GIFT OF THE WALTER -KRAUSE GERMAN SERIES BEGINNERS' GERMAN THE WALTER-KRAUSE GERMAN SERIES Published by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Beginners' German. Walter and Krause . $1.00 First German Reader. Walter and Krause . .90 German Songs. Walter and Krause . . .50 Short Stories for Oral German. Ballard and Krause 80 Annotated Texts Storm's 3mtncttfce. Purin ..... .60 Arnold's ^vi^ auf Sctlcn. Appelmann . . .so Seidel's Scfictet^t ^Ulftndjctt. Luebke ... .50 Storm's ^ole ^opptn^paiet. Busse ... .50 Gerstacker's Srtfai^ttcn. Price 50 Otfier volumes to follow THE WALTER-KRAUSE GERMAN SERIES BEGINNERS' GERMAN BY MAX WALTER, Ph.D. DIRECTOR OF THE MUSTERSCHULE (REALGYMNASIUM) , FRANKFURT AM MAIN VISITING PROFESSOR, TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLtTMBIA UNIVERSITY, I9II AND CARL A. KRAUSE, Ph.D. HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES, JAMAICA HIGH SCHOOL, N.V. LECTURER ON METHODS OF TEACHING MODERN LANGUAGES NEW YORK UNIVERSITY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON Copyright, 1912, 1916, by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS ■{-'\ \ i-r TO WILHELM VlfiTOR, Ph.D. PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MARBURG Our Friend and Leader THIS BOOK IS GRATEFULLY INSCRIBED 3G0524 PREFACE ■iKel&r greube an ber ©d&ule.* Beginners' German is the basic book of the Walter-Krause German Series. One purpose of this introductory book is to initiate the learner into the language of every-day life as well as into the literary language, thereby insuring a reahstic vocab- ulary. As we start with the immediate environment of the pupil, we have the best of foimdations for interest and for suc- cess. At all times we are taking cognizance of the living adolescent and not of abstract pedantry. The work is an out- growth of actual class-room experience. The first lessons, at least, are intended quite as much for the teacher as for the pupil. We beg leave to give the following hints as to an effective mode of using Beginners' German — although no teacher is expected to tie himself down to one par- ticular system: (i) Develop the material orally, with books closed. (2) Ascertain by questions and answers whether the pupils have the proper understanding of the oral work. Every answer should be repeated hy the class. (3) Call for a continuous oral review of the whole (with !2efe* ftMe), (4) Have the assignment read, individually and in chorus. (5) Let the matter covered be written or dictated. (6) Be sure that definite grammatical facts are gained in each lesson. Let a thorough drill in sounds be connected with all begin- ning lessons; never let a wrong pronunciation pass muster. Do not assign a lesson unless it has been prepared in class. The questions as laid down in our book are intended for the student J to insure proper review at home. Such review may be vii Vlll BEGINNERS GERMAN oral or written. Of course, these questions do not limit the individual teacher in any way and are merely suggestive. But they do outline the work of the learner definitely so that the matter in hand shall be thoroughly dealt with and mastered. Answers should always be given in complete sentences. All home work should be oral — i. e., spoken aloud, or at least articulated. The Grammar is based directly upon the work of each lesson and is learned inductively. We are not talking and teaching about grammar but, better than that, we talk and teach gram- mar. The learner will formulate for himself, from his own experience, certain linguistic laws and rules and this very creative laboratory work will be a pleasure to him. It will de- velop his powers of observation and will cause him to use his own judgment rather than to accept that of an " authority. '* Such botanizing work will be his mental property and will not be done in futuram oUivionem. Some of the later selections deal with German life and cus- toms. We hope that the students will gain thereby an ac- quaintance with Germany and the Germans. The progress of each class with our book will depend, of course, upon a number of circumstances. For Lessons 36-41 we have furnished Supplementary Reading to illustrate more fully the use of Compound Verbs, of the Subjunctive, and of Modal Auxiliaries. A number of Reproduction Exercises are added for review purposes, after Lesson 27. Translation and retranslation may be practised occasionally after the foreign language has been essentially mastered. The melodies of the songs given in the text, as well as two additional ones, are printed separately. The Grammatical Tables furnish only the absolute essentials of German Accidence in systematic arrangement. We desire to express our hearty thanks to a number of our colleagues both in America and in Germany for many valuable PREFACE IX hints. We are also under great obligation to the Frankfurter Lesebuch-Kommission, to Karl Hessel's Deutsche Lesebucher, to Kameradschaft, Berlin, to Sering's Chorgesangbuch, and to N. G. Elwert, Marburg, for their kindness in permitting us to use some of their selections or publications. Especially do we acknowledge our gratitude to Dr. A. Busse, Associate Professor of German, Hunter College of the City of New York, for his kind advice and assistance in reading both manuscript and proof. The Authors. February t igx2. CONTENTS PAGE Preface vii Map of Germany facing i Introductory: Alphabet i Table of German Sounds with Explanations 3 Lesson I. Conversation — Days (ift, finb; tear, toaren; Wirb, tocrbcn fein) 7 II. Conversation — Days (Declension of bic SS^od^e) . . 9 III. Conversation — Months (Declension of baiS ^a^r) . 11 IV. Conversation — Seasons (Declension of ber J^crbft; word formation un-) 13 V. Conversation on preceding work (Word-order; im- personal verbs; word formation -c) 16 VI. O ^anncnbaum (Review; word formation -l^cit) . . 18 VII. Conversation — Multiplication Tables (bcr-words) . 20 VIII. Conversation — Arithmetical Problems (Conjugation of \6!j 6itt; pronouns of address) 22 IX. Conversation — Family (Declension of cinc SSoc^c, cin 3ot)r; word formation -d^cn, -Icin) 26 X. Conversation — Cardinal Numbers (Declension of cin 2«onat) 28 XI. Conversation — Parts of the Day (Conjugation of \6) l^abc; ordinal numbers) 30 XII. Conversation — Time of Day (Conjugation of t(^ hjcrbc; future tense; numerals continued) ... 32 XIII. Conversation — Parts of Body (Declension of bic Si^^jcn, bic finger, bic S'^^^t) 34 XIV. Conversation (Declension of bic Sinbcr, bic Slugcn) . 38 XV. Conversation (Review of nouns; prepositions with dative) 39 XVI. Conversation — Date (Ordinals and numerals com- pleted) 42 XVII. ^ic Sorcici (i) (petite) (^aticn and fcin in compound tenses) 43 xi ^ beginners' GERMAN PAGE XVIII. ^Ic 2otctcl (2) and (3) (Drill on nouns; word formation -ung) 45 XIX. Conversation — Class (ein-words, neuter; present tense; imperative) 47 XX. Conversation — Class (citt-words, feminine; reflex- ives; iti) nci^me) 50 XXI. Conversation — Class (cttl-words, masculine; reflex- ives, completed; td^ trage; declension of personal pronouns) 53 XXII. Unfcr (Sd^ulstmmer (i) (Compound nouns; preposi- tions with dative or accusative) 57 XXIII. Unfcr ©djuljimmcr (2) (Preterit of weak verbs; word formation -if(!^) 60 XXIV. Unfcr ©e^ul^au^ (Prepositions with accusative; per- fect and pluperfect) 62 XXV. Unfcrc Sd^ulc (Comparison of adjectives and ad- verbs) 65 XXVI. ©ci Xim ©tittc ^am (i) (Adverbial compounds; agreement of pronouns; indefinite pronouns; strong declension of adjectives) 66 XXVII. $Ia^rcgcn (Preterit of strong verbs; coordinating conjunctions) 69 XXVIII. ^ctbcnri))8lcitt (®oetf)c) (Review; strong verbs) ... 72 XXIX. ©bclmann unb Partner (Interrogative and relative pronouns; word formation) 75 XXX. Review (Classification of strong verbs) 78 XXXI. ^ttig fofttittrc ^rautlcin (Weak declension of adjec- tives, feminine singular and plural; irregular strong verbs) 81 XXXII. ^a!§ tagltd^c f8tot (Weak declension of adjectives, neuter singular and plural; word formation) . . 84 XXXIII. ^tc bcutf(^c ^aifcrfamilic; ^cit bir im ©icgcrfrans (i) (Weak declension of adjectives, masculine singu- lar and plural; word formation -ling, -Utf)) . . 87 XXXIV. '^aS bctttfcfic Sicid^ (Mixed declension of adjectives). 90 XXXV. ^ic SHBac^t am ffifitm (i) (Review; word formation -ig, -6ar) 93 XXXVI. @ttt Sricf; SSanbcrfci^aft (i) (Inseparable and separa- ble verbs; verbs with dative; prepositions with genitive) 95 XXXVII. ^cr trcuc J^unb (Inseparable and separable verbs concluded) 98 CONTENTS XIU PAGE XXXVIII. ^cr ^unb mit bcm fjlcifc^e (Subjunctive of indirect speech and question) 102 XXXIX. Sricf @oct^C!§ an ©(fitter (Subjunctive of ideal con- dition; possibility; wish) 105 XL. 2)tc ©d^utcn (Modal auxiliaries) 107 XLI. @ilc mit SSeilc (Modal auxiliaries; irregular weak verbs) no XLII. ^rct i^rcunbc (Passive voice) 114 XLIII. ^ic p^crcn ®(^ulcn ^cutft^tanb)^ (Passive voice) . 117 XLIV. ^ic ^cutfc^cti in Simcrifa (Passive and substitutes for passive voice) 120 XLV. S)cutf(^Ianb iibcr 9tttc^ (Review) 124 XL VI. ^cutfc^lanb)^ ©tcffung in bcr aBcItttJirtfrfiaft (Passive voice concluded) 126 Supplementary Reading 131 Reproductions 138 Grammatical Tables 143 Abstract OF German Grammar 174 Songs > 179 Vocabulary • 197 «« E H£LQOLA^ o Kiel2 V'. liURO Alt Ol4ihuri Jremen Luneburg e .wf Co ,eVS 3uck^-'' Hildek J, \K6li „ Aachen a 5^ *"*" R«dWj3^JFraijkfurt o Soridershauspn— iisenach^-T ■# " 9 ^x,^ c '^^^L^ 1^' " -^5X<. BEGINNERS' GURMAN INTRODUCTORY ALPHABET SMALL LETTERS CAPITAL LETTERS Print Script Print Script Namiy a a y€i^ A 21 a >ai b b J B 33 ^ bei c c .^ C e .^ tsez d b ^ D ® ^ del e c .^fl^ E (g >ei f f / F % ?£f g h i 9 t G H I ® 3 gei hai J k i # J K 3 S & jot kai 1 I ^ L ? ^ i>el m m y^^^ M aw M^ ?em n n .^l^ N 91 ?i^ ?en ^ o cr ?01 2 ' ' ^ [[ ' 'bEGINT^ERS' GERMAN SSlALfLfeTtERg ' ' ' CAPITAL LETTERS Print ScEnrr Print Script Name p p j^ P ^ "^ pel q q ^ Q O '^ kui r r .^ R dl ^^ ,?£r s fg ^^^^^ S ® ^ '>es t t ^ T Z "^ tei u u ^ U U '^'^ ?ui V b xi«5? V 93 /^ fau w to ^j^ W 2B ^^ vei n I ^ X 3e ^T ^iks y ^ J^ Y g) V^ ^ypsibn z 3 /Z^ Z' 3 ^ ts£t COMPOUND CONSONANTS I Print Script Print Script Print Script MODIFIED VOWELS (Umlautc) ,, rr '^' BEGINNERS GERMAN Deuts^che^^^^l^uttafel lippenlaute Zahnlaute Vorder- Hinter- Gaumenlaute KehUaute pb td kg 9 r CQ s 1 m n 11 fv szX5 )alt. II. WITH NARROWING — NARROW CONSONANTS I. Lip Consonants (Lower Lip and Upper Teeth) f , voiceless — ^dtjXtn, lauf en, v, voiced — SBaren, ettiig. auf. 1 In North and Middle German pronunciation finally and medially the narrow consonants g and x, j and g are generally used: see II, 3 4. BEGINNERS GERMAN 5 2. Teeth Consonants (Tongue and Teeth) Thin {Thin Breath Passage) s, voiceless — *iS!is3e/ reiften, z, voiced — ©ee, reif en. Broad {Broad Breath Passage) J, voiceless — ©tein, tDafc^en, *5, voiced — *goumaI, Trilled {Vibration of Tongue Point) r, voiced — raul^, (Sl^rc, toal^r. Divided {Passage on Both Sides of Tongue Point) 1, voiced — Im, fe^ten, Xdh 3. Front Consonants (Tongue and Hard Palate) 9, voiceless — *6^]^emie, rei^en, j, voiced — ja (fd^rtieigen), 4. Back Consonants (Tongue and Soft Palate) X, voiceless — fucften (2^ag)» g, voiced — (tragen). Trilled {Vibration of Uvula) R, voiced — (raul^, (glfirc, XQO^t). 5. Throat Consonant (Vocal Chords) h, voiceless — ^oXi, B. SOUNDS WITH OPENING OF BREATH PASSAGE — VOWELS All voiced. The opening is between the tongue and the palate. Sounds with Up rounding are indicated in the Table by ( ). I. Front Vowels i:, long — ilftn, Sicbe, n3ic. i, short — in, igippe, e:, long — (S^re, gebeti, @($nee, 1 An asterisk mdicates words or sounds not originally German. e:, long — S[f)re, gaben, *^alat«. e, short — cffcn, §anbc» *e:/ long, nasal — Baffin, terrain. Rounded y:, long — ubcl, ^iitc. t, short — iip^Jig, ^iittc. g:, long — Dfen, ©iif)ne, *§, long, nasal — SSerbun, Xxtnit^ e, short — ijffnen, Wdnii). ct=un. 2. Mixed Vowels (Intermediate between Front and Back) 9, short — gcnug, 53ittc» a:, long— 5tal, laf)m, ha. a, short— aK, gatnm. *&:, long, nasal — O^ouen, (Sfiancc. 3. Back Vowels All Rounded u:, long— Ufcr, Tint, bu. u, short— untcn, 2)httter. o:, long — ol^nc, tooftl, fo. *o:, long, nasal — iBallott, o, short — offcn, SSort. Diphthongs ai:, @t«, flein, 3)^al. au:, 5(uge, :2auf, blau. oy:, cuer, lauten, $cu» * Nasal vowels in North German pronunciation are usually replaced by the corresponding non-nasal short vowels followed by ji, e.g. S8offin= SBaffcng, SSerbun=93crbiJng, 9Jouen=9{ouanfi, S3anon=53aIIonfi. €rjle Jlufgabe ttt^tung! ^te ftcben Xa^t ber iESod^e ftnb: ber SD^ontag, ^Dten^tag, 9)^itttt)od^, !Donner^tag, greitag, (Sonnabenb ober (Sam^tag unb ber ©onntag. ^ie gragc ilBelc^er ^ag ift i)eute? 3Bag ift ^eute? ift: SSajg ift bie $cute ift 3)?ontag (or respective day of the %ntmxt? week). (^a^) SBa^ ift tnorgen? ^rauicin 5(J 2)ic 51nt* nj^orgen ift ^icn^tag* njort ift: (^cr) iESa^ it)irb ilbermorgen fein? ^ic 5ttit= iibennorgen lt)irb 3}^ittlt)0(i^ fein. mxt ift: 323(1^ ^^jt^.^ iiberilbermorgen fein? 3Be((^e 3::age iDerben morgen unb iibermorgen fein? SKa^ mar geftern? iCBa^ tear dorgeftem? SBa^ tDar Dordorgeftem? ' SBeI(^e 2^age iraren geftern unb borgeftem? 3ft f)eute ^ien^tag? 9^ein, mein §err, fjeute ift nic^t !I)ien6tag, fon^' htm 5D^ontag, '^ max geftern 9)^itth)0(^? ilBirb morgen ^ien^tag fein? 3a, mein ^err, morgen tDirb !^ien§tag fein. 8 beginners' GERMAN ^(affc! SESa« ift l^eute? fammen! ©ajgcn ©tc: Scrncn: maffe! 5lttc 5U== fammen! ©ie laut! ?Bann njar (Sonntag? etc. !Da« (Sprid^tDort ift: ^effer f)eute al^ mprgen, 9)?orgcn, morgen, nur nlc^t l&cute, tt iffioc^e, ©ieben ^age bilben (madden) bic ilBoc^e, 5(c^tung ! SD^ontag ift ein Xag, iD^ontag unb ^ien^tag finb jtDei 3:age, SJJontag, 3)iengtag unb 9J^ittn)oci§ finb brei 2:age, Tlonta^, ^Dien^tag, SD^itttDOC^ unb ^onner^tag finb bier ^age, TlontaQ, ^ien^tag, Tlitttood), !Donner^tag unb greitag finb fiinf ^age, Tlonta^, 3)ien^tag, SD^itttDod^, ^onner^tag, grei* tag unb ©onnabenb finb fed^^ ^age, Tlonta^, 3)ien^tag, Tlitfrno^^, ^onner^tag, grei* tag, ©onnabenb unb (Sotintag finb fieben Stage* !Der 93^ontag ift ber erfte ^ag ber SSoc^e, ^ien^tag ift ber jtoeite ^ag ber SSod^e, mitttdoi^ ift ber britte 2:ag ber SSod^e, !5)onner^tag ift ber bierte 2:ag ber SSoc^e, greitag ift ber flinfte XaQ ber ilBod^e, . ^ei ber 5lrbeit lernen ®ie fleifeig. A. ^ie i^eute fd^reiben bie Hrbeit frifd^ unb fro^. Of what gender are these nouns? Do they change in the singular? How can you tell nouns in German? Britte 2lufgabe ©cien (Bit !Da« ift bd^jetSiime „5(c^tung." -flifeSf (gie mliffen aufmerffatn fein, nic^t unaufmerffam, fam! "iiaffe! ^a§ ^a^v f)at gh)oIf Tlomtt. ^ie srt)i)If Tlomtt bc^ 3af)re)§ finb: ber 3cinuar, gebruar, 9[)?ara, Hpril, 2)?ai, 3unt, 3uli, 5liiguft, (September, Dftober, 9^ot)ember, ^ejember, 3n bem 3cif)v finb sft)oIf SD^onate, 3^olf SD^onate bilben bai^ 3ti§i^» ^er 3anuar ift ein Tlonat !Der 3cinuar unb ber gebruar finb ^tod SD^onate, etc. 8 = ac^t, 9 = neun, 10 = gefin, 11 = elf, 12 = ^mil ^er 3?anuar ift ber erfte Tlonat beg ^o^reg, gebruar ift ber s^eite SD^onat be^ 3cilf)re§, etc. Huguft ift ber ac^te Tlomt be^ 3af)reg, 12 BEGINNERS GERMAN 5(u!§ttJCttbig Icrnen: SStcber* lloUn ©ic baS! 2luf|jaffctt! ^iftieren! Semen! 5(c§tung! September tft ber neunte ^D^onat be§ ^ti^teg, Oftober ift ber scf)nte 9)?onat be« ^al^teg, 5^ot)cmber ift ber elftc '^fflonat be^ 3af)reg, ^egetnber ift ber ^tDoIfte Tlonat be^ 3^af)reg. iDSetd^e^ ift ber erfte Tlonat be^ 3a{)reg? ber biertc momt? mt Diele 3}?onate l^at bag 3a!)r? ^a6 3a^t: ift lang, ber XaQ ift furj> ^reifeifi 3:age ]()at 9^obember, 5lpril, 3uni unb (September, gebruar l^at biermal fieben. We, bit nod^ ilbrig blieben (still remain), ^aben einunbbreifeig, '^a^ ift ba^felbe tt)ie „nod^ eintnaL" 3d^ fd^reibe eg an bie ^afeL ,3efet biftiere ic^ eg 3l)nen, ober id^ gebe ^l^nen ein !Diftat! " mtill 5rpril! '^tiv meife nid^t, H)ag er toilt, 3d& meife: eg ift {)eute Mttmod^, SBeld^e 9}?onate fiaben 30 Xa^e? SBeld^e 2)^onate ]^aben 31 2age? Declension: bag 3af)r, in the Singular. Nominative Accusative Genitive beg 3af)reg Z^a/i^'e bem 3a6r(e) bag 3af)r 13 Decline: ha^ grautein, ba6 ©pric^tDort, bag (Snbe, bag ©picl, bag ^ittat E.g. iV. 2)a^ ©piel {ft laut G. 3)ie ^lufgabe bc^ ®picl(e)^ ift btcg» D. ^n bcm ©ptet ftnb ©pric^tDorter entl^alten (contained). ^. ®ie lemen t>a^ ©piel gut. Of what gender are these nouns? Are the natural and the grammatical gender of nouns identical in German? Illustrate. Vmk 2Iufgabe 5(uf^affen! !Dag 3o.f)v l^at bier ^aSreg^eitetu !Die bier 3af)regjelten ftnb ober l^ei|en: ber griilfiling, ber ©ommer, ber ^erbft unb ber SBlnter, SBie l^eifeen bie bier 3af)reggeiten? 2Bie Ifiet^en ©ie? fSxttt, (Bit miiffen _beutlic§ unb genau fpred^en, ntd^t fo bcutia* au^= unbeutrtd^ unb ungenau! f^red)en, ^.^ ^^.^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ englifd^? §erbft f)ei6t auf engltfdf) fall (harvest). ^anfc! T)a^ tft rec^t , ha^ tft rid^tig, nid^t fqj|^. SSelc^e ^a^regjeit tft je^t? 3efet tft eg §erbft, 3ft eg ie^t SBtnter? 9^ein, mein g»err, {e^t ift eg ntc^t Winter, Jonbern ^erbft. SSetcJe 3cil&t:egsett \ioax borlfier? 14 cinmaU Semen 8te hjenbig: 5td^tttng! BEGINNERS GERMAN SKetd^e 3af)re§selt mirb .n ad^ber fein? SBie t)ie(e ^afire^seiten gibt e^? SSie biele ^o^re^selten f)afen tDir? 3n tDcId^er 3alf)re^seit leben tviv? SKir leben im (in bem) §erbft, ^er griif)ltng ift bie erfte 3af)re^jeit, ■ ber (©ontmer ift bie glDeite ^a^re^geit, etc. Tlixvi, 5lpril unb Tlai finb bie brei grlifilinQe* monate, 3uni, 3uli unb Sluguft finb bie brei ©omnter^ monate, September, Oftober nnb 5^obember finb bie brei ^erbftmonate, ©eaember, ^anuar unb gebruar finb bie brei SSintermonate* ^er ^erbft ift bie britte ^alfire^aeit* !Die Jeit bc)g ^erbftei^ bauert t)on (September bi^ 9^ot)ember. iBir finb je^t im (in bem) §erbft» (September, Dftober unb S^oDember bilben hm §erbft. 5nif)Iing, ©ommer, $erbft unb SSinter (Sinb beg guten ©otte^ ^inber, ^ringen un^ beg ©uten t)iel: tinmen, grild^te, fro|eg (SpieL mv atle finb bie ^inber ©otteg, beg 35aterg, SBIumen unb grild^te finb im ©arten. ^g gibt t)iele ^lumen unb grlid^te im ©arten; fie jDctc^fen im @arten» !Die $Rofe ift eine ^lume; bie ^Tutpe ift aud^ einc ^lume. BEGINNERS GERMAN 1 5 SBie ^etfet alfo ^lume auf cnglifc^? !Der 5lpfel tft eine gnid^t; bie Tldom ift auc^ erne iESie fietfet alfo gruc^t auf englifd^? 9^ennen ®tc mlr ^lumen unb grlid^te! Declension: ber §erbft, in the Singular, Nominative bcr ^erbft Genitive be^ §er6fte^ Z?a/iz)e bem §erbft(e) Accusative ben $erbft Decline: bcr Za^, ber 9JJontag, etc., ber SSerftag, ber 2)?onat, ber ^anuar, etc., ber gril{)Ung, etc., \ ber @ott, ber 5Sater, ber ©arten. E.g. N. ^cr erfte Xaq ber SSod^e l^eifet 9}?ontag. G. !Dte Arbeit be^ Sage^ tft grofe. Z). 5ln bcm (am) 2^age fd^lafen bie fteinen ^inber. A. SSir nennen ben erften SSoc^entag 9}Jontag. Of what gender are the names of the days, of the months, and the seasons? WORD FORMATION What is the force of the prefix un-? Ungenau tft: nid^t genau, unbeutUc^ tft: ntc^t beutltd^, unaufmerffam tft: ntd^t aufmerliflltt* Do we have the same prefix in English? i6 beginners' GERMAN 5(d^tung ! 5Cttfangctt (S3cginnen)j (SScitcr): Scrncn Sic au^menbig: ^anfte ^ufgabe (g« tft Mt itn iSBinter. (gg Jriert^ unb c6 f d&nett oft, ^er Winter ift ein armer 9}iann, @r BfmgFlemc 58Iumen unb feme griid^te, er bringt aber frof)e^ (Spiel ^er SKlnter ift bag Snbe beg ^al^reg, 3tn grueling ift eg milb, @g ift itn grli!)Iing fc^oner a(g im SSinter, ^m (Sommer ift eg inarm, oft fel^r 6d6- ^^^ (gommer ift reid^, @r bringt ung diele ^lutnen unb griid^te, (gg Mijt un b bonn ert oft» 3m ^erbft ift eg fii^L !Die ^uft ifFm^L (gg ift fd^on, menu bie (Sonne fd^eint, @g regnet oft, ioenn bie (Sonne nid^t fd^eint» ^ann ift bag fetter fd^Ied^t; bann ift eg fd&lec^teg SESetter, 3?n toeld^er ^ci^i^c^sstt gibt eg feine ^lunten? SSag bringt ber SSinter? SBann ift eg Mt? SSie ift ber SBinter? iESann friert eg unb fd^neit eg? iBarum friert eg? 2Bie ift eg im 5riif)ling? etc. 3m SSinter, iuenn eg frieret, Qm SBinter, n^enn eg fd^neit, ^ann ift ber SSeg ^uv Sd^ule gilrtt)af)r nod^ ^mal fo toeit (flirlDal^r, indeed). Unb toenn ber ^udfudf rufet, !Dann ift ber grii{)Iing ba, ^ann ift ber SBeg gur (Sc^ute giirtoal^r noc^ 'mal fo nai). beginners' GERMAN 1 7 SBer aber gerne lernet, !Dem i[t fetn SSeg gu fern; 3m SSinter h)ie tm griil^lmg ®e()t er gur (Sd^ule gem. Hoffmann Don ^alUx^Uhtn, 5(u!§hJCttbig 9teben tft (Silbcr, lemen: (gc^tDcigen ift ®oIb,— ^eben ^d^i fpred^en; fc^tDeigen l^eifet: nid^t reben* NOTE Are predicative adjectives declined? Do the names of the days, months, and seasons require the definite article in English? In German? IMPERSONAL VERBS (S^ friert, e§ fd^neit, e« bli^t, eg bonnert, e« regnet. What do these five impersonal verbs express? ORDER OF WORDS I. (gg ift fait tm SStnter. (Normal.) . II. 3m griit)Iing ift c^ mtlb, (Inverted.) III. (gg ift f(^on, tDenn bie ©onnejelljdficint (Dependent.) Interchange the normal and the inverted order in I and II. What kind of clauses or sentences are they? Change III into two independent clauses of I. Combine I and II into a sentence of type III by using the subordinating conjunction n)af)renb (while). Notice: SBenn bie ©onnc fd6eint, tft eg fc^oncg SBetter. . 23 iSBie alt ftnb ©te unb (Sic? ilSie alt felb i!!)r sufamtnen? ilBie alt njaren ©ie le^te^ 3ct?)t? ilBie alt iDerben <3ie nd$^f ^a^i^ fetn? 3i5tL?stM^l: ^^ ^^^ 15 3ol)re alt, bu toarft 14 3af)re alt, er l:)trb 16 3^af)re alt fern, lt)tr ftnb beibe 15 Qa^xt alt, tl)r ftjart 14 3al)re alt, fie iDerben 16 3al)re alt fein. ®te ftnb fo alt h)ie er. ©ie ftnb ntc^t fo alt toie er. (Sie ftnb alter al^ er. @ie ftnb ber ciltefte t)on il^nen. i£Ste biele (Sd^iiler ftnb l^ter ober ftnb anhjefcnb? SKie btele ©driller ftnb nic^t l)ter ober abnjcfenb? 5lmerifa l^at {e^t 48 (Staaten, 3)entfd§lanb l)at 26 ©taaten. SBte Diele (Staaten l^aben 5lmerifa unb !Deutf(^lanb ^ufamrrten? „3ett ift ®elb," fo fagt man. . S(^ ^abt biel 3^tt, alfo l)abe i^ au^ \)id ®elb. S^ic^t toalir? (Bnmmt !I)a6 tft ba^felbc tote: ift ha^ rtd^tiG (red^t)? ba^? 3e^t loollen totr red^nen unb 9^ed^enaufgaben lofen. SBtr nel)men bie ^Ibbitton imv\t, bann bie ®ub= traftion, barauf bie SJ^ultiplifation unb gulefet bie !I)ibifion. 5(bbition an 38 bcr 2^afel: _,_26 64 24 6 unb 8 tft 14; id^ fc^reibc 4 f)in unb be{)alte 1 im (Sinn; t 1 unb 2 ift 3 unb 3 ift 6, 3)ie 5lnth)ort ift 64» !Da^ \)ti^t abbieren. •'" 5lbbicrcn (Sle biefe 3ctl^ten: 1 3 5 7 9 2 6 9 8 4 4 5 7 2 1 6 4 3 5 2 8 9 4 3 5 3um 58etfpiel: 8+6+4+2 + 1 = 974 = 21 ufm. - -518 ©uBtraf* tion an bcr 2;afel: 456 8 bon 4 Qel^t ntd^t; ic^ borge ein^ (3e|)ner); 8 t)on 14 ift 6; 1 bon 6 ift 5; 5 Don 9 ift 4. !3)ie ^ntti3ort ift 456. ^ag fieifet fubtra^ieren» !^ie 9JJultiplifation fenncn iDir. SBir l^aben bag ©inmaleing gelemt unb fonnen multipligieren. ^itjifion an 8470 ^ 5 = 1694 ber Safcl: 5 („ g gefit einmal; eg bleiben 3 iibrig. 3^ ^ole 4 l^erunter. 5 in 34 gel^t fec^gmal; 4 bleiben ttbrig. 3^ ^oU 7 l^erunter. 5 in 47 ge^it 9 mal; eg bleiben 2. ^(^ Sole ^uK f)erunter. 5 in 20 gef)t 4 maL ^ie Hntmort ift 1694. !Dag ijeifet bibibieren. beginners' GERMAN 2$ mtt)kl ift: 12 X 12 + 6 4- 15 - 2 = ? !Die HnttDort ift 8, 3tt)olfmaI slDoIf ift f)unbert i)ierunbt)ierjig, 144 unb (plu^) fed^^ ift f)unbert filnfstQ, 150 (bit)ibiert) burd^ filnfjel^n ift jel^n, 10 iDeniger (minug) jlDei ift ac^t, ©ine beutfc^e 'matt l^at 100 pfennig, ©in ^Dollar f)at ungefdfir 4 Tlaxt me biele ayjarf unb e einem SO?onat(e) Accusative einen $D?onat 29 Decline: em ^annenbaum, etn ©(^iiler, eln 2tt)Xtv, dn Slnfonaf etn ©taat, ein *iPfennig, em geiertag, etn iSater, ein Tlann, dn Sruber, ein OnfeL Sum ^eifpiel: 9^eh) g)orf ift cm (Biaat ^ie !2eute (iBetoo^ner) cinei3 (BiaaM J^eigcn JBlirger ^ 3tt ctttcm 1^» (bag fielfet) gut fein. What difference in the declension is there between bcr unb ein? SScttcr! mt btete iSSoc^en l^at bag ^alfir? |ic gansc T)ag ^a^r r)at 52 iSSod^en, ^^^"^* SSie t)ierc Stage ^at ein 3a^r? @in Sal^r l^at 365 Stage. SSie biele ^age finb aber in einent ^^aitiaf)x? 3n einem ©c^altjalfir finb 366 ^age. 1912 ift ein SBie biete gtunben fiat ein ^ag? (Sin Xa^ l^at 24 (Stunben. SSir l^aben je^t eine beutfc^e ©tunbe bon 10-11 Ul^n ilSie biele SJJinuten l^at eine ©tunbe? (Sine l^ren unb bie 92afe finb im (^t^ fi*t !D^it ben sefin gingem an ben gnjei ^cinben fiifilen tDtr. !^ieg ift bie red^te $anb, unb ba^ ift bie linfe §anb. Wftit ber §anb fd^reiben toir. SBir ]f)aben aud^ s^ei iBeine unb ^toei giifee. Tlit ben ^einen unb giifeen ge{)en mir. !Da^ ift ha^ red^te ^ein, unb bie^ ift ber linfe gug* 36 ^ix lecfcn ble ^tppen mit bcr gunge ^ 9)?lt betn SO^unbe (mit ber (Stmtme) fprec^en tx)ir, iJSir f)aben aud) gmet Hrme, 3)er 5lrm ift ba6 gJiil^.pber ein ©lieb. !Dte Hrmc unb bie ^elne finb ©lieber* Hlle ©tieber bilben ben ^orper. ilBtr l^aben aud^ einen gopf« 5luf bem ^opf ftnb biele Smct. ^a6 ^aar f)at biele Jarben* 2(uf bem ^opfe trn^ett tDir einen §ut, 5ln ben giifeen tragen )Dir ©triimpfe nnb (Sd^ul^c* SDer a^ 3a()r; ba^ a^ ^inb in the Plural. Nominative bie ^inber Genitive ber ^inber Dative ben ^inbern Accusative bie ^inber Decline in the plural like ha^ ^inb in complete sentences: ha^ 2kb, ba^ @Iieb; ba6 i8u($, bag ^latt, ba8 ©prid^toort (bie iBild^er, etc.) ; ber 9Wann. What is the gender of most nouns taking -er in the nom- inative plural? Are the stem-vowels a, o, u always modified in the plural of these nouns? NOTE !^iefe« tinb ift ein ^nabe. ^er ^nabe beifet ^axl !Der 9^ame be^ tnabcn ift ^axl 3(5 gebe bem ^naben ein ^ud^. SSir feben ben ^naben oft. ^iefe ^naben finb nteine ©dottier. 39 In what way do the masculine nouns of the weak declen- sion differ from the feminine nouns? Stc^tutig! ^ie ^oxmtx tvxt^ ©taatCig ftnb btc ^iirger* ^ic ©taatcn 9^eh) g)orf unb 9^em ^erfei) (legen tm Often t)on ^Imerlfa, !Die garbe bc^ 3(«gc)^ tft oft blau, ^ic 5(ugen finb im ©eftd^t* !Die ^lufgabe be^ Oi&rc^ tft ju l^orcn* 3Bir l^aben stuei D^rcn* Why should these three nouns be said to follow the so- called mixed declension? (ber ©taat, 'ta^ 5lugc, ba^ £)f)r)» ^anfseljnte 2lufgabe (Review) Classify all nouns into : A. The -n class (Weak declension. No Umlaut). (1) the iV«-ending class 1 (Strong (2) the -C class I d I ' ^ (3) the -cr class (always Umlaut) J -(c)^ genitive singular; -(c)n nominative plural (Mixed declension). S[Sieber!)oIung ber ganjen ^eflination ber ^aupt- tDorter munblid^ unb f (firif tlid^ ! 3Barum f)ei6en Nouns auf beutfd^ ^aupttDorter? S» 58, i(^ l^abe pid ^ippen, bu f)aft sef)n ginger, er f)at 32 Bfi^tte, B. 40 fie (ee) {)at t)ter 53iid^er; h3ir t)aben fiitif ?el)rerlnnen, tl^r 'i)abt fed^S Sefirer, . fie l^aben ftarfe ©Ileber* gem anbein @ie (Change) ben (Singular in hen plural in biefen ©ii^en (bie ©injaf)! in bie 3^ef)rsaW: id^ ]f)a5e eine 9^afe, bu l^aft einen ^ruber, er l^at einen ^opf, fie (e§) ]()at ein ^kb. 3* ^* 2Bir l^aben (gtoei 9lafen) 9lafen ufm, ®ibt eg einen "ipiurar t)on „ein, eine, ein"? Tlan farm folgenben *^lural gebraud^en: Nominative einige Genitive einiger Dative einigen Accusative einige 5Beantn)orten Bk bie folgenben gragcn: i^omit fel^en toir? SKomit l^oren tdix? SSomit ri-ed^en tt)ir? iESomit fiil^Ien toir? SBomit J(f)jrietfen mir ? SBomit gelfien tnir? SBomit fprec^en iDir? SSomit beifeen h)ir? SBontit fd^reiben toir? ttjenbifl: BEGINNERS' GERMAN 4I iSSelc^e^ ift bie garbe ober bie gorm ober bie 3relei lautet: !Die fd^onfte ^ungfrau fi^et ^oxt oben n)unberbar, 3]^r QoIbneS ©efd^meibe bli^et, ®ie fcimmt if)v golbene^ ^aav. ©ie l^ammt e^ mit golbenem ^amme Unb fingt ein 2kh babei, ^a^ ^at dm munberfame, ©emaltige Tldobd. iESag fonnen ^k ftatt bte friftdnfte ^wngfrau fagen? SBa^ fonnen (Sie ftatt t^r goIbne^@efrf|meibc fagen? ^a^ fonnen (Sie ftatt ibli^et fagen? iffia^ fonnen ©ie ftatt gchjaltige SJlelobei fagen? (Singen ®ie bie ^toeite @tropf)e! 5((^tttttg ! !Die britte unb le^te (Strop!)e lautet fo: ^en ©d^iffer im fleinen ©d^iffe (Srgreift e^ mit toilbem SBel^; (Sr fd^aut nid^t bie gelfenriffe, Sr f(^aut nur l^inauf in bie §o§. beginners' GERMAN 47 3^ gtaube, bit SSellen berfd^Iingen $(m @nbe (Sd^iffer unb ^al^n; Unb ba^ ^at mtt i^rem (^ingen !^ie i^orelei getan, ^er (Sd^iffer l^at alfo (Sefinfud^t (longing). (gr f(^aut ift fo btel mie? 5C3a^ fonnen (Sie fagen anftatt: bie ^tUtn ber* fd^Itngen am Snbe ©c^iffer unb ^ai)n? iE3e^^alb ftirbt ber ©d^iffer? ©ingen (©te bie le^te (Stropf)e ber Sorclet! Piaffe! Unfere 5lufgabe flir morgcn ift: 3)ie 2ovdd ganj augh)enbig ju lemen unb fd^reibcn 3U fonnen. neun3eljnte ^lufgabe Slt^tung! 5E3ag l^aben (©ie ba liegen? 3)a6 ift ein ^u^. ^3ft e^ S^x S8ud&? 3^a, e^ ift mein ^ud^. 3ft e6 ein §eft? 9^ein, eg ift fein ^eft, fonbem ein 53ud^, 3d^ fel^e l^ier aud^ ein ^ilb, unb bort finb fed^g genfter, ^aS papier barf aber nid^t {)erumliegen! ^crr ^A (Stel^en ©ie auf ! (Sagen ©ie: id^ ftelfie auf. (Bk finb grog, be^l^alb fage id^: ^tel^en (Ste auf! 3u einem ^inbe fage id&: fte^e) auf! 3u ^inbem fage id^: ftel^t auf! 43 BEGINNERS' GERMAN ^tf)mtn (i^'^ Observe: (m. ©in (Sbelmann, beffcn Partner WItef, gltig fpasicren. /. (Sine ©belfrau, beren Partner fc^Itef, gtng fpa^teren. n. Sin i^rciulein, be[[cn (Partner fd)Iief, gtng fpasteren* . . G. (Sbelleute, bercti Partner fc^Itefen, gittgen fpasteren. D. (Sbelleute, benen bie ©artner folgten, murben sornig* The relative pronoun is never omitted in German. 78 What is the difference in declension between bcr, blC, ba^ as definite article and as relative (demonstrative) pronoun? Illustrate. What are the two ways of introducing subordinate clauses? Illustrate. If the conjunction is omitted, does the dependent order remain the same? What case is used with the preposition iDdl^tenb? WORD FORMATION 9JJan gcfit ctncn (^ang, SO^an n)irft elnen SSurf, 9}?an ftngt eincn — . Wan trinft einen — » a^ flingt ein — ♦ Wan fprid^t einen — . How are these nouns formed? Of what gender are they? Dret§igfte Jlufgabe In giving the principal parts (bie ©runbformen) of verbs, we must know the: i. Present Infinitive, 2. Preterit, 3. Past Participle. The weak (regular) verbs are thus given: i. lernen, 2. lerntc, 3. gclernt. In giving the principal parts of strong verbs, we have to distinguish seven classes of verbs, grouped according to their root- vowel change (called 5lblaut)» Give the principal parts of all verbs in sentences in the third singular present, preterit, (future, and) perfect. E.g. er finbet ben ©artner, er Iftuft in ben Garten, er fanb ben ©cirtner, er lief in ben ©arten, er h)irb ben Partner ftnben, er iDirb in ben ©arten lanfen, er ^ai ben ©artner gefnnben; er ift in ben ©arten gelaufen. BEGINNERS GERMAN 79 We shall classify the strong verbs into one of the following seven classes: CLASS mFINITIVE PRETERIT PAST PARTICIPLE 1 ei i(ie) t(ie) 2 ie 3 i a u(o) 4 e a 5 c a e 6 a u a 7 a (and other vowels) ie (i) a (and other vowels) Examples taken from the preceding lessons : 1. fd^retben, fc^rieb, gefd^riebcn, fd^treigen, — — fd^einen, — — bleiben, — — beifecn, m, gebiffen, gretfen, — — pfeifen, — — (ger)fd^neibcn, fd^nitt, gefd^nitten. 2, riec^cn, frieren, tod^/ gerod^en, ^ fliefeen, — — ttUefeen, — — 3. (inQen, (t)er)[d^Iingen, fang, gefungen, ftnben, — — trinfen, — — beginnen, begann, begonnen* 4, fprec^en, fprad^, gefprod^en. fterben, — — bred^cn, — ■— l^elfen, — — • ftec^en, — — 8o BEGINNERS' GERMAN nejmen, n(xi)tu.f gcnommcn, toerben, (toarb) h3urbe, ift getoorben. (And) f ommen, font, ift gefommen» 5, lefen, Ia«, gelefen, geben, — — treten, — — effen, a6, gegeffen. (And) liegen. tofi, getegen, ft^en, fa6, gefeffcn. 6» tta^tn, trug, getragen, tT3af($en, — — tDa($fen, — — (fort)faf)ren, Wr (fort), (fort)gefa5ren» 7. l^alten, W% ge^alten, fd^Iafen, — — faEen, — — (ber)Iaffen, — — fangen, Ptifi, gefangcn, f)eifeen, m, geiieifeen, laufen, Kef, ift gelaufen, rufen, rief, gerufen, geJien, fitng, ift gegangen. State with each verb where it occurred for the first time, i.e. give the sentence, as far as possible. (a) Form sentences of your own with the preterit for the verbs fd^trcifictt to f(^neiben. (b) Form sentences with the perfect for the verbs ^lei^ctt to ficgintien* (c) Form sentences in the singular present for the verbs of classes 4-7. Give the synopsis of a verb in complete sentences. beginners' GERMAN 8l E.g. Present — i^ fd^retbe meine 5(ufgabc* Preterit — bu [d)rtebft beine Slufgabe. Future — er tDirb feme 5lu[gabe fc^reiben* Perfect — n)tr ()aben unfere ^lufgaben gefc^rieben. Pluperfect — if)r ^attd eure ^lufgaben ge[d)rieben. Perf . Cond. — [ie tDiirben ii)vt Hufgaben gefc^rieben f)aben. Use as the last form the perfect conditional, and not the future perfect, as it is scarcely ever used in common speech. Apply this scheme, or any variation of it, orally or in writing, to all the verbs, omitting fc^cinctl, flieftetl, ftcrficn. €tnunbbrei§tgfte 2lufgabe §eute tDcrben iDir eine neue ©efd^ic^te burd^nef)men, bic fo^ genben ^itel fiat: ^a§ tojthaxt trauttctn S^d 3}Jagbe, 5(nna unb SD^artl^a, gingen na(^ ber (Stabt, unb jebe trug einen fd^meren ^orb boll Dbft auf bem ^opfe, 5lnna murrte unb feuf^te beftanbig, "ifflavi^a aber lad^te unb fc^er^te, 5lnna fagte: „SSte magft bu nur lad^en? ^etn ^oxb ift ia fo fc^toer H)ie ber metnige, unb bu btft nlc^t ftcirfer aU i^J' Tlavti)a fprac^: „^u f)aft rec^t, meln ^orb ift fo fc^toer mte bei beinige, aber tc^ l^abe ein gen)lffe§ ^rciutlein ^ur iBiirbe gelegt, bal)er fuf)le ic^ fie faum." „(Ei" rtef 5lnna, „ha^ tnufe ein foft* bare^ ^rciutlein feln, ®ag mir bo(^, toie eg l^eifet/' Tlavtf)a anttoortete: „^ag foftbare ^rautlein, ba^ alle ^aften leic^ter mac^t, l^eifet — @ebulb/' 9[)^erfe btr, Slnna, unb benfe baran: „?eic^ter trcigt, ira^ er aud^ tragi, ilSer ©ebulb pr iBiirbe legt," 82 beginners' GERMAN S3crfte{)cn @ie biefe 5lnefbote? SBa§ fonnen terun&t)ret§t9P:e ^lufgabe ^a^ ^eutft^c 9flci(S ©eit 1871, felt bem ^riege mtt granfretd^, beftef)t loieber ein mftc^ttgeg, einlQeg !Deutfc^eg $Held§, ^Deutfd^tanb ift nid^t fe^r grofe, obtoolf)! grower al^ ^nglanb ober granfreid^. 3e= bod^ bie ^Sereinlgten (Staaten t)on 9^orbamertfa o^m 5lla^fa finb 14| mat grower aU bag ^Deutfd^e ^eld^, 5lber !3)eutfd^- lanb l^at ungef(if)r 68 3}^lIUoTien (SlntDofiner, alfo f fotitet h)ie ble 3Serelnigten ©taaten, !Der iebe^malige ^ontg tion ^reu= 6en ift ^eutf d^er ^atfer. grill^er lijurben ble ^eutfd^en ^aifer tmmer geh3af)It, b, !), nad^ bem 3:obe elneg ^eutfd^en ^alfer^ iDal^lte man einen neuen.^ 3e^t ift bie ^alfertDitrbe aber erb* Itd^. ^er t)eutige !Deutfd^e ^aifer f)at bie ^ad^t eineg elntgen ©eutfd^en 9^eid^eg {)inter fid^. ^er ^aifer ift ber 5Sertreter beg 9^eid^eg tm 3Serfef)r mtt bem 5luglanb. (gr ift aud^ ber oberfte ^rteggi)err unb i8efe{)lg]()aber ber 5lrmee nnb glotte* BEGINNERS' GERMAN 9 1 5Iber er f)at nid^t iDte ber ^ipraftbent ber 53ereinigten (Staaten ba^ 9^ec^t, ein 33eto elnjulegen, !Da^ ^eutfd^e dld^ ht\td)t au^ 26 emgelnen (Btaaten; bier babon finb ilomgreic^e, namlic^ ^reufeen, 58at)em, ©ad^fen unb ilBurttemberg, ^iefe 26 (Staaten fenben 61 35ertreter, bie t)on ben Sanbe^furften ernannt irerben, nac^ ^Berlin, ber §auptftabt 'iPreufeeM unb be^ ^eidie^. !Die 61 3Sertreter bilben sufammen ben Sunbe^rat unter bem 5Sorft^e be^ Df^elc^^:* fanjler^. Sefeterer mirb t)om ^aifer ernannt. !Die ^iirger tnt Qan^en 2)eutf(^en 9^ei(^ t^'d^tn 397 5lbgeorbnete in ben SRetc^i^tag, ber ebenfaltg in ^Berlin jufammenfommt. 2ltte ^iir* ger, bie liber 25 ^al^re alt finb, ertncii^len biefe SD^itglieber be^ ^eic^^tage^ auf 5 3cif)re, in gel)eimer ^a% !5)er iBunbe^* rat unb ber ^^eic^^tag mac^en @efe^e unb ftelten bag iBubget beg 3:)eutfc^en ^Reic^eg feft. T)k grofeten unb tuic^tigften (^t&btt !Deutf(^Ianbg finb nad^ ^Berlin: Hamburg an ber (gibe, ^D^iinc^en (bie ©auptftabt bon iBatjern), ^eipjig in ©ac^fen, ^regben (bie ^auptftabt ©ac^^ feng), ^oln (Soln) am ^l^ein, ^reglau an ber £)ber, granffurt am 9}^ain, $annot)er, Bremen an ber ilBefer.. 1 Qm 13. 3fa{)r{)unbert gob c3 fogar ctnmal cine faifcdofc, fd^rcdflid^c 3cit, Stagen (Seit meld^em S^al^re beftel^t ein neueg ^eutfd^eg ^eid^? "Hflad) tDelc^em ^riege tdav ha^? §aben (Sie fd^on bon bem beutfc^^fran^ofifd^en ^rieg gel^ort? SBie bielmal grower finb bie 53ereinigten ©taaten aU 3)eutfc^ranb? i£3ie ift bie beutfd^e ^aifertriirbe je^t? ilBie fam man friilier su einem ^aifer? 92 beginners' GERMAN SBelc^eS finb ble 9?e(^te be§ ^Deutfd^cn ^aifer^? 2Bie biele (Staaten gibt e^ im 3)eutfc^en 9^eid^? 9^ennen @ie bit brei grofeten (Btaaten mit il^ren ^auptftabten! 3eigen (Sie biefe ©tcibte auf ber Cartel iSBie t)iele 33ertreter bilben ben ^unbe^rat? ©inb fie QetDcililt ober emannt? SSer ift ber 33orft^er be^ ^unbe^rat^? SBte Diere a^Jitglleber be^ ^eid^gtagg gibt e^? SSerben biefe getncil^lt? ^ann ber ^aifer aKein ©efe^e madden ober allein ba^ ^ubget aufftellen? SKeld^e iDeiteren etabte unb glUffe !Deutfd§Ianbg fennen (Sie? Sft ^Deutfd^Ianb tDit bit 3Sereinigten ©taaten ein (Btaattnhunb, ober ift e^ ein iBunbe^ftaat? ^at ber "iPrfifibent ber 53ereinigten Btaattn a|)n= lid^e ^ted^te loie ber ^eutfd^e ^aifer? SBergleid^en (Sie bie beiben 2&nbtx miteinanber! (Sd^reiben ®ie einen Huffa^ bariiber! NOTE Declension N. ein ncuer Golfer tint fc^recfUc^c Sdt tin ^cutfd^cg 9?ct(^ G. cinc« ncucn ^oifcrg ciner f(^re(fli(^en 3ett eincg !Deutfd^en 9Jet(|e8 Z). cincm ncucn ^aifcr einer fd^redlic^cn B^it cincm •Dcutfd^cn 9?ci(^(c) ^. einen neuen ^aifcr einc fd^rcdflic^c 3sit ein ^cutfd^eg dtti6) Why is this declension of adjectives called at times mixed? Are attributive adjectives in the comparative and super- lative declined like the adjectives in the positive degree? Illustrate. Is it not true that either the adjective or the preceding element (ber= and ein=words) must show the gender, num- BEGINNERS GERMAN 93 ber, and case of the following noun which it modifies? If so, does that make clear the forms: bcr neue, but ein neuct, ha§ neue, but ein neue^? Decline in sentences, orally and in writing: ein !Deutfd^er J^aifer; eine erblic^e ^aiferttJiirbe; mein fd^oneS SSaterlanb^ When are geographical adjectives capitalized? ^iinfunbbret^tgfte Jtufgabe (Review) SSteberl^oIung ber gangen Hbieftitj^^efllnation: N. G. D. hex ncuc ^aifer ein ncucr ^aifcr beg ncuen ^aiferS cineS tteucn ^aiferg bem ncuen ^aifcr cincm ncuen ^aifer ben neucn ^atfer cincn neuen ^ai[cr Singular bte fd^rcdlid^e 3cit etnc fd^rccflid^e ^cit bcr fd^redflicficn 3cit etncr fd^rcdflici^cn 3ctt bcr fd^redlic^cn 3eit eincr [c^rccflic^cn 3cit bic fc^rcdEIid^c 3cit cine fc^rcdflic^c ^cit Norn. Gen. Dat. Ace. bag bcutfd^e tinb ein bcutf(^C)8 ^inb bc8 beutfd^cn ^inbe« etneS bcutfcficn ^inbeS bcm bcutfc^cn ^inb einem bcutfc^en ^inb has beutf(|c ^inb ein beutfci^c;^ ^tnb Plural Qutcn bie (fcinc) ber gutcn (feiner) ben Quten (feinen) ^atfcr 3eiten ^tnber taifer 3etten ttnber faifern 3eiten ^inbern ^L '''*'" I leUcn >. ^inber (feine) 94 2)le erfte ©tropl^e beg beutfd^en 9^ationattiebeg: ^ , . ^ic SBac^t am 9fl^cm lautet: ^g brauft ein $Ruf tDie Donnerl^att, iSSte ©d^mertgeflirr unb ilBogenprall: 3uin D^^ein, gum D^l^ein, aum beutfc^en 9?]^em! fBtv mill beg (Stromeg filter fein? !Oteb 33aterlanb, magft ruf)tg fein, ^kh SSaterlanb, tnagft rulfiig fein: geft fte^t unb treu bie SSad^t, bie iESac^t am dl^dnl geft Mt unb treu bk ^ai^t, bie iSSac^t am ^^^ein! 5(m gufee ber 33orbertafeI beg 9^ationaIbenfmaIg (^monumentg) auf bem 9^ieberh)alb bei ^iibeg- Ifieim am di^cin ift ba^ 2kb „3)ie iCSad^t am ^f)ein" eingegraben. 3Serftef)en (Sie alte ^Sorter? ©in ^rieger trcigt ein (Sd^mert an feiner linfen (Seite, 5Die iEBogen bebeutet bie ^eEen* SSo l^aben mir bie SBettcn gelemt? ^ie beutfc^en ^rieger merben fiir ben 9^f)ein ftrei^^ ten; fie finb balder bie filter beg ©tromeg* SSo l^aben mir ru^ig gejiabt? i£3o l^aben mir treu gelernt? ilBag fiir ein §a(t (sound) ift ber ^onner!)att? iSSag fiir ein ©eflirr ift bag (Sc^mertgeflirr? i£3ag fiir ein 'iprall (rebound) ift ber SSogenprall? iESag fiir ein ;?anb ift ba^ 35aterlanb? Show the onomatopoeia in this poem, i.e. the formation of words to imitate the sound of the thing. beginners' GERMAN 95 3efet fingen H)ir ba^ J^ieb! giir morgen lemen ©ie eg au^tDenbtg! NOTE Give a synopsis of: eg brauft^unb eg bonnert fe{)r; i(5 fte{)e am offenen genfter. Do intransitive verbs of posture, i.e. fl^Ctt, Ixtqtn, ftel^en, usually take the auxiliary fein or l^abett? Is verbal action or result of action expressed? WORD FORMATION dtu^iQ x\t, totv (bie) 9?uf)e ^at 9Ser ift fiungrig, burftig, fteifeig, mac^tig? Collect all the adjectives ending in -\Q, and show the force of the suffix. Give the adjectives in complete sentences. SSag man e[[en tann, ift ePar. SBag ift trinfbar, prbar, legbar? ^0 f)aben mir tounbcrbar ge()abt? 5ed?sunbbret§tgfte 2lufgabe ® r c 8 b e n, ben 12. iD?ars 1912. ^ieber greunb! !Delnen augfuf)rlic^en 58rtef t)om 28. gebruar l^abe i^ emp= fangen. 3(^ banfe ^tr t)ielmalg bafiir. !Damtt ^u nic^t lange auf 9^ac^ricf)t su tDarten braud^ft, rt)iE i($ ^ir fofort ant:= tDorten. 3(^ ft*eue mtc^ fef)r, bafe ^u ung balb mit ^einen ©efc^tDiftern befuc^en tDirft. ^n ^eutfc^lanb ift eg jebenfallg im SUJai am fc^dnften. 3)af)er ftngen rt)ir ^Deutfc^e auc^ in ber erften @tropf)e beg Siebeg „SSanberf(^aft": 96 „^cr Tlai tft gefommen, bie Saume fc^Iagen au§, !I)a bleibe, iDer ^uft l^at, tntt (Sorgen ju ^au^! iBie bie SSoIfen bort n)anbern am ()irrtTnlifc^en 3^It, ©0 ftel^t aud^ mtr ber tebcr (I)iitter). W •':»'••*:: t beginners' german E.g. In bur(5Iaufen, iiberfel^cn, untemef)men, umgel^en, tDieberl^oIen. Observe the difference: 2)er ^aufmann Derlor fein &dh, o{)Tie e« gu toiffen; but ber ^aufmann Derlor fein ®elb, o^nc bafe e^ ber §unb toufetel What is the reason for this? Give similar illustrations. 2ldjtunbbrei§tgfte 2tufgabe ^cr ^unb mit htm glcifrfie @tn §unb l^atte ein ©tiirf gleifc^ Gefto!)Ien unb Itef batntt liber etnen fd^malen ©teg* S'n bem flaren SSaffer fal^ er fein ^ilb nnb metnte, ha^ e^ ein anberer §unb fei, ber aud^ ein ®tu(f gleifd^ im SD^auIe l^abe, (gr gebad^te e^ il^m gu nel^men, unb fo fd^nappte er gierig banac^, !Da entftel ii)m ba^ Sleifd^, ha^ er l^atte, unb ba^ anbere, ba^ er l^aben toottte, inar aud& tjerfd^tDunben, Semanb, ber ettca^ fttelfilt, ift ein !Dteb, ©in ©teg ift ein ilSeg, ber oft iiber SSaffer flil^rt $unbe unb al(e ^tere ^ahtn ein Tlaul; fie freffen* SSa^ ^aben bie SD^enfd^en? greffen fie? 2Bag ift gierig? ^erftel^en enn (Sie ()eute frei ()atten? 3c^ Mrbe [pasieren gef)en, tioenn id) f)eute frei f)(itte; bu iDiirbeft fpajteren 9e()en, njenn bu l^eute fret ()atteft uftt). Conjugate this in full, then: SSenn ic^ f)eute frei ^attt, milrbe i(^ auSgel^ien; and finally: §(itte i($ f)eute frei, fo tuiirbe ic^ au^gef)en. Take the same sentence in the three formations, and con- jugate it in the compound tenses. E.g. 3(^ JDiirbe fpajieren gegangen fein, toenn i^ frei Qti)aht ficttte ufrt). Pierjigfte 2lufgabe ^ic ©cftutcn ^ie (B(^ukn ftnb offentlic^e ©ebaube. ^te @tabt l^at fte fiir bte 3ugenb bauen laffen. 3)ie (Sc^iiler unb (Sd^iilertnnen fonnen unb follen etmag barin lernen. 5IIIe ^Inber miiffen mtt 6 3ai)Xtu in bte (Sc^ule gef)en. 3ebe6 ^inb mufe bie ©ci^ule 8 ^cil^re befuc^en. ^ter iDirb e^ tm ^efen, ©dfireiben, 9?ec^nen uftt). unterrtd^tet. Sluc^ mlE bie ©c^ule f)elfen, ba^ ^tnb gu einem orbentllc^en 9D?enfd^en gu erste!)en. I08 beginners' GERMAN 3n ben 35oIf§f(^uten luirb bag gelel^rt, irag jeber Tltn\d) tm iOeben njiffen nxufe. 3n ben ]f)oI}eren ©c^ulen folten bte ^inber nod^ mel^r lemen. 3ebe6 ^inb ntufe eine ^Solf^fd^ule befuc^en, menn eg in feme anbere ®c^ule gelfit. ©g gtbt auc^ ^rbatfd^ulen, ble man be- fnc^en barf ober mag, T)k l^oc^fte ©d^ule ift bte ©oc^fdjnle ober bie Uniderftttit. ^ie (Sd^iiler ber llnit)erfttaten f)ei6en ©tubenten, 2luf ber Unberfitcit ftnbieren bie jungen J^ente, tt)elc§e $Rid^ter, Srgte, ^farrer ober 2t^vtv tDerben lt)oIIen» Sragcn SBag fiir ©ebaube (^anfer) finb bie (Sd^ulen? gur njen ^at bie (Stabt fie gebaut? giir it)en {)at bie (Stabt fie bauen laffen? 9}?iiffen alle ^inber in bk ©(^u(e ge]()en? iSBie range? SSag lernen fie in ber ^d^ule? iBiffen ®ie, irag bie 8(^nle anc§ nod& toiU? 53Ko lernt man biel? 3^n n)el(^en (Sd^ulen lemt man mel^r? Unb IDO lernt man am meiften? ©ibt eg anc^ ^ribatfc^nlen? ^arf man biefe befnc^en? iBag fttr Seute ftnbieren auf ben Uniberfitciten? 9^ennen ©ie einige grofee amerifanifd^e Unit)erfi=^ taten! ^ennen (Sie aud^ bie 9^amen bon einigen ber 21 beutfc^en Uniberfitciten? ^ie fiol^eren ©d^ulen njerben in Hmerifa high schools genannt. 3ft eine amerifanif($e high school bagfelbe trie eine bentfc^e §o(^f(^nle? ilBarum nid^t? BEGINNERS GERMAN lOQ ©agen (Ste nun, mag @ie liber bte ©c^ulen toiffen! ^efen (Sie ben furgen 5luffafe bartiber in 3lE)t*em iBnd^e!. (Sd^relben ter3tgfte 2lufgabe (BU mxi SScite (S^ gtng auf ben Hbenb su, !Da tarn ein frember 9D?ann auf ber !2anbftra6e f)ergefaf)ren, ber mufete grofee @ile l^aben, benn er I)ieb auf feine "iPferbe, bafe fie laufen tnufeten, mti)v al^ fie mod^ten. Unb bem SSagen tat'g aud^ ntd^t gut; benn ber SSeg niar fteinig unb uneben* 511^ aber ber SD^ann einen SSanberer einliolte, ber gu gu^ einl^ergtng, f)telt er etJDa^ an unb rief: „®uter greunb, faun ic^ n)o{)( nod^ in bie ^taht fommen, e^e beginners' GERMAN III c^ 9^a(^t tioivh?" — ^er iBanbcr^mann fa§ bte fexid^enben ^ferbe an unb ben SSagen unb ben SSeg unb fagte: „3a, iDenn 3^r langfanter fal^ret. 3c^ ^tlt ttud^ noc^ bal^in," 3)a bad^te ber anbere: „^ag ift ein reciter ^avvl 3e fc^neller, befto ef)er!" unb rannte mit fetnem ifiSagen hjeiter bem gufeganger borau^, 5(1^ aber biefer feine^ ©d^ritte^ eine ©tunbe iDeiter gegangen unb e^ fd^on siemltd^ bunfel tioav, \ai) er eine ^utfd^e am SBege Itegen. 3)te ^utfd^e tarn ii)m befannt t)or, unb ben 9}2ann, ber baneben ftanb unb auf feme amten ^ferbe unb auf ben fd^Ied^ten SBagen fd^tmpfte, erfannte er auc^ mieber* „®uter greunb/' fprac^ er, „i(i) l^ab'^ dufi) h)o]^r gefagt, 36^^ pttet langfamer fal^ren folten, 3§r burftet nid^t fo fd^nell faf)ren. 3^ mufe @ud^ nun elnen iCSagen l^erau^fenben, toenn id) in bte ©tabt fontme/' H(^ ber Jufegcinger am folgenben Tlov^tn tm ©aftl^aufe, h)o er gefd^Iafen l^atte, auftDad^te unb jum genfter l^inau^fal^, fam langfam unb lal^m ein iSSagen bafier, ^en fannte ber iSSan- bergmann, unb e^ taten if)m nur bie ^ferbe leib, bie Uber 9^ad^t nid^t^ gefreffen l^atten, me iiberfefeen ®ie „©ile mit SBeile"? ^emanb, ber @ile ^at, ift eilig* @in ^eg, ber ©teine l^at, ift — ? ^it iiberfe^en @ie: t^ tut tntr and) ntciftt leib? iSSa^ tut ein ^anberer? ^0 l^aben tdiv ttianbcnt gelemt? ^a^ fiir ein SD^ann ift ein gufeganger? ®inb ber SSagen unb bie ^utfcfte ba^felbe? Ba^ tut ein SSagner? ^0 f)aben mir e^ bunfelt gel^abt? 112 gragcn SBar eg fci^on 5lbenb,ober ttymhe e« erft Hbenb? SBer fam auf ber ^Oatibftrafee gefaf)ren? 2Bag tat ber 3[)^ann? SSarum? iBar ber ilSeg fteinlo^ unb eben? ilBeTi traf ber frembe S^iann? iEBar biefer gu ^ferbe? SBanntDoIIte ber SD^ann in bag nSd^fte^orf fomtnen? SKoKte ber iSSanbergmann aud^ nod^ bal^ln? SKag fagte er? ilBte lautete bie 5lnttt)ort beg gufirmanng? ilSartete ber 9[)?ann auf ben iSSanberer? gul^r jener balb ah? 3)unfelte eg fc^on, atg ber SBanberer etne ^utfd^c im SSege liegen fal^? ^annte er ben iCSagen unb ben ^ann? SSag tat biefer? SSar er somtg? SKarunt? SSen mugte ber SSanberer pm gul^mxann fenben? SSann unb tiok tarn ber iESagen enblic^ an? SBarum taten bem gufe ganger bk ^ferbe leib?. 3ft eg ber TM)t toert, ftd^ gu fel)r su beellen? ^o^nt eg ftc^? @rsaf)(en (Ste bie gan^e ®efc^i(^te! ^efen ®ie biefelbe laut bor! ©c^reiben (Sie je^t eine 5(rbeit bariiber! (gr^al^Ien kr3tgfte ^lufgabe ^tci Srcutibe ©in Tlann \)attc bret greunbe; gtt)ei Don il^nen Itebte er fel^r; ber britte iDar U)m gleld^gilltig, obh)of)I biefer e^ am ef)rltd§ften tnit ii)m meinte. (Stne^ ^ageg Inurbe er t)or ©erid^t geforbert, too er unfd^ulbig, aber l^art berflagt toar* „SSer ixnter euc^/' fprad^ er, „tr)tll tnit mir gel^en unb filr mid^ geugen? ^enn td^ bin f)art t)ernagt toorben." ^er erfte feiner greunbe entf(^ul= bigte ftc^ fogleid^, ba^ er toegen anberer ©efd^cifte nid^t mit U)m gel^en fonne, ^er atoeite begleitete ii)n bi^ ^ux ZVix be^ dli^U l^aufeg; ba fel^rte er um unb ging au^ gurd^t t)or bent somigen D^id^ter priidf, !Der britte, auf ben er am toentgften gebant l^atte, ging f)inein, rebete fiir U)n unb s^^Qte fo freubig bon feiner Unfd^ulb, bag ber Tlann bom ^id^ter freigefprod^en tourbe, ^rei greunbe l^at ber Tltn\d) in biefer SSelt. SKie betragen fie ftd^ in ber (Stunbe be^ 3;:obe^, toenn ii)n ®ott bor ©erid^t forbert? ^a^ ©elb, fein befter greunb, berlafet i^n guerft unb gel^t nid^t mit if)m, @eine 33ern)anbten unb greunbe begteiten tl^n bi^ gur Xixv be^ ©rabe^ unb fel^ren toieber in t^ire ^ciufer, !Der britte, ben er im ?eben oft am meiften bergafe, finb feine tbol^Itcitigen SSerfe» 'Bit allein begleiten if)n bi^ gum ^^l^rone be^ 9^td^terg; fie ge^en boran, fpred^en filr xi)n unb finben ^arml^ersigfeit unb ©nabe* 9lod^3. ®. Berber. beginners' GERMAN II5 5£Sa^ tut ein ^id^ter tm ®ert($t? 3c«gcn l^eifet fiir ober gegen jemanben fpred^en, 3emanb, ber ©c^ulb l^at, tft fd^ulbig* (gtner, ber feme ©d^ulb f)at, tft — ♦ ^a^ tut ein ©c^ulbiger? (Sr — ftc§, ilSorum bittet eiu (Sc^ulbtger? ^r bittet um — ober um 53 — ♦ Sa^ fiir ein Tlann ift ein somlger $D^ann? 3iinxt er? 2Ser greube l^at, tft — , ilSer feme greube Ifiat, ift — ♦ SKa^ tut ein freubiger Wm\(^? dv — fi(^» Sragen SBie Diele greunbe l^atte ein Tlann? ^atU er atle gleid^ gem? §atte er gtuei t)on i^nen fteber al6 ben britten? Ober Ifiatte er ben britten om liebftcn? SSie ftanb er gum britten? SBer iDar ber el^rlid^fte unter feinen greunben? ifiSann iDurbe ber ^ann bor ©eric^t gerufen? ilBe^^alb? iBorum bat er feine greunbe? iSSomit entfc^ulbigte fic^ ber erfte greunb? SSSie meit ging ber gtDeite mit? ^e^lnegen inanbte er fic^? SSa^ tat ber britte greunb, ber U)m am gleid^^ glittigften mr? iSSer fprad^ ben Tlann frei? 55 on itiem ttjurbe er freigefprod^en? 5Ber finb bie brei greunbe, bie tt)ir Ifiaben? Il6 beginners' GERMAN SBle bel^anbelt ber erfte greunb ben SD^cnfc^en in ber 3:obe^ftunbe? ©el^en bie ^todUn greunbe big gur ©rabe^tiir mit? iSBie l^eifet ber britte greunb beg 9}?enfd^en? Solgt il^m biefer big sum 9^i($tert]^ron? ilBag txtdixtt er filr ben 9[)?enf(^en? (^x^ai)Un ter3igftc Jlufgabe ^ic i^ij^crcn ©cftuleit ^eutfij^lanb^ !Die f)o^txtn ^nabenfc^ulen be« ^eutfd^en D^eic^cg s^rfallen in ©ijmnaften, D^ealgt^mnaften unb Dberrealfd^ulen. Wit biefe 5lnftalten f)aben einen neunjal^rigen ^urfu^. ^ie (Schiller ber erften Slnftalt l^eifeen ©t^mnaftaften, bie ber smeiten: S^ealgtim- nafiaften, unb bie ber britten 2lnftalt: Dberrealfdjliler. ^te ^laffen in alien brei (Sc^ulen fieifeen t)on unten auf: @ejta, Ouinta, Ouarta, Untertertia, Obertertia, Unterfefunba, Oberfefunba, Unterprima unb Oberprima. 9^a(f) beftanbener Unterfefunba ober nac^ fe($g Saftt^en er!)alten bie jungen Seute bag (SiniaJrtg^greitDillige^^sitQ^^^ l^^ SLTtilitarbienft. 5^ac{) beftanbenem enbgliltigen (Seamen trirb ber Dberprtmaner 5lbi* turient unb mufe gu alien llnlt)erfttat§ftubien an alien 21 beutfc^en llnlt)erfttaten unb an hm 11 tec5nlfd)en ^^od^fd^ulen jugelaffen nierben. Qn alien l)ol)eren Sel)ranftalten n)erben ^eutfd), ^mat^ematif, 9f^aturh)tffenf(^aften, ©efc^ic^te, (grb^ funbe, Religion, 3^t^tien, ©ingen unb STurnen gelel)rt. ^te anberen Sel^rfac^er, b. I), bie frembcn (^prac^en, finb fo tierteilt, ii8 ha^ 2atdn, ©rled^tfd^ unb grangofifc^ auf ben ©tjmnaften be- trieben lt)erben, auf ben 9^ealQt)mnafien !2atein unb neuere ©prad^en, ncimlic^ gran^ofifd^ unb Snglifd^, unb auf ben Dber- realfd^ulen nur hit neueren ©prad^en, !Die (Sd)iiler finb betm ^intritt getDofinlid^ neun big ^e^n Sat)ve alt unb ^aben brei big t)ier Saf)vt^fux\t ber 33olfgfd)ule, ober eine 53orf(^uIe t)on brei* ial^riger 3)auer, — fec^g XaQt bie 5£3od)e, — burc^gemac^t, ^ie gerien bauern 0en)o]^nli(^ elf i£3o(^en, b. If). Dftem gtnei SBod^en, "ipfingften eine iSSod^e, grofee (Somnxerferien bier big fiinf iSSod^en, 9[)^id^aelig eine big ^tod ilBod^en unb ilBeif)nac^ten StDei iCSod^en. ^er Hbiturient einer f)of)eren beutfdien ?ef)r= anftalt bilrfte fo gut iDie ein Junior eineg amerifanifc^en col- lege borgebilbet fein. !Die 9}^abcf)en befuc^en gemol^nlic^ fogenannte ^ol&ere Tlixb^ d^enfc^ulen. Qel^t gibt eg aucf) einige SO^abdjengl^mnafien, h)eld§e ben (Sd^iilerinnen biefelben SBerec^tigungen erteilen toit bie ent* fpred^enben f)of)eren ^nabenfd^ulen, SJragcn SSie biele 5lrten Don l^ol^eren beutfd^en ^naben= fd^ulen gibt eg? SSie Ifieigen biefelben unb beren (Schiller? iEBie nennt man bie 6d^lller ber Derfc^iebenen neun ^laffen? !I)ie iungen !3)eutfc^en mitffen 2 ober 3 ^cil^re ^BoU bat fein im §eere ober in ber 9D?arine» 2Ber braud^t nur ein 3abr gu bienen? ilBeglialb? ^arf ein 5lbiturient iiberalt ftubieren? SBie biele beutfd^e Uniberfitciten fennen <8ie? @eben (Sie bie genteinfamen ^ef)rfac^er ber l)d]^eren (Sd^ulen an! 119 SBte nennt man ©rbfunbe fonft noc^? !Dte ^otanif, bie ^oologie, ^^l)ftf unb (Sl^iemie fiitb 9^aturtr)iffenf(^aften, SKeld^e ©prac^en h)erben auf bem ©ijmnafium ge* le^rt? SBeld^e auf bem D^ealgi^mnaftum? Hnb h)etd§e auf ber Dberrealfc^ule? ilBeld^e^ ift bie 33orbi(bung ber f)of)eren ® chiller? 3n h)eld^em filter fommen fie getool^nlid^ in bie pfieren (Sd^ulen? $at man in ^eutfc^Ianb fiinftagigen Unterrid^t iDoc^entlid^ ober mirb in 3)eutf(^Ianb an \t6)^ 3:agen unterrid^tet? SSie tDerben bie gerien eingeteilt? iSSie gut toerbcn bie l^ofieren ©d^liler augge* bilbet? ^a^ fdnnen ®ie liber bie 9}?(ibc^enf$ulen fagen? ©r^al^Ien (Sie atte^, tra^ ©ie ilber hit l^o^eren beutfc^en ©d^ulen lt)iffen! 33erglei(^en ©ie bie beutfd^en (Sd^ulen mit ben amerifanifc^en ©d^ulen! ^efen ®ie ba^ ©tiid je^t in ^l^tem 58uc^e nad§! (^(^reiben ©ie einen fleinen ^uffa^ bariiber! NOTE In what number are the names of the great holidays used in German? E.g. SSeif)na(^ten, etc. Substitute for serfaUen the verb cintctlcn» Substitute for ^ci^en the verb nctlttcn* In the two sentences which begin with the preposition Jiat!^, use the conjunction ttad^bcttt, orally and in writing. I20 BEGINNERS* GERMAN Change into the passive in all persons and tenses: i(5 tie{)ine ntein 53u(5, i(5 o[[ne mein 33ud^, td^ fd^liefee mein ^ud^, Id^ lege mein ^ud^ I)in. E.g. 9}?ein (bag) iBud^ h)irb bon mir gcnommen, etc. t)terunbr)ter3tgfte Zlufgabe ^ic ^eutfc^cn in 5(mcrifa !^eutfd^e ftnb in ber gan^en ilBelt 3U finben, ®ie gcil^ilen bei^ naf)c 100 9l)^iIlionen, Don benen nngefaf)r 68 9[)^ilIionen in ^eutfd^Ianb unb 15 SD^illionen in £)fterrei(^ tDoffXim. ©^ gibt anc^ t)iele ^eutfc^e in ber (B^\t)ci^ unb in D^uftlanb. ^ie grofete 3cil()I ^eutfc^er im ^In^Ianb ftnbet man in ben 33ereinigten (Staaten* ©d^on "ipenn brac^te, al^ er fid^ 1682 in *iPenn:= ft)lt)anien nieberliefe, Diele ^eutfd^e, l^auptfad^Iid^ ^^^einpfalger, mit, benen im erften ^rittel be^ 18. ^ci^i^^unbertg betrad^t- lid^e (Sd^aren folgten, bie immer Irieber neuen 9^ad§frf)ub er^ l^ielten. 3ntereffant ift e^, bai ein ^eutfd^er, nameng ^eter SD^inuit, 1626 gum erften irirflid^en ©oubemeur Don ^ttd gorf gemcil^lt tDurbe, nad^bem er bie 22 englifd^e Ouabrat^ meilen grofee Sn\d 33?anbattan flir 100 2)?arf Don ben 3n= bianem gefauft f)atte. (Sd^on im Qat)ve 1787 bilbete fid^ eine beutfd^e ©efellfc^aft in 9^eh) g)orf, bie Don ben angefel^enften beutfd^en ^aufleuten unb ©runbbefi^em begriinbet toorben tioav unb Don il^nen unterftil^t tDurbe. ^ag 3a^v 1848 brad^te Diele 3)eutfd^e nad^ 5lmerifa. (giner ber beften Don il^nen, ^avl ©d^urg, ein ebenfo guter ®eutf(^er irie treuer iBiirger ber 3Sereinigten (Staaten, bef)anbelte in Diel^ BEGINNERS GERMAN 121 beac^teter ^ebe ben (Sinflufe beg ^exttfc^tum^ auf bte Union unb seigte babel, trie frcifttg bie ^eutfd)=5lmerifaner an bem gortfdjritt beg ]()umanen ©eifteg in Hmertfa mitgen)tr!t !)aben» Unter anberem fagte er, bag bie 3)eutfc^en bie "iPflege ber ^unft unb beg ©efangeg ntitgebrac^t l^atten, fo ba\^ bie 9?aft t)on ber 5lrbeit in alien ^laffen beg 3Solfeg mef)r unb mef)r bon bem ©onnenfc^ein eineg l^eiteren Sebenggenuffeg burc^Ieuc^tet n)erbe. „9^i(5t allein tdiv," fo fagte ^arl (Scaurs, „fonbem jefet aud^ eine SD^el^rsal^I t)on benen, beren 33orurteil erft iiberirunben iDerben muBte, freut fid^ biefer ^efe^rung gum grofifinn." Unb toie auf amerifanif(^em SBoben ein !l)eutf(^er in befd^ei* bener SSeife bie 33erbienfte ber 3)eutfd^en um bie 33ereinigten (Staaten betonte, fo tat bieg in iDeit fraftigerer 5lrt ein 5lmeri^ faner auf beutfd&er Srbe, unb ^tt)ax 3:f)eobore ^^oofebelt gele^ gentlic^ feiner 5SorIefung in ber Berliner Uniberfitat am 12. SD^ai 1910. @r bemerfte, ha^ er in biefeg !^anb Don ru^m^ boiler 33ergangenf)eit unb glcingenber ©egen^art alg ^Ingel^o* riger eineg jungen 33oIfeg fomme, auf bag . 3)eutf c^Ianb grofeen ©influfe auggeiibt: „2)er beutfdje 5lnteil an unferem ^lut ift grofe, benn faft Don 5lnbeginn an ift bag beutfd^e Element unter ben einanber folgenben SBogen bon 5(nfommIingen, beren ^in- begfinber in bie amerifanifc^e 9^ation berarbeitet tDorben finb unb nod) b3erben, grofe getDefen; unb ic^ felbft fuf)re meine 5lb= ftammung auf jenen 3^^tg ber 9^ieberbeutf(^en ^uriid, n)eld^er ^odanb aug ber 5^orbfee emporgel^oben 'i)at Unb noc^ mel^r, loir f^aben bon if)nen nic^t nur einen grofeen 3:eil ht^ ^luteg, bag burc^ unfere Hbem rinnt, entnommen, fonbem auc^ einen grofeen ^eil ber ©ebanfenmett, burc^ toelc^e unfere 3}en!arbeit beftimmt n)irb." SO^an nimmt an, bafe in ben 33ereinigten ©taaten nal^e an brei 5D?iIlionen in ^eutfc^lanb geborene 'iperfonen n)o!)nen. "^ie 3af)l aller aug beutfc^en gamilien ftammenben ^etooliner, b. I). 122 beginners' GERMAN jener, beren beibe ©Item ober beren IBater ober Tlutttx in 2)eutfd^Ianb geboren it)urben, ift aber mit neun 3}?i(Uonen nld^t gu ]^od& Qcfcfiafet; bag mac^t ben gef)nten 3:eil ber ©efamtbebol^ ferung an^, gfJad^ „:Dcutf(|Ianb als SScItmad^t/ ©. 837. Sragen iEBo ftnb bte ^entfc^en gn finben? SBie t)iele ^eutfc^e ^ai)lt man im gangen? 5£3ie t)lele (Sinn)o]^ner f)at ^eutfd^Ianb? Hnb bte 53ereinigten urbe gnerft in Hmerifa iiffent- lid^ geef)rt? SIBoju tDurbe er getDctl^It? mt ^iefe ber etaat 9^en) 2)orf perft? Unb n)ie bie ©tabt? SBie t)iere ^Dollar begalilte "ipeter Tlimit fUr 9}?an^ l^attan? 3n melc^em 3al)re beg nenngel^nten 3a]^rf)unbertg fanten t)iele 3)eutf(^e nad^ 5Imerifa? ^arum? SKag toiffen ©ie t)on ^arl ©c^urg? ^ennen (Sie feine ^iic^er ilber ^enri) (Elat) nnb Slbral^am Lincoln? ^alten ©ie il^n fiir einen grogen Mann? 2tht ^arl ed^ura noc^? §at er je ein offentlic^eg 5lmt befleibet? SBelc^e ^ugenben l^aben bie ^entfd^en nad^ toe^* rifa mitgebrad^t? iSSeld^er grofee Slmerifaner betonte ebenfallg ben (Sinffug ber ^eutfd^en auf unb bie 53erbienfte berfelben urn bie 35ereinigten ©taaten? beginners' GERMAN 1 23 SBo iDurbe biefe 9^ebe gei^alten? SSann? iSSie ift 3)eutfc^Ianb^ 33ergangen]^eit? ilBie feme ©egentDart? 2Bag benfen ©ie bon ^Deutfd^Ianb^ ^ufunft? $aben biete Hmerifaner beutfd^e^ ^lut in il^ren mem? SBeld^er ^Ibftammung ift ^l^eobore 9^oofet)eIt? SBie Diele ^eutfc^^Slmerifaner follen in ben 5Ser* einigten (Staaten tool^nen? (Srs(i{)Ien ©ie, ira^ (Sie ilber bie !I)eutf(5en in %mmfa gu fagen f)a6en! !i?efen ©ic bie ^arftellung! ®eben ^k bie SSieberl^oIung berfelben fd^riftlid^! NOTE SSertDanbetn ©ie bie inbireft gegebene D^ebe toon ^arl ©d^urg in birefte 9?ebe! Unb ben bire!t gegebenen @a^ in inbirefte 9?ebe! ^ertranbeln ©ie, miinblic^ unb fc^riftlic^, 9^oofet)eIt^ iBemer* fungen! 2Sie iiberfe^en ©ie: ^eutfc^e finb iiberatt gu finben, !I)a^ ift nic^t gu glauben! 3(^ {)cibe e^ fagen f)oren» !Sag ia^t ftc^ i)offen (possibility). @^ ttJurbe hm lieben langen 3:ag gegeffen unb getrunfen* Observe : Wan finbct t)iele Hu^Ianber in biefem ^anbe. (Sine ©efeKfc^aft Bitbet ftd). Is the passive used as much in German as it is in English? Does every verb form a personal passive in German? 124 beginners' GERMAN Is the passive always used when the agent is expressed? How does the German avoid the passive voice, and what substitutes are used? Observe the flexibility of English in the use of the passive. Active: He gave me a pencil. @r gab mx einen SBIeiftift* Passive: / was given a pencil (a pencil was given me). Wxt h)urbc etn S3Ieifttft t)on ifitn gegeben. 5iinfunbr>ier3tgfte Zlufgabe (Review) ^cutfdftknb iiber attc^ 1. ^eutfd^Ianb, ^Deutfd^Ianb liber atlc6, liber alle^ in ber iBelt, iESenn e^ ftet^ lu ©d^ufe unb Xmi^t ^rliberltd^ gufammenl^alt, 55on ber 9}iaa^ bi^ an bie ^tmt\, 5Son ber (gtfc^ h\^ an ben ^elt. ^eutfd^Ianb, ^eutfd^Ianb liber aEe^, tiber atleg in ber iSSelt! 2. !Deutf(^e granen, beutfd^e 5treue, ^eutf(^er SBein unb bentfc^er (Sang (SoIIen in ber ^elt bel^alten 3()ren alien fc^onen ^lang, Un^ lu ebler Xai begeiftem Unfer ganged Seben lang, ^eutfc^e grauen, beutf(^e 2reue, !Dentfd^er SBein unb beutfd^er ©ang! BEGINNERS' GERMAN 12$ 3» ©inigfeit unb dltf^t unb ^Jretl^eit glir ha^ beutfc^e 5SaterIanb, !Danac^ lafet un^ al(e ftreben i8ruberli(^ mlt §ers unb ^anb! ^Inigfeit unb D^ed^t unb greil^ett (Stub beg ©liicfeg Unterpfanb. ^mi^' im ©lanse blefe^ ©lUde^, ^Iu6ebeutf(^eg33aterlanb! ^offmonn t)on ^^QncrSlcbcn. SDte 9[)?aag, bte 9D?emet unb bie Stfc^ finb gluffe. ^ie maa^ ift im SSeften t)on ^eutfd^Ianb, ilSo? :3)ie 9J?emcI ift im Dften ^Deutfc^Ianb^. ^ie @tfd& ift im ©ilben bon ^eutfd^tanb, unb ber ^elt, fopfagen ein Xtil beg iBaltifc^en 9}?eereg, ift im 9lorben t)on !Deutfd^lanb, ©ag ^altifd^e SD^eer fieifet getDo^inlic^ bk Oftfee. 3ft bie 3}^emel auf beutfd^em ^oben? 5£3o liegen bie anberen ©elnaffer? ^eigen ter3tgfte 2lufgabe' ^eutfcfttanb^ ©tcHung in ber aSeltnjirtftfiaft 3n ben 3^iten ber 53olfern)anberung l^at ber bent beutfc^en 55o(fe tnnen)o]^nenbe SSanbertrieb bte ©emianenftamme nad^ bent ©iiben unb SSeften gefiil^rt, nad^ ^talien, granfreic^, ©panien unb 5Ifrifa, bann tief bi^ nad^ Ungarn l^inein unb tDieber norbn)art^ nad^ (gnglanb, Unb fc^on balb nad^ ber @ini* gung ber beutfd^en (Stamme unter ben erften fraftt)oIIen ^ad)- fenfaifem, bann unter ben $ot)enftaufen unb fpfiter in ber 3^tt be^ ©eutfd^^errenorbeng erh)iefen hit ^Deutfd^en il^ren ^eruf al^ I^olonifatoren ber 9^orb= unb Oftntarfen in l^eifeen ^cintpfen gegen SBenben unb ^reufeen, 9[)^it ber ©eminnung ber Dftfee begann hit iBliitejeit ber beutfd^en ^anfa* S^^ 3ctt ber ^reug- ailge, aU bie italienifd^en ^anbel^ftcibte ntel^r in htn 3Sorber* grunb traten, bluf)ten bie SSol^npIcifee im (Sltben ^eutfd^Ianb^ auf: SSien, 2lug^burg, Ulm unb 9^iimberg» !Die (gntbedhing neuer §anbelgn)ege am ^lu^gang be^ TlitttU altera fanb hit !Deutfd^en nid^t untfttig, n)enngleid^ bie rotnani* fd^en 9^ationen, bie ^ortugiefen unb (Spanier, baran ben §auptteil f)atten» ^i^^befonbere tdavtn hit gugger unb SBelfer, reid^e ^aufleute in 5lug^burg, beftrebt, bie neuen 55erfe]^r^t)er* pltniffe fid^ bien[tbar su madden, (Sie ^ahtn glotten aug fpanifd^en ^cifen au^t^tn laffen unb fid^ ant fpanifd^en @e= n)iirs]^anbel beteiligt, ja felbft ju (Sroberungen unb Hnfiebe^ lungen auf frentbem iBoben finb fie fortgefcfiritten, ^^eneguela iDurbe befe^t unb foEte rid^tiger SSelferlanb l^eifeen* ^od& ' This reading extract is extremely illuminating, but is rather difl&cult. It may, of course, be omitted at the discretion of the teacher. BEGINNERS GERMAN 1 27 ol^ne Unterftttfeung burdB ba'B dlti^, bent eine JJIotte fel^Ite, h)urben bie beutfd^en ^olonifatoren immer mt^v au^ ii)vm §anbelgbe3ief)ungen t)erbrangt» ^ie grauentjollen 3^tten be^ !Drei6i9iaf)rtgen J^'riege^ boKenbeten ben 53erfaII be^ beutfd^en §anbe(^ ^u ?anb unb gur (See, §olIanb unb (Snglanb rlffeti ba^ beittfd^e Srbe an ftc^» SBof)I berfudfite ber ©rofee ^urfiirft, ber in ber ©(^nle ber ^ottober I)erangen)ad^fen mar unb bie iBebeutung be^ 9D?eere^ al^ Ouelte ber 55oIfergro6e fennen gc* lernt ^atU, bie ©c^opfung einer §anbe(^fIotte unb bie ©riin- bung einer ^olonie in SSeftafrifa, 3tn S^al^re 1683 marb trofe beg @infpru(^g eiferfiid^tiger ^IRad^te t)on einent 3:eile ber ^iifte ^efife ergriffen, bag gort ©rofe^griebrid^gburg erric^ tet, unb ber]^ei6unggt)oIIe ^anbelgbesie^ungen iDurben eroffnet. 2Iber fd^on fein 9^ad^foIger, ber erfte preufeifc^e ^onig griebric^ I,, \)attt fiir biefe ^eftrebungen n)enig ^ntereffe, unb griebrid^ SSil^elnt I,, ber 53ater griebrid^g beg ©rofeen, berfaufte feinen ^efife an bie ^orianbifd^^^eftinbifc^e ^ompagnie fiir 6000 ^ufaten. liber 200 ^a^re litt ba^ beutfd^e 53oIf unter feinen ungliidf^ feligen politifd^en 33er]^altniffen; eg tdav nteerfremb getrorben, unb bent ^lidfgang beg gemerblid^en ^ebeng folgte notmenbiger* n)eife ber beg geiftigen. 9^ur langfant bereitete ftd§ ber Sintritt !Deutfd^tanbg in bie ^ei^e ber iESeltl^anbelgmad^te Dor. ^er (Sinn fiir frembeg iSBoIfgtum unb frembe Sigenart tt)ar in ^eutfd^Ianb intnter rege, leiber oft su feinetn (Sd^aben. Slufeerbem tt)av hk ^ennt^ nig ber fretnben Sprad^en bei ung allmci^lid^ gu fold^er 33er^ breitung gelangt tDie faum anbergrtjo. ^ie unntittelbare 53eranlaffung gur (gntmidflung ber ilberfeeifd^en ^ntereffen !3:)eutfd§Ianbg aber tourbe bie beutfd^e 5Iugn)anberung, l^aupt^ fctd^Iic^ nad§ 9^orbamerifa. (Seit bent 5Infang beg 19. -3a]^r= l^unbertg l^aben ntel^r alg 5 9[)?iI(ionen 3)eutfd^e fid^ neue 128 SKol^nfi^e in ber grembe, fiauptfctc^lld^ in 5^orbamerifa, gefud^t, too ie^t 8-9 SD^iltionen !Deutfd^e leben. ^ie tnirtfd^aftlirfje (Sin* bnfee, bie unfer 5SaterIanb baburc^ erlitt, ift grofe. 5lnberfeit§ aber finb e^ in erfter !2inic bie ^^erfel^r^be^ie^ungen gu Slmerifa QetDefen, bie ben ^anbel nnferer §anfaftdbte toieber empor- brad^ten, 5luf ber oftlid^en ^lali&fugel tourbe perft (Sf)ina, bann ^nbien erfd^Ioffen, nnb 3(tpan offnete sn ^eginn ber 60er 3af)xe be^ borigen S^a^rl^unbert^ feine ^cifen bent beut[(^en 5Serfe]^r. ^zutt bollenb^ umfpannen bie t)on ^eutfd^Ianb au^* lanfenben 33erfef)r^fdben, bie jefet aud^ nac^ 5luftralien unb ber (Silbfee fiinlibersiel^en, ben gan^en ©rbbalL (Seit iBeginn ber 80er ^o^tre ift ba^ !I)eutfd^e ^eid^ in bie 9fJeif)e ber ^otoniatntcid^te eingetreten, unb eg bef)errfd^t l^eute ein ©ebiet t)on bent giinffad^en feiner eignen ©rofee; eg fte!)t fomit nnter ben ^oloniatmctd^ten ]f)infic^tlid^ beg gldd^eninf)altg feiner iBefi^ungen fd^on an britter (Bulk, ©ag in ben ^d^u^gebieten angelegte Capital toirb auf 240 SD^illionen '^avt gefc^ci^t, nnb beren @in= unb 5Iugfuf)r]^anbeI betrug 1903 bereitg 67 Mllionen Tlavt 3Sont ©efantttoerte beg beutfd^en ^lufeenl^anbelg, ber 1904 bie getoaltige (Summe i)on 12,2 9i)2illiarben Tlaxt erreid^t l)at, entfallen | auf ben (Seel^anbeL 3n Hnterifa, befonberg in ^itUh unb ^iibanterifa, befi^en bie ^eutfdf)en bebeutenbe ^anbelgnieberlaffungen ntit getoal* tigen, oft ben SSert bieler SJJillionen befil^enben SSarenlagern* 3n SD^ittelamerifa, SSeftinbien, $D^ejifo unb ben ^cinbem ber ftiblid^en ©olbfiifte f)aben fic^ beutfc^e "ipiantagenbefi^ungen gu erfieblid^er iSBid^tigfeit emporgefd^toungen* ^afe ber beutfd^e §anbel in 5lmeri!a aud^ ntel^r unb ntef)r ntit bent beutfd^en Capital arbeitet, betoeifen bie in jiingfter 3^it errid^teten iiber- feeifd^en ^anfen. ©benfo toenben fid^ bie ^eutfd^en in ben anterifanifd^en ^cinbem in gunefintenbent ^D^afee bent ^au bon 129 (Sifenbafinen gu. 3SteIe gabrifen ftnb mit beutfd^em Capital unb bielfad^ fogar mit beutfc^em 9D?ateriaI eingertc^tet. 5(ud^ 5Ifrifa ^at fiir ba^ ^^eutfd^e ^eid^, unb s^ar nic^t blofe burc^ bie ^olonien, bte e^ bortfelbft beft^t, grogen mirtfd^aft^ lid^en iJSert, 3n biefem ©rbteil beftef)t eine grofeere ^In^al^I beutfc^er gaftoreien unb ®ef(^aft^f)aufer» SO^it beutfc^em Capital ftnb mti)vtxt ^af)nen gebaut, unb mieberum fefir be- trdc^tltd^ tft bie 5(nlage beutfd^en ^apitalg in ben fiibafrifani= fc^en Tlimn. Sn Hfien finben fid^ beutfd^e §anbel^nieberlaffungen bon (Singapore bi^ SBIabitnoftof, beutfd^e gaftoreien unb "i]3Ian= tagen auf (Sumatra unb anbern 3^nfeln. 3n (Sc^angl^ai arbei- tet bie ^eutf(§=5lfiatifd^e iBanf, unb bie fleinafiatifd^en ^af)nen finb gum grofeten 3:eile ba^ SSerf beutfc^er ©eologen, beutfd^er ^ngenieure unb beutfc^er ,f?)apitatiften, 9^id^t gering finb bie beutfc^en SSirtfc^aft^intereffen fogar in ^uftralien unb ber (Siibfee. ^eben bod^ in ^luftralien felbft, einfc^Iieglid^ 9^eu^(Seeranb, liber 100,000 !Deutfd^e! ^Tuc^ ba^ (Siibfeegebiet fommt fiir un^ nic^t blofe infoineit in iBetrad^t, aU e^ gum beutfd^en ^olonialbereid^ gel^ort, 5(uf Xai)[ti finb ebenfall^ gaftoreien in beutfd^em ^efi^, unb an ben ^ucfer^ plantagen l3on §amaii ift beutfd^e^ Capital mit bielen ^iU lionen SD^arf beteiligt. SSelcf) riefen^afte (Summe beutfd^er ^raft, beutfc^en ©eifte^, beutfd^en (S^elbeS ift ha im glug! ^aum geringer finb bie iBilbung^beftrebungen be^ beutfd^en 35oIfe6 iiber (See gemad^^ fen. 9^eben ben beutfd^en ^aufleuten arbeiten beutfd^e ?e!)rer, beutfd^e gorfd^er, beutf(^e Offtjiere unb beutfc^e 9[)?iffionare auf bem ganjen (Srbenrunb am gortf(f)ritt ber SD^enfd^^eit. SSie munberbar nun audf) ^eutfd^Ianb^ augliDcirtiger §anbel getoad^fen, n)ie grofe feine 5Iugn)anberung, toie n)id)tig feine ^olonien hjerben mogen: bie SBurjeln beutfd^er ^raft unb 130 BEGINNERS^ GERMAN bcutfd^er ©rdfee licgen tm ^oben ber beutfd^en ^eimat, 9^ur unabldfftQe 5lrbeit auf l^eimatUc^er (Sc^oIIe {)at ba§ beutfd^e SBolt iDieberum p 3)^a(^t unb ©rofee gefiifirt; nur unablcifftger gortfd^ritt auf alien ©ebieten be^ (Sblen unb ®utcn, bor altem aber bie opferfreubige §lngabe an giirft unb 33aterlanb tDerben e^ aud^ in fiinftigen 3^iten auf feiner ^oI)e erf)altcn, SI. ©etftbcd. SBelttotrtfd^aft bebeutet intemattonater ^anbeL ^reujgilgc iDaren (Sjpebitionen jum ^reuje, ®rabe, e^rifti. !Dte (Sntbecfung Ift ba^fetbe tole 5Iufftnbung ((gr^ finbung)* ©etDiir^e l^eifet auf englifd^ spices, groceries. Unterftlifeen f)ei6t l^elfen (cf. English: support). 33erbrangen bebeutet forttretben. ©rauenbolt fieifet furd^tbar, fc^redtttd^, ^tferfilc^tlg ift mifegunftig, neibifc^. SSerl^eigung^boK fietfet t)oI( Don 33er]^ei6ungen, 5Serfpre(^ungen, (gr^artungen. !Die ^inbufee bebeutet 35erluft (ma^ berloren ift), gorfc^er finb 90^anner ber SBtffenfd^aft, ©elel^rte* Unablafftg l^etfet anbauemb, fortrt)af)renb. ^te (Sc^olte ift ber ^oben, bie ^rbe. Opferfreubig fein l^eigt freubig (tDillen^) fein, Opfer p bringen; fid^ l^ingeben; alleS tun tDoIlen. SBarunt fagt man: Diele 5D^ilIionen Wlaxt? ^ie garben ber beutfd^en gaf)ne finb fd^toara, hjeife, rot^ SUPPLEMENTARY READING (Lessons 36-41) ^rins mit\tlm aU grcunb bcr tlnbct m^ f?aifer ifiSil^eltn IL nod^ aU Wm iti ^ot^bant lebte, fc^rttt er an einem ^benb furs ^0^ SSei^nac^ten ojne ^egleitung bmd) bie ©trafeen* 3)a fa^ er bor bem (©d^aufenfter eine^ (Spielmarengefd^cift^ S^Det ^naben ftel^en, hk mit fel^nfiic^tigen ^licf en bie tfovL au^gelegten ^errlid^feiten betrad^teten» @r trat ]f)tnsu unb belaufd^te eine iJSelle ii)v finblid^e^ ©epiauber* !Dann fragte er fie mit freunblid^er 9J2iene, tioa^ ii)mn benn t)on all ben fd^onen ^ingen am beften gefiele. 3)er ctltefte ber beiben ^riiber, bie ben *i(3rinsen nid^t fannten, anttDortete rafc^: „!I)ort ha^ ©c^iff, §err ^eutnant, eg ift gar gu fd^on!" „9^un benn, 3nngen/' ern)iberte ber *iPrins, „fo n)i6t il^r fa, n)ag il^r eud^ gu SSeil^nad^ten rtiiinfc^en fonnt." „^a6 gelit nid^t," fagte ber ^nabe barauf nnb fd^aute bem ^rin^en mit feinen blauen ^lugen breift in^ ©efic^t; „unfer 53ater l^at nid^t fo t)iel ©elb, ha^ er nng ettDag fo ©d^one^ faufen fann*"^ „9^un, bann toill id^ euer SSeibna(f)tgmann fein!" "^Ra^ biefen SSorten trat ber "iprin^ in ben Saben, faufte bag (Sd^iff unb liberreid^te eg ben ^naben, bie t)or freubigem @(^redf faum ein SSort beg 3)anfeg fanben. 3n t)ollem 3:rabe eilten fie nad^ ^aufe gu ben (Sltem, b ie nid^t njenig erftaunten, alg fie in bem ^aben erful)ren, iDer ber SSeil)nad^tg= mann il)rer ^inber getcefen toar* 21. ©ngclicn unb ^. Sted^ncr. 131 132 beginners' GERMAN ^ic ficBcn Siabc ©in 5Sater l^atte fteben ©ol^ne, bie ofterS mttetnanber uneln^ iDurben, Uber bem ^^nfen unb (Streiten berfciumten fie bie 5(rbeit, 3ci, einige bofe SO^enfd^en l^atten im ©inne, ftd^ biefe UneiniGfeit sunu^e gu madden, um bie ©o^ne nac^ bem 3:obe be^ 53ater^ um if)r (Srbteit ^u bringen, ^a liefe ber el^miirbige ®rei^ eine^ XaQt^ alle fieben ©obne pfammenfommen, legte il^nen fieben ©tcibe t)or, bie feft su* fammengebunben tdavtn, unb fagte: ^^emjenigen Don euc^, ber biefeg iBiinbel ^tcibe entgrneibrid^t, saf)Ie id) l^unbert gro^e Xakv bar." @iner nad^ bem anbern ftrengte atte feine ^rcifte an, unb ieber fagte nad^ langem dergeblid^en ^emuf)en: „(g§ ift gar nid^t moglid^." „Unb bod^/' fagte ber 35ater, „ift nid^tg leid^ter." @r lofte ba^ ^ilnbel auf unb jerbrad^ einen ^tah nad^ bem anbern mit geringer TlVii)t. „(ii," riefen bie ©ol^ne, „fo ift e^ freilid^ leid^t, fo fonnte e^ ein fteiner ^nabe!" ^er 5Sater aber fprac^: „SSie e^ mit ben (Stdben ift, fo ift e^ mit eud^, meine (Soigne, ©olange it)v feft pfammenl^altet, hjerbet ii)v befte^en, unb niemanb mirb eud§ ubern)altigen fonnen» SSSirb aber ha^ iBanb ber (Sintrad^t, ba^ eud^ berbinben foil, aufgeloft, fo ge^t e^ eud^ trie ben ^tahtn, bie l^ier gerbrod^en auf bem iBoben uml^erliegen*" Seltfamer ©^jasicrrttt (Sin SO^ann reitet auf feinem (Sfel nad^ §au^ unb lafet feinen SBuben gu gufe neben^ier laufen. ^ommt ein iESanberer unb fagt: „^a^ ift nid^t rec^t, 33ater, ba\^ ii)v reitet unb lagt euern ®ofin laufen; if)r ^aht ftcirfere ©lieber." ^a ftieg ber 53ater SUPPLEMENTARY READING 1 33 bom Sfel l^erab unb Ilefe ben (Sol^n reiten* ^ommt n)leber ein SSanber^tnann unb fagt: „!Da^ ift nid^t red^t, 53urfc^e, bag' bu reiteft unb Iciffeft beinen 53ater ju gug gefien; bu f)aft iiingere ^eine," ^a fafeen beibe auf unb ritten eine ©tredfe, ^ommt ein brttter ^anber^mann unb fagt: „SSa^ ift bag fiir ein Un^ t)erftanb, gmei ^erle auf einem fd^n)a(5^en 2;iere? ©ollte man nic^t einen @tocf nel^men unb eud^ beibe l^inabiagen?" ^a ftiegen beibe ah unb gingen felbbritt gu gufe, red^t^ unb linfg ber 53ater unb ©ol^n unb in ber Tlittt ber (SfeL ^ommt ein bierter i^Banber^mann unb fagt: „3^v feib brei furiofe ®efellen» Q\f^ nid^t genug, menu ^tnei gu gufe gel^en? ©e^t^g nid^t leid^ter, iDenn einer bon eud^ reitet?" ^a banb ber 33ater bem (gfel bie borbern ^eine gufammen, unb ber ©ol^n banb il^m bie ^intern ^eine jufammen, jogen einen ftarfen ^aumpfal)! burd^, ber an ber ©trafee ftanb, unb trugen ben (Sfel auf ber 5ld^fel @o meit fann^g fommen, menu man e^ alien !2euten tDttt red§t madden, SSic bie SSafunger eine ^a^e fauften ©in ^irt f)atte biel Tlau\t im ^aufe unb ^^atten unb toufetc fid^ gor^nid^t melf)r ju f)elfen» ©amal^ gab eg aber nod^ feine ^a^en in SSafungen, ^a h3urbe bem SSirt angeraten, er folk nac^ 9)^einingen fa^ren unb eine ^a^e faufen, fo n)urbe er ber ^lage balb log fein; benn biefeg 2:ier bertilgte bie 'iDlau\t. ^ag liefe ber 5D^ann fid^ nid^t ab)eimal fagen, ful^r mit feinem ^ned^t unb faufte eine ^a^e um ein guteg (BtM ®elb. Huf bem ^eimtocg fiel ibm bei, ba^ er bergeffen, fid^ gu erfunbigen, loag bie ^a^e freffe; benn er bebad^te, bag fold^ ein ^ier aud^ leben n)oIIe, irenn eg feine SD^tiufe unb ^^atten mel^r gabe, fanbte beg= l^alb ben ^ned^t suriidf, angufragen, tcag bie ^a^e freffe, unb 134 BEGINNERS' GERMAN fuf)r einftmeilen nad^ §aufe» ^ie ber ^nec^t anfatn, fragte her $crr neugierig: „S!flun, tda^ frifet bie ^a^e?" — „2ltle^!" mar bie 5lnth)ort ,M^^?" — n3a, alk^l" mv ber hjieber^olte SBefd^eib, „(Si, bel^iit un^ ®ott t)or fo einem Xier!" (Sprad^'^ unb fd^icfte bie ^a^e augenblidlid^ n^ieber priid, ?. 33c(!^ftcin. ^er SSiberftatt !Dcr fleine ©eorg mufete nod^ nid^tg Don bem SBiberl^att, (Sinmal fd^rle er auf ber SSiefe: „§o, Ifiopp!" ©ogleid^ riefg Im naf)en iSSalbd^en aud^: „§o, f)opp!" (gr rief l^ierauf ber^ iDunbert: „^tv bift bu?" ^ie ©tinttne rief aud^: „2Ber bift bu?" dv fd^rie: „3)u bift ein bummer 3unge!" unb — „bummer 3unge!" l^aKte e^ au6 bem SSalbe surlidf. ©eorg iDarb (trger- Iid& unb rief immer cirgere ©d^impfnamen in ben SSalb l^inein. 5ltle f)al(ten getreulid^ mieber surildf* @r fud&te f)ierauf ben bermeinten ^naben im gan^en iSBalbd^en, um fid^ an i{)m gu rad^en, fonnte aber niemanb finben. ^ierauf lief er nad§ §aufe unb flagte e^ ber ^utttv, tt)ie ein bofer ^ube fid^ im iESalbc berftedft unb if)n gefd^impft l)ahe. 3)ie 93?utter fprad^: „!^ieg= mal {)aft bu bid^ felbft angeflagt ^u ^a\t nid^t^ bemommen aU ben iEBiberfiall beiner eignen iBorte» ^atteft bu ein freunb^ lid^e^ ilBort in ben SSalb f)ineingerufen, fo toare bir aud& ein freunblid^e^ jurildfgefommen." ^0^ ayiittageffcn im ^ofc Tlan flagt f)(iufig bariiber, mie fd^ttier unb unmoglid^ e^ fei, mit mand^en 2)?enfd^en au^jufommen. !^ag mag benn freilid^ aud^ toa^x fein. ^nbeffen finb Diele t)on fold^en SD?enfd^en nid^t fd^Iimm, fonbern nur iDunberlid^, unb inenn man fie nur im^ mer red^t fennte, inn)enbig unb au^menbig, unb red&t mit ijnen SUPPLEMENTARY READING 135 umgUQel^en toix^tt, nie gu eigenftnnig unb nie gu nad^Qtebig, fo tdixvc manci^er mol^r unb leid^t gur iBefinnung ju bringen, ^a^ ift boc^ einertt ^ebienten mit feinem §errn gelungen. T)tm fonnte er mand^mal gar ntc^t^ rec^t madden unb mufete biele^ entgelten, tttovan er unfd^ulbtg hjar, tote e^ oft gel^t. (Bo tarn einmal ber §err fel^r berbriefelld^ nac^ ^aufe unb fe^te ftc^ sum 9D^ittageffen» ^a toar bie Buppc gu l^eife ober gu fait ober feine^ Don beiben; aber genug, ber §err toar t)er= briefetic^, ©r fafete baf)er bie ©c^iiffel mit bem, toa^ barinnen toar, unb toarf fie burc^ ba^ offne genfter in ben §of ^imh. i£3a^ tat l)ierauf ber Wiener? ^urj befonnen toarf er ha^ gleifc^, ba6 er eben auf ben ^ifd^ fteKen toollte, mir nid^t^ bir nic^t^, ber ©uppe nad^ auc§ in ben ^of l^inab, bann ba^ ^rot, bann ben iEBein unb enblid^ ba^ ^ifd^tud^ mit allem, toa^ nod^ barauf toar* „53ern3egener, h)a6 foil ba^ fein?" fragte ber §err unb ful^r mit brol^enbem 3om oon bem ©effel auf. Hber ber ^ebiente ertoiberte gan^ Mi unb rul^ig: „53ersei]^en Bk mir, toenn 'v^ 3bt*e 9}?einung nid^t erraten l^abe. S^ glaubte nid^t anber^, aU Bk toollten l^eute in bem §ofe fpeifen. ^ie ?uft ift fo f)eiter, ber ^immel fo blau, unb fe^en ©ie nur, toie lieblid^ ber 21pfelbaum UVi% unb toie frol^lid^ bk Sienen U)xm 33?ittag l)alten!" — ^ie^mal bie (Suppe fiinabgetoorfen unb ntmmer! 3)er §err erfannte feinen ge^Ier, ^eiterte fid^ im Inblidf beg fd^onen grlx^^ lingg^immelg auf, Ittc^elte l^eimlid^ iiber ben fcOnellen @infal( feineg ^luftoarter^ unb banfte i^m im ©erjen fiir bie gute ^ef)re. Sttiei njtffen t§ (gin ^anbtoerf^burfd^e fanb einen ^eutel mit (^tlb, BoQkid) iibergab er il^n ber Dbrigfeit ber ncid^ften Btabt, bamit fie ben ^igentlimer ermittle. ^a fagte fein ^amerab p il^m: „^a^ 136 beginners' GERMAN fiir cin ^or bift bu! $atteft bu ba^ ©elb nid^t befialten f5n- nen? SBcr tDufete eg benn, ha^ bu c^ gefunben l^atteft?" :Der §anblt)erfgburfd)e gab jur HntiDort: „£), rebe mir nic^t alfo! (gg toufeten s^et barum: mein @ott, ben id^ fiird^te, unb mein ©emlffen, ba^ mic^ rid^tet*" ^er SBafunget ©tabtgalgcn Dberl^alb iSSafungen im 3:]f)liringerlanbe ftanb auf ctnem ^iigel feitmctrt^ ber ^anbftrafee em alter ©algen, ber gel^drte ber (Btabt eigentiimlid^, 9^un iDurbe einmal ein frember ^ieb eingebrac^t unb fotlte an ben SSafunger (Stabtgalgen gel^enft tnerben, !Da traten aber bk iCSafunger 9?atg]^erren bagegen auf unb fprad^en: „^ir l^aben f)ier elnen ©algen fiir ung, unfre ^tnber unb ^inbe^finber unb brauc^en feme fremben armen (giinber bran!" ^Bitten alfo nic^t, ba^ jener T)ith baxan gel^enft tryuxbt. Unb ba fie nun ntd^t n)u6ten, tva^ fie mit il^m anfangen foKten, gaben fie ii)m ein (BtM ®elb unb fagten il^m, er f oEe fid§ feiner iSSege padfen unb fid^ l^enfen laffen, n)o er J^uft f)abe, S. 33c(|[tcin. 2Banbrer)g $«a^taeb liber atten ©ipfeln 3ft ^Uf), 3n arten iSSipfeln ©piireft bu ^aum einen §aud^; ^ie 53ogeIein fd^meigen im iJBalbe. iESarte nur, balbe ^ul^eft bu aud§. ©oeti^c. SUPPLEMENTARY READING 137 ^cr fro^c SBanbcr^mann 1, iSBem ®ott mill recite ©unft ermeifen, !Den f(^t(ft er in bie meite SBelt, . !Denx tDtIt er feme SSunber iDeifen 3n ^erg unb 3BaIb unb ©trom unb gelb. 2, !Dte i8(i(^Iein bon ben iBergen fprlngen, 2)ie ^erd^en fd^mirren t)oJen[(5cn Dat. ber grau, ber Sef)rerin bem ^naben, bem 9D^en[(5cn -4cc. bie grau, bie Sef)rerin ben ^naben, ben 9}ienf(^en Plural Nom. bie graucn, bie Sefirerinnen Ge«. ber grauen, ber l^el^rerinnen Dat. ben grauen, ben Sef)rerinnen Ace. bie grauen, bie ^e^rerinnen bie ^naben, bie 9D?en[c^en ber ^naben, ber SJJenfc^en ben ^naben, ben 9}Jen[(f)en bie ^naben, bie 9}^enfc§en B . STRONG First Class ;: the No-ending class. Singular Nom. ber S3atcr, ber SSogcI bie gWutter, bie 2:od^ter \itL^ M'&'iiisitn Gen. beS S3ater^, beg 33o8cl^ ber Splutter, ber Xod^ter beg gWabc^enig Dat. bem 33ater, bem 53o9eI ber ajiutter, ber Zo^itx bem Wah^m Ace. ben SSater, ben SSoget bie aiTJutter, bie Xoc^ter Plural \ia^ ai^cibc^en Nom. bie S3ater, bie 55ft9el bie ayjittter, bie Stdc^ter bie mmtn Gen. ber S3(iter, ber SBoqcI ber abutter, ber Jod^ter ber 9D^ab(icn Dat. ben «atern, ben SSdgeIn ben 9D^iittern, ben Jod^tern ben W&h6)tn Ace. bie SSiiter, bie SSogel bie 2«iitter, bie Joc^ter bie 2)J(ib(^en Second Class: the -c class. Singular Nom. . ber Sa^^r ^cr ^ag bie §anb \ia^ 3ar)r Gen. beg Sa^nc^, beg 2:agc^ ber ^anb beg 3a^re^ Dat. bem c3ci^n(e), bem 2:ag(e) ber ^anb bem 3ci^^(e) Ace. Den S^^iM, ben ^^ag bie §anb bag 3a]^r 1 Nouns are to be found in the vocabulary. GRAMMATICAL TABLES 147 Plural Norn, bie 3ft^ttc, bie ^^agc bie §(lnbc bte 3a^t:e Ge/?. ber 3ttf)ne, ber ^age ber §anbe ber 3a{)re Z>a/. ben ^tt^^^tt/ ^^^ 2:agett ben ^cinben ben 3a()rcn Ace. bie 3«^i^e, bie Xa%^ bie ^cinbe bie 3a()re Third Class: the -cr class {always Umlaut in Plural). Singular Norn, 'td^ 53u(5 ber 9D?ann Gen. beg 58uc^c^ beg SJJannc^ Dat. bem 33u(5(e) bent 9}?ann(e) Ace. hd^ ^u(^ ben 9)Jann Plural Nom. bie 58iic5er bie SO^iinner Gen. ber ^iid^er ber 9}Janner i9a;. ben iBiid^em ben SQJannem ^cc. bie iBlic^er bie 9D?anner C. MIXED DECLENSION Nom. ber ©taat bag 5lngc, ba^ £)^x Gen. beg ®taatc^ beg 5lngc^, beg Of)re^ Z)a/. bem ®taat(e) bem 5luge, bem O^r(e) Ace. ben ©taat bag 5luge, bag €)^x Plural Nom. bie ©taatcn bie 5Iugen, bie Ol^ren Gen, ber a§ liebc ^inb ein liebcr S3ater cine liebe ^^rou cin liebc^ ^inb Gen. beg Iiebcn SSatcr6 ber Iiebcn grau be« Iiebcn tinbe« cineS lieben 9Sater6 ciner lieben grau cineS lieben ^inbe6 Dat. bcm Iiebcn S3atcr ber Iiebcn grau bem Iiebcn ^inb(e) cinem licben SSater ciner lieben grau cinem lieben ^inb(e) Ace. ben Iiebcn S3ater bic liebe grau has liebe ^inb einen lieben S3ater cine liebe grau Plural ein liebciS ^inb Nom. bic Itebcn Gen. ber Iiebcn -^ Dat. ben Iiebcn (feinen) • S3atem grauen . ^inbem Ace. bie Iiebcn (feine) ■ S3ater grauen I tinber GRAMMATICAL TABLES 149 Like bcr KeBc SSater, etc., are declined: berjenige bie}enige ba^ienige berfelbe biefelbe ba^felbe ber mein(tg)e biemein(ig)e ba^ Tnein(ig)e bieicnigen biefelben bie metn(ig)en, etc. VIII. Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs. Adjective Adverb POSI- TIVE COMPARA- TIVE SUPE1?T,ATIVE POSI- TIVE COMPARA- TIVE SUPERLATIVE reid^ retc^cr bcr retd^ftc reicS reic^er am reid^ften arm ftrmer ber firmfte arm armer am arm[ten fait falter ber faltcftc fait fttlter am fttlteften furs fiirger ber fiirgcfte furs fiirger am fUrgeften gut beffer ber befte gut beffer am beften Die! (me()r) ber meiftc t)iet mel^r am metften Adjectives in the comparative or superlative are declined in the same manner as adjectives in the positive degree. For the English predicate superlative without the, German uses the om-form. / IX. Numerals. 1 ein6 2 gtt)et 3 brei 4 i)ier 5 m 6 fec^g 7 fieben 8 ac^t 9 neun 10 gel)n 11 elf 12 gtDOlf 13 bretgel)n 14 t)iergel)n 15 Wsel)n 16 [ec^selin 17 fteb3el)n 18 ad^tsel)n 19 neunjel)n 20 atDangig Cardinals 30 breifttg 40 'okxm 50 fiinfstg 60 fed^gtg 70 fielbsig 80 ad^tsig 90 neunjig 100 f)unbert 999 neun^unbert ncununbneuugtg 1000 taufeub ISO BEGINNERS GERMAN Ordinals I St, ber crfte nth, ber elfte 2d, ber gn)eitc 19th, ber neunjel^ntc 3d, ber britte 20th, ber gtDan^igftc 4th, ber Dierte 2ist, ber emunbgtranjigfte 5th, ber fiinfte 30th, ber breifeigftc 6th, ber fec^fte 40th, ber biergigfte 7 th, ber fteb(en)te looth, ber f)unbertfte 8th, ber arfitc loist, ber f)unberter[te 9th, ber neuntc 200th, ber gmeil^unbertfte loth, ber ge^ntc loooth, ber taufenbfte X. Prepositions. WITH THE WITH THE WITH DATIVE WITH THE DATIVE ACCUSATIVE OR ACCUSATIVE GENITIVE tnit burd^ an it)(i()renb nad^ fiir auf inegen bet otjut f)inter trol? t)ort gegen \ neben (an)ftatt Su urn in au^ iiber feit unter aufeer \)0V gmifd^en E.g. 3d^ fte{)e ait bcm genfter, aber id^ gefie an bag genfter. XI. Conjunctions. unb ober Coordinating aber [onbem benn (allein) E.g. Sir Uefen auf bie ©trage, benn unfer i^el^rer ^attc e^ be^ fo()Ien. GRAMMATICAL TABLES 151 The other conjunctions are subordinating E.g. SSir Itefen auf bie ©trafee, totxl unfer Sefirer e§ befol^ten Cf. 2Bir liefen auf bie (Strafee, bic nod^ gatis nafe itiar. Subordinating alg ba6 ob t»a()renb (bet)or) efie [0 'aa^ alg ob toeil bi« inbem obGlei($, obh)of)I h)enn ba na(5bem feit, feitbem tDeTiTigtei(5 bamlt fobalb at6 h)ie 152 BEGINNERS GERMAN <3J en >i3> ^'^ <^ >C3- -t-» -*-» A^ -d rt-g ^ fii§^®^ ^M ^ B&'if-^ ^S <35 ^ -^^ ^ ?t mM ^ fii&©^ rg^^ ^ B&'§ .;:2 .A >^ H O W GRAMMATICAL TABLES 153 Co « <33 r§^J ♦ S BBS g pj s H pit B t3 ^ k^ D f^ p^ ^ § vO "^ ^ ?^ sO 03 -4-* fi fi fiS ^•^ fi .» JO S ^ S3 5 ^ w j-i p^ Ph § p >o g ^i3^ -«-> u sO « ^0^ JS c» < C3 (J « Jz; ^c^ ^ « * p: hH «> 1 ^ : I fi sO > yO sO «X> * 1 cs « cs H ♦ sC3- rf5« >£5^ ^ <^ 'cT Q» ^ 1^ s 1 ,>0 "W ii 1— 1 i fL, m 5 8 ■s 154 ^ ® ^ -§ tj .g g ^ S ^ =« -§ =1 ^ » s € o v» fi fi g S- fi « «3 ^ «^^"S diSst:is :: H c« <; fe H H O H-l N « Ph H o g w w s rt w GRAMMATICAL TABLES 1 55 •M - =5 3 fi ^fi fi 1 1— 1 w fi fi .^5 mM £ .^ it fi fi 1 pq l-H PL, 1 PM fi fi j^ fi > 1— 1 H H ^ ^ — ' ?-> H U Iz; PM H C/3 rt5 fi 5 en W 6 W « c ^ S u fi ^ .B .^> «b> It § CO 5-» '0 ^ h) fS 03 ♦ * fi * * <3 d » ^ , * * , Iz; ^ ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ I <»S) s . ♦ OJ fifi .0 fi fi ^ ^ H Iz; U H B 'S- ■Vi fi ■1 5 > H .2i .ft> .c> ^0 12; «t> "^ vO w -0 vO fi fi :fJ fi g Ph ^^ ^ fi M Ph Fh f^ 1^ pl^ g B g t3 H C_| h:i ^ ^2 Ph f^ f^ 156 beginners' GERMAN as i § : ?i « S *^ ^ o g SB > a S fi o ^ $^ 5 ti d:?- H CO Ph "^ H H O Ph HH PL, GRAMMATICAL TABLES 1 57 .4_> s d _$:i" Ph (J SJ ^^ 3 -0 fi r§^ <*$> JO 5 \ i^ *-> bl - :?3 H HH Ph H Ph fi fi S fi > H H ^ i £ H ;z; U3 Ph H ■4-> 2 N « w w (D ;z; W rt <; g 6 3 HH Ph Ph Ph ll fi JO ^: 1 fi fi fi ^ ♦ ^ 1^ < -0 en ♦ * fi e * vt ^ g' H fi fi ^ fi ■s s fi fi H 1 -1 £ ^M ^ JO kj re CJ * ^ i l-H fi . fi fi >>o -0 <^ j-> H XJl J^ 5-» ^ :S H :3 :?3 fi g Ph fi fiS ^ s ^ .Ji vO fi H PL, Ph 1^ 1 e H hA {:3 t3 Ph P^ fH 158 beginners' GERMAN :0 'f w ^H <^> I :0 i:? 4-J -t-» ^ .-♦-» '? ^ fi S «-» S pj :0 :0 in i2 12 :0 ''S* •+-> u— u — 5-> R o *> <«> t:^ p: fi o S o o JTL 5 tJ -£i g o S ^ ts ^ ^ .Si *" -^ g' ^ -^o ^ i^ s I I Is g :p »-» -S .^5 ^ £.^® i^ S-J a fi ^> B GRAMMATICAL TABLES 159 o o •4-» O (IP -J;-* o ^ *^ CIS C3 o iJ o ^ -S ^ H A> «> op -•-♦ -£i -£i 'S S O O O Q s as S .^5 ^ fi *> o o -«-> 5^^ fi ?5 « « -J . g £ <«> fi' ». 1 Is 1 fi fi s <1> in ^J ^ fi r^ ^3 ^ fi rt .0 fi !§^r§^ fi i6o beginners' GERMAN o O O ii ^ .> ^ ^ ^ i -^ -K .> ^ s ^ -^ .^ ^ Pi -* o 2 .^ i^ - o ^ o S P-i GRAMMATICAL TABLES l6l e C33 p ^ ^ i o i o ^ ^ H ^£S^ ^ O Sis O vO ^ <33 w .9 ^ « S g H I o . , _ .^ W h-i Ph h p. Q g C; H H < 5 5 rt w CO O g w Pi H U pq . -t_> ^-v so -t-» ■>5 -t_» o >r> o ,x> ^ ^ "S o B fi S - sO -•-> ^^ ♦ O vO O 03 cn <33 . C35 S H^ s fi £ fi B^IS);^ ^M ^ fi B o 3 ^ Sis .^5 Pi GRAMMATICAL TABLES 163 •<-> • (U ■M OP •I l-s g •4-> 0) g II II ♦ ft"* SB €35 ♦ < H P U ■§■1 ll 1! >o ^ CO B B ^ p^ ^M 1^ bi BS s- «3 , M ^ t— ( H M H Ph H h-l < Pk •^ -^ H (J ;? Ph kJ fi B iz; ;z; I— 1 W w c3 u pi' IE )— 1 H Q rs^^ w Ph H Ph la ^ Jrt fiB BB B ■+-> i 8 P !z; U 6 if at > rt^ ^S rt ^S HH B fi fi S SU Ph a s ^ 1 ^5 . w Ph fit B pc) M M p^ B g H fa P Ck ^ ^ 164 BEGINNERS GERMAN ^ *" «- p -.-» ^ cj 4&' ^ TO) ^ -SO> *^ o o ,u ^ £ i& ® ^ r§" 4»' CO CO -*&> -*»> '15 i g 3' d •4-) -«-> 4Q0 t2i- a> w ■+^ -^ s ts S p: "^ •g ^ ^ pi s €33 fl CS €3 "3 z . .<^ i-.^ .0 .^ i^— 1 .g rt • g ^ 1 1 Pw GRAMMATICAL TABLES i6s ^^ ^ "i^ 1 «> o o «o -o a:> j3 J-> s-> S> o fi s fi rt^ S o U H O W -*>> ^ -»> ^ a fi :t5 I «> o o ^ ^ ^ ^ H P4 H P< H W C/3 P-l £ S ^ o ^ M ^ \-i ^ Vi "•IS H S fi ^ i66 BEGINNERS' GERMAN XVI. Irregular Weak Verbs. INFINITIVE PRETERIT PAST PARTICIPLE brennen rennen brannte rannte fiebrannt tft gerannt fennen nennen fanntc nannte gefannt genannt fenben toenben fanbte n)anbtc gefanbt fien)anbt bringen benfen brad^tc bad^te gebad^t h)iffen (id^ toeife) h3u6tc fiemugt Note: Bennett ®ic ben oltcn 'Mann? 'iRdn, id) fcnnc it)n nid^t, aber id) ttjctft, too cr tool^nt. XVII. Compound Verbs. I. Inseparable Verbs compounded with one of the six wwaccented prefixes: be- ent- er- ge- t)er- ser- are conjugated like the simple verbs. But the past participle is without the augment gc-. Cf. Verbs in -teren (marfd^ieren, nxarfd^ierte, marfd^iert). Note: ent- becomes cmp- in: cmpfangcn, cmpfcl^Icn, cmpfinbcn. II. Separable The prefix is a part of speech and is accented. Present — id^ mad^e ble ^tlr gu. Preterit — bu ntad^teft bte Xilr ju* Future — er toirb bie 2;ilr jumac^en* GRAMMATICAL TABLES 1 67 Perfect — mlr I)aben bie 2:ilren suaemad^t. Pluperfect — i^v {)attet bie 2:iiren gugemad^t, Perf. Cond. — fie miirben bie 2:uren pgemac^t i)ahtxu Note: 2118 ic^ bie Xiiv sumac^tc, QitiQ cr fort. III. Variable The particles: burd^, itfier, untcr, um unb micbct (Winter) are either separable, accented, or inseparable, unaccented. E.g. SEPARABLE INSEPARABLE f f *" 1 to -t over ;j';g" 1 to translate i68 beginners' GERMAN O ^ <«> P5 fS i5 tJ fiS^^iE C> C> («) e s ^ il .y M t^ a^^'^ rt 1 1^ > 1 f *« ts p* fS to < Q g ^ ;z; p: S v_^ }^ tt fs Pi Ic; t— 1 .^ fi &iS) rg J tj :3 « fi « ^ O S •g .^ (S) ;^ ^ PL4 GRAMMATICAL TABLES 1 69 i g I J^ J^ M J-> s a S rs^ J 4^ «> «^ g %o « 6 >c^ s ts" g «> ^ 1 >s^ fS c> p: cs • ♦ • ♦ * • *> JO «}_) J-> £ S -e ^ •*5 •«-» H W Fh 1^ W PM w w rt rt \D t2 H H & p flH Ph c « •^ sC- V }=: « s :- s •§ i I g 1 i s s pi ^ S S. g CLi 1 1 g " g i-i M f^ ° g a d g : i NT Par Partici fi en H 1 s- pq c/i I— 1 M Ah fl. P4 ^ u i-» •ITIO men, ^ .Si a 1 11 ^ : s ft H HH !z; ^ w ^ en .5 S B PM ^ 170 BEGINNERS' GERMAN List of Strong Verbs iNFIKmVE Pretkrit Past Participib hadtn, bake (bftdt) hut, hadtt gebodfcn ftefc^Icn, command (bcficl^It) befal^I befoI)Icn ficginncn, begin begann begonncn bti^tn, bite bife gcbiffcn hkqtn, bend bSfl gcbogcn bictctt, offer hot gebotcn binbcn, bind htmb gebunben bitten, beg bSt gebcten blofcn, blow (bWft) bae« geblafcn blcibcn, remain biteb ift geblicben bratcn, roast (brSt) brlet gebratcn brct^cn, break (bric^t) brad^ gebrod^en brtngcn, press brang ift gcbrungen cmpfc^'tcn, recommend (cmp* fie^It) trmpW cmpfol^Icn crft^rcrfcn, become frightened (erfc^rtdft) crfd^raf Ift erfci^rocfen cffcn, eat (ifet) afe gegeffcn ftt^rcn, drive (ftt^rt) fu^r ift gefal)ren fatten, fall (fsat) m ift gcfallen fangen, catch (fttngt) ntifl gefongen fet^ten, fight (fid^t) Mt gefod^tcn finben, find fanb gefunben fltegen, fly P58 ift geflogcn flic^en, flee m ift gcflo^cn flie^en, flow m ift geftoffcn freffcn, eat (of animals) (frtfet) \m gefreffen friercn, freeze fror gefrorcn gebarcn, give birth to (gcbiert) gebar geboren geben, give (gibt) sab gegcben ge^en, go fitng ift gegangen gcltngcn, succeed (eg gelingt mir) c^ getang C)§ ift gelungen gclten, be worth (gilt) gait gcgolten genefen, recover gcnaS ift gcnefcn genie^en, enjoy gcnofe genoffen gef(^e^en, happen (gefc^ic]()t) gcfd^af) c^ ift gef(^ef)en gchiinnen, gain getoann gelDonncn giefecn, pour m gegoffen GRAMMATICAL TABLES 171 Infinitive Qhxtiim, resemble gleitcn, glide Qtahcn, dig (grSbt) grcifcn, seize fatten, hold (pit) Preterit filitt firub firiff fliclt l^angctt, hang {intrans.) (^(ingt) l^ing {intr l^auen, hew, strike t)ieb l^cbcn, lift f)ob (l^ub) l^ci^Ctt, call, be called I)ie& l^clfcn, help (t)ilft) tialf fltngen, sound flang lomtncn, come tarn frtcd^en, creep frod^ labcn, invite, load (lobct, liibt) lub laffcn, let (lafet) liefe (aufcn, run (liiuft) lief Icibcn, suffer Utt Ici^Ctt, lend Itcl^ (cfen, read (Ucft) VBA (icgcn, lie lag liigcn, lie (tell a lie) log tncffcn, measure (nti&t) ma^ ne^men, take (nimmt) na{)nt <)fcifett, whistle pfiff )>rctfcn, praise prieS rotcn, advise (riit) rict rcibcn, rub ricb rctften, tear rife tcitcn, ride ritt ricd^cn, smell r5d^ rufcn, call ricf f ouf en, drink {of animals) (fSuft) (off fj^offcn, create fd^uf fd^eibcn, part fd^ieb fd^etnen, seem fd^ten f(^cltcn, scold (fd^llt) fd^alt fd^te^en, shoot fc^ofe ft^Iafen, sleep (fd^Icift) fc^Iief fd^Iagcn, strike (fc^Iagt) fd^Iug fd^Ieid^cn, sneak f(^Iic^ Past Participle gcglic^en ift geglitten gegrabcn gegriffen gc^alten , and tr.) ge{)angen {intr. and tr.) gcfiauen gef)oben gel)cifeen gef)otfen geflungen ift gcfommen ift gefroc^en gcloben gclaffcn ift gclaufen gelittcn gclief)en gelefen gelegen gelogcn gemeffcn genommen gepftffcn gcpriefen geratcn gerteben gcriffcn ift gcrittcn gcrod^cn gerufen gefoffcn gefc^offen {fiat) ift gefd^ieben gefd^ienen gefc^olten ge[c^o[[en gefd^Iafen gefd^Iagen ift ge[(^Iid^en 172 BEGINNERS^ GERMAN Infinitive PRETKRrr Past Participle f(^tic^cn, shut mo^ gefc^Ioffen f(^Iingcn, sling Warn gefd^Iungen f(^mcl5cn, melt (fd^milit) fd^molj (^at)ift gefc^molscn fc^neibcn, cut fd^nltt gcfc^uittcn f{^rct&cn, write fd^ricb gefd^ricben fdircicn, cry fd^ric gefd^riecn fc^rcUcn, stride fd^ritt tft gcfd^ritten fc^hjcigcn, be silent fc^totcg gcfc^micgcn fc^hJtmmcn, swim i^toamm ift gefd^mommcn id)toinhtn, vanish fd^ioaub tft gefd^iDunben fd^hjtngcn, swing f(|h3ang gcfc^n)ungcn fd^ltJdrcn, swear fd^lDur, fd^toor gef(^h)orcn fc^cn, see ([ief)t) fa^ gcfefieu ftngcn, sing fong • gcfuugcn ftnfcn, sink fanf ift gefunfcn fmncn, think faun gcfonncn ft^cn, sit fafe gefeffcn f^jtnncn, spin fpann gcfponnen fprgc^cn, speak (fprtd^t) fljrad^ gefprSd^en ipm^tn, sprout Wfe gcfproffen f^^ringcn, spring fpraug tft gcfprungcn imcn, prick (ftid^t) ftad^ geftod^cn ftcl^cu, stand ftanb gcftanbcn ftc^tctt, steal (ftic^It) \m gcftol^Ien ftcigctt, climb, mount ftieg ift gcfticgcn ftcrficn, die (fttrbt) ftarb ift geftorbcn Wen, push (ftdfet) ftiefe gcftofecn ftrct(^cn, stroke ftrid^ gcftrid^en ftrcitctt, contend [tritt geftrittcn tragcn, carry (trtigt) trug gctrogcn trcffcn, hit, meet (trifft) trof getroffcn trctbcn, drive tricb gctricbcn trctcn, tread (tritt) trat ift gctreten trinfcn, drink troni gctrunfcn tun, do (tut) tat gctan ticrbcrficn, ruin, spoil (dcrbirbt) bcrborb ift berborbcu (intrans.) fiat bcrborbcn (trans.) kicrgcffcn, forget (dergifet) bcrgafe bergcffcn tjcrlicrcn, lose bcrlor bcrlorcn toat^fcn, grow (md)\t) toud^S ift gcmad^fen GRAMMATICAL TABLES ^73 Infinitive Preterit Past PARTiciPtE toSfc^en, wash {m\(i)t) iDUfd^ gctoafd^en toctd^cn, yield toid^ Ift gcmic^en toeifcn, show n){c« gehjiefen ftjcrfen, throw (hjtrft) ioarf gctoorfcn ttJtcgctt, weigh n)08| gclDOficn gciJ^en, accuse aie^ gc3ic{)cn jicl^cn, draw; move m ift moQtn (intrans.) fiat gcgogcn (trans.) gtotngcn, force glDong gegtDungen ABSTRACT OF GERMAN GRAMMAR HHc iE36rtcr, bte fonjugtert h)crben fSnnen, l^cigcn JBerBa (3ett^ iDorter). 2ltte SBorter, bic bcnintcrt tDcrben f5nncn, i)dim Sflomtna. @§ fiibt mcf)rerc 2lrten ber 5^otnma: a. ©ubftantida (§aupth)drter. ®ro6 fd^retbenl) J. ^Jronomina (gUrtoorter) c. 5(rtifel, beftitnmt unb unbeftimtnt J. 5lbieftba e. Slumeralta (3ci()lh)ortcr). SBbrter, bie nid^t fleftiert n)erben f5nnen, ftnb: fl. 5lbt)erbia b. ^rcipofitlonen c. ^onjunfttonen d. ^nterieftioneti, I. ^ic ^efttnattutt A. Ss gtbt 3 ©cnera (®ef c^Iec^ter) : i^agMmutn (mattnU(5), gcminimum (ttjeiblid^) unb 5^eutrum (fcic^Iid^), B. (gg Qibt 2 9^umeri (3a()len): lingular (^ttisa^t) unb plural (2«e^rsa()I), C. m gibt 4 ^afug (galle): 9^omtnattt), ©cnitb, :Datit) unb 5l«ufatit). SD^an unterfd^eibet 2 5lrten ber ©uBftanttti^^eflmatton: bte ftarfe unb bie fd^mac^e ©efUnation. Sg Qtbt aud^ eine fogenannte gemif d^te SDenination*— gremb* tofirter unb Sigennamen ftnb befonber^ su berildfftd^tigen. 174 ABSTRACT OF GERMAN GRAMMAR 175 1, ^erfonatpronoTttina (bagu ^eflejiDpronomcn) 2, "ipoffefftbpronomma 3, !^eTnonftratit)pronomma 4, 9?elatiDpronomina 5, ^nterrogatit)pronomma 6, ^nbefinitpronomma* $)cf(mation bcr SlbjcftitJC 3ebe« attributive Slbfefttt) fann ftarf unb fcJiDad^ beflinicrt iDcr* ben. 2)ag al^ ^rabifat gebraud^te HbieftiD ift ftejion«Io6. ^0m|iaratuin (Steigerung) be^ SlbjeftbiS a. $o[itit) 6. ^omparatiD c. ©uperlatib. Oualitatibe 5lbt)erbicn fonnen aud^ fompariert (gefteigert) ttierben. ^cflinotion bcr Slumcralia (Sa^ttoortcr) !^ie ^ttJI^orter gerfatlen in ^arbinalia unb Orbinalia. ^Setjterc iDerben Joie bie Hbiefttt)e befliniert, ^ra^jofttioncn We ec^ten "iprttpofitionen regieren ben ^atitt ober ben Slffufatit). Uned^te ^rapofitionen ^ahm ben ^enitit) bei fid^. n. ^tc ^onjugatton ^. (Sg gibt 3 'iPerfonen (erfte "iperfon ufh).)* 5. (g0 gibt 2 9^umeri (^a^ten): ©ingutar ((gingaf)!) unb plural (aj^ebrjaf)!) (ift je ein 9^umerug). 176 BEGINNERS' GERMAN C. (g« fiibt 6 Xtmpova (Scitcn): ^rafeng (ift ein ^empu3) ^fmperfeft guturum (lO ^erfeft ^lu^quamperfcft guturum II. D. (S« gibt 2 ©enera berbt (Suftanb^formcn): 5lftit) (ift ein (^enug t)erbi) unb ?5affiD. £. (E^ gibt 3 ar^obi (Hu^fageformcn): 3?nbifatit) (ift ein $mobu^) ^onjunftit) S^mperatiD; fotoie nod^ bie infiniten SSerbalformcn: 3nfinitit) unb ^Jartigipium (be0 ^Jrcifeng unb be« ^erfeftg). ayjan unterfc^eibet gtDei Hrten ber ^oniugation: bie ftarfe unb bic fcj^toad^e Conjugation. @6 gibt atfo ftarfe unb fd^mad^e SSerben. @g gibt aud^ eine fogenannte gemifd^te Conjugation. Wan unterfc^eibet aud^ Compofita (gufammengefe^te 35erben) mit 3Sorfilben, bie t)om SSerb teil^ untrennbar, teil^ trennbar finb. (S^ gibt ferner ^ilfsoerben, fotoie mobale $ilfst)erben, refle^itie unb unperfonTid^e 5Berben. 5Iuf stoeierlei SSeife merben au^ b^n ©tttmmen neuc SBorter gc* bilbet: 1. ^urd^ S5ercinberung ber 58ofaIe in ben ©tammfilben; 2. S)urd§ (grlDeiterung ber ©tammfilben; a. burd^ ©uffije b. burd^ ^rafijc. ABSTRACT OF GERMAN GRAMMAR 1 77 Huger ben mit (Suffijen unb ^raftjen gebtlbeten SSortem gtbt e^ aud^ ^ufammenfe^ungen t)on felbftanbigen SSortern (iBeftim* xnunggiDort unb ©runbtoort), I. ^cr einfac^c 8a^ 3feber o()nlid^ ein ^oppelpunft, 5lnfang unb (Snbe ber bireften $Rebe tt)erben burd^ „Slnfil^runggftrid^c" ge* fennseid^net, SDag SSerbum fann ergftn^t hjerben: 1. burd^ ein Objeft 2, burd^ eine abijerbiale ^eftimmung* ^g gibt abberbiale 53eftimnxungen: o. beg Orteg (lofal) e. be§ ©runbe^ (faufal) 5. ber 2lrt (mobal) /. be6 3n)edf6 (final) c. ber B^it (temporal) g. ber ^^olge (fonfefutib) d. beg TliittU (inftrumentat) h. ber ©inrttumung (fongeffit)). ^agu fommen bie "iPronominal^Hbderbien (n3omit, mogu ufft).; bamit, ba^u uftt).). (9^omina !i)nnen burd^ 5lttribute ergttnjt n3erben») 1^8 BEGINNERS' GERMAN n. ^cr jufammcngcfc^tc @a^ iD^Qn unterfc^cibet §auptftt^e unb 9^ebcnfa1^e» ^te , J" -^ — -P — *-^ — J- _J — J — -l' J — J ^\ — « — i -P j _H d H :J— — 1 ^ ^ — =1— ^ — ^ 1^7 • 1 * • • • . w ^ s s s \ t; -^ V Slat = ter! ®u griinft nid^t nur 3ur ©om»mcr«3ctt, ncin fat =» Icn! SBic oft l^ot ni(!^t jur S[Bci{)*nQ(^t8*scit cin Icl^ * rcn: ^ie ^off « nung unb S3c * ftan » big > Mt gibt f^ - i^ ^ • ft « ^ ^ ^ /m^'n ^ St* p 1 p • » 1 1 r 1 ^01_ ' — :Pl ~t? tp =?- ^# — f y ^ r \ r r ' ^ 1 L-t,* 1/ 1 '^ 1 m m £E? ^ aud^ tm Wm * tcr, tocnn e8 fd^ncit! 53auTnDon bir mtd^ ]^o(^ cr*frcut! 2ro[t unb ^raft ju jc = bcr 3eit. -^ - . - - N ) :t?=t: 179 O %a.n ' ncn=boum, o O Jan * ncn=boum, o O 2:an s ncn^baum, o E t-^=F! q?= i8o BEGINNERS' GERMAN I J'J.JJ J i J JJ j ij jii Zan • nen'baitin, toie treu finb bci - nc SSIttt • terl Jlon * nen»baum, bu fannft mir fe^r gc > fol » Icn! ^n * ncn»baum, bein ^Icib h)iU mic^ tpad Ic^ » rcn! ^ J f n ^if f" ^^ X)le Sotcici Snagig langfam. 2«eU toon gfrlebr. ©U«cr, 1789-1860. Zonf. toon Serine. jUM.) \ ^ i i \ \.. U \ i h^ 1. 3f(^tt)et6nlc^t,n)a8foa e« be - beu * ten, bafe tc^ fo traumg 2. 5)ie fc^iJn * fte Sung » frou fit » get bort o « ben njun*bcr • 3. 2)en ©(^if*fer Int nci*ncn®(:^if*fe er^greift e« mit toxUbcm ^ ' n i h fet Jf i fi ' Mr i^ ;r/; n; bin; bar, eln SD^ttr * (^en qu8 ibr golb * nc8 Cdt er fd^aut ntc^t bie poco cres. ol ' ten fd^mei = be gel » fen 3ei but rif ten, bo8 act, fie fe, er -I— # ^ m SONGS i8i i J=r=»=«=i=^ te: ^ ^ -C fommt mir nic^t au« bcm ©inn. Sic ?uft i[t fii^I^unb c6 fftntmt i^r got * be » ne8 ^aar. ©te fammt c8 mit qoI * be * ncm fc^aut nur I)inauf in bic $dl)'. 3d^ glau = be, bic SBcI = Icn ber « p^^ ■J^:^ ^ :p=p: ^ ^ p =^tJ=^ ere*. ^ ^ tW bun «= felt, unb ru » l^ig flicfet ber $Rf)ein; . . bcr ®ip * fel ^am * me unb fingt cin ?icb ba « bei; ... baS I)at ei > fd^Iin » Qcn am (£n « be ©d^if^fer unb ^af)n; . . unb ba« l^at ii felt im 51 * bcnbsfon*ncn * fd^ein. nc h)un»bcr > [a > mc, gc » h)al»ti»gc 9)?c*to * bet. mit 11^ » rem (©in * gen bic So » re » lei ge * ton. :tpf: 1^ r=T^ l82 BEGINNERS' GERMAN atix^tmdii $ 3of. SKo^r, 1792-1848. ©anft unb eetraflen. "" SroHi ©ruber, 1787-1863. Sonf. bon ©erlng. PP mf Jf (t ==01 FV i ft K ^ 1. ©til -- Ic 9?ad^t, ^ct * It * qc 5^ad^t! 211 * Ie8 fd^Ittft, 2. etil * le S^lac^t, ^ci « li * Qc 9lad^t! $ir > ten crft 3. etU ' Ic g^ad^t, l^ei » It * gc ^^lod^t! ®ot - tc8 ©olin, 9^ -P- £ P^-#- i £ m/ SiA f3 n p t^-^-fr fe^ >^ ^ ^ — r i *J i cm ' fant tuad^t ttur ba« ttautt, l^od^ * l^ci * Ii»ge ^aar; funb 0C s ntod^t. '^nv^ bcr ^ngcl ^al * Ic » lu * ia h)ic lod^t !2icb' qu8 bci * ncm gott * lichen 9)^unb, PP -#-. ^- i^^ -E^H^ liUXiH ■V — r t^^-lr i t=!^ rs^ ^ f\ - P d=^ ^Ej =5?^ ■^ — ^- l^ol » bcr ^na = bc im lof • fisgcn §aar: fc^Iaf in tiJnt c8 laut bott fern unb na^i Slirift, bcr ba un« fc^lagt bic ret* ten* be ®tunb', Slirift, in =F-? ^^ 1^^ I — r-r P/. 7^ SONGS 183 $ -f=t- ^^fe: I -^-n tei — ^--— *■ — -I- -iS^-J: I "-I f(|Iaf in I)imm *U*fc^er 9^ut)'! (Et)ri[t, bcr $Ret * \tx, ift ba! — St)rt[t,in bei = iter ®c * burt! ^et * ter, t[t ba, — bei = ncr ®e « burt, * V pp* -^ it -1^:^ a g ^ t=t: r^ ^ctbenrdi^Iettt eth)a« betoegt. 85oK8h)etfe to. $elnr. SBemer, 1800-1833. ^ Sonf. toon ©ertng. S3 ^ P »=i^^^MEi; *^ 1. ©a^ cin ^nab' ein 9?oS * letn ftef)n, 9?6S * letn auf bcr 2. ^na * be fprac^: 3(§ brc * d)e bid^, 9^68 * lein auf ber 3. Unb ber n)U = be tna * be brad^g 9fto8 » leiti auf ber P-#- -#^ -#- -^ -^ S fi=P: :^=p: 1i=t ife5 ^-l«-#-A ^— ^ & P Sg l^. i=r S=:^i=i=±^=j=^« Fcr ^ct = ben, n3ar fo iung unb mor^gen^c^on! Sief er f(^nett,e3 C>ei = ben! 9^o« = lein fprac^: 3c^ fte = d^e bic^, "t^"^ bu e := toig §ei * ben! '^U -- lein n)ef)r = te fic^ unb ftac^, I)alf ifim boc^ fein f ^ i M^tfc? ^^ tt i84 BEGINNERS' GERMAN j^j=j=j ^£Uu,^ w nof) gu fct)'n, fal^'g mtt Die = Icn grcu « ben. benfft an mid^, unb ic^ JDill'gnic^t lei * ben! SBel^ unb 5ld^, ntufef eS e = ben lei = ben I P ^ * a tl#- i i mf h=l^m^ f m i I V^ t MS ^ 3to8 . Idn, SR68 • Icin, SR6««fein rot, 8JB« be mtt SSil = l^elm, f)ier lang bei * neS ^ -*-» 4L If: It r : I I ftei fct ■^ 1 F b 1 h- fe^ SONGS i8s $ at &i §eil, ^ai * fer, birl rto gur = [ten ftef)n! fiir« S3a * ter * lanb! if)r ^aupt em * por! ber S!}?en[d^»t)eit ©tolj! %% ^ ## f5ilf)r in beg 2:f)ro * neg ©lang Sic = be beS SI5a * ter = Ianb6, SSir al * le ftc = f)en bann, ^rie » gcr unb §el - ben = tat giif)!' in beS Jl^ro * ne^ ©lanj i ^: ^=^ r n +t 1 1 J I h ^ T 1 ^^ ^ ■■ 1/ S ■! ! ! J 1 1 i 1 r^ 1 fy^ — ^- —%- —y- -1^ — i — r- -4- — r-^»^-i-l <^ d ' • 9 -^-H bie f)0 > %t SSon * nc ganj, ?ieb » ling beg Sie « be beg frei » en SD^anng Qriin - bet ben mu * tig fur ei = nen 9)?ann, famp = fen unb fin = be ifir Sor = beer * blatt treu auf * fic := bie ^0 » f)C 2Bon * ne ganj, Sieb * ling beg — #- 1 — ..f:_... — b — _i. .^ ^• — ^-1 ^ IZ?~ — w — ^^= F= =t= t r1 i^^^ * Ober: 11 ^ iE* 1 e: f=r P=5 «# «oIfg p fein! §err * fc^er=t]^ron blu * ten gem f)o = ben bort 35oIfg gu fein! ^ai « fer, bir! geig im 9D?eer. 2:^ron unb 9?eic^. bei = nem Sl^ron. ^ai = fer, bir! g:i =F=^ ^==--. T i i86 BEGINNERS' GERMAN ^ie fl&a^t am JRi^cin SKor ©d&nedtenburger. ^ Seb^aft unb marftert ^arl SBill&cIiii cres. J . 'l , 1820-18 73. P :^^- i — 1 ^ Ps — J ' J J f ^"*"5 — r~ ~l — f^~i~ ^ _^_#| ii_ -5 — H v^ >> \ J ,' r S S tJ 1. (SS brauft ein 9iuf 2. S)urd^ ^un * bcrt » tau » 3. (gr blidt ^iii - auf 4. ©0 lang eln !X:rop 5. 3)er ®c^h)ur er^fd^altt, 1 h)tc fcnb in .fen bie' ! 2)on iVLdt ^im s 1 » ner = l^att, h)ie ©d^ioert * gc - eS fc^nell, unb al « ler mel«=au'n, ba ^el « ben • nod^ gliifit, nod^ ei * nc ' gc rinnt, bie gal^ » nen cres. J • • i # 1 r s (&f^ — J— J . ^ — r — — — ^ • _^ L f 1^"^^ ' — p — r h — 1 — 1 — -\ ^ — F '■ — — ^ 1 1 • • i // 5t 3^ ^^ p=r flirr unb 3Bo * gen=pratt: 3um dl^dn, jum 9?f)ein, jum beut^c^cn Slu * gen blit * gen f)ell; ber S)eut « fd^e bie = ber, fromm unb ba » ter nie * ber^c^aun, unb fd^luort mit ftol « jer ^antp ^ fcs . f^auft ben S)e * gen jief)t unb noc^ ein 5Irm bie iBiid^ - fc flat ' tern I)oc^ im SSinb: 3um 9?f)ein, gum 3?{)ein gum bent * fd^cn i m ^ ^ '*f£- * *=|c X- t :t=fc± ?: ^ K N ^ 1 #- (i5 "*^= =:i- =^~^ ~^=k~ 1 -^.d — =^=^=1 «!r~ ^^ -?^^ J^^A-^ 1 'mdnl h)cr n)ill beS ©trom * eg $ii = ter fein? ftarf. be * fc^ii^t bie Iieir > gc ?an = beS » morf. luft: :Du $RI)ein bleibft beutfd^ h)ie mci « nc Sruft! fpannt, be « tritt fein geinb f)ier bei « nen ©tranb! 3?f)ein, mir oX ' le tool = len §11 = ter fein! — is — -•- f f f f f T ^ ir^ ~t — t 1 — t- — — ^n P- •V » k * * m 1 r ^ 1 n ^ • p K^ ■ ' 1> P i^ ^ SONGS 187 i F=^ «i -v-^j-^;- f=f g Sieb SSa * ter»Ianb, mogft ru « l^ig fein, Ucb S3a = ter«Ianb,magft 4^ ^^^=rf i pL -*=r^ Ws^ m t=iK r^ i /a lU-ul-i -= — m- -^m llE^ M ru * Im [ein; feft ftct)t unb treu bie SBad^t, bic SBod^t am g it=rfc=t=s=Ft: -fc, la F— : — » P b ■N=ti==^r m ^ — r — 1 — \ -J- ff^i -^—^0 :^=i s -g' — # e:3 3 ^zM »— =S- 9?^cinl feft fte{)t unb treu bie SBac§t,bic SSad^t am 9?^einl ^^H^- g p^s- =f=F ?^^ -^-^^: -122-^. i88 BEGINNERS' GERMAN (g. ©elbel. aWunter. SSanbcrfdfiaft: „^er Wlai ift qttommtn" %iiv Qcmifd^ten Sl^or 3ful. SBII^. Stjro, 1842. w g: 1. ®er 90?ai ift qc = fom=mcn, Me 53au * me fd^Ia* gen au«, 2. grlfc^ auf brum, frifd^ auf im f)cl * len ®oti=nen4tra^I, 3. O SSan^bcrn, o SSon^bern, bu frci * e 53ur4(^cn4uft! ^il ^ M ^-£ f = f t e lHr4= 1i=|c ^ p ^p^^iH ^ ■^ r=F -*-r ba bid ' ht, ioer Suft ^at, mit ®or * gen ju ^au8l tDo^I ii := ber bic S3er * ge, h)of)I burcl bo8 tic * fc Si^al! !5)a toc-fiet ®ot*teg O^bcm fo frif(^ in bie S3ruft. m ^'P F Mm I *=* s $=* § m -4V=v-^ 1^^ ai^^=? * SBic bic SSol^fcn bort njan^bern om I)imm * Ii ^ fc^cn 3dt, !Dic OueI4cn cr * flin=gcn, bic SBSume-raitsfd^en oH; !Da fin = get unb iauc^-jet ba^ ^erj jum §im-mel8 = jelt: J-*l-:f: ^ QzJ^e SONGS 189 J^f ' ^\F^- t I I Et * * #-^ fo ftef)t oud^ nttr ber ©inn in bie toet = tt, hjci = te SBett. mein ^erj ift mie 'ne ?er - (^e unb [tint* met ein mit ©cfialt. SBie bift bu bod^ fo fd^on, bu mi ' te, h)ci = te SSelt! id? 1t=N: t=|: 1 gfc t=ti ii ^cutfcftlanb iiBcr atte^ Hoffmann tton goUerSleben. -Sfofepl^ ^atjbn, 1732-1809. SWttfeifl lanflfam. m£ __, I , . J [ a it m * ®eut[(^ = Ianb,!Deutfc^*Ianb U * ber d » H U * ber toenn c8 ftets ju ©d^uij unb 2;rut » je brii * ber £)eut * fc^c ^rau * en, beut * \6jt Xxtn = c, beut * fd^er [ol * ten in ber SBelt be * l^al * ten t^ = ren (gi = nig * feit unb 9?ed^t unb f^rei = beit fllr ha^ ^a = nad^ la&t unS al = Ic ftrc * ben brii > ber 1. 2. ^ I rfi: ~ - , mf i=t -r-f- at s leg m ber SBelt, ) ^ c cm .«:.o r-A f . ..v/ ^ bon ber SWaag biS an bic liO) gu * fam » men * bait/ J SBein unb beut = fc^er ©ang \ ^ ^ ^ ^ . beut * f(^e 5Sa = ter = lanb! lic^ mit ^erj unb ^onb! 0- -0. ^ ^ t=fc=t=t: It @i ^ nig = feit unb 9?ec^t unb -J-j— #- ^ I go BEGINNERS' GERMAN I cres. ^ ^1 f \ N Wt » tnel, toon ber Stfc^ bis on ben S3elt. :Deutf(^4anb, gei ' [tern un « fer gan » gcS ?c « ben long. !X)eut * [d^c grci » tieit finb bc3 ©Ittf » fc8 Un > tcr * pfanb. S8la^' im cres.^ J^ -5- -^ -#. ^ I £ M ^^ P i S J^iJ^j'j. . q-T^ ^^e i _^_^ •±^ r^-r 5Dcutfd^4onb 11 « bcr al * leS, 11 * ber at * leg in ber SScItl i^rau * en, beut4<^e 2;reu=e, beut « fd^er SBein unb beut=fc^er Song! ®Ian * se bie = fe8 ®tof=fe«, bill := I)c, beut^fd^eS SSa*ter»= lanbl m ^ a_i: 1 f^'^'^f -r aSanbrer^ SRacfitlteb 3. iB. to. ®oet^e. Songfcmt unb eetraseru I fc^??^=^ 1 — r ^^^3 ^ -Jt=^ ii = ber al ' ten ®ip * feln ift 9?uf); in al ^ len 2Bip=feIn p ^^ ^^^^^^g SONGS 191 ^ 3 iJt 3=^ f=T fpii = reft bu fei = nen ^auc^; bic ^Sdg * lein f(^h3ei*8en im I W W _j ^ — s, — ^~r^ 2BaI ' be. SSar * tc nur, h)ar = te nur, bat S^^ 13^ JL -f2_^ be, PI=N= i^zz; fr-1 — r ^=t i=±=t 1^ $=t SEE p^^=t^J^3 bal * be niMt i>u aud^« SSor » tc nur, tear * it nur. ^^^ 1^ :p^ ^ r— * B^-^4 =='=ri=f w n^. *: s •-W- m^r-9- bal be, bal = be rul)ft bu auc^, bal * be rul^ft bu aud^. PP ri7. ^ 1— T:H Bi i±s S f-t^ bal = be ruMt ba aud&. 192 BEGINNERS' GERMAN ^cr fro^c SSanbcr)§mantt, I gUr Qcmifc^tcn (Sl^or Sfofep^ »on r 1 — b* b" y — h — P 9- — " H--f^b b — H r-^i -1 1 -^ ^ ^-^ — \^ ^— cres. i# fei tic iEBun * ber ntd&t mlt t]& = nen ^ ^ =»= h)et = fen, bem njitt cr [ci * nc SBun * ber njei = fen in S3erg unb fin = gen, h3a6 f ollf ic^ nic^t mit il^ * nen fin * gen oug tool = ler / N N !^ 3^ r r f — f=t^ ^ P SONGS 193 in A ** tt JBerg unb tool » ler SBalb, in aud Serg col * unb ler SBoIb It ^*•^^ N . iJLy y-q -^^- ^J^ — [^ — N- -■A-^—^^^A m ^ Z r -^ZTIZP- — #— •■• ^v^i\^^^ Zr \^J ^ SSalb. . 1<— X^—^ • • — 7- unb ©trom unb unb frt = fd^er -iW:t^-i /i>"it It 1 ©•«)? s — ^ ^ #- ne SSun=ber ttici = fen in 33erg unb mit i^ = nen fin « gen au8 bot = ler gelb, bem h)ill er fei 53ruft, luag foEt' id^ nic^t %^ Is: -t=-#- S ^. fc* ^ 5^ #=»: t=tJ: /> ^ ^^^ Zenio I ritard ^ ^m EEjEES 3E^ mm SBdb unb ©trom unb ^^elb. tel)I unb fri * fc^er S3ruft? 1^ f r # 3. ®en lie = ben ®ott lafe id^ nur ^ Piu lento ritard f— f-f ^ p a tempo ]^-V u=j j.rH{^-*=^ ^a a; r ^> T unb -5^ 'f -^ h)al = ten; ber m^rp=^=s EB3E3 lein, :2er » c^en, ^aXa unb gelb J *— k— |i: ^=t 194 i M: BEGINNERS' GERMAN cres. tola m ^i=^ - TV JS \^ — N-d^-# ■^ S -=1- rXTT^- ffs^ @rb^ unb ^immel toitt cr » ^l » ten, unb (grb' unb ^immcl tt)ttt cr » ^ J^cres. ^. 5?=|: ^ -f-'-f- #=fc I* i* ! » ^- « b U 1^ b ]^t aud& mein' ®a($' I / -s-^- ^ii ^ — ^ =i? f" fial s ten, l^at auc^ mein' ^a(S)% eS /^ ^- i i- -i/ f)at au(!^ mein' t=*-- ^ // 4-4. t f m b b b ©ad^' Qufg beft' be » ftettt! 2)er (Srb' unb §im » mel h)ia er i ^ > I Mr 3z^=t: I «J: w ^ ^ p ^ - t 3Ci: q?=p: 1/ ' "f " ■ 1^ k y t)al * ten, t)at aud^ mein' ©ac^' aufg beft' be = ftettt, l^at auc^ mein' ^ tt|=t=f / t , r f r- ^ b 1/ T&^-t- t=t ^ SONGS auf 8 bcft'. 195 ^ i auf'Sbcft' fte.fteatl /7^ H ^ r ■ ? c f 'j»-c«s.' ^ -^ Cf^zi iBai)' ouf8 beft' be • ftettt, mein' ©od^' aufs 6e(t' be = (teltt! ^^ 0-- ?— # # F- I ^ZZJEZg^ZI^ -|g . -F-b^*?^— i- 1 i ^cr fto^e SSanber^mann, n 3fofep^ bon (gid&cnborff, Sonf. toon iWaric g. aKaceonnefl. &^- t :^ ^ H ^-T— » #-r— ^ SBcm ®ott h3itt red^ » te ©unft er » h)ct * fen, ben |A^ ^ ■ ^ r fc^tcft er in bie h3ci = tc SBcIt, bent h)iE cr fei :» ne 4= M— J- * J J ' rTi I J i:j==i^ — J— ^ — ^r— f m S 1==1: ^^=4= N — ^• II: ^^ 3trzit SBun^ber hjci * fen in 33crg unb SBalb unb ©trom unb gelb. ^ = 0^ -#^-^ V— i^ -*? ^ VOCABULARY Explanations. In the following vocabulary — which is extensive on account of the in- clusion of the additional reading and poems — words will be found in alphabetical order. The gender of the nouns is indicated by the preceding article, and the endings of the genitive sing- ular and the nominative plural follow in parentheses. The principal parts of the strong verbs are given, and in case of strong verbs which change the vowel in the second and third person smgular of the present tense, the third person singular is given to indicate this root -vowel change. In case of verbs which take fein as an auxiliary, the fact is indicated in the principal parts. % ab, off, away. ber 9t6cnb (-8, -e), evening. has Sliicnbcffcn (-g, -), supper. ber 9t6cnbfonncnf(^etn (-g), evening sunshine (light). obex, but, however. afigc^cn (ging ah, ift abgegongen), to go off, start, depart. ber S(6iturient (-en, -en), a candi- date for the final examination of the German higher schools. afircifcn (aux. fein), to set out, de- part. bte 5l6ftammung (-, -en), descent, parentage; derivation. afifteigen (ftieg ob, ift abgeftiegen), to descend, dismount. nfitrctcn (aux. l^aben and fein), (er tritt ah; trat ab, obgetreten), to tread off; to relinquish, resign; to retire; an ben ^atfer — , to yield up to the emperor. afihjefenb, absent. a^, alas, ah. bie Sti^fel (-, -n), shoulder. aitit, eight; ac^te, eighth. bie 9t(^tung (-), attention; esteem, regard. abbieren, to add. abicu, adieu, farewell, good-by. bie Stbbition (-, -en), addition. bie Stbcr (-, -n), vein. d^nlid^, similar, like, resembling. bie ^^rc (-, -n), ear of corn. ber SlffufatiU (-8, -e), accusative (case). all ( — er, — e, — eS), all, entire, whole, each, everybody, every- thing. aQctn, adj. and adv., alone; conj., only, but. atterhJCgcn, everywhere. attmo^tid^, gradually. al)§, as; than; when; but. a(fo, so, thus, therefore. alt, old; bie Slltcn, the aged. ha^ mta (-0, -), age. am=an bent. amcrifamfrfi, adj., American. ba^ 9(mt (-eg, -^er), office, position. an (dat. or ace), at, on, by, to, near, in, upon. ber 9tn6eginn (-eg), earliest begin- ning. anbinbctt (banb an, angebunben), to tie on {or to). ber StntiUd (-g, -e), view. 197 iqS beginners' GERMAN ttnber (bcr, btc, bog — e; ein — er, cine — c, ein — e«), other; unter an* berem, among other things; nid^tS anberS aU, nothing else but that. anbcrfeit^, on the other side (hand). ttnberi^ttJO, elsewhere. bie 5Cnefbotc (-, -n), anecdote. ber 5(nfang (-6, -^e), beginning. anfangcn (er fcingt an; fing an, angc= fangen), to begin; to do. Ottfrttgcn, to ask in passing. anqt^oxcn, to belong to. ber Stngc^iirtge (-n, -n), one be- longing to, relative. ber Stngrtff (-8, -e) , handling, attack. an^alten (er l^lilt an; I)ielt an, ange« i)alUn), to hold (on) to, stop, draw up. anflagen, to accuse. anfnij^fen, to tie, join, fasten. anfommcn (font an, ift angefommen), to arrive. ber 9(nfi)mmKng (-«, -e), newcomer. bie Stnlagc (-, -n), a laying out, plan, park, pleasure-ground; in- vestment. aniegen, to lay out; to invest. annetfttten (er nimmt an; nai)m an, ongenommen), to accept, take, take for granted. anraten (er rttt on; rict an, angeraten), to advise, recommend. anreben, to speak to, address. anfd^rciben ([c^rieb an, angefd^rieben), to write on or down. flnfc^cn (er fte^t an; faf) an, ange» fet)cn), to look at or upon; to re- gard; to respect; to esteem. bie Stnftebtung (-, -en), colony. bie Stnftatt (-, -en), arrangement; institution. anftatt (gen.), instead of. anftrengen, to strain, exert; aHc ^riiftc — , to strain every nerve. ber SCtttcit (-«, -e), portion, share, interest. bie 9(nthJort (-, -en), answer, re- ply. antftjorten, to answer, reply. anhicfenb, present. bie Slnsafit (-), number, multitude, ber 5(pfet (-«, *), apple. ber Stpfctbaum (-6, ^e), apple-tree. ber St^ril (-«), April. bie Strbeit (-, -en), work, task, per- formance. arbciten, to work. arg, adj. and adv., bad, mischie- vous, severe, hard. (trgerlid^, annoying, annoyed, an- gry, vexed. arm, poor; ber 5lrme, poor man. ber 2(rm (-e«, -e), arm. bie 2trt (-, -en), kind, species; man- ner, way. ber Strjt (-eg,-^e), doctor, physician. Slftcn (-g; neut.), Asia. aut(|, also, too, even, likewise. auf, prep. {dat. or ace), on, upon, in, at, by, for, to, towards; adv., up, upwards. ttufbliiffen {aux. fein), to blossom out, open, begin to flourish. aufcffcn (er ifet auf; a& auf, aufge* geffcn), to eat up. auffa^ren (er fcitirt auf; fufir auf, ift aufgefal^ren), to start up. ttuffinben (fanb auf, aufgefunbcn), to find out, seek out. bie Stufgabe (-, -n), task, lesson. aufl^eben (l^ob auf, aufgcboben), to lift, raise, pick up. VOCABULARY 199 ouf()citcrn, to cheer or brighten up. auf^ijrcn, to listen attentively; to stop, cease. auflijfcn, to loosen, untie. aufma^ctt, to open. aufmerffom, attentive, tie Stufnol^mc (-, -n), taking up, reception. auf^jaffcn, to pay attention, watch, aufrcd^t, upright, erect, straight. aufrt(f|tcn, to raise up, straighten, ber 5(uffo^ (-eg, -^e), composition, essay. auffi^cn (fofe auf, ift aufgcfcffen), to mount. ttufftc^cn (ftanb auf, ift aufgcftanben), to stand up, get up. ttuftrctcn (er tritt auf; trat ouf, ift aufgetreten), to step up (upon), appear, come forward. aufttjarficn (aux. \dn), to wake up. ber 3luftt)artcr (-g, -), attendant, waiter. ba^ Stuge (-g, -n), eye. augcttMirflirfi, momentary ( — ily), instantaneous(ly), instantly, ber Stuguft (-6), August (month). au^ (dat.), out of, from, of, by, for, on account of. au^tiilbcn, to form (out), develop, cultivate; to render accom- plished or educated. ttUi^briidcn, to press or squeeze out; to utter, express, ber Stuigfu^r^anbct (-g), export trade. ttUjgfii^rti^, detailed, complete, full, ber 3tU)ggang (-eg, -^e), act of going out, exit: result, end. ttu^ge^ctt (glng ou§, ift auggegongen), to go out. au^gclegt, laid out, displayed. au^fommcn {tarn aug, ift ouggefom* men), to get along with, live peaceably with. au^tod^Ctt, to laugh at. bag 2lU)§Ianb (-eg), foreign parts, nations. au^Iaufen (er Ittuft ang; lief aug, ift auggelaufeit), to run or flow out, extend. aui^ma^cn, to make out; to put out (fire, etc.); to make up, constitute; to settle (a dis- pute). auiSfd^Iagcn (er fd^Iiigt oug; fc^Iug aug, auggefc^Iagen), to strike out; (aux. fein), to break out, bud, sprout. aujgfc^en (er fiet)t aug; fal^ aug, aug» gefef)cn), to look, appear. ber Stu^cn^anbcl (-g), foreign com- merce. auftcr (dat.), out of, outside of; be- sides, except. au^erbcm, besides, moreover. aujgfpred^cn (er fpric^t aug; fprad^ aug, auggefprod^en), to express, utter, speak out, pronounce. au^itbcn, to practise, exercise; to carry out; to commit (crimes, etc.). bie Stu^toanbcrung (-, -en), emigra- tion. aUi^ltJartig, outward, abroad, for- eign. au^lucttbig, outside; by heart; — lernen, to commit to memory. au^hJtf^Ctt, to wipe out or away; to erase. 200 BEGINNERS GERMAN ber f&a^ (-e8, -^c; dim. ba6 53ft(§Icm), brook. badfcn (cr bad t; buf,-Qebacfcn), to bake. ber JBarfcr (-8, -), baker. ftabcn, to bathe. ba^ ^abcsimmcr (-8, -), bath room. btc SBtt^ti (-, -en), path, course, road; railway. halh, soon. ba^ SBanb (-eS, -^er), band; rib- bon. btc Sanf: i. (-, ^t), bench, bank (ground); 2. (-, -en), bank (money bank). hat, bare; ready (money), cash. bie Sarm^crjtgfctt (-), compas- sion, mercy. ber 93au (-e8, -c or -ten), building, structure. 6auen, to build; to till, cultivate; — auf, to count upon. ber Saucr (-« or -n, -n), peasant, small farmer. ber fSanm (-eg, ^c), tree. ber Saumpfo^t (-«, ^e), tree-pole, post, stake. bcbaucn, to cultivate, till. bcbcnfen (bebac^tc, bebac^t), to pon- der, reflect, bear in mind. ticbcuten, to inform, direct; to mean, signify, forebode. I&cbcutenb, important, significant. bie SBcbeutung (-, -en), meaning, significance, importance. ber Scbtentc (-n, -n; ein — er), ser- vant, lackey. Ibcenbcn (also beenbigen), to bring to an end, terminate, finish. Bcfe^Ictt (er befietilt; befat)!, befol^ten), to order, command. fic^ ftefinbcn (befanb, befunben), to be, feel. begeiftern, to inspire, fill with en- thusiasm. ber Scginn (-eg), beginning. bcginncn (begann, begonnen), to be- gin, commence. bcgleiten, to accompany. bie S3cglcitung (-, -en), accompani- ment, attendance. bcgriinbcn, to base, found. fic^attcn (er bcf)alt; be{)ielt, bel^alten), to keep, retain; to carry. iiel^anbeln, to handle, manage, treat. be()crrfd^en, to rule over, govern. bcl^iiten, to guard, preserve, pro- tect. htx (dat.), by, at the side of, in con- nection with, at. beib (— e, —eg), both, two. bcifaffcn (er faltt bei; fiet bei, ift beige fatten), to come into the mind, occur to. ha^ Scttt (-g, -e), leg. ibeinai^e, almost, nearly. ftct^cn (btfe, gebiffen), to bite. bag Scif^ict (-g, -e), example; sunt — (h ^')r for example. Ibcfannt, known, acquainted. bie 93cfc^rung (-, -en), conver- sion. beHagen, to lament, bewail. ficfommcn (betam, befommen), to get, obtain. Bctaufd^cn, to listen to, eavesdrop. beHen, to bark. Ibcmcrfcn, to perceive, notice; to remarK. VOCABULARY 20I ha^ SBcmu^cn (-«), trouble, pains, endeavor. Ibcnc^mcn (er benimmt; htna^m, be* nommcn), to take away; fic^ — , to behave. Iicncnncn (bcnattntc, bcnannt), to name, designate. ficqucm, comfortable, bie 23eratung (-, -en), consultation, deliberation, conference, council. Me SBcrcc^tigung (-, -en), title, right; qualification. ficrett, ready, prepared. ticreitctt, to prepare. hevdt^, already, ber S3erg (-(e)g, -e), mountain, ber S3eruf (-(e) g, -e), calling, voca- tion, profession, oflace. berii^mt, famous, ber S3cfc^eib (-eg, -e), knowledge, information, answer. fiefd^eibcn, modest, unassuming; moderate. ficfd^eibcn (befc^teb, befc^ieben), to allot, assign. fiefd^cinen (befc^ten, bef(^ienen), to shine upon, light up. ficfc^rcibcn (befc^rieb, befc^rieben), to describe, bie 83cfd^rct6ung (-, -en), descrip- tion. £ief (^ii^en, to protect, guard, defend. fiefc^cn (er befiel^t; befal^, befe{)en), to look at, regard. Ibcfe^Ctt, to occupy, engage, take possession of. ficfingcn (befang, befungen), to sing of, celebrate in song, bte SBcfmnung (-), reflection; einen gur — (iu) bringen, to bring one to his senses. ber S3cft^ (-e^)/ possession, prop- erty. ficfi^cn (befafe, befeffen), to sit upon, have, possess. bie S3cfi^ung (-, -en), possession; pL, dominions, dependencies. ficfonber!^, especially, particularly, extraordinarily. ficfonnen, thoughtful; furj — , with little reflection, with quick pres- ence of mind. f>t^pvt^cn (er befpric^t; befprad^, be= fproc^en), to discuss; \id) mit einem — , to converse, deliberate, dis- cuss with one. bcffcr, compar. of gut. ficftc, superl. of gut; aufS — beftetlt, arranged for the best, in the best way. ticftdnbig, steady, constant, con- tinuous. fieftc^en (beftanb, beftanben), to un- dergo, stand (a test), pass through, continue; to exist; — QUg, to consist of. Bcftctgcn (beftieg, beftiegen), to as- cend, climb, mount, go on board (ship). BcftcttCtt, to order, dispose, appoint, arrange. ficftimmt, determined, fixed, de- cided, definite. fic^ bcftrcben, to exert one's self, try to obtain. bie 93cftrcbung (-, -en), effort, en- deavor, exertion. Ibcfurfien, to visit, attend. iDeteUigen, to assign a share; to in- terest; \\^ — an (bet), to have a share, be interested in, take part in. 202 BEGINNERS GERMAN Bctonen, to lay stress on, empha- size. bcr 93ctrad^t (-(c)g), respect, con- sideration, point of view. hcttd(f)ti\ti), considerable. httvaqtn (er bctragt; bctrug, betraQctt), to amount to; fi(^ — , to behave, conduct one's self. fictrcibcn (betricb, betricben), to drive upon, follow up, carry on; to pursue (studies). fictrctcn (cr betritt; betrat, betrctcn), to step on, tread; to enter upon; to enter (a house). bag Sett (-eg, -en), bed. ber Scutcl (-6, -), sack, purse. bcr S3ct»ottmad^ttgtc (-n, -n; cin — cr), one invested with full power, plenipotentiary. BchJCtfcn (beluieg, ben)iefen), to prove, show, manifest. ber S3cJuol^ncr (-«, -), inhabitant; resident. bcja^Icn, to pay. Ibicber, upright, honest, loyal. bic JBtcnc (-, -n), bee. ha^ S3Ub (-eg, -er), picture, image, portrait, figure. Ibitbcn, to form, compose; to edu- cate. ba^ SUbcrbud^ (-eg, ^er), picture- book. bic Sitbung^bcftrcbung (-, -en), ef- fort for education. fiillig, cheap, moderate, fair, just. fcinbcn (banb, gebunben), to tie; see also anbinben. bic SBirnc (-, -n), pear. 6t^, as far as, up (down) to, to, till. ffitten (bat, gebeten) urn, to beg for; bittc, please. bog S3Iatt (-eg, *er; dim. bog 93iatt* c^en), leaf, blade; sheet, news- paper. Wau, blue. hUxhtn (blieb, ift geblieben), to stay, remain, continue. ber aSIciftift (-eg, -e), lead-pencil. ber S3Urf (-eg, -e), look, glance. blidfcn, to look. bn^en, to lighten; to sparkle, glit- ter, shine. blo\i, adj., bare, naked, mere; adv., only, merely. filiii^en, to blossom, flourish. bic 23Iumc (-, -n), flower. bag JBIut (-eg), blood. Ibluten, to bleed, die. hlni)cn, to blossom. bic 93(utc5cit (-, -en), flowering time, prime. bcr JBobcn (-g, ■^), ground, soil; floor, attic. bag fSooi (-eg, -e and iBotc), boat. Iborgen, to borrow, lend. fiiifc, bad, evil, wicked, malicious, angry. htaudftn, to use, want; to need. braun, brown. braufen, to storm, rage, roar. fiirat), excellent, worthy, fine, good. 6re(f|en (er brid^t; brac^, gebrod^en), to break, pluck. Brett, broad, wide. ber 93rtcf (-eg, -e), letter. Bringcn (brarfite, gebrac^t), to bring. bag fSvot (-eg, -e), bread. ber 93rubcr (-g, ^), brother. Briiberlid^, brotherly. bic S3ruft (-, -^e), breast, bosom, chest. bcr S3ube (-n, -n), boy; scamp, knave. VOCABULARY 203 ba6 f8n^ (-eS, -^cr; dim. bQ6 53iid^= lein), book, bie a3uc^fc (-, -en), gun. 6u(f|fto6icrcn, to spell. budctt, to bow, stoop. ba^ SBubgct (-«, -g), budget, bag 93unbel H/ -)/ bundle, bcr SBunbCi^rat (-c8, -^e), Federal Council (of Germany), bie Siirbc (-, -n), burden, load, bcr SBiirgcr (-g, -), citizen, burgher, ber 93urf^c (-n, -n), lad, fellow, bie abutter (-), butter. ber (ha^) 6^or (-c3, -^e), choir, chorus, bcr 6^rift (-en, -en), Christian, ber 6||rift(u§) (-i, dat. -0, ace. -urn, or indeclinable), Christ. 2) bfl, aJz*., there; where; then, at that time; conj., where, when, as, since, because, inasmuch as. bafici, therewith, thereby, at the same time. ta^ ^ac^ (-eg, ^er), roof. baburrf), thereby, through that. bafiir, for that (it). bagegcn, against it (that). bo^cr, from that place, thence, hence, therefore. ba^crfommcn (fam balder, t[t ba{)er* gefommen), to come along. ba^in, thither, to that place, along, away, gone, past; big — , till then. hamal§, at that time, then. bie 2)amc (-, -n), lady. bomit, adv., therewith, with that (it), by it; conj., in order to, so that. bonac^, for that (it), after that, upon that. baneben, near it, next to it, close by, beside, ber ^anf (-eS), thanks. hanUn, to thank. bann, then. baran (bron), thereon, thereat, at or on it (that, them), in regard to it, to; on the eve of. barauf (brauf), thereupon, upon it. barau^ (brauS), thereout, there- from, out of it (this, that, them). bartn (brin), therein, in it (this, that); barinnen, therewithin, in- side. bie ^orftcffung (-, -en), exhibition, representation. baritber, over that (it), thereon (of), about that. borum (brum), about it. ha^, the; which, that. t>aiii, conj., that. ber ^otitJ (-g, -e), dative (case). ha^ '^^atnm (-«, S)ata or ®aten), date. bie ^aucr (-), duration, continu- ance. baucrn, to last, continue, remain. babon, therefrom, thereof, there- by; of or by it (that); thence, away, oflf. bie 2)cde (-, -n), ceiling, cover. beden, to cover. ber 2)cgen (-g, -), sword. bctn ( — , — e, — ), thy, thine, your; — er, — e, — eS, yours; ber, bie, baS — (ig)^, yours. 204 BEGINNERS' GERMAN bic ^ctttnation (- -en), declension. bcflinicrcn, to decline. bic ^cnftrficit (-, -en), thought products. benfcn (bac^te, gebad^t), to think; — an, to think of. ba^ ^ttttmal (-«, -^er and -e), monu- ment. bcnn, for; than; unless; then. bcr (bie, ha^): i. def. art., the; 2. demons, pron. and adj., that (one); 3. rel. pron., who, which, that. bcr* (bie*, bo8=)icm9C, that one, those; he, she, it {before a rel. pron.). bcr* (bie*, bag*)fcI6c, the same. ht§fiaii), therefore, on this account. bcfto, the, so much; j[e fd^netter, — tt)tx, the quicker, the sooner. bcutli^, distinct(ly), clear, intel- ligible. bcutf(^, adj., German; — gafjlen, count in German; auf — , in German. ha^ ^cutfc^c (-n), German (lan- guage). cin ^cutf(^cr (ber — c, bie — en), a German. ber ^cutfc^^crrcttorbcn (-«, -), the knights of the German Order. ^cutfd^tanb (-^; neut.), Germany. bcr ^cscmbcr (-«), December. b. ^., ha^ {)ctBt. bid^tcn, to compose, write poetry. bcr 2)id^tcr (-8, -), poet. birf, thick, fat, stout. bcr ^tc6 (-e6, -c), thief. ber Wiener (-^, -), servant. bcr ^icnft (-eg, -e), service. ber ^tcn^tag (-e6, -e), Tuesday. btcnftbar, serviceable. ha^ ^tcnftmttb(^cn (-S, -), servant girl. bic^ (— er, — e, —t^), this, this one, the latter. bxt^mal, this time. ha^ ^iftat (-8, -e), dictation. bifttcrcn, to dictate. ba^ ^ing (-c8, -e), thing. ber ^ircftor (-6, -en), director, manager, principal or head- master (of a school). bit»ibicrcn, to divide. bie 2)tt)tr«)n (-, -en), division. bod^, but, yet, still, however, never- theless, though; fag mtr — , do tell me; "bd^ toerftcf)en ®ic — ? you certainly understand that? I hope you understand that? ber Cottar (-8, -8), dollar. ber ^onncrliaff (-8, -c), resounding of thunder. bonncrn, to thunder. ber Conner ^tag (-eg, -c), Thursday. bo8 3)orf (-cS, -^er), village. bort, there. bortfelfift, see bort. brci, three. bcr ^rci^igjo^rtgc ^rtcg. Thirty Years' War (1618-48). brctft, bold(ly), courageous. brittcr (-e, -cS), third. ha^ 2)rtttcr (-g, -), third. bro^cnb, threatening. ber 2)ufoten (-6, -), ducat. bumm, stupid. bunfct, dark, gloomy, obscure. bunfctn, to grow dark. biinn, thin, fine, small. bm6) {ace), through, by, by means of, across. VOCABULARY 205 burd^Ieu(^'tcn, to light throughout, brighten, illuminate. burt^mac^cw, to finish. burc^aic^cn (J09 burd^, burd^gesoQcn), to draw, pull or pass through. biirfen (er barf; burfte, geburft), to dare, be permitted, ought. But: \6) I)a&c au«gel)en biirfcn. Simi- larly : miiffen, f onncn, mogen, f oHen, inollen, etc. ber 2)urft (-eg), thirst. biirftcn, to thirst, be thirsty. burftig, thirsty. cbcn, even, level, smooth; adv., just, precisely, quite, certainly. cbcnfall^, likewise. ebcnfo, just so; — gut h3ie, just as good as. bie @dc (-, -n), edge, corner. erfig, angular, cornered. cbd, noble, highborn; bcr (Sbic, man of noble birth or character. ber ©belmann {-tf>, -leute), noble- man. c^e, sooner, earlier, before, former- ly; ere. cl^cr, comparative of el^c. cl^rcn, to honor, esteem. c()rlid^, honorable, honest, just. c^rhjiirbig, venerable. bag @i (-eg, -er), egg. ci! ay! indeed! why! eifcrfiirfitig, jealous, envious. eigen, proper, own, peculiar, spe- cial; strange, curious. bie ©tgcnart (-, -en), peculiarity. etgcnfinnig, self-willed, headstrong. etgentlid^, proper, real, really, prop- erly speaking. ber ©igcntitmcr (-g, -), proprietor. eigcntiimtirfl, (belonging to) exclu- sively; peculiar, strange. bie @tlc (-), haste, speed, hurry. cUcn, to hasten, hurry. cin (etne, ein), a, an, one; adv., in, into. Ctnanber, another, one another, each other, etnbrtngcn (brad^te ein, cin9ebrad)t), to bring in. bie @infiu^e (-, -n), loss, damage. eittcr ( — e, — g), one; a person, peo- ple. Ctncrlci, of one sort; all the same, immaterial. einfad^, simple, single. ber ©infatt (-(e)g, -^e), falling in; sudden idea, notion. bcr ©influft (-[[eg, -iiffe), flowing in, influence. ber ©infu^r^anbcl (-g), import trade. cingroben (er grSbt ein; grub ein, etn= gegraben), to dig in; to engrave. citt^crgc^cn (ging einf)er, i[t einl)er= gegangen), to move along, wan- der about. Ctnl^olcn, to bring in, go to meet or fetch; to obtain; to overtake. citttg, one, single, united; einige, any, some, a few. cinigemal, a few times. fid^ cinigcn, to agree. bie ©ittigtcit (-), unity. bie ©inigung (-, -en), union, agree- ment. cinjafirig, lasting one year; ber (Siniaf)rig=i^rein)itlige, volunteer soldier serving one year. etntnal, once, one time, once upon 2o6 beginners' GERMAN a time, sometime, Just, only; ttuf — , suddenly; noci^ — , once more. tiaS (^mmaUm^, once one, multi- plication table. eiiinc^mcn (er nimmt ein; nalim cin, eingenommen), to take in, gather in; to capture; to receive, col- lect. einrtd^ten, to arrange, order, estab- lish, furnish. clo^, adv., one, of one mind. 6ic @itt^ (-), (the number) one. chlfotn, lonely, lonesome, solitary, alone. dttfd^Iic^Iid^, inclusive. Dcr @ittfpru(^ (-(e) 8, -"-c), prohibi- tion, protestation, opposition. elnft, once, one time, some day. CtnftnJcUcn, in the meantime. tie ©intratl^t (-), concord, union. etntrctcn (cr tritt ein; trat ein, ift eingea treten), to step in, enter; to begin. bcr ©ttttritt (-(e)g, -e), entering on, entrance, admission. bic ©inja^l (-), singular (number). cinscin, single, separate, solitary. ber @in5clftttat (-eg, -en), (single) state. fcie @ifcn6o^n (-, -en), railway, railroad. bag (Element (-8, -e), element. bie (§Mttn {pi. only), parents. empfongcn (er cmpfangt; empfing, empfangen), to receive. e»H?fc^len (cr cmpfiei)It; empfatil, cmpfof)Ien), to commend, recom- mend. cm^finbcn (empfanb, empfunben), to feel, experience. tvxpot, up, upwards, on high, aloft. cm^jorfiringcn (brcd^te em^)or, einpor= gebrad^t), to raise up or forward, promote. em^or^cbcn (I)ob empor, emporgel^o- ben), to raise up. fid^ cmporfd^njtngcn (fd^lDong empor, cmporgefc^JDungen), to rise or soar up. ha?> @nbc (-«, -n), end, termina- tion; aim, purpose, object. cnbgiiltig, final. enblid^, final, last; finally, at last. enblO)^, endless, infinite. bic @nbung (-, -en), ending. cnglifd^, English. ha^ ©nglifdic (-n), English (lan- guage). ber @nfcl (-6, -), grandson. bie ©ntbcdung (-, -en), discovery, disclosure. cntfaffctt (er cntfciKt; cntftcl, ift ent= fatten), to fall from or out of. entgeUen (er entgilt; entgalt, cnt^ goltcn), to suffer for, atone for. cnt^attcn (er cntl^alt; cntf)ielt, entfials ten), to hold, contain. cntncl^mcn (cr entnimmt; entnal^m, entnommen), to take away or from, borrow from. cntfd^ulbtgcn, to excuse. cntfcnbcn (entfanbte, entfanbt), to send off. entfprcc^cnb, suitable, correspond- ing. cnthJcbcr, either. bic @nttt)td(ung (-, -en), develop- ment. cntshicibrcc^en (er bric^t ent^njci; brad^ entgmet, ent^mcigebrod^cn), to breaJ in two, asunder. evbauen, to build up, erect. VOCABULARY 207 baS (irbc (-8), inheritance, herit- age. crbtid^, hereditary, heritable. ha^ QvUtii (-S, -c), inheritance. bcr @rb6att (-«)/ globe, world. bie ©rbc (-, -n), earth, world; ground, soil. ba^ ©rbcnrunb (-e8), ^ee (SrbbalL bag ©rbgcfc^oft HfeS, -ffe), ground floor. bie ©rbfunbc (-), knowledge of the earth, geography, geology. ber ©rbteil (-c8, -c), part of the world, continent. crfa^ren (er erfatirt; erfutir, erfaliren), to learn, come to know. bie @rfinbu«g {-, -en), invention. crfolgcn {aux. fcin), follow from, re- sult. crgrcifcn (ergriff, ergriffen), to lay hold of, seize. cr fatten (cr ert)alt; ert)telt, er^altcn), to keep, uphold, maintain, re- ceive. crl^eOIid^, important, considerable, weighty. crfcnnen (erfatmte, erfannt), to know; to recognize. crflarcn, to explain; to declare. ft(| crfunbigcn, to inquire. crtciben (eriitt, eriitten), to suffer, endure, undergo. crlijfc^en (cr erlifc^t; erlofd^, ift er* lofd^en), to extinguish, go out, become effaced. crmtttcln, to find out. crncil^ren, to nourish, support, maintain. ernft, earnest, serious, grave. bie ©rofierung {-, -en), conquest, acquisition (by conquest). crflffncn, to open, unclose; to dis- close, publish. crraten (er errat; erriet, erraten), to guess, divine. crrcid^cn, to reach, attain. ctrrid^ten, to erect, set up, found. crfrfiatten {aux. fcin), to resound, ring. erft^Iic^cn (erfd^Iofe, erfc^Ioffen), to open, unlock; to disclose; to con- clude, infer. crfdfircdcn (er erfd^ridt; erfd^rof, ift crfd^rodfen), to be frightened, alarmed, startled. crft, firstly, for the first time; not until; only; but just; ber, bte, ba^ — c, the first; — er, — e, — c8, first, foremost. crftauncn {aux. fcin), to be aston- ished, surprised. crtcWcn, to impart, give, bestow. crhjac^fen (er erlDod^ft; ertoud^S, ift er* tDad^fen), to grow, grow up. crhjarten, to look for, expect, await. bk ©rtoortung (-, -en), expectation, anticipation. crhjeifen (ermieg, erioiefen), to prove, show, render. crhjibcrn, to reply, answer. crsd^len, to tell, relate. bie ©rja^tung (-, -en), narration; narrative, account, story. crstc^cn (ergog, erjogen), to rear, bring up, educate. ber @fcl (-§, -), ass, donkey. cPar, edible, eatable. cffcn (er tfet; afe, gegeffen), to eat. bag (Sffen (-«), eating, food, meal. ber (S^tifd^ (-e«, -e), dining-table. ba^ ®^5tmmer (-g, -), dining-room. cthJa, perhaps, indeed, nearly, about. 2o8 BEGINNERS GERMAN tttoaS, something, somewhat, some; a little. cucr (eurc, euer), your; gen. of i^x, Ctoig, always, eternally, forever. bic ©migfeit (-, -tn), eternity. ha^ ©jamctt (-«, -mina), examina- tion. bic ©E^jcbition (-, -en), dispatch, forwarding, expedition. bic i^abtil {-, -en), factory, manu- factory. bcr fjaben (-6, -^), thread. bic i^atinc (-, -n), flag, banner. fasten (cr faf)rt; fu^r, i[t or ^at gcfa^* rcn), to go (in a conveyance), go on; to proceed, travel, drive, sail, journey. bic iJaftorei (-, -en), agency; fac- tory. faHen (er fattt; fiel, ift acfatten), to fall, drop. falfd^, false. bic l^otttilte (-, -n), family. fangen (er fangt; fing, gefangen), to catch, take prisoner. bic ^atbt (-, -n), color. faffen, to seize. foft, almost, nearly. foul, lazy; foul, rotten. bic ^auft (-, -e), fist. bcr S'cbruor (-g), February. bic O^ebcr (-,-n), feather, quill, pen. fcl^Icn, to miss, fail; to be missing or absent; to be wanting or de- ficient; to ail. bcr f^ti^iex (-g, -), mistake, fault. bcr ^eiertag (-eg, -c), holiday, fes- tival. ber fjeiub (-e^, -e), enemy. ha^ ^elh (-e8, -cr), field. ber i^d§ (-en, -en) or bcr gclfen (-g, -), rock, cliff. bog S^clfcntiff (-eg, -c), reef, ridge or ledge of rock. bog tjenftcr (-g, -), window. bic O^crien (pi. only), vacation, holi- days. fern, far (off), distant. fcrttg, ready; complete. feft, fast, firm, hard. bic g^eftftettung (-, -en), the deter- mining, establishment, the fixing. bcr iJefttog (-eg, -e), holiday, festi- val day. finben (fanb, gefunben), to find; fid^ — , to find one's self; to be (in condition, place). ber iJinger (-g, -), finger. ber i^lad)cmni}alt (-g, -e), surface, contents, area. bic ^iammc (-, -en), flame. flottcrn, to flutter, float in the wind. bog i^Ul^d) (-eg), flesh, meat. fteiffig, industrious, diligent. flicgen (flog, ift geflogcn), to fly. fiteftcn (flofe, ift gcfloffen), to flow. bic Idiotic (-, -n), fleet, navy. bcr i^lm (-eg, -e), hall, corridor. ber i^lufi (-ffeg, ^ffe), flow, stream, river, circulation. fotgen (dat.), (aux. fein), to follow. fotgcnbcrmoftcn, as follows, in the following manner. forbern, to demand, require; to summon, challenge. bic iJorm (-, -en), form, figure, shape. bcr ?5orf(^er (-g, -), searcher, in- vestigator. bog t^oti (-g, -g), fort, fortress. VOCABULARY 209 fort, on; away, off; forward, on- ward. fortbcftc^cn (beftanb fort, fortbcftan* ben), to last, endure, continue to exist. fortfa^rctt (er fafirt fort; fufir fort, ift fortgefaf)rcn), to depart, drive off or away, travel off; to continue, proceed, go on. fortfi^rcttcn ([c^rttt fort, ift fortgc* f(i^rttten), to move onward, make progress, improve or advance. ber fjortfc^ritt (-eg, -e), progress, advance, improvement. bie g'ortfc^ung (-, -en), carrying on, continuation. forttrcificn (trieb fort, fortgetricben), to drive away or onward; to pro- pel, carry on; to continue. bte forage (-, -n), question. fragen, to ask. gronfrcic^ (-g; neut.), France. ber iJranaofc (-n, -n). Frenchman. frangofifc^, French. ha§ ^rangofifc^c (-n), French (lan- guage). bte t^tau (-, -en), woman, wife, madam, Mrs. ba^ ^xmitin (-«, -), young (un- married) lady, Miss. fret, free, at liberty; — {)aben, to have a vacation. bte ^rci^cit (-, -en), freedom. frctlid^, to be sure, of course, cer- tainly. freif)jrcd^ctt (er fprid^t frei; fprad^ fret, fretgefproc^en), to acquit. ber iJrcitag (--g, -e), Friday. ber f^rcttoiaigc (-n, -n), volunteer. frcmb, strange, foreign; unknown, unusual. bic S'rcmbc, foreign country; in ber — , abroad, frcffcn (er frifet; frofe, gefreffen), to eat (of beasts). bie fjrcubc (-, -n), joy, gladness, delight, pleasure. frcubig, joyful, cheerful. frcuen, to make glad, please, give pleasure to; fic^ — (tiber or gen.), to rejoice, be glad, be pleased, ber iJt^cunb (-eg, -c), friend, bie S'rcunbin (-, -nen), female friend. freunbtt(j^, friendly, kind, cheerful, bic fjrcunbfc^flft (-, -en), friendship, ber 3^ricbc(n) (-ng, -n), peace. fricrctt (fror, gefroren), to freeze, be cold. frtf^, fresh, vigorous. fro^, happy, gay, joyous. \vdl)iidi, joyous, joyful, gay, merry, ber O^ro^finn (-(e)g), cheerfulness, happy disposition. fromtn, pious, upright, honest, bie ^xnd)t (-, -^e), fruit. fru^, early. ha^ fjrii^ja^r (-(c)g, -e), spring, ber 3^ritf|ting (-g, -c), spring, bag fjrii^ftiid (-g, -e), breakfast. fii^Icn, to feel. fit^rcn, to lead, carry (on), ber IJul^rmann (-eg, -leute), coach- man, driver, fiinf, five; ftinfte, fifth. fiinffa«^, fivefold (times); bag ^^iinffac^e, portion five times as great, quintuplet. funfcin, to glitter, shine, sparkle, fiir (ace), for. bie ijfmd)t (-), fear; — Oor, fear of. 2IO BEGINNERS' GERMAN fiirt^tcn, to fear. bcr i^ixx^t (-en, -en), prince, sover- eign. fitrttjal^r, indeed, forsooth, verily. bcr ?5ufj (-€«, -^e), foot; ju — , on foot. bcr t5«Pobcn (-g, - or ■«■), floor. bcr fju^gdngcr (-8, -), pedestrian. bic iju^rcifc (-, -n), walking tour. bte @o6cI (-, -n), fork. bcr (SJatgcn (-«, -), gallows. bcr (3anq (-cS, -^e), path; hall, cor- ridor. bic @an)§ (-, ■'c), goose. ganj, whole, entire, all, complete. gar, quite, entirely, very, at all; prepared; — nic^t, not at all; — nid^tg, nothing at all. bcr ©artcn (-«, ^), garden. bcr ©drtncr (-S, -), gardener. boS &a^tt)a^§ (-e«/ *cr), hotel, inn. geiidren (fie gcbiert; gcbar, gcborcn), to bear, give birth to. ba^ &cHuhe (-«, -), building. qthcn (er gibt; gab, gcgeben), to give; eS gibt, there is (are). ba^ ©cbict (-eg, -c), district, prov- ince, territory. ge^oren, born, by birth, native. gcbraudficn, to use. bic ©cburt (-, -en), birth, origin. bcr ®thuti^taq (-(c)g,-e), birthday. bic ©cbanfcntDcIt (-, -en), thought world, ideal world. gcbcnfctt (geba(^te, gcboc^t), to re- member; to intend, design, plan. baQ ©cbtd^t (-e«, -e), poem. bic ®cbulb (-), patience, endurance, forbearance. gcfallcn (cr gefiittt; gefici, gcfottcn; dat.), to please, suit. gegen, prep, (ccc), towards, against; about, somewhere near, bcr ©cgcnftanb (-eg, ^e), object, subject, affair. ba^ ®cgcntcit (-eg, -e), opposite, contrary. gcgeniiiicr, adv., opposite; prep. (with dat. preceding), opposite (to), opposed to, in relation to, as concerns, bic ©cgcnhJart (-), present time; presence. gc^cn (ging, ift gcgangen), to go, walk; to go or fare with; to be (in health); bag gct)t nid^t, that will not do. gepren {dat.), to belong to. bcr ©cift (-eg, -cr), spirit, soul, mind, intellect; l^umanen ®ei[tcg, of the spirit of culture. getftig, spirituous, spiritual; men- tal, intellectual, bag ©cHirr (-g, -t), clanking. gelangen {aux. fetn), to reach, arrive at, attain (to), get. gcI6, yellow. bag @clb (-eg, -cr), money, bcr ©etbfarf (-eg, -^c), money-sack, bag. gclcgcntlid^, occasional, incidental, on an occasion, on occasion of. gclcl^rt, learned, instructed, well- informed, ber ©elc^rtc (-n, -n; cin — r), learned person, scholar. gelingctt (eg gclingt tnir; gelang, ift gelungen), to succeed, prosper. VOCABULARY 211 gemctnfam, common, held in com- mon. qcmixtti^, good-natured, kindly, agreeable, cheerful; cozy. gcnau, close (fitting), accurate, minute, exact. ber ©cnitib (or -cttD, -g, -e), geni- tive (case). gcttug, enough, sufficiently. ber ©colog (-en, -en), geologist. ha^ ©cpkubcr (-«, -), chatter. g(c)rabc, straight, erect; even; straightforward; quite, just. bag ©crid^t (-eg, -c), court of jus- tice, judgment. geting, small, little, trifling, unim- portant. ber (Scrmancnftamm (-c8, -^c), Ger- manic family, race, stem. ficrn (lieber, am liebftcn), with pleas- ure, willingly, readily; — l^aben, to like. bic ©cfamtbcbbWcrung (-, -en), total population. ber ©cfamthjcrt (-c8, -e), total value (worth, price). ber ©cfang (-eg, -^c), singing, song. ta^ ©cfdfaft (-eg, -c), employment, occupation, business. gcfc^cficn (eg flef(^ief)t; gefd^a^, ift gc« fc^e^en), to happen. bic @cf(^trf)tc (-, -en), history, story, affair. bag ©cfc^mcibc (-g, -), trinkets, jewels. bag ©cft^oft (-ffeg, -ffc), arrow, fire- arm; floor, story. bie ©cfc^njtftcr (pi. only), brother (s) and sister (s). ber @cfca(c) (-(e)n, -(e)n), com- panion, fellow. bte @cfcfff(^aft (-, -en), society, as- sociation, company, social gath- ering. bag @cfc^ (-eg, -e), law. bic ©efe^gefiung (-,-en), legislation. gcfc^t, fixed, established, set up; sedate. bag @ef{rf)t (-eg, -cr or -c), sight, countenance, face. gefinnt, minded, disposed. gcftcrn, yesterday. gefunb, sound, healthy, well. bic ©efunbljcit (-, -en), health. bag ©ctrcibc (-g, -), corn, grain; bag ©etreibetorn (-g, -^er), cereal, grain. gctrculit!^, faithfully. gcrtJaWtg, powerful, strong, mighty. bag ©chiaffcr (-g, -), water {collec- tive), flood. ge)t)erHi(^, industrial, professional. bic ©ctoinnung (-, -en), gain(ing); acquisition. getotft, sure(ly), certain (ly). bag ©ehJtffen (-g, -), conscience. gertid^nlt^, usual, ordinary, cus- tomary, common. bag ©eftjurj (-eg, -e), spice, season- ing. ber ©ettiitrs^anbcl (-g), spice trade, commerce in spice. giertg, greedy. ber (Si^fet (-g, -), summit, top. ber ©tans (-eg), luster, brightness, splendor, magnificence, glory. glangcnb, brilliant, splendid. bag @ltt)§ (-eg, -^cr), glass, drinking glass, etc. ber @(afer (-g, -), glazier. glauben, to believe, think. glcid^, alike, even, level, equal. 212 beginners' GERMAN gteid^giiltig, equivalent, indifferent. baS (Slicb (-c8, -cr), member, limb; rank or file. gti^crn, to glitter, glisten. \i(x^ @liid (-eg), luck, fortune, suc- cess, happiness. flliidfUrfl, fortunate, lucky, happy, successful. gliil^cn, glow, burn. bie @nabc {-, -n), favor, good- will, grace, mercy. bog OJoIb (-eg), gold. gotben, golden, gilt. bie ©olbfiiftc (-, -n), gold-coast. ber ®ott (-e«, *er), God, god. ber ©oubcrneur (-g, -c), governor. "iio.^ @ra6 (-eg, -^er), grave. bog @ra^ (-eg, ^er), grass. grou, gray. grauentioH, awful, horrible. grcifen (griff, gegriffen), to grasp. ber @rei^ (-eg, -e), old man. grie(3^if(^, Greek. bog @ric(^ifd^e (-n), Greek (lan- guage). gro^, tall; gro&erc Slnjol^I, a rather large number. bie ©rij^c (-, -n), tallness, great- ness, size. griin, green. ber ©runb6efi^er (-g, -), landed proprietor. gritttben, to ground, establish, found, base. bie ©runbform (-, -en), fundamen- tal form(s) (principal parts). Me QJriinbung (-, -en), founding, foundation, establishment. griiticn, to grow or be green; to thrive, prosper. A bic (SJru^^JC (-, -n), grou - \ gtii^en, to greet. gitttig, valid, legal, binding, ap- plicable, admissible. bie @unft (-), favor. gut (beffer, beft), good, well. bog (Sut (-eg, -^er), good thing, pos- session, property, goods, estate, farm. ber ©tjmnafiaft (-en, -en), pupil of a ©ijmnofium. bog ©timnaftum (-g, -ten), German higher school in which the clas- sical languages are emphasized. bog ^aar (-eg, -c), hair. I^abcn (er ()ot; !)otte, get)obt), to have. ber ^afcn (-g, ^), haven, port, har- bor. 1^016, half. bie ^alfifugcl (-, -n), hemisphere. ber ^cXm (-eg, -e), blade, stalk. ber ^ai)§ (-eg, -^e), neck. l^ttttcn (er I)oIt; l^ielt, getiolten), to hold, keep; to support, main- tain; to contain; to celebrate; to think. bie ^onb (-, -^e), hand. ber ^onbet (-g), trade, commerce, affair, business. bie ^anbel^begic^ung (-, -en), com- mercial relations. bie .^ponbel^flottc (-, -n), commer- cial fleet, fleet of merchantmen. bie ^ottbel^niebcrlaffung (-, -en), commercial settlement, colony. bie ^onbetigftabt (-, -^e), commercial city. ber Jponbct;§lt)cg (-eg, -e), path of commerce. VOCABULARY 213 bie ^anblung (-, -en), action, busi- ness, trade, shop. ber J^anbnjcrfiSdurfic (-n,-n), trav- eling artisan, journeyman. pngCtt, to hang. bie ^anfa (-), Hanseatic league. bie ^anfaftabt {-, -e), city of the Hanseatic league. f^axt, hard, harsh, severe, cruel, ob- stinate, difficult. ^a^Uc^, hateful, loathsome, ugly, unpleasant. bcr ^ouc^ (-eg, -e), breath, breeze, aspiration. I^aucn (l^ieb, getiauen), to hew, cut; to lash, strike, beat. bag ^anpt (-eg, ^er), head, chief. bie ^au^tfoc^e (-, -n), chief mat- ter, main point. ^au)Jtfo(^Uc^, chief (ly), principal. bie ^au^ftabt (-, •^), chief city, capital. bie ^anpi^txafit (-, -n), main street. bag ^au^jttcil (-eg, -e), principal part. bog J^au^jtnjort (-eg, -^cr), noun. bag ^m§ (-eg, ^er), house; nad^ ^aufe 0et)en, to go home; gu §au[e, at home. bie ^aujgtiir (-, -en), front door. I^efien (l^ob, gc^oben), to raise, lift. bag ^eer (-eg, -e), army. bag Jpeft (-eg, -e), handle, stitched or paper-covered book; copy-book. bie ^ctbc (-, -n), heath, unculti- vated land. bag ^cibenriillcin (-g, -), little rose on the heath. ^ctl! hail! I^cilifl, holy. i^cim, home, homeward. bie ^ctntat (-), home, native place or country. l^Ctmatlt^, native, belonging to one's home. j^etmtic^, secret(ly). ber ^cimhJcg (-eg, -e), way or road home. ^et^, hot. l^et^en (f)iefe, gclicifecn), to command; to be named, called; to mean. inciter, bright, cheerful, bie ^clbentat (-, -en), heroic deed, ber ^clbcnbatcr (-g, ^er), hero(ic) father. I^clfcn (er I)ilft; l^alf, get)oIfen; dat.), to help; to profit, avail; to do good. l^ctt, clear, bright. ffcnUn, to hang, bie ^cnnc (-, -n), hen. l^cr, hither, this way, near, since, ago. l^crafifaHcn (er fitltt l^erab; fiel tierab, ift f)erabgefallen), to fall down. l^erabfteigen (ftteg l^erab, ift {)erabge* ftiegen), to descend, dismount. ^cranhiac^fcn (er md)\t Iieran; inuc^g l^eran, t[t Iierangenjac^fen), to grow up. ^crau^fcnbcn (fonbtc tieraug, {)erau«*' gefanbt), to send out. bcr ^crbft (-eg, -c), autumn, ber ^erbftmonat (-g, -e), autumn month. l^crcin! (come) in! l^crfa^ten (er fal^rt l^er; fut)r fier, ift f)ergefaf)ren), to come hither, ap- proach, arrive in a vehicle, move or drive hastily along. ]^ermarf(f(icrcn (aux. fein), to march hither or along, approach. 214 BEGINNERS GERMAN bcr ^tn (-n, -en), master, lord, gentleman, Mr. ber ^crrfc^cr (-^, -), ruler, sover- eign, commander. bcr ^crrfrffcrl^ron (-€, -c(n) ), ruler's throne. tjcrumlicgcn (lag l^erum, f)erumge» legen), to lie around. lOcrunteriioten, to bring down. l^crtjorfommen (tarn I)ert3or, ift l^cr* borgefommen), to come forth (out, up), appear. ba^ ^ct5 (-cn6, -en), heart. l^erjlid^, hearty, cordial, affection- ate. ffcntCf to-day. l^eutig, of to-day, of the present time. l^icr, here. I^icrauf, hereupon, upon this, then. bcr ^immcl (-6, -), heaven, sky. bic ^immtUauie) (-, -(e)n), fields or meadows of heaven. l^tmmlifd^, heavenly. ttinahiaqin, to hunt (drive, chase) down. l^tnabtDcrfctt (cr h)irft tiinob; toarf l^inab, l^inabgctDorfcn), to throw down. I^tnauf^ up (thither), up to. ii'inan^U^tn (cr fief)t f)inau8; \af) f)in* au«, f)inau8gefcf)cn), to look out. l^tnein, into. ^inctnrufcn (rief Iiincin, l^incingcru=» fen), to call in or into. l^tneittfdett, to sow into (the ground). bie ^ingabe (-), giving away, surrender, devotion. ^tngebcn (cr gibt f)tn; gab l^in, f)ingc» gcbcn), to give to (away); to sur- render, sacrifice. I^Megen, to lay down; to put away; fic^ — , to lie down. ^inftd^tliti^, with regard to, as to, touching. l^tnter {wiih dai. or ace), behind, after. ^iniibersic^en (jog biniibcr, l^iniibcr» gc^ogcn), to pull over; to pass over, extend. j^injutrctcn (cr tritt fjinju; trat l^ingu, ift Ilinjugctretcn), to step up to, join, bcr ^irt (-en, -en), shepherd. ^od^ (f)o^er, I)od§ft), high, tall, great, noble. tfodifitiiiq, most holy, bic ^oe^fd^ulc (-, -n), higher school or university. ber ^of (-eS, -^c), yard, courtyard; court, household (of a sovereign) . l^offen, to hope. l^offentKt^, (as) I hope, bic J&dl^c (-, -n), height, high level; summit, top; mountain, l^olb, pleasing, charming, lovely, l^oten, to fetch, get; to draw (breath), bcr ^offiinbcr (-«, -), Dutchman. baQ J^olj (-e3, -c or -^cr), wood. I^dren, to hear, ber ^iigel {-€, -), hill. tinman, tending to refine, cultural, ber ^uttb (-e«, -e), dog. ^unbert, hundred, ber hunger (-«), hunger. l^ungern, to hunger, be hungry, starve. I^ungrtg, hungry, ber J&ut (-e«, -^c), hat; cover, ber ^nttt (-€, -), guardian, keeper, ber J^ntmaifitt (-«, -), hat-maker, hatter. VOCABULARY 215 liiV (nom. pi. of hu), you; (dai. of fie), to her; poss. adj., her, their, your; poss. pron., hers, its, theirs. i^rigc (ber, hit, ba^ —), hers, its, theirs; {with cap.), yours; Mc Sf^ngen, your family. im=tn bent. tmmcr, always, ever, more and more, continually. in (dat.), in, at; (ace), into. tnbcffcn, meantime, meanwhile; while, however, nevertheless. bcr Snbiancr (-8, -), Indian. ber 3ttb«attU (-(e)g, -e), indica- tive (mood). ber Sngcnicur (-8, -e), engineer. ber Sn^^tttt (-eg), contents. innen, within. innetDOl^ttcnb, indwelling, innate, inherent. ln)§ = ill bo8. tn^ftcfonbcrc, especially. bie ^ttfct (-, -ti), island. tnfortJCit, in as far as, so far, accord- ing as. tntcrcffant, interesting. bag ^tttcrcffc (-g, -n), interest, ad- vantage. tnternottonal, international. inttjenbig, inside, within. Stolien (-g; neut.), Italy. itoltcnifc^, Italian. fa, yes; indeed, truly, certainly, you know, of course. i>a^ ^a^v (-eS, -e), year. bic Stt^rC!§5Cit (-, -en), time of year, season. ba^ SJtt^r^unbcrt {-§, -e), century. lal^rig, year long, lasting a year, ber 3>tnu«r (-«), January. it, always, at a time, each; (before comparatives), the; — ... befto, the . . . the. jebettfall!^, at all events, in any case, however. ieb ( — cr, — c, — eg), each, every. jebcrjcit, at all times. itht^mti, each (every) time. ithodi, however, nevertheless, yet. iemattb, some one. jcn (— er, — e, — eg), that one, the former. jje^t, now. jc^ig, present, now existing, bie S^ugenb (-), youth, young peo- ple, ber Sua (-(g)), July. iung, young; ilingftc 3eit, recent time, bcr SuwQC (-n, -n or -ng), boy, lad, youth. bie^ungfrau (-, -en), young woman, virgin, ber Sunt (-(g)), June, ber (bag) S»>tJcI (-g, -c or -en), jewel, gem. ber ^affec (-g, -g), coffee. bie ^affectaffe (-, -n), coffee cup. bcr ^a^n (-g, *e), boat. ber ^aifcr (-g, -), emperor; bie ^ai« ferin (-, -nen), empress, bie SlatfcrfamtUc (-, -n), imperial family, family of the emperor. Jttiferio^, without an emperor. 2l6 beginners' GERMAN bic SlaifcrtoJirbc (-, -n), office or position of the emperor; see SSurbc. U\i, cold. bcr ilamcrob (-8 or -m, -en), com- rade, companion, fellow. ber Uamm (-eg, ^e), comb. fomtnen, to comb. fam^jfen, to fight, combat, struggle. ber ^am^f (-eg, -^e), battle, combat. bie ^am^fe^Iuft (-), eager desire for battle. bos ^tt^jitat (-g, -ten), capital, principal. ber ^a^jitattft (-en, -en), capitalist. bie Slartc (-, -n), card, map, chart. ber ^aftctt (-6, -), box, chest. bie ta^c (-, -n), cat. lauen, to chew. foufen, to buy, purchase. ber 5laufmann (-«, -teute), mer- chant, tradesman, shopkeeper. faum, hardly, scarcely; — . . ., fo . . ., scarcely . . ., when . . . bie ^cl^le (-, -n), throat. fcl^ren, to turn, sweep. ber Sleim (-eg, -e), germ, embryo. fcin, not any, no, not a; feinS Don beiben, neither of the two. ber tetter (-g, -), cellar. fcnnen (fannte, gefannt), to know, be acquainted. bie Slenntni^ (-, -ffe), knowledge, information. ber tcrt (-eg, -e), fellow, worthless fellow, bad character. fcud^en, to pant, gasp, cough. bog tinb (-eg, -er), child. finblt^, childlike ; childish. bie tir(((c (-, -n), church. Cagcn, to complain; einent ti\Qa,^ — , to complain to one of some- thing. ber ttang (-eg, -^e), sound, tone, ringing; repute. flax, clear, bright. bie tiaffc (-, -n), class. bie tlaffcnurjr (-, -en), class clock. bag tlaffcnsimmer (-g, -), class room. bag Sltetb (-eg, -er), article of cloth- ing, garment, dress. Hetben, to clothe. tlcin, small, little. Heinafiattf^; of Asia Minor. tiop^tn, to knock, beat, pound. Hug, intelligent, clever, wise. ber tnabe (-n, -n), boy. bie tnabenfd^ute (-, -n), school for boys. bcr Unt^i (-eg, -e), servant. tmp\tix, to fasten together, join, tie, knot. ber to(^ (-eg, -^e), cook. bie tol^te (-, -n), coal. ber or bag UoUmalhtxtx^ (-eg, -e), colonial province, domain. bie tolonialmad^t (-, ^e), colonial power. bie tolonte (-, -n), colony. ber tolonifator (-g, -en), colonizer. fommcn {tarn, x\t gefommen), to come, arrive, happen. bie tom|:»agnie (-, -n), company {military). bag tonbiment (-g, -c), seasoning. ber tonig (-g, -e), king. bag Slbnigrctd^ (-eg, -e), kingdom, empire. bie Conjugation (-, -en), conjuga- tion. {onjugicren, to conjugate. VOCABULARY 217 ber ^onjunfttt) (-(c)6, -c), sub- junctive (mood). Unntn (er farm; tonnU, gcfonnt), to be able to; to know, understand. ber to^f (-eg, ^e), head. bag 5lo^flt)C^ (-eg, -c or -en), head- ache. ber ^orl6 (-eg, ^e), basket. bag ^orn (-eg, ^er; (i^w. bag ^orn* c^en), grain. ber ^or^cr (-g, -), body. bie 5liJr^crfrf|aft (-, -tn), corpora- tion, body. foftbar, costly, expensive, v'aluable, excellent, precious. td^tiidl, costly, excellent, delicious. bie ^raft (-, -^e), strength, vigor, power, force, energy. frafttg, strong, powerful, forceful. fraftJJOtt, full of strength, powerful. hant, sick, ill. bie 5lranfi^ett (-, -en), sickness, ill- ness, disease. ber ^rans (-eg, ^e), garland, wreath. bag ^raut (-eg, *er; dim. bag ^raut* lein), herb, plant, vegetable, weed, bie ^Iretbc (-, -n), chalk, crayon. bag 5lteu5 (-eg, -e), cross, crucifix. ber ^rcu53ug (-eg, -^e), crusade. ber 5ltteg (-(e)g, -e), war. ber 5lrieger (-g, -), warrior, soldier. ber Slricg^^err (-(e)n, -en), com- mander-in-chief. ber ilronprins (-en, -en), crown prince. frumm, crooked, bent, curved, twisted; dishonest. bie ^iid^c (-, -en), kitchen. ber 5lud^en (-g, -), cake. ber ^udurf (-(e)g, -e), cuckoo. bte tul^ (-, -^c), cow. fii^t, cool. fitttftig, future, coming. bie ^unft (-, *e), art, skill. ber ^urfiirft (-en, -en), electoral prince. Imio^, curious, singular. ber ^urfujg (-, -fe), course (of in- struction). furs, short. bie ^ijftc (-, -n), coast, shore. bie ^utfd^c (-, -n), carriage, coach. ber ^utft^cr (-g, -), coachman, driver. s ldii)tin, to smile. ladicn, to laugh. ber Sabcn (-g, ■^), shop, store. bie Sage (-, -n), situation, position, condition. la^m, lame, crippled. bag Sanb (-eg, -e or -^er), land, soil; country; state; p — , by land. bie SanbCi^marf (-, -en), border, boundary of a country. bte Sanbci^tjcrtrctung (-, -en), na- tional body of representatives, diet, parliament, congress. ber Sanbmonn (-eg, -leute), farmer, peasant. ber Sanbigmann (-eg, ^er), country- man, compatriot. bie Sanbftra^c (-, -en), highroad, highway, main country road. lang, long; langc, a long time. bie fiangc (-, -n), length. longfam, slow, slowly. laffen (er lafet; liefe, gelaffen), to let, leave (alone); to let go; to cause or have (done). 2l8 BEGINNERS GERMAN bic Saft (-, -en), load, burden. bog Satcin (-6), Latin (language). lateinifii^, Latin. laufctt (cr lauft; lief, ift gelaufcn), to run. ha^ fittttfCtt (-8), running. laut, loud, noisy, aloud. tauten, to sound, read, (c6cn, to live. ha^ 2c6cn (-«, -), life. bcr Scfictiiggcttufe (-ffc3, -^ffc), enjoy- ment of life. Uhttooftil farewell, good-byl Icdcn, to lick. Icgcn, to lay, put, place; fic^ — , to lie down. bic Segenbe (-, -n), legend. bic Sc^ranftalt (-, -en), educational institution, school. bic Scl^rc (-, -n), teaching, theory, precept. lel^ren, to teach. bcr Scffrcr {-^, -), teacher. bic Sc^rcrin (-, -ncn), (female) teacher. bic Sc^rcrgaiOl (-), number of teachers. ha^ 2c^rfa(^ (-e6, -^er), subject (or branch) of teaching. bcr Sd^rling (-g, -t), apprentice. Icidlt, light, easy. Ictb, adj. (used with fcitt, tun, h)cr* ben), painful, disagreeable; eS ift mtr — , I am sorry; c8 tut mir — um ©ic, I pity you, I am sorry for you; bic ^ijjferbc taten il^m — , he was sorry for the horses. Ictbcn (litt, Qclittcn) an, to suffer from; to endure, tolerate, per- mit. Icibcr, unfortunately. Icifc, low, soft, gentle. bic Scftton (-, -en), lesson. bic 2cr(^c (-, -n), lark. Icrncn, to learn; au§ft)enbig — , to learn by heart. U^hav, legible. Icfcn (cr Itcft; lag, Qclcfcn), to gather, pick out or up; to read. ha^ Scfcftitd (-c8, -e), selection for reading, piece. lc<|t, last, latest, latter. bic Scute (pL), people, men. bcr Scutnant (-g, -8), lieutenant. ba^ Sid^t (-eg, -cr or -e), light. (ie&, dear, beloved, valued, at- tractive, charming; — f)aben, to love, like, be fond of. bic Ste6e (-), love. Iteben, to love, Hke. Iteblii^, charming (ly). bcr Siebting (-8, -c), favorite, pet, darling. haQ 2teb (-eg, -cr), song. licgen (fag, gclcgcn), to lie; to be situated. bic Stnte (-, -n), line; in crftcr — , in the first place. lint (-C or -cr, -c, -eg), left; linfg, to the left, on the left. bic Si^^c (-, -n), lip. (oben, to praise. (orfig, curly. bcr Siiffcl (-g, -), spoon. (o^nen, to reward; eg Iof)nt ftd^ (bcr 9}Jli{)c), it is worth while. bag Sorbeerblatt (-eg, -^cr), laurel- leaf. (o^, loose, free, released, flowing. lofe, loose; dissolute. lijfen, to loosen, untie; solve. IO)gge^en (ging log, ift loggegangen), VOCABULARY 219 to come or go off; to begin; auf eincn — , to fly at, attack. bie 2uft (-, -^e), air, atmosphere, breeze. bic 2uft (- -^c), pleasure, joy, de- light, desire. m madden, to make, do; to cause, effect; to amount to. bic SWo(^t (-, ^t), might, strength, power; powerful state. mdrfftlg, mighty, powerful, strong. \ia% SWabd^cn (-«, -), girl, maiden, maid. bic aWogb (-, ^t), maid, kitchen- maid, general servant. tnal^Icn, to mill, grind. ber SWat (- or -eg), May. bic SWaib (-), {poetical), see SD^agb, ajjftbc^en. mot, times, time; once. ntalcn, to paint. bcr SKalcr (-g, -), painter. tnatl (indec), people, one, they. mantii ( — er, — c, — eg), many (a), many a one, much. ntand^mal, sometimes, often. ber Wlann (-eg, -^er), man, husband. ber Mttntelfatf (-eg, -^e), portman- teau, saddlebag. bag Wlavd)cn (-g, -), (fairy) tale, legend. ble ai'lttrinc (-, -n), navy. bic SKarJ (-, -en), boundary, bor- der country; mark, coin = about 24 cents. bic SJlotfc (-, -n), stamp (letter). ber 'Silavtt (-eg,-^e), market, market- place. tnorfd^tcrcn (aux. fein), to march. bcr SWars (-en or -eg), March, bag a^ltttcrial (-g, -icn), material, stock, bie Wlatffematit (-), mathematics, bag Wlaul (-eg, ^er), mouth {of beasts). bic Wan^ (-, -^e), mouse, bag Wltcv (-eg, -c), sea. tnccrfrcmb, strange or unused to the sea. bag Wltfji (-g), meal, flour, powder. mcl^r {generally indec; but pi., — ere), more, several; further; — alg, more than, bic Wlci)Xiaf)i {-, -en), majority; plural (number). tncitt (— , — e, — ), my, mine; — er, — e, — eg, mine; ber, bie, bag — (ig)e, mine. tnctncn, to be of the opinion, think, suppose, mean, bie aWeittung (-, -en), notion, opinion, intention, thought, will. tnctft {superl. of mel^r), most. tnciftcn!§, for the most part, mostly, generally, bic 9Kctobie (-, -en), melody, tune, air. bic SWclonc (-, -n), melon, bie SWcnge (-, -n), great quantity or number; multitude, crowd, mass, bcr Mtn^6) (-en, -en), human being, person, bic 9Jlcnfc^f(ett (-), humanity, man- kind. mcrJcn, to mark, observe, perceive, note, bag ajieffcr (-g, -), knife, (ber) 9Kirf|acU^ (ber — tag), Michael- mas (day) (Sept. 29th). 220 beginners' GERMAN bic Wlkne (-, -n), mien, bearing, expression. bic aKitd^ (-), milk. bag aWUr^gla^ (-eg, -^er), milk glass. inttb, mild, tender, gentle, kind, generous. ber aWilitarbicnft (-eg, -e), military service. bie WliUiathe (-, -en), milliard (bil- lion). bie Sltillion (-, -en), million. bie SOltnc (-, -n), mine. bie SDlittutc (-, -n), minute. tniftgiinftig, envious, jealous. ber aWifftonar (-g, -e), missionary. tnit, adv. and sep. prefix, along, along with, together; {in com- pounds), CO-, iellow-; prep, (dat.), with, along with, together, at, to. tnit£irtngen (brad^te mit, mitgebra(|t), to bring with or along. tnitcinattber, with one another (each other). bag SRitglteb (-g, -er), member. millttufen (er lauft mit; lief mit, ift mitgelaufen), to run with, along or along with. ber 9Kittag (-g, -e), noon(day). bag 2>ltttageffcn (-g, -), noonday meal, dinner. bog miUdaiicv (-g). Middle Ages. tnittcn, midway, (in) the middle of. bie 9Wittcrnarf|t (-, -^e), midnight. ber Wlxtttoodi (-g, -e), Wednesday. mithJirfen, to cooperate, assist, collaborate, take part, contrib- ute towards. tnogen (er mag; mod^te, gemod^t), to like, desire, be willing; to be per- mitted; to be possible; may. tttiigttd^, possible. tnijglic^ft (superl. of mogltd^), as ... as possible. ber fEUonat (-g, -e), month. ber SRontog (-eg, -e), Monday. morolifd^, moral. tnorgcn, morning, to-morrow; — fritf), to-morrow morning. ber SWorgcn (-g, -), morning, dawn; am folgenben — , on the next day. tttorgcnft^iin, as beautiful as the morning. tttiibc, tired. bie Wlixfie (-, -n), trouble, pains, effort, labor; nid^t ber — toert, not worth while. ber aWiiffcr (-g, -), miller. bte aJiuItipUfation (-, -en), multipli- cation, ber Wlunt} (-eg, -e and -^er), mouth. miittblid^, orally. murrcn, to murmur, grumble, com- plain. tniiffcn (er mufe; mufete, gcmufet), must, to be obliged to, have to. ber SOlut (-eg), mood, disposition, spirit, courage. tnuttg, courageous, spirited. bie aWuttcr (-, ^), mother. m nad^ (dat.), after, later; towards, to; — unb — , little by little, by degrees; — ■^aufe, home. nad^bcm, adv., afterwards; conj., after, according as. ber SfJod^fotgcr (-g, -), successor. nad^gtcbig, flexible, yielding. nad^ticr, afterward. ber 91adf|mittag (-eg, -e), afternoon. bie 9^adf)rid^t (-, -en), news. VOCABULARY 221 bcr ^a^^^nh (-c«, -^e), new batch, reenforcements. nad^ft (superl. of nai)), next, nearest, closest. bic ^adfi (-, ^t), night; liber — , over night, during the night. bte S^labcl (-, -It), needle. ber SfJagcl (-g, ■^), nail. na^ (nal)er, nac^ft), near, close (by); — (c) an, near to. bic ^afft (-, -n), nearness, neigh- borhood. ber Mamt (n) (^ (n) g, -n) , name, title. namtn§, named, of the name. namlirfl, namely, to wit, that is to say. ber 9^arr (-en, -en), fool, idiot. bie Sflafe (-, -n), nose. na^, wet. bag S^ationotbcnfmat (-(e)§, ^cr), national monument. ber 91 attonalfcicr tag (-eg, -e), na- tional holiday. ha€ 9lattonaflicb (-eS, -er), national song. bie Mation (-, -en), nation. bie ^atnx (-, -en), nature. natiirliifi, natural (ly), of course. bie StaturrtJtffenfrfiaft (-, -en), nat- ural science. neben {dat. or ace), near, next to, beside. ncben^er, along, beside. nc^mcn (er nimmt; nalnt, genom* men), to take, seize. ncibifd^, envious, jealous (auf, of). nein, no. nennen (nannte, genannt), to name, call. neu, new; neuere ©prad^en, modern languages. ncugtcrig, curious (ly). bag ^Imiativ (-eg, -e). New Year. neun, nine; neunte, ninth. ttic^t, not. mdit§, nothing; mtr — Mr — , quite coolly, without ado. nic, never. ber Sfltcbcrbeutfc^c (-n, -n), Low German. ntcbcr, nether, low, down. fic^ niebcrtoffen (cr Ictfet fid^ nteber; Uefe fic^ nteber, fid^ ntebergelaffen), to sit down, settle. nicbcrfc^ouctt, to look down. nicberfc^ie^en (fc^o^ nteber, nieberge* fd^offen), to shoot down. niebrig, low, vile, mean, lowly. nictnanb, no one, nobody. nimmcr, never (again). nod^, beside, further ; still, yet, asyet; another; — einmal, once more. ber SflominatitJ (-g, -t), nominative (case). ber Slorbcn (-g), the North. ttorbnjart^, northward. ber 9'lotJcmbcr (-(g)), November. bie S^Jot (-, -^e), need, want, neces- sity, trouble, difficulty. nolhjcnbigernjeifc, necessarily, of necessity. bie MuU (-, -en), naught, zero. bie 9lummer (-, -n), number, cipher. nun, now, well. nur, only, merely, scarcely, a little while ago, but just, just. p nuijc; — madden, to turn to ad- vantage, avail one's self of. ber 9lu^en (-g), use, profit, ad- vantage. nit^ltdl, useful, advantageous. nu^tO!§, useless, unprofitable. 222 BEGINNERS GERMAN ohf if, whether. ohttt, above, aloft, on high, at the top. oi)etf)aii>, above. bie OUtllppt {-, -n), upper lip. bie Ohetpvima, upper first (grade); highest class in a German higher school, ninth year. bie 06crrca(f(i^u(c (-, -n), a German higher 'school in which the an- cient languages are displaced by the modern, and where the arts, sciences, and technical subjects are emphasized. bie Dficrfcfunba, upper second (grade); seventh year in a Ger- man higher school. ofierft (superl. ofohtx), top, highest. ber Oiierji (-en, -tn), chief, colonel. bie Ohcvtcttia, upper third (grade); fifth year in a German higher school. bie Ofirigfeit (-, -tn), magistrate, authorities. bo« Dbft (-C6), fruit. obtoo^I, though, although. obcr, or, or else, otherwise. bcr Of en (-8, ^), oven, stove. offen, open, frank, public. ijffentlid^, public. bcr Offisier (-«, -c), officer. offnen, to open. oft, often. flfterig {compar. of oft), quite often. Oi^ne {ace), without, but for, ex- cept; — ho.^, but that, save that; — bofe er bemerfte, without his seeing, so that he did not see. h(i?> O^r (-(e) 6, -en), ear. ber Oftpfier (-(«)), October. ber Dnfcl (-8, -), uncle. tid^ O^er (-8, -), offering, sacrifice, victim. O^ferfreubig, willing to make sacri- fices, self-sacrificing. O^fern, to sacrifice. orbentlid^, orderly, regular, proper, usual. ber Often (-«), East. bie Oftern {pL), Easter. Cl)fterrei(^ (-8; neut.), Austria. dftfid^, eastern, easterly. bie Oftmarl (-, -en), eastern border country. bie Oftfce (-), Baltic Sea. baa '^(LdX (-e8, -e), pair, couple. ft(^ ^acfen, to be gone; ftc^ feincr SBege — , to go his way, clear out on his way. bog t^a^ner (-8, -e), paper. ber ^tLpxtttmh (-e8, ■^), paper-bas- ket. ber ^axl (-e«, -e), park. \>a^ ^erUment (-f8, -e), parliament. :>>ftrUmettt«rtf(^, parliamentary. bie 5)Settf<^e (-, -n), whip. bie ^crfoH (-, -en), person, r6le. ber ^fttrrer (-8, -), clergyman, par- son, minister. Hifetfen (pfiff, gcpfiffcn), to whistle. bcr ^Pfennig (-8, -e), the smallest German coin, iI-q mark; about \ cent. bog ^ferb (-eg, -e), horse. bie ^fingftcn {pL), Whitsuntide, Pentecost, bie ^flanse (-, -n), plant. ))f(an3en, to plant. VOCABULARY 223 Mc ^5flautnc (-, -n), plum. bie ^ficqe (-, -n), care (of, for), tending, fostering, cultivating. bie 5)StftoIc (-, -n), pistol. btc ^tagc (r, -n), plague. bie ^(antage (-, -n), plantation. bie ^lantagcnbcfi^ung (-, -en), plan- tation possession, dependency, dominion. ber ^k^ (-e8, -^e), place. ber tlSta^rcgcn (-3,-), sudden down- pour of rain, plo^iidl, sudden (ly). ber plural (-«, -e), plural (num- ber). ^JoUtifr^, political. ber ^ratt (-6), bounce, rebound. ha^ ^xaitnS, present tense. ^un^tn (-«; neut.), Prussia. pxtn^xidi, Prussian. ber ^ri«s (-en, -en), prince. bie ^rtugcffm (-, -nen), princess. bie ^ribatfc^ulc (-, -n), private school. ber ^rofeffor (-«, -en), professor. bie ^rofa (-), prose. <>rofitl your health! may it do you much good! ha^ ^utt (-eg, -e), desk. ber ^nnft (-eS, -e), point, dot, period; sharp (of time). btc Ouabratmcile (-, -n), square mile, bie Oltarta, fourth grade; the third year in a German higher school, bie Oueffc (-, -n), spring, source, bie duinta, fifth grade; the second year in a German higher school. [i{^ ta(i}tn, to take revenge. rttf(^, quick(ly). ber JRafen^ta^ (-e3, -^e), lawn. bie 9?aft (-), rest. ber Mat^^ttv (-n, -en), alderman, councilman. bie mattt (-, -n), rat. ber Of{eaIgt)mnaftaft (-en, -en), pupil of a 9^ealgt)mna[tunx. ba^ 9fJeol0t)mnafium (-6, -ten), see also &timna\mm; German higher school in which Greek is re- placed by the modern languages while Latin is given with fewer lessons than in the ®l)mnafium. bic 9fiee^cttauf0a0c (-, -en), task or lesson in arithmetic. red^nen, to count, calculate, reckon, count upon. ha€ Ofied^ncn (-g), arithmetic, count- ing. rcd^t, right, quite, real; properly; — I^abcn, to be right; eg alien Sen* ten — madden, to please or suit everyone. ha^ dit^t (-eg, -e), right, claim, title, law, justice. ttti)i^, to the right, on the right. bie OfJcbc (-, -n), speech. rcben, to speak, talk. bag 9iebcn (-g), talking, speaking. rcgc, astir, lively, active. ber Ofiegen (-g, -), rain. ber 9f{cgctttro))fen (-g, -), rain- drop. rcgtcrctt, to reign, rule. rcgnen, to rain. rcic^, rich. bag Oleirfj (-eg, -e), empire, king- dom, realm. 224 BEGINNERS' GERMAN bic 9Jcl(^^angcIcgcnl^clt (-, -en), af- hit 3Jofc (-, -n; dim. ba^ dlo^km), fairs of the empire. rose, bcr ditxdf^tan$ht {-^, -), Imperial baS 9ioff (-ffe«,-f[c), horse, charger. Chancellor. ' tot, red. bic dttxd)§vtqkvttnQ (-, -en), govern- ber ytMQanq (-e8, -^e), going back, ment of the empire. return, retreat, retrogression, ber JRcic^^tag (-c8, -e), (imperial) ber 9iuf (-eg, -e), call, cry; vocation, diet, Parliament. calling; reputation. retf, ripe, mature. rufctt (rtcf, Qcrufen), to call, ex- bie 9ici^e (-, -n), row, rank, line, claim. order. bie 9fJul^e (-, -n), rest, peace, quiet, reifen (aux. fctn and l^abcn), to travel, sleep. journey. rul^en, to rest, sleep, bcr Sicirige (-n, -n), horseman, ru^ig, quiet(ly), tranquil, still, trooper. peaceful. reifen (rife, geriffen), to tear; an fid^ ru^mboll, famous, glorious. — , to usurp. ruttb, round. retten (ritt, ift geritten), to ride (on horseback), bic JHeltgtou (-, -en), religion. bic @a(^e (-, -n), thing, affair, renncn (rannte, ift gerannt), to run, cause, case. race, Sad^fen (-«; neut.), Saxony, ber 9fiettcr (-8, -), savior, rescuer. ber ®arf (-e^, -^e), sack, bag. ber IR^cin^falser (-«, -), inhabit- bie ttV (-g, -^e), oath, vow. fc(^^, six; fec^fte, sixth. ber ®ec (-g, -n), lake. bie ®cc (-, -n), sea, ocean. ber ©ccl^anbcl (-8), ocean com- merce. ber ©cgcn (-«, -), blessing. fc^ctt (er fie^t; faf), gefef)en), to see, look. bie ©cl)nfud^t (-), longing. fc^nfut^tig, longingly. fcl^r, very, much, greatly. fcin (er i[t; iDar^ ift gemefen), to be; c8 ftnb, there are. fcin, — e, — , his, its; — er, — c, — eg; ber, bie, bag — (ig)e, his. fcit, since, for. bie Scitc (-, -n), side, page. fcittoorti^, sideways, on one side. bie ©cfuttbc (-, -n), second. fellDbritt, each with the other two. fctbft, self, myself, yourself, him- self, itself, etc.; even. felbftanbtg, independent, separate. feltcn, seldom, rare. feftfam, strange, curious. bie Scmmel (-, -n), roll. fcnbctt (fanbte, gefanbt), to send. ber otUqtn, to lay before, display. bie SJorlcfung (-, -en), reading aloud, lecture. ber JBormittag (-e8, -c), forenoon. tjorne^mctt (er nintmt bor; nal^m dor, borgenomnten), to take before, take in hand, undertake. bie J8orf(^uIc (-, -n), preparatory or elementary school. ber JSorfi^ (-eS), presidency. t)ox\pxtiiitn (er fpric^t dor; fprad^ dor, dorgefprod^en), to pronounce to or for (one), teach one how to pronounce. tjortragen (er tragt dor; trug dor, dor= getragen), to carry or bring be- fore, lecture (on), deliver (a speech). bag aSdrurteit (-g, -e), prejudice. Jjdrdorgcftcrn, the day before the day before yesterday; three days ago. toadfcn, to watch, sit up; to awake. tuad^fam, watchful, vigilant. toac^fen (er miic^ft; loud^g, ift getoad^^ fen), to wax, grow. bie aSar^t (-, -en), watch, guard, ber aSagen (-g, -), vehicle, wagon, carriage, bie SSa^t (-, -en), choice, selection, election; bei jeber — , at each elec- tion. toaffUn, to choose, elect. toaffV, true, genuine, real. toa^rcnb (gen.), during; during the time that, whilst, ber maih (-eg, -er; dim. ba^ SBaib- c^en), wood, forest. toalttn, to dispose, govern, rule, bie aSanb (-, -^e), wall, ber aSanbcrcr (-g, -), traveler, pil- grim. toanbcrn (aux. fetn), to wander, roam, travel, bie aSonbcrfc^aft (-, -en), traveling, pilgrimage, ber aSanbcr^mann (-(e) g, -leute), wanderer, traveler, ber SBanbcrtrieS (-g, -e), impulse (inclination) to wander, bie SBanbfarte (-, -n), wall map or chart, bie aSanbtafcI (-, -n), blackboard, bie aSanbu^r (-, -en), wall clock. huann, when; feit — ? since when? how long ? bag aSorenlagcr (-g, -), warehouse, storehouse. toarm, warm. toarten, to wait; — auf (ace), to wait for. to arum, why. toa§, what; that which; why; see etldog; — filr ein, what kind (sort of). toofc^cn (er 'ma\^t; toufc^, geh)afd)en), to wash. 234 beginners' GERMAN bog SSttfifcr (-g, -), water. hjcbcln, to wag. ber 9Scg (-eg, -e), way, road, route; manner; passage; distance. hjcgcn {with preceding or following gen.), because of, on account of, for the sake of, for, respecting, with regard to. ha^ 9Sel^ (-eg, -e or -en), woe, pain, misery; agony of longing. hJC^rcn, to prevent, oppose; fid^ — , to defend one's self, resist. totxti), soft, tender, delicate, smooth, bie SSci^narfftcn (/>/.), Christmas, ber SSci^narfjt^mann (-eg), Santa Claus. bie SSct^nac^tlscit (-), Christmas time. tocil, because, since, while, bie S!BctIc,(-, -n), a while, time; leisure, ber SSetn (-eg, -e), wine, vine. ItJCifc, wise, cunning, prudent, bie SSctfc (-, -n), way, manner, style. hJcifcn (tt)teg, geluiefen), to show, point, direct. ftjci^, white. hJCit, wide, broad, large, far, dis- tant. tocttcrgci^cn (ging iocitcr, ift tocttcr* gegangen), to go further, ber SBcigcn (-g), wheat. hjclc^, which, what; — er, — c, — eg, which, what, who. bie SScKc (-, -n), wave, bie SSett (-, -en), world, bie SSettf)anbcI^marf|t (-, -^e), power of world-commerce, bie SBcItnJtrtfrfiaft (-, -en), inter- national commerce. tocnbctt (toanbtc, gemonbt), to turn (over, around, about), change. tucntg, little, not much, few. ttienn, when, if, whenever. tuenngleid^, as if, though, although. hjcr, who, he who. hjcrbctt (er toirb; murbe [loarb], ift ge* tt)orben), to become, grow, be. tocrfcn (er mirft; luarf, getoorfen), to throw. bag SScrf (-eg, -e), work, produc- tion, deed. ber SScrfeltag, see SBerftag. bie SScrfftdttc (-, -n), workshop. ber aScrftag (-eg, -e), working-day, week-day. ber aScrt (-eg, -e), worth, value. hJCffcn {gen. of totx), of whom, whose. hJCi^rtJCgcn, wherefore, on account of which. ber aScftctt (-g), the West. tocttcn, to bet, wager; barauf — , to bet on it. bag aScttcr (-g, -), weather, storm. hJtd^tig, weighty, important. bie SSSid^tigfeit (-, -en), weight, im- portance, matter of importance. ber SSibcr^att (-g, -e), echo. toic, how, as, like, when; fo fc^on — , as beautiful as. hJtcbcr, again. toie'bcrl^olcn, to bring back. miebcr^o'Icn, to repeat. hJicbcrfd^rcificn (fc^rieb hjieber, h)te* bcrgefcfirieben), to write again. hJtcberfcl^en (er fiefit iDieber; fal) mie* ber, iDiebergefel^en), to see again; auf 2Bieber[ef)en! until we see each other again! good-by! totcbcrum, again; on the other hand. VOCABULARY 235 lEBicn (-«; neut.), Vienna, bie 2Siefc (-, -n), meadow. tdXCoitt, how many. With, wild. ber SSinb (-eg, -e), wind. toinfcin, to whine, whimper. ber SSintcr (-g, -), winter. ber SBi^fcI H, -), (tree) top. toitttn, to work, effect, produce, operate. toirflid^, actual, real. ber SSirt (-eg, -e), host, innkeeper. bie SBirtf^aft (-, -en), economics, husbandry; inn-keeping, inn. h)irtf(i^aftUdf(, economic (al), belong- ing to economics or to a house- hold; agricultural. ha^ aStrtft^oft^intcrcffc (-«, -n), farming interest, economic in- terest. ber SBifc^cr (-«, -), wiper, black- board-eraser. toiffen (er meife; loufetc, gertufet), to know; er njufete fid^ ni^t ju fielfen, he did not know how to help himself, what to do. bie aSiffcnfr^oft (-, -en), science. too, where, in, on, at which, when. bie aSoc^c (-, -n), week. toO(^cntUc^, weekly. bie SBogc (-, -n), wave, billow. ber SBogen^raH (-«), rebound of waves. tool^cr, whence, how. tool^tn, whither, to what place, where. tool^t, well; indeed, of course; per- haps, probably, undoubtedly. toDl^ttatig, beneficent, benevolent, charitable. tool^nen, to dwell, reside, live. ber aSol^ttpIa^ (-e6, -^e), dwelling- place, town. ber aSol^nfi^ (-e^, -e), residence, dwelling-place. ha^ aSo^njimmer (-«, -), living- room. bie aSoHc (-, -n), cloud. tooHcn, to wish, will, be willing; to desire, like, want, intend. toomtt, wherewith, with which (what). bie aSonnc (-, -n), joy, rapture, bliss. tooran, for (in) which. ha^ aSort (-eg), word; pi. -e, con- nected words; -^er (as SSorter* buc^), disconnected words. bie aSortfotgc (-, -n), order of words. tootiihtt, whereat, whereof, at, over, upon what (which). tootJOn, whereof, of or concerning which (what). ha^ SSunbcr (-g, -), wonder, aston- ishment, miracle. tounbcrfiar, wonderful, astonishing, marvelous. tounbcrlidfi, strange, odd. tounberfam, wonderful. tounbcrtJOff, wonderful. toiinfd^cn, to wish, desire. bie aSiirbc (-, -n), dignity, honor, majesty, office. ber SSurf (-eg, -^e), throw, cast. bie aSSurscl (-, -n), root. 3 bie 3tt^I (-, -en), number, figure. jal^ten, to count, number. Sa^Icn, to pay; bar — , to pay cash, ber 3tt^n (-g, ^e), tooth. 236 BEGINNERS' GERMAN ba^ SdfitiWtti (-6, -c or -m), tooth- ache. bag S^nfcn (-«), quarreling. 5. a3.=3um 53ci[piel, see 33eifpicl. 5C^n, ten; jetintc, tenth, SCtd^ncn, to mark, draw, sketch. ha^ 3ci^nc« M)/ drawing. jetgeit; to show, point out. bcr Scigcr (-«, -), pointer, hand. bic S^itc (-, -n), line. bic Sett (-, -tn), time. baS Sett (-eg, -e), tent, vault of heaven. Scrftci^cn (jcrbife, gcrbiffen), to crunch, break with the teeth, bite. Scr6rc(^cn (cr gcrbrid^t; gcrbrod^, ser« broc^cn), to break to pieces. Scrfattcn (cr jcrfaltt; jcrftel, ift gcrfal* len), to fall to pieces, fall into parts or branches. 8crf(^cffcu {aux. fcin), to go to pieces; to be wrecked. 5crf(^ncibcn (serfd^nitt, scrfd^nitten), to cut into pieces, cut up. jcugctt, to testify, bear witness. bag Scugnii^ (-ffcg, -ffc), certificate, testimonial. sicken (gog, gcgogcn; aux. f)abcn a»^) (-/ -(Oti)/ ornament, decoration. gicrcn, to ornament, decorate. ha^ Sintmcr (-g, -), room. bcr 3orn (-g), anger. Sornig, angry. JU (dat.), to, on, by, for, at; — %u^, on foipt; — '»|3fcrb, on horse- back; — »aufc, at home. 5U, too. judcn, to jerk, start, flash, quiver. bcr 3«dcr (-g), sugar. Sucrft, at first, firstly. bcr 3w9 (-eg, -^c), pull, march; pas- sage; train. gugc^cn (ging gu, tft sugcgangen), to go up to; to take place; auf ben 5lbenb — , to be going on towards evening. bic 3»fwnft (-)/ future. Sulflffcn (cr lafet gu; liefe ju, gugelaffcn), to leave closed; to admit. 5um=gu bcm; — ©oubcrneur to'd^kn, to elect governor; — i^cnftcr t)in= QUgfcl^cn, to look out of the win- dow. jumad^cn, to close. Sunc^mcn (cr nimtnt p; nai)m gu, gu* genommcn), to take in addition, increase. bic 3"tt9C (-, -n), tongue. 5ur=gu bet. Siirncn, to be angry (tibcr, urn, about, at, with). 5Uriirf, back, backwards. 5uriirffitf)rcn, to lead back; — auf, to trace back to. Suriirfgc^en (ging guriicf, ift guriidgcs gangen), to go back, return. SUriirf^attcn, to echo back, re- sound. suriidfommcn (tarn guriicf, tft gurlid^ gcfommcn), to come back, re- turn. Suritdrettcn (rttt priidE, tft gurlidCgc* ritten), to ride back (on horse). guriidffd^trfen, to send back. juriirffcnbcn (fanbtc guriidf, priidgc* fanbt), to send back. Sufammcn, together. VOCABULARY 237 Sufamtncnfiinbcn (banb pfammen, aufammengcbunbeti), to bind to- gether. Sufammcnl^attcn (cr pit jufaTttmen; f)ielt aufaTnTTtcn, jufatnmengefialten), to hold together. Sufammcnfommcn (tarn gufammcn, fie finb sufammengcfommen), to come together, meet, assem- ble. Suftc^cn (ftanb ju, augcftanbcn) (cinem), to belong to, be the duty of; to be closed. SUhjenbcn (toanbtc gu, auQCitJanbt), to turn towards. ^tvav, in truth, indeed, of course, to be sure. 5rtjci, two; jiueitc, second, ber 8h»etg (-(e)8, -e), branch. gtoifd^cn (dat. and ace), between, among. jtoolf, twelve; jtoolfte, twelfth. The Walter-Krause German Series Beginners' German By Dr. Max Walter, Director of the MusterscKule, Frank- fort-on-Main, and Dr. CARL A. KRAUSE. Head of the Department of Modern Languages in Jamaica High School, New York City, and Lecturer in New York University. Price $1.00 This is the basic book of the WaUer-Krause German Series. It contains forty-six carefully developed lessons, fol- lowed by selections for reading, passages of connected English prose for composition work, the essentials of Ger- man grammar, a group of the best-known German songs with music, a full vocabulary, and a map of Germany. This book embodies the best features of the direct method, which has made Dr. Walter famous, skilfully worked out to fit the needs of American schools. It is noteworthy in these respects : 1. Oral work is Insisted on from the outset. 2. After the preliminary lessons, reading is made the centre of Instruction. 3. Drill in writing German accompanies the oral work and the reading exercises. 4. Grammar is taught inductively. 5. The building up of a working vocabulary Is emphasized systematically. 6. A German atmosphere is carefully maintained throughout the book. More than six hundred German teachers representing the best teaching of German in America have by test found this inspiring book the most useful text-book for beginners. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO The Walter-Krause German Series First German Reader By Dr. Max Walter, Director of the Musterschule, Frank- fort-on-Main, and Dr. CARL A. KRAUSE, Head of the Department of Modem Languages in Jamaica High School, New York City, and Lecturer in New York University. Price 90 cents This is based, like the "BEGINNERS' GERMAN,'' upon the direct method skilfully worked out to meet the needs of American schools. It contains fifty selections for read- ing, with illustrations and accompanying questions and material for drill, carefully graded so as to develop the stu- dent's vocabulary and to assist him in obtaining a mastery of the language. Following these are fifteen additional selections of a more general character for supplementary reading, after which are included a number of well-known German songs with music, an abstract of German gram- mar in German, complete grammatical tables, and a full vocabulary. The book is made more attractive and useful by twelve full-page illustrations and a map of Germany. Some noteworthy features of the FIRST GERMAN READER are: 1 . Its plan Is simple and the material is carefully graded to meet the needs of the average class-room. 2. Direct drill for oral and written work accompanies each of the reading exercises. 3. The building up of a working vocabulary Is emphasized systematically. 4. A true German atmosphere Is maintained throughout the book. 5. It stimulates the pupil's interest and develops real reading ability. The FIRST GERMAN READER will, therefore, at- tract the attention of truly progressive teachers of German in America. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON ATLANTA " SAN FRANCISCO The Walter-Krause German Series German Songs Compiled by Dr. MAX WALTER and Dr. CARL A. KRAUSE. Price 50 cents It is generally agreed among teachers that school singing may be made a potent, practical means of vivifying modern language instruction. It assists to good pronunciation and intonation as well as to the developing of the vocabulary and especially to the learning of idioms. It also has a very great culture value. No one can fully appreciate the German language and literature without an intimate acquaint- ance with German songs. The present collection includes 62 of the best known of these songs. Short Stories for Oral German By Anna Woods Ballard, Instructor in French in Teachers College, New York, and Dr. CARL A. KRAUSE. Price 80 cents This volume contains 87 carefully selected fables, anecdotes, and short stories, with questions for drill, an abstract of German grammar, a list of verbs, and a vocabulary. This should prove to be a most stimu- lating book for oral work. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO The Walter-Krause German Series The following annotated texts are now ready in the Walter-Krause German Series. They have all been edited in accordance with the demands of the Direct Method. The text of each book has been divided into convenient reading sections, each of which is followed by such notes as are necessary and by questions for drill. The individual editors have been carefully chosen both for scholarship and teaching efficiency, with the result that the series stands unrivalled for practical classroom use. STORM'S "IMMENSEE/* edited by Dr. C. M. 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