LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF H.....S-... H-ou. Class 305( HAND BOOK OF THE New York Fire Insurance Exchange CONTAINING THE AGREEMENT, LIST OF MEMBERS, GENERAL RULES AND RATES, CLAUSES AND PRIVILEGES, FORMS AND GENERAL MINIMUM RATES Compiled and Revised to April i, 1903 BY HENRY E. HESS Manager Press or Andrew H. Kellogg Co. 409-415 Pearl Street New York INDEX. Accrued Warehouse Charges 74, 75 Acetylene (Calcium Carbide) 51 Additional Premiums 27, 45 Adjustment of rates issued prior to formation of the Exchange.. 53 Adoption of Name 5 Affidavit risks excepted from rule regarding Re-Insurance 29 Agency 19, 22 None in Manhattan and Bronx 20 Exceptions 20 Not entitled to membership 19 To equal Head Office in rank 19 Agency Members 34 Agents. Amenable to rules and rates 24 Appointment of, must be reported in seven days 25 Appointments if objected to 25 Must be revoked 25 Appeals , 25 Brooklyn Districts defined 22 Compensation 22 Failing to file premium certificates to be reported 26 Forms of premium certificates to be issued by 26 Hoboken Agents not to write in New York 23 Hudson County Agents not to write in New York 23 Jersey City Agents not to write in New York 23 Names and addresses to be filed 24 New Jersey resident Agents 23 None in Manhattan or Bronx 20 Of Exchange companies may not represent Non-Exchange companies 19 Offices must be in districts for which appointed 22 Outside, prohibited from writing risks in Exchange terri- tory 15 Statement of payment of premiums to be filed by 26 Agreement 5 Allowance of discount for cash payment a violation 27, 47 For Automatic Fire Alarm 38 For Automatic Sprinklers 38, 39 For improvements 107 For Sole Occupancy, when not permissible.. 70 112678 index. ii Alterations and Repairs. Extraordinary (Builders Risk) 51 Ordinary (Mechanics Privilege) 62 Amendments (changes in agreement) 31 Annual Risks 15 Apartment Hotels, household furniture in 44 Apartment Houses 39, 40 Area of 39,40 Definition of 40,43 Manager authorized to rate specifically 39 Three per cent. Limitation Clause ...76 When Branch Offices may write 40-42 Warranty 39 Appeals 14 Application for rate 52 Pass to accompany if needed 53 Applications regarding transfers from storage stores 17 Appointments of Agents must be reported in seven days 25 Appraisals for Co-Insurance 76, 77, 78 Appraisers of Valuation for Co-Insurance, names of 78 Certificate to be issued by 77, 78 Requirements for position 77 Removals of 77 Arbitration Committee 11 Accused member shall not serve thereon 11 Alphabetical retirement of members 11 Appeals from decisions of 13 Certificates mailed to local Companies 11 Certificates mailed to outside Companies 12 Chairman 11 Composed of 11 Fines may be imposed 12, 13 May authorize substitution of policies 14 Power to examine books 12 Power to examine under oath 12 Refusal to reply, considered an admission of truth 12 Shall employ an accountant or auditor 12 Terms of office 11 Area of operation 14 Arrangements against rules to be relinquished 31 Information as to such arrangements 31 Ash or Waste Cans 103 Assessments for Expenses 8 Assignments of elevator or warehouse policies 17, 18 Automatic Alarm (see also Fire Alarm) 38, 78 Allowances for 38 In Listed Storage Stores 38, 60 INDEX. Ill Automatic Alarm— Continued : No permit granted for inoperative condition 38 Owned or installed by a Broker 47 Automatic Sprinklers (see also Sprinklers) 38, 39. 79 Allowance for 38, 39 No permit granted for inoperative condition 39 Not entitled to allowance until so stated on rate card 39 On separate floors 38 Owned or installed by a Broker 47 Automobiles, privilege to keep Ill, 112 Storage stables for 79 Average Clause, Eighty per cent 81, 82, 83 One Hundred per cent 41, 56, 57, 84, 85 Average Rates 41. 42 For Blanket Policies may be made only by Manager 42 Basement, or Grade Floor Limitation 58 Basements sprinkled 40 Discount for 40 Benzine 88, 89 Bin for Excelsior or Packing Materials 105 Binders. Form for shall be prepared 16 Must be at rates in cabinets 41, 53 On rated risks 52 Binding Risks 40 Blanket Policies 41,42 Average rates for, may only be made by Manager 42 Highest rate must be charged , 41 On building, machinery and stock, allowance for 41 On merchandise, furniture and fixtures, allowance for 41 On merchandise in cars on rails 41 On merchandise in or on piers 41 On two or more buildings communicating 41 On two or more buildings not communicating, no deduction. .41 Blower System 103 Boarders in dwelling, presence of 80, 108 Boiler Room 103 Brackets, Gas 104 Branch Offices 19 Amenable to rules and rates 24 Apartment Houses may be written by, when 40 Appointment revoked 24 Brooklyn Offices 22 Buildings in Course of Construction, when they may write 12,48 Classes of risks allowed to be written 20, 21 Compensation of Managers 22, 24, 42 INDEX. IV Branch Offices— Continued : Convents may be written by 21, 23 Dealings must be confined to members represented 21, 22 Form of premium certificates, to be issued by 26 Managers 42 Not to be employed by any other member 24 Maintained by two or more members 42, 43 Must provide cabinet for list of Brokers 43 Must write above line mentioned in Section 18 (c) 20 Must write in their own districts 22, 23, 24 None allowed in certain districts 20 No brokerage allowed 24 Penalty for violation by Managers 24 Policies executed in blank by Head Office prohibited 21, 42 Restricted in Borough of the Bronx to West of Bronx River 21,43 Salary paid Branch Manager 42 Specifically rated Apartment Houses, written at 40 Territory allowed 20 Brick buildings with frame extensions take frame rate 50 Brokers. Business not to be purchased 18 Certificates 9 Maybe revoked 10 Clerks or employees of assured not eligible 10 Failure to renew Certificate in season 10, 47 Handlers of single lines not eligible 10 Held responsible for an employee's violations 45 Gifts to 47 May not act as agents for Non-Exchange Companies 46 Must not install protective equipments of any kind 47 Must not allow commission on risks outside of Exchange territory 46 Not to receive more commission from Non-Exchange than from Exchange Companies 46 Pledge required 10 To sign an agreement 10 Pledge, Class 1 37 Pledge, Class II 37 Presents to 47 Right of appeal to Arbitration Committee 10 Brokerage and Commission 18, 44, 45 Allowance of rebate forbidden 45 Not allowed to Branch Manager 24 Not allowed to Broker prior to date of application for certificate 46 Not allowed under certain conditions 13 INDEX. Brokerage and Commission— Continued : Offer of rebate 44 On additional premiums 46 On buildings occupied as dwellings and stores 44 On furniture in apartment hotels 44 On household furniture in storage warehouses 45 On risks cancelled by order of Arbitration Committee 46 On risks outside Exchange territory 44, 45 On tornado insurance 44 Prior to date of application for Broker's certificate 46 To employee not holding certificate 46 Brokerage Committee 9, 10, 11 Alphabetical rotation of members 9 Chairman 9 Composed of 9 Certificates to be revoked by 10 New certificate issued to such Broker, how 10 Revoke right to receive commissions for a stated period. .13, 46 Right of Broker to appeal to Arbitration Committee 10 Shall secure information regarding applications 9 Terms of office 9 To certify applicants 9 Brooklyn Branch Offices and Agencies 22 Buckets 103 Builders Permits, renewal of 51 Builders Risk (extraordinary alterations and repairs) 51 Alterations and repairs, extraordinary 51 Building Signal 86 Buildings. Brick buildings with frame addition or extension take frame rate 50 Communicating 54, 55 Blanket policy on 41, 42 Frame attachments to brick buildings 50 Frame buildings 109, 110 Improvements to 59 In course of construction 21, 48, 49 Rates 48,49 Requirements for policies covering 48, 49 Outbuildings 118 Policies covering Contingent Liability on buildings 50 Unoccupied 73 Building Rates 50 Cabinets and cards, rate, property of the Exchange 16 Calcium Carbide (Acetylene) 51 Privilege to use 88, 89 Cancellations, because of violations 13 INDEX. VI Cancellations and Rebates 16 Cancellation Notices 25, 26 Cancelling and Rewriting Policies 17 Cards and cabinets, rate, property of the Exchange 16 Cards found incorrect must be reported 53 Cash payments, discount for, a violation 27, 47 Ceilings 104 Certificates under Open Entry Policies 51, 52 Certificate, Premium, form of 26 Changes of interest not to be recognized in advance 53 Changes of Occupancy, Construction or Hazard 52, 58 Binders on rated risks 53 New rate issued same day as application, governs 53 Pass, when required, to accompany application for rate 53 Privilege to open new communications 53 Reductions in rate must not be dated back 52 Changes. In Agreement 31 In Committees, notice of 11 Charge for endorsement for extra premium 66 Charge of less than 25c. additional premium may be waived 28 Charges against a fellow member 14 How made 14 Source not to be indicated 14 Church, Chapel or Sunday School Form 90, 91 Cigar Factories and Stores 54 Clauses, Privileges, and Warranties 76-89 Apartment House, 3% Limitation 76 Automatic Fire Alarm 78 Automatic Sprinkler 79 Automobile Storage Stables 79 Average, Eighty percent 81, 82, 83 One Hundred per cent 84, 85 Certificate of valuation for Co-Insurance 76, 77, 78 Clear Space Warranty 79 Co-Insurance, Eighty per cent 81, 82, 83 Full 84, 85 Consequential Loss Exclusion 79, 80 Distribution 80 Dwelling Warranty 80 Dynamo 81 Eighty percent. Average 81, 82, 83 Electric Light 83, 84 Flat House Warranty 80 Floor Clause in Fire-proof Buildings 85 Materials, Work and 88, 89 Occupancy Warranty 84 INDEX. Vll Clauses, Privileges and Warranties— Continued: One Hundred percent. Average 84 Pattern (ten percent.) Limitation 85 Personal Property (three per cent, limitation) 76 Private Warehouse Warranty 85 Bent 86 Special Building Signal 86 Telephone and Telegraph Station 86, 87 Theatre Warranties : 87 Watchman and Clock 87 Wharf 87,88 Work and Materials 88, 89 Waiver, in violation 74 Clear Space Warranty 79 Clerk of assured, no brokerage to 18 Clothing Manufacturing 115 Co-Insurance 56 Appraisals for 76, 77, 78 Covering Household Furniture 57 Eighty per cent, rules 57, 81, 82, 83 Full 56,57 In building policy 57 Maybe modified 82 May be dispensed with 82 Working a hardship to assured 82 Cold Storage, Consequential Loss in 55, 56 Commission not to be allowed for re-insurance of Non-Exchange companies by members 29 Commissions and Profits, no allowance for Full Co-Insurance Clause 54 Committees. Arbitration 11 Brokerage 9, 10, 11 Executive 8, 9 Nominating 7 Rate 8, 9 Common Carriers 91, 92 Communicating Buildings 54, 55 Blanket Policies covering on .54 Privilege to open new communications 53, 54, 55 With non-approved doors 55 Communications 104 Companies represented by members 35, 36 Company Members 33, 34 Company to notify Manager whether Agent or Company to vote. . .8 Compensation of Branch Managers 22, 24, 42, 43 Composition of Membership 6 INDEX. Vlll Competitive Rates 55 Condition 104 Consequential Loss in Cold Storage 55, 56 Loss Exclusion Clause 79, 80 Construction, fire-proof and superior 56 Contingent Liability on buildings 56 Contingent Commission to Branch Managers, a violation 43 Convents may be written by Branch Managers 21 Correction of Deficiences, Requirements In 103, 105 Cotton Floaters 93, 99 Debris, Removal of 64 Decisions to be abided by 5 Deductions, Order in which shall be made 63 Defective Electrical or Heating Apparatus, charge for 73, 110 Deficiences, Requirements in Correction of : Ashes 103 Blower system 103 Boilers 103 Buckets 103,104 Ceilings or side walls 104 Communications 104 Condition 104 Fire heat 104 Flues 104 Floor openings 104 Gas Brackets 104 Heating 104 Lighting 104 Oily Waste or Rags 104 Packing Materials 105 Shavings Vault 105 Shutters 105 Skylight 105 Storage of Oils, etc 105 Unsafe Heating Apparatus 105 Waste or Rags, oily 104 Watchman and Clock 105 Watchman's Lantern 105 Dental tools and physicians Implements 117 Discount for cash payment a violation 27, 47 Distribution pause 80 Rules covering apply when policy Is written under an average rate 41 Doors, non-approved 55 Dressmakers and milliners in dwellings 71, 117 Dry Goods District Boundaries 56 Drying 104 INDEX. IX Dwelling Occupation, Warranty for 107 Dwellings. Charge if personal property is included in building form.. 58, 59 Dressmakers and milliners in 71, 117 English Basement 71 Floater covering in 44, 46 High Stoop 70,71 Long Island City 61 Occupied also as store 61 Presence of boarders in 80, 108 Warranty 80, 107 Dynamo Clause 81 Educational Institutions 21 Eighty per cent. Co-Insurance or Average Clause 81, 82, 83 Election of Officers 6 Electric Light Clause 83, 84 In Electric Car Barns 84 In Electric Light and Power Stations 84 In Listed Cold Storage Stores 60 Electrical and Heating Apparatus, defective, charge for.. 73, 74, 110 Employees of Exchange 7 Employee of Broker not holding a certificate, brokerage not allowed to 46 Employment of an employee, agent or Branch Manager of a Non-Exchange company 24 Endorsement for payment of extra premium, failure to charge for 66 Error and Omission Policies 75 Excelsior, Bin for 105 Exchange business, brokerage on 18 Exchange rates as restored 106, 108 Executive Committee 8, 9 Alphabetical retirement of members 9 Chairman of 9 Change bi-monthly 9 Composed of 8 Expenses, assessment for 8 Explosives, permission to use 88, 89 Exposures under L. I. City rates 61 Extensions, frame, make brick buildings rate as frame 50 Extension of time for payment of premiums 28 Ex-officio members of Standing Committees 6 Factories, Cigar '. ."......". 54 Failure to attend meetings, fine for 7 Failure to charge for endorsement for extra premiums 66 Failure to correct or cancel a policy in error a violation 6 Failure to renew Broker's certificate in season 10 INDEX. Fines by Arbitration Committee 12 Fine for non-attendance at meetings 7 Fire Alarm, Automatic 88 Allowance for 88 Allowance when in Listed Storage Stores 38, 60 Inoperative condition of 38 Owned or installed by a Broker 47 Fire heat 104 Fire-proof construction 56 Fireworks 88, 89 Charges for 119 Fixtures 57 Flat House Warranty 80, 108 Household furniture transferred to 59 Denned 118 Floating Policies covering outside jurisdiction, brokerage on.... 46 Floater covering in dwellings or stores and dwellings 46 Floater Forms 93, 101 Floor clause in fire-proof buildings 86 Floor openings 104 Flues 104 Forms. Broad excess cotton floater 99 Broad excess floater, excluding cotton 97, 98 Broad limited cotton floater 99 Broad limited floater, excluding cotton 98, 99 Chapel 90, 91 Church 90, 91 Common carrier 91, 92 For policies and binder 16 Floater 93 Graded grain 100 Legal liability 91, 92 Manufacturing floater 101 Ordinary excess cotton floater 96 Ordinary excess floater, excluding cotton 93, 94 Ordinary limited cotton floater 97 Ordinary limited floater, excluding cotton 95, 96 Outside dry goods district 102 Pawnbrokers 101, 102 Sunday school 90, 91 Foundations below the level 57 Fourteen day rule 52 Fractional part of a cent in calculating premiums 65 Frame buildings 109, 110 Frame extensions or additions, make brick buildings rate as frame 50 INDEX. XI Full Co-Insurance or 100 per cent. Average 56, 57 Full term of Builders Risk 51 Furniture, household 58, 59 Transfer of policies covering 59 Furniture and fixtures 57, 58 When electrical apparatus included 57, 81 Gas brackets 104 Gas engine in store and dwelling risk 70 Gasoline, privilege to use 88, 89 General Minimum Rates 109-134 General waiver of Work and Materials Clause 88 Gifts to Brokers 47 Grade floor and basement, limitation 58 Graded grain clause 100 Grievance or Arbitration Committee 11 Gunpowder, privilege to use 88-89 Hazard, changes of 52, 53 Heating 104 Heating and electrical apparatus, defective, charge for.. 73, 74, 110 High stoop dwellings 70 Hoboken Agents not to write in New York 23 Hotels. Household furniture in 58 Raines Law 64,110 Household furniture 58, 59 In apartment hotels 44 In hotels 58 In living apartments 58 In storage warehouses 17, 58, 59 Personal property of guests of hotels 58 Transfer of policies covering 17, 59 Hudson County Agents not to write in New York 23 Hudson River Stores, Consequential Loss clause in 55 Improvements to buildings 59 Covering throughout entire building, or on specific floors.... 59 Increase in amount of insurance on risks not permitted to be written by Branch Managers must be at short rates 65 Increase of hazard without notice 53 Increase of rate under policy issued at Exchange rate before January 10th, 1900 72 Ineligibility to membership 6 Information as to arrangements against rules to be furnished.. 31 Insurance. In non-Exchange companies 44, 47 Marine 25 Tornado 25, 44 INDEX. Xll Jersey City Agents not to write in New York 23 Jobbing Painters, subject to specific rate 70 Leases 59 Policies blanketing household furniture 57 Pro rata rate 59 Legal liability forms 91, 92 Liability for rent of piers and bulkheads 64 Lighting 104 Limitation Clause 3% in apartment houses 76 List of Members 33, 34 Listed storage stores 59, 60 Local tariff to govern property outside the Exchange 28, 29 Long Island City dwellings 61 Long Island City rates 61 Long Island City stores 61 With dwelling above grade floor 61 In rows of three or more frame buildings adjoining 61 Eighty per cent, clause required 61 Loss in cold storage 55, 56 Machinery at building rates 62 Manager of Exchange? 7 Managers, Branch 42 Amenable to rules and rates 24 Apartment houses written by, when 42 Appointment revoked, if, not to be employed 24 Brokerage not allowable to an employee not holding a certificate 46 Can act also as head office agent 42 Compensation of 22, 24, 42, 43 Contingent commission to, a violation 43 Dealings must be confined to members represented 21 If appointments objected to 25 Must be revoked 25 Appeals 25 Maintained by two or more members 42 Maintaining an office above and below 42nd Street 43 Must do business at assigned location solely 24 Must provide cabinet for list of Brokers 43 Names and addresses to be filed with Manager 24 Not allowed brokerage 42 Omission to send out cancellation notices 27 Penalty for violations 24 Policy issued prior to formation of Exchange 43 Restricted in Borough of the Bronx to west of Bronx River 21,43 Risks permitted to be written by 42, 43 Salary 22,24,42 INDEX. Xlll Managers, Branch— Continued. Specifically rated risks written by 42, 43 Stables, written by 43 Manufacturing floater 101 Manufacturing Risks. Hand power, shall include 126 Steam power, shall include 126 Marine Insurance 25 Market Price 62 Mechanics Privilege— ordinary alterations and repairs 62 Alterations and repairs, ordinary 62 Elevator shafts 51 Endorsement, full term 51 Fire-proof risks 51 Standard Policy 51 Mechanics Tools 62 Meetings 7 Fine for non-attendance 7 Members. Agency 34 Companies represented by, list of 35, 36 Company 33, 34 List of 33,34 Not having offices in New York not to be fined for non-attendance at meetings 7 Must not employ employees of Non-Exchange companies.... 24 Not to write risk which Branch Manager has cancelled by order of Arbitration Committee 13 Pledge of 31 Re-insuring Non-Exchange companies— not to allow com- mission 29 Signature to Agreement and Pledge 32 Membership 6 Merchandise. In cars on tracks 41 Policies on stock of, if written for more than one year.... 71, 72 Milliners and dressmakers in dwellings 71, 126 Minimum rates 109-134 Moulds, patterns, etc., policies covering 85 Name adopted 5 Naphtha, privilege to use 88, 89 New communications, privilege to open 53, 54, 55 New Jersey territory, Exchange rates in 108 New Jersey Resident Agents 23 No brokerage to clerk of assured 18 No other kind of risk to be covered in Fire Policy 25 Nominating Committee 7 or THE UNIVERSITY INDEX. XIV Non-attendance at meetings, fine for 7 Notice of changes in committees 11 As to who shall answer roll call 8 Of cancellation 25-26 Object of Exchange 5 Occupancy (see also Sole Occupancy) 84 Changes of 52 Officer or employee of, or person sharing office accommodation of Non-Exchange Company ineligible to membership.. 6 Officers, election of , 6 Of Exchange, to be ex-officio members of committees 6 Oils, storage of 105 Oily waste and rags 105 Omission and Error policies 75 One Hundred per cent. Average or Full Co-Insurance Clause. 41, 56, 57, 84, 85 Open Entry Policies, Certificates under 51, 52 Open Entries 28 Rate 28 Time of closing 28 Order in which deductions shall be made 63 Order of business 7 Other floor clause in fire-proof building 85 Out-buildings 118 Out>of-town Members 6 Not having offices in New York exempt from fine for non- attendance at meetings 7 Signatures of 6 Outside risks, brokerage on 28 Packing materials, bin for 105 Painters, jobbing, subject to specific rate 70, 110 Pass to accompany application for rate 53 Pattern Limitation Clause, ten per cent 85 Pawnbrokers 101, 102 Penalty for violations 12, 13 Personal Property (3% limitation) 76 Pew Rents 64 Physicians implements and dental tools 117 Pledges of Broker 37 Pledge of Member 31 Policies, Forms for, to be prepared 16 Blanket 41,42 Average rate 41 Co-Insurance clause in 41 Covering merchandise in cars on tracks 41 On communicating buildings 54, 55 Rates to be charged 54, 55 INDEX. XV Policies, Forms for— Continued. Blanket— Standard Distribution Clause in blanket policy.. 41 Cancelled and immediately rewritten 17 Cancelled pro rata 16 Cancelled for non-payment of premium, list of to be published.26 Covering contractors on Public School Buildings 49 Covering Patterns, Moulds, etc 85 Executed in blank by Head Office prohibited 21, 42 In error, failure to correct or cancel a violation 6 Issued prior to Exchange by Branch Manager 43 May not be cancelled pro rata 16 Ordered cancelled. By whom rewritten 13 No brokerage on rewritten policy 13, 46 Reinstated after a fire 66, 72 Term 71,72 Definition of 71 On hotel furniture 58 On household furniture 71 Substitution of 14 Warehousemens 74 Policy covering in and outside Exchange territory 28 Policy Form outside Dry Goods District 102 Power and electric light stations do not require privilege for electric lights 84 Preamble to Agreement 5 Premium Certificate, Form of 26 Premiums. Additional 27,45 Cancellation notice withheld on account of credit due Broker 27 Charges under 25c. may be waived 28 Checks dated later than time fixed 27 Checks in payment held more than 24 hours 27 Collection of on policies located outside jurisdiction 27 Direct 27 Manager shall report names of delinquents 26, 27 Notice of Cancellation 25, 26 Payment of 25 Policy cancelled for non-payment of, to be published 26 Re-Insurance 27 Time for payment of may be extended 28 Private Warehouses 63, 85 Privileges, Clauses, and Warranties... 76, 89 Privilege for use of Benzine and similar articles 88, 89 To keep automobiles Ill, 112 To open new communications 53 INDEX. XVI Presents to Brokers 47 Presence of boarders in dwelling- 80, 108 Profits and commissions 54 Property in yards, rates on 53 Property outside the Exchange, local tariff to govern 29 Quorum 8 Railroad Property 63 Raines Law Hotels 64, 110 Rate cabinets and cards, the property of the Exchange 16 Rates 15 As restored January 10th, 1900 106, 107 Building 50 Buildings in Course of Construction 48 Cards found to be incorrect 53 Competitive 55 Dry Goods District, occupancy privilege 50 General Minimum 109-134 Governing Re-Insurance written within, on Policies cover- ing outside Exchange territory 29 In Exchange territory in New Jersey 108 Issued prior to the Exchange, adjustment of 53 Long Island City 61 New Jersey territory, Exchange rates in 108 New rate on day of application 53 On brick buildings 50 On merchandise in Frame, and Brick and Frame Build- ings 109,111 On property in yards 53 On Stores and Dwellings 50 Reduction of 16 Short tables of 65-69 Rate Committee 8 Composed of 8 Chairman of 9 Alphabetical retirement of members 9 Ratings to be recommended and changes thereof 15, 16 Rebates and cancellations 16 Rebates on Plate Glass, Casualty, etc 44 Rebates not allowed 19, 44, 45 Reduction of Rate 16, 64 Reductions in rate must not be dated back 52 Re-Insurance • 29, 30 Affidavit risks accepted 29 In companies not admitted to transact business in Exchange territory 29 In outside companies 29 Of Marine Insurance Companies 30 INDEX. XV11 Re-Insurance — Continued. Of Non-Exchange Companies by members, no commission to be allowed 29 Of policies issued prior to the Exchange 30 Railroad terminal property excepted 30 Written within, on policies covering outside Exchange territory, rates governing 29 Removal of debris 64 Renewals 40 Rent Clause 86 Rents 64 Liability for on piers and bulkheads 64 Repairs 51 Requirements in Correction of Deficiencies 103, 105 Resident Agents, New Jersey 23 Resignations 30 Risks. Annual 15 Builders 51 Manufacturing 125, 126 Hand power shall include 126 Steam power shall include 126 No other kind in fire policies 25 Short term ..15 Specifically rated, written by Branch Manager ,.42, 43 Term 15 Unrated 15 Written at Brooklyn Branch Ofilces 22, 43 Roll Call, notice as to who shall answer 8 Rules to apply to all risks 19 Schoolhouses 21 Shavings Vault 105 Short Rates 65,66 Tables of 67, 68, 69 Short term risks 15 Shutters 105 Signatures of out-of-town members 6 Skylight 105 Sole Occupancy 70 Allowance for 70 In risks not specifically rated 70 When not permissible 70 Space Clause (Clear Space Warranty) 79 Special Building Signal 86 Sprinklers, Automatic 38, 39 Allowance for 38, 39 In basement, allowance for 40 INDEX. XV111 Sprinklers, Automatic — Continued. Inoperative condition 39 Not entitled to allowance until so stated on rate card 39 Owned or installed by a Broker 47 Sprinkler equipments on separate floors 38 Stables 131 Automobile storage 79 Written by Branch Managers 43 Standard Distribution Clause 41 Statements to be filed 26 Storage, Cold, Loss in 55 Storage of oils, etc 105 Storage Stores. Listed 59, 60 Private 63 Stores and dwellings 70, 71 Cigar 54 Dressmaking and millinery carried on 71, 117, 126 English basements 71 Floater covering in 44 Gas engine in 70 High stoop 70, 71 In Long Island City with dwellings above grade floor 61 Jobbing painter in 70, 110 Rates on stocks in (see General Minimum Rates) 109-134 Warranty 70 Withdrawal of warranty 47, 71 Stoves, unsafe 105, 110 Subjects of submission 5 Substitution of policies 14 Superior construction 56 Sunday School Form 90, 91 Term Risks 15 Telephone and Telegraph Station Clause 86, 87 Ten percent. Pattern Limitation Clause 85 Term Policies 71, 72 Territory excluded from the Exchange 14, 15 Theatre Warranties 87 Theatrical Floater, Rebate on a violation 46 Three per cent. Limitation Clause 76 Time for payment of premiums may be extended 28 Tools 62 Tornado Insurance 44 Transfers 16, 17, 72, 73 From listed storage stores 17 Of insurance written by Non-Exchange Companies 45 Of policies covering household furniture 17, 59, 72, 73 INDEX. XIX Transfers— Continued . Of policies issued prior to Exchange 72 To or from a warehouse, public or private 17, 72, 73 Treasurer under bond 6 Unoccupancy Warranty 73 On apartment houses when not required 40, 73 On buildings in course of constrution 48, 73 Unoccupied Buildings 73 Unrated risks 15 Unsafe Flues 104 Heating apparatus 73, 74, 105, 110 Stoves 105,110 Use and occupancy 74 Valuation of buildings for Co-Insurance 78 Vault for shavings 105 Violation of rules by an employee 45 Violations, penalty for 12, 13 Waiver Clauses in violation 74 Waiver of acts of tenants or assured 52 Warehousemen Policies 74, 75 Accrued charges 74, 75 Errors and omissions 75 Warranties. Apartment house 39 Automatic Fire Alarm 78 Automatic Sprinkler 79 Clear Space 79 Flat house 80 For dwelling occupation 107 Occupancy 84 Private warehouse 85, 86 Sole Occupancy 70 Special Building Signal 86 Unoccupancy 73 Theatre 87 Watchman and clock 87 Warranties, Clauses and Privileges 76, 89 Waste or ash cans 103, 104 Watchman and clock 87 Watchmans Lantern 105 Wharf Clause 87,88 Withdrawals 30,71 Work and Materials Clause 88, 89 Workingmens Tools 62 Writing risks in Exchange territory by outside agents pro- hibited 44,45 ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT* The Order of Arrangement by Sections in this Book is as follows : AGREEMENT UNDER WHICH EXCHANGE IS ORGANIZED. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THE AGREEMENT. LIST OF COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS AND AGENTS. BROKERS' PLEDGES. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. CLAUSES AND PRIVILEGES. FORMS. REQUIREMENTS IN CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES. EXCHANGE RATES AS RESTORED JANUARY JO, 1900. EXCHANGE RATES IN NEW JERSEY TERRITORY. GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. RULINGS are indicated by having subjects printed in HEAVY- FACE TYPE, and the Committees making them are indicated by A. C. for Arbitration Committee; B. C. for Brokerage Committee; E. C. for Executive Committee ; R. C. for Rate Committee, and S. W. C. for Storage Warehouse Committee. NEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE. AGREEM ENT UNDER WHICH ORGANIZATION WAS EFFECTED MARCH 8th, 1699. Preamble Objects of Association Namt adopted Subjects of Submission to Arbitration Committee Decisions to be abided by Section 1. Whereas the association of underwriters for mutual counsel and comparison of experi- ence is necessary for the determination of ad- equate and just rates of premium, the eco- nomical conduct of the business, the prompt and equitable adjustment of losses, the ascer- tainment of proper and safe methods of con- struction of buildings, and the prevention and extinction of fires ; and whereas, such an association of underwriters is in the mutual Interest of the underwriter and the property owner ; therefore, Section 2. In pursuance of Section 21 of the By-Laws of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, the subscribers hereto, by our signatures, affirm our support and membership in the New York Fire Insurance Exchange. We agree to submit any doubtful questions as to rates, rules, commission or brokerage that may arise under this agreement to the Com- mittee on Arbitration or Grievances, herein- after provided for, and we bind ourselves to abide by their decision, whatever it may be, AGREEMENT 6 subject to appeal to the Exchange as herein- after provided, to the end that harmony and goodfellowship may continually prevail. When a member calls the attention of an- other member to an error under the rules in a policy issued by such other member, the member at fault shall correct or cancel such policy within ten days and failure to either correct or cancel the policy within the time specified will be regarded as a wilful violation of the rules of the Exchange. A.C., 12-21-99. Composition of Membership Officers Elected Annually Section 3. This Exchange shall be composed of officers of local companies and managers and agents of out-of town companies having jurisdiction over the Metropolitan District, and in fixing the number of Agencies and Branch Offices each local company, each manager and each Metropolitan agent shall be placed upon the same footing. While the membership and obligation are personal, the signature of an officer of each out-of-town company to the agreement shall be required. The privilege of membership to any person who is at the same time an officer or employee of, or shares an office accommoda- tion with, a Company not a member of the Exchange, is against the spirit and letter of the Agreement, and such person or the Company he represents is ineligible to mem- bership. 12-11-01. Section 4. (a) Its officers chall consist of a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary who shall also act as Treasurer. Such officers shall be elected by ballot, annually, by a plurality vote of all the members present and voting. The Treasurer shall furnish a bond for the faithful performance of duty, and the Ex- change shall fix the place of deposit for funds. The officers of the Exchange shall be ex-otiicio members of all Standing Committees. AGREEMENT Manager and Employee* Meeting! Nominating (b) It shall be the duty of the President at Committee to be least two weeks previous to the annual meet- Appointed lag to appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of seven members, three members representing Local Companies, two represent- ing Agency Companies, and two representing Foreign Companies, who shall nominate a ticket for the ensuing year, and such nomina- tions shall be published to members at least one week previous to the annual meeting. Section 5. The Exchange shall elect a Manager and such assistants and pay them such salaries as the Executive Committee shall recommend and the Exchange approve by a ninety per cent, vote of the members present and voting at a meeting regularly called. Section 6. (a) Meetings of the Exchange shall be held at such times as the Executive Committee shall direct or may be called by the President at the written request of any five members. Regular Meetings shall be held on the Second Wednesday of each month ; the meeting in March shall be considered the Annual Meet- ing. Order of Business (b) At all regular meetings the order of business shall be as follows : 1. Calling the roll. 2. Reading the minutes. 3. Reports of standing committees in following order : Arbitration, Brokerage, Executive, Rate. 4. Reports of special committees. 5. Unfinished business. 6. New business. Fine for Failure to (c) Any member failing to attend any regu- Attend Meetings larly called meeting, either personally or by qualified representative shall pay into the treasury of the Exchange for each such meet- ing at which such member is not represented the sum of One Dollar, which shall be applied toward defraying the expenses of the Ex- change. In the case of a member not having an office or representative in New York, no AGREEMENT 8 Notice as to who shall Answer Roll Call fines shall be imposed for non-attendance at meetings. (d) Where a member is represented by an agent who is also a member, the Company Member shall notify the Manager in writing as to whether the Company itself or its agent shall answer to the roll call, be subject to fine for absence, and exercise the privilege of vot- ing. The vote of the member so indicated shall be binding upon the Company repre- sented for the whole of the territory covered by the Exchange. Quorum Section 7. One-third of the members of the Exchange shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. .Assessment fbf Expenses Executive Committee and Committee on Rates Composed of Section 8. Each member shall be required, at such times as the Executive Committee may fix upon, to file with the Treasurer a sworn statement of the gross premiums written in the territory of this Exchange by each Com- pany, separately, represented by such member for the time specified by the Executive Com- mittee, and the Executive Committee shall then recommend to the Exchange the per- centage assessment on such gross premiums required for the maintenance of the Exchange; and upon the adoption of such assessment resolution by a ninety per cent, vote of the members present and voting at a meeting regularly called, the same shall be binding on all members, who shall forthwith remit to the Treasurer the amount due from each member or company. Section 9. (a) There shall be an Executive Committee and a Committee on Rates, which committees shall consist of seven each. Such Committees shall be uniformly composed of three members representing Local Companies, two repre- AGREEMENT 9 Shall be changed Bi-monthly sentiug Agency Companies and two repre- senting Foreign Companies. The committees shall change bi-monthly, by the retirement each two months of one member, whose place shall be tilled by the member next in order on an alphabetical list of membership. The retiring member each two months shall be the one who has served longest on the Com- mittee, and his successor shall be chosen from the class of companies, Local, Agency or Foreign, to which the retiring member belongs. The Chairman of the Committee shall be the member who has served longest upon it. The concurrence of four members of a Committee shall be necessary to a finding in any matter coming before them. (b) There shall be a Brokerage Committee, consisting of seven members, composed uni- formly of three representing Local Companies, two representing Foreign Companies and two representing Agency Companies, and the membership of the Committee shall change bi-monthly by the retirement each two months of one member, whose place shall be filled by the member next in order on an alphabetical list of membership. The retiring member each two months shall be the one who has served longest on the Committee, and his successor shall be chosen from the class of companies, Local, Agency or Foreign, to which the retiring member belongs. The Chairman shall be the member who has been longest on the Committee. It shall be the duty of such Committee to issue a Broker's Certificate to an applicant duly qualified to receive such Certificate, and no brokerage shall be paid to any person not so certified. The Brokerage Committee shall secure in- formation in regard to applicants from all available sources and shall be authorized to receive complaints against holders of Certifi- cates or applicants from any party presenting such complaints. They shall before issuing a Broker's Certificate receive from the Broker a Chairman Brokerage Committee Composed of Terms of Office Chairman To Certify Applicants upon Information Obtained Shall secure Information AGREEMENT 10 Broker to Sign an Agreement Clerks or Employees of Assured not Eligible Pledge required Certificates to be Revoked Right of Appeal Failure to Renew Certificate in Season signed agreement to abide by the rules herein provided. The concurrence of five members of the Committee shall be necessary for a de- cision revoking any Broker's Certificate, and the concurrence of four members shall be necessary to a finding in all other matters coming before them. (c) No Certificate shall be issued to any clerk or employee of the assured (other than a Certified Broker), nor shall any person be certified as a Broker who handles insurance for only one person or firm or individual members of such firm. Certified Brokers shall pledge themselves to receive no higher rate of brokerage from Companies or agents not members of the Exchange than the rate per- mitted by the rules of this Exchange. (d) The Brokerage Committee shall revoke the Certificate of any Broker who is proved to have violated his Pledge or Agreement to this Exchange, after giving him an opportu- nity to be heard in his defense. Such Broker shall have the right of appeal to the Arbitra- tion or Grievance Committee whose decision shall be final, such appeal to be made within ten days from the date of mailing a registered letter to the broker giving notice of the action of the Brokerage Committee in revoking the Certificate. Any Broker whose Certificate has been so revoked shall not be eligible to receive a new Certificate except on the recom- mendation of the Brokerage Committee and a vote of ninety per cent, of the members of the Exchange present and voting at a meeting regularly called. When a Broker fails to renew his Certificate in season, thereby causing his name to be withdrawn from the list, and subsequently within six months asks for a renewal, such renewal shall not be granted unless, in addi- tion to the regular charge for a Certificate, the sum of $3.00 is paid to cover cost of withdrawing and re-instating such Broker's name. 4-15-02. AGREEMENT IJ Notice to all of Changes in Committees Arbitration or Grievance Committee Composed of Terms of Office Alphabetical retirement Chairman An Accused Member of Committee shall not Serve Certificate to be Mailed each Director of a Local Company In Violation (e) At the time of creating any committee or filling any vacancy, the names of the com- mitteemen shall at once be communicated to all the members. Section 10. (a) There shall be an Arbitration or Griev- ance Committee, consisting of seven members, which shall be uniformly composed of three members representing Local Companies, two representing Agency Companies and two rep- resenting Foreign Companies, and the mem- bership of the Committee shall change bi-monthly by the retirement each two months of one member, whose place shall be filled by the member next in order on an alphabetical list of membership. The retiring- member each two months shall be the one who has served the longest on the Committee, and his successor shall be chosen from the class of companies, Local, Agency or Foreign, to which the retiring member belongs. The Chairman shall be the member who has been longest on the Committee. The concurrence of five members of the Committee shall be uecessary for a decision affecting or interpre- ting the Agreement or any rule adopted by the Exchange, and the concurrence of four members shall be necessary to a finding in all other matters coming before them. (b) In case of a charge being brought against any member or employee of any mem- ber, if the accused member or accuser shall happen at the time of such charge to be a member of the Committee, such accused mem- ber or accuser shall not serve on the Com- mittee while his own case is being adjudicated, but if the accused member shall be found guilty of a wilful violation of any rule or rate he shall retire from the Committee until he has been again elected to serve thereon. (c) If any local company, member of the Exchange, shall be charged with a wilful violation of any rule or rate, and after in- AGREEMENT 12 vestigation such charges shall be sustained by a vote of not less than five of the seven members of the Arbitration or Grievance Committee and confirmed by a ninety per cent, vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the Exchange regularly called, a certificate setting forth such finding shall be forthwith mailed to each Director of such company. (d) If any agent or manager of a company having its home office outside of the City of New York shall be charged with a wilful violation of any rule or rate, and after inves- tigation such charge shall be sustained by a vote of not less than five of the seven mem- bers of the Arbitration or Grievance Com- mittee and confirmed by a ninety per cent, vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the Exchange regularly called, a certificate setting forth such findings shall be forthwith mailed to the President or the General Manager of the Company at its home ofiice. Certificate to be Mailed to President or General Manager of an Outside Com- pany in Violation Power to Examine Books and under Oath Shall employ Accountant or Auditor Refusal to reply an Admission of Truth Finei Section 11. (a) The Arbitration or Grievance Commit- tee shall have power to examine the books of any office, Agency or Branch Office alleged to have deviated; and also to examine under oath the person complained of. The Com- mittee shall, when necessary or desirable, employ a professional accountant or auditor, who shall have power to examine the books of any office, Agency or Branch office alleged to have deviated, when directed so to do by the Committee. The refusal of any member to testify to any question pertinent to the complaint, or his refusal to submit to the examination ordered by the Arbitration or Grievance Committee shall be deemed an admission of the truth of the charge under investigation. (b) The Arbitration or Grievance Committee may impose penalty or fines not exceeding AGREEMENT 13 No Brokerage or Commission to be Allowed under Certain Conditions $100 for any one violation of rule or rate, and/or require that the member found in violation shall cancel his policy or policies, and/ or that the member shall remain off the risk for the term of one year thereafter, in which case the member shall not be permitted to participate in therisk for such period either directly or by way of re-insurance. When the Arbitration or Grievance Com- mittee has ordered a policy or policies to be cancelled in consequence of having adjudged a member of the Exchange, or an Agent who is not a member but holds a Broker's Certifi- cate, guilty of an infraction of the rules of the Exchange, then such member or Agent shall not be allowed to receive any commission or brokerage for the placing of such risk during the term for which the member is himself ordered to keep off of such risk, and in addition, if the gravity of the offense warrant it, the facts connected with the case shall be at once com- municated to the Brokerage Committee, that they may revoke the right of such member or Agent to receive any commission or brokerage on any business for such time as they may deem fit. 12-11-01. When in consequence of deviation or viola- tion any Member has been, directed by the Arbitration Committee or by the Exchange to cancel a policy written through a Branch Manager or Agency representing such Mem- ber and to remain off the risk for one year, the risk in question shall not be written by or through any other Member represented by such Branch Manager or Agent during the stated term of one year. A. C. 1-21-03. (c) Appeal from the decision of the Com- mittee may be made at any meeting regularly called notice of such appeal having been previously given to each member of the Exchange, and the finding shall be confirmed unless a majority of those present shall vote otherwise. (d) In case any member shall report the Appeals AGREEMENT 14 Charges against a Fellow Member How made Source not to be Indicated May authorize Substi- tution of Policies dereliction of any other member coming to his knowledge, it shall be optional with him to make a charge in writing, over his own signature, to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee ; or he may, in preferring charges, first submit the actual or supposed facts to two or more members who shall, if they are thought by them to be sufficiently reasonable and clearly warranted, unite with him in making the charges, which must be in writ- ing ; the members so uniting in the charges may report to any one member of the Griev- ance Committee, who shall not in any way, directly or indirectly, indicate the names or identity of such members. Said Grievance Committee shall thereupon investigate the charges. The Arbitration or Grievance Committee are empowered in cases where in their dis- cretion it is necessary to obtain such evidence from the assured as will secure the conviction of a member or broker violating the rules or rates of the Exchange to authorize the substi- tution of the policy of any other member for that of the company under which a deviation has been made on the same or better terms, provided there shall be produced and deliv- ered to said Committee the proof satisfactory to them of such violation of the rules or rates. 6-29-99. Area of Operation Territory Excluded Section 12. The rules and rates of this Exchange shall apply on all risks located in the Borough of Manhattan and in the Borough of Bronx, west of the Bronx River, and in the Borough of Brooklyn, and in Long Island City, and on the American Dock stores and piers in the Borough of Richmond, all in the City of New York ; and in Hudson County, New Jersey, east of the Hackensack River. The Boroughs of Queens, and Bronx, and Richmond, out- side the territory above named, being now in the territory of the Suburban Association, AGREEMENT 15 Territory Excluded (concluded) Outside Agents may not write in Exchange Territory Rates Unrated Risks Short Term Risks Annual Risks Term Risks Must be Rated Ratings to be recom- mended and changes thereof are excluded until such time as this Exchange by a ninety per cent, vote of those present and voting- at a meeting regularly called shall decide otherwise. The writing of a policy on any risk located within the territory under the jurisdiction of this Exchange by any Agent outside of said territory is prohibited, and the member employing such Agent will be held respons- ible for any violation. A. C. 8-1-00. Section 13. (a) At the first meeting of the Exchange, rates shall be adopted to apply on all risks in the territory specified ; and such rates, and the commission rules as provided in the Agreement, shall apply immediately. (b) No unrated risk shall be written except subject to a rate to be made by the Exchange; and such rate shall apply from the assump- tion of the insurance. (c) Rated risks, when taken for periods of less than a year, shall be taken only at the rates named in Short Rate Tables of this Exchange. (d) No policy shall be written for more that one year on stocks of merchandise, or upon machinery, stock or supplies in manu- facturing risks except at full pro rata, rates. No policy shall be written upon other prop- erty for more than one year, except with the addition of three-fourths of the annual pre- mium for each year after the first. For frac- tional parts of a year in excess of one year, a pro rata of such three-fourths annual rate shall be added. No policy shall be written for a longer term than one year, until the risk has been rated. (e) The Committee on Rates shall recom- mend ratings to the Exchange, when, if the same are adopted by a vote of ninety per cent, of the members present and voting at a meeting regularly called, they shall become operative ; and to change a rate once estab- AGREEMENT in lished, a vote of ninety per cent, of the members present and voting at a meeting regularly called shall be required. (f) Rates of premium shall be adjusted up- on a discriminating basis which recognizes merits and faults of construction, fire extin- guishing appliances and percentage of insur- ance to value. Rate cabinets and cards are the property of this Exchange, being loaned to members only for their information while members, and such cabinets and cards must be surrendered to the Exchange in case a member retires from business or withdraws from the Ex- change. 4-9-02. Adjusted upon a Discriminating Basis Rate Cabinets are Property of Exchange Forms for Policies and Binder Cancellations and Rebates Transfers Section 14. The Exchange shall as rapidly as possible, prepare proper forms for policies, the use of which shall be obligatory. A form of binder with a fifteen day limit clause shall also be prepared and its use required. Section 15. No policy, renewal or certificate of insurance shall be cancelled, pro rata, at request of the assured, except in cases where the insurance is immediately re- written, or placed with the same company or member, the re-written policy covering in the same location. In case of reduction of rate without change of hazard, no policy shall be cancelled pro rata and re- written at the lower rate, and no rebate shall be made on such policy. A clause reading "It is understood and agreed that in event of reduction of the tariff rate during the term of this policy return premium will be rendered accordingly, pro rata," or any clause involving an agreement to the same effect, is a violation. 12-17-00. Section 16. No policy or Certificate of insurance covering in any elevator or storage warehouse, private AGREEMENT 17 Transfers (concluded) Assignments or public, shall be transferred to any other elevator or storage warehouse ; provided, however, that where any listed storage store shall be torn down or changed to another occupancy by the owner thereof, the Arbi- tration or Grievance Committee shall, after consideration of the facts of the case, have power to promulgate, for the benefit of all members, permission to transfer insurance on merchandise belonging to other persons than the warehouse owner or lessee in such listed storage store to any other listed stor- age store. The Arbitration Committee will not consider an application for permission to transfer insur- ance from a listed storage store unless such application is accompanied by an affidavit from the storekeeper setting forth the facts as to change of occupancy or demolition of such listed storage store, and also stating the time within which all goods will be removed and the use of the premises for their present purposes be discontinued. 4-27-01. The provisions of Section 16 of Agreement do not apply to the transfer of Personal Household Furniture from a storage ware- house to a dwelling. A. C. 6-1-00. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be can- celled pro rata at request of the assured and re- written at short rates on the same merchan- dise but under a different name. R.C. 11-6-01. A policy cancelled and immediately re-writ- ten by the same company to cover in the same location but for a different assured may be can- celled pro rata, provided that such policy does not cover in a private or public storage warehouse. A. C. 1-17-02. A policy covering Household Furniture may be transferred to cover in a storage warehouse at the pro rata charge of the dif- ference in rate for the time that the policy covers in the warehouse. A. C. 4-15-02. (b) No policy or certificate of insurance AGREEMENT 18 Assignments (concluded) Brokerage Broker's business not to be purchased Exchange business No Brokerage to Clerk of Assured covering in any elevator or storage ware- house, private or public, shall be assigned, except to cover the merchandise described in the policy and in the same location. Section 17. (a) No brokerage or commission shall be paid or allowed on policies of insurance or re-insurance in excess of ten per cent., except on such risks as are permitted by Section 18 to be written at branch offices, on which a brokerage or commission not exceeding twenty per cent, may be paid ; provided, however, that the above brokerages or com- missions may be increased five per cent, if the party receiving the Broker's Certificate shall agree that he will give the preference in plac- ing his business with members of this Ex- change, and that he will not place any risks with those not members, unless sufficient insurance cannot be obtained from members. Ruled as to above Section that the words "such risks as are permitted by Section 18 to be written at Branch Offices," include all churches and schoolhouses and their con- tents, dwellings and their contents, private stables and their contents, and buildings oc- cupied on grade floor as stores and above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings and so warranted in the policies and their con- tents, located within the territory covered by the Exchange. A. C. 4-28-99. (b) No member shall purchase the business of any broker on other terms than the rate of brokerage or commission fixed by the Ex- change. (c) Members of the Exchange shall be al- lowed to receive the regular brokerage or commission, as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, on exchange business. (d) No brokerage shall be paid to any clerk of the assured, nor to any employee (other than a Certified Broker), nor shall any per- son be certified as a Broker who handles in- AGREEMENT 19 Rebates not allowed surance for only one person or firm, or indi- vidual members of such firm. (e) No rebate shall be allowed either by members of the Exchange, or by Brokers, directly or indirectly ; nor shall brokerage or commission be paid to, or divided with, any uncertified broker or other person. The allowance by a member of commission or brokerage to any clerk or employee of such member who does not hold a Broker's Certifi- cate will be regarded as a violation of this paragraph. A. C. 10-12- 00. Certified Brokers must not allow commission or brokerage on lines placed by them in this city but covering risks located outside of the ju- risdiction of the Exchange to a Broker not holding a Certificate from this Exchange, wheth- er such Broker resides within or outside of the jurisdiction of the Exchange. A. C. 2-10-02. (f) The rules of this Exchange, as to broker- age and commission, apply to all risks where- soever located, whether afloat or ashore, and whether rated or not rated, when written in the territory covered by this Exchange. Rules apply to all risks Section 18. Agency (a) Where the word * : Agency" is used, it is understood to be equal to a Head Office in rank in the Exchange, although not entitled to membership ; for instance, the Agents in Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, Long Island Branch Office* City, etc. Where the words "Branch Office" are used, they shall be understood as referring to a sub-office, restricted as below, and not entitled to Independent control. All such Offices shall report to Head Offices in New York or Brooklyn respectively, and are con- fined to the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, and the Borough of Brooklyn. An Agent representing Exchange companies may not act as Agent for non-Exchange compan- ies or for any outside organization transact- ing a fire insurance business. A. C. 3-19-02. (b) No member shall have any Agency of AGREEMENT 20 No Agencies in Man- hattan and Bronx Exceptions No Branch Offices — where Branch Offices » territory allowed Must write above line named Classes of risks allowed Agencies in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, nor shall any company have such Agency or Agencies other than the Agency of the member of this Exchange. (c) This rule, however, shall not apply to the present existing offices of the Germania and Peter Cooper Insurance Companies, nor to the present office of the New York Under- writers' Agency located within the district described in paragraph (d). (d) There shall be no Branch Offices in the following districts in the Borough of Manhat- tan, viz : south of a line drawn, commencing at West Houston Street, including both sides of said street, and North River, running east- erly along West Houston Street to Elizabeth Street, thence southerly along Elizabeth Street to Grand Street, thence easterly along Grand Street to East River. (e) Any member of the Exchange may have not exceeding two Branch Offices in the terri- tory between the line above mentioned and 42d Street (on either side of said street) and not exceeding four north of 42d Street in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. A Branch Office located on Forty-Second Street must be considered, according to para- graph (e), section 18 of Agreement, as being for the territory south of Forty -Second Street. A. C. 9-14-01. It is permissible for a Branch Manager to have an office located below 42d Street and one located above 42d Street, provided such offices do not represent more than the proper quota of offices allowed by the rules to the Member represented by said Branch Manager. A. C. 4-7-02. (f) The Managers of such Branch Offices shall write no risks except in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx above the line mentioned in paragraph (c), nor shall such Branch Offices write on any risk other than churches and schoolhouses and their contents, dwellings and their contents, private stables AGREEMENT 21 Classes of risks allowed (concluded) Dealings must be con- fined to members represented by him and their contents, and buildings occupied on grade floor as stores, and above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings and so war- ranted in the policies, and their contents. The term " schoolhouses " in above para- graph shall be held to cover all educational institutions occupying buildings solely for their own use. 9-11-01. The words "shall write no risks except in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx above the line mentioned in paragraph (c)", prohibit the issuance from the office of any Branch Manager of any policy which might have been previously executed in blank at the Head Office, and a strict compliance with the letter and spirit of this rule requires that no such policies shall be executed at the Head Office except in their entirety. This ruling will apply to risks located south of the line provided in the Agreement and also to classes of hazards which the Branch Office is pro- hibited from writing. A. C. 10-24-99. Convents may be classed as school or church property and subject to the commission al- lowed thereon. 6-30-99. Branch Managers located in the Borough of the Bronx are restricted to the writing of risks located within so much of that terri- tory as is under the jurisdiction of this Ex- change ; that is to say, West of the Bronx River. A. C. 9-7-01. Branch Managers are allowed to write Build- ings in Course of Construction provided poli- cies are in the following form : "On building while in Course of Construction or while occupied for (here insert intended occupancy which must be that of a risk which a Branch Manager may write)." (ff ) No Branch Manager in Manhattan or the Bronx, nor any employee of such Branch Manager, shall have any dealings whatever with any member or members other than those represented by him ; nor shall any such AGREEMENT 22 Dealings must be con* fined to members represented by him (concluded) Compensation Agencies Brooklyn Districts defined Compensation of Agents Branch Offices in Brooklyn Branch Manager have any such dealings with any other Branch Manager or exchange business with him on any terms whatever. Neither shall any member have any dealing: with a Branch Manager (or any of his em- ployees) in Manhattan or the Bronx of any other Member or accept business from him (or any of his employees) with or without bro- kerage. Such Branch Managers shall not pay any brokerage or commission on any busi- ness except on the classes of hazards which they, under the Agreement, are allowed to write. (g) Such Managers of Branch Offices shall be compensated by salary only, and all ex- penses, including brokerage, shall be paid by the principal employing them. The compensation of a Branch Manager in part by allowing him a contingent upon the profits of his office is a violation. A. C. 3-10-02. (h) Each member of the Exchange may have one Head Office or Agency in the West- ern District and one in the Eastern District of the Borough of Brooklyn, also one in Long Island City, all of whose writings shall be entirely confined to risks upon Long Island. The Eastern District of Brooklyn is defined as follows : — All that portion of the Borough of Brooklyn lying North of Flushing Avenue from Washington Avenue to Broadway and up Broadway to East New York, includ- ing both sides of the avenues named. The Western District is all that portion of the Borough of Brooklyn (or Kings County), not described as comprised in the Eastern District. 5-4-99. Agents should have their offices located in the Districts for which they are ap- pointed. A. C. 1-11-00. (i) Such Managers of Head Offices or Agencies may be compensated in such man- ner as their principals may desire. (j) Any member of the Exchange or Head Office may have not exceeding two Branch AGREEMENT 23 Compensation Must write in their own districts Offices in the territory known as the Western, and one in the Eastern District of the Bor- ough of Brooklyn. (k) Such Managers of Branch Offices shall be compensated by salary only, and all ex- penses, including brokerage, shall be paid by the principal employing them. (1) The Managers of such Branch Offices shall write no risks except in their respective districts, nor shall such Branch Offices write on any risk other than churches and school- houses and their contents, dwellings and their contents, private stables and their contents, and buildings occupied on grade floor as stores, and above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings and so warranted in the policies, and their contents. Convents may be classed as school or church property and subject to the commission allowed thereon. 6-30-99. (m) Each member may have two Head Offices or Agencies in Jersey City, one in Hoboken, one in Bayonne, and one in the remaining portion of Hudson County east of the Hackensack River. Such Agents shall not be allowed to write risks located in the City of New York. They may be compensated in such manner as their principals may desire. For the purpose of complying with the Resident Agents law of New Jersey, the ap- pointment of a resident of that state, but employed in a clerical capacity in New York, whose powers are restricted to the counter- signing of policies covering property in New Jersey which may be issued at the main office of a member, such Agent not being a Certified Broker, and to whom no commission is allowed, is not in violation of the rules of the Exchange, and such appointee shall not be regarded as one of the agencies authorized in Jersey City, Hoboken and the adjacent terri- tory under Section 18, Clause (m) of the Agreement. A. C. 4-28-99. Jersey City, Hoboken, and Hudson County Agents not allowed to write in New York New Jersey Resident Agents AGREEMENT 24 Agents and Branch Offices amenable to rules and rates No brokerage Salary paid Branch Managers Must do business at assigned location solely Penalty for violation Not to be employed by any other member Names and addresses to be filed (n) Head Offices or Agencies and Branch Offices and companies represented by them shall be held amenable to the rules and rates of this Exchange ; and the member or com- pany represented by a member having such Agency or Branch Office shall be responsible for its proper conduct. No manager of a Branch Office shall receive any brokerage or transact business as a broker. The employment by a member, or by an Agent, Branch Manager, or other representa- tive of a member, of an Agent, Branch Man- ager, or employee of a non-Exchange company will be regarded as a violation and so dealt with. A. C. 10-12-00. (o) The amount of salary paid to any Branch Manager shall be a proper subject of inquiry under the terms of this Agreement. (p) Branch Managers will be in violation of the rules unless they are in charge of bona Me insurance offices located in the district assigned them, and unless they transact their insurance business at their assigned location solely. (q) Any Branch Manager having been prov- en to have wilfully broken a rate, or to have paid a brokerage in excess of that permitted by the rules of this Exchange shall, upon being found guilty to the satisfaction of the Arbitration or Grievance Committee, have his appointment immediately revoked, and no member shall again employ him in the capacity of Branch Manager. The findings of said Committee shall, however, be open to appeal to the Exchange as provided in this Agreement. (r) The name and address of every Agent and Branch Manager shall be promptly filed with the Manager of this Exchange, who shall keep a list of the same in a book to be prepared for that purpose, which list shall be open to the inspection of the members of the Exchange at all convenient times. Failure to give notice to the Manager of the AGREEMENT 25 Within seven days If appointments objected to Must be revoked Appeals Duplicate of sec. 16(f) Appointment of an Agent or Branch Man- ager within seven days after such appointment is made will be regarded as a violation of Section 18 (r). A. C. 11-19-01. (s) If any member shall object to any such appointment, the question shall be referred to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee ; and if said Committee shall decide that such ap- pointment has been made in violation of the letter or spirit of this Agreement, it shall be immediately revoked upon their request. An appeal to a general meeting against any decision rendered may be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The rules of this Exchange, as to brokerage and commission, apply to all risks whereso- ever located, whether afloat or ashore, and whether rated or not rated, when written in the territory covered by this Exchange. No other kinds of risk to be included in fire policies Payment of Premiums Notice of Cancellation Section 19. No member shall include in a fire policy, or by endorsement thereon, any risk other than that of fire and lightning, and any com- pany granting marine or tornado insurance, or giving any privileges, or doing anything that results in lowering the regular rates, is in violation of the rules and rates of this Exchange. Section 20. (a) All premiums shall be due upon the deliv- ery of the policy, and if not paid by the tenth day of the second month following the month in which the insurance takes effect, notice of the cancellation as required by the Standard Policy shall be sent to the assured direct (and, if the policy be held as collateral, to the party, also, to whom it is payable) not later than the twelfth of the said second month, or if the twelfth falls on Sunday or a holiday, then on the next working day ; and if the premiums be not paid within five days following the service of such notice, the poli- AGREEMENT 26 Notice of Cancellation (concluded) Form of Premium Certificate Manager shall report names cies shall be cancelled, and notice that they have been cancelled shall be sent to the as- sured direct, not later than the 20th of the month. On the 20th of each month (or, if the 20th shall fall upon a legal holiday, on the next working day) each member of the Ex- change, and also each Agent and Branch Office Manager within the jurisdiction of the Exchange, shall make a statement as per following form, and deliver same to the Man- ager of the Exchange : "The undersigned, member of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, or Agent or Branch Office Manager of the Insurance Company, hereby certifies that all the pre- miums on all the policies issued by the said member, Agent or Branch Office Manager, and taking effect in the month of were paid on the 20th inst., or, if any were un- paid at that date, all such policies have been cancelled for non-payment and notices of such cancellations have been sent to the assured and to the payee, if any." Date. Signature. The Manager of the Exchange shall report to the Arbitration or Grievance Committee the names of all members, Agents or Branch Offices, if any, who fail to promptly file the statement above required. When a member has been obliged to cancel a policy for non-payment of premium he may furnish a statement to that effect to the Man- ager covering the name of the Company, name and location of risk, amount, date of commencement of insurance, and the name of the broker, and upon receipt of such inform- ation the Manager shall include it in a month- ly circular list to be published and furnished to all members, but the name of the member furnishing the statement shall be omitted from such publication. 10-8-02. AGREEMENT 27 Payment of Premiums Any omission to send out cancellation no- ( concluded) tices based upon an agreement that the Bro- ker guarantees payment of the premiums before the20th of the month will be regarded asa viola- tion and dealt with accordingly. A.C. 11-8-99. The fact that a broker has a credit in the hands of an office issuing a policy, does not permit cancellation notice to the assured to be withheld if premium on such policy is not paid when due under the rules. A. C. 2-18-01. The allowance of a discount for cash pay- ment of premiums will be regarded as a rebate and violation and dealt with accord- ingly. B. C. 12-17-00. The provisions of Section 20 relating to the Collection of Premiums apply only on policies covering risks located within the jurisdiction of this Exchange. A. C. 2-1-00. Re- insurance premiums as well as direct pre- miums must be paid within the time stipu- lated, viz : "by the tenth day of the second month following the month in which the insurance takes effect." * A. C. 6-18-99. The acceptance of a check in payment of premiums, no matter when dated, which shall be held by the member receiving it for more than twenty-four hours (Sundays and holi- days excepted) after the time specified by Section 20 of the Agreement, as amended, will be regarded as a deviation and so dealt with. A. C. 9-21-99. The acceptance of a check dated later than the time fixed for the payment of premiums under the rules of the Exchange must be regarded as a deviation and so dealt with. A. C. 8-30-99. Additional Premiums charged under endorse- ments on policies shall be treated in the same manner as if they were original premiums, and are subject to Exchange rules regarding cancellation of policies for non-payment of premiums within the time prescribed by above Section. A. C. 1-10-00. "Where an additional premium is required AGREEMENT under the rules of the Exchange which would amount to less than 25 cents the charge there- for may be waived. 3-20-01. (b) All insurance effected upon open entry, or carried on binder, must be closed and premium thereon paid within the time above specified. In closing same it shall be on the basis of rate existing at the time insurance was made binding. (c) The Arbitration or Grievance Committee shall have authority to extend the time for the payment of premiums, in specific cases, on account of sickness or absence of an assured, or similar sufficient excuse, on the written request of the member interested. Open entries, time of closing and rat* Time for payment of premiums may be extended Outside Risks, brokerage on Local tariff to govern Section 21. (a) No brokerage in excess of ten per cent, shall be paid on any risk outside the territory included in this Agreement, except when such risk is within the jurisdiction of local boards whose rules allow a higher brokerage than ten per cent, and then such brokerage must not be exceeded. An allowance of brokerage in excess of ten per cent, on floating policies covering outside the territory of this Exchange is a violation, whether such policies also cover within such territory or not. (b) In case any risk on property located outside the territory of this Exchange be written or accepted otherwise than through a local agent of the company, the rate at which the risk is accepted shall be that of the local tariff of the place where it is located, and the policy shall conform to rules and forms there required. This provides that members shall not write in their offices situated in the territory covered by this Ex- change in violation of the tariff rate of any local board. Where a policy covers property located within the territory of the Exchange, and also property located outside of such territory, the AGREEMENT 29 Local tariff to govern (concluded) Re-insurance rate on the property located outside of the territory of the Exchange shall be in accord- ance with the rules and rates of the locality where the property is located, but in no case less than the rate of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange on the property located within its territory. R. C. 4-25-00. Section 22. (a) No member or company represented by a member shall effect, here or abroad, any re- insurance upon risks located in the territory of this Exchange, otherwise than with mem- bers of the New York Fire Insurance Ex- change. It is a violation of the rules of the Ex- change to effect re-insurance in any Company not legally admitted to transact business in that portion of the territory of the Exchange in which re-insurance is desired ; but this does not apply to so-called Affidavit Bisks. A. C. 2-10-00. It is contrary to the spirit of the Agreement and rules of the Exchange for a member to re-insure a non-Exchange company upon risks located within the jurisdiction of this Ex- change. A. C. 6-13-00. Re-insurance written within the jurisdiction of this Exchange on policies covering risks located outside the territory of this Exchange must be written at the tariff rate of the local board having jurisdiction. A. C. 6-13-00. The rules of the Exchange do not affect the commission paid by one company to another, both being members of the Exchange, for the re-insurance of risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange. A. C. 8-30-99. Exchange members may re-insure non-Ex- change companies upon risks located within the jurisdiction of the Exchange, provided no commission or brokerage thereon is paid to the re-insured company, or to the broker, or agent. A. C. 8-11-00. (b) The above restrictions shall not apply AGREEMENT 30 Affidavit risks excepted Withdrawals to such risks as, under the provisions of the Statutes of New York State, may be placed by- licensed brokers in companies not duly admit- ted to transact business in the State, nor shall it apply to buildings or contents of railroad terminal property. As to the right of companies to effect Re- Insurance in outside Companies, all Exchange companies being full, it is ruled that the same privilege would extend to companies effecting Re-Insurance as is given to Brokers under Pledge Class 2, they also rendering to the Manager a statement of the amounts of such insurance and the companies in which it is effected similar to the statement re- quired from Brokers under same circum- stances. A. C. 8-21-99. In the matter of re-insurance of policies issued prior to organization of the Exchange and com- missions allowed thereon, it is ruled that any policy, whether direct or by way of re-insur- ance, written subsequent to March 8th, 1899, should conform fully to tariff requirements as to rates and rules. 10-19-99. Re-insurance of fire liability of Marine In- surance Companies on merchandise either specific or by floating policies must conform to all Exchange rules and rates. A. C. 11-10-99. Section 23. Any member may withdraw from this Ex- change on giving thirty days' notice in writ- ing to the President of the Exchange of his intention to do so ; it being understood that, at the end of such thirty days and on such withdrawal, any other member may with- draw at the same time, provided he has given, at least, five days' notice in writing to the President of the Exchange of his inten- tion to do so. Notices of resignation shall be immediately communicated to all the members. Section 24. No change shall be made in this Agreement AGREEMENT 31 Changes in Agreement Arrangements to be relinquished Information as to such arrangements Pledge of Member until written or printed notice of a proposi- tion to amend has been sent to every mem- ber, not less than one week in advance of the day fixed for its discussion ; and no change or addition shall be made if any member present at such meeting shall vote in the negative. Section 25. (a) All companies having arrangements which, in accordance with the rules now adopted, will have to be relinquished or re- adjusted shall, as the alternative of imme- diate acquiescence, file with the Arbitration Committee a statement of such arrange- ments, accompanied by an application for time in which to reform the same ; and the maintenance of such arrangements in the absence of the submission of such application shall be held to be in violation of the rules of the Exchange. (b) The Arbitration Committee shall there- upon, with due diligence, proceed to pass upon the applications filed ; and the decision of such Committee when rendered shall be final and conclusive ; and the said Committee shall, upon request of any member, furnish him with full information as to any such arrangements filed. Section 26. I hereby agree for myself and the company or companies which I represent that I will observe the foregoing Agreement and all the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, in letter and in spirit, until I am released from its obliga- tions, as therein provided. I have not any agreement or contract with brokers, or others, not in accordance with its provisions, nor will I make any such while I am a mem- ber of this Exchange. AGREEMENT Signature of member to foregoing Agreement and Pledge LIST OF MEMBERS. COMPANY MEMBERS. Assurance Co. of America New York. Atlas Assurance Co London, England. Caledonian Insurance Co Scotland. Caledonian American Insurance Co New York. Cologne Eeinsurance Co Cologne, Germany. Colonial Assurance Co New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd England. Commercial Union Insurance Co New York. Commonwealth Insurance Co New York. Continental Insurance Co New York. Empire City Fire Insurance Co New York. German Alliance Insurance Co New York. German American Insurance Co New York. Germania Fire Insurance Co New York. Globe & Eutgers Fire Insurance Co New York. Greenwich Insurance Co New York. Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co Hamburg, Germany. Hamilton Fire Insurance Co New York. Hanover Fire Insurance Co New York. Home Insurance Co New York. Indemnity Fire Insurance Co New York. Kings County Fire Insurance Co New York. Lafayette Fire Insurance Co New York. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co . . Liverpool, England. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co New York. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co . . . Liverpool, England. London Assurance Corporation London, England. Manchester Fire Insurance Co Manchester, England. Munich Ee-Insurance Co Munich, Germany. Nassau Fire Insurance Co New York. National Assurance Co. of Ireland Ireland. National Standard Fire Insurance Co New York. New York Fire Insurance Co New York. Niagara Fire Insurance Co New York. 33 LIST OF MEMBERS. 34 North British & Mercantile Insurance Co ... . London, England. North British & Mercantile Insurance Co New York. Northern Assurance Co London, England. Northern Insurance Co New York. North German Fire Insurance Co New York. North German Fire Insurance Co Hamburg, Germany. North Eiver Insurance Co New York. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Norwich, England. Pacific Fire Insurance Co New York. Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd Manchester, England. Pelican Assurance Co New York. Peter Cooper Fire Insurance Co New York. Phenix Insurance Co New York. Phoenix Assurance Co London, England. Queen Insurance Co New York. Royal Exchange Assurance London, England. Royal Insurance Co Liverpool, England. Salamandra Insurance Co St. Petersburg, Russia. Skandia Insurance Co Stockholm, Sweden. Standard Fire Insurance Co., The Trenton, N. J. Stuyvesant Insurance Co New York. Sun Insurance Office London, England. Thuringia Fire Insurance Co Erfurt, Germany. United States Fire Insurance Co New York. Victoria Fire Insurance Co New York. Westchester Fire Insurance Co New York. Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co New York. AGENCY MEMBERS. Baldwin & Fuller. Mather & Co. Banta, W. S. Miller, A. E. Blagden & Stillman. Ogden & Katzenmeyer. Brown, T. Y., & Co. Perrin, W. L. Case, Charles L. Pollock, West & Co. Crum & Forster. Prentice, Daniel. Dellevie, Otto. Price & Brickelmaier. Hall & Henshaw. Rowell, Edward. Herrick, Harold. Sammis, W. D. Hilliard, J. G. Scott, Alexander & Talbot. Howe, George C. Smith, C. G. Howley & King. Wayland, Curtis C. Hull & Dinsmore. Weed & Kennedy. Kelly, J. A. Whiton, J. M. & Co. Lasher, Thomas J. Withers & Mills. Lockwood, Benoni. Young, W. P. COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS. 35 COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS and AGENTS. The following is a List of Companies represented by Members of the Exchange and by Agents under Exchange jurisdiction as recorded at the Manager's Office up to April 1st, 1903. Aachen and Munich Eire Ins. Co. .Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. Aetna Insurance Co Hartford, Conn. Agricultural Insurance Co Watertown, N. Y. Albany Insurance Co Albany, N. Y. Allemania Eire Insurance Co Pittsburgh, Pa. Alliance Assurance Co London, England. American Central Insurance Co St. Louis, Mo. American Eire Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa. American Insurance Co Boston, Mass. American Insurance Co Newark, N. J. Anchor Fire Insurance Co Cincinnati, Ohio. Boston Insurance Co Boston, Mass. British American Assurance Co Toronto, Canada. Buffalo Commercial Insurance Co Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo German Insurance Co Buffalo, N. Y. Camden Eire Insurance Association Camden, N. J. Capital Eire Insurance Co Concord, N. H. Citizens Insurance Co St. Louis, Mo. Colonial Assurance Co New York. Colonial Insurance Co Washington, D. C. Commerce Insurance Co Albany, N. Y. Concordia Fire Insurance Co Milwaukee, Wis. Connecticut Fire Insurance Co Hartford, Conn. Delaware Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co Detroit, Mich. Dutchess Insurance Co Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Co Providence, E. I. Farmers Fire Insurance Co York, Pa. Fire Association of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Fire Ins. Co. of the County of Philadelphia . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Firemens Fund Insurance Co San Francisco, Cal. Firemens Insurance Co. of Baltimore Baltimore, Md. Firemens Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J Newark, N. J. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia . . Philadelphia, Pa. Georgia Home Insurance Co Columbus, Ga. German American Fire Insurance Co Baltimore, Md. German Fire Ins. Co. of the City of Pittsburgh. .Pittsburgh, Pa. German Insurance Co. of Freeport Freeport, 111. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa. Glens Falls Insurance Co Glens Falls, N. Y. Granite State Fire Insurance Co Portsmouth, N. H. Hartford Fire Insurance Co Hartford, Conn. COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY MEMBERS. 36 Home Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of California, San Francisco, Cal. Home Fire Insurance Co. of Baltimore Baltimore, Md. Indianapolis Fire Insurance Co Indianapolis, Ind. Insurance Co. of North America Philadelphia, Pa. Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Ins. Co . . London, England. Lumbermen's Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa. Mechanics and Traders' Insurance Co New Orleans, La. Mechanics Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa. Mercantile Fire and Marine Insurance Co Boston, Mass. Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance Co Detroit, Mich. Milwaukee Fire Insurance Co Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co Milwaukee, Wis. National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford Hartford, Conn. National Union Fire Insurance Co Pittsburgh, Pa. Netherlands Fire Insurance Co The Hague, Holland. New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co Manchester, N. H. New York Underwriters Agency New York. Newark Fire Insurance Co Newark, N. J. North German Fire Insurance Co Hamburg, Germany. Northwestern Nat. Ins. Co. of Milwaukee, Wis . . Milwaukee, Wis. Orient Insurance Company Hartford, Conn. Pennsylvania Fire 'Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Underwriters Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenix Insurance Co Hartford, Conn. Potomac Insurance Co. of Georgetown Washington, D. C. Providence- Washington Insurance Co Providence, R. I. Prussian National Insurance Co Stettin, Germany. Reading Fire Insurance Co Reading, Pa. Reliance Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Rochester German Ins. Co. of Rochester, N. Y . . Rochester, N. Y. Royal Exchange Assurance London, England. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co St. Paul, Minn. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co Edinburgh, Scotland. Security Insurance Co. of New Haven New Haven, Conn. Spring Garden Insurance Co Philadelphia, Pa. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co ... . Springfield, Mass. Svea Fire and Life Insurance Co Gothenburg, Sweden. Teutonia Insurance Co New Orleans, La. Traders Insurance Co Chicago, 111. Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co Hamburg, Germany. Union Assurance Society London, England. Union Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia, Pa. United Firemens Ins. Co. of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co Richmond, Ya. Virginia State Insurance Co Richmond, Va. Western Assurance Co Toronto, Canada. Western Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa. BROKER'S PLEDGE. CLASS I. In consideration of the commissions or brokerages of 10 per cent, or 20 per cent, as provided for and to be paid by members of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, I hereby promise and agree that I will not, directly or indirectly, make any rebate to the assured nor directly or indirectly pay to or divide with any person not holding a Broker's Certificate, any commission or brokerage, nor will I receive from any Company or Agent, directly or indirectly, any remuneration for business placed with them in excess of that permitted by the rules of the Exchange. To be signed by the principal, not employee. CLASS II. In consideration of the payment to be made to me of an addi- tional five per cent, to the commissions or brokerages as provided for in Broker's Pledge, Class I, signed by me, I hereby promise and agree in addition to said pledge, that in placing insurance, I will give the preference to the members of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, and that I will not place any risk with those not members unless I cannot secure sufficient insurance on such risks from members of the Exchange, in which case I agree to file with the Secretary of the Exchange, within one week of so placing a list of such outside Company or Companies in which same has been placed with the name of the assured, location of risk and the amounts of insurance given them. (To be signed by the principal, not employee, principal having first signed Pledge, Class I.) 37 GENERAL RULES AND RATES. ALLOWANCE FOR AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM. On all risks an allowance may be made for an approved Auto- matic Fire Alarm as follows : Rates 1 per cent, or less 10 per cent. Rates over 1 per cent 10 cents. In Listed Storage Stores equipped with automatic fire alarm, allowance as above may be made from the rate for merchandise arrived at by adding Alphabetical List charge to the base rate for merchandise named on card. Allowance as above may also be made on rate for building as given on card. No permit shall be granted for an inoperative condition of an auto- matic sprinkler or automatic alarm equipment for any cause without advancing the rate by the pro rata of the original allow- ance for the unexpired term. No allowance can be made for automatic sprinklers or alarm for a stipulation for an intended installation at a later date, but the charge must be made for the full term under the conditions existing at the date of the policy. No allowance shall be made for any such installation until certifi- cate and notification are regularly issued. 2-6-96. ALLOWANCE FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS. In entire Metropolitan District: no allowance shall be made for an approved Automatic Sprinkler System, unless a warranty is placed on policies providing that a watchman shall be main- tained nights, Sundays and holidays, or when the premises are not in operation or use ; or that the sprinkler system be connected electrically by a suitable device with the Central ofl&ce of an auto- matic fire alarm system, so arranged that it will give immediate notice in case the water flows in the pipe system. (See clause.) For old eqiupments in accordance with the standard of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, existing previously to April 15th, 1896, allowance of 20 per cent, on building and contents. 38 GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 39 For equipments in accordance with the new standard of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, allowance of 30 per cent, on building and contents. No equipment shall be entitled to the 30 per cent, allowance until expressly so stated upon the rate card. 6-19-96. No permit shall be granted for an inoperative condition of an auto- matic sprinkler or automatic alarm equipment for any cause without advancing the rate by the pro rata of the original allow- ance for the unexpired term. No allowance can be made for automatic sprinklers or alarm for a stipulation for an intended installation at a later date, but the charge must be made for the full term under the conditions existing at the date of the policy. No allowance shall be made for any such installation until certifi- cate and notification are regularly issue'd. 2-6-96. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER EQUIPMENTS ON SEPARATE FLOORS. An equitable recognition shall be made of sprinkler equip- ments on separate floors of fire-proof buildings occupied for mercantile purposes where the entire building is not equipped, based upon such percentage of the regular sprinkler allowance as the floor area so equipped bears to the total floor area of the entire building, it being understood that no allowance shall be made for equipments covering less than an entire floor of a build- ing, and that the percentage deduction to be allowed shall be only on contents of the floor or floors directly protected by such equipment. 9-14-00. APARTMENT HOUSES. Manager is required to rate specifically all Apartment Houses of 2,500 square feet or over in ground area, which are over five stories in height, and also all Apartment Houses of over 4,000 square feet area, and members when binding risks of this class must apply to the Manager for specific rates on such risks as come within these limitations. When a risk is bound upon an apartment house in course of construction, or a contemplated new apartment house, it must be bound subject to a specific rate to be made by the Exchange, or have attached to the policy the following clause : "Warranted by the assured that the building insured under this policy is not more than 5 stories in height and does not ex- ceed 4,000 square feet in ground area (no deduction being made from such area for light and ventilating shafts or similar open- ings), otherwise this policy to be null and void." GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 40 Note:— If the building does not exceed 2,500 square feet In area It may be more than 5 stories in height without being subject to rate, and in that case, the above warranty maybe changed by in- serting the number of stories instead of 5 and placing the limit of area at 2,500 square feet instead of 4,000 ; as, for example : " War- ranted that the building insured under this policy is not more than 7 stories in height and does not exceed 2,500 square feet in area (no deduction being made from such area for light and ven- tilating shafts and similar openings), otherwise this policy to be null and void." For the guidance of members an "Apartment House" is defined as follows, viz : a building in which apartments are rented to tenants whose housekeeping is conducted in their own apart- ments respectively. A. C. 6-2-99. The Unoccupancy Warranty is not required on policies covering Apartment Houses in course of construction that are not subject to specific rating, but policies covering on Apartment Houses which come under the ruling of the Exchange as to area and height must have the Unoccupancy Warranty attached. R. C. 6-1-00. Apartment houses and stores and dwellings which are or may be hereafter specifically rated may be written at Branch Offices, and the commission payable on such risks under the Agreement is 20 or 25 per cent., as provided by Section 17, (a) of Agree- ment. A. C. 4-28-99. BASEMENTS SPRINKLED. Where basements and sub-basements are fully protected with an approved system of automatic sprinklers, and approval has been promulgated by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, the Rate Committee may make an allowance therefor of not ex- ceeding 10 per cent. This discount shall not be made in addition to the discount for fully sprinkled risks. 12-11-02. BINDING RISKS. Policies must be issued immediately as soon as a risk is bound at the proper rate then existing and not held open for an antici- pated change in the rate, subject to rules regarding Changes of Occupancy Construction or Hazard, on page 52. No insurance shall be made binding, whether by verbal agreement, binder, renewal receipt, new policy, certificate, or otherwise, to take effect beyond the calendar month succeeding date of applica- tion, unless the insurance so arranged for in advance shall be taken subject to the tariff rate in force at the time such insurance is to take effect. 12-18-00. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 41 When binders are issued on rated risks such binders must be at the rates in cabinets, and the issuance of such binders at less than tariff rate will be regarded as a violation and dealt with accord- ingly. A. C. 6-1-00. BLANKET POLICIES. Policies covering on and/ or in two or more buildings not com- municating must have the 100 per cent. Average Clause attached, without deduction for the same. Blanket policies may be written covering on and/ or in two or more communicating buildings having approved fire doors at all communicating openings, at the highest rate, with the 80 per cent. Average Clause and the Standard Distribution Clause, and 10 per cent, allowance may be made for 100 per cent. Average in such cases. Policies insuring contents of building or buildings, i. e., machinery and stock, under one item, must have the 100 per cent. Average Clause attached and the usual 10 percent, deduction may be made therefor, provided the blanket policy covers in one build- ing only, but if in two or more buildings not communicating no deduction may be made. (See ruling, under Communicating Buildings, on the subject of non-approved doors.) The usual allowance may be made for 100 per cent. Average on policies covering blanket on building, machinery and stock, provid- ing the blanket policy covers on and/or in one building only, but if in two or more buildings not communicating, no deduction may be made. It. C. 2-21-00. The rules covering attachment of the Standard Distribution Clause apply when policies are written under an average rate the same as if written under a blanket rate. It. C. 7-20-01. When a policy blankets merchandise and furniture and fixtures the 100 per cent. Average Clause is required and the usual allowance of 10 per cent, may be made therefor. It. C. 4-15-02. A policy covering merchandise in or on the piers of any speci- fied terminal may include merchandise in cars on tracks of that termi- nal and be considered not as a floater, but as a blanket policy, and may be written at the rate of the contents of the pier or shed of that terminal having the highest contents rate. Such policies must have the 100 per cent. Average Clause with no deduction therefor. Members are also reminded that in case of blanket policies on buildings or their contents, not communicating as well as com- municating, the highest rate included under the blanket must be charged. GENERAL EUI/ES AND RATES. 42 Members may not under any circumstances make average rates for blanket policies covering two or more risks. In all cases the rule must be observed that the highest rate must be charged. Average rates for blanket policies may be made only by the Manager, acting under the rules, and no average rate may be allowed until regularly published on the card. 7-10-96. BRANCH MANAGERS. The conditions under which Branch Managers may be ap- pointed as to territory, compensation, classes of risks permitted to be written, etc, are fully set forth in Section 18 of Agreement, and in connection therewith the following rulings have been made. The words in Agreement, Section 18 (f ) " shall write no risks except in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx above the line mentioned in Paragraph (c)" prohibit the issuance from the office of any Branch Manager of any policy which may have been previously executed in blank at the Head Office, and a strict compli- ance with the letter and spirit of this rule requires that no such policies shall be executed at the Head Office except in their entirety. This ruling will apply to risks located south of the line provided in the Agreement and also to classes of hazards which the Branch Office is prohibited from writing. A. C. 10-24-99. It is held to be in violation of the rules of the Exchange for the salary of a Branch Manager to be revised each month, or at any period short of one year, the plain interpretation of the rules re- lating to the employment of Branch Managers being that the salary referred to shall be fixed in advance for a period of at least one year. In view, however, of the common practice of having salary arrangements end with the calendar year, it is held that contracts may be made during the current year for the unexpired portion thereof. A. C. 4-24-99. A person may act as a Head Office Agent for one member and at the same time as a Branch Office Manager for another member in the territory assigned to Branch Offices, but the rules forbid a person holding such appointments to transact any brokerage business whatever. A. C. 4-28-99. It is not in violation of the rules of the Exchange for two or more members to maintain jointly such Branch Offices as are per- mitted by the rules of the Exchange. A. C. 3-21-99. The manager of a Branch Office may not receive, under the rules, a brokerage on any risk which he may place in the name and on behalf of the company which he represents. 5-18-99. Apartment houses and stores and dwellings which are or may be hereafter specifically rated may be written at Branch Offices, and the GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 43 commission payable on such risks under the Agreement is 20 or 25 per cent., as provided by Section 17, (a) of Agreement. A. C. 4-28-99. For the guidance of members an "Apartment House," is defined as follows, viz : a building in which apartments are rented to tenants whose housekeeping is conducted in their own apart- ments respectively. A. C. 6-2-99. Private stables and their contents which may be written by managers of Branch Offices, include private family stables; also private business stables provided same be owned or occupied by parties who are engaged in such a class of business as may be written at Branch Offices. A. C. 6-2-99. A policy which has been issued at a Branch Office prior to the date of inception of the Exchange, may not be transferred by a Branch Manager to cover on or in a building which under exist- ing rules may not be written at the Branch Office, but must be treated in all respects as a new risk regarding the transfer of the insurance, the attachment of the Average Clause and the payment of commission. A. C. 6-16-99. Managers of Branch Offices in the Western District of Brooklyn may write only risks located in such District and the Branch Man- agers in the Eastern District are likewise restricted to the writing of risks located in such District. A. C. 6-29-99. Any form of remuneration to a Branch Manager other than a fixed salary is in violation of the rules of the Exchange, and agreements with Branch Managers should be governed accord- ingly. A. C. 1-5-00. The compensation of a Branch Manager in part by allowing him a contingent upon the profits of his office is a violation, as Branch Managers may be compensated by salary only. (See Agreement, Section 18 (g).) A. C. 3-10-02. It is permissible for a Branch Manager to have an office located below 42d Street and one located above 42d Street, provided such offices do not represent more than the proper quota of offices al- lowed by the rules to the Member represented by said Branch Manager. A. C. 4-7-02. A Branch Office located on Forty-Second Street must be con- sidered, according to paragraph (e), Section 18 of Agreement, as being for the territory south of Forty-Second Street. A. C. 9-14-01. Branch Managers located in the Borough of the Bronx are restricted to the writing of risks located within so much of that territory as is under the jurisdiction of this Exchange ; that is to say, West of the Bronx River. A. C. 9-7-01. Branch Offices must provide proper cabinets for reception of cards containing List of Brokers, which must be accessible to the GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 44 card distributers during business hours, and failure to provide such cabinets and maintain such accessibility will be ground for requiring a Branch Office to be discontinued. 9-10-02. BROKERAGE AND COMMISSION. The rules of this Exchange as to brokerage and commission apply to Tornado Insurance as well as Fire Insurance. A. C. 2-1-00. The payment of any brokerage or other compensation in excess of the brokerage allowed by the rules of the Exchange to any person holding a certificate as a broker, on any risk located outside the territory of the Exchange, for the purpose of influenc- ing business located in the territory of the Exchange whether by agreement or otherwise, is a violation of the rules of this Exchange as to brokerage and a proper subject of inquiry. A. C. 4-7-99. The brokerage of 20 per cent, and 25 per cent, respectively can be paid only on such risks as are permitted, under the Agreement, to be written at Branch Offices. A. C. 4-7-99. The offer of rebate whether given or not, or offer of reduction of rate below tariff, unless such reduction is in accordance with the rules of the Exchange, and the reason for such reduction or rebate explained to the assured, will be considered as a violation of the Broker's Pledges and treated accordingly. 5-9-00. If sufficient insurance cannot be procured in Exchange compa- nies at tariff rates, it is a violation of Broker's Pledge to place insurance with non-members without filing with the Exchange, within one week, a memorandum to that effect. A. C. 5-4-99. The making of rebates on plate glass, casualty, employers' liabil- ity, sprinkler leakage, and similar policies as an inducement to secure the fire insurance business of the party to whom such re- bates are made is a violation of the Broker's Pledge, and will be treated accordingly. A. C. 6-1-99. Not more than 15 per cent, commission may be paid under insur- ances covering buildings and their contents, which are occupied for mercantile purposes on the first and second floors and for dwellings above. A. C. 6-1-99. Only 15 per cent, commission can be paid under a policy cover- ing household furniture in an Apartment Hotel as it comes under the designation of Hotel. A. C. 6-2-99. It is a violation to allow in excess of 15 per cent, commission GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 45 on policies covering Household Furniture contained in specifically- rated storage buildings. 8-21-99. Any violation of the Kules or the Agreement committed by an employee ol a Broker will he construed as an act of the employer. 5-9-00. When insurance has been effected for proper reasons in non- Exchange companies and such insurance has been promulgated, and subsequently the assured moves to another location and such non-Exchange insurance is transferred to cover in the new loca- tion, it is not necessary to promulgate such transferred insurance, it being understood that at expiration such insurance shall be offered to Exchange companies before being again offered to non-Exchange companies. A. C. 7-25-99. Section 21 (a) prohibits the payment of any brokerage in excess of ten per cent, on any risk written in the territory of the Ex- change and located outside of the territory included in the Agree- ment, except only where a local board, having jurisdiction of the territory in which the risk is located, has a specific rule allowing more than ten per cent., in which case such higher brokerage may be allowed ; and in case there is no local board, or in case a local board exists, but has no specific rule on brokerages, the brokerage allowed on such risks shall in no case exceed ten per cent. A. C. 7-7-99. The rules of the Exchange do not affect the commission paid by one company to another, both being members of the Exchange, for the re-insurance of risks located outside of the jurisdiction of this Exchange. A. C. 8-30-99. The allowance of a rebate under a policy covering property wherever located if written at any office or agency of a member in the territory under the jurisdiction of the New York Fire Insur- ance Exchange would be a violation of the Broker's Pledge and of the rules of the Exchange ; and if written by the local agent of the member in the town or city where the risk is located and the local board of such city or town prohibits rebates then the mem- ber cannot pay a broker any commission or brokerage unless he agrees not to rebate any portion thereof to the assured. The allowance of such a rebate under a policy written at any office or Agency, wherever located, for the purpose of securing an insurance or insurances on property situate in the territory under the juris- diction of the Exchange would be a violation of the Broker's Pledge and rules of the Exchange, and in either case would be subject to the penalties provided. 1-10-00. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 46 The allowance by a member of commission or brokerage to any clerk or employee of such member who does not hold a Broker's Certificate will be regarded as a violation. A. C. 10-12-00. Members must not pay brokerage to any certified broker on business placed prior to the date of such broker's application for his Certificate. B. C. 11-20-00. The payment to a non-certified broker of brokerage or com- mission on additional premiums upon policies placed by such broker while holding a Certificate from this Exchange is a viola- tion. A. C. 8-1-00. A commission not exceeding 15% may be allowed upon a floater covering property located only in dwellings and in buildings occupied for stores on the first floor and exclusively dwellings above. A. C. 10-23-01. If Theatrical Floaters or Floaters covering on Personal Effects wherever they may be in the United States are written at an office within the jurisdiction of this Exchange, a rebate on such policies will be a violation. A. C. 10-23-01. An allowance of brokerage in excess of ten per cent, on floating policies covering outside the territory of this Exchange, whether such policies also cover within such territory or not, is a viola- tion. When the Arbitration or Grievance Committee has ordered a policy or policies to be cancelled in consequence of having ad- judged a member of the Exchange, or an Agent who is not a member but who holds a Broker's Certificate, guilty of an infrac- tion of the rules of the Exchange, then such member or Agent shall not be allowed to receive any commission or brokerage for the plac- ing of such risk during the term for which the member is himself ordered to keep off of such risk, and in addition, if the gravity of the offense warrant it, the facts connected with the case shall be at once communicated to the Brokerage Committee, that they may revoke the right of such member or Agent to receive any commission or brokerage on any business for such time as they may deem fit. 12-11-01. Certified Brokers must not allow commission or brokerage on lines placed by them in this City but covering risks located outside of the jurisdiction of the Exchange to a Broker not holding a Cer- tificate from this Exchange whether such Broker resides within or outside of the jurisdiction of the Exchange. A. C. 2-10-02. Certified Brokers may not act as Agents for non-Exchange Companies. A. C. 2-10-02. Certified Brokers under their pledges to this Exchange are not permitted to receive greater remuneration for business placed with non-Exchange companies after first having offered same to all GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 47 Exchange companies than is permitted to he paid them by mem- bers of the Exchange. A. C. 3-23-01. The allowance of a discount for cash payment of premiums will be regarded as a rebate and violation and dealt with accord- ingly. B. C. 12-17-00. The giving of envelopes, bill heads, letter heads, or other articles of stationery, or gifts of any description whatsoever, to brokers or brokers' employees, directly or indirectly, win be re- garded as a rebate and in violation of the rules and treated ac- cordingly. A. C. 12-12-00. The ruling prohibiting the making of gifts of any description to brokers, is modified to exempt Calendars and Blotters from the operation of such ruling, providing that such Calendars and Blotters do not contain any matter advertising the bro- ker. A. C. 12-26-00. A broker may place insurance with non-Exchange companies at the request of the assured, provided he does not receive any brokerage or commission or any compensation whatsoever there- for, and provided further that he shall file with the Exchange within the time allowed under his Pledge a list of such outside companies, with the name of assured, location of risk, and the amount of insurance given them, together with a statement that such insurance has been placed in an outside company at request of the assured, and that he (the broker) has received and is to re- ceive no brokerage or commission or any compensation whatsoever therefor. A. C. 7-25-00. If a policy is Issued covering store and dwelling risk with war- ranty attached and subsequently a request is made to remove the Store and Dwelling Warranty for the reason that merchandise is then contained above first floor, the company must cancel the policy pro rata and re-write to expiration, and commission upon such re-written policy shall not exceed that which under the rules is permitted to be paid on risks other than those which may be written by Branch Managers, viz : 15 per cent. A. C. 3-12-02. From and after twelve o'clock noon of May 28th, 1902, if any automatic sprinkler, automatic fire alarm or any other fire ex- tinguishing, fire signaling or any other appliance or improvement whatever installed in or appertaining to any risk be owned or installed at the whole or partial, direct or indirect, expense of any person, firm or corporation holding a Broker's Certificate from this Exchange, it shall be deemed a rebate and a violation of the Broker's Pledge. 5-28-02. When a Broker fails to renew his Certificate in season, thereby causing his name to be withdrawn from the list, and subse- GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 48 quently within six months asks for a renewal, such renewal shall not be granted unless, in addition to the regular charge for a Certifi- cate, the sum of $3.00 is paid to cover cost of withdrawing and re-instating such Broker's name. 4-9-02. BUILDINGS IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. Annual rates to apply continuously until building is occupied and rated. Fire-proof buildings in course of construction, .30 Brick buildings in course of construction, .50 Frame buildings in course of construction, .70 Piers in course of construction, - - 1.00 Buildings in course of construction, without regard to ulti- mate use or occupancy, must be written at the minimum rate charged for buildings in course of construction unless specifically rated. Such risks may only be written at the head office of a member, and only for a term not to exceed one year and the Unoccupancy Warranty is required. Exception may be made on buildings Branch Offices are allowed to write when completed, the intended occupation thereof to be expressed in the policy, as follows : " On building while in course of construc- tion or while occupied for (here insert occupancy which must be of a class Branch Managers are permitted to write)." When written under this form the Unoccupancy Warranty need not be attached to policy. Note carefully the following requirements for policies in or on buildings in course of construction, whether rated specifically or under general minimums. 1. Unoccupancy Warranty required. 2. Policies covering buildings or contents must not be written for more than one year. 3. Privilege for occupancy must be granted only subject to specific rate and with application for same. Unoccupancy Warranty :— Warranted by the assured that the building hereby insured is unoccupied, and that when occupied in whole or in part, this Company is to be notified and rate ad- justed ; unless so notified and endorsed hereon this policy shall be void. Policies written for a term of years on a building in course of construction "with privilege to complete" are a violation of the rule limiting Builders' Risks to one year. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 49 Public School Buildings or additions to old public school build- ings in the City of New York, being required by law to be fire- proof, may be written while in course of construction at 30 cents. 4-8-97. The following or similar endorsement may not be made, viz : "Builders' Risk granted until notified to discontinue when charge, if any, will be made." A definite time must be stated for Build* ers' Risks not to exceed one year. 6-24-99. In the case of policies covering contractors on public school build- ings in course of construction where the City declines to accept such policies unless the Un occupancy Warranty is stricken out, the rate charged must be that required under the minimums for school houses plus the charge for Builders' Risk. R. C. 4-30-02. Buildings in course of construction constitute a class by them- selves no matter what occupancy they may be designed for, and such buildings may not be otherwise classified until they are com- pleted and ready for occupancy, when they may be written, subject to rules, at proper specific rates or under general mini- mums. A. C. 2-3-02. The rates to be charged on policies covering buildings in course of construction must be those named above, and no other rates may be charged no matter what the occupancy of the buildings is to be or what warranty may be contained in policies as to such future occupancy. A. C. 1-28-02. Buildings in course of construction intended for occupancy as dwellings or as stores with exclusively dwellings above must be written as in course of construction at the rate applying to them as such, and for a term not exceeding one year. Policies covering dwellings or stores with excl usively dwellings above must not be written with "permission to complete" or any words to that effect. Until completed, a building is considered as in course of construction and must be so written. Privilege for Ordinary Alterations and Repairs may be at- tached to policies covering dwellings or buildings occupied above the grade floor exclusively as dwellings without extra charge if the form of privilege used is exactly as set forth on page 62 of Hand Book, but any other form must be charged for. When Buildings in Course of Construction are of a class per- mitted to be written by Branch Managers (that is, intended for an occupancy which would permit Branch Managers to write them at completion) they may be written by Branch Offices, but they must be written as in course of construction and the policies must be in the following form : "On building while in course of construction or while occupied for " GENERAL RULES AND RAIES. 50 BUILDING RATES. All buildings in entire Metropolitan District not rated by gen- eral minimum or specific rate, contents of same being rated (whether by Specific, Minimum, Class of Hazards or Dry Goods District rate), are rated as follows: Brick buildings, 40% of highest contents rate; but in risks written under general mini- mum stocks marked in the list of general minimums with a star shall not operate to rate the building containing them higher than 24 cents. No building under this rule shall rate below 20 cents. Frame buildings rate same as lowest contents except as stated on pages 109 and 110 of Hand Book when they take rate of highest contents. 5-29-95. Where in the list of minimums a special minimum rate is men- tioned for building (as in the case of hospitals, schools, lodging houses, etc.) the same applies only to brick buildings, and, unless otherwise specified, frame or brick and frame buildings in such cases take the same rate as contents. 5-29-95. Where a frame building occupied as store on the first floor and dwellings above has a small frame extension adjoining and communicating which is occupied as a business stable (not a private family stable), the rate on such building and contents must be that of the stable ; that is to say, 1.50. A specific rate will be issued upon such risks upon application to the Man- ager. 8-4-99. Policies covering in the Dry Goods District, written on con- tents under classes of hazards or on buildings under the general rule of 40 per cent, of highest contents rate, must not contain any privilege for occupancy which would permit under any circumstances a higher hazard than that upon which the rate is based. 6-1-96. Where a brick dwelling or store and dwelling has a frame extension or addition, such building must be classed as brick and frame and must take the rate for frame. R. C. 7-20-01. The presence of a frame veranda, or stoop, or porch, or bulk- head door, in connection with a brick building does not operate to class that building as brick and frame. 5-5-02. If policies covering buildings are written to include liability for loss occasioned by the operation of ordinances or laws requiring the replacement of entire buildings in case of fire damage exceeding a given percentage of value the rate on such buildings shall be double that which is shown on rate cards, if risk is specifically rated, or double that required under general minimums or rules if risk is not specifically rated. 1-8-02. GENERAL EULES AND RATES. 51 BUILDERS RISK; EXTRAORDINARY ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS. Any privilege for alterations or repairs except that given under the head of Mechanics Privilege, Ordinary Alterations and Re- pairs, and that given in the body of the policy, shall be charged on buildings of ordinary construction and on their contents 25 cents, and on buildings of fire-proof construction and on their contents 15 cents, or the short rates thereof. No Builders Risk may be granted for a term longer than one year. The builders risk charge for fire-proof risks may be made only where the risk has been promulgated as in the fire-proof class. A definite time, not to exceed one year, must be stated for Builders Risks. 6-24-99. The fifteen days Builders Risk allowed by the Standard Policy requires no charge. The charge for Builders Risk is net, and subject to no deduc- tion or allowance of any kind. R. C. 9-10-02. Charge must be made for the full term of endorsement, unless endorsement distinctly states that the fifteen days allowed by the Standard Policy is included in the term thereof. Specific permission for the construction or reconstruction of an elevator shaft so as to conform to the Building Laws may be allowed without charge. The Short Rate Rules set forth in Hand Book apply to all short rate business, including Builders Risk, and it is a violation to allow renewals of builders permits for such extra premium as would represent the difference between the original term and that which might have been charged for had the permit been taken out for the total time covered. R. C. 10-4-99. For Mechanics Privilege; Ordinary Alterations and Repairs, see page 62. CALCIUM CARBIDE. Not more than 100 pounds of calcium carbide may be per- mitted without extra charge the same to be kept according to law and in water-proof metallic cans holding not more than 2 pounds each. 3-15-00. CERTIFICATES UNDER OPEN ENTRY POLICIES. The appointment by members of persons to countersign certifi- cates in their behalf under existing policies is not a violation provided no compensation is paid for such service and no new GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 5fc insurance is made, and provided only the following form of Cer- tificate is used ; viz.: No $ New York This certifies that ha Insurance by the Insurance Company of under Policy No Entry No to the amount of Dollars on terminating day of at noon. Loss, if any, in conformity with the conditions of said policy, to be adjusted with and payable to. only on presentation of and surrender of this Certificate. A. C. 3-20-99. CHANGES OF OCCUPANCY, CONSTRUCTION OR HAZARD. Whenever application is made for an endorsement to policies on buildings or any contents of any risk already specifically rated permitting any occupancy or change in occupancy, hazard or construction, or whenever insurance is accepted on any new building erected on the lot, or on any new tenant in such risk, not yet specifically rated, or any new tenant (not yet specifically rated) in a building which is specifically rated as unoccupied, the member granting such endorsement, permit or insurance, shall apply immediately to the Manager for a revision of rate. Mean- time, he shall not issue the endorsement, permit or policy, but may hold the same bound subject to the revised rate. If no re- vised rate is issued within fourteen days from date of application the member may proceed to issue his policy under existing rules. This rule shall not apply to risks written under General Mini- mums. The above does not apply to risks where no specific rate exists covering any risk past or present on the lot. The purpose of the rule is to prevent the gradual lapse of specifically rated risks back into the minimum class, on account of changes which have not come to the notice of the Manager's office. A clause reading : " This policy shall not be invalidated by any act or neglect of any tenant, or sub-tenant, or occupant, or by the occupation of the premises for purposes more hazardous than permitted by this policy, or by the erection or occupation of adjacent buildings " is in violation. R. C. 2-8-99. Reductions in rate must in no case be dated back of the date of the card promulgating the reduced rate. 2-1-96. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 53 In cases where cards in cabinets may be found to be incorrect, by reason of change since cards were issued or otherwise, such cases must be reported to the Manager and new rates made as promptly as possible, and policies shall not be issued in such cases until new rates shall have been made. 4-28-99. ' As to proper adjustment of rates in case of endorsement for changes in occupation, communication or otherwise on policies that were issued prior to the organization of the Exchange at rates below the present Exchange rates, if the changes of occupation, communication or otherwise call for an increased rate according to present rules, an additional charge for the unexpired time of the insurance must be made, to at least the extent of such increase of rate, based upon the annual rates. 5-19-99. When an application is made to rate a risk requiring a pass from some source before examination thereof can be made such pass must be sent in with the letter making application for the rate, and, failing such enclosure of a pass, the fourteen days' time within which a rate must be promulgated under the rules, shall not begin to run until such pass is furnished. K. C. 9-21-99. The following clause is a violation in that it permits an increase of hazard without notice, viz.: "Should any more hazardous occupation occur, this policy shall continue to cover, and the rate of premium to be fixed shall be paid from the date any increase of hazard takes effect." R. C. 3-12-00. Where privilege is asked for to open new communications with adjoining buildings, such request must be referred to the Manager's office for readjustment of rate, and failure so to do is in violation of rule under "Communicating Buildings," on page 54. 5-14-00. When binders are issued on rated risks, such binders must be at the rates in cabinets, and the issuance of such binders at less than tariff rate will be regarded as a violation. A. C. 6-1-00. Where rate cards as published in cabinet cover buildings and/ or contents at certain street numbers named on rate card the highest of such contents rates is to be understood as applying also to any property contained in yards or otherwise located outside of the buildings designated by such street numbers unless a specific rate on such outside property is shown on the card. R. C. 2-9-01. When an application is accepted for insurance and a new rate on the risk comes out on the same day, the policy must be written at the rate named on the new card. 2-3-02. A clause reading: "It is understood and agreed that this in- surance is not prejudiced by change of interest subsequent to the date of this policy" is contrary to the rules and will be considered a violation. A. C. 5-24-02. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 54 CIGAR FACTORIES AND CIGAR STORES. In buildings occupied as stores on the first floor and the upper part by tenants as dwellings and for the manufacture of cigars, commonly called tenement house cigar factories, such tenant dwell- ings should not be rated as cigar manufactories, and the same are not considered as dwellings above the first floor, but should take the rate for stock of cigars, 75 cents. Buildings occupied as cigar stores on the first floor and for the manufacture of cigars on the upper floors, and where the hands do not reside, no matter what number of hands are employed, take the minimum for cigar factories. 12-19-96. Cigar store with not over ten hands making cigars, if entirely dwelling above the grade floor and so warranted in the policy, takes the rate for stock of cigars. COMMISSIONS AND PROFITS. To take same rates as merchandise. 4-11-99. In policies insuring on merchandise under usual form, the following clause is prohibited, viz: "Including commissions there- on." 5-16-95. No allowance may be made for 100 per cent. Average Clause. R. C. 4-26-00. COMMUNICATING BUILDINGS. Where buildings adjoin or communicate through walls or bridges, unless separated by a secure brick or stone wall and all openings protected with fire doors or fire shntters, as required by the specifications of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters (which are accepted as a standard), the higher rate on either side of the wall shall prevail. In cases where privilege is asked for to communicate with adjoining buildings, such request shall be referred to Manager's Office for re-adjustment of rate, and to make an additional charge if necessary. Blanket policies may be written covering on and/or in two or more communicating buildings having approved fire doors at all communicating openings, at the highest rate, with the 80 per cent. Average Clause and the Standard Distribution Clause, and 10 per cent, allowance may be made for 100 per cent. Average in such cases. The intention of this rule is that the introduction of approved fire doors should not prejudice a risk in any way. It is, therefore, held that even where fire doors separating two or more communi- GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 55 eating buildings are not approved, blanket policies written cover- ing in or on such buildings if written with the 80 Per Cent. Average Clause, require the Distribution Clause just as in the case where the doors are approved ; that is to say, the Distribution Clause is re- quired where blanket policies are written with the 80 Per Cent. Average Clause and covering in two or more communicating buildings separated by fire doors, whether the latter are approved or not approved. But policies written with the 100 Per Cent. Average Clause do not require the Distribution Clause in any case, even where covering in or on two or more communicating build- ings, whether separated by approved or non-approved fire doors. Where privilege is asked lor to open new communications with adjoining buildings such request must be referred to Manager's Office for re-adjustment of rate. 5-14-00. A clause giving "Privilege to communicate with adjoining buildings" or any similarly worded clause which in effect grants permission to make communications other than those existing at the time the rate was made, is in violation. R. C. 12-31-01. COMPETITIVE RATES. No rate on a so-called competitive basis disregarding schedules or other rules of the Exchange shall be made or promulgated un- less approved by a 90 per cent, vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting or a meeting specially called. In all cases where competitive rates, made without reference to existing schedules or rules of the Exchange, are reported to that body for its consideration, the fact that such rates are com- petitive rates shall be stated at the meeting at which the vote is taken. 3-20-01. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS IN COLD STORAGE STORES. Policies written on risks involving cold storage hazard (other than breweries) may be written at the Exchange rate if the Con- sequential Loss Exclusion Clause is attached as follows : "This Company shall not be liable under this policy for loss occasioned through partial or total disablement of any refrigerat- ing plant or by interruption of connection therewith, whether such disablement or interruption is caused by fire or otherwise." Double the Exchange rate shall be charged on policies written on risks (other than breweries) involving cold storage hazard if written without the above clause being attached. 6-21-00. The Consequential Loss Exclusion Clause must be attached to policies covering goods on cold storage in Hudson River Stores. R. C. 5-24-00. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 56 The Consequential Loss Exclusion Clause must be attached not only to policies covering in cold storage stores but to all policies on risks (other than breweries) involving cold storage hazard. 9-24-00. CONTINGENT LIABILITY. If Policies covering buildings are written to include liability for loss occasioned by the operation of ordinances or laws re- quiring the replacement of entire buildings in case of fire damage exceeding a given percentage of value, the rate on such buildings shall be double that which is shown on rate cards, if risk is specifi- cally rated, or double that required under general minimums or rules if risk is not specifically rated. 1-8-02. DRY GOODS DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. Bounded : On the South by Duane Street, from Elm Street to West Broadway, including both sides of said street. On the East by Elm Street and Marion Street to Prince Street through to Crosby Street to Bleecker Street, taking only the West side of of Elm and Marion Streets, but both sides of Crosby Street. On the North by Bleecker Street from Crosby Street to West Broad- way, including both sides of said street. On the West by West Broadway to Duane Street, and including both sides of said street. FIRE-PROOF AND SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION. Allowance of 25 per cent, for contents of buildings of superior construction, and 40 per cent, for contents of buildings of fire- proof construction may be made by the Manager or Committee on Rates, but not by members. FULL CO-INSURANCE, OR 100 PER CENT. AVERAGE. Discount of 10 per cent, for 100 percent. Average may be allowed on all policies except floating policies, policies covering in or on two or more buildings not communicating, contents of public storage stores and grain-elevators, merchandise on or contents of piers, rents, and manufacturing jewelers' stocks in fire-proof safes. No allowance for 100 per cent. Average other than as stated under General Minimums is permissible on merchandise consisting exclusively of Block Tin, Brass in pigs, Copper in ingots, cakes and bars, Crude Rubber, Iron in bars or pigs, Lead in pigs, Mercury in flasks, and Spelter, or for Contents in Fire-proof Safes. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 5? The 100 per cent. Average Clause on a policy covering house- hold furniture in use in living apartments does not entitle such policy to any reduction for same. 4-18-99. The 100 per cent. Average Clause is required on Building Policy covering premises occupied as a power house and electric light station with form including "electric apparatus, dynamos, engines, boilers and connections." 7-25-99. When a policy blankets merchandise and furniture and fixtures the 100 per cent. Average Clause is required and the usual allowance of 10 per cent, can be made therefor. R. C. 4-15-02. Policies covering contents of buildings formerly known and rated as "Private Storage Stores," and "Private Dry Goods Storage Stores" are now rated under the Mercantile Schedule as mercantile risks, and may have allowance for 100 per cent. Average Clause. R. C. 4-30-02. The rates of this Exchange being based upon the carrying of in- surance equal to at least 80% of the value of the property insured, any exclusion in the policy form of any portion of the property rated, except foundations below the level of the ground, amounts to an unauthorized reduction of rate and is a violation. R. C. 10-28-02. FOUNDATIONS. Foundations below the level of the ground may be excluded from policy ; but not being so excluded, cannot be relieved from the operation of the Average Clause. 2-20-96. Clauses excluding Foundations from the operation of Average Clause must refer to "foundations below the level of the ground," and no change in such wording is permissible. 10-3-01. FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. Furniture and Fixtures (except where otherwise specified in General Minimum Rates) rate same as contents, and are subject to same deductions as contents policy. 11-2-92. General Minimums rate not only stocks of merchandise, but also all property connected with the same. This prohibits the writing of furniture and fixtures at a rate lower than contents rate. 11-2-92. When a policy on Furniture and Fixtures is so worded as to make it cover dynamos or electrical apparatus of any description (whether exciters, lamps, motors, switches or any other appa- ratus for generating, utilizing, testing, regulating or distributing electricity) the dynamo clause set forth on page 81 of Hand Book must be attached to policies. It is not necessary that the electrical GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 58 apparatus shall be mentioned in specific terms, the clause in question being required to be attached if the wording of the policy is such as to cover dynamos or electrical apparatus of any descrip- tion whatever. R. C. 4-7-02. GRADE FLOOR AND BASEMENT. All policies taking advantage of a reduced rate on account oi goods being entirely in grade floor and basement, must contain in the form a stipulation that this is the only portion of the building in which they cover. 11-2-92. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Household furniture in use in living apartments belonging to tenants in dwellings or apartment houses does not require the 80 per cent. Average Clause. 2-28-96. The 100 per cent. Average Clause on a policy covering house- hold furniture in living apartments does not permit of any reduc- tion for same. 4-18-99. It is not permissible to allow for 100 per cent. Average on policies covering in household furniture storage warehouses. 10-21-99. Household Furniture in any Storage Warehouse may not be written for more than one year except at full annual rates for each year. 6-24-99. Where the card does not mention household furniture, and names no general rate for other contents, household furniture takes the rate of the highest rated contents. 2-28-96. Where the card does not mention household furniture by name, but does name a general rate for other contents, household furniture takes such general rate for other contents. 2-28-96. The rule making rate for household furniture 50 per cent, of highest contents, applies only to risks rated under general mini- mum, and not to specifically rated risks. 2-28-96. Hotel Furniture may not be written for three years at two and one-half annual premiums. 11-10-99. Household furniture in hotels belonging to guests may be written at 2% times the annual rate. A. C. 4-15-02. Household Furniture in Hotels, whether property of landlord or guest, is subject to 80 per cent. Average Clause. Also the usual allowance may be made upon such risks for 100 per cent. Average. R. C. 11-10-99. If a dwelling-house building form includes "shades, mats, carpets, and other floor coverings," or other items of personal property properly insurable as contents of such dwelling, the entire GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 59 policy must take the highest contents rate instead of the usual building rate. R. C. 2-13-00. Tn transferring policies covering household furniture it is not necessary to advance same to new rates adopted July 11th, 1900, unless the rate in new location on basis of new rates is higher than the rate in old location on same basis, in which case the dif- ference in rate is to be charged for. A. C. 8-11-00. A policy covering Household Furniture may be transferred to cover in a storage warehouse at the pro rata charge of the difference in rate for the time that the policy covers in the ware- house. A. C. 4-15-02. In transferring policies on Household Furniture to cover in risks coming under the rates for Flat Houses it is not necessary to charge additional premium unless the rate in new location on basis of new rates is higher than the rate in old location on same basis, in which case the difference of rate must be charged for. 450-02. IMPROVEMENTS TO BUILDINGS. Where "improvements to buildings" are written separately from the insurance upon the building they must take the rate of the contents. If improvements to building are written to cover throughout the entire building, the highest contents rate in such building shall be used ; but if written specifically on any floor, the highest con- tents rate applying to that floor shall be used. R. C. 4-7-02. LEASES. To take same rate and rules as building. Same commission as the building. 80% Average Clause required. No allowance permitted for 100% Average Clause. If policy specifies so much reduction per month extinguishing itself by the end of the entire term, rate may be pro rata, so that for example a three year policy would be charged two annual rates. 5-25-96. If policies on Leasehold or Use and Occupancy are made to blanket Household Furniture or similar personal property they must take same rate as Contents. 8-21-99. LISTED STORAGE STORES. Non-fibre, Fibre, and General Order, Stores include stores under the supervision of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, which are regularly inspected and published in book entitled " List of Storage Stores in the Metropolitan District." GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 60 Where a non-fibre store is between and adjoining two fibre stores, separated from either by a wall without openings, the rate on the non-fibre store shall be 70 per cent, of the rate of the fibre stores. Where a non-fibre store adjoins on one side only a fibre store separated from same by wall as above, rate on the non-fibre shall be 55 per cent, of the rate of the fibre store. Where fibre and non-fibre stores communicate, even if by approved fire doors, the rate of the non-fibre shall be the same as that of the fibre store. Listed non-fibre storage stores not exposed on either side by a fibre store are rated under Mercantile Schedule with a special allowance for occupancy, resulting in a building rate as well as in a base rate for merchandise. These rates are promulgated on cards in cabinet, and the final rates for specific kinds of merchan- dise contained in such storage stores are obtained by adding to the base rate named the charge shown in "Alphabetical List of Merchandise in Public Warehouses," which list is published sepa- rately from this Hand Book. If it is not desired to write mer- chandise under a "Specific Form" it may be written under one of the forms named below at the charge indicated. "Merchandise General;" add to the Base Rate of warehouse 100 cents. "Merchandise Form A;" add to the Base Bate of warehouse 40 cents. "Merchandise Form B ;" add to the Base Rate of warehouse 25 cents. All these forms are printed on watermarked paper by the Ex- change, and none other than those so printed are permitted to be used. No allowance may be made on contents of listed storage stores for 100% Average Clause. Allowance of 10% or 10c. as the case may be, may be made for automatic fire alarm on policies covering listed non-fibre storage stores, building or contents, when so stated on rate cards. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be cancelled pro rata at request of the assured and re-written at short rates on the same merchandise but under a different name. R. C. 11-6-01. Where a Listed Storage Store has cold storage and is equipped with electric lights under permission from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters the Electric Light Clause need not be attached to policies covering contents. R. C. 6-16-02. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 61 LONG ISLAND CITY DWELLINGS. Bids. H. h. f. Brick dwellings, either detached or in row 20 .24 Frame dwellings, detached 25 feet or more 30 .30 Frame dwellings, detached less than 25 feet, or two or three together 40 .40 Detached private stables, brick or frame, build- ing and contents .30 Brick, not detached, no increase for frame in row. In frame rows of three or more buildings adjoining or de- tached less than 3 feet, add to the detached rate of each frame dwelling or frame private stable, and to contents 5 cents for each additional frame dwelling or frame private stable in the row, and 10 cents for each frame store and dwelling or other frame risk in the row. 3-10-96. LONG ISLAND CITY STORES WITH EXCLUSIVELY DWELLINGS ABOVE GRADE FLOOR. Min. for Bldg. H. h. f. Stock. Brick store and dwelling, either detached or in row 25 .35 .50 Frame store and dwelling, detached 25 Bldg. All Con. feet or more .50 .60 Frame store and dwelling, detached less than 25 feet, or two or three together. .70 .80 In frame rows of three or more frame buildings adjoining, or detached less than 3 feet, add to the detached rate of each frame store and dwelling, or other frame risk, and to their contents, 5 cents for each frame dwelling or frame private stable in the row, and 10 cents for each additional frame store and dwelling or other frame risk in the row. Eighty per cent. Average Clause required, except on household furniture in use in living apartments. Term rates (regular Exchange rule), and all Exchange rules to apply. 12-26-95. Any building, whether brick or frame, within twenty-five feet of a risk brings such risk within the rates prescribed above for "frame dwellings or frame stores and dwellings detached less than twenty-five feet. ' ■ 3-23-01. General Minimum Rates as printed in Hand Book shall apply to Stocks in Long Island City Stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floor, except in cases where such rates are less than the minimums required above when the latter shall apply. R. C. 10-12-00. GENERAL BULES AND BATES. 62 MACHINERY AT BUILDING RATES. Machinery pertaining to the service of the building or the furnishing of power therein, if the property of the owner of the building, may be insured with the building at the building rate ; but no manufacturing machine or apparatus shall be included in the above. 7-31-95. MARKET PRICE. The use of the following or any similar clause is prohibited : "It is a further condition of this insurance that in estimating any loss on said merchandise, the current market price shall be considered the actual or sound value." 5-16-95. A clause reading: "It is understood and agreed that in case of loss under this policy, the amount for which this company shall be liable is limited to the invoice cost to the Branch, plus freight charges actually incurred, but subject to a suitable allowance for depreciation, if any depreciation is shown to exist," is in viola- tion. R. C. 5-6-01. MECHANICS OR WORKINGMENS TOOLS Are exempted from the Ratings and Rules in Wood-workers and other establishments, insurance on same not to exceed 1200, and no other insurance to be permitted. They may not be written at Branch Offices. R. C. 10-4-99. MECHANICS PRIVILEGEj ORDINARY ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS. The following privilege may be allowed without charge : "Permission for mechanics to be employed for ordinary alter- ations and repairs in the within described premises, but this shall not be held to include the constructing or reconstructing of the building or buildings, or additions, or the enlargement of the premises." Any other form most be charged for on all classes of buildings or hazards. The 15 days Mechanics Privilege allowed by the Standard Policy requires no charge. The insertion of the words "without limit of time" in the above clause after the words "within described premises " is held to be allowable if desired— inasmuch as the meaning of the clause is not thereby changed. 11-19-96. For Builders Risk; Extraordinary Alterations and Repairs, see page 51. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 63 ORDER IN WHICH DEDUCTIONS SHALL BE MADE. Deductions from rates as promulgated, if permissible, must be made in the following order : 1. Allowance for Sole Occupancy. 2. Allowance for Automatic Fire Alarm. 3. Allowance for 100 Per Cent. Average Clause. 4. Allowance for Automatic Sprinklers. 54-99. PRIVATE WAREHOUSES. Private Warehouses shall be understood to be such as are occupied exclusively by the assured for the storage of the as- sured's own merchandise in original packages, including mer- chandise held on commission, or sold but not delivered ; in which no cotton or fibre is stored; in which the general business of trading is not carried on ; in which no work is done except occa- sionally breaking packages, packing, repacking, sampling and sorting piece goods and strapping boxes ; in which no lights are permitted unless contained in enclosed locked lanterns containing candles or lamps filled with lard, sperm, whale, or signal oil ; in which no fire or steam heat is used other than in the office of the storekeeper, and for hoisting ; and in which smoking is not per- mitted on the premises ; and an allowance in rate on such risks may be made if a warranty based upon the maintenance of the conditions stated is filed with the Manager. 6-14-02. Private Warehouses being rated under the Mercantile Schedule as mercantile risks, policies covering merchandise therein may have allowance for 100 per cent. Average Clause. R. C. 4-30-02. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be cancelled pro rata at request of the assured and re-written at short rates on the same merchandise but under a different name. R. C. 11-6-01. RAILROAD PROPERTY. All property of Railroad Companies insured under general schedule, also re-insurance of surplus of line of any item of such schedule is exempt from rules and rates. 12-16-96. This rule applies only to steam railroads carrying freight and passengers, and does not apply to any elevated or trolley road located wholly or in part within the jurisdiction of this Exchange. 6-21-00. Schedule specifically covering boats and similar floating equip- ment of a railroad within the territory of this Exchange, is subject in all respects to tariff rates and rules. GENERAL EULES AND BATES. 64 RAINES LAW HOTELS. A Raines Law Hotel in which the occupancy above grade floor is only nominally and not actually that of a hotel is not subject to specific rate and may be written at the minimum for Stores and Dwellings, provided the Store and Dwelling Warranty is attached to policies without any qualification whatever, such as "Privilege to be occupied as Raines Law Hotel," etc. If any clause or privilege is added which in any way restricts or defines the Store and Dwelling Warranty the risk is taken out of the Store and Dwelling class and becomes subject to the following rates, if not specifically rated, viz. : If brick,. Contents of Saloon, 60c, Household Furniture, 30c, Building, 24c; if Frame, Building and All Contents, 75c When a Raines Law Hotel is specifically rated there is no exemption from such specific rate for the attachment of the Store and Dwelling Warranty. Card rates must be charged, and no changes in occupancy can be recognized until published on rate cards. REDUCTION OF RATE. A policy that has been written and gone into effect may have the rate reduced thereon in case that a new lower rate card is put in the cabinet, provided such new lower rate is the result of a change of hazard, and such change may be taken for granted in the case of cards issued after the date of this ruling unless the card has printed thereon the words "Reduction of Rate Without Change of Hazard " (see agreement Section 15). 7-12-99. REMOVAL OF DEBRIS. If policies cover cost of removal of debris a specific amount must be named thereon and ten times the building rate charged therefor. 8-8-00. RENTS. Shall take same rate as building, less 25 per cent, for full annual rent clause, which is to be attached in all cases. Ex- change clause only to be used. No allowance for 100 per cent. Average Clause. Same rules and commissions as the building. Policies covering liability for rent of piers and bulkheads are not rent insurance, and must be written at the full rate of structure. R. C. 1-10-03. Pew Rents may be written at the rates provided for by rule relating to Rents. R. C. 12-7-01. For Rent Clause see page 86. GENERAL BULES AND BATES. 65 SHORT RATES. All insurances for a term less than a year shall be charged ac- cording to the scale for periods less than one year, but such insurance may be once renewed for the ratio of the premium required for the term for which the original policy or last renewal was made, provided the renewal is made within ten days from the expiration of the policy, and, provided the last preceding term was one year, or a term charged for according to the scale of insurance for less than a year. All insurances for a term less than one month shall be charged for the portion of a month, according to the short rate scale; but in no case shall this clause be so construed as to conflict with the following clause relating to cancellations, viz. : A policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the assured, in which case the Company shall retain the customary short rate for the term the policy has been in force; but in all cases except that of policies on contents of listed storage stores (also grain elevators) written for a month or more, fractional parts of a month shall be charged the full month's premium ; no return to be made on a policy written for a period less than one month. The intention of the above is ruled to be as follows, viz.: Policies on contents of listed storage stores may be cancelled for less than one month at short rates for the fractional part of a month; but if both written and carried for more than one month, fractional parts of a month may not be allowed for in cancellations. 6-1-95. These rules apply to all short rate business including Builders Risk. R. C. 10-4-99. In order to secure uniformity of practice in computing short rate of any rate not mentioned in the Uniform Short Rate Table if the resulting short rate contains a fraction less than one-half such fraction shall be dropped, but if the result contains a fraction equal to or exceeding one-half then the rate shall include the next higher unit figure. R. C. 8-30-97. Where a premium calculated at proper tariff rate results in a fractional part of a cent, if such fraction is less than % cent it shall be dropped from the premium, but if equal to or exceeding 3^ cent a full cent shall be added to the premium. A. C. 2-21-00. An increase in the amount of insurance under a policy covering a risk other than those permitted to be written by Branch Offices must be at the short rate called for by the rules for the time for which the increase is made. R C. 9-24-00. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 66 Short Kate Tables are to be used when cancelling policies as well as when writing short term insurance, and such cancellations must be based upon the premium earned at the short rate shown in tables, and must not be calculated at a percentage of the premium shown in policy. The use in cancelling policies of any other scale of charges than those given in Short Rate Tables is a violation. 11-20-00. Failure on the part of a member to charge for an endorsement calling for the payment of an extra premium will be regarded as a rebate and a violation and dealt with accordingly. A. C. 12-3-00. A policy written to cover in a warehouse, whether private or public, may not be cancelled pro rata at request of the assured and re-written at short rates on the same merchandise but under a different name. R. C. 11-6-01. Pro rata renewals may not be made on Term Policies, such re- newals being permissible only on annual policies or on policies issued at proper short rates for a term less than a year, and in no case are such renewals allowable unless made within 10 days from expiration of the policy. R. C. 11-6-01. In re-instating a policy after a fire to the original amount same may be done at pro rata rates, it being understood that such re- instatement is subject to the rates then in cabinet. R. C. 9-23-02. '8*0 § a a cQ § i s *| s§ i SI i I I 1 B sis § § no i OS a §5 & CO $ S ft § a a 1 CO CO eo 1 § 1 s s •sjo i CO a § s B § ■ ES § a a 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 •s?o 6 CO a a so CM ■ a § a a eo 9 a i 1 1 i s 1 1 •s?o I i> s a rH CO tt a § § g a § S i 1 3 i a 1 i -no S I- TO a 8 §0 a 3 a a § a 1 I 1 § L s 1 i •no 1 CO 8 a a k co- § 8 § a § s a a CO fl i a g I •no 6 CO 3 a s a co- CO s a g§ s *H a a s 1 i a I I •no 1 US 3 d a 5 es A a § a 8 a s $ a ft a 11 I •s*o I us en •-4 rH a a S3 a §8 a s ft S a a a a rH a i a •no 1 T* co s a 1 2 *? & S3 a s § 1 i § 3 § g § a •no a «* c- CO a a a 83 a co- 3 g a a l a a a 2 1 •no 3 CO CO co en s a § cS co' II s a 8 i 3 § a a s •no i oo m CO co CO a 5 CO ft CO s 3 IS 88 4 § a 2 2 •no 3 CO • CO **■ fr» a a a §1 S3 a IS 8 K 1 S3 i S 3 •no I eo «■* US CO t^ s a a a 1 1 s S ft ft ft co- 8 £ •no 1 CO s a 8 co- a a a a a 53 9 •no 3 rH CO CO n CO US CO CO CO a a 35 15 CO CO a co- 53 9 •no § rH CO OJ CO CO "3« US r* CO a a s 35 88 CO & co % 88 •no £ «-» rH CO eo CO * US to t^ a «-H 3 CO S a s 8 §3 IS -e%o U rH rH CO CO CO CO o« US co CO a a 3 rH CO a s 8 & 83 •s^o ■ rH rH rH CO CO CO CO <* US CD a a a a a a a S3 25 I i ■ 5 a H at | a a ■ h a n 4 h i a ■ si 4 © a H ■ si a e 91 .2 ■ g H 4 M s © g 1 3 n 4 £ o at w C © i ■■ w S 5 a 4 A c o a 4 A w a © B B 4 *•* a 9 g w a a e e g g © V4 t \BRA /?7 OF THE GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 68 SHORT RATE TABLE FOR TERM POLICIES. THE FOLLOWING TABLE MUST BE USED: Time the Policy has If written If written If written If written been in Force, for for for for Compute from date Two Years Three Years Four Years Five Years of Policy retain retain retain retain 1 month 13 p. ct. 10 p. Ct. 8 p. ct. 7 p. ct. 2 months 20 p. ct. 17 p. Ct. 12 p. ct. 11 p. ct. 3 months 25 p. ct. 20 p. Ct. 16 p. ct. 15 p. ct. 4 months 30 p. ct. 23 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 18 p. ct. 5 months 35 p. ct. 27 p. ct. 23 p. ct. 20 p. ct. 6 months 40 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 26 p. ct. 22 p. ct. 7 months 45 p. ct. 33 p. ct. 28 p. ct. 24 p. ct. 8 months 50 p. ct. 37 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 26 p. ct. 9 months 55 p. ct. 40 p. ct. 33 p. ct. 28 p. ct. 10 months 60 p. ct. 43 p. ct. 36 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 11 months 65 p. ct. 47 p. ct. 38 p. ct. 32 p. ct. 12 months 70 p. ct. 50 p. ct. 40 p. ct. 34 p. ct. 13 months 72 p. ct. 53 p. ct. 43 p. ct. 36 p. ct. 14 months 75 p. ct. 57 p. ct. 46 p. ct. 38 p. ct. 15 months 77 p. ct. 60 p. ct. 48 p. ct. 40 p. ct. 16 months 80 p. ct. 63 p. ct. 50 p. ct. 42 p. ct. 17 months 82 p. ct. 67 p. ct. 53 p. ct. 44 p. ct. 18 months 85 p. ct. 70 p. ct. 56 p. ct. 46 p. ct. 19 months 87 p. ct. 72 p. ct. 58 p. ct. 48 p. ct. 20 months 90 p. ct. 73 p. ct. 60 p. ct. 50 p. ct. 21 months 92 p. ct. 75 p. ct. 63 p. ct. 52 p. ct. 22 months 95 p. ct. 77 p. ct. 66 p. ct. 54 p. ct. 23 months 97 p. ct. 79 p. ct. 68 p. ct. 56 p. ct. 24 months 100 p. ct. 80 p. ct. 70 p. ct. 58 p. ct. 25 months 81 p. ct. 72 p. ct. 60 p. ct. 26 months 83 p. ct. 73 p. ct. 62 p. ct. 27 months 85 p. ct. 86 p. ct. 74 p. ct. 75 p. ct. 64 p. ct. 66 p. ct. 28 months 29 months 88 p. ct. 90 p. ct. 77 p. ct. 78 p. ct. 68 p. ct. 70 p. ct. 30 months NO OTHER TABLE TO BE USED. (over) GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 69 SHORT RATE TABLE FOR TERM POLICIES.— (Continued.) Time the Policy has been in Force. Compute from date of Policy If written for Two Years retain If written for Three Years retain If written for Four Years retain If written for Five Years retain 31 months 32 months 33 months 34 months 35 months 36 months 37 months 38 months 39 months 40 months 41 months 42 months 43 months 44 months 45 months 46 months 47 months 48 months 49 months 50 months 51 months 52 months 53 months 54 months 55 months 56 months 57 months 58 months 59 months 60 months 91 p. ct. 93 p. ct. 95 p. ct. 96 p. ct. 98 p. ct. 100 p. ct. 79 p. ct. 80 p. ct. 82 p. ct. 83 p. ct. 84 p. ct. 85 p. ct. 87 p. ct. 88 p. ct. 89 p. ct. 90 p. ct. 92 p. ct. 93 p. ct. 94 p. ct. 95 p. ct. 97 p. ct. 98 p. ct. 99 p. ct. 100 p. ct. 71 p. ct. 72 p. ct. 73 p. ct. 74 p. ct. 75 p. ct. 76 p. ct. 77 p. ct. 78 p. ct. 79 p. ct. 80 p. ct. 81 p. ct. 82 p. ct. 83 p. ct. 84 p. ct. 85 p. ct. 86 p. ct, 87 p. ct. 88 p. ct. 89 p. ct. 90 p. ct. 91 p. ct. 92 p. ct. 93 p. ct. 94 p. ct. 95 p. ct. 96 p. ct. 97 p. ct. 98 p. ct. 99 p. ct. 100 p. ct. NO OTHER TABLE TO BE USED. 5-21-96. GENBBAL RULES AND BATES. 70 SOLE OCCUPANCY. In risks not specifically rated, but written under General Mini- mum Rates, sole occupancy allowance is permitted only on the stock of a sole occupant having a + prefixed for that occupancy in the list of General Minimum Rates. Sole occupancy allowance applies only in and on buildings occupied throughout by one occupant, for one business, and such allowance may not be made where the assured carries on a busi- ness on the grade floor and occupies all the floors above the grade for his own dwelling. R. C. 2-9-01. Sole Occupancy Warranty is required and shall read as follows : "Warranted by the assured that the building herein described is occupied exclusively by one tenant." 2-4-02. STORES AND DWELLINGS. Buildings (and their contents) occupied as bakeries, other than retail, furniture stores, hay and straw dealers, junk stores, oil and petroleum stores, oiled clothing stores, painters supply stores and /or painter other than jobbing painter not keeping supplies, photograph galleries, printers, rags, waste and paper stock dealers, upholsterers, mattress makers, and woodworkers, are subject to specific rating and are not of the class of stores and dwellings permitted to be written by Branch Offices under Section 18, paragraph (f), and the com- mission allowable on such risks shall not exceed 15 per cent. A. C. 12-22-02. A jobbing painter with usual supplies of paint, benzine, etc., in a building occupied above grade floor for dwelling purposes ex- clusively takes risk out of the store and dwelling class and renders the same subject to specific rate. If the said painter keeps only his ladders and scaffolds and a few paint pots of the day's use, but no supplies, the risk is not subject to specific rate. The presence in a store and dwelling risk of a confectioner using a gas engine does not take such risk out of the store and dwelling class. R. C. 3-10-02. The stipulation required by the rule regarding dwelling occu- pancy above grade floor must take the form of a warranty as follows: "Warranted by the assured that the within described building is occupied exclusively for dwellings above the first or grade floor." 24-02. In buildings formerly high stoop dwellings, the floor formerly the parlor floor is the second floor. In buildings formerly English GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 71 basement dwellings, the floor formerly having the main entrance is the grade floor. In a High Stoop risk the number of steps leading to the parlor floor exceed the number of steps leading to the basement, while in an English basement risk the number of steps leading to the parlor floor are less than those leading to the basement. R. C. 11-6-01. Where dressmaking and/or millinery are carried on with not more than five hands in living apartments of buildings otherwise occupied exclusively as dwellings and/or as stores with exclu- sively dwellings above grade floor such limited occupancy shall not affect the rate, providing there is no salesroom in connection with the business named; and the usual commission payable upon dwellings or stores with exclusively dwellings above may be allowed upon policies covering such limited occupancy. 12-26-00. If a policy is issued covering store and dwelling risk with warranty attached and subsequently a request is made to remove the Store and Dwelling Warranty for the reason that merchandise is then contained above first floor, the company must cancel the policy pro rata and re-write to expiration, and the commission upon such re- written policy shall not exceed that which, under the rules, is permitted to be paid on risks other than those which may be written by Branch Managers, viz.: 15 per cent. A. C. 3-12-02. If a policy is issued covering store and dwelling risk with warranty attached and subsequently a request is made to permit occupancy of the store for hand power printer, carpenter, paint store or other business that would take the risk out of the class that Branch Managers are permitted to write, the Company must cancel the policy pro rata and re-write to expiration and com- mission upon such re-written policy shall not exceed that which, under the rules, is permitted to be paid on risks other than those which may be written at Branch Offices, viz.: 15 per cent. R. C. 12-16-02. TERM POLICIES. Annual rate the first year, and 75 per cent, of the annual rate for each subsequent year. Any period more than one year makes a term policy. No policy shall be written on contents of any rated building- occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes for any longer period than one year at less than pro rata of the annual rate applying thereto, except that household, store and office furni- ture and fixtures in use, wherever contained, may be subject to rule governing the insurance of building for a term of years. 1-21-97. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 72 Pro rata renewals may not be made on Term Policies, such re- newals being permissible only on annual policies or on policies issued at proper short rates for a term less than a year, and in no case are such renewals allowable unless made within 10 days from expiration of the policy. R. C. 11-6-01. Policies on stocks of merchandise or other contents of mercantile buildings or of manufacturing buildings (other than household furniture in use in living apartments), if written for more than one year shall be on the basis of a fifty per cent, advance on existing yearly rates, unless such rates have been computed by the Exchange Mercantile Schedule and so stated on card in cabinet. 1-8-02. TRANSFERS. Policies transferred from one risk to another must pay the rate of the new location, and the proper premium if higher rate, must be charged pro rata. Re-instatement of a policy after a fire to the original amount is new insurance and may be done at pro rata rates subject to new rate if any. Increase of line is also new insurance and is subject to new rate if any. It is not permissible to transfer insurance from a storage ware- house private or public to the assured's place of business in the Dry Goods District, or elsewhere, upon payment of the proper rate in the new location. R. c. 8-4-99. It is not permissible to transfer insurance from the assured's place of business to cover in a storage warehouse private or public. R.C. 8-21-99. In transferring Household Furniture or Stocks of Merchandise to a new location, if the transfer is to a building not rated higher than the former building is rated at the time of such transfer the same may be made without extra charge, but if the rate at the new location is in excess of the present rate at the old location additional charge must be made. R. C. 10-17-99. The provisions of Section 16 of Agreement do not apply to the transfer of Personal Household Furniture from a storage warehouse to a dwelling. A. C. 6-1-00. In case of an increase of rate under a policy issued at Exchange rate before Jan. 10, 1900, such increase shall be added to the net rate at which such policy was issued. A. C. 3-1-00. In transferring policies covering household furniture it is not necessary to advance same to new rates adopted July 11th, 1900, GENERAL RULES AND RATES. ¥3 unless the rate in new location on basis of new rates is higher than the rate in old location on same basis, in which case the difference in rate is to be charged for. A. C. 8-11-00. A policy covering household furniture may be transferred to cover in a storage warehouse at the pro rata charge of the difference in rate for the time that the policy covers in the ware- house. A. C. 4-15-02. Tn transferring policies on household furniture to cover in risks coming under the rates for Flat Houses it is not necessary to charge additional premium unless the rate in new location on basis of new rates is higher than the rate in old location on same basis, in which case the difference of rate must be charged for. 4-30-02. UNOCCUPIED BUILDINGS. Not to include buildings in course of construction or dwell- ings. Rate, 50 cents. The following warranty is required for buildings insured as unoccupied : "Warranted by the assured that the building herein insured is unoccupied, and that when occupied in whole or in part, this Company is to be notified and rate adjusted; and unless so notified and endorsed hereon this policy shall be void." 2-4-02. The Unoccupancy Warranty is not required on policies cover- ing Apartment Houses in course of construction that are not subject to specific rating, but policies covering on Apartment Houses which come under the ruling of the Exchange as to area and height must have the Unoccupancy Warranty attached. R. C. 6-1-00. The Unoccupancy Warranty is not required on policies cov- ering a building in course of construction, if same at completion is to be of a class that a Branch Manager may write, and if such policies are written under form adopted by the Exchange July 9th, 1902, viz.: "On building while in course of construction or while occupied for " 2-24-03. The Manager will upon application and after verification by survey re-rate specifically as an unoccupied building any build- ing in course of construction that is completed and awaiting tenant. UNSAFE HEATING APPARATUS. When unsafe heating apparatus is found in a risk, a charge therefor is made in the rate, which charge will be removed if the unsafe conditions are remedied. If the report of unsafe condi- GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 74 tions originates with the New York Board the rate card in cabinet gives a reference to the Board Slip on which the risk was reported to members, and in such cases the Board must be con- sulted as to how the faulty conditions may be remedied. When no reference is made on card to a Board Slip the charge originates with the Exchange and this office should be consulted as to a remedy. USE AND OCCUPANCY. To take same rate as building. 6-20-96. Same rules and commissions as the building, but the 80 per cent. Average Clause need not be attached, and no allowance may be made for the 100 per cent. Average Clause. 10-30-96. WAIVER CLAUSES IN VIOLATION. Clauses or phrases waiving in general terms any condition of the printed policy contract are ruled against when they permit the establishment of a hazard greater than contemplated by rate in cabinet or tend to cover property excluded by the printed con- ditions of the policy. A complete list of such objectionable clauses is impossible, but examples of some are as follows : "Errors and omissions in description of the property shall not prejudice this policy." "Errors and omissions in the description of the location shall not prejudice this policy." " Errors and omissions in the description of the property or location of the property shall not prejudice this policy." "Any errors in the description, situation or location of any building or property mentioned in this schedule shall not operate to the prejudice of the assured." "And all articles not otherwise enumerated." All of these and others of similar purport have been declared to be in violation. WAREHOUSEMAN'S POLICIES. Policies covering for Warehouseman on Accrued Charges on property in his storage warehouse (unless rated as a Listed Storage Store under Exchange Mercantile Schedule, or as a Furniture Storage Warehouse) may be written on a rent basis, that is, building rate less 25 per cent, for 100 per cent. Average Clause. 12-2-96. GENERAL RULES AND RATES. 75 If warehouse is rated as a Listed Storage Store under Exchange Mercantile Schedule, rate for Accrued Charges is obtained by adding 35 cents to the base rate shown on card. S. W. C. 4-17-02. Accrued Charges in Furniture Storage Warehouses take same rate as contents. 7-9-02. In warehouses rated as Listed Storage Stores under Exchange Mercantile Schedule, Warehouseman's Error and Omission Policies shall take a rate based upon a charge of 25c. being added to base rate of each warehouse covered, it being understood that such policies need not have the 80 per cent. Average Clause attached, provided that a specific amount attaches within each warehouse or building covered. If a blanket form is used rate for the entire policy must be that of the highest rated risk covered. S.W.C.12-5-01. Policies covering Warehouseman's Errors and Omissions need not have the 80 per cent. Average Clause attached provided that a specific amount attaches within each warehouse or building covered. A. C. 1-3-00. CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. APARTMENT HOUSE THREE PER CENT. LIMITATION CLAUSE. The following clause may be attached at the building rate to policies on buildings occupied for apartment houses: "Personal property, if any, belonging exclusively to the assured hereunder and in actual use solely for the furnishing of said premises, viz.: oil cloths, carpets, and matting on halls and stairs, window shades contained therein, also awnings attached to said building, are covered hereunder for a sum not exceeding three per cent, of the amount insured under this policy." 6-19-96. The Three Per Cent. Limitation Clause may be attached only to policies covering buildings occupied for Apartment Houses, and may not be used on policies covering buildings occupied as dwellings or occupied as stores and dwellings, unless the occu- pancy of the latter above grade floor is for an apartment house, as defined by the Arbitration Committee, viz.: a building in which apartments are rented to tenants whose housekeeping is con- ducted in their own apartments respectively. If a Dwelling House form includes "shades, mats, carpets, and other floor coverings," or other items of personal property properly insurable as contents of such dwelling, the entire policy must take the highest contents rate instead of the usual building rate. R. a 2-ia-00. APPRAISALS FOR CO-INSURANCE. Whenever a property owner desires to insure a building rated by this Exchange, and being uncertain as to the amount of insur- ance which it is necessary to take in order to comply with the provisions of the Co-Insurance or Average Clause, he may, at his own expense, procure an estimate of such insurable value from one or more of the Appraisers elected by the Exchange, as herein- after provided. 76 CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 77 > ■ — i — — — i 1 Such Appraisers shall be residents of the Metropolitan District; they shall be practical builders in good standing. They shall in each case be recommended to the Exchange in writing by not less than five (5) of its members. "When so recommended they shall first be approved by the Executive Committee, and when so approved their names shall be submitted by the Manager, by circular, to each member, not less than one week prior to any regular meeting, and when action is taken the affirmative vote of 80 per cent, of those present and voting shall be necessary to an election. Any Appraiser elected by this Exchange who shall be charged by any member with having abused the trust reposed in him, shall on the motion of any member, after one week's notice has been given in writing, have his name expunged from the list of Appraisers by a majority vote of the Exchange at any regular meeting. The certificate to be given by such Appraiser shall read as follows: Either, No. 1.— I hereby certify that I have carefully examined the story building and additions, situate No Street, and occupied for purposes, and after taking its dimensions and figuring upon the present cost of erecting a new building similar in size and con- struction to that now existing, and making a proper allowance for depreciation, I am of opinion that the present value of same, including permanent fixtures, but excluding cost of excavations and foundations, does not exceed the sum of dollars (I )• N. B.— A round sum must be given. Or, No. 2.— I hereby certify that I have carefully examined the story building and additions, situate No Street, and occupied for purposes, and after taking its dimensions and figuring upon the present cost of erecting a new building similar in size and con- struction to that now existing, and making a proper allowance for depreciation, I am of opinion that the present value of same, including permanent fixtures, but excluding cost of excavations, does not exceed the sum of dollars ($ ). N. B.— A round sum must be given. Upon the receipt by the Manager of such Certificate from an Appraiser regularly elected, he shall present same to the Executive Committee for approval, and when so approved he shall notify each member in writing that such certificate has been filed with him, giving the name of the Appraiser and the amount certified to, and upon the promulgation of such certificate (but not before) any member may endorse upon his policy covering such building a clause which shall read as follows: CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 78 "Upon the Certificate of (name to be given) filed with the New York Fire Insurance Exchange, and dated 19. . . , it is hereby agreed that the maintaining of insurance of dollars ($ ) on the building described herein (including) (excluding) excavations and foundations is a compliance with the conditions of the Average Clause hereto attached." The amount to be specified in the foregoing endorsement shall be not less than 80 per cent, of the sum certified to by the Appraiser, if the 80 per cent, clause be attached, and not less than the full sum if the 100 per cent. Average Clause is used. In the event of two or more certificates applying to one and the same building being filed with the Manager at the same time by different Appraisers, the Executive Committee are directed to accept that which shall specify the larger amount, and no certifi- cate when once received, approved, and promulgated, shall be changed, except by a majority vote of the Exchange at a regular meeting. No Appraiser's certificate shall be approved, and no endorse- ment relating thereto shall be made upon the policy, except in the form above provided — verbatim et literatim. 2-20-96. APPRAISERS. Authorized under rule relating to valuation of buildings as a basis for the Average Clause: Martin H. Berry, 60 Cliff Street, N. Y. J. W. Clark, 86 Roosevelt Street, N. Y. Marc Eidlitz & Son, 489 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Henry Hawkes, 46 Cedar Street, N. Y. Philip Herman's Son, 227 West 13th Street, N. Y. Henry Miller, 342 West 55th Street, N. Y.; also 66 Maiden Lane, N. Y. John D. Miner, 150 Nassau Street, N. Y. Joseph Putzel, 41 Union Square, N. Y. H. W. Rose, 301 West 59th Street, N. Y. AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM CLAUSE. Required on all policies making allowance for same : "The entire building containing the property hereby insured, having been equipped with the Automatic Fire Alarm Signal Telegraph, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, and a certificate to that effect issued by authority of said Board, this policy is issued at a reduced rate of premium, and in consideration of such reduced rate, it is hereby made a condition of this policy that the assured shall use due diligence that such equipment shall continue to be maintained during the full term of this insurance." CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 79 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CLAUSE. Required on all policies covering risks having an approved sprinkler system: "It is hereby made a condition of this policy, that the assured shall use due diligence to maintain in full "working order during the term of this insurance, the Automatic Sprinkler equipment now in use and approved by the New York Board of Fire Under- writers, and that no change shall be made in such system without the approval of said Board. "If the sprinkler equipment is not automatically connected with a Central Fire Alarm Station and approved by said Board, the assured shall maintain a watchman during all hours when the premises are not regularly in operation and when closed." Where rate card requires a warranty for steam pump members must add after the word "Underwriters" in above clause the words "and also steam sufficient to operate the steam pump connected with said equipment." AUTOMOBILE STORAGE STABLES. Where cards covering rates in automobile storage stables call for a warranty as to the number of automobiles to be stored, or as to the quantity of gasoline permitted, or similar requirements, such warranty shall be required only on policies covering the owners of the buildings and the proprietors of such storage stables. CLEAR SPACE WARRANTY. When rate card in Cabinet calls for the maintenance of a clear space, the following form of warranty shall be used : "Warranted by the assured that a clear space of feet shall hereafter be maintained between the property hereby insured and any woodworking or manufacturing establishment or dry kiln, and that said space shall not be used for the handling or piling of lumber thereon for temporary purposes, tramways, upon which lumber is not piled, alone being excepted ; but this shall not be construed to prohibit loading or unloading within, or the transportation of lumber and timber products across such clear space; it being specially understood and agreed by the assured that any violation of this warranty shall render this policy null and void." 10-14-00. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS EXCLUSION CLAUSE IN COLD STORAGE STORES. The following clause shall be attached to policies covering on merchandise in cold storage stores receiving their refrigeration from a central plant or other outside source: CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 80 "This Company shall not be liable under this policy for loss occasioned through partial or total disablement of any refrig- erating plant or by interruption of connection therewith, whether such disablement or interruption is caused by fire or otherwise." Policies written on risks involving cold storage hazard (other than breweries) may be written at the Exchange rate if the Con- sequential Loss Exclusion Clause is attached. In the case of cold storage stores supplied from a duplicate refrig- erating plant, the Rate Committee may, at its discretion, authorize the omission of the Consequential Loss Exclusion Clause, such fact being stated along with promulgations of the rate. 6-14-00. Double the Exchange rate shall be charged on policies written on risks (other than breweries) involving cold storage hazard if written without the above clause being attached. 6-21-00. The Consequential Loss Exclusion Clause must be attached not only to policies covering in cold storage stores but to all policies on risks (other than breweries) involving cold storage hazard. 9-24-00. The Consequential Damage Exclusion Clause must be attached to policies covering goods on cold storage in Hudson River Stores. R. C. 5-24-00. DISTRIBUTION CLAUSE. "It is understood and agreed that the amount insured by this policy shall attach in each of the above-named premises in that proportion of the amount hereby insured that the value of prop- erty covered by this policy, contained in each of said places, shall bear to the value of such property contained in all of above-named premises." DWELLING AND FLAT HOUSE WARRANTIES. To cover the distinction between "Dwellings" and "Flat Houses" one or the other of the following warranties shall be used: Dwelling Warranty. "Warranted by the assured that the within described building is occupied exclusively for dwelling pur- poses by not more than two families." Or include in the form the words: " While occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes by not more than two families." Flat House Warranty. "Warranted by the assured that the within described building is occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes." Or include in the form the words: " While occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes." The presence of boarders in a dwelling does not remove such risk from the dwelling house class. 6-3-02. CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 81 DYNAMO CLAUSE. On all policies covering dynamos or other electrical apparatus mentioned in the following clause, such clause must be attached: "This insurance shall not cover any loss or damage to dynamos, exciters, lamps, motors, switches, or any other appa- ratus for generating, utilizing, testing, regulating or distribut- ing electricity, caused by electric current, whether artificial or natural." 6-20-95. The following clause may be used in Electric Light and Power Stations instead of the regular Dynamo .clause, but one or the other must be used : "This insurance shall not cover any loss or damage to dyna- mos, exciters, lamps, motors, switches, or any other apparatus for generating, utilizing, testing, regulating or distributing electricity, caused by electric current, whether artificial or natural, where the cause of loss or damage originates within, and the loss or damage is confined exclusively to said dynamo, exciter, lamp, motor, switch or other apparatus as above referred to. " 5-21-96. A building policy covering premises occupied as a power house and electric light station with form including "electric apparatus, dynamos, engines, boilers and connections," requires the 100 per cent*. Average Clause. 7-25-99. When a policy on Furniture and Fixtures is so worded as to make it cover dynamos or electrical apparatus of any description (whether exciters, lamps, motors, switches, or any other appa- ratus for generating, utilizing, testing, regulating or distributing- electricity) the Dynamo Clause here set forth above must be attached to policies. Attention is called to the fact that it is not necessary that the electrical apparatus shall be mentioned in specific terms, the clause being required to be attached if the wording of the policy is such as to cover dynamos or electrical apparatus of any description whatever. R. C. 4-7-02. For Dynamo Clause covering Telephone and Telegraph Station Plant, see page 86. EIGHTY PER CENT. AVERAGE RULES. All rates, whether by Schedule Rate, General Minimum Rate, Specific Rate or Dry Goods District Rate and class rates of every kind, made and promulgated, and all rates heretofore promul- gated in the entire Metropolitan District, including the Area of Operation, shall be based upon 80 per cent, insurance guaranteed in the policy. On all risks now rated by the New York Fire Insurance Ex- change, where special provision has been made for a rebate for 80 per cent. Average, the net rate where such deduction has been CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 82 made shall be taken as the standard rate with a guarantee of 80 per cent, insurance expressed in the policy, but when no such pro- vision has been made there shall be no such deduction. Whenever the Rate Committee shall be satisfied that the Aver- age Clause will work a hardship to the assured, on account of his inability to procure such an amount of insurance, because of the magnitude of the risk, they are authorized to prescribe the terms on which the Average Clause may be dispensed with or modi- fied. 4-26-92. EIGHTY PER CENT. AVERAGE CLAUSE. New York Standard 80 per cent. Average Clause with Exemp- tion of Special Inventory or Appraisement in certain cases, is as follows : "In consideration of the premium for which this policy is issued it is expressly stipulated that, in the event of loss, this Company shall not be liable for a greater proportion of any loss or damage to the property described herein than the sum hereby insured bears to eighty per centum (80%) of the actual cash value of said property at the time such loss shall happen. "In case of claim for loss on the property described herein, not exceeding five per cent. (5%) of the maximum amount named in the policies written thereon and in force at the time such loss shall happen, no special inventory or appraisement of the undam- aged property shall be required. "If the insurance under this policy be divided into two or more items, these clauses shall apply to each item sepa- rately." 3-13-02. If desired to be used without exemption of special inventory or appraisement, the form of this clause shall be as follows : " This Company shall not be liable for a greater proportion of any loss or damage to the property described herein than the sum hereby insured bears to eighty per centum (80%) of the actual cash value of said property at the time such loss shall happen. "If the insurance under this policy be divided into two or more items, this Average Clause shall apply to each item separately." 3-13-02. No other clause than the above and no modification of the above clause may be used. No guarantee of a stated amount maybe substituted or added so as to interfere with the free operation of the above clause, except in accordance with rule for Appraisals for Co-Insurance. 3-3-96. Eighty per cent, clause is not required on household furniture in use in living apartments belonging to tenants in dwellings or apartment houses, and on use and occupancy policies. 4-18-99. The rates of this Exchange being based upon the carrying of insurance equal to at least 80 per cent, of the value of the property CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 83 insured, any exclusion in the policy form of any portion of the property rated, except foundations below the level of the ground, amounts to an unauthorized reduction of rate and is a viola- tion. R. C. 10-28-02. Wherever in the ratings, rules and rulings of this Exchange the words "80 per cent, co-insurance" occur the words "80 per cent, average" are hereby substituted, and wherever the words "full co-insurance" occur the words "one hundred percent, average" are hereby substituted therefor, except where such ratings, rules and rulings apply to risks situate in New Jersey, or to Floater Forms Nos. 1 to 8 or risks insured thereunder. 3-13-02. ELECTRIC LIGHT CLAUSE. "New York Standard Clause Forbidding the Use of Elec- tricity. This entire policy shall be void if electricity is used for light, heat or power in the above described premises unless written permission is given by this Company hereon. "Permit for Use of Electricity. Referring to the above, per- mission is hereby given for the use of electricity for light, and/or heat (*) when a Certificate shall have been obtained from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, it being understood and agreed that no alterations shall be made in such equipment after Certifi- cate is issued without written approval from the said Board; and it being further understood and agreed that, if dynamos, wiring, lamps, motors, switches or other electrical appliances or devices are insured by this policy, this Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage to such property resulting from any electrical injury or disturbance, whether from artificial or natural causes, unless fire ensues, and then for the loss by fire only. "1-14-03 * Insert "and/or power" if desired. The words " and/or heat and/or power" may be inserted in the Electric Light Clause, provided the power is used only for pur- poses other than manufacturing (such as warming heaters, run- ning elevators, fans, etc.), but if power is used for manufacturing purposes it makes the risk a special, and classes it as a man- ufacturing risk using power, and rate must be charged accord- ingly. 6-25-00. In territory formerly under the jurisdiction of the Suburban Underwriters' Association, but now under this Exchange, where electric lighting installations are still inspected by the Suburban Underwriters' Association, the Electric Light Privilege of that Association may be used instead of that of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. 7-25-00. The following form of Electric Light Clause may be attached to policies covering Sugar Refineries in place of the regular Board form. CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 84 "Privileged to use electric light and power in the above men- tioned premises when a certificate is obtained from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters "Also privileged to make such alterations and additions to the equipment as maybe necessary by reason of changes incidental to the business, provided such changes are made in full compli- ance with the requirements of the National Electric Code, and also provided that the same are reported in detail as soon as completed, to said Board for Examination and approval. "This insurance shall not cover any loss or damage to dynamos, exciters, lamps, motors, switches or any other appa- ratus for generating or distributing electricity, caused by electric current, whether artificial or natural." 7-104)1. As the New York Board of Fire Underwriters does not issue Certificates to Electric Car Barns or to Electric Light and Power Stations, policies covering risks of that kind need not. have privilege to Use Electric Lights attached. R. C. 3-7-01. Where a Listed Storage Store embraces cold storage and is equipped with electric lights under permission from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, the Electric Light Clause need not, be attached to policies covering contents. R. C. 6-16-02. OCCUPANCY WARRANTY. Whenever a warranty of occupancy is required by the rate card or under general rules such warranty shall be in the following form :— " While occupied exclusively for " or " While occupied above the grade floor exclusively for " Or the occupancy maybe limited by writing in or stamping on the policy the follow- ing clause :— " This insurance to oe valid only while the building herein described is occupied exclusively for " 2-4-02. ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. AVERAGE CLAUSE. New York Standard (100 per cent.) Average Clause with Ex- emption of Special Inventory or Appraisement in certain cases, is as follows :— "In consideration of the premium for which this policy is issued it is expressly stipulated that in the event of loss, this Company shall not be liable for a greater proportion of any loss or damage to the property described herein than the sum hereby insured bears to one hundred per centum (100%) of the actual cash value of said property at the time such loss shall happen. "In case of claim for loss on the property described herein not exceeding five per cent. (5%) of the maximum amount named in the policies written thereon and in force at the time such loss shall happen no special inventory or appraisement of the undamaged property shall be required. CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 85 "If the insurance under this policy he divided into two or more items, these clauses shall apply to each item separately." If desired to be used without exemption of special inventory or appraisement, the form of this clause shall be as follows : "This Company shall not be liable for a greater proportion of any loss or damage to the property described herein than the sum hereby insured bears to one hundred per centum (100%) of the actual cash value of said property at the time such loss shall happen. "If the insurance under this policy be divided into two or more items, this Average Clause shall apply to each item sepa- rately." 3-13-02. " Wherever in the ratings, rules and rulings of this Exchange the words "80 per cent, co-insurance" occur the words "80 per cent, average" are hereby substituted, and wherever the words "full co-insurance" occur the words " one hundred per cent, aver- age " are hereby substituted therefor, except where such ratings, rules and rulings apply to risks situate in New Jersey, or to Floater Forms Nos. 1 to 8 or risks insured thereunder." 3-13-02. OTHER FLOOR CLAUSE IN FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGS. Where the rules or rate card require the particular floor to be specified on the policy of a tenant, the following clause may be attached : " Property of the assured while in this building either in transit to their own floors or temporarily on a lower floor is hereby covered under this policy." PATTERN (TEN PER CENT.) LIMITATION CLAUSE. Where any item of a policy covers patterns, models, moulds, drawings, designs, dies, solutions, or lithographic stones and en- gravings thereon, or any of them, the rate of such item shall be increased 25 per cent, unless a specific amount is insured on such property, or unless the policy contains the following clause : "Not more than ten per cent, of the amount insured under , item of this policy shall apply on patterns, models, moulds, drawings, designs, dies, solutions, or lithographic stones and engravings thereon." 3-20-01. PRIVATE WAREHOUSE WARRANTY. "Warranted by the assured that the within premises are used exclusively by the assured for the storage of his or their own mer- chandise in original packages, including merchandise held on commission or sold but not delivered ; that no cotton or fibre is or will be stored therein ; that the general business of trading is CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 86 not carried on ; that no work is done except occasionally break- ing packages, packing, re-packing, sampling and sorting piece goods, and strapping boxes ; that no lights are permitted unless contained in enclosed locked lanterns containing candles or lamps filled with whale, sperm, lard or signal oil ; that no fire or steam heat is used other than in the office of the storekeeper and for hoisting ; and that smoking is not permitted on the premises." RENT CLAUSE. " It is understood and agreed, that if said building or any part thereof, shall be rendered untenantable by fire so as to cause an actual loss of rents to the assured, this Company shall be liable for such loss of rents not exceeding the sum hereby insured. The assured agrees to rebuild or repair said building in as short a time as the nature of the case will admit, and the sum insured will be taken as the yearly rent of the building, and this Company shall be liable only for such proportion of any loss as the sum hereby insured bears to the actual annual rent of said building. Loss to be computed from the date of the fire and to cease upon the building being again rendered tenantable. In case the assured shall elect not to rebuild or repair, then the loss of rent shall be determined by the time which would have been required for such purpose. In the event of disagreement as to the time, the same shall, as above provided, be ascertained by two competent and disinterested appraisers, the insured and this Company each selecting one, and the two so chosen shall first select a compe- tent and disinterested umpire; the appraisers together shall then estimate and determine the time, and failing to agree shall submit their differences to the umpire ; and the award in writing of any two shall determine the amount of such time. The parties thereto shall pay the appraiser respectively selected by them and shall bear equally the expenses of the appraisal and umpire." SPECIAL BUILDING SIGNAL WARRANTY. Where card rates specifically require such warranty, the fol- lowing form must be used. "Warranted by the assured to maintain a Special Building Signal approved by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters for the transmission of alarms to Fire Department Head- quarters." 2-11-03. No allowance may be made until so stated on rate card. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH STATION CLAUSE. The following form of dynamo clause must be used on policies covering Telephone Exchange and Telegraph Station Plant. CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 87 "This Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any electrical injury or disturbance, whether from artificial or natural cause, in or to any of the property hereby insured, unless fire ensues, and then for the loss resulting from fire only. "It is further understood and agreed that in case of any loss or damage by fire the assured is at liberty to immediately make all necessary repairs, due notice of such loss to be given to the Com- pany without delay." A. C. 7-26-01. The Telephone and Telegraph Station Clause must be attached to policies covering telephone property or interest of any de- scription. 8-7-01. THEATRE WARRANTIES. Under the Theatre schedule an allowance may be made for either or both of the following warranties. When such allow- ances are desired the request therefor must be referred to the Manager's office in order that an inspection may be made to verify the fact that the appliances called for by the warranties have been provided. Allowances must not be made at the counter as same are included in the rates on card. Warranty No. 1.— "Warranted by the assured that he (or they) will keep a forty gallon barrel filled with water, also six buckets filled with water, one fire extinguisher, two axes and two hooks on each fly gallery, on each side of the stage, and in prop- erty room, repair shop and paint shop." Warranty No. 2.—" Warranted by the assured that he (or they) will maintain a Night and Sunday Watchman, with Watch Clock, having stations on each floor of the building, and on stage and each fly gallery, and in property room, repair shop and paint shop, and a Special Building Call connected with Fire De- partment Headquarters. ' ' 2-4-02. WATCHMAN AND CLOCK WARRANTY. Where card rates specifically require such warranty, the fol- lowing form must be used: "Warranted by the assured to maintain Night, Sunday and Holiday Watchman, with approved stations and approved watch clock, and making such reports to the New York Fire Insurance Exchange as may be required." 24-02. No allowance may be made until so stated on rate card. WHARF CLAUSE. Members may grant permits on storage policies to cover on wharf not exceeding ten days while going into store, using the following clause: CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 88 "This policy also covers on said described merchandise ordered to said store, ex (excepting, however, merchandise covered by marine and/or inland, or transportation insurance), while on streets, or piers and bulkheads and/or during transit to said store, for a period not exceeding ten days from date of this policy or from the date of each entry." 12-11-01. Only one wharf privilege may be granted under any one policy or entry under an open policy. This clause must be used verbatim, and no other may be used. It may not be altered so as to cover goods going out of store. WORK AND MATERIALS CLAUSE. With regard to the privilege for work and materials, it is held that any general waiver clause waiving the specific prohibitions of the Standard Policy as to work and materials is contrary to rule, except the following, which may be allowed : "Privileged to do such work and to use such materials as are usual in the business of (specifying business)." The above clause must be used verbatim et literatim. Where the above clause is attached to a policy of a printer having a warranty against use of benzine, no deduction shall be made for such benzine warranty. 2-20-96. General privileges like the following are contrary to the rules of the Exchange :— " Privilege for existing occupations and others." "Privilege for existing occupations and for other purposes," etc. A form which embraces the following clause "including that mentioned in lines Nos. 24-28 of the printed conditions of this policy in legal quantities when the same shall constitute a portion of their stock of supplies" is in violation in that it waives the Work and Materials Clause. This ruling is to be held as applying to any form which contains a general waiver of lines 24-28 of the Standard Policy, whether such general waiver is set forth in ex- actly the words quoted or others to the same effect. A. C. 4-26-00. The Work and Materials Clause should apply only to the business carried on by the assured and should not be made with reference to some other business carried on in the same building but over which the assured has no control. 3-19-02. The Work and Materials Clause when attached to a policy is considered to waive the conditions of the Standard Policy relat- ing to the keeping of explosives and high inflammables, as set forth in lines 22 to 26 thereof, so far as the keeping of such articles may be usual in the business of the insured. If instead of or in addition to the Work and Materials Clause the assured requests privilege to keep and use naphtha, benzine, fireworks, gunpowder, gasoline and calcium carbide, all or any one, charge must be made therefor in addition to card rates, CLAUSES, PRIVILEGES, AND WARRANTIES. 89 unless the card states that charge has been included in the rate as issued. In granting permission (other than the Work and Materials Clause) for the keeping and use of any high inflammable or ex- plosive the quantity allowed should be limited in the permit, either to the amount stated on rate card, or, in the absence ol any rule restricting the quantity, fixed by judgment of the com- pany, but privilege for an unlimited quantity must not be granted without charge. Where card in the cabinet does not state that a charge for use of an explosive or high inflammable has been included in the rate, if privilege therefor is desired on policy, the Manager will upon application furnish a letter for use by assured's representative stating terms upon which such privilege may be granted pending issue of new card. 6-22-00. If a permit is given for naphtha, benzine, or other high inflam- mable or explosive in or on a dwelling house risk with the amount allowed of each limited to a definite quantity no charge need be made therefor. 9-24-00. Where a form contains a general privilege giving permission "to keep and use a reasonable quantity of naphtha, benzine, fireworks, gunpowder, gasoline and calcium carbide without prejudice to his insurance," such privilege must be charged for upon the basis of the highest rated explosive included therein; that is to say, 2.50 for fireworks or gunpowder, or in case those two hazards are omitted, not less than 25 cents for naphtha, benzine, gasoline or calcium carbide. R. C 3-12-00. FORMS. CHURCH, CHAPEL OR SUNDAY SCHOOL FORM. $ On the building occupied for Church purposes, situate This item covers all adjoining additions and extensions thereto, if communicating, sidewalks, yards, fences, rail- ings, pews, pulpits, window, plate and ornamental glass, frescoing, and plain and ornamental painting, gas, water and heating pipes, apparatus, fixtures, and all appliances pertaining thereto. | On dynamos and all electric and mechanical apparatus and appurtenances thereto belonging. 9. . . .On Church, altar, school and other movable furniture, useful and ornamental, carpets, floor coverings, paintings, pic- tures, engravings and their frames, musical instruments (excepting pipe organs), statuary, stations, vestments, plate, printed books and music, church and school para- phernalia, and supplies. $....On pipe organs— all while contained in the above described premises. Permission for mechanics to be employed in the within de- scribed premises, but this shall not be held to include the constructing or reconstructing of the building or buildings, or additions, or the enlargement of the premises. Permission to hold fairs, concerts and dramatic or literary entertainments. 11 This policy shall cover any direct loss or damage caused by Lightning (meaning thereby the commonly accepted use of the term Lightning, and in no case to include loss or damage by cyclone, tornado or windstorm), not exceeding the sum insured, nor the interest of the assured in the property, and subject in all other respects to the terms and conditions of this policy. Pro- vided, however, if there shall be any other insurance on said 90 FORMS. 91 property this Company shall be liable only pro rata with such other insurance for any direct loss by Lightning, whether such other insurance be against direct loss by Lightning or not." "Privileged to use Electric Lights in the above-mentioned premises when the entire equipment is in full compliance with the Standard of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, and a certificate is obtained from said Board to that effect. ,, "It being understood that no alterations shall be made in the equipment after Certificate Is issued without written consent from said Board." "This insurance shall not cover any loss or damage to dyna- mos, exciters, lamps, motors, switches, or any other apparatus for generating, utilizing, testing, regulating or distributing electricity, caused by electric current, whether artificial or natural." " Other Insurance permitted without notice until required." If written under minimum, and at the rate for a steam heated church the following warranty is required: "Warranted that the premises herein described are heated by steam, and that no stoves or hot-air furnaces will be used during the continuance of the policy." The words "altar" and "confessionals" may be inserted in the first item of the standard Church form after the word pulpits. The items "bells and tower clocks and ventilating apparatus" may be added to the building item. The words "and water motor and all connections and attachments thereto" can be added after the words "pipe organs." The following clause may be added to the Church form: "The first item of this policy covering ■ building* is understood to cover all electrical wiring, fixtures, switch-boards, and other electrical apparatus and appurtenances, but does not cover dyna- mos or apparatus and appurtenances, belonging thereto." 9-28-96 No other Church form may be used, and no change of wording is allowable except as above ruled. 3-3-96 A clause excluding foundations, as provided for on page 57 may be attached to, or made part of, the form for Church, Chapel, or Sunday School. B. C. 11-6-01 COMMON CARRIERS. Insurance of Common Carrier's liability may be written under the following forms, one or the other of which must be used : Legal Liability Form— Liability disclaimed. Bate to be one-half of the Contents rate of the Pier. $ On their legal liability in or for all merchandise held in their custody as common carriers, warehousemen, wharfingers, forwarders or freighters, while contained FORMS. 92 The purpose of this insurance is to indemnify the insured for their legal liability, if any, to the amount they are obliged to pay on such merchandise by reason of loss or damage by fire, and it is understood that liability for such loss or damage by fire is and will be disclaimed in bills of lading, shipping receipts and other similar documents. It is also understood and agreed that all claims against the insured (provided the claim or claims are not in excess of the amount insured) shall be resisted under the direction and control of this Company, the cost of such resistance (whether conducted by the insured or by this Company) to be paid by this Company in the proportion that the amount of this policy bears to the total amount of such claim or claims. In the event of loss hereunder, this Company shall be subro- gated to all claims upon owners of merchandise to the extent of payment made to the said Steamship Company. (No co-insurance clause required ; commission 15 per cent.) Legal Liability Form— Liability not disclaimed. Rate to be that for merchandise on Pier. $. . . .On their legal liability in or for all merchandise and/or bag- gage held in their custody as common carriers, warehouse- men, wharfingers, forwarders or freighters ; also upon their interest in all advances or other charges due or to become due upon all merchandise and/or baggage while con- tained It being mutually understood and agreed that if claim is made against the assured hereunder for merchandise and/or baggage held by them as above provided, the insurers shall have the option of either admitting such claim for payment or of resisting it in court, the legal expenses incurred in such resistance to be borne by the Insurance Companies interested, in the proportion that the total amount of the insurance shall bear to the total amount of such claim or claims. (No co-insurance clause required; commission 15 per cent.) If liability for property on more than one pier or wharf be covered, a separate amount must be placed on each. 7-11-00. The words "and/or freight" may be added to the "Legal Liability Form— Liability Not Disclaimed" after the word "mer- chandise." 7-10-01. The following clause may be added to Legal Liability Not Disclaimed form, if desired, without extra charge : This company hereby gives consent to the assured hereunder to admit their liability upon all goods, wares and merchandise damaged or destroyed by fire upon the premises described herein, which, at the time of loss, had been upon the said premises for a FORMS. 93 period not exceeding forty-eight (48) hours, in addition to Sun- days and Holidays, preceding the fire, and which at the time of loss was not protected by other insurance. A. C. 12-10-02. FLOATER FORMS. The following floater forms are approved for use on policies covering merchandise in bonded warehouses, general order stores, storage stores, and while in transitu, in the cities and ports of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken. They must be used as here given, except as provided below: In Forms 3, 4, 7 and 8, the word " merchandise " may be sub- stituted for the words "vegetable fibre." Forms 1, 2, 5 and 6 may be written with full co-insurance clause (no deduction therefor) at .875 for Forms 1 and 2, and at 1.75 for Forms 5 and 6, provided, instead of the words "On mer- chandise consisting principally of excluding cotton and other vegetable fibre and petroleum and its liquid products," the following words be substituted, viz.: "On merchandise con- sisting exclusively of Antimony, Block Tin, Brass in pigs, Copper in ingots, cakes and bars, Crude Rubber, Iron in pigs, Lead in pigs, Mercury in flasks and Spelter." (Any or all to be specified byname.) Upon Floater Forms 5, 6, 7 and 8, the following endorsement may be made:— "Piers No. 1 and No. 2 of the American Dock Stores, Staten Island, being used as a terminal of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., may be included as under the protection of this form." Hay having been classed by the New York Board of Fire Un- derwriters as "vegetable fibre," and as such being excluded from non-fibre stores, Hay floaters can only be written under the " fibre" Forms 3, 4, 7 and 8. The writing of Hay under Floaters 1, 2, 5 and 6 is prohibited. Any other form of floater desired covering merchandise or other kinds of personal property not less than 2.50. Freight charges on merchandise may be written under General Floater Forms Nos. 1 to 8 at the same rates as carried by said forms. 3-20-01. No. 1.— ORDINARY EXCESS FLOATER, EXCLUDING COTTON. On merchandise consisting principally of excluding cotton and other vegetable fibre and petroleum and its liquid products, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust or on commission or on joint account with others or sold FORMS. 94 but not delivered, while contained in any or all the bonded ware- houses, general order stores or brick and stone storage stores, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers, and bulkheads, in the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken, and while afloat in transitu in the ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and ex- ceptions named below : N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Limited Floating Policy. — It is hereby declared and agreed that in case the property afore- said in all the buildings, places, or limits included in this insur- ance, shall at the breaking out of any fire or fires, be collectively of greater value than the sum insured, then this company shall pay and make good such a portion only of the loss or damage as the sum insured shall bear to the whole value of the property aforesaid, at the time when such fire or fires shall first happen. But it is at the same time declared and agreed, that if any specific parcel of goods included in the terms of this policy, or such goods in any specified building or buildings, place or places, within the limits of this insurance, shall at the time of any fire be insured in this or any other office, this policy shall not extend to cover the same, excepting only as far as relates to any excess of value beyond the amount of such specific insurance or insurances, and shall not be liable for any loss, unless the amount of such loss shall exceed the amount of such specific insurance or insurances, which said excess only is declared to be under the protection of this policy and subject to average, as aforesaid. It being the true intent and meaning of this agreement that this company shall not be liable for any loss, unless the amount of such loss shall exceed the amount of the specific insurance or insurances, and then only for such excess, which said excess shall be subject to average, as above. This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park; nor in the Central Terminal Stores at 27th and 28th Streets, Eleventh Avenue and North River ; nor on the piers or in the buildings or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., between 27th and 33d Streets, and between 62d and 68th Streets, New York City ; nor on the piers or in the build- ings or premises of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad and the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, in Jersey City and Hoboken, New Jersey ; nor on Black Tom Island ; nor in any tobacco inspection or other ware- house used exclusively for the storage of tobacco; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store ; nor in any FORMS. 95 furniture storage store ; nor in any building occupied wholly or in part by the assured. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or transportion insurance. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. No. 2.— ORDINARY LIMITED FLOATER, EXCLUDING COTTON. On merchandise consisting principally of excluding cotton and other vegetable fibre and petroleum and its liquid products, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust, or on commission, or on joint account with others or sold but not delivered, while contained in any or all the bonded ware- houses, general order stores, or brick and stone storage stores, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers, and bulkheads, in the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken, and while afloat in transitu in the ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and exceptions named below : N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Excess Floating Policy.— It is hereby declared and agreed that in case the property afore- said in all the buildings, places, or limits included in this insur- ance, shall at the breaking out of any fire or fires, be collectively of greater value than the sum insured, then this company shall pay and make good such a portion only of the loss or damage as the sum insured shall bear to the whole value of the property aforesaid, at the time when such fire or fires shall first happen. Exceptions.— This policy does not cover in whole or in part, any specific parcel of goods included in the terms of this policy, or such goods in any specified building or buildings, place or places, within the limits of this insurance, which shall at the time of any fire be insured in this or any other office. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, any specific parcel of goods included in the terms of this policy, or such goods in any specified building or buildings, place or places, within the limits of this insurance, which shall at the time of any fire be insured in this or any other office. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or trans- portation insurance. This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park, nor in the Central Terminal Stores, at 27th and 28th Streets, Eleventh Avenue and North River ; nor on the piers or in FORMS. 96 the buildings or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., between 27th and 33d Streets, and between 62d and 68th Streets, New York City ; nor on the piers or in the buildings or premises of the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad, the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Jersey City and Hoboken, New Jersey ; nor on Black Tom Island ; nor in any tobacco inspection or other warehouse used exclusively for the storage of tobacco ; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store; nor in any furniture storage store; nor in any building occupied wholly or in part by the assured. Other Insurance permitted without notice until required. No. 3.— ORDINARY EXCESS COTTON FLOATER. On cotton and other vegetable fibre, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust or on commission or on joint account with others or sold but not delivered, while con- tained in any or all the bonded warehouses, general order stores or brick and stone storage stores, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads, in the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken, and while afloat In transitu in the ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and exceptions named be- low: (N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Excess Floating Policy. See Form No. 1.)— This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park, nor in the Central Terminal Stores, at 27th and 28th Streets, Eleventh Avenue and North River ; nor on the piers or in the buildings or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., between 27th and 33d Streets, and between 62d and 68th Streets, New York City ; nor on the piers or in the buildings or premises of the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad, the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Delaware, Lackawanna & West- ern Railroad, and the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Jersey City and Hoboken, New Jersey; nor on Black Tom Island; nor in any tobacco inspection or other warehouse used exclusively for the storage of tobacco ; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store ; nor in any furniture storage store, nor in any building occupied wholly or in part by the assured. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or transportation insurance. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. FORMS. 97 No. 4— ORDINARY LIMITED COTTON FLOATER. On cotton and other vegetable fibre, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust or on commission or on joint account with others or sold but not delivered, while con- tained in any or all the bonded warehouses, general order stores or brick and stone storage stores, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads, in the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hobokeh, and while afloat in transitu in the ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and exceptions named be- low: (N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Limited Floating Policy. See Form No. 2.)— This policy does not cover in whole or in part, any specific parcel of goods included in the terms of this policy, or such goods in any specified building or buildings, place or places, within the limits of this insurance, which shall at the time of any fire be insured in this or any other office. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or transportation insurance. This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park nor in the Central Terminal Stores at 27th and 28th Streets, Eleventh Avenue and North River; nor on the piers or in the buildings or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., between 27th and 33d Streets, and between 62d and 68th Streets, New York City, nor on the piers or in the buildings or premises of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Delaware, Lack aw anna & Western Railroad, and the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Jersey City and Hoboken, New Jersey ; nor on Black Tom Island; nor in any tobacco inspection or other tobacco warehouse ; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store ; nor in any furniture storage store ; nor in any build- ing occupied wholly or in part by the assured. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. No. 5.— BROAD EXCESS FLOATER, EXCLUDING COTTON. On merchandise consisting principally of excluding cotton and other vegetable fibre and petroleum and its liquid products, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust, or on commission, or on joint account with others, or sold but not delivered, while contained in all or any of the brick, stone FORMS. or frame warehouses, storage stores and sheds, and while In transitu in all or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads, and also while in cars on tracks (excepting in grain elevators) in New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken and on Staten Island and Black Tom Island, and while afloat in transitu in the Ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and exceptions named be- low: (N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Excess Floating Policy. See Form No. 1.)— This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park, in New York City ; nor in Amer- ican Dock Stores, Staten Island, or on the piers in front of said stores; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store ; nor in any furniture storage store ; nor in any build- ing occupied wholly or in part by the assured. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or trans- portation insurance. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. No. 6.— BROAD LIMITED FLOATER, EXCLUDING COTTON. On merchandise consisting principally of excluding cotton and other vegetable fibre and petroleum and its liquid products, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust, or on commission, or on Joint account with others, or sold but not delivered, while contained in all or any of the brick, stone or frame warehouses, storage stores and sheds, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads, and also while in cars on tracks (excepting in grain elevators) in New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken and on Staten Island and Black Tom Island, and while afloat in transitu in the Ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and exceptions named be- low: (N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Limited Floating Policy. See Form No. 2.)— This policy does not cover in whole or in part, any specific parcel of goods included in the terms of this policy, or such goods in any specified building or buildings, place or places, within the limits of this insurance, which shall at the time of any fire be insured in this or any other office. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, Inland or trans- portation insurance. FORMS. 99 This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park, in New York City, nor in American Dock Stores, Staten Island, or on the piers in front of said stores ; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store ; nor in any fur- niture storage store ; nor in any building occupied wholly or in part by the assured. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. No. 7-— BROAD EXCESS COTTON FLOATER. On cotton and other vegetable fibre, the property, of the as- sured or held by the assured in trust or on commission or on joint account with others or sold but not delivered, while con- tained in any or all of the brick, stone or frame warehouses, stor- age stores and sheds, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads, and also while in cars on tracks (excepting in grain elevators) in New York, Brook- lyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken, and on Staten Island and Black Tom Island, and while afloat in transitu in the ports of said cities ; subject to the following conditions of co-insurance and exceptions named below : (N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Excess Floating Policy. See Form No. 1.)— This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park, in New York City; nor in Ameri- can Dock Stores, Staten Island, or on the piers in front of said stores; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store; nor in any furniture storage store; nor in any building occupied wholly or in part by the assured. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or trans- portation insurance. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. No. 8.— BROAD LIMITED COTTON FLOATER. On cotton and other vegetable fibre, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust or on commission or on joint account with others or sold but not delivered, while con- tained in any or all of the brick, stone or frame warehouses, storage stores and sheds, and while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads, and also while in cars on tracks (excepting in grain elevators) in New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken, and on Staten Island and Black Tom Island, and while afloat in transitu in the FORMS. 100 ports of said cities; subject to the following conditions of co- insurance and exceptions named below : (N. Y. Standard Co-Insurance Clause for Limited Floating Policy. See Form No. 2.)— This policy does not cover in whole or In part, any specific parcel of goods included in the terms of this policy, or such goods in any specified building or buildings, place or places, within the limits of this insurance, which shall at the time of any fire be insured in this or any other office. This policy does not cover in whole or in part, goods on which at the time of any fire there may be any marine, inland or trans- portation insurance. This policy does not cover in the building or premises of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., at St. John's Park, in New York City; nor In American Dock Stores, Staten Island, or on the piers in front of said stores ; nor in any grain elevator or elevator store or graded grain store ; nor in any furniture storage store ; nor in any building occupied wholly or In part by the assured. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. GRADED GRAIN CLAUSE FORM. On graded grain the property of the Assured, or held by In trust or on commission, or sold and not delivered, while con- tained In the grain store system of the Brooklyn Wharf & Ware- house Company, situate In the Borough of Brooklyn, New York City. Subject to the conditions of graded grain clause below. It is understood and agreed, that this policy is subject to the conditions of the following warehouse receipt : "All warehouse receipts for graded grain which shall represent the grain as stored in a system of two or more warehouses, shall not be deemed regular unless the following condition Is Incorpo- rated in the receipt. In case of loss or damage by fire, so much of the said grain as shall bear a like proportion to this receipt, as the lost or damaged grain of same grade, shall bear to all grain of like grade in this system of warehouses at the date of said disaster shall be adjudged lost or damaged, and the obligation to deliver it under this receipt, except as salvage, cancelled." It is also understood that In case of loss under this policy, this Company shall be liable only for such proportion of the whole loss as the amount of this insurance bears to the cash value at the time of the fire of the whole property to which this policy applies, but not exceeding the proportion which this policy bears to the whole amount of insurance thereon. FORMS. 101 Tt is further understood that what is known as identity pre- served grain, is not covered by this policy. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. 6-30-99. MANUFACTURING FLOATER FORM. No manufacturing floaters can be written except under the exact form given below and at the rate 4.00. Members may not change the form in any way even by charg- ing a higher rate. On and on Goods and Materials for making same, finished and unfin- ished, the property of the assured or held by the assured in trust while in possession of other parties to be made up, and while con- tained in any building in excepting any place or building used for a prison or penal institution, and excepting in any building occupied in whole or in part by the assured. This policy does not apply to or cover in any premises where the above goods or materials are sent for the purpose of being cleaned, sponged, dyed, shrunk or refinished; nor while in any express office or depot, nor while in charge of any express or rail- road company or other common carrier. It is further expressly understood and agreed that this insur- ance shall not cover on any lot or parcel of goods which shall be more specifically or definitely located or described in any other insurance in this Company, or in any other Company or Associa- tion, excepting on the excess of value of such property over and above such specific insurance, and this Company shall only be liable on such specifically insured property for its share of such loss, after all such specific insurance is exhausted. Also that wherever this insurance may cover, not more than § (10 per cent, of the face of the policy) shall apply or cover in any one building, and in no event shall this Company be liable for any greater proportion of any loss than the amount insured bears to the actual cash value of all the property covered by this policy. Other insurance permitted without notice until required. If a Manufacturing Floater is written to cover in any portion of the territory under the jurisdiction of this Exchange, such Floater must conform strictly to above form, and the limit of cover thereof shall be 10% of the face of the policy, and any change in such form or limit will be considered a violation. A. C. 9-14-01. PAWNBROKERS' FORM. The following form for Pawnbrokers must be used whether risks are rated specifically or by card or under minimums. 4-20-OOt POEMS. 102 $ On the Right and Interest of the assured In the articles and stock of merchandise, hazardous and extra hazardous (merchandise in fire proof safes excepted), held In trust op In pledge by said assured as pawnbrokers, Including in- terest accrued thereon as allowed by law. $ On the Right and Interest of the assured in the articles and stock of merchandise, hazardous and extra hazardous, in fire proof safes only, held in trust or in pledge by said assured as pawnbrokers, including interest accrued thereon as allowed by law. $. . . .On merchandise hazardous and extra hazardous the property solely of said assured all contained in the building, privileged to be occupied as situate This insurance does not protect the interest of parties whose goods are pledged to the assured ; nor does It cover the excess of the amount loaned, with its lawful accrued interest, upon any article above the sound value of the same at the time of any fire. 3-15-00. POLICY FORM OUTSIDE DRY GOODS DISTRICT. All policies on stocks governed by General Minimum Rates must describe the same in the form as follows : " On stock of merchandise consisting principally of (naming stock)." In policy forms on risks outside the Dry Goods District, if any reference is made In the policy form to the Class of Hazards, on merchandise governed by general minimum rates (except listed storage stores), the minimum rates on such merchandise shall be 1.50. Whenever, under the terms of the above rule, any of the words, not hazardous, hazardous, extra hazardous or specially hazardous are used, even when the principal stock is named under the General Minimum rates, the rate must be 1.50, unless there is an occupant or a specific rate In the building to make the rate higher, in which case the higher rate shall prevail. The addition of the words "and on any and all merchandise,' ' or of "and other merchandise hazardous and extra hazardous," or of any similar phrase enlarging the application of forms covering on stocks governed by General Minimums, outside of Dry Goods District, is a violation. R. C. 4-5-00. Policy Form Outside Dry Goods District must not be used in writing contents of coal pockets, contents of coal yards, contents of lumber yards, or contents of building materials yards. 9-11-01. REQUIREMENTS IN CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES. The requirements which follow are not rules of the Exchange, but working rules for Manager's office, liable to change as new conditions may rise, and inserted in this Hand Book as a matter of convenient reference to save Members the necessity of con- stantly enquiring how improvements may be effected. Where deficiencies are charged for in a risk rated by any other than Mercantile Schedule a reduction of such charges may be allowed if the deficiencies are remedied in accordance with the fol- lowing requirements. When an inspection is made unnecessarily, by reason of being asked for before premises are ready, or before improvements are completed, a charge of $1.00 for such unnecessary inspection will be made, and another inspection of the risk will not be made within two months unless any charges standing against such risk for unnecessary inspections shall have been paid. It. C. 9-24-00. Ashes. — Must be cared for in metal cans. Blower System. — Must be provided with metal conduits con- necting each machine with shavings vault, such conduits passing to the outside of building at each floor. Boilers.— Must be outside of building, or if located in extensions must be cut off by standard fire door. In wood-working estab- lishments a door must be provided at each side of the communi- cating opening. Buckets.— There must be two buckets of at least 10 quarts capacity on each floor, including basements, for each 1,000 square feet of floor area, same placed on permanent shelves, hooks or racks elevated not less than 2 feet nor more than 43^ feet above the floor. Buckets to be painted red and marked "Fire" with letters not less than 2% inches in height, to be kept full of clean water and inspected once a week. Wooden buckets will not be accepted. In rendering establishments, paint, oil, and varnish stocks, or any other place where inflammable liquids form part of the 103 REQUIREMENTS IN CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES. 104 stock, one-half of the number of buckets to be filled with sand instead of water. If water in buckets is likely to freeze in cold weather, enough salt to be mixed therewith to prevent freezing. Ceilings or Side Walls.— Must not be made of paper or cloth or wood. Communications.— Must be provided with standard fire doors at each side of the Trail constructed and installed in accordance with rules of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Condition.— Premises must be cleaned up and kept clean. Stove pipe holes must be closed up. Sawdust must not be used in spittoons or for catching oil or drippings. Broken plastering must be repaired. Drying.— Drying rooms must be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the New York Board of Fire Under- writers. Fire Heat.— Glue must be heated by steam. Melting of pitch, rosin, wax, paraffine, sulphur, etc., must be by a safe method. Soldering irons must be heated by stationary gas mufflers. All low gas stoves shall be placed on iron stands or the burners shall be at least 6 inches above the base of the stoves and a metal guard placed 4 inches below the burners, and all woodwork under them shall be covered by metal. Connections must be made by iron piping ; rubber tubing must not be used. Floes.— Chimneys must be built of brick and rest on the ground. Stove pipes must run horizontally into the chimney. Stove pipes must not run through floors or partitions. Floor Openings.— Openings for stairways, elevators, dummies, etc., must be closed or enclosed so as to prevent the spread of fire from floor to floor. Dumb waiter shafts open in the basement must be provided with the same kind of doors as floors above. Hatches with automatic attachments must be arranged to close the shaft even when the car cable is down, with not over 2 square inches of uncovered opening. Gas Brackets.— Open gas lights in show windows must be pro- tected by globes. Swinging gas brackets must be made station- ary or proper guards must be provided for same. Metal must be put on ceiling over all gas jets less than three feet below same. Heating.— Steam heat must be substituted for stoves or furnaces to secure removal of charge for latter. Lighting.— Gas or electric lamps must be substituted for oil lamps. Oily Waste, or Rags.— Must be cared for in self-closing metal cans. REQUIREMENTS IN CORRECTION OP DEFICIENCIES. 105 Packing Materials.— For loose packing material wherever used a covered bin must be provided, not larger than 4x4x4 feet (64 cubic feet) lined with heavy tin extending well over edges of the same, joints locked and tin nailed under joints in the same man- ner that the covering is applied to standard fire doors. Cover must have substantial fastenings and fit closely. Shavings Vault.— Must be of brick, ventilated, and located out- side of building. If adjoining boiler-house the opening to boiler- room must be at right angles to fire-hole of boiler and not nearer thereto than six feet; such opening to be protected with standard fire door. Shutters.— All openings (windows, etc.) in exterior walls, ex- cepting those on street front, must be provided with fire shutters or doors constructed and attached in accordance with rules of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Skylights.— Must be of rough glass % inch thick (wire glass pre- ferred) supported in substantial metal frame, but when over ele- vator shafts, thin glass in metal frame with wire mesh over should be used. Storage of Oils, Etc.— All oils, varnishes, turpentine, alcohol and similar articles must be stored outside of buildings. Unsafe Heating Apparatus.— Flues, stoves, furnaces, steam pipes, etc., reported unsafe by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters must be corrected in accordance with specifications of the Heating Department of that Board, which will be furnished on application to the Board, and which must be signed and returned when fully complied with. Watchman and Clock. — Watchman must be maintained nights, Sundays and holidays, or all the time when property is idle. Watchman must patrol the property, making records once each hour on an approved watch clock, records to be dated and pre- served in good order for examination by inspectors. Watchman's Lantern.— Must be of protected tubular make, and only signal or sperm oil shall be used therein. EXCHANGE RATES AS RESTORED JANUARY 10th, 1900. 1. All rates as they appeared on cards in cabinets at time of suspension of the late Tariff Association, are re-adopted, and gen- eral reductions of 30 per cent, or 10 per cent, thereon are with- drawn. (Allowances for Sole Occupancy, if any ; Automatic Fire Alarm, if any ; One Hundred Per Cent. Average, if any ; and Auto- matic Sprinklers, if any ; from the original card rates are still in order). 2. All rates published since March 8, 1899, on cards bearing the words "Net Exchange Rates" and based on a reduction of 30 per cent, from original card rates are advanced by adding thereto three-sevenths (3/7) of their present amount. 3. All rates published since March 8, 1899, on cards bearing the words " Net Exchange Rates " and based on a reduction of 10 per cent, from original card rates are advanced by adding thereto one-ninth (1/9) of their present amount. 4. The rates on Listed Storage Stores shall be as follows, sub- ject only to reduction for Automatic Fire Alarm Clause : Building. Contents. Cotton 1.25 1.25 Fibre, (other than cotton) 1.75 1.75 5. All General Minimum Rates, including floaters, stand as printed in Hand Book subject to no deduction. 6. Rates on (1) Dwellings, (2) Stores and Dwellings, and (3) Private Stables, stand as printed in Hand Book. 7. Stocks and contents (other than household furniture) in Stores and Dwellings, warranted for dwellings exclusively above grade floor, take General Minimum Rates without any reduction. 8. Rates for Buildings in Course of Construction and charges for Builders Risk are to be treated as General Minimum Rates and not advanced. 9. Buildings specifically rated by cards in cabinet as in Process 106 EXCHANGE RATES AS RESTORED. 107 of Construction need not have three-sevenths (3/7) or one-ninth (1/9) added to the rate. 10. The Manager is authorized, with the concurrence and approval of the Committee on Rates, to rate new risks, or fix rate due to changes of occupancy or hazard, by the same sched- ules heretofore used by the late Tariff Association, and until new schedules shall be agreed upon. Where an advance of one-ninth is asked for instead of three- sevenths on "Net Exchange Rates" covering fire-proof buildings or contents thereof, such advance must not be allowed at the counter, but the risk may be bound subject to rate, and such rate must at once be applied for to the Manager. This is rendered necessary by the fact that in rating fire-proof buildings the floors are treated separately, and there is nothing on cards in cabinets to indicate whether the reduction made in arriving at Net Exchange Rate on a particular floor was 10 per cent, or 30 per cent. A. C. 2-21-00. Where a premium calculated at proper tariff rate results in a fractional part of a cent, if such fraction is less than % cent it shall be dropped from the premium, but if equal to or exceeding 3^ cent a full cent shall be added to the premium. A. C. 2-21-00. When an allowance under the rules for approved improve- ments is claimed in the case of policies issued at Exchange rates before Jan. 10, 1900, such allowance may be made upon the basis of the net rate at which the policies were issued. A. C. 2-21-00. In case of an increase of rate under a policy issued at Exchange rate before Jan. 10, 1900, such increase shall be added to the net rate at which such policy was issued. A. C. 3-1-00. The warranty for dwelling occupation required upon policies cov- ering on or in buildings occupied as dwellings, flats, tenements, or as stores below with exclusively dwellings above, must be given in words of warranty and not in words of agreement. A clause reading "It is understood and agreed that the above described buildings is occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes" is a vio- lation. A. C. 4-17-00. Where a card is marked "Net Exchange Rates" and the rate named on such card includes an allowance for sole occupancy the addition of three-sevenths or one-ninth to that rate will not pro- duce the correct (restored) rate, and application must be made to the Manager in order that the correct rate may be printed with sole occupancy properly allowed for. 5-14-00. (7-20-01.) The Dwelling Warranty reads as follows : "Warranted by the assured that the within described building is occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes by not more than two families." EXCHANGE RATES AS RESTORED. 108 The Flat House Warranty reads as follows:— "Warranted by the assured that the within described building is occupied exclu- sively for dwelling purposes." The presence of boarders in a dwelling warranted as such does not remove such risk from the dwelling-house class. 6-3-02. EXCHANGE RATES IN NEW JERSEY TERRITORY. Beginning July 2d, 1900, all card and minimum rates covering risks located in New Jersey are advanced 33 1/3 per cent, and policies must be written accordingly. If a Co-Insurance Clause is attached to policies the advanced rates shall be subject to a re- duction of 25 per cent, for the 80 per cent. Co-Insurance Clause, and of 323^ per cent, for the Full Co-Insurance Clause. Such advance does not apply to rates covering Household Furniture in Use in Living Apartments, and rates on such Household Furni- ture shall not be subject to the deductions named for Co- Insurance. The deduction for Full Co-Insurance on floating policies, policies covering in two or more buildings not communicating, contents of public or private storage stores, and grain elevators, merchandise on or contents of piers, rents, and manufacturing jewelers' stocks in fire-proof safes, shall be the same as for 80 per cent. Co-Insurance, viz., 25 per cent. R. C. 6-25-00. "Wherever in the ratings, rules and rulings of this Exchange the words "80 per cent, co-insurance" occur the words "80 per cent, average" are hereby substituted, and wherever the words "full co-insurance" occur the words "one hundred per cent, average" are hereby substituted therefor, except where such ratings, rules and rulings apply to risks situate in New Jersey, or to Floater Forms Nos. 1 to 8 or risks insured thereunder." 3-13-02. GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. AS REVISED APRIL 30th, 1902. These General Minimum Rates apply throughout the entire Area of Operation of the Exchange except New York Dry Goods District, and except where superseded by specific rates. All merchandise stocks and other risks mentioned under this head must be written at a rate not less than the minimum stated. Where a stock consists of various hazards the minimum apply- ing to the greatest portion of the stock shall prevail. Where a dagger (f) is prefixed a deduction of 5 cents is allow- able for sole occupancy. The star (*) prefixed to certain stocks concerns the computa- tion of the building rate. This star must not be confounded with the star in Classes of Hazards as issued by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Minimum rates do not affect other contents of lesser hazard unless the minimum so specifies. All buildings in entire Metropolitan District not rated by gen- eral minimum or specific rate, contents of same being rated (whether by specific rate, minimum, Class of Hazards, or Dry Goods District), are rated as follows: Brick buildings, 40% of highest contents rate; but in risks written under general mini- mum stocks marked in the list of general minimums with a star shall not operate to rate the building containing them higher than 24 cents. No building under this rule shall rate below 20 cents. For frame buildings, see page 110. 5-29-95. Where in the list of minimums a special minimum rate is men- tioned for building (as in the case of hospitals, schools, lodging houses, etc.), the same applies only to brick buildings, and, unless otherwise specified, frame or brick and frame buildings in such cases take the same rate as contents. 5-29-95. Minimum Rates for contents of frame, or of brick and frame, buildings, occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes, 109 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 110 shall be increased 25 per cent, over the rates for similar contents in brick buildings, except where the minimum given in Hand Book is specifically stated to apply to contents of a frame, or brick and frame, building. The rates on frame, and brick and frame, buildings, occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes, and on household furni- ture therein, shall be the same as the lowest minimum rated con- tents thereof , except where the building is occupied in part by any of the following, in which case they (meaning building and house- hold furniture) shall take the rate of the highest rated contents, viz.: Bakeries, other than retail, Furniture Stores, Hay and Straw Dealers, Junk Stores, Oil and Petroleum Stores, Oiled Clothing Stores, Painters' Supply Stores and/or Painters other than that of jobbing Painter not keeping supplies, Photograph Galleries, Printers, Rags, Waste and Paper Stock Dealers, Upholsterers, and/or Mattress Makers, Woodworkers. Contents (other than household furniture) of frame, or brick and frame, stores and dwellings, must be advanced 25% over the General Minimum Rates named in Hand Book. Brick buildings occupied solely as Raines Law Hotels are sub- ject to the minimum rate of 24 cents per annum, or 60 cents for three years. R. C. 5-6-01. Where defects of heating, electrical or other apparatus in mini- mum rated risks are reported by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, a specific rate based upon the addition to the mini- mum rate of at least 33% per cent, shall be made therefor ; such specific rate to stand until a Certificate from the Board that such defects have been corrected is presented to the Manager, when such rate may be withdrawn. 1-12-01. When charges for Unsafe Heating Apparatus originate with the New York Board, the rate card in cabinet covers a reference to the Board Slip reporting the risk and in such case the Board must be consulted as to how to remedy the faulty conditions. Where no reference is made on the card to the Board Slip, the charge originates with the Exchange and this office should be con- sulted as to a remedy. 6-16-02. GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. Ill Academies. Building 25 Contents 40 fAcids— nitric, muriatic, and sulphuric 1 00 fAgents* Stocks, shipping, No fibre 75 With fibre 1 50 fAgricultural Implements, excluding seeds 60 fAlcohol 1 00 f Aniline dyes 75 Animals (Pet) and Birds 2 00 -f Antimony 25 Antimony if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows : In Private Storage Stores 25 In fibre stores 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Antimony is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. f Apothecary 75 Armories. Building 40 Contents 75 *f Art Goods and Pictures 1 25 ♦fArtificial Flowers 1 50 fArtificial Limbs, Trusses 1 00 f Artists' and Photo. Supplies 1 25 Artists' Studios, except in buildings occupied solely as dwellings 1 25 All contents of a studio must be written at the studio rate. Household furniture in studios may not be written at a lower rate Asylums. Building 25 Contents 40 fAuction Goods, general 1 25 fAuction Goods, package 75 Automobiles and/ or Similar vehicles propelled by the use of gasolene, naphtha, or other volatile hydro-carbon oils Privilege to keep may be granted as follows, subject to the charges named. Privilege to keep not exceeding one such vehicle in a private stable with warranty to keep gasolene and fill tanks in accordance with the requirements of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters 10c. per $100. Privilege to keep not exceeding three such vehicles in a private GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 112 stable or in a building not occupied for mercantile or man- ufacturing purposes, with warranty to keep gasolene and fill tanks in accordance with the requirements of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters 25c. per $100. Each vehicle in excess of three, with warranty as above, five cents additional not exceeding a total charge of $1.00 per $100. Privilege to house not exceeding one such vehicle in a build- ing occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes, with warranty that no filling of tanks or storage of gasolene shall be allowed on the premises 25c. per $100. The above charges are annual charges and must be increased on term policies in the same ratio as other term rates. Privilege to house such vehicles with warranty that no filling of tanks or storage of gasolene other than what may be contained in the fuel tanks of the vehicles them- selves, may be granted on policies covering in private stables, or in buildings not occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes, at one-half the charges provided for above. Privilege to keep automobiles in a livery stable is subject to charges required above "in a building not occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes." f Awnings or Flags 75 fBags and Trunks 75 f Bakeries, retail 75 Bakeries, Steam, Bread or Pie 1 25 Bakeries, Steam, Cracker 1 75 Banks— see Offices. fBarbers or Hair Dressers 75 fBarbers' Supplies 1 00 f Baskets 1 25 Baths— see Floating Baths. fBedding, without feather steaming 1 50 fBeer and Liquor Saloons 60 fBelting and Hose, rubber exclusively 50 fBicycles and Bicycle Supplies 75 f Billiard Rooms 50 Birds and Pet Animals 2 00 Blacksmiths or Horseshoers— see "Horseshoers or Black- smiths." Blank Book Factories, Machinery 1 00 Other Contents 1 50 GENERAL MINIMUM EATES. 113 fBlinds, Doors or Sashes 1 00 fBlockTin 25 Block Tin if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows : In private Storage Stores 25 In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Block Tin is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. Blowers, ornamental glass 1 50 Boathouses, Building and Contents 3 00 fBone and Ivory Goods 75 Bookbinders— Machinery 1 00 Other Contents 1 50 fBooks, general stock, sales, publishers and stationers 75 ♦fBooks, religious, with religious ornaments 1 00 fBoots and Shoes 50 Bottling 75 fBowling Alleys 75 fBrass in Pigs 25 Brass in Pigs— if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows : In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Brass in Pigs is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. fBrass— sheet, bar or rod 40 fBrass Goods, in packages 50 fBrass Goods, open 75 Bread and Pie Bakeries, Steam 1 25 Breweries, frame, Building 1 25 Contents 1 25 Brick building 75 Contents 1 00 Breweries, Storage, Cooling, or Ice Houses of same when entirely cut off : Contents 60 Buildings 40 Brewers' Floaters (see Floating Policies). GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 114 fBrewers' Supplies 75 f Bric-a-brac 1 25 fBritannia Ware 50 fBrokers' Samples, Cotton 1 50 f Bronzes 50 fBroom Corn 1 50 f Brushes 75 Building Materials— Cement, Hair, Lime, Lath, Brick, Second-hand Lumber and Plaster 1 50 Buildings in course of construction, see page 48. Buildings Unoccupied (not to include buildings in course of construction or dwellings) 30 Bulkheads, next water front, unless specifically rated, class same as piers or wharves, open or covered. fButter 50 fButtons 75 fCabinet Makers' Supplies 75 f Cabinet Ware, sales only, no privilege for work 1 25 Privilege to varnish, oil and upholster 1 75 Candy Factories, steam power, Contents 2 00 Buildings 1 50 f-Candy and Confectionery stocks, retail (no mfg.) 60 *fCandy stocks— retail (manufacturing) 75 fCane Stocks 75 fCanned Goods only 75 fCaps or Hats 75 fCarpets, Oil Cloth, Matting or Linoleum 50 fCarriage Trimmings 75 Carriages, privilege to varnish and upholster 2 00 •{•Carriages and Sleighs 75 Car Stables (Horse) building and contents 1 50 f Caskets or Coffins (see Coffins or Caskets). fCassimeres and Cloths 40 Cattle, live 75 fChamois Leather and Sponges 75 fChandlery, Ship 1 50 f Cheese 50 fChemicals and/ or Drugs. See Drugs and/or Chemicals. f China, Crockery and Glassware, in packages and open 1 00 *fChinese, J apanese and Oriental Goods 1 25 Churches, warranty to be heated by steam : Brick: Building 40 Furniture 50 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 115 Organ 75 Frame: Building 60 Furniture 60 Organ 1 00 If heated by furnaces or stoves, add 25 per cent. (Exchange form must be used.) *+Church ornaments 1 00 fCigars 75 agar Factories 1 50 Stock and fixtures in buildings occupied by tenants as dwellings and for the manufacture of cigars, commonly called tenement house cigar factories (see also page 54).. 75 Cigarette and Tobacco Factories 2 00 Cleaning and Dyeing 2 00 fClocks 50 fClothingand Cloaks 1 00 Clothing Floater— See Floating Policies. Clothing Manufacturing — Buildings occupied for manufacture of clothing and not specifically rated take the minimum rate for " sweat shops," viz., 4.00 on brick and 5.00 on frame, and they must be written at those rates unless specific rates are asked for and made. *fCloth Patterns 1 00 fCloths and Cassimeres 40 fCloths with Tailors' Trimmings 75 Club Houses. Building 25 Contents 40 Coal Pockets 1 50 Coal Trestle on a Pier— rate of Pier. Coal Yards, Office, Stable and Sheds 1 50 fCoffee, Spices and Teas, wholesale or retail, including sample stocks 60 fCoffms and Caskets 1 00 fCoflms and Caskets with warranty for no woodworking or varnishing 60 Cold Storage Stores : All contents, including machinery 1 00 Building 40 Cold Storage in Listed Storage Stores 60 Colleges. Building 25 Contents 40 Commissions and Profits, see page 54. Common Carriers, see page 91. *fConfectioners , Supplies 1 00 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 116 *fConfectionery— other than retail candy stocks 1 00 (See Candy stocks— retail.) Convents. Building 25 Contents 40 Cooperage (stocks only) 1 00 fCopper in Ingots, Cakes and Bars 25 Copper in Ingots, Cakes and Bars, if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows : In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. En fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Copper in Ingots is contained in non-fibre listed stor- age stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. fCordage 75 fCork and Corkwood 75 Cornice Makers 1 00 fCorsets , 75 *fCostumes or Theatrical Goods 1 50 fCotton and Wool Yarns 50 fCotton Bats and Wadding 1 25 fCotton Brokers' Samples (exceeding 250 lbs.) 1 50 fCountry Produce 50 Covered Piers and Wharves (see Wharves and Piers). Cracker Bakery, Steam 1 75 fCrockery, China and Glassware, in packages and open 1 00 Crude Rubber 25 Crude Rubber — if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows: In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Crude Rubber is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be -written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. *fCurios 1 25 fCurled Hair 75 fCurtains, Laces and Embroideries 75 Custom Duties paid or to be paid to United States Govern- ment on merchandise — same rate as stock. fCutlery, Surgical Instruments and Optical Goods 1 00 *fDecorations and Paper Hangings 1 25 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 11? fDelicatessen 60 fDental Materials 75 Dentists' and/or Physicians' tools, materials and appara- tus, when written specifically and when located in dwellings or in buildings occupied as stores on the first floor with exclusively dwellings above, and so war- ronted in policy 50 Where the assured makes his home on the premises, dental tools or physicians' implements may be written at same rate as household furniture (no change in warranty for dwellings or store with exclusively dwellings above being required), but when such dentist or physician rents an oflice in a building apart from his home such risk shall be considered business occupancy, and written at the minimum named above or at specific rate obtained from the Exchange. Diamonds unset, covering specifically while in fire-proof safes, 20 cents, subject to no deduction except 10 per cent, for 100 per cent. Average Clause (applies to no other precious stones). f Dining Rooms 75 fDoors, Sash or Blinds 1 00 Dredges, steam 1 50 fDressmakers 80 Where dressmaking is carried on with not more than five hands in living apartments of buildings otherwise occupied exclusively as dwellings and/ or as stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floors such limited occupancy shall not affect the rate, providing there is no salesroom in con- nection with the business named; and the usual com- mission payable upon dwellings or stores with exclusively dwellings above may be allowed upon policies covering such limited occupancy. fDress Trimmings 75 fDried Fruit 60 Druggists, retail. See Apothecaries 75 fDruggists' Sundries 1 00 fDrugs, dry 1 00 fDrugs and /or Chemicals, wholesale, with warranty that fulminates of silver or mercury, ethers, sweet spirits of nitre, nitro-benzole, methylic alcohol, bi-sulphide of carbon, metallic potassium, metallic sodium, quicklime, phosphorus, bi-chloride of tin, saltpetre, nitrate of potash, nitrate of soda, nitrate of ammonia, chlorate of potash, and other chlorates, shall not be stored on GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 118 premises 1 50 With warranty that same are stored in vault under sidewalk, cut off with approved doors 1 75 Without any warranty 2 50 fDry Colors, Paints and Varnishes 1 50 Dry Docks, structure and contents 1 00 fDry Drugs 1 00 fDry Goods 75 Dwellings (other than in Long Island City), with warranty that building is occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes by not more than two families. Brick, Stone or Iron : Building 10 Household Furniture 16 Frame or brick filled, or brick and stucco : Building 16 Household Furniture 20 Flat Houses (other than Long Island City), with war- ranty that building is occupied exclusively for dwelling purposes. Brick . 15 Household Furniture 20 Frame 20 Household Furniture 24 A Flat is denned as a building occupied by more than two families. Outbuildings and their contents on the same lot with dwelling if written under the following form: "On building, located on the same lot with dwelling. Privilege to be occupied for storage of garden tools, Implements, family supplies and household goods, the property of the occupant of said dwelling." Brick, Stone or Iron : Building 20 Contents 26 Frame or brick filled : Building 32 Contents 32 Dwellings with Stores on grade Floor and Basement; see Stores and Dwellings. Dyeing and Cleaning 2 00 Dyeing and Cleaning Receiving Stations, with warranty that no dyeing or cleaning shall be done on the premises 75 fDyewoods and Dyestuffs 75 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 119 fEggS 50 fElectric and Gas Fixtures 80 fElectrical supplies and apparatus, stocks of. 80 Elevators, Grain, (public) building and contents 2 50 fEmbroideries, Curtains and Laces 75 Envelope Factories : Machinery 1 00 Stock 1 50 fEssential Oils 1 00 *fFeathers, Raw, except ostrich 1 50 Raw Ostrich 50 f Feed Stores, if warranted that hay and straw shall not be kept on the premises 60 (If no warranty, take rate for " Hay and Straw " on page 123. ) Farm Barns and/or Stables, must take the rate of "All other stables " as given on page 131 of Hand Book, viz.: Brick, contents 1 00 Brick and frame building and contents 1 25 Frame building and contents. 1 50 Ferry Boats, plying on regular ferries between the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Long Island City, Jersey City, Hoboken, Weehawken and Staten Island 50 Ferry Houses 1 25 t Fertilizers 60 Fireworks. Privilege to keep fireworks must be charged for additional to rate of original policy at the short rate of 2 50 The minimum charge shall be that for a term of one month. The 2.50 rate for fireworks privilege must be charged on building as well as contents. Also no deduction may be made from this rate for 100 per cent. Average Clause, sole occupancy, automatic sprinklers or alarm. Also no charge less than that for one month, viz., 50 cents, can be made. No charge need be made for the sale of only fire-crackers or torpedoes, but there must in such case be a stipulation that no fireworks are to be kept or sold. The charge of 50 cents per month for privilege to keep Fire- works must be increased 25 per cent, when such privilege is granted on policies covering in frame buildings. fFish 50 fFishing and Fowling Tackle 75 Fixtures and Furniture rate same as contents and subject to same deductions as contents policy. fFlags or Awnings —..-. 75 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 120 Flats, see Dwellings, etc. Floating Baths, (public) building and contents 1 25 Floating Policies — (merchandise). No. 1, Ordinary excess floater, excluding cotton 1 25 " 2, •* limited floater, excluding cotton 1 25 " 3, " excess cotton floater 2 50 " 4, " limited cotton floater 2 50 " 5, Broad excess floater, excluding cotton 2 50 " 6, " limited floater, excluding cotton 2 50 " 7, " excess cotton floater 2 50 " 8, " limited cotton floater 2 50 Automatic Fire Alarm Service, on wiring, thermostats, connections, indicator boxes and all other property- incidental to the Automatic Fire Alarm Service, includ- ing cost of labor of installing the equipment, contained in any building in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York City. Liability limited to not more than $500.00 in any one building. Rate 1.25. Subject to Full Average Clause without 5 per cent, waiver. Brewery interest as owner or chattel mortgagee in saloon furniture and fixtures while contained in build- ings located within the territory of this Exchange with 100 per cent. Average Clause and without the 5 percent, waiver 1 25 Clothing in process of manufacture in dwellings, or in dwellings in buildings occupied as stores with war- ranty for exclusively dwellings above the grade floor, with 100 per cent. Average Clause, and without 5 per cent, waiver 2 00 Household Furniture Floaters covering in dwellings and/or Stores with exclusively dwellings above the grade floor, and so warranted in policies (with 100 per cent. Average Clause and without the 5 per cent, waiver) 1 00 Housefurnishings, wall and ceiling decorations, wall papers, and wall coverings, ladders, scaffolding, lum- ber, painters' and decorators' supplies, and all tools, implements and utensils used in the business of as- sured as housefurnishers and decorators, all while contained in any brick or frame building occupied for dwelling purposes only, and so warranted In policies, situate anywhere in the Borough of Man- hattan, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in that portion GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 121 of the Borough of Queens known as Long Island City, and that portion of the Borough of the Bronx west of the Bronx River, all in Greater New York, and in that portion of Hudson County, New Jersey, east of the Hackensack River (with 100 per cent. Average and without the 5 per cent, waiver) 1 00 -Manufacturing Floater must be written under the tariff form and rate (see page 101). -Neckwear Floaters covering in Dwellings and/or Stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floor and so warranted in policies (with 100 per cent. Average Clause and without the 5 percent, waiver) 2 00 -Piano Forte Floaters covering in Dwellings and /or Stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floor and so warranted in policies (with 100 per cent. Aver- age Clause and without the 5 per cent, waiver) 1 00 -Printers Floaters 4 00 -Soda Fountains and all appurtenances and connections while contained in /or on the premises or in front of any building in the City of New York, with 100 per cent. Average Clause and without 5 per cent, waiver.. 1 25 It being understood that wherever this insurance may cover not more than 10 per cent, amounting to $ shall apply or cover in or in front of any building. -Soda Water Fountains and Apparatus in connection therewith, contained in any building occupied as store with exclusively dwellings above the grade floor and so warranted in policies (with 100 per cent. Average Clause and without the 5 per cent, waiver)... 1 00 -Tackle gear and appurtenances pertaining to a steve- dore's business while in transitu in or on any of the streets, yards, wharves, piers and bulkheads in the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken and while afloat in transitu in the Ports of said Cities. (For conditions of Average Clause and exceptions named, see form as printed on Circular No. 159. ) Rate 1 75 -Tanks for Soda Water and Similar Liquids, valued at $25.00 each, while contained in any building occupied as a store with dwellings only above grade floor, in the territory of the Exchange 25 ■Typewriter machines in buildings occupied exclusively for dwellings and/ or stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floor and/or exclusively office purposes and so warranted in policies, with 100 per cent. GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 12^ Average Clause and without the 5 per cent, waiver 1 00 Any other form of floater desired covering merchandise or other kinds of personal property not less than 2 50 fFlooring, Parquetry 1 25 *fFlorists' Stock 1 50 Furniture and Fixtures 75 Flouring or Feed Mills, steam, buildings and contents 3 00 fFlour and Feed Stores, retail 60 fFlour Warehouses, wholesale stocks 40 Foundries and Machine Shops : Brick, buildings and contents 1 00 Frame, or brick and frame, Building 2 00 Contents 2 00 fFowling and Fishing Tackle 75 *t Fruit (other than dried Fruit) 1 00 fFruit, Dried 00 Furniture, Household. See Household Furniture. Furniture and Fixtures rate same as contents, and subject to same deductions as contents policy. fFurniture Salesroom, without privilege to work 1 25 With privilege to varnish, oil and upholster. 1 75 Furniture Storage. Building 1 00 Contents 1 50 fFurs, dressed or finished 1 00 fFurs, undressed 75 *t Games or Toys 1 25 fGasfitters and Plumbers 75 Gas Houses or Gas Works, Gas Tanks and all other prop- perty, including buildings and machinery and other contents 75 f Gas Fixtures 80 f Gents' Furnishing Goods 75 Glass Blowers, Ornamental 1 50 f Glass, Plate or Window, in boxes or unpacked 75 fGlassware, Crockery and China, in packages and open 1 00 fGlaziers and Painters 1 50 *f Gloves f :. 1 00 -{•Glue and Sandpaper 75 Gold and Silver Beaters 75 Graded Grain, in series of stores 1 25 I. P. Grain, when in two or more stores 75 Grain Elevators, building and contents, public 2 50 Grain Warehouses, with elevators attached (Transfer Elevators) 1 25 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 123 ♦Graph oph ones and Graphophone Records 1 25 Greenhouses (strictly private, if detached). Building and Heating Apparatus 75 Contents 2 00 Greenhouses. Building 1 50 Contents 2 00 fGroceries or Grocers' Supplies 50 fGuano 60 fGunny Bags 50 fGuns 75 fGunsmiths 75 fHair Dressers or Barbers 75 ♦fHair, Human 1 00 fHardware or Locks 75 Hardwood, Mahogany, Staves and Timber Yards f. 60 fHarness or Saddlery 75 fHats or Caps 75 fHay and Straw, bundles and bales 2 00 fHerbs and Roots \ 75 f Hides and Leather — Belting Leather, Hides, Kips, Rough Leather and Sole Leather 25 Grain Leather, Harness Leather, Split Leather, Tanned Calf Skins and Upper Leather made from Hides 40 Fancy Leather and Morocco, General Shoe Finding Stock, Tanned Kids, Tanned Sheep Skins, General Stock of Fancy Skins for Tanning, Untanned Calf, Goat and/or Sheep Skins, Kangaroo Skins 75 fHollowware (metal pots, etc.) 60 Homes. Building 25 Contents 40 fHops 1 00 fHorn Goods 75 Hospitals. Building 25 Contents 40 Horse Car Stables, building and contents 1 50 Horseshoers or Blacksmiths : Brick. Contents l 00 Frame or brick and frame, Building and contents 1 50 Horseshoers or Blacksmiths (except as below), hand power, with no wood working 75 Horseshoers or Blacksmiths, hand power, with no wood working, occupying one floor only, namely: grade floor or basement, with only dwellings above grade floor 50 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 124 fHose and Rubber Belting, rubber exclusively 50 fHosiery, Notions and White Goods 75 fHouse Furnishing Goods 1 00 Household Furniture, 50 per cent, of the highest contents. House furnishings, wall and ceiling decorations (floater), see Floating Policies, page 120. fHouse Trimmings, Doors, Sashes or Blinds 1 00 ♦fHuman Hair 1 00 flnstruments, scientific or mathematical 1 00 flron in Pigs 25 Iron in Pigs, if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows: In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On Piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Iron in Pigs is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. flron, in sheet, wire, hoop, bar, bolts or rod 40 flvory and Bone Goods 75 *f Japanese, Chinese and Oriental Goods 1 25 f Jewelers or Machinists Tools or Supplies 75 f Jewelry, including watches, clocks and bronzes, out of safes 50 In fire-proof safes (except watches) 35 Jewelry or Silverware Manufacturing (rates whole building) 60 Jewelry or Silverware in fire-proof safes where manufactur- ing is d one, with 100 per cent. Average Clause 30 f Junk Stores, no rags and waste 2 00 ♦fKid Gloves 1 00 f Knit Goods 75 f Labels 1 00 fLaces, Embroideries and Curtains 75 f Ladies Tailors 80 fLamp Stores 1 00 Laundries, steam 2 00 Laundries, hand 1 00 Laundry Receiving Stations, with warranty that no laundry work shall be done on the premises 75 fLead in Pigs 25 Lead in Pigs, if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows: In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 125 storage rates. On Piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Lead in Pigs is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. fLeather (see Hides and Leather). •{■Leather Bags, Pocket Books or Trunks 75 •{•Libraries (Public) 60 •{•Linoleum, Carpets, Oil Cloth or Matting 50 fLiquor and Beer Saloons 60 fLiquors or Wines, with or without privilege to bottle or pack 60 Lithographers and Printers, foot and hand power 1 00 Steam Power 1 75 If warranty is made against use of benzine and other products of petroleum, 25 per cent, may be deducted (except from specific rates). Live Cattle 75 •{•Locks or Hardware 75 ■{■Locksmith 75 *f Lodge Regalia and Furniture 1 00 Lodging Houses — All contents of any building occupied either wholly or in part for such purposes, not less than 75 Building 45 ♦■{•Looking Glass, Picture Frame or Moulding 1 25 Lumber Yards and Sheds, buildings and contents. Soft Wood 1 00 Hard Wood 60 Logs, Timber, Staves, Mahogany 60 Machine Shops and Foundries- Brick, buildings and contents 1 00 Frame, or brick and frame, Building 2 00 Contents 2 00 •{•Machinists or Jewelers Tools and Supplies 75 Mahogany, Hardwood and Staves 60 •{•Malt 75 Malt Houses- Frame, or brick and frame, Building 1 25 Contents 1 50 Brick, Building 75 Contents 1 00 Manufacturing Jeweler 60 Manufacturing Risks. Steam power unless specifically rated or GENERAL MINIMUM EATES. 126 stated, 2.00, and other contents of less haeard not less than 1.50. Steam power shall include all risks using any motive power, whether steam, electricity, hot air, gas or oil to operate machinery. Hand power shall include all manufacturing risks where motive power or shafting is not used to operate machinery. fMarble 60 fMarket Houses, brick 1 00 fMarkets, Retail, Meat 50 fMarquetry 1 25 fMatches 1 25 f Mathematical or other Scientific Instruments 1 00 fMatting 50 fMeat Markets, Retail 50 Mechanics privilege. See page 62. fMedicines, Patent 1 00 fMerchant Tailors 60 fMercury in Flasks 25 Mercury in Flasks. If written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows : In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. In non-fibre stores, 25 cents. In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When mercury in flasks is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in the Alphabetical List. fMetals, in pig, bar and rod (applies to iron when in pig only) 25 ♦fMilitary Goods 1 50 ♦fMilliners or Millinery Goods 1 25 Where making of millinery is carried on with not more than five hands in living apartments of a building otherwise occu- pied exclusively as dwellings and/ or stores with exclusively dwellings above grade floor such limited occupancy shall not affect the rate, providing there is no salesroom in con- nection with the business named ; and the usual commis- sion payable upon dwellings or stores with exclusively dwellings above may be allowed upon policies covering such limited occupancy. fMineral Waters 50 f Mouldings 1 25 ♦fMusical Instruments and Printed Music 1 25 fNails 75 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 127 fNaval Stores 1 50 Neckwear 75 Neckwear Floaters, see Floaters. fNitrate Soda 1 00 fNotions, White Goods and Hosiery 75 Office Buildings, ordinary, Contents 40 Building 20 Office Buildings, libraries, furniture and fixtures in fire- proof buildings, occupied solely above grade floor for office purposes 20 Office furniture and fixtures in building occupied as offices on grade floor with exclusively dwellings above 40 fOil and Petroleum Stores 2 50 fOil Cloth 50 fOiled Clothing 1 50 fOils, Petroleum, Illuminating 2 50 Lubricating, Fish and Vegetable 1 00 Essential 1 00 *fOptical Goods 1 00 *fOrgans 1 25 *fOriental Japanese and Chinese Goods 1 25 Ornamental, Glass Blowers 1 50 ♦■{•Ornaments, Books or Supplies (church or religious) 1 00 fOstrich Feathers, Raw 50 Oyster Barges, if moored to bulkhead or pier 1 25 fPaint and Varnish stocks 1 50 fPainters and Glaziers 1 50 *f Paintings for Exhibition, value expressed 1 00 Paper Box Factories- Machinery and Fixtures 1 25 Stock 1 75 -J-Paper, in packages only 60 fPaper, Paper Bags and Twine 1 00 Paper Hanging Factories, Contents 2 00 Building 1 50 *fPaper Hanging and Decorations 1 25 Paper, Waste, see Rags. fParasols and Umbrellas 75 fParquetry Flooring 1 25 ^Patent Medicines 1 00 *fPatterns, cloth or paper 1 00 *fPawnbrokers Stock 1 00 Pawnbrokers Stock in approved Fire-proof Safes, with 100 per cent. Average Clause 40 With 80 per cent. Average Clause 50 fPawnbrokers Right and Interest out of safes 60 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 128 Pawnbrokers Right and Interest in safes 40 See page 102 for form of policy. •{-Perfumery and Soaps 75 Phonographs and Phonograph Records 1 25 *fPhoto and Artists' Supplies 1 25 fPhotographic Galleries 1 50 Physicians and /or Dentists tools, materials and appa- ratus, when -written specifically and when located in dwellings or in buildings occupied as stores on the first floor with exclusively dwellings above, and so war- ranted in policy 50 Where the assured makes his home on the premises, dental tools or physicians implements may be written at same rate as household furniture (no change in warranty for dwellings or store with exclusively dwellings above being required), but when such dentist or physician rents an office in a build- ing apart from his home such risk shall be considered busi- ness occupancy, and written at the minimum named in Hand Book or at specific rate obtained from the Exchange. *fPianos 1 25 Piano Forte Floaters, see Floaters, page 121. fPiano Makers Supplies 1 00 Picnic Grounds 2 00 *fPicture Frames 1 25 *f Pictures, Prints and Art Goods 1 25 Pie and Bread Bakery, steam 1 25 Piers and Wharves, and pier or wharf buildings 1 25 Pier Structures, namely, uncovered pier structures or open wharves 60 Piers, contents, see wharves. Piers in course of construction 1 00 Pile Drivers, Floating 1 00 f Plate and Window Glass (in boxes or unpacked) 75 fPlumbers and Gas Fitters 75 f Plumbers Supplies 75 fPlushes and Velvets 75 f Pocket Books 75 *fPrinted Music 1 25 Printers and Lithographers, foot and hand power 1 00 Steam power 1 75 Printer by Power, with no cylinder press, occupying one floor of a building only, namely, grade floor or base- ment, with only dwellings above grade floor 1 25 If warranty is made against use of benzine and other products of petroleum, 25 cents may be deducted (except from specific rates). fProduce, Country 50 GENERAL MINIMUM EATES. 129 fProviskms, Salted 50 Provision establishments, (except Smoke Houses) 1 00 Provision establishments, Smoke Houses 1 75 •{•Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers 75 f Rags, waste and waste paper (privilege to sort) 3 00 *fRaw Feathers except Ostrich 1 50 fRaw Ostrich Feathers 50 fRaw Silk 40 •{■Restaurants 75 Riding Academies, see Stables. f Rigging Lofts and Sail Makers with privilege to heat wax and pitch 1 50 f Rigging Lofts and Sail Makers, policies to warrant wax and pitch not to be heated 60 Rolling Mills, brick, Building and Contents 1 00 Frame or brick and frame, Building 2 00 Contents 2 00 -{•Roots and Herbs 75 fRope and Twine 75 fRubber Belting and Hose (exclusive stocks) 50 fRubber Clothing or Rubber Goods 75 Rubber, Crude, see Crude Rubber. -{■Saddlery or Harness 75 -{-Safes 35 Goods in approved fire-proof safes, with 100 percent. Average Clause, may be written at 30 per cent, reduction ; and with 80 per cent. Average Clause at 10 per cent, reduction. The form must specify fire-proof safes. The words "iron safes" may not be used. This allowance may be made only on policies written under General Minimums. If a risk is specifically rated or sub- ject to specific rate application must be made to the Man- ager if a reduced rate on goods in fire-proof safes therein is desired. It is a violation to include in a policy covering goods in fire- proof safes a condition that such goods are covered while temporarily out of safes unless rate is advanced to that of stock out of safes, f Sail Makers and Rigging Lofts (with privilege to heat wax and pitch) 1 50 With warranty not to heat wax or pitch 60 Saloons, (Beer and Liquor) 60 fSalt 50 -{•Salted Provisions 50 f Saltpeter 1 00 ■{•Samples, Cotton Brokers 1 50 fSandpaper and Glue 75 GENERAL MINIMUM BATES. 130 f Sashes, Doors and Blinds 1 00 f Scales 75 School Houses — Building 25 Contents 40 To apply to all day schools with accommodations for exceeding 50 scholars, and to all boarding schools. Private Schools accommodating 50 scholars or less, with warranty to that effect — Building 15 Contents 25 fScientific Instruments 1 00 fSeeds 1 00 fSegars 75 Seminaries, Building 25 Contents 40 fSewing Machine Stores 75 fSewing Silks 75 fShells 75 fShip Chandlery 1 50 fShipping Agents' Stocks, no fibre 75 With fibre 1 50 fShoemakers Supplies or Findings 75 fShoes and Boots 50 fShooks and Staves 60 f Shooting Galleries 75 fSilks, Raw 40 fSilks and Satins 75 Silverware, out of safes 50 In fire-proof safes 35 Silverware or Jewelry Manufacturing, (rates tenants in whole building) 60 Silverware or Jewelry, in fire-proof safes where manufac- turing is done, with 100 per cent. Average Clause 30 Slaughter Houses, brick, no rendering 1 50 With rendering 2 50 Frame, no rendering 2 50 With rendering 3 50 fSleighs and Carriages 75 Smoke Houses, see Provision establishments. fSmokers Supplies 75 fSoaps and Perfumery 75 Soda Fountain Floater (see Floating Policies). Soda Water Tanks Floater (see Floating Policies). fSoda, nitrate 1 00 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 131 fSpelter 25 Spelter, if written specific and with 100 per cent. Average Clause as follows : In Private Storage Stores, 25 cents. In fibre stores, 30 per cent, discount from established storage rates. On piers, 30 per cent, discount from contents rate of pier. When Spelter is contained in non-fibre listed storage stores, it shall be written at proper addition to Base Rate of charge named therefor in Alphabetical List. fSpice, only 75 fSpices, Coffee and Teas, wholesale and retail, including sample stocks 60 fSpirits of Turpentine 1 00 fSponges and Chamois Leather 75 fSporting Goods 75 Stables- Livery, Sales or Boarding, brick, contents 1 25 Frame, or brick and frame, building and contents 1 75 Stage Stables, building and contents 1 50 Private Family Stables, warranted as such. Brick, Stone or Iron. Building 20 Contents 26 Frame or Brick Filled. Building 32 Contents 32 All other Stables : Brick, Contents 1 00 Brick and Frame, building and contents 1 25 Frame, building and contents 1 50 If in writing policies covering in stables, a phrase is used covering vehicles generally, it must be in the following form : " On vehicles of every description, excluding auto- mobiles of all kinds." fStationers, Publishers and Booksellers , 75 fStaves, Timber, Hardwood, Mahogany 60 Steam Bakeries, Bread and Pie 1 25 Steam Cracker Bakery 1 75 Steam Dredges 1 50 Steam Manufacturing Risks, unless specifically rated or stated 2 00 Other Contents of less hazard 1 50 fSteel 60 Storage Stores (listed) non-fibre, when exposed by fibre stores (see page 60). Listed, Cotton and Fibre, Cotton alone. Building 1 75 Contents 1 75 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 132 Fibre other than Cotton, or cotton with same, Building 2 25 Contents 2 25 Unlisted, Cotton and Fibre, Cotton alone. Building 1 75 Contents 1 75 Fibre other than Cotton, or cotton with same, Building 2 25 Contents 2 25 For Furniture. See Furniture Storage. Exclusively for grain other than elevators 1 25 Store Furniture and Fixtures, rate same as contents, and subject to same deductions as contents policy. Stores and dwellings (other than in Long Island City), warranted for dwelling occupation exclusively above grade floor. Brick, Stone or Iron : Building 20 Household Furniture 24 Frame or brick filled : Building 40 Household Furniture 40 Stocks and contents other than household furniture take general minimum rates. A one story building occupied for mercantile purposes in front with a dwelling in rear of same, if not specifically rated, may be written at the same minimum rates as would apply to stores with exclusively dwellings above. fStoves 60 fStraw and Hay (bundles and bales) 2 00 fStraw Goods, Wholesale (in packages) 75 *fRetail 1 00 fSugars and Syrups 50 Sugar Refineries, building and contents 3 00 Sugar Refineries, not in operation and closed for a definite period, building and contents (warranted) 1 50 *fSurgical Instruments 1 00 Sweat Shops (being all classes of such risks occupying the major part of the building). Contents 5 00 Building 4 00 fSyrups and Sugars 50 fTailor, Merchant 60 Tailors work shops, see Sweat Shops. fTailors Trimmings 75 fTailors Trimmings with Cloths 75 fTallow 50 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 133 *t Taxidermists 1 50 fTeas, Coffees and Spices, wholesale and retail, including sample stocks 60 Tenements, see Dwellings, etc. fTerra-Cotta Ware 75 Telegraph and Telephone apparatus, furniture and fixtures, in District Call Stations 60 Telegraph and Telephone Buildings, contents 2 00 Theatres, fire-proof, Building 2 00 Contents 3 50 Not fire-proof, Building 3 00 Contents 4 00 ♦■{•Theatrical Goods 1 50 fTiles 75 Tin, Block. See Block Tin. fTin Plate 50 Tinsmiths 1 00 fTobacco 75 Tobacco and Cigarette Factories 2 00 Tobacco Inspection 1 00 *fToys and Games 1 25 •{■Trimming Stores 75 •{•Trunks and Bags 75 fTrusses, Artificial Limbs 1 00 Turkish Baths 75 fTurpentine, Spirits of 1 00 Tug Boats (constructed for towing only), other than ocean- going tugs (Tug Boats which go to sea exclusively for towing scows to dumping grounds, not to be considered as ocean-going tugs) 75 fTwine, Paper and Paper Bags 1 00 •{•Typewriters 75 Typewriter Floater (see Floating Policies). •{■Umbrellas and Parasols 75 -{■Undertakers stocks 1 00 •{•Undertakers stocks, with warranty for no woodworking or varnishing 60 Unoccupied Buildings (not to include buildings in course of construction or dwellings). (See warranty, page 73).... 50 Upholsterers (no mattress manufacturing) 1 50 •{•Upholsterers Hardware 75 ■{•Upholsterers Supplies 60 ■{■Variety Stores 1 50 fVarnish and Paint Stock 1 50 fVarnish Gums (stocks consisting exclusively of) 50 Vaults under sidewalks, cut off from building by approved fire doors, contents of— In entire Metropolitan District.. 40 GENERAL MINIMUM RATES. 134 The minimum for Contents of Vaults (40c.) is limited by the rule (page 52) regarding occupants of specifically rated risks who are not named on the card, viz., that such occupant may not be written at minimum rate, but must be written subject to specific rate with application. There- fore, in case insurance is asked on contents of vaults in a specifically rated risk— such item not being* mentioned on the card — members cannot accept it at the 40c. minimum, but can only do so subject to specific rate, with applica- tion for same. fVelvet and Plushes 75 t Veneers 1 50 fWadding and Cotton Bats 1 25 •fWall Decorations 1 25 Wall Paper Factories, Contents 2 00 Building 1 50 f Waste, rags, and waste paper, privilege to sort 3 00 fWhale Bone 40 Wharf and Pier Risks, contents, covered, warranty against storage of cotton, jute or other fibre 1 00 Open, with same warranty 25 Covered or Open, cotton, warranty against storage of jute, hemp or sisal 1 50 Covered or Open, fibre other than cotton or cotton with same 2 00 Wharves and Piers and pier and wharf buildings 1 25 Wharves, namely, open wharves or uncovered wharf structures 60 fWhip Stocks 75 fWhite Goods, Hosiery and Notions 75 fWillow or Wooden Ware 1 25 f Window and Plate Glass (in boxes or unpacked) 75 fWindow Shade Stores 75 fWines or Liquors, with or without privilege to bottle or pack 60 fWire or Wire Goods 1 00 -f-Wood and Willow Ware 1 25 Wood Workers, hand power (except as below), Building 1 00 Contents 1 50 Wood Workers, hand power, occupying one floor only, namely, grade floor or basement, with only dwellings above grade floor 75 Wood Workers, steam power, building and contents 2 00 fWool 40 fWoolens 40 fYarns, Woolen and Cotton 50 \ B R A ft p* ~ or THE UNIVERSITY 1 1 267 HQ, 3753 /Y5/Y5 Ck\