HEMCBHTURY SE^IS I! OB^E PELLER. ^amuelTDutton Silver, puRDETf BQmpa^ g-f / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEP No. / ; ^ THE MORSE SPELLER DICTATION AND SPELLING IN CORRELATION WITH OTHER SUBJECTS FOR ALL GRADES WITH SYLLABICATION AND PRIMARY ACCENT BY SAMUEL T. DUTTON SUPERINTENDRNT OF SCHOOLS, BROOKLINE, MASS. SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON Copyright 1896 by SAMUEL T, DUTTON, FOURTEENTH EDITION, PREFACE. The only excuse for adding another to the list of spell- ing-books, already large, is that in the development of edu- cational methods certain principles have been established, which, if fully recognized, will tend to make teaching less mechanical, more interesting and more effective. In view of the place that the written exercise is acknowl- edged to have in teaching spelling, this work is made to contain a large number of carefully selected and well-graded lessons for dictation. The claims of correlation are recognized in the use of instructive material bearing largely upon the subjects pur- sued in the schools. Thus many important facts and cen- tral truths are economically impressed. In the slow and laborious task of gaining a working vocabulary, the potency of interest is not disregarded. Special care has been taken in the selection, from Eng- lish and American authors, passages of great moral and aesthetic value. These are to be used not only as dictation exercises, but also as memory gems. At intervals, lists of words are given as reviezv lessons. These may be used by the teacher, according to his judg- ment, as oral lessons, or may be dictated in sentences of his IV PREFACE. own forming. Lists of new words are added for use as occasion may require. Most of the technicalities and perplexities of our lan- guage, made so prominent in some spelling-books, have been scrupulously omitted. The aim here is to have spelling ability acquired by practice, under the stimulus of thought and interest. The book is divided into four parts. Part I. is intended for pupils of the second and third years or grades ; Part 11. for fourth and fifth grades; Part III. for sixth and seventh grades; and Part IV. for eighth and ninth grades. Acknowledgments are due to Miss Harriet E. Moses, of the Lawrence School, Brookline, for valuable assistance in the preparation of these lessons. The selections from the writings of Emerson, Longfel- low, Whittier, Holmes and Fisk are used by the kind per- mission of Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. SamueIv T. Button. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. It is hoped that the attempt to furnish spelUng lessons, in the form of exercises for dictation, will be appreciated. It is believed, also, that the omission of technicalities of every sort will be approved. This is neither a language book, a grammar nor a dic- tionary. It is a speller, and, if faithfully followed, will teach children to spelK The plan is exceedingly simple. At the close of every exercise, let the next one be read, so that any questions concerning the meaning or pronunciation may be answered. The pupils are to carefully study, and, in the earlier stages of the work, are to write the exercises. In the recitation, teachers are to dictate each sentence or phrase once only, with distinctness, thus training to habits of attention and application. The review lessons contain words found in the preceding exercises, and may be used for oral review, if desired. The selected words are new, and it is recommended that pupils be required to write them in sentences. It is believed that the faithful use of this book will give what the old-fashioned speller failed to give, vis., the pos- session of a good working vocabulary along the line of the VI SUGGESTIONS TO TEiACHERS. studies pursued in the schools, as well as upon practical everyday subjects. It is assumed that the exercises bearing upon geography, science and history will not be used until those subjects have been taught. The table of content* will aid the teacher in this connec- tion. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART L LESSON I. Animals. ,, i LESSON VIL Spring — Flowers 3 LESSON IX. Bean— Frog — Robin » 3 LESSON XIV. Summer— Farmer — Haying — Fishing 5 LESSON XXI. Autumn — Fruit — Nuts 7 LESSON XXV. Winter — Snow— Christmas 8 LESSON XXIX. House — Room — Breakfast— Dinner. .... 10 LESSON XXXIV. School-room — Store li LESSON XXXVII. Indian — Maple — Leaf 12 LESSON XLII. Fables — Soil • • • • • vii 14 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART 11. LESSON I. School— Habits— Health— Proverbs. . . , , LESSON XIIL Nature— Dairy— Grapes LESSON XVIII, Earth— Ocean — Plants— Fish LESSON XXV. Continent— Races— Seeds— Growth— Roots. LESSON XXXIII. Air— Water — Carbon Dioxide — Circulation — Can- dle Flame 30 33 34 38 LESSON XL. U. S. History — Quotations , . 40 LESSON LXVIII. Geography — Productions — Cotton — Mines. . ,. 49 LESSON LXXIX. Flower — Parts — Seeds 53 LESSON LXXXII. Physics — Air Pressure— Water — Expansion — Con- densation — Evaporation 53 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix PART HI. LESSON I. Geography and History:— Greece— Italy— England — France — Germany — Russia 65 LESSON XXVIIL Geography : — Asia — Africa^ Australia — Circles — Zones. . . . . . . . . . 74 LESSSON XL. Physiology: — Circulation — Digestion. ... 78 LESSON XLIV. Geology: — Quartz — Granite — Coral. • • . 80 LESSON XLIX. Physics: — Heat. ........ 82 LESSON LIL U. S. History and Literature 83 LESSON LXXIV. Industry „ 91 LESSON LXXXI. Physical Geography: — Tides — Currents — ^Volcanoes — Winds. 94 LESSON LXXXVIII. Chemistry: — Ammonia — Chlorine — Acid— Carbon — Graphite — Charcoal — Coal — Quotations. . 96 LESSON XCVII. Review 100 LESSON CXXIX. Selected Words 108 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART IV. LESSON I. Physical Geography: — Plants and Animals — Inter- dependence — Climate — Effect Upon Man, Labor, Commerce 112 LESSON XIL U. S. History AND Literature 116 LESSON xxvn. Civil Service: — Taxes — Economics 123 LESSON XXXIV. Physiology: — Nerves — Senses 125 LESSON XXXVII. Physics: — Magnetism — Electricity 126 LESSON XXXIX. English History: — Literature 127 LESSON LII. Physiology: — Skin — Disease. i33 LESSON LIII. Botany i33 LESSON LV. Geology:— Rocks — Glaciers — Earthquakes. . . 134 PART I. Lessons for Copying and Dictation. I. The dog is a kind and useful pet. He can run very fast. Some dogs are very strong and can draw a cart. A good dog loves his master and takes care of him. Dogs love those who treat them kindly. II. The cow eats hay and grass. She has many large teeth in her mouth. Some cows have long horns. Do you like milk to drink ? Butter and cheese are made from milk. The cow has large> gentle eyes. III. The horse is a very useful animal. He can carry a man on his back and can draw a heavy load. 2 .THE MORSE SPELLER. A child likes a small horse which is called a pony. I like to brush my pony and keep his coat smooth. IV. The ant is a busy little insect. Ants build their houses of sand with much care. It is great fun to watch them at work. They gather food and carry it into their houses. They sometimes help each other when the load is heavy. V. The bee is another wise and busy insect. Bees get honey from the flowers and store it up for the winter. Did you ever look into a bee-hive ? How neat and clean the bees keep their homes. The queen bee has small wings and does not often leave the hive. The work-bees fly far away and bring home their honey. VL The squirrel is a playful little animal. He has bright eyes and a soft fur coat. Did you ever see a squirrel eating a nut ? THE MORSE SPELLER. 3 His teeth must be very sharp. The squirrel lives in trees and makes his nest of leaves. Do not throw stones at the squirrels that live in your yard. VIL In the spring the days grow longer and we see the green grass. The sun is bright and the air is soft. The little buds on the trees begin to grow and the green leaves soon come out. How pleasant it is to see the spring flowers. Soon Mother Earth will have a new spring dress. VIIL One of the first spring flowers is the violet. It is purple and has a slender stem. It likes to grow in the woods. We can see many little seeds up in the maple tree. They hold on by their stems. They have little wings and will soon fly away. IX. We will plant a bean in the soft earth. The sun makes the ground warm and the rain- drops make it moist. 4 THE MORSE SPELLER. Soon Mr. Bean comes peeping from his bed. He wants to climb up into the sunshine. Sometimes he grows to be very tall. See those little bean pods. Each pod has five little beans in it. . X. God made the sky that looks so blue, He made the grass so green ; He made the flowers that smell so sweet, In pretty colors seen. — Jane Taylor, XL I can hear frogs croaking in the pond. They seem to be very happy because spring has come. Did you ever see a frog dive into the water ? Do you like to see boys throw stones at the frogs ? Have you heard the story about the frogs who wanted a king ? XIL The robin comes early in March and stays un- til fall. She builds her nest in the trees. It is made of straw and mud. THE MORSE SPELLER. 6 The robin sings sweetly early in the morning. Have you seen her pretty blue eggs in the nest ? Please do not touch them. When the little robins come, the mother bird brings food for them. XIIL Tongues to talk have you and I; God has given the little fly No such things, so he sings With his buzzing wings. XIV. When the spring is gone summer comes. Now the trees are full of leaves. The little baby plants are getting quite strong. The sun and the rain help them to grow. They grow at night while you and I are asleep. Sometimes it is too hot to play in the sun. XV. Who is that working in the field ? It is a farmer. He is digging up weeds among the corn. When it is noon he goes home for dinner. When the sun goes down he drives home the cows and milks them. He goes to bed early at night and rises with the sun. tt THE MORSE SPELLER. XVL What are these men doing ? They are cutting grass and drying it in the sun. This is the way to make hay. When it is dry they rake it and carry it into the barn. When winter comes the cattle and horses will have sweet hay to eat. It is great sport to ride into the barn on a load of hay. XVII. We tread through fields of speckled flowers. As if we did not know Our Father made them beautiful Because He loves us so. — Alice Cary. xvin. All people like to spend the summer in the country. They like to be among the trees and flowers. The song of the birds seems like sweet music. They enjoy riding over the hills and through the forest. Sometimes they climb a high mountain. They always come home very hun- gry. XIX. Did you ever go fishing in the lake ? How smoothly the boat glides through the water. We use oar$ to row with. Now put THE MORSE SPELLER. 7 some bait on your hook and drop it into the water. When a fish bites, try and pull him into the boat. How hard he tries to get away. Is there any better fun than this ? XX. What are those white spots on the water ? Let us row to them and see. They are beautiful white flowers. They are called pond-lilies. See what long stems they have. Did you ever smell anything so sweet ? Let us carry some home with us. XXL How quickly the summer has gone. Now au tumn has come. The plants have nearly finished their work. They have made many seeds. They will soon lose their leaves. The roots of some plants keep alive all winter. The leaves of some trees turn beautiful, bright colors. When they have all fallen off, the trees look as if they were dead. They are only sleeping until the winter is over. XXIL The weather is cool in autumn. Jack Frost is busy every night. He opens the 8 THE MORSE SPELLER. prickly houses in which the beechnuts Hve. Soon the Uttle nuts fall to the ground. Jack Frost also turns the little chestnuts out of doors. The squirrels carry them away to their nests. Boys and girls also are fond of gathering chest- nuts. XXIIL In the autumn the farmer gathers apples, pears, plums, grapes and peaches. He carries some of them to the market. He gathers the corn and other grains into his barn. Did you ever help to husk corn ? It is pleasant to see yellow ears of corn in a great heap. When the corn is ground it is called meal. When wheat is ground it is called flour. XXIV. Gone hath the spring with all its flowers, And gone the summer's pomp and show. And autumn in his leafless bowers, Is waiting for the winter's snow. —John G. Whittier. XXV. Winter is the coldest season of the year. The days are much shorter than in summer. The earth wears a soft, white blanket. It is called snow. How^ well Mother Nature takes care of her children. She sends the snow to keep the ^ THE MORSE SPELLER. 9 little plants warm. They sleep through the long, cold winter. See the frost on the windows. How it sparkles in the sunlight. XXVL How the wind blows the snow about. It is fun to wade through the drift. Did you ever take a sleigh-ride ? Who does not like to hear the sleigh bells ? The pond is covered with thick ice. It is so smooth one can skate very fast. Let us build a fire on the ice. How cheerful it makes the dark night. XXVIL Christmas is the best day of winter. One of my presents was a pair of new skates. My brother John had a sled and a knife. One stocking was full of popcorn. We had dinner with grandmother and grandfather. I wish you might have seen the plum pudding. After din- ner we played games and sang songs. When we drove home the moon and stars shone brightly. XXVIIL The frost looked forth one still, clear night, And whispered : " Now, I shall be out of sight, So through the valley, and over the height, In silence I'll take my way." —H. F. Gould, 10 THE MORSE SPELLER. ^ XXIX. Our house is on Harvard Street. It is painted white and has green bUnds. A broad walk leads to the front door. There is a wide hall with two rooms on each side. At the end of the hall is a pair of stairs. A tall clock stands on the landing. One front room is the parlor, the other is the study. Next to the study is the kitchen, and back of the parlor is the dining-room. XXX. In the parlor T can see five chairs^ a sofa and a piano. The walls are covered with a light paper. In one corner of the room is a table. On the table are some books and a lamp. There is a soft, blue carpet on the floor. A little girl is playing on the piano. Now let us look into the study. XXXI. Here are many shelves filled with books. Father sits in this armchair at his desk. Coal is burned in the grate. Jane sweeps and dusts every morn- ing. Every Saturday she cleans the windows. Walk up stairs and look into one of the chambers. The furniture is all painted white. There is a pretty rug on the floor. The curtains are white muslin. THE MORSE SPELLER. 11 XXXIL The bell rings for breakfast. We are all ready. Will you have an orange? No, I thank you. I seldom eat fruit. The coffee is hot. I like beef- steak and potatoes. Please hand me the salt and pepper for my egg. I prefer toast to rolls. Where is my teaspoon ? Now we must go to school. XXXIIL Dinner is ready. How hungry we ail are. Be careful and do not spill your soup. I think this bread is new. Where is my napkin ? You must have dropped it on the floor. Will you have beef or mutton ? Please give me also peas, corn and squash- For dessert we have pudding and pie. XXXIV. What a pleasant schoolroom. There are forty pupils in the third grade. The desks are made of maple. Some fine pictures hang on the walls. The teacher sits in an armchair. At ten o'clock we sing songs and play games. We learn our lessons and then read a story book. Our teacher is kind and we try to help her. 12 THE MORSE SPELLER. XXXV. In the village is a large store. What do we need this morning ? Coffee, sugar, salt and Sour. The clerk will grind the coffee and put it in a paper bag. How heavy the flour is. The flour costs $1.20, the coffee, .40, the sugar, .30, and the salt, .10. How much does it all cost ? Now we must hurry, or we shall be late for dinner. XXXVI. Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Make our Earth an Eden, Like the heaven above. XXXVIl. The Indians once lived in these forests. Their houses were made of bark and boughs and were called wigwams. They painted their faces and put feathers in their hair. The Indian wife was called a squaw. She did all the hard work. The men used the bow and arrow in hunting. The Indian boat was made of birch bark and was called a canoe. XXXVIII. The Indians had no schools or churches. The Indian boys learned to hunt and fish, but THE MORSE SPELLER. 13 did not learn to read or write. When white men first came to the country they found many tribes of Indians. Some were kind and brought them corn and fish to eat. I am sorry some white men treated the Indians badly and drove them from their lands. XXXIX. Let us look at this fine maple tree. Its parts are the roots, the trunk, the branches and the leaves. In the centre of the trunk is the pith. Around the pith is the wood, which is hard, and on the outside is the bark. If we cut across the trunk we find a number of circles. Each circle shows how much the tree grew in one year. XL. The stem of the leaf is called its petiole. The petiole, in the maple leaf, is green. The five large branches in the blade are called veins. The midvein runs from the petiole through the mid- dle of the blade. The part of the leaf next to the petiole is called its base and the other end is its apex. XLI. Woodman, spare that tree ! Touch not a single bough ! 14 THE MORSE SPELLER. In youth it sheltered me, And I'll protect it now. *Twas my forefather's hand That placed it near his cot : There, woodman, let it stand ; Thy ax shall harm it not. — George P. Morris. XLIL A little fly sat down to rest upon the head of an ox. Just as he was about to fly away he said to the ox : " Perhaps you would like to have me go now?" "I did not know you were there," said the ox. '* Go when you get ready." The little fly thought a great deal of himself. Have you ever seen people who were like him ? XLIIL " A little boy was dreaming Upon his mother's lap, That the pins fell out of all the stars, And the stars fell into his cap. " So when his dream was over. What should that little boy do ? Why, he went and looked into his cap And found it wasn't true." XLIV. A little light once fell in love with itself. It thought the sun, moon and stars were no brighter. THE MORSE SPELLER. W Many times it said to other people, " See how bright I am ! " Once when it had said this, the wind blew just a little, and out it went. A man had to light it again, and as he did so, he said, '' The stars never go out." XLV. "I cannot do much," said a little star, " To make the dark world bright, My silver beams cannot pierce far Into the gloom of night ; Yet I am a part of God's great plan, And so I will do the best 1 can." XLVL An old man found a bad boy stealing apples in one of his trees. When told to come down, he did not obey. The old man threw grass at him, but this only made the boy laugh. *' Very well," said the old man, *'I will try throwing stones." This soon brought the boy down from the tree. He asked the old man's pardon. XLVIL A lion was sleeping under an oak tree. Some little mice ran over his back and waked him. He put his great paw upon one of them, but let him go as the mouse begged for his life. Soon after 16 THE MORSE SPELLER. this the lion fell into a hunter's net and began to roar loudly. The mouse heard his voice and, like a good friend, went and began to gnaw the knots of the net until the lion was free. XLVIIL " Be kind to all you chance to meet, In field or lane or crowded street ; Anger and pride are both unwise, Vinegar never catches flies." XLIX. In a certain house were many mice. A cat was found who began to catch and eat some of them. Upon this the mice no longer came down from the upper shelf. The sly, old cat hung by her hind legs from a peg on the wall and seemed to be dead. A cunning old mouse looked over the edge of the shelf and said, " I would not trust you even if your skin were stuffed with straw." " The cunning old cat lay down on a mat By the fire in the oaken hall ; *If the little mice peep, they'll think I'm asleep;' So she rolled herself up like a ball. THE MORSE SPELLER. 17 " Nibble, nibble, nibble, went the mice, And they licked their little paws ; Then the cunning old cat sprang up from the mat, And caught them all with her claws.*' LL That part of the earth, in which plants grow, is called soil. If we dig through the soil we always find rocks. One very common rock is called granite. This contains three kinds of crystals — quartz, felspar and mica. Metals are found deep in the ground, where they form veins. LIL Little by little the great rocks grew, Long ago when the earth was new ; Slowly and silently, stately and free, Cities of coral under the sea Little by little are builded, while so The new years come and the old years go. 18 REVIEW LESSONS. LIII. LIV. LV. dog large brush kind teeth keep use'ful mouth coat pet some smooth run long called fast horns ant strong milk bus'y can drink lit'tle draw but'ter in'sects cart cheese build good made their love from house very gen'tle sand mas'ter eyes with take horse much care an'i mal care him car'ry great those man fun treat back watch them heav'y work cow load gath'er eat child food hay small some'times grass po'ny help man'y which each THE MORSE SPELLER. 19 LVL LVII. LVIII. bee sharp first an oth'er nut vi'o let wise live pur'ple hon'ey tree slen'der flow'er nest woods store leaf ma'ple win'ter throw seed look stone hold hive your stem neat yard plant clean spring bean queen day ground small grow warm wings long'er rain'drops leave green moist often air peep'ing fly bud bed far come want away out climb home pleas'ant sun'shine squir'rel see tall play'ful moth'er bean'pods bright earth five soft new God must dress blue 20 THE MORSE SPELLER. LIX. LX. LXL smell morn'ing field sweet ^gg farm'er pret'ty please dig'ging col'or bring weed hear tongues corn frog talk when croak'ing giv'en noon pond such a mong' be cause' thing goes dive buzz'ing din'ner wa'ter gone drive boy sum'mer rises heard full men sto'ry ba'by cut'ting king plant dry'ing rob'in quite rake ear'ly strong barn . March rain win'ter stay night cat'tle un tir while sport fall a sleep' ride build hot tread mud play speck'led straw- who fa'ther sing that beau'ti ful THE MORSE SPELLER. 21 .LXIL LXIIL LXIV. peo'ple bite prick'ly spend try beach coun'try pull al'so a mong' hard chest'nuts song bet'ter girls seem white fond mil 'sic spot ap'ple en joy' pond-lil'ies pear through quick'ly plum forest au'tumn grapes fore'fath ers near'ly peach'es high fin'ished mark'et mount'ain lose grain hun'gry root husk ev'er a live' yel'low fish'ing turn ear lake bright heap boat fall'en • meal glide dead wheat use sleep'ing flour oars weath'er hath row cool pomp bait Jack Frost show hook ev'er y snow drop o'pen cold'est 22 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXV. LXVL LXVIL month knife door year stock'ing there short'er pop'corn hall wear grand'moth er wide blank'et grand'fath er two chil'dren might room warm pud'ding each win'dow game side spar'kle moon end wind stars stairs , blow shone tall a bout' forth clock wade still stand drift clear land'ing sleigh'-ride whis'pered par'lor skate sigh oth'er fire val'ley stud'y ice height next cheer'ful si'lence kitch'en Christ'mas paint'ed back best blinds din'ing pres'ent broad chair pair walk so'fa sled lead pi an'o broth'er front wall THE MORSE SPELLER. LXVIIL LXIX. LXX. cov'ered break' fast des sert' pa'per read'y pie cor'ner or'ange for'ty ta'ble thank pu'pil book sel'dom third lamp fruit grade car'pet coffee desk shelves beefsteak harm sit po ta'toes pic'ture arm'-chair hand hang fire salt wall coal pep'per . ten grate tea'spoon o'clock' burn school learn sweep oat'meal les'son dust care'ful read Sat'ur day spill teach'er cham'ber soup vil'lage fur'ni ture break need pret'ty nap'kin sug'ar rug dropped salt cur' tain floor clerk mus'lin mut'ton grind ring peas cost bell squash hur'ry 24 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXXT. LXXIL LXXIIL late ca noe' blade deed church vein kind'ness fish mid'dle word write next E'den tribes base heav'en brought oth'er In'dians sor'ry end once treat'ed a'pex for'est bad'ly wood'man bark drove spare boughs land touch wig' wain look sin'gle paint'ed part youth face trunk shel'tered feath'er branch'es pro tect' hair cen'tre fly wife pith sat squaw a round' down work out side' rest used cut head bow a cross' ox ar'row num'ber just hunt'ing cir'cle per haps boat grew would birch pet'i ole know THE MORSE SPELLER. 25 LXXIV. LXXV. LXXVL thought best meat deal steal'ing lane him self o bey' crowd'ed dream'ing laugh street lap par'don an'ger pins li'on pride fell oak un wise' cap mice vin'e gar should back catch why waked flies went paw cer'tain true mouse be gan' light begged up'per it self life sly times hunt'er - hind blew net peg nev'er roar leg dark loud'ly cun'ning world voice edge sil'ver good trust brand friend skin pierce gnaw stuffed gloam knot straw yet free mat plan chance fire 26 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXXVII. rolled rock met'al ball gran'ite ground nib'ble com'mon slowiy licked con tain' si'lent ly sprang crys'tal state'ly caught quartz cit'ies claws feld'spar cor'al soil mi'ca sea SELECTED WORDS TO BE WRITTEN IN SENTENCES BY THE PUPIL. LXXVIIL LXXIX. melt dol'lar fair shade own wait sell sau'cer a gree' fare bar'rel plate urge cheap deer loaf plen'ty owe fail die ease tight roam heel a gain' cell toast fuel sew keen chi'na least bound cheat jel'Iy mist reed bar'gain sauce dye val'ue cent weak scour sor'ry gal'lon hour hedge THE MORSE SPELLER. 27 LXXX. LXXXL LXXXIL height cloak kite fight gloves shov'el lawn mit'tens en'gine breath cones cray'on shoot clo'ver chalk smoke as'ters tray pit'y glos'sy flag meek nail blunt marsh stove tow'el no'tice crack gut'ter search cous'in track road un'cle cro'cus flood aunt dan'de li on ditch sleigh toad rowed yes'ter day crow raise e'ven ing al'der choice hood worm shal'low whale ber'ries judge geese toes squall tal'low beak a'pron moss va'ca tion dull cra'dle haste comb stage freeze stock'ings thim'ble cure rub'bers blocks cube 28 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXXXIIL LXXXIV. LXXXV scrap sketch par'ents knob stitch let'ter notch wreck awl crutch throat broil crumb porch brute staff rogue aw'ful dare choke ax'is bruise ghost strain shawl twist ar'bor verse or'der stripe pearl hon'es ty nurse arch fierce straw starch wrist ax'le dwarf quince a loft' starve prize streak vault de feat' camp birth wis'dom co'sy worse let'tuce sum pan'sy stu'pid ques'tion feast dunce mark skein cap'i tal fact speech base'-ball flash badge waves track match grey tramp barge prop'er band THE MORSE SPELLER. 29 LXXXVL LXXXVIL LXXXVIII plank po'et oth'er of fi cer la'dy doll bleak coin goat lease o'pen pew check cord dime lend fa'ble scald theme can'dle carve col'lege skip wool bridge slide cra'dle bath tart crib tent muff pew'ter flock lace tongs bunch silk wharf toy wolf dip'per wren bug pea'nut chart duck eager map owl roos'ter crew fog wolf kit'ten noon fair'y peak bank pus'sy team fort pile float peace crow chase war rab'bit pain ar'my doves purse host guess PART II. I. In a good school, teacher and pupils help each other. All find pleasure in performing hard tasks. Pupils are diligent and do not disturb those near them. All lessons are faithfully learned. The schoolroom is tidy and there are growing plants in the windows. Books are handled with care and so are neither torn nor soiled. 11. The girls and boys that do their best, Their best will better grow, But those who slight their daily task. They let the better go. What if your lessons should be hard, You need not yield to sorrow ; Work bravely at your task to-day, 'Twill lighter be to-morrow. III. When we do anything over and over again we form a habit. Children are ever forming habits, either good or bad. We form habits of standing, walking and sitting ; of speaking, writing and reading. If we always do our very best, our habits will be good. If we are lazy and careless, our habits are sure to be bad. Character has been said to be but a bundle of habits. 30 THE MORSE SPELLER. 31 IV. The tissue of the life to be We weave with colors all our own, And in the field of Destiny, We reap as we have sown. • — Raphael. V. Good health is the secret of happiness. Eat plain food, go to bed early, play out of doors, and you will be healthy. Children who have good health enjoy their school. At recess they love to run, jump and shout. In the school- room they can study hard and not feel tired. Healthy boys and girls grow to be strong men and women. Some people are never ill, because they take care of their health. VL We live in deeds, not years ; in thoughts, not breaths ; In feelings, not in figures on the dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best. — Bailey. VIL How little we can accomplish without the help of oth- ers. We depend upon others for the food we eat and the clothes we wear. Our breakfast, dinner and supper are made up of things that come from many countries. We rely upon the farmer, the sailor and the merchant to pro- vide for our wants. The whole world is a busy hive of workers. 32 THE MORSE SPELLER. VIIL No longer let me shun my part Amid the busy scenes of life, But with a warm and generous heart Press onward in the glorious strife. — /. H. Bryant, The meal unshared is food unblest; Thou hoard'st in vain what love should spend; Self-ease is pain; thy only rest Is labor for a worthy end. — Whittier, IX. My son, forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments ; for length of days and long life shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee ; bind them about thy neck ; write them upon the table of thy heart. So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. X. I count this thing to be grandly true : That a noble deed is a step toward God — Lifting the soul from the common sod To a purer air and a broader view. — Holland, XL A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches and honor and life. THE MORSE SPELLER. 33 Boast not thyself of to-morrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth : a stranger, and not thine own lips. XIL Within himself he found the law of right, He walked by faith, and not the letter's sight, And read his Bible by the Inward Light. -^Whiitier. XIIL There are three kingdoms of nature — the animal, vege- table and mineral. Most of our food comes from the an- imal and vegetable kingdoms. The means by which we obtain vegetable products from the earth is called agricul- ture. It is interesting to know that different kinds of food contain the same elements. XIV. Nature, like a loving mother, is ever trying to keep land and sea, mountain and valley, each in its place, to hush the angry wind and waves, balance the extremes of heat and cold, of rain and drought, that peace, harmony and beauty may reign supreme. — E, C. Stanton, XV. Milk, butter and cheese form an important part of our diet. They are called dairy products. With bread, we could live on these alone. Milk varies in quality, accord- ing to the food given to the cows. With the old-fashioned churn, two or three hours were required to produce but- 34 THE MORSE SPELLER. ter. Now it is made by means of a machine in a few min- utes. One pound of cheese contains as much nourishment as two pounds of beef. XVL The most ancient of the cultivated fruits is the grape. Certain kinds of grapes, by being dried in the sun, can be converted into raisins. Another variety furnishes the valuable fruit known as currants. I have read of a clus- ter of Hamburg grapes, the weight of which was thirteen pounds and four ounces. XVIL Boston, September lo, 1896. Mr. Henry W. Smith, Dear Sir : Please send to No. 215 Maple St., lO lbs. flour, 6 oz. black pepper, 3 doz. eggs, 5 lbs. oatmeal, 2 qts. milk, 3 gals, vinegar, i lb. crackers, and ^ doz. lemons. Yours truly, Sarah Turner. XVIIL The earth is one of eight planets which are continually whirling about the sun. It is sometimes called a great ball of land and water, surrounded by a shell of air. Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world, With the wonderful water round you curled. And the wonderful grass upon your breast, World, you are beautifully dressed. THE MORSE SPELLER. 35 XIX. Sometimes the earth moves between the sun and the moon and casts a shadow on the moon. The edge of this shadow always looks like part of a circle. Do you know the shadow's name ? Can you prove the earth round ? What happens when the moon is between the earth and sun? XX. The oceans cover about three-fourths of the earth's sur- face. They wholly, or partly, separate the continents from one another. All water belongs to the ocean. The s\m borrows it, the winds carry it, and the springs and rivers return it. We must thank the sun and wind for the rain and showers. Arms and passages of the ocean are classed as seas, gulfs, bays, sounds, and straits. XXL The land has many valleys and mountains, so has the sea-bottom. Some mountains rise high above the surface of the sea. Their tops are called islands. The wind blows sand over the desert and also makes waves on the surface of the ocean, but the deep sea is always still. Strange plants and animals have lived and multiplied upon the land and in the water. XXIL Have you visited the beach or seashore ? Most parts of the sea near the land are shallow. Far from the shores the sea is in many places two miles deep, and in some places the bottom is four or five miles below 36 THE MORSE SPELLER. the surface. No sunshine reaches the deep parts of the sea. The deep water is always cold and dark. XXIIL Plants and animals live on the land. Seaweeds, fish, and many curious creatures abound in the shallow waters near the seashore. Fish are found in many lakes and rivers. Some kinds of fish are found in fresh water only, but others from the salt water go into the rivers to spawn or deposit their eggs. XXIV. Have you seen the " Big Dipper " ? Can you use the pointers and find the North Star ? Face the north. East is on the right, and west is on the left. Can you find northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest ? About March 21 and September 22 the sun rises due east and sets due west. What happens, and why ? XXV. A continent is not round ; it is irregular in shape. We can find peninsulas and capes projecting from its coast. A high, rocky cape can be seen far out at sea. It is called a promontory. Can you think of a large peninsula 7 It is joined to other land by a narrow strip called an isth- mus. What a queer name ! It is a Greek word, meaning neck. XXVI. Shall we visit little boys and girls of other countries ? Can we find children with black skins, woolly hair, flat THE MORSE SPELLER. 37 noses, and thick lips ? Some children know how the tea- plant grows. Let our minds find the Negroes, Chinese, Turks, Arabs, Lapps, Finns and Eskimos. We will ask the Lapps and Finns about the reindeer, and the Eskimos about their dogs. XXVIL Mother Nature gives food to her baby seeds. Open a seed and find the meat. Plant many seeds and watch their growth. Can you find the germinating plantlet and the cotyledons? The cotyledons nourish the plantlet until Mother Nature gives it roots. XXVIIL " As wonderful things are hidden away In the heart of a little brown seed, As ever were found in a fairy nut Of which children sometimes read. " Over its pretty shining coat We sprinkle the earth so brown, And the sunshine warms its lowly bed, And the rain comes dropping down.** XXIX. Plants need light, heat and moisture. Do the plumule and radicle grow at the same time } Open the cotyledons and see the tiny plumule. The radicle is hiding itself in the soil while the little plumule is (orqing its way upward into the beautiful sunlight. 38 THE MORSE SPELLER. XXX. " Patter, patter, the soft, warm rain Knocks at the tiny door, And two little heads come peeping out, Like a story in fairy lore. ** One is the Radicle creeping down, At first but a wee, white root, The other the Plumule : above the soil It sends up a little green shoot." XXXL We eat the fleshy roots of some plants. Have you eaten a beet, a radish or a carrot } The tender roots have mouths through which they absorb moisture from the ground. The roots of some plants live year after year; some die the second season, and others perish when Jack Frost finds them in the autumn. XXXIL " Steadily up toiled the slender stem, And only its work it heeds ; A leaf appears, bud, blossoms and fruit; Last of all come the little seeds. "Then its work all done, if an annual, It has had its brief, bright day. And now at the touch of Frost-king's breath It withers and fades away." XXXIII. Air is composed of oxygen and nitrogen. If one-fifth is oxygen, what part pf th? air is nitrogen ? We cannot THE MORSE SPELLER. 39 see air. The air surrounding the earth is called its atmos- phere. It is from 50 to 200 miles high. At the sea-level air is dense, on high mountains it is rare. Air in motion is called wind " The wonderful air is over me, And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree ; It walks on the water, and whirls the mills, And talks to itself on the top of the hills." XXXIV. An animal will die in nitrogen, not because nitrogen is a poison, but because the animal needs oxygen. Oxygen supports combustion. Our lives and the lives of plants and animals depend on the presence of oxygen. It is through its influence that fires blaze and lamps give light. XXXV. Water contains twice as much hydrogen as oxygen. Hydrogen is colorless and odorless. It is lighter than air. Balloons have been filled with hydrogen. If we place a burning match near the open end of a tube of hydrogen, and allow the hydrogen to unite with the air, an explo- sion occurs. Would miners be in less danger if hydrogen were not odorless } XXXVI. From marble we can obtain lime and carbon dioxide. In certain countries, carbon dioxide oozes from the earth. There is a grotto near Naples in which a man can walk, but it is not safe for a dog to enter. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and it is a poisonous gas. 40 THE MORSE SPELLER. XXXVIL Blood circulates through the body. Oxygen is taken into the lungs. It makes the blood red and the body warm. The body takes oxygen from the blood and gives carbon dioxide in return. We exhale impure air. It is unwise to breathe the same air over and over again. XXXVIIL Frozen water is called ice. Ice is lighter than water. We think of water as a liquid. We see it in the rivers, lakes, and ocean. The sun gives wings to the water and it flies away in the form of gas. When cool, we see it in the clouds, the dew, and the rain ; when very cold, we look for frost and snow. XXXIX. Study the three parts of a candle flame — the inner con«e, the middle cone and the outer cone. The inner cone contains an unburned gas. The middle cone gives light and heat, hydrogen burns and carbon glows. The outer cone gives little light and the greatest heat. XL. When Columbus explained his plans to the King and Queen of Spain, they were much interested. With the money which they gave him, he fitted out three small ves- sels and set sail across the Atlantic. On the twelfth of October, 1492, he discovered the New World. Columbus soon returned to Spain and carried some Indians with him. He was received with much honor by the King and Queen. He believed he had found India. THE MORSE SPELLER. 41 XLL So far as Columbus knew, no one had ever crossed the Atlantic Ocean, or even heard that it had any west coast at all. True, Norsemen had long before crossed northern portions of the Atlantic and discovered Iceland, Green- land and Vineland. But there is no evidence, so far as I am aware, that Columbus had ever heard of these discov. eries. No ; Columbus was inspired by faith, not by sight, not even by science. — Boardman, XLIL Immortal morn, all hail ! That saw Columbus sail By Faith alone ! The skies before him bowed, Back rolled the ocean proud, And every lifting cloud With glory shone. XLIIL The oldest settlement in the United States was made by the Spanish at St. Augustine, August 28, 1565. In 1605, the French planted a colony on the west coast of Nova Scotia. In 1609, Henry Hudson sailed up the river that now bears his name. He thought it a very beautiful river. The Dutch soon had large trade with the Indians. XLIV. An evil day came upon us. Your fathers crossed the great water and landed on this island. Their numbers were small. They found friends and not enemies. They told us they had fled from their own country for fear of 42 THE MORSE SPELLER. wicked men and had come here to enjoy their rehgion. They asked for a small seat. We took pity on them, granted their request, and they sat down amongst us. We gave them corn and meat ; they gave us poison in return. — Red Jacket (1805). XLV. He learned of every bird its language, Learned their names and all their secrets, How they built their nests in summer. Where they hid themselves in winter. Of all the beasts he learned the language. Learned their names and all their secrets, How the beavers built their lodges. Where the squirrels hid their acorns. How the reindeer ran so swiftly. Why the rabbit was so timid. — Longfellow, XLVL Queen Elizabeth helped to fit out several companies of men who made settlements in America. Sir Francis Drake was the first Englishman to travel around the world. He first explored the coast of California. Upon his return to England, he received great honors from the Queen. Sir Walter Raleigh made several voyages to the eastern coast of America. XLVIL In 1607, Captain John Smith came with three vessels and sailed up the James River. He selected for a set- tlement a place which was called Jamestown, in honor of their king. Smith made friends with the Indians and THE MORSE SPELLER. 43 governed the colony wisely. After his return to England there was much suffering, until ships came, bringing food and clothing. This was the beginning of the rich and powerful colony of Virginia. XLVIIL On December 21, 1620, the Pilgrims landed on Ply- mouth Rock. They built houses on the banks of a brook and surrounded the whole town with a stout, wooden fence. In the woods were deer and wild turkeys, and they found many kinds of fish in the sea, so that at first food was abundant ; but the winter was very severe, and about half their number died before spring. XLIX. I see them, escaped from these perils, pursuing their all but desperate undertaking, and landing at last, after five months' passage, on the ice clad rocks of Plymouth, weak and weary from the voyage, poorly armed, scantily pro- visioned, depending on the charity of their ship-master for a draught of beer on board, drinking nothing but water on shore, without shelter, without means, surrounded by hostile tribes. — Edward Everett, L. The breaking waves dashed high On a stern and rock-bound coast ; And the woods against the stormy sky, Their giant branches tossed ; And the heavy night hung dark The hills and waters o'er. When a band of exiles moored their bark On the wild New England shore. — Felicia Hemans. 44 THE MORSE SPELLER. LL William Penn founded a city named Philadelphia, which means brotherly love. It grew rapidly and in three years had six hundred houses. Many of these settlers were Quakers. Wharves were built on the banks of the river and soon many ships were seen there. Philadelphia has grown to be one of the largest cities of America. LIL In that delightful land which is washed by the Delaware's waters, Guarding in sylvan shades the name of Penn, the apostle, Stands on the banks of its beautiful stream the city he founded. There all the air is balm and the peach is the emblem of beauty, And the streets still re-echo the names of the trees of the forest, As if they fain would appease the Dryads whose haunts they molested. — Longfellmu. Lin. Life in old colony times was full of hardships. The settlers had to protect themselves from the Indians and get enough to eat and to wear. The men raised hemp and flax, which the women made into clothes by spinning and knitting. They built the houses of logs and often had but two rooms. In one room was a big fireplace where the cooking was done. In the other were the beds and a ladder which led up to the garret. LIV. God bless our Fathers' Land ! Keep her in heart and hand One with our own ! THE MORSE SPELLER. 45 From all her foes defend, Be her brave People's Friend, On all her realms descend, Protect her Throne ! Lord, let War's tempest cease, Fold the whole Earth in peace Under Thy wings! Make all Thy nations one. All hearts beneath the sun. Till Thou shalt reign alone, Great King of Icings. —a IV. Holmes, LV. In those days people met on Sunday in a log meeting- house. They carried their rifles with them, as the Indians som.etimes attacked them suddenly. The men sat upon benches on one side of the church and the women on the other. The seats were not comfortable and all had to sit very still. The schoolhouse also was made of logs and was warmed by a wide fireplace. There were few books, and the chief studies were reading, spelling and arithmetic. LVI. All the early settlers of New England paid great atten- tion to instructing their children, first at home, or in the ministers' houses, and then in public schools. In 1647, the Massachusetts Colony passed a law providing that eve-ry township of fifty householders should appoint a school- master to teach the children to read and write ; and that his wages should be paid by the parents, or the public at large, according to the decision of the majority of the in- habitants. — Campbell, 46 THE MORSE SPELLER. LVIL Hail to the land whereon we tread, Our fondest boast ; The sepulchre of mighty dead, The truest hearts that ever bled, Who sleep on glory's brightest bed, A fearless host ! No slave is here — our unchained feet Walk freely as the waves that beat Our coast. — J, G. Percival. LVIIL In 1765, the English passed a law laying a tax on every newspaper and public document used in the colonies. The people were very angry and held meetings to protest against the law. They refused to use the stamp paper and burned it on the wharves. This law was repealed the following year. Parliament next aroused bitter feelings in America by putting a duty on tea. The people re- frained from drinking tea and threw a whole cargo of it into the water of Boston Harbor. LIX. The voice of Patrick Henry from the mountains an- swered that of James Otis by the sea. Paul Revere's lan- tern shone along through the valley of the Hudson and flashed along the cliffs of the Blue Ridge. The scattering volley of Lexington Green swelled to the triumphant thun- der of Saratoga. — George W. Curtis. THE MORSE SPELLER. 47 LX. Then marched the brave from rocky steep, From mountain river swift and cold ; The borders of the stormy deep, The vales where gathered waters sleep. Sent up the strong and bold. — Bryant. LXL When in the course of human events, it becomes neces- sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare. the causes which impel them to sep- aration. — Thomas Jefferson. LXIL For thee we daily work and strive, To thee we give our love, For thee with fervor deep we pray To Him who dwells above. O God, preserve our Fatherland ! Let peace its ruler be. And let her happy kingdom stretch From north to southmost sea. — Anna Eichberg. LXIIL Books are our most steadfast friends ; they are our re- source in loneliness ; they go with us on our journeys ; they await our return ; they are our best company ; they are a refuge in pain ; they breathe peace upon our troubles ; 48 THE MORSE SPELLER. they await age as ministers of youth and cheer; they bring the whole world of men and things to our feet ; they put us in the centre of the world. — T, T, Mu7iger, LXIV. The lovers of art are many, but the active intellect, the creative power — the power to put these shapes and im- ages in art, to embody the indefinite, and render perfect — is his alone. He shares the gift with few. He knows not even whence or how this is. He knows only that it is ; that God has given him the power which has been denied to others. — Longfellow on the Artist. LXV. Blessings on thee, little man. Barefoot boy with cheek of tan ! With thy turned-up pantaloons, And thy merry whistled tunes ; With thy red lips redder still Kissed by strawberries on the hill ; With the sunshine on thy face, Through thy torn brim's jaunty grace ; From my heart I wish thee joy, — I was once a barefoot boy ! — Whittier. LXVL Learn to be good readers, which is, perhaps, a more difficult thing than you imagine. Learn to be discrim- inative in your reading ; to read faithfully and with your best attention, all kinds of things which you have a real interest in — a real, not an imaginary — and which you will find to be really fit for what you are engaged in. — Thomas Carlyle, THE MORSE SPELLER. 49 LXVIL Efforts to be permanently useful must be uniformly joyous, a spirit all sunshine, graceful from very gladness, beautiful because bright. — Thomas Carlyle. The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do, without a thought of fame. — Longfellow, LXVIIL The relief and drainage of North America and South America are similar. Each grand division has a low mountain-system on the eastern and a high mountain-sys- tem on the western border. The highest mountains are always nearest the largest ocean. A great central plain extends from north to south. Compare the Mackenzie and Orinoco Rivers, the St. Lawrence and Amazon Riv- ers, and the Mississippi and Rio de la Plata Rivers. LXIX. The American eagle can view the relief and drainage of the United States from the sky. He sees the Atlantic Slope and Plain, Appalachian Mountains, Basin of the Mississippi River, The Plains, Rocky Mountains, Basin Region, Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the Pacific Slope. What a privileged eagle ! He is wise, yet he cannot spell as well as a small boy. LXX. The Yosemite Valley is a deep gorge with vertical walls 4,000 feet high. During the wet season it abounds in cascades and cataracts, but during the summer many 60 THE MORSE SPELLER. of the river beds are dry. The Merced River plunges into a canon, falling 2,600 feet in three leaps. Hundreds of people visit the valley every year and are impressed with the grandeur of its beautiful scenery. LXXL The prairies of the Mississippi basin yield large quan- tities of grain. The hardy wheat is grown in the north and corn is harvested in abundance in the south. Much of the region is treeless, but not barren. The soil is compact and fertile. Fearful thunder storms sweep over the prairies, and destructive tornadoes damage the crops and villages. In springtime the rivers overflow their banks and leave a deposit of fine, rich soil. LXXIL The cotton plant requires the warm season and the plentiful rainfall of the south for its ripening. The seed is surrounded by a fuzzy substance known as the cotton fibre. A superior variety — the sea island cotton — was in- troduced into the United States from the Bahama Islands. Who invented the cotton gin ? Can you tell about raw cotton and cotton-seed oil } The water-power of New England is especially adapted to the cloth-making indus- try. LXXIIL Shell fish are among the valuable food products of the United States. Thousands are given employment in the oyster fisheries of Chesapeake Bay. Oysters attach them- selves to various substances, — stones, shells, or drooping branches of trees — hence the saying in Venezuela, " Oys- ters grow on trees." THE MORSE SPELLER. 51 LXXIV. Let us write and think of the following : clam, lobster, mackerel, salmon, halibut, shad, cod, bluefish, herring, bass. Can you name lake fish ? The Appalachian Highlands is a coal yielding district. Have you heard the remarkable history of the coal-beds — the continued process of centuries? Successive layers of coal have been found buried deep in the earth. Large quantities of soft coal are changed by a certain process to coke. Charcoal is charred wood. It resembles true coal in color, but not in weight. It is lighter and more porous. LXXV. Gold and silver are called precious metals because of their scarcity. In ancient times grains and nuggets of gold were washed from the mountain-sides to the gravel- beds below. Troughs, cleats, grooves, quartz, and quick- silver are words that may be remembered in connection with gold mining. Silver is rarely found in a pure state, but is more often combined with other minerals. LXXVI. The loft> structure, the lighthouse, throws its friendly beams across the raging sea to warn the sailor of the sunken rocks and treacherous shoals. The ancient Eddy- stone lighthouse was a hoop and lighted candle. The mod- ern lighthouse is a strong electric light, condensed into beams more powerful than a million candles. Such is the progress of science. Enterprise goes hand in hand with knowledge. 52 THE MORSE SPELLER. Lxxvn. Among the principal iron regions the Lake Superior district ranks first. Its ore is transported by means of lake steamers. Iron is extracted from its ore by means of a process called smelting. Steel is refined iron used in manufacturing articles that must withstand great strain or pressure. We have steel knives, pens, rails and bicy- cle spokes ; iron stoves, pipes, bars and hydrants. LXXVIII. The avenue seems alive with cable cars, carriages and pedestrians as we journey on toward that imposing na- tional structure^ the Capitol. Shall we visit the Senate Chamber and Hall of the House of Representatives? We enter the rotunda and are impressed with the wonderful fresco decorating the canopy over our heads? George Washington selected the site of the city of Washington. Maryland ceded the District of Columbia. SCIENCE. LXXIX. It is hard to number the parts of the flower. The calyx is the outer covering : its separate leaves are called sepals. The corolla is usually made up of a number of petals. The parts of the stamens are the filament and anther. The parts of the pistil are the stigma, style and ovary. Can you tell the use of the pollen ? LXXX. The native plants of certain countries often find distant homes. Seeds are transported in various ways. The THE MORSE SPELLER. 53 wind, the birds, and man have all aided in the trans- portation of plant life. Some seeds are provided with wings. The breezes carry them far above the tree-tops and lodge them among new surroundings. The geograph- ical distribution of plants is governed by the climate and the distance above the sea-level. LXXXL Have you studied the apple blossom and watched the growth of the ovary of the flower? How the wall thick- ens! It increases its dimensions until the poor little seed is lost in a sphere of ripening fruit. Count the seeds and the partitions. The seeds of many plants furnish food for both man and animals. Barley, wheat, oats and rye are among the cereals cultivated in our own country. Lxxxn. Air occupies space. Prove this statement. Invert this empty glass and plunge it slowly into a larger vessel nearly full of water. Observe the result. Incline the glass and see the bubbles escape. The escaping bubbles are air which was imprisoned under the glass, although, like the air around us, it is invisible. LXXXIII. Air exerts pressure. Apparatus necessary — a hollow glass tube closed at one end and a bowl containing watpr. Draw air from the tube and insert it in the bowl of water. We are convinced by this simple experiment that pressure of air is very perceptible. Air exerts pressure in all di- rections — upwards, downwards and sideways. Air weighs upon us as water weighs upon the fish. 54 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXXXIV. Air is compressible and elastic. The first experiment illustrates the compressibility of air. Science has made use of the properties of air in the following inventions : compressed-air motors, pneumatic tires, air-cushions, air- brakes, air-pumps, water-pumps, diving-bells, barometers, balloons, parachutes and flying-machines. LXXXV. Water exerts pressure in all directions. A floating body displaces water equal to its own weight. Buoyant force of water is shown by the transportation of sticks, seeds, sands and pebbles by the rivers and ocean currents. Springs and artesian wells derive their supplies from higher altitudes. How often we use the lawn-sprinkler, admire the fountain, drink from the city water system and forget the simple law, " Water seeks its own level." LXXXVL A liquid easily changes its position, but the molecules tend to cling together. Moisture attracts moisture. Water will flow more easily over a wet surface. Water shows a tendency to pass through the entire substance of a porous body. Illustrate with a sponge, or a piece of blotting paper. Why do we put stems of flowers in water and expect the blossoms to revive ? LXXXVIL Solids, liquids and gases expand when heated, contract when cooled. Think of the expansion and contraction of iron rails, the popping of corn and the roasting of chest- THE MORSE SPELLER. 55 nuts. Iron, lead, gold, silver and other metals may be changed to liquids by the application of heat. When water becomes solid it expands. Why does a crack in a ledge grow wider and longer each year ? LXXXVIIL The hot sunshine causes water to evaporate and fills the air with moisture. After sunset the grass becomes cool more quickly than the atmosphere. The moisture coming in contact with the cool ground collects in the form of dew. Have you seen dew on a pitcher of ice- water ? Why is it there } A cloud of moisture strikes a current of cold air. It is condensed and rain falls. When a teapot of water is heated to the boiling point the con- fined steam exerts pressure. Watch the cover. It smiles, opens its mouth, and talks to you. 56 THE MORSE SPELLER. REVIEW LESSONS. LXXXIX. XC. XCL xcn. per form'ing health press in'ward task se'cret strife king'dom dil'i gent hap'pi ness un shared' veg'e ta ble dis turb' re cess' un blest' ob tain' faith'ful ly jump hoard prod'ucts ti'dy shout wor'thy ag'ri cul ture hand'led tired com mand'ments in'ter est ing torn wom'en length el'e ments slight breath mer'cy na'ture dai'ly fig' u re truth mount'ain yield di'al for sake' val'ley sor'row throb bind an'gry brave'ly no'blest neck drought to-mor'row ac com'plish fa'vor bal'ance hab'it de pend' un der stand'ing ex tremes' ei'ther clothes to'ward har'mo ny speak'ing rely' rath'er reign la'zy sail'or chos'en su preme' char'ac ter mer'chant rich'es im por'tant bun'dle pro vide' hu mil'i ty di'et tis'sue work'ers hon'or di'a ry weave shun boast va'ries des'ti ny a mid' praise qual'i ty reap scene stran'ger ac cord'ing sown gen'er ous Bi'ble old'-fash'ioned THE MORSE SPELLER. 57 XCIII. XCIV. XCV. XCVL churn sur round'ed bot'tom south re quired' shell is'lands march ma chine' won'der ful sand due min'ute curled des'ert ir reg'u lar pound breast mul'ti plied shape nour'ish ment dressed vis'it ed pen in'su la an'cient be tween' beach cape cul'ti va ted cast shore pro ject'ing grape shad'ow shal'low coast dried edge reach prom'on to ry con vert'ed cir'cle sea'weed joined rai'sins prove creat'ures nar'row va ri'e ty hap'pen abound' isth'mus cur'rants o'cean riv'er queer clus'ter sur'face lake mean'ing weight whol'ly fresh wool'ly thir'teen part'ly on'ly flat oun'ces sep'a rate spawn nos'es Sep tem'ber con'ti nent de pos'it thick lem'ons bor'row dip'per tea tru'ly show'er point'ers Ne'gro eight pas'sag es north Chi nese' plan'ets gulf east Turks con tin'u al ly sound west Ar'abs whirl'ing strait left Lapps 58 THE MORSE SPELLER. XCVII. XCVIII. XCIX. C. Finns ab sorb' twice cloud Es'qui mos per'ish hy'dro gen dew rein'deer stead'i ly col'or less his'to ry meat toiled o'dor less ex plained' watch brief bal loon' mon'ey growth be'ing burn'ing ves'sel ger'mi nat ing with'er match twelfth plant'let fade tube Oc to'ber cot y le'dons com posed' u nite' re ceived' fair'y ox'y gen ex plo'sion por'tion sprin'kle ni'tro gen oc cur' ev'i dence low'ly fifth min'ers a ware' drop'ping at'mos phere mar'ble in spired' M faith * moist'ure lev'el lime plu'mule dense car'bon sci'ence rad'i cle rare di ox'ide im mor'tal pat'ter mo'tion ooze hail knock shak'ing grot'to set'tle ment lore mill heav'i er Au'gust creep'ing poi'son cir'cu late col'o ny shoot sup port' lungs trade . flesh'y com bus'tion ex hale' e'vil rad'ish pres'ence un wise' en'e mies beet in'flu ence fro'zen fled car'rot blaze liq'uid re lig'ion THE MORSE SPELLER. 59 CL grant'ed re quest' a mongst' lan'guage bea'ver lodge swift'ly rab'bit tim'id com'pa nies trav'el ex plore' voy'age se lect'ed gov'erned sev'er al suffer ing be gin'ning pow'er ful De cem'ber brook stout fence tur'key abun'dant CIL se vere' es caped' per'ils pur su'ing des'per ate un der tak'ing pas'sage ice'-clad wea'ry scant'! ly pro vis'ioned de pend'ing char'i ty draught board hos'tile gi'ant tossed ex'iles moored broth'er ly hun'dred rap'id ly wharves guard'ing CIIL syl'van a pos'tle balm em'blem re-ech'o fain ap pease' haunts mo lest'ed hard'ships hemp raised flax spin'ning knit'ting • lad'der gar'ret realm de scend' tem'pest cease be neath' ri'fles at tacked' sud'den ly CIV. com'fort a ble a rith'me tic in struct'ing min'is ter town'ship de cis'ion ma jor'i ty in hab'it ants tread fond'est sep'ul chre slave un chained' news'pa per doc'u ment pro test' re fused' stamp re pealed' par'lia ment a roused' re frained' car'go har'bor lan'tern 60 THE MORSE SPELLER. CV. CVI. cvn. CVIII. flashed em bod'y cen'tral de pos'it cliffs in def i nite com pare' cot'ton scat'ter ing de nied' ea'gle plen'ti ful swelled bles'sing priv'i leged rain'fall tri umph'ant bare'foot gorge rip'en ing thun'der pan ta loons' ver'ti cal fuz'zy course whis'tled cas cades' sub'stance nec'es sa ry straw'ber ries cat'a racts fi'bre dis solve' jaun'ty plunge su pe'ri or po lit'ic al dif fi cult cafi'on in tro duced' de'cent im ag'ine leap in vent'ed re spect' dis crim'i na tive grand'eur cot'ton-gin o pin'ion at ten'tion prai'ries es pe'cial ly fer'vor en gaged' quan'ti ties a dapt'ed pre serve' efforts har'vest ed in'dus try stretch per'ma nent ly tree'less shell'-fish south'most u'ni form ly bar'ren thou'sands stead'fast glad'ness re'gion em ploy'ment re source' tal'ent com pact' oys'ter lone'li ness sue cess' fer'tile fish'er ies jour'ney re lief sweep at tach' refuge drain'age de struc'tive lob'ster troub'le sim'i lar tor na'does clam in'tel lect di vis'ion . dam'age mack'er el im'age sys'tem crops salm'on THE MORSE SPELLER. 61 CIX. por ous re sem'bles pre'cious scar'ci ty nug'gets grav'el trough cleats quick'sil ver con nec'tion ex. min'er al com bined' structure throws treach'er ous shoals e lec'tric con densed' mod'ern mil'lion can'dle en'ter prise knowl'edge prin'ci pal i'ron trans port'ed steam'ers ex tract'ed smelt'ing steel re fined' CXL bi'cy cle spoke hy'drants av'e nue ca'ble car'riag es pe des'tri an im pos'ing na'tion al cap'i tol sen'ate rep re sent'a tives fres'co dec'o rat ing can'o py site ca'lyx se'pals CO rol'la pet'als sta'mens cxn. man u fact'ur ing fil'a ment ar'ti cle an'ther with stand' pis'til pres'sure stig'ma style wa'ry pol'len breeze geograph'ical cH'mate dis tri bu'tion sea'-lev el in crease' di men'sion sphere bar'ley par ti'tion ce're al oc'cu pies state'ment in vert' emp'ty ob serve' in cline' bub'bles in vis'i ble ap pa ra'tus hol'low bowl 62 CXIII. con vinced' ex per'i ment per cep'ti ble di rec'tions up'ward down'ward side' ways com pres'si ble il lus'trates com pres si bil'i ty prop'er ties in ven'tions mo'tor pneu mat'ic tires cush'ions brakes pumps div'ing ba rom'e ters par'a chutes float'ing dis place' buoy'ant trans por ta'tion THE MORSE SPELLER. CXIV. cur'rents ar te' sian de sire' al'ti tudes sprink'ler ad mire' fount'ain eas'i ly cxv. con'tact pitch'er strike con densed' con fined' steam Ven e zue'la CXVI. Eng'lish French Span'ish Dutcii Quak'er Pil'grim Hud'son Lake Su pe' ri or Mis sis sip'pi mol'e cules Wash'ington St. Law'rence to geth'er Na'ples tend'en cy Ham'burg sponge Sar a to'ga blot'ting blos'soms re vive' ex pand' con tract' ex pan'sion Ice'land pop'ping Fin'land roast'ing chest'nuts met'als O ri no'co Mac ken'zie Ap pal a'chi an Yo sem'i te Ches'a peake Pa cif'ic Lex'ing ton Vir gin'i a Plym'outh Phil a del'phi a At lan'tic Green'land Co lum'bus Ra'leigh E liz'a beth No'va Sco'ti a Pat'rick Hen'ry St. Au'gus tine' Fran'cis Drake Cal i for'ni a Del'a ware ap pli ca'tion Mas sa chu'setts James'town ledge Ma'ry land Paul Re vere' at'mos phere Spain James O'tis THE MORSE SPELLER. 63 SELECTED WORDS. To be written in sentences by the pupil. dai'ly tale chis'el cuffs brain ber'ry grat'er broom waist grown un tir bed'stead an'kle quick bus'i ly spool love'ly rel'a tive strain'er lounge toes war stain lin'en knees shout col'an der serve el'bow sneeze hymn cloak thumb latch cis'tern bon'net throat float drown but'tons eye'brow bub'ble weave fringe palm fur'nace quilt par'a sol bait cent screen neck'tie beg'gar shov'el nee'dle flan'nel stroke shav'ings berth wool'en mod'el hy'drant lim'it sin'gle wife sieve thim'ble tacks fam'i ly toast'er blank'et peel muse boil'er fowl jack'et noise bar'rel vas'es leg'gings fast'en wire has'sock lay'er or'phan oven earn er'rand scale plane tum'bler muff leak ham'mer doi'ly boil wed'ding sauce'pan mat'tress pars'nips 64 THE MORSE SPELLER. beets par'cel pas'tor ca'ble sal'ad trav'el er or'gan ist har'bor cloves cloud'y so pra'no pump quin'ces bun'dle ten'or fir'kin car'a way an'vil bass cel'lar puz'zle ad vice' al'to ash'es wring al'tar shield cin'der gariop bruise dag'ger crack'er a' pri cots mal'let pray'er pok'er guide gim'let stew'ard fel'low cit'ron glance steer' age pul'let gin'ger pin'cers cab'in put'ty lane square bul'let el'bow lem on ade' don'keys pat'tern shoul'der dough'nuts pup'pies pi'lot a'pron ven'i son kit'tens helm . chis'el sar dine' hoof sur'face saw tru'ant screw'-driv er rud'der vise pro mote' wrink'le cap'tain bench dis'trict thrush bii'gle forge veins pan'ther con sent' an'vil hal'ter leop'ard chap'el stead'y mur'mur gi raffe' sug gest' wil'ling pack'age wreath shoe'ing civ'il chil'ly ves'try bea'ver sim'ple PART III, The excellent commercial advantages of Greece are due to the irregularity of her coast line. Greece's ancient or- ators and philosophers were unrivaled. Her architecture has been studied for centuries. By excavations made in various portions of the country, much has been learned of her ancient cities, temples and statues. The Greek ed- ucation consisted chiefly in the study of music and physi- cal training. II. The isles of Greece ! The isles of Greece ! Where burning Sappho loved and sung, — Where grew the arts of war and peace, — Where Delos rose and Phoebus sprung ! Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all except the sun is set. — Lord Byron. III. Land of bards and heroes, hail ! Land of gods and god-like men. Thine were hearts that could not quail, Earth was glorious then ; Thine were souls that dared be free ; Power, and fame, and liberty. — J. G. PercivaL 65 66 THE MORSE SPELLER. IV. Italy is often called the treasure house of Europe. Un- der the fair Italian skies can be found famous monuments of antiquity. The Colosseum, the Forum and the Pan- theon are relics of an ancient city that stood on its seven hills. Rome is situated in a plain through which flows the sluggish, muddy Tiber. St. Peter's at Rome is the largest cathedral in the world. The Vatican is the home of the Pope. An interesting story is told in connection with the erection of the obelisk. The Roman Empire attained its greatest splendor un- der the Emperor Augustus. The Empire was bounded by the Euphrates on the east, the Danube and the Rhine on the north, the Atlantic Ocean on the west, and the deserts of Africa on the south. It comprised one hun- dred different nations, each speaking its own language and worshiping its own gods. It was an age of general peace and prosperity. During this period Jesus Christ was born. VI. True greatness, first of all, is a thing of the heart. It is all alive with robust and generous sympathies. It is neither behind its age, nor too far before it. It is up with its age, and ahead of it only just so far as to be able to lead its march. It cannot slumber, for activity is a ne- cessity of its existence. It is no reservoir, but a human fountain. — Hitchcock. THE MORSE SPELLER. 67 VIL England, Scotland and Wales are included in Great Britain. Ireland, and many of the oceanic islands, are governed by her laws. England has established her col- onies in America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. The sun never sets upon the entire English dominion. Sir Walter Scott has written much about the wild and ro- mantic scenery of Scotland. His home, Abbotsford, is near the ruins of Melrose Abbey. Great Britain main- tains the largest navy in the world. VIIL The early inhabitants of Britain lived in caves. Their tools, made of stone and bronze, are found in mounds with their bones. They were a tall and well-formed race. The Britons were brave and fought chiefly from chariots drawn by horses. Fifty-five years before the birth of Christ, Julius Csesar visited Britain. A century later the Ro- mans conquered the country. There are to be seen in England many traces of the Romans, in the form of ruined walls, fragments of tiled floors, and roads built of stone. IX. About four hundred years after the Roman invasion several Teutonic tribes of Northern Europe entered Brit- ain. A little later came the Saxons. It is supposed that the early Britons were nearly all destroyed. The Eng- lish language contains many Latin words, but is largely derived from the speech of the Teutonic tribes. During this early period there were many wars in England. When the Danes invaded England in the ninth century, they had to contend with brave warriors. 68 THE MORSE SPELLER, In the year 1066, Duke William of Normandy brought an army across the English channel to attack England. He was victorious in a battle fought near Hastings. In five years he had completed the conquest. Under King WilHam, England, for the first time, became a united na- tion. During his reign great cathedral churches were planned and built. His son, William, built the old West- minster Hall in London. XL Hugged in the clinging billow's clasp, From seaweed fringe to mountain heather, The British oak with rooted grasp Her slender handful holds together ; — With cliffs of white and bowers of green, And ocean narrowing to caress her, And hills and threaded streams between, — Our little mother isle, God bless her ! — Holmes, XII. Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837. During her reign the English nation has made rapid progress in wealth and influence. Many reforms have been instituted and the rights and privileges of the common people have been greatly extended. The House of Commons no longer represents the owners of land and the rich alone, but the entire people of the kingdom. The Hon. William E. Gladstone was for many years a leader of the liberal movement. THE MORSE SPELLER. 69 XIIL England is a domestic country. Here the home is re« vered and the hearth sacred. The nation is represented by a family — the Royal family — and if that family is edu- cated with a sense of responsibility and a sentiment of public duty, it is difficult to exaggerate the salutary influ- ence it may exercise over a nation. — Disraeli, XIV. The English, from the great prevalence of moral habits throughout every class of society, have always been fond of those festivals and holidays which agreeably interrupt the stillness of country life ; and they were in former days particularly observant of the religious and social rites of Christmas. It is inspiring to read even the dry details which some antiquarians have given to the quaint humors, the burlesque pageants, the complete abandonment to mirth and good-fellowship, with which this festival was celebrated. It seemed to throw open every door and un- lock every heart. — Washington Irving, XV. She, beloved for a kindliness Rare in Fable or History, Queen, and Empress of India, Crown'd so long with a diadem. Never worn by a worthier, Now with prosperous auguries Comes at last to the bounteous Crowning year of her Jubilee^ '70 THE MORSE SPELLER. Queen true to womanhood as Queenhood, Glorying in the glories of her people, Sorrowing with sorrows of the lowest. — Tennyson. XVI. France is a republic. The majority of the inhabitants are Roman Catholics. The latitude of France corresponds to New England, but the climate is milder. Warm winds from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic modify the tem- perature. An endless variety of articles is manufactured in the leading towns and cities of France. Bayonets were so called from the city of Bayonne, where they were first manufactured. XVIL In France are many old and interesting cities. In Rouen one can see the old tower in which Joan of Arc was once a prisoner. Here, also, is an old church that existed in the time of William the Conqueror. Paris, sit- uated on the river Seine, is noted for its art galleries and broad avenues. In the old churches and palaces are to be seen many monuments of the old French monarchy. XVIII. Of all the great names of France, that of Napoleon Bonaparte is most noted. His ability as a general was only excelled by his ambition. He vanquished the armies of continental Europe. He inspired fear in the minds of sovereigns. The worst defeat he suffered was on the storm- swept plains of Russia. Here his army wa§ destroyed. At Waterloo he was only defeated, THE MORSE SPELLER. 71 XIX. Finally, in place of those innumerable warriors, of their four hundred thousand comrades, who had been so often their partners in victory, and who had dashed onward with so much pride and joy into the territory of Russia, they now saw issuing from these pale and frozen deserts only a thousand infantry and horsemen still under arms, nine cannon, and twenty thousand miserable wretches, covered with rags, with downcast looks, hollow eyes, cadaverous and livid complexions, and long beards matted with frost. — Sigur. XX. There was a sound of revelry by night, And Belgium's capital had gathered then Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright The lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men ; A thousand hearts beat happily ; and when Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes looked love to eyes which spake again, And all went merry as a marriage bell. But hush ! hark ! a deep sound strikes like a rising knell ! — Byron, XXL The German Empire is about the size of Texas. Eight millions of the inhabitants are engaged in tilling the soil. They are intelligent, ingenious and thrifty. Every Ger- man youth is compelled by law to serve in the army from one to three years. The vineyards of the Rhine are famous. Germany surpasses all other countries in the manufacture of steel. Hundreds of public buildings and 72 THE MORSE SPELLER. palaces are grouped around the numerous squares of Ber- lin. Scientific schools, libraries and museums of art make Berlin one of the chief centres of learning. XXIL In 1870, at the battle of Sedan, King William L of Ger- many defeated Napoleon IIL and captured his army. Paris soon surrendered and the German army entered the city. It was soon after this event that the states of Germany were united in the German Empire. Prince Bismarck was influ- ential in bringing about this result. The Emperor Fred- erick, who lived to reign only a few weeks, was greatly beloved throughout the Fatherland. The banks of the river Rhine are lined with vineyards and the ruins of an- cient castles. XXIIL The castled crag of Drachenfels Frowns o'er the wide and winding Rhine, Whose breast of waters broadly swells Between the banks which bear the vine ; And hills all rich with blossomed trees, And fields which promise corn and wine, And scattered cities crowning these, Whose far white walls along them shine, Have strewed a scene, which I should see With double joy wert thou with me. — Byron, XXIV. Russia in Europe and Russia in Asia cover a vast terri- tory. Central Russia yields abundant supplies of timber. South of the forests is a succession of vast plains called THE MORSE SPELLER. 73 steppes. Most of the inland trade is carried on by means of an annual fair at Lower Novgorod, where millions of dollars are exchanged yearly. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw and Odessa are important centres of trade. Stories of the Siberian exiles have been published in The Century, XXV. The Russian Empire, when compared with the other great nations of Europe, seems to be far behind in those elements which constitute civilization. Its constitution places little restraint upon the absolute will of the Czan The people have no voice in legislation. This occasions much dissatisfaction, and men are continually plotting against the existing order. Those suspected of poHtical crimes are punished with the greatest severity. XXVL All eyes are fixed upon the Russian bear, cautiously and steadily prowling toward the south and east. Austria hun- grily watches the Balkan provinces, over which the paw of the bear already hovers. Italy, with hate and suspi- cion, has eyes riveted upon her hereditary enemy, Austria. France, never for a moment forgetting Alsace and Lor- raine, watches her opportunity with Germany, and draws into closer affinity with Russia. — Mary Parmele. XXVIL I have no idea of a liberty unconnected with honesty and justice. Nor do I believe that any good constitutions of government or of freedom can find it necessary for their 74 THE MORSE SPELLER. security to doom any part of the people to a permanent slavery. Such a constitution of freedom, if such can be, is in effect no more than another name for tyranny of the strongest faction. — Burke, xxvin. Asia is the largest and most densely populated conti- nent ; the land of the highest mountains and the broadest plateaus ; and the home of the oldest and most peculiar nations. Historical traditions point to Asia as the birth- place of man. The fiercest animals and the most precious minerals are found in Asia. Asia possesses a variety of climate. Siberia is the coldest, Arabia the hottest, and India the most humid country in the world. O'er Arabia's desert sands The patient camel walks, Mid lonely caves and rocky lands The fell hyena stalks. — Aikin, XXIX. The Scripture mentions the Garden of Eden as situa- ted in the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Palestine reminds us of the stories of the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. Centered within and around Asia Minor are numerous sites where figured many incidents in the early history of mankind. The Arabian Desert is the scene of the wanderings of the Israelites under their leader, who was forbidden entrance to the land of Canaan. THE MORSE SPELLER. 75 XXX. By Nebo's lonely mountain, On this side Jordan's wave, In the vale in the land of Moab There lies a lonely grave. And no man knows that sepulchre And no man saw it e'er, For the angels of God upturned the sod And laid the dead man there. XXXL That was the grandest funeral That ever passed on earth ; But no man heard the trampling. Or saw the train go forth. So without sound of music, Or voice of them that wept. Silently down from the mountain's crown The great procession swept. — Cecil Frances Alexander, xxxn. Africa is distinguished by its deserts, magnificent rivers, luxuriant vegetation, gigantic animals, and barbarous races. Fierce simoons sweep over the Sahara Desert. Men and animals lie with faces to the ground to avoid suffocation. Camels, freighted with merchandise, journey across the desert. Much of the continent of Africa is un- explored. Regions immense, unsearchable, unknown ; Bask in the splendor of the solar zone, — A world of wonders, where creation seems No more the work of Nature, but her dreams. — James Montgomery. 76 THE MORSE SPELLER. XXXIIL Hail Egypt ! land of ancient pomp and pride, Where Beauty walks by hoary Ruin's side ; Where plenty reigns, and still the seasons smile, And rolls — rich gift of God ! — exhaustless Nile. — Nicholas Mtcheh. Egypt is traversed by the Nile River. Clouds are sel- dom seen in the lower valley. Among the mountains of Abyssinia the rain comes down in torrents, causing the overflow of the Nile. When the water subsides, a rich sed- iment covers the soil. XXXIV. Mysterious flood — that through the silent sands Hast wandered century on century, Watering the length of green Egyptian lands, Which were not but for thee. Thou givest blessings as a god might give. Whose being is his bounty : from the slime Shaken from off thy skirts the nations live. Through all the years of Time. — Bayard Taylor. XXXV. The ancient Egyptians were highly civilized people. Paintings remain as bright to-day as when executed by the artists. Mummified bodies are found in the catacombs. The sphinx and pyramids are among the world's wonders. Still through Egypt's desert places Flows the lordly Nile, From its banks the great stone faces Gaze with patient smile ; THE MORSE SPELLER. 77 Still the Pyramids imperious Pierce the cloudless skies, And the Sphinx stares with mysterious, Solemn, stony eyes. — Longfellow. XXXVL Australia is encircled by mountains of rrtoderate eleva- tion. The interior is diversified with sand wastes, steppe lakes, and salt marshes. A most peculiar animal is the kangaroo. The female carries her young in a kind of pocket called a pouch. There are few pouched animals in existence. In some regions of Australia the climate is delightful. There is a land where summer skies Are gleaming with a thousand dyes. Blending in witching harmonies ; And grassy knoll and forest height Are flushing in the rosy light, And all above is azure bright — Australia ! XXXVIL The earth is a sphere, 8,cxx) miles in diameter, and 25,000 miles in circumference. The sun, moon and stars apparently move from east to west. In reality the earth is constantly rotating on its axis from west to east. The earth's orbit is technically called an ellipse. Accurately computed, the earth completes its annual revolution round the sun in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 50 seconds. 78 THE MORSE SPELLER. XXXVIIL The Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capri- corn and Antarctic Circle are parallel to the Equator. Can we comprehend the extent and vastness of a bound- less expanse enclosed by imaginary circles thousands of miles in circumference ? While fancy, like the fingers of a clock, Runs the great circuit and is still at home. — Cowper. XXXIX. The zones are, North Frigid Zone, North Temperate Zone, Torrid Zone, South Temperate Zone and South Frigid Zone. Small circles divide the earth into five zones, and meridian circles mark the latitude and longi- tude of cities inhabited by millions of people. Sail on, ye stately ships. And with your floating bridge, the ocean span ; Be yours to bring man nearer unto man ! — Longfellmv. XL. The organs of circulation are the heart and blood-ves- sels. The blood-vessels are distinguished as arteries, cap- illaries and veins. The heart may be called a hollow muscle of four cavities, two auricles and two ventricles. The cavities contain arterial and venous blood. Arteries carry blood from, and veins return blood to, the heart. Capillaries form a medium of communication between veins and arteries. The heart contracts with regularity, THE MORSE SPELLER. 79 expelling the blood it contains with such force as to pro- duce the shocks easily felt in the arteries near the skin — at the temples and wrists. Physicians feel the pulse to ascertain the action of the heart. XLL The heart — first to live and last to die — is never idle. It is a faithful, diligent servant. The blood, once forced into the aorta, is not permitted to return before accom- plishing the duties assigned. Valves may furnish resting- places, the blood's motion must be onward to the journey's end. With work half completed it returns to the heart laden with impurities, only to be pumped away to the lungs, where it exchanges the poisonous gases and returns charged with oxygen, a sustainer of life. XLH. . The tongue and teeth aid the process of mastication. The active tongue constantly brings food under the teeth to be cut and masticated, then rolls it into position to be swallowed. The food then descends the esophagus to the stomach, a pouch capable of holding between two and three pints. From the stomach food passes through the small and large intestines by means of the contraction of muscular fibres, which force the food in its passage along this tube-like coil. XLin. As the food makes its way through the alimentary ca- nal, certain liquids or juices are furnished by various glands, which dissolve and transform useful portions into 80 THE MORSE SPELLER. new substances. Saliva, a juice secreted from the salivary glands, converts starch into sugar. Gastric juice oozes from minute glands of the stomach and dissolves in gen- eral all animal matter except fat. Secretions from glands of the small intestine and pancreas perform work neg- lected by the saliva and gastric juice. The liver pours into the small intestine a greenish-yellow bile. The gland also effects important changes in the blood itself. XLIV. Quartz is the most common crystal. It can be broken into fragments having a glassy lustre. It strikes fire with steel. On account of its hardness, which resists the action of the elements, it makes up a large part of ordinary cob- blestones, pebbles, gravel, sand and even the soil. Some crystals are transparent, others semi-transparent, and still others are opaque. Quartz is often found in uncrystal- lized form — as flint, agate and chalcedony. The ame- thyst, jasper and opal are varieties of quartz. XLV. By experiment and study, coarse granite is found to contain quartz, felspar and mica. The latter can be readily recognized by its glistening appearance. Granite is ah excellent building stone, but its granular texture un- fits it for road-making. Granite obelisks in Egypt have stood 3,000 years. Pompey's Pillar and the principal pyramids are composed of granite, yet during the Crimean war it was shown that granite ramparts were as easily de> molished as those of limestone. THE MORSE SPELLER. 81 XLVL The numerous rays projecting from the coral polyp are called tentacles. The skeleton is limestone, separated by the tiny laborer from the sea-water continually supplied by the movements of the tentacles. The life of an indi- vidual is brief, but a colony endures for ages. One vast host deposits its layer of limestone and passes away. An- other and another succeeds, and thus high columns rise through the waves to become the support of coral islands. " So the little coral workers, By their slow and constant motion, Have made those pretty islands In the distant, dark-blue ocean." XLvn. The coral groves of the ocean floor are decorated like the gardens of the land, the flower-like polyps answering to our pinks, daisies, violets and lilies. They strew the bottom, which is of the whitest and purest sand ; or hang like leaves and flowers, or cling like mosses and lichens to the branching coral, and lend rare enchantment to the scene. Fishes of many colors, with exquisite grace of movement, dart among the branches. — Maury, XLVIIL The water is calm and still below, For the waves and winds are absent there; And the sands are as bright as the stars that glow In the motionless fields of upper air. There, with a light and easy motion. The fan coral sweeps through the clear, deep sea; 82 ~ THE MORSE SPELLER. And the yellow and scarlet tufts of ocean Are bending like corn on the upland lea. And life in rare and beautiful forms Is sporting amid those bowers of stone, And is safe where the wrathful spirit of storms Has made the top of the wave his own. — James Gates Percival. XLIX. Heat is transmitted more readily by certain bodies than by others. Wool and feathers have been provided by na- ture as the clothing of animals. The heat of an animal is generally greater than that of the surrounding substances, and this heat is not readily conducted through garments of v^ool, feathers or fur. Water and air are poor con- ductors of heat. Air is slowly heated, and when once heated, is as slowly cooled. Heat is generally transmitted through liquids and gases by the motion of their molecules. L. Certain bodies radiate heat more readily than others ; some retain heat, therefore cool slowly. Corrugated stoves, radiators, screens and hot-houses may be men- tioned in connection with this principle. The earth re- ceives heat through radiation, and clouds prevent this heat from escaping into space. Clear nights are cold. On cloudy nights less dew appears. Dew and frost are de- posited more copiously on some objects than others. This is due to differences in temperature caused by radiation. Cold objects condense and chill the moisture that floats about them. THE MORSE SPELLER. 83 LL Heated air expands; therefore equal volumes of hot and cold air differ in weight. Man's applications — fur- nace heating and systems of ventilation. Nature's illus- tration — winds. A volume of hot water is lighter than an equal volume of cold water. Man's application — hot- water system of heating. Nature's illustration — ocean currents. When the surface of a lake becomes cool, con- densed particles continually sink and are replaced by warmer particles. After the lake reaches a temperature of 4° above freezing-point, the water, contrary to its usual practice, expands when further cooled. Ice, being decidedly light, floats on the surface. LH. The United States is distinguished as being the fore- most republic and the most prosperous nation in the world. Its area is about three and a half millions square miles. Its population is representative of all the nations of Europe. To this vast tide of immigration the rapid growth of our country is largely due. It is remarkable how soon foreigners, who come under the influence of our institutions, become Americanized. LIIL The President is elected to serve four years. He is commander-in-chief of the army and navy. He has a cabinet of advisers consisting of eight men. These offi- cers administer respectively: the departments of foreign af- fairs, the treasury, the army, the navy, home affairs, justice, the post-office, and agriculture. The Vice-president presides 84 THE MORSE SPELLER. over the Senate. The Supreme Court consists of a chief- justice and eight associate justices, appointed by the President. LIV. Legislation, or law-making, for the United States is committed to a body called the Congress. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Rep- resentatives are elected by the people according to the number of people in each state. They serve for a term of two years. Senators, two from each state, are chosen by the legislatures of the several states and serve for a term of six years. LV. The pages of history teem with accounts of popular tumults, wherein passion breaks loose and wreaks its fell purpose, misguided and restrained by reason. No defini- tion could be further from describing the colossal event which occurred in Boston on the i6th of December, 1773. Here passion was guided and curbed by sound reason at every step, down to the last moment in the dim candle- light of the old church, when the noble Puritan statesman quietly told his hearers that the moment for using force had at last, and through no fault of theirs, arrived. — John Fisk, LVL The causes of the Revolution, so fertile a theme of speculation, are less definite than have been imagined. The whole series of colonial events was a continued and accumulating cause. The spirit was kindled in England ; THE MORSE SPELLER. 86 it went with Robinson's congregation to Holland ; it landed with them at Plymouth ; it was the basis of the first constitution of these sage and self-taught legislators ; it never left them nor their descendants. It extended to the other colonies, where it met with a kindred impulse, was nourished in every breath, and became rooted in the feelings of the whole people. — fared Sparks. LVIL George Washington was rather above the common size ; his frame was robust and his constitution vigorous, capa- ble of enduring great fatigue, and requiring a considera- ble degree of exercise for the preservation of his health. His exterior created in the beholder the idea of strength, united with manly gracefulness. His person and whole deportment exhibited an unaffected and indescribable dignity, unmingled with haughtiness, of which all who approached him were sensible ; and the attachment of those who possessed his friendship and enjoyed his inti- macy, was ardent, but always respectful. — John Marshall. Lvni. Happy in the confirmation of our independence and sovereignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United States of becoming a respectable nation, I resign with satisfaction the appointment I accepted with diffidence, a diffidence in my abilities to accomplish so arduous a task, which, however, was superseded by a con- fidence in the rectitude of our cause, the support of the supreme power of the Union and the patronage of Heaven. — George Washington, S6 THE MORSE SPELLER. LIX. To Thee, beneath whose eye Each circling century- Obedient rolls, Our nation in its prime Looked with a faith sublime, And trusted in the time That tried men's souls. There, like an angel form Sent down to still the storm, Stood Washington ! Clouds broke and rolled away ; Foes fled in wild dismay, Wreathed were his brows with bay, When war was done. — John Pierpont LX. No man has come to true greatness who has not felt in some degree that his life belongs to his race, and that what God gives him he gives him for mankind. — Phillips Brooks, Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excite love, interest and admiration ; and the outward proof of pos- sessing greatness is that we excite love, interest and admiration.' — Matthew Arnold. LXL The name of Benjamin Franklin will ever be a precious memory in the hearts of American patriots. He was born in Boston in 1706, and died in 1790. The poverty of his parents forbade his enjoying the advantages of education. By exercising great frugality he managed to THE MORSE SPELLER. 87 buy a few books which he studied diligently. Being induced by false representations to go to England, he found himself almost penniless in a strange land. By the display of singular industry he soon made friends and a successful hving. LXIL Franklin made a brilliant business career in Philadel- phia. His leisure hours were devoted to science. His discoveries in electricity are world-renowned. He was an unflinching patriot. He helped to draught the Declara- tion of Independence and was one of its signers. As Ambassador to the court of France, he was revered for his wit, his genius, his dignity, and his charming conver- sation. LXIIL Dost thou love life ? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry ; then plow deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep. Little strokes fell great oaks. A little neglect may breed mischief ; for want of a nail the shoe was lost ; for want of a shoe the horse was lost ; and for want of a horse the rider was lost. He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. — Benjamin Franklin, LXIV. Our constitution is in actual operation ; everything ap- pears to promise that it will last ; but in thi3 world noth- ing is certain but death and taxes. 88 THE MORSE SPELLER. Laziness travels so slowly that Poverty soon overtakes him. We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately. Pride that dines on vanity sups on contempt. Pride breakfasted with Plenty, dined with Poverty, and supped with Infamy. — Franklin, LXV. New England and village life in the iSth century pre- sented a strange contrast to that with which we are fa- miliar. The house of the settler was built of logs, the chinks daubed with clay, and the roof thatched with long grass. In the later and better class of dwellings, the logs were hewn square, so as to need no chinking ; or a frame was made of heavy oak timbers, some of them eighteen inches in diameter, and all mortised and braced together in a manner that would be bewildering enough to a car- penter of to-day. LXVI. The sides were covered with split-oak clapboards, and the roof with split -cedar shingles, fastened by large, wrought iron nails. The windows consisted of two small lead frames set with a few tiny diamond-shaped panes of glass, and hinged so as to open outward against the house. The doors were of oak plank, doubled and nailed together. They were often hung on wooden hinges and were se- curely fastened at night by heavy wooden cross bars. In the center of the house rose a stone or brick chimney, about twelve feet square at the base, affording a fireplace large enough for seats to be placed at the side, where the children could sit in the winter evening and look up at the stars. — Barnes' History, THE MORSE SPELLER. 89 LXVIL On July 4, 1776, John Hancock, president of Con- gress, signed the Declaration of Independence. There was great rejoicing throughout the thirteen colonies. On Christmas night of the same year, Washington surprised a body of Hessian soldiers at Trenton and captured a thousand prisoners and a large quantity of arms and am- munition. On January 3, 1777, General Washington fiercely attacked Lord Cornwallis at Princeton and gained a decisive victory. General Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga, October 17, 1777. LXVHL The winter of 1777 and '78 found the American army at Valley Forge in great distress. The apparently wretched condition of the American cause was relieved in the spring by the news that France had acknowledged the indepen- dence of the United States, and that a fleet was on its way to render assistance. At the battle of Monmouth, the brilliant courage of Washington . rescued the army from disgrace. It was here that the commander-in-chief indignantly rebuked Lee, whose cowardice and disloyalty at length found their appropriate reward. LXIX. The most startling, and one of the saddest events of the Revolution was the treason of Arnold and the untimely death of General Andre. Arnold, having been repri- manded for unworthy conduct, resolved to gratify his desire for revenge and his avarice by turning traitor and deliv- ering West Point into the hands of the British. The gloom which followed this act of treason was soon sue- 90 THE MORSE SPELLER. ceeded by victories in the South, which gave courage to the American army. The decisive victory at Yorktown practically ended the war. LXX. The Americans were drawn up in a line on the right side of the road, and the French occupied the left. At the head of the former, the great American commander, mounted on his noble courser, took his station. At the head of the latter was posted the excellent Count Rocham- beau. The French troops, in complete uniform, displayed a martial and noble appearance. The Americans, though not all in uniform, nor their dress so neat, yet exhibited an erect, soldierly air, and every countenance beamed with satisfaction and joy. LXXL When Lafayette was about to return to his native land at the close of the war, he said, in reply to a committee of the American Congress, appointed to present him with a letter addressed to the king, expressive of their high ap- preciation of the services he had rendered : " May this immense Temple of Freedom ever stand, a lesson to op- pressors, an example to the oppressed, a sanctuary for the rights of mankind ! And may these happy United States attain that complete splendor and prosperity which will illustrate the blessings of their government, and for ages to come rejoice the departed soulsof the founders." — Levi P. Morton. LXXIL .The American Revolution had its origin neither in am- bition, nor avarice, nor envy, nor any gross passion ; but THE MORSE SPELLER. 91 in the nature and relation of things, and in the thence- resuhing necessity of separation from the parent State. Its progress was limited by that necessity. Our fathers displayed great strength and moderation of purpose. In difficult times they conducted with wisdom ; in doubtful times, with firmness ; in perilous times, with courage ; un- der oppressive trials, erect ; amidst temptations, unseduced; in the dark hour of danger, fearless ; in the bright hour of prosperity, faithful. — Josia.'i Quincy, LXXIII. Great were the hearts, and strong the minds Of those who framed, in high debate. The immortal league of love, that binds Our fair, broad Empire, state with state. And deep the gladness of the hour, When, as the auspicious task was done, In solemn trust, the sword of power, Was given to glory's unspoiled son. — W,C. Bryant. LXXIV. The application of steam to carriages was first suggested by Robinson in 1759. Watt patented a locomotive engine in 1794. Stevenson, in 1825, brought a locomotive to such perfection that it attained a speed of twenty-nine miles an hour. The pressure at which steam is used in a locomotive is considerable, but an explosion is a rare oc- currence. Several American mechanics have invented locomotive engines for propelling carriages on common roads. Steam engines are now used in various processes of agriculture. 92 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXXV. The development of the railroad has tended to revolu- tionize industry and commerce. The highest engineering skill has applied itself to overcoming difficulties of con- struction. The cost of making railroads varies according to the number and extent of the tunnels, cuttings and embankments required. In America the railway carriage has reached its highest perfection. The parlor car is equipped with many of those comforts and conveniences found in a luxurious hotel. Is it not possible that Asia and Africa, as well as America and Europe, may one day be covered with a network of railroads ? LXXVI. The postal service of the United States has enjoyed a remarkable growth and prosperity. It is bewildering to think of the magnitude of the service and the intricacy of the system whereby mails are promptly transported and distributed in the thousands of post offices in the country. Postal clerks become accustomed to handling mail matter with great rapidity and correctness. In spite of defective and illegible addresses, the ratio of errors made is about one to every four thousand pieces handled. LXXVII. The Museum of the Dead Letter Office always interests visitors. It is an extraordinary collection of articles which people have tried to send through the mails. Among other curiosities are a hitching post, a loaded revolver, and an Indian scalp. Snakes and small alligators have been THE MORSE SPELLER. 93 found in the mails. There are boxes of cartridges, per- cussion caps, firecrackers, torpedoes, false teeth, kitchen utensils, banjos and gold-headed canes. LXXVIIL The genius of man has gradually substituted machinery for manual labor. The forces of nature have been subju- gated and made to serve the convenience of mankind. Doubtless there are many undiscovered applications of these forces that will, in future years, contribute to our comfort and happiness. Electricity has done much to annihilate time and space. Manifold discoveries in chem- istry have powerfully affected the industrial arts. LXXIX. In employing all the muscular power at our disposal we are to make the employments we choose as educational as possible. For a wholesome human employment is the first and best method of education, mental as well as bod- ily. A man taught to plough, row, or steer well, and a woman taught to cook properly, and make a dress neatly, are already educated in many essential moral habits. — Ruskin, LXXX. Wealth begins in a tight roof that keeps out the rain and the wind ; in a good pump that yields you plenty of sweet water ; in two suits of clothes, so as to change your dress when you are wet ; in dry sticks to burn ; in a good double-wick lamp, and three meals ; in a horse and loco- motive to cross the land ; in books to read ; and so in giving on all sides, by tools and auxiliaries, the greatest 94 THE MORSE SPELLER. possible extension to our powers, as if it yielded feet and eyes and blood, Jength to the day, and knowledge and good-will. — Emerson, LXXXL The restless sea is ever troubled by the ceaseless motion of its waters. The waves, the tides, the currents continu- ally disturb it. A movement, like a great pulse, keeps the surface constantly rising and falling. Tides are caused by the attraction of the moon and sun, and occur alternately every six hours. When forced up narrow, shelving bays, deep gulfs, or broad river mouths, where their progress is often retarded, the tidalwave ascends the channel as a perpendicular wall, attaining an enormous height. LXXXIL Ocean currents resemble rivers of such magnitude that the mightiest stream of the land is tiny compared to them. A constant interchange of waters between the polar and equatorial regions is affected by the differences of tem- perature. Cold, ice-bearing currents from the Arctic Ocean give the coast of Maine its singularly cool summers. The Gulf Stream is termed the " heat-carrier." Such im- mense volumes of heat are conveyed by this benignant stream to northern latitudes, that the winter climate of the whole western face of Europe, as far north as Lapland, is softened and tempered with genial warmth. — Maury, LXXXIIL Volcanic mountains are generally conical in shape. Materials ejected from a hole in the earth's crust form a circular mound. Successive eruptions occur, and the THE MORSE SPELLER. 95 mound becomes loftier with each eruption. The vent re- mains low while the matter ejected is built up about it. Thus the crater assumes a basin-like shape. In the erup- tion of Vesuvius, A.D. 79, the matter emitted exceeded the entire bulk of the mountain. There is no definite order in which the phenomena of an eruption succeed one an- other, but they are usually preceded by subterranean rumblings and tremors LXXXIV. After the preliminary rumblings, dense columns and globular masses of watery vapor, mingled with a variety of gaseous substances, issue from the crater. " The spectacle is indescribably expressive at night. The emission of lava in the molten state is the most imposing of volcanic phe- nomena. After the flow of lava, the explosions become less and less frequent, and at last no evidence of volcanic activity remains, save, perhaps, a vapor-cloud veiling the summit of the mountain." — Maury, LXXXV. Winds are masses of air in motion. Like ocean cur- rents, they are caused by differences of temperature. Winds may be classified as constant, variable and periodi- cal. The constancy in the direction of certain winds has greatly aided commerce, hence the name *' trade-wind.'' In the zones of the variable winds the polar and equatorial currents are continually striving for mastery. Monsoons are periodical winds, or land and sea breezes on a huge scale. They alternate with summer and winter, not with day and night. 96 THE MORSE SPELLER. LXXXVL My heart is awed within me when I think Of the great miracles which still go on In silence around me — the perpetual work Of thy creation, finished, yet renewed Forever. — Byrant. Matter may undergo physical changes and recover its original form. If heated, it may cool ; if melted, it may become solid again ; if dissolved, it will reappear when the liquid evaporates. Chemical action may totally change substances and give rise to elements, or compounds, in which the original forms can never be directly recognized. LXXXVIl The smallest particle of matter that can exist inde* pendently of other particles is called a molecule. The particles which compose a molecule are called atoms. A change in a substance which does not break the mole- cule is a physical change, and a change in which the mole- cule is dissolved into its atoms and new molecules formed is a chemical change. — Edward R. Shaw. LXXXVIIL Ammonia exists in minute quantity in the atmosphere. It is given off by putrefying animal and vegetable sub- stances containing nitrogen. The distillation of bone and animal refuse, for the purpose of making bone-black, yields a large amount of ammoniacal liquor. The de- structive distillation of coal in gasworks furnishes the great bulk of ammonium compounds. The solution of THE MORSE SPELLER. 97 ammonia-gas in water is a reagent continually required as a test in the laboratory and much used in the arts. LXXXIX. Chlorine is an element widely distributed in nature. It is a powerful bleaching agent and a common disinfect- ant. Hydrochloric acid is a compound of chlorine and hydrogen. Its uses are numerous. It is employed in making chloride of lime, in the manufacture of gelatine, and, like ammonia, is useful in the chemical laboratory. The name " Royal Water " Avas once given to a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, because of its power to dissolve gold, the " king of metals." XC. Prepare two test-tubes, one containing ammonia-water and the other sulphuric acid in dilution. Into the former dip a slip of blue litmus paper. Observe, color the same. Into the latter dip a similar slip. Observe, color is red. Replunge it into the first tube, and it resumes its blue color. Acid substances redden the Htmus dye, and alka- line substances bring back the blue. The union of an acid and a base forms a salt. XCI. Carbon is an extremely important and a very abundant element. It is an essential constituent of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. All vegetable life is directly dependent upon the presence of the compound of carbon, which exists in the atmosphere. Diamond, the most precious gem, and the hardest known substance, is pure, or nearly pure, carbon. The beautiful stone, so briL liant, so transparent, is of the same element that enters 08 THE MORSE SPELLER. the chemical composition of the black, friable coal, sold in cart loads for a comparatively small sum. xcn. Graphite, or plumbago, is sometimes improperly called black lead, and is familiarly known as material of the common lead-pencil. Amorphous graphite is so soft and unctuous that it is often applied as a lubricator for heavy machinery. At ordinary temperature graphite undergoes no change, therefore it is used for covering iron articles, to prevent their rusting. Its greasy, adhesive qualities ren- der it capable of varnishing iron with a thin, lustrous layer. Common stove-polishes are composed of pow- dered graphite. xcriL Charcoal is obtained from wood, burned in a certain smothered manner. It is one of the most durable sub- stances. Specimens have been found at Pompeii and upon Egyptian mummies. Charcoal is a disinfecting agent. Its great merit as a disinfectant is that it con- stantly draws into destruction the offensive matters around it. If placed about the wards of a hospital it removes the unpleasant odors. Charcoal exhibits different de- grees of decolorizing power. Bone-black is of use to sugar-refiners. Lampblack is important as a pigment, and is the chief ingredient of printers' ink. XCIV. " Tell me, lump of carbon, Burning lurid in the open grate. While thy flames rise twisting, turning, Ages past elucidate." THE MORSE SPELLER. 99 When coal is sufficiently heated a gas is set at liberty, and along with it many other things. It is marvelous what can be extracted from coal— rich colors, delicate perfumes, nearly a hundred useful substances, and among them flavors for sweetmeats. Coal is not pure carbon, and that which remains after coal has been heated, coke, is contaminated with inorganit matters originally present in the coal. XCV. Science has lengthened life ; it has mitigated pain, has extinguished diseases, has increased the fertility of the soil, given new security to the mariner, furnished new arms to the warrior, spanned great rivers and estuaries with bridges of form unknown to our fathers ; it has guided the thunderbolt innocuously from heaven to earth ; it has lighted up the night with splendor of the day ; it has extended the range of human vision ; it has multiplied the power of the human muscles. — Macaulay, XCVL Science has accelerated motion ; it has annihilated distance ; it has facilitated intercourse, correspondence, all friendly offices, all despatch of business ; it has enabled man to descend to the depths of the sea, to soar into the air, to penetrate securely into the noxious recesses of the earth ; to traverse the land in cars which whirl along without horses ; to cross the ocean in ships which run many knots an hour against the wind. These are but a part of its fruits, for it is a philosophy which never rests, which is never perfect. Its law is progress, — Macaulay, 100 THE MORSE SPELLER. REVIEW LESSONS, XCVIL XCVIIL XCIX. C. ex'cel lent mon'u ments do min'ion lib'eral com mer'cial an tiq'ui ty ro man'tic move'ment ad vant'a ges rel'ics scen'er y do mes'tic ir reg u lar'i ty sit'u a ted main tain' re vered' an'cient slug'gish bronze sa'cred or'a tors ca the'dral char'i ots re spon si bil'i ty phil os'o phers con nec'tion con'quered sen'ti ment un ri'valed e rec'tion frag'ments dif fi cult ar'chi tect ure ob'e lisk in va'sion ex ag'ger ate cent'u ries at tained' de stroyed' sal'u ta ry ex ca va'tion com prised' de rived' prev'a lence va'ri ous lan'guage war'riors ru'ral por'tions wor'ship ing vie to'ri ous so ci'e ty stat'ues pros per'i ty com plet'ed fes'ti vals ed u ca'tion pe'ri od con'quest hol'i days con sist'ed ro bust' bil'lows a gree'a bly chiefly sym'pa thies sea'weed in ter rupt' phys'i cal slum'ber heath'er par tic'u lar ly isles ac tiv'i ty bow'ers ob ser'vant e ter'nal ex is'tence ca ress' re lig'ious quail res er voir' re form' in spir'ing lib'er ty fount'ain in'sti tut ed de tail' treas'ure in clud'ed priv'i leg es an ti qua'ri ans fa'mous o ce an'ic ex tend'ed quaint es tab'lished en tire' rep re sents' hu'mor ous CI. bur lesque' pag'eants a ban'don ment mirth fel'low ship cel'e brate kind'li ness his'to ry em'press queen di'a dem worth'i er pros'per ous au'gu ries boun'te ous ju'bi lee re pub'Hc ma jor'i ty in hab'i tants lat'i tude cor res pond' cli'mate mod'i fy tem'per a ture va^ri'e ty THE MORSE SPELLER. ciL cin. ar'ti cles cap'tured man u fact'ured wretch'es bay'o nets ca dav'er ous ICl CIV. pris on er con'quer or sit'u a ted gal'ler ies pal'a ces mon'arch y a bil'i ty ex celled' am bi'tion van'quished con ti nen'tal sov'er eigns de feat'ed fi'nal ly liv'id com plex'ions rev'el ry cap'i tal chiv'al ry hap'pi ly vo lup'tu ous mar'riage knell mil'lions' en gaged' in terii gent in gen'ious thrift'y in nu'mer a ble com pelled' part'ners vine'yards VIC to ries ter'ri to ry is'su ing in'fant ry can'non mis'er a blc sur pass es grouped sci en tif ic li'bra ries mu se'ums ^ur rej)'dered dis eas'es fath'er land prom'ise strewed doub'led cen'tral a bun'dant sup plies' tim'ber sue ces'sion ex chan'ges ex'iles pub'lished com pared' el'e ments civ il i za'tion re straint' ab'so lute czar leg is la'tion oc ca'sion dis sat is fac'tion con tin'u al ly sus pect'ed po lit'ic al 103 THE' MORSE SPELLER. CV. pun'ished se ver'i ty cau'tious ly stealth'i ly prowl'ing hun'gri ly sus pi'cion riv'et ed he red'i ta ry af fin'i ty jus'tice be lieve' free'dom se cu'ri ty per'ma nent tyr'an ny fac'tion slav'er y pop'u lat ed pla teaus' pe cul'iar his tor'ic al tra di'tions fierc'est CVL hu'mid cam'el hy e'na script'ure men'tion in'ci dent wan'der ings en'trance sep'ul chre fu'ner al tram'pling pro ces'sion cvn. un search'a ble un known' so'lar ere a'tion hoa'ry ex haust'less trav'ersed sub sides' sed'i ment mys te'ri ous ex'e cut ed art'ist dis tin'guished mum'mi fied mag nif i cent cat'a combs lux u'ri ant sphinx veg e ta'tion gi gan'tic bar'ba rous si moon' a void' suf fo ca'tion freight'ed pyr'a mids im pe'ri ous sol'emn mod'er ate el e va'tions in te'ri or di ver'si fied mer'chan dise kan ga roo' un ex plored' fe'male cvin. pock'et pouch gleam'ing blend'ing witch'ing har'mo nies height az'ure sphere di am'eter cir cum'fer ence ap par'ent ly re al'i ty con'stant ly ro'ta ting orb'it tech'nic al ly el lipse' ac'cu rate ly com put'ed par'al lei e qua'tor com pre hend' vast'ness pre Clous im mense px panse im ag 1 na ry CIX. cir'cuit frig'id tem'per ate tor'rid di vide' me rid'i an lon'gi tude or'gans cir cu la'tion heart. blood'-ves sels hol'low ar'ter ies cap'il la ries mus'cle cav'i ties ar te'ri al ve'nous me'di um com mu ni ca'tions con tract' reg u lar'i ty ex pel'ling pro duce' shock THE MORSE ex. wrists phy si'cian pulse as cer tain' faith'ful ser'vant a or'ta per mit'ted du'ties valves fur'nish jour'neys im pu'ri ties poi'son ous sus tain'er tongue teeth mas ti ca'tion po si'tion swal'low de scend' oe soph'a gus- stom'ach ca'pa ble in tes'tines SPELLER. CXL mus'cu lar al i men'ta ry ca nal' liq'uids juic'es glands dis solve' sa li'va sal'i va ry con vert' starch gas'tric ex cept' se cre'tions pan'cre as neg lect'ed liv'er bile ef feet' frag'ments lus'tre re sist' or'di na ry cob'ble stones grav'el 103 CXII. trans par'ent o paque' crys'tal lize flint ag'ate chal ced'o ny am'e thyst jas'per o'pal ex per'i ment coarse read'i ly rec'og nize glis'ten ing ap pear'ance gran'u lar text'ure prin'ci pal ram'part de mol'ished limes'tone pro ject'ing pol'yp ten'ta cles skel'e ton 104 THE MORS E SPELLER. CXIII. CXIV. CXV. CXVL in di vid'u al screens com mand'er misguid'ed en dures' prin'ci pie ar'my rea'son corumn re ceived' na'vy def i ni'tion is'land co'pi ous ly cab'i net de scrib'ing mo'tion vol'umes ad vis'ors CO los'sal groves weight con sist'ing curbed dec'o rat ed ap pli ca'tion ad min'is ter qui'et ly mos'ses sys'tem re spect'ive ly fer'tile li'chens ven ti la'tion de part'ment spec u la'tion en chant'ment illus tra'tion af fairs' se'ries ex'qui site cur'rent treas'ur y CO lo'ni al yel'low par'ti cles ag'ri cult ure ac cu'mu lat ed scar'let con'tra ry vice-pres'i dent kin'dled wrath'ful us'u al pre side' con gre ga'tion spir'it prac'tice sen'ate ba'sis trans mit'ted de cid'ed ly as so'ci ate de scend'ant feath'ers a're a com mit'ted im'pulse gen'er al ly pop u la'tion con'gress nour'ished con duct'ed rep re sent'a tive ' elect'ed roofed gar'ments im mi gra'tion sen'a tors vig'or ous re main' rap'id pop'u lar fa tigue' more cules re mark'a ble tu'mult con sid'er able re tain' in sti tu'tions pas'sion ex'er cise cor'ru gat ed A mer'i can ized wreaks pres er va'tion ra'di a tors pres'i dent pur'pose grace'ful ness THE MORSE SPELLER. 105 cxvn. de port'ment ex hib'it ed un af fect'ed in de scrib'a ble dig'ni ty haugh'ti ness ap proach' sen'si ble in'ti ma cy ar'dent re spect'ful con fir ma'tion op por tu'ni ty ap point'ment diffi dence su per sed'ed rec'ti tude pat'ron age o be'di ent sub lime' spir'it u al out'ward pa'tri ot pov'er ty for bade' CXVIIL fru gal'i ty pen'ni less sin'gu lar bririiant bus'i ness ca reer' leis'ure de vot'ed e lee tric'i ty re nowned' un flinch'ing dec la ra'tion CXIX. op er a'tion la'zi ness trav'els av'a rice as sur'ed ly van'i ty con tempt' supped in'fa my con'trast fa mil'iar chinks in de pend'ence daubed pen'e trate thatched am bas'sa dor ge'nius charm'ing con ver sa'tion squan'der slug'gards nox'ious mis'chief bor'row ing sor'row ing act'u al dwel'lings frame eight een' mor'tised braced be wil'der ing e nough' car'pen ter clap'board split-oak' split-ce'dar cxx. shin'gle wrought-i'ron di'a mond pause hinged est'u a ries se cure'ly fas'tened chim'ney af ford'ing quan'ti ty am mu ni'tion de cis'ion dis tress' re lieved' as sist'ance res'cued re buked' cow'ard ice dis loy'al ty ap pro'pri ate ly start'ling trea'son mul'ti plied un time'ly 106 CXXI. rep'ri mand ed grat'i fy trai'tor de cis'ive cours'er mar'tial sol'dier ly coun'te nance com mit'tee ap pre ci a'tion op pres'sors sanct'u a ry il lus'trate re la'tion per'il ous phil os'o phy im mor'tal league aus pi'cious lo CO mo'tive en'gine per fec'tion pres'sure ex plo'sion me chan'ics THE MORSE SPELLER. cxxiL cxxin. pro pel'ling sub'sti tut ed de vel'op ment ma chin'er y rev o lu'tion ize sub'ju gated com'merce con trib'ute en gin eer'ing an ni'hi late con struc'tion chem'is try em bank'ments in dus'tri al e quipped' em ploy'ment con ven'ience prop'er ly mag'ni tude es sen'tial in tri ca cy dis trib'ut ed cor rect'ness de fect'ive il leg'i ble aux il'ia ries cease'less al ter'nate ly shelv'ing re tard'ed ex traor'di na ry per pen dic'u lar col lec'tion e nor'mous cu ri os'i ties re volv'er al'li ga tors car'tridg es percus'sion tor pe'does u ten'sils grad'u al ly re sem'ble in ter changed' e qua to'ri al sin'gu lar ly be nig'nant vol can'ic con'i cal ma te'ri al CXXIV. e ject'ed e rup'tions as sume' e mit'ted - phe nom'e na sub ter ra'ne an rum'blings tre'mor pre^lim'i na ry glob'u lar gas'e ous spec'ta cle e mis'sion fre'quent ev'i dence clas'si fied pe ri od'i cal qual'i ty va'ri a ble mon soons' mir'a cle per pet'u al e vap'o rate chem'i cal to'tal ly THE MORSE SPELLER. 107 cxxv. CXXVL CXXVIL CXXVIIL am mo'ni a fri'a ble Eu'rope Fred'er ick pu'tre (y ing graph'ite Col OS se'um Drach'en fels dis tilla'tion plum ba'go Fo'rum steppes am mo ni'ac a] I a mor'phous Pan'the on Nov'go rod de struc'tive unc'tion Ti'gris St. Pe'tersburg so lu'tion lu'bri cator Vat'i can Mos'cow re a'gent ad he'sive Eu phra'tes War' saw lab'o ra to ry var'nish ing Je'sus Christ des'sa chlo'rine ac cel'er ate Great Brit'ain Si be'ri a bleach'ing du'ra ble Ire'land Bal kan' dis in fec'tion spec'i mens Ab'bots ford Al sace' hy dro chlo'ric : of fen'sive Mel'rose Ab'bey Lor raine' chlo'ride hos'pi tal Ju'lius Cae'sar Ti'ber gel'a tine de col'or i zing Teu ton'ic Pal'es tine mixt'ure pig'ment West'min ster Naz'a reth ni'tric in gre'di ent Cath'o lie Is'ra el ites sul phu'ric e lu'ci date Med i ter ra'ne an Ca'naan di lu'tion suf fi'cient ly Bayonne' Jor'dan lit'mus mar'vel ous Rou'en Sa ha'ra sim'i lar del'i cate Joan' of Arc' E'gypt fa cil'i tate con tam'i nat ed Seine Cap'ri corn re sume' in or gan'ic Na po'le on Pom'pey al'ka line in noc'u ous ly Wa ter loo' Cri me'an con stit'u ent mit'i gat ed Bel'gium Bur goyne' com po si'tion ex tin'guished Bis'marck Sar a to'ga 108 THE MORSE SPELLER. SELECTED WORDS. To be used in sentences by the pupil. CXXIX. cxxx. CXXXL CXXXIL be seech' flo'rist por'ti CO bal'lot in'di go ed'i tor pi az'za cu'po la coop'er sher'iff ve ran'da tur'ret ar'ti san sur'geon schoon'er pier bar'ber mil'li ner bal'co ny fore'cas tie cash ier' mu si'cian yacht can'di date at tor'ney seam'stress al'ley mi nor'i ty ca'ter er mag'is trate awn'ing bam boo' lav'en der satch'el del'e gate fo'li age ar'chi tect gourd re pub'li can cup'board car'pen ter slaugh'ter re ceipt' lau'rel al'der man laun'dress in'voice cus'tom ers non'sense plumb'er e lec'tion nu mer a'tion trough tai'lor nom i na'tion div'i dend sec'ond a ry sec're ta ry nurs'er y sub trac'tion ac count'ant con'sta ble con serv'a tive quo'tient burg'lar ped'dler rev'e nue min'u end auc tion eer' treas'ur er an'chor frac'tion con fec'tion er preach'er buoy freak a poth'e ca ry gov'ern or ceil'ing lect'ure di'a ry fin an cier' res o lu'tion mod'ern be siege' ma rine' li'cense heifer drow'sy dem'o crat mort'gage doe may'or ledg'er cau'cus sub'tra hend drug' gist sub'urbs seal'ing dec'i mal I THE MORSE , SPELLER. 109 CXXXIII. CXXXIV. cxxxv. CXXXVI. groove en deav'or syl'lable sal'ad dough pig'eon bis'cuit der'rick ar'se nic re lease' sau'sage cor'po ral con Crete' buffa lo ging'ham ar til'ler y nu'mer a tor fu'ri ous colo'nel com'mis sar y sau'ci ly poul'try yeast sieve hound awk'ward re hearse' om'e let strych'nine des'pot ism griev'ance tas'sel ab stract' pur suit' mus tache' gru'el de nom'i nator ap par'el crit'i cise am'bu lance salve lunch'eon por'ridge chasm span'iel re cruit' lieu ten'ant dis guise' mul ti pli cand' her'o ine cav'al ry rogue dis'count fab'ric al pac'a plague trea'ty gai'ters cal'i CO au'to graph ter'ri er sten'cil rib'bon hand'ker chief por'ce lain gen'u ine jeal'ous pas'try no tactions for'tress ad' ver tise' trou'sers per cent'age cha rade' cam'bric skim coch'i neal pic'nic muffin for'ci ble mo las'ses le'gion ser'geant um brel'la par'tridge brig a dier' in'fant ry com'pli ment mead'ows dra goon' knap'sack tough par'rot ar'se nal cay enne' bru nette' os'trich tab leau' gos'sa mer slip'per y 110 THE MORSE SPELLER. CXXXVII. CXXXVIIL CXXXIX. CXL. chron'i cle prej'u dice un fath'omed pit'e ous to ma'to mu'ci lage grate a tone' bag'gage scis'sors in gen u'i ty man'u script cu'cum ber mon'o gram hoard im me'di ate bal'lad scythe kiln bri'dal cat'a logue vil'lain quay du'el tour'ist trel'lis con jec'ture sta'tion a ry on'ion ac quaint' fri'ar pi'ety car'rot choir loi'ter i'ci cle let'tuce aisle gau'dy spec ta'tor bal'ance med'ley ten'nis ghast'ly con vince' ves'tige ad'jec tive scourge av'a lanche coun'ter feit mul'tipH er wail'ing junc'tion tor'toise mas'cu hne mel'an chol y cab'bage san'guine fem'i nine les'sen per suade' preface neu'ter med'dle cel'er y au'burn fe lic'i ty . arch'es challenge nui'sance phrase fer'vent ad journ' di'a logue can eel la'tion va'cant dun'geon belle sole con ceit' triv'i al heir de fi'cien cy min'strel swol'len clause min'i a ture ham'mock dis patch' faint veil feign cac'tus an'them numb suit'or ca'ble curfew di vis'i ble a part'ment CXLI. ges'ture lin'i ment proph'e sy prec'e dent par ti'tion trait an'gle leath'er pe ti'tion in'cense o'a sis crim'i nal gey'ser post'script smug'gle sur vey'or mos qui'to em bez'zle as sault' guilt'y nav'i ga ble in del'i ble ver'dure duch'ess ac'cu rate THE MORSE SPELLER. CXLIL CXLIIL 111 CXLIV. sculp'ture me'te or bach'e lor fres'co be hav'ior ad'mi ra ble au'di ence gor'geous por'trait en'vi ous vi'cious vex a'tion ve'hi cle a'gen cy ven'geance om'ni bus ma li'cious re gat'ta har'ass rem i nis'cence fren'zy a'mi a ble right'eous u'ti lize per cep'tion mis eel la'ne ous con ta'gious prom'i nence ail'ment ri dic'u lous se'ri al monaster re mit'tance prep o si'tion de clen'sion in sure' spasm com'i cal sub'ject pred'i cate im per'a tive in fin'i tive po ten'tial in dic'a tive sub junc'tive con ju ga'tion per fec'tion ob jec'tive pos sess'ive nom'i na tive com par 1 son re lapse' change'a ble ma la'ri a ex cus'a ble zeal'ous found'ry sim plic'i ty o mis'sion the'a tre ware'house bul'le tin im'be cile ag'o ny mosque bre /'i ty fac'to ry as sign'ment syn'a gogue dor'mi to ry el'e va tor in i'tial pis'ton con sum ma'ti ;.'i in ten'si fy PART IV. I. Plants and animals are mutually dependent upon each other. All forms of animal life absorb the oxygen from the air which they inhale. The carbonic acid gas which is exhaled, while actually poisonous to animals, is an in- gredient absolutely required to sustain the life of plants. On the other hand, while the plant is digesting this food it is supplying the oxygen needed to secure the health- fulness of the atmosphere. The wisdom of the Creator is further shown in the fact that winds help to preserve harmony between the plant and animal kingdoms by bearing away the excess of gases to places where it is needed. IL Every species of plant and animal life has its own geo- graphical range. This range is determined by tempera- ture, elevation and moisture. When plants or animals are carried from one climate to another, so that a distinct change is effected in their environment, they are liable either to die or to undergo important modifications. Many of our most valuable food plants have been thus transformed. It is said that the Shetland pony and the race horse came from one original stock. THE MORSE SPELLER. 113 IIL Animal life is dependent upon the food spontaneously provided by nature. Hence, it maybe said that the fauna of a country is dependent on its flora. The differences between the animals of the frigid zone and those of the torrid zone are as significant as those which characterize the plants of corresponding latitudes. The physical or- ganization of the animal becomes peculiarly adapted to its environment. To trace the adaptability of various an- imals to the environment or habitat in which they live, constitutes one of the most instructive lessons in natural history. IV. A few examples of the correspondence existing between animals and their surroundings are here quoted. " The reindeer is fitted to browse upon Arctic mosses, and has the instinct of searching for them beneath the snow. The cushioned foot of the camel enables him to tread firmly upon the shifting sand of the desert, while his capacity for carrying an extra supply of water adapts him wonderfully for journeying through its dry and thirsty wilds. The llama was the only beast of burden employed by the native Americans in scaling the snowy heights of the Andes." V. All things in the natural world symbolize God, yet none of them speak of Him but in broken and imperfect words. — H. W. Beecher. Nature and truth are one, and immutable and insepar- able as beauty and love. — Mrs, Jamison. 114 THE MORSE SPELLER. Nature is a revelation of God ; art is a revelation of man. — Longfelloiv. Laws of nature are God's thoughts, thinking themselves out of the orbits and tides. — C. H. Parkhurst. There is a majesty and mystery in nature, take her as you will. The essence of poetry comes breathing to a mind that feels, from every province of her empire. — Thomas Carlyle, VL The effect of climate upon man is not so marked as upon animals. However, in respect to bodily and intellectual characteristics there are appreciable differences. Unlike the animal, he can protect himself from the severity of the Arctic winter, and from the fierceness of tropical heat. Nevertheless, climate reacts upon him in such a way as to determine his mental and moral peculiarities, industrial habits, social and governmental institutions. To the Cau- casian race, by reason of its physical and mental super- iority, has been assigned the task of civilizing and enlight- ening the world. VIL The effect of climate upon the character of individuals and of communities is known to be very important. The mind, in its present condition of existence, is dependent for its healthy and vigorous manifestations upon the degree of energy and elasticity with which the physical organs fulfill their functions. The inhabitants of the polar and equa- torial regions are subjected to the paralyzing and debilitat- ing influences of the extremes of cold and heat, and, ac- THE MORSE SPELLER. 115 cordingly, we find their intellectual and moral faculties scarcely susceptible of any considerable development. In proportion to the salubrity and genial temperament of the cHmate, the mind in all its powers becomes capable of expanding to a loftier and more substantial flight. — Randall, VIII. Physical geography exerts an important influence upon the distribution of human labor. It is, therefore, no acci« dent that some people are engaged in fishing, some in mining, and some in agriculture. Our own country fur- nishes striking illustrations of this law. The valley of the Mississippi is a succession of cHmatic belts, in which are cultivated those crops that are adapted to the several con ditions of soil and climate. Sugar and rice cannot be grown in Minnesota, neither do corn and wheat flourish in Louisiana. In one section we find the country adapted to stock-raising, dairying and wool-growing; in another to mining and manufacturing. IX. As commerce is the distribution of the products of hu man industry, it also is largely influenced by physical causes. Great commercial cities of the world have been situated upon the seacoast, adjacent to convenient harbors. Such were Venice, Genoa, Constantinople and Antwerp. The ocean has ever been the world's great highway. In recent times new causes have operated to promote indus- try and commerce. The discovery of gold in California and Australia, the application of steam power to naviga- 116 THE MORSE SPELLER. tion and overland transportation, and the invention of the telegraph have revolutionized the commerce and industries of the world. X. God has connected the labor which is essential to bodily sustenance with the pleasures which are healthiest for the heart ; and while he made the ground stubborn, he made its herbage fragrant, and its blossoms fair. — Ruskin. Commerce changes the fate and genius of nations, by communicating arts and opinions, circulating money, and introducing materials of luxury: she first opens and pol- ishes the mind, then corrupts and enervates both that and the body. — Thomas Gray. XL Let us never forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. Man may be civilized in some degree without great progress in manufactures, and with little commerce with his distant neighbors. But without the cultivation of the earth, he is, in all countries, a savage. Until he gives up the chase, and fixes himself in some place, and seeks a living from the earth, he is a roaming barbarian. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization. — Daniel Webster, XIL The brilHant financial policy of Alexander Hamilton gave added lustre to the administration of Washington. The proposition that all the debts of the Continental Con- gress, as well as those of the separate states, should be THE MORSE SPELLER. 117 assumed by the federal government was most far-sighted and sagacious. All merchants and capitalists who were creditors of the states warmly supported Hamilton in securing the adoption of this measure. In order to pro- vide sufficient revenue for the payment of these debts, a moderate tariff was placed upon imported goods. An incidental result of this tariff was the growth of manufac- turing interests. XIIL In i8(X), the seat of the federal government was estab- lished at Washington. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated President in the new city. This is one of the few instances wherein a recognized leader has been elevated to the Presidency. Jefferson devised our dec- imal currency, wrote the Declaration of Independence, and declared against the extension of slavery. He was the founder of the University of Virginia. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory, accomplished during his admin- istration, was a dazzling stroke of genius. For fifteen millions of dollars territory was added to our domain, out of which have been formed no less than fourteen states and territories. XIV. We should cherish the idea that while the states have their rights, sacred and inviolable, which we should guard with untiring vigilance, never permitting an encroachment upon them, and ever remembering that such encroach- ment is as much a violation of the Constitution of the United States as to encroach upon the rights of the gen- eral government ; still bear in mind that the states are 118 THE MORSE SPELLER. but subordinate parts of one great nation, that the nation is over all, even as God is over the universe. — Oliver P. Morton. XV. Ihere is a great difference between nationaHty and race. Nationality is the miracle of political independ- ence. Race is the principle of physical analogy. — Dis- raeli. A people that studies its own past and rejoices in the nation's proud memories is likely to be a patriotic people, the bulwark of law and the courageous champion of right in the hour of need. — Joseph Anderson- XVL The invention of the cotton gin, a machine for separat- ing the cotton fibre from the seed, by Eli Whitney, in 1793, greatly increased the demand for cheap labor in the South. Thus the institution of negro slavery became a bulwark of prosperity in the Southern States. By the famous compromise of 1820, Missouri was admitted to the Union as a slave state ; but slavery was forever prohibited north of the parallel of 36° 30'. Party strife raged fiercely while this question was pending, and much sec- tional feehng was aroused. XVII. The principal events of Jackson's administration were the introduction of the " Spoils System " and the discus- sion in Congress upon the doctrine of nullification. Dan- iel Webster attained the summit of his fame as an orator THE MORSE SPELLER. 11.9 in a speech in reply to Senator Hayne of South Carolina, opposing this doctrine. In 1832, Jackson vetoed the bill for the recharter of the United States Bank. The re- moval of the public money from this bank and its distri- bution among the state banks, excited much indignation among Jackson's political opponents. This led to a quar- rel with Congress which lasted throughout his term of office. XVIIL Our government has been tried in peace, and it has been tried in war, and has proved itself fit for both. It has been assailed from without, and it has successfully resisted the shock; it has been disturbed within, and it has effectually quieted the disturbance. It can stand trial, it can stand assail, it can stand adversity, it can stand everything but the marring of its own beauty and the weakening of its own strength. It can stand everything but the effects of our own rashness and our own folly. It can stand everything but disorganization, disunion, and nullification. — Daniel Webster, XIX. From Jackson's last administration to the Civil War was a period of industrial progress and westward expan- sion. The invention of the steam engine and many other labor-saving machines gave a wonderful impulse to new enterprises and accelerated the growth of cities. The enormous territory acquired at the close of the war with Mexico stimulated western immigration and extended our boundaries to the shores of the Pacific. Our promise of future greatness was only shadowed by the dark cloud 120 THE MORSE SPELLER. of slavery and the bitter feeling which its existence occa- sioned between the North and the South. XX. Measure slavery by the Golden Rule, and where is it ? It stands in the way of that automatic instinct of progress which is eternal in the human race and irresistible in human history. — Theodore Parker. Every benefit which slavery conferred upon those sub- ject to it, all the amehorating and humanizing tenden- cies it introduced into the Hfe of the African, all the ele- vating agencies which lifted him higher in the scale of rational moral being, were the elements of the future and inevitable destruction of the system. — L. Q. C. Lamar. XXL Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated President of the United States, March 4, 186 1, and was assassinated in April, 1865. He was a conspicuous example of a man rising from obscurity to the loftiest altitudes of human grandeur and honor. In the perspective of history his memory is destined to shine with increasing effulgence. The nations of the earth have written the name of Lin- coln among the immortal heroes of modern times. The Union free, prosperous and great, is his true and appro- priate monument. XXII. Human glory is often as fickle as the winds and tran- sient as a summer day ; but Abraham Lincoln's place in history is assured. All the symbols of this world's admiration are his. He is embalmed in song., recorded THE MORSE SPELLER. 121 in history , eulogized in panegyrics , cast in marble , painted on canvas , enshrined in the hearts of his country- men , and lives in the memories of mankind. Some men are brilliant in their times, but their words and deeds are of little worth to history ; but his mission was as large as his country, vast as humanity, enduring as time. — John P, Newman, XXIIL The era of reconstruction called for the solution of many new problems in government. Congress passed, in 1865, a thirteenth amendment to the Constitution, abol- ishing slavery. The Southern States ratified this amend- ment, repealed the ordinances of secession, and repudiated the Confederate war debt. A Civil Rights bill was passed, which guaranteed rights of citizenship to ne- groes. In 1867 the territory of Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7,200,000. During the administration of Gen. Grant a treaty was arranged between Great Brit- ain and the United States, whereby the Alabama claims were submitted to a board of arbitration. XXIV. . In 1870, the iifteenth amendment to the Constitution was adopted. This provided that ''the right of the citi- zens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or any state, on ac- count of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.** The administration of President Hayes was signalized by several important events : First, the withdrawal of fed- eral troops from the South ; .second, the passage of the 122 THE MORSE SPELLER. Bland Silver Bill ; and third, the resumption of specie payments. Civil service reform first received serious at- tention during the administration of President Arthur. XXV. The noble Nation is before my soul's vision. Grand in stature, comely in every feature, buoyant in the freshness of morning youth, matronly in prudent stepping, the ethe- real breezes of liberty waving with loving touch her tresses, she is, no one seeing her doubts, the queen, the conqueror, the mistress, the teacher of the coming ages. To her keeping the Creator has intrusted a great conti- nent, whose shores two oceans lave, rich in all nature's gifts ; embosoming useful and precious minerals, fertile in soil, salubrious in air, beauteous in vesture. — Bishop Ireland. XXVL There is no organization of life, individual and simple, or associated and complex, in which the instinct, impulse, or idea of self-preservation, is not the predominant one. "We fought the war of the Revolution to establish our na- tionality, and the war of the Rebellion to maintain it. We have spent, first and last, incalculable blood and trea- sure to establish and keep our national life intact, and the national policy, with relation to public schools, is part and parcel of that all-subordinating determination to se- cure the perpetuity of the state. Men make better citi- zens for being educated. The higher the popular intellect is raised, the more intelligent and independent will be its vote. — Holland. THE MORSE SPELLER. 123 XXVIL One of the greatest reforms in our government, made in recent years, has been in the method of filling appoint- ments to office. Ever since the presidency of Jackson, political offices have been the prizes of party service. Every new president, upon his accession to office, has been beset by hordes of hungry place-seekers. Senators and representatives insisted upon their right to distribute salaried positions without regard to qualifications or effi- ciency. The abuses under this system were of such mag- nitude that an enlightened public conscience expressed its abhorrence. Civil service reform has made such progress in both national and state governments that the change amounts almost to a revolution. XXVIIL The expenses of government are met by taxation. The citizen of any town or city usually receives one bill an- nually from the tax assessors for his share of the expenses of the town, county and state governments. These taxes are computed at a given rate per cent, upon property, real and personal. The national government is supported by indi- rect taxation, that is, by a tariff on imported goods and a tax on various home products, which is known as internal revenue. Public sentiment has greatly changed its opin- ion concerning the question, What are the legitimate pur- poses of taxation ? Education and the requirements of public health and convenience make increasing demands upon the public treasury. XXIX. " Taxes, no matter how collected, are ultimately paid by the producers of the country, the men who, by manual 124 THE MORSE SPELLER. or mental labor, create commodities. By far the largest proportion of taxes are, therefore, paid by manual labor, crude and skilled. The cost of maintaining the federal, state and municipal governments, and the payment of indebtedness, principal and interest, are the sum of taxes laid. The cost is enhanced by lack of intelligence on the part of officials and of legislators employing many to do the work of a few, and by ill-advised economy. "After a period of fraud, recklessness, neglect, and extrav- agance, we go through a period of injudicious parsimony equally subversive of the public interests." XXX. The manufacturing industries of the country are now car- ried on under a system in which large numbers of workmen are grouped under one management. Under this system there is a great gain of economy and efficiency; the sub- division of labor, the multiplication of machinery, greatly cheapen production. The man who has the organizing ability to bring a thou- sand workmen together, and keep them steadily employed, cheaply and skilfully to produce the materials for their labor, is entitled to a large reward for this difficult service. — Gladden, XXXL The greatest opportunities of this generation, the oppor- tunities of Christian leadership, of Christian statesmanship, are offered to the employers of labor. They are called to moralize the industrial realm, whose ruling law has hitherto been pagan. They are called to lead in that peaceful reconstruction of our industries, by which labor and capital THE MORSE SPELLER. 126 shall be identified in interest and feeling, and peace shall be established among men. — Gladden. XXXIL " Manual labor is an honorable calling. Modern writers in the interest of labor have asserted this in various forms^ and on all occasions. Capitalists, merchants, and the pro- fessions have universally accepted the proposition as true, and in this country, at least, their attitude towards labor is one of regard and good feeling. The true laborer is proud of his vocation, proud of his name, proud of the vork he does." xxxin. " Wealth serves as a passport to society. A rich man is believed to possess merits that have made him rich, or if his wealth is inherited, a certain breeding and education, which make him an acceptable associate. The majority of rich men fully answer this description ; they are well- informed, shrewd, just, and polite, prompt in fulfilling their engagements, and generous in their dealings. Those who form the exception to this rule drop out of society very soon, are doomed to an inevitable isolation, and live and trade under a surveillance of universal suspicion." XXXIV. Nerves are fine threads which pervade all parts of the body. Some carry sensations from without, others con- vey orders of motion from within. The former are called sensory nerves ; the latter, motor nerves. The spinal cord, consisting of white and gray matter, lies within the spinal canal. Between every two vertebrae, nerves shoot forth to allotted parts of the body. The cerebrum occupies nine- 126 THE MORSE SPELLER. tenths of the cavity of the skull. The cerebellum is known as "little brain." In the brain intelligence resides, sensa- tions are perceived, ideas are formed, and the will originates. XXXV. Although the special senses are said to be modifications of the sense of touch, the approximate information gained through touch and taste must result from contact with objects, while smell, hearing and sight can detect objects at a distance. The seat of the sense of smell resides in the mucous membrane lining the cavities of the nose. This sense is acute among savages, but the dog far surpasses man. For recognition of his master he depends on smell more than sight. XXXVL Certain impressions are produced by means of vibra- tions, and are transmitted to the brain by a special appa- ratus called the ear. Consider the extraordinary delicacy of the eye as an organ of sense. Here is a stimulus of unknown origin, which traverses the widest regions of space, and enables us to appreciate the existence of form, and even structure, of bodies bilHons of miles away, and gives us more knowl- edge of the external world, perhaps, than all the other senses together ; and yet, its real nature is as hidden and mysterious and impalpable as the nature of our con- sciousness. — Roger S. Tracy. XXXVIL Lodestone is a particular kind of iron ore, or a natural magnet, possessing the power of attracting iron. A bar THE MORSE SPELLER. 127 of steel rubbed against lodestone will manifest magnetic properties. Experimenting with sprinklings of iron filings verifies the statement — attraction is greatest at the ends, or poles, and diminishes towards the central, or neutral line. The compass, so essential to mariners, is merely a magnetic needle placed on a pivot. When at rest, the needle points towards the earth's north and south mag- netic poles. XXXVIIL Bodies can be electrified by friction, by contact, or by induction. Certain substances are conductors of electric- ity ; others, non-conductors or insulators. Bodies charged with opposite kinds attract ; those charged with the same kind repel. Batteries give both negative and positive electricity. By uniting the wires of opposite poles an electric current is obtained. Electricity tends to concen- trate and discharge at the pointed end of a good conduct- or. When sparks pass between two points of carbon a light is produced. The telegraph and telephone are re- sults of the application of electricity. A lifetime would be required to study half its marvels. XXXIX. It would be unjust to deny that Charles I had some of the qualities of a good, and even of a great, prince. He wrote and spoke, not like his father with the exactness of a professor, but after the fashion of intelligent and well- educated gentlemen. His taste in literature and art was excellent, his manner dignified though not gracious, his domestic life without blemish. Faithlessness was the chief cause of his disasters and is the chief stain on his 128 THE MORSE SPELLER. memory. He was, n truth, impelled by an incurable pro- pensity to dark and crooked ways. It may seem strange that his conscience vvhich, on occasions of little moment, was sufficiently sensitive, should never have reproached him with !iis great mzQ„—Macaulay. XL. The stubborn courage characteristic of the English people was, by the system of Cromwell, at once regulated and stimulated. Other leaders have maintained order as strict. Other leaders have inspired their followers with a zeal as ardent. But in his camp alone the most rigid dis- cipline was found in company with the fiercest enthusi- asm. His troops moved to victory with the precision of machines, while burning with the wildest fanaticism of crusaders. From the time when the army was remod- elled, to the time when it was disbanded, it never found, either in the British Islands or on the Continent, an en- emy who could stand its onset. — Macaulay. XLI. The history of Monmouth would alone suffice to refute the imputation of inconstancy which is so frequently thrown on the common people. The common people are sometimes inconstant, for they are human beings. But that they are inconstant as compared with the educated classes, with aristocracies, or with princes, may be confi- dently denied. It would be easy to name demagogues whose popularity has remained undiminished while sov- ereigns and parliaments have withdrawn their confidence irom a long succession of statesmen.— J/<3:^^2//tF 1 7 SUBJECT r-rn ^ 7 crr-n-i; PM FORM NO. DDIO, 5m. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 3/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 >-/ \^\^ I I UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY