p J 6779 W55 1913 MAIN A KEY TO THE EXERCISES IN THE SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT A KEY"" TO THE EXERCISES IN THE SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT BY J. SELDEN ^ILLMORE, M.A FORMERLY ONE OF THE JUDGES OF THE NATIVE COURT Of APPEAL AT CAIRO 3s. 6d. net LONDON: DAVID NUTT GRAPE STREET, NEW OXFORD STREET 1913 • • • ■ Ca I Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh MAIN KEY TO THE EXERCISES IN THE SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT THE STORY OF THE ILL-TREATED BURGLAR There was a robber who went one day to rob the house of a merchant. He climbed on the wall and took hold of the window, (but) the window came out in his hand, (and) he fell to the ground and broke his leg. He picked himself up, and went limping to the Kadi, (and) said to him : " I was going to rob the house of the merchant so-and-so ; I climbed on the wall and took hold of the window, (but) the window came out in my hand, and I fell to the ground (and) broke my leg." The Kadi immediately ordered a soldier to go and bring the owner of the house. (The soldier) went (and) brought him, and he came before the Kadi. The Kadi asked him : " How comes it, man, that your window was not properly nailed? See, this poor robber was going to rob your house ; he climbed on the wall (and) caught hold of the window, (but) the window came out in his hand, (and) he fell, and broke his leg. Thus, you are now in the wrong." The owner of the house said to him : " And what have I to do with that, my lord ? Was it I who fixed the window ? That is the business of the carpenter who made it." Said the Kadi : " Bring the carpenter." They went (and) brought him, (and) the Kadi said to him : " How is it that you did not fix this window properly ? See, it is owing to you that the robber, who was going to rob this man's house, fell (and) broke his leg." (The carpenter) said to him : " And what have I to do with that, my lord 1 That is not my business. That is the business of the builder who put the window (frame) in the wall." "Good," said the Kadi; " bring the builder." They went and brought him. The Kadi asked him : " Why didn't you fix this window securely ? " The builder said to him : " So help me A CQKIQ 2 . //'/... K ! E .t..^°. : EXERCISES in God, my lord*, as* 1' was '\m tiding 'this house, there was a sweet girl passing by me, wearing a gown dyed with a beautiful dye. I gazed at her and became unmindful of my work, and failed to fix the window properly." The Kadi said to them : " Go and bring the girl who was wearing this beautiful gown." They went and brought her to him, (and) the Kadi said to her : " Why were you wearing this dyed gown ?" She said to him : " What have I to do with this ? The fault is with the dyer, who dyed the gown which I was wearing." The Kadi ordered them to bring the dyer. They went and brought him, but he was not able to say anything. Then the Kadi ordered them to go and hang him over the door of his shop. They took him to hang him, but found that he was very tall and the door of the shop too low. (So) they went to the Kadi, and said to him : " This man is very tall, and the door of the shop is small. How are we going to hang him?" The Kadi said to them: " Go and look for one (of) shorter (stature, and) hang him." They went (and) searched for a short one, (and) took him (and) hanged him. EXERCISE 1 My mother has come. Give me a pen. I saw a black horse. The men (are) here. We wrote the book. The girls struck my mother. The boy fell. The horse (is) pretty. The man (is) old. The wind was strong. He went. The dog bit the girl. The steamboat will come to-morrow. The chair (is) black. The bread (is) fresh. A woman came (or has come). His father (is) a good man. His dog (is) hungry. Her pen (is) bad. EXERCISE 2 II wabur sughaiyar. II husan ga'an. II bet wiqi'. Sufra kbira. Gih walad sughaiyar. Iddini qalam taiyib. Ir riggala darabu 1 walad. Wabur kebir gih. II husan 'add il kalb. Gih walad kebir darab il banat. Rasha kbira. EXERCISE 3 The sugar basin (is) on the dining-table. The carriage (is) very bad. The watchmaker will bring the watch to-morrow. I saw the dog in the cucumbers. The gentleman fell off his horse. The little dog bit the cat. The shoemaker brought (or has brought) the pair of shoes. The man gave the horse (some) -clover. A very old man has come here. The bachelor has gone (or went) home. SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT 3 EXERCISE 4 II walad yegtb il kitab. II bauwab fatah il bab. Lefendi ga'an qawi. II fatatri idda 1 walad baskawita. II kalb sluf il qutta f6q ish shagara (or is sagara). II baqar sughaiyar qawi. Iddinf moiya. It turshf 'as sufra. II fisqfya kebira qawi. Iddfini shwaiya. Hat li sa'a. EXERCISE 5 The man fetched the gun from the house and fired it in his face. Bring the book which is on the dining-table. The master of ceremonies wrote a long letter to his mother. I saw his father, but where is his sister ? The mat-maker came yesterday and brought the mats, and the trunk-maker will come to-morrow with the boxes. The confectioner and the fruiterer went to her house and brought the biscuits and the pears. The watchmaker repaired the watch ; he is a very clever man. EXERCISE 6 Is sitt we banatha rahu masr imbarih. Laqet qalam rusas qusaiyar 'as sufra. Hatu hina we hat waraq kaman. A Huwa tawil qawi ; kitfu yigi foq ish shibbak. Yigi bukra ? Ewa wi yegib abuh we ummu kaman. Ish shibbak sughaiyar qawi, lakin il bet kebir. II gumrukshi gih we fatah il bab. Shufte kalbe zughannan fi s sikka. Wahid 'arbagi 'aguz gabni li 1 harbiya. Idda 1 bint kummitraya. Ir ragil khulaqi qawi ; huwa darab il walad is sughaiyar wi 1 binte keman. EXERCISE 7 He bought a dining-table and a cheap chair and brought them to the house. The chair is dearer than the dining-table. Give me a long pencil. The door is prettier than the window. The box is heavy but lighter than the barrel. The girl is taller than my mother, and the boy is shorter than my father. Beer is cheaper than wine, and water is cheaper and better than both. The boy bought a shirt longer than a blanket. He (or it) is the smallest and the prettiest. EXERCISE 8 II baramil arkhas min is sanadiq. II gazmagi ill! kan ii 1 ginena imbarih atwal min il fakahani ill! gab it tiffah wi 1 kum- mitra 'ala 1 bet. Ish sharqawi ashadde min il 'utuqi ; huwa shal 4 KEY TO EXERCISES IN kharuf fi sandiiq teqil l-) take it outside. These people consider the dog unclean. 1 EXERCISE 34 Shahhilii ; ma tsabbarfinash. Bittaffish is riggala dol leh? II qutta kanit biddauwar ( ala wiladha till in nahar. Ana rayh a'allimak 'arabi. Ma bat'abshe min in nuzul ; ill! yeta'abni t tulii'. Inta saraqte qalami ; ragga'u li. Tisallif li khamsa gineh? Is sikka mush meballata. II liikaya tedahhakak (or tekhallik tidhak.) Mush rah tifassah il walad ? Ana ma sad- daqshe (asaddaqshe) kalamak abadan. Ana nafst rah afassal il qumash. Ba'd il ghada rah nefarragak 'ar rastablat. Beti'mili eh, ya bint? Baqashshar (fi 2 1) bisilla. EXERCISE 35 He quarrels with me every day. We are going to meet them at the station. Who is attending him ? The doctor who attended me when I was ill last year — he it is who is attending him. God bless you. Is he in business alone? Xo ; he has associated some one else with him (or taken some one into partnership). He is newly married ; are you not going to congratulate him 1 ? Whenever she's passing by here these children annoy her. Those two boys there are going to run a race. Look out, lady. We are betting money with one an- other on the race. This girl is always contradicting me (or opposing what I say). They were insulting one another in front of our house, when a policeman came and took them to the station. Are you never going to leave me alone? Why do you quarrel with that boy, girl ? We beat them at tennis. 3 Do you say (i.e. did you say) khanquh (they quarrelled with) him or khanaquh (they strangled him) ? God blesseth the hairy man and blesseth not the hairy woman. 4 EXERCISE 36 II wilad kanu beyila'bu 1 banat. Ana qablak (aqabilak) barra d dukkan. Ma darabtiish ; kutte basse badafi' 'an nafsi. Iza 'amalte kede ma samhak (asamihak) abadan. Tisafril emta ? 1 7.e., an unclean animal. 2 See § 570, p. 317. 3 Or any other game played with balls. 4 Popular saying. Cf. Reading Lesson XIX. 20 KEY TO EXERCISES IN Ana msafir ma' il babiir illl yequm is sa'a tnen u nuss we sitte daqa'iq {or itnen we sitta we talatin) ba'd id duhr. Ma kaniish bisa'dima (beyisa'idima) ; 'amalnah binafsina. 'Adiik mush ta- malli yigi sahbak 'alashan ti'amlu taiyib. Mush rayhin yi'ardu {or yi'arraduj buda'ithum fi sh shababik betii' id dakakin. Isrif il fuliis min gebak w ana ahasbak ba'den. Lamma tkhanqum sfdihhum akhivya. Inta mas'iil we lazim tehafiz 'an kulle haga. EXERCISE 37 It wasn't possible for me to get my letters ready before the post left. 1 I charge 2 you to remain here ; that is, you will be responsible and answerable for everything. You must make the cooking rather nicer to-day, as there are guests. When they caught the robbers they were running away in a hurry. When you came to my house did I not treat you with honour 1 Per- haps we will ride {or drive) together to-morrow. EXERCISE 38 Kutr ir rusum kan beyifqir il bilad. Mush rah yimkinak tiktib li bukra? Huwa ragil muhsin qawi ; kulle yom beyihsin. Kuwarak betu' it tanis ma zmanus ziyada 'an shahren talata. Lazim tikhbirhum qable nahftr ig gum 'a. Yimkin nitla' barra 1 lela. Humma mas'ulin, mush ana. Lissa fih mushrikin ketir fi. d dunya. Ma kramimish ketir. EXERCISE 39 The outer door of our house locks from the inside. A great deal of wine was drunk at our house to-night. Speak to us in Arabic, so that your words may be understood by everybody. A bad servant is dismissed. This stone must be lifted away from here. We were bumped by a carriage in the street in front of your house. A very great deal of money was spent on this building. The sun used to be worshipped among the Persians. When the total is added up we shall know the whole amount. 3 That man is very quick-tempered and quarrelsome; he gets angry whenever you speak to him. He is recognisable by his foolishness. She is asking of God that our Lord bless her with a child. 1 Lit., before the starting of the post. 2 For the use of the past tense see § 473. 3 Lit., the amount of the whole. SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT 21 EXERCISE 40 Ithabasii fi 1 ginena betiVithum. Itmasakit qable ma wislit 'ala bet bintiha. II baben betii' udt in nom betahti yitfithu li giiwa. Iz zaketta kaman, hatta t taqme kullu lazim yitghisil. Ma tuq'udshe henak lahsan titrifis min wahid min il khel dol. Itrafad 1 leh 1 ? 'Alashan ma tlafatsbe li 1 bet lamma ghibna. Iza li'ibte mihhum titghilib. Izzey titkhidim iza kan ma fish fi 1 bet khaddam. II wilad ithamalu 'ala dahr ig gamal. Hitta zughaiyara tshatafit. Shil ik kubbaya di lahsan titqilib. EXERCISE 41 The horse was rolling in the grass because he 2 was hot, and might perhaps get cool. We were blessed with this horse ; I mean we were lucky (with it). His wife was spying on him when he was smiling at somebody from the window. God be praised, 3 this charlatan has now left me in peace, and gone away from me. The road is now covered with a little sand ; there is no water or mud on it. He was once a friend of mine, but from the day that he was advanced in the government (service), he has given himself airs and looked down upon me. Our horse has only been ridden with the saddle ; he hasn't yet been tried in the carriage. He is a cruel man, (and) deals roughly with people in talking (to them) ; I mean he speaks harshly to them. After he had recovered from his illness, the pain returned to him again. He dealt arbitrarily with me, and said to me, " Do this and that." He is much annoyed with himself about what he has lost. EXERCISE 42 Kanu beyikkallimu zaman tawil ma' ba'd. II kitab ithaffaz 'andu sinin. Iza ghalabtu fi 1 li'b hayithammil minnak. Ish shababik itrakkibu mbarih bass. II ardiya lazim tissabbin taiyib we titghisil bi hamd il finik. Iz zaketta betahtu tfassalit lu min il khaiyat. II kutub itrattibu 'ar rufuf. 4 Itfaddal uq'ud. II gazma tnaddafit kulle yom is subh. Rayhin nitfassah shuwaiya ba'd il 'asha. II baltiyat it'allaqu kulluhum wara 1 bab. Hiya rah titfarrag 'al bet. 1 Or itrafat. 2 Lit. , his body was hot, ifcc. 3 Lit., the praise (is or be to) God. 4 Or 'al urfuf. 22 KEY TO EXERCISES IN EXERCISE 43 The woman was blessed by the presence of the sheikh at her house. He was winking to me to seize him. That (or this) man spoke very roughly to me, so that I was annoyed * at what he said. 2 This driver not only refused his fare, but took liberties with me, and struck me with his whip. My servant doesn't quarrel with anybody. Why do you revile these people, and insult them without reason ? This man, who has been assisted in all his work by me, didn't even say " Thank you " to me. His brothers are partners with him in the house. They were wrang- ling with one another behind the mosque. If you chance to meet Salim, remember me to him. EXERCISE 44 Betitkhaniq kulle yom waiya guzha. Issfidifna waiya khuk (akhuk) imbarih ba'd id duhr. Kami beyitbahsu waiya ba'd \\\\ in nahar. Rayhin nissabiq waiya ba'd. It'ashirna waiya ba'd zaman tawil. Huwa mishsharik waiya 'ammiha 3 fi shughl. Be- tiddakhil inta leh ? Da mush shughlak. Yimkin nitqabil waiya khuk il lela 'and ish shekh. 'Alashan eh tamalli betishshakil waiya 1 'agilza di 1 maskina ? EXERCISE 45 This is not my pen ; mine has got changed in your hands. His feet (or legs) sprawled apart, each one going in a different direction. 4 Shoes, the leather of which 5 isn't good, soon get torn apart. He (is) much pleased with what you say. Bring the pretty vase which came from abroad. No ; 6 I have it in the pantry, broken. He is a good man and humble, trusting in God. When the robber was seized did they find the money with him 1 No ; it had been swallowed by him. That man is always gazing fondly at his wife, and she, too, is devoted to him. The food should be cooked with a little more precision. She will be sorely vexed at what has befallen her. This rope is old 1 Lit., anger came upon me. 2 Lit., his words. 3 Or (and more usually) mesharik 'ammiha fi shughl. 4 Lit., and each one went. The expression is used of a person tripping and sprawling on the ground. 5 For the construction see § 381. 6 I.e., I can't. SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT 23 (and) won't twist. What's the matter ? Hasn't the dinner been dished up yet ? We sat lounging against the back of the car- riage. He turned over on the other side. Has the bread been baked ? No ; it hasn't been baked yet. EXERCISE 46 Ma nbasattish ketir qawf imbarih min it tiyfitru ? II baqara nia tinhilibshe qabl il maghrib. Sa'ten we tultemit gineh taqri- ban insaraqii min wahid min idragi. Ihna mabsfitin ketir leinne rastablat itnaqalu min quddam beti. Talata min in niswan il masakin inqatalu u wahda ngarahit. Kull in nas betii' il balad ingama'it barra bet il 'umda. 11 khashab hayintiqib fen? Hatinliibis talat shun. Igginena kan lazim tinhhis mush bass il bet. Sitte kubbayat w arba' fanagin inkasaru n naharda. Tmmasak fi 1 mahatta lamma kan rayh yequm. 1 Gawabatu ma kanfish inkatabu qabl id duhr. Idman betak lahean yinhiriq. EXERCISE 47 Every night they gather together and chat until after mid- night. I honoured your brother for your sake. Where is he ? Here he is, working in the garden. His statement is contra- dictory (or varies) ; at one time he says one thing and at another time another thing. The dough is about to rise now. We have latterly given up drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. He has acquired great wealth, and has become richer than his brothers. I trusted that you would lend me these books. He was living together with us, but he lias now gone to be by him- self. Attend to your business. EXERCISE 48 Betirti'ish K'h? 'Andak himma? 2 La', ana barti'ish min il barde bass. Huwa mirtifr talatt imtar min il ard. Kanit betirtikin 'ala il het. Hiya miqtidira. Lazim astilif kam ginOh min akhiiya. I 'timid 'ala 11a. Inta mishtirik waiya 'ammak wala la 1 ? Ma tishtighilshe abadan ba'd is sa'a hidashar bi 1 lei. II bab infatah lamma kunte bastinid 'aleh fe wiqi'te fi 1 ard. 1 It would be more idiomatic to say miskuh fi 1 mahatta we huwa rayh yeqiim, or qayim (§§ 505, 575). 2 Or sukhfmiva. 24 KEY TO EXERCISES IN Ana rah artaga' 'an shurb ish shay. Tisallif li khamsa gineh ? La s , ana nafsi ma'ziir. Hiya kanit zaman ghanya qawi lakin dilwaqti ftaqarit. Kunna mashghiilin ketir till innahar. EXERCISE 49 When the clothes are washed they turn blue. Bluish flowers will come out of this tree. The colour of the paint of our house has somewhat faded ; that is to say, it is not what it was origin- ally. When I was in England my colour was white intermingled with red, but I now seem 1 to have got browned by the frequent sun. 2 I thought this tree was dead, but now all its leaves have become grgen. The eyes of the children of the fellaheen became affected with ophthalmia, because they don't wash their faces or keep the flies away from them. When the paint dries it will get dark. EXERCISE 50 Gismiha kullu sfarre min il 'aya. Wishshu hmarre min kutr ig gary. Ismarrena ktir mish shams lamma kunna benirkab kulle yom fi 1 khala. II biiya Hi fi 1 heta di, hatis- farre lamma tiqdam. II qumash da ilwanha igraddit taman ; lazim yinsibigh. Wishshiha baqa mizridde qawi ; baftikir yekim 'andiha sukhiiniya (or sukhima, or himma). EXERCISE 51 When we went out of the house our idea was to go on foot as far as the citadel ; but when we were halfway we found the walk too far for us, and got into a carriage. I was going to say this 3 to him, but I thought it was rather too severe. See- ing that you have spoilt his book, you must find him a good one in place of it, even if you have to buy it. 4 She always takes me for a donkey and a simpleton ; I mean she imagines that I am inexperienced (and) don't know anything. These men are bad (characters) ; be on your guard against them. Why did you steal this thing? You see the devil got the better of me and misled me, and I stole. They take oath against me, that when they meet me in the road they will seek a quarrel with me. 1 Lit. t (it is) appearing on me (§ 330, Rem. 2 Lit., the excess of the sun. 3 Lit., these words. 4 Lit., even if with money. SPOKEN ARABIC OF EGYPT 25 With whom (at whose house) is this woman employed? They extract rose-water from flowers. The Moslem finds a blessing in the presence of the Koran in his house. I have now got to understand the work a little. Of course he wants to gain something every day so that he may get his living. The lady thought the man was nice, and took him into her service. We are going to call these four men as witnesses in the affair. We were much astonished at your statement. We made his ac- quaintance long ago, and we got to know one another. Didn't you hear me when I knocked at the door ? No ; I was fast asleep, and didn't hear a single knock. I fathomed his intelli- gence, and found it like a child's. 1 Which is the nearest road — this or that? When he comes you must receive him, and make him sit down. When they had acquired possession of the land 2 they built it over with houses. He confessed himself beaten by me. EXERCISE 52 Ishtaretu leinni starkhastu. In nibit da ma yistahmilshe ziyada 'an sana. Kunte mistakhdim 'ande min qable ma khaddimak il Musyu A. ? Yimkin tistaghrab 'ala kalami, lakin bardu sah ih. Itnen riggala starsadu li t tuggar barra 1 balad, qatalu wahid minhum, we garrahu t tani. Ma stas-hilsh ish shughla we 'ash an kede ma qiblush. Is sikka di mistab'ada 'an di. Ish shughle lissa ma stakmilsh. Istanzil 'an agaztu li wahid min il mistakhdimin it tanyin. Min rah yistaqbil il berins 'ande wusiilu fi skandariya? Ma 'him ma tistarzaqshe lamma tekun kaslan. LGh betistaghshimni 1 Ana ma stagh- shimtaksh, bass istaghrabte 'ala innak istaghlibte nafsak li" walad sughaiyar. Ma tista'gilshe ketir ; lissa badri. Lazim tista'gil ish shughli shwaiya. EXERCISE 53 Look out ! don't splash me with the water. This man is always bragging in his talk and speaks only of himself. They shear the sheep's wool with shears. I must sound the man as to the matter. Husbands and wives don't always love one another. Moslems go on their pilgrimage in the month of Higga. Your horse is getting very thin ; perhaps his fodder is not sufficient. Has the clover been cut or not yet ? She had 1 See § 586. 2 Lit., piece, plot (of land). 26 KEY TO EXERCISES IN put (or was putting) her hat on the table. All the bottles are put (ready) and arranged in rows on the sideboard. What concern have you in this matter? It's not your business. Is your mind deranged or what? You (/.) must mash the potatoes and make them soft. I don't think he will come to-day. This flannel (or flannel shirt, §c.) won't shrink in the wash. Drink (/.) this medicine ; perhaps it will cure you. 1 It wasn't right for him to beat these poor people. The ball, after it had sunk, rose to the surface of the water. Mind that dog doesn't bite you. Since you are ill, you must keep yourself from cold. The horse coughs a little to-night. All right ; give him a bran mash, and put the cloth on him. It is raining slightly. EXERCISE 54 Micldi tdik ya bint we limmihum min