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Nothing of the kind is at the present time published, and communications are from time to time received asking whether it is possible to purchase a book or pamphlet containing particulars of London memorials. We have, accordingly, had prepared a return of outdoor statues and other memorials in London specifying, in the case of statues, (1) name of sculptor ; (2) date of erection ; (3) material and description ; (4) custodian ; and (5) such additional particulars as it appears desirable to record ; and in the case of other monuments (1) date of erection ; (2) material ; and (3) custodian. Illustrations of 24 of the most important memorials will be inserted in the volume, which has been prepared to harmonise with the Council's publication, Indication, of Houses of Historical Interest. The preparation of the return has been a work of some difficulty, as comparatively little material was available. From time to time lists have been published, particularly in Notes and Queries, where the subject has been discussed on several occasions, but these lists have rarely included any but the more important of the statues, and have practically omitted altogether the more humble memorials.* It is probably in the case of the latter that this return will be found most *A series of articles is now appearing in the Home Counties Magazine, but these are entirely confined to statues. 357 incomplete, for in spite of the great trouble which has been taken to obtain information as to memorial drinking fountains, tablets, and such small memorials, it can hardly be hoped that there are no omissions from the return. The Council will welcome information which will either correct an error or fill up an omission in the return. I have to express my thanks to all who have kindly furnished me with information for use in the return, and in particular to the Secretary of H.M. Office of Works, the Secretary to the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association, and the Town Clerks of several Metro- politan Boroughs who have taken much trouble to help the Council in this matter. G. L. Gomme, Clerk of the Council. RETURN OF OUTDOOR MEMORIALS IN LONDON. The following return of statues and other memorials does not purport to form a complete list of all such memorials in London. Those which have been omitted intentionally may be divided into the following classes : — i. Statues within buildings. — The monuments in St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and such places will readily occur to the reader. In addition there may be mentioned such statues as thoss of Queen Victoria, Elizabeth and Charles II. in the Royal Exchange ; Edward VI., Charles I. and Henrietta Maria in the Guildhall ; Shakespeare in the British Museum ; Charles Darwin in the Natural History Museum ; George Stephenson in the booking hall of Euston Station. 2. Statues on the exterior of buildings. — Among these refer- ence may be made to those of Sir Thomas Gresham, Sir Hugh Myddelton, and Richard Whittington* on the Royal Exchange ; Queen Elizabethf on the church of St. Dunstan- m-the-West ; Sir Thomas Gresham, Sir Hugh Myddelton, Sir William Walworth, and Henry FitzEylwin,f on buildings adjoining Holborn-viaduct ; Henry VIII. § in a niche over the gateway of St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; George I.|| '* By William Behncs, Samuel Joseph, and J. E. Carew respectively, and erected in 1844-45. f This statue originally formed part of the ornamentation of the new Lud-gate built in 1586. The gate was removed in 1760 and the statuary given to Sir Francis Gosling, who caused the statue of the Queen to be placed in a niche at the east end of St. Dunstan's Church. On the subsequent demolition of the church it seems to have been lost sight of. Some years later it was discovered in the cellar of an adjoining house {Woolwich Advertiser, 27th April, 1839 ; Art Union, May, 1839), and in May, 1839, it was placed in the position it now occupies. X Erected in 1869 ; sculptor, Henry Bursill. § Erected in 1702, sculptor unknown. |! Presented by Mr. William Hucks, a brewer. " When Henry the 8th left the Pope in the lurch, The Protestants made him the head of the church. But George's good subjects, the Bloomsbury people, Instead of the church, made him head of the steeple." Inasmuch as the church was only consecrated on 28th January, 1731, it has been suggested that the statue was intended to represent George II., not his father. But the church is spoken of as completed by 8th January, 1724 (? 1725) {Commissioners' appointment of Parish, quoted by Parton, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, p. 336), and the statue is referred to as being in position in A dialogue between the gentleman who looks over Lincoln and the gentleman on Bloomsbury Church, the date of which seems limited by internal evidence to the years 1724-25. on the tower of St. George's Church, Bloomsbury ; Mary, Queen of Scots, on Nos. 143 and 144, Fleet-street ; the Earl of Essex,* in Devereux -court ; John Bunyan, on Baptist Church House, Southampton-row ; Sir Thomas More,t in a niche on a house at the corner of Serle-street and Carey- street ; William Shakespeare,! on the poitico of Drary Lane Theatre ; Sir Robert Geffryes, in niche over the main entrance to the Ironmongers' Almshouses, Kingsland-road ; twenty-two philosophers, scientists, etc.,§ on the offices of the Civil Service Commission, Burlington-gardens ; King Edward VII., Queen Alexandra, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and thirty-two|| craftsmen, painters, sculptors and architects on the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington ; Queen Victoria (4), Henry III., and Edward III., on the Record Office ; Edward I. and Edward VII., on the National Provincial; Bank, High Holborn ; Earl Derby (a bust) on St. Peter's and St. James's National School, Great Wmdmill-street ; statesmen and others on the buildings of the Foreign Office, India Office, Colonial Office, etc. ; and a number of statues on new hotels, such as the Hotel Russell (statues in terra-cotta of Queens Elizabeth, Mary II., Anne and Victoria ; busts in terra-cotta of Earl Russell, Lord Palmerston, Earl Derby and the Earl of Beacons- field), the Imperial Hotel (statues in terra-cotta of King Edward VII., Queen Alexandra, Julius Caesar and Charle- magne), the Savoy Hotel (bronze gdt statue of Peter, Count of Savoy). A bust and a portrait medallion of Lord Byron, although attached to buildings, have been included in the return, as they mark the site of residences. 3. Memorials in the nature of tombstones. 4. Memorial buildings, such as the Memorial Hall, Farring- don-street ; the Dulwich College Library.** 5. Memorial trees. — These are apparently so numerous, and there is so little information concerning them, that it * A bust, with the legend : " This is Deveraux Courte, 1676." f Erected by Mr. G. M. Arnold, in 1886. Sculptor, Robert Smith, % A reproduction (but smaller) of Scheemaker's statue. § Bentham, Milton, Newton, Harvey (by Joseph Durham) ; Plato, Archimedes, Justinian (by W. F. Woodington) ; Cicero, Galen, Aris- totle (by J. S. Westmacott) ; Locke, Bacon, Adam Smith (by William Theed) ; Leibnitz, Cuvier, Linneus (by Patrick Macdowell) ; Hume, Hunter, Sir Humphrey Davy (by Matthew Noble) ; Galileo, La Place, Goethe (by E. W. Wyon). || St. Dunstan, Wni. Torel, Caxton, Geo. Henot, H. Shaw, Thos. Tompion, Chippendale, Roger Payne, Wm. Morris ; Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Ronmey, Cosway, Turner, Constable, Watts, Leighton, Millais ; Grinling Gibbons, John Bacon, Flaxman, Chantrey, Foley, Alfred Stevens ; William oi Wykeham, John Thorpe, Inigo Jones, Wren, Wm. Chambers, Chas. Barry. ** A memorial to Old Alleynians who were killed during the South African War. has been deemed advisable to omit them. Mention should, however, be made of the Shakespeare Oak planted on Prim- rose-hill on 23rd April, 1864, to commemorate the tercen- tenary of Shakespeare's birth. It is well, perhaps, to" call attention to the fact that the return is strictly limited to objects which are of a " memorial " character. Thus, statues such as those of Physical Energy, in Kensington-gardens ; Diana, in Hyde-park ; the Hercu- laneum Wrestlers, in Victoria-embankment-gardens ; tablets such as that of the Boy and Panyer, in Panyer-alley, marking what is alleged to be the highest ground in the City, and that on the sun-dial in Waterlow-park, recording the fact that it is level with the top of the dome of St. Paul's ; and drinking fountains, whose only claim to a ' memorial ' nature is that they are " Presented by " or " The gift of " ; are not included. Albert, Prince Consort. (1) At entrance to Albert HalL Memorial, 42 feet high and 18 feet across the base at the angles. Above the base are seated figures, 8 feet high, representing Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Above are eight columns of granite and eight corresponding antae, with bronze capitals and bases. Then rises the pedestal of the princi- pal statue, which is 8 feet high, representing the Prince in the robes of Great Master of the Bath. The memorial is chiefly of granite, on a sub-structure of Portland stone ; the statues are of bronze. Sculptor, Joseph Durham. " Erected by public subscription. Originally in- tended only to commemorate the International Exhibition of 1851," but subsequently " dedicated also to the memory of the gTeat author of that undertaking." Unveiled, 10th June, 1863. Placed at first in the gardens of the Royal Horticultural Society : removed to present site in the spring of 1899. Total cost, nearly ^8,000. Maintained by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. (2) In grounds of Licensed Victuallers' Asylum, Asylum-road, Old Kent-road, S.E. Statue of Carrara marble, over 8 feet high. The prince is represented in the costume in which he appeared when laying the foundation stone of the Albert Wing of the asylum,. one hand rest- ing on part of a Corinthian column, the other holding a scroll. The pedestal is a block of Sicilian marble on a granite base. Sculptor, Thomas Earle. Cost, between 600 and 700 guineas. Unveiled, 9th August, 1864. Maintained by the asylum authorities. (3) In Holborn-circus. Bronze equestrian statue, rather more than life size. The prince is represented in the uniform of a field-marshal. Pedestal of granite, about 15 feet high. On the east and west sides, seated upon the abutments of the pedestal, are bronze female figures representing History and Peace. On the north and south sides of the pedestal are bronze panels representing : (i.) the Prince laying the foundation stone of the Royal Exchange ; (ii.) Britannia distributing awards to successful competitors in the Exhibition of 1851. Charles Bacon designed the monument as a whole, and was the sculptor of the statue, the emblematical figures, and all other bronze work. The statue was the gift of a private individual who desired his name to remain unknown; the pedestal was provided by the City of London Corporation. Unveiled, 9th January, 1874. Maintained by the City of London Corporation. (4) In Kensington-gardens. Colossal bronze gilt statue, enshrined in a Gothic canopy, with spire rising to 175 feet, supported by four 8 clustered piers of granite, but resting on and held together by an invisible iron tie or cross girder. There are four projecting pedestals supporting marble groups representing Agriculture, Manufacture, Commerce and Engineering. The whole is on a spacious platform approached by flights of granite steps. Representations (178) of artists of every period are given. At the corners of the steps are pedestals bearing allegorical marble figures of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Designed by Sir Gilbert Scott. Sculptors, J. H. Foley (the statue of the Prince), H. H. Armstead, J. B. Philip, P. Macdowell, W. Theed, John Bell, T. Thorneycroft, J. Lawlor, W. Calder Marshall, H. Weekes. Mosaics designed by Clayton and Bell and executed by Salviati. The original scheme was for an obelisk with groups of statuary at the base. It was, however, unpopular, and on this account and that of the difficulty attending the excavation of the monolith, was abandoned by the late Queen Victoria, who suggested a combina- tion of groups of statuary (among them a statue of the Prince). Com- petition was initiated, and six designs were submitted. Cost, over ^120,000; met by public subscriptions (^56,765). Society of Arts' fund (over ^12,000), Parliamentary grant (£50,000), the remainder being defrayed by the Queen. Memorial opened in July, 1872 ; statue of Prince unveiled 9th March, 1876. Maintained by H.M, Office of Works. Alexandra, Queen. In grounds behind the London Hos- pital, Whitechapel-road. Bronze statue of heroic size. The Queen is represented in coronation robes. Pedestal of stone : on one side is a bronze tablet with inscrip- tion, on other side a bronze relief representing the King and Queen inspecting the Finsen Light Department of the Hospital. Sculptor, Geo. E. Wade. " Erected by friends of the hospital." Unveiled, 10th July, 1908. Maintained by the Governors of the Hospital. Alfred (?) the Great. Trinity-square, Southvvark. Stone statue, over life size. Crowned ; clad in loose robes with girdle, over which is a mantle fastened at the throat ; robes gathered up in left hand. A low pedestal. The origin of the statue is quite unknown. It is usually said to represent Alfred the Great, but there seem to be no valid grounds for this assumption.* Erected some time before 1836. Maintained by the Corporation of Trinity House. All Hallows the Great. No. 89, Upper Thames-street. Stone tablet, commemorating the site of the church taken down in 1894. Anne, Queen. (1) At Queen Anne's-gate. Stone statue, representing the queen standing. Its origin is unknown, but it is believed to have been erected early in the eighteenth century, by the loyalty of William Paterson, the founder of the Bank of England, who was also the builder of Queen Square (now Queen Anne's-gate). When taken charge of by H.M. Office of Works it was in a very dilapidated condition. The children of the locality were accustomed in their play to call upon * The Secretary of Trinity House states that the Corporation have, on more than one occasion, endeavoured to ascertain the facts in connection with the origin of the statue , but without success. Mr. Alfred Chadwick, whose father laid out the square about 1825, when, it is believed, the statue was set up, on being asked some time ago by the Corporation of Trinity House to endeavour to procure information on the point, was not able to ascertain anything definite. He stated, however, that he knew of no grounds for calling it King Alfred. Albert Memorial, Kensington-gardens. (See p. 7.) Queen Anne, St. Paul's. {See p. 9.) c r r r -*- " ■ Marl of Beaconseield, Parliament-square. {See p. 10.) the statue, by the name of " Bloody Queen Mary," to descend from its pedestal, and on receiving, naturally, no response, to assail it with missiles. (2) Opposite west front of St. Paul's. Statue of Sicilian marble. The queen is represented standing, crowned, in robe of state, and bearing the sceptre and orb. Around the pedestal are four female figures in sitting attitude, representing England, France, Ireland and North America. Erected at the expense of, and maintained by, the City of London Corporation. Cost, £2,000. It is a copy of the monument by Francis Bird, erected in 17 12 to commemorate the completion of St. Paul's, and removed in 1885 on account of its dilapidated condition. Mr. Richard Belt was commissioned to execute the sculpture, but on his withdrawal from the work it was completed by other persons under the supervision of the Architect to the Corporation. Unveiled, 15th December, 1886. The original monument was acquired by Mr. A. J. C. Hare, and stands in his park of " Holmhurst," near St. Leonards. (3) See Charlotte, Queen. Army Ordnance Corps. Corner of Francis-street and Artillery-place, Woolwich. Bronze statue representing a man of the corps in active service uniform, on pedestal (of polished grey Aberdeen granite) with four sides, two provided with drinking fountains, two with panels. Above one of the fountains is the badge of the corps in bronze, over the other is a short epitaph. In memory of members of the Army Ordnance Department and Corps who fell in the South African War. Designed by C. M. Jordan, figure modelled by F. Coomans. Unveiled, 7th December, 1905. Maintained by Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council. Aske, Robert. In grounds of Aske's (Haberdashers') Boys' School, Hatcham. Stone statue. Robert Aske is represented standing, one hand on open scroll, right hand holding up robe. Pedestal of granite. Origin unknown. Formerly at the schools at Hoxton, removed in 1898. Maintained by the Haberdashers' Company. Astley, Joanna (Dame). St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield. Inscribed stone (a foundation stone) marking the site of residence Laid 5th December, 1907. Ayling, Thomas. (1) At corner of Isledon-road and Seven Sisters-road, N. A drink- ing fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1895 m Sonderburg- road, and removed to present position in 1906. Maintained by Islington Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) At corner of Beaumont-road and Hornsey-rise, N. Cattle trough of polished grey granite. Erected in 1895. Maintained by Islington Metropolitan Borough Council. (3) At corner of Holloway-road and Pcmberton-gardens, N. Drink- ing fountain of polished grey granite. Date of erection unknown. Maintained by Islington Metropolitan Borough Council. 10 Ayres, Alice. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice.* Bagnigge House. Nos. 6i and 63, King's Cross-road, N. Stone tablet let into wall of comparatively modern houses, sur- mounted by a satyr's head, with inscription : This is Bagnigge Hovse neare The Pindcr A Wakefeilde, 1680. Baillie, Joanna. Bolton House, Windmill-hill, Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1900. Bannister, James. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. • Barry, James. No. 36, Castle-street, Oxford-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1881. Bazalgette, Sir Joseph. Victoria-embankment (opposite Northumberland-avenue). Bronze bust, in full relief, in a circular niche, enclosed in a frame of marble on base of grey granite. Sculptor, George Simonds. Erected in 1899. Maintained by London County Council. Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of. (1) In Parliament-square. Statue of bronze on pedestal of red granite. Beaconsfield is represented standing, in peer's robes, which are gathered in left hand so as to show a diplomatic dress and the hilt of a sword. The right hand holds a rolled paper. Sculptor, Raggi. Unveiled, 19th April, 1883. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) No. 22, Theobald's-road, W.C. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of birthplace. Affixed by London County Council, 12th August, 1904. (3) No. 19, Curzon-strcet, May fair. Tablet of encaustic ware commemorating place of death. Affixed by London County Council, 29th January, 1908. Beauclerk, Topham and Lady Diana. Nos. ioi and 102, Great Russell-street. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1905. Beaufort Buildings. Savoy-courtyard. Two tablets of Carrara ware gilt, commemorative of ancient name and reason therefor. Erected by Savoy Hotel authorities, in 1904. Beck, Joseph and John Runtz. Clissold-park. Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in 1890. Main- tained by London County Council. * " In 1887, the late Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A. . . . suggested the idea of marking the first Jubilee of Queen Victoria by putting up a national memorial to the heroic men and women who lost their lives in saving life. . . . The national part of the memorial has not yet been carried out, but the records of Londoners were commemorated by Mb. Watts [and subsequently by Mrs. Watts] who erected at the back of St. Botolph's an open gallery, and placed on the wall tablets [48 in all] in honour of their worthy deeds." (Preface to The Story of the Tablets.) The tablets are of glazed Doulton ware, and in the centre is a bronze statuette of Mr. Watts. II Bedford, Francis, 5th Duke of. Russell-square. Bronze statue, 9 feet high. The Duke is represented standing, with right arm resting on a plough, the left hand holding ears of corn. At the feet are four figures (bronze), representing the seasons. Pedestal, of granite, 18 feet high. On the east and west sides are groups of bronze, in bold relief. The space between is occupied with bas-reliefs. Sculptor, Sir Richard Westmacott. Unveiled, 3rd August, 1809. Maintained by the Russell-square-garden Commissioners. Behrend (Mr. and Mrs.). Oxford-circus. Drinking fountain of grey granite. Erected in September, 1906. Maintained by Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association. Bellot, Lieutenant. On river front, adjacent to Green- wich pier. Obelisk of red Aberdeen granite, about 35 feet high. Designed by Philip Hardwick. Erected, at a cost of about £500, in 1855, "to the intrepid young Bellot of the French navy, who, in the endeavour to rescue Franklin, shared the fate and the glory of that illustrious navigator." Maintained by the Admiralty. Benning, Ernest. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Bentinck, Lord George. Cavendish-square. Bronze statue, on plain red polished granite pedestal. Lord George is standing, holding in one hand some political document, while the other is engaged in the folds of his favourite mantle, preparatory to casting the latter over his shoulder. Sculptor, Thomas Campbell. Erected, 4th November, 1851. Without admitting liability for the statue, Lord Howard de Walden defrays the cost of keeping it in repair. Besant, Sir Walter. Victona-embankment, by Waterloo-bridge. Bronze panel, showing bust in relief, with inscription. Sculptor, Sir George Frampton. A bronze replica of the memorial in St. Paul's Cathedral. Presented by the Society of Authors. Erected in Decem- ber, 1904. Maintained by London County Council. Bevtngton, J. B. In churchyard of Bermondsey old parish church, Tower-bridge-road. Ornamental drinking fountain of Portland stone and granite, Designed by R. J. Angel. Unveiled, 24th March, 1902. Maintained by Bermondsey Metropolitan Borough Council. BlSHOPSGATE. (1) No. 1, Bishopsgate-street Without. Stone tablet with inscrip- tion : " Adjoining to this spot Bishopsgate formerly stood." Above. a mitre in stone. Maintained by City of London Corporation. (2) No. 64, Bishopsgate-street Within. Tablet of polished red granite with same inscription as above in gilt letters. The mitre is also gilt. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Blake, Edward. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) 12 Blake, William. (i) No. 28, Broad-street, Golden-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 16th October, 1907. (2) No. 23, Hercules-road, Lambeth. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by City of London Corporation, in 1907. Blencowe, George. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Boadicea (Boudicca). Victoria-embankment, by West- minster-bridge. Bronze statuary group. Boadicea and her two daughters are in a pair-horse chariot with scythed wheels. Sculptor, Thomas Thorny- croft. Pedestal (inner portion of brickwork faced with granite, cover of bronze), designed by J. G. Jackson. Presented by Sir John Isaac Thornycroft. Cost of casting met by public subscription. Erected in 1902. Maintained by London County Council. Booker, Joseph. Courtyard of the late St. Mary's School, Lincoln's Inn-fields. Stone cross. Erected in 1839. Maintained by London County Council. Booth, William. Mile End Waste. Stone slab, with inscription, in lead letters : Here William Booth commenced the work of the Salvation Army, July, 1865. Laid on 9th July, 1910. Maintained by Stepney Metropolitan Borough Council. Bostall Woods, Opening of. Junction of High-street and Wickham-lane, Plumstead. Ornamental drinking fountain of polished red granite. Unveiled, 29th November, 1894. Maintained by Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council. Bosvvell, James. No. 56, Great Queen-street, W.C. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 18th September, 1905. Boxall, Elizabeth. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Braidwood, James. On east wall of No. 33, Tooley-street. Tablet of Portland stone, containing a representation of a house on fire, firemen's accoutrements, etc. Designed by S. H. Gardiner. Subscribed for by members of the M division of police, and marking the spot where Braidwood was buried in the ruins at the great Tooley-street fire. Unveiled, 22nd March, 1862. Maintained by the proprietors of Hay's Wharf, Limited. Bright, John. Victoria-park. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1890. Maintained by London County Council. Bristow, Henry James. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) 13 Bristoyve, Thomas Lynn. Brockwell-park. Ornamental drinking fountain of white mountain limestone, con- taining bust, over life size. Erected in 1893. Maintained by London County Council. Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron. No. 4, Graf ton-street . Tablet of terra-cotta, commemorative of residence. Affixed by City of London Corporation, in 1904. Brown, Stewart. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. No. 50, Wimpole-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1898. Browning, Robert. No. 19, Warwick-crescent, Paddington. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1890. Brunel, Isambard Kingdom. Victoria-embankment. Statue of bronze, on a pedestal of Portland stone, flanked by a screen of the same material. Brunei is represented standing, holding a pair of dividers. Sculptor, Baron Marochetti. Pedestal designed by Norman Shaw. Subscriptions were started as early as 1859. For some time the statue lay in a Government store, awaiting arrangements as to site. In 1871 the Metropolitan Board of Works gave permission for the statue to be erected on the Victoria- embankment, and in 1877 the works were completed and the Board took charge of, the statue. Now maintained by London County Council. Burgoyne, Sir John Fox. Waterloo-place. Bronze statue on grey granite pedestal. The General is represented bareheaded, in tunic and sashes, holding baton in right hand, left hand resting on his sword. Sculptor, Sir Edgar Boehm. Erected in November, 1877. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Burke, Edmund. No. 37, Gerrard-street, Soho. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1876. Burney, Fanny. See D'Arblay, Frances. Burns, Robert. Victoria-embankment-gardens, Villiers- street section. Statue of bronze. The poet is shown attired in the rustic dress of the peasant of Scotland at the time, seated on the broken stump of a tree, in 'the act of composing. Near the foot of the figure is a scroll, and beside it a broken ploughshare. Pedestal and base of granite. Sculp- tor, Sir John Steell. The gift of Mr. John Gordon Crawford. Cost, about £2,000. Unveiled, 26th July, 1884. Maintained by London County Council. Button, Charles. Well-street-common. Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in 1897. Main- tained by London County Council. Buxton, Sir T. Fowell. See Slavery, Abolition of. Byrne, William Pitt. Bryanston-square. Ornamental drinking fountain of white marble, green serpentine, and red and yellow Mansfield stone. After a design by Mrs. Byrne. Erected in 1863. Maintained by the Bryanston-square Trustees. Byron, George Gordon, Baron. (1) In Hamilton-gardens. Statue of bronze. The poet is repre- sented seated on a rock in an attitude of meditation, his favourite dog by his side. Pedestal of marble, material supplied by the Greek Government. Sculptor, R. C. Belt. Cost, about ^3>5°°» borne by public subscription. Unveiled, 24th May, 1880 ; pedestal not sup- plied until later. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) On wall of Nos. 16-28, Holies-street. Bronze bust set in Jacobean masonry of Portland stone. Commemorative of site of residence. Designed by Mr. Taylerson, after the picture at Newstead Abbey. Unveiled, 14th May, 1900. Erected and maintained by Mr. John Lewis. (3) No. 8, St. James's-street. Medallion, containing bust, in marble, in coloured frame, commemorative of residence. Design of frame planned by Sir J. G. Tollemache Sinclair, who provided the memorial, the medallion being a copy of one made by Mr. Adams-Acton. Erected in October, 1906. Cales. Richard Cooke. Stamford-hill. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in March, 1889. Maintained by Hackney Metropolitan Borough Council. Cama, The Wife of Dorabjee Presten Jee. St. Quintin- avenue, by Kelfield-gardens. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite, Erected in 1892. Maintained by Kensington Royal Borough Council. Cambridge, George, Duke of. Whitehall. Bronze equestrian statue, representing the Duke in full dress of a field-marshal, with orders and medals. Pedestal of grey Dartmoor granite, with panels showing in low relief men of the 17th Lancers and Grenadier Guards. Sculptor, Capt. Adrian Jones. Pedestal designed by John Belcher, in collaboration with the sculptor. Un- veiled, 15th June, 1907. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Cambridge, John C. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Campbell, Thomas. No. 8, Victoria-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Westminster, in 1908, Candler, S. Horace. Brockwell-park. Ornamental drinking fountain of granite and Portland stone. Erected in December, 1903. Maintained by London County Council. Canning, George. (1) In Parliament -square. Bronze statue on granite pedestal. Canning is represented in robes, holding a scroll. Sculptor, Sir Richard Westmacott. Erected on 2nd May, 1832, in Palace-yard. Removed to present position in April, 1867. Cost, 7,000 guineas, borne by public subscription. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. i5 (2) No. 37, Conduit-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemora- tive of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1876. " Carabiniers, The " (6th Dragoon Guards). Chelsea- embankment, at corner of Chelsea-bridge-road. Brick and stone screen with bronze panels, the principal feature being a panel in relief showing a Carabinier scouting on a kopje. Sculp- tor, Capt. Adrian Jones. Commemorative of the officers and men who fell in South Africa. Unveiled, 23rd June, 1906. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Carlyle, Thomas. (1) In Chelsea-embankment-gardens. Statue of bronze on pedestal of polished red granite. Carlyle is shown wrapped in a loose dressing- gown, seated in his armchair, legs crossed, and hands folded in his lap. Sculptor, Sir Edgar Boehm. Unveiled, 26th October, 1882. Maintained by London County Council. (2) No. 24, Cheyne-row. Tablet of white marble (with medallion portrait), commemorative of residence. Affixed by Carlyle Society of London. Owing to circumstances preventing the erection of the tablet, when delivered, on the proper house, it was at first (6th Feb- ruary, 1886) fixed on No. 49, Cheyne-walk, being subsequently (in 1889) removed to its present position. (3) No. 33, Ampton-street, Gray's Inn-road. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 7th February, 1907. Cartwright, John. Burton-crescent. Bronze statue on granite pedestal. The major is represented seated in his chair, conversing upon the subject of some papers that he holds in his hand. The statue stands nearly opposite the house where he died. Sculptor, G. Clarke. Unveiled, 20th July, 1831. Maintained by the Skinners' Company. Cavendish, Henry. No. 11, Bedford-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1904. Cazaly, Herbert Peter. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Chamberlain, James Bradley. See Pearce, W. W., and J. B. Chamberlain. Charles I. Charing-cross. Bronze equestrian statue. Pedestal, of oval shape, of freestone mounted on blocks of the same, cemented into a solid base slightly cut out and rounded at the extremities. Side panels quite plain, each oval end decorated with a moulding of the Royal Arms. An ornamental carved frieze, once said to be by Grinling Gibbons, runs round the pedestal below the plinth on which the horse rests. Sculptor, Hubert Le Sueur. The statue was originally intended for the garden of Lord Weston, afterwards Earl of Portland (Lord High Treasurer), at Roehampton. The entire cost, including setting, was fixed at ^600, and eighteen months was the time allowed for execution. Cast in 1633. During the Commonwealth the statue got into the hands of John Rivett, a brazier, who apparently, after the Restoration, refused to deliver up to the Earl of Portland the " statue of brass of the late i6 king on horse back." (Kennet's Register, 19th July, 1660.) Either by gift or purchase it came into the possession of the Crown, and was erected, some time between July, 1675, and March, 1677, on trie site formerly occupied by the original Charing (Eleanor) Cross, at a total cost, including pedestal, of ^668 6s. id. (Accounts of Paymaster of Works and Buildings, quoted by Peter Cunningham in Gentleman' s Magazine, July, 1851.) Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Charles II. Chelsea Hospital. Bronze statue, representing the king in Roman costume. Sculptor, Grinling Gibbons. Presented by Tobias Rustat. Said to have been erected in 1692. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Charles, Elizaeeth (Mrs. Rundle Charles). " Coombe Edge," Branch-hill, Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Rundle Charles Memorial Fund in 1897. Charlotte (?), Queen. Queen-square, Bloomsbury. !*"' The leaden statue of a queen represented standing, crowned, in royal robes, and holding sceptre. The statue is commonly said to be of Queen Anne, after whom the square is named. There is, however, some doubt as to whether the ascription is correct. On 24th April, 1775, a statue (sculptor unknown) was erected in the square which was certainly that ©f Queen Charlotte, the consort of George III. The newspapers of the day leave no doubt as to the person represented. Thus the London Chronicle for 25th April says : " Yesterday the statue of her Majesty was set up in Queen square, Ormond-street, which has been done at the expense of Oliver Becket, Esq." Similar notices appear in the Morning Post and Daily Advertiser and Lloyd's Evening Post. Writing at about that time, Walter Harrison, in describing Queen-square, states that " at the north end of it is a very handsome statue of her present majesty, Queen Charlotte."* There seems, however, to be some reason for doubting whether the statue then erected is identical with that at present standing in the square. The features of the statue in no way resemble any of the portraits of Queen Charlotte, and the style of dress is hardly compatible with the assumption that the latter is represented. More- over, when recording the erection of Queen Charlotte's statue in 1775, the Morning Post and Daily Advertiser mentions that underneath " is the following inscription : Virtutis Decus et Tutamen." There is, however, no trace of such an inscription on the present pedestal. It would there- fore seem necessary to take into account the possibility that Queen Charlotte's statue has been removed, and some other substituted. Whom it is supposed to represent is uncertain ; perhaps Anne, though the name of Mary II. has been suggested. The statue is maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. Pitt House, North End, Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 7th July, 1909. Chaucer, Geoffrey. See Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton. Chelsea-embankment, Opening of. On Chelsea-embank- ment, opposite Flood-street. Ornamental lamp. Erected in 1874 (?). Maintained by Chelsea Metropolitan Borough Council. *A new and universal history ... of the cities of London and Westminster. Lord Byron, Hamilton-gardens. (See p. 14.) Duke of Cambridge, Whitehall. (See p. 14.) Charles I., Charing-cross. (See p. i ; Q ei > a u << J - C O s > o i7 Chesterfield, Philip, Philip and Philip Dormer, 2nd, 3rd and 4TH Earls of. No. 45, Bloomsbury-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1907. Chillianwallah, Battle of. Chelsea Hospital. Obelisk, 37J feet high, of Aberdeen granite, on a base of the same material. Surmounted by a gilt grenade. Designed by Cockerill. Erected in 1853 by the officers of the 24th Regiment to the memory of 300 of their comrades who fell in the battle. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Clayton, Sir Robert. St. Thomas's Hospital (Quadrangle of Medical School Block). Statue of marble, representing Sir Robert in habit of Lord Mayor, with a charter in his hand. Marble pedestal. Sculptor, unknown. Erected in 1701 ; removed with hospital to present site in 1870-1. Maintained by the Governors of the Hospital. Cleopatra. Victoria-embankment. Obelisk of granite, 68£ feet high. Its " memorial " character consists solely in the name, and to this slight extent it may be regarded as commemorative of Cleopatra, with whom, however, it had really no connection. It was originally one of two obelisks erected at Heli- opolis by Thothmes III., and dedicated to Turn of Heliopolis. They were subsequently appropriated by Rameses II., who added lines of inscription on either side of the original line down the middle of each face. They were removed to Alexandria in B.C. 12. The one here referred to was presented to the British nation by Mohammed Ali in 1 819, but was not removed for many years. Subsequently, " through the patriotic zeal of Erasmus Wilson, F.R.S.," it was brought from Alexandria " encased in an iron cylinder. It was abandoned during a storm in the Bay of Biscay, recovered, and erected on " its present site on I2th-i3th September, 1878. It is on a pedestal of grey granite, 18 feet 8 inches high, including the steps. Base of bronze, with two large bronze sphinxes. The inscription covers three sides of the base, while on the fourth side is a memorial tablet to six sailors who perished in a bold attempt to succour the crew of the obelisk ship Cleopatra during the storm. Maintained by London County Council. The companion obelisk was removed to New York in 1879. Clerkenwell Pump. West end of St. James's Church, Clerkenwell. Iron tablet, and spout of the old pump. In 1800 " fixed on the site of the ancient Clerks' well, viz., the pump-house, No. 2, Ray -street, 119 yards westward " ; removed to present site in 1878. Maintained by vicar and churchwardens of St. James's, Clerkenwell. Clinton, John. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. io« Clyde, Sir Colin Campbell, Baron. Waterloo-place. Statue of bronze. Lord Clyde is represented standing, with thumb of right hand hooked in a strap which supports a telescope at his back, his left hand holds a helmet. Pedestal of granite. On the front is Britannia, represented as the Empress of India, crowned with laurel, holding an olive branch, seated on the British lion 357 B i8 couchant. Behind is a pillar of polished red granite, with flora mouldings of bronze, surmounted by the statue. Sculptor, Baron Marochetti. Erected in 1867. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Coal Hole. See Fountain Tavern and Coal Hole. Cobden, Richard. (1) In High-street, Camden-town. Statue of Sicilian marble. Cobden is shown standing, as if in the act of speaking. Pedestal of Portland stone, sculptured in relief with fruits and sheaves of corn. Sculptors, W. and T. Wills. Erected, 27th June, 1868. Cost, about ^320, borne by " public subscription, to which Napoleon III. was principal contributor." Maintained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) No. 23, Suffolk-street, Pall Mall. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorating place of death. Affixed by London County Council, 15th August, 1905. Cocker, Eliza and Joseph, and Eliza Crompton. Dalston- lane, at junction with Queen's-road. Cattle trough of grey granite. Originally erected in Theobald's- road in 1888. Removed to present position in July, 1901. Main- tained by Hackney Metropolitan Borough Council. Coghlam, Elizabeth. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. No. 71, Berners-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Originally affixed by London County Council, 20th December, 1905. The house being demolished, the tablet was on 26th August, 1908, re-erected by the Council on the new premises, together with a supplementary tablet (also of encaustic ware) recording the circumstances. Colet, John. Grounds of St. Paul's School, W. Kensington. Statue of bronze. The dean is represented seated, book in hand, a scholar on either side, under a canopy, supported by six columns, all of bronze. At the top of each column is a smaller canopy enclosing an angel, and crowning this a statue of the Infant Jesus on His mother's knee. Pedestal and base of Portland stone. Sculptor, Hamo Thorny- croft. Presented by Mr. E. Howley Palmer. Unveiled, 10th Decem- ber, 1902. Maintained by Governors of the School. Constable, Isabel. (1) At corner of Ashlone-road and Putney-embankment. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1889. Maintained by Wandsworth Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) In Bridge-road, Hammersmith. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1889. Maintained by Hammersmith Metropolitan Borough Council. Constable, John. No. 76, Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 6th March, 1906. Cook, James (Captain). No. 88, Mile End-road, E. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 4th October, 1907, i9 Coram, Thomas (Captain). In front of Foundling Hospital, Guilford-street. Statue of Caen stone. The captain is shown standing, with flowing wig, long waistcoat and broad-tailed open coat, holding in one hand the charter of the hospital. Sculptor, W. Calder Marshall. Erected in 1752. Maintained by the Governors of the Hospital. Crimean Memorial. See Guards, The, and Westminster Scholars. Croft, Frederick Alfred. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10). Crompton, Eliza. See Cocker, E. and J., and E. Crompton. Cromwell, Oliver. Old Palace-yard. Statue of bronze. Cromwell is in military attire, bareheaded, his right hand clenched on the hilt of his sword, his left hand clasping a Bible. In front of the pedestal (of Portland stone) is a bronze lion. Sculptor, Hamo Thornycroft. Presented anonymously. Unveiled, 14th November, 1899. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Crosby, Brass. In grounds of Bethlehem Hospital. Obelisk of stone. Originally erected in 1771 in St. George' s-circus, removed to present position in August, 1905. The obelisk is usually regarded as having been erected in honour of Crosby, who, as Lord Mayor, obtained the release of a printer imprisoned for publishing the Parliamentary Debates, and who was sent to the Tower for com- mitting to prison the messenger of the House of Commons who arrested the printer. Though bearing the name of Crosby, apparently as Lord Mayor in the year of erection, there is nothing on the obelisk to indicate that it was put up in his honour. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Cross, Mary Ann (" George Eliot "). Holly Lodge, Wimbledon-park-road, Wandsworth. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 3rd August, 1905. Cruikshank, George. (1) In Kensal-green Cemetery. Obelisk of polished red granite, with bronze bust. Erected 2nd April, 1884. No one appears to be interested in the maintenance or repair of the memorial. (2) No. 263, Hampstead-road, N.W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1885. • D'Arblay, Frances (" Fanny Burney "). No. 11, Bolton- street, Piccadilly. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1885. Darwin, Charles. No. iio, Gower-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 26th February, 1906. Dean, Henry. See Peart, Walter, and Henry Dean. 20 Delane, John Thadeus. No. 16, Serjeants' Inn. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 20th April, 1910. Denman, Alice Maud and Arthur (" Peter ") Regelous. (1) Bethnal Green-gardens. Drinking fountain of stone and emerald pearl granite. Erected in 1903. Maintained by London County Council. (2) Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self- sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Denman, Lord, and Rt. Hon. George Denman. No. 50, Russell-square. Tablet of Doulton ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by members of the Denman family, in 1907. De Quincey, Thomas. No. 61, Greek-street, Soho. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 28th October, 1909. Derby, Edward Stanley, Earl of. Parliament-square. Bronze statue, representing Lord Derby standing, in peer's robes, in attitude as if addressing the House of Lords. In his left hand he holds a despatch. Pedestal of granite, with bronze bas reliefs representing Lord Derby (1) speaking in the House of Commons on the slave question ; (2) at a meeting of the Cabinet ; (3) at a meeting of the Lancashire Relief Committee ; and (4) being inaugurated as Chancellor of Oxford University. Sculptor, Matthew Noble. Un- veiled, nth July, 1874. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works, w Dibdin, Charles. No. 34, Arlington-road, Camden Town, N.W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 10th September, 1908. . Dickens, Charles. (1) No. 48, Doughty-street, Mecklenburg-square, W.C. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 16th December, 1903. (2) No. 1, Devonshire-terrace, Marylebone-road, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 10th August, 1904. Dickson, Sir Alexander. The Royal Military Repository, Woolwich. Quadrilateral memorial of granite, on base of the same material. In the front a bronze medallion portrait. Erected in 1845. Main- tained by the War Office, DTsraeli, Isaac. No. 6, Bloomsbury-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1904. Donald, William Percy. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice, (See note, p. 10.) 21 Donovan, Ellen. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. io.) Doulton, Sir Henry. Browning Hall Ground, York-street, Walworth. Drinking fountain of Doulton ware. Erected in 1898. Maintained by the Browning Settlement. Drake, William. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Dryden, John. No. 43, Gerrard-street, Soho. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1875. Du Bois, Anne. "*- (1) In Upper Avenue-road, N.W. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1899. Maintained by Hampstead Metro- politan Borough Council. (2) In Archbishop's-park. Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in 1901. Maintained by London County Council. Du Bois, William, Esther and Anne. Waterlow-park. Drinking fountain of grey granite. Erected in 1901. Maintained by London County Council. S Du Maurier, George. New Grove House, The Grove, Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Cost met by private subscriptions. Affixed in 1900. Durrant, Robert. Sa Mills, Frederick, etc. " Eagle Pillar." Orme-square. Double column of stucco, surmounted by an eagle. Its " memorial " character is very doubtful. The following theories are held : (1) Mr. Orme, having made a fortune by supplying Russia with gravel, erected the column with a Russian eagle on the top as a token of gratitude (J. C. Horsley, Recollections of a Royal Acade- mician, p. 116) ; (2) the column (with a French eagle) is in commemora- tion of the fact that Louis Napoleon once stayed in the square ; or (3) of the fact that the French embassy was formerly at No. 2 ; (4) that the column is not a memorial at all, but simply an ornament picked up in a builder's yard. (Information given by Mr. F. Carver.) Date of erection unknown. Maintained by Mr. F. Carver. Edward VI. St. Thomas's Hospital. (1) Between blocks 1 and 2. Statue of bronze, on a pedestal of marble. Sculptor, P. Sheemakers. Originally erected " at the expense of Charles Joye, Esquire," in 1737 ; position altered on 15th September, 1739; removed with the hospital in 1870-1. Maintained by the Governors of the Hospital. (2) On terrace, and between blocks 4 and 5. Statue and pedestal of Portland stone. Origin unknown. Maintained by the Governors of the Hospital. 22 Edward VII. (i) The Village, Old Charlton. Drinking fountain of polished red granite and grey granite trough. Erected in July, 1903. to com- memorate the King's Coronation. Maintained by the Greenwich Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) See Victoria, Queen (21). Edwards, Richard Passmore. The Broadway, Hammersmith. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1895. Maintained by the Hammersmith Metropolitan Borough Council. Eighth Regiment. Chelsea Hospital. Memorial of Sicilian marble in shape of an old Irish cross. Plinth of red Mansfield stone, serpentine and green marble, sub-plinth of granite. Designed by H. S. Leifchild. Erected at Portsmouth in 1863 ; removed to Chelsea in 1877. It is in commemoration of mem- bers of the regiment killed in the Indian Mutiny. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Eleanor, Queen. In yard of Charing Cross railway station. A memorial cross, about 70 feet high, of Portland and Mansfield stone and Aberdeen granite. It is a reproduction, as near as pos- sible, of the cross erected in memory of his wife by Edward I., on the site now occupied by Charles I.'s statue. Sculptor, Thomas Earp. Designed by E. M. Barry. Erected in 1863 at a cost of about ^1,800. Maintained by the South Eastern Kailway Company. Eliot, George. See Cross, Mary Ann (" George Eliot "). Ellenborough, Edward Law, ist Baron, and Edward Law, ist Earl of. No. 41, Bloomsbury-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1908. Elliott, George Frederick. See Nicholson,' G. M., etc. Emery, Edward. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Etty, William. See Pepys, Samuel, etc. Faraday, Michael. No. 2. Blandford-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1876. Farris, Richard. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Fawcett, Henry. (1) Victoria-embankment-gardens. A mural fountain of grey Aberdeen granite. Above the basin is a bronze panel containing a medallion portrait. Sculptor, Mary Grant. Designed by Basil Champneys. Unveiled, 27th July, 1886. "Erected ... by his grateful countrywomen." Cost, about ^600. Maintained by London Couoty Council, 2 3 (2) Stonebridge-coinmon, Acton-street, Haggerston-road. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in May, 1891, by Mr. Pass- more Edwards. Maintained by Hackney Metropolitan Borough Council. (3) In Vauxhall-park. Statue of terra-cotta, on a pedestal of the same material. The professor is represented seated, being crowned by a winged figure. On the sides of the pedestals are reliefs repre- senting Courage, Good News, Sympathy, Bad News, Justice, Post Office, Truth, India. Sculptor, George Tinworth. The statue, which was the gift of Sir Henry Doulton, marks the site of Fawcett's house. Unveiled, 7th June, 1893. Maintained by Lambeth Metro- politan Borough Council. Fawcett, Woodford (Mrs.). Knight' s-hill-road, at junction with High-street, Norwood. Drinking fountain of polished granite. Erected in January, 1899. Maintained by Lambeth Metropolitan Borough Council. Fielding, Henry. Savoy Hotel, courtyard entrance. Tablet of Carrara ware gilt, commemorative of approximate site of residence. Erected by Hotel authorities in 1904. Fire of London, 1666. Near King William-street. A fluted Doric column, "The Monument," 120 feet high, and 15 feet in diameter, of Portland stone, resting on a pedestal 2i£ feet square and 40 feet high, with a plinth 28 feet square. Above the abacus is a moulded cylinder, supporting a flaming vase of gilt bronze, in all 42 feet high. Total height of the monument, 202 feet. Within is a staircase leading to a railed balcony on the capital. On the western side of the pedestal is an emblematical representation of the desolation of the city after the Fire, with the King and " Time " coming to its assistance. Designed by Sir Christopher Wren. Bas- relief on the pedestal by Caius Gabriel Cibber ; dragons at the four angles by Edward Pierce. It was erected in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, 19 Charles II., cap. iii., enacting that " a column or pillar of brase or stone be erected on or neere unto the place where the said fire so unhappily begun." The erection was commenced in 1671 and finished in 1676, the inscriptions being added in the fol- lowing year. Maintained by City of London Corporation. " Firebrand " Memorial. Charlton Cemetery. Stone memorial erected " by the surviving officers and men," some time subsequent to 1861, " to the memory of 52 officers and men of Her Majesty's Ship Firebrand, who died of yellow fever in the West Indies." Fisher, William. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Flaxman, John. No. 7, Buckingham-street, Fitzroy- square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1875. [Ford, Joseph Andrew. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10. 24 Ford, Onslow. Grove End-road at Abbey-road, N.W. I Obelisk of Portland stone. On one side is a replica in bronze of Ford's own figure of the Muse at the base of the Shelley Memorial at Oxford, and on the other side an alto-relief bronze portrait head of Ford in a circular medallion. Designed by John W. Simpson. SculpUr of head, A. C. Lucchesi. Unveiled, 13th July, 1903. Main- tained by St. Marylebone Metropolitan Borough Council. Forster, William Edward. Victoria-embankment- gardens, Temple section. Statue of bronze, on pedestal of unpolished granite. Forster is represented standing, with book in left hand, and right hand open behind him. Sculptor, H. Richard Pinker. Unveiled, 1st August, 1890. Maintained by London County Council. Fountain-court. Savoy-court, W.C. Tablet of Carrara ware gilt, commemorative of ancient name. Erected by Savoy Hotel authorities, in 1904. Fountain Tavern and Coal Hole. Savoy-court, W.C. Tablet of Carrara ware gilt, commemorating sites. Erected by Savoy Hotel authorities, in 1904. Fox, Charles James. Bloomsbury-square. Statue of bronze, on granite pedestal. Fox is shown sitting, in consular robes, holding roll of Magna Carta. Total height about 17 feet. Sculptor, Sir Richard Westmacott. Erected, 19th June, 1 8 16, from surplus of sum subscribed for Fox's monument in West- minster Abbey. Maintained by the Bloomsbury-square Garden Com- missioners. Franklin, Benjamin. No. y, Craven-street, Strand. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1875. Franklin, Sir John. Waterloo-place. Bronze statue, representing Franklin in the act of telling his crew that the North-West Passage is discovered. Pedestal of polished granite. Bas-relief in front shows Franklin's funeral. In the back panel is an embossed bronze chart of the Arctic regions, showing the position of the ships at the time of Franklin's death. Bronze panels on the sides give the names of the officers and crews. Sculptor, Matthew Noble, Cost, ^1,950, voted by' Parliament. Unveiled in November, 1866, Maintained by H.M. Office of Works, Frere, Sir Bartle. Yictoria-embankment-gardens, White- hall section. Statue of bronze, 1 1 feet high, representing Sir Bartle Frere in Civil Service uniform, with open flowing robe of the Order of the Star of India. Below is seated an allegorical figure. Pedestal of light grey granite. Sculptor, T. Brock. Unveiled, 5th June, 1888. Cost, ^3,000. Maintained by London County Council. Funnel, George Stephen. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Sir Bartl-e Frere, Victoria-embankment-gardens. {See p. 24.) \Y. E. Gladstone, Strand. (See p. 26.) eral Cordon, Trafalgar-square. (Set p. 27.) James II., St. James's-park. (See p. 32.) 25 Gainsborough, Thomas. No. 80, Pall Mall. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1881. Galaman, Solomon. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10. V Galton, Edmund Hooper. Brockwell-park. Drinking fountain of polished grey and red granite ; upper part of Portland stone. Erected in July, 1900. Maintained by London County Council. Garner, T. and L. York-road, N., near entrance to Metro- politan Cattle Market. Cattle^ trough of grey granite. Erected in 1884. Maintained by Islington Metropolitan Borough Council. Garnish, G. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.} Garraway's Coffee House. On Martin's Bank, Change- alley, Cornhill. A moulded stone tablet with inscription : " The site of Garraway's Coffee House. Rebuilt 1874." Beneath is a grasshopper (denoting that the bank is on the site of a building occupied by Sir Thomas Gresham). Designed by Norman Shaw. Erected in 1874. Main- tained by Martin's Bank, Limited. Garrick, David. (1) No. 5, Adelphi-terrace. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemora- tive of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1876. (2) No. 27, Southampton-street, Covent-garden. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1900. George II. i v i) At Greenwich Hospital. Statue of marble, on a pedestal of the same material. The King is represented in the costume of a Roman emperor. Sculptor, J. M. Rysbrach. The statue was sculp- tured from a block of marb'.e taken from the French by Sir George Rooke, the cost of working the marble being borne by Sir John Jennings. Erected, 1st August, 1735. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) In Golden-square. Statue of Portland stone, repaired with cement and lead, on a Portland stone base. The King is represented in Roman costume. Sculptor, Van Nost. Erected, 14th March, 1753. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. The statue is said to have been brought from Canons, the seat of the Duke of Chandos (Timbs* Curiosities of London, 2nd edition, p. 749 ; Notes and Queries, 10th series, vii., p. 197 ; Thornbury's Old and New London, iv., p. 237) ; but it is possible that this statement is due to confusion with the statue (now demolished) of George I., which was placed in Leicester- square in November, 1748. George III. (1) In quadrangle of Somerset House. Bronze statuary group upon stone pedestal. A colossal figure of Neptune, or Father Thames, reclines, with arm on an urn ; at his back is a cornucopia, and behind 26 that again, on a higher plane, is George III., in Roman garb, leaning on a rudder with lion couchant on one side and a prow of a Roman vessel on the other. Sculptor, John Bacon. Erected in 1780, Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) In Cockspur-street. Bronze equestrian statue on a pedestal of Portland stone. The King is represented in cocked hat and pig- tail, on his favourite charger. Sculptor, M. C. Wyatt. Unveiled, 3rd August, 1836. Cost, ^4.000, borne by public subscription. Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. George IV. North-east corner of Trafalgar-square. Bronze equestrian statue. The king is represented bare-headed, in semi-classical dress, baton clasped in right hand, and resting on thigh, bridle held loosely in left hand. Sculptor, Sir Francis Chantrey. The statue was originally intended for placing on the Marble Arch in front of Buckingham Palace. The position of the horse at rest, neither curvetting nor ambling, was an innovation. Timbs (Curiosities of London, p. 758) says that the horse was originally modelled for a monument to Sir Thomas Munro. Cost, ^9,450, met by a parlia- mentary grant. Erected, 1st December, 1843. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Gibbon, Edward. No. 7, Bentinck-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 189b. Gladstone, William Ewart. (1) In Bow-road at the west end of Bow churchyard. Bronze statue of colossal size. Gladstone is represented speaking, with outstretched hand. Round pedestal of polished red granite on three granite steps. Sculptor, Albert Bruce-Joy. Unveiled, 9th August, 1882. Presented by Mr. Theodore H. Bryant. Maintained by Poplar Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) On Eglinton-road School, Plumstead. Stone tablet recording the fact that on the site Gladstone, on 30th November, 1873, delivered his last speech to his Greenwich constituents. Fixed on 29th October, 1898, at private expense. (3) At junction of eastern end of Aldwych with the Strand. A colossal bronze statue, on a pedestal of Portland stone, 22 feet high. Gladstone is shown erect, dressed in the robes of Chancellor of the Exchequer. At the foot of the statue are four bronze groups repre- senting Brotherhood, Education, Aspiration and Courage. On bronze panels between the groups are decorated escutcheons bearing the arms of some of the counties and boroughs which Mr. Gladstone represented in Parliament. Total height of monument, 38 feet ; diameter of base 37 feet. Sculptor, Hamo Thornycroft. Unveiled, 4th November, 1905. Maintained by London County Council. (4) See Lyell, Sir Charles, and Gladstone, W. E. Globe Theatre. On wall on south side of Park-street, Southwark. Bronze tablet, commemorative of site. Unveiled, 8th October 1909. In top left-hand corner is a medallion bust of Shakespeare after the Droeshout portrait. The greater portion of the tablet is taken up with a representation of the locality in the early part of the 17th century, showing the Globe Theatre. Erected and maintained by the Shakespeare Reading Society. - 2 7 •Goldschmidt, Madame (" Jenny Lind "). No. i, Moreton- gaxdens, Kensington, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 12th July, 1909. Goldsmith, Oliver. No. 2, Brick-court, Middle Temple- lane. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Presented by private donor and affixed in 1906. Goodrum, William. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Gordon, Charles G. (General). (1) Centre of Trafalgar-square. Statue of bronze, on pedestal of bard Derbyshire limestone, the whole supported on two granite steps. Gordon is represented in the undress uniform of a field officer, standing in an attitude of meditation, his left foot on a broken mor- tar. His left arm is crossed over the waist, and the hand, holding a Bible, supports the elbow of the right arm. On two sides of the pedestal are bronze panels representing (a) Faith and Fortitude, (b) Charity and Justice. Total height of memorial, 30 feet. Scitlbtor, Hamo Thornycroft, assisted by Alfred Waterhouse. Unveiled, 16th •October, 1888. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) No. 29, The Common, Woolwich. Marble tablet, commemora- tive of birthplace. Erected by Woolwich Antiquarian Society. Un- veiled, 28th January, 1900. Gowland, George. Hackney Downs. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in May, 1884. Maintained by London County Council. Grant, Sir Patrick. Chelsea Hospital. White marble medallion in bas-relief, mounted on white marble. Sculptor, F. Verheyden. Erected in 1897. Maintained by the hospital authorities. Great Eastern-street, Opening of. Tabernacle-square, Shoreditch. A Corinthian column of red granite on base of grey granite. Capital of bronze, surmounted by conventional urn. Designed by C. 1. Olley. Cost, £1,080. Erected, 14th February, 1881. Maintained by Shoreditch Metropolitan Borough Council. Green, John Richard. (1) No. 4, Beaumont-street, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 17th March, 1900. (2) St. Philip's Vicarage, Newark-street, Stepney. Tablet of ■encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 19th April, 1910. Green, Richard. In forecourt of the public baths, East India Dock-road. Statue of bronze, on a pedestal of granite. Green is seated in an armchair, caressing a favourite dog. On the sides of the pedestal are bronze bas-reliefs of (a, the first ship which Mr. Green employed 28 in the China trade, and (b) a frigate which his firm at the time of his death were building for the Spanish government. Sculptor, Edward W. Wyon. Unveiled, nth May, i366. Maintained by Poplar Metropolitan Borough Council. Griffin, Tom. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Grosvenor, Algernon Henry. Hamilton-place. Cattle trough of polished grey granite. Erected in October, 1908. Maintained by Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association. Grote, George. No. 12, Savile-row. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 15th September, 1905. Guards, The. Waterloo-place. Statuary group to the memory of the Guards who fell in the Crimean war. In front of the pedestal (of granite, with bronze enrichments inlaid on either side) are figures of three soldiers of the Brigade of Guards (a Grenadier, a Fusilier and a Coldstream) in full marching order as they fought at Inkerman. Behind them are the flags of their respective regiments, resting on a second granite pedestal, on which, and above the flags, stands a figure of Honour, with arms extended wide, and holding wreaths. Behind is a pile of actual Russian guns and mortars, burst and mutilated as they were found in Sebastopol. Total height of memorial, about 38 feet. The figures are cast from cannon taken at Sebastopol. Sculptor, John Bell. The pedestal was placed in position on 10th February, 1859, but the superstructure was not erected until the following year. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Guy, Thomas. In the forecourt of Guy's Hospital. Statue of bronze, on stone pedestal. Guy is represented in livery gown, with a small scroll in his right hand. On the pedestal, in bas-relief, are representations of the Good Samaritan, Christ healing the sick, Guy's armorial bearings, and an inscription. Sculptor, Peter Scheemakers. Erected in 1734 (?). Maintained by the Governors of the Hospital. Guy of Warwick. On building at corner of Warwick-lane and Newgate-street. Stone bas-relief, containing representation of a man standing on a pedestal, in chain armour, with a conical helmet, a shield on his left arm. It bears the date 1668. Maintained by City of London Corpor- ation. Hallam, Henry. No. 67, Wimpole-street, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 9th August, 1904. Hamilton, Sir James John. Portman-square. Ornamental drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in 1876. Maintained by Portman-square Trustees. Handel, George Frederick. No. 25, Brook-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1875. 2Q Hansler, Robert (Captain.) (i) In wall of St. Pancras Railway Station, Pancras-road, N.W. Drinking fountain of stone and polished grey granite. Erected in July, 1877. Maintained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) In Strand, by Gladstone memorial. Cattle trough of polished red granite. Erected in April, 1905. Maintained by Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association. Hanson, Samuel. Opposite Finchley-road Station (Met. Ry.) Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in November, 1883. Maintained by Hampstead Metropolitan Borough Council. Hare Alley. On wall of No. 80, Shoreditch High- street. Sculptured stone sign, enclosed in ornamental stone framework. Originally erected in 1725, re-erected on new premises with inscrip- tion : " Hare Alley, which formerly stood under this spot, was pur- chased by Jeremiah Rotherham and Company, Limited, May 31st, 1900." Maintained by Jeremiah Rotherham and Co., L.td. Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford. See Pepys, Samuel, etc. Harris, Sir Augustus. In wall on north side of main entrance to Drury-lane Theatre. Drinking fountain of marble, stone and granite, with bronze enrich- ments ; and bronze bust. Unveiled, 1st November, 1897. Main- tained by the owners of the theatre. Hartley's Invention. In grounds of " Wildcroft," Putney Heath. Obelisk, about 50 feet high, of bricks faced with cement, with stone top. Erected in 1776, " in memory of an invention for securing buildings against fire." Maintained by the owner of " Wildcroft." Hastings, Warren. No. 40, Park-lane. Bronze tablet, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Westminster, in 1910. Havelock, Sir Henry. South-east corner of Trafalgar- square. Statue of bronze, on pedestal of Dartmoor granite. Havelock is standing, with left hand on grounded sword, right hand on his side or lightly inserted in his belt. Cloaklike drapery falls from his shoulders behind, and is caught back over the right arm. Sculptor, W. Behnes. Unveiled, 10th April, 1861. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Hazlitt, William. No. 6, Frith-street, Soho. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 18th December, 1905. Heminge, John, and Henry Condell. Churchyard of St. Mary, Aldermanbury. Memorial, consisting of pedestal of polished red Aberdeen granite, surmounted by a bust, in bronze, of Shakespeare. Beneath the bu' t is, in grey granite, an open volume representing the First Folio. On 30 each of the four faces of the pedestal is an inscription, cast in metal and forming a panel. Designed by C. C. Walker ; bust by C. J. Allen. Presented by Mr. C. C. Walker in memory of these " fellow actors and personal friends of William Shakespeare," who " lived many years in this parish and are buried here," who in 1623 published the first collected edition of Shakespeare's dramatic works, known as the First Folio. Unveiled, 15th July, 1896. Maintained by the parishioners of St. Mary, Aldermanbury. Herbert of Lea, Sidney, Baron. War Office. Statue of bronze. Lord Herbert is shown in peer's robes, standing, head downcast, face partially supported by half-closed right hand, the elbow resting on the left hand, which holds a roll of papers. Carved granite pedestal,! having on three sides bronze bas-reliefs of (1) Florence Nightingale at the Herbert Hospital, (2) volunteers on the march, (3) the casting and testing of the first Armstrong gun at Wool- wich. On the remaining side are the armorial bearings of the family in bronze. Sculptor, J. H. Foley. Erected by public subscription. Unveiled 1st June, 1867. Originally in front of the old War Office building in Pall Mall. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Herschel, Sir John. No. 56, Devonshire-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 29th July, 1904. Hewers, James. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Hill, H. Hay. Albert-embankment, on wall of St. Thomas's Hospital. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in January, 1883. Maintained by London County Council, Hill, Sir Rowland. (1) By the Poyal Exchange. Statue of bronze, on pedestal of Dalbeattie granite. Hill is standing bareheaded, notebook and pencil in hand. Sculptor, E. Onslow Ford. Cost of erection, ^1,800, met by public subscription. Unveiled, 17th June, 1882. Maintained by City of London Corporation. (2) On Hampstead General Hospital. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Originally affixed by Society of Arts, on Bertram House, in 1892. On demolition of Bertram House to make room for the hospital, the tablet was re-erected by the hospital authorities. (3) No. 1, Orme-square, Bayswater. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 13th May, 1907. Hogarth, William. (1) In Leicester-square-garden. Marble bust. Sculptor, J. Denham. Unveiled, 2nd July, 1874. Maintained by London County Council. (2) No. 30, Leicester-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemo- rative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 188 1. Hogg, Quintin. Langham-place. Statuary group of bronze, on stone pedestal. Hogg is seated, reading a book to two boys, one of whom is looking over his left shoulder, the other being seated on his right. Sculptor, Sir George J, Frampton. " Erected by the members of the Regent Street Poly- 3i technic to the memory of their founder." Unveiled, 24th November, 1906. Maintained by St. Marylebone Metropolitan Borough Council. Holland, Henry Richard Fox, Baron. (1) Within the railings of Holland-park, close to Kensington-road. Bronze statue, on a square granite pedestal. Lord Holland is repre- sented seated in his chair, with a walking staff in his right hand. Sculptors, Watts and Boehm. Erected in 1872, from the balance (about ^2,600) of the sum voted for the memorial in Westminster Abbey. Maintained by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ilchester. (2) In Kensington-road, close by (1). Two drinking fountain basins, of red granite. Above are bronze panels, with ornamentation in low relief and inscription. Erected in 1872. Maintained by Kensington Royal Borough Council. Hood, Thomas. No. 17, Elm Tree-road, N.W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, nth September, 1908, Horses Fallen in South African War. St. Peter's- square, Hammersmith. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in December, 1904. Main tained by Hammersmith Metropolitan Borough Council. Howard, John. No. 23, Great Ormond-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 23rd March, 1908. Humphry, William Gilson. Adelaide-street, against rail- ings of St. Martin's-churchyard. Drinking fountain of grey granite. Erected in October, 1887. Maintained by Westminster City Council. Hunt, Leigh. No. io, Upper Cheyne-row, Chelsea. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, nth September, 1905. Hunter, John. (1) In\Leicester-square-garden. Marble bust. Sculptor, T. Woolner. Unveiled, 2nd July, 1874. Maintained by London County Council. (2) No. 31, Golden-square. Table of encaustic ware, commemora- tive of residence. Affixed by London Count}' Council, nth October, 1907. Hutton, Robert Howard. Grosvenor-road, opposite Ranelagh-road. Drinking fountain of marble. Erected in 1894. Maintained by Westminster City Council. Inwards, Jabez. Great College-street, at junction with Kentish Town-road. Drinking fountain of polished grey and red granite. Erected in April, 1886. Maintained by St. Pancraa Metropolitan Borough Council. " Islingtonians, The." Highbury Fields. Memorial to no Islingtonians who died in the South African War. It consists of a bronze figure of Glory, holding a figure of 32 Victory in her right hand ; in her left a wreath of laurel. At her feet on the pedestal (of Portland stone) are arms, flag, and helmet i(in bronze), and on the pedestal are bronze tablets with the names. Figure designed by Bertram Mackennal. Unveiled, 15th July, 1905. Maintained by London County Council. James II. St. James's-park. Bronze statue, representing the King in Roman costume. SculpUr, Grinling Gibbons. Erected, on 31st December, 1686, at the expense of Tobias Rustat, behind the Banqueting Hall. It was brought for- ward to the garden of Gwydyr House on 27th August, 1897, and was again taken down, and erected in its present position in December, 1903. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Jarman (Mrs.). Postman' s-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. [See note, p. 10.) Jenner, Edward. (1) Kensington-gardens. Statue of bronze on a Portland stone base, with panels of Aberdeen granite. Jenner is represented in a sitting posture, one hand holding papers. Sculptor, W. Calder Mar- shall Cost met by world-wide subscriptions. Originally the statue was placed in Trafalgar-square, where it was inaugurated on 17th May, 1858 ; it was removed to the present site early in 1862. Maintained by H.M. Office of W,orks. (2) No. 14, Hertford-street, Park-lane. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 9th August, 1905. Johnson, Samuel. (1) No. 17, Gough-square, Fleet-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1876. (2) In Johnson's-court, E.C. Inscription on wall, commemorative of site of residence. (3) Churchyard of St. Clement Danes. Bronze statue, representing the doctor in traditional costume, and full-bottomed wig. His right arm is raised, while his left supports an open volume. At his feet are other books, an inkstand, etc. Pedestal of black Belgian granite, with bronze decorations. A medallion of Boswell on the front, and on two sides are scenes from Johnson's life. A rich bronze moulding runs round the base. Sculptor, Percy Fitzgerald. Not yet unveiled. Jones, Frederick David. See Mills, Frederick, etc. Jones, William Taylor. Sydenham recreation-ground. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected, 1st June, 1878. Maintained by Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council. Kean, Edmund. No. 12, Clarges-street, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 20th October, 1904, Keats, John. " Lawnbank," Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence, Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1896. 33 Kennedy, Amelia. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Kent, Edwafd Augustus, Duke of. Portland-place. Statue of bronze, on pedestal of unpolished granite. The duke is represented standing, in Field-Marshal's uniform, with drapery of peer's robes. In his left hand is a roll of reports, his right arm is sup- ported on a book on a short column. Sculptor, S. Gahagan. Erected some time in the period 1820-1827, " by the supporters of the numer- ous charities which he so zealously and successfully patronised." Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. King-street. On Local Government Board Offices. Two bronze tablets, indicating the sites of the eastern and western boundaries of King-street. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Lamb, Charles. No. 64, Duncan-terrace, Islington. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 7th October, 1907. Lawrence, John Laird Mair, Baron. Carlton House- gardens. Bronze statue, representing Lord Lawrence standing, with r drawn sword. Sculptor, Sir Edgar Boehm. Erected in 1882. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. No. 65, Russell-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1904. Lawson, Sir Wilfrid. Victoria-embankment-gardens. Bronze statue, representing Sir Wilfrid standing, bareheaded, left hand in coat pocket, notes in right hand. Pedestal of stone. Around the base are bronze allegorical figures of Temperance, Peace, Forti- tude and Charity. Sculptor, David McGill. Unveiled, 20th July f 1909. Maintained by London County Council. Lee, George. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Leech, John. No. 28, Bennett-street, Stamford-street, S.E. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of birthplace. Affixed by London County Council, 1st July, 1907. Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Madame. Little, Robert John (Major). Woolwich-common. Granite obelisk drinking fountain, with bronze basins. Erected in 1863. Maintained by the War Office. Loughborough, Alexander Wedderburn, Baron. No. 67, Russell-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1905. 357 c 34 Lowdell, Samuel. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Lucas, William Freer. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. io.) Lupton, M. A. Brook-green. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1884. Main- tained by London County Council. Lyell, Sir Charles, and W. E. Gladstone. No. 73, Harley -street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of site of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 5th September, 1908. Lyddite and Guncotton Explosions. Plumstead Cemetery. Obelisk of polished red granite. Erected by the employees of the danger building, Royal Arsenal, to the memory of the j men who lost their lives in the explosions at the Royal Arsenal. Unveiled, 30th April, 1904. Maintained by Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council. Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron. No. 31, Baker- street, Portman-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of birthplace. Affixed by London County Council, 9th August, 1906. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron. Holly Lodge, Campden-hill, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 26th November, 1903. MacFarren, Sir. G. A. No. 7, Hamilton-terrace, N.W. Tablet of Doulton ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Incorporated Society of Musicians, in November, 1895. McGrigor, Sir James. In grounds of Royal Army Medical College, Atterbury-road, Millbank. Statue of bronze, on polished pedestal of Scotch granite. Sir James is standing erect, bareheaded, in uniform, with a long cloak hanging from his shoulders. He holds a scroll in his right hand. Sculptor, Matthew Noble. Erected, 18th November, 1865, by public subscription, in the grounds of Chelsea Hospital ; transferred to its present site in 1909. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of. Nos. 28 and 29, Bloomsbury-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. •Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1904. Maples, Richard (Captain). In rear of Trinity Almshouses, Mile-end-road. Statue of plaster, the parts being joined together with lead. The captain is represented in the naval dress of the period. Sculptor, unknown. Originallv erected, in 1681, at Deptford, and about 1870 removed to its present site. Maintained by the Corporation of Trinity House. 35 Marines, Royal. St. James's-park. Bronze statuary group, representing two marines in fighting kit. One has fallen, bareheaded and wounded, still grasping his rifle ; the other stands over him, helmeted and with bayonet fixed. Stone pedestal, with bronze bas-reliefs, showing the action at Graspan and the repulse of a Chinese attack on the Pekin Legation. Total height, 21 feet. Sculptor, Captain Adrian Jones ; pedestal designed by T. Graham Jackson. Unveiled, 25th April, 1903. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Martyrs, Protestant. On wall of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Smithfield. The Martyrs' Memorial. Large tablet, principally of red and grey polished granite, the more ornamental parts being of bronze. Designed by Habershon and Pite. Erected in memory of John Rogers, John Bradford, John Philpot and others burnt at the stake close by. Unveiled, nth March, 1870. Maintained by the Protestant Alliance. Marvell, Andrew. Waterlow Park. Brass tablet, recording the fact that " four feet below this spot is the stone step, formerly the entrance to the cottage in which lived Andrew Marvell." Fixed in December, 1898. Maintained by London County Council. s [t ^ Match Tax. Outside Bow railway station. Stone memorial. The lower part arranged as a fountain. Above is a canopy containing a marble figure of Justice enthroned. Archi- tect, R. Plumbe. It commemorates the successful agitation led by Messrs. Bryant and May against Mr. Lowe's proposal to tax matches. Unveiled, 5th October, 1872. Maintained by the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association. Maurice, Frederick Denison. No. 21, Queen-square, Bloomsbury. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 30th September, 1907. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, J. L. Felix. Ruskin-park. Tudor sun-dial, marking the site of the house where Mendelssohn stayed and composed his Spring Song, in 1842. Erected in 1909. Maintained by London County Council. Miles (Mrs.). West End-green, N.W. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1897. Maintained by Hampstead Metropolitan Borough Council. Mill, James, and Mill, John Stuart. No. 39, Rodney- street, Pentonville. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 18th October, 1907. Mill, John Stuart. (1) In Victoria-embankment-gardens (Temple section). Statue of bronze, on small pedestal of Portland stone. Mill is represented seated, stooping forward with an eager look, his right hand resting behind a book. Sculptor, T. Woolner. Erected, 26th January, 1878. Maintained by London County Council. 36 . (2) No. 18, Kensington-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 14th October, 1907. Millais, Sir J. E. In grounds of National Gallery of British Art, Millbank. Statue of bronze. Millais is represented standing, bareheaded, in short jacket, palette in left hand, brush in right. Sculptor, Thos. Brock. Erected in 1905. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works, Milligan, Robert. At entrance to the West India Docks. Statue of bronze. Milligan is represented standing, bareheaded, in the ordinary costume of the period (knee breeches, etc.). His left elbow is leaning on a portion of a pillar, his right arm extended holding a document. Pedestal of granite with bronze bas-relief (? representing Britannia receiving the world's commerce). The whole placed over the centre pillar of the gateway. Sculptor, Mr. (? Sir Richard) Westmacott. Erected about 18 10, by the West India Dock Company " to perpetuate . . . the memory of Robert Milligan, a merchant of London, to whose genius, perseverance and guarded care the sur- rounding great work principally owes its design, accomplishment and regulation." Maintained by Port of London Authority. Mills, Frederick, A. Rutter, Robert Durrant and F. D. Jones. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Milton, John. (1) On Church of St. Mary-le-Bow. Plain inscribed tablet formerly on the Church of All Hallows, Bread-street, but removed when the church was demolished in 1876. It contains verses written by Dryden for the portrait of Milton in the folio (1688) edition of Paradise Lost, and a short account of Milton's association with Bread-street. A further inscription recording the removal of the tablet has been added. Maintained by the Rector and Churchwardens of St. Mary-le-Bow. (2) On Milton-buildings, Bread-street. A panel of moulded brick work, with cornice and pediment, enclosing an inscribed stone tablet, over which is a head of the poet, sculptured in high relief. Above, in terra-cotta, is a laurel crown borne by cherubs. The tablet records the facts that Milton was born in Bread-street and baptised in All Hallows Church, on the site of which the present building stands. Erected in 1878. (3) Bunhill-row. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1902. (4) In Fore-street. Statue of bronze, the portrait being based on the bust of the poet at Christ's College, Cambridge. Milton is depicted bareheaded, and looking upwards. Pedestal of stone, with two bas-reliefs representing the expulsion from Paradise, and a passage in Comus. Sculptor, Horace Montford ; pedestal designed by E. A. Richards. Presented by Mr. J. J. Baddeley. Unveiled, 2nd Novem- ber, 1904. Maintained by the Cripplegate Foundation. (5) See Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton. Mocatta, Frederick David. Outside the railings of St. Botolph, Aldgate. Ornamental drinking fountain of red granite, Sicilian white marble, red Mansfield stone and brown stone. Erected in 1906. Maintained by City of London Corporation. 37 Monument, The. See Fire of London. Morison, James. Nos. 33 and 35, Euston-road, N.W. Tomb-shaped memorial of granite on a base of brick faced with marble, surmounted by lion cast in cement. Erected in 1855, with funds raised by a penny subscription. Maintained by Messrs. Morison and Co. Morris, Edward. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Morris, William. Kelmscott House, Upper Mall, Hammersmith. Stone tablet, commemorative of residence. Myddelton, Sir Hugh. Islington-green. Statue of Sicilian marble. Sir Hugh is represented standing, attired as a wealthy merchant of the period, with badge and chain, holding in the left hand a scroll inscribed " New River." Pedestal of grey Devonshire granite ; base of Portland stone. On two sides of the pedestal are seated two figures (Sicilian marble)of boys, partly draped, with hair entwined with bulrushes, and beneath them pitchers from which water used to flow into marble basins. Height of the whole memorial, about 21 feet. Sculptor, John Thomas. The statue and figures were presented by Sir S. M. Peto. Unveiled, 26th July, 1862. Maintained by Islington Metropolitan Eorough Council. Napier of Magdala, Robert, Baron. Carlton House- gardens. Bronze equestrian statue, a replica of that erected in Calcutta. Pedestal of granite. Sculptor, Sir Edgar Boehm, after whose death the work was superintended by Alfred Gilbert. Unveiled, 8th July, 189 1. Cost, ^5,000, borne by public subscription. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Napier, Sir Charles. Trafalgar-square. Statue of bronze, 12 feet high, on granite pedestal 16 feet in height- The general is represented standing, bareheaded, in military undress, with a heavy cloak thrown back from the arms and falling from the shoulders. In his left hand is his sword ; his right hand, extended, is holding a scroll, symbolical of the government awarded to Scinde during his tenure of office. Sculptor, G. G. Adams. " Erected by public subscription, the most numerous contributors being private soldiers." Unveiled, 26th November, 1856. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Napoleon III. No. 3A, King-street, St. James's. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1875. Napoleon, Prince (The Prince Imperial). On green in front of Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Statue of bronze, on pedestal of polished red Aberdeen granite, base of Portland stone. The Prince is represented in an easy attitude, standing, bareheaded, his left hand resting lightly on his sheathed 3*> sabre, and holding in his right hand a pair of field glasses. Sculptor, Count Gleichen. Erected, at a cost of ^3,900, " by upwards of 25,000 officers and men from all branches of Her Majesty's forces." Unveiled, 13th January, 1883. Maintained by the War Office. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. (1) In upper quadrangle of Greenwich Hospital. Bronze bust on granite pedestal. Sculptor, Sir Francis Chantrey. Erected in 1851. Maintained by Admiralty. (2) Trafalgar-square. A granite Corinthian column on pedestal of grey granite, and surmounted by stone statue of Nelson. On pedestals running out from the column in the form of a cross couch four lions of bronze, each 20 feet long and 1 1 feet high. The capital is of bronze cast from cannon recovered from the wreck of the Royal George. On the sides of the pedestal are four bronze bas-reliefs, cast from the metal of captured French cannon, and representing incidents in the battles of St. Vincent. Aboukir, Copenhagen and Trafalgar. According to Railton {Parliamentary Committee Reports, 1840 (No. 548); xii., p. 589), the dimensions are : shaft, 98^ feet ; statue, 16 feet ; pedestal of statue, 12^ feet; lower pedestal, 36! feet; steps, 7 feet; total height, 170^ feet. As originally designed it was intended to be 203 feet high, but this was (reduced by considerations of public safety. The statue itself (stated, when erected, to be 17 feet high), is in three pieces, weighing in all 16 tons. Nelson is represented in full dress uniform ; in the absence of drapery a capstan of reduced pro- portions has been introduced, so that the figure may have sufficiently firm standing. Designed by W. Railton. Sculptors : — Statue, E. H. Bailey ; lions, Sir E. Landseer ; bas-reliefs, under the superintendence of Sir Richard Westmacott and C. L. Eastlake, M. L. Watson (St. Vin- cent), W. F. Woodington (Aboukir), J. Termouth (Copenhagen), J. E, Carew (Trafalgar). The column was begun in 1840, but from various causes the work proceeded so slowly that the unfinished pillar became a byword and a constant source of public irritation. The panels were fixed during the years 1849-1852, and the lions were unveiled on 31st January, 1867. Total cost, about ^50,000, of which ^20,000 was raised by subscription, and the remainder was voted by Parliament. Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. (3) No. 147, New Bond-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Erected by Society of Arts, in 1876. Newman, John Henry (Cardinal). (1) In front of Brompton Oratory, Brompton-road. White marble statue. Newman is represented standing, in ecclesiastical robes, a book in his left hand, Cardinal's hat in his right. Pedestal of brown Portland stone. Sculptor, Chavalliaud. Unveiled, 15th July, 1896. Maintained by the Newman Memorial Committee. (2) No. 17, Southampton-street. Tablet of bronze, commemora- tive of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1908. Newton, Sir Isaac. (1) In Leicester-square-garden. Marble bust. Sculptor, W. Calder Marshall. Unveiled, 2nd July, 1874. Maintained by London County Council. (2) No. 35, St. Martin's-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1881. (3) No. 87, Jermyn-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemora- tive of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 9th September, 1908. 39 New Zealand War. In grounds of Greenwich Hospital, fronting the river. Obelisk of Cornish granite in commemoration of officers and men belonging to H.M. ships Curacca, Miranda, Harrier, Esk and Eclipse, who fell in the New Zealand war of 1863-4. Erected in 1874. Main- tained by the Admiralty. Nicholson, Godfrey Maule, G. F. Elliott, and R. Underbill. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Noel, the Hon. Susanna and Baptist, Earl of Gains- borough. Well-walk, Hampstead. Original fountain (in connection with chalybeate spring) of stone, erected subsequent to 1698 ; granite additions, with fresh-water supply, erected in 1905. Maintained by Hampstead Metropolitan Borough Council. NORTHBROOK, THOMAS GEORGE, 1ST EARL OF, AND FRANCIS George, Viscount Baring. Northbrook-park. Sun-dial, commemorating their gift of the park. Erected in 1903. Maintained by London County Council. Onslow, Joseph William. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Orford, Edward Russell, Earl of. No. 47, King-street, Covent-garden. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1904. Outram, Sir James. Victoria-embankment-gardens, Whitehall section. Bronze statue, about 12 feet high, on pedestal of polished granite about 19 feet high. Outram is represented standing ; behind him some rockwork, a helmet and a mortar. At the four corners of the pedestal are groups of Indian arms and trophies. Sculptor, Matthew Noble. Unveiled, 17th August, 1871. Maintained by London County Council. Owen, Robert. Kensal-green Cemetery. Obelisk of red granite, bearing bronze medallion portrait. Erected in 1879. No one appears to be interested in the maintenance or repair of the memorial. Palmer, Samuel. Corner of College-crescent and Fitzjohn's- avenue, N.W. Open space containing cattle trough and drinking fountain, both of polished red granite, and erected in 1904. Maintained by Hampstead Metropolitan Borough Council. Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount. (1) In Parliament-square. Statue of bronze on granite pedestal (designed by E. M. Barry). Palmerston is represented standing, a mantelet carelessly thrown over the right hand, the left slightly, extended. Sculptor, T. Woolner. Considerable confusion with regard to the date of erection of this statue has apparently 40 resulted from the fact that two models were erected in Parlia- ment-square before the actual statue was set up, (i) on 18th June, 1869, on the northern green plot of ground facing New Palace-yard, and (2) on 18th August, 1874. The statue was unveiled on 2nd February, 1876. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) No. 4, Carlton-gardens. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemora- tive of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 9th October, 1907. Panizzi, Sir Anthony. No. 31, Bloomsbury-square. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1905. Park, Thomas, and John James Park. No. i8, Church-row, Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Erected by Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society. Unveiled, 1st January, 19 10. Parnell, James. Hackney-road, opposite Cambridge- heath railway station. Mural drinking fountain. Erected in August, 1900. Maintained by Bethnal Green Metropolitan Borough Council. P[atrickson], W. Haverstock-hill. Cattle trough and drinking fountain of grey granite. Fixed on the south side of Rosslyn-hill, opposite St. Stephen's Church, in 1874 ; removed to present position in 1883. Maintained by Hampstead Metropolitan Borough Council. Paul's Cross. St. Paul's-churchyard. A memorial, now in course of erection, of the old preaching Cross, near the site thereof. It is to consist of a tall Doric column, the base of which is on a raised and enclosed platform, and the top of which supports a short pedestal surmounted by the statue of St. Paul. The memorial is to be almost entirely of Portland stone, the statue being of bronze. Designed by Reginald Blomfield, statue by Bertram Mackennal. The memorial is being provided out of funds left by Mr. H. C. Richards, K.C. Payne, Joseph. (1) Kentish Town-road, opposite Kentish Town station (Mid. Ry.) Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in May, 1870. Maintained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) Regent's Park-road, by Primrose-hill. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in August, 1872. Maintained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. Peabody, George. Opposite the north-east corner of the Royal Exchange. Bronze statue, representing Peabody bareheaded, seated in chair. Sculptor, W. W. Story. Unveiled, 23rd July, 1869. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Pearce, William Warburton, and J. B. Chamberlain. South End-green, N.W. Drinking fountain of stone and granite. Erected in 1882. Main- tained by Hampstead Metropolitan Borough Council. Royal Marines, St. James's-park. [Set p. 35. John Milton, Cripplegate. (See p. 36.) Sir Hugh Myddelton, [sli: ueex. (Seep. $7.) The Monument. (See p. 37.) 4i Peart, Walter, and Henry Dean. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Peel, Sir Robert. (i) At western end of Cheapside. Bronze statue, n feet high, on pedestal of unpolished Aberdeen granite, 12 feet high. Peel is stand- ing, with a roll of papers ia his right hand. Sculptor, William Behnes. Unveiled, 21st July, 1855. Maintained by City of London Corpora- tion. (2) In Parliament-square. Bronze statue, on pedestal of polished red granite. Peel is standing erect, bareheaded, as if speaking in the House of Commons. Sculptor, Matthew Noble. This is the last of a series of three statues. The original, by Marochetti, was objected to as being too large for the site. Marochetti therefore made a smaller one at his own cost, and it was erected in New Palace-yard in January, 1868. (Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, Third Series, cxcii., 2143.) As a result of a resolution of the House of Commons on 25th June, 1868, it was removed, being subsequently melted down and used to make the present statue, which was erected in December, 1876. Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. (3) No. 4, Whitehall-gardens, S.W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 6th June, 1904. Pepys, Samuel, Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, William Etty and Clarkson Stanfield. No. 14, Buckingham-street, Strand, W.C. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 16th November, 1908. Pitt, George H. Augustus-road, near Southfields railway station, S.W. Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in 1903. Main- tained by Wandsworth Metropolitan Borough Council. Pitt, William. (1) In Hanover-square. Statue of bronze, 10 feet high, on granite pedestal, 16 feet high. Pitt is represented standing, clad in a large robe. Sculptor, Sir Francis Chantrey. Total cost, with pedestal, ,£7,000. Unveiled, 22nd August, 1831. It is not known by whom the statue is maintained. (2) No. 14, York-place, Portman-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 15th August, 1904. Post Office Corps. At entrance of General Post Office North, Aldersgate-street. Bronze tablet in memory of men of the corps who lost their lives in the South African War. Erected in June, 1904. Periodical cleans- ing carried out by the Post Office. The cost of any repairs would probably be met by voluntary subscription. " Princess Alice " Disaster. Woolwich Cemetery, Plumstead. Irish cross of stone, 15 feet high. Erected in May. 1880, from the proceeds of sixpenny contribution. Maintained by Woolwich Metro- politan Borough Council. 4 2 Pugin, Augustus Chas., and Aug. Welby N. Pugin. No. 106, Great Russell-street. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1907. Rabbath. Samuel. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Raikes, Robert. Victoria-embankment-gardens, Villiers- street section. Statue of bronze. Raikes is represented standing, teaching from a book held in the left hand, while with the right hand he emphasises the lesson. Pedestal of Cornish grey granite, on two steps. Total height, 2o£ feet. Sculptor, Thomas Brock. Erected, at a cost of £1,200, " under the direction of the Sunday School Union by contri- butions from teachers and scholars of Sunday schools in Great Britain." Unveiled, 3rd July, 1880. Maintained by London County Council. Ratray, Mary Gray. Holland-park-avenue, by Royal-crescent. Drinking fountain of brick and stone, with granite basin. Erected in (?) 1S76. Maintained by Kensington Royal Borough Council. Reade, Charles. No. 70, Knightsbridge, S.W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 28th February, 1908. Reardon, Daniel, Elizabeth and Margaret. (1) Highgate-hill. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in December, 1881. Maintained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) St. George's-street, E. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in January, 1882. Maintained by Stepney Metro- politan Borough Council. (3) Cannon-street-road, E. Mural drinking fountain with basin and slab of polished grey granite. Erected in January, 1882. Main- tained by Stepney Metropolitan Borough Council. (4) Kentish Town-road, at junction with Camden-street. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in February, 1882. Main- tained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. (5) Evering-road, by West Hackney church. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1887. Maintained by Hackney Metropolitan Borough Council. (6) In playground of Lambeth schools, Lucas-road, West Norwood. Two drinking fountains of polished red and grey granite respectively. Erected in May, 1904. Maintained by Lambeth Guardians. p^ (7) In Ufford-street recreation ground. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in May, 1904. Maintained by Lambeth Metropolitan Borough Council. (8) Old-street, at junction with City-road. Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in July, 1904. Maintained by Fins- bury Metropolitan Borough Council. Reformers' Memorial. Kensal-green Cemetery. Column of light stone, erected, in August, 1885, by Joseph W. Corfield, " to the memory of men and women who have cheerfully given 43 their time and means to improve the conditions and enlarge the happi- ness of all classes of society." No one appears to be interested in the maintenance or repair of the memorial. Regelous, Arthur. See Denman, A. M., and A. Regelous. Rennie, John. No. 18, Stamford-street, Southwark. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 27th February, 1906. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. (1) In Leicester-square-garden. Marble bust. Sculptor, H. Weekes. Unveiled, 2nd July, 1874. Maintained by London County Council. (2) No. 47, Leicester-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1875. Richard I. Old Palace-yard. Bronze equestrian statue. Richard is represented clad in chain mail, with long surcoat thrown over, his sword uplifted straight above his head. The pedestal is of granite, with bronze bas-reliefs, representing Richard fighting the Saracens, and Richard on his death bed. Sculptor, Baron Marochetti. The statue is a bronze cast of the plaster model shown at the Exhibition of 185 1. Erected in October, i860. The cost of the statue (over £3,000) was met by public sub- scription, the pedestal (£1,650) being paid for by Parliament. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Rogers, Mary. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Rogers, Samuel. No. 22, St. James's-place. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 31st January, 1907. Romilly, Sir Samuel. No. 54, Gower-street. Tablet of bronze, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Duke of Bedford, in 1905. Romney, George. Holly Bush-hill, Hampstead, N.W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 7th September, 1908. Ronalds, Sir Francis. Kelmscott House, Upper Mall, Hammersmith. Stone tablet recording the fact that the first electric telegraph, 8 miles long, was constructed there in 18 16 by Sir Francis Ronalds- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. (1) In Chelsea-embankment -gardens. Fountain of light-coloured grey granite, with bronze bust. Designed by J. P. Seddon. Sculptor, Ford Madox Brown. Unveiled, 14th July, 1887. Maintained by London County Council. (2) No. no, Hallam-street, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of birthplace. Affixed by London County Council, 5th March, 1906. 44 Royal Artillery (Crimean War). South of Artillery Barracks, Woolwich. Bronze figure of Victory, on granite pedestal. Sculptor, John Bell. Erected in i860. Maintained by the War Office. Royal Artillery (South African War). St. James's- park. Bronze statuary group, representing a winged female figure (Peace) controlling a war horse (the Spirit of War). The group is on a Portland stone plinth, decorated with a bronze frieze representing in high relief the Mounted Artillery. The plinth rests on a stone platform, on which is a curved wall terminating at each end in two stone piers bearing bronze bas reliefs, representing the Garrison Artillery and the Mountain Artillery. On the floor of the platform are bronze plates bearing the names of the killed. Sculptor, W. R. Colton. Unveiled on 20th July, 1910. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Royal Artillery (Zulu and Afghan Wars). South- West Gate-road, Woolwich, near the entrance to the Repository. Memorial, about 18 feet high and gh feet in diameter at the base, comprising a cairn of rough blocks of granite. A marble tablet, with names of the killed, is let into the front. On the left of the tablet is a trophy of Afghan arms, and on the right one of Zulu shields and assegais. Below are two crossed guns of Afghan manufacture. Sculp- tor, Count Gleichen. Erected, in 1882, in memory of officers and men of the Royal Artillery who fell in the Zulu and last Afghan wars. Maintained by the War Office. Royal Field Artillery (South Africa). South of St. George's Garrison Church, Woolwich. Obelisk of polished red granite. Unveiled, 27th June, 1903. Main- tained by the War Office. Royal Hospital Veterans. Brompton Cemetery. Obelisk of grey Aberdeen granite. Unveiled, 21st June, 1901. Erected in " memory of 2,625 pensioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, buried around this spot between 1855 and 1893." Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. Royal Navy and Marines. Old burial ground, Greenwich Hospital Schools. Memorial, consisting of Portland stone spire and base, with figure of Britannia on top. Sculptor, J. Raymond Smith. Erected, in 1892, " in memory of the gallant officers and men of the Royal Navy and Marines to the number of about twenty thousand, formerly inmates of the Royal Hospital, Greenwich, whose remains were interred in this cemetery between the years 1749 and 1869." Maintained by the Admiralty. Runtz, John. See Beck, Joseph, and J. Riintz. Ruskin, John. (1) No. 54, Hunter-street, Brunswick-square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of birthplace. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1900. (2) No. 28, Herne-hill. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 19th July, 1909. 45 Russell, William, Lord Russell. In the shelter in Lin- coln's Inn-fields-garden. Brass tablet, recording site of execution. Fixed in 1897. Main- tained by London County Council. Rutter, A. See Mills, Frederick, etc. St. Antholin's Church. Budge-row, E.C. Memorial, in commemoration of the Church of St. Antholin, demolished in 1875. It is of Portland stone, 16 feet high, with marble panel in the centre containing a representation of the church, and flanked by Corinthian columns of dark marble, supporting an entabla- ture of the Corinthian order, and terminating in a circular pediment bearing a stone representation of the Bible and the Cross. Designed by Henry Matthews. Unveiled, 29th December, 1880. Maintained by the Churchwardens of the Parish of St. Antholin. St. Clement Danes Pump. East end of St. Clement Danes' churchyard. •< Tablet of iron commemorating the fact that " the well underneath, 191 feet deep, and containing 150 of water, was sunk and this pump erected at the expense of the parish of St. Clement Danes." Erected in 1807. Maintained by the rector. St. John the Baptist Church, Walbrook. On wall on the north side of Cloak-lane. Tablet of stone, commemorating the site of the church destroyed in the Great Fire. Erected in 167 1. St. Lawrence, Jewry, and St. Mary Magdalen, Milk- street. Guildhall-yard. Ornamental drinking fountain of Portland stone and Bath stone, with polished granite shafts ; stone statues of the two saints and bronze bas-relief of Moses striking the Rock. Designed by J. Robin- son. Sculptor of statues and bas-reliefs, Joseph Durham. Erected in June, 1866, to commemorate the benefactors of the two parishes. Maintained by City of London Corporation. St. Mary's Church, Newington. In St. Mary's-church- yard, Newington-butts. A clock tower, 90 feet high, of Bath stone, on a base of Portland stone. Inaugurated, 13th March, 1878. Erected by Mr. R. S. Fal- coner on the site of, and in commemoration of, the old parish church. St. Mary's Staining Church. On No. 8, Oat-lane, E.C. Inscription, commemorating the site of the chruch, destroyed in the Great Fire. St. Olave's Church, Silver-street. Silver-street, E.C. Inscribed stone at entrance to remains of churchyard, recording the site of the church destroyed in the Great Fire. St. Pancras-gardens. St. Pancras-gardens, Pancras-road. The superstructure of the memorial consists of a sun-dial, mainly of Portland stone, with marble tablets and clustered columns of granite, the tablets being surmounted by reliefs representing St. Pancras, St. Giles, Night and Morning. The whole is placed on a series 4 6 of terraces, of red Mansfield stone, with panels containing mosaics. Designed by Geo. Highton ; reliefs by Signor Fucigna. Unveiled, 7th November, 1879. Presented by the late Baroness Burdett- Coutts to commemorate the preservation and conversion into gardens of the disused burial grounds of St. Pancras and St. Giles. Main- tained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. St. Peter's Church, Paul's Wharf. Upper Thames- street. Tablet of stone on wall of remains of churchyard, indicating the site of the church destroyed in the Great Fire. Erected in 1675. St. Thomas the Apostle Church. In recess to left of No. 67, Queen-street. Stone tablet indicating the site of the church destroyed in the Great Fire. Erected in 1851. Salter, Joseph. Great College-street. Drinking fountain and cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in September, 1878. Maintained by St. Pancras Metropolitan Borough Council. Sandes, Robert (Captain). In front of Trinity Almshouses, Mile-end-road. Stone statue representing the captain clothed in the naval dress of the period. Sculptor, unknown. Erected in 1746. Maintained by the Corporation of Trinity House. Scottish Political Martyrs. Nunhead Cemetery. Obelisk of grey granite, erected in August, 1851, to the memory of Thomas Muir, Thomas Fyshe Palmer, William Skirving, Maurice Margarot and Joseph Gerrald, condemned in Scotland, 1793-4, to transportation for " advocating with fearless energy the principles of Parliamentary Reform." Selves, Daniel. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of. Piccadilly-circus. Octagonal bronze fountain on platform of four steps, with three basins, surmounted by winged figure of aluminium. Total height 36 feet, 17^ feet wide at the base. Designed by Alfred Gilbert. Un- veiled, 29th June, 1893. Maintained by London County Council. Shakespeare, William. (1) In Leicester-square-garden. Fountain surmounted by statue, all of white marble. The figure is an exact reproduction of the statue (by Peter Scheemakers) on the Westminster Abbey monument. The poet' is represented with his elbow leaning on three books, and with his right hand pointing to the words : " There is no darkness but ignorance." Designed by James Knowles. Sculptor, Fontana. Unveiled, 2nd July, 1874. Maintained by London County Council. (2) See Heminge, J., and H. Condell. (3) See Globe Theatre. (4) See Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton. 47 Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton. At junction of Park- lane and Hamilton-place. Fountain, with white marble statues of the three poets, surmounted by a gilded bronze figure of Fame blowing her trumpet, one foot poised on a globe. Beneath the pedestal are three bronze figures of Tragedy, Comedy and History. Sculptor, Thomas Thornycroft. Inaugurated, 9th July, 1875. Erected in accordance with the bequest of Mrs. Browne. Maintained by Westminster City Council. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. No. 14, Savile-row. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 188 1. Siddons, Sarah. (1) At Paddington-green. Statue of white Carrara marble, on pedestal of Portland stone. Mrs. Siddons is reclining in a chair of Grecian shape, with her right hand clasping a dagger, and with her left supporting her chin. Sculptor, Chavalliaud. Unveiled, 14th June, 1897. Maintained by Paddington Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) No. 27, Upper Baker-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Originally affixed by Society of Arts, in 1876. The house being demolished, the tablet was, on 19th December, 1905, re-erected by the London County Council on the new premises together with a supplementary tablet (also of encaustic ware) record- ing the circumstances. (3) No. 54, Great Marlborough-street, W, Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 20th June, 1907. Simonds, George Frederick. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. {See note, p. 10.) Simpson, Thomas. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Sisley, Harry. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Slade, John. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Slavery, Abolition of. Great George-street, Westminster. Ornamental drinking fountain. Octagonal, of granite and marble. The angles are surmounted by eight bronze figures of rulers of Britain from Caractacus to Victoria. Erected in April, 1869, from a design by Mr. Chas. Buxton, who provided the fountain in memory of his father, and those who with him advocated in Parliament the emanci- pation of the slaves in the British colonies. Maintained by West- minster City Council. Sloane, Sir Hans. Chelsea Botanic Garden. Marble statue, representing Sir Hans in a doctor's gown, with full-bottomed peruke, holding a roll in his right hand. Sculptor, Michael Rysbrach. Erected, in 1737, by the Society of Apothecaries " with grateful hearts and general consent " ; removed to another portion of the garden in 1748. Maintained by the Trustees of the London Parochial Charities. 43 Smith, Martha. Finsbury-square. (i) Ornamental drinking fountain, of marble and granite. Un- veiled, 4th December, 1899. Maintained by Finsbury Metropolitan Borough Council. (2) Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in 1900. Maintained by Finsbury Metropolitan Borough Council. Smith, Sarah. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Smith, Sydney. No. 14, Doughty-street, Mecklenburg- square. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 9th August, 1906. Somerset, Lady Henry. Victoria-embankment- gardens. Drinking fountain, consisting of a granite base, suggestive of a tumu- lus of rough stones, surmounted by the bronze figure of a young girl bearing aloft a shallow basin. Sculptor, G. E. Wade. Unveiled, 29th May, 1897. Maintained by London County Council. Somerville, Mary. No. 12, Hanover-square, W. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 26th October, 1909. Sparkes, George. Chelsea-embankment. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite, with horse and dog troughs round the base. Erected in April, 18S1. Maintained by the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association. Speke, George Hanning. Kensington-gardens. Obelisk of polished red granite. Erected in 1866, Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Stanfield, Clarkson. See Pepys, Samuel, etc. Stephenson, Robert. (1) In Euston-square. Statue of bronze on pedestal of polished red granite. Stephenson is represented standing, in frock coat suit, his left hand resting on his side, his right hand holding a scroll. Sculptor, Baron Marochetti. According to The builder of 18th August, i860, and 22nd June, i86i,the site originally selected was St. Mar- garet's-gardens, Westminster. The Athenceum of 25th November, 1865, referring to the Stephenson Memorial, presumably the above, states that the Committee and the First Commissioner were then at variance as to a site, and that Marochetti's statues of Brunei (q.v.) and Stephenson " are as far from finding a locality as they were two years ago." The London and North Western Railway Company, who main- tain the statue, state that it was erected in 1871. (2) No. 34, Gloucester-square, Hyde-park. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Coun- cil, 14th August, 1905, Stewart, Sir Herbert. Hans-place. Drinking fountain of polished red granite, with medallion portrait in bronze. Medallion by Sir Edgar Boehm. Erected in 1886. Maintained by Lady Stewart. . i^Wr - jm m __ .., Nelson Column, Trafalgar-square. [See p. }8. William Pitt ; Hanover-square. [See p. 41.) Richard I.. Old Palace-yard. {Set p. 4. Lord Strathnairn, Knightsbridge. (See p. 49 ) 49 Strathnairn, Hugh Henry Rose, Baron. Junction ot Brompton-road and Knightsbridge. Equestrian statue of bronze, cast from guns taken in the Indian Mutiny. Lord Strathnairn is represented in uniform of a field-marshal, but in person as he appeared in middle life ; he is restraining his horse with tightly-held rein. Elaborate pedestal of Portland stone. Sculp- tor, E. Onslow Ford. Cost, £3,500, met by public subscription. Un veiled, 19th June, 1S95. Maintained by Westminster City Council. Strange, Arthur. See Tomlinson, M., and A. Strange. Sullivan, Sir Arthur. (1) No. 8, Bolwell-street, Lambeth, Tablet of Doulton ware, com- memorative of residence. Affixed by Incorporated Society of Musicians, 20th July, 1901. (2) In Victoria - embankment-gardens (Villiers-street section). Bronze bust on a high pedestal, against the front of which a bronze figure of Grief is resting. At the base of the pedestal are a mask, a lyre, and an open score, all of bronze. Sculptor, W. Goscombe John. Unveiled, 10th July, 1903. Maintained by London County Council. Sunday Schoolboy. In front of Essex Church, The Mall, Notting Hill-gate. Statue, in Sicilian marble, of a boy, seated, holding a book in his hand, and looking upwards. Pedestal of Portland stone and polished granite. Sculptor, Hugh Stannus. " Erected to commemorate the Christian efforts of originators of Sunday schools (members of various churches) from the time of Cardinal Borromeo, 1580, to that of Thcophilus Lindsey and Robert Raikes, 1780." Erected, 26th June, 1880, in the forecourt of Essex Hall, Essex-street, Strand, and trans- ferred to present position in 1887. Maintained by the Trustees of Essex Church. Surr, Marie. Crouch -hill, on Great Northern railway bridge. Drinking fountain and cattle trough principally of grey and red granite. Erected in August, 1906. Maintained by Islington Metro- politan Borough Council. Swaab, S. L. King-street, Hammersmith. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1SS7. Maintained by Hammersmith Metropolitan Borough Council. Tate, Sir Henry. Brixton Oval Garden, Brixton. Bronze bust on pedestal of stone, base of marble. Sculptor, Thomas Brock. Unveiled, nth October, 1905. Maintained by Lambeth Metropolitan Borough Council. Taylor, Hugh. (1) and (2). In Grove Hall-park and Ruskin-park. Two drinking fountains of emerald pearl Labrador granite. Erected in 1909. Maintained by London County Council. (3) By railway bridge, Tower-bridge-road, S.E. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in 1902. Maintained by Bcrmondscy Metro- politan Borough Council. So Temple Bar. At junction of Strand and Fleet-street. A heraldic Griffin (bronze) holding the City shield, and surmounting a pedestal of red granite with base of blue granite. In niches in the pedestal are statues (Sicilian marble) of Queen Victoria and King Edward VII. (then Prince of Wales). On bronze panels underneath are reliefs showing (i) Queen Victoria's progress to the Guildhall, 9th November, 1837, (2) the Queen and the Prince of Wales visiting St. Paul's for the thanksgiving service, 27th February, 1872. On the other sides are portrait medallions of Prince Albert Victor of Wales and Sir Francis Truscott, Lord Mayor at the time of erection. Total height, 3i£ feet. Designed generally by Horace Jones, architect to the City of London Corporation. Statues by Sir E. Boehm ; Griffin by C. B. Birch ; bronze panels by C. H. Mabey and C. S. Kelsey and Son. Unveiled, 8th November, 1880. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Thackeray, W. M. (1) Kensington Palace-green. Tablet of encaustic ware, com- memorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1887. (2) No. 28, Clerkenwell-road. Inscribed stone, commemorative of residence. Erected by Mr. J. Pratt, in 1892. (3) No. 16, Young-street, Kensington. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 13th September, 1905. ' Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist. (1) In Meath-gardens. Two drinking fountains of polished grey granite. Erected in April, 1895. Maintained by London County Council. (2) In Nelson-square, Southwark. Drinking fountain of cast-iron. Erected in October, 1903. Maintained by London County Council. Thurloe, John. No. 24, Old-square, Lincoln's Inn. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1890. Tietjens, Therese. No. 139, Finchley-road, N.W. Stone tablet, commemorative of residence. Erected by Mr. Charles Wells, in March, 1906. Toll Gate. At junction of Hackney-road and Cambridge- road, N.E. Granite obelisk, commemorating the removal of the toll-gate. Erected between i860 and 1870. Maintained by Bethnal Green Metropolitan Borough Council. Tomlinson, Mark, and Arthur Strange. Postman's-park. Tablet in commemoration of heroic self-sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.) Trotter, Robert. (1) Pelham-crescent, W. Drinking fountain of stone and granite. Erected in April, 1879. Maintained by Kensington Royal Borough Council. (2) Commercial -'road, opposite Sutton-street. Cattle trough of granite. Erected in March, 1880. Maintained by Stepney Metropolitan Borough Council. (3) Kenninghall-road, Hackney. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in May, 1880. Maintained by Hackney Metropolitan Borough Council. 5i (4) Clapham-common, at the Pavement. Cattle trough of granite. Erected in February, 1881. Maintained by Wandsworth Metropolitan Borough Council. (5) Rhodeswell-road, E. Cattle trough of granite. Erected in March, 1881. Maintained by Stepney Metropolitan Borough Council. Turner, J. W. M. (1) No. 119, Cheyne-walk, Chelsea. Tablet of lead, designed by Walter Crane. Commemorative of residence. Erected by Turner House Committee about 1900. (2) Nos. 22 and 23, Queen Anne-street. Tablet of Corsehill stone, containing plaque of terra- cotta bearing portrait. Commemorative of residence. Erected by Trustees of the Portman Estate about 1883. Twells, Philip. (1) In Smithfield. Drinking fountain and horse trough of polished grey granite. Erected in January, 1882. Maintained by City of London Corporation. (2) At south-east corner of Lincoln's Inn-fields. Ornamental drinking fountain (four basins) of polished grey granite. Erected in August, 1882. Maintained by Holborn Metropolitan Borough Council. Tyburn Tree. Opposite the Marble Arch. Triangular device in brass, let into the road, with representation of triangular gallows. Fixed by London County Council on 7th April, 1909. Maintained by the St. Marylebone Metropolitan Borough Council. Tyndale, William. Victoria-embankment-gardens, White- hall section. Statue of bronze, 1 1 feet high, on pedestal of Portland stone, about 12 feet high. Tyndale is represented standing, in doctor's robes, with his right hand laid on an open copy of the New Testament resting on a primitive printing press. In his left hand is a MS., and other books and a scroll are at his feet. Sculptor, Sir Edgar Boehm. Cost £2,400, met by public subscription. Unveiled, 7th May, 1884. Main- tained by London County Council. Underhill, Robert. See Nicholson, G. M., etc. Vane, Sir Harry. " Belmont," Rosslyn-hill, Hampstead. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 1897. Veitch, Arthur. Corner of Moore-park and Fulham-roads. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1880. Maintained by Fulham Metropolitan Borough Council. Victoria, Queen. (1) In Victoria-park. Large ornamental drinking fountain (The Victoria Fountain), in the shape of a colonnade surrounding an octagon, four sides of which are occupied by fountains. Designed by H. A. Darbishire. Masonry of podium, Portland and Kentish ragstone ; figures supplying the water, Sicilian marble ; carving and ashlar work, Aubigny stone ; remainder, red and grey granite. In- augurated, 28th June, 1862. Cost about £5,000. Presented by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts. Maintained by London County Council. * 2 (2) In St. Giles, Cripplegate, churchyard. Drinking fountain of Kentish ragstone and polished red granite, representing the old, embattled " Cripple-gate." In bronze, above the basin, is the Queen's head in relief. Erected to commemorate the 1887 Jubilee. Opened 22nd September, 1887. Maintained by the Vestry of St. Giles. (3) On Goose-green. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite, commemorative of the 1887 Jubilee. Erected in July, 1888. Main- tained by London County Council. (4) In Kensington-gardens. Statue of white Carrara marble, on pedestal of Portland stone. The Queen is represented as at the time of her accession. She is seated, crowned, and holding the sceptre. Sculptor, H.R.H. the Princess Louise. Unveiled, 28th June, 1893. The gift of " her loyal Kensington subjects ... to commemorate fifty years of her reign." Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (5) On Victoria-embankment, by Blackfriars-bridge. Bronze statue, 9 feet high, of the Queen in mature life, crowned, with orb and sceptre. Pedestal of polished red granite. Sculptor, C. B. Birch. Unveiled, 2 1st July, 1896. Presented by Sir A. S. Haslam. Maintained by City of London Corporation. (6) At junction of West-hill,Wandsworth, and Upper Richmond-road. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1897, to com- memorate the Diamond Jubilee. Maintained by Wandsworth Metro- politan Borough Council. (7) On Putney Lower-common. Drinking fountain of granite and sandstone. Erected in 1897, to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. Maintained by Wandsworth Metropolitan Borough Council. (8) At junction of Shaftesbury -avenue and New Oxford-street. Drinking fountain of polished red and grey granite. Erected in 1897, " to commemorate the sixtieth year " of her reign. Maintained by Holborn Metropolitan Borough Council. (9) In Kirkdale, Sydenham. Mural drinking fountain of polished dark grey granite and light stone. Erected in 1897, to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. Maintained by Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council. (10) By Christ Church, Highbury. Clock tower, 39 feet high, with four medallions of the Queen. Base of Yorkshire granite. Erected in 1897 in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee, by Mr. Alfred Hutchinson, who keeps the clock in repair. (11) In St. Paul's-churchyard. Inscription, cut in paved area in front of the Cathedral steps : " Here Queen Victoria returned thanks to Almighty God for the sixtieth anniversary of her accession, June 22, a.d. 1897." (12) In Shoreditch-churchyard. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite. Erected in 1898, by readers of Little Folks, to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. Maintained by Shoreditch Metropolitan Borough Council. (13) In Tranquil-vale, Blackheath . Drinking fountain of grey and red granite and Portland stone, with marble medallion. Erected, 23rd November, 1898, to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. Maintained by Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council. (14) In Southend-village. Drinking fountain of grey granite and Portland stone. Erected, nth February, 1899, in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee. Maintained by Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council. (15) On Albert-embankment. Statue of terra-cotta on pedestal of the same material. The Queen is represented standing, crowned, with orb and sceptre. Sculptor, John Broad. Erected in 1899 or 1900. Provided and maintained by Messrs. Doulton and Co, A'lLLIAM T VNDALK, VlCTORIA-EMBANKMENT-GARDENS. (See p. 5 I.) Queen Victoria, Kensington-gardens. (See p. 52.) Duke of Wellington, Hyde-park-corner. [Sa p, 55. William III., Grounds of Kensington Palace. (See p. 57.) 53 (16) In High-street, Lewisham. Clock tower, commemorative of the Diamond Jubilee. Designed by A. R. Gough. Opened in February, 1900. Maintained by Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council. (17) In Charles-square recreation-ground. Drinking fountain of stone and polished granite. Erected in 1902. Maintained by Shoreditch Metropolitan Borough Council. (18) Latimer-road, at junction with Bramley-road. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in July, 1902. Maintained by Hammer- smith Metropolitan Borough Council. (19) On the Temple-wall of Victoria-embankment. Tablet of Portland stone with two panels, the upper one (of marble) containing a marble medallion. Erected in December, 1902, in commemoration of the Queen's passage on her last visit to the City (7th March, 1900). Main- tained by City of London Corporation. (20) Lower-road, Bermondsey, at junction with Redriff-road. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in October, 1903. Main- tained by Bermondsey Metropolitan Borough Council. (21) Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Statue of bronze, life size. The Queen is represented standing, attired in State robes, with crown, sceptre and orb. Pedestal of polished granite, with four panels, showing incidents connected with the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers in her reign. Sculptor, Henry Price. Erected as a memorial of King Edward's coronation and her own reign, by past and present officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers. Unveiled, 27th July, 1904. Maintained by the War Office. (22) In High-street, Kensington. A column of white Pentelicus marble and polished red Corennie granite, with bronze terminal containing a vase and flame in red polished granite, the flame being gilded. An annulet in the centre of the column contains a bust of the Queen. Curved pedestal of Corennie granite, surmounted by bronze wreath of olive leaves. Total height, 35I feet. Designed by H. L. Florence. " Erected by the inhabitants of the Royal Borough of Kensington." Unveiled, 19th October, 1904. Maintained by Kensington Royal Borough Council. (23) South side of Finsbury-square. Cattle trough of grey granite. Erected in September, 1906. Maintained by Finsbury Metropolitan Borough Council. (24) In front of Buckingham Palace. The main feature of the memorial is .the statue of the Queen, in robes of state, seated on a throne. At the back of the throne is a pedestal by the sides of which are groups representing Truth, Justice and Motherhood. Above the latter, on a smaller base, are figures of Courage and Constancy, and the whole is surmounted by a winged figure of Victory. This central structure stands on a plinth, at the corners of which are four prows, bearing fruits, flowers and other objects. Around the plinth is a wide circular platform approached both back and front by wide flights of steps, flanked by four lions, supported bv figures : a woman bearing the olive branch (Peace) ; a man with a torch (Progress) ; a woman with a sheaf of wheat and a sickle (Agri- culture) ; and a smith in leithern apron, with hammer (Manufac- ture). Round the platform is a low wall with a frieze of nymphs and tritons, and below on either side is a basin into which water will flow from an arch in the retaining wall over which are four allegorical figures. The whole is cf Carrara marble, except (1) the group of figures at the summit (bronze gilt), and (2) the figures on the surrounding walls and the lions with their attendants (bronze). Sculptor, Thomas Brock. At present in course of construction. WAITHMAN, Robert. Ludgate-circus. Obelisk, consisting of a monolith of Devonshire granite, on a 54 pedestal of the same material. Total height, about 30 feet. Erected, 26th June, 1833, opposite the site of Waithman's first shop. Main- tained by City of London Corporation. Walpole, Horace. No. ii, Berkeley-square. Tablet of stone, commemorative of residence. Erected by Mr. Vernon Watney, in 1904. Walpole, Sir Robert. No. 5, Arlington-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by Society of Arts, in 188 1. Walton, Izaak. St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-street. Stone tablet. Erected in April, 1895, " by some anglers and other admirers of Walton." Maintained by the Rector. Ward, James and Mary Ann. On wall of Churchyard of St. Botolph, Aldersgate-street. Drinking fountain of polished red and grey granite. Erected in August, 1870. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Watch House. Old Burial Ground, Hackney-road. Drinking fountain of granite. Erected in September, 1906. Com- memorates the site of the old watch-house. Maintained by Shoreditch Metropolitan Borough Council. Waterlow, Sir Sydney Hedley. (1) In Waterlow-park. Statue of bronze. Sir Sydney is represented standing, with umbrella and hat in right hand, holding a key in the left. Stone pediment. Sculptor, Frank A. Taubman. Unveiled, 28th July, 1900. Cost, about ^1,000, collected from over 500 subscri- bers. Maintained by London County Council. (2) In courtyard of Westminster City School, Palace -street. A replica of the above, the gift of Lady Waterlow. Unveiled, 27th June, 1901. Maintained by the governors of the school. Watts, G. F. Postman's-park. Statuette of bronze, designed by T. H. Wren. (See note, p. 10.) Watts, Isaac (Dr.). Abney-park Cemetery. Statue of Portland stone, 9 feet high, on pedestal of same material, 13 feet high. Dr. Watts is represented standing, holding a book in his left hand ; two other books are on a seat on his right. Sculptor, E. H. Bailey. Erected in September, 1845, on the site of Abney House, where he lived for many years. Maintained by the Abney-park Ceme- tery Co., Limited. Waugh, Benjamin. No. 40, Leicester-square. Tablet of marble, with bronze medallion. Erected by National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Unveiled, 25th May, 1909. Webb, George. The Slade, Plumstead. Drinking fountain of granite, Unveiled, 26th December, 1896. Maintained by Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council. 55 Webster, George. In Dulwich Village, opposite Burbage- road. Drinking fountain of polished red granite with small troughs of grey granite. Erected in September, 1877. Maintained by Camber- well Metropolitan Borough Council. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (1) In Hyde-park. Colossal bronze statue (The Achilles Statue), copied from a statue on the Monte Cavalho at Kome. Sculptor, Sir Richard Westmacott. " Cast from cannon taken in the victories of Salamanca, Vittoria, Toulouse and Waterloo." Cost, ^10,000, sub- scribed by ladies. Erected, 18th June, 1822. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (2) Opposite the Royal Exchange. Bronze equestrian statue, cast from French guns captured by Wellington and presented by the Government. Pedestal of Peterhead granite. Sir Francis Chantrey was given the commission, but died after having completed a J-scale model of the entire statue, a full size head of the Duke in plaster, and the horse in full size in a state sufficiently advanced to receive the plaster from which the mould for the casting would be made. The work was completed by Henry Weekes. Erected in recognition of the good will of the Duke, which secured the passing of the Act for enabling the Corporation to proceed with the rebuilding of London- bridge. Cost, about ^10,000. Maintained by the executors of Sir Francis Chantrey and trustees representing the Statue Committee of 1844. (3) At Woolwich Arsenal. Statue of Portland stone on pedestal of the same material. The Duke is represented bareheaded, his right hand holding a baton, his left resting on the handle of his sabre. In the background are a mortar and a shell. Sculptor, T. Milnes. Pre- sented by the sculptor to the Board of Ordnance, and erected in December, 1848, in the Tower of London, between Traitors' Gate and the White Tower. Removed in 1861 to near the White Tower, and in 1863 placed in its present position. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. (4) At Hyde-park-corner. Bronze equestrian statue. The Duke is seated on his horse " Copenhagen," holding the reins in his left hand, and in his right an open telescope, the idea being to represent him on the field of battle, watching the development of the action. The statue stands on a stone platform, rising on steps of Aberdeen grey granite, and bordered in grey and red granite, and surrounding a centre of mosaic. At the four corners are representations (in bronze) of a British Grenadier, a Highlander, an Irish Dragoon and a Welsh Fusilier. Sculptor, Sir Edgar Boehm. Unveiled, 21st December, 1888. Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. Wesley, John. In front of City-road Chapel. Statue of bronze. Wesley is standing, holding a book in his left hand, his right hand open and extended. Pedestal of polished red granite, with base of unpolished grey granite. Sculptor, John Adams Acton. Erected in 1891. Maintained by trustees of the chapel. Wesley, Susannah. In front of City-road Chapel. Octagonal obelisk of white marble on a four-sided pedestal. Erected in December, 1870. Maintained by trustees of the chapel. West, Jabez. Southwark-park. Drinking fountain of grey granite. Erected in 1884. Maintained by London County Council. 56 Westminster, Hugh Lupus, Duke of. Chesham-buildings Duke-street, Grosvenor-square. Bronze tablet, with head and shoulders of the Duke in bas-relief. Unveiled, 21st May, 1901. Erected and maintained by the Improved Industrial Dwellings Company, Limited. Westminster, Richard, Marquis of. Corner of Pimlico- road and Avery Farm-road. Drinking fountain of polished red and grey granite, with mosaic panels. Erected in August, 187 1. Maintained by Westminster City Council. Westminster Scholars. Broad Sanctuary. A column of red Peterhead granite, on a base of Portland stone. Above the column are statues of Edward the Confessor, Henry III., Elizabeth and Victoria, the whole surmounted by St. George and the Dragon. Designed by Sir Gilbert Scott, executed by J. Birnie Phillip; composition of the St. George group by J. R. Clayton, executed by J. Birnie Phillip. Erected in 186 1, " to the memory of those educated at Westminster School, who died in the Russian and Indian wars, a.d. 1854-1859." Maintained by the Governing Body of Westminster School. Whitehall, Michael Thomas. Rushey-green. Drinking fountain and thermometer and barometer stand com- bined, of red and grey granite. Erected in 1898. Maintained by Lewisham Metropolitan Borough Council. Whiting, Francis. Guilford-place. Drinking fountain of polished grey granite, on base of rough granite, and surmounted by the figure, in stone, of a girl pouring water from a pitcher. Erected in April, 1870. Maintained by Holborn Metro- politan Borough Council. Whittington, Richard. (1) Highgate-hill. An upright stone, situated on the south side of the road near the foot of the hill. It bears an inscription setting out the three dates on which Whittington was elected mayor of London and the dates of his shrievalty. The tradition is to the effect that it was on a former stone on nearly the same site that Whittington sat down to ruminate on his hard fortune, after having been compelled to leave his master's house, and that here he heard Bow Bells ring out : " Turn again, Whittington Thrice Lord Mayor of London." The story is completely apocryphal. It has been suggested that the original stone was a wayside cross in front of the chapel of St. Anthony (Tomlin's Yseldon ; a Perambulation of Islington, p. 141.) The stone, or its successor, remained until about 179S, when it was removed, and another stone, inscribed " Whittingtoh's Stone," was put up. This again was taken away in 1821, when the present stone was erected by the trustees of the Islington parish-ways. The Borough Engineer of Islington states that for more than 25 years nothing has been done to the stone by the Vestry or Metropolitan Borough Council of Islington, and that it is very doubtful if the latter authority has any jurisdiction over it. (2) In grounds of Whittington College, Archway-road, Highgate. Stone statue, representing Whittington seated by the roadside on Highgate-hill, listening to the sound of Bow bells. Sculptor, unknown. Erected about 1827. Maintained by the Mercers' Company. 57 Wilberforce, William. No. in, Broomwood-road, Clap- ham. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of site of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 28th November, 1906. Wilkes, John. Ludgate-circus. Obelisk of stone, erected in 1775. Though usually regarded as a memorial to Wilkes, it seems rather to bear his name simply as that of the Lord Mayor in the year of erection. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Wilkie, Sir David. No. 144, Kensington High-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 21st January, 1907. William III. (1) In St. James's-square. Bronze equestrian statue of the king, who is represented in Roman costume. Sculptor, John Bacon, Junior. Samuel Travers [a. 1724) in his will said : " I will and bequeath a sufficient sum of money to purchase and erect in St. James's-square an equestrian statue in brass to the glorious memory of my master King William the Third." (Dasent's History of St. James's-square, p. 52.) The pedestal was erected in or before 1732, as in the Parish Clerks : New Remarks of London, published in that year, it is stated that " in the centre thereof is a pedestal about 15 feet square, for a statue of King William III. on horse back." (p. 264). Nothing more was done until 1806, when Travers's money was found in the list of unclaimed dividends. (Dasent's History of St. James's square, p. 60.) The statue was erected in 1808. Maintained by the trustees of St. James's-square. (2) In Kensington Palace grounds. Statue of bronze, double life size, on a base of Portland stone. Sculptor, Herr Bancke. Erected in 1907, being " presented by William II, German Emperor and King of Prussia, to King Edward VII., for the British Nation." Main- tained by H.M. Office of Works. William IV. King William-street. Statue, over 15 feet high, of Foggin Tor granite, representing the king in the costume of a high admiral. Pedestal of Hayter granite 25 feet high, circular in plan. Designed by Richard Kelsey, statue by Samuel Nixon. Pedestal placed in position on 14th October, 1844, and statue raised on i8th-i9th December, 1844. Maintained by City of London Corporation. Wolfe, James, General. Macartney House, Blackheath. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 27th October, 1909. Worcester House. Savoy-courtyard. Two tablets of Carrara ware gilt, commemorative of site of house, and marriage of Anne Hyde with Duke of York. Erected by Savoy Hotel authorities, in 1904. Wright, Robert. Postman's-park. TaMet in commemoration of heroic self sacrifice. (See note, p. 10.; 357 E 58 Yeates (The Misses). Clissold-park. Mural drinking fountain of stone, " in memory of three sweet sisters, aged i, 3, 4, daughters of Wilson Yeates . . . erected by their sister, Rose Mary Crawshay (widow)," 1893. Maintained by London County Council. York, Frederick, Duke of. Carlton House-terrace. A Tuscan column of granite, with internal staircase and surmounted by statue of bronze, 13I feet high. The Duke is represented in mili- tary costume, leaning with his right hand upon his sword. Total height from the ground to the top of the statue, 137I feet. Monument designed by M. Wyatt, statue by Sir Richard Westmacott. The erec- tion of the column was begun in 183 1, and finished in 1833 ; statue placed in position on 8th April, 1834. Maintained by H.M. Office of Works. Young, Michael. Hackney -Downs. Drinking fountain of polished red granite. Erected in 1890. Maintained by London County Council. Young, Thomas. No. 48, Welbeck-street. Tablet of encaustic ware, commemorative of residence. Affixed by London County Council, 3rd April, 1905. i\ s> ^ CALIF0% ivyaiR^ ^WE-UNIVERS/a >o If? v/smainihkv ^lOSANCElfj^ ^OKALIFOfc^ ^ _r» I, £. 5> £. 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