THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID PHYSIOLOGY, ANIMAL AND MENTAL: APPLIED TO THE '"" PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION OF HEALTH OF BODY, AND POWER OF MIND. I BY O. S. FOWLER, PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGIST. "A SOUND MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY. FIFTH EDITION. FOWLERS AND WELLS, PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET, 131 NASSAU STREET* AND BT BOOKSELLERS GENERALLY. J 851. n '. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year i847, BY O. 8. FOWLER, tc ihe Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern DistricI of New York. '*' SYMBOLICAL HEAD. NUMBERING AND DEFINITION OF THE ORGANS 1. AMATIVENESS, Sexual and connubial love. 2. PHILOPROGENITIVENESS, Parental love. 3. ADHESIVENESS, Friendship sociability. A. UNION FOR LIFE, Love of one only. 4. INHABITIVENKSS, Love of home patriot- ism. 5. CONTINUITY. Completion one tiling at a time. 6. COMBATIVENESS, Resistance defence. 7. DESTRUCTIVENSSS, Executivencss force. 8. ALIMENTIVENESS, Appetite, hunger. 9 ACQUISITIVENESS, Frugality accumula- tion. 10. SKCRETIVZNESS, Policy management 11. CAUTIOUSNESS, Prudence, provision. 12. APPROBATIVENESS, Ambition display. J3. SELF-ESTEEM, Self-respect and confi- dence dignity. 14. FIRMNESS, Decision perseverance. 15. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, Justice equity. J6, HOPE, Expectation enterprise. 17 SPIRITUALITY, Intuition prescience spiritual rererv communion with God. 18. VENERATION, Devotion worship, f epect. 19. BENEVOLENCE, Kindness goodness. 20. CONSTRUCTIVENESS, Mechanical ingenuity '21. IDEALITY, Refinement taste purity B. SUBLIMITY, Love of grandeur. 22. IMITATION, Copying patterning. 23. MIRTHFULNESS, Jocoseness wit fun. 24. INDIVIDUALITY, Observation. 25. FORM, Recollection of shape. 26. SIZE, Measuring by the eye. 27. WEIGHT, Balancing climbing. 28. COLOR, Judgment of colors. 29. ORDER, Method system arrangement 30. CALCULATION, Mental arithmetic. 31. LOCALITY, Recollection of places. 32. EVENTUALITY, Memory of facts. 33. TIME, Cognizance of duration. 34. TUNE, Music melody by ear. 35. LANGUAGE, Expression of ideas. 36. CAUSALITY, Applying causes to e.Teota. 37. COMPARISON, Inductive reasoning. C. HUMAN NATURE, Perception of motive* D. AGBEEABLENESS, Pleasantness suaritj -. . ^J e 'ft 4f> TABLE OF DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE HEALTH, 1 Relative strength. Cultivation. ll j Reduction in children. ' Health 21* 26 163 Vitality 28 166 163 Nutrition 29 63 64 77 78 Appetite 69 70717478 Perspiration ) 104 107 108 111 112 110 174 Sleep 126 129 129 129 Temperature ) 94 96 98 115 98 99 113 Muscles 136 138 140 143 145 Brain 149 Vol. iii. Vol. iii. 162 162 Nerves 153 155 157 156 162 162 Proportion 162 162 162 Precocity 162 162 f 70 71 72 Dyspepsia 2 168 164 169 164 1 170 Palpitation 171 171 Consumption 172 173 175 174 Insanity 176 176 176 * These figures refer, not to pages, but to those numbered paragraphs, or headings, found throughout the work. ' EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE. THE accompanying Table, when marked, will enable those who may secure the requisite examination, to refer to those passages which point out the physiological excess, defect, or derangement, which causes their debility or disease, as well as show them how to ward off predispositions to those diseases to which they are most liable. A dot, or any other mark, with the pen, will be placed in the square containing the number of the paragraphs which give the required direc- tions. But where several persons are marked on the same table, a hori- zontal stroke, or dash, will be used for the first ; a perpendicular erected on it thus - 1 - for the second ; this perpendicular continued below the horizontal, making a cross, thus -J-, for the third; a horizontal curve over this cross, thus -f-, for the fourth ; under for the fifth, to the right hand for the sixth, and the left hand for the seventh ; so that the following mark (+) stands for all seven. The written figures in the second column indicate the relative vigor of the health, vitality, and the various functions opposite to which they are written, the scale varying from 1 to 7. Thus : 6 written opposite to Vitality, signifies that it is abundant, while 2 signifies that it is deficient; 4 signifies average ; 3 below par ; 5 rather above ; 7 very abundant , and 1 very deficient Several persons can be marked in this column also. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Symbolical had 1. Under jaw of the cow 8