THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES v^ HibUskd as tAeAcir dhecArJard Jd>0 ^ TJia/xr SC Son, SmOAamfUorv. W^JLK SO UTM^MFTOJV. a By Sir Henry C. ENGLEFIELD, Bart. F. R. S. AND F.A. S. > ' . SECOND EDITION, CONSIDERABLY AUGMENTED : TO WIUCU IS ADDED, SOME ACCOUNT OF THE ROMAN STATION, CLAUSENTUM. PRINTED ANO SOLD BY BAKER AND FLCTCHEft I SOLD AtSO IN LONDON BY J. STOCKDALB, PICCADILLY, AND BY T. OSTELL, A V E-M AX I A- L AN . IVIDCCCV. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL. ^7 ^5-^ TO THE READER. It was at firft intended in the following pages, merely to give an account of feveral curious remains of antiquity exifting in the town of Southampton, and which had either been to- tally unnoticed, or very flightly mentioned, in the defcriptions of that place, hitherto pub- lifhed ; and the title of A Walk was chofcn as expreilive of what was intended to be done in the work. In compliance with the wifhes of fome who faw the manufcript, and to whofe obfervations and communications no fmall portion of whatever merit it may pofTefs, is due, I have ftepped beyond the flri6l limits of defcription, and have ventured to enter a little into the wide and doubtful field of an- tiquarian refearch : but I Hill hope that my readers will bear in mind the title of the book, and not for a moment fuppofe that I afpire at G32335 ( ii ) the dignity of a hiftorian of the place ; a talk for which neither my refearches nor abilities have by any means qualified me. The praife of accuracy is all to which I lay any claim, and I fhall be very happy if what is here given to the public excites fome perfon better quali- fied for the talk, to extradl from the records of the town, and thofe of the bifhoprick, the cu- rious and copious information which they cer- tainly contain. To the Mayor and Corporation of the Town my bed thanks are due, for the liberal man- tier in which they permitted me to infpe6l their regalia and archives; and I fhould do vio- lence to my own feelings, if I pafled unno- ticed the afliftance which I have received from an anonymous correfpondent, whofe lingular modefty has not perhaps totally concealed him from my knowledge, and to whofe accurate pen the inveftigators of the beautiful environs of the town of Southampton are, I fufpe(5l, al- ready obliged for one of the bed digefted and moft inflru6tive of thofe ufeful tra6ls com- monly known under the name of Guides. H. C. ENGLEFIELD. DEC. 1, ISOl. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. -<> The firft edition of this work having been exhaufted within little more than three years from its publication, I cannot better teftify the fenfe I entertain of a favour fo unex- pedled, than by endeavouring to render the fe- cond impreffion in fome degree more worthy of the public attention. The few changes which have taken place in the town are no- ticed; and I thought it better to mention them in the form of notes, than to alter the original account. A more extenlivc defcription of the curious edifice in Porters'-lanc is added, from ( iv ) the account of it prefented to the Society of Antiquaries ; and I have given fome etchings of its principal parts. The account of remains of antiquity difcovered at Bittern, in confe- quence of the building the bridge and forming the road there, is reprinted from my paper inferted in the fecond volume of the Hamp- fhire Repofitory, with fome additions. It is hoped that this fecond edition may meet the fame favour which was experienced by the firft. H. C. ENGLEFIELD. OCT. 1, 1803. CONTENTS. Derivation of the name of Southampton - 1 Situation of the town - - - 5 Suburb and ditch .... 6 Spring in Houndwell - - _ g Canal ----- 6 Butts for archery - - , - 7 Bar-gate, its derivation - - - 8 description of ... 8 arms on - - - 8 and 137 paintings at - - - - 10 sculptured stone in - - - 11 town-hall in - - - - 12 North wall - - - , - 13 East-gate - - - - - 14 Eastern wall , . - - 15 Bridewell-gate and tower - - - 15 Curious cannon - - - - 16 Admiralty gallows - - - - 17 Water-gate and quay - - - 18 Apartments over water-gate - - 19 West-gate and quay - - - - 20 CONTENTS. Cross-hoase - - - . 77 Beach - - - - - 78 Observations on the style of the ancient buildings in Southampton - - - 79 Corijedhires on the origin and site of the town 80 Bittern probably the Roman Clausentum - 80 Castle of Southampton probably Saxon - 83 Present town built under its protedtion - 84 Canute's rebuke to his courtiers probably hap- pened at the present town of Southampton 85 Charter of Henry II. mentioning four churches in Southampton - - - 86 Date of the wall uncertain - - - 86 Sack of the town by the French - ..88 Error of Leland proved by the rolls of parliament 90 Repair of the walls in the reign of Edward VI. 91 Antiquities found at Bittern - - 107 Coping stones - - - - 107 Corner stone of a niche - _ - I08 Stone with an inscription - - , 109 Roman wall - - - - 111 Beautiful Roman earthen ware - - 112 Farm house at Bittern - - - 115 Names on the fragments of ware - - 119 Skeletons - - - - -119 Well in which was a skeleton - - 120 Remains of Roman towers - - - 121 Stones with inscriptions - - - 121 Precentorship attached to St. Mary's - 131 Curious vaulted apartment in Siranel-street 132 Additional notes - - - - 136 PLATES. PAGB I. Title II. Town wall near Weft quay 21 III. Ditto nearer Bridle-gate 23 IV. Regalia of the corporation 38 V. Two ancient feals 42 VI. View in Porters'-lane 50 VII. Infide view of St. Michael's church 63 VIII. Font in St. Michael's church 65 IX. View up Blue-anchor-lane 68 X. Elevation of building in Porters'-lane 97 XI. Plan of the Roman ftation at Bittern 105 XII. Antiquities found at Bittern 108 WOOD CUTS. Altar dedicated to the goddefs Ancafta 123 Fragment of a miliary column 124 Infcription to the emperor Gordian 125 Another to Gallius and Volulianus 126 Another to the tyrant Tetricus 127 SBL K WALK THROl CU SOUTHAMPTON. XjEFORE we enter on a defcription of the beautiful and ancient town of South- ampton, it may not be improper to fay a few words on the derivation of its name, on which antiquarians are by no means agreed : fome having fuppofed that it took its origin from the river An or Anton, near whofe fouth- ern extremity it (lands ; while others have merely deduced it from the word Ham (a home or place of refidence), which fo often enters into the compolition of the names of our towns, fometimes with and fomctimes without ( 3 ) the adjunct of Ton. Ham in Surry, and Hampton in Middlefex and Hereford (hire, Northampton, and near it Southam, are fuf- ficient examples of this mode of compofition ; and it is rather curious that the two laft quoted names (hould in this place be exactly inverted in Southampton and Northam. How loDg Northam has borne its prefent name,' I have no means of inveftigating ; but it feems evident that it can only have received it from its (ituation with refpe6l to Southampton. Yet probable as this really appears, I cannot help inclining to the fentiment of thofe who derive its more honourable appellation from the beautiful ftream which ornaments the central parts of the county, and indifputably gives its name not only to numerous places in its courfe, but to the county itfelf. The town of Andover, the village of Abbot's-An, the farm of Northanton and hamlet of Southanton, both near Overton, and not far from the eaftern fource of the river Anton, or rather Ant, are abundant proofs of the probability of this ety- mology : and it may be iaid, that, by a very natural confufion of two words fo fimilar (par- ticularly in compofition) as An and Ham, Northam, from its polition with refpedl to ( 3 ) Southampton, may eafily have received its name, under the idea that Southampton was formed from Ham, not An. Whether the Antona of Tacitus was the Southampton water, has been the fubjedl of controverfy into which it is unneceflary here to enter ; it is enough for our prefent purpofe, that the Roman Claufentum is evidently form- ed from the An or Ant, which I conceive to have been the Britifh name of this river and eftuary. To this, the Romans, as was their ufual pradlice, added the Latin termination, and the Roman name of the river became the Entum or Antum ; and poffibly, by an ealy change, the Antona. When in the Saxon times Southampton be- came a place of confequence, the Ant again gave name to the new town, with the Saxon addition of tun or ion, and we accordingly find Antun or Hantun to have been the early name of the place; as Wilton, in the next county, was formed from the river Will or Willy : and this I conceive to be much more confonant to the Saxon mode of formation of names, than the fuppofition that the town was called Anion from the river Anton, without any adjundl, of which, I believe, there is fcarce an example. ( 4 ) But although the confequcnce of Claufcn- tum evidently declined as the new Hantun increafed, yet it was by no means deferted ; for there are large remains yet exifting of a magnificent Saxon or Norman fortrefs or caf- tellated manfion, built on the ancient Roman wall of Bittern : and as the new town is litu- ated diredlly fouth of the old one, it was natu- ral that it fhould be diftinguiflied from it by the prefix of Snuth. Thus it appears to mc that the name of Southampton was gradually formed : but thefe ideas are given (as moft etymologies mufl be) rather as matters of con- jedlure than certainty. By a fort of retro- grade corruption not uncommon, the river came, from the town feated on its bank, to be called in later times the Hampton River ; and the county itfelf Hantunfcyre, as well as its more proper appellation of Hantefcyre ; and afterwards, by a moft prepofterous confufion (probably fuggefted by the fimilarity of the name to Northamptonfliire), the County was called the County of Southampton. When this laft corruption was introduced, I cannot decide ; but it is very ancient. Too much has been perhaps already faid on this fubjedl, for a book which pretends to ( 5 ) no deep refcarch ; too little certainly for a formal difTertation on the ancient hiftory of the place: to more laborious inquirers the ety- mology of Bittern and the biftory of the fuc- ceffive changes of that very ancient place are left : and it is probable that the records of the fee of Winchefter may furnifh much curious matter on this fubje6l, as Bittern has ever been, and ftill remains, a capital manor and feat of courts holden by the officers of that bifhoprick. The town of Southampton is fituated on the extreme point of the high gravelly bank which feparates the courfe of the Itchen river from the eftuary of the Teft, or Anton Water. By this happy choice, the whole town, though al- mofi: furrounded with water, enjoys the advan- tage of the drieft (ituation ; and the fall of level, in every direction, keeps the flreets con- Itantly free from damp and filth. Befides thefe cfTential benefits, a great proportion of the houfes enjoys a view more or lefs extenfive of the beautiful country adjacent ; and as the gravelly foil lies on a bed of clay, numerous wells afford a copious fupply of water fit for ( 6 ) moft domeflic purpofes, if not always excellent for drinking.* As, however, the principal object of this eflay is to point out the objects of antiquity, or other remarkable buildings, which may at- tra6l the notice of a ftranger, enough has been Taid on the general fituation of the town ; and we fhall now proceed to a furvey, firft of the walls and gates, and fecondly of the ftreets, together with the churches and other build- ings obfervable in them. The principal and indeed only approach to the town from the land, is by an extenfive and well-built fuburb ; in which nothing oc- curs worthy of remark, t excepting a large * A very fine and copious spring, which was protcdtcd by a large building bearing considerable marks of anti- quity, till lately existed in the meadow to the north of the (own : it bore the name of Houndwell. The tunnel cut about two hundred yards to the north of the spring for the new Canal, has intercepted the vein which supplied it, and it now is very nearly dry. + It may not be improper here to mention, that the Canal which is cut from Redbridge to Southampton, and which passes close along the shore of the river, quits the beach about half a mile above the town, and is carried in ( 7 ) Elm tree, on the left lide of the road, which is ilill called the Pound Elm, from the ancient pound of the town, which once occupied that fpot. This fuburb was feparated from the town by a very broad and deep ditch ; which has been filled up within the memory of feve- ral perfons yet living. In the plan of the town annexed to Speed's map of the Ifle of Wight, the northern and north-caftern part of the ditch appears to have been double, having a low bank between the two fofles. On this bank, to the eaft of the Bar-gate, Butts are marked for the purpofe of exercifing the youth in archery. This ditch feems to have been originally cut fo deep as to admit the fea at high water, and thereby completely infulate the town. Hanover Buildings to the eaft, and Orohard-ftreet to the weft, of the Bar-gate, a subterraneous trunk under this suburb. It emerges to the day in the Houndwell meadow, and branches north and south. The northern branch meets the Itchen at Northara : the southern fills the ditch of the eastern wall of the town, and passing under a large arch cut for it through the bottom of the Gaol Tower, opens into the Southampton River immediately beyond it. This work, after a vast expense, has long remained in an im- perfe6l state. ( 8 ) occupy the fite of the ditch ; which was crofled by an arched bridge leading to the large and extremely beautiful gate called emphatically the Bar. This, it may be obferved, was an- ciently the name of thofe edifices now called Gates ; while the word Gate fignified the ilreet or road leading to the Bar. At York this an- cient phrafeology prevails to this day : Mickle- gate leads to Mickle-gate Bar, Walm-gate to Walm-gate Bar, and fo of the refi:. To return to the Bar : Its north front is of rather un- common form, being a fort of femi-o(5lagon, flanked with two lower femi-circular turrets, and crowned with large and handfome open machicollations. The arch of entrance is highly pointed, and adorned with a profufion of mouldings, which now end abruptly ; a part of the flanks of the arch having been cut away to enlarge the carriage way, which was incon- veniently narrow. Above the arch is a row of elegant funk pannels, alternately fquare and oblong. In each of the fquares is a (hield in relief, painted with a coat of arms. The bearings on thefc fhields are as follow, beginning from the left : 1. Argent, a crofs, gules. England. 2. Sable, three fwords in pile. Paulet. ( 9 ) 3. Argent, a chevron, gules, between three griffins' head erafed, or. Lethieullier or Tylney. 4. Or, two chevronels argent, between three fhamrocks or trefoils, azure or vert. Abdy or Lewis. 5. Argent, fretty, azure, a canton ermine. Noel. 6. Azure, a chevron or between three owls or. He wit. 7. Gules bordured and crofTed or, engrailed : four martlets. Unknown. 8. Parted per fefle, argent and fable, a pale counterchanged and three bears faliant fable, two and one counterchanged, muzzled and chained, or. Mill. Q. Azure, a crofs faltire, argent. Scotland. And on two fhields below, in the fpandrils of the arch : 10. Azure, a chevron or, betweeti three leopards* heads erafed or. Wyndham. 11, Or, a chevron gules, charged with three pellets or. Unknown. Thefe arms are not, however, of an ancient date ; as the coat of Mill has the baronets' hand on it, and the creation of that family was in 1619. The arms of Scotland alfo prove B ( 10 ) that thefe ornaments were added to the gate after the acceffion of James I.* The footways on each fide are modern per- forations through the old flanking towers, and the brickwork entirely covers the ancient walls ; but by infpedting the fides of the prin- cipal arch, it feems as if there had formerly been arches opening laterally into thefe tow- ers : if fo, the fcenery mufi: have been finga- * On the fronts of the two great buttresses which flank the arch of entrance, are placed paintings at full length, and larger than the life, of two warriors, one of whom bears the name of Bevis, the other of Ascupart. Although these figures, when compared with the gate, are modern, yet as they have certainly held their present places during one hundred and twenty-five years, and are in a poem of that antiquity spoken of as at that time by BO means novelties, it might seem an omission not to men. tion them. The connexion between Bevis and South- ampton seems of a very ancient date. Whether the old metrical Romance of Sir Bevis was founded on any fadl, I am not prepared to say ; but the occurrence of the name of Bevis on the admiralty seal hereafter more particularly described, proves that the knight was in no small estima- tion in the town at an early date. It is probable that the figures on the Bar-gate were placed there at the time that the arms just described were painted on the ancient shields. The style of the paintings fully proves that they could not have been of a date much anterior to James I. ( 11 > larly magnificent. The arches and front hi- therto defcribed, are (though probably four hundred and fifty years old) modern, when compared with the central part of the gate; which is of early Norman work, if not more ancient than the Conqueft. Its plain' and mafRve round arches, which are confiderably wider than the outer pointed one, a?.e a full proof of this. Within this mofl ancient part, another addition has been made towards the town, forming a plain and flat front ; which, though never very handfome, was much in- jured in the beginning of the century, by a mofl awkward attempt to adorn it. The points of its ancient windows are obliterated, a painted ruflic covers the old wall, and queen Anne, in long embroidered flays, and a gown whofe folds would difgrace even the barbarity of Saxon fculpture, exhibits her jolly fat face from a Gothic niche in the centre. The bat- tlements have however efcaped the ravage of improvement, and an ancient alarm bell hangs in a niche formed for it, between two of them.* * A' very singular sculptured stone is inserted mto the wall of this front, just above the ground, and close to the right-hand janiD of the centre arch. It appears to have ( 12 ) Over the arches is a fpacious town-hall, fifty-two feet long and twenty-one feet wide, to which we afcend by a commodious ilone ftaircafe. Towards the top of this, a large pointed arch is vifible. The hall is lighted by the four windows to the ftreet, which within- fide retain their ancient form, and are rather handfonie. At the bottom of the hall, ano- ther pointed arch appears, which opens into a fmall lumber room : the face of the arch in this room is very handfome. The court of juftice is not older than queen Elizabeth's time. A room for the grand jury communi- been the exercise of some apprentice carver, in the early part of the twelfth century, and is covered with faces cut in a very rude style, of different sizes, to the number of eighteen, great and small. One of these is a man's face with a forked beard ; another, a female, with a square coif hanging down on each side. These faces much re- semble those which so commonly support the labels of arches, and are sometimes, though more rarely, found under brackets, in the sort of cornices which run round the exterior of the Norman and earliest pointed arched churches. The lengtli of the stone is fifteen inches, and its height is nine inches. As it stands upside down in the wall, and is much corroded, it may easily, though in so conspicuous a situation, escape notice, as it;^did mine until after the first edition of this book was printed. ( 13 ) cates with the hall, and is lighted by windows towards the fuburb. The grand-jury room is entirely modernifed, but a fmall and dark room adjoining has in it a very curious round arch, with ornamental fmaller fegments of circles within it, and a fmall column on each jamb, in the ftyle of the early Gothic. The leads are fpacious, and from them the gradual increafe of this noble gate is eafily traced. The original gate is flanked by two femicircular towers towards the country : be tween thefe, and projedling beyond them, the prefent beautiful exterior front was added : the front towards the town appears the moft modern of all. The two lions fejant, * call in lead, which now form a refpedlable guard to the entrance of the gate, were formerly placed at the extremities of the parapet of the bridge which eroded the ditch, and were removed to their prefent fituation when the ditch was filled up and the bridge demolifhed. From the gate the wall runs eaftward about * These lions were given (in the room of two others which were decayed) in the year 1744, by William Lee, Esq, son of Lord Chief Justice Lee, on his being made t burgess. ( 14 ) two hundred yards, and is ftill vilible, though much encumbered with dwelling-houfes ; a- mong which, two femi-circular towers are barely difcernible. It terminates in this di- re(5lion by a high round tower, which has a more modern appearance than any other part of the walls, and fegms to have been built with embrafures, like Calthot caftle, for the recep- tion of cannon. From this tower the wall runs quite ftraight, and in a dire(ftion nearly fouth, till it reaches the water. At a diftance of about one hundred yards from the north- eaft angle, Eaft-gate formerly ftood : it was demolilhed about thirty years ago, but a drawing of it is among Grofe's Antiquities, and it appears to have been equally ugly and inconvenient. The whole length of this fide is about eight hundred yards, and it is defend- ed by, a broad and deep ditch (in the bottom of which the new can^l is dug), and fortified by eight turrets ; fix of them of a femicircular form, and two fquare ones, which, however, appear rather more modern than the others. Thefe two were probably built about the time of Edward VI ; as that young monarch, in the very curious account he gives his friend Fitzpatric, of his fummer excurfion into this ( 15 ) county, fays that the townftnen had fpent much money in repairing their walls for his reception. Leland mentions only fix towers in this eaftern wall, probably the fix round ones. The upper part of the north-eaftern tower was probably built at the fame time ; and by Grofe's plate of the Eaft:-gate, it had embrafures fimilar to thofe of this tower, and moft likely added in the fame repair. The fi:ru6lure both of the wall- and towers is of coarfe and irregular mafonry : the upper part is totally deftroyed, and no mode either of de- fence or annoyance appears, except a very long and narrow loop, with a circular enlarge- ment in the middle, near the foot of each of the towers. Where the wall reaches the lea, it is terminated by a flrong tower with a gate. The arch of entrance is pointed, and has with- in it two others, of different forms and heights, and two grooves for portcullifes. Over this gate is the Bridewell. It feems evident that originally the ditch was dug fo deep, as to admit the fea at high water quite up to the north-eafiern angle of the wall before men- tioned ; and the projecting tower and build- ing which we fhall next furvey, was very likely added to defend the iluices, on which fo efi^n- ( 16 ) tial a requifite to the defence of the town de- pended, and which of courfe an aflailant would endeavour to deftroy. This mafs of building is evidently lefs ancient than the walls, and probably of about the fame date as the outer part of the Bar-gate. It has been fuppofed that this tower was built in the time of Henry VIII, and a paflage in the records of the town feems to countenance the idea ; but it is cer- tainly far more ancient than that prince's reign ; and the paflage in queftion probably refers to the north-eaftern tower, the more modern appearance of which has been already noticed. Its mafonry is much better than that of the walls, and the windows and battlements are very neat. It is, however, of a form ex- tremely ill calculated for defence, or rather of- fence to aflailants ; and under its Shelter a large body of troops might advance in fecurity almoft up to the gate. Its irregular form and projedting buttrefles render it, however, a pi6lurefque objedl. It is now the gaol for felons and debtors of the town and county of Southampton. On the platform juft under it lies a very fine and curious brafs cannon, of the age of Henry VIII, and bearing the following infcriptions and ornaments : ( 17 ) On an efcutcheon crowned with an impe- rial crown, England and France quarterly, fupported by a dragon and greyhound. Under it, in a tablet, HENRICVS. VIII ANGLIE. FRAN CIE. ET. HIBEilN IE. REX. PIDEI. DE PENSOR. INVICT I8SIMVS. F. F. On another tablet, clofe below the former : MDXXXXII HR VIII Juft before the touch-hole : ARCANVS. DE. ARCANIS CESENEN. FECIT On the breech-ring : COLOVRINA 4214 Two perforated lions' heads ferve as rings to lift it. The ornaments on it are in a good ftyle, although carelefsly finifhed. On the fhore, between high and low water mark, near the platform, flood the Admiralty Gallows belonging to the local jurifdi61ion of the town. It is reprefcnted in Speed's plan of C ( 18 ) Southampton, annexed to his map of the Ifle of Wight. To return to the walls : From the tower and gate juft mentioned, the \yall runs in a direction nearly weft for about one hundred and twenty yards, having the fea wafhing its foot, till it meets the Great or Eaft Quay. In this length it is defended by one large and high turret, at which it makes a little bend to the northward. An ancient gate with a low pointed arch, with a groove for a portcullis, and machicollations over it, opens on this quay ; which projedbs into the river about one hundred and thirty yards, and is evidently as ancient (at leaft in part) as the town itfelf. This Water-gate has been fo defaced by houfes built againft it' on every fide, that it is not eafy to make out its original form ; nor can we now trace out the manner in which it was con- ne6led with the wall to the fouth-eaft of it, the line of which projecfls at leaft thirty feet beyond the outer front of the gate. The de- molition of an old houfe built againft it, has lately brought down all the machicollations ; and in its prefent mutilated ftate, no one but a ftaunch antiquary could much lament its total removal ; which is ferioufty talked of, ( 19 ) and which would eflentially conduce to the convenience of the commerce carried on upon the quay.* Juft beyond the northern tower of this gate, two machicollations appear in the wall, which perhaps defended another gate or poftern opening on the quay for the more con- venient carrying on the trade of it ; but the lower part of the wall is here fo completely blocked up by houfes, that this point cannot be afcertained. * This intended demolition has now taken place, and the whole gate, with the old buildings attached to it, is removed. In apartments above this gate, and immedi- ately adjoining to it, the business of the customs is said to have been anciently transacted. The two principal rooms were of good proportion, and had wainscot ceilings and Qrnaraented chimney-pieces. Over the chimney-piece of the eastern or innermost room, were three coats of arms. In demolishing the gate, nothing remarkable was found, except part of a large flat monumental stone, which had been worked into the wall in building the gate. It is of the usual early Norman form, and has the lower part of a figure in long robes outlined on it, and an in- scription running round it between two straight lines. The letter of this inscription is of the Norman form, and the words PVR SA ALME PAR CIIARITE PUIEZ are legible. A few letters, forming probably the end of the name of the person to whose memory the stone was in<, scribed, remain, but the name cannot be made out. ( 20 ) From the Water-gate the wall continues in a curved line to the north-weft, with its foot in the fea. Its cbnftru6lion is here ftmilar to the part already defcribed, and the towers which defend it are much of the fame form, though only partially vifible even from the fea, as wharfs and timber-yards are now built out into the water in front of them. At about two hundred yards from the Water-gate, the wall makes a more fudden bend to the north- ward, and feems to have fufFered in this part fome injury, either by failure of its foundation, or breach made in it. At prefent it has the appearance of having flipped outwards from the foot, into the fea. At the north end of this part, a' high open arch appears in the wall, of the fame fort as thofe which we fhall foon defcribe ; and beyond that arch the wall goes on quite plain and very high, till it reaches the Weft-gate. This gate is a low, plain, pointed vault, very ftrongly and carefully defended ; there being in its thicknefs at leaft two grooves for portcullifes, and fix fquare apertures for pouring hot water, or other annoyances, on aflailants. The tower over thi.gate is mo- dernifcd, but does not feem ever to have been in any way handfome. The length of the wall ( 21 ) from the Water-gate to the Weft-gate is about three hundred and eighty yards. The Weft-quay is ftnall, but, by the caution with which its gate was defended, has evi- dently been confidered as of great confequencc, in former ages. To the north of the Weft-gate, and front- ing the area occupied by the public Baths and Rooms, the wall is of great height, and exhibits a mode of building quite peculiar, and which feems Angularly ill contrived for ftrength and defence. The wall may here be faid to be double. The interior wall has been the front of a row of very ancient buildings; a part of which has been ornamented with Saxon double windows above, and doors of different forms below. Thefe apertures have all been filled up, and againft the front a row of hig!i and (lender piers is built, which partly cover the ancient apertures of the wall behind them. Thefe piers are two feet two inches in breadth, and proje6l three feet and three inches from the wall; and they have a bafe proje6ling four inches and a half every way, which is about eighteen inches high above the prefent level of the ground. At ten feet fix inches above the bafement, arches are turned from pier to pier ; ( 22 ) leaving, however, an open fpace of one foot eight inches, on an average, between the old wall and the new ; which are connedled by ftones at intervals, leaving interftices fome- thing in the nature of machicollations, open to the Iky. At a confiderable height above the arches, the wall terminates in a parapet, with one battlement in the extent of each arch. The whole range of arches is in number nine- teen, but they are not uniform in fize or figure. The firft eight are nearly alike, and arc very nearly femicircular ; though all, ex- cept the two firft, have a flight tendency to a point. Behind the firfl, which is twelve feet wide, is the remain of a double Saxon window, with a pillar; and below, the jamb of a door or long window. Behind the fecond, alfo twelve feet wide, appears below, the remainder of the fame door, and another near it with a very fiat arclied head, like thofe of the lateft Gothic. Above, is a fmall loop to the right, and a double window, fimilar to the one be- fore mentioned, to the left. The third arcade is eleven feet four inches in width, and behind it is a large round arch, of neat plain work- manihip, and above it a double window. In the fourth, which is eleven feet nine inches in ' ( 23 ) width, is a very curious fmall poftern, which has been defended by a portcullis, and opens into a narrow fteep alley called Blue-anchor- lane. In this lane are to be feen the remains of two very ancient edifices, of which we fhall fay more in the furvey of the ftreets. The fifth, fixth, feventh, and eighth arches are each eleven feet wide. The fifth arch has only a fmall loop within it : the fixth nothing but a plain wall. The feventh has a large modern opening to a court of fmall houfes. The thicknefs.of the wall may here be dif- tin6lly feen ; and it is very thin for its height and the ufes of defence. The eifjhth has a rough pointed arch in the wall. A large pier then fucceeds, with a fl;raight joint all the way up, againfi: which the arch is turned : this pier is therefore older than the arcade. A very fiat arch, eighteen feet wide, comes next, with a thick pier ; and then an arch, fix feet four inches wide, and very flat, with another thick pier and a ftraight joint exteriorly. Thefc two arches and their three piers (together with another fimilar narrow arch and its thick piers, which we fhall prefently notice) feem as if they had belonged to a building which pro- jedled beyond the prefent front of the wall ; ( 24 ) for the face of the fmall arch is rough, as if broken off. This building, whofe ancient form and deftination it is now impbflible even to guefs at, mull have been of great llze and flrength ; and the double walls united at the top by the flat arches, are a very curious and lingular circumftance, and well worthy of no- tice by thofe who furvey this interefting part of the wall. The regular feries of arches then goes on. The eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and four- teenth, are each eleven feet wide ; the fif- teenth only nine feet three inches. The eleventh has nothing within it ; the twelfth, two pointed door-ways, the one to the right almoft hidden by the pier. The thirteenth has a fmall pointed window or niche, and by it a flat fegment-headed door. The fourteenth has a large femicircular arch, of good mafonry ; the fifteenth a flight trace of a window aloft. Then comes in another thick pier with a fl:raight joint exteriorly, and a flat arch, fix feet four inches wide, and broken in front like the for- mer, A thick pier with a ftraight joint all the way up exteriorly, forms with this arch a mafs of work very fimilar to the one before def- cribed. The range of arches then begins ( 35 ) again. The fevcnteenth and eighteenth are eleven feet wide. The feventeenth has no- thing in the wall behind it; the eighteenth has a flat fegment-headed door or window, and near it, but lower, a neat large round arch, which extends into the nineteenth arch ; which is only five feet three inches in width, and (harp-pointed to range at the top with the reft ; and here this very Angular conftruc- tion ends with a ftraight joint all the way up. The wall beyond it appears much older, and in it is a low gate with a pointed arch, called Bridle-gate,* over which are the brackets of two machicollations. This gate is merely an arch in the wall, and not, like the other gates, fecured by a tower and portcuUifes in its thicknefs. To the right hand, juft within it, is a pointed arch, which opened into fome building now totally deftroyed ; and on the left, high up, is a door which feems to have opened on a ftaircafe : a narrow arched paflage runs through the thicknefs of the wall over the gate, and terminates at this door. The wall at this gate is live feet three inches in thicknefs. D ^ This gate, in the old records, is called Buidles-Gate. ( 26 ) The wall juft defcribed was certainly pecii- liarly ill calculated for defence againft any aflailants who could eftablifli themfelves at its foot, as the demolition of a fingle pier would inevitably make a wide breach in the arcade which it fupported. It might indeed be con- je6lured, that this part of the wall was wafhed by the fea (as the parts to the north and fouth of it ftill are), which would render it lefs eafy of accefs to fappers or engines of deftru(?tion : but the regular bafe to the piers^ the Bridle- gate opening on the area before them, and the Blue-anchor poftern nearly at the fame level, and bearing no appearance of a water gate, together with the more ancient nume- rous doors in the wall behind the arches, which certainly did not open into the water, difcountenance this fuppofition ; and the cau- fes which determined the builders to adopt fo apparently prepofterous a plan, we fhall pro- bably not eafily divine. The length of the wall from the Weft-gate to the Bridle-gate is about one hundred and fifty yards. From the Bridle-gate the wall makes a fad- den proje(5lion at right angles to its former line, of about fixteen yards; and then, being at its exterior angle fortified by a fquare tower. ( 27 ) turns back at an obtufe angle : another fquarc tower defends this face, which forms a large irregular proje<5ling niafs, beyond the general line of the wall ; which then continues in a diredlion nearly due north, high out of the water, and fortified by fix very ftrong and handfome buttrefl^es. The third of thefe but- treflfes is much larger than the reft, and has in it a door-cafe, high above the foot of the wall, and which probably was a water-gate to the Caflile. In the intervals of the buttrefles are traces of feveral loops and fmall windows, which lighted a large vault ; of which more when we treat of the caftle. This part of the wall is beautifully mantled with ivy. The wall then runs northwards in a fi.raight and flat face, and has one buttrefs more, at fome dif- tance from the refi:, of mofi exquifite mafonry. Jufi: beyond this buttrefs is a large angular one, which, by flying arches to the wall on each fide, fupported a fmall tower. Here the wall goes ofl^ at an obtufe angle to the north- caft, and has three very firong buttrefles in this face. At this fpot the wall of the caftle abuts on the town wall; of which more anon. This point is two hundred yards from Bridle- gate. ( 28 ) From hence the wall continues of very good mafonry, ftraight to the north- weft corner of the town ; and it is defended by a very hand- fome femicircular turret, with a proje(5\ing parapet, fupported by large corbels. The height of the wall from its foot is here twenty- eight feet, and of the turret, forty feet. The tide wafhes the whole of this wall, quite to the north-weft corner, which is one hundred yards from the point above mentioned ; and the ground within is almoft level with its top the whole way ; fo that it forms a moft beautiful terrace to the gardens which belong to the houfes in the High-ftreet and Caftle-fquare, and run quite to the wall, commanding an en- chanting view of the bay, from the town to the village of Milbrook, and the river beyond it quite to Redbridge. The north -weft angle of the wall is for- tified by a very elegant angular buttrefs, with a projecting parapet fupported by corbels, forming a fort of fmall watch tower ; and very near it, to the eaftward, is a high and ftrong circular tower. This angle of the wall has a very handfome appearance from the water. From hence the wall runs due eaft to the Bar, and is about one hundred and feventy ( 29 ) yards in length : one femicircular tower de- fends it. The total circuit of the walls, as taken from Mr. Milne's furvey of the town in Faden's new map of Hamplhire, is two thoufand two hundred yards, or one mile and a quarter. ( 30 ) Having thus viewed every thing worthy notice in the exterior part of the town and its walls, and being returned to the point from whence we fet out on our furvey, we will now enter the town by the Bar-gate ; on paf- fing which, the moft carelefs obferver muft neceflarily be flruck with the beauty of the High, anciently called Englifh, Street; which, for breadth, length, and cleanlinefs, can fcarcely be equalled in England. The painter may perhaps lament, that neat brick fronts have in fo many inftances fucceeded to the pi(^urefque timber gables, which not long ago conftituted the principal part of the houfes ; but it cannot be denied that comfort has gained what pi6lure may have loft. The gen- tle bend and gradual defcent of the ftreet, add much to its beauty ; as a ftraight level line of near half a mile (which is the length of the High-ftreet from the Bar to the Water-gate) could not but be tirefome to the eye. The firft obje6l which attra6ts particular notice, is the new Church of All Saints, built in the pureft ftyle of the Grecian Ionic order, by the late Mr. Reveley ; whofe premature deceafe the lovers of the arts will long lament. On entering this church, the bold and grace- ( 31 ) ful curvature of the roof claims high admira- tion. The diftribution of the whole area into pews, deftroys the eiFecSl of this building, as it does of every other facred edifice in this coun- try : but a new and peculiar deformity exifts in this church, contrary alike to good tafle and the uniform pradlice of the church of England. The pulpit and reading-delk are placed in the centre of the church, fo as completely to hide the altar from almoft every part of it ; and the officiating minifler turns his back dire(^ly to it during the whole of the fervice. It is to be lamented, that the Church of England, hav- ing formed her liturgy and ritual moft clofely on the model of the primitive church, did not at the fame time adopt the form of the an- cient ambones or delks, which flood on each fide of the nave, of equal height, and from which in turn the different parts of the fervice were read ; inflead of huddling into one mean and incongruous group, the clerk's deflc, the reading defk, and pulpit, to which the art of man cannot give either dignity or grace. In the church which we are now confidering, the reading defk and pulpit might have been placed, with peculiarly good effe6l, on each fide of the recefs for the altar; and as the ( 32 ) founding board is omitted, a very elegant form might have been given to them, with no great deviation from the ufual fhape. As they now ftand, belides their very irreverent poiition with refpe^l to the altar, they have the exa6t refemblance to the eftablifhment of an auc- tioneer. Nearly oppofite to AH Saints' church is the Caftle-lane, and in the wall of one of the cor- ner houfes is inferted a ftone circular has relief, with a male and female head facing each other, cut on it. On inquiry I found that this ftone was brought with a quantity of others from Netley, in order to be ufed in the foundation of the houfe, and was preferved on account of its fculpture. Although much ' defaced, the carving ftill appears to have been extremely good for the age in which it was probably done. By the (ize and (hape it feems to have been the key ftone of a groined arch ; and it is not impoffible that the heads on it were thofe of the founder Henry HI. and his queen Eleonora. If fo, it is much to be lamented that it is fo much injured. A little lower down, on the eaft fide of the llreet, in a houfe lately Harland's Hotel, is a room profufely decorated with very fine carv- ( 33 ) ing, of the age of James or Charles I. ThS chimney-piece in particular, which has the royal arms in very high relief in the centre, and the rofe and thiftle in the lateral compart- ments, with terms and grotefque figures fup- porting them, is executed in a very mafterly ftyle ; and the oak, having never fufFered from paint, is of a fine mahogany colour, and as fharp as the day it was finifhed. The church of St. Lawrence, which is the next obje6l in the ftreet, is fmall, and almoft choked up with houfes erected round it. The eaft window is not ugly, but the church does not contain a fingle object either of beauty or antiquity. Holy Rood Church, which (lands a little lower down on the fame fide of the fl:reet, has been much altered on the outfide, but does not fcem ever to have been of elegant architedlure. The weft window is deprived of its tracery, and the tower, which is rather uncommonly fituated at the fouth-weft angle of the church, is void of beauty. The doors of the central entrance are very neatly ornamented with Gothic tracery, in a good ftyle, and well pre- ferved. The colonnade which runs along the E ( 34 ) tvhole front, is by the lower clafs of inhabi- tants known by the name of the " Proclama- tion." Probably on this fpot, clofe by the old audit-houfe and market, the magiftrates pro- claimed peace, war, or other public and official notifications, which now are promulgated by the lefs impreffive mode of printed papers af- fixed to the walls of the principal public buildings, and often confounded with common advertifcments. In huftings eredled within this portico, the poll is taken at eledlions of members for the town. * ''^^^''' The church within is large and handfome, but its appearance is much injured by the or- gan , and its loft, which totally ob{lru6\ the view into the chancel. The nave and lide ailes are very neatly ceiled in pannels, and the rofes which ornament the interfedlionsof the ribs appear neatly carved. At the fouth-weft door there is a wooden fcreen of mixed Gothic, of queen Elizabeth or James the Firft's time, which is uncommonly well executed, and of elegant defign. In the nave, dire6tly over and oppofite the pulpit and defk, are two very lingular long and narrow apertures in the fpan- drils of the correfponding arches. The choir ( 35 ) formerly extended to them, and they received the timbers of the rood-loft. > The church had a regular choir, in the manner of a collegiate ; a circumftance un- ufual in parochial churches. This (ingularity (which will alfo, be remarked in St. Michael's church) was probably owing to their having belonged to the priory of St. Dionyfius, whofe monks, on great feftivals, would perform di- vine fervice in them, with conliderable pomp.* The churches of All Saints and St. Lawrence alfo belonged to St. Dionyfius ; having been * It is probable that there was some pprmanent choral establishment at Southampton ; for in the will of the illustrious William of Wykeham, a bequest of twenty pounds (a very considerable sum at that period) is made "Domino Johanni Kcton pra;ccntori ecclesiae Suthamp- ton." It is not possible to ascertain, whether the pre- centorship was attached to any particular church in the town, or whether, by Ecclcsia, St. Mary's- was meant, in opposition to Capella, by which we know that the four churches, of St. Michael, Holy Rood, St. Lawrence, and All Saints, were designated, in the charter of Henry the Second. In the same will of William of Wykeham, a vestment and chalice are left, "Ecclesias Beatas Maria: Suthampton;" and twenty marks, for the repairs of their church, to the prior and convent ** Sani^i Dyonisii juxta Suthampton.". ( 36 ) &11 four given to that priory by the fame charter of Henry II. Many of the ftalls yet remain, fome in their places, and fome mixed in the pews. They are of extremely neat workmanfhip and pretty deiign, and on fcrolls in different parts of them, the motto of the munificent prelate Fox, bifhop of Winchefler, " Efl Deo Gracia," remains, cut in a very beautiful Gothic letter, in high relief. The choir or prefent chancel extends be- yond the fide ailes, and has handfome windovirs on each lide, though thofe to the north are now blocked up by houfes. The eafl window is large, but, like the wefl window, is deprived of its tracery. A few {battered fragments of fine painted glafs appear in fomp of the win- dows. Several modern monuments of the Stanleys of Paul tons are fixed to the walls of the choir; that to the memory of Mifs Stanley, by Ryfbrack, is the only one worthy notice. In the middle of the chancel flands a handfome brafs eagle defk. The font, which has been removed from its ancient place near the church door, and now flands under the organ loft, is diagonal, and adorned with niches, in a neat though plain Gothic ftyle. ( 37 ) The conduit which ftands oppofitc the church, is a modern and ugly building. The fprings which fupply it are excellent : they rife in the hill north of the town about a mile, and unite at an ancient Hone conduit-houfe juft under the Polygon, whence the water is brought to the town by a leaden pipe. This conduit is as ancient as the eighteenth year of Edward I, and was made for the ufe of the houfe of Friars Minors, fituated in the fouth- eaftern part of the town. The water was for- merly brought in earthen pipes, formed in lengths of about eighteen inches, and fitting into each other with a fhoulder or flanch. They are ftill not unfrequently dug up in the repairs of the pavement.* * A more copious supply of water is now proposed to be brought to the town, from springs on the highest parts of the common, to the north of the town. The waters of these are to be collected in a reservoir, which will be at so high a level, as to allbrd an easy supply to every house, as well above as below the Bar. The work is as yet but little advanced ; in digging, however, on the common, for the reservoir, several of those bronze instru- ments, with an edge, and socket for a handle, not unlike large chisels, and which have been usually known by the name of Celts, hayc been found. ( 38 ) In a houfe nearly oppolitc, and now inha- bited by Mr. Hawes, is a large room with a very handfome ceiling fluccoed in compart- ments, of the date of Elizabeth. A houfe on the left fide of the ftreet, dire6lly oppolite to the Audit-houfe, has a low room on the ground floor with a fluccoed ceiling in the fame tafle with Mr. Hawes's ; and a large fpace now occupied by a flaircafe and glafs- ceiled parlour, but which once was a confider- able hall, is decorated with a deep fluccoed frieze of ara^efque foliage, and the arms of queen Elizabeth and her initials, twice re- peated. In this houfe, the occupier, Mrs. Cowley, informed me (he remembered much painted glafs, of which only a fmall fragment now remains. The Audit-houfe, which flands oppofite, on the right fide of the flreet, is a new and hand- fome edifice. In it the records, feals, and re- galia of the corporation are kept. Of the re- cords I can fay nothing, except that among them there are feveral charters and books which would repay the labour of the antiquary who fhall infpe6t them. The feal of the cor- poration is very ancient and curious. The original obvcrfe, which is now difufed, and l.i,.ly tf'oi /hAAW,',/ ,ArM^ yfcY ,/u-^fc-tp J'^" /^^S^y 'j:iiaA^r S^utAam/,t^n.. . ( 39 ) nearly defaced by time and ruft, is of bell metal, about three inches and a quarter in di- ameter, and bears the impreffion of a fingle- mailed (hip, on the fea, with the fail furled; and a very high poop and forecaftle. On the deck a figure feems (landing. Round it, in a fair Roman charadler, is this legend, SIGILLUM COMUNE VILLE SUTHAMTONIE. There does not appear ever to have been any armorial bearing whatever on this feal ; and the device of a (hip feems to have been com- mon, in early times, to all feaports. The workmanfhip of this face of the feal feems to have been very rude, but the letters are well cut. The reverfe of the feal is flill in ufe, and bears a triple Gothic niche, of good defign. In the centre compartment is the Virgin and Child, in the lateral ones, two figures turned refpedlfully towards the Virgin. All the figures are (landing, and of confiderable ele- gance in their attitudes and drapery. The infcription round the edge is quite illegible through age. This face of the feal feems lefs ancient than the obverfe. The obverfe now ufed is of fil- vcr, and prefentcd to the town by private ge- ( 40 ) nerofity, in the year 1567. Its device is a fhip of war, three-mafted and in full fail, bear- ing on its mainfail the (hield of arms of the town, party per fefle, argent and gales, charged with three rofes, two gules in chief and one argent in bafe. This bearing is not probably more ancient than Henry VII, when the hoftile rofes were united.* Round the * Queen Elizabeth, in the seventeenth year of her reign, granted arms to the town of Southampton, which are registered in the Herald's Office, and blazoned as follows : ^' Per fesse, silver and gules, three roses counter- changed of the field. The crest and supporters hereafter following, that is to say, upon the helme, on a wreath of silver and gules, on a mount vert, a castell of gold ; but of the castell, a quene in her imperial majestie, holding in the right hand the sword of justice ; in the left, the balance of equitie, mantellcd gules ; dobled silver." *' The supporters ; out of two ships proper upon the sea, standing in the forepart of the ships, two lions rampant, gold." In the patent, it is declared, that the town had borne arms long before. It does not appear that the town ever made use of the cumbrous pomp of crest and supporters, thus added by Elizabeth, to the simple and beautiful coat of arms of the town, and they probably exist only in the Herald's Office, and in a drawing preserved in the Audit-house. The an- cient bearing of the arms on the sail of a (hip, perhaps, ( 41 ) edge, siGiLLUM commune vill^e south- AMTONiiE. The whole is of bold relief and good work. There is alfo a very fair filver feal, exa6lly two inches in diameter, now ufed as the ad- miralty feal. Its bearing is a (hip fingle- mafted, and with the fail furled, neatly and boldly cut : on one fide of the maft a cref- cent, on the other a ftar, and lower down a large rofe. The infcription is in a very fine Gothic characfter, and runs thus, " Sigillum Majoratus Ville Suthamtone. Beves." The mention of Bevis is fingular, as it does not appear what connexion his name can have with the feal. The form of the letters and ftyle of the work indicate the feal not to be F suggested the ships as supporters to the lions ; and the lions themselves are not unlikely connected with those which now guard the Bar-gate. The crest was no doubt a com- pliment of the " Queen's Majestic" to herself. For the copy of the grant of arms, as well as many other articles of curious information, I am happy to acknowledge my obligation to Arthur Hammond, esq, of the town of Southampton ; whose attention has been long and suc- cessfully engaged by the history and antiquities of hie native place. ( 42 ) more ancient than the reign of Henry IV. or v.* There are fix filver maces : two lafge gilt modern ones, and four fmall and ancient. The moft curious of thefe is probably as old as Henry Vlf. It is only fixteen inches in * Three other seals, of brass or bell metal, are kept among the archives, though now not used. The most ancient of these is rather more than an inch and three quarters in diameter. Its bearing is a crowned head, full faced, with flowing hair, and a very youthful appearance. The neck to the shoulders is bare, and the robe comes straight in front, like the old fashion of women's boddice. On the breast is a castle or tower ; and on each side of the head, a lion passant guardant, as if standing on the shoulders of the figure : the head of each lion is towards the face of the figure. The whole is in bold relief, and not ill cut. Round it, in Saxon capitals, runs the follow- ing inscription : S EDWARDI REG ANGLIE P RE- COGNICONE DEBITORV APVD SVTHT. It has a ring on the back by way of handle, and on the back is cut, in a careless manner, but in chara6lers which look ancient, ADMIRAL. The " recognitiones debitorum," for the authentication of which this seal was designed, were evidently those en- tered into under the statute of A6lon-Bumel, of the eleventh of Edward the First, and usually known by the name of Statute Merchant. For the security of foreign mer- chants trading to England, the lands, as well as the chat- IhhUsk^d CLP i/ie ^^od e&T'ecij- yon.. /tfC^S Sy 7' /Ja^er Ji" Jon SoiUA^ttnJtJviL. ( 43 ) length : it has a fmall head with a crown fup- ported by three fitting lions, and above that, an open ornament of five femioval leaves, like the ancient maces of arms : on the top is en- graved a rofe, the badge of the town : the lower end is a large ornamented pommel, with tels of their debtors, were solemnly pledged to them by deed, sealed with the seal of the debtor, and also with the king's seal, to be affixed by the mayor or chief wardens of such town as the king should appoint The work* manship of this seal, its perfect preservation, and its destination, render it a most curious and valuable remain of antiquity. A seal nearly similar to this, but apparently of inferior work, is engraved in Milner's History of Winchester, as the seal of that city ; which, however, it certainly was not originally; being provided under the statutes de Merca- toribus, for the express purpose of sealing recognizances, as its legend shows. The next in antiquity, is an inch and a quarter in diameter, and is charged with a leopard's head, full faced, and open mouthed, with a fleur de lys on each side of it j above the head are two small roses, and below it two more. The whole is enclosed in an irregular six-foiled tracery, of very pretty design, but ill cut. Round the seal runs the following inscription, in a Gothic charadler: )iSinu: officii: siapuHe: Wtte: 'Sbtirliatnptonii ; This seal has an upright handle. ( ^4 ) England and France quarterly chafed on it. The other three ancient maces are made on the model of this, but not nearly fo old : One of thefe was not many years fince carried before the mayorefs, on all occafions when (he ap- peared with her hufband in form, as in going to church, &c ; on which occafions fhc wore a fcarlet robe or gown. .This seal is as it were the counterpart of the first. Edward the Third, following the example of his illustrious grandfather, in the twenty-seventh year of his reign, ex- tended the advantages and encouragement granted to merchants by the Statute of Merchants of Edward the First, by the Statute of Staples. This statute begins by enacting, that the commerce of wool, leather, and lead, shall be carried on at certain toArns, called Staple Towns, of which several are not sea-ports, but to each of these inland staples a port is assigned for entries. It is also enadled, that in each staple there shall be a seal kept by the mayor of the staple. Winchester is one of the staple towns appointed by this a6l, and Southampton is its port. The advantages resulting to commerce from the establish- ment of these oflices of staple, it is foreign to this work to detail. Blackstone and Reeves will furnish ample in- formation. ^ The alteration of style in the interval of seventy years, which elapsed between the cutting of these two seals, is remarkable. The age of the first Edward has very much the advantage. ( 45 ) The lilver oar, the badge of the maritime jurifdi^lion of the mayor (which is very exten- five, reaching not only over the whole South- ampton water, but half channel over from Hurft caftle to Hayling ifland), is modern, and not handfome. The iii^ord of ftate is very an- cient and curious. It is one of the vaft two-handed weapons of our anceftors, with a It may not be improper here to add, that although the jurisdi6tion of the staple is now totally obsolete, yet the mayor of the town is annually eledted mayor of the staple ; and a ponstable of the staple, and a weigher of wool, are annually appointed, as is cnafted in the Statute de Stapullls, chapter 21. The third seal is nearly an inch and three quarters in diameter, and bears a shield of the form used in Henry the Eighth's time, with a fesse or between three roses, two and one. These were probably the arms of the town at the time when this seal was cut, tliough different from the arms of Southampton now borne, which in this pre- sent form were granted by quecq Elizabeth. On the sides ef the shield are a Roman H and a tun, the usual device for Hampton. There i.s no inscription. On the back of this Seal is cut, ADMIRAL, in the same character, and apparently by the same hand as that before mentioned. The mayor on all public occasions wears a very hand- some gold chain, which, with its medallion, was presented to the corporation by Bercher B^ril, esq, senior bailiff in 1792. Previous to that time, no. chain was worn. ( 46 ) very fine blade four feet four inches in length, and two inches wide. The guard is of iron (now gilt), one foot and a half long ; and the hilt is likewife one foot and a half, with a large iron pommel. In the council chamber is hung up a good carving of the arms of Eng- land in wood, fupported by a dragon and greyhound. Under the coat is a portcullis, and a pomegranate, or fome fruit fimilar to it, and over the crown are two angels hovering. It fcems of the age of Henry VII. There is alfo a carving of the arms of Winchefter, quar- tered with bifhop Fox*s pelican, and his motto, Eft Deo Gracia." Towards the ftreet there is a very large and handfome room for public meetings. The groqnd-floor is open, and, with a large area behind it, forms a neat and commodious market, which is as well fupplied as that of any town in England. A little lower down, on the fame fide, ftands a very old houfe, the parfonage of Holy Rood church, with a curious fluccoed front, covered with ornaments. In three fquare tablets ap- pear, in the centre one the feathers of the Prince of Wales, and on each fide a rofe crowned with a clofe crown. The ftyle of ( 47 ) thefe ornaments does not allow us to fuppofe them later than the reign of Henry VIII : they are perhaps ftill older. The long dura- tion of this ftucco is curious. The door of entrance of this houfe, with its hinges and iron ring, is very ancient ; and in the fpandrils of the door-cafe are cut, in an ancient Gothic letter, 3IefU0, W^lia* A little lower down, on the left fide of the ftreet, is an old conduit, with a ftone front ; and clofe adjoining is, or rather was, the re- main of a buttrefs, and fome good Gothic niche-work, which feems to have adorned the conduit, or elfe was a part of the friary, which occupied a large fpace of ground, on a part of which Gloucefter-fquare is now built, and probably in fome meafure with the materials of the old friary. On another part of its lite is eredled a vaft fquare building, which is a very confpicuous obje(5l from the lower part of the town. Its original defignation was a fugar refinery, but the projedt failed ; and it has fince been a military hofpital, the fcene of dreadful mor- tality,' from a malignant dyfentery which raged in it ; it now is ufed as a warehoufe for the vafl quantities of Spanifh wool, which by Jirefs ( *s ) of weather are landed here every year.* Hu- man bones are found, in digging for founda- tions, over the whole fite of the friary. This religious houfe was founded in the year 1240. Quite at the bottom of the ftreet on the left, is a large mafs of ftone buildings, now con- verted into warehoufes, with vaft vaults under them. As there are fevcral handfome Gothic doors in this building, it does not feem proba- ble that it was originally deftined for that ufe, to which, however, it has been long ap- plied. This building extends far into Win- kle-flreet, and is feparated from the Water- gate by a narrow paflage, covered overhead by a very old timber houfe, which it is now in contemplation to take down, together with the Water-gate mentioned before. Oppofite to this paflage is a very old conduit, built * England and Spain were at war when this was writ- ten, and the commerce for wool was carried on in neutral vessels, mostly Hamburgers or Prussians, who cleared out from Spain for their own ports, but under pretence of damage at sea, put into English harbours, and unloaded their valuable cargoes. The greater part of this trade was carried on at Southampton. ( 49 ) againft the town wall, with a floping roof of hewn ftone. In the old houfe near this con- duit, and now a carpet manufadlory, the free- fchool founded by Edward VI. was originally lodged. At the end of the warehoufes juft men- tioned, in Winkle-fireet, a round arched gate- way, with an old turret over it, opens into the court of the Maifon Dieu, or God's Houfe, founded by two merchants, brothers, in the reign of Henry III. It was by Edward III. given to Queen's College, founded by his con- fort Philippa, with which it to this day re- mains. The chapel is very ancient, but has been fo defaced by repair, that few traces of its original form are vifible.* An old porch walled up is juft dilcernible in Winkle-ftreet. The lodgings of the inmates of the hofpital G * In this chapel, the Lords Cambridge and Masham, and Sir Thomas Grey, who were beheaded for a conspi- racy against Henry the Fifth, just bofore he sailed from hence for France, were buried, and a tablet was placed, commemorative of them, by the late earl of Delawar, but there is no ancient memorial of them. ( 50 ) have flat-headed windows of a rather un- common form. Returning back to the Water-gate, at the bottom of the High-ftreet, on the right hand, we enter Porters'-Iane ; which is fo narrow and clofed by overhanging old houfes, that it is difficult to view the front of a very con- liderable and moft curious edifice, which has much the appearance of having been a mag- nificent dwelling or palace. The extent of its front to the Hreet is one hundred and eleven feet, and its height feventeen feet. It is di- vided into two flories by a femicircular fafcia or cord ; the low^r flory being ten, and the upper feven feet high. In the lower or ground floor, two doors, with flat arches of fegments of circles, are difcernible ; which are irregularly placed ; but the upper flory is per- fedlly regular, excepting one fmaller window at the wefl end ; and is pierced with a noble triple window in the centre, with two very handfome ones, of rather lefTer lize, on each fide. Of the central window only two divi- fions now remain, but there can be fcarcely a doubt that it was triple, as otherwife it would be irregularly placed with refpe6^ to the la- teral windows ; whereas, under that fuppo- Ui i ^ m ~s^ tm ll^ri * -f^ V :)^ **!.; # , fli Fui>hs/iu Jian"'^ iifiaiJ /y TJBaixr &: Son, SptUAampton.. le rr { 51 ) fition, the whole defign is perfe^lly uniform. Thefe central openings probably went down to the floor, and formed as it were an open portico in the middle of the room. Their arch is a very little flatter than a femicircle. The fide windows had double femicircular- headed lights, in the ufual flyle of the Saxon or Norman windows ; but the flat elliptical arch enclofing them is very lingular. Thefe windows have a very flat fegment arch within; and the angles of the opening are finifhed with a very neat little column, quite in the flyle of the early Gothic, with the rib peculiar to that flyle, running down the front of each column. The capitals are neatly carved with hanging leaves, in the fame early Gothic ftyle. Thefe pillars and their capitals certainly lead to a fufpicion, either that this building is not of fo high antiquity as the exterior front would warrant our fuppoflng it to be, or that they were additions of a later date than the original edifice, which is by no means improbable : but in buildings of this early date, it is not eafy to fix the period of their erection, with any pre- cifion. The mouldings of the whole exterior front are quite in the manner of the early Saxon, being all imitated from the Roman ar- ( 52 ) chite6lure. The impoft of the central window is compofed of an aflragal and caveito, with a fquare fillet : thofe of the fide windows are a cavetto.and fillet: and in both, the fillet is detached from the cavetto by a fingular angular groove or channel, which has a very good efl^edl. The principal dimenfions are as follow : Central windows, each, high, feven feet feven inches ; wide, from out to out, five feet five inches : The rife of the arch is two feet fix inches and a half: The pier between them, wide, two feet two inches : The lateral windows, high, five feet ; and wide, four feet ten inches, from out to out : The rife of the arch is nineteen inches and a half: The double lights, one foot fix inches wide; and four feet two inches high : The pier between them, eight inches wide : The opening of the window within, high, five feet five inches ; and wide, fix feet : the arch rifes only ten inches : The fmaller fingle window at the weft end, high, five feet feven inches ; and wide, three feet. ( 53 ) The room within does not appear to have been ever divided ; but it is fo defaced by mo- dern additions and repairs, that it is fcarcely poflible to fpeak with certainty on the fubjedl. Its breadth within the walls is fixteen feet eight inches ; fo that it appears to have been a fort of gallery. The wall is two feet nine inches thick. In the weflern gable there is a double-headed window, nearly of the fame form with thofe in the front, but of fmaller dimenlions. What remains of the mafonry without, is mod fingularly neat, and compofed of the fmall ftones ufed in general by the Saxon and Norman architects, with courfes of nearly equal thicknefs throughout ; a nicety to which the later architedls feem fcarcely ever to have attended. / The angles of every part or the buildings are chamfered off, even to the exterior angles of the walls of the front ; and in the great central windows the chamfer is rounded, fo as to give the jamb fomething of the appearance of a quarter column. It may be here obfcrved, that in the infide front of the lateral windows, the arch above the little columns is left fquare ; which may confirm the fufpicion that thefe de- corationsj which certainly are not of the flyle ( 54 ) . of the reft of the building, were added at a later time. No trace, I believe, remains, of the original defignation of this building; but I cannot help fufpe6ling that it is more ancient than the Conqueft, and perhaps a part of the royal pa- lace inhabited by the Saxon and Danifh fove- reigns, who certainly refided occafionally in this town. Its vicinity to the wall, which now chokes up and obftru6ts its profpe6l and light, is no obje6lion to this fuppofition, as the wall and Water-gate are much lefs ancient than this edifice. Immediately adjoining to this very c6rious building, we come to another of almoft equal antiquity, but in a very ihattered ftate. This building forms the fouth-eaft angle of French- ftreet, which runs parallel with the High or Englifh Street, up to St. Michael's church. The fouth-weft angle of this ftreet is formed by a large and plain ftone building, with a high pointed window over its door, which has much the appearance of a chapel. There is not, I believe, any certain memorial of its original deftination ; but it was not improbably the chapel of an hofpital for lepers, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, but long before the dif- ( 55 ) fblution annexed to the priory of St. Dionyfius. The arched timber-work of the roof (till fub- fifts. It is now ufed as a warehoufe. Proceeding up this ftreet (or northwards), the next object worthy notice is the free- fchool, founded by Edward VI, but many years after removed from Winkle-ftreet to its prefent lite, which was an ancient manfion known by the name of Weft-hall. The dining-room is a very handfome room, with a richly carved Gothic chimney-piece, and a row of window* behind a wooden arcade of a Angular form. The ceiling is of ftucco, in compartments. The whole of this room is at leaft as old as th reign of Henry VIII. Nearly oppoftte to the fchool is the church- yard of the now deftroyed church of St. John, whofe parifh is incorporated with that of St. Lawrence. The area of the church is ftill difcernible, and the churchyard was probably formerly much more extenfive than it now is ; . reaching quite to the High-flreet, along Broad- lane ; as in digging on the premifes occupied by a cork-cutter, forming the fouth angle of Broad-lane in the High-llreet, human bones have been difcovered. ( 56 ) A little higher up is the remain of a very ancient building,* which at lead three centu- ries ago has undergone an alteration. This is apparent by the flat-headed arch, inlerted into and partly breaking a very handfome plain femicircular one. The ground-floor of this building is a very large cellar now ufed for coals. Nearly oppofite to this, are very old wooden buildings, called St. John's Hofpital, in which are feveral doors with carvings in the fpandrils of their flat-arched heads.-|- Being now arrived at St. Michael's-fquare, we will return back into Porter's-lane, and by it, en- ter Bugle-flreetjJ which runs parallel to * This building is called the Weigh-house, where pro- bably merchandises were weighed, under the inspedVion of the mayor of the staple and the customer of the port; both for the ascertaining the amount of the customs, and preventing frauds or disputes between buyer and seller. + Since this was written, these buildings are demolished, and their site is at present occupied by a handsome theatre. J Bugle is the ancient name of the bull, and is much in use in this part of England. In Newport town in the Isle of Wight, the principal inn has a bull for its sign, and is called the Bugle Inn. The small hunting horn so much now in use in our army, under the name of the bugle, though at present made of metal, was without doubt, originally, simply a bull's horn. ( 57 ) French-ftrcet, and alfo terminates in St. Michael's-fquare. The firfl thing obfervable here is a building whofe front is in Porter's-lane, and whofe long flank runs on the right hand (looking northward) up Bugle-ftreet. This is a folid Hone edifice, with a plain front, much lefs ancient than the three very lingular femi- cylindrical flone buttrefles in the fide. Thefe buttreflts are well built, and appear to be con- flru(^ed with a view to uncommon ftrength. It feeems probable that this is one of the an- cient warehoufes of the great merchants of this place, famous of old for its commerce. It may here be obferved, that in every part of the town there are vaft flone vaults, mofl: of them apparently of great antiquity, and con- H Perhaps I may be pardoned for here observing, that one of the most ancient Welch musical instruments, called the Pib-corn or Pipe-horn, Avhich is formed of a flute, with a mouth-piece not unlike that of the clarionet, inserted into a large horn which forms a trumpet-like termination to it, is still recorded by us in the favourite popular dance called the Hornpipe ; and tbe sweetness of its tones have to this day maintained its use in Italy, under the name of Corno Iiigleee. ( 58 ) flru(^ed when this place pofTefTed almoft a monopoly of the French wine trade. The ground oppofite to this edifice is only of late years built on, and was known by the name of " the Gravel." When we recolle6i; that this is fynonymous to^The Beach, it feems to countenance a fufpicion, that this part of the town was open to the fea until a late period. Clofe adjoining to the lingular building juft mentioned, there is a long wall, in which are fevcral doors and windows of different anti- quity, apparently blocked up at different periods of repair. Among them is a fmall fragment of a very handfome Gothic window. This wall now enclofes the play-ground of the fchool. A little higher up on the left, and forming the angle with Wefl-gate-flreet, is Bugle hall, of old the fpacious refidence of the earls of Southampton, till lately a very fine and ancient houfe, but dcflroyed a few years fince by fire. Almoft oppofite to it is an old timber and jftuccoed houfe, with the plume of feathers, the cognizance of the princes of Wales, in its front.* * In Westgate-sfreet, and very near the gate, on the QOrth side, are premises still bearing the nam6 of the Linen-hall and Tin-cellar. Tin appears to have been a ( 59 ) St. Michaers-fqiiare to which we are now again arrived, merits a particular defcription. It was formerly the fifh-market, and was choked up by a building in its centre, where the market was held. It is obfervable, that the (pace between the Caflle and St. Michael's church anciently united thofe (hops mofl ne- ceflary to life ; Simnel-flreet, Butcher-row, and the fifh-market : a proof that the town firft grew under the prote<5\ion of the Caflle. To return to the fquare. On its wcftern fide, and dire6lly fronting the church, is a very large and ancient houfe of timber and flucco. It confifts of two floors, befides the garrets in its gables. Each ftory overhangs confide rably, and the projections are ornamented with hand- Ibme cornices. Little pillars fiipporting light femi-arched ribs, run up the front of each very great article of commerce at Southampton, even so late as the reign of Henry VI, who once seized and sold to his own use all the tin lying at Southampton. Sec Cotton's Posthumous Works. The records of the town also bear evidence of the importance of the tin trade, which was so extensive as to have a separate office for the receipt of the duties payable ort it. This office was held (say the records) " at the great house next to Holy Rood church." From the information of A. Hammond, esq. ( 60 ) flory, forming the whole into regular compart- ments. There are four gables of different breadths, and correfponding to each is a large window ; three of them with curved heads, and the fourth flat. The lower point of union of thefe gables has a long and handfome pen- dent ornament ; and very flat arches run from pendent to pendent, in the fpandrils of which broom pods feem to be carved, the favourite badge of the Plantagenets. The gables above have been modernifed. At the north end of this front is a large wooden porch, with a An- gular projedtion of the next flory over the door, fupported by a very flat femi-arch. In this porch there is fome rude carving. The inte- rior of this houfe is modernifed, but there re- mains in one of the great windows fome curi- ous and very old painted glafs. Many of the- panes have each a bird performing different offices and functions of human life, as foldiers, handicrafts, muficians, &c. On the ground- floor behind the houfe is a large room, now quite modern, but which tradition fays was a chapel. As it flands north and fouth, it was more probably a great hall. The age of this very venerable and beautiful edifice can fcarce- ly be lefs than four hundred years; and the ( 61 ) wood-work fhows high antiquity; as it is, without rottennefs, quite perifhed by age. On the north fide of the fquare is a mafs of wooden houfes, now very mean, but in which great marks of antiquity may yet be traced. One door-way with a highly pointed wooden arch is obfervable; and under a part of thefe are very capacious vaults. On the fouth fide of the fquare nothing oc- curs worthy notice, excepting a handfome plain fcmicircular arch, in a building in the narrow alley which runs from the fquare into French-flreet, and infulates the church.* The church itfelf, which forms the eaftern fide of the fquare, is a very curious one, and by much the mofi ancient of any in the town. The weft front has a large window deprived of its tracery. On each fide of this, the Saxon mafonry of the original front is flill difcerni- * This arch, together with a smaller arch to the west of it, were probably a part of the wool hall, which extended from them quite to Bngle-street. The low and ancient wooden- fronted houses were ero6ted on its site, and still in the ter- rar of the town are called by the name of the Woollen, hall. They were all originally one large mansion. For this information 1 am indebted to A. Hammond, esq. ( 62 ) ble. In the eaftern front the fame mafonry is alfo vifible, together with a fragment of the little angular column which occurs fo fre- quently in Saxon buildings, and a fmall mor- fei of a billeted moulding. The length of the church from eaft to weft, and the breadth of the nave, are unaltered; but two large fide ailes have been added, or rather the original ones have been taken down and enlarged. In the north aile are two handfome highly point- ed windows. The centre eaft window is alfo very large and handfome, with tracery of ra- ther a late ftyle of Gothic, and fragments of extremely good painted glafs. The tower, which rifes from the centre of the church, is low, and quite plain. A very neat ftone {pire, of very pleafing proportion and confider- able height, has been added within about lixty years. The nave, with its fide ailes, as far as the tower, is the only part of the church ufed at prefent for the ordinary divine fervice. It is feparated from the more eaftern part by an open fcreen of ancient Gothic, of very good defign. The old Saxon columns have been, every other one, taken away; and handfome pointed arches, of confiderable fpan, turned f-^t^fl J"^' 7 / Mi^it^/tt/ as t/tf ^-Ict^ t/irectJ- <7ari:': /fiOS f>y 'I'/inA-ri- Sou/Aarn/i/a/. ( 63 ) ^ver the remaining ones. Their capitals have a fmall fluting on them, of a defign common in that ftyle of architedlure. The tower ftands on four plain and ftrong femicircular arches, without any fort of orna- ment, except a very finali import moulding. The bells are rung ort the ground, and the area of the tower now makes a fingular fort of veftibule to the chancel, which is open to the fide ailes by large arches, and divided from them below by open wooden fcreens. A con- fiderable number of plain ftalls flill flands in the chancel, and many more have been re- moved, and now ftand in other parts of the church. A handfome brafs eagle defk, which belonged to the ancient choir, alio remains. The choir f>robably extended under the tower, as far as the fcreen before mentioned. In the northern chapel, which is parted from the fide aile by a beautiful open Gothic fcreen, is a handlbme monument to the me- mory of the lord chancellor Wriothefley, and a large and coftly (landing ^hefl, carved and inlaid, and ftatcd by an infcription on its front, to have been given, with the books in it, by John Clungeon. The infcription is as fol- lows : ( 64 ) " John the Sonne of John Clungcon of this towne Alderman " Ere(5led this prefle and gave certain books who died anno l646." The books are however now gone, and the furplices, &c, are kept in the cheft. In the flank of the north window, oppofite the tomb of Wriothefley, is a fquare funk pan- nel with a fhield, and a fingular monogram cut in relief in it. A monogram of the fame fort occurs on a ftone on the almihoufes in St. Mary's churchyard. Thefe are given in the plate of the title, and to them is added ano- ther, cut on a very rich Gothic ftone chimney- piece at Romfey. Thefe monograms were evidently the marks of traders and merchants, and occur not unfrequently on the tradefmen's tokens. So much would not have been faid on their fubje(5l, did they not illuflratc a paf- fage in that moft curious poem called Pierce the Ploughman's Creed, and which Mr. War- ton feems to have mifunderftood. (See Hif- tory of Englifti Poetry, vol. i. p. 301.)* The m * Mr. Warton, in his additions and corre6lions annexed to the third volume of the History of English Poetry, cor-. re6ls the mistake here alluded to. { 65 ) author defcribing a magnificent church of the friars preachers, fays, " Wyde wyndowes ywrought ywriten ful thikke " Shynen with shapen sheldes to sliewen aboute, *' With merkes of merchauntes ymedeled betwene." In this defcription of a window adorned with memorials of benefadlors, the " merkes of merchauntes* evidently mean monograms of this nature, ufed by thofe who had no right to bear arms, to commemorate their munificence : and as the houfes of the mendicant orders were moftly built by general contribution, thefe marks were very chara6ieriftic of their con- vents. The abbeys of the feveral orders of monks, foinded in general by the devotion of a monarch or fome opulent baron, would for that reafon have few armorial or other bearings in their windows, befide thofe of the founder and his family. The fouthern chapel, which has a plain Gothic fcreen in front, and a window to the eafl, of an uncdmmon though late Gothic form, now contains the font ; which is a moft curious and highly ancient one, much refem- bling that in the cathedral of Winchefier. It I ( 66 ) confifts of a block of black marble, three feet four inches fquare, and one foot fix inches deep, fupported in its centre by a cylinder of the fame material, ornamented with horizontal rings, fo as much to refemble a barrel ; and at each angle by a plain pillar of white Hone, of one foot fix inches high, and about fix inches in diameter. The whole ftands on another marble block, three feet fquare, and about {cwcn inches deep, out of which are cut bafes for the fmall columns, confining of a flat ring on a large round cufhion. Thefe refl on a plain fquare plinth of about three inches high. A plain leaf falls from the bafes of the columns, on each angle of the plinth. The top ftone is excavated into a hemifphe- rical bafon, two feet fix inches in diameter, round which runs a fcroll of foliage, of very rude execution, but not bad defign ; and the angles are filled with an imitation of the ancient ornament now generally called the honey-fuckle. A deep groove runs round the edge of the bafon, to receive the cover ; and the irons which locked it down yet remain. In early times the font was (hut with peculiar care, lefi: the confecrated water fhould be pro- faned, or ftolen for magical purpofes. ( 67 ) The fides of the block, of which three only are now vifible, as the font ftands againfi the wall, are each divided into three circular com- partments, with a fort of winged monfter in each, fomething like a gryphon ; except one, which has an angel in a long robe of linen, covered with a fhorter tunic. His hands are folded on his heart, and round his head is the nimbus or glory. Behind his fhoulders are two wings, which reach to his feet. Thefe fides are one foot one inch and a half deep ; and the remaining four inches and a half of the thicknefs of the block, fiope away to the central cylinder, in a fort of fluting or broad leaves, now much defaced. The workman- fhip of the whole is in the very rudefi: ftyle of Saxon fculpture. It is curious to obfervc the cffeS. of time on the black marble of which this font is com- pofed. A vein Icfs hard than the reft runs through one front, and it is quite honey- combed by age, although it probably has always flood under cover. Near this chapel is the fouth door of the church ; which has a fcreen before it, with a neat wooden door-cafe, and Gothic capitals cut in the fpandrils. In the wall of the tower ( 68 ) oppofite this door, is a low ornamented Gothic arch for a tomb ; but rubbifli is acctimulated about itj fo as to hide the tomb-ftone, if there is any. Oppofite the weft door of St. Michaers church, and clofe by the porch of the large wooden houfe before defcribed, a very narrow and winding alley, called Blue-anchor-lane, leads, with a quick defcent, to the fmall poft- ern before defcribed in the furvey of the wall. On each hand are ancient Saxon buildings. The late Blue-anchor alehoufe has a good arch in it, and on the left hand we fee the fide wall of that edifice whofe front in the town wall was before defcribed. In this fide wall is a flat-arched door, and above, a double window divided by a column, like thofe in the front ; and near it, a projection of the wall, fupported by plain fquare corbel fl;ones, which contains the flue of a chimney. The infide of this l:)uilding is well worth viewing. The accefs to it is by a great modern breach in the front of the arches in the town wall. When within it, we find that there has been a floor dividing it into two fiories ; to the upper one of which, the chinrineyjuft mentioned, belonged. This has a very neat fireplace, of excellent mafonry. Ni^/4:^Ad a.Fj/,^ A(^ du-fc/^Jan^' /,90S^V TSaAen ySoiOAAmfiton.. ( 69 ) adorned with a fmall column on each fide, from which the mantle-pjece rofe in a flat arch. The funnel is carried up in a conical form, and the flue is cylindrical. The exte- rior dimenfions of this edifice, which was very nearly fquare, are as follow : The front to the fea, fifty-one feet three inches : Front in Blue-anchor-lane, forty-eight feet nine inches; Simnel-ftreet, which leads from the Bridle- gate to the upper end of French-ftreet, de- ferves notice for its name ; which is probably derived from the rich cake feafoned high with fafFron, a favourite dainty of our anceftors, and not quite out of fafhion in Shropfhire; and which was perhaps principally fold in this ftreet. In an obfcure alehoufe in this ftreet, called the Queen Charlotte, is a room fitted up with handfome wainfcot of the age of Elizabeth ; and framed in the wood-work over the chim- ney is a large upright fl:one tablet, on which is cut, in high relief, the following coat : A chevron bordured between three (hamrocks, two and one. Crcft on a clofed helmet in profile, a bunch of fhamrocks : ( 70 ) Motto on a fcroll below the fliield, " Poft tenebras fpero lucem :** Clofe under the fcroll, the initials W. L. Below this, on the flat of the tablet, " Nullus reprehenfor formidandus eft amatori veritatis. 1579:" And on the moulding which runs round the whole tablet, " Sculptum Galvie in Hi- bernia." The whole is in perfe(5l prefervation, and by no means ill cut. The letters are very neatly carved in relief, and the D is of uncommon if not fingular form. Thefe arms are borne by a family of the name of Lewis ; and the initials fecm to countenance a fuppofition, that this coat was placed here by fome of that family. The bearing is alfo that of the Abdy family ; but in the repetition of this coat on the out- fide of the Bar-gate, already mentioned, and which probably' belonged to the fame family, the colours are different from the bearing of Abdy. From this ftreet a labyrinth of winding and dirty alleys leads up to the fite of the caftle ; which is the only remaining objedl of curiofity in the town. To defcribe it, we will return into the High-ftreet, and go up Caftle-lane, ( 71 ) merely mentioned before in the furvey of High-ftreet. It is moft probable that this ftreet led to the principal entrance of the Caf- tie. A fmall fragment of a circular tower is yet vifible on the left-hand fide of this ftreet, but built up in a houfe ; and the arched gate- way was taken down in the memory of many perfons now alive. The wall of enclofure is more vifible on the right hand, where it pafles in a curve line behind fome new houfes, and continues nearly entire till it meets the town wall. It is about fix feet thick, and Hands on the top of a high bank, with a deep ditch at its foot. This bank has been dug away, fo as to fhow the manner of the foundation of the wall, which is on large rough flat pointed arches. This was probably done both to fave materials, and to diminifli the danger of cracks from unequal fettlement. The wall on the left hand of the gate is nearly defiroyed ; it may however be traced to its junction with the town wall, near which point a part of the wall appears in the court of an old cottage, which has a round-arched window in it, and feems to have been a handfome building. Near this fpot, in the narrow fireet which leads from the Caftle to Bridle-gate, an arched (.72 ) gateway was deftroyed about thirty years ago ; and in the garden of the old houfe adjoining, there was a vaulted room of very confiderable dimeniions, which received light from the loops and windows mentioned in the furvey of this part of the town wall. This room, by the account of an elderly bricklayer who affifted In its dilapidation, was groined, and adorned with handfome ribs with mouldings, and, as he told me, had much the appearance of a place of worfhip. The ribs and all the convertible ftones were taken away, and the vault clofed up, and fo it at prefent remains. The area of the Caftle was of a form ap- proaching to a femicircle, or rather a horfe- fhoe, of which the town wall to the fea formed the diameter. The keep flood on a very high artificial mount in the fouthern part of the area, and probably, as was generally the cafe, in the line of the wall. A fmall modern round tower has been built of the materials of the ancient one, which mud have large, as well as " fair," to ufe the words of Leland. The high mount and circular form of the keep, indicate an antiquity much Higher than the time of Richard II, who pro- bably only repaired and ftrengthened the ( 73 ) caftle.* The great beauty of the mafonry in that part of the town wall which formed the enclofure of the caftle towards the fea, and which, it may be obferved, is built of a Hone very different from the reft of the wall, indi- cates its having been reftored in the reign of this monarch, when architedlure had attained a very high perfedlion in this country. K * This conjefture is reduced nearly to a certainty by the following extradls, which I owe to the kindness of A. Hammond, esq. 1153. From a compromise between king Stephen and prince Henry, the bishop of Winchester was to gire security for the delivery of the castle at Southampton to prince Henry, on the death of Stephen. Carte. 1246. Commune Villae Sudhamtoniae debet cclxx marcas, pro substradlione plurium consuetudinum perti- nentium ad castram Sudhamtoniae et de maeremio, plumbo, et lapidibus ejusdem castri prostrati venditis. Madox. 1340. Richard Talbot, of the Shrewsbury family, was governor of Southampton castle. 1377. In the first year of Richard II, the French at- tacked Southampton, but were soon repulsed by the earl of Arundel, governor of the town, who assembled the militia. To protedl the harbour and town for the future, the king built a castle on an high raised mount. Smollet. ( 74 ) To this account of the caftle we have only to add, that a walk to the top pf the keep will amply repay the trouble of the afcent. The beauty of the view is almoft unrivalled ; and the town itfelf, which we have lately been viewing in detail, lies at the feet of the ob- ferver from this point as in a map, (bowing, better than from any other [fpot, the whole compafs of the walls, the courfe of the ftreets, and the relative pofitions of the moft remark- able buildings. It might appear a negligent omiflion, if the church of St. Mary's, in the fuburb, was en- tirely unmentioned ; but in truth^ although These extra6ls leave scarcely a doubt that Southampton castle was one of those which was dismantled in the gene- ral destrudtion of fortresses at the end of the reign of king Stephen ; and the curious passage from Madox proves that the dilapidations were carried to a great pitch. When, therefore, Richard II. (in order to secure the town from the repeated attacks of the French and otliers) restored the castle, he had probably such repairs to make, as were nearly equivalent to a new building ; and the cur- rent tradition, (hat he was the builder of the castle, is only false, inasmuch as it supposes, that no castle Avas existing at. a more ancient period. ( 75 ) tradition reports it to have been the fite of the original town, yet it at prefent contains no remnant of the antiquity to which it lays claim. The church has been rebuilt within a century on the old foundations, which ftill appear a few feet above the ground ; and its fpacious and well peopled church-yard does not contain a fingle objedl worthy of particu- lar mention. The very large parfonage-houfe has the air of a melancholy manor-houfe of the era of king William, with long fafh- windows and narrow piers.* From the church-yard, a road not very wide, and bordered on either hand by a deep and muddy ditch, leads to the ancient mill called the Chapel mill. In this road, incon- venient as it is, an annual fair is held on Trinit}^ Monday, Tuefday, and Wednefday. This fair is opened by the mayor and bailiffs, with much ceremony, on the preceding Saturday afternoon. The mayor ere6ls a pole with a large glove fixed to the top of it, near the miller's houfe ; and the * In February, 1802, this parsonage-house was en- tirely destroyed by fire ; and a smaller edilice, of very neat architcfture, supplies itsjplacc. ( 1^ ) bailiff then takes pofleflion of the fair, as chief magiftrate in its precindl during the fair, and invites the mayor and his fuite to a collation in his tent. He appoints a guard of halber- diers, who keep the peace by day, and watch the fair by night. During the fair, no perfon can be arrefted for debt within its precindts. On the Wednefday at noon, the mayor dif- folves the fair, by taking down the pole and glove, or rather ordering it to be taken down ; which till lately was done by the young men ' of the town, who fired at it with lingle balls, till it was deftroyed, or they were tired with the fport. Probably it formerly was a mark for the lefs dangerous dexterity of the young archers. This fair was granted by one of the Henrys, but by which of them is not quite certain, to the town of Southampton, and William Geolfry, hermit of the hermitage of the Holy Trinity and Blefied Virgin Mary. The fite of this her- mitage is now the Chapel mill, which ftill has marks of antiquity about it ; though its en- largement, about fixty years fince, has left but little of its ancient ornaments, except a flank of a door, and part of an arched window. Thefe fragments, however, fhow that the ftyle ( 77 ) of its architecture much refembled the chapel of St. Dionyfius at Portfwood. The miller's garden was the cemetery of the chapel, and bones are ftill dug up there. In digging near it, about thirty years fince, for the purpofe of building the Renown frigate, a Ikeleton and a ring were found.* From hence the walk to the Itchen ferry, at high water, is very beautiful, commanding a view of the oppofite fleep and woody fhore, and enlivened with a multitude of veflels of differ- ent lizes, laid up or under repair. The little round building called the Crofs-houfe, eredled for the accommodation of paflengers waiting for the boat, has marks of confiderable anti- quity, and is not an ugly edifice. In one of the quarters are the arms of Southamptony with the date only of l634 : but parts of the building feem to be of much earlier date. At this point, the ferrymen of the lichen ferry do homage to the mayor and corporation, when- * A large and curious silver ring was found about fifty years ago in the field opposite the miller's house. It is in the possession of Arthur Hammond, esq ; and has been well engraved in the Gentleman's Magazine for November 1602, but 1 cannot pretend to explain the inscription oi it. { 78 ) ever the perambulation of the boundaries of the town is performed ; and in return for the per- miflion of landing on the demefne of the town, engage at all times to carry over gratis the bur- gefies and their families. From this point, a caufley of near half a mile long, planted with trees, leads to the platform and fouth gate. This walk, which is called the Beach, commands in its whole length a view of the Southampton water, clofed by the Ifle of Wight ; and it is not eafy to imagine a more beautiful or inter'efting water fcene. The view of the town is alfo pretty, and the new church of All Saints appears from hence to great advantage. It is to be lamented, that the marlhy meadow clofe to the caufley is not drained and improved. The falubrity of the town, and above all of the fuburb of St. Mary's, calls loudly for it ; and the ground in an en- clofed or even a drier flate, would amply repay theexpenfe; but contcfted rights of common have (in this as in a thoufandother inftances) hi- therto prevented that being done, which every body feparately approves. Before I at the Water gate difmifs the rea- der, who may have .had the patience to accom- pany me through the narrow and dirty paths. ( 79 ) and into the holes and corners, to which I have led him, I cannot forbear making an obferva- tion on the peculiar character of the antiquities we have been furveying. Among the many fpecimens of the round-arched mode of build- ing, commonly called Saxon, not a lingle piece of carving exifls, except the fmall columns within the window in the edifice in Porter's- lane, and a few leaves juft fketched on the capitals of the little pillars in the building co- vered by the arches in the wall near Weft- gate ; nor an ornamented moulding, except a fmall fragment of billeted fafcia, at the eaft end of St. Michael's church. The carved mem- bers df impofts and arches, fo profufely ufed by the Normans, and particularly their favourite zigzag, do not appear ever to have exifted in any of the buildings now extant in the town ; and a great number of the arches, both of the doors and windows, of inconteftably high anti- quity, are flatter than a femicircle ; fome being fegments of circles, and fome femi-ellipfes. The mouldings of their impofts and fafcias are alfo in exadl imitation of the Roman architec- ture, having very well formed quarter-rounds and cavettos. From thefe confiderations I cannot but be led to {u(pe6i, that they are of ( 80 ) an antiquity confiderably greater than the Norman era ; and I hope that thofe antiquaries who may differ from me in opinion, will at leaft acquit me of having taken it up without fome grounds. I HAD here purpofed to take my leave of thofe readers who have thus far borne me company ; as my firft intention was limply to have noticed and defcribed thofe obje6ls which now exift, worthy the attention of the curious. But having infenfibly been led into feveral ob- fcrvations which rather pafs the line I had firft laid down, I fhall trefpafs yet farther on the patience of my companion, and fay a few words on the ancient fituation of the town of South- ampton, and its gradual removal from its ori- ginal to its prefent fite. In a difcuflion of^ this fort, much muft reft on conje6lure ; yet I truft that my ideas will be not unfupported by the teftimony of monuments ftill fubfifting. That the Romans had an eftabliftiment of confiderable confequence on the fpot in the vicinity of this town now known by the name of Bittern, is inconteftably proved by the re- mains of their walls yet exifting, and. the nu- merous fragments of antiquity lately brought ( 81 ) to light in forming the road to the new bridge ; and there feems very little doubt that this was the ancient Claufentum.* The hamlet of Nor- tham, which ftands direc^tly oppofite to Bittern, on the fouthern bank of the Itchen, was pro- bably in fome degree inhabited at the fame period ; as coins are faid to have been found there. It is probable that the mouth of the Itchen was at that time, and long afterwards, much wider than it now is, and that the water flowed in nearly a ftraight line from Northam to St. Mary's churchyard, and from thence to the prefent fouth gate, in a curve, not far from the line of the town wall, covering the whole Marfh, and the lite of the buildings on the fame level now called Orchard-lane, Spring- gardens, &c. Nothing, indeed, but artificial embankments, prevents the fea, at high water, from inundating thefe places at the prefent day. In this line, the diftance from Northam to St. Mary's is not great ; and the fprings of Houndwell would naturally draw the inhabi- tants of Northam from a fpot without water to one fo well fupplied with that mod necefla- L * A further account of Bittern is given in the appendix. ( 82 ) , ry article, and at leaft equally well fituated for fifhing, or other nautical occupations. This probably was the ftate of things, until the Saxon conquerors of the kingdom, having formed permanent eftablifliments in the coun- try from which they had nearly fwept its an- cient inhabitants, began to wage perpetual in- teftine wars, and of courfe to fortify the mod important pofts, after the manner of their own nation. The eftablifliments of the Romans, which feem to have been feated in general in low fituations, and near ft reams, did not at all fuit with the northern fyftem of fortrefles ; which, particularly in the earlieft times, affect- ed elevated fites, with high towers, fecured from furprifc, by the view they commanded of the country around them ; and from aflault, by the fteep afcent of the natural or artificial mount on which they were founded. The peculiar advantages of the narrow and rather high point of land on which Southampton now ftands, commanding at once the Itchen and Teft, and very eafily fortified on the land fide, could not efcape their notice ; and from the high circular hill on which the keep of the caftlc formerly flood, and the curved line of its yet remaining wall, we have probable grounds ( 83 ) for fuppofing it to be among the moft ancient of the Saxon caftles. But befides the prefent exifting fortifications, there is great reafon to fufpe6t that the northern ditch of the town, filled up within the memory of man, and of uncommon breadth and depth, was continued quite acrofs, till it met the Itchen, and com- pletely infulated the caftle and prefent town. The antiquity of the Bar-gate, whofe central round arch is evidently much older than any of the other gates of the town, is no fmall con- firmation of this fuppofition ; as the walls and gates, with the exception of the Bar-gate, ap- pear to have been built at once, and are very uniform in their flru6lure, fome fmall parts only excepted, which we fhall confider more particularly prefently.' It is, however, immaterial to the view of the progreflive augmentation of the prefent town, whether this conjecture, relative to the Bar- gate and its ditch, be founded or not ; as it is equally certain, under either fuppofition, that the caflle would very foon form a town around itfelf ; both by the habitations of thofe who were dependent on it as a fortrefs, and thofe who fought prote6lion under its wings, from the multiplied dangers of that period of uncea- ( 84 ) fing war and pillage. The very ancient church of St. Michael was probably founded (bon after the caftle, and was, as it now is, the manerial church of the town: and it is worthy of remark, that the ftreets immediately under the caftle, are proved, by their names, to have been the original markets of the infant town; and that all the mofl: curious reniains of anti- quity ftretch along the flioreof the Southamp- ton water, where the caftle protected them on the land fide, and the fca rendered attack not very ealy on any other. The appearance of the very interefting building in Porters*-lane, and the Angular fquare houfe now making part of the wall near Blue-anchor-lane, is that of houfes for the ha- bitation of fecular perfons of confequence; as neither of them, particularly the former, has the leaft appearance of a conventual edifice; and it is not at all improbable, that the Saxon kings might have a palace on the (bore, command- ing, as the building in Porters'-lane did, until the town wall was ereded, a beautiful view of the fea, with a fouthern expofition, and a fheltered fituation. The hiflory of Canute's rebuke to the impious flattery of his courtiers, and which the mod authentic hiftorians ftate to have ( 85 ) taken place at Southampton, proves that the town was of confequence in his time; and it is much more probable that the regal chair was placed on the Tandy fhore of the South- ampton river, than in the black and oozy bed of the Itchen at Northam, where fome have fixed the fcene of this ftriking and cha- racfteriftic ftory. The very ancient hofpital of God*s-houfe, whofe round-arched gate, and very obtufely pointed double-headed window over it, place its ere6lion early in the twelfth century; was probably built before the exiftence of the prefent wall, which makes an odd and irre- gular curve outwards, feemingly with a view to leave a paflage, though a narrow one, before the church, which once had a door and porch projecting into the ftreet. But independent of all conjedlure, there exifts an indifputable proof of the early confe- quence of the prefent town of Southampton. Henry II, in a charter given by Dugdale in his Monaflicon (vol. ii. p. lOQ), gives to the priory of St. Dionyfius, the churches of St. Michael, Holy Rood, St. Lawrence, and All Saints, in the following words: ( 86 ) . '' Sciatis me dedifle et conceffifle Deo ct **Ecclefiae San6li Dionylii juxta Hamtonam, "&c. Capellas meas quas habebam infra " Burgum de Hamptona, &c. fcilicet Capellam "San6li Michaelis, et Cap. Sanc^ae Crucis, " et Cap. SanSin^ THaixr tC Son. SouXHatrtfUo, ACCOUNT OF AN ^JVCIEJVT MUILJDIJVG In SOUTHAMPTON, &c. The building, of which I have now the honour to lay before the Society the meafured drawings, is fituated in the fouthern part of the town of Southampton, in a narrow ftreet called Porters'-lane, not far from the Water-gate at the bottom of the High-ftreet. That it has hitherto efcaped the notice of the curious, is probably owing to its prefent very confined (ituation. The ftreet in which it (lands is barely wide enough to admit a cart, and is generally full of carriages of burthen ; and a footpath has been gained out of the ground- floor of warehoufes on the oppofite (ide of the way, which forms an open gallery, but fo low, that from it a pafTenger can only fee the lower part of the building in queftion ; which is fo N ( 98 ) defaced by modern openings for doors aqd windows, as to excite in the inattentive pafler by, no curiofity for a further infpe6lion. The whole of the building is now converted into ftables below, and haylofts above ; and of fo difficiilt and dirty accefs, that it is not an eafy matter to take either meafures or drawings of it. Although its prefent fite is fo confined, at the period of its eredlion it enjoyed an open and beautiful view of the Southampton river apd oppofite Ihore ; as the town wall, which at prefent runs parallel with its front, is evi- dently of a date very much more modern ; and the large windows feem calculated for the full enjoyment both of the air and fouthern fun, to which it is diredtly expofed. No part of the prefent remains has the ap- pearance either of having been conftru(9:ed for religious purpofes, or for thofe of defence ; nor is there any trace of a religious eftablifli- ment having at any period exifted in this part of the town ; the building was therefore, pro- bably, conftru6led for a dwelling- houfe, and its lize and magnificence may juftly entitle it to the name of a palace. ( 99 ) The front extends one hundred and cletren feet, and, as the angles of the wall are in fome parts perfe6t at each end, it is certain that this was the original extent of the front of the building. The prefent height from the ground to the top of the wall is feventeen feet. There is reafon to think that the wall never was much, if at all, higher ; but it is al- mod certain that the bottom of the building is buried at leaft two feet, as the jamb of the an- cient flat-arclied door is now only four feet fix inches above the pavement, which is much too low for the common purpofes of life. The elevation is, however, from the prefent level of the ftreet. At ten feet from the ground runs a faibia, which divides the external front into two fto- ries. In the lower ftory are the remains of two ancient doors, irregularly placed ; of thefc, however, one does not feem coeval with the original building. Above the fafcia the wall rifes feven feet, and, with the exception of a fmall window at the weft end, it is perfedlly regular in its de- fign, and the diftances and openings of the windows. ( 100 ) Three magnificent windows occupy the centre of the front. Of thefe, two only now remain ; but as the defign is totally irregular if a third be not fuppofed, and perfe(5\ly regular if it be, and as triple openings were almoil conftantly ufed in our ancient buildings, there can be no doubt that there were originally three windows. The opening of thefe windows is, in front, feven feet feven inches high, and five feet five inches wide, and the pier, which divides them, is two feet two inches broad; their arched head is very little flatter than a femi- circle. A very neat moulding ranges over the arches. The angle of the wall is round- ed off, fo as almoft to have the appearance of a quarter column. Ten inches and a half from the front, the wall breaks in, fix inches, and reduces the opening of the real window to four feet four inches wide, and feven feet one inch high. The bottom of thefe windows is built up, fo that the exa6t termination of them is not eafily afcertained. They, however, certainly def- cend two feet below the general line of the fafcia before mentioned. ( 101 ) The interior face of thefe windows is quite plain, except that the angle, like the exterior ones, is chamfered off. At nine feet from the exterior angles of thefe windows, are two others, one on each lide. Thefe windows are four feet ten inches wide from out to out, and five feet high; and their bottom refts on the fafcia. They are covered by a very flat elliptical arch, whofe rife is only one foot feven inches and a half. The arch fprings from a plain impod, and a moulding of the fame defign ranges round each arch. Thefe windows are divided into two lights, as was ufual in the Saxon and Nor- man buildings. Thefe lights are four feet high, and one foot fix inches wide, in the clear. All the angles of thefe windows are neatly chamfered off. The decoration of the interior of thefe windows is very fingular; a very neat column, with a regular bafe and a capital adorned with leaves, and furmounted with a fhort cornice or import, adorns each angle. Thefe columns are excavated as it were out of the angle, and do not proje6l beyond the faces of the wall. The whole air and proportion of thefe columns, are more like that of the early Gothic, than the Nor- ( 102 ) man ftyle; and the little rib which runs down the fhaft is almoft peculiar to the early Gothic. It is alfo obferveable, that the very flat arch which covers the window within, and which only rifes ten inches on an opening of fix feet, is the only part of the building which has not its angle chamfered off. Thefe circumftances lead to a doubt whether this decoration, fo different in ftyle from the reft of the building, may not have been an addition at a period later than the original edifice. If this part is coeval with the reft, the building itfelf muft be efteemed of the age of Henry I. or thereabouts ; although, from every other part of it, I (hould have been led to fuppofe it at leaft as old as the Conqueft, if not confiderably more ancient. At eleven feet from thefe windows, are two others, exa6lly fimilar, except that the eaftern window has a double impoft, owing probably to that want of accuracy in execution, of which examples fo frequently occur in ancient ftru6lures. At ten feet from the eaftern win- dow is the eaftern angle of the bujlding. At fourteen feet from the weftern window is a narrow window, three feet wide and about fix feet high, with a femicircular head ; and three feet beyond it, is the weftern angle of the building. ( 103 ) Both the eaftern and weftern angles of the vail are regularly chamfered off in the fame manner with the angles of the windows. This is, as far as I can recolle6l, quite lingular. The mafonry of every part of the front now remaining, is of peculiar neatnefs, and the jftones are cut to a fize nearly-fimilar to each other, and very fmall. They are laid in regu- lar and unbroken courfes. This fort of accu- racy is almoft peculiar to the Siaxon and early Norman architecture. The front wall is two feet nine inches in thicknefs. At fixteen feet eight inches within it is a wall, which, though much ruined, appears to be the original one. There is not the leaft trace of any partition wall, and the whole fpace within was probably one large hall or gallery of about one hundred and five feet long, by lixteen feet eight inches wide. The eaftern gable is completely demolifhed, and replaced by houfcs. In the weftern gable is a double-headed window, much defaced, but of a defign fimilar to thofe already defcribed, though rather fmaller : its bottom was nearly level with the top of the front wall. It is not eafy to decide whether there originally wns a floor in the building ; but, from the circum- (. 104 ) fiance of the central windows defcending two feet lower than the lateral ones, I am inclined to think that there was, and that thefe win- dows opened quite down to it, forming a fort of open portico towards the fea. For what- ever purpofe this edifice was defigned, its whole ftyle and difpofition differ fo materially from any other with which I am acquainted, that I cannot but confider it as an obje6l of confiderable curiofity. If, as I fuppofe, it was a dwelling or palace, it is among the few re- mains yet exifting of the habitations of our an- ceftors, diftindl from monaftic or caftellated manfions. Perhaps I indulge but a fond conje6^ure, when I confider it as pofi[ibly the hall from which Canute, furrounded by his courtiers, viewed the rifing tide ; and from whence he defcended to the beach, according to that moft interefting narrative of our old hiftorians, to reprefs, by a ftriking and impref- five lefibn, their impious flattery. ACCOUNT OF DISCOVERED AT THE ANCIENT MOMAN STATION, CLAUSENTUM (now BITTERN), Bm "Southampton ; In a Letter to the Condu6)or of the Hampshire Repository : WITH ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS, RELATING TO SOME RECENT DISCOVERIES. By Sir H. C. ENGLE FIELD, Bart ACCOUNT OP ^JVTiqUITIES DISCOVERED At CLAUSENTUM, &c. To the Condudlor of the Hampshire Repository, Southampton, Jan. 1800. Dear Sir, In compliance with your wifti I fend you the drawings I have made of the antiquities now exifting at Bittern, and fuch few obfervations on them as I have been able to make. It does not appear to me , that any Hones have been difcovered that ever formed part of a column or femi-column. Thofe which have been taken for femi-columns, one of which is given in the plate, fig. 5, are evidently parts of the coping of fome large edifice ; for their curve is reverfed, and dies away againd the (boulder like a cima. But fig. 6 puts the ( 108 ) matter beyond a doubt ; for this is the corner Hone of the fame coping ; and the convex part goes off two ways at a right angle ; and the fquare die at their union has probably had fome ornament affixed to it, as cramp holes appear in it. The coping (tones are of dif- ferent lengths, from three to four feet, and are twelve in number, including fome which fiill remain in the foundation of a fmall turret or baflion projecting outwards from the line of the eaftern Roman wall, and from which foun- dation thofe lying loofe at prefent have been lately dug. Near thefe, in the foundation of a part of the fame turret, remains a fmall frag- ment of a very mutilated cornice, fig. 4, which probably belonged to the fmall edifice next mentioned. With thefe (tones lies the one figured 1, 2, and 3. This formed half the front of fome fmall projecting building, or niche for the re- ception of a ftatue. Fig. 2 (hows, by the re- turn of the fluted architrave, and fome part of an ornament on the frieze, that it was a corner ftonc. The curvature of the niche proves that it was half the frontifpiece. The central part of the frieze is excavated to receive a thin flab, probably of marble, with an infcription. This BtSlisk'd as t^^ct ciirscts Jofd /SOS fy TMajIcer Sc Son. SotUkamfUBn.. ( 109 ) was faftened by cramps, the holes of which are vifible in fig. 1 and 3, and from one of which I took a piece of lead which had faftened the iron. The top of the ftone, fig. 1, has, befides the cramp hole in front, a larger to- wards the back, which fixed it to the wall; and a deeper hole, which either was a lewis hole for raifing it, or ferved to connect it by a pin or tenon with the cornice. Fig 3, the end view of the ftone, (hows the depth of the hollowed part of the frieze where the tablet was placed. The fculpture of this ftone is not very bad : the lunated (hield often occurs on fepulchral ftones. The flutings or grooves in the archi- trave, which die away againft the niche, are of a fingular and very corrupt tafte. The niche was formed into a fhell ; which is an ornament, I believe, only ufed in the later ages. Probably this building, for whatever ufe intended, may be of the age of Aurelian ; an infcription to whofe honour I (hall prcfently mention. Fig 7 is as exa6l a copy as I could make of an infcription which was dug up fome time iince, and is now preferved in the farm houfe at Bittern. The ftone does not appear to have been fquared, or even regularly cut, except on the face on which the infcription is ( 110 ) engraved ; yet, from its upright form, it does not feem adapted to have been part of a wall. It evidently never was wider than it is, nor pro- bably much higher. The infcription is in letter of tolerably good form, and, except the laft word, which is much effaced, probably by the point of the pickaxe that difcovered it, is perfedlly legible. This laft word by accurate infpc^lion may ftill be traced, and the infcrip- tion is as follows. IMP C^S LVCIO DO- MITIO AVRELIANO. In the drawing I have been particularly attentive to mark the fmall remains of the connedled letters AVR and EL that it may be feen how far this read- ing is juftified. There can however be very little doubt refpedling the word, when it is confidered that the only perfon who afRimed the purple with the names of Lucius Domitius, was an Egyptian ufurper, of the name of Lucius Domitius Domitian, in the time of Dioclefian, who for two or three years main- tained his rebellion at Alexandria. It is ut- terly improbable that fuch a ufurper (liould haye been commemorated in this remote ifland. On the beach lies a very rude capital, which was worked into the Roman weft wall. The leaver are juft marked out, and the whole is fa ( 111 ) very bad, both in delign and execution, that I am much in doubt whether it is not fome Saxon capital ftuck in to mend a breach in the wall, in the period when this ancient Aation was a caftellated manfion. In the farm houfe is another fmall ftone, which feems to have had four letters cut on it, I only mention it to fay, that it is totally, and, I believe, irrecoverably illegible. The Roman wall itfelf is fingular in its con- ftru6lion. Its height cannot be afcertained. Its thicknefs is about nine feet, and its mate- rials flint, faced very roughly with fquare fmall ftones, and a bending courfe of large flat bricks running through its interior part; but it is extraordinary that it has no foundation whatever, but is literally fet down on the fur- face of the ground, and is therefore under- mined by the waters of the Itchen, which only reach it at fpring tides. A large bank of earth is thrown up againfl: it on the inner fide; and, in the only place where I have been able to examine its interior conftrudlion, it feems as if, at a diftance of about nine feet within the outer wall, another wall of about two feet thick has been erected, fecmingly as a fort of ftrenprthening to the rampart of earth. Of ( 112 ) this however I do not fpeak with certainty^ Within the area of the ancient wall, the re- mains of two very coarfe pavements, or rather plaifter floors, are vifible: one in the bank to the left of the new road, which has been in part wafhed away by the Itchen ; the other in the ditch to the right of the road, about mid- way between the two walls. In digging very lately in the field, a fragment of plaifter was thrown up, painted with a durable red colour, with a narrow white ftripe on ir. It feems not unworthy of remark, that the whole foil, as well within the wall as between the wall and outer ditch marked in your Plan^ is full, not only of fragments of bricks and tiles of various forms, but of fmall pieces of that beautiful earthen ware, the colour, polifh, and grain of which when broken, refemble fine fealing wax more than any fubflance I know of. The ditches dug through thefe fields for the new road have afforded me near a hundred pieces of this ware; fome of them plain, fome em- bofTed with aniinals, malks, thyrfi, lyres, ears of corn, and poppies. As this ware is not un- commonly found in Roman ftations in this country, and more perfect fpecimens than any of mine have been engraved, I have not ( 113 ) fent you any drawings of them. The fubjeifts appear to be nearly (imilar in all that have been found, and are evidently of a myftic ten- dency. An ornament at the top of the em* bofled part, like a deep feftooned fringe with taffels between each feftoon, is almoft uni- vcrfal in them. Thofe fragments that are plain appear to be of forms not much adapted to the ufes of common life, being moltly^ difhes from 6 to 10 inches diameter, with a low upright rim, and Handing on a fmall foot, not unlike old-fafhioned lilver falvers. It has been therefore imagined that thefe were all of them facred utenfils, and probably imported into this country for the purpofe, of facrifice. One of the fragments in my poffeffion has been perforated with very neat radiated holes, in regular order, fo as to ferve as a cullender. Thefe holes have been drilled after the vefTel was baked. A few fragments have occurred of a fine black ware, nearly as thin as Wedg* wood's ware, and covered with a metallic luftre; this is perhaps owing to long lying under ground. Fragments of vafes, of a coarfe earth, not finer than our garden pots, are pretty common ; and fome of thefe appear to have been of very confiderable fize. The P ( 114 ) lapgeft were red, fome others of a dirty brown, like unbaked clay. Thofe in which afhes and coins have been found were of the latter fort. One of thefe, the fragments of which are now in the pofTeflion of Mr. Waring, the proprie- tor of Bittern, prefented, when found, a mod lingular appearance. The veflel containing the bones and afhes, was enclofed within an- other which nearly fitted it, and whofe mouth was fo narrow as by no means to have ad- mitted it in its hardened ftate : of this Mr. Waring aflured me from his own infpedlion. The fragments which I faw are now fo muti- lated, as not to allow means of afcertaining the f&6i by meaCurement of the diameters of the veffels or their mouths ; but both of them bear marks of the potter's lathe, both within and without, and therefore muft have been fepa- rately made. Probably the outer veflel muft have been originally broken, and then its parts placed round the inner one when buried, by way of fecurity from injury. Several ivory or bone pins were found in the fame field, fuch as Sir Chriftopher Wren mentions having difcovered in digging the foundation of St. Paul's. Thefe are from three to four inches in length, with blunt ( 115 ) points and round heads, and were probably ufed for faftening the fhrouds in which bodies were buried. A fine and perfect glafs urn was alfo found^^ but it has been unfortunately deftroyed. ^ I cannot clofe this fubje^l without taking fome notice of the more modern remains ex- tant on this curious fpot, particularly as they probably will not exift much longer in their prefent ftate. The farm houfe, though very old, is built in the ruined walls of a (lately Saxon or Norman edifice. Some columns half buried, but of very neat work, and parts of two ornamented round-headed windows, fubfift at the weft end of the houfe; and in the weft front of the barn are four windows,* of peculiarly excellent mafonry, and very un- common form. The part of the gateway, yet fublifting, is probably of the fame date, and equally good work. Few fpots can be found more interefting, either to an antiquary or a painter, than Bittern in its prefent ftate. From the Roman wall we fee the Saxon remains mingled with This barn has lately been taken down. ( H6 ) thofe of the 15th century. On the oppofitc {hore is the old brick manlion ofNortham, with its elegant fluted chinrinies. A little fur- ther, on the eaft, the white gable of St. Dlony- fius's ruined chapel attra6ts the eye; while the fpires and towers of the venerable Southamp- ton, full of curious and undefcribed* remains of antiquity, of almoft every date, from the carlieft Saxon to the age of James the Firft, form a diftance to the weft. The fweeps of the Itchen, with their bold ihores covered with hanging woods of noble oaks, prefent on every fide fcenes of unrivalled beauty; and the name of Bevis Mount unites the recollection of an old, and perhaps fabu- lous, Britifli hero, with that of a man whofe courage and adventures were fcarcely lefs ro- mantic than thofe of the moft famous Paladins, and who, to thefe high qualities, added a re- fined tafte for elegant art and polite literature. What Englifbman can look without refpedl on the fhades where the Earl of Peterborough walked with Arbuthnot and Pope ! Your Hamplhire readers will, I truft, forgive me, if * This was written before the publication of ihe " Walk through Southampton." { "7 ) I add, with peculiar and perfonal intereft, that this claflicai fpot has not long fince been haunted by another poet. I hope, Sir, you will excufe a digreffion from the principal obje6l of this letter, which has been fuggefted by the fenfations I have experienced in the many vifits I have paid to this interefting fpot ; and believe me Yours, &c. H. C. ENGLEFIELD. ( 118 ) ADDITIONAL DISCOVERIES MADE AT BITTERN, In 1804 and 1805. DURING the courfe of the laft fummer, confiderable difcoveries have been made at Bittern, by the prefent proprietor, Henry Simpfon, efq ; who has with laudable care preferved every fragment of antiquity brought to light in the courfe of the excavations made by him for various purpofes of improvement : and to the politenefs of that gentleman, and the obfervations made on the fpot by my friend Dr. Latham, of Romfey, I am indebted for the information now added to my former account of Bittern. The whole of the ground was full of frag- ments of the fame fine red pottery already def- cribed, but nothing particularly worthy of no- ( "9 ) tice among them occurred, excepting one fragment of a large (hallow veflel, which had a perforation in its fide, ornamented externally with a lion's head, of coarfe work, which feems to have ferved for a fpout. On the bottom of many of the fragments were imprefled names, probably of the makers ; of thefe Dr. Latham fentmethe following: CRESCENI ; SEVE- RI; MALIVRN; AMATICICI; SACRIOF; LVPIM; AESFIVINA; CVFF; ACOM; LVPPA; CEN...; MACIOF; DOECA; EPPN; OF-SAB; ADIECTIM; OFNIGRI. And on the fide of one large fragment, repre- fenting a flag hunt, is the word ADVOCISI, in a larger and fairer letter than the other ftamps. Several coins were found, moftly of the lower empire, but none which appear to be cu- rious or rare. On the north fide of the new road, and nearly half way between the wall and the bridge, a very confiderable number of fke- letons was found, not lefs than fifty. They were laid eafl: and weft, and had apparently been buried in coffins of wood faftened with iron nails, of which a great many were found with fmall portions of wood adhering to them. ( 120 ) It is remarkable that all the teeth in every one of the jaws were quite perfe6t, a circumftance which feems to indicate that the bodies were of young men, probably of foldiers, (lain in fome engagement ; evidently, however, by the mode of fepulture, at a period later than the Roman inhabitancy of the fpot. Juft within the outer fofle, and a little fouth of the road, a hollow has been found, which ieems to have been either a well or a fmall winding ftaircafe. Within the inner fofle an- other well has been difcovered, about two feet and a naif in diameter. When found, it was ^mpty to about eight feet deep ; in it was a human ikeleton, under the neck of which was a large ftone with a hole in it. This circum- llance renders it probable, that the perfon, whofe remains were thus found, had been murdered by drowning in the well, with a ftone faliened to the neck. The well has (ince been cleared out to the depth of ten or twelve feet ; and in it were found two ancient iron keys, much corroded ; and a perfect metal jug, holding three pints, and nearly of the form of an old-fafliioned ewer. Its form does not induce me to fup- pofe it Roman. ( 121 ) 'The moft material difcoveries, however, were made by Mr. Simpfon in the courfe of level- ling and filling the inner fofle, north of the road, for the purpofe of making a kitchen gar- den. The whole of the ancient eaftern wall has by this means been traced. It terminated to the north in a round tower of folid mafonry. This tower was about eighteen feet in diame- ter ; and Mr. Simpfon has difcovered traces of a fimilar tower at the fouthern extremity of the wall. Thefe two towers were probably Roman, and parts of the original wall ; but at the diftance of about feventy-eight feet from the northern tower, another femicircqlar tower or buttrefs was difcovered, of twenty- four feet in diameter ; whofe foundations were compofed of very large ftones, taken from fome more ancient building. Several of thefe were fimilar to thofe which were defcribed in my former paper, and which I have fuppofed to be coping fiones. Several fragments of diflferent cornices were alfo found ; one of them with the mouldings enriched in no contemptible tafte. A rude bafe of a column was alfo dif- covered, and many ftones with infcriptions, fome nearly illegible, others very fair. Of a ( 122 ) thefe the mod worthy of notice is a very pdr- fc6l fmall altar, dedicated to the goddefs An- cafta; a deity hitherto unknown to antiqua- ries, and therefore of conliderable curiofity. It is likely that (he was fome local divinity or tutelary nymph, but the name does not lead to a probable furmife to what country fhe be- longed. It would be too bold a conje6lure to fuppofe, from the firft fyllable, that fhe was conne(9:ed with the river An or Ant, of which we have fpoken in the beginning of this work : but it may not, poflibly, be foreign from the fubjedl to obferve that the Gaulilh and Britiih goddefs of victory was called Andate or An- drafte. The annexed reprefentation is I believe very accurate : it is to a fcale of an inch to a foot, as are thofe of the other infcriptions. The infcriptions themfelves are copied with great care, after imprellions taken from the ftones themfelves. < 123 ) The infcription may be thus read : DE^ ANCAST^ GEMINVS MANIVS LIBENS MERITO ; for if the letters VSLM, in the laft line, be fuppofed to ftand for " votum fol- vit libens merito," as they often do, the proper name muil be Mani, which ig of an unufual form. ( 1^4 ) The next in point of importance, appears to be a fragment of a miliary column. It is eighteen inches in diameter, of a folid blackifh flone. The back, part is left rough, as if in- tended to be fixed againft a wall. I dare not hazard any reading of the infcrip- tion, which is of very rude workmanlhip. ( 125 ) The three following are votive or dedicatory. The firft is to the emperor Gordian, probably the younger. It is of very rude work, and may be read as follows : IMPERATORI CESARI MARCO ANTONIO GORDIANO PIO FELICI AVGVSTO.RP,B.I. Of the three Gqr- dians, the youngeft only bore the name of Pius ; but it is poflible that the letter P might not be the name of the emperor, but one of the ufual titles, Pius, Felix. ( 126 ) The next is to the emperors Gallius and Volulianus. It is as rude as poffible, but eafily legible; IMPERATORIBVS C^SARIBVS GALLO ET VOLVSIANO AVGVSTIS. ( m ) ^ The laft is to the tyrant Tetricus : it is on a fquare ftone, and of very neat workman (hi p. C'/ESVL'O P :^'A/ C '' It is not entirely legible, the firft line being much injured. It may fafely be read as fol- lows : AP . CA - - CAIO . .ESVLO . TETRI- CO . PIO . ET . AVGVSTO. This infcription is lingular, from the name of ^Efulus preceding that of Tetricus, whofe family name was Pivefus, or Pefuvius, or Pive- fuvius ; but neither the father or fon ever ap- pear to have borne a name approaching to iEfulus ; and though, from the great variety in the fpelling of the name on different me- dals, its orthography appears to have been un- certain, yet ^fulus is too far diftant from all the readings, to render it probable that it was intended for any of them. ( 128 ) On the inrcriptions found at Bittern we may remark, that four of them are votive to the fe- veral emperors named in them. In Horfley's Britannia Romana a few occur in the fame form, generally on ftones approaching more or lefs to a columnar fhape. Horfley calls them Miliary ; which they evidently cannot be, as neither place nor diftance is mentioned on them. Besides, the difcovery of four on one fpot would alone deftroy this fuppofition. From the rudenefs of their form, they cannot be fuppofed to have been the bafes of ftatues ; and indeed they feem too rude to have been placed within any temple or public building. Perhaps they might have been mere memorials of the acceffion of the fovereign whofe name they bear, and placed in the Forum or Cam- pus Martins of the ftation, when its garrifon took the oath of allegiance. This, however, muft be merely matter of conjedlure. H. C. ENGLEFIELD. Tilnei/ Street, London, August 7, 1805. ^BJDEJVB^. NOTES, &c. Page 35. The precentorftiip was certainly attached to St. Mary's : for, in the Liber Regis, the living is defcribed as the " Precentorfhip in the Church of St. Mary near Southampton, alias the Re6lory of St. Mary's near Southampton ;'* and as the patron of the vicarage of South Stoneham, though incumbent of the former, is again called " the Precentor or Re6lor of St. Mary's near Southampton," might not the Valor of Pope Nicholas IV. probably afford fome further information, as to what this precentorfhip was ; or how it became con- nedled, not with the right of patronage^ which is not uncommon in the cafe of cathedral pre- centorfhips, but with the aHual incumbency of a parifh church, of which I do not at prefent know of another inftance ? ( 13-2 ) Page 39. Arthur Hammond, efq, has lately difcovered, in the records of the Corporation, a deed, with the feal appendent, dated in 1565. In this earlier impreflion of the feal, the infcrip- tion round the reverfe is ftill legible, and jt runs thus: o .mater . virgo . dei . tv . MISERERE . NOBIS. Page 70. In the north fide of Simnel ftreet, and fronting the lane which forms a communi- cation between that ftreet and St. Mi- chael's fquare, is an ancient and curious vaulted apartment, which has long been ufed as a cellar. It is approached, on the fouth, by a defcent of thirteen ftone fteps; on the fe- venth of which the ancient door was placed, the hooks of its hinges ftill remaining : the prefent door, which is modern, being at the top of the fteps, and level with the ftreet. On entering the apartment, thofe who have feen the ancient room at Netley Abbey, which is called the abbot's kitchen, are ftruck with the ( 133 ) refemblance which the two places bear to each other. The length of this room is thirty-four feet ten inches ; the breadth, twenty-one feet feven inches ; the extreme height of the vaulting, thirteen feet three inches. In the four cor- ners, and midway between them, on the north and fouth fides, and at the diftance from the corners of fifteen feet each way, at two feet four inches above the floor, the ribs or ramifi- cations of the pointed arches which fupport the ceiling, rife from their refpe^live groins; which are fupported by heads apparently in their original f^ate rudely cut, and at prefent much defaced. The heads are not uniform, and one appears to have fhoulders fupporting it. On thefe heads are femi-o(Slagonal and very deep mouldings; from which rife, in each corner one ramification, and at each fide three ramifica- tions: thefe interfedl in two places on the ceil- ing, and in the centre of the ceiling another ramification is thrown acrofs. At the inter- fedlion nearefl the eafl end is the ornament of a head with flowing hair and a beard, of toler- able execution. At the other interfedtion is a carved flower, and the fame at the middle ra- mification. ( 134 ) The fouth fide of the building, which forms its front in Simnel flreet, is occupied by the door and windows. The door is in the lower or weftern compartment, and is placed in the middle of one of the arches; the two windows fill up the other. The door way, as was before obferved, is on the feventh ftep below the pre- fent level of the ftreet. It conlifts of a rather obtufe-headed arch, five feet five inches and a half wide, and five feet ten inches high; the fides of the door way going up flraight to the height of four feet four inches, from which height the arch begins to rife. In the upper or eaflern compartment of the fouth fide, are two pointed-arched windows, now bricked up. The bottom of thefe is only three feet from the floor; extreme height five feet fix inches ; width inwards five feet fix inches, but narrowing towards the flreet, where the width is only four feet. Width of pier between windows, one foot. In the pre- fent flate of this building, the windows are completely buried, their tops being juft about the level of the flreet. In the centre of-the eafl end is an ancient fire place, projecting into the room like that at Ncdey, with a kind of flope like a pent houfe, ( 135 ) terminating with a large and plain moulding, which is fupported by plain pillars. The front of the fire place is now conliderably damaged, but is faid to have been, within memory, ra- ther handfome; the fide pillars having been ornamented with heads below the moulding, and the middle forming an arch. Beyond the pillars, on each fide, are brackets carefully finiihed with neat and deep mouldings, and terminating at the bottom with a fort of fo- liage. The chimney place is five feet eight inches wide, projects into the room two feet ten inches, height from the ground of the moulding below the pent houfe five feet two inches, flope of pent houfe three feet two inches, funnel of chimney three feet by fifteen inches. In the north-eaft corner of the room is a ftone-ftair cafe, now bricked up, but which fcarcely feems to have been part of the original plan. And on the weft fide of the room is a door way into an adjoining cellar, alfo bricked up, but evidently, in its original ftate, a mo- dern perforation, and not conne6^ed with the building as it was firft ere(5led. Adjoining this building are fome old cellars ; but a careful infpedlion of them has aflx)rded no light as to their former probable connexion ( 136 ) with this place. The only thing remarkable in them is an aperture fomewhat like the but- tery hatch in ancient buildings, but which is fo obftrudled with brick work that it feems im- poflible to determine whether originally it ferved this purpofe, or was merely a cupboard ; and at any rate it feems unlikely ever to have had any thing to do with this building, as, if ever it led any where, it mull have been to a place below this. The following notes were communicated juft as the impreffion of the work was finifhed, by the kindnefs of A. Hammond, efq ; to whom the author of this work is already fo much indebted. They could not therefore appear in their proper places. Page 6. The' building in Houndwell has been taken down while the work was printing. ( 137 ) This building was originally a public wafh- houfe, and was furnifhed with troughs, &c, for that purpofe. In l634, as appears by the town records, it was ordered to be repaired. It not having been ufed for many years, agreeably to its defign, it was lately judged expedient to take it down. Page 8. In ancient times, the corporation received a toll, for goods, wares, and merchandifes, paf- fing on the bridge at Bargate : and, by an en- try in their journal, of 1679, it appears that it was given up, in conlideration of a fum of money, raifed by the inhabitants of this and the neighbouring towns. Page 9. The third coat of arms over Bargate is of Frederick Tylney, efq, who reprefented South- ampton in parliament, in 1702. The fourth of Thomas Lewis, efq, who re- prefented it in 1715. He was a conliderable benefadVor to the town. S ( 138 ) It feems probable that thefe {bields have at times had a change of arms, in compliment of particular benefadlors. There are no means of afcertaining when they were firft put up ; but, in 1702, there is an order " that the king's arms, fcutcheons, gyants, and the dial, at Bargate, be repaired.'* At that time, we may prefume, fome other arms gave way to thofe of Tylney, he having then prefented to the corporation a grand fil- ver tankard, wafhed with gold. The fhield occupied by the arms of Wynd- ham was probably painted in compliment to Sir Charles Wyndham, elected a member for this town in 1679. Two, of his name, appear to have been re- corders of this town ; one chofen in 1690, the other (his brother) in 1696. Page 33. Holy Rood Church, about 1321, flood in the middle of the High-ftrcet ; and, on its re- moval, the old audit houfe probably was built on the fame fite: Long fubfequent to this, it was greatly defaced by the ere6lion of but- chers' ihambles around it, which theretofore ( 139 ) were near the friary, now Gloucefter-fquare : and the wardens of the butchers were, in 1634, diredled to confine to, either the friars* gate, or New-corner, now called Butcher-row. Page 46. Among the attendants or fervants of the corporation, formerly, was a band of five mufi- cians, who wore gowns and badges ; and, on the eleventh of December, 1607, it was or- dered, that the muficians fhould give fecurity for their efcutcheons or badges of filver. Page 71. In 1214, Adam De Port was governor of Southampton caflle. -The family of De Port appears, from Domefday Book, to have been of great diflindlion, and to have pofTefTed large eftates in thefe parts, foon after the Conquefl. Page 75. The fair ufually called Chapel Fair appears, from the proclamation ufually read on opening ( 140 ) it, to have been granted by Henry VII. In 1628 and 1637 it was forbidden to be held, on account of the plague. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. Engraved Title. The engraved title page, compofed from fragments extant in the town. The arch is that mentioned in page 12, as cxifting in the room in the town hall, adjoin- ing the grand-jury room. The has relief of two beads is noticed in page 32. The niche work on the flone, on which the upper part of the title is engraved, is copied from that of the conduit in the High-ftreet, near the friary. See page 47. The three monograms at the bottom of the plate are mentioned in page 64. The middle one is that in St. Michael's church ; that to the left is in St. Mary's church-yard; that to the right, at Romfey. ( 142 ) The Gothic letter in which the titleis en- graved, is copied from that of the mayoralty feal. Page 21. Meafured elevation of the five fouthernmoll arches in the town wall, with the more ancient buildings covered by them. This elevation is drawn to a fcale of ten feet to an inch. Page 23. Another part of the arches in the wall of the town, fhowing the remain of the very fin- gular building, partly deftroyed, and then brought to make a part of the wall. The view comprehends the arches defcribed as eight, nine, ten, and eleven. This elevation is drawn to the fame fcale with the other, being ten feet to an inch. ( 143 ) Page 38. The regalia of the corporation. The mace, oar, and fvvord, are not drawn in their real pro- portions, but are each copied exa6lly from the originals. The mace is the moft ancient one belonging to the corporation. On each fide are feals. The (hip is copied as exactly as the fize would allow, from the filver mayoralty feal. The three figures in niches are the re- verfe of the corporation feal now in ufe. The fhield in the centre has the arms of the town. Page 42. The two feals defcribed in the note. The large one is the feal for recognizances. The fmall one the feal of the flaple. PagIe 50. View looking wefl, in Porters'-lane. The ancient building is on the right. The two re- ( 144 ) maining central windows are Teen, and the two lateral windows beyond them on the weft fide. Between the great opening and the upper window, near the eye, a fmall part of the moulding of the neareft lateral window to the eaft of the centre is vilible. The furtheft eaftern window is out of the pi6lure. To the left are the warehoufes with the covered foot- way running under them. Page 63. Inlidc view of St. Michael's church, taken from the fouth door, looking north. The gates feen laterally to the right, open into the chancel. The femicircular arches fupport the tower. Page 65. Font in St. Michael's church. In the compartment to the right of the plate is a fourth part of the top of the font, fhowing its ornaments ; and below, an elevation of the font. ( 145 ) Page 68. View up Blue-anchor-lane, fliowing the lidc of the very ancient building mentioned in pages 23 and 68. Page 97. Elevation of the central part of the building in Portcr's-lane ; comprehending the triple great window, and one of the two fmaller win- dows on each fide of it. The vcftiges of the two doors alfo appear. This elevation extends forty-eight feet, and is drawn to a fcale of a quarter of an inch to a foot. Page 105. Plan of the Roman ftation at Bittern. The buildings marked houfc and ham are of high T .( 146 ) Antiquity. Between the barn and new road was a gateway, now deftroyed. On the other fide of the road the foundation of the tower is marked, out of which the large coping Hones were taken. The lighter fhading ihows the ground covered by fpring tides, the darker by or- dinary tides. At low water the whole is a mud bank. This plan is in great part taken from that publifhed in the firft volume of the Hampftiire Repolitory. Page 108. Antiquities found at Bittern. No. l, 2, and 3, are top, fide, and front views of the ftone fuppofed to have been part of the front of an ornamented niche. No. 4 is a muti- lated cornice. No. 5, one of the coping ftones erroneoufly called femicolumns. No. 6, view of a fragment of an angular fione of the fame coping. No. 7, an infcription to Aure- ( 147 ) lian. This laft has been found fome years. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, are drawn to a fcale of a quarter of an inch to a foot. Btkercnit Plrtcher, rriattrti Hitb^ftrctt, scuthanpun. ERRATA. Page 17, line 9, for pensor read fensor. Page 4, line 4 from bott6m, for Bumel read Bumel. '^5^ I 90 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY iiiir'!iiii''i!i!ri;Tiii'i A A 000 085 869 6 c -' <*l