^mm m ^mmm LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class THE LEUCHTENBERG GALLERY. Cfllhrtion of iittur^s THE CELEBRATED GALLERY OP HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF LEUCHTENBERG, (\ AT MUNICH: ENGRAVED BY J. N. MUXEL, CURATOK OF THE GAH,EKY. COMPEISING TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO ENGRAVINGS FROM THE WORKS OP THE MOST FAMOUS PAINTERS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. [WI7BIlSir 4iinzi^ JPranfefott on tf)e JWainr, PUBLISHED BY JOSEPH BAER. LONDON: ACKERMANN AND CO., STRAND. 1852. (o3n^ [trinviEsiTF] ALPHABETICAL LIST OP THE PAINTERS, AND NAMES OE THEIR WOEKS. WEISS. Harbour of Hoegameos in Sweden, Caulin- ACHENBACH and Storm at Sea 187. ADAM (ALBEECHT). Attack by French Cavalry, 195. Outposts of French Horse Artillery, 196. Battle of the Moscowa : Death of Gen court, 197. Two French Cuirassiers saving a Wounded Officer, 198. French Battery defended against Austrian Hussars, 199. ALBANI (FRANCESCO). Jupiter, in the shape of a Bull, carrying off Europa, 71. Venus awaiting Adonis, 72. Venus adorned by the Graces, 73. ALGAUDI (ALESSANDBO). Eros and Anteros ; or. Spiritual Love conquering Sensual Love (marble group), 253. ALLEGRI DA CORREGGIO (ANTONIO). The H oly Virgin kneeling before the Infant Christ, 58. ANGUISCIOLA (SOPHONISBA). Portrait of the Queen of Cyprus, 62. APPIANI (ANDREA). Napoleon sitting on his Throne, 182. Napoleon as King of Italy, 183. ASSELYN (JOHANN). Sea-port, illumined by the Setting Sun, 120. BACCIO DELLA PORTA, surnamod Fka Bartommeo. Madonna della Misericordia, 30. BACKHUTSEN (LUDOLPH). A slightly agitated Sea, with Ships, 121. BARBAR;ELLI, sumamed Giorgione. Herodias receiving the Head of St. John the Baptist, 6. Christ in the lap of his Mother, 7. Adoration of the Shepherds, 8. BELLINI (GENTILE). 'jVlary holding the Infant Saviour on her Knee, 3. Circumcision of the Infant Jesus, 4. BELLINI (GIOVANNI). Mary holding on her knee the Infant Christ, 5. BERGBR OF STOCKHOLM. Entrance to the Harbour of Calmar, in Sweden, 221. BERGHEM (NICOLAUS). Summer Evening : Italian Herdsmen with Cattle, 122. Travellers and Herdsmen at a Stream, 123. Shepherd's Boy and Shepherdesses with Cattle, 124. BIDAULT (JOSEPH XAVIER). Rocky Landscape and Mountain Stream, 241. BONONE (CARLO). The Sons of Jacob bringing to him the blood- stained Garment of Joseph, 84. BORDONE (PARIS). Christ taking leave of his Mother, 17. Hilly Landscape, with St. Jerome and a Lion, 18. BOSIO (FRANCIS JOSEPH). Cupid on the point of launching an Arrow (marble statue), 254. BOSSI (GIUSEPPE). Copy from the Last Supper by Lionardo da Vinci, 93. BOUCHER (PRANgOIS). Cupid discharging an Arrow, 177. BREUGHEL (PETER). Landscape, with Travellers, 107. BRONZINO (ANGELO). Portrait of a Lady, 33. Picta ; the Corpse of Christ on the lap of Mary, 34. BUBRKEL (HENRY). Winter Landscape, with Village Church, 200. U'^^^U « ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE PAINTERS, BUTZ (after JOSEPH STIELER). Portrait of His Royal Highness, Prince Eugene, Duke of Leuchtenberg, 1. CANALE (ANTONIO), sumamed Canaletto. A Square in Venice, 27. Church of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, 28. CANOVA (ANTONIO). The Three Graces (group in marble), 255. Maria Magdalena, kneeling (marble statue), 256. CANTARINI (SIMONE). The Rest on the Plight into Egypt, 85. CAEOTTO (GIAN FRANCESCO). St. Anthony standing between St. Rochus and a Holy Virgin, 49. CARRACCI (HANNIBAL). Burial of Christ, 61). John the Baptist sitting by the side of a River, 70. CHAUDET (ANTOINB DENIS). Cyparissus holding his little Buck which he had killed by mistake (group in marble), 257. COGELS (JOSEPH CHARLES). Old Port of Antwerp, 226. New Quay at Antwerp, 227. CRESPI (GIUSEPPE, MARIA sumamed Spagnuou)). A Card Party, 89. CUTP (ALBERT). Fruit Piece, 125. DAEL (JOHN FRANCIS VAN). Bunch of Blue Grapes, 228. Fruit Piece, 229. Spring Flowers in a Stone Vase, 230. Flower Piece, 231. DA PONTE (JACOPO), sumamed Bassano. Christ bearing his Cross, 25. Stoning of St. Stephen, 26. DAVID (JACQUES LOUIS). Brutus after pronouncing Sentence of Death on his Sons, 233. DEKKER (CORNELIS). Fishermen's Huts near a River, 126. DEMARNE (JEAN LOUIS). Cattle Market, with many Figures, 242. DENNER (BALTHASAR). Head of an Old Lady, 106. DILLIS (CANTIUS). View near Nesselau in the Bavarian Highlands, 201. Stone Bridge near the Mill at Andorf, 202. DILLIS (GEORGE VON). Mill near a "Waterfall, 203. DOES (JACOB VAN DER). Shepherd's Family and Flock, resting under bigh trees, 127. DOLCE (CARLO). John the Evangelist, holding a book, 32. DOMINICHINO (DoMENiCHO Zampieri, sumamed Domini- CUINO). Saint Sebastian tied to a Tree and pierced by Arrows, 74. Landscape : God appearing to Moses in the Burn- ing Bush, 75. Landscape : the Angel meeting Balaam on his Ass, 76. DORNER (JOHN JACOB). Sawing-Mill on a rapidly flowing Mountain River, 204.' Waterfall near a Mill ; stormy weather, 205. Waterfall near a Sawing-Mill, 206. DOSSI (DOSSO). A Conjuror performing at a Table, 38. DOUW (GERHARD). A Physician looking at an Urinal, 128. DYCK (ANTHONY VAN). Portrait of a Man, 114. Portrait of the Spanish Commander-in-Chief, Prince Ambrosius Spinola, 115. Children of Charles I. King of England, 110. Portrait of the celebrated artist, Sophonisba Angai- sciola, 117. EVERDINGEN (ALBERT VAN). Rocky Scene in Norway, 131. FAHLKRANTZ (CHARLES JOHN). View of the Castle of Leckoe, 222. The Harbour of Stockholm, 223. FEARNLEY (THOMAS). View of Stockholm, from Kungsholmen, 224. FERRARI (GOUDENZIO). The Holy Family : Mary with the Infant Jesus, Joseph, and St. John, 47. The Lord's Supper, 48. FONTANA (LAVINIA). Nuptials of St. Catherine, 68. FORBIN-JANSON (COUNT OF). Cloister Church at Coimbra : Coronation of Inez de Castro, 243. Ossian singing the Deeds of departed Heroes, 244. PRADELLE (JOSEPH). Interior of the Church of St. Ambrosius, Milan, 180. Peasant from Beam presenting Henry IV. with Cheese, 181. FRANCESCHINI (MARC ANTONIO). Triumph of Venus, 88. FRANCIA (FRANCESCO RAIBOLINI, surnamed Prancia). The Holy Virgin with the Infant Jesus, St. Dominic and St. Barbara, 67. FREIBERG (MARIA, ELECTRINB VON). The Holy Virgin and Infant Christ, 189. The Three Maries at the Tomb of Christ, 190. GALANINO (BALDASSARE, surnamed Aloisi da Bologna). Cupid with, his Bow, 86. Portrait of a Young Student, 87. AND NAMES OF THEIR WORKS. G-AROFOLO (Benvenhto Tisio, surnamed Gaeofolo). Christ washing the feet of his Disciples, 35. St. Nicholas of Tolentino restoring Life to Dead Birds, 36. A Woman supplicating St. Nicholas of Tolentino to restore her Child to Life, 37. GfiRARD (FRANCOIS). Belisarius carrying his Guide killed by a Serpent, 234. Portrait of the Empress Josephine, 235. GERARD (MARGUERITE). Domestic Scene : a Mother and Father with their Children, 230. GRANET (FRANCOIS MARIUS). The Painter Stella in prison Drawing on the Wall, 245. GRBUSE (JEAN BAPTISTE).^ A Girl in the attitude of Supplication, 179. GUERCINO (GiovAN Francesco Barmeki, surnamed GUERCINO). The Woman taken in Adultery, 77. St. Jerome startled by the sound of an Angel's Trumpet, 78. Portrait of a Lawyer, 79. GUfiRIN (PIERRE). Anacreon and Love, 237. HEEM (JOHANN DAVID DE). Group of Fruit, 132. HEIDECK (CHARLES WILLIAM BARON VON). Winter Landscape : a Countryman carrying wood on a Sledge, 191. Attack by a Regiment of French Cuirassiers, 192. The Duke of Leuchtenberg rescuing Col. Klisky at Lowicz, 193. A Countryman driving a Load of Hay, 194. HEMLING (HANS) or Mkmling. John the Baptist directing the attention of a devotee to Christ, 103. HERSENT (LOUIS). Fenclon restoring to poor Peasants a Cow taken by the Enemy, 246. HESS (HENRY MARIA). Faith, Love, and Hope, sitting under an Oak, 186. HESS (PETER). Cossacks preparing to surprise a French Out-post, 207. Bivouac of Polish Cavalry, 208. Village of Partenkirchen and Mount Zugspitz, 209. HEYDEN (JAN VAN DER)._ Country Houses by the side of a River, 133. HOBBEMA (MEINDERT). A Village Church in an Oak Forest, 134. HOLBEIN (HANS). Portrait of Sir Thomas More, 104. A Man and Woman at table with Viands, 105. HONDEKOETER (EGIDIUS). Two domestic Cocks and two Hens, 136. HONDEKOETER (MELCHIOR). A Hen, Chickens, and Cock defending themselves against a Turkey, 135. HOOGHE (PIETER DB). Interior of a Dutch room, with a Lady reading a Paper, 137. HUYSUM (JAN VAN). Flowers in an Ornamented Vase, 138. JOANEZ (VICENTE). Adoration of the Shepherds, 94. JONG (LUDOLP DE). Huntsmen taking Refreshments in a Dutch Farm- house, 144. KOBELL (JAN). Pasture Ground : a Herdsman milking a Cow, 210. KOBELL (WILHELM VON). View of the City of Munich, from the east, 211. Huntsman on horseback speaking to a Country- woman at the road-side, 212. KOCH (JOSEPH ANTONY). Monastery of St. Francesco di Civitella, near Rome, 213. LAURfiNS (ALEXANDER). Italian country people in a Tavern, 225. LE DUCQ (JEAN). A Knight surveying the cleaning of his Armour, 129. A convivial party of Dutch ladies and gentlemen, 130. LESCOT (HORTENSE VICTOIRE). A little Savoyard playing several instruments at once, 247. LIMBORCH (HENRY VAN). Artemisia II. Queen of Caria, taking Poison, 145. LINGELBACH (JOHN). Italian Seaport, ships being loaded and unloaded, 146. LOTTO (LORENZO). Saint Catherine of Alexandria holding a Palm- branch, 20. LUmi (BERNARDINO). Mary holding the Infant Christ on her knee, 44. Mary with the Infant Jesus and St. John, 45. St. Jerome under a tree contemplating a Skull, 4G. MANFREDINI (LUIGI). Bronze Bust of Prince Eugene Duke of Leuchten- berg, 258. Antique Female Statue ; probably a Spes, 259. Roman Antique Eagle (in marble), 260. A splendid Tankard, ornamented with ivory figures of Bacchanals, 261. Arm chair of the Emperor Napoleon, used during his Consulship, 262. MARATTI (CARLO). The Repose on the Flight to Egypt, 57. MASACCIO (TOMASO GUIDI). Portrait of the Artist himself, 29. MAZZOLINl (LODOVICO MALINO). The corpse of Christ lamented over by his family, 39. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE PAINTERS, METZU (GABRIEL). A Sick Woman presented with a basket by her Maid, 139. MEULEN (ANTON ERANZ VAN DER). Cavalry Combat at the entrance of a Forest, 140. MIERIS (FRANCIS VAN). Girl restoring a Bird to liberty, 141. Garden Terrace, with a lady and gentleman walk- ing, 142. MIERIS (WILLIAM VAN). Poulterer in his Shop speaking to a Girl, 143. MIGLIARA (GIOVANNI). Exterior of the Cathedral at Milan, 184. Interior of the Cathedral at Milan, 185. MILLET (JEAN FRANCOIS). Landscape : Christ and the Samaritan woman at the Well, 173. MORETTO (AiESSANDRO Bonvicino, sumamed II Moeetto). The Virgia Mary holding the Infant Jesus, 21. Portrait of a Young Man, 22. MORONI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA). Holy Family, with two kneeling Figures, 23. MTJRILLO (BARTOLOMEO ESTfiVAN). The Guardian Angel admonishing a Carthusian to accept an episcopal dignity, 95. The Boy Jesus as the Good Shepherd, 96. Mary Magdalen, 97. The Holy Vii-gin holding the Infant Jesus, 98. OMMEGANK (BALTHASAR PAUL). Sheep and Goats reposing, 232. OSTADE (ADRIAN VAN). Peasants smoking before a Rural Habitation, 153. OSTADE (ISAAC VAN). Landscape, with a Tavern, the Company listening to a Piper, 154. PALMA (JACOPO). The Virgin Mary holding the Infant Jesus, with Donakar, St. Catherine, John the Baptist, and Mary Magdalen, 14. PARMBGIANINO (FRANCESCO MAZZUOLI). The Circumcision of Christ, 59. The Holy Family, 60. The Holy Virgin holding the Infant Jesus, with St. Catherine and St. Francis, 61. PARROCEL (JOSEPH). Louis XIV. besieging the town of Namur, 174. PENNI (GIOVAN FRANCESCO). Christ and the Samaritan woman at the Well, 53. POELENBURG (CORNELIUS). Repose on the Flight to Egypt, 159. PORDENONE (GIOVAN ANTONIO REGILLO). The Holy Family, 19. POTTER (PAUL). Two Horses in a Field, 164. POURBUS (FRANZ). Portrait of a Man with a Beard, 108. POUSSIN (NICOLAS). Finding of the Infant Moses, 171. Landscape: Orpheus with Nymphs, 172. PROCACCINI (CAMILLO). Portrait of the Painter, by himself, 63. PROCACCINI (GIULIO CESARE). A Female Saint, supported by two Angels, receiving Baptism, 64. The Burial of Christ, 65. PYNACKER (ADAM). Pasture Ground, with cattle, 165. QUAGLIO (DOMINICUS). Town of Neuoettingen on the River Inn, Bavaria, 214. Exterior of the Cathedral at Como, 215. QUAGLIO (SIMON). Interior of the Church of the Cistercian Monastery of Erbach, 216. RAPHAEL (SANZIO). Portrait of a Cardinal, 50. Saint George fighting with the Dragon, 51. The Archangel Michael fighting the Dragon with his sword and treading on its neck, 52. REMBRANDT (VAN RYN). Portrait of the Artist, by himself, 147. RENI (GUIDO). The Circumcision of Christ, 80. The Assumption of the Virgin, 81. Cupid lying on the Sea-shore, attracted by two Nymphs, 82. RIBALTA (JUAN DE). Hercules with Omphale's distaff, 99. River Gods and Nymphs resting on a beach, 100. The Holy Family, 101. RICHARD (FLEURT FRANgOIS). King Charles VII. on liis departure for battle, writing to Agnes Sorel, 248. The Duchess de la Valliore in the Nunnery of the Carmelites, 249. Valentine of Milan deploring the death of her hus- band, the Duke of Orleans, 250. Henry IV. presenting some sweetmeats to the Duke of Bellegarde, who has hidden himself under the bed of Gabrielle d'Estrees, 251. ROMEYN (WILLIAM). Italian Landscape, with herdsman and cattle, 148. ROSA (SALVATOR). Seaport illumined by the setting Sun, 90. RUBEN (CHRISTOPHER). A Priest carrying the Sanctissimum surprised by Robbers in a rocky defile, 188. RUBENS (PETER PAUL). David beheading the giant Goliath, 110. The Infant Christ giving a Benediction, 111. Portrait of a Man, 112. Monkeys holding a Court Martial, 113. AND NAMES OF THEIR WORKS. RUYSDAEL (JACOB). Evening Landscape : Sportsman shooting Ducks, 149. A Sportsman shooting Ducks on a marshy forest water, 150. Landscape, with Harlem in the background, 151. SALAINO (ANDEEA). Mary sitting on the lap of St. Anna, holds the Infant Jesus on a lamb, 43. SAKTO (VAmsTCHi, sumamed Andrea del Sakto). Portrait of a Man with a Beard, 31 . SASSOFEBRATO (GIOVAN BATTISTA SAL VI). The Holy Virgin with her hands folded, 54. The Holy Virgin holding the sleeping Infant Jesus to her bosom, 55. The Holy Virgin holds standing before her the Infant Christ, who embraces her, 56. SCHIAVONE (ANDREA MEDOLA). The Holy Family : before St. Elizabeth kneels little St. John adoring the Infant Jesus. Mary in a sitting attitude holds her infant with both hands before her, whilst Zacharias is in conversation with Joseph, 24. SCHIDONE (BARTOLOMEO). A Young Man giving Alms to a Young Mother with her Child, 60. SOHNITZLER (MICHAEL). Two Nut-peckers, 217. Two green Peaks, 218. SBBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. Mary with the Infant Christ and little St. John, sitting, surrounded by Zacharias, Jacob, and the great Christopher, 13. SESTO(CESARE DA). The Holy Virgin holding on her lap the Infant Jesus, who handles a small cross, little St. John stands near Him, 42. SIRANI (ELISABETTA), The Holy Virgin holds the Infant Christ who pre- sents to Uttle St. John a cross of reeds, 83. SOLARIO (ANTONIO DA), called II Zingaro. The Virgin Mary holds standing before her the Infant Saviour, who turned towards St. John, holds a bird by a thread, 2. STEEN (JAN). A Man and his "Wife giving supper to their Boy and Girl, the latter of whom is saying Grace, 162. STROZZI (BERNARDINO). An old Man tuning a mandolin to a violin which a Young Man is playing, 92. TAUNAY (NICOLAS ANTOINE). Seaport of Leon, 252. TEMPESTA (ANTONIO). Repose of the Holy Family on their Flight to Egypt, 91. TENTERS (DAVID, Senioe). St. Jerome in the dress of a Cardinal, sitting in a rocky cave, is interrupted in his reading by the sound of the trumpet of an Angel, 118. TENIERS (DAVID, Junior). A Peasant's room in the Netherlands, with card- playing, 119. TIZIANO (VECELLI DA CADORE). The Virgin Mary holds in her lap the Infant Saviour, whose hand is grasped by John the Baptist ; the latter appears to be in conversation with St. George, who stands on the Virgin's right, 9. The Holy Virgin sitting, holds in her lap the Infant Jesus, and turns to John the Baptist on her right. On her left kneels the Apostle Paul in the act of touching the child's arm and foot, 10. Diana with her Nymphs in the Bath ; she is speak- ing to Callisto, who, conscious of her frailty, has not undressed, 11. Portrait of a Man with a Beard, with a book open before him on a table, 12. UTRECHT (ADRIAN VAN). A Dead Hare and Wild Fowls on a table, 155. VANLOO (CuESAR). View of the Hotel at Novalaise at the foot of Mount Cenis, in the winter season, 176. VANLOO (CHARLES ANDRE). The Artist in his Stndio painting the Mistress of a Bashaw, 175. VEEN (OCTAV VAN), sumamed Ottovenius. Christ bearing his Cross ; near him are Veronica and Joseph of Cyrene, 109. VELASQUEZ DE SILVA. Portrait of a Spanish Grandee, 102. VELDE (WILLIAM VAN DE, Junior). A Calm Sea, with large a,nd small vessela, 156. AMan-of-war and other ships sailing on a calm sea, 157. VERBOOM (ABRAHAM). A Stag Hunt in a Forest, 158. VERNET (CHARLES). The Emperor Napoleon with the Empress Marie Louise at a Stag Hunt in the Forest of Com- piegne, 238. VERNET (JOSEPH). Marine Piece, with vessels near high rocks, 178. VERONESE (Paolo Cagliari, sumamed II Veronese). Adoration of the Magi, 15. A Family Picture, 16. VINCI (LEONARDO DA). The Holy Virgin holds before her the Infant Christ, who is caressing and caressed by little St. John, 40. A Holy Virgin holding a little dog before her, 41 . VLIEGER (SIMON DE). A slightly agitated Sea, with Fishing-Boats and a Frigate in inll sail, 160. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE PAINTERS, AND NAMES OF THEIR WORKS. VLIBT (HENRY VAN). Interior of the Church at Delfl, with the Tomb of William I. The figures painted by Weenix, senior, 161. WAGENBAUER (MAX JOSEPH). A Cow and two Goats near an Alpine well, 219. A Herdsman with four Cows and a Calf near a spring, 220. WEENIX (JOHN BAPTIST, Senioe). Italian Sea-port, with soldiers playing in the fore- ground, and a lady and gentleman on horseback, 162. WEENIX (JOHN, Junior). A dead Hare and a Magpie, laying by a fowling- piece, and smelt at by a dog, 163. WICAR (J. B.) Resuscitation of the Touth at Nain, 239. Portrait of Pope Pius VII. 240. WOUVERMAN (PHILIP). A Lady and Gentleman, travelling on Horseback, are stopping before a Tavern to refresh them- selves, 166. A FamUy of Peasants resting near a hay-waggon, upon which boys are playing, 167. WTNANTS (JOHN). A Cottage surrounded by trees, near a flowing rivulet, 168. An extensive Landscape, with Herdsmen and Cattle. The figures painted by Adrian van de Velde, 169. ZORG (HENRY ROKES). Interior of a Dutch Farm-house, with people at table, 170. HARRIIiD, PRINTER, LONDON. 5^-^^ 0» THK ^ ?r.2huecZ •'9-/^- S©ILAm2'D. 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FOIEBIU^o ' - >'' or THar^:]pS .I7BESIT7J 110. jr.JM'ii.vei a.^: mXi'^^^a, WMTEli '^KWh ^"^.1^:^ ^V ot Tsn [WJ7BRsiTr] JSTMeAtv^ ''//■' IlilDTIBIiBTSo 1(2. AN )5 9j) aa.yhrt. jjBiiiiapE [USI7BRSIT71 i J4ij^ OT TH»"^^ fuSIVBESITT] ^..Xlx^ a^.r. TAH T)TC]K.o Of TH« [UHIVBRSITTl 115. jy..Jfu^yi a^uaj^t. YAM in)YCBSc r>^*^ Of THB >^ [USI7BRSITT1 !S a P t ^ ^53~aJ^ Of ran ITY] SOroNlSBA ANGV5C10CA jKJiHrt/ ay-y. JM^ rsTK. '^ 0» V'SIK jr.JGi.ve7 a^M ^7'f: "^rEmiwm { 3. alter c . ^iB-A.:^ 0» THS IT 7] j*4 Pi ^ ■^jB-^:^. "of TBCl ITY ^^^.i{ ...J mK^WK'mWSM. ^^^-^^ Of TB3E WI7BIISITY] ^ M Pi \ TTflYBl^SITY] m #^ i.-' x^x^ > of T3S [MI7BB.3ITri n ^ ^ Of Ta». ^ o* ^rro"R' J^.J/tt-reZ '^f/'- SUJTIPo W F 8 ^*^ Of TSK^y [usitbesittI -m. m ^ % ^^^-^^ 0» TH? m 4 oar I2«. ID CO Trj-^ */X ^^w ^■y^ ot ran IT71 mi7 129- y.^tju/ ay ^. ILIS IE)IUC(go (UiriTBRSITr] n— r IS til '4/^ Of rar. *^ :71iriTBR3IT7] li^ 13«. lEIIEIE. JXL II„ 1TDM:y: Wc^ F^-*^ 0? TTTB ' h S & n %. . ■'>,(^>- Of Taj? "<^^ -^ a eji /-J •5 r; .^ 5 M 2^ a f'aHITBSSITT] ^ \ \ V. w ri7. TZZZHZ ~y y ^-^ ~"'~ " -^ ■' '■' 7^ -^ ^x ^^T" j^ggEj^^5f| " <^r_f^ *Jif.af.f- Pct.cio lfiIC0(Q)(&IEIEo OT THS IfHITBEGITY «»*• i^rpo B.^ JI(n)IfiI.^!^AM MmTTSTJJML.. [tIS:rBESITTl «0. Jjn^^j a^uii /rr/' mW^im, ©AIBIEIIIEL ^ Of TB*"^' t... 2* as G ^ ^ s Y4^^ Of xaa fUHI7BB3ITrl JlCa^^ MMWMoYvmz^m. J^^iJceZao-^rt: MnnMadait. ^*^ Of THl!.^'^ [tiiriTBRsiTr] 143. in HIE IE SS, ■^^dUla^.-g.ni #^ m ^V Of rx: :^ iUiri7BR3ITT] ^- a k- [UKI7BR3IT7] J\r^£/uv/ai -^/ aa t. '^mm^mMm y' Of TffB [MITBR^ITYJ ■- Jf H [UiriTBRSITY] ilFO^ 1^ 147 ^^Jfyxel a^ta.^. IBiJlMISlEAS^IOTro 'of rsin w -gilVBESITT] \^U'Ma 13 K^*^ Of THR '.^^ ■7iri7EKSrT7] I -uik 'V^ 0? Tax "^^ ftririyBRsiTt] minTTgiD^EiL. n^(So 159. "™!^|iili jy.JAve^y.^- g^mSM^TMI. (E) S^AIDH. mDM. [UHITZE3iT7] m i s2 w 5^^^^^ of THR J \ ic ' r ^ > >*" n» tVtx"**' OF T'sJi! ITT] fU2ri7E m WffimiBCDOM ?A o» trpo^' ■^ ^^^ Of •nm'^^^ fU5I7BRSIT7l (■■'(.' ". §mim llli Wmmm ^ !5a] y^ Of r&.% *, (TTIITBRSITT] 161. "^i[aiiiEici.ier<,-\Fsim [!JFI7BESIT7] I '/ 'I S^i ^K'%^'%:wM^. fj(^ OT TITR fTHriTBESITr] # V ) .!) '^^ N e5 h Q ^V^ or a-ax^^ [XJFI7lB.srTY] «*■ ^^XFO t=3 ^-1 S > ^ ^i> Of TH5! fTJKIVBRSITTj C ^ f ^ J ^.<"' K'^Oi. v. •sv. l^--v^ JJ'' J (■' ' L-^- , V ,^ - Jf.jfujcc/a^aa-^ W®TDr\WIimMAM Mni\ •^jr^i.a&R wwiKmw^. %>• -v-^: of TJ». ^ - -^.'--.'■■-kr^M^^'SlL-^—ri^'-.^'-- JT^am a^f. WTMM^T^c [^5I7BRSIT7] fUiri7BESIT7] 5^-^^ of TOT [■gSITUBSITY] 9 8 [Uiri7BItSITY] M- ^ [tJFITBRSITT] ■RJ #• U) 1 ' '^- 'p m 9 rv^ ^ S * i*' * «•■ .•^,: J^^ Of TiXS. ^ (mitbrsitt] •%iroT ?<^ 4 \=^, ^ > 0» TECB [UiriTBRSITT] as Hi >-^» TUB [TJSIVBKSIT S^ 177. IBiD'U'CiHIiSIRi. ^^ Of r!rR"^>pi [MI7BRSIT71 y7 £>> fAji^' 0» Tan "T^ [tjsitbesitt] j^ja^7^^./. (SMllUJ^Eo ^^ at Tsa^^S [UIITBIlSITTl 1 — i ^i^-AT^ XXISlifT^. IFMAIDEILILlEc ftlKITBEGITYl 53 fWITEESITTl 1«3. f^/"- APiPIEAPIE. y^ or T£ui^- [TJiriYBRSITT] MEn^fi^'iLJi^amA ^^^^^^ TH» (UFI7BI13ITY] if. ■-l«i M n C(^iLi n/A.mii. ii mm , ■li ^bX^ 0» TH» B^ t I ir . T Hi 5^^^^ 01 TBCIS TJSITBRSITT] ^T % m — 1 'V^ OF TBr*"^" [WlTERSlTrl if — t gq n [ir»I7ERSIT7l irmiE;jiiBii,rafSr ffin^iErciimiE. \t(oij ^^-^^ Of TBW fXTTfriTlB-SITY] 'A \ A MM ^: %M -S'lMW*" Mil a 9 Pi ^:b^^^. 0? TH»I msivBi^si.TT OJr '4llf0t Vo MIEniBECK, '^■*' Of Tag *^ [USITBESIIT] « M S-? ^^±^ Of THS fUBIVBRSITY] IBlmiIIDlE(J3I^„"W^3I^ ^^ Of THs"^^ [WITBR3IT71 -p^ MIEHIDIEOI. m IVBR ITT] ^ g 4 4': i ^ OTIT-BESIIT] -V. r~'- # v^*" or Tflta iTrSITBKSITYl •s, r- J n .*■■ o» x^ r^ USIYBE3IT7] t J— j :2^ !> Ot THB ;iTYi # i^W; •;'v'-'-'i;V R fk^ OT TBCS > [tJf IVBRSITY] e J/J./„ ^Y. IDillLiLIIS. 'V © a #-^ J — * [tj'SIVBESITY] 207, ■J ) ,'V'' 4<^ k^ n» iTn* "^l" OF "mw Ul? I7BRSITT1 irpo E^ s ^ 92 4-- ■J* TJSIVBrv3ITT] IHIIEi^rS XPIETTc V ^^*-^^ Of TUT! * H H O ;j^- V4^^ ot TiV, w [WI7BESIT7] * m f ^^±^ r^'' 0» THB IT71 ^■'d^^^-M IK^OIB-TSTHL -rW. 0» TffiB #.. # ^ Of TH«'^4pS -TYSHSITYl try '^- fnSI7BR3lTTl «16. tnt**x^f' «^. ■yy- (g i]T^(Sririiin CO. ^nifl. ^■s^^fz^^ (UK 0/ BRSITYl 217 . / . . /fM .. y .y-. /, ' :S^ UjEx:j:T]ra"%^Tiorem Of i'a:4 OTIVBESITY] &^'vmj^in(;^/iinJ^M '^Xi^^^ ITtl IV). f b^y' '!.^.'"j'-' 1 ,^-^. \^/T./A.c:fi]l MEMYIITIEjIE o*" drm ^4^ Of I'il* [USI7BR5ITT] c6 V ■A J V >' J I :^^^-'J- ^ i I -^ njiiYBRsiTr; fS ,;(' • m.'"'f///. ''I 7,;; N S t^ Pi ^i ^ ^''iMi^ iAA.".-^ Aril' I -'^" J * # fUHITBR3IT' :xm.<^ m S ««s. JAixe/.aq./^ :daie:l,tam, # &i 229. Mti^-f.' VANJDAJBJLo »f' ^ ^:Ei-6.^- or T^* lYBESITT] 23 ft ^^^IMIB^iililG ^f^ .^iiS' 831. o ';i,^ - "^'^ ^' ^ ?->c:5 WJ^'MW^^miL 4'.iS^ Of -ma -^ Itjsitbrsityj ^ '< m a ; y^^ Of THE '4j^ #tfjri7IRSIT7] "/?0Il1?^ 'm .^^"f^^^ '^^■^ ov ran gKI7BESIT7] OB" rpc ^oii<^ # iM-. ummAmm. 0? TECa"^^ Ci -^i i«? ^ mu -^i! BRSIT71 i jr-ff (B-ISmAMIDn JU ,/A fV^> Of THB iUiriVXRSITT] i iU2ri7BRSIT7] % i^. ^ ^7 ^^I7EE2IT71 ■i. >jifriyBRsiTYj 240. WilCAMo [UiriVBRSITT] Lc;' y' OT TH3B '>^ [Uiri7BR|ITY] / ( 1 ^{ '■ ( i i ) ' [ / r ) ,' r e %. ^*^ or TH8 UKI7SRSITT] h-^ ^W 'iM M Pi ,'i>-, H.u\;n''f'''iR''!^''o:'i:iY''i: ^^^ OT THB [U'SIVBRSITT] f-:^ 'cS T['AVj:r lO'Ifi, jjaramo) amrLilKca [i i c* « *:> m :;*!:- ^^^ Of TH«"^^ [USI7BRSIIT] 860. m i^ [TJHITBRSITT] i6i. h^ n» •Peru * THS [UHITERSITT] ■$> S68. # c J iiev^V/? .' ^^b-a!!^ 0» TBW [1JHI7BRSITT] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MAY2 1953 LU LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528sl6)476 YH GUI 29 oo V s ■itftttt TT^TT' WT": \'>rArs;Y)w^r»i'j A\^,o/iiv^^-i^-'y.i'^^r^vc!^fjv>^-!'r/v-*ieJ'rii¥