NltARTttBBARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SCIENCES LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY /ft) 1 THE CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA. LONDON : Printed by A. SPOTTISWOODE, New- Street- Square. THE CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA. CONDUCTED BY THE REV. DIONYSIUS LARDNER, LL.D. F.R.S.L.&E. M.R.I.A. F.R.A.S. F.L.S. F.Z.S. Hon. F.C.P.S. &c. &c. ASSISTED BY EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN. A TREATISE ON THE GEOGRAPHY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. BY WILLIAM SWAINSON, ESQ. A.C.G. HONORARY MEMBER OF TH"B CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OF SEVERAL FOREIGN ACADEMIES. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMAN, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND JOHN TAYLOR, UPPER GOWER STREET. 1835. ** FOR THE INVISIBLE THINGS OF HIM FROM THE CREATION OF THE WORLD ARE CLEARLY SEEN, BEING UNDERSTOOD BY THE THINGS THAT ARE MADE, EVEN HIS ETERNAL POWER AND GODHEAD." ROMANS, i. 20. .A M I M A W ;l L L il A M h> W A il KSON", E SO HONORARY Ml.'.: ,, VI r PH 1LOSOPKICA1. S - AND Of Srv:. ACADEMIES. '1 iMUlun : I LtBR, Gift of C. A. Kofoid HEARTH CIENCE UBRARY CONTENTS. EARTH SCIENCES MBRARY PART I. ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. CHAP. I. Reasons against the Belief that Food, Temperature, and other inferior Agents, are the primary Causes of the Variation of Man. Limited Range of Animals which yet possess great Locomotive Powers. Various Opinions on the primary Distribution of Animals. Linnaeus, Prichard, and others. Theories upon Animal Geography. Fabricius. Latreille. Prichard. Propositions on this Subject stated. Geographic Distri- bution of Man. Arctic Regions - - Page 1 CHAP. II. EUROPE. Europe considered as a Zoological Province. This Proposition supported by an analytical Survey of its Ornithology. Preponderance of its generic Types. Its Analogy to the Caucasian Type -of Man. Results of the foregoing Analysis. Its Zoology considered more in detail, under th e Three Heads of Arctic, Central, and Southern Europe - - 18 CHAP. III. ASIA. The Asiatic Province. Its general Character and Divisions. Northern, Central, and Southern Asia. The Peculiarities of each, as shown in their peculiar Animals. Asiatic Genera of Quadrupeds and Birds - 43 CHAP. IV. ON THE AMERICAN PROVINCE. General Remarks. Its Zoological Features. Divided into Arctic, Tern- perate, and Equinoctial America. The Peculiarities and Animals of each. General Remarks upon the Climate arid Soil of Brazil, with reference to the Distribution of its Animals. American Genera of Quadrupeds and Birds - - - - - 56 VI CONTENTS. CHAP. V. AFRICA. On the African Province. Its general Nature. Divided into Northern, Equinoctial, and Southern. The Peculiarities and Animals of each. Madagascar. African Genera of Quadrupeds and Birds - Page 91 CHAP. VI. ON THE AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE. Its Connection with that of Asia. Distinguishing Features Quadrupeds. Birds. Its Three chief Divisions New Guinea, New Holland, and the Pacific Islands. Genera of Quadrupeds and Birds belonging thereto 114 PART II. ON THE RISE AND PROGRESS OP SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. CHAP. I. Preliminary Observations. Alleged Difference between Systems and Methods. Objections thereto. Diversity of Systems. Natural and Artificial Systems Mixed Systems. Requisites of a natural System 122 CHAP. II. Exposition, with critical Remarks, on the principal artificial Systems. Aristotle, Willughby, Linnasus, Cuvier. Partial Systems. Illiger, Vieillot, Temminck, in Ornithology. De Geer, Latreille, Clairville, and Leach, in Entomology. On Binary, or Dichotomous, Systems 132 CHAP. III. On natural Systems. Preliminary Observations. Definition of a natural System. Hermann's. Observations. Lamarck's System of the In- vertebrated Animals. System of MacLeay in Entomology. Fries in Botany. Alterations in MacLeay's System. Remarks thereon. Sep- tenary and other Theories. General Remarks on numerical Theories, and on the Necessity of proving that Groups are circular - - 196 PART III. ON THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL CLASSIFICATION. CHAP. I. The first Principles of the natural System briefly stated as Five Propo- sitions, the first Three of which are here discussed ; viz., the Circularity, the numerical Division, and the Theory of Representation - - 224 CONTENTS. CHAP. II. The Fourth Proposition considered. The primary Types of Nature Page 241 CHAP. III. The Fifth Proposition considered. On the relative Rank of the different circular Groups in the Animal Kingdom. On Species and Varieties. On the Means thus offered by the Laws of natural Arrangement, for the Verification of Groups. Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Classification here developed. Questions on analogical Comparisons 266 PART IV. A FAMILIAR EXPLANATION OF THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ZOOLOGY, WITH SUG- GESTIONS FOR A PLAN OF STUDYING THE DETAILS OF EACH DEPARTMENT. CHAP. I. Preliminary Remarks. Distinction between practical and scientific Na- turalists. Qualifications for both as Accuracy of Observation Per- severance Concentration of Study Memory. Evils of indiscriminate eollecting. Plans for collecting recommended - - 300 CHAP. II. Importance of acquiring first Principles. Reasons for supposing a Plan in Creation. Opinions thereon. The Circular Theory, and the different Tests which every Circle must undergo, explained and illustrated 317 CHAP. III. On the Rank and Names of the Natural Divisions, or Groups, in the Animal Kingdom. Of Species and Varieties - - - 34i ON THE GEOGRAPHY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. PART I. ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. CHAPTER I. REASONS AGAINST THE BELIEF THAT FOOD, TEMPERATURE, AND OTHER INFERIOR AGENTS, ARE THE PRIMARY CAUSES OF THE VARIATION OF MAN. LIMITED RANGE OF ANIMALS WHICH YET POSSESS GREAT LOCOMOTIVE POWERS. VARIOUS OPINIONS ON THE PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. LINNAEUS, PRICHARD, AND OTHERS. THEORIES UPON ANIMAL GEOGRAPHY. FABRICIUS. LATREILLE. PRI- CHARD. PROPOSITIONS ON THIS SUBJECT STATED. GEO- GRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF MAN. ARCTIC REGIONS. (!) ON looking at a map of the world we inhabit, we find that its surface is divided hetween land and water, continents and oceans ; each, for the most part, thrown together into vast masses, placed under different temperatures, peopled by different races of men., and in- habited by peculiar sorts of animals. ' Two questions then occur to the mind, What are the causes that 2 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. have produced this dissimilarity of creatures ? and, secondly, is there method in all this amazing diversity ? Each of these questions is highly interesting, and de- mands a separate consideration. (2.) MAN, although naturally formed to inhabit but one element, is yet enabled, by art, to traverse vast oceans; and, by the peculiarity of his constitution, to live in all climates which produce vegetation. In his natural state, he is among the least qualified of living beings for making rapid transitions from one part of the earth to another, and yet he has peopled its entire surface. A Cf fair-haired " native of Europe migrates with his family, and settles among the woolly-haired and swarthy inhabitants of Africa. Do his descendants, in the lapse of a century, born under a scorching sun, begin to assume any of the characteristics of the races that surround them ? do their lips gradually become thick, their nose flattened, and their complexion black ? Assuredly not ; the supposition is refuted by actual ex- perience to the contrary. Again, does an African diet, or a change of costume, create any change in their form, or their mental perceptions ? are their national charac- teristics, in short, in any degree lost, so long as their race is preserved pure ? Let the Spaniards, settled for more than two centuries among the copper-coloured Indians of Mexico and New Spain, the Dutch boors of Southern Africa, the descendants of the whites who first settled in the West Indies, above all, the Jews, now scat- tered " among every nation under heaven:" let these, we repeat, tacitly reply to these questions. Such living testimonies, " known to all, should at once have dis- pelled the illusion which many writers, and some of them able ones, have indulged in ; that temperature, food, clothing, and other secondary influences, were the chief causes of that extraordinary variation in the aspect of the human species which the different nations of the earth exhibit, and which, so long as each race is pre- served pure, is unchanging and unchangeable. Upon such a subject the modest and ingenuous mind may in- INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. 3 dulge conjecture ; but when we attempt to penetrate the darkness of primitive ages, and pretend to trace the first causes of such things, we wander in regions from which human knowledge is excluded. He alone, that great First Cause, " by whom all things were made that are made/' is alone master of this impenetrable secret. (3.) Let us now look to the animal world. Here we may see thousands of beings, endowed with powers of locomotion which have been utterly denied to man. The swallow, darting- like an arrow through the air at the rate of sixty miles an hour, seems to mock the com- paratively snail-like pace of our swiftest vessels ; the curlew runs rapidly on the ground, mounts on the breaking surge, or swiftly flies from one continent to another, thus traversing, with perfect ease, three ele- ments, the earth, the air, and the sea. Thousands, in short, of little tiny birds perform journies, every spring and autumn, any one of which, to us, would be the occupation of a year. Now the theoretical conclusion we should make, on considering these facts, would be, that animals, so peculiarly gifted with the powers of locomotion, would use it to wander in every clime, that they would spread their races in every region of the earth where food could be procured, or where they could enjoy a fit temperature. These deductions, theoretically, cannot be deemed otherwise than just. Yet they are diametrically opposed and contradicted by facts. The swallow of England might reach America or China in as short a space of time as it would travel to Africa, and in either country would find food and warmth congenial to its nature ; but it has been ap- pointed to pursue a certain course; and from that course, whether to the right or to the left, it never deviates. This is only one out of a thousand instances, to prove that the limits of every animal have been fixed by an Almighty fiat " Hither shalt thou come, but no further." Man may do much with those animals which B 2 4 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. have been appointed for domestication ; while food and temperature will have their accidental or local effects : but these causes, when viewed in reference to the great harmonies of the animal world, sink into insig- nificance ; and can ne\er, for a moment, be justly made to interpret the causes of animal distribution. Within the limits of the range of every animal there are, like islands in the ocean, spots which are not con- genial to its nature ; and here the secondary causes, just alluded to, come into play : but we should no more think of making these spots so many characteristics of geographic zoology, than we should say that the sun was not a luminous body, because its entire surface is not equally bright. (4.) That we may not, however, upon so important a question, appear to undervalue the opinions of those who have already given to the world the results of their investigations, we shall, in the first place, lay before the reader a condensed statement of what has been published upon the subject, and then notice the different theories that have arisen on animal geography. (5,) It was the opinion of Linnaeus that all races of animals, no less than of plants, originated in one com- mon central spot; from which they were gradually dispersed over those portions of the earth which they now inhabit. This opinion appears to receive full confirm- ation from the sacred writings ; and, in reference to the general interpretation of the deluge, it would appear presumptuous to controvert this belief, were not the inference here deduced from the Mosaic narrative con- tradicted by innumerable and undeniable facts. Jf all the tribes of terrestrial animals, now in existence, de- scended from a stock preserved in the ark, and subse- quently liberated, in what way can we account for the remote and partial locations of innumerable families, cut off by deserts and oceans from those regions in which all the events of Scripture history took place ? Contradictory, therefore, as these facts, at first sight, may appear to be to the Mosaic account of the deluge, HYPOTHESIS ON ANIMAL GEOGRAPHY. 5 the results furnished by zoological science will, never- theless,, on a closer view,, rather tend to explain and illustrate the sacred records. (6.) The hypothesis of Dr. Prichard relative to this important question, and in refutation of the above opinion, is marked by great intelligence. " It seems difficult to maintain, with Linnaeus, that all the tribes of land animals now existing descended from a stock that was preserved in Noah's ark, because, in that case, they must all have been congregated in one spot j a supposition which can hardly be reconciled with the results of zoological researches. But, perhaps, there is no necessity of assuming any such position. It is no- where asserted in the Mosaic history; and who can prove that the various nations of animals which have the centre of their abode, and seem to have had the origin of their existence, in distant regions, as Australia and South America, were not created since the era of that deluge, which the human race, and the species of animals that were their companions, survived ? This, indeed, seems to be the conclusion which facts, every day discovered, dispose us more and more to adopt/'* fe The deluge recorded in Genesis," continues our author, " was, perhaps, not universal, in the strict sense of the word, as it is now understood. The whole earth, the kol aeretz, which is said to have been submerged, might be only all the ohovfAcvi), or habitable world ; it might only extend to the utmost limits of the human race ; and other regions, with their peculiar organised creations, might be supposed to have escaped ; and this hypothesis might, perhaps, be maintained without doing any violence to the sacred text, of which every expression has received a divine sanction." But this supposition, as our author very candidly admits, lt is directly opposed to geological phenomena j which, with a variety of considerations, render it more probable that this deluge was strictly universal. It is incontestable * Hist, of Mankind, vol. L p. 81. B 3 O ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. that (he fossil remains of animals, every where dis- coverable, chiefly belong to races different from those which now exist ; these were probably exterminated in the great catastrophe. Mankind escaped by the means recorded in the sacred, and in many profane, histories ; and with them were saved the stock of animals peculiar to the region in which, before the flood, they had their dwelling, and of which they, and most of the early do- mesticated animals, are in all probability the native inhabitants. After the deluge, when new regions emerged from the ocean, it is probable they were sup- plied with organised inhabitants suited to the soil and climate of each district. Among these new races, man, and the tribes which had survived with him, and which were his companions, spread themselves in a later time. The scripture history may thus be reconciled with the facts established by zoological research." Some per- sons will object to this hypothesis that it assumes po- sitions not laid down in the sacred narrative, such as a partial creation subsequent to the deluge. This must be granted, and the proof of such position must be sought, not in the scriptural history, but in external phenomena. The silence of the Scriptures, in respect to such facts, seems to be of little consequence. It is not to be presumed that these sacred books contain a narrative of all that it has pleased Divine Providence to effect in the physical creation, but only of His dis- pensations to mankind, and of the facts with which man is concerned : and it was of no importance for man to be informed at what era Australia began to contain kangaroos, or the woods of Paraguay ant-eaters and armadilloes. (7.) Other writers, by circumscribing their views to the local distribution of a few native animals, have so far lost sight of the original question, as to suppose that " the geographic distribution of each species may be represented by a circle, towards the centre of which existence may be comfortably maintained ; but, as we approach the circumference, restraints multiply, and SPECULATIVE THEORIES. 7 life at last becomes impracticable." * It has been fur- ther added, that the conditions which regulate the geo- graphic distribution of species appear to be limited to circumstances connected with temperature, food, situ- ation, and foes. (8.) This hypothesis pretends not to account for the total difference in the genera and species of animals in two countries,, which are yet under the same parallels of latitude, of the same degree of temperature, and fur- nished with the same means of supporting and enjoying life : it leaves this question where it was, and might, therefore, hardly deserve attention in an enquiry directed principally to primary causes. The theory of a cir- cular range being enjoyed by species, may possibly be true in some few instances, although it would be dif- ficult, perhaps, to name them : but, when applied to animals generally, it is not only opposed by facts in- numerable, but is destroyed by the very admission that local circumstances exercise a primary influence on the range of animals. The peregrine falcon is found in America, Europe, and Australia, but it is totally un- known throughout the whole continent of Africa, an immense region thus intervening between two of its habitats. The great bustard of Europe is another fa- miliar example: its distribution is latitudinal; it is found in the centre of England, through the heart of Europe, and to the confines of Asia. Now, according to the idea of animals enjoying a circular range, the first of these birds should be found in Africa, and the latter throughout a circle which would then comprise the whole of northern and southern Europe, and Barbary. (9) The opinion that those conditions which re- gulate the geographic distribution of species are limited to circumstances connected with temperature, food, situ- ation, and foes, is totally insufficient to account for the phenomena of animal geography. We know, indeed, that these causes, either singly or collectively, have great * Phil, of ZooL vol. i. p. 8. B 4 8 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. influence on local distribution, but they have nothing to do with the geographic distribution of animals indi- genous to large continents : nor will they even explain the local distribution of some of the commonest birds. It may be said, indeed, that the absence of the night- ingale in Northumberland and Scotland is to be at- tributed to the greater coldness of those parts, compared with the milder air of southern England. But how are we to account for this bird being common in the more northern kingdoms of Sweden and Germany ? Climate, in this case, can have no influence ; neither can food, since insects and their larvse, of the same species, are found in all these localities : the thickets of Scot- land are as favourable for breeding in as those of Sweden ; and in regard to foes, no reason can possibly be devised. In what way, also, can the circular range of the nightingale be made out? Again, we will allow that these causes are sufficient to account for the fire -crested warbler (Sylvia ignicapitta) being found in the Parisian gardens, while it is a stranger to England. The dif- ference of temperature, we will say, is the reason : England is colder than France. But how are we to account for two species of these gold-crested warblers being common in North America, in precisely the same latitudes, yet totally distinct from those of Europe ? It is by such questions, of which every class of animals will furnish innumerable examples, that closet theories must be tried : at the same time, they will at once point out the very distinct nature of local dispersion from that of geographic distribution, properly so called. (10.) Another theory supposes that the same spe- cies of animal or plant has been originally placed in many different regions : in other words, to have been at the period of their first existence locally diffused in countries widely distant. Hence it is, that nearly every country in the old world has a particular breed or race of the horse, ox, sheep, and dog ; all of which, in com- mon language, are termed the original breed of the par- ticular countries wherein they are found. Little need SPECULATIVE THEORIES ANSWERED. 9 be said to prove the fallacy of this hypothesis ; for al- though it is utterly impossible to trace the origin of our domestic breeds to one or more original stocks, since even the species cannot now be distinguished from the vari- eties, still the whole tenor of zoological facts is totally against this belief. The plains of the new world, no less than those of Australia,, are as perfectly adapted for the comfortable existence of the horse or the ox, as are the fields and the pastures of Europe, or the grassy deserts of Asia ; yet nature has placed these animals in one hemisphere, and denied them to the other. (H.) Some other writers might be mentioned, who, in attempting to explain the causes of animal distribu- tion, have either been but little acquainted with well known zoological facts, or have been led into theories too wild and fanciful to deserve notice. We may, indeed, build a theory upon every thing in nature : but the more we investigate, the stronger will be our conviction in the following deduction: That the primary causes which have led to different regions of the earth being peopled by different races of animals, and the laws by which their dispersion is regulated, must be for ever hid from human research. This conclusion is strengthened by the inference which will be drawn from the facts we shall subsequently state ; an inference so well expressed by a very intelligent writer, that we shall give it nearly in his own words. ({ It appears that the various tribes of organised beings were originally placed by the Creator in certain regions, for which they are by their nature peculiarly adapted. Each species may have had only one beginning in a single stock ; probably a single pair, as Linnaeus supposed, was first called into being, and their progeny left to disperse themselves to as great a distance from the original centre of their existence as was compatible with its physical capabilities, and with those unknown laws, by which the Creator has regulated the geographic distribution of his creatures." (12.) We have now endeavoured to demonstrate the insufficiency of all theories on the causes of animal dis- 10 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. persion, and yet experience teaches us, that certain divisions of the earth are characterised by peculiar animals. We are now to enquire,, what are these divisions? how they are to be defined ? and what are their pecu- liarities ? We shall, in the first instance, notice the dif- ferent theories that have been formed upon these points, enquire how far they are in accordance with observed facts, and then explain our own views upon this inter- esting subject. (l.S.) Fabricius appears to have been the first na- turalist who ventured on any actual definitions of what he conceived to be natural climates or provinces, and his views are confined alone to the insect world. He considers that there are eight of these divisions, which he has named the Indian, 2. Egyptian, 3. Southern, 4. Mediterranean, 5. Northern, 6. Oriental, 7. Occidental, and 8. Alpine. The first comprehends the tropics of the Old and the New World ; the second, the northern re- gions immediately adjoining ; the third, the southern ; the fourth, the countries bordering the Mediterranean, and part of Asia Minor ; the fifth, the northern parts of Europe ; the sixth, the coldest regions of northern Asia ; the seventh includes North America. Japan, and China ; and the eighth, all those mountains whose sum- mits are clothed in perpetual snow. (14.) The objections to this theory, as urged by M. Latreille, are, that the divisions are too vague, and at the same time too arbitrary ; and that if heat is to be considered as of such primary importance, it is not sufficiently correct as to temperature. This learned entomologist further observes (what, indeed, must be obvious to every one at all acquainted with the subject), that in places where the temperature is the same, the insects, and, we may add, the animals, in general, are totally different. The fact is, that Fabricius, by not attempting to demonstrate the correctness of any one of his divisions, seems to have subsequently abandoned them altogether, since no one, it may be fairly presumed, THEORIES ON GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. 11 was more qualified than himself to discover the artificial nature of his theory. (15.) The views of M. Latreille, in reference to the geography of insects, do not, however, materially differ from those of Fahricius : he divides the globe into climates, which he thinks may he made to agree with our present state of knowledge, and be even applicable to future discoveries. His primary divisions are arctic and antarctic climates, according as they are situated above or below the equinoctial line ; and taking twelve degrees of latitude for each climate, he subdivides the whole into twelve climates. Beginning at 84? N. he has seven arctic ones, which he names polar, sub-polar, superior, intermediate, supra- tropical, tropical, and equa- torial ; but his antarctic climates, as no land has been dis- covered below 6'0 south latitude, amount only to five, beginning with the equatorial and ending with the su- perior. He proposes further to divide his climates into sub- climates, by means of certain meridian lines : sepa- rating, thus, the Old World from the New, and subdi- viding the former into two great portions; an eastern, beginning with India ; and a western, terminating with Persia. Finally, he proposes, that each climate should be considered as having 24 of longitude as well as 12 of latitude. (16'.) To these views it has already been objected, by a celebrated entomologist, that " any division of the globe into climates, by means of equivalent parallels and meridians, wears the appearance of an artificial and arbi- trary system, rather than of one according to nature." 4 In this opinion we perfectly coincide. The first defect in M. Latreille's theory, which immediately strikes the mind, is its complicated minuteness, by which its author has lost sight of, and frittered away, those grand di- visions of animal geography pointed out by nature,, and immediately recognised by every naturalist. What entomologist, for example, of ordinary talent, does not, in Kirby, Int. to Entom. vol. iv. p. 485. 12 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. eighteen instances out of twenty, instantly recognise the butterflies of Africa from those of America ? or what ornithologist would now confound the flycatchers or the warblers of the Old with those of the New World ? These are all indications of those primary and com- prehensive divisions, which both Fabricius and Latreille have lost sight of from a wish of attaining precision, and of entering upon details : they have, consequently, produced theories substantially built upon climate and temperature. M. Latreille, indeed, would seem to be fully aware of the slender foundation of all such specu- lations, since he remarks, with great truth, that as places where the temperature is the same, have different animals, it is impossible, in the actual state of our know- ledge, to fix these distinctions of climates upon a solid basis. This opinion, it appears, is entertained both by M. Humboldt and Mr. M f Leay : and Mr. Kirby joins in believing, "that the real insect climates, or those in which certain groups or species appear, may be regarded as fixed by the will of the CREATOR, rather than as regu- lated by isothermal lines." * It cannot for a moment be supposed, that the geographic distribution of insects is regulated by other laws than those which affect animals in general ; although each may possess some few pecu- liarities in their minor details : the above objections, therefore, although more especially urged against the two entomological theories we have here noticed, are no less applicable to all others, intending to trace the phe- nomena of animal geography to temperature; and to fix their natural provinces or climates by degrees of longitude or latitude. (17.) There yet remains to be noticed another hypo- thesis, more recently proposed, not; indeed, by a na- turalist, but by one whose physiological researches are of the highest value, and whose opinions, therefore, merit every attention. Dr. Prichard is the first who * Int to Entom. voL iv. p. 481. DR. PRICHARD'S THEORY. 13 attempted a more natural theory of animal distribution. This intelligent writer has looked more to the configu- ration of the earth, and to the natural connection or separation of its parts by intervening islands or oceans, than to absolute limits of longitude or latitude. Ac- cordingly, from this very circumstance, his zoological divisions are formed with much greater attention to nature than any of his predecessors. The following are the primary divisions he has proposed: 1. the arctic regions of the New and the Old World ; 2. the tem- perate ; 3. the equatorial or tropical ; 4. the Indian islands ; 5. the islands of New Guinea, New Britain, and New Ireland, and those more remote in the Pacific Ocean ; 6. Australia proper ; and, lastly, the southern extremities of America and Africa.* (18.) The objections that maybe stated against these divisions chiefly arise from the author not having kept in view the difference between affinity and analogy, as more particularly understood by modern naturalists. t And we may illustrate this position by looking more attentively to the animals of two or three of these pro- vinces. 1. The arctic regions of America, Europe, and Asia, indisputably possess the same genera, and in very many instances the same species ; and if it should subsequently appear that these regions are sufficiently important in themselves to constitute a zoological pro- vince, then it is a perfectly natural one ; for not only are the same groups, but even the same species, in se- veral instances, common to both. But can this be said of the second of these provinces, made to include the temperate regions of three continents ? Certainly not. We find, indeed, analogies without end, between their respective groups of animals, but they have each a vast number of peculiar genera ; and so few are the species common to all three, that the proportion is not perhaps greater than as 1 to 50. The genera, with but very few * Dr. Prichard's Researches, vol. i. p. 53. f Prel. Dis. N. H. p. 214. 14 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. exceptions, are peculiar, but are represented by analo- gous genera ; and each continent is distinctly separated in its animal productions by indications as certain and as indubitable as those which distinguish their respec- tive inhabitants. Can we include temperate America in the same zoological province with the parallel regions of Europe, when there are not three land or rather perching birds common to both ? and when more than two thirds of the genera found in America are totally unknown in Europe or in Asia ? Look to the bears of the temperate regions of the three continents : those of America and Europe are similarly constructed, but the species are different; while those, again, of Asia, are formed upon a totally different model. We might fill pages with similar facts ; all tending, as we conceive, to exemplify the necessity of preserving these relations as distinct in our views of animal geography, as we are compelled to do in threading the maze of natural arrangement. Dr. Prichard, however, has the great merit of having made the nearest approach to such a theory of animal distribution as is suggested by the natural geography of the earth ; nor need we wonder that he has failejl in the application, since others, who, from their peculiar studies, might be supposed more com- petent to the task, have erred from the very foundation. (19.) Since, then, there is as marked a distinction between the animals of the great continents as there is between the races of mankind by whom they are inha- bited, it remains to be considered whether the ge- neral distribution of both are not in unison ? Whether their DIVINE CREATOR has not, by certain laws, incom- prehensible to human understanding, regulated the dis- tribution of man and of animals upon the same plan ? These questions lead us to the following propositions : 1. That the countries peopled by the five recorded varieties of the human species, are likewise inhabited by different races of animals, blending into each other at their confines. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF MAN. 15 2. That these regions are the true zoological divi- sions of the earth. 3. That this progression of animal forms is in unison with the first great law of natural arrangement, viz. the gradual amalgamation of the parts, and the circularity of the whole. (20.) Whether we view the varieties of the human species, with M. Cuvier, as first resolvable into three, of which the Ethiopian is to comprehend the Malay and the American ; or whether, following Blumenbach, we consider the number to be five, thus raising the two latter to the rank of primary divisions, is of no con- sequence to our present enquiry. It is enough that all physiologists agree in these distinctions ; and the precise countries inhabited by the typical races of each. These territories are not only indicated by the pecu- liarities of their inhabitants, but are so strongly marked by the hand of nature, in their configuration, that geographers, looking merely to their natural po- sition and boundaries, have long recognised them by well-known names. Assisted, therefore, by these im- portant indications, let us respectively contemplate the animal kingdom as it appears in the following divi- sions of the earth ; considered, by all physiologists, as the chief seats of the five leading races of mankind. 1. The European or Caucasian; 2. the Asiatic or Mon- golian j 3. the American ; 4. the Ethiopian or African ; and, 5. the Australian or Malay. The precise limits of the five zoological provinces here assumed, will not admit of accurate definition. The first great law of nature is harmonious combination. Whether in the moral or the physical world, the ma- terial or the immaterial, all her operations and all her changes are gradually progressive. The past, the present, and the future, are continuous. Changes, between forms and states the most opposite, are effected by transitions so gradual as often to elude definition. No axiom is more important, for the na- 16 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. turalist more especially, to be borne in mind than this. What beings can be more dissimilar than an African negro and a Greek Caucasian ? Yet who has ventured to pronounce in what regions the Ethiopian form ac- tually blends into that of the Caucasian ? or this, again, into the Mongolian ? Such are the difficulties that will for ever baffle all attempts at unexceptionable definition, or every effort to define the precise limits of natural groups or zoological regions. Nature, in fact, seems to abhor those arbitrary rules, with which man has invested her operations; and which, for centuries, have shackled the progress of zoological knowledge. (21.) In attempting, therefore, to give a more accu- rate definition to the foregoing divisions, we are com- pelled to fill up the outline, at the best with diffidence, and, in some cases, by conjecture. The following, how- ever, may be regarded as some approximation to the truth. 1. The European or Caucasian range includes the whole of Europe, properly so called, with part of Asia Minor, and the shores of the Mediterranean : in Northern Africa the zoological peculiarities of this re- gion begin to disappear ; they are lost to the eastward of the Caucasian mountains, and are blended with those of Asia and America to the north. 2. The Asiatic range : comprehending the whole of Asia east of the Ural mountains, a natural and well-defined barrier between the two continents. The chief seat of this zoological re- gion is probably in central Asia ; its western confines l\ i nd into the European towards Persia, and disappear on the west of the Caucasian chain ; it is united to the African range among the provinces of Asia Minor ; and is again connected with Europe, and also with America, by the arctic regions of the three continents ; finally, its most southern limits are marked by the islands of Java and Sumatra, where the zoological character of the Aus- tralian region begins to be apparent. 3. The American range. United to Europe and Asia at its northern limits, this region or province comprehends the whole of the New World ; but into which it blends at the other ex- THE FIVE CHIEP ZOOLOGICAL PROVINCES. 1? tremity is uncertain. 4. The next includes the whole of Africa south of the Great Desert : a part,, at least, of the countries bordering on the Mediterranean exhibit a decided affinity to the European range; while the absence of large animals in Madagascar, and the presence of genera peculiar to New Holland and the extreme point of Southern Africa,, lead us to the fifth or the Austra- lian range. 5. To this region nature has given peculiar characters, both in regard to its geographic situation and to its animal productions. New Guinea and the neighbouring islands mark its limits in that direction ; Australia Proper is its chief seat, and it spreads over the whole of the numerous islands of the Pacific Ocean : whether this province blends with that of America or of Europe, remains for future discovery ; but its connection with Africa and Asia has been already intimated. (22.) In this distribution, the Arctic regions, it will be perceived, are contemplated as a common bond of union, wherein the three great Faunas of Europe, Asia, and America meet, and are united together. They are con- sequently excluded from the rank of a distinct zoological province, because they do not contain either genera, or but very few species, of animals not found in the tem- perate latitudes of the other continents. The Polar bear, the Arctic fox, and about a dozen other animals, are surely insufficient to constitute one of the primary zoological divisions of the earth. If we look more particularly to the ornithology of these regions, 1 J we shall be still more inclined to form such a conclus&n. The number of birds, terrestrial and aquatic, which occur within the Arctic circle, amounts only to twenty- two ; most of which, during the greater part of the year, are found in the northern seas of Britain and America, and very many extend their range to the lakes and swamps of Mexico. Can we, therbfore, say of the Arctic regions, as of all the preceding provinces, that they are characterised by many exclusive genera, and by numerous forms of species ? Certainly not. Not one genus of vertebrated animals is peculiar, unless such may 18 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. be found among the marine tribes; but even these would enjoy a much wider range, had not the persecutior and the increased population driven them., and restricted their limits,, to the Arctic solitudes. CHAP. II. EUROPE. EUROPE CONSIDERED AS A ZOOLOGICAL PROVINCE. THIS PRO- POSITION SUPPORTED BY AN ANALYTICAL SURVEY OF ITS ORNITHOLOGY. PREPONDERANCE OF ITS GENERIC TYPES. ITS ANALOGY TO THE CAUCASIAN TYPE OF MAN. RESULTS OF THE FOREGOING ANALYSIS. ITS ZOOLOGY CONSIDERED MORE IN DETAIL, UNDER THE THREE HEADS OF ARCTIC, CENTRAL, AND SOUTHERN EUROPE. (23.)THE first of the zoological provinces intimated in the last chapter appears, on a cursory view, to be the most objectionable. For not only has it never been viewed in this light, but, from its close connection to that of Asia, it is also peculiarly difficult to characterise. Fully im- pressed with this difficulty, we considered it essential to the clear elucidation of our present theory, to institute a minute enquiry into those facts upon which alone all such theories can be supported. The quadrupeds of Europe are too few, and their original distribution have been too much altered by the progress of civilisation, to furnish satisfactory results. The insects, on the con- trary, are too numerous, and the reptiles too insignificant, for our purpose ; while the distribution of the ma- rine animals, peculiarly difficult under the most favour- able circumstances, has been hitherto neglected.. We have THE EUROPEAN PROVINCE. 19 consequently selected from the department of ornithology those facts which appeared to authorise us in consider- ing Europe as one of the primary zoological divisions of the earth ; and shall now proceed to lay these facts,, and the inferences, before the reader. It has, indeed, been objected to this class of animals, that no very certain results can attend the study of their distribution. Pos- sessing the powers of locomotion in a higher degree than any others, and by their migratory nature per- petually wandering into distant countries, they would seem, of all animals, the most widely dispersed, and con- sequently the least calculated to assist such an enquiry. How far this may be true, it will be our object to in- vestigate. Certain, however, it is, that if, under such disadvantages, any definite notions on animal distri- bution can be derived from such volatile beings, the results will go very far to strengthen our views upon two material points : first, that a division of the earth, characterised by strong peculiarities jn its ornithology, must be, to a certain extent, a natural " division ; and, secondly, that we shall be fully authorised in supposing_, by analogy, that the same results would attend an equally close investigation of other animals ; since it cannot for a moment be supposed that man and birds are distri- buted according to one plan, and all other animals by another. (24.) Before illustrating the ornithology of Europe, with reference to the geographic range of the genera and species, we must advert to the difficulties by which the enquiry is surrounded. The accounts and relations of travellers, not in themselves naturalists, must, upon this and every other occasion, be received with great caution. Unacquainted with those nice distinctions, on which not only the separation of species, but of genera and families, are now known to depend, these writers per- petually contradict, by a hasty application of well- known names, some of the most acknowledged truths in animal geography. Nor can the facts collected in the compilations 01 more scientific writers be always c 2 20 ON TjHE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. depended upon : numerous instances might be men- tioned, where not only species, but genera, are said to inhabit countries, where, in fact, they are totally un- known, and to which their geographic range has mani- festly been prohibited. It is the misfortune of those who complain of the present refinement in zoological nomenclature, that they debar themselves from a know- ledge of these interesting facts ; and, by keeping up old names, contribute, unintentionally, to the continuance of error. It is necessary to state thus much, that the reader who may be disposed to go over the same ground with us, may be warned of the nature of the road he is to travel. He will, however, be materially assisted in his researches by the valuable Manuels of M. Temminck, the American Ornithology of Wilson, the admirable writings of Prince Ch. Bonaparte, and the Northern Zoology of Dr. Richardson. Much, however, of what we are now to state, has resulted from personal know- ledge ; and this has enabled us to reject, as spurious, many of the localities assigned to species in the general histories of birds. (25.) Commencing with the Arctic regions, we must again impress on the reader the small number of birds which are natives, during any considerable portion of the year, of the most northern extremities of Europe and its frozen islands. These do not exceed, both in the ter- restrial and aquatic orders, the number of twenty-two ; the larger proportion of which are also found, during the greater part of the year, in the northern parts of Britain, America, and probably in Asia : on this latter region, however, we possess but slender information. The foregoing species are chiefly composed of the nata- torial or swimming tribes, of all others, perhaps, the most extensively dispersed: the total number of this order, hitherto discovered on the shores of Europe and Northern Africa, independent of such as are more pecu- liar to the Arctic circle, is sixty. Of these, two alone have been discovered in the four quarters of the globe ; three are common to Europe, Asia, and America j one DISTRIBUTION OF EUROPEAN BIRDS. 21 to Europe, Asia, and Southern Africa ; and twenty- seven to Europe and North America: yet, notwith- standing these deductions, there still remain twenty- seven natatorial species (or nearly one half of the total number found in Europe), as peculiar alone to the European range. (26.) Among the Grallatores, or wading birds, we find some species so widely dispersed, as to make us believe the range of this order is even wider than that of the swimming tribes : and this, generally speaking, may be the fact. Of the sixty-five species described as natives of Europe, thirteen only occur in America, and but two can be denominated Arctic birds, although several others occasionally frequent those regions : of the remainder, four occur in Asia ; two in Asia and Africa ; four in Asia and America; seven in Asia, Africa, and America ; and the whimbrel (Numenius Phasopus) is said to be the same in all the five divisions of the globe. It is, consequently, among the wading birds that we find those whose range is most extensive ; yet, on a general calculation, the number of species peculiar to Europe is considerably greater than those of the Natatores, the former being as one to two, the latter nearly as one to four. This result is highly curious and important, since it at once proves that, even among birds of the most vagrant habits, the ornithology of the European range is characterised by a decided su- periority, in the number of its own peculiar species, over those which equally inhabit other countries. (27.) The rapacious order, next to the aquatic tribes, is, of all others inhabiting the land, the most widely spread. This is particularly the case among the noc- turnal [species. It is remarkable that, of thirteen different owls inhabiting Europe, six only are peculiar, and two of these more particularly inhabit the Arctic regions. Of the rest, four occur in America, two in Southern Africa, and one in both Asia and America,. The Falconidce, or diurnal birds of prey, in regard to c 3 22 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. their species, have a more restricted distribution than the nocturnal ; yet, of these, the eagles enjoy no incon- siderable range : of four discovered in Europe, one is more properly Arctic, three have been found in several parts of Africa, and one occurs in America, leaving three only to Europe. It is singular that those rapa- cious birds which, from the peculiar structure of their wings, have been supposed to enjoy the greatest power of flight among their congeners, should nevertheless have a much more limited range. This is proved by the fact, that, of eight genuine falcons inhabiting Europe and Northern Africa, two only have been discovered in America. It has, however, recently been stated, that the peregrine falcon of Australia is absolutely the same as that of Europe. Among the numerous species of falcon in Southern Africa, not one occurs in Europe : the European kestril, long confounded with the mon- tagnard of Le Vaillant, being a decidedly distinct species. Upon the whole, the distribution of the forty- four European birds of prey appears to be thus regulated : three are more properly Arctic ; eleven are found also in America, two in Asia and Africa, and one in Asia and America ; leaving twenty-seven, or more than one half, as characteristic of European ornithology. (28.) The gallinaceous genera are few. Their wide dispersion is decidedly against the theory, that all birds, with heavy bodies and short wings, are more limited in their geographic range than other terrestrial tribes. This argument has been ingeniously made use of, to ac~ count for the very restricted limits nature has imposed upon the greater number of Indian parrots ; many species, as it is stated, being confined to particular islands. We must not, however, expect to find a reason for every thing : in the present instance, the above con- clusion is particularly erroneous. Ornithologists, indeed, need not be told, that the wings of nearly the whole of the parrot family are peculiarly adapted for strong and vigorous flight; while those who have contemplated DISTRIBUTION 7 OF EUROPEAN BIRDS. 23 these birds in their native regions, cannot fail to have remarked that their flight is particularly rapid : nearly all the genera pass through the air with the celerity of a hawk. The long- winged macaws and parrakeets of the New World are particularly graceful and powerful on the wing. The wide dispersion of the European gallinaceous birds is very evident. The range of the great bustard (Otis tarda L.) extends from the western extremity of temperate Europe to the confines of Asia ; and the quail, remarkable for its heavy body and short wings, performs long and regular annual migrations,, from and to Northern Africa, over the greatest part of Europe and Western Asia. We do not consider any of the European grouse as strictly Arctic ; excepting, perhaps, the ptarmigan ; the rest appear to occur as plentifully beyond those regions, as within them. Many of the meridional European birds, as the hoopoe, oriole, roller, &c., might with equal jus- tice be classed as tropical birds, since they are found as often in tropical Africa as on the shores of the Medi- terranean. The colder countries, of course, are the more peculiar habitations of the grouse ; but even in this family we meet with an insuperable objection against the idea of an Arctic province. If we exclude these birds from the fauna of temperate Europe, do we find the same species in the northern latitudes of America ? where, if we admit the existence of an Arctic province, it is natural to suppose they would be also found. Cer- tainly not. The species of the two continents represent each other ; but out of thirteen inhabiting America, only two (T. saliciti and Lagopus) have been found in Europe : with these exceptions, they are totally distinct : there is a beautiful analogy, but no similarity. On looking to the whole number of our Gallinacea, we find twenty-seven species, fourteen of which have their metropolis in Europe : the remainder are thus dispersed : five extend to Western Asia, five to the confines of the great African desert, two are dispersed over Central c 4 24 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF AlVIMALS. Asia and Africa ; while two only, as before mentioned, occur in North America. (29.) The swallow-like birds (Fiftsirostres) are well known by capturing their food on the wing, and by their migratory habits ; only one, the common or European kingfisher, being stationary. Hence it is, that most of the European species occur in other regions : the pro- portion of those which appear confined to Northern Africa is as one to three. (30.) The finch family, comprising the small seed-eat- ing birds, not only contains numerous species, but these are very abundant in number. We reckon forty-one to be natives of Europe; two of which are common in all the northern latitudes, and, at certain seasons, frequent the polar regions in large flocks: seven also inhabit North America ; and three extend their range to Asia and Africa. With these deductions, we find no less than thirty species restricted to the European province. (31.) The scansorial or climbing birds are few, not amounting to more than fifteen species ; yet eight, or one half of this number, are unknown in other countries. (32.) It is among the insectivorous or soft-billed birds that the principal ornithological features of any exten- sive region will be traced. The very extensive genus of titmice warblers (Sylvicolce Sis.), or the family of hum- ming-birds, would of themselves be sufficient to place America in a distinct province. To what cause it is to be attributed, that birds, by no means defective in the power of flight, should yet be so strictly confined within certain geographic limits, has not been explained. Of eighty-five species belonging to the thrushes, warblers, titmice, and flycatchers, eighty-two have not been dis- covered beyond the limits assigned to the European range. In this number we, of course, include such as migrate to Northern Africa and Western Asia ; these countries being within the province we are now speak- ing of. Yet, if we deduct those which have actually been detected beyond the shores of the Mediterranean DISTRIBUTION OF EUROPEAN BIRDS. 25 and Western Asia, they will amount only to ten ; leaving seventy-two as a marked and very prominent character- istic of European ornithology. In further illustration of the very limited range of these families, it appears that three only, of eighty-five, equally inhabit Ame- rica ; and that even the identity of one of these (Parus atricapillus L.) with a European species (P. palustris L.) is more than questionable. (33.) The large omnivorous birds of Europe, compris- ing the crow and starling families (Corvidce, Sturnidce), appear widely dispersed. Yet, upon the whole, several species, and even peculiar genera, are left to characterise this portion of the world. We may state their number at twenty-one; thirteen of which, or more than one half, habitually reside in Europe ; four occur in Northern and Central Africa; one the beautiful rose-coloured starling (Pastor roseus T.) inhabits likewise the table land of Asia, and the deserts of Africa ; while three are found in America. (34.) These details, of the greatest importance to our present enquiry, yet tedious, perhaps, to the general reader, it becomes necessary to dwell upon, before a competent opinion can be formed on European orni- thology. The facts exhibited have never before been stated ; and they appear sufficiently strong to justify our looking to Europe as the principal seat of a pecu- liar geographic division of animals. In this difficult and somewhat laborious investigation, we have been much assisted by the writings of Wilson, Temminck, and Le Vaillant; but more particularly by that liber- ality which throws the magnificent Museum of the French nation open to the use of all scientific en- quirers. Yet, with all these sources of information, and perhaps- greater, had such existed, it cannot be supposed that inaccuracies may not occur. Such calculations, in short, from their very nature, cannot be perfect ; for they are founded upon a state of knowledge which is ever improving. All we can do, in such cases, is to make as near an approximation to truth as 26 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. circumstances admit ; and,, having done this, the result may be entitled to proportionate confidence. (35.) As a general recapitulation of the foregoing de- tails, we may estimate the total number of European species at 388, excluding a few, which only appear, at remote intervals, as stragglers : of these, thirty-one are more peculiar to the Arctic regions of Europe, America, and probably of Asia ; the proportion being as one to thirteen. Such as occur, also, in temperate Asia and America amount to sixty-eight; forty of which are aquatic : nine are dispersed over four divisions of the globe, to none of which can they be particularly ap- propriated ; while one or two extend also to Australia. With all these deductions, the number will be reduced to about 278. If from these we abstract such as have a range beyond the European limits, the number may be further reduced to about 250 : so that nearly two thirds of the total number of birds found in Europe, Northern Africa, and Western Asia, are zoologically cha- racterised as peculiar to these countries. (36.) Another remarkable fact in European ornithology, which deserves attention, is the great number of generic types it contains, when viewed with reference to the num- ber of species. These genera may be calculated at 108, omitting some which have not been generally adopted, and others which may more correctly be termed sec- tions. The proportion which these genera bear to the species (estimated before at 388) amounts to more than two to seven ; or, in other words, does not give seven birds to two genera. It is further remarkable, that most of these genera are typical of their respective families. True it is, that such genera are usually very widely dispersed ; but in no division of the globe do they appear so much concentrated, or so numerous in proportion to the species, as in Europe. This remark not only applies to the typical genera, but is frequently applicable to the number of species they respectively contain. One instance will illustrate our meaning. The noble falcons, or those to which the generic name of GENERAL RESULTS ON EUROPEAN ORNITHOLOGY. 27 Fako is now restricted, are the most typical group of their family : of these the kestrel,, and five others, have their chief metropolis in the European province. The whole of North America has hitherto produced but four. Le Vaillant enumerates the same number from Southern and Central Africa. Those of Asia Proper are not known; but only two are furnished by the vast regions of Australia. Now, if we merely look to these respective numbers, the difference is sufficiently dis- proportionate : but when the great inferiority of the European province, to those of America, Africa, and Australia, in point of extent, are taken into the account, the great proportion of these eminently typical species in Europe is particularly striking. The genus Lanius is strictly typical of its own family. In Europe we have certainly five, and probably six, species ; while only three inhabit the whole of the New World. In Africa, Le Vaillant discovered five ; but two of these, from having their chief metropolis in the heart of Europe, cannot be considered as characteristic of the former continent. The manifest preponderance of genera in the European range is further illustrated by the following fact : The total number of species among birds, exist- ing in collections, may be safely estimated at 6000, since it has been asserted that the Museum of Berlin alone contains that number. These have been referred to about 380 genera ; but as several of these genera comprise others not yet characterised, we will estimate the number at 400 : this would leave 1 5 species to each generic group ; whlie, if the ornithology of the European range is alone considered, the proportion which the genera bear to the species is no more than as one to three. (37.) The above facts serve to illustrate a remarkable analogy between the distribution of the feathered tribes, and the various races of mankind inhabiting the Eu- ropean, or rather the Caucasian, province. A modern writer of no mean authority, and to whom the above facts were entirely unknown, when speaking of the 28 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. varieties of mankind, observes,, that " the tribes among the Caucasians are more numerous than in any other ;" and, as if impressed with the singularity of the circum- stance,, he again repeats, " Whether we consider the several nations, or the individuals in each, bodily dif- ferences are much more numerous in the highly civilised Caucasian variety, than in either of the other divisions of mankind." * Whether we look to the Caucasian races of man, or the races of birds, these facts are still more curious, since this division is so disproportionately small in comparison to either Asia, Africa, or America. (38.) That there are instances of typical forms of higher groups than genera, which do not occur within the European province, does not materially diminish the general strength of this analogy. Thus the only bird we possess belonging to the tenuirostral or suctorial tribe, is the European hoopoe (Upupa Epops L.), which is cer- tainly not typical: but this, so far as tribes are concerned, is the only exception that can be named ; since, although we have no parrots, we possess many woodpeckers, which are the most typical of all the scansorial birds. It is curious that the above exception should be found in that division alone which comprises the smallest and weakest of birds (Trochilidce Sw.). If we descend to the families of the Insessores (the most perfect of the feathered tribe), there is not one, pre-eminently typical, which is not European. (39.) These results, furnished by facts which are in- contestable, are so important to our present enquiry, that we make no apology for having so long dwelt upon them. The ornithology of Europe is better known than that of any other continent, or of any other class of animals distributed in the same regions; it has, conse- quently, furnished us with facts more unexceptionable and more perfect than could have been drawn from its quadrupeds, fish, or insects. How far this view of European zoology would be strengthened by a similar * Lawrence, p. 442. 475, ARCTIC EUROPE. 29 investigation of other classes, it is impossible to judge : for, even did our present very confined limits permit the enquiry, we should have to rely more upon theory than upon facts. Many of the quadrupeds originally dispersed over Europe, have already become extinct as natives, and the races of others are fast disappearing: we know not, in fact, the original and natural dispersion of these animals. Conclusions, drawn from such as are now only known in a fossil state, would be still more vague. Geographic ornithology is nearly exempt from both these objections : since the paucity of fossil re- mains referred to this class, proclaims how few species must have been extirpated. Birds, more than any other vertebrated animals, seem to have been the least affected by the Deluge, or by other changes calculated to modify their original dispersion. It naturally follows, that, in tracing the distribution of the feathered creation, we have selected that department of nature which has left us unshackled by geological controversy, and that which from possessing the most authentic materials is best fitted to illustrate our subject. (40.) The conclusions which we must arrive at, upon a review of the foregoing statements, are these : First, that the European province is strikingly characterised by its peculiar animals, and sufficiently so to constitute it one of the primary zoological divisions of the world. Se- condly, that it occupies those countries which are the chief seat of the Caucasian race, with which its orni- thology presents many singular and undeniable analogies. Thirdly, that these analogies are so remarkable, and so manifest, that we must conclude that the same ALMIGHTY POWER has distributed both upon one uniform and har- monious plan. (41.) Having so far pointed out those peculiarities which entitle Europe to be considered one of the chief zoological divisions of the world, we shall now, viewing it in that light, take a rapid survey of its more particular features. Our observations will be arranged under the three divisions it naturally presents; namely, 1. the 30 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. Arctic ; 2. the Central; and, 3. the Southern. The chief seat, however, of this zoological province is between the 40th and 50th degrees of N. latitude. (42.) Arctic Europe comprehends Greenland, Lap- land, the islands of Spitzbergen and Iceland, and a con- siderable part of Norway, Sweden, and Northern Russia. The intense cold of these regions, being highly unfa- vourable to animal life, renders the species very few. There must be an exception, however, made in favour of the marine tribes ofMollusca, and of the aquatic birds : vast multitudes of both are regular visitants to these in- hospitable shores ; the former class supplying food to the latter. Among the quadrupeds, the Arctic foxes, wolves, seals, and Polar bears, are well-known inhabitants. Otho Fabricius mentions thirty-two species of Mam, malia as natives of Greenland, nine of which are seals and walruses ; and fifteen belong to the whale class ; thus leaving but eight species of terrestrial quadrupeds. The number of birds, including occasional visiters to Green- land, are fifty-two ; among which, seven are rapaci- ous, and only five belong to the warblers and finches; the remainder, with the exception of the ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus}, belong to the wading and swimming orders, to whose nourishment and increase the Arctic solitudes are highly favourable. Nevertheless, the largest propor- tion of these birds occur abund- antly in sou them latitudes; and many extend even to Mexico, Northern Asia, and the shores of the Mediterranean. Those species, in fact, which are con- fined to the Arctic circle, are remarkably few. The most characteristic bird of Arctic Europe is the great snowy owl (Strix Nyctea L. fig.\.} } which extends its range over all the regions bordering upon the north pole. CENTRAL EUROPE. 31 (43.) The first indications of the zoology of Central Europe may be said to commence towards the 6'0th degree of north latitude, where a sensible change in the number and in the species of animals may be perceived. Vegetation supplies food for insects, no less than for birds; while the former become the prey of the latter: thus the supplies'^of nature are accurately balanced, with a considerate regard to the wants of all her creatures. This accession of fertility in the vegetable kingdom is accompanied by an accession of animals ; the land birds increase, while the aquatic tribes diminish in numbers, although not in species. Most of the Arctic birds, how- ever, occur in the northern parts of Scotland, and in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Miiller, the celebrated Danish naturalist, enumerates fifty-seven quadrupeds and 131 birds, as natives of his own country : among the former, seventeen only are marine; while the land birds amount to eighty-seven, exclusive of twenty-six eagles, falcons, and owls. On comparing this statement with that already cited of the animals of Greenland, we ob- serve a considerable diminution of the marine -Mam- malia, arid a large addition to the terrestrial birds, this latter fact being accounted for by the circumstances above mentioned. As we approach farther south, this increase becomes more apparent, and can be traced even within the limits of our own islands. Several species of the polar regions, common to the north of Scotland, are unknown in the west of England ; which, never- theless, exhibits a much greater number of others, which that kingdom does not possess ; this is particularly the case among the insects of the two countries. Even among the domesticated animals, a greater developement of size is apparent in the horse, the sheep, and the ox of England, than in those of Scotland ; while the pea- cock, turkey, and Guinea-fowl, so perfectly naturalised in our climate, are reared and preserved with great difficulty towards the north of Scotland. (44.) It appears, therefore, from the foregoing observ- ations, that the southern part of Central Europe is the re- ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. gion best calculated for studying the peculiarities of this zoological province. Confining ourselves to the existing wild quadrupeds, we may remark, that, while two species alone appear to inhabit the cold country of Denmark, there are thirteen described as natives of France and the adjacent kingdoms, seven of which are also found in Britain. The common brown bear takes the place of the Polar species in the central parts of Europe, where, also, the black bear was once common, although now nearly extinct. The wolf and the fox, under different varie- ties, or perhaps species, are distributed over this region ; where also we find the wild cat ; and two, if not three, species of lynx. The lesser ferocious quadrupeds are more numerous ; for no less than eight species of the weasel family inhabit Europe. Under the head of graminivorous quadrupeds, or such as live more or less upon seeds as well as upon flesh, may be mentioned the hedgehog, squirrel, and seven species of mice. The beaver (fig. 2.) is recorded to have inhabited, at one time, the banks of some of the Welsh rivers, but has long been extirpated from these islands, and will, doubtless, in a few years, entire- ly disappear from Europe. It may be here observed, that the different species of mice, now arranged under se- veral distinct genera, form an important feature in European zoology. The following are their names : Arvicola amphibius. Water Rat. Arvicola arvalis. Field Arvicole. Arvicola fulvus. Yellowish Mouse. Arvicola argentoratensis. Strasburg Mouse. Georychus Norvegicus. The Lem- ming. Georychus terrestris. Land Lem- ming. Mus sylvaticus. Field Mouse. Mus campestris. Plain Mouse. Mus musculus. House Mouse. Mus messarius. Harvest Mouse. Mus minutus. Small Mouse. Mus agrarius. Setnic Mouse. Mus soricinus. Shrew-like Mouse. Mus dichrurus. Party-coloured Mouse. Mus Islandicus. Iceland Mouse. CENTRAL EUROPE. BIRDS. 33 (45.) Of the hamsters, remarkable for their cheek pouches, one species is chiefly found in Siberia ; but an- other (Cricetus vulgar is) is distributed over Central and Northern Europe. Two species of marmots {Arctomys Marmotta and Bobac), and the Spermophilus citittas, or Soullsk of the Germans, occur in this region. Four species of hare and rabbit complete the list of the Euro- pean Glires. (46.) On turning to the ruminating order of quad- rupeds, we find the elk and the reindeer of the northern latitudes giving place to the fallow deer, the stag, and the roebuck in the central parts of Europe. The lofty and inaccessible precipices of the Alps and Pyre- nees still afford shelter to the chamois, the yzard, and the ibex, notwithstanding the daring intrepidity of their hunters. The musmon is another of the wild Europe^ an animals, possessing much interest, from being the origin of all our domesticated sheep : it is said, although not by any recent authority, still to exist in a state of nature among the high mountains of Corsica and Sar- dinia ; and although now extirpated from the continent, there is good reason for believing that it formerly existed on the mountains of Spain. In the early ages, wild oxen were common in most parts of temperate Europe ; and they are mentioned, even by our own historians, as in- festing the forests which then surrounded London ! The white ox, formerly wild in Scotland, is now only known from the breed having been preserved in one or two of the parks of our nobility. (47.) The ornithology of Central Europe has many peculiarities. On the highest summits of the Alps, and in the large and elevated forests which still remain in Hungary and the Tyrol, are found all the four species of European vultures. Only one of three, the fulvous vulture (V.fulvus L.) appears to enjoy a range further north ; yet all extend their peregrinations as far as Italy, and two are even found on the northermost limits of Africa and Western Asia. The great-eared owl D 34 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. bubo L., fig. 3.) represents, in Central Europe, the snowy species of the Arctic regions. It is common in the German and Hungarian fo- rests, although very rare in Eng- land. The Iceland falcon is not, as it name would imply,, con- fined to that frigid country, but is well known in Germany under the name of the Falco caudicans of authors. The wide geo- graphic range of the class of rapacious birds already noticed (27.), enables us to account for the dispersion of the remaining European falcons over all the temperate and southern parts of this continent, and over the northern regions of Africa, in the greater number of in- stances. With the exception of the three-toed species, all the other woodpeckers, five in number, are found in the forests and woods of Central Europe. (48.) To detail the varied distribution of the warblers and the small insectivorous birds would far exceed the limits of this sketch; their northernmost limits, how- ever, do not extend beyond Central Europe; nor are we aware of any one species found in France and Germany, which does not occur in the southern king- doms. The few gallinaceous birds, with the exception of the grouse, are chiefly found in similar temperatures : they consist of three species of bustards, two of part- ridges, and one of the quail. The grouse seem to occupy an intermediate station between the centre of Europe and the confines of its polar extremity : the largest is the famous cock of the woods, once an inhabitant of the Scottish forests ; which country also produces an- other species, the red game of the sportsman, which is found in no other part of the world. Four of the most beautiful of European birds, namely, the bee-eater, the roller, the hoopoe, and the golden oriole, in their SOUTHERN EUROPE. BIRDS. 35 annual migrations from Africa, visit nearly all the cen- tral parts of the Continent, and are occasionally carried, by accidental causes, to these islands ; but as we advance northward, they are no longer to be met with. (49.) We now come to the third portion of the European province, comprising the south of France, the whole of Spain, Italy, and Turkey, together with the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean Sea, bordering on Northern Africa and Asia Minor. On the quadrupeds of these countries little can be said, as our materials are but scanty. There is no evidence that 4 the large rumi- nating animals, such as the elk, reindeer, stag, roe- buck, &c., exist on the shores of the Mediterranean ; although a small species, probably the fallow deer, is still to be met with in some of the extensive forests of Calabria, and in the vestiges of those which once spread over the mountains of Sicily. But, on the other hand, there is the porcupine, an undoubted native of Italy, still found wild ; and the musmon sheep, already men- tioned, truly belongs to this region. The buffalo lives in Greece and Italy, as if in its native country, although now only seen in a domesticated state. (50.) The ornithology of the Mediterranean shores presents many interesting facts. The vultures, which are seldom found northward of the Alps, occur more fre- quently as the climate becomes warmer ; they appear to follow the course of the Apennines in Italy, and of the higher mountains of Spain and Greece ; whence they extend their range on one side to Asia Minor, and on the other to Northern Africa. The imperial eagle (Aquila imperialis Sw.) is chiefly found in Southern Europe, while the golden eagle is more restricted to the colder latitudes. The gigantic owls of the northern regions are here unknown ; but two or three horned species, of diminutive size, follow the migratory flocks of land birds in their annual flights across the Mediter- ranean from Africa. In the extensive family of war- blers (Sylviada Sw.), besides those of Central Europe > D 2 36 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. are several others, altogether peculiar to Italy, Spain, Sicily, and Sardinia. Here, also, the common starling is scarcely known; but its place is filled by another species, the Sturnus unicolorT., hitherto found more par- ticularly in Sardinia. There are two species of bustard (Otis Tetrao and Houbara), which belong more espe- cially to Southern Europe, where the Otis tar da is un- known. The rocky and uncultivated wastes of Spain, Turkey, and Asia Minor, are inhabited by two species of rock grouse (Pterocles), of a genus different from those belonging to northern latitudes. The beautiful wall creeper (Tichodroma phcenicoptera Tern.), with its bright rosy wings, is confined to the southern extremity of the Alps, and the rocks of Spain and Italy ; while large flocks of the bee- eater (Her ops apiaster L.) skim over the gardens and olive plantations of Southern Italy and Sicily, in every direction, during the spring and autumnal migrations. The golden oriole, the roller, and the hoopoe, at such seasons, are no less common; and we have frequently seen them exposed for sale, with many other birds rare in Central Europe ,in the poulterers' shops of Messina and Palermo. The union of the, European, African, and Asiatic ornithology on the shores of the Mediterranean, is further proved by the wading and aquatic tribes. The pelican, the spoon- bill, and the flamingo, are still to be met with in these countries, although now less plentiful, from the great attraction which their large size possesses for the sports, man. Our researches in these countries have enabled us to contribute a noble addition to the birds of Europe, in the Ardea pavonia L., or coronated crane, several of which were captured in the small island of Lampidosa in 1812, and brought to Malta alive. (51.) On the insects and other annulose animals, our limits will not permit us to dilate, although, perhaps, these classes supply more interest to the philosophic naturalist than any other. A bare enumeration of the genera alone would almost fill a volume. Suffice it to say, that the entomology of Southern Europe is emi- SOUTHERN EUROPE. INSECTS. 37 nently distinct from that of the central and northern latitudes. As we approach the provinces of Spain, Southern Italy, and the Peloponnesus, we find many genera which have their chief metropolis in Asia and Northern Africa ; 'while the rapacious family of Cara- bidfg does not exhibit one fifth of the number of species which inhabit Britain alone. The same may be said of the Staphylinida and the Silphidce. On the other hand, all those coleopterous, hymenopterous, and other insects which delight in a sandy soil similar to that of Africa, begin to show themselves; as the genera Scarabteu* M'L., Trox, Scarites F., Pimela F., Sphex, Bembex, Anthrax, Osmia, Nomada, Chrysis, &c. Ants, as in tropical countries, become the universal scavengers, and are of numerous species; while of the Termites, or white ants, hitherto considered as almost restricted to tropical latitudes, one species is found in the south of France, and we have discovered another in Sicily. The Lepidoptera are less peculiar. One half of the British diurnal species are found in Sicily, intermixed with others of Central Europe, and with two or three of those found in Northern Africa. Among these, the most striking and beautiful is the Jasia Europaa Sw., the Papilio Jasius of the old authors. This noble butterfly, however, seems to be rare even in the south of Italy ; where, during many years, we captured only two specimens. The Eurymus edusa of Britain is like- wise common ; as also the Pieris Daplicide, A.Lathonia, and one or two others of our rarestbutterflies. The Gonepteryx Cleopa- tria takes the place of our G. Rhamni ; but all our clear- winged Sesice seem to be almost unknown in Italy. Scorpions, which are happily strangers with us, are frequently met with in the houses of Sicily ; and we were D 3 38 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. once fortunate in discovering one of these disgusting in- sects crawling under the pillow of the bed : having lost the specimen,, we can only give a copy of the original drawing, exhibiting the natural size (fig. 4.). The silk- worm of the south of Europe is too well known to re- quire further notice. (52.) The European reptiles are fortunately few. Li- zards,, so rarely seen in the temperate latitudes of Europe, abound in the south of Italy, and still more so in Sicily and Malta, where the gecko, or house lizards, are fre- quently seen, upon a gloomy day, running along the ceiling of old dwelling-rooms. The viper is the only venomous serpent here found, and there are some few others scattered in the different temperate latitudes. The freshwater tortoises, on the other hand, are only to be found in the south of Italy, where they are scarce; and in Greece, where we observed them very common. /The spe- cies of turtle found in the Mediterranean is that which is usually described by authors as the logger-head of the West Indies ; and, in support of this opinion, they quote the figure given by Gottwold (fig. 5.). Unfortu- nately, we neglected to investigate this question on the spot ; but we can vouch for the excellency of this species when dressed, for its flavour is fully equal to that of the green turtle : the flesh of the logger- head, on the con- trary, is described as quite unpalatable. (53.) The fish of Southern Europe form one of its most characteristic zoological distinctions. Of those inha- biting the seas of Spain and Portugal, very little is known ; but upon entering the Mediterranean, a large accession of peculiar and very beautiful species appear. The enor- mous shoals of anchovies (fig. 6.), in an economic point of view, are very important annually employing in their capture and preparation a great number of men. The SOUTHERN EUROPE. MARINE ANIMALS. SQ same may be said, but in a less degree, of the tunny fisheries of Sicily. The herring and the pilchard, on the other hand, are scarcely known. The coast of Nice has been ably investigated, and its productions de- scribed by Risso. Of more than 150 species of fish minutely examined by us on the coasts of Sicily, we believe that not more than one third belong also to the ichthyology of Britain and Northern Europe. The only one of these new species we have yet described is the Ammodytes Siculus Sw *, or 'Sicilian sandlance ; a local species, but found in such vast shoals, as to supply, at particular seasons, all the inhabitants of Messina with a plentiful meal. This fish is highly prized for its delicious flavour. (54.) The radiated Mottusca (Radiata) of these coasts are very numerous. The many harbours, caves, and submerged rocks, sheltered from those violent com- motions which agitate the Atlantic Ocean, afford them protection, and contribute to their rapid increase. Their investigation, hitherto much neglected, offers a most interesting field for those naturalists who can study them in their native seas. Along the rocky shores of Sicily, but especially those of Malta, many species of sea anemone, and other animal flowers, stud the bottoms of the deep caves ; while the purple Echini . occur in great profusion in similar situations. The stillness and the transparency of the water are such, that all these may be seen with perfect clearness at a depth of eight or ten feet. The tubular and cellular polypes, whose habitations are commonly called corals and coral- lines, are more abundant in the Bay of Naples ; which, with the coasts of Sicily, has long been celebrated for the abundance of the true red coral. * Zoological 111. i. pi. 63. D 4 40 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. (55.) The testaceous Mollusca, or shellfish, are in great variety,, and are much more prized by the catholics, as an article of food, than by us. The British oyster, muscle, whelk, and cockle are almost unknown ; but, in lieu of these, there is an abundance of other species, which we do not possess, peculiar to these seas. The Lithodomus dactylus Cuv. (fiff- 7-)j or date muscle, is found in abundance in the rocks of Malta, which it perforates as smoothly as if the holes were made by an auger. The Pinna nobilis L., or great pinna, grows to the extraordinary length of two feet, and is much sought after by the people of Tarento on account of its byssus, O r tuft of silky hairs by which the animal adheres to the rocks : this, after undergoing a prepar- atory process, is made into gloves and stockings ; but the manufacture, as may be supposed, is not very extensive. The texture of some of these articles, which we have seen, was beautiful and glossy, and the colour, natural to the substance, is either dark cinnamon, or golden yel- low, inclining to brown. C. Ulysses, the only writer, we believe, with the excep- tion of Poli, who has given any connected view of the conchology of the Italian seas, enumerates 180 species, chiefly found in the kingdom of Naples ; while we could add about thirty or forty more peculiar to Sicily. Ta- rento is so singularly rich in shells, that its fisheries are under the immediate re- gulations of the governor. If the concho- logist who may be in Naples visit the fish-market, he will observe noble speci- mens of the following large and hand- some shells exposed for sale only to be eaten ! Area pihsa, Cardium spinosum and aculeatum, Solen sfri. Pecten maximum, Murex brandanus {fig. 8.), SOUTHERN EUROPE. SHELLS. 41 M. trunculus (fig. 9-), Byssoarca NOCK Sw., Isocardia Cor; and many other smaller species, which would deserve a place in cabinets. It is also remarkable that, in these seas, the first indications of the conchology of the Asiatic region are found in such shells as Car- dium cardissa, Cyprcea mus, Chama gryphoides, Oliva (one species), Conus Virgo, C. monachus, and probably several other shells; the above being inserted in the list of Ulysses.* (56.) The fluviatile shells of Europe are chiefly confined to its central latitudes. Those little sheltered streams, pools, and brooks, which are so abundant in this island, and which appear so congenial to these ani- mals, are very rarely seen in the warm countries of the Mediterranean, where the fervour of a summer sun would soon render them dry. In the deeper rivers however, of France and of Italy, some species of Unio., or freshwater muscle, are found, which we do not pos- sess. These are the Unio littoralis (fig. 10. a), the*/. batava (6), and the Unio intermedius (c, c); the latter being a new species sent to us from Gibraltar. The land shells, on the other hand, are more numerous in Italy than in England ; and in certain situations, where the surface is rocky, several species are found in the * Travels in the Kingdom of Naples, 8yo. London, 1795. ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. greatest profusion. The cephalopodous Mollusca, or cuttle fish, of the Sepia and Loligo genera, although not of many species, are sometimes found in great numbers, and frequently grow to an enormous size. (57.) The genera and subgenera of the quadrupeds now inhabiting the European range are as follows : Rinolphus C. Bat. Plecotus C. Bat. Vespertilio L. Bat. Erinaceus L. Hedgehog. Sorex L. Shrew. Mygale C. Desman. Talpa L. Mole. Ursus L. Bear. Meles L. Badger. Martes L. Marten. Lutra L. Otter. Vulpes //. Fox. Felis L. Cat. Lynx Ant. Lynx. Phoca L. Seal. Trichecus L. Walrus. Castor L. Beaver. Arvicola C. Field Mouse. Myoxus C. Dormouse. Mus L. Mouse. Cricetus C. Hamster. Gerbillus C. Terbil. Arctomys C. Marmot. Aspalax. Spalax. Spermophilus. Pouch Marmot. Sciurus L. Squirrel. Pterornys C. Flying Squirrel. Hystrix L. Porcupine. Lepus L. Hare. Lagomys Geoff. Pika Hare. Elaphus Ant. Stag. Capriolus Sm- Roebuck. Antelope Sm. Antelope. Rupicapra Sm. Ibex. Capra Sm. Goat. Oves Aut. Sheep. Taurus Aut. x. (58.) The genera and subgenera of birds, whose chief metropolis, for the most part, is in e European pro- vinces, are the following : those mar d (*) are ascer- tained to be subgenera : Vultur L. True Vultures. Grypaetos Storr. Bearded Vul- tures. Neophron Sav. Falco L. Falcon. Aquila Ant. Eagle. Accipiter Ray. Hawk. Buteo Ray. Buzzard. Milvus Ray. Kite. StrixZ,. Owl. *Bubo B. Horned Owl. Lanius L. Shrike. Corvus L. Crow. Garrulus Ray. Jay.' *Nucefraga B. Nutcracker. Pyrrocorax C. Rock Crow. Bombycilla^. Chatterer.. Sturnus L. Starling. Pastor Tern. Sheep-bird. Merula Ray. Thrush. Cinclus L. Ouzel. Curruca Sw. Reed Warbler. Philomela Sw. Nightingale. Sylvia L. Warbler. *Erythaica Sw. Robin. Phasnicura Sw. Redstart. Saxicola B. Stonechat. Motacilla L. Wagtail. *Budytes B. Whitetail. Anthus B. Titlark. Accentor B. Finch Warbler. Parus L. Titmouse. Cuculus L. Cuckoo. Picus L. Woodpecker. Yunx L. Wryneck. Sitta L. Nuthatch. , ASIA GENERALLY. Certhia L. Creeper. Troglodytes Cuv. Wren. *Tichodroma ///. Wall Creeper. Upupa L. Hoopoe. Merops L. Bee-eater. Alcedo L. Kingfisher. Hirundo L. Swallow. Cypselus L Swift. Caprimulgus L. Nightjar. Alauda L. Lark. Emberyza L. Bunting. LoxiaZ,. Crossbill. Pyrrhula B. Bullfinch. Coccothraustes B. Grosbeak. Fringilla L. Finch. Columba. Pigeon. Phasianus L. Pheasant. Tetrao L. Grouse. 1 Perdix L. Partridge." Hemipodius L. Turnix. Glareola L. Pratincole. Otis L. Bustard. Haematopus L. Oyster-catcher. Charadrius L. Plover. . Ciconia L. Stork. Ardea L. Heron. Tringa L. Sandpiper. Totanus L. Sand-runner. Limosa L. Godwit. Sturna L. Tern. Larus L. Gull. Anas L. Duck. Alca L. Puffin. CHAP. III. ASIA. THE ASIATIC PROVINCE. ITS GENERAL CHARACTER AND DIVI- SIONS. NORTHERN, CENTRAL, AND SOUTHERN ASIA. THE PECULIARITIES OF EACH, AS SHOWN IN THEIR PECULIAR ANIMALS. ASIATIC GENERA OF QUADRUPEDS AND BIRDS. (59-) THE second great zoological province of the globe comprehends the entire continent of ASIA, and the greater part of its numerous islands. Bounded hy the ocean on its northern, eastern, and southern confines, its demarcation to the west is no less natural, being separated from the European range by the lofty chain of the Ural mountains. Assimilating in its productions to those countries upon which it thus borders, this vast zoological region is more particularly blended with those of Europe and Africa ; through the medium of Persia on one side, and of Asia Minor on the other. It unites, likewise, with the American range at its northern ex- tremity, where it also forms a junction with Arctic 44 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. Europe ; while to the south it is connected to the Aus- tralian division by the islands of Papua or New Guinea, New Caledonia, and New Ireland. (60.) A region so vast in extent,, and so diversified in its temperature and productions, may naturally be supposed to be extremely difficult to be characterised, as a whole, with precision : nor is this, indeed, necessary to our present purpose. It will be a sufficient sanction to the justness of considering it as a peculiar division of zoological geogra- phy, if, upon attentively comparing its animals with those of Europe and Africa, we discover differences so strongly marked as to separate it from both. If, however, any particular feature in Asiatic zoology be selected as pe- culiarly striking, it would undoubtedly be the number and importance of those domestic animals which it has furnished to the civilised world ; and which are not only useful and necessary to the inhabitants of the older con- tinents, but even more so to those of America and Austra. lia,where there does not appear to have been other spe- cies equally destined to supply the wants, or abridge the labours, of civilised man. When it is considered that the horse is generally supposed to have originally been a native of the Tartarian deserts ; that the domestication of oxen is conjectured first to have taken place in West- ern Asia, by the Caucasian nations ; that all the breeds of our domestic fowl have unquestionably sprung from southern Asia, which is likewise the native region of the peacock; we must admit the justness of the above remark. (6l.) The Asiatic range may be divided into three sections, or sub-provinces, indicated both by their geo- graphic peculiarities, and the nature of their respective animals. The first commences from the polar regions, and includes the whole of Asiatic Russia : its natural boundaries to the west are the Ural mountains ; and to the south, the lofty Altain chain the cradle, as it has been termed, of the Mongolian race. The second in- cludes the little known empires of China and Japan, with Thibet, the Tartarian provinces bordering Persia., NORTHERN ASIA. QUADRUPEDS. 45 and the eastern shores of the Caspian ; while to the south, the stupendous Himalayan mountains seem to form a natural boundary to this intermediate region. The third division comprehends the remaining portion of the continent, together with Java, Sumatra, &c., and such islands as lie to the westward of New Guinea. We thus exclude the whole of Asia Minor, and the regions immediately around Caucasus, because they ex- hibit a zoology of no determinate character, further than as they present a union of the European, Asiatic, and African ; thus concentrating much of the typical cha- racters of the whole. The same observation, in a more limited sense, may be extended to Persia ; but there the African forms almost entirely disappear, and leave only the European and the Asiatic the latter evidently preponderating. (62.) The first, or northern Asiatic range, exhibits few peculiarities : the genera of quadrupeds, for the most part, assimilate to those of Europe and the North Pole, but few of the species occur on the western side of the Ural mountains. The sandy and desert steppes of Siberia afford but little nourishment to large animals, but are sufficient to support many of the Glires family : hence the chief quadrupeds enumerated by travellers as natives, are nearly all referred to the field mice (Ar- mcola), lemmings (Georynchus*), rats (Jtfws), and hamsters (Cricetus). These generic groups, for the most part, are restricted to the cold or temperate lati- tudes of Europe, Asia, and America. The field mice (Arvicola) and the true mice (.Mw*) occur also in Africa. These gnawing animals, however, have a very wide distribution, and have obviously been intended by nature to inhabit climates subject to the severities of winter. The instinct by which they are impelled to hoard up large quantities of provisions against the season of scarcity ; the length, intricacy, and warmth of their subterraneous abodes ; their food, of dried grass, seeds, or nuts, in winter, arid of green or fresh vegetables in summer ; are all proofs to this effect. We accordingly 46 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. find these industrious and provident little creatures do not inhabit tropical countries, where all these instincts would be superfluous. The birds, so far as is yet known, appear to be of the same genera as those of Europe ; and many species are common to both regions. The beautiful rose-coloured starling (Pastor roseus Tern.), so rare in Europe (fig. 11.), is one of the most common birds of temperate Asia. Many of the aquatic species are also similar to those of America ; but Pal- las enumerates a long list of species unknown to either of these continents. We may sup- pose, therefore, that the other animals, were they better un- derstood, woulcl agree in these characteristics. The en- tomology of these northern latitudes is scarcely known. (63.) The animals of the second Asiatic region are very imperfectly known ; it is here, however, that we begin to see those larger and more bulky quadrupeds which are excluded from the frozen regions of Siberia. The famous dzeggtai, or Mongolian horse (Equus He- mionus Pallas), the wild Asiatic sheep (Ovis Amman.} , and probably the Arnee buffalo, may be instanced as characteristic of central Asia. To these we may add the Tartaric or Yak ox (Bos Poephagus H. Smith), whose southern range extends to the mountains of Bhotan, where alone it has been hitherto seen. If so many quadrupeds, of the first magnitude in their re- spective families, inhabit these central regions, how many others of a smaller size must still remain unknown to science. The elegant little jumping jerboas (Dipus), also, belong more properly to the central parts of Asia and the warmer latitudes of Siberia : this genus ex- tends to Egypt, but has never been found in the New World, where it is represented only by that of Meriones CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ASIA. 47 (64.) The birds of Central Asia are still more im- perfectly known than the quadrupeds. We are com- pelled, in fact, to form our judgment of them more from the paintings executed by the Chinese, than from any specimens that have hitherto reached Europe. Many of these native painters, however, are particularly exact in their delineations of the common sorts ; and we may, therefore, place a certain degree of confidence in such as have not been actually seen by Europeans. From these drawings it becomes evident that there exists in Central Asia several large and beautiful gallinaceous birds, particularly pheasants, totally distinct from those of Southern Asia. It is here, in short, that we first detect the chief ornithological feature of Asia ; namely, the variety and beauty of its gallinaceous birds. It is probable that the golden (Nycthemerus pictus Sw.) and silver pheasants (Nyc. argentatus Sw.) of our mena- geries, the latter one of the most chastely elegant birds of Asia (y?#. 12.), originally came from the interior of China. Many others will doubtless be discovered on the elevated table land of Asia, since even those species more peculiar to India are seldom met with in the maritime or low provinces. The splendid Impeyan pheasant (Lophophorus refulgem T.), and the other species of the same natural group, are stated only to inhabit the hilly and elevated districts of India. Our knowledge of the entomology of this region is chiefly confined to China. (65.) The third division comprehends Southern Asia, and presents a zoological region of uncommon interest 48 ON THE GEOGRAPHT OF ANIMALS. and great magnificence. As heat and moisture princi- pally tend to the increase of vegetation, and to its lux- urious developement, so is the latter always accompanied by a corresponding exuberance of animal forms : both are in their highest developement in equinoctial latitudes, and both progressively diminish towards the poles. It is, consequently, in the southern provinces of India that all the features of Asiatic zoology are most con- spicuous. (66.) Commencing with the quadrupeds, we find a striking characteristic of this region, in the numerous but disgusting race of apes and baboons ; of whose ex- istence in Europe, even at the most remote period, there is not the slightest record. These satyr-like creatures seem to congregate as we advance to the equinoctial line : the long armed gibbons being principally found on the isthmus of Malacca, while the orc.n_outangs ap- pear more especially to be natives of the great islands. The subgenera Hylobates, Presbytis, Nasalis, and Sim- nopithecus are peculiar to this hemisphere, which has already furnished twenty-three species of these apes and baboons. The analogy between the animals of Equi- noctial India, and those under the same latitudes in Africa, is here very strikingly illustrated. The apes and baboons of the latter continent occur under similar degrees of latitude, and, in several instances, belong to the same genera, but the number is greater. Yet, as a proof how truly distinct are the two zoological pro- vinces, we may remark, as a singular fact, that only one species has yet been discovered as a native inhabitant of both ; this is the grey baboon, whose geographic range is also removed from the equator ; being found at Moco, the Persian Gulf, and in Arabia ; countries lying on the confines of the two continents. These parallel analogies, or mutual representations, are always highly interesting. Thus we find the Indian oran-outang, ty- pified on the African continent by the Chimpanzee, con- sidered by Linnaeus as a wild man, arid still affirmed, SOUTHERN ASIA. by the negroes of the Gold Coast, to walk erect. The Asiatic elephant is again represented hy that of Africa ; so closely, indeed, that it was only of late years ascertained to be quite a different species. These resemblances may be traced in innumerable instances : they are, indeed, so striking, that it is not surprising some authors should have deemed them affinities^ from viewing the subject without that extensive reference to the other parts of creation, which is so essential in guiding our judgment in these matters. The zoology of Southern Asia is further distinguished from that of the central regions, by possessing the orangs and apes; while the nu- merous mouse-like animals, as the marmots, lemmings, &c., so abundantly spread over Northern Asia, appear to be almost unknown in the southern regions. (67.) The bears found in other parts of the world, occur only in cold, or at least temperate, climates ; but there have recently been discovered, in the interior of India, three distinct and peculiar species, Ursus labiatus, Malayanus, and Thibetanus, all inhabitants of the mountainous districts ; and, therefore, in all probability, belonging more to the fauna of Central than of Southern Asia. One of these, the Ma- lay bear (fig. 1 3.), remarkable for its mildness and docility, has been brought alive to this country. The lion of Asia (Leo Asiaticus Sw.), was thought to be only a varie- ty of that from Northern Africa (Leo Africanus Sw.); but a pair of fine living specimens now in the Surrey Zoological Gardens has en- abled us to ascertain that it is a very distinct species from either of those found in Northern or Southern Africa. Another species recently described in the Zoo/. Trans, is remarkable for the shortness of its mane; a circumstance which might 50 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. have suggested a less barbarous designation than <( Felis Leo Goojratensis." The species of Rhinoceros of these continents are known to be distinct ; yet the jackal of Southern India and of Africa seem to be the same. The more ferocious quadrupeds, generally denominated tigers, are much less abundant on this con- tinent, as regards species, than either in Africa or America. Yet, unfortunately, their numerical amount is unquestionably much greater. The Once ( Felis undo), from being found on the high moun- tains of Persia, is probably more characteristic of Central Asia ; while the true tiger (Felis Ti- gris, jig. 14.) is most abundant in the low jungles of Hindostan, and the humid forests of Sumatra. The Asiatic tiger-cats appear restricted to the larger islands : none of the species occur in Africa. (68.) The ornithological peculiarities of the Asiatic range are fully developed in Southern India, more par- ticularly in Malacca, and those islands immediately ad- joining the southern extremity of the continent. In some instances, there is a marked similarity between the groups of Tropical Asia and those of Equinoctial Africa ; while in others the differences are very great. This comparison will tend much to illustrate this part of our subject. (69.) Among those families of birds concentrated in Southern Asia, but which appear also, under the form of other species, to be distributed in Africa, are the Drongo shrikes (Edolius Cuv.), the caterpillar-catchers (Ceblepyres Cuv.), the true flycatchers with long tails, typically represented by the paradise flycatcher (Mus- cicupa paradisea), the beautiful parrot-plumaged barbuts SOUTHERN ASIA. BIRDS. 51 (Bucco L.), the singular short-legged thrushes (Brachy- pus Sw.), the long-legged or aquatic thrushes (Cratero- pus Sw.), the elegant little finches (Estrelda Sw.), the short-billed weavers, or grosbeaks (Amadina Sw.), the shining black- coloured grakles (Lamprotornis Tern.), and the splendid little sun-birds (Cinnyris Cuv.). All these groups extend to the warm latitudes of Africa, and several are not unknown in the Australian range; yet in Asia they seem confined to the southern region, since no examples have occurred either in Persia or Asia Minor, much less in Siberia or Europe. (70.) On turning to the ornithological groups which nature has exclusively restricted to Southern Asia, we find this region stamped by very distinct peculiarities. The vivid-coloured ant-thrushes (Pitta), with their re- presentatives the green bulbuls (Chloropsis Jard.), the superb lora or black and azure oriole (7dm Horsf.), the true grakles (Gracula L.) the fork-tailed wagtails (Eni- curus Tern.), the bullfinch larks (Mirafra Horsf.), the broad-tailed thrushes (Timalia H.), and lastly, the singular nightfeeders (Nyctiornis Sw.), are all promi- nent examples of Indian ornithology, of which no species are to be found in other parts of the world. The rhi- noceros hornbill (fig. 15.), one of the largest and scarcest 15 of its family, is among the most remarkable birds of India. But perhaps the most striking birds, to the general observer E 2 52 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. are those belonging to the parrot and gallinaceous tribes. In the former, Equinoctial Africa is very poor; but the same latitudes, in Asia, furnish us with numerous and splendid examples, both of genera and species, altogether peculiar. The suctorial cockatoos (Microglossum Geoff.), the large white cockatoos of Malacca, the elegant ring- necked parrakeets of the continent, and the crimson- coloured lories of the islands, are appropriated solely to these regions. Lastly must be enumerated the splen- did peacocks of the continent, and the wild cocks of the islands, forming the genera Pavo, Polyplectron, Argus, Lophyrus, Lophophorus, and Gallus, not one of which has yet occurred beyond the limits of the Asiatic range. (71.) On the remaining vertebrated animals, compre- hending the fishes, reptiles, and serpents, peculiar to these regions, little can be said; since their geographic distribution has received little or no attention. The nu- merous species, however, that have been made known by the researches of Dr. Roxburgh, Dr. Buchanan Hamil- ton, and General Hardwicke, prove that in these classes nature is equally prolific, and that she has given to India a vast number of genera which do not occur in other countries. (72.) Of the invertebrated animals we must confine ourselves to the Testacea, as embracing the more popular study of conchology ; the Indian seas, more than any other part of the world, abound with the greatest va- riety of shell-fish, and exhibit a remarkable con- trast to the paucity of species found under the parallel latitudes of Africa and America. It is also a singular fact, not hitherto noticed, that nearly three fourths of these shells belong to animals entirely carnivorous ; who, to support life, must be perpetually carrying on, like the ferocious tigers of the continent, a destructive warfare against the weaker animals of their own class. The conchologist, who looks beyond the empty shell in his museum, need hardly be reminded that the immense number of species belonging to the genera Conus 3 Oliva, SOUTHERN ASIA. SHELLS. 53 Valuta, Mitra, Cyprcea, Turbinella, Dolium, Cassis, Strombus, and Harpa, are all inhabited by carnivorous Testacea, and that most of these genera have their principal metropolis in the great Indian Ocean. Of the beautiful group of Cones, for instance, nearly 200 species have been named, yet scarcely more than ten are found beyond the Indian Ocean : Lamarck enume- rates sixty-two olives, yet five only belong to other seas. The cowries (Cypreea), and the Strombi, or wing- shells, are distributed much in the same proportion. The volutes, however, are nearly divided between Africa, India, and the Australian or Pacific Ocean. The dis- tribution of the Acephala, or bivalve shells, is much less marked ; but none that we re- member are common both to India and Africa ; while the union of Asiatic conchology with that of Australia, as may be expected from the situation of the two countries, takes place towards New Guinea and the adjacent islands. The famous wentletrap (fig. 16.) (Scalaria pretiosa Lam.), the spindle shells (Rostellaria Lam.), the hammer oysters (Malleus Lam.), the Ethiopian and other crowned volutes ( Valuta Ethiopica), are good illustrations of Oriental conchology. (73.) The paucity of fluviatile shells is truly sur- prising, and constitutes a singular character in the conchology of Asia. The rivers, inferior only to those of the New World, appear almost destitute of shell- fish ; for they have hitherto not given more than six or seven species to our cabinets, while from North America alone we are acquainted with more than 150: the genera are mostly the same, but the subgenus Dipsus (Leach) has hitherto only been brought from China. Terrestrial shells appear to be still more rare; but the genus E 3 54 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. Scarabus of De Montfort is restricted to certain of the Asiatic islands ; while among the slugs, or shelless Tes- tacea, the genus Onchidium, as defined by Dr. Buchanan, appears to characterise this part of the world. (74-.) To enumerate the tribes of insects, and of the other annulose animals, is altogether impossible. It will be sufficient to mention, that the entomology of Southern Asia presents us with some few of the most common butterflies dispersed over Europe. The Papilio PodaliriusL.,EurymusEdusa Sw., Cynthia Cardui, and Vanessa Atalanta, have been sent from the mountains of Nepal, a region, however, from the peculiarity of its productions, which might more properly be considered within the limits of, or at least bordering upon, Central Asia. But these, after all, are but rare and nearly so- litary exceptions to the very general dissimilarity between the insects of the two con- tinents. The entomology of Africa assimilates much more closely to that of India ; and the latter contains se- veral genera, particularly among the lepidopterous in- sects, which are precisely the same as those of tropical America. The Indian is- lands, but more especially Amboyna, appear to be richer in insects, if we may judge from such as have 18 ^s^^s*^ teen sent to Europe, than the continent. That rare and lovely butterfly, the Amphrisius Priamus Sw. _ (fig. 11.), with its velvet- '/yl^^ss^^^jTSj^ like wings of intense black and rich green, has only been received from Amboyna. (75.) Most of the marine Crustacea, or crabs, are ASIATIC GENERA OF QUADRUPEDS, peculiar to these seas, and many appear under the most grotesque forms : among these, the Ixa canaliculata (fig. 18.) of Dr. Leach* deserves being mentioned. Another species, Ixa inermis, when its limbs are drawn under its shell, might easily be mistaken for a piece of coral. The most valuable pearls in the world are pro- duced from a species of pearl oyster (Margarita Si~ nensis Leach), which seems confined to the Indian Ocean ; those of the American seas being of a totally different species. (76.) The genera of quadrupeds, and their minor divisions, which more particularly characterise the Asiatic province, are the following : the numbers de- note the species already described : Simia L. Orang Otangs, - - 2 Hylobates III. Gibbons, - - 5 Presbytes s. Tailed Gibbon, - 1 Lasiopyga III. Cochin Monkey, 1 Nasal is Geoff. Nose Monkey, - 1 Semnopithecus Cuv., - - -5 Cercopithecus Ili Guenon, - 2 Stenops III. Loris, - 1 Nycticebus C. Lemur, - - 3 Tarsius ///. Tarsier, - - 2 Megaderma Geoff. Bats, - - 1 Ptinclphus Geoff. Bats, . - 8 Nyctens Geoff. Bats, ... 1 Plecotus Geoff. Bats, ... 1 Vespertilio L. Bats, - .- - 6 Nyctinomus G. Bats, ... 3 Cheiromeles Horsf. Bats, - - 1 Pteropus B. Bats, ... 9 Cephalotes C. Bats, - - -2 Sorex L. Shrew, ... 1 Tupa'ia Buff. Tupay, ... 3 Ursu& L. Bear, - - 3 Genetta. Genett, ... 4 Mangusta C. Ichneumon, - - 3 Paradox urus C., - - -3 Prionodon, ... - 2 Felis, . - - - - 10 Marsupiata, Cuv. - - 1 Phalangista. Phalanger, - - 3 Georychus, - - - - * Dipus, - ... 4 Pteromys, - - - - - o Manis. Manis, - 1 Elephas. Elephant, ... 1 Sus. Pig, ... - 1 Equus L. Horse, - 1 Camelus L. Camel, - - 2 Moschus H. Sm. Musk, - . 5 Elaphus Ant. Stag, ... 8 Axis H. Sm. Fallow Deer, . 3 Capriolus H. Sm. Roebuck, - 4 Stylocerus, .... 3 Aigocerus, . - - 2 Gazellatf.Sw. Gazelle, - - 2 Raphicerus H. Sm. Antelope, 2 Tetracerus H. Sm. Antelope, - 2 Nzemorhedus H. Sm. Antelope, 3 Capra Auct. Goat, - - 2 Ovis Auct. Sheep, - - .1 Portax H. Sm. Neel-ghau, - . 1 Bubalus H. Sm. Buffalo, - 2 Bison H. Sm. Bison, - - - 3 (77.) The birds peculiar to the Asiatic range belong to the following geographic groups, not one of which occurs in Europe, although several of the European forms extend to Asia. The present confusion in orni- thological nomenclature renders an estimate of the Zool. Misc. iii. pi. 129. E 4 56 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. species impossible. Some of these genera occur in Africa (A.), and others in New Holland (H.). Nyctiornis Sw. Night-feeder. Macropteryx Sw. Whiskered Swifts. Eurylaimus Horsf. Broadbill. Analcipus Sw. Weakfoot Ocypterus Cuv . Whitebill. (H.) Platylophus Sw. Jay shrike. Irena Horsf. Fairy Bird. Phoenicornis Sw. Redbird. Timalia Horsf. Looseweb. Ittra Horsf. Pufflback. Brachypterix Horsf. Shortwing. Prinea Horsf. Wren Warbler. (A.) Enicurus Horsf. Fork- tail War- bler. Gryllivora Sw. Locust-eater. (A.) Calyptomina Raff. Green-crest. Mirafra Horsf. Lark. Pyrrhulauda Sw. Bullfinch. (A.) Ploceus Cuv. Weaver. (A.) Vidua Cuv. Widows. (A.; AmadinaSw. Grosbeaks. (A. H.) Estrelda Sw. Bengals. (A. H.) Lamprotornis Tern. Grakle. (A.) Gracula L. True Grakle. Crypserina Vieil. Satin Crow. Paradisea L. Paradise Birds. Epimachus Cuv. Hoopoe. Plyctolophus Vieil. Cockatoo. (H.) Microglossum Geoff. Cockatoo. Palaeornis Vig. Ring Parrakeets. Lori us Bris. Lories. Picumnus Tern. Little Barbut. Phoenicophaus Vieil. Redhead, Cinnyris Cuv. Sun-bird. (A.) Crateropus Sw. Thickleg. (A. H.) Pomatorhinus Horsf. Thrush. Vinago V. Green Pigeons. (A.) Ptilonopus Sw. Green Pigeons. (H.) Lophyrus V. Firecock. Pavo L. Peacock. Polyplectron Tern. Argus Pheasant. Lophophorus Tern. Pheasant Argus Tern. Pheasant. CHAP. IV. ON THE AMERICAN PROVINCE. GENERAL REMARKS. ITS ZOOLOGICAL FEATURES DIVIDED INTO ARCTIC, TEMPERATE, AND EQUINOCTIAL AMERICA. THE PECULIARITIES AND ANIMALS OF EACH. GENERAL REMARKS UPON THE CLIMATE AND SOIL OF BRAZIL, WITH REFERENCE TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF ITS ANIMALS. AMERICAN GENERA OF QUADRUPEDS AND BIRDS. (78.) THE third great zoological province compre- hends the whole of the New World. It has been stated in the last chapter, that the animals of Asia insensibly unite with those of Australasia in the islands of the In- dian Ocean, which may, in fact, be considered as so many links in the chain of connection. This transition THE AMERICAN PROVINCE. 5? is so complete, that it might, perhaps, appear more natural to have followed up the developement of this change by immediately entering upon the zoology of Australasia ; but this transition, striking as it is, is not more conspicuous than that which may be traced from the zoology of Asia to that of America. It must be re- membered, also, that each of these zoological provinces are connected with the rest at more than one point. The Asiatic blends into the European, both at its northern and at it western confines ; and it is again united to the African range through the medium of Asia Minor and Arabia : nor will it be found less harmonised with the zoology of the New World, when we look to the productions of Kamtschatka, in Arctic Asia, and the opposite shores of California; while the islands of Papua or New Guinea, New Ireland, and New Caledonia, as before remarked, incontestably prove the union of the Asiatic with the Australian range. United, therefore, at so many points, it becomes perfectly immaterial from which we depart, and commence a further investigation, provided we preserve that uniformity of plan so desir- able in expositions of this nature. (79-) The Arctic regions, as we have already urged, can only be considered as equally belonging to the three great zoological provinces of Europe, Asia, and America. Their productions, at these extreme limits, although not, in numerous cases, perfectly similar, belong nevertheless to the same natural groups. Several of the northern quadrupeds of Asia range over the Arctic snows of Europe, and again occur, in similar latitudes, upon the American continent. Many, however, remain within what may be termed their original boundaries. The aquatic birds are more generally dispersed ; and there are very few in one continent, that have not been de- tected in another. In proportion, therefore, as we leave these frozen latitudes, common to animals whose nature fits them for extreme cold, and advance to the more genial latitudes of these continents, shall we discover a corre- sponding developement of their true zoological features. 58 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. (80.) The zoological productions of the New World^ when viewed in their typical examples, are as distinct from those of the Old, as the animals of Australia are from those of Africa or of Asia. There is also a curious analogical resemblance between these two insular con- tinents, deserving notice. The northern latitudes of America present us with European and Asiatic ani- mals; and we can trace in the zoology of Australia, at its northern limits, a manifest approximation to the productions of Southern Africa. But to what zoological province those of America and of Australia are united at their southern extremities, is a question on which we would not even hazard conjectures ; since the pro- ductions of Western and Southern Australia, of Tierra del Fuego, and of the Pacific Islands, may almost be considered unknown. (81.) We shall consider the zoology of the New World under three heads, as more calculated to corivey distinct ideas of the productions of such an immense and diversified region. The first may be denominated the Arctic or northern ; the second, the temperate or inter- mediate ; and the third, the Southern or tropical : a fourth might be made to embrace the regions towards Cape Horn ; but of the productions of these un- frequented parts we are at present almost ignorant. (82.) The Arctic or northern division includes those icy regions commencing at the shores of the Fro/ei Ocean, and extending between the 50th and 60th de- grees of north latitude. This demarcation, however, is more conjectural than positive, for we are yet without that precise information which will point out the southern limits of the more northern quadrupeds. For it is natural to conclude, that, whatever zoological peculiarities be- longed to Arctic America, they would be developed within that range, and beyond the northern countries annually visited by the migratory or summer birds of the United States. Many of these are well known to breed in Ca- nada ; and by the more recent researches of Dr. Richard- son, in higher latitudes, we find that several of these land ARCTIC AMERICA. 59 birds extend their migrations beyond the 60th degree of north latitude. It is therefore highly probable, that the zoological peculiarities of Arctic America are con- fined to much narrower limits than those here specified; and are, probably, concentrated in the direction of the " barren grounds" and the extensive " prairies" of the Arctic navigators. It is, in fact, these grassy plains, which seem to be the chief metropolis of the many peculiar kinds of grouse, and of large quadrupeds which belong to this portion of the New World, mixed, indeed, with some few species equally common to Northern Europe. On the other hand, it may be said, that, as the river St. Lawrence and the vast lakes which it con- nects, suggest a natural division of Northern America into two portions, so it may be presumed that its zoo- logy might more correctly be treated of in the same way. Our materials, however, for arriving at a cor- rect judgment on these questions, are very defective ; and after all, it must be remembered, that where nature has made no absolute line of distinction, it is impossible to be drawn by man. (83.) The fur-bearing animals, as we might expect, in regions of almost perpetual snow, are principally confined to this part of America ; and the traffic for their skins is so important to commerce, that mer- cantile associations have been formed by the Europeans for this express object. The Hudson's Bay Company of England is the best known ; and the number of skins they annually import from their different stations, would, to many, appear almost incredible. Among such species as are known to inhabit the same latitudes in Europe and Asia, are the common weasel (Mustela vulgaris), the ermine (M. erminea), the pine marten (Mustela martes), the wolverine (Gulo luscus), and the Arctic fox ( Vulpes lagopus) ; and we may add, the well- known Polar or white bear, although its fur does not appear much in demand. But the list of truly American species is much more considerable ; bearing no pro- 6'0 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. portion to those which are equally natives of Europe, as will be seen from the following list. Three distinct bears, the black, the barren ground, and the grisly*; the raccoon (Procyon lotor}, the American badger (Meles Labradorid), the vison or minx (Putorius vison), the Pekan (P. Canadensis}, the Canada otter (Lutra Canadensis), numerous varieties of species of wolves and foxes, the American beaver (Castor Americanus}, the musquash (Fiber Zibethicus}, with no less than thirty species of lemmings, marmots, and squirrels. The existence of so many quadrupeds, whose geographic limits are confined to the more northern latitudes of the New World, occurring also in that part of the continent where its zoological features are blended with those of Europe, at once forbids us to consider the Arctic regions as constituting, of itself, a zoological pro- vince; while it stamps a character on that of America in which no other part of the world participates. (84.) On turning to the ruminating or herbivorous quadrupeds, we find the facts afforded by their distri- bution equally tending to the same results. The Polar hare (Lepus glacialis) occurs on both continents ; but three others, the American (Lep. Americanus) , the prairie (Lep. Virginianus}, and the little chief hare (Lagomys prin- ceps Rich.), are exclusive natives of Northern America. The large animals, belonging to the genera Cervus, An- telope, and Bos, present us with nearly a dozen similar instances. The elk, called in America the moose (Cervus alces), and the reindeer, here known by the name of caribou (Cervus tarandus), are the only species found in other continents ; both, in fact, are Arctic animals ; while the wapiti (C. strongyloceros), two races of the black-tailed deer (C. macrotis R.), the long-tailed deer (C. leucurus), and the prong-horned antelope (A. fur- cifer), are known only in America. We may include also, among these northern quadrupeds, the wild goat (Capra Americana R.), and the sheep (Ovis montana North. Zool. vol. L ARCTIC AMERICA. It.), of the Rocky Mountains, since their existence in the 19 southern part of the chain has not been clearly as- certained. The musk-ox (fig. 19.) is truly an Arctic quadruped, yet is unknown both in Asia and Europe ; and the ' chief range of the American bison is in latitudes but little more south. (85.) The geographic distribution of the northern birds is much more general, particularly in reference to the rapacious families, and the wading and swimming orders. Uniting our labours with those of Dr. Richard- son, in the ornithological volume of the Northern Zoo- logy, we have enumerated the following Euro can birds of prey, detected by that adventurous traveller in Arctic and British America : Buteo vulgaris. Common Buzzard. Buteo Lagopus. Rough-legged Buz- zard. Buteo cyaneus ? Hen Harrier. Strix Otis. Long-eared Owl. Strix brachyotos. Short-eared Owl. Strix nyctia. Great snowy Owl. Strix Tengmalmi. Tengmalm's Owl. Aquila chrysaetos ? The Golden Eagle. Aquila leucocephala. White-headed or Sea Eagle. Aquila Haliaeetus. The Osprey. Falco peregrinus. Peregrine Falcon. Falco Islandicus. Jer Falcon. Falco ^salon. The Merlin. Accipiter palumbarius. The Gos- bawk. We have thus fourteen species inhabiting the northern regions of the two continents, while the following be- long exclusively to America : Sarcoramphus Californianus. Cali- fornian Vulture. Cathartes Aura. Turkey Vulture. Cathartes atratus. Black Vulture. Falco sparverius. Little rusty- crowned Falcon. Falco columbarius. Pigeon Hawk. Accipiter Pennsylvanicus. Slate- coloured Hawk. Buteo borealis. Red-tailed Buzzard Strix cinerea. Great cinereous Owl. Strix arctica. Arctic horned Owl. Strix Virginiana. American horned Owl. Strix Acadica Wilson. Little Ame- rican Owl. Strix funerca. Hawk Owl. 62 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. (86.) The ducks, and other swimming families,, are nearly the same in both continents ; but very few of the American waders re- ^^ semble those of Europe. The grouse of the two continents, inhabiting the same parallels of latitude, are still more distinct ; only one, or at most two, having been found in Europe and America. The commonest of these is the Tetrao Canadensis L., or Canadian grouse (fig. 20.); about the size of the red game, but with the throat and breast glossy black. (87.) Respecting the other animals of this part of America nothing can yet be stated, since the researches of Dr. Richardson, whose valuable remarks have furnished the materials of the foregoing results, are not yet before the public; and little reliance can be placed on the erroneous compilations and crude theories regarding American zoology, which heretofore have been our only guides. Few naturalists have done as much, and, perhaps, none have done more, towards elucidating the zoological distribution of animals of this country, than the diligent observer above named : his simple and un- pretending narrative has cleared from our systems a mass of " learned error " and unintelligible nomencla- ture, which will sink our former authorities upon Arctic /oology into oblivion. The entomological collections of the northern expeditions, fortunately for science, have been placed by Dr. Richardson in the hands of Mr. Kirby, who has now been engaged some years in pre- paring this volume for the press (88.) The second or temperate region of the American province comprehends the whole of the United States, with a considerable portion, probably, of the north-west coast ; while its termination (much better understood than its northern limits) is marked by the Gulf of TEMPERATE AMERICA. > Mexico. Our information on the quadrupeds of this range is particularly defective : a circumstance more to be regretted, from the accurate information we have been able to give on the northern animals. (89.) The ornithology of temperate America pos- sesses many peculiarities. After passing the confines of the more northern regions, we meet with numerous land-birds belonging to species, and even to genera, peculiar to the New World. Our observations upon these tribes will be arranged under the heads of the Rapacious, Perching, Gallinaceous, and Aquatic orders. The Rapacious birds of all countries enjoy the widest range of those inhabiting the land. Hence we find that few species occur in the warmer provinces of America which do not inhabit, either permanently or occasionally, the Arctic latitudes visited by Dr. Richardson. This will be apparent by the following list, selected from the last, which comprises such species of the vulture and falcon family ( Vulturidce, Falconidce) as are spread over the greater part of North America. Cathartes Aura. . . . Turkey Vulture. atratus . . . Black Vulture. Falco sparverius . . . Little Rusty -crowned Falcon. columbarius. . . Pigeon Hawk. Accipiter Pennsylvanicus Slate-coloured Hawk. Buteo borealis .... Red-tailed Buzzard. Strix Virginiana . . . American Horned Owl. Strix Acadica Wilson . . Little American Owl. These, with about five additional species of falcons (Fal- conidce), complete the list of North American rapacious birds. (90.) The distribution of the perchers, as usual, is much more limited. Numerous families of insectivo- rous birds, unknown in the temperate latitudes of the Old World, or even in the equinoctial regions of the New, spread themselves over the fruitful portions of the Union, either as permanent residents, or as annual migrators from the more genial shores of the Mexican 6*4 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. Gulf, where the greater number pass the winter. To- wards the commencement of May, when the insect world has just assumed life or activity, innumerable flocks of warblers (Sylvicola Sw.), flycatchers (Tyran. nula Sw.), woodpeckers (Picus L.), maizebirds (Age- laius V.), thrushes (Merula, Orpheus Sw.), hangnests (Icterus 1).), and other families, make their first ap- pearance in the United States, enlivening the forests by their varied plumage, and delighting man by their me- lodious song. .The arrival of these strangers occasions a prodigious increase in the number of the feathered- inhabitants; yet Providence has ordained that a pro- portionate supply of food should be provided for all. These birds generally feed upon insects : while for the pigeons, blue-birds, the red- headed, Carolina, and golden- shafted woodpeckers (fig. 21.), and such others as partake also of fruits and grain, the seasons, in due course, provide an ample repast of wild berries, the fruits of the orchard, or the corn of the field. When the process of incubation is finished, and the young fully fledged, autumn is at hand ; the insect world dies, or retires into concealment ; the fruits of the earth fall to decay, or are gathered by the husband- man. Then it is that the parents and 'their offspring are taught to seek their own food in other climates : they accordingly depart ; and, either congregating into flocks or journeying singly, return once more to the genial and ever verdant forests of the Western Indies. Many of these have been traced to the islands, and many to the adjacent coast of Mexico ; but scarcely more than two or three species have yet been detected on the terra firma of equinoctial America. (91.) The gallinaceae, or birds of game, are re- markably few. Two species of grouse occur on the TEMPERATE AMERICA. BIRDS. 65 ec barren grounds" of Kentucky, and in a few other districts : one of these is the Tetrao umbellus, or ruffled grouse; called, in America, the pheasant. It has an extensive northerly range, and was met with by Dr. Richardson. The other is the Tetrao Cupido, or pinnated grouse (fig. 22.) ; so called from \ two tufts of pointed feathers on fjl. the side of the neck;> resemblin g the wings of a little Cupid, and which cover a naked skin, in- flated like a ball during the season of courtship. There is a small-sized partridge, called by the natives, with equal impropriety, a quail. To compensate, however, for this deficiency of feathered game, the Americans can boast of the native wild turkey, a bird so truly valuable, that, as Dr. Franklin well observes, it would have been a much fitter emblem of their country than the white-headed eagle ; "a lazy, cowardly, tyrannical bird, living on the honest labours of others, and more suited to represent an imperial despotic government than the republic of America." However this may be, the turkey is entitled to the nobility of the farm-yard. Cultivation and population have had their usual effect on large animals, and have driven the wild turkeys from many of their former haunts ; yet they are still to be found, in large flocks, in the back settlements of Louisiana, and in a few other states. (92.) The aquatic orders, among themselves, show a very different disposition. Few of the wading birds resemble those of Europe, and even the snipe and wood- cock are distinct from ours. The golden plover is the same ; but all the rest, with the curlews, most of the sandpipers, together with the coot and the water-hen, are not only peculiar to America, but very few have been found to the south of the line. The American flamingo (fig. 23.), fully as tall as the European, is of a much more beautiful and intense scarlet ; while the p 66 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. wood ibis, in form at least, seems to represent the glossy ibis, so common in the south of Europe. The herons of Caro- lina and Florida are numerous, and comprise several large and beautiful species. The magni- ficent scarlet ibis, also, is there not uncommon : yet few of these elegant wading birds ex- tend to the northern parts of the United States. Among the ducks and other swimming tribes, there is a general simi- larity in the species to those of Arctic America, two or three only being restricted to the warmer shores of the southern provinces. The chief of these is the splendid Dendronessa sponsa Sw., called there the summer or tree duck of South Carolina. The canvass-backed duck (Fuligula Vallisneria Bon.,^?.) is one of the most singular rep- tiles of Brazil. Its colours are beautiful; the back being bright green, with stripes of deep black, and the sides are variegated with orange : over each eye is a short o 2 84 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. but horn-like protu- berance,, giving to this really harmless animal a formidable and re- pulsive appearance. (119-) Immense serpents, not, indeed, poisonous,, but nearly as formidable from their size, are found in the wilds of the interior,, principally near the banks of the great rivers. The natives assert that they frequently kill the young oxen., by strangling them in the enormous folds of their body. These monsters are never seen of a large size in cultivated districts; they belong to the genus Boa, which here represents that of Python, belonging to the Old World. The species named Boa constrictor has been often described, but probably two or three are still confounded under that name. Frogs of a monstrous size are every where common in the swamps ; but mus- quitoes, their usual attendants,, are much less numerous than in the north of Europe. The number of serpents in Brazil appear to us to have been much over-rated : although constantly in situations where they might be supposed to abound, we met with very few. The rattlesnake of North America is here unknown, but its place is supplied by another species; while the most beautiful are the coral snakes, generally about two feet long, and elegantly banded with black and crimson. The large lizards, called guanas, are common, both on the West India islands and on the continent ; and, by the inhabitants generally, are considered very delicious eating, a fact we can ourselves testify: the flesh, indeed, is firm, white, and very delicate. Turtles are well known as inhabitants of these seas, particularly the green sort, sent to Europe and dressed at our feasts : there is, however, a species in the Mediterranean which appeared to us equally good. (120.) The wingless insects, as spiders, crabs, &c. TROPICAL AMERICA. INSECTS. 85 may be briefly noticed. The land crabs are numerous, and very curious ; since they live but a part of the year in water, and resort, at other times, to the woods and forests. They seem to abound more particularly in the West India islands ; but whether they are of the same species as those found in Western Africa has not, we believe, been clearly ascertained. Many of the fresh, water crawfish are nearly as big as young lobsters. The scorpions are small, and, excepting those of Surinam, not much larger than the species found in the south of Europe. The venomous centipedes of Africa and Asia are strangers to this continent, or, at least, are so rare that we never met with one. The bird-catching spider Mygale avicularia (fig 35.), as it is improperly called. is the largest of this family yet discovered. Madame Merian, in her Surinam plates of insects, represents it as feeding upon the humming-bird ; but we never found it on trees, and suspect this habit is entirely contrary to its nature. The silkworm is unknown, either wild or cultivated ; but America possesses the cochineal insect, of nearly as much importance to commerce ; it has been hitherto confined to the republic of Mexico ; and, be- sides its use in dyeing, furnishes the rich colour called carmine, the most beautiful of all the pictorial reds. (121.) To enumerate the tribes of winged insects peculiar to South America is altogether impossible j yet we cannot pass over this lovely portion of creation G 3 86' ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. in silence. As the American continent, more than any other, abounds in forests of timber trees, so do we find that the number of coleopterous insects, which feed, in their larva state, within the substance of wood, are proportionally numerous ; the comparative relations be- tween those of Europe and of Brazil alone being pro- bably as one to nine : while of such Cokoptera as devour decayed animal substances (here removed entirely by ants), the ratio may be inverted. To the abundant supply of soft and nutritious vegetable food, we may, in like manner, attribute the amazing number of lepidop- terous insects : in their va- riety, size, and brilliancy of colouring, they are certainly un- rivalled by any in the world. Of the diurnal butterflies, we be- lieve that between six and seven hundred species alone inhabit Brazil. One of these, the Pro. tesilaus Leilus (fig. 36.)* is a beautiful representation of the European swallow-tail. Some of the lesser species are more beautifully marked than those of larger size and more dazzling colours. The genuine Papilionidce, without any very palpable generic distinction from those of Africa and Asia, possess a certain aspect, or habit (as it is usually termed), which immediately betrays their country to the eye of the experienced entomologist. The family of Coliadce, com. prehending those simply coloured, yet beautiful, yellow and orange butterflies, so frequently seen in collections, are particularly numerous both in species and individuals. The hair-streaks (Thedidce) is another family so abun- dant, that we possess near 120 species from Brazil ; but the Hesperidce, or skippers, are in still greater profusion, since more than 200 different sorts were captured by us in Brazil, nearly the whole of which are restricted to the * 2ool. Ill ii. 93. TROPICAL AMERICA. SHELLS. 8? virgin forests of the coast : very few of the genera com- prised in this family are known in other countries. (122.) Ants are as numerous as in Western Africa, but they all appear to belong to different species. The red ants of Brazil are so destructive, and at the same time so prolific,, that they frequently dispute possession of the ground with the husbandman, defy all his skill to extirpate their colonies, and fairly compel him to leave his fields uncultivated. - The Termites, or white ants, are principally confined to the woods : they are of different species ; some building great nests in trees, while others are subterraneous; but there is no evidence to prove them the same as those of Western Africa. Locusts of a beautiful green, with wings resembling the leaves of plants, are not uncommon; but they never become noxious ; nor is there, we believe, any instance upon record of their associating in flocks, and devastating the country. They are, in fact, all specifically distinct from those of the Old World. The dipterous insects are re- markably few, a peculiarity in American entomology, for which we know not how to account : but it is sin- gular, that spiders, which prey more especially upon this order, are still more rare ; we never, in fact, met with more than two or three species which spun webs yet of the little Saltici, or jumping spiders, which wan- der about in quest of their prey, we described, upon the spot, more than 100 species. Yet, however deficient South America may be in Diptera, there are some be- longing to the Aselidce, of dimensions far exceeding any in the world. Few persons would believe in the exist- ence of a real fly measuring full two inches long ; yet several of these are in our museum. (123.) The testaceous Mollusca, or shells, are compara- tively very few, particularly on the eastern coasts, yet those of Chili and Panama have furnished our cabinets with many beautiful species : from the latter is brought the lovely Mureoc regius Sw., the Murex radix L., with many others of less note. From Chili and Peru we G 4 88 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. derive the singular Purpura Concholepas Sw. (fig. SI .) which resembles a limpet; and also a considerable num- ber of chitons. The marine shells of Brazil are com- paratively few, and offer a singular contrast to the pro- lific shores of intertropical India, and even to those of Western Africa. The num- ber of fluviatile shells bears no comparison with those of North America ; but whether this is truly the case in nature,, or that it results from the rivers of the South not having been sufficiently explored, is still uncertain. The genus Hyria Lam. is as peculiar to these American latitudes, as Iridina appears to be to Africa; while the Lymnadia gigas Sw. (fig, 38.) of the Oronoko is the most gigantic river shell hi- therto discovered. The apple-snails (Ampul- laria L.) abound in the swamps and lesser rivers, and exhibit nu- merous species, none of which appear to have been found north of the line. (124.) The land shells, although not many, are very curious. The large Bulimus ovatus is common on the continent ; while another species (B. hcemastomus} ap- pears more frequent in the islands. The Achatina mela- nastoma Swains, is particularly rare, and none of the species from the continent of tropical America may be termed common. Jamaica, and several of the neigh- bouring islands, are much richer in these productions. (125.) The quadrupeds of the American continent chiefly belong to the following genera and sub- genera : TROPICAL AMERICA. PECULIAR GENERA. Monkeys. Atel '8 Geoff. Lagothrix Humb. Mycetes /#. Cebus Cuv. Callithrix III. Aotus ///. Pithecia III. Hapale 111. Bats. Phyllostoma Cuv. Vampyrus Spix. Glossophaga Geoff. Artibius Leach. Monophyllus Leach, Mormoops Leach. Thyroptera Spix. Noctilio Geoff. \ Proboscidea Spix. Molossus Geoff. Ursus L. Procyon Cuv. Nasua Desm. Cercoleptes Desm. MeleS L. Gulo L. Didelphus L. Cheironectes Cuv. Castor L. Echymys Cuv. Myopolomus Desm. Arctomys Cuv, Spermophilus Cuv. Pteromys Cuv. Spigurus Cuv. Erethizon Cuv, Hydrochoerus Ex. Aperea Marcg. Dasyprocta III. Coelogenus Gun. Bradypus L. Dasypus L. Myrmecophaga L. Dicotyles Cuv. Tapirus III. Ancbenia III. Antelopes. Alee Ham. Smith. Rangifer Ham. Smith. Elaplms Ham. Smith. Mazama Ham. Smith. Subulo Ham. Smith. Dicranocerus Ham. Smith. Aplocerus Ham. Smith. (126.) The American genera and families of birds are particularly numerous ; and in several instances are restricted to the New World. Where, therefore, a family group is strictly and exclusively American, the genera and subgenera it contains will not be enume- rated. Those marked (s.) are subgenera. Rapacious Birds. VulturL. Vulture. ; Polyborus Vieil. Caracara. (s.) Harpyia Cuv. Eagle, (s.) Morphnus Cuv. Eagle, (s.) Cymindis Cuv. Kite, (s.) Falco (Harpagus) Vigors. Elanus Sav. Kite, (s.) Perching Birds. (Fissirostres.) Prionites HI. Motmot. Trogon L. Trogon. Galbula L. Jacamar. Monassa Vieil. Hermit-bird, (s.) Tamatia Marcg. Puffbird. Chaitura Stev, Spinetail. : Tenuirostres.\ Trochilidae Sw. Humming-Birds. Nectarinea III. Flower-sucker. Climbing Birds. Scansores.} Dendrocolaptes III. Creeper. Xiphorhynchus Sw. Creeper, (s.). Dendroplex Sw. Creeper, (s.) Anabates Tern. Creeper. Synallaxis Vieil. Thorntail. Zenops III. Turnbill. Sittasomus Sw. Creeper, (s.) , Lochmias Sw. Creeper, (s.) Sclerurus Sw. Creeper, (s.) Troglodytes (Thriothorus Vieil.} Oxyrhynchus Tern. Sharpbill. 90 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. Colaptes $iu. Woodpecker. Malacolophus Sw. Woodpecker. Asthenurus Sw. Woodpecker, (s.) Macrocercus Vlcil. Mackaw. Saurathera Vieil. Rainbird. Crotophaga L. Ani. Ramphastos L. Toucan. Pteroglossus IH. Aracari. Fam. Icterinae Sw. Hangnests. Sturnella Vieil. Starling, (s.) Agelaius Vieil. Maizehird. Fam. Tanagrinae Sw. Tanagers. Guiraca Sw. Finch, (s.) Tiaris Sw. Redcrest. Ammodramus Sw. Sandfinch. (s.) Pipilo Vieil. Groundfinch. Phytotoma Mol. Plantcutter. Warblers^ Culicivora Sw. Gnatsnapper. Sialia Sw. Bluebird. Opaeteorhynchus Tern. Bakerbird. Seiurus Sw. Watertit. (s.) TrSchas Sw. Yellowthroat. Setophaga Sw. Moth catcher. Sylvicola Sto. Warbler. Vermivora Sw. Wormeater. (s.) Mniotilta Vieil. Creeper, (s.) Zosterops Fig. & Horsf. White- eye, (s.) Parus L. Titmouse. Hylophilus Tern. Titmouse, (s.) JEgithina Vieil. Titmouse, (s.) ^Thrushes.', Donacobius Sw. Naked-neck, (s.) Icteria Vieil. Chat-bird. Orpheus Sw. Mocking-bird. Grallaria Vieil. Ant-thrush, (s.) Myothera III. Ant-thrush. Formicivora Sw. Ant-wren, (s.) Drymophila Sw. Ant-thrush, (s.) Urotomus Sw. Ant-thrush, (s.) Dasicephala Sw. Bristle-head. Shrikes. Thamnophilus Vieil. Bush Shrike. Cyclaris Sw. Shrike, (s.) Sub-fam. Tyranninae Sw. Tyrants. Ptiliogonys Sw. Caterpillar- catcher. Fluvicola Sw. Water-chat. Nengetus Sw. Water-chat, (s.) Alecturus Vieil. Cocktail. TodusZ, Tody, (s.) Platyrhynchus Desm. Tody, (s.) Psaris Cuv. 'Blackhead. Pachyrhynchus Sw. Thickbill. Cjuerula Vieil. Fruit-eater. Chatterers, or Fruit-eaters. Pipra L. Manakins. Ampelis L. Chatterers. Procnias Hoff. Chatterers. Phibalura Vieil. Chatterers. Casmorhynchus Tern. Chatterers. Rupicola Vieil. Manakin. Vireo Vieil. Greenbird. Gallinaceous Birds. Meleagris L. Turkey. Odontophagus Vieil. Ortyx Stev. Tree Quail, (s.) Crypturus ///. Tinnamou. Rhea B. American Ostrich. Ourax Cuv. Orax-bird. Crax L. Curassow-bird. Penelope Mer. Penelope. Ortalida Mer. Phosphia L. Trumpeter." Opisthocomus Hoff. Serpent-eater. Chaemepelia Sw. Ground Doves. (s.) Wading Birds. Aramus Vieil. Cancroma L. Boatbill. Mycteria L. Jabiru. Ereunetes ///. Eurypyga III. Snipe. Palamedia L. Screamer. Many of the foregoing, besides those definitely marked as such, appear to be subgenera, and several may even be of a lower denomination. CHAP. V. AFRICA. ON THE AFRICAN PROVINCE. ITS GENERAL NATURE. DI- VIDED INTO NORTHERN, EQUINOCTIAL, AND SOUTHERN. THE PECULIARITIES AND ANIMALS OF EACH. MADAGASCAR. AFRICAN GENERA OF QUADRUPEDS AND BIRDS. (127-) THE zoology of this vast peninsula assimilates in many respects to that of Western Asia, a circumstance naturally to be expected from the junction, in this direction, of these two great divisions of the earth j while its northern limits,, in like manner, present; us with no inconsiderable number of the animals of Europe, As we recede, however, from these points, the pecu- liarities of the African Fauna become more apparent ; and soon convince us of the necessity of considering it as a distinct zoological region. That Nature has been far less lavish, both in the number and variety of her forms, on this continent, than on any other of similar extent, may be readily inferred from its peculiar form- ation. Vast deserts of naked sand, equal in extent to the entire dominions of European sovereigns, are scattered over this continent in various directions, affording neither " green herb or limpid stream," or even the most scanty means for supporting life. These deserts, in fact, are uninhabitable to civilised man, and are only traversed by wandering savages or migratory qua- drupeds. The fecundity of animal and of vegetable life is always influenced by the same causes : hence, on the western and southern coasts, where the soil is rich and moist, nature teems with life. Quadrupeds of the largest dimensions are stationary ; the forests echo with the notes of birds ; and innumerable insects are sup- ported by a luxuriant vegetation. ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. v (128.) On taking a rapid survey of the productions of Africa, we are naturally led to arrange our observations under three heads. First,, as relates to that portion of the continent situated north of the Great Desert, and bounded by the Mediterranean on one hand and the Red Sea on the other. Our second division will com- prise Western Africa, and the more equinoctial regions ; while the third embraces Southern Africa and the Island of Madagascar. (129.) The zoology of Northern Africa is no further interesting, than as it presents us with the first indi- cations of a great change in animal distribution. The Mediterranean forms a natural boundary to the northern range of many quadrupeds, unknown to, or long ago extirpated from, the shores of Europe. The lion is oc- casionally seen, and hyenas are not uncommon ; but the jackal, long supposed a universal inhabitant of these countries, is unknown according to Mr. Ruppel either in Egypt, Nubia, or the adjacent kingdoms. A few species of antelopes range over the arid tracts of Barbary, and are probably peculiar to this side of the Great Desert : with these, also, are intermixed several quadrupeds of Western Asia. The camel is here the chief beast of burthen, and the horses of Arabia are well known. It has been generally asserted, that this noble animal is truly a native of this part of Africa, and that it still exists in its original wild state; but recent travellers contradict this statement, and point to Western Asia and the regions of Caucasus as the original metropolis of the horse. The bats are small, and confined to five species ; but in Lower Egypt are found several foxes and wild dogs of peculiar habits. The elegant little gerbells, or jerboas, are chiefly inhabitants of the deserts; while the Felis maniculata of Mr. Ruppel, or the Egyptian wild cat, appears, on the testimony of this traveller, to be the original species from which all our domestic breeds have sprung ; the intermediate gradation being marked by the tame cats of the modern Egyptians. NORTHERN AFRICA. $3 (130.) The birds of Northern Africa, taken collectively,, present but a barren field to the ornithologist : the arid soil and treeless deserts sufficiently account for the paucity of these beings, whose sustenance is drawn from the insect and the vegetable kingdoms. It is generally supposed that the greater part of our summer migratory birds retire to Western Asia and Northern Africa at the approach of winter ; and hence it may be naturally in- ferred, that no great difference exists between the or- nithology of the two shores of the Mediterranean. But as the heat of Africa is so much greater, so do we find an increase in the number of those birds whose province it is to remove putrid matter : hence the number of vultures and of cranes spread over this country, whose services are appreciated and rewarded by the care or veneration of the in- habitants. Among these, the Neophron percnopterus of Sa- vigny, or Pharaoh's vulture (fig. 39.), is one of the most com- mon. It is rather larger than a crow, with a white plumage and black wings; the bill is remarkably slender. For the rest, the only bird of considerable beauty is the Barbary shrike (Mala- conotus barbarus Sw.*) ; also interesting, as showing us the most northern range of this African genus. The sacred ibis of the ancients, long confounded with some European birds of the same family, is now as- certained to be unknown beyond Egypt. The Arabian bustard differs from that of Europe (O. tarda L.), and is of a small size ; but the quail is of the same species as that which annually visits the south of Europe in such immense flecks. * Zool. Illustrations, il pi. 71. 9^ ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. (131.) On approaching the equinoctial regions of this continent, a material change is seen in the dis- tribution of its animals. The Great Desert seems to form a natural separation between the northern and the tropical Fauna ; although we must include in the latter division, Senegal, and the whole range of thickly wooded coasts which begins to appear towards Guinea and Benin. The pestilential nature of the climate, to the European traveller, opposes an insurmountable barrier to the investigation of these countries, rich in every production of nature, but deadly to the constitution of civilised beings. Hence our knowledge is limited to the few gleanings made near Sierra Leone, and to the productions of Senegal. Of all those ardent but ill- fated travellers who have sunk beneath the poisonous atmosphere of this country, no one will be more deeply regretted, particularly by the naturalist, than the late Mr. Bowdich, for no one was more qua- lified to reap the harvest of unknown forms which lie hid in the forests of Western Africa. In these im- penetrable recesses lives the chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger Geof.), that satyr-like ape, which, of all animals in creation, makes the nearest approach to the human form, and which here represents the oran-outang of the Indian Islands. This, in short, is the region of the African Quadrumana, or four-handed animals. The maned apes, Colobus, and the different baboons and monkeys forming the genera Papio, Cyanocephalus, Cercocebus, &c., are almost exclusively characteristic of equinoctial Africa, and correspond to other tribes restricted to India and America. In the more inland parts we have the scale-covered manis, representing the ar- madillo of Brazil : while herds of small antelopes, different from those of Northern Africa, inhabit the more inland open country on the banks of the river Senegal. In general, all animals of rapine have a more extensive geographic range than others : hence we find the lions, the hyaenas, and other ferocious genera of this continent, wandering nearly from one extremity to the EQUINOCTIAL AFRICA. 95 other ; a wise dispensation of Providence since, were they limited to more circumscribed bounds, the animals upon which they feed would soon be exterminated. (132.) If we are to consider Central Africa as forming part of this division of the continent, which cannot, in the present state of knowledge, be strictly defined, we may here observe, that in Abyssinia, and those kingdoms which border upon Central and Northern Africa, the elephant and the rhinoceros are not uncom- mon, while the Camelopardalia antiquorum Sw., or the northern giraffe, has recently been detected by Mr. Ruppel, whose elaborate observations have enabled us to characterise it as a distinct species from the giraffe of Southern Africa (C. australls Sw.). The lion of the ancients (Leo Africanus Sw.), in like manner, is a spe- cies peculiar to these regions. (133.) The quadrupeds of Nubia, from the proxi- mity of that kingdom to the more equinoctial latitudes, may be also comprehended in this division ; yet they are more allied to those of Egypt than to the species of Southern Africa. Four sorts of antelopes are enumer- ated by Mr. Ruppel ; who also describes four peculiar kinds of wild dogs, or rather foxes, as natives of the Kordofan deserts. These countries seem not to be in- habited by any of the quadrupeds of the western coast, while as many are common to Egypt and Abys- sinia : it appears, on the whole, to belong more cor- rectly to Northern Africa. (134.) The ornithological peculiarities of tropical Africa are very striking, when compared with those of the northern parts. The birds are not only more numerous, and more beautiful, but exhibit many remarkable and peculiar genera, particularly among the perching tribes. The rapacious birds do not appear so numerous as under the corresponding latitudes of America. Vultures seem to be rare ; since, in all probability, the removal of putrid matter is more expeditiously performed by the hyaenas. On the coast of Guinea, there is a noble bird, ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. of the falcon race, called the 40 ^tlfev African crowned eagle (Aquila coronatus, fig. 40.), and which j$$j&^ would seem to typify the Aquila destructor of tropical America, as the Senegal fishing eagle re- presents our Osprey. Five other falcons, peculiar to that colony have but recently been de- scribed; a proof how little we are acquainted with the ornitho- logy of Western Africa. This region is further characterised as the chief metropolis of the richly coloured bush-shrikes (Malaconotus Sw.) ; the spe- cies called the Barbary, the olive, the black- collared, and several others, being sent from Senegal in consider- able numbers ; while from the same locality we derive the genus Prionops, or ground-shrike; it is the only example yet discovered of this peculiar form, and it represents the American bristle-heads (Dasycephala Sw.) : un- like all other shrikes, it seeks its food upon the ground. (135.) Among the perching order of birds, there are numerous other intertropical families, or rather genera, entirely unknown in Northern Africa. The Drongo shrikes (Edolius Cuv.) are not uncommon towards Sierra Leone, where also the caterpillar-catchers (Ceblepyris Cuv.), and more particularly the bristle- necked thrushes of the genus JBrachypus Sw., have been discovered. We here find the beautiful sun-bird (Cinnyris Cuv.), representing, under the same degrees of 1- ie, the humming-birds of America. Three birds o. ,reat beauty the Senegal, the long- tailed, and the oh? .ybeate sun-birds are particularly common'; while several others, scarcely inferior in brilliancy of plumage, have been received from the western coast. The richly coloured rollers of these countries have no EQUINOCTIAL AFRICA. BIRDS. 97 representatives in tropical America ; but those with a short bill (Collaris Cuv.) have likewise been found in New Holland. In the elegant family of bee-eaters (Merops), Western Africa is peculiarly rich ; more than two thirds of the species already known having come from thence. But the glory of Western Africa is the magnificent plantain-eater (Musophaga violacea), nearly the size of a crow, with wings of the most lovely crimson, glossed with purple. This rare bird seems only to have been met with in the interior of Guinea. Three or four others, belonging to the same natural family, are exclusive natives of these regions. (136.) The gallinaceous order of birds, so nume- rous towards the equinoctial line in India, and even in America, are found but sparingly on the African con- tinent. The ostrich is well known to be the largest ; and probably should be ranked with the giraffe, as more characteristic of Central Africa, as it lives only in the deserts, or on sandy plains. It has not been detected on the western coast, where the largest birds of this order are the Guinea fowls : the most common of these spe- cies, long domesticated in Europe, is well known : these birds, in a state of nature, associate in flocks of two or three hundred, and chiefly frequent the marshes and morasses which stretch along the banks of the western rivers. Most of the partridges are small ; and many belong more correctly to the genus Pterocles, or the sand-grouse. (137) The only birds common to the whole extent of the African continent, and whose migrations are even extended to the middle of Europe, are the Eu- ropean bee-eater, the golden oriole, the common roller, and the European roller. To enumerate the peculiar species, however, which may characterise CiyfVftl coun- tries, would far exceed our limits. It is SL, .,ient that any particular geographic range is found g -Contain peculiar genera or forms of animals, by which it may be recognised, and by which it is stamped with a tangible character. The goatsuckers are well ON THK GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. known to be dispersed over nearly every country ; but an extraordinary species, the long-shafted goatsucker (Macrodipteryx Africanus Sw., fig. 41.), may be named as one of the most curious birds of Western Africa: it is not bigger than a thrush ; but from each wing projects a feather nearly twenty inches in length, with the shaft naked except at the tip : it has hitherto been found only at Sierra Leone. (138.) The rivers and coasts abound with fish, beautiful in their colours, and nutritious as food ; while the swarms of alligators, and the different snakes and reptiles, need not be dwelt upon. Many of the serpents, however, are not only harmless, but highly beneficial. Mr. Smeathman, who lived many years on these coasts, observes that the snakes get into the thatch of the houses in pursuit of the rats and cockroaches ; the former being very harmless, and the two latter particularly destructive. The patient negroes are not without consolation amidst this heterogeneous crowd of inmates. They see the spiders always upon the watch for wasps and cockroaches ; the lizards, again, attack the spiders ; and these latter not unfre- quently fall a prey to the fowls, as the rats do to the snakes. (139-) On the entomology we may observe, that the notes of Mr. Smeathman convey such a lively picture of African zoology, that we shall repeat it nearly in his own words, particularly as they are contained in the preface to a work*, where they are not likely to be * Drury's Exotic Insects, 3 vols. 4ta EQUINOCTIAL AFRICA. INSECTS. 99' sought for. " The whole of tropical Africa/' observes Mr. Smeathman, " is one immense forest, except where the sandy plains are too unsettled to afford a proper footing for vegetation. Whenever a plantation is to be made, the trees are cut down and burned to fertilise the ground (a practice common throughout South America). The people never sow two years together on the same spot ; but suffer the trees to grow again for two or three years by way of fallow, before they get another crop. It is these spots (called recent plantations) which afford such an amazing variety of insects ; yet so rapid is vegetation, that in the second and third year these cleared lands become impassable to human feet." There are several edible insects in these countries, which supply a wholesome, if not a delicious, food. The larvae,, or caterpillars, of all those beetles which feed upon decayed wood, Mr. Smeathman affirms to be rich and delicate eating ; so that every forest affords the traveller plenty of wholesome nourish- ment, did he but know where to seek it. Of this kind are the Termites, or white ants ; and even the locusts, in general, are not only wholesome, but palatable to many. The native children, at the proper season, are always busily employed in digging out of the ground the females of a particular sort of cricket, which is then full of eggs, and so enclosed in a bag as to re- semble part of the roe of a large fish ; these, when roasted, are considered delicate food. The great num- ber of locusts and cicadas is particularly remarkable ; but in the sandy plains, thinly covered with grass, they appear altogether innumerable, and their chirping is almost deafening. In such situations they are seen of various kinds, sizes, and colours, skipping or flitting about in all directions, at every step of the traveller.* While upon this subject, we may observe, generally, that those prodigious numbers of locusts mentioned in history, which have astonished and afflicted mankind at remote intervals, have principally taken flight from this * Smeathman. 100 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. continent ; where the hot, dry, sandy plains, so con- genial to the habits of these insects, occupy such a large portion of the surface. Similar deserts occur in Asia, from whence have issued forth armies of locusts nearly as formidable. (140.) The myriads of ants, which Svvarm in Western Africa, no less than in tropical America, can scarcely be conceived by those who have never visited these countries. " Those of Africa," Mr. Smeathman continues, " are of numerous species, but all seem intent on removing from the face of nature every animal or vegetable substance no longer necessary or useful. Like the destroying angel, they walk steadily forward in the path ordained them, sparing neither magnitude nor beauty, neither the living nor the dead. One species, which seems at times to have no fixed habitation, ranges about in vast armies. By being furnished with very strong jaws, they can attack whatever animal im- pedes their progress ; and there is no escape but by im- mediate flight, or instant retreat to the water." The inhabitants of the negro villages, as Mr. Smeathman as- sures us he has himself witnessed, are frequently obliged to abandon their dwellings, taking v/ith them their children, &c., and wait until the ants have passed. Besides these ants, nearly twenty other Species are known, of different sizes and colours, each possessing peculiar habits. Some attack the collections of the botanist; and, in spite of weights laid upon his books of dried plants, get in, cut the leaves and flowers to pieces, and carry them away. Others attack all sorts of victuals. Mr. Smeath- man has had four large sugar dishes emptied in one night, whenever the least opening has been left or made. Some assail the sideboard, and cover every glass that has had wine or punch left in it. Nay, in- numerable multitudes frequently ascend the table, and drown themselves in the very bowls and vessels before you." * To this animated entomological picture we attach the most implicit confidence, inasmuch as, had * Pref. to Drurj 't, Insects, vol iii. EQUINOCTIAL AFRICA. ANTS. 101 Mr. Smeathman, in describing the ravages of the ants of Western Africa, written his account for those of tro- pical America,, he could not have more accurately or more forcibly depicted their habits. This observation, however, cannot apply to the wandering species he first describes, since, although there is one particular ant in Brazil of a gigantic size, its habits are altogether so- litary j at least, we never found it otherwise than singly, wandering about sandy plains. (141.) The nests of the white ants peculiar, ap- parently, to Senegal and this part of Africa form a 42 **3i& A A singular feature in its scenery : they rise up from the plains in the shape of sugar-loaves > I # : l (^.42.), but of such JIM ft a height as to appear iiml like the villages of the natives; and are so firmly constructed, that they bear, with ease, the weight of three or four men. Other races (like some in South America) build their nests on trees, of an oval form ; while those of another species (T.arrfa)are cylindrical, nearly three feet high, the top terminated by a round vaulted dome, and surrounded by a prominent terrace, the whole not unlike the shape of a young mushroom. (142.) Without entering farther into the details of African entomology, it will be sufficient to observe, that nearly all the species, and many of the genera, are totally unknown in such parts of the continent as border upon Asia or the Mediterranean ; while not even one may be safely affirmed to inhabit the opposite coast of America. The scorpions and other noxious insects are of a terrific size, and of a most poisonous nature. The na- tives appear to prize, and even domesticate, the land crabs, which they keep in fenced yards, as we take care of fowls. (143.) On the Mollusca, or shell-fish, we have been furnished with some valuable information by H $ 102 ON THE GKOGRAPHY OF ANI3IALS. 43 Adanson, who minutely examined and described those of the coast round Se- negal. The typical volutes, as Valuta cymbium, proboscidalis , porcina, Olla (fig. 43.), &c., appear to be particu- larly plentiful, and lead us to consider equinoctial Africa as the metropolis of this group, as India is of the cowries (Cyprcea L.) : both these genera, in fact, are closely allied in affinity ; and both are predacious, feeding solely upon other shell-fish. From the western coasts of Africa we also receive many other shells, unknown in the Asiatic seas ; such, for instance, as the elegant little Marginellas : the Harpa sanguined, or blood-spotted harp ; the Carduum costatum, or sharp-ribbed cockle, &c. On the whole, the conchology is richer than that of Eastern America, but cannot be compared with that of Asia ; the genera, however, do not materially differ from such as are com- mon to the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. (144.) The largest land shells hitherto discovered are exclusive natives of these countries, and belong to the genus Achatina. There are several varieties, or rather species, mostly striped with dark brown on a lighter ground, as the Achatina marginata (Jig. 44.) *, and ge- nerally tinged with a beautiful rose colour round their mouth. It is highly probable that the inhabiting animals, like the large slugs of Britain, are carnivo- rous ; and they are themselves eaten by the natives, and con- sidered nutritive and whole- some. Some of these snails are full eight inches long. The fluviatile species appear to be few, but this may originate from their not having been duly sought after. Some very large * Swainson, Zook Illust. i. pi. 30. EQUINOCTIAL AFRICA. SHELLS. QUADRUPEDS. 103 tuberculated Melanice occur in the Gambia ; and others, allied to the genus Cerithium, are common in the salt- water marshes towards Sierra Leone ; but we have no indication of those numerous fluviatile bivalves, so abun- dant in the rivers of tropical America. (145.) The pearl oysters {Margarita Leach) are small, and do not appear worthy of commercial specu- lation ; but the small Cyprcea moneta, or money cowry, is well known as a substitute for coin among the bar- baric nations of Western Africa : we know not whether the species is precisely the same as the shell, called by this name, so abundant in the Indian seas. (146.) Let us now pass to the third great division of African zoology, comprehending the remainder of the continent south of Angola. In no region of the globe does there appear so great a variety of quadrupeds, and of such large dimensions. The limits, however, of this zoo- logical region are altogether obscure. We are still without much information on those animals of Southern Africa, which may inhabit the north- western sides of the Gariep ; while the borders of the Great Fish River, forming the boundaries of the Cape Colony, have not yet been explored by the scientific naturalist. The interior deserts, indeed, have been penetrated, to lat. 26 S., by that accomplished traveller Burchell ; and from him we learn, that the animals he observed in these inland regions do not materially differ from such as frequent the Great Karoos, or those deserts which terminate the northern extent of the colony. The chief seat, therefore, of South African zoology must lie towards that im- mense line of forests stretching along the coast from Bosjeveld to the banks of the Great Fish River. These forests, in all probability, extend to a vast distance beyond; forming, like those of tropical America, a gigantic belt of verdure between the arid deserts of the interior and the more fertile borders of the coast. We shall now briefly notice the most remarkable of eighty quadrupeds, described by naturalists as inhabiting Southern Africa. H 4 104 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. (147.) Among the ferocious or carnivorous species, the rare black-maned lion (Leo melaceps Sw.) is one of the most remarkable, being quite distinct from the common species, which is frequently met with. The serval (Felis Servo), and two smaller species of tiger- cats (F. capensis and nigricans}, are likewise peculiar : besides these, there are two, if not three, kinds of hyaenas, differing from those of Northern Africa ; while the hunting hyaena of Burchell (Hycena venatica Burch.) seems to extend its range through the centre of the continent. The polecats, and inferior animals of this tribe, are not numerous: the ratel, the zorilla, and three kinds of ichneumon, are among the best known ; not to mention the common jackal (C. aureus), and another (C. mesomalis), peculiar to the Cape. The existence of only two species of apes exemplifies the fact, that we have now nearly passed the limits of the monkey tribe : one of these is the pig- faced baboon (Cyanocephalus porcarius), the other the red- vented monkey (Cercocebus pygerythrceus. The hares and other kindred families furnish us with many novelties. Of the genus Lepus there are three species the African, the red-naped, and the rock hare j the latter (fig. 45.) living only in the most inacces- sible retreats. The jerboas of Northern and Central Africa give place to three little elegant kinds of dormouse (Myoxis) ; and the true American ant-eaters appear represented by that called the Cape ant-eater (Orycte- ropus Capensis}. The largest quadrupeds belong, of course, to the herbivorous orders. The two-horned rhinoceros is well known as peculiar to Southern Africa ; but it was reserved for Mr. Burchell to discover a second (Rh. sinusus Burch.), equally large, which very pro- perly bears his name in common language. The African elephant is here by no means uncommon, and is imme- SOUTHERN AFRICA. QUADRUPEDS. 105 diately recognised by the superior size of its ears. When to these we add the hippopotamus, we comprehend the largest quadrupeds in the creation. (148.) But the innumerable herds of antelopes con- stitute the chief peculiarity in South African zoology, and they appear occasionally in such vast herds that their numbers are almost incredible. The springbok (Ant. Euchore, Forst., y?Q.), is nearly the smallest, and certainly the most elegant, of its congeners. The South African sun-birds (Cinnyris Cuv.) rival those of India and of the Gambia in the brilliancy of their colours, while the more chaste but elegant green and silky plumage of the couracco (Corythaix Illig.) renders these * Zool. Illustrations, ii. pi. 52. SOUTHERN AFRICA. FISHES. INSECTS- 109 lovely birds the glory of African ornithology : nor must the honey-guides (Indicator) be omitted ; those extraordinary guides to man in the discovery of the nests of the African bees. The numerous grosbeaks (Amadina Sw.) and weavers (Ploceus Cuv.) form a gay and interesting part of this order ; the latter being chiefly found towards the equinoctial line, while the former appear more numerous in the Cape territories : both genera, however, extend to India ; and there is a beautiful species of Amadina in New Holland. The republican grosbeak, famous for its social habits in living and building in large communities, belongs also to this genus. On the water birds our information is very defective ; but we do not, at this moment, recollect any genus which exclusively belongs to the southern coast. (155.) Regarding the ichthyology, the following ob- servation of Mr. Burchell is peculiarly valuable, since it indicates a marked difference in the distribution of certain freshwater species. "Eels," observes this scientific traveller, " are only found in those rivers which lie east- ward of the Cape, while the Gariep silurus ($. Garie- pinus, jig. 50.) is equally restricted to those on the 50 western side." This department of ^oology, however, has been so totally neglected, that neither on this or any other occasion can we collect any thing satisfactory on the natural distribution of the groups. The reptiles of Southern .Africa are, if possible, still more imperfectly known than the fish. (156.) The insects of the virgin forests towards Algoa Bay, and no doubt through the whole extent of that coast, are stated to be in great variety. They yield, however, both in number and beauty, to those of Western Africa ; and few species among the Lepidoptera 110 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. are common to both. The more sandy plains of the interior furnish but few butterflies, yet present us with many carnivorous beetles of a large size,, particularly the genus Manticora of Oliver. The terrestrial Neuroptera, including the locust tribe, are every where abundant ; while the widely spread European Eurymus edusa Sw. (fig. 51.) is found at the Cape : but, in ge- neral, the forms, and a few of the species, co- incide more with those of Asia than of Europe or America. (157.) The testace- ous Mollusca, or shells, have no particular interest ; the continual agitation of the sea, and the nature of the coast, appearing unfa- vourable to the propagation, or, at least-, to the great increase, of these animals. The wrinkled ear-shell (Ha~ liotis Midae L.), with limpets of a very large size, are common on the rocks of False Bay ; while the Cyprcea Algoensis Gray is a very local species. The great Achatina Zebra is the largest land shell of this part of Africa: but notwithstanding the numerous rivers to the westward and eastward, very few fluviatile shells have yet been sent to England. (158.) The great island of Madagascar may here be noticed, as, from its vicinity to the African continent, its productions might be supposed in some degree similar : yet this is not strictly the case. The zoology of this noble island possesses many very peculiar features, and differs more from that of Southern Africa than the latter does from the equinoctial countries. It is dif- ficult to say, in short, under which of the three great zoological provinces in this hemisphere Madagascar should be included ; since, although its geographic po- sition places it nearest to Africa, its zoology is much more akin to that of the Asiatic islands, or even to New Holland ; at least, such is the inference that may SOUTHERN AFRICA. MADAGASCAR. Ill be drawn from the very imperfect information we yet possess regarding its productions. It is generally as- serted, that not one of the large African quadrupeds, such as the lion,, elephant, hyaena, &c., have been found in Madagascar : and, further, that the country is with- out apes or monkeys of any sort; these being represented by the family of lemurs, of which no less than seven- teen species have already been discovered. These cu- rious monkey-like animals are almost unknown in Africa ; nor have they been discovered in New Holland ; yet it is singular that two, if not three, species inhabit Ceylon, and such islands as lie nearest, in that direction, to the northern extremity of Madagasca . The dispersion of the Galago lemurs, however, forming the genus Otolic- nus, is divided between this island and Western Africa ; three out of the five being natives of Guinea and Senegal, while two other species are peculiar to Madagascar. Another point of connection with the Indian islands is presented by the genus Tarsius, of which two species inhabit Amboyria and Borneo ; the third, together with that singular animal the Aye-aye (Cheiromys Cuv.), being characteristic of this country. It is, never- theless, highly probable that the zoology of this island assumes, at present, a more peculiarly isolated character than it may really possess. We are, as yet, entirely unacquainted with the animals of that immense line of coast occupying the eastern shores of Africa ; and it is, therefore, quite impossible to say what may be the zoological character or peculiarities of countries so remote from those of the Cape, and still more from the western coast. So far, indeed, as we can at present judge, the chief seat of South African zoology appears to lie at the southern extremity of the continent ; but this, after all, is very questionable ; since, until we are better informed on the productions of those countries lying nearest to Madagascar, the as- sumption is altogether gratuitous. It deserves also to be remembered, that we have not found any very striking difference between the ornithology of the Cape terri- 112 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. tories and that of Western Africa ; whereas the little we yet know of the birds of Madagascar leads us to sus- pect, that as great a difference may exist between them and the birds of the Cape, as there is between the quadrupeds of those two countries. To illustrate this idea,, we need only turn to the family of shrikes, where we shall find two or three distinct genera (not, indeed, yet charac- terised as such), which are only known to inhabit Madagascar. Again, we may instance that most ex- traordinary and extinct bird the Dodo (the rasorial type ^^ of the vulture family ).fig.5 2. ^^^ as certainly belonging to the zoology of these regions, although it has only been recorded by the early voy- agers as a native of the ad- jacent group of islands. Let the naturalist but glance his eye on the map, and he will then see how incompe- tent we now are to form any correct ideas on the zoo- logy of these regions, unknown as they are to the geo- grapher, and unexplored, even in the most superficial manner, by the scientific naturalist. (159-) The Isle of France is as remarkable for its profusion, as the Cape is for its paucity, of shells. The olives, the cowries, and the harps, are larger and more splendid than even those of the Indian seas. (l6'0.) The African quadrupeds, or those more especially characteristic of this province, have been arranged, by modern systematise, under the following genera and sub-genera; some groups (i.) extend to Asiatic India, while others (M.) are confined to Mada- gascar. Apes and Monkeys. I Cercopithecus ///. Circocebus Geoff, (i.) Troglodytes Geoff. | Cyanocepbalus Briss. (i.) Colobus III. I Papio Cur. (i.) SOUTHERN AFRICA. PECULIAR GENERA. 113 Lemurs. Lichanotus III. (M.) Lemur///. (M.) Otolicnus ///. Bats. Pteropus Briss. (i. M.) Nycteris Geoff. Rhinolophus Geoff Taphozous Geoff. Chrysochloris. Centenes ///. (M.) Macroscelides Sm. Ratellus Cuv. (i.) Mangusta Cuv. (i.) Ryzsena///. Proteles Is. Geoff Hy&na'Auct. Otaria Peron. Arvicola Auct. (i.) My ox us. Dipus. Bathyurgus ///. Pedetes. Orycteropus. ManisZ. (i.) Phascochaerus. Hyrax. Cheiromys Cuv. (M.) Antelopes Aigocerus Ham. Smith. Oryx Ham. Smith. Gasella Ham. Smith, (i.) Antelope Ham, Smith, (i.) Redunca Ham. Smith. Tragulus Ham. Smith. Cephalophus Ham. Smith. Neotragus Ham. Smith. Tragelaphus Ham. Smith. Capra Antiq. Ovis Antiq. Damalis Ham. Smith. Catoblepas Ham. Smith. Bos Antiq. (l6l.) The ornithological genera and sub-genera of which Africa appears to be the chief seat,, or at least within their geographic range, are as follows. A few of these extend to India (i.V Europe (E.),, and Australia (A.). Halcyon Sui. Crab eater, (i. A.) Muscipeta Cuv. Flycatcher, (i. A.) Edolius Cuv. Drongo. (i. A.) Trichophorus Tern. Hairneck. Malaconotus Sw. Bush Shrike Pr ion ops Vieil. Ground Shrike. Ceblepyris Cuv. Caterpillar-catcher. (A.) Drymoica Sw. Warbler. Macronyx Sw. Lark. Certhilauda Sw. Creeper .lark. Brachonyx Stv. Short-claw. Ploceus Cuv. Weaver. Euplectes Sw. Silk-weaver. Vidua Cuv. Widow-bird. Amadina Sw. Bengaly. (i. A.) Estrelda Sw. Finch, (i. A.) Dilophus Vieil. Starling. Lamprotornis Tern. Grakle. (i.) Buphaga L. Beefeater. Colius L. Coly. Pogonias III. Toothbill. Bucco L. Barbut. (i.) Geocolaptes Burch. Ground Wood- pecker. Leptosomus Vieil. Indicator Vieil. Honey Guide Centropus ///. Lark Cuckoo. (L) Corythaix ///. Touracco. Musophaga Isa. Plantain-eater. Buceros L. Hornbill. (i.) Cinnyris Cuv. Sunhird. (i.) Promerops Briss. Hoopoe. Vinago Cuv. Pigeon, (i.) Numida L. Crane. Ortygis ///. Quail, (r.) Struthio L. Ostrich. Anastomus 111. Openbill. (i.) Ibis Antiq. Ibis, (i.) 114 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OP ANIMALS. CHAP. VI. ON THE AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE. ITS CONNECTION WITH THAT OF ASIA. DISTINGUISHING FEA- TURES. QUADRUPEDS. BIRDS. ITS THREE CHIEF DIVI- SIONS NEW GUINEA, NEW HOLLAND, AND THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. GENERA OF QUADRUPEDS AND BIRDS BELONGING THERETO. (162.) THE extent and limits of the last zoological province have been already intimated. In naming this the AUSTRALIAN, we not only include the vast island of New Holland, and those immediately adjoin- ing, as New Guinea, New Zealand, and Van Diemen's Land, but likewise the whole of the oceanic clusters forming the Polynesian division of some geographers. Our first object will be, to show in what manner this extensive zoological range is connected with others ; our next will be, to detail its most striking peculiarities, or those prominent features presented in its animal forms, by which it is manifestly separated from all those we have already illustrated. (163.) The first indication of Australian zoology ap- pears to take place in some of the Asiatic islands, to the north-west of New Guinea ; for it is there that the Mel- liphagous family, or honey-sucking birds, appear under the forms of the genera Diceum andArachnotheres; both of which occur in Java. Unfortunately, we cannot trace the progressive developement of this change, since the animals of Timor and the string of smaller islands intervening between Java and New Guinea have not been sufficiently investigated. It is, however, worthy of remark, that, among the few quadrupeds of Timor discovered by the French voyagers, there is not one of a large size ; so that this island may be supposed to lie AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE. PECULIARITIES. 115 beyond the geographic limits of the monkey tribe. The same paucity of quadrupeds has been remarked in New Guinea ; for although no correct inferences can be drawn from the partial gleanings yet made on the coast, yet, if the interior was inhabited by quadrupeds of any size, it is natural to suppose they would have been mentioned, or alluded to, by the natives, in some way or other : but neither rumour nor tradition assigns any remarkable qua- drupeds to New Guinea ; while the largest, mentioned in the recent French discoveries, is a peculiar sort of pig. So far, therefore, we observe a strong indication of the chief peculiarity in Australian zoology ; namely, the total absence of large quadrupeds : so that to place New Guinea in the same zoological group with Sumatra and Java, two islands abounding in apes, elephants, and all the large ferine inhabitants of India, would be manifestly erroneous. We shall subsequently illus- trate this disposition by proofs drawn from the orni- thology of these islands. (l6'4.) That the southern extremity of Africa contains some animals approximating to those of New Holland has been already mentioned ; and this approximation is the more remarkable, since the distance between the two nearest points of these continents is very great. In what manner the Australian fauna may disappear through the islands of the Pacific Ocean, we have no present means of judging. Whether, therefore, it unites again with the European, or, what is more probable, with the American range, by means of the small islands approxi- mating to California, are questions for future naturalists to determine. (l6'5.) The most distinguishing peculiarities of the Australian province are now to be considered. The great- est, undoubtedly, is the total absence of large quadrupeds, and the paucity of the smaller : these latter, also, are so remarkable in their structure, as to appear almost ano- malous. Australia has been termed the land of con- trarieties : as if nature, in creating the forms intended for this region, had departed altogether from those rules i 2 1 1 6 ON THK GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. to which she had otherwise so universally adhered. That particular form, for instance, which, in other parts of the world, she has given to the smallest race of qua- drupeds, the rats and dormice, she here bestows upon the kangaroos, the largest animals throughout the whole of Australia ! Yet still the analogy, although unquestionable, is apparently reversed, and most artfully disguised ; for these wonderful creatures, instead of fabricating, like their representatives, warm and skilful nests, beneath the earth, for the protection of their young, are provided with a natural nest in the folds of their own skin. The marsupial pouch is expressly adapted to this purpose ; and within this warm maternal nest are the young protected until they can provide for themselves. The great kangaroo (Halmaturus gigan- teus 111., fig. 53.), is the largest qua- druped of the Aus- tralian range ; and although a few other marsupial animals occur beyond these limits, nearly all the quadrupeds of Australia belong to this tribe. Whether the kanga- roos belong to the Linnaean order of Glires, or to another adjoining group, has not yet, indeed, been satisfactorily determined ; but we feel persuaded, from analysis, that the celebrated Ornithorhynchus, peculiar to these regions, is the link of connection between qua- drupeds and birds, and that this passage is effected, not by means of the Glires, but by the most aberrant groups of the ungulated quadrupeds. Two thirds of the Australian quadrupeds, in fact, are marsupial, and make their way with more rapidity by springing in the air than by walking. The kangaroos, when using any degree of speed, proceed by prodigious leaps ; while the flying phalangers (G. Petaurista), of which six species are described, are even more remarkable for this habit AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE. BIRDS. 117 than the flying squirrels of North America. We might, indeed, almost be tempted to believe, that if there really exists an animal even more bird-like than the ornithorhynchus, whose structure would indisputably connect the two principal divisions of the vertebrata, quadrupeds and birds, such an animal might hereafter be discovered in the southern hemisphere. , (l6'6.) The chief distinctions of this region, fur- nished by its ornithology, is in the vast proportion of its suctorial birds, or of such as derive their principal support from sucking the nectar of flowers. This pe- culiar organisation, restricted, in Africa, India, and America, to the smallest birds in creation, is here de- veloped very generally, and is given to species fully as large as any of our thrushes. The melliphagous genera may probably be estimated to comprise nearly one fourth of the total number of New Holland perchers ; for not only does this character belong to the honey-suckers, properly so called (Meliphagidce Sw.), but it seems to be possessed by a great number of the parrots. The whole of the little green lories (Trichoglossus H. and V.), are said to possess brush-like tongues, and to lick or suck their food, rather than to masticate it by their bills. Independent of these two geographic groups, there is a third, still more celebrated. The whole of the paradise birds (Paradisida Sw.), being natives of New Guinea, belong to this zoological province : these, also, although their economy is not very well known, con- tain certain species whose tongues have been described as formed upon a similar model. The Australian pro- vince being thus characterised, it is only necessary to notice such particular portions as exhibit local pecu- liarities ; hence we may divide the whole region into three subordinate districts. The first may comprehend New Guinea and its adjacent islands ; the second, Aus- tralia, properly so called, with Van Diemen's Land, and New Zealand ; and the third, the numerous groups of smaller islands clustered in the great Pacific Ocean. (167.) The first division, comprehending New Gui- i 3 118 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. nea, New Ireland, New Caledonia, and the little islands surrounding them, constitutes the remote and little- known region of the paradise birds. None of these magnificent creatures have been actually detected beyond the shores of New Guinea, although it is generally be- lieved that they annually migrate for a few months to the small islands adjoining. Notwithstanding the prox- imity of the Asiatic islands,, they have not as yet fur- nished any species intimately related to the paradise birds j yet in the New Holland genus Ptiloris, we have a bird so closely related to this family, that we know not whether, in fact, it does not belong to it. The flying phalangers of Australasia seem to be represented in New Guinea by the genus Cuscus of M. Lesson. The affinity between the zoology of the two countries is established in various ways. The great crab-eaters (Dacelo Leach), the bald-faced honey-suckers (Philedon Cuv.), the helmet-crows (Barrita Cuv.), and the Vanga shrikes (Vanga Tern.), are so many indications of Aus- tralian ornithology. The carinated flycatchers (Mon- archa H. and V.) again, no less than all the preceding groups, occur both in New Guinea and in New Hol- land^ but are unknown in any other country. The splendid promerops (Epimachus Cuv.), the paradise birds, and the king oriole (Sericulus chrysocephalus Sw.) are peculiar to this first division. (16'8.) The great island of New Holland, or rather 'Australia Proper, may be looked upon as the centre of Australian zoology, since the geographic range of its animals is circumscribed even more strictly than those of New Guinea. The kangaroos and the duckbills (Ornithorhynchus), for instance, are only found here and in Van Diemen's Land : the ground parrakeets (Pezoporus 111.), the lyre-tail (Menura Sw.), the typi- cal honey suckers, the flat-tailed lories (Platycercus H. and V.), the superb warblers (Malurus VieiL), and several others among the perching birds, might be in- stanced as purely Australian groups. The genus Pa- chycephala Sw., or great-headed chatterers, are entirely AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE. CONCHOLOGY, ETC. 119 confined to Australia, and of which the P. gutturalis (fig. 54.), or black-crowned species, is the most beautiful: the body is yellow, the throat white, and the breast crossed by a black crescent. Yet, in other groups, we detect the distant ramifications which connect this province both with Africa and with Asia. The short- tailed and the long- tailed finches (Amadina and Estrelda Sw.), the Drongo shrikes (Edolius Cuv.), and the stonechats (Campicola Sw.), are groups belonging likewise to the two adjacent continents; while of the genus comprising the Ori- ental ant. thrushes (Pitta Tern.), two most lovely species have been found in New Holland : here, also, we find the Indian genus Ocypteryx, or the swallow shrikes, and the cassowary, representing the ostrich of Africa. (16'9.) The conchology of New Ireland and New Hol- land is so similar, that one half of the species found by M. Lesson on the coasts of the former island are no less abundant in New South Wales ; while a great propor- tion of the remainder occur in the Indian Ocean. On the coasts of New Holland are found many of the most beautiful and rare volute shells known to our cabinets ; the snow- spotted volute (Cymbiola nivosa Sw.) * is one of the rarest (fig, 55.) : it has two dark bands upon a flesh-co- loured ground, and the surface is entirely covered with white dots. (170.) The nature of the third division is but ob- scurely known, for the Pacific Islands have never been visited, since the voyages of the celebrated Banks, by scientific naturalists. The quadrupeds are so few that Exotic Conchology, plate 5. i 4 120 ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF ANIMALS. they hardly deserved notice ; nor do any of the islands seem to possess a single species of kangaroo. The birds are little better known. The lories are of that particular section named Trichoglossus, or parrakeet lories, a group 'dispersed over the whole Oceanic Islands, and abundant in New Holland; while the honey-suckers are but slight deviations from those forms common to Australia Proper. As yet, therefore, we cannot name, among the land birds, any distinct genus peculiar to this division ; although, in all probability, future dis- coveries may bring some to light., (l?l.) The paucity of quadrupeds in the Australian region will be further apparent from the following list of the genera and sub-genera, and the number of species described in each : Vulpes ? Fox-dog Dasyurus. Hairtail Thylacinus Tern. Parameles Balentia Petaurista Cuscus. Lesson. Hypisprymus III. - 1 Halmaturus III. Kangaroo - 8 Phascolarctas - - 1 Phascolomys - . . 1 Hydromys - - 2 Echidna. Porcupine - -2 Ornithorhynchus. Duckbill - 2 (172.) The greater part of the birds are comprised under the following genera and sub-genera, some of which (*) occur in Africa and (t) Asia : there are ex- amples also of other genera, more properly belonging to Europe, which it is not necessary to enumerate : Podargus Cuv. Kawk Goatsucker. t Halcyon Sw. Crab-eater. Dacelo Leach* Braying Bird. *f Merops L. Bee-eater. Falcunculus Viett. Shrike, f Ocypterus Cuv. Swallow Shrike. Vanga B. Shrike Crow. *f Edolius Cuv. Drongo. *f Ceblepyres Cuv. Spinebacks. f Estrelda Sw. Grosbeak. *f Atnadina Sw. Bengaly. Malurus Vieil. Soft-tail. Acanthiza H. and V. Warbler. Pardalotus Vieil. Manakin. Pachycephala Sw. Thickhead. * Campicola Sw. Stonechat. Grallina Vieil. Thrush. Short-tailed Thrush. Sericulus Sw. Regent Bird. *f Oriolus L. Oriole. Petroica Sw. Robin. Ptilonorhynchus Kuhl. Satinbird Glaucopis For st. Wattle Bird. Scythrops Lath. Channel-bill. Plyctolopha Vieil. Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus H. and V. Cock- atoo. Psittacarus Briss. Parrakeet. Nanodes H. and V. Ground Parra- keet. Pezoporus III. Ground Parrakeet. Paleornis H. and V. Ring Parra- keet. Lorius Briss. Lory. Trichoglossus H. and V. Lory Par- rakeet. AUSTRALIA. PECULIAR GENERA. 121 Dromiceius Vitil. Menura Shaw. Menura. Megapodius Tern. Greatfoot. Chionis Forst. Sheath-bill. Ceriopsis Lath. Helmet Goose. Mycteria? Lin. Jabiru. Climasteris Tern. Creeper. Orthonyx Tern. Straight-claw. Sitella Sw. Nuthatch. Dicaeum Ouv. Honey-eater. Melliphaga Lewin. Honey-sucker. Ptiloris SKI. Rifle Bird. Ptilinopus Sw. Green Dove. (173.) In concluding this part of our volume, we consider that the facts now stated are sufficiently strong to establish the propositions with which this investi- gation was commenced. We have seen, 1. That animals are distributed upon a plan, sufficiently obvious in its leading outlines, to be comprehended and defined ; and, 2. That this plan is found to harmonise, in many re- markable ways, with that circular disposition which is the first law of natural classification. 122 PART II. ON THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. ALLEGED DIFFERENCE BE- TWEEN SYSTEMS AND METHODS. OBJECTIONS THERETO. DIVERSITY OF SYSTEMS. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SYS- TEMS. MIXED SYSTEMS. REQUISITES OF A NATURAL SYS- TEM. (174.) THE arrangement of objects, according to a scale or table of their supposed relations or qualities, is called a SYSTEM, a METHOD, or a CLASSIFICATION. We shall consider these words as synonymous, and as imply- ing ORDER, without which all knowledge is vague and disjointed. By system, therefore, we are able to gain not only a more ready acquaintance with an individual spe- cies, but also general ideas on the larger groups of which it forms but a part. System condenses and fa- cilitates knowledge, and is therefore essential to its ac quirement. Even if the names of all natural objects were arranged alphabetically, as in a dictionary, there would be system and order in such a plan, for research would be facilitated. Whereas, if all these names were entered indiscriminately, the student would be at a loss at what page to find the particular name for which he was searching. (175.) Between a system and a method, many writers have drawn a distinction, and have used the two words in totally different senses. Kirby and Spence express them- selves on this subject in the following words : " Thus we hear of a natural method, and a natural system. Linne seems to have regarded the former of these terms as re- presenting the actual disposition of objects in nature, while by system he understands their classification and OP SYSTEMS AND METHODS. 123 arrangement by naturalists. But, if we consider their real meaning a method should signify an artificial, and a system a natural arrangement of objects. As many systematists, however, have aimed at giving a natural arrangement, though with various success ; and none having a perfect conception of it, it might, perhaps, be as well to call every arrangement whose object is confessedly artificial, a method; and that which aims at the plan of nature, a system." * The objection, how- ever, to this attempt to distinguish systems from me- thods, is this, that arrangements, confessedly artificial, are sometimes much more natural (that is to say, con- taining more natural combinations) than those which are here denominated systems, while we are not without instances of others, professing to aim at the plan of nature, or " arranged according to organisation," which are eminently artificial. Such being the case, the dis- tinction here proposed, however excellent in theory, cannot be applied in practice, and we are thus com- pelled to use the two words as synonymous. (176.) The diversity of systems, therefore, may be infinite, because there is no end to the different modes by which we may arrange natural objects, from charac- ters or peculiarities belonging to the objects themselves. Some of these systems will exhibit much more harmo- nious combinations than others. Animals, obviously allied in habits and appearance, will be kept together in one system, while in another they are dissevered, and placed wide apart. Hence has originated the term of natural systems as applied to the former, and artificial systems as given to the latter. Such are the distinctions which most zoologists have made between these two modes of arrangement. Yet a little reflection will con- vince us that they are equally vague with that just no- ticed. An artificial system may be based upon erroneous principles, and may present many unnatural assemblages, yet parts thereof may be very natural ; on the other hand, a natural system, may contain many artificial * Int. to Ent. v. 356, 124 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. groups (that is to say, groups which the judgment im- mediately pronounces as not to be those of nature), while, in other respects, it may preserve the natural series. If, therefore, we were to rest content with this difference between a natural and an artificial system, we should have a difference without a distinction ; both might be called natural, and both artificial ; the difference would only be in degree; and that degree would rest upon individual opinion, because, where there are no fixed principles by which the judgment in such matters is to be regulated, there could be no unanimity of opinion. Besides, it would inevitably follow, that our application of these terms to any given system would be subject to change. A system, which we would term natural in one state of the science, would be artificial in another ; so soon as it was supplanted by more recent discoveries, and a more harmonious combination of objects. We must search, therefore, for a clearer definition of these two modes of arrangement. (177.) Much metaphysical discussion has arisen on the difference between natural and artificial systems, which has left the subject pretty nearly in the same un- decided state, while some of these discussions have rather increased than dissipated the obscurity in which it has been involved. Some maintain, that, as all systems hitherto promulgated are more or less defective, and have failed to reconcile and explain all the intricacies of the natural series, therefore, they argue, all systems are, and must be, artificial. Mr. MacLeay, in his con- troversy with Mr. Bicheno * on systems and methods, evidently embraces this view of the subject, and his opinion has been more recently taken up by one of his disciples. He asks : ' ' Pray let me know where I shall find one of these natural systems, and I shall be con- tent." Again : " Naturalists have been looking for one natural system, only one; and, confined as their aim is, they have not as yet been able to attain it ? "f What * Zool Journ. vol. iv. p. 409. t Ibid. p. 410. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS. 125 are we to understand from this question and remark, but that, in the estimation of our author, his own system, although unquestionably nearest to nature than any other, is, like all others, artificial ? According to this view, the natural system can never, by any possibility, be discovered: since, in the most perfect human exposition of the laws of creation, a " remnant of unknown things" will always remain, and the system will thus become artificial. Mr. Bicheno, on the other hand, contends, that " to establish differences is the end of the natural system;" obviously meaning, as it appears to us, that the chief object which the naturalist should keep in view, when prosecuting this search after the natural system, should be to trace and " establish those agreements" which, although unex- plained, have, as his opponent truly observes, existed since the creation. The same writer remarks, that " di- vision and separation is the end of the artificial sys- tem," or, in other words, is that object which the framer of such a system should keep in view, in order to facilitate the more ready discovery of the species. Now, both these definitions are unquestionably true. For, however objectionable the precise words may be in which they have been expressed, it is clear that our author understood that difference between an artificial and a natural system, which we shall presently in- vestigate. We pass over the confused and unintel- ligible doctrines of other writers, one of whom main- tains, " that in a natural genus, or system, there are artificial combinations ;"* thus denying that there is, in fact, any natural system, and maintaining the ridiculous inconsistency that what is natural may be at the same artificial! (178.) What, then, is the difference between an artifi- cial and a natural system ? The first is, for the ready dis- crimination of the species ; the latter, for the elucidation of those resemblances which such species bear to others, in all their varied and complex relations. The one stops, * Philosophy of Zoology, voL il P- Hi. 126 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. where the other begins. We make use of an artificial system to become. acquainted with the name of a species ; and to learn all that has been written upon its peculiar structure. We turn to the natural system, to know the probable station of this species in the scale of being, the affinities it possesses to others, and the analogies by which it is related and represented. Hence the per- fection of an artificial system, as we have frequently in- timated, consists in. the clearness and precision of its subdivisions, and the facilities which it affords to de- termine the name of the object we are in search of. In this respect, a good artificial system is to be judged by the same rules as those by which we should decide on the merits of a copious index to a voluminous publica- tion, for the purposes of both are the same : both are equally useful, and the merit of both lies in clearly directing the reader to the precise point upon which he desires information. A good artificial system is, there- fore, not only a useful, but even, in some respects, a valuable, invention, requiring!] much more skill than is generally supposed; and it is, perhaps, much more adapted for general use than any other. The most admirable classification of this sort ever invented, is that denominated the Sexual System of Plants, by Linnaeus. Many natural assemblages are preserved, without any great violation of the principles on which he set out. This is always a great recommendation to an arti- ficial system, yet it is by no means necessary to its formation. Natural affinities may be overlooked, wher- ever they interfere with precision of arrangement: the first are secondary, the latter primary. We open an artificial system to come to the knowledge of a mat- ter of fact ; but if we wish to proceed farther, and to know how this fact bears upon other facts, we turn to the natural system. Such are the uses of the two methods of classification upon which we have been speaking, and such the theoretic distinctions by which they are sepa- rated. Between them, however, is a third sort of system, which, from combining artificial division with NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS. 127 some regard to natural affinities,, are generally termed Mixed Systems, or Half-artificial methods, while others (and generally among this numher are the authors them- selves) have pronounced them natural arrangements. (179.) Of these mixed methods, or half-artificial sys- tems, it has been said, that, " while they are at utter variance with natural affinities, they do not even answer the humble purposes of a catalogue." The severity of this censure has been objected to ; but we must still think there is some truth in the remark. These mixed methods are, in fact, called the natural system, by those who have never considered in what the latter truly con- sists. The Regne Animal, " distributed according to its organisation," is, perhaps, one of the most striking ex- emplifications of a semi-natural classification that has ever been published. By assuming that the series there exhibited is natural, it teaches the student to believe that nature, and not the author, places eagles next to whales, and opossums after seals ; and this is termed an arrangement of animals " according to their organ- isation," in other words, according to their natural affinities. Linnaeus, on the other hand, in his Sy sterna NaturtB, makes no such pretensions; the learned Swede contented himself with framing such an artificial system as would lead to an immediate knowledge of species, and thus to qualify those who came after him to speculate upon Nature's combinations. The conse- quence is, that his classification, as a whole, is much more comprehensible than that of Cuvier. Let but the genera of the Systema Naturae be looked upon as fami- lies, and let their contents be arranged under artificial but definite sections, and no one would hesitate to give it the preference, for all practical purposes, over the eru- dite but cumbrous volumes of the Regne Animal, re- plete, as the latter unquestionably are, with a mass of new and invaluable materials for the real developement of that with which the learned author was totally unac- quainted, namely, the very first principles of the natural system. We must, therefore, conclude as we 128 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. began, that as these mixed methods of classification do not set out with aiming at that which alone bestows value upon an artificial system, so they do not answer the humble purposes of a catalogue or index ; we have, in fact, given an instance, from the most celebrated of their advocates, that they are at " utter variance with natural affinities." Of all systems, they are, consequently, the most objectionable. Having stated the theoretical dis- tinction between an artificial and a natural system, and dwelt more especially on the merits which should be apparent in the former, we shall now proceed to inves- tigate the essential requisites which must belong to the latter. ( 1 80.) It is essential to a natural system that it be based on certain fundamental principles, which, so far as the laws of nature are known> are found to be general throughout all her productions; thus producing that uniformity of plan which every principle of sound rea- soning convinces us must belong to the system of the creation. Every one sees that there is a scale in nature : that animals and plants, by the intervention of an infinity of intermediate forms, gradually blend into each other, and are finally so united that we know not where to draw the line of demarcation. This is an acknowledged truth, known for centuries ; but whether this series was simple, or whether, in its progress, it branched off into other ramifications, and became complex, were questions which long engaged the attention of philosophers. The dis- coveries, however, of this century have at length set this question also at rest, and decided that the natural series is complex, forming in its progress certain deviations which resemble a series of circles.* It follows, there- fore, that no system which represents the natural series as simple, whatever excellencies it may possess in other respects, can be founded on nature, since we now know that such is not the natural series. (181.) A system can only claim to be natural when * The circularity of natural groups has been already dwelt upon in our Preliminary Discourse, p. 207. REQUISITES OP A NATURAL SYSTEM. 12$ it attempts to explain the analogies or resemblances between the individuals or divisions of one circular series, when they are compared with those of another series. It is evident that all natural objects possess two dif- ferent sorts of relationship : one which is immediate, and another which is remote. The goatsucker and the swallow exemplify the first of these relations. These genera are intimately connected by structure, habits, and economy ; both fly nearly in the same manner, and both live upon insects, captured in the same way : but the goatsucker, besides this relation, has evidently another to the bats, by flying at the same hour of the day, and by feeding in the same manner. The first relation is in- timate the latter remote. Hence arises the necessity, imposed upon all who wish to develope the natural system, of possessing clear perceptions of these two sorts of relations ; and of becoming well acquainted with the difference between affinity and analogy.* The first is exemplified by the swallow and goatsucker ; the latter by the goatsucker and the bat. Now, as these varied relations or resemblances are so universal throughout nature, that they have been perceived since science first dawned upon man, it is obvious that a writer who makes no effort to explain them, or to draw a just distinction between such as are immediate and such as are remote, neglects one of the most striking and wonderful pecu- liarities of the natural system. Nor is a bare mention of such relations the only notice which is required ; for that carries with it no results : the accuracy of his series must depend upon being able to prove that all these resemblances follow each other in a uniform pro- gression : because it has been repeatedly demonstrated that the contents of one circular group represent the con- tents of another circular group ; and this principle of the natural system has been now so much developed, that not a doubt can remain of its prevalence throughout nature. Any system, therefore, which aims at being natural, mus$ * Preliminary Discourse on Nat Hist. p. 182. ; j K 130 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. offer an explanation of these resemblances ; and if the theory hy which this is done can he reduced to one sim- ple and universal law, we may feel assured that law forms part of the system of nature. (182.) This brings us, thirdly, to the principle of variation, which has long since been pronounced an im- portant characteristic of the natural system. The variety in nature appears infinite. If we only contemplate those beings which have passed under our own exa- mination, and which everywhere surround us, we cannot fail to be struck with that divine skill which could imagine and produce such an extraordinary di- versity of forms under which living beings should exist. It is obvious, therefore, that these, as ema- nating from a divine Creator, must have been pro- duced upon some one uniform plan. Hence it follows, that no system can be natural which does not aim at the partial developement of this plan, so far, indeed, as its comprehension is permitted to finite beings. The im- mense difficulties of attaining such an insight have in- duced many of the most profound philosophers to relinquish the search in despair, and have tempted others to pronounce it hopeless : but we are yet to learn the limits which have been assigned to the human under- standing in matters of physical research ; nor are there valid grounds for supposing that the discovery of those laws which regulate the variation of animals is unat- tainable, when those which regulate the motion of the heavenly bodies have been detected. It is not enough to tell us in what manner such and such animals vary from each other ; for that is to communicate nothing more than a mere matter of fact : the question is, upon what general principle is this variation regulated? Why do we observe, for instance, that one peculiar division of every natural group is aquatic, and another furnished with long tails?* What is the principle, in short, of these variations ? and how far is it applicable t * See Preliminary Discourse, p. 255. PRINCIPLE OF VARIATION. 131 to all known animals? In proportion as we can de- monstrate the extent of the theory by which we propose to answer these questions, so do we approach the de- velopement of the natural system, and reduce the ele- ments of science to their most simple definitions. Finally, it results from these considerations that a theory which embraces them all will exhibit a unity of plan which cannot possibly be the result of human ingenuity, and which will, consequently, be the nearest approach to that which must ever distinguish the natural system. Such are the obvious considerations by which we are to be guided in judging the merits of any classification, which professes to be according to nature. In describing theoretically what should constitute the developement of the natural system, we have only alluded to those cir- cumstances which have already been partially developed, or which have been admitted as highly probable by others, who have, nevertheless, declared their inability to reconcile them with observed facts. (183.) Of natural systems, strictly speaking, there cannot, as we have already seen, be more than one; but it is equally clear, that, if we confine this title to that one only which makes the nearest approach to nature, and which gives the fullest explanation of the pheno- mena she exhibits, we must term all other systems artificial, and thus confound, under one name, two de- scriptions of arrangements, which are grounded on to- tally different principles. In order, therefore, to mark their distinction with still greater precision, we shall consider all those systems to be artificial which are not grounded on any universal principles of arrangement; which exhibit the animal series without plan or harmo- nious connection, and which disregard analogies and affinities. On the other hand, we shall consider those as natural systems which involve any one or more of these considerations, and which, looking beyond the in- dividual, attempt to ascertain its station in the scale of being, by pointing out the various relations which it respectively holds with other objects. From this view K 2 132 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. of the subject, it results that there are many natural systems, or rather, that there are many attempts to ex- plain those complicated relations which belong to the natural series. We prefer, in this instance, a compre- hensive definition to a metaphysical one because, were we to adopt the latter, we should be compelled to con- sider the system of Mr. Mac Leay artificial, since many properties of natural groups have been since discovered, and several combinations detected, which were quite unknown when that system was given to the world. CHAP. II. EXPOSITION, WITH REMARKS ON THE PRINCIPAL ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS. ARISTOTLE, WILLUGHBY, LINNAEUS, CUVIER. ^ PARTIAL SYSTEMS. ILLIGER, VIEILLOT, TEMMINCK, IN OR- NITHOLOGY. DE GEER, LATREILLE, CLAIRVILLE, AND LEACH, IN ENTOMOLOGY ON BINARY, OR DICHOTOMOUS, SYSTEMS. (184.) THE advantages and the disadvantages of arti- ficial systems have been already touched upon (178.), and their use explained * ; it remains, therefore, to give the reader a general idea of those systems which have been most celebrated, or most extensively adopted. As artificial systems are" capable of endless diversity, so it would be impossible to enumerate, within reasonable limits, one half of those which have been already pub- lished; setting aside others, which a very slight ac- quaintance with nature will enable every student to invent. One advantage has certainly attended that de- ference and respect with which particularly in this country the writings of the great Swede have always been treated ; for although an implicit deference to the * Preliminary Discourse, c. iii. p. 188. SYSTEMS IX GENERAL. 133 Systema Natures may have cramped the energies, and stifled the investigations, of those who might otherwise have struck out new paths of enquiry, this deference to Linnaeus has prevented our shelves from being burdened, and our attention distracted, by the innumerable artificial systems which have inundated the Continent, and which, it is to be feared, will continue to impede the advance of true science, so long as such inventions are looked upon as authorities, or are quoted as synonymes. (185.) The history and exposition of zoological systems must not be confounded with the history of the science, the latter exhibiting the progress of discovery, while the former is properly confined to the arrangement of these discoveries. We feel embarrassed, however, at the difficulty of selection : for, independently of those systems which embrace the whole animal kingdom, there are numerous others which relate only to parti- cular classes, each of which (like those which have gone before, and have passed into oblivion) has, at this time, its admirers and its advocates. These also will "have their day," and endure for a season, until the natural classification shall be developed. M. Lesson has been at some pains to perpetuate the memory of no less than fourteen systems of ornithology, nearly all of which have been proposed by eminent naturalists, and he has added the projet of his own, written in 1828, which is, never- theless, very different from another, which he published two years after. Every year, in short, increases the number of these systems ; and in ornithology alone we could almost double the above number. Entomology has been a fruitful mother of systems ; although, in con- chology, few attempts have been made to set aside the classification of Lamarck. Were we, however, to ven- ture upon a general specification of all these systems, we should weary the reader with interminable columns of names, and occupy space which might be more pro- fitably filled. On the other hand, to omit all details on the systematic views of as Aristotle, Lin- naeus, Cuvier, llliger, Latreille, and Lamarck, whose K 3 134> ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. writings will always possess some authority, and whose opinions, if not followed, should always be consulted, would he an unpardonable omission. Without some acquaintance with the labours of these princes of the zoological world, no one can hope to extend the bound- aries of science; nor will their reputation suffer by the occasional fallacy of their opinions ; for that defect, incident to all, is amply compensated by the vast acces- sion of valuable facts which each has contributed to pur science. These systems, however, with the excep- tion of that of Lamarck, are artificial, inasmuch as they represent the scale of being as simple, and confound analogy with affinity. (186.) We commence with the system of Aristotle, the great father of natural history, whose comprehen- sive views of nature first laid the foundation of all that has been done by his successors. That part of his celebrated work which treats of the vertebrated animals will be best understood by the following table, translated from that given in the Linnaean Transactions (vol. xvi. p. 24.), by one whose labours in the same field renders his name worthy of being associated with that of the renowned philosopher of Stagyra : SYSTEM OP ARISTOTLE. 135 S1VKINV 136 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. (187.) The system of Aristotle in regard to insects, or annulose animals, has been collected and digested by a commentator eminently qualified for such a task. It is as follows : fColeoptera. I Pedetica = Orthoptera Saltatoria Lat. I Astomata = Hemiptera Lat. \ Psychaa = Lepidoptera. PTILOTA - ~{ rMajora=NeuropteraJL Orthop. j Tetraptera< tera cUrsoria Lat. (_ Opisthocentra = Hymenoptera. C Minora = Musca, Tipulae, &c. INSECT A -{ IDiptera ? Emprosthrocentra =. Culex, Ta C banus, &c. PTEROTA simul f Myrmix = Formica L. et APTERA (_ Pygolampis = Lampyris. APTERA. (188.) We shall now offer a few observations on these arrangements of the two most important divisions of the animal kingdom. On looking to the first table, we are surprised at the accuracy with which this great philosopher has perceived the distinction between the Unguiculata and the Ungulccta, or the clawed and the hoofed quadrupeds ; a distinction which laid the found- ation for one of the best divisions of Willughby's system, and some of the most defective in that of Linnaeus. If we wished to cite authority in support of our opinion, that the Cheiroptera, or Bats, are the representatives of the Glires in the circle of the Quadrumana, we might appeal to the views of Aristotle, who considered the two groups so similar, that he actually places them together. His disposition of the oviparous birds is still more admirable. There requires no great talent, it is true, to perceive that the rapacious, the gallinaceous, the wading, and the swimming birds, constitute so many orders or primary divisions ; but that Aristotle should have seen that the Climbers formed only a division of the Perchers (Insessores), and were not to be elevated to the rank of a primary division, is most surprising, and annuls all the modern claims that have been set up for priority in proclaiming a truth, given to the world by a Grecian philosopher centuries ago. But if this dispo- sition of the vertebrated classes claim our admiration, still more must we extol these just conceptions, which SYSTEM OF ARISTOTLE. 137 may be discerned in the general outlines of his ento- mological system. Every one of the orders, afterwards more correctly defined by Linnaeus, were known to Aristotle, at a time when natural science may be said to have scarcely existed, when collections were perhaps unknown, and when the only materials which furnished the bases of such enlarged conceptions, were in all pro- bability a few Grecian insects, from the scanty gleanings of a small kingdom. Mr. Kirby has not failed to re- mark, that this wonderful man tf had no contemptible notion of the majority of the orders of insects as now admitted. His Coleoptera, Psychce, and Diptera are evidently such. His idea of the Hemiptera seems taken solely from the Cicada or Tetrioc ; but the manner in which he expresses himself concerning it, as having no mouth, but furnished instead with a linguiform organ, resembling the proboscis of the Diptera, proves that he regarded it as the type of a distinct group. Since he con- siders the saltatorious orthoptera as forming such a group, it is probable that he included the cursorious ones with the Neuroptera in his Majora section of Tetraptera; and the resemblance of many of the Mantidce to the Neuroptera is so great, that this mistake would not be wonderful." * We question, however, whether these views, entertained by Aristotle, will not erentually be found correct ; the " mistakes" lying with those who -have followed him. The Cicada, for instance, is one of the most common, and certainly the most noisy insect of Greece : it is not surprising, therefore, that our philosopher should have selected it as a sort of type for his Astomata (or Hemip- tera L.), to which order, in our opinion, it truly be- longs ; the modern Homoptera, in the natural series, being but one of the primary divisions of the Hemiptera, as Linnaeus long afterwards perceived. His division Te- traptera is in one respect objectionable, although we are fully persuaded that, in a natural classification, the New* roptera will be found to blend into the Hymenoptera / while the Orthoptera, considered by the moderns as a dis- * Int. to Ent vol. iv. p. 421. t 138 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. tinct order, are, unquestionably, a part only of the Neu- roptera. This will be apparent to any one who analyses and studies these groups in detail, and with the requi- site degree of attention. It is clear, also, from the above table, that Aristotle perceived, theoretically, the two great divisions of Insecta, namely, the Ptilota, or winged group, and the Aptera, or wingless insects. It would, indeed, have been surprising, if, with the few dozen of insects which in all probability formed the scanty materials that guided his judgment, he had not greatly erred in the application of his theory : seeing that in almost every family group there are representations of the apterous classes : but this is a very minor con- sideration, and detracts nothing from his astonishing talent, in thus anticipating, in part, the discoveries of eighteen centuries. It must ever redound to the fame of Linnaeus, that he followed so closely the footsteps of the Grecian sage ; for his entomological system, above all others, comes nearest to that of Aristotle, and, in our estimation, nearest to that of Nature. "Whether we are right in this opinion, time only will discover. (189.) The zoological system of Willughby, as given by Ray, cannot be passed over in this place, although we are by no means disposed to unite in the high encomiums which have lately been bestowed upon it. In the classification of the Mammalia we trace nothing of primary importance which had escaped the penetration of Aristotle, unless it be the true character of the Glires, or mouse-like quadrupeds.* The arrangement of the birds, viewed in connection with the injudicious addi- tions of Ray, is any thing but clear, definite, or na- tural ; while that of insects, as exhibited by Mr. Kirby f, and here presented to the reader, has no very high ex- cellency. Both this and Swammerdam's are founded too exclusively upon metamorphoses ; and by this un- fortunate bias entomology made a retrograde movement. The primary groups of Aristotle were broken up, and the following artificial arrangement was the result : * Linn. Trans, vol. xvi. p. 25. SYSTEM OF \VILLUGHBY AND RAY. 139 VJL03SNI 140 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. (190.) In further reference to this table, we may give Mr. Kirby's elucidation of many of the groups. The Apoda terrestria (a) are allAnnelidce, or red-blooded worms ; (6) are larvae ; (c) various Aptera, and the bed bug ; (d) Nymphon Fab. ; (e) Scorpio ; (/) Spiders, phalangers, and mites ; (g) lulus ; (h) Scolopendra ; (i) Annelida : (&) This section is divided by the author into thirteen tribes ; (/) Lepidoptera ; (m) Apis, Bom- 1>us, &c. ; (n) Vespidce ; (o) Andrena, Halictus, No- mada, &c. ; (p) Crabro, Philanthus, Cerceris, &c. ; ( Lepidoptera C seal f Neuroptera 1 r Wings four, all of them membra- | Orthoptera. 4. Neuroptera. -< naceous and reticulate ; tail un { Dermoptera. C armed. I Trichoptera. \_Strepseptera. 5. Hymenopter, { ^\J$*^} Hymenopter, 6. Diptera. [S. tw ' with * P iser under ] Diptera. Classes. f Suctoria Lot. I Crustacea Lat. | Aptera Lat. I Myriapoda Leach. 7. Aptera. ) Wings none in either sex. ( Thysanura Leach. j Ametabolia Leach. I Arachnoida Leach. Acari Leach. (_ &c. &c. (213.) On comparing these primary divisions with those of Aristotle, we observe a marked improvement in two essential points. The first regards the separation of the Hymenoptera from the Neuroptera, both which LINN JEAN SYSTEM. INSECTS. 1 59 were considered by the Stagyrite as forming parts only of his order Tetraptera. The second is the abolition of the " Pterota simul et Aptera," under which the Gre- cian philosopher placed the ants and the apterous glow- worms. These errors were perceived by Linnaeus, and duly rectified. In regard to the Linnaean order Aptera, it would be endless to enumerate the host of objections that have been raised against it by almost every modern en- tomologist; each having proposed a classification, which has been set asideby the next writer who followed. A well- known countryman of our own, Dr. Leach, has himself published two or three different theories on the arrange- ment of the Aptera ; and the views of MM. Kirby and Macleay are totally different from these, and from each other. In such a state of things, the reproach if it be one that Linnaeus failed in his arrangement, is equally applicable to all those who have succeeded him, with ten times the materials and, consequently, the facilities which were possessed by the learned Swede. Every one, in fact, sees and admits that this order required much subdivision ; but, unfortunately, no one has been hitherto successful in doing this, upon such natural prin- ciples as to satisfy any other entomologist than himself. There is consequently good reason to suppose that, in all these arrangements, some great error has been committed. Nor is it too much to suppose that some important prin- ciple of the natural system has never been correctly ap- plied to the determination of the natural groups of the Annulosa. On this subject, however, we feel disposed at present to say but little, further than to intimate, as the result of much investigation, that the greatest part of the Linnaean Aptera form the principal portion of a truly natural group ; which, when united to one of his orders (whose affinities to it he himself perceived), will constitute the natural sub-typical class of the annulose circle. But as we wish not that the reader should be r [in possession of our opinion alone, on a matter of so much importance, let us refer him to what others have ex- pressed on the Linnaean arrangement of insects. 160 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. (214.) MM. Kirby and Spence, speaking of this part of the Linnsean arrangement, observe : " His system,, be- ing founded upon the absence or presence and character of the organs of flight,, is in some degree a republication of the Aristotelian. In considering this table of orders, it must strike every one acquainted with the subject, that, although the assumption of a single set of organs, whereon to build a system, can scarcely be expected to lead to one perfectly natural, yet that the majority of groups here given as orders merit that character. The second, indeed, and the last require further subdivision, and concerning the fourth no satisfactory conclusion has yet been drawn. With regard to the series of his orders, it is mostly artificial. Linne has the advan- tage of all his predecessors in giving clearer definitions to his orders, and in their nomenclature, in which he has followed the path first trodden by Aristotle."* (215.) The genera of insects, characterised by Lin- naeus, deserve to be remembered. As the student will find an acquaintance with them of great advantage in the early periods of his study, we shall here enumerate their characters, since by this plan he will be rendered familiar with the types of what are now, for the most part, examples of families or very large divisions. I. COLEOPTERA. * ^ntenncc clavate, thickest at the tip. Scarabaeus. Beetle. Club lamellate, anterior thighs toothed. Lucanus. Stagbeetle. Club compressed, the sides more widely cleft. Dermestes. Club perfoliate ; head inflexed under the thorax. Hister. Club solid ; head retractile within the thorax. Byrrhus. Club solid, ovate. Gyrinus. Antennae rigid ; eyes four. Attelabus. Head pedunculated, or attenuated at the base. Curculio. Antennae placed on a horny rostrum or beak. Silpha. Thorax and elytra marginated. Coccinella. Club of antennae obtuse ; palpi with a truncated club. * Int. to Ent vol. iv. p. 438. LINN^EAN SYSTEM. INSECTS. l6l ** Antennae filiform. Bruchus. Antennae filiform, thickened at the end. Cassida. Body ovate; elytra margined, head covered by a shield. Ptinus. Thorax receiving the head. Antennae with the last joint lengthened. Chrysomela. Body ovate, immarginate. Hispa. Antennae porrect, approximate, fuciform. Meloe. Thorax roundish, head gibbous, inflexed. Tenebrio. Thorax margined ; head exserted ; body oblong. Lampyris. Elytra flexible. Thorax surrounding and con- cealing the head. Mordella. Abdomen with plates at its base ; head inflexed. Staphylinus. Elytra very small, covering the wings ; above the tail two exsertile vesicles. *** Antennce setaceous- Cerambyx. Thorax with hard spines on the sides. Leptura. Elytra with the tips narrowed. Thorax roundish. Cantharis. Elytra flexible ; sides of the body plaited and warty. Elater. A pectoral spine, springing from an abdominal pore. Cicindela. Jaws projecting, toothed. Eyes prominent. Buprestis. Head partly retracted within the thorax. Dytiscus. Posterior feet fringed, and formed for swimming. Carabus. Thorax somewhat heart-shaped ; truncated behind. Necydalis. Elytra shortened ; wings naked. Forticula. Elytra short, wings covered, tail forcipated. II. HEMIPTERA. Elytra semi-crustaceous. Blatta. Mouth furnished with jaws, wings coriaceous, flat, legs formed for running. Mantis. Mouth furnished with jaws. Anterior feet serrated, the claw single. Gryllus. Mouth furnished with jaws : posterior feet formed for leaping. Fulgora. Rostrum or sn. Acephala, or bivalve shell-fish ; 5. Brachiopoda, or parasitic shell-fish ; and, lastly, 6. the Cirripeda, or barnacle shell-fish. The following table, which enu- merates most of the family groups, will give a good idea of the system pursued : ORDER I. CEPHALOPODA. Cuttle- Ammonites. fish. Nummulites. Sepia L. Loligo Lam. ORDER Nautilus Lam. Clio. Belemnites. Cymbulia. CUVIERIAN SYSTEM. MOLLUSCA. 179 Cleodora. Pneumodermon. ORDER III. GASTEROPODA. Pulmobranchia. Limax. Helix. Onchidium. Limnea. Nudibranchia. Doris. Polycera. Tritonia. Tethjs. Scylla:a. Glaucus. Inferobranchia. Phyllidia. Diphyllidia. Tectibranchia. Pleurobranchus. Aplisia. Dolabella. Notarchus. Akera. Bulla. Heteropoda Lam. Pterotrachia. Carinaria. Firola Peron. Pectinibranchia. Trochoides. Buccinoides. Tubulibranchia. Vermetus. Magiles. Siliquaria. Scutibranchia. Haliotis. Fissurella. Emarginula. Parmophorus. Cyclobranchia. Patella. Chiton. ORDER IV. ACEPHALA. Shells. Acephala testacea. Ostracea?. Radiolites. Spherulites. Ostrea. Pecten L. Lima Brug. Spondylus L, Perna L. . Area. Mytilus. Unio. Chama. Cardium. Veims. Mactra, Mya. Solen. Pholas. Teredo. Clavigella. Acephala nuda. Ascidia. Botryllus. Pyrosoma. Polyclinum. ORDER V. BRANCHIOPODA, Lingula. Terebratula, Spirifer. Thecidea. Orbicula. Crania. ORDER VI. CIRRIPEDA. Bar- nacles. Anatifera. Pollicipes. Cineras. Otion. Tetralasmis. Balanus. Diadema. K 2 180 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. (230.) III. The third great division of M. Cuvier is composed of the articulated animals,, of which INSECTS present the typical perfection. The whole group is divided into four great sections: 1. The Annelides, or red-blooded worms ; 2. The Crustacea, or crabs ; 3. The Arachnides, or spiders ; and, 4. The Insecta, or insects. It is in this part of his laborious work that our author has found it necessary to call in the assist- ance of M. Latreille, from whose pen the whole of the third and fourth volume has proceeded. We advert to this fact, as the circumstance has been overlooked by some modern writers, who have attributed to one what belongs to the other. (231.) IV. The fourth and last division of our author comprises what he terms the radiated animals, or ZOOPHYTES (Animalia radiata) ; although the term belongs but to a small part of those he has placed under this denomination. The group, in fact, com- prises two classes of animals, so totally different, that we cannot but feel surprise they should have been asso- ciated together. One of these groups constitute the Acrita, or polypes ; the other the true Radiata of this work. In other respects the arrangement before us is highly valuable, and evinces that intimate acquaintance with the details of these animals which laid the found- ation for the brilliant career of this incomparable anato- mist. Under these circumstances we feel compelled to be more particular on this class than the last. (232.) The class of Zoophytes is divided by M. Cuvier into five large groups, viz. : 1 . The Echino- derma, or the star-fish and sea eggs, forming the genera Asterias and Echinus of Linnaeus. 2. The Intestina, intestinal worms. 3. The Acalepha, or medusas. 4. The Polypi, or polypes. And, 5. The Infusoria, or animalcules. Each of these, again, are divided in the following manner : CUVIEBIAN SYSTEM. ZOOPHYTES. 181 ORDER I. ECHINODERMA. ORDER III. ACALEPH& Asterias. Star-fish Medusa L. Asterias L. Medusa L. Alecto Leach. Beroe Mull. Encrinus M. Porpita Lam. Echinus L. Veletta Lam. Cidaris Kl. Physalia Lam. Spatangus Lesk. Conulus Kl. Physsophora F. Hippopus. Cassidulus Lam. Diphyes. Echinanthus Kl. Echinocyamus Lesk. Holothuria L. ORDER IV. POLYPI. 1. Polypes charnus. Molpadia Cuv. > Actinea L. Minyas Cuv. Lucernaria Mull. Priapulus Lam. Lithoderma Cuv 2. Polypes Gtlatineux. Siponculus Gm. Hydra L. Bonellia Bol. Cristatella C. Thalassema Cuv. Vorticella. Echiurus Cuv. Pedicellaria Mull. Sternaspis Otto. 3. Polypes a polypiers. ORDER II. INTESTXNA. Tubipora L. Tubularia L. 1. Entozoa Nemato'idea Rudolphi." Sertularia L. Cellularia L. Filaria L. Flustra L. Trichocephalus Eud. Corallina L Capillaria Bud. Antipathes L. Oxyuris Rud. Gorgonia L. Cucullanus. Isis L. Ophiostoma. Madrepora L. Ascaris L. - Millepora L. Strongylus Mull. Pennatula L. Spiroptera Rud. Alcyonium L Physaloptera Rud. Spongia L: Leorhynchus Rud. Pertastoma Rud. ORDER v . INFUSORIA. A Prionodertna Rud. cules. Lernaea L. I. Rotiferte. ' Pinnella Ok. Rotifera. Clavella Ok. &c. Vaginicola. Chondracanthus. Tubicolaria. Nemeries Cuv. Brachionus. 2. Les Parenchi/mateux. 2. Infusoria homogenea. Urceolaria. " Echinorhynchus. Trichoda. Haeruca Gm. Cercaria. Fasciola L. Vibrio. Tffinia L. Proteus. Scolex Mull. . Monas. Ligula JBloch. Volvox. N 3 Animal. 182 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. (233.) Notwithstanding the length of the above table, we have found it impracticable to insert the whole of the divisions and sub-genera which crowd the pages of the Regne Animal. Many of these are desig- nated only by their French names ; a practice highly detrimental to that clearness and perspicuity of nomen- clature which should be preserved in works of science : and this, added to the want of synoptical tables through- out the work, materially diminishes its utility for facile reference. We have, however, enumerated the leading groups ; and these will sufficiently explain to the stu- dent the nature of the whole, and guide him in his search after the lesser divisions. (234.) We have now given an exposition of the two most celebrated systems of modern times ; namely, those of Linnaeus and of Cuvier. They are the only two which have embraced the whole of the animal kingdom, from the higher groups down to 1 the lowest. Several othe/s, indeed, have been given to the world ; but they are rather compiled than original schemes ; and, from not carrying with them internal evidence of adequate knowledge, have received neither support from the scientific, nor popularity from the public. These may, therefore, be passed over in silence. But there are others, relating only to particular classes of animals, which are not only highly important as emanating from men justly celebrated in the ranks of science, but equally so as having furnished materials of such value, that without them even the Systema Naturae., or the Regne Animal could never have been given to the world. Like those celebrated works, the classifications we are now to notice come also under the head of artificial systems, because they merely tend to illustrate the pe- culiarities of the individual when viewed by itself, without any reference to its analogies or representations in the general scheme of nature. The partial system of Illiger is confined to quadrupeds and birds ; while those of Vieillot and Temminck are restricted to the latter only. Those most celebrated in entomology have emanated from De Geer, Fabricius, Latreille, Leach, PARTIAL SYSTEMS. 183 and Clairmlle. Following the order of these names, we proceed to give a slight sketch of each. (235.) Illiger published his classification of quadru- peds and birds in 1811. The former he divides into four- teen orders, from characters taken from the feet. These orders he arranges under two great or primary divisions : the first containing the true quadrupeds ; the second the aquatic or cetaceous Mammalia, and the seals : thus making, at the outset, a retrograde movement from natural arrangement. These orders, again, are divided into families, under which are arranged the genera. As the groundwork of this system is eminently arti- ficial, and as the genera (excellent in themselves) have been all incorporated in the Regne Animal, there is no occasion to enter upon further particulars. In arrang- ing the class of birds, our author has been somewhat more successful in his higher combinations, although here, likewise, he is inferior to Aristotle. He makes seven orders of the whole ; considering the Scanscres, or climbers, as distinct from the perching birds (In- sesso?'es*), whicli he terms Ambulatores ; while he se- parates, in like manner, the Cursores, or ostrich family, from the Rasores, to which they truly belong : for the rest, the genera are all good, although the series in which they are placed evinces that the author had no idea of the difference between analogy and affinity. These genera are all incorporated in the present work, under the classical and appropriate names bestowed upon them in the Prodromus Syatematis Mammalium et Avium of this accomplished zoologist. (236.) The ornithological system of M. Vieillot is chiefly remarkable for the incorporation of the scansorial birds with the perchers, both forming a part of our author's second order, Sylvicolee. He likewise rectified the error of Illiger, in regard to the ostrich family, which he makes the first group among the waders. This arrangement is not far from natural ; so that we find, for the first time in modern systems, the natural series of the five orders of birds. M. Vieillot's system N 4 184 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. is further remarkable for the number of new types or sub-genera it contains ; nearly all of which, however ill-defined, are natural, and combined together with an evident perception, in many instances, of natural af- finities. Our author, it is true, has availed himself largely of the valuable labours of Illiger, and has been justly censured for doing this without any acknowledg- ment of the aid he thus received ; but, in the formation of his groups, and the separation of his genera, he has evidently not been influenced by the example of his more learned predecessor. It will, nevertheless, be unnecessary to give further details of this system ; for the genera are so loosely defined that they can be only understood by a reference to the type (generally a well- known bird) which the author quotes. The priority of the nomenclature, also, is not to be relied upon ; since, in many cases, new names have been given to groups previously defined and named by Illiger, Cuvier, and others, all of which are made to appear as emanating from the author himself. M. Temminck has publicly protested against these plagiarisms, and others have spoken of them in terms of severe censure. (237-) The system of M. Temminck deserves much more attention. Of all those which have been framed without a reference to the general laws of the natural system, it is decidedly the best. This may appear un- merited praise, when we perceive that the very found- ation, or, in other words, the primary divisions, are forced and unnatural. M. Temminck loses sight of the groups of Aristotle, and subdivides the leading orders of the class into no less than sixteen divisions. These, however, when viewed in reference to artificial arrange- ment, and the author is evidently unacquainted with any other, are very clear, and, consequently, excellent. The genera, it is true, are few, but they are defined with great care, and evince an acquaintance with this class of zoology far superior to that possessed by any of the moderns. Our author's forte, indeed, like that of Illiger, is detail ; but he seems, unfortunately for his .ORNITHOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. TEMMINCK. 185 own fame, to have imbibed the ancient notion that no genus is to be retained, if the links by which it is con- nected to another are discovered. Hence he adopts very few of the genera intimated by M. Vieillot, and even omits some of those defined by M. Cuvier. His merits, however, in the arrangement of his generic groups, and the high finish he has bestowed upon them, have given to his system a prevalence and popularity above all others which have appeared since the days of Linnaeus ; next to whom, as an ornithologist, he as- suredly ranks. The experienced ornithologist will per- ceive the artificial nature of the following orders, but the natural connection of a number of the genera they contain : ORDER I. RAPTORES. Menura Shaw. Vultur Illig. Catharces Illig. Gyphaetus Storr. Gypogeranus Illig. Falco L. Pitta Vieil. Myothora Illig. Thamnophilus Vieil. Vanga Vieil. Lanius L. Strix L. Psaris Cuv. Sparactes Illig. ORDER II. OMNI\ORA. Ocyptcrus Cuv. Opisthocomus Illig. Buceros L. Prionites Illig. Edolius Cuv. Ceblepyris Cuv. Coracina Vieil. Ampelis L. Nucifraga Briss. Pyrrhocorax Cuv. Barita Cuv. Glaucopis Forster. Gracula L. Buphaga L. Bombycilla Briss. Ptilonorhynchus Kuhl. Coracias L. Casmarhynchus Tern. Procnias Hoff. Rupicola Cuv. Phibalura Vieil. Pipra L. Pardalotis Vieil. Tod us L. Platyrhynchus Des. Muscicapa L. Colaris Cuv. Oriolus L. Icterus Dandin. Sternus L. Pastor Tern. Paradisea L. Malurus Vieil. Sylvia Lath. Saxicola Bech. Accentor Bech. Motarilla L. Anthus Bech. Lamprotornis Tern. ORDER IV. GRANIVORA. ORDER III. INSECTIVORA. Alauda L. Turdus L. Parus L. CincluB Bech. Emberiza L. 186 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. Tanagra L. ORDER VIII. CHELIDONI. Ploceus Cuv. Loxia Briss. Psitti rostra Tern. Hirundo L. Cypselus Illig. Pyrrhula Cuv. ORDER IX. COLOMBO. Fringilla L. Phytotoma Moll. Columba L. Colius Lath. ORDER X. GALLING. ORDER V. ZYGODACTYLI. Pavo L. Callus L. Musophaga Isert. Phasianus L. Indicator Le Vail. Lophophorus Tern. Cuculus L. Polyplectron Tern. Coccyzus Vieil. Meleagris L. Centropus Illig. Argus Tern. Phrenicophaus Vieil. Numida L. Leptosomus Vieil. Pauxi Tern. (Ourax Cuv.) Sythrops Latham. Crax L. Pteroglossus Illig. Penelope Merr. Ramphastos L. Tetrao L. Crotophaga L. Pterocles Tern. Trogon L. Syrrhaptes Illig. Capito Vieil. (Tamatia Cuv.} Perdix Lath. Bucco L. Cryptonyx Tern. Pogonias Illig. Tinamus Lath. Psittacus L. Hemipodius Tern. Picus L. Galbula L. ORDER XI. ALECTORIDES. Yunx L. Psophia L. Dicholophus Illig. ORDER VI. ANISODACTYLI. Glareola L. Chauna Illig. Oxyruncus Tern. Orthonyx Tern. ORDER XII. CURSORES. Dendrocolaptes Herman. Xenops Illig. Anabates Tern. Opetiorhynchus Tern. Struthio L. Rhea Briss. Casuarius Briss. mis 7 Certhia L. Careba Briss. IS /-. Cursorius -Lath. Trochilus L. Nectarinia Illig. Climacteris Tern. ORDER XIII. GRALLATORES. OEdicnemus Tern. Tichodroma Illig. Upupa L. Calidris Illig. Falcinellus Cuv. Epimachus Cuv. Hemantopus Briss. Drepanis Tern. Haematopus L. Meliphaga Lewin. Charadrius L. Vanellus Briss. ' ORDER VII. ALCYONI. Strepsilus Illig. Grus Pallas. Merops L. Aramus Vieil. Alcedo L. Ardea L. Dacelo Leach. Ciconia Briss. ENTOMOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. DE GEEB. 187 Anastomus Illig. Chionis Forst. Scopus Briss. Rhynchops L. Phcenicopterus L. Sterna L. Recurvirostra L. Larus L. Cancroma L. Lestris Illig. Platalea L. Procellaria L. Tantalus L. Pachyptila Illig. Ibis Antiq. Numenius Briss. Halodroma Illig. Diomedia L. Tringa L. Anas L. Totanus Bech. Mergus L. Limosa Briss. Pelecanus L. Scolopax L. Carbo Meyer. Rynchasa Cuv. Eurypyga Illtg. Tachypetes.Ffci/. Sula Briss. Rail us L. Plotus L. Gallinula Briss. Phaeton L. Parra L. Uria Briss. Porphyrio Briss. Phalaris Tern. ORDER XIV. PINNATIPEDES. Mormon Illig. Alca L. Fulica L. Spheniscus Briss. Podoa Illig. Aptenodytes Forst. Phalaropus Briss. Podiceps Lath. ORDER XVL INERTES. ORDER XV. PALMIPEDES. Apteryx Shaw. Cereopsis Lath. Didus L. (238.) We must here close our enumeration of or- nithological systems : very many others are enumerated by M. Lesson, who is himself the author of two. The prince of Musignano has more recently given the out- lines of another,, and we know not how many have been lately drawn up by the writers of Germany. (239.) Of partial systems,, restricted to entomology, that of the celebrated baron De Geer must be first men- tioned ; not only because of its priority, but because it approaches most nearly to that of Aristotle and Linnaeus of any in modern times. The following ex- position of the orders will show how nearly the views of this great man coincided with those of his two illus- trious predecessors. De Geer at once perceived the typical peculiarity of the class Insecta to consist in their being winged ; and he, accordingly, sets out with di- viding the whole into two primary groups : but let us look to the annexed table for the details : 188 GYMPJOPTERA. Four wings, without wing- ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. ' Div. I. ALATA. (Ptilota Aristotle.} Wings covered with scales, tongue tongue and VAGINATA. Two wings, covered by two wing- cases. III. DlPTERA. Two wings uncovered. IV. SALTATORIA. Undergoing a metamor- phosis. V. GRESSORIA. Undergoing no metamor- phosis. f 1. LEPIDOPTERA. spiral. 2. ELINGUIA. (Neuroptera L.) Wines teeth none. (Trichoptera K.) 3. NEUROPTERA. Wings membranaceous, equal reticu- lated ; mouth furnished with teeth. 4. HYMENOPTERA. Wings membranaceous, unequal : nervures mostly longitudinal ; mouth with teeth Fe- male wjth a sting. 5. SIPHONATA. (Hemiptera L.) Wings membranaceous ; tongue bent under the breast. (Homopetra Leach.) 6. DERMAPTERA. (Hemiptera L.) Elytra half mem- branaceous, half coriaceous, crossed. A pair of mem- branous wings, tongue bent under the breast. 7. HEMIPTERA. Elytra coriaceous, or semi-crustaceous, aliform ; a pair of membranous wings : mouth with teeth. (Orthoptera Lat.) 8. COLEOPTERA. Wings hard and crustaceous, with a pair of membranous wings beneath : mouth furnished with teeth. 9. HALTERATA. (Diptera L.) Wings two, membrana- ceous ; poisers two ; mouth with a tongue, but without teeth. 10. PROBOSCIDEA. (Hemiptera L.) Wings two, mem- branaceous. Male without either poisers, tongue, or teeth. Female apterous, with a tongue in the breast. Div. II. APTERA. (Aptera L.) SUCTORIA. Win proboscis. (Pule 11. SUCTORIA. Wings none : feet six : mouth with a ? '" -Ml*) 12. AUCENATA. Wings none ; feet six ; head and thorax distinct. (Hexapod Aptera, Termes, Psocus.) 13. ATRACHELIA. Wings none ; feet six or more ; head united with the trunk. (Octopod Aptera, Arachnidce, Crustacea.) 14. CRUSTACEA. Wings none ; feet fourteen or; more ; head separated from the thorax. j_ (Polypod Aptera, Crustacea.) (240.) It has been well observed on this system, that this great naturalist, whose merits repose on a much more permanent basis than mere classification, by following too strictly the number and substance of the organs of flight, has been led to place in different classes insects which ought not to have been so separated.* He appears, nevertheless, to have been convinced of the propriety of Aristotle's primary divisions of winged and * Int to Ent. voL iv. p. 443. ENTOMOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. FABBICIUS. 189 wingless insects ; but, like him, he had a most imperfect conception of the latter group. His departure from the orders established by Linnaeus will, by many, be ex- tolled as the commencement of all the good that has been since matured ; while, by others, it will be designated as the first commencement of those erroneous theories which, in modern times, have led us astray from nature. (241.) Fabricius was the great systematist of his day ; but his classification, once so prevalent, has long been abandoned. He published two systems; one in 1775, and the other in 1798. The primary groups of the latter, as drawn up by Messrs. Kirby and Spence, are here subjoined ; chiefly for the purpose of showing the passion for new names, which now began to arise among the continental naturalists, and to illustrate the different conceptions of entomological groups entertained by our author from those of Aristotle, Linnaeus, and De Geer : 1. ELEUTHERATA. (Coleoptera L.) Maxilla naked, free, palpigerous. 2. ULONATA. (Orthopierous Neuroptera L.) Maxilla covered by an obtuse lobe. 3. SYRISTATA. (NeurojHera L.) Maxilla geniculated at the base, and connate with the labrum. 4. PIEZATA. (Hymenoptera L.) Maxilla corneous, compressed, often elongate. 5. ODONATA. (Neuroptera L.) Maxilla corneous, toothed, palpi two. 6. MITOSATA. (Myriapoda Leach.) Maxilla corneous, vaulted, palpi none. * * 7. UNOGATA. (Pulmonary Arachnidce Lat.) Maxilla corneous, armed with a claw. 8. POLYGONATA. (Isopod and Branchiopod Crustacea Lat.) Palpi mostly six, maxillae many, placed within the labium. 9. KLEISTOGNATHA. (Brachiurus, Decapod Crustacea of Lat.) Many maxillae without the labium, closing the mouth. 10. EXOCHNATA. (Macrourus, Decapod Crustacea Lat.) Max- illae many, without the labium covered by palpi. 190 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. 11. GLOSSATA. (Lepidoptera L.) Mouth with a spiral tongue between reflected palpi. 12. RYNGATA. (Hemiptera~L.} Mouth with a rostrum having a jointed sheath. 13. ANTLIATA. (Diptera L. Anoplura, Leach. Trachean Arachnidce, #c.) Mouth with an haustellum without joints. (242.) fe In estimating the value of the above system, we must hear in mind/' observe Kirby and Spence, cc that, according to the statement of its author, it was intended to be partly artificial and partly natural ; that is, artificial as to its classes and orders, but natural as to its genera, species, and varieties." * Whatever were the intentions of the author, his system, founded in all its parts upon the minute organs of the mouth, is, of all others, the most artificial, the most difficult, and the most discouraging and repulsive to the student. So that whatever merits belong to Fabricius in other re- spects, there is great truth in the opinion generally en- tertained of his system; namely, that it retarded, instead of advanced, the progress of entomological science. (243.) The system of the celebrated Latreille, whose recent loss we so much deplore, soon superseded that of Fabricius. It possesses the advantage of being founded on a consideration of the entire structure of these animals ; and hence gives us the first example, in theory, of the natural principle of classification. To show in what manner this principle is applied, we shall copy his distribution of insects, given in his last work.f The first divisions of the whole class are three ; viz. Crus- tacea, ArachnidtB, and Insecta ; each of which is again subdivided as follows : I. CRUSTACEA. 1. Malacostraca. a. Decapoda. Brachyura. Macraura. b. Stomapoda. Unipeltata. Bipeltata. c. Amphipoda. d. Laemodipoda. * Int to Ent. vol. iv. p. 452. f Rfegne Animal, Sd^ed. ENTOMOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. LATREILLE. 191 e. Isopoda. 2. Entomostraca. /. Branchiopoda. g. Pcecilopoda. Xyphosura. Siphonostoma h, Trilobites. II. ARACHNIDS. Pulmonariaa. Araneides. Pedipalpi. Tracheariae. Pseudo-Scorpiones. Pycnogonides. Holetra. Phalangium. A car ides. III. INSECTA. Myriapoda. Chilognatha. lulus. Chilopoda. Scolopendra. Thysanura. Lepismidae. Podurae. Parasita (Anoplura Leach). Pediculus. Siphonaptera. Pulex. Coleoptera. Orthoptera. Hemiptera. Neuroptera Hymenoptera. Lepidoptera. Rhipiptera. Diptera. (244.) It must be remembered that, although this system is by Latreille, it forms part of the Regne Animal, and apparently stands under the name of Cuvier : the latter, as we have already seen,, places the Annelides, or red-blooded worms, in the same class as insects, thus making the primary divisions four. We regret our space will not permit a fuller elucidation of this sys- tem,, which,, however defective in its primary groups, is the most elaborate and the most perfect in its details that has yet been given to the world. (245.) The system of Clairville is chiefly remarkable for having given rise to the theory of dividing perfect insects into the two great typical groups, as they are thought to be, of Haustellata and Mandibulata. The following table explains his primary divisions: Clairville. Linneeus. {Mandibulata. Haustellata. ri. Elytroptera. >2. Deratoptera. )3. Dictyoptera. C4. Phleboptera. f 5. Halteriptera. s 6. Lepidoptera. (.7. Hemimeroptera. Coleoptera. Orthoptera. Neuroptera. Hymenoptera. Diptera. Lepidoptera. Hemiptera. An?* ? Haustellata. 8. Rophoteira. Wrfgless. j Mandibulata. a Pododunera. 192 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. (246.) It has been said " that the principal merit of this system is the division of insects, tacitly pointed out by Fabricius, into two groups or sub-classes,, from the mode in which they take their food." If by this it is meant that these two sub-classes are natural, then they will form two circular groups exclusive of the Aptera, which they do not,, even according to the circular theory which has been founded upon them. (247.) Dr. Leach, whose labours are so well known to entomologists, appears, according to Samouelle,to arrange the annulose types under five leading classes ; thus : 1. Gills for respiration. Legs la Antennae 2 or 4. I.CRUSTACEA. 2. Sac for respiration. Legs 12. Antennae none. 3 ARACHNOIDEA. Q T i f f No antennae. 4. ACAIU. 3. Trachea for \ r Six thoracic legs. 2. MYRIAPODA. respiration. T antennB< -J Six thoracic legs, 7 ,- T,,^. but no abdominal.] 5 ' Ij> (248.) His divisions of the last class, or that of In- secta, have been thus registered in the third volume of his ec Zoological Miscellany : " I. Sub-class. ) AMETABOLIA. f Body ending in bristles. Nometamor- (" Body without bristles, phosis. ' II. Sub-class. METABOLIA. Metamorphosis - triple. 1. Thysanura. 2. Anoplura. 8. Coleoptera. 4. Dermaptera. 5. Orthoptera. 6. Dictuoptera. Blatta L. 7. Hemiptera. 8. Homoptera. 9. Aptera. 10. Lepidoptera. 11. Trichoptera. 12. Neuroptera. 13. Hymenoptera. 14. Rhipiptera. 15. Diptera. 16. Omaloptera. (249.) We may now be allowed to close this enumer- ation of artificial systems, which serve to mark the rise and progress of systematic arrangement, but which ex- ercise very little influence on the present state of the science, pursued, as it now is, upon principles of in- ductive philosophy. There is, however, another mode of arrangement, which comes under this chapter, which we shall now shortly explain, and then dismiss. BINARY SYSTEMS. l3 (250.) Binary or dichotomous systems, although re- gulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have been ever invented. This great principle upon which the advocates of such tables insist, simply consists in arranging animals according to their positive and negative characters ; as, for instance, birds with perfect wings, and, secondly, birds with imperfect wings ; and so on. Now this mode of arrangement is, perhaps, the most simple, and the most easy of comprehension, of any that has been devised; and was, therefore, the earliest in use. It likewise seems to offer a ready clue to the discovery of any particular species or genus, be- cause the student has no occasion to look beyond the table before him : he need not trouble himself about affinities or analogies, for he has merely to see what particular character his specimen has, and what it has not. When, therefore, his object is either to ascertain the recorded name of a species, or whether it be described or undescribed, he will often find this sort of catalogue useful. But the misfortune of the binary methods of arrangement is this, that they may be multiplied ad libitum. As their advocates profess not to pursue any one principle in the selection of their characters, it fol- lows that we may have a hundred different binary sys- tems, each good in its way, but each different from the other. One entomologist may choose to divide all in- sects into such as have wings, and, secondly, such as have none. Another, looking to the manner of feeding, may make his two groups depend upon one having jaws, the other none. A third, considering metamorphosis as the corner-stone of his system, may divide all insects into such as undergo this transformation, and such as do not. Hence, it follows, that every one may form a binary system of his own, provided he closely attends to, and " possesses distinct conceptions on, positive and negative characters ;" the only requisite, as its advocates affirm, for this mode of arrangement. As for preserving the natural affinities of groups, it is by no means ne- cessary to the systems in question that any regard should 194 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. be paid to such matters ; their advocates, very judi- ciously, do not insist on such considerations, nor do they attempt to point out in what way nature gradually passes from one group to another. That the reader, however, may be better able to judge for himself on the merits of a binary or dichotomous arrangement, we here present him with a table of the class of birds, as given by one who is, we believe, the only advocate of dicho- tomy* : Order I. FISSIPEDES. Land Birds. Toes free, and formed for grasping or walking. Tribe 1. TERRESTRES. Tibial joint, feathered. Sect. 1. AMBULATORES. Three toes directed antially, and fitted for walking or grasping. ("GALLINAD-E. Bill arched from the I. Nostrils hid under an | base; eggs numerous. arched covering, wings-{ COLUMB A \>JE. Bill swollen at the short. II. Nostrils exposed, or hid only by feathers. Sect. 2. SCANSORES. Two toes base, nearly straight, and sub- ulate towards the extremity. ACCIPITRES. Bill and claws strongly hooked, limbs strong, tongue emarginate. Females largest. PASSERES. Bill nearly straight at the gape, no cere. Males largest. directed antially, and fitted for climbing trees. Tribe 2. GRALL.E. Waders, lower end of the tibial joint and tarsus naked. Order II. PALMIPEDES. Water Birds. Toes webbed to their extremity, and formed for swimming. (251.) The value of a theory can only be determined when we bring it into practice, and when, by following it down to its lowest details, we can judge how far it is agreeable with our ordinary conceptions of nature, and how far it answers the purposes of arrange- ment. With this view let us examine the foregoing table, which we must presume has been drawn up by one having " distinct conceptions on positive and nega- tive characters ;" and let us do this, both with reference to its natural order, and to the help it gives for the de- termination of a species. We need not be -long detained on the first, for it is difficult to name any two families of birds more unlike each other than the pigeons (Co- lumbadai) and the eagles (Accipitres) , which are here brought together. A greater violation of nature was * Dr. Fleming's Philosophy rf Zoology and British Animals. P1CHOTOMOUS SYSTEM EXAMINED. 1Q5 never, perhaps,, ventured upon in any system ; and this alone is sufficient to take from the whole scheme any pretensions to the claim of a natural series. But the merit of Dichotomy, it may he urged, lies in the strength of its absolute characters, by which a student can at once determine the division to which a genus or a species belongs. We will, therefore, test it by this prin- ciple. Every ornithologist is aware that the feet of the kingfishers (Halcyonidte), bee-eaters (Meropidte), and the puff- birds ( Tamatince}, have two toes before and two behind, but that these families, so far from climbing, like the Scansores, are only able to sit still upon a branch, and watch for their prey, which they take upon the wing after the manner of swallows. Here, then, is an entire natural division, containing nearly 100 species, recognised by all modern writers out which, in this dichotomous system, has no place whatever assigned to it. Again, the family of tree creepers (Certhidce}, well exemplified both by our common creeper and nuthatch, are eminently scansorial, and live, as it were, on the upright trunks of trees ; but the student, knowing this, and wishing to find their station among the " Scansores," may search in vain either for one genus or the other. To multiply further instances will be needless. It appears, therefore, that a dichotomous or binary system will not even answer the purpose of an index to the genera or species, while it makes pretension to placing those groups together which every one sees that nature has united. The Linnsean arrangement of birds, with all its defects, is more natural, and more easy of compre- hension. (252.) It is quite unnecessary to particularise the dif- ferent binary systems which have been published by various hands ; since we, no less than our readers, might draw up fifty others, each different from the other, and each as worthless for use. o 2 196 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. CHAP. III. ON NATURAL SYSTEMS. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. DE- FINITION OF A NATURAL SYSTEM. HERMANN'S. OBSERV- ATIONS. LAMARCK'S SYSTEM OF THE INVERTEBRATED ANIMALS. SYSTEM OF MACLEAY IN ENTOMOLOGY. [ FRIES's IN BOTANY. ALTERATIONS IN MACLEAY*S SYSTEM. REMARKS THEREON. SEPTENARY AND OTHER THEORIES. GENERAL REMARKS ON NUMERICAL THEORIES, AND ON THE NECESSITY OF PROVING THAT GROUPS ARB CIRCULAR. (253.) WE have already touched upon the essential distinctions between an artificial and a natural system ; hut the latter will now claim more of our attention. As every principle of analogical reasoning, and every result of minute investigation, leads to the conclusion that there is a unity of plan throughout that part of creation which embraces the animal world, so it follows that there cannot, strictly speaking, be more than one na- tural system. It may, therefore, be objected to us, as it has already been to others, that, by speaking of na- tural systems, we imply that there may be several. Let us, there fore, at the commencement, be clearly understood upon this point. If, by the natural system, we are to understand a complete developement of all the properties and relations of animated beings ; the functions they are intended to perform; the principles upon which their forms have been regulated ; their indisputable af- finities among themselves, and their innumerable ana- logies to all others, then the natural system is a pinnacle of knowledge to which finite beings can obviously never reach. But this, though a just definition, is too theo- retical for practical use ; seeing that human knowledge must be for ever imperfect, while the faculties of the ON NATURAL SYSTEMS. 197 mind are limited. In adapting our terms, therefore, to'the actual state of tilings, we shall consider that to he a natu- ral system which endeavours to explain the multifarious relations which one object hears to another, not simply in their direct affinity, by which they follow each other like the links of a vast chain, but in their more remote relations ; whereby they typify or represent other objects, totally distinct in structure and organisation from them selves, by certain general laws. Hence it follows, that there may be many natural systems, or, rather, attempts at the partial discovery of that one which ALMIGHTY WISDOM pursued in the creation of irrational beings. This, therefore, is the true object of a natural classification ; and none which professes not to set out with this aim, and does not keep it in view as the goal to be arrived at, can claim the title of a natural system. Our first attempts at such a mode of studying nature are comparatively easy : we begin from a given point, and the regular gradation which we are able to trace from one form to another, leads us to believe that the natural series is much more simple and easy of de- tection than we at first imagined ; but, as we advance, we find the relations of our animals multiply: they seem, indeed, to preserve their line of affinity, but to branch off in various directions to the right hand and to the left, until they blend into other races, far removed from that with which we first commenced our enquiries. Here, then, our difficulties begin ; and it is here that the study of the natural system commences. It may well be supposed that, on a subject so intricate, great diversity of opinions may arise, and that, while all such naturalists are striving at the discovery of one system, " the only one of nature," that they may, in reality, produce several all, indeed, professing to expound the same thing, but all doing so on a different theory, and with more or less success. How, then, it may be asked, are we to decide on their respective merits, and to which are we to give the preference ? Our answer will o 3 108 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. be this: The merits of a natural system are in pro- portion to the number and universality of the facts which it can explain by certain general laws. The system, therefore, which developes principles of the widest ap- plication, and brings the elements, if we may so term them, of natural classification into the narrowest com- pass, is that which obviously makes the nearest approach to nature, and, therefore, deserves to be distinguished, par excellence, as the natural system. (254.) From this definition of a natural system, as opposed to one that is artificial, it becomes extremely difficult to name that naturalist who deserves to be placed first on our present list. Many of the groups of Aristotle are, undoubtedly, natural, and will stand as such, in opposition to the neglect they received from subsequent zoologists ; yet others, in the same system, are in the highest degree artificial. The same may be said both in regard to the systems of Willughby and of Linnaeus ; yet both these are more properly artificial systems, for they merely attempt to combine the groups in detached portions of a simple series, without any reference to their remote relations. Now, as this latter train of enquiry is that more especially in which the essence of the natural system consists, we may probably regard Hermann as the first who, in regard to animals, entered into any details on this interesting subject. His work, entitled Tabula Affinitatum Animalium, printed in 3783, contains numerous comparisons, and many valuable observations, on the resemblances which differ- ent animals bear to each other. But the materials he has thus brought together do not appear to have been applied to any definite or general result ; and it has been justly observed*, that Hermann seemed to have no clear perception of the difference between analogy and affinity, although, like most others who had gone before him, he did not confound them when treating of very remote * Linn. Trans. voL xvi, p. 15, &c. NATURAL SYSTEMS. LAMARCK. 199 resemblances. His work, unfortunately, is so rare in this country, that, having in vain endeavoured to procure a copy, we can only form our opinion of it from Mr. MacLeay's paper in the Linn. Trans. From these notices, it certainly appears that our author laid the first foundation of a natural system rude, indeed, as may he expected, but replete with comparisons hitherto scarcely noticed. Hermann's system may, therefore, be said to have been long superseded ; "for his table, as given at the end of his work, is any thing but a diagram : it is more confused than the Mappa Geographica of Linnaeus, both of which have expressed analogies as if they had been affinities."* (255.) The system of Lamarck, in regard to the soft or invertebrated animals, deserves particular attention, since he was unquestionably the first who, by his unrivalled perception of natural affinities, " obtained an indistinct view of that circular arrangement," which was more clearly and fully developed by his successors in this intri- cate field of enquiry. This has been most fully and most honourably admitted by Mr. MacLeay in the following passage: (e In the first volume of his (Lamarck's) cele- brated work, he acknowledges that the idea of a simple series constituting the whole of the animal kingdom does not agree with the evident order of nature, because, to use his own words, this order is far from simple : it is branched, and is at the same time composed of several distinct series. He then presumes, that animals offer two separate subramose series, one commencing with the Infusoria, and leading by means of the mollusca to the cuttlefish (Cephalopoda), and the other commencing with the intestinal worms, and leading to insects. Now, this notion could only have gained a place in the mind of Lamarck from a conviction by experience of its being an incontrovertible truth." After enumerating the series thus indicated by Lamarck t, our author adds, " Now, * Linn. Trans, vol. xvi. p. 11. note. f Nat. Hist, des Anim. sans Vert vol. i. p. 456. o 4- 200 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. this table of affinities, however confused it may appear, or subramose, as it is termed, coincides with the tabular view which I have laid before the public.* We have only to join the Radiata to the Cirripeda, and the Annalides to fishes, and Lamarck's table of affinities, with scarcely any alteration, becomes precisely the same as mine." It is therefore clear, that the first perception of that cir- cular series of affinity which pervades the animal king- dom was gained by Lamarck in the year 1815. But this was done without the least suspicion arising, on his part, that the circularity of natural groups was the first prin- ciple of natural arrangement. His studies, in fact, did riot extend to vertebrated animals ; but he had an in- tuitive perception of natural affinities ; and by follow- ing these he traced the natural series, without, however, perceiving that it assumed the disposition of a circle, which the vertebrated animals would render complete. That this fact may be more apparent to our readers, and that we may justify our opinion that the system of this able but fanciful zoologist was eminently natural, we here subjoin the table in question : Series of Inarticulated Animals. Series of Articulated Animals. Infusoria. Polypi. Vermes. " ' Radiata. Anneli Tunicata. Radiata. Annelides. Epizoaria. Acephala. Insecta Crustacea. Arachnid*. Mollusca. Cirripeda. Pisces. Reptilia. Aves. Mammalia. (256.) Lamarck is chiefly known in this country by his admirable arrangement of the testaceous mollusca or shells, a department in which he created so great a reformation * Hor. Ent p. 213. ; NATURAL SYSTEMS. MACLEAY. 201 that he has left comparatively little to he done, as regards the definition of natural genera, by those who come after him. All must admire the acumen, judgment, and extensive knowledge which this celebrated man pos- sessed, and which shines forth in the admirable manner in which he grouped those objects which were his pecu- liar study. Yet, while we do justice to his memory in this respect, we must reprobate those atheistical theories, no less impious than absurd, which he has introduced in his writings, theories which are inconsistent with his own words, and which are too ridiculous even to be repeated. (25?.) The circular system of MacLeay, as following in the order of succession, is now to be noticed. We have seen that Lamarck, so far back as 18 15, had not only po- sitively declared his conviction that the natural series was neither simple nor linear, but that he had given a table indicating a union of all the large divisions of the animal world ; but this, after all, was but the first glimpse of these important discoveries regarding the fundamental principles of the natural system which were first made known by the Horce Entomologicce. Lamarck, like- wise, although he partially traced the animal circle, had no true perceptions of the course it was taking. His table, in fact, was not unlike an architectural drawing, where the great rules of perspective had been pretty well adhered to, but which rules could not be ex- plained by the artist upon their true principle, having been drawn merely by the help of a remarkably accu- rate eye. Here, then, is one of the chief merits of the system of Lamarck, a system which must certainly be considered as the first promulgation of any uni- versal law in natural classification. (25S.) The Horce Entomologicte, unluckily for stu- dents, can only be thoroughly understood by the adept, since the results and observations are explained in dif- ferent parts, the style is somewhat desultory, and the groups, for the most part, are rather indicated than defined. The whole, in short, is what it professes to be, more a 202 ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. rough sketch of the leading peculiarities of the great divisions of animals, and the manner in which they are probably connected, than an accurate determination of the groups themselves,, or a demonstration of their real affinities. More than this, perhaps, could not have been expected, considering the then state of science, and the herculean difficulties which the author had to surmount. The work in question has now become exceedingly scarce, and this will be an additional reason with us for communicating occasional extracts from it to the reader. Mr. MacLeay's theory will be best understood by consulting his diagrams ; for he has not, as we have already remarked, defined any of the vertebrated groups. Condensing, however, the result of his remarks, we shall state them as resolvable into the following proposi- tions : 1. That the series of natural animals is con- tinuous, forming, as it were, a circle ; so that, upon commencing at any one given point, and thence tracing all the modifications of structure, we shall be imper- ceptibly led, after passing through numerous forms, again to the point from which we started. 2. That no groups are natural which do not exhibit, or show an evident tendency to exhibit, such a circular series. 3. That the primary divisions of every large group are ten, five of which are composed of comparatively large circles, and five of smaller : these latter being termed osculant, and being intermediate between the former which they serve to connect. 4. That there is a tend- ency in such groups as are placed at the opposite points of a circle of affinity " to meet each other."* 5. That one of the five larger groups into which every natural circle is divided, " bears a resemblance to all the rest, or, more strictly speaking, consists of types which repre- sent those of each of the four other groups, together with a type peculiar to itself."f These are the chief and leading principles which Mr. MacLeay considers * Hor. Ent. 319. t Ibid. 518. NATURAL SYSTEMS. MACLEAY. 203 as belonging to the natural system. We shall now copy his diagram, or table of the animal kingdom, and then endeavour, with this help, to explain the system more in detail. (259-) We must, in the first instance, look to the above tabular disposition of all animals, as forming them- selves collectively into one great circle, which circle touches or blends into another, composed of plants, by means of the " least organised beings of the vegetable kingdom." Next we are to look to the larger component parts of this great circular assemblage. We find it, in accordance with the third proposition, to exhibit five great circles, composed of the MOLLUSCA, or shell-fish ; ACRITA, or polypes ; RADIATA, or star- fish ; ANNULOSA, or insects ; and VERTEBRATA, or vertebrated animals ; each passing or blending into each other, by means of five other groups of animals, much smaller, indeed, in their extent, but forming so many connecting or osculant circles. The number, therefore, as many erroneously suppose, is not five, but ten. This is quite obvious ; ON SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. and our opinion on this point is confirmed by the author himself, in the following passage, when alluding to his remarks upon thewhole: "The foregoing observations, I am well aware, are far from accurate, but they are sufficient to prove that there are five great circular groups in the animal kingdom, which possess each a peculiar structure : and that these, when connected by means of five smaller osculant groups, compose the whole province of zoology."* Now these smaller osculant groups are to be viewed as circles, for, as it is elsewhere stated_, " every natural group is a circle, more or less complete." This, in fact, is the third general principle of Mr. Mac- Leay's system, and he has exemplified his meaning of a natural group in the above diagram, where all animals are arranged under five large groups or circles, and five smaller ones. Let us take one of these groups, the VERTEBRATA : does that form a circle of itself? Yes; because it is intimated that the reptiles (Reptilia) pass into the birds (Aves), these again into the quadrupeds (Mammalia), quadrupeds unite with the fishes (Pisces), these latter with the amphibious reptiles, and the frogs bring us back again to the reptiles, the point from whence we started. Thus the series of the vertebrated group is marked out and shown to be circular ; therefore it is a natural group. This is an instance where the circular series can be traced. We now turn to one where the series is imperfect, but where there is a decided tend- ency to a circle: this is the MOLLUSCA. Upon this group our author says,