F esr A6 SALE NUMBER 1528 — NOVEMBER 8, 9, 1920 lllllllll ll llllll llflll TO BE SOLD ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY AFTERNOONS. NOVEMBER EIGHTH AND NINTH, AT TWO -THIRTY illlljjilltll lltMHullll n i^i^m TFIE ANDERSON GALLERILS {MITCHELL KENNhRLEY, President} 48a PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK js±m^2^^ =mm ^ mmiiMCi mwmmwmmi TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 MANIFIEST6 A LA REPUBLICA MEJICANA QUE HACE EL GENERAL DE BRIGADA JOSE FIGUEROA, COMANDANTE GENERAL Y GEFE POLITICO DE LA ALTA CALIFORNIA, Sobre su conducta y la de los Senores D. Jose Maria de Hijar y D. Jose Maria Padres, como Directores de Colonizacion en 1834 y 1835. * # # * *■ V MONTERREY" 1835. IMPRENTA DEL C. AGUSTIN V. ZAMORANO. THE RAREST AND MOST VALUABLE CALIFORNIA ITEM EXTANT. ONLY TWO OTHER COPIES KNOWN [NUMBER 287] SALE NUMBER 1528 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY. NOVEMBER FIRST BOOKS RELATING TO CALIFORNIA, OREGON, THE WEST COAST AND HAWAII FIRST EDITIONS AND AMERICANA MAINLY FROM THE COLLECTION OF HON. BOUTWELL DUNLAP HISTORL\N AND BIBLIOGRAPHER OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. AND AN HISTORICAL JEWEL CASKET OF CALIFORNIA GOLD ORDER OF SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 8, LOTS 1-337 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 9, LOTS 338-675 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND HFTY- NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1920 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be per lot as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so re- moved they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Terms cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND Condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may te secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN ^083 SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON. NOV. EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-337 1. ABB ATT (WILLIAM). The Crisis of the Revolution. Being the Story of Arnold and Andre. Now for the first time collected from all sources. Illustrations from original photographs by Edwin S. Bennett. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1899 One of 250 copies, signed by the author. 2. ABEL-MUSGRAVE (CURT). The Cholera in San Fran- cisco. A contribution to the History of Corruption in California. 12mo, original wrappers (rebacked). San Francisco, 1885 Scarce. Underground life in Chinatown of San Francisco. 3. ADAMS (EMMA H.). To and Fro, Up and Down in South- ern California, Oregon, and Washington Territory, with Sketches in Arizona, New Mexico, and British Columbia. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, [1888] 4. ADDRESS of the Louisiana Native American Association, to the Citizens of Louisiana and the Inhabitants of the United States. New Orleans, 1839'; Letters from the Hon. Abbott Law- rence to the Hon. William C. Rives of Virginia. Boston, 1846. 2 pamphlets, 8vo, wrappers. 5. ALBACH (JAMES R.). Annals of the West: embracing a concise account of principal events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of the Mis- sissippi Valley to the Year 1856. Thick 8vo, full sheep. Pittsburgh, 1857 6. ALEXANDER (JAMES M.). Mission Life in Hawaii, u-' Memoir of the Rev. William P. Alexander. Portraits and illustra- tions. 12mo, cloth. Oakland, 1888 Privately printed. Scarce. 7. ALEXANDER (W. D.). History of Later Years of the Hawaiian Monarchy and the Revolution of 1893. Profusely illus- trated. Oblong 4to, cloth. [Honolulu], 1896 Scarce. ^ 8. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Memoirs of Major-General William Heath, by Himself. Edited by William Abbatt. To which is added the Accounts of the Battle of Bunker Hill. By Generals Dearborn, Lee and Wilkinson. Portraits. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1901 One of 75 copies on Large Paper. 9. Tallmadge (CoL Benj.). Memoirs of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge. Edited by H. P. Johnstone. Beautifully illustrated with full-page plates in colors and in black and white, facsimiles, etc., printed by E. Bierstedt. Royal 8vo, boards, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1904 One of 350 copies printed on hand-made paper. No. 1 of the publica- tions of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution in New York. 10. ANDERSON (GEORGE BAKER). Landmarks of Rens- selaer County, New York. Portraits. Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt \ edges. Syracuse, 1897 '^ 11. ANDERSON (ROBERT A.). Fighting the Mill Creeks. Being a Personal Account of Campaigns Against Indians of the ^' S^ Northern Sierras. Portraits. 12mo, wrappers. Chico^ Cal., 1909 '^f^ y 12. ANDERSON (RUFUS). The Hawaiian Islands: their Progress and Condition under Missionary Labors. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1864 FiEST Edition. 13. ANDERSON (SANTA LOUISE). Stories and Sketches. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. Privately printed, N. p., n. d. Air Castles in California; A tale of Santa Barbara, etc. 14. ANTHONY (C. V.). Fifty Years of Methodism. A His- tory of the Methodist Episcopal Church within the Bounds of the California Annual Conference from 1847 to 1897. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1901 Favorably mentioned by Cowan this work is one of the most interest- ing narratives penned. Nearly six hundred names of the pioneer min- isters and laymen are mentioned throughout the work. The account of the works of these men from 1847 to the height of the Mining excitement reads like a romance. Contains a full account of the gambling, criminal and loose conduct in the Mines. Fine copy of a desirable item. v 15. ARIZONA INDIANS. Among the Pimas or the Mission to the Pima and Maricopa Indians. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1893 16. ARMSTRONG (MOSES K.). The Early Empire Builders of the Great West. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth (stained). St. Paul, Minn., 1901 5-> 17. AUGHEY (SAMUEL). Sketches of the Physical Geogra- phy and Geology of Nebraska. 8vo, cloth. Omaha, 1880 zw 18. [BAILEY (W, F.).] The Story of the First Trans-conti- nental Railroad. Its projectors, construction and history. 12mo, cloth. [Fair Oaks, 1906] 19. BANCROFT (AARON). An Essay on the Life of George Washington. Portrait engraved by Edwin. 8vo, original sheep (stained). Worcester, 1807 FmsT Edition. Scarce. 20. [BARAGA (FREDERIC).] Jesus Obimadisiwin oma aking, gwaiakossing anamiewin ejitwadjig mi sa Catholique-enami- adjig gewabandangig. Woodcut frontispiece. 16mo, original boards, sheep back. Paris, 1837 The Life of Jesus Christ in the Chippewa language. 21. BARNES (WILLIAM H., Editor). The Story of Laulii, a Daughter of Samoa. Also, a Sketch of the Life of Alexander A. Willis. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1889 First Edition, Autograph presentation copy from Laulii and Leo Willis. 22. BARNUM (H. L.). The Spy Unmasked; or Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch. Embellished with engravings. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1828 Fine copy of the Eare First Edition. 23. BARRA (E. L). Tale of Two Oceans; New Story by an Old Californian. An account of a Voj^age from Philadelphia to San Francisco, Around Cape Horn, Years 1849-50, calling at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and at Juan Fernandez, in the South Pacific. Il- lustrated. 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco : Privately Printed, 1893 24. BARRY (T. A.), and PATTEN (B. A.). Men and Memo- ries of San Francisco, in the ''Spring of '50." 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1873 A scarce and desirable item, giving interesting and detailed description of characters and manners of the times. 25. BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, So- nora, and Chihuahua, connected with the United States and Mexi- can Boundary Commission, during the Years 1856, '51, '52, and 53. Map and illustrations (3 plates wanting). 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (discolored). New York, 1854 26. BATES (J. C). History of the Bench and Bar of California. Numerous portraits. Royal 8vo, full roan. San Francisco, 1912 27. BAUSMAN (WILLIAM). The Protege, a Poem. Delivered at the Metropolitan Theatre on the 26th of April, 1859, being the occasion of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Introduction of Odd Fellowship into the United States, commemorated by the United Lodges and encampment of the Sacramento Division. 12mo, orig- inal boards. Sacramento, 1859 Fine copy of a rare Sai^amento imprint. Not in Cowan. ^0, \ 28. BEASLEY (THOMAS D.). A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country. With a Foreword by Charles A. Murdock. Il- lustrated with photographs. 12nio, boards, uncut. / San Francisco, [1914] *-:7 Autograph presentation copy. As a result of interviewing old friends . *^ of Harte, the author shatters several current stories in relation to his life. ;^ 29. BENNETT (C. C). Lecture and Sketches of Life on the Sandwich Islands and Hawaiian Travel and Scenery. Portrait on cover. 12mo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1893 30. BENNETT (NATHANIEL). Eeports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of California. Vol. 1. Royal 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1851 Very rare. First Edition, containing the appendix with the chapter **The Alcalde System of California," and *'San Francisco and its Pro- visional Government, ' ' which were left out in subsequent editions. 31. BENSON (CAPTAIN). The Log of the El Dorado. Illus- trated. 12mo, wrappers. San Francisco, [1917] 32. BENTON (J. A.). The California Pilgrim: A Series of Lec- tures. Illustrated. 12mo, original cloth. Sacramento, 1853 First Edition. Very scarce. Fine copy autographed by the author. 33. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A List of Books, California and the Pacific in the Library of Augustin S. Macdonald. 8vo, wrappers. Oakland, 1903 The list consists of nearly 3000 items, mainly Calif orniana. 34. [BIERCE (AMBROSE).] The Dance of Death. By Will- iam Herman. (With the Press Notices.) San Francisco, 1877; The Dance of Life, and Answer to the "Dance of Death." By Mrs. Dr. J. Milton Bowers. San Francisco, 1877. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth. FmsT Editions. Scarce. 35. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians. 12mo, original cloth. EiEST Edition. San Francisco, 1891 36. Black Beetles in Amber. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth. FiEST Edition. San Francisco, 1892 37. Petrarch and other Essays. By T. H. Rearden. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1903 FmsT Edition. Contains an essay on the author by Ambrose Bierce. 38. The Cynic's Word Book. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1906 Fiest Edition. 39. A series of four A. L's. S. of 2 and 3 pp., dated vari- ously 1893 and 1894. To Burnette G. Haskell, concerning politi- cal opinions, etc. 8 40. BISHOP (A. W.). Loyalty on the Frontier, or Sketches of Union Men of the South-West; with incidents and Adventures in Rebellion on the Border. 12mo, original cloth (stained). St. Louis, 1863 41. BLACK HAWK. Autobiography of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia- kiak, or Black Hawk. Dictated by Himself. Antoine LeClair, U. 'S. Interpreter, J. B. Patterson, Editor and Amanuensis. Por- trait. 12mo, cloth. Oquawaka, 111., 1882 42. BLACKMAN (EMILY C). History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. From a period preceding its settlement to recent times, including the Annals and Geography of each Town- ship. With map and numerous illustrations. 8vo, sheep (re- backed). Philadelphia, 1873 (j^ 43. BLEDSOE (A. J.). Indian Wars of the Northwest. A Cali- fornia Sketch. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1885 Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. 44. BLOUNT TRIAL. Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States, appointed to prepare and report Articles of Impeachment against William Blount, a Sena- tor of the United States. 8vo, half roan. N. p., n. d. [1797] 45. BONNETT (THEODORE). The Regenerators. A Study of the Graft Prosecution of San Francisco. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, uncut. San Francisco, 1911 46. BOUCHER (JONATHAN). A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution: in thirteen Discourses preached in America, between the years 1763 and 1775. With an Historical Preface. 8vo, original boards, uncut (rebacked). London, 1797 47. BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.). Recollections of Persons and ^^' Places in the West. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1868 48. BRIGGS (SAM.). The Essays, Humor, and Poems of Na- thaniel Ames, Father and Son, of Dedham, Massachusetts from their Almanacks 1726-1775. With Notes and Comments. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cleveland, 1891 49. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). The Myths of the New World. : . . . Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1868 First Edition. 50. BROMLEY (GEORGE TISDALE). The Long Ago and ,^ the Later On, or Recollections of Eighty Years. Portrait. 8vo, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1904 One of 150 copies printed on white Japanese vellum, and signed by the author. The author arrived in San Francisco in January, 1851, and lived an eventful life close up to the Century mark. Life in the Mines in the Fifties; Mining Experiences in Sonora: The Pony Express; etc. \^ & 51. BROOKS (CHARLES). Early Migration. Arctic Drift and Ocean Currents illustrated by the discovery of an Ice-floe off the Coast of Greenland, of Relics from the American Arctic Steamer * * Jeannette. " 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1884 52. BROWN (JAMES CABELL). Calabazas, or Amusing Recollections of an Arizona City. Illustrated. 12mo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1892 53. BROWN (JOHN H.). Reminiscences and Incidents of *The Early Days" of San Francisco. Actual Experience of an Eye-Witness, from 1845 to 1850. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, [1886] Veey Eaee. No copy known outside of the Bancroft and California State Libraries. Brown came to California in 1843. He was a noted character in San Francisco, having kept the Portsmouth house in 1846 and the City Hotel from 1847 to 1850. His book contains an extraordinary amount of information regarding the early settlers. An appendix refer- ring to the map shows the owners of Town lots in San Francisco in 1846 to 1850. The book was issued from an obscure printing office and only a small number were printed. 54. BUCHANAN (JOHN A.). Indian Legends and Other Poems. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1905 Souvenir Edition of the Lewis and Clark Fair. / p / / 55. BUCKINGHAM (JOSEPH T.). Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. FmsT Edition. Boston, 1852 56. BULLOCK (W.). Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico. 4 finely colored costume plates, 12 aquatint views and engravings, 2 folding maps and table. 8vo, half calf. London, 1824 First Edition. Fine copy. The author was the first English traveller in Mexico, since Father Gage, in 1640. 57. BURDETT (CHARLES). Margaret Moncrieffe; the First Love of Aaron Burr. A Romance of the Revolution. Facsimile. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1860 FmsT Edition. 58. BURNETT (PETER H.). Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1880 Burnett was the first Governor of California. The work is replete with much valuable information gleaned from actual experience. 59. [BURR.] Wood (John). A Correct Statement of the Vari- ous Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was Compiled, and the Motives for its Suppression by Col. Burr. 8vo, new cloth. New York, 1802 60. [Cheetham (James).] An Antidote to John Wood's Poison. By Warren. 8vo, new cloth. New York, 1802 10 61. Cheetham (James). Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection, with an Appendix. 8vo, new cloth. New York, 1803 62. BYRAM (B. P.). History of the First Baptist Church, Salisbury and Amesbury. 12mo, cloth. Salisbury, 1860 First Edition. 63. BYRON (COMMODORE JOHN). A Voyage round the World, in His Majesty's Ship the Dolphin, Commanded by the Honourable Commodore Byron. By an Officer on Board the said Ship. 3 plates. 8vo, limp vellum (cover soiled). London, 1767 64. CALIFORNIA. Hughes (John T.). California: Its His- tory, Population, Climate, Soil, Productions, and Harbors. An Ac- count of the Revolution in California, and Conquest of the Coun- try by the United States. 12mo, half morocco (slightly stained). Cincinnati, 1849 A scarce and interesting compilation. Describes the country in 1846-47, the gold discovery, people going to the mines, etc. 65. Allen Crane the Gold Seeker. Curious woodcuts. 12mo, original pictorial boards. Troy, N. Y., circa 1850 A quaint old chap-book with two chapters relating to an imaginary trip to the California gold fields. QQ. Journal of the Senate of the State of California; at their First Session begun and held at Pueblo de San Jose, on the Fifteenth day of Dec. 1849. Thick 8vo, half sheep. San Jose, 1850 The personal copy of E. O. Crosby, one of the framers of the first California Convention, with his name in pencil inside cover. 67. The Statutes of California, passed at the First Session of the Legislature, begun the 15th day of Dec, 1849, and ended the 22nd day of April, 1850, at the City of Pueblo de San Jose. "With an Appendix and Index. 4to, sheep. San Jose, 1850 Very Scarce. 68. The California Text-Book; containing a Grammar of the Spanish Language in English; and of the English in Spanish. 16mo, cloth, leather back. San Francisco, 1852 A very scarce early imprint. Believed to be the first educational work published in California after American rule. 69. The Vigilance Committee of San Francisco. Metcalf vs. Argenti et al. Speeches of R. A. Lockwood, Esq. 8vo, new cloth. San Francisco, 1852 Extremely Eare. A famous Early San Francisco Trial growing out of the High-handed methods of the First Vigilantes. 70. Journal of the Fifth Session of the Legislature of the State of California. 8vo, half sheep. Sacramento, 1854 71. Leyes de California aprobadas en la Quinta Sesion de la Lejislatura. Traducidas del Ingles por H. Gomez Mauriz. 8vo, sheep. - Sacramento, 1854 11 3^-"' / 72. The Statutes of California passed at the Fifth Session of the Legislature. Jan.-May, 1854. 8vo, sheep (rubbed). Sacramento, 1854 73. Trask (Dr. John B.). Report on the Geology of the Coast Mountains, and part of the Sierra Nevada: embracing their %.^ fl Industrial Resources in Agriculture and Mining. 8vo, sewn. •, — . Sacramento, 1854 /\^y* Miich of this scarce report was devoted to the Mining Eegions and a Cj^>^ description of the famous mines of early days. fyp~y -^ 74. Appendix to Senate Journals for the 6th, 9th, and 11th _, ., ' ^^y Sessions. 3 vols. 8vo, half sheep. Sacramento, 1855-60 75. Appendix to Assembly Journals for the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th Sessions. 6 vols. 8vo, half sheep. Sacramento, 1855-61 76. Journals of the Sixth and the Eleventh Sessions of the Assembly of the State of California. 2 vols. 8vo, half sheep (worn). Sacramento, 1855-60 The Journals of the ** fifties" and the ** sixties" are rare and quite valuable to the student of California history. 77. Leyes de California aprobadas en la Sesta Sesion de la Legislatura. Traducidas del Ingles por Augustin Ainsa. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1855 78. Leyes de California, aprobadas en la Septima Sesion de la Legislatura. Traducidas del Ingles por Thomas R. Eldredge. 8vo, sheep. 'Sacramento, 1856 79. The Statutes of California, passed at the Seventh Session of the Legislature. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1856 80. Leyes de California, aprobadas en la Octava Sesion de la Legislatura. Traducidas del original por Thomas R. Eldredge. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1857 81. Leyes de California, aprobadas en la Novena Sesion de la Legislatura. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1858 82. The Statutes of California, passed at the Ninth Session of the Legislature. 1858. 8vo, original sheep (name on title). Sacramento, 1858 83. Leyes de California, aprobadas en la Decima Sesion de la Legislatura. Traducidas por Thomas R. Eldredge. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1859 84. Proceedings of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of California, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, from its orga- nization May 17, 1853 to May 7, 1859, Inclusive. 8vo, sheep (rubbed). San Francisco, 1859^ Very Bare. A complete history of pioneer Oddf ellowship in California. Contains a list of all the lodges and names of the of&cers and members. 12 85. Report of the Argument made by William J. Shaw, in the Case of Hart vs. Burnett, Involving the Valadity of Peter Smith Titles, and the Question of Titles in the Old Missions and Villages of California. 8vo, new cloth. San Francisco, 1859 Of the greatest earity. 86. The State Register and Year Book of Facts: for the Year 1859. 12mo, half roan. San Francisco, 1859 A rare and valuable item. Among the articles are ** Whale Fisheries of the Pacific," **List of Officials throughout the entire State," etc. 87. The Statutes of California, passed at the Tenth Ses- sion of the Legislature. 1859. 8vo, original sheep (name on title). Sacramento, 1859 88. The Antidote for the Poison. Abstracts of Speeches and Documents against the Parsons Bulkhead Bill, published by the Citizen's Anti-Bulkhead Committee of San Francisco. 8vo, new cloth. San Francisco, 1860 Very Eare. A complete history of the greatest contemplated swindle on the State of California ever attempted. Fostered by a group of San Francisco Speculators, the scheme was finally defeated mainly by the strong fight made by Gov. Downey. Not in Cowan. 89. Draper (Robert E.). Sacramento Directory, for 1866. 8vo, original printed boards (water-stained). Sacramento, 1866 Not in Cowan. 90. Dwindle (John W.). Address on the Acquisition of California by the United States. Delivered before the Corporate Society of California Pioneers, on occasion of the Sixteenth Anni- versary of the Admission of the State of California into the Fed- eral Union. 8vo, new cloth. San Francisco, 1866 91. The Statutes of California, passed at the Sixteenth Ses- sion of the Legislature, 1865-66. Thick 8vo, original sheep (lacks title). Sacramento, 1868 92. The Statutes of California, passed at the Seventeenth Session of the Legislature, 1867-8. Thick 8vo, original sheep. Sacramento, 1868 93. Statutes of California, passed at the 18th Session of the Legislature, 1869-70. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1870 94. The Western Shore Gazetteer and Commercial Direc- tory for Yolo County. Its organization ; Past and Present County, Town and Precinct Officers; the Mining, Agricultural Resources, etc. Compiled and Published Annually by C. P. Sprague and H. W. Atwell. Folding map. 8vo, half roan. Woodland, [1870] A Eare Local County History. Not in Cowan. A fine copy. 95. The Statutes of California, passed at the 19th Session of the Legislature, 1871-72. Thick 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1872 13 96. Buckskin Mose; or, Life from the Lakes to the Pacific. Written by Himself. Edited, and with illustrations by C. G. ^ Rosenberg. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1873 Very scarce. 97. Acts Amendatory of the Codes of California passed in 1873-74, 1875-76, 1877-78 and 1880. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1874-1880 98. Historical Atlas Map of Santa Clara County, Cali- fornia. Compiled, Drawn and Published from Personal Examina- tions and Surveys. Imp. 4to, original cloth, roan back. San Francisco, 1876 Veey Eare. Published for subscribers only. Many of the views shown here are of places and buildings which have long since disappeared. 99. Lloyd (B. E.). Lights and Shades in San Francisco. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1876 Scarce. Chapter 23 is Mark Twain's Innocence (At Home). Interest- ing sidelights on Chinese Life, Street Criers of Early San Francisco, Bret Harte and the Overland Monthly, etc. 100. The Statutes of California passed at the 21st Session of the Legislature, 1875-76. Thick 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1876 101. Historical Atlas Map of Sonoma County, California. Compiled, Drawn and published from Personal Examinations and Actual Surveys. Imp. 4to, original cloth, roan back. Oakland, Cal., 1877 Very Rare. Published for subscribers only. Fine lithograph views of old buildings and residences, many of which were erected in the early days and have long since disappeared. Also a history of Sonoma County by Robert A. Thompson. 102. The Statutes of California passed at the Twenty-sec- ond Session of the Legislature, 1877-78. Thick 8vo, original sheep. "Sacramento, 1878 103. For Our Boys. A Collection of Original Literary Of- ferings by Popular Writers at Home and Abroad. Edited by Ambrose P. Dietz. 8vo, cloth (front cover stained). San Francisco, 1879 Scarce. An interesting collection of original contributions by Joaquin Miller, Oliver Wendell Holmes, * * Mining Life at Shasta in 1849 ' * by John S. Hittel, and others. 104. History of Solano County, . . . also a Full and Particular Biography of its Early Settlers and Principal Inhabi- tants. Numerous lithograph portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth (re- backed). San Francisco, 1879 104a. Another copy. Royal 8vo, half cloth (rebacked). 14 105. Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Con- vention of the State of California, Convened at the City of Sacra- mento, Saturday, September 28, 1878. E. B. Willis and P. K. Stockton official stenographers. 3 vols. 4to, half sheep. Sacramento, 1880 106. History of Marin County, California; including its ^— -geography, Geology, Topography and Climatography. Numerous 7 i^iP lithograph portraits. Royal 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1880 1^^ One of the scarcest of all California County histories. This volume is important as containing a full record of the Mexican Grants; Names of Original Spanish and American Pioneers ; a complete Political History of the County, together with separate histories of Bolinas, Nicasio, Novato, Point Eeyes, San Antonio, San Eaf ael, Saucelito, and Tomales Townships. 107. History of Sacramento County, California. With il- lustrations descriptive of its scenery, residences, public huildingSy fine blocks and manufactories. From original sketches by artists of the highest ability. Oblong 4to, cloth, leather back. Oakland, 1880 Profusely illustrated with pictures of the early buildings, many of which have been demolished. 108. Statutes and Amendments to the Codes of California. Passed at the 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, and 28th Sessions of the Leg- islature. 5 vols. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1880-89 109. History of Lake and Napa Counties, California. To- gether with a full and particular record of the Mexican Grants; Early History and Settlement, compiled from the most authentic sources; names of original Spanish and American Pioneers, etc. With portraits. Royal 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1881 110. History of Santa Clara County, California; including its Geography, Geology, Topography, Climatography and Descrip- tion. Numerous fine lithograph portraits. 8vo, sheep. Fine copy of a scarce and important item. San Francisco, 1881 — ^ 111. Keep (Josiah). Common Sea-Shells of California. ^^ (j^ t)y 16 plates. Small 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1881 > * A very scarce and desirable item. Privately printed for the author. 112. History of Contra Costa County, California. To- gether with a Record of the Mexican Grants; the Bear Flag War; The Early History and Settlement, compiled from the most Au- thentic Sources. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1882 113. History of Placer County, California. With Illustra- tions and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pio- neers. Illustrated. 4to, half morocco. Oakland, 1882 One of the scarcest and most interesting of the local histories. Gold was first discovered in Placer County. 15 y 114. History of Alameda County, California, including its Geology, Topography, Soil and Productions, etc. Illustrated. 4to, 4to, full sheep. Oakland, 1883 Fine copy. Incidents of Pioneer life, separate histories of each town- ship, the Eaising of the Bear Flag, etc. 115. A Southern California Paradise. Being a Historical and Descriptive account of Pasadena, San Gabriel, Sierra Madre, and La Canada. With important reference to Los Angeles and all Southern California. Map and illustratimis. Royal 8vo, cloth. Pasadena, 1883 116. Gold Mines and Mining in California. A New Gold Era Dawning on the State. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1885 117. Leland Stanford University. Portraits. Royal 8vo, San Francisco, 1888 Roberts (Edwards). Santa Barbara and Around Illustrated. 16mo, original wrappers (rebacked). Boston, 1888 119. Three Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. Manuelo's wrappers. 118. — There. Narrative. Translated from the Portuguese, by a Pioneer. Fron- tispiece. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1888 120. History and Business Directory of Humboldt County. . . . The Only County in the State containing no Chinamen. [Com- piled by] Lillie E. Hamm. 4to, boards, cloth back. Eureka, Cal., 1890 Very scarce. The Only History of Humboldt County published. 121. The Vigilance Committee of 1856. By a California Journalist. 12mo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1890 122. Carr (John). Pioneer Days in California. Historical and Personal Sketches. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Eureka, California, 1891 Contains valuable material relating to the Early Families of California. 123. Official Historical Atlas Map of Fresno County. Compiled, Drawn and Published from Personal Examinations and Surveys by Thos. H. Thompson. Large 4to, half leather. Tulare, 1891 Profusely illustrated with pictures of the early buildings, many long since destroyed. 124. Statutes of California passed at the 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, and 33rd Sessions of the Legislature. 5 vols. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco and Sacramento, 1891-99 125. Harrison (E. S.). History of Santa Cruz County, California. Portraits and illustrations. 4to, stamped morocco, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1892 A very scarce local history, privately printed for the author and now hard to obtain. 16 //c 126. Allegemeine Deutsche Unterstukungs-Gesellschaft von San Francisco, Cal. Geschichtliche Mittheilungen seit ihrer Grun- dung am 7ten Januar 1854, bis zum Yierzigfahrigen Stiftungs- feste am 7ten Januar 1894. Compiled by Eugen Romer. Por- traits and illustrations. Large 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. [San Francisco, 1894] 127. The ''City Guard." A History of Company ''B, ' First Regiment Infantry, N. G. C. During the Sacramento Cam- paign, July 3 to 26, 1894. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, [1895] A complete and valuable history of the great Eailroad Strike in Cal* ifornia. 128. The Chronicles of Emanu-El. Being an account of the Rise and Progress of the Congregation of Emanu-El which was founded in July, 1850. Royal 8vo, limp roan, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1900 One of 50 copies privately printed. A scarce and desirable item nar- rating the early history of the Jews in San Francisco. 129. The Exempt Firemen of San Francisco. Their unique and gallant record. Together with a resume of the San Fran- cisco Fire Department and its Personnel. Portraits and illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1900 130. Statutes and Amendments to the Codes of California. Passed at the Extra Session of the 33rd, 35th, 36th, extra session of the 36th, and 37th Legislatures. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1900-1907 131. Notable Speeches by Notable Speakers of the Greater West. Edited by Harry Wagner. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1902 Contains speeches by Col. E. D. Baker, Stephen M. White, D. M. Delmas and many other noted Western orators. Also a fine speech on Lincoln, by Duncan McKinly. 132. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1902. United States vs. Mexico, in the matter of the Case of the Pious Fund of the Calif ornians. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1903 133. The Statutes of California and Amendments to the Codes. Extra Sessions of the 37th, 38th, and 39th Legislature. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1909-11 134. Leach (Frank A.). Recollections of a Newspaperman. A Record of Life and Events in California. Portraits and illus- trations. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1917 An interesting narrative. The author arrived in Sacramento in 1852, and describes in a vivid manner the early floods and fires; squatters' troubles and many other incidents relating to those turbulent times. 135. Farr (F. C). The History of Imperial County, Cali- fornia. Portraits and illustrations. Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. _ Berkeley, Cal., 1918 17 136. The Annals of the Bohemian Club. From its begin- ning in the year 1872 to 1895. Comprising text and pictures fur- nished by its Own Members, and edited by the Honorary Histori- ographer, Robert H. Fletcher. 3 vols. 4to, cloth. San Francisco, v. d. Scarce. Volumes one and two were published before the great fire and are now very hard to find. Limited to 600 sets. j*^^ ' 137. Biographical Sketches of the life of Major Ward Bradford, old Pioneer. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, original wrappers. N. p., n. d. Very Scarce, privately printed. Containing a graphic description of the Manners and Life of Early Times; vivid incidents in Indian Wars, and Wilds of the Mountains; Life in the Gold Eegions of Nevada; Perils by Land Sea, etc. ^/ / 138. 1852-1865. Reminiscences of Travel. By the Author. Portrait. 8vo, boards. N. p., n. d. ^ Eare. Only 25 copies were issued for private presentation. The author C^ lived for 12 years in Coloma, where gold was first discovered. His account of life in the Mines is well and accurately portrayed. 139. CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA MINES. The Map of the State of California and Nevada Territory. Exhibiting tjie Rivers, Lakes, Bays, and Islands, with the Principal Towns, Roads, Railroads and Transit Routes to the Silver Mining Districts of Nevada Territory. Compiled by Leander Ransom and A. J. Doo- little. Large colored folding map. 12mo, original cloth covers. Bare. San Francisco, 1863 K 140. CALIFORNIA FARMER and Journal of Useful Sciences. t-O ) Vol. XI, No. 1 to Vol. XII, No. 24. Illustrated. Bound in one vol. large folio, half morocco. San Francisco, 1859-60 Scarce. 141. CALIFORNIA GENEALOGY. The Haskell Journal. A Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 4 (all published). Together 4 pieces, royal 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1898 Contains a genealogical history of the Haskell Family. 142. CALIFORNIA HORSEMAN (THE). A Monthly Jour- a^^ nal Devoted to the Interests of Horse Owners and Breeders. By „ '- Ira Barker Dalziel. Illustrated. Vols. 1 to 4 (all published), bound in 2 vols, royal 8vo, half roan. San Francisco, 1902-05 143. CALIFORNIA LAND AUCTION. Great Peremptory Sale of 1000 Homestead Lots in the Hayes Valley Tract, City of San Francisco, by H. A. Cobb, Auctioneer, on Saturday, June 11, 1859. 8vo, original printed wrappers. San Francisco, 1859 Very Eare. Priced throughout in lead pencil. A valuable and inter- esting item showing the comparative land values of the day. 144. CALIFORNIA LAND CLAIMS. Commission for Settling Private Land Claims in California. Treaty Stipulations between Mexico and the United States. Act of Congress of March 3, 1851. 18 Instructions of the Department of the Interior to the Commis- sioners. Regulations of the Commissioners for the Presentment and Prosecution of Claims. Small 8vo, half leather, original wrap- pers bound in. San Francisco, 1852 This is without doubt the first and rarest of all printed matter relating to the Land Claims in California. Unknown to Cowan and Bancroft, and the only known copy extant. > 145. The Board of Commissioners of California Land 5 ^ ' Claims. Opinion of the Board delivered by Harry I. Thornton ^"^ on the Claim of Cruz Cervantes. Opinion delivered by Hiland Hall, on the claim of Pearson B. Reading. Opinion delivered by James Wilson, on the claim of Carmen Sibrian de Bernal. Svo, new half leather. San Francisco, 1852 Extremely rare. A most valuable and perhaps unique item. The first report after the meeting of the California Land Commission. Not in Cowan, unknown to Bancroft and not in the California State Library. ^ ^ 146. Argument of Horace Hawes, before the United States ^£^ Y/and Commission, on the Construction of the Fourth Article of l--^ the Mexican Law of August 18, 1824. 14 pp. 8vo, new half leather. San Francisco, 1853 Of great rarity. Not in Cowan and unknown to Bancroft. ^ 147. Opinions delivered by Harry I. Thornton, as one of ^y^ the Commissioners of the Board to Ascertain and Settle Private -^ Land Claims, in the State of California, under the Act of Con- gress of the 3rd of March, 1851. 8vo, new half leather. San Francisco, 1853 Excessively Rare. The first copy to appear at auction. /7^ 148. A Pamphlet relating to the Claim of Senor Don Jose — ^^ Y. Limatour, to Four Leagues of Land in the County adjoining and near the City of San Francisco, California. 8vo, half leather. San Francisco, 1853 Very rare. A bold attempt to steal practically all of San Francisco. The case was bitterly fought and the claimant was defeated. """" 149. In the Supreme Court of the United States. Arga- T^- ment in the case of Cruz Cervantes vs. the United States, on Ap- peal from the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California. Delivered on the 18th and 19th of May, 1854. 8vo, new half leather. Washington, 1854 Very Eare. Not in Cowan. 150. Title Papers, Briefs of Counsel Opinion of the Board, and Decree of Confirmation, in Case No. 81, J. R. Bolton vs. the United States, for the Lands of the Ex-Mission of Dolores. 8vo, new half leather. San Francisco, 1855 Very Kare. Gives the complete history of the attempt to steal the lands adjoining the Mission Dolores in San Francisco. Unknown in any of the large libraries. 19 151. The Weekly Law Review. Edited by Pollard, Upton & Walton. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 3, July 19 to Aug. 2, 1855 (all pub- lished) . 8vo, half leather. San Francisco, 1855 A Very Bare Land Claims item. Not in the Bancroft or California State Libraries. The contents embraces, The Water Lot Bill, and Sale of Loti by the Town Council; Litigation of Property on the Confines of the City; Mexican Titles; Sobrante Grants by Mexico; etc. 152. In the United States District Court, Northern Dis- trict of California. The United States vs. Andres Castillero. ' ' New Almaden." Transcript of the Record. 8vo, sheep, rebacked. San Francisco, 1859^ The First and most important volume of this celebrated case. Contains the various notes of survey, petition of Andres Castillero, depositions of Noriego, Larkin, Alexander Forbes, Pico, Castro, Paty, Walkinshaw, Sunol, Fernandez, Berryessa, Del La Torre, etc. The rarest of all the works regarding this famous claim. 153. Opinions and Decrees of the U. S. Circuit Court for the Northern District of California, in the Case of the City of San Francisco vs. the United States. The Pueblo Case. 8vo, wrappers (name on wrapper). San Francisco, 1865 Scarce land title pamphlet. 154. Original Deed on five quarto pages, with large folding map showing the Land given by Gov. Juan B. Alvarado to Wil- liam A. Richardson. Deed is dated at San Diego, 1835, 1836, 1837. Also a Translation of the same, made at San Francisco, in the year 1858 and signed by J. W. Mandevills, U. S. Surveyor General of California. (Map repaired.) The land involved is what is now Saucelito, San Eafael and vicinity, and lies in Marin County, just across the Bay from San Francisco. A rare and unique item. 155. CALIFORNIA PIONEERS (SOCIETY OF). Orations before the Society of California Pioneers at the Celebrations of the Anniversaries of the Admission of the State of California into the Union. By William Van Voorhies, 1853; By E. J. C. Kewen and Frank Soule, 1854; By Geo. Pen Johnston, 1855; By T. W. Freelon, 1857. 4 pamphlets bound in one vol. 8vo, roan. San Francisco, 1853-57 Very Eare. These were the first four published proceedings of the So- ciety of California Pioneers. 156. CALIFORNIA RAILROADS. Report of the Committee on Corporations upon Railroad Freights and Fares. Sacramento, 1871 ; Report of the Board of Directors of the Central Pacific Rail- road. Sacramento, 1873; Report on Fares and Freights. Sacra- mento, 1874. 3 items bound in one vol. 8vo, sheep. Sacramento, 1871-74 157. CALIFORNIA SONGSTER. Put's Golden Songster. 16mo, original pictorial wrappers. San Francisco, [1858] Besides the mining songs there is a list of the mining localities in Cal- ifornia. 20 ?> 158. The Hayes and Wheeler Campaign Songster. Com- piled by Sam Booth, Arranged to Music by Geo. T. Evans. 16mo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1876 --> 159. CALIFORNIA THEATRICALS. Leman (Walter M.). ^ Memories of an Old Actor. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1886 The author gives much interesting gossip relative to more than a hun- dred of the early theatrical people. Fine copy of a scarce book. 160. CALIFORNIA VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. Judges and Criminals: Shadows of the Past. History of the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, Cal. With the Names of its Offi- 1, cers. Small 8vo, original printed wrappers. / San Francisco : Printed for the Author, 1858 *^ The only known copy extant of the Barest Vigilante Item. Cowan _^,^^ . — -" — ^ in his Bibliography quotes from the copy that was in the S. F. Mercantile ^^'"'^ Q, ^^yJjibTSiTjj since destroyed in the fire of 1906. Unknown to Bancroft and _— — ■ — other writers on the Vigilantes. . O*^ From the Preface — ' ' The Author was an eye-witness of the Scenes de- j Q , tailed in this work; they are given without exaggeration or partiality and are commended to the notice of the American People.'* An appendix gives the Names of Officers of the Vigilance Committee in both the Civil and Military organization. It is highly probable that the copious use of Names and frank statements rendered the quick suppression of this work very necessary for the Author's safety. — -v^ 161. CALIFORNIAN (THE). A Western Monthly Magazine. ^f^ Vols. 1 to 6. Together 6 vols. 8vo, half leather. -San Francisco, 1880-82 A complete set of this desirable magazine. With contributions by Joaquin Miller, Ambrose Bierce, John Muir, Joseph Le Conte, and others. 162. [CALLENDER (JAMES THOMSON).] The American Annual Register, or, Historical Memoirs of the United States « for the Year 1796." 8vo, boards, calf back, uncut (joint repaired). \ ■V-^'^ '' Very Eare. Philadelphia, 1797 163. CANFIELD (CHAUNCEY L.). The Diary of a Forty- ^,. v^ Niner. Map. 8vo, boards, cloth back. San Francisco, 1906 '^ » 164. [CARRINGTON (MARGARET IRVIN).] Ab-sa-ra-ka. Home of the Crows: being the Experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains. Vignettes and folding map. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869 165. CARVER (DR. HARTWELL). Proposal for a Charter to Build a Railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean. 8vo, wrappers. Washington, 1847 166. CASSIN (JOHN). Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. Intended to con- tain descriptions and figures of all North American Birds not given by former American authors, and a general synopsis of North American Ornithology. With 50 fine full-page colored plates. Royal 8vo, cloth (small piece missing from back). > Philadelphia, 1865 21 Cif 167. CASTELLANOS (HENRY C). New Orleans as it Was. Episodes of Louisiana Life. Illustrated. 8vo, boards. New Orleans, 1895 168. CHAMBLISS (WILLIAM H.). Chambliss' Diary; or, Society as it Really Is. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1895 A scathing exposure of San Francisco society. The author was unable to procure a publisher in San Francisco in consequence of which the book was privately printed in New York. ^.-~^.._^ 169. CHANDLER (SETH). History of the Town of Shirley, -^ ^ 7t> 180. CLARK (W. P.). The Indian Sign Language, with brief Explanatory Notes of the gestures taught Deaf -Mutes in our Insti- tutions for their Instructions, etc. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1885 181. CLAYTON (W. W., Edit.). History of Union and Mid- (^.. dlesex Counties New Jersey, with Biographical Sketches. Il- lustrated. Thick 4to, calf, gilt edges (rubbed). Philadelphia, 1882 182. CLEMENS (JERE.). The Rivals: a Tale of the Times of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. 12mo, cloth (worn). First Edition. Philadelphia, 1860 183. CLEVELAND, Past and Present; its Representative Men. Illustrated with photographs. Royal 8vo, stamped morocco, gilt edges. Cleveland, 1869 184. CODMAN (JOHN). Arnold's Expedition to Quebec. Edited by William Abbatt. Portraits and illustrations. Imperial Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1903 One of 245 copies printed. 185. COLORADO. History of Clear Creek and Boulder Val- leys, Colorado. Portraits and views. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 1880 Contains a brief history of Colorado from its earliest settlement to the present time. 186. COLORED PLATES. A History of the University of Ox- ford, its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. With the beautiful colored aquatint plates. 2 vols. 4to, full russia, gilt, rehinged with cloth. London: R. Ackermann, 1814 187. A History of the University of Cambridge, its Col- leges, Halls, and Public Buildings. With Me beautiful full-page colored plates. 2 vols. 4to, old calf (rehinged with cloth). London : R. Ackermann, 1815 Fine copy with all the colored aquatint plates. The portraits called for in the list of plates were ^ot included in this copy. 188. CONFEDERATE. General Orders from Headquarters, Department of the Gulf, issued by Major-General B. F. Butler. From May 1st, 1862, to the present time. 8vo, sewn. New Orleans, 1862 189. CONGRESSIONAL SPEECHES. A collection of 29 Speeches delivered in Congress by Webster, Randolph, Rufus King, Josiah Quincy, and others between 1803 and 1812. Together 29 pamphlets bound in one vol. 8vo, half sheep (cracked). V. p., v. d. 190. CONRAD (HOWARD L., Edit.). Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri. A Compendium of History and Biography for Ready Reference. Portraits. 6 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1901 191. CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HISTORY. 1858. (Vol. VI of the Memoirs of the Historical Society of Penn.) 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1858 192. CORNWALL (BRUCE). Life Sketch of Pierre Barlow Cornwall. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1906 Printed for private distribution. A scarce personal narrative giving a vivid description of the author's trip across the plains in 1848 and de- scribing in minute details the early days of California. 193. CORNWALLIS (KINAHAN). The New El Dorado; or British Columbia. Map and tinted frontispiece. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1858 The first two chapters treat of the author's experiences at Sonora in California and on the Thompson and Frazer Kiver excitements. 194. COYNER (DAVID H.). The Lost Trappers; a Collection of Interesting Scenes and Events in the Rocky Mountains ; together with a Short Description of California. 12mo, original cloth. Cincinnati, 1847 The extremely rare First Edition. These lost trappers were a part of the Lewis and Clark expedition. 195. CRAFT (MABEL CLARE). Hawaii Nei. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1899 Out of print and scarce. 196. CRAIG (NEVILLE B., Editor). The Olden Times; a Monthly Publication, devoted to the Preservation of Documents and other Authentic Information in relation to the Early Explo- rations and the Settlement and Improvement of the Country around the Head of the Ohio. Vol. 1. 8vo, boards, half sheep (rubbed). Pittsburgh, 1846 Veey Bare. This publication, which ceased with the end of the second volume, forms a valuable collection of original documents which are now very scarce. 24 197. CRANE (ELLERY BICKNELL). Genealogy of the Crane Family. Descendants of Henry Crane, of Wethersfield and Guilford, Conn., with Sketch of the Family in England. Por- traits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Worcester, 1895 Very Scarce. 198. CREMONY (JOHN C). Life Among the Apaches. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1868 First Edition. V 199. CUMMINS (ELLA STERLING). The Story of the Files. \^ A Review of Californian Writers and Literature. Illustrated. 8vo, boards. San Francisco, 1893 A valuable work, containing portraits and material that cannot be had in any other form. ^ 200. CURWEN (MASKELL E.). A Sketch of the History of ---^ the City of Dayton. Folding map. 12mo, original boards. Dayton, 0., 1850 201. CUSTER (GEN. G. A.). My Life on the Plains; or, Per- - sonal Experiences with Indians. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 202. CUTLER (NAHUM S.). A Cutler Memorial and Gene- alogical History, containing the Names of a large proportion of the Cutlers in the United States and Canada, etc. Portraits. Thick 8vo, cloth. Greenfield, Mass., 1889 ^ 203. DAKOTA INDIANS. Bunyan (John). The Pilgrim's ^^ Progress, in the Dakota Language, translated by Stephen Riggs. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth. New York, [1857] "^ 204. DAVIDSON (GEORGE). The Alaska Boundary. Folding ,.^ map. Royal 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1903 ,«^ 205. Francis Drake on the Northwest Coast of America $/ in the year 1579. The Golden Hinde did not anchor in the Bay of San Francisco. 8vo, wrappers. [San Francisco, 1908] With presentation inscription from the author. r>, 206. DAVIS (REUBEN). RecoUections of Mississippi and Mis- — sissippians. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1889 First Edition. ""OC 207. DAVIS (WILLIAM HEATH). Sixty Years in California. -"■^'"A History of Events and Life. . . . Personal, Political and Mili- tary. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1889 First Edition. Fine copy of an item rapidly becoming very scarce. A history of events under the Mexican regime, during the quasi-military gov- ernment of the territory by the United States, and after the admission of the state to the. Union. 208. DAVIS (WINFIELD J.). An Illustrated History of Sac- ramento County, California. Numerous plates. Thick 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. '" Chicago, 1890 209. History of Political Conventions in California, 1849- 1892. 8vo, cloth. Sacramento, 1893 210. DELAND (MARGARET). Florida Days. Illustrated by Louis K. Harlow. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1889 First Edition. 211. [DELANO (ALONZO).] A Live Woman in the Mines; or, Pike County Ahead! A Local Play in Two Acts. By ''Old Block." 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. New York, [1857] Extremely Bare. Not in Cowan. 212. DELMAS (D. M.). Speeches and Addresses. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1901 213. DEMING (LEONARD). A Collection of Useful, Inter- esting and Remarkable Events, Original and Selected from An- cient and Modern Authorities. 12mo, old calf (writing on title). Middlebury, 1825 214. DOONER (P. W.). Last Days of the Republic. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, San Francisco, 1888 The Chinese in California. The advent of the Coolies, Eise and Progress of the Kace Conflict, etc. 215. DICKINSON (JOHN). Letters From A Farmer in Penn- sylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. With an His- torical Introduction. By R. T. H. Halsey. Illustrated with re- productions. Royal 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. New York, 1903 One of 260 copies printed on Van Gtelder hand-made paper. 216. DOWNIE (MAJOR WILLIAM). Hunting for Gold. Reminiscences of Personal Experiences and Research in the Early Days of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Panama. Portraits and ,j illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. San Francisco, 1893 \ ^ The author founded the town of Downieville, one of the most famous of the rich mining camps. Fine copy of an item rapidly becoming scarce. 217. DUNBAR (EDWARD E.). The Romance of the Age; or, the Discovery of Gold in California. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1867 FmsT Edition. Inscribed to: *'E. L. Plumb Esq. with the respects of the Author.'* 218. DUNIWAY (MRS. ABIGAIL J.). Captain Gray's Com- -/ pany; or, Crossing the Plains and Living in Oregon. 12mo, orig- inal cloth. Portland, Ore., 1859 FmsT Edition. Very scarce. Contains the best account of eariy Ore- gon social life. 219. DWINELLE (JOHN W.). The Colonial History of the \y City of San Francisco, being a narrative argument in the circuit court of the United States for the State of California, for four 26 V p square leagues of land claimed by that city and confirmed to it by tbat Court. 8vo, half morocco. San Francisco, 1866 Third Edition. Without doubt the rarest and most valuable of all San Francisco items. The number of copies issued of this edition has been generally thought to be 100. Cowan states the edition was 200, but judg- ing by its extreme scarcity, it is doubtful if more than 100 copies were issued. In any event, it is readily conceded that not more than 10 or 12 copies survived, and of these several lacked plates and some of the docu- ments. This copy has document 172 consisting of four leaves, done in facsimile, also a page and slip of errata. 220. DYER (JOHN L.). The Snow-Shoe Itinerant. An Auto- biography. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1890 221. EARLY MURDER TRIAL. Official Keport of the Trial of Laura D. Fair, for the Murder of Alex. P. Crittenden. From the short-hand notes of Marsh and Osbourne. Portraits. 8vo, half leather. San Francisco, 1871 The most famous of the Early Murder Trials in California. 222. EATON (JOHN HENRY). The Life of Andrew Jackson. Engraved portrait. 12mo, old calf (foxed). Cincinnati, 1827 223. EDMUNDS (A. C). Pen Sketches of Nebraskans. Illus- trated. 12mo, original cloth. Lincoln, Neb., 1871 224. ELDREDGE (ZOETH). The March of the Portola and the discovery of the Bay of San Francisco. The Log of the San Carlos and Original Documents translated and Annotated by E. J. Molera. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1909 Important historical item, never before printed. 225. ELIOT (JOHN). A Biographical Dictionary, containing a brief account of the First Settlers, and other Eminent Charac- ters among the Magistrates, Ministers, Literary and Worthy Men in New England. 8vo, contemporary calf. Boston, 1809 226. ENGELHARDT (ZEPHYRIN). The Missions and Mis- —- ^sionaries of California. With portraits, maps and facsimiles. 3 - vols. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1908 ^ 227. ENGLISH (THOMAS DUNN). The Mormons; or, Life „^ at Salt Lake City. A Drama in Three Acts. 12mo, wrappers. Scarce. New York, 1858 228. FACIO (M. SANCHEZ). The Truth about Lower Cali- fornia. Forfeiture of the Contract made by and between the Mexi- can Government and the "Mexican International Company of Colonization." Illustrated with 2 folding maps. 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1889 A very scarce item dealing mainly with "Land Titles" in Lower Cal- ifornia. 229. PARISH (THOMAS EDWIN). The Gold Hunters of California. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1904 A good description of California society in the early days. Scarce. '" 27 > .^ 230. FARNHAM (ELIZA W.). Life in Prairie Land. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1868 231. FARWELL (WILLARD B.). The Chinese at Home and Abroad. Folding plan. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1885 Contains a map of Chinatown. The most exhaustive and reliable work on the evils of Chinatown. Three hundred copies were printed for private distribution. Very Eare. 232. FAWCETT (EDGAR). Some Reminiscences of Old Vic toria. Illustrated. 12mo, original cloth. Toronto, 1912 First Edition. Contains an interesting chapter on the experiences of a British boy in San Francisco during the early ''Fifties." 233. FERGUSON (CHARLES D.). The Experiences of a Forty-niner during Thirty-fours Years' Residence in California and Australia. Edited by Frederick T. Wallace. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Cleveland, 1888 234. FERRIS (JOHN ALEXANDER). The Financial Econ- amy of the United States Illustrated, and some of the Causes which Retard the Progress of California Demonstrated. With a Relevant Appendix. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1867 Pacific Eailroad; California and the National Banks; California and paper money j etc. 235. FIELD (STEPHEN J.). Some Account of the" work of Stephen J. Field as a Legislator, State Judge, and Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. With an Introductory Sketch by John N. Pomeroy. 8vo, cloth. N. p., 1881 236. Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California, with other Sketches. To which is added the Story of his At- tempted Assassination by a former Associate on the Supreme Bench of the State. By Hon. George C. Gorham. 8vo, half mo- rocco. N. p. Printed for a Few Friends. Not Published, [1893] Extremely rare. Only fifty copies were printed. One of the most important of the Pioneer narratives, recording the author's trip to Cali- fornia in 1849. 237. FIGUEROA (JOSE). Manifesto a la Republica Mexicana que hace el general de brigada Jose Fihueroa comandante general 1 y gefe polotico de la Alta California, Sobre su conducta y la de los Senores D. Jose Maria de Hijar y D. Jose Maria Padros, como i ^„ Directores de Colonizacion en 1834 y 1835. 12mo, 184 pp. original P^ ' wrappers. Monterrey: Imprenta del C. Agustin V. Zamorano, 1835 The rarest and most valuable California item extant. But two other copies are known to be in existence, one in the Bancroft Library and the v^M. other in the California State Library. The copy in the Bancroft Library ^ lacks the wrappers, and the one in the State Library we are informed does not contain the "Nota Del Impresor and Erata." Cowan in his Bibliography states that this is the second and most im- portant book printed on the first printing press in California. This press was brought from Mexico by Jose Figueroa in 1833, and was nothing more than a little old hand-press and a small quantity of worn type. Figueroa died during the progress of the printing of this work and an 28 Obituary notice appears on the last page. (This last leaf, however, is here supplied in exact facsimile.) Inasmuch as the * * Reglamento, " which preceded this from the press, was a work of only 16 pages and really only a pamphlet, it may safely be said that the "Manifesto" is actually the first book issued from any press in California. The country has been carefully scoured for the last twenty-five years for specimens of the Zamorano press, and it is deemed safe to say that perhaps never will another copy appear on the market. |^ Jose Figueroa was Governor and Comandante General of Calif omia >' f^ Q from Jan. 14th, 1833, to his death on Sept. 29th, 1835. The "Manifesto" is a defense of his administration from 1833 to 1835, particularly in regard to his attitude toward the colonization schemes of Hi jar and Padres. This rare item was the personal copy belonging to Juan B. Alvarado, Gobernado de California, and presented by him to Don Carlos Castro. Governor Alvarado was Eevolutionary Governor of California from Dec, 1836, to July, 1837, from that date by submitting to Mexico he became Eegular Governor of California ad interim, till Nov. 24th, 1839, and then was Constitutional till Dec. 31st, 1842. Don Carlos Castro was a noted character in Monterey during the Thir- ties and early Forties. On the front fly-leaf appear their names in contemporary writing. Later the book became the property of Monsignor Alemany, who was the First Bishop of both Californias after his arrival here in 1850. On the front wrapper his name is faintly written. [See Frontispiece.] 238. The Manifesto, which the General of Brigade, Don Jose Figueroa, Commandant-General and Political Chief of U. Cali- fornia, makes to the Mexican Republic, in regard to his conduct and that of the Snrs. D. Jose Maria de Hijars and D. Jose Maria Padres, as Directors of Colonization in 1833 and 1834. 8vo, full roan, gilt. San Francisco, 185.'3 Extremely rare and of the utmost importance. This is the only Jj( ^\Xur^ translation of the First Important Book published in California. Prob- ably the scarcest and most valuable English translation on California ' extant. The first copy to turn up at auction and as far as we are able to trace the only copy outside the Bancroft and California State Libraries. 239. FILCHER (J. A.). Untold Tales of California. Short Stories Illustrating Phases of Life Peculiar to Early Days in the West. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. N. p., 1903 Privately printed, scarce. 240. FISKE (JOHN). The Discovery of America. With some Account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest. Portrait. 2 vols. 12rao, cloth. Boston, 1892 First Edition. 241. FITCH (COL. HENRY S.). Pacific Coast Annual Mining Review and Stock Ledger . . . the Principal Gold and Silver Mines of Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Idaho. 8vo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1878 242. FRANCHERE (GABRIEL). Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America in the year 1811, 12, 13, and 14, or the First American Settlement on the Pacific. Translated and Edited by J. V. Huntington, Woodcut illustrations. 12mo, cloth (cover faded). ,_ New York, 1854 29 243. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. General Orders of 1757. ;7"^ Issued by the Earl of Loudon and Phineas Lyman in the Campaign Against the French. Facsimile. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Only 250 copies printed. New York, 1899 244. GARNETT (PORTER). The Bohemian Jinks. A Treatise. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1908 Inscribed: "To Gen'l. Lucius E. Foote with the compliments and Homage of the author, Porter Garnett." 245. GENEALOGY. Sargent (Aaron). Genealogy of the Sarge[a]nt Family, descendants of William, of Maiden, Mass. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1858 246. Elderkin (Dyer White). Genealogy of the Elderkin Family with Intermarriages. Portrait, 8vo, cloth. [Pittsburgh, 1888] 247. Foster (C. W.) and Green (J. J.). History of the Wilmer Family, together with some account of its Descendants. Folding tables. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Leeds, 1888 Privately printed. 248. Phelps. Genealogy and a short Historical Narrative of one branch of the Family of George Phelps, since the Founding of the Family in America by William and George Phelps in 1630. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. San Fr3,ncisco, 1897 One of 200 copies printed for private circulation. With presentation inscription by Alanson Hosmer Phelps. 249. The King Family of Suffield, Connecticut, its English Ancestry A. D. 1389-1662 and American Descendants A. D. 1662- 1908 ; also Appendices containing information concerning some of [^•^ its Maternal Ancestors. Portraits and illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt top. San Francisco, 1908 Scarce. Practically all of this edition were destroyed by fire. 250. Richards Genealogy (Morse), Boston, 1861; Winslow Memorial (Holton), Vol. 1 only, N. Y. 1877; Helen Eliza Gar- rison. Cambridge, 1876. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 251. GEORGE (HENRY). Progress and Poverty. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1879 The Original Edition of this notable work of which only 200 copies were printed. 252. GILDERSLEEVE (CHARLES H.). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of New Mexico, from January Term, 1852, to January Term, 1879, inclusive. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1881 J^ 253. GILHAM (WILLIAM). Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. By William Gil- ham. 12mo, original cloth. Richmond, Va., 1861 80 ir 254. GLEESON (WILLIAM). History of the Catholic Church in California. Plates^ maps, and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. San Francisco : Printed for the Author, 1872-71 Extremely Eare and of great historical value. Almost the entire edition was destroyed by fire while in the bindery, hardly twenty sets escaping destruction. 255. GOODYEAR (W. A.). The Coal Mines of the Western Coast of the United States. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1877 256. GOOLD (WILLIAM). Portland in the Past with His- torical Notes of Old Falmouth. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Portland, Me., 1886 257. GORLEY (H. A.). Selections from the Numerous Letters ^2^ and Patriotic Speeches of my Husband. 12mo, cloth. "^^ San Francisco, 1876 Privately Printed and very rare. The selections are from speeches treat- ing of California, Oregon, Whitman's Massacre, Hudson Bay Company, etc. Inscribed by the author: "To my Young friend Edward A. Theller, Compliments of H. A. Gorley. * ' 258. GRAY (W. H.). A History of Oregon, 1792-1849. Drawn l^ from Personal Observation and Authentic Information. Frontis- X^t^,^ piece. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1870 /?^^ Published by the author for subscribers. v.-^/>y-Utv 259. GUINN (J. M.). History of the State of California and *^' Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California. Numerous por- traits. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 1904 260. A History of California and an Extended History of Its Southern Coast Counties. Illustrated with many fine engraved portraits. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Los Angeles, 1907 261. History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Oakland and Environs. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt edges. Los Angeles [1907] 262. GUNN (DOUGLAS). Picturesque San Diego, with His- torical and Descriptive Notes. Illustrated with 72 full-page photo- gravure plates. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 1887 Very scarce. 263. HAGGIN (JAMES B.). Catalogue of Thoroughbreds, Stallions and Brood Mares at Rancho Del Paso. Property of James B. Haggin. 8vo, full leather. N. p. [1903] One of only 50 copies printed. ) 264. HALL (DAVID B.). The Halls of New England. Gene- alogical and Biographical. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1883 265. HALL (EDWARD H.). The Great West: Railroad, * Steamboat, and Stage Guide and Hand-Book, Travellers, Miners, and Emigrants to the Western, Northwestern, and Pacific States and Territories. Folding map. 12mo, original pictorial wrappers (some corners stained). New York [1866] Scarce. 31 266. HALL (FREDERIC). History of San Jose and surround- ings, with Biographical sketches of Early Settlers. Map and 4 lithograph views. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1871 The author was an old San Jose pioneer and his reminiscenes are from personal contact with the early settlers. Bancroft in his histories pays high tribute to Hall as an accurate writer. 267. HALL (JAMES). Legends of the West: Sketches illus- trative of the Habits, Occupations, Privations, Adventures and Sports of the Pioneers of the West. 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1885 \ 268. H ALLEY (WILLIAM). The Centennial Year Book of Alameda County, California, containing a Summary of the Dis- covery and Settlement of California. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Oakland, Cal., 1876 269. HAMILTON (LEONID AS). Border States of Mexico: Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango. Large folding map. 8vo, original cloth (small hole in back). San Francisco, 188^ ^ 270. HAMON (E.). Les Canadiens-Francais de la Nouvelle- Angleterre. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (rebacked). Quebec, 1891 271. HANSON (J. W.). History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, with a sketch of the Kennebec Indians, & New Plymouth Purchase. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Gardiner, 1852 272. HARLAN (JACOB WRIGHT). California '46 to '88. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1888 The author came to California in 1846 as a member of the Boggs- Moran Party. He gives a long and lively account of the trip across the plains and life in the mines. 273. HART (FRED H.). The Sazerac Lying Club. A Nevada Book. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1878 First Edition. 274. [HARTE (BRET).] The Atlantic Monthly. October, 1863. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1863 Contains * * The Legend of Monte Diable, * * the first published writing of Bret Harte. T^ -*" /'^ ^^^* [ ]• C)utcroppings : Being Selections of California Verse. * ' ^ Square 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1866 First Edition. Fine copy. ((d>. <^-^ -^ Labors of a Pioneer of the Pacific Coast since 1853. Portrait. 12mo, ^ ^ cloth. San Jose, 1911 Privately Printed. 312. HINMAN (R. R.). Letters from the English Kings and Queens Charles II, James II, William and Mary, Anne, George II, &c. To the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, together with the answers thereto, from 1635 to 1749. Portrait and facsimiles, 12mo, original cloth (hinge weak). Hartford, 1836 -— - 313. HINTON (RICHARD J.). The Hand-Book to Arizona: / . (/t> ^^its Resources, History, Towns, Mines, Ruins and Scenery. Maps / '• "^^^ anad illustrations. 12mo, cloth (cover stained). New York, 1878 314. HITTELL (JOHN S.). A History of the City of San Francisco and incidentally of the State of California. 8vo, cloth. First Edition. Fine copy. San Francisco, 1878 315. HITTELL (THEODORE H.). The Adventures of James Capen Adams, Mountaineer and Grizzly Bear Hunter, of Cali- fornia. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, original cloth. Fiest Edition. Fine copy. San Francisco, 1860 316. The General Laws of the State of California from 1850-1864. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half sheep (name on titles). San Francisco, 1865 317. HOB ART (BENJAMIN). History of the Town of Abing- ton, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1866 > 95 ^Oj 318. HODGE (ORLANDO J.). Hodge Genealogy from the First of the Name in this Country to the Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1900 319. HOFFMAN (OGDEN). Reports of Land Cases deter- mined in the United States District Court for the Northern Dis- trict of California. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1862 Very Eare. Vol 1 (all published). A complete review and history of all the famous land decisions from 1853 to 1859. 320. HOLLISTER (H.). History of the Lackawanna Valley. Illustrated. Large 8vo, cloth (water-stained). Philadelphia, 1885 321. HOLLO WAY (J. N.). History of Kansas: from the First Exploration of the Mississippi Valley, to its Admission into the Union. Illustrated. FmsT Edition. Large 8vo, cloth. Lafayette, Ind., 1863 322. HOOK (R. and G. D.). Through Dust and Foam; or Travels, Sight-seeing and Adventure by Land and Sea in the Far West and Far East. Illustrated with over 200 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1876 323. HOTALING (RICHARD M.). The Twilight of the Kings. A Masque of Democracy. Music by Wallace A. Sabin. 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut. San Francisco, 1918 First Edition. The Sixteenth Grove Play, Bohemian Club. 324. HOTTEN (JOHN CAMDEN, Editor). The Original Lists of Persons of Quality . . . who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations. 1600-1700. Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1880 325. HOWELL (GEO. ROGERS). The Early History of Southampton, L. L, New York, with Genealogies. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. New York, 1866 326. HUBBARD (WILLIAM). A Narrative of the Indiau Wars in New England, from the first Planting thereof in the Year 1607 to the Year 1677. 12mo, boards, calf back. Norwich [1777] 327. HUDSON (CHARLES). History of the Town of Marl- borough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its First Settle- ment in 1657 to 1861, etc. Portraits and illustrations. Large 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1862 328. HUDSON (WILLIAM HENRY). Idle Hours in a Li- brary. 12mo, cloth, uncut. San Francisco [1897] First Edition. 329. HUGHES (ELIZABETH). The California of the Padres; or, Footprints of Ancient Communsom. 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1875 330. HUNT (T. DV/IGHT). The Past and Present of the Sandwich Islands ; being a Series of Lectures to the First Congro- gational Church, San Francisco. 16mo, original cloth. Very scarce. San Francisco, 1853 ^^ 331. HUNTER (COLONEL GEORGE). Keminiscences of an ^5^ Old Timer. A recital of the actual Events, Incidents, Trials, Hard- '^ ships. Vicissitudes, Adventures, Perils of a Pioneer, Hunter, Miner and Scout of the Pacific Northwest. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1887 One of the scarcest of the modern narratives and the first copy to turn up at auction in recent years. 332. HUNTINGTON (WILLARD V.). Oneonta Memories and Sundry Personal Recollections of the Author. Portrait. 12mo, full morocco. San Francisco, 1891 -| 333. HUTCHINGS (J. M.). Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity J in California. A Tourist's Guide to the Yo-Semite Valley. Illus- trated with over one hundred engravings. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. and San Francisco, 1870 334. HUTCHINSON (I. R.). Reminiscences, Sketches and Ad- dresses selected from my papers during a Ministry for Forty-five Years in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. 12mo, cloth. Houston, Texas, 1874 335. HUTCHINSON (JOSHUA). A Brief Narrative of the Hutchinson Family. Sixteen Sons and Daughters of the "Tribe of Jesse." 12mo, original wrappers (stained). Boston, 1874 336. IDE (WILLIAM B.). A Biographical Sketch of the Life |/ ^ %of William B. Ide : with a Minute and Interesting Account of one r-^' ;of the Largest Emigrating Companies (3000 miles over land), ^ from the East to the Pacific Coast ; and what is claimed as the most authentic and reliable account of "The Virtual Conquest of Cali- fornia, in June, 1846, by the Bear Flag Party," as given by its Leader. 12mo, cloth. N. p. : Published for the Subscribers [1880] Fine copy of a desirable item. This work was set in type by Simeon Ide when in his 86th year. Having apparently been issued amid difficulties, only a small number was printed and the work is scarce. 337. INDIANS. Western Scenes and Reminiscences: together with thrilling Legends and Traditions of the Red-Men of the Forest. To which is added several narratives of Adventures among the Indians. 5 plates. 8vo, cloth (slightly worn). Auburn, 1853 / 37 )i SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER NINTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK SECOND SESSION LOTS 338-675 338. INMAN (HENRY) and CODY (WILLIAM). The Great Salt Lake Trial. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1898 PiEST Edition. A book now becoming quite scarce. 339. IOWA. Illustrated Centennial Sketches, Map and Direc- tory of Union County, Iowa. Portraits, maps and views. 4to, half leather. Creston, Iowa, 1876 340. Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Union Counties, Iowa. Portraits. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 1887 341. IRVINE (LEIGH H.). A History of the New California. Its Resources and People. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1905 342. IRVING (THEODORE). The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando De Soto. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1851 FmsT Edition. 343. IRWIN (WALLACE). The Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum. Introduction by Gelett Burgess. 12mo, limp cloth. First Edition. San Francisco, [1901] 344. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr. Translated from the original Bornese into English Verse by Wallace Irwin. Illus- trated. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. San Francisco, [1902] FiasT Edition. 345. JACKSON (C. T.). Second Annual Report on the Geology of the Public Lands, belonging to the two states of Maine and Massachusetts. Illustrated. 12mo, original wrappers. Augusta, 1838 346. JACKSON, CALIFORNIA. Murder of M. V. B. Griswold, by Five Chinese Assassins; together with the Life of Griswold, and the statements of Fou Sin, Chou Yee and Coon You, Con- 88 [number 350] victed and Sentenced to be Hung at Jackson, April 16, 1858. Woodcut portraits. 8vo, original printed wrappers. Jackson, 1858 Of the greatest rarity. Probably the earliest issue of the press in Jackson. Griswold was a prominent pioneer and miner at Jackson, Cal- ifornia, and related to President Martin Van Buren. He came to Oregon overland by ox -team in 1848 and from there to California in 1849. A good portion of the above pamphlet is devoted to his journey and ad- ventures, describing life in Oregon mining, trouble with Mormons, etc. Apparently no copy has ever appeared for sale before. 347. JACOB (J. G.). The Life and Times of Patrick Gass, now Sole Survivor of the Overland Expedition to the Pacific under Lewis and Clark, in 1804-5-16. Illustrated. 12mo, original cloth (front cover faded). Wellsburg, Va., 1859 Inserted is a specimen of the autograph of Patrick Gass, with a letter from the publishers concerning it. 348. JAMES (G. WHARTON). Old Missions and Mission In- dians of California. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Los Angeles, 1895 349. JENKINS (CHARLES W.). Three Lectures on the Early History of the Town of Falmouth covering the time from Its Set- tlement to 1812. 12mo, cloth. Falmouth, Mass., 1889 MASSIVE HISTORIC JEWEL CASKET MADE OF CALIFORNIA GOLD 350. JEWEL CASKET. Rectangular with moulded top and base; resting on four feet formed of four miniature female figures, allegorical of California. The top pilasters and mouldings are of beautifully veined gold-bearing moss agate of delicate tones of gray, cream, pink and blue, highly polished and wrought in mosaics with gold outline. The sides are paneled with ovals of gray and cream agate bearing rich veinings of gold. The interior of the top is recessed and enriched in full relief mth scenes typical of the early days of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads — mounted Indians, herds of buffalo, a train of cars, etc. Some of the figures are fashioned of lumps of pure gold, while a part of the scene is engraved on the inner lining of the cover. The box was made by A. Andrews, a goldsmith of San Francisco, and is signed. Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches. An exceedingly interesting and valuable historic souvenir prom THE mines of California, made of fine gold and carefully selected speci- mens of rich gold-bearing moss agate from the most famous mines of the state, and decorated in celebration of the opening of the first railroad ACROSS THE CONTINENT TO THE PACIFIC COAST. The goldsmiths of San Francisco were frequently called upon to make small souvenir trinkets of various sorts from nuggets brought from the diggings, but objects of such extraordinary weight and value and displaying such difficult and intri- cate workmanship, were seldom contemplated. The Casket here described was made specially, and without regard to cost, for one of the wealthiest of the Western mining men of his day, and is perhaps one of the most important examples in existence of the early goldsmiths' work of the Pacific Coast. The decoration which is intensely American in character, shows an early railroad train crossing the plains, with mounted Indians, herds of fleeing Buffalo, etc., and is reminiscent of one of the most ro- mantic periods of the history of the West. 39 There are many great collections of objects of old wrought silver in private hands in various parts of the world, but gold has always been of the highest degree of rarity. Mr. E. Alfred Jones, quite contrary, no doubt, to popular belief, by actual count enumerates only thirty-eight pieces, up to 1829, at present existing in all England, and this includes the famous Eoyal Collection at Windsor, where only three pieces are to be found. [see illustration] 351. JONES (JUDGE T. E.). Leaves from an Argonaut's Note Book. A Collection of Holiday and other Stories illustrative of the brighter side of Mining Life in Pioneer Days. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1905 Scarce. Almost the entire edition was destroyed by fire shortly after publication. 352. JONES (WILLIAM CAREY). Land Titles in California. Argument before the Commission on Private Land Claims in Cali- fornia in the Case of Cruz Cervantes Claiming the Rancho of Rosa Morada. Delivered on Friday and Saturday, 4th and 5th June, 1852. 8vo, boards (rebacked). San Francisco, 1852 Excessively Eare. The first copy to appear at auction. 353. KEELER (CHARLES). San Francisco and Thereabout. Plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. San Francisco, 1902 Contains many fine pictures of buildings of San Francisco, since de- stroyed by fire and earthquake. 354. KELLOGG (ALLYN S.). Memorials of Elder John White, one of the First Settlers of Hartford, Conn., and of his Descendants. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1860 355. ELSEKY (R. W.). The United States Consulate in Cali- fornia. 8vo, cloth. Berkeley, 1910 Historical and Biographical events in early California. 356. KENTUCKY. Bishop (Robert H.). An Outline of the His- tory of the Church in the State of Kentucky, during a period of forty years: containing the Memoirs of Rev. David Rice. 12mo, original calf (name on title). Lexington, 1824 357. KING (CLARENCE), vada. 8vo, original cloth. First Edition. Mountaineering in the Sierra Ne- Boston, 1872 358. KING (JOS. L.). History of the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. San Francisco, 1910 Privately printed. The author was the son of James King of William. A valuable record of the early Stock Exchange excitements of San Fran- cisco. Scarce. 359. KIP (LAWRENCE). Army Life on the Pacific; A Jour- nal of the Expedition Against the Northern Indians, the tribes of the Coeur d'Alenes, Spokans, and Pelouzes, in the Summer of 1858. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1859 First Edition. A fine clean copy. 40 360. [KIP (LEONARD).] The Volcano Diggings; A Tale of California Law. 12mo, wrappers (back cover missing). First Edition. New York, 1851 361. [KIP (V/ILLIAM INGRAHAM).] The Olden Time in New York. By a Member of the New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Society. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York, 1872 Presentation copy from the author. 362. The Early Jesuit Missions in North America. Map. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1873 363. The Early Days of my Episcopate. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1892 Bishop Kip arrived in San Francisco in 1853 and left in 1860. tains much valuable material of that period. Con- 364. KIRCHOFF (THEODOR). Eine Reise nach Hawaii. Portrait and map. 8vo, boards, uncut. Altona, 1890 365. KNIGHT (WM. H.). Hand-Book Almanac for the Pacific States: an Official Register and Year-Book of Facts for the year 1862. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1862 366. LAND WE LOVE. A Monthly Magazine devoted to Lit- erature, Military History, and Agriculture. Vol. 1, May to Oc- tober. 8vo, full red morocco. Charlotte, N. C, 1866 A scarce Southern periodical, the greater part devoted to the Civil War. 367. LAMON (WARD H.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln; from his Birth to his Inauguration as President. Portraits. 8vo, cloth (some pages loose). Boston, 1872 368. LANGFORD (NATHANIEL PITT). Diary of the Washburn Expedition to the Yellowstone and Firehole Rivers in the year 1870. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. p., [19t)5] Privately printed. Presentation copy from the author. 369. LARK (THE). Edited by Gelett Burgess. Profusely illus- trated. The original 25 numbers, including the "Epilark," bound in 2 vols. 12mo, printed cloth covers, uncut. San Francisco, 1895-97 A fine copy of this rare publication. Contains the "Epilark,'' which is frequently missing. 370. LATHAM (MILTON S.). Speech on the Pacific Rail Road delivered in the Senate of the U. S. June 12, 1862, also De- bate on the Steamship Line from California to China. 8vo, sewn. Baltimore, 1862 371. [LE CONTE (JOSEPH).] A Journal of Ramblings through the High Sierras of California by the "University Ex- cursion Party." Illustrated with photographs. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1875 Very Eare. Cowan states that only twenty copies were printed. 41 372. Autobiography. Edited by William Dallam Armes. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Berkeley Edition, one of 500 copies. New York, 1903 373. LEECH (SAMUEL). Thirty Years from Home, or a Voice from the Main Deck. Being the Experiences of Samuel Leech. Woodcuts. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1844 A scarce narrative in the British and American navies. 374. LEES (I. W.). Full and Complete Statement of the For- geries and Frauds of H. S. Tibbey. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1879 375. LEIGHTON (CAROLINE C). Life at Puget Sound with ^ Sketches of Travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon, and California. 1865-1881. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1884 Inscribed by the author. 376. LELAND (CHARLES G.). The Algonquin Legends of New England, or, Myths and Folk Lore of the Micmas, Passama- quoddy, and Penobscot Tribes. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. Scarce. Boston, 1884 377. LENOX (EDWARD HENRY). Overland to Oregon in the Tracks of Lewis and Clarke. History of the First Emigration to Oregon in 1843. Edited by Robert Whitaker. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Oakland, 1904 The author crossed the plains in 1843 with Burnett, Whitman, and others. A complete list of the emigrants is given at the end. Limited edition, autograph copy. 378. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Nunes (Joseph A.). Day Dreams. 12mo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1863 First Edition. Contains a poem on Lincoln. 379. Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant: their Char- acter and Constitution Scientifically Explained, with Engravings. 2 portraits. 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1864 A rare and unknown Lincoln item. 380. Sermons preached in Boston on the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1865 381. Carmichael (Sarah E.). Poems. A brief selection pub- lished by permission of the Authoress, for Private Circulation. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1866 FmsT Edition. Contains a fine poem on Lincoln. 382. Centennial Oration, delivered at Niles, Michigan, July 4th, 1876. 12mo, original wrappers. Niles, 1876 Presentation copy from the author. Contains reference to Lincoln. 383. The Engineer Corps of Hell; or, Rome's Sappers and Miners. Compiled and Translated by Edwin A. Sherman. 12mo, cloth. [San Francisco, 1883] Or EXCESSIVE EAEITY. Sold by private subscription only, and under stipulated conditions. The Second part of the book deals with the assass- ination of Lincoln. 42 384. [ ] Richards (Mrs. Susan). Poetry. Wayside Thoughts, a Collection of Poems on Various Subjects, etc. 12mo, cloth. Oakland, [1883] PniST Edition. Privately printed, scarce. Contains a fine poem * * Fare- well to Lincoln." 385. Maltby (Charles). The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth. Stockton, Cal., 1884 386. An Address Delivered before the Springfield Wash- ingtonian Temperance Society. 8vo, wrappers. Springfield, 1889 387. The Sylvan Cabin. A Centenary Ode on the Birth of Lincoln. By Edward Smythe Jones. Portraits. 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1915 388. Defence of the National Democracy (Benjamin), I860; Address to the Democracy and the People of the United States. Wash., I860; another copy. Together 3 pamphlets, 8vo, sewn. 389. Proceedings of the Great Mass Meeting in Favor of the Union. San Francisco, 1861; Address by A. B. Hunt on the Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln. Alameda, 1899. 2 pam- phlets, 8vo, sewn and wrapprs. 390. LINCOLN, RECONSTRUCTION, ETC. A Political Text-Book for 1860 (Greeley and Cleveland), N. Y. I860; Speech of Senator Morton, of Indiana, on Reconstruction. San Francisco, 1868; ''Northern Radicals and Southern Radicals." Speech of Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts. [Wash.] 1868; Nationality in Reconstruction. Speech of Charles D. Drake, of Missouri. Wash. 1868; and others. Together 38 pieces, bound in 1 vol. 8vo, half leather. A scarce and interesting collection. 391. LINEN (JAMES). The Golden Gate. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1869 Contains some splendid specimens of Early California Wood-engraving. 392. LONDON (JACK). The Road. 1907; The Valley of the Moon. 1913; Before Adam. 1907; John Barleycorn. 1913; Moon- Face. 1906; The Faith of Men. 1904; Theft. 1910; The Kempton Wace Letters, 1903; White Fang, 1906; The Abysmal Brute, 1913; When God Laughs. 1911. Together 11 vols. 8vo, cloth. All First Editions. 393. LOS ANGELES. An Historical Sketch of Los Angeles County, California. From the Spanish occupancy, by the Found- ing of the Mission San Gabriel Archangel, September 8, 1771, to July 4, 1876. 8vo, wrappers. Los Angeles, 1876 Very Scarce. 43 394. LOUISIANA. (Bell, A. W.). The State Register: compris- ing an Historical and Statistical Account of Louisiana, from its Earliest Settlement as a Territory down to its present period as a State. 8vo, cloth. Baton Rouge, 1855 395. LOWELL (DELMAR R.). The Historic Genealogy of the Lowells of America from 1639 to 1899. Numerous portraits. Thick 8vo, full morocco. Rutland, Vt., 1899 396. LYNCH (JEREMIAH). A Senator of the Fifties. David C. Broderick of California. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1911 The famous ' * Fighting Senator, ' ' killed by Terry in a duel. 397. M'CLUNG (JOHN A.). Sketches of Western Adventure containing an account of the most interesting incidents connected with the Settlement of the West from 1755 to 1794. Woodcut illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Dayton, 0., 1854 398. MACDONALD (DAVID F.). The Moral Law: A series of Practical Sermons on the Decalogue, or The Ten Command- ments; preached in Emanuel Church, Coloma, California. 8vo, half roan. Sacramento, 1858 An early California Divine, who preached to the Miners at Coloma, where Gold was first discovered. His preaching did more to curb the riotous Miners than any other factor. 399. MCGLASHAN (C. F.). History of the Donner Party. A \y^ Tragedy of the Sierras. 8vo, original cloth. Truckee, Cal., [1879] The Bare First Edition. 400. MACLAY (EDGAR STANTON). A History of Ameri- can Privateers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. First Edition. New York, 1899 401. MACY (SILVANUS J.). Genealogy of the Macy Family from 1635-1868. Portraits and facsimiles. Small 4to, half calf. Presentation copy from the compiler. Albany, 1868 402. MAGEE (THOMAS). The Alphabet and Language, Im- partiality of the Big Trees, Wealth and Poverty of the Chicago Exposition. Three Essays. 12mo, fuU roan. San Francisco, 1895 Very scarce and the only work on the Big Trees of California. / 403. MANLY (WILLIAM LEWIS). Death Valley in '49. Y Important Chapter of California Pioneer History. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. San Jose, Cal., 1894 The entire volume is devoted to the author's account of his adventures during twelve months crossing the plains. 404. MARCY (R. B.). Thirty Years of Army Life on the Bor- ^ der. Comprising descriptions of the Indian Nomads of the Plains ; Explorations of New Territory; A Trip across the Rocky Moun- tains in the Winter, etc. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1866 FmsT Edition. Fine copy of this scarce work. Treats largely of the Comanches. 44 405. MARSDEN (JOSHUA). The Narrative of a Mission to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somers Islands, with a Tour to Lake Ontario. Portrait. 12mo, cloth (worn). London, 1827 406. MASSACHUSETTS. Roads (Samuel). The History and Traditions of Marblehead. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 407. Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration of the In- corporation of the Town of Longmeadow, October 17th, 1883, with numerous Historical Appendices and a Town Genealogy. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. [Longmeadow] 1884 408. MATHEWS (AMANDA). The Hieroglyphics of Love. ^ ^ Stories of Sonoratown and Old Mexico. Illustrated. 12mo, boards, '' uncut. Los Angeles, 1906 Limited Edition. Signed by the author. The old part of Los Angeles was called Sonoratown, and this volume deals with the early history of Los Angeles before the Spanish occupation. Scarce. 409. MAXWELL (WILLIAM AUDLEY). Crossing the Plains. Days of '57. A Narrative of Early Emigrant Travel to California by the Ox Team Method. Illustrated. 12mo, wrappers. [San Francisco, 1915] A personal narrative of great interest. Privately printed and now scarce. 410. MAY (LILLIAN) and GARDNER (CHARLES M.). Gardner History and Genealogy. Large 8vo, full roan. [Erie, Pa., 1907] 411. MAY (SAMUEL P.). The Descendants of Richard Sares (Sears) of Yarmouth, Mass., 1638-1888. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1890 412. MEEKER (EZRA). Ventures and Adventures ... or ^^^^^^.^ Sixty Years of Frontier Life. The Oregon Trail. Portrait and il- lustrations. 12mo, cloth. Seattle [1909] Scarce. 413. Personal Experiences on the Oregon Trail Sixty Years l^^^ Ago. Illustrated, portrait on cover. 12mo, wrappers (no title- page). Seattle, 1912 414. MELVILLE (HERMAN). Mardi: and a Voyage Thither. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth (covers soiled). New York, 1849 First Edition. 415. Redburn : His First Voyage. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. New York, 1849 • 416. White- Jacket ; or the World in a Man-of-War. 12mo, original cloth. New York [1850] First Edition. 45 y 417. Pierre; or, the Ambiguities. 12mo, cloth. FmsT Edition. New York, 1852 418. MENEFEE (C. A.). Historical and Descriptive Sketch Book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Napa City, 1873 Very rare. The first Local work of its kind printed in California, all the illustrations being made by California Artists. The Indian Tribes of Napa; Mines in the old days, personal reminiscences, etc., makes this an item much sought for. 419. METHODIST CONFERENCES. Minutes of the Meth- odist Conferences, annually held in America; from 1773 to 1813, inclusive. Vol. I only. Thick 12mo, old calf (joints repaired). Bare. New York, 1813 420. MICHAELIUS (JONAS). Manhattan in 1628 as described in the recently discovered Autograph Letter of Jonas Michaelius written from the Settlement on the 8th of August of that year and now first published. With a Review of the Letter and an Historical Sketch of New Netherland to 1628 by Dingman Versteeg. Illits- trated with facsimiles. 4to, boards, uncut. New York, 1904 Only 175 copies printed on Holland paper. 421. MIGHELS (HENRY R.). Sage Brush Leaves. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1879 The author was a politician and writer of Nevada during the Mining- boom days. 422. MILLER (JOAQUIN). Songs of Italy. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1878 First Edition. 423. My Own Story. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Chicago, 1890 First Edition. 424. War Poems 1898. Compiled by the California Club. With illustrations. 8vo, pictorial boards. San Francisco, 1898 Contains original contributions by Joaquin Miller. 425. The Building of the City Beautiful. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Trenton, 1905 Inscribed by the author: "Yours Joaquin Miller, Fruit Vale, Cal." 426. MINNESOTA. Case (C. F.). History and Description of Lyon County, Minnesota. Including a Farm and Business Direc- tory. 8vo, cloth. Marshall, 1884 Contains descriptions of early Indian massacres. Pioneer narratives from eye-witnesses of the stirring days of early Minnesota. A very scarce Western item. 46 427. MODERN AUTHORS. An Outcast of the Islands (Con- rad), N. Y. 1896; A Modem Aladdin (Pyle), N. Y. 1892; Portraits and Places (James), Boston, 1884; Can Such Things Be? (Bierce), (imperfect), N. Y., n. d. Together 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. The last contains a presentation inscription at the end. FF^ 428. MONTEREY. The Hand Book to Monterey and Vicinity: Containing a Brief Resume of the History of Monterey since its Discovery. 16mo, original wrappers (cover stained). Monterey, 1875 A very rare and interesting item. Not in Cowan or any of the large collections. ^ 429. MORMONS. Smith (Joseph). The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Third Edition. Small 12mo, original sheep. Nauvoo, 111. : Printed by John Taylor, 1845 Pine clean copy. Scarce. 430. [Richards (Robert).] The California Crusoe; or, the Lost Treasure Found. A Tale of Mormonism. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. London, 1854 The author and his family left England in 1841 with a party of newly converted Mormons bound for Nauvoo. The ship was sunk in a collision with an iceberg and all perished with the exception of seventeen people, among them Eichards and his family. The narrative describes his flight from the Mormon church, his life in California, gold discovery, etc. Scarce, not mentioned in Cowan. 431. Smith (Joseph). The Book of Mormon: an Account by the Hand of Mormon, upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi. 12mo, original stamped leather. Liverpool, 1854 Inserted is a letter signed by Brigham Young, 2 pp. 8vo, addressed to E. O. Crosby, dated Feb. 4, 1870, Salt Lake City, U. T., concerning the Book of Mormon and other Mormon publications. 432. Brigham 's Destroying Angel: being the Life, Con- ^^ fession, and Startling Disclosures of the Notorious Bill Hickman, -J^/ a the Danite Chief of Utah. Written by himself, with explanatory ^'^^^^tu^yJT^ notes by J. H. Beadle, Esq. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, origi- ^*^ nal cloth. New York, 1872 /, ^^ ' Scarce. 433. Cregg (Thomas). The Prophet of Palmyra. Mor- monism . . . together with a complete History of the Mormon Era. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1890 434. MORTON (OREN F.). Annals of Bath County, Virginia. Map. 8vo, cloth. Staunton, Va., 1917 435. MOSES (BERNARD). The Railway Revolution in Mex- ico. 12mo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1895 A very scarce privately printed railroad item. 47 436. MOWRY (SYLVESTER). Arizona and Sonora: the Geography, History, and Resources of the Silver Region of North America. FronHspiece. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1864 437. MUIR (JOHN). Letters to a Friend. Written to Mrs. Ezra S. Carr. 1866-1879. 8vo, boards, uncut, unopened. Boston, 1915 First Edition. Limited to 300 copies. 438. MULLAN (CAPTAIN JOHN). Miners and Travelers' Guide to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. Via the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. Large foldirig map. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1865 First Edition. 439. MYER (MARTIN A.). Western Jewry. An account of the achievements of the Jews and Judaism in California. 8vo, full suede. San Francisco, 1915 Limited edition, published for Subscribers only. 440. NEAL (JOSEPH C). Charcoal Sketches; or. Scenes in a Metropolis. Illustrated hy David C. Johnston. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 441. NEVADA. Evans (R. M.). Official Map of Washoe and the Carson Valley. Two folding maps and folding traveller's guide. Original cloth covers, with printed label on side. San Francisco, circa 1860 Excessively Rare. Contains the location of claims by Parker H. Pierce, Recorder of Carson City. There is also a map of the Overland Route from Fort Leavenworth to the coast. The ** Guide" gives the distances from the principal cities to various points in the mining districts. 442. Journal of the Council of the First Legislative As- sembly of the Territory of Nevada. . . . Also: Journal of the House of Representatives of the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, half sheep. San Francisco, 1862 Or THE GREATEST RARITY. The report of the First Legislative Assem- bly OF Nevada. Owing to the scarcity of funds only one hundred copies were printed. The first copy to be sold at auction. 443. Colton's Topographical Map of the Silver Mines of Nevada. 4to folded to 12mo, in original cloth covers. New York, 1865 444. Map of the Mining Claims on the Comstock Lode in their Relative Position. Compiled from Actual Surveys on Record ... by Robt. H. Goodwin. Printed in color. Large folio, folded to 12mo, with original roan cover. San Francisco, 1874 Very rare. 445. History of Nevada. With Illustrations and Bio- graphical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Portraits and illustrations. Thick 4to, cloth morocco back. Oakland, Cal., 1881 48 446. Davis (Sam P.). The History of Nevada. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Reno, Nev., 1913 447. NEWCOMB (JOHN BEARSE). Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb Family containing records of nearly every person of the name in America from 1635 to 1874. Portraits. Svo, full mo- rocco, gilt edges (shaken). Elgin, 1874 448. NEW JERSEY LAND DEED. Document signed by John, Thomas, and Richard Penn. Large folio, vellum, dated Jan. 16, 1744. Deed of land in the Province of New Jersey to John Malcolm. 449. NICOLAY (C. G.). The Oregon Territory: a Geographical and Physical Account of that Country and its Inhabitants, with outlines of its history and discovery. Frontispiece. 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1846 450. NILES (HOSFORD B.). The Old Chimney Stacks of East Haddam, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1887 Inscribed in the author's hand: *' William Niles with the Compliments of the author, New Yorlc, Nov. 14, 1887." 451. NILES (JOHN M.) and PEASE (L. T.). History of South America and Mexico ... to which is annexed, a Geographi- cal and Historical View of Texas, with a detailed account of the Texian Revolution and "War. Frontispiece, portrait and maps. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, stamped roan. Hartford, 1844 452. NORRIS (FRANK). Moran of the Lady Letty. A Story of Adventure off the California Coast. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. New York, 1898 453. Blix. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1899 First Edition. 454. A Story of San Francisco. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. New York, 1899 455. The Pit. A Story of Chicago. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. New York, 1903 456. NORTON (COL. L. A.). Life and Adventures. Portrait. 12mo, original cloth. Oakland, Cal., 1887 A scarce and interesting privately printed narrative. The author was a ^^^^^^ veteran of the Mexican War. Came to California in the early days and ' ^"u participated in the stirring episodes of Hangtown and the mining excite- ments of the times. 457. NOTT (MANFORD ALLEN). Across the Plains in '54. A Story for Young People of Early Emigration to California. 8vo, wrappers. N. p., n. d. Privately printed. 49 458. OAKLAND. Articles of Association, Certificate of Incor- poration and Map, etc., etc., of the Johnson Homestead Association, Oakland, Alameda County, California. Folding map. 12mo, orig- inal wrappers. San Francisco, 1865 Scarce early Oakland land title pamphlet dealing with land now in the heart of the city. 459. Directory of Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley: To which is Added Bynon's Diamond History of California. Bynon and Sherman, Publishers. 32mo, original cloth. Oakland, 1877 A rare miniature directory. 460. Greater Oakland, 1911. A volume dealing with the big Metropolis on the Shores of San Francisco Bay. Portraits and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Oakland [1911] 461. O'CONNELL (DANIEL). Lyrics. 12mo, original cloth. First Edition. San Francisco, 1881 462. ODD FELLOWS. Proceedings of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of California, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, from its Organization, May 17, 1853, to May 7, 1859, inclusive. 8vo, sheep. San Francisco, 1859 Early California Odd Fellowship history. 463. OJIBWA HYMNS. Ojibwa Nugumoshang. 12mo, cloth (stained). New York, n. d. 464. OJIBWA NEW TESTAMENT. lu Otoshki-kikindiuin au Kitogimaminan Gaie Bemajiinung Jesus Krist ; ima jibue Ineuin- ing Giizhitong. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; Translated into the Language of the Ojibwa Indians. 12mo, original calf. New York, 1844 Very Rare. Original edition. 465. OLMSTED (FREDERICK LAW). A Journey in the Sea- board Slave States, with Remarks on their Economy. 12mo, cloth. First Edition. New York, 1856 466. O'MERA (JAMES). Broderick and Gwin. ... A brief History of Early Politics in California . . . and an Unbiased Ac- count of the Fatal Duel between Broderick and Judge Terry. 16mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1881 Scarce. 467. OREGON. Rush (Richard). Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London, comprising incidents Official and Personal from 1819 to 1825. Including negotiations on the Oregon Question, and other unsettled questions between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1845 468. Allen (A. J.). Ten Years in Oregon. Travels and Adventures of Doctor E. White and Lady west of the Rocky Moun- tains. 8vo, original cloth. Ithaca, N. Y., 1848 ^ The Eare First Edition, with the thirty pages of ** Adventures in ^ * Crossing the California Mountains" which is missing in most copies. / 469. Anderson, (Alexander C). Hand-book and Map to the Gold Region of Frazer's and Thompson's Rivers, with Tables of Distances. Large folding map. 18mo, boards, roan back. San Francisco: J. J. Le Count [1858] Veey Eare. The author was Chief Trader in the Hudson Bay Com- pany's Service, and describes the routes to these Gold Eegions from Per- sonal and accurate knowledge. In the appendix is the Qiinook Jargon, the Language used by the different Indian Tribes, French, and Half- breeds in this locality. No separate title-page was issued with this work. Unknown to Sabin. 470. Hines (Rev. Gustavas). Oregon and its Institutions; comprising a Full History of the Willamette University, the First. Established on the Pacific Coast. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York [1868] 471. Habersham's Sectional and County Map of Oregon. Compiled from the most recent U. S. Government Maps & Surveys. Colored. Folded to 12mo, in original cloth covers. Eare. Portland, Ore., 1874 472. The Organic and other General Laws of Oregon: to- gether with the National Constitution, and other Public Acts and Statutes of the United States. 1843-1872. Royal 8vo, sheep. N. p., 1874 Scarce. 473. Mosaic Gleanings: A Souvenir for 1875. Edited by Mrs. R. Frazer. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1875 With an interesting account of travels in Oregon in the early days. 474. Craighead (J. G.). The Story of Marcus Whitman. Early Protestant Missions in the Northwest. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1895 475. Lewis & Dryden's Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. An illustrated review of the growth and development of the Maritime industry, from the advent of the Earliest Navi- gators to the present time, with sketches and portraits of a number of well known Marine men. With numerous portraits and illustra- tions. Folio, full brown morocco, gilt edges. Portland, 1895 Fine copy of a valuable marine item. 476. Dodge (Orvil). Pioneer History of Coos and Curry Counties, Or. Heroic Deeds and Thrilling Adventures of the Early Settlers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Salem, Oregon, 1898 477. Cole (George E.). Early Oregon. Jottings of Per- sonal Recollections of a Pioneer of 1850. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. A small edition privately printed. / N. p. [1905] 478. Denny (Arthur A.). Pioneer Days on Puget Sound. Edited by Alice Harriman. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, uncut. ^/ Limited edition. Scarce. Seattle, 1908 51 479. Duniway (Abigail Scott). Path Breaking. An Auto- biographical History of the Equal Suffrage Movement in Pacific Coast States. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Portland, 1914 Keplete with early reminiscences of Oregon. 480. Kennedy (G. W.). The Pioneer Campfire. In Four Parts. With the Emigrants of the Great Plains, With the Settlers in the Log Cabin Homes, With the Hunters and Miners, With the Preachers on the Trails, at Camp-meetings and in the Log Cabins. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Portland, Oregon, 1914 481. ORTON (GEN. RICHARD H.). Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867. 8vo, cloth. Sacramento, 1890 482. OVERLAND MONTHLY (THE). Devoted to the De- velopment of the Country. Vols. 1 to 15. 15 vols. 8vo, cloth, not uniform in color. San Francisco, 1868-75 An exceptionally fine set of the first 15 vols, of this very important and ' valuable Western magazine. The earlier volumes were edited by Bret I ' Harte and contain many original contributions by him, including some of his best poems and prose tales, many of which remain uncollected. In- cluded also are many original contributions by "Mark Twain," Charles Warren Stoddart, Joaquin Miller, and other noted Western writers of the time. Another phase of the work which is of great interest and historical value are the fine articles of the California pioneers, the mining excite- ment, Indians, etc. 483. OVERLAND RAILROAD. ''The Last Spike." A Paint- ing by Thomas Hill. Illustrating the Last Scene in Building of the Overland Railroad. With a History of the Enterprise. Folding plate. 12mo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1881 Scarce. 484. PAINE (THOMAS). Common Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America. A New Edition. Also: Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke 's Attack on the French Revolution. Second Edition. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, half calf. London, 1791 Eare Editions. Bookplate of George Banking. 485. Rights of Man. Part the Second. London, 1792; The Genuine Trial of Thomas Paine, for Libel contained in the second part of the Rights of Man. Taken in Short-hand by E. Hodgson. London, 1792; The Age of Reason; being an Investigation of true and Fabulous Theology. Paris, 1794; The Age of Reason. Part the Second. London, 1796 ; An Examination of the Age of Reason. By Gilbert Wakefield. London, 1794. Together 5 items bound in one vol. 8vo, half calf (broken). London, 1792-96 A collection of scarce editions, including the *'Age of Eeason" which is the rare First Edition of Paris, 1794. 486. PAMPHLETS. A collection of about 75 pamphlets, po- litical speeches, debates, orations, addresses, etc., published during the Lincoln campaign, Civil War and after. Bound in 3 vols. 8vo, half leather. V. p., v. d. A valuable lot. 52 487. PARKER (NATHAN H.). The Missouri Hand Book, em- bracing a full description of the State of Missouri. 12mo, original cloth. St. Louis, 1865 First Edition. 488. PARSONS (GEORGE FREDERIC). The Life and Ad- ventures of James W. Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in Cali- fornia. Woodcut frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Sacramento, 1870 Of great rarity. The first and best biography of Marshall published. 489. PATTEE (WILLIAM S.). A History of Old Braintree and Quincy, with a Sketch of Randolph and Holbrook. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half red morocco. Quincy, 1878 490. PEIRCE (EBENEZER W.). Civil, Military and Profes- sional Lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies . . . 1621- 1700. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 491. PELTON (JOHN COTTER). Life's Sunbeams and Shadows. Poems and Prose. With Appendix including Biographi- cal and Historical Notes in Prose. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. San Fra^ncisco, 1893 The author arrived in San Francisco in 1846 and opened the first Public School in that city. The appendix, consisting of 60 pages, gives the com- plete narrative of his trip to California and his pioneer operations in San Francisco. One of the scarcest of modern narratives." 492. PETERS (DEWITT). Kit Carson's Life and Adventures, from facts narrated by himself, embracing events in the life-time of America's greatest Hunter, Trapper, Scout and Guide. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1874 Fine copy. 493. PETROFF (PETER). Ante-Mortem Depositions of P. Petroff, veteran of the War for the Union. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1895 Privately printed. The author's experience during the Civil War and in California. 494. PHILLIPS (DAVID GRAHAM). Susan Lenox, Her FaU and Rise. Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1917 First Edition. 495. PIERCE (FREDERICK CLIFTON). Pierce Genealogy, being the Record of the Posterity of Capt. Michael, John and Capt. William Pierce. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1889 496. PIKE (ALBERT). Hymns to the Gods and Other Poems. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. N. p.. Privately Printed, n. d. Presentation copy from the author with an A. L. S. inserted. 497. PIKE (ZEBULON MONTGOMERY). Exploratory Travels through the Western Territory of North America: com- prising a Voyage from St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the Source 53 of that River, and a Journey through the Interior of Louisiana. Portrait and map. 4to, cloth, uncut. Denver, 1889 This issue is from the London edition of 1811. v/ .^f'K^4 THE FIRST CALIFORNIA MAGAZINE (A^ f,.^ ^ 498. PIONEER (THE) ; or, California Monthly Magazine. Edited by F. C. Ewer. Four vols, bound in two. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. San Francisco, 1854-55 • A complete set of this extremely rare First Magazine published in ^^ California. We are able to trace but two other complete sets, one in the California State and one in the Bancroft Library. This is the personal set of E. O. Crosby, the man who was mainly responsible for the framing of ^j. the Constitution of California in 1849-50, and contains his autograph ^^^0^ signature on both title-pages. **The Pioneer" ran for two years and I Q reached four volumes. It contains many interesting and important origi- I nal narratixes never reprinted elsewhere. 499. PORTER (BURTON B.). One of the People. His Own Story. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. N. p. [1907] Scarce. A personal narrative of the author's life in the gold diggings, , experiences in the Civil War, etc. Privately printed. 500. PORTER (LAVINIA HINEYMAN). By Ox Team to California. A Narrative of Crossing the Plains in 1860. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oakland, 1910 Privately printed and limited to 50 copies. Scarce. The first copy to j7 iA appear at auction. '\^ ^y 501. POSTON (CHARLES D.). Apache-Land. Portrait and X illustrations. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1878 502. POTTER (CHARLES EDWARD). Genealogies of the Potter Families and their Descendants in America to the Present Generation, with Historical and Biographical Sketches. Portraits. 4to, cloth. Boston, 1888 503. POWERS (REV. GRANT). Historical Sketches of the Discovery, Settlement, and Progress of Events in the Coos Country and Vicinity, Principally Included between the years 1754 and 1785. 12mo, half roan. HaverhiU, N. H., 1841 First Edition, Very Eare. 504. PRESCOTT (ANNE M.). Hawaii. 12mo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1891 First Edition. Privately printed and scarce. 505. PROSCH (THOMAS W.). The Conkling-Prosch Family, with some reference to the Dotter, Roe, Reynolds, Brooks, Maples, Elder, McCarver and other connections. 8vo, cloth. Seattle, 1909 506. PACIFIC RAILROAD. A defense against its Enemies, with Report of the Supervisors of Placer County, and Report of Mr. Montanya, made to the Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco. 8vo, wrappers. N. p., 1864 54 507. Fifteenth Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Railroad, to the Stockholders. 8vo, wrappers (back wrapper missing). St. Louis, 1865 508. A Memorial for a Private Charter asked for by Dr. Hartwell Carver and his Associates, to Build a Railroad from some point on the Mississippi or Missouri Rivers or from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean. 8 pp. 8vo, sewn. [Washington, 1849] Excessively Eare. 509. RAILROAD TO SAN FRANCISCO. Proceedings of the Friends of a Rail-road to San Francisco, at their Public Meeting .... in Boston, April 19, 1849. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1849 510. RANDOLPH (EDMUND). An OutHne of the History of California, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1849. 2 maps. 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1860 511. REDPATH (J.) and HINTON (R.). Hand Book to Kan- sas Territory and the Rocky Mountains ' Gold Region ; accompanied by reliable maps and a Preliminary Treatise on the Pre-Emption Laws of the United States. 2 large folding maps. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1859 The First Overland Guide to Pike 's Peak Gold Mine. Very Eare. 512. REICHEL (WILLIAM C). A History of the Rise, Prog- ress, and present Condition of the Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies, at Bethlehem, Pa., with a Catalogue of its Pupils. Illus- trated with fine engraved portraits and plates. Royal 8vo, fuU stamped morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1874 513. REMINGTON (FREDERIC). Men with the Bark On. Illustrated by the author. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1900 First Edition. 514. The Way of an Indian. Illustrated hy the author. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 19Q6 First Edition. , Vr^ 515. RHODE ISLAND. Mason (George Champlin). Annals of Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode Island. 1698-1821. Portraits and illustrations. First and Second Series. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Newport, 1890-94 516. Mason (George Champlin). Annals of the Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Newport, R. I. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Newport, 1891 517. RHODES (W. H.). Caxton's Book: A collection of Es- says, Poems, Tales, and Sketches. Edited by Daniel O'Connell. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1876 The writings of **Caxton" have become Western Classics. 65 <^-' rtf i^ / 518. RICHARDSON (LEO lOSIA), Eeddidit. 12mo, parchment, uncut. Presentation copy from the author. Carmina Anglica. Latine Sancti Francisci, 1899 519. RICHTHOFEN (FERDINAND BARON). The Corn- stock Lode : Its character and the probable mode of its continuance in depth. 8vo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1866 520. RIDPATH (J. C). Beyond the Sierras: A Tour of Sixty Days through the Valleys of California. 8vo, wrappers. Scarce. Indianapolis, 1888 521. RICKETSON (DANIEL). The History of New Bedford, Bristol County, Massachusetts . . . from their Settlement to the Present Time. 12mo, cloth. New Bedford, 1858 522. RIDDLE (JEFF C). The Indian History of the MododCL War and the Causes that Led to It. Illustrated. 8vo, wrappers. *"v^ ■ '1 , N. p. [1914] 523. RIDGE (JOHN R.). Poems. Portrait. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1868 First Edition. The author was a Cherokee Indian, famous California Pioneer and fighting editor. 524. ROBERTSON (GEORGE). Scrap Book on Law and Poli- tics, Men and Times. 8vo, cloth (front cover soiled). Lexington, Ky., 1855 525. ROCK (JAMES L.) and SMITH (W. L.). Southern and Western Texas Guide for 1878. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. St. Louis, 1878 526. ROGERS (ROBERT). Diary of the Siege of Detroit in the War with Pontiac. Also a Narrative of the Principal Events of the Siege, by Major Robert Rogers; a Plan for Conducting Indian Affairs, by Colonel Bradstreet ; and other Authentick Doc- uments, never before printed. Edited with Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Small 4to, half calf (name on title). Albany, 1860 No. IV of Munsell's Historical Series. 527. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). California Addresses. Portrait and plates. 12mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. First Edition. San Francisco, 1903 528. RUSSELL (WILLIAM S.). Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims. Map and plates. 12mo, cloth (back worn). Boston, 1846 529. SABINE (LORENZO). Notes on Duels and Duelling, Alphabetically arranged, with a Preliminary Historical Essay. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855 FmsT Edition. Bare. 530. SANDWICH ISLAND Notes. By A Haole. Illustrated. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1854 66 531. SAN FRANCISCO. Manual of the Corporation of the City of San Francisco, containing a Map of the City. Folding map. 8vo, original sheep. San Francisco, 1852 First Edition. Of excessive raeity and great historical value. Not mentioned in Cowan and the first copy to appear at auction. In addition to the map of the City, there is inserted a map of the Northern Portion of San Fran- cisco County. Compiled from surveys in 1852 by Clement Humphrey and published in 1853. This map is in itself of great value. 532. The Only Correct and Fully Complete Map of San Francisco. Compiled from the Original Map and the Recent Sur- veys, ... by Alex. Zakreski, 1853. Small folio, mounted (torn in folds) . San Francisco, 1853 The original map is mounted on a large folio sheet which contains ad- ditional and extended surveys drawn in, in red ink, showing presumably the area set aside for sale for the benefit of the San Francisco school fund. 533. Ordinances and Joint Resolutions of the City of San Francisco. 8vo, original sheep (worn, stained). San Francisco, 1854 Of great value to the student of San Francisco history. One hundred copies only were printed and the volume is now very scarce. 534. Report of Committee on Sales of Water Lot Property. 27 pp. 8vo, cloth. [San Francisco], 1854 Eare. Gives the location of lots, name of buyer, the date of purchase and the amount. 535. Colville's San Francisco Directory Volume I. foir the Year Commencing October, 1856 : Being a Gazetteer of the City . . . Prefaced by a History of San Francisco. By Samuel ColviUe. 8vo, original printed boards, rebacked with cloth. San Francisco, 1856 This is perhaps the scarcest of the early San Francisco directories, closely rivalling the very rare original of 1850. This is the first copy of- fered for sale at auction. 536. — — The San Francisco Directory for the year 1858: em- bracing a General Directory of Citizens, a Business Directory, and an Appendix. Compiled by Henry G. Langley. 8vo, boards (re- backed). San Francisco, 1858 Contains an Historical Eeview and much general current information. 537. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Assem- bly of the District of San Francisco, from March 12th, 1849, to June 4th, 1849', and a Record of the Proceedings of the Ayunta- miento or Town Council of San Francisco, from Aug. 6th, 1849, until May 3rd, 1850. 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1860 Excessively Eaee and of great historical value. 538. San Francisco Municipal Reports: 1859-60. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. [San Francisco], 1860 Very Scarce. Contains the City's Statistics from 1850 to 1860. 57 539. San Francisco Municipal Reports for the Fiscal year of 1861-62. Published by the Board of Supervisors. With a map of the City. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1862 540. Municipal Reports for the Fiscal Year 1863-64. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1864 541. Municipal Reports, for the Fiscal Year 1864-5. Map. Svo, full morocco, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1865 542. Abstract of the Proceedings at the 16th Annual Meet- ing of the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, held May 8th 1866. With the Report of the President, J. A. Donohoe, . . . also List of Officers and Committees for the Year 1866-67 and a List of Members. 8vo, original printed wrappers. San Francisco, 1866 Eare. 543. The Consolidation Act, or Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. Compiled by T. Hart Hyatt, Jr. 8vo, wrappers (stained). San Francisco, 1866 This was the Consolidation Act that made and joined the City and County of San Francisco. Scarce. 544. Municipal Reports, for the Fiscal Year 1865-6. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1866 545. The San Francisco City Directory, for 1850. By Charles P. Kimball. 16mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1850 [1870] The 1870 reprint of the first San Francisco Directory. Scarce. 546. The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the First Congregational Church of San Francisco. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1874 Scarce. Contains much interesting historical material. 547. Fine engraved general view of the city. Surrounded by 22 smaller views. Frederick Hess Publisher, 1875. Open letter proof on India Paper. Oblong 4to. 1875 Scarce. 548. ''The Retrospect." A Glance at Thirty Years of the History of Howard Street Methodist Episcopal Church, of San Francisco. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1883 A valuable work giving much of the early history of San Francisco. Very scarce. 549. Constitution of the Coast Seamen's Union of the Pa- cific Coast. Organized on the Folsom St. Wharf, San Francisco, March 6, 1885. 18mo, original wrappers (rebacked and part of back wrapper wanting). [San Francisco], 1885 Scarce. Early Unionism in San Francisco. The last 27 pages are de- voted to an interesting history of the trials and abuses of the Sailors and their life. 58 550. The Fate of the San Francisco Grafters. Benedict Arnold of his Native City. 12mo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1908 Privately printed and rigidly suppressed. An excoriation of the famous ** grafting '* Mayor of San Francisco and the principal ** grafters, ' ' the names being but thinly disguised. 551. The Consolidation Act and other Acts relating to the Government of the City and County of San Francisco, 1876; The McClure Charter, n. d.; A Faint Idea of a Terrible Life. The Rev. I. S. Kalloch. San Francisco, n. d. ; and one other. 4 items bound in one vol. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, v. d. 552. SAN FRANCISCO DAILY EVENING NEWS. From Vol. Ill, No. 52, to Vol. IV, No. 53. Together 153 numbers bound in one vol. large folio, boards (worn). San Francisco, 1855 553. SARGENT (WILLIAM). The Life and Career of Major John Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. New edition, with Notes and Illustrations. Edited by William Abbatt. Portraits, map and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1902 One of 575 copies on Large Paper. 554. SAWTELLE (MRS. M. P.). The Heroine of '49. A Story of the Pacific Coast. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1891 Valuable for the glimpses of family life on the Pacific Coast during the days of '49 and immediately following. 555. SCHAEFFER (L. M.). Sketches of Travels in South America, Mexico and California. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1860 The author arrived in San Francisco in 1849 and spent some time amongst the miners, of which he gives a most interesting account. 556. SCHOONOVER (T. J.). The Life and Times of John A. Sutter. Portraits and illustrations. First Edition. IGmo, cloth. Sacramento, 1895 557. SCOTT (W. A.). The Giant Judge; or the Story of Sam- son, the Hebrew Hercules. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1858 Early San Francisco imprint. Illustrated with curious woodcuts exe- cuted by California's famous artist, C. Nahl, and engraved by H. East- man, an early San Francisco engraver. 558. SCOTT (REV. W. A.). The Wedge of Gold: or Achan in El Dorado. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1855 559. SEYD (ERNEST). California and its Resources. A Work for the Merchant, the Capitalist, and the Emigrant. Tinted litho- ', , graph plates, woodcuts and 2 maps. 8vo, original cloth. Eare. . London, 1858; , ^ 59 560. SH AFTER (OSCAR LOVELL). Life, Diary and Let- ters of Oscar Lovell Shafter, Associate Justice Supreme Court of California, from Jan. 1864 to Dec. 1868. Edited for Emma S. Howard, by Flora J. Longhead. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1915 Judge Shafter 's Early Letters contain much interesting information in relation to the Vigilance Committee of 1856 and the stirring events of that period. 561. [SHARON (THOMAS).] Viola: or, Life in the North- west. By a Western Man. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1874 First Edition. 562. SHELDON (MARK). An Autobiographical Sketch. Por- trait and illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. San Francisco, n. d. Very scarce. Only a few copies privately printed for the family. The author arrived in San Francisco in 1851. Contains an account of the early •^ mining days in which he was an active participant. 563. SHEPARD (MORGAN). The Prayer Beads of the King. Being a Tale translated from the Ancient Heartscrit into Nowa- days English by Mor-garn Shepard. Printed in red and Mack. Svo, boards, uncut. N. p., 1904 Only 10 copies printed of this curious book. 564. SHERMAN (EDWIN A.). The Life of the Late Rear- <^7 Admiral John Drake Sloat, . . . who took possession of California and raised the American Flag at Monterey on July 7, 1846. Illits- trated. Svo, cloth. Oakland, 1902 V 565. SHUCK (OSCAR T.). The California Scrap Book: Com- "^^ prising Historical and Descriptive Matter, with Tales and Anec- dotes mainly culled from various Newspapers of the Pacific Coast. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth (back worn). San Francisco, 1869 First Edition. Contains the first appearance in book form of Bret Harte's ** Pliocene Skull." Also several contributions by Mark Twain and other prominent California writers. 566. Representative and Leading Men of the Pacific : being Original Sketches. Engraved portraits. Svo, sheep. San Francisco, 1870 An indispensable Western item containing much valuable material. Very scarce. 567. California Anthology: or, Striking thoughts on many themes, carefully selected from California writers and speakers. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1880 Contains original contributions by Bret Harte, Bierce, Stoddard, and others. 568. Official Roll of the City and County of San Francisco. Oblong 12mo, wrappers. San Francisco, 1894 Scarce. A valuable compilation containing lists of the early Alcaldes, Town Councils of 1849-50, City and County Oflacers before and after the consolidation of the City and County, etc. 60 569. Historical Abstract of San Francisco. Illustrated. Vol. 1 (all published). Large 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1897 This work is one of great value to the investigator of San Francisco Biography and History, and it is regrettable that the unpublished manu- scripts of the other volumes were lost in the great fire. Very scarce. 570. Eloquence of the Far West. No. I. Masterpieces of E. D. Baker. Portrait. 12nio, cloth. San Francisco, 1899 Eare. Contains the famous defense of Charles Cora. 571. SILL (EDWARD ROWLAND). The Hermitage and other Poems. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1868 FiBST Edition. 572. A Memorial of, who died Feb. 27th, 1887. Proceed- ings of the Memorial Meeting held by his Friends under the aus- pices of the Berkley Club. Portrait. 8vo, wrappers. N. p., n. d. [1887] Published for private circulation. Contains letters from T. B. Aldrich, Charles Warren Stoddard and others. 573. SLAVERY. Slavery in the United States : a Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball, a Black Man. 12mo, original sheep (slightly stained). Lewiston, Pa., 1836 FmsT Edition. Bare. Sabin notes only the New York edition of 1837. 574. SLOAT (JOHN DRAKE). History of the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Taking Possession of California and Raising of the American Flag at Monterey, Cal. Portraits and illustrations. Large 8vo, cloth. Oakland, 1896 575. SMET (REV. P. J. DE). Western Missions and Mission- aries. A Series of Letters. 12mo, cloth. New York, [1859] 576. SMITH (BERTHA H.). Yosemite Legends. With draw- ings hy Florence Lundhorg. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, n. d. 577. SMITH (FRANK M.). San Francisco Vigilance Commit- tee of '56, with some interesting sketches of events succeeding 1846. 8vo, wrappers (rebacked). San Francisco, 1883 578. SMITH (SAM W.). Gems from the Tailings, or the Sluice Club. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1875 Privately printed and one of the unusual items of Western interest, difficult to procure. The author was an old pioneer miner. 579. SMITH (WILLIAM). The Works of William Smith, D.D., late Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. Engraved portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, rebacked with cloth, uncut (foxed). Philadelphia, 1803 580. SONGSTER. Williams's Selections of Comic Songs. Etched plates hy Tom Jones. 12mo, half roan. London, n. d. Contains Mr. Matthews' song on General Jackson. 61 581. SORENSON (ALFRED). Early History of Omaha; or, Walks and Talks among the Old Sej;tlers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Omaha, 1876 582. History of Omaha from the Pioneer Days to the Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Omaha, 1889 Scarce. 583. SOULE (RICHARD). Memorial of the Sprague Family; A Poem. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth (cracked). Boston, 1847 584. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Papers. [Janu- ary 1876 to December 1877.] 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco (name on titles). Richmond, Va., [1876] -77 585. SOUTH SEA. History of the Establishment and Progress of the Christian Religion in the Islands of the South Sea. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1841 586. Stuart (H. A.). Ben Nebo; A Pilgrimage in the South Seas. Portrait and plates. 8vo, cloth (binding loose). Privately printed for the author. Very scarce. San Francisco, 1871 587. Tyler (Charles Marion). The Island World of the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1885 588. The Panglima Muda. A Romance of Malaya. By Rounsevelle Wildman. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. ■San Francisco, 1894 589. SPEER (REV. WILLIAM). An Humble Plea, addressed to the Legislature of California, in behalf of the Immigrants from the Empire of China to this State. 8vo, wrappers. Chinese in California. San Francisco, 1856 590. SQUIER (E. G.) and DAVIS (E. H.). Ancient Monu- ments of the Mississippi Valley. With plates, maps, diagrams, etc. 4to, half calf (some leaves slightly foxed). New York, 1847 One of a limited issue, specially printed for the authors and not to be confounded with the ordinary issue. 591. STAFFORD (MRS. MALLIE). The March of Empire through three Decades. Embracing Sketches of California His- tory. Portrait. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1884 Very scarce. 592. STAFF (WILLIAM PRESTON). The Prisoners of Perote : Containing a Journal kept by the Author. 12mo, original cloth (stained). Philadelphia, 1845 PiEST Edition. Eare. 593. STARBUCK (ALEXANDER). History of the American Whale Fishery from its earliest inception to the year 1876. 8vo, cloth. Waltham, 1878 62 594. STEPHENS (L. DOW). Life Sketches of a Jayhawker of '49. Actual Experiences of a Pioneer told by Himself in his Own Way. Illustrated. 8vo, wrappers. N. p., 1916 Scarce. Only a small number privately printed for the author. An in- teresting personal narrative. 595. STERLING (GEORGE). The Testimony of the Suns a other Poems. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1903 First Edition. Inscribed by the author: ''To Frank P. Maguire from his friend George Sterling." 596. The Evanescent City. 9 illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. San Francisco, 1916 FmsT Edition. 597. Yosemite. An Ode. Illustrated from photographs. 8vo, boards, uncut. San Francisco, 1916 First Edition. Inscribed by the author. 598. STEVENS (FRANK E.). The Black Hawk War, includ- ing a review of Black Hawk's War. Illustrated with upward of 300 rare and interesting portraits and views. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Chicago, 1903 With accounts in the Appendix of Abraham Lincoln's and Jefferson Davis's participation in the War. 599. STEWART (W. FRANK). Pleasant hours in an event- ful life. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1869 First Edition. Privately printed. ^ The author spent many years in the Gold Mines and in Coloma, California, from which many of the contri- butions are dated. 600. STILLMAN (J. D. B.). Seeking the Golden Fleece; A q record of Pioneer Life in California: To which is annexed Foot- prints of Early Navigators, other than Spanish, in California; With an account of the Schooner Dolphin. Plates. 8vo, cloth. 'San Francisco, 1877 Very Scarce. A few copies printed at the author's expense. 601. STOCKTON (COM. ROBERT F.). A Sketch of the Life ^ of. With an Appendix comprising his Correspondence with the [/^ Navy Department respecting his Conquest of California: an Ex- tract from the defence of Col. J. C. Fremont, in relation to the same subject. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856 A desirable California item now scarce. 602. STODDARD (CHARLES WARREN). Poems. 8vo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1867 First Edition. 603. [ ] Poetry of the Pacific: Selections and Original Poems from the Poets of the Pacific States. Edited by May Went- worth. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. San Francisco, 1867 Contributions by Charles Warren Stoddard and others. Cowap attributes an anonymous poem to Bret Harte. 63 604. [ ] A Troubled Heart and How It was Comforted at Last. 12mo, original cloth. Notre Dame, Ind., 1885 First Edition. 605. Hawaiian Life being Lazy Letters from Low Lati- tudes. 12mo, original pictorial wrappers. Chicago and N. Y., 1894 First Edition. Scarce. 606. In the Footprints of the Padres. Illustrated. 12mo, boards, gilt top, uncut. San Francisco, 1902 An autographed copy of the First Edition. 607. STODDARD (RICHARD HENRY). Recollections Per- sonal and Literary. Edited by Ripley Hitchcock. With an In- troduction by Edmund Clarence Stedman. Portraits and fac- similes, 8vo, half parchment and boards, gilt top, uncut. One of 200 copies printed. New York, 19'03 608. STONE (WILLIAM L.). The Poetry and History of Wyoming: Containing Campbell's Gertrude, and the History of Wyoming. 12mo, cloth (nail-hole). New York, 1844 609. Visits to the Saratoga Battle-Grounds 1780-1880. With an Introduction and Notes. Portrait and illustrations. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1895 MunselPs Historical Series, No. 23, limited. 610. STRATTON (R. B.). Captivity of the Oatman Girls : being an Interesting Narrative of Life Among the Apache and Mohave Indians. Woodcut map and illustrations. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1857 The extremely rare second edition, and the first containing the map. 611. STRICKLAND (W. P.). Old Mackinaw; or, the Fortress of the Lakes. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860 612. STROWBRIDGE (IDAH MEACHAM). The Loom of the Desert. Illustrated. Square 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Los Angeles, 1907 FmsT Edition. Limited edition, signed by the author. 613. The Land of the Purple Shadows. Illustrated. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Los Angeles, 1909 Limited edition, autographed. 614. [TANNER (HENRY).] The Martyrdom of'Lovejoy. An Account of the Life, Trials and Perils of Rev. Elijah P. Love joy who was killed by a Pro-Slavery Mob, at Alton, 111., on the Night of November 7, 1837. Portraits, plate and facsimile. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1881 615. TAUSSIG (HUGO ALOIS). Retracing the Pioneers from West to East in an Automobile. Illustrated. 12mo, parchment boards, uncut. San Francisco : Privately Printed, 1910 Private edition limited to one hundred and fifteen copies on Alexandria vellum. Inscribed: "With my compliments, Hugo A. Taussig, To Dr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Ebright.'' 64 ^^'^ 616. TAYLOR (EDWARD ROBESON). Sonnets ... on Some Pictures painted by William Keith. Frontispiece. Small 4to, boards, uncut. San Francisco, 1898 Presentation copy from the author. 617. TEXAS. Myrthe (A. T.). Ambrosio de Letinez, or the First Texian Novel, embracing a Description of the Countries Border- ing on the Rio Bravo, with Incidents of the War of Independence. 2 vols, in one. 12mo, half leather. New York, 1842 Very rare. 618. Gouge (William M.). The Fiscal History of Texas, embracing an Account of its Revenues, Debts, and Currency, from the Commencement of the Revolution in 1834 to 1851-52. 8vo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1852 ' Scarce. 619. THISSELL (G. W.). Crossing the Plains in '49. Por- traits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Oakland, 1903 620. [THOMPSON (DANIEL PIERCE).] The Rangers; or, The Tory's Daughter. A Tale Illustrative of the Revolutionary History of Vermont, and the Northern Campaign of 1777. 2 vols, in one, 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1852 621. THOMPSON (GEORGE). The Prison Bard: or Poems on Various Subjects. Written in Prison. 12mo, original boards (cracked). Hartford, 1848 622. THOMPSON (R. A.). The Russian Settlement in CaU- \r.C^ fornia known as Fort Ross. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, wrappers. ' ' Scarce and interesting item. Santa Rosa, 1896 623. THOMPSON (COLONEL WILLIAM). Reminiscences of a Pioneer. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1912 Out of print and scarce. 624. THORPE (T. B.). Our Army on the Rio Grande. Illus- trated. 12mo, cloth (worn). Philadelphia, 1846 First Edition. 625. TINKHAM (GEO. H.). The Half Century of California Odd Fellowship. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Stockton, 1906 An interesting account of California OddfellowsMp dating back to the first lodge held in San Francisco in 1847. 626. TOMPKINS (D. A.). History of Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte from 1740 to 1903. Portraits and illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Charlotte, N. C, 1903 627. TRUMAN (MAJOR BEN C). Occidental Sketches. 12mo, ^^/^ cloth. San Francisco, 1881 ^ Contains an account of **The Wickenburg Massacre." 65 628. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. Constitution and By-Laws of the Tuolumne County Water Company. 12mo, wrappers (backed with cloth). San Francisco, 1864 629. TURNERS* Guide from the Lakes to the Rocky Moun- tains. Including a Historical and Statistical Account of the Rail- roads of the Country, Towns and Cities along the Route. Published by T. G. & C. E. Turner. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1868 630. TUTHILL (FRANKLIN). The History of California. y 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1866 • Fine copy of this scarce state history. Mentioned by Bancroft as one of the most accurate histories of California published. 631. TYSON (PHILIP T.). Geology and Industrial Resources of California. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1851 A volume of great importance. Contains the official reports of Genls. P. F. Smith and B. Eiley, the reports of Lieuts. Talbot, Ord, Derby, and Williamson, of their Explorations in California and Oregon. 632. UHLHORN (JOHN F.). The Virginia and Truckee Rail- road Directory, 1873-74, embracing a General Directory of Resi- dents. . . . together with a Business Directory, etc. 8vo, boards, leather back. San Francisco, 1873 633. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD: The Great National Highway between the Missouri River and California. 8vo, wrap- pers. Chicago, 1868 634. UPTON (CHARLES ELMER). Pioneers of El Dorado County. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Placerville, Cal., 1906 The author has known and interviewed many of the old pioneers and gives first-hand descriptions of the lynchings, murders, and early mining excitements of Coloma, Hangtown, and the surrounding camps. Out of Print. 635. [VAN NESS (WILLIAM P.).] An Examination of the various Charges exhibited Against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-Presi- dent of the United States; and a Development of the Characters and Views of his Political Opponents. By Aristides. 8vo, new cloth (foxed). Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, 1803 636. VAN TRAMP (JOHN C). Prairie and Rocky Mountain Adventures or Life in the West. Illustrated. 8vo, stamp morocco * (back repaired). Columbus, 1866 637. VELASCO (FRANCISCO). Sonora: Its Extent, Popu- lation, Natural Productions, Indian Tribes, Mines, Mineral Lands, etc. Translated from the Spanish by Wm. F. Nye. 12mo, orig- inal cloth. SsLD. Francisco, 1861 Very scarce. 638. VER MEHR (REV. J. L.). Checkered Life: In the Old and New World. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1877 Early San Francisco. The author arrived in 1849 and gives vivid im- pressions of the life there. 66 639. VICTOR (FRANCIS F.). Eleven Years in the Rocky Mountains and Life on the Frontier. Also a History of the Sioux ' ^ War. Illustrations and maps. 8vo, original cloth. Hartford, Conn., 1879 640. WAGSTAFF (A. E.). Life of David S. Terry. Presenting U^" an authentic, impartial and vivid history of his Eventful Life ^ and Tragic Death. Portraits and plates. Svo, cloth. San Francisco, 1892 641. WAKEMAN (CAPTAIN EDGAR). The Log of an An- cient Mariner. Being the Life and Adventures of Captain Edgar Wakeman. Written by himself and edited by his daugh- ter. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1878 Veey Scarce. A famous early San Francisco character. Wakeman was a leading Vigilante in the days of '51. 642. WALBRAN (JOHN T.). British Columbia Coast Names, '^' 1592-1906. To which are added a few names in adjacent United States Territory, their Origin and History. Map and illustra- \ tions. 8vo, cloth. Ottawa, 1909 643. WALKER (DAVID H.). Pioneers of Prosperity. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1895 Privately printed. Discusses the railroad, steamship and transporta- tion pioneers of the Pacific coast. 644. WALKER (W. S.). Between the Tides. Comprising Sketches, Tales, and Poems, including Hungry Land. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Los Gatos, Cal., 1885 Inscribed: ''Compliments of the author, W. 8. Walker, Los Gatos, Cal. Felt. 12, 1898.'' 645. WARD (ANDREW HENSHAW). A Genealogical His- tory of the Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice. Svo, cloth (stained). Boston, 1858 646. WARRINER (FRANCIS). Cruise of the United States (^ Frigate Potomac Round the World, during the Years 1831-34. Il- lustrated. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1835 Describes visits to South America and the Islands of the Pacific. 647. WATSON (MARY). People I Have Met. Short Sketches of Many Prominent Persons. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1890 Scarce. Privately printed. Contains sketches of Oscar Wilde, Stephen Massett, Eosa Bonheur, Anthony TroUope and others whom the author personally met. 648. WATTERS (WILLIAM). A Short Account of the Chris- tian Experiences and Ministerial Labours of William Watters. Drawn up by Himself. 16mo, original calf. Alexandria, [Va. 1806] 67 V 649. WAUGH (LORENZO). Autobiography. Portrait and illustration. 12mo, cloth. Oakland, 1883 First Edition. One of the scarcest of the personal narratives of West- ern adventure. Waugh crossed the plains in 1852 and lived a long and eventful life in California. 650. WEBSTER (KIMBALL). The Gold Seekers of '49. A ^ Personal Narrative of the Overland Trail and Adventures in Cali- ~^ fornia and Oregon from 1849 to 1854. With an Introduction and tr" Biographical Sketch by George Waldo Browne. Illustrated. 12mo, \ ^ cloth. Manchester, N. H., 1917 651. WELSH (JOSEPH S.). Harp of the West: A Volume of Poems. Woodcut frontispiece. 12mo, boards, leather back. Eare. Cincinnati, 1839 652. WETMORE (JAMES C). The Wetmore Family of America, and its Collateral Branches; with Genealogical, Bio- graphical, and Historical Notices. Portraits. Royal 8vo, half mo- rocco. Albany, 1861 653. WHALING. [Jones (?).] Life and Adventures in the South Pacific. By a Roving Printer. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1861 "^ 654. Davis (William M.). Nimrod of the Sea; or, the American Whaleman. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1874 FiEST Edition. — *^ . 655. Scammon (Charles M.). The Marine Mammals of the n */ North-western Coast of North America, described and illustrated : '/VtM together with an account of the American Whale-Fishery. Nu- '^ Ia-- • ^^^^^^ lithograph plates. 4to, cloth. San Francisco, 1874 ( c^ 656. WHEELER (ALFRED). Land Titles in San Francisco, |t\ and the Laws Affecting the same, with a Synopsis of all Grants and Sales of Land within the Limits Claimed by the City. Fold- ing map. Large 8vo, boards, roan back (blind stamp on title). San Francisco, 1852 Scarce. Contains the correct map published by Le Count, which is fre- quently replaced by others of contemporary date. Includes the grants made during the Mexican administration, etc. 657. WHEELER (EDWARD S.). Scheyichbi and the Strand, or Early Days along the Delaware, with an Account of Recent Events at Sea Grove. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1876 658. WHITNEY (AT WELL). Almond Eyed. A Story of the Day. Illustrated. 12mo, original pictorial wrappers. San Francisco: Printed for the author, 1878 Very scarce. A curious account of the early Chinese in San Francisco, Gambling, etc. 68 659. WHITNEY (CARRIE WESTLAKE). Kansas City, Mis- souri. Its History and Its People. 1808-1908. Profusely illus- trated. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 1908 660. WHITNEY (HENRY M.). The Hawaiian Guide Book, containing a brief description of the Hawaiian Islands, their Har- bors, Plantations, etc. Map. 12mo, original wrappers (slight tear in back wrapper). Honolulu, 1875 661. [WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF).] Freedom's Lyre: or. Psalms, Hymns, and Sacred Songs, for the Slave and his friends. Compiled by E. F. Hatfield. 24mo, original cloth. Contains three original poems by Whittier. New York, 1840 662. Helen Ruthven Waterson. Printed not Published. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1860 Only a few copies privately printed. Contains an original poem by Whittier, and an extract from a private letter by Bryant. 663. WILLARD (CHARLES D WIGHT). History of Los An- geles. Illustrated. 12mo, wrappers. Los Angeles, 1901 664. WILLEY (SAMUEL H.). The Transition Period of Cali- fornia from a Province of Mexico in 1846 to a State of the Ameri- can Union in 1850. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1901 665. WILLIAMS (REV. ALBERT). A Pioneer Pastorate and Times. Embodying Contemporary Local Transactions and Events. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1882 The author describes with great minuteness the criminal life of San Francisco and the mines. 666. WILLIAMS (JAMES). Life and Adventures of James ^^ Williams, a Fugitive Slave, with a full description of the Under- (^ ground Railroad. 8vo, flexible cloth covers. San Francisco, 1873 A The author came to San Francisco in 1851 and had many very exciting experiences in Sacramento, the mines, and Washoe. First Edition. Scarce. 667. WINFIELD (CHARLES H.). The Block-House by Bull's Ferry. Including the ''Cow Chace." By Major Andre. With map and illustrations. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1904 One of 50 copies on Large Paper. 668. WINTHROP (THEODORE). The Canoe and the Sad- ^ die or Klalam and Klickatat. To which are now added his West- ) ^ ern Letters and Journals. Edited with an Introduction and Notes y FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK SALES BY AUCTION OF BOOKS AUTOGRAPHS ' PAINTINGS ' PRINTS ' FURNITURE OBJECTS OF ART i COLLECTIONS CATALOGUED AND APPRAISED FOR INSURANCE AND INHERITANCE TAXES ALL WORK IS DONE BY RELIABLE EXPERTS AT REASONABLE CHARGES TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 ■■'I I II I I II TIM MIMM, III I III I III I Ml I III I III I Ml I MM III rTTTTTTTTn GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3T17M7Tb UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 7Ma/53VH iVWy7 1953 L(S 7JVpr'55fflf MAR 2 4 1955 IjU 29Apr'59MR RgC*D LD Ai»ft 15 \m LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528sl6)476