent,Jine, grand. Afiiva, and Afiivr], -175, >';, (fr. a^iv- viji to aid) protection, defence, help, vindication, revenge. AffuvTai, -ov, b, Amyntas, a man's name. A/iuvr^piov, -ov, ri, (fr. next) a defence, fortress ; armour. AnvvTripios, -ov, b, 71, (fr. afivvii) to aid) assistant, helping, relieving ; defensive. A/ivvTup, -opof, and Afivvrfip, -ijpoj, b,ii, (fr. same) a defender, helper, protector, avenger. Also Amyn- tor. Aftviu), f. -Srw, p. r'/ftvyxa, to help, assist, succour, relieve ; to Jii^ht for, defend, guard ; to avert, re- pel ; to avenge, punisli, requite. Afivviuev, Ion. and aftvvintvai. Dor. for a^ixivuv, pres. inf. afiv- vtvoi. Dor. for a^iuvowi, 3 pi. pres. ind. 1 a. act. ind. fifivva' sub. aftvvia, -Tji, -17. inf. u^iivai. mid. rifivvdixt^v inf. afiivaadai. I r. pass. aiivvQi'iaojtat. 1 f. mid. a/ivvoii/iai, -;/, -lirat. 'Afiv^K, -tof, Alt. -t(af,fi, same as dftvyfia, AfiC'^u), -ct(,-u, 1 f. of AftdaiTui, or -ttoi, f. -^w, p. ijfivya, to scratch, scrape ; to tear, reiul, lacerate ; to pull, pluck, twitch ; to taunt, fret, exasperate. 1 a. ^fiv^a' inf. mid. afii^auQai. Afivart, (fr. a neg. and /luu) to close the mouth) al a draught, hastily, at once, all at a breath, witliout drawing breath. 'AfivoTif, -tiof, /i, (fr. fiame) a drinking vessel ; a drinking bout ; emptying large glasses al a draught. name as dfivyija. hjiip' foTaijtpl. A/jitiayi'oiw -«, (fr. aiKp'i about, and ayvolia not to know) In be slight- ly informed, to know partly, imp. act. riiKJiayvitov -ouv. AiiAu^ii — A|ijKT]i. A^, (fr. a^Kpl about, and u'^wv the axle-Uee) to deviate from the track, swerve ; to sway, swing, or hang vnsteadily ; said of a chariot which hangs, or moves ill. A/ji^upa/3i^u), or Ajjiipafiapi^u), (fr. afKJii about, and lipajios a crash) to crasli, rattle, stun. AfKpaalt}, -j/f, /;, Ion. for Aftcpacia, -us, >'), (fr. a neg. and ibrii^i to speak ) mutaiess, silence ; stop- page of utterance, hesitation, per- plexity. 'AiJKpav^ti, -£fc)f, )/, a lopped trunk of ajir-tree. AjidaaOai, for afi(j>a to touch) to handle, feel. ApiKi.ipu> . AiJ^fzoi'>'i6rj,3 sm. I a. pass, ofn^- (pilTOfHO. AnfiTtoTciTo, 3 sin. cont. imp. ind. act. of a/i0i7roTa'a). Aji6(it}0ev, Boaot. for afiiiiiC>D, f. -da'i- A^Kpifiuatg, -to;, Att. -cu;, !i, (fr. aiitP6tiTOi,-ov, b, 1), (fr. same, and (iodu) to shout) resounding, re- echoing ; celebrated. A/(0i/3oA£i'f, -fot, Att. -iois, b, {fr. a/i(/)(^nXXu to cast) a fisherman. Afifbifio\la,-as, fj, (fr. next) doubt, doubtftdyiess, uncertainty, per- plexity. A^fiftu\oi, -ov,b, )/,(fr. (!/<(/)( about, and /JaXAo) to cast) doubtful, du- bious ; distracted, perplexed ; double ; assatdted on all sides. Ant about, and yivoi'in to be born) 61/ a former marriage, a stip-son, or dauglilrr. A/ic/iiyi'iifli, -fVTOS, b, t'l, (fr. r;//i/i( on both nIHck, and yvibi lame) lame iifboth tegs, limjiing. A\i sides, ami t\i(ri, !], (fr. a/i^i on both sides, and ^t^iof right- handed) amhideJrtrovs, using each hand equally ; double deal- ing, ambiguous. A^iptiipKoiiat, f. -^oftat, (fr. a/i<^( about, and Hoku) to look) to look round ; to he cautious, attentive ; to watch, observe. A^tptiipx^l^'i Ion. for afi'), (fr. afti about, and {tiiD to whirl) to roll, turn, u-iiid, whirl about, or flutter about ; to surround, environ. A)t, f. -t]C(jj, (fr. apKp'i aoubt, and 66^a an opinion) to doubt, waver, fluctuate. A/j(^i'(5ofoj, -ov, b, II, (fr. same) dis- puted, uncertain, dubious, am- biguous, doubtful, double-mean- ing. AfKfiicpvTTOi — Ait;, (fr. ajKfi on both sides, and (5pii7r- Tij> to strip the bark ) torn on both cheeks, much abused ; lacerated, disflgured, as in mourning. A^njith^ii, ot-viji, f. -vc!ii>, (fr. same, and Ivii) or Iviit to enter) to put on, wrap round, dress, clothe. Afuplcvfioi, -ov, 0, >'j, (fr. same, and ivftt to enter) open at both sides, pervious, passable ; accessible. Ajtipilvi, par. 2 a. act. of a/i^f- cviti. Ati6titfihoi, par. per. pass, of a/i- tpiivviifit. Afii both ways, and c^iaaui to turn) im- pelled, moved, or rowed on both fides ; that may be turned either ray. AfKfitiivittt, f. an to put on) to dress, clothe ; to decorate, a/lom, enibellijih. 1 a. act. ind. rift(piiaa- sub. ait(ptiiTU), -Tji, -ri' mid. nyi^tt- edfiTjv par. mid. ajiipiia(iiii.voi. per. pa.«. tjiKpiccfiai, Ion. a/i- ittfiat' and <;/i^£i^ai • par. i)/i0i£ctfjivof. A/i7''(i'rii'0'M', 3 sin. pros. ind. act. with v added nf last. A/iy^Il'-u), (fr. ttftipi about, ami (irm to manage) to conduct, order, manage, govern ; to treat, enter- tain ; to be engaged, or concern- ed in ; to take cure of; to prose- cute ; to follow, pursue. Afupii^oiiai. see a)cnl\\ about, and Kptiinn) to hang) to hang round ahout ; liang to, or upon, suspend. AiKpiKpciidii) -Si, (fr. same) to hang aboiil ; to beset, surround, be- siege, intvM. (34) AfKJ'iKvMaaaii, JRo\. and Poet, for ii;i(/iixiiX/(r(i(, 1 u. pur. act. of Afi^iiKvXIu), f. -to(i>, (fr. a^'i about, and Kv\lu) to roll) to roll about, throw down, make tumble, or fall. Afit both ways, ami xuirtXXoi/ a cup) a two-handUil ciiji ; or a driiik- ing vessel made iftuo cups, with the bottoms joined, so that while cither serves tor drinking, the other answers for a loot. See ap(piOtTOS. AfiijHXiilitii, or Afi(/)iXu^i)?, -io(, -off, 6, j^, (fr. afi(j)'i around, and Xafi/ia'io) to take) ample, large, extensive, wide spreading ; um- brageous, shady ; seiziiig all around, A/i0iXo;;^'afi'u), (fr. a/i^i about, and Xa^jj-n/vw to dig) to dig about. Ajift^fyw, f. -(w, and A/i^iXoy/w -w, f. -//oil) (fr. a/id)! on both sides, and Xf'yw to speak) to sjjeak am- biguously ; to hesitate ; to dis- pute, quarrel. AiidilXcKTOi, -ov, b,fi, (fr. same) in doubt, doubtful. A//^(Xoyfa, -Of, i), (fr. sumc) doubt ; a quarrel, dispute, altercation. A/JdfXoyof, -ov, b, i';, (fr. same) aoublful, qxieslionable ; disputa- tious, litigious, quarrelsome. Aiii^AXoxos, -ov, b, Amphilochus, a man's name. A//i^fXii(cos, -ov, b, <;, (fr. aftifii about, and Xi'ki; dawn) dawn- ing, glimmering, about day- break, A.H, f. -fw, and -dill, (fr. ayi(fi about, and ^dvam to wipe) to rub down, wipe all over, wash qff', clean away, 1 a. ind. mid. aujptyaadjirjv. An<{)i)idTptoi, Dor. for fifi0(/()5Tpiof, -01), b, II, (fr. same, and \i.nrrip a mother) still in the womb, yet unborn, AiJKptiinxojtat, (fr. same, and ^(fjj^o- fiat to tight) to flght all round ; to assault, besiege. A)i(pi^u\ai, -aiva, -av, (fr. same, and ^t'XaiT black) black, dark, gloomy, n. pi. fem. a^(ptfit\alvat. A/'^i/ifKow -u>, f. -fiaia, (fr. a^i.<^\ about, and jivudio to bellow) to low, bellow, roar about, or exceed- ingly, per. mid. a)>ijtinvKu. Ajttvljioiiai, (fr. same, and vZ/iO) to pasture) to herd, graze, pas- ture, live, or dwell round about. A/jdi^/u -(3, f. -tool, (fr. same, and (iu to scrape) to scrape, or rub all over ; to polish thoroughly. 1 a. aiKpl^taa. 'AfjKpioi, -ov, b, A.mphiiis, a man's name. AiKpi'T^aXrof, -ov, b, i'/, (fr. a)i(pi all round, and vaXrbv a dart) thick with darts, bristling with spears. AiiipliTcioi, -ov, 0, II, (fr. same, and tHov a plain) plain, or level all round, surrounded with plains. A/, !h C"""- same, ana vXt'iacui to strike) beaten all round; dashing about ; striking, or ha7rt- mering upon. A/i^iroXti'wif. -£0<7(i;,(fr. same, and iroA/a' to be with) to walk about, vxdk with, accompany, attend. kjKpivo'Sii, -tdif, »'), Amphipdlis, a city. kfi^inoXou -ov, 0, t'l, (fr. ajjipl about, and vo'Siu) to be) an at- tendant, companion, follower ; a minister ; a servant, page. At'/, (fr. same, and ctt/^oj lo crown) crowned, bedecked with garlands ; fllled vp, quite fu II. kiiipi(rrr]^ii, f. -fiato, (fr. same, and 'iarii^u to place) to stand aruwiid, surround. AfiijiiaTOfio;,-ov,b, i), (fr. same, and cTdf'a the mo\i\h)doublc-tovgiicd, direitful, insidious ; f((ke ; v:ith txvofoices. Af-nfiio-paTuoiiai, (fr. same, and crparoi an army) to besiege. AfKpiraOcU, -dca, -iv, par. 1 a. pass, of flfi^irtiju. AfilTog — A /ii/) era 7:11,-, -iooi, fi, and A iKpiTaTTOf, -ov, b, (t'r. same, and Ta-nrj; tapestry) topestn/ napped on both sides, hangings the same on each side, rich, embroidered tapes'ry. A^i/iiTiuu), (fr. same, and rtiiio to stretch) to extend, stretch out the arms, embrace, clasp. a^,pi- TuOiU, 1 a. par. pass. AffxpiTiOet, pros, inipr. act. of a/o/x- TiOiio, same as AfipiTidiJiii, f. -di'/cui, p. -TtOciKa (fr. a/j(t>i about, and TtOiifu to put) to put round abuut, put on, gird, hind. Afid jv, 3 pi. Ba;ot. a/KpcrpdllrjOiv. AiKpiipopiiii, -/(j){, Ion. -i)o«, 0, (fr. same, and

    both) both together, d. pi. mas. oiiipoTipotaiv, feni. a/joporipris, and aj.i(poTip]i(ji, Ion. for afKfio- Tipoii, and ajji(poTlpaig. ajKpoTi- paii. Dor. for afiiporrpovs, a. pi. AiKpuTipwOcv, AjiipoTipuiOi, Ajiipo- ripwai, foom both quarlirs, on both sides, on each side. AfitppdaaatTO, Poet, (or ava(ppdaat- To, 1 a. opt. mid. o( avaTii,-iioi, »;, (fr. ny;, (fr. a neg. and /iw/io? disgrace) faultless, without blemish ; blame- less, guiltless, innocent, g. Ion. afjiwiji'iroio. Aixoiiti'iTios, (fr. last) blameUsslyy innocently. 'A^iuijiov, -ov, Tb,amomum, an odo- riferous shrub and gum ; ginger. AfiMv, h. Anion, a man's name. 'A^aJr, Diir. (ori'iiiwv, g. pi. of tyw. A/iuiiTui, 3 pi. cont. prcs. ind. pass. — A«wrr£(r<7i, Pool, for n^iuio-i, d. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Aftioi, 2 sin. conl. of — Afidotftt -ij)//i, -dois ipf, -dot -(p, pres. opt. act. of a/tdu). A/(iif, (fr. afibi some) sonic way, by some means. A//a)(, indcd. Amos, a man's name. Afiway(7;oi, (ir. ajtii>s siini'^ way, yi an enciilic, iind nuis how) how- soever, however, in any manner, any hou). 'A/iwm, -lov, ra, chestnuts, chest- nut trees. ^AN. A pani at; till, until. "Oruv" di; that, lo the end that. 'il( at; even ns, sn as. df Tc — dv Tt, tvhelher — or. Kqv, for Kal at; even, even if. though. '/, and Kvafia6- /jo;, -00, i, (fr. ava up, and (iaO- /lis a. step) a step, flight of steps, staircase, ladder ; -a degree ; a coming, or going up. AvdIiaOpov, -ov, ri, and Ava^dOpa, -a?, /;, (fr. n€Xt) a ladder, case, slepping-board, Ava!}"''"t', f. •0>'flO]lai, p. -ftOiri^a, (fr. ava up, and fiaivui to go) to go up, ascend, mount, climb, scale ; em!>ark, go, or put on board ship; to put to tea; lo rise, grow, spring up ; r.ome into the mind, ocair. 2 a.^v impr. avdjitjOf inf. avaiifjvaf par. avafliU, -naa, -dv. A.vafid>~\, p. -(ifflXtixa, (fr. 01(1 back, and /3a>Xu to throw) to throw ba:k, reject ; to throw up, heap ; to put, or set on, mo^inl; to throw bark, fling, throw off; It throxo rnrjnd, jrul on. clothe, thcss ; AvnliaX^Ofiai. put off, defer; to be excited. Tousnd, made angry. 2 a. act. Ai/;JoV mid. afcf!d\oiiriv per mid. ava^i(io\a. jLvdpa'us. -lOf, AU. -tuf, .', (fr. aviV nj.>, and /?,iiiuj to go) n going up, Kucent ; an ittva-^ion, expedition. tLtHtHipofiai, Dor. for avaliijtroiiai, 1 {, fci'L of ava^'ilviA- ■ Iftf^Ji 'exj ''i (fr- avaPalria to mount) one who mounts, a rider, linrscinau. Ai''beforea vowel, per. ind. act. ()f -d, or Avafiluiui, (fr. avd again, and 3i6m or liiu^n to live) to revive, come to life, live oi'cr again. Ava[3i(ii;, (fr. last) a return to life, revival f-jm the dead, resurrection. AviifhwcKu), (fr. same) to animate, enliven, bring to life ; Avapiiia- KOfiai, to revive, return to life. \t'a(i\aardvio, and -arfw, f. -rjaui, ]). -rjKn, (fr. ava again, and;3Aacr- rdvoi to bud) to bud, sprout, spring, or sliool forth afresh. Xvali'Xe-o), (fr. same, and /SAt'rrw to look) to look up; to look again, or attentively ; to receive sigfu, see again, recover the sight. A»'a','3A£, (fr. same, and Ppd^ta to resound) to crack, crash, dash, roar, bellow, resound. 2 a. ind. act. ai'//3p' xov. Avafipix"),' fr. same, and /Jp/Yw, wlii.;li see. 2 a. ind. act. aviftpa- AvalSp'jX'-', (<*'■• same, and Ppdvu) obs. to suck up, th. f^pdyyos the (36) ■ lliroat) to gargle down, rcsorby smntlow, or soak up. I a. ind. ai7/jp0^u" JEo\. opt. avappi^iia, -Of, -r,par. 1'aCpdYOti's- Avajipv^do/'ati -tiuui, f. -I'inufini, (fr. same, and /ipvY'"' '" g'lH!^'') to btwuil, moan, or lament with outcry, to Iwud mournfully. Avai3ii)\aKla, viz. yij, (fr. same, and (iCiXoi clay) llir turning of the sod, ploughing ; the earth thrown vp by the plough, particularly that which slicks to the sorl. Avayayilv, inf. — Avayayoiv, -ovaa, -i)v, |)ar. 2 a. act. Att. rcdupl. — AvdytaOai, pres. inf. pass. — Avaydficvo;, ->i, -ov, par. pres. pass, ofavuyw. Ai'ayoAAij, -lios, 1/, the herb pim- pirnel, sea-purslain, brook-lime, or calves-snout. Avn'yytiAoi', -drui, 1 a. impr. act. of Avayy/XXu, f. -cXw, p. avtiyytXKa, (fr. avu again, and ayyiWu to tell) to tell m return, bring hack answer; to tell, teach, explain, de- clare openly; to publish, or pro- claim with authority. 1 a. ind. avi'iyyeiXa' impr. avdyye(\oV inf. avayyelXai' 2 a. act. avnyylXov pass, avnyytyv", per. pass. avt'iyyiXfuui, .\.vaytyevvrtjiivoi, -rj, -ov, par. per. jiass. — Avaytvvr'icai, -aca, -av, par, 1 a. act. of avaycvvdu. Avaye7irBat, Dor. for avnyclaOat, pres. i.lf. of avnyiouat. Avayc\do),f, -dcia, {n. onl intens. and yc\do) to laugh) to laugh heartily. Avayivvdu) -l5, f. -ijau), p. -rjKa, (fr. avd again,and ycvvdio to breed) to beget again, regcncicUc, renovate, reneiv. per. pass. avaycyivri/jLoi. AvayivwoKUyOrratheravayiyvtiaKW, i. avayvwcojiai, p. aviyvwKa, (fr. same, and ytvuxruoj to know) to recognise, acknowledge ; to know, tmderstand ; to learn by study, to read; to advise, persuade. 2 a. act. aviyvb>v, per. pass, aviyvwc- j)ai. 1 a. pass. iiveyvtJiaOnv, sub. 3 sn'i.avnyvu(!Ori,\r\\.avayvij)uOTivai. AvayKd?^ii>, f. -nau>, p. tjvdyxaKa (fr. ttvdyii); necessity) to force, eon- slra'n, oblige, compel, per. pass. rjvdyKaci2(ii.\ a..pass.y]vayKd<79r)V. Avayxait], -);>,■, i), {fern, of next) see avdyKri. — AvnyKahi, d. adver- bially necessarily, of necessity. AvayKnTo;, -a, -ov, (fr. nvuyKi] ne- cessity) necessary, rompuLiory, unavoidable ; needful, useful, thrifty, pnfltahle ; intimate ; near, related, connected. Avay- Kalov ^/lop, AvayKfiii] riixii .•slavery, bondage — Avaytcrua, -dv, rd, necessaries, AvayKai7Tb<;, -or, 6, ;/, {fr. same) forced, obliged, constrained. AvayKcaTWi, (fr. last) by con- straint, of necessity. AvdyKri, -ra, ij, and Dor. avdyK-r, necessity, compulsion, force, obli- gation whether actual, moral, or religious, rtistress, afflidion, poverty. ANA Acaj/riiXof, -ou, b, r), (tV. av«intens. and ayiciXos bent) ivry, crooked, bent. Avay^vKoii'tii, f. -oiw, (fr. same, and y\vKaivii> to sweeten) to mahe very sweet. AvayXvKaho- jiat, to receive pleaszire, be grali- Jieil. avay'S.VKaiQiiai, 3 pi. 1 a sub. pass. kvay\<)(poi,-ov^ b, >/, (fr. same, and y\>jiptj to car\e)cnrved,engraved. Ai'oyiafiTTO), fr. same, and yt'ii/xr: rill for Ka^iirru), which see. Ai-ayvd-TO), fr. same, and yvd-zrw, which see. Avayvtia, -as, )), (fr. a neg. and ilj'voj pure) impurity ; sin, gvilt, criminality. Avayrois, -ovca, -uv, n. pi. -vdvrej, par. 2 a. act. of Aiajtw/ii, obs. see avayivdaKui. Avayvdyai, 1 a. inf. act. — Aiay- vucOfj, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Avoyi'dxrOi/vai, 1 a. inf. pass. — Avayvdre, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of last, but see avayiViioKia. AvayvwplCui, f. -(Vu, p. -tKa, (fr. avu again, andyiwpi'^w to know) to know again ; to acknoivledge, recognise ; to introduce, make knmvn. Avdyiiucts, -io{, Att. -twf, fi, (fr. avayiufii to read) a reading. Avayvu)aTij{, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a rinder. Arayov, and Avdyovro, for ai'>/yoi', imp. act. and avnyovro, imp. pass, or 2 a. mid. oiavdym. A vayopuv. Dor. for ava rhv ayogav, (U, or before the assembly. Avtiydpivaii, -lOi, Att. -tuf, fi, (fr. ne.xt) a proclama'ion, public de- f.ltration ; report, eii'lcnri-. Avnyoncvui, f. -tt'iroj, (fr. avu through, and ayopa the public place) to proclaim, publish, de- clare ; to audiorizc, enact ; to no- minate, depute, appoint ; to have a surname, or second name. Avaypafiit'tri?^!!), (fr. avi\ up and down, and ypdjijia a ictlcrj to transpose the lellers so as to form new word?, to make anagrams. Avaypafiiiiiriafitii, -ov, h, (fr. last) transposition, the making ana- grams. At'iiypaxms, -ov, &,/), (fr. next) in- scribed ; u:riltrn, or copied out cl/arly ; ricnnled, enrolled. Avtiypdiphi, f.-i|iij, (fr. avil intcnfi. and ynd'ptii to write) to viritc out in fxdl, or at length ; to inscribe ; to enrol. Av»(ytpi{, -£(iif, /;, and Aniyvoni, --'", 0, //, namr; of a shrub. Atiiyi), f. a'fw, p. -i/y", (fr- "Vn up, and liyia to load) tn take up, C'/T", or tonty ; to brine, lead, or rnrry up ," ti raise, r Tult, erc-t ; to rear, eilucate ; tn it/Trr up, sarri/ice. A vdytfiai, to withdraw, betake, take one^s nrlf, or be taken away ; tn go nff, nrl out ; put In sea, sail a'foy, C a. nfTiym; All. avfiynyovy loll, iiviiyoy per. pa^ii. avnyfiai. 1 a. jiaRs. av/j^flijv' I>ar. ai7;;^0t/j. ANA Avayu)';), -Tji, i}, (fr. last) educa-'^ tion, rearing, bringing up ; rais- ing, lifting up ; tveighing anchor, embarkation, setting sail; a car- rying aivay, captivity. Avayij)yia, -of, //, (fr. a nog. and ayayfi education) a want of, or defect in educution ; extrava- gance, excess ; insolence. Avdyuiyoi, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) (7/ educated, ill-bred ; saucy, petu- lant ; tindisciplined, refractory. AvaSd^u, fr. avil a piece, and 6d- ^w to divide, which see. AvaSaiui, (fr. same, and ilai'o) to di- vide) to divide aviong, share, dis- tribute ; or (fr. caiia to burn) to kindle up, light, burn. AvaSdKvio, f. mid. -oijfo^ai, (fr. avii again, and iuKiw to bite) to g7iatv ; to irritate, fret, grieve; to cause remorse. 2 a. ind. act. aviCaKov. AvaSdcaaOat, 1 a. inf. mid. of ava- Sd^io. Avaiacfidi, -ou, o, (fr. same) a di- viding ; a division, share. Avac/opo/, p. -;^a, (fr. ava intcns. and hUvvjii to show) to show clearly ; to mark, point out ; to designate, appoint. 1 a. avioei^a' inf. ava6a^ai. p. pass. avadiiciyiiai. 1 a. pass, avc&el^- 6>iv' ITlia. avtict^dfujv. Ai'a'ccifii, -!o;, Att. -im;, >), (fr. last) a display ; a showing, ap- poinlmeut. Avdiei^ov,-dTia, 1 a. impr. act. of same. AvafiKcadai, Ion. for avaSi^eaOai, pres. inf. of ava?ixo^^at. Avdfs\(pos,-ov, h,!i, (fr. oneg. and ahhjtui a brother) brotherless, without brothers ; a half brother, by llie same father only. AvaScv^puS, -dSoi, i/, (fr. ava up, and iivSpov a tree) a vine climb- ing up, or clinging to a tree, an espalier ; a plantation of vines. Avai'/^ai, and Ai'nth'^aaOui,\on. for avaca^ai, 1 a. inf. act. and ma- Itl^aaOai, 1 a. inf. mid. of nio- iciKvviit. Avai?£^n'//cvo5,-i;, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of nvail^niiat. AvafJoKU), (fr. avii intens. and fitp- Ko) to sen) to see clearly, behold, look up. 2 a. ind. act. aviiinpKov, and by Mrtath. nvli^paKov. Avahainin), f. -tCmo, (Ir. same, and hojitviii to bind) to bind, fitter, chain, conjinr. \vafirini,-iii,fl, (fr. nrni^/iu to bind nroiin(l) a hcut-drcss ; a fdUl, turban, Avn^iX'il'ni, f. -("//' emerge, rise, spring, or grow up, appear, to come forth. AvaSvc. fiai, to reject, refuse, shun, avoid ; to retire, withdraw. 2 a. ind. act. aveivv. AvdOvai;, -lo;, Alt. -tuj, >), (fr. last) a rising, growth, ap],ear- ance ; a declining, ^tvoiding. Avdcivoi, -ov, b, !;, (fr. a neg. and ii)va, or ((ha bridal presents) portionless, unenduwcd. Avacip', for avacipc, pros. impr. act. of Avacipu), (fr, avii up, and ati'pui to raise) to raise, lift up ; to carry riff', bear away. Ai'a'tXrrroj, -on, 6, i;, (fr. a ncg. and fXrif hope) unhoped, unexpected, unforeseen. Ava^do) -d, f. -ijcu), p. -)>va, (fr. avil again, and i^du) to live) to live again, revive, come to life. 1 a. avi^naa. Ava^iiiyvvjii, or AvaC,tvyvinii, f. -(m, (fr. same, and ^ivyu> lo yoke) to yoke, or harness again, pack up ; to decamp, .ihijl i/uar- tirs ; to sil oul, depart, ava^cv- (lu, 1 a. inf. mid. Ai'(i^/id -iS, f. -t'laKi, or -/(TO), p. -rjxa, (Ir. same, and ^(ui lo boiU to be not, to lioit up ; lo break out, burst forth. nva^caOds, pur, 1 a. pass. Aii^i)'"'''' ""'» f -''oiJ, p. -t/Ka, (U\ same, and IijtIm to seek) In Innk for, lo seiK diliginlly, ini/uire after; to trnr.e, investigate, la. act. avi^iiTijan. Ai'riC>;rr((T(ii, 1 ». inf. ncl, of last. Avai^vyi), -in, /;, (fr. nval^a'yu lo park up) a parking up ; a de- campment, a change of quarters, rout, march. Ai'i/^i»)'p(jtfi/iD -uij f. -rjffii), (fr. avii. inleiig. c^iobi alive, and yndijm to ANA dvsciibe) torepretent in colours, driiw, paint. Xva^uivviii), or Ai'a^» their loose elotlies lii;ht nl>out tlum. A»(iCu)Ti'p^w -u), f. -i}, and AiaOapaiui -d, f. -i5(T(i), (fr. same, and -Sdppof, or Sdpcos boldness) to lake courage ; to encourage, animate ; embolden. Avaddnv, -riij -It 2 a. opt. act. — AvaOctvai, inf. — A.va8eis, par. of avaridriixt. Avddcfia, -aroi, ri, (fr. avariOrifin to lay apart) a person or thing de- dicated to holy uses, or separat- ed on account of some impurity ; or devoted to destruction, a vic- tim ; an analhema ; the form of such dedication ; a curse, or exe- cration, d. sin. avaQljxari. AiaOcjiaTi^ii), f. -iau), p. avartOcfid- TiKa, (fr. last) to hind hy a curse, or execration ; to curse, devote. 1 a. act. avidtjidrica, per. pass. avaTidtfidriaiiai. Avadtfiuriui, Alt. for. avaOcfiaTlau), 1 f. of last. AvaOlftcv, and kvaOijitvai, Dor. jEol. and Ion. for avaOuvat, 2 a. inf. act. of avarlOi^fit. AvaOciiipiui -oi, f. -ijcru, p. avaTiOah- priKa, (fr. ai/d intcns. and -Jtu- p/u) to consider) to view, beliold, observe, examine attentively ; to contemplate, study, meditate. Ava0iuior]ai;,-toi, Alt. -twf, >';, (fr. last) contemplation, meditation; study, examination. Av, (fr. same, and ^puJaKu to bound) In Uap into, or upon; to bound, or spring upwards ; to mount ; to awake. AvuOviiiaaii, -loi, Atl. -luii,!), (fr. same, and ^vniuui U> perfume) scent, perfume, odour, exhala- tion, incense ; hrmth, life, soul, sj)irit. Avaiitia, -as, Ion. Avaticii}i-Vii>)y (fr. avat&!)i shameless) shame- lessness, impudence ; indecency ; importunity, d. sin. Ion. avai- Sel>i(j>t. Avatiiii) -w, f. -ijirw, p. tjvai&riKa (fr. same) to be without shame, be- have indecently ; to importune, he troublesome. Avait^ijv, and Avaii>]niivwi, (fr. next ) impudently, shariK fully. AvauMii, -ios -ovs, 6, t), (fr. a neg. and atSios modesty) impudent, saucy, shameless ; regardless, ir- reverent ; urgent, importunate ; unfeeling, i-einurseltss ; huge, rough, rugged. Avaiodi, (fr. last) shamelessly, ir- reverently ; intensely, eagerly, steadily. Avaidu, (fr. avu intens. and aidu> to burn) to bum violently ; to inflame, kindle, light up. AvatftocrapKos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. next, and <7dpf flesh) whose flesh seems to have lost ils blood, pale, inani- mate. Aval^uiv, -ovos, and 'Avaifioi, -ov, b, !], (fr. a neg. and alfia blood) bloodless, without blood ; immor- tal. AvatfxuTci, and Avai^wri, (fr. same) without bloodshed. Avaivofiai, (fr. a neg. and alvoi as- sent) to refuse, deny ; to reject, slight, repudiate, disown. 2 sin. pres. avaivtai. Ion. for avalrri' 3 sin. avaivtrai. imp. 3 sin. (ivui- vcTo, Ion. for avi^viro. par. pres. avatvoficvos. Avni^as, 1 a. par. act. of ava'iaao). AvaiptBrjvai, 1 a. inf. pass. — Avai- pcl, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Avaipilv, pres. inf. act. cont. — AvaipeiaOizi, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Avatpovntvoi, -rj, -ov, par.prcs. pass, cont AraipoBirwi', g. pi. par. pres. act. cont. ofai/aiprw. Avaiotaii, -105, Atl. -£«j, I), (fr. next) a lifting up, taking away; burial ; a taking, or cutting (ijf ; slaughter, murder. Avaipiu) -ui,f. -i)aii>, p. avijpriKa, (fr. avd up, and aiptu to take) to take up, Dr away ; to bury ; to undo, nlinlish, annul ; to over- turn, overthrow, subvert ; to kill, cut off; to make war ; to answer, reply ; to refute, diiprove ; to rear, educate. Avatpeofxai -ovjiai, to betake, or take onc^s self away, to withdraw, pres. impr. act. 3 sin. avaiocTrta. par. pros. fern, pi. nvaipovaai. 2 a. act. (fr. tXuj obs.) avelXov impr. aviif sub. aviXu), ->;;, -17, 3 pi. avfXutrc inf. (38) ANA ui'tAtif. par. avtXiov. nud. ut'CiXd fitiv, -ov,-tTo' inf. aviXwOat. 1 u. puss. aiijipiOnv inf. avaipeOi)vai. 1 f. avatpcd/jaoixat. Avalpu), (fr. same, and alpio to raise) /» take upon, undertake; to pursue, prosecute, Avaiaddvo^at, (fr. avd intcns. and aioOdvoitai to feci) to feel strong- ly ; to perceive quickly. Or (fr. o neg. and same) to be without feeling, or sense ; to be stupid. AvataOrjaia, -a{, 1;, (fr. a nog. and nlaOtiaii feeling) insensibilily, .\.valcOnroi, -ov, b, 1';, (fr. same) inj -iD, (fr. same, and xatvoi new) to renew, restore, refresh. AvuKalvwais, -loj, Atl. -£iti{, /;, (fr. last) a renewing, renewal, reno- vation, AvaKniii), f. -KavaiD, (fr. avd intens. and Kaiu> to burn) to kindle, light ; to burn up, flame forth ; to inflame, par. pres. pass, ava- Kaioinvos, AvaKiiXeu) -io, (fr. avd again, 'and KaXfij) to call) to recall, call back, call again ; to call upon, invoke ; to rail, accuse ; to name, designate. .\.vriKuXvirTt!piov,-ov, rd, (fr. next) the day on which the bride ap- pears lo company. In pi. pre- sents made to her on that occa- sion ; bridal gifts. AvaK'iXi'TTTOi, f. -ipo>, p. avaKCKuXv- (Pa, (fr. nvd back, and KaXdiTTU) to cover) to unveil, reveal, dis- close, discover ; lo open, per. pass. avaKCKaXvfiifiai. ANA AvaKanTTTiji, f. -xpw, p. -dia, (Tr. same, and KdfnrTu) to oend) to turn, bend, or bow back ; to bend my course back, to return, go back ; to go back and forwards. XvaKdfixpai, 1 a. inf. act. — Ava- Ka/ixpiit, -CIS, -£i, 1 f. ind. act. of last. AvoKavdos, -ov, b,ii,{(r. a neg. and dxavOa a thom) without thorns, bristles, or Jins, smooth. AvoKaTTo), (fr. avd intens. and Karru) to swallow) to swallow greedily, to eat voraciously; to engulph. AvaKcdrai, Ion. for avaKtivrai, 3 pi. pres. of Avaxciftat, (fr. avd intens. and (ctT- pai to lie) to lie down ; to re- cline, like the ancients, to sit, like the modems at meats ; to lay up, or by ; to dedicate ; to charge, impjtte. AvaKcificvof, -ij, -ov, (par. pres. pass, of last) seated at tabic, subs. a guest. — AvdKcirai, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of same. AvaKCKpayH)!, -v7a, -bs, par. per. mid. oiavaKpd^u). AvaKcpdi'vvui, AvaKepaivvij),or Ava- Kcpdu), (fr. same, and Ktodvvxifii, &c. to mix) to mingle, 7nix, blend ; to temper, dilute ; to in- termingle, confuse. AvaKcia, -iiiv, Ta, (fr. dvaKc; the kings) the festival of Ca.ilor and PuUux. Avdxctov, -on, rb, (fr. next) their temple. 'AvoKcf, -u)v, o't, the kings ; and Avaxoi, -dv, ot, an epithet of Castor and Pollux. A vaKC(pa\at6ui -Si, f. -liaia, p. avoKc- Kc(piiXalu)Ka, (fr. avd apiece, and KopaXli a head) to enumerate ; to elasf, arrange, under respective heiuls ; to sum up, to reduce to onetolal. AvaKC(paXai6oiiai-ouftai, to come together, to unite under one lieail ; to be summed up, comprised. AvaxtfaXaimatf, -lof, Att. -cuf, q, (fr. same) a recapitulation; a turn, total. AvaKC)(ii)pijKivai, per. inf. act. of ava)^u)oiu>. AvaKtixlu, (fr. avj up, and iti/kiu for kIiji to go) to spring, leap, or hound upwards ; to burst forth, gush out. AvaKJipiaaii), (fr. nvd intfins. and Kfipv^ a crier) to publish, declare by atUhority, proclaim In/ a erier. Kvaictvfivvtvui, (fr. same, and kIv- fiiivDf danger) tn venture, endan- ger, expose. Ai-Kii/w, (fr. game, and Ktviia to move) to move, remove; to nf. fed, pertuade, impel ; to rrrilc, rouse, jtrovoke ; to sifl, einmine. AvaKlvtjTi<;, -ma, Att. -oa(, /;, (fr. last) a moving, motion ; com- motion, disturhimre ; etcilement provocation. XvaKipvdfilvoi, for av'iKiofn'"fptvn<, par. I a. mid. i»f AXA AvaKtpvdui -u, -rtiftt, or -vtijiai, (fr. avd intens. and Kipva'u) to mbc) to blend, mingle, confuse. AvaK\d!ji>>, f. -yi'j), (fr. same, and ».Xa'^(j to clanj;) to clang, re- sound ; to shout, call, cry aloud ; to bark. AvaKXaihi, (fr. same, and icXa/u; to weep) to wcepfor^ lament again, deplore anew. AvaicAoffi;, -loj, Att. -ci);, >;, (fr. next) a contortion, strain, bend- ing ; a breaking, fracture; re- flection, change of direction. Avai:\du) -iD, f. -daw, (tr. avd in- tens. and xXdii) to break) to bow, or bend violently, strain ; to break ; to beat, or strike back, reflect. AvaK\ijTii)p, -ooo;, 6, (fr. avaKaXco) to recall) one who calls back ; a complainant, accuser. AvaK\iv(i), f. -tvio, p. avaKiKklKa, (fr. avd intens. and kXiVo* to lay down) to lay, or set down, make to recline ; to put back the door or cover, open. Ara/oXiVo/tai, to be in a recumbent posture, to be reclined, or to recline one's self, as the ancients did at meals ; answering to sit, or be seated, as the moderns ; to bring back ; to return. 1 a. act. avfVXi- va' inf. avaK\7vaf 1 a. pass. avcxXldtjV inf. avoKXidnvai' 1 f. pass. avaK\td>'i(TOnat. Ava -u>, f. -(iffo), p. -UKa, (fr. avd apiece, and Kotvb; common) to communicate, impart, share; to propose, consult, confer. 1 a. ml. mid. avoKoivioaaaOat. AvaKoipaviia -u>, (fr. avd intens. and Kalpavoi a lord) to rule, go- vern ; to manage, conduct ; to execute, discliarge, perform. AvaKoXovOta, -a?, »;, (fr. next) irre- gularity, discord, disagreement. AvaKdXovOof, -ov, h, ^, (fr. a 'neg. and aKdXovOos suitable) incon- clusive, incongruous, inconsist- ent; unlike, improbable ; unfit, improper ; silly, foolish. AvaKoiitfiii, -Tii, I'l, (fr. next) a re- ceiving, recovery, getting again ; carriage, transportation, convey- ance ; return ; interment, burial rites. AvnKOfil^ii), (fr. avd back, and ko- uf^oi to carry) to bring, or carry hack ; to carry out to burial; AvaKoftl^oiiat, to recover, get again, regain ; to betake one's self ; to return, go hack. AvaKovrl^iii, (fr. avi'i intens. and nKovrl^id to dart) to hurl, dart, shoof, cast afarq/T; to discharge, spout out ; to rehoundffly back. \ AvaKoof, Dor. for nvfiKoof. I AvaK/inrtit, f. -, p. -x/jro'^n, (fr. nv^ hack, nnd Kijirr.d l.o beat) to| (30) ANA heat, or drive back ; to blunt ; to jostle, impede hinder, stop, stay, prevent; to cut short, interrupt. 1 a. act. aieKoxLa. AvaKovipi^ui, (fr. same, and cou^of light) to lighten, ease ; to relieve, succour, help, assist. AvaKovcbiati, -tog, Att. -ziog, i), (fr. last) lightness ; a mafdng light, exoneration ; relief, ease, allevia- tion. AvaKpd^ui, f. -^ui, (fr. avd intens. and Kod^to to cry) to cry out, shout, bawl, exclaim, per. ind. mid. avaKiKpaya, par. avuKCKpa- yiii. AvaKpadcig, for avuKcpaaOcU, 1 a. par. pass, ofavactpai'vu/ii, which see. AvaKpd^ai, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. ot avanrpafoj. AvaKoijidaav, Ion. for aviKpijia- uav, 3 pi. 1 a. act. — AvaKpt- fiacOds, 1 a par. pass, of AvoKptjidu) -ui, fr. avd intens. and Kptjidw, which see. AvaKpiwv, -ovTog, b, Anacreon, a poet. AvoKpidC), -fii, -fi, 1 a. sub. pass, of AvaKpivia, \. -vd, p. avaKiKp'iKa, (fr. avd intens. and Kpivui to judge) to discern, judge; to question, interrogate, ask ; to examine, in- quire, search out ; to decide, de- termine. I a. act. aviKplva. per. pass. avaKiKpi^i/jiai. 1 a. avCKpf- d>jv, 1 f. avaKptdi'/aofiai. AvaKolat;, -lo;, Att. -£(i)f, fi, (fr. last) a trial, hearing ; examina- tion, inquiry ; question. AvaKpovojiai, (fr. nvd back, and Kpovta to strike) to backwater, row backwards, shove off" from the shore; to recede, withdraw, yield ; to delay, defer ; to hinder, check, repulse ; to strike, beat, or play upon an instrument ; to prelude, flourish, prepare to be- gin, preface. 'AvaKra, a. sin. AvaxTcai, Poet, for dva^i, d. pi. of dva^. Avaxraofiat, (fr. avd again, and KTdofiat to possess) to get again, regain, recover ; to be reconciled attached, conciliated, pres. inf. pass. cont. avaxraaOat. 1 a. inf. mid. avuKri'iaaaOat. AvuKnidis, -(«>, Att. -twf, i';, (fr. last) a recovery, or regaining vthat was lost ; refreshment, re- lief; reconciliation. Avaxropla, -ai, I'l, (fr. rfrn^a king) rule, sway, government. AvaKT6ptof,-ov, b, »;, (fr. same) rc- g'U; a master'' s, relating to a master, or lord. AvdKTopov, -ov, ri, (fr. name) a rourt^ palace ; a temple, particu- larly that of {'crcs at Elousis. AvaKvxXiaiiii, -ov, h, (ir. avaKvXlw to revolve) n rirrumvolution, n rrviilnt'on^ turning ; motion in a rirrlr. AvaKVKXiooii, -loi, Alt. -f(i)5, //, {fr. same) n rirculnlion, n free pas- sage, a series ofrreulnr motions, a r' rnli/tinn. ANA Ai'oiCfXiu, f. -), -»K, /;, i'or avo^(^^. \va\apt7v, 2 a. inf. act Ai'aXa- Ihtc, 2 1)1. 2 a. inipr. act. — A va- X, f. -X>'/\pOfiat, J. nvci- \>lia/i/?ai'a) to take) to lift, raise ; to lake up- on, assume, umlertake ; to take up, carry, convey, lake on board ship, or on a beast ; to take up arms; to in sail, furl ; to take a wife, marry; to take up the bridle, curb ; to take up a book, read; to receive breath, recover, revive ; to take to one's self, ap- propriate, procure ; to gain, con- ciliate ; to refresh, reanimate. 2 a. act. ind. aviXajiov' par. ava- Aa;3iji', 1 a. ind. pass. avOo'iiiOiiv. AvaXiijiTtii), (fr. ava intens. and Aa'^rw to shine) to shine brightly, glitter ; to burn clearly ; to en- lighten. XvaXyiiit -toi-ous, and AvdXyiiTos, -01', b, li, (fr. a neg. and d\yoi pain) without pain, unaffectedby pain ; insensible, unfeeling ; not painful. Ava\yrt<:'ta, -af, >;, (fr. last) absence of, or freedom from pnin ; ease ; apathy, insaiiibility . Aia>,f/(j//tios, par. jire?. pass, of AraA/j'u, fr. aiu inlcns. and X/yw, which see. Avd^jijifi'i, -ilro;, rb, (fr. avaXajifid- jw to talcc up) height, eminence ; a fortress, castle. AiuXi7rr/o.-, -ov, b, »/, (fr. same) to be taken, carried ; that must he taken, &c. according to the verb. AkiXt;-^({, -loj, Att. -cus, {/, (fr. same) a recovery, restoration, a taking, carrying back, or an-ay ; elevation^ or lifting vp, a re- moval, retiring, witMrawing. ANA Ai'dM-TOi, -011,6,1/, (fr. (J npp. and jjXiC a shoe) unshod, hurcfoot. 'Am\iat:otoii, Dor. i'ot avaXicKovaa, j ff in. par. pr< s. act. of AVllXlaKk), f. (IcuX(iJ0r(i», p. Ol'ljXuKCO, and All. undXiaKa, (fr. c.ii'i awa)', and aXlaKui to take) to take away, u^astc, consume, expend; to corrode, impair, destroy. 1 n. act. aj'iJAwcrii. 2 a. ind. act. ar^- Xuir. Ai'aX/iffa, AvaXki'u, -af, nnd Ion. Afil\K[>l. -l;f, ;;, (fr. UCXt) WCok- Jiess, timidity, delicacy. 'Ai'iiXxif, -doi, b, );, (fr. (I neg. nnd oX/ki) strength) weak, feeble ; timid, delicate ; slothful, indo- lent. .ViiiAXf'fuf , Poet, for avaXc^ai, 1 a. par. act. of aiaX/yw. Ai'u'XXo^mi, f. -oZfiui, (fr. avd up, and liWo^ai to leap) to leap, ju?np, spring up ; to jump upon ; to spring back, recoil. AvaXoyla, -iig, f/, (fr. atii accord- ing to, and \uyos account) analo- gy, proportion. AvaXoyi^Ofiai, f. -laoftat, (fr. avii. apiece, and Xoyi^ojuu to tliink) lo consider severtdly ; to deliberate, reason, argue; to recount, enu- merate; to value, estimate, con- jecture. .\.vaXoyiaaoOt, 2 pi. 1 a. inipr. mid. oflabt. Ai'aXoyier/coj, -ov, b, (fr. same) thought, consideration, argument, reasonin!^ ; an account, cnnme- rutiun, list, roll ; design, propor- tion, harmony. AviiXoyo;, -ov, b, 17, (fr. avu ac- cording to, and Xdyo; reason) anahqous, proportional ; agree- able to, consistent with, reason- able ; suitable, ^/it. proper. Ai'aXdyu;, (fr. last) proportionally, consistently, suitably. Ai'dXdj, -ov, b, r\, (fr. a nog. and (iXs salt) ivilhout salt, insipid, tasteless. AvaXdo), same as avaXlcKu). Ai'uXrof, -ov, b, I], (fr. a neg. and dXiui to grow) not thriving, or prospering, stunted, dwarjish. Or, (fr. same, and uXi? enough) insatiable, greedy, ravenous. Or, (fr. same, and iiXj salt) unsea- soned, not salted, insipid. AvaXviixtv, Ion. for avaXvtiv pres. inf. act. of aiaXiJu. AvdXvaii, -toi, Att. -£(i)f, )/, (fr. next) a separation, dimsion, ana- lysis ; a deliverance, ransom, re- lease ; a loosening oi l\\b cables, putting In sea, departure ; return, coming back. .KraXvoi, f. -tcro), p. -xa, (fr. avu again, and Xru to loose) to se- parate, divide, looren, unravel, untie, to hose the cables, unmoor, put lo sea ; to set out, depart ; to return ; lo die ; to dissolve, dis- miss, break up ; to rest, put up, slop, halt ; to free, deliver, re- trieve from ; to diseliarge, re- compimsr. AvaXa^cti, -uva, -ev, 1 a. par. pass, C-IO) ANA — AvaXuO^rc, 2 pi. 1 n. «ub. — Ai'u'Xuiru, Inn. for awj- Xwou, -uj, -c, 1 a. ind. act. — Ai'(iXu(rut, I a, inf. act. of avu- XllTKlO. AviiXuKu — ArdXwaa — A laXurai, Ion. (or at't'XwKa, per. act. avt'i- Xwoa, 1 a, uit. (iiijXwrui, 3 sin. per. pass, of uvuXdu obs. ; sea avaXlOKtji. AvuXuifiii, -liros, tH, (fr. avaXlaxu to expend) tarpinsivmess, costli- ness, extravagance ; pi. expense, cost, cliarges. Ala'XwO-lf, -lOf, Att. -CUf, ,';, (fr. avaXioKio to expend) expense, expenditure, consumption, waste; ruin, destruction. AvuXwroi, -ov, b, li, (fr. same) im- pregnable. Ai'ufiat^dui -d, (fr. ava intons. and ixaiftdu) to covet) lo desire pas- sionately, lo long eagerly ; to rage. Ava/iavOdru), (fr. avd again, and fiavOdvui to learn) tu learn over again. AKi/jn'ffvTo?, -ou, 6, 1;, (fr. a neg. and lijin^a a cart) impassable by carriages. Avajjapniroi, -ov, b, 'j, (fr. a neg. and ujiaprdvui to sin) without sin, innocent, faultless. Ava/xdaau), or -mo, (fr. ava intens. and ndacii) to wash) to cleanse thoroughly, to wash out, wipe away, expiate. Avapd^ofiat, (fr. ard again, and lid^oftai to fight) to fight again, to lenew the battle, pres. inf, avaiid^eadat. Arajnfiiy(a~ai, Ion. for avaiiCfitypi- I'oi cia}, 3 pi. per. pass, of ui'a- filyi'viii. Avajievii), f. -ficvw, p. -jxtjievijKa, (fr. avd intens. and ^tivw to wait) to expect, wait for ; lo persevere in hope ; lo await the charge, stand the brunt, pres. inf. act. avaniviiv. Avdiiipoi, Dor. forariv^fooj. Avdpeaos, -ov, b,!/, (fr. am intens. and itiaos middle) in the midst, middlemost, intermediate. Avaiiiarof, -ov, b, )/, (fr. same, and /jtoTO? full) quite full. AvaniTpioftai -oh^tat, (fr. same, and licrpiia to measure) lo inspect, view, survey ; to set, or arrange an ambuscade ; to recount, enu- meratc, repeat ; to measure back, return ; to experience, discover ; to estimate, value ; to measure out, set, task ; lopour, discharge, shed. 1 a. inf. mid. avaficrpt'i- caoOai. Avuiiiyvvjit, and -yetjoj, (fr. same, and jiiyvvfji lo mix) to mix to- gether ; intermingle ; to con- found, confuse. AvanijivnaKui, f. avajjivi'iaoi, p. ava- iii>3vr)Ka, (fr. avii again, and lUfivi'icKia to remind) to call lo win'!, recollect ; to remind, ad- monish, per. pass. ava) 1 a. avtjxvfia&riv- Avujiinvh', Poet, for di-a/ifVio. ANA ANA \pafii^, {ft- ftii^iiyi'Vfit 10 a\\x)fo)i-\AviirTayiiviaroi, -ov, o, ';, (fr. , (fr. ava intens. and fivdio to remind) to hint, inti- mate, suggest ; Avafiidoftai -Zliat, to be reminded, warned ; to remember, recollect. Ava/ivicaOaii Ion. same as ova/i- vdtdat, pres. inf. mid. or as ava- jitfivncKctv, pres. inf. act. — and avrdui to meet) up hill, steep ; inacctssible ; rugged. Avavripftrtros, -ov, h, i), (fr. a neg. airi against, and piio to speak) indisputable, unquestionable, in- contestable. AvavrtpfjiiToii, (fr. last) icithont contradiction, indisputably, AvavrXio) -w, (fr. nvd intens. and Avafivrjaddfitv, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. | ai>T\ioi to pmnp) to pump dry, pass. — AmitvvcOeii, -claa, -iv, j exhaust, drain ; to endure, suffer. par. 1 a. pass. — Avafivfitnii,] Ardwra, Dor. for av>)\vra, (fr. a -tii, -£t, 1 f. iiid. act of avnui/do), I neg. ;d avvo) to complete) in or avaiufivtiaKui. vain,j'ruillessly, to no purpose. Avd/ivtiati, -loi, Att. -tu){, Ti, (fr. avanvdh) to remind) remem- brance, a commemoration, a me- morial. Ava^, -oKTog, b, a fciw^, .wvereign, monarch, lord, master. 'Ava^a, Ion. for i^va^a , 1 a. ind. act. — Avd^ai, 1 a. inf. act AianopfivptcKt, Ion. for avr/idpfivpc, I .\.vd^aa:Oai, I a. inf. mid. — 'Ava- 3 sin. imp. of j icn, I f. inf. act. oi' aidacw. .Kvafiopiivpu), (fr. ava intens. and | Ava'^ap;^of , -ov, b, Ana.varchvs, a liop/ivpu to murmur) to bubble, or man's name. foam with loud murmuring, roar,] AvaXripaivui, (fr. nvd intens. and bellow. 1 ^ripaiviD to dry) to dry up, parch ; Ava/w)(\cvu, f. -i, (fr. a[ desen-edly ; to resent, feel indig- neg. and aiKpiafiriTtin to contro-! nanl. vert) doubtless, unquestionable,! Avd^ioi, -ov, o, i';, (fr. a neg. and certain, satiifactory. j a'fios deserving) jow/csrrwng-jji?!- AvanipiaPvn'iTWi, (fr. last) »w//(Oj//| worthy, v>nrthle.''s,/nean,insigni- cimtrovtrsy, certainly. I fcant ; unmerited, undeserved. Avavcpla, -a(, >'/, (fr. next) «/o to couunand, and tbup- 'Avuvipoi, -ov, b, !), (fr. a neg. and /iiy^ the harp) adapted to the (11(0 a man) unlike a man, un .iinnly, cmr.nrdly, timorous. A 1 dvf'puti, (fr. ia.Bt)fearfnlly, timor- ously. Avavti -u, f. -ticbi, p. -vtvioiKn, (fr. ava again, and vlog new) AvaTTnyyiy\iii, (fr. «!'« agam. nrd of ino head, cxpresKive of a from, and ayyi^ho to tell) see. avd back, and I'tww to nod) lo\ AvanatfcvT6Tponn(, -nv, n, i), (Ir. raise up, !iin(\ draw hack the heart ; I «iii inteufi. nrrnlcivTOs untaught, In refuse, deny; decline, reject;'^ an<\ Tpdnn u^aMiuir) tntnlly uned- In rttptre, lireaihe, revive. I ucated, i/uite uninformed. Avaviu)ai<, -iii(, .\tt. -£uj, fi, (fr. I A>a'r«/^t,j, f. -fw, p. -vifd»T»;c. F' shake, flourish ; to excite, itisti gate. ] n. |)fir. act. ai>n:r^;Xa(' 2 a. par. nrrnr/iXiiv, Ion. and Sync. oirrrtXiui . (tl) ANA AvcJTraXo?, -otr, o, (fr. ai'iJagain, and niXXoj to shake)fi new allotment, change of lot, alteration. Avardaauj, (fr. same, and vdaau to sprinkle) to hedeio, bespread ; to adorn, celebrate. AvuTTava, and AroTratiXa, -ijs, Avd- ■Javaii, -tog, Att. -tuf, //, Avri- -avpa,-aTOi,Tb, (fr. ava-rravw to give rest) cessation, interval, in- tcrinission ; re-H, repose ; recrea- tion ; an abode, residence. AvavavTt'ipiov, and ava-navoTfipiov, -OV, TV, (fr. same) rest, rejresh- ment ; a resting, or stopping place, an inn. Ai'arauo), f. -ato, p. -. Ava-cirX)jpii>vTai, 3 pi. per. pass, of ui'aTrXijpiih). AvairtTTTapivoi, Sync, for (ivaTrtirf- TUfiivoi, or nvaTrtTTCTaapfvoi, per. par. pass, of ai'uTrcTn'w, -dt^u>, -ni'vOdj, or -o'l'i'u/ii. Or, par. ol TrlzTOfiai, for ivTapai, per. pass. ofiTTTiifii, the same as n-fVo/mi, rri-nnai, or :riTdoiiiii. AvoTTCTTTioKwi, pcr. par. act. — AvairiTtTioiiivoi, per. par. pass. — Avdzconi, mid. and AiHrrfffoi', act. I a. impr. — AriiTfcnv, inf. and Avinrraihv, -ovoa, -dv, par. 2 a. lie I. ofaiaTrlzTw. A idirf rriw, -dCta, -ai'iiiw, or -dvx'V- /!(, f. -am, (fr. rim intens. and jTrrdio, Sic. to spread) tn open wide, unfold, cvjxind, unfurl ; ti< stretch out, sprrail abroad. Ava-riijitirit, p. mid. rt\' nvn^alvM. Ai'ar;;yi '5/11 (fr. «r(i up, and r:iiy Mi/ii to iiislcn) to suspend, hang, itrjix up. Avamiiido) -iii, 1. -<;(7ii), p. -f/m, (fr. (ii'i! lip, and ztji'di:) lo leap) to start, or spring np ; lo vault upon ; tn hound, bounce ; In leap back. I a. par. act. avann- i^i'iaaf. Ai"iVr)«c)v, -01 , 0, II, (Ir. avU intcnj. ANA and ntjpdi maimed) mutilated, maimed. Ai'aTi/iTAd'i'iii, |)ros. inf. net. fr. same, and r/f(irX>//ii, which soo. Ariir/rru), f. -Zicov/iat, p. -r/irno- Kii, f fr. same, and Tfrrw to fall) f()./(iW rfoiOTi ; to lie down, rrcline, instead of sitting, as now, nl mealu ; to bend, or lean back ; to delay, defer. Avavirvu/ici', Ion. and Dor. forava- irindvin, pres. inf. act. — Aia- T7iTidftivoi, pres. par. pass, of Avaxlrviifit, (fr. aid intens. and T/rvv/ii, TiTiau), or irtrviu) wiiich see) used for avairiTrrw to fall, lie, or lay down, AvartXaKTiTOi, -ov, i, >}, (fr. avi up and down, and rrXaiJu to wan- der) wanderitig, roving; pursu- ing, tracing^ hunting ; devious, irregular. Ai'airXu'ffairff, 1 a. par. act. of AvaTrXduou), or -rru, (fr. ava in- tens. and TrXdaato to sha])e) to make, form ; to fashion, shape, mould ; to imagine, compose. AvairXiKovrt, Dor. for amTtXiKovci, 3 p). pres. fr. ai-a intens. and vXeKo), which see. Ava'rXeof, -ou, h, i;, (fr. ava intens. and rrXfof full) quite full, filled, sluj'ed, crowded. AvarXfiio-to-Oai, 1 f. mid. of Ava- TrXiu) -(3, f. -cxJcu, (fr. avrt back, and ttX/u) to sail) /o set sail away, or fcart, sail ho7ne. AvoTrX/uf, -u), 6, fi, Ion. and Att. for ava'ffXtof. AvarXijQi/o-ovrai, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of AvaT\rj6w, fr. avd up, and irXijOw, which see. 1 a. inf. ara-jXijaat. AvairXrjpovTat, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Ava-zXiipdii) -a, f. -iJiTu, p. -uKa (fr. same, and rX;7pi5u to fill) to Jilt up, supply, complete ; fulfl, ac- complish. AvarXiJpwffif, -loj, Att. -cw;, q, (fr. same) compklion, fulfilment, ac- complishment. AviiffXoof cont. nvo'TrXoiif, -oou -ov, i, (fr. avu back, and rXcioj a voy- age) o voyage, sailvig hack, or Avan-XSfw, f. -Svui, (fr. ava again, andirXiJva) to wash) to wash out, wash clean, or thoroughly. AvaitXuictv, pres. inf. fr. ova back, and rXuJQ), which see. Avdirvevfia, -drof, rb, and A varvw iva again, and Kume) to breathe, rcsjjire ; to t'ike brcith, rest, recover, revive. Ava-rrvoii, -hi, I'l, (fr. last) respira- tion, breathing, taking l/reath. Avanvvu), or-jJfiijSameasavuTTv/ui. 1 a. pass, avriirvivdriv. Poet, and Ion. a)n:ti\ivOr)V. ANA AvairiihtKTix;, -ov, 6, i/, (fr. a neg, (uri intens. and fitUvvfit to show) impiolmUi; unlikely ; not proveil unsupported. Avazufl^u), (fr. ai'iiback, and noil- ^u) to slvp\ to go biich, ritreat ; to walk backwards ; to retrace, re- tract ; to examine, inquire into, rectify. Avaroitcfiiii, -ov, b, (fr. lust) a re- turn ; inquiry, examination. Ayarroitu) -ut, f. -i/ctu), |). -t/Ka, (fr. aid intens. and -oiim to make) to make up, form, prepare. AidKoivoi, -ov, b, t'l, (fr. o neg. and dtrotvov ransom) unransomed, without rrmsom,free. Ai'UTroXf^o), Poet, for avaTroX/u -w, (fr. avd about, and roX/ui to turn) to consider, deliberate ; to turn up, or break fresh ground ; to roll, tumble. ' Ava-JToXdyiiTOi, -ov, b, »;, (fr. a ncg. and u-uXoyt'o/^ai to vindicate) not to be defended, without apolo- gy, inexaisable. AvuTzpi'/Ou, f. -aw, (fr. avd intens. and TTpi'iOo) to burn) to set on fire, kindle, burn ; to scorch, blast ; to shed burning tears, tveep violently. Also for avarrXt'iOw, to Jill, Jill up, swell, expand. 1 a. par. act. ava-apfiaas. AvaTTpi^o), or Avairpio), (fr. same, and nplo} to saw) to cut asunder, to cut off; to gnash, or grind the teeth. Avd-rrrafiai, and AvdT;TaaOai, see in avlirrrini. AvairTtpob) -aij (fr. avii up, and TTTiphv a wmg) to give wings, makefy ; to give spirits, ani- mate, exhilarate, encourage ; AvatzTCpdopai -oijuat, to liave wings, or be winged ; to take wing, Jly, flutter ; tojlucluate, doubt. Avarrcpvyi^io, (fr. same, and nrj pv^ a wing) to wing, rise un wings, soar. AvanTt]vai,^VL. inf. act. o[ avtTTTr)fit Ava-nToionai -ovfiai, (fr. avd intens and iTToito to amaze) to be arnaz ed, astonished, confounded ; to covet, desire earnestly. AvaiTTOiionai, Poet, for last, ppcr, pass. avci;Totriitr]v, -jjao, -ijto. Ava7rTvaatJi,{. -f(, p. dvrjfa, (fr. avd intens. and utttw to touch) to kindle, light, set on fre ; to fix, fasten, hang, or set up ; to con- secrate, dedicate. AvdTtTOjxat, to catch, cling to ; to be tied idjout, girt dressed ; to dress, put on clothes ; to cover, lay un. 1 a. ANA act. dvrixpa. pres. par. pass. avuTTTdncvoi, g. Ion. avaitTa^ii- vato. I a. pass. avt'i^Orjv, Avdnvarns, -ov, b, li, (fr. same, and TvvOdvofiai or vtvOofiai to hear) published, proclaimed ; heard, known. (42) Avdiru, Dor. for Avd-irov, g. of 'A»a- iro>-, b, Anapus, a river in Sicily. Avdnurrii;, or Aciironn, and AvaTru- Tti, by Sync. n>7rwrif, -io, (fr, avi again, and pdiTTia to sew) to sew, or stitch up ; to mend, repair, reft. par. per. pass, avcpjjafiivos. Avapfitipa, -drof, ri, (fr. ava up, and p/cj to speak) a proclama- tion by a crier, publication, pro- mulgation. AvappTjtioi, or -^riyviipi, f. -fw, (fr. aid up out, and /»/yvu/it to break) to tear, rip up, open violently, hurst asunder ; to break out, tip, or forth ; to break iff. 1 f. inl". avapjn'i^eiv. 1 a. act. ind. avcp- pi'l^a' opt. ^ol. avaphi'i^cta, -nj, -r inf. avaplji'i^ai. 2 f. inf. pass. a)'nppay»;(7£(T0a(. Avapiinri^o), (fr. avd intens. and piTTi'^w to ventilate) to kindle, to blow into aflame; to income, excite desire. AvapptTiTiu), or avapfihrio, f. -^'ii>, p. avipptipa, (fr. avd up, and filrc- rui to throw) to throw, cast,fling upwards ; to dart. Avapjioiji&iii) -ijj, f. -I'laii), (fr. avd intens. and ^o/fof a crash) to absorb, ingulph, engorge; to swalloiv with noise. Avapiioiyiti, for avcpfiayCji, paf- P- mid. of avaphi'/aau). Avjppuvvu/ii, (fr. avd again, and jjiivvvfit to strengthen) to recover, grow strong ; to become reso- lute, determine; to corroborate, strengthen. AvapjiijiaOevrti, n. pi. par, 1 a, pass, of last, lAvcipjio;, -oVfb, ^, (fr. a neg. and Jf' AiSA nob> to agree) implacable, inexo- rable ; contrary, unsuitable, un- pleasing, unfit. Avaprdo), fr. av.i up, and aprdio, which see. Avapmroj, -ouj 6,1/, (fr. a neg. and apri'ia to pickle) not seasoned, unsavoury, tasteless. Kvapx^c, -as. Ion. -xh, -IS, >'i, (fr. same, and apx'i government) ftxtnjt of government, or magis- trates ; anarchy, confusion ; tu- mult, riot, disturbance. 'Aiapxos, -ov, b, ri, (fr. same) witli- out rule; tumultuous, riotous; ^ without a beginning, from all " eternity. Xvaacipd^o), (fr. avii back, and aet- pd a chain) to drag icilh a chain. Avorciu), f. -au), p. -Ka, (fr. avii Up, and celti) to shake) to excite, stir up, rouse, promote; to move, affed ; tn shake, or wave the hand ; to shafce, or titrow off; to thake out, try, examine. Avaatffx'pfifvos, (par. per. pass, of avaffvpo}) draum, or tucked up ; indecent, obscene. Avaof' pass. avtuTpdip'n', per. ind. mid. avioTpoipa' pass. avioTpafifiat. AvaoTpnipdia -w, (fr. last) to turn, roll, xvind, move round, pres. inf. act. avai, -iv, (fr. same) tole- rable, to be borne. AvaaxK'-', (fr. nvd intens. and oxl- ^u) to split) tn cleave, rend, rip up, split. Avn, (fr. (ii'a intens. and irui^j. lo save) lo jireservc, deliver, re- store ; to cause, or enable to escape ; to realise, establish ; IVlid. to recover again, escape, sai e one's self. Avarn^laOai, 1 f. inf. mid. of ava- TlCOTffQ). AvuTapdoau), or -rrw, f. -(u), (fr. same, and mpdaau) to disturb) to trouble, disorder, distract, em- broil ; to confound, confuse; lo excite or raise commotion, par. per. pa.MK. avaTtrapayuivos- AvardaoM, or -ttio, f. -im, p. -X", (fr. Hamr, and rdnnut (" range) lo arrange, set in order ; In com- pose, dispose, adjust, settle, 1 a. mid. nviraidpriv. AvitrartKbs, -h, -iv, (fr. next) ex- tended, stretehtd out; extensive, A.NA V.NA Ai\A M.i'i . Inurrinf:, shontiiif:, or mti) to iiurxr^ hrinf; U]),iilurtilr, puiiUiiifi ufiwarih; etn)ii\tl,(i, (fV. iiia liiicli, ami tjii'yw '<> m'iu» lo rciiili) to t\tlintl, .stnti:/i[ run) /« nai liii<:k, or //;),• /y ns- olj/ ,• /o ntnicli rounil iil>i)ul,\ crti jcl, ^uah out ; lo ir.ccilc, witli- iip ; lu vtrge upwunh. ! draw; lo renn\ rrlraa; intund, Ai'urtAf?, 3 sill. 1 f. act. — .Vi'ut*A- ! - rrj'onil ; to niri ovrr, disroiirsc of, Ati, '3 sill. pros. iial. act. — j rminirrale. 2 :\. uui. nvA. uriitfiu- Avari'Wovcaii, i\. sin. Icili. par. ' /luv per. ind. liiici. ui'H('/<^p«/s.) per. ind. act. of Aivirfw::)), -r/s, i'/, (fr. avarpt-u) lo Ai(iT/AAw, I'. -fAhi, p. ui'rtr/rnXcH, ovtrliiin) ovirtlirow, ruin. (fr. avii lip, and rAAw lo rise) <« .4i'(iTpo(/)i), -("/j, //, (IV. ovaTpitjita to /, ^ju.s7i out, throw up, jiroA te;\r) i(iucatioii, trude, or causn to rise ; to pro-lAviirvziko -u>, f. -o'lcoi, p. -(Okh, (fr. i/mcc, cause to be; (o spring ; /»! «i7i accordiiif; to, and rvrros a grow, Imd, shoot; to arise. I a.; mark) to ii)iugi»i; r.our.cive ; to ind. (ii/rfiA«*siib. (ii(iTc/Aw inf. i form un iniogr, or likiness, re- lUHTtiAuc per. mid. nvariru^a.', present. AiaTi/iito, (IV. iiiii iiilens. ani AiaTCTfiriixiioi, par. per. pass, ot'i voi<;e)^ uriitr, ilutith, last. j sihnt. AruTiOiaai, for urdTiOiict, 3 pi. lAi'(n'fr/r»f, -ou, o, ,'/, (jr. same, and prcs. ind. act. — Ai'nri0tT-i,-/TO), uu^tii'W lo j;ro\v) llinl does not pres. inipr. act. of i grow, stinilid, vf)ii), fr. same, and ^Opw, '•taj-fi ; to decree, enact, enjoin ; torrent. \ unicli see tinpuli, rejer In ; Ai'/>fpo^ai, In uithdraw, betake, retire ; to col' lert, recover, rise up ; 1 a. ind. (ii'i/rtyxii* inf. avcvlyKat' par. itnivryKiii' 2 a. ind. ovi'iityKoi' inf. laiviyKciv par. (n'ti'tyKo'ji" per. ind. pass, i/ruior/iui, as if fi. Ill olio. AviiijidtU, par. 1 :i. pass, ofavi'mriu. AiaijiXlyw, (IV. dia intens. and diXi- yu to Inirn) to bum vp, bhiie, kindle, blow up. Ai'(iil>\c)(^Ui'iV(ii, 1 a.inl. pass. ol last. Ai'(i(/iupii, -Hs, /;, (fr. iiinKjiifiui to hear) a burden, load ; an iiff'er- ing, sacrijicc ; a tax, tribute, re- venue ; II rising up, emersion ; exhalation, evaporation ; recover!/, restoration, recolteclion ; a iliit- churge, issue; a leferimce, rela- tion, tendtncy ; narrative; a charge or transfer of crime, im- putation, appeal; a subterfuge, evasion ; refuge, shelter, protec- tion ; in astrology, the sigti rising after the horoscope, the ascendant. Ai'ail>opciii, -ius, Alt. -tu>i, 0, (fr. same) a bearer, carrier; a bar, crow, staff, lever. Ai'(i^f)(i'^u/jiii, (IV. avii intens. and Oipa^ofiai to consider) lo obscrvi, 2'erceive, recognise, acknowledge. Ariiippi'iaoti), or -ttw, (fr. same, and (liQiicoio lo stO|i nj)) to hinder, ob- struct; lo close, stop up, barricade. Avaijifwvri^ii), (fr. same, and i/;f/oi- n'^w to think) to consider, pon- der, revolve, meditate, ilelibcrate. AiHTi'Of/iui, to set vp, demand, claim ; to adopt, or alter an opi. nion. per. ind. pass. 3 pl. aiari- DcvTtif 2 a. mid. avcUi/niV par. Ava'voi, f. -aw, (IV. uiii again, and iivaOijUi'ui. j avM to cry) to exclaim, shriek, Ai'/ri//«'(i) -tu, (IV. ova np, and ti-\ cry out ; to shout, cheer. /irtu) to va\uc) to enhance, raisetAiailiaivcadai, |)res. inf. mid. — the price, pros. inf. act. «i'ur. -rtipayKa, and TiiuVcrw lo qnivcr) «ro;icu.v. I (fr. urii intens. and tUalviu lo sion, shock ; a luolinl change, or I show) lo s/ioir, make appear, ij- Ai«ii(7((r, Uor. |i)r. (jn'/i (Toi , 3 pl. 1 |Ai«0ii(7((5oJi'rtj, Poet, for uvaifiv- a. — AriiO^uj, Dor. lor (H'hBcjs, I niCnrcs, n. (il. cont. jiar. jires. par. 1 a. of i IV. ai'/) intens. and (/niriHU), or i/ lo removal. Ai'irAuf, par. prcs. act. — .\.i(i7A,;- aai, |)ar. 1 a. acl. of AidTXiifii, (fr. air't intens. and rXij- III to bear) to stij/'er, endure, nn- dtrgo ; to sustain, support. AiarfjiilOui, par. 1 a. |iass. of uiu- Tt/l I (. AiiiruMi, -i;f, )■/, (Ir. »ior/AA(D to per.uliui /libit, display ; to testify, prove, r(mvincr, convict ; to accuse, charge. Ax'atj,aivoiiai,tobe shown ; to appear, look, seem. per. pass. ava-rriijiaiijjLai. ~ a. avupavijv. AvaipaipcTiti, -iiv, h, >/, (fr. a ncg. j (iro from, and nipio) to take) not to be takin away ; own, proper, arise) day-spring, dawn; sun- rise ; the east ; the eastern parts of the u:orld. A iaro\tKii, ->/,-ur, (fr. last ) eastern. .\iaTofi>i, -Ti<, I/, (IV. ni'iiri'iivw lo cut u|)) a culling, dividing, dis- sextiou, anatomy. AvfiTo/uKdi, -il, -or, (fr. I;is() ana- frmiical, an anatnuiisl. Ai'oir, (IV. nva- i/iitlio) lo show) iipenly, plainly, clearly, evidently Aiurp/roici, 3 pl. prcs. ind. act. of' Ai(i'/'/pw, f. uvuiahi, (IV. avu np, Avar(j{Tij>, (fr. avn back, and rptrui I and c/j/pu to carry) locarry, bring lo tnm) to subvert, overturn; to' up, or back; to offer sacrijicc ; trip, Ihroii) down, lay Jlal, pros- \ to take upon, bear, endure ; to trate ; to refute, disprove. I take, renuive, discharge, dismiss ; ■^Ava^Ocis, -uaa, -iv, I- ]il. -Od'TCf .^larpiipbi, f. uiuOpi\piit, p. avaTi-l to bleak out, burst forth ; to re- ■ Jiar. AvaxSiji'm, inf. 1 .1. pass. Toc'pa, (fr. avti tip, and mlipoi lol jiorl,trll ; to concern, relate to; toi of avilyw, (44) row) lo spring, shoot, sprout up, bud again ; produce, bring forth. Avatpuiiiii) -Co, f. ->'/cii), p. avaT!tij)ij)- rtiKa, (fr. avii intens. and , (fr. same, and X"^*^ '" yield) to retreat, withdraw, re- tire; lo return. Avitxaii'i'), or Avuy'ivfw, it. same, and ;^«ii'a), whicli sec. Ai'n;j^(ji7(^a), f. -iaio, (fr. ava back, and X"''^'! ''^*^ mane) to fling back the mane ; to rear, unhorse; to precipitate, cast headlong, over- turn ; lo behave riotously, or wantonly, riot. Avuxiico'icllat, Poet, for uvaxii- aacOiif 1 a. inf. mid of uiu^^u'^oi. Aviixi">, f. -ti'ffw, (fr. (ii'u back, ■ind X''^ '" poor) to pour back; to refund; lo pour in, or upon, infuse ; to confound, disturb. par. ! a. pass. avaxvOth and Arn;^»;iwi', par. ])res. otavuxfl^iu'- See avnx'dvui. 'AvaxP\ by Apo?. before an a.spi- ratc for dvaKra, a. sin. of nvaf. A.NA ANJi Aiii;^;o»;, -i/j, >t, (If- uiu;^ta» to i)OUl'iAi'(!()tt7rO(!(^w, f. -iVio, p. -/jKJpurrd- out) a pouring out, overflowi?ig,l fiKa, {(r. sdmc) to custare, reduce inundation ; n passage, course; , to servitude ; treat as a slave. the opening, or mouth of a rr'iw. ' Aif5p(i7ro(5i-'of, Att. .£a;i;,(fr. same): Ai'Jpa-o^oi', -ov, "ro^ (fr. ((I'ijp a o pouring forth, effusion; ani nian, and mEs the foot) a slave. inundation, lake, pool ; a sink,\Avipa-oSioS>ii, -eos -or;, o, fi, (fr. vortex; gulf of vice, or ;s, )';, the herb purslain. tire, withdraw; to secede, sepa- Avipia;, -ov, o, Andrev:, a man's rale. (fr. Ywpoj room) to con- name. tain, hold. \Avcpt\n, and Avvpia, -m, i/, (fr. XiavtoptiTioi, -ov, u, I'l, (Ir. last) it' avtip a man) manliness, valour, is necessary to be tvithrlrawn, &c. I courage, fortitude. Ai'ui//r;j, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. o{'-Aivpetos,a.i\dAi'cpiius,-a,-oii,({r. aiaTZTii). ' last) manly, brave, courageous; .Xi'd^-i'^ii, -(oj, All. -£ws, »;, (fr. masculine, male. next) « cooling, refreshing; u\ .AripctfuvTin, -ov, !i, (fr. aviip a hreatliing^ rest, respite. I nian, and ^ii'o) to kill) a man- Afaxfjv^oi, I. -Vw, (1. avii^-vx^a, (fr. | slayer, mnrderotis, an epithet of uyi, Dor. Sync, for avayvolii, 3 sin. 2 a. opi. of avnyiviiiaKU. ViraVii), to please, delight, gratify, humour ; to satisfy, content, imp. iivoavoi: For other tenses see Aeiu). \iiciaOai, Poet, for ucuctiiTGai, pres. inf. pass. — av^tadyitvoi, for avaitjadixcvo;, 1 a. par. mid. ofavaiiny. 'Articfia, Poet, lor ai'd(*£(/u, -liroi, rd, (fr. last) a diadem, hand, filet, turban, garland. Ailtieov, -ov, Ti, a summit, top, rittge ; a terrace, bank, mound. \i"'od) to firnavc like a man, to ad with spirit. \iipaydO>niu, -iiriii, rd, (fr. IttJit) an ezplntt, uchitvement.fcal. AffipaynOla, -«{, i'/, (fr. Hamc) hravrry, manliness, spirit. \ vinuyntii,-wy', rii, (fr. aviip a man, aiid i'lypn n prize) spoils nf the ill ad, ftlu/idrr. Avipciiog, (fr. avipeTui manful) manfully, &c. AvSpicat, Poet, for avcpdai, d. pi. of av)'ip. Ai'(5p£i'/i£i'of, Dor. for av&poijxtvoi, par. ])res. of ai'Vp6ui. Ai'SpeutOcSicn, Ion. for ardpudCoot, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of same. AvSpioiv, Ion. for avepZv, g. pi. of aviji). Avip!:i)v, -wfog, u, (fr. same) tlie men\s apartment ; a hall, din- ing. room. Ai'6p)i\drt]s, -uv, II, (fr. aviip a man and fXui'iw to drive) driving men into banishment, an oppressor; one who expels a just claimant. .\vi)pini'Ta, a. sin. of av^pidi. AfipiuVTOTTutia, -«f, )';, (fr. avi]piiis a statue, and rui/w to make) statuary, thr mumifaclure of statues. AvvpiavroTTotii, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. same) n statuary, carver. .\t'fip1iti, -dvTiii, 0, (fr. ai'Sip a man) « statue, image, curved Jigure. Ai'Cpii^ui, f. -iao), p. I'/vopiKn, (fr. same) to make manful encou- rage ; Aiopl^oiiai. to behave like a man, to act with spirit; per. ind. pass. I'lifip'onnt. Av'ipticAg, -i), -di/, (fr. same) inan- ly, manful, brave. AvfiptKiiii, (fr. manfully. Avifioi', -on, Ti), (dim. of avi'ip a man) a little man, jiigmy. Avi^pojipiof, -uiro?, !i, and Avvpofli'i- pof, -on, I), (fr. Kunie, and liopu Xtrniy^oi, -01', b, (fr.iiii/p a nian,' foorl) a cannibal ; one who kills and dyyia to choke) a murdirrcr \ i'(*pM. Avipotjtaytii) -u), (fr. same, and ipd- yn) to eat) to eat human Jlesh. Aviipoijiuyos, -ov, b, t), (fr. same) that devours human flesh ; a can- nibal. .Vc(^po0(ii'oio, {J. Ion. of Avipoipovoi, -oil, a, (fr. same, and {vw to kill) a murderer, man- slayer ; a warrior. AvSpdu) -&, f. -liau), p. -loKu, (fr. same) lo make manly, encourage; lo make a man ; change into men, humanize ; Avbpdonai -ov- fiai, to behave like a inun ; to grow tip, to become a man, la arrive at man^s estate. Avipviiofiai, (fr. same) to growu]!, approach lo manhood, Av<^pM^i\i,-ii:g -ovi,b,i'i, (fr. same) male, masculine, manly, brave, courageous, a. sin. at'i\iioctii -n. An^pwtof, (fr. last) miinfully, like a man. Xvi'ipiiiUrii, par. I a. pass. — Ai'- ipiiiaaallui, I a. inf. mid. of (ir- i\pdu), Avepwv, -wi'os, 0, see uvvptioi'. Av(]pCio(, -a, -ov, (fr. iiv!)p a. man) like a man, manly. AvoVcTiti, for iii'Hi'i'ijrai, pres. nuil. of HI'fKJi'dl. 'Ai/i.i«fo, Dor. and Poi;l. for aii- rlwu-n, 3 sin. 1 a. of firiioWw/n. Ai7/j'iii'ui', -If, -c, imp. act. ofura- llnli'i;, AvclitiWcTii, 3 Bin. — AvtfldWovTO, 3 III. imp. of ni'u/'^iiXAoi. Ai'//'i;i', -»/?, -';, 2 a. ind, act. of nt'alht(ri-). ANE AINE ANE Aniiil3nca*,Sp\. I II. iiid. of avn- \viti\tda, -ns, -c or -cv, before n vowtl, 1 a. iiul. an. of nva^A/- AvcOpcifti/iqi', -10, -mo, 1 a. iiid. mid. of uv(irp/0(i). Arfu'ctiXoTToi/u) -6, f. -ijiru), (fr. iiviV rcduii. c/c'wXoi' an iiii:\j;e, mid rw. TToi/ii) to iiiaki') lu form ii simi- \\ifiopii6pviai; 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of liludr, apptAfhtice, or rijinsrn- avafiopliopf^w. tntion ; to hm-cive, or iniciQint Ai(/ipayt, - a. iiid. ofuvu/Jp/yu), or in tTC, 2 pi. 2 a. act. of ava- OaS^ia. AvtOdi, -uaa, -iv, par. of AviQriv, 1 a. pass, of ai'i'v;/!. A i'£OA»;to{, -ov, 0, h, (fr. a nc;i/'wf, per. par. act. of ava\ap (idvw. AvtTXoi', -tj, -t, 2 pi. Ai'tfXeTf, 2 a. ind. act. — Ai'C(X(!/(>;i', -ou, -tTO, 2 a. ind. mid. of avaipiia. Avcipivoi, -r), -or, (for ariipiros, par. per. pass, of arhjpi) remiss, slack, negligent ; given vp to, devoted, dchertcd, AvuptvUi, (fr. last) remissly, care- lessly. 'Aviipi, f, avdaojxai, p. uvciKa, (Ir. avii up, and upi to go) to go up, return, come hack. 'Avniti, (fr. ai'd up, and si/ni to be) to be at, up, or upon ; to reach, arrive at, come to. Aveipwr, -ovos, h, rj, (fr. a neg. and tiiin clothes) ill dressed, badly clothed ; wit/tout clothis, naked. Arctv, Ion. for avi'tiv, prcs. inf. of ovuw. Avtivai, inf. of ni?;)', 2 a. ind. act. — A !'£(?, -tiau, -ir, par. 2 a. ind. act. — Aviadai, 2 a. inf. mid. — AvciaOui, per. inf. pass. ofai'i'/;/i(. AvctiriiTTi, Poet, for Avci-at, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. of avfTTOi. Avdfiyd), f. -^ti), (fr. avdint.ens. and cipyw to hinder) to keep off', out, or from, to drive, or y/i(i away ; to repel, repulse, tlmsl back ; to oppose, resist ; to save, protect, guard ; to hinder, slop, debnr ; to inclose, shut up, confine, im- prison. Avdpciv, pres. inf. fr. a\d inlens. and dp, which see. Avdpvaaii, 3 pi. 1 a. act. ofavcnvio. Avdaav, 3 pi. of A)'f7, or uv)'iii>, Ion. or Alt. for avd, 2 a. sub. of avirjlii. AviKiiOtv, and Poet. Avikih, (fr ava. intens. and iVuj afar) early, in the hcgi7ining, from above, from afar, from on high, AvcKaOiac, or -atv, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of nvaKaOi^ui. AvLK^nt'iynro;, -ov, h, li, (tr. a ncg. and cKcitiyiojiai lo relate) not to be fully expressed, inixpressible. AviKctTo, Sb-in. imp. pass, of avd' Ktifiai. AvUMyov, 2 a. act. of avaK^u^o). AvrAXffXiTcc, -01', i, ti, (fr. « nog. (46) and (KXaX/(i) to utter) unuttura- ble, inrxpresHible, unspeakable. Av/kXfuTTos, -ov, and AiivXittijj, •(o( -ovf, i. If, (fr. (I neg. and ik- Xc/rcj to fail) constant, unfail- ing, catain. AvcK^ditTioi, {ft. last) without fail. AvcKXlOtjy, -i;5, ->;, I a. ind. pass. — AvIkXivu, -a;, -c, 3 pi. -vav, 1 a. ind. act. of ,ii'(iKXf»'«». ArtKi'iftt^c, 3 sin. imp. of avaKo- AriKd->], 3 sin. 2 a. pass, of ava- k6t;tio. AvcKTrhiKTOS, -ov, b, )), (fr. n neg. and txTrXi/aiTO) to terrify) uuter- r[fied undaunted, fearless, in- trepid. AveicT\i's, (fr. last) boldly, in- trepidly. ArlKpayov, 2 a, ind. act. — Avixpa- foi', imp. ind. .act. — Ai'/xpafu, -(If, -f, 3 pi. -fai', 2 a. ind. act. of avaKpd^ui. Ai'iKrds, -!), -if, (fr. ai'tvu) to en- dure) tolerable, bearable, to be suffered, comp. avtKrdTcpos, sup. -(JrnToj. Av£(cr()rfpoi', (neut. comp. of last) more tolerably. AvcKTws, (fr. same) bearably, to- lerably. AvcKvXiaO)]?, 2 sin. 1 a. pass, ol' avuKvXiu). AviXtrijidvws, (fr. next) criiclly, without pity, unmercifully. AvcXc/ipoiv, -oros, b, »;, (fr. a neg. and c\ciipu)v merciful) unmerci- ful, merciless, pitiless, a. pi. avi- Xt^fiovai. AvtXtTi" AfiXtii' Ai tX(u»'' Ai'tXt'ff- Oai' AviXiaai' See Avutpia. Ai'cXtiJfltpoj, -ov, b, )'/, (fr. a neg. and tXeirOfpos free) illibernt, sor- did, base ; niggardly, narrow, stingy; homely, clownish, mean. AvtXi'iipOnvy -vi, ->i, I a. ind. pass. of avaXajifidrt!) . AviXkw, or -Kvoi, (fr. aid up, and 'iXKia lo draw) to draw upwards, or towards ; to haul up ; to tear, or pluck up, draw out, extract ; to raise, lift vp ; to draw back, bend. AvcXdvra, a. sin. jiar. 2 a. act. — AviXovTo, Ion. for avdXovro, 3 pi. 2 a. mid. of aiaiptw. Ai'tXTTf^w, f. -tail), p. -iKa, (fr. a neg. and^u> to hope, th. tXirh hope) not to hope, be without hope, to despair. 1 a. avijX-ntoa' sub. uveX-rlnu, ->]i, -)/. AvcXTricrta, -a;, >';, (fr. same) lio] — lessncss, despondency, despair. AviXmaroi, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) without hope, desperate ; unhoped for, vnexpected, despaired of; surjtrising, .strange, disastrous, unfortunate. Ai'fXr/(7TW5, (fr. last) past Iwpc, unexpectedly. Ai'tXur, ])ar. 2 a. act. — Aif'Xwo-i, 3 pi. 2 a. .'^iil). act, of avatoiu. Av/fi£(i'£,3 .sin. — Avtpdvart, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. ofavripiiw.' Avcnicr)TOi,-ov, «,(;, (fr. a neg. and vfjiicdo) to envy) not envied, un- ANE ANE ANE enviable; giving no cause of anger, faultless, worthy, good. Avifiiia -d, (fr. ava again, and cuiu to vomit) to vomit up again, disgorge. Avt/jcaToj, Avsfititos, Aviftio;, -ov, b, i), (fr. dvtiioi wind) windy, airy ; light, trifling, vain, silly. Avefii^dfttvoi, -V, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Aveiit^u, f. -too), p. rivifiiKa (fr. dvt- jioi wind) to toss, shake, agitate, by the wind ; to erpose to the weather ; to float in the air. Kvifitfivt, 3 sin. imp. of ava^i/iyu). KvtfxvriuQri, 3 sin. I a. pass, of Avtfidtii, -taaa, -tv, (fr. dveiio; the wind) windy, stormy, tempestu- ous; airy, exposed to the air, or ivinds. 'Avcjios, -ov, ifWind; breath; life; mind. g. Ion. avinow d. pi. avi- lioiai. AvcftoaKiTzris, -eo; -ouf, b, fi, (fr. dvtfioi wind, and cricfVu) to cover) protecting from the storm, shel- tering, warm. Avciioa(pdpayos, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and (r0rtpayo{ a rumbling noise) roaring, rattling, whistling with the wind. Aftfiorpa^i^f, and Av£/iorp£<^^f, -f'o; •ous, b, I'l, (fr. same, and rpiiui to rear) reared, strengthened, or nursed by the wind, hnrdy. Avc/iiTpo-os, -ov, b, t'l, (fr. same, and rpiirui to turn) exposed to the wind, weatherbeaten ; changing with the wind, fickle. AvifioipOopin -as, /y, (fr. same, and (pOcipu) to spoil) grain, &c. bliglu- ed hy the vnnd ; blight, blast, Avcn6ind, Avcf)iltKTi(;,-tni -niif, b, 17, (fr. Name, and wKV( •will) swift ns the winil, wind-ftert, storm-winged. AvcfiMiof, -ov, b, /;, (fr. same) '"n/i ligld, trifling, silly, viorth- Irss; fnlsc, ineffectual, vain, Avinuvt], -r({, J7, (fr. aamc) Ane- mone, a flower. Avivf'thKt-ioi -oii«, 0, /(, (fr. a neg. and (I'l^fiiv deficient) deserving, worthy ; caprthlr, su,fficimt. AvlvfuKTOi, -nv, h, b, (fr. a neg. and ivi/^r.Tiit It IB |if>. to wipe out) not to be ^aced, or annulled, indelible, Avc^eXevKTOi, -ov, b, 1;, (fr. a neg. and tlc\iyx(i) to convince) not to be convinced, or disproved, indis- putable ; untried, not examin- ed, unascertained; unconvicted, blameless, Ave^tpcvvvTos, -ov, b, /;, (fr. a neg. and c^cpcvvdu) to search) un- searchable, inscrutable, past find- ing out. AvtliraoTOi, -ov, h, »;, (fr. a neg. and cftra'^oj to examine) untried, unheard, not examined. Avi^CTdaTUi, (fr. last) without tried. Avc^tKaKia, -as, i;, (fr. av{;^w to en- dure, and (cuKos evil) mildness, gentleness ; endurance, forbear- ance ; patience, fortitude. Avt^ixaKOi, -ov, b, /;, (fr. same) pa- tient, forbearing, meek. Ai'jftp^viuo-TOf, -ov, b, 1), (fr. a neg. and t|'(;^via'^u) to trace, th. Ix^oi a track) not to be traced, or dis- covered, intricate, inscrutable. Avi^oSoi, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and i^oioi a passage) impervious, im- passable; irremeable, having no return ; confined, not let loose, or at liberty. Avi^ofiai, ->!, -crai, 3 pi. -ovrai, 1 f. ind. mid. of avi;^^. Aviovrat, Ion. for avtivrai, 3 pi. per. mid. of aj^;/i(. Ayc-rralaOijTOi, -ov, 0, f), (fr. a neg. and tiraiaOdvouai to feel) unfeel- ing, insensible, stupid; unper- ceived, unobserved ; not to be ob- served, imperceptible. Avtvala^vvToi, -uu^o, 1/, (fr. a neg. and izuiayvvo^iai to blush) un- blushing, shameless ; that has no cause to blush, innocent, blame- less. AveTTifX/ztvo?, Poet, for ai'c> to correct) past mending, incorrigible, de- praved ; to v.hirli nothing can be aililed, perfect, romjilrle. Aviiravaity, 3 pi. I a. ind. act. of avana^'ti). Avt^a^Oiuf, (fr. . AviTTvpiaaTov (neut. of next) safe- ly, securely, without railing, or abuse. Avc^npiaaros, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and cTTtipcd^iD to injure) irre- proachable, harmless ; safe, se- cure from nffroni. Av£ir(/3ouXcuTos, -ov, 0, n, (fr. same, and tm^ovXiviii to plot) not to be surprised, secure, safe; candid, ingenuous. AveT!iypa to hinder) with- out hindrance, freely. Avctrl'SriTrros, -ov, b, >i, (fr, same, and £7r(Xa//j3di'w to check) un- blameable, blameless, irreprehetr- sible, irreproachable. Av£T(f;, (fr. same, £771 on, and ^ioi to polish) tcnpo- lished, rough, unfinished . AvcvlpficKTos, -ov, b, !], (fr. same, £7ri on, and lii^io to do sacrifice) unfinished, imperfect; not offer- ed, or sacrificed; not duly so- lemnized; not purified, or cleans- ed. AvciTiaTi'iftu)v, -ui'os, b,fi, (fr. same, and cKtari'iftMii knowing) igno- ranl, unskilful ; illiterate ; awk- ward. AvtTTiarplifita, f. -t^u), p. -^a, (fr. same, and tTi(TTpe)po(i). Av^rrfi^iiii', Dor. for avcnrdiiiiv, 2 a. mid. of Affirnj/iai. Ai'frrTii»)/x«i, per. pass, of avanro/o- fiai. AvenroltiTO, 3 sin. ppcr. pass, of avanToilofiai, Poet, (or avatiToio- liat. Avltrw, (fr. nvii inlens. and I'rw lo ANF, say) to }trm-laim, puhtixh, com- mttntly either ax an injunction, or prohibition ; to prohibit, for- biil, 1 i\, airririi. - a. avtiirov, 3 sin. at>tiKc. Poet, ovelmizt. Av/p', for iir(i)>i, by Sync, livi^fia, a. sm. ofiin'if). AtipacTOi, -ov, b, II, (IV. II np<». and epdu) lo love) unamiablr,(li.i- ngrcrnhlc, uttplcising, it^ensivc, hateful, odious ; unkind, un- friendlfi ; not inrlined to love. AvcBcOi^io, (fr. ui'(i iritcns. and cpc- Oli^ia or rplOu) to provoke ) to pro- voke, stir, irritate. AvcpdTTiii, and Kvcncivro), (fr, .'iainc, !uul tofiTu) to niin) to luy waste, ruin, despoil; to steed, gather; to tear, rend, pull in pieces; to destroy. Avtotn^'a/iEvo?, ->), -or, par. 1 a. mid. of last. A.vipti, Ion. for dvioa, i\. pi. of aviip. AvcoftdTtitTo<;, -ov, b, i), (fr. a ncg. .•iiid ipftarl^ii) to Kteady, th. irpita iinl'.ast) unsteady, unjirin, loose, limber, pliant. Avip-('io, (fr. ava up, and iprvw or tpiTv^o) to creep) to creep 7ip, crawl back. Aveppdyqi; 2 a. pass, of avapi))j- yvvfii. ' Avcpjiaftivos, par. per. pass, otavap- Avip^iitya -ai, -c, Alt. for avipj)riya, per. mid. of^avappriyvvfii. Avcpvu, f. -vaot, (fr. ai'a'up, and jpvu to draw) to haul up, draw ashore ; to turk, or tie up ; to steal; to witlulraw, remove. 1 a. ind. act. avdovca. Avip^Ofiat, f avcXcvTOfiai, p. -I'/Xv- da, (fr. avd Tip, and ioxofiai to go) to go up ; lo return, come back ; to enter ^ go in ; lo succeed, follow ; lo go over, repent, i a. ind. act. avijAOov. Ai'touirau, Ion. avcoujTiw -S,fr. ai'ii ititens. and tnoiTdo), whicii see 'Avci, 2 a. impr. act. of nroj/d. Aviaaijii, 1 a. opt. of Ai'«'^oj. 'Aveaav, 3 pi. O^i avtjv, 2 a. act. of ai'lri fi I . Afiatiaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of avaciiut. 'Avcats, -lof, Alt. -£(■){, );, (fr. avirj- fti to remit) retnission, loosening, looseness, relaxation ; iiubdgcnce, rej:reaiio?i, refreshment, eftse,rest; remittness, negligence ; a release^ dismissal. AvccrrdaOrjv, -rn, ->/, 1 a. in'l. act. of avaavdii). Aviiravro, for avauraiuro, [>[)(ir. pass. Cti ai'aiTcvoj, or -ci'u}. Ariara, Dor. for aviTrn, 3 sin. 2 a. act. — Avtarav, ^iO\. Sync. for ariartjaav, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — AvujtLici, Ion. for avrnrfiKa- ci, 3 pi. per. ind. act. — Anc- rti>;. Ion. for avLCTriK5>i, par. per. act. oi avicrtiiit. AvioTi)!/, -tjf, -ri, .3 pi. -ttcav, 2 a. ind. act. — AvicrriBa, -as, -t, or -fv before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. of same. Avicrtoi, •01', 0, !/, (fr. >i nc". and iarla a honrlli) without a home, a ti-anderer ; one who shuns luime, solitary. A I'f irrpa'^iji', j|»K, -jj, 2 a. ind. pass, of avdirrptf^, 3 sin. ofA wctyo/";!', 2 a. mid. of ai'<'Y">- Ai'crn'^u), (of uiiJ inlens. andtni'^o) to examine) to inquire, search out; to qiicstioii, examine, extort by torture. Ar/rtiXn, -as, -r, 1 a. ind. act. of cvaT/AXiu. AveTtOifi>)v,-ao, -era, imp. pass, of ai'iiTiOiifti. 'AvCTOi, -ov, I), i), (fr. aviii/ii to loose) loosened; loose, la.r, re- miss, negligent. Averpd-)iv, ->]s, -i], 2 a. pass. — AviTpiipOt/v, -))i, -I), 1 a. ind. pass, ot avarpi-U). 'Avrv, vitkout. ' AvcvOtv,/ar qff'jfar from. Avcvdi^o], (fr. ai'd intens. and evdCui toslioiU) lo shout like bacchanals, rave, celebrate orgies. AvcvOsTOi, -ov, b, {], (fr. a neg. and cvderoi well arranged) ill adapt- ed, unfit, inconvenient, unsuit- able. Avcvdiivos, -ov, li, i), (fr. same, and tvdii straight) Jineven, rmigh, not level ; not nccountable, or responsible. AvcuOivo)!, (fr. last) not subject lo rule, or control, unaccmintable, with impunity. Avcvouv, inf. of avtvpov, 2 a. of avcvpicKta. Ai'tvpcros, -ov, b, ;/, (fr. a ncg. and ci/p/u ohs. or cvpliTK^ to find) not found, undiscoverable. Ai'tiipi'dio), f. -tvptjaui, p. -cvpriKOf (fr. a or avii intens. and diptaKoi to find) to di.'icover by diligence, invent ; to seek, find out ; to find, meet with. Avtupov, -c;, -e, ind. — Avcvpciv, inf. Avcvp6vrci, n. pi. par, 2 a. act. of last. Avtvfrifxiio, (fr. avil intcns. and cv- tprijiiiji to praise) to celebrate, ex- tol, praise highly; to lament or bewail avoiding unlucky words. Aviijiaivov, -ff, -c, imp. act. — Avt- (jtaiv6iii]v,-ov,, imp. pass, — Ai'iipfiva, 1 a. act. — Avc(p)ivd- ti>i'', 1 a. mid. oi avadiuivo). Avet. avixo^p^f -oto, -oiTo. imp. pass. avtix6pr)v, and tivcixi'ii"!!'. f. mid. avi^ofiaf 2 a. mid. ((i'jor^(i^>;i'. Att. i)vcaxipi'. Avi.x^Pi'"''> ■<'5» -fi Of ""' before u vowid, 1 a. act. of avaX'^pi'^- Avf'pu'i, -~ii, ('/, (fern, of next) a niece, cousin. AvciLtdi, -oij, i, properly o nephew. Also a cousin in any way. Avi\pvxOcv, for ai'atpvx6l<'. 'Ai'tw, (n. pi. of dvciiif) silently, mutely, without speech or noise. Aw'ya, -as, -£, per. ind. mid. — Avtwywsi-uJu, -ds, a. sin, -yoru, par. per. mid — Avei^ynhoi, par. per. pass. — Ai/f(i)f«, -as, -t, or rivot^a, I a. ind. act, of ai'oi'yw. AvfiovTai, for avelvrut, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, or for avUvrai, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. ofavirjui. 'At'tuif -ii>, h, )'i, (Att. for dvavoi or dvavHoi, fr. a neg. and aiw to cry) silent, mute, dumb. Aviii>xat per. act. Att. — Avioty- fiai, per. pass. — AwifiyO;?!', -j/s, -ri, 3 pi. -ijdav, 1 a. inilTpass. — Ai'£(;)_:^Or;i'ai, 1 a. inf. pass. — Aviiflxdcv, Sync, for avtwxO'W^v, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of avo/yu. ' Avti, -rjs, >!, (fr. dvui or avvu to finish) perfection, perfectness, completeness ; lite perfecting, completion, ^nishing, conclusion . .\vti(ido) -d, f. ->;(r«, (fr. ava again, and i'lPti youth) to grow young again ; to grow up, arrive af puberty, pres. inf. act. avtifiav. ' Avrifioi, -ov, li, I'l, (fr. avi intens. and i'lfin youth) very young; a boy, stripling, lad. Avi'iyayov, 2 a. ind. impr. avdyayi' inf. avayayctv. Att. for avijyuv avayC &.C. ofai'dym. Avi'iyyttXa, -ai, -c, 1 a. act. 3 pi. avi'iyyciXav. — AvijyycXov, 2 a. act. — Avi/yyiXtiv, -175, -»?, pass. of avayyiXXo), Avriyiofiai, (fr. avu intens. and liyionai to lead) to tell, relate, re- count, recite, prcs. inf. mid. avi/- yilnOai. .\vtxa^intiv, -ov, -cro, imp. mid. of Avij^ws, (fr. a neg. and I'/ws sweet) disagreeably, harshly. Ai"',YfffO£, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. jAvj/cirai', Att. for avficwav, 3 pi. mid. — Avtxil'eOa, 1 pi. pres. pper. mid. of a'vt(/'(. ind. mid. — Avcx/iijcvoi, -)j, -ov,\Avt'iTj, Poet, forai'^, 2 a. sub. act. par. pres. mid. of av/;f(>i. ; of aviripi. Or, Att. for avvci, 3 Arcyflf/s, -ttaa, -iv, par. 1 a. pass. sin. ppcr. of arfifii, to return. (4H) ANH AN© 'AvijSov, -ov, ri, the herb aniie, OT\Avf,vcyKa, -as, -f, or -tv before a vowel, and Ion. aiivciKa, 1 a. act. — AirireiydiT""', Ion. for avriviyxSriJ^av, 3 pi. of Ai'Tji/y;^- Otii', 1 a. ind. pass, of aiaji(a, 1 a. ind. act. of avato-ffu. Aviriov, Ion. Ibraviov, 2 a. ofavti/ji. 3 sin. 1 a. act. of avlrifit. AvTiKti, (impers. fr. avfiKiji to be- fit) it appertains, it is ^t, it be- comes, it is convenient, right, just. AvrjKcv, 3 sin. before a vowel, imp. of last. Av^KccTOi, -ov, b, fi, (fr- a neg. and axfoitai to cure) incurable, past remedy, irremediable ; incon- iolable. AvriKiarux, (fr. last) incurably. AvijKov, neut. sin. — Ai'J/Kovra, neut. pi. ofavr/Kiiiv. Anji', -ovaa,-ov, (par. pres. act. of last) ascentiine, mounting ; raised, devcUfd, lofty ; rearhing, pertaining, or belonging to ; Jit, becoming, right. Af ^XSro, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of avd\- XofUtl. Avn^arof, -ov,i, i;, (fr. a neg. and iXai'ivu) to drive) unmoved, calm, ttill ; stiff", inflexible, unyielding ; obstinate, stu>ibom ; unbroken, not trained, wild. AvijMov, -t(, -t, 2 a. ind. act. of avfpT(Ofiai. Av^'^iof, -ov, b, li, (fr. a neg. and SjXio; the sun) sunless, dark, gloomy. Avn^iiOnv, -»7f, ->j, 1 a. paxs. — Av^Xuaa, 1 a. act. — Av/jXwKa, per. act. of aiaXlaKiii. A 1 VfjifXirroc, -oij, ii, ii, {fr. a neg. .ind rifilXyut to milk) n/jl milked, trhirh yields no milk. kvTijitv, for avlfiiv, I pi. 2 a. act. or Sync, for aPnKniav, 1 pi. 1 a. of avirjin. Av))firi', 1 pi. imp. of dvtijii, fr. ti/il, to be. Av^fitnnf, -ov, n, ty, (fr. a ncg. and 'iifnp'ii^e:n\\f:)unhl,JirTce, savage; cruel, pitiless. Avilv, -r;{, -n, 2 n. act. of avli]fii. Av/ivacBat, inf. of Aypvd/jnv. I &. mid. of ara/fo/iai. G Avtjvoda, -a;, -t, by Epenth. and Att. redupl. for rivda, per. mid. of avdib). Ai'nvvaroi, or Avijvvroq, -ov, b, fj, {fr. a neg. and aivm to finish) unfnished, imperfect ; not :o be finished ; unceasins, intermina- ble ; insurmountable, impracti- cable. Avt'n'b>p, -opo^, h, ';, (fr. a ncg. and arijp a man) unmanly ; slothful, lazy, inactive; dull, heavy, stupid. Ai'TiTTTai, 3 sin. per. pass, ofai'o'77- rojiat. .4v^p, av^oif, Sy^c. for dicoos, b, a man, hiisband. AvijpiBriv, -Ti;,-7i, 1 a. ind. pass, of aintpiw. Ai'rjptiipavTo, Spl. 1 a. mid. of ai£- pci'rw. AvjjOTjKuf, -v7a, -0;, Att. avapaipri- Kibg, Ion. avnpliaioriKioi, par. per. act. of avaipiw. Avr!pt6piTi(rdiirjv, 1 a. mid. of ava- piOftiii). Avi'ipoTo;, -ov, b, f/, {fr. a neg. and npdo) to plough) untitled, uncul- tivated, neglected ; unmarried. Aiiiprrdaa, -ai, -t, 1 a. act. of arao- vdZu). Avtipi^Tevv, Ion. and Dor. for avc- pioTovv, 3 pi. cont. imp. of avepoi- Tiai. Avfjs, 2 sin, 2 a. sub. act. — Avrj- cw, -as, -CI, 1 f. ind. act. of ailnftt. Avf/ipBriv, -rj(, -17, 1 •- a. pass, of ai'rtTrrw. Avi'/xOrv, •r}s, -r), 1 pi. -flv/itr, 3 pi. -Btiaav, 1 a. ind. pass, of avdyo). Avi'iu), Alt. for avciui. Poet, for avlu). Ion. foravoi, 2 a. sub. act. of avint't. AvO\ before an aspirate for nvri, which see. AvOaipiii) -d, (fr. nvTi for, and a'lptio to take) to tukr in preference, pre- fer, choose, elect ; to gain, get. AvOd-^TOfiai, (fr. avrt against, and liTTiii lo touch) to touch, altark, or lay hands upon in turn, or nflrr amither ; to rling, em- brace^ or supplir.nte in turn ; tn move, affect, ajllici ; to touch, reach, come to ; to take in hand, undertake. ' AvOr.a, pi. of dfflni. AiOn, 3 sin. ront. prei. of avO/oi. 'Ai'fliia, -ri( Ii, Anlheia, the name of Kfvpral citifK ; an epithet of Vfnus and .luno. AiOii\niTo, 3 pi. of av0it\6^ir)V, 2 a. mid. nf nvOmniu, Kv^uvif, and Ai'fl/i'l*, ->"), -ii', (fr. dvBo(; n floupr) I'l btmi\ bloom, ing, flourishing, vigorous; flow- ery, adorned vilh flowers. AvO/finnf, Port, fjr avnDffitvni, par. 2 .T. mid. nfnynrWni'i. (W) AN© AvBqaor,-ov,Tb, (fr. ar9o;aflower) the herb gith, or nigella; an or- nament. Ai'Btfth, -iSof, >;, (fr. same) aflow- er ; tlie herb chamomile. Avdeix6cti, -caea, -cv, and 'AvBefios, -ov, b, Ii, (fr. same) flowery, blooming, bright, Ituniriant. 'Avdcijov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a flower. Ai'de^Oftat, -r), -tTai, 1 f. mid. — Ar8e^h)fiai, 1 a. sub. mid. of av- Tfxofiat. Ai'SEOfdii', -uvof, 6, (fr. avBiiii to blossom) the chin ; the part be- neath the lower jaws in beasts ; the throat. Ai'BfptKOi, -ov, b, the star-flower, or asphodel. AvBlpi^, -iKos, b, same as aBi'ip, 'ArBtcav, Poet, for aviBcaav, 3 pi. 2 a. act. of avariBti fit. 'ArBcci, d. pi. ofdiBos. Ar6f!rTt;Ka, -as, -e, per. ind. act. — AvBccrrvKdres, n. pi. of AvBcarv- Kibs, -v7a, -ds, par. per. act. of avBlorrjiii. 'AvBtro, for aviBtTO, 3 sin. 2 a. mid. of ai'nriBrifii. Avdthenv, Dor. for avBovaav, a. sin. fern. cont. par. pros. act. — KvBtvai, Dor. for avBovai, cont. fr. avBiovat, d. pi. par. pres. or 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of KvBiiii -ui, f. -ijedi, (fr. dvBos a flower) to blosso7n, bloom, bear flowers ; to flourish, prosper ; to shine, dazzle, glitter; to ooze, trickle, per. ind. mid. )}vBa- for which also tji'oBa, and Att. avrj- voBa. 'AvBrj, or 'Ait;;, -»;f, f), the name of a citv. AiChffiwv, -Svos, '1, (fr. dvQos a flower, and {Vod to eat) a bee ; or rather an epithet of the bee, from living on floivers. AvBnpis, -li, -ii', {fr. same) flotv- ery, fresh, blooming ; gny, lively. ArOi^>i>, f. -law, (fr. same) to bud, blossom, put forth flowers ; to slrevi, garnish, adorn with flow- ers ; to colour, tinge, dye. Ai'B!i,w, or Ai'Oi^o/ini, (fr. avri against, and i'^dj to scat) to sit down against, encamp opposite, besiege. AvOifdf, ->>, -)i', (fr. same) floiv- ery, adorned withflmvers. KiBinriijit)V, -non, or -ii>,-nTn, imp. mid. — AvBiardjicyos, par. pres. mid. — Ai'OiTrarnii, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of \vBiart}jH, f. uvTiaTt'jruo, p. avBi- trriiKa, {fr. nvr} ntainst, and "itrriiit lo stand) to stand against, resist, oppose. I a. avriarnon' 2 a. nvriarn*'' imp. pass, avlhard- /i>;i', -aao, -am. A f Oo to sacrifice) a human r.aaijice. KvOpii>TOKT6voi, -ov, b, (fr. same, and KTciVttj to kill) a mantlayer, 7nurdereT. AvOpiavoXdyoi, -ov, I, !), (fr. same, and Xdyo? a discourse) treating of human nature, speaking of mon. KvdptDvoi, -ow,6, i, (fr. dviit up, Tpi- foi to turn, and un|' the counte- nance) man, mankin/i, the hu- man species ; human nature ; a man,perton, husbarul, master AvdodiT and ifidyu) to cat) a man-eater, cannibal, AiOpiarroipSfii, -lo; -oiif, fi, i/, (fr. same, and , f. -I'law, (fr. avrl against, and vTravrdu) to meet) to go to meet ; to encounter, run together. AvOvvaTcla, -ai, »/, (fr. ayOvTraros a proconsul) the office of procon- sul, a proconsulate, or pror.on- sutship. AvBvrarcvovTos, g. sin. par. pres. act. of AvOtTTnTiCii), f. -cvau, p. TivQvTTd- TcvKa, (fr. next) to be a procon- sul ; to enjoy, or discharge the office nf proconsul. A>'0iirruroj, -ov, b, (fr. avT) for, and iiruTOs a consul) a proconsul ; a Roman magistrate 7icxt to the coTusuU ; a lieutenant, governor. AvOv-rrovpyfui -C, (fr. same, irrd un- der, and (pyov work) to work under, or along with, assist, co- operate ; to give work in return. Avdvfpaipcio -Ci, (fr. avr'i in turn, and l, aolro -wTO. Avi^pwTi, (fr. a neg. and T^puj sweat) without labour, toil, or trouble, easily, Avl^puTOi, -ov, 0, I'l, (fr. same) without trouble, easy ; without siMot, or exercise Aviti, pres. impr. act. cont. or 3 sin. cont. imp. ind. act. — AvitTi", /'• o{, -ov, 6, r/, (fr. last, pres. inf. act. cont. — .\vfc15, 21 nvinToivi (50) liin. cont. imp. ind. act. ofavtifn n.s if fr. nvifio. Avlrii; forai'fiji', imp. act. — Avitif, -t7att,-iv, par. pres. act. — Aviv, •m, •>!, pres. opt. act. — Avt(- rat, pros, inf act. of Hifij^i. Av/fpo{, -ov, b, I], {fr. next) unholy, profane. Avtcpiii) -a, f. -tfiBii', p. -o)Ka, (fr. avi'i intens. and "upuf holy) to do holy ceremonies, sacrifice ; to con- secrate, devote. AvlcffKOv, -£f, -t, imp. of aviloKw, Poet, for avlrjiii. AvituvTai, Dor. and Ion. for aviouv- Tai, 3 pi. pres. pass, of aviiia, for avirjpn. Avil,ov, -ov, rb, the herb anise. AviijOch, 1 a. par. pass, of avido). Ai'tyi/ii, f. ->'iau), p. -iiKa, (fr. ava up, and hini to send) to send bark ; to cast, fling, throw up- wards ; to emit, discharge; to loosen, unloose, open, strip; to liberate, releojte, let go ; to slack- en, relax, intermit, moderate, lessen ; toremit, forgive, forbear ; to dismiss, leave, let alone; to desert, forsake ; to let slip, omit, neglect; to urge, incite, impel. 1 a. act. avTiKa. 2 a. act. ind. avrjv sub. avd' par. pres. act. ai'tcls' 2 a. avil^' par. pres. pass, aviipcvo;' 1 a. ind. pass. uv(6r]v, and avilOriv par. andclf. Avirjv, a. sin. ofavhi. Ion. fornv/a. Also imp. ofavi:i^t. Avivpicrrcpoi, -iararoi, and Ai'iijp^- Tcpo{, -draroi, comp. and sup. of avirjpbi, for nvmpii, Avti'iveai, JEo\. for ain'am 2 sin. 1 f. mid. — Avit'/acia, -a;, -t, JEioL for avirjcaim, 1 a. opt. — Avii'iaa),'Tii, -!?, 1 a. sub. of ai'itioi. Avirjai, 3 sin. of avlniit, 'AvtKa, Dor. for i;^//ca. * AviKijTot;, and Dor. ,\i/(Varof, -ov, b, '), (fr. a neg. and vKcau to con- quer) invincible ; unconquered. A^/Xtojj, -d), fi, fi, (fr. u neg. and ('Xtii)s merciful) pitiless, merciless, inhuman, cruel. Avifidu) -ui, (fr. avd up, and !;<«u> to draw, th. i'/joj a thong) to haul up, weigh ; to draw up, or out of; to exhaust, empty. 'Aviov, Dor. for fiviov. AvtSvra, -ovaav, -bv, a. sin. 2 a. par. of dvcifii, to go up. ' Avioy^^oi, Dor. for /jiio^os. 'AviTTiTOi, -ov, b, >;, (fr. a new. and 'tnroi a horse) v:ithout a horse ; an infantry soldier. KvlnTafiai, f. -t'laojiai, (fr. ava up, and Inrajiai to fly) to fly vp, off', or away ; tn soar. 2 a. ind. mid. avcvrdpriv, Dor. avtirrdfiav. 2 a. ind. act. avivrrjv' inf. avairrri- vai, fr. aviTTTtjpti, AvitttSitovs, -oios, fi, {/, (fr. next, and rroTii the foot) v>ith unwash- ed, dirty, or unclean feet. Avhro;, -ov, fi, rj, (fr. a neg. and vfrro) to wash) unwashed, foul ; unclean, not pur{/lcd. d. pi. Ion. 1 ANO Aftariificioi, par. pres. mid. — ; AvlaraaOai, pres. inf. mid. —] Jiviararat, 3siii. pres. inf. mid. of| Avlariijit, f- avaari'icui, p. avicrqKa, \ (fr. avCi up, and "ictijiu to place) ■ to stand, T he, rise up asain ; tu' arise, appear ; to rise up against,] oppose, resust ; to set out, depart ; i to raise, erect, exalt ; to take up, I remove ; to rouse, set in motion, ! cause to depart, AaniVi ; to sub-\ ver4, overthrow. 1 a. act. avcarti-i ca- 2 a. act. ind. ai/orijv* itnpr. i avdara, and a\iicTTj9i' sub. ava-\ crd' inf. avaarrivai' par. ai'a-| era;. 1 f. mid. avanri'iCOftai' I AriCTTopfu) -u», (fr. ai'a again, andj tcTopiv) to examine) io inquire, | a»A\ I AnVrui, Att. for avtaraco, pres. impr. pass, o^ avtarnin- 'Avtax^i, -voi, b, !;, (fr. a neg. and io';^uf strength) weak, feeble, nerveless. Avicx<^, (fr. arii inlcns. and tc)(^u for /yid to lioW) /o uphold, sup- port, raise, lift ; to hold up, arute ; to contain, restrain, re- frain, behave, par. pres. avlax^ov' pres. impr. mid. avlcxov, Ion. avtaxto. JLtt^ucvu), (fr. avii along, and fyvo; a track) to trace, search after, \ pursue ; to investigate, examine. I Anw/icOa, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. — KvLaoifxijv -Cjjirtr, -noio -iio, -doiTo -iiiTo, pres. opt. pxss. of aviau. Aviuk'i -ouaa, -uv, par 2 a. of uv:i- Ht,to go up. AnCii; g. pi. of iiiiij. 'Aiva, ylnna, Eng. .'I/Wf, a wo- man's name. 'Avvai, Annas, a man's name. 'Avvctv, Poet, for dmv, pres. inf. of (£vid, for avuio. An'/^uXo,-, Poet, for avii', 0, I/, (fr. avd up, and oii; a road) Aaw'n.? a ro'W, or path upvards, "sleep. Or (fr. a neg. and same) pathless, with- out a roa/1, iinpassabU. Ayohu^oftat,^. avU inlcns, andojf- po/iai, wliich HCC. Avoijfitav, -ovof, i, »', (fr. n ncg. and voi'iftijiv Honsitile) of weak in- ttlUct.%, tinplr, sill I/, foolish, . Atoiiaia, -ni, //, (fr. « neg. and I'oi'ui to undorNtand) fnulishnesn. Avinroi, -ot, i, /;, (fr. .same) unin- IfUiiiihle ; uninlclligml, dull, un- npprrhfnsive ; saisilcns ; incon- mderalc, thnuglttlcsi, foolish. 'Avoin, -af, I), (fr. R-iinc) mntlncss ; foUi/, want of understanding. 'Avotyfin, -lirof, rJ, (\'r. next) an Oftenine, unrhmng, unlorking ; disclosure ; a passigt, entrance, door, Avniyu), Avoiyniu), and Aro/yvu^c, (• atoi^ui, p. nvli'i^'i, Att. for <"'?'Au°> '^^' ""' "i''^'W> and olyut ANO to open) (0 open, throxo open; to unclose, unlock, unbar, admit; to disclose, unfold. 1 a. aviio^a, and >/i'oifa" int. ai'ol^ai. per. pass. aviioyiiat, and tiviuiyiiai. 1 a. pass, rtvzwx^riv, and (i>£a)-^Ot;v, 3 pi. ni'ciL'X^'?''''"' •^'- P'ls*' "I'Oi- yt'iaoftai. p. mid, avfuya" par. al'£(i))-(if. Aroitffu, same as otceu), avoiSriaav, n. sin. neut. 1 a. par. act. Avoi'/jf, g. sin. of avoir,, Ion. for ai'oi'a. AvoiKtir^iir, -oii, 'o, {Jr. ava again, and oiKf^o) to inhabit) a return, restoration, replacing. AvoiKoiojjtiiii -ui, f. -ijirto, p. aiioxc- fifxriKa, (fr. avd again, c7koj a house, and iinu to build) to re- build, repair, build up again ; to restore, reinstate, AvotKoiofii'iaw, -cis, -ci, 1 f. ind. act. of last. 'AvoiKOi, -ov. A, fi, (fr, a neg. and o7ko; a house) houseless, an exile, wanderer, \voiKTui, -i), -01', (fr. nvolyu) to open) open, unclosed, vAdc ex- panded; that may be opened. '.\.vo(Kro£, -ov, b, §, (fr. o ncg. and oltiroi pity) pitiless, merciless, ruthlisa, unmerciful, cruel. AvoIktui:;, (fr. last) unmercifully, without pity ; unpilied. .^voi/nj^u, f. -fw, fr. avd intens. and oi/jwfu, which sec. Avol^ai, 1 a. inf. — Avoi'faf, -aca, -av, par. 1 a. act. of avofj'w. 'Avoifif, -105, Att. -to)?, >/, (fr, avolyw to open) an ope7dng, uyi- closmg, unlocking ; a chasm, passage, entrance, door, Avoiaii), 1 f. act. of avarpipw. 'Avoiro, Ssin. pres. opt. ofdvonat, pass, of u'lu), or afvio. AvoixOi^at, 3 pi. 1 a, sub. pass, of ai'oi'ycj, Aio\(ila, -as, 11, Ion. aio\^lrj, (fr. next ) want, poverty ; urctchcd- ness, misery. 'AvoXpoi, -ov, 6, '/, (fr. a neg. and 6\lJoi wealth) destitute, needy ; forlorn, forsaken ; unhappy, mi- serahle. Av6\c0ooi, and Av^i>\idpo;, -ov, h, //, (ff. a ncg. and 6'XcOpos harm) S'ifp, secure, free from danper. AvoXoXii^u), fr. av't intens. and o\o- Xui^u), which see. AvoXo(^()pof/n(, fr. same, and oXo'o;'i, (fr. a neg. and orXov a weapon) unarmed, de- fenceless, dismantled. Ai(5ffAu)f, (fr. last) without defence, u-eakly. Avoph, Dor. for j;iiopt'j. Aiopflrfu) -(3, f. -lacii}, p, avwpOioKa, (fr, avu up, and upOiJu) to straight- en) to raise, lift ttp ; to rear, set up, erect ; to rebuild, restore ; to correct ; to establish. I a. ind. av- iipOuiaa' impr. avipOtoaov 1 a. pass. avwpOutOni'. 'Ai'op/jos, -ov, b, >!, (fr. a neg. and Hpfio; a harbour) without a har- huur, unsafe for ships. Avipovaa, Ion. for aiiipovaa, -os', -r., 1 a. act. o*" Ai'opoiu), f. -yi'cnu, p. aviipovKa, (fr, avn up, and opovto to start) In start up, rise hastily; to rush, dart, AvopvCn;, -ntra, -av, par, of Aio- pi'^to, ->!(, -a, sub. 1 a. act. of Avopviraw, or -rroi, (fr. avd up, and opvaaio to dig) to dig up, rout; to raiv. from the dead. Aviniui, -ov, b, li, (fr. a ni!g. and baioi holy) unholy, impious, pro- fane, wicked ; fiitldess, treachir- ous, cruel, comp. uyoaKorcpoi, wip. -liraroi. 'Avoaof, -ov, i, i'/, (fr. saino, and vdaoi disease) healthy. Aruffrrof, -ov, b, /;, (fr. s;imr, and onrlnv a bone) without bones, honelrss, A i'(JiTT//i«f , -«w, h, ft, (fr. same, and viartjinf returning, th. voirrAi) to return) irithnnt rttiirn, 7irvrr to return; hnjielisi. 'AvnrjTnf, niid \t'6rTrtiT0(, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, nml iMrrrof a return, th. voariiit to return) not to be trod- ANT ANT ANT den back, or rrtraced ; Oiat may not return ; an exile. Aioiuruj, -ov, A, 1), (IV. iivrO willi- oiil, uiui oi"u{, Pout, for oi( an ear) tcithoul or wuiiliiig ears, (iciij. AiouWri/roj, -oi', h, i). (I'r. u nc<;. and vovlhrfw to advise) iiiatteti- live, hcallesn ; perverse, ohsti- nute ; that will not be advised. 'Avon, see avdoi. 'Avovaoi, for dyoaoi. AfoiraToi, -ov, b, i), (fr. o neg. and ouriiui to wound) not wounded, unhurt. A>oi;r;7Ti,(fr. last) without a wound. Aiu;^'';, -i)i, II, (tV. uv{T(io to willi- hold) an itUermi.tsiuii, interviil, pause; a truce, ces.iation of arms ; Jorhearance, patience, i/ululgtncc. Aro)(vaoi, -ov, h, i), (fr. a neg. and c^vpif or o^vpii firm) nolforli. Jied, unfenced ; insecure. 'Avara, and'AvffT-uOi, Dor. forairf- ertjOt, 2 a. inipr. act Aio-nit, for uruo-Tiij, par. ofaviartiv, 2 a. ind. act. — ApcTi'ifiivai, Att. and Dor. (or avaaTijvui, 2 a. inf. act. — Avary'iacadai, for acaar;?''"^- y-ii, 1 f. inf. mid 'Ai'dTiiaov, for ava'(Tr»;(7oi'i 1 a. iinpr. act. — AvaTt'iTi^', f*"" avaarf/Tijv, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act. of ai'iarrjjzi. AicrToiiptrai ior avaarpiiptrai, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of ai'acrpf^cii. Ava'}(^cOho, Poet, for av(';^w. inf. avaay^tOiiiv -ur. 'Aia'x^io, Poet, for ai'rf(r;^£o, Ion. for avdaxov, 2 a. impr. mid. — Av- a^tjaiaOat, for avda^i'iceadai, 1 f inf. mid. — Ai'£r;^//Oi'j;i', -oio, -oiro, fur avaa-)(Qij>.')Vi op'- of a»'£o-;;^(i- ur;v, 2 a. mid. of avi-^u. AvcycTbi, for avaaxi'rhi, -ov, b, fj, (fr. avixj^ to bear) tolerable, nup- portahle, that may be endured. Ait' for avri, before a smooth vowel. 'Avra, (fr- av7i against) opposite, contrnri/ to ; directly ; very. AfTayopd^ij), f. -aVui, {avri for, and (jyop(i(^w to buy) to buy in return for, to barter. Avrnyurifo/jai, f. -Icoiiai, p. aVT>j-\ ythviufiai, (fr. avri against, and aymii^ofiai lo contend) to strive against, resist, oppose, contend with. 1 a. ind. mid. avrnyutvi- adfiiiv. Av'aywi'KTTjK, and Avrayiivtarog, -ov,b, (fr. same) an anlagoniit, foe, rival, adversary ; a com- batant, champion. AvrniiKiiii -u>, f. -nam, (fr. avrX for, and aeiKiui to wrong) to injure in return, lo ret'diute. Avratipu), (fr. avri against, and acipui to raise) to raise, lo set, or to rise up against ; to oppose, re- sist, inf. ai'TuuDtif. Avrricti, Dor. for avnUif, -usaa, -tv, (fr. dvTtjv opposite) conlrari), np. posite, adverse ; inimical, hostile. AvTaiof, -a, -av, same as last. AvraKalot, -uiv, oi, sea monsters. AvraKoi'iu, f. -oiJorui, (fr. avri for, and aKoim to hear) to listen, hearken, attend ; to hear in turn, or reply. AvTiiX^ayfia, -Sroi;, rd, (fr. same, and uXXiiacii) to rxcliango) a chaiisf, (3'rhange, co/iunulnlion ; thi' thiiii; pivcn in eHchangf, an equivdhiit ; price, ranso7ti, n- dtmplion ; cumptnsatiun, rtlii- button ; a type, sir/iililuilc ; riia- lion, reference, currespimdencr. AiraficifieTO, Dor. for avrri^dfitTo, imp. of AvTOfidjiny, or -ufiai, fr. avri in turn, an(l n/it/fJio, wliici) see. .\>'r(i'/if(;^i{, -(OS, Alt. -tiof, 1^, (fr. same) nconiprnsc, nturn, com- pensation, exchange. AiruiHipfw -w, (fr. avri for, avii up, and u!f>{'w lo take) to take, Ift, or carry aiimy in return. AvTaraipu), (fr. same, and aipui lo cut off) to destroy, waste, ruin, in return, or by icay of retaliation. Ai'Tdi'u/cArfw-ui, (fr. same, and kXh'w to break) to rebound; to reflect, or refract. Avraj'HTrAtpooi) -oi, f. -iliciti, avrava- ■tTCTT\ripu)Ka, (fr. saine, and -X>;- p6tii to fill ) to Jill up, or complete in turn ; to .finish, or perfect the correspondence, fuljil ; to coun- terbalance. AiTavnartjaat, 1 a. inf. act. of ai- Taviarniii. 'AvravSpoi, -ov, b, fj, (fr. avri in- stead, and aviip a man) a substi- tute, a dqiuly. AvTariarriiu, f. -ari'/ao], (fr. avTi against, and 'iarnjtt to set) to raise, or set up against; Airu- vldTajxni., to rise up against, re- sist, rebel, revolt. Avravopioai, Dor. for Avrrjvopiiai, -u>v, 01, the sons or descendants of Antenor. AvTavvaai,-aaa, -av, fov avaravv- aui, par. 1 a. act. of avaTavvia, tlie same as uvardvtii. AvTil(io^,-ii, -ov, (fr. avri for, and n'^ios deserving) equivalent, equal in worth, value, or estimation ; as good as ; on a level, or equali- ty with ; preferable. Avranoiiiwjxi, f. avravoouiaui, p. avTaiToii6u)Ka, (fr. avrt for, and aTToci('i(i)ftt to return) lo hand over, transfer; to recompense, repay, re- turn, imp. ind. airancdiouv. 2 a. ind. avTuTriiiDV. inf. aiiTaTroioti- vnt'pa.r.avru7!0(]ovi. 1'- Ta~i.5uO)iv. 1 f. avTuTocoOi'idOjtai. AvTa-irdiuifja, -liros, rH, (fr. same) recompense, retribution, retalia- tion, requital; a turn, winding; change, revolution. Avruniloxris, -to;, Att. -£w{, ^, (fr. same) recompense, remuneraiinn^ reward ; wares bartered, cit ex- changed. AvraTroc^ojr'iKii, ->i, -bv, (fr. same) relributory ; equivalent. AvTuTTOKpivoiiai, (fr. air! in return, and a-roKplvofiai to answer) lo make answer in return, contra- dict, reply. 1 a. pass. avrn-riKpl- Oriv inf. ai/Tu7rojcu>, p. fjVT^Ka, (fr. avTi against) to meet ; to face, encounter ; to meet with, find, get, obtain. AvTtjidXriaa, -at, -c, 1 a. ind. act. ofavTil3o\iiji. AvriyKKrjfia, -uTOi, t3, (fr. avri against, and ko'Siui to call) an accusation in reply, recrimina- tion, retort. AvTcii^iovvro, 3 pi. cont. imp. mid. of avTiit^tdofiai. 'Avrci\as, Poet, for avirti\ai, 2 sin. or for avareiXai, par. 1 a. act. of avariWui. AvTiii'd), Poet, for avarehia. So 'Ai'Tcivov, for avdrcivov, I a. impr. and Avruvat,for avaruvat, I a. inf. AvTct-acti', 2 a. inf. of ovr/ru. AvrdpicOai, pres. inf. of AvTcipofxat, or -ipo/jiat, (fr. avri in turn, and dpu> or ipojjiai to ask) to ask in return. Ai'Tctcrdyu), fr. same, and nadyw, which see. AvTiK&pauwv, -ovaa, -iv, par. 2 a. act. of nvTCKrpiyio. Ai/TCKKinTii), f. -xpdi, (fr. avr'i in turn, and ckkSktui lo cut oft) to cut off, or destroy in turn. AvriK\ipov,-ei,-c,iinp.ofavriK'Mvu). AriKT'tati, -IOC, Att. -cuii, rj, (fr. next) repayment, reward, recom- pense, retrihution ; ajinc. AvTCKTiu), and avrtd-riio, (fr. avri in turn, tK intens. and rim to pay) to repay, recompense, compen- sate ; to xuffer punishment ; to i expiate, atone, AvTCKTpi^u), f. -9pi^(o, (fr. avri against, ck from, and rpf^ui to -^ run) to run out against, go to meet; to outrun, anticipate ; 2 a. act. ind. avft^iopaytov' par. av- TCKbpajiuiv. ANT AvTcXaliounv, -ov, -cro, 2 a. ind. mid. of avTiXaitlSdviii. AvTiXcyoi', -a, -e, imp. act. of oi- AvriWoiaa, Syn. and Dor. forava- riWovan, feni. par. pres. act. — AvTiXXovTi, tor ai'uTf'XXou(7i, 3 pi. pres. ind. ofaiur/XXcj. A»'r£Xo((?(5p£i, 3 sin. cont. imp. act. of avriXoiJoofoi. XvTCftPoh), -?s, .;, (fr. airi for, and CfiPd>\u) to put in) a change, removal; pulling one thing in the place of another, a substi- tution. Av-f/z-Xz/Ow, f. -f/aui, (fr. avri in return, tv in, and ffX//0w to fill) to Jilt, or satisfy in return, remxi- nerate. Avrcn-Xijcai, 1 a. inf. act. of last. AvTilcijii, (fr. avri against, and i^ctfii to go out) to go out to, or towards ; to go to meet an enemy. Airtltra^ui, f. -dcui, (fr. avri in turn, and .tfera'^ui to examine to cross-examine, scrutinize; to compare, collate ; to match, op- pose. AvTt^cTaOTtKii, •ou, 6| fj, (fr. last) in(/uixilive. Avr£T7, f. -fa), (fr. avri against, and £77«yu) to lead on) to conduct to, Itad toviards ; to set, or march against. Ai-c-ri^tii»i, (fr. avTt against, £r( to, t^ from, and cTfti to go) to go to mfit, to set out towards. Ai'T£T£f;/£(7ay, 3 pi. pper. mid. Att. of last. Ai'TCTTii^idi -d, (fr. avTi against, and i-ii)(^{ui to resound) to make a noise in opposition, to drown a sound Ijy noise. XiTCTrtfiiXionai, fr. air! in turn, and cTijit'Slofiai, which see. Ai'rj'ffi££v, 3 sin. imp. of afriri/Zo). Avr/iru, 1 a. -tirray 2 a. -ilirov, (fr. avri .Tgainst, and I'n-oi to speak) to contra/lirt ; to refuse, deni/ ; to reply, or speak allemai:ly. 2 a. inf. avTcirrclv. A vTipaarhi, -ov, a, (fr. next) a rival. Avrcpiiu} -u, (fr. avri towards, and ifrlto to love) to Invc viutualli/ ; to love the same object, rival. Xfripilfiij), f. •ilaui, p. avTriptiKa, (fr. avr} against, and iptli^u to fix) to fasten to ; to cling, adhere; to prop, support; to trcarl ; to resist, oppou. AvTipita -(2i, (fr. ramc, and tp/u to npcak) to rnnlradirl. Ai-riptianif, /Eo\. for nvripclaaf, par. 1 a. act. of uvrtpclfu. Airipl^w, (fr. avri ngaiiiHt, .indrp^ (o) Indixpiilc) tor.nntrnd, or strive agninAt ; to quarrel, wrangle. Avripiimi, (fr. avri in turn, and /po/i'ii lo a«k) to nsk in return. AiTtpvaiieOai, I a. inf. mid. of Avripi'ii), (fr. iivt'i in liirn, and //I'w to draw) to draw hrirM, take in return ; to recompense, repni/. Avrtpvofjai, to cum, get; to be repaid, or rewarded. AvTcpuifitvof, par. pres. posa. cont. of , f. -//(tm, (fr. avrc in return, and fD£py£T)(f a bene factor) to return a kindness, re- quite, repay. AvTCvepyertKOs, -i), -ov, (fr. last) grateful. AvT£y*.-pTt(pl\riac, 3 sin. 1 a. of airi0iX(M. Avrl'x^ecOt, 2 pi. pres. iinpr. mid. — Ai'r£^(5^tvof, -?;, -ov, par. pres, pass, of avrf';^u. AvTi^prjca, -as, -£, 1 a. of avri- Avr/i^u>, f. aiOi^u), p. avTtc^rjKa, {fr. avri against, and /^w to hold) to resist, sustain, hear up against ; to detain, keep, restrain; to hold against, resist ; to sustain, endure, support; lo claim, seek after, cultimte, puisue : Auri^o fiai, to withhold, abstain from ; to cling, cleave, adhere to ; to main- tain, support, help, relieve, suc- cour ; imp. mid. avr£i;^i5;;i»;v 1 f. mid. avfU^o/iat. Avr/oj, Ion. for avrna), imp. (Jvtdiv. Avr;;(!i)v, (fr. nvropni to supplicate) supplianlly, humbly. Avrrijitliicrn, 3 sin. imp. mid. of avrii/itZ/Ju). 'AvTi;v, (fr. nrrl against) opposite, before, in front, in presence of. Avrrivnpli'at, -wv, oi, (fr. next) the sons or dtscendanti of Anlenor. Avrj/vojp, -opof\ h, Anlenor, Vi man's name. Avrnplriii, -nv, and Avn'p/;?, -ro( -ovi, b, (fr. avri, and ipfiriTii) (O row) an opjionrni, ene- my, antftgonist. .\dj. oppositr,ad- verse, hostile ; struggling against eqrJi other. AvTrtp'if, -linf, II, {fr. nvrtpitfu} lo KUpporl) a hiitlre's, prop, sup- port ; rihs, or limbers of a ship ; the hit of a hridlr, Avr/ip'laii, -H(, -f, I n. of nvripll^u), '.Kvrijiiif, -in(. All. -liiif, I'l, (fr. liv- rofini to <ixiuJ, (fr. aiTi against, and VXC'^ 'o sound) to re-echo, re- sound, reverberate. Ai'Tiy^nraiji, g. sin. fern. cont. ot (ivr»;;^f'u>v -Cv, par. pres. of last. Avri, opposite to, over agaijisl , equivalent, equal to ; Jor, on cu:- count of; for, in stead, or place of, 171 exchange, in return for, in requital of : i?j preference lo, above, before, beyond. Ain'o, (ncut. pi. of avn'o; opposite, 111. last) opposite, contrary, on, the other side. AvTid^w, same as avrtdu), AiTidveipa,-as, /;, (fr. avri equal to, and «v»)p a man) n heroine. Adj. furious, fierce. Avnosw, -£({, -£i, Dor. for avrid- (Toj, 1 f. of aVTtdu). Airtdo/iai, see avTidu. AvTidaai, 1 a. par. — AvnacEii', 1 f. inf of avTiu'u. Avrin;^£?ffi, Dor. and .^ol. for av- TiaxoT'at, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Avria;^fw -0, (fr. avri against, and iu;^oj to shout) to erclaim, cry out against, contradict, deny, re- fuse. iVvrici(i) -cD, or -d^oi, f. -da'ji, p. i;v- rlaKu, (fr. uvT( against) to meet, go to meet, come towards ; to meet in combat, fight, resist, oppose; to share, partake of; to attain, reach, kit; t@ entreat, supplicate. Ai'ri/?nt'vci), (fr. auTi against, and fjaii'd) to go) to go against, witli- slnnd, resist, oppose; to cross, thwart. Avn/3a'XXu), f. -uXui, p. nvn/Jf'/iXi;- Kn, (fr. isanie, and /inXXw tocast) lo throw, shoot, or dart against ; to throw back weapons; to ban- dy, throw to and fro ; to con- verse, dispute, argue. AvTi^cii6\rjKa, per. ind. act. of av- Tilii>\io>. AvTifiTivai, 2 a. inf. act. of avri- Oalvu). AvTi0i(i, AvTijilriv, AvrlfSiov, (fr. next) opposite, against, before, in front. Avrljiioi, -n, -ov'and-ot), 6, tj, (fr. uvri against, and /?/« vi()lpnco) opposite, contrary, against ; ho. loconMili) to plot against. Avrilipiivrdiii -w, (fr. 5ame, and ftpiivrdiii to tlinndcr) to thunder against, imitate thunder. Avriyf)'oii'/o) -u), (fr. same, and yiyiaviu) lo spuuk) to cry out, or ANT exflaim asainxl ; tu ileut/ u6jo- luUti/, contradict pomliveti/. AiriYCiiiai, -ou, u, Aiitigcnidax, a. iiuurs name. AirtyijpoTpoifiJit) -d, (fr. nvTt in turn, y!)oiti olil ii»c, and rpltfiu) 10 nurse) tu repay the rurtx of uge ; til cherinh old age in rclurit for the nurture of i/imth. AiTi) iai;iow'u.' -(i, (fr. iifri against, anil ytviooKii) to think) to think conlrury, or olhrruixr, dtff'cr in opinion, disagree, deny, contra- dict. Ai'Wyoioj, -oir, b, AiUigonux, a man's name. AiTiyp,!^)), -r/f, /;, (fr. aim against, and ypniiiui to write) a reply, an- ■lucr, ihfcnce, plea. Avrtypatjiuv, -oi, to, (fr. same) a copy, tranarripl, counterpart. Ai'Tiypii^iii, f. -i/u, (fr. same) to ivnte iiack again, a>tsu!er, reply; to retort ; to rejoin ; to copy. AiTi(''£irvoj,-uii, 6, (fr. avrl instead, and ie7-vov a dinner) a ^uest in place of one who disappoint.'; ; an tmhiddcn, or nnexp'ccted guest. AiTi^tfiiiofifji, -ovixaifi. 'licojxai (fr. avri in return, and de^ to sliake hands) to return hoxpita- iity, or entertainment ; to receive, welcome, embrace in return. Ai'Ttharidifitvoi, mr. pres. pass, of AtTiSiaTlOrj^ii, (ir. uiri against, and ihiiTldrifii to dispose) to in- cline differently ; to be otiierwise disponed, or ajfccted, AvTicicoTiii, S sin. pres. pass, of A('7i(\io"u/ii (fr. avri in turn, and (5i(5u)//i to give) to giiie in return ; to repay, recompense ; to requite, retaliate ; to substitute. AirdiKfu) -or, f. -I'lai-o, p. -VKa, (fr. avTi against, and oui; justice) to go to law ; to bring an action ; to come to a trird ; to contest, try, litigate. AvrictKog, -ov, h, I'l, (fr. last) on adversary, opponent ; titc adver- sary, the devil. AvTiCoati, -105, Att. -CO};, /, (fr. same) re- warded, repaid, requited; pre- ventive, preservative ; an anti- dote. AvTiipdiii -d, f. -iic(i>, (fr. avTt in turn, and lodu) to do) to act for, or in reiurn ; to repay, requite, avenge. AvTi'oujOov, -ou, rb, (fr. same, and oUpov a gift) a present, gift ; a return, recompense. AvTi^iaOai. Ion. for avOl^ccdai, pres. inL of arOi'^Ofiai. AvTiri, Ion. for avTtu. AvriOcof, -ov, b, »'/, (fr. avri ahke, and Sibf a g'*'') go/Hike, divine ; noble, illustrimis. AvTiOiauf, n. a. pi. cont. Att. of AvriOcirti, -coj, Att, -£0J{, I'l, (fr. avTiriOiini to set against) anti- thesis ; opposition, contrariety, contrast ; dispute, cavil. ANT \, -ov, b, 1% (fr. siamc) set up against, opposite, contrary. AiriOcvaifiCvoi, par. 1 f. mid. of AtriUita, f. -tiiiTu), (fr. niri against, and $i'u) to run) to run against, encounter. AvriO'ifti, Poet, fiir arnriOiij/t. AiriOpoo'i, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. atri in turn, and $p6os clamour) shmiling, sounding in reply, or againU ; re-echoing, rcsouniling. Airidvpoi, -ov, b, fi, (fr. nrri against, and $vpa a door) oppo- site, before, or against the door. AirindOiji'at, (fr. avri against, and KuOi'indi to sit down) to sit down against ; to besiege, attack. Ai'TdcaOi'inci'Oi, par, pres. mid, of kst. AvTiKitGi^d), or -ll^oftnt, (fr. same, Kara down, and T^u to scat) same as last. AvTtnadwTijfxi, (fr. same, and ko- Oianifti to sH\\]})toplaceagainst; to set in opposition ; to ivithstand, stand against, resist, oppose ; to suhstititte, appoint instead. AvriKaKovpyiu) -u, f. -r'/au, (fr. avr'i in return, /cuws ill, and tpY°^ work) to hurt in reluryi, revenge, retaliate. AvTtKo'Mcioai, 3 p!. 1 a. sub. act, of AjTiKaXf'w -5, f. -fiTw, and-(70-a), p. avriKiK\>}Ka, (fr. same, and ku- \iu) to call) to call again, invite in return, return an invitation. Avr(».aTnXX"'cr£ru, or-rruj, (fr. same, and KaTa\'Xda(Tui to exchange) to get, procure, acquire ; to ex- change, barter ; to succeed, come i}i place of; to renew by succcs- sio7i ; to conciliate, reconcile. AvriKaraaKtvu^io, (fr. avrt against, and KnTacKtvd^u) to prepare) to provide against; to furnish, sup- ply- AvriKardc^cin;, -los, Att, -cui, t), (fr. same, and «ar/;^a» to re- strain) a withholding ; retention, confinement, restraint. Ai'TiKaTTjaOat, Ion. for arriKaOTia- Oai, pres. inf. oC avrtKdOtinai. AvTiKari^ccdat, Ion. for avriKuOi- ^ccOiu, pres. inf. mid. — Avri- KoTi^ti'iJXvus, Ion. and Dor. for avTiKaOi.?,i''iJtvo;, par. pres. mid. of oi'r(/c(iO('Cw. AvTiKctfiat, f. -daoiiiii, (Ir. oiti against, and KtT/mt to lie) In lie or be placed against ; to sit down, or encamp against; to oppose, be opposite, or adverse to. AvTiKci^ivoi, -n, -ov, par, pres. mid. — ADriKttTui, 3 pi. pros, ind. mid. of last. AvTtKnpvcoi'i, (fr. niTi against, and KtpvaCM to proclaim) to publish contrary orders ; to denounce, proclaim. AvTiKiypuu -w, (fr. aiTi in turn, and Kt^odb) to lend) to accommo- date ; to assist by a loan, relieve. AvrtK'Mvw, (fr. avri towards, and kAi'i'u to lean) to nod, or beckon to ; to assent by signs, permit. AvTtKvi'iiitov, -ou, rb, (fr. ovtI lie- fore, and Kvt'mn the leg) the shin. (M) ANT AvTtKplvoiiat, (fr. avri against, luid Kfiivw to judge) to contest, liti- i;ali; go tu law ; to answer, reply. Ai'Tik-pitvio, f. -ot'ffw, (fr. same, and Kpovoj to strike) to strike against; to blunt ; to surprise, happen un- eTpeclc'tly, occur ; to disappoi?U, Jruslrate, interrupt. AvTiKpv, AvTiKpiif, (fr. same, and Kdpii the head) opposite, over against ; to the other side, through and through ; clearly, openly, de- cidedly, erpressly, against alt op- position. AvriKT[pl?iD, (fr. avri in turn, and KTrpl^w to bury) to inter, to give the heathen rites of sepulture. AvrUvpn, -«?, )'/, Anticyra. AvTtKvpiu) -w, (fr. (ii'ri against, and Kvpiui to meet with) to hit upon, fall in with ; to get, proeitre ; to attain, arrive at ; to fall against, encounter, overwhelm. AvriKvptKov, -on, rd. Hellebore, so called from the island of An- ticyra. AvriKiipiraf, Sync, for avriKvpijaas, par. 1 a. act. of nvriKvpid). AvTi'Xafi!), -ni, (';, (fr. nvTiXip^dvio to lay hold of ) n handle ; a seiz- ing, laying, or catching hold of; participation, assistance, mutual cooperation, AvTiKA(ioijX{, -01?, -oil 2 a. opt. of same. AvTiSdt^ofiat, anA AvTiKdl^vjiai, (fr." avri in turn, and Xdl^ofiai to catch) to lay hold on together; to take, seize, hold; to bear a share, partake. AvTtXaftlidvccdai, inf. — AvriAn/i- fiavojicvos, -T), -or, par. pres. mid. of AvTiKafifidviii, f. -X)7t|o/(ai, p. -\i- Xrjtpa, (fr. same, and \aji(iuviji to tuke) to take hold of together, by turns, or on each side ; assist in lifting, or carrying ; to take in- Steadof; AvTi\an(idvoyiai,to take, claim, usurp ; to undertake, take tipon; to perceive, observe; to hold, curb, restrain ; to support, help, relieve ; to share, partake of, participate, receive, enjoy. AvTiXn'/iiTuj, (fr. OITI against, and X«'/i7ro) to shine) to shov) a light, light a fire as a signal in answer to another ; to rejlect ; to glitter, sparkle. AiTiX/yu, f. -^u), p. -^a, (fr, same, and X/yu to speak) to speak against ; gainsay, speak in reply, contrndict, deny, imp, and 2 a. nvr/Xcyoi', per. mid. iij'riXfXoya, Ai'r(X»;7rr/ov, (fr. avTt\au(idvu> to lay hold on) to be held, seized, attempted, undertaken. AvTiXi'irmap, -opn;, b, (fr. same) a. supporter, upholder, defender, protector. Avrt'Xi'ixpcis, n. a. pi. cont. Att. of AvTi'Stj\p)]m;, -to;, Aft. -cu's, t], (fr. same) a hold, handle, thing lull by; blame, reproof, censure ; an objection, charge, reply ; a hin- drance, impe'Ument ; perception, ANT ANT ANT apprehension; help, axsis{ance,\A%Tioc, -a, -oy, (fr. air; against)! against, and -ar>ip father) Aa/iTig-, " ' "'" """ * "' ' hrjurious,GT (ulvtrse to his father. Also, Antipatcr, a man's name. Arn-fjuirw, f. -^Wi (fr- airi in turn, and rr/fin-u to send) tosena back, ninrn, remit. AvTirf'paiof, -n, -or, (fr. next) op- posite,facing ; on the far side. Avri^ipav, and AiTurtpaj, (fr. avrl against, and :r/pai' beyond) on the further i-idc, over against, on the protection; u-ages, rev:ard Avr(Xoyia, -aq, fj, (fr. ajri/Xfj'w to contradict) contradiction, oppo- sition ; an excuse, apology, plea, defence, debate, trial. AfTiXoiSopeui -u), f. -t'lOh), p. -vfJ (fr. avri against, and XotiopiiD to renle) to retort, recriminate, reproach, revile again, imp. act. avrc^oiidptov -ouv. AvriUxof, -ov, b, Antilochus, a man's name. AvriXuviw -w, (fr. ovriin turn, and Xvr/u to grieve ) to grieve in turn ; molest, annoy in return, tahe re- venge. AiriXurrijc-is, -lOf) Att. -Cb>s,fi, (fr. last) grief caused, or venation returned, rcvaige, vengeance, retaliation. AiWAiTpor, -ov,Tb, (tV. aiT( in turn and Xvrpoj' a ransom) *) i^'^- "^^'^) "" antagonist, opponent, adversary. Avri/idYOfravrr^s l/eum ; a mast, sprrr. opposite, contrary, adverse; a gainst, brforc, towards. Ai'ri(5ofi, -ov, b, Antiochus, a man's name. Avridwv, avri&waa, Poet, for avri-\ opposite shore, wv, aiTtioaa, mas. ami fern, sin.lAvTirtpi/Sn'XXu, f. -uXw, (fr. same, par. pres. cont. — \vrt6(f)o, -6m7o, Poet. foraiTiwo, avrioyro 2 and 3 sin. cont. pres. opt. mid. of uvTia'i.). Avrkats, -aiSoi, b, /;, (tr. arri in- stead, and ra7f a child) a young man, or wornan, a grown boy, a youth ; like a boy, or girl, boyish. Avn'rraXof, -ov, b, >';, (fr. avr'i and Trpi^dXXto to surround) to surround in a hostde manner, besiege. AvTiTrtpuariipn, (fr. qiti against, iTfpi around, and 'icT>]^n to place) to place, or set round about ; Av- Tfrcpi'tcra^iai, to surround, iyivesi, besiege ; to straiten, conjinc ; to be besieged, &c. against, and raXi) wrestling) aL\.vTn:[picT:acua, -aroi, to, (fr. match in the theatrical combats ; next) the drawing, decoying, or an antagonist, opponent, fidversa-. snirrcunding of troops in an avi- ry ; opposite, adverse; rival,] bush; a stratagem, diversiov, emulous. , yemtto draw away the attention. .ivriTapn/JaXXo), f. -a\w, (fr. aiTil AvrcrfpioToo) -Ci, f. -daw, (fr. avri against, xupa by, and /^dXXw toj against, ai;d Trcpiirrdto todistract) \i\iice) to put by the side of, com-t to distract, or draw away to a pare, contrast; to contribute, subscribe, provide ; to expose, en- danger. 2 f. ind. act. avriTropa- lia\w, 1 pi. -jSoXoffiti'. AiTtTrapa/j'oXi), -rjf, )/, (fr. avri against, and 7rupa/3a'XXu to com- pare) a comparing, comparison, proportion ; contrast, opposition loss ; to decoy, ensnare, surround. AvTiircipdaOat, per. inf. pass, of av- Ti(puu>. Al'TITTlTTTd!, f. fllTUTTWirO), p. OVTI- TTfzrtixa, (fr. arri against, and Thru) to fall) to fall upon, rush against, assault ; to resist, strug- gle with. AvTcrrapnyo), f. -^a', (tr. same, and] Avri-Xi/piJa) -C, f. -ucw, (fr. avri in sapdyti) to produce) to rendtr\ turn, and TrhjoSto to fill) to ful- back, recompense, repay ; to drav)\ Jil, accomplish ; to perfect, com- vp, marshal, array, march a-\ plete, finish ; to Jill up, supply, gainst, attack. 1 eiptip, man. AvTi:rapaKaX('a>, (fr. same, andira-lAvriTif'ii) -w, f. -rvaio, p. -tvKa, paKaXiu) to exhort) to persuade (fr. avri asainst, and iri/u) to differently, advise othcrwijie, or against, dissuade. AvrtTTupaaKivd^o/jiai, (fr. same, and ■rrnpnaKtvd^o} to prepare) to get ready, prepare, provide against. Avrnrapairxc^*', 2 a. inf. act. of avriraprxd). Airiropi'r«f({,-io{,Att. -tuj, >'j, (fr. next) battle array, line of battle. AvmrapaTdaau), or -ttw, (fr. avri against, and naoardaotii to array) to draw up, or marshed troops, prepare for action. AvTinaplpxofiai, f. «i'TurapfX£i''eg an rj:- r.hani;r ojj'ir, or 'promise one thin p for another. AvTlrrtf, -a, b, Antipas, a man's name. Avrirnrp!;, -lioi, f, Antipatris, a Ai-rfor, (neut. of next) opposite,! city. n. AvrinaTfilia over againtf, an the rrnUrnry. \ AvThiimoi, -ov, b, y, (fr, (W) breathe) toblowagaiiist ; to stop, stay, detain. AvTiTvoia, -Of, )/, (fr. last) an ad- verse, or contrary wind. AvTi'mooj -ovi, -6ov -ov, b, !j, (fr. same) blowing against ; adverse, boisterous, of warring winds. AvTi-joiiu) -w, f. -t'lOiii, (fr. nvr? against, and rrotiui to do) to act against, fct vp against, resist; to act in turn ; to make, or be- come like ; to assimilate, resem- ble ; Avmroiio^at -oiuai, to claim, challenge, demand ; to as- sert, vindicate. AiTiTo/i/oif, -tof, Att. -tuf, fj, (fr. Inut) irn/, earnestness; a claim, demand ; assertion, vindication. AvTntoioi''fici'Of, pres. par. mid. ronl. o( niTivniiu. AiniroXffi/o) -w, f. ->';riii, (fr. niri against, and riiXf/io? to wage war apoitist ; to Jighl, or struggle against, resist. Ai'TiTToXiuiof, nn'i, (fr. same, and aijKdio to balance) counterbalance, compensation, re- ward, requital. \ AvTicdii'ns, -cos, 6) Antisthenes. a man's name. Airarrdio -d, (fr. avTi against, and CTTtiii) to draw) to dras; against, resit; to tear avay ; to divert, turn away. Avrtaras, par. 2 a. of ai dicTnui. Avriaraati, -los, Att. -cwj, i), (fr. same) resistance, opposition ; faction, parly ; hardshrp, axperi- ly ; adversity, misfortune. AiricTaciiirrif, -ov, b, (fr. last) one of an opposite party, a dema- gogue ; factious. AvTisTarifi) -Q, (fr. same) to 6e of another party ; to resist, oppose ; to hinder, emoarrass. AvTKTTijvat, inf. — Ai'Wtrrijrr, 2 pi. 2 a. irapr. act. ofavOi-jTi/fii, AvTicTt'ipiyjia, -uTOi, t6, (fr. next) a stay, stuff", support, prop. Avrtartjoi^ij), (fr. ai'ri against, and rrnoi^u) to fasten) to prop, sup- port ; AiTtaTtipi^ofiai, to lean upon. Ai'TiffToi^iw -Ci, (fr. same, and aro7^o( a rank) to be opposite, front, face. AvTicTotxi", -ai, II, (fr. same) an nrranuing, or beini; arranged^ iory, cloning. opposite, contrary array; w;o- Avr(ruj';^a'i'a), (fr. same, and ruy- tinn in the same direction, paraJ.-\ j^dvo* to be) to happen, come, or lei movement. I be in place of, change, alter ; to AvTi(rroi^oi, -ott, b, !i, (fr. samo) ' meet with, encounter. 1 f. ind. npposue, contrary; on ttie far' mid. aiTirtu^o^ai. per. ind. pass. side; fronting, facing. Or, (fr.i ni'TiT-ZTuy/iai. pper. pass. awtre- arri equally) equal, even, level,', riyinii, -{o, -kto. stmdnr, parallel. I AvTirBs-os, -ov, b, i'/, (fr. game, and A VTiffToiyuif, (fr. last) on contrary' tO-tttu) to strike) striking buck, side*, face to frire. i repelling ; udvcrae, hostile ; re- (56) ANT Ai'Wffro/iOf, -01', b, fi, (fr. avr) against, and arupa the mouth) opposite, facing. ArTiarpiiTrvofiai, f. -tiaofiai, p. ai'- Tiarpiirtv^ui, (fr. same, and arpureiiD to war) to make war against. AvTtcTpaTcv6ficvoi, -i;, -or, par. pros. mid. of last. AvriCTrp(iri)irt(1ti'u», (fr. same, and cTOuTdiTK^ov a camp) to encamp ttgiiinst, sit down before, besiege. \tirin)(ch', 2 a. inf. act. — Atric- Xi^^dc, 2 pi. 2 a. inipr. mid. of uvTt'x^- Avrlrayfia, -arof, rd, (fr. avr'i against, and tuVcu to array) tlie line of battle, a body of troops in array, an army. Ai-iruKrlf/vOf, -i), -iv, (fr. same) in array, marshalled ; adverse, re- pugnant ; a general /jfficcr, com- mander. AinVa^if, -ios, Att. -tuif, i^, (fr same) an nrray, order of battle ; repugnance, reluctance; contra- riety, opposition. Ai'TirdaatTtit, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — AvTiraira6itcvui, -»;, -or, par. pres. pass, of AvTirdao'inai, f. -^Ofiai, |). avrirt- Tayiiai, (fr. same) to set up, or take arms against ; to disobey, jntitiny, rebel; to resist. Avrirdvi/i (fr. nvri against, and rt/i'ii) to stretch) to stretch, strive, or strain against, resist ; to repay, return. Ai'nr£ii;^w, f. -^o), p. -;^(t, (fr. nrri equally, and Ttv^i^ t» make) to make equal, even, or like ; to liken, assimilntc ; to resemble, be tike ; to become, be changed into, AvTiTlBriixi, (fr. ai'Ti against, and ridnpii 'o set) to place against ; to set up instead of, replace ; to set before, serve up ; to repay, recompense, retribute; to resist, oppose ; to set against, compare, estimate; to consecrate. AiriTifidij) -iS, (tr. airiin turn, and ri/(u'(i) to honour) to regani, re vere ; to pay due respect ; to treat according to rank, or worth. AvTirioj, (fr. aiTi in turn, and ri'o) to pay) to repay, ti{ffcr retribu- tion, pay for it. Avrlrojios, -ov, b, if, (from same, and riiivui to cut) alleviating, assuaging. AxiTiTopiii) -C), f. -i/ca), (fr. oiri through, and tooIui to bore) to bore through, pierce, penetrate. 'AvTiTCi, -ov, b, >i. Sync, tor avri- r'lToi, (fr. fJvTtTM to rcjiay) re- quited, repaid, punished; txpio- ANT fiecting, and tlience crhibiting a siinilnnty of form, responsive, corrisjioniliiig, like; Jiguratiue, tyjiiciil. In ncut. an antitype, or fdflmcnt of a type. .\vnrr Yui/", -oti, -ui, 2 a. opt. act. of ui Tiruv'^n'i'a). AvTiifidu), (ir. (iiri instead, and ij>do) to kill) to slay in place of ano- ther. AvTiipcpl^u), f. -laui, (fr. avTi n- gamst, and (ficplu^ for ipipui to bear) to go toiuariis, meet, oppose; to mulch, compare with ; to set out, proceed. Avriipepl^at, Dor. and Poet, for u)'n0fpi'ff/i(, 1 a. inf. of last. AvTiipipofxai, (fr, airi against, and ^»'pu) to carry) to set out against, proceed tn vieet ; to resist, op- pose; to attack, fight, pics. inf. avTicjtfptodat. AvrtipOiyyofiai, f. -^ofiai, (fr. ayrl in turn and ^O/yyo/jui to utter) to speak in turn, answer, reply ; to echo. AvrlAOtyna, -aro(, rd, (fr. last) an echo. AvrKJit^iu) -u>, f. -I'lCiji, (fr. niT( m turn, and to plant) to plant in place of, propagate anew, sow over again. Avru/iui'/ii) -ui, f. -fia(j>, (fr. same, and (purio) to speak) to speak in turns, reply, answer; to sing ivilh ; to echo, AvTKjtuivi], -lis, I'l, (fr. same) a reply, answer, response, echo. AvTi-^pdu) -S>, (fr. uiTi instead, and vdd'o) to lend) to suffirx, supply, furnish ; to be adequate, or an- swerahlefor. Ai'rixpno'i, -'"i) -^'t- -iWf, ill (fr. same) a loan. AvTixoi'rros, -ov, 6, (fr. avri a- gainst, and ^p'orbs anointed) an opposer of the anointed, adversary ff Christ ; Antichrist. AvTtwd'ni'aii 1 a. inf. pass, of m- Tidoiiai. Avt\(7v, pres. inf. act. cont. of AitXi'oj -w, f. ->;<7ii), p. I'lvrXriKa, (fr. dvrXos a sink) to draw, pump; to empty, exhaust ; tn spend, waste, shed, spill; to linger, drag, or draw out. I a. ind. jJi/tA;?- oa. 'AvrXi;, -i;j, i). Poet, for ni/rXof. 'AvrXniia, -uTOS, rd, (fr. dvrXos a wull) u bucket, pitcher, pail ; a pump. AvrXTjcai, 1 a. inf. — 'AvrXtjaov, -drw, 2 pi. -nrf, 1 a. impr. act. of nvrX/o). ANT AvtMov, -ov,ri, (fr. next) abuckct. 'AvrXoi, -ov, b, a well, sink, pimp ; the hold of a ship, bilge water; a tide, stream, whirlpool. AvToiKoSo/iiii) -d, (fr. airi instead, and oiKoiofiiii) \.o hxind) to build, or fortify against ; to rebuild, repair. AvTuXfi, -^f, q, Poet, for avuroX?;. 'AiTO^ai, (fr. avrdu to meet) to meet, face, encounter ; to sup- plicate, entreat ; to assist, lielp, succour ; to make meet, fold, double. avTifitvai, few. pi. par. pres. pass. ArTopx'"!"", (fr. av ri jfl , turn, and opjf^io/iat to dance^^o dance to, or in turn ; to set, .figure in. par. pres. mid. avrop^tdftivos -OVflCVOi. AvToipduXftiii) -d, f. -t'latij, p. at'Tuxp- 6d\iir)Ka, (fr. avrl against, and ofOuXfidi the eye) to eye, face, look in the face; to watch, keep in mind ; to luff, bear up to the wind ; to strive, struggle against, endeavour. Avroiu;, -dfos, b, i), (fr. dvrpov a cave) licing in caverns ; a tro- glodyte ; of a cave. 'Avrpodcv (fr. next) out of, or from a cave, den. 'Avrpov, -ov, ri, a cave, den, cavern. Avrpwoi/f, -tof -ouf, b, {], (fr. last) Jull of caves, dens, or holes, hol- low, caverned. 'Avrpu), Dor. for dvrpov, g. sin, of dvTOOV. 'Avrvif, -Cyof, i/, the front of the an- cient chariots ; the uppf'^' edge, or rail of the front ; in pi. the extremities of the rail whirhfarm- etl two hooks for holding the reins ; hooks Jixed to the driver^s seat for the same purpose ; a border, edge, circuit, circumfe- rence ; a revolution, period. Avrvnovpyiiv, Ion. for nvfluroupyt- (i-, pre». inf. act. ofavdvrovpyita. AvTuiOiia -<3, (fr. avrl against, and uiOf'u to drive) to drive, rush, or tlruggte against ; to thrust back, repel; to resist, oppose. AvTiaaif, -tof, Atl. -iu)(, »;, (fr. last) a repulse, resistance, Strug- i'e- kviliptaroi, -ov, b, i), (fr. a nee and il3pi( insolence) civil, obliging, qffable ; lafe, or free from in- tuit. Ai'v^f>o(, -ov, b, ^, (fr. a ncg. and (tup water) tuithnut waicr, dry ; unwashed, unpurifud. Afv/ittt Dor. for (iwfiiv, 1 pi. imp. act. of 'Avvfit, Rafn6 ftfl aviiia. Ayvnnp^ht, -at, !/, ((t. a ncg. and Inifpxut to be) non-existence; dissolution, detlrur.tion, ruin. 'At'i'oi', -t(, -t, fon. or Dor. for ^vvov, imp. art. — Avvuv, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres. art. of aiiiu. AvUrlpfiXrtTni, -01), i, 1), (fr. same, {iir»p beyond, anil (}d>\u In throw) insuprrahlr, impassable ; invincible. AvvTtdSjKOf, 'OV, b. If, (fr. a nrj, II ANT and v-tiOvvoi accountable) not amenable, ansuerable, or respon- sible ; absolute, independent ; that has not accounted. AivrrcvOit'dos, (fr. last) freely, with- out restraint, indejjcndenlly. AvvTTdddTOS, Dor. for Ai'VT:iSrjTog,-ov, o, i), (fr. aneg. and Iroiiu) to sliof) unsliod, without shoes, barefoot, Avvroiaroi, -ov, b, t), (fr. a neg. and vTTo under, and oi'w for 6ipii) to carry) intolerable, unsvff'eT- able. AvvTTdKptTo;, -ov, b, ';, (fr. a neg and v~OKuivofiai to pretend) with- out dissimulation, unfeigned, candid, ingenuous. ArvTToijovriros, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and uTTOfifi'io to endure) intolera- ble, un.tvffirablr. Ai'DTTOioJjrof, -ov, b, !/, (fr. same, and I'n-ui'of w to suspect) unsuspi- cious, unguaidcd ; unawares, unexpected. AvivoTiToi, and Ai'tTo-Tturof, -ov, b, i], (fr. same, and 'vn6r:T0itat, ov viroTTTci'iii to suspect) unsuspect- ing ; unexpected, uvforeseat. AvwdTTTUi, (fr. last) without suspi- cion, frankly. AwTTdaraTos, -ov, b, !), (fr. a ncg. and v(piaTn^t to withstand) irre- sistible, intolerable ; unsubstan- tial, unreal. AvvrdraKToi, -ov, b, ii, (fr. same, and vTTOTticaio to subdue) 7iot subject; not submissive, disobe- dient, refractory, disorderly. Avvadfiav, Dor, for rivvadurjv, 1 a. ind. mid. — Aviaas, 1 a. par, act. of avvijj. Avvaitoyoi, -ov, b, »', (fr. avvm to finish, and Ipyov work) studious, diligent, laborious, active. Aviat^oi, -ov,b, I], AvvnTiKbg, and AvvTiKii, -i), -iv, (fr. ai'irw to finish) effective, effectual, effica- cious; useful, beneficial, advan- tageous. Avvcifiojf, (fr. last) effectually ; ad- vantageously. Avvffif, -io{, Alt. -ttijf, i';, (fr. aviii) to fmish) perfection, ^finishing, completion ; progress, improvi- vicnl ; advantage, benefit, utility, service. AvCaaiif, Poct, for avvaa^, par. 1 a. act, of avv(t>. Avvarbf, -ov, b, i'/, (fr, aviio to tiniph) possible, prarticable, prac- tical ; easy, ready ; that must be done. 'AvCro, Dor, for lyiuro, imp. pass. ofiivvfiror ppcr. pasx, of ni/i'ui. Aivip6ii) -w, {fr. iivd up, and liliiuj to raise, ih. (\po< height) to lift, hold, or rni«c up ; to eUviUc, tJ> alt ; to rear, set up. Aviiu),' A »'(■*, or 'Avi'in, f. ovvoii), p. flvvKO, to arfompimh, tffrtl ; to pprfertyfinish, r.ompli tr ; to nvnil, sine, assist, profit ; to execute, ftdfd, discharge ; to rxjiend, consume ; to attain, obtain, grt, arrive at ; to hasten, accelrrnte, I desnatrli. (67) ANfi 'Avu, (fr. aid up) upwards, above ; before, antecedently. With the article, what is above ; he, she, it, the things above. Avu, 2 a. sub. act. of axitifit. 'Avdiya, Ion. for //luya, per. mid. oi ainoyw. Aviiyaioi', for aviiycoi'. Aviiytov, -ov, TO, and Alt. Aviiyeoi* -'i for aiu^Onr, 1 a- pa.n- ni ss, roughness, inrqunlily ; irre- gularity ; aniimnly. Ai'i/inXos,-ov, i'), II, (fr. (I ncg. ami i/iii>d( BniiK.lh) uneven, rouQh, unequal, iirrgutur, anomalous. AyujioT), (fr. next) without an oath, v.ithotd swearing. Afil kytifiorot, -01', h, fi, (fr. a neg. and intvfii to sweur) u-itlinut fwt'ir- ina ; miDWom, unaiijiired, not obliged to swmr. 'Aruu', -ovaa, -or, (pres. par. of o'fu or ayviu) Jinixhin!;, conclu- sive ; Jitting, expedient, proper. AiiivB^oj, -01', 6,/^, (IV. u nop. and 6vvjnt, Mo\. for ivofia a luinie) anonymous, nameless ; undislin- fuwAfrf, insignificant, obscure, ifftuMe. AiwpOuO/)!', -t]i, ->j, 1 a. ind. pass, of niopOiu). Ai'uipi'i, -ni, and Ion. avwpin, -»;{, 1^, (fr. a neg. and ujpa season) un- scnsonnbleness, unjilncss, irrcgv- lariti/. Avtiaai, Ion. for rti'oriTdi, the same as aiciiyKat, I a. inf. act. ofai'u- ipfpu). Avwcrui, I a. inf. act. — XiwanaOai, 1 a. inf. mid. — AvuxTdficvo^, par. 1 a. mid. of aidiOu), or -Oiw. Aiurfpuif, -i), -iv, (fr. next) t/p- pcT, higher, jfarlhcr. AiuJTcpoj, -u, -01', (comp. fr. diw) higher, loftier ; nhoie, before. Ai'ujiitXti'a, -a{, '/, (fr. next) inuti- /(7v, uxelessness, worthlessness. Al'^JtpcXf|{, -ios-ovi, b,)'i, (fr. d ncg. and d^tXoj use) useless, iinpro- Jitable, worthless. In neut. r& aiurtcXfs, unprojitahleness. Aiu)tpc\u>i, (fr. last) unprojitahly , to no purjMse. Avo^n, per. act. — AviipfSvyj 1 *• pass, of ai'oi'yw. 'AidixOi, -;:^9w, by Poet. Sync, for oKiyijOi, -f/ru, 1 and 2 sin. pres. inipr. of aviiyrijii, same as avui- yo). 'A^atfit, -aij, -ai, 1 a. opt. act of nyvvfti, or , >i, (fr. iame, ana axpodofini to hear) worth at- tention; attractive, alluring, en- ticing. Aita-rfiyr)T0(, Ion. for a^tatpi'/yriroi, -ov, b, ';, (fr. same, and a0;;y«'o- fiai to relate) worth relation, me- mnraljle, farrums, A[tfpa. At/i'Vi -Vi, >'h an axe, hatchet. A^iuOavfiaaroi, -ov, b, fi, (fr. dfio? worth, and ^nt/iu'^ ui to admire) wonderful, admirable. Comp. afioOuii/iOffrdrcpo?. A^ioOiiiTof, Ion. for nfioOfiiTof, -ov, b, ('/, (fr. same, and Stdofiat to see) vnrth beholding, admirable, splendid; worth considering, im- portant. Comp. a^todearuTipos, by Sync. aitoOewrepoi, sup. -cirarof. AfidXoyof, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and \6yoi speech) praiaevmrthy, me- ritorious, splendid, worth men- tioning ; estimable, worthy. A^tdiiaxos, -on, b, !], (fr. same, and Itd^oiini to fi<;hl) warlike, brave, intrepid; a match, an equal; worth fighting with. AfiiSiikof, -ov, b, >i, (fr. same, and vIk>] victory) deserving of victory, meritorious. A^ioxiaria, -ai, >'), (fr. next) good authority, credihilily ; assurance, certainty, faithfulness. A^idiTiaroi, -ov, b, t), (fr. next, and Triarii faith) trustworthy, deserv- ing credit ; credible ; faithful ; probable, specious, likely. 'Afio{, -a, -ov, worth, either much or little ; valuable, estimable, precious ; worthy, meritorious, deserving ; fair, fit, suitable, equitable, equivalent, comparable, a matchfor. A^idrra, -rjroi, i';, (fr. last) worthi- ness, worth, value, merit, desert. A^tovpiiv, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — AfioCi', pres. inf. act. cont. — A^iovaduaav, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. pass, of a^idu. AfioYoco)?, -w, b, !], Ion. and Att. (fr. o'fiof worth, and ^piut debt) able to pay, solvent; creditable, useful, fit, competent. A^tdui -ijj, f. -wau), p. ri^itoKa (fr. same) to rale, esteem, reckon worthy ; to think right, fit, or proper ; to account, accept as deserving. A^ido/iai -ovuai, to claim, require, demand ; to dare, presume ; to deign, vouch- safe, condescend. Imp. ind. V^lov -ovv' 1 a. r)^iijiaa' sub. a^iuiTW inf. a^iCiaaf pres. impr. pass. 3 pi. a^toiaOiiiaav per. pass, rtlihifiai' 1 a. j]^iu)Oriv. 1 f. a^toiOfiao^ai. A?/(i)/ja, -uTOi, ri, (fr. last) worth, value, merit ; dignity, authority, weight, conseip-ience ; a, claiyn, re, I a. impr. act. of liyui, or of dyvviii. ' A^oiv, -uvoi, b, an axle-tree ; a wheel ; a rut, track, path ; a board on which the punishment of criminals was written, and laws published. Aotiav, Dor, for aoiiHv, g. pi. of aoiSig, or aoi&i'i, Xoi^i], -Tii, and Dor. AoiSd, -u{, »';, (fr. aii&u) to sing) a song, tune, ode. aotifiat, d. [i\. Ion. AoiSidu) -u), ((r. last) to sing; to celebrate. Aolhtfioi, -ov, b, 11, (fr. same) sung of, celebrated ; famed. Aodds, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a singer, songster; a bard, poet. Adj. tuneful, harmonious, musical. AoUtjTOi, -ov, b, II, (fr. a neg. and oiKtu) to inhabit) uninhabited, deserted, wild. ' AoiKoi, -ov, b, !], (fr. same, and oP- Koi a house) houseless, forlorn, destn'He, poor. 'Aoivoi, -ov, b, }], (fr. same, and o7- voi wine) without wine. 'AoKvo{, -ov, b, 1], (fr. same, and 6kvo; sloth) diligent, active ; quick, ready ; courageous, bold. AoXXf'w -a, (fr. aoWiii crowded) to gather, assemble, crowd, Jlock together. AoXX»/(5t;v, (fr. same) together, in crowds. AoXXijj, -fOf -ovi, b, >'j, in close or- der, in dense array ; crowded, collected, assembled. AoXXi'foj, same as noXX/w. 'AoirXoj, -ov, b, t'l, (fr. a neg. ami SirXoi/ arms) without arms, un- armed, defenceless ; not equip- ped, not harnessed. 'Aop, -pos, b, a sword. AoPairla, -a(, i;, (fr. a neg. and bpdo) to see) blindness, darkness. Adparoi, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) invi- sible, not to be seen ; blind, not seeing. Aopdrus, (fr. same) invisibly. Aoola,-ai,!i, (fr. same) darkness, blindness. Aoptaraivd), (fr. aSpiaroc undeter- mined) to be undecided ; to hesi- tate. AopioTtoiiai -ovfintAfr. same) lobe boundless, extend, stretch out. Aoptaria, -ai, >i, (fr. same) infini- ty, enrllessness, vastness ; gene- rality, vagueness. AopiorMs, and Aipiaroi, -ov, b, rj, (fr. a ncg. and Spof bound*) ADA AHA AHA boundless, inJinil€,i>tdejinite,un-\ vex. par. per. pass, ajrj/ypiu/it- dejineii, j voj. AopiVruf, (fr. last) in/im7e(y, i?lrff- ' Araypiuo-ij, -(o;, Att. -cuf, ^, (fr. Jinilely, generallij. j lasl) ru.?t!ci/^,i/;iWn<'Ss; savage- 'Aopvoi, -ov, b, ti, (fr. a neg. and 60- I nfs*, ra?e, excisperalion. rif a bird) unfrequented hy bird.i ; Ih.-dyX'^i '• ""f')'?") P- "'"''X;^'') '■■• impassable, or inaccessible, acu inlens. and rfy^ai, which see. AooTi), -r;f, »/, . K'jaciu) '&, (fr. a neg. and daaa voice) to help readily, assist with- out hein; called, succour. Aoffffijriip, -Tjpos, 6, (fr. last) aready assistant, willing helper, protect- or^ favourer. '\ovTOf, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and ovrdu) to wound) unhurt. Or, (fr. oSf an ear) without ears. Ao)^Xriaia. -a;, '1, (fr. next) ease, tranquillity, retirement. A<$;^Ai;ror, -ov, b, ri, (fr. a neg. and ox^iia to disturb) undisturbed, unmolested, tranquil. 'Ao\p, •oTTOf, 4, )'/, (ir. same, and 6ip the eye, th. Azrouai to see) blind. An', for airo, before a smooth vowel. ATtaydyu), Atf. for arrdyij}. It is chiefij used in this form in the 2 a. md. ani'/yayov impr. Airu- yuyt, -iru), 2 pi. -ycrc. AirayytXia, -aj, /;, (ir. next) news, tidings, a message. ftrjv. ATTiiyij), f. -^u), p. aTiJY«) (fr. oto from, and dyu) to lead) to lead, carry, bring off', or nii'a^ ; to take aside; to drive back ; to call off", divert, turn away, mislead, seduce ; to lead, tend, incline to ; to conduct, carry to prison, pu- nishment. Sue. ; to pay, render. 2 a. airi^yov' Att. a-i'iyayov impr. a-dyayf par. avaydyijiV per. pass. uTrTjyiiai, -^ai, -ktui. 1 a. pass. aTTi'i^Oiiv' inf. aTra^Oij- vui. An-ayujyi), -ns, '1, (ff- ^^t.) a taking, carrying, or driving away ; cap- tivity ; payment, contribuiion, tribute. Arat'/u -ui, (fr. o neg. and ahiia to please) to displease, dissatisfy, disgust. AiraitKiij) -ui, (fr. aird from, and aSiKfio to injure) to wrong, de- fraud, rob, detain unjustly. 'Arat^iS, -105, //, (fr. a-nb from afar, and diii> to see) thought ; think ing, consideration, meditation ; heart, mind, spirit. A-qi^m, (fr. same, and diu} or aziiw to sing) to sing false, make dis- cord ; to disagree, diffir. A-iracipti), (fr. ayrb from, and ati'pw to take) to carry off, convey away, remove. A-adpojiai,totake A7rayytAA(j,f. aTayycAcS, p. air^Jy- one's self off, depart, go away. vtAica, (fr. urifrom, and ayy/A-JAraOavdW^u), fr. uird inlciis. and Xu) to tell) to bring buck word,\ aOnvari^ui, which see. or anstiier, carry news, bring Aru9»){, -f'05 -oCj, 0, 1';, (fr. n neg. tidings, report; to Icll, declare,] and rrn'iT;^^ to suffer) unhurt. announce, publish, proclaim, la ind. ar/jyytiXa' impr. ardyya- Xoi', -drui' inf. ar:ayyd\ai' par. orayytAas* par. pres. act. aruy- y/AAui-" pass. arayyiAA,, -ov, pass. — Ard-l A-alivunt, or Arou/n>/i„(, (fr. orJ ywr, -ovrni, -ov, act. [)ar. pres. ofj from, and u^n'//ai to take) to take ""fy- away, carry (ff; todepriif,plun- Arayooci'';, (fr. last) a request, entreaty, prayer ; a demand, requisition, exac- tion. A-raiTi^u), f. -lau), (fr. same) to ex- act, require, demand. Aruxpi/Jdu) -ui, fr. 0:70 intens. and aKpijSuu), which see. A-dAataros, Poet, for axaraTraAa- taroi. AirnAaiffrpo;, -ov, b, ij, (fr. a neg. and raXaioTpa a school for arms) unpractised in public exercises, not trained. ATaAaAK{7<£i', Dor. for a^aAaAvta', pres. inf. of ATraAnAdU), (fr. and from, and a\d\Kii) for aA/vf'u) to help) to keep (ff, ox from ; to beat, drive back ; to repulse, repel, turn away ; to guard, save, protect, pres. opt. arraAa'AKOifU, -oi{, -01. AndXafivoi, for AndXdfiOi, -ov, b, 1;, (fr. a neg. and 7raA(('/j?7 the hand) handless, awk- ward, artless ; destitute, poor, miserable, iv) etched ; inevitable, unavoidable. AiraXdojiaiyfr. a-nb intens. and aAu- o/j(ii, which see. AffrtAyfu) -ui, f. -jjffu), p. OTTi'/Xyi^Ka, (fr. same, and aXyho to pine) to grieve, mourn, pine ; to despond, despair ; to bcroinc insensible, hardened, or abandoned. AzaXcliliu), f. -;, -tnii, I f. mid. Ir, uir4 from, and ({Af;^i, aXiw, or (lAao/Kii, which sec. ATraXO/n/iat -oiiftai, fr. OJrA intens. and aXOfiii, or (fXOw, which sec. AHA AHA 'AraMai, -ov, b, (ft. i'irj\bi ttii-I ATTo/f/jAiliw, fr. arb intens. and der) , p. ari;\)ni^a, (fr. arro from, nuc (i/i/iArui, wliicli see AnaHCifiiTO, Ion. for artiydlSiTo, imp. mid. of Airdfiiilioimt, fr. ani intciis. and n/<£/jiw, wliii-li see. Airafmhoi, Ion. for nifitiiifilvoc, par. per. puss, of a(pdirTw. Aira/iiii'ui, f. -vvw, (fr. niro from, and i.-^i'i'W to proton) lo rlrivc auny, repulse, lepet ; to avert ; to guard, pinlvrt, difend. "h-anv, ncut. of ar-fij. Avavnlvnixat, (fr. iin) from, and avttitofiai tn (\cT\y) lo ; tv reycrl, east off, loathe ; to excuse, pretend. ATTinaia'>(yvrlu3 -<3, f. -t'icio, fr. azii intciis. and avtua-^vvTiio, which sec, oAAu'cririi) to change) to dismiss A A~arn\ia Kb), f. -(iA(i(r(i), (fr. n^o in- disrharge, absolve, acquit, let go,\ tens, and ava'XioKot to waste) to set free ; to deliver, ej:lricate ; to j eon.s~ume, destroy ; to impair, have done icith, be rid of; lo\ luenr, corrode ; to expend, lay out depart; to change, put off, de-\ upon, bestow, tach, remove, expel. AT«>An'ff/, (fr. fat, to escape, come off", get off, withdraw, depart, retire ; to ac- quit, or disengage mie\!' per. pass. a-zi'i\\ayi.iar inf. aTTr]'S\d)(0(it. AraAAoi-pidw -w, f. -wctu), p. cr/jA- XorpluKa, (fr. a-u intens. and a\- \orpi6u) to alienate) to estrange, alienate totally; to emigrate; to diiperse, separate. 3 sin. pres. ind. or opt. ava\^orpio7- per. pass. a-ri?AAorp(w/uaC par. a;r);A- ^OTpiwjjiiro;. AraAAorp/wffif, -toi, Att. -toif, ;;, (fr. estrangement, aliena- timi, transfer ; removal, depart- ure, emigration. A-aXouiu) ->), -Tii, I'l, (fr. arnAti'dnj to w'ipe out) a blot, rasure, oblitera- tion, 'A-aXof, -1), -ii'fSofl, tender, deli- cate. ' AvaXdcapKog, -ov, h, >';, (fr. last, and (Topf flesh) uith tender flesh, delicate. 'ATTaXoTrji -nroi,)), (fr. HTraXJf ten- der) softness, plinhility, tender- ness, delicacy, nicencss, effeijii- nary. 'AraXoTOt^)";?, -/05 -ovs, 0, >/, (fr. same, and rpiipu) to rear) pam- pered, high-fed , fattened ; reared tenderly. 'ATaA(5^poo?-oi'f, -60V-OV, h, !], (fr. same, and xp'^'^ ''^'^ skin) of a tender skin or flish, delicate. AmoX^w -w, and ATraXt^rw, f. -i/ioi, p. -ly/ca, (fr. same) lo treat ten- derly, touch softly ; to sofli n ; last) consumption, expenditure, expense, iia.'>te, xvcar. AirnvdraTo, Poet, and Dor. for arnD/iaro, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of uTravairoiJLai. ATTai>a\wpiici(, -los, Alt. -twf, ';, (fr. and from, ami aia^woiui U' re- tire) a departure, uithdrawing. A-dvcvOt, (fr. n?rdfronij and dvtvOt afar) at a distance, sejiarately, apart. AzavfivaaOai, 1 a. inf. mid. of uto- vnivojiai. A'^avOiw -w, f. -(/o-o), (fr. OTTO from, and axQiui lo bloom) to slud, loose, or 6c stripped of its flowers, or virdurc ; to demy, fade, irith- er; to yield, or furnish floucrs. AirnrOpaKiw -ui^ f. -oVw, (Ir. a— i in- tens. and drOpii^ a cinder) /o ftvrn up, parch ; to reduce lo ashts, consume totally. A-avicTd^cvo(, par. pres. mid. of ATrnrhriifu, f. -ori'iCh), (fr. utH from, and avlcTijiii to rise up) to rise up to go, set out, depart ; to re- move, retire. "Annvra, -rai, -rti, -ruv, cases of airag. A-avT^v, pres. inf. act. — A-irav- TitfiTuf, a. pt. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of n-rmrdta. 'AT:nvra')^60tf, (fr. a-ni all) on all sides, all around, round about. ATTovrdu) -u), (fr. azi intens. and arrdui lo meet ) to come before ; to face, meet, encounter, go to meet to reply, answer, refute; to hap- pen, chance. 'Arrdmi, (fr. ti-n( all) every wJiere. A-dvrriiii:, -arof. rii, (fr. arovrtiw to mcel ) a merting ; chance, ac- cident ; circumstance, occasion, opportunity. A'ravTrjcai, 1 a. inf. act. — A-av- ri'jeiD, -C(f, -fi, 1 f. ind. act. of azavrdu to calm, sooth, alleviate; to THakelArdi'Tr/aii, -loj, Att. -tuii, t'l, (fr. mdd, tender, delicate. 'AsaXuf, (fr. fame) tenderly, deli- eaiely, softly. a-znvrdu) to meet) n meeting, ap- pointment, assignation ; a ren- counter, charge ; an occurrence, (60) •VHA accident ; a wailing for, way- laying ; opposiitun, ultuck. a. sill, airii'i rijcii'. Airairloi', AirdvrtKpv, (fr. nirb in- lens. and arrl apainsi) opposite, right against, on the other side. AvavriiiTn, -ru;, -nf, -rot, cont. cases of the par. pres. of n^ui- rdio. 'Altai, (ff- <'"■<'$ all) once, at once, once for all, entirely, thoroughly, altogether. uva( kui iii, once ami again. 'A?r(i(iirrAw>-, Or. I'l-ja^ once, and (i-AoK simply) wholly, totally, enlirdy, (dtogtther. Ard^ioi, -ov, b, ;'/, (fr. nvb priv. and n'i'ios wcrlliy) unuortliy, unde- serving; nnflt, unbecoming, un. suUable, unmirited. ATTufidcu -w, (fr. same) to disap- prove, reject, refuse ; to scorn, slight. A-ira^idojxai -oT'uat, tolhw.k ojie^s self unworthy, despair of. ATTuopof, Poet, for airijopoi, -ov, 0, Si, (fr. aTTticipui to remove) remote, distant, far off; withdrawn, re- tired. ATTiipn'/Jarof, -ov, b, //, (fr. a neg. and TTapuiiuh'U) lo pass over) im- passable, impervious; not lo be transgressed; vihich does not pass, flxul, permnnt nl, perpetual. A-anai, inf. — Att'iohj, par. — ' Ar.a- pof, impr. 1 a. uct. of a-naipm. A-apaipiijjh'os, or -tjiivo^. Ion. for aifiripniiivoi, or -[ftivoi, par. per. pass, of aipatpioi. Ariipiilrqroi, -ov, b. Si, (fr. a ne^'. and 77(ip«ir/io lo befjoff) nol ta be entreated, or deprecated, i/iex- nrable ; inevitable, unavoida- ble. AmipniTijTW?, (fr. last) inexorably, obdurately ; inevitably, ATTopjKuAOfTTWf, (fr. a lien;, and irapaKaXvTTio to conceal) inlhoui disguise, openly, avowedly. ATupnAArtdTOf, -ou, 6,1;, (fr. same, and TapuXXdanw to alter) unal- terable, inimulahle, permanent, fixed, stable. A-i!pn\6yiaT0'i, -ov, b, >i, {(r. same, and TTiipiiXoYi^oftat lo defraud) not to he deceived, or imposed on ; infallible, certain, sure, un- doubted. AmpdyivOoi, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and KapanvOla consolation, tli. fnOug a word) without soothing, or tncouragemenl, that cannot be soothed. Avnpaai'ifiavTOi, -ov, b, 1), (fr. same, and TTapnarji"'h'ii> to stamp) wn- noliced^ uncelebroled, unfrequent- ed; obscure, obsolete. K-japaoKZVnnroi, and ATrnpdaKCVOi, -ov, h, fi, (fr. same, and vapaa- Kcvd^o) to prepare) unprepared, nol ready ; unexpected, una- wares. ATTapaTiipi'iTw^, (fr. same, and ira- pnTtjpiio to walcli) unattentivfly, lightly, unguardedly, incautious- AT7apa(pv>.dKT(j)?, (fr. same, irapiX contrary, and ipvXdoaiii to gaard) AHA unguardedly, incautiously, negli- gently. Anapyia, -at, ';, an herb. 'A-apYfia, -aro?, to, (tr. a-rd from, and apxfi the beginning) Jirst fruits, offcrirtgs. Ajrapty;^j£('pi;T05,-ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. Trapd intens. andty^^tipfui to han- dle) beyond the reach of art ; which baffles all attempts ; in- violable, inaccessible, unattaina- ble ; unparalleled, matchless, in- imitable ; complete, perfect. Arapty^cipt'iTwi, (fr. last) beyond the power of imitation ; complete- ly, perfectly. A-rapicKw, (fr. aro priv. and npic- KQ) to please) to displease, dissa- tisfy, disgust ; to disapprove, re- ject. ATTapiuKOfiat, to appease, soothe, mollify ; to oblige, deserve. KTdpQnoi, -ov, 0, fi, (fr. a neg. and rapdivof maiden) not maiden, without virginity ; tainted, dc- Jlou:ered. A-rapOio, -^j, -f;, 1 a. Sub. pass, of avnip. KTtaotQjiiw -S>, (fr. avb from, and apiOfiiut to count) to reckon up, count over, tell off. Kitapivt), -t;?, 7, the herb burdock. AiT'iDirriiti,or ArapKins, -ov,'o, (fr. airb from, and do(, Alt. -twf, )';, tfr. ara(pii) to carry off) a packing up ; tcttini; out, dtpnrlure. A'^iJOTaiji -ij, f. -I'/fjti), (fr, n~d from, and npTilu) to hang) to liring up, or upon, to make depend on ; to fnisjirnd, dnuht ; to defer, de- tail^ put off; to interrupt, Irrcak rff ; to withdraw, remove, set\ apart, Aziiprf, (fr. nr!) from, and aorll now) Jrom this time, from henrr-^ forth. Or (fr. ripriof whole) wholly entirely, totally, altoge- ther, clearly. A rraortn, -n?,'/, (perhaps fr. nnalpto lo rnrry ofl ) fnmit'irr, baggage, provisions ; eriuipni;e, mite. Or (fr. arri inlcnu. and dnnof whole) AHA perfection, completion; the wliole, entire. Arapri'^u, f. -icui, p. aTr);pri».a, (fr. last) to join, unite, put together, model, form ; to finish, perfect, complete ; to set, fit, replace : to divide, share, apportion ; to prepare, make ready. Also, to unfit, impair, make unequal, un- like, or uneven, per. pass, ar/jp- Ttajiaf 1 f. as-apTic6)/(70/iai. A-iipTiXoyla, -ai, hi (f'- same, and Xdyof account) a round sum, total, amount. AiTapTiapos, -ov, b, (tr. arapri^u) to finish) a completion, finishing perfecting. A-iipvw, (fr. 077(1 from, and npwu) to draw) to exhaust, drain, empty ; to lake from, lessen, diminish. ATiip-^tU -Tii, >), more usually ATrap- ^a], -ail', at, (fr. azd iiitcns. and up;^i) tl.e beginning) first fruits. ATdpxofat, (fr. same) to offer first fruits; begin with an offering. Airdpyoi, (fr. same, and apxn the beginning) same as rfp^w, and doyoiiat' imt also in mid. to be- gin sacrificing, make libations, pay, or nfftr the first Jntits. "Attos, -aaa, -av, fr. a intens. and 77iif, which see. "A-ncrav, -ai, cases of last. 'ATTnaf'uji', g. pi. Ion. of same. 'Att.ktto?, -oil, 6, ;'/, (fr. a neg. and rrdio to feed) that has not lasted, fastins. A-aarpnTTTm, (fr. oto from, and ucTodiTTb) to lighten) to dart like lightning; to emit, let fiy ; tu sparkle. AiruGTodrrTuv, -ovtra,-ov, par. pres. act. of last. A irfi(T;^',Xf -ui, fr. a-ri intens. and no-Y'^Af'w, which see. AnnayuXin, -a{, /% fr. same, and ac^o^ia, which see. Ar«V(i, Dor. for nrrn'ri;. Also A;rn- T^, 3 sin. cont. |)ics. ind. act. — ATTdrdru), 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — A'JTiiTrjOch, -clau, -tv, par. 1 a. jiass. — Annrwv, par. pres. act. cont. of AiraTani -w, f. -I'aoi, p. /jTrnrijcn, to deceive, brguHr, clival ; to disup- poinl ; to seduce, lead into error. pres. inf. act. cont. arrnrifV 1 a. art. jj^drnan, anil Ion. mrdrrjna' pass. rj:r (fr- same, and avyfi brightness) splendnur, radiance, effulgence. ATzavido) -w, f. -f/cw, p. OTTrjviijKa, (fr. same, and avidw to speak) to renounce, disclaim ; to forbid, interdict, prohibit; to faint, fail. pres. inf. airavSiiv I a. act. azi]vi/]ca' par. arai'JiJanj, -aca, -av. Airavda^id^ofiai, fr. (iTrd intens. and av6ii()uii^ui, which see. .KTrat'OdCulcOai, Att. lor aTruuOaci- ataOai, 1 f. inf. mid. of .\.TavOa(i(ofiai, fr. airo intens. and uvOaSi^ufiai, which see. AjrauXi'so/^ai, (fr. mro from, and av'ki^ofiat lo herd) to herd, fold, or lodge apart ; to separate, re- tire, withdraw. AirauXdffKiof, -ov, y, /;, (fr. same, and niiXij a sheepfold) herding, or lodging apart ; solitary, lone- ly, retired. .\Tiiiv^tiai{, -105, Alt. -fuf, )'/, (tr. s;:me, and o)''^(;o-if increase) di- minution, lessening, weakening, imjiiiiring, A-nvpa, Ion. for am'/vpa, 3 sin. imp. of ATTuiipau -w, (fr. aiTo from, and ttvpa a breeze) to take away, carry off" ; to rob, despoil, imp. n77i;iipaoi' -wr. 'Araiiorof, -ov, b, ';, (fr. a neg. and ravu) to cease) unceasing, inces- sant ; endless, continual, ptr- petual ; not lo be ulUviated, or re- lit ved, A77iaio-Tiijf, and .\-:TavaTi, (tr. last) incessantly, ronlinu(dly. ATTavTOfioXfto -w, fr. a-zd from, and avTOfxoMM, which see. .\jrni);^£i'/i'uj,f. -iau), (fr. same, and avxh" the neck) to cut the throat, or nerk, behead. AT:n(^n'(i), AiTdtjua, A7rarj}iaKi)>, and ATTdcfiM, (fr. OTrd by, and (iclr; the tnncli) ti) soothe, caress, fondle ; .fiiitler, deceicc. An ./I'^olic word used Poet, for airnrdij), wiiicli nee. AiradnTu>. Azi'ila, Dor. trir m;lflij, 2 Bin. 3 a act. <>i nvn(ialvu). Ar.i(]a\ov, i n. UCt. of nTro/JrfXXu. of ARE Air/p';ii ->i<,'il, 2 a. acl. — Airr/Ji/- etiuttr, 1 0. mid. of uiro/iuiVu Ar'pAfToi', -tj, -t, imp. act. iirrojtl.X/irui. ArsyaXaKTiadtjr, 1 a. iild. pass, of iiToynAoicW^ui. Atiyyovof, -ov, 6, (if. a-i from, and /v)'oio( a grandson) a 4'rea/ ^ranrfc/iiW. A-f\\vKiiidi)i', -iii, -i;, 1 a. pass. ol (jrflyAiikti^'a). A:rtyiu)nlrj){, (fr. nex\) ilespairing- It/, hopelfitstif. ArtyviidOnv, ->iit -"> 1 a. pass. — Arr)i. A-ri^i6o\>,i sin. imp. pass. ofoTro- ATtSibovv, -ovs, -ov, imp. cent, of aT!oci/i6iii, for aTTcii&uii', -wi, -a), imp. of same. Ar/(5iXof, and avcfi^wrm, -oi<, 6,;/, (fr. a neg.'and ttHuXov a slipper) without shoes, unshod, barffuoled. A-tioKifiaca, -as, -£, 3 pi. -/lacav, 1 a. ind. act. of aTo^o/ci/in'^uj. AiTciiiiriv, 1 sin. — ATTfiooOe, A-ibovTo, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of QToiMu)//!. 'A-c?ov, -ov, tJ, (fr. a intens. or redund. and -ifov tlie ground) Ion. and Poet, for t/iJov, or vi- itov, which see. Airciof, -ov, b, )';, (fr. last) plain, In el, open, champaien. A~i^oTO, 3 sin. and AircdocTdc, -rovTo, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of n—oiiiw^i. Airiiox't by Apos. before an aspi- rate, for airicoKc, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of mroMitiifii. Aviipa, 1 sin. — krrlrpajitv, 1 pi. — ATifpav, 3 pi. for aTrifpnca, avcfodcaficv, and a-nilpaaav, 1 a. art. of aiTof.tfpdcKiii. ATriiviTtifiriii, -m, -aro, 1 a. act. of Airi^u), per. arceijo^^a, for uTri^riKa, (fr. avi intens. and iew to eat) to ronmme, eat up, devour. 1 a. pass. a-rrjriaOrti- A-ziciiTov, Att. or by Poetic Pros- thesis for a-rtirrov, imp. or 2 a. of atrfTia- Art^wfffi/voj, par. per. pass, of arofiin/i'/ii. Atririv, Poet, foravijv, imp. of dvci- Itt, to be ahserU. A'wiBlivov, -tf, -(, (in. -Bdvoftev, AIIE •bduTt, 1 and 2 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of (J7ro0»;/fficw. AvcOdpi>noa, -Of, -f, 1 a. net. of ano6apj)iu>. At:i01iii)v, -too, -f TO, 3 pi. -CVTO, 2 a. ind. mid. — ArtO/jitrffiTji', -u, -uTo, I a. mid. of aTTorWrifii. A-nlOriXa, -ai, -r, 1 a. act. of airo- flo'XAo). AvcOi^w, f. -Itrto, (fr. a^ru from, and cBl^ui to accustom) to disuse, wean, break off', alter a habit. A-riOvijaKov, -tf, -r, or -tv before a vowel, imp. act. of a-roOvt'iCKh). Azct, or 'AnWi, pres. impr. of dTretfii, to go away. Also, Arci, 2 sin. pres. ind. of a'lrei^i, to go away. A-ilHui, f. -claofiai, (fr. mrd intens. and t/iid) to see) to turn the eyes, look attentii'cly ; to perceive, sec clearly. 2 a. aircliov' sub airiiia, -Piy -»;• AiTclOctn, -Of, I), (fr. avciOrt; diso- bedient ) disobedience ; stubborn- ness, obstinacy, resistamc to per- suasion ; unbelief, injidelily. .\TrciOc7i, n. a. pi. cont. of nrci0)';;. ArrciOiii) -w, f. -ijirn), p. i;jr£('0»;»;a, (fr. a ncg. and Trddmio persuade) to disobey, resist ; to disbelieve. 1 a. act. );7r£i'0j;CTa. 2 a. I'liriOov. AtteWijv, Ion. for a'i, {fr. a neg. and TTciOu) to persuade) disobe- dient ; perverse, obstinate, stub- born ; unbelieving, friithless. ATTeidrjcain, (i.\>\. of AirciOrjtrai,-aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. of (in-£i6f'a>. A-iiKa^ui, f. -daui, (fr. aird intens. and eiKa^it) to liken) to assimi- late, liken, make like ; to com- pare, examine together ; to ima- gine, rnnjecture ; to resemble. AiTCtKucia, -ni, >'/, (fr. last) a like- ness, rfsem/ilonce, similitude; a picture, portrait. .KTreiKaafia, -uru;, rb, (fr. same) a resemblance, picture, image, .figure, . 1 a. sub. mid. of same. A7r£iX^r;)v, Ion. and Sync, for jjifi- \>iadTiiv, 3 do. 1 a. act. of airn- Xiw. AnciXriTcipa, -af, >/, (fern, for next) .i(l>n, Ai:ei\i')iij>i)S, Att. for airoXfX>;0a, per. act. a-Ko\c}\^(paai, 3 pi. and airoXcXrj- 0ojf, par. of (iTroXaf(j3a'i'(i>. 'Avitfit, f. a-Klaouui, (fr. a-rb from, and £1^1 to be) to be absent, be wanting, be away. Imp. aiTijv' pres, inf. anuvai' par, mru)v. 'ATrctfxt, or Atrlnint, f. airclaoixai, p. dveiKa, (fr, same, and £?//( to go) to go away, depart. 2 a. ind. dirtov impr. oTTte' opt. aTtloifti' sub. aniiif par. uvuov' 1 a. act, avtiaa, Att. untjtaa, in 3 pi, avf)toav. per. mid, ainXu' diriia and oTTijia. Air£ira/iJ)i', -to, -aro, 1 pi. -dfttOa, 1 a. ind. mid. — ATTEiTrai, 1 a, inf, act. — Attuitc, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. — AirttiTtiv, pres. inf, act. of Aff£i'7ru), Poet, for a-ninii). AT!ctpdya6os, -ov, b, Ij, (fr, a neg. irttpdtii to try, and ayaOis good) experiencing no kindness, unfa- voured ; ignorant of what is good, knavish, dishonest. ATTCipaydOoii, (fr, last) badly, awk- wardly, ignorantly ; dishonestly f corruptly, knavisMy. AiTiiouKti, (fr. oTfipof boundless) tnjini/ety, immensely, without li. mils, or htnmds. AvclpaPTOi, -ov, b„!i, (fr. a neg. and veipuh'ji to finish) Poet, for n'r£ipof, boundless, A~clpacroi, -ov, b,!;, (fr. same, and ;r£ipa'^w to try) uniricd, not at- tempted ; not to he tempted, be- yond temptation ; impossible, im- prnrticable, unattainable. AntipaTo;, -ov, b, >;, (fr. same) Poet, for a'rfipo;, ignorant. AmipaxSiiy Cr. OTzh intens. and TTiipa a trial) infinitely, in many ways, vnriouxly. AireipyiD, f. -fu), p.a7r£(p;^a, (fr. airb from, and £('pyio, to restrain) to drive away, hinder, prevent ; to shut out, exclude, keep out ; to stop, bar, impede, Arrlpywv, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres. of last. Arr£ip/oiof, -a, -ov, and -ov, i, fi, (fr. a neg. and -rripa; the cnA) boundless, immense; great. AHE ARE AHE large, extravagant ; innumera- bU. A.-uor]Kijti, -uia, -d;, par. per. of A-TTcipriroi, -ov, 0, t), see areiparo;. Atrsipi'o-uf, )'/, (fr. a'rtipof ignorant) ignorance, inexperience; unskil- fulness, awkwardness. AtiioiTOit-ov, 6, !], (fr. a neg. and vipas the end) same as drctpo;, boundless. A~up^a, -35, -I, in 3 pi. arritp^av, 1 a. act. of afzcipy 111. iLT:up6yanoq, -ov, 6, i/, (fr- avetpoi unacquainted, and ya'/iof mar- riage) unmarried^ single, maid- en. ATtiooOaXao-ffOf, and -arrof, -ov, b, /(, (fr. same, and ^dWaatja the sea) nolusedto, or unacquainted with the sen, not versed in naval avoirs ; a landsman. KirtipoKaKiu -it, (fr. next) to he free from guile, or deceit, be in- nocent, behave sincerely, deal tumesliy. K~cio6KaKos, -ov, b, II, (fr. a neg and KOKOi evil) ignorant of evil, sinless, innocent ; honest, sincere, timple. A-cipoKa\la, -a?, n, (fr. next) want ofhmiesty, roi^nery ; folly, silli ness, impertinence, vulgarity. A~iipoKa\oi, -OV, b, )';, (fr. direipoi ignorant, and KaXis good) dis- honest, fraudulent, deceitful ; tasteless, insensible to beauty or uxirlh ; worthless, silly, trivial. A-rcipu).i^fl!, -tof -0D5, 6, {j, (fr. same, and Xfyoj a bed) without a beiLfellow, single, maiden, un- married. ATCipofid^ai, -a, b. Dor. foraTrtipo- lid)(vit -ov, b, (fr. uame, and fiaxh a fight) not used to, or un. fit fur war, unwarlike. Ariipova, a. sin. of ancipiav. 'Avetpnf, -ov, fj. Dor. for 'HrrKpoj. 'Arupoi, -ov, b, f], (fr. a neg. and ■niipa a trial) inexperienced, ig- norant ; awkiimrd, unskilled ; untau!;ht, uninstructed ; that has not felt, without experiencing ; untried. 'Avcipof, -ov, b, fi, (fr. saiiin, and irtipas the end) cmlless, hound- less, injinilc, unlimited. AirtipoffiJe/;, -r;?, //, (fr. dvitpof in- experienced) ignoranr.r, inexjie- rienre, want nf knov>ledge, uc- tpiainlanrr, or sktU. Awilpm, -lioi. ATripjiti), f. •cow, p. aitilpiiKa, (fr. art) priv. and ii'pw to any) to forhid, prohibit; re- fute, discharge, dismiss. Ainipuifiiv, -hof, li, (fr. name, and lafi* travail) that has nitl known the pains of childbirth, childless, barren. Airilpvv, -ovof, 0, fi, (fr. n ne^. and irilpitf thf, <'nd) infinite, hmtml less, immrnsr, numhaUsr. Also, rnun-l. Airtipioi, (fr. liriinoi i|;norant or boundless) mrkunrdly, igno- ranlly, rudfly ; infinifdy, and- Utsly. A-tvaa, and Att. ar:fitaa, -a;, -£, 1] A-i>.i'Xi';, (fr. a neg. and TTciOu) to persuade) not to be per- suaded, convinced, or prevailed on ; obstinate, stubborn, inflexi- ble, perverse. ATCt)(^ov, imp. act. — A~eix^ii1>', pass, of a-nlxto. AiTEKdXti, 3sin. imp. ind. act. cont. of aroKaXf'u). ATtKdXv^/a, -as, -c, act. and Airt- KaXvipdiv, -17?, -1, pass. 1 a. ind. of aTTOKnXvTTru. A-iKyovos, -OV, b, I'l, (fr. and from, and (Kyovos a grandchild) a great great grandchild, a grandchild's grandchild. AreKiixoiJai, f. -^Ofiai, p. aTTtn^e- Scyfiai, (fr. arrb intens. and cKci- yofiai to expect) to expect ear- nestly, wait for vrith earnest de- sire, hope ardently. 1 a. raid. AvcKSvopai, f. -vaouat,p. OTrtKifSv- fiai, (fr. arrb oti", and ikSvii) to strip) to put off", quit, get rid of ; to strip, divest, deprive. 1 a. mid. avt^iivaditriv' par. aveK&vadftf VOi. AviKSvais, -lof, Alt. -twf, fi, (fr. same) a putting off, quitting, stripping, deprivation ; spoiling, plundering, d. sin. aTrcKivcu. ATrtKt(pd\iaa, 1 a. ind. &ct. of avo- KC^aXl^ui. ATTtKXatdjiijv, in 3 pi. AriKXaioiTo, imp. pass, of naoicXafw. [ A-cK^aiOdvui, of avi intens. and tK\avddvti>, which see. As-ckX^s") see avoKXtih). AniKXaaa, 1 a. ind. act. fr. a-nb in- tens. and (cXrfu, which see. ATrcKXiyofini, f. -^Ofiai, p. aTcxX/- Xty/iui, (tr. nro from, and ikXi- yoftai to select) to rtject ; to dis- approve ; to vote against. AniKXciaa, -aj, -t, 1 a. act. of an'o- icXtfa). XaOiiTcs, 1 a. par. pass, of otte- \avvut. ATre\aixv6iiriv, 2 a. mid. — Airf- Xajui^'fl) 1 a. act. of arroXafnru). A~cXacia, -ag, i}, (fr. aircXaivui to drive away) a driving away, spoiling, plundering ; baiiish- ment, expulsion. K-iXaaroi, and ' A'^rXaaroq, -ov, b, {), (fr. a neg. and r/Xuf near) distant, beyond reach ; inaccessi- ble, unattainable, which has not, or cannot be reached ; unsafe, or dangerous to approach. AiriXacroi, -ov, b, l), (fr. last) dri- ven, spurred, put to full speed. AirtXui'i'U), f. a-ncXdaiti, p. a->'iXaKa, (fr. 0770 from, and eXavvu) to drive) to drive away, expel, ba- ?nsh, thrust out ; to hinder, keep off, or aujay, avert ; to drive, spur, hasten. 1 a. act. anfiXa- aa. AniXavaa, and Ion. aT)';Xaii(Ta,-aj, -£, 1 a. act. of aroXaiiu). AittXa(l>pvvij), f. -Siw, (fr. arb m- tens. and iXaippoi light) to light- en, ease, relieve. ATTcXdio, Poet, for arfXaiivo). ArcXcy^bs, -ov, b, (fr. next) confu- tation, disproof; disgrace, scan- dal, disrepide. ArfXfy;^;u), f. -yfu, p. aTtfiXcyxa, (fr. a-Ko from, and cXiyxv to prove) to disprove, refute, con- fute, convince ; to blame, reprove, censure. 1 a. act. axnXiy^a' mid. a-rriXcy^dfiiiv. per. pass. aTTi'jXcy- fiat. 1 a. pass. aTTijXiyxOlv- A-iXedpov, (fr. next) far, distant, a great way off. A-riXiOpoi, -ov, b, >';, (fr. a intens. and TtiXtdpov, orrrXiSpovan acre) immense, wide, extensive; vast, gigantic. Ai:iXcliSc6\ by Apos. before an as- pirate, for aiTcXciiiiro, 3 sin. imp. mid. of airoX£(/3u>. ArfXtVijT-oj, -uv, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and viXcKVi an axe) not planed, or ATtKXtXaOdiitiv, -ov, -cro. Poet, by smoothed, rough. Or, (fr. a Ion. rcdupl. for avc^cXaOdfiriv, 2 a. mid. of ancKXavddvw. ATrtKo\pa, -a(, -c, or -cv, before a vowel, 3 pi. -\pai'. 1 a. ind. act. of aTTOKdTTTU). Airlxpiva, -as, -t, act. — AiTeKpt8t]v, 'Vi, 'V, 3 pi. -Orjaav, pass. — Art. AircXtvOrpla, -a<, /;, (fr. next) jna- numission, enfranchisement, the gift if freedom. Arii;pvda,-a(,'i,acl. — AviKpv{pd-\ATriXivOipo(,-ov,b,!), (fr. ani ni- firiv, 1 a. raid, of aroKpiiirru. 1 lens, and iXivOipnf free) enfran- AittKrdvOtiv, 1 a. ind. pasn — Att/k- j rhisrd, freed, set free ; a freed- Tavov, 2 a. inrl. act. — Airlxrit- man, one who hod hem a slave. va, I a. ind. arl. — Ari/croia, per. ind. mid. of n:TOKTiivia, AnftcTanK, -10$, Atl. -tuii, {/, (fr. nirA inlens. and riUio to Stretch) extension, stretching ; exltnt. 'ArcnTTo?, and AnlicrnTO(,-ov, b, fj, (fr. n ni'g. and irc/«;yov, -If, -t, imp. act. of ajro- Xijyui. Ai:'X')X««n, Alt. for niti'iXaKn, per. ind. act. — ArtXiiXaro, Att. for arfiXnro, 3 sin. pper. pass, of atieXaivii). AierKvr)no, I n. ind. act. "f 'i^i.Oc, S sin. per. ilid.! Arrtiu'(j()i;i', -^j, -17, I a. itul. pass, nud. Atl. ol a^ip^o^m, ofaroitiiu. Ari\('(\ impr. — .tri-Xytri', inf. — \A7:ci'iyKaaOai, 1 a. inf. mid. — ,*r/.Xt'u), sul). — ArtXtiiir, -oDffd, K-acvfyKai, 1 a. inf. act. — A?rc- -Or, n. pi. -OdiTfj, -Oufiffnijd. sin. t'tyKuv, 2 a. inf. act. — Airtrty- -06>Tt, g. pi. -Odirwi', piu-. 2 a. nHii, -oima, -Or, i)ar. 2 a. acl. — act. of ur/f)^o/i(ii K-rMr.or, -a, -c, 2 a. act. of urro- Xcltru) ATf.XXiii, -oil', of, a temple, fayic, shrine ; an iisscmbly, meeting, conerr^dtion.. ArTfA\i)f, -or, i, AppcUcs, Lat. Apella, a man's name. Art.Xujrrro, 3 sin. cont. imp. pass. ofaTToAoyfo/iii. .\r£.\oj'i;a(i/iv' ) -i^t -nTO, 1 a. ind. mid. of sanip. '.\rtXo«,-ou, h, a wound, hurt, cut; an ulciT, sore. Am^ovaaaOc, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. mid of offoXoi'O). AriXTTifw, f. -/(Toi, p. aiTi'iXriKn, (fr arJ priv. and tXir/^w to hope) ^ expert, tuait for, attend ; to sux. pert, apprehend ; to detpair, dex- pond. ] a. act. aTz/Ario-a* par, a!T£Xr/{T(if. par. per. pass. a-rrrjX- ■rtcvtvoi. K~Oi.vOtjv, pars. Arf'Xuo-a, act. 1 a. ind. — \-:;t\vovTo, 3 pi. imp. ])ass. of aroXuu. A-i\vfxaiv6p.jjv, imp. pass, of arro- ATtXu/jijCiji', 1 a. ind. pass, ofaro- Xu./Jd'u). ArrifinBov, -if, -c, 2 a. acl. of «;ro- fiavO(ivij). Kzcfiapnv6}]v, -rjf, -r], 1 a. pass, of A'tficGim, Poet, for avljitua, 1 a act. of Arf/j/u) -i3, f. -iau), p. -iKa, (fr. qti) from, and tfiiui to vomit) •(<>, -oro, ind. — A-0ftv<':aaa6ar inf. 1 a. mid. of avoiivdoiiai. ATCudpyvvv, imp. act. — Aneiwo- ^dfiTiv, 1 a. mid. of airo/idpyvviJi. Ajrc//roX£7rai,3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Art^jroX/o), and -(j'(i) -w, f. -r/ffw, (fr. ard intens. and e^iroX/u to sell) to sell, offer, or expose for sale ; to barter, Irnde ; to prostitute. 1 a. act. offt^iriiXijira" par. art/iToXr/- ca;. 1 a. inf. pass. nrrtjiToX^Dqvm. A~tiiv0i6^tjv, -01), -tTo, imp. ind. pa-SF. of arrofivOeuj. Ax-{/(0af>(i), f. -uiiii, (fr. azo priv. and (fiAnlvu to express) ?9 f/wa- /free, 'ii^er ; to be unlike, unfit, or absurd. ATTifKpaais, -lof, Alt. -cuf, 1';, (fr. same) in expression, declara- tion, affirmation ; an cxplana- A-tfc^Oriittt, I a. inll pass, ol aTTO(jiipuj. Anfi'/yKU), (fr. a~i from, and iiiyKoi to carry) an obsolete verb, lor which aru{p(a. A':Ttvst^9cii, Ion. for nrtvc^QcU, 1 a. par. pass, from Arti'ti^O'?!', Ion. I()r airtn'f^Oijf, 1 a. ind. pass, of ntroipipui. Antii-TM, and Poet. ATrti'rt'rw, (fr. (i:ru priv. and cvsttu) to tell) to fiirhid, prohibit ; to oppose, pre- vent. \:7.'iOuv, Dor. for aircXOcJy, 2 a. inf. act. a-io')(^ojtai. Airti'O/)?, -/o{ -onf, 6, )'/, and Ariv- OijToi, -ov, h, I'l, (fr. a neg. and TitBoi grief) ,/>ce /rom tf^rief, ivithont wrrou> ; vnlamented, un- mourned. Atrfriauri'Co), (fr. avb from, and iviavrbi; a year) /o desist, cease, be absent for a year ; to act year- ly ; to alternate by the year. A TTtrnfri;!;;!', -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of aTrovi-nToi. Azn'ddfjnaa, -nq, -c, 1 a. ind. ai t. 01 avovoa^iic^ii). A-ii'Ttf, Ion. for a;>', 2 a. ind. mid. of «T£/cXui'/9a'i'w. A7rfs';P"^fi'''S, Ion. for airc^ripaiiiji- voi, par. of o-a^ijpaijfiat, per. pass, of airo^>ip'iivn>. Ar/o(>,-n, -af, -£, per. act. of«r£/;:a).| al ; infinite. A HE 'ATTcrXof, -ov, b, )'i, (fr. a neg. and Ti'-rXoi a veil) nnveiUd ; unrobed, undressed. Ar»rrXiiv«i', 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of uTrorXtii'w. Avijtvtov -ovv, -£ff -cif, -£f -fi, imp. uid, act. — Attinvtvaa, I a. acL — AT£ri'£too'/i>/>', 1 a. mid. of ajToirv/u). Arc^nviyrfv, -i/f, ->), 2 a. ind. pass. — ATr/irn^.i, -«>-, -£, 3 pi. -(ay, 1 a. ind. acl. ofa-rruKfiyu). ArcKTdixriv,2 a. ind. nud. — AiroTr- TuaOai, inf. — AnoTtTdfiivui, par. — Arrfrrr?;!', -;>{, -17, in 3 pi. a?r«'7rri;o-m', 2 a. ind. act. ofu0(jr- AriTrr/w -iD, (fr. a nep, and itiirrta lo cook) /u 6e r«w', rare, or not si^/Mcienlly cooked ; to have a weak stomach, suffir iiuli^eslion. 'ATTf-rof, -OP, h,lt, (fr. same) raw, rare ; not cooked ; ichich cannot be cooked ; indigestal. Ait/tu), la. -tt-^a, 2 a. -ttirov, (fr. uTtii priv. and imo to speak) to renounce, disclaim, disown ; to refuse, deny, contradict ; to give up, relinquish ; to fad, faint, be weary. Or, (fr. «7ro inltns. ) to declare, utter, pro7iomu.e. 2 a. act. ind. uircirov, -£f, -£• inf. aTTci-ruv. I a. ind. mid. arcind- "Airep, Dor. for^ircp" also nuiit. pi. ol liancp. ATTepiivToXoyin, -a;, //, (fr. next) talkntirencss, loquar.ili/, verbosity, garrulity. ATTep(ivTij\6yoi, -ov, b, >'i, (fr. ari- piivTo; endless, and Xrfyof talk) verbose, uordy, prolix; lojua- cious^ talkative. AiTtpai'Tni, -ov, b,ti, (fr. a neg. and r/p If the end) boundless, emllcss, without stint ; incessant, continu- tion, interpretation ; demonstra- tion, proof. Azcfitfitpfli, -/of -oS{, b, fi, {fr. and priv. 'and cti'ptp!/; relating to) un- like, different. ArrhavTi, and ATrtvain'oi', (fr. aro Irom, and avrt before) over against, before, in presence of; opposite against. A-reoiKC, per. of the impersonal (inlKFi. AvcoikAtw^, (fr. next) improbably, unfitly^ improperly ; foolishly, absurdly, unreasonably ; -unde- servedly. A-foiKiif, -v7ii, -Of, (par. per. act. of arf f. airiiptiKa, {fr. azb intens. and tpri^w to fix) to fasten, stick, fix firmly ; to press upon, flrive, push, dash, or strike against, remove, displace; Aitt- pdiopai, to be set, or placed against, lean, incline, rest upon ; to jut nut, project ; to gush out, discharge, shed ; to extend, stretch, strain. Arrcpciai', for areptlaia, neut. pi. of arrfpt^o-iof, by Metath. for air£i- oiViof. AHE Xitipttms, -lot, Att. -£uif, fi, (fr. ancpiii'u to fasten) a Jixing, or fastening ; an inr.lination, lean- ing, resting against, or depending upon ; presiiure,force, vivlence. AncpeiM) -w, f. -ria(ii,p. avelptiKa, (fr. OTTO priv. and epioi to say) toc/c- ny, forbid, refuse ; to decline, shun ; to fail, he worn out, ii;eary, decayed, impoverished. kircpiyivriTOi, -ov, 6, /;, (fr. a lieg. and rcpiyiVo/iai to surpass) not to be surpassed, or excelled ; in- vincible. A.i!tpi6ptoT0(, -ov, h, I'l, (fr. same, and Ttpiopf^u) to limit) vtdimited, unconfmed ; boundless, indefinite, infinite. Ancpt(TK(iTTo)i, (fr. same, and rtpi- aKiirrouat to survey) heedlessly, incauliously, unguardedly, in- consideriUely. XnepiairaoTOi, -ov, h, >;, (fr. same, and TTtptando) to perplex) at ease, undisturbed, calm, leisurely, with- out hurry. Airepiairdarij)(, (fr. last) without distraction, or cmifusion ; collect- edly, orderly, leisurely. AntplaraTOi, -on, 6, rj, (fr. a neg. and ntpitoTTiftt to beset) violated, detached, not surrounded, or en- closed ; deserted, forsaken, des- titute; not perplexed, or sur- rounded with cares, prosperous. KirtpiTjiriroi, -ov, o, h, (fr. same, and irtptTffivta to cut off) undr- cumcised. AwipiTToi, -ov, b, Sj, (fr. same, and irtpirroj, Att. for Trtpiffwdf super- fluous) having no superfluity or /uxuri/, moderate, mean, of a middle 'ank. AT£p/rT-jv, (fr. last) ind\ff'trently, neKligently, carelestdy. Airtp/rrwrof, -ov, 6, 4, (fr. a neg. and npirrijiiia excrement) with- out excrements. Antpitptpfn, -iof -ovi, l>, li, (fr. same, and vcpiipioii) to move cir- cularly) not circular, irregular; devious, erring. Anh(iif, -ana, -av, 1 a. par. act. 0\ nrunjii'^d). 'Kntpfit. ( prf^.s. impr. ofne.vt) away, hteone^ plague take you, Arfojiiti, ^ol. for aviipm. AmpiiiDyuf, -v7n, -if, par. per. mid. of annpjiriyvvfit. Arlpnhj, -ci(, -n, for arntnaio, 1 f. inrl. a<^t. of aro/o^oj. Airrpiifw, f. -fw, p. -vn, (fr. uvft from, and tpiiKui to hinder) to rrpri, drive hack or wray ; to defend^ repulse ; tn hinder, avert. 3 prfiR. impr. nvlpvKf.. pres. pn««. niripvKAjjt^of. Anfn^n, 2 nin. pr»!s. ind. mid. — Anr0-x6iiivoi, -i;, -ov, par. (ires, art. of Arrffiy(i)iini, f. nTrrXtf'ioo/ini, p. nr/- XiiO'i, Att. anX^Xi'On, (fr. orrA from, nnd inynjint to go) tn gn^ go n/f, from, niiriy, or out of; to gn forth, drpnri ; to rttum, go after, follow ; to Iravr, nltan- don, give up ; to pais away, die. AHE 2 a. ind. airljAOov sub. am\Oi>>' inf. aTttX&iiv par. atriXQiiv, n. pi. fem. aTTtX&olcai. Avtpwtii, -io;, Att. -/ojf, 6, (fr. same, and cpwiu to pass) one icho hinders, slops, or prevents ; a hindrance, obstacle. A-Ktp^iii) -iii, (fr. same) to pass, steal, glide, or skulk away; to desist, cease, stop ; to hinder, prevent. 'Afftf, Ion. for d^cs, 2 a. impr. of aiphjfti. AiTica^a, 1 a. ind. of avoadrTu). Aviaai,-a\'T0i, b, Apesas, a man's name. Airiajiai, Dor. for avlafini, ~ sin. >f A-nialiiii; -yji, -rj, in 3 pi. — Aviapiiaav, 2 a. ind. act. — AnialSrjaa, 1 a. ind. act. — Atrca- j3»;/i-(if, par. per. act. of uwoct/Sei'- vviii, or -vfit, as if (rom aTTdafitifii. Ai:iaKiji(pOi.i, per. inf. pass, of airooKi^TTTo^at. AvccKoXvfjftivoi, per. par. pass, of aiTOaKO^VTTTul. A-Tricoiiai, f. of dvctjn, to he absent, ATTitmaua, 1 a. ind. act. — Ante- rdadriv, -rii, -n, 1 a. ind. pass, of anooTTdw. Airicravdiv, iEol. or Boeot. and Poet, for a-TTcavOrjaav, 3 pi. 1 a. pass. — Airiocvfiai, Poet. Me- lath. for aiToniav[iat, per. ind. pass. — AtriaauTO, Poet, for antciavTO, 3 sin. ppcr. pass, of anoacvui. A-Jteii, -r/, ind. ATrto-TaXiij, par. 2 a. pass ATTeard\6vv, •IS, -rjt 1 a. ind. pass A-ea- tuXko, per. ind. act AnVraX- (lai, ind. -a^jtivoi, -tj, -ov, par. per. pass. — AT/r)aav, 2 a. ind. pass. — A nfarptxpa, -af, -c, I a. md. act. of aviiarpiijiu), KniaTpXjiii to be at n diNlancc) absence; fmhl, disntiim, Air/pri.i, 3 nin. impr, ofiirdfii, to he nhsmf. A'!ttnil,n\Ttv, -ri(, -i;, 2 a. ind. paNS. of O7r0IT(^rfXXw. A'xfoynKa, per. — At/Vvov, 2 n. (65) AHE act — ATTca')(^6iir,v, 2 a. ind. raid. of avi^ui. A-niranov, 2 a. ind. act. of airo- TfflVO). A-rtTa^dftriV, -w, -oTo, 1 a. ind. mid. of airoTdooiD. ATTiTiyycTo, 3 sin. imp. mid. ot OTTOTiyyoiJiai. AvtriOtiv, 1 a. ind. pass, of aroTf- ATnTivvvov, imp. of anoTivvvii), or VjXl. Avirpayov, 2 a. ind. act. of avo- rpiiyia. A-JTirpdinUvTo, 3 pi. cont. imp. pass, of aTTOTpuvdofiat, same as A7rorpo77ao^ui. A-evdi]s, -ios -uv;, and 'Aircvdoi, -ov, b, )'i, (fr. a neg. and Trui/Oa- lo/jai to hear) unheard of, not known by fame, obscure ; rude, ignorant, untaught. AiTtvOvvw, f. -gj'u, p. -vyKa, (fr. 0770 intens. and cvdvvui to direct) to straighten ; to correct, reform, amend ; to direct, guide ; to or- der, regulate, array. AKicjitjiia, 1 a. ind. act. — Avetpr]- vdfjiriv, mid. of airo0ai'i'a). Avt^Oapijivo;, per. par. pass, of aiTO(pOclpiji. AT;i(p6i.yli'ijj.riv, -(1), -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of u-KO(pQiyyoiJiai. Avti^Oijiijv, -lau, -iro, pper. pass, ol a-rrocpdivo). 'Avcipdos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and iipObs boiled) raw, undressed, not conked. Or, (fr. a intens.) re- fined, purified. Avi(pvyoi; 2 a Ar/^tuyov, imp. act. of a77O0tijy(i). Air/yti, impersonal, (fr. a-niy^ia to withhold) it is enough, siifllnent. Airix^, 3 sin. — ATrixtra, '2 pi. — Avixovai, 3 pi. pros. ind. act A'^f'X''5' 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of Am\'£o6ni, pres. inf. mid. — Airi- ycaOc, 2 pi. impr. mid. ofaTTi'x'^. ArrexOalpui, f. -»pu,, (fr. avi inttns. ) and ixOdipu) to hate) to detest, hntr, abhor, 1 a. act. n-ni'xOiipa. Antx&dvo^ai, f. -Oi)nofi(U, (fr. •same, and cxOdvoiiai to hate) to hrile, grudge, cnry, feel anger, or wtitire against. 2 a. a-r>ix06fir,v, as if fr. a-nrxOioftni, obs. AntyOda. -n?, ;';, (fr. a7r(;^0i')c en- vious) haired, abhorrence, detest- ation ; grudge, malice, itl-uHl. ArnxOffJCfai, Att. and Dor. and ATrixOi'/i/v, Ion. for avixOai', pri)rti, Ion. for oir/xOr), 2 sin. [ires. 6ub. of a7i-/;)(;0o;jui,8anie as mrtxOdvoimi. AiTixOfis, -I'of -oTii, 0, I'l, (fr. mr!\ in- tens. and ix^"f hatred) haling, grvdiiing, envious, malicious; hoslilc, inimirni, adverse. AT!, I f. mid. — A-nix^i- lirti; 2 ii. ind. mid. — Ath'xOoito, 3 Kin. 2 a. opt. of attixOdvofiat. Ani'xOii), and Arr/;^Oo/i«i, same as anfyOdvnitfii. AncxOiJif, (fr. anfxu to refrain) ah- stemiously, temjicrairly, soberly, AllH Ann Ann mcxlesllij. Or, (fr. avtyOiif en-| drive away) drivm, or ccirritd vioKis) li'ilefutti/, ipittjiijli/, ma-l q/f; depiirted, set out, gonr. lieiousli/, enviuustt/. I Ar;;,\uKn, -«(, -c, per. — ATijXnoru, ATcxpitTo, 3 sin. iiii|i. as if from «(, -r, 1 a. iiid. act. ordTrcXniii'n). nTj^()/i>/iai, same as aTtfxpi> imp. orarr<>;^oi;. AT£Y''''rf'J -

  • . (irdmteMs.aiidiYi'piSwiwhiclisec; AiriiXyi;""! -If, -t, per. ind. act. — Aff/.xw, f. mfti^u), p. iiTf(TY')''''»> {•'■• A»r);XjvK/ro, 3 pi. imp. mid. of AT£uir, Ion. for mriiv, pres, par. of d-tifxt, to be absent. AnT,, 3 sin. pres. sub. — 'Airoi, -pf, -Ij, pres. sub. — ATriji', -Qf, -^, imp. ind. of same. Arri'iyfiyov, Alt. for aTTJjyov, 2 a. of arn'yu. ATvyyfiAa, -af, -£, 3 pi. -Xav, 1 a. ind. act. — ATTtyyiXnv, -'lU -Vi pass, and X-zfiyytXov, -£f, -£, act. 2 a. imi. of arayy/XXu. ArnyitcOat, Ion. for aiptjyitcdai, pres. inf. oi atpriyiofiai. A-ri'iytiita, -aro;, to, Ion, for a^ijy- ,1rt7yr;ffaffOa(,Ion.''forai^J7yi7(Taff9ai, 1 a. inf. mid. of aipriyiojiat. Anfiyqijii, Ion. (or aipt'tyvmi- Arrnynai, -(ai, -Krai, per. pass, of ara'yu. Ar;;yfa>ijv, -u, -uro, 1 a. ind. mid. Air;jyoi', see an-^yayoy. ATTri^iadnv, -my "7) I ^- ?**'• "f ave6(j>. Ari;£iv, -i7£i;, -.';£', 3 pi. amjctaav, Att. nTr);£(rai', pper. mid. — Am;£- ca, Alt. for a-rruaa, 1 a. ind. of airfi/ji, to ^0 away. ArrTjKo, -H{, -£, Ion. for a(pT]Ka, 1 a. act. ot aipit^fii. ArrnKtoi, -ou, 6, >'), (fr. ari from, and airautj to hear) same as avfiKoii, fierce, furimis ; bold, daring, in- tr/pid, couragtouf. Am/Xfyjn, -«?,-£, 1 a. act Ami- Xty(tltn]v, mid. of oTrfX/yvu). ATTTjXnTiit, Gen. xxvii. 42. suppos- ed erroneous for airciXt7ni(, 3 sin. pres. pass. cont. of air£iXfw. A-rnXlxOiiv, -rji, •»;, 1 a. pass, of ojrfXf'yyui. Ari)XOoi', -£f, -f, Sync, for a-rrijXv Oov, (fr. cXnOu) obs.) 2 a. act. of nirfo^oiini. AiTrjXiioT}!^, -ov, b, (fr. nrv from, and ;;X(Of the sun) depending on, or proceeding from the 3un ; the east wind ; distant from the sun, the north or south. ATrijXXny^tai, -fni, -KTftt, per. ind. pass. — AT;;XXa;^9rt/, inf. — ArrnXXayijih'Oi, par. per. pass. A7r>;XXo;;^a, per. act. — Aff/;X- Xa(a, 1 a. act. — ATTijXXn'y;;!', 2 a. ind. pass. — Ari/XXriVafro, 3 sin. imp. pass, of aTTuXXatrow. AirtjXXoTpiuKii, per. net. — ArrrjX- Xorpi'oi^ai, per. pass. — A7rr;XXo- T-piw/ifVof, -77,-01', par, per. pass. of uTTiiXXorpidw. AvrjXoirjca, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act. of aTraXoidw. AirnX-TtKa, per. act. — AiriiX-ziaa, 1 a. act. of (nr£Xrr/fu). A'aniJovTof, -ov, b, i';, (fr. a neg. and TTrj^a hurt) see a-rr>'jpi'i)v, AiTi'inapTov, -£f, -£, Poet, for aipt'i- fiaprov, 2 a. act. of a(paftaprdnj). XiriifitXijiiivoi, per. par. pass, of avniitXiofiai, fr. a-rri intens. and afteXiu) which see. ArrnficXriiiixmi, (fr. last) negligent- ly, carelessly. Arrjijev, Sync, for avfja/itv, 1 pi. pper. of dTTctftt, to depart. lATTiiJoavvT}, -rji, and X-at^fiovia, -/if, 1^, (tr. arrfjinav unhurt) safety, security ; harmlessness, inno- cence. A TT^ftvvcv, imp. or 1 a, of avaiiivo). AT/'//iuii.', -ovoi, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and AirriKpJliu>iiii/o{, per. par, pass, of] rrii/za damage) unhurt, unin- aTafiivtj);, [fr. last) exactly, completely, perfectly, accurately, in a masterly manner. Atjjktoj, -911, 6, i;, (fr. a neg. and jured, safe, secure ; innocent, harmless ; vihnlcsome, healthy, salutary ; favourable, hrdmy. AtJiv, imp. of aV£iu(, to he absent. Ar/jityKn, -n{, -f, 3 pi. -yicav, I a. rijKTai compact, th. itnyxvfti to — ATri'ivtyKov, 2 a. ind. act. of fasten) infirm, weak, loose, un~\ aTO(pfpu>. connected; not frozen, or har.\An>ivcta, -as, i'/, (fr. a7rv!)i cruel) dened, sojt, dissolved, thawed. cruelty, inhumanity ; mldncss, AwKrii, -o'j, b, li, (fr. ardyi^ tfi' fierceness. (66) Avijviiiofiat, (fr. ani intens. and ivcds dumb) to 6f dumb with amn^ement, be confounded, asto- nishid. 1 a, ind. pass. airrinuiOiiv. Air;;i'/of, g. sin. ol iiirtjiin. Ani'ifti, -t;f, i;, and Dor. Atz/vu, -Of, rl, (poiliaps tr. anuvat to go away. Or, fr. airi from, and iivia reins) « car, cart, wagon, carriage, chariot. Avt)ii)jvdityiv, -0), -aro, 1 u. mid. of a-iravalvoftai. A-rni'fif, -hi -oBf, i, ,';, (perhaps fr, avU priv. and tvt^f,s gunlle. Or, fr. nvi from, and i]via reins) harsh, rough ; cruel, inhuman, savage; fierce, wild, ungovern- able, intractable; Or, (fr. same, and attdu) to praise) uncommend- able, unworthy, blameable. Aviivdov, Dor. for aiTl)\Oov, 2 0, act. ol airipYOfiui. ATTt'iVTrjijn, -as, -c, 3 pi. -i/ffav, 1 a, act. of anavrdio. AiTi'/opos, -ov, b, >i, (fr. airi from, and uKop/ii) to suspend) hanging from above, depending ; over- hang ing, impending, imminent ; high, lofty; ele^'uted, 'Anrjpa, -as, -c, I a. ind. act. — Air^p*.'!, per. act. — Arj)p/iai, per. pass. — ATrfipOr]v, 1 a. pass, o< airalpiii. i\.iTripliaduiriv, -a), -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. o\ uTTepiilit). Art'iOTti^ai, per. ind. pass. — ATriyp- Tiiiiiius, per. par. pass, of anap- rdu). A'ji'pTioitut, per. ind. pass. — A-fipTKr/ihos, per. par. pass, of aTrnpn'^oi. ATTiipTiofjitrias, (fr. last) perfectly, completely. Atiis, 2 sin. pres. sub. of duttfu, to be absent. ATrjaujf, -ovaa, -ov. Ion. for a^- a(i)v, I f. par. of aipln^t. Airrjvpa, 3 sin. cont. of Arryjvpaov -Mi; imp. ind. act. it may also be Sync, for avnvpioa, 1 a. ind. act. of anavpdu). ATtTi^a, per. ind. act. of airdyoi. AiTtj)(^iu} -d, f. -);(ru, p. -riKa, (Ir. and priv. and >ix''^ ^^ sound) to jar, discord, disagree; to sound loud, or harsh ; par. pres. nirr/- Xi^^t -ouaa, -6v. A'iTi'ixil'a, -Stos, rd, and ATr>'iX1), (fr. same) discordant, jarring, disagreeing ; disagreeable, unsuilafde, offen- sive, contrary. ArrrjxdcTo, 3 sin. imp. or 2 a. — AiT^X^''f""< P^''" '"'^- P^^^* °^ arrdxBofiat, (fr. asA intens. and dxQojtat to dislike) or of airtjf;- Odvofiat, which is more in use. A-ai'iX^riv, -ris, -17, 1 a. ind. pass. of atrdyu). Ani'ixOripu, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act. of artxOatpij). Ari?;^ou/i£i'Of, -i), -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of avrjxiij). Air»;(uofwvr', foraTj;(/)pf i/iTO, Dor. for Aril aKTIupovvTo, 3 pU imp. ind. mid — KTSfiiipiiaa, 1 a. ind. act. — Arrijupnttivoi, per. par. pass, of anatwpiw, fr. a-xb inleii3. and atiopioi, wliich see. Arri(i>pos,-ov, b, //, same as airfiopoi ATiaffi, Ion. lor dvtci, 3 pi. pres. of d-ntijii, to go away. ATi'Ja), -Pi, •]], 2 a. sub. act. of aniiib). A-zUiicv, Aziivat, K-riiaaci, A-Uv Tat, A-Uai, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. a^icvrai, 3 pi. pre3. ind. pass. aipltoOat, pres. inf. pass. aiviJ't- Arinai, pres. inf. of dntipii, to go air ay. Ariiaav, 3 pi. imp. ind. of a-ltim, to go away. Anil] yaitj, a distniit lanil, see dirto;. Or, the Apian land, Pe- loponnesus, from 'Arfj the son of ♦opoi'it'f. Arirjf, 2 sin. 2 a. sub, of aTci/ii, to go uwny, AitiOavoi, -ov, b, h, (<"r. a neg. and TTuOtit to persuade) improbahlc, unlikely, incTtdible; undcstning credit. AtiS/u -C, f. -i;c(j), p. -iKa, (fr same) to disobey, transgress com- mands ; to disclaim, or disown a'jthority. Aridnaa, -as, -c, Ion. for Tjrridiiaa, 1 a. ind. act. of last. Axiicarui, AnVuro, Ion. for a^fxa- rai, and aos the eye) an niitiquatcd word, pynonymous with a-ro- f.\tlu>, to 'hut uul, exclude, ba- ni»h. 1 a. ind. [laai". ar.tWiiOiiv. Atri'/iiXof, -Of, and A~iiu^iis, -I'of -ovi, 0, 11, [(t. a rtf'g. and n- (nA^ (at) thin, lean, meager, pour. A^tfhs, -lof -otif, h, I'l, (fr. same, and irivot dirt) /ric from dirt, flenn,nenl, eUfinitt. As■l^^ffff(l», (fr. Bftinc, and riciJiririii or r»i;ii to lire.ilhf) to dote ; to fi'nl; to hreuthe forth, erjnrt. Air/ftrai, Tin. for af>f(crai, S bin. I f. mill, of a^irrlnfiai, 'AiTifif, Ion. (or n<;,i^i(. 'Anov, -If, -f, 2 a. iitd. — 'Ant, inii)r. — .\rtniiii, opl, — Ariw, »un. — Arii7>, inf. — A^iui', par. of (irtifii, to i;n nuutt/. 'Kntov, -Oh, rA, a pmr, Miii 'AirToj, -ou, 4, 1 /Jtir 'tC 'A rt f , -ix, -ov, and Ion. -t), -ov, ADA perhaps fr. a-rd from) far, dis- tant, remote. X-rmrdvai, Anorr/arai, A'tGridro, Ion. for ai, (fr. a neg. and ■nloTii faith) md to be believed, incredible ; not to be trusted, faithless, perfidious; disbelieving, incredulous, dubious; an unbe- liever, infdcl. comp, aTt(7T(irtpof, sup. -oraro';. A-xicTiiii, (fr. last) perfidiously, fraudulently, treacherously; ab- surdly, incredibly. A-rXdKrjTo;, -ov, b, !}, (fr. a neg. and ::>a|u) to stray) unerring, cer- tain, sure, not straying. Att^Sviis, -io; -ots, and ATrAav»7roj, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ~\dv>i error) nut wandering, settled, resident ; unnrine, undeviating, undeceived, faithful. 'A^XoffTof, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ■zXacrii feigned) unfeigned, sin- cere, artless, simple ; rude, un- firmid, sh.ipelcss, uncouth. 'A~\n0roi, Sync, for or/Xaarof, wl.ich see. ArXijy}{, -li'oi, ',, (by Epcn. fr AHA voracioairness ; greatness, txten- sion, vaslness. 'A-rhtaros, -ov, b, h, (fr. a neg. and 7rX»;6u) to fill) not to be gratified, insatiable, ravenous, voracious ; craving, importunate ; extensive, boundless, immense, vast. Avh'i(rroii, (fr. last) insatiably, greedily, voraciously, vastly, in- finitely. 'AzXtiTos, Dor.'A-r\aro(, andPoet. 'AttXctos, -ov, b,li, (fr. a neg. and rXa'u, fffXu'u, or irX^/it to ap- proach, th. Ti'Aac near) inac- cessible, unattainable, beyond reach, or power ; inextricable, irremediable. Or, (fr. same, and ::X)j0u) to fill) vast, extensive, immense, boundless. 'AirXdn, ->;;, >'/, (fr. utX}, (fr. same) alight cloak ; thin, single. 'ArXoifOf, -ov, b, t'l, (fr. a neg. and TrXfVo) to fold) unfolded, not creased, or crumpled, smooth. 'AirXoKi'wi', -orof, b, (fr. next, and KViov a dog. ) An epithet of Antisthenes one of the Cynic sect, because these men were nicknamed dogs, and wore only a single garment. 'AirX(5o{-oD{, -ot]-!}, -Sov-ovv, (per- haps fr. a one, and r/Xu to be. Or fr. a neg. and zoXls many) simple, single, plain, uncom- pounded; cltar, distinct; sound, healthy ; artless, unvarnished ; candid, honest, sincere, uprinht, ' \z\uos -ovs, -6ov -ov, I), I), (Ir. a nog. and nXdos navigation, ili. -X/uitosail) unnavifiable ; unfit, or improper for sailing ; boister- ous ; diingcrouf. 'ArUrns, -rros, i';, (Tr. <\z>6os sin- glfi) sinnlrness ; simplicity, inno- cincc, purity ; sincerity, candour, nzXiits, which is fr. Arr\ut) uirXi), i ingenuousness, frankness ; botin- fom. of rirXiSof single) u thin liglit cloak. 'A TrXf;<.'ro(, •or, and ArXi/f, -■/«(, 4, !), (fr. a neg. and TrXi/orw to strike) unt Ktrjck, unbrnlcn, un- hurt ; harmless, undarnaned. 'AtX^c, a.bin. (em. conl. ofiirXiiof. A-X^ou)To{, -Of. 4. ';, (fr. a neg. and rXtjpiSw to fulfil) difirievl, want- ing, imperfect ; mil fulfiUtd, or consummated ; msniinhlr, greedy. AvXijartiofint, (fr. lirXtjarof in»a- liablc ) to he greedy, or iiuatiablt ; to crave, irrfporlun'', ArXijffrfa, -of, •/, (fr. ncxi) insa ty, liberality. 'ArXiiui -d', f. -loaui, p. •ii)Ka, {fr. Fame) to simplify, explain ; to unfolil, open, discver, display : to erpund, blow ; to extent., stretch nut. inij). ind. T/TrXoov -ovv, 1 tt. ind.(;?:X,vnbi,-n<, f), (fr. ncxt)/oi;/nM.i, dirt, n'uitinest, vantnf wathtng. A:r\vatai, -oir, n'l, spoiigt*. 'AirXuroti-oii, 4,i;, (fr. a neg. and rrXf vo) to wufch) unweishcd, foul, dirty, soiled. lin',Unrts grredinesf, craving,]' A^\ui, {fr. ^, (fr. a inloiis. and iri7u lo hroallic) hirulhinei dtrply^ paiidrig sishini;. Or (fr, II nc|;. mm same) out oj brrnlh^ itTratlilfSs, xcnntinf; air ; without (lir, or u;i;if/, liglUing, kiniiling. ATifi'/inroi, -ov, h, /;, (fr. same, uikI TTvcfifia air) J'rtefrom uind, shdtt red. ATifi'an, (fr. nVi'ti'irrof breathless) stillt/, xiithmtt a hrealh ; all in a breath, tvithoul draning breath, or iritcmtption ; closely, in a crow'l, confusedly, kitxzvarla, -ai, ^, (fr. same) a re- straining, or suppression of breath; diffculty of breathing, shortness of breath. ArcvivaTtd^uj, f. -iiVu', (fr. same) to breathe shorty or low ; to pant, gasp. 'ATvivaroi, -ov, 6,;% (fr. o neg. and jrvfo) tobrentlie) breathless, spent, exhausted; lifiless, dead; with- out scent, or nose ; sheltered. 'Ajtvcko, -as, (fr. same) calmness, serenity ; n calm, stillness of air ; want of air, sultriness. 'Anvooi -oDf, -6ov -ov, b, »;, (fr. same) calm, still ; breathless, lifeless, dead. Ard, with the genitive, /rom ; off", far ; since, after ; av>ny from, wide of; by, for, by reason ; of, out of, belonging to ; without ; thrwtgh time or space ; at the distance of, on ; with, by. In compos, it generally implies ne- gation, or privation. Kt!o, at a distance, away, far, far off"; for d-Ktari, he is off, awny ; it is past, and gone. For diridi, away .' off"! begone ! A-rrb avrov, from thence, from that time. Airoait'Vfiat, same as airatwfiai, which see. Imp. ind. a-^oaivv- fiiiv, Ion. for aiToriviixriv. AiToatficladai, Azoaipio, Atroaipio- fiai, Ion. and Poet, for a(patpcta- 6at, pres. inf. pass.a^aipou, pres. imur. pass. n(patpioitat, pres. ind. pass, or mid. of a^aip/w. Asolinfi^u), f. -iaui (fr. arri from, and (iulii^ui to go) to walk away, go off, depart. Aro^ddpa, -af, /;, (fr. next) a lad- der, step-ladder, stepping -board, gangway. AirojJuiVu), f. -^fiaoixm, p. -(iiftriKa, (fr. ani from, and flaivu to go) to come, or go from, or out of ; to disembaik, land ; to depart, yield, retire ; to descend, come down, dismount ; to succeed, follov) after, or from ; to happen, come to pass, turn out. per. par. arolicfirjKiii. 2 a. (fr. lirj/ti) ind. airf)3»)v, 3 pi. nirilirianV sub. niro- PS>' inf. aroPrjvaf par. airo^df. XnoPdXnri., 2 pi. sub. and Kno(ia- Attiv, -ouaa, -dv, par. 2 a. act. of AUO AJTo/JrfAAui, f. -3X(3, p. aTToft([i\i)Ka, (fr. (iri from, and /('oXa. Avolidtrro, f. -4' to descend) a descent ; landing ; a landing-place, lad- der, steps, stairs; exit, end, evint. ATofiuTrjOiOi, (fr. same) who de- scends. An epithet of Jupiter. AiTopdTris, -ov, 0, (fr. same) a hind of soldiers, who either had a second horse, or fought both on foot and horseback. Also, n kind of champion in the public games. Airo/JuTiTOf, •!), -iiv, (fr. last) if- longing to that kind of soldiers, champions, or games. .KzofiiliriKa, -af, -£, per. ind. act. of a-jTofiaifw. A-Ko(ii^\TjKn, -as, -t, per. ind. act. — A-r;o(ii0\riKi>s, par. per. act. of a7ro/3«'XX( to force, ih. jSia force) to force away, drive rff, repulse ; to enforce, constrain, overpower ; to labour, strain ; to travail. At:o[ii(idi^ui, f. -daiji, p. -Ka, (fr. airD intens. and jiiftd^u to admit) to make descend, bring, or take down ; to dismount, unlwrrse, disembark ; to pass, cross, send over. pres. inf. act. aiToPifid2,ctv. pass. arro/?(/3a^£(r6a(. 1 a. ind. mid. a7rfj3i/3a<7(i^j;i'. AiTofiiSui -u>, f. -wcru, p. -ujKa, (fr. qtJ priv. and (iidui to live) to de- part, die. pres. inf. act. aTrojSiu- rai. 2 a. a-r!c(iiu)v,-ws, -U). Avujito'ic'ifiOt, -ov, b, )), (fr. last) de- parting, dying, death-bed, final, lost. An-o/ji'uffii, -to;, Att. -tai?, 6,/;, (fr. same) dtparture, death. Ai:o^\diTTii>, f. -i^o), p. -(Pa, (fr. otto priv. and P'Xdnru) to hurt) to injure, hurt, impair, damage; to deprive, bereave, par. 1 a. pass. aTtoP'SatpOtif. Airo/3Xaaru'»'(D (fr. airi intens. and li'XnaTdvui which sec.) Aro/3Aa'(7Tijpin, -aro;, ri, (fr. last) a bud, shoot, germ, sprig ; oj'- spring, descendants. ATrofiXdarrjais, -to;, Att. -twf, ^, (fr. same) a springing, budding, \ sprouting, shooting. (68) Ano ATrop\a9cU, -tioa, -iv, 1 a par. pHSK. of (liro/jXuTTTUI. Arrii/iX»7!(i), t. .\^ui, p. aitii(i{p\ri(pa, (Ir. QTO intens. and liXfru to look) to turn the sight, or alltn- tionj'ront about ojic'n selj tuuurds onothi r olijicl ; lo look vp to, ad- miie; torrgurd, rcspiel ; to con- sider ; to hurt an eye to, viind, hemt ; to icluiii;, appertain to ; lo look from, ii//, or array ; 1 a. ind. act. airZ/^Xn^a. inipr. av6- ^Xi4.oi', 2 pi. anoliXixlaTC. 3 pi. 1 a. sub. avoliXi\j.iiiai. 1 a. ind. niid. a7rf/iXtt|«/i>/>'. A7ro/3X>j9r(c, -tloa, -iv, 1 a. par. pass, of oTro/inXXiD. ATTii/3Xi;^a, -uT-of, t3, (fr. airo/?rfXXii» to throw away) rejuse, leavings, rtnmant, rilics, cjjnl, A'HoliXrtTlKdi, -ov, b, fj, (fr. annfidX- Xu) to throw away) negligint, xcaslfful, scattering, lavish, pro- digal ; a spendthrift ; an out- cast. A-6liX>iTov, -ov, ri, (neut. of next) same as«;Ty/?X>)//a. Ari)/JX»;ro{,-ou, b, 1;, (fr. same) lobe refused, rejected, cast off, thronm. aside, or away ; irorthliss, vile. ArofiXfrru, fr. a-i from, and jiXh- Tto, which see. ATTojiXi^u), f. -vaw, (fr. same, and /JXuftti to gush) to spring, stream, gush ; to vomit, spit, or spew out ; pres. inf. uTro/^Xtl^tiv. AirojiXwoKui, f. -uiau, (fr. same, and jiXwcKw to come to) to depart, go away, leave, quit ; to return, AwofioXfi, -rii, /;, (fr. airojSdXXo) to throw away) a casting qff", rejec- tion ; a loss. ATro(i6ijKw, fr. ani intens. and ()ia- Kb), which see. AttoISovkoXcu) -a, f. -^(T(d,p. -)(Ta. ATo(iovK6Xriiia, -aroi, ri. (fr. last) robbing the flock, thejt ; imposi- tion, imposture, cheat ; deception, delusion ; seduction. ATTopovKoXi^u), same as airoffovKo- Xiw. Airolipd^oi, f. -aiTii), (fr. an-J intens. and Ppd^ti) to boilj to froth, foam, boil over. Or (fr. and priv.) to cool, calm, abate. Ari.Bpaaija, -arof, to, (fr. last) froth, foam, spray ; chaff, bran. A-Jo(ipdaaojiai, (fr. same) lo froth, foam, fly, or be thrown iff like foam, AniPpcyjia, -aros, rb, (fr. next) an infusion, or extract ; a mixing with water, weakening, dilution ; a sj/rinkling, washing ; the wa- ter so used ; moisture, juice. Airo/3p/;^w, f. -fw, P- -X"t C*"- ""* iniens. and iip'X'^ lo sprinkle) lo sprinkle, bedew, vtet, moisten ; lo dip, sleep ; Arro/3p^;^o/iai, to be wet ; to drop, drip. Ano Aro/?j)i'^(i)) f. •tato, and -t^u, (fr. same, and fipi^ia to nap) to xUep souwUy ; to sleep off a surf tit ; to iiululge in sleep. 1 a. act arri^pi^a. par. aTojSpi^af, n. pL mas. anolipi^iivTtq. Azol3piB to sprinkle) a sprinkling, mouiten- ing, wetting. Aro^p.)3^9if(j, (fr. ard intens. and .JpJyy^f, same as t^pSyX"^ ''^^ tliroat) to swallow, devour, eat up. ATTo/Jpix's""' (•""■• same, and fip6xoi a lialter) toeninare ; to inveigle, implicate, emharrass. \T:ofipi''Xj', C^r- same, and [ip6x<^ to gnash) to bite, gnaw, consume. A-roliputdiU, -cUa, -h, 1 a. par. pass, of Aro^puxTKU, f. -cSffu), p. 'l3i(ipij)Ka, (fr. n-d' intens. and (ipihoKu) to feed) to feeil upon, eat up, devour, consume, per. pass, a-rotiiiioui- fim. 1 a. ()ass. aiTtiipiidnv. .liirolit'iD, f. -vau, (fr. same, and [ivia to stuff) to stop up, Jill up, darn ; to block up, barricaiLe, shut up. Air(J,'iui/ioy, -ow, 0, li, (fr. aiti from, and /?w^fif the altar) profane, ungoiltt/, irreligious, wicked, ex- communicated, kit'ifl'oai, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of inri'/fiijiii, OX avofinivbi, AiT'Ivdiof, and A»r<}yt(o;, -ou, b, i), {fr. same, and ytua the earth) hei/onii the earth ; removed from the earth ; far from land. AttoyiiiSio -io, (fr. avd intens. and yurt the land) to make for land, to turn to land. ATiynXaiCTi^d), C -lota, (fr. ari (rom, and y.i'Xa milk) to wean, to lake from the milk. A'oyti^nKTtafiis, -ov, b, (fr. last) weaning. Arnytypaiifilvitf, -17, -ov, par. per. pass, of iiT'/yp(i^(K. Arroyilit, -a<, //, (fr. urj from, and ymti the hind) a land-hreeze. AT'iytm, -(i> to enrol) an enumeration, muster- ing, enrolment; a register, re- cord ; a survey, description, ArrdypSifiov, -nv, tH, (fr. same) a copy of writing, or drawing, a counterpart ; a draft, extract. Airdypdiho:;, -ov, b, 1^, (fr. same) copied, transcribed. ATToypdipu), f. -\j/w, p. aTToyiypa(pa, (fr. a-i from, and ypd(pu) to write) to write Old, transcribe, copy ; to levy, muster, enrol ; to assess, tax ; to register, record ; to enter, keep account ; to survey, describe ; to accuse, inform against ; Atto- ypdipo^ai, !0 enrol one's sdf; to declare, profess ; to expunge, obli- terate, erase, imp. and 2 a. act. a-ziypiKpov. 1 a act. aviypa\j.a' sub. u7royp(i<|w. per. pass, airo- yiypajifiai. 1 a. pass. aff£yp(i\')- drjv. 1 a. ind. mid. uTrtypai^d- firjv inf. a-i:oyad-\paaQai. A~oyvii{i} -(3, f. -iO(7U), p. aroy£- yvlhiKii, (fr.azo intens. andyuiiia- to iame) to weaken, enervate, en- feeble, debilitate ; to mutilate, dismember ; to fracture, dislocate. 1 a. ind. act. aitcyvluaa' sub. airoyviiicuj. Avoyvfti'd^oiiai, (fr. same, andyii;(- vu^ui to exercise) to practise for improvement; to strip, expose ; to speak, or act shamlessty, or bare- facedly. A-rroyviivdu) -ui, f. -liaui, p. ->i>Ka, (fr. same, and yvfiidui to strip, th. yufiyig naked) to strip, undress; to rliscover, disclose, expose ; to exercise, practise, 1 a. par. pass. anoyviJtvioQcli. Arroyvfiviaati, -lof, Att. -tu)f, //, (fr. last) a stripping ; nakedness ; ex- posure, discovery, Airoyvi'iiiKioaii, -lof, .\lt. -tuf, i;, (fr. inrd from, and yvvi) a woman) a making like a wotnan, taming, subjusation. A~oyii)vt6iiiJitii -ovitut, (fr. ord from, and yuivlii a corner) to creep into a corner ; to hide, .shrink, shun, avoid, pres. inf. anoytovtnTiaOm. 'AruiVt, a. sin. mas. and ncut. pi. of (('riMif. Avoi\d^niiai, f. -naoijai, an, p. -iVili;Ytien1oi, -ov, b, i/, (fr. next) tri- hulari/ ; subject, suhonlinate ; sharing, purlaktng ; divided, at- iottfd. A'ooatr/tii, -or, i, (fr. ai:oid(oftai to divide) trihule, tax ; udivimon, allotment, distribution ; partici- pation ; share, portion, lot. AnoAdaaaaOai, ;iiid K-ro6dccecQai, Poet, see arofd^ofiat. Aro^iiu.Xi^a), f. -iVu, (fr. aTu from, and (5nD,\of vEol. for 6i\bs a torch) to heat, or belabour with iaa6iJt)i'. Affoi^tiVi'C/K, f. n-roiUi^u), p. azn?,!- iciKu, (fr. n-zb inlcns. and fnixw- /ii to siiow) to shoii-, exhibit, ma- nifesi, discover, point out ; to dis. play, publish, tTjinse ; to demon- strate, prove, make good, evince ; make appear ; render, make, cause to be. prcs. inf. act. a-ao- iiitKviviii. par. firoi^fik'ii'f. 1 a. ind. act. «r»M[(fi* inf. n-nfiti^nt, Ion. aTTnfii^ai. prcs. inf. pass. aKo^uKi'vaOiti. per. aTroiUciiy/tat' par. anocti^ciypiioi. AnonciKfii!, -hca, -vv, a. sin. -vvi- ra, par. prcs. act. of last. A-oi^cocTiTkAf, -'), 'OV, or -ou, h, i';, (fr. same) rlemonslrative, show- ing ; proving, convincing. ArocciKTtKwf, (fr. last) evidently, dearly, explicitly. ArootiKTis, -or., 'o, {,, (fr, aroitlx- vofii to display) that can be Ano jiroitd, or shown ; prorcable ; likely, probable. AroStiXidaif, -lOf, Att. -to)?, i';, (fr. next) laziness; timidity, fear, cowardice. A-roitt\idii> -d, f. -(iffu), p. ai:o!ic- ItiXlaKa, (fr. (iro intens. andc^ci- XiGu) to fear) to dread, ft ar great- ly ; to fly, escape, snun, avoid, shrink, fail. Aroiil^at, 1 a. inf. net. — A-ro^cl- ffd', 1 f. inf. act. of aroittKi'Vfit, Avoiel^ci, d. sin. cont. Att. of ArrfiJcifif, and Ion. Ardic^i;, -loi, Att. -eioi, I'l, (fr. anoi^clKwiii to display) proof, demonstration ; eviilence, testimony ; a test, trial, experiment ; a specimen, sample ; pattern, example. Ar(5<5ti 77105, -nv, !>, i), (fr. airb from, and h7nrov dinner) after dinner, having dined, or supped. Or, (fr. ai:b priv. and same) without din- ner, suppcrlcss, hungry, empty. Ar.ohdpttv, Ion. for airo^/pcii', pres. inf. act. of anofifpiii. Aro^ctpoTOfiiu) -(3, I. -I'/Cw, p. -t/Ka, {fr. nrrb intens. and htpaTOfiin) to behead) to decollate, cut off the head, behead ; to slay, slaughter ; to strip, or take rff, or from about the neck. 1 a. act. antfictpordfun' aa. 1 f. inf. act. avoiiiporoni'i- cctv. Annf,iiyOui, -t7aa, -h, 1 a. par. pass. — ATo^iiyOi'iccaOat, 1 f. inf. pass, of azociiiKwui. AiTof.tKnToTiv, pres. inf. act. cont. — Aroi5£».-(iror)r£, 2pl. cont. pres. ind. act. — A roiiKario, jircs. ind. act. cont. of AnoficKardu) -d, f. -liffu, p. aiTO<^c- liKaruiKn, fr. azb intcns. and arts in like manner. J (70) Ano Avoit^dntvoi, -1), -ov, par. and . ArpH^aaOai, inf. 1 a. mid. — ATTotVyfi/itOii, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. of a:Toi/vo^ai. Ar:6fic(ii, -los, Alt. -{(■>;, Ion. for a-ir6iri(ti. ATToi/o/ini -oTiiiat, pres. ind. mid. or pass, of iiTToWui. AirSf'Cpua, -oTOf, t6, (fr. avoifpu) to skin) a skin, hide; booty, plun- der, spoil. Af!o6cpixnri(j) -Cj, f. -waui, (fr. last) to strip, peel. Arrohpfinrdnftai -oiifint, to have the hide or cover- ing stripped off'. Avoblpw, and Ion. Anoitlpw, (fr. airb from, and fiipw to skin) to flay, skin, uncase ; to peel, strip. Avdicaii, -io(, Att. -i(i)(, i;, (fr. aiTotiiot to bind up) a tying, bind- ing, fastening. AiToienftfu) -ui, ATOihaitdii) -cD, and Aro^tcficvw, (fr. next) to tie up, confine, hind, swathe, bandage. A-nofitajibi, -ov, 0, (fr. avb intens. and ieafibi a band) a packet, bundel, parcel ; a wrapper, cloth, napkin; a swathe, hand, ban- dage ; a fdlet, headband, hair- lace ; a stomacher, or such like dress for the breast, or bosom. Anobc^^Odi, -tlea, -iv, 1 a. par. pass, of ATTofifj^Ofiai, f. nrofit^niini, p. airoSi- ieyiKit, (fr. nnb intens. and h'xn- fiat to receive) to receive, take, get, bear ; to entertain, treat ; to take, accept ; lo admit, allow, submit to, approve of, assent to ; to comprehend ; to follov' ; to ap- praise, estijnalr, rate, value, es- teem, pros. impr. mid. niroi^tynv. 1 a. ind. pass, a-ni^ixdriv, 3 pi. amcfyOticav. 1 a. ind. mid. aire- ?]V inf. avoti^aaBai. ATTof.tx^l/wni, -11, -ov, (par. prcs. mid. of last) received, acknow- ledged ; acceptable, agreeable. AiTobiii) -cS, f. -r'lrrto, p. -nxn, (fr, iivb intens. and i^i'ia to tie) to bind, tie up, or logelher, gird; to enclose, pack, wrap up ; tojix, fas' en. Aroi^/o) -S, (fr. same, and ftta) to want) lo he ahsent, or away from ; to be vanline, deficient, inferior ; to fail, fall short. A-of'i/Xdo) -w, f. -liaui, p. -b)Kn, fr, same, and (V;X(5u), which see. ■ ArrnhlfiHti -d, f. -t'au), p. n-znfic^n- ftijKa, (fr. arb from, and ffijioi people) to go from home, tra- vel, journey ; to sojourn, reside abroail. 1 a. ind. act. areii'iftiiaa' par. aitociiiji'iciK;. Aro! nixnrhu -or, b, (fr. same) a traveller ; a sojourner, lodger ; a stranger ; engaged, or Irusy alirnad. AJ^octjittiTtKi^, -i), -bv, or -oTi, '(), I], (fr. same) journeying, travel- ling ; foreign ; living, or trading edirnad. Anofiiidii, -ac, ,'„ (fr. same) ajour- nei/, travelling; residence abroad, foreign service ; absence from home. Ano A-nifriiioit -»"> *j h, (fr- same) going, or tiling abroad, an ab- sentee ; a traveller, sojourner, lodger. Aro'?j;f, f. -£,\ui, p. avr.Sii- oTuXicu, (fr. same, and ^laor/ AAui to separate) fHu)fii. A'^Toit^pdaKti), f. aroSpdaoi, (fr. azi from, and itiodaKui to fly) to flee, fly away, run qjf, escape ; to hide, skulk, shrink front, see airo^pdu). Aitofiifnojit, f. airo^iJTa), p. avoilib}- Kd, (fr. awo intens. and Siiwfit to give) to give up, give back, re- store, return; to yielil, produce, bring forth ; to repay, requite, recompense ; to pay, discharge ; to give, grant, bestow ; to permit, concede, assign, attribute ; to ren- der, construe, interpret, explain. Ai!or,liofiat, to give, sell dedi- cate, or devote one's self. pres. a^t. impr. avoilSodf opt. airoSi- iolnv, -t]{, -rf sub. a-irolitlii, -wf, -<«• inf. arroiii6vai, and airo^i- i6tiv 'Ouv, as if fr. arroiihiu)' par. anoiidain, -odaa, -6v' imp. antilfiiiv. 2 a. act. ind. aviiivv, it)f, -ii)' impr. diro6of, -dTw, 2 pi. ayr6i,-aOiii' opt, airo- iifiolfinrf-olo, -o'tTo' sub. anoii- r'oiiai, -Ip, -iorai' inf. aTroHioa- ttaf par. arofnfi6ittvn(. imp. art- iifAfitiv, -ao, -TO. per. pass. ind. airoi^ii)fini' npl. anoltioltiriv Bub. aTro!nfiifim. ppcr. a7r£(it(ii<- (iijv. ppfut. a»ro(li^(iffO(j/ii. 1 H. pasw. m'l. airjiliJOi;!'" op', nnfm- OclijV inf. aro^oO^fai. 1 f. pass. riiriioOi'iaofini. 1 H. ind. mid. o^t- Ju)K(i/i>If, 2 a, mid. ind, a?r<>'i)- fifty impr. a'x^lnao' opt. aneiai' ' Aro&oi, A~oS6a0ai, see airoii- AffO(5(5i'ru(7if, -10?, Att. -tuf, ^, (fr. a-!r!) from, and oioin;, a tooth) Ano Ano ^w' sub. aroJw^ai' inf. arociJff- 9a(, par. a.Tooouii'Of. i Airoi^iVrTjfii, and A7ro^u'(TT'i, (fr. same) ac- ceptation, acknowledgment, ac- ceptance ; reception, admission, admittance ; approbation, praise^ commendation. Anoio^ixdii) -w, f. -uau, (fr, aitj in- tens. and ^o^ix6h> to bend) to crook, bend ; lo warp, twist, dis- tort ; to pervert, corrupt, turn from the right way. I a. ind. act, airf i6')(lio>an' inf, a;rodo;(;fiu)(rai" par, aTToio^jju)aui. ATT6(]payiia,-dT0f, tH, (fr. airoSpdC' au> to gather) a handful. Airo^padc7t', metaplas. for airoiap- Otiv, which see, AirdSpaOi, pres. impr. act, — Avo- ^p:il>;i', opt, — Airoipupai, inf, — Aroc'pi/f, par, of arroipTJut, same as (irro()pa'u), Arrnipdacia, -of, -c, 1 a, opt. act. /Eol, of aiToiodu). An6ipaat^, -toi, Att. -t(i»f, )), (fr, airofpdu) to run away) flight, escape, running away ; a shun- ning, avoiding ; a leaving, quil- tinq, forsaking. Airofpdaaui, or -rrui, and Arnfpda- cofiai, or -TTOfiai, (fr. arrd intens. and i^pdrrau) to lay hold on) to collirl, gather, reap ; to pluck, pull, crop, ATTofpiiu) -(3, f. -daui, p. airoHSpaxa, (fr. nn-i from, and i^pdo) to fly) lo fly, otflev, run away, escape; lo shun, avoid ; lo retire, decline. I a. ind. art. rfjfi^naa'i,hy Sync, anifna' par. a:TO''paq* or par, pres, of II iroi'pij;! I , SCO in a'^6fpaOi . AirHi^cirr, pres, impr, act, of Airo/'p/Tii), f. -if'!), p. rfJoM(^pt- ^u), Ir. - a. of fpvTTTio to tear) same as azot^pvnrw. pres. opt. avoipvipotfu. 1 a. sub. nzo^pvxpu). 1 a. niil. pass. arcipiKpOiiv. \roip');ro^O/, 2 a. sub. act. — AToOui'cir, -ovaa, -dv, g. sin. -oi'TOf, d. sin. -ovTt, a. sin. -ovra, par. 2 a act. of same. AiToOapj)iii> -w, f. -/joti), (fr. niro in- tens. and 5ap(5/u to trust) to con- fide, trust ; be bold, confident ; to venture, dare. AvoOiivfini^iji, f. -rtffw, (fr. same, and Sav/iii^ui to wonder) to ad- mire, wander at ; to veiicrate, look up to, respect, regard. Arooi'ji-Sffn, -iii; par. pres, — Aro- AjroOtiVo), (fr. mzd intens. and^c/io) Ouaai, 1 a. inf. act. — AvoCvad-l 'o strike) to be cut I'Jf; to die. /Jti'os, par. 1 a. mid. of a-rrdivui.lA-nodefiCvoi, ->i, -ov, par. — Atro- ArdivBts, -loj, Att. -to)?, )';, (fr. CiVOnf, ii.f. 2 a. mid. — AnJdca- aiTofvut to strip) a stripping, wi-\ 6c, 2 pi. impr. 2 a. mid. — Ajto- dressing ; a loose7iing, untying. AiroivjircTidi -Ci, f. -I'/aoi, (fr. airo from, (^u$ ill, and r/ro) or Trinru) to fall) to fret, fume, chafe; to he impatient, take ill ; to resist, oppose, struggle against. A-ToCva-irirriat;, -loj, Att. -ttci, i), (fr. same) anger, rage; fretful- JIMS, impatience, sullenness. AroivTiioiOf, -ov, ri, (fr. a-rdSvfii to strip) a rooin for undressing. Arociw, or AttoHvii), f. -vao), p. -vKa, see airoivfti. AttocH, -i){, -'o, — A~oiii)Tiv, -(f)»7f, -ifV, — Avoidaw, -cii, -£(, see oTToliiSwiti. ATriiwv, g. pi. of rfrrovf. AirofiiLaovTCi, n. pi. par. and Avo- iiiaovai, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of AirrftiTToi, -f5, -£,2 a. ind Ardctn', impr. by Apos. for ardcnTc — A-noiiiTuj, -jis, -ri, Fub. Poct. for ar£7irov,rtir£77r', , f. -o'xrot, (fr. anb in- tens. and 5fo? a deity) to deify, rank among the .gods. Aro6fpi'^w, f. -law, (fr. same, and $cpi^w lo reap) to run) lo run with speed, hasten ; to run away, set off" running. 1 f. mid. airoOcvco fifn' par. airoQcvcrifitiof. AiroOci!ionBtS^ -10$, Att. -fax, i';, (fr. Aroip^ij), and Aroip^ia, f. avoioaio,' nr.i intens. and ^iwpio) to view) (fr. ard from, and /'p^ui to pine) to swallow up, ineidph, sweep rnuny, overv:helm, dtvrnir,destroy. 1 a. ind. act. /¥.o\. andipaa, -as, -£, without an augment. Airo^uviujiij or Aro^iDi'i'iio), f. airo- ^liau), (fr. arj from, and ^n'lu/v- ptt to gird) to ungird, loose the a sigltt, view, prospect ; exami- nation, inquiry. AzoOi'wcris, -'»?, Att. -£w?, -i'/, (fr. airoOtiu to deify) placing among Die gods; consecration, hallov.ine. AToOi'iKn, -T]i> >U (fr- airoTiOrijii to lay up) a storehouse, repository, warelumse ; n barn, grannry. (72) Ano AnoOnpltDtrti, -lof, Alt. -tiDf, i'/, (fr. ii-rA intens. and $tjpiov a wild beast) wiliincss, fiircencis, sa- lUiicnrss, cruelty. ArruOiiaavpl^o), f. -laui, p. anoTcSti- cuvptKii, (Ir. and intens. iiiid Sij- ff(ii'p/iu lo treasure) to lay up, hoard, amass ; to store, colicct. AjroWi;(Tut)p((T/i()i-, -ov, 4, »5, (fr. last) a hoarding, amassing. ArroOi'ioonai, 1 f. mid. of aTOTlOrifii. AiroOM/Jouoi, 3pl. pres. ind. act. of Ato(Ui>'ui, f. -1^0), p. nOTT-f'6X(0a, (fr. uird intens. and 5Ai'/3u) to press^ ro press upon, squeeze, crowd, confine; toexpress,uring, strain, squeeze out ; to dart out, emit ; to strike, dash ; to oppress. AnoOvr'iaKei, 3 sin. and -Kouev, -Kovai, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — AvodiD'iBKciv, pres. inf. act. — Anodt'r'iaKot, 3 sin. pres. opt. act. — AirnOvi'iaKwi', -ovaa, -ov, par. pres. act. of ATToOvi^aKti), f. aTtodvi'i^ti), p. avorlQ- vvKa, (fr. airi intens. and ^vij- OKiD to (lie) to decease, die ; to be dead to renounce, forsake ; lobe as dead ; to be omitted, not count- ed. 2 a. act. ind. anlOavov sub. aTToOnvui' inf. airuOave'iv par. airodavdv. 2 f. mid. airodavovitat, A-roOopihi -u), (fr. anb from, and 5o- pf'o) or -Siipo) to leap) to leap down. A-TTdOov, -ia6u>, 2 a. impr. mid. of UTOTidniil- A-uOovvrai, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of avoOiu), to run. A rroBpwaKwaiv,^ pi. pros. sub. act. of AiTuOpuiaKO), f. -oil), (fr. airu from, and SpwaKu) to leap) to leap down, or off; to alight, dis- mount ; to spring bark, rebound, recoil ; to start, rush out. AnoOviJini,, -ov, b, }/, (fr. oTti from, and Sviid! the mind) unpleasant, unacceptable, disagreeable ; hate- ful, odious. ArroOMt/jtaaaf, for anoBavfinaai, 1 a. par. act. of airoBuviid^io. AnohiTos, -ov, b, if, (fr. a iieg. and ■notfoi to make) rude, rough, un- finished, imperfect. ATToiKfu) -w, f. -I'laii), (fr. airi from, and oiKiu) to dwell, th. oiKOi a house) to come to live, comtfrom abroad ; be far from home, be absent ; to migrate, emigrate, change residence. AiroiKtala, and AiroiKla, -us, »/, (fr. same) absence from home, resi- dence aliroarl ; a colony, planta- tion, settlement ; a carrying into captivity. AtoikUw, f. -law, p. arwKixa, (fr. same, and oikI^w to found) lo colonize, plant, settle; to remove, carry into captivity. I a. ind. act. aiTWKtaa' inf. aroiKiVc//. per. pass. ajTWKtaiiat' par. aruiKiaftivOi. 1 a. ind. pass. a-rifKiadriV par. airw- KiaOdi. KirotKKi. -if.o;, /;, and 'AnniKOf, -ov, b, (fr. same) a colonist, nettler, planter. Adj. of a settlement, colo7iial. AjToiKtajiii, -ov, b, (fr. same) colo- Ano nizatum, emigration ; leading into captivity. KvotKoiofiiu) -ui, 1. -rjaiji, (fr. a~i priv. and oikoSo^cu) to build, th. oixos a house) to build up, stop up, batricade ; to dismantle, pull doum, destroy, overthrow, A.jrotfiJ)^ij!, f. -^w, (fr. a-jo intens. and otfiui^ut to lament) to bewail, benioan, weep for, deplore, 'jLnotua, -uii', Ta, (fr. utto from, and TTotvlj punishment. Or, as if dipona fr. same, and ^tivof mur- der) ransom, redemption ,• a Jine, penalty, forfeiture. Airoiidiij -u), f. -rjau), and AiraivtSoi -til, f. -uaut, (fr. last) to ransom, redeem, quit for a fine ; to fine, avenge, pres. inf. aroiiljiv. AirilacTov, 2 du. of Airoiau, 1 f. of axotpfpu/. A.iTM^oiiai, f. avoix^iooiiaitp. ajrii- \r/nai, (fr. oTo Ironi, and ui)(nftai to go) to go away, depart, tit ab- sent, par. pres. arotx^ufiivos, g. Ion. airii^fojiiioto. AroKaOuipj, and ArroicaOaui^oi, (fr. arrj intens. and khO lipui, and ku- Oupi^w to purify) to cleanse away any dcHlement ; expiate, puri- fy ; to dean thoroughly. KrOKixOupiStf, -tof, Att. -tu)S, ;;, (fr. last) purijicalion, cleansing, cleaning, AniKiidofiat, (fr. airi from, and KiiOrifiai to Sit) to sit down ; to sit ap'irl, separate, retire ,• to loiter, he inilolenl, listless ; to be f.u.t,iU, KrjKaBrififvri, -rj;, Ij, (fr. last) hav- ing the ciitamenia. KnjKitdtaTif, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. ant. of airuKaOiarHw. AvoKaBiar/li'iK, '2 sin. pres. ind. act. of airnKitOtordvu), A-TOK lOiarrifii, AiroKuOiardu, and ATofnOiardfui, f. -rjcm, p. aruicn- BinrnKi, (fr. ari intens. and *,!- Oiarrjfit to appoint) to reform, res'ore, retrieve, recover. — Airo- KuliiaTaunt, to subside, sink 'loiun, settle, i a. ind. act. aitOKariart}- aa. 1 a. piss. a-rroKaTtCTdOriv sub. aTToKaraardOio. AroK'iOiarutv, I sin. or 3 pi. conl. imp. ind. act. of aroKuOicTdii). AroK'itu, f. -af'au), (fr. «t'j intens. f and Kaiij) to burn) to burn up, mnmrne ; to parch, sciirch. A/a> to call) to call bark, rrcall, send for, invite ; to rail, name, r AmutXi'tirTio,f. -|u, p. arroKfKaXv <^a, (fr. an) frotn, and KuMirru tocovfir) to unvfd, thnui, disptai/ ; la uncoiirr, rrjionr ; In rcvcril, dis- close. I a. art. ind. niri*n'Ai/i^(i' inf. ttttoKa\^i\liai. per. pami. niro- KlKitXvfJiiui, I II. pasH, ind. aire- KaXiifiOny' '•lib. ni7o*fj>i''(,^0winf. anoKtt\\ip$,)vnf par. a^nKaXxitb- 9tl(. 1 f. pass. niroKaXv(pOi'iaojtai. AwataXuiten, 3 sin. and -eHiri, 3 pi, K Ano 1 a. sub. pass. — AiroKaXv^Bn- vut, 1 a. inf. pass. — A-onaXvip- diiecTai, 3 sin. ] f. ind. pass, of last. ATTOKaXuxpti, -toi, Att. -£wj, /;, (fr. same) an uncovering, exposure; a revelation, disclosure, n-pusi- tion ; a display, appearance, ma- nifestation. Airo«uAyi/.t(, -4'Ctif -^idiv, -xpcws, -^i», cases of last. A'troKojini), f. -a/iui, (fr. arc) intens. and Kdimio to toil) to faint, fad, tire, be vorn out, wasted, CJC- hausted with fatigue, ATrokaTuu), (fr. same, and Arartiu to breathe) to breathe forth, pant, expire. ArroKapaioKfM -w, (fr. a-rb intens. Kapd the head, and ioKiut to thmk) to expect, wait for, hope, desire. ATTOKapuSoKia, -a;, ij, (fr. same) expectation ; a waiting or look- ing for ; anxious hope, earnest desire, AiroKapriplu) -H, f. -ijua), {fr. a-^ti priv. and icapTepiio to be strong) to give up, cease exertion, despair, commit suicide ; to starve to death, die of hunger. ATTiKUTaWiicaiu, or -ttu, f. -^w, p. aTTOKuT'/WiiX", (fr. KUTiiWdaaui to exchange) to reconcile, make friewls. 1 a. ind. act, uroKor/jX- AiroKaTaaradS), -jjs, -i}, I a. sub. pass, ot ai7OKa0iari]iti. AroKarduTaaii, -tof, Att. -cwj, i), (fr. a-jroKaOiaTijui to restore) rt- s'ornlion, restitution, dedication, renewal, renovation, new begin- ning ; regulation, stttlcment, ar- rangement. AiroKur/uiTui, Ion. for(iro;frt'0;;i/Ta<, 3 pi. pres. ind. of aizoKdllriitai. AnoKaTcardOnv, -rji, -rj, 1 a. ind. pass, of ai: iKuOiarriji, . Airo«.vir/;XAa(a 1 a. ind. act. of (iroffuruAArt'offcj. KnoKUnai, t. -Ktiaonai, (fr. ottu from, and Kiium to In,) to put by, lay^ up, set aside, reserve ; to Ano and Kci'do) to empty) to drain, ex- haust, evacuate, ATTOKtvTiiii -(3, f. -t'laij), (fr. arrj in- tens. and Kcvriai to prick) to pierce, stab, run through ; to kill. ATkOKiurtiati, ■•I'jj, Atl. -ttuf, (/, (fr. last) a stabbing, piercing, wound- ing ; sUvtglUcr, \rt(iKep&aivui, t. -ui'ii, (fr. aro in- tens. and Kipiaivui to gain) to win, get, earn, make profit, AiroKipliu) -Hi, t". -//cw, (fr, same, and Kipioi profit) to bring gain, yield prnftt, make a return ; io benefit, serve, A-noKipaw, sec aTTOKtlpdi, A-OKtipaXl^u>, f. -iW, p. airoKCKCcpd- XiKu, (fr. aro fiom, and KC(pu\ij the head) to behead, cut off" the head. ATioKii^apou) -Si, (fr. same, and ki- ir aTTunXiipis, Ar?jK\a'o>i, 3 sin, I a. sub, act. of ArruKXciaiia, -aros, Td,(fr. next) con- finement, custody, keeping, safe- guarii ; an enclosure, prison. ArroKXtiui, f. -ciau), p. a-rroKtKXciKa, (fr. and intens. and kXcIui to shut) /" shut to ; to bolt, bur, hin- der either from ingress or egress ; to shut up, conjine, enclose ; to shut out, exclude ; to cut off", in- tercept. 1 a. act. ind. arriKXeiaa' sub. aiTOKXtlaw. 1 f. Dor. ujro- KXif^u- from which 1 a. ind, uir/nXnffi' iinpr. mrdKXq^ov' par. anoxXA^ai. appoini, ordain, pros. inf. a-ro-lkiTOKXi-nnii, C -i/w, (fr. same, and KLXaOai. imp. airtKtliniv. KXiirTo) to steal) to rob, thieve. AiroKilficvoi,-ti,-ov,pn.r. pres, pass. — Aff(iM/\t;pu«, -('«, h, ii, (fr. nzi from. Kilpio to clip) to share, sliear,' and kX^poi lot) without share, nr rut, lop, pare, chop; to shorten, curtail ; to raze, demolish ; to portion ; hapless, unfortunate, lestitutc. plitn/lcr, spoil. I f. JEn\. arax/p- ■ .KrinXij.n, -AVif, rd,(fr. n-roKXlriii Io aio. 1 a. inil. act, orAtipu" undi lean) steepness, arclitity, ascent. il^ol. arUtnoa. lAirnkXivVuf, -11011, -tv. Poet, fiir A»<);|(ro, artoKXiOlii- \>'M. I H. pass, of 3 pl. ppcr. panK. of HitaKaXiui. t kitnKXlnti,(. -tiui, (fr. -S>, f.'-'oiiut, (fr. 'i, (fr. next) a cut- '"'" 'iff'i n drjicicncy, want, failing; a fragment, piece ; abo- lition of dcbt!> ; a figure when something is omitted at the end of a word. AvoK6vTii),f. -i|u),p. a-joKiKo^a, (fr. atto from, and (crfTTw to cut) to cut n/JT; to amputate ; to cut off", defeat, dislodge ; to put an end to ; to exclude, debar. 1 a. act. arrho'^a. 2 a. pass, ind, arttKd- ■xrjv' inf. arfKOTrrji'ac par. avoKo- AT!OKODvwiti, or -vvvht, (fr. a^i intens. and Kpcudu) to hang) to hang up, suspend ; to overluing. ATrdKptjfivoi, -ov, h, //, (fr. same, and Kprifivtif a precipice) precipitous, sleep, abrupt, craggy, overhang- ing. AiroKpiBcU, -uca, -iv, n. pi. -Oiv- T£5, -QfTcrui, -6ivra, par. 1 a. pass, of a-roK^ivojiai. AT:oKpiOTivai, 1 a. inf. pass, of satnc. AtrSKptfia, -aroi, ri, (fr. same) an ansu:er, reply ; a decree, act ; a sentence, decision. Aroicpivai, 1 a. inf. act. or impr. mid. — AroKptvacdat, 1 ».. inf. mid. — AvoKplvicBai, pres. inf. pass. — AvoKpiir],2, and A7ro<>pi'- vtTai,3 sin. pres. ind. pass, and AnoKpivatrUai, 1 a. inf. mid. — Atto- KptiOhri, Poet, for aroKinOlvTi, n'. du. par. 1 a. pass, of' AitOKftivo)ini,i. -ovfiat, p. uroKfVoi/i- fiai, (fr. a-ti intens. and Kpivo) to discern) to be sejiarated, set apart, selected, cliosen ; to an. twcT, reply ; to take occasion to Ano sprati, or say ; to take up a sub- ject, or discourse ; to observe up- on, remark. 1 f. pass. a-rroKpiBi)- <7i)/ia(. 1 a. pass. ind. urnKptOiiv impr. avOKftWi)Tl, 2 pi. a-nuKpidq- Ti' par. iiiTOKpiOf/j, 1 a. ind. mid. aTTCKpJtd^iir. ArroKptaa, ATTOKolocai, ATdKpiaiv, cases of Ai7. AT!u\ay\Qvij>, fr. a-nb intens. and \ayx^dvii> , which see, AtoXu*t(^u), fr. same, and Xaxri^w, which see. AnoXafi^dvtiv, pres. inf. act. — AT:o\ajifidvou.iv, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — AxoXaii^dvovTti, n. pi. par. pres. act. of Aro\afi(idvii), f. aT7o\ti\ponat,p. ano- \iXri/, (fr. avoXavw to enjoy) profit, advan- tage, bcrufit; enjoyment, fruition; gratification, luxury, a. sin. aird- Xavatv. AitoXavarbi, and AiroXauoT('/fi5,-oii, 6, '/, (fr. same) luxurious, volup- tuous, gratifying. AiToXavti), f. -avow, p. aroX/Xau/ta, (fr. arrb from, and Xavoi, obs. fr. Xao) to enjoy) to cnjoi/ ; to make use of, delight in ; to reap the fruit or profit of, take the benefit of, feel the effect of. pres. impr, an6\avt. 1 a. act. md. arriKavaa, Ion. affrfXautra" sub. ano\aiaiii' 1 pi. aToXaiauifiiv. A Tro\a(j)Bcis, -ciaa, ~iv. Dor. (or arro- \t)tf>8cii, 1 a. par. pass, of arro- Xafifiavto. AnoXa^uv, 2 n, inf. act, of airo- Xay;j;ai'(i). An-oXfyoi, f. -^la, p. -X/Xc;^fl, (fr. airS from, and Xiyiji to speak) to choose, pick,atU, to pluck, gather, collect; to reject, slight; to de- clare, signify, pronounce; to for- bid, prohibit. — AroXlyoftai, to Ano Ano ee to tail) a leaving, for- tnldng, desertion, quitting ; a failure, deficiency, defect; an ectipse ; a leaving off, cessation, ending; a divorce; or bill of divorcement. AroXiXaiiivo^, Dor. for aroXtX;;///- vo{,par. per. pass. ofaiToXap;3a'i'ui. AnoXiXavKu, per. act. of aroXaiJu. AroXtXoirdrtf, n. pi. mas. of Azo- XtXoiir-if, par. per. mid. of oto- XtllTU. A'oXtXufjiVo;, -r;, -ov, par. per. paas. — AiroX/Xucni, 2 sin. per. md. pa.'«». — AiroXiXuaOai, per. inf. pass, of airoXiiw. ArdXifiof, -ov, 6,/;, (fr. a neg. and itdXifioi war) pacific, peaceable, univarlike. AvoXcuiicrnt, Ion. for arroXovfjicvo!, par. 2 f. mid. — AiroXiovTii, Ion. for (iToXo&i'rtf, n. pi. mas. of anoXiiv, par. 2 f. act. of airiX- Xvfll. ArnXcnt^u), (fr. oirj from, andXcirf- ^oj to peel) name as Air >X/fu, r. -ilm, and AroX/To^ni, f. -^o/Mi, (fr. s:\me, .ind Xiirw lo pod) /» /•(«/ off", bark, strip. AroXittiu, 1 a. inf. act. — AffoX/- «••«, -aoa, -ai', par. 1 a. act. — AnoXiom, -(({, -(I, 3 pi. -TOuiTi, 1 I. irvl, acl. — atoX/iti.), -»)(, -I), I k. dub. tct. — AtoX/uO'ii, 2 a. inf. mid. — ArXvTp6ii} -5, fr. uni) intens. and Xvrntu), which sec. A iTuXiirpuffis, -(Of, Alt. -tiD,-, Ij, (fr. same) ran.vim, release, ilrlivrr- anffefrom raptiviti/ ; redemption from the ihriU'lom of sin, a. sin. airoXi'iTfi'uffii'. AiroXi'xii, f. -x'trii), p. inroXi'XvKa, (fr. same, and Xi^u lo lonsr) to un- loose, set free, rnfrnnch'se ; to release, discharge, acquit, for- give ; to dismiss, hi go, suffer to depart ; In liishand, send away ; to dhnrrr a wife, put nToXtXrfyij^cfi, (fr. ntrA from, and nwny a biiRband ; to gratify. Xi'yw lo Bpf:ik) to nprnk ifi de- fence, or in fnvotir of; to ptcarl, apotoc;i:r, rrplu. imp. airtXoyt^- (75) satisfy, indulge ; to despatch, make an end of, destroy, kill. AiroXiio/oii, to betake one's self. Alio lake Ultras ar/t^aini.v > '" S<> ')ff\ ''r- jmrt. ini|i. airAuuv. I n. acl. iiiil, air/Ai'iffu" iinpr. (iiriiAi'Oui' sub. ano\'\nf. (iToAi'crnr par. nTa- Xi)o-iif. imp. pass. »Ti\i)(i/ii;c, 3 pi. ani\\o\To. por. pass. nrroAj- A8/(iii. 1 a. puss. ii)(l. aitcSi'Otjv, 3 pl. iiT£.\i'yi;(' sub. oiroAuOuJ, 2 pl. aToAiiCOrf par. nfroAuOtiV. l.ra>(:i, -:!$•, -c?, 2 f. ind. act. of rtnuAAo/ii. AroXw^iiu) -ui, and AvoXiofidonai -dltai, fr. same, and Xia^tioftcu, which see. A!r(iX(X/i'(i(, AttuAu- Aiif, -ii('i,-(iy. see (ii7(iAAtr/((. A~oAu)Aa(f, -v7af -o{, ncut. pl. -A(i)- Ad'-ti, par. per. mid. Att. of same. A~uAu)t/^(i), f. -1(701, (fr. (uro from, and Au)77('^ai to strip) Oistrip ij/T, undress, put q(f clulhcx, Ari)A(Dri'^a), f. -ktuj, Att. -i(3, /o phir.k, teur, pull. ATo\ijiipnu), or -0/«j -u>, f. -)}'j, (fr. uiTo^infen'rw to unlearn) forget- fulness, ohlinnn, failure of recol- lection ; decay of memory. AKOjtaivofiai, f. -ot'ixai, (fr. arrd in- tens. and ftahouai to ra^e) to he viad, beside one s self, distracted. Or, (fr. anli priv.) to cease from mculness, or raging, recover reason. XfTouavciaa, n. fem. par. 2 a. pass. of last. A-noitiivOiivio, f. n-rojiciOi'icojiai, p. a-OfiijjidQnKa, (fr. a?r3 priv. and /invOdiu) to learn) io unlearn, forget; to disuse, be o'd of prar- tire. 2 a. act. aTifiitOov. per. ind. pass. mroiUfidOri^iai. ATToiiaoaivu), (fr. nro intens. and finoiivw to wither) io weaken, debilitate, enfcelile. Atrofiripaivn- fjtai, to pine, v:nste, dwindle, di- minish, grow iveak, die away. AvofiaoTvpiu -w, (fr. same, and fiapTvpiu) to testify, th. /jtaprvp a witness) to witness, prove, give evidence. ATOjinaaofiai, and A'trojxdaaii), or -rru), f. -f(j, a-noni)iif)(n, (fr. .same, and fidaaia to press) to wipe off'; to ruh down ; to ex- press, fashion, shape ; to mould, portray. ArofiaTitil^u}, (fr. and from, and fiaraiiu) to fool, th. jidriivin vain) to belch. ATTOiid)^Ofiai, (fr. same, and iid^o- ^at to fight) to Jig lit for, defend ; to persixl in, or supp'irl a fish! ; to put tojlight, repel, dHve off. AnoiiCiXiaau), or -ttu), f. -i^u>, and azronciXiaaoiioi, (fr. same, and iici\!aTia to sweeten) to sonih, calm, soften, mollify ; to gratify, indulge. A'zoiiiipcTat, 3 sin. prej. ind. of Atrnyiiipoiiat, (fr. ai:b through, and Alio apportion, dividt among, per. pass, anofn'iiapfiai. See fitlpui. Alio .\T.)/(fA(iiia), f. -ui'ii, fr. (iiTi) intens and ficXulfui, which sec. Avojji/ftii^H, -Ui, -e, ptT. ind. act. ot anoiidaatii, ATfO/if'/K/iii/iui, f. -x^iiimt, (fr. anb intens. and /i//i(/>o/u(ii lo lilame) to umise, tax, charge ; lo chide, reprehend, reprove ; to deter, dis- suade, ATTo^ij'id), f. -ci'iti, (fr. same, and fiiiu) to wait) to slay, tarry. A:Ti)fiipi^u), f. -/Vu), (fr. same, and /ttpii^u) to share) to divide among, nliol, portion ; to appoint, com- mission, intrust. AvofiiToiui -ui, f. -I'laa, ((r. same, and fitrptM to measure) to mea- sure off, take measure of; to measure out, ollut. Atro^trptojiai -oii/tni, to mcustirc for myself, take my share. ATTDfiiiKVfij), f. -lii'u, p. -vyxa, fr. same, and fjniKvvj), which see. A:ro;(i;i'ijivi)aiKnKiii> -w, f. -))aui, (fr. same, and inrjaiKaKiiti which fr. Hvnaif rcco'leclion, and /ca/kAj- cvil) to remember a wrong, or affront, keep a grudge, live in enmity. Attohi/vih, or Arofivi'u), f. animCatD, p. arruiftOKa, (Ir. a~!i iuteni). and iHivvni to swear) to swear to, nlTirm on oath. Or, with /ii/ following, to deny on oath, swear pres. inf. act. azo-. II Ti) inicns. and o^idpywpt to wipe) to wipe away, clean tho- roughly ; to brush (iff', put away, remove. 1 a. mid. antfiop^djiriv. Anojidaat, 1 a. inf. act. of,ijr«^i'u//, (fr. nroiiupojiat lo a}\ot) a sliare, portion, part. Utiaw to divide) lo allot, share, iA^xo/tioyi'^in, or A-ropopyvviii, (fr. (76) ATToi'i'-ru, f. -li-u, (fr. same, and viirru) fo wasfi) to wash, proper- ly tl'.c hands ; lo wash off, or out ; to clean, cleanse; to shake, off', free from. Attovoio) -ui, f. ->/iTw, (fr. aitb from, and I'oiiD to think) lo distract, perplex, bewilder, set mad, Atro- voioiiai -oTinat, to dole, rave, go mad ; to despair. ATTOi'oln,-ng, !,, (fr. last)/oWi/, '/«- tagc ; madness, distraction, in- futualion; profligacy, vicious conduct. 'Ar/>iof, -ou, 0, 5, (fr. a ncg. and irivo; labour) at ease, viillumt labwir ; cosy, willwut diffcuUy. Alio Ano' AKonocTacra!, Hot. for a-zovoarrjaas,t last) a distnissal, discharge ; rf -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. of , jection, refusal. Affo'offrf'u-ui, f. -)J(7u), (fr. ai7ofroni, Az'orrtJrXdvij^ai, per. pass, of aro- and voariw to return) to come back^ return again. Ki^oirdaipt, (fr. a~o from, and v6a(pi apart) asunder, apart, severally, separately. Avovoc, (fr. last) to disjoin, port, separate, sever, set apart. 1 a. act. a~tv6c(pi(;a. An-rfiTff, n. pi. par. pres. of dv a jit A-diuf, (fr. drrovos easy) easily, without toil, or trouble, ktriltxoi, -ov, b, {], (fr. a-ro from, and (fVof a stranger) inhospila- ble, unfrequented, wild, barba- rous, uncivilized, rudf, savage. .KTTo^tvin) -<5, f. -tio-u, (fr. last) to bntiish, exile. Azo^iii), f. -tail), and ATrofi'u, f. -iiau), (fr. ard intens. and f/w or fOu to scrape) to scrape nff, shave, polish, smooth ; to sharpen, whet ; to wear away by rubbing, wnsle, reduce, lessen. 1 a. par. act. aro^iiuaf. A.-ru^r)paii'ii), f. -aria, p. -payxa, {fr. same, and fi/pa/ : oi to dry) to dry vp, parch, scorch AroToyiffo^aiiS f. pass, of airoTTt'iy- AirorirrniVui, f. -aid, {fr. ari from, and TTurruiVo) to suH'ey) to turn rt) experience, a trial ; risk, venture. Ai:omipdia -'ix,a, per. act. — An-o- TriTtiyfiai, ■ ^ai,-KTat, per. pass. of aTroTTtiyiit. Airi>rTf~Tii)Ka, per. act. ofaromrra). A~or:rjyi'vin, or A-o-i;)'vi'u), (fr. airi intens. and Triiytvui to fix) to p«( together, frame ; to thickeii, make firm, or consistent. Atto- m'iyvviiai,to grow strong, or firm; to increase, become larger ; to freeze, stiffen, clot. AirOTr]Sdiii -(3, f. -I'jCw, (fr. oto from, and Tn^dw to spring) to recoil, rebound, slail back ; to fait, revolt. Aroirirf^ui, and ATronii^u, f. -iaw, {fr. a-ro intens. and ri/^u to pre^s) to press together, sriveeze ; to strain, wring out ; to oppress, extort, constrain. ATToriVro), i. arroTrrwaii) , p. arorfr- TioKa, (fr. OTTO from, and iriVru) to fall) to fall dnu;n, or from ; to fall off, separate, apostatize ; to fail, miscarry. 2 a. ind. act. azi- TTiaov. ATKjrArj^w, or -dyyii), f. -yi,ii>, p. (iroT/rAnyY"! ('''• ""'o inlens. and TArt'Cw to confound) to put wrong, set astray ; tu deceive, be- tray. A-ro-KKd^^ofiai, to err, mis- take, wander, go astray ; to miss, fiy, or glance off. 1 a. ind. act. avfzXay^a, -n;, -f pass, nue- z\d)(^f)r)V, -rti, -rf mid. airt-Xay- (lifiTjv, -111, -ari). Arov'Kavqiv, prcs. inf. act. cont. of Arrov'Xdvdio -u), f. -rjoij), p. nirom- ■r\dvr)Ka, (fr. same, and zXavdia to deceive) to lead astray, mis- lead, deceive, seduce. AroTtSaidn- fiat, to deceive one'.? self, err, mis- take ; to go nstrny,full off, apos- tatize, per. pass. avuzcTr^ditjiiat. 1 a. ind. pass. a-rarXavt'iOriv. AjrorXnivo'if, -lOj, Alt. -civs, )';, (fr. last) deception, mistake, error. Aro-\c(civ, Poet, for nroTrX/cir, cont. ArotrXiii', pres. inf. act. and ArorrAcOffavrtf, n. pi. par. 1 a. act. of AToffX/u) -w, f. /uroirXtuffo), p. nnorrf- T:\ivKn, (fr. nri from, and z-X/oj t o rail ) to weigh anchor, sail away, set snO ; to sail buck, return. AvorXriVi't '"ff >'h (""• '>^^ inlens. and rXi'icau) to strike) apnplcxj/, stupor, languor, fninlncss, asto- nishment, amazement. AriTTXr^p-'w -w, f. -uirriii, (fr. same, and TrXijo-fii) lo fill) to yf// up, make up ; In accomplish, fulfil ; to perform, rxvciite ; to grow vp. ATtUTT^IipiDOK, -(Of, All. -flilf, hi (If- last) a filling vp, satiety ; cam- plclinn, fulfilment, accomplish- ment, execution ; growth, in- crease, enlnrgemrnl. Ar'y!:Xi)Oijri'((, -of, o, (fr. same) hr wlio fulfils, executes, accomplish- «t ; a finisher. Alio A-(iTXoo5, -ov, b, Iv^n. for cirdrrXouj , (fr. mronXiu to set sail) a weigh- ing anchor, setting sail, depart- ure. AnSirXB/io, -aroi, rb, {fr. next) foul water, in which things had been washed, Wftshin^s. A-o-rXvvh), f. -Biui, niroir/irXuy;fa, fr. a-rd intens. and rXvfu, which see. ArorXttii', Ion. for aJron-XcTi'jpres. inf. of ar-orXfu). A-zoTTvciovaa, Poet, for aTTOTveovta, fern. par. prcs. of a-iromiw. Avd-jTi'ivaii, -(OS, Alt. -jtDf, i;, (Fr. next) panting, palpitation ; rat, drau-ing breath ; loss of breah, death. AToirviui -u), and Poet. ATrovitiu). f. -ei'au), p. uTiizrtvi:a, { fr. a ro fori), and ri/u to breathe) to breaiie deep, or strong ; to pant ; lo breathe forth, expire ; to slip, rest, draw breath, respire ; to exhale, smell of. 1 a. wet. art Tvievoa. 1 a. mid. cTrcTivivadpii'. per. pass. azoTri^rvafini. AiT.i:i'tyri(T6ftcvof,-r!,-oi','2f.pnss.3f AzoTTviyw, f. -('((1), p. arrj-zt-i'i^ii, (fr. OTTO intens. and -nviyu) to choke) to strangle, choke ; to sif- fncate, drown ; to choke wlh vexation, or anger. 1 a. act. ari- Ti(^a" par. unomi^ai. 2 a. aet. axivityov. per. pass, arroirinvry- fiat. 2 a. pass. nirtTWyijr. 2 f. pass. a:ro7rii)'i;iTo/(a(. ATTomoi), -});, fi, (fr. a-zoTrvfio to pant) breath ; fume, steam, va- pour ; shortness of breath. AnoTi'oia, -af, i), (fr. same) a breath, blast, breeze. Azo-oiiofiai -ovftai, f. -I'laofai, (fr. azi priv. and -nniiio to niwlie) to undo; to withdraw, wiOihold, keep from ; to put away, cast off, reject, disovm. Airo'nofiTtiiios, -ov, v, {fr. ai;i away, and Ti'^TTyo lo send ) an averter of evils ; a guardian, protector. AiroTTo^ri), -r/Sii'/, (fr. same) asend- ing away, dismissal, discharge; a divorce; an escort, convoj. Avnvpnri^Ojiai, (fr. iTpriri)f a Seller) to sell. An6npo, Av6-npo0ct; or -9i, Aird- npotrOcv, {fr. nn) from, anif npu or TpiiaOiv before) away, fur iff, at a distance ; from afar. Ano'nraliiji, same as aejihTrtft. ATToirTdfitvn!, -r), -or, par. ol iiirrTT- Tdfitiv, 2 a. n)id. of aiplvrnfiai. A~'iirrnt iovot. Ion. for imotrTavuvat, 3 pi. 1 f. of aT.oTTTalvu), same aa aififnrriiii. Or of Aironrdi'u, (fr. aird back, and ojrro'- ym lo look) to hmk back upon, turn round to look nt ; to avoid, flee from. prcs. ind. 3 pi. niroirro- vovai. ArtoTTTivai, inf. of nir/rn/i', 2 a. BrI. of aiJiliTTriiu- ATOTTToXif, -//of, b, !), (fr. nvb from, and Tr((X({ Poet, for frijX((acily) vithoiit a hiimc ; an exile, wan- derer ; biinithrd, 'Anoirruf, -ou, 6, ^, (fr. oirA froni, Alio and dtTOfiai (u see) hrt/ond virw, out ot' $iglit ; not to be steii, in- visible. AriirruoTOf, -av, 6, i^, (fr. next) liiit^ful, ildcslMf, (ilmmtnalile. ArqisTvu), f. -lau), (fr. iirJ T'omiancl rrrvui lo s|Ht) to spit out ; to re- ject, lotUhr ; to hate, abhor, abo- minate ; to froth, foam. Air(irrru)/iu,-(irof, rD, (fr. airoirtirru) to fM) a/iiU ; an overthrow. Knorrrioffiii, 1 f. acl. ot anoirlKTtii. Xropyl^ouai, f. -laofxai, (tr. aird in- teiis. uiul opyi^o/uii to be anj^ry, th. opyi) anger) to be enraged, imli^nant. XTTopa, 3 sin. pres. ind. of lnouiu) -Hi, f. -I'lan}, p. ri;:6pttKa, (fr. d::i)poi impassable) lobe at a lo.ts how to proceed, speak, or acl ; to hesitate, doubt ; V> he in dis- tress, want, or poverty ; lo be wanting. irdpijfia, -aroi, ri, (fr. last) per- plexily, dixtress ; want, poverli/ ; doubt, hesitation. Ji'xdpdiiTo;, -01), 6, )'/, (fr. a neg. and vipOu) to destroy) safe, Jinn, un- hurt, uninjured ; impregnable. /oTopia, -as, and Ion. Airopi'i), -r]s, i), (fr. a'TDOof imfiassablc) perplex- ' ily, doubt ; difficulty, distress ; want, penury. Affopvu/xci/of, -17, -ov, pres. par. pass, of AjTipvOfii, or ArrSpvvfJiai, fr. arc! in- tens. and dpwftt, which see. 'Aizopoi, -ov, b, >], (fr. a neg. and 7:6pos, a passage, th. ztipui to pierce) impasxahlc, intricate, per- plexing, di/ficult ; dnubtful, du- bious, uncertain, undetermined ; languid, weak, feeble; poor, des- btate. Airjp'Jiiu), f. -oiau), p. a-aiipovKn, (fr. orJ inlens. and opiuu) to rush) to burst, break, dart forth ; to sally out, attack, set upon ; to rebound, recoil ; to jump, or leap off ; lo JUx, retreat. Avop^aytiriv, -rji, -';» - <>■• op'- pass. — krTop{)'iYcU,-c7(rii, -ev, ^. -ivTos, 2 a. par. pass, of aTop^i^yia'fii. Aropjiii'(j, (fr. an-dintens. and ^ai- vu to sprinkle) to besprinkle, be- dej}, wet ; to shower down ; to spawn. Axopoaiu), f. -aiauj, p. -aiKit, (fr. same, and pnlu) to rout) to knock, or Jreafc 0^; to hammer, pound, grinrl ; to wisle, syuaiaer ; to overlhro"-, overturn, destroy. Airop/jrfirro), f. -i^w, (fr. azu intens and idrrru) to sew) to sew up, mend, patch, piece. 1 a. par. act, avopjjaif/af. Aitopp/|ii>, (fr. same, and ^I'^o) to d.i) to 'lo out, finish, complete. par. 1 a. act. avinin<:. Xvojilif'j) -u), f. -ci''(Tu), (fr. avi from, and jiiu) to (low) lo .flow, glide, ebb awn), (fr. a-!Toppi(a to flow away) a dis- charge, issue, vent ; a spring, stream, current ; an eman'ilion ; a blight, blast, decay. ATtop]iopl>u)yui, -m^of, q, (fr. same, and fX'iyit, or pwyus a fissure) steep ncss, abruptness, ruggedness ; a crag, precipice. AiTopfiu)^, -ioyo;, b, »;, (fr. ari in tens, and ^lif a breach) sJcfpi/J'c- oipil'jus, rugged, craggy. Subs. a fraament, branch ; a race, stock, Uncage; a stream, torrent ; the opening or mouth of a river. ATtnnrpavl^ii>,f. -taiji, p. a-^u>p(p'iuii!a, (fr. anrj intcns. and opr/mi'i'i^oj to bereave) to make orphans ; lo deprive of any thing dear, but properly of parents ; to bereave, strip. 1 a. act. uvuinii, -r;, per. ind. pass, anirtiicajxat, 1 f. md. pass. avoalhaOijaopai. Avoaliiaauint, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. AffOffcuii/jci'Of, and AiroociovaBai, arc found in Herodotus, and seem to come from arofftidw, per- haps the sameas «7ro(7£(ii). But it is conjectured that they are cor- rupted from aiToatcvficvoi, and airociovadai. Ion. for aipoaiovpt' voi, and aipoaiovaOm, the par. and inf. pres. pass, of atpoaiiui. ATToccicrdpivo;, 1 a. par. mid. of \i:oaclu), f. -attain, p. airoaiotiKa, (fr. niri from, and aciia 10 shake) to shake off ; to throw off, fling ; lo reject, refuse ; to drive away, repel, beat off ; to spoil, plunder, Airaacpvv)'ij),f. -\jvui, (fr. uvb intens. and acpvvvw to adorn, th. acuvis honourable) to celebrate, soleni' nize ; lo grace, honour. A-Koatp- vivopat, to behave haughtily ; to boast. ATTornatjuciOipivos, (par. per. pass, of aiToa>jpci6u)) marked, noted. At; tatatijitiuptvn, -u)v, tu, notes, comments, annotations. ATToacvji, f. -cvaiii, (fr. 6ai. ATocK\rifu, (fr. same, and cKXri/n or o-nAfii) to harden with drought) to dry, parch ; to withir, decay, fade, die ; to harden, sti^en, 2 a. ind. act. a-ricKXqv. ArrodK^Tivai, 2 a. inf. act. of last. Aro, and Attocko- rtOu), f. -tvau), (fr. urdfrom, and ffKOTTtu) or cKOTztiti) to mavk) to view from a distance, survey ; to aim at ; to aim, keep in view, attend to, pursue as an object. A-ruoKovoi, -ov, h, i), (fr. last) be- holding from a distance, view- ing ; aiming, pursuing; obser- vant, attentive. Or, (fr. atro from, and cKoirdi a butt) absurd, silly ; inconsistent, preposte- rous. AiToaKopaKi^w, f. -lad), p. -i/ca, fr. azi away, and ctcopaKl^u, which see. AzoaKopaKicii6;, -ou, b, (fr. last) contempt, scorn ; a taunting re- fusal, or rebuke. AiroaKopni^u), f. -taoj, (fr. a-b in- tens. and oKopzi^b) to scatter > lo disperse, scatter ; lo dismiss, dis- band. AzocKvXdij), Poet, for aroauAnw. A7ro(r, f. -tfu, (fr. a-irb in tens, and oKuizria to scoff) lo taunt, revile, scoff"; to ridicule, deride. Aroff^du" -lii, (fr. same, and cr/iduj to wipe) and A-i!oaii)'i)^w, f. -t((, f. -f/au), (fr, arrJ from, and (jo/?/u) to drive) lo brush away, frighten ; to drive away, expel, turn out ; to repel, keep , 'tf. 'Anoao^,-ll,•ov, (fr. « neg. and iro- (70$ some) none, not one ; nega- tive, luwing, doing, or express- ing, nothing. AiroffTrdi'iot, -n, -m, (fr. nvoordii) to tear oil) torn f/ff", pulled away, drag i;ed from . A To^ffdieof, -ou, ri, a piece, fragment. Kir»airai>, jires. inf. art. conl. — ArioKaaBivrn, n. pi. par. 1 a pass, ol tiznavdu, ATrfoirnff/ia, -drof, ri, (fr, nrxl) a Ano A~J(Trdu) -w, f. -daui, p. avtanaKa, (fr. aT,b from, and azdit) to draw) to root out, tear away, extirpate ; lo draw, draw forth, or out of, unsheath ; to draw away, reduce; to cleanse, bur- nish. — Azoardoitai, to with- draw, retire. 1 a, act. ind. a-iczaaa' par. azoa-daas. per. pass, a7:[ana(Tiidt. I a. pass, ind. a-rtcczdaOi}'-'' par. axoazac- dtii. ATTOtT-zelpu), f. -epui, p. -apKa, (fr. nrro inlens. andoSEi'pw to sow) to sow ; to disseminate, spread abroad, publish. AroffTfi'c'u), f. aroc-tfffo), p. -tiKn, (fr. same, and arriivd) to pour) to sprinkle ; to pour out m sacri- fice, make a libation, or offering of liquids ; to sacrifice. ATTOcnrciiSii), f. -f vffui, (fr. aro from, and azivSio to hasten) to dis- suade, discourage, advise from, or against. Aviavopoi, -01', 6, )';, (fr. anoantlpia to disseminate) derived, or de- scended from ; sown, planted ; subs, an offspring. Avocnuvid?,u),t -dffu>, (fr. airi from, and azov'Sii^u) to hasrcn) to slack- en, relax, remit, abate ; to neglect, omit, postpone, Airiara, pros, inipr. cont. of ano- crdui, for aipiaTi}jn. Or, for aff^- arriOi, 2 a. impr. of same. Arrocrdid, and ATToaTaibt; (fr. a^icT-npii to stand off) far off, at a distance, afar. ArooTQ^uj, f. -fu), (fr. anb from, and ffTu^u) to drop) to trickle, distil, par. prcs. azoard^iov. ArooraXd^u, f. -fu), (fr. same, and ora'Xd^u) to drop) same as last. ATooraXuoi, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. pass. of atroariWu). Arroaruf, -daa, -dv, par. 2 a. act. of alaTrifti to desert) a departure, leaving, quilting ; desertion, defection ; falling off, apostary. Arrocrrdaiov, -ou, rb, (fr. same) a departure, .reparation ; a divorce, a deed of divorce. Aizdaraaii, -io{, Atl. -tu?, >';, (fr. same) a dcsirlion, forsaking ; deferJion, revolt ; drjiarture. Aitoarnriuf, -a, -or, (fr. same) lo he desisted, it is jtroper to cease, ice must slop. Anoarariui -d, f. -fiaui, p. -riKn, (fr. same) lo apostatize; to desert, forsake ; lo rebel, revolt. Azoardrnf, -ov. It, (fr. last) an npotlale ; a traitor, deserter, re- bfl. Adj. faithless, treac/ie- rout, AvnaraTtKbf, -r|, -bv, (fr. name) re- bellious, revolting, traitorous ; eonlumarious, insolent ; head- strong, haughty. AroffnirTifuif, (fr. last) rrhclliously, Irnitiirously ; insolently, haugh- tily. Knonrtydiin, f. -doii),p. ajrto-r/ya»ra, (fr. (irti from, and irnyd^u to Ano rover) ta utiroot', strip off" ihr Ano Ano n rommissioner of the nnvt/. n. I tumrd from, avrrsr, strange; roof; lo xincotrr. 1 a. acl. a-t- ariyaca. ATocr»),i(rjia, -Sroi, rd, (fr. last) n lui, rover ; a covtrijig ; a runf. ATuoniAdi, I a. iiil". act. — Aro- OTci\ai, par. I a. act. — AiroaTtl- A;;, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Arii- cTiiXor, 1 a. inipr. act. of arro- OTf'AXw. Aroartt^ui, f. -fui, (fr. nro from, and anl^w to inardi) <« ^o awnt/, rirpurt ; to rilirc, with- draw; to go back again. 2 a. md. act. oTTfVn^oi'. AToffrAXii), f. -fAw, p. nr/o-TiiXva, (Ir. same, and o-rAXui to send) /o send au-iii/, dixmiss ; to senil out of the way ; to naul, said forth, despatch, Send off'; tn equip, pro- lit/t, prtpare. 1 a. act. ind. nrtVrtiAo* par. ai:ooTti\ai. 2 a. act. avfSTiiKov. per. pass, qt/- wruX/iui. 2 a. pass. ind. a-card- \nv. sub. uT'), (fr. same) a mes- senger, nmhass'tdor, commission- er ; an apostle ; a fleet, armada. Adj. sent, despatched. ATTOcro/inTi'^u), i. -iaui,\i. CTTicTOjiii- TiKu, (fr. avb from, and (tto/io the mouth) to repeat from me- mory, say by heart ; to per- suade, prevail on, or force to speak; to provoke, or incite to speak ; to draw, or force words ; to question, interrogate, examine. I a. act. artaTO^idnan. A-oo-To/iou) -u>, (fr. n-b priv. and cTOfiOu) to sharpen, th. ani/za the mouth) lo blunt, break thi edge, or point ; to check, weaken, repress, stop the mouth, par. per. pass. uTreaTOfiWjiivoi. A-6oTopyos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. same, and eropyli natural atiectioii) iiith- out natural ojfiction, iniftcling, unnatural; unkind; disliking, haling. Ar'jcTT-pfjyyaXi^ii), f. -iVw, (fr. otto by, and arpuyyaVti a halter) to slrangh;, choke. ATToarpnKii^h), f. -iVo), (fr. «::J in- tens. and ooTpa*i^w to vote with shells, th. darpanuv a shard) to condemn by ostracism, to ba- nish. ATToarpaificiriV, opt. — AvncrpdibriTi, inipr. — Aro<7Tpii(pC),-i}i,-rj,svi\>. — AiroarprKpTivni, inf. — Airoa- Tpa(peh. par. 2 a. — AvooTpuibij- aofiai, 2 f. ind. pass, of a:roarpi- ((iW. Avoarpdpw, f. -'.^'W, p. airiiXTptipa, (fr. urro from, and ffrp/i/wloturn) to turn from, or away, divirt ; to convert, change ; to pervert, cor- rupt, incite to rebel ; to return, put bark ; to return, bring back ; lo reject, refuse ; to hide, con- ceal ; lo leave, desert, forsake. AirooTpt(poi/ni, tolvrn away from ; to disregard, slight; to dislike, hate. 1 a. act. ind. aT:!CTp(\j.a malign, unj'uvoundile ; an apos- trophe, the mark of a letter being cut oil' in Greek. AjroaTiiy/ci) -ui, f. -fjoii), (fr. nrri) in- tens. and crvyiui lo hale) lo ab- hor, detest, loathe, abominate ; lo shun, avoid. AvoarCi, -fn, -/), 2 a. sub. act. of aijiiaTt]/)!, AToavXiiaai, Dor. n)r aroffi'X^ofni. — Aro(TvXaTai,3sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of rl77o(Ti'X«'o) -w, f. -^0(0, (fr. nrru from, and cvSdio to rob) tn steal, rob; to pMage, plunder, spoil. A-ncBvrdyix), f. -^ui, (fr. same, ertiv tofjelher, and a'j'u to brinj;) to collect fro?n, gather J'rom about ; to recover J'rnm ; to drive away, turn out, put J'rom among. Avoavruywyoif-ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and avvitywyii a .synagogue) put out of the synagogue, excuimnu- nicated. Avoavpl^iii, f. -ioiti, (fr. anb inlens. and cvpi^u) lo hiss) to hiss at, hoot ; to whistle. ATTocvaKCvd^u), f. -dau}, {fr. a-nb from, and cvaiavd^u) to pack up) to pillage, plumlcr, spoil. A-Kocibd^u), f. -fu), (fr. arrb intcns. and aij)d(,(>' to slay) to cut the throat, slaughter ; to saaiflce. 2 a. par. pass, a-auarpnydi. AT7o(TitiaKc\t^w,(. -icui, (Ir. avu from, and B, f. -fo), p. -ya, (fr. same, and ctjidrrio to slay) see aTOOijidi^ui. A-oa(pr.v('Ovnij), or-Zoj -w, f. -iau>,\i. -i}Ka, and ATnau\Xbi. ATrotnppdytajxa, -aroi, rb, (fr. avb ditiiin. and ccppnyii a seal) '/ sig- vft ; the impression of a seal. Awo/, (fr. arTordaou) to arrange) reserved, laid by, set apart, destined, intended, AvoTa^dficvos, ->?, -ov, par. — Aro- rdi'tadat, inf. 1 a. mid. — Avo- rdaoirai, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of A>rorrf(Tffu),or-TTui, f. -a'fu, p. -aya, (fr. a-ri from, and rdaoui to or- der) to arrange, regulate, set in order ; lo separate, distinguish, set apart from otiiers, Airorda- aojiat, it give commands, serul with or tiers ; to take leave, bid a/lieu, hid farewell; t renounce, give up, forego. 1 f. mid. avo rd^ujiai. I a. mid. ind. avira^d- lti)V mf. airord(aodnt. p^r. pass avoTlrayfiai. Avordrw, sup. (fr. oiri from) very distant, very far, farthest of all. AiroTuvpdu) -<3, f. -wau), (fr. uiro of, and raupos a bull) to make a bull. Air or avpdi I jj at, to imitate a bull, rave like n hull. AnirSipOi, -ov. A, ^, (fr. airti priv. and rdtpof a tomb) unburicd ; not laid with ancestors ; interred far atony. Airorit,f. •tioui, (fr. nrdfrom and rriApof a ditch) to ditch nboiU, forltfy ; to rut riff" by a dilrh. Airir/yyw^ fr. airi intens. and rfy- yu), which nee. AinTtO(U>', Sync. foran'or(0(/i)(rav, 3 |il. I a. opt. pass. nfa-zorlOniii. AnoTilvu, import, (fr. next) it tends, prrlniiis, or hetongs to ; it eonrrrns rrlntrs to. A-KuTiUhi, t. -nui, [«. nitarhHitn, (fr. oird from, and rilv), (fr, same) disappointment, misfor- tune, ill success, loss, defeat. AroTiiyaii^ui, f. -lew, (fr. nrd in- tens. and Ttiyaii^o) to fry, th. Ti'iyai'ov a frying pan) to fry ; to eat fried meat ; to eat out of the pan. AiroT>')K(i>, f. -fw, (fr. same, and r»7/iu) to melt) to 7nelt, dissolve; to steep, soften ; to consume, waste, tkcay. AiroTtdijftt, f. anoOi'iau), p. avoriBei- Ka, (fr. aird from, and TiOrjiit to lav) to lay down, or asiile, put qff, relinquish, quit, renounce; to lay by, store, or treasure up ; to put off, defer, delay, procrasti- nate ; to expose, put out to perish. 1 a. act. aTtiOijKa. 1 a. mid. avt- OriKjidr^v. 1 a. pass. aireriOtjv. I f. pass. aTOTiOr'iaoitat. 1 f. mid. arroOi'icofjiai. 2 a. mid. ind. ottc- Oi^Tiv inf. anudiadaf par. aToOi- fiti'oi. For other tenses see Tidtjflt. AvorUrta, fr. arru intens. and rlKtUf which see. ^ AroT-iXXo), f. -I'Xui, (fr. same, and Ti'XXw to pluck) to pluck up, or out; to pull qff', strip; to take off" the hair. Aro'riX/ja, -Srof, t6, (fr. last) U shred, piece, fragment ; hair, or v.ool jilucked off] ATrnTtiidu) -u), f. -I'/aw, p. ->]Kit, (fr. crro inleiis. and rt^idto lo honour) to value, appraise, estimate; to esteem, regard ; lo fine, amerce; to dishonour, slight ; to pledge, give hinl. A^oriftdo^tnt -wiiat, to take a pledge, accept security. A-rorlfini"!, -droi, rd, (I'r. last) a pleilic, pawn, drjmsit, penalty ; security given by a sutntlian ; a compensation for dowry. hnor'iniv,-ov, rd, (fr. siimc) aprice, value, rale ; a jileilqc, security. Andriitof, -ov. A, j;, (fr. samc) pawned, rngnged, hound. Or, (fr. (iffj priv. and n/ii) honour) inglorious; private, mean, ob- Mc^uJe. Airorivnypn, •arn(, rcl, (fr. next) >wripinf\s, dust, nff'sriiitring, the dirt coming iff any thing when cleaned. Aroriiduao}, C -rffw, p. anorirlva- Vd, (fr. oirJ friiiii, and rii'rfircfui lo quiver) to shake rff, thakc out. Ano 1 a. act. ind. aircTlvai^a. impr. airorlva^ov par. anortid^ai. 1 .1. inf. mid. anoTiniiacOm. AroTii'vi'fieioi, par. prt'S. mid. of A»or/n'ii^i, or -vut, (fr. avd back, and Wvn'/ii, or -I'cj to pay) ulsn, ATor/w, or ArronVu), f. -/ffu», p. -iica, (fr. saiuo, and Wiui or t/u to honour) to honour, compriisdie, rewnrJ ; to repay, pay, or s^iffvr for, atone for, make compensa- tion ; KTZOTtivvfiai, Arzorloftai, tic. to exact punishment, punish, revenge, avenge. 1 f. act. 3 sin. anoTian, 1 pi. airoriaontv. 1 a. act. ind. arcno-ri' 'i sin. sub. anoTlaji' par. avoriaai. 1 1. niid. par. aTOTitru'/itiof. AiroTfi^iyu), or airorfifiaaui, f. -fu. (fr. avi trom, and Tfii'iadiji or r/idu to cut) /faj, 2 a. pass. aTnTfiayrjv. 'ATTor^a;, -ov, 6, //, (fr. a neg. and vdrftoi lo') ill fated, hardfated, unfortunate, miserable, wretched, unhappy, sup. airoTiidraTos. AiroToXna, 3 sin. cont. pres. act. of AJToroX^dtu -ui, f. -i/acj, p. a770T£- ToX^^fca, (fr. ux-Jintens. and roX- ndii) to dare) to presume, be very bold, dare very much. ATroTo/ii), -)ji, Si, (fr. airoTifivu) to cut off) a cutting off, cutting short, 7>2aki}ig ari end of. A'orofiia, -a{, y, (fr. same) o cut- ting or paring closely ; lopping, pruning. AnArofioi, -ov, i, i;, (fr. same) ab- rupt, steep, precipitous ; ar- duous ; concise, short, brief; ri- gid, severe, cutting. AtroTiftuif, (fr. last) cuttingly, se- verely ; cdncisely, briefly. 'AroTOf, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and riJrof drink, th. irlvu) to drink) ahslaining from drink, living without liquids ; not drinkable. A-'OTpt'tYCtv, 2 a. inf. act. of ano- AiTOTpaxvvii), f. -vvu), (fr. azi in- tens. and rpaxi^i^ 'o make rough) to roughen; to ruffle, fret, exasperate. AirorpiTTov, pres. irnpr. mid. of a-roTplirij). A'!roTpcrrTtKi{,-i),-iv, (fr. next) dis- suasxve, AroTpiru), f. -tpu), p. atrOTiTptipa, (fr. a-nb from, and tpj'ttw to turn) lo turn away from, dissuade ; to avert, turn aside, put away; to frustrate, disappoint. Avorpivo- fini, to turn one s self from, dis- like ; lo loathe., reject. 1 a. act aitiTpti^a' 2 a. act. airiVpuTov. 2 a. mid. a^rttTpairoftrfv. per. ind pass, aTtOTfrpaiiiiai. Airorpf jfw, (fr. ari back, and rp/^^u to run) to run bark, run away, Jly, escape; to revolt, rebel. ArroTnifiiMi, f. -ly/w, (fr. arj from, and Toiiioi to rub) tn wear away, watte, liruisc, break, consume, impair ; to rub down, clean, Ano Ano tripe; AroTpZ/Jo/iui, to , file <^, A7rori'(/>Xa!v(i}, f. -avd, p. -ayxa, (fr. airJ intens. and ipalvw to show) to show, point out ; to exhibit, dis- play ; to utter, pronounce, de- clare ; to render, cause, or make to be. Aito(j>nlvoiiai, to appear, seem ; to express one's self, de- clare his opinion ; to interpret, explain, pres. inf. pass. aTro(pal- viaQaf par. avotpaii'dncvos. Airo(j>avovncv, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of last. to make up harvest; to enjoy,\A.ir6 or rpih) to wear away) lo waste, or rub away, wear out ; -lo con- sume ; to break, tame, subdue ; to weary, exhaust, Afforpwyu, f. -^Oftat, p. aTrorlrpw- Xa-i (fr. same, and rpiiyw to gnaw) to waste, consume, eat up, devour. 2 a. act. ind. antrpayov inf. avorpdyctv. ATTorvy)(^av6iJitva,-(i}v,Ti, (t"r. ne.xt) disappointments, misfortunes. AiTorvyxdvii), f. aTroTvyi'iatii, p. -t£- Tvx'l'"', (fr. a-jrii priv. and rvy- j^n'vu) to get) to miss, mistake; to miss of, fail, not -lucceed, be dis- appointed. 2 a. act. ind. airirv- Xov' par. aTToruj^ur. 1 f. raid. UTTOTti^O^iai. Aj7oru7ii5uj -u), f. -liiTU, p. -wK/i, (fr. a-u intens. and runiu) to copy) to form, fashion, portrary, re- present, express ; to imitate, re- semble, be like. ArroTUTTTO/jai, (fr. airi from, and riTTTtii to strike) to cease beating, desist from striking ; to beat one' s self ; to mourn, bewail. AzoTVTTiopa, -aroi, rh, and Avori- TTuicii, -105) Att. -cms, I'l, (fr. avo- rvTrdtj) to express) a resemblance, likeness, porlruil ; an image, sta- tue. AroruijXiSd) -w,f. -uioto, p. -wKa, fr. a-rri intens. and Tvip^6u>, which sec. (82) anotpalvio to declare) a declara- tion, assertion, assurance, asse- veration; an oracle, response; a maxim, axiom ; a proposition ; a list, valuation. AiToipavT'(Kd(,-l),-iv, (fr. same) rfe- claralory, expressive of; express, positive, decided. ATTdipacOc, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. mid. of a7rd0))/:/i. ATT6(jtSats, -IDS, Att, -tuj, t'l, (fr. aTro(paivio to declare) a saying, expression ; a sentence, decision, determination, resolution ; a pro- clamation, declaration; the an- swer of an oracle, AvoipdaKij), (fr, ani priv. and i^da- Kia to say) same as air6s, (fr. a-no^alvu to show) openly, clearly, evidently. AnoipcpaiaTO, Ion. for airoi'yomi' inf. a~o- tiivyuv par. airo^C^uv. 1 f. mid. aT;o(pti^Ojjiai. Ar^^i;^!, (fr. same, and r})xX to say) to deny, contradict; to re- nouncf, disclaim ; to declare, publish, announce. Ajrd^ij/iOf , -ov, b, i(, (fr. lastj not to be mentioned ; unlucky, ill-omen- ed, inauspicious, ominous, Aj7oriati, -lof, Att. -twf, fji (fr. aTToipiJin to deny) o contradic- tion ; denied, refusal ; sentence, judicial decision ; a denunciation, declaration. KviKpSiyyojiai, f. -yjo/iai, (fr. a-nb intens. and (pBiyyojiai to sound) to utter, pronounce, declare so- lemnly ; to speak proverbs use pithy sayings. 1 a. ind. mid. arc, same as Aroipdiij), or Aro, f. -hw, {fr. ari intens. and (p6iru to spoil) to corrupt, destroy, ruin, over- throw ; to kill, slay ; to waste, decay, putrify ; to perish, die. ATTotpXiivpli^w, f. -hid, {fr. same, and (iXavpiiii), Att. for to slioht) pi)(, -rfiioj, h, fj, (fr. n neg. nnd ippiH^io to ri[K-ak) unhnlloir- ed, fTcnnimnnirnt'd ; unlwki/^ inmtspyrtou* ; ominous, unfu- imurnlitr^ unfiirlunrUr. Anotfiodfftjut, or -TTht, f. -fi^iit, (fr. ani intens. and^'piicvu tohcdgo) Ano to fence, stop, or shut up ; to en- close,fortify ; to hinder from, re- ject, put away^ repulse; to si- lence, stop the mouth. Ai:o(pvycii; inf. — Airoipvyovrtc, n. pi. -ySiras, a. pi. pur. 2 a. act. of airoocvyia. Ai!o6vyfi, -Tii, )i, (fr. aTroipiCybi to escape) a flight, escape; a re- fuge, retreat, asylum. Airoi^wXioi', -on, TO, (fr. a~o from and ^KiXtoj a den) on untimely or monstrous birth ; the litter, or cubs of a wild beast. ATToi/iuiXiof, -cv, b, {], (fr. same) from, or out of a cave ; mon- strous, strange ; abortive, un- timely ; false, deceitful. Aro;^£(p(i/3(05, and Aro;^£ipo/3( to irrigate) to cease from irrigation ; to convey, drau fff, or turn aside water ; to divert, turnfrom. par. 1 a. mid. arro- ■)(^tTtvadfitvoi. A-TToxio) -tS, f. -ijoo), -cicu), and -fiffio, (fr. same, and yiu to pour) to pour out, shed; to dis- embogue. ATro)(rj, -rjf, i'/, (fr. a-!ri)^u> to be dis- tant) distance, space, interval, remoteness. Ano-ypn, 3 sin. pros. ind. — Airo- ;^Oni', pres. mf. — Array puiv, ieni. a-oypuiaa, par. pres. of Arroypnui -w, f. -I'lOO), (fr. arb in- tens. and xpiiij) to lend) to grati-. fy, suffice, satisfy^ content. Aro- ypdojiai, to use, make use of, em- ploy ; to abuse, make an ill use of, turn to a utong purpose ; to consume, spend, waste. 1 f. mid, avoypfioofiai. per. ind. pass, airOKlypi))ini. Aroyptw/icvof, Ion. for aroypiifif vDf, par. prts. mid. conl. — A rr(»;;^oi)(70a I , Ion. for oroymid- Oiii, pres. inf. mid. cont. otavo- ypdii), or -Jo/>ni. Airiypri, A\}OC. for a^iypnat, 3 sin, pres. ind. art. it is sufficient there is tnimgh, that will do. Arroypr\Y, Apoc. for mroyp^ivai, pros. mf. acl. of aviyptjfn, same as aitnypiiiii. Avoypfiott, 3 sin. 1 f. art. of ano- ypiiw. Arnypfiou, d. din. rOMl. All. of Ar6ypr]puTt, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — A-noyoipijcas, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. ol AToywpiu) -a, f. -rjaui, p. a-rTOKtyii- pvKa, (fr. ano from, and X(i>piu) to go) to go from, depart, retire, withdraw, yield, give place; to digest, secrete, pass off. 1 a. act. md. QTTfj^upTjffa' par. aro;^;wp;5cr;ij. A-oywptj(Tis, -105, Alt. -tujc, fi, (fr. last) departure, retirement, re- treat. Avoywpi^u), f. -I'ffu, p. aTTOKcyii- piKa, (fr. aro from, and ywpl^u to part ) to sever, rend, separate, part, divide. ATOxu)pi^ofiai, to be separated, or to separate one'* self; to depart from, quit, leave. 1 a. pass. ind. aircywplaOijv inf. a-KoywpiaOi^.at. AvoyiDpodvra, -wv, tc), (neut. pi. par. pres. act. cont. of anoyw- piu), to pass off") the excrements. Airoifdw -u>, f. -tjnw, and A-roi^do- ftat, (fr. ar.b from, and x^a'uj to wipe) to wipe nffi, clean ; to clear away, scrape off, efface. A-o^r\i^lZ(, (fr. aTpdyfuov easy) easily, rendily, wilhuut trouble ; leisurely, e/uielly. ATTpnyfiooviii, ->;(, fi, {fr. same) leisure ; rc.«l, quietness ; ease, unconcern, security ; idleness. Arpdyfuov, -orof, 6, if, (fr. a nog. and vpduBiii to do) rufv, not troublesome ; Iriinquit, qvirl, un- disturbed ; indolent, iiiartivf, ArnnKrlii) -ui, f. -fiout, (fr. same) to have nolhine to eh, be at In. sure ; to idle, li\/!r ; to miss^fail, he unsuccessful. 'AvpiiKTOf, -nv, b, fj, {fr, KBme) not elone, undone, upflnishrd, im- Anp prrftct ; tndlesfy inlcrminahlr ; mij/txluid^ fruUleM ; iiKrunMr ; thins nothing, idle, iniloltnt, inactive. Aiepitarui, (fr. Fame) imperfertfy : i'Ufi, inHiArntlf/. Avpaiia, -le ; indelirale, indcrent, indecorous. Airpfirwf, (fr. last) unjilli/, i?»pro- pirty ; unmeaningly, indecently. KvptjKTOi, Ion. for ilirpaKTos. Anptiirift {'•■• a "P?- Il''d Tplanni 10 buy) uitlwut value, price, or rannom ; freely, gratis, wilhuul recompenxe. Airpl^, and ATplyfia, (perhaps fr. ari from, and fii^a the root. Or, fr. a neg. and irpiu) to saw) by the root, inse])aratly ; Jirmly, ttiffiy, tenaciously, tooth and nail. AtrponlpcTo;, -ov, b, !j, (fr. a neg. and Ttpoaipiia to prefer) against the will, utiwiUing. ArrpoaiptTWi, (fr. lasl) untvillingly. A^rpti^ovXtvroi, and AvpoafioiiXev- To(, -ov, h,ti, (fr. same, and rrpo- (inv\tvui to consider) unadvised, foolish, indiscreet ; rash, head, strong ; insignificant ; not enact- ed, or decreed. Kitpo(io\i\iiTu>i, and AirpoupovXev- Toi;, (ir. last) unadvisedly, fool- ishly, indiscreetly, rashly. AvpoPovXia, -as, i;, (fr. a neg. rpS before, and fiov'Sn consideration) want of thought, inattention, in- advertence; rashness, temerity. At()(50C/jo?, -01), b, fi, (fr. same, and ■rpSdvfioireHdy)dull,slow,heavy, lazy, unwilling, inactive, reluc- tant. ArpoOvituii, (fr. last) slowly, lazily, unwillingly, inactively. Avpoiitu, -hi -ovi, b, //, (fr. a neg. and roocif'ij) to foresee) unpreme- ditated; unforeseen, unlooked for, unthought of. ArpoiKos, -ov. A, fi, (fr. same, and rpoif a fortune) portionless; un- entlnwed. AiTfMvorjaia, -a;, fi, (fr. same, and vpoyoid} to consider) thouglUless- ne«s, inadvertence, heedlessness ; imprudence, rashness, AirpovdtiTOi, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. same) unadvised, hasty ; thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash; unforeseen, unerpecled. AitpoviifiTiDi, (fr. last) hastily, in- contiderattly, rashly. Arp6nzT0!, -ov, b, //, (fr. n neg. spS before, and iiTTOfiai to sec) un- foreseen, unthought of, unexpect- ed ; rash, hasty. Anpodrrruis, (fr. last) suddenly, un- erpectedly, Airpo/ip'iroi, -ov, b, f), (fr. a neg. and rpoopdu to foresee) unfore- seen, unexpected. AHT AitpnopaTU>i, (fr. Inst) Mnrrprrlcdty. Airpna(V;7j, -tos -oi'f, b, !/, (Ir. a neg. iind vpoaiiofiui to want) nhundnni, iihounding, tifluent ; not wnnlini:, rrijuiring, or de- serving ; unworthy, undeserving. A irpoo(\ii, and AnpoaiiKrjTot; (Ir. last) untxi)crtedly. ATrp6(7iKroi,-ov, b, i;, (fr. a neg. vods to, and 'iKrhfjai to arrive) and Arpdafroi, -ov, b, I}, (fr. same, and Tpiffcii-ti to come at) not to be approached, inaccessible ; unat- tmnable ; unrivalled, AirouoKoTToi, and AirpfaKovros, -ov, 6, I/, (fr. same, and trpocKdiTTw to slriUe against) nut stumbling, or falling ; fiifn, steady, upright ; not striking, tripping, or throw- ing ; harmless, in7iocent ; plain, free open, clear ; unforeseen, unthought of. AtrpooKd-rrioi, (fr. last) without trip, fall, or error ; safely ; innocent- ly, uprightly. AirpdajjiKTOf, -ov, b, )';, (fr. a neg. and -Rpoofxlyvvfn to intermingle) that -will not mix ; unsociable, solitary, AvpoodpuToi, -ov, b, >'j, (fr. same, vpii at, and bpdui to look) not to be looked at, horrid, horrible, shocking, hideous ; immense, huge, vast, AirpoadpfiiaTos, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, TTpiig at, and lip/jio; a harbour) unsafe for ships ; willwut port, or haven. d. ATp6ir(popoi, -ov, b, f;, (fr. same, and 0/pu to bring) unfit, disad- vantageous, dangerous. ArTpoaij)T:o\riZTti>s, (fr. same, rpd- ouiKov the face, and \ajilidni> to take) withmd regarding persons, or respecting ranks, impartially, erfidtably, equally. AirpoffwTii);, (fr. a nog. and vp6- cuiT.nv a mask) w.ilhovt a mask ; undisguisedly, face to face. ATTp6rtijaaT0i, -on, i, i), (fr. same, and rpon/irt'cffw, Dor. for npoa- fidaau) to touch) untouched, un- defied, pure, chaste. ATTpoijidatoTo;, -ov, b, I'j, (fr. same, and -rrpiiipaaii a pretence) with- out pretence, inexcusable; with- out hesitation, ready, prompt, willing; unftiened, sincere. Arpo0n(7iVr(i)f, (fr. last) readily, promptly, willingly, sincerely. AiTp6(f>aTos, -ov, b, j), (fr. a neg. and 7:p6;, (fr. a nog. and nripiv a wing) and, Arr/piiynf, -ov, v, t';, (fr. samr,and jTTipvi, a wing) and, AitT/pwros", -ov, b, Ij, (fr. same, and rtrii>uiTd( winged) unjenlhtrcd, without fcalhirs, or wings ; that will not, or cannot fly away, permancnl, fixed, sttllcd. Or, (fr. a iiitens. and same) with great wings, uini;ed, rapid. "Airrtrai, 3 sin. pros. ind. pass. — "AvTiaOov, 2 du. and "AnrcoOc, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid "Att- TiaBai, pros, inf. pass, of livrio. AnrTtv, -rjvoi, b, f/, (fr, a neg. and zTtivoi winged) callovt, unfitdg- rd, unable to fly, dat. pi. unTtjai, 'ATrrikr), -»/f, i), (fr. dnrofiai to touch) the touch, feeling. ', -ov, rd, (fr. same) feel- ing, snisibilily. 'AttTttcdf, ->>, -it', (fr. same) touch- ing, affecting ; reaching, having un influence, or power over, Airrocirfii, -/of -off, 6, >^, (fr. a neg. irro/u to falter, and f>of a wora) fearless, bold, or confident in speech. ' ATTTontfls, -lot -Oof, 6, >;, (fr. Hittio to touch, and I'rof a word) keen, severe, sarcastic. ATrrdnros, and ArrorijTOf, -ov, b, jj, (fr. a neg. and tttoiw to terrify) fearless, intrepid, undaunted. AirrciAt/iof, -ov, b, i;, (fr. same, and TTdXciios for TTiJAt^of war) un warlike, peaceable ; weak, feeble ; timid, cowardly. 'Atttw, f. axj.'(ij, p. nipa, to totick ; to connect, join, bind; to make, finish ; to light, kindle. 'Anro/iai, to approach, come to, arrive at ; to catch, reach, clasp, embrace ; to lay hold un, take, use S to be- gin, take in hand, enter upon; to seize, lay hold of, invade, attack ; to bear hard upon, be severe, 1 a. act. ind. lupa' par. o'l^of. 2 a. act. tjipov. imp. ind. pass. i/rrTdiirjv. per. pass, iififiai' par. iif/finoi. 1 a. pass. i'ltpOiiv. 1 f. mid. liipofiai. 1 a. mid. ind. I'lipdiirjv' sub. i'nf,wuai. Arrraif, -uTOf, b, i'/, (fr, a neg. and irrHoii a (M) secure,firm,steady ; stable, durable, 'AirrojTOf, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) in- declinajble. Art'pcrof, -ov, b, (i, (fr. a neg. and miptris a fever) /ree/rom fever, cool. 'Anvpoi, -ov, b, )';, (fr. same, and ■xvp fire) without fire, or heni; untouched by fire ; unfit for, not intended for the fire ; undressed, not cooked, raw ; that stands the fire. An'purof, -ov, b, r], (fr. same, and irtpiiu) to burn) never brought to the fire ; new, fresh, unused. 'Avvaroi, -ov, b, !/, (fr. same, and rvvOuio/iai to hear) unheard of, unknown, obscure; ignorant, un- acquainted with. A:7«, p. ■fiitvKa, (perhaps fr. avi intcns. and 6w APA to drop. Or, fr. jto; a word) to sound, emit a noise, ring ; to shout, cry out, announce, de- clare; to address, invoke. Airadjir)v. per. pass, rfruxr^ai. Airuidu>iitda, cont. fr. aTrmStufitda, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. AvuiKiff/ihoi, par. per. pass, of airoixl^it). AiruXc/ii, -af, »/, (fr. air^XXv/ii to destroy) destruction, ruin, deso- lation, waste. AriiXtffo, -ay, -e, or -cv before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. — ArojXrf- pii)y, 2 a. ind. mid. — ArriJiXa, Alt. anJXuXii, per. mid. — Aru- AciXtiv, All. for airuXcii', pper. mid. of air^XXv/ii. A>ru>>', and Ion. n-riwv, -ovaa, -ov, (par. pres. of rfirti^i to be ab- sent) absent, distant, remote. Ariipuf, -iiyof, 6, (fr. ard from, and onOoau to dig) a cutting, slip, shoot, branch. ArrwoYi'icao, Ion. (oT ami)p)(^rjabi, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of azopx^"' fiai. ArrJaa, -af, -c, ind. — ATwffoj, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. — Aru- aiurjv , -(J, -aro, ind. — A^rwfffl- ficvof, -ri, -ov, par, I a. mid. — AT.ii, -bv, or-o5, i, /;, (fr. same) repellent, repuUive. AiTuffrdj, -^, -iv, or -ou, A, ^, (fr. »amn) linJile to be expelled ; turn- ed, or driven nut ; refused^ re- jected, disowned. Amircpoi, -rarof,iiamc usairdrtpof. A*wr/f)it, -raru), (lamo an arroTipw. Airutj^ivTo, 3 pi, imp, ind. of aro/- 'Ao', and 'Pd, Poet, for Afli, Ihtrrfnre^ ronsefuenllt/ ; then, then indeed, indeed, in truth ; ncti, rnnsrjurnlly ; Iruli/, duly, accordinfli/ ; perhaps. 'Ana ; whnhrr 1 in it so 1 whi/ ? Ap'l, -Of, I'l, (pcrli«n« fr. nlpui to take, or rlpo to l>o Buitaulc) n prai/er, supplirntion ; an nalh ; a curse, cursing, imprecation ; banc, detriment, injury. Ap'i/3-}, Heb. a u-iW/mcm. Ap^i)}«r/i7ii(, Dor. for apnfinTiaai, n. pi. fom. par. pres. act. of APA Apaffioi -&, f. -i/(rci>, p. vpd'i^riKa,] (fr. dpajSoi a crash) to crash, clash, clang, dash ; to cause a a sound by striking or faLing ; to rattle, resound, ring. 1 a. ind, act, i]pd^t)aa. Api/3i)<7u, -ui,-t. Ion, for )ipd^r)aa, see last. Apafiia, -of, >;, Arabia. ApafStKos, -n, -ov, and Apdjitos, -ov, 0, >i, (fr. last) Arabic, Arabian. Apaiioi, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. 'Apr;; Mars, and jiofi a shout) a din, shout, crash, clang ; noise of things striking, or falling ; tlic roar of wnliT ; grinding, or gmuihing of teeth, .Kpayc, (fr. dpa then, and yc an emphatic enclitic) then truly, therefore indeed; surely, cer- tainly. Apayfta, -aroi, rb, and Apay/(dt, •ov, b, (fr. apdaoui to knock) col- lision, knocking, dashing, or striking together ; breaking, bruising ; rattle, crash, din. 'Apalos, -ov, i, (fr. same) palpi<.u- tation, strong pidsalion, or beat- ing of the Iieart after exercise. Apai, 1 a. inf. act 'Apof, in n. "pi. 'ApavTCi, par. 1 a. act. — Ap(iTw,3 sin. — 'Apart, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of &/pio. Apala, -a;, >/, (fr. apatbi delicate) the intestines, belly. Apdioi, -a, -ov, (fr. npu a curse) cursing, imprecating. Also, cursed, accursed, devoted to the furies, execrable. Apatb;, -a, -bv, rare, thin, delicate, fine ; small, slender. Apatdrri;, -t/roi, ^, (fr. last) fine- ness, thitiness, delicacy ; loose- ness, softness, sponginess. Apaiiui -d, f. -uiao), (fr. last) to refine, clear; to rarefy, make thin. Apaiioftai -ovjiai, to clear, become fine, or lltin. Apalprifiat, Ar npi'iftijv, Apatpr)jiivoi, by Alt. rcdupl. ami Ion. want of augment for, ;)pj;/ju(, per. jlp;;- /i»)v, pper. and iiprijilvoq, par, per. pass, ofolp/o;. Or by the same, and Epen. of ij, for Dp/iai, per. fipn')v, pper. and ripfiivoi. per. par. pass, ofa^pui. Apaluioii, -io{, Alt. -£(uf, li, (fr. apatbi fine) a loosening, easing ; looseness, eaae ; thinness, rare- faction. ApnKbi, -ov, b, a kind of pulse. Ap^KTbv, -ov, rb, blacking used by shoemakers. Apiii', Ileb. indecl. Aram, a man'ft name. Apdiicvof, 1 u. par. mid. of alpu. Api'iv, Aran, a Hebrew name. 'Ap'ita, -fif, -t. Ion. for i/pafn, 1 a. ind. act. — Apd(u), -lid -ti, 1 f. act. nf apdcait), 'Apao, 2 sm. Ion. and Dor. of i;orf. Iiiiv, imp. ind. of Ipa^iaf Imm tipdpT]v, I'jpnao, Ion. I'lnao, Dor. dpiio. Or (if rtpnaiipnv, 1 a. mid. of lame ; ihim rtpaadiitiv, tipdaw, .Sync. I'iph), Ion. fipuo, Dor. dpao. Apdouai -Ciuai, f. -daopai, (fr. apA (86) AIT prayer) to pray in any manner ; to supplicate, aitroat, beg bless- ings ; to deprecate, beg off^ pray deliverance from ; to curse, im- precate; to injure, hurl, urong. 'Apapa, -af, -c, for qpa, per. mid. of dp;oa';(vv, 1 a. mid. of a/pu. ApaVcru, or -rrw, f. -fu, (fr. a in- tens, and pdcirut to dash) to cut qff', lop, prune ; to saw, break tiith a noise, tear asunder; to knock, break, dash ; to revile irith noisy abuse. 1 a. ind. act. >ipa(a. Aparat, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. of apdoftai. ApdTu, 3 ain. 1 a. impr. act. of alpio, ApalpiiO, soaked, or malted corn, malt. Apa^liva, -in, I'j, the name of a plant. Apavvalof, and Apdyvitos, -a, -oy, (fr. next) like a spider, made by, or relating to a rpider ; full of cobwebs, dirty. Apdxviji, -ov, 6, and ApdxiVy -»s, I'l, (perhaps Ir. apaibi slender, and Ixi'os a track) a spider ; u spider\s iveb, cobweb. Apuyviov, -ov, Tb, (fr. last) « cob- web ; (hum, gossamer; a disease incident to olive trees. Apapfi'oC^ijj, -hi -ovi, h, >), (fr. same, aw\v(ltd to weave) woveu by a spider. 'Aprti/, -/3of, b, an Arab. Apflf\\a, -oJi', Ti5, Arhela. Apiiv^o{,-ov, k, a shntmakcr'shiife. Ap/}iX»;, -i)f, i';, a high shoe to keep out the mud, a half boot. Anyalvu), f. •uvtti,{fr. dpyif while) to be, or grow white ; to whiten, bleach, blanch. ' Apyaioi, -ov, b, Argacus, a man's name. ApyrJXi'of, -(I, -Ol', (on if nX)'iiX/of, (r. (iXyo* piiin. Or as if mya- X/«(, fr. Ipyov work) painful, toilsome, lalinrious, hard, diffi- cult ; grievous, troublesome, op- prrssiir, crud. ApyU, -dvTOf, Anyni, -n, and 'Ap- 1 ytti, -ov, 0, a kind nf serpent. lApycc, d. Kin. cont. of 'Apyaf. Apr Ap>'(ii 3 sin. cont. pros. iiid. net. of apylu), Apyiitiii and Apytyrif, -i),-()i', and Apytrdf, -oi, b, i). (I"r. npyo^ wliltc) u-hilf, lirii;ni, shining ; fwi/t, fiotent, impttuous. d. pi. upytivi'jai, for apycifali. Apycioi, -II, and Ion. ->;, -o», (fr. 'Apyo( Aigos) of Argos, one of Argos, Argiie, an Argiiv. d. pi. Ion. Apydotai. Apyci(piiTii(,-ov,b, (fr. 'Apyoj Ar- jjus, and , f. -ijtro), p. -j/ko, (fr. ap^'oi Wle) /o have leisure, bi unemployed, or di. engaged ; to linger, loiter ; to cease, stop. 1 a. ind, act. fipytjaa. A.pY>'icis, see aoyi'js. '.Kpym, -ov, 6, the name of a Cy- clops, a. sin. 'Apy>n'. Ap)'';s, -rjTOS, Apyris, -ios -oPj, u, I}, Apyi'/CiS, and Apyivdcis, -cctrn, -ti', (fr. apXdswhne) while, bright, shining, i>parhling,, flashing ; ac- tive, »wift, violent, impetuous. Apyrjcrvs, see apytuTiip. Apyia, and Apycia, -of, i), (fr. apybf idle) a festival, holiday ; leisure, rest ; idleness, laziness, sloth, in- activity. 'ApyiXos, or 'ApyiXXof, -on, 6, (perhaps fr. apyoj white) clay, potter^t clay. Apyivdcts, -tvTOf, b, fj, see apyijf. ApyirfioDf, -oi'Tof, 0, i5, (fr. same, uud oioi's a tooth) having v)hite letlh. 'Apyioj, -ov, i, fi, (fr. same) luAi/c, brigJU; swift. 'Apyita, Stos, to, more usually, pi. 'Apyfiara, -ui', tu, (fr. ap-)(^)i the beginning) yfr«< fruits, Jirat of- ferings. Apy/ifvoi, Ion. for tipyfiivof, par. per. pass, of o'p^w. 'Apyoi, -ti>v, 01, (Ir. 'Apvof, Argos in Pclo[>onnesus) Argtans, or Argives, rudives of Argos. ApyoXoy/o) -S), (fr. apyds idle, and X/yu to say) M «.?« superfluous erprctsions, talk too much ; to tptak, or utile from the purpoiie. ApyXoyla, -Of, I), (fr. last) idle talk, tuperjtuity of language. 'Ap}Of, -Of, h, Argus, who was said to have a hundred eyes. Also a dog's name. Swift. 'Apyof, -coi -ovs, ri, Argot, a city of Thessaly. 'Apyof, -ov, h, .<4r^os, a city of Pe- loponnesus, sometimes used for Peloponnesus, sometimes for all Greece. Apyifi -h, -4vi white, bright, resplen- dent ; active, nimble, swift. Apyis, -ov, 6, ^ same as aipybsf APr (tV. II neg. and /pyor work) idle, tnurtive, lazy, indolent ; unpro- ,fltablc, unuroughl, untdltd, un- cultivated. Apyupri/ioi/Jof, •ou,i, i';, (fr. tipyvpoi silver, and , (fr. same, and Af'yui to collect) to collect money, demand a tribute. Apyvpdfiotfios, same as apyvpd/ioi- ftoi. Apvvp6-zti^oi,-ov, 6, and -^a, -rji, ,), (fr. rfpyi'poj silver, and vi^a the ankle ; a fringe) silver-footed, having fair, handsome feet, or ankles. Or, luearing fringe, or lace about the ankles, or on the lower edge of the clothes. Or, with silver rings round the ankles. ApyvpdTTOvs, -ofo;, h, 1'/, (fr. next, and TTovi a foot) silver-footed. 'Apyvpos, -ov, b, (fr. apydf white) silver. Apyvpiro^', Apos. for apyvpdTo^t, v. sin. of 1 ApyupiiTo^os, -OV, b, (fr. dpyvpo; silver, andT(5'i, (fr. 'Ap>;{ Mars, and ixalvoftai to rage) terrible in jight, furious in battle, warlike. Aptto-iiyiTTji, or Ap£OJrayi'r>;f, -ov, b, (fr. next) an Areopagite, a judge of the Areopagus. Apitdvayoi, or Apilos vdyos, -ov, b, the Areopagus, a court of su- preme criminal jurisdiction ai Athens. 'Aptiw, and Ap^j'Of, comp. ApfiiJrt- i")c and Aptfuii', (fr. 'Api;s Mars) of Mars, or Mars' ; relating to Mars, or war, warlike, brave, valiant. Apclrai, 3 sin. ofapovfiai, 2f. mid. of ainu). ' Apeoi, g. o( ' Apris. Apiain, 1 a. inf. act. — Aplcas, -aun, -av, g. sin. fem. -cdaiji, par. 1 a. act. — Apconlfinv, Dor. for npeaalfiriv, 1 a. opt. mid. — ApiaaiTo, Ion. for riptaavro, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Apiaua, -ai, -e, JRo\. for. apicaijii, -ati, -at, 1 a. opt. act. — Apiaw, -ci{, -tt, 1 f. ind. act. — Apiow, -ijj, -;;, 1 a. sub. act. of ap/ffKo). ApiirOui, 2 a. inf. mid. ofatpw. ApiiTKiia, -ai, fi, (fr. apiaKoi, to please) a sentence, determination^ degree, resolution ; gracefulness, elegance, politeness, wtt, raillery, repartee. ApccK6vTwi, (fr. same) gratefully, agreeably, pleasingly. 'ApicKOs,-n,-ot't (fr. same) pfco«- APH tng-, kind, courteous ; charming^ a^etable. Ap(V'><, -ov, h, (i, (fr. samp, and ^,i\ni dear) drnr In Mnrn, or fond of war ; warlike, brave, coura- geo>u. Aori\ihnf, (Ion. (or pptiii/vtf, par. per. pas». of itiniio lo Inkf) rut ifff", dr^tr'iyrd^ hlighlrd, ht'utr.d. 'Annv, for'Ao'/", i- "f 'Ap»)f, as if -o», h. \phy, anrif, 4, fi, (fr. {, -»;of, -I7T0{, -ov, 0, 3Iars, war, battle ; ihefury or r^ige of battle ; a wound, scar ; the desire or love of war ; steel. 'Ap;;f, -oil, Ion. -£ii), 6, most usually signifies steel, iron. \orii, Ion. for apai, g. sin. of apd. 'Apr;?, 2 sin. and — 'Ap;;, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of a'pu. AovoojiiOn, for apaaofiiQa, 1 pi. 1 f. mid. of apdofiai. 'Ap>;ra(,3 sin. 2 a. sub, mid. ofai'pu. Api77-£(pa, -05, fi, (fr. next) a priest- ess. Apvrfip, 'Tjpos, b, (fr. apa prayer) a priest. .Kpnriditji, -ov, b, a patronymic name; the son of Aretas. Apnrds, -i), -iv, for dpftrirog, (fr. a neg. and p/u to speak, or fr. apdofiai to curse) inexpressible, unutterable; miserable, sad, wretched ; cursed, execrable, im- pious. Apri(f>atvwv, -ovTo;, b, (fr. 'Api;5 Mars, and tpatvo} to display) bringing battle before him, deal- ing slaughter round him ; fierce, warlike. Apdtii, -tlaa, -li', par. of fipOriv, 1 a. pass, of aipu). 'ApOiv, by Sync, and Ion. for ^p- 8iicav,S pi. 1 a. pass, of dpw. 'Ap9rjv, -tji, -rj, Ion. for fipOrjv, 1 a. pass. ind. — 'ApO;;ri, -i/toj, impr. — ApOi/rai, inf. — Ap0f({, par. — ApO:'iaiTai, 3 sin. 1 f ind, pass, of aiou. ApOfiiu) -i3, f. -v(T(j, p. -riKa, (fr. apOftii friendship) to love, be fond of, attached to, feel affection for ; to make up, be reconciled. ApOfiia, -a(, fi, (fr. same) love, terulcr attachment, friendship. 'ApOutof, -ov, b, (fr. same) a lover, friend, companion. \pf>lii(,-ov, b, (fr. dpd) to join, and 5u/iif the mind) union, agree- ment, love, friendship, attach- ment, concord. ApOpficif, and ApOoirYxi;, -r), -iv, (fr. next) arthritic, relating to the joints, having pains in the joints ; gouty. ApOpirif, -Wot,/;, (fr- nc\i)pmn» in the joints, gmit. 'AnOpov, -on, ri, (perhaps fr. daw io fit) a joint ; a smnlt memtxr or port ; the privities ; the soekri iif titr lyr ; a muscle, sinew; an article in Rrammnr. A oOpiii) -w, f. -i!iiTM, p. -'iH(i, (fr, InsI ) to join, joint ; In adapt, fit, rrgtt- late ; to articiitnte,itptnk distincth/. tK^) API ApOpdcat, 1 a, inf act. — 'Apflpu- cai, 3 sin, 1 a. opt, act, or 1 a. impr, mid, of hist, Apdd, -fis, -fj, 1 a. sub, pass, of a(pw, in 3 pi, Apflutri. 'Ape, a particle prefi.xed, in com- position, to words chiefly by the poets, to increase or heighten the signification ; much, very, greatly. Aptaf'iii, -iif, ', Ariadne, the daughter of Minos. .KpiyvHi;, -ioTOi, and Api'yvurof, •ov, b,!j, (fr. dpi intens. and yi- )aj<;>:u) to know) well known, cele- brated, famous ; very clear, evi- dent, dLitinct. Api<5dxpi!of, -ov, and Apt&dxpv?, -iioj, 6, )'i, (fr,. same, and ^a'lcpu a tear) very melancholy, mourn- ful, tearful ; weeping niucit, much inclined to tears. AptieiKeT for apileixzre, v. sin, of ApiiiiKCTos, -ov, b,li, (fr. dpi intens. and fciKCTos for iciKTus, fr. ^fi'*;- iviji to show) sjilendid, brilliant ; renowned, famous, celebrated. Api^rjXoi, -ov, 0, 1), (fr, same, and 6^>of clear) viry clear, distinct, evident, quite plain, manifest. Apl^n^oi, and ApiftXajroj, -ov, b, !/, (fr, same, and ^>)\oi emula- tion) worthy of imitation, much to be emulated or copied ; excel- lent, superior, illustrious ; bright, clear, distinct. Api^>;A(js, (fr. last) emulously, stu- diously, anxiously ; clearly, dis- tinctly, eiidtntiy, manifestly. 'Apt^og, and' Apltt^o(,-ov,b,!i, (fr. a neg. and pi'i^'a a root) without root. ApidfiCvvTai, Dor. for apidiiovvrat, 3 pi. cont. pres. pass. — ApiO- /i£Ci'Ti, Dor. for apifl^oi/ffi, 3 pi. cont. pres. act, of ApiOjiiiii -io, f, -I'laiii, p, riplOfiriKa, (fr. aptO^&i number) tn number, reckon, count, tell over; to class among, consider, deem, suppose. 1 a. act. ind.>;pi()fi»;(ra" inf. apiO- liTjaai. per, pass, ;/pi'0/ii;;<"'" par- npiOjtnftivoi. 1 a, pass, >;pi6^i;- 6»;v. 1 f, pass. apidnnOi'icoitat. ApiO^nQ^ftvai, Poet, for apiO/ii;- Ofivat, I a. inf pass, of last. ApiOiiiifia, -droi, n), (fr. aoiOfilh) to count) a number, sum total, whole, amount. AptOfiTiaai, 1 a. inf. act. of same. AplOiD/on, -lof, Alt. -f(uf, fi, (fr. aoiO/iiui to count) an enumera- tion, reckoning, counting over ; a muster, survry. ApiOiinrtxl), -^f, I'l, viz, Tt'^it], (fern, of next) arithmetic. AniO/itjTlKdf, -II, -dv, (fr. apiOfit'io \o count) anthmiticnl, relating to numbers, numeral, skilled in ac- counts or numlirrs. ApiOjiTiTdi, -r'), -ix; (fr. same) to he reckoned, that may be numbered ; frin in numbrr. AniOiif><:, -of, o, (fr. apOfibf union) number; a number, multitude; n sum, nmnvnt ; n vvisltr, trill. API AfifinCiia, -i7f, 1^, Ariihmathtra, a city ofllie Holy lund. Apifiicrrui, •i3>', ci, Arimaspianx, LaX., Arimasjii, a pooplc of Scylliiu, who were snid to have but one eve. Aplfioi, -wi', of, name of a place, d. pi. Aoiiiolatr. 'Apif, see Epjidos. Apiofiop^(ii(o>, 'ov, 0, I'/i relntiiig to or named nfler Ariobarza7ics. Apirp/rdii, -af, ^, (Ir. apirptjri)? fit) proprittt/, correciticss, good conduct; graccfiilnff.i, eUgancr. ApiTpcT/u>f, and Apirpfrdif, (fr. next) properly, bcromingly ; gracefully. ApiTTptn);, -hi -oi'f, 6, I/, (fr. o'pi intens. and rp/ru to bcconn;) vtry proper, f.t, right, becoming ; splendid ; consptcuovx. 'Apif, or 'Apir, and 'Apjni, or 'Ap- fiiv, -ii'of, 6, i';, (Ir. a UCg. iilid l>ti or })'iv ihe. nose) V)anling llic nose ; simple, nninlelligent, dull, stupid. Apiy, -lio?, )), a Jile, rn-'p, srrapcr. Also the name of an unknown herb called also aoiaapov. Apiaafioi, Dor. for Aplatiuoi, -ov, h, »;, (fr. tipi intens. ■ and ariita a mark) famous, il- lustrious ; celebrated in war, courageous, brave. ApiaBdpjiuToi, -ov, 0, (fr. dpiaroi best, ar.d llpua a cliariot) thai has pie Jinesl chariot ; the best driver. 'Apiara, (fr. npttrroj best) very well, excellently. Apiarayoptu, -ov, 6, Aristaeorat, a miui's name. ApiiTTaioj, -cv, 0, Arislecus, a man's uam«. Apiarapy^iiji -S), f. -I'lOui, (fr. o'piff- rof be&t, and ap^h rule) to com- mand, rule, or govern test; to take the lead in the state ; to dis- chnrge aiiy office with credit. AoiaTap^oi, -ov, b, Arislarchus, a man s name. Aptardii) -u», f. -liffu, p. r/pijTrjKa, (fr. dpiarov dinuer) to dine, eal a meal at noon. 1 a. act. rpiVn;- ca' impr. apioTtiuov, -droi. Aotartirrii, -ov, b, Arislides, a man's name. Apiaruox', -ov, rb, (fr. rfpiaroj best) a r, lor npiffrfi'io. AptoTti'oiaa, Dor. for uptarcvovaa, (cm. par. pres. acl. — Apiariv- oana, feni. part. 1 a. act, of opior- Ttt'lU). .\pi(7rfi'f, -/of, Att. -«'w(r, b, (fr. n'oioTof best) a chief, head, lend- er, general, prince. — Apiaraj, the great, the nobility. ApioTcuw, f. -iVata, p. riphrrvKa, (fr, last) lo ./i,i;ht braiety, be- have gallantly, he among the fore- most ; to excel, surpass. Apiarijei, Apicn'/iirai, Ion. forapiff- rhi, n. and apiareivi, d. pi. of apioTcvi. ApioTi.aaTC, 2 ])l, 1 a. inipr. act. — Apifl-ri/cr;;, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of apiordui. ApioTi'yu, f. -iau), (fr. upiarov din- ner) to give, or provide dinner ; to invite, or entertain at dinner. ApicTivlriv, (fr. dpicTui best) each best, every bravest; the best, or stoutest, as picked out ; for merit, as a reword. ApiaTijSovXoi, -ov, b, Aristobulus, a man's name. ApiirToye!Tii)v, -ovoi, b, Aristogilon, a man's name. ApiCToyii'OS, -ov, b,i/, (fr. nptuTOi best, and ydvof otl'spring) the chief, father, or parent of a good race, or noble progeny ; produc- ing the best ; noble, high bred. ApiaTdirjuos, -ov, b, Aristodcmus, a man s name. 'ApiOTOl, -0)V, o'l, (pi. of dplCTOi best) the chiefs, leaders, nobles, those duHinguished by conduct, bravery, or spirit. .KptaTOKpdrcia, and Aptaroupdna, -flfi^i (ff- n'pKTTCn the nobles, and Kpariw to govern) an aristocra- cy, a government by the rich and great ; the greed, the no- bility. ApKTTOKpaTio) -w, f. -I'law, (fr. last) to rule supreme; to govern best; to form, or compoxean aristocra- cy. — AptaroKpaTtOjiai -ovjiai, to live under, acquiesce in an aris- tocracy. ApiaTCKparSii, -to;, h, Aristocratcs, a man's name. AptoToKpiiTtKos, -h,-bv, (fr. aptBTO- Kodrcia an aristocracy) aristn- crediral, inclined to the aristo- cracy. ApiaronparlKwi, (fr. \a.^t) aristocra- tically. Apt(JT6fiaX''it '"^1 '"^'l' C''- "pfro; btsi, ari'l jidyri ii Tiiihl) fore most in Jighl, bravest in bailie, excel- ling in courage, vfdurous. 'ApioTov, -ov, rb, (fr. aopiaroi un- determined. Or fr. rjii early. O.- fr. optaroi principal) dinner. I AptuTovooi, -ov, h, »;, (fr. dpicroil best, and v6oi mind) v:cH-Piind-' (d, ucll-inJcnlionrd, benevolent, ^ hind, humane ; brave, valiant. 1 AoioTorOvoi, -ov, b, i'/, (fr. same,! (88) APK and Trdi'Of labour) laborious, dili- fiint, assiduous, ■ictiie. 'Aoiaroc, -tj, -uv, (fr. 'Api;f Mars ; but attributed as a superlative to ayaOif gooil) beat, biavtst, wor- thiest ; excellent ; chief, princi- pal, noble. ApiaroTiXiif, -coi -ouf, i, Aristotle a man's name. ApidTOTiKcia, -iif, fi, used a.s the fcni. of AptoToruKOi, -ov, b, I'j, (fr. uptaroi best, and tIktu to breed) thepa- rent of a Jine family, of a noble race; best bred, best of children ; nobly born. Apiarorpdievs, Dor. for ApieTo Ari-adia, the name of a country. ApKdiios, -ov, b, (fr. last) an Ar- cadian. Apktr, impers. (fr. ap/t/ai to suffice) it sujlces, it is enough, it will do. ApxtiaBe, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. mid. — .ApKiar), 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of apk/o). ApKtuvTusi, Ion. for ApKovirini, (fr, same) svJficienHy, enough. ApKicii, 3 sin. 1 f. act. — ApuiaOri- cofiiOa, 1 pi. o(ApKeaOr,aopai,\ f. pass, of same. ApiftoiXdof, -ov, b, Arcesilaus, a man's name. Apv£(7('Xu{, -a, b. Dor. for last. 'ApKC(Jt{,-ioi, Alt. -iu)s,ri, (fr, ap- Kiui to suffice) sujfirienn/, com- petency ; capnbdily ; lenijil, use- fulness, advantage; help, aid, assistance, relief. ApKcrbv, viz. ear}, (ncut. of next) enough, it is enough, same as apKei. ApKirbf, -)), -iv, (fr. apKi'w to suf- fice) svjp.rient, cnoutlh. ApKcruii, (fr. last) sufficiently. ApKtCOivoi, -n, -ov, (ir. next) juni- per, tf the juniper. 'ApKivOoi, -ov, I'l, the juniper tree. AfiKiui -w, f -iru), p. -fpKtKu, to s".fflce, be nijfficicnl, satisfy, con tent; to avert, reptl, turn away, APM APN APO drive liff; to Ttlieve, aid, rue- cour, give asnslcmce, help svffi- ciently. ApKtofiai -ovfiai, to be satined, or contented ; to acqui- esce, agree. 1 a. act. ijpKeaa, Ion. dpKCca. per. pass. fipKtBjtat, I a. pass. ripKiaOriv. 1 f. pass. afKcadi'ioofiai. 'A.pKlot^-ov, h, li, Poet, for apKt- ris, (fr. last) sufficient, capable, able ; assistant, helping, useful, beneficial ; averting, repelling ; Iveky, see also apun/cdf. XpicTtioi, -a, -ov, (fr. dpKT3( a bear) like a bear. AoKTios, -a, -ov, (fr. dp^oi to be- gin) il must, or is to be begun 'Ap/jordxTBrroj, -ov, 6, 4, (fr. same, and TVjTTta) to strike) chariot rat- tling. 'Ap/iaTorJ?y3f, -ov, 5, (fr. same, and ):»;yvv/i< to frame) a maker of chariots, coachmaher. Apficiia, -Of, n, Armenia ; an Ar. menian woman. Apfihtos, -ov, b, !], (fr. last) Arme- nian. 'Apftcvov, -ov, TO, (fr. next) a tool, inslrument ; funiilurc, tackle, 'Ap/jtevos, -ri, -ov, (Sync. forafwJ^r- los, par. pres. pass, ofa'pu to lit) adapted, Jit, proper, ojnvenient. Apfiuiios, -a, -ov, (ir. ap/«5^(j to disoum, renounce ; to rejuse, withhold, 1 a. mid. ind. rpvijad- fiTjV sub. apvi'jcuijiai' inf. apv))- aacOai' par. apv)]adfitvoi. ApvivTrip, -ripos, b, (fr. iip; a lamb, because they leap head fore- most as lambs butt) adivtr^Jish- er for pearls. 'April, -ris, t], name of a city, also ol Neptune's nurse, Ami. Apvrjadfitvoi, -7;, -ov, par. — Apji/ cacdiu, inf. 1 a. mid. — Apvijotj- rai, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. — Ap- r)';aoftat, -17, -trat, 1 f ind. mid. AptTjuif, -1), -iv,aniiTat, -a, 0, Dor, for 'Ap- luirriXdrin, -ov, i, {fr. fiami;) a charioteer, dnver of a chariot. 'Ap/jaritri, nnd Dor. -««, ./jf, I,, Ap/iiirrui, same as ip/td^iii, ApvuTof, -ov, 0, a man's name, Arnau: ApvUnif, -tiof, !i, (fr. ups a lamb) a sheip's, or Inmli s skin, 'Ania(, a. pi. 'if opov, or (fpf. Apvtiov, -nv, ri, (fr. next) a place uhrrr lamb, or mutton is soUl, market, shambles. Apvuif, -or, b, {fr. i'ip( a lamb) a grown lamb, ram, hnggrrrl. Apvtiof, -a, -ov, (fr. name) of a (Ir. name, and rttn victf^ry) the\ lamb, like a lamb rirjnn/ in a rhariut rare, ApviiaOui, pres. inf mid. Cont Apfiririov, -ov, Td, (dim. ofiamc) a small chariot or carriage. ' Apitaroepofiia, -a(, li, ((r. name, and ip6fio< a rare) a chariot racs. M of Apviofiai -oC/iiv' and ^(>Trrf-^9»;i-. '2 a. pass. I'lpiriyriv, and {fiirdiriv. per. ind. mid. iiprdya, and ijOTtada. XprraKTijp, -iipof, and Poet. 'Ap- ruxri),;, -oP, i, (fr. last) n robber, pluwUrn, gpoiler, rnti.ilier. 'XpoTpa, pi. of upKTooi'. rAoruKTAif, -i), -Or, (fr. same) pi7- Xforptii, -ioi, Att. -/uf, 4, Poet. I lading, plundiring ; rnpricious, for iipi5ri;;. covcluus. ApOTpiaaif, -loi, Alt. -tuif, I'j, Sec I'ApTuicTiiciSf, (fr. last) violeiitly ; apoaif. Aporjia'ui -Cj, and Aporpin^u, f. -aff(i», p. i/poTpiiiKa, (fr. dporpoi' a ploufjli) Ij plougli, till, or pre- pare land; to labour, cultivate the earth. A-poToiHv, n. and Aporoiuvra, a. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of last. ApoTpi'i, same as dpoaii. ' ApTTuyiriv, (fr. dpTn'^u to seize) in haste, hastily, eagerly, swiftly, by snatches; rapaciously, rave- nously, forcibly. 'Apzaycii, -uaa, -iv, a. sin. -yivra, par. 2 a. pass, of same. 'Apruyi?, -i;;, /;, (fr. upro'^w to rob) rapine, robbery, pillage, taking by force ; a hook, drag, grapple, used for fishing up things fallen into a well. 'Ap'^aynadftcda, 1 pK 2 f. ind. nu of same. 'ApTrayfia, and " kpTtaa^ia, -aroj, ri, (fr. same) spoils, plunder, booty ; pillage ; rapidity. 'Apvayiidi, -ov, h, (Ir. same) rob- bery, plunder, pillage. 'Apir«(£(, 3 sin. 'AoTa^ouirtv, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — 'Aprrufttf, pres. inf. act. — ' Ap-d^ovra, n. pi. par. pres. act. of ApTrn^u), f. -aia, and Dor. -fu. rapaciously, eagerly 'Apirak-Tilf, -i), -dv, (fr. Apvri^U) to seize) plundered, robbed ; seized, icrested, extorted. 'ApruXf'oj, -a, -ov (fr. same) rapid, violent, ravenous ; swift, eager, furious. 'ApraA/uj, (fr. last) rapidly, vora- ciously, violently ; by snatches. 'ApTdX/iJu, (fr. same) to seize, grasp, lay hold upon ; to catch an opportunity. "ApTn^, -ayoi, h, {/, (fr. apTrd^ui to rob) rapacious, ravening, de- vouring ; subs, a ravisher,ptun. dcrer. 'Apird^dii, JEol. for 'Apirufuj, -daa, -av, 1 a. par. of same. 'Aprruj, a. pi. of (ipir;;. 'ApTTu'ffa?, 1 a. par. act. ofupara^oi. ' Apvdij) -u, f. -daui, (fr. &piTrj a sickle) to plunder, rob, steal. Apirtiii;, -ioi -ovi, b, >i, (fr. ttcSov the ground) on a level xvith the ground, on the groundfloor. ' Apntbdvr), -rjs, Ij, and 'Aprt^uiv, -6voi, b, (fr. apTrd^o) to seize) a rope, cord ; a halter, noose, snare, trap. 'Apirela, -as, ri, (fr. ffffa the sole of the foot) the bottom, root, or foot of a mountain ; a fence, or wall of loose stones. "Apr.n, -nil 'h ('"''• np-u'^u to seize) a sickle, reaping hook ; a crooked sword, hanger, scimitar ; a vul- ture, oird of prey. 'Apvvia, -as, (';, (fr. same) a harpy, a fabulous winged fiend ; a storm, whirlwind. Aphajiiov,-ij}voi, 0, earnest, handsel ; a pledge, pawn, token, security. a. sin. apf)a(iiova. Apl)uyhi, -ioi -ovi, i, i';, (fr. a neg. and pijaaio to break) unlnoken, entire, soun/', whole ; Jimt, strong, durable, lasting. Apha^cv, Ion. for rjppa^cv, which Poet, f ' ' apdaau) Poet, for »;pafi ir (jpij, cv, 1 a. act. of 'Apliiia(j>h a seam) without scam, woven througlwul, of one piece- 'Ap'piva, a. sin. — 'Aphcvci, n. pi. — Kpliivijiv, g. pi. oidplt>)v. Ap^tviVuf, and ApaivMs, -n, -iv, (fr. dpfivvOT ap!Tt;i/male) mascu- line, manlike ; robust, strong. Ap'pcvoy6voi,-ov,'o,n,(fr.!iame,!ind p. ho-aKa, and Jip^ap^a, to rob, ^ yivouai to be) bearing males, plunder, pillage, spoil ; to snatch, j producing a manly offspring. fize, lake forcibly, carry qff ; tOiAp'ptiui^CJi, (fr. same) in a manly worry, tear, dtvour. 1 a. act. F;p-! manner, stoutli/, bravely. (90) APP Apitvuiitii, and Ap^ii'UirJf, -oii, 4, 1/, (fr. same, and lixj, the face) oj (I manly cvuntenatur, of a noble mien, or air. Apjiitri'ii, -lot -OMf, and 'An/^cros, •ov, A, //, (fr. a neg. and pi-Kui to inchiic) not leaning, inclining, or bending; upright, trect; straight, tlirecl ; imparti(d, uuifussed ; insignijirant, of no consequence, weak, feeble. Ap{>e\j.iu, -av, q, (fr. last) impar- tiality, indifference ; e.^mVo6/«- ness. Apjji'jKToioi, d. pi. of ' AppriKToi, -ov, 4, li, not lobe broken. ►see ap'payt'ii. 'Appjiv, or 'Apariv, -tvof, b, a male of any kind. Adj. masculine, manlike, manly ; strong, stout, brave, valiant. Apl»jviit) -(i, f. -)'iaii>, p. -r]Ka, (fr. last) to play the man; to bully, rail, scold. Ap'prjvrii, -hi -ovi, b, i), {ft. same) 7nale, masculine, strong ; harsh, stern ; severe, rigid, fierce, rough. Appjjvdu -Cj, f. -uiaui, ((j. same) to lake a husbatid, marry. Aplit]v6o- /lut -oiifiui, to act the man, be- have masculine ; to desire the male. par. per. pass. r!pl>tivu>ite' VOi. AplirjTonoiia, -as,'!, (fr. dpjjtjroi in- expressible, and iroif'w to do) im- piety ; wickedness, viUany ; in- famy, obscenity. Ap'pfjTOTOtii, -ov, b, }), (fr. same) abominable, detestable ; obscene, infamous ; a villain, profligate. 'Ap'pnroi, -ov,b, f], (fr. a neg. and j)iu to speak) unutterable, inex- pressible ; not before spoken, mentioned, orlalkedof, unuttered; not to be named, or repeated, abominable, impious ; obscene, enigmatical, mysterious. ApPnTwi, (fr. last) secretly, obscure- ly, mysteriously. 'Apjii^os, sec dpi^oi. Ap/ii;t«i70a(, to crawl, or scramble up on the handa and feel; to mount, climb. 'ApfitX^if 'Ap^X"*' 'Apio-icof, -ov, b, and Apjjixn, -m, h, "■ basket, pan- nier, or other wicker vessel. 'Ap'pvdfioi, -ov, h, (fr. a neg. and jjvdfibi rhythm) inharmonious, unmusical ; irregular, not me- thodical, loose, wild ; immode- rate. Appvdiiioi, (fr. last) inharmonious- ly, irregularly. ' AppvTToi, -ov,b, I'h (fr. o neg. and fiiizoi filth) clean, neat ; pure, chaste; upriglu. Aphvaovrai, for avaputrovroi, 3pl. I t. mid. of avapvd), fr. ava up, and anvh>, which see. Apoo)C{u), Ap'puhla, lon. {or tpjxa- c'lM, and -hla. Ap}to)tTTfui -hi, f. -I'lau), p. -riKa, (fr. a neg. and piivwiit to be strong) to he sick, infirm, labour under ill health. I AppiiaTtifia, -aroj,T4, (fr. last) sick' APT APT TieM, weaknetSy infirmiti/, ill, a trencher-friend; one of Ho- fualth. I mer's mice. ApjiucTla, -as, h, {^^- same) sicfc- ao r/u -oi, and ApT/ofia* -oCfiai, see ness, disease, injirmily. \ aordu). 'Ap^ojOTOf, -o«, 6, »;, (fr. same) ii- 'Apr);/(, •/a{,-ou( 6, (/, (perhaps fr. dpTiof whole, or Ir. a neg. and r/^iia to divide) ivlwtc, entire ; Safe, Sound ; even, not odd ; Jit, proper, SHilafiU. 'AoTtfiK, -lof, and -'/r!o(, t), Diana. Aprifiiaia, -af, /;, the hijrb mus- uuirth or mo'.hcrwiirth ; Artemi- sia, a worn xn's name. Aprifiiatnv, -ou, ri, (fr. 'Aprcntf Diana) >i frstivtl, temple, statue, or olhir thtng drdirrilrd to Diana. Aprtiii)v, -ifof, b, (fr. apTdu) lo hang \ip) the mainsail, foresail, topsail ; a sailynrd, yard, OTt/ard' arm. a. sin. apTt)t6va. Apriituv, -iioi, 0, a man's name. AprfTi7?oiAo(, -on. A, (fr. rfproj bread, and ivl^ovXos a waylaycr) hung up, or attached to, an ap' pendage ; a belt ; a pendant, ear- ring. Apriip, •npoi, b, (fr. same) o sus- pender, or support of a burden, any contrivance to bear a load ; the shoulders, back ; a strap, thong, rope, belt ; a case, sheath, scabbard; a kind of shoe. Aprrtpia, -ai,)), (perhaps fr. aijp air, and mpiia to keep) an artery ; the pulse; thetvindpipe, AprripiaKOS, -^1 -bv, (fr. last) arte- rioL AprtipioTOfda, -as, hi Cr- same, and rinviii to cut) a cutting, wound- ing, or separation of an artery ; or of the throat. ApTT^piwiri;, -to; -oiif, b, ri, (fr. same, and tlioi a likeness) arte- rial ; resembling, or relating to an artery. 'Apri, now, at present, already, lately, just now ; arr' ripri, or affupTi, henceforth, henceforward, from this time ; I'uis «'pri until now, till this time. In compos, it implies 7iewncM ; or, for dprioj, whole, perfection. .KpTidKii, (fr. dpno; equal) equal- ly, evenly, of equal number. Aprtd^u), f. -doji, p. -aKa, (fr. same) to play at odd and even ; to fit, make even, or equal ; to prepare, provide, furnish. Aprinafidi, -ov, b, (fr. same) odd and even ; playing at it. ApriiiXnerfii, -<'o{ -oP{, and Aprt- liXaaroi, -ov,b, I'l, (fr. a'pri late- ly, and /?Xu(7Tdi''}, (fr. dpu to suit) even, equal ; xvhole, entire ; per- fect, complete, sound ; apt, Jit, agreeable, proper. 'Apnrof, -ou, b, >), Poet, for ApTi'roi'j, -oius, b, !j, (fr. dpTios sound, and ■^■015 a foot) surefoot- ed, sound in the feet, Jirm, steady, strong, healthy. Apriffi;, -lof, Att. -£u){, >], (fr. ap- rifcu to form) .finishing, perfec- tion, culture, care; ornament, embellishment, decoration. ApriroKos, -ov, b, >), (fr. dpn lately, and TtKTo} to produce) tiew born, very young ; that has lately borne, just delivered, AprirpoTos, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and Tpiizd) to turn, 01 rpicpu) to rear) just reared, or arrived at maturi- ty, young. AoriipaTo;, -ov, 6, »;, (fr. same, and ipdii) to kill) lately dead, just kill- ed. ApTij(. Aproirotbi, -ou, b, 17, (fr. dproj bread, and TToduj lo make) a baker. 'Aproj, -Of, b, (perhaps fr. alpia to raise) bread, a loaf; food. Apro0dyo{, -ou, 0, (fr. dproj bread, and (fttiyca to cat) loaf-nibbler, one of Ilomer's mice. ApTii6(iff£roi,3sin. 1 f. pass Ap- Tiio-£r£, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of ap- ruw. ' XoTojin, -aroi, rb, (fr. aprt'bi to iiickle) sauce, seasoning ; pickle, hrinc. 'Aprvati, -lOi, Att. -cwi, Ij, (fr. same) seasoning, relUh, sauce. Apruu), or Aprui'U, I. npriiau, p. I'/p- TVKa, (fr. dpui to fit) to Jit, suit, aixommoilate ; to contrive, feign ; to provide, furnish, equip ; to season, salt, pickle. 1 a. act. ijp- Tvaa. par. prcs. pass, aprvdptyof. per. pass. I'lOrvpnf par. nprufil- voi. 1 a. ind. pass. ttprvOiiv. 1 f. pass, aprvOi'iaopai. Apvadfnvoi, par. 1 a. mid. of apifu. Apvariip, -flpof, b, (fr. apfu) to draw) a measure ; n glass-full, gill ; a burkit ami wheel, or such like machine for a well. Aovrfip, -iinoi,i'ii (fr- same) nhuck- rt, pum/i, or o<'i(r inttrvment lo draw water. APX Apt^u), onH Afiru>, f. iipveu, p. I'/pv- «tu, (0 draw, raite/rom bituw ; to Hjl. Ap^niiU, ini ancient) to iinilnte the an. c tents ; to adopt old customs ; to restore to its indent st'tte. ApxaiKdf, and Apxaiixis, -fl, -ov, (ir. same) arUitjuated, old, old fashioned. Ap^nt/fuif, (fr. last) old fashioned - lij ; uucienlli). Apxa'iot,-u>v, o\, (pi. of ap;^;n7o{ an- cient) the ancients; ancestors, forefathers. Apxiilov, -ov, rb, (neut. of same) a loan, debt, principal sum ; usance, usurious profit ; inter- est, return, income. ApxaTo!, -a, -ov, and Ion. -rj, -oi>, comp. -drepoi, sup. -draro;, (fr. apxi) the beginning) ancient, old, of former times ; old fashioned, antique, out of date. Apx'ndrrii, -tjtos, Ij, (fr. last) anti- quity, the men, or times of old ; ancientness, oldness. ApXt, fr. last) to assemble fur, or hold an election ; to elect, vole, choose ; to canvass, solicit votes, or interest. Apyaiff/idf, -oD, b, (fr. apxatos an- cient) imitation of the ancients; affectation of antiquated style ; an archaism, or ancient phrase, or mode of expression. Apxali^!, (fr. same) anciently, for- merly, of old. 'ApxafOf, -ov, b, (fr. apx't govern- ment) a prince, chief, ruler. Apxi^'ip">ii -ov, li, a man's name. Ap;^£i5(«')f, -ov, b, (fr. apx'l rule, and iUrj justice) a just ruler, equitable magistrate, impartial judge. Apx'^'^ot^, -cu)5, II, the white vine. 'Ap,^£(,3sin. pres. ind 'Aoxeir, APX ginning, and Kaxif evil) tha cause, origin, author of evil, or misfortune. Apx'^aoi, -ov, b, (fr. same, and Audi llie people) a rulir of the P'Ople, prince, chief. Also, u4r- chrliius, a man's iiamu, Ap\'/iro>(f, -io(, Alt. -£iuf, b, II, (fr. X'^ '" govern, and riiAis a city) ruling in the city, pre-rmincni in the stale, having influence, or power in public nlfnirs. .Subs, a sovereign, rtdtr, prince. 'ApxcaO' for dpxtaOai, pros, inf pass. — 'Ap;^fro, Ion. for i/p;^f ro, 3 sin. imp. ind. pass. — 'Ap^^tw, Dor. fordp^oi', pres. impr. pass APX of «p^u. Apxirvnos, -ov, b, !i, (fr. apX'l the beginning, and Tinroi a stamp) original, elemental, primitive. Subs, an original, pattern, arche- type. Ap;^£iia),same as rfp;^w ApX'ii -ni, >'i, a beginning, com- mencement, origin ; an extremity, or outermost point, end ; a first, or original stale ; a principle, element, cause, head ; aulliority, rule, dominion, power, com- mand, empire, mipremacy ; of- fice, magistracy; a magistrate. PI, first-fruits, first o/ferings. ott' apxni Of airapxrii-ifioni the be- ginntngjfrom eternity, apx'iv, or Tijv apx'i^i for Kara rijv apx^rlv, in the beginning, at first, former- ly ; absolutely, verily. Apxvynreiiw, and Apxvyirtot -u>, (fr. next) to hold the supreme au- thority, rule, govern, command, direct. Apx'iyerrii, and Dor. Apxayhai, -ov, b, (fr. apx>) fle, and fiyeo- fiai to lead) a leader ; a prince, ruler; an author, beginner, first cause. ApXiyirii, -fooi, ti, Cf- same) same as last in the feni. gender ; a woman ruler ; a patroness. Apxjiybq, -ov, h, (fr. same) a lead- er, chief, prince, ruler. ApxTiBcv, Ion. for cf ap;^^s, from the beginning, anciently ; former- ly, long ago. Apx'l^, and TiiV apxi^v, for kotH ti)v apx'iv, in the beginning, origi nally, at first ; principally, chief- ly ; totally, entirely ; verily, ab- solutely. ApxOcvTa, a. sin. par. 1 a. pass. ofnpx'^. Apx'arp'ii, -ov, o, (fr. apx^i chief, and larpbs a physician) a chief surgeon ; an eminent physician. Apxiypanfianvi, -io(, 6, {(r. same, and yonfifiarcvf a scribe) a chief Apxitpnrtiu, C •tiaui, (fr. apxit- ptvi 4 high priest) to be, or act a* fiigh priest. Apvupi,rtKbf,-!),.bt; (fr. samo)re- iiiling to tlie high, or clurf priest, or to his office, pontifical. ^PX"pf"i 'P'h -pc7s,-pci'(ri, -piiitv, -piu>i, c.ises of Apj^itptiif, ./os, and Alt. -fwi, b, (if. "Pxbi rhirf, ami IcptOj a priest) ahighpiicsl, chief priest ; a chiif head, or fittur of the sa- eerdutal families among the Jews; a pontiff^ bishop ; a sirred ma- gistrate, officer regulating holy ceremonies. Apx'epmcvrri, -i^, ,), (fr. last) the high priesthood. Apx'i-ralpoi, -ov, b, (fr. op;;^4f chief) and lrii7pos 'i friend) a dear friend, intimate companion, chief favourite. Apx'cvvovxo(, -ov, b, (fr, same, and cvvovxoi a eunuch) a principal eunuch, the chief of the cu- nuclts. Apx'xbf, -/), -bv, (fr. apxh 'he be- ginning) primary, original ; chief, principal, head; ruling, royal, imperial ; fit for command, able to direct. ApYi(a)i3fpr^Ti7f, -ov, b, (fr. opvdc cnief, and Kvpepvi'irns a pilot) chief pilot, master, commaruler. ApxiXoxoi, -ov, b, Archilochus, a man's name. ApYiftdycipos, -ov, b, (fr. apvb; chief, and fidycipoi a cook) a chief cook, or butcher ; a butler ; a captain of the guard. Apxtoivdxpos, -ov, b, (fr. same, ohoi wine, and x^''' to pour) a chief cupbearer ; a head butler. Apxi'i'parl);, -ov, b, (fr. same, and iretpariis a pirate) a chief, or cap- tain of pirates. Apx^r;olpriv, -£vof, h, (fr. same, and ■rroijihv a shepherd) a chief, or head shepherd. 'Ap;^iJrffOf, -ov, b, (fr. same, and iTTTTOf a horse) a master of horse, chief groom, equerry. Also a man's name. Ap;:^irpt(7/?uT/)f, -ou, h, (fr. same, and rpt(r/3iiTi)? an ambassador) a chief ambassador, the fiead of an embassy. Ap^'iinrojroidj, -or, b, (fr. same, alro; bread, and roifw to make) a chief, or master baker. Ap;j;i(Trpar;;yif, -ov, b, (fr. samp, and trrpartiybs a general)« head general, commander in chief. Apx'i'vvdymyos, -ov, b, (fr. same, and nvvaywyh a synagogue) a ruler, governor, or warden of a synagogue. pres. inf. act. — 'Ao;^£cflui,pres. ' scribe, or principal clerk, the\AoYircKTovtvii),f.-tv(ru),af,-if«Of,6, (fr. apyif' Ao^^irrxrovia, -as, I'l, (fr. same) council chamber, courU of justice,', chief, fcafin fetters, and ){, -ov, b, (fr. same, and TtAwj'of a revenue officer) a chief collector, or head farmer of the revinue, principal tax-gnlherer. Ap;f(rpiifX(vof,-oi', b, (fr. same, and T0( icA(i'(Ov a dining-room) antler, prextdent, or alewrtrd of a feast. Ap;^i(ii;Xof, -ov, b, (fr. same, and 0uXi) a tribe) the chief of alnbe, or ward ; a headsman, head- borough, 'Ap;^;it»'jj, Sync, for ap;^(5(ic>'0j, par. pres. pass. — or Ion. for tjpy- fiho{, par. per. pass, of dp^'^. 'ApX"!""! s** "PX*^' Apx^f^ -oD, i, (fr. npxh chief) a prince, ruler, chief, governor ; a leader, conductor, gvide. Adj. chief, arch, head. 'ApYouffi, d. pi. of ap;^u>v. 'Apx<^, f. -fu, p. fipxa, (fr. same) to liegin, commence, originate ; to rule, govern, command, sway. 'AoxBl^at, to make a lieginning, unilertake, take in hand, attempt ; to be ruled, governed, subject to, obey, submit. 1 a. act. ind. ^p^ir par. dpfaf. pres. pass. par. upxiftvos, imp. pass, ripxiitriv, -ov, [TO. per. md. pass, ripyfiai' par. tjoyuivoi. I f. mid. dp^ojiat. 1 a. mid. md. rfo^dftnv sub. aof(3- /i(i( • inf. (fpfaffflac par. ap^djttvoi. AoYii/itffSu, Foet. for ao;;^u^c0a, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. 'AOY"*'! 'ovaa, -ov, A. pi. -xovoi, par. pres. act. of game. 'Apx'^i'i •ovTOf, i, (fr. same) a pnnrr, ruler, governor, chief magistrate, archon. 'Apui, f. Spw, and ^ol. dpau, p. rpxa, to fit, adapt ; to settle, de- termine, decide ; to furnish, provide, accoutre ; to cover, hide ; to shielil, protect ; to bind, fasten, fix, build; to refresh, recreate; to plot, contrive ; to agree, ac- quiesce, accord ; to suit, match, agree with, answer to. I a. act. ind. tipi, and ilCol. Tipan, and n'p- aa, par. dpaaf. per. mid. fioa, by redupL dprjoa, and Poet. dpSpa. Ap«, I f. ind. act. — Apw, 1 a. mib. act. of alpu. Apuiyli, -hf, Ih 'fr- apfty to help) assiflanre, relief; renic'ly, cure. 'Ap«>-4«,-of, h, 1), (fr. same) a help- er, defmder, guardian, protector ; a champion, asiertor, avenger; a patron. 'Apuii'i, -Srof, ri, ^fr. dpi intcnx. and (ifu; to imGil) a prrfumr, od/nir, scent, in pi. nromntics, swed spiers. Also, (fr. „p6ii> to plough) />/o!/ 5 /ic'/, or tilled land ; gram ; flmir. ApiDfiaT'iKif, -i), -iv, and Apuiiano- frif, -lof, -ov(, and .Alt. -twv 6, fi, (fr. Inst) aromatic, odoriferous, fragrant. A2B .\pit>fiaro(j>6poi, -ov, b,fi, (fr. same, and ^/pui to bring) bringing per- fume, incense-breathing, sweet smelling. Apavia, -uj, i;, the medlar tree. "Apuif, -iiiof, 6, Dor. for Typuj. "Af, until that, tilt then. "Af, a. fern. pl. of Hi. Acrci, indecl. Asa, a man's name. 'Ao-n, Dor. for t;!, (fr. a neg. and aa(pfis clear) indistinctness, ob- scurity, confusion, want of per- spicuity, uncertainty, Aa!S(P')f, -(of -oTff, b, Ij, {fr. same) inrtistinct, obscure ; perplexed, involved; uncertain, didiious. Aadui -d, f. -»5/, (fr. same) wan- tonness, lasciviousness, U-wrlness ; immodesty ; impudence, inso- lence ; insult. AatXyti.0 -C), f. -r'iou}, (fr. same) to wanton, play leisciinously, act ob- scenely, behave indecently. It is construed actively in the passive like a deponent. .^.aeXyiws, (fr. same) wantonly, leivdly ; insolently. ActXylts, -eos -ovs, b, fi, (fr. a ncg. or intent, and TJXyrj a place, according to some, of remarka- bly good manners ; according to others, of notorious infamy) pe- tulant, impudent, insolent; wan- ton, debauched, leicd, lascivious ; impure, shameless. AatXydsi same as aaiXyfus. Aa(\)ivos, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and aeXrji'ii the moon) dark, without light ; dim, gloomy, shady. 'Afff/jvof, -01', b, ti, (fr. a neg. and CTt/ii'dc honourable) dishonoura- ble ; dishonest ; irreverend ; base, mean, vndignifed. 'AacTTos, -ov, b, li, (fr. same, and atfiw to revere) same as aat(ii)s. AacTiis, -ios -ovs, b, li, (Gen. xviii. 25.) impious, ungodly, wicked. 'Aaevfiat, Dor. for (faopat, 1 f. mid. of if^UI. 'A<"7, -ns, '1, (fr. dXu to satiate) nausea, loallung ; disgitst, dis- like, aversion ; trouble, uneasi- ness, anxiety. ^aij, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. — AirOtif, par. I a. pK«s. of iffiw. Aottdrltjv, o]it. — Ao';"ii), sub. of tjai'idyjv, 1 a. pa,-<;<. of aodu). Aaii/iavTos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. a neg. and onfiatvu) to nuirk) not marked, or branded, unmarked ; unob- served, unattended, unguarded, unprotected, neglected. Aaiifiot; -nv, ri, (neul. of next) un. stamped, uncoined, or unuiroughl silver ; plate. Aetjfios, -ov, b, h, {fr. a neg. and B^jifi a mark) without any mark, or note of distinction ; mean, int A2I aif)i\/icaiit ; liumblr, lotvli/, mo- Jirmity of body or mind ; prejudice; sickness, dis- ease, pi. acOtvi'iftaTa. Ac6tir]i, -ioi -ovs, i^hj comp. aaOt- viarcco;, sup. -raroi, (fr. same) infirm, xccak, feeble, impotent ; sick, ill; poor, destitute, indi- gent ; simple, ignorant, silly. Aa9cv'iKbs,-}i,-iv, (fr, ac^tv^f sick) weak, sickly, delicate ; poor, in- digent. Acdcvoviin; 1 pL cont. pres. ind. act. — AaOcvovvra, -ras, -Tui', -I'otcav, -vovai, cont. cases par. pres. act. of same. Aadivios, (fr. acOivin sick) weakly, feebly ; poorly. 'AffOi), Ion. for t'laOri, 1 a. ind. pass, of dot, to hurt. 'AcOjia, -aroi, to, (fr. du to breathe) shortness of breath, dif- fculty nf breathing ; panting, palpitation; asthma. AcOfaivoiTa, a. sin. or neut. pi. par. pres. of Ae&jiai\'{it, f. -aiU) p. t)aQjiayKa,!yr\A AodfidCui, (fr. aaQfia panlina) to breathe with difficulty ; to gasp, pant, paljjit(Uc. AcOfiuTiKAi, -i), -5r, (fr. same) breathing vit]i diffintlly, asthma- tic ; panting, gasping. Acta, -aj, rt, Asia, the name of a country. Aaidvii, -f), -if, (fr. last) relating to Asia, Asiatic. Actdpxvii -owi 0) (fr- same, and apxh rule) a prince, ruler, or A2K itut a siiord or uvapoit, unanit' td. Avhi, -IK, fi, Ion. for acdi, fern, of aahi. 'Aaifioi, -ov, b, silirr. Aclii], -»;f, 1^, the nanie of an herb, and of a city. Aotifii, -ioi -oli, 0, ft, (fr. a neg. and cluii to hurt) unhurt, free from harm, Jafe, sound ; harm less, innocent, Aoloi,'-a, -01', (fr. (i(ri;dirt) muddy, mirt/ ; boggy, marshy. AotpaKos, -ov, 6, a hind of locust 'Aoii, -lof, Att. -tuf, and 'Acri, Ain ment ; study, pursuit, diligtnct ; custom, habit; regimen, diet, training, AoKrtTiof, -a, 'OV, (fr. same) (o I/r piuclittd, tried, &c. AoKtiTi'ipioi; -ov, t4, (fr. same) a school, ludl, or public place for study or cxircise ; a motiasltry, convent, AaKt]Tfii, -ov, h, (fr. same\ a teach- er, master ; uu ascetic, hermit. AcKrirbi, -i), -dv, (fr. same) fxcr- cised, practiced ; usual, custom- ary ; elaborate, complete, perfect ; ascetic, austere. -tji, I'l, (perhaps fr. d^a to dry) I'AcKtoi, -a, -ov, (fr. a intcns. and mud, slime, mire; Jilth, dirt,\ cxla a shade) shady, dusky, S7ieepings. dark, gloomy. Or, (fr. a neg. j AeiTt'w -u, f. -iiaiii, (fr. a neg. and without shade, e.vposed, open. c7to{ food) to fast. AffiTi, (fr. same) fasting. Acirla, and Avirela, -as, i% (fr. same) fasting, abstinence from, or neglect of Jood; hunger, want of food. Aairl^o), (. -iaui, (fr. same) to fast, 'Aa'tros, -ov, b, >;, (fr. same) unfed, fa.ilinp, hungry, starving, AcKiiXdfiof, and AiTKaXn/jiurjjs, -ow, b, an fft, neut, lizard. AcKaXS^po;, -ov, 6, a kind of bird; also, a man's name. 'AcTAnXof, -ov, h, >'], (fr. a neg. and (T«.'dAXu to dig) undug, uniilled, uncultivated ; neglected, vjoste, barren. AoKaXdra;, -ov, b, a woodcock. AoKavrrii, -ov, 6, (perhaps fr. a neg. and cKrivn a curtain) a couch or pallet ; a smcdl, or poor bed; ajooislool. A(rKapidiivKTi, (fr. same, and cKap- ia^VBcw to \viiik) wilhoul wink' i}:g, steadily, steadfastly. AcKopU, -lioi, >'), a kind of worm. AcKidfji, AcxiOiis, and AcKrfim, -loi -ovi, 0, !], (fr. a neg. and oXiO^ '° hinder) unhurt, snfe, sound ; unimpeded, %mhindered, free. A.(TKi\fu>i, (fr. r\cxl) harshly, hard- ly, severely, heavily ; incessantly, continually. Aff/ctXi'jf, -ioi -ovf, h, !], (fr. a in- tens. and ctkAAoj to parch, or a priv. and ctk/Xoj a leg) soft, ten- der, not yrt firm, immature ; wanting legs, imperfect, defect- ive ; immoveable, fired ; con- stant, continual, incessant; hard glaring, desolate. Aff^XuTTidj, Dor. for A(rkX;;rios, -ov, b, jEsculapius, the god of medicine. A(rKXi;rin'(5t/j, -ov, u, the son of ^fcutapius. 'AcKoiTOi, -ov, b, I), same as daittt;- TOS. AcKiTTiai, same as aaKtnrut. Aoaii, -ov, b, (perhaps (r. a re- dund. and axtia to contain) a leathern bottle, skin sewed up to hold liquor ; the human body liv- ing, or a coipse. AcKovfjiiv, 1 pi. prcB. cont. ind. of atrKtb). 'AoKpa, -Qf, and Ion. 'Aaicpr], -rii, i/, name of a town. AckH, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of aOKtu). "J^ofta, -Stos, t6, (fr. ^^w to sing) a song, poim, verse. Aaiidriov, -ov, to, (dim. of last) a ballad, ditty. AajtAx, or Aff;;^d/<, indecl. a man's name, or an eastern title of an officer immediately attending the king. 'Aofiivos, -r], -ov, (fr. Sjapfyos par. per. pass. ofi;ia) to delight ) ^/orf, willing, pleased, delighted, comp. -eartpos, sup. -iararos. Ao-fcfVwf, (fr. last) gladly, joyfully. Kcphi,-ov, b, same as qopa. Aao(pia, -of, ri, (fr. a neg. and ro- ^ia wisdom) folly, indiscretion, silliness; ignorance, inexperience. 'Aco(jiOi, -ov, b, 1], (fr. same, and cdfos wise) foolish, silly, indis- creet ; ignorant, simple, un- taught. ened, dried up, very hard, callous. Ac6ii,rioi-ovs,!ind'A(rK(vos,-oy, b, t'l, {(r. same, and oKtvoi furni- ture) Kn/irovit/t'/, unpr^partf/. governor of Asia ; an Asinrrh,\.KaKiijj -j3, f. -r.eii), p. rjC>ct]Ka, (fr religious officer, presiding over the public games in the Asiatic provinces. Aaiiii, -aios, li, Asia. Aai^iu, indecl. tlie stork. Aaiinpos, -ov, 0, /;, (fr. a neg. and ai6iipos iron) witliout iron, willi- aakhi the body) to practise, ext crrise ; to toil, work, Inlmur ; to teach, instruct ; to provide, fur- nish, adinn. 1 a. ind. act. ijcuri- aa' par. aOKi'iaai. 'AoKrjats, -los, Alt, -cittf, )', (fr. 1 . . last) practice, exerdse, employ-] agovy of death.. (94) mtiits, or respects, imp. ind. rja- ■na^ifiriv. I a. mid, ind. ijoiraod- fjrjv nnn. dairaaat' sub. aandao}- pai' inf. aa-daaaOaf p&r. uara- adjiivoi. Ac-rriiinio, f. -«pw, and Auvatpl^w, (fr. a intens. and trrrafpw to gasp) to sob, sigh ; to tremble, throb, brat, paipitaU ; to gasp, he in Ain A2T A2T Ao'xdXSOoi, -ov, i, the white thorn, or rose of Jerusalem. AcrrdXaf, -axoi, b, (perhaps fr. oTTJu) to draw) a viole. KoTraXitvi, -(o(, Att. -fuf, 6, (fr. nexi, or fr. ezdti) to draw, and uAf the sea) ajisherman. 'Aaira\oi -ov, 6, a ^«A. Aerdpayoi, or Att. Aatpdpayof,-nv, b, axparngus ; brocoti, cahbagej and such esculent vegetables. 'AvrapTof, -on, 4, fi, (fr. a neg. and (rrclpdj to sow) no< Joiwj, un- town ; uncuUivitttd. Aoxdprwi, (fr. last) without tow- ing. 'AcTaaai, 2 sin. and -vaaQt, 2 pi. impr. — \citdaae6ai, inf. — Aa-Kaad/ievo!, -Vy -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of amdCoiiai. Ac-rdanoOc, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. AffrdffTos, -a, -ov, and -ov, b, fj, (fr. acTd^Ofiat to embrace) p/eaiin^, acceptable, agreeable, delighlfut ; welcome. Ac-raaiuii, (fr. same) willingly, readily, agreeably. Acrraofiif, -oD, b, (fr. same) an em- brace, caress ; salutation, greet- ing ; welcome ; withes, compli- tnenti, respects. Aaraarii, -fi,-dv,BAvneiSaeiTdotos- AoraarHf, same as aoTraalnis. 'AoTTcpfiof, -0X1, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and citipfta seed) without teed, or offspring ; barren, unfruitful. Ac-rtpxhy (fr. a intens. and a-rip- Yu to hasten) diligently, care- fully, faithfully ; earnestly, vehe- mently ; incestcmtly, pertevering- ly, continually. 'Aor£Toj,-OD, i,/), (fr. a neg. and icTu) for iru to overtake) unat- tainahle ; great, huge, immense ; boundleu. AarUhu -lot -oCf, 4, h, (fr. aarli a ehield) round, like a shield. AarMoKri, -nf, /;, (dim. of same) a small shield ; an escutcheon or ornament like a shield ; the bezel, or mounting of a ring, &c. Afti^iwrat, -a,b. Dor. for Ai^ a buckler, fornjing a shield ; an esquire, shield-hearer. Aarl^wv, g. pi. of avT/(. A), (fr. a neg. and cnXrjv the spleen) wanting the spleen ; well-tempered, good-na- natured, kind, AoTTovSct (fr. ,-ib, (fr. to hate ; to have no intercourse ; to decline connexio'i'. ; to break an alliance, or treaty. 'Aa-ovioi, -ov, b, >';, (fr. a neg. and vroviij a libation, th. oKhiia to pour) implacable, irrtconcika- ble ; faithless, perfidious, treache- rous. 'Aavopof, -ov, b, ri, (fr. same, and ffrdpoi sowing) not sovm, unsown, uncultivated ; without seed ; not having offspring. AoirovSaarog, -ov, b, >), (fr. same, and ffiroucdfo) to hasten) not it'orM pursuit, unworthy ; forbidden ; neglected, disregarded^ slighted. AcirovSe'i, (fr. same, and ottov^^i care) carelessly, negligently, in- differently ; without trouble, or pains. 'Aoaa, Att. 'Arra, (fr. a which, what, and aa m the Megarean dialect equivalent to riva some, what) for a-Ktp, and ariva, neut. pi. of iairtp, and barii, which see. Aaodpiov, 'OV, ri, (fr. Lat. assari- us, same as as, a pound) half an as, a Roman coin equal to about three farthings ; a penny. 'Aoaov, (fr. daeinv, irreg. comp. of lyyvi near) nearer ; near/, nigh, near, clou. 'Aaoof, -ov, //,the name of a city. Aaadrcpof, comp. Aaa6raro(, sup. (fr. naaov near) nearer ; next. Aaaorlpu, Aaaordrm, (fr. last) nearer, next. Aaavpla, -a<, f), Atsi/ria, the name of a country ; ii was also called Babylonia and I'hnltlaa. Aaairipov, X,o\. for aeoirtpov, see aaa6rtpoi. 'Aaautv, ri daaov, (an irreg. comp. of tyyi'f near) nearer. Agraxif, -o6, b, a lobster, crab. Anrdyfrtf, -nv, b, Persian, a met. tr.ngrr, despatch ; nn erpreit, poft. Aordorii, •»;{, t;, Ailnrte. or Ashln- rolh ; an idol of ihr Pliili»linr'5, RUppo-, -puv, cases of aart'ip. AoTtpytji, -f'of -off, h, fi, (fr. a nee. and aripyut to love) unamiabu, disagreeable, odious, hateful. Aortpiri, -r){, i';, a wonian's name. Aarcpiaxei, and Acrcpiofidi, -ov, b, (dmi. of aoTijp a star) a little star; it mark in printing ; a constellation ; the name of a plant. AoTcpdetf, -taca, -tv, (fr. same) starry, studded, or set with stars ; starlike ; bright, resplendent. AartpociO', a. sin. mas. for aart- pdcvra, bcfrrc nn aspiralc. Aartponti, •!)(, /;, Pocl. for narpairij. AaTtpoTiirt\(, -ov, b, (fr. last) an epithet of Jupiter, the lightner, the prince of lightning ; an au- gur, or fiii'incr of lightning. AorA, -})(, Ij, fem. of aarif. Aariip, -ipof, 0, (fr. alOui to blaze) n star ; a planet ; a bright hea- venly body ; a mctrnr ; a comet. AaT^piKro<,-ov,b, l/, (fr. a neg. and tmipi^io lo fi.v) untrllird, unsta- ble, unsteady, fickle, vflnring. Aartlihi, -lof -olf, b, II, (fr. same, and BT(l()io to tramp) untrod- den ; new, fresh ; drstrt, lonely, siililary, AariKdf, iin<\ AffrVn'of, -}l,-iv, (fr. darv tlin town) native in, or hflnnging to a luiim ; polite, will- AIT AST AST brtil, /iicflioux, mil}/; wn.WWf, 1 AoTpi)0/n;/i(i, -ilroj, tJ, (fr. darpov ihrewtl, pruilcnt,cUi-er ; (I tou-ris- a slar, niiil ti();;/(( to dispose) a mnn, rilistn. amslillalion. AarlKoii, (fr. hsl) pnliutt/, xhrnvil- AaTpoXoylii, -n{, i), (Cr. tiarpov a (v, cleierli/^ inKentoiisli/. star, ami \iiyo( a iliscoiirsc) as- AoToiVi, il. |il. of (iffnif. 'AcTovof, -01', A, i(, (fr. II intcns. anil erfvijt to groan) groauini,', sigh- ing. Or, (fr. a ncg. and same) i:'ilhoHL groans. 'Aarooynf, -ov, b, /;, (fr. n nct». and OTupyt) aHbction) voir I of nutitral qffiftion, unfirtuig, unnnlural. Aerif. -oP, 6, and feni. Aan), -i")?, >/, (fr. o'oTii llic city) i citizen, native of' n cily, particularly of Athens ; a helpmate, eomraile, friend. AffTo^^iii) -oj, f. -i/(Tu, p. >)eT6^)iKa, (fr. a neg. and otu^^'h'^o^kh Io aim) to miss,, fly wide, not to hit ; to trr, deviate ; to fail, mistake, miscarry, 1 a. ind. act. ijaro- y'laa. Aaro^i'iaavTii, n. pi. mas. par. 1 a. act. of last. 'Ait, and shrewdticss of a city, politeness, urbanity, Aarvava^, -aKTOi, b, Astyanax, the son of Hector ATis, -fi, -iiv, (fr. last) knotted, plaited tvith knobs, or lumps, yciTuiv, •ovof,b,'i, (fr. same, and yelruv a neighbour) adjoining, or about the city, tn the suburbs ; neighbnfiring, bordering, close. AiTpaioi,-ov, b,Astr, p. fivrparpa, in a city ; a citizen, townsman ; (perhaps fr. darpov a star, and tdrrru) to fling) to lighten ; to fl'ish, shine, gleam. 2 a. act. ija- rpavav. per. mid. f.orpara. AarotTcia, -a(, I,, (fr. a neg. and CToartia war) exemption from service., leave of absence ; deser- tion, forsaking, or quitting the duties of war, Aoro-irturof, -ou, o, r/, (fr. a neg. and aTotrci'O) to serve in war) exempt, or free from war-service ; unused to war. refined, polite, courteous ; shrewd, knowing, cunning. Aoruiii^of, -ou, ■'), /5, (fr. same, and vftiu) to regulate) refined, polite, courteous ; relating to a city, or toils affairs; 'inferior magis- trates for the police of a city. Aarvvooi, -ov, 6, Astyno'us, a man's name. AOTvtpiXoi, -ri, -ov, and -ou, o, !j, (fr. (I neg. and arvrptS^bf harsh) soft, lender, delicate ; smooth, even. hie, excellent, matchless ; unlike, d\lftrent ; vnsociul, solitary, re- tired, tccludtd. Also a mau'R name. Aav'Su, (fr. same, ond ailA/; plun- der) safety, vi security, Aav\)iTO{, -ov, b, II, (fr. same, and ov\dii> to rob) inviolate, unin- jured, safe, srrure ; Jirm, sound, strong ; in vwlidde, not to be pro- faned, Aav\la,-a<,fi, (fr. same, and vvA;) spoil) the right of sanctuary at altars, or in temples ; safety, protection ; immunity , privilege ; sanctity, inviolability, ABv\\6yiaro(, -ou, b, //, (fr. same, and ouAAoyi^o/(ai to reason) irre- gular in argument, reasoning falsely ; inconclusive, irrelevant ; unreasonable, stupid, silly, igno- rant, AcnWoyloTUi, (fr. \!isl) inconclu- sively ; ignorantly, '.^ffOAov, -oil, ri, (neut. of next) a holy, or privileged place, sanc- tuary, asylum, refuge. 'AaiXoi, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and cv>.ri spod) inviolable, sacred, safe ; unspoiled, not plundered. AavfijioXoi, -ov, 6, )5, (fr. same, and avi>0o\ov a share) free, exempt, scolfree ; who subscriber nothing ; not subscribed to, private; use- less, worthless, insignificant. Aavji0ov'Koi, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and (Tu/i/FotiAi) counsel) unad- vised, rash, foolish, indiscreet ; not concurring, disagreeing, Aav/xficTpia, -as, f/, (fr. same, and avfiftcTpia proportion) dispropor- tion, u,ant of symmetry ; un- suitahleness ; a chord in geome- try. AavjifitTpoi, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and oi'iijitTpoi proportionable) disproportioned, irregular; un- suitable, unfit, improper, exces- sive, intemperate ; incommensu- rate. Aavii-:ra9ns,-ios -ovi, b,ri, (fr. same, and avjiiraOitii to sympathize) pitiless, unfeeling, cruel ; harsh, severe, rigid. Aovfi^ddioi, (fr. last) unfeelingly ; cruelly, harshly. Aavjxrpopoi, -ov, b,i'i, (fr. a neg. and avfi to conduce) inexpedient, inconvenient ; useless, unpro- ductive, unprofitable ; hurtful, injurious. Aavfivo(, -oir, 0, Ij, (fr. same, and aviiipujviii) to harmonize) discord- ant, jarring ; disagreeing in sound, or speech ; different, con- trary. AavvicTov, -ov, ri, (neut. of next) level. 'Aaroc'^Tosy-ov, b,ri, (fr. a intens. Ao'cyyoa^of, -i), -ov, (fr. same, and and arplifiii) to turn) turning,] ffuyypn^i; a deed) without deed,l a syndcton, a grammatical changing, altering f.ither mind^ or security; an epithet of /no- figure. or pi^'Uion. Or, (fr. a neg.): ney, which require no farther Aaivhiroi, -ov,b,!), (U. a ne.g. !xnd iinmoveri),U:, fixed ; determined,] voucher, inflexible; indelible; not looking] AaviKotroi -ov, b, ';, (fr. same,and back, ; avyKoiKiii to coin()are)inco7npara- (96) avv^fu to conned) unbourul, un- tied, loose ; parted, separate, un- connected, without order. AS* Acvvtffta, -Qf, and Acfictrti, -105, Alt. -£(115, 1), (fr.sanie, and cvvin- fii to understand) /oW^,y«o/isA- ness, siUinei3 ; stupidity ; igno- rance. XcvvcTiia -a, f. -ijcw, (fr. same) to dote, be iUly, want sense. AavvcTos, -ov, b, !i, (fr. same) fool- ish, silly ; simple, ignorant ; stu- pid, dull. Xidrii, -eo!-ov(, b,i'i, (fr. a neg. and avii'jdvi familiar) unaccus- tomed, unacquainted ; unusual, strange ; irksome, troublesome. Atrviridia, -ag, 1;, (fr. last) disuse, strangeness. A;)f, -/05 -0C5, 6, (/, (fr. a neg. aiv with, and ri^oi the end) im- perfect, defective. Awpfif,-ios -ovi,b,!i, (fr. a intens. ■nd aipw to trail) wicked, rash, intemperate. AciaraTof, a.nd Att. A^ieTaTog,-ov, b, ht (fr. a nog. and i'a(, -liKOf, b, «ame as aaitd- Aff^rf>£ia, -at, f,, (fr. ae<(,a'kh( «aff) 'fcurily, tnhly ifiimntss, slearti- nets ; rerliitnti/, truth. AaipllXtf, ncut. nin. — A<7/u(, (fr. nrxl) R('CaU(. | AaflS^fii, •/o(-i)if,h,li, romp, -fa-' Tipof, »up. -laruTof, (fr, n neg. i and aipii^^u toiihp),/frm, «/rrtrfi/, prrmnninl; safe, serure ; sure,- rtrlriin, unirrinf. I K, p. f)i«a, (fr,| lam) to fortify, lenrt, secure ;\ to strengthen, rnnfirm, fstabluh. I per. pnR.«. i)aipn\iaiiai. I a.paiii.l ind. ricipa^hOnf mf. 'iniiaXioOii- fat. I B. mid. mo. rioi(,u\iodiirii/ N Asn ! impr. ac (fr- a redund. and a(pdpayoi the throat) the throat, gullet; a gvgglivg, or rattling noise in the throat ; as- paragus, AcdidccXo;, -ov, b, the plant aspho- aet, or daffodil; a place set with it. Aa> for i^w to restrain) intole- rable, severe, violent ; incontrol- labte, not to be restrained. Aa\niioi'fu> -di, f. -);<7U. p. ria^r]ii6- it]Ka, (fr. aox't't^v mdecent) to misbehave, act indecently, he- have unbecomingly. 1 a. act. ind. i)(Tj(^»;/iuii)(7a' inf. aaxvi'ovfi- ''vvii, -t]!, >), (fr. next) in-\ diccnry, obscenity ; nakcdiuss,' shame ; the privities. \ Ac^fi'/^uv, -ovo(, b,f), (fr. a neg. and! axiii'i figure) indecent, obscene ;\ utitiecoming, uncomely. j A(TYoX/a) -iii, f. -i/ao), p. tjax^XtiKa, (fr. same, and ax"^!) leisure) to\ exercise, use, practise, employ, j AnyoXioftai, In employ one' s self ,\ or lie employed, be engaged, or hum. AaxoXui, -«{, h, (fr- same) husi- niss, occupation, engagement, employmint. 'Ar,x"^oi, -o''i 0, i;, (fr. same) busy, employed, occiipud, 'Aaw, Dor. for (faut, 1 f. of i/ 'Aotai, conlr. for aadov, pres. impr. mid. ol acaii), Aa^yftaro<:, -uii, 4, hi (fr- o ni'p- *"'' niifia l)ody) inrorjiortal, imma- trriiil, iinbodirrl. \, p. rjTdKrrjKa, (fr. next) to misbehave, act ir- regularly, or disorderly, disobey. pres. mf. act. araKTHiv -tTc" par. araKT[(jjv -wv, -iovca -ovaa, -iov -ovv, 1 a. ind. act. rirdKriiaa. 'AroKTos, 'OV, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and rdoBii) to order) irregular, disor-' derly, riotous, unruly ; vicious, lewd. Atciktu;, (fr. last) irregularly, dis- orderly, riotously. AraXttiTTojpos, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and raXaiTTwpos wretched) ea.iy, at ea.'ie, quiet, undisturbed ; in- dolent, la:y. Or, (fr. a intens.) troublesome, inconvenient. AraXdrrtj, -rn, {j, Atalanla, a wo- man's name. ArdXavTos, -ov,b, i;, (fr. a coll. and rdXaiTov a scale) of the same weight, equal, even ; a match ; like, similar, AraXdipptsiv, -oi'oj, h, )';, (fr. araXoi tender, and ), -ov, (perhaps from n neg. and raXdw to endure) ten- der, delicate ; soft; young. Arabia, -as, n, (fr. same, and rda- au) to order) disorder, confusion, irregularity; tumult, riot ; in- temperance, dis.sipation. Ardp, sometimes AtT«f), Poet, but, yet,hov:cver ; Jor ; ttuly, indeed; beside. Ardpuxos, -ov, b, 7 (fr. o neg. and Tapdaau) to disturb) yfnff/, cltnr- ed, selllcd,.<:ub.sided ; quiet, calm, undisturbed ; fartiss, .'secure. ATapdywi, (fr. last) caindy, quiet- ly, securely. Ardpparoi, Dor. for Ardpjiriroi, -ov, and ArapPfn, -/of -oi'i, b, fi, (fi'. a licg. and rup/y/d) to fear) Jiorless, intrepid, un- daunle.fl, stout, bold. ArdpiJi'KToi, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and Tdp/iiiffffu) to daunt. Or,fr. arip willioiit, and uvto to wink) uli'i does not wmk, Jenrle.'is,, bold, 'Arupov, -ov, rd, (fr. same, and rtl- f>u to rub) the iron bo.v in the nave of a wheel. Arapntrif, and Arapirii,scc arpa- vis. Arnprnpoi, -ov, b, »;, and -<), -hy, for arriplif, by PU'onupm. ArdpX''ro<, -nv, !>, I/, (fr. a neg. and TupT^ia funeral honours) unburi- ell, unhmieiureel. AraaOiiXi'i, -nj, /;, (fr. nr((aOaXo( wicked) pnsriernnce in uiched- ness, inlntuatinn ; tewilniss, li- centiousnrss ; folly, madness; in- solence, ueinlonncsi, petulance. ATE A Til ATI Arav^t/XXiaii f. -S\iii, and AraaBa- X/w -a, (. -i}ffu), (I'r. K.ime) lo ptr- sisl in Jolly or uirkulmsf, If .iluhlioni in mine ; lo act impi- mtslif ; bfltait with inaotencc or tvnntonncts. ATaadaXos, -ov, h, li, (perhat)S fr. dni nuschid', unil $iiX\u) to bud) niiscliin'OMi, ptrniciouis, deslrtic- tiit ; wicheU, impious ; kwd, ' u-antou ; the author of evil or misMef. Ato^oj, -ov, 0, 4, (fr. a neg. and rdipos a toi-.\\i) unburied ; tomb- less, uillioiit a monument. ^Xraxoii Dor. for J Td)^oi, very quickly. Aru'u)-u), and Ar/u) -a), f. -t'lou), p. vrnna, lo hurl, harm ; injure, wrong ; insult, violate ; annoy, incommode, off end, trouble, grieve, nJHict. Are, (neul. pi. of Sare) as, a.i being, inasmuch as ; for, because; as if, us it were. 'Arc, Dur. for brc, but ^Are, Dor. forjiTc. 'At£cj, -ov, b, Atcas, a man's name. 'ArtyKTOi, -ov, b, !), (fr. a neg. and Tfyj'Q) to wet) which cannot he wet or moistened, dry, hard ; rigiil, unrelenting. Athiv, pres. inf. act. of ai-to), same as ardw. Arciniii, -los -ov{, b, fi, (fr. a neg. mid Tcloiii to wear) irresistible, invincible, violent, forcible, pene- trating ; durable, lasting. Arti;^ioTO{, -ov, b, §, (fr. same, and Tuyii^ui to fortify) unwalled, un- fortified ; open, exposed. ATiKfjapTo;, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and TiK/xaipiii to conjecture)/;^/- ing in its purpose, abortive, fruit- less ; beyond conjecture, nndis- rovernhle, obscure, secret, hidden, impenetrable. ArtKiidpTW!, (fr. last) indistinctly, obscurely, doubtfully. AriKvia, -a?, 4, (fr. next) being without eldldren, barrenness. 'ArcKvos, -ov, b, rj, (fr. a neg. and TfVioi'a child) childless; bar- ren ; bereaved. ArtKviuj -u>, f. -tiau), (fr. last) to bereave, deprive of children ; ArcKviofiai -ovyiai, to be childless in any manner. ATiKvuiaii, -(Of, Att. -£o)f, fi, same asartKila. AtAiii, -af, and Ion. ArtMij, -175, fj, (fr. a neg. and riXos the end, or a tax) incompleteness, imper- fection ; deficiency ; immunity, privilege, exemption. Kri\caTa, (fr. next) in vain, to no j/urpose. AriKtaroi, -ov, u, I/, (fr. a neg. and TtXf'ii) to finish) incomplete, im- perfect, unfnMied ; fruitless, rain ; not initialed, entered, or introduced. kriXti7(^6pt)roi, -ov, h, f/, (fr. a neg. t/Xoj the end, and ^/pu to brinp) not arrived at full growth or perfection; immature, unripe; imperfrrt. ArrXcvrnrii, -ov, i, 1^, (fr. same, and riXtvrdu) to finish) unproductive, abortive, inrffeclive, vain, fruit- less ; Jailing, duappuinled, de- luded. AtcX)]!)!, Ion. for ar/Xtm. ATfXi)j, -{Of -oiif, b, 1), (fr. a neg. and rf'Xof the end, or a tax) imperj'ecl, unproductive, ineflecl- utd ; empty, vain, Jrivolous ; silly, uniiUilligent ; Jrce, privi- leged, exempt. Ari/ijSw, f. ->/.(i), p. -(fia, (jicrhaps fr. drrj misfbriune, and ififiaUu) to foil into) to sadden, giifve, ajjiicl ; to deprive, strip, bereave ; lo beguile, deceive. Arevitf, -ioi -ovs, b, //, (fr. a intens. and rdvio to stretch) (Utentivt, steady, ; determined, obsti- nate, inflexible. Artvl^u), f. -taw, p. vreviKa, (fr last) to stare, gaze, took earnest- ly, regard nilh attention, J!x the eyes upon. 1 a. act. inf. arci'ioaf par. arevtaa;. 'A-Tcp, 'AripOc, and 'ArepOcv, with- out, not with ; independeyilly of; away Jrom, separately, apart, asunder. ATipaftiOi, -ov, and Arcpdfiuii', -ovoi, b, >'], (fr. a neg. and ripafi- voi or Ttpdfivjv tender) tough, not easily boiled; stiff, hard; dij- Jicvlt, laboiious, stubborn. ATepafivdrtii, -ijtos, 1/, (fr. last) toughness; hardness; difficulty. Aripditvii), Dor. for artpdiivov, g. sin. of aripixfivos. 'ATCpOa,JEo\. for drcpBcv, seedrtp. 'Arrp/jwi', -ovof. b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and Tfpfia bound) infinite, endless, interminable, boundless; round, circular, 'Aripof, g. ^artpov, n. pi. I'lrcpoi, Alt. for b irtpoi, Tov ertpov, o\ cTcpoi, see ifrtpof. Arcpirfj, a. sin. and neut. pi. cont. of ATtpTT^f, -ioi -ovs, and 'Arcpnos, -ov, b, I/, (fr. a neg. and rtpmi) to delight) cheerless, dreary ; un- pleasant, disagreeable, trouble- some, grievous, vexatious. ATcp\lia, -Qf, and -tpirj, -ris, !j, (fr. same) trouble, uneasiness, dis- quiet; unpleasantness, njfensive- ness ; vexation. Arcxyi);, -ios -w(, b, 1';, (fr. a neg. and Tiy^u] art) artless, innocent, guileless; plain, simple. Ariyvia, -Of, /;, (fr. same) simpli- city, plainness ; ignorance, un- skilfulness ; weakness, silliness. 'ArcX>'Oii-ov, b,fi, (fr. same) inarti- ficial,unworkmanlike ; awkward, simple, silly ; artless, guileless. ATlxywi, (fr. last) si»w;erc(v, tru- ly ; absolutely, really, artlessly, roughly, rudely. Ariui -u), same as ardio. 'Arn, •>!(, h, (fr- ardhi to hurt) malice, envy, haired ; folly, in- fatuation, error, sin, guilt; hurt, harm ; death, misfortune, mis- chief injury ; damage, loss, detri- mrnt ; niglil, darkness, ghom ; tlm (98) deity of mitchief and viisfortun ArvfitXcia, and AriitiiXln, -as, li, (Ir. artifitXtis negligent) negli- ginc.e, carelessness, inattention, Arv/ifXfa) -d, t. -i;(riii, p. -i)*ii, (fr. siinie) to neglect, omit, jiass by, leave undone, ArijitcXiwi, ATi)//tXeXii(, -hi -ouf, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and ri;/itXi)f careful, th, /i, (fr. last) heedlessly, carelessly ; slovenly, AT»7p()f, -a, -ir, and Arripiif, -io( -ovs, b, I'l, (fr. drn iiurt^ injurious, treacherous, hurtful, destructive ; contemptuous, haughty ; inso- lent, contumelious, abusive; un- ruly, unmanageable, ungovern- able. Ardh, -Hog, 1), AUhaa, a woman's name. Ami, 3 sin, pres. ind. act. of qt/w. AtI^u), same as arlu). AnddaatvTos, -ov, b, !;, (fr. a neg. and Ttdaaatvij) to tame) untame- able, untractatile ; untamed, fierce, savage, wild. ATiOaaaoi, -uv, b, i), (fr. same, and rWaacos tame) untamed, Jiirce, wild, savage ; rough, uncrmth. ArifiayiXus, -u). Dor. for ariiiayl- X)if,-ov, b, (fr. uTtiid^ to slight, and a)/X»;a herd) who sqiarutes Jrom the herd, a straggler. ArifiaycXin) -tu, (fr. last) to sepa- rate from the herd, stray, straggle, par. pres. act. arifiayiXiiiiv n. pi. mas. aTiiiaycXoiivrti, Dor. aTinaycXttivTCi. Ari/xdi^ccKe, Ion. and Poet, for i;ri'- lia(,c, 3 sin. imp. ind. of Arifid^o), f. -dcu), p. nrifiaKa, same as uTtfiduj. per. pass, nrlyiaa- fiat. 1 a. pass. ind. rjr'fdaOnv. Ari^idai'rti, n. pi. par. 1 a. act. — ArifiaaOrjiat, 1 a. inf. pass of last. An/ioir/iif, -ov, b, (fr. last) same as aTifila. Ariuaarios, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be slighted, ought to be disregarded, must be despised. Ar'ifidii) -u), f. -/joij), p. ->;k'n, {"■ a neg. and rifidw to honour) to dishonour, disgrace, disparage; to affront, offend ; to despise, disregard, slight, contemn; to blame, rebuke, censure. ArlfivTOi, -ov, b, )'i, (fr. last) dis- regarded, neglected, slighted ; passed over, omitted, overlook- ed ; worthless, insignificant. Or, (with a intens.) inestimable, valuable, precious. Ariyia, -af, ;;, (fr. a neg. and Ti/^i) honour) dishonour, disgrace, shame, ignominy; rxmtempt, sliglil. ATO An/i?j, -iio!, li, same as ar/<(j or 'ATtfioi, -ov, b, >i, (fr. a ne<». and Tifii) honour) diihnn'mrMe, dis- grareful ; infamous ; not value'l, wortUes.i, ignoblf. comp. -lirtpoj, sup. -OTOTOi. ATiftdu) -w, f. -uiffu), p. tiriytoiKa, same as arijiditi, per. pass. 17x1- jxiiifiai' par. r}Tijnojiivoi. Ariiiu>priTo<:,-ov, h, 1/, (tr. u neg. and riftuipiiji lo avenge) no< avenged, atoned, or expinted ; unpunished, quit, free. KTifiuigi}Tiiii, and Ari;iup>;Ti, (fr. last ) u:ithout punishment, ftar, or danger; quit, clear, free. Armwf, {fr. drifios vile) disgrace- JuUif ; vilely. '\riv, firnriio, a. sin. and neut. pi. of HcTii. 'Arif, Dor. for qrij, n. fern, of same. AnVaAA', Ton. for rjTiraWc, impf. ind. — ArfroAXf'^tvrti, Dor. for artTiiWuv, pros. inf. act. of AriToXXui, same as aTii.XAoi. 'Anrof,, i, <;, (fr. next) una- venged, unexpiated ; unpunish- ed ; disgraced, dishonoured. Xriti), and Ati'^ui, f. -iffu, p. I'lriKa, (fr. a neg. and ri'u to honour) to slight, overlook, disestcem, dis- regard ; In rMntemn, despise ; to disgrace, punuh. \T\aycviu)v, g. pi. of ArXayti'iK, -io( -ovi, b, tj, (fr. 'Ar- \o{, a servant, domestic. Ar/ji>, -i)(, »/, vapour, fume, Krjti^ii),i. -tau), p. •(»,•«, (fr. last) to smoke, fume, tteum ; to exhale, ec'tpnrale. A Tfilia, a. sin. of Ar^)(, -Tiioj, fi, and Ar/idf, -cp3, i, (perhaps fr. ifu to brraihr) trntiht, vapour ; a eloud, mist ; odour, prrfumr. KTi^jK'iTns, Dor. for .irrfX/iijroj, -ow, <>, //, (fr. a nng. and roXfiriia to Hare) no//o A? uttemplal, or rciu furr^/ ; dangerous, penlwi.i. 'Kropnv, -an, ri, (neut. of next) an atom, mnlf, llir. s»uUlcst imagtna- hU quarUitif ; an indivisible point of time, momrnl, I'uitunl. 'Arofiof, -ov, h, I'l, (fr. a neg. »nd tIuvu) to rut) irulivisihle ; ituli- viduai, single; unr.ul, utUounh- »d, uninjured, uninintcd, Arov(ii) •(3, f. -^ffij), p. -riKa, (fr, >amc, and rivoi tone) to b* UHok, ATP or ill; to faint, fail, decta/ ; to sink, be depressed. Aron'u, -ay, »;, (fr. same) want of tone ; weakness,debility, injirmity. Aroiof, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) not stretched, relaxed; infirm, weak. 'Aro^oi, and Arofcuro;, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and rdfov a bow) without a huw, unarmed; unskill- ed in the bow. Arabia, -a;, fi, (fr. next) strange- ness, improbability ; absurdity, incoherence, silliness ; obscurity, confusion ; insolence. 'Arorof, -ov, b, 1';, (fr. a neg. and TOTof place) out of plane, or time; inconvenient, unsuitable, impro- per, wrong ; prejudicial, injuri- ous ; absurd, unreasonable ; un- usual, strange, Atuttojs, (fr. last) unfitly, impro- perly ; al)surdly ; strangely, 'Atos, -ov, b, t'l, by Cras. for darog. Arpaytix^di, -ov, 6, /;, (fr. a neg. and rpdyto^os a tragedian) unlike a tragedian, unfit for tragedy ; un- dignified, without pomp. , '.\TpaKTos,-ov, b, t'l, a distnff, rock, spindle ; a shaft, arrow, ATpiKru\ii, and -ruXXif, -Woj, /;, (fr. last) a kind of thorn, Arpa:Ti);, or Arapird;, al?o Arpart- Tof, and ArnpTTirof, -ov, I'l, (fr. a redund. and rpa-^rio} to tread. Or, fr. a neg. and TpiTra to turn) a road, highway ; a path, track ; a train, course, series, ATpdipa^ii, -to;, Att. -£(i)f, and ATp'i(pu(v(, -voi, )], the herborach or ornge. Arptdfiat, Dor. for Arpu^at, n. pi. — Arptli'i, Aw. — ATpnoiia\ Ion. for ATpitia7s, d. pi. of ATptlftii, -ov, b, the son of Atreus ; Agame'mnon, or Menelaus, ATpctu)v, -wi'of, 6, same as last. ATp{KCta,-a{, and Ion. Atpki'i;, -Tjf, V, (fr. next) clearness, hrighl- iiesi ; truth, verity, certainty. AtockiIs, -ios -oiif, A, fj, (perhaps fr. a neg. and rpiii) to tremble) tru', real ; certain, sure, absolute. Comp. arpeKioTcpO!, sup. -iora- Tog, AtoikSi!;, and Ion. ArptA/wf, (fr. last ) truly, certainly, AToifia, and Aroifiai, (fr. drpoiioi fearless) itilly, quietly, gently, c(dmty. ' ArptfihaOat, pros. inf. pass. — Arpciiiuat, .1 pi. pres. sub. art. of Arpc/i/'i» -<5, f, -rjaui, p. rtrnifiriKa, and ATni.itl(,u>, (fr. a neg. and rpliji to tremble) to staml firm, rentiiin steaili/, be unmoved; be at rase, or in peace ; to secure, confirm, establish. Arpcfila, -n(, 1], (t'r. Himc) ntill- nru, quietness ; ttcatiiness, firrtl- nens, resolution. 'ArptTrof, -ou, b,!/. Iff. n neg. and Tp/niv to turn) unrnnnntaiilr, iin- muta.bU ; immnveahlr ; uwhang- ed; firm, drJcr mined ; upright, correct. Arphrux, (fr. lail) unehanKaalAy ; i uprightly, jiifll'i. (99J ATT 'ATpecTOs, -ov, b, I'l, (fr. a neg. and Tpioi to tremble) fearless, intre- pid, unmoved, undaunted. Arptvs, -loi, and -f'lUf, b, Atreus, a ] man's name. ATpi/5i);, -coi -oui, 6,1), (fr. a neg. 1 and rptfiio to wear) ?iot rubbed, or worn ; unused, unfrequented ; unpractised, unexercised, unskill- ed; awkward, rude. 'ArpiTTOi, -ov, b, tj, (fr. same) same as last, also, unbroken, un- tamed ; not worked, or inured to labour. 'Arpt^oi, -ov, b, >'i, (fr. a neg. and •Spif the hair) without hair, bald ; peeled. Arpofiiit) -u>, (fr. next) to be fear- less, firm, or resolute. 'ATpojioi, -ov, b, ';, (fr. a neg. and rpifiu to tremble) intrepid, fear- less, undaunted ; not moving, still, calm. ' ArpoTTos, -ov,b, '], (fr. a neg. and rpiiTu) to turn) immutable, uti- changeable ; irreversible ; inflexi- ble, flern, rigid^ severe. One of the Parcae, Atropos, Arpo(^f'(j -w, t. -ijaui, p. -rjKa, (fr. same, and rpoipfi food) not to re- ceive the usual benefit from food ; to decay, waste, pine, fall away. ATpo(pia,-ai, >h (fr. same) wanf, or failure of nourisliment ; atro- phy ; decay, consumption. ' ATpn'/, ('r. last W/ie invin- cible. An epithet of Minerva. 'ArptoTO!, -ov,b, I'l, (Ir. a neg. and Tirp'baxio to woinid) without a wound, unhurt, uninjured ; safe, sound, whole. 'Arra, All. for aaaa, which sec. Or for /in fa, ncut. pi. ofSimj. 'Ami, a term of respect fioni tho younyertothe aged. Sir, fu!icr. XttiI, for iroTi. A rr,iy()i/, -;)»i(»v, &, and Att. A rraytif , a woodciick, snipe, rail or quail. ArrdKrif, Or Arru((if, -ov, b, (per- haps fr. drru to vtrij)) tiie bald locust. ArrdXeiti, -at, li, the name of a country. ArrrfXXw, see nrdWio. ATTiivlrtti, and ATuiinrtiu -ov, i, and 'Arravov, -<7V, rA, a pudding fried in a pan, panriikr. Arrnpiiyoi, -aiv, oi, bltstrrs which rise on breml while baking, and (afterwards chip qff'. ATr Arnir.ii, hah ! Iiow now ! utrange ! ti/(i.'( .' ArriXd/iuj, or Arr, -dv,*Attic, Athenian ; rc^fined, dr^anl. 'Attov, Alt. for iiaaov, 'Attw, ( perhaps fr. uiVcu to rush) to liounil^ I'ttp, •V'"S'i ^kip. Arr^u),f. -v^iii, p.-)^a, (perhaps fr. drii hurl) to su/fucate, citukc ; to astonish, stupij'i/ ; to scare, nf- J'rif;lu ; to confound, confuse, perplex. Art'^o^di, to fear, dread. par. pr»^s. pass. nTv^tificvof. 'Atvkto;, -ov, b, )'/, (fr. u ncg. af l' Tev)(^ij} to work) w{finishtd, im- perfect, incomplete ; rude, rough. 'Arvufios, -ov, b, !), (fr. same, and TVfifioi a lomh) tomhUss. ArvfivinSrii, -ov, b, Alymniades, a man's name. Arv^tM -a, ( fr. ari'vi); unfortunate) to miss, fail, be disappointed. ATv)(nna, -uTos, tA, (fr. last) cala- mity, miifortune ; ditappoint- ment, loss, failure. Arv^iji, -ioi -ovi, b, i), comp. -tart- pot, sup. -fararoi, (fr. a neg. and Ti;;^); fortune) unfortunate, un- successful, disappointed. Arvxia, -as, li, (Ir. last) adversity, affliction, calamity, misfortune. ATVTf^ovaa, par. pres. act. feni. cont. of arv^io). 'Aru), f. daui, same as othw. Av, Audts, and Avrc, again, a se- cond time ; back again ; in turn ; but, on the contrary ; then, more- over ; especially ; afterwards, hereafter, henceforth. Av, is used by the Cretans for the syllable aX. Avaivo), (fr. avu to dry) to dry, exhale, lose moisture, be parched, wither. Avaivofiat, to pine away, languish. AuaX/of, -o, -nv, same as avo;. AvdvOnv, Ion. for tivdvOnv, 1 a. ind. pass. — Avavdc'ti, par. ofavaivu). Aiuv(Tii,-ioi, Alt. -cuii, T], (fr. (luai- vu» to dry) dryness, tlrouglU, want of sap, decay, or old age in plants. Avdra, -a{, i';, Dor. and .^Eol. for drij. Auyi^u), f. -liou), p. rjiyoKa, (fr. auyi'i splendour) to irrarliale, beam, shine forth ; to enlighten, iUumin/Ue ; to sec, behold, look upon, 1 a. act. tjvyaaa, per. pass. )iiyaO)xni. Avydaai, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Avydahto, Dor. for atya'^to, which Ion. for avyd^QV, pres. impr. ' mid. — Kvydaiai, Ion. \ur nvyd- et), 2 sin. 1 f. mid. of same. Aiyaaiia, -aro;, rd, and Avyaanos, ATQ •OV, h, fr. same) a beam, ray ; splendour, brightniss. Avyfu) -w, (fr. next) to shine, glit- ter, beam. Or, for avj^iui -i), to boast, brag, vaunt. Avyi), -i")s, I/, (perhaps fr. ai'io to burii)/i;i^-/ilviriKa, (Ir. avii) voice) to sjieak, talk, con- verse ; to speak to, address; to call, cry out. Avii), -i)«, 1^, (perhaps fr. ai'w to shout) voice, sound ; talk, dis- course, speech, language ; a ru- mour, report ; a message, news, tidihg.s. Avii'iaacx', for av&i'/caaKt, which Poet, ior ijibriac, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of avidoi. Avriv, a. sin. fcm. of aSuj. AvO', Att. Ai'r', Ion. for avOi, or avOii, see nv. Avddieia, and AvOaita, -aj, i'/, (fr. next) arrogance, haughtiness, pride ; presumption, self-conceit, self-sujficie7icy ; obstinacy ; mo- roseness, peevishness, AvOditjs, -£05 -oi'j, 6, II, (fr, avrbs self, and aiioi to please) setjish ; seljwilled, positive ; haughty, prinid, supercilious, obstinate, stubborn, surly, cruel, neut. pi. cont. avOadT}. n. or, a. pi. cont. avOuius. AvOa&id^ii), f. -dad), (fr. same) to make stubborn or obstinate, harden, AvVaSid^oi.iat, to resist, oppose obstinately ; to behave haughtily, be proud, conceited, arrogant. AvOaSi^oftai,s!L\neasavdaitd^oiiai. AvOaipcrui, -ov, 6, (';, (fr. avrdi self, and a'wio) to choose) voluntary, spontaneous ; witling, complying, consenting. AvOaiptr'ag, (fr. last) spontaneous- ly, of itcttf AvOtKa/TToi, -ov, b, II, (fr. avrii self, and eKuoTo; each) always the same, even, ei/uahtc ; just, up- right, honest ; exact, strict. AvOtvTiij) -Cj, f. -rjaii), p. tjvOipTriKa, (fr. next) to usurp power, exer- cise ftutfwrity ; to domineer, ty- rannize. AvOivrrif, -coi -ovi, b, !j, (fr. avri; self, and tTj, a.. cVroj par. of iij^i to send) self-commissioned, self- autlwrized, acting of, or for him- self; a suicide; an author, eau^c, or beginner; a mailer, lord, ruler. AvOcvTiKi',, ->i, -hi/, (fr. last) au- thentic, genuine, original ; au- llioritaiive. (100) ATA A vOevrtKuis, (fr. liisl) with authority, AvOiiftipov, (fr. iie.\I; to-day, on tht SHint day. AvO.'iiipiii, -a, 'OV, (fr. avrii same, (uul liiitpit day) 0/ the same day. ACOi, by fSyiie. for uvroOt, th,rc, in that place; hire, hitlur ;< iiiinie- diulely, directly ; then, thence, AvOlycyi)!, -Ixi -ovi, b, li, (fr. aiiOt here, and y/ro/mi to be born) a natitr, original inhabitant; pi.- culiar. AvOti, Ion. avTif, AvOi, Aurt, sec ui/. Ai)iu;^ot, -ov, b, I/, (fr. aB a narti- ele of sound, and ii(;;^utosi)OUt) clamorous, loud, shrill ; shout- ing ; harking, AtXdi'u, -aj, v, (fr. auXi) a hall) hangings, tapestry; a curtain; the tabernacle; a porch, vesti- tnile, front-hall. Ai'X«ruf, -H,-oi', (fr. same) courtly ; belonging to a court or hall ; of the hall, Av^ukI^o), f. -Icui, (fr. atXnf a fur- row ) to cut furrows, plough, AuXuj', Dor. ibr avXCiv, g. ofavXdf, or «iiX(;. Av\a^, -uKOi, II, a furrow ; amark, scnr,ivound; the womb. av\aK\ a. for uiiXuKa. AvXdp^Tls, -ov, b, (fr. avXn a hall, and apx') rule) a ruler of a palace, chamhirlnin, steward. Av\tta, -ai, t'l, (fr. avh) a court) the gate of a palace, AOXtioi', -ov, tH, (fr. same) a holly antichamber, vestibule, Ai'Xfio5, -ov, 6, fi, (fr, same) q/" o hall or chamber; of the porch ot courtyard, AuXfu) -w, f. -)/(j(o, p. tfiXriKa, (fr. av\bs a pipe) to play on the pipe, .flute, &c. AtAi), -^{, ';, an open space sur- rounded by buildings, courtyard, area ; a halt, court, palace, lem. pie ; a sheejfold, pen ; a stable, stall; a circus or race course, AvXtiacvvTtti, Dor. for avXf;o'oucri, 3 [il. 1 f. ind. — AiMcov, I a. impr. act. of uv\io), AvXiiTiii, -ov, and AiiX»;Tr)p, -ijpof, b, .\.v\>)rpii, and AvX^rif, -Wo{, fl, (fr. (juXof a pipe) a'playrr on the pipe, performer on the flute ; a musiciaji. AuXj/ry*.;), -iii, I'l, viz. Ttx^'Vy (fcm. of next) the art of playing on wind instruments ; music, AvXtiTlKiSf-h, -bv, (fr, auXJs apipc) belonging to the pipe or flute; or to a performer on them ; musical ; a wusieinn. AdXi'^w, f, -la'ii, p. rjt'Xika, (fr, av- Xi) a sheepfold) to fold, pen, shut up cnUle, AvXi^opai, to set up for the night, pass the night, lodge, so- journ ; to encamp, mount guard. imp. pass, r]vXi^6firiv. per, pass. iivhafiai. 1 a, pass, rivXiadiiv. AvXiKOi, -ov, b, II, or -o{, -ii, -iv, (fr, nvXi) a court) belonging or attached to the court. Subs, a courtier, any officer of state. Or, (fr. avXdi a flute) of, or ATO )9ti(, a. lin. nv^iOlvTti. Ai^vrif, 'lof, Alt. -twf, ^, (fr. increase, n/lilition ; growth, en- largement; promotion, ailianct- ment. AefiiTtoc, d. pi. — Ai^iaiv, a sin. of lant. Ai^nTdi, Ion. for »;uf>;roi, 3 sin. p^r. psss. of av^ilria. Xv^nrt'bf, -0*, 6,li, (fr. o-'fu to in- crease) inrreasinf, enlarginif, growing, eralting. Also, in- rrra^ett, grmvn, &c. At^ii), sec iit^iVu. Au^v), -m, ht Cf- '"''<' '" slioul, or to dry) a shout, loud railing; oxUcry, clamour. Also, drought, dryness, kief, -a, -ov, (fr. aiu to dry) dry, ATT ATT parched ; withered, dusty, comp. ] self-declared ; spontaneous, vo- •rcpo;. \ luiilary i freely, umctked ; nn- 'AvTvos, -oil, b, !,, (fr. a neg. andi provoked, not called for. iJTvoj sleep) slcfpless, uxiking,\AvTcvv, Dur. for i/uToti',3 pi. impf. watching. j ind. of .Kipa, -as, J7, (fr. at'ui to blow) a! AuTf'ui -w, f. ->;(i(i), p. ijOttjito, (fr. gait, breath, air, breeze ; pai7i,\ avrq the shout of battle) to spasm ; inspiration. 1 shout, cry out, exclaim ; to hoiloo, Aopioi, (perhaps fr. avu) to shine) cheer. to-morrow, the morrow; soon, Avrtaiv, Ion. for avriav, g. pi. of next in lime, I avrdi. Avpof, -11, -uv, rich, wealthy, opu-AvTfi,-T7j,-Triv,-TTii,c^seso{sAme: lent. I Aiiri;, -rhv, riji, cases of (iutoj. 'Avcc, and 'Avaai; Ion. and by j ACr^, -r^;,^, (fr. ui)u to shout) ci.i Deal, for r/vcz, 3 sin. and rivaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Aiaai, 1 a. iiif. act. of aitii. At'ffraXfof, -a, -ov, same as avos mouT, shout, confused cry, din of battle ; a fight, battle; charge, onset. AvTiiye, fem. of avris, which see, AutTTT/pia, -af, 1'/, (fr. next) rough-] with ye, the enclitic. ness, austerity; moroseness, se-' AvTr'iKoas, -ov, b, 1% (fr. ai'rifSCU, verity, strictness; sullenness, re-l and okovu to hear) who hears serve. for himself, or tcith his own ears ; Atxrrr/pdf , -a, -or, (fr. avu> to dry) 1 an eye-witness ; independent, un- Tough, bitterish; austere, harsh,] controlled. severe ; reserved, close. . / Ai'i-ilfii-'p, (of same, and ^fiap a ACt', for aiTE, sec aP. j d:iy)'to-day, this day, now. Aira, Dor. for aCr^. — Auru,Dor. ' Aur^jf, g. fern. sin. — Aun/j, Ion. for avrfi fem. of (ivrds. j for uiToif, d. pi. fem. of avr6i. Avrti, -raTf, -rdi, cases of same. Avr't, for avrddt. AvrdyycXof, -ov, b, (fr. ovrdy .self, AutiV, and .iuTi';)!;', for and dyyfXof a messenger) AislAvrfna, (fr. oyTOf the same) jm?/i€- own messenger, who brings neivsl diately, quickly, (his moment; of himself; a voluntary messen- directly, to the point ; for in- ger, harbinger. \ stance, example. 'O avTixa, prc- AurdyijTof, -ou, 6, i%(fr. same, andl sent, immediate, instant, sud- aydu to admire) a self-admirer ; i dm. To avTiKa,for the present. vain, conceited, fond of himself, j Avrdypera, -ii)i', TH, (neut. pi. of] next ) a freeuill offering, bene- ' valence, contribution. ; Avrdypcroi, -ov, b, »;, (fr. avToi Self, ' AvrUa vrcro;, at nightfall, dusk. 'Hi avTiKa,as quickly as possible. Avrir.a ii), AvTiKa ylroi, in the first place, flrst of all. AvrUa fid\a, very shortly, by and by. and aytlpid to collect) .tf//"-co/-' A(>r<5, Dor. for rtt0;{, see aD. lecled, confluent ; contributed,] Avrfii), -Ti(, fi, and AvTfo)v, -/loj, 6, given voluntarily. aItoi, n. pi. fem. of oJroj. AvTiiv, Dor. for avrfjv, a. sin. fem. of (lurof. (perhaps fr. avu> to burn) a breath, an air ; fume, vapour, steam ; smell, stench, exhala- tion. AvTih'lpos,-ov,b,fi,(fT.avT3(Stime,\AvTd, (neut. of avrit self) self, and aiiip a man) his, or their] same, itself. Kii rd avrd, Kanl own selves, ivith the same, wi:h '■ rb avrd, togdher, along with, at themselves, vith the men Avrap, Poet, for ardp. .KvrdpKCta, -a(, l), (fr. aurrfpif>;f suf- ficient) sufficiency, enough, com- petence ; contentment, satisfac- tion ; self-stifficieney, independ- ence. AiTupv/w -b), (fr. same) to satisfy, content, suffice. AvTiipKns, -iOi-ov(, b, !j, (fr. avrif self, and npulia to suffice) suffi- cient, enough ; rjtmplete, ade- quate, flt; contrnted, satisfied. Aur/?p'i, (tr. same, and ii)\oi niaiiifust) sel/'-eviileni. XvToiitiKoyia, -as, >;, (fr. next) self- service, altcndancc on one's xelf. AvToitaKovo;, -ov, b, i/, (fr. same, and iiaKovoi an atttcndant) sclf- aUcndcd, who does all liis own work. Avro^iSaKTOi, -ov^ b, Ij, (ft. same, and iiidaKij to teach) self- lau^ht. .KuTiScfTriSj -ov, b, (fr. same, and tw or itj/it to intlict) a suicide, murderer, assassin. Jivrocrci, (IV. same, and iroi a year) this, or that year, the sami >/r'Xr. AvrdOc, Avt69cv, (fr. same) from thul place or lime ; hence, hence- forth ; there, in that place ; then, ut that time; tlienceforlh, forth- with, directly. Xvrddt, (fr. same) there, then, therein; at that time; in that place. Adtoio, Ion. for auron, g. ofauroj. AvTOKaciyfi'irn, -riSi hi (fr- next) n full sister, AvroKaaiyviiTOi, -ov, b, (fr. avrhg self, Kdais kin, and yivouni to be born) a full brother ; oj the whole Hood. AvTOKardKotros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and KaraKplvia to con- demn) self-condemned, self-con- victed. KvTOKtXtvaToq, -ov, b, i/, (fr. same, and jctXtuu) to exhort) unhidden, ready, willing, voluntary, AvroKcXfjs, -to; -out, b. If, (fr. same, and KiXui to exhori) same as last. KvToKoaTopiKii, -ii, -bv, (fr. ne\t) of free will, mere motion ; sove- reign, ahsolutc, AvTOKodrutp, -opo{, b, (fr. avri; self, and updroi power) one's own moAUr, independeTil ; self-de- pendent ; self-emanating or pro- ceeding ; supreme, sovereign, ab- solute ; pUnipotenlinry, KvTdKTovoi, -oy,b, I], (fr. same, and KTtit'ij) to kill) self-killing, mur dcrous ; a suicide. A.vTo\c^d, (fr. same, and Xffij a word) to a word, verbatim, by rote. AvT6\vKoi, -ov, b, Autolycus, a man's name. Avri^aroi, -ri, -ov, or -ov, h, I), (fr. same, ani jia'u to desire) spon- taneous, of its own ar.cord, volun- tary ; natural, unassisted by art. In ncut. an automaton, a self- moving machine. Aero/iifruf, (fr. last) spontaneoiu- ly, naturally, of itself . ATT Ai'ru;i»i5ui', -oiTuj, 6, Aulomedun, a man'iinaine. ! Airofiijrcup, -opoi, b, i), (tr. aurif same, and fii)n/p mother) like, resembling the mother ; of the same mother ; the very mother. KvTOftoXiu) -u), f. -I'lau), |>. -'iKa, (fr. next) to come from, or go to the other side, or party, desert, fall off" from. .\.VT6no\ni, -oil, b, !/, (fr. avrii sell, and /loX/w to go) a deserter, trai- tor, recreant, apostate. Xvrofd'i, -i?«, i), Autonol, a wo- man's name. AvTOvojih^u-ovjiai, f. -^aoixat, (fr. avrdt'Ofjoi self-directed) to direct onc\'i self, follow one's own will. KvTuv6^r], -/;{, )';, (fem. of next) Aulonomi, a woman's name. Kvrdvofioi, -ov, b, i), (fr. aurijself, and v(5/i(j{ law) sclf-di reeled ; in- dependent ; wilful, headstrong. XvTovv)^ei, and -xi, (fr. same, and viif night) to-night, this night ; tliesame night, that night. AvTonayfis, -ios -oui, b, i), (fr. same, and irt'iyvviJi to compact) self- made ; cohering together, bind- ing, cohesive, compart, firm, Avrdniaroi, -ov, b, t), (fr. same, and ziaroi credible) self-evident; convincing, persuasive ; appa- rent, evident. \vTiijT6vriTos, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and -iTovfj) to work) self-wrought, self-made, setf-effected. AuroToiif, -o5oi, b, i), (fr. same, and TToui a foot) on nne^s own feet. .\.vroTp'iau>-soi, -ov,b,i'i, (fr. same, a.nd' rpuawTTov the face) of the natural countenance, in one's own person, AuroTTTTjf, -ov, b, (fr. same, and 6zTr)fiai to behold) an eye-wit- ness ; a spectator, beholder, looker on. n. pi. avToiTTnt. AvrdplivToi, -ov, b, ';, (fr. same, and jjeui to flow) flowing of itself, Springing naturally, gushing, bubbling. AuTi);, -h, -i, (perhaps fr. oD again, and rdi obs. for b he) he, she, it ; himself, herself, itself; mere, very ; spontaneous, of himself, Uc. ; same, the same, sup. av- TuTaro;. AiJrof, ->i, -0, used for ovroi, or lavTov, which see. AvTodTdiia, -a;, t), (fr. last, and crdfiof firm, th. "icrrjiJtlo stand) a standing, or remaining fixed in one place ; a standing fight. AirdiTToXof, -ou, 0, //, (fr. same, and arlXiij} to equip) who is ship, convoy, or guide to himself in his own vessel ; escorting per- sonrdly; a swimmer. Af-rajroi'o?, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and arivo> to groan) groaning under his own sorrows, suffering under woes of his own making. AvTna)(i.f,ia, -ai. Ion. -ij^>7i -'-S, '/> (fr. avToayii'itos sudden) a fight hanrl to hand, close ambat, close quarters ; hurry, precipitation, haste, confusion, tumult. (102) ATT Avro, (fr. same) nigh, close, hand to hand, Avrdraros, sup. of avTus- AvTorc\hii -ios -ovs, b,fi, (fr. avrbs self, and riXos the end, or a tax) perfecting, ejjfective, perfect, finished, complete ; sufficient, ca- pable, answerable ; independent, living, or acting at his own ex- pense. Avrov, viz. xii>pov, (g. sin. of aurif) for avrdOt. AvTOu, Afry, Avrdv, for tavrov, -7(3, -rdv. AvTOvpycw -Hi, f. -i)(T, -ov, tH, (fr. same, and ijiuip a thief) the very fact, the act itself; a foul deed, crime, offence. CTavT0(l>ii)0(f> for tTr' avT0) to boast, brag, vaunt, glory. Ai':^!;, -ijf, and Avx, and Av)(^filui -d, (fr. av^- /lif drought) to be parched with drought; to be dusty, dirty, squalid, foul ; to be shabby, or ragged; to mourn, wear mourn- ing, which the ancients express- ed by foul and worn clothes. Av)(iiriBii, - n, (fr- I'lsi) hot, parrlnng ; dn/, arid ; foul, dirty, squalid ; slovenly. Au'ii, and sometimes aCu, and by Dyal. ntw, {. avail), p. ijiiifa, (fr. diM to blow) to dry, parch, sr^rh ; to light up, kindle, in- Jlame, set on fire ; to shout, cry out, esclaim ; to roar ; to resound, ring, echo ; to sparkle, shine, glitter ; to blow, breathe ; to touch ; to steep. 1 a. ind. act. ijO^a, as if fr. ai'fw Dor. (or a van). Af', for Arh, l>f;foro an aspirate. A^nyi'^uj, (fr. nzh intens. and uy- vtctii to jiurify) to consecrate, htdlow, nemlr, set apart, sanc- tify ; to purify, cleanse, expiate, atone. A'pnfinvia, nnd A'PafinvStv , Hcb, in- decl. a royal tent, pnxilion. KifmipiOiUt-iIca, -(!', par. i n. pass. — k^itriOfiaoi'ai, -1, -irai, 1 f ind. pass. — A^oipr7i', pres. inf cont. — Atiaifurai, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass. — A^aip^, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. pass. — Atfaipip cuj, -£ij» -ti, 1 f. ind. act. of aiaipiui. A to take awav) a taking away, carrying off" ; a withdraw- ing, separation, distinction ; that which is withdrawn or separated, the part of the victim offered, an offering, oblation. Anipioii, -19?, Att. -£u){, i';, (fr. same) a taking away, depriva- tion, separation ; an offering, sacrifice ; apheertsis, a gramma- ticaljigure. A<^nio(u> -a, f. ->ifiptfini. 1 a. pass. a(f,i,pi6!iv. 1 f. pass. atpaipcOiiao/iai. 1 f. mid. ind. ai], -»?f, I'l, a kind of pulse, a town in Libya. 'A(p3\o(, -ov, b, 1), (fr. a neg. and ifiaXi'; a crest) wanting the crest, unplumed. A(pd'\\oiiat, (fr. atri from, and a\- \ofiai to leap) to leap down or off; to bound or spring away; to flee, escap". Aaiiaproiirtii, -io( -ov(, b, i;, (fr. last, anil firof a word) rambling in language, verl/ose, tedious ; diffuse in style, diffusive, inco- herent. Aipdiiaprov,-cf, -t. Ion. for n^i/fiap- Tov, 2 a. ind. oi aai'npTdvw. Ai^ffmn, -at, ii, (fr. next) dark- ness, obscurity, indistinctness ; uncirlainty, doubt. A0ai'>>{, -iof -ov<, b. If, (fr. a nrc. and i^talvi- to appear) ilark, ob- scure, indistinct ; unseen, not clear, h'dden; evanescent, vaniili- ed ; igniililr, mean, tow. Kfnvi^ei, 3 sin. and A i^ai'/{ou