105 us mi UC-NRLF 1 1 111 11 III 1 1 B 3 121 fi23 riRST REPORT OF THE imiTEI) STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES 1890-4891 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^-i . -* EARTH SClENCeS UBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/firstreportofunitOOunitrich FIRS'i" RKPORT OF THE UNITl-1) STATES BO.VRD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. 1890-i89l. WASH I NGTON: GOVERNMKNT rUINlINC. OFKrCK. I S 9 2 . \^£'^r-^rilTikM---^'^¥W^-T'- Q 10^ EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY 52d Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ( Ex. Doo. Isi tSession. S \ No. 1(». UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPniC NAMES. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING The rrport of the United States Board on Geographic Names. January 5, 1892. — Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed. To ilie Senate and House of Representatives: My attention liiiviuf;- been called to the necessity of bringing about a unifonn usage and spelling of geogiaphic names in the ]>ublications of the Government, the following executive order was issued on tlie 4th day of Septen^ber, 181H): Ah it is desirable tliat uniform usage in regarjl to geographic nomenclature and orthography obtain throughout the P^xecntive Departments of the Government, ami particularly uptui the maps ami charts issued by the various Departments and Hureaus, I hereby coustitute a Board on (Jeographic Names, and designate the fol- lowing persons, who have heretofore cooi)eratcd for a similar purpose under the authority of the seveial Departmeuts, l)ureaus, and institutions with which they are connected, as meml)ers of saifl Boartl: Prof. Thomas ('. McMideuhall, I'. S. Coast and (Jeodetic Survey, chairman. Andri'w H. .Mien. Depiirtment i)f State. Cajit. lliMiry I>. llowisoii, Light-House Board, TreasMiy 1 >e])artiiieMt. Capt. TlioMias Turtle, Hngiueer Corps, War Dejiartment. Lieut. Hieli.irdsou Clover, llydro^raidtie Ofliee, Navy Department. Picusou H. Bristow, I'ost-Olliee Departuiont. Otis T. .Mason. Smithsonian Institution. Herbi-rt (i. Ogden, I'. S. Coast and (Jeodetii' Survey. Henry (iannett, I'. .S. (Tcidogieal Suivey. Marcus I'.aker, I'. .S. (Jcological Survey. 'I"o this Board shall be referred all unsettled qni>stions concerning geographic names which arise in the Departments, and th(^ decisions of Hie llo.inl are to be ac- <'eptcd by these Departments as the st;ind:inl authority in siicii matters. D(!p;irfmeiit olTicers are instructeil to atford sueh assistanee as may lie proj'cr to mUcr jj.J, jsin. iyiG4776 2 UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGKAPHIC NAMES. The President op the United States: Sir : The United States Board on Geographic ISTames, constituted under the executive order of September 4, 1890, has the honor to sub- mit to you herewith its first report : ORIGIN AND HISTORY. Th6*ncci&ssitj\|o^ ji-^eayd for inducing uniform usage and spelling of geographic names i*n''the'J)uJ]>licatious of the Government has long been appareigit.: •':;'•.'*!: *. /'. * *! Th^e^'^re'^'everkl biirtgarus'and departments engaged in the construc- tion of maps and charts, and the publication and dissemination of geographic information. Prominent among them are the Coast and Geodetic Survey, which is making charts of the coasts of the United States, the Hydrographic Office of the Navy Department, from which emanate charts of foreign coasts, the Geological Survey, which is mak- ing a mother map of the United States, the General Land Office, which compiles from its plats maps of most of the States and Territories, the Post-Office Department, which decides the names of all post-offices, etc. Besides these there is scarcely a bureau of the General Govern- ment which does not have occasion in its reports and other paj)ers to use geographic names, to a greater or less extent. It is well known that there have existed among these bureaus differ- ences of usage concerning geographic names. Indeed, even among different publications of the same bureau, usage has not been uniform. It has frequently occurred that the same bureau has used different forms at different times and in different publications. In the winter of 1889 and 1890 this matter became a subject of conference among a few of those most deeply interested, and it was decided to attemi)t the removal of a serious and growing evil in the publications of the Gov- ernment. With this purpose in view, a voluntary association of repre- sentatives of some of the bureaus interested was formed early in the spring for the purpose of considering and deciding upon the proper names or the spelhng to be adopted in such cases as should be brought before it, and thus gradually to bring about uniff)rniity in the publica- tions of the bureaus represented in respect to geographic names. There were represented in this association the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Hydrographic Office, the Geological Survey, the Light- House Board, the Smithsonian Institution, the Departments of State and War, and the Post-Office Department. After several meetings, in which much was done in the way of de- termining methods of procedure and adopting general principles for guidance, as well as the consideration and decision of more than a hun- dred cases, it was recognized that the importance of the work of the association and the difficulties of an administrative character which might be anticipated, required that its organization should be strength- ened. Under these circumstances executive authority could alone se- cure adoption in all Government publications of the decisions of the association. The matter was therefore brought to your attention and the association was clothed ^vith the necessary authority by the following EXECUTIVE OKDEU. As it is desirable that uuiform usage in regard to geographic nomenclature and orthography obtain throughout the Executive Departments of the Government, and particularly upon the maps and charts issued by the various Departments and bu- reaus, I hereby constitute a Board on Geographic Names, and designate tlie follnwing UNITED STATES H()AKI> ON GECXiKAI'HlC ^'AMES. 3 persons, who have hcretotbro coiipenitod for a similar jmrposo niiorary absence. (/>) The secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board and shall keep a record that will show the deai)t!rs tiled in ea('h case. Ho shall maintain tiles of the firigiual jtapcrs, or copies of them, f iiat uiay be ])resent(^d in eacii case, con- veniently arranged for refereuce. He sliall conduct tln^ general correspondence and sliall receive coiuiuunicaticms presented for th«^ consideration of the Board, trans- mitting tlicMi to tlic executive committee as their character may reciuire or as may be hereafter jirovided. (c) The executive coiinuittee shall receive through the Seer tary all conuuuuit^a- tirms requiring decision by the Board, sliall investigate the questions presented, se- curing information from all .ivailabhi sources, and shall ri'|Mirt upon them to the ifoard, submitting reconuriendatious regarding tlnni. W.—Mnliiii/.". The Boaril shall ludd regular nu-etingson the lirst Tuesday in each month, except- ing tin* montlis of.Jiily, August, anJectionable names and tin; adoption of pleasing- ones, and towards the simplihcation and abbreviation of names, j^ar- ticnlaily as shown in the dropi)ing of silent letters. The Board, recog- nizing this course of dcvcloiniicnt, deems it to be within its power to guide it, and e\-en to forestall it, as far as its fnture course may be foreseen. Tin; extent to which geogra]>hic names have been moditied without IxMng radi<'ally cliang<'tion throughout of tlie loc;il forms of these names, and the rejection of the anglicized forms. In such specilic cases as have been brought to \t< attention, it has decided iiniformly in favor of geograj)hic names. Their attention has been ]>arliculaily directed toward prcfilucing uniformity in the transliteration of aboriginal names written in characters other than Koiinin, These nations inive practi- cally agreed up(»n a system of ti ;uisIiter;itioii, which, with one or two exc«'|)tions, lijis been adopted l»y this Pxciid, thus coming intll' ah, a as in father eh, e as in men English e; i as in ravine; tin; sound otL«- in beet. Thus, not Feejee, but o as in mote. double o, as iu boot. xVll vowels are sliorteued in sound by douV)linif tlie I'ollowiu.n' eonsouant Doubling of a vowel is only nceossary where there is a distinir. Oli'leb. Me.lina, Levuka, Peru. Fiji, Hiuili. Yarra, Tanna, Jidda, Bonni. Nnulua. 8hanghai. Fucliau. Nanao. Beirut, Beiliil. Celebes. Chingchin. Haifong, Nafa. Galiii)agos. .Japan, Jinehuen. Korea. Khan. Dagli, Ohazi. as in English. has two slightly dilferent sounds, as iu linger, singer, as in English, should never Ix- ("mploved; <|U is given by kw ' ■.. K waiiiituuj. as iu English Sawakin. is always a consonant, asinyard (Kikuyu), and therefore shoiibl not l)e used foithe vowel i. Thus, not Mikindiiny, but .... Englisli z Accents sliould not generally be used, but where there, is a \ery decided, enijiliatic syllable or stress which alfects the sound of the word it sliouiil be marked by iiii acute acceut Mikind:ini. Zulu. :'ongat;il)u, (lala'pagds, Pala- wau, Saniwak. Ill (•(mcliisinii, tin- I'.();irriiitiii^- and ciiciilatiiiii- its (Iccisioii.s. Thu.s far tlic hullctins of tin- i'.oard have hccii ]»id)lislif(l by various bureau.s ivpiTsciifcd. Tln'oiii;li tin- roiiitcsy of tlic Sniitlisoiiiaii lusti- 10 UNITED STATES BOAED ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. tutioii, and at its expense, Bulletin No. 1 has been i)ublislied, and an edition of 7,000 copies distributed. The Coast and Geodetic Survey has printed its second bulletin Tvith an edition of 7,500 copies, and the Light-House Board has through the Treasury Department printed the third bulletin, with an edition of 8,000. This method of publication is obviously unsatisfactory. It is important that the decisions of the Board be promptly brought to the attention of the officers of the Gov- ernment, and this can be done only by their prompt publication and wide circulation. Judging from past experience, it appears that 10,000 copies of each of its bulletins will be required to meet the demands of the Government Departments. The general public, and especially the newspapers, the educators and the educational publishers of the country have manifested great interest in the work of the Board. Its decisions have been generally accepted by geographers, i)ublishers, and educators, and it seems on all accounts desirable that these classes should be informed promptly and fiilly of the decisions. To suf>ply them Avould require an equal number, and the Board asks that recommendation be made to Congress that proper provision be made for printing and distributing these bulletins. There are submitted herewith, as Appendix A, a list of the decisions of the Board, and as Appendix B, a list of the counties of the United States, with the spelling as authorized by the Board. Eespectfully submitted. T. C. Mendenhall, Chairman. Appendix A. LIST OF DECISIONS. In the following lists the adopted forms are printed in heavy face lower case type, certain discarded fomiH are entered in the same alphabetical list and printed in italics. In each case after the discarded form the adopted form is added in parentheses for ready reference. IN THE UNITED STATES. AbagadasBet Point. Kenuebec River, Mniii.'. Jbai/adusset Point. (Abagndasset.) Aboit. Allen County, Indiana. Aboiic. (Aboit.) Absaroka Range. Wyoming and Mon- tana. .ihxciom. New Jersey. (Absecou.) Absecon. Atlantic County, New Jersey. Jraliomork. (Acabonack.) Acabonack Harbor. Long Island, New York. Accomac. County scat, Accomac Co., Virginia. Accomack, C. H. (Accomac.) Acken Dock. Raritan River, New Jer- sey. Acoma. McLeod County, Minnesota. Aconia. (Acoma.) Minnesota. Acquia Creek and Landhuf. (Aciuia.) Adams. Warren County, Indiana. Adams Creek. Ossabaw Sound, Geor- gia. Agatlou Island. (Agattu.) Agattii Island. Alaska. Aghik Island. Seniidi Islands, Alnflka. Aghiyuk Island. Off east side Alaska I'ciiinsiilu. Af/ln>iiil:li Inland. (Aghiyuk.) Able Point. ColumbiaKivtr, W.iMliing- t(in. Aiken. Jamfs River, Virgini.i. Aikiti. (AiktMi.j Aikrn'n I.andinij. (Aiken.; Akan Inland. (Akun.) Akhun Island. (Aknn.) A kouv Island. (Akun.) Akoutan Island. (Akutan.) Akun Island. Alaska. Akutan Island. Alaska. Alamota. Lane County, Kansas. Alapaha. Berrien County, Georgia. Alaska Peninsula. Alaska. Alexander. Tallapoosa County, Ala- bama. AUashka Peninsula. (Alaska.) Aliaska Peninsula. (Alaska.) Allapaha. (Alapaha.) Allegany. Potter County, Pennsyl- vania. Allvtjheny. (Allegany.) Pennsylvania. AUow^ay Landing. Mississippi River, Mississii)])i. Alumala. (Alamota.) Alsek River. Alaska. Altsck. (Alsek.) Alisvkh. (Als.'k.) Amatignak Island. Androanof Islands, Alaska. Amatif/nake Island. (Amatignak.) Ainal'Kjimkh ftylvania. Browns Bank. Plynmiitli Ihirbor, Mas- sachusetts. Browns Creek. St. Johns River, Flor- ida. Browns Creek. Jewell County, Kansas. Browns Head. Fox Island Thorofare, Maine. Bro^vns Island. Ohio River, West Vir- gi7iia. Browns Point. Ohio River, Illinois. Brunot Island. Ohio River, Pennsyl- vania. Buckalew^ BlufiF. St. Johns River, Flor- ida. Buckeye. Stephenson County, Illinois. Buckhead. Morgan County, Georgia. Buckhorn. Brown County, Illinois. Bnckland River. Kotzebuo Sound, Alaska. Buckley BlufiF. St. .Johns River, Fhuida. Buckner. Mississippi Kiver, Arkansas. Budd Inlet. Puget Sound, Wasliiiigton. Bugby Hole. CoIunil)ia River, Oregon. Buldir Island. Near Island.s, Alaska. Bull Bay. Albeniarlo Sound, North Car- olina. Bull Island. Culibogne Sound, South Carolina. BulIittBayou. Mississippi River, Louis- iana. Bullock Point. Providence River, Rhod<> Island. JSurhoin. (Bourhois.J Bureau. Bureau County. Illinois. Hnrcau Jitnvtion. (Bureau.) lUuncKvllle. (Burnsvilii!.) JUtniettH Creek. (Buruettsville.) Burnettsville. White (Jounty, Iiuliana. Burnhani Island. Mississippi River, Illinois. Burnhanisville. Todd County, Minne- sota. Burnside River. SkidaAvay Island, (jeorgia. Burnsville. Dakota County, Minnesota. Burnt Coat Island. (Swan Island.) Jiiinit Mountain. (Redoubt Volcano.) Burrow^s Bay. Rosario Strait, Wash- ington. liurnide River. (Burnside.) Bush Bluff. Elizabeth River, Virginia. lUjram llarhor. (Port Chost(;r Harbor.) Cables Eddy. Ohio River, Ohio. Cache Creek (Cache la Poudre.) Cache la Poudre Creek. Colorado. Caesar Creek. Dearborn County, In- diana. Cahaba. Dallas County, Alabama. Cahawba. (Cahaba.) Calver Plaat Island. Hudson River, New York. Calvert. Marshall County, Kentucky. Calves Islands. Connecticut River, Connecticut. Calvey. Franklin County, Missouri. Calvi/. (Calvey.) Campbell Island. C.ipe I'ear River, North Carolina. Campbell Landing. Illinois River, Illinois. Campbellsville. (iiles County, Tennes- see. CaniphellriUc. (C'amplxdlsville.) Campobella. (Caiu|)ob(dio.) Campobello. Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Canal Doier. (l>o\ cr. ) Canal Winchester. I'lanklin Count y, Ohio. Canaville. (('aneyvilh'. ) Caneyville. (;haiitau(|ua Couuty. Kan- sas. Cannelvllle. MusKiui,'uni County. < »hio. Cai'iitu City. ((Jauyon.i Cantril. Van Buren County, Iowa. Canlrill. (Cantril.) Canyon. I'remont County, Colorado. Cajjahosic. (iloiiceslor (-'ounty, \ ir- giniu. 16 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Cape Ann Warhor. (Gloucester.) Cape Cod Highland Light. (Cape Cod Light.) Cape Cod Light. Massachusetts. Cape Dall. (Ball Point.) Capel. Sioux County, Iowa. Cape Manhy. (Manby Point.) Cape Neddick Light. York, Maine. Cape Neddick Nubble Light. (Cape Ned- dick Light.) Cappahosack. (Capahosic.) Carankaway. (Karankawa.) Carat link. (Carritunk.) Carey Camp. Lake Champlain, New York. Caronkaway. (Karaukawa. ) Carpenter Bar. Ohio River, West Vir- ginia. Carpentersville. Putnam County, In- diana. Carpenterville. (Carpentersville.) Carqitines Strait. (Karquines.) Carquinez Strait. (Karquines.) Carr. (Cass.) Carritunk. Somerset County, Maine. Carr Landing. Mississippi River, Ar- kansas. Carroll Island. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Carrollton. (Carrolton.) Carrolton. Cattaraugus County, New York. Carrs Run. Ohio River, Ohio. Carter Landing. Above Cloverport, Ohio River, Kentucky. Carvers Harbor. Fox Islands, Maine. Cass. Clark County, Indiana. Cashai Eiver. (Cashie.) Cashie River. Branch of Roanoke River, North Carolina. Castile. Wyoming County, New York. Castle. (Castile.) Catharine. Ellis County, Kansas. Catharine. Schuyler County, New York. Catharine. Blair County, Pennsylvania. Catherine. (Catharine.) Caulk Point. Mississippi River, Ar- kansas. Caimien's Bluff. (Causton.) Causton Bluff. Wilmington River, Georgia. Cedar Creek. (Caesar Creek.) Cedar Keys. Levy County, Florida. Cedar Point. (Upper Cedar Point.) Cedartown. PtJlk County, Georgia. Cedarvale. Chautauqua County, Kansas. Center Island. Oyster Bay, Long Island Sound. Ceuterport. Berks County, Pennsyl- vania. Centerview. Johnson County, Mis- souri. Centre Port. (Centerport.) Centreview. (Centerview.) Cerrogordo. Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota. Chaffin Bluff. James River, Virginia. Chafin's Bluff. (Chaffin.) Chagwamegan. (Chequamegon.) Chandler Bay. West of Roque Island, coast of Maine. Chandler Landing. Red River, Louis- iana. Chankliut Island. West of Semidi Islands, Alaska. Chankliiit Island. (Chankliut.) Chapin's Bluff. (Chaffin.) Chapman Dock. Whitehall Narrows, Lake Champlain, New York. Chapman Shoal. St. Lawrence River, New York. Chapowamsie Creek. (Chopawamsic.) Charleston. (Charlestown.) Minnesota. Charleston. Tioga County, Pennsyl- vania. Charlestown. Redwood County, Min- nesota. Charlestown. (Charleston.) Pennsylva- nia. Cheek Landing. Mississippi River, Ar- kansas. Chefonte River. (Chefuncte.) Chefuncte River. Louisiana. Chegoula Island. (Chugul.) Chegicamigo. (Chequamegon.) Chengvtratana. Pine County, Minnesota. Chengwatona. (Chengwatana.) Chequamegan. (Chequamegon.) Chequamegon. Point and bay. Lake Superior. Chernaboiir Island. (Chernabura.) Chernaboura Island. (Augustine.) Chernabura Island. North of Sannak Island and east of Unimak, Alaska. Chernobour Island. (Chernabura.) Chernobura Island. (Chernabura.) Cherryhill. Indiana County, Peansyl- NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 17 ludiaiiii County, Penusyl- Venango County, Pennsyl- Cecil CoTinty, Maryland. Mouroo County, Peunsyl- Cherrytree. vania. Cherrytree. vania. Chesapeake. Chestuuthill. van in. Chiache Jxlands. (Chiachi.) Chiachi Islands. South coast Alaska Penin.sula. Chiarht Islands. (Chiachi.) Chichagof Harbor. Attn Island, Alaska. Chicomasdi Crrvk. (Chicomuxt;n.) Chicoinoxcn Creek. (Chieoninxen.) Chicomuxen Creek. Potomac River, Maryland. Chifioictce Birer. (Chefuncte.) Chigul Island. Near Great Sitkin Island, Alaska. Chilcat Rirer and Pass. (Chilkat.) Chilkat River and Pass. Alaska. Chilkoot Village and Pass. Alaska. Cliilkui ViUmje and Pass. (Chilkoot.) Chilson Bend. Whitehall Narrows, Lako ('Iiani])laiu, New York. Chiniak Bay. Northeast side Kadiak Island, Alaska. Chiniatskov Bat/. (Chiniak.) Chinquapin. Duplin County, North Carolina. (hinqnephi. (Chinquapin.) Chirikoff Island. (Chirikof.) Chirikof Island. Near Semidi Islands, .MasEia. Chitnak Cape. South side of St. Law- reiic<; Islaiiil, Alaska. Chlora Point. Choptank River, Mary- lan.l. ChopaTwamsic Creek. Potomac River, Virginia. ChopoHaniHic Creek. (Chopawamsic.) Choumaf/in Islands. (Shumagin.) Chowee'cl Island. (Chowiet. ) Chouee I'll. Island. (Cliowict.) Choweel Island. (( 'liowift.) Chowiet Island. Semidi Islands, Alaska. Cliuealnik. ((,'liuckatuck.) Chuckatuck. NanHtuiond County, Vir- fjinia. Chnt/acli. (Princci William Sound.) Chni/achik liaif. (Kachpiuiik.) Chuf/arhik Hai/. (Kaciiouiak.) Chuyak Island. (Shnyak.) ClnKjalrh. (Vv'nwv, William Sound.) Chugiiiadak Island. Alaska. 11. Ex. 1<) L' • Chnf/ntl Island. (Chugul.) Chugul Island. North of Amukta Island, Alaska. Chulitna River. Alaska. Church Lsland. Cnrrit nek Sound, North Carolina. Churdan. Greene County, Iowa. Clnn/ak Island. (Shuyak.) Claiborne Island. Mississippi River, Louisiana. Clarke. Coshocton County, Ohio. Clarke Point. Lake Micliii^an, Illinois. ClarkesrUle. (Clarksville.) Clark Point. Buzzards Bay, Massachu- setts. Clark. (Clarksville.) darks, Ohio. (Clarke.) Tippecanoe County, Indi- Clarks Hill ana. Clarksville vania. Claybanks. Clear Cape. Mercer County, Penn.syl- Ocoana County, Michigan. (Clcare.) Cleare, Cape. Southern extremity Mon- tagu Island, Alaska. Clearport. I'^airlield County, Ohio. Clearspring. Lagrange County, Indi- ana. ClearAvater. Wright County, Minne- sota. Clifton Heights. Delaware Count>, Pennsylvania. Clilherai. (Clitherall.) Clitherall. Ottortail County, Minne- sota. Cloquet. Carlton County, Minnesota. Clond Peak. (Cuyamaca. ) Coanjock Bay. North Carolina. Cobonrtf. (Cobnrg.) Coburg. Montgomery County, Iowa. Corkle Creek. (Cockrell.) Ctiek I'it I'oint. (Cocki)it). Cockpit Point. Virginia. Cockrell Creek. fJroal Wicomico h'ivcr, \'irginia. Coeynian Bar. Ilinison ixiver, New York. Coffee Landing. Hardin County, Ton- nesseo. Coglita River. (Moade.) Coinjark Hatf. (Coanjock.) Cole Branch. Ohio h'iver, Kentucky. Cole Ferry Shoal. St. Lawreu<<> River. New York. Colerain. H(-ilie Cdunty, .N'ortli Caro- lina. 18 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Colcraine. (Colerain.) Coleridge. Cedar County, Nebraska. Cold Bay. Alaska. Coldwater River. Yazoo Bottom, Mis- sissippi. Colorado Chiqnito. (Little Colorado.) Colorado Bange. (Front.) Colorado River. The great river of the plateau region flowing into the Gulf of California. Colquet. (Cloquet.) Colton. (Cotton.) Colt Pier. Below Hartford, Connecticut Eiver, Connecticut. Colvile River. (Colville.) Colville Cape. (Watmough Head.) Colville River. Alaska. Commodore Point Shoal. St. Johns River, Florida. Como. Panola County, Mississippi. Comptroller Bay. (Controller.) Cone"wago. Adams County, Pennsyl- vania. Con Hook. Hudson River, New York. Connclville. (Cannelville.) Conner Creek Flat. Detroit River, Michigan. ConowagQ. (Conewago.) Coiistautin Bay. (Constantino.) Constantine Bay. Amchitka Island, Alaska. Controller Bay. North of Kayak Island, Alaska. Con-way. Taylor County, Iowa. Cook. (Cooke.) Cooke. Cumberland County, Pennsyl- vania. Cook Inlet. South side of Alaska. Cook River. (Cook Inlet.) Cooleridge. (Coleridge.) Cooper Bar. Ohio River, Indiana. Coos Bay. Oregon. Coo8e Bay. (Coos.) Cooler. (Coutre.) Copasaw River. (Coldwater.) Copel. (Capel. ) Copely. (Copley.) Copely Center. (Copley.) Copley. Summit County, Ohio. Coraopiles. (Coraopolis.) Coraopolis. Allegheny County, Penn- sylvania. CorapuJis. (Coraopolis.) Cordell. Mississippi River, Mississipjii. Corinion Bay. (Currioman.) Corioman Creek, (Currioman Bay.) Corpus Christi Inlet. (Corpus Christi Pass.) Corpus Christi Pass. Between Padre and Mustang Islands, Texas. Cortland. Dekalb County, Illinois. Cortland. Republic County, Kansas. Cotamy Bay. (Katama.) Cote sans Dessein. Callaway County, Missouri. Cotter als Key. (Cottrell.) Cotton. Switzerland County, Indiana. Cottrell Key. Florida. Coultersville. (Coulterville. ) Coulterville. Randolph County, Illi- nois. Courtland. (Cortland.) Coutre. Pemiscot County, Missouri. Cowyard. Plymouth, Massachusetts. Cox Ripple. Ohio River, Ohio. Crabtree Ledge. Sullivan Harbor, Maine. Crader Field. Illinois River, Illinois. Craig Bar. Ohio River, Indiana. Cranberry. (Cranbury.) Craubury. Middlesex County, New Jer- sey. Crav7ford Lauding. Mississippi River, Missouri. Cra-wford Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Cra-wfordville. Taliaferro County, Georgia. Crescent Lake. Florida. Cressap Bend. Ohio River, Ohio. Cresstcell. (Creswell.) Cres-well. Washington County, North Carolina. Croatan Sound. North Carolina. Croetan Sound. (Croatan.) Crook Landing. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Cross Rip. (Cross Rip Shoal.) Cross Rip Shoal. Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts. Crow Dock. Raritan River, New Jersey. Cubit's Crevasse. (Cubits Gap.) Cubits Gap. Mississippi River, Louis- iana. Cnbitfs Crevasse. (Cubits Gap.) Cuerno Verde. (Wet Mountains.) Cuiamacca. (Cuyamaca. ) Cuming. Dodge County, Nebraska. Cumming. (Cuming.) Cundiz. (Cundy.) Cundy. Harbor, Ledges, and Point. Casco Bay, Maine. Curies Neck. James River, Virginia. NAMES IN THE ITNITED STATES. 19 Currioman Bay. Vir;;inia. Cusliing Island. I'ortlaiul Harbor, Cutoff Channel. Patapsco Kivfir, Mary- laud. Cuyamaca. A inouutain peak east of San Diego, California. Cinitoiinrca. (Cuyainara.) Cuyler Dike. Hudson River, New York. Dakota. Ilnmboldt County, Iowa. Ittikotah. (Dakota.) Dall Point. South of Cape Romanzof, Alaska. Dalton. Cook County, Illinois. Dame Point. St. .lolnis River, Florida. Dammeron Marsh. Great Wicomico River, Virixiuia. Dancey Flat. St. Johns River, Florida. Dancey Point. St. Jolms River, Florida. Darnall Point. Mississippi River, Ten- nessee. Daufuskie Island. South Carolina. T>ti iif/h vrfij. ( Dougherty. ) Danphitie Island. (Dauphin.) Dauphin Island. Mi.ssiasi])pi Sound, Louisiana. Davidson Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Iltirirsn. (Davis.) Davis. Fountain County, Indiana. Davis Landing. Mississippi River, Mis- souri. Davis Ledge, lioston Harbor, Massa- fliusetts. Jhiufuyhir iHland. (Daufuskie.) Deadnian Bend. Mississippi River, Mis- sissi[>]ii. Deadnian Island. Oliio Ivivcr, Fenn.syl- vaTiia. Deadman Point. M.iine. Dean Island. MisHissi])pi l.'ivcr, Ar- kansas. Dearing. .Missouri River, Missouri. Deathdoor Bluff, (ireon Hay, Wiseon- sin. Deerhead. i'.:nl)isa]>|tointinent ret.ained by Vaneouver, by Belelier in 1S."?!», and by Ex. F,x. in bSll. Duibit do Motras, IHJl, calls it Cape San Roijue or Disajipf)intment. It was 20 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Disappointment, Cape. — Continued. called Cape Hancock or Disap- pointment at the fifst examination of tlae entrance to the river, in 1850, and the name Hancock, sub- sequently, in a secondary manner in the Light-House List, but the name Disappointment is that vised on the oflScial charts and by all navigators." Pacific Coast Pilot, 1889, p. 456. Dishroon. Mississippi River. Louisiana. Dividend Creek. (Dividing.) Dividing Creek. Below the Great Wi- comico River, Virginia. Dividing Creek. Choptank River, Maryland. Dix Point. .Straits of Ste. Marie, Mich- igan. Dobelbower Landing. Columbia River, Oregon. Dochet Island. St. Croix River, Maine. Dockuni. Dickens County, Texas. Dodds Point. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Dofflemyer Point. Puget Sound, Wash- ington. Bollard's Wharf. (Dillard.) Dollers Point. James River, Virginia. Dolions Station. (Dalton.) Donalds. Abbeville County, South Carolina. Donaldsville. (Donalds.) Donoho Battery. (Fishing Battery.) Dorrance. Luzerne County, Pennsylva- nia. Dorranceton. (Dorrance.) Dorrancetuwn. (Dorrance.) Dorrity. Mississippi River, Missouri. Dougherty. Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Douglas. Stafford County, Kansas. Doufflass. (Douglas.) Dover. Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Dovre. Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. Dowe. (Dovre.) Dralceville. (Drakesville. ) Drakesville. Davis County, Iowa. Drevr Chute. Mississippi River, Iowa. Drewry Bluff. James River, Virginia. Drisco Shoal. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Dr. Merry Light. Mississippi River, Iowa. Drovers Po'uil. (Baggers.) Drummond Creek. St. Johns River, Florida. Drummond Island. Lake Huron, Mich- igan. Drummondtown. ( Accomac. ) Drury Island. Mississippi River, Iowa. Drnry's Bluff. (Drewry.) Dryden. Mississippi River, Missouri. Dry Romer. (Romer Shoal.) Duboistown. Lycoming County, Penn- sylvania. Duck Island. (Duck Islands.) Duck Islands. Quoddy Roads, Maine. Dufif Bar. Ohio River, Pennsylvania. Duller's Point. (Dollers.) Dumpling Rock Light. Massachusetts. Duncan Point. Mississippi River, Lou- isiana. Dunn Creek. St. Johns River, Florida. Dunn's Lake. (Crescent.) Duplain. Clinton County, Michigan. Duquoin. Perry County, Illinois. Durfee. Mississippi River, Illinois. DuvalVs Bluff'. (Devall.) DyerviUe. (Dyersville.) Dyersville. Dubuque County, Iowa. Eayan. (Egan.) Eagle Grove. Wright County, Iowa. Eagle Grove Junction. (Eagle Grove.) East Boothbay. Village in town of Boothbay, Maine. Eastern Branch. (Anacostia River.) East Fork of Yelloivstone River. (Lamar River.) East Geuda Springs. (Geuda Springs.) Eastori Point. (Eaton.) Eaton Point. Camden Harbor, coast of Maine. Batons Neck. Long Island Sound, New York. Eau Plaine. (Eau Pleine.) Eau Pleine. Portage County, Wiscon- sin. Ebenecook. Coast of Maine. Ebcnieook. (Ebenecook.) Eden. (Edon.) Edgmont. Delaware County, Pennsyl- vania. Edgemont. (Edgmont.) Edina. Hennepin County, Minnesota. Edina Mills. (Edina.) Edon. Williams County, Ohio. Edwards. Ogemaw County, Michigan. Ed-wards Point. Galveston Bay, Texas. Egan. Dakota County, Sliunosota. Elco. (Elko.) Elderon. (Eldron.) NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 21 Eldron. Mnratlion County, Wisconsin. Elizabethtown. Biirtholomew County, In IslantI, coast of Maint'. Ensly. Mi.s.sissippi River, Tennessee. Ephrata. [..ancaster County, Pennsyl- vania. Kpliiiiliili. ( i'.plnat;i. ) Eppes Island and Creek. .Fames River, Virginia. Erdahl. (Jrant County, .MinncHola. Krdol. (Krdahl.) Errol Island. Sy.) I'fMinsyh ania. Finns Point. Delawarr Uiviia River, Washington. McKnight. Mississippi River, Iowa. McLeod Bay. Straits of Mackinac, Michigan. Afacclcnnt/. (Maclenny.) Macfarland. (McFarland.) Machir Landing. Ohio River, West Virgiiiia. Mack Reef. Oregon. Mackay Island. Currituck Island, North Carolina. Mackey Point. Savannah River, Ge(U-[aliantan>;o.) Mahon River. Delaware I?ay. Delaware. Maidencreek. liciks County, i'eiin.syl- vania. Main. Columbia County, Pcimsylvaui.i. lUiiiiir. (Main.) Maineville. Warren County, Oiiio. 30 NAJVIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Mainville. (Maineville. ) MakoucMnskoy Bay and Volcano. (Ma- kvishin.) Makushin Bay and Volcano. Unalaska Islaud, Alaska. Malco. (Marco.) Manatan. (Manitoti.) Manatu. (Manitou.) Manby, Point. Entrance to Yakntat Bay, Alaska. Manitou. A lake in Fulton County, In- diana. Manitou. El Paso County, Colorado. Manitou Springs. (Manitou.) Manly. Moore County, North Carolina. Manly Station. (Manly.) Mansfield. Allegheny Couuty, Penn- sylvania. Mansker. Mississippi Eiver, Illinois. Marco. (Town and pass.) Lee County. Florida. Margaretville. (Margaretsville. ) Margaretsville. Northampton County, North Carolina. Margarettsville. (Margaretsville.) Marine. Washington County, M i n n e- sota. Marine Mills. (Marine.) Marr Field Light. Mississippi Eiver, Tenuessee. Marshall. Marshall Cbunty, Iowa. Marshall Point. Herring Gut, Maine. Marshalltown. (Marshall.) Martel. (Martell.) Martell. Pierce County, Wisconsin. Marthas Vineyard. Massachusetts. Martha's Vineyard. (Marthas Vineyard.) Marticlcville. (Marticville. ) Marticville. Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania. Martins Industry Shoal. Off Port Royal Sound, North Carolina. Martin Island. Columbia River, Wash- ington. Martin Reef. Straits of Ste. Marie, Michigan. Martic. (Marticville.) Marys River. Mississippi River, Hlinois. Mason Island. Mississippi River, Illinois. Matamoras. (New Matamoras.) Matawan. (Matteawan.) Matomkin Inlet. (Metomkin.) Matson. Missouri River, Missouri. Mattapoiaet. (Mattapoisett. ) Mattapoisett. Harbor and town, Buz- zards Bay, Massachusetts. Matteaw^an. Dutchess County, New York. Maupin. Kanawha River, West Virginia. Maury Island. Puget Sound, Washing- ton. Maxfield Point. Lake Memphremagog, Vermont. Mayday. Riley County, Kansas. Mayesville. Sumter County, South Carolina. Mayhe"w. Lowndes Coiinty, Mississippi. Maylor Spit. Whidbey Island, Wash- ington. Mayo Beach. Cape Cod Bay, Massa- chusetts. Maysville. (Mayesville.) South Caro- lina. Mazomanie. Dane County, Wisconsin. Meade Center. (Meade.) Meade. Meade County, Kansas. Meade River. Alaska. Mechanicsville. (Mechanicville.) Mechanicville. Saratoga County, New- York. Menominee. Michigan. Merrill Shell Bank. Mississippi Sound, Mississippi. Merrimau Bar. Ohio River, Pennsyl- vania. Merrymeeting Bay. Maine. Metcalf. (Metcalfe.) Metcalfe. Thomas County, Georgia. Metomkin. Inlet and Point, Virginia. Metomplcin Inlet. (Metomkin.) Mhoon Landing. Mississippi River, Mississippi. Miami. Hamilton County, Ohio. Miamitown. (Miami.) Michaclovski Island. (St. Michael.) Michigan. Nelson County, North Da- kota. Middlebranch. Stark County, Ohio. Middlecreek. Snyder County, Pennsyl- vania. Middlecreek. Somerset County, Penn- sylvania. Middle Ground. Quoddy Roads, Maine. Middlepoint. Van Wert County, Ohio. Middleton. (Middletown.) Middleton. Wood County, Indiana. Middletown. (Middleton.) Middletown. Henry County, Indiana. NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 31 MUcreek. (Millcrcek.) Milgrove. Steuben County, Indiana. Milheim. (Millheim.) Millcreek. Coshocton County, Ohio. Millcreek. Clarion County, Pennsyl- vania. MiJlcreek. Lebanon County, Pennsyl- vania. Millersport. Lawrence County, Ohio. Millers. (Millersport.) Mill (rrove. (Milgrove.) Millheim. Center County, Pennsylvania. Millikens Bend. Mississippi River, Louisiana. Minister. (Minster.) Minneota. Lyon County, Minnesota. Minnesota. (Minneota.) Minots Ledge. Massachusetts. Minster. Auglaize County, Ohio. Mirre Point. Straits of Ste. Marie, Mich- igan. Mishicot. (Mishicott.) Mishicott. Manitovioc County, Wis- consin. Mississina'wa. Darke Coimty, Ohio. Miasissinewa. (Mi.ssissiuawa.) Mitchel. (Mitchell.) Mitchell. Sheboygan County, Wis- consin. Mitchell. Mississippi River, Tennessee. MitchclUree. (Mitcheltree.) Mitch Itre?. Martin County, Indiana. Mitijoff Island. (Mitkof.) Mitkof Island. East of K u p r e a n o f Island, Alaska. Mitrofa Island. (Mitrofania.) Mitrofaiiia Island. East side Alaska Peninsula. Mittkoff Island. (Mitkof.) Mobjack Bay. Ghirsapeake Bay. Mob Jack Bay. (Mo])jack.) Mohave. County, post-office, and fort in Arizona ; river and desert in Cali- fornia. Mojare. (Mohave.) Mokrooskoi Bay. (Cold.) MoUna. (M(dina.) Molina. Pike County, Georgia. Molitor. Taylor County, Wisconsin. Momgan. (Moiicgjiw S]iring.H.) Monegaw Springs. St. Clair County, Missouri. Monitor. (Molitor.) Monroe. I'.radl'ord County, P o n u b y 1- vuuia. Monroe, Fort. Virginia. On Februarys, 1828, the Secretary of War ordered that the works at Old Point Comfort bo called Fort Mon- roe, and not Fortress Monroe. Monroe, Fortress. (Monroe, Fort.) Monroeton. (Monroe.) Montclair. Essex County, New Jersey. Montcrr. (Montier.) Montier. Siiannon County, Missouri. Moore. Mississippi River, Louisiana. Moore Dock. St. Lawrence River, New York. Moorefield. Switzerland County, In- diana. Moore Point. Lake Erie, Ohio. Moorfield. (Moorefield.) Moorovskoy Bay. (Cold.) Moosabec Reach. Maine. Moostbec. (Moosabec.) Moran. Allen County, Kansas. Morantown. (Moran.) Morgan Bend. Mississippi River, Louisiana. Morgan Crevasse. Mississippi River, Louisiana. Morgan Point. Lake Michigan, Illinois. Morgan Point. Fishers Island Sound, Connecticut. Morgan Point. Mississippi River, Ar- kansas. Morlo/ski Bay. (Cold.) Moroskoi Bay. (Cold.) Morrison. Mississippi River, Missouri. Morrison Landing. Ohio River, Ken- tucky. Morzhovoi Village and Bay. South end Alaska Peninsula. Morzovia Villafje and Bay. (.Morzhovoi.) Mt. Haley. Midland County, Micbigan. Mount Holly Springs. ('imilicriaiid (bounty, Pennsylvania. Mountjoy. Adams County, Pennsyl- vania. Mowreaqua. Shelby County, Illinois. Mnweqiia. (Mowoaipia.) Mudds Landing. Mississippi Kiver, Illi- iu)is. Muddycreek. Hutler County, Pennsyl- v.inia. Mull Dike. Hudson Kiver, New York. Mnllrnville City. (Miillinville.) Mullinville. Kiowa County, Kansas. Mull Plaat Island. Hiulson Kiver, New York. 32 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Mundy. Mississippi River, Missouri. Murphy Island. St. Jobus River, Flor- ida. Murphy Island. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Muscle Fork. (Mussel Fork.) Muscovalley. Mississipj)! River, Ken- tucky. Mussel Fork. Chariton County, Mis- souri. Naeh am ik Island. (Nakchamik . ) Nagailsland. Sbumagin Islands, Alaska. Nagaji Island. (Nagai.) Nayek Uiver and Lake. (Naknek.) Nagg Island. Maumee Bay, Lake Erie, Ohio. Nakamik Island. (Nakchamik.) Nakchamik Island. Semidi Islands, Alaska. Nakcliain-ik Island. (Nakchamik.) Naknek River and Lake. In Bristol Bay, Alaska. Nash Island. Pleasant Bay, Maine. National. (National Sjmngs.) National Springs. Logan County, Ar- kansas. Navesiuk Lights. New Jersey. Entrance to New York Harbor. Neal Island. Ohio River, West Virginia. Ned Point. East Neebish Rapids, Mich- igan. Ned Point. Buzzards Bay, Massachu- setts. Neel Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Neely. Mississippi River, Missouri. Neily. Telfair Countj', Georgia. Neilly. (Neily.) Nequasset Lake. Maine. Xettle. (Nettle Creek.) Nettle Creek. Randolph County, In- diana. Nevino. (Nevius.) Nevins. Vigo County, Indiana. Newrark. Independence County, Ar- kansas. N wbern. Hale County, Alabama. Newbern. Dickinson County, Kansas. Newbern. Craven County, North Car- olina. Neivherne. (Newbern.) New Berne. (Newbern.) NeAvberry. Luce County, Michigan. Nevrbold Island. Delaware River,Penn- sylvauia. Newhurg. (Newberry.) Newhurn. (Newbern.) Newcastle. Lincoln County, Maine. Newca^itle. Dixon County, Nebraska. Newrcastle. Schuylkill County, Penn- sylvania. Neii-eomers. (New Comerstown.) Ne^w• Comerstown. Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Netv Cnt-Off Channel. (Cutoff.) Newman Grove. Madison County, Ne- braska. Newmans. (Newman Grove.) Ne^w Matamoras. Washington County, Ohio. New Paltz. Ulster County, New York. New Feltz. (New Paltz.) Newport. Johnson County, Iowa. New^port. Attala County, Mississippi. New Prague. Scott County, Minnesota. New Iledding. (Redding.) New River. Scott County, Tennessee. Newsom. Mississippi River, Missouri. Nice Shoal. Niagara River, New Y'ork. Nichols. Muscatine County, Iowa. Nikolski Village. On Umnak Island, Alaska. NikoUky Village. (Nikolski.) Nilln. (Neily.) Nishnabotona. (Nishnabotna.) Nishnabotna. Atchison County, Mis- souri. No-gat-za-ka-kat Eirer. (Hokuchatna.) Noo-nar-book Island. (Big Diomede.) Noonivak Island. (Nunivak.) Noo-wooh. (Nnwuk.) Nooivook. (Nuwuk.) Northeast. Erie County, Pennsylvania. North Islands. Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana. North Islesboro. Village in town of Islesboro, Maine. North Islcsborough. (North Islesboro.) NortJi Keys. (North Islands.) Northmoreland. Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. Norths Landing. Ohio River, Indiana. Northw^est. Williams County, Ohio. Norton Island. Penobscot Bay, Maine. Noiton Island Ledges. Penobscot Bay, Maine. Nounivak Island. (Nunivak.) Nuchagak liiver. (Nushagak.) Nuniook Island. (Nunivak.) Nunivak Island. Alaska. Nushagak River. Flows into Bristol Bay, Alaska. Nusliagok liiver. (Nushagak.) NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 33 Nuwuk. At Point Barrow. Alaska. Nye Ledge. Buzzards Bay, Massachu- setts. Oakdale. Monroe County, Wisconsin. Oakes Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Ocala. Lake in Florida. Ocklochnee. (Ochlockonee.) Ochlockonee. Thomas County, Geor- gia. Odlla River. (Aucilla.) Ocola. (Ocala.) O'Donnel. Mississippi River, Arkansas. (hj alalia. (Ogallala.) Ogallala. Keith County, Nebraska. Ogden Landing. Ohio River, Kentucky. Ogier Point. Coast of Maine. Ohjai. (Otay.) Ojirr Point. (Ogier.) Okmulkee. Indian Territory. Old Harbor Islands. Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana. Old Harbor Key. (Old Harbor Islands.) Old Maid Crossing. Ohio River, Ken- tucky. Old Maid Place. Whitehall Narrows, Lake Chaniplain, Vermont. Old Town. (Saint Francis.) Oliver Reef. Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. Ooanalanhka Inland. (Unalaska.) Oogahik liivtr and Village. (Ugashik.) Ooyhe-a-boolc Island. (King.) Ooghee-a-book Island. (King.) Oomnak Inland. (Umnak.) Oonalaska Inland. (Unalaska.) Oonimak Island. (Unimak.) Ootkeavie. Near Point l'>arrow, Alaska. Got ke av'ic. (Ootkeavie.) Ora. (Oraville.) Oraville. Jackson County, Illinois. Or/ord (ape. (Bhinco.) Orient Point. Long Lslaiid, New York. Orton Point. Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Osaw^kie. Jeft'erson County, Kansas. ( Inborn. (Osborne.) Osborne. Pipestone County, MinIl(^sota. Onbrook Point. (Pawcattick.) Osceola. Clearfield County, Pennsylva- nia. Osreola Milln. (Osct'ola.) Osceola. Polk County, Wisconsin. Otay Valley. San Diego County, Ciili- fornia. Otter. Clowley County, KauHaw. H. Ex. 16 3 • Otter Creek. Vigo County, Indiana. Oinnnkh Inland. (Umak.) Oumnak Inland. (Umnak.) Ounalanhka Inland. (Unalaska.) Oiinimak Inland. (Unimok.) Ot:ereinel. (Overisel.) Overisel. Allegan County, Michigan. Owls Head. Rockland Harbor, Maine- Oynter Ponds Point. (Orient.) Ozankie. (Osawkie.) Padanaram. Massachusetts. Padanarum. (Padanaram.) Paddy Hen Light. Mississippi River, Tennessee. Palmer Island. Buzzards Bay, Massa- chusetts. Panola. Woodford County, Illinois. Panola Station. (Panola.) Parish Dock. St. Lawrence River, New York. Paris Landing. Ohio River, Indiana. Parker. Armstrong County, Pennsyl- vania. Parker Landing. Mississippi River, Missouri. Parkernville. (Parkerville. ) Parkerville. Morris County, Kansas. Parkinson Landing. Ohio River, Illi- nois. Parsons Bar. Mississippi River, Wis- consin. Paso de Roblen. (Paso Robles.) Paso Roblea. San Luis Obispo County, California. Pattersonville. (Patterson. ) Patterson. St. Mary County Louisiana. Pawcatuck Point. Mouth of Pawca- tuck River, southeast corner of Con- necticut. Pawnee. Pawnee County, Nebraska. Peace River. Florida. Pranr. (Peace.) Peck Lake. Indian River, Florida. Pedee River. South Carolina. Piidtr Hirer. (Pedee.) Peepee. I'ikc County, Ohio. Peirce, Cape. West of Uagemeister Ih1:mi(1, Alaska. Penn Manor. Delaware River, IVnn- sylvaiiia. Pentw^ater. Oceana County, Michigan. Peoples. Boone County, Iowa. rrquanac. (Pe(|uann()c.) Pe uannoc. Morri.s(Jounty, New .lersey. Percy Reach. Hudson River, New York. 34 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Perrysi'iUe. (Perryvilk'. ) Perry Towhead. Mississippi Rive r, Illinois. Perryville. Ashlaud County, Ohio. Peters Island. Mississippi Eiver, Ar- kansas. Peters Landing. Ohio River, Kentucky. Peters To'wrhead. Mississippi River, Arkansas. Petit Manan Island and Point. Maine. Petmeg e'a Eiver. (Pitmegea.) Petty. Mississijipi River, Arkansas. Petty Island. Opjiosite Philadelphia, Delaware River, New Jersey. " Peyton Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Philips Point. St. Johns River, Florida. Phillips Bar. Mississippi River, Mis- souri. PhUUp's Point. (Philips.) Phippsburg. Sagadahoc County, Maine. Phipshurg. (Phippsburg.) Pierce, Cape. (Peirce.) Pierceton. Kosciusko County, Indiana. Pierceton Junction. (Pierceton.) Pig Eye Dike. Mississippi River, Min- nesota. Pig Eye Light. Mississippi River, Min- nesota. Pilcher Point. Mississippi River, Louis- iana. Pinecreek. Jefterson County, Pennsyl- vania. Pine Grove. Schuylkill County, Penn- sylvaniii. Pinik Island. (Punuk.) Pitmegea River. East of Cape Lisburne, Alaska. Pittsburg. Pennsylvania. The city was chartered in 1816, its name being spelled without the /(, and its official form is still Pitts- burg. The /( appears to have been added by the Post-Office Depart- ment, and through that action local usage appears to have become di- vided. While the majority of local newspapers print it without the h, certain others use the final h. Pittsgrove. Salem County, New Jersey. Plaingrove. Lawrence County, Penn- sylvania. Pleasant Mound. Blue Earth, Minne- sota. Plum. Venango County, Poimsylvania. Plumer, (Plum.) Phimmer. (Plum.) Pocomoke. Worcester County, Mary- land. PosReef. Straitsof Mackinac, Michigan. Point Arena. Coast of California. Point Comfort Beacon. New .lersey, New York Lower Bay. Point Harhor. (Sorrento Harbor.) Point No Point. Puget Sound, Wash- ington. Point-no-Point. (Point No Point.) Polk. Polk County, Iowa. Polk Landing. Mississippi River, Mis- sissippi. PoUocksviUr. (Polloksville.) Polloksville. Jones County, North Car- olina. Poncha Springs. Chaifee County, Col- orado. Poncho Springs. (Poncha Springs.) Pooles Island. Chesapeake Bay. Pope. Panola County, Mississippi. Popof Island. Shumagin Islands, Alaska. Portage. St. Charles County, Missouri. Portage des Sioux. (Portage. ) Port Chester Harbor. Mouth of Byram River, Long Island Sound. Port Townsend. Washington. Port Toivnshend. (Port Townseud.) Port William. Clinton County, Ohio. Post of Arkansas. (Arkansas Post.) Poudre. (Cache la Poudre.) Powder. (Cache la Poudre.) Powel. (Powell.) Powell. Jefferson County, Nebraska. Powell Point. Lake Superior, Michigan. Poysippi. Waushara County, Wisconsin. Prague. (New Prague.) Prairieview. Wilkin Comity, Minnesota. Presidents Island. Mississippi River, Missouri. PribUof Islands. Alaska. Pribylov Islands. (Pribilof.) Price. Missouri River, Missouri. Price Creek. Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Prince William Sound. Alaska. Prior Island. Ohio River, Illinois. Proctor Landing. Ohio River, West Virginia. Provo River. Utah. Pullman Shoal. St. Lawrence River, New York. Punia Arenas. (Point Arena.) NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 35 Punta Rasa. Florida. VUr (lisc.uiU'il lorin is a roccut cornip- tion of tlif orij^inal Spanisli form. Piiiiirt fidsaa. (I'liuta Rasa.) Puiiuk Island. Near St. Lawrouco Islimd. Alaska. Quicks Run. Ohio Ri\ or, Ohio. Quitman Bluff. Mississippi Kiver, Mis- sissipjti. Qundd)! Baij. (Quoddy Roads.) Quoddy Roads. Maine. Rabbitt Back Peak. StiaitN of Mack- inac, Michii^an. Racy Point. St. Johns River, Florida. Railroad. Starke Connty, Indi;iua. * Railroad. York Connty, Pennsylvania. Rails Landing. Ohio River, Indiana. Rainier, Mt. Washington. Balii'/h r. If. (Beeklcy.) Ramsay. Kossnth County, Iowa. Ramseur. Rando]])li Connty, North Carolina. Ramsqi. (Ramsay.) Ramoth. Buncombe County, North Carolina. Hamsiire. (Ramseur.) Randall "Wharf Light. Back Creek, M:ii.\ land. Randolph Point. Missi.ssippi River, Tennessee. Rappahannock Spit. Chesapeake Bay. Ji'dt IxUind. (Khwostof.) Rat Inland. (Semisopochnoi.) lialmaiioff Inland. (Big Diomede.) II a vaitna. ( R a \en n a . ) Unrrudcn. (Ravenden Springs.) Ravenden Springs. Randolph County, Arkansas. Ravenna. Dakota County, Minnesota. Ra'wles. Mills Connty, Iowa. Ra-wley Point. Lake Michigan, Wis- consin. Rawln. (Rawles.) liaymoth. (Ramoth.) Reads. Wabasha Connty, Minnesota. litionrii. (I'ort Recovery.) Redbank. .\rmstr(»ng {', o u n t y, Penn- .s\ l\:ini;i . Redbank. Cbirion Connty, Pennsyl- v:ini;i. Reddie Point. SI. .I«dins 1,'ivcr, hddw .lacksonville, Floriria. Redding. Ringgold Connty, Iowa. Redkey. .I;4y Connty, Iiirliana. Red Landing. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Redoubt Volcano. West side Cook In- let, .Vlaska. Reeder Point. Ciduniliia River, Oregon. Reed Landing. Oliio River, Kentucky. Reed Point. Straits of Ste. Marie, Mich- igan. Reeds. (Rea(n;s, Mount. { Hlliol t K^b. ) RoUand. Isabella County, .Mi( liigan. Rolliagstone. Winona County, .Miuno- sola. Remain, Cape. Souib ('molina. Roman, Cape. (Rouuiin.) Iioma»l:of, Cape and Monntainn. (Ro- man zof.) Ilomantzoff, Cape and .Mountains. (Ro- man/of.) 36 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Romanzofi Cape and Mountains. West coast of Alaska. Borne. (Roome.) Romer Shoal. New York Lower Bay. Rood Landing. Columbia River, Wash- ington. Roome. Polk County, Minnesota. Roseclair. (Rosiclare.) Roselle. Carroll County, Iowa. Rosemont. (Rosemount.) Rosemount. Dakota County, Minnesota. Rosiclare. Hardin County, Illinois. Eosselle. (Roselle.) Roulet. (Roulette.) Roulette. Potter County, Pennsylvania. Round Hill Light. (Dumpling Rock.) Rouse Point. Lake Cliamplain, New York. Rowland. (Rolland.) Rowland Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Roxana. (Roxand.) Roxand. Eaton County, Michigan. Royersford. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Rumiantzoff, Cape and Mountains. (Ro- manzof. ) Russell Island. St. Clair River, Michi- gan. Ryan. (Ryon.) Ryon. Schiiylkill County, Pennsylva- nia. Sabine Point. Providence River, Rhode Island. Sacketts Harbor. Lake Ontario, New York. Sackett's Harbor. (Sacketts Harbor.) Saddleback Ledge. Penobscot Bay, Maine. Saegerstown. Crawford County, Penn- sylvania. Saint Clair. (Sinclair.) Saint Clairsville. Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Saint Francis. St. Johns River, Florida. St. Andrew Sound. Georgia. St. Catherine Bend. Mississippi River, Louisiana. St. Clement Bay. Potomac River, Mary- land. * St. Croix Island. (Dochct Island.) St. Croix River. Maine. St. Gabriel Church. Mississippi River, Louisiana. St. George Harbor. Maine. St. George Reef. Off Point St. George, California. St. George River. Maine. St. George's Bank. (Georges Bank.) St. George Sound. East of Apalachi- cola Bay, Florida. St. Helen. Roscommon County, MicTii- gan. St. Helens, town, mountain, and bar. Oregon and W^ashington. St. Hellens. (St. Helens.) St. Hilaire. Polk County, Minnesota. St. Johns Village. Clinton County, Michigan. St. Johns River. Florida. St. Joseph Island. Mississippi Sound, Mississippi. St. Laurence Island. (St. Lawrence Island.) St. Lawrence Island. Bering Sea. Sainte Marie. Jasper County, Illinois. Saint Marie. (Sainte Marie.) St. Marks. Florida. St. Martin Island. Lake Michigan, Wisconsin. St. Martinsville. St. Martin Parish, Louisiana. St. Marys Bend. Mississippi River, Missouri. St. Marys River. Michigan. St. Marys River. Cumberland Sound, Florida. St. Matheiv Island. (St. Matthew.) St. Matthew^ Island. Alaska. St. Michael Island. In Norton Sound, Alaska. St. Simon Island and Sound. Georgia. Salamonia. (Salamonie. ) Salamonie. Huntington County, Indiana. Salawik Lake. (Selawik.) Salisbury Sound. North of K r u z o f Island, Alaska. Sallys. Aiken County, South Carolina. Salmon Bay. Puget Sound, Wasshingtou. Sampsell. Livingston County, Mis- souri. Sanachno Cape. (West Cape.) Sanackno Cape. (West Cape.) Sanak Island. (Saunak.) Sandnes. (Sannes.) Sands Point. Long Island Sound, New York. Sandy Point. (Wescott.) Sandy Point. (West.) Saridy Point. (Great Point.) Sandy Point. Washington. Sannakh Island. (Sannak.) NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 37 Sannak Island. Southeast of UDimak, Alaska. Sanues. Yellow Medicine County, Miuuesota. Sati rite River. (San Pitch.) San Pitch River. Utah. Suffjoit. (Sergeant.) Sasakwa. Indian Territory. Saucelito. (Sausalito.) Sauls Cross Roads. (Saulston.) Saulstou. Wayne County, North Caro- lina. Saunders Point. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Sausalito. A pcst-office in California. Sauvie Island. Willamette River, Oregon. Savage Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Savanah. (Savannah.) Savannah. Butler County, Nebraska. Sav7log. Hodgeman County, Kansas. Sawyer Bend. Mississippi River, Mis- souri. Saxeville. Waushara County, Wis- consin. Saxvillc. (.Saxeville.) Scaudia. (Skandia.) Schaumbury. (Schaumberg.) Svlicixcnr/er. (Schlcisiugcrville. ) ,Sch iscli m areff lu let. ( Shishmaref . ) SchleinliKiiHitrvUle. (Sclileisingerville.) Scamnion Cove. Lake Huron,Mi(liigan. Scaulan. Mississippi River, Arkansas. Schaumberg. Cook County, Illinois. Schleisingerville. Washington County, Wisconsin. Schuyler Ledge. Off Sakonnet Point, Rhode Island. Schuylerville. Saratoga County, New York. fi>chuyhrsviUe. (Sclniylcrville.) Scotland Light Vessel. Approaches to \cw York. Scott Bluff. Mississipx)! River, Louis- iana. Scottland. Kdgar County, Illinois. Scott Middle Ground. Detroit River, Mirliiguii. Scott Point Shoal. Lake Erie, Ohio. Scovill Rock. Connecticut River, Con- necticut. Scrogiun Island. Mississijipi i^iver, Iowa. SearleRock. MaRsachnsette. Searl'M Hock. (Soarlu.) Sears Island. Penobscot Bay, Maine. Sebocis. Penobscot County, Maine. Seboois. (Sebocis.) Seeley. (Seely.) Seely. Guthrie County, Iowa. Seguani Island. Alaska. Sela-wrik Lake. Near Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. Se-le-wik Lake. (Solawik.) Selins Grove. Snyder County, Pennsyl- vania. Sellers Landing. Ohio River, Illinois. Semedi MavdH. (Semidi.) Semichi Lslands. Western Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Semidi Islands. Alaska. Semisopoch Island. (Seraisopochnoi.) Semisopochnoi Island. Alaska. Semisopokh Island. (Seraisopochnoi.) Semttkhi Islands. (Semichi.) Sequatchie. Valley, river, county, and town, Tennessee. Sequoya. Indian Territory. Sergeant. McKean County, Pennsyl- vania. Servis. Mississippi River, Mississippi. Seven Islands. (Semidi.) Seward. Kosciusko County, Indiana. Shackelford. Saline County, Missouri. Shackleford. (Shackelford.) Shagwamitjon. (Chequamegon.) Shaokatan. Lincoln County, Minnesota. Shaokaton. (Shaokatan.) Sharkfin Shoal. Chesapeake Bay, Mary- land. Sharon. Hamilton County, Ohio. SiKironville. (Sharon.) Sharps Island. Chesapeake Bay, Mary- laud. Sliarrodsville. (Sherrodsville.) Shaw Island. Near Cape Douglas, .Viaska. Sliaivs Island. (ShaAV.) Shaw's Island. (Shaw.) Shaws Island. Grand Lake, Louisiana. Sheepscot River. Maine. Slierpscott Hirer. (Sheepscot.) Sheets Ripple. Ohio River, Ohio. shell,/. (.Sl„.H)y.) Shelby. Shelby County, Indiana. Shitton. (Skeltou.) Sherman Cove. Penobscot Bay, Maine. Shcrodsville. (Slierroilsville.) Sherrodsville. Carrrdl County, Ohio. Shilshole Bay. Puget Sound, Wash- ington. 38 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Shinnecock Bay. South shore of Loug Island, New York. Shinnicock Bay. (Shinnecock.) Shishmaref Inlet. Northeast of Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska. Shismareff Inlet. (Shishmaref.) Shoalwnter Bay. (Willapa.) Shoemaker Island. St. Lawrence River, New York. Shumagin Islands. Offcast side Alaska Peninsula. Shuyak Island. North of Afognak and Kadiak Island. Siegel. (Sigel.) Sierra Shoshone. (Ahsaroka.) Sigel. Wood County, Wisconsin. Sign am Island. (Seguam.) Siguam Island. (Seguam.) Sikhinak Island. (Sitkinak.) Silver Lake. Kosciusko County, In- diana. Simenoff Island. (Simeonof.) Simeonof Island. Alaska. Simitkhi Islands. (Semichi.) Simmons Reef. Lake Michigan, Michi- gan. Sinclair. Jewell County, Kansas. SUchinak Island. (Sitkinak.) Sitkinak Island. South of Kadiak Is- land, Alaska. Sithinak Island. (Sitkinak.) Siverly. Venango County, Pennsyl- vania. Sh'crlyrille. (Siverly.) Skandia. Murray County, Minnesota. Skelton. Warrick County, Indiana. Skiatook. Indian Territory. Slaughtersville. Webster County, Ken- tucky. Sla ughtcrville. (Slaughtersville. ) Sleepy Eye. Brown County, Minne- sota. Slipperyrock. Lawrence County, Penn- sylvania. Slipperyrock. Butler County, Penn- sylvania. Slippe Stein Island. (Magdalen.) Smith Bar. Mississippi River, Minne- sota. Smithburg. (Smithshurg. ) Smith Chain. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Smith Island. Cape Charles, Virginia. Smith Island. Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Smith Island. Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. Was discovered hy Eliza in 1791, and named Isla de Bonilla. It was named Blunts Island by Wilkes in 1841. Upon the British Admiralty chart of 1847 it was called Smith's Island. It is now generally known by the latter name. Pacific Coast Pilot, 1889, p. 552. Smith Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Smith Landing. Mississippi Ri^cr, Min- nesota. Smithsburg. Washington County, Mary- land. Snake River. Idaho. Snakespring. Bedford County, Penn- sylvania. Snody Dock. Whitehall Narrows, Lake Champlain, New York. Snoddy's Dock. (Snody.) Snow Marsh. Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Solem. Douglas County, Minnesota. Solomons Lump. Kedge Straits, Ches- apeake Baj', Maryland. Solum. (Solem.) Somerford. Madison County, Ohio. Somers Cove. Little Annemessex River, Maryland. Sorrento Harbor. Coast of Maine. South Bloomfield. Pickaway County, Ohio. South Bunker Ledge. Approaches to southwest harbor, Mt. Desert, Maine. Soiitherland. (Sutherland.) Southeast Farallon. California. South Farallon. (Southeast Farallon.) South Island. One of the Semidi Is- lands, Alaska. South Newmarket. Rockingham County, New Hampshire. South Netv Market Junction. (South New- market.) Southport. Marion County, Indiana. Southw^est. Warren County, Pennsyl- vania. Southw^est. McDonald County, Mis- souri. Sjmlding. (Spaulding.) Spaulding. Union County, Iowa. Spears Rock. Rockland Harbor, coast of Maim-. Specht Ferry. Mississippi River, Iowa. Spencer. Jennings County, Indiana. NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 30 Spokane. Wasliinjitou. ^Iiohauc I'tiUs. (.Spokauo.) Springbank. Dixon County, Nebraska. Springboro. Crawford County, Penn- sylvania. Sj)ri»g Borough. (Si)riugl>oro 15orougli.) Springdale. Dane County, Wisconsin. Springdale. Hamilton Connty, Ohio. Spring Garden. York County, Pennayl- vaiiia. Spriughyis. Chain])ai<;n County, Ohio. Staat Point. Hudsou Hivcr, New York. Stampers Creek. Orange County, In- diana. Stampus Creels. (Stampers Creek.) Stanley Island. Mi.ssouri River, Mis- souri. Stannard Rock. Lake Superior, Michi- gan. Staplehurst. Seward County, Nebraska. Stapphhurst. (Staplehurst.) Starrucca. Waj-ne Connty, Pennsyl- vania. Slaruvcu. (Starrucca.) Steel LKj). (Steele.) Steele. .Jeti'erson County, Nebraska. Sh'thnviUe. (Steeleville.) Steeleville. Randolph County, Illinois. Steen. Knox County, Indiana. Stepovak Bay. South side Alaska Peninsula. Stepovakho Bay. (Stepovak.) Steward. . (Seward.) Steiw^art Island. Ohio River, Kentucky. Stirhten River. (Stikine.) Stien, (St«!en.) Stikceii lUnr. (Stikine.) Stikine River. Alaska. Stillman Slough. Illinois River, Illi- nois. Stonefort. Saline County, Illinois. Stonelick. Clermont County, Ohio. Stone Slough. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Stoniii ('reek. (Stonycreek.) Stonycreek. Henry Ccninty, Indiana. Stonycreek. Somerset County, Peiin- s_\ 1\ ania. Stout Landing. Ohiolfivi-r, Krlli of Ciiilkoot Inlet, Alaska. Tallmadge. Ottawa Connty, Michigan. Tallji J'oinl. (Tolly.) Taliiiadge. ('I'allmadge. ) Tama, i'ain.i Canui. Thompson. Mississippi River, Missouri. Thompsons Station. (Thompson.) Thompsontown. Juniata County, Penn- sylvania. Thompsonville. (Thompsontown.) Thomson. Susquehanna County, Penn- sylvania. Thorn. Perry County, Ohio. Thome. (Thorn.) Thornton. Cook County, Illinois. Thornton Station. (Thornton.) Throgs Neck. Long Island Sound, New York. Tibbetts Point. St. Lawrence River, New York. Timberhill. 'Bourbon County, Kansas. Timpanogos Bivei'. (Provo.) Tinicuni Island. Delaware River, Penn- sylvania. Tinicum Islands. (Tinicum Island.) Tinney. Ray County, Missouri. Tirzah. York County, South Carolina. Tisdel Tov^head. Mississijjpi River, Illinois. Tobia. (Tobin.) Tobin. Perry County, Indiana. Tod. Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Todd. (Tod.) Tokna. (Tokua.) Tokua. Big Stone County, Minnesota. Toler Landing. Mississippi River, Ken- tucky. Tolly Point. Chesapeake Bay, Mary- land. Tom Nevers Head. Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. Toms Run. Ohio River, West Virginia. Tony Tow^head. Mississippi River, Mis- souri. Too's Point. (Tue.) Toivamencin. (Towamensing.) * Towamensing. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Toivnesville. (Townsville.) Towns End. (Townsend Gut.) To-wnsend Gut. Coast of Maine. Townsville. Vance County, North Car- olina. Tracy. (Troy.) Tread Haven River, (Tred Avon.) Tred Avon River. Maryland. Tred Haven Creek. (Tred Avon River.) Trimbelle. Pierce County, Wisconsin. Trotter Landing. Mississippi River, Mississippi. Troupe. Smith County, Texas. Troy. Pipestone County, Minnesota. Tschitsch agoff Harbor. (Chichagof. ) Tucker Beach. Below Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey. Tue Point. Mouth of York River, Vir- ginia. Tunnelhill. Whitfield County, Georgia. Tunnelhill. Cambria County, Pennsyl- vania. Turbot. (Turbut.) Turbotville. (TurbutviUe.) Turbut. Northumberland County, Penn- sylvania. Turbutville. Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Turnage. Mississippi River, Arkansas. TurnbuU Island. Red River, Louisiana. Turner. Mississippi River, Illinois. Turney. Clinton County, Missouri. Tuskahoma. Indian Territory. Twelvemile. Madison County, Missouri. Twin Lake. (Twin Lakes.) T'win Lakes. Calhoun Covmty, Iowa. Tyya Inlet. (Taiya.) Ugaiuschak Island. (Ugaiushak.) Ugaiusha Island. (Ugaiushak.) Ugaiushak Island. North of SemidI Islands, Alaska. NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. 41 Ugashik River and Village. West coast Ahiska r«'iiiiisiila. Vgamok Inland. (Cliirikof.) Ukivok Island. (King.) Uinta Mountains. Utah. Vintoh Mouiilainn. (Uinta.) Ulak Island. Alaska. riokrh Island. (Ulak.) Ulen. Clay Connty, Minnesota. rim. (Ulen.) Umak Island. Alaska. Umnak Island. Alaska. Umpqua River. Oregon. Vrnpipiah Ixirer. (Umpqua.) Vtialashka Island. (Unalaska.) Uualaska Island. Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Unalishagvak Cape. East side Alaska Peninsula. rnali-shofivak Cape. (Unalishagvak.) Uuimak Island. Alaska. Union. (Uniontown.) Unionto-wrn. Fayette County, Pennsyl- vania. Unionville Center. Union County, Ohio. Unionville Center. (Unionville.) Upper Cedar Point. Potomac River. Upper lo'wa River. Iowa. Upper Mahantaugo. Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Upper Uwchlan. Chester County, Pennsylvania. Uwchland. (Ui)per Uwchlan.) Vanada Landing. Ohio River, Ken- tucky. Vancil. Mississippi River, Illinois. Vanhoru. Ilinton County, Iowa. Van Sickle Island. Sacramento River, California. Van "Wiea Point. Hudson River, Now York. Verdery. Abbeville County, South Carolina. Verdigre. Knox County, Nebraska. Verdiiirm. (Verdigre.) Verdroj. (Verdery.) Vermilion. Edgar County, Illinois Vidorij. (Victory Mills.) Victory Mills. Saratoga County, .\c\v York. Vidal Shoal. Straits of Sti-. Marie, Michigan. Vinalhaven. Knox County, Maine. Vineland. (Viiiluud.) Vinland. Winnebago County, Wiscon- sin. Vseridojf. (Vsevidof.) Vsevidof. Unimak Island, Alaska. Waackaack Beacon. New York Lower Bay. Wade Hampton. Mississippi River, Louisiana. Wade Point. Albemarle Sound, North Carolina. Wahaatch Ranf'e. (Wasatch.) Walaka. (Welaka.) Walcott. Rice County, Minnesota. Walden Ridge. Tennessee. Walke Point. North Landing River, Virginia. Walker Bar. Ohio River, Illinois. "Walker Island Bar. Columbia River, Oregon. Walker Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Wallen's Ridge. (Walden.) Walmough Head. (Watmough Head.) TFalmouth Head. (Watmough Head.) U'almouih Hill. (Watmough Head.) JVank'H Point. (Walke.) Ward Landing. Ohio River, Ohio. Warfield Point. Mississippi River, Mis- sissippi. Warner. Mississippi River, Minnesota. Warrior Rock. Columbia River, Wash- ington. Warriorsmark. Huntingdon County. Pennsylvania. Wasatch Range. Utah. irater Gap. (Delaware Water Gap.) Waters Landing. Missis8ii)pi River, Illinois. Waters Point. Mississippi River, Illi- nois. Watertown . ( Watterstown. ) Watmough Head. Lopez Island, Wash- ington. Watterstowrn. Grant County, Wiscon- sin. Watts Island. Tangier Sound, Chesa- pi>ake Hay, Virginia. Wauhillau. Indian Terrimry. Waukechon. Shawano Comity, Wis- consin. n'uuk'H Point. (Walko.) Wtiuketchon. ( Wankccluui.) II ink( i/cvcr Hirer. (Wekiva.) Webb Landing. Kanawha River, West Virginia. Wekiva River. Florida. Welaka. Putnam County, Florida. 42 NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Well fleet Bay. (Wellfleet Harbor.) Wellfleet Harbor. Cape Cod, Massa- clmsetts. WeJU. (Wills.) Wells Island. Ohio Eiver, Oliio. Wequetequock Cove and River. Con- necticut. Wescott Point. Chesapeake Bay, Vir- ginia. Wessen. (Wesson.) Wesson. Copiali County, Mississippi. Westbank. Swift County, Minnesota. Westburg. Buchanan County, Iowa. Westhury. (Westburg.) "West Cape. West end of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Westchester. Butler County, Ohio. West Cliff. (Westclill'e.) Westcliffe. Custer County, Colorado. West Jefferson. (Jefterson.) West Mill Grove. Wood County, Ohio. West Point. Puget Sound, Washington. Westside. Crawford County, Iowa. Wet Mountains. Colorado. This short range was originally known while the countfy was un- der Spanish dominion as Cuerno Verde. Subsequent to the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo the trans- lation of the name came into use. The origin of the name Wet Mount- ains is not known, but in local usage it has nearly supplanted the name Greenhorn, and appears upon the Land Office maps and the Hayden Atlas. Wetumka. Indian Territory. We'woka. Indian Territory. "Whaleback. Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire. "Whaleback Shoal. Green Bay, Wis- consin. Whaleback Shoal. St. Lawrence River, New York. Whipple Point. Lake Memphremagog, Vermont. Whist Landing. Missouri Eiver Mis- souri. White Bear. (White Bear Lake.) White Bear Lake. Ramsey County, Minnesota. Whitehead Dock. Raritan River, New Jersey. Whitepain. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Whi tepaiiie. ( Whitep ain . ) Whites Ripple. Ohio River, Pennsyl- A\ania. White'wrater. Walworth Countj^, Wis- consin. Whitewater. Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Whitney. Mississippi River, Illinois. Wltitpai)}. (Whitepain.) Wicketeqitoch Biver. (Wequetequock.) Wicomico Bay. (Wicomico River.) Wicomico River. Maryland. Empties into the Potomac River, near Blakis- tone Island. Widow Reynolds Bar. Tennessee River, Kentucky. Wilds Island. Mississippi River, Min- nesota. Wilkesbarre. Luzerne County, Penn- sylvania. Wilkinson Island. Mississippi River, Illinois. Willapa Bay. Washington. WiUapali Bay. (Willapa.) Will Creek. Ohio River, West Virginia. Williams. Dauphin County, Pennsyl- vania. Williamsbridge. Westchester County, New York. Williams Landing Shoal. Lake Su- perior, Michigan. Williamstown. (Williams.) Williams River. Arizona. Willmont. Nobles County, Minnesota. WiUoiv. (Willows.) Willows. Colusa County, California. Wills. Laporte County, Indiana. Wilmont. (Willmont.) Wilson Beacon. (Waackaack.) Wilson Point. Mississippi River, Mis- souri. Wilton. Muscatine County, Iowa. Wilton Junction. (Wilton.) Winchester. (Canal Winchester.) Windmill Point Shoals. (Rappahannock Spit.) WinetJca. (Winnetka.) Wings Neck. Buzzards Bay, Massa- chusetts. "Winnetka. Cook County, Illinois. Winter Harbor. (Wood Island.) Winters Landing. Mississippi River, Wisconsin. Withers Mill. Marion County, Mis- souri. NAMES IX FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 43 Witten Towliead. Ohio River, Ohio. Woliisiiliik \ill Spit I.njht. (Wolf Trap Li<,'ht.) "Wononsco Pond, ('oiuu'ctieut. "Wood Islajid Harbor. At mouth of Saco RiviT. Maine. Woodlawn. Jt-fU-rsou County, Illinois. Woodi-ufiF. Marion County, Indiana. "WoodiiifF. Spartanburg County, South Carolina. W'oiiihiiff I'l'irc. (Wooilrntf.) "Woods HoU. IIarl)or and village, Mas- .saelinsetts. The name which was originally Wood's Hole was changed several years ago by the summer residents of the i)lace to Wood's IIoll. This change has been accepted in official and local usage and liy the Po.st- Oftice i)e])artinent. JVnod'x J /oh'. (W Is H(.ll.) n nod's HoU. .(AVoods lloll.) Jf'rcckof the Srnllfniil Lif/ht Vessel. (Scot- land.) Wyanett. Isanti County. Minnesota. II Hnnrlle. (Wyanett. ) Wylie. Mississi])pi Iviver, Louisiana. Yakalat liaij. (Yakiitat.) Vahiao Cape. (Yaktag. ) Yaktag, Cape. South coa.st of Alaska. Yaktui/a Cape. (Yaktag.) Yakutat Bay. Coast of Alaska. Yalaha. Lake County, Florida. Yalhtha. (Yalaha.) YeUowxtonc L'tiiiifr. (Absaroka.) Yampa River. Colorado. Yaquina Head. Oregon. ^ Yaquinna Head. (Yaijuina Head.) Yates. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. YatesviUe. (Yates.) Yeager. Missouri River, Missouri. Youlak Island. (Ulak.) Yoimaska Island. (Ynna«ka.) Youngs Point. Mississippi River, Lou- isiana. Youngs Utore. (Y'onngs.) Youngs. Laurens County, South Caro- lina. York. Sumter County, Alabama. )'uik Nubble L'u/hf. fCape Neddick.) )'t)rk S fa lion. (York.) Yuiiaska Island. Alaska. NAMES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Jccr«. (.\kkra.) Akkra. West Africa. Alaerane Island. (Alacran Reef.) Ahtrrane Iteef. (Alacran Reef,) Alacran Island. (Alaeran K'eef.) Alacran Reef. Hank of ( ',iiii|ie(lie, (lulf of Mexico. Alnrran Shoal. (Alacran Reef.) Algeciras. Town in Si)ain on Hay of (Gibraltar. A lyezxruH. ( A Igec i raw. ) Anjer. West coast of .Java, Strait of Sunda. Anjier. (.\njer.) Annalion Inland. (Aniiobon.) Anno lioni Island. (.Vnnobnn.) Annobon Island, (nilf nt < iuim a, West Afri.a. .iraiiin rrorinre mnl ('ill/. (,\rakan.) Arakan Province aud City, iiurmah, Asia. Arraean I'rorince and Cilji. (Arakan.) Arrakan Province and CUij. (Arakan.) Aruba Island. (Oruba.) Arzroom. (Erzeriim.) Asjtinwall. (Colon.) As Rocas. A dangerous reef in the South Atlantic Oc»^Jln, 125 miles northeast of Capo St. Roquc, Hra/.il. Assini. AV<-st Africa. As,Hinia. (Assini.) Assinie. (.\ssini.) Auckland. A provinee and town ofXew Zealan;;i. Marion. Clay. Kalne( nil. Walker. Greene. Coofla. Washington. llempsteatl. Covinffton. Wilcox. Hot Spring. r'reuHliaw. Winston. Howard. Cullnian. lMde])i-iidcii(( Dal.'. AEIZONA. Izanl. DallaH. Apache. Jackson. Dekalb. Cochise. Jefferson. Kliiiore. Gila. Jolin.Hon. Escambia. Graham. Lafayette. Etowah. Maricop.-i. l-awreuce. Kayettf. Mohave. I.ce. Franklin. I'iiiiii. Lincoln. CieiK'va. l-ina). Little Kiver. Creini-. Vavapai. I.ogan. Ifal.-. Viima. I-onokr. Il.nry. .Madison. .lacknon. AKKA.N.SAH. Marion. JefTerrtou . Arkansas Mill.r. Lamar. A.thley. Mississippi. Laudenlale. Baxter. Monroe. Lawrence. Benton. Montgomery Lee. BiMine. Nevada. Limestone. Brndley. N'lwton. LowndoH. Calhoun. Onncbita. Mmon. farroll. l-cny. MadiMon. Chieol. Philiips. Pike. Monterey. Poinsett. Napa. Polk. Nevada. Pope. Orange. Prairie. Placer. Pulaski. Plumas. Randolph. Sacramento. St. Francis. San Benito. Saline. San Bernardino. Scott. San Diego. Sejircy. San Francisco. Sebastian. San Joaquin. Sevier. San Luis Obispo. Sharp. San Mateo. Stone. San til Barbara. Union. Santa Clara. Van Buren. Santa Cruz. Washington Shasta. White. Sierra. WoodruU'. Siskiyou. Yell. Solano. rALIKOHMA. Sonoma. Stanislaus. . .Vlanuxla. Sutter. Alpine. Tehama. Amador. Trinity. Butt«. Tulare. Calaveras. Tuolumne. Colusa. Ventura. Contra CosUi. Voh). Del Nort4«. Vulia. Eldorado. Fresno. I'ol.dUAIH). riuniboldt. .\rapalioe. Inyo. Archuleta. Kern. Haea Lake. llenl. Lassen. lioulder. Los Angeles. thaffee. Miirin. Clieyenne. .\Liriposa. Clear Creek. Menilocino. ('oni\jo«. Merced. Costllln. Mo«1oc. Custer. . Mono. IVlta. 48 COUNTY NAMES IN TH-E UNITED STATES. Dolores. Citrus. Clayton. Douglas. Clay. Clinch. Eagle. Columbia., Cobb. Elbert. Dade. Cofiee. El Paso. De Soto. Colquitt. Fremont. Duval. Columbia. Garfield. Escambia. Coweta. Gilj)in. Franklin. Crawford. Grand. Gadsden. Dade. Gunnison. Hamilton. Dawson. Hinsdale. Hernando. Decatur. Huerfano. Hillsboro. Dekalb. Jeff"er8on. Holmes. Dodge. Kiowa. Jackson. Dooly. Kit Carson. Jefferson. Doughertj-. Lake. Lafayette. Douglas. La Plata. Lake. Early. Larimer. Lee. Echols. Las Animas. Leon. Efl&ngham. Lincoln. Levy. Elbert. Logan. Liberty. Emanuel. Mesa. Madison. Fannin. Montezuma. Manatee. Fayette. Montrose. Marion. Floyd. Morgan. Monroe. Forsyth. Otero. Nassau. Franklin. Ouraj'. Orange. Fulton. Park. Osceola. Gilmer. Phillips. Pasco. Glascock. Pitkin. Polk. Glynn. Prowers. Putnam. Gordon. Pueblo. St. John. Greene. Rio Blanco. Santa Rosa. Gwinnett. Rio Grande. Sumter. Habersham. Routt. Suwannee. Hall. Saguache. Taylor. Hancock. San Juan. Volusia. Haralson. San Miguel. Wakulla. Harris. Sedgwick. Walton. Hart. Summit. Washington. Heard. "Washington. Weld. GEORGIA. Henry. Houston. Yuma. Appling. Irwin. Baker. Jackson. CONNECTICUT. Baldwin. Jasper. Fairfield. Hartford. Litchfield. Middlesex. New Haven. New London. Tolland . Banks. Bartow. Berrien. Bibb. Brooks. Bryan. Bulloch. JeSerson. Johnson. Jones. Laurens. Lee. Liberty. Lincoln. Windham. Burke. Butts. Lowndes. Lumpkin. DELAWARE. Calhoun. McDuffie. Camden. Mcintosh. Kent. Campbell. Macon. Newcastle. Carroll. Madison. Sussex. Catoosa. Marion. FLORIDA. Charlton. Chatham. Meriwether. Miller. Alachua,. Chattahoochee. Milton. Baker. Chattooga. Mitchell. Bradford. Cherokee. Monroe. Brevard. Clarke. Montgomery. Calhoun. Clay. Morgan. Murray. ILLINOIS. Muscogee. Adams. Newton. Alexander. Oconee. Bond. Oglethorpe. Boone. Paulding. Brown. Pickens. Bureau. Pierce. Calhoun. Pike. Carroll. Polk. Cass. Pulaski. Putnam. Champaign. Christian. Quitman. Clark. Rabun. Randolph. Clay. Clinton. Richmond. Coles. Rockdale. Cook. Schley. Crawford. Screven. Cumberland. Spalding. Dekalb. Stewart. Dewitt. Sumter. Talbot. Taliaferro. Douglas. Dupage. Tattnall. Edgar. Edwards. Taylor. Effingham. Teifair. Terrell. Fayette. Ford. Thomas. Franklin. Towns. Fulton. Troup. Gallatin. Twiggs. Greene. Union. Grundy. Upson. Hamilton. Walker. Hancock. Walton. Hardin. Ware. Henderson. Warren. Henry. Washington. Iroquois. Wayne. Jackson. Webster. Jasper. White. Jefferson. Whitfield. Jersey. Wilcox. Jo Daviess. Wilkes. .Johnson. Wilkinson. Kane. Worth. Kankakee. IDAHO. Kendall. Ada. Knox. Alturas. Lake. Bear Lake. Lasalle. Bingham. Lawrence. Boise. Lee. Cassia. Livingston. Cust«r. Logan. Elmore. McDonough. Idaho. McHenry. Kootenai. McLean. Latah. Macon. Lemhi. Macoupin. Logan. Madison. Nez Perces. Marion. Oneida. Marshall. Owyhee. Mason. Shoshone. Massac. Washington. Menard. COUXTY NAMES IN TIIK Mercer. Monroe. MontgonuTV. Morgan. Moultrie. Ogle. reoriii. Perry - Piatt. Pike. Pope. Pula.sk i. Putnam. KaTulolpli. Kiehlaiid. Koi'k Islaud. St. Clair. Saline. Sangamon. Schuyler. Scott. Shelby. Stark. Stephenson. Tazewell. Union. Vermilion. "Wabash. Warren. Washington. Wayne. White. Whiteaide. Will. Williamson. Winnebago. Woodford. IXIJIA.N.^. Adams. Allen. Bartholomew. Benton. Blackford. Boone. Brown. Carroll. (.'a.sH. Clark. Clay. Clinton. Crawford. UavicHM. Dcarboni. Dcratur. ixkalb. Delaware. DiiboiM. Klkharl. Fay«!tt4i. Kloyd. l-'oiinlain. ■''raiikliii. Kiilton. (lilmiin. II. Kx (irant. Creene. Ilamiltim. Hancock. Ilani.^cin. Hendricks. Henry. Howard. Huntington. Jackson. Jasper. Jay. Jefl'erson. Jennings. .Icdinson. Knox. Kosciusko. Lagrange. Lake. Laporte. Lawrence. Madison. Marion. Marshall. Afartin. Miami. Monroe. Montgomery. Morgan. Newton. Noble. Ohio. Orange. Owen. Parke. Perry. Pike. Porter. Posey. Pulaski. Putnam. Kand()li)b. Ripley. Rush.. St. Joseph. S.ott. Sliell)y. Si)encer. Starke. StenbiMi. Sullivan. Sw it/.erland. 'ril>peeanoe. Tipton. I'nion. Vaiiderburg. ViTmilion. Vigo. Wal.asli. Warren. Warrick. Washington, Wayne Wells. While. Whitley, n; 1* Adair. .\dams. .Mlaniakee. Ai>i)anoo8<\ .Viidubon. I'enton. lilackhawk. Boono. Bremer. Buchanan. Buena Vista. Buthr. Calhoun. Carroll. Cass. Cedar. Corro Gordo. (Cherokee. Chickasaw. Clarke. Clay. ('layton. Clinton. Crawford. Dallas. Davis. Decatur. Delaware. Des Moiucs. Dickinson. Dubuque. Kmmet. Fayette. Floyd. Franklin. Fremont. (Ireene. Grundy. Guthrie. Hamilton. Hancock. Hardin. Harrison. Henry. Howard. Humboldt. l-. Miami. Worth. Mitchell. Wright. ^^ontgomery. KANSAS. Morris. Morton. Allen. Nemaha. Anderson. Neosho. Atchison. Ness. Barber. Norton. Barton. Osage. Bourbon. Osbonie. Blown. Ottawa. Butler. Pawnee. Cha.se. Phillips. ('Iiautau(iii;i. Pottawatomie. ('herokec. I'ratt. Cheyenne. Rawlins. Clark Reno. Clay. Kei.ublic. Cbnul. Rice. Cotley. I{iley. Comanche. Rooks. Cowley. IJush. Criiwlc.rd. Kn.ssell. Deeatur. Saliio-. DiekiuMon. Sei.tl. DoiiiplnMi. Sedixwirk. Douglas. .Seward Kd« arils. •/. Klk. .Sheridan. KM is. Shenuan Kllswortli Smith l'"inney Statli.rd. Kurd. Stanton Franklin Stev.-ns. 49 50 COUNTY NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Siininer. Thomas. Trego. Wabaunsee. Wallace. Washington. Wichita. Wilson. Woodson. Wyandotte. KENTUCKY. Adair. Allen. Anderson. Ballard. Barren. Bath. Bell. Boone. Bourbon. Boyd. Boyle. Bracken. Breathitt. Breckinridge. Bullitt. Butler. Caldwell. Calloway. Campbell. Carlisle. Carroll. Carter. Casey. Christian. Clark. Clay. Clinton. Crittenden. Cumberland. Daviess. Edmonson. Elliott. Estill. Fayette. Fleming. Floyd. Franklin. Fulton. Gallatin. Garrard. Grant. Graves. Grayson. Green. Greenup. Hancock. Hardin. Harlan. Harrison. Hart. Henderson. Henry. Hickman. Hopkins. Jackson. Jefferson. Jessamine. Johnson. Kenton. Knott. Knox. Larue. Laurel. Lawrence. Lee. Leslie. Letcher. Lewis. Lincoln. Livingston. Logan. Lyon. McCracken. McLean. Madison. Magoffin. Marion. Marshall. Martin. Mason. Meade. Menifee. Mercer. Metcalfe. Monroe. Montgomery. Morgan. Muhlenberg. Nelson. Nicholas. Ohio Oldham. Owen. Owsley. Pendleton. Perry. Pike. Powell. Pulaski. Robertson. Rockcastle. Rowan. Russell. Scott. Shelby. Simpson. Spencer. Taylor. Todd. Trigg. Trimble. Union. Warren. Washington. Wayne. Webster. Whitley. Wolfe." Woodford. LOUISIANA. Acadia. Ascen.'sion. Assumption. Avoyelles. Bienville. Bossier. Caddo. Calcasieu. Caldwell. Cameron. Catahoula. Claiborne. Concordia. De Soto. East Baton Rouge. East Carroll. East Feliciana. Franklin. Grant. Iberia. rberville. Jackson. Jefferson. Lafayette. Lafourche. Lincoln. Livingston. Madison. Morehouse. Natchitoches. Orleans. Ouachita. Plaquemines. Pointe Coupee. Rapides. Red River. Richland. Sabine. St. Bernard. St. Charles. St. Helena. St. James. St. John the Baptist. St. Landry. St. Martin. St. Mary. St. Tammany. Tangipahoa. Tensas. Terrebonne. Union. Vermilion. Vernon. Washington. Webster. West Baton Rouge. West Carroll. West Feliciana. AVinn. MAINE. Androscoggin. Aroostook. Cumberland. Franklin. Hancock. Kennebec. Knox. Lincoln. Oxford. Penobscot. Piscataquis. Sagadahoc. Somerset. Waldo. Washington. York. MARYLAND. Allegany. Anne Arundel. Baltimore. Baltimore City. Calvert. Caroline. Carroll. Cecil. Charles. Dorchester. Frederick. Garrett. Harford. Howard. Kent. Montgomery. Prince George. Queen Anne. St. Mary. Somerset. Talbot. Wa.-!hington. Wicomico. Worcester. . MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable. Berkshire. Bristol. Dukes. Essex. • Franklin. Hampden. Hampshire. Middlesex. Nantucket. Norfolk. Plymouth. Suffolk. Worcester. Alcona. Alger. Allegan. Alpena. Antrim. Arenac. Baraga. Barry. Bay.' Benzie. Berrien. Branch. Calhoun. Cass. Charlevoix. Cheboygan. Chippewa. Clare. Clinton. Crawford. Delta. Eaton. Emmet. Genesee. Gladwin. Gogebic. Grand Traverse. Gratiot. Hillsdale. Houghton. Huron. Ingham. Ionia. Iosco. Iron. Isabella. Isle Royal. Jackson. Kalamazoo. Kalkaska. Kent. Keweenaw. Lake. Lapeer. Leelanaw. Lenawee. Livingston. Luce. Mackinac. Macomb. Manistee. Manitoii. Marquette. Mason. Mecosta. Menominee. Midland. Missaukee. Monroe. Montcalm. Montmorency. Muskegon. Newaygo. Oakland. Oceana. Ogemaw. Ontonagon. Osceola. Oscoda. Otsego. Ottawa. Presque Isle. Roscommon. Saginaw. St. Clair. St. Joseph. Sanilac. Schoolcraft. COUNTY XAMKS IN THE UNITED STATES. 61 Shiawassee-. H.'nvillc. Monroe. Dekalb. Saline. TuMcola. Ki.e. ilontgomery. Dent. Schuyler. Van Huron. Rock. Neshoba. Douglas. Scotland. AVaslitcnaw. St. Louis. Newton. Dunklin. Scott. Wayne. Scott. Noxubee. Franklin. Shannon. Wexford. Sherburne. Oktibbeha. Gasconade. Shelby. • Sibley. Stearns. Panola. Gentry. Stoddaril. MINNESOTA. Pearl River. Greene. Stone. Aitkin. Steele. Perry. Grundy. Sullivan. Anoka. Stevens. Pike. Harrison. Taney. Becker. Swift. Pontotoc. Henry. Texas. Beltrami. Todd. Prentiss. Hickory. Verncm. Benton. Traverse. Quitman. Holt. Warren. Bigstone. VTabasha. Rankin. Howard. Washington. Blue Earth. Wadena. Scott. Howell. Wayne. Brown. Waseca. Sharkey. Iron. Webster. Carlton. Washington. Simpson. Jackson. Worth. Carver. Watonwan. Smith. Jasper. Wright. Ciisa. Wilkin. SunHower. Jefferson. Chippewa. Winona. Tallahatchie. Johnson. MONTANA. Chisago. Wright. Tate. Knox. Beaverhead . Clay. Yellow Medicine. Tippah. Laclede. Cascade. Cook. Tishomingo. Lafayette. Choteaii. Cottonwood. MISSISSIPPI. Tunica. Lawrence. Custer. Crow Wing. Adams. Union. Lewis. Dawson. Dakota. Alcorn. Warren. Lincoln. Deerlodge. Dodge. Amite. Washington Linn. Fergus. Douglas. Attala. Wayne. Livingston. Gallatin. Faribault. Benton. Webster. McDonald. Jefferson. Fillmore. Bolivar. Wilkinson. Macon. Lewis and Clarke. Freeborn. Calhoun. Winston. Madison. Madison. Goodhue. Carroll. Yalobusha. Maries. Meagher. Grant. Chickasaw. Yazoo. Marion. Missoula. Hennepin. Choctaw. MISSOURI. Mercer. Park. Hou.ston. (Claiborne. Miller. Silverbow. Hubbard. Clarke. Adair. Mississippi. Yellowstone. Isanti. Clay. Andrew. Moniteau. Ita-sca. Coahoma. Atchison. Monroe. XKBKASKA. Jack.son. Copiah. Audrain. Montgomery. Adams. Kanabec. Covington. Barry. Morgan. Antelope. Kandiyohi. I)e .Soto. Barton. New Madrid . Arthur. Kittrton. Franklin. Bates. Newton. Banner. Lac qui Parle. Greene. Benton. Nodaway Blaine. Lake. Grenada. Bidlinger. Oregon. Itoone. Le,sueur. Hancock. Boone. Osage. Boxbutte. Lincoln. Harri.son. Buchanan. Ozark. Brown. Lyon. Hinds. Butler. Pemiscot. Buffalo. McLcod. Holmes. Ciildw.ll. Perry. IJurt. Marshall. iHsaijuena. Callaway. P.tlis. Butler. Martin. Itawamba. Camden. IMi.-lps. ( "ass. Meeker. .Ia<'k.Mon. ("ape CiirariliMii. I'ikr. Cedar. MillelacH. .lasjier. Carroll. I'lMlte. ('base. Morrison. .lefl'erson. Carter. I'.dk. Cherry. .Mower. Jones. CasH. Pulaski. Cheyenne. Murray. Kemper. Cedar. Putnam. Clay. Kicollet. Lafayette. (;haritou. Ralls. Colfax. Noble*. Lauderdale. ChriHtian. Randolph. (timing. Norman. I^awrence. Clark. Ray. Cinter. Olmsted. Leake. Clay. Reynold.-*. Dakota Ott«'rtail. I..-.-. Clinton. Ripley. Dawtw. I'inc. 1.. Ilolr Cole. St. Charhs. Hiiw.son. Tipe,st4uii'. MiMolll. Coo|>er. St. Clair. Deuol. I'olk. I.owimIcs. Crawford. Ste. Genevieve. Dixon. Pope. .Madi.son. Dade. St. Francois. Dodge. Knmsi-y. .Marion. Dal Ins. St. Louis. Douglas. RedwiKMl Marshall. DavieMM. St. Louis Cily Dundy. 52 COUNTY NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Fillmore. Franklin. Frontier. Furnas. Gage. Garfield. Gosper. Grant. Greeley. Hall. Hamilton. Harlan. Hayes. Hitchcock. Holt. Hooker. Howard. Jefferson. Johnson. Kearney. Keith. Keyapaha. Kimball. Knox. Lancaster. Lincoln. Logan. Loup. McPherson. Madison. Merrick. Nance. Nemaha. Nuckolls. Otoe. Pawnee. Perkins. Phelps. Pierce. Platte. Polk. KedwUlow. Richardson. Rock. Saline. Sarpy. Saunders. Scotts Bluff. Seward. Sheridan. Sherman. Sioux. Stanton. Thayer. Thomas. Thurston. Valley. Washington. Wayne. Webster. Wheeler. York. Churchill. Douglas. Elko. Esmeralda. Eureka. Humboldt. Lander. Lincoln. Lyon. Nye. Ormsby. Storey. Washoe. White Pine. NEW HAMPSHIKE. Belknap. Carroll. Cheshire. Coos. Grafton. HUlsboro. Merrimack. Rockingham. Strafford. Sullivan. NEW JERSEY. Atlantic. Bergen. Burlington. Caoden. Cape May. Cumberland. Essex. Gloucester. Hudson. Hunterdon. Mercer. Middlesex. Monmouth. Morris. Ocean. Passaic. Salem. Somerset. Sussex. Union. Warren. NEW MEXICO. Bernalillo. Chaves. Colfax. Donna Ana. Eddy. Grant. Lincoln. Mora. Rio Arriba. San Juan. San Miguel. Santa Fe. Sierra. Socorro. Taos. V.ilencia. NEW YORK. Albany. Allegany. Broome. Cattaraugus. Cayuga. Chautauqua. Chemung. Chenango. Clinton. Columbia. Cortland. Delaware. Dutchess. Erie. Essex. Fianklin. Fulton. Genesee. Greene. Hamilton. Herkimer. Jefferson. Kings. Lewis. Livingston. Madison. Monroe. Montgomery. New York. Niagara. Oneida. Onondaga. Ontario. Orange. Orleans. Oswego. Otsego. Putnam. Queens. Ren.sselaer. Richmond. Rockland. St. Lawrence. Saratoga. Schenectady. Schoharie. Schuyler. Seneca. Steuben. Suffolk. Sullivan. Tioga. Tompkins. Ulster. Warren. Washington. Wayne. Westchester. Wyoming. Yates. NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance. Alex.inder. Alleghany. Perquimans. Anson. Person. Ashe. Pitt. Beaufort. Polk. Bertie. Randolph. Bladen. Richmond. Brunswick. Robeson. Buncombe. Rockingham. Burke. Rowan. Cabarrus. Rutherford. Caldwell. Sampson. Camden. Stanly. Carteret. Stokes. Caswell. Surry. Catawba. Swain. Chatham. Transylvania. Cherokee. Tyrrell. Chowan. Union. Clay. Vance. Cleveland. Wake. Columbus. Warren. Craven. Washington. Cumberland. Watauga. Currituck. Wayne. Dare. Wilkes. Davidson. Wilson. Davie. Yadkin. Duplin. Yancey. Durham. NORTH DAKOTA. Edgecombe Forsyth. Aired. Franklin. Barnes. Gaston. Benson. Gates. Billings. Graham. Bottineau. Granville. Bowman. Greene. Buford. Guilford Burleigh. Halifax. Cass. Harnett. Cavalier. Haywood. Church. Henderson. Dickey. Hertford. Dunn. Hyde. Eddy. Iredell. Emmons. Jackson. Flannery. Johnston. Foster. Jones. Garfield. Lenoir. Grand Forks. Lincoln. Griggs. McDowell. Hettinger. Macon. Kidder. Madison. Lamoure. Martin. Logan. Mecklenburg. McHcnry. Mitchell. Mcintosh. Montgomery. McKenzie. Moore. McLean. Nash. Mercer. New Hanover. Morton. Northampton. Mountraille. Onslow. Nelson. Orange. Oliver. Pamlico. Pembina. Pasquotank. Pierce. Pender. Ramsey. COUNTY NAMKS IN THE UNITED STATES. 53 RaDsoin. ReuvilU-. Riihlan.l. Kok-ttf. Sai-geut. Sh(>rirshaw. Lancaster. Laurens. Lexington. Marion. Marlboro. Newberry. Oconi'o. Orangeburg. Pickens. Uicblantl. Spartaiibury. Sumter. Union. Williamshnrg. York. SOfTII IIAKOTA. .Vurora. I'.eadlc. I'onhomme. Borenian. Brookings. Brown . Brule. Bufi"alo. Butte. Campbell. Cluirles Mix. Choteau. Clark. Clay. Codington. Custer. Davison. Day. Delano. Deuel. D(fwey. Doiiglas. Edmunds. Ewing. Fall River. Faulk. Grant. Grt\gory. Hamlin. Hand. Hanson. Harding. Hughes. Hutchinson. Hyde. Jackson. Jerauld. Kini;sbury. Lake. Lawreiici'. Lincoln. Lugenbeel. Lyman. MeCook. Mcpherson. Marshall. Martin. Meade. Meyer. Miiu'r. Minin-h:ih:i. Moodv. N.>wlin. I'l'iiniimton I'otler. Pratt. Presbo. Pyatt. Riiielnirl. L-oberts. Sanborn. Schnasse. Scoltey. Shannon. .Spink. 54 COUNTY NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. Stanley. Lawrence. Bowie. Garza. McMuUen. Sterling. Lewis. Brazoria. Gillespie. Madi.son. Sully. Lincoln. Brazos. Glasscock. Marion. Todd. Loudon. Brewster. Goliad. Mai-tin. Tripp. McMinu. Briscoe. Gonzales. Mason. Turner. McNairy. Brown. Gray. Matagorda. Union. Macon. Buchel. Grayson. Maverick. "Wagner. Madison. Burleson. Gregg. Medina. Walworth. Marion. Burnet. Grimes. Menard. Wasliabaugh. Marshall. Caldwell Guadalupe. Midland. "Washington. Maury. Calhoun. Hale. Milam. Yankton. Meigs. Callahan. Hall. Mills. Ziebach. Monroe. Cameron. Hamilton. Mitchell. Montgomery. Camp. Hansford. Montague. TENNESSEE. Moore. Carson. Hardeman. Montgomery. Morgan. Cass. Hardin. Moore. Ander.son. Obion. Castro. Hari'is. Morris. Bedford. Overton. Chambers. Harrison. Motley. Benton. Perry. Cherokee. Hartley. Nacogdoches. Bledsoe. Pickett. Childress. Haskell. Navarro. Blount. Polk. Clay. Hays. Newton. Bradley. Putnam. Cochran. Hemphill. Nolan. Campbell. Rhea. Coke. Henderson. Nueces. Cannon. Roane. Coleman. Hidalgo. Ochiltree. Carroll. Robertson. Collin. Hill. Oldliani. Carter. Rutherford. Collingsworth. Hockley. Orange. Cheatham. Scott. Colorado. Hood. Palo Pinto. Chester. Sequatchie. Comal. Hopkins. Panola. Claiborne. Sevier. Comanche. Houston. Parker. Clay. Shelby. Concho. Howard. Parmer. Cocke. Smith. Cooke. Hunt. Pecos. Coffee. Stewart. Coryell. Hutchinson. ' Polk. Crockett. Sullivan. Cottle. Irion. Potter. Cumberland. Sumner. Crane. Jack. Presidio. Davidson. Tipton. Crockett. Jackson. Rains. Decatur. Trousdale. Crosby. Jasper. Randall. Dekalb. Unicoi. Dallam. Jeff Davis. Red River. Dickson. Union. Dallas. Jefferson. Reeves. Dyer. Van Buren. Dawson. Johnson. Refugio. Fayette. Warren. Deaf Smith. Jones. Roberts. Fentress. Washington. Delta. Karnes. Robertson. Franklin. Wayne. Denton. Kaufman. Rockwall. Gibson. Weakley. Dewitt. Kendall. Runnels. Giles. White. Dickens. Kent. Rusk. Grainger. Williamson. Dimmit. Kerr. Sabine. Greene. Wilson. Donley. Kimble. San Augu.stine. Grundy. Duval. King. San .Jacinto. Hamblen. TEXAS. Eastland. Kinney. . San Patricio. Hamilton. Anderson. Ecti.r. Knox. San Saba. Hancock. Andrews. Edwards. Lamar. Schleicher. Hardeman. Angelina. Ellis. Lamb. Scurry. Hardin. Aransas. El Paso. Lampasas. Shackelford. Hawkins. Archer. Encinal. Lasalle. Shelby. Haywood. Armstrong. Erath. Lavaca. Sherman. Henderson. Atascosa. Falls. Lee. Smith. Henry. Austin. Fannin. Leon. Somervell. Hickman. Bailey. Fayette. Liberty. Starr. Houston. Bandera. Fisher. Limestone. Stephen.'*. Humphreys. Bastrop. Floyd. Lipscomb. Stonewall. Jackson. Baylor. Foley. Live Oak. Sutton.' James. Bee. Fort Bend. Llano. Swisher. Jefferson. Bell. Franklin. Loving. Tarrant. Johnson. Bexar. Freest! me. Lubbock. Taylor. Knox. Blanco. Frio. Lynn. Terry. Lake. Borden. Gaines. McCulloch. Throckmorton. Lauderdale. Bosque. ("Jalveston. McLennan. Titus. TouiUre.n. Travis. Trinity. TvUt. T'lmlim . Tptnii. Tvalclc. Viilvordc. Van Zaiult. Victoria. Walker. Waller. Ward. Washington. Webl.. Wharton. Wheeler. Wichita. Wilbarger. WiUiamaon. Wilson. Winkler. Wise. Wootl. Yoakum. Young. Zapata. Zavalla. UTAH. Beaver. Boxelder. Cache. Davis. Emery. Garfield. Grand. Iron. Juab. Kane. Millard. Morgan. Piute. Uinb. Salt Lake. S«.n Jnan. Sanpete. .Sevier. Summit. Tooele. Uinta. Utah. Wasatch. Wa«hingl<»n. Weber. .Vddison. Mennini^ton. Caledonia. Chittenden. ExMex . Franklin. Grand I«le. COIJNI'V iNAMKS IN Till: I ;mtki) sTATi-: IS. L;iinuillr. liiimiiliur;;. Lincoln. Tucker. ()i;in;;e. Madison. Mason. Tyl.r. Orleans. Mathews. Gkanogan. Cpshnr. Kiilland. Mocklenliurg. Pacific. Wayne. \Vashin;;ton. Middlesex. Pierce. Webster. Windliani. Montgomery. , San .Juan. Wel/,1. Windsor. >«\'insemond. Skagit . Wirt. Nelson. Skamania. Wood. VlUlil.M.V. Xew Kent. Snohomish. Wyomint;- Norfolk. Spokane. Accomae. Kin-thanipton. .Stevens. WISCONSIN. Albemarle. Northumberland. Thurston. Alexandria. Nottoway. Wahkiakuni. .\any. Johnson. Weston. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK HIOM WHICH BORROWED SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. LD 21-50m-6,'60 (Bl321sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley '-^ICo 6-foraoe