GIFT OF A .V . S tubenr auch Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Iittp:// -TfT2^^^ ^ 11 I I I III I ^^ Storage Rate Guide j GIVES STORAGE RATES ON GENERAL MERCHANDISE, FREE AND IN BOND; COLD STORAGE; HOUSE- HOLD GOODS; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MUCH VALUABLE INFORMA- TION ON WAREHOUSING Compiled by the AMERICAN WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION THIRD EDITION PUBLISHERS NICKERSON & COLLINS CO. 431 South Dearborn Street CHICAGO HPs-f ? 7 Ml A-)T BY THE AMERICAN JWi\RRH6i}SEME?i-S ASSOCIATION PRESS OF "ice and REFRIQERATrON' NICKER80N A COLLINS CC PUBLISHERS CHICAOol WAREHOUSEMEN'S RATE GUIDE Compiled and revised by a Committee composed of lead- ing members of the American Warehousemen's Association engaged in the various lines of Warehousing, appointed by the Association for this special work, and published as a guide for the establishment of prices on various commodi- ties in the different lines of warehousing. The rates here given have been carefully collected from all parts of the country and have been accepted by commercial bodies as fair rates. INDEX Page General Merchandise, Free and Bonded 9 Household Goods 49 Implements 53 Cold Storage 57 General Order Rates 67 4s'g914 ^'Organized for the purpose of promoting the interests of warehousemen throughout the United States, elevating the standard of the business, encouraging a more enlarged and friendly intercourse among its members, and generally to advance the welfare of the warehousing business and all matters relating thereto." — Extract from Articles of Incor- poration. The American Warehousemen's Association, is composed of one hundred and fifty-three of the leading firms and com- panies engaged in the storage of general merchandise, cold storage, storage of household goods, transferring and distrib- uting, and was organized October 15, 1891, for the purpose of advancing the interests of warehousemen throughout the United States, by the dissemination of information concern- ing the industry, and the promotion of uniform laws, customs, etc. The Association has enjoyed a prosperous career, and the high standing of its members, and its conservative policy have assisted materially in elevating the standards of the busi- ness to a high plane in which its members and warehouse- men generally may have great pride. Copy of constitution and by-laws, application blanks, or any information regard ing the Association may be obtained upon application to th^ Secretary. CHARLES L. CRISS, Liberty and Second Aves., Pittsburgh, Pa. AMERICAN WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION MEMBERS (153) A. B. C. Storage & Van Co., Kansas City, Mo, Albany Terminal Warehouse Co., Albany, N. Y. American Cold Storage & Shipping Co., New York, N. Y. American Forwarding Co., Chicago, 111. American Pig Iron Storage Warrant Co., New York, N. Y. American Warehouse Co., Wichita, Kan. Baker & Williams, New York, N. Y. Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Storage Warehouses, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Bekin's Van & Storage Co., Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Cal. Benedict Warehouse & Transfer Co.. Denver, Colo. Blue Line Transfer & Storage Co.. Des Moines, Iowa. Boote, Wm., & Sons, Liverpool, Eng, Booth Cold Storage, Chicago, 111.; Detroit, Mich.; St. Paul, Minn. Boston Storage Warehouse Co., Boston, Mass. Bowling Green Storage & Van Co., New York, N. Y. Bowman Transfer & Storage Warehouse Co., Richmond, Va. Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Brooklyn Bridge Freezmg & Cold Storage Co., New York, N. Y. Brooklyn Warehouse & Storage Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown Transfer & Storage Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Brownell Cold Storage Co., Washington Court House, Ohio. Buffalo Cold Storage Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Storage & Carting Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago Cold Storage Warehouse Co., Chicago, 111. Cincinnati Ice Mfg. & Cold Storage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Commercial Warehouse & Storage Co., Little Rock, Ark. Consumers Ice & Cold Storage Co., Lexington, Ky. Continental Storage Warehouse Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cotter Transfer & Storage Co., Mansfield, Ohio. Cummins Storage Co., Canton, Ohio. Davies Warehouse Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Denver Transit & Warehouse Co., Denver, Colo. Driggs, Silas W., Warehouse Co., New York, N. Y. Duquesne Warehouse Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Eagle Storage and Warehouse Co., Brooklyn, N. Y, Eastern States Refrigerating Co., Springfield, Mass.; Albany, I N. Y.; Jersey City, N. J. Ebner Ice & Cold Storage Co., Vincennes, Ind. Edgar's Sugar House, Detroit, Mich. Empire Express Storage & Van Company, Chicago, 111. Evansville Warehouse Co., Eviansville, Ind. Fidelity Storage Corporation, Washington, D. C. Fidelity Storage & Transfer Co., St. Paul, Minn. Fidelity Storage & Warehouse Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Fireproof Storage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Flagg Storage Warehouse Co., Syracuse, N. Y. General Cartage & Storage Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Globe Storage & Transfer Co., Kansas City, Mo. Godley's Warehouses, Philadelphia, Pa. Graham's Storage Warehouse Co., Baltimore, Md. Harder's Fireproof Storage & Van Co., Chicago, 111. Harlem Storage Warehouse Co., New York, N. Y. Harrison Street Cold Storage Co., New York, N. Y. Haslett Warehouse Co., San Francisco, Cal. Haugh & Keenan Transfer & Storage Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Hebard's Warehouse & Van Co., Chicago, 111. Heermance Storage & Refrigerating Co., New York, N. Y. Holman Transfer Co., Portland, Ore. Indiana Refrigerating Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Industrial Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Ironton Transfer & Storage Co., Ironton, 111. Jones & Co., Norfolk, Va. Judson Freight Forwarding Co., Chicago, 111. Keystone Warehouse Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Kings County Refrigerating Co., New York, N. Y. Knickerbocker Storage Co., Akron, Ohio. Lawrence, Son & Gerrish, Inc., New York, N. Y. Leonard's Reliable Storage Co., Detroit, Mich. Lincoln Safe Deposit Co., New York, N. Y. Lincoln Warehouse & Van Co., Chicago, 111. Linde Co., F. C, New York, N. Y. Linde, F. C, Hamilton & Co., New York, N. Y. Linfield Cold Storage & Ice Co., Linfield, Pa. Long Island Storage Warehouses, Brooklyn, N. Y. Los Angeles Ice & Cold Storage Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Louisville Public Warehouse Co., Louisville, Ky. Manhattan Refrigerating Co., New York, N. Y. Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co., New York, N. Y. Mauser Warehouse Co., Youngstown, Ohio. McPheeter's Warehouse Co., St. Louis, Mo. Memphis Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Memphis, Tenn. Mercantile Warehouse Co., New York, N. Y. Merchants' Cold Storage & Ice Mfg. Co., Richmond, Va. Merchants' Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Providence, R. I. 6 Merchants' Ice & Cold Storage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merchants' Refrigerating Co., New York, N. Y. Merchants' Transfer & Storage Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Merchants' Transfer & Storage Co., Washington, D. C. Merchants' Warehouse Co., Boston, Mass. Merchants* Warehouse Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Milwaukee Cold Storage Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Montgomery & Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Moreton Truck & Storage Co., Toledo, Ohio. Morr Transfer & Storage Co., D. A., Kansas City, Mo. Morrow Transfer & Storage Co., Atlanta, Ga. Murphy Cold Storage Co., Detroit, Mich. Nashville Warehouse & Elevator Co., Nashville, Tenn. National Dock & Storage Warehouse Co., Boston, Mass, National Ice & Cold Storage Co., San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cal. New England Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Pittsfield, Mass. New York Dock Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York, N. Y. Norfolk Branch Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn., Norfolk, Va. Northeastern Warehouse Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Northern Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Duluth, Minn. Occidental Warehouse Co., Portland, Ore. Omaha Fire Proof Storage Co., Omaha, Neb. Our Own Delivery & Storage Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Pacific Transfer Co., Spokane, Wash. Pall Mall Deposit & Forwarding Co., London, Eng. Park Fireproof Storage Co., Chicago, 111. Penn Storage & Van Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Cold Storage & Market Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Warehousing & Safe Deposit Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Pettit's Storage Warehouse Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Philadelphia Warehousing & Cold Storage Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Pierce-Rodolph Storage Co., San Francisco, Cal. Pittsburg Terminal Warehouse & Transfer Co,, Pittsburg, Pa. Produce Refrigerating Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Boston, Mass. Reading Truck Co., Detroit, Mich. Redman Moving & Storage Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Rex & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. River & Rail Storage Co., Memphis, Tenn. Riverside Storage & Cartage Co., Ltd., Detroit, Mich. Riverside Truck & Storage Co., Bay City, Mich. St. Louis Refrigerating & Cold Storage Co., St. Louis, Mo. Security Storage Co., Washington, D. C. Security Storage & Trust Co., Baltimore, Md. Shattuck & Nimmo Warehouse Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Sheriff Street Market & Storage Co., Cleveland, Ohio. South End Warehouse Co., San Francisco, Cal. Spokane Transfer & Storage Co., Spokane, Wash. Suffolk Storage Warehouse Co., Boston, Mass. Stringer Storage Co., San Francisco. Cal. Terminal Storage Co., Washington, D. C. Terminal Warehouse & Cartage Co., Ltd., Montreal, Canada. Terminal Warehouse & Transfer Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Terminal Warehouse Co., Kansas City, Mo. Terminal Warehouse Co.. New York, N. Y. Toledo Warehouse Co.,^ Toledo, Ohio. Trans-Continental Freight Co., Chicago, 111.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Seattle, Wash.; San Francisco, Cal. UndoTi Storage Co., Dayton, Ohio. Union Storage Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Union Terminal Cold Storage Co., Jersey City, N. J. Union Transfer & Storage Co., New York, N. Y. United Warehouse Co., Ltd., New Orleans, La. United Warehouse Co., Seattle, Wash. Utica Cold Storage & Warehouse Co., Utica, N. Y. Wakem & McLaughlin, Inc., Chicago, 111. Warrant Warehouse Co., Birmingham, Ala. Western Cold Storage Co., Chicago, 111. ' Whitney Elevator & Warehouse Co., Rochester, N. Y. White Line Transfer & Storage Co., Des Moines, Iowa. ' Winans Co., R. M., New York, N. Y. t GENERAL MERCHANDISE RULES AND SUGGESTIONS M \ In revising this Guide, it is borne in mind that many fac- tors enter into the making of an equitable storage ratings such as the volume of business and character of the service, etc., and that local conditions vary greatly in different cities and states; therefore, the general principle followed in prep- aration of the annexed Schedules for General Merchandise is the suggestion of ratings on the various commodities stored in quantities and under circumstances permitting advantage- ous handling, piling, etc., and with the liability of the ware- houseman limited to that imposed by law. The cost of extra space, labor, services or liability (if assumed by the ware- houseman) should be separately considered, and customary ratings made and allowed are referred to in detail below. On merchandise not specified herein, the following rules should apply: Square Foot For each square foot of floor space occupied a storage charge of 10(f per month, weight not to exceed 250 lbs. and piled 10 ft. high. Cubic Foot For each cubic foot of space occupied, a stor- age charge of lpOO 'lbs., a storage charge of "forfy cent's i1'ii6t ocCiipying more than 5 ft, square or 40 cu. ft. Labor Where labor is mentioned it is to be understood as the ordinary labor of receiving and storing, and delivering to warehouse door; and according to nature of the merchandise, should be charged from 50 to 100 per cent, of the storage rate for one month, and based on rating of 40(* per hour. Value When the value of any package of m»erchandise exceeds $300.00 the warehouseman should charge the rate herein quoted, plus one-tenth of 1% for each addi- tional $100.00 or fraction thereof. Date Storage The rates of storage are per month or frac- Commences tion thereof dating from the receipt of the first package. When Month Tho monthly rate should be charged from Expires date up to but not including date of follow- ing month, i. e., goods received December 2nd may remain until the night of January 1st, but if on hand January 2nd, should be charged an additional month's storage. Transfers When goods in storage are transferred on the in Storage books from one party to another a new storage charge should commence on the date of the transfer, and the goods should be treated as a new lot. liightto The warehouseman should reserve, unless per- Terminate mitted by statute, the right to require the re- moval of goods stored by the month upon rea- sonable notice under circumstances existing. Minimum The minimum charge on any lot or balance of Charges lot should be 50^ per month. 10 Ton is Where the words "per ton" are used, a ton of 2,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. is to be taken in fixing rates of stor- age and labor unless otherwise expressly stated. Packages Should packages be offered other than are ?*h^H T^^ described in this Guide, i. e., barrel in place of sack, cask in place of barrel, box in place of barrel, see under "Barrels with Contents," "Boxes with Contents," "Casks with Contents," etc. Articles Not Various commodities are omitted from this list Specified that are seldom stored or are stored in very- small quantities. Some of these may be found in the list of General Merchandise in Bond. On such goods a reduction of 25% from bonded rates is suggested when goods are stored in free storage. Negotiable When a negotiable receipt has been issued, Receipts under no circumstances should the removal of the goods be permitted until the negotiable re- ceipt is returned to the possession of the warehouseman. Written Orders In ordering the delivery of goods, cus- Required tomers should in all cases be required to send written orders indicating the num- ber of packages wanted, together with the lot number and descriptive marks. Special When goods are stored by piece, numbers, marks, Piling sizes, or are of exceptionally large size, an extra charge to be agreed upon should be made. Weighing, When goods are taken down and repiled for Gauging, weighing, gauging or inspection, a charge should Inspection ^^ ^^^^ Space for These rates do not include space for repack- Repacking ing, sampling, or labor furnished by the ware- houseman for that purpose. Charges are sub- ject to special agreement. 11 Cooperage A cooperage charge should be made when goods are received in such condition as to re- quire cooperage. Handling Seeds and grain bulked or sacked from bulk Seeds and should be charged at the rate of 1^ per bushel. Grain Delivery Goods sent to the warehouseman in car- from Track load lots may be removed from the cars with- out charge, provided this be done on the day of arrival and without handling by the warehouseman. De- livery of goods from cars exclusive of labor, but including checking, a minimum charge of $2.50 should be made. Loading Cars When the warehouseman loads or unloads ?"i?^^^"^ cars, a charge of 1^ per 100 lbs., minimum $3.00 per carload should be made. Cars Delays to Thewarehouseman not being responsible for de- Empty Cars lays in obtaining cars ordered for the shipment of goods, such delays should not entitle cus- tomers to the extension of the storage limit. Cartage In the business district, the charge should be 5^ per 100 lbs. with a minimum charge of 50^. Outside of the business district, special rates should be made. (NOTE: The above does not apply to hollowware, tinware or other light commodities or to very heavy goods. Special rates should be made on these, subject to local conditions.) Delays If teams are delayed in making a delivery of goods, there should be an extra charge at 75^ per hour for the delay. This time should be established by the party re- ceiving the goods signing for the hour of the arrival of the team and the hour unloading begins. Extra Help When goods are so heavy as to require extra help, there should be an extra charge of 40^ per hour per man. 12 Package A matter of special contract in eacli individual Delivery community. Extra A well equipped warehouse should be in position to Service render to the merchant or manufacturer any service he may require either in such warehouse work as weighing, coopering, sampling, etc., or such office work as reporting, etc., as would be done by a branch office. The warehouseman is in a position to perform such service at a less cost than his customer could do it for himself. A charge should be made for all extra services rendered. Reports When daily reports are furnished, a charge of 2^ each for a report of each delivery should be made. Bills of A charge of 2<^ should be made for each bill of Lading lading. A charge of 2^ should be made for each duplicate sent to consignee. Exception In quoting rates for shipping it is usually pre- ferable to include the cost of clerical work, post- age, etc., in connection therewith, making it a separate rate from any other labor charge. C. O. D. For making collections at delivery a charge of Delivery one-tenth of 1% of the amount collected should be made with a minimum charge of 10^ for each collection. Freight When freight charges are advanced by the ware- Charges houseman, either incoming or outgoing, the amount should be subject to sight draft with receipted freight bill attached and for this a minimum charge of 10^ should be made. If carried as a lien against the goods, in- terest should be charged. Claims. For claims against a railroad company when the warehouseman is pursuing the claim, a charge should be made. 18 Warehouse Warehouse receipts issued should by their terms Receipts g[^Q notice of the service undertaken and the liability assumed thereunder by the warehouse- man, whether it be limited to that imposed by law, or special conditions or guarantees mutually agreed to or excepted and must show the charges and rating for which a lien is claimed. 14 I GENERAL MERCHANDISE RATES IN CENTS Kind o? Goods and Quantity Absinthe (see Liquors) Acetate of I^ead per box Acetate of Lead per box Acetate of Lead per keg Acetate of Lead per bbl. Acetate of Lead per cask Acetate of Lime per bbl. Acetate of Lime per cask Acid, Arsenious, red per keg Acid, Arsenious, white .... per keg Acid, Benzoic per case Acid, Boracic per bbl. Acid, Carbolic per case Acid, Carbolic per drum Acid, Carbolic per keg Acid, Gtric per keg Acid, Citric per bbl. Acid, Muriatic per carboy Acid, Nitric per carboy Acid, Oxalic per bbl. Acid, Oxalic per case Acid, Oxalic per cask Acid, Picric per case Acid, Picric per case Acid, Tartaric per bbl. Acid, Tartaric per case Acid, Tartaric per cask Acid, Vitriol per bbl. Acid, Phosphate per bag Aconite (see Herbs and Leaves) Aconite Root (see Roots) Advertising Matter per African Fibre per bale Agates (see Marble) Alabaster (in yards) .... per cu. ft. Albumen per case Albumen per bbl. Albumen per cask Alcohol per bbl. Ale, Beer, Porter per bbl. Ale, Beer. Porter per hf. bbl. Ale, Beer, Porter .... per sixteenth Ale, Beer, Porter per case Ale, Beer, Porter. . .bottled per cask Ale, Beer, Porter per hhd. Ale, Ginger per bbl. Allspice per bag Alizarine per bbl. Alkali per bbl. Almonds (see Nuts) Aloes per case Aloes per case Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 60 100 iSt m l"" 1^ 150 3 3 6 6 600 15 15 20 20 1800 SO to 40 40 480 10 10 15 16 900 25 25 80 80 120 3 8 4 4 400 10 10 12 12 220 6 6 330 8 8 10 10 200 6 6 400 10 10 «... 120 3 3 .... .... 100 3 8 4 4 230 6 6 8 8 125 10 10 150 10 10 400 10 10 12 12 70 2 2 s 8 600 15 15 20 20 56 112 l^ l^ 450 10 10 12 12 100 2% 2% 3 3 375 8 8 10 10 400 10 10 12 12 200 4 4 100 2^ 2H 3 3 200 5 5 6 6 1% 1% 2 2 120 3 8 4 4 300 8 8 10 10 500 12 12 16 16 450 10 10 15 15 400 10 10 12 12 250 6 6 8 8 120 t t 4 4 150 4 4 5 5 220 8 8 10 10 600 15 15 20 20 220 6 6 8 8 200 4 4 6 6 450 10 10 400 10 10 .... ...► 110 3 3 200 5 6 6 6 16 Kind op Goods and Quantity Aloes per case Aloes . per gourd Aloes, Barbadoes per cask Aloes, Benares per case Aloes, Cape per case Aloes, Socotrine per case Aloes, Socotrine per keg Alpaca per bag Alpaca per bale Alum per bbl. Alum per cask Alum, Refined per case Alum, Refined per case Aluminum case or cask per Amber, crude and manufactured . . . per case Amber Flakes (see Soap Chips) American Hemp (see Hemp) Ammonia per carboy Ammonia, Aqua per drum Ammonia, Anhydrous. . . per cylinder Ammonia, Bottled per case Animal Food per bag Animal Food per box Animal Food per bbl. Animal Food per pail Anchors per Angelica Root (see Roots) Aniline (see Colors and Paints) Anise Seed (see Seed) Annatto per bag Annatto per bale Annatto per bbl. Annatto per basket Antimony per bbl. Antimony per cask Anvils per Apples (see Fruit) Apples, Dried (see Dried Fruit) Apple Waste per bbl. Apple Waste per bag Apple Waste per bale Apricots (see Dried Fruit) Argols per bag Argols per cask Arnica Flowers (see Flowers) Arrow Root (see Roots) Arsenic per bbl. Arsenic per keg Art Tile (see Tile) Artificial Flowers per case Artificial Plants per cu. ft. Asafoetida per case Asafoetida per case Asbestos per bale Asbestos per bag Asbestos per crate Asbestos per crate Asbestos Cement per bag Ash, Bone per bag Ash, Crystal per cask Ash, Pearl cask or case, per Ash, Soda per cask Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 250 6 6 8 8 100 2% 2% 3 3 400 10 10 12 12 400 10 10 12 12 500 12% 12 Va 15 15 75 2 2 3 3 150 4 4 5 5 300 8 8 10 10 20 20 25 25 400 10 10 12 12 650 15 15 20 20 75 2 2 3 3 200 5 5 6 6 100 2% 2% 3 3 .... 25 25 ... .... 110 10 10 12 12 1200 30 30 35 35 450 12 12 15 15 50 3 3 5 5 100 2% 2% 1& 3 3 40 1% 2 2 320 6 6 10 10 60 2 2 3 3 100 2 2 3 3 110 2% 2^ 230 6 6 . . . . 175 4 4 . . . . . . . 140 4 4 . . . . . . . 600 15 15 ■ 1200 30 80 ■ . 100 iVi 2% 3 3 200 6 5 70 2 2 . . . . . . • 200 5 6 .... 200 4 4 6 6 400 10 10 12 12 440 10 10 220 4 4 25 25 30 30 1 1 140 4 4 . . . . 250 8 6 400 8 8 12 12 100 S 3 4 4 100 2 2 3 8 500 10 10 15 16 175 4 4 6 6 100 2y2 2Vi . . . 800 20 20 . . . 100 2% 2% . . . 1600 40 40 16 Kind op Goods and Quantity Asphaltum per bbl. Asphaltum per cask Asphaltum per drum Asphaltum per drum Automobiles per cu. ft. Automobile Parts per cu. ft. Axe Handles per crate Axes per case Babbit Metal per box Babbit Metal per box Babbit Metal per drum Bacon per case Bagging per bale Bagging per roll Bagging per roll Bagging per roll Bags for Grain per bale Bags for Grain per bale Bags for Grain per bdl. Bags, Paper per bdl. Bags, Paper per bdl. Bags with contents (see Bales with contents) Baking Powder per case Baking Powder per case Baking Powder per case Baking Powder per bbl. Baking Powder per hf. bbl. Balata per bale Bale Ties per bdl. Bales with contents. Light weight, per cu. ft. Bales with contents. Heavy weight, per Balsam, Peruvian per case Balsam, Peruvian per drum Balsam Fir, Bbl per gallon Balsam, Tolu per case Balsam, Copaiba per case Bamboo, Sticks per bdl. Bamboo, Poles per bdl. Barbed Wire per reel Barium, Chloride of per bbl. Bark, Peruvian, Cascarilla, Cali- saya, Quinia, Cinchona, Cassia, Cinnamon, Sumas, etc., in bags, bales, mats, cases or ceroons, per Bark Extract (see Extract) Barley per bag Barley, Pearl per box Barley in Bulk per bu. Barrels, Empty (see Cooperage) Barrels with Contents. N. O. S. Barrels with Contents. N. O. S. Barrels with Contents. N. O. S. Barrels with Contents. N. O. S. Barrels with Contents. N. O. S. Barrel Heads per Barrel Staves per Barytes per bbl. Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 400 10 10 12 12 450 10 10 15 15 300 8 8 10 10 450 10 10 15 15 1^ 1% 2 2 1 1 2 2 45 1% iVa 2 2 50 1 1 2 2 B 56 1% 1% . . . . 112 3 3 . . . . . . . 560 10 10 . . * 100 2% 21^ 3 3 800 20 20 25 25 35 1 1 2 2 50 100 It l^ 2 3 2 8 375 10 10 12 12 750 15 15 20 20 100 2V2 2% 3 3 25 1 1 IV 1V4 50 1% 1% 2 2 25 1 1 50 1% 1% 100 3 3 300 8 8 150 4 4 200 6 6 100 2% 2% 1 1 IM . 1% 100 2 2 2V t 2% 80 3 3 4 4 40 1% 1% 2 2 'ioo h 1^ 1 1 40 1% 2 2 400 10 10 12 12 150 3 3 5 5 100 2 2 3 3 800 20 20 2 3 25 100 2% 2% 120 3 3 4 4 20 1 1 IV2 1 1 1 1^ 1 200 6 6 8 8 300 8 8 10 10 400 10 10 12 12 500 12 12 15 15 600 15 15 20 20 100 2 2 100 2 2 450 12 12 15 -«; 17 Free Bo ND Storag :e Labor Storage I^abor 20 20 25 25 1 1 1 1 \ik 1% b 5 10 10 15 15 4 4 5 5 1 4 3 1 4 3 IVa 1% .... .... 2 2 10 10 12 12 2% 2% 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 10 15 15 2 1 6 6 10 10 4 4 5 5 8 8 12 12 1 1 1% 1% 3 3 4 4 2% 2% 3 8 2 2 8 8 Kind op Goods akd Quantity Ynlhs^ Barvtes per cask 800 Baskets, Willow, crated, per cu. ft Baskets, Wire, cmted, per cu. ft Baskets, Berry, 1,000 per crate 75 Base Balls per case 270 Base Ball Bats per crate 100 Bath Brick (see Brick) Bath Tubs, crated per cu. ft Batting, Cotton. .. .per bale or box 100 Batting, Cotton per bale 50 Batting, Cotton per bale 25 Bay Rum per bbl. 400 Bayonets in cases per 100 Beans (all kinds except Vanilla) Beans per bag 110 Beans per bag 160 Beans per bag 220 Beans . . . ._ per bbl. 350 Beans, Vanilla, in cases 100 Bedsteads, crated per cu. ft Beef per bbl. 300 Beef per carboy 150 Beef per tierce 500 Beef Extract per case 25 Beef Extract, 5 lb per case .... Beer (see Ale) Beeswax (see Wax) Belting, Leather, Rubber and Cot- ton per 100 Belting, Iron Link per 100 Berries, Juniper, Laurel, Yellow, ^Persian, in bags or bbls per 100 2% 2% 3 8 Bi-Carbonate of Soda (see Soda) Bi-Chrome of Soda (see Soda) Bicycles, crated, each . . . per cu. ft 1 1 1 % 1 % Bicycle Motor, crated, each per cu. ft. .... Billiard Tables, K. D per 100 Binder Board per bdl. 25 Binding Carpet per bale 450 Bird (Sges, crated .... per cu. ft Bird Seed (see Seed) Bird Skins per bale 500 Bismuth per keg 100 Black, Bone, Copper, Ivory, Vege- table Ivory, Salt, etc., in various packages per 100 Black, Lamp, in bbls 200 Blackj Lamp, in casks 400 Blacking in cans, crated 100 Blacking per box 50 Blacking per bbl. 450 Blacking per hf. bbl. 300 Blacking per keg 50 Blacking, Stove per box 40 Black Lead (see Colors and Paints) Blankets (see Dry Goods) Bleach per bbl. 450 Bleach per cask 650 Bleach per drum 520 Bleaching Powder per cask 580 Blood, Dried per bag 100 Blueing per case 30 18' 1 1 1% 1% 2 2 8 3 1 1 1% 1% 10 10 15 15 1 1 1% 1% 20 20 25 25 2 2 2% 2y2 3 3 4 4 6 6 8 8 12 12 \t \t, 3 2 3 2 12 12 15 15 6 6 8 8 1% 1% 2 2 1 1 1% 1% 12 12 15 15 15 15 20 20 15 15 20 20 15 15 20 20 3 3 3 3 1 1 1% 1% Kind of Goods and Quantity Blue Stone, bbl per Board, Wood Pulp per Board, Card per Boats, Motor, crated. . . . per cu. ft. Boiler Compound, in bbls. or boxes, Boiler Covering !!!!.*!!.' .'per bale Bologna Sausage (see Sausage) Bone, Crude and Dust per Bone, Manufactures of . . . .per case Bonnets per case Books and Periodicals per case Boots and Shoes per case Boots and Shoes, Rubber, .per case Borax per bag Borax per bbl. Borax per case pottles per case or crate Bottles per bbl. Boxes, with contents, contents not scheduled, weighing 26 lbs. or less per cu. ft. Box Strap per bdl. Bran per bag Bran per bag Bran . per bag Brandy (see Liquors) Brass (see Metals) Brazil Nuts (see Nuts) Breakfast Foods (see Cereals) Brier Root (see Roots) Brick, Bath per 100 Brick, Fire per 100 Brick, Tile per 100 Brimstone per 100 Bristles per case 175 Bristles per cask 600 Bristles per chest 120 Britannia Metal (see Metals) Britannia Metal, crated . . per cu. ft Broom Corn per bale 100 Broom Root (see Roots) Brooms per bdl. % doz Brooms per bdl. 1 doz Brushes per case 76 Brushes per case 800 Buckets, Water, Iron, in bdls _ per cu. ft Buckets, Wood, in bdls. . . per cu. ft Bucher Leaves (see Herbs and Leaves) Buckles per bag 250 Buckles per cask 900 Buckskin per bale 370 Buckwheat (see Flour) Buffalo Hides per bale 1000 Bulbs, Holland per case .... BulbSj French per case 100 Building Paper per roll 50 Building Paper per roll 100 Bungs per bbl. 200 Bungs per box 200 Burlaps, Calcutta per bale 1000 19 Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 100 2 2 3 s 100 2 2 3 3 100 2 2 3 .... 1 1 1% IH 100 2 2 3 480 12 12 16 15 100 2% 2% 3 .... 16 15 20 20 .... 25 26 26 26 100 2% 2% 8 60 3 3 4 40 2 2 3 200 4 4 6 6 400 10 10 12 12 250 6 6 8 8 150 6 6 6 6 200 8 8 10 10 1 1 1% IV^ 50 i% 1% 2 2 100 2 2 150 3 8 220 5 6 .... .... i^ 8 10 4 25 10 30 25 10 1 2 6 6 30 2% 20 1 6 2 3 3 10 1 1 4 25 10 30 26 10 1 2 6 6 80 3 3 8 ie' 25 10 3 4 6 15 6 80 12 85 30 15 2 3 SO 8 3 3 is 26 10 8 4 6 16 m 30 12 35 SO 15 30 Kind ot Goods and Quantity f^^^^^^ Storagf Burlaps, Calcutta per bale 1400 35 Burlaps, Dundee per bale 1800 40 Burlaps, Dundee per bale, over 2200 50 Burr Stones per 100 2 % Butter Color per box 20 1 Butter Dishes, Wood (see Woodenware) Button Lac (see Lac) c Cabbage per bag 100 3 Cabbage per bbl. 150 5 Cake, Alum, Alumnous, Salt or Nitre per 100 2% Calcium, Carbide per drum 175 5 Calcium, Chloride per case 110 3 Calcium, Chloride per drum 4 00 10 Calcium, Chloride per drum 700 15 Calf Skins (see Skins) Calomel per case 25 1 Calomel per case 50 2 Camphor per bbl. 350 15 Camphor per case 200 10 Camphor per tub 225 10 Oamomile Flowers (see Flowers) Canary Seed (see Seed) Candles per box 20 1 Candles per box 50 1 % Candy per bbl. 250 10 Candy per box 150 5 Candy per pail 40 1% Canes, Walking per bale 75 3 Canes, Walking per case 80 4 Canewood Sticks per 100 3 Canned Goods, 2 dz., % lb., per cs. 15 % Canned Goods, 2 dz., 1 lb,, per cs. 28 1 Canned Goods, 2 dz., 2 lb., per cs. 50 1% Canned Goods, 2 dz., 2% lb., per cs. 60 1% Canned Goods, 2 dz., 3 lb., per cs. 72 1% Canned Goods, 4 dz., 1 lb., per cs. 50 1^, Canned Goods, % dz., gallon, per cs. 65 1% Canned Goods, 1 dz., gallon, per cs. 130 8 Canned Meats, case or pail per 100 3 Cantharides per case 66 2 Cantharides per case 300 8 Cantharides per cask, per 100 3 Canvas, in bales per 100 3 Capers per box 30 1 Capers per keg 110 3 Caraway Seed (see Seed) Carbide per drum 60 3 Carbide per drum 100 4 Carbolic Acid Gas per cylinder 80 6 Carbolic Acid Gas per drum 20 3 Carbolic Acid Gas per drum 50 5 Carbon Black per bbl. 400 10 Carbon Black per case 100 3 Carbons per case 125 3 Carborundum per keg 300 8 Carboys, Vitriol, empty each .... 8 Cardamon Seed (see Seed) Carpets, cases and bales, less than 10 ft. in length 26 20 EE Labor Bond Storage Labor 35 40 50 2% 1 35 35 40 40 50 50 3 3 1% 1% 3 4 4 5 6 6 2^ 3 8 5 6 6 3 4 4 10 12 12 15 20 20 1 2 l^ m 15 20 20 10 16 16 10 15 15 1 1% 1^ l¥?. 2 2 10 12 12 5 6 6 1^ 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 % 1 1 1 1 1 if. \^ 1 % 2 2 l4 1% 1% 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 8 .... . . . . 3 3 3 3 1 .... 3 S 4 .... 6 8 5 . 10 12 12 3 3 3 3 4 4 25 25 25 Kind op Goods and Quantity ^^i'^q Carpets, rolls, 1 yd. or less wide, per roll 200 Carpets, in cases 10 to 20 ft. in length per running foot .... Carpets, in cases over 20 ft. in length per running foot .... Carpet Lining per bale .... Carriages per cu. ft Cartridges, Safety per case 250 Cascara Sagrada per 100 Cases with contents, contents not scheduled (see Boxes) Cash Registers, crated each .... Casks with contents (see Barrels with contents) Cassia, all kinds.. per case or chest 100 Classia, all kinds per bale 100 Cassia, all kinds per basket 200 Cassia, all kinds per roll 100 Castor Beans (see Beans) Castor Seed (see Seed) Ciastoria (see Medicinal Preparations) Cat Gut per bbl. 400 Cat Gut Strings per case 75 Catsup per bbl. 400 Catsup per hf. bbl. 200 Catsup per box 50 Catsup per box 100 Cauliflower per cask 450 Caustic Soda (see Soda) Celery Compound (see Medicinal Preparations) Cement per bbl. 400 Cement per bbl. 300 Cement per bag 100 Cement, Bicycle per case 100 Cerealine per bag 100 Cereals per bbl. 175 Cereals per case 25 Cereals per case 50 Cereals per case 75 Cereals per case 100 Cereals per bag 100 Chain per 100 Chairs, Rattan per bale .... Chalk, bulk per 100 Chalk per case 150 Chalk, Precipitate per bbl. 220 Champagne (see Wine) Chewing Gum per box 25 (Viewing Gum per box 80 Cheese per box 20 Cheese per box 35 Cheese per box 60 Cheese per box 100 Cheese per box 120 Cheese per box 200 Cheese per box 250 Cheese per bbl. 140 Cheese per basket 300 Cheese per tub 100 Chemicals per bbl. 450 Chemicals per carboy 150 21 Free Storage Labor Bond Storage Labor 6 6 6 6 2% 2% 8 8 4 6 1 10 3 4 6 1 5 6 15 15 20 20 6 6 8 8 26 25 25 26 10 10 12 12 10 10 12 12 6 6 (I e 1% IH 2 2 3 8 3 3 12 12 5 5 8 8 4 4 6 6 1% 1% 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 1 1 2 2 8 8 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 8 20 16 25 16 3 8 8 8 4 4 5 6 6 6 8 8 1% 1^ 8 3 1., 1 1^ M IH l^ l^ 2 8 2 3 4 4 6 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 4 4 5 6 12 12 15 16 10 10 12 12 Kind op Goods and Quantity Chemicals per cask Chemicals per drum Chemical Salt per Cheroots, Manila per case Cheroots, other, large .... per case Cheroots, other, small .... per case Cherries in Brine per bbl. Cherries in Brine per cask Cherries in Brine per cask Cherries in Brine per tierce Chestnuts (see Nuts) Chianti Wine (see Wine) Chicle, in bales or cases per Chicory per bbl. Chicory per cask Chicory Root (see Roots) Chillies (see Peppers) China Clay (see Clay) Chinaware (see Crockery) Chimneys per bbl. Chimneys per case Chimneys per cask Chinese C!!urios per case, less than 8 cu. ft. Chinese Curios per case, over 8 cu. ft., per cu. ft. Chinese Groceries per case, less than 15 cu. ft. Chinese Groceries per case, over 15 cu. ft., per cu. ft. Chloride of Lime (see Bleaching Powder) Chocolate and Chocoliate Coating (see Qocoa) Chocolate per bale Chocolate per bbl. Chocolate per case Chocolate per case Chow Chow per case Chrome Yellow (see Colors and Paints) Churns, hand per cu. ft. Cider per bbl. Cider per hf. bbl. Cider. Mills, K. D per cu. ft. Cider Presses, K. D. . . . per cu. ft. Cigarettes, small per case Cigarettes, large per case Cigarettes per bbl. Cigarette Paper per case Cigars, 3,000 to 5,000 ..per case Cigars, 5,000 to 10,000 ..per case Cigar Labels per case Cinnamon (see Barks) Citron (see Fruit) Clay per bag Clay per bbl. Clay per cask Clay Pipe, in cases Clay Pipes per box Clocks per case Cloth and Clothing (see Dry Goods) •Cloves, in bags or bales per Weight in lbs. 600 500 100 450 750 1000 600 100 250 750 40 25 120 200 200 110 200 70 400 200 145 250 100 550 1120 100 40 250 100 Fre« Storage Labor 15 15 15 ii« 12 8 10 16 25 12 8 20 Bond Storage Labor 20 20 6 8 10 8 1 16 1 1 10 6 1 1 10 15 16 15 15 20 20 25 8 2 12 15 20 20 2% 8 8 15 20 80 12 16 15 8 10 10 10 16 .... 26 . . « . 12 .... •• 3 8 8 7% 8 8 20 26 26 1 10 6 1 1 10 16 15 16 15 20 20 26 8 2 12 12 20 20 20 20 25 20 3 15 30 8 t 16 12 20 20 20 20 26 20 8 15 SO 8 2 16 I Kind op Goods and Quantity Clove Stems per bale Coal Tar per bbl. Cobalt, Ore and Oxide of per •Clothes Pins per box Cochineal f er bag Cochineal per ceroon Cocoa (see Chocolate) . . . .per bag Cocoa per bag Cocoa per bag Cocoa per case Cocoa per case Cocoa Beans (see Beans) Cocoa Butter per bale Cocoa Butter per case Cocoa Leaves (see Leaves) Cocoa Matting (see Matting) *Cocoanut Oil (see Oil) Codfish. Dry (see Fish) Cod Liver Oil (see Oil) Coffee per bag Coffee per bag Coffee per case Coffee per case Coffee per drum Coffee per drum Coffee per drum Coffee Substitutes per case Coir Fibre (see Fibre) Coir Matting (see Matting) Collars and Cuffs per case Colors and Paints Paints per bbl. Paints per hf. bbl. Paints per case or keg Paints per case or keg Paints per case or keg Paints, Dry per Paris Green and White per Red Precipitate per bbl. Venetian Red per bbl. Vermilion per case White Lead per Black Lead per Chrome Yellow per Umber per Ochre per Ultra Marine per Aniline, bbl., cask, or tierce, per Aniline per case Aniline per case Aniline per case Aniline, drums or kegs Aniline Aniline Comforts, Comfortables (see Dry Goods) Condensed Coffee per case Condensed Eggs per case Condensed Jellv per case Condensed Milk per case Condensed Milk per case Condensed Milk per case Condensed Milk per cask Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 140 4 4 5 5 450 10 10 12 12 100 2% 2% 3 3 80 1 1 150 4 4 300 10 10 110 3 3 4 4 165 4 4 5 5 220 5 5 6 6 200 6 6 8 8 300 10 10 12 12 150 5 B 6 6 250 7% 7% 8 8 135 3 8 150 4 4 50 1% 1^ 100 3 8 60 i^ IH 100 8 8 150 4 4 20 1 1 . . . . 10 10 12 12 360 10 10 12 12 200 6 6 6 6 60 1^ 1% 2 2 100 8 3 3 8 150 4 4 5 6 100 2% 2V' H 100 3 3 R 3 6 5 8 8 • . • 4 4 6 6 15 15 20 20 100 2 2 8 3 100 2 2 3 3 100 2 2 8 3 100 2 2 3 3 100 2 2 3 3 100 2 2 3 3 100 2 2 3 3 50 2 2 3 3 100 3 3 8 3 226 6 6 8 8 50 2 2 2 2 100 3 3 8 3 200 6 6 6 6 60 2 2 2 2 60 2 2 2 2 60 2 2 2 9 30 40 1 1 1 1 \l i 1^ 60 2 2 2 2 800 20 20 25 25 23 Kind of Goods and Quantity •Cocoanuts (see Nuts) per bbl. Cocoanuts, Prepared per box Condition Powders ...... per case Cooperage, Empty Beer, Ham, Lard, Molasses, Oil, Pork Bbls and Tierces each Hhds each Lard Kegs each Flour and Sugar Bbls each Beer Kegs each Herring and Mackerel Bbls., each Herring and Mackerel Hf. Bbls., each Copper Ore per Copper. Old (see Metals) Copper Pigs, Sheets per Copperas in Hhds., Tierces, bbls., _ per Copra m bags or bales. . . .bbls. per Cordage, Rope, etc bbls. per Cordials (see Liquors) Corduroys per case Corduroys per bale Cork per bag Cork per bale Cork Shavings per bale Corkwood per bale Corn (see Canned Goods) Corn Meal (see Meal) Corn, Pop per bag Corn, Pop per bag Corn, Pop per bbl. Corn, Pop per basket Corn, Pop per case Corset, Lacets (see Lacets) Cots (surgical) K. D Cottolene per case Cotton, Domestic, Uncompressed . , . per bale Cotton, Domestic, Compressed per bale Cotton, Egyptian per bale Cotton, Peruvian per bale Cotton, Peruvian per bale Cotton, Peruvian per bale Cotton Yarn (see Yarn) Cotton Seed (see Seed) Cotton Seed Oil per bbl. Cotton Ties (see Bale Ties) Cotton Waste (see Waste) Cotton Batting (see Batting) Crackers per box Crackers per bbl. Cranberries per bbl. Cranberries per box Crash, Russia per bale Crash, Russia per bale Crates with contents, contents not scheduled (see Boxes with con- tents) Cream Tartar per case, per Cream Tartar per cask, per Cream Tartar per hhd., per Weight in lbs. 400 50 50 Free Bond Storage Labor Storage Labor 10 10 12 IS 100 100 100 100 100 800 125 180 60 180 80 125 160 70 50 70 60 500 500 500 100 190 380 i^ m 5 2 IH 2 20 15 12% 4 6 10 450 12 2 3 5 2 1% 3 2 20 15 12% 4 6 10 12 3 6 10 2% 2 3 2% 20 20 25 20 20 25 10 10 12 12 12 15 5 5 6 12 12 8 6 10 J'* 2 2 2% 3 2 S 3 8 2% 8 t 8 8 25 25 12 15 20 1 1 100 5 5 210 5 5 6 6 70 2 2 8 8 150 6 6 8 8 450 15 15 20 20 100 2% 2% 8 8 100 2% 2% 8 8 100 2% 2% 8 8 24 Kind op Goods and Quantity Weight ^ m lbs. Creosote per bbl. 500 Creosote per case 100 Creosote per drum 250 Crockery, small per case .... Crockery, large per case .... Crockery, English per cask 800 Crockery, English per crate 1000 Crockery, French and German.... per cask .... Crucibles in cases or casks. .. .per 100 Crucibles, Iron per 100 Crystal Ash (see Ash) Cubebs per bag 120 Cudbear, per cask per 100 Cummin Seed (see Seed) Curled Hair per bag 200 Currants (see Fruit) Cutch per bale or box 130 Cuttings (see Rags) Cuttle Fish Bone per case 100 Cutlery per case 350 Cutlery per case 600 D Damiana per bale .... Damiana per sack .... Dandelion Roots (see Roots) Dates (see Fruit) Deer Hides (see Skins) Degras per bbl. 4 50 Demijohns, 5 gal each .... Demijohns, 3 gal each .... Demijohns, under 3 gal each .... Desks, School per cu. ft Dextrine per bag 100 Dextrine per bag 228 Dextrine per bbl. 400 Dextrine per crate 72 Dextrine per cask 700 Diamalt per bbl Diamalt per hf. bbl Diamalt per crate 50 Diamalt per crate 100 Diastafor per bbl Diastafor per hf. bbl Diastafor per crate 50 Diastafor per crate 100 Dish Washing Machines, per cu. ft Disinfectants per bbl. 450 Disinfectants per box 50 Disinfectants, Dry per bbl. 200 Disinfectants, Dry per bag 100 Distilled Oils (see Oils) Divi Divi per bag 110 Dog Biscuit per case 150 Door Mats per bundle 90 Door Mats per bundle 150 Doors (not over 20 sq. ft.) each .... Dragons Blood per case 250 Dried Fish, Fruit and Vegetables. . per 100 Drug Specialties (see Medicinal Preparations) 25 Free Bond Storage Labor Storage Labor 12 12 2% 2% 6 6 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 3 3 3 3 2 2 2% 2V^ 3 3 21^ 'l^k .... 5 12 Va 10 2 2 1% 1 2% 5 10 3 20 12 5 12 5 1% 12 2 6 S 4 2% 4 3 5 3 10 20 5 12% 10 2 2 1% 1 2% 5 10 3 20 12 5 1% 3 12 5 \\ 1 12 2 6 3 4 2% 4 3 5 3 10 15 25 12 8 3 2 1% 3 6 12 3 20 1% 15 2 8 3 10 15 25 12 3 3 2 1% 12 3 20 2 r Kind of Goods and Quantity Dry Goods, per bale or case, small . . Dry Goods, per bale or case, medium. Dry Goods, per bale or case, large . . . Dry Paints (see Colors and Paints) Dry Glue (see Glue) Dutch Herring (see Fish) Duck, under 36 in per roll Duck, over 36 in per roll Dye Ih Wines (see Wine) sheads with contents (see Barrels ith contents) ^.v^fTshead, Empty (see Cooperage) Hosiery (see Dry Goods) Hominy per bbl. Hominy per bag Hominy per bag Hominy per case Honey per bbl. Honey per hf. bbl. Honey per case Honey per case Honey per hhd. Hops, Compressed, Domestic per bale Hops, Compressed, Foreign per bale Horn, Manufactures of. . .per case H Weight in iDs. 100 100 300 60 120 120 450 400 550 100 Free Storage Labor 2000 1200 1000 1000 100 600 1100 100 10 10 12 2y2 15 20 20 20 75 4 10 15 1 1 30 25 25 3 1 1 25 35 1 5 21/2 10 10 12 2y2 1 8 15 20 20 20 75 4 10 16 1 1 30 25 25 3 1 1 25 36 1 5 2% Bond Storage Labor 3 3 4 4 12 12 15 1% 10 20 25 25 25 5 12 15 12 12 15 1^ 10 20 25 25 25 175 5 5 50 1 1 100 3 3 65 1% 1% 500 15 15 15 15 276 8 8 8 8 200 6 6 6 6 120 3 3 4 4 1400 35 35 40 40 10 10 .... 30 30 35 35 15 15 20 20 31 20 Kind of Goods and QuANTiTy Wegj* ^^^^^J^f^^^^ Horn, Strip and Tip per bag .... 8 Horn, Parts of per bag .... 8 Horse Collars (1 dz.) per bdl 4 Horse Fronts per bdl. 50 2 Horse Fronts, Russia .... per bale 650 20 Horse Shoes per keg 110 2% Horse Shoe Nails per keg 110 2 y2 Household Goods, crated, .per cu. ft 1 Household Goods (see Household Goods Section) Hypo Sulphate, in kegs or bags, per 100 3 I Immortelles per case .... 20 India Rubber (see Rubber) Indigo, in barrels or cases per 100 2% Indigo per ceroon 200 5 Ink, all kinds per bbl. 4 00 10 Ink per hf. bbl. 200 6 Ink per case 50 1 % Ink per case 100 3 Ink per keg 70 2 Ingots per 100 3 Insect Powder per box 40 1% Intestines (see Skins) Iodine, in kegs, packed in Raw Hide 10 Ipecac per ceroon 150 5 Iron and Steel Bars per 100 2 Iron and Steel Boilers per 100 2 Iron and Steel Bolts per keg 110 2 Iron and Steel Bundles 180 4 Iron and Steel Car Wheels . . . .each .... 20 Iron and Steel Castings per 100 2% Iron and Steel Chain per cask 850 15 Iron and Steel Hoop Iron, per bundle 60 1% Iron and Steel Hoop Iron, per bundle 115 2% Iron and Steel Mortars per 100 2% Iron and Steel Nails per keg 70 1% Iron and Steel Nails per keg 110 2% Iron and Steel Nuts per keg 110 2 Iron and Steel Ore per keg 100 2 Iron and Steel Paint (see Paint) Iron and Steel Pig per 100 2 Iron and Steel Pipe per 100 3 Iron and Steel Plate per 100 2 Iron and Steel Rods per 100 2 Iron and Steel Roofing per 100 21^ Iron and Steel Safes per 100 4 Iron and Steel Sash Weights ..per 100 1% Iron and Steel Sheet per 100 2 y2 Iron and Steel Scrap per 100 2 Iron and Steel Screws per 100 2V2 Iron and Steel Spikes per keg 110 2% Iron and Steel Spikes per keg 200 4 Iron and Steel Structural per 100 2% Iron and Steel Sulphate (see diemi- cals) Iron and Steel Tubes per 100 3 Iron Water Closets, in casks. . . .per 100 2 Isinglass per case 50 2 Isinglass per case 100 3 Isinglass per case 150 5 32 8 8 .... 4 2 20 2^2 3 3 2V?. 3 3 1 IV2 1 2% 3 5 6 10 12 6 6 1% 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 IVz 2 10 12 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 20 20 2y2 3 15 20 iy2 2 2y2 2% 3 3 2% 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2y2 3 4 4 1% 3 2y2 3 2 3 2yo 3 2¥>. 3 4 6 2% 3 3 Kind op Goods and Quantity Weight Free in lbs. Storage Labor 100 2% 2% Istle Cloth, bale per Ivory, Animal (see Elephant Tusks) Ivory, Manufactures of . . .per case .... 25 25 Ivory, Vegetable per bag .... 10 10 Bond Storage Labor 8 S 80 30 falap (see Herbs and Leaves) lam (see Fruit) [apanese Curios per cu. ft. Funiper Berries (see Berries) [unk, old per Fute, Compressed, bales per fute, Uncompressed, bales .... per Kainit per bag Kapoc, not over 15 cu. ft bale Kegs, Empty (see Cooperage) Kirschwasser (see Liquors) Kraut per bbl. Kraut per bbl. Kraut per bbl. Kraut per case Kraut per cask Lac, Button, Dye, Stick... per case Lac Spirits per drum Ladders, Step per cu. ft. Lamp Black (see Black) Lamp Chimneys (see Chimneys) X^antern Slides (see Optical Goods) Lanterns per case Lap Robes (see Dry Goods) Lard per bbl. Lard per bbl. Lard per pail or tub Lard per pail or tub Lard per pail or tub Lard per tierce Lead, Black, Red or White (see Colors) Lead Pencils (see Pencils) Lead in bars or pigs per Lead Ores, in bulk per Lead Pipe and Mfg. of per -Lead per cask Lead Sheets or Rolls per Lead Type Metal in pigs per Lead and Lead Oxide .... per bbl. Leather per roll Leather per roll Leather per roll Leather Bellies per bdl. Leather Bellies per bdl. Leather Heads and Shoulders per bdl. Leather Sides per side Leather, Finished per bdl. Leather, Finished, over 150.... per 1% 1% 100 100 100 2 1^ 2 K 200 4 10 4 10 860 275 200 50 500 10 8 6 10 8 6 L 250 1800 7 40 1 7 40 1 50 1% 1^ 450 12 12 300 8 8 20 1 1 60 1% 1% . . . . . . . 80 2 2 500 10 10 ... 100 2 2 8 100 2 . 2 8 100 2 2 8 1100 25 26 30 80 100 2 2 3 100 2 2 8 800 20 20 26 25 80 5 5 5 150 5 6 6 6 250 8 8 8 8 60 1% 1% 85 2 2 ... . .. . 140 5 5 , . , . . . . .... 1 1 , , 150 5 6 5 6 100 3 8 3 3 S3 K:». o, Goo»s .»■= Qu.Nr,rv Wei^^" Labor Leather, Upper Leather, D r e s se d Skins, Oalf Skins, Tanned, Skins for Morocco, and all manufactures of Leather case 400 20 20 20 20 Leather, Manufactures of Leather case 800 30 30 30 30 Leather, Manufactures of Leather case 1200 35 35 35 35 Leaves (see Herbs and Leaves) Lemons (see Fruit) Lentils per bag 110 3 3 Lenses (see Optical Goods) Licorice Paste per case 200 5 5 6 6 Licorice Root (see Roots) Licorice Stick, large per case 200 6 6 6 6 Licorice, small per case 100 3 3 3 3 Lignum Vitae (see Wood) Lime per bag 100 2 2 Lime per bbl. 300 5 5 Lime, Chloride, dangerously corro- sive (sugar bbl.) per bbl 6 6 Linens (see Dry Goods) Linoleum per case or roll 250 12% 12% Linoleum per case or roll 450 15 15 Linoleum per case or roll 600 20 20 Linoleum per case or roll 1000 30 30 Linseed (see Seed) Linseed Oil (see Oil) Liquors, 1 dz. qts per case .... 3 3 Liquors, 2 dz. pts per case .... 3 3 Liquors per bbl. 450 10 10 Liquors, Puncheon, 188 gal 75 60 Liquors, Pipes. 130/150 gal 50 50 Liquors, % Pipes, 90/130 gal 40 50 Liquors, % Pipes, 60/90 gal 35 40 Liquors, % Pipes, 45/60 gal 20 30 Liquors, % Pipes, 30/45 gal 15 25 Liquors, % Hpes 15 25 Liquors, % Pipes, 15/30 gal 12 20 Liquors, ^ Pipes, 8/15 gal 10 15 Liquors, gSj Pipes, 8 gal 7 10 Lithograph Prints per case 600 20 20 Lithograph Stones per case 200 4 4 Lith per crate 200 8 8 Litharge per keg 120 8 3 4 4 Logwood (see Wood) Logwood Extract (see Extract) Lubricating Oils (see Oil) Lumber, piled in warehouse per cu. ft 1 1 Lye, Concentrated per box 50 1% 1% Lye, Concentrated per bbl. 350 10 10 M Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli. box 25 1 1 1 1 Macoroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli . . . ...per box 50 1% 1% 2 2 Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli. . . per case 100 3 3 3 8 Mace per case 100 3 3 Machines, Sewing, Crated each .... 15 15 15 15 Machinery, Loose, per sq. ft. floor space 10 10 12 12 34 3 3 8 8 8 8 12% 12% 15 15 20 20 30 30 3 3 8 3 10 10 75 60 50 50 40 50 35 40 20 30 15 25 15 25 12 20 10 15 7 10 25 25 Kind op Goods and Quantity Machinery, crated per Mackerel (see Fish) Madder_ (see Elarth) Magnesia per case Magnesia Sulphate Crystals. per case Mahogany (see Wood) Malt per bag Malt Extract per bbl. Malt Extract per case Malt Syrup per bbl. Malt Syrup per hf. bbl. Malt Syrup per crate Malt Syrup per crate Mandrake Root (see Roots) Manganese per bbl. Manganese per cask Manjar (see Asphaltum) Manna per case Manure, Artificial per ton Maple Sugar per bbl. Maple Sugar per hf. bbl. Maple Sugar per case Maple Sugar per tub Marble and Agate in blocks and Slabs per cu. ft. Marble and Agate in casks . . per cask Marble and Agate in cases per cu. ft. Marble and Agate and Onyx, Tiles or Cubes per bag Marble and Agate in cases or crates, per cu. ft. Marmalade per case Matches per case Matches per case Matches per case Mathematical Instruments (see In- struments) Matting, Coir and Cocoa, in bales, per Matting (40 yd.) per roll Mats, Flax, Cocoa, Carpets, in bales, Meal per teg Meal per bbl. Meats, Preserved, in cases, casks or boxes per Medicinal Preparations... per case Medicinal Preparations, valuable. Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 100 2% 2% 3 3 100 105 300 50 550 300 56 112 450 750 2000 350 200 40 80 100 50 40 200 400 100 40 100 100 250 100 70 1% 10 6 10 15 5 40 10 6 2 20 1% 2 i« 8 15 2% 3 2% 3 8 6 1% 3 10 15 5 40 10 6 1% 2 2 20 1% 2 1% 15 2% 3 2V2 12 6 2 2% 20 .per case Manufac- Meerschaum, Crude and tured per case Melado, in casks per gallon Mellin's Food, 3 dz., large, .per case Mellin's Food, 1 dz., large, .per case Mellin's Food, 3 dz., small, .per case Mellin's Food, 1 dz., small . . per case Metal per bbl. Metal per bbl. Metal per cask Metal, Manufactures of per Metal Lath Metal Sheathing per case % of 1% 1 1% %ofl% 500 1000 1200 100 90 500 35 r% r% 1 1% .... %ofl% %ofl% 25 30 3 3 15 15 30 30 8 3 15 2^ 20 15 80 30 8 8 15 Kind o* Goods and Quantity ^^i^fs!*^ Metal Spelter, in plates per 100 Metal, Yellow Metal per case 500 Metal (see Iron and Steel) Mica per case 100 Mica per case 150 Mica, Pulverized per bbl. 300 Mica, Pulverized per bag 120 Milk (see Condensed Milk) Millet Seed (see Seed) Mill Feed (see Bran) Millinery per cu. ft Mince Meat 20 Mince Meat per pail 70 Mineral Paints (see Paint) Mineral Water per bbl. 460 Mineral Water per hf, bbl. 225 Mineral Water per case 50 Mineral Water per case 100 Mineral Water per case 200 Mirrors, in cases per cu. ft Molasses, in barrels, hogsheads, tierces per gal Mops, in bdls., 1 dz per bdl •Mortars of Iron (see Iron) Moss per bale 100 Moss per bale 240 Muriate of Potash per bag 200 Mucilage per case 40 Musical Instruments per case .... Mustard in Glass (see Cjanned Goods) Mustard Seed (see Seed) Myrobalam (see Extract) •Morocco Skins (see Skins) Nails per keg Neatsfoot Oil (see Oil) Needles per case Newspaper. . . .per roll, 16 to 19 in. Newspaper. . . .per roll, 33 to 38 in. Newspaper. . . .per roll, 48 to 54 in. Newspaper. . . .per roll, 64 to 67 in. Newspaper. . . .per roll, 71 to 74 in. Nickel per case Nitrate of Soda (see Soda) Notions (see Dry Goods) Nut Gall per bag Nut Gall per bale Nut Gall Extract per case Nut Oils per case Nutmegs per case Nutmegs per case Nuts, all kinds except Cocoanuts, per bag Nuts per bag Nuts per bbl. or per bale Nuts per case Nuts per case Nuts per case Nuts per case Nuts, Cocoanuts, husked per 100 nuts Fres Bond Storage Labor Storage Labor 2% 2% 3 8 12 12 15 15 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 8 3 3 4 4 % % 1 1 1 1 ^1% 1% 2% 2H 10 10 12 12 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 2 2 3 3 \ 1 3 ■1 3 3 8 3 6 6 6 6 4 4 , 1 1 2 2 25 25 30 30 N 110 2 2 25 25 8 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 15 20 220 5 5 110 3 3 200 5 5 40 2 2 40 2 2 60 2% 2% 170 6 6 100 3 3 200 6 6 220 6 6 28 1% 1% 60 3 3 110 5 5 118 5 5 25 25 1% 10 10 86 Kind ot Goods and Quantity Nuts, Cocoanuts, with husks -. . .per 100 nuts Nux Vomica per bag Oakum per bale Oatmeal (see Cereals) Oats per bag Ochre (see Colors and Paints) Oil 10 gal, case Oil Cake (see Cake) Oil Clake Meal per bag Oil, Castor per case Oil, Citronella per drum Oil, Cocoanut per bbl. Oil, Cotton Seed and Fish, .per bbl. Oil, Essential per case Oil, Linseed per bbl. Oil, Olive per case Oil, Olive per case Oil, Olive per case or basket Oil, Olive per bbl. Oil, Olive per bbl. Oil, Olive per cask Oil, Palm per cask Oil, Rosin per bbl. Oil, Sod per bbl. Oil, Vitriol per carboy Oil Cloth (see Linoleum) Oilman Stores per case Oilman Stores per bbl. Olives per case Olives, 45 gal per cask Olives, 90 gal per cask Olives per keg Olive Oil (see Oil) Onions per bbl. Onions per bag Onions per crate Onyx (see Marble) Opium per case Optical Goods, such as Lenses, Spec- tacles, Lantern Slides, Opera and Field Glasses per case Oranges (see Fruit) Orange Peel (see Fruit) Orchill Weed, in bales per Ores per Organs, crated each Orris Root (see Roots) Osier, in bundles per Oxalic Acid (see Acid) Pails, Empty per cu. ft. Paint (see Colors and Paints) Palm Leaf per bdl. Palm Leaf per bale Palm Leaf per case Palm Leaf, Manufacture of, per case Palm Oil (see Oil) PalmoHve Cream and Soap, per box Weight Free in lbs. Storage Labor Bond Storage Labor 110 o 15 15 90 2% 2% 150 3 3 4 4 . . . . 3 3 3 3 100 3 3 50 1% 1% 2 2 1300 35 35 450 10 10 12 12 450 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 450 10 10 12 12 50 2 2 2 2 100 4 4 4 4 150 5 5 5 5 250 10 10 10 10 450 15 15 15 15 900 1300 25 35 25 85 25 25 400 10 10 12 12 450 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 16 5 5 6 s 400 10 10 12 12 60 3 3 3 S 20 15 20 15 50 30 60 30 120 4 4 4 4 200 4 4 5 6 110 3 3 3 S 50 2 2 2 2 110 15 15 20 20 .... 25 25 25 25 100 2% 2% 100 2 2 3 3 1 .50 1.50 100 4 4 4 4 p 1 1 1% V 25 1 1 225 8 8 200 6 6 400 15 15 10 ^^ V2 .... 37 Kind of Goods and Quantity Palmolive Panorama per cu, ft. Paper per case Paper per case Paper Bags her case Paper, Felt, Roofing and Building, per roll, 108 sq. ft. . Paper, Felt, Roofing and Building, per roll, 216 sq. ft. . Paper, Fly (see Fly Paper) Paper, Japanese per case . Paper, News (see Newspaper) Paper, Pulp per bale 600 sq. ft. . Paper, Sand.... per case 100 sq. ft. Paper Stock (see Rags) Paper, Toilet per case . Paper, Wall per bdL 40 sq. ft. . Paper, All other per Paraffin, in casks per Parasol Sticks, .per bdls. 30 sq. ft. Paris Green (see Colors and Paints) Paris White (see Colors and Paints) Patent Medicines (see Medicinal Preparations) Peanuts (see Nuts) Peach Pulp per bbl. . Peach Pulp, 4 gal per case . Pearl Ash (see Ash) Pearl Shells per case Pearline per box Peas, Dry per bag Peas per bag Peas per bbl. Peat Moss (see Moss) Pecans (see Nuts) Pencils, Lead per case . Pepper per bag Pepper per bag Pepper per bag Pepper Sauce per box Peppers, Chillies per bag Perfumery per case Persian fierries (see Berries) Personal Effects, 25 cu. ft., per pkg. . Personal Effects, over 25 cu. ft. . . . per cu. ft. . Peruvian Bark (see Bark) Petroleum, in barrels or casks.... per gal. . Phosphates per bag Phonograph Records per case . Pianos, crated each . Pianos, not crated (see H. H. Goods) Pictures and Lithographs. per crate . Pickles per bbl. Pickles per hf. bbl. Pickles per case Pickles per keg Pickles per tierce Pigs' Feet per bbl. Pigs' Feet per hf. bbl. Figs' Feet per keg Weight in lbs. 25 *366 500 100 Free Storage Labor 100 100 150 56 110 220 300 110 170 220 40 110 300 200 400 200 50 60 800 400 200 60 1 1 10 15 2% 1% 10 10 2^ 6 2% 25 4 6 iy2 3 15 25 1 10 10 5 2 2 20 10 5 2 1 1 10 15 2% IVa 10 10 % 2% 2% 25 2^ 4 6 r^ 15 25 1 4 4 20 20 ,50 1.50 10 10 5 2 2 20 10 5 2 Bond Storage Labor 12 12 20 20 12 12 3 IH 25 3 5 15 20 2 2 25 12 15 20 38 Kind op Goods and Quantity ix^i^^ Pigs' Feet per kit 20 Pigs' Feet per tierce 800 Pignolias per case .... Pimento per bag 110 Pimento per bag 220 Pineapples (see Fruit) Pins, Clothes (see Clothes Pins) Pipes, Clay (see Clay Pipes) Pipes, N (3 M (see Smokers Articles) Pistols (see Guns) Pitch per bbl. 500 Pitch per hf. bbl. 250 Pitch, Brewers per bbl Plants, Artificial (see Artificial Plants) Plaster per bag 200 Plaster per bbl. 400 Playing Cards per case 150 Plumbago (see Colors and Paints) Poles, Rug per bdl Poles, Bamboo per bdl Polish, Armo per box .... Polish, Enameline per box 20 Polish, vShoe per box .... Polish, Solarine per box .... Polish, Vulcanol per box .... Pop Corn (see Corn) Poppy Seed (see Seed) Pork per bbl. 350 Pork per tierce 450 Pork per case 450 Pork and Beans per case 40 Porter (see Ale) Postal Cards per case 700 Potash Acetate per case or keg 112 Potash Bicarbonate per case 100 Potash Bichromate per cask 800 Potash Carbonate per cask 1000 Potash Chlorate per keg 100 Potash Caustic per drum 450 Potash Cyanide per case 250 Potash Iodide per 100 Potash Muri.?.te per bag 200 Potash, Permanganate of. .per drum 120 Potash, Permanganate of. .per drum 300 Potash Sulphate per bag 200 Potash, All others per 100 Potatoes, 2 bu per bag .... Potatoes, 3 bu per bag .... Potatoes per bbl. .... Potato Flour (see Flour) Powder, Baking per box 20 Preserved Meats (see Meats) Preserve Stock per bbl. 400 Preserve Stock per hf. bbl. 200 Preserve Stock per keg 70 Provisions per bbl. 350 Provisions per tierce 450 Prune Juice (see Fruits) Prunes (see Fruit) Pulp (see Wood Pulp) Pumps (see Agricultural Implements) 39 Free Storage Labor Bond Storage Labor 1 15 5 3 5 1 15 5 3 5 8 8 5 5 8 8 4 4 5 5 8 8 10 10 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 V^ % 10 10 12 12 12 12 1 1 20 20 25 25 8 3 3 S 2% 2% 3 8 20 20 25 25 25 25 5 5 6 6 15 16 15 15 8 8 8 8 2Mj 2% 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 15 15 15 15 4 4 2% 2% 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 . 10 10 12 12 6 6 6 6 2 2 8 3 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 o Kind of Goods and Quantity Weight Free Bond ^ in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor >uebracho Extract (see Cutch) ^ucensware (see Crockery) Quicksilver per flask 80 3 3 4 4 luicksilver Flasks, empty 1% li^ 2 2 luilts (see Dry Goods) juinine per case 40 5 5 8 8 R Radiators per cu. ft. . . . . 1 1 1 % 11^ Rafia (see Palm Leaf) x^ x^ Rags, Compressed per bale Rags, Compressed per bale Rap:s, Compressed per bale Railroad Spikes (see Iron) Raisins (see Fruit) Rape Seed (see Seed) Rat Traps per case Rattan and Reeds, in bdls.. .per ton 2000 Raven (Duck) per bale Raw Silk (see Silk) Red Precipitate (see Colors and Paints) Reeds (see Rattan) Refrigerators per cu. ft. Ribbons per case Rhubarb, per bale, bbl. or case, per Rice per bag Rice per bag Rice per bag Rice per bbl. Rice per pocket Rice Flour (see Flour) Rifles (see Guns) Rock Salt per 100 2 2 8 S Rods (see Iron and Steel) Rolled Oats (see Cereals) Roofing Paper (see Paper) Roots, All kinds per 100 4 4 4 4 Rope per 100 2% 2^ 3 8 Rose Herbs (see Herbs and Leaves) Rosin per bbl. 400 10 10 12 12 Rotten Stone per cask 600 15 15 Rubber Boots (see Boots and Shoes) Rubber, Crude per 100 4 4 Rubber, Old per 100 3 8 Rubber, Hose per 100 3 8 Rugs, Small per bale 15 15 20 20 Rugs, Large per bale 20 20 25 25 Rugs, Less than 10 ft. in length, per case .... 25 25 30 80 Rugs, Over 10 ft. in length « -"X ........per running ft 2% 2% 3 8 Rugs, Over 20 ft. in length per running ft 4 4 5 6 Rum (see Liquor) Rum. Bay (see Bay) Russia Sheetings per bale 700 15 15 20 20 s Sacks, Bale per 100 2% 2^ 3 8 Saddlery (see Harnesses) Sad Irons per box 25 1 1 40 400 600 900 10 15 20 10 15 20 :::: '.'.'.'. }666 500 15 12% 1.25 15 15 15 ido 100 225 300 300 50 1 25 3 2 4 6 6 1% 1 25 3 2 4 6 6 1% 3** 5 8 8 2 8* 5 8 1 Kind OF Goods AND Quantity >^^/,?^* c* ^*T*i. c* ®°^° i^ ^ in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor Sadirons per box 50 1% 1% Sadirons per box 75 2 2 Sadirons per box 100 2% 2% Sad Irons per box 125 8 3 Safes (see Iron and Steel) Safflower (see Flour) Saffron (see Herbs and Leaves) Sage (see Herbs and Leaves) Sago per bag 110 S 8 Sa^o Flour (see Flour) Sails (see Canvas) Sal Ammoniac per cask 800 20 20 25 25 Salad Dressing per case 50 1% 1^ 2 2 Saleratus, bbl., case or tierce, per 100 2% 2% 3 3 Salmon (see Fish) Saltpetre per bag 175 4 4 5 5 Saltpetre per bag 250 6 6 8 8 Saltpetre per bbl. 300 8 8 10 10 Salt (Fruit Salt) per case 60 1^ 1% 2 2 Salt per bbl. 300 6 6 8 8 Salt per bag 56 1% 1% 2 2 Sat per bag 112 3 3 4 4 Salt per bag 220 5 5 6 9 Salt . . per cask 600 15 15 15 16 Salt, Bulk, all kinds per cask 100 2 2 8 3 Salt, Refined per case 40 1% 1\^ 2 2 Sand, in casks per 100 2 2 3 8 Sandlewood (see Wood) Sapolio, 34 gross per box .... 1 1 .... . . , Sapolio, % gross per box .... 1 1 Sardines (see Fish) Sarsaparilla (see Root) Sassafras (see Root) Sauces per case 50 1 % 1 % 2 2 Sauces. 12 doz per bbl 6 6 8 8 Sauerkraut per bbl 15 15 Sauerkraut per case 70 2 2 .... ...[ Sausage, Bologna per case 125 3 3 Sausage Casings, in casks per 100 2% 2% Scientific Instruments (see Instru- ments) Screens, crated per cu. ft 1 1 1% IVU Sea Grass per bale 110 2% 2% 3 3 Seeds, all kinds per bag 110 2% 2% 3 3 Seeds, all kinds per bag 165 4 4 5 5 Seeds, all kinds per bag 220 5 5 6 6 1 1 110 110 i^ m 165 4 4 220 5 5 110 2% 2V, 220 5 5 850 8 8 50 1% 1% 150 4 4 Seeds, all kinds per bale 110 2% 2% 3 Seeds, all kinds per bale 220 5 5 6 6 Seeds, all kinds per bbl. 850 8 8 10 10 Seeds, all kinds per case 50 1% 1% 2 2 Seeds, all kinds per case 150 4 4 5 5 Seneca Root (see Roots) Senna per bale 325 12 12 Sewing Machines, crated each .... 15 15 20 20 Sheepskins (see Skins) Shellac per bag 110 4 4 5 5 Shellac per case 150 6 5 6 6 Shellac per case 250 8 8 10 10 Shells, Pearl (see Pearl Shells) Shells. Ground per bag 200 6 6 Ship Stuff (see Bran) Shoddy (see Rags) Shoe Lacets (see Lacets) Shoes (see Boots and Shoes) 41 Kind op Goods and Quantity Show Gases per cu. ft. |i°*-: per bag Shovels per cu. ft. Sienna (see I^arth) Silk Goods (see Dry Goods) Silk, Raw, Japan, China . . . per bale Silk, Raw, Italian per bale Sisal Grass (see Grass) Size per bbl. Size per cask Skins per cask Skins per cask Skins, Calf per bale Skins per bdl. Skins per bdl. Skins, East India Tanned.. per bale Skins, Goatskins per bale Skins, Goatskins per bale Skins, Goatskins per bale Skins, Sheep and Goat Pelt, per bale Skins, Slats per bale Skins, All other per Slate _ per Smokers' Articles (other than Amber and Meerschaum) per case Snake Root (see Roots) Soap per bbl. Soap per nf. bbl. Soap per box Soap per box Soap per box Soap per box Soap per box Soap per box Soap, Chip, Amber Flake . . . per bbl. Soap, Ivory per bbl. Soap, Lennox per bbl. Soap, White Crown per bbl. Soap Root (see Root) Soapstone per bbl. Soda Ash (see Ash) Soda Bi-Carbonate per keg Soda Bi-Carbonate per bbl. Soda Caustic per cask Soda Caustic per drum Soda Caustic per crate Soda Chlorate per bbl. Soda Crude per keg Soda Crystals per keg Soda Cylicate per bbl. Soda Nitrate per bag Soda Nitrate per bag Soda, Sal per bbl. Soda, Sal per cask Soda, Silicate per bbl. Soda, Washing per box Soda, Washing per box Soda, Washing per bbl. Soda, Washing per bbl. Solder per box Soldering Flux per bbl. Soldering Flux per hf. bbl. Soldering Flux per box Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor 1 1 2V2 IM5 100 IMj 1% 2^ 1 1 IVa IV2 15 15 20 20 .... 20 20 25 25 500 12 12 15 15 800 20 20 25 25 600 25 25 .... .... 1500 35 35 .... 6 6 8 8 30 2 2 .... .... 100 3 3 20 20 25 25 400 10 10 12 12 600 15 15 20 20 800 20 20 25 25 1000 30 30 .... .... 1000 30 30 .... .... 100 2% 2V. 3 3 100 2y2 2Vz 3 3 .... 25 25 30 30 500 12 12 15 15 250 6 6 8 8 28 1 1 iy2 1^ 40 60 \l }^ 2 2 2 2 80 2 2 3 3 110 3 3 3 3 ( 150 5 5 6 6 ' 350 10 10 190 8 8 220 8 8 200 8 8 400 10 10 12 12 120 3 3 4 4 350 8 8 10 10 700 20 20 20 20 8 8 10 10 15 15 20 20 400 10 10 12 12 112 3 3 4 4 8 8 10 10 700 20 20 20 20 200 4 4 800 20 20 300 8 8 10 10 450 12 12 15 15 400 10 10 12 12 74 2 2 3 3 122 3 3 4 4 250 6 6 8 8 425 12 12 15 15 100 2 2 600 15 15 360 8 8 50 IV2 IV2 42 Kind op Goods and Quantity ^7bs^' Soldering Flux per box 100 Soldering Flux per keg 130 Soup, Canned per case 50 Soup, Canned per case 100 Spaghetti (see Macaroni) Spectacles (see Optical Coods) Spelter per 100 Spices per bag 110 Spices per bag 165 Spices per bag 220 Spices per bale 125 Spices per bbl. 300 Spices per case 40 Spirits (see Liquors) Sponges per bale 150 Sponges per case .... Stain (see Colors and Paints) Starch per box 12 Starch per box 20 Starch per box 50 Starch per bag 140 Starch per bag 220 Starch per bbl. 140 Starch per bbl. 300 Starch per cask 680 Starch per crate 400 Starch, Corn per box 30 Starch, Corn per bbl. 300 Stationery, in cases or crates per cu. ft Staves (see Barrel Staves) Stearine, in bbls. or casks per 100 Steel (see Iron and Steel) Stic Lac (see Lac) Stone, in crates per 100 Stone, Loose per 100 Stone, Pumice, bags, bbls., casks, per 100 Stoneware, Crocks, etc per cask 800 Stout per case 150 Stoves per cu. ft Straw, in bales (see Hay and Straw) Straw Braids, etc., small bales. . . . per bale .... Straw Braids, etc., large bales.... per bale .... Straw Braids, etc per case .... Straw Board per bdl. 50 Straw Covers per bale .... Straw Hats (see Hats) Stucco per bbl. 280 Stucco per case 100 Stucco per keg 100 Sugar, Large per bbl Sugar, Small per bbl Sugar per bag 220 Sugar per bag 110 Sulphur, per bag, bbl. or keg, per 100 Sumac (see Herbs and Leaves) Sumac, Ground per bag 160 Sweetmeats per case 300 Syrup, Fruit per bbl. 450 Syrup, Fruit per cask 700 43 Free Bo ND Storage Labor Storage Labor 3 3 4 4 1% IVi 2 2 3 3 3 3 2V2 2V2 3 3 3 4 4 a 5 3 3 8 8 iy2 IV2 5 5 8 8 8 8 12 12 t t 1 \ 1% IV2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 3 3 4 4 6 6 8 8 15 15 20 20 10 10 12 12 1 1 iy» 1% 8 8 10 10 21/^ 2% 1% 1% 2% 2V2 8 ? 2M. 2y3 3 3 2% 2% 3 3 20 20 25 25 3 3 4 4 1 1 1% 1% 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 15 15 20 20 1% 1% 2 2 3 3 8 8 It lit • •• 6 6 5 5 5 5 2% i« 2% • • • 3 3 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 15 15 2{ ) 2( ) Kind op Goods and Quantity Weight Free Bond in lbs. Storage Labor Storage Labor Syrup, Fruit per case 40 1 1 1% l^^ Syrup, Fruit per case 60 1% 1% 2 2 Table Sauces (see Sauces) Talc per bag Talc. per bbl. Tailors' Clippings (see Rags) Talking Machines, crated each Tallow per bbl. Tallow per cask Tamarinds (see Fruit) Tankage per bag Tanning Bark per Tanning Extract (see Extracts) Tanning Nuts per bag Tanning Nuts per bag Tapioca per bag Tapioca per bag Tapioca per case Tapioca Flour (see Flour) Tai- per bbl. Tea, Ceylon and India per case Tea, Ceylon and India, .per hf. case Tea, Green, Japan and large Congoes per hf . ch. Tea, Green, Japan and large Congoes _ per box Tea, Oolong and small Congoes... per chest Tea, Oolong and small Congoes . . . per hi. chest Tea, Oolong and small Congoes... per box Teasels, in casks per Terra Alba, Sienna, Umber (see Earth) Tierce with contents (see Barrels with Contents) Tile, Sugar Barrel per bbl. Tile per case Tin Banca, pig per Tin Plate per box Tinware, Nested per cu. ft. Tin, pig per Tobacco per bale in bulk Tobacco per bale by numbers Tobacco per case in bulk Tobacco per case by numbers Tobacco per hhd. Tobacco, Plug and Smoking, oer box Tobacco, Columbian per bale Tobacco, Havana. . .per bale in bulk Tobacco, Havana, per bale by number Tobacco, Havana . . . .per bale, stripped filler, small Tobacco, Havana . .... per bale, stripped filler, large Tobacco, Havana per bbl. Tobacco, Hayti per bale Tobacco, Mexican pef bale Tobacco, Porto Rico 200 350 450 800 150 100 50 140 110 220 25 400 100 150 100 100 ioo 50 20 12 20 3 2% 3 5 1 8 5 8 6 2 2 1 2 8 10 10 15 50 2 20 12 20 3 2% J^ 3 5 1 8 5 10 3 3 1% 10 6 10 10 15 15 10 15 25 15 25 10 6 8 S J'* 10 15 10 15 20 10 15 10 44 JCiND OF Goods and Quantity Weight bs. S Tobacco, Porto Rico Tobacco, Sumatra , . per bale in bulk Tobacco, Sumatra per bale Tobacco, Sumatra per case Tobacco, Sumatra. . .per douole case Tobacco, Turkish, .per bale, 1 pellet Tobacco, Turkish . . per bale, 2 pellet Tobacco, Turkish . . per bale, 3 pellet Tobacco, Turkish per bale Tobacco, Turkish per bale Tobacco, Turkish per case Tobacco, Turkish per case Tomato Pulp per bbl. Tomato Pulp per hf. bbl. Tomato Sauce per case Tomato Sauce per case Tomato Sauce per case Tonic per case Tonca Beans (see Beans) Toothpicks, Aromatic, 12x20^^x29. Toothpicks, Capitol Ideal, 41x19x23, Stock Toothpicks, Capitol Ideal, 41x19x23, Display Toothpicks, Capitol Ideal, 19x27x34, Display Toothpicks, Capitol Ideal, 100 bx. cs., 23x15x13 Toothpicks, Crown, 24 cartons, 16%x25%x35 Toothpicks, Hotel, 50 boxes, 13 %x 16^x11% Toothpicks, Hotel, 100 boxes, 13 %x 15%x24 Toothpicks, Ideal, 25 cartons, llx 20x42, 10c Toothpicks, Ideal, 24 cartons, 17x 25x35%, 5c Toothpicks, Lighters, 252 boxes. . . Toothpicks, Quality, 100 boxes, llx 15x22% Toothpicks, Quality Aromatic, 27x 10%xl9 inside Toothpicks, Quality Aromatic, 29x 20y2xl2 outside Toothpicks, Scaraman, ll%xl5x 23y2 Toothpicks, S-E, 100 bxs., 11x15x22 Toothpicks, TXP Toothpicks, Velvet, 24 cartons, 16%xl6%x28, No. 2 Toothpicks, Velvet, 24 cartons, 18%xl8x33% Toothpicks, World's Fair, 24 car- tons, 13xl5V2x28%, 5c Toothpicks, World's Fair, 24 car- tons, 15x19 y2x40, 10c Toothpicks, World's Fair, 48 car- tons, 20x29x40V2, 10c Toothpicks, 1-B, 100 bxs., Ilx23x 15% Toothpicks, 2-B, 100 bxs., Ilxl5x 23 50 •200 200 350 400 225 80 120 145 60 81 243 125 244 56 198 35% 61% 152 193 93 55 60 net 81 net 47% n^ 86 130 80 146 390 43 43 Free Bond orage Labor Storage Labor 10 5 10 1 10 1 1 10 10 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 5 5 10 10 1 1 10 5 3 2 1 10 5 10 1 10 1 1 10 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 10 10 1 1 10 6 10 15 30 5 10 15 5 10 15 30 12 6 3 4 4 10 8 10 20 SO 5 10 15 5 10 15 SO 12 6 3 4 4 45 Kind o. Goods *.d Weight ^^^^J-^^^^^ Toothpicks, 48 cartons, 5c Ideal, 251/2x37x32 382 10 10 Toothpicks, 48 cartons, Stock Cap.l, 41x34x31 491 15 15 Tow (see Fibre) Toys, in cases, casks or crates .... per cu. ft 1 1 Tripe per bbl. 365 8 8 Trunks, empty per cu. ft 1 1 Turnips, 2 bu per bag .... 3 3 Turnips, 3 bu per bag .... 4 4 Turnips per bbl 5 5 Turpentine per bbl. 400 10 10 Turpentine per case 70 2 2 Twine per bale 200 6 6 Twine per bale 400 12 12 Twine per bale 600 15 15 Type, Metal (see Lead) Typewriters, crated each .... 20 20 u Ultramarine (see Colors and Paints) Umber (see Colors and Paints) Umbrella Handles, in bdls 100 3 3 Underwear, small per case .... 15 15 Underwear, medium per case .... 20 20 Underwear, large per case .... 25 25 V Valerian Root (see Roots) Vanilla Beans (see Beans) Varnish (see Colors and Paints) Vaseline per bbl. 420 12 12 Vaseline per case 100 3 8 Vaseline per case 50 1% 1% Vegetable Ivory (see Ivory) Vegetables, Canned (see Canned Goods) Vegetables, Dry per basket .... 4 4 Vehicles, K D, crated. . . .per cu. ft 1 1 Venetian Red (see Colors and Paints) Verdigris per bbl. 450 12 12 Verdigris per cask 1200 40 40 Vermicelli (see Macaroni) Vermouth (see Liquors) Vinegar per bbl. 400 10 10 Vinegar per hf. bbl. 200 5 5 Vinegar per hhd. 900 20 20 Vinegar per keg 70 2 2 w Walnuts (see Nuts) Washing Compound per 100 3 3 Washing Macnines per cu. ft 1 1 Washboards per cu. ft 1 1 Waste (Cotton and Wool), .per bag 200 8 8 Waste per bag, over 400 12% 12% Waste per bale 600 15 15 Waste per bale 1000 20 20 Water (see Mineral) Wax, Bees per bbl. 400 10 10 46 Bond Storage Labor 1% i% 1% i% 8 8 15 15 20 20 3 3 15 15 20 20 25 25 1% 1% 12 12 6 6 25 25 3 8 Kind of Goods and Quantity Wax, Bees per Wax, Bees per Wax, Canauba per Wax, Canauba per Wax, Canauba per Wax, Paraffin per Wax, Paraffin per hf. Wax, Paraffin per Wax, Paraffin per Wax, Paraffin per case Wheat, 1 bu per bag Wheat, Rolled (see Cereals) Whiskey (see Liquors) White Lead (see Colors and Paints) Whitening per bag Whitening per bbl. Willows per bdl. Willows, in bdls per Wine (Still) 1 dz. Qts per case Wine (Still) 2 dz. Pts per case Wine per bbl. Wine, Champagne per case Wine, Champagne, Large. . .per case Wine, Champapne, Large. per basket Wine, Chianti Doghouse, .per basket Wine, Chianti Ordinary, .per basket Wine, Vermouth per basket Wine (see Liquors) Window Shades per case Wire, all kinds per Wire Goth per roll Wire Cloth per roll Wire Lath per roll Wire Door Mats per bdl. Witch Hazel per bdl. Wool per bag Wool, over 7 ft. in length . . per bag Wool, California per bale Wool, Territorial per bag Wool, Australian, N. Z., Cape, bales Wool, China per bale Wool, E. India, Syrian, and Egyp- tian bales Wool, English Squares Wool, English Sheets, Large Wool, English Sheets, Small Wool, French Scoured Bales Wool, Iceland, bags Wool, Peruvian, bales Wool, Russian, sheets Wool, Russian, large bales Wool, Russian, small bales. . .under Wool, Scotch sheets Wool, Hf. Scotch Wool, So. American bales Wool, Spanish or Scotch bags Wool, Turkish bales Wool, Turkish bales Wool, Turkish bags Woodenware per cu. ft. Wood Pulp per bale Wood Pulp per bale Wood Pulp per roll Weight Free in lbs. Storage Labor box 50 iy2 1% box 25 1 1 bag 80 3 3 bag 120 4 4 bag 180 5 5 hbl. 450 10 10 bbl. 220 5 5 bag 200 5 5 box 50 1% 1% Bond Storage Labor 200 60 200 400 30 100 150 100 20 60 125 225 400 180 500 350 500 350 280 480 180 10 f 3 5 10 7 9 12 5 2% 6 12 1% 3 4 4 12 4 8 10 10 5 4 8 1 2% 12 12M8 10 10 35 30 25 30 8 8 20 15 10 25 20 17% 8 15 10 8 1% 6 12 5 6 12 4 4 12 4 8 10 10 6 4 3 1 2% 4 6 12 15 10 10 35 30 25 30 10 10 20 15 10 25 20 20 10 15 10 10 12 6 47 K.»» or GOOD, .«o Qu^-riTv Weigh, g,^^^ J.« ^ Stor.feT.bor Wood Pulp, Ground per bag 110 8 8 4 4 Woods, all kinds per ton 2000 40 40 50 60 Worcestershire Sauce per case 40 1 1 2 2 y Yarn per bag 200 7 7 8 8 Yarn per bale 100 8 8 4 4 Yarn per bale 350 10 10 12 12 Yarn per bale 500 12 12 15 15 Yarn per case 250 8 8 10 10 Yellow Berries (see Berries) Yellow Metal (see Metal) Z Zinc, Pigs or Plates per 100 2% 2^ 8 8 Zinc Sulphate or Oxide per 100 2% 2% 8 8 Zinc Oxide per cask 800 20 20 25 25 Zinc Oxide per keg 120 4 4 5 5 Zinc Dust per bbl. 320 10 10 12 12 Zinc Dust per cask 1200 80 80 85 85 48 HOUSEHOLD GOODS RULES AND SUGGESTIONS (See Rules and Suggestions preceding the General Mer- chandise Section.) Orders AH orders, complaints or other communications to the warehouse should be in writing. Preliminary If the warehousemen will insist upon the proper ^k Packmg packing and protection of household goods be- ^L P fore storing, much dissatisfaction will be pre- WSI vented at delivery. ^Bj Packers' The warehouseman being held to a strict accounta- Labor bility for his packers, a charge of 60 cents per hour for skilled packers is submitted. Labor in No labor in or out charge is given, though it is and Out customary to make such charge, especially when i goods are received from or delivered to drays other than ' those controlled by the warehouseman ($1.00 to $2.00 per load). It is customary in some cities to include the labor charge with the cartage, i. e., cartage per van load $7.00 will mean $5.00 for cartage and $2.00 for labor. Cartage It is advisable, when possible, to charge for all cartage work by the hour as the truckmen will not then be detained to set up furniture and do other work at the ex- pense of the warehouseman, and the customer is called upon to pay only for work actually performed. A minimum cart- age charge of $5.00 per van load is submitted. Non-Negotiable Non-negotiable receipts are generally used Receipts for household goods and are preferable. Listing Goods xhe practice is quite general to number and list each package as received at the warehouse. If the cus- 49 4 tomer submits a list of pieces and packages to be stored, each piece and package bearing his private number, mis- understandings will be avoided by incorporating these num- bers in the warehouse receipt. Separate Storage of goods in separate rooms should be at Rooms a higher rate of charge than in open storage. Articles of It is becoming the practice for the warehouse- Value man to limit his liability to fifty dollars for any piece or package except when a value is declared at the time of storing when an additional charge of one-tenth of 1% per month is made for the additional valuation. This rule should be impressed upon the customer at the time of storinjjj or when making the preliminary arrangement. Inspection and Where goods are gotten out for inspection Selection or selection, a labor charge of fifty cents per hour for each man employed should be made. Space for When extra space is required for examination Examination Qf goods extending over several days a charge of Goods ^^ bg ^g^^^^ ^p^j^ gl^Q^l^ ^^ ^^^^ Advance Notice When deliveries are to be made, advance of Delivery notice of at least twenty-four hours should be insisted upon* Commission for When goods are sold at private sale on Selling customer's order a charge of 10% to be de ducted from the proceeds of the sale is suggested. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FURNITURE STORAGE RATES. Per Month. Van load of 460 cubic feet open storage, fireproof $5.00 Van load of 460 cubic feet, in separate room, fireproof. 6.00 Van load of 460 cubic feet, open storage, non-fireproof. 3.50 Van load of 460 cubic feet, in separate room, non-fire- proof 4.00 Trunks 50 50 I Per Month. Trunks, additional each 25 Pianos, Upright (boxed) 1 .50 Pianos, Square (boxed) 1 . 50 Pianos, Grand (boxed) 1 .50 Pianos, Upright (set up) 1.50 Pianos, Square (set up) 2.00 Pianos, Grand (set up) 2,50 Pictures, hung, (per square foot) 05 Pictures, minimum charge 50 Barrels, small lots, each barrel 25 Boxes, 10 cubic feet or less 25 Sewing Machines 50 Bicycles 50 Motor Cycles 75 Automobiles, unboxed, per square foot 10 Carriages, unboxed, per square foot 10 Wine cases, 2 dozen bottles, small lots, each case 25 Minimum charge 50 k HOUSEHOLD GOODS GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT RATES. c-1 T T7. Per Per Per Silverware, Laces, Etc. ,^ n n^ ^r Mo. 6 Mos. Year Packages, 10 cubic feet or under $1,000.00 value or less $1.00 $5.00 $10.00 Packages over 10 cubic feet, per cubic foot additional, sub- ject to agreement. Packages over $1,000.00 value additional for size and one- tenth of 1 per cent per month for value. HOUSEHOLD GOODS COLD STORAGE RATES. Fur Garment, short, without valua- Per 6 Mos. tion $1.50 Fur Garment, long, without valua- tion 2.00 Fur garment with valuation 1 .50 and 1% of value. 51 Per 6Mos. Fur Skins, bales (cu. ft.) 50 Rugs 50 Packages, minimum charge 1 . 50 Muffs, without valuation 1 .00 Muffs, with valuation 1 .00 and 1% of value. Cloth Overcoat and Dress Suits, each. 1.50 Fur and Fur Lined Overcoats 2.00 Fur Rugs, stuffed and mounted animals, cu. ft 50 Blankets, Clothing, etc., 10 cu. ft.... 5.00 Blankets, Clothing, etc., over lOcu. ft. Proportionate rate. Blankets, Clothing, minimum charge. 1.50 Trunks, cu. ft 50 Boxes, cu. ft 50 Carpets, cu. ft 50 Monthly Rates Monthly rates are sometimes charged on packages, trunks, boxes and carpets at one- fifth the 6 months' rate with a minimum charge of 50 cents. With valuation, the valuation charge is i^ of 1% per mol Precaution As precaution against claims and to avoid con- Agamst troversy, it is advisable to have each garment, ^ ^ rug, carpet, etc., carefully examined and its condition entered on the receipt before issue. Charging by Warehousemen in some cities are governed P^T^^^tage by the custom of furriers and charge from one ^ ^ "® to three per cent, of value on furs, etc., for guarantee against moth, fire or loss for the season April 1 to January 1 following. Where this is customary a minimum or base rate is recommended. I Advance Notice Advance notice of at least twenty-four houris for Delivery should be insisted on for delivery of all furf! and unboxed goods from cold storage. 52 i IMPLEMENTS Transfer Prices. — Season. PLOWS. Each. Walking Plows 10.35 Breaking Plows -oO Railroad Plows -50 Sulky Plows -85 Gang Plows 1 .20 One Horse Plows, 7 to 10 inches .26 Single ajid Double Shovel Plows -IB Bottoms and Beams for Sulky Plows - • 36 Bottoms and Beams for Gang Plows .50 Plow Bottoms .25 Plowshares .15 Rolling Coulters .1ft Tongue Attachments for Sulky .16 Walking Listers .40 Walking Listers and Drills -60' Riding .90- Walking^ Potato Diggers • Si- Riding Potato Diggers 1.25 to 2.00- Eveners and Equalizers .35 CULTIVATORS. Walking Cultivators .60 Riding or Combined Cultivators .65 Two Row Cultivators 1 . 00 Disc Cultivators .85 Cultivator Gangs, per pair .25 Cultivator Frames or Fronts .25 6-7-14 Tooth Cultivators 16 to .25 Garden Tools 10 to . 25 Sets Shovels, 4 .16 Sets Shovels, 8 .25 Canopy Tops 10 to . 15 SEEDERS AND DRILLS. End Gate Seeders with or without G. S. A .25 End Gate Seeders G. S. A .10 11 ft. Seeders G. S. A. or without 1 .00 14 ft. Seeders G. S. A. or without 1.25 11 and 14 ft. Seeders G. S. A .25 6 Disc or Runner Drills .60 Disc or Runner Drills up to 14 1.50 Disc or Runner Drills, 16 and larger 1 . 75 Disc or Runner Drills, G. S. A .26 Extra Eveners .16 BUGGIES AND WAGONS. Road and Driving Wagons 1 . 26 Buggies 1.25 Buggies, square crates 1.50 Open or Canopy Top Surreys 1 .75 Extension 2 . 00 Spring Wagons 1.76 53 < Road Carts Open Delivery Wagons (Light) Open Delivery Wagons (Heavy) Top Delivery Wagons Milk Delivery Wagons Poles and Shafts extra Poles and Shafts, 2 or more Farm Wagons, complete, less Brake Farm Wagons, complete, with Brake Farm Wagon Gears Farm Wagon Brakes Farm Wagon Tip Top Boxes Farm Wagon Spring Seats Farm Wagon Wheels Farm Wagon Wheels, per set Farm Wagon Wheels, steel Farm Wagon Wheels, steel, per set Buggy Wheels Buggy Wheels, per set Farm Trucks, Steel Wheels Farm Trucks, Wood Wheels Sleighs, one seat Sleighs, two seats Bob Sleds Farm Wagon Boxes S HELLERS. One-hole, hand Two-hole, hand, no elevator Two-hole, hand and elevator Two-hole, hand, with two h. down power rig Two-hole, belt and gear, 4 inch power rig Two-hole, belt and gear, down power, with and without elevator. Two-hole, mounted, complete Two-hole, mounted, rigs Four-hole, F. B. & T Four-hole, mounted . Four-hole, mounted rig Eight-hole, mounted Six-hole, mounted Six-hole, mounted rig Six-hole, S. P. & F. B One-horse, down power Two-horse, down power Four-horse, down power Eight-horse, down power Eight-horse, mounted power Ten-horse, mounted power Elevator and Cob Stacker sent with machine Elevator and Cob Stacker for power or smaller sheller sent extra. Each. .50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 .25 .15 2.00 2.00 1.25 .25 .25 .20 .25 1.00 .15 .50 .15 .50 .75 1.00 .75 1.25 .75 .75 .25 .50 .60 2.00 3.00 3.50 6.00 6.00 4.00 6.50 3.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 3.50 3.75 4.00 .20 .25 MISCELLANEOUS. Cream Separators (Boxed) .50 Oorn Grader 25 to .50 Farm Gates .60 Fanning Mills (storage after 6 mos. 10c per mo.) .65 Harvesters and Binders 3 . 00 Headers 25 to 3.00 Mowers 1 . 25 Binder Transports .25 Binder Tongues Trucks .40 Manure Spreaders 3.00 54 Each. Manure Leaders 50 to 1 . 00 Land Rollers 1-25 Pulverizers 50 to 1 . 00 Feed Grinders 75 to 1.00 Feed Grinders, Double Gears 75 to 1 . 00 Feed Grinders, Triple Gears 75 to 1 . 00 Riding Weeders .75 Walking Weeders '35 Shoveling Boards .10 Shoveling Boards, 6 c- more .07j/$ Stalk Cutters, one row -75 Stalk Cutters, two rows 1 . 25 Self Feeders 3.00 Wind Mill Heads .50 Wind Mill Towers. 30 to 50 ft .75 Wind Mill Towers, 40 to 60 ft 1.25 Binding Twine, per 100 lbs .10 Setter Cans or Separators 15 to .25 Stoves and Ranges, per 100 lbs .20 Gasoline Engines, per 100 lbs .20 Wire Fencing, per 100 lbs .10 Barb Wire, per spool .10 Nails, per keg 07% to .10 Staples, per keg 07>4 to .10 Lawn Swings 40 to .50 PLANTERS. Corn Planters .86 Planter Fronts or Rears .26 Extra Wire, per 80 rods .20 Planter Stands .25 HARROWS. Disc Harrows, up to 8 ft .86 Disc Harrows, above 8 ft 1.00 Tongue Truck for Disc .26 Seeding Attachment for Disc .85 Two sections, Harrow and Eveners .80 Three sections, Harrow and Eveners .40 Four sections, Harrow and Eveners. . .50 Extra Eveners .15 Harrow Carts .26 Portable Grain Dumps 3.00 to 4 . 00 Portable Grain Dumps, extra sections .25 HAY RAKES AND TOOLS. Sulkv Hay Rakes .76 Side Delivery Rakes 1.60 Sweep Rakes 50 to 1 . 00 Hay Tedders 1.00 Hay Loaders 1.60 Hay Stackers 1.50 to 2.26 Winter storage full transfer. Repairs, 10% of gross list. h 55 COLD STORAGE Rules and Suggestions The rules and suggestions preceeding the rates given herein for general merchandise, free, are to be considered in con- nection with the goods in this division. Monthly Rates The general list of rates here given is on a Preferable monthly basis, and the best practice is to charge by the month, but with such commodi- ties as eggs, apples, dried fruits, etc., stored in large quantities, it is customary to quote a season rate if requested. The season period differs somewhat by reason of the locality of the warehouse. When Month When the rate of storage is by the months Commences ^hg month commences with the receipt of the first package. When Month The monthly rate should be charged from date Expires up to date but not including date of following month, i. e.: Goods received Dec. 2nd for one month's storage may remain until the night of January 1st, but if on hand Jan. 2nd, should be charged an additional month's storage. This rule should not be waived. Choice of Rate When there is both a season and a monthly rate, the monthly rate should apply in all cases, unless the season rate is distinctly specified in writing by the customer at the time of storing. If the customer speci- fies the season rate then, he should be charged that rate no matter how short a time the goods remain in storage. Charges Season rates have a definite time of expiration. After Season ^j^^ a]] goods on hand at the close of the season period should immediately thereafter be charged at the monthly rate. 57 < Rates Based These rates are on a basis of a maximum value On Values of $5.00 per cubic foot. For any higher value an additional charge of one-tenth of 1% of the additional value should be added to the rate. Labor Rates given herein include labor in and out unless otherwise specified. Minimum No small lots received for less than 50i? per month Charges storage charges. Objectionable No fresh goods in closed barrels or boxes should Packages be accepted for freezing, except by special ar- rangement. Experience has shown that goods are not properly frozen when stored in closed or large packages. Space for These rates do not include space for repacking. Repacking Not Included Repacking Charges for repacking are subject to special agreement. Transfers in When goods in storage are transferred on the Storage books from one party to another a new storage charge should commence on the date of the trans- fer, and the goods should be treated as a new lot. Negotiable When a negotiable receipt has been issued, abso- Receipts lutely under no circumstances should the removal of the goods be permitted until the negotiable receipt is returned to the possession of the warehouseman. Written Orders In ordering the delivery of goods, customer** Required should in all cases be required to send written orders indicating the number of packages wanted, together with the lot number and descriptive marks. Right to The warehouseman should reserve the right to re- Terminate quire the absolute removal of goods stored by the season at the end of the season on thirty days' notice prior to the end of the season. On goods stored by the 58 month, the right should be reserved to require their absolute removal on thirty days' notice, irrespective of the date of receipt. Warehouseman's The warehouseman is not responsible for fire Liability loss. The warehouseman is not responsible for loss from providential causes or vermin. Special Where goods are stored by piece numbers or sizes Piling or are of exceptionally large size, an extra charge to be agreed upon should be made. Weighing, When goods are taken down and repiled for Inspection, weighing, inspection or repacking a charge Repackmg ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Cooperage A cooperage charge should be made when goods are received in such condition as to require cooper- age. Delivery from Goods sent to the warehouseman in carload lots Track jnay be removed from the cars without charge, provided this be done on the day of arrival and without handling by the warehouseman. For delivery of goods from cars exclusive of labor, not including checking, a mini- mum charge of $2.50 per car should be maan or truckman who is duly licensed by the city authorities, upon presenting his said license, pro- ducing evidence of good character and executing a bond in the sum of $5,000, with two sureties, or one security company for the faithful performance of his duty, and taking the usual oath, may be appointed a Custom House cartman; and the driver of each bonded vehicle must be sworn to faithful per- formance of duty. Each cart, truck or dray which may be bonded under these regulations must be marked in some permanent, conspicuous place, in letters and figures of not less than two inches inM length, painted in white letters on a black ground, "Customj House License, No. ." For the cartage of merchandise ordered sent to U. S. Ap- praiser's Warehouse 9^ cents per package. Sample packages sent to U. S. Sample Office 5 cents each. Automobiles $6.00. For the cartage of unclaimed merchandise from any bonded warehouse, to the United States Seizure Room, U. S. Ap- praiser's Warehouse, when ordered there for sale, three cents per package. 6S RATES AT PORTS OF NEW YORK AND BOSTON Goods and Quantities. Acids of all kinds, in carboys per carboy Acids of all kinds, in cases per case Acids of all kinds, in kegs per keg Acids of all kinds, in casks, barrels, crystals, per 100 lbs .... Acids of all kinds, liquids per gal Aconite (see Herbs and Leaves) Aconite Root (see Roots) Addressed Packages, ea. up to 25 cubic feet. Addressed Packages, over 25 cubic feet, per cu. ft Agates (see Marble) Alabaster, in cases, per cubic foot (in. yards) . Albumen, in cases, about 100 lbs per case Albumen, in barrels, about 300 lbs per bbl Albumen (liquid), in casks per gal Ale, Beer or Porter, in hhds per gal Ale, Beer or Porter, b'ttld, in bbls., 12 doz..per bbl Ale, Beer or Porter, bottled, in casks, in proportion Ale, Beer or Ginger, in bbls. of 12 doz... .per bbl Alizarine, in Petroleum barrels per gal Alizarine, in ordinary barrels per gal Almonds (see Nuts) Aloes, in cases, about 250 lbs per case Aloes, in cases, about 110 lbs per case Aloes, in cases, about 200 lbs per case Aloes, Cape, in cases, about 400 lbs per case Aloes, Socotrine, cases, 150 lbs per case Aloes, Socotrine, kegs per keg AJoes, Barbadoes, in casks per 100 lbs. Aloes, Bonaires, in boxes, abt. 100 lbs.... per box Alum, refined, in cases, abt. 200 lbs per case Alum, in barrels and casks per 100 lbs. Aluminum, in casks per 100 lbs. Aluminum, in cases per case Amber, crude and manufactured, in cases Ammonia, Aqua, in carboys per carboy Ammonia, Concentrated, in drums.... per 100 lbs. Ammonia, Nitrates, Carbonates, etc., in barrels, cases and bags per 100 lbs. Anchors per 100 lbs. Angelica, Root (see Roots) Anilines (see Colors and Paints) Animals (see Live Stock) Annatto, in baskets per basket Annatto, in bales or bags, about 150 lbs each Anise Seed, in bales of about 110 lbs.... per bale Anise Seed, in bales of abt. 220 lbs per bale Anise Seed, in cases of abt. 130 lbs per case Antimony, in barrels, casks and cases, .per 100 lbs. Antimony, Salts, in barrels per 100 lbs. Anvils, loose per 100 lbs. Argols, in casks per 100 lbs. Arnica Flower (see Flowers) Arrow Root (see Roots) Arsenic, in barrels per 100 lbs. Arsenic in kegs. . per 100 lbs. Artificial Flowers, in cases per case 69 S. L. C. 20 20 20 15 15 15 4 4 5 % % Vi 25 25 25 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 7 12 12 12 \ t \ 12 12 12 12 12 12 \ \ t 10 10 12 4 4 5 8 8 10 15 15 20 6 6 7 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 8 8 10 4 4 4 4 4 6 12 12 15 V^oi\c/, ■, %ofl9& 20 20 20 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 8 5 5 5 8 8 10 6 6 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 40 40 40 Goods and Quantities. Artificial Plants, in cases per cu. ft. Asafoetida, in cases, about 250 lbs per case Asafoetida, in tea chest size, abt. 150 lbs. .per case Asafoetida, in cases, over 250 lbs per 100 lbs. Asbestos, Crude, in bags per 100 lbs. Asbestos, Manufactured, in cases per cu. ft. Asbestos, Manufactured, in rolls each Ash, Soda, etc per 100 lbs. Ash, Crystal, in casks per 100 lbs. Ash, Pearl, in casks and cases per 100 lbs. Asphaltum, in casks, barrels and bags, .per 100 lbs. Automobiles per cu. ft. Automobile Parts per cu. ft. B Bags, in bales per 100 lbs. Baking Powder, in boxes, 15/21 lbs per box Bacon, in cases per case Balsam, Peruvian, in cases per case Balsam, Peruvian, in drums, 40 lbs per drum Balsam, Fir, in barrels per gal. Balsam, Tolu, in cases, 100 lbs per case Balsam, Copaiba, in cases, 40 lbs per case Bamboo, Japanese Sticks, in bundles, .per 100 lbs. Bamboo, Japanese Fish Poles, in bundles. per bdle. Bamboo, Calcutta Poles, in bundles per bdle. Bark, Peruvian, Cascarilla, Calisaya, Quinia, Cin- chona, Cassia, Cinnamon, Sumas, etc., in bags, bales, mats, cases, ceroons, etc per 100 lbs. Barley, in bags, abt. 100 lbs . .per bag Barrels, Petroleum, empty each Barrels, Kegs, empty each Barytes per 100 lbs. Baskets, pkgs. or nests of abt. 10 cu. ft Baskets, Willow per case Baskets, Willow Crates, about 120 cu. ft Bay Rum, in barrels, casks or similar packages, per gal. Bay Rum, in cases of 1 dozen per case Beads (Trieste), in cases per case Beans, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Beans, in sacks, abt. 220 lbs per sack Beans, in barrels, abt. 330 lbs per hbl. Beans, Castor, in bags or sacks per 100 lbs. Beans, Tonca, in barrels or casks per 100 lbs. Beans, Tonca, in cases per case Beans, Manila, in cases per case Beans, St. John's, B, in bags, abt. 200 lbs..per bag Beans, Vanilla, in cases, per case: in value. Belting, Leather, Rubber and Cotton in Coils. . . . per 100 lbs. Berries, Juniper, Laurel, Yellow, Persian, etc., in bags or bales per 100 lbs. Berries, Cranberries, in barrels and casks, .per pkg. Bicycles per crate of three Bicycles, Motor (see Motor Cycles) Bicycles, single, in crate 10 ^^ , ^^ Bird Skins, in cases or bales % of 1% % of 1 < Bismuth, oxide, in bags, abt. 90 lbs per bag 3 3 4 Bitters (see Liquors) ^ ^ Black, Bone. Copper, Ivory, \eg. Ivory, Salt, etc., in various packages per 100 lbs. 4 4 4 Black Lamp, in barrels per bbl. 8 8 10 70 s. L. C. 1 1 1 10 10 12 6 4 6 4 i 3 3 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 2% 2% 1% IV2 IV2 3 3 4 1% 1% iVs 10 15 20 5 5 5 3 3 3 % V2 M. 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 6 6 8 10 10 15 4 4 5 3 4 6 5 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 4 10 10 10 40 40 50 40 40 50 % % % 5 5 5 25 25 25 4 4 5 6 6 8 10 10 12 3 3 4 4 4 4 10 10 15 25 25 25 8 8 8 ,oil% Vs ofl% 4 4 4 4 4 5 15 15 15 25 25 25 Goods akd Quantities. Black Lamp, in casks per cask Black Plates, in bundles, packages, boxes. per 100 lbs. Black Lead (see Colors and Paints) Bleaching Powder per 100 lbs. Blood, Dried, in bags. per 100 lbs. • Boats, Motor per cu. ft. Bologna Sausage (see Sausage) Bolt Rope, in coils per 100 lbs. Bone, Crude and Dust per 100 lbs. Bone, Manufacture of, in cases per case Bonnets, in cases per case Books and Periodicals, in cases not in excess of 20 cu. ft per case Boots and Shoes, in cases per case Borax, in casks, barrels, bags per 100 lbs. Borax, in cases, not over 250 lbs per case Bottles, in hampers, abt. 8 cu. ft per hamper Bottles, in crates, abt. 15 cu. ft per crate Bottles, Syphons, empty, in casks per cask Brandy (see Liquors) Brazil Nuts (see Nuts) Brier Root (see Roots) Bricks, Fire, loose per 100 Bricks, Bath, in casks per 100 lbs. Bricks, in cases per 100 lbs. Brimstone per 100 lbs. Bristles, in casks, abt. 600 lbs per cask Bristles, in cases abt. 175 lbs per case Bristles in chests, abt. 120 lbs per chest Broom Corn, in bales per bale Broom Root (see Roots) Brushes in cases, not over 300 lbs per case Brushes, Scrubbing, in cases per case Buchu Leaves (see Herbs and Leaves) Bulbs, French, in cases, about 100 lbs each Bulbs, Holland, in cases each Burgundy Pitch Stands, abt. 110 lbs.... per stand Burlaps, in bales per 100 lbs. Burr Stones per 100 lbs. Butter, in tins, in cases per 100 lbs. Butter of Cocoa, in cases, abt. 250 lbs... per case Button Lac (see Lac) c Cake, Alum, Aluminous Salt, or Nitre, Oilcake. n ?r*^c,-- •••.••.•••; per 100 lbs. 444 Ca f vSkins, in bundles, 75 to 100 lbs. each, per bdl. 4 4 5 >,l Sh'"is, salted, in bundles of abt. 30 lbs 3 3 4 Calf Skins (see Skins) Calomel in cases per case 5 5 6 Camomile Flowers (see Flowers) Camphor (see Gum) Camwood (see Wood) Cannry Seed (see Seed) Qandelabra, in cases per cu. ft. 1 1 1^4 Candles, in boxes (ordinary) per box 3 3 5 Canes, Walking, m cases per case 25 25 30 Canes, Walking, in bales per bale 10 10 12 Canned Goods, not otherwise mentioned, in cases of 1 doz. qts. or 2 doz. pts Canned Goods, in cases of 2 doz. qts. or 4 doz. pts. Canned Goods, in cases of 3 doz. qts. or 6 doz. pts. Larger cases in proportion. Cannon, Old (see Metal) 71 S. L. C. 15 15 20 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 5 15 15 20 30 30 25 40 40 50 18 18 20 3 3 4 8 8 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 25 25 40 20 100 50 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 30 30 30 15 15 15 10 10 10 5 5 7 12 12 15 10 10 15 15 15 15 25 25 25 6 6 6 3 3 4 2 2% 4 5 5 6 10 10 12 3 3 5 5 5 8 7 7 10 Goods and Quantities. Cantharides, in cases, abt. 300 lbs per case Cantharides, in casks per 100 lbs. Cantharides, China, in cases, abt. 66 lbs. .per case Canvas, in bales per 100 lbs. Canvas, Raven Duck per 100 lbs. Canvas, Sails, in bales per 100 lbs. Capers, in boxes, not over 50 lbs per box Capers, in kegs, 50 kilos per keg Caps, Woolen, in cases, not over 60 cu. ft Caraway Seed (see Seeds) Carbons, in cases, about 125 lbs per case Carboys (Vitriol), empty each Cardamon Seeds (see Seeds) Carpets, cases and bales, less than 10 ft. in length, per pkg. Carpets, in rolls, not exceeding 1 yd. in v?idth .... per roll Carpets, cases, 10 to 20 ft. in length. per running ft. Carpets, cases, 20 ft. and upward, per running ft. Carriages, each per cu. ft. Cartridges, safety, in cases, about 250 lbs Cassia, all kinds, in cases and chests each Cassia, all kinds, in bales each Cassia, all kinds, in rolls each Cassia, all kinds, in baskets each Cassia, all kinds, in mats per 100 mats Castor Beans (see Beans) Castor Oil (see Oil) Catgut Strings, in cases per case Cattle (see Live Stock) Cement, in barrels and casks per 100 lbs. Cement, Bicycle, in cases per 100 lbs. Chain, Cables per 100 lbs. Chalk, bulk per 100 lbs. Chalk, in cases per case Chalk, precipitated, in bbls. and casks.. per 100 lbs. Champagne (see Wines) Cheese, Dutch, in boxes, about 50 lbs each Cheese (Dutch), in boxes, abt. 250 lbs. . . .per box Cheese, Greek, in bbls., about 120 lbs each Cheese, all other, in boxes, abt. 200 lbs. . . .per box Cheese, in kegs, about 25 lbs each Cheese, in tubs per tub Cheese, Italian, in baskets, about 300 lbs each Cheese, Italian, in boxes, abt. 120 lbs.... per box Cheese, Italian, in boxes, abt. 250 lbs.... per box Chemicals, in Petroleum barrels per bbl. Chemicals, Dry, in barrels up to 400 lbs. .per bbl. Chemicals, in carboys each Chemicals, in casks, up to 700 lbs per cask Chemicals, in sacks per 100 lbs. Chemical Salt, N. O. M., in drums per 100 lbs. Chemical China Salt, in casks per 100 lbs. Chemical Salt, Cathartic, in bbls per 100 lbs. Chemical, Epsom Salts per 100 lbs. Chemical Salt, black in bbls. and casks, .per 100 lbs. Cheroots, Manila, in cases per case Cheroots, other, large cases per case Cheroots, other, small cases per case Chestnuts (see Nuts) Chianti Wines (see Wines) Chicle, in bales and cases per 100 lbs. Chickory, in casks, abt. 750 lbs per cask Chickory, in barrels, abt. 250 lbs per bbl. 72 S. L. C. 15 20 15 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 5 5 6 50 50 50 5 5 6 15 15 15 30 30 35 8 8 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 2 2 2 15 15 20 6 6 6 4 4 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 25 30 35 30 30 30 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 3 4 10 10 15 3 3 4 3 3 4 10 10 12 6 6 6 8 8 10 3 3 3 25 25 30 20 20 25 6 6 6 10 10 12 15 15 20 12 12 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 25 25 25 20 20 20 10 10 10 3% 3% 5 30 30 35 19 10 12 Goods and Quantities. S. L. C» Chickory Root (see Roots) Chillies (see Peppers) China Clay (see Clay) Chinaware (see Crockery) Chinese Groceries, in cases, etc., up to 15 cu. ft. . per case Chinese Groceries, in cases, over 15 cu. ft.. per cu. ft. Chloride of Lime, in casks per 100 lbs. Chrome Ore, in bags per 100 lbs. Citrate of Lime, in casks per 100 lbs. Citrate of Magnesia, in cases, abt.l2 cu. ft. .per case Chocolate, in cases, abt. 250 lbs per case Chow-Chow, in cases per case Chrome Yellow (see Colors and Paints) Church Bells per 100 lbs. Cigarettes, in cases, small per case Cigarettes, in cases, large per case Cigarettes, in barrels per barrel Cigarette Paper, in cases per case Cigars in cases, containing 3,000 to 5,000. .per case Cigars in cases, containing 6,000 to 10, 000, .per case Cigar Labels, in cases per case Cinnamon (see Barks) Citron (see Fruits) Citronella Oil (see Oils) Clay, China, in hhds., casks and bbls. .per 100 lbs. Clay, Pipe, in cases per 100 lbs. Clay Pipes (see Pipes) Clocks, in cases per case Oocks, in casks per cask Cloves, in bags or bales per 100 lbs. Cloves, Stems, in bales, abt. 140 lbs per bale Coal, per ton, 2,240 lbs Cobalt Ore and Oxide of per 100 lbs. Cochineal, in ceroons, abt. 300 lbs per pkg. Cochineal, Honduras, in bags, abt. 150 lbs. .per bag Cocoa, in bags per 100 lbs. Cocoa Leaves (see Herbs and Leaves) Cocoa Matting (see Matting) Oocoa Nuts (see Nuts) Cocoa Nut Oil (see Oils) Codfish (see Fish) Cod Liver Oils (see Oils) Coffee, in packages per 131 lbs. Coir, Fiber (see Fiber) Coir, Matting (see Matting) Collar Boxes, in cases per case Coloring for Brandy, etc., in casks per gal. Colors and Paints: Paints, in barrels and casks per 100 lbs. Paints, in kegs per keg Paints (dry), in bbls per 100 lbs. Paris Green and White, in bbls., casks and ^ kegs per 100 lbs. Red Precipitate, in bbls per bbl. Venetian Red, in barrels per bbl. Vermilion, in cases per case White Lead, in bbls. or casks. . . .per 100 lbs. Black Lead, in bbls. or casks per 100 lbs. C!5irome Yellow, in casks per 100 lbs. Umber, in casks per 100 lbs. Ochre, in casks, etc per 100 lbs. Ultra Marine, in cases per 100 lbs. 73 10 10 10 1 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 15 15 15 10 10 12 4 4 5 3 3 4 8 8 8 15 15 20 15 15 15 25 25 2f> 20 20 20 30 30 80 25 25 2& 2 2 4 3 3 4 30 30 40 50 50 60 4 4 5 5 5 7 25 60 60 3 3 4 12 12 IS 10 10 10 % % ^ 3 3 4 5 5 6 3 3 4 3 3 4 10 15 15 8 8 10 30 30 30 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 Goods and Quantities. Aniline, in barrels, casks, tierces etc per 100 lbs. Aniline, in kegs and drums, 50 lbs per keg or drum Aniline, in kegs and drums, 100 lbs per keg or drum Aniline, in kegs or drums, 200 lbs per keg or drum Aniline, in cases, 100 lbs per case ' Aniline, in cases, 225 lbs per case Aniline, in cases, 50 lbs per case Condensed Milk, in cases, abt. 50 lbs per case Copper, in Pigs, Sheets and Casks.... per 100 lbs. Copper, Ore, in bbls. and bags per 100 lbs. Copper, Old (see Metals) Copper, Scale, in casks per 100 lbs. Copperas, in hhds., tierces and barrels, .per 100 lbs. Copra, in bags or bales per 100 lbs. Cordage, Rope, etc., in coils per 100 lbs. Cordials (see Liquors) Cords and Tassels, in cases per case Corduroys, in cases per case Corduroys, in bales per bale Coriander Seeds (see Seeds) Corks, in bales per bale Corks, in small bales, abt. 80 lbs per bale Cork Wood, in bundles or bales each Cork, Shavings, in packages, about 60 lbs each Corset, Lacets (see Lacets) Cotton, in bales per bale Cotton Yarn, in cases per case Cotton Yarn, in bales per bale Cotton Seed (see Seeds) Crash, Russia, in bales, under 200 lbs.... per bale Crash, Russia, in small bales, under 100 lbs. .per bale Crash, Russia, Sheetings, in bales per 100 lbs. Cream of Tartar, in hhds., casks and cases per 100 lbs. Creosote, in drums, not over 250 lbs.... per drum Creosote, in bottles, in cases per case Crepe, Paper (see Paper) Crockery, in crate per crate Crockery, in casks (English) .per cask Crockery, in small casks (French and German), per cask Crockery, in cases, not over 25 cu. ft.... per case Crockery, in cases, over 25 cu. ft per cu. ft. Crockery, Chinaware, in casks (English) . .per cask Crockery, Chinaware, small casks (F. & G.) .... per cask Crockery, Chinaware, in cases, not over 25 cu. ft. per case Crockery, Chinaware, in cases, over 25 cu. ft per cu. ft. Crockery, Porcelain, in crates per cu. ft. Crucibles, in casks, crates and cases. . . .per 100 lbs. Crucibles, Iron per 100 lbs. Crystal Ash (see Ash) Cubebs, in bags, abt. 50 kilos per bag Cudbear, in casks per 100 lbs. Cummin (see Seeds) Curios, Japanese, in cases, up to 15 cu. ft Curios, Japanese, in cases, over 15 cu. ft.. per cu. ft. Currants (see Fruits) 74 5 lu 4 2 3 3 5 10 4 2 3 3 10 5 10 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 30 30 40 30 30 40 33 25 40 15 10 10 5 15 10 10 5 20 12 12 6 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 5 3 10 5 3 10 6 4 3 10 25 3 10 25 4 12 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 30 25 1 40 30 25 1 40 25 25 1 50 30 30 25 25 25 25 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 15 1 15 1 15 1 Goods and Quantities. Cutch, in bales, abt. 125 lbs per bale Cutch, in boxes, abt. 125 lbs per box Cutlery, in cases, not over 600 lbs per case Cuttle Fish Bone, packages of 4 bdls....per pkge. D Dates (see Fruits) Dandelion Root (see Roots) Demijohns (empty), 5 gallons each Demijohns (empty), 3 gallons each Demijohns (empty), under 3 gallons each Dextrine, in bags and bbls per 100 lbs. Distilled Oils (see Oils) Divi Divi, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Dogs (see Live Stock) Dragons Blood, in cases per case Dry Goods, all kinds, except silk per pkge. Dry Paints (see Colors and Paints) Dunnage Mats each Dutch Herring (see Fish) Dyes, N. O. M., liquid, in casks per gal. Dye Lac (see Lac) Dyewoods (see Woods) E Earths, Fullers, Terra Alba, Sienna, Umber, Barytes, Ochre, in bags or casks. . . .per 100 lbs. Earths, Madder, in casks per 100 lbs. Egg Powder, in cases, abt. 240 lbs per case Elephant Tusks, loose each Elecampane, in barrels per 100 lbs. Emery, in kegs per keg Encaustic Tiles, in crates per crate Encaustic Tiles, in casks per cask Epsom Salts (see Chemical Salts) Ergot, in tierces per gal. Ergot, in cases per case Ergot, in bags, abt. 100 lbs per bag Essential Oils (see Oils) Ether, Sulphuric, in cases per 100 lbs. Extracts, Tanning, in cases, abt. 220 lbs.. per case Extracts, Tanolin (dry) per 100 lbs. Extracts, in bags, abt. 105 lbs per bag Extracts, Malt, in casks per gal. Extracts, Dyewood, in bbls. and boxes, if dry. . . . per 100 lbs. Extracts, if liquid per gal. Extracts, Chemical, liquid, in bbls per gal. Extracts of Nut Gall (see Nut Gall) F Fans, China, in cases per case Fans. Japan, in cases per case Feathers, in bales per bale Feathers, in cases per case Feathers, Egrettes per case Felt, in bales or frames each Fennel Seeds (see Seeds) Ferro Silicon per 100 lbs. 75 s. L. C. 5 6 7 R 6 6 30 30 35 20 20 25 2 1 a'* 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 4 4 4 4 8 30 8 30 10 30 Va Va Va Vi Va Va 3 3 4 4 4 4 10 10 12 25 25 30 3 3 4 5 5 5 15 15 20 40 40 50 % % ^ 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 12 12 10 4 4 4 5 5 5 % Va Va 4 4 4 I t Va 8 8 10 6 6 8 25 25 25 40 40 40 % of 1% H of 1% 25 25 25 Goods and Quantities. S. Fib«r, Sisal Hemp per bale 12 Fiber, Manila per bale 8 Fiber, Jute, Butts and Rejections per bale 10 Fiber, Tute, Bagging, in bales per 100 lbs. 8 Fiber, Tow, in bales per 100 lbs. 4 Fiber, all other, in bales per 100 Its. 4 Fiber, Loose, per ton, 2,240 lbs 1.00 Fiber, Coir, in Ballots & Dhalls, per ton, 2,240 lbs. 1.00 Fiber, Flax, in bales per 100 lbs. 4 Figs (see Fruits) Filberts (see Nuts) Fire Crackers, in packages per pkge. 4 Fireproofing Material, in rolls, abt. 350 lbs., each about 6 ft. long 20 Fish, Anchovies, in larger cases per case 5 Fish Balls, in cases, abt. 150 lbs per case 6 Fish, Cod, in casks, 4 quintals each per cask 15 Fish, Cod, in bundles, abt. 112 lbs per bdle. 4 Fish, Cod, in drums, abt. 128 lbs per drum 4 Fish, Cod, in boxes, abt. 100 lbs per box 4 Fish, Cod, in boxes, abt. 50 lbs per box 3 Fish, Cod, in boxes, abt. 25 lbs per box 2 Fish, Cod, in casks, abt. 200 lbs per cask 8 Fish, Cod, in casks, abt. 100 lbs per cask 4 Fish, Dried, in boxes, or tierces per 100 lbs. 4 Fish, Dutch Herring, in kegs per keg. 2 Fish, Dutch Herring, in kits per kit 3 Fish, Dutch Herring, in bbls per bbl. 10 Fish, Caviare, in cases per case 6 Fish, Herring, in boxes per box 2 Fish, Herring, in barrels per bal. 10 Fish, Herring, in % bbls per V2 bbl. 5 Fish, Herring, in kegs per keg 1 Fish, Haddock and Hake, in drums per drum 5 Fish, Lobster, canned, in cases, whole or % boxes 4 Fish, Mackerel, in barrels per bal. 10 Fish, Mackerel, in % bbls per i^ bbl. 5 Fish, Mackerel, in % bbls per % bbl. 3 Fish, Mackerel, in pails per pail 2 Fish, Muscadine, in cases, about 90 lbs each 5 Fish, Pickled, in bbls.. abt. 300 lbs per bbl. 10 Fish, Pickled, in % bbls., abt. 150 lbs. .per V2 bbl. 5 Fish, Salt, in cases, abt. 165 lbs per case 6 Fish, Salt, in cases, abt. 4 nuintals each, .per case 15 Fish, Salt, in drums, abt. 125 lbs., each, .per drum 5 Fish, Salmon, canned, in cases per case 3 Fish, Sardines, in whole or % boxes.... per box 4 Fish, Sardines, in 1/4 or % boxes per box 2 Fish, N. O. M., in barrels per bbl. 10 Fish, N. O. M., in % bbls per 1/2 bbl. 5 Flax (see Fiber) Flock, Woolen, in bales, per bale 20 Flock, Cotton, in bales per bale 30 Flour, in barrels per bbl. 6 Flour, Sago, in bags. abt. 110 lbs per bag 4 Flour, Potato, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag 4 Flour, Potato, in bags, abt. 220 lbs per bag 6 Flour, Rice, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag 4 Flour, Rice, in bags, abt. 220 lbs per bag 6 Flour, Tapioca, in bags, abt. 110 lbs. .. .per bag 4 Flour, Wood, in bags per 100 lbs. 4 70 L. C. 15 4 P- 100 lbs. 10 4 P- 100 lbs. 1 12 4 p. 100 lbs. 3 4 4 4 4 4 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 4 4 4 5 20 20 5 5 6 6 15 20 5 5 5 6 5 5 3 3 2 2 8 8 4 4 4 4 2 8 3 4 10 12 6 6 2 2 10 12 5 8 1 1 5 6 4 5 10 12 5 8 3 5 2 2 5 5 10 12 5 8 6 8 15 20 5 6 3 3 4 5 2 3 10 12 5 8 30 40 30 40 6 8 4 5 4 5 6 8 4 5 6 8 4 5 4 4 Goods an'd Quantities. Flowers (Medicinal, etc.) : Arnica, Borage, Camomile, Lavender, Safflower, Poppv, etc., in bales, cases, etc. .per cu. ft. Formaldehyde, in carboys, each (stored in yards) Fossils, in cases per cu. ft. Fruits, Apricots, in cases, about 110 lbs each Fruits, Green, Apples in barrels per bbl. Fruits, Green, Lemons, in boxes per box Fruits, Green, Limes, in boxes per box Fruits, Green, Oranges, in boxes per box Fruits, Green, Berries, in boxes or cases, .per case Fruits, Green, Pineapples, in cases per case Fruits, Green, Grapes, in packages, not over V2 barrels per Vs bbl. Fruits, Dried Prunes, in barrels per bbl. Fruits, Dried Prunes, in ^4 and % bbls. .per pkge. Fruits, Dried Prunes, in casks per cask Fruits, Dried Prunes, in boxes, 56 lbs. .per box Fruits, Dried Prunes, in boxes, 28 lbs.... per box Fruits, Dried Prunes, in glass cases per case Fruits, Dried Raisins, in boxes per box Fruits, Dried Raisins, in % and % boxes, .per box Fruits, Dried Raisins, in kegs per keg Fruits, Dried Raisins, in V> kegs per keg Fruits, Dried Raisins, in casks and pipes.. per 100 lbs. Fruits, Dried Raisins, in bags, not over 100 lbs. . « . -r^ P^r bag Fruits, Paste, in barrels per 100 lbs. Fruits, Brined, in casks, etc per gal. Fruits, Preserved, in cases of 1 doz....per case Fruits, Preserved, Jams, in cases per case Fruits, Preserved, Jellies, in cases per case Fruits, Gtron, in cases, not over 150 lbs. .per case Fruits, Tamarinds, in kegs p;r keg Fruits, Figs, loose in % bags, abt. 30 lbs. .per bag Fruits, Figs, loose, in bags, abt. 56 lbs. .per bag Fruits, Figs, in cases, abt. 420 lbs. . . .per 100 lbs. Fruits, Figs, in boxes, 60 lbs per box Fruits, Figs, in pails, 60 lbs per pail Fruits, Dates, in boxes, abt. 60 lbs per box Fruits, Dates, in frails, abt. 60 lbs per box Fruits, Dates, in cases containing 9 boxes, 122 lbs. per case Fruits, Currants, in barrels, abt. 350 lbs.. per bbl. Fruits, Currants, in cases, abt. 140 lbs. . . .per case Fruits, Currants, in % cases, abt. 70 lbs. .per case Fruits, Currants, in % cases, abt. 40 lbs. .per case Fruits, Peel, Orange and Lemon, in bales per 100 lbs. Fruits, Peel, Orange and Lemon, in cases. . per case Fruits, Juices, Prunes, etc., in casks per gal. Fruits, Raisins, in bundles, about 60 lbs each Furs, per case or package Furs (Nutra Skins), in bales per bale Fur, Waste, in bales, abt. 100 lbs., each, .per bale Fur, Hatters, in cases per case Furniture per cu. ft, G Gambia, in bales, abt. 140 lbs per bale Gamboge, in cases per case Garancme, in cakes per 100 lbs. Garden Seeds (see Seeds) Garlic in hampers and baskets, abt. 110 lbs.. per pkge. 77 25 25 20 1 1 1 5 5 6 8 8 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 8 8 10 6 6 6 35 35 35 3 3 3 2 2 2 10 10 10 1% 1% 2 1 1 1% 5 5 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 % Vi % 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 5 5 5 1% 1% 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 12 3 4 6 l^ l^ 3 2 3% 8% 6 15 15 15 % V2 ¥t 6 6 10 30 30 30 50 50 50 5 5 5 30 30 30 1% 1% 1% 6 8 8 10 10 12 3 3 4 Goods and Quantities. S. L. C. Gelatin (see Isinglass) Gin (see Liquors) Ginger, in bags, abt. 140 lbs per bag 4 4 5 Ginger (East India), preserved in case.. per case 5 5 6 Ginger, in barrels P-'r bbl. 8 8 10 Ginger Ale (see Ale) Ginger Root (see Roots) Ginseng Root (see Roots) Glass (Window), in boxes up to 12x18 in. . . .per box 3 3 6 Glass (Window), in boxes over 12x18 in. . . .per box 10 10 10 Glass Plate, per sq. ft., in cases 3 3 5 Glass Ware, in casks per cask 40 40 40 Glass Ware, in cases per cu. ft. 1 1 1 . Glasses, Opera and Field (see Optical Goods) Gloves, Kid, in cases per case 40 40 40 Gloves, Lamb, Sheep, Leather, in cases, .per case 40 40 35 Gloves, Fur, in cases per case 30 30 30 Gloves, Cotton, in cases per case 30 30 25 Glue, in hhds., casks, bbls. and bales, .per 100 lbs. 4 4 5 Glycerine, in iron drums, abt. 1,200 lbs. .per drum 50 50 60 Goat Skins, S. American, Cape Good Hope, Span- ish, Macedonian, Turkish, German, Russian, Morocco, Algiers, Arabian, Calcutta. (TJiina, in bales per 100 lbs. 4 4 5 Gold and Silver (bullion and coin) ^4 of 1% Vh oi 1% Gold and Silver, manufactured, in cases % of 1% % of 1% Grapes (see Fruits) Grass, in bags or bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Grass, Cloth, in bales per bale 10 10 4 p. 100 lbs. Grass, Dry, in bales, abt. 270 lbs per bale 10 10 4 p. 100 lbs. Grass, Sisal, in bales per bale 12 15 4 ' p. 100 lbs. Grain, in bulk per bushel 111 Grain, in bags per bushel 1% 1% 2 Grain, Bags, in bundle per bundle 4 4 4 Grease, Wool, in casks, etc per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Grease, other, in barrels or casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Grease, Tallow, in bbls. and casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Guava, Jelly, in cases per case 10 10 12 Gums, in all packages, viz., ceroons, cases, bales, bags, mats, etc., including Camphor, Arabic, E. I., and all medicinal. Mucilaginous, Varnish Gums and Shellacs per 100 lbs. 3% 3% 4 Guns and Rifles, in cases per case 20 20 20 Gun Stocks, in bags per bag 5 5 6 Gun Stocks, in cases per case 20 20 20 Guns and Musket Barrels, in boxes or bundles, abt. 100 lbs. each per pkg. 4 4 6 Guns, Pistols, in cases per case 20 20 20 Gunny-Cloth, in bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Guts (Salted), in bbls. and casks per gal. % % H Guts (Salted), in kegs per keg 5 5 8 Guts, Sausage Casings, in bbls. and casks, .per gal. % % % Gutta Fercha, in baskets or cases per 100 lbs. 4 4 5 Gutta Percha, in bales, or bags per 100 lbs. 4 4 5 H Hair, Alpaca and Angora, in bales. .. .per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Hair. Chinese, human, of low value, in cases abt. 200 lbs. each per case 15 15 15 Hair, Goat, in bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Hair, Goat, in cases per 100 lbs. 4 4 4 78 I Goods and Quantities. Hair, Horse, in case per 100 Ihs. Hair, Horse, in bales , per 100 lbs. Hair, Camels, compressed bales per 100 lbs. Hair, Cattle, in bales per 100 lbs. Hair, Curled, in bales per 100 lbs. Hair, all kinds, in bales, uncompressed, .per cu. ft. Hair, Human, in cases per case Hair, Rabbits (see Hatters' Fur) Hams, in cases per case Hardware, in casks, crates and cases, .per 100 lbs. Harness and Saddlery, in cases per case Hats, in large bales per bale Hats, in packages per pkge. Hats, Panama, in cases per case Hats, Panama, in ceroons per pkge. Hay and Straw, in bales, compressed, .per 100 lbs. Hay Seed (see Seeds) Herbs and Leaves, viz.: Belladonna, Aconite, Borage, Buchu, Cocoa, Saffron, Deer Tongue, Jalap, Eucalyptus, Laurel, Sage, Sumac, Senna, Thyme, Wormwood, etc., in bales per cu. ft. Senna Rose Leaves in cases per cu. ft. Hides, Salted, in hhds per hhd. Hides, Salted, loose each Hides, Salted, in bundles, 3 to 5 per bdle. Hides (Dry). Ox or Cow each Hides, Deer (Cape), in bdles, or bales, .per 100 lbs. Hides, Buffalo, E. I., in bales per bale Hides, China, in bales, abt. 1,000 lbs. .. .per bale Hides, Cow, in bales per bale Hides, Horse, dry and loose each Hides, Cuttings and Clippings, in bales, .per 100 lbs. Hides, in bundles of 1 each Honey, in hhds.. in tierces and bbls per gal. Honey, in cases .per case Honey, in crates of 9 boxes ea., weight abt. 200 lbs. Hops, compressed, in bales per bale Horn, Manufactures of. in cases per case Horn, Strips and Tips, in bags per bag Horn, part of, in bags per bag Horse Fronts, in bales, abt. 50 lbs. eac^ . . .oer bale Horse Fronts, Russia, in bales, abt. 650 lbs per 100 lbs. Horses (see Live Stock) Hosiery, in cases per case Household Effects per cu. ft. Hypho Sulphate, in kegs and bags. . . .per 100 lbs. I Imrnortelles, in cases per case India 'Malacca Joints, in bdls per bdle. India Rubber (see Rubber) Indigo, in barrels, cases, ceroons per 100 lbs. Instruments and Apparatus: Philosophical, Scientific and Mathematical .... . per case Musical per case Intestines (see Guts) 79 S. L. c • 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 %ofl% % ofl% 10 15 20 4 4 4 30 30 35 40 40 50 20 20 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 40 4 p. 100 lbs. 3 4 5 6 8 10 1% 2 3 4 4 4 40 50 5 p. 100 lbs. 40 50 5 p. 100 lbs. 40 50 5 P- 100 lbs. 1 iy2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 % Vs % 5 5 5 12 12 15 25 25 5 p. 100 lbs. 15 15 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 3 4 4 4 4 30 30 30 1 1 1 4 4 4 25 25 30 10 10 15 4 4 4 30 30 40 40 40 40 Goods and Quantities. Iodine, in kegs, packed in rawhide (V) Ipecac, in ceroons per ceroon Iron and Steel Blooms, Ingots, Slabs and Billets, per ton Iron Boiler Plates per ton Iron and Steel, in bdls., abt. 180 lbs per bdl. Iron and Steel Castings per ton Iron, Hoop iron, in bdles., 56 lbs per bdle. Iron, Hoop iron, in bdles., 112 lbs per bdle. Iron Mortars per 100 lbs. Iron and Steel, Old Iron and Steel, Scraps, .per ton Iron, Old Iron and Steel Rails per ton Iron and Steel Ores per ton Iron, Pig per ton Iron, Railroad, and Spikes per ton Iron and Steel Rods, in coils per 100 lbs. Iron, Spiegelsen, loose per ton Iron and Steel, Structural, all shapes, if requiring spring trucks per ton Iron and Steel Tubes per 100 lbs. Iron and Steel Wire, in mats or otherwise per 100 lbs. Iron and Steel, other than Scrap Iron and Steel, per ton Iron, tubes for holding liquid gas, not over 150 lbs each Iron Water Closets, in casks per 100 lbs. Istle Qoth, in bales per bale Isinglass and Gelatine, in cases, abt. 150 lbs.... per case Ivory, Animal (see Elephant Tusks) Ivory, Manufactures of, in cases per case Ivory, Vegetable Ivory per bag J Jalap (see Herbs and Leaves) am (see Fruits) ^ellies (see Fruits) Jewelry, Real % of 1% % of 1 ewelry, Imitation, in cases per cu. ft. 1 1 1 uniper Berries (see Berries) unk, Old and in bundles, or other packages per 100 lbs. ZVz 2 1 K Kapoc, in bales, up to 15 cu. ft per bale ICapoc, exceeding 15 cu. ft per cu. ft. Kirschwasser (see Liquors) Lac, Button Lac, in cases, abt.- 250 lbs. . .per case Lac, Dye Lac, in cases, abt. 250 lbs.... per case Lac, Spirits, in drums, abt. 1,800 lbs each Lac, Stick Lac, in cases, abt. 250 lbs. . . .per case Lacets, Shoe and Corset, in cases per case 80 s. L. C. 15 15 15 8 8 10 25 60 4 60^- 100 lbs. 25 4 6 r 100 lbs. 4 6S- 100 lbs. 25 4 1 ?• 100 lbs. 4 p- 100 lbs. 2 ■6 4 100 lbs. 2 3 4 25 1.25 1.25 25 60 4 P- 100 lbs. 25 60 4 n. 100 lbs. 25 60 4 p. 100 lbs. 25 60 4 2 .?• 100 lbs. 4 25 60 4 p. 100 lbs. 50 1.25 1.50 3 3 4 3 3 4 25 60 4 p. 100 lbs. 10 10 10 2 3 4 8 8 10 10 10 12 25 25 30 5 5 6 J 12 12 15 1 1 1 8 8 10 8 8 10 70 70 90 8 8 10 30 30 30 L Goods and Quantities. S. Lamp Black (see Black) Lantern Slides (see Optical Goods) Lard in kegs or barrels per 100 lbs. 3 Lead Pencils (see Pencils) Lead in Bars, in Pigs, and Old Lead per ton 25 Lead Ores, in bulk per ton 25 Lead Pipe, and Manufactures of Lead, in cases or casks, abt. 1,100 lbs per pkge. 35 Lead Sheets or Rolls, in casks per ton 50 . Lead Type Metal, in Pigs per ton 25 Leather, Bend or Belting, and Sole Leather, in rolls. per roll 15 Leather, Upper Leather, Dressed Skins, Calf Skins tanned, Skins for Morocco, and all manufac- tures of Leather, in cases up to 400 lbs. .per case 25 Leather, in cases up to 800 lbs per case 35 Leather, in cases, up to 1,200 lbs per case 50 Leaves (see Herbs and Leaves) Lentils, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag 4 Lenses (see Optical Goods) Licorice Root (see Roots) Licorice Paste, in cases per case 8 Licorice Sticks, in small cases per case 6 Licorice Sticks, in large cases per case 10 Lignum Vitae (see Wood) Lime, in bags per 100 lbs. 2 Lime (see Chloride) Linoleum, in crates, small per crate 20 Linoleum, in crates, large per crate 25 Linoleum, in cases, small per case 20 Linoleum, in cases, large per case 25 Linoleum, in rolls per roll 20 Linseed (see Seeds) Linseed Oil (see Oils) Liquors, all liquors, in barrels, casks or similar packages per gal. % Liquors, Bitters, in cases per case 5 Liquors, Brandy, in cases, 1 doz. quarts. . .per case 5 Liquors, Cordials, in cases, 1 doz. quarts, .per case 5 Liquors, Gin, in cases, 1 doz. quarts per case 5 Liquors, Kirschwasser, in cases, 1 doz. qts. .per case 5 Liquors, Rum, in cases, 1 doz. quarts. .. .per case 5 Liquors, Whiskey, in cases, 1 doz. quarts, .per case 5 Liquors, all other, in cases, 1 doz. quarts.. per case 5 Liquors, Arrack, in carboys per carboy 20 Lithographic Prints, in cases per case 25 Lithographic Stones, in cases per case 30 Live Stock, Cattle, various kinds each 1 . 00 per day Live Stock, Dogs each 50 per day Live Stock, Horses, Stallions, Mares and Geldings. each 1.50 per day Live Stock, other than Horses, Cattle, Dogs, etc., proportionately. Live Stock Poultry (see Poultry) Lumber, piled in Warehouse per cu. ft. % p- 100 lbs. 60 4 p. 100 lbs. 40 4 p. 100 lbs. 50 4 P- 100 lbs. 40 4 p. 100 lbs. 15 25 25 25 35 35 50 50 4 5 8 12 6 8 10 15 2 4 ?0 20 25 25 20 20 25 25 20 20 Va % 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ^ 5 5 5 20 20 25 25 30 40 1.00 each 50 each 1.00 each I 81 M Goods and Quantities. S. L. C. Macaroni, Spaghetti and Vermicelli, in boxes of 25 lbs per box 2 2 2 Macaroni, in boxes of 50 lbs per box 3 3 3 Macaroni, in boxes of 100 lbs per case 5 5 5 Mace, in cases up to 100 lbs per case 4 4 4 Machinery, loose per 100 lbs. 2^/^ 5 5 Machinery, in cases per cubic foot 2 2 2 Madder (see Earths) Magnesia, in cases, abt. 100 lbs per case 4 4 4 Magnesia, Sulphate Crystals per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Mahogany (see Wood) Mandrake Root (see Roots) Manganese, in casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Manjac (see Asphaltum) Manna, in cases per case 10 10 12 Marble and Agate, in blocks or slabs. . . .per cu. ft. 3 3 3 Marble and Agate, in casks per cask 40 40 4 p. 100 lbs. Marble and Agate, in cases per cu. ft. 2 2 4 p. 100 lbs. Marble and Agate and Onyx, Tiles or Cubes, in bags per 100 lbs. 444 Marble and Agate, in cases or crates., per cu. ft. 2 2 4 p. 100 lbs. Matches, in cases per case 15 15 15 Mathematical Instruments (see Instruments) Manures, Artificial per ton 40 40 4 p. 100 lbs. Matting, Coir and Cocoa, in bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Matting, 40 yd. roll each 5 5 5 Mats, Flax, CJocoa, Carpet, in bales. . . .per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Metal Caps, in cases, about 100 lbs each 5 5 5 Meats, Preserved (see Preserved Meats) Medicinal Preparations, in cases, ordinary, per case 5 5 5 Medicinal Preparations, in cases, valuables % of 19o Vs oi 1 % Meerschaum, Crude and Manufactured, in cases.. %ofl% % oi 1% Melado, in hhds per gallon % % ^ Mercury, in flasks per flask 5 5 8 Metals, Manufactures of, in cases per case 30 30 35 Metals, Old Cannon per ton 25 75 4 p. 100 lbs. MetaJs, Old Copper per ton 25 1.25 1.25 Metal Sheathing, in cases, 460 to 500 lbs., per case 20 20 25 Metal Spelter, in plates per ton 25 60 4 p. 100 lbs. Metals, Yellow Metal, in cases, abt. 460 to 500 lbs., per case 20 20 25 Metals (see also Iron and Steel) Mica, in cases, abt. 150 lbs per case 6 6 8 Millet Seed (see Seed) Mineral Waters, in cases per case 8 8 10 Mirrors, in cases, per cubic foot 3 3 3 Molasses, in barrels, hhds. or tierces. . .per gallon V2 V2 Mt Morocco Skins (see Skins) Morphine, in flasks per flask 10 10 10 Mortars of Iron (see Iron) Moss, in bales per 100 lbs. 4 4 4 Motor Cycles, in cases or crates per cu. ft. 1% 1% 1% Musical Instruments, Phonograph Records, in cases 10 10 10 Musical Instruments, in cases per case 40 40 40 Mustard Seed (see Seeds) ' Myrobolane, 56 lb. bags each 2% 2Vj 3 I N Goods and Quantities. Nails, in kegs per 100 lbs. Naphtha, in barrels per gallon Needles, in cases per case Nickel, in cases per case Nut Galls, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Nut Galls, in bales, abt. 200 lbs per bale Nut Galls, Extra of, in cases per case Nutmegs, in cases, abt. 60 lbs per case Nutmegs, in cases, about 170 lbs each Nuts, Almonds, in shell, bags, abt. 110 lbs., per bag Nuts, Almonds, in bales or bags, abt, 220 lbs., per bag Nuts, Almonds, in boxes, casks or frails, per 100 lbs. Nuts, Brazil Nuts, in bags or sacks, per 100 lbs. Nuts, Chestnuts, in cases, abt. 110 lbs. ...per case Nuts, Peanuts, in sacks per sack Nuts, Peanuts, husked, loose per 100 Nuts, Peanuts, with husks on per 100 Nuts, Filberts, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Nuts, Pecan, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Nuts, Walnuts, in cases, abt. 177 lbs per case Nuts, Walnuts, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Nuts, Walnuts, in bales, abt. 220 lbs p«r bale Nuts, Shelled, All Nuts, shelled per 100 lbs. Nux Vomica, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag o s. L. C. 2 2 4 % V2 ^ 30 40 50 20 20 30 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 4 4 4 10 10 10 4 4 5 8 8 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 20 20 20 30 30 SO 4 4 5 4 4 5 7 7 7 4 4 5 8 8 10 4 4 5 4 4 5 \ Oats per bushel of 32 lbs. 112 Ochre (see Colors and Paints) Oil, Castor, in cases per case 6 6 8 Oil, Citronella, in drums, abt. 1,300 lbs. . .per drum 50 50 60 Oil, Cocoanut, in bbls., casks or similar packages, per 100 lbs. 2V2 3 4 Oil, Cod Liver, in barrels per gallon ^/^ % M» Oil, Essential and Volatile % of 1 % % of 1 % Oil, Lrinseed, in cases per case 8 8 10 Oil, Linseed, in carboys per carboy 20 20 20 Oil, Linseed, in casks and bbls per gallon % % ^ Oil, Olive, in cases, abt. 50 lbs per case 2 2 3 Oil, Olive, in cases, abt. 100 lbs per case 4 4 5 Oil, Olive, in cases or baskets, abt. 150 lbs per package 6 6 8 Oil, Olive, in bbls. or casks per gallon 1^ ' i-^ % Oil of Vitriol, in carboys per carboy 20 20 20 Oil Cloth, in cases per cubic foot 114 p. 100 lbs. Oil Cloth, in rolls per roll 20 20 20 Oil, Palm per gal. % % % Oils, all, not otherwise specified, in bbls., casks or similar packages per gallon \^ % % Olives, in kegs, bbls. and casks per gallon % % ^ Olives, in cases per case 5 5 5 Olive Oil (see Oils) Onions (see Vegetables) Onyx, rough, in blocks per cubic foot 6 6 6 Opium, in cases, 150 to 200 lbs per case 30 30 30 Optical Goods, such as Lenses, Spectacles. Lantern Slides, Opera and Field Glasses, etc., in cases, per case 35 35 40 Orchill Weed, in bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Ore, Chrome, in bags per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 83 Goods and Quantities. S. L. C. Ores, N. O. M., in bulk per ton 25 60 4 p. 100 lbs. Organs, in cases per cu. ft. 1 ^A IVi 1% Orris Root (see Roots) Osier, in bundles per ton 1.00 1.50 6 p. 100 lbs. P Paintings y8ofl% %ofl% Palm Leaf, in bundles per bdl. 1 1% 2 Palm Leaf, in cases per case 8 8 10 Palm Leaf, in ceroons per ceroon 6 6 8 Palm Leaf, Manufactures of, in cases.... per case 20 20 20 Palm Leaf, Rafia, in bales of about 225 lbs. and 12 cu. ft each 12 12 12 Panorama per cubic foot 2 2 2 Paper Boxes (empty), in cases or crates, per case 20 20 20 Paper, Cigarette (see Cigarettes) Paper, Felt and Sheathing, in crates, frames and rolls per 100 lbs, 4 4 4 Paper, Filter Mass, in cases per 100 lbs. 4 4 4 Paper, in cases, bales and rolls. per 100 lbs. 4 4 4 Paper, Pulp, in bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Paper, Strawboard, in crates and bales, per 100 lbs. 3 3 3 Paper Toys, Favors, Fancy Covers, Confections, etc. 25 25 25 Paper, Wall, in cases, bales and bdls. . .per 100 lbs. 4 4 4 Paper Waste, in bales per 100 lbs. 2y2 2% 3 Paraffin, in casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Parasol Sticks, in bundles per bdl. 5 5 6 Peanuts (see Nuts) Pearl Ash (see Ash) Pearl Shells, in cases, abt. 150 lbs per case 10 10 10 Peas (see Vegetables) Peat Moss, in bales per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Pencils, Lead, in cases per case 30 30 30 Pepper, in bags, abt. 125 lbs per bag 4 4 5 Peppers, Chillies, etc., in bags or bales, abt. 110 lbs per bag or bale 4 4 5 Perfumery, in cases per case 20 20 25 Persian Berries (see Berries) Personal Effects, in trunks or packages, not ex- ceeding 25 cu. ft per trunk 25 25 25 Personal Effects, exceeding 25 cu. ft. . . .per cu. ft. 1 1 1 Petroleum, in barrels, casks or similar packages, „ per gallon % Va Phosphates per ton 40 50 p. Pianos, in cases per cu. ft. 2 2 Pickles, in barrels per bbl. 10 10 Pickles, in cases, up to 50 lbs per case 2 2 3 Pimento, in bags, 110 lbs per bag 4 4 5 Pimento, in bags, 220 lbs per bag 6 6 8 Pipes, of Clay, in boxes per box 112 Pipes, N. O. M. (see Smokers* Articles) Pistols (see Guns) Pitch, Elastic per 100 lbs. 4 4 5 Pitch, Soft, in casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Plants, Live, in cases .^ per cu. ft. 1 1 1 Plants, Artificial (see Artificial) Platinum, in cases % of 1% ^/^ of 1%] Playing Oards, in cases per case 20 20 25 Plumbago, in casks or barrels per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Poppy Seed (see Seed) Postal Cards, in cases, about 700 lbs each 30 30 35 84 s. L. C, 3 3 4 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 10 8 4 3 2 3 10 3 4 3 2 4 12 4 4 4 2 50 i of ir< 50 1 .00 3f 1% 5 8 10 25 la Goods and Quantities. Potash, Acetate, in pkges. of all kinds, per 100 lbs. Potash, Bicarbonate, in packages of all kinds. . . . per 100 lbs. Potash, Chlorate, in packages of all kinds. . . . per 100 lbs. Potash, Chr ornate, in packages of all kinds per 100 lbs. Potash, Cyanide, in cases, abt. 250 lbs per case Potash, Iodide, in pkges. of all kinds, per 100 lbs. Potash, Prussiate, in cases or casks. . . .per 100 lbs. Potash, All others per 100 lbs. Potatoes, in bags or barrels., .per bushel of 60 lbs. Potato Flour (see Flour) Poultry, Live, in crates per crate Poultry, Dressed, in cases per lb. Precious Stones, in packages % oi 1' Preparations, Medical (see Medicinal) Preserved Meats, in cases (see Meats) .... per case 6 6 10 Pumice Stone (see Stone) Quicksilver, in flasks, abt. 80 lbs per flask 5 )uinine, in cases per case 20 )uinine, in cases, about 40 lbs each 10 Rafia (see Palm Leaf) Rags, in bales, compressed per 100 lbs. 2% 3 4 Rape Seed (see Seed) Rattans and Reeds, in bundles per ton 1 . 00 1 . 50 6 p. 100 lbs. Reeds (see Rattans) Rice, in half bags, bags, or undressed mats per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Rice Flour (see Flour) Rifles (see Guns) Rods of Iron and Steel (see Iron) Roots, Aconite, Angelica, Arrow Root, Briar, Broom, Chicory, Dandelion, Ginger, Ginseng, Jalap, Licorice, Mandrake, Orris, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Seneca, Snake, Valerian, in bags, bales, casks or other packages per 100 lbs. 4 4 5 Rose Leaves (see Herbs and Leaves) Rotten Stone, in barrels, cases or other packages, per 100 lbs. Rubber, Crude, in all packages per 100 lbs. Rubber, Old, in all packages per 100 lbs. Rubber Tires, in cases of 50 cu. ft Rugs, in bales, small per bale Rugs, in bales, large per bale Rugs, in cases, less than 10 ft. in length, per case Rugs, in cases, 20 ft. and upward, per running ft. Rugs, in cases, 10 ft. and less than 20 ft. in length, per running ft. 5 5 5 Rum (see Liquors) Rum, Bay Rum (see Bay) Russia Sheetings (see Crash) s Saddlery (see Harness) Safes per ton 2.00 2.00 2.00 SaflFlower (see Flowers) 3 3 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 60 60 60 30 30 40 40 40 50 30 30 35 10 10 10 85 Goods and Quantities. Saffron, in, bales (see Herbs and Leaves) Sage, in bales (see Herbs and Leaves) Sago, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Sago Flour (see Flour) Sails (see Canvas) Saleratus, in bbls., casks or tierces per 100 lbs. Saltpetre, in bags, abt. 220 lbs per bag Salts, Fruit Salts, in cases per case Salt, in bulk or in sacks per 100 lbs. Sand, in casks per 100 lbs. Sandalwood (see Wood) Sarsaparilla Root (see Roots) Sassafras Root (see Roots) Sauces, in cases per case Sauces, bottled in barrels. . . .per barrel of 12 dozen Sausage, Bologna, in cases, abt. 125 lbs., per case Sausage Casings, in casks (see Guts) Scientific Instruments (see Instruments) Seaweed or Grass, in bales, 110 lbs each Seneca Root (see Roots) Senna (see Herbs and Leaves) Seeds, Canary, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Canary, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Caraway, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Caraway, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Cardamon, in cases, 50 lbs per case Seeds, Cardamon, in cases, 150 lbs per case Seeds, Celery, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Celery, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Coriander, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Coriander, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Cotton Seeds, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Cotton Seed, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Cummin, bales, abt. 175 lbs per bale Seeds, Fennel, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Fennel, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Garden, in cases per case Seeds, Hemp, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Hemp, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Linseed, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Linseedj in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Linseed, in pockets per pocket Seeds, Millet, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Millet, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Mustard, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Mustard, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Mustard^ in bbls., 350 lbs per bbl. Seeds, Poppy, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Poppy, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Rape, in bags, 110 lbs per bag Seeds, Rape, in bags, 220 lbs per bag Seeds, Wormseed, in bales, abt. 200 lbs. ..per bale Seeds, All Other, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Seeds, All Other, in bags, abt. 220 lbs per bag Sheep Skins (see Skins) Shells, Pearl (see Pearl) Ship Stores, in packages per package Silk Goods, in cases per case Silk, Raw, in bales per bale Silk, Spun, in bales per bale Shoddy, compressed, in bales per 100 lbs. Shoddy, not compressed, in bales per 100 lbs. Shoe Lacets (see Lacets) 86 3 3 4 5 5 8 20 20 20 2 3 4 2 2% 4 3 3 5 12 12 ir> 4 4 6 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 2 2 2 5 5 6 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 10 10 12 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 1 1'^ 2 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 10 10 IB 4 4 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 6 8 6 6 8 4 4 R 6 6 8 20 20 20 40 40 40 25 25 25 30 80 80 3 8 4 4 4 4 Goods and Quantities. Skins, Calf or Morocco, in cases or bales, up to 400 lbs per case or bale Skins, in cases or bales, up to 800 lbs per case or bale Skins, in cases up to 1,200 lbs per case Skins, Calf, in bundles per bdl. Skins, Cape, in bales per 100 lbs. Skins, Sheep, in bales per 100 lbs. Skins, South American, in bales per 100 lbs. Skins, All Others, N. S. P. F., in bales, per 100 lbs. Slates, in cases per case Smokers' Articles (other than Amber or Meer- schaum), in cases per case Snake Root Csee Roots) Soap, in boxes of 150 lbs each Soap of All Kinds, in cases, abt. 40 lbs., per case Soda, Bicarbonate and Caustic, in all packages . . per 100 lbs. Soda, Chlorate and Chromate, in all packages . . per 100 lbs. Soda, Crude and Crystal, in all pkgs. .per 100 lbs. Soda, Phosphate Sulphate, Silicate, Sulphide and Sal, in all packages per 100 lbs. Soda, All Other, N. O. M., in all pkges, per 100 lbs. Soda, Ash (see Ash) Soda, Prussiate, in casks per 100 lbs. Soda, Nitrate, in bags each Spaghetti (see Macaroni) Spectacles (see Optical Goods) Spices, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Sponges, in bales per bale Sponges, in cases per case Starch, in cases, abt. 40 lbs per case Statuary, in cases or crates per cu. ft. Statuary, Papier Mache, in cases or crates .... per cu. ft. Statuary Wax, in cases or crates. . per cu. ft. Stearine, in bbls. or casks per 100 lbs. Stick Lac (see Lac) Stone, Pumice, in casks, bbls. or bags, per 100 lbs. Stone, loose per ton Stone, in crates per 100 lbs. Straw, in bales (see Hay and Straw) Straw Goods, Braids, etc., small bales.... per bale 15 15 15 Straw Goods, Braids, etc., large bales per bale 25 f!5 25 Straw Goods, in cases per case 20 20 20 Straw Board, in bundles per bdl. 3 3 4 Sumac (see Herbs and Leaves) Sumac (Ground), in bags, abt. 160 lbs per bag 5 5 6 Sulphur, in kegs, bbls. or casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Sugar, All Kinds, in all packages per ton 40 50 4 P. 100 lbs. Sweetmeats, in cases per case 5 5 8 Sweetmeats, Liquid Turkish Candy, in cases, abt. 800 lbs each 12 12 15 Syrups, in bbls., casks and similar pkges... per gal. V2 Vi ^ Syrups, in cases per case 5 5 5 Talc, in bags, bbls. or casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Talking Machines, in cases of 1. each 20 20 20 Tallow (see Grease) 87 s. L. c. 25 25 25 35 30 35 50 50 50 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 20 20 20 40 40 40 7 7 10 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 4 4 10 10 10 16 15 15 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 8 3 3 3 50 75 P- 100 lbs. 2 3 Goods and Quantities. S. L. C. Tamarinds (see Fruit) Tapioca, in bags, abt. 110 lbs per bag Tapioca Flour (see Flour) Tapioca, Penang, in cases or bags, abt. 180-200 lbs. Tea, Oolongs and Small Congoes, % chests each Tea, Oolong and Small Congoes, boxes each Tea, Green, Japan and Large Congoes, % chest, ea. Tea, Green, Japan and Large Congoes, in boxes, ea. Tea, Ceylon, in boxes, about 30 lbs Tea, Ceylon and India, in cases each Tea, Ceylon and India, in % cases each Teasels, in casks per 100 lbs. Tiles (see Marble) Tin, Banca per ton Tin, in bars, blocks, pigs, etc per ton Tin and Terne Plates, in boxes, single and double, per 100 lbs. Tobacco Leaf, in barrels Tobacco Leaf, in cases per case Tobacco Leaf, in bales, crated per bale Tobacco Leaf, in ceroons or bales per ceroon or bale Tobacco Leaf, in hhds per hhd. Tobacco Leaf, Stemmed, in hhds per hhd. Tobacco Leaf, Scrap, in bales per bale Tomato Paste (see Vegetables) Tow (see Fiber) Toys and Dolls, in cases, crates and casks, per cu. ft. Trees and Nursery Stocks, in bundles. .. .per bdl. Trees and Nursery Stock, in tubs per tub Trunks each Turpentine, in barrels per gal. Turpentine, in cases of 100 lbs per case Twine, in bales per 100 lbs. Type Metal (see Lead) Typewriters, in cases of one each 15 15 20 u Umbrella Handles, in bundles per 100 lbs. 5 5 6 V Valerian Root (see Root) Vegetable Ivory (see Ivory) Vegetables, canned, half cases, under 60 lbs.. • _ . . per case Vegetables, canned, all other cases per case Vegetables, dessicated potatoes, pkgs. of abt. 240 lbs each Vegetables, Peas, Dried, in bags or barrels per bushel of 60 lbs. Vegetables, Onions per bushel of 57 lbs. Vegetables, Potatoes, in bags or barrels per bushel of 60 lbs. Vegetables, Tomato Paste, in kegs or cases, of abt. 140 lbs each Verdigris, in bbls. or casks per 100 lbs. Vermicelli (see Macaroni) Vermuth (see Wines) Vinegar, in barrels, casks or similar packages. . per gal. % % Vitriol, Oil of (see Oils) 88 4 4 5 8 8 10 a 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 2% 2% 3 2 2 2 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 30 50 4 p. 100 lbs. 30 50 4 p. 100 lbs. 3 3 4 15 15 15 25 25 25 15 15 15 10 10 10 75 75 75 50 50 50 8 8 8 1 1 1 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 % V2 % 5 5 5 3 3 4 5 5 7 .2 12 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 3 6 3 7 4 Goods and Quantities. S. h. C. Walnuts (see Nuts) Washboards, in packages per cu. ft. 1 1 1 Water Closets of Iron (see Iron) Waters, Mineral (see Mineral) Watches, Movements and Cases, in cases % of 1% % oi 1% Wax, in cases, 50 lbs per case 2 2 2 Wax, in cases, 200 lbs per case 8 8 8 Wax, in bales, 130 lbs per bale 5 5 5 Whalebone per ton 60 1.00 7 p. 100 lbs. Whiskey (see Liquors) Whiting, in bulk per 100 lbs. 2 2 4 Whiting, in casks per 100 lbs. 2 2 4 Willows, in bundles per ton 1.00 1.50 6 p. 100 lbs. Wines, in barrels, casks or similar pkgs., per gal. % % % Wine, Still, in cases, 1 doz. qts per case 5 5 5 Wines, Still, in cases, 2 doz. pts per case 5 5 5 Wines, Champagne and Sparkling Wines, in cases, per case 5 5 5 Wines, Champagne, in baskets per basket 6 6 7 Wines, Chianti, in doghouse cases 10 10 10 Wines, Chianti, in cases per case 10 10 10 Wines, Chianti, in ordinary cases 5 5 5 Wines, Vermuth, in cases, I doz. qts per case 5 5 5 Wire, All Kinds per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Wool Caps (see Caps) Wool and Waste, compressed, in bales, per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Wool and Waste, not compressed, in bales per cu. ft. 1 1 1 Wood, Camwood, Dyewood, Lignum Vitae, Logwood, Mahogany, Sandalwood, and Ebony wood, per ton 50 75 5 p. 100 lbs. "^Vr^oi^ Tt.,ir,. in bales .' oer 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Wood Pulp, ground, in bags, about 110 lbs. each 5 5 5 Wood, Wool, in cases per cu. ft. 1 1 1 WoriiiSv-ca (,i>ce seeds) Y Yarn, Coir, Coir ballots, Ceylon and India, in bales, per 100 lbs. 2 2 4 Yarn, All Others, N. S. P. F., in bales, per 100 lbs. 2 2 4 Yellow Berries (see Berries) Yellow Metals (see Metals) z Zinc, Pigs or Plates per ton 30 50 4 p. 100 lbs. Zinc, Sulphate or Oxide of, in barrels, per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 Zinc, in casks per 100 lbs. 3 3 4 89 The BULLETIN of the American Warehousemen's Association Aims to give besides the current news of the association a complete resume of the news of the day affecting the ware- house business, including legal and departmental decisions, descriptions of projected warehouse enterprises and new apparatus and facilities designed as an aid to warehousing. About 30 octavo pages. Issued monthly. Price to non-members of the association $5.00 per annum C. L. Criss, Secretary 2nd and Liberty Aves. - Pittsburgh, Pa. 91 Warehouse Laws and Decisions By Barry Mohun A compilation of the Laws of the several States and Territories pertaining to the ware- housing business, and a digest of the many decisions affecting Warehousemen. 1 Vol. Royal Octavo, bound in Sheep, $6.00 C. L. CRISS, Secretary 2nd and Liberty Aves. Pittsburg, Pa. Warehousemen Who Store Household Goods A booklet containing a list of Warehousemen who store household goods as revised to 1912. Address WALTER C. REID, Treasurer 32 E. 42nd St., New York 92 I J 1) U U , U ° " , The Storage Rate Guide 1912 c lOMPILED and revised by a committee composed of leading members of the American Warehousemen's Asso- ciation. Gives rates on General Merchandise, free and in bond; Cold Storage rates with rules and Edition suggestions: Agricultural Imple- ments and Household Goods. The rates given were carefully collected from all parts of the country and have been accepted by commercial bodies as fair rates. Price in Cloth - - $1.00 In Flexible Morocco - 1.50 Sent prepaid on receipt of price Nickerson & Collins Co. ^^^m 431 South Dearborn Street, Chicago Practical Cold Storage By Madison Cooper THE most comprehensive and thorough work on Cold Stor- age. It covers the design and construction of buildings and apparatus for the preservation of per- ishable products. Approved methods of applying refrigeration. It gives much practical informa- tion on the handling and storing of Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Furs, Fabrics, etc. It dwells on Freezing and Storing Fish, Cream- ery and Dairy Refrigeration, Cold Storage for Fruit Growers and Nurs- erymen, Temperatures for various products, etc., etc. Profusely illustrated. Contains about 550 pages. PRICE In Cloth - - - $3.50 In Morocco - - - 4.50 Sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Nickerson & Collins Co. 431 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 94 « The Best Books On Ice Making, Refrigeration, Cold Storage and Kindred Topics Conipend. of Mecimnienl Refrigeration. (8th edition). By J. E. Siebel. Chicago. Flexible Morocco, $4.00; Cloth, $3.50. Machinery lor UefriKerntion. By Norman Selfe, Chicago. Morocco, $4.50; Cloth, $3.50. Praotlcal Cold Storage. By Madison Cooper. Chicago. Mo- rocco, $4.50; Cloth $3.50. Indieating- the Refrigerating Machine. By Gardner T. Voorhees. Chicago. Flexible Morocco, $1.50; Cloth, $1.00. Refrigeration Memoranda. (8th Edition). By John Levey. Chicago. Flexible Morocco, 75 cents. The AbHorption Refrigerating Maoliine. By Gardner T. Voorhees. Chicago. Morocco, $2.50; Cloth .$2.00. Refrigernting MaelilneN« CoinprexNion, Aiisorption. By Gardner T. Voorhees. London. Morocco, $2.50; Cloth, $2.00. Refrigeration, Cold Storage and Ice 3Ialvlng. By A. J. Wallis-Tayler. London. Cloth, $4.50. The Modern Packing House. By F. W. Wilder. Chicago. Morocco, $12.00; Cloth, $10.00. Public Abattoirs and Cattle Marl