- 1 ' , i: Hi 1 !alifornia Lional nlity i I.! UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Roland D. Iiucs< UUL W.^. \A/^U-x. . Catalogue no. 94; Part U THE LIBRARY OF THE Ron. Samuel m. Pennypacktr LATE GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA Books Relating to the Quakers Publications of the Sower Press of Germantown Publications from the Presses of the Early Inland Towns of Pennsylvania AND First American Editions TO BE SOLD Cuesday (Ucdncsday, flov. 26 < 27, 1907 Catalogue Compiled and Sale At the Books Auction Rooms of Conducted by DAVIS & HARVEY STAN. V. HENKELS 1112 Walnut Strett. Philadelphia THE BICKING PRESS, LIMITED 2 and 4 South Sixth Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. Catalogue No. 943 Part V THE EXTENSIVE LIBRARY OF THE Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker Late Governor f Pennsylvania EMBRACING His extraordinary collection of Books relating to the Quakers, including the First Book Printed in New York. The most complete collection in existence of the publications of Christopher Sower, of Germantown. His unique and extensive collection of the publications from the presses of the inland towns of Pennsylvania. AND His collection of First American Editions, including the Aitken Bible, Knickerbocker's New York, Shakespeare, The Federalist, Proposed Book of Common Prayer, Gulliver's Travels, etc., etc., etc., TO RE SOLD Tuesday and Wednesday Morning and Afternoon, Nov. 26 and 27, 1 907 COMMENCING AT IO.3O A. M. AND 2.$O P. M. EACH DAY First Sitting Lots i to 250 Second Sitting Lots 251 to 600 Third Sitting Lots 601 to 950 Fourth Sitting Lots 951 to end rxtnlogue Compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of Conducted by MAMS * HAKVKY 8TAN. V. HKMvKI.S 111* Walnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. v.5- NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers without extra charge. Bide are always so much per volume or piece, unless other- wise stated in the catalogue. TERMS OF SALE CASH. All purchases must be settled and called for the day imme- diately following the sale. DAVIS & HARVEY. REMARKS CHIS Catalogue forms the fifth part of the library of the Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, recently Governor of Pennsylvania. It embraces his extraordinary collection of books relating to the Quakers, including "Truth Ad- vanced," the first book printed in New York. And printed by William Bradford. Many that are excessively rare, relating to the Keith controversy; Bishop's New England Judged, the first edition ; the very rare and celebrated Battle-Door, by George Fox and others, which was written in defense of the Quakers' "Thee" and "Thou," as well as many other works of George Fox, the founder of the sect; the writings of William Penn, George Whitehead, Francis Bugg, and other noted followers and oppo- nents of Fox. They are mostly all first editions, and quite a number are the only copies known. The Quaker element being so intimately associated in connection with the early settlement of the Colonies, makes this gathering of unusual interest to the historian of America, and we venture to assert that it is the most important offered the American public. After these follow THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOWER PRESS OF GERMANTOWN, PHILA- DELPHIA. Governor Pennypacker has long enjoyed the reputa- tion of having the most complete collection of the issues of this press in existence, commencing with Padlin's "EiNE EMSTLICHE ERMAHNUNG/' a broadside printed in 1738 and the first issue of this celebrated press, it follows down to the last, including the finest known copy of the "ZIONITISCHER WEYRAUCHS HUGEL/' Sower's first book. Fine copies of the three Bibles printed in 1743, 1763, and 1776 in the first is a printed flyleaf by Sower, which is to be found in no other copy, and, of course, 449404 VI makes this unique. The second is excessively rare, and thought by good authorities to be the most uncommon of the three, whilst I take the ground that the latter (1776 edition) is the rarest of the lot, from the fact that fewer copies of that edition have passed through my hands in the last forty years. It is a well-known fact that the major .portion of the edition, while in sheets, was used by the Continental Army for cartridge paper. Consequently, fewer copies of this edition were sold than of the two former editions. However, the series is of exceeding interest, and the 1743 edition bears the distinction of being the first Bible printed in a European language in America. The seven New Testaments, which are included in the collection, are probably one of its most remarkable features, as they all appeared before any English Testament was published in this country. The first was published in 1745; the second in 1755 ; the third in 1761 ; the fourth in 1763 ; the fifth in 1764; the sixth in 1769, and the seventh in 1775. It is the only complete set in existence, whilst that of 1764 is entirely unknown to all bibliographers, and of the editions of 1745, 1755, and 1769, there is only one other copy of each known, and they are in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The series of almanacs "DER HOCH-DEUTSCH AMERICANISCHE CALENDAR" commence^ with that of 1741, and, with several breaks, run to 1778, whilst "TOBLER'S PENNSYLVANIA TOWN AND COUNTRYMAN'S ALMAN- ACK" commences with the first in 1756 and runs (with the ex- ception of 1760) to 1761. Among the other publications are many that are unique, as well as of great historical interest. After this follow the publications from the various presses of the little inland towns of Pennsylvania, and whilst these, as a rule, date back only to the first quarter of the nineteenth cen- tury (a few, of course ,dating in the last quarter of the eight- eenth century), they are nevertheless of peculiar interest, from the fact that they form almost a complete history of early print- ing in Pennsylvania, and all are, more or less, rare and can Vll justly be termed the "incunabulae" of our State. In most cases the books are of a religious character, and in the German or Pennsylvania Dutch language, and illustrate the great moral character of our early "Pennsylvania Dutch" settlers. The last portion of the Catalogue is devoted to FIRST AMERICAN EDITIONS. These include a fine copy of the First Edition of Shakespeare, 1795-6; the First Edition of Irving' s Knickerbocker's New York, 1809; the First Edition of the Federalist, 1788; the Proposed Book of Common Prayer, 1785; fine copy of The Aitken Bible, 1782, being the first Bible printed in English in America; the FIRST Edition of Goldsmith's Vicar of Wake field, 1772; the First Edition of Gulliver's Travels, 1736-7.; the First Edition of Josephus, 1773- 1775 /which, to complete, called into requisition no less than four different pressesy The First Edition of Sterne's Works, 1774, and many other first editions of American and English authors. The Catalogue has been compiled with valuable bibliograph- ical information, and should attract the attention of collectors and librarians everywhere. The collecting of these books has been the life work of Governor Pennypacker, and, being one of the earliest on the field, he has been enabled to gather the treas- ures enumerated herein, many of which could not be duplicated. STAN. V. HENKELS. Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. Small 8vo, half morocco. Hall & Sellers, Philadelphia, 1767 20 BENEZET, ANTHONY. Some Serious and Awful Considera- tions Recommended to all, particularly the Youth, in a Rep- j *\ resentation of 'the Uncertainty of a Death-Bed Repentance, I2mo. Joseph Crukshank, Philadelphia (1770) 21 BENEZET. ANTHONY. A Collection of Religious Tracts. Collected by. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1773 Autograph of Benezet on inside of cover. 22 BENEZET, ANTHONY. A Collection of Religious Tracts. Collected by. I ,si I2mo, old calf. Philadelphia, 1773 Soiled. 23 BENEZET, ANTHONY. Thoughts on the Nature of War. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia (1775) it Not in Hildeburn. Has manuscript note by Benezct on page 22, and h-as bound f d.nth it a letter from Mr. Sayre to the Fairfield Committee, giving reasons for not joining the asso- ciation. 4 24 BENEZET, ANTHONY. The Mighty Destroyer Displayed in some Account of the Dreadful Havock made by tfhe mis- 2,.1'f taken Use, as well as Abuse, of Distilled Spiritous Liquors. I2mo, half bock. Isaac Collins, Trenton, 1779 25 (BENEZET, ANTHONY.) An Extract from a Treatise on the Spirit of Prayer. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1780 26 BENEZET, ANTHONY. The Plain Truth of Christian Per- fection. / k I2mo, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1780 27 BENEZET, ANTHONY. The Plainness and Innocent Sim- plicity of the Christian Religion, with its Salutary Effects, , f compared to the corrupting Nature and dreadful' effects of War. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1782 28 BENEZET, ANTHONY. The Plainness and Innocent Sim- i . pi i city of the Christian Religion, and other tracts. I2mo. Philadelphia, 1782 29 BENEZET, ANTHONY. The Plain Path to Christian Per- fection. Philadelphia, 1780. The Plainness and Innocent , /j Simplicity of the Christian Religion. By Arithony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1783. And A Letter from' Elizabeth Webb to Anthony William Boehm. Philadelphia. 1783. Bound to- gether. i2mo, calf. 30 BENEZET, ANTHONY. A Short Account of the People called Quakers: their Rise. Religious Principles aind Settle- |,3^ ment in America. Third Edition. I2mo, half bock. Enoch Story, Philadelphia, 1783 31 BENEZET, ANTHONY. A Collection of Religious Tracts. Plainly setting forth the Great Truths of the Gospel, for the Instruction of the Youth and others, particularly those of / ' the Black People. I2mo, half bock. Enoch Story, Philadelphia, 1784 Very scarce. 32 BF.NEZET, ANTHONY. The Plainness and Innocent Sim- ft plicity of the ChVistian Religion. I2mo, half bock. London, 1800 33 BENEZET, ANTHONY. A Short Account of the People called Quakers: their Rise, Religious Principles and Settlement in America. Second Edition. I2mo, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, N. D. 34 BESSE, JOSEPH. A Defense of Quakerism ; or, An Answer to a Book, intitled A Preservative against Quakerism. 8vo, calf. London, 1732 35 BESSE, JOSEPH. A Collection of the Sufferings of the Peo- ple called Quakers for the Testimony of a Good Conscience. . <^ 2 vols. Folio, old calf. London, 1753 Scarce. Contains original information concerning the set- tlement of Pennsylvania. 36 BEVANS, JOHN. A Defense of the Christian Doctrine of the Society of Friends. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1805 37 BILLA VERA ; or, The Arraignment of Ignoramus, put forth . out of Charity, for the use of Grand Inquests and either Jurys, the Sworn Assertions of Truth and Justice. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1682 38 BISHOP. GEORGE. The Last Trump; or, One Warning JQ More Yet, to the People of these Nations. Small 4to. London, 1662 39 BISHOPE, GEORGE. New England Judged, Not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Lord: and The Summe sealed up of New-England's Persecutions. Being a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those Parts of America, from the beginninig of the Fifth Moneth, 1656 (the time of their first Arrival at Boston from England), to the later end of the Tenth Moneth, 1660. Wherein The Cruel Whippings and Scourgings, Bonds and Imprisonmentts, Beat- ings and Chainings, Starvings and Huntings, Fines and Con- fiscations of Estates, Burning in the Hand and Cutting of Ears, Orders of Sale for Bond-men, and Bond-women, Ban- ishment upon pain of Death, and Putting to Death of those People, are Shortly touched. With a Reflation of the Man- ner, and some of the Other most Material Proceedings; and a Judgment thereupon. In Answer. To a Certain Printed Paper, Intituled, A Declaration of the General Court of the Massachusets holden at Boston the 18 October, 1658, apolo- gizing for the same. Small 4to, contemporary calf. London, 1661 A very good copy of this exceedingly rare book, giving a detailed account of the gentle reception the Quakers received from our good old pious Pilgrim fathers. With the rare Appendix: "An Appendix to the Book, entituled, New Eng- land Judged. Being certain Writings (never yet printed} of those Persons which were there Executed. Together with England Indeed, i^V gf and Scoirrgingifitab and /Mffrif9ttmf*t{ % igf ilnd Chaining! ^ Starving* and Htttttings^ Fines andlVj^j wvfEftateS) Owning in the-//^W and Cuttingoi irs y Ordets-cft Salt for Epnd'-iMfjj) artd Bond-women^ fijnifhmtnt upon pcttft of D(4t}>i and ittt-tnvt<)j3cttth of /^y< Pcopl^,.irC > 5'j^e/r//Mouich''ft!5.' With a Refytionbi the/ Manner ^ and5c>f of nkc p/foni}oil Ma- j tCtial IfrKeedings ancf a Judgement \ la ourd Court of tbt. jMaftchttftt* ty/4e>i -a^ Bofton, ? '/& 1 6 yU. '. Apologizitig for the Tamo . * OR Gfi *B1 S.-B O IF V ^ *IJ, faith tht Wifdont of God, JwittfrvA tlnm Prophet s r wifime oftkttn thejfhaUfta) and. Perfecttte^ 1'hai t\?e tfa Prophet slh*t wfhed frbm the Founds i OH of the WtirU, mtybe required of this General ion ^ from tke'Flotd of/iM, to the Bhod of Zichar'uujvhich ferijked bctwetu the Terj>le w>d ibe Altar. Verily^ } faj unn yon > it fk*lbe reqtffrtdvfthts JLondon y Printed for Robert Wr//so called) His Dialogue against those call'd Quakers. Wherein he hath j,3d Forged the Quakers, and Confuted Himself. Small 4to, half bock, uncut. Printed in the Year 1675 48 BROADSIDE. The Testimony of the People called Quakers, given forth by a Meeting of the Representations of said People in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, held at. Philadel- * /,T" phial the Twenty-fourth Day of the first Month, 1775. Signed, James Pemberton, clerk at this time. Folio. Philadelphia, 1775 The celebrated testimony setting forth "the fidelity we owe to the King and his government. Very rare. 49 BROOK, MARY. Reasons for the Necessity of Silent Wait- ing. 8vo, uncut. London, 1775 8 50 BROOK, MARY. Reasons for the Necessity of Silent Wait- ing, and other Quaker tracts. 8vo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1794-99 51 BROOK/ MARY. Reasons for the Necessity of Silent Wait- ing. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795 52 BROWN, JOHN. Quakerisme. The Path-way to Pagan- isme; or, A View of the Quakers' Religion. Being an Ex- |,jf# animation of the Theses and Apologie of Robert Barclay. 8vo, half bound. 53 BUGG, FRANCIS. The Picture of Quakerism. Drawn to the Life. London, 1697. A Brief History of the Rise, Growth and Progress of Quakerism. By Francis Bugg. London, 1697. Bound together in I vol. 8vo, half bound. 54 BUGG, FRANCIS. The Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to Christianity. Containing a farther Discovery of the Dan- ^ ger of the Growth of Quakerism. * * * Together with a Remedy pro]x>sed for the Cure of Quakerism. Portrait of the author and a plate of "Quaker Synod." Small 4to, old calf. (Rebacked.) London, 1698 Very curious antd rare. 55 BUGG, FRANCIS. Quakerism Expos'd to Pub-lick Censure (and Zezebel Withstood and his Daughter Anne Docwra p Puklickly Reproved for her Lies and Lightness in her Book stiled An Apostate Conscience, etc.). I2mo, half bock. London, 1699 56 BUGG, FRANCIS. The Christian Ministry of the Church of England Vindicated and Distinguished from the Antichristian Ministry of the Quakers. Small 8vo, half bock. London, 1699 57 BUGG, FRANCIS. A Modest Defence of my Book, entituled Quakerism Expos'd, as also of my Broad Sheet. With 3 Scheme of the Quakers' Yearly Synod, and other Books, pre- !,** sented Anno 1699 to the Parliament, and G. Whitehead's inside Turn'd Outward, by Reprinting his Ancient Book Ismael, etc. I2mo, half bock. London, 1700 58 BUGG, FRANCIS. William Penn, the Pretended Quaker, Discovered to hold a Correspondence with the Jesuits at ^ g* Rome. To which is added a Winding-Sheet for Ann Dock- wra. Small 8vo, half bock. London, 1700 Material for the supporters of Macaulay. 59 BUGG, FRANCIS. News from New Rome, occasioned by die Quakers Challenging of Francis Bugg, whereby, their Errors are further exposed. With a Brief Reply to Henry Pick- worth's Narrative, and something in Answer to two of the Quaker Books to some Members of Parliament. I2mo. half bock. London, 1701 60 BUGG, F. A Suitable Caveat Against the Prevalency of Quakerism. Containing a list of one of their Parliaments )i f<} and forty- foujr of their Canon Laws. 8vo, half bock. London, 1701 6 1 BUGG. FRANCIS. Quakerism Deeply Wounded, and now lyes a Bleeding in Sleeford and Colchester. I2mo, half bock. London (1702) 62 BUGG, FRANCIS. The Quakers' Charm Discovered, whereby they bewitch not only their own deluded Followers with their Sorceries, * * * but also many other unthinking People, etc. Small 8vo, half bock. London (1702) 63 BUGG, FRANCIS. Quakerism Drooping and its Cause Sink- ing. Clearly Manifested from divers Conferences and other Proceedings with the Quakers at Banbury, Sleeford, Col- ,. ^f Chester and Mildenhall ; also a Reply to the Quakers' Apology why they refused to meet Francis Bugg the 2ist of Septem- ber, 1702, to Defend themselves from his Charge. By Ben Loveling. I2mo, half bock. London, 1703 Very rare. Illustrated zvith curious cuts representing George Fox, William Penn and others stabbing the Bible. 64 BUGG, FRANCIS. A Bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in ^ Norwich, wihich will Reach their Friends in Bristol and set .jA Fire on the Combustible Matter through their whole Camp in England and Wales. I2mo, half bock. Norwich, 1703 65 BURNYEAT, JOHN. The Truth Exalted in the Writings of that Eminent and Faithful Servant of Christ. Small 4to, half bound. London, 1691 Very rare. Gives an account of Burnyeat's Travels in New England, and contains interesting reminiscences of Roger Williams. 66 BURNYEAT, JOHN. The Truth Exalted in the Writings of that Eminent and Faithful Servant of Christ. Collected into i-0 this ensuing volume afc a Memorial to his Faithful Labours in and for the Truth. Small 4to, half bound. London, 1691 Passenger's Observation in some particular things which con- IO 67 CABINET, THE; or, Works of Darkness Brought to \^^ Conduct of some of the Leading" Characters in the Light. Being a Retrospect of the Anti-Christian Society called Friends towards that eminent and devoted Servant of the Lord, Elias Hicks, etc. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1824 With manuscript of Roberts Vaux concerning the author. 68 CATECHISM AND CONFESSION OF FAITH. Which Containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines of the People called Quakers. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1773 69 CATON, WILLIAM. The Sea-Men's Invitation. With a cern them that practice navigation. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1659 70 CATON, WILLIAM. An Epistle to King Charles the II., sent from Amsterdam in Holland the 28th of the loth month, 1660. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1660 71 CATON, WILLIAM. A Journal of the Life of that Faithful Servant and Minister of the .Gospel of Jesus Christ. * * * ^ Written by his own hand. / Small 4to, half bound. London, 1689 Very scarce. 72 CHALKLEY, THOMAS. A Collection of the Works of. The Second Edition. 2 vols. I2mo, calf. James Chattin, Philadelphia, 1754 Fine copy. Scarce. 73 CITALKLEY, THOMAS. Youth Persuaded to Obedience, Gratitude and Honour, etc. 8vo. London, 1763 74 CHALKLEY, THOMAS. A Collection of the Works of. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1790 75 ' CHALKLEY, THOMAS. A Collection of the Works of. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1790 76 CHASE. WILLIAM H. Day by Day. A Compilation from the Writings of Ancient and Modern Friends. I2mo, cloth. Auburn, 1871 77 CHRISTIAN-TESTIMONY. Born by some of the People of God in Scorn, called Quakers, in London. Continued in their Patient 'Suffering the taking away of their Goods for Non- Pay ment of Tythes to the Parish Priests, etc. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1681-2 II 78 CHURCHMAN, JOHN. An Account of the Gospel Labours and Christian Experiences of. 8vo, sheep. London, 1780 79 COADE, G., JUN. A Letter to a Clergyman, relating 1 to his Sermon on tihe 3Ot!h of January, * * * and giving also a very particular History of that unfortunate Prince Charles I. I2mo, half bock. Hodge & Shober, New York, 1773 80 COALE, JOSEPH. A Testimony of the Father's Love unto all that desire after him. * * * With a few words to /, England. Small 4to, half bock. London 1661 8 1 COALE, JOSEPH. A Salutation to the Suffering-Seed of God, wherein the things are declared and signified before- /. hand that must shortly come to pass. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1663 82 COALE, JOSEPH. To all that Desire and Breath after the Lord and the true Knowledge of his Everlasting Way. * * * . Even to you all, I say, the Visitation and tender Salutation V' of the Father's Love through me reacheth. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1667 83 COALE, JOSEPH. Some Account of the Life, Service and Suffering of an Early Servant and Minister of Christ. i6mo, old calf. London, 1706 84 COCKSON, EDWARD. The Quakers' Pedigree Trac'd; or. Some Brief Observations on their Agreement with the Church | , of Rome, both in their Principles and Practices. 8vo, half bound. London, 1703 85 COLLECTION OF ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, and Causes of Acts of Parliament, relative to those Protestant Dissenters who I are usitallly called by the name of Quakers. From the Year ' 1688. 4to, old calf. London, 1757 86 COLLECTION OF MEMORIALS CONCERNING DIVERS DECEASED Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Penn- il iA sylvania, New Jersey and Parts Adjacent, from nearly the first Settlement thereof to the Year 1787. 8vo, calf. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1787 87 COLLECTION OF MEMORIALS CONCERNING DIVERS DECEASED Ministers and ojBjfers of the Peopl-e called Quakers, in Penn- t^ sylvania, New Jersey and Parts adjacent. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1787 With the vision of John Reynell added in manuscript by S. Coates. 88 COLLECTION OF PROPHETICAL WARNINGS PRONOUNC'D under the Operation of the Holy Eternal Spirit. To the In- Y*> habitants in and about the City of Bristol, etc. By the fol- lowing persons, viz., Mary Bees, Mary Keomer, and Ann Watts. 8vo, old calf. Bristol, 1709 89 COLLECTION OF SOME WRITINGS OF THE MOST NOTED OF ,-athe People called Quakers, in their Times. Jj^ 8vo, half bock, uncut. Philadelphia, Printed for the Compiler, 1767 90 COLLECTION OF TESTIMONIES CONCERNING SEVERAL MINIS- TERS of the Gospel amongst the People called Quakers. 8vo, sheep. (Broken.) London, 1760 Name totvn from title. 91 COLLECTION OF TESTIMONIES CONCERNING SEVERAL MINIS- TERS of the Gospel amongst the People called Quakers, de- ceased. 8vo, half calf. London, 1760 92 COLLEY, THOMAS. A Tender Salutation in Gospel Love. Written principally for the use of his relatives. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1795 93 COMLY, JOHN AND ISAAC. Friends' Miscellany. Being a Collection of Essays and Fragments, Biographical, Religious. Epistolary, Narrative and Historical. 12 vols. I2mo, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1834-39 94 COOKE EDWARD. A Short Account of the Uniust proceed- ings of the Court of Kingstone upon Thames, in a Tryal be- tween Richard Mayo, Priest ,and E. Burroughs, the 3ist of the fifth Moneth, 1658. Small 4to, half bock. London (1658) 95 CRAWFORD, CHARLES. Observations upon Negro-Slavery. J2mo, half bound. J. Crukshank, 1781 hflb Scarce. 96 CRESSON, CALEB. Diary of. 1791-1792. Printed from his Original Manuscripts for Family Distribution by Ezra T. .-a Cresson and Charles C. Cresson. ' I2mo, half morocco, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1877 Only tiv-o hundred and fifty copies printed. Autograph presentation copy. , . 97 CRISP, STEPHEN. A Backslider Reproved, and His Folly made Manifest, and his Confusions and Contradictions Dis- covered. In a short 'reply to a Book lately published by Robert Cobbet. * * * The Harlot's Vail Rent, and her l^t Impudency Rebuked. In a short answer to one Elizabeth - Rebttked-; --In- -a- short answer .... to ., one Elizabeth 1 - Atkinson, her Babylon's Brat, against the People called Quakers. By Ann Trovers and Eliza Coleman. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1669 98 CRISP, STEPHEN. Een Klaeginhe over de Stadt van Groe- ningen. Beneven een Antwoort, op vier papieren geschreven, .^j tegen het volck gensernt Quakers. Small 4to, half bock. Amsterdam, 1669 Very rare. 99 CRISP, STEPHEN. A Memorable Account of the Christian Experiences, Gospel Labours, Travels and Sufferings of that Ancient Servant of Christ. 8vo, half calf. London, 1694 Very scarce. 100 CRISP, STEPHEN. An Epistle to Friends Concerning the Present and Succeeding Times. 8vo. London, 1757 101 CRISP, STEPHEN. An Epistle to Friends Concerning the Present and Succeeding Times. I2mo, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1780 102 CRISP, STEPHEN. Scripture Truths Demonstrated in Thirty-two Sermons; or, Declarations of. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1787 103 CRISP, STEPHEN. Scripture Truths Demonstrated in Thirty-two Sermons. 8vo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1787 j? 104 CROESI, GERARD/. Historia Quakeriana, Sive De vulgo dictis Quaikeris, ab qrtu illorum usque ad recens natum ^ schisma Libri III. Small 8vo, vellum. Amsterdam, 1695 Very rare. 105 CROESE, GERARD. The General History of the Quakers. Containing the Lives, Tenents, Sufferings, Tryals, Speeches . and Letters of all the most Eminent Quakers, both Men and \5 Women. From the first Rise of that Sect down to the 1 4 Present Time. * * * To which is added a Letter writ by George Keith. 8vo, calf. . London, 1696 Contains also "Our Antient Testimony Renewed. * * * Given forth by a meeting of Publick Friends and others, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." Very rare. 106 CROOK, JOHN. An Epistle to all that Profess the Light of Jesus Christ within to be their Guide. i6mo, half bock. London (1696) 107 CROOK, JOHN. An Epistle for Unity to Prevent the Wiles of the Enemy. 8vo. London, 1760 108 CRY (THE) OF THE INNOCENT AND OPPRESSED FOR JUS- TICE; or, A Brief Relation of the late Proceedings against the Prisoners called Quakers, in London, and the Manner of their Tryal at the Sessions holden at Hick's Hall and Old-Bailey on the I4th, I5th and I7th Day of October, 1664. At which places thirty-one of the said Prisoners were sen- tenced for Banishment. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1664 Those persons, whose names appear, were sent to Barba- does and Bermuda. 109 CUNNINGHAM. JOHN. The Quakers, from their Origin to the Present Time. I2mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1868 1 10 J^v AVIES, RICHARD. An Account of the Convince- \_J ment and Exercises, Services and Travels of that ^ Ancient Servant of the Lord. J2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1770 Title soiled. Bookplate of James P. Parke. in DA VIES, RICHARD. An Account of the Convincement, ,. Exercises, -Sendees and Travels of. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1770 112 DA VIES, RICHARD. An Account of the Convincement, Exercises, Services and Travels of that Antient Servant (,?* of the Lord. I2nio, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1770 113 DA VIES, RICHARD. An Account of the Convincement. Exercises, Services and Travels of. I2mo, sheep. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1770 15 114 DECIMARUM ET OBLATIONUM TABULA. A Tithing- Table; or, Table of Tithes and Oblations according to the Ecclesiastical Laws and Ordinances established in the Church of England. By W. C. Bach. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1683 115 DEWSBERY, WILLIAM. The Faithful Testimony of that Antient Servant of the Lord, and Minister of the Ever- /, lasting Gospel. ' Small 4to, half morocco. London (1689) 116 DICKINSON, JONATHAN. God's Protecting Providence Man's Surest Help and Defence in times of Greatest Diffi- culty and most Eminent Danger Evidenced in the Re- markable Deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other Persons from the devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst which they suffered Shipwreck: and also from the Cruel Devouring Jaws of the Inhuman Cannibals of Florida. Faith- fully related by. I2mo, sheep. (Soiled.) J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1791 117 DICKINSON, JONATHAN. God's Protecting Providence Man's Surest Help and Defence. I2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1868 Facsimile reprint of the Fifth London Edition. Only two hundred and fifty copies published. 118 DMUNDSON. WILLIAM. A Journal of the Life.. Travels, Sufferings and Labours of Love in the Work of the Ministry of. 8vo, calf. London, 1774 119 EDMUNDSON, WILLIAM. A Journal of the Life, Travels. Sufferings and Labours of Love in the Work of the Min- istry. Second Edition. 8vo, calf. London, 1774 120 ELLWOOD, THOMAS. Sacred History; or, The Historical Pajrt of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. Folio, old calf. London, 1709 William Penn's copy, Proprietor of Pennsylvania. With a fine impression of his excessively rare bookplate on inside of cover. 121 ELLWOOD, THOMAS. The History of the Life of. * * * To which is added a Supplement by J. W(yeth). 8vo, old calf. London, 1714 Ellwood was the friend of Milton, and first suggested to him Paradise Regained. See page 234. 122 ELL WOOD, THOMAS. The History of the Life of. Fourth Edition. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1775 Title soiled. 123 ELLWOOD, THOMAS. Sacred History; or, The Historical Part of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1778 With Isaac Tatem Hopper's (the famous abolitionist} bookplate in each volume, and an autograph presentation from him to his granddaughter, Frances P. Wright. 124 ELLWOOD, THOMAS. Davidies. The Life of David, King , & of Israel. A Poem. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1785 125 ENGLISHMAN, THE; or, A Letter from a Universal Friend, persuading- all Sober Protestants to Healrty and Sincere I ^ Love of one another, as a Unanimous Claim of their An- tient and Undoubted Rights, according to the Law of the Land, as the best means of their safety. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1670 126 EPISTLES FROM THE YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS, Held in London from 1681 to 1817. 8vo, calf. London, 1818 127 EPISTLES OF TENDER CAUTION AND COUNSEL, from the Monthly Meeting of Friends in Philadelphia. 8vo. Joseph Crukshank, Philadelphia (1788) 128 EPISTLES TO FRIENDS CONCERNING THE PRESENT AND SUCCEEDING TIMES. 8vo, uncut. London, 1780 129 ERNEST ADDRESS, AN, to Sudh of the Fjpdple called Quakers as are Sincerely Desirous of Supporting^ and Main- f. With portrait by Bartoloszi. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. (Broken.) London, 1783 143 Fox, GEORGE; STUBS, JOHN, AND FURLEY, BENJAMIN. A Battle-Doo'r for Teachers and Professors to learn Singu- lar and Plural; You to Many, and Thou to One; Singular % * One, Thou ; Plural Many, You. Wherein is Shewed forth by Grammar, or Scripture Examples, how several Nations and People have made a distinction between Singular and Plural. Folio, full morocco. London, 1660 A complete copy of this excessively rare work defending the Quakers' "Thee and Thou," and the most difficult of all of Fo.r's works to obtain. 144 Fox, GEORGE. An Answer to the Argument of the Jewes, in wthich they go about to prove that the Messiah is not I* to come, etc. Small 4to, half bock. London (1661) 145 Fox, GEORGE, THE YOUNGER. A Collection of the Several Books and Writings, given forth by that Faithful Servant of God and his People. ' * Svo, old calf. London, 1662 Very rare. 146 Fox, GEORGE. A Warning to England and to all that Profess themselves Christians, who have the Form, but deny the Power of Godliness that they Sin no More, lest a worse thing come to them. Let this be speedily dispersed. i6mo. Printed in the Year 1674 Very rare. 147 Fox, GEORGE. A Small Treatise Concerning Swearing in the Old Time of the Law, with its Use, etc. i6mo. (Lacks title.) 1675 19 148 Fox, GEORGE. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences and Labours of Love in the Work of the Ministry of that Ancient, Emi- nent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox, who departed this Life in quiet peace with the Lord, the I3th of the nth month, 1690. Vol. I. Folio, old calf. London, 1694 The very rare first edition, with the rare portrait of Fox engraved by Holmes. 149 Fox, GEORGE. A Collection. of Many Select and Christian Epistles, Letters and Testimonies written on Sundry Occa- i sions by that Ancient, Eminent, Faithful Friend and Min- ister of Christ Jesus, George Fox, The second volume. Folio, old calf. London, 1698 The very rare first edition. 150 Fox, GEORGE. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, etc., of. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1808 151 FRIEND, THE. A Religious aind Literary Journal. Edited by Robert Smith and others. From the commencement, October 13, 1827, to September 18, 1847. Vols. I. to XX., lacking Vol. XVIII. 19 vols. 4to, half sheep. Philadelphia 152 FULLER, WILLIAM. The Whole Life of. Being an Im- partial Account of his Birth, Education, Relations and In- troduction into the Service of the late King James and his Queen. Together with a True Discovery of the Intrigues for which he is now confin'd. 8vo, old calf. London, 1703 153 /~> ALLOW AY, JOSEPH. Brief Commentaries upon V^_J such parts of the Revelation and other Prophecies as immediately refer to the Present Times. 2 vols. I2mo, sheep. Trenton, 1809 GARDINER, DOCTOR W T ILLIAM. A Journal of the Ex- ternal Evidences of the Lord's Gracious Dealings with. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1819 154 GAWLER, FRANCIS. The Children of Abraham's Faith, who are Blessed. Being found in Abraham's practice of Burying their Dead in their own purchased Bury ing- Places, " are not to be Reproved, but therein are justified in the sight of God and the practice of Holy Men in former ages. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1663 2O 1 55 GIBSON, JOHN. A Faithfull Testimony for the Lord, ' wherein is Proclaimed the Mighty Day of his Power. Small 410, half morocco. London, 1663 156 GIPSON, THOMAS. Something Offered to the Considera- tion of all those who have a hand in putting the late made f Act (entituled An Act to Prevent and Suppress Seditious I _/" Conventicles) in Execution. Small 4to, half bock. (1665) The author was a prisoner in Newgate under sentence of transportation to Jamaica. 157 GIBSON, WILLIAM. Tythes ended by Christ, with the Levitical Priesthood. * * * Being an Answer to a Re- viling Pamphlet writ by Cress Wheatly, a Priest near Ban- \\^r bury in Oxfordshire, against the People of God called Quakers, etc. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1673 158 GIBSON. WILLIAM. A False Witness Examin'd and Re- buk'd. and the Stedfast, Sincere Obedience of the People )$ called Quakers unto Christ Jesus; their Souls' Captain, I s Bishop and High-Priest Asserted and Vindicated. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1674 159 GRATTON, JOHN. John Baptists Decreasing and Christ f Increasing Witnessed. Being a Treatise concerning Bap- ^\^ tism in the Type and Baptism in the Mystery. I2mo. Printed in the Year 1674 160 GREAT AUDIT, THE; or, Good Steward. Being some Necessa/ry and Important Consideration to be Considered of by all Sorts of People. Taken out of the writings of the late worthy and renowned Sir Matthew Hale. I2mo, half bock. London, 1761 161 (GREY, ISAAC.) A Serious Address to such of the Peo- ple called Quakers on the Continent of North America, as profess Scruples relative to the Present Government. * * * Written before itlhe departure of the British Army from Philadelphia, 1778. Svo, uncut. Styner & Cist, Philadelphia, 1778 Humphrey Marshall's copy, with autograph on title. 162 GRIFFITH, JOHN. Some Brief Remarks upon Sundry , AQ Important Subjects. Svo. London, 1765 163 GRIFFITH, JOHN. Some Brief Remarks upon some Sun- - dry Important Subjects. A ,(T Svo. James Adams, Wilmington, 1768 21 164 GRIFFITH, JOHN. Some Brief Remarks upon Sundry Im- portant Subjects. 8vo. James Adams, Wilmington, 1768 165 GRIFFITH, JOHN. A Journal of the Life. Travels and Labours in the Work of the Ministry. / '70 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1780 Has bound uith it Some Brief Remarks upon Sundry Important Subjects, by John Griffith, Philadelphia, 1781. 166 GRUBB, SARAH. Some Account of the Life and Religious Labours of. 8vo, calf. London, 1794 167 GRUBB, SARAH. Some Account of the Life and Religious Labours of. I2mo, sheep. Wilmington, 1795 168 GURNEY'S (MRS.) APOLOGY IN JUSTIFICATION OF MRS. 's Friendship. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1860 169 GUION, LADY. The Life of. Written by Herself in French. * * * To which is added Remarkable Accounts of the Lives of Worthy Persons. 8vo, calf. Bristol, 1772 William Dunker says this was translated from the French by James Cough, an eminent minister among the Friends in Ireland. 170 GUMMERE, AMELIA MOTT. The Quaker: a Study in Cos- tume. 1 1 lust rated. 8vo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1901 171 TT ELTON, JOHN. Reasons for Quitting the Method- ist Society. Being a Defense of Barclay's Apol- ogy. Svo. London, 1778 172 HESTON, JACOB FRANKLIN. Moral and Political Truth. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1811 173 HISTORIA FANATICORUM, oder eine vollkommene Relation und Wissenschafft von denen Schwarmern als Alten Ana- <*Q baptisten und Neuen Quakern. Illustrated with numerous JO' curious copperplates of Quakers committing murder, uri- nating in baptismal font, emptying fish into a pond to repro- duce the miracle, etc. Folio, vellum. Frankfuth, 1701 22 Bound with this volume are several other very curious tracts relating to the same subject, published at the same & time, and illus/jttrated with portraits of fanatics and other copperplates. 174 HOLME, BENJAMIN. A Collection of the Epistles and Works of. 8vo, half bock. London, 1754 175 HOLME, BENJAMIN. A Serious Call in Christian Love to all People to turn to the Spirit of Christ. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1795 176 HOLME, BENJAMIN. A Serious Call in Christian Love to all People to turn to the Spirit of Christ. 8vo, half bock. J. Crnkshank, Philadelphia, N. D. 177 HOSKENS, JANE. The Life of that Faithful Servant in Christ. I2mo half bock. Manchester, N. D. 178 HUME, SOPHIA. An Exhortation to .the Inhabitants of the Province of 'South Carolina to bring their Deeds to the Light of Christ, in their own Consciences. I2mo, calf. Dublin, 1754 179 (HuME, SOPHIA.) A Short Appeal to Men and Women of Reason, Distinguished by Titles of Worldly Honour, or bv Riches exclusive of Titles ; who may be walking accord- i ^d inig -to the Courise of this evil World, living in the Pleas- ures thereof, and frequenting Theatres, Balls, etc. By S. H. 8vo, half bock. Bristol 1765 180 INDIANS. A Summary Account of the Measures pur- sued by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of New York _4 for the Welfare and Civilization of the Indians resid- ing on the Frontiers of that State. With Extracts from Two Letters relating to the Subject. 8vo, half bock. London, 1813 181 INDIANS. Accounts of some Proceedings of Coramlfctees of the Yearly Meeting of Friends in Philadelphia, New . York, Baltimore and Ohio for the Welfare and Civiliza- \\s tion of the Indians of North America. I2mo, half bock. Dublin, 1817 CORRECTION OF Grofs& hurtful Errors i is $ccafionally opened & explained mapy^great and peculiar Myfteries aod Do&rines of the By George Keitb* Whereunto is added, A Cfoonological^TredTifeafthe ef tin WQ RLD f Sagihe Intervals, Time & Effects of the Seven Cfrarches, jkven Seals, Sev^n Trumpt ts, and feyen Vwls, ca[led^TM/fo^/if ftogHts'j and the various ^readfiAEfFe&s ^^that are4ifce,tofiftfue at th; ^pouring forth of each of them, which is near at handv Together with an Account ofth^Tirne pf the Ghurche* goinp into rhe Wildernefe, her Return, foH Reftpration^ and llDiyerfc fpreadirg of the glorious GofpeHnto all Nations of chfe Ear tb. As al Id, the time of r he Perfonal Aoti thrift h js Reiga and laft PwrCecution; With the Titneofthe'PrQphecyiogfKilliflgandRifiDg ag-aiff of the two Wicaefifcsl Anjd.I^^, Co^nccrninf the Thoufand Years Reign of the ^un(ts with Chriit y^t to come,' and time of begiriningi.feereof % only by way of Eflay aad Hypothefis; 1 PrikteA i* tkt fe*r i 6 9 4. Facsemile Title Lot 24 1 82 INDIANS. Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes in the Settle- ment of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Penn- sylvania. 8yo, cloth. London, 1844 183 JORDAN, RICHARD. A Journal of the Life and ^j Religious Labours of. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia. 1829 FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN NEW YORK. 184 EITH, GEORGE. Truth Advanced in the Correc- tion of Many Gross & hurtful Errors; wherein is occasionally opened & explained many great and peculiar Mysteries and Doctrines of the Christian Religion. By George Keith. Whereunto is added a Chronological Treatise of the Several Ages of the World, etc. Small 4to, contemporary calf. (Cracked.) Printed in the Year 1694 Collation: Title, Contents (2), Preface (6), pp. 1-184, a chrono- logical account, pp. 1-32. Hildeburn says of this book: "The first book printed in New York, Bradford's earlier publications having been only pamphlets or broadsides. It was probably issued in April or May, 1694." In the Almanac for 1694 it is said: "The Laws will be speedily printed," while Truth Advanced is announced as "now on the press." This copy is a fine, crisp one throughout, with the excep- tion that the words "TRUTH ADVANCED, IN THE" is cut from the top of title, a piece cut from the margin of the first page of the preface, and a few leaves time stained. It ranks in this country with the same degree of rarity as a Ca.rton does in Europe. It is really the "incunabulae" of American typography. It is the rarest of all the Keith items. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 185 KEITH, GEORGE. A Sermon Preached at the Meeting of Protestant Dissenters called Quakers, in Turners-Hall, Lon- don, on the 1 6th of the Second Month, 1696. Being the Pub-lick Day of Thanksgiving for the Deliverance of the King and Kingdom. Small 4to, half calf. London ,1696 Binding soiled. 1 86 KEITH, GEORGE. A Sermon Preach'd at the Parish-Church of St. Helen's, London, May the igth, 1700. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1700 On the last page is this curious notice: "This is to give , Notice, That a Printed Sheet, call'd Mr. George Keith's Account of a National Church, etc. Humbly Presented to the Bishop of London. Published by Tacy Sowle, the Quaker Printer, which she hath delivered to the Hawkers (as one of them told me), to cry about the Streets, is a Quaker-Cheat." 187 KEITH, GEORGE. A Sermon Preach'd at Turners-Hall, the 5th of May, 1700. In which he gave an Account of his + Joyning in Communion with the Church of England, with *i 70 some Additions and Enlargements made by Himself. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1700 First Edition of Keith's Last Sermon, with the half title. 188 KEITH, GEORGE. A Sermon Preach'd at Turners-Hall the 5th of May, 1700. In which he gave an Account of , his Joyning in Communion with the Church of England. X' Second Edition. Small 4to, half calf. London, 1700 With the half title. "Mr. Keith's Last Sermon." 189 KEITH. Proteus Ridivivus; or, The Turner of Turners- Hall Truly Represented; and the Abuses and Falsehoods of * George Keith's Fourth Narrative, so far as they concern the Author, Examin'd and Detected by Daniel Phillips. 4to, half bock. London, 1700 190 KEITH, GEORGE. The Standard of the Quakers Examined; for, An Answer to the Apology of Robert Barclay. *^,* 8vo, calf. London, 1702 191 (KEITH, GEORGE.) An Account of the Great Divisions Amongst the Quakers in Pensilvania, etc. As appears by their own Book, here following, Printed 1692, and lately came from thence, Intituled, viz.. The Plea of the Innocent against the False Judgment of the Guilty. Being a Vindi- cation of George Keith, and his Friends, who are joined with him in this present Testimony, from the False Judg- ment, Calumnies, false Information and Defamations df Samuel Jenings, John Sim cock. Thomas Lloyd, and others, joyned with them, being in November Twenty Eight, Di- rected, by way of Epistle, to faithful Friends of Truth, in An Account of the Amongft the U A K E R S, I N Af appears by thek own Book,, tee following , Printed and lately came from thence, Intituled , viz* Pka of the Innocent, agabft the the of Being a. Vindication of Gwge Kfitb> and his Friends, who^are joined whb him hi this prefent Teftimony, from the Falfc Judgment, Calum pics, felfe Informations and Pe&mations of Samuel Jeiungt, Jom Simeocl^ and others, )oyned with them, beg in Number Twenty Eight. , "by wav of Epiftle, to faltKlul FricndJ qf Tttith, in * and clfc-whcre, a5 occafion tcquireth. Jot 7. $o, 51. Nicodcmus/d; Dstb IKT Lavjtakc aty Afyti Before it hear him. a $ i5,\i7. # / aor rfcf m4w tf the Romans, f*M Feftw, ft ^rff before that be which is accufed, have the Acctfcn face to face, and to have c to tifmrfor bimfelf, concerning the Gnmelnd, *ainft him. Pfal. <8. *, a. fi .re indeed fpe*lt Rightewfnefa Cwgrcgat'm* Do / rW(f, OjeSM Briefly but Impartially given betwixt the FEOPLE_called I N , &c. .iy America, who re main in UNITY; And With feme few Seduced by liim into a Separa- tion from them. As alfo.a Jufi Vindic of ray Self from the Reproaches and Afc of thofe Rackjti&rs. By SAMVEL JENNINGS, Prcr. 18-117. H. th&t is ;fuft f fat bis Neighbour comethjxd fearchcth hint. EsoU. 29-; . Thoufialt Mt raife if rife reptirt,, &<:. Plat. 120. ^ r 4.' Wbatfb AU be given unto thee t or what fiafl unto tfae, ihdu falfd Xcwgite ? Sharp Arrow of London, Printed android by T, Sowk, near the Metting-kotife inWhite-Hart-Confi in Grace* Church-Street, and at the Cr ooked- Billet ,i l. Law near Shore ditch. Facsimile Title Lot 192. APOSTATE OK,. Contradifting himfelf^and^Kis '*-% : -*. 'i -""^ '-.'. ' '-> '**? Brother JWREREl^ 'Faith 'of the : Pfebple Called QW& ,-, : y. ^- ' f. , r >- V^Txrl^T f ferr yfislpppoiedita ^A silate !?aniphleti\ Stiled^^ Grt^Errov land HyfQcnfie detected. f for~:v!>erc'Envyint *t Strife is, tvery ctil wr*, james 3. i5v "tobAtlhtH he then tints ikce* or t&Athtll be dtne unto thf^ ikon fdftTotf, Jbaq ^fal. 120. 3, 4. Z0xlm. Priflted and Sold by r. 5owJr/ near ' the c in 'tobi Facsimile Title Lot zp6. 29 Pensilvania, East and West-Jersey, and else-where, as occa- sion requireth. Small 4to, full polished light calf, canary edges. By Pratt. London, 1692 One of the rarest of the Keith controversies. Written by George Keith and Thomas Budd. SEE FACSIMILE OF TITLE. 192 KEITH. The State of the Case, Briefly but Impartially given betwixt the People called Quakers, in Pensilvania, etc., in America, who remain in Unity ; and George Keith. With Jsome few Seduced by him into a Separation from them; As also a Just Vindication of My Self from the Reproaches and Abuses of those Backsliders. By Samuel Jennings. Small 8vo, sprinkled calf. London, 1694 Very rare. The most important publication upon the Quaker side in the controversy with Keith. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 193 KEITH. The Judgment Given Forth by Twenty-Eight Quakers against George Keith and his Friends. With An- swers to the said Judgment, declaring those Twenty-Eight Quakers to be no Christians, as also an Appeal (for which several were imprisoned, etc.) by the said George Keith, etc., to the Yearly Meeting, September, 1692. With a full Account of the said Yearly Meeting, signed by Seventy Quakers. Small 4to, full light calf, gilt, canary edges. By Pratt. Printed at Pensilvania, and now Reprinted at London for Richard Bald- win, 1694. Fine, clean copy. Very rare. 194 KEITH. An Epistle to Friends, briefly Commemorating the Gracious Dealings of the Lord with them ; and warning them to beware of that Spirit of Contention and Division which hath appeared of late in George Keith and some few ) , others that join with him, who have made a Breach and Separation from Friends in some Parts of America. By Thomas Ellwood. I2mo, half calf. London, 1694 // was Elhvood who persuaded Milton to write Paradise Regained. 195 KEITH. A Further Discovery of the Spirit of Contention and Division which tiatfh appeared of late in George Keith. Being a Reply to Two Late Printed Pieces of his, the one entituled a Loving Epistle, etc., the other, A Seasonable In- formation, etc. By Thomas Ellwood. Small 8vo, half sprinkled calf. London, 1694 J 2- 30 196 KEITH. An Apostate Exposed; or, George Keith Con- tradicting himself and his Brother Bradford. Wherein Their Testimony to the Christian Faith of the People called !(f Quakers is opposed to G. K.'s late Pamphlet, Stiled Gross Error and Hypocrisie detected. I2mo, half calf. London, 1695 Excessively rare. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 197 KEITH. Certain Certificates Received from America on behalf of Samuel Jennings, tending to clear him from Scan- dals cast on him by George Keith and others of his Opposers. jOi Made publick by John Pennington. I2mo, sprinkled calf. London, 1695 One of the rarest of the Keith pamphlets. Title repaired on lower margin. 198 KEITH. Truth Defended; and th~e Friends thereof cleared from the False Charges, Foul Reproaches, and Envious . Cavils cast upon it and them by George Keith (an apostate [0 from them). In two books, by him lately published. * * * Both which Books are herein Answered, and his Malice, Injustice, and Folly Exposed. By Thomas Ell wood. I2mo, sprinkled calf. London, 1695 199 KEITH. Some Reasonable Reflections upon the Quakers' Solemn Protestation against George Keith's Proceedings at Turners-Hall, 29th April, 1697, which was by them Printed and sent thither, as the Reasons of their appearing to De- fend themselves, herein Annex' d Verbatim. By an Impar- tial Hand. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1697 200 KEITH. Some Brief Observations upon George Keitih's Earnest Exposituila'tion, contained in a Postcript to a late Book of his, entituled The An'tichristts and Sadducees De- tected, etc. Offered to the Perusal of such as the said Ex- postulation was Recommended to. By E. P. (Edward Pen- ington.) I2mo, half calf. London, 1696 201 KEITH. The People called Quakers cleared by George Keith from the False Doctrines charged upon them by G. L rt> Keith, and his Self-Corttradictions laid open in the ensuing Citations out of his Books. By John Penington. I2mo, half sprinkled calf. London, 1696 202 KEITH. More Work for George Keith. Being George Keith's Vindication of the People called Quakers with him- i',o self, against the Forgeries and Abuses of Thomas Hicks and William Kessin, called Anabaptists, with the Rest of their Confederate Brethren of the Barbican Meeting, held at Lon- don, the 28th of the 6th Month, 1674. J2mo, half sprinkled calf. London, 1696 By William Penn. Very rare. 203 KEITH. A Modest Detection of George Keith's (mis- called) Just Vindication of his Earnest Expostulation. Pub- lished by him as a pretended Answqr to a Late Book of (f t Mine, entituled Scxmte Brief Observations. By E. P. (Ed- ward Penington.) I2mo, half sprinkled calf. London, 1696 Very rare, with the four pages of advertisements at the back, the last leaf of which is repaired. 204 KEITH. An Answer to George Keith's Narrative of his Proceedings at Turner's Hall, on the nth of the Month called June, 1696. Wherein his Charges against divers of S the People called Quakers (both in that, and in another book ^* of his, caflled Gross Error and Hypocrisie Detected) are fairly Considered, Examined and Refuted. By Thomas Ell- wood. J2mo, half sprinkled calf. London, 1696 Excessively rare. 205 KEITH, SIR WILLIAM. A Collection of Papers and other Tracts written occasionally on Various Subjects. To which is prefixed by way of Preface an Essay on the Nature of a H Publick Spirit. Svo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1740 Very rare. Keith zvas Governor of Pennsylvania. At page 212 will be found a description of Philadelphia. 206 KIMEER, EMMOR. An Account of the Time of Holding the Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends on I jb the Continent of America. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia (1812) 207 T ACY, JOHN. The Prophetical Warnings of, Pro- L, nounced under the Operation of the Spirit. Lon- don, 1707. Enthusiasfcick Impoeters, No Dfrviiruely Inspired Prophets. London, 1707. An Answer to Several -' Treatises lately publish'd on the subject of the Prophets. (London, 1707.) Quakerism Expos'd to Publick Censure by Francis Bugg. London, 1699. Clavis Prophetica; or, A Key to the Prophecies of Mons Marion. Part II . Lon- don (1707). A Cry from the Desart; or, Testimonials of 32 the Miraculous Thing's lately come to pass in the Clevennes. London, 1707. Bound in i vol. 8vo, calf. A rare series of tracts relating to the French prophets, of whom Samuel Keimer (the patron of Dr. Franklin) and Mary Keimer, his sister, came to Pennsylvania. 208 LAY, BENJAMIN. Memoirs of. Portrait. I2mo, paper. New York, 1842 209 LEGACY, A; or, Widow's Mite left by Alice Haiyes. To her Children and others. I2mo. London, 1786 210 LESLIE. The Snake in the Grass ; or, Satan Transform'd into an Angel of Light, Discovered. The Deep and Unsus- pected Suibtlity which is Couched under the Pretended Sim- \ , plicity of many of the Principal Leaders of those People call'd Quakers. The Third Edition. Frontispiece. 8vo, calf. London, 1698 211 LESLIE. A Defence of a Book intituled The Sniake in the Grass, in Reply to several Answers put out to it by ^,, Georg-e Whitehead, Joseph Wyeth, etc. 8vo, half calf. (Rebacked.) London, 1700 212 LESTER, ELIZABETH B. The Quakers. A Tale. I2mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1818 > ' Hannah Wistar's copy, with autograph. 213 LETTER FROM AN ENGLISH REFORMED QUAKER, to his Friend in Scotland of the same Persuasion. With tlhe An- swer and Reply thereto. Small 4to, half bock. Edinburgh, 1703 Title soiled. 214 LETTERS TO A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. 4 vols. I2mo, paper. London, N. D. 215 LETTER FROM ONE OF THE PEOPLE CALL'D QUAKERS TO Francis De Voltaire, occasioned by his Remarks on that People. 8vo, uncut. London, 1741 216 LETTER TO A PERSON LATELY JOIN'D WITH THE PEOPLE called Quakers. i6mo. 1748 33 217 LETTRE D'UN BOURGEOIS DE LONDRE, QUACKER DE RELIG- ION. A son Cblegue Mr. R. W. Marchand a Rotterdam. Tradtiit de 1'Anglois. Small 4to, half morocco. L'An, 1688 About William Penn. Very rare. 218 LIBERTY OF THE SUBJECT, THE, BY MAGNA CHARTA; or, x Several Weighty Things to be Considered of by the Jurors ||J* and Judges. Small 4to, half bock. 1664 219 (LINDLEY, BENJAMIN). The Shiboleth of Priest-hood wherein it is debated and proved by the evidence of Script- ure and right of Reason, to be absolutely impossible for any unholy man to execute the office of a Gospel Minister. Small 4to, half bock. Printed Anno Domino, 1678 220 LOMBE, HENRY. An Exhortation given forth at the Re- quirings of the Lord, in tender Love to all that have been in any Measure turned unto Truth. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1694 221 1\ /I ARSILLAC, J. La Vie de Guillaume Penn, Fon- [ \\ dateur de la Pensylvania. 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1791 Library stamp on title. 222 MARSHALL, CHARLES. A Second Epistle. Being a Ten- der Salutation to the Seed of Jacob. Small 410, half bock. Printed in the Year 1673 On the back of title it has written: "Ann Stockton's Booke" "Dorcas Stockton Book." 223 MASON, BENJAMIN. Light Rising out of Obscurity; or, A Reply to Francis Herr's Pamphlet. 8vo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1790 An answer to a pamphlet against the Quaker view of bap- tism, by Francis Herr, a Mennonite preacher. 224 MASON, MARTIN. A Loving Invitation and a Faithful Warning to all People w5io believe they must give an Ac- I * count to the Righteous God for the Deeds done by them in Flesih. Small 4to, half bock. London (1660) Written whilst a prisoner in the city goal in Lincoln, 1660. (3) 34 225 MASON, MARTIN. A Faithful warning with good Advice . from Israel's God to England's King and his Council. Small 4to, half bock. London (1660) 226 MASON, MARTIN. One Mite more Cast into God's Treas- ury in some Prison- Meditations ; or, Observations and Breathing of a Honest Heart, touching England's Condition now at this day. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1665 227 MASON, SUSANNA. Selections from the Letters and Manu- scripts of. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1836 228 MICHENER, EZRA. A Retrospect of Early Quakerism. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 229 MOLLINEUX, MARY. Fruits of Retirement; or, Miscella- i *7 neons Poems, Moral and Divine. I2mo, sheep. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1781 30 MIFFLIN, P^ARNER. The Defence of. Against Aspersion cast on him on Account of his Endeavours to promote Right- eousness, Mercy and Peace among Mankind. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1796 The author ivas a zealous Friend, and was one of those selected at the time of the Battle of Germantown to present their testimony against war to Sir William Howe and Gen- eral George Washington. The delegates were locked up by both commanders. His defence contains valuable informa- tion concerning the war and slavery. 231 MUGGLETON, LoDOWiCK. A Looking-Glass for George Fox, the Quaker, and other Quakers. 4to. Ixmdon, 1756. xo the Neck of the Quakers Broken. By Lodowick Muggle- 3* ton. 4to. London, 1756. The Answer to William Penn, Quaker. By Lodowick Muggleton. 4to. 1756. Bound in I vol. Half sheep. 232 N TARRATIVE OF FACTS AND CIRCUM- |^ stances that have tended to produce a Secession from the Society of Friends in New England Yearly Meeting. 8vo. Providence, 1845 35 233 NAYLER, JAMES. Antichrist in Man, Christ's Enemy, who hath been pretending for Christ in notion, but now at h *7J his appearance stands up with all his power to deny his Light, and preach him insufficient. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1656 234 NAYLER, JAMES. A Collection of Sundry Books, Epistles, and Papers written by. Some of which were never before Printed. With an Impartial Relation of the Most Remark- \,^ able Transactions Relating to his Life. 8vo, old calf. (Cracked.) London, 1716 Naylor had his tongue bored imth a red-hot iron, and was whipped with three hundred and twenty lashes. 235 NAYLER, JAMES. A Collection of Sundry Books, Epistles and Papers written by. Svo, half boards. London, 1716 With autograph of Charles Naylcr, the Philadelphia Con- gressman and soldier. 236 NIXON, BARNAEY. Extracts from the Manuscript Writ- ings of. I2mo, sheep. Richmond, 1814 237 NORWICH MONTHLY MEETING. An Affectionate Address to the Youth of. I2mo, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1783 Slightly imperfect. 233 CAPERS RELATING TO THE QUAKERS' J~ Tythe Bill. 8vo. Dublin, 1737 239 (PARKE, JAMES.) A Warning to England, with a Hand of True Pity and Compassion still held forth in the Love of God, to call you all to Repentance. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1679 240 PF.MBERTON. JOHN. A Testimony of the Monthly Meet- ing of Friends at Pyrmont, in Westphalia, Germany, con- cerning John Pemberton, of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 241 PENINGTON, ISAAC. Some Sensible,. Weighty Queries . ^ concerning some things very sweet and necessary to be ex- ftj^ perienced in the Truly-Christian State. i6mo. Printed in the Year 1677 36 / 242 PENINGTON, ISAAC. To the Jews Natural, and to the Jews Spiritual. With a few words to England, my Native >' Country, etc. i6mo. Printed in the Year 1677 243 PENINGTON, ISAAC. Select Pieces on Religious Subjects. 8vo, half boards. Philadelphia, 1783 : ' 244 PENN, WILLIAM. Truth Rescued from Imposture; or, A Brief Reply to a meer Rapsodie of Lies, Folly, and Slan- der. But a pretended Answer to the Tryafl of W. Penn, and W. Mead, etc. Writ and subscrib'd S. S. By a Pro- fest Enemy to Oppression W. P. Small 4to, three-quarter half morocco, uncut. Printed in the Year 1670 Fine copy. Very rare. 245 PENN, WILLIAM. Truth Rescued from Imposture; or, A Brief Reply to a meer Rapsodie of Lies, Folly and Slan- d-er. But a pretended Answer to the Tryal of W. Penn and ^ % W. Mead, etc. Writ and subscrib'd S. S. By a Profest Enemy to Oppression W. P. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1670 Very scarce. 246 PENN, WILLIAM. The Great Case of Liberty and Con- science once more Briefly Debated and Defended, by the f- authority of Reason, Scripture, and Antiquity. * * * The >J author W. P. Small 4to, three-quarter morocco, uncut. Printed in the Year 1670 247 PENN, WILLIAM. Truth Exalted. In a Short, but sure, Testimony against all those Religious Faiths and Worships that have been formed and followed in the darkness of j/o Apostacy, and for that Glorious Light which is now risen and shines forth in the Life and Doctrine of the despised Quakers. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1671 248 PENN, WILLIAM. The New Witnesses proved old Here- ticks; or, Information to the Ignorant. In which the Doc- trines of John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton, which they stile Mysteries never before known, revealed, or heard of from the Foundation of the World, are proved to be mostly Ancient Whimsies, Blasphemies and Heresies, from the Evi- dence of Scripture, Reason and several Historians. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1672 Has monogram of S. R. (Samuel Richardson} on title. 37 249 PENN, WILLIAM. The Spirit of Truth Vindicated, against that of Error and Envy, unseasonably Manifested in a late 3 Malicious Libel, intituled The Spirit of the Quakers, Tyed, etc. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. Printed in the Year 1672 250 PENN, WILLIAM. Plain Dealing with a Traducing Ana- baptist; or, Three Letters writ upon occasion of some Slan- A ( derous Reflections given and promoted against William Penn by one John Morse. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1672 251 PENN. WILLIAM. Judas and the Jews Combined against Christ and his Followers. fyt Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1673 252 PENN, WILLIAM. The Counterfeit Christian Detected and the Real Quaker Justified : or, God and Scripture, Reason -. and Antiquity against the Vile Forgeries, Gross Perversions, Faith and Worship). Matthew Hide. * * * With an Appendix both to Foes and Friends on this occasion, by William Penn. Small 4to, three-quarter morocco, uncut. Printed in the Year 1675 449404 38 256 PENN, WILLIAM. The Continued Cry of the Oppressed for Justice. Being" a farther Account of the late Unjust . and Crud Proceeding's of Unreasonable Men against the /' Persons and Estates of many of the People call'd Quakers, etc. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1675 257 PENN, WILLIAM. The Skirmisher Defeated and Truth Defended. Being an Answer to a Pamphlet, entituled A fi/4 Skirmish made upon Quakerism. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1676 258 PENN, WILLIAM. To the Churches of Jesus throughout the World, gathered and settl-ed in his Eternal Light, Power tj and Spirit, to be one Holy Flock, Family, and Household to the Lord. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1677 259 PENN, WILLIAM. To the Children of Light in this Gen- .- oration cailled of God to be Partakers of Eternal Life in 3.1* Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and Light of the World. Small 4to, half morocco. London (1678) 260 PENN, WILLIAM. A Brief Examination and State of Liberty sSpirituad, both with Respect to Persons in their j jt> Private Capacity and in their Church Society and Com- munion. Small 4to, half morocco. London, 1681 261 PENN, WILLIAM, AND MEAD, WILLIAM. The Peoples' Antient and Just Liberties Asserted in the Tryal of William Penn and W'illiam Mead, at the Sessions held at the Old- Baily in London, the first, third, fourth and fifth of Septem- ber, '70, against the most Arbitrary procedure of that Court. Small 4tc, half morocco. London, 1682 262 PENN, WILLIAM. Predikatie Gedann door, in Londen. 1 1 Small 4to, half morocco. Amsteldam, 1700 263 PENN, WILLIAM. Primitive Christianity Revived. Also Select Essays on Religious Subjects from the Writings of Isaac Penington. 8vo, half boards., Philadelphia, 1783 264 PENN, WILLIAM. Tender Counsel and Advise, by way of Epistle, to all those who are sensible of their Day of ^, Visitation, and w'ho have received the call of the Lord. I2mo, half bock. Enoch Story, Philadelphia, 1783 39 265 PHILLIPS, CATHARINE. Reasons why the People called Quakers cannot so fully unite with the Methodists in their 3* Missions to the Negroes in the West India Islands and Africa. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1792 266 PHIPPS, J. Brief Remarks on the Common Arguments now used in Support of Divers Ecclesiastical Impositions in this Nation. Svo. London, 1769 267 PHIPPS, JOSEPH. The Original and Present Stafte of Man. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1783 268 PIETY PROMOTED. In a Collection of Dying Sayings of many of the People called Quakers. 4 vols. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1854 269 PIKE, JOSEPH. An Epistle to the National Meeting of Friends in Dublin, concerning good Order and Discipline in the Church. 8vo, half morocco. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1770 270 PIKE, SAMUEL, AND SANDEMAN, ROBERT. An Epistolary Correpondence between. I2mo, uncut. Whitehaven, 1798 271 PLEA FOR THE POOR. By a Collection of Sundry Script- ures out of the Old and New Testament. I2mo, half bock. London, 1708 272 POOLEY, W. Part of the Sufferings of Leicestershire and North-hamptonshire, by Informers and Priests; also God's |. ' Mercies Testified unto, and Man's Cruelty bore Witness against. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1683 273 PRIMITIVE HERESIE REVIVED, in the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers. Wherein is shewn, in seven Particulars, that the Principal and most Characterise ck Er- | rors of the Quakers were Broached and Condemned in the Days of the Apostles ami the first one hundred atnd fifty years after Christ. To which is added A Friendly Expos- tulation with William Penn, upon Account of his Primitive Christianity, lately published. Small 4to, half morocco. London, 1698 274 PUGH, ELLIS. A Salutation to the Britains to call them from the many things to the one thing needful for 'the sav- n- don. 1665. {Very rare. Contains all the names of those imprisoned, and of much interest and value to Pennsylvania.} To the King. By T. Taylor and Elizabeth Hootin. 4to. (London, 1676.) A General Epistle to Friends. By Geo:ge Fox, 1670. 4to. (London, 1670). To all Friends Every- where, to whom this may concern, to go abroad among them to be read in the fear of God by them. By Patrick Living- ston. 4to. (London, 1670.) Written from prison. My dearly beloved Friends and Brethren, whom the Lord hath revealed unto and visited with his heavenly power. By Stephen Hubbersty. 4to. (London, 1670). Several Epis- tles given forth by two of the Lord's Faithful Servants, \\ihom he sent to New-England to Bear Witness to his Everlasting Truth, and were there (by the priests, rulers and professors), after cruel and long Imprisonment, and Inhumane Whippings and Banishment, put to death for no other cause but for keeping the Commandments of God and Testimony of Jesus. Wm. Robinson and Wm. Leddra. Here is also prefixed W. R., his Testimony of his call to that service, for obedience unto which he underwent the wrath of men, but hath obtained Everlasting Peace and Rest with God. 4bo. London, 1669. ."He afterwards com- ing to Boston, in New England, where, for being called a Quaker, he was by Priests and Rulers torn and tortured with cruel whipping, and banihsed, on pain of death, and kept close prisoner almost a year, fast chained to a Logg of Timber from the hour of his coming into Prison, till thd rery moment they led him forth to be murdered.' The True Light Shining in England to give unto all her Inhabitants the Knowledge of their Ways. By William Smith. London. 1660. Silent Meeting a Wonder to the World, yet Prac- ticed by the Apostles and owned by the People of God, scornfully called Quakers. By William Britten. 4to. Lon- don, 1671. A Testimony of Truth against all the Sowers of Dissention, Strife and Discord amongst the People of God. by William Bailey. 4to. London. 1667. The Word of the Lord. To his beloved Citty, New- Jerusalem. By William Dewsbury. (London, 1663). Some Grounds and Reasons Drawn from the Law of God and this Nation, to manifest the Unlawfulness of the Practice of those Magistrates, and others, who Commit Men to Prison, or Fine them, for not 42 Putting off the Hat, etc. By John Pennyman, Thomas Coveney and Humphrey Woolrich. 4to. London, 1660. A Special Warrant given, forth (from the Spirit of God, etc.) By Joseph Fall. London, 1663. The Deceitful Spirit Dis- covered in its Secret and Mysterious Workings. By Will- iam Qeevelye. 4*0. London, 1667. A Loving Salutation to all People who have any Desires after the Living God. By J. Beevan. 4to. London, 1660. A Visitation in Love to those of Jbhe People called Baptists. By John Anderson. 4to. London, 1660. A Salutation of Love, from the open- ing of the Springs of Eternal Life. By Robert Lodge. 4to. London, 1665. A Manifestation of Divine Love. By Thomas Salthouse. 4to. London, 1660. A Salutation to the Little Flock, wlho doe choose Christ to be their Flock. By John Samm. 4to. London, 1663 : and These Queries are given forth for any, either Priest or People, to Answer, if ithey can. By George Fox. 4to. London, 1665. Bound in i vol. 4to, old calf. This very curious and excessively rare collection of twenty-seven tracts jj^e all in the original contemporary bind- ing in old calf, with leather strings and stamped on the side "H. wr 277 QUAKER TRACTS. The Resurrection of John Lilburne, now a Prisoner in Dover-Castle. 4to. London, 1656. To the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England. By G(eo.) F(ox). 4to. London, 1659. Persecution Incon- sistent with Christianity, Humane Society, and the Honour of Princes. By Richard Hubberthorn, Samuel Fisner, and Francis Howgill. 4to. London, 1670. Good Counsel and Advice unto the Magistrates and People of Nrowich. 4to. London, 1676. True Christianity Vindicated. By Ambros Rigge. 4to. London, 1679. To the People at and about Stafford. By Thomas Taylor. 410. London, 1679. A General Epistle to be Read in the fear of God. By William Dewsbury. 4to. London, 1682. An Abstract of the Lives, Precepts and Sayings of the Ancient Fathers. By J(ohn) W(hiting). 4 : to. London, 1684. The Spirit that works Abomination and its Abomirnal work Discovered. By Mary Ellwtood and Margery Clipsham. 4to. London, 1685. An Account of some of the Travels and Sufferings of that Faithful Servant of the Lord, Thomas Buggs. 4to. Lon- don, 1685. A Serious Examination of a Pretended An- swer to a Paper of Judgment past at Yorks. By George Myers. 4*0. London, 1686. Concerning the Apostate Christians that think to do Miracles. By Gfeo.) F(ox). 4to. London, 1683. An Epistle by way of Testimony to 43 the Friends of Manchester. By Samuel Watson. 4to. Lon- don, 1695. The Suffering Case of John Love, of Ash, near Sandwich, in Kent. 4to. London, 1698. An Epistle to all Young Convinced Friends. By John Love. 4to. London, 1696. A Caution against all Perturbation of the Mind. By John Bellers. Ato. London, 1702. A Testimony to True Christianity, Restored in its Ancient Glory and BeaXtty. By Ambrose Rigge. 4to. London, 1703. A Treatise concern- ing the Internal Word and Spirit of God. By Ambrose Rigge. 4to. London. 1704. To the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled is Humbly Offered an Account of some few of the many Sufferings of the People call'd Quakers. 4to. London, 1704. The Suffering-Case of sev- eral of the People commonly called Quakers. 4to. Lon- don, 1709. Bound in I vol. 4to, half calf. Series of twenty very rare tracts, all first editions and mostly uncut. 278 QUAKER TRACTS. A Sober Reply on Behalf of the People called Quakers, to two Petitions against them. 4'to. Lon- don, 1699. Truth and Innocency Vindicated, and the Peo- ple called Quakers Defended in Principle and Practice. Ex- amined by W. Wnitehead. 4to. London, 1699. Tiuth Prevalent and the Quakers Discharged from the Norfolk- Rectors Furious Charge. By George Whitehead. 4to. Lon- don, 1701. Some Observations on the Remarks upon the Quakers ; or, The Busie Priest's Envy Detected. 4to. Lon- don, 1700. A Narrative of a Charge against Francis Bugg. By Henry Pickwortih. 4to. London, 1701. An Answer to Francis Bugg's Treatise, entituled Quakerism Deeply Wounded. By Henry Pickworth. 4to. London, 1702. The Vicar of Banbury further Corrected. By Richard Viv- ers. 4to. London, 1703. Further Corrections of the Vicar of Banburv. By Richard Vivers. 4to. London, 1704. iH The Administrators Admonished. 4to. London, 1705. 1 1 The Glorious Brightness of the Gospel Day. By Thomas Ellwood. 4to. London, 1707. A Defense of the Book entituled Leventhus and Ebison. 4to. London, 1709. A Vain Boaster Defeated and Francis Bugg Prov'd a Coward. By John Whiting. 4to. (London, 1709). The People called Quakers Truly Represented. By George Whitehead. 4to.- London, 1712. A Gentle Correction for Singers, such as Pretend to Sing David's Psalms. 4to. London, 1709. Etc. Bound in i vol. 4to, half calf. An unique collection of fourteen very rare Quaker tracts. All first editions and uncut. II 44 2 79 QUAKERS' QUIBBLES IN THREE PARTS. First set forth x* in an Expostulatory Epistle to Will Penn, concerning the j, late Meeting held in Barbycon between the Baptists and the ^Quakers. 8vo, half calf. London, 1675 280 QUAKER SOLDIER, THE; or, The British in Philadelphia. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D. 28 1 O ANDALL, JOHN. A Brief Account of the Rise, f\ Principles, and Description of the People call'd Quakers. I2mo, uncut. Bristol, 1747 282 RECKTT, WILLIAM. Some Account of the Life and Gos- pel Labours of. Also Memoirs of the Life, Religious Ex- perience and Gospel Labours of James Gough. I2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1783 283 RECKBTT, WILLIAM. Some Account of the Life and Gos- pel Labours of. I2mo, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1783 284 REFORMER, THE. A Religious Work, published monthly from January i, 1820, to December, 1830. Lacking all of 1824. Vols. I. to IV. and VI. to XL, inclusive. 7 vols. 8vo half morocco. Philadelphia By Theopilus R. Gates, founder of the Battle Axes, d sect whose votaries met clothed like Adam and Eve. 285 RELIGIOUS TRACTS. A Collection of, viz. : On the Spirit of Prayer; On War and its Repugnancy to the Christian Life; Christian Piety; Daily Conversations with God, illus- trated in the Life of A. Nicolas; and A Representation of the Negro-Trade. In i vol. i6mo, boards. H. Miller, Philadelphia (1766) The first title is damaged. Miller printed all e.rcept the last, which is by Anthony Benezet, and was printed by Hall & Sellers, 1767. 286 REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF FRIENDS IN THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA. June, 1828. The case of Edmund Shotwell, Joseph Lukens, Charles Middleton, and others. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1828 45 287 REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF FRIENDS AT STUBENVILLE, OHIO, from the I5*h to the 26th October, 1828. By Marcus T. C. ) i Gould. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1829 288 RICHARDSON, JOHN. An Account of the Life of that Ancient Servant. Giving a Relation of many of his Trials and Exercises in his Youth, and his Services in the work of the Ministry in England, Ireland, America, etc. 8vo sheep. Philadelphia, 1759 289 RIGGE, AMBROSE. A Brief and Serious Warning to such as are concerned in Commerce and Trading. I2mo. London, 1771 290 RORERTS, DANIEL. Some Memoirs of the Life of John . Roberts. Sixth Edition. I2mo, half bock. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1773 291 ROBERTS. DANIEL. Some Memoirs of the Life of John Roberts. Written by his Son. h 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia. Reprinted by Henry Miller and Sold by James Der Kinderen in Strawberry-Alley, 1766 292 ROBERTS, ELLWOOD. Lyrics of Quakerism and other Poems. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. Norristown, 1895 293 ROBERTS. ELLWOOD. Plymouth Meeting: its Establish- ment and the Settlement of the Township. With Historical. Geneologlcal and Biographical data from Records of Friends. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Norristown, 1900 294 ROGERS, HORATIO. Mary Dyer, of Rhode Island, the Quaker Martyr. I2mo, cloth. Providence, 1896 295 RULES OF DISCIPLINE OF THE YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS, held in Philadelphia. I2mo, sheep. Westchester, 1838 With trade label of "John Mulherin, Binder, West Ches- ter, Pa." 296 SAMBLE, RICHARD. A Testimony to the Plainness and Simplicity of the Truth as it is in Jesus. With something concerning Baptism and the Supper of the Lord, etc. Small 4to, half calf. Printed in the Year 1679 4 6 297 SAVEY, WILLIAM. Seven Sermons and a Prayer preached at the Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends in America, etc. l6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1808 298 SCHIMMELPENNICK, MARY ANN. Life of. Edited by C. C. Hankin. Portrait. 2 vols. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 299 SCOTT, J. War Inconsistent with the Doctrine and Ex- ample of Jesus Christ. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia, 1799 300 SCOTT. JOB. Letters from. Written whilst in Europe, to his Relations and Friends. First published in Amer.ca. I2mo, half bock. London, 1810 301 SEWEL, WILLIAM. The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers. Inter- /^ mixed with several Remarkable Occurrences. The Second f> t Is Edition. Folio, old calf. (Rebacked.) London, 1725 William Rakestraiv' s copy, with his autograph. Contains in manuscript the births and deaths of the Griscom and Rakestrazv families ; 1745-1767. 302 SEWEL, WILLIAM. The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of. the Christian People called Quakers. With several Remarkable Occurrences intermixed. Third Edition. Folio, calf. Isaac Collins, Burlington, 1774 303 SHEWEN, WILLIAM. A Few Words concerning Con- scienc what it is, and wfhat Estate it was in before Trans- gression. i6mo. Printed in the Year 1675 304 SMITH, C. FELL. Steven Crisp and his Correspondents, 1657-1692. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 305 SMITH, JOSEPH. A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books; or, Books Written by Members of the Society of x^i Friends, cornmionily called Quakers, from their First Rise I ,$ to the Present Time. Interspersed with Critical Remarks and Occasional Biographical Notices. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 306 SMITH, JOSEPH. Biblotheca Anti-Quakeriana ; or, A Catalogue of Books adverse to the Society of Friends. Al- phabetically arranged. 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 47 307 SMITH, WILLIAM. An Epistle to all the Called and Chosen of God. Small 4to, half bock. (Lacks title.) London, 1672 308 SOCIETY OF FRIENDS VINDICATED. Being the Arguments of Counsel of Joseph Hendrickson, in a Cause 'between Thomas L. S'hotwell, complainant, and Joseph Hendrick- son and Stacy Decow, defendants. 8vo, boards. Trenton, 1832 309 SOME SERIOUS AND AWFUL CONSIDERATIONS RECOM- MENDED TO ALL, particularly the Youth. In a Representation of the Uncertainty of a Death-Bed Repentance. I2mo, half bock. Philadelphia (1/78) 310 SOUTHARD, SAMUEL L. Argument of. In the Case of Stacy Decow and Joseph Hendrickson versus Thomas L. jShctwell. Svo, boards. Philadelphia, 1834 311 SPEAKMAN, THOMAS H. Divisions in the Society of Friends. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1893 312 STANTON, DANIEL. A Journal of the Life, Travel's and Gospel Labours of. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1782 313 STEPHENSON, SARAH. Memoirs of the Life and Trav- els of. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1807 314 STORY, THOMAS. The Memory of that Faithful Man >f of God, late of Cumberland, deceased. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1692 315 STORY, THOMAS. A Journal of the Life of. Containing an Account of his Remarkable Convincement of and Em- bracing the Principles of Truth, as held by the People called -"tJ Q ua ^ ers > an d also f his Travels and Labours in the Serv- I. ice of the Gospel. Folio, old calf. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1747 An immense storehouse of early information concerning America, through which he traveled in the latter part of the seventeenth century. 316 SUFFERING-CASE, THE. Of several of the People Com- s monly called Quakers, on Suits mostly Commenced for i 1* Tythes, in the Court of Exchequer, since the Acts made for the more easie Recovery of Tythes, in the 7th and 8th of King William the Third. Humbly presented to both Houses of Parliament. Small 4to, half bock. London, 1709 317 THOUGHTS ON THE NATURE OF WAR AND ITS REPUGNANCY to the Christian Life. Extracted from a Sermon on the _ 6 29th of November, 1759. Being the Day of Public Thanks- giving for the Successes obtained in the late War. Small 8vo, half morocco. Henry Miller, Philadelphia, 1766 318 THREE CONSIDERATIONS PROPOSED TO MR. WILLAM PENN, concerning the Validity and Security of his new Magna ^Q Charta for Liberty of Conscience. By a Baptist, which r may be worthy the consideration of all the Quakers, etc. 4 pp., inlaid. 4to half morocco. London, N. D. A very rare contemporary publication, neatly inlaid. 319 THREE TREATISES IN WHICH THE FUNDAMENTAL PRIN- ciples, Doctrines, Worship, Ministry and Discipline of the People called Quakers ajre plainly declared. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1770 Another copy. 8vo, sheep. Wilmington, 1783 320 THREE TREATISES IN WHICH THE FUNDAMENTAL PRIN- ciple, Doctrine, Worship, etc., of the Quakers are plainly declared. By William Penn, Robert Barclay and Joseph Pike. 8vo, sheep. James Adams, Wilmington, 1783 321 TOMKINS, JOHN, AND FIELD, JOHN. Piety Promoted. Being a Collection of the Dying Sayings of many of the People called Quakers. 8vo, old calf. (Broken.) Dublin, 1721 322 TOMKINS, JOHN. Piety Promoted in a Collection of the Dying Sayings of many of the People called Quakers. 8vo, old calf. Dublin, 1721 323 TRUE, SHORT, IMPARTIAL RELATIONS. Containing the Substance of the Proceedings at the Assize, held the I2th and I3tih day of the Month called August, 1664, at the Town ^ of Hertford (Orlando Bridgman being Judge), chiefly with and against Nine Prisoners called Quakers, as it was then noted and observed first in short-writing, and now made publick, partly to prevent various Reports, and partly to 49 inform People of the Illegal Proceedings of thz said Court against the Prisoners aforesaid, eight of which were sen- tenced to be Transported beyond the Seas, there to Remain for Seven Years. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1664 324 TRYAI.S OF PETER Boss, GEORGE KEITH, THOMAS BUDD, and William Bradford, Quakers, for several Great Misde- meanors (as was pretended by their adversaries) 'before a ^ 2 Court of Quakers, at the Sessions held at Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, the nin'th, tenth, and twelfth days of De- cam'ber, 1692. Giving also an Account of the most Arbi- trary Procedure of that Court. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. Printed first Beyond-Sea, and now Reprinted in London for Richard Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, 1693. A fine copy of one of the rarest of Keith pamphlets. In this trial, for the first time in the world, the modern doc- trine of the libertv of the press was decided. Forty-tw-.) years later Andrew Hamilton urged the same view in the Zenger trial in New York. SEE FACSSIMILE TITLE. 325 Two DISCOURSES AND A PRAYER. Publickly delivered on Sunday the T/th and Tuesday the iQth days of May, 1767, , -rt) at the Quakers' Yearly Meeting at the Fryers, in Bristol. I2mo. half bock. Andrew Stuart. Philadelphia (1767) Has the name "Mary Flozver, 1768," on title. 326 WAUX, ROBERTS. Memoirs of the Lives of Benja- y min Lay and Ralnh Sanclford, two of ehe earliest j , Public Advocates for the Emancipation of the En- slaved Africans. Portrait. I2mo, printed boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1815 327 VAUX, ROBERTS. Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Ben-2- zet. Frontispiece. I 2^ I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1817 To Thomas Wisiar Vau.r from his affectionate grand-* father, 1836. 328 VAUX, ROBERTS. Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Ben-e- . zet. Frontispiece. r i2mo, boards, uncut. York, 1817 329 VINDICATION OF THE QUAKERS; or, An Answer to the Bp. of L s Charge against them. 8vo. London, 1732 (4) T H E TRYAL OF i ) ^Thomas TSudd^ and ith ^Willi George Keith William QUAKERS, For feveral Great Mifdemeanors ( As was pretended by their Adverfarips ) before Court 0! uafeers : At the Seflions held v at ^Philadelphia in T^njykania, the Miiith, Tenth, and Iwelfth Days, of December, 1692. Givipg ;1ilf6 anTAosount of ,the;moft Arbitrary Pro- cedhire^oftbat^Courr. L KC E N S E D, D^ Poplar. Printed firft Bey ond^Sea^ a n$ now/Reprinted ih'/lW^w^f ^ Facsimilie of Title Lot 324., 330 VINDICATION OF ROBERT BARCLAY'S APOLOGY, for the Principles of the People call'd Quakers, against the At- tempts of William Notcut. 8vo. London, 1732 331 T XT' ALSH, THOMAS. The Life and Death of. V V I2mo, sheep. (Stained.) Philadelphia, 1802 332 WEBE, ELIZABETH. Letters from, to Anthony William Boehm. With his Answer. I2mo, paper. Philadelphia, 1806 333 WETHERILL, CHARLES. History of the Religious Society of Friends called by some The Free Quakers, in the City of Philadelphia. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1894 Privately printed. 334 WHITEHEAD, GEORGE. The Power of Christ Vindicated against the Magick of Apostacy. In Answer to George Keith's Book, abusively stiled The Magick of Quakerism. I2mo, sheep. London, 1708 335 WHITEHEAD, GEORGE. The Glory of Christ's Light Within Expelling Darkness. Being the sum of the controversie between the People called Quakers, and some of the Non- Conformist Priests, as manifest at two Publick Disputes in Essex, between George Whitehead (called a Quaker) and Stephen Scandret (Presbyter), etc. Small 4to, half bock. Printed in the Year 1669 336 WHITNEY, JOHN. A Catalogue of Friends' Books. Writ- ten by many of the People called Quakers. From the Be- -- ginning or First Appearing of the said People. 3 ' 8vo, half morocco. London, 1708 The first Quaker bibliography. 337 (WHITING, JOHN.) Persecution, Expos'd in some Me- moirs relating to the Sufferings of John Whiting and many others of the People called Quakers, for Conscience sake. . r^O in the West of England, etc. Small 4to, calf. London, 1715 A valuable repository cf biographical information con- cerning the early Friends in England and Pennsylvania. Scarce. 52 338 WHITING, JOHN. Persecution Exposed in some Memoirs relating to the Sufferings of. Second Edition. 8vo, boards. London, 1791 339 WHITROW, SUSANNA. The Work of God in a Dying Maid. B-eing a Short Account of the Dealings of the Lord with one about the Age of Fifteen Years, and daughter of Robert Whitrow, inhabiting in Covent-Garden, in >tihe County of Middlesex. I2mo. Printed in the Year 1677 340 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM. Journal of the Life, Travels and Gospel Labours of. I2mo, sheep. Cincinnati, 1828 Very rare. 341 WOOLMAN, JOHN. Considerations on Pure Wisdom and Human Policv, on Labour, on Schools, and the right use of the Lord's Outward Gifts. T2mo, half bock. Hall & Sellers, Philadelphia, 1/68 342 WOOLMAN, JOHN. Serious Considerations on Various Subjects of Importance. I2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1774 343 WOOLMAN, JOHN. The Works of. First Edition. i2mo, half morocco. London, 1773 Has on the title, partly erased: "Caspar IVistar, the gift of his Brother Richard Wistat." "Wooi.MAN, JOHN. The Works of. Second Edition. Byo, calf. Philadelphia, 1775 344 Wool MAN, JOHN. A Journal of the Life, Gospel La- bours, and Giristian Experiences of. 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1776 345 WOOLMAN, JOHN. The Works of. Third Edition. 8vo. old calf. Philadelphia, 1800 With autograph and book label of Benjamin Covuper. 346 W OUNG, SAMUEL.) William Penn and the I Quakers, either Impostors or Apostates, which they please, Proved from their avowed Princi- ples and Country Praceices. By Trepiclantum Malleus. ]6mo, half bock. London, 1697 One paragraph of this curious and rare book is addressed "To William King of Pensilvan'ta," page 83. '1 53 Books Printed by Christopher Saur. 347 1738. PADIIN, BENJAMIN. Eine Emstliche Ermahnung. rn Junge und Alte: Zu einer Angeheuchelten Priifung, Ihres Hertzens und Zustandes, Kiirlzlich aus Engeland nach America gesandt, und wegen seiner Wichtigkeit, aus dem Engleschen ins Deutsche treulich iibersetzt, von einem Liebhaber der Wahrheit. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1738 An excessively rare broadside. The first issue of the Saur Press, bearing an imprint, and there is little doubt that it is the first thing he printed ,and therefore the earliest speci- men of printing in German type ever done in America. Saur wrote to the "Geistliche Faina," in Europe, November 17. 1739: Where shall I find ivords to praise the good God. So great are my obligations to Him, may my all be to his serv- ice and the honour of his name. This zcas in iveakness my thirst and desire, because of the many blessings I have re- ceived since I have been here and through my whole life, I liave therefore also wished to begin the German printing establishment here which it bought for me and set here, Now 1 I could find no more suitable Vehiculmn to make it known through /he land than first to print an Almanac of which only the Title page I send you together with the print of a Translation from the English." The translation from the English is the present broadside. Had the almanac been then complete, there seems to be no reason why he should not have sent it instead of only the title page. Only two copies of this broadside on a single sheet have been pre- served. These were cut apart, one going to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and the other to Governor Penny- packer. This copy has been slightly injured on the lozver right-hand corner. 348 1739. ZIONITISCHER WEYRAUCHS HUGEL ODER MYRRHEN Berg. Worrinnen allerley liebliches und wohl reichendes 7 * i nach Apotheker-Kunst zu bereitetes Ranch- Werck zu fin- den, etc. Thick small 8vo. full red crushed levant, gilt backs, elaborate gold tooling on sides, broad dentelle borders, edges gilt in the rough. In morocco case, lined with chamois skin, by Lortic, of Paris. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1739 The finest known copy of the first book printed by Saur, and the first book printed in German type in America. This book contains a preface written at Ephrata, Pa., i^th of Fourth month, 1739, which, with the title page, covers fl , fourteen pages, Seven hundred and ninety-two pages of 54 hymns, and fourteen pages of inde.r. .It is dedicated "To all solitary Turtle-Doves cooing in the wilderness as a spirit- ual harp playing in the many times of divine visitation." There are a number of facts in the bibliographical history of the Weyrauchs Hiigei, any one of which would be enough to make it a remarkable publication. It was the first book printed in German type in America. It was the first book from the justly celebrated and prolific colonial press of Chris- topher Saur, of Germantown. A letter from Germantown. dated November 16, 1738, and published in the "Geistliche Fama" a European periodical of the Inspired, says: "We have here a German book-publishing house established by Saur, and the Seventh-day Baptists have had a great hymn book printed of old and new hymns mixed;'' In rather a curious way it led to the establishment of the Ephrata press. The thirty-seventh verse of the four hundredth hymn runs as follows: Sehet, schet, sehet. an! Sehet, sehet an den Mann! Der von Goti erhoeret ist, Der ist unser Herr und Christ. Which literally translated is: Look, look, look, Look, look upon the wan; He is heard by God; He is our Lord and Christ. The compositor asked Saur whether he thought that more than one Christ had appeared. .Saur inquired of him why he suggested such an idea; when the man pointed out this verse and said it appeared to him that by it Conrad Beissel, the founder of the Ephrata Cloister, meant himself. Saur wrote this to Beissel, and asked whether it had any founda- tion; whereupon Beissel replied to him that he zvas a fool. This language did not please Saur, who soon after issued a pamphlet censuring Beissel, saying, among other things, that his name contained the number 666 of the beast of the Apocalypse, and that he had received something from all the planets "from Mars his strength, from Venus his in- flucnc over women, and from Mercury his comedian tricks." Beissel became quite angry, and one of the results of the widening breach was a new* press at Ephrata. The Wey- rauchs Hiigel is the largest and most important collection of the hymns of the Ephrata Cloister. Many of them were written there by Beissel and others, but unfortunately it is not possible, except in a few instances, to determine the 55 authorship of particular hymns. Christian Hoehn, "a pious and God-fearing woman," who died an inmate of the Clois- ter at an advanced age, wrote those upon pages 465 and 456, beginning "Wenn tnir das Creutz will machen Schmert- zen" and "Ich dringe ein in Jesu Liebe." A manuscript book, beautifully written and illuminated, in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, contains the music to which these hymns were sung. As the edition was small and the book was in common use for devotional purposes, it has become extremely scarce, nearly all of the few known copies being imperfect. For accounts of it see the Deutsche Pionier, vol. VIII., page 47, and Dr. Seidensticker's paper on "Die Dcutsch-Amerikan- ischer Incunabula," in the same volume, page 475. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 349 Another copy. Small thick 8vo, contemporary calf. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1739 This copy formerly belonged to Conrad Beissel, the founder of the Ephrata Cloister. Bound zvith it are seventy- one pages of hymns in manuscript in his handwriting. Au- gust ii. 1742, he presented it to Johannes Hildebrand, one of the ablest and most active men in the Cloister, who wrote a number of books. Plildebrand has written in it a note of the presentation, and also an additional hymn. It belonged to Dietcrich Dishong in 1784 and Johannes Weber in 1851. 350 Another copy. . i Small thick 8vo, contemporary calf. An unusually tall copy. 351 Another copy. Small thick 8vo, sheep. 3 Imperfect. 35 2 J 739- (SAUR, CHRISTOPHER.) Ein Abgenothigter Be- richt Oder Zum offtern begehrte Antwort, Denen darnach fragenden dargelegt. In sich haltende, zwey Brieffe und deren Ursach. Dem-noch angehanget worden eine Historic von Doctor Schotte, und einige Brieffe von demselben zu unseren Zeiten nothig zu erwegen. I2mo, full morocco, gilt. Christopher Saur, Germanton, 1739 This remarkable book, one of the first printed by Saur, contains the detail of the quarrel between him and Conrad Beissel, the vorstcher at Ephrata. THE ONLY COPY KNOWN. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. ZIONITISCHER / SGormnen oHerfep fieb[i<$e$ iinb ^woljf rie^ens au jn aUcr(e9 ticM*urcftinsen bcr in gc&eiltgten6ce(en, roel^efict) in oiefw gi|lli(f;en unD liebltcten Wcbern Sii5 barinnen e>em fe* (BC>ttes u treffltd? aus gebrucfet tfl i Bum >ienf! in Dem 2lbenl)*dnWfc6ett SSJe(t*^ bent Untcrgang t>er @onncn ccoecfteit @>tte, imt) ju l^rer grmuntecun auf f unfft brt S5rdiiflam Facsimile Tit'e Lot 3$8. Cin t t i dH Ofcer; Suttf 6fftern re i>on 55rie(fe iron fcmfel&ett ftrert geiten tdtf)i$ Facsimile Title Lot 352. 58 353 I 74- WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. Von George Weitfidd Pre- digten der. Zweyte Thiel. Bestethend aiu drey Sermonen. |3 I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1740 Contains two pages of preface by Saur. Excessively rare. 354 1740. WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. Von Georg Whitefidd's Predigten der dritte theil, etc. I I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1740 Lacks title and three leaves. The only known copy. Un- seen by Hildeburn. 355 1740. WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. Die Zuchen der neuen Geburth; Dargelegt In einer Sermon, oder Predigt . Ge- halten za London, 1739, von Georg Weitfield. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1740 356 1741. GRUBER, J. A. Einfaltige Warnungs-und Wachter- Stimme, An die geruffene Heelen dieser Zeit, Verfasst im . / Jahr 1741 Von einen Geringen. 4to, half morocco. (C. Saur, Germanton, 1741) An excessively rare broadside. 357 1742. KEMPIS. THOMAS A. Das kleine A B C in des Schule Ohristi, Aus denen Wercklein des gottseligen Thoma? .* a Kempis. In Reimen verfasset, und mit H. Schrifft con- cordiret. In Jahr Christi 1742. Folio, half morocco. (C. Saur, Germanton, 1742) Broadside. Only one other copy known. 358 1742. ANTES, HENRICH. Bekantmachung. 4to, half morocco. (C. Saur, Germanton, 1742) I Q . An excessively rare broadside concerning Count Zinzen- derff, with autograph letter, signed, of Henrich Antes, dated August 19. 1742, inserted. 359 J74 2 - ElN SCHREIBEN DER HfiRRNHUTISCHEN GEMEINE aus ihren Conferentz an Mstr. Johann Hildebrand in Ephrata. I2mo, half morocco. (Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1742) Excessively rare. This letter, written from the Moravian Conference, is signed by Frederick Hartmann, David Suss- hotz, Johannes Bechtel, Henry Antes, Henrich Holstetin, and others. 360 1742. (ZINZENDORFF, COUNT.) Hirten Lieder Von Beth- lehem Zum Gebrauch Vor alles was arm ist, Was klein und r ^ gering ist. I2mo, sheep. C. Saur, Germantown, 1742 Son ctftlefcw fletit u acriiy iff. r/ 1 74*. Facsimile Tit e Lot 360. 6o But one other copy known. Nesler, speaking of Zinsen- dorff, tcho arrived at Germantown December 30, 1741, says: "Jan. 7, 1742. Immediately after his arrival he prepared for publication a small selection of hymns old and new, it was entitled 'Hirtenleider von Bethlehem,' etc. .Jan. 8. George Neisser took this selection to Christopher Saur's Printing Office in Germantown. * * * Mar. 5. The Hirtenleider von Bethlehem came from Saur's Press. * * * Mar. 6. Fifty copies were sent to Philadelphia and fifty to Frederic for distribution in the torunships." SEE FAC- SIMILE TITLE. 361 1742. AUSBUND, DAS IST. Eeliche schoene Christliche Liecler Thiel. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1742 I i Very rare. The finest copy known. Has bound with it ' Imbroich's Confessio oder Be'kantnuss. * * * Ein War- hafftiger Bericht von Bruden in Schweitzerland, in dem Zurcher Gebeit. The Martyr Spiegel of Van Brnght, part II., page 917, of the Ephrata edition, tells us that in September, 1645, J^remias M angola sent down to Amster- dam a little book containing an account of the persecutions in the Palatinate and Switzerland of the Mennonites. This book has been lost in Europe, and is unknown there. Most of these people later came to Lancaster County, Pennsylva- nia, and there must have been a copy of it in manuscript or print among them, because an examination of the "Bericht" added by Saur to the "Aiisbund" proves it to be the lost work. No copy of the original has ever been found. Its preservation by Saur has given us much interesting informa- tion in detail concerning Pennsylvania families. 10, 362 1742. Another copy. I2mo, calf, with clasps. 363 I 75 I - The same. ^ I2mo, calf, one clasp missing. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1751 ^ ( Z^ In this second edition is added Funff schone Geestliche Lieder das erste Tobias was ein fromer Mann. 364 1767. The same. I2mo, calf, one clasp missing. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1767 n With autograph note on flvleaf of Maria Rohrer, March 17, 1778. 6i SAUR BIBLES. 365 1743- BIELIA, DAS IST: Die Heilige Schrift Altes und Neues Testaments. Nach der Deutschen Ubersetzung D. Martin Luthers, Mit Jedes Capitels kurtzen Summarien, auch beygefiigten vielen richtigen Parllelon; Nebst einem Anhang Des dritten und vierten Buchs Esra und des dritten Buchs der Maccabaer. 4to, oak boards, with brass corners, one clasp missing. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1743 First edition of the Bible printed in America in Euro- pean tongue. Magnificent dean copy. Saur has printed on the flyleaf: "Abraham Staudt g/bhort diese Bibel, 1st gebohrcn den 17 Augusti 1740." With this addition, this copy is unique. The following is SHUT'S prospectus of the Bible: CHRISTOPHER SAUER'S PROSPECTUS TO HIS GERMAN BIBLE, 1742. WHEREAS Numbers of the Dutch people in this province, especially of the New Comers, are thro' mere poverty unab!c to furnish themselves with Bibles in their own language, at the advanced price those which are brought from GERMANY are usually sold at here; Therefore CHRISTOPHER SAUER of GERMANTOWN, proposes to print a High Dutch Bible in large Quarto, and in a Character that may be easily read even by old Eyes. And several well-meaning people having promised to contribute something towards the Encouragement of the Work in general, that the Books may be offered cheaper to real poor persons whether Servants or others; Notice is hereby given, that the said Work (God willing) will be begun about the end of this Instant APRIL: and that some Judgment may be made of the Quantity necessary to be printed, all persons who are enclined to encourage the Work, or to have one or more of the said Bibles, may subscribe before that Time with the above said CHRISTOPHER SAUER in GERMANTOWN, or with AN- DREW BRADFORD in PHILADELPHIA. 2s and 6d is to be paid down towards each Bible (for which Receipts will be given) and the Remainder on Delivery of the Books, which 'tis expected, will be in about a Twelvemonth. If no Charitable Contributions towards it are received, the Price of each Bible will not exceed 14 Shillings, and it shall be as much Less as those Contribution? will enable the printer to afford: of which Contributions a fair Account shall be given to the publick. Germantown, March 26, 1742. From Andrew Bradford's "AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY," 62 366 1763. BIBLIA, DAS IST. Die Heilige Schrift Altes und Neues Testament, etc. 4to, calf, oak boards, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1763 Second edition. Original binding, one clasp missing. Magnificent clean copy. This edition is thought by good authorities to be scarcer than the first. Of this edition Saur says: "The Holy Scripture called the bible now appears for the second time in this American land in the German lan- guage, openly in print, to the honor of the German people, since no other people can show that the Bible has. been printed in this part of the world in their Language." The last leaf of the "Register" has been repaired. 367 1776. BIBLIA, DAS IST: Die Ganze Gottliche Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testament ,etc. 4to, calf, oak boards, clasps. (Rebacked.) Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1776 The third edition. Title rebacked, corner off one leaf, a few pages repaired on margin. A good copy of this very rare edition. I have always contended that this is the rarest of all the Saur Bibles, as the major portion of the edition, while in sheet, was used by the Continental Army for car- tridges. Consequently fewer copies of this edition were sold than of the two preceding, and in my experience of t forty years I have handled fewer copies of this than of the other editions. 368 1743. GULDIN, SAMUEL. (Gewesenen Predigers in den Drey Haupt-Kirchen zu Bern in der Schweitz) Sein Unpar- , theyischs Zeugnuiss Ueber Die Neue Vereinigung alles Re- liigions-Partheyen In Pennsylvanien. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1743 1743. Another copy. I2mo, half bock, lacks last leaf. Very rare. The only known perfect copy. It was writ- ten against the attempt of Count Zinsendorff to unite the religious sects of Pennsylvania, by Guildin, who had been a preacher in the three head churches of Berne, Switzerland. 37O 1744. DlE NlCHTIGKEIT DER WELT UND DES ZEITLICHEN Lebens, Wieauch, die Wichtig-und Nothwendigkeit der wahren Wiedergetburt Zur unenlichen Glucksuligkeit und Ewigem Leben. Kurtzlich beschreiben von einein Engli- ches Autor, und ins Teutsche ubersetzt. I2mo, half morocco, uncut. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1744 From the numerous manuscript corrections this is be- lieved to be the translator's copy. He zvas probably Mel- choir Kriebel. THE ONLY KNOWN COPY. Not in Hildeburn. 63 371 1/43- PENN, WILLIAM. Der Neue Charter. Oder Schriff- tliche Versichenmg, Der Freyheiten, Welche JWijlIiam . A Penn, Esqr. Den Einwohnern von Pensylvannien und ' " ' dessen Terrri tori-en gegeben. Small 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1743 Beautiful copy. Excessively rare. 372 1743. HTLDEBRAND, JOHANNES. Wohlgegnmdetes Beden- cken der Christlichen Gemeine in und bey Ephraita Von . dem Weg. der Heiligung. htr, I2mo, half morocco. C. Saur, Germantown, 1743 Contains letter of twenty-seven Moravian settlers of Penn- sylvania to Hildebrand. On the back of flyleaf is written: "Gehoret Dielman Kolb in Pensylvania den 14 Octobris in Jahr 1743. Kolb lived in Skippack, and was translator of the Ephrata Martyr Book. Exceedingly rare. Not in Hil- deburn. 373 J 743- HILDEBRAND, JOHANNES. Wohlgegundete Beden- cken der Christlichen Gemeine in und bey Ephrata Von dem Weg. der Heilegung. J2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1743 374 1743. HILDEBRAND, JOHANNES. Mistiches und Kirch- liches Zeuchniiss Der Bruderschaft In Zion, von den wich- tigsten Puncten des Christenthums Nebst einem Anhang Da- J |, rinnin dieselbe ihr unpartheyisches Bedencken an Tag gibt . von dem Bekehrungs-Werck der sogenanten Herrenhutis- tyjjs' chen Gemeine in Pennsylvanien und warum man ihnen keine I/ Kirche zustehen Konne. I2mo, half m<3rocco. C. Saur, Germantown, 1743 Very rare. But one other copy knoivn. 375 1743- HILDEBRAND, JOHANNES. Schrifftmassiges Zeuch- niiss Von dem Himmlischin und Zungfratilichen Gebah- rungs-Werck. * * * Entgegen gesetzt Dem gantz un- gegrundeten Vergeben der Herrenbutiscben Gemeine von cinem heiligen Ehestand * * * durch * * * Eiren Mitglied der Gemeine Jesu Christi in Ephrata. Hausva- terlicher Seite, I2mo, half morocco. (Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1743) Very rare. But one other copy known. 376 1744. ZINZENDORFF, LuowiG, COUNT VON. Der kleine Catechismus D. Martin Luthers, Mit Erlauterungen heraus- gegeben zum Gebrauch der Lutherische Gemeinen in Pen- Z> sylvanien. i6mo, calf. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1744 Fine copy. Excessively rare. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. So? Dee fn 1744. Facsimile cf Title Lot 376 65 377 1744- DAS KLEINE DAVIDISCHE PSALTERSPIEL DER KIN- DER ZIONS, von Alten und Neuen auserlesenen Geistes-Gesan- w^. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1744 Has on the flyleaf the name of the first owner, "Johann Valentin Kenner," beautifully written in the style of the illumination of the Ephrata community. 378 1744. The same. T I2mo, calf, lacks clasp. 'Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1744 379 1760. The same. (T* I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1760 380 1764. The same. t ]2tno, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1764 381 1764. The same. I2mo, unbound. Christoph Saur Germantown, 1764 382 1777. The same. I2mo, calf, lacking clasp. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1777 383 I 79 I - The same. I2mo, calt, one clasp missing. Samuel Saur, Chesnuthill, 1791 1791. The same. I2mo, calf, clasps. Samuel Saur, Chesnuthill, 1791 385 1791. The saime. I2mo, half roan. Samuel Saur, Chesnuthill, 1791 386 1744. TER STEEGEN^ GERHARD. Der Frommen Lotterie. 381 cards in the original calf case. (C. Saur, Germantown, 1744) This curious publication consisted of three hundred and eighty-one cards, 3 7-8 inches long by 2 1-8 in breadth, upon each of which is printed a text of Scripture and a versed setting forth some moral precept. The old Germans meet- ing together socially upon Sunday afternoons would, in turn, draw a card and read what injunction fortune had in store for them. The pious author described it as a lottery "In which no man can ever loose The Blanks which you may there refuse Are worth the highest prize you choose." The cards were fitted into a leather box. Being of light paper and easily lost and destroyed, they arc now exceed- ingly rare. There are only four other sets known, all of. ivhich are more or less imperfect. This set has all the cards and five blanks in the original box in fine condition. No. 280 being erroneously printed, was reprinted. Both are here. (5) j SAUR'S NEW TESTAMENTS. The Only Complete Set in Existence of the Earliest American Testaments. The whole seven have' been printed before y' -only- English Testament approved^. To be sold as a lot. 387 1745. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi; Verteutscht von D. Martin Luther; Mit Jedes Capkels kurtzen Sumarien, auch beygefugtein vielen richtigen Parallelen. I2mo, roan. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1745 In a modern binding and close cut, but fortunately complete. It is the first American Testament. The only other known copy is in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 1755. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi, etc. I2mo, old calf. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1755 The second edition of the Testtament in America. The only other known copy is in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, but soiled and rubbed. This is a good clerjn copy, a little worn off on the margins of the first few pages. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 1761. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- lanctes Jesu Christi. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1761 Some leaves neatly repaired. The third American Testament. Superlatively rare. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 1763. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1763 The fourth edition. Brinley's copy lacked one leaf. SEE FAC- SIMILE TITLE. f 1764. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi. I2mo, half calf, lacks one clasp. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1764 The fifth edition. The only known copy. Not in Hildeburn, O'Callaghan, Eeidensticker, nor even in Saur's List. One leaf is injured. SE? FACSIMILE TITLE. 1769. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi. I2mo ; calf. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1769 The sixth edition. But one other copy known. * 1775- DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1775 The seventh edition. As clean as the day of issue, and the finest copy known. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. This is the only complete set of the Saurs' New Testa* inents in existence. The issue of 1764 is entirely unknown to all bibliographers, and is not even included in Saur's ozvn list of his publicationj^whilst of the issues of 1749, 1755 Q Js\ and 17691 There jure only one other copy known of each. tenf Unfetd unD e# onto* on D, Martin gutjer* ^ett ticlen rUtf Facsimile Title of tht First Saur Testament. Lot 387. (ftontif Uttftf* fern urtb&eotafte* tijft/ D. atti3 Sutler. Hffe Facsimile Title of the Second Saur Testament. Lot 387. tlnfcrs D. fiaitni Sufttt 6c9gcfu0tcn tielen ric^fi' Facsimile Title of the Third Sour Testament. Lot 387. Utifcrt iSttn unb 23crtciitfcf;t Son D. (JapfteW ummatien. <$ ml tmt> artm (EapiteK ummarien, gunf^e Facsimile Title of the Fifth Saur Testament. Lot 387. Unfen* Semtttfcfcee D. (EapfteW umittarien/ Sfucb bej^xfugtcn Dielen ricfcti etm attic ton: Facsimile Title of the Sixth Saitr Testament. Lot 387. 9?eue unferS unt> iftt Der~ fcetttfcben Ucbcrfc^ttttg D- mit furjetn unl) Dofffran&igcr unl) c!^ icbeute SJuflage. (5 e r m a n t o u? is/ ebrucft Facsimile Title of the Seventh Saur Testament. Lot 387. 8i 387^ 1747- TERSTEGEN, GERHARD. Geistliches Blumen-Gart- lein Inniger Seelen ,etc. I2mo, original calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1747 Fine copy. 388 1747. TER STEEGEN, GERHARD. Geistliches Blumen-Gart- lein Inniger Seelen ; oder kurtze Schluss-Reimen Betrachtun- I i gen und Lieder * * * Nebst der Frommen Lotteri. I2mo, calf, clasp. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1747 389 . 1747. The Same. I2mo, calf clasp. 390 1773. The Same. I2mo, calf, clasp. Cristoph Saur, Germantown, 1747 391 1747. HOLME, BENJAMIN. Ein Ernstlicher Ruff in Christ- licher Liebe an alles volck sich zu dem Geist Christi ini ihnen ^,\i~*zu bekehren * * * Nebst einigen Anmerckungen. I2mo, half morocco. (C. Saur), Germanton, 1747 Title repaired. 392 1748. HOHBURG, CHRISTIAN. Kurtzer und efbaulioher Auszug oder; Denck-wurdige Sprache. I2mo, embossed calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 The finest known copy, with the initials "C. K. 1772" burnt in the binding. 393 1748. The Same. I2mo, calf, clasp. Very fine copy. 394 1748. The Same. I2mo, calf, clasp. On the flyleaf is written: "Susanna Heidrigen bin ich Lff 9 genand In Pensylvanicn ist mein vqlcr/hnd darin bin ich erzogen und gebohren bin ich geit'iss auch nicht betrogen. Im 8 tens Jalir mcines Alters ist mir rater und Muttcs ges- torben 1753 den 10 Januan nach mittag um i uhr ist mein Mutter gesterben und der vater, 12 Januari morgens um 9 uhr." 395 1748. The Same. I2mo, calf, lacking clasp. With autograph of "Susanna Kribelin." 396 1748. FREYEN, ANDREAS. Declaration oder; Erklarung, ^ Auf welche Weise, und wie er unter sogenante Herrnhuter '7 H^ Gemeine gekemmen, etc. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Fine copy. Exceedingly rare. ? 82 397 1748- CRISP, STEPHEN. Eine Kurtze Beschreibung einer Langen Reise aus Babylon nach Bethel. fl*^ I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Excessively rare. 398^ 1755. Another Copy. f t i.^ I2mo, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1755 399 1748. SAUR. CHRISTOPHER. Verschiedene Christliche Wahrheiten, und Kurtze Betrachtung iiber das kiirtzlich herausgegeben Biichlem genandt Lantere Wahrheit. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 An ansvoer to Franklin's Plain Truth. Very rare. 400 1748- KURTZE BESCHREIBUNG, des Lebens und Todtes von Jacob Schmiedlein aus Wollhausen im Lntzerner Gebeit in I, der Schweitz welcher Im Jahr 1747, etc. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 401 1748. TERSTEEGEN, GERHARD. Warnungs - Schreiben wider die Leichesinigkeit, etc. i6mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Fine copy. Very rare. 402 1748. VERSCHIEDENE AI.TE UND NEUERE GESCHICHTEN von Erscheinung der Geister und etwas von dem Zustand der Selen Nach dem Tode. Nebst verschiedenen Gesichtern solcher die auch jeto noch in? Leben sind. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Contains four Pennsylvania ghost stories, one ghost ap- pearing on Chestnut Hill. See note to lot 434. 403 1748. EIN GRUNDLICHES ZENGNUSS GEGEN DAS KURTZLICH herausgegeben Buchlein, Genant; Plain Truth, oder-Lautero Warheit von einem Teutscher Baners-Mann in Pensylva- nien 1748. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Very rare. Fine copy, with exception to repairing on the margin of title. Written against Franklin's Plain Truth. 404 1748. FRELL, GEORG. Von dem wahren ewigen Fried- samen Reiche Christi, etc. ,!) 8vo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 With signature on title of "Melchoir Kribel junger. 1 ' 405 1748. FRELL, GEORG. Von dern wahren ewigen Fried- samen Reiche Christi. J Y* LjU 8vo. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Fine copy. Very rare. 83 406 1748. JACOB LISCHYS REFORMIRTEN PREDIGERS ZWEYTE .^Declaration Seines Sinnes an seine Reformirte Religious- 6 , Genossen in Pensylvanien. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Lischys' account of his differences ivith the Moravians, Excessively rare. 407 1748. JACOB LISCHY'S REFORMIRTEN PREDIGERS ZWEYTE Declaration, Seines Sinnes, an seine Reformirte Religions- ' J / Genossen in Pensylvanien. 4to. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1748 Very rare. 408 1749. LISCHY, JACOB, V. D. M. Eine Warnende Wachter- Stimm An alle Gott und Jesum liebende Seelen, etc. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1749 /V n 6 ^ e co ^ > ana ^ e on ^y P er f ect one known. The author, a Reformed preacher, lived on the Little Codorus, beyond the Susquehanna. le is an attack upon the Moravians and Zin- zendorffs, and is full of local unknoivn facts. SEE FAC- SIMILE TITLE. I2mo, half roan. Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1749 410 1775. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hey- landes Jesu Christi, Noch der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luther. I2mo, calf. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1775 411 1749. KEMPIS, THOMAS A. The Christians Pattern; or, The Imitation of Jesus Christ. Being an abridgement of the works of. By a Female Hand. / ^ 7 g<-' * 8vo, sheep. Christopher Saur, Germantown, 1749 The nrst American edition of a Kempis. Has marked on the title page "The 2Oth of the 12th month, 1750, Benja. Lay sent it By the hand of Saml. Cary Unto Phebe Lan- caster the 2oth of the 12th month, 1750." 412 1750. TER STEEGEN, GERHARD. Der Kleine Kempis, oder Kurtze Spriiche und Gebatlein * * * Wercklein des $"* Thomae a Kempis. Frontispiece. i6mo, old calf. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1750 Fresh as the day of publication. Very rare in this con- dition. 3 '750. The Same. !* i6mo, calf. f I 414 1750. FENELON, F. S. DE LA MOTH/ The Archbishop of Cambray's Dissertation on Pure Lov4. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Lady, for whose sake the CEitte 96 Mitt it ft r Sfo alft DIX at* 3<<5tl3ft '.IUKrt ttfetu Prc&ig am 8 otttag nac^ Jttairati^ ftmtttbe an bcr gugeruffen mtt ftit^en bc 2temmf ungcn toon Den djtif^en tejlo aDgeimftierep it Facsimile Title Lot 4.08. 85 Archbishop was banish'd from Court. And the grievous Persecutions she suffer'd in France for her Religion. Svo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1750 415 1752. Another Copy. Svo, sheep. 416 1750. DIE SCHULE DER WsisHEiT IN REiMiEK, als das Hoch-Teutsche A. B. C. vor Schuler und Meister in Israel /, Iter Thiel. I2mo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1750 Lacks some leaves. No perfect copy knoivn. 417 1751. SAUR, C. Eine Nutzliche Anweisung oder Bey- hulffe vor die Teutschen ;im F.nglisch zu lernen * * * jf A J^ Nebst einer Grammaltie ver diejenigen welche in andern Spracheri und deren Fundamenten erfahren sind. I2mo.half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1751 Very rare. 1751. Another Copy. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) 419 1751. Another Copy. I2mo, sheep. Lacks several leaves in the middle and at back. 4 20 J 753- LOBWASSER, D. AMBROSII. Neu-Vermehrt-und Vollstandiges Gesang-Buch. Worinnen sowohl die Psalmen Davids, nach D. Ambrosu Lobwasser Ubersetzung hin und wieder verbessert, als auch 700 auserlesener alter und neuer Geistreichen Liedern begriffen sind, Welche anietzo samt- lich in denen Reformirten Kirchen, etc. Frontispiece. I2mo, calf, clasps, with brass bosses. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1753 , i< / 421 1763. The Same. I2mo, call. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1763 422 1763. The Same. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1763 423 1763. The Same. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1763 - 424 1772. The Same. I2mo, calf. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1772 (6) J 86 425 1753- GREW, THEOPHILUS. The Description and Use of the Globes Celestial and Terrestrial. With a Variety of ~ Examples for the Learner's Exercise. * * * Chiefly & designed for the Instruction of the Young Gentlemen of the Academy in Philadelphia. J2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1753 One of the earliest original American works upon mathe- matics. Excessively rare. TITLE REPAIRED. 426 1753- SIEGVOLCK, PAUL. The Everlasting Gospel, com- manded to be preached by Jesus Christ. Christopher Sower, Germanitown, 1753 ; and The Fatal Consequences of the Unscriptural Doctrine of Predestination and Reprobation. Written in Dutch by M. K. Christopher Sower, German- town, 1753. Bound in i vol. I2mo, sheep. 4 I 753- Another Copy of both Works. Bound in I vol. I2mo, sheep. 428 1753. EINE IM HERBST DAS 26'sTEN JAHRS DER REGIER- UNG Georgs des Zweyten Konigs von Gross-Brittannien * * und im 1752 sten nach Christi Gebort, gemacht Acte oder Lands-Gesetz Der Allgemeinen Lands-Versammlung der Provinz Pennsylvanien, etc. 4to, half morocco, uncut. (Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1753) Unknown to Hildeburn. 429 1754. DAILY CONVERSATION WITH GOD EXEMPLIFY'D IN the Holy Life of Armelle Nicolas, a poor ignorant Country ,-rp Maid in France, commonly known by the name of the Good /* Armelle, deceas'd at Bretaigne in the year 1671. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1754 430 1755- KEMFER, HEINRICH. Treuhertzige Erinnerung und Warnung bestehend in vielen Klag-Reden vom Verfall des Christenthum im Aufferlichen Gottes-dienst. I2mo. Christoph Saur, Germanton, ,1755 A manuscript note on the back of cover says: "Freund Jeremias der auter von diesem schreiben zvont in Conestogen sein nahm ist Kampfer ich bin in seinem hause geiwesen er ist ein recht schaftenen Ephratest." The author of "Das Heutige Signal" says of Kewpfer that his writings afford a well-grounded witness of the truth, and that "some of them appear in the magasine of C. Saur and the rest were preserved in manuscript by his eldest son." It appears that the publication of this ivork was unknown to the writer. Very rare. 87 43 1 T 755- BUNYAN, JOHANN. Das Angenehme Opfer oder , Die Vortrefflichkeit eines Zerbrochenen Hertzens. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1755 432 1755- BUNIANS, JOHANN. Pilgrims oder Christen Reise _-j auss dieser Weltnach der Zukunfftigen Der dritte Thiel. ''^ J2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1755 A very early and scarce edition of Bunyan. 433 1755. DAS KINDER BUCHLEIN. In den Bruder-Gemeinen. i6mo, sheep. Christoph Saur Germanton, 1755 JJivT An excessively rare child's book published for the Mora- vians. Lacks t^vo leaves. 434 1755. VERSCHIEDENE ALTE UNO NEUERE GESCHICHTEN von Erscheinungen der Geister und etwas von dum Zus- tand der Selen Nach dem Tode. I2mo, half sprinkled calf. Christoph Saur, Germanton, 1755 Of the ghosts described in this curious book, one appeared in Germantown in 1732, and one in Oley in 1743; one in Falckner's Swamp in 1738, and one at Chestnut Hill. 435 J 756- FIN BETTLER UND DOCH KEIN BETTLER, Ein ieder ein Konig wann er will Ein Gleichnis in sich haltend ein Exempel eines vollkommenen Mannes in Christo; Wozu noch beygerfuget das Verborgene Manna. I2mo. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1756 436 1756. ZUBLY, J. J. The Real Christians' Hope in Death; or, An Account of the Edifying Behaviour of several Per- tf sons of Piety in their last Moments. With a Preface f.^0 recommendatory by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, rector of St. Phil- lips, Charlestown. I2mo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1756 437 I 756- Another Copy. i I2mo, sheep. 6" Corner and outside margin torn from title. 438 1756. FLEMING, W. AND E. Fine Erzehlung von dem Trubsalen und der Wunderbahren Befragung so geschehen / IQ an William Flemming and dessen Weib Elizabeth, etc. I2mo. C. Saur, Germantown, 1756 A rare narrative of Indian captivity. Lacks title and one leaf. 439 J 756. THE NATURE AND DESIGN OF CHRISTIANITY. Ex- ^tracted from a late Author. ft V* I2mo, half morocco. . Christoph Sower Junior, Germantown, 1756 OrfJ^^' r0re ' p7 88 44Q 175^- EINE ERINNERUNG AN DIE ENGLISCHE NATION Dass ein Jeder die rechte Zeit wahrnehmen soil. Geschelen JK von Einein Prediger Welcher seine eigene Leichen-Predige gehalten. I2mo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1756 441 1757. EVERHARD, JOHN. Some Gospel Treasures; or, The Holiest of all Unvailing. Discovering yet more the Riches , of Grace and Glory to the Vessels of Mercy. / 4to, old calf. Christopher Sower, Germantown, 1757 Anthony Benezet's copy, zvitli his full manuscript notes and citation of William Penn's esteem for the author in autograph on inside of cover. Name on title. 442 1757. Another Copy. 4to, half morocco. A fine copy. 443 i/57- DER INHALT VON DEN VERSCHIEDENEN CONFEREN- TYEN. Welche miit den Indianern gehalten worden zu Eston. . I zu dem Monath July und August, 1757. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1757 Excessively rare, and a work of great historical interest, relating to the Indian Treaty at Easton, Pa. 444 1757. EVERHARD, JOHN. Some Gospel Treasures; or, The Holiest of all LLuvailing. Discovering yet more the Riches of Grace and Glory to the Vessels of Mercy. .(j Small 4to, original sheep. Christopher Sower, Germantown, 1757 Thomas Lightfoot's copy, also a presentation copy from Anne Mifflin-to Lemuel Miff lin. 445 1758. LUTHERISCHES A. B. C. UND NAMEN BUCHLEIN FUR Kinder ^velche anfangen zu lernen. /" I2mo, boards. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1758 With portrait of Luther on cover. Only copy known. Lacks title and three leaves. 446 1759. VOLLSTANDIGES MART.URGER GESANG-BUCH, zur Ue- bung der Gottseligkeit in 649 Christlichen und Trostreichen *> .^ Psalmea und Gesangen Hrn. D. Martin Luthers und anderer Gottseleger Lehrer, Ordentlich in XII Theile verfasset * * * Milt erbauilichen Morgen-Abend-Buss-Beicht-uncl Gommun- ion-Gebatlein vermdhret. Portrait of Luther. 8vo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1759 447 1762. The 'Same. 4l2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1762 With two pages of ornamental color work by Catliarine Batdorfi, September 13, 1771. 89 448 I77- The Same. I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1770 Has bound with it Evangelia und Episteln anf alle Sonn- taga rdeauch auf die koke Feste, andere Feycr-und Apos- tel-Tage durchs gantze Jahr. Printed by C. Saur, 1770. 449 J 777- The Same. i I2mo, calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1777 45 J 777- The Same. I2mo, calf, lacking clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1777 45 J J 777- The Same. I2mo, calf, lacking one clasp. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1777 452 1759- HARTLEY, THOS. A Discourse on Mistakes concerning Religion. Christopher Sower, Germantown, 1759; Christ's fo d Spirit a Christians Strength, by Wm. Dell. Christopher Saur. }r$0i > Germantown, 1760. A Short Account of that part of Afri- A* \ ca Inhabited by the Negroes, by Anthony Benezet. W. Dun- ^- f*. lap, Philadelphia, 1762. Bound in I vol. A Y^ | I2mo, sheep. 453 J 759- BROMLEY, THOMAS. The Way to the Sabbath of Rest. Christopher Sower, Germantown, 1759; A Discourse on Mistakes concerning Religion. By Thos. Hartley : Chris- topher Sower, Germantown, 1759; Girist's Spirit a Chris- tians Strength, by Wm. Dell. Christopher Sower, German- town, 1760; and Observations on the In slaving^ Importing and Purchasing of Negroes, by Anthony Benezet. Christo- pher Sower, Germantown, 1760. Bound in one volume. 8vo, calf. 454 J 759- BROMLEY, THOMAS. The Way to the Sabbath of Rest, or the Soul's Progress in the Work of the New-Birth. 8vo, sheep. Christopher Sower, Germantown, 1759 455 1760. (MACK, ALEXANDER.) Eine Anmuthige Erinne- rung, zu einer Christlichen Betrachtung von der Wunderba- / ren Allgegenwart des Allwissenden Gottes. I2mo, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1760 Very rare. 456 1761. DAS LEBEN und Historische Thaten des Konigs von Preussen, Friedrich des III. von seiner Geburth an, bis zu Ende des I7(5osten Jahres. I2mo, half bound. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1761 457 1761. Another Cotiy. (Foxed.) I2mo, bound. ' 90 1762. NEU-EINGERICHTETES GESANG-BUCH in sich haltend eine Sammlung (mehrentheil alter) schoner lehr-reicher und erbaulicher Lieder. 8vo, embossed calf, clasps. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1762 A magnificent copy as fresh as when published, and the finest known. This Hymn Book was compiled by Christopher Schultse, a noted preacher among the early Schivenckf elders in Pennsylvania, author of a number of their books. Some of the hymns were written here by him, George Weiss, Bal- thasar Hoffman and others. He was born March 26, 1718, and died May 9, 1789. 459 1762. Another Copy. A | Q 8vo, calf, lacking clasps. > 460 1762. Another Copy. 461 1762. EINE NUTZLICHE ANWEISUNG oder Beyhulffe vor Deutsche um Englisch zu lernen. . . . Nebst einer Gram- . *, , matic. I2mo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1762 \ 462 1762. Another Copy. , f"0i2mo, sheep. / 463 1772. Another Copy. "\ j-j.Tl2mo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1772 464 1763. DEFOE, DANIEL. The Dreadful Visitation, or a Short Account of the Progress and Effects of the Plague.' The last time it spread in the City of London in the Year '^' 1665. I2mo. Christopher Sower, Germantown, 1763 465 1763. ZEUGNIS DER WAHRHEIT oder eines Christen Ge- j'dancken von der vergangenen und von der kunfftigen Re- formation. 8vo. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1763 466 1764. EIN GEISTLICHES M AGAZE*. Oder, An s den Schatzen der Schrifftgelehrten zum Himelreich gelehrt, dargereichtes Altes und Neues. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1764-70 The only complete copy known. Vol. 2 has only fifteen numbers, and is all that zvas published; the work ending tvith the fifteenth number of that volume. It is the first re- ligious magazine published in America. It was issued con- tinuously in small numbers, at different periods from 1764 to 1770. [Of it Saur says, speaking of his intention of publish- \ gin i>en ten^um tor gde^st Facsimile Title Lot 466. 7 92 ing the magazine'. "But since I, through the Lord's special help, hare so fortunately completed the great work of print- ing the Bible, I think it is my most pressing duty in recogni- tion of God, no longer to postpone this good resolution. Since I remember that the foundation of the printing office was laid to the honor of God, and the welfare of my fellow man." Sec facsimile of title of Vol. i. 467 Ditto. Nos. 6, 7, 21. 33 and 49 of Vol. T, and Nos. 6, n 12, and 15 of Vol. 2. 9 numbers as issued. 468 1764. HABERMANN, D. JOHN. Christliche Morgen- und 4 Abend-Gebater auf alle Tage in der Wochen &c. I2mo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1764 469 1765. ARND, JOHANN. Paradiesz-Gartlein Zur Uebung >v^ es wahren Christenthums Durch Geistreiche Gebater, &c. I2mo, calf, clasp. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1765 470 1765. The Same. I2mo, calf, lacking clasp. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1765 471 1766. HOCH-DEUTSCHES Refortnirtes ABC und Namen Buchlein Fur Kinder, welche anfangen zu lernen. ,^6mo, boards. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1766 j i ;"* Thumbed.: $ u t the only copy known, and the oldest com- 1 plete Pennsylvania primer in existence. 472 1767. KURTZE UNTERWEISUNG vor Kleine Kinder. j, i6mo, half bound. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1767 473 1768. DER PSALTER Des Konigs und Propheten David ver- . teutschet von D. Martin Luther. i6tno, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1768 I 474 1773. The Same. l6mo, boards. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1773 475 1768. SCHABALIE, JOHANN PHILIP. Die Wandlende Seel, Das ist Gesprach der Wandlenden Seelen mit Adam, Noah rt) und Simon Cleophas ; verfasset die Geschichten von Erschaf- fung der Welt an, biss zu und nach der Verwustung Jerusa- lems, etc. I2mo, calf. (Broken.) Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1768 This religious romance, written by a Holland Mennonite, was a great favorite among the members of that sect. 476 1769. SIEGVOLCK, GEORG PAUL. Das von Jesu Christo * * * Ewige Evangelium, etc. I2mo, sheep. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1769 Lower corner torn from title and several leaves. x- S ,, 93 477 1769. Another Copy. Slightly wormeaten. 2 i2mo, sheep. 478 1769. WARREN ASSOCIATION. The Sentiments and Plan of the. r-t 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1769 A Beautiful Copy. The association was formed by the Bap- tist Ministers of Warren in Rhode Island in the interests of that denomination throughout the country. 479 1770. DOCK, CHRISTOPH. Eine Einfaltige und grundlich abgefasste Schul-Ordnung. Darinnen deutlich vorgestelt wird, auf welche Weisse die Kinder nicht nur in denen in Schulen gewohnlichen Lehren bestens angebracht, sondern *,A i auch in der Lehre der Gottseligkeit wohl unterrichtet werden mogen. 8vo, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1770 This exceedingly scarce and invaluable book is the first written and printed in America on the subject of school teaching, a translation of it and a sketch of the author ivill be found in Pennypacker's Historical and Biogra/phical Sketches. 480 1770. Doc/v, CHRISTOPH. Eine Einfaltige und grundlich abgefasste Schul-Ordnung, etc. 8vo, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1770 Second edition of Dock's Essay on School Teaching. The type was reset. Only one other known copy. 481 1770. DIE PARADISISCHE ALOE Der Jungfraulichen Keusch- heit welche Gott giebet alien, die da sind aus dem Glauben an |,> half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1752 Lacks frontispiece. 506 1755. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Ameircanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1755. |,o 410, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1754 Lacks last leaf. 507 1756. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1756. h. Z-"** 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1755 Lacks frontispiece. 508 1757. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- j" lender, auf das Jahr 1757. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1756 509 1758. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1758. h ^sT 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1757 Contains a curious woodcut of sheep made by Justus Fuchs, the ancestor of Mayor D. M. Fox of Philadelphia. 510 1759. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1759. . 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1758 Lower corners torn from first two leaves and last page missing. 511 1761. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1761. | ( 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1760 Corners of several pages repaired. 97 512 1762. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1762. / , 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1761 Contains portrait of Frederick the Great and a view of Montreal. One page repaired at top. 1763. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Ameircanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1763. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1762 514 1765. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- ,-lender, auf das Jahr 1765. I 1 ' 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1764 515 1766. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- I lender, auf das Jahr 1766. ' ' 4to, half bock. Christoph Sacr, Germantown, 1765 516 1767. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1767. I I 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1766 517 1767. Another Copy. Lacks one leaf. s 518 1768. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1768. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1767 * Contains views of Greenlanders and their huts. Repaired en corners. 519 1768. Another Copy. Lacks half leaf. 4to, half bock. 520 1769. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1769. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1768 521 1770. ALMAN.ACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1770. 4to, half bock. f Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1769 522 1770. Another Copy. ^C-iT"^^-^ 4to, half morocco. 2- J 523 1770. Another Copy. 4to, half bock, lacks one leaf. 524 1771. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1771. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1770 Lacks last leaf. 98 525 i?7 2 - ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1772. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1771 526 1773. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1773. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1772 527 1774. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1774. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1773 528 1775. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1775. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1774 Title repaired. 529 1776. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- .-0 lender, auf das Jahr 1776. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1775 53 1 777- ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1777. 4to, half morocco. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1776 531 1777. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- ^lender, auf das Jahr 1777. /// 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1776 Lacks one leaf. 532 1778. ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Americanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1778. 4to, half bock. Christoph Saur, Germantown, 1777 533 I 79 2 - ALMANACK. Der Hoch-Deutsch Ameircanische Ca- lender, auf das Jahr 1792. ^/ 7vT4to, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Chesnut Hill, 1791 ji_ Frontispiece of a printing press and three portraits, one & of them Saur's. 534 1792. Another Copy. 4to, half morocco. Some leaves repaired. 535 J793- ALMANACK. Der Neue Hoch-Deutsche America- nische Calender, auf das Jahr 1793. 4to, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Chesnut Hill, 1792 '. 't r _. With -frontispiece of Independence Hall and surroundings. 99 536 U 1796. ALMANACK. Der Neue Hoch-Deutsche America- ., nische Calender, auf das Jahr 1796. 4to, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1795 With frontispiece of Independence Hall and allegorical plate. 537 Another Copy. 4to, half morocco. 538 1802. ALMANACK. Der Neue Hoch-Deutsche America- -O/s^?^. +, /- nische Calender, auf das Jahr 1802. 4to, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1801 With portrait of Napoleon. 539 1802. Another Copy. 4to, half calf. 540 1806. ALMANACK. Der Neue Hoch-Deutsche America- nische Calender, auf das Jahr 1806. 4to, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1805 Lacks frontispiece. 541 1807. ALMANACK. Der Neue Hoch-Deutsche America- nische Calender, auf das Jahr 1807. 4to, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1806 542 1756. ALMANACK. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- ^Man's Almanack. For the Year of our Lord 1756. By John Tobler. I2mo. C. Sower, Jr., Germantown, 1755 Exceedingly rare. 543 1756. ALMANACK. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- ^Man's Almanack. For the Year of our Lord 1756. By I 7 v O omi Tobler. /*- ^ i I2mo. C. Sower, Germantown, 1755 544 1757. ALMANACK. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- man's Almanack. For the Year of our Lord 1757. By John Tobler. '' i2mo. C. Sower Jun., Germantown, 1756 Exceedingly rare. 545 J 758. ALMANACK. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- Man's Almanack. For the Year of our Lord 1758. . . . By John Tobler. Curious frontispiece. I2mo, half bock. C. Sower Jun., Germantown, 1757 Contains perhaps the earliest suggestion of the American school system. IOO 546 1758. ALMANACK. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- ft> Man's Almanack. For the Year of our Lord 1758. By John Tobler. I2tno. C. Sower, Jun., Germantown, 1757 547 1759. ALMANAC. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- Man's Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1759. By John * Tobler. I2mo. C. Sower, Jun., Germantown (1/58) Exceedingly rare. a 548 1759. Another Copy. Lacks last page. 549 1761. ALMANACK. The Pennsylvania Town and Country- Man's Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1761. By John Tobler. I2mo. C. Sower, Germantown, 1760 Last two pages stained. 550 ALMANACS. Tobler's Almanacks for 1758, 1759, 1764 and 1768. All imperfect. 4 pieces. 551 ALMANACK.. An Astronomical Diary or Almanack for >^i79o. By Wm. Green. ' Svo, half morocco, uncut. Christopher Sower, St. John, 1789 Very rare. Margins repaired. 552 PUBLICATIONS of Christopher Sower. Printed on one side only. I -tj 4to, half morocco. r Autograph presentation copy from C. G. Sower, the pub- lisher. 553 1815. DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. Unsers Herrn und Hei- lands Jesu Christi. T2mo, calf, clasps. G. & D. Bijrjmieyer, Germantown, 1815 554 J 79 2 - EIN GESPRACH zwischen emem Pilger und Burger, -auf ihrer Reise nach- und in der Ewigkeit. 7 i6mo, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Chesnut Hill, 1792 555 ! 79 2 - DIE KLEINE HARFE Gestimmet von unterschiedli- chen Lieblichen Liedern oder Lob-Gesangen. I2mo, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Chesnut Hill, 1792 The hymn upon page 9 is an anagram upon the name of Christopher Saur of Germantown. 556 1793- THE FEDERAL OR NEW READY RECKONER. I2mo, boards, uncut. Samuel Saur, Chesnut Hill, 1793 101 557 J 793- The Same in German. i2mo, boards, uncut. Samuel Sower, Chesnut Hill, 1793 ' 558 1793. The Same in German. i2mo, boards, uncut. Samuel Sower, Chesnut Hill, 1793 f * ,559 X 793- The Same in German. I2mo, boards, uncut. Samuel Sower, Chesnut Hill, 1793 560 1794. PROPHETISCHE MUTHMASSUNGEN uber die Fran- zosische Staatsveranderung und andere neuere in kurzem zu erwartende Begebenheiten, Nebst lehrreichen Erzahlun- gen von Handlungen Josephs des Zweyten. 8vo, half morocco. Samuel Saur, Philadelphia, 1794 561 1794. CAREY, MATHEW. Eine Kurze Nachricht von dem bosartigen Fieber welches kurzlich in Philadelphia gras- siret. 8vo, sheep. Samuel Saur, 1794 562 1794. THE BIBLE. The Eighth Edition. Illustrated with woodcuts. f*- Square 481110, boards. Philadelphia: Printed for Sower & Jones (1794) Dedicated to General Washington. Most hopeful George, into thy hands we give, The sum of that which makes us ever live. Exceedingly scarce. Unknown to O'Callaghan. 563 1795. DES JOHANN LASSENIUS Politische Geheimnis. i6mo, half bock. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1795 564 1795. BUNIAN, JOHANNES. Der Heilige Krieg wie edr- selbe gefuhret wird von Christi Jesu. Curious frontispiece. I2mo, calf. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1795 ^ ~ 565 1798. BEN NEVILLE, DR. GEO. DE. Der Merkwurdige Le- bens-Lauf die Sonderbare Bekehrung, und Entzuckungen , des ohnlangst by Germantown (in Pennsylvanien) wohnen- *f^fU^~^ i6mo, paper. C. Saur, Baltimore, 1798 1796. DER PSALTER des Konigs und Propheten Davids, calf. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1796 567 1799. FELBINGER, JEREMIAS. Christliches Hand-Buchlein. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1799. Rechten und Ordnungen Hauses Gottes, von Alex. Mack. Samuel Saur, Balti- more, 1799. Eberhard Ludwig Grubers Grund forschende (7) flK 102 Fragen welche denen Neuen Taufern im Witgensteinischen, insonedrheit zu beantworten, vorgelegt waren. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1799. Bound in I vol. I2mo, sheep. Contains Mack's account of the origin of the Bunkers. 568 1800. THE WASHINGTONIANA ; containing a Biographical Sketch of the late General George Washington, with Vari- ous Outlines of his Character. From the pens of different eminent writers, both in Europe and America, and an Ac- count of the various Funeral Honors devoted to his memory, to which are annexed his Will arid Schedule of his Property, with the very rare portrait after Savage by Tanner. I2mo, sheep. Samuel Sower, Baltimore, 1800 Very scarce. Fine clean copy. 569 1800. Another copy. With fine portraits, but name on ^ title. i iamo, sheep. 570 1801. DER GESCHWINDE RECHNER oder Nutzlicher Ge- hulfe im Handel. i6mo, sheep. Samuel Saur, Baltimore, 1801 571 LOT OF IMPERFECT SAUR IMPRINTS. A good lot for re- pairing and completing others. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. Allentown Imprints* 572 DER NEUE PENNSYLVANISCHE Stadt- und Land Calendar auf das Jahr 1823. With woodcut of an alligator. 4to, half morocco. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown (1822) 573 The Same for 1823. Soiled. 4to, half morocco. 574 The Same for 1824. 4to, half morocco. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown 575 The Same for 1826. 4to, unbound. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown I 576 The Same for 1827. 4to, half morocco. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown j 577 The Same for 1827. Unbound. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown } 103 578 The Same for 1828. 4to, half morocco. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown 579 The Same for 1828. 4to, unbound. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown 580 The Same for 1829. 4to, half morocco. Heinrich, Ebner & Co., Allentown 581 DER NEUE ALLENTAUNER CALENDER, auf das Jahr 1825. : 4to, half morocco. Carl L> Hutter, Allentown 582 The Same for 1827. 4to, half morocco. Carl L. Hutter, Allentown 583 The Same for 1827. 4to, unbound. Carl L. Hutter, Allentown 584 ECONOMY OF HUMAN LIFE, in German and English. I2mo, sheep. J. Ehrenfried & Co., Allentown, 1814 Contains Franklin's "Way to Wealth." 585 Another Copy. I2mo, half sheep. 586 KRAUSZ, JOHANN. Oeconomisches Haus- und Kunst- Buch. I2mo, half bound. Heinrich Ebner, Allentown, 1819 OSSING, CASPAR S. VON. Von der Himmlischen Arzeney Oder dass Jesus Christus Der wahre Arzt. 8vo, half bound. Heinrich Ebner, Allentown, 1820 f 588 STILLING, HENRICH. Alter, von ihm selbst geschrieben. JO Nebst einer Beschreibung seiner letzten Tage. I2mo, half bound. Heinrich Ebner & Co., Allentown, 1821 Q\)r / 589 Another Copy. 590 HABBERMANN, DR. JOHANN. Christliches Gebat-Buchlein. Frontispiece. i6mo, half bound Heinrich Ebner & Co., Allentown, 1821 591 Another Copy. Variation in Title. i6mo, half bound Heinrich Ebner & Co., Allentown, 1821 592 ERBAULICHES GEBAT-BUCH. I2mo, sheep, clasps. H. Ebner & Co., Allentown, 1822 Contains certificates of Joh. Con. lager, Johann Gobrecht, Daniel Zeller, J. C. Becker, Henry A. Muhlenberg and Jo- hann Kioske, reformed and Lutheran preachers of Penn- sylvania. r i 9- IO4 SCHWAI.BE, J. M. AND F. Ncue Englische Sprachlehre. oder grundliche Anweisung. 8vo, half bound. Heinrich Ebner & Co., Allentown, 1823 594 Another Copy. 595 PROBST, J. A. Die Wiedervereinigung der Lutheraner und Reformirten. I2mo, half bound. Heinrich Ebner & Co., Allentown, 1826 596 HABERMANN, JOHANN. Das Kleine Gebetbuch. l6mo, calf. A. & W. Blumer, Allentown, 1834 597 ANDENKEN an den heiligen Tag der Confirmation. I2mo, half bound. A. & W. Blumer, Allentown, 1835 598 SCHWENKFELD, CASPAR. Ein christlichcr Send-Brief an geistliche Personen geschrieben. I2mo, half bound. A. & W. Blumer, Allentown, 1835 599 NEUES BUCHSTABIERBUCH. i2mo, calf. A. & W. Blumer, Allentown, 1837 600 CALENDER fur den Stadt- und Landmann. 1838. Small 4to, haf morocco. A. & W. Burner, Allentown 601 DAS ERSTE UND ZWEITE VERHOR von John Fries welcher auf die Anklage fur Hochverrath, In der Vereinigten Staa- ten Circuit-Court, verhort wurde. Nebst ven Verhoren von einigen andern Personen fur Hochverrath und Aufstand In den Caunties Bucks, Nothampton und Montgomery In den Jahren 1799 und 1800. 8vo, half bound. Allentown, 1839 602 CONSTITUTION der Schwenkfelidschen Gemeinschaft. i6mo, calf. Allentown, 1851 Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 603 ELLIOTT, DAVID. The Life of the Rev. Elisha Macurdy. With an appendix containing brief notices of various de- ceased Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Western QO Pennsylvania. With portrait by Newsam. I2mo, bound. Allegheny, 1848 Bath, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 604 JOBST, JOHANN G. Kurzer Innbegriff des Ewigen Evan- geliums. L I2mo, calf. Samuel Siegfried, Bath, 1838 Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 605 NISBET, CHARLES. The Usefulness and Importance of Human Learning, a Sermon Preached before the Trustees . rt> of Dickinson College, Met at Carlisle May n, 1786, and pub- lished at their request 8vo, uncut. Kline & Reynolds, Carlisle, 1786 Very rare. 606 PAINE, THOMAS. Rights of Man; being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution. 2'^ 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1791 One of the earliest books printed at Carlisle. Very rare. 607 OWEN, JOHN. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. 8vo, sheep. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1792 608 WATTS, I. A Short View of the Whole Scripture History. 8vo, sheep. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1797 609 BROWN, JOHN. The Psalms of David in Metre. *r,r I2mo, sheep. Archibald Loudon, Carlisle, 1797 610 BROWN, JOHN. An Essay towards an Easy, Plain, Prac- tical and Extensive Explication of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. i2mo, sheep. Archibald Loudon, Carlisle, 1797 611 EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN. Twenty Sermons by. 8vo, sheep. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1803 612 Another J 13 BRACKENRIDGE, HUGH H. Modern Chivalry, containing the Adventures of a Captain, etc. 2 vols. in one. I2mo, calf. Archibald Loudon, Carlisle, 1804 An entirely different work from Part I issued ten years earlier. Containing much contemporary political and histori- cal information. 614 WALKER, JOHN. The Teacher's Assistant, or English Composition. I2mo, sheep. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1804 .615 OLIVER, ISABELLA. Poems on Various Subjects. I2mo,' sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1805 Contains poems on the "Death of General Washington." io6 616 THE HISTORY of the late Grand Insurrection or Struggle for Liberty in Ireland, Impartially collected from Stephens, Hay, Jones, etc. I2mo, sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1805 617 TABLE SHEWING THE VALUE of any number of Cents and Dollars in Pennsylvania Currency, from one cent to Ten Thousand Dollars, With the interest, etc. 8vo, paper. Archibald Loudon, Carlisle, 1805 618 TIZZARD, SAMUEL. The New Athenian Oracle or Ladies Companion. 8vo, sheep. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1806 The author was teacher of the English language and mathematics in Carlisle. Scarce. 619 HEWEY, JAMES. Meditation and Contemplation. 8mo, sheep. Geo. Kline, Carlisle, 1806 620 BRACKENRIDGE, H. H. Gazette Publications. i2mo, bound, uncut Alexander & Phillips, Carlisle, 1806 M A curious and most valuable work, containing early Penn- sylvania poetry, politics and history. Very rare. Fine copy. Name on title. 621 MORTON, THOMAS. Town and Country, a Comedy in ^Five Acts as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Gar- ^ den. I2mo, unbound. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1807 The first play printed at Carlisle. 621^2 Another Copy. Title damaged. I2mo, half roan. 622 HAYES, JOHN. Rural Poems, Moral and Descriptive. Very rare. i6mo, sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1807 623 HISTORY OF SANDFORD AND MERTON, Abridged from the Original. Illustrated with woodcuts. X ^_ 8vo, sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1807 <^r Lacks some pages. Very rare in any condition. *fr 624 BOOTH, ABRAHAM. The Reign of Grace. 8vo, sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1807 625 WILSON, JOHN. The Mother's Catechism for the Young Child. I2mo. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1808 626 LOUDON, ARCHIBALD. A Selection of some of the most interesting Narratives of Outrages Committed by the In- dians in their Wars, etc. Vol. I. T2mo, sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1807 Lacks title and several pages. 627 BLAIR, HUGH. An Abridgment of Lectures on Rhetoric. I2mo, sheep. A. Loudon, Carlisle, 1808 628 LOUDON, ARCHIBALD. The Wonderful Magazine and Ex- traordinary Museum, being a complete Repository of the * i6mo, half roan. Carlisle, 1826 653 DAS NEUE TESTAMENT unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. With 12 wood engravings. I2vo, calf. Moser & Peters, Carlisle, 1827 654 MAGAZINE of the German Reformed Church . . . edited at the Theological Seminary. Nov., 1827, to Dec., 1829. /i Vols. i and 2. 8vo, bound. Carlisle, 1827-9 655 REED, JOHN. Pennsylvania Blackstone, being a Modifica- tion of the Comemntaries of Sir William Blackstone. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. Geo. Fleming, Carlisle, 1831 656 DUFFIELD, GEQRGE. Spiritual Life or Regeneration. 8vo, uncut Geo. Fleming, 1832 657 VERHANDLUNGEN der Hoch-Deutschen Reformirten Sy- node von Pennsylvanien und den angranzenden Staaten ge- halten in Schaferstaun, Libanon County, Penn. 8vo, half morocco. Geo. Fleming, Carlisle, 1833 658 HELFENSTEIN, REV. J. C. A. A Collection of Choice Ser- mons by. Translated by I. Daniel Rupp. I2mo, sheep. Geo. Fleming, Carlisle, 1832 659 ZOLLIKOFFER, REV. JOHN. A Newly Opened Treasury of /P j-jU/uHeavenly Incense, or Christians Companion. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. G. Fleming, Carlisle, 1833 660 THE TEMPLE. A Monthly Magazine devoted to Masonry. Literature and Science. With portraits and other illustra- . ,-t tions. Vols. i and 2 in i vol. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Carlisle, 1851-53 All published. Rare. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints. LESLIE, CHARLES. A Short and Easy Method with the Dz^sts. I2mo, half morocco. Dover & Harper, Chambersburg, 1796 Scarce. THE LADY'S POCKET LIBRARY. I2mo, sheep, one side of cover missing. Dover & Harper, Chambersburg, 1797 663 MOORE, JOHN. A Journal During the Revolution in France. With map engraved by Ralph of New York. Vol. I. I2mo, sheep. Andrew Dover, Chambersburg, 1797 664 Ross, JAMES. A Practical, New Vocabulary, Latin and English. , i6mo, bound. Snowden & McCorkle, Chambersburg, 1798 665 DICKINSON, JONATHAN. The True Scripture Doctrine concerning some Important Point of Christian Faith. I2mo, sheep. R. & G. K. Harper, Chambersburg, 1800 666 EINE UNTERSUCHUNG der Religion . . . besonders aber Ein Versuch den Betrug der Methodisten zu entdecken. ,* I2mo, half roan. Chambersburg, 1810 Fierce attack upon the Methodists by a minister of the Reformed Church. The wiknozvn author zvas Johannes E . He says, p. 14: "When a man has used himself up by steal- ing and whoring, and is good for n thing more, he is still good enough for a Methodist preacher." 667 WESLEY, JOHANN. Das Leben des ehrwurdigen . . . ^ Stifter der Methodisten Religion. Curious portrait of Wes- ley. I2mo, half roan. J. Herschburger, Chambersburg, 1810 668 Another Copy. Unbound and uncut. J^ Fine copy. \<^r^-*^- 669 HYMNS on Select Passages of Scripture, with others usu- ally sung at Camp Meeting. i6mo, sheep, broken. G. K. Harper, Chambersburg, 1811 670 STARCK, JOHANN F.. Gebat oder Tagliches Hand-Buch. 8vo, sheep. J. Herschberger, Chambersburg, 1812 671 EINE ERKLARUNG der Constitution In Fragen und Ant- worten abgefasst von P L . I2mo, half morocco. F. W. Schafflin, Chambersburg, 1816 672 Another Copy, unbound. 673 ELLIOTT, DAVID. Letters on the General Structure, Gov- ernment, Laws and Discipline of the Church. I2mo, sheep. G. K: Harper, Chambersburg, 1826 Ill 674 ECONOMY OF HUMAN LIFE, in German and English. I2mo, half sheep. Chambersburg, 1827 675 HELFFENSTEIN, J. C. A. Eine Sammlung auserlesener Predigten. I2mo, half morocco. Victor Scriba, Chambersburg, 1835 676 FORSCH, JOHANN A. Leben, Thaten und Meinungen des Ulrich Zwingli. Portrait. I2mo, half roan. Victor Scriba, Chambersburg, 1837 The portrait was engraved by W. Wagner, of York, Pa. 677 INDIANS. Abentheuerliche Ereignisse aus dem Leben der ersten Ansiedler an den Grenzen der Mittleren und West- lichen Staaten, Nebst Historischen Skizzen von den Feld- zugen der Generale Harmar, St. Clair und Wayne. With folding plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, red top, uncut. Chambersburg, 1839 Scarce. ^ . / 678 THE CITIZEN AND COUNTRYMAN'S Experienced Farrier. By J. Markham, G. Jefferson and experienced Indians. I2mo, sheep. Chambersburg, 1839 679 SCHNEIDER, MRS. E. C. A. Letters from Broosa, Asia Minor. I2mo, calf. Chambersburg, 1846 680 THE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM. Translated by Rev. J. H. Good and Rev. H. Harbaugh. I2tno, half bound. Chambersburg, 1849 Columbia, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 68 1 A REPLY of the Board of Managers to a Report of a Com- mittee of the Stockholders of the Columbia, Pa., Bridge /, Company. I2mo, half morocco, uncut. W. Greer, Columbia, 1820 Doylestown. Pennsylvania, Imprints. LARZELERE, JACOB. A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Mr. Daniel Homeland. 8vo. Asher Miner, Doylestown, 1814 683 MINER'S AGRICULTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ALMANAC, for 1817. I2mo, unbound. Doylestown, 1816 684 The Same for 1819. / ^ 8vo, half roan. Dowingtown, 1818 112 Downingtown, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 685 KENNEDY, NATHANIEL. The Gospel Mason, or the Beauty of Unity. A Sermon Preached before the Worshipful Mas- ter, Wardens and Brethren of Lodge Number Fifty of Free and Accepted Masons at West Chester, December 27, 5817. 8mo, half roan. Downingtown, 1818 Easton, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 686 BECKER, CHR. Ein jeder Deutscher sein eigner englischer ^ Sprachmeister, oder : Der Deutschen bester Gesellschafer in den Vereinigten Staaten von America. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1806 687 BECKER, CHARLES. Der Deutschen allgegenwartiger Eng- lischer Sprachlehrer. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1808 688 BECKER, C. Der Allgegenwartige Deutsche Sprachlehrer. rJj^~ &vo, boards. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1808 689 BECKER, CHRIST. Der Deutschen Allgegenwartige Eng- lischer Sprachlehrer. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1809 690 Another Copy. 8vo, boards. 691 Another Copy. 8vo boards, lacking frontespiece. \6g2 WEIBLICHE STANDH'AFTIGKEIT, oder die Geschichte einer italienischen Herzogin. Illustrated. I2mo, bound. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1809 Contains two meritorious copperplates by Jno. Eckstein. 693 WOHLGEMUTHS LlEDERBUCH. izmo, boards stained. Easton, 1811 694 RAUCH, C. H. Des Deutschen Bauers und Landmanns Rechenbuch. I2tno, sheep. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1810 695 CATECISMUS, oder Kurzer Unterricht Christlicher Lehre, wie derselbe in denen Reformirten Kirchen und Schulen. I2mo, half bound. C. J. Hutter, Easton, 1812 696 KURZER BEGRIFF der Biblischen Geschichte von C. J. Hut- ton. I2mo, boards. C. J. Hutter und Sohn, Easton, 1819 697 Another Copy. "3 Economy, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 698 FEURIGE KOHLEN der aufsteigenden Liebesflammen in Lustspiel der Weisheit. y2* 8vo, half bound. Oekonomie, 18:26 A publication of the Rappists. Edensburg, Pennsylvania. Imprints. 699 ROBERTS, REV. GEORGE. A View of the Primitive Ages. ~ Svo, sheep. Canan & Scott, Edensburg, 1834 Ephrata, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 700 DELL, WILHELM. Das reine Und Lautere Evangelium. I2mo, half bound. Jos. Bauman, Ephrata, 1825 Erie, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 701 TODD, L. C. A Defence, containing the Author's Renun- ciation of Universalism. I2tno, calf. J. M. Sterrett, Erie, 1834 Frankiord, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 702 THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. An Absolute and Ir- ^resistible Proof of the Divine Origin of Christianity. I2tno, sheep. Jos. Sharpless, Frankford, 1812 703 Another Copy. , sheep. _. 1 7i Franklin, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 704 SOMERVILLE, JOHN. The Eden of Hope. ^ l6mo, bound, uncut. Franklin, 1829 Fredericksburg, Maryland, Imprints. 705 DAS NEUE DEUTSCHE ABC und Buchstaben-Buchlein, fur Die Schulen aller Religionen in Nord-Amerika. i6mo, half morocco, original covers bound in. M. Bartigis, Frederichstadt, 1795 Illustrated with curious woodcuts. An unknown primer. Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints 706 WYLIE, SAMUEL B. The Two Sons of Oil, or the Faith- .x'ful Witness for Magistracy and Ministry. ^,2-^ I2mo, half morocco, uncut. Snowden & McCorkle, Greensburg, 1803 Title repaired on margin. Very rare. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 707 AN IMPORTANT HISTORY of the French Revolution. Vol. I. I2mo, sheep. Jas. Magee, Gettysburg, 1802 708 BLAIR, HUGH. Sermons by. 8vo, sheep. Robt. Harper, Gettysburg, 1805 709 KNOX, HUGH. The Moral and Religious Miscellany. I2mo, half bound. Robt. Harper, Gettysburg, 1807 710 THE CONSTITUTION of the United States according to the Latest Amendments. I2mo, sheep. Robt. Harper, Gettysburg, 1811 711 DODDRIDGE, P. Twelve Sermons on the Power and Grace of Christ. I2mo, sheep. Gettysburg, 1827 712 SCHMUCKER, S. S. Kurzgefasste Geschichte der Christ- lichen Kirche. I2mo, sheep. H. C. Reinstedt, Gettysburg, 1834 713 EVANGELISCHE LlEDER-SAMMLUNG. i6mo, sheep. (Broken.) Gettysburg, 18.37 714 SCHMUCKER, J. G. Die Wachterstimme an Zion's Kinder. I2mo, sheep. Gettysburg, 1838 Hanover. Pennsylvania, Imprints. 7I43--2 EINE CONTROVERSIA oder Disputations-Schreiben, Wel- ches, in Hanover Stadt, York County, gefuhret worden, in Jahre 1793, Zwischen einem Lutherischen Prediger, und et- liche Handwerksleute welche ire Lehre der Wiederbringung aller Dinge glauben. 8vo. H. Willcocks, Hanover, 1793 715 TREUHERTZIGE ERINNERUNG und Warnung bestehend in vielen Klagreden vom Verfall eds Christenthums. i6mo, paper. S. E. Stettinius Hannover, 1798 716 BAYNON, EBAM. Der Barmhertzige Samariter oder Freund und Bruderlicher Rath. I2mo, bound. S. E. Stettinius Hannover, 1798 717 SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL. Eine Auslegung, oder Erkla- rung des Vierundzwanzigsten Kapitels in Evangelisten Mat- thaus. I2mo, half bound. W. D. Leffer, Hannover, 1806 718 Another Copy. I2mo, half bound. 719 MELSHEIMER, FRED. VAL. A Catalogue of Insects of Pennsylvania. Part First. & '. 8vo, half morocco. W. D. Leffer, Hanover, 1806 The first American Entomology. Exceedingly rare. Fine copy, all published. Only three copies known. 720 REICH, J. C. F. Beschaftigungen des Herzens mit Gott, in den Morgen- und Abend-Stunden. 8vo, boards. Starck & Lange, Hannover, 1810 721 ANDACHTSUBUNG junger Christen, die das heilige Abend- mahl zum erstenmal halten. 8vo. Starck & Lange, Hannover, 1816 An exceedingly scarce original Univcrsalist tract. Harleysville, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 722 MATHEWS, EDWARD. The Rosenberger Family, of Mont- gomery County. Historical and Genealogical Sketches. 8vo, calf. Harleysville, 1892 Getty sbiugh, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 723 REFLECTIONS on Courtship and Marriage in two Letters to a Friend, wherein a Practicable Plan is laid down for ob- taining and Securing Conjugal Felicity. I2mo, sheep. Allen & Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1793 The work is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. 724 Another Copy. I2mo, half bound. 725 McGowAN, JOHN. Death, a Vision; or, The Solemn De- parture of Saints and Sinners. I2mo, sheep. Jno. Wyeth, Harrisburg, 1796 726 Another Copy. Title soiled. 727 BUTLER, JAMES. Fortune's Foot-Ball, or The Adventures of Mercutio. Founded on Matters of Fact. 2 vols in i. I2mo,half bound. John Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1798 One of the first novels of Western Pennsylvania. 728 Another Copy. 2 volumes , I2mo, sheep, one side of cover off of volume 2. n6 729 DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. I2mo, calf, clasps. Benj. Mayer, Ilarrisburgh, 1809 Third edition. Unknown to Seidensticker and not in the Pennsylvania Historical Society. 730 ROWSON, MRS. CHARLOTTE TEMPLE. A Tale of Truth. Fourth American Edition. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, half morocco. John Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1801 731 AMERICANISCHER CALENDER, auf das Jahr 1802. 4to, half morocco. Benj. Mayer, Harrisburgh, 1801 732 TAUTE, RUDOLPH H. Wahrhafter Bericht von dem sel- tenen und merkwurdigen Gnaednwerk Gottes in einem zehen- tenen und merkwurdigen Gnademverk Gottes in einem Zehen- jahrigen Kinde Jonas Eilers zu Timmel in Ostfriesland. I2mo, paper. Benj. Mayer, Harrisburgh, 1803 733 SEELEN-MEDICIN oder Vier geistreich Tractaten zum I o / Unterricht Heilsbegieriger Seelen. i /\ J&** I2mo, sheep. Mayer & Atkinson, Harrisburg, 1804 734 DIE HEILSAME WAHRHEIT in Frag und Antvvort Fur heilsbegierige Seelen, sonderlich fur die ankommende Ju- gend. I2mo, half morocco. B. Mayer, Harrisburg, 1805 735 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, In which are included Memoirs of a Lady of Quality. 3 vols, I2mo, sheep. John Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1807 Fine copy. Scarce. 736 MCHENRY, SAMUEL. The Practical Distiller. 8vo, sheep. J. Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1809 737 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman. With frontispiece by /. G. Warnick. I2mo, sheep. Jno. Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1809 ^738 TfjjxxoR, F. L. Vermachtnis an Theone. half bound. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1813 739 SASSE, B. H. Geistliche Lieder. l6mo, half morocco. C. Glenn, Harrisburg, 1814 740 MYSERAS, LAMBRECHT. Empfindungen und Erfahrungen der Frommen auf dem Wege nach dem Himmel. I2mo, bound. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1814 741 LOCHMAN, GEO. The History, Doctrine, and Discipline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. I2mo, sheep. Jno. Wyeth, Harrisburgh, 1818 742 MAGINNISS, JAMES. A New, Copious and Complete Sys- tem of Arithmetic. I2mo, sheep. Wm. Greer, Harrisburg, 1821 743 WIESTLING, J. S. Der vollstandige Bienen-Warter oder Nuezliche Anweisungen zvr Bienen-Zucht. I2mo. J. S .Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1810 744 ST. JOHN, STEPHEN. The American Hy^brist, containing Easy and Concise Rules of Music. Oblong 4to, boards. Wm. Greer, Harrisburg, 1821 745 WYETH, JOHN. Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Part Second. Oblong 4to, boards. Harrisburgh, 1820 746 SCHABALIE, JOHANN P. Die Wane^ide Seele. Das ist: Gesprache der Wandlenden Seele mit 'Adam, Noah und Si- mon Cleophas. I2tno, calf, clasps. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1822 747 DEIGENDESCH, JOHANNES. Nachrichten nutzliches und / aufrichtiges Pferd-Arzeneybuch. i6mo, half bound. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1822 748 DODDRIDGE, D. PHILII. Anfang und Fotrgang Wahrer Gottseligkeit in der menschlichen Seele. i2mo, calf. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1823 749 THE CONSTITUTION of the United States of America. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, etc. I2mo, bound. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1826 750 THORNTON, J. Die Busse Erklart und anbefohlen. I2mo, sheep. J. S. Wiestling, Harrisburg, 1827 751 BUN VAN, JOHANN. Eines Christen Reise nach der Seligen Ewigkeit. Illustrated with wondcuts. I2mo, half morocco. G. S. Peters, Harrisburg, 1828 752 THE EXCELLENCY of the Female Character Vindicated. I2mo, half bound. F. Wyeth, Harrisburg, 1828 753 LOCHMAN, A. H. Hinterlassene Predigten. I2mo, sheep. G. S. Peters, Harrisburg, 1828 (8) 754 KEMPIS, THOMAS A. Der Kleine Kempis. Frontispiece. i6mo, sheep. G. S. Peters, Harrisburg, 1830 755 LINDL, IGNAZ. Der Kern des Christenthums. i6mo, half bound. G. S. Peters, Harrisburg, 1830 756 PROCEEDINGS of the Democratic Convention held at Har- risburg, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1832. 8vo. H. Welsh, Harrisburg, 1832 757 SCHABALIE, J. P. Die Wandejnde Seele. I2mo, sheep, broken. G. S. Peters, Harrisburg, 1833 758 VINCENT, THOMAS. Christ's Sudden and Certain Appear- ance in Judgment. I2mo, sheep. Jno. Winebrenner, Harrisburg, 1835 y 759 RUPP, I. D. The Geographical Catechism of Pennsyl- vania and the Western States, designed as a Guide and Pocket Companion for Travellers and Emigrants to Penn- sylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Missouri. I2mo, half morocco. Jno. Winebrenner, Harrisburg, 1836 Scarce. 759^4 LANDIS, JNO. The Messiah, a Poem, with other original Hymns. i6mo. Harrisburg, 1839 760 HARRISBURG AND OTHER IMPRINTS. Washington's Valedic- tory Address. Harrisburg, 1838. Krauth's Oration on the Advantages of the German Language. Gettysburg, 1832. Reed's Oration before the Phrenakosmian Society of Penn. College. Gettysburg, 1834. McLear's Oration on General Lafayette. Gettysburg, 1834. Krauth's Address at his Inauguration as President of Penn. College. Gettysburg, 1834. McLean's Address on Washington's Birthday. Gettys- burg, 1838. Speech of Thaddeus Stevens in favor of a Bill to establish a School of Arts in Philada. Harrisburg, 1838. Biddle's address before the Philomathean and Phren- akosmian Societies of Penn. College. Gettysburg, 1838. Baker's address before the Phrenakosmian Society of Penn. College. Gettysburg, 1840, etc. Bound in i volume. 8vo, half roan. 761 HARRISBURG AND OTHER IMPRINTS. A Vindication of the Episcopal Succession, by Henry Major. Harrisburg, 1844. Mirror for Dyspeptics. By J. M. Sanderson. Frontispiece. Philadelphia, 1844. A Sixth Essay on Free Trade and Finance. / Philadelphia, 1783. A Narrative of the Lost Cruise of the U. S. Steam Frigate Missouri, including a full detail of the General Conflagration. By Wm. Bolton. New York, 1844. Alsographia Americana, or an American Grove of New or Revised Trees and Shrubs, by C. S. Rafi- nesque. Philadelphia, 1838. Remarks upon Morbus Ory- zeus or Disease occasioned by the employment of Noxious Rice as Food. By R. Tyler. Calcutta, 1820, etc. Bound in i volume. 8vo, half morocco. 762 MAHAN, J. M. The Private Instructor. I2mo, sheep, broken. Harrisburg, 1838 763 BURROWES, THOMAS H. Draft of a Revised Common School Law. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1839 Kittanning, Pennsylvania. Imprints. 764 BEN NET, REV. MOSES P. Lecture on Theology. I2mo, boards, uncut. Copley, Croll & Co., Kittanning, 1826 Lansdale, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 765 WEISER, DANIEL. Deffentliche Correspondenzen zwischen Josua Schultz und, im Jahr 1858. I2mo, paper. Jno. Shupe, Lansdale, 1861 Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 766 ALMANAC. Neuer Hauswirthschafts-Calender auf das Jahr 1810. Corners of title repaired. With frontispiece by Reiche. 4to, half roan. J. Schnee, Libanon 767 Another Copy. 4to, half morocco. 768 Another Copy. 4to, paper. 769 The Same for 1811. 4to. half morocco. Jacob Schnee, Libanon 770 The Same for 1812. 4to, half morocco. Jacob Schnee, Libanon 771 The Same for 1813. 4to, half morocco. Jacob Schnee, Libanon 120 772 The Same for 1813. 4to, half morocco. Jacob Schnee, Libanon 773 MOLLER, MARTIN. Anweisung zum Christlichen Leben und seligen Sterben. 3 copies. I2mo, boards. Jacob Schnee, Libanon, 1808 774 DER KLEINE CATECHISMUS des sel. D. Martin Luther. i6mo, boards. Jacob Schnee, Libanon, 1808 775 KAYSER, HEINRICH. Sammhmg eineger nutzlicher und lehrreicher Lieder und Verse. i6mo. J. Schnee, Libanon, 1808 776 ZEUGNISS EINES KINDES von der Richtigkeit der Wege des Geistes vorgestellt in einer mystischen und buchstabli- chen Erklarting der Offenbahrung Jesu Christi dem heiligen Johanni geschehen. 8vo, calf, clasps. J. Schnee, Libanon, 1808 This book is supposed to have been written by the Count de Mar say, a Mystic and traveling companion of Dr. George De Benneville, and to have been translated by the latter into German. 777 KRAMB, CHRISTIAN. Auf Erfahrung gegrundete Vor- schriften um Wolle, Leinen und Baumwolle zu farden. I2mo, paper. H. B. Sage, Libanon, 1808 778 ERSTES BUCK fur Deutsche Kinder oder ABC. Frontis- piece. I2mo, half bound. J. Schnee, Libanon, 1819 Imperfect. 779 SEILER, G. F. Biblische Religion und Gluckseligkeits- lehre. 8vo, half morocco. H. Sage, Libanon, 1810 780 The Same. 2 copies. Soiled. 781 DIE AMERICANISCHE GOLDGRUBE; das ist: die Kunst des Landmanns seine zeitlichen Guter funfzig- bis hundertfaltig zu vermehren . . . Ein lehrreiches "fcCSe- und Rechen- buch, fur alle wahre Patrioten, etc. 8vo, half morocco. H. Sage, Libanon, 1810 The author was a Moravian living a mile from Lebanon. 782 STILLING, HEINRICH. Theoba'.a, oder die Schwarmer. I2mo, half bound. J. Stoever, Libanon, 1811 The first American edition, a most popular work among the Pennsylvania Dutch, based upon life among the sects. 121 783 DAS LEBEN NAPOLEON BONAPARTES Kaisers der Franzo- sen Konigs von Italien, Beschutzer des Rheinischen Bundes, etc. Portrait of Napoleon on title. T2nio, paper. Libanon, 1811 Very rare. 784 DER DURCH EUROPA und Amerika aufmerksame Reisende. I2mo. J. Schnee, Libanon, 1811 785 HAUPT-!NIIALT der Christlichen Lehre. Nebst einer kurz- gefassten Kirchen-Geschichte. I2mo, boards. Jos. Schnee, Libanon, 1813 786 Another Copy. I2mo, bound. 787 WINCHESTER, E. Der Merkwurdige Lebens-Lauf, die Soneerbare Bekehrung, und Entzuckungen des ohnlangst bey Germantaun (in Pennsylvanien) wohnenden und ver- storben Dr. George de Benneville. I2mo. Jos. Hartman, Libanon, 1815 788 Another Copy. I2mo, half roan. Jos. Hartman, Libanon, 1815 789 ZUSAM MEN HANG der Christlichen Lehre, nach Anleitung des Heidelbergischen Catechism. I2mo boards. J. Hartman, Libanon, 1818 790 HOCH DEUTSCHES Lutherisches ABC und Namen-Buch- lein. I2mo boards. J. Hartman, Libanon, 1818 I 791 TERSTEEGEN, GERHARD. Geistliche und erbauliche Briefe uber das inwendige Leben. ismo, calf, clasps. Libanon, 1819 t^ First American edition. 792 Another Copy. I2mo, sheep. 793 HERTZ, DANIEL. Poetischer Himmels-Weg. i6mo, calf. J. Hartman, Libanon, 1830 794 TKRSTEEGEN, GERHARD. Kleine Perlen-Schnur Fur die Kleinen nur, etc. ^I2mo, calf. J. C. Schmidt, Libanon, 1831 795 LEIB, ISAAC. Wohlerfahrner Pferde-Arzt. 8vo, half bound. ""J. HartTnan, Libanon, 1842 122 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 796 ALMANAC. Der Gantz Neue Verbesserte Nord-America- nische Calender, Des I776sten Jahres Christi. 4to, morocco. Franz Bailey, Lancaster (1775) The first German almanac published in Lancaster, with portrait of Maurice of Orange on the back. Last leaf im- perfect on corner, and several corners of other pages re- paired. Excessively rare. 797 ALMANAC. Der Allerneuste Nord-Americanische Calen- der, auf das Jahr 1778. 4to, half bock. Matthias Bartgis, Lancaster (1777) 798 ALMANAC. Der Republikanische Calender, Auf das Jahr 4to, half morocco. T. Cossart & Co, Lancaster, (1779) Repaired. Very rare, unknown to Hildeburn. 799 ALMANAC. Der Gantz Neue Verbesserte Nord-America- nische Calender, Auf das I785ste Jahr Christi. 4to, half bock. F. Bailey, Lancaster, (1784) 800 ALMANAC. Der Neue Gemeinnutzige Landwirthschafts Calender, Auf das Jahr 1788. 4to, half morocco. Steimer, Albrecht & Lahn, Lancaster, (1787) The first issue. Very rare. 801 The Same for 1788. 4to, half morocco. 802 The Same for 1789. Stained and repaired. 4to, half morocco. 803 The Same for 1790. Frontispiece damaged. 4to, half morocco. 804 The Same for 1791. Lacking frontispiece. 4to, half morocco. Has the folio prospectus for the almanac inserted. 805 The Same for 1792. 4to, half morocco. 806 The Same for 1793. Lacking frontispiece. 4to, half morocco. 807 The Same for 1794. 4to, half morocco. Has portrait of Mico Schlucco, King of the Seminoles. 123 808 The Same for 1795. 4to, morocco. 809 The Same for 1795. Lacking frontispiece. 4to, half morocco. 810 The Same for 1796. Lacking frontispiece. 4to, half morocco. 811 The Same for 1796. Lacking frontispiece. 4to, half morocco. 812 The Same for 1797. 4to, morocco. 813 The Same for 1797. 4to, half morocco. 814 The Same for 1708. 4to, half morocco. 815 The Same for 1798. 4to, half morocco. 816 The Same for 1799. 4to, morocco. 817 The Same for 1799. 24 vols. 4to, half morocco. Lancaster 818 ALMANAC. Der Neue, Gemeinnutzige Landwirthschafts Calender, Auf das Jahr 1800, 1801, '02, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '08, '09, 'ii, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '22, '24, '25, '27, '30, '31- 24 vols. 410, half morocco Lancaster The almanacs for 1804, '09, '12 and '24 lack frontispiece. 819 The Same for 1801, '03, '05, '07, 'n, '15, '16, '18, '27, and '30- 10 vols. 4to, (5 vols. half morocco and 5 vols. unbound). Lancaster Lacks frontispieces to 1803 and 1827. 820 The Same for 1803, 1811 and 1815. 3 vols., 4to. 821 ALMANAC. Neuer Gemeinnutziger Pennsylvanischer Ca- lender, Auf das Jahr 1833, '35, '38, '43, '44, '48, '54, '56, '58, '59, '60, '63 and '68. 13 vols., 4to. Lancaster i 822 ALMANAC. Der Pennsylvanische Anti-Freimaurer Calen- der, fur das Jahr 1832. 8vo, half morocco. S. Wagner, Lancaster 823 BLACKWELL, THOMAS. Schema Sacrum; or a Sacred Scheme of Natural and Revealed Religion. I2mo, sheep. Franz Bailey, Lancaster, 1776 Name on title. Very rare. 824 ABINGDON, EARL OF. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs in America. 8vo, uncut. Jno. Dunlap, Lancaster, 1778 Very rare. 825 Another Copy. 8vo, uncut. Has names of Samuel Morris, Cap. Jonas Cartwright and Judge Hubley Jones on title. Very rare. / 826 EVANGFLIUM NicoDEMi, oder : Historischer Bericht vori dem Leben Jesu Christi welches Nicodemus. I2mo, boards. J. Bailey, Lancaster, 178.4 827 Another Copy. i2mo, boards. 828 ZUR EINWEIHUNG des neuen Kirchensaals in Lititz den I3ten August 1787. I2tno, half morocco. Stiemer, Albrecht, & Lahn, Lancaster, (1787) 829 REITZ, J. H. Das Furbilde der Heilsamen Worten vom Glauben und Liebe, so in Christo Jesu ist, etc. I2mo, boards. Stiemer, Albrecht & Lahn, Lancaster, 1788 830 Another Copy. I2tno, boards. Stiemer, Albrecht & Lahn, Lancaster, 1788 831 DER BESIEGTE WIEDERTAUFFER, in Unterredungen uber Kmdertaufe und Untereauching ; Verfasset, und dem Theo- philo entgegen gesetzt, zum Besten des Gemeinen Mannes durch Einen Verfuhrer, der doch wahrhaftig ist. 8vo, Albrecht & Lahn, Lancaster, 1788 Written against Alexander Mack, founder of the Dunkers. 832 Another Copy. 8vo, morocco, uncut. 125 833 MUHLENBERG, GoTTHiLF Hjd. Eine Rede Gehalten den 6ten Juny 1787, bey der Einweihung von der Deutschen Ho- hen Schule oder Franklin Collegium in Lancaster. 8vo, half morocco. Albrecht & Lahn, Lancaster, 1788 Very scarce. At the opening of the Franklin and Mar- shall College. 834 DORING, F. C. Dass das Evangelium von Jesu Christo, nach Romer i. 4. 16. noch immer Eine Kraft Gottes Sey, etc. 8vo, half morocco. Lancaster, 1791 835 BIBLISCHES LUSTGARTLEIN . . . aus alien Buchern der ganzen Heiligen Schrift. lamo. J. Bailey, Lancaster, 1791 836 DORING, F. C. Dass das Evangelium von Jesu Christo, nach Romer i. 4. 16. I2mo. (Stained.) Lancaster, 1791 837 EINE SCHONE, anmuthige und lesenwurdige Historia von der Unschuldigbedrangten heiligen Pfalzgrafin Genovesa. 8vo. Lancaster, 1792 838 GESPRACH im Reich der Todten. I2mo, half bound. Lancaster, 1793 / 839 FLEIGENDER BRIEF evangelischer Worte an die Jugend. 8vo, half bound. J. Albrecht & Co., Lancaster, 1794 Presented by Peter Blaser, schoolmaster, to his beloved pupil Catherina Fahnestock. With four original stansas in her honor in manuscript. Blaser tells in a long preface that he taught school in Oley for ten years, that he found a copy of this work in a bookstore in Philadelphia, was too poor to have it reprinted, and finally came to Lancaster and agreed with the printer to take five hundred copies. 840 ALLEIN, JOSEPH. Grundlegung zum Thatigen Christen- thum. 8vo, sheep. Lancaster, 1796 841 BROSIUS, F. X. Ant wort eines Romisch-Catholischen Priesters an einen Friedensliebenden Prediger der Lutheri- schen Kirche. I2mo, half morocco. Lancaster, 1796 A curious controversy over the conversion of Mrs. Schae- fer of Hanover, Pa., to the Roman Catholic Church. 842 SCHONBERG, MATTHIAS. Die Zierde der Jugend. I2mo, half morocco. Lancaster, 1796 126 843 LESLIE, CHARLES. A Short and Easy Method with the Deists. 8vo, boards uncut. Lancaster, 1797 844 DAS MERKWURDIGE LEBEN, Krankheit, Tod und Begrab- nis? der franzosischen Freyheit und Gleichheit. I2mo. Lancaster, 1798 845 ROCHE, MARIA R. Eliza; or the Pattern of Women. I2mo, sheep. Lancaster, 1802 846 Ross, JAMES. A Short, Plain. Comprehensive, Practical Latin Grammar. T2ino, half bound. H. B. Grimier, Lancaster, 1802 847 CLARKE, JOHN. Select Century of the Colloquies of Cor- derius. l6mo, sheep. R. Bailey, Lancaster, 1804 848 Ross, JAMES. First Four Books of C. Julius Caesar's Commentaries of his Wars in Gaul. I2tno, sheep. R. Bailey, Lancaster, 1804 849 SCOTT, WILLIAM. Lessons in Elocution. I2mo, sheep. R. Bailey, Lancaster, 1805 850 HUSBAND, JOHN F. A Collection of Hymns and Psalms for the use of Singing Schools. i6mo. Wm. Greear, Lancaster, 1807 Adapted to the music books in use in Pennsylvania and the Jerseys. 851 SOUDER, DAVID. The Rural Economist's Assistant. I2mo. Wm. Greear, Lancaster, 1807 852 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE appointed to inquire into the Official Conduct of the Governor of Pennsylvania, together with the Testimony taken by the Committee. I2mo, half morocco. Wm. Dickson, Lancaster, 1807 853 LEHRE UND ZUCHTORDNUNG der Bischoflich-Methodisti- schen Kirche. !2mo, sheep. H. & B. Grimier, Lancaster, 1808 First appearance of the Methodist discipline in German. \ 854 Another Copy. I2ino, half bound. 127 855 HASTINGS, SALLY. Poems on Different Subjects. To which is added a Descriptive Account of a Family Tour to the West in the Year 1800, in a Letter to a Lady. I2mo, sheep. Wm. Dickson, Lancaster ,1808 Fine copy. Scarce. 856 DAS GEHEIMNISS der Bosheit bis auf den Grund aufge- deckt. 8vo, sheep. Lancaster, 1809 857 KEMPEN, THOMAS VON. Vier Bucher von der Nachfol- gung Christi. I2mo, sheep. Lancaster, 1810 858 SCHARPLESS, JOSEPH. Die Zerstorung Jerusalems. 8vo, half bound. Lancaster, 1810 i 859 BURSCH, J. P. Das Hoch-Deutsche ABC. I2mo, boards. Lancaster, 1810 860 Another Copy. I2mo, half bound. Lancaster, 1810 Fine clean copy. 861 ROOSEN, GERHARD. ChristHches Gemuths-Gesprach. i6mo, sheep, clasp. Lancaster, 1811 862 THE ANTICHRISTIAN and Antisocial Conspiracy, an ex- tract from the French of the Abbe Barruel, to which is prefixed Jachin and Boaz, or an Authentic Key to the Door of Free-Masonry, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated. 8vo, morocco. Lancaster, 1812 863 DIE LEBENSGESCHICHTE unseres Herrn und Heilands Jesu Christi. i2mo sheep, broken Lancaster, 1812 DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. I2mo, calf clasps. Lancaster, 1812 865 ZUSCHRIFT von Mitgliedern des Hauses der Reprasen- tanten im Congress der Vereinigten Staaten uber den Krieg mit Grossbrittannien. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lancaster, 1812 866 MUHLENBERG, DR. HENRY, and SCHIPPER, B. J. English- German and German-English Dictionary, with a German Grammar. 8vo, sheep. Lancaster, 1812 128 867 ENGLAND'S CONVERSION and Reformation compared, or the Young Gentleman directed in the Choice of his Religion. I2mo, sheep. Lancaster, 1813 868 DIE AUFGEHENDE LILIE ist ein Theosophischer Discurs und Unpartheyisches Zeugniss zur Behauptung der Bibel und des Welt-Erlosers. I2mo, half bound. Lancaster 1815 This scarce and curious book had its inspiration in the Ephrata cloister and probably the author was one of the in- mates. He called himself EHmelich and lived as a recluse. When he died he left some money to be invested in a mill, the flour ivas to be given to the poor and a certain quantity of grain to be fed to the birds. 869 AN DIE GOTT SUCHENDE und Jesu liebende Seelen. 8vo, embossed calf. Lancaster, 1817 870 BIBLIA. Das ist Die ganze Heilige Schrift, with the Fron- tispiece by Henry. Folio, full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lancaster, 1819 The first German folio Bible printed in America. With list of 1465 subscribers, published under Mennonite auspices. Scarce. Fine copy. 871 Another Copy. Folio, calf, lacking clasps. 873 DAS NEUE TESTAMENT. - 8vo, calf, clasps. Lancaster, 1821 874 DAS LEZTE BEKENNTNISS von John Lechler, Welcher fur die Ermordung seiner Frau Mary Lechler vor Gericht ge- zogen, uberwiesen und verurtheilt wurde, am 25sten Octo- ber 1822. 8vo, half morocco. Lancaster, (1822) Very scarce trial. 875 WEITENKAMPFS, J. F. Vernunftige Trostgrunde Bey den Trattrigen Schicksalen der Menschen. 8vo, sheep, Lancaster, 1827 876 HERR, JOHANNES. Erlauterungs-Spiegel. I2mo, sheep. Lancaster, 1827 877 HERTX. DANIEL. Poetischer Himmelsweg, oder Kleine. geistliche Lieder Sammlung, etc. idmo, calf. Lancaster, 1828 129 8/8 DIE HEILIGE LIEBE GOTTES und die Unheilige Naturliebe, etc. Illustrated. , boards. Lancaster, 1828 879 DETZER, J. A. Die Deutsche Theologie. i2mo, boards. Lancaster, 1823 880 SCHMIDT, DANIEL. Das gemeinnutzige Haus-Arzeney- buch. i2mo, half bound. Lancaster, 1829 Full of very remarkable remedies. 88 1 SCOTT, JAMES. An Impartial View of Divine Justice. I2mo, half morocco. Lancaster, 1829 882 DAS APOTCRYPHISCHE NEUE TESTAMENT. I2mo, calf, clasps. Lancaster, 1830 883 GROSCH UND MEYER'S Neue Allgemeinie Gesang Buchlein. I2mo, boards. Lancaster, 1832 884 LIFE AND CONFESSION of Daniel Shaeffer who was found guilty ... of the Murder of Elizabeth Bowers. 8vo, uncut. Lancaster, 1832 Scarce. 885 HEINEN, DR. H. Gesundheits Schatzkammer. 8vo, calf. Lancaster, 1831 886 EIN FUNDAMENT und Klare Anweisung von der selig- machenden Lehre unsers Herrn Jesu Christi. 8vo, calf. Lancaster, 1835 887 CHRISTLICHES GEMUTHS-GESPRACH. i6mo, calf, clasps. Lancaster, 1836 DER KLEINE CATECHISMUS. i6mo, boards. Lancaster, 1839 SCHMIDT, DANIEL. Das allgemeine ABC, Buchstabier und Lesebuch. I2mo, bound. Lancaster, 1840 890 THE MANHEIM TRAGEDY. A Complete History of the Double Murder of Mrs. Garber and Mrs. Rean; with the only authentic Life and Confession of Alex. Anderson. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lancaster, 1858 130 891 HOHMAN, JOHN G. The Long Lost Friend, containing Mysterious and Invaluable Arts and Remedies for Man as well as Animals. i6mo, half morocco. Lancaster, 1865 "Whoever has this book with him cannot die without the holy corpse of Jesus Christ, nor be drowned in any water, nor be burned up in any fire." 892 TERTEEGEN, GERHARD. Weg der Warheit die da ist nach der Gottseligkeit. 12010, calf, clasp. Lancaster, N. D. Meadow Springs, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 893 SNOWBERGER, OBED. The Historian, The Traveller and the Poet. From the Commencement January, 1814, to June, 1879- 8vo, half morocco, red top, uncut. Meadow Springs, Pa., 1874-9 A curious monthly issued at Snow Hill, Franklin Co., Pa., and containing information concerning Ephrata. Only 40 copies were printed. This is a complete set. Very rare. Middleburg, Pennsylvania. Imprints. 894 HARTER, T. H. Boonastiel, "Pennsylvania Dutch." 8vo, cloth. Middleburgh, 1895 Milford, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 895 ARNOLD, G. Geistliche Erfahrungs-Lehre oder Erkennt- niss und Erfahrung, etc. 8vo, Milford, 1855 Millgrove, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 896 SIEGFRIED, SAMUEL. Deutsche Geographic oder Welt-Be- schreibung. Nazareth, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 897 REICHEL, REV. WM. C. Friedensthal and its Stockaded Mill, a Moravian Chronicle, 1749-1767. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf. Nazareth, 1877 A fact not generally known is that among the trees in the map, page 12, are the initials "H. B." and "A. H. C.'' New Berlin, Pennsylvania, Imprints. BERLINISCHES neu eingerichtes ABC Buchstabier- und Lese-Buchlein. I2mo, boards. Berlin, 1781 899 FRANCKEN, A. H. Ein Tractatlein von der Menschen- Furcht. i6mo, boards. S. Miller, New-Berlin, 1818 900 DRIESBACH, JOHANNES. Ein Predigt. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. S. Miller, New-Berlin, 1820 901 DIE KLEINE GEISTLICHE VIOLE. :6mo, sheep. Geo. Miller, New-Berlin, 1830 902 MILLER, JOSEPH. Der Verborgene Arzt; oder Nutzliche Hausfreund. I2mo, boards. J. Miller, New Berlin, 1830 903 GUNDRUM, G. Der Amerikanische Dolmetscher. I2mo, boards. D. Hachenberg, New-Berlin, 1831 904 Another Copy. I2mo, boards. 905 Dow, LORENZO. Kelte der Vernunst. i6mo, sheep. S. G. Miller, New-Berlin, 1836 906 DAS GEISTLICHE SAITENSPIEL. I2mo, sheep. G. Miller, New-Berlin, 1836 907 VOGELBACH, J. Kurzgefasste Deutsche Sprachlehre. i6mo, half bound. New-Berlin, 1838 908 TEBSTEEGEN, G. Thoma von Kempis Bucher von der Nachfolge Jesu Christi. i6mo, half bound. New-Berlin, 1838 909 HASSEL, CARL. Der Neu-erfahrne Pferde-Arzt. i6mo, boards. New-Berlin, 1843 910 DIE GLAUBENSLEHRE und Kirchen-Zucht-Ordnung der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft. i6mo, half bound. New-Berlin, 1845 132 New-Market, Virginia, Imprints. 911 EINE SAMMLUNG auserlesenen Geschichte zum Gebrauch der Jugend. i6mo, illustrated paper cover. S. Henkel, New-Market, Va., 1827 The publisher of this little book, Selma Henkel, a boy, fourteen years of age, collected the stories, set the type, and made the woodcuts himself. Very rare. 912 HENKEL, AMBROSIUS. Das grosse A B C-Buch. With cuts. i2mo, paper. New Market, Va., 1820 913 HENKEL, PAULUS. Der Christliche Catechismus. i6mo, half bound. S. Henkel, New-Market, Va., 1816 914 BERICHT DER VERRICHTUNGEN, wahrend des Synody des Luth. Ministeriums. Svo, half morocco. Henkel & Co., New-Market, 1814 915 HENKEL, PAULUS. Der Christliche Catechismus. i6mo, half bound. Ambrosius Henkel, New-Market, 1811 916 EIN CHRISTAGS-GESCHENK fur Kleine Magdlein. i6mo, paper. Solomon Henkel, New-Market, 1809 917 VERRICHTUNG der Special-Conferenz der Evang. Luth. Lehrer im Staat Virginia, Gehalten in Neumarket, Schenan- doah Caunty den 4ten und 5ten October 1807. Illustrated. I2mo, half morocco. A. Henkel, Newmarket, 1807 918 VERRICHTUNG der Special-Conferenz der Evang. Luth. Prediger und Abgeordneten im Staat Virginien. I2mo, half morocco. A. Henkel, Newmarket, 1806 Newtown, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 919 ROWE, ELIZABETH. The History of Joseph. A Poem. i6mo, boards. Newtown, 1805 920 (WILSON, ALEX.) The Foresters, a Poem descriptive of a Pedestrian Journey to the Falls of Niagara, in the Autumn of 1804. i6mo, sheep, broken. Newtown, Pa., 1818 921 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The Triple Wreath, Poems on Vari- ous Subjects. With Portrait engraved by Edwin M. Ellis, izmo, cloth. . . Newtown, 1844 Very rare. This volume of local and personal effusions relating to Bucks County people, was printed by Chief Jus- tice E. M. Paxson when in his twentieth year. 133 Norristown, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 922 RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. The History of Pamela. i6mo, half bound. D. Sauer, Norristown, 1799 923 THE SPIRIT OF DESPOTISM. 121710, sheep. Jacob Mann, Norristown, 1799 924 THE NEW PENNSYLVANIA SPELLING-BOOK. Compiled by a Pennsylvanien. I2mo, half bound. D. Sower, Norristown, 1799 925 BEAUTIES OF SENECA. I2mo, sheep. Jas. Winnard, Norristown, 1813 926 FAWCETTE, JOHN. An Essay on Anger. I2mo, half bound. Norristown, 1823 927 The Same. I2mo, half bound. 928 VILLAGE SKETCHES, or Tales of Somerville. I2mo, half bound, uncut. Norristown, 1825 929 The Same. I2mo, half bound. Norristown, 1825 930 The Same. I2mo, half bound. Norristown, 1825 931 THE NORRISTOWN New and Much Improved Musical Teacher. Small oblong 4to, half bound. Norristown, 1832 932 THE SPIRIT OF DESPOTISM. I2mo, sheep. Jos. Winnard, Norristown, N. D. 933 Another Copy. I2mo, half morocco. Jos. Winnard, Norristown, N. D. Northamptonn, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 934 DEUTSCHE SCHUL-GEBATE zum Gebrauch fur Amerikani- sche Schulen. I2mo. H. Ebner, Northampton, 1815 935 DIE KLEINE GESCHICHTE Harfe der Kinder Zions. I2mo, calf, clasps. Blumet, Northampton, 1834 (9) 134 Octoraro, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 936 THE NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I2mo, sheep. F. Bailey, Octoraro, 1801 Very rare. Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 937 STAIR, JOHN. Ueber den Zustand der Seele nach dem Tode. i6mo, boards. Theo. May, Orwigsburg, 1830 938 ALMANAC. Der Neue Hochdeutsche Orwigsburger Ca- lender, Auf das Jahr 1830. 4to, half morocco. Orwigsburg, (1839) 939 Another Copy. 4to, half morocco. Paradise, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 940 COBBETT, WILLIAM. The Bloody Buoy Thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America. Second edition. 8vo, half bound. H. Witmer, Paradise, 1823 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 941 ANDERSON, REV. JOHN. Precious Truth, or some Points in Gospel Doctrine. I2mo, sheep. Z. Cramer, Pittsburgh, 1806 942 THE LAWYER, or Man as he ought not to be, a Tale. Frontispiece. I2mo, half bound, uncut. Pittsburgh, 1808 Name torn from title. 943 WILLISON, REV. JOHN. A Fair and Impartial Testimony essayed in name of a number of Ministers, Elders . . . unto the laudable Principles, Wrestlings and Attainments of that Church, etc. I2mo, sheep. Z. Cramer, Pittsubrgh, 1808 944 WILLISON, REV. JOHN. An Example of Plain Catechising. I2mo, sheep. Pittsburgh, 1812 945 RAMSAY, ALLAN. The Gentle Shepherd. I2mo, uncut. Pittsburgh, 1812 1.35 946 MEIKLE, JAS. The Traveller; or, Meditations on Various Subjects. I2mo, half morocco. Pittsburgh, 1815 947 PEDEN, ALEXANDER. Some Remarkable Passages of the Life and Death of. J2mo, sheep. Pittsburgh, 1815 948 THE MILITANT CHRISTIAN. I2mo, sheep. Pittsburgh, 1816 949 LAW, WILLIAM. An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy. i6mo, boards. Pittsburgh, 1816 950 A BOOK OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT and Discipline, agreed upon, and enacted by the Associate Synod of North America at Pittsburgh June 6, 1817. I2mo, uncut. Pittsburgh, 1817 951 PATTERSON, ROBERT. The Art of Domestick Happiness and other Poems. i6mo, boards, uncut. Pittsburgh, 1817 952 PATTERSON, ROBERT. A Treatise of Practical Arithmetic. I2mo, sheep, broken. Pittsburgh, 1818 953 HARBISON, MASSY. A Narrative of the Sufferings of, from Indian Barbarity, giving an account of her Captivity, The Murder of her two Children, Her Escape, with an In- fant at her Breast, etc. i6mo, boards. Pittsburgh, 1828 Very rare. 954 ETZTER, J. A. The Paradise within the Reach of All Men. i6mo, paper. Pittsburgh, 1833 955 DER KLEINE CATECHISMUS. i6mo, half bound. Pittsburgh, N. D. Pottstown, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 956 THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. I2mo, boards. Jno. Rover, Pottstown, 1820 957 Another Copy. I2mo, half bound. Jno. Royer, Pottstown, 1820 958 ROYER, JOHN. The Monument of Patriotism. Being a Collection of Biographical Sketches of the Lives and Char- acters of some of those men who signed the Independence of America. I2mo, sheep. Pottstown, 1825 959 POCKET LAW DICTIONARY. i6mo, boards. Pottstown, 1828 960 RICHARDS, REV. J. W. Sermon on Psalm 78, 2-8, "The Fruitful Retrospect." I2tno, half morocco. Pottstown, (1843) The centennary celebration of the laying of the corner- stone of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of "Augustus" at The Trappe, Montgomery County, Pa. South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 961 AN ORDER OF SERVICES with the Heidelberg Catechism i6mo, half morocco. South Bethlehem, 1904 Reading Pennsylvania, Imprints. 962 ALMANAC. Neuer Hausswirthschafts Calender, Auf das 3 -co Jahr 1798. #-tc^v t 4to, half morocco. Reading, (1797) 963 The Same for 1800. 4to, half morocco. 964 The Same for 1804. 4to, half morocco. Contains a view of Reading. 965 The Same for 1807. 4to, half morocco. Contains a view of Reading. 965^2 ALMANAC. Der gemeinuzige Americanische Calender, Auf das Jahr 1803. to, half morocco. Reading, (1802) 966 ALMANAC. Der Neue Readinger Calender fur 1812, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23, '24, '25, '28, '29, '33, '34, '35, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '42, '44, '45, '48, '49, '50, '52, '53, '65, '66 and '69. 36 vols. 4to, (34 vols. half morocco, and 2 vols paper.) Reading 137 967 The Same for 1817, '18, '22, '23, '33, '40, '53. 7 vols. 4to, (4 vols., half morocco, 3 vols., paper) Reading 968 The Same for 1817, 1833, 1840, 1853. 4 vols., 4to, (i vol. half morocco, 3 vols., paper.) Reading 969 ALMANAC. Verbesserter Calender auf das Jahr 1845. 4to, half morocco. Reading, (1844) 970 ALMANAC. Der Pennsylvanische Anti-Freymaurer Ca- lender fur das Jahr 1830, von Carl F. Egelman. 8vo, half morocco. Reading, (1829) Rare. Contains an explanation of the secrets of the Free Masons, with grips, signs and words. Illustrated with wood- cuts. 971 Another Copy. 8vo, half morocco. 972 ALMANAC. The United States Almanac fur 1801. I2mo, half morocco, uncut. Reading, (1800) 973 ENGEL, J. J. Abschieds-Predigt, gehalten im October- Monat 1816, in den Gemeinen in und um Blumsburg, Co- lumbia Caunty. I2mo, half morocco. Reading, 1817 974 A GENERAL DESCRIPTION of the Thirteen United States of America, containing Their Situation, Boundaries, Soil, and Produce, Rivers, Capitals, Constitution, Religious Test and Number of Inhabitants. I2mo, half morocco, uncut. B. Johnson, Reading, 1788 The first work printed at Reading, Pennsylvania, and the only known copy. 975 DER GESCHWINDE RECHNER. I2mo, half bound. B. Johnson, Reading, 1789 Very scarce. 976 THE READY RECKONER, or the Trader's Sure Guide. I2mo, sheep. B. Johnson, Reading, 1789 977 EIN GESPRACH ZWISCHEN dem kleinen Gorgel, einem ar- men Mann, und einem gewissen vornehmen Herrn, dem der Name Periander beygeleget worden. i6mo, uncut, 3 copies. Reading 1790 978 DAS GESICHT des Isaac Childs, welches er gesehen hat, betreffend das Land seiner Geburt. i6mo, half bock. Barton & Jungmann, Reading, 1791 Curious and rare. Written in Pennsylvania in 1757. 138 979 BEYSPIELE MURKWURDIGER BEKEHRUNGEN in der Ge- schichte des Barons von Dyherrn und der Johanna Cisch. I2mo, half morocco. Jungmann & Grauber, Reading, 1/93 980 CISCH, JOHANNA. Die Endzuckung und Wunderbare Er- fahrung. I2mo. Jungmann & Gruber, Reading, 1793 981 KURZGEFASSTES ARZNEY-BucHLEiN fur Mcnschen und Vieh. I2mo. Jungmann & Gruber, Reading, 1794 982 STILLING, H. Die Geschichte Florentius v. Fahlendorn. Eine lehrreiche und Anmuthige Begebenheit. I2mo, sheep. J. Schneider Co., Reading, 1797 983 COBBETT, WILLIAM. Die Blut-Fahne ausgestecket zur Warming politischer Wegweiser in America. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. Reading, 1797 Very rare. Frontispiece damaged. 984 BIBLIA. Das ist Die ganze Gottliche Heilige Schrift. 4to, calf, one clasp missing. G. Jungmann, Reading, 1805 The first Bible published in Reading. 985 ANFANGSGRUNDE der Rechenkunst zum Gesbrauch der Deutschen Schulen in den Vereinigten Staaten von America und besonders in Pennsylvania. I2mo, half bound. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1807 986 TERSTEEGEN, GERHARD. Geistliche Brosamen, von des Herrn Tisch gefallen, Von guten Freunden aufgelesen und ^. u ., hungrigen Herzen mitgetheilet. I2mo, calf, clasps. J. Ritter, & Co., Reading, 1807 987 GESEZE der Republik Pennsylvanien in ubersezten Aus- zugen. 8vo sheep. Reading 1807 First edition of the laws in German. 988 LEBENSBESCHREIBUNG von Heinrich Stilling. I2mo half bound. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1811 989 TERSTEEGEN, GERHARD. Merkwurdige Lebensbeschreibung des seeligen Gerhard Tersteegen nebst beygefugter Erkla- rung seines Sinnes und Testaments. I2mo half bound. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1811 990 Another Copy. 139 991 DER PROZESS VON JOHN SCHILD dem Vater- und Mutter- Morder welcher in der November-Court 1812. 8vo, half morocco. J. Ritter, & Co., Reading, 1812 Very rare trial. 992 MUHLENBERG, HEiNRiCH A. Busstags-Predigt, gehalten Donnerstags, den 2osten August 1812, an dem durch den Congress und Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten anem- pfohlenen Buss- und Bat-Tage in der Lutherischen Kirche der Stadt Reading, in Pennsylvania. I2mo, half morocco. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1812 992^ Another Copy. I2mo, half bound. 993 CALVINS LEBEN, Meynungen und Thaten. I2mo, half morocco. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1812 994 The Same. I2mo, half bound. 995 BROADSIDE. Henry Grimier Proposes to publish in the Borough of Reading a Weekly English Newspaper, or A Faithful Register of Passing Events, to be entitled The Schuylkill Newsletter, etc. folio. Reading, 1812 Very rare. The first prospectus for a newspaper in Reading. 996 HERMANN, L. F. Catechismus der Glaubenslehren u. Lebenspflichten der Christlichen Religion. I2mo, boards. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1813 997 VOLLSTANDIGES GEBAT-BUCH. 8vo, sheep. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1813 998 Another Copy. 8vo, sheep. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1813 999 STILLING, J. H. JUNG. Die Siegsgeschichte der Christ- lichen Religion. 8vo, haif bound. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1814 1000 MILLER, G. Kurze und deutliche Lehren zum Wahren und Thatigen Christenthum. i6mo, sheep. J. G. Jungmann, Reading, 1814 1001 EINE NEUE SAMMLUNG schoner Arien und Lieder. I2mo. Reading, 1816 Title damaged. 140 1002 CAESAR, J. S. Der Geschwinde Intressen-Rechner. I2mo, boards. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1816 1003 CAESAR, J. S. The Ready Calculator of Interest. I2mo. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1816 1004 STILLING, J. H. JUNG. Theorie der Geister-Kunde, in einer Natur- Vernunft- und Bibelmassigen Beantwortung der Frage, etc. With portrait of the Russian White Wo- man by Kneass. I2mo, half bound. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1816 1005 GESCHICHTE des Americanischen Kriegs von 1812 vom an fang bis zum endlichen Schluss desselben an dem glor- reichen Achten Januar 1815 vor Neu-Orleans. With por- trait of General Pike and six copperplates. I2mo, sheep. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1817 1006 BIERNAUER, JACOB. Das unentbehrliche Haus- und Kunst-Buch. I2mo, half morocco. (Reading) 1818 1007 HOMAN, J. G. Die Land- und Haus-Apotheke. I2mo, half bound. C. A. Bruckman, Reading, 1818 1008 HOCH-DEUTSCHES LUTHERISCHES A B C. Frontispiece. i6mo, boards. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1818 1009 HEIMANN, L. F. Catechismus der Glaubenslehren und Lebenspflichten. i6mo, boards. J. Ritter & Co., Reading, 1819 1010 KURZGEFASSTE ANWEisuNG uber die Anlegung von Weinbergen. 8vo, half morocco. Reading, N. D. 1011 DAS EVANGELIUM NlCODEMUS. I2mo, half bound. C. A. Bruckman, Reading, 1819 1012 nother Copy. I2mo, half bound. C. A. Bruckman, Reading, 1819 1013 HANDBUCH fur Deutsche; Reading, 1819, and Der Ge- schwinde Interessen-Rechner, von J. S. Caesar. Reading, 1816. Bound in I vol. I2mo, half bound. 1014 Another Copy. 141 1015 HOMAN, J. G. Der lange Verborgene Freund. lamo, boards. Reading, 1820 A curious collection of local and superstitious receipts for the cure of disease and prevention of evil. The author, living at Rosenthal in Berks County, names many persons helped by his Abracadabra. 1016 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Der Weg zum Gluck, oder Le- ben und Meynungen des. :6mo, paper. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1820 1017 RINALDO RINALDINI der Rauber-Hauptmann. 8vo, half bound. C. A. Bruckman, 1820 1018 STILLING, H. JUNG. Die sieben lezten Posaunen oder Wehen warm sic anfangen und author en und von den 70 Danielischen Wochen, etc. Frontispiece. I2mo, boards. Chas. M. Williams, Reading, 1820 '1019 LIED EINES LEHRERS, an seine Confirmanten oder Denk- ringlein. I2mo, Reading, 1821 1020 MAHNENSCHMIDT, PETER. Charfreytags Gedanken, oder das Leiden Christi in Reimen gesezt wie auch cine Vermah- nung an die Jugend. l6mo, Reading, 1821 1 02 1 DAS UNIVERSALE TRAUMBUCH oder Der vollstandige Traum-Ausleger aller Arten von Traumen. i6mo, boards. Reading, 1821 1022 HAUPT-!NHALT der Christlichen Lehre. I2mo, half bound. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1821 1023 Another Copy. I2mo, half bound. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1821 1024 DER PSALTER des Konigs und Propheten Davids. I2mo, sheep. J. Ritter, Reading, 1821 1025 Another Copy. 1026 THE HEART OF MAN either a Temple of God or a Habi- tation of Satan. I2mo, boards. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1822 1027 HOCH-DEUTSCHES LUTHERISCHES ABC und Namen Buchlein. I2mo, picture boards. Reading, 1822 142 1028 GOCK, EARL. Die Vertheidigung der Freyen Kirche von Nord-Amerika. I2mo, boards. Reading, 1822 1029 DAS HERZ DES MENSCHEN ein Tempel Gottes. I2mo, boards. H. B. Sage, Reading, 1822 1030 GOSSLER, J. C. Lebensgeschichte Napoleon Bonapartes, des Ersten Kaisers der Franzosen. Portrait of Napoleon and three plates. I2mo, half bound. Reading, 1822 1031 GOTT IST DIE REINSTE LIEBE, oder Morgen- und Abend- Op fen in Gebeten, Betrachtnngen und Gesangen. I2mo, sheep, clasps. Reading, 1822 Has certificates of approval from Rev. H. A. Muhlenberg, Wm. Pauli, /. F. Engel, J. F. Melsheimer and other Re- formed preachers in Pennsylvania. 1032 Another Copy. 1033 Another Copy. Soiled. 1034 Another Copy. 1035 DIE CONSTITUTION der Vereinigten Staaten von America, mit ihren Verbesserungen, und die der Republik von Penn- sylvanien. I2mo, boards. Reading, (1823) 1036 Another Copy. i2mo, boards. 1037 Another Copy. I2mo, boards. 1038 FISCHER, A. A. Eine Rede in der Form einer Predigt, uber die Lehre von dem Daseyneines Gottes. I2mo, half morocco. Reading, 1823 1039 GOSSLER, I. C. Carl Cock's Verlaumdungen oder Die Rechtfertigung der hochdeutschen Lutherischen und Re- formirten Synoden von Nord-America. I2mo, boards. Reading, 1823 1040 Another Copy. I2tno, boards. Reading, 1823 1041 EYLERT, T. Die Finsterniss in der freyen Kirche von America. I2mo. Reading, 1823 143 1042 STOY, WILLIAM. Der Mitleidige Samariter . . . Wu- thenden Hunds-Bisses oder die Hydrophoebia. I2mo. Reading, (1824) 1043 VILLEE, H. W. Der Bauer als Landmesser. With ten woodcuts. I2mo, boards. Reading, 1824 Written at Spangstown Works, Oley, Berks Co. 1044 Another Copy. 1045 COOPER, THOMAS. A Treatise of Domestic Medicine. 8vo, boards. Reading, 1824 1046 DER PSALTER des Konigs und Propheten Davids. I2mo, calf. Reading, 1825 1047 GULDIN, J. C. Betrachtungen u. Gebete oder Gedanken und Unterhaltungen. I2mo, calf. Reading, 1826 1048 Another Copy. izmo, morocco. Reading, 1826 1049 Another Copy, izmo, sheep, broken. 1050 HANDBUCH FUR DEUTSCHE. I2mo, half bound. Reading, 1828 1051 SAGE, H. B. Der verbesserte praktische Weinbau. Fold- ing plates. I2tno, half bound. Reading, 1828 1052 WALZ, E. L. Vollstandige Erklarung des Calenders, mit einem fasslichen Unterricht uber die Himmelskorper. I2mo, boards. Reading, 1830 1053 THOMAS, ABEL C. Shipwreck of Partialism. Review of a Pamphlet by Jacob Bishop Crist. 8vo, half morocco. Reading 1831 1054 PROCEEDINGS of the German Reformed Synod of Penn- sylvania and adjacent States, held at Beamstown, Lancaster County, September 4th, 5th and 6th, 1831. I2mo. Reading, 1831 1055 SAMMLUNG vorzuglicher Poesten, Gesange und Lieder von Deutschen Dichtern. I2mo, half sheep. Reading, 1831 144 1056 EATON, J. H. Leben des General Majors Andreas Jack- son. Portrait. 12010, half bound. Reading, 1831 1057 HAUPT-!NHALT der Christlichen Lehre. I2mo, boards. Reading, 1832 1058 WAGNER, G. X. Das Alpha und Omega (der Anfang und das Ende). i6mo, boards. Reading, 1835 Signed by the author. 1059 EIN GANZ NEUES WURFEL-BUCH ohne Tabelle. i6mo, paper. Reading, 1837 1060 HIRLANDA, Herzogin von Bretagne oder Der Sieg Der Jugend und Unschuld. I2mo, Reading, 1843 1061 HIMMELBERGEN, CATHARiNA. Weissagung von der Zu- kunst unsers Herrn Jesum Christum und tausendjahrigen Reich. I2mo, boards. Reading, 1845 1062 HOHMANN, J. G. Der Fromme zu Gott in der Andacht. I2mo, half bound. (Reading, 1846) Poems upon Susanna Cox, Joseph Miller, Paul Spring, Polly Jones and other Berks County celebrities. 1063 STRUNCK, AMOS K. Officers of Berks County for each year from 1752 to 1860. 2 copies. I2mo, cloth, Reading, 1859 1064 JONES, CHARLES H. Recollections of Venice. I2mo, paper. Reading, 1862 1065 WEISER, C. Z. The Life of (John) Conrad Weiser, The German Pioneer, Patriot, and Patron of Two Races. Part i only. I2mo, half morocco. Reading, 1876 1066 The Same. Both parts, including Weiser's Letters. I2mo, cloth. Reading, 1876 1067 WEISER, C. Z. A Monograph of the New Goschenhop- pen and Great Swamp Reformed Charge, 1731-1881. I2mo, cloth. Reading, 1882 1068 Another Copy. I2mo, cloth. Reading, 1882 145 1069 BROADSIDE. Liebes-Erklarung. Small 4to. C. A. Bruckman, Reading, N. D. V 1070 BROADSIDE. Adam und Eva, in Paradies. With a crude colored woodcut of Adam and Eve, with poems on either side, folio. C. A. Bruckman, Reading, N. D. Kutztown. Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1071 GEBET-BUCH fur die lutherische und reformirte Deutsche Jugend. i6mo, paper. Rutztown, 1834 Schellsburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1072 EINE SAMMLUNG von Neuen Recepten und Bewahrten Curen. I2mo, Schellsburg, 1827 1073 ROHLWES, J. N. Allgemeines Vieharzneibuch oder Un- terricht. I2mo, half bound. Schellsburg, 1823 Selin's Grove, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1075 MEAD, MATHEW. Der Beynache ein Christ entdeckt oder Der irrige Religions-Bekenner. 8vo, half bound. Selin's Grove, Pa., 1830 1176 Another Copy. Shepherd's Town, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1077 WATSON, R. Christian Panoply, containing an Apology for the Bible . . . addressed to Thomas Paine. I2mo, sheep. Shepherd's Town, 1797 SkippackviUe, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1078 THE CONFESSION of Faith of the Christians called Men- nonists. Translated from the German. i6mo, boards SkippackviUe, 1836 1079 DER LANGE VERBORGENE SCHUTZ und Haus-Freund. Small 4to, half bound. SkippackviUe, 1836 1080 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the Skippack Society for the Detection of Horse Thieves, Montgomery Co., Pa. i6mo, paper. SkippackviUe, 1855 146 1081 CASSEL, S. R. Geistliches Sendschreiben des Christli- chen Lehrers und Predigers Heinrich Rissly. I2mo. Skippackville, 1854 1082 SCHULTZ, REV. C. Short Questions concerning the Chris- tian Doctrine of Faith. Translated by I. D. Rupp. i6mo, cloth. Skippackville, 1863 Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1083 HENRY, MATTHEW. The Communicants Companion. I2mo, sheep. Shippensburg, 1830 Somerset, Pennsylvania. Imprints. 1084 BIBLIA. Das ist Die ganze Gottliche Heilige Schrifrt. 4to, calf. Somerset, 1813 The first Bible printed west of the Allegheny Mountains. 1085 DAS NEUE TESTAMENT unsers Herrn und Heilands Jesu Christi. I2mo, calf, clasps. Somerset, 1814 Fresh as the day of issue. The first Testament printed west of the Allegheny Mountains. Strasburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1086 FRANKLIN, AUGUSTUS. The American Farrier. I2mo, sheep, stained. Brown & Bowman, Strasburg, 1803 1087 Another Copy. i Sumtfytaun, Pennsylvania, Imprints. / 1088 ERLAUTERUNG fur Herrn Caspar Schwenckfeld und die Zugethanen seiner Lehre, wegen vielen Stucken beydes aus der Historic und Theologie. With portrait of Caspar Schwenckfeld. I2mo, calf. Sumnytaun, 1830 1089 BENNER, E. Abhandlung uber die Rechenkunst oder Practische Arithmetik. I2mo, sheep. Sumnytaun, i8]3 1090 LEBENSBESCHREIBUNGEN sammtlicher Unterzeichner der Unabhangigkeits-Erklarung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. With stipple portrait of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. 8vo, calf. Sumnytaun, 1842 An enterprising publication, successfully carried out in this little village in the interior of Montgomery County, Pa. 147 LUTHERISCHER CATECHISMUS. i6mo, hajf bound. Sumnytaun, 1849 1092 ABHANDLUNGEN uber die Rechenkunst i6mo, half bound. Sumnytaun, 1849 1093 KURZE ERKLARUNG des Kleinen Katechismus. l6mo, half bound. Sumnytaun, 1854 1094 DAS NEUE BUCHSTABIR- und Lesebuch, zum Gesbrauch Deutscher Volksschulen in Pennsylvanien. I2mo, boards. Sumnytaun, 1876 Washington, Pennsylvania. Imprints. 1095 BIRCH, REV. THOMAS L. Seemingly Experimental Re- ligion, Instructors Unexperienced, Converters Unconverted, Revivals Killing Religion, Missionaries in need of Teach- ing, or, War against the Gospel by its Friends. 8vo, half morocco, red tops, uncut. Washington, 1806 An exceedingly rare scandal in the Presbyterian Church in Western Pennsylvania. Privately printed. 1096 BELLAMY, JOSEPH. An Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I2mo, half morocco. Jno. Colerick, Washington, 1798 1097 BELLAMY, N/OSEPH. Theron, Paulinus and Aspasia; or. Letters and Dialogues upon the Nature of Love to God, Faith in Christ, Assurance of a Title to Eternal Life. I2mo, half morocco. Jno. Colerick, Washington, 1798 1098 SHANES, ALEX. Sermons by. 8vo, sheep. J. Grayson, Washington, 1820 1099 A BRIEF SUMMARY and Outline of the Principal Sub- jects comprehended in Moral Science, Designed for the Senior Class in Washington College. 8vo, Washington, 1838 West Chester, Pennsylvania, Imprints. noo A CONFESSION OF FAITH . . . adopted by the Baptist Association September 25, 1742. I2mo, sheep. S. Siegfried, West Chester, 1827 noi JONES, JOSHUA. English Grammar. I2mo, half bound. S. Siegfried, West Chester, 1833 148 1 102 PROCEEDINGS of the Primary Meeting of the West Nant- meal Township Lyceum. i6mo, half morocco. West Chester, (1835) 1103 MILES, G. I. A Glance at the Baptists. I2mo, sheep. West Chester, 1836 1104 DARLINGTON, WILLIAM. Flora Cestrica. An attempt to enumerate and describe the Flowering and Filicoid Plants of Chester County, Pennsylvania. With map. I2mo, sheep. West Chester, 1837 1105 WILSON, ALEXANDER. The Foresters. A Poem Descrip- tive of a Pedestrian Journey to the Falls of Niagara in the Autumn of 1804. i6mo, sheep. West Chester, 1838 1 1 06 Another Copy. 1107 TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON. Memorial of William Dar- lington, M. D. Portrait. 8vo, half corocco. West Chester, 1863 With Judge Futhey's manuscript and cuttings inserted. 1108 LEWIS, JOSEPH J. A Memoir of Enoch Lewis. 8vo, cloth. West Chester, 1882 Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1109 THE BUDGET, or Moral and Entertaining Fragments Representing the Punishment of Vice and the Reward of Virtue. i6mo, boards. Wilkesbarre, 1801 mo DEVINE, HYMNS, or Spiritual Songs for the Use of Re- Religious Assemblies. i6mo. (Soiled.) Wilkesbarre, 1802 11 1 1 LIONEL, or the Last of the Pevenseys. 2 vols. I2mo, boards, uncut. Wilkesbarre, 1822 Name on title. 1 1 12 DIE TAGLICHEN LOOSUNGEN und Lehrtextc der Bruder- gemeine fur das Jahr 1827. :6mo, boards. Wilkesbarre, 1826 Manchester, Virginia, Imprints. 1113 BACON, REV. THOMAS. Sermons by. I2tno, sheep. Manchester, Va., N. D. 149 York, Pennsylvania, Imprints. 1114 BLACK, JOHN. The Duty of Christians in singing the praise of God explained. i2mo, half morocco. J. & J. Edie, York, 1792 First book printed in York. 1115 TOPLADY, AUGUSTUS. Observations on the Divine At- tributes. 8vo, sheep. Jno. Edie, York, 1793 Top of title torn off. With autograph of printer laid in. 1116 DIE WAHRE Brantwein-Brennerey oder, Brantwein Ein und Cordialmacher Kunst. i6mo, half morocco. York, 1797 Titel damaged. 1117 BUCHLEIN des Hans Frummann. i6mo morocco. S. Mayer, 1797 1118 PENNING, DANIEL. The Ready Reckoner. i6mo, sheep. S. Mayer, York, 1798 1119 MYSERAS, LAMBRECHT. Empfindungen und Erfahrungen des Frommen. I2mo, boards. S. Mayer, 1799 1 1 20 Another Copy. 1 121 GESPRACHE zwischen einem Lehrer und Zuhdrer uber unsere ietzigen Zeiten. I2mo, boarls. A. Billmeyer, York, 1801 1 122 DAS LETZTE BEKENNTNISS des Carl Cunningham wel- cher im neunzehnten Jahr seines Alters, zu York in Penn- sylvanien, den iQten September, 1805, bingericht wurde. fur die Ermordung des Joseph Rothrock. i2mo, half morocco. York, (1805) 1123 THE SELF-TAUGHT CONVEYANCER, or Farmers' and Me- chanics' Guide. I2mo, boards. York, 1819 1124 WOLTERSDORFS, E. G. Sammtliche Neue Lieder oder Evangelische Psalmen. I2tno, sheep. York, 1823 1125 BARBER, DR. J. Exercises in Reading and Recitation. I2mo, boards. York, 1825 (10) 150 1 126 MAGAZINE OF THE GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. Vol. 3. 8vo, half bound. York, 1830 1127 SINAL, HEINRICH. Luthers Bibel-Erklarungen. I2mo, sheep. York, 1831 1128 SMITH, E. Philosophical Grammar of the English Lan- guage. I2mo, boards. York, 1833 1129 WEGWEISER zum Ewigen Leben, in Zwei und vierzig Betrachtungen. I2mo, half boaund. York, 1834 1130 PENNSYLVANIA IMPRINTS. Verhandlungen der Deutsch- Evangelisch. Lutherischen Synode, von Pennsylvanien. 1821 to 1836. Printed at Allentown, Reading, Yorktown, Eas- ton, Philadelphia, New Berlin, Gettysburg and Sumny- town. 22 Pamphlets. Bound in one volume, 8vo, half morocco. A consecutive set. Very scarce. 1131 CRESWELL, JOHN. Essays and Letters on the World, or the Modern Observator on Various Subjects by a Cit- izen of Chester County. Vol. i. I2mo, boards. Printed for the author, 1826 Very scarce. Judge Futhey's copy with his notes. 1132 KIRCHEN-ORDNUNG fur die deutsch Evangelisch Luthe- rische Gemeine bey der heiligen Dreyeinigkeits Kirche in der Stadt Lancaster. I2tno, Lancaster, 1815 1133 MERKWURDIGE NACHRICHT von den Wunderbaren Ent- zuckung des Hans Frumman. I2mo. Gedruckt, Fur die Liebhaber, 1815 1134 VERSUCH Den Betrug der Methodisten zu entdecken. i2mo. N. P., 1852 1135 GINSEY, WILLIAM. The History of Episcopacy. I2mo, calf. N. P. 1798 Fine clean copy. This rare and interesting book, writ- ten in the "back woods" of Georgia, contains an inside, de- tailed and uncomplimentary account of the origin of the j Methodist Church in America. He says (page 245) that Asbury was opposed to independence and concealed him- self in Mr. White's garret in Delaware. On page 261 is a woodcut of "the Baltimore Methodistical Bull." 1136 DER MERKWURDIGE LEBENSLAUF, Die Sonderbare Be- kehrung und Entzuckungen des ohnlangst bey Germantown (Perms.) wohenden und verstorbenen Dr. George De Ben- neville. N. P., 1824, and Nachdruckliche Buss-Stimme und Warnungs-Posaune von Himmel an alle bosshafte Sunder auf Erden, oder Thomas Chamberlains. N. P., 1824. Bound together. I2tno, half morocco. 1137 HUBNER, JOHANN. Biblische Historien aus dem Alten und Neuen Testament verschen mit 104 Kupferstichen. I2mo, calf, clasps. Harrisburg, 1826 The copperplates in this rare book are good examples of early Pennsylvania Dutch engraving. FIRST AMERICAN EDITIONS. 1138 AMERICAN CYCLOPS, THE. The Hero of New Orleans and Spoiler of Silver Spoons. By Pasquins. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1868 A poetical diatribe against Genera! Butler. 1139 ARISTO, LUDOVIC. Orlando Furioso. Translated by John Hoole. Illustrated. 6 vols. i6mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia: Henry Hudson, N. D. First American edition. 1140 ATLEE, EDWIN A. Essays at Poetry; or, A Collection of Fugitive Pieces. With the Life of Eugenius Laude Watts. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1828 Dedicated to Mrs. Sarah Bethel, daughter of General Edward Hand. The main poem is an autobiography with reference to many Pennsylvania characters and events, General Hand, Dr. Barton, Whiskey Insurrection, etc. 1141 BARLOW, JOEL. The Prospect of Peace. A Poetical Composition, delivered in Yale-College at the Public Ex- amination of the Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, July 23, 1778. 8vo, half morocco. New Haven, 1788 .Very rare. 1142 BEATTIE, JAMES. Poems on Several Occasions. With copperplates by La^vson. i6mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1787 152 THE CELEBRATED AITKEN BIBLE. First Bible in English Printed in America. 1143 THE | HOLY BIBLE, | Containing the Old and New | Tes- taments | Newly translated out of the j Original Tongues ; j And with the former | Translations] Diligently compared and revised. | (Arms of the State of Pennsylvania) Phila- delphia : | Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, at Pope's | Head, Three Doors above the Coffee | House, in Market Street. [ M.DCC.LXXXII. 2 vols. I2mo original calf, in morocco case. "" 1 he~~collation corresponds with that given by Mr. Hilde- burn in his admirable bibliography of the "Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania," and contains the "Resolution of Congress," which will not be found in all copies. The first volume is in perfect condition, clean and stain- less. The leaves in chapter II Kings imsvercd. Last leaf of second volume injured and rebacked. Newspaper cliippings inserted. It is a vcell-known historical fact, that, in consequence of the embargo laid upon American commerce during the Revolutionary War, the BIP.LE became an exceedingly scarce book. MR. ROBERT AITKEN, a Patriotic printer and bookseller of this city, undertook at his private expense to supply the constant and urgent demand for the work, by publishing the edition that is noiv popularly known as "The Aitken Bible." The circumstances attending the pub- lication of this edition, and the discouraging obstacles en- countered by Mr. Aitken in accomplishing his laborious task, are vigorously described by an anonymous author of the following interesting article published in the "Freeman's Journal" for November 26, 1782: "/ can hardly express the feelings I experienced when I found that a complete edition of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, in our vernacular tongue, has been printed amongst its. The circumstances attending this arduous task are so extraord- inary that the faithful historian cannot fail to rank it, both in its design and execution, amongst the most remarkable civil events of the present Revolution. What may zt'e not expect from the abilities of this country in respect to literary undertakings, when we consider that this design has been executed in the midst, as it were, of conflagration, murder, brutality, and a general destruction of the works of nature and art? "THIS EDITION of the HOLY SCRIPTURES is the only one that was ever undertaken in American at the expense of an individual, unless ive except the GERMAN BIBLE, printed 153 some years ago by Mr. Sower, at a time u'hen this country enjoyed a profound peace. .As to Mr. Eliot's 'Indian Bible' printed many years ago in New-England, it is well known that the whole expense was borne by the corporation for promoting the Gospel in New-England, //ow great then are the public indebted to Mr. Aitken, who, at the most im- minent risque of his private fortune, with very little sup- port and patronage, and actuated by a generous zeal for the advancement of the moral interests of mankind, engaged solely in this very expensive and laborious task. . What discouraging prospects for the completion of his rvork must the editor have had from time to time in the course of this cruel and desolating warf More than twenty towns and villages of note have been made fuel for the flames ivhich British inhumanity has kindled; the avarice of our enemies has plundered a much greater number; and no less than nine of the capital cities of these states have been in possess- ion of the enemy; amongst them tvas PHILADELPHIA, and yet, under all these disadvantages, A COMPLETE, AN ACCU- RATE, AND ELEGANT EDITION OF THE BlBLE WAS PUBLISHED IN THIS VERY CITY, in four years from the time of the evacuation by the British. "The VERY PAPER that has received the impression of these sacred books, was manufactured in Pennsylvania, the tvhole work therefore, is PURELY AMERICAN, and has risen, like the fabled Phoenix, from the ashes of that pile in which our enemies supposed they had consumed the liberties of AMERICA." 1144 The Same. Only about one-half of the leaves without title. A good nucelus for repairing imperfect copies. 1145 BICKERSTAFF, MR. Lionel and Clarissa; or, The School for Fathers. A Comic Opera. I2mo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1794 First American edition. 1146 BIRD, DR. R. M. The Hawks of Hawk-Hollow. A Tra- dition of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1835 First edition. Binding different in each volume. 1147 (BIRD, DR. R. M.) The Infidel; or, The Fall of Mexico. A Romance. 2 vols. I2tno, muslin. Philadelphia, 1835 First edition. 154 1148 (BIRD, DR. R. M.) Calavar; or, The Knight of the Conquest. 2 vols . I2mo, muslin. Philadelphia, 1834 First edition-. 1149 (BIRD, DR. R. M.) Nick of the Woods; or, The Jibben ainosay. A Tale of Kentucky. 2 vols. I2mo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1837 First edition. 1150 (BIRD, DR. R. M.) Peter Pilgrim; or, A Rambler's Recollections. 2 vols. I2mo, muslin. Philadelphia, 1838 1151 (BIRD, DR. R .M.) The Adventures of Robin Day. 2 vols. I2mo, muslin. Philadelphia, 1839 First edition. 1152 PRINTZ/ HALL. A Record of New Sweden. 2 vols. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 Written by William Gallagher. Very rare. 1153 BLAIR, ROBERT. The Grave. A Poem, to which is added an Elegy written in a Country Church Yard by Mr .Gray. I2mo. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1773 The very rare first American edition of both of these poems. 1154 BLAIR, ROBERT. The Grave. A Poem, to which is added an Elegy written in a Country Church Yard by Mr. Gray. With frontispiece by Seymour. I2mo, half bock. Thomas Dobson, Philadelphia, 1787 The rare second American edition of both of these poems. THE PROPOSED BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. First American Edition. 1155 THE j BOOK | OF j COMMON PRAYER, | AND ADMINISTRA- tion of the | Sacraments, j And other | Rites and Cere- monies, j As revised and proposed to the Use | of | The Protestant Episcopal Church, | At a Convention of the ,*~ Said Churdh in the States of I New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, THE BOO O F COMMON PRAYER, And ADMINISTRATION of the SACRAMENTS, And other . RITES and CEREMONIES, As revtfed and propofed to the Ufe o F* The Proteftant Epifcopal CHURCH, At a Convention of the faid CHURCH in the States of MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, . NEW-JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, AMD SOUTH-CAROLINA, Held in Philadelphia , from September *7th to O&dber 7th, 1785 P H I L A DEL P H I A, Printed by H A L L and S E L L E R S : And fold for the Benefit of fundry Corporations and Societies inftituted for the Support of the Widows and Children o deceafed Clergymen. MDCCLXXXTI. Facsimile Title Lot 1155. 156 Held in Philadelphia, from September 27th to October 7th, 1785. I i~2mo, calf. (Rebacked.) Philadelphia. | Printed by Hall and Sellers; | And sold for the Benefit of sundry Corporations and Societies | instituted for the Support of the Widows and Chil- dren of | deceased Clergymen MDCCLXXXVI. The very rare First Edition of the "Proposed Book of Y Common Prayer." The late B/ishop Stevens said: "Few 4 persons have seen this remarkable liturgical production, and without any discussions of the principles involved in its / publication, the Bibliographical fact may be stated, that a < / rarer book connected with American Church History can hardly be named." This is a beautiful clean copy, in the original binding, zvith the "Tunes suited to the Psalms and Hymns," at the back. It has the name of "John Yeates 1791" on the title page. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 1156 Another Copy. Without the music at end. I2mo, half morocco. Hall & Sellers, Philadelphia, 1786 1157 BOKER, GEORGE H. The Lessons of Life, and other Poems. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1848 First edition. 1158 BOKER, GEORGE H. The Lessons of Life, and other Poems. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1848 First edition, and autograph presentation copy. 1159 BOKER, GEORGE H. Konigsmark. The Legend of the Hounds. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869 First edition. 1160 (BRACKENRIDGE, HUGH H.) A Poem on Divine Reve- lation. Being an Exercise delivered at the Public Com- mencement at Nassau-Hall, September 28, 1774. 8vo, original covers, uncut. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1774 First edition, and the first publication by this author. E.rccssively rare. 1161 BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN. Wi eland ; or, The Trans- formation. An American Tale. I2mo, half morocco. New York, 1798 First edition. Name on title and corners off one leaf. 1162 (BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN.) Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793: I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1799 First edition. Very scarce. 157 1163 BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN. Ormond; or, The Secret Witness. J2mo sheep. New York, 1799 First edition. Very rare. 1164 (BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN.) Edgar Huntly; or. Memoirs of a Sleep- Walker. 3 vols. I2mo. sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1799 First edition. Very rare. 1165 (BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN.) Jane Talbot. A Novel. With two copperplates by Seymour. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1801 First edition. 1166 BROWN. DAVID PAUL. Scrtorius: or, The Roman Pa- triot. A Tragedy. 8vo, morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, 1830 A good specimen of early Philadelphia binding. 1167 BRYAN, DANIEL. The Mountain Muses. Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone ; and the Power of Vir- tuous and Refined Beauty. I2mo, half morocco. Harrisonburg, 1813 Fine copy. Scarce. 1168 BRYAN, DANIEL. The Mountain Muse. Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone; and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty. I2tno, sheep. Harrisonburg, 1813 1169 BRYAN, DANIEL. The Appeal for Suffering Genius. A Poetical Address for the Benefit of the Boston Bard, and The Triumph of Truth a Poem. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington City, 1826 Mr. Robert S. Coffin must have suffered all the more for this poem, which belongs with the Mountain Muse. He says: "Through the influence of ivell intended but inju- dicious advice, the author was induced some years ago to publish a volume of his juvenile effusions under the title of the Mountain Muse." 1170 BUNYAN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come. I2mo, sheep. John McCulloch, Philadelphia, 1789 Very rare. The lower corner torn front title. 1171 BUNYAN, JOHN. The Holy War made by Shaddai upon Diabolus. I2mo, calf. New York, 1794 158 1172 BURNS. ROBERT. Letters addressed to Qarinda, etc. Never before published in America. With a choice selec- tion of poems and songs. Engraved portrait by Ticbout. I2mo, original boards. Philadelphia, 1809 1173 ( BUTLER, WILLIAM A.) Nothing to Wear. An Epi- sode of City Life. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1857 First edition. 1174 BYRON, LORD. The Bride of Abydos. A Turkish Tale. i6mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1814 First American edition. 1175 BYRON, LORD. The Prophecy of Dante. A Poem. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1821 First American edition. 1176 BYRON, RIGHT HON. LORD. The Works of. With en- graved frontispiece and title. 8 vols. I2mo, original boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1825 First American edition. ' 1177 CAESAR. C. Julii Csesaris, quae extant interpretatione et Notis Johannes Godvinius. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1804 First American edition. 1178 CHESTERFIELD, LORD. Advice to his Son on Men and Manners. i6mo, calf. T. Dobson, Philadelphia, 1789 First American edition. 1179 CHURCHILL. C. Poems by. 2 vols. 8vo. Printed in the Year 1768 This excessively rare edition was unseen by Hildcburn. It was printed in Philadelphia by William Bradford in Philadelphia, and Bradford's advertisement gives the date of this first American edition. Lowndes shows there was no English edition of this year. Vol. I. is half sheep, and Vol. II. is whole bound in sheep. 1180 CLIFTON, MR. Poems. Chiefly occasioned by the late. To which are prefixed Introductory Notices of the Life. Character and Writings of the Author. Portrait by Ed- win, after Field. i6mo, half bound. New York, 1800 Ver\ rare. 159 1181 COFFIN, ROBERT S. The Miscellaneous Poems of tiie Boston Bard. Frontispiece. i6mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1818 Written while a type setter in the Village Record office, West Chester, Pennsylvania. 1182 COFFIN, ROBERT C. Oriental Harp. Poems of the Boston Bar-.l. Portrait. 8vo, roan. Providence, 1826 First edition. 1183 COLLINS, WILLIAM. i6mo, calf. (Broken.) First American edition. The Poetical Works of. Philadelphia, 1788 1184 (COOPER, J. FENIMORE.) The Pioneers; or, The Sources of the Susquehanna. 2 vols. I2mo, half roan. New York, 1823 First edition. Philadelphia, 1831 1185 (COOPER, J. FENIMORE.) The Bravo. 2 vols. I2tno, half roan. First edition. 1186 (COOPER, J. FENIMORE.) The Spy. A Tale of the Neutral Ground. 2 vols. I2mo, sheep. New York, 1831 First edition. Name on title. 1187 COVVPER, WILLIAM. Poems by. With full-page copper- plates by Tanner. 2 vols. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 1188 COWPER, WILLIAM. Poems by. Illustrated with copper- plates by Tanner. 2 vols. I2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1803 John S. Morris', copy, of Phoenixrille, with name on title. DE Ouy/CEY, THOMAS. Opinm-Eater. i6mo, boards, uncut. The rare first American edition. 1190 DODINGTON, GEORGE BUBB. The Diary of the late. Baron of Melcombe Regis. From March 8, 1748-9. to Febru- ary 6, 1761. * * * Now first published by Henry Pen- ruddocke Wyndham. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, canary edges. Salisbury, 1784 First edition. Shows the successful English career of James Ralph, of Philadelphia, whose confidence Franklin abused. Confession of an English Philadelphia, 1823 i6o 1191 DOWNING, MAJOR JACK. The Select Letters of, of the Downingville Militia. Frontispiece. I2mo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1834 First edition. Stained. 1192 DWIGHT, TIMOTHY. Greenfield Hill. A Poem. 8vo, calf. New York, 1794 1193 ECHO, THE. With other Poems. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep. (Stained.) (New York, 1807) FIRST EDITION OF THE FEDERALIST. 1194 FEDERALIST. The Federalist: a Collection of Essays written in favour of the New Constitution as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. 2 vols. I2mo, original sheep, red labels. New York: Printed and Sold by J. and A. McLean, No. 41, Hanover-Square, MDCCLXXXVIII. A fine copy of the very rare first edition, in book form, and evidently one of the copies bound at Franklin's Head, No. 41 Hanover Square, New York. On the title of each volume is written "J. Wallace Collet. 1840," and on the margin of volume II. is written the names of the authors of the book. James Madison wrote: "Mr. Jay was author of Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 54; Mr. Madison of Nos. 10, 14, and 37 to 48, inclusive, of the list; Nos. 18, 19, 20 were the production of Jay, Madison and Hamilton; all the rest of Genl. Hamilton." SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. 1195 FIELDING, HENRY. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews. 2 vols. I2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1791 First American edition. Name on title. 1196 FIELDING, HENRY. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1791 First American edition. Corner off one leaf and one page torn. 1197 FIELDING, HENRY. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. 3 vols. i-zmo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1794 Name on title. First American edition. 1198 FRENEAU, PHILIP. The Poems of. Wriitten chiefly during the late War. I2mo, calf. F. Bailey, Philadelphia, 1786 Fine copy of the very rare first edition, with name on title. FEDERALIST; A COLLECTION O F ESSAYS, WRITTEN IN FAVOUR OF THE NEW CONSTITUTION, AS AGREED UPON BY THE FEDERAL CONVENTION^ SEPTEMBER 17, 1787. IN TWO VOLUMES, VOL. I, NEW-YORK: AND SOLD BY J. AND A. M'LEAN, Ko. 41, HANOVER-SQUARE. M, D C C, L X X A V I I I. Facsimile Title Lot 1194. 1 62 1190 FRENEAU, PHILIP. Poems. Written between the Years 1768 and 1794 by Philip Freneau, of New Jersey. A new edition. Revised and corrected by the author. Including a considerable number of pieces never before published. 8vo, calf. Monmouth, N. J. : Printed at the Press of the Author, at Mount Pleasant, near Middletown-Point, 1795. This edition is much rarer than the first, and this copy, zi'hich is a fine one, is an autograph copy from the author. "The gift of the Author to John Motley, Nov. $Qth, 1795, New York. . Which I'll request may never be Lost, Mislaid or Abused, but be Reserved." 1200 FRENEAU, PHILIP. Poems. Written and Published during the American Revolutionary War, and now Re- published from the Original Manuscripts, interspersed with Translations from the Ancients and other pieces not here- tofore in Print. The third edition. With two engravings by Eckstein. 2 vols. I2mo, calf. Lydia R. Bailey, Philadelphia, 1809 Fine copy. "Joseph H. Siddall, presented by Mrs. Lydia R. Bailey (the publisher) April 21, 1817.'' 1201 FRENEAU, MC PHILIP. The Miscellaneous Works of. Containing his Essays and Additional Poems. I2mo, sheep. F. Bailey, Philadelphia, 1788 First edition. iVery rare. 1202 GIFFORD, WILLIAM. The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenwls. Translated into English Verse by. With notes and illustrations. Fine portrait by Edwin. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top ed.sres gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 First American edition. Richard Wistar's copv, with autograph letter of William Gifford, referring to Lord Byron. 1203 (GOLDSMITH, OLIVER.) The Vicar of Wakefield. A Tale. Supposed to be written by Himself. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, sheep. William Mentz, Philadelphia, 1772 The excessively rare first American edition. Name of former owners on title of Vol I. 1204 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Deserted Village. A Poem. A New Edition. I2mo. Thomas Dobson, Philadelphia, 1786 Very rare. Name on title. 1205 HIRST, HENRY B. The Coming of the Mammoth, The Funeral of Time, and other Poems. I2mo, boards. Boston, 1845 Autograph presentation copy. 1206 HIRST, HENRY B. Endymion. A Tale of Greece, icmo, boards. Boston, 1848 Autograph presentation copy. 1207 HOLCOMBE, HENRY. The Funeral Sermon of Joseph Moulder. With the Miscellaneous Writings of the De- ceased in Prose and Verses. With portraits by Tanner, . Vallance, Kearny, ^ete, i6mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1817 Very rare. 1208 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. The Autocrat of the Break- fast-Table. Illustrated. I2tno, cloth. Boston, 1858 First edition. Some leaves loose. 1209 HOMER. The Iliad of. Translated by Alexander Pope. I2mo, sheep. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1795 First American edition. 1210 HUNT, J. H. L. Juvenilia; or, A Collection of Poems. Written between the ages of twelve and sixteen. With portrait by Edwin. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804 Fine copy of the first American edition. 121 1 HUTCHINSON, THOMAS. Xenophontis de Cyri Institu- tione. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1806 First American edition. KNICKERBOCKER'S NEW YORK. First Edition. 1212 (IRVING, WASHINGTON.) A History of New York. From the Beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. Containing, among many Surprising and Curious Matters, the Unutterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disastrous Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Headstrong, the three Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam. Being the only Authentic History of the Times that ever hath been, or ever will be Published. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 5>e toaarfjeib bie in biufter lag, te fomt met flaarfjeib aart ben 'bag. With folding plate of New Amsterdam (now New York) as it appeared about the year 1640, wl'.ile under the Dutch Government. A HISTORY OF NEW YORK, FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD TO THE END OF THE DUTCH DYNASTY. CONTAINING Among many Surprising and Curious Matters, the Unutterable Ponderings of WALTER THE DOUBTER, the Disastrous Projects of WILLIAM THE TESTY, and the Chivalric Achievments of PETER THE HEADSTRONG, the three Dutch Governors of New AMSTERDAM; being the only Authentic History of the Times that ever hath been, or ever will be Published. BY DIEDRICH KNICKERBOCKER. DC hwaifyin Die in unifier fag, Di: ftomt nut kLurimo aan sen nag* IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. PUBLISHED BY INSTCEEP & BRADFORD, NEW YORK ; BRADFORD & INSKEEP, PHILADELPHIA J WM. M^IL- HENNEY, BOSTON; COALE i5* THOMAS, BALTIMORE; AND MORFORD, WILLINGTON, U CO. CHARLESTON. 1809. Facsimile Title Lot 1212. - vols. I2tno, contemporary sheep. Published by Inskeep & Bradford, New York; Bradford & Inskeep, Philadelphia; William M'llhenney, Boston; Coale & Thomas, Baltimore; and Morford, Wellington & Co., Charleston, 1809. A good clean copy of the excessively rare first jdition. The later editions were much changed. This copy formerly belonged to Roberts Vaur, and through it are his manu- script notes, applying the satire to the Jefferson administra- tion. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. ) 1213 JOSEPH us /FLAVIUS. The Works of. Translated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1773-75 The first American edition. Vol. I. was published bv W. and T. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1773. Vol. II., printed for the subscribers, America, 1774. Vol. Ill, by Hodge & . Shober, New York, 1775. And Vol. IV., by Shober & London, New York, 1775. Tints ive see that no less than four firms were employed in publishing the book, which illustrated the great difficulty in the early days of our country in publishing a work of this magnitude. Vol. HI. was, no doubt, published by Robert Bell, of Philadelphia. 1214 JUVENAL. D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satine ; * * * in tisum Serenissimi Delphini. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1794 First American edition. 1215 (KENNEDY, JOHN P.) Horse Shoe Robinson. A Tale of the Tory Ascendency. 2 vols. I2mo, muslin. Philadelphia, 1835 First edition. 1216 LETTERS OF J. DOWNING, Major, Downingville Militia, Second Brigade, to his old Friend, Mr. Dwight, of the New York Daily Advertiser. I2ino, boards. New York, 1834 First edition. 1217 LEWIS, M. G. The Harper's Daughter. A Tragedy. I2mo. Philadelphia, 1813 With the alterations of William B. Wood, with his manuscript notes and corrections throughout. His own acting copy, with autograph. 1218 LINN, JOHN BLAIR. The Powers of Genius. A Poem. Frontispiece by Tanner. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1801 First edition. 00 i66 1219 LINN, JOHN BLAIR. Valerian. A Narrative Poem. Portrait of the author in silhouette. 4to. original boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1805 Contains a sketch of the author by Charles Brockden ' Brown. 1219^/2 LITERARY GAZETTE, THE; or, Journal of Criticism, Science and the Arts. Being a third series of the Analectic Magazine, January 6 to December 29, 1821. Vol. I. 4to, half bound. Philadelphia 1220 ( LOCKE, D. R.) The Nasby Papers. By Petroleum V. Nasby. 8vo, original printed covers, uncut. Indianapolis (1864) First issue. Very scarce. 1221 ( LOFLAND, E). JOHN*) The Harp of Delaware; or, The Miscellaneous' Poems of the Milford Bard. i6mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1828 First edition. Very rare. Title soiled. 1222 LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. The Courtship of Miles Standish. I2mo. cloth. Boston, 1858 First edition. 1223 LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. Tales of a Way- side Inn. I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1863 First edition. 1224 MARKOE, PETER. The Times. A Poem. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1788 First edition. Corner torn from title. 1225 MEAD, CHARLES. Mississippian Scenery. A Poem, de- scriptive of the Interior of North America. Frontispiece. I2mo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1819 1226 MENGWE. A Tale of the Frontier. A Poem. i6mo, boards, uncut. Princeton Press, 1825 1227 MIFFLIN, J. H. Rhymes of an Artist. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1835 1228 MOORE, THOMAS. Odes of Anaceron. Translated into English Verse, with Notes. With portraits of Moore and Anareon by Edwin. I2mb, original boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804 Fine copy of the first American edition. 167 1229 MUHLENBERG, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. Church Poetry. Being portions of the Psalms in Verse and Hymns suited to the Festivals and Fa^ts, and various occasions of the Church. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1823 1230 NATIVE BARDS. A Satirical Effusion. With other occa- sional Pieces by J. L. M. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1831 1231 O'KEEFE, JOHN. The Prisoner at Large; or, The Hu- mors of Killarney, as performed * * * by the Ameri- can Company. I2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1791 1232 OLIO; or, Satirical Poetic Hodge- Podge. With an Illus- trative or Explanatory Dialogue addressed to Good Nature, Humour and Fancy. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1801 Interesting political verse against William Cobbett and Alexander Hamilton. 1233 PAINE, THOMAS. The Religion of the Sun. A Posthu- mous Poem. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1826 * 1234 (PARKE, JOHN, COL.) Lyric Works of Horace. Trans- lated into English Verse, to which are added a number of Original Poems. By a Native of America. With frontis- // piece by Mtflcolm. Svo, original calf. (Broken.) E. Oswald, Philadelphia, 1786 The first American edition, translated by an American .. citizen. The frontispiece was designed by Peter Markoe. "j/f Stevens calls it the rarest book of poetry. His odes and elegies were written in the military camps at which he happened to be, and are, for the most part, dedicated to Revolutionary generals. Fine copy. 1235 PASSAIC. A Group of Poems touching that River. By Flaccus. I2mo, boards. New York, 1842 1236 (PAULDING, J. K.) Konigsmark. The Long Finne. 2 vols. I2ino, half bound. New York, 1823 First edition. Very rare. 1237 PAYNE, JOHN HOWARD. Clar/: or. The Maid of Milan. An Opera. i6mo. New York, 1823 Invaluable as the first edition of "Home! Sweet flome!"* ^ J sung by one of the characters. i68 1238 PEPPER, HENRY. Juvenile Essays; or, A Collection of Poems. Inscribed to my valued Friend, Henry Mac-Neale Kennedy. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia (1795) 1239 PERCY'S RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY. Con- sisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs and other pieces of our Earlier Poets. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1823 First American- edition. 1240 PHANTOM BARGE, THE, and other Poems. By the author of "The Limner." i6mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1822 Y 1241 POPE, ALEXANDER. .An Essay on Man. Enlarged and improved by the author. With Notes by William War- berton. 8vo, half morocco. W. Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1760 The first American edition, with curious frontispiece, fy <" 1242 POPE, ALEXANDER. The Messiah. A Sacred Eclogue. To which is added a Collection of Poems by Several Au- thors. I2mo, uncut. J. Crukshank, Philadelphia, 1788 First American edition. 1243 PRAED, WINTHROP M. The Poetical Works of. Now first collected by Rufus W. Griswold. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1844 First collected edition. 1244 PROVERBS OF SOLOMON, THE, and Ecclesiastes. Newly translated out of the Original Tongues. Very necessary for the Instruction of Youth. I2tno, half morocco. Peter Stewart, Philadelphia, 1788 Exceedingly rare. Not in O'Callaghan. 1245 PSALMS OF DAVID, THE. In Metre. Allowed by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scot- land, and appointed to be sung in Congregation and Fami- lies. With an Analysts or Brief View of the Contents of each Psalm, taken from the Exposition of Mr. Matthew Henry. I2mo, contemporary calf. R. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1783 Beautiful fresh copy of this excessively rare book. Name of "Nathaniel Forbes" on title. 1246 RATTCLIFFE, ANNE. The Castles of Athlin and Dun- bayne. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1796 First edition. 1247 READ, T. B. Paul Redding. A Tale of the Brandywine. ismo, original boards. Boston, 1845 This local novel, published by the author in his twenty- third year, seems to be unknown. His earliest ivork, given by Futhey in the History of Chester County, is two years later. 1248 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. Poeins by. I2mo, original boards. Boston, 1847 First edition. Autograph presentation copy. 1249 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. The New Pastoral. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1855 First edition. Judge J. Smith FutJiey's copy. 1250 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. The House by the Sea. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 First edition. 1251 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. Poems by. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1853 First edition, with autograph poem, signed, inserted. 1252 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. Sylvia: or. The Lost Shep- herd. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 First edition. 1253 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. The Wagoner of the Alle- ghanies. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1863 First edition. 1254 READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. A Summer Story, Sheri- dan's Ride, and other Poems. I2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1865 First edition. 1255 RICHARDSON, W. A Philosophical Analysis and Illus- tration of some of Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters. To which is added an Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. I2mo, sheep. (Rebacked.) William Spotswood. Philadelphia, 1788 The earliest book printed in America on the subject of, Shakespeare. Embossed library stamp on tiele. Unknown. 1256 (Ross, R. H.) Sketches in Verse. Illustrated with copperplates on India paper, unmounted. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1810 Hot pressed edition. Dedicated to Joseph Dennie. 1257 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Eloisa; or, A Series of Original Let- ters. * * * Together with the "Sequel of Julia; or, The New Eloisa." 3 vols. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1791 First American edition. 1258 SAVAGE BEAUTY, THE. A Novel. By a Wild American. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1822 1259 SCOTT, WALTER. The Lady of the Lake. A Poem. Portrait of Scott by Edwin. i6mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1810 First American edition. 1260 SCOTT, WALTER. Rokeby. A Poem. i6mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1813 First American edition. 1261 SCOTT, WALTER. Rokeby. A Poem. Portrait of Scott by Edwin. i6mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1813 First ^edition. 1262 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Halidon Hill. A Dramatic Sketch. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1822 1263 SCOTT, WALTER^-The Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. A Tale 5f HSVi e'^e Grace. Supposed to be written by. i6mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1813 A description in Hudibrastic verse of the expedition of Admiral Cockburn. Written by James K. Paul ding. 1264 SCOTTISH^ EXILES, THE. Rendered in Prose, from Sir Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake, by a Lady of Philadel- phia. i6mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1828 1265 SEARSON, JOHN. Poems on Various Subjects and Differ- ent Occasions. Chiefly adapted to Rural Entertainment in the United States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797 THE PLAYS AND POEMS O F WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. CORRECTED FROM THE LATEST AND BE3.T LONDON EDITIONS, WITH NOTES, BY r SAMUEL JOHNSON, L.L. D. Jo WHICH ARK ADDED, A GLOSSARY AND THE L/IFE OF THE AUTHOR, i:,!3L LISHED WITH A STRIKING L1KSNF.J3 FROM Tilt COLLECTION Of HIS GKACX THC DUKE Ot CHANDOI. Jlttfl American Ottfon. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED AND SOLD BY BIOREN M DCC XCV. Facsimile TiiU Lot 1266. 172 FIRST EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE. 1266 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. The Plays and Poems of. Corrected from the latest and best London Editions, with Notes by Samuel Johnson, LL. D. To which are added a Glossary and the Life of the author. Embellished with a striking likeness from the collection oi His Grace the Duke of Chandos (engraved by R. Fields}. First Ameri- can edition. 8 vols. I2mo, half red morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Phila- delphia: Printed and Sold by Bioren and Madden, 1/95. /\ A very good copy of this excessively rare set of books. . The title of Vol. VIII. has been repaired, and the title of * , ./ i^ klr,*f ' Vols. II. and IV. are vuater stained, whilst Vol. VII. has an extra plate by Seymour not in any other copy. There are more copies of the original 1623 folio in existence than there are of the first American edition. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE OF VOL. I. 1267 The Same. Vols. I., III., IV., V., VI., VII. and VIII. 7 vols. I2mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1795-6 The portrait in Vol. I. is damaged. Vols. VII. and VIII. lacks titles, and Vol. VIII. is imperfect at end. 1268 The Same. Vols. I., III., IV., V. and VII. 5 vols. i2mo, sheep. All more or less imperfect. 1269 The Same. Vol. I. I2mo. sheep. Imperfect. 1270 SHAKSPEARE, WILLIAM. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will. Corrected from the latest and best editions, with Notes by Samuel Johnson, LL. D. With the rare portrait of Shakespeare, by Field. I2mo, half morocco. John Bioren. Philadelphia, 1801 First American edition of the separate play by Shake- speare. iThe portrait has been cut off on the left-hand mar- gin. This play was taken from the first American Shake- speare with a separate title, doubtless to supply the stage. Unknown to bibliographers. 1271 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Timon of Athens. Corrected from the latest and best London editions by Samuel John- son, LL. D. I2mo, half morocco. John Bioren, Philadelphia, 1801 First American edition of this separate play of Shake- speare, and no doubt from the same origin as the preced- r 173 ing lot. The title calls for a portrait, but this copy has none. Like the preceding, it is unknown to bibliographers. 1272 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. King John. Corrected from the latest and best London editions. With Notes by Sam- uel Johnson. I2mo, cloth. John Bioren, Philadelphia, 1801 The first American edition in separate form, taken from the first American edition of Shakespeare ivorks, but ivith a new title page. i2j2 l /> SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. The Plays of. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators. To which is added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Revised and augmeneed by Isaac Reed, with a Glossarial Index. Portrait by Laws on. 17 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt. Philadelphia, 1809 The second Philadelphia edition and the first complete American edition. Scarce. Fine copy. 1273 (SMITH, RICHARD PENN.) The Forsaken. A Tale. 2 vols. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1831 This early and almost unattainable novel depicts scenes of the Revolution around Philadelphia, and among the characters, though under other names, are William Moore, of Moore Hall. James Fitspatrick, Col. Joseph Rudolph, and Elizabeth Wilson. 1274 SMITH, RICHARD PENN. The Disowned ; or, The Prodi- gals. A Play. I2mo, original covers. Philadelphia, 1830 1275 SMITH, WILLIAM MOORE. Poems on Several Occasions. Written in Pennsylvania. 8vo, half bound. London, 1/86 1276 STERNE, LAURENCE, A. M . The Works of. Prebendary of York, and Vicar of Sutton in the Forest, and of Still- _ ingtcn near York. With the Life of the author. With the rare portrait by Norman. 5 vols. I2mo. calf. James Humphreys, Philadelphia, 17/4 First edition. Very scarce. Name on title. 1277 STERNE, LAURENCE. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, sheep. (Broken.) Philadelphia, 1790 First edition. "* 174 1278 STOWE, H. B. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Present- ing the original Facts and Documents upon which the Story is founded. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853 First edition. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. First Edition. 1279 ( SWIFT, JONATHAN.) Travels into Several Remote Na- tions of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver. First Snrgeon, and then a Captain of severall Ships. Por- trait and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, original contemporary calf. (Rebacked.) Lon- don: Printed for Benj. Motte. at the Middle Temple-Gate, in Fleet-Street. MDCCXXVI XXVII. Fine, clean copy of the first edition. Exceedingly rare. The title of Vol.' II. differs from that in Vol. I. 'in the printer's address on Vol. IJ. "in Fleet-Street" is left out. This is a peculiarity of the first edition. Each volume is separately paginated. This copy is in a remarkably clean condition. The book being very popular, most copies through that reason are in a dilapidated or imperfect con- dition. / 1280 TALES OF TERROR. With an Introductory Dialogue. With two colored illustrations in the style of Rowlandson. I2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1813 1281 TAPPAN, WILLIAM B. New England and other Poems. Frontispiece. i6mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1819 1282 TAPPAN, WILLIAM B. Lyrics of. Engraved title. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1822 1283 TAPPAN, WILLIAM B. Lyric Poems by. Engraved title. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1826 1284 TAYLOR, JAMES BAYARD. Ximena; or, The Battle of the Sierra Mortna, and other Poems. i2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1844 First edition of Taylor's first work. Very rare. 1285 TAYLOR, BAYARD. The Story of Kennett. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1866 First edition. 175 1286 (TRUMBULL, JOHN.) McFingal. A Modern Epic Poem. In four cantas. I2mo, half bound. Hudson & Goodwin, Hartford, 1782 The very rare first edition. Has bound with it Fragments of Ancient Poetry. Edinburgh. 1760. 1287 TRUMBULL, JOHN. McFingal. An Epic Poem. I2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1791 1288 TURNER, JULIANA FRANCIS. The Harp of the Beech Woods. Original poems. Vignette on title. I2mo, boards, uncut. Montrose, Pa., 1822 Contains "The Susquehanna Farmer" "The Vale of Wyoming," "Acrostic on Washington," etc. 1289 VIRGIL. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera, * * * ad usum Serenissimi Delphini. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1804 First American edition. 1290 VOICES OF THE TRUE-HEARTED. Numbers i to 10 in i vol. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1844-5 All published, with the original covers bound in. Con- ~^\^f / -tains the first appearance in print of poems by Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Bryant, and others. Ver\ rare. '1 1291 WANDERERS, THE. A Rambling Poem. By a Qerk in Market Street , Philadelphia. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1836 i ^f An ambitious effort in the manner of Childa Harold. Descriptive of America. 1292 WEBSTER, MRS. M. M. Pocahontas. A Legend. With Historical and Traditionary Notes. I2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1840 1293 WHARTON, MRS. MAJV. An Elegy to the Memory of. who died at Philadelphia, June 2, 1798. _, 8vo. N. P., N. D. 1294 WHITTIER, JOHN G. Poems written during the Progress of the Abolition Question in the L T nited States, between the Years 1830 and 1838. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1837 First edition. 176 1295 WILLIS, N. P. Al'Abri; or, The Tent Pitch'd. I2tno, cloth. New York, 1839 First edition. 1296 WORDSWOBTH, W. Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems. 2 vols. in I. I2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1802 First American edition of Wordsworth and of Coleridge's Ancient Mariner .published on thick paper, and the only knozvn copy in this shape. 1297 Another Copy. On thin paper. 2 vols. in i. I2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1802 Excessively rare. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. APR 3 ECU :OOAI UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT Z997 P38e UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 903 834 o Henry E. Huntington Library