I Columbia i CA!.iro;(MA SANTA I! Au:; m; A PREFACE. The preparation of this Catalogue was commenced in the year 1853, hut its progrefs was at firft unavoidably interrupted by various caufes, and at the beginning of 1871 only the firft and a portion of the fecond volume was in type. In 1872 it was refolved to re- commence the printing on the footing of including in the Catalogue all works acquired by the Library down to the end of 1871. This has now been carried out, and the Catalogue is therefore a complete Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library brought down to the end of 1871, with the exception of thofe publifhed between i860 and 1S71 which fall within the alphabetical limits " A " to " Catalogue." To make the work complete, a Supplement containing thofe omitted entries is in preparation, and will, it is expecfted, be publifhed in July next. The work now finifhed was commenced by the late Mr. Halkett, who, when he became Keeper, found the Library deftitute of any alphabetical Catalogue. To fupply this want a Slip Catalogue was prepared, which formed the bafis of the prelent work. The printing began in i860, but Mr. Halkett found that the flips required fo much rev'ifion, comparifon, and correction, in going through the prefs, that at his death in 1871 he had not proceeded farther than the word "Catalogue." In 1872 the revifion of the flips was entrufted to Mr. Jon A. Hjaltalin, under the editorfliip of Mr. Halkett's fucceflbr, Mr. T. H. Jamiefon. Since the death of the latter, Mr. Hjaltalin has carried on the work as fole editor, with the advice and guidance of the prcfent Keeper, Mr. J. T. Clark. Whila thus recording the names of thofe by whom the work has been actually performed, mention muft be made of the lale Deaii of Faculty, Mr. Robert Horn, to whofe zeal and energy its completion is largely due. 73 During the progrefs of the Catalogue fome (light change has been made in its plan. The Biograpliical Notices introduced by Mr. Halkett in the portion of the work edited by him .iddcd much to its value and iiitereft ; but upon his. dc ith it was reluclanlly refolved by the Faculty th.it fuch notices ihould l>c difcontinued for the ^ future, owing mainly to the delay involved in their preparation. PREFACE. The titles were alfo given by Mr. Halkett in full, >but the increafe of bulk thereby caufed was found likely to delay the completion of the work, and the entries were therefore printed in a more abbreviated form, except in the cafe of works of rarity or of peculiar intereft. For the fame reafon it was found neceffary to carry the abbreviations ftill further in the two concluding volumes. The titles of the books are entered under the names of their authors, arranged alphabetically ; the works of noblemen under the family name, with a crofs-reference from their title ; foreign, according to the well-known rule, that names preceded by a prcpofition are to be fought for under the letter immediately following ; but when preceded by an article, or a prepofition and an article, then under the initial of the article. In the arrangement of an author's work, his collefted works are placed firft, and his feparate works follow in chronological order. Initials and pfeudonyms arc treated as real names, but when the real names are known, the pfeudonyms are only ufed as crofs-references. Anonymous works are entered alphabetically among the names of authors, according to their titles, principal words, or fubjeft-matter. In fome cafes certain clafles of anonymous books have been grouped together under fingle headings, luch as Almanacs, Dire3or'ies, Encyclopedias, and New/papers. Again, Journals, Magazines, and Reviews have been grouped together alphabetically under thefe headings, when the words Journal, Magaaine, or Remiew, form a part of the title ; if not, they will be found under their own names. Englirti tranflations of fome anonymous works have been entered under the names of the tranflators, when the book is commonly known by the tranflator's name. Criminal trials are entered under the name of the accufed, and civil adlions under that of the purfuer, with crofs-references under the name ot the defender. Any information not contained in ' the title-page, which it has been thought neceffary to fupply, is given in it;ilics, witliin brackets. The mark ... indicates omiffion of certain words in the title. The afterifli * is ufed to diftinguifh works placed under an author's name, though not written by him, fuch as memoirs of his life. Crofs- references throughout the Catalogue are marked by fmall capitals, as follows: Scott (Sir Walter). * Memoirs ... by John Gibfon Lockhart. 1837—38. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, December 1878. CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS in the ADVOCA TES' LIBRARY. A. .Scandal : by the biographer of Anacreon. 12° Holt, 1827. A. Diftrefs in Ireland Outlines of a plan for employing funds to be raifed by fubfcription in England, in fuch a manner, that in relieving the deftitute, their condition may be fo far improved as to prevent the neceffity for aid in fiiture years. 8° Lond. 1847. Thr' ftrayed reveller; 1849. — Empedocles on Etna; 1852. [5> Matthew Arnold.] A. Review of the pad and prefent policy of the Bank of England, and of banking in Great Britain and Ireland, in conne(5Hon with the bunking afts of 1844-45. By an o\A banker. Second edition. 8^ Lond. 1856. A. B. C. The Chi-iftUn's A, B, C. A., B., and C. Notes for home circul.ition. S. Sh. n. d. 8° Lond. .855. A. (A. H. D.) The clofing days of Chrift's niiniftiy on earth, or the events uf the life and death of our bleflld Lord during the paflion, or holy week, and from that time till the afcenfion. According to the chronological arrangement of Towiifend. Second edition. 12° Dorcheftcr, (844. VOL. I. A N (A. M.), T.C.C. A key to Arnold's Pradlical introduftion to Latin profe compofition. 8° Lond. 1846. A key to Arnold's Practical introduftion to Greek profe compofition. 8'' Lond. 1846. A. (A. S.) The bread of life ... 1849. [By A. S. Atcheson.] A. (B.) The heavens a witncfs for God : a fermon, fuggefted by the comet of 1858. \_Ps. xix. i — 4.] 8° Lond. [1858.] A. (C.) L'irrevocabillte de I'<5dit de Nantes prouvee jiai It.s principes du droit et de la politique. 1688. [5y Charles Ancillon.] A. (C.) Miriam ; or, the power of tinjth ; 1826. — The prifoners of Aiifti;i!i:i ; 1841. ( A)' CUailotte Anley.] A. (C. E.) Grace and glory delineated in a pillar of tiie temple of God. [Poems.} 12° Lond. 1855. A. (D. P. L.) Neceffidad de la gucrra, y defconfianzas de la paz. 8° VaJencia, 1696. A. (D. S. F. D'.)— A. (M. D.) A. (D.-S. F. D'.) Rifpofta al Trattato delle lagioni della Regina Crifti- aniffima, fopra il ducato del Brabante . . . D. S. F. D'A. [i.e. Del Signoi- Francefco d' Andrea.] A. (E.) The fmall boy's mythological primer, in rhyme. 8° Lend. 1858. A. (E.G.) Geraldine ; a tale of confcience. 1837. [By E. C. Agnew.] A. (E. S.) The fure hope of reconciliation ; 1 847. — Claims of tlie Church of Rome confidered ; 1848. — Principles of Pro- teftantifm confidered; 1848. — -Eaftern Churches ; 1850. — The Greek Church, a fiietch ; 1 8 5 1 .— Welih flcetches ; 1852-3. [By E. S. Appleyard.] A. (E. S.) The world in which 1 live, and my place in it ; b«yng a univerfal hiftory for young perfons from the creation to the prefent time. Edited by the Rev. John H. Broome. 8° Lond. 1857. My counuy : the hiftoiy of the Britifti Ifles. Edited by the Rev. .John H. Broome. 12= Lond. 1859. A. (F.), D.D. The voice of the people, no voice of God ... 1 7 i o. [By Francis Atterbury.] A. (H. H.) Helps for felf examination. [Reprinted from the 3d edition of the Churchman's Manual.] 12= Lond. 1854. A. (I. T.) The fairy tree ; or, ftories from far and near. 8° Lond. 1861. A. (J.) Sacro-fanfta regum Majeftas ... 1644. [By John Maxwell.] A. (J.) Upon the laie lamentable fire in London. In an humble imitation of the moft incomparable Mr. Cowley his Pindarick ftrain. 4° Lond. 1667. A. (J.) _ A premonitor warning .. . 1702. [^y James Armour.] A. (J.) The honefl country Quaker's plea for his non-payment of tythesj or any foiced maintenance, in this gofpel dilpen- fation. 8° [Lond.] 1737. A. (J.) The Latin felf-inftmftor ;. or a new introduiflion to T itin gramma!, with all the rules in Englifh, &c. By a member of one of the univerfities. 8° Lond. 1822. A. (J.) The refcucd : a true tale. 1 2 Rochdale, i a 4 1 . A. (J. H.) Texts of Scripture, fuggefted to the ferious confideration of thofe who deny the neceffity and efficacy of the two holy faciaments, baptifm and the fupper of the Lord ; and who objeft to forms of praife, thankfgiving, and prayer, in public worfhip. 12° Lond. 1848. A. (J. L.) The river Dove ... 1847. [By J. L. Anderdon.] A. (J. S.) The Syrian noble ; or, believe and be healed. By the author of 'i The good Shepherd," &c. 12= Lond. 1849. A. (L.) Traits of private life. S' Lond. 1844. A. (M.) Reflexions fomraaires fur le commerce de Paris. 1789. [By M. Arnaud.] A. (M.) Brief obfer\'ations on die copyright bill ; attempting to prove its injuftice towards authors, and its tendency to injure the caufe of literature : in a letter to the BiHiop of Nor- wich. 182 I. [Pamphleteer, xviii. 523.] A. (M.) A letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Fed, Bart. M. P., on the prefent condition and profpefts of the Eftablifhed Church. 8° Lond. 1832. A. (M.) A hiftory of Ford Abbey, Dorfetfhire : late in the county of Devon. 1S46. [.Sy Mrs. M. Allen.] A. (M.) A plain addrefs on confirmation, and the duties to which it leads, in two parts ; including the order of confirmation ; to which are added queftions for examination. 12° Lond. 1846. A. (M.) Are not the clergy arraying themfelves againft Church and Queen ? a queftion by M. A. 8" Lond. 1848. A. (M.) Dora Leighton ; or, the error of felf-dependence : a tale of home. 12- Lond. 1853. A. (M. D.) The laft words of an Englifti Catholic : a record of inner life. 8" Lond. 1857, A. (M. E.)— ABAELARD A. (M. E.) The painted window : a poem. A. (P.) Eubulus ; or, a dialogue ... Forbes.] 8° Lond. 1856. 1627. [By Patrick A. (P.) A (hort account of the life and death of Poj)e Alex- ander th? VII. ... 1667. [By Philip Ayres.] A. (P.), Miniftre du Saint Evangile. Douze femions fur divers textes ... 1685. [5y Pierre Allix.] A. (P. D. C.) DilTertazione fopra i martin della Chiefa" Cattolica. [DissERTAZiONi ijloriche, fc'ient'ifiche, erudite, life. ii. 271.] A. (R.) A treatlfe of civil bonds and obligations, (hewing the nature, ufe, and dangers of fuch contrafts, with cautions againft furetilhip. 8'" Lond. 1688. A. (R.) An elogic on the death ot the learned and honourable Sir George M'=Kenzie of Rofe-Haugh, Knight, &c. late king's advocate. S. Sh. [ 1 690.] A. (R.) Chiifl's Sermon on the Mount, in verfe ; with analyti- cal divifions and explanatory notes. In fix parts. 12° Lond. 1855. A. (S. E.) Father Jo!m ; or, Cromwell in Ireland. 8° Lond. 1842. A. (T.) The law of obligations and conditions ... 1693. [By Thomas Ashe.] A. (T.) The prev:ilcncy of prujtr, fet forth in a ruftic, but faith- ful narrative of the deplorable cafe of the children of John Baldwin of Sarret .. . 17 17. [5ji Thomas Aldridge.] A. (T.) Hiftory ot tlie Azores, or Weltem Idands ; containing an account of the government, laws, and religion, the manners, ceremonies, and character of the inhabitants, and demondrating the importance of thefe valuable iflands to the Britidi Empire. 4° Lond. 18 13. A. (T.) On the term " Oblations " in the communion-fervice ; and its imjiortancc as to the time of placing the elements on the Lord's tabic. 8" Lond. 1856. A. (T. B.) De poftremis motibus Gallia: varia utriufque partis fcripui fcitu digniffima ... 1586. [By Theophilus Banesius.] A. (T. H. E.) Remarks on Profeflbr RolTetti's " Difquifizioni fullo fpirito antipapale." 8° Lond. 1832. A. (V.), Minifter of the gofpel. Duty and interell united in prayer and praife for kings ... 1695. [5y Vincent Alsop.] A. (W.) Medulla hiftoiiae Scoticae Alexander.] 1685. [By William A. (W.), Barrifter-at-law. The Lord Chief Juftice Herbert's account examin'd ... 1689. [By William Atwood.] A. (W. .T.) Poetical patchwork. 8"^ Lond. 1844. AA (Petrus van der). See Petrus Vanderanus. AAGAARD ( ). Efterretning om den hele Engellke Marine, om dens Styrke, Befstning, Stationer, og hele Foifatning paa nsei-vaerende Tid. Tildeels overfat af det Engellke. 12° Kjobenhavn, 180 1. Bedommelfe over den imellem Danmark og den Engel- flce Flaade fluttede Vaabenftilftand. 8" Kjobenhavn, 1801. AAGAARD (Christianus). B. at Viborg 27 Jan. 161 6. Profeflbr of poetry 1647. Reflor of the cathedral fchool at Ribe 1651. D. 5 February 1664. Carmina. [Rostgaard, De/idir quorundam poetarum Danorum, i. 339-] AARHUUS. Aarhufienfis liber. [Langebek, Scriplorcs icrum Duni- carum, vi. 376.] Nomina epifcoporuni Arhufienfis ccclrfi.v. [Ibid. vii. 209-] Series epifcoporuni Arhufioruni . ^ ^.-riis auiftoribus. [Ibid. vii. 210.] AARON, BEN JOSEPH, Kar^eus. Excerpu in libruni Jofuy. [Ugolinus, Thefaurus unt't- qullatiim facranim, xxii. 497-] AARSENS DE SOMMERDYCK (Francois). Spent f'njht years in travelling thrnugli Europe, and «ji drowned in 1659, while palling from England to Ilulland. Voyage d'Efpagne, curicux, liiftorique, et politique fait en I'annee 1655. [Anon.] 4" Paris, ifi^'J. ABAELARD and ABAILARD. Set Abelardus. ABANO— ABBO ABANO (PiETRo d'). * Notizie ftoriche e critiche intorno alia yjta di P. d'Abano dal Signor Conte Giammaria Mazzuchellu ABARBANEL (Isaac). A celebrated Jewifli rabbi, born at Lifbon 1437. Protefted by Alfonfo V. he filled various important offices of ftate, which he was forced, on the acceffion of John II., who diHiked him, to refign, and ta.'ce refuge in Caftille, where he became Miniftcr of Finance to Ferdinand and Ifabella. At the general expulfion of the Jews from Spain by the In^uifition, he proceeded to Naples, where he again role to diftinftion j but, at the death of his patron Ferdinand I., was once more compelled to feek fifety in flight. He finally letired to Venice, where he died in 1508. •ni31DNn ''1?N-I1 'BHE' 13 njDN t^'X^ nSD. Liber de capite fidei, in quo continentur radices et capita vel principia leligionis. Autore Ifaaco Abravanele, et in Latinum fermonem tranflata per Guilielmum Vorftium. [77^^ Latin tran/Ialion on/y.] 4^ Amftelodami, 1638. Exordium commentariorum in Leviticum, quo omnis omnium facrificiomm ratio breviter ac dilucide difputatur. [ff^i. and Lat. Maimonides, De facrificiis, p. 22^.1 De (tatu et jure regio. [Ugolinus, Thefaurus ant't- quitalum fiicrarum, xxiv. 825.] De judicum et regum differentia in V. T. ... [Ibid, xxiv. 883.] DifTertatio de ma, five excidii poena ... [Ibid. xxx. 158.] — [BuxTORF, De fponfalibus et divorliis, J). 1 69.] ABARCA (Pedro). .A. Spanilh Jefuit. B. at Jaca 1619. ProfeiTor of theologj- at Salamanca. D. at Valencia i Oft. 1693. Los reyes de Aragon en anales hiftoricos, diftribuidos en dos partes. 2 torn. fol. Madrid, 1682; Salamanca, 1684. ABA.UNZA (Petrus de). B. at Seville 1599. D. 1649. Ad titulum decimum quintum De fagittariis, libro quinto decretalium, jirseleflio ; ubi quidquid ad hujus tituli intelleclum, tam ex jure civili, quam ex bonis litteris, hadtenus defideratum eft, quam maxima potuit cura, nee minori eft brevitate coUeftum. [Meerman, No-vus thefaurus juris civilis et canonici, W. 725.] ABBADIE (Jacques), D.D. B. at Nay in Beam 1658. Came to England with Marlhal Schomberg. Minifter of the church in the Savoy, London, 1690. D. 6 Nov. 1727. Defenfe de la nation Britannique, ou les droits de Dieu, de la nature, et de la fociete clairement etablis au fujet de la revolution 'd'Angleterre, contre I'auteur \^Bayle'\ de I'Avis important aux refugies. 12' La Have, 1693. Panegyrique de Marie, Reine d'Angleterre, d'Ecofle, de France et d'lilande, de glorieufe et immortelle niemoire, decedee a Kenfington le 28 Decerabre 1694. 4° La Haye, 1695. Le triomphe de la providence et de la religion ; ou I'ouverture des fept feaux par le fils de Dieu; od' I'on trouvera la premiere paitie de I'Apocaljqjfe clairement expliquee par ce qu'il y a de plus connu dans I'hiftoire & de moins contefte dans la Parole. Avec une nouvelle & tr^s fenfible demonftration de la verite de la religion Chretienne. 4 tom. 1 2= Amft. 17'23. Traite de la verite de la religion Chretienne. Septi^me edition. 2 tom. 12' Amft. 1729. Traite de la divinite de notre Seigneur Jefus Chrift. Septi^me edition. 12= Amft. 1729. ABBAT (Richard), F.R.A.S. The principles and praiftice of linear perfpe.-;r M. Teulet]. 1839. Davidis Humii de familia Huniia Wedderburnrnli lilx-r. 1839. See Hume. ABBOTT— ABBOTT Ecclefiaftical records. Seleftions from the regiflers of the Prefbytery of Lanark. i839- Jacobite correfpondence of the Atholl family during the rebellion I 7 45- 1 7 46. 1840. The romance of Sir Guy of Warwick and Rembmn his fon. 1840. Le roman des aventures de Fregus, par Guillaume le Clerc. 1 841. The legend of St. Katherine of Alexandria. 1841. Liber conventus S. Katherine Senenfis prope Edin- burgum. 184 1. The chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores. 1841. Extrafta e variis chronicis Scocie. 1842. fo Scotland. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel ... [by John Drummond]. 1842. Liber officialis Sandli Andree. 1845. Siv St. Andrews. A garden of grave and godlie flowers by Alexander Gardyne ... 1845. The buke of the order of knyghthood, tran dated fiom the French, by Sir Gilbert Hay ... 1848. Sire Degarre, a metrical romance of the end of the thiiteenth centuiy. 1849. A penni worth of witte : Florice and Blauncheflom-, and other pieces of ancient Englifh poetry, selefled from the Auchinleck manufcript. 1857. Memoirs of the infurreftion in Scotland in i 7 i 5. By John [St. Clair] Mailer of Sinclair. 1858. ABBOTT (Benjamin). Methodift preacher in America. B. 1732 14 Aug. 1796. D. at Salem The life and labours of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott, the revivalift. [Chie/ly by hhnfelf.] 8° Lond. 1844. ABBOTT (Charles), ift Lord Tenterden. B. 7 Oft. 1762. Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench 181S. Raifed to the peerage 1827. D. 4 Nov. 1832. A treatife of the law relative to merchant-fhips and feamen ; in four parts. 8° Lond. 1802. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1808. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1S12. — Fifth edition ; edited by John Henry Abbott. 8° Lond. 1827. — Sixth edition, in five parts ; feijeant at law. — Seventh edition. — Eighth edition. — Ninth edition. — Tenth edition, in fi.x parts. by William Shee, 8° Lond. 1840. S° Lond. 1844. 8° Lond. 1847. 8° Lond. 1854. 8° Lond. 1856. of the Bnfifi — [G. Atkinson, The Jloipp'mg-la'ws Empire ... 1854.] ABBOTT (Edwin). A fecond Latin book : containing the riJes of fyntax with ilKiftrations, examples for conftniing, and Cxfar's account of his two invafions of Britain, with explanatory notes and a vocabulaiy. 12" Lond. 1858. ABBOTT (Francis George). Forms of writs and other proceedings on the common law fide of the Court of Chancery, iffuing out of, and here- tofore prepared in the Petty Bag Office. I 2= Lond. 1849. ABBOTT (Gervaise). The heirs of Cheveleigh. ' In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1858. ABBOTT (Jacob). Stuyvefant, a Franconia ftory. 8° Lond. n. d. Hiftoiy of Alexander the Great. 8° Lond. 1853. Hiftoiy of William the Conqueror. 8° Lond. 1 853. The hifloiy of Pyrrhus. 8° Lond. 1853. The hiftoiy of Alfred the Great. 8° Lond. 1853. The hiftoiy of Xerxes the Great. 8 ° Lond. 1854. Abbott's fecond reader : a courfe of reading leflbns, felefted with reference to their moral influence on the hearts and lives of the young. Defigned for the middle claffes. By Jacob and John Abbott. 12° Lond. 1854. Bmno ; or, leflbns of patience, fidelity, and felf-denial, taught by a dog. Englifli edition, revifed by the author of "Head and heart," etc. etc. 12° Lond. 1855. Hiftoiy of King Richard the Second of England. 12° Lond. 1859. Hiftoiy of King Richard the Third of England. 12= Lond. 1859. ABBOTT (James). Captain, Bengal Artillery. The T'hakoorine ; a tale of Maandoo. 8° Lond. 1 841. Narrative of a journey from Heraut to Kliiva, Mofcow, and St. Peterftjurgh, during the late Ruflian invafion of Khiva ; with fome account of the Court of Khiva and the kingdom of Khaurifm. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1843. — Second edition. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1856. ABBOTT (James), M.A. The hand book of idiotcy : flrowing the idiot's con- dition, the numerous caufes of idiotcy, and the moft experienced methods of training and educating the idiot, as fuccefsfiJly adopted by the continental governments of Europe and America. 8*^ Lond. 1856. Logical arguments and metaphyfical verities, proving that man has free will in religious and fpiiitual things ; alfo, fliowing the origin of evil, as taught by the moft learned ; and now prefented for the candid confideration of eveiy feeker after troth. 12° Lond. 1856. ABBOTT (John Nelson), Jun. Sketches of Modern Athens, defcribing its manners, cuftoms, and laws ; with fome account of free and enflaved Greece, and the peculiarities of the modem Greek language. 12° Lond. 1849. ABBOTT (John S. C.) Brother of Jacob Abbott. Hiftoiy of Heniy the Fourth, King of France and Navarre. 12' Lond. n. d. ABBOTT (Robert). Minifter of the New Church, Norwich. Chriftian righteoufnefs : a difcourfe in memoiy of the ABBREVIATUR.'E— ABEGG late Rev. Thomas Goyder, delivered at the French church, Queen Street, Nonvich, on Sunday evening, 0&. 28, 1849, exhibiting his religious fentiments in connexion with the prefent era, together with a brief review of his life, charadler, and writings. [Pj. xcvii. 11.] 8^ Lond. 1849. Defolation of the fan(5hiai-y, and time of rertitution : a courfe of lec'tures defigned to (liew that the firll Chriftian Church has come to its end, and that a new Church is now being efhiblilhed. 12° Lend. 185 i. ABBREVIATURE. Modus legend! [abbreviaturas] in utroque jure. 8° Parifiis, Fehx Balligault, 1 493. Modus legedi abbreviaturas in utroque jure. Item ingeniofus traftatus de modo (tudendi in utroque jure : cu nominibus oTum fcribentiu. 8" n. p. 15 12. Modus legendi abbreviaturas pafRm in jure tam civili quani ])ontificio occurrentes, nunc primum integritati fuse rellitutus. Huic acceflere, tituli, qus & iiibricas vulgo nuncupantur, in univerfum jus civile, ex Haloandri recogni- tione adfcripti. 8° Colonias Agrippinas, 1554. Modus legendi abbreviaturas in utroque jure. Trac- tatus judicionam Baitholi, legu doftoris expeitidimi. Tradlatus renutiationu beneficiorii in jjublicis Tftnametis. ProcetTus Sathane infernalis contra genus humanum. Ars notariatus. Summa Johan. An. fuper fecundo decreta- lium. Summa Johan. An. fuper quarto decretalium. 8^ Colonic, n. d. ABBT (Thomas). B. at Ulrti 25 Nov. 1738. Studied at the Unlvcrfity of Halle. Profeflor of philofophy at Frankfurt on the Oder 1760. Removed to the Univerfity of Rinteln as profefibr of mathe- matics 1761. D. at Biickeburg 3 Nov. 1766. Traite du mcrite. Traduit dc I'Allemand par M. Dubois. 8' Berlin et La Haye, 1780. ABD AL-WAHID. On the Chriftian duty of the Britifli Government in India : addrcflcd to the Right Hon. * * * * by AbJ Al-Wahid. 8 Lond. 1859. ABD-EL-KADER. * The liberation of Abd-el-Kadcr : an ode. Written for the baptifmal fete of the Prince Imperial. 8 Cambridge, 1 8 56. ABDELRACHMA. Earnellnefs in the pulpit : a few iiints to the clergy. By Abdelrachma. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1857. ABDERAHMAN EFFENDI. The l)oatnian of the Bofjjhoms : a tale of Turkey. 3 vols. I 2 ^ Lond. 1854. ABDIAS. Lettre a Monficur Robert Covelle, citoyen de Geniive. ( I 5 March lj()Ci.) 8" no title page. ABDICATED. The debate at large, between the Houfe of Loids and Houfe of Commons, at the free conference, held in the Painted Chambei', in the feflion of the convention, anno l688 ; relating to the wa% Abdicated, and the vacancy of the throne, in the Commons' vote. 8° Lond. 1695. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1710. ABDICATION. The price of the abdication. 4° n. p. [ 1 69-.] — [Scoil's edition of Somers' Tracts, ix. 451.] ABDUCTION. The abdudion ; or, the adventures of Major Sarney : a ftoiy of the times of Charles the Second. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 182;. ABDU-L-LATIF. B. at Bagdad 1162. D. there 8 Nov. 1231. Hiftoria; jEgypti compendium, Arabice et Latine ; partim ipfe veitit, partim a Pockockio ^•erfum edendum curavit, notifque illuftravit J. White, S.T.P. 4° Oxonii, 1800. Relation de TEgyjite ... fuivie de divers extraits d'ecri- vains Oricntaux, et d'un etat des provinces et des villages de I'Egypte dans le XIV. fi^cle : le tout traduit et enrichi de notes hiftoiiques et critiques par M. Silveftre dc Sacy. 4 Paris, 18 10. Extraft fiom the Relation ref]iefling Egypt of Abdu-1- latif, tranflated into French by Mr. Sylveftre de Sacy. [Pinkerton's Colleclion 0/ voyages and travels, xv. 802.] ABDY (Edward Strutt), A.M. B. 1790. Fellow of Jefus College, Cambridge. D. at Bath 12 Oa. 1846. .Journal of a refidence and tour in tlie United States of North America, from A\m\ 1833 to Odtober 1834. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1835. The water cure. Cafes of difeafe cured by cold water. Tranflated from the German : with remarks addreflld to people of common fenfe. 8^ Lond. 1842. ABDY (,loHN Thomas), LL.D. Regius profcflbr of laws, Univerfity of Cambridge. A hirtoiical flietch of civil procedure among the Romans. 8° Cambridge, 1857. A BECKETT. See Beckett. ABEEL (DAvm). Miniftcrof the Dutch church in North America. Journal of a refidence in China and the neighbouring countries from 1830 to 1833. Revifed and reprinted from the American edition, with an introduc^oiy ellliy bv the Hon. and Rev. Baptirt Wriotheflcy Noel, M.A. I 2^~ Lond. 1835. ABEGG (Jul. Frid. Henr.) H. at Urlangen 1796. I'rofcfl'ot of law in the I'nivcrfity of Kliniglbcrg 1S24. Tranflated to. 1 fimilar chair at Urtflju 181O. De antiquiflimo Romanonini jure criminali comnient;itio prior. 8° Regionionti, 1823. ABEILLE— ABEL REMUSAT ABEILLE (J.) Eflai fur nos colonies, et fur le retabliffement de Saint Domingue ; ou conflderations fur leur legiflation, admini- ftration, commerce, et agriculture. 8' Paris, 1805. ABEKEN (Bernard Rudolf). An account of the life and letters of Cicero ; tranflated from the German by Charles Merivale, B.D. 8° Lond. 1854. ABEL (Caspar). B. at Hindenburg in the Altmark 14 July 1676. Studied at Helmftadt. Reftor of the fchool at Halberftadt 1698. Paftor at Weftdorf 1718. D. there 1763. Griindlicher Bericht von denen nach einander empor gekommenen, und wieder geftiiitzten vielen Monarchien ; fonderlich denen jenigen, die von dem erften Menfchen- .Tager Nimrod an bis auf den Perfer Cymm im Orient ge- bliihet ... mit allerhand curieufen Anmerckungen, und einem Anhange von dem gefahrlichen Konigs-iibel, der monarchifchen Heifch-fucht hoher Potentaten. [Heinec- Cius & Leuckfeldus, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum.] Diarium belli Hifpanici ; oder, voUftandiges Tag-Regif- ter des jetzigen Spanifchen Kriegs, wie er von 1701 bis 1707 ... gefiihret worden. [Ibid.] ABEL (Clarke). B. about 17S0. D at Cawnpore 24 Nov. 1826. Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that countiy in the years 1 8 1 6 and 1 8 1 7 ; containing an account of the moft interefting tranfaftions of Lord Amherft's embafly to the Court of Pekin, and obfeiTations on the countries which it vifited. 4° Lond. 18 18. ABEL (C. D.) Rudimentary and clementaiy principles of the conftruc- tion and on the working of machinery, illuftrated by numerous examples of modern machineiy for different branches of manufafture. S' Lond. i860. Atlas of plates illuftrating the Treatife on the elementaiy principles of the conftiu(5tion and working of machinery. 4' Lond. i860. ABEL (F. A.) Handbook of chemiftiy ; theoretical, pradlical, and technical. By F. A. Abel and C. L. Bloxam. With a preface by Dr. Hofmann. 8° Lond. 1854. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1858. ABEL (JoHANN Joseph). Hiftorifches Gemalde der Lage und des Zuftandes des weiblichen Gefchlechts unter alien Volkern del- Erde, von den alteften bis auf die neueften Zeiten. 8" Leipzig, 1803. ABEL (Michael). B. at Frankfurt on the Oder. Flourirtied during the latter half of the 16th centur)-. Edie/ji^ara -/mi ' Hdusij.ara, hoc eft, doifta et jucunda carmina ... libris quatuor comprehenfa, unk cum duobus elegiai-um libris. 8° Francofiarti, 1598. ABELA (Francesco). B. at Malta 1582. Vice-Chancellor and Commander of the Knights of Malta. D. 4 May 1655. Defciittione di Malta, del Commendator Abcla. fol. Malta, 1647. Defcriptio Melitac atque adjacentium infularum, libris quatuor ... Ex Lalico fermone Latine vertit Jo. Antonius Seinerus, qui praefationem & indicem adjecit. Accedunt nunc primum Jo. Henrici Maji duo fpecimina lingus Punicas. [GR.tvius, Thefaurus aniiquitatum et hijioriarum Sicil'me, torn, xv.] ABEL ALLNUTT: a novel. 1837. [.S>' .lames MoRIER.] ABELARDUS (Petrus). B. at Le Palct, near Nantes, 1079. D. at Saint Marcel, near Chalons-fur-Saone, 21 April 1142. Petri Abaslardi, filofofi et theologi, Abbatis Ruyenfis, et Heloifx conjugis ejus, primas Paracletenfis Abbatiflx, opera, nunc primum edita ex MMS. codd. v. illuft. Francifci Amboefii ... Cum ejufdem prxfatione apologetica et cenfura doftonim Parifienfium. 4= Parifiis, N. Buon, 1 6 1 6. Hiftoire des amouis et infortunes d'Abelard et d' EloVfe, avec les lettres qu'ils f'ecrivirent I'un k I'autre. Quatiieme edition revue, corrigee et augmentee de deux lettres, qui n'ont point encore para. 12° A la Haye, 1703. Letters of Abelard and Heloife. To which is prefix'd a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes, by the late J. Hughes. To which is now fiift added, the poem of Eloifa to Abelard, by Mr. Pope. Tenth edition. 12° Lond. 1765. Ouvrages inedits d'Abelard, pour femr k I'hiftoiie de la philofophie fcolaftique en France. Publics par M. Vidlor Coufin. 4= Paris, 1837. The genuine letters of Abelard and Heloife, from the colleftion of Amboife. [Appended to The hiftory of the lives of Abeillaril and Heloifa, by Jofeph Berington.] Theologia Chriftiana. [Martene et Durand, Thefaurus novus anecihjtorum, v. I I 39.] Expofitio in he.xameron. [Ibid. v. I 361.] Rithmus de trinitate. [Martene et Durand, Veterum fcriptorum life, ampl'i/fima colledio, ix. 1092.] Ethica, feu liber diftus : Scito teipfum. [Pez, Thefaurus anecdotorum noinjfimus , ill. ii. 626.] ABELIN (JoHANN Philip). B. at Stralturg about the clofe of the l6th century. D. 1646. Theatram Europasum ... See Europe. ABELL (Lucia Elizabeth). Recolleflions of the Emperor Napoleon duiing the firft three years of his captivity on the ifland of Si. Helena ; including the time of his refidence at her father's houfe, "the Briars," by Mrs. Abell, (late Mifs Elizabeth Bal- combe). 12= Lond. 1844. ABEL REMUSAT (J. P.) See Remusat. ABENDON— ABERCROMlfi' ABENDON (HoTRicus). An Engliili tlieologian who flourifhed in the beginning of the 15th centurj^ Warden of Merton College, Oxford, 1421. According to Anthony a Wood, hisChriftian name was Henry. Panegyricus in Concilio Conftantienfi d. xxvii. Odlobr. ann. ciaccccxv. habitus. [Walchius, Mommenta medii aevi. I. ii. 1 8 I .] ABENDONIA. See Abingdon. ABEN EZRA. See Abraham Ben Meir. ABENHAMIN. P/eud. of Gines Perez de Hita. ABERBROTHOC. Liber S. Thome de Abei brotlioc. Regiflroi-um Abbacie de Aberbrothoc pars prior, Regiftrum vctus niunimentaque eidem coctanea compleftens. i 178-1329. [Edited by Cofmo Innes and Patrick Chalmers for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinburgi, 1S48. — pars altera, Regiflmm nigmm necnon libros cartamm recentiores compledlens. i 329-1 536. [Edited by Cofmo Innes for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinburgi, 1856. ABERCROMBIE (John). Gardener and nurl'ery-man near London. B. at Edinburgh 1726. D. at Lond. 2 May 1806. The gardener's daily affiftant in the modern praftice of Englifh gardening for eveiy month in the year. I 2° Lond. 1786. — Fourteenth edition. 12= Lond. 18 15. The hot-houfe gardener : on the general culture of the pine apple, and methods of forcing early grapes, peaches, ncftarincs, and other choice fniits in hot-houfcs, vineries, finiit-houfes, hot-walls, &c. ; with diredlions for raifing melons and eaily ftrawberrics. 8^ Lond. 1789. The garden vade mecum, or compendium of genei'al gardening ; and defcrijjtive difplay of the plants, flowers, (hrubs, trees and fruits, and general culture ... 12° Lond. 1789. The univcrfai gardener's kalendar, and fyftem of prafli- cal gardening ; difplaying the conipletell general direftions for performing all the various praftical works and operations necefTary in evejy month of the year, agreeably to the prefent moft improved fuccefsfol methods, with a compre- henfive difplay of the general fyllem of gardening in all its branches. 8° Lond. 1789. The garden mufliroom ; its moft effeiftual general cul- ture thoroughly difplayed. 12° Lond. 1802. Evei-y man his own gardener ... 1848. By Thomas Mawe and J. Abercronibie. The gardener's pocket journal, and daily affiftant in Englidi gardening.' Thirty-fifth edition. With a treatife on drawing-room gardening, Wardian cafes, aquariums, and fern-culture, by George Glenny, F.H.S. 12^ Lond. 1857. ABERCROMBIE (.I.,hn), M.D. B. at Aberdeen II Nov. 1781. D. at Edinburgh 14 Nov. 1844. Pathological and ])rai5lical refearches on difeafes of the brain and the fpinal cord. 8° Edinb. 1828. Pathological and practical refearches on difeafes of the VOL. I. ftomach, the inteftinal canal, the liver and other vifcera of the abdomen. 8° Edinb. 1828. Inquiries concerning the intelleftual powers and the inveftigation of ti-uth. 8° Edinb. 1830. Suggeftions fubmitted to the medical praftitioners of Edinburgh on the charadteis and treatment of the malig- nant cholera. Twelfth edition. 12° Edinb. 1832. Thephilofophy of the moral feelings. 8°Lond. 1833. Addiefs delivered in the hall of Marifchal College, Aber- deen, 5th November 1835, on occafion of his inftallation as Lord Reftor of the Univerfity. 8° Aberdeen, 1835. ElFays and trafts, viz. : — 1. The harmony of Chriftian faith and Chriftian charafler. Nineteenth edition. 12' Edinb. 1842. 2. The culture and difcipline of the mind. Nine- teenth edition. 12^ Edinb. 1842. 3. Think on thefe things. 12° Edinb. 1842. 4. The conteft and the annour. \AmnA 12° Edinb. 1 84 1. 5. The Meffi;ih as an example. rArio/i.l 12° Edinb. 1842. — Another edition, contents as above, with 6. Elements of facred trath for the young. 12° Edinb. 1847. ABERCROMBIE (Stewart). The laft fpeech of Stewart Abercronibie on the fcaffold, before his execution, upon the 26th of Febmai-y 17 18. S. Sh. ABERCROMBY (David), M.D. B. about 1620. D. 1695. De variatione ac varietate pulfus oblervationes : accefllt ejufdem authoris nova medicinse tum fpeculativas, turn jjradlicK clavis, five ars e.xplorantli medicas ])lantarum ac coqioi-um quommcumque facilitates ex folo fa])ore. 8° Lond. 1685. A difcourfe of wit. 12° Lond. 1686. Fui' academicus, five academia ornamentis f])oliata a furibus, qui in ParnafTo coiam A])olline fiiluntur, ubi crimi- nis fui accuf mtur & convincuntur. Editio fecunda. I 2- Amft. 1701. ABERCROMBY (.Iames), ift Lord Dunfermline. B. 7 Nov. 1776. Called to the Bar in Lincoln's Inn 1800. Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland 1S28. Mafter of the Mint 1 834. Speaker of the Houle of Commons 1835; and on retiring from that office in 1839, created Baron Dunfermline in the peerage of the L'nited Kingdom. D. April 1858. * A letter to Lord Dunfermline on the Scottifli free- hold movement. By a political Iree-tlilnker. 8° Edinb. 1857. Lieutenant-Gencral Sir Ralj))] Abercromby, K,B., 1 793- 1 801: a memoir by his fon, James Lord Dun- fermline. 8° Edinb. 1861. ABERCROMBY (Patrick). A Scottiih phyfwlan who lived in the latter half of the I7lh .ind beginning of the 1 8th ccntur)- ; but regarding whole hlftor)' the accounts we have are meagre and contradidory. The advantages of the A<51 of Security, compai'd with c ABERDEEN— ABERDEEN thefe of the intended union : founded on the revolution- principles publifli'd by Mr. Daniel De Foe ; or, the prefent happy condition of Scotland, with refpefl to the certainty of its future honourable and advantageous eftablifli- ment, demonftrated. Wherein is Ihew'd, that both the proje(fl:ed union, and a nomination of a fucceflbr to the crown, tho' with limitations, cannot fail to compleat the miferies of this kingdom ; but that the Ai5t of Security alone, if adher'd to, will infallibly retrive our loft happinefs, and make us a rich and glorious ])eople. [^non.] 4° n. p. 1706. The martial atchievements of the Scots nation. Being an account of the lives, charafters, and memorable adlions of fuch Scotfmen as have fignaliz'd themfelves by the fword at home and abi-oad. And a fui-vey of the military tranfaftions wherein Scotland or Scotfmen have been remarkably concei'n'd, from the fiift eftablifliment of the Scots monarchy to this prefent time. 2 vols. fol. Edinb. 17 1 1-15. [Introduftory preface to his tranflation]. The hijlory of the campagnes 1548 and 1 5 49, ^c, from the French of Jean de Beaugue. ABERDEEN. Ane breif defcriptioun of the qualiteis and effedlis of the well of the woman hill befyde Abiidene. 4- n. p. 1580. — [G. Skeyne, Tracts, p. 47.] To his Grace his MajelHe's high CommifTioner and the high court of Parliament, the humble addrefs of the Synod of Abeideen \ praying for the rejloratwn of Epiifcopal go- vernment in the Church of Scotland ; dated iSth yipril 1 66 1.] 4° no title page. Generall demands concerning the late Covenant ; pro- pounded by the minifters and profeflbrs of divinitie in Aberdene, to fome reverend brethren, who came thither to recommend the late Covenant to them, and to thofe who are committed to their charge. Together with the anfwers of thofe reverend brethren to the faid demands. As alfo the replyes of the forefaid minifters and profeflbrs to their anfwers. 4° Edinb. 1638. — Another edition. 4- Aberdene, 1663. — Another edition. 4' Edinb. 1683. The account of the Pope's proceflion at Aberdene, the I ith of Januai-y, 1689, which was delivered to the new elefted magiftrats and council thereof, by the fttidents of Marifhal-CoUedge. With the ftudents letter to the faids magiftrats thereanent. 4= [Aberdeen,] 1689. To his Grace her Majcfties high Commiilioner and the honourable eftates of Parliament. The heemble petition of the peer (hank workers and fingi-en fpinners of Aberdeen, and places thereabout. 4- [Aberdeen, 1706.] An addrefs to the town and county of Aberdeen, upon the prefent ftate of trade and manufacfhires. 12° Aberdeen, 1755. Proceedings of the burgefles of Aberdeen ; in examining the public accounts ; in the annual head court, September 21, 1784; and in an examination of the public records. With an appeal to the public ... Publifhed by the com- mittee of bin-geflt;s at Aberdeen. 8° [Aberdeen,] 1785. ObfeiTations, by Civis of Aberdeen, on a letter under the fignature of a cobler, in which the bill, prepared by the convention of the delegates of the burgefles of Scotland, has been attacked. To which is prefixed the letter of the cobler. Publilhed by the committee of burgefles at Aber- deen. 8° Aberdeen, 1786. Further proceedings of the burgefles of Aberdeen, in the years 1785-6-7, in an attempt to reftrain an extra afl'efliiient for the land tax of the borough . . . To which is prefixed a preface, containing obfeiTations, by the committee of burgefles. 8° Aberdeen, 1787. A complete colledlion of the papers relating to the union of the King's and Marifchal Colleges of Aberdeen : contain- ing not only thofe already publiflied by authority, but alfo fevei'al original pajiers, and many by anonymous writers on both fides of the queftion. I 2 ° Abei'deen, 1787. A fuccinft fuiTey of the famous city of Aberdeen ... 1833. [By Alexander Skene.] The Black Kalendar of Aberdeen. 18 40. [By James Bruce.] Colleflions for a hiftoiy of the fliires of Aberdeen and Banff. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Jofeph Robeit- fon.] 4° Aberdeen, 1843. Extracts from the council regifter of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1 398-1 570. [Edited for the Spalding Club by John Stuart.] 4° Aberdeen, 1844. Vol. ii. I 570-1 62 5. 4° Aberdeen, 1848. Lift of jJoUable perfons wthin the fhire of Aberdeen. 1696. Vols. i. and ii. [Edited for the Spalding Club by .Tohn Stuart.] 4° Aberdeen, 1844. Regiftram Epifcopatus Aberdonenfis. Ecdefie cathe- dralis Aberdonenfis regefta que extant in unum colleiffa. Vols i. and ii. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Cofmo Innes.] 4° Edinburgi, 1845. Seleiflions from the records of the Kirk Sellion, Prefby- teiy, and Synod of Abeideen. [Edited for the Spalding Club by John Stuart.] 4= Abeideen, 1846. Illuftrations of the topography and antiquities of the fliires of Abeideen and Banff. Vols. ii. and iii. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Jofeph Robertfon.] 4° Aberdeen, 1847-1857. [The **ColIeftions for a hiftoryof the iTiires of Aberdeen and Banff,** entered above, form the firft volume of thefe *' Illuftrations."] Has Marifchal College, in New Aberdeen, the power of conferring degrees in divinity, laws, and medicine ? 8° Aberdeen, 1850. Aberdeen Hall. Report of debate on the college queftion, in the General Affembly of the Free Church of Scotland, on Wednefday, 28th May 1853. R.evifed by the fpeakers. 8° Edinb. 1853. Fafti Aberdonenfes. Seleftions from the records of the Univerfity and King's College of Aberdeen. I494- 1854. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Cofmo Innes.] 4° Abeideen, 1854. Report, bv committee appointed by the county of Aber- deen, on tlie turnpike and commutation roads in the county, with a view to an entire change of the prefent fyftem of management, and the total abolition of turnpike gates. 8° Aberdeen, 1857. ABERDEEN— ABICHT ABERDEEN, Earl of. See George Gordon, I ft Eai 1 of Aberdeen. See George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen. ABERDOUR. Abftraft of the law proceedings in the cafe of the manfe of Aberdour, Aberdeenfhire ; involving a decifion of the Houfe of Lords highly important to the clergy of the Church of Scotland. 8° Aberdeen, 1823. Remarks, by the procurator [5/r John Connelly and agent [J«//v; il/«rraj'] for the Church, on an Abftraifl of the law proceedings in the cafe of the manfe of Aber- dour, in Aberdeenfhire. 8° Edinb. 1823. ABERFFRAW. Tranfactions of the Abeiffraw Royal Eiileddfod, 1849, including the fucccfsRil poetical com])ofitions, and the cfTay on the principles and laws of Welfli and Englifh fyntax. 8° Lond. I S50. ABERNETHIE (Thomas). Abjuration of poperie by Thomas Aberncthie, fometime Jefuite, but now penitent finner, and an unworthie member of the true reformed Church of God in Scotland, at Edin- burgh, in the Gray-Frier church, the 24. of Auguft 1638. [Ps. xli. I.] 4° Edinb. 1638. ABERNETHY (John), M.A. B. at Coleraine 19 Oft. 1680. Preibyterian minifter at Antrim, and fublequcntly at Dublin. D. there Dec. 1740. Religious obedience founded on pcrfonal perfwafion : a fermon ])reach'd at Belfaft the 9th of Decembei' i 7 I 9. [Rom. xiv. 5.] 8° Belfaft, 1720. Scafonable advice to the Proteftant diflenters in the north of Ireland ; being a defence of the late general Synod's charitable dcclaiations. [Anon.] With a recom- mendatoiy preface by the Reverend Nath. Weld, J. Boyfe, and R. Choppin. 8° Dublin, 1722. A defence of the Seafonable advice in anfwer to the Rev. Mr, Chailes Maftertoun's Apology for the northern Preft)yterians in Iieland : whci'ein the differences between the fubfcribers and the non-fubfciibers are ftated, and the reafonablenefs of their continuing in communion is proved. To which is added a poftfcript by tlie Rev. N. Weld, .1. Boyfe, [and] R. Choppin. 8" Belfaft, 1724. A fermon preached at Antrim, Nov. 13, 1723, at a faft obfeiTed in the Pieftsyterian congregations in Ulfter, by agreement of their minifters, on the account of divifions. [l Cor. iii. 3.] 4' Belfaft, 1724. The nature and confequences of the facramental teft confidered ; with reafons humbly offered for the repeal of it. [yfnon.] S Dublin, 1731. Difcourfes concerning the being and natural perfections of God, in which that iirft principle of religion, the exift- cnce of the Deity, is proved, from the frame of the material world, from the animal and rational life, and from human intelligence and morality ; and the divine attiibutes of fpirituality, unity, eternity, imnienlity, omni])otence, omni- fcience, and infinite wifdom are explain'd. 2 vols. 8° vol. i. Lond. 174O ; vol. ii. Dublin, 1742. — Third edition, 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 1757. Sermons on various fubjefts ... with a large preface containing the life of the author. [By Dr. Duc/ja/.] 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1748-51. Scarce and valuable trails and fermons ... now firft collected together. 8 ' Lond. 1751. ABERNETHY (John). Grandfon of the preceding. B. at London 1765. D. at Enfield 20 April 1831. Surgical obfenations on the difeiifes refembling fyphilis ; and on difeafes of the urethra. Third edition. 8" Lond. 1814. Surgical obfeiTations on injuries of the head, and on mifccllaneous fubjeifts. Second edition. 8°Lond. 1815. Introduftoi-y lecflures, exhibiting fome of Mr. Hunter's opinions refpefting life and difejifes, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons, London, in 1 8 1 4 and 1 8 i 5. 8° Lond. 1815. [The above contains only a portion of the introduftory lefture of 1815.] Phyfiological ledlures, exhibiting a general view of Mr. Hunter's phyfiology, and of his refearches in comjiarative anatomy. Delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in the year 18 17. 8" Lond. 1817. The Hunterian oration, for the year 18 19. Delivered before the Royal College of Suigeons, in London. 8° Lond. 1819. — [Pamphleteer, xiv. 145.] Retleiftions on Gall and Sj)urzheim's fyftem of phyfiog- nomy and phrenology. 8 Lond. I 8 2 I . Ledlures on the theoiy and praftice of furgei-y. 8° Lond. 1830. ABERNETHY-DRUMMOND (Wm.), M.D. A fecond letter to Mr. G. H. concerning breach of faith with heretics. 12 Edinb. 1779. ABHORRORS. A lift of abhorrors, or the names of fuch perfons as were lately under cuftody of the fergeant-at-arms, for abhorring and other mifdemeanours. [Scoll's edition of Somers' Tracts, viii. 318.] A letter from a perfon of quality to his friend about abhorrors and addrefTors, &c. [Ibid. viii. 319.] A letter from a friend to a perfon of qu;Jity, in anfwer to a letter fiom a ])erfon of quality to his friend, about abhorrors and addreffors. 1682. [Ibid. viii. 323.] The addreil'es inipoiting an abhorrence of an afl'ociation, pretended to have been feized in the Earl of Shaftfbui-y's clofet, laid ojien and deteded, in a letter to a friend. 1 682. [Ibid. viii. 326.] A fecond leturn to the letter of a noble ]ieer, concerning the addrefTes. 1682. [Ibid. viii. 33 I.] A rejjly to the fecond return. 1682. | Ibid. \iii. 337-] ABICHT (JoHANN Georg). A German theologian and orienulill. B. at Kimigfcc in Schw.irtzburg-l<.udolrtadt II M.irch 1672. I'rofcflor in the I'nivcrfity of Wittenberg. D. there 5 June 1740. De lapfu muroium Hiericliuntinoi-um. (ITgolini's, 'Vhefmirm antiqiiilnlum facrarum, xxxii. 839.] ABIGAIL— ABJURATION ABIGAIL. Mrs. Abigail ; or, an account of a female Hdnnifh between the wife of a country fquire, and the wife of a dodor in divinity ; with remarks thereupon, containing fome free thoughts on the pretended quality and dignity ot the clergy, [yfn account of the growth o/" Deism m England ... 1709, p. 452.] ABILGAARD (Soren). B. at Flekkehord 18 Feb. 1718. Studied at Copenhagen. Accompanied Langebek in his antiquarian tour in Sweden, 1753-4; and in 1755 made a fimilar journey through Den- marie at the public expenfe. D. 1791. Beflcrivelfe over Stevens Klint, og dens naturlige Maerkvaerdigheder, oplyft og udfordt med mineralogiflie og chymiflie Betragtninger, famt forfyned med fornodne Kobberftykker. 4- Iviobenhavn, 1759. ABINGDON. Chronicon monafterii de Abingdon. Edited by the Rev. Jofeph Stevenfon, M.A. Publiftied under the direftion of the Mafter of the Rolls. 2 vols. 8' Lond. 1858. Hiftoiia ccenobii AbcndonienCs a prima ejus fiindatione ad annum Domini 1 1 3 i , ex additamentis Chronici Flo- rentii Wigornienfis, authore monacho Abendonienfi. [Wharton, Jlnglia facra, i. 163.] ABINGDON, Earl of. See Willoughby Bertie, 4th Earl of Abingdon. ABINGDON (Thomas). See Habington. ABINGER, Lord. See James Scarlett, I ll Lord Abinger. ABITBOL (M.) An original financial plan for the converCon of the foreign debt of Spain without intereft, into active ftind with intereft; fubmitted by M. Abitbol to his Excellency Senor Mendizabal. 8" Lond. 1836. ABJURATION, Oath of. The cafe of an oath of abjuration confidered. 4° Lond. I 702. The cafe of the abjuration oath endeavoured to be cleared, to the fatisfadlion of thofe who are required to take it. 4^ Lond. I 702. Principles upon which the taking the oath of abjuration may be grounded. 4= Lond. 1702. Some reafons humbly offered, why the Englifli oath of abjuration fhould not be impofed upon the fubjedls of North Britain, efpecially the minifters of the gofpel there. 4° n. p. [1702.] The oath of abjuration confidered : in a letter to a friend. March 20, 17 12. 4° n. p. [17 I 2.] The oath of abjuration enquir'd into : in a letter to a friend. 29 April 17 12. 4- n. p. [i 71 2.] A letter from a gentleman in Edinburgh, to his friend in the countiy, concerning the way and manner in which the abjuration oath was fworn by the minifters, in the (hire of Edinburgh. S. Sh. [Edinb. 17 12.] Queries to thofe of the Prefbyterian minifters in Scotland who took the oath of abjuration with the declaration. fol. Edinb. I 7 12. A vindication of the minifters and mling elders of the Church of Scotland, who have taken the abjuration ; wherein it is made evident, that they are not thereby engaged in their ftations, to oblige the fucceflbr, &c. 17 12. [5)1 Alexander Lauder.] The oath of abjuration fet in its true light : in a letter to a friend. 17 12. \^By Sir James Stuart.] Good news from Scotland ; or the abjuration and the Kirk of Scotland reconcil'd. 1712. \^By Dr. Archibald Pitcairn.] A letter to a friend conceraing the oath of abjuration. 17 12. \^By George Ridpath.] The oath of abjuration confidered, both as to the law- fiilnefs and expediency of it's being taken by the minifters of the Chuixh of Scotland: in a letter to a friend. 17 12. [5y George Ridpath.] A dialogue betwixt a minifter of the Church of Scot- land, and two of the elders of his congregation, about the abjuration-oath. I 7 12. \^By James Smith, minifter of Cramond.] The oath of abjuration difplayed, in its finfioll nature and tendency, in its inconfiftency with Preftjyterian principles and covenants ; the fecurity it affords to the Church of England ... 4 n. p. 17 13. An anfwer to a pamphlet, intituled. The oath of abjuration difjilaycd ; wherein all that is therein advanced to prove the finfiil nature and tendency of the faid oath, in its alleged inconfiftency with Prefbyterian principles and covenants ; and fecurity it affords the Church of England, is ftilly obviated ; the conduft of minifters at the taking of the faid oath vindicated ; and the ignorance & calumnies of the Difplayer are detefled. 4= n. p. I 713. Some remarks on a pamphlet, entituled, The oath of abjuration difplay'd in its finfiil nature and tendency, &c. Wherein the queries in that pamphlet are confidered ; and fome counter-queries are offered to the author. 4^ Edinb. 17 13. An eilliy upon the defign, the reference, the penalty and offence of tlie abjuration oath : in a letter to a Prefbyterian minifter. From whence it will appear, that fuch of the minifters of this Church, as have reflifed the abjuration, have not walked upon fuch infufficient grounds, as are reprefented in fome late pamphlets. 4° n. p. 17 13. The white fwan with black feet ; or, the nimble tricker unmaili'd, in a letter to a fiiend ; being a fhort difcoiufe of the unfair methods of minifters their taking the oath of abjuration. With a brief hint of fome other things relative thereto. 4-" n. p. 17 13. A vindication of the minifters and nJing eldeis, in the Church of Scotland, who have refiafed the oath of abjuration, wheiein the inexpediency and unlawfialnefs of the fiiid oath, are further cleared and evinced. In two parts. 4° n- P- '7 '3- ABLETT— ABRAHAM The oath of abjuration no ground of feparation. By a lover of tiTJth and peace. S"' Kirkbride, 17 13. The hilloiy and argument of tlie Scots Prefbyterians, that have fcmples in relation to fonie words contain'd in the oath of abjuration, as it now Itands : in a letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh to a member of Parliament. S' Lond. 17 17. A letter concerning the tme ftate of tlie qucftion between the non-jurant and jurant-minillersof the Church of Scotland. [1718. ^ji James Hog.] Some rcafons by a divine of the Kirk of Scotland, proving that tlieir clergy there cannot with a fafe con- fcience fwear the Englifii oath of abjuration. 4 J no title page. Thouglits on the oath of abjuration : in a letter to the Earl of Aberdeen. By a member of the late Parliament. 8° Lond. 1853. ABLETT (William). Thoughts on tlie emjiloyment and enjoyment of leifure time ; in which are confidered the pernicious effeifts of intrigue, gaming, and drankennefs ; and the beneficial effefls of iludy, friendfhip, company, and love : in a letter addrcflcd to the clerks of gentlemen at the bar. 8" Lond. 1 8 18. The road to riches ; or, plain diredions for fecuring wealth : addrcfled to the woiking clafTes of all denomi- nations. By Telba. [P/Jv/r/.] 12^ Lond. 1857. A few eveiy-day hints addi-efled to the youths and young men of the drapery trade. 8° Lond. n. d. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 11. d. The iK'pping-ftones to fucccfs : a few every-day hints, add/efled to youths and young men engaged in trade. By Telba. [/y<.W.] i2=Lond. n. d. ABO. See Abbo. ABOLITION. Free blacks and flaves. Would immediate abolition be a blefling ? a letter to the editor of the Anti-flavery Advocate. By a Cambridge man. 8 ° Lond. 1853. ABOMINATION. The abomination of defolation come ; or, revelation re- vealed. By a Cambridge M. A. layman. AddiefTed to the Jew, Papift, Moflem, and Proteftant. 8° Lond. 185;. ABOUT (Edmond Fran(;ois Valentin). B. .It Dicuzc (.Meurthe), 14 Feb. 1828. Greece and the Greeks of the prefent d:iy. [Co/i/liM-\- Mifcellany of foreign literature, vol. ix.] 8 ' Edinb. 1855. Tolla : a tale of modern Rome. Tranflated by L. C. C. [Gumming]. yConJldhle' s Mifcellany of foreign literature, vol. X.] 8° Edinb. 1855. The Roman queftion. Tranflated from the French by H. C. Coapc. 8° Lond. 1859. — Second edition, with a new jjreface by the author'. 8 Lond. 1 860. ABRABANEL (Solomon). Arnall. Pfeiid. of William ABRAHALL (Bennet Hoskvns), M.A. Reform of the laws relating to bankruptcy and infol- vency : a fccond letter to Sir Richard Bethell, M.P. 8' Lond. 1 86 1. ABRAHAM. m^S^ 13D id eft. Liber Jezirah qui Abrahamo Patriarchse adfcribitur, una cum comnientario Rabi Abraiiam F. D. [i3;V;/-] fuper 32 femitis fapientix, "a quibus liber Jezirah incipit. Tranflatus & notis illuftratus a Joanne Stephano Rittangelio. [I/ei. antl Lai.] 4°Amft. 1642. * The Chriftianity of Abraham ; " Faith which worketh by love;" with ])atriarchal ])rophecy. By ^'^, Efq. 12° Lond. 1848. * The life of Abraham : a reading book for the elder clafles in Sunday or day fchools. By the author of " A catechifm on the map of the Holy Land." 8° Lond. n. d. * The cafe of Abraham and Melchizedeck, the hiftory of Efau and Jacob, and the ftory of Balaam, confidered and explained ... 1746. [By Charles Moss.] ABRAHAM BEN DAVID. B. at Modena 1 542. Studied at Favia, Bologna, and other fchools in Italy. Obtained the degree of doftor of medicine at Mantua 1566, D. June 1612. Commentarius de templo. [Hei. and Lat. Ugolinus, Thefaurm anti quit at um facr arum, ix. 1.] Commentarius de iuffitu. \Heb. and Lat. Ibid. xi. Difieitatio de veftitu faceidotum Hebrsoi-um. [Hrb. and Lat. Ibid. xiii. i.] ABRAHAM BEN MEIR. A learned Jew, frequently called Ahen-Ezra, born at Toledo about 1 1 19. Of the hiftoiy of his life little is known, except that he travelled through great part of Europe in purfuit of information. D. at Rhodes about 1 1 94. Carmina ihythmica de ludo fhah-niat. \I1eb. and Lat. T. Hyde, Mandragorias, feu bifloria Sbahiludii.~\ [Hebiew commentaiy on the Bible. S^e Bible, fol. Venetiis, 16 17-18.] ABRAHAM (Charles John), B.D. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, which appointment he refigned in 1850. Archdeacon of Waitemata, diucelc oi New Zcal.ind, 1853. Birtiop of Wellington, 185S. The unity of hiftoiy ; or outlines of leftures on ancient and modern hiftory, confidered on the principles ot the Church of England. S Eton, 184;. — Another edition. 8" Eton, 1846. Feftival and Lenten leisures, delivered at St. George's chajiel, Windfor, with fpecial reference to the eccleli- aftical and focial queftions of the day, in 1848.9. 8 ■ O.xford, 1849. Leftbns on the Ciiurch catechifm. Second edition. 12° Eton, 1850. An accidence ; or, firft rudiments of the Latin language, in accordance with Arnold's exercife books. Second edition. li" Eton, 1857. Readings, medit.itions, and pr.iyi-'is on the Lord's fupp i, H ABRAHAM— ABSOLON according to the teaching of the Church catechifm. Se- cond edition. S° Eton, 1858. Peifonal religion and catholic memberfhip, as applied to public fchools : a fermon preached in Eton College chapel on Election Sunday, July 24, 1858. [i Cor. xii. 27.] 8° Eton, 1858. ABRAHAM (G. T. F.) The Chriftianity of civilization : a leifture delivered on behalf of the Trinity St. Pancras fchools, Januaiy 6, 1853. 8' Lond. [1853.] ABRAHAMS (George). Minifter of" Regent Street chapel, City Road, London. The Great High Piieft : two fermons preached at Weft Street chapel, Brighton, on Sunday, Oiftober 19, 1851. \_Heb. X. 12, 13.] 8" Lond. 1851. ABRAHAMUS ECCHELLENSIS. See Ecchel- LENSIS. ABRAM (John). Teacher of mathematics, &c., Canterbury, A complete treatife on praftical arithmetic : containing, befides the common lules, new principles of mental, vifual, and expeditious calculation ... To which is added, a perfeft treatife on vulgar and decimal fraftions, the elements of firaple and compound proportion, involution and evolu- tion, by the moft eafy methods ; with all the higher branches of arithmetic. i 2 - Canterbury, 1842. ABRAM (William John). Italy and the Napoleons. 8° Lond. 1859. ABRA-MULE ; or, love and empii'e : a ti'agedy. 1704. [-ffj Jofeph Trapp, D.D.] ABRAMUS (Nicolas). B. at Xarouval in Lorraine 1589, D. 7 Sep. 1655. Commentarius in tertium volumen orationum M. T. Ci- ceronis. 2 tom. fol. Lutetix Parifioram, 163 1. ABRAVANEL (Isaac). See Ifaac Abarbanel. ABRENETHEUS (Adamus). A French phyllcian who ftudied at Montpelier, and obtained the degree of M.D. in 1611. Mufa campeftris, caftitatem flyli poeticas juventuti propo- nens duobus lihris. Acceflit et Gallia; ParnafTus Monf- pelienfis, colonia mufaiaira, thymiamata eaiTjndem, & palma, navigatio peripatetica & lufus aliquot poetici. 8~ Monfpelii, 1609. ABRESCH (Friedrich Ludwig). B. at Hnmburg an der Hohe 29 Dec. 1699. Re(llor of the Gymnafium at Middleburg 1725, and of the Gyninafium at ZwoUe 1741. D. at Zwolle 1782. Animadverfionum ad jEfchylum libri duo. Accedunt adnotationes ad quasdam loca N. Tellamenti. 8° Medioburgi, 1743. Dilucidationes Thucydidese, quibus & paflim cum Novi Teftamenti, tum alioram fcriptonjm loca illuftrantur, aut emendantur. 8° Trajefti ad Rhenum, 1755. Animadverfionum ad ^fchylum liber tertius. Accedit Dilucidationum Thucydideanam auftarium. 8° Zwollae, i 763. ABREU Y BERTODANO (Felix Joseph). SpaniJh envoy to the Englifli Court. B. 1721 or 1722. Tratado juridico-politico fobre ijreflas de mar y calidades que deben concurrir para haceife legitimamente el corfo. 4° Cadiz, [i 746.] ABREU Y BERTODANO (Joseph Antonio de). A Spanlih lawyer. D. 1775. Coleccion de los tratados de jmz, alianza, neutralidad, gai'antia, proteccion, tregua, mediacion, acceflion, reglamento de limites, comercio, navegacion, &c. hechos por los pue- blos, reyes, y principes de Efpafia con los pueblos, reyes, principes, republicas y demas potencias de Europa, y otras partes del mundo ... defde antes del cftablecimiento de la monarchia Gothica, hafta el feliz reynado del Rey N. S. D. Phelipe V. ... 12 tom. fol. Madrid, 1740-52. Prontuario de los tratados de paz, alianza, comercio, &c. de Efpana ... 4 tom. 8° Madrid, 1749-52. ABRIL (Pedro Simon). B. at Alcoraz near Toledo 1530. ProfelTor of humanity and philofophy at Salamanca. Cartilla Griega, con correfpondencia de letras Latinas, para aprender por fi el leer i efciiuir en Griego facilmente. 4° (^arag09a, i 586. De lingua Latina, vel de arte grammatica libri quatuor. Nunc denuo ab ipfomet aui5lore correfti et emendati, atque ad multo faciliorem dicendi ftilum revocati ; cum Hifpanx linguEe interpretatione, iis certe, qui in Latinse lingus ufu funt rtides, & tirones utiliiTmia. Adjeftus eft in fine, liber de arte poetica, verfuumque natura ad facile intelligendos poetas utilis in primis. Editio quarta. 8° Matriti, 1769. ABSALOM. Abfalom and Achitophel : a poem. [i?y John Dryden.] Abfalom's confpiracy ; or, the tragedy of treafon. S. Sh. Lond. 1680. — \Harklan Miscellany, vii. 499.] ABSENTEEISM : or, the ladies' foiree at Brandi- poit, with a llill and particular account of the proceedings. Reported by a lover of home. 12^ York, 1849. ABSOLOM (Edward). The times of the Gentiles fulfilling, and Zion's time .approaching. 8" Lond. i860. ABSOLON. B. at Finncfto in Zealand II 28. Studied at Paris, and in 1 1 58 became Birtiop of Roeikilde. Archbilhop of Lund 11 78. D. 1201. Teftamentum Dni. Abfolonis Archiepifcopi Lundenfis ABSTEMIUS— ABULFEDA '5 ex MSSis optimis erutum et notis illuftratum Otthonis Sperlingii, U. J. D. 8" Hafniff, 1696. — [Langebek, Scrip/ores rerum Danicarum, v. 422.] * Gcnealogia Abfalonis archiepifc. et cognatorum ejus. [Ibid. iv. 5 + 5.] * Infcriptioncs et epita])hia quaediini Sorana, et omnia ad genealogiam Ablalonis pcrtincntia. [Ibid. iv. 569.] ABSTEMIUS (Laurentius). A learned Italian, whole real name was Bevilaqua. B. at Macerata near the clofe of the 15th century. Librarian to the Dulce of Urbino, Animadverfiones vaiix. [Grutkr, Thefaurus criticusy i. 878.] ABUCARA (Theodorus). ^cc Theodorus Abucaia. ABUDACNUS (Josephus), or Barbatus. B. at Cairo. Taught Arabic, about the beginning of the 17th century, at Oxford, Louvain, and Vienna. His real name, Abu-dh-dhakn, fignifies Father of the Beard, from which the Latin form Barbatus was derived. The tine hidoiy of the Jacobites of Aegypt, Lybia, Nubia, &c. their origine, religion, ceremonies, laws, and cuftoms. Whereby you may fee how they differ from the Jacobites of Great Britain. Tranflated by a perfon of quality \_Str E. Sadleir] from the Latin . . . 4= Lond. 1692. Hiftoria Jacobitaioim feu Co])tomm, in Acgj'^rto, Lybia, Nubia, Aethiopia tota, et parte Cy]iri Infula; habitantium : libellum rariflimum lecudi curavit, ])raefatione, vita Jacob! Baradaei, et notis auxit Jo. Henr. a Seelen. 8° Lubicae, 1733. — Cum annotationibus Joannis Nicolai, antiq. quondam in academia Tubingenfi Prof. 8^Lugduni Batavomm, 17 40. ABU JAAFAR EBN TOPHAIL. Philofophus autodidaftus, five epiftola Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail de Hai Ebn Yokdhan ; in qua oftcnditur quomodo ex inferioiaim coritem))latione ad fujierioram notitiam ratio humana afcendere jjoffit. Ex Arabica in linguam Latinam verfa ab Edvardo Pockockio. [^ylrab'ic and Liiliii.] 4° Oxonii, 1671. — Editio fecunda, priori emendatior. 4° Oxonii, I 700. An account of the oriental ])hilofophy, fliewing the wifdoni of fonie renowned men of the Eafl ; and jiarticularly the profound wifdom of Hai Ebn Yokdan, both in natural and divine things, which he attained without all converfe with men (while he lived in an ifland a foliuii-y life, remote from all men from' his infancy), till he arrived at fuch perfection. Writ originally in Arabick by Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail, and out of the Arabick tranflated into Latine by Edward Pocok ... and now faithfiilly out of Ills Latine tranflated into Englifli. [liy George AJliivell.^ 8^ Printed in the year lC)74. The improvement of human reafon, exhibited in the life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan ; written in Arabick above 5 00 years ago, by Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail. In which is demondrateii, by what methods one may, by the n)eer light of nature, attain the knowledg of things natural and fuper- natural ; more paiticularly the knowledg of God, and the affairs of another life ... Newly tranflated from the original Arabick by Simon Ockley . . . With an appendix, in which the j)offibility of man's attaining the true knowledg of God, and things neceffary to falvation, without inftjoiifrion, is briefly confidered. 8" Lond. 1708. ABULCACIM TARIF ABENTARIQUE. PJeud. 0/" Miguel de Luna. ABU-L-FARAJIUS (Gregorius). A Chriftian pliylician, fon of Aaron, called alfo Bar-Hebneus. B. at Malatia in Armenia, A.D. 1226. Confecrated Bifhop of Guba 1246. Transferred to the fee of Aleppo, and about 1266 elected primate of the Jacobite Chriftians in the Eaft. D. at Meaghali in Azcrbijan 1286. (_->j«Jl jiJ^i (^-e j-*l Specimen hiftoria: Arabuni, five Gregorii Abul Farajii Malatienfis, de origine & moribus Arabum fuccinfta narratio, in linguam Latinam converfa, notifque e probatifTimis a])ud ipfos authoribus, fijfius illufl:rat:i. Opera & ftudio Edvardi Pocockii, lin- guanrm Hcbr. & Arab, in Academia Oxonienfi Profefforis. \Arab. ami Lilt.] 4° Oxonisc, 1650. ^i > ^"^ Hiftoria compendiofa dynaftia- nini, authore Gregorio Abul-Pharajio Malatienfi Medico, hiftoriam compledtens univerfalem, a mundo condito, ufque ad tempoia authoris, res orientalium accuratilfmiii defcribens. Arabice edita, et Latine verfa, ab Eduardo Pocockit), Lingux Hebraicx in Academia Oxonienfi Profeffore Regio, nee non in eadem L. Arabicx Prseledtore, et TEdis Chrifti prasbendario. 4'= Oxonia;, 1663. Gregorii Abulpharagii five Bar-Hebraei Chronicon Syriacum. E codicibus Bodleianis defciipfit, maximam partem veitit, notifque illufbavit Paulus lacobus BiTjns ... Edidit, ex ])aite vertit, notafque adiecit Georgius Guilielmus Kiifch ... [Syriac and La/.^ 2 tom. 4 Lipfix, 1789. ABUL FAZL. B. about the middle of the i6th century. Vizier of the Emperor Akbar 1570. Having incurred the difplcalurc of Selim, the emperor's fon, that prince caufed him to be aflafii- nated in 1608. An account of the fiege and Jedudion of Chaitur, by the Em])eror Akbar. From the Akbar Namah of Shaikh Abul Fazl. Tranflated by Major David Price. [Mi/- Cilliiiieoiis Translations yjo;;; Oriental I.anguiiges, vol. 11. J Ayeen Akbei-y ; or, tlie inftitutes of the Emperor •Akber. ABULFEDA (Ismakl). King of Hammah, a town of Syria. B. at Damafcus H73. D. 26 oa. 1331. Chorafiuix, et Mawaralnahi-x, hoc eft, leglonum extia fluviuni Oxum, deferijitio, ex tabulis Abultedx llmaelis, princi])is Hamah. \ylrabic, ivllh a Latin Iran/lalinn, hy J. GraviusJ] 4' Londini, 1650. — [Hudson, Ciogra/ihiir veteris fcriplorrs, torn. iii.J Defcriptio ]ieninfula- .Arabia.-. [Ibid. torn. iii. ) De vita et rebus geflis Mohammcdis, Moflemica: re- i6 ABULGASI-BAYADUR-CHAN— ACADEMY ligionis auftoris, et imperii Saracenici fundatoris. Ex codice MS. Pocockiano Bibliothecas Bodleianae textum Arabicum primus edidit, Latine vertit, praefatione & notis illuftiavit Joannes Gagnier, A.M. fol. Oxoniae, 1723. Annales Moflemici. Latinos ex Arabicis fecit Joannes Jacobus Reiflie. 4= Leipfias, 1754. Annales Muflemici, Aiabice et Latine. Opera et (ludiis lo. lacobi Reifliii . . . fumtibus atque aufinciis Petri Friderici Suhmii ... nunc primum edidit lacobus Georgius Chriitianus Adler ... 5 tom. 4° Hafnise, 1789-94. Defcriptio jEgypti, Arabice et Latine ; ex codice Parifienfi edidit, Latine vertit, notas adiecit loannes David Michaelis, Profeffor Philofophias Goettingenfis. 4° Goettinga?, 1776. Abulfedae Africa. Curavit lo. Godofredus Eichhorn. 8° Gottingx, 1 79 1. Hiftoria Saracenorura in Sicilia, excerpta ex chronologia univerfali Ifmaelis Alemujadad, Abulpheda, legis Amani ; ex Arabico codice MS. Bibliothecx Divi Laurentii Efcu- ' rialis. [MuRATORi, Rerum ItaUcarum fcriptorcs, i. ii. 249.] ABULGASI-BAYADUR-CHAN. Hiftoiie genealogique des Tatars traduite du manufcript Tartare d'Abulgafi-Bayadur-Chan, et enrichie d'un grand nombie de remarques authentiques et tres-curieufes fur le veritable eftat prefent de I'Alie Septentrionale avec les cartes geographiques neceflaires. Par D*** \i.e. M. Beii/tnci.^ l2°Leyde, 1726. Abulgafi-Bayadur-Chan's Gefchlechtbuch der Mungal- ifch-Mogulifchen oder Mogorifchen Chanen. Aus einer Tiirkilchen Handfchrift, ins Teutfche iiberfezt von D. Dan. Gottlieb Mefferfchmid. Aus dem 14, 15, und i6ten Theil des hiflorifchen Journals, zufammengedruckt. 8' Gottingen, 1780. ABUSES. Apologeticall animadvei'fions of certaine abufes that may be refonned in ecclefiafticall perfons and ecclefiafticall courts, without the utter extirpation of either. Prefented to the conhderation of the high and honourable court of Parliament. 4- Lond. 1 641. ABU TALEB KHAN (Mirza). The travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan in Afia, Africa, and Europe, during the years 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, and 1803. Written by himfelf in the Perfian language. Tranflated by Charles Stewart, Efq., M. A. S., &c. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1 8 10. ABYDENUS. Fragments of Chaldjean hiftorj' [J. P. Cory, Ancient fragments.^ ACACIA. Nouveau traite fur I'arbre nomme Acacia. 12° Bordeaux, 1762. ACADEMICUS. The principles and praftices of the Methodifts confidered : in fome letters to the leaders of that fedt. 1760. \ByT)\: John Green.] ACADEMICUS. Remarks on a pamphlet by Thomas Kipling, D.D., Dean of Peterborough, entitled, "The articles of the Church of England proved not to be CalvinilHc." By Academicus. V>° Cambridge, 1802. ACADEMICUS. A letter to the Rev. Chriftopher Wordfworth, D.D., Mailer of Trinity College, Cambridge, relative to the propofed changes in the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in that univerfity. By Academicus. 8° Cambridge, 1822. ACADEMICUS. Auiicular confeflion : fix letters in anfwer to the attacks of one of the city leftuiers on the Catholic principle and pradlice of private confeflion to a prieli: ; in which are embodied fome of the principal teftimonies as well of the primitive fathers as of the higheft Anglican authorities in favour ot that praiSice. With a preface, notes, and a genera! poltfcript. By Academicus. 8*^ Oxford, 1842. ACADEMY. Graviflimae, atque exaftiffimae illuftriffimarum totius Italias et Gallis Academiamm cenfura?, efficaciflimis etiam quoiiindam dodtiflimomm viromm argumentationibus expli- cata°, de veritate illius propofitionis, videlicet quod ducere relidam fratris mortui fine libeiis ita fit de iure divino et naturali prohibitum, ut nullus Pontifex fiiper huiufmodi matrimoniis contraftis five contrahendis difpenfare poflit. 4= Londini, 1530. Recueil de memoires, ou colleflion de pieces academiques, concernant la medecine, I'anatomie et la chiroigie, la chymie, la phyfique experiraentale, la botanique et I'hiftoire natureUe, tirees des meilleuies fources : et mis en ordi'e par feu M. J. Beri-yat ... Partie Frangoife. 16 tom. 4° Dijon [et Paris], 1754-87. [On the title page of the 4th and fucceeding vols, the work is called " CoUeSion Acadcrr.\quc^\ by which name it is generally known ; from vol. 6 it is edited by M. Robinet,] Colleftion Academique, compofee des memoires, a(5les, ou journaux des plus celebres academies et focietes litteraires etrangeres, des extraits des meilleurs ouvrages periodiques, des traites particuliers, et des pieces fiigitives les plus rares ; concernant I'hiftoire naturelle et la botanique, la phyfique expeiimentale et la chymie, la medecine et I'anatomie, tra- duits en Frangois et mis en ordre par una fociete de gens de lettres. 13 tom. 4^ Dijon [et Paris], 1755-79. Nouvelle t.ible des articles contenus dans les volumes de 1' Academic ... depuis 1666 jufqu'en 1770, dans ceux des Arts et metiers publies par cette Academic, et dans la CoUeftion Academique. Par M. I'Abbe Rozier ... 4 tom. 4= Paris, 1775-6. Parifienfis, Oxenienfis, Pragenfis, et Romanx Academi- arum epiftola, de audtoritate Imperatoris in fchifmate pa- parum tollendo etc. ad Urbanum Papam et Wenceflaum Imp. 1380. [Melchior Goldastus, Monarchia S. Ro- mani Imperil, i. 229]. ACADEMIE CelTIQUE. Memoires de 1' Academic Celtique, ou recheiches fur les ACADEMY— ACCARIAS •7 antiquites Celtiques, Gauloifes et Fran^aifes ; publics par I'Acadcmie Celtique. 5 torn. 8" Paris, 1807-10. ACCADEMIA DEL ClMENTO. Saggi di natural! efperienze fatte nell'Accademia del Cimento ... e defcrittc dal Scgretario [Lorenzo Magalotti] di effa Accademia. 1666. Tentamina experimentomm, &c. 1731. (Tranjlaihn of preceding.) Eflayes of natural experiments, &c. Englifhed by Richard Waller. 1684. (Tranjlation of preced'ing.) — French tranflation [in tome i. of the ColleHion Aca- demlque ... parlie etrangere, 1755' See above.^ Accademia della Crusca. Vocabolario degli Accademici della Citifca, in qucfta tcrza imprclTione nuo\'amente corretto, e copiofamente ac- crefciuto. 3 torn. fol. Firenze, 1 69 1 . Atti dell'imperiale e rcale Accademia della Cnafca. torn. I. 4° Firenze, 18 19. Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Hiftolre de 1' Academie ... depuisfon etabliflemcntjufqu'a prefent ; avec les memoires de litterature, tirez des rcgif- tres de cettc Academie, depuis fon renouvellement jufqu'en I 7 10 [-1737]. Tomes 1-4, 7-20. 12'^ Amft. 17 19-43. [From vol. 2 the title bears only " Memoircs^^^ &c.j Hiftoire de 1' Academie ... depuis 171 i jufqu'a [1737]. Tome second [-fixi^me]. 12° La Haye (et Amfterdam), 1724-43. Hiftoire de I'Academie ... depuis fon etabliflement jufqu'a prefent [-1793]; avec les memoires de litterature, tirez des regifties de cette Academie, depuis fon renouvellement jufqu'en 1710 [-1793]. 50 tom. 4° Paris, 1 7 36-1 808. [Vols. 8, 44, 45, 46, wanting] Hiftoire fuivie de I'Academie . . . depuis fon etabliflement : avec les eloges des academiciens morts ... 2 tom. 12° Amft. 1743. Academie Royale des Sciences. Hiftoire de I'Academie ... Annee 1699 [-1754]; avec les memoires de mathematique et de pliyfique ... tirez des regiftres de cette Academie. I 2 ' Amft. i70()-f)3. [Impirftfl ; 1699-1714, 21 vols.; 1717-1726, 12 vols.; 1727, part 2,-1754, ^4 vols.] Hiftoire de I'Academie ... avec les memoires de mathe- matique et de phyfique. Annee 1699 [-1790]. 96 tom. 4° Paris, 1719, etc. — 1797. Hiftoire [from the third volume, " Memoires"] de I'Aca- demie ... depuisfon euibliflement en 1666 jufqu'a 1^199. II tom. 4" Paris, 1729-33. Recueil des pieces quiont remporte le i)rixde I'Academie, depui.s leur fondatlon [1720] jufqu'a prefent [1732]. 2 tom. 4^ Paris, 1732. Table alphabetique des matiires contenues dans 1' Hiftoire et les Memoires de I'Academie ... dreftee par Mr. Godin ...4 tom. 1666 [-1734]. 4' Paris, 1734. Table generale des mati^res contenues dans I'Hiftoire et vol. I. les Memoires de I'Academie ... depuis I'annee 1699 juf- ques en 1734, inclufivement. 3 tom. 12° Amft. 1 741. Table generale des niati^res ... depuis 1730 jufqu'a [1780]. Par M. P. Demours. 5 tom. [Culled tome 5-9-] 4° Paris, I 747-86. Memoires de mathematique et de phyfique prefentes a I'Academie ... par divers fjavans, et liis dans fes aflembltk-s. II tom. 4° Paris, 1750-86. Phyfical and mathematical memoirs, extrafted from the rcgiftcis of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. To be continued monthly. Jan. 31, 1692. Tome i. 4° Lond. 1692. Royal Academy of Arts. A glance at the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1850.' 4= Lond. 1850. Abftraift of the conftitution and laws of the Royal Academy of Aits in London. Eftabliflied December i o, 1768. With a preface by William Coningham. 8° Lond. 1850. Royal Academy of Aits in London. Laws relating to the fchools, the libiai-y, and the ftudents. With preface by William Coningham. 8° Lond. 1850. Royal Military Academy. Pradtlcal hints for the adoption of a better fyftem in the government of the Royal Militaiy Academy at Woolwich. By an artillery officer. 8° Lond. 1847. Records of the Royal Military Academy. fol. Woolwich, 1850. The Royal Military Academy, and the artillery and engineer fervices. 8° Lond. 1855. ACARETE ( ). An account of a voyage up the river de la PlaUi, and thence over land to Peru: With obfei"vations on the in- habitants, as well Indians and Spaniards ; the cities, com- merce, fertility and riches of that part of America. 1698. [Voyiiges and difcoveries in South America.] ACASTER (.Iohn). Vicar of" St. Helen's, Stoncgate, York. The Church in danger from herfelf ; or, the caufes of her prefent declining ftate ex])Iained. 8° Lond. 1829. Remedies for the Church in danger ; or, hints to the Legiflature on Church reform. 8° Lond. 1830. Solitaiy inufings : a poem on tlie hiftoiy of the Hebrew nation, as contained in the Bible, fioni Abiam, tlieir great ])rogenitor, down to their final fettlement in the jjioniifed land; with refleiflions thereon. 12° Lond. 1854. ACCARIAS DE SERIONNE (.Iacques). B. at Chatlllon, Dauphini-, 1709. D. at Vienna 1792. Les interets des nations de I'Europc, developes relative- ment au commerce. 2 tom. [y/non.] 4 Leide, I 766. — 4 tom. [y-hion.] 12 Leide, I 767. Le commerce de la Hollande ; ou tableau du com- merce des Ilollandais dans les quatre parties du monde. 3 tom. [Anon.] »" Amft. 1768. i8 ACCARISIO— ACCOROMBONIUS ACCARISIO (Alberto). B. at Cento, in the duchy of Ferrara, towards the clofc of the 15th century. Vocabolaiio, grammatiw, et orthographia de la lingua volgare d' Alberto Achaiifio da Cento ; con ifpofitioni di molti luoghi di Dante, del Petraixa et del Boccaccio. 4° Cento, 1543. Grammatica Italiana. [Aromatari, Degli autori del ben parlare, iffc, pt. i. torn. 2.] ACCEPTANTIBUS (Franciscus de). Francefco Accettanti, an Italian lawyer, who is only known as the author of the following treatile. De fententia diffinitiva & interlocutoria. [F. Zilettus, TraSatus utilveiji juris, v. 3.] ACCIAJOLI (Donato). B. at Florence 142S. D. 1478. Beginning : — Donati . Acciaoli . Florentini . prooemivm . in expofitionem . libii . ethicorvm . Ariftotelis . ad clariili- mvm . virem . Cofmom . Medicem . End: — D. A. F. expofitio fuper libros ethicorum Arif- totelis in novam traduftionem Johannis Argyropili Bizantii finit foeliciter. Impreflum Florentiae apud Sanftum laco- bum de Ripoli MCCCCLXXVIII. fol. Donati Acciaioli in Ariftotelis libros ofto Politicomm commentarii, nunc primClm in lucem editi. 8° Venetiis, 1566. Caroli Magni, viri illuftris, vita. [Freherus, Corpus Francic(Z hijloricc, ii. 549.] — [Menckenius, Scriptores rerum Germanicaruni, i. S I 3.J — [Flutarchus, Vitae, isfc, edit. 1524. p. 300.] ACCIAJOLI (NicoLo). B. at Naples 12 Sep. 1310. Grand fenefchal of the king- dom of Naples. D. 1366. * De vita et rebus geftis Nicolai Acciajoli. [By Matt. Palmerius.] ACCIDENT. The accident : a paftoral efTay. fol. Lond. i 7 46. ACCINCTUS (Caius Valerius). Pfeud of Jacobus Perizonius. ACCIUS (Lucius). A Latin tragic poet, who flourilhed about two centuries be- fore the Chriftian era. Fragmenta. [Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta veterum poetarum LaUnorum, p. 1 48 7. J — \ColleBio PiJ'aurenJls, &c., i\ . 3 I 4. See Poems.] — Cum caftigationibus et notis G. J. Voflii. [Scriverius, ColleSanea veterum tragicorum, p. 89.] ACCOLTI (Benedetto). B. at Arezzo 1415. Secretary of the republic of Florence 1459. D. 1466. De bello a Chriftianis contra Barbaros gefto pro Chrifti fepulcro et Judea lecuperandis libri iiii. Thomas Demp- fteiiis ... cum aliis fcriptoribus collates, et mendis expurga- vit et notis non %Tjgaribus illuftravit. 4-' Florentiae, 1623. — Another edition. Nunc denuo ad exemplar Floren- tinum MDCXxiii. ab innumeris et foediflimis mendis expurga- tum, emaculatius recudendos cui'avit Henricus Hofsnider. 8 Groningae, i 7 3 i . Benedifli Accolti Aretini dialogus de prsftantia virorum fui aevi. 12= PaiTna:, 1689. — 8" Panmx, 1691. — ■ [Gr.evius, Thefaurus antiquitatum, l^c., Italite, ix. pt. 6.] ACCOLTI (Benedetto). Grandfon of the preceding. B. at Florence 1497. After holding various important ecclefiaftical offices, he became Archbilhop of Ravenna in 1522 and Cardinal in 1527. D. at Florence 1549. Carmen ad pacem. [Gruter, Delitiie cc. Italorum poeta- rum, i. I.] CaiTiiina. [Carmina quinque Heirufcorum poetarum.] — \Carmina illujlrium POETARUM Italorum, i. I.] ACCOLTI (Bernardo). Son of the elder Benedetto. B. 1465. His reputation as a poet was fo great, that he was called L*unico Aretino. D. about 1535. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiatw, vi. 297.] ACCOLTI (Fabrizio). A natural fon of Cardinal Benedetto Accolti. Carmina. \Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, '• 443-] ACCOLTI (Francesco). Brotherofthe elder Benedetto. B. at Arezzo 141 8. He was ftyled the prince of the laviyers of his time. D. at Siena 1483. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, vi. 217.] ACCOMMODATION. Plaine Englifh ; or, a difcourfe concerning the accomo- dation, the army, and the affociation. 1643. [5y Edward Bowles.] A fiirther difcovery of the office of publick addiefs for accommodations. 1648. [.ffizc/f/an Miscellany, vi. 13.] ACCORDS (Le Seigneur des). Pfeud. of Eftienne Tabourot. ACCOROMBONIUS (Fabius). B. at Gubbio in the duchy of Urbino J50Z. Studied at Padua, and taught law at Rome. U. there 1559. Repetitio fuper § cum ita, ex 1. hsredes mei, ff. ad Tre- bellia. [Limpius, Repetitiones in varias juris civilis leges, iv- 537-] Repetitio in 1. naturaliter § nihil commune, ff. de acquir. polfefs. [Ibid. v. 228.] Repetitio in 1. Qui fe pauis. C. unde liberi. [Ibid, viii. 185.] ACCOROMBONIUS— ACETI ACCOROMBONIUS (Felix). An Italian phyfician and philoiophcr, born at Gubbio, who flouriihed about the end of the i6th century. Felicis Accorombonii interpretatio obfcuriorum locorum et fententi;ii-um omnium opcrum Ariltotelis, et prscipuoram dubiorum, quae in lingulis cius libiis moveri folcnt, ex eius verbis, vel validis lationibus dcclaiatio . . . et omnium ferme controverfiarum quae verfantur inter Platonicos, Galenum, et Ariftotelem examinatio. Et de fluxu ct rcfluxu maris brevis traftatus : his additur non paucai-um fententiarara difficilium Theophrafti in libris de ])lantis ex])lanatio ; ct in librani Galeni de temperamentis annotationes ; nee non et literas mul- tarum dejiravationuni emcndationes, ex antiquiflimis Grxcis manufcriptis codicibus deprompta'. fol. Roniae, 1590. ACCOROMBONIUS (Octavius). Carmina, \^Carmina illujlrium poetarum Ilalorum, i. 445.] ACCOUNT. The proceedings of the Right Hon. the Lords ... in Parliament aflemblcd, upon the Obfenations of the com- miflioners for taking, examining, and ftating the public accounts of the kingdom, delivered into the Houfe of Peers. 1702. [Scott's edition of Somers' Tracts, xii. 395.] A report from the commiflioners ajipointed to take, examine, and ftate the publick accompts of the kingdom. v." n. p. 1703. The report of the commiflioners for taking, examining, and ftating the publick accounts of the kingdom, with the depofitions at large of Sir Solomon Medina, Kt., John Montgomei-y, Efq., and Captain William Prefton, men- tioned in the faid repoit. 8° n. p. 17 i i. A rejjort from the commiflioners appointed to take, ex- amine and ftate the publick accompts of the kingdom, and to determine the debts due to the army, &c., with a ftate of the expence of the late war. 8° Lond. i 7 1 4. Repoits of the commiflioners apjjointed to examine, take and ftate the public accounts of the kingdom, prefcnted to his Majefty and to botli Houfes of Parliament, with the appen- dixes complete. [Vol. i. edited by William Mollefon, vols. ii. and iii. by John Lane, fecretaries to the commif- lioners.] 3 vols. 4" Lond. 1783-87. ACCOUNTANTS. Accountants and auditors ; their duties briefly conlldered. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. ACCUM (Frederick). B. at Biickcburg 1769. Came to London in 1793. Lec- turer on chemiftry, and librarian of the Royal Inftitution. Re- tired to Berlin. D. there 1838. A praflical efTay on the analyfis of minerals, exem])lify- ing the bcft methods of analyfing ores, earths, ftones, inflam- mable foflils, and mineral fubftances in general. 12° Lond. 1804. A practical treatife on gas-light ; exhibiting a fummary (iefcription of the apparatus and machinery beft calculated for illuminating ftrcets, houfes, and manufadlories with car- buretted hydiogen, or coal-gas ; with remarks on the utility, fafety, and general nature of this new branch of civil economy. Second edition. 8° Lond. 181 5. Dcfcription of the procefs of manufafturing coal-gas, for the lighting of ftreets, houfes, and public buildings ; with elevations, feftions, and plans of the moft improved forts of apparatus now employed at the gas works in London, and the principal provincial towns of Great Britain ; accom- panied with comparative eftimates, exliibiting the moft economical mode of procuring this fpecies of light. 8° Lond. 1 8 19. A treatife on the art of brewing, exhibiting the London praftice of biewing porter, brown ftout, ale, table beer, and various other kinds of malt liquors. 12° Lond. 1820. A treatife on adulterations of food and culinaiy poifons, exhibiting the fraudulent fophiftications of bread, beer, \vine, fpiiituous liquors, tea, coffee, cream, confedtionai-y, vinegar, muftard, pepper, cheefe, olive oil, pickles, and other articles employed in domeftic economy, and methods of detedling them. 12° Lond. 1820. Chemical re-agents, or tefts ; and theii' application in analyzing waters, eartJis, foils, metalliferous ores, metallic alloys, &c., &c. Originally by F. Accum ; improved, and brought down to the prefent ftate of chemical fcience, by William Maugham. 12° Lond. 1828. ACCURSIUS (Franciscus). B. at Florence 1182. Studied law under Azo, whofe col- league he became in 1221. Aflefl'or to the Podefta in Bologna 1252. D. there 1260. Inftitutionum civilium libri quatuor, una cum Accurfii coramentariis ... 1550. fe Jus Civile. ACE (Daniel). " Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy : " a fermon on the proper obfen'ance of the Lord's day, de- livered in St. Leonard's church. New Malton, on Sunday evening, March 2, 1856. [Ex. XX. viii.] 8° Lond. 1856. ACERBI (Joseph). B. at Castcl-Goffredo, near Mantua, 3 May 1773. D. there 25 Aug. 1846. Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799. 2 vols. 4" Lond 1802. ACERNO (Thomas de). Bifliop of Nocera in the kingdom of Naples. Reprcfcnted Naples at the Court of Rome 1 378, and was fent by Urban VL as nuncio to Bohemia in 1 381. De creatione Urbani VL et creatione Domini Gcbcn- nenfis in antipapam. [Muratori, /^(vv/m Itnl'icanim fcr'tp- tores. III. ii. 7 i 5.] ACETI (Thomas). B. near Cofenza in Calabria 24 U(\. 16S7. D. about the middle of the 1 8th century. Thomas Aceti ... in Gabrielis Barrii, Francifcani [i.e. GuHclml Sir/iii] De antiquit;ite & (itu Calabria; lioros 20 ACHARD— ACHILLI quinque ... prolegomena, additiones at notae. I737- See SiRLETUS. ACHARD (Claude Francois). B. at MarfeiUes 1753. Phyficiaii and librarian. D. 29 Sep. 1809. Cours elementaire de bibliographie, ou la fcience du bibliothecaire. 3 torn. 8° Marfeille, 1806-7. ACHARDUS. B. about the beginning of the 1 2th century j was the fecond Abbot of St. Vidor, Paris, fucceeding Guildin in 1 155. Ap- pointed Birtiop of Avranches in ii5i by Henry II. of Eng- land. D. 1171. Epiftola ad Henricum II. Anglorum regem. Epiftola ad A. epifcopum Lexovienfem. [Martene & Durand, Veterum fcriptorum iyc. ampliffima colledio, vi. 230]. ACHARISIO (Alberto). See AccARisio. ACHARYA (Bhascara;. Lilawati ; or a treatife on arithmetic and geometiy. Tranflated from the original Sanfcrit by John Taylor, M.D. 40 Bombay, 1 8 1 6. ACHATES. Fidelis Achates ; or, an hiftorical account of die moft remarkable aftions in the late reigns, and the piefent revo- lution, in heroick verfe. 8° Lond. 1699. Achates to Varas : an epiftle, defcribing fome late wonderfiiU appearances that enfued from a touch of Ithu- riel's fpear. Together with a large preface, in the ftyle and manner of fome diftinguifh'd authors. 8° Lond. 1746. ACHENWALL (Gottfried). B. at Elbingen in Pruffia 20 Oft. 1719. ProfelTor of the law of nature and nations in the Univerfity of Gbttingen. D. I May 1772. Juris gentium Europaearam pradici primae lineae ; frag- mentura libelli ob B. Auftoris moitem adfefti, nunc tandem in lucem editum. 8° Gottingx, 1775. Gefchichte der allgemeineren Europaifchen Staatfhandel des vorigen und jetzigen Jahrhundeits im Gmndriffe. Als der Europaifchen Gefchichte zweyter Theil. Vierte ver- beflerte Aufgabe. 8° Gbttingen, 1779. ACHERIUS (Joannes Lucas d'). Jean Luc d'Achery, a learned Benedictine of the congrega- tion of St. Maur, was born at St. Qi^entln 1609. Made his firft profeflion in the abbey de I'lle, St. Qi^entin, from which he removed, 1.632, to that of Sainte Trinitc at Vendome. Being attacked by illnefs, he was removed to Paris, and placed in the abbey of St. Germain des Pres, where he remained till his death, 29 April 1685. Veterum aliquot fcriptonim, qui in Galliae bibliothecis, maxime Benediftinoram latuerant, fpicilegium. 1 3 torn. 4^ Parifiis, 1665-76. Afta fanftoiTim Ordinis S. Benedidi ... Collegit Dom- nus L. d'Achery ac cum eo edidit D. Joannes Mabillon. ACHERLEY (Roger). An Englifh lawyer, who lived in London, during the firft half of the 18th century. The Britannic conftitution ; or, the fundamental form of government in Britain : demonftrating the original con- traft entred into by king and people, according to the primary inftitutions thereof, in this nation. Wherein is proved, that the pliicing on the throne King William III. was the natural fruit and effefl of the original conftitution ; and, that the fucceflion to this crown, eftablilh'd in the prefent Proteftant heiis, is de jure, and juftify'd by the fjndamental laws of Great Britain. And many important original powers and privileges, of both Houfes of Pailia- ment, are exhibited. fol. Lond. 1727. ACHETA DOMESTICA. Epifodes of infeft life. By Acheta Domeftica, M.E.S. 8° Lond. 1849. — Second feries. 8° Lond. 1850. — Third feries. 8^ Lond. 185 i. March winds and Apiil Ihowers : being notes and notions on a few created things. 8° Lond. 1854. May flowers : being notes and notions on a few created things. 8° Lond. 1855. ACHILLES TATIUS. Lived in the latter half of the 5th or beginning of the 6th century. Narrationis amatoriae fragmentum ^ Graeco in Latinum converfum, L. Annibale Cruceio \JDella Croce"\ interprete. S'' Lugduni, apud Seb. Giyphaeum, 1544. Achillis Tatii de Clitophontis et Leucippes amoribus lib. viii. Longi Sophiftx de Daphnidis et Chloes amoribus lib. iv. Paithenii Nicasenfis de amatoriis affeflibus lib. i. Ite- ram edita Graece ac Latine. 8° [Heidelbergae], in bibliopolio Commeliniano, 1606. Ayi'/.Xi'ji: Tarioj A'/.s~a.^d^£ii: E^uiTiy.'Mv, five de Clito- phontis et Leuci])pes amoribus libii \4ii. varietate le(5bionis notifque CI. Salmafii, I. B. Cai-pzovii, T. B. Beigeri ac fuis illuftrati a Benjani. Gottlib Laiu". Boden. [^Greei text and Latin ver/!ori.~\ 8° Lipfiae, 1776. Achillis Tatii Alexandjini de Leucippes et Clitophontis amoribus libri odlo. Textum ad libronam manufcriptorum fidem recenfuit, Latinam Hannib. Cmceii verfionem, notas feleiSas CI. Salmalli, ineditas Fr. Guyeti, Car. Guil. Go- ettlingii, C. B. Hafii et fuas adjecit Fridericus Jacobs ... 8° Lipfiae, 182 i. ACHILLI (Giacisto). * Authentic " Brief flpinae, 151;''). Hiftoria natural y moral de las India.s, en que fe tratan las cofas notables del cielo, y elementos, nietales, plantas, y animales dellas : y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyos, y gouierno, y guerras de los Indios. 8' Madrid, 1608. Hiftoire naturelle et moralle des Indes, tant orientaJles qu'occidentalles : oil, il eft traifte des chofes rcmarquablcs du ciel, des elemens, mcUiux, plantes, et animaux qui font proprcs de ce pays. Enfenible des moeurs, ceremonies, loix, gouvernemens et guerres des mefmes Indiens. Compofee en Caftillan par lofeph Acofta, et traduite en Francois par Robert Regnault Cauxois. 8° Paris, 1600. — Another edition. 8° Paris, 1606. The naturall and morall hifl:orie of the Eaft and Weft Indies : intreating of the remarkeabie things of heaven, of the elements, mettalls, plants and be:ifts which are proper to that country ; together with the manners, ceremonies, lawes, governements, and warres of the Indians. Written in Spaniili by lofeph Acofta, and tranflated into Engliih by E. G. [Edivard Grime/lone.'\ 4^ Lond. 1604. ACOSTA (Nonius). An Italian lawyer, who flouriflicd about the middle of the 17th century. De privilegiis creditonim traftatus abfolutiffimus, in quo celebriores, et in ufu forenfi fiequenliores cjuaeftiones de prseferentiis creditorum difcutiuntur, & folidiiTima doftrina refolvuntur. fol. [Genevas], fumptibus Samuelis Chouet, 1670. ACQUAVIVA (Giovanni Girolamo). A Neapolitan nobleman, who died at a very advanced age in 1592. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. 264.] ACRAEUS. God's laws I'erjus corn-laws : a letter to his Grace the Archbifliop of Canterbury, from a dignitary of the Engliih Church. 8" Lond. 1846. ACRES (.Joseph). Vicar of Blewberry in Bcrkfhire. The title method of propagating religion and loy.dty : a fermon preached in the ))ari(h cliurch of St. Maiy in White Chapel, on Sunday the 24th of OiStober, i 7 i 4, in the afternoon. \J's. Ixxviii. 4.] 8° Lond. 1714. ACRONIUS (Joannes). A Proteftant theologian. Miniftcr at Eilfum in Eaft Fricl- land 1584, at Groningen 1601, at Wcfel 1611, and at Dcvcn- tcri6i4. Profcllor of theology at Franeker 1617, and miniftcr at Hacrlcm 1619. D. there Sep, 1627. Elenchus ortiiodoxus ])feudo-rcligionis Romano-Catho- licec. Plurimos et graviflimos errores moderni Pajiatus, de prascipuis Chriftianx' religionis cajiitibus, fic jK-rcenlens, ut inde ncccflitas ejus deferendi et abrogandi, ac refoiniandi ab codem Ecclefix, fat omnibus ajipaieat. Op|>ofitus Papa- tui in Clivia ab Joanne Acronio. 8' Daventrix, 161 5. ACROPOLITA (Georgius). B. at Conftantinopic 1210. Comptroller-general of Finance 24 ACROPOLITI— ACTUARIUS under Michael Palaeologus. Governor of the weftern provinces of the Empire. D, 1282. Tsoiiywu roil A'/.oo^oXitou Xoowzj] evyyoafrj- Georgii Acropolitx Hiftoria, Joelis Chronographia compendiaria, & Joannis Canani Narratio de bello C P., Leone AUatio inter- prete, cum ejufdem notis & Theodori Douzs obfeiTationibus. Accefllt Diatriba de Georgiorum fcriptis. \jjr. and Lat.^ fol. Parifiis, 165 I. — recognovit Imnianuel Bekkerus. [Gr. and Lat. Corpus fcr'tptorum hljlorie Byzantines, No. 29.] 8' Bonns, 1836. ACROPOLITI (Constantine). 'Eyzw/i/ov Kuturavri'vou AzjOvToX/rou xal fj.iya.y.ov XoyoSi- rov ilg roll aytov zui OioffTi'irrov (BaeiX'ia KunaratTlvoy riiv M'syav, xal ' leaTodToXor snOrihii Tjwro* ?;5?i w; i^si h %£'50- ygapo/j Oto yLuveratrivoM liiJ-uvihoxi ... 8" ill Aov&'itui, AttDiy [1853.1 ACTION. A plain relation of the late aflion at fea between the Englilh & Dutch, and the French fleets ... 1690. \By Edward Stephens.] ACTIONS. The law of adlions : being an exaft, brief, and mediodi- cal coUeftion of all adjudged cafes out of all the reports of the law to this day ; and likewife from Roll's Abridgment, correfting the method thereof: by which, any particular cafe may be jirefently found, and the reafon that mles it render'd obvious to the meanell capacity. With the fub- ftance of the pleadings in thofe aftions. 8° In the Savoy, 17 10. A philofophical enquiry into the phyfical fpring of human aftions ... 1732. ^By S. Strutt.] ACTIUS (Thomas). A lawj-er of Foflbmbrone ; Hourinied about the end of the 1 6th century. De ludo fcacchorum in legali methodo traftatus. Nunc primum in lucem editus, cum fummariis & indice. 4° Pifauri, 1583. — [Fr. "Lihi-TTVijTradatus unlverfi juris, vii. 1 68.1 ACTOLINIUS (Joannes Petrus). Giov. Pietro ,A.ttolini, an Italian lawyer. Refolutiones forenfes, feu, res in diveifis foris, et pra:- cipue in civitate Bononicc judicats : in quibus plures mate- riae ecclefiafticse, feudales, cmphyteuticce, fidei commiffaris, et alias ufu frequentiores refolutiva, et dilucida methodo pertraftantur. Cum pluribus eorundem tribunalium, et prs- fertim Sacras Rotae Romanas decifionibus adhuc non im- prellis, quae in ipfifmet emanarunt caufis, in quibus prxce- dentia quasque prodiere refponfa. fol. Genevas, 1686. ACTON (Eliza). Poems. 8° Ipfwich, 1826. Modern cookeiy, in all its branches, reduced to a fyftem of eafy praftice, for the ufe of private families : in a feries of praflical receipts, which have been ftriflly tefted, and are given with the moll minute exadnefs. 8° Lond. 1845. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1845. Modern cookery, for private families, reduced to a fyfteni of eafy praftice ; in a feries of carefidly tefted receipts, in which the principles of Baron Licbig and other eminent writers have been as much as poffible applied and explained. 8° Lond. 1855. The Englifli bread-book for domeftic ufe, adapted to families of every grade : containing the plainell: and mod minute inftruftions to the learner ; pradtical receipts for many varieties of bread ; with notices of the prefent fyftem of adulteiation, and its confequences ; and of the improved baking procefles and inftitutions eftablifhed abroad. 8° Lond. 1857. ACTON (Henry). B. at Lewes lo'March 1797. Unitarian minifter at Exeter. D. there 22 Aug. 1843. Sermons by the late Rev. Henrj' A(5lon ; with a memoir of his life. Edited by the Rev. William James and the Rev. J. Reynell Wreford, F.S.A. 8° Lond. 1846. ACTON (Thomas Harman). Of the Middle Temple. Reports of cafes argued and deteiTnined before the molt noble and Right Honourable the Lords Commiflioners of Appeals in prize caufes : alfo on appeal to the King's mod excellent Majelly in Council. With an a])pendix 2 vols. 8° Lond. 18 i i. ACTON (William). A praftical treatife on difeafes of the urinai-y and gene- rative organs (in both fexes). Second edition. 8° Lond. 1851. The funi5tions and diforders of the reproductive organs in youth, in adult age, and in advanced life : confidered in their phyfiological, focial, and pfychological relations. Reprinted from the third edition of his Praftical treatife on difeafes of the urinary and generative organs. 8° Lond. 1857. — Second edition. 8^ Lond. 1858. Prollitution, confidered in its moral, focial, and fanitary afpeifls, in London and other large cities, with propofals for the mitigation and prevention of its attendant evils. 8° Lond. 1857. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. See Bible. ACTUARIUS (Joannes). A Greek phyfician of the Lower Empire. The name Adlua- rius was applied generally to the court phyfician at Conftanti- nople, but the author of the following works lived towards the end of the 1 3th century. Axnuapioii Ts^l inoynuv xal -iraduv roij -vf/up^/xoi; (ing a means of procuring (by aift of Parliament) fubjetTs for the inftruiflion of medical (ludents, whereby tiie prefent barbarous fyftcm of raifing the dead will be effeftually ])revented ... 8" Edinb. 1822. ADAIR (.Iames). " A trader with the Indians, and a rcfidcnt in tlieit country forty years." The hiftory of the American Tndi.ins; particul.irly tliofe nations adjoining to the Millilipjii, Eall and Well Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia ... With VOL. I. obfervations on former hiftorians ... Alfo an appendix ... ^V'ith a new map of the country referred to in the hiftory. 4' Lond. 1775. ADAIR (John). The defcription of the fea coaft and iflands of Scotland, with large and exadt maps for tlie ufe of feamen. fol. Edinb. 1703. ADAIR (Robert). Surgeon-general of the army. D. 16 Mar. 1790. * Memoirs of the life of Robert Adair, Efq. 4° Lond. 1 790. ADAIR (Sir Robert). B. in London, 24 May, 1763. Educated at Weftminftcr and at Gbttingen. AmbalTador at Vienna, 1806, and at Con- ftantinople, 1809. D. 3 Oct. 1855. Two letters from Mr. Adair to [TbmA'nc] the Bifhop of Winchefter, in anfwer to the charge of a high treafonablc mifdemeanour, bi'ought by his loidfliip againft Mr. Fox and himlc-lf, in his Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt. 8° Lond. 182 I. * A reply to the charges of Robert Adair, Efq., againft the Bifhop of Wincheftei', in confequence of a paffage con- tained in his lordfliip's Memoirs of the Right Hon. W. Pitt. 8" Lond. 182 I. Hiftorical memoir of a million to the Court of Vienna in 1806 ; with a feleiflion from his defpatches. 8° Lond. 1 8 44. The negotiations for the peace of the Dardanelles, in 1808-9 ; with defpatches and official documents: being a fequel to the Memoir of his million to Vienna in i 806. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1845. ADAIRE (Archibault). Narre de la conference verbale et par efcrit, tenue entre M" Piene du Moulin et Cayer. 8° Geneve, 1633. ADALAGUS. See Adelagus. ADALARDUS. B. about 723. Abbot of Corbcy in the valley of the Wefer. D. 2 Jan. 826. Statuta antiqua Abbati^ S. Petri Coibcicnfis a S. Adalardo jjiaefcripta. [d'AcHERius, Spidlegiiim, iv. I.] * Vita S. Adalhardi ... aucflore S. Pafchafio Radberto. Capitula de admonitionibus in congregatione. [Ma- BILLON, yltia fiiiiLhrum orditiis S. Birndidi, i\. i. 71 I.] ADALBERO. Bilhop of Laon, 977. D. 19 July, 1030. Carmen ad Rotbertum rcgem Francorum. [Bouquet, Reciieil des h'ljlonens des Gaules et de la France, .\. 65.] — \I^French prufe Iranjlaliim) GuiZOT, Colle^lion des nie- moires, vi. 4 ' 5- ) ADALBERO. Bilhop of Wiirzburg. D. 1090. * Vita S. Adalberonis, Epifcopi Heibipolenfis, aut^ore nionacho Lambacenfi. [Mauillon, /ISa fantiorum orJinii S. lunedieli, vi. ii. '>58.] * — [Pert/., Monumenta Genranie /jijlnrirti, xiv. 127.] 0.6 ADALBERO— ADAM ADALBERO. Bilhop of Metz. Epiftola encyclica in gratiam cujufdam homicide poeni- tentis. [Mabillon, Vetera analedn, p. 434.] ADALBERO 11. Birtiop of Metz. * Epkaphium. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, iv. 554.] * Vita, auftore Constantino Abbate. ADALBERTUS. Son of a Chriftian Sclavonian prince, whofe territory lay on the eaft bank of the Upper Elbe. Educated at Magdeburg, whither he was fent while a mere boy in 972. Elected bilhop of Prague in 9S3. Killed by the pagan inhabitants of a remote diftriift of eaft PrulTia, while on a miilionary expedition, 21 April, 997- * Vita: duK S. Adalbeiti, anonymis Polonis audtoribus. [DoBNER, Monumenta hijlonca Bocnuic, ii. 51.] * Vita Adalberti auftore Johanne Canapario. * — auftore Brunone Aichiepifcopo. * Miracula S. Adalberti maitiris. [Pertz, Monumenta German'in hijlorkuy vi. 613.] ADALBERTUS, Diaconus. Vita Heinrici IL imperatoris. [Pertz, Monumenta Ger- maniic hijlorica, vi. 792.] ADALBERTUS, Floriacensis. See Adrevaldus. ADALBOLDUS. See Adelboldus. ADALGISUS. Miracula S. Theodorici abbatis. [Mabillon, /?ion of certain records, and for an addrefs to the king, to inteqiofe the royal juflice and clem- ency in behalf of Thom.is Muir, Efq., and the Rev. Thomas Fyfhe Palmer. 8° Lond. 1794. The fpeech of William Adam, Efq., M.P. for Kincar- dincfliire, in the Houfe of Commons, on the third reading of the Scots Judicature Bill, on the 24111 of .(une, 1808. 8' Edinb. 1808. S])ecch of William Adam on the 6th of April, 18 10, on Mr. Lethbridge's motion refpe<5ling Sir Francis Burdett : together with the fubftance of wliat Mr. Adam faid in the preceding debate for adjournment, and in the fubfequent proceedings, upon this momentous topic. 8' Lond. I 8 10. Obferv.itions on certain claufes in the s&.s of the 55th Geo. III. ch. 42, ,nnd 59th Geo. III. ch. 35, creating and regulating trial by jury in civil caufcs in Scotland ; by the Lord Chief Commiflioner of the Jury Court. 8° n. p. n. d, A praflical tre.atife and obfervations on trial by jury in civil caufes, as now incoqioimed with the jurifdiftion of the Court of Seflion. With an appendix. 8° Edinb. 1836. Additional obfervations on bills of exception ; being a fupplement to his treatife on tiial by jury. 8° Edinb. 1836. ADAM (William), Architeft. Flans of houfes. fol. no title-page. ADAM (William). Mineralogift, Matlock, Derbyfhire. The gem of the Peak ; or, Matlock Bath and its vicinity ; an account of Derby ; a tour from Derby to Matlock . . . catalogue of minerals and rocks, and of the flora of the High and Low Peak. Third edition. 12° Lond. 1843. Firft lefTons in geology ; with a fpccial aiticle on the toad- ftones of Derbyfliire, and a glolTaiy, exjjlanatoiy of geological terms and their derivations. i 2"^ Derby, 1857. Dales, fceneiy, filhing ftreams, and mines of Derbyfliire, and furrounding counties, hiftorical and geological. 8" Lond. 1 86 1. ADAM (William Patrick). Thoughts on the policy of retaliation, and its probable effeft on the confumer, producer, and fliipowner. 12° Lond. 1852. ADAMANNUS. See Adamnanus. ADAMANTIUS. A Jewiih pliyfician, who lived in the 4th century. •Puaioyiiu/iir.Sn liiZXia 13'. Ronite, 1545- [Aelianus, Fariie ijijiona; iyc, edit. I 5 45.] ADAMANTIUS. PfeuJ. of Richard Simon. ADAMI (Annibale). B. at Fcrrara, 1626. ProfelTor of rhetoric and belles lettres at the Jefuit College at Rome. D. about the end of the 17th century. Vita e morte gloriofi del ferenifTimo Re e maitire invit- tiiTimo, San Canuto Quarto, Re c protomaitire di Daniniaica. 4° Roma, 1682. ADAMI (Antonio FiLirro). B. at Florence about 1720. D. 1761. Difll-rtazione critiche del ch. fenatore Anton Filippo Adanii in cui molti imiiortantiflimi argomenti fi trattano fopra le antichita Eti-ufche, Romane, e de niezzi tempi, aji- partenenti alia cittii di Firen/e, e fi efamina il genio, c lo Ijiiiito de fuoi fcrittori, e fpecialmente degli ftorici, c con fomnia erudizioiie, e perfettiflimo giudi/io li da' un nietodo ijer comiiilare una dilfuf.i, ed efatta illori.i Fiorentina. 4= Pifa, 1766. 28 ADAMITE RACE— ADAMS ADAMITE RACE. An inquiry into the nature and profpefls of the Adamite race, as viewed in conneiSion with the fcheme of Chrifti- anity. 8^ Lend. 1838. ADAMNANUS. B. 624. Abbot of the monaftery of lona, 679. D. 23 Sep. 704. Vita Sanfli Columbx. [Edited for the Irifh Archxo- logical and Celtic Society, and for the Bannatyne Club, by the Rev. William Reeves, D.D.] 4° Dublinii, 1857. — [Canisius, Led'wnes antiquii, i. 674.] — [Messingham, Florilen'mm, p. 1 4 1.] — [PiNKERTON, Vit,i antiqiut fanctonim, p. 47.] De locis fandlis. [Mabillon, Acta fanBorum ord'in'u S. Benedilii, iv. 456.] ADAMO (Anthoni de). An anatomi, that is to friy, a parting in peeces of the mafs, which difcovereth the hoirible errors, and the infinit abufes unknowen to the people, afwel of the mafs as of the mafs book, veiy profitable, yea moll neceffary for al Chriftian people. With a fermon of the ficrament of thankefgyving in the end, whiche declareth whether Chrift be bodyly in the facrament or not. 8^ n. p. 1556. ADAMS (Arthur). A manual of natural hiftory, for the ufe of travellers ; being a defciiption of the families of the animal and vegetable kingdoms ; with remarks on the practical ftudy of geology and meteorology. To which are appended directions for collefting and preferving. By Arthur Adams, William Bal- four Baikie, M.D., and Charles Barron. 8° Lend. 1854. ADAMS (Mrs. A.) How to make a diefs ; oi', a help to thofe who wifli to help themfelves. 12° Lond. 1853. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1854. How to make a bonnet and a cap ; or, hints to thofe who think they have no tafte for millineiy. 12° Lond. [1854.] Hints on drefs for ladies. 12° Lond. 1856. ADAMS (Charles Warren). A fpring in the Canterbury fettlement. 8° Lond. 1853. Randal Vaughan ; or, felf in felf-faciifice : a novel. 2 vols. 12= Lond. 1856. Drawing-room charades, for a(5ling. 8° Lond. 1856. ADAMS (Charlotte). Little fervant maids. 12° Lond. 1848. Edgar Clifton ; or, right and wrong : a ftory of fchool life. 12° Bath [1852.] Boys at home. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. Matilda Lonfdale ; or, the eldeft fiftei'. 8° Lond. 1855. The errand boy ; or, your time is your employer's. 12° Lond. [1858.] ADAMS (Coker), M.A. The infcription on the crofs as recorded by the four evan- gelifts : a fermon preached at St. Mary's, in Oxford, before the Univerfity. \Luhe xxiii. 38.] 8° Oxford, 1858. ADAMS (C. P.) Creflingham ; or, the miffionaiy. [^non.] 12° Lond. 1846. ADAMS (Dudley). *' ProfeJTional medico-electrician." Eledlricity is the fountain, the great vivifying principle of nature ; a fource of life and health ; medicine the requifite accelToiy to that fcience : an addrefs ... 8° Lond. 1820. God declared. Our Saviour proved to have been God. Mankind the fpiritual offspring of God. The creeds elu- cidated. The impreffive prophecy revealed. Etherealifm, the fcience of the elements, exemplified. 4° Lond. 1827. ADAMS (Edwin). The geographical word-expofitor ; or, names and terms occurring in the fcience of geography, etymologically and otherwife explained. For the ufe of pupil-teachers and the upper claffes in fchools. 12° Lond. 1856. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1856. Notes on the geology, mineralogy, and fprings of England and Wales, to which are added a gloffarial appendix of names and terms ufed in the work ; queftions for examination ; and a few remarks on local etymology. Second edition. 8° Lond. i860. ADAMS (Francis), M.D., LL.D. A native of Aberdeenftiire, and medical praftitioner at Ban- chory Ternan. D. 26 Feb. 1861, aged about 60. Amndines Devs ; or, poetical tranflations on a new prin- ciple. By a Scotch phyfician. 8° Edirb. 1853. ADAMS (F. C.) Manuel Pereira ; or, the fovereign rule of South Carolina. With views of fouthern laws, life, and hofpitality. 8° Lond 1852. ADAMS (George). Mathematical inftrument maker to the king. D. 5 March, 17S6. The defcription and ufe of the univerfal tiigonometrical oftant, invented and applied to Hadley's quadrant . . . 8° Lond. 1753. A treatife defcribing and explaining the conilnailion and ufe of new celeftial and terreftrial globes. Defigned to illuf- trate, in the mofl eafy and natural manner, the phoenomena of the earth and heavens, and to fhew the correfpondence of the two fpheres. With a great variety of agronomical and geographical problems occafionally interfperfed. 8° Lond. 1766. ADAMS 29 ADAMS (George). Son of the preceding, and his fucceiror as mathematical in- ftrument maker to the king. B. 1750. D. 14 Aug. 1795. Effays on the microfcope ; containing a pra>flical defciip- tion of the moft improved miciofcopes ; a general hiflory of infcdts, their transformations, peculiar habits, and oeconomy ... illultrated with thirty-two folio jjlates. Second edition, with confiderable additions and improvements, by Frederick Kanmacher, F.L.S. 4° Lond. 179S. ADAMS (George). Farmer in Worcefterihire. A treatife on a new fyftem of agriculture, and feeding of ftock. 8° Kidderminfter, [ 1 8 i o.] ADAMS (H.^nnah). B. at Medfield, Martachufetts, 1755. D. 1832. Hiftory of the Jews, from the deftmiflion of Jerufalem to the prefent time. 8° Lond. 1818. On the ftate of the world at Chrift's appearance. 1 S 2 3. [Prefixed to T. Williams' D'lHiunary of all religions^ ADAMS (Henry). Adams's parliamentary handbook : a key to the Houfes of Lords and Commons. 8^ Lond. 1853. — Third edition. Edited by Edward Morton, Efq. 8^ Lond. 1854. ADAMS (Henry Cadwallader), M.A. A new Greek deleftus, adapted to the arrangement of the Rev. C. Wordiworth's grammar. With a lexicon and ap- pendix. 12° Lond. 1 8 5 I . — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1853. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1855. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1857. Greek cxercifes, adapted to Adams's Greek deleftus, and Wordfworth's grammar. With a lexicon. 12° Lond. 1S5C). — Second edition. 12= Lond. 1858. A new Latin deleiflus, adapted to the airangcmcnt of the Latin giammar. With a lexicon and notes. 12° Lond. 1852. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1857. Latin exercifes adapted to the arrangement of the Eton and Edw. Vl.th's grammars, and Adams's Latin deli.dlus. With a lexicon. 8^ Lond. 1858. The firfl: of .Tune ; or, fchoolboy rivali-y : a fecond tale of Charlton School. b ' Lond. 1856. Sivan the fleeper : a tale of all time. 8^ Lond. I (^57. The twelve foundations ; and other poems. 8° Cambridge, 1859. ADAMS (H. G.) Flowers ; their mora! language and poetry. I 2° Lond. 1844. Favorite fong-birds ; containing a jiopular defci iption of the feathered fongfters of Bi itain , witli an account of tlieir habits, haunts, and charaderiftic traits . . . Edited by H. G. Adams. 8° Lond. 1851. A cyclopredia of poetical quotations ; confiding of choice paflages fiom the poets of every age and country, claffified under diftinifl heads, and alphabetically arranged for ready reference. With a copious index of fubjefls and authors' names. Edited by H. G. Adams. 8" Lond. 1853. God's image in ebony : being a feries of biogi'aphical flcetches, fafts, anecdotes, &c., demonllrative of the mental ])owers and intelleftual capacities of the negro race. Edited by H. G. Adams ; with a brief iketch of the anti-flavery movement in America, by F. W. Cheflbn ; and a con- cluding chapter of additional evidence, communicated by Wilfon Armiftead, Efq. 8"^ Lond. 1854. Nefts and eggs of familiar Britifh birds, defcribed and illuftrated ; with an account of the haunts and habits of the feathered architefts, and their times and modes of building. 8 Lond. 1854. Beautiful butterflies : the Britifh fpecies defcribed and illuftrated. With an introdufloiy chapter containing the hiftory of a butterfly through all its changes and transforma- tions ; a dcfcription of its ftruifture in the laiTa, pupa, and imago ftates ; and an explanation of the fcientiflc terms ufed by naturalifts in reference thereto. With obfervations upon the poetical and other aflbciations of the infeft. 8° Lond. 1854. Cage and finging birds : how to c:itch, keep, breed, and rear them. 8 Lond. 1854. Beautiful fliells : their nature, ftmfture, and ules familiar- ly explained ; with direiftions for colleiJting, cleaning, and arranging them in the cabinet ; defcriptions of the moft re- markable fpecies, and of the creatures which inhabit them ; and explan-itions of the meanings of their fcientiflc names, and of the terms ufed in conchology. 8° Lond. 1855. A ftoiy of the feafons. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1855. Humming birds, defcribed and illuftrated ; with an in- troductory flcetch of their ftrufture, plumage, haunts, habits, &c. 12° Lond. 1S56. The fea-fide leflbn book : defigned to convey to the youth- fiil mind a knowledge of the nature and ufes of the common things of the fea-coaft. In a feries of familiar defcriptive chapters ; with queftions for examination, and explanations of the meanings of the fcientiflc terms. 8° Lond. 1856. A cyclopedia of female biogra])hy ; confifting of fl ADDLESTAFF— ADELOS ADDLESTAFF (Adam). " Gent, near kinl'man to the Bickerftaffs." The Indian's petition : or, black Jack's pawawing to Don Pluto, lord of the dark regions. Done from his Spanifh notes. 4° Lond. 1 7 i o. ADDRESS. A fecond return to the letter of a noble peer, concerning the addrefles. 1682. See Abhorrors. A reply to the fecond return. [Ibid.] The hldoi-y of addrefles. 1 709. [^By John Oldmixon.] The addrefs to the King ; the humble reprefentation of the Lords and commilfioners of {liires and bui-roughs of the kingdom of Scotland, underfubfcribers, and members of this current Parliament now adjom-ned till the eighth of October next. 4^ no title-page. The trae genuine Tory addrefs ; to which is added, an explanation of fome hard terms now in ufe ; for the infor- mation of all fuch as read or fubfciibe addreffes. I 7 i O. [Scott's eilition of Somers' Tracts, xii. 654.] The true genuine modern Whig addrefs : to which is added, an explanation of fome hard terms now in ufe ; for the information of all fuch as read or fubfciibe addreffes. [Ibid. xii. 658.] To the Worlhipfdl the Addreflers, &c. ( A faUre upon the addrejfes of the High-Church party. ) [Ibid. xii. 666.] The character of a modern addiefier. 8° Lond. 1 7 1 o. Tiie cafe of addreffing confider'd ; &c. 1 7 2 i . \By Bp. Edmund Gibson.] Tlie foieign addrefs : or, the bcft argument for peace : occafioned by the Britifli fleet, and the polbi'e of affairs when the Parliament met, 1 7 3 4. By a failor. 4'= Lond. I 73 5. An addiefs to the great, recommending better ways and means of raifing the neceffary fupplies than lotteries or taxes ; with a word or two concerning an invafion. 8° Lond. n. d. Paftoral addreffes to the Britifli Parliament. By a Chiif- tian bifhop. No. I. i2=Lond. n. d. Rejefted addicfles ... 18 12. [5y Horace and James Smith.] An affeftionate addi-efs to Church people and Diffenters. By a lay Churchman. 12° Lond. 1834. Literaiy addreffes, delivered at various popular inlHtutions. Second feries. Revifcd and correfted by the auriiors. 8' Lond. 1855. — Third feries. 8' Lond. [1856.] ADELAGUS. Archbilhop of Bremen In the loth century. Epiftola confolatai ia ad Flodoardum. [Max. Bibliotheca •vetcnim Patrum, .xvii. 503.] ADELAIDE. Adelaide : a ftoiy of modern life. 1833. [By Mifs Cathcart.] ADELBOLDUS. A native of Friefland. Archbi/hop of Utrecht, lOoS. D. I Dec. 1027. Ad Sylveflrum II. P. M. libellus de ratione inveniendi craffitudinem fphaerae. [Pez, Thefaurus anecdotorum novif- Jlmus, HI. ii. 85.] Vita Henrici Imperatoris. [Ludewig, Scriptores reriim Germanicarum, i. 789.] — edente G. Waitz. [Pertz, Monumenta Germaniiz hijlonca, vi. 679.] ADELEYDES. ** Soror Rodulfi Burgundiie regis, uxor vidua Richard! Bur- gundia? ducis." Chaita qua Romanenfe monafterium fubjecit Odoni Cluni- acenfi Abbatis. [Bouquet, Recueil des hijloriens des Gaules et de la France, ix. 693.] ADELHAIS. * Vita, autore Odilone. See Odilo. ADELHELMUS. BiJhop of Seez in Normandy ; flourifhed during the latter half of the 9th century. Vita Sanftas Opportunx, virginis et abbatiffe monaflerioli in Neuflria. [Mabillon, Ada fanBorum O.S.B. m. ii. 198.] ADELHERUS. A Benediftine monk. D. 964. Admonitio de laude charitatis, seu libei- de ftudio virtutum. [Pez, Thefaurus anecdotorum noviffimus, 11. ii. 17.] ADELINE. Ernald ; or, the martyr of the Alps ; and other poems. 8° Lond. 1843. Miffionaiy lays; and other poems. 12° Lond. 1848. Stray leaves : poetry and profe. 8 Lond. 1855. ADELMANNUS. An ecclefiaftical writer of the nth century. Educated at Chartres, under Fulbert, birtiop of that city. Bifliop of Brefcia, 1048. D. about 1 06 1. De veritate coqjoris et fanguinis Domini in cuchariftia, ad Berengarium, epiftola. [Max. BlU'wtheca -veterum Patrum, xviii. 438.] Rythmi alphabetici de viris illuftribus fui temporis. [Ma- billon, Vetera analeda, p. 382.] ADELMUS, or Ademarus. A Benedidline monk, chaplain to the Emperor Charles III. Annales Francorum regum, Pipini, Karoli Magni, Hludo- vici Pii, per annos continuos lxxxvii. [Freherus, Corpus Francicte hiflons, ii. 3 8 I .] [Heineccius & Leuckfeldus, Scriptores rerum Ger- manicarum.^ ADELOS. The geodefy of Britain ; or, the Ordnance fuiTey of England, Scotland, and Ireland ... in a letter to a Scottifh laird and imperial M.P. 8° Lond. 1859. ADELPHI— ABLER 37 ADELPHI. " Traitors in our camp : Engli(h Churchmen. wiio are they ? AddrefTed to 8= Lond. 1849. ADELUNG (Friedrich). Nephcwof J. C. Adelung. B. at Stettin, 13 Feb. 1 768. D. at St. Petcrfliurg, Jan. 1843. Ueberficht aller bekanntcn S])rachen und ihrer Dialekte. S° St. Peterfburg, I 820. An hiftorical flcetch of Sanfcrit literature ; with copious bibliographical notices of Sanfcrit works and tranflations : from the Geriuan of Adilung, with numerous additions and correftions [ly D. A. Talboys.'] 8° Oxford, 1832. ADELUNG (JoHANN Christoph). B. at Spantekow, in Pomeranla, 30 Aug. 1734. Educated at Halle, and profeiror fucceflively at Erfurc and Leipzig. Re- moved to Dreidcn in 1787, on receiving the appointment of librarian to the Eledlor of Saxony. D. 10 Sep. 1806. Gloflarium manuale ad fcriptores medias et infimae Lati- nitatis, ex magnis glofliiriis Caroli du Frefne, domini du Cange, et Car])cntarii in compendium rcdaiflum, multifque verbis et dicendi formulis, auflum. 6 tom. [y^non.] 8' Halx, 1772-H4. Umftandliches Lchrgeb'dude der Deutfchen Sprache, zur Erlauterung der Deutfchen Sprachlehre fiir Schulen. 2 Bde. 8° Leipzig, 1782. Gefchichte der menfchlichen Narrheit, oder Lebenfbc- fchreibungen bL'ruhmtcrSchwaitzkiinftler, Goldmacher,Teu- felfbanner, Zeichen- und Liviendeuter, Schw'armer, Wahr- fager, und anderer philofophifcher Unholden. ^A/ion.] 7 Thlc. 8'^ Leipzig, 1785-9. Grammatifch-Kritifches Woiterbuch der Hochdcutfchcn Mimdart, mit beftandiger Vergleichung der ilbrigen Mund- aitcn, bcfonders aber der Oberdeutfchcn. 4 Bde. 4'> Leipzig, I 793-1 80 1. Ueber den Deutfchen Styl. Vierte Aufgabe. 2 Bde. 8° Berlin, 1800. Mithridates, oder allgcmeine Sprachenkundo ; mit dem Va- ter Unfer als Sprachprobe in bey nahc fiinfhundert Sprachen und Mundiirtcn. Foitgcfetzt und bearbcitet von Johann Severin Vater. 4 Thle. 8^ Btrlin, 1806-17. Aeltefte Gefchichte der Deutfchen, ihrer Sprache und Litteratur, bis zur Volkerwandei-ung. 8 "^ Leipzig, 1 8 06. Gefchichte der Philofophie fiir Liebhaber. 3 Bde. 8° Leipzig, 18 10. Fortfetzung und Erganzungcn zu Chriftian Gottlieb Jochers allgemeinem Gelehrten - Lexico ... St-e C. G. JOCHER. ADEMARUS. B. about 988. A monk of tlic monaftery of St. Eparchius at Angoulcmc. D. about 1031. Hiftoriai-imi libri iii cdente G. Waitz. [Plrtz, Moiiu- mentii Germnm.r hyiorlra, vi. 1 06.] Fragmentum ex chronico de S. Adalbeito & de S. Bi-u- none ejus co-apoftolo. [Mabillon, Alia fanSorum O.S.B. V. 845.] _ Acroftichon ad Rohoncm epifcojium Ecolifmenfem. [Mabillon, Feteia amdetta, p. 432.] ADENEY (William). * Wearing not loifting ; or, labour for God : a brief me- moir of Mr. W. Adeney, who departed this life, February 1 6th, i860 ; with a fermon preached by the Rev. H. H. Beamifh on the occafion. 8^ Lond. i860. ADER (GuLIELMUs). A phyfician of Touloufe, who lived in the firft half of the 17th century. Enarrationes de Kgrotis et morbis in evangelio. [Critici sACRi, tom. vi.] ADET (Pierre Auguste). A chemift. B. at N'evers, 18 May, 1763. Methode de nomenclature chimique ... 1787. Sec Chemistry. ADIBERT (Pierre). Avis aux Reverends Peres Jefuites d'Aix en Provence, fur un imprime qui a pour titre : Ballet danfe a la reception de Monfeigneur I'Archevcque d'Ai.x. [Anon.] 12° Cologne, 1686. ADIMARI (LoDovico). B. at Naples, 3 Sep. 1644. D. at Florence, 22 June, 1708. Satire ... edizione feconda, in cul fi aggiunge un elogio dell' autore tratto dal chiariflimo Signor Conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli. ' 8 ' Amfterdam, 1764. ADIS (Henry). A fanatic's addrefs, humbly prefented to the king and his peers, and alfo to his people in their reprcfentative the Com- mons Huufe of Parliament ... difcovering unto them die innocency of his aiftlngs, &c. 166 I. [Scott's edition of Sonurs' Tracts, vii. 259.] ADJUNCTIUS (NicoLAus). Carmen. [Carmina iUuJlrium poetarum Ilalonim, i. 446.] ADKINS (Thomas). The claims of feamen advocated and the duties of fea- men enforced : a fermon, pi-eachcd at tlie chapel Above- Bar, Southampton, on the evening of the Sabbath, Jan. 1 8 th, 1852, on the occafion of the loss of the Amazon ... [Ps. cvii. 23-31.] 8° Southampton, 1852. ADLER (.Iakou Georg Christian). B. at Amis in the Duchy of Slefwig, 1 755. Pafled gre.it part of his youth at Rome, where he ftudied the Oriental languages. Returning home, he was appointed, in 1 783, profcllbr of Syriac, and in 1788, profeflbr of theology at the Onivcrfity of Copen- hagen. D. 1805. Mufeum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris. 4° Ronix, 1782. Colkiflio nova numorum Cuficomm feu Arabicorum ve- teran! c.wi continens numos plerofque iniditos e niufeis Borgiano et Adleriano. 4' Halnia-, 1792. ADLER (Nathan Marcus), D.D. Predigt beim Antiitte feines Amies, &c. Sermon dc- 38 ADLERBIELCKE— ADO livered at the great fynagogue on the occafion of his inftalla- tion into office as chief Rabbi of Great Britain, on the 4th Tamus, 5605 (8th July, 1S45.) ... Tianflated by Barnard van Oven, Elq., M.D. ^German and Eng/l/h.^ 8° Lend. (5605) 1845. The Jewifli faith : a fermon delivered in tlie great fyna- gogue, Duke's Place, Sabbath, 24 Shevat, 5608 (29 Janu- aiy, 1848.) 8° Lond. (5608) 1848. ADLERBIELCKE (Laurentius Andreas). Difputatio academica de Herferis hyperboreorum. 4° Upfalix, 1734. ADLERFELD (Gustavus). B. near Stockholm, 1671. Killed at the battle of Pultava, 8 July, 1709. Hifloire militalre de Charles XIL Roi de Suede, depuis I'an 1700 jufqu'k la bataLUe de Pultowa, en 1709 ... ou y a joint une relation exafte de la bataille de Pultowa, avec un journal de la retraite du Roi a Bender. 4 torn. 12^ Amfterdam, 1 7 40. [A trandation, by the fon of the author, of the original Swedifli manufcript, which has never been printed.] ADLZREITTER (Joannes). Prime Minifter of Maximilian I. Elciftor of Bavaria. B. at Rofenheim in Bavaria, 2 Feb. 1596. D. 11 May, 1662. Annalium Boicx gentis partes in., quibus hiftoria 3 prima Bojoram origine ufque adA.MDCLi,quo Maximilianus Elecftor Bavarije deceffit, continetui". Acceflere Andreas Brunneri, e Soc. Jes. Annalium Boiconam, a primis initiis ad annum Mcccxi, partes in. Editio nova, ad Monachicas accurate re- cafa ... cum praefatione Godefridi Guilielmi Leibnitii. fol. Francofiirti ad Moenum, 1 7 i o. [The real author of the above work is faid to be P. Fervaux, a Jefuit of Lorraine, the materials being furnifhed by Adlzreitter.] ADMINISTRATION. A perfuafive to impartiality and candor in judging of the prefent Adminiftration, particularly with regard to oui" late difficulties and tranfadfions abroad. AddrefTed to the people. 8° Lond. 1731. The falfe accufers accufed ; or the undeceived Englifh- man : being an impartial enquiry into the general conducfl of the Adminiftration ; and compared with that of their ene- mies, wheieby it will appear who merits impeachments, &c., &c., &c. In a letter to the pretended patriots ... By a member of the Houfe of Commons. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1741. The condudl of the late Adminiftration, with regard to foreign affairs, from 1722 to 1742, wherein that of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Orford (late Sir Robert Walpole) is par- ticularly vindicated : in a letter to a certain right hon. gentle- man, member of the prefent Parliament. 8° Lond. 1742. A ferious defence of fome late meafures of the Admin- iftration ... 1756. [By John Douglas, D.D.] A true hiftoiy of a late fhort Adminiftration. 1766. [J3y Charles Lloyd.] A free appeal to the people of Great Bi'itain, on the con- dudt of the prefent Adminiftration, fince the thirtieth of July, 1766. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1767. The beauties of adminiftration ; a poem : with an heroic race to the palace between L — d Sh-lb — ne, and the Hon. C. J. F-x. 4= Lond. 1782. The refult of the change of Adminiftration ; or, what the new Miniftiy has to look to. 8° Lond. 1S30. ADMIRAL. The port admiral : a tale of the war. 1833. [5jiW. J. Neale.] ADMIRALTY. Reafons for fettling admiralty-jurifdiftion, and giving en- couragement to merchants, owners, commanders, mafters of (hips, material-men, and mariners. 1690. [//ar/c-wn Mis- cellany, viii. 358.] The laws, ordinances, and inftitutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, civil and military ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. I 746. Fonnulare inftrumentorum ; or, a formulaiy of authentic inftruments and ftanding orders, ufed in the High Courts of Admiralty of Great Britain, of prize and inftance. Perufed and approved as correft, by Sir James Marriott, late judge of the faid courts. 8° Lond. 1802. Admiralty adminiftration, its faults and its defaults. 8° Lond. 1861. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1 861. ADMONITION. Pritmonitus, pmmumtus : or, a wholefome admonition to the worthy partriots of their country, the knights, gentlemen, and the reft of the loyall aflbciates of Kent, Sun ey, EfTex, &c. Tending to the obtaining of a happy and honouiable fucceffe unto their loyall and noble entei^prizes ; and to pre- fei-ve them from the blafts of the undemiining policies of their adverfaries. 4° Lond. 1648. The plain man's anfwer to his countiy parfon's admoni- tion ; together with the miffioner's anfwer, to the plainman's reply. 12° Lond. 1686. Strong admonitions to the fcveral citizens of London and Weftminfter, wherein are fuggefted means of fecurity againft fire, thieves, murderers, and proftitutes : by a better regulated fyftem of parochial police, and without one farthing addi- tional expence. By a refiedling ftuanger. 8° Lond. 18 1 2. ADMONT. A town in Upper Styria, on the river Ens. Codex diplomaticus inclyti monafteiii Admontenfis in Stiina O.S. B. [Pez, Thefaurus anecdotorum iiovjjjimtis, in. iii. 657.] Annales Admuntenfes, A. I- 1 1 39. (Continuatio Ad- muntenfis A. 11 40- 12 50. 1425. Continuatio Garftenfis A. 1182-1257.) [Pertz, Monumenta German'iie hiflorica, xi. 569.] ADO. B. 799. Educated in the abbey of Ferrieres ; travelled in Italy, and fpent five years in Rome. On his return, was ap- pointed Archbiihop of Vienne in Dauphine. D. 19 Dec. 875. Martyrologium ... ab Heribeito Rofweido ... jam pri- dera ad MSS. exemplaria recenfitum, nunc ope codicum ADOLPH— ADRIAN 39 bibliothecse Vaticanse recognituni, et adnotationibus illuftra- tum, opera et Ihidio Dominici Geoigii. Accefieic martyro- logia et kalendaria aliquot ex Vaticana et aliis bibliothecis erata, nunc priniuni in lucem edita. 2 vols. fol. Romx, 1745. Maityrium S. Defidcrii, Viennenfis in Gallia epifcopi. [Canisius, LeSlones antlquti, 11. iii. I.] Vita S. Theuderii abbatis Vienna; in Gallia. [Mabillon, Aaa fanctorum O.S.B. i. 217.] Bre\'iarium ciironicomm de fex mundi tetatibus.— Mar- tyrologium, cum libcllo de felHvitatibus fanftoram A])ofto- lorum et difcipulorum Chrifti. \Max. Blbliotheca veterum Patrum, xvi. 76i<.] Ex Adonis chionico in fexta mundi sctate. [Bouquet, Recue'il des h'ljlor'tnis des Gaules et de la France, v. 3 1 6.] Ex Adonis ... chronico ( — a.d. 867.) [Pertz, Monii- menta Germanlit h'tjlor'tca, ii. 315.] * Continuatio prima, auiftore anonymo ( — a.d. 877.) Continuatio altera, auftore item anonymo ( — a.d. 103 i.) [Ibid. 324.] ADOLPH (William). The fimplicity of the creation ; or, the aftronomical monu- ment of the blefl'ed Virgin : a new theory of the folar fyf- tem, thunderllorms, waterfpouts, aurora borealis, etc., and the tides. 8° Lond. 1859. ADOLPHUS IV. Count of Holftein. Son and fucccfforof Adolphus lil. Re- tired to a convent in 1238. D. 1252. Adolphi IV. ex Comite monachi ordinis S. Francifci me- moria. [Westphalen, Monumenta inedita rerum Germam- carum, ii. 1584.] ADOLPHUS (Joannes Traugott). B. at Hirfchberg, in Silefia, 4 Dec. 1728. I'rofelTor of sur- gery and anatomy in the Univerlity of Helmftadt, 1760. Re- moved to a fimilar chair in tlie IJniverfity of Altdorf, 1768, D. II April, 1771. Diffeitatio de infanticidii notis feflione legali detegcndis. Helmll. 1764. [Schlegel, Collea'w opufculorum ftUclorum, i. .56.] ADOLPHUS (John). BarriUcr-at-law. B. in London, 1764 or 1765. D. there, 16 July. 1845. The Britifli cabinet, containing portraits of illuftrious per- fonage3, engraved fiom original ])iftures : with biogra])hical memoirs. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1799. Biographical memoirs of the French revolution. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1799. The hiftory of England, from the acceflion of King George the Third to the conclufion of ])eace in the year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-three. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1802. The hiftoi-y of England, from the acceflion to the deceafe of King George the Third. Vols. 1-7. 8 Lond. 1H40-5. The hifloi-y of Fiance, from the year i 790, to the peace concluded at Amiens in 1802. 2 vols. 8'^ Lond. 1803. The political (late of the Briti(h Empire ; containing a general view of the domeftic and foreign jiofll-flions of the Crown, the laws, commerce, revenues, offices, and other eftablilhments, civil and military. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1818. Memoirs of Joiin Banniftcr, comedian. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1839. ADOLPHUS (John Leycester). Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench 183 1-5. By Richard Vaughan Barsewall and J. L. Adolphus. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench. By J. L. Adolphus and Thomas Flower Ellis. In twelve volumes. 8° Lond. 1835-42. Queen's Bench reports. New feries. In eighteen vo- lumes. 8° Lond. 1843-56. Letters from Spain in 1856 and 1857. 8° Lond. 1858. ADOLPHUS (Joseph), M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Remarks on the ufe of the Indian bael or bela in dyfen- teiy, diarrhcEa, &c. 8° Lond. 1853. ADOLPHUS (Otto), M.A. Compendium theologicum ; oi-, manual for ftudents ; con- taining a concife hiftoiy of the primitive and media:v;J Church, the Reformation, the Church of England, the Eng- lifli lituigy and Bible, and the xxxix articles, with Scripture proofs and explanations. Intended for thofe preparing for theological examinations, with examination papeis. By a clergyman. 12' Lond. 1852. — Second edition. 12° Cambridge, 1857. ADONIBEZEK. Adonibezek ; or, the anfwcr. 8^ Bath, n. d. ADORNO (Juan Nepomuceno). Introduflion to the harmony of the univeife ; or, principles of phylico-harmonic geometiy. 8 "^ Lond. 1851. ADREVALDUS. A French theologian. B. near Fleury about 818. D. 878. De coqjore et fanguine Chrifti. [d'AcHERius, Spicileg'ium, x'i- 30.] Hiftoria tranflationis S. Benedifti in Galliam. [Ma- billon, y/<7a fanflonim O.S.B. ii. 338.] Miracula S. Benediifti patrata in Gallia poll tranflationem ad medium ufque feculum 9. [Ibid. ii. 354. | Vita Sandi Aigulfi Abbatis Lerinenlis et maityris. ( Ibid, ii. 627.] ADRIAN. Evelyn Stuart ; or, right verfus might. 3 vols. 12^ Lond. 1 8 46. ADRIAN. Adrian: a tragedy. In five aifls. 8" Lond. 1848. 40 ADRI ANI— ADSHE AD ADRIANI (Giovambatista). B. at Florence, 151 3- Secretary of the Florentine republic, and for thirty years profeflbr of rhetoric in the Univerfity of Florence. D. 1579. Iftoria de' fuoi tempi di Giovambatifta Adrian! gentil- huomo Fioientino : divifa in libri ventidue : di nuovo man- data in luce. 8° Venetia, 1587. Carmina. [Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 7.] ADRIANIUS (Laurentius). A native of Lucca. Reftor of the gymnafmm of Piia, where he died about 1707. Carmina. \Carm'ma illujlnum poetarum Italorum, i. 8.] ADRIANO. Adriano ; or, the firft of June : a poem. 1790. \By James Hurdis.] ADRIANUS. A Greek writer of the 5th century. Ifagoge facranam literamm, & antiquiffimorum Graecorum in prophetas fragmenta, opera Davidis Hoefchelii, Auguf- tani. \Gri£ce. Critici sACRI, torn, viii.] ADRIANUS I. B. at Rome, of a noble family. EleOed Pope on the death of Stephen IV., or 111. as he is ftyled by others, a.d. 772. D. 25 Dec. 795. Epitome canonum, quam Adrianus Summus Pontifex, hoc nomine primus, Carolo Magno Romx obtulit. [Canisius, Lcctiones aniiqu/r, 11. i. 26 I.] Epiftolx. [Bouquet, Recue'il des H'ljlorlens des Giniles et de la France, v. 544, 593-] EpiftolK ad reges Francorum. [Duchesne, H'lftoria: Francormn scriptores, iii. 766.] Epiftola ad FiJradum et Maginarium. [Baluze, Mif- cellanea, vii. 120.] Bulla de concefllone fundi Apaniani. [Ibid. vii. 122.] ADRIANUS II. Pope from S67 till his death in S72. Epiftolx ad reges Francorum. [Duchesne, Hifloria Francorum fcrlptores, iii. 853.] Epiftolas. [Bouquet, Reciieil des h'ljlor'icns des Gaides el de la France, vii. 439.] Epiftola ad B. Epifcopum, ut videtur, Cathalanenfem. [Baluze, MifcelLinea, v. 488.] ADRIANUS IV. The only Englifliman who ever occupied the papal chair. His original name was Nicholas Breakfpeare, and he was born at Langley, near St. Albans. Elevated to the pontificate on the death of Anaftafius IV., 1154. D. Sep. 1159. * Gefta Adriani IV. papje, ex chronico monafterii Foffae- novK feu Ceccano. [Bouquet, Recuell des Ijijloriens des Gaides et de la France, xv. 661.] Epiftolse Iv. [Ibid. xv. 666.] Bulla, qua confirmat ordinationem factam de ecclefiis San6l Liverpool, n. d. ADVENTURE. The fix days' adventure, or the new Utopia. 1671. [^By Edward Howard.] The adventurers ; or, fcenes in Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth. 3 vols. 12= Lond. 1S25. Continental adventures : a novel. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1826. Adventures of Britifh feamen in the Southern Ocean, difplaying the (biking contrafts which the human chaj'adler exhibits in an uncivilized (late. 12= Edinb. 1827. Twelve years' militiiiy adventure in three quarters of the globe ... 1829. \JSy Thomas H. Blakiston.] Adventures of an Irifti gentleman. 1830. [5y J. G. MiLLlNGEN.] Adventures in the moon and other worlds. I2'> Lond. 1836. Tales of adventure by fea and land. I 2= Lond. 1847. Adventures of a Greek lady, the ado])ted daughter of the late Queen Caroline. Written by heifelf. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1849. The adventures of a baflifiil Irifliman. 1854. [7?)' Wil- liam F. Deacon.] Adventures with my rtick and caq)et-bag ; or, what I faw in Auftria and the Eaft. 8° Lond. 1855. Adventures in tlie forcrt, and other tales. 8' Lond. 1858. ADVERSITY. The biother born for adverfity ; or, the fimilarity of the Saviour's forrows and fufFerings to thofe of his followers. I 2" Lond. n. d. ADVERTISING. A guide to adveitifers : containing hints to advertifers, rules for advertifing, warnings to advertiiers, and dallitied lills of the London and provincial journals, with tlie charafter and amount of their circulations, &c. By an old adveitifer. Third edition. I 2-' Lond. I 852. A. B. has returned ; or, the romance of advertifing : witii tracings fjom the ca])it;il of the fecond column oi the " Times" (compofite order.) 8° Lond. 1856. ADVICE. The countiy-parfon's advice to his parifhioncrs ; in two ])arts. I. Containing a ])lain and ferious cxhortition to a religious and virtuous life. II. General diredions how to live accordingly. 8" Lond. 1680. Advice to a painter : in a poem to a friend. 4-' Lond. 168 I. 42 ADVOCATE— ^GIDIUS Advice to a painter, &c. [" Spread a large canvas, painter," &c.] S. Sh. [1681.] The fecond advice to the painter. [" Noiv, painter, try if thy JiiP d hand can ilra'zu."~\ S. Sh. [168 I.] Seafonable advice to the citizens, bui'geffes, and freeholders of England, concerning parliaments, and the prefent eleiftions. 1685. [By Bp. Robert Grove.] Serious advice and direftions to all, efpecially to young people, how they may hear and read the Word of God, that it may be the favour of life, and not of death to them. 8° Edinb. 1700. An advice to young men ; or, a dialogue betwixt youth and confcience. 8° Glafgow, 1701. Faithful advice from England. By an honeft Scotfman. 4= Edinb. 1706. Advice to the eleftors of Great Britain ; occafioned by the intended invafion from France. 1708. [By Daniel Defoe.] Religious and Chriftian advice to a daughter. Written by a lady. 8° Lond. 17 14. Seafonable advice to the Proteftant diffenters in the north of Ireland ... 1722. [5y John Abernethv.] Serious advice to perfons who have been fick ; to be put into their hands as foon as they are recover'd, Sec. 1723. [By Bifliop Edmund Gibson.] A father's advice to his fon ; laying down many tilings, which have a tendency to direft and fix the mind in matters of the greateft importance : a book very ufeful for all young perfons. 8" Lond. 1736. Letters of advice from a lady of diftinftion to her niece, the Duchefs of * * * * *, (hortly after her marriage. 12" Lond. 18 19. Ten minutes' advice to labourers. Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1838. A few words of advice to Tories, Whigs, Radicals, and Churchmen : being the fecond edition, much enlarged, of " The revolution in Fiance, a warning to the ariftocracy and middle claffes of England." 8° Lond. 1849. ADVOCATE. Bellum juridicum : ofte den oorlogh der Advocaten, be- ftaende in confultatien, advyfen, deduflien, adveitiflementen, en diergelijcke fchriftuyren van rechten, waer van d'een, d'an- dere, diredtelijck is contrarierende ... 4^ Amft. 1683. The advocats complaint, or a furvey of the uneafinefs, of that employment. S. Sh. [1688.] The female advocates ; or, the frantick ftock-jobber ; a comedy, 1713. [-5)' William Taverner.] ADVOCATIS (Thomas Ferratius de). SeeYiiAA- ADVOCATUS (Faustinus). Pfeud. of Giovanni Antonio Taglietti. ADVOGADRIUS (Albertus). A native of Vercelli, who lived in tlie fii-fthalf of the 15th century. De religione et magnificentia illuftris Cofmi Medices Flor- entini (libri duo.) [Lamius, Delici£ eruditorum, 1742.] AD YE (John). The defence of Cawnpore, by the troops under the orders of Major General Charles A. Windham, C.B., in Nov. 1857. 8' Lond. 1858. * A review of Col. Adye's defence of General Wind- ham. By a civilian. 12° Lond. n. d. A review of the Crimean war, to the winter of 1854-5. 8° Lond. i860. AD YE (Ralph Willett). The bombardier and pocket gunner ... Eighth edition, revifed and correfted by William Granville Eliot. 12° Lond. 1827. ADYE (Stephen Payne). A treatife on courts martial ; alfo an eflay on military puniihments and rewards. Eighth edition. 12^ Lond. 1 8 10. M. (L H.) The mirrour of worldly fame. 1603. [^ffy John Hynd.] ^DGARDUS. See Edgar. ^DITUUS (Valerius). A Latin poet, who is underftood to have lived about a cen- tury before the Chriftian era. Vita et fragmenta. [Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta ve- terum poetarum Latinorum, p. 152 4.] AEDO Y GALLART (Diego de). A Spanilh hiftorian of the 17th century. Viaje del Infante Cardenal Don Fernando de Auftria, defde 1 2 de Abril 1632, que falio de Madrid con fu Magef- tad D. Felipe IV. fu heiTnano para la Qiudad de Barcelona, hafta 4 de Noviembre de 1634, que entro en la de Bmfelas. 4'^ Amberes, 1635. — Another edition. 4^ Madrid, 1637. — Another edition. 8° Barcelona, 1637. AEDONOLOGIE. Acdonologie, ou traite du roffignol ... Paris, 1773. [By Louis Daniel Arnault de Nobleville.] ^GIDIUS. Archbiihop of Narbonne in 1300. Litters de confecratione Petii de Rupeforti,Epifcopi Car- caflbnenfis. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, vi. 459.] ^GIDIUS. Archbiihop of Rouen at the beginning of the 14th century. Epiftola ad Ludovicum Regem. [d'AcHERius, Spicile- gium, iv. 270.] ^GIDIUS, Parisiensis. B. about 1 1 64. Canon of St. Marcel, and profelTor in the Univerfity of Paris. D. in the early part of the 13th century. Carolinus ; five de geftis Caroli Magni caiTnen hexametrum, ad informationem Ludovici filii Philijjpi Augufti : liber quin- tus. [Bouquet, Recueil des Infloriens des Gaules et de la France, xvii. 288.] ^GIDIUS— ^LIANUS 43 Fragmcnta de Ludovico Oiflavo Rege, et de Parificnfibus litteratis, ex Karolino -/Egidii. [DvCHESfiE, Hi/hrie(51aculoi-um Caiolo Imp. AntwerpioE ex- hibitoruni. [Ibid. iii. 205.] Poemata. [Gruter, Dclitit poetarum Belgicorum, i. i .] iEGINETA (Paulus). See Paulus iEgineta. iEGOPOLITANUS (Stephanus). Difputatio theologica de juftificatione ... 4= Lugd. Bat., 1700. jEGYPTIUS (Matth/eus). See Matth^us. ^GYPTUS. See Egypt. VELFREDUS. See Alfred. ^LFRIC. B. about the middle of the loth century. Archbifliop of Can- terbury, 995. D. 28 Aug. 1006. A Saxon treatife concerning the Old and New Teftament. Written about the time of King Edgar (700 yeares agoe) by jEifiic Abbas, thought to be the fame that was afterward Archbifliop of Canterburie. Whereby ajjpeares what was the canon of Holy Scripture here then received, and that the Church of England had it fo long agoe in her motlier-tongue. Now fird publillud in ])rint, with Englifh of our times, by W. L'ifle ... And hereunto is added, out of the homilies and epilHes of the fore-faid iElfricus, a fecond edition of A tcftimonie of antiquitie, &c., touching the facrament of the bodie and bloud of the Lord. 4° Lond. I 62 3. — Another edition, entided, Divers ancient monuments in the Saxon tongue : written feven hundi'ed years agoe ... 4° Lond. 1638. Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum gloffario ejufdem gen- eris. [SoMNER, Didionarium Suxonico-Lalino-yliiglicum, .659.] The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church : the firft pan, containing the Sermones Catholici, or Homilies of jElfric, in the original Anglo-Saxon, with an Englifti vei fion ; by Ben- jamin Thorpe, F.S. A. 2 vols. [For the iElfric Society.] 8-^ Lond. 1844-6. A fermon on the facrifice on Eafter day. Turned into Englilh from the Anglo-Saxon of iElfric. 8° Lond. 1847. jELFRIC SOCIETY. The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Tlie firft part, containing the Sermones Catholici, or Homilies of IEl- fric. 1844-6. The poetry of the Codex Vercellenfis, with an Englifli tranflation by J. M. Kemble. Part I. 1843. Anglo-Saxon dialogues of Solomon and Saturn. [Edited] by John M. Kemble. 1845. 7ELIANUS (Claudius). B. at Prxnefte during the latter half of the 2d centuiy. Made himfelf a perfect maftcr of the Greek language, in which his works are written. D. about 260. Ey. Tuv AtXiavou aysoixixuiv iTieroXtin. [Epistol/e di- •vcrforum phihifophorum ... Apud Aldum, I 499.] Au.iuvou nwx/A)jc Iffroc/aj, UiZXia 10'. Ex ruv IleazXf/- bo\i TTiii -^oXiTiiu)/ xiToiMWifia : HoXe/xwh); (I'uff/oykw/xowxMv tyyjiliom : kbaiMainou ':ioSiaTou 'I'ugioynnfionxuv Jii3Xia 13 Mf/.a/xTtiOos Till TluX/ioiv //.airn-r,. Tlisi }0.aitav rou ffu/xa- roi : iEliani Uarix Hilloria? libn xini. Ex Heraclide de rebus publicis Commenuiium. Polemonis Phylionomia. Adamantii Phyfionomia. Melampodis ex Palpit.itionibus divinatio. De Neuis. [Greei text ; eililed liy Cimillus Peruf- cus. Editio primeps.] 4° i» Pu/iri, afiii [1C4C.] jEIiani Varix Hillorix libri xim. Item, rcrunipublicanim defcriptiones ex Heraclide. Ex inteqirctatione lulti Wlteii Wetterani ... [I.ut. ordy.] 12^ n. p. 1599. Tl'Lliani Varix Hiftoria' libri xiiii. Rerumpublic.irum de- fcrijniones ex Heraclide. Cum Latin.i inteipretatione ... 1 2 - Colonia- Allobrog. 1613. KXavbiou i\i>.iavoj TloixiKr, /aroj/a. Claudii iEliani Varia Hirtoria. Tanaquillus Fabcr emendauit. 8" Salmurii, 1668. 44 ^LIANUS— ^NEAS KX. AiXiavou Sop/ffrou UoixiXr] Isrooia. CI. jEliani So- phiftas Varia Hiftoria, ad MStos codices nunc primum recog- nita et caftigata, cum veifione Jufti Vulteji, fed innumeris in locis ad Grxcum aucSoris contextum emendata, et peqjetuo commentario Jacobi Peiizonii ... [Partes dus.] 8° Lugduni in Batavis, I 70 1. K'/.a-jOiou AiXiavou ■ttssi l^uoiv I'oiOTrjTOi ^iZ'Kia ;^. Claudii iEliani, De animalium natura libii xvii. Petro Gillio, Gallo, et Conrado Gefnero,Helvetio,interpretibus ...[Gr.rtm/Z/a/.] 12° [Genevse,] 161 1. — '\Gr. and L,alJ\ Cum animadverfionibus Conradi Gefneri, et Danielis Wilhelmi Trilleri : curante Abrahamo Gronovio, qui et fuas adnotationes adjecit. 2 tom. 4° Lond. 1744. — Gisece et Latine cum priorum interpretum et fuis ani- madverfionibus edidit lo. Gottlob. Schneider. 8° Lipfia?, 1784. ^LIANUS, Tacticus. A Greek writer 011 military affairs, who flourished about the beginning of the 2d century. , . Tag/; 'Ta?.a/a, -/.ai oioiLaatai rtuv a^yjjtroiii ix Tov AiXia- nou. [Thomas Magiftei', Dii/ionum yltllcarum colleciio.^ De inftruendis aciebus liber unus. [Vegetius, De re mi/i- tfiri.] De I'ordre et inftruftion des battailles, ung livre. [Ve- getius, Dii fait de guerre, fife] .iELNOTHUS. B. at Canterbury near the clofe of the nth century. Re- moved to Denmark, where he lived twenty-four years. De vita et pafTione S. Canuti Regis Danias. Item, anony- mus de paflione S. Caroli, ejus F. Jo. Meurfius ex codice BibliothecsE Hafnienfis defcripfit, edidit, et notas addidit. 4<= Hafnias, 1 6 3 i . Hidoria ortus, vits, et pafllonis S. Canuti Regis Danias. [Langebek, Scriptores rerum Damcarum, iii. 325.] ^LREDUS. See AiLREDus. iEMILIA JULIA. Byron ; Salathiel, or the martyrs ; and other poems. 8° Lond. 1855. ^MILIANUS (QuiNTus), Cimbriacus. A native of Schlefwig, of whofe life no particulars are re- corded. Encomiaftica ad divos Css. Federicum Imperatorem et Maximilianum Regem Roman. lib. v. [Freherus, Rerum Germanlcarum fcriptores, ii. 4 1 5.] Poemata. [Gruter, Delitidi poetarum Germanorum, i. 162.] ^MYLIANUS (Jacobus), Ferrariensis. Confilia ... in quibus adfunt ea fere omnia, quas ad praxim funt neceffaria ... Nunc primilm in lucem exeunt accura- tiflime recognita, et fumma diligentia emendata. Cum fum- marijs, et repertorio omnium materiarum lo. Baptiftje Zil- etti ... fol. Venetiis, 1565. iEMYLIUS (Paulus). B. at Verona. Came to France, and was appointed hiftorio- grapher royal by Charles VIII. D. at Paris, 5 May, 1529. De rebus geftis Francorum, ad Chriftianiffimum Galliaram Regem Francifcum Valefium, ejus nominis primum, hbri de- cem, ex poftrema auiSoris recognitione. Additum efl [Joan. Tilii^ De regibus item Fiancoiiim chronicon, ad hasc ufque tempora ftudioliffime deduftum. fol. Parifiis, 1544. Hiftorias, iam denuo emendatae, Pauli ^mylii Veronenfis, de rebus geftis Francorum, a Pharamundo, primo rege, ufque ad Carolum 0(5t:iuum, libri x. Arnoldi Ferroni Burdigalen- fis, Regii Coniiliarii, de rebus geftis Gallorum libji ix. ad hiftoriam Pauli ^mylii additi, a Carolo oftauo ufque ad Henricum II. loannis Thoma Freigii Paralipomena, ad ^mylium et Ferronum adiedta, ufque ad annum Chrifti, M.D.LXix. Ad huius hiftori^ lucem, in fine adiunftum eft,, Chronicon loan. Tilii de regibus Francorum, "a Pharamundo ufque ad Henricum II. a D. Thoma Freigio audlum ufque ad Carolum IX. Cum omnium regum imaginibus. fol. Bafiles, I 569. De I'ebus geftis Franconim, a Pharamundo, piimo rege, ufque ad Carolum oftauum, libri x. Arnoldi Ferroni ... de rebus geftis Gallorum libri ix. ... Continuatio lacobi Hen- ricpetri ... ufque ad annum m.dci. ... adiundlum eft Chroni- con loan. Tilii ... a D. lac. Henricpetri auftum ufque ad Henricum IIII. ... fol. Bafileas, x6oi. ^NEAS. Biihop of Paris, 854. Liber adveifus Grscos ... [d'AcHERius, Spidleg'tum, \u '•] ^NEAS, Gaz;eus. B. at Gaza, in Paleftine, about the middle of the 5th cen- tury'. He was a pupil of Hierocles, and by profellion a teacher of rhetoric. By birth a pagan, he was afterwards converted to Chrirtianity. Theophiaftus : five de animaiiim immoitalitate, et cor- porum refurreftione dialogus, e Grxco in Latinum feinionem converfus. ^Max. B'lbliotheca •veterum Patrum, viii. 649.] Aimou Sop/ffrou irridToXai. [EnsTOLi^ diverforum phdo- fophorum ... Apud Aldum, 1499.] iENEAS SYLVIUS. See Pius II. .^NEAS, Tacticus. A Greek writer, who flouriflied about 350 years B.C. Aiviiov TaxTiy.ou te xai croX/ojxjjr/xov uto/i.hj/j.cc, 'Ttc^i tov, vTwj yor) 'johiopxo'j.'j.siov amyiii. jEnes vetuftiffimi Taffici Commentarius de toleranda obfidione. Is. Cafaubonus primus vulgavit, Latinam inteipretationem ac notas adiecit. [Polv- Bius, H'ljlor'iiie, ifjc, edit. 1609.] ../Enes Taiftici Commentarius de toleranda obfidione, Graece, ad codices MSS. Parifienfes et Mediceum rccenfuit, verfionem Latinam et commentarium integiTjm Is. Cafauboni, notas Jac. Gronovii, G. H. C. Koefii, Cafpari Orellii alio- rumque et fuas adjecit Jo. Coniadus Orellius. 8° Lipfias, 18 18. Commentaires fur la defenfe des places, d'^neas le Tac- ticien, le plus ancien des auteurs militaires ; avec quelques ^OLUS— yESCH Y LUS 45 notes ; le Tableau militaire des Grtcs du mefme temps, les ecoles militaires de I'antiquitc, et quelques autres ])icccs. Par M. le comte de Beaufobre ... 2 torn. 4° Amfterdam, 1757. iEOLUS. ^olus. A circular invitation to contribute to the hiftoiy of the weather. 8° Lond. 1844. ^PHAS. Random rhymes. 8° Lond. 1845. AERIUS. A native of Pontus, who lived in the 4th century, and was founder of a fcdt of heretics who were called Aerians. His peculiar do^ines are fet forth in the following work. * A view of the herefy of Aerius. Confifting of the fol- lowing articles. I. That a prcfbyter differs not in order and degree from a bifhop. II. That there is no pafch remaining to be obferved or celebrated among Chriftians. III. That fafts ought not to be prefixed to certain and ftatcd annual days. IV. That prayers are not to be poured out or made to the dead. 8° Edinb. 1745. iERODIUS (Petrus). See Pierre Avrault. AERONOMIC ASSOCIATION. Report of the Aeronomic AfTociation ... with an accurate defcription of the architedlural finial, or terminal fmoke-vent, called the improved p.atent anti-condenfative air-condu(5lor ... 8° Lond. 1852. AEROSTATICS. Aeroftatics ; or, a hiftory of balloons. Tiiii d edition. 12" Land. 1802. iESCHINES. An Athenian orator. B. 389, B.C. D. 314, B.C. Opera. [Reiske, Oralons Gritci, tom. iii. Sc iv.] — [Bekker, Oralores ylllic'i, tom. iii.] Orationes. [Oratores Gneci, apud Alduni, I 5 13.] — [Stephanus, Oralorum vctcrum orationes, p. I.] \iByj\io\t zara KvrisifuvTOi xai Ar^aofOivoug rriii 'Sts- ^anou 'Kbyiii. Interpretationem Latinam, et vocum difficili- orum explicationem adjecerunt P. Foulkes, J. Freind. 8° 0.xon. 1696. jEfchinis in Ctcfiphontem et Demofthcnis de Corona ora- tiones dusE : ad fidem optimorum cditionum rccenfitx, varie- tate le(ftioni3 et commcntuio perpetuo in ufum fcholarum inftruftx- ab Jo. Hcnr. Bremi. 8° Lond. 1837. jEfchinis oratio in Ctefijihontem ex Bekkeri reccnfione repetiti. Accedit Demollhenis fujjer Corona oratio, juxt;i textus Dindorfiani au6lorit;ilem edita. 8° Oxon. 1852. Speeches of TEfchinesagainft Ctefiphon and Demoftlienes on the Crown : literally tranflated into Englifli by Henry Owgan, LL.D. 12° Dublin, 1S52. — literally tranflated into Englifli, by Rofcoe Mongan, A.B. 12' Dublin, 1859. Epiftolje ut circumferuntur duodecim, quas e recenflone .lo. Taylori, Angii, cum cjiifcleni et Woifii, Marklandi, Guil- lonii, Toupii, .lo. .lac. Reilkii, et fuis qualibulcunque notulis . . . edidit .lohann Samuel Sammet. i 2 " Lipfix, 1771. Ejiiftolac. [Epistol^ diverforum philofophorum ... Apud Aldum, 1499.] [For other editions of the works of JES X\nu,rih\)c, ^£S!J.uTriC. Ecra £t( &r,Zai;. IIsj- aai. AyuiJtiiM'jiv. Ev/j-itiOi;. iKlriOi;. 8° Parifiis, 1552 AiBy^-j}:0{j T^aycuhiui ^ ... jEfchyli tragoedix vii. Qux cilm omnes multo quam antea calligatiores eduntur, turn vero una, qux mutila & decurtata prius erat, Integra nunc ])rofer- tur. Scholia in eafdem, jjlurimis in locis locupletata, & in pen^ infinitis emendat;i, Petri Viiflorii cura et diligentia. 4^ Ex olhcina Hemici Stepliani, 1557. AmyjjXoii rgayojOiai ittu. vEfchyli tragocdix feptem : cum fcholiis Grxcis omnibus ; deperditoiiim dramatum frag- mentis, verfione et commentario Thomx Stanleii. fol. Lond. 1663. ^fciiyli tragoedix fuperftites, Grxca in cas fcholia, et deperditarum fragment;! ; cum verfione Latina et commen- tai'io Thomx St;inleii : et notis F. Robortelli, A. Tuinebi, H. Stephani, et G. Canteri ; curante Joanne Comelio de Pauw, cujus notx accedunt. 2 tom. 4^ Hagx Comitum, 1745. A/ TO'j Ai(iyu\o\j TsayuOiai ffw^ei,a£ia/ tTra. iEfchyli tragoedix qux extant feptem. Cum Icdionibus variantibus. [Gr. on/y.] 4' Gl.ifgux, 1 746. AiayuXov T^ayDiiiai iTToi.. ful. Glafgux, 1795- ./Efchyli tragoedix qua: fuperfunt, de)KTditai-um tabularum fragment;!, et fcholia Grxca, ex editione Thomx Suinleii, cum verfione l-;itina .nb ipfo emendaui et commentario longe quam antea fuit iiu^tiori. Accedunt varix lecStioncs et notx vv. dd. quibus fuas paflim inteitexuit Samuel Butler, A.M. 8 tom. 8' Canubrigix, 1 809- 16. 46 iESCHYLUS jEfchyli tragoedife qus fuperfunt, et deperditaruni frag- menta. Recenfuit et conimentario illuftravit Chr. Godof. Schiitz. 5 torn. 8° Hals, 1809-21. jEfchyli tragoediae. Ad optimoiiim libioium fidem recen- fuit, integiam ledlionis vaiietatem notafque adjecit Auguftus Wellauer. 4 torn. 8" Lipfia', 1823-31. kicyy'Koi. ^fchylus. Recenfuit Jacobus Scholefield, A.M. ' 8° Cantabrigise, 1828. Appendix ad editioneni jEfchyli Cantabrigienfem novif- fimam. Confecit Jacobus Scholelield, A.M. 8° Cantabrigia?, 1833. Aiey^-jXo;. jEfchyli tragcediae fuperftites et deperditamm fragmcnta, ex recenfione G. Dindoi-fii. 2 torn. 8° Oxonii, 1832-41. Aiay^uy.og. ^fchyli tragcediae. 12° Oxonii, 185 i. iEfchyli tragoediae. Recenfuit Godofredus Hermannus. 2 torn. 8° Lipfias, 1852. The tragedies of jEfchylus. Re-edited, with an Englifli commentary, by F. A. Paley. [Bil/L ClqJJ'ica, ed'iled by Geo. Long and J. J. Maclenne.\ 8° Lond. 1 85 5. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. Tragcediae. \JJr. and Lat. I-,ectivs, Poeta Graci -veteres tragici, i. 598.] Aiffp/uXou r^ayuhiai. FDindorf, Poelanim fcenlcortim Grncorum fuiuU, p. I . J Tragoediae feledts ^fchyli, Sophoclis, Euripidis ; cum duplici interpretatione Latina, una ad verbura, altera carmine. Ennianx inteqjretationes locorum aliquot Euripidis. 12° Excudebat H. Stephimus, 1567. kiffyu'/.ou O^iarsia. jEfchyli Oreftea : Agamemnon, Choephori, Eumenides. Recenfuit, emendavit, explanavit Fredericus A. Paley, M.A. 8^ Cantabrigiae, 1S45. The tragedies of jEfchylus : tranflated by R. Potter. 4° Norwich, 1777. The tragedies of TEfchylus : tranflated into Englifli profe. 8° Oxford, I 829. The tragedies of iEfchylus (complete) : tranflated into Englifh profe, from the texts of Blomfield and Scholefield. With notes. Second edition. 8° Oxford, 1829. Popular Englifli fpecimens of the Greek diamatic poets ; with introduiftory eflliys, and explanatory notes. ^Efchylus. 8° Lond. 183 I. The tragedies of jEfchylus : literally tranflated, with cri- tical and illulhative notes, and an introduction, by Theodore Alois Buckley, B.A. 8° Lond. 1849. The new readings, contained in Hermann's pofthumous edition of iEfchylus, tranflated and confidered by George Burges, A.M. ; forming an appendix to the profe tranflation of ^Efchylus publiflied in Bohn's Claffical library. 8° Lond. 1853. The lyrical di'amas of iEfchylus, from tlie Greek : tranf- lated into Englifli verfe, by John Stuart Blackie. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1850. The tragedies of iEfchylus : confl:rued literally and word for word, by the Rev. Dr. Giles. Vol. L 8° Lond. [i860.] [Separate Tragedies.] Prometheus Vinctus. jEfchyli Piometheus, cum interpretatione Mathiae Garbitii lUyrici, Graecae linguae & Moralis philofophiae profefforis ordinarii in Academia Tubingenfi. 8° Bafllea-, 1559. Aiaynjkou r^ayuoia Ylso/j.riije-jg Aig/n-urri;. Prometeo Le- gato, tragedia d'Efchilo, volgarizzata e con annotazioni ful tefto Greco illuftrata. [By Michel Ang'wh G'iacomeU\i\ 4° Roma, 1754. kiayjj'/jj-j HfC'j.ridiv; Asc;i,it)Ei/j lisff.awDjj. ThePrometheus Chained of.£fchylus: literallytranflated into Englifli profe. Fromthe text of Blomfield ; with the original Greek, the metres, the order, and Englifli accentuation. To which are fubjoined numerous explanatory notes, for the ufe of ftudents, by T. W. C. Edwards, M.A. 8° Lond. 1823. Prometheus Bound : a tragedy, tranflated from the Greek of .£fchylus into Englifli verfe, by Thomas Medwin, Efq. 8° Lond. 1832. Prometheus Bound: tranflated from the Greek of .Slfchy- lus. And mifcellaneous poems by the tranflator, author of " An efl]iy on mind," with other poems. 1 2° Lond. 1833. The Piometheus of jEfchylus, and the Elcdlra of So- ])hocles : tranflated from the Greek, with notes intended to illuftrate the typical charafter of the former ; alfo, a few oiiginal poems. By Geoige Croker Fox. 8° Lond. 1835. The Prometheus Chained of .lEfchylus : tranflated into Englifli verfe by the Rev. G. C. Swayne, M.A. 8° Oxford, 1846. Prometheus Chained. ^ranjlated'\ by Charles Caven- difli Clifford, D.C.L. 8° Oxford, 1852. The Pi'ometheus and Suppliants of jEfchylus : conftmed literally and word for word, by the Rev. Dr. Giles. 12° Lond. [1859.] Septem contra Thebas. kicyyy.d-^' Ecra cti Q>r,Zrj.g. ^fchyli Septem contra Thebas ; ad fidem manufcriptonim emendavit, notas et glof- fariuni adjecit Carolus Jacobus Blomfield, A.M. Editio fecunda. 8° Cantabrigiae, 1817. iEfchyli Septem contraThebas,ediditConradusSchwenck. 8° Trajefli ad Rhenum, 1818. kioyjjXo'j ET!-a st; 0^/3a;. The text of Dindorf: with notes, compiled and abridged by John Griffiths, M.A. 8° Oxford, 1835. kisyjj/.ou Ettk et; &r]Qa;. .yEfchyli Septem contra Thebas : cum fragmentis deperditorum dramatum. Brevi commentario inftmxit Fredericus A. Paley, A.M. 8° Cantabrigiae, 1847. Pers.^ kiayj'/.ov Tltsdai. jEfchj'li Perfae : ad fidem manufcrip- ^SCHYLUS— /ESOPUS 47 torum emcndavit, notas et gloflarium adjecit Carolus Jacobus Blomfield, A.M. 8° Cantabrigia;, I 8 I 4. AiayjjXou Uipaai. jEfchyli PeifcE. Bicvi comraentario inftruxit Frcdericus A. Paley, A.M. 8° Cantabrigia:, 1847. The Perfe of jEfchylus ; the Greek text, witli Englifti notes and a literal Englilh tranflation ; by M. Wood, B.A. 8' Cambridge, 1855. The Perfians of ^fchylus, trandated on a new ])Ian from the text of Porfon, as coiTccled by DindorfF, Blomiield, and Schiitz ; with cojiious Englifli critical and explanatoiy notes, elucidating every difficulty of conftrudlion or allufion ; alfo parallels and illuftrations from the Englifli poets, and an en- graved plan of the battle of Salamis ... By William Palin, private tutor. 8° Lond. 1829. SUPPLICES. A;(rj;^u>.ou IxeTidig. TEfchyli Suppliccs. Recenfuit, emen- davit, explanavit, Fredericus A. Paley, M.A. 8° Cantabrigite, 1844. — Editio emendatior. 8° Cantabrigiae, 1851. Agamemnon. Aie^uXou Aya/i£,avwv. jEfchyli Agamemnon : ad fidem manufcriptorum emendavit, notas et gloffarium adjecit Car- olus Jacobus Blomfield, S.T.B. 8° Cantabrigise, 18 18. — Editio fecundii. 8° Cantabrigiae, 1822. AiayjAnu Aya/j-i/ivav r^iyXoiTTo:. Grjece : textum ad fidem editionum, prasfertim Blomfieldianae, recognovit, no- tafque Anglice confcriptas et indices adjecit. Jacobus Ken- nedy, S.T. P. ... Teutfch : iiberfetzt von Heinrich Vofs. Englifli : tranflated by James Kennedy, D.D. 8° Dublin, 1829. kieyjj}.ri\i k.ya.jj,iii,y(j)oi. The Choephorce of TEfchylus : a new edition of the text, with notes, critical, expianatoi-y, and philological ... by the Rev. Thomas Williamfon Peik-,M.A. 8° Lond. 1840. The Choephoroe of iEfchylus: with notes, critical and ex- planatoi-y. 8" Lond. 1857. EuMF.NlDES. iEfchyii Eumenides : cum fchoiiis edidit Conrndus Schwenck. 8 ° Bonnx, [1821.] TEfchylos Eumeniden, Griechifch und Deutfch : mit crlauternden Abhandlungen iiber die auflere Darftellung, und iiber den Inhalt und die CompoCtion diefer Tragodie, von K. O. Miiller. 4° Gottingen, 1833. * Anhang zu dem Buche : jEfchylos Eumeniden ... von K. O. Miiller. 4° Gottingen, 1834. Diffeitations on the Eumenides of .£fchylus : with the Greek text and critical remarks. From the German of C. O. Miiller. 8= Cambridge, 1835. — Second edition [of the Dlffertations only.'^ 8° Lond. 1853. ^Efchyli Eumenides : the Greek text, with Englifli notes, critical and explanatoi-y, an Englifli verfe tranflation, and an introdu(5lion, contiining an analyfis of the diflTertations of C. O. Miiller. By Bernard Drake, M.A. 8° Cambridge, 1853. A/ff;/i/>.ou Eii,tt£w3£;. jEfchyli Eumenides : recenfuit et il- luftravit Jacobus Scholefield, A.M. 8 ° Cantabrigis, 1843. Kioyjj'Kou 'Eii[j.ivihg. jEfchyli Eumenides ; ad codicum manufcriptoram fidem recognovit, et notis maximam partem criticis inltruxit Guliclmus Linwood, M.A. ... Accedunt viri funime reverendi C. J. Blomfieldii, S.T.P. notse MStx et alioioim felcfli. 8° Oxonii, 1844. ^SCULAPIUS. The fiege of the Caftle of .ffifculapius : an heroic comedy. 8° Lond. 1768. jESOPUS. A Greek writer of fables, who appears to have flourifhed about 600 years before the Chriftian era. Habentur hoc uolumine haec, uidelicet. Vita, et fabellas iEfopi cum inteqiretatione Latina . . . Gabina; fabellx tres et quadjaginta ex trinietris iambis, prxter ultimani ex Scazonte, cum latina interpretatione. Phurnutus, feu, ut alii, Curnutus de natura deoram. Palxphatus de non credendis hilloriis. Heraclides Ponticus de Allegoriis apud Homerum. Ori ApoUinis Niliaci hieroglyphica. Colle(5lio prouerbiorum Tarrha:i et Didymi ... Ex Aphthonii exercitiimentis de fabula . . . De fabula ex imaginibus Philoflrati Grxce et Latine. Ex Hermogcnis exercitamentis de fabula Prifciano interprete. Apologus iEfopi de Caffita apud Gcllium. (iEfopi vita a Maximo Planude compofita.) [Gr. niul I.nt.] fol. Venetiis, a])ud Alduni, i 505. jEfopi Phiygis Fabellx, Grxce et Latine, cum aliisopuf- culis. [t/'z. Gabrix Gra-ci fabellx tres et quadraginta. Ex Aphtlionii exercitamentis de fibula, tum de formicis et cica- dis. De fabula ex imaginibus Philolbati. Honieri Bar^ay^a- ILwiho-yja. ... Mufxus poeta uetulHfs. de Ero et Leandro. Agapetus diaconus De officio regis ... Hippocratis iufiuran- dum. YaXi'jiij.u(iiJ.ayja ...] 8" Balflex, 1534. — Another edition. l2°Bafilex, 1551^. Kia'jiTcni rov to/ •ZP0;ur7riXDiZoj/j,ivoi tio; auriysafov r.aXaioraTCiV to ix rr,f iSasiXixri; iiiZXioirixm. TEfopi Phi^gis vita et fabulx, ])liires et emendiitiores, ex vetuftiflimo codice bibliotliecx Regix. 4° Lutetia-, I 546. jEfopi Phrygis Fabulx, clcgantiffimis iconibus illullnitx : cum I-atina verfione, Grxco textui adiunfla . . . Adied;r funi diuerforum fibulx, nee non opufcula qux in (equenti p.igina vidcre e(l, [wa. Gabrix Graci fabellx xliu. l\a.r^aya/i.\m- 48 iESOPUS— AEZEMA It'O.yjoL Homeri ... Takitiijj,voii,ayja ... Acceflerunt Auieni antiqui authoris fabulje.] 8' Liigduni, 1609. jEfopi Fabulx, Gallics, Latinx, Grxcs, cum ... facilli- mis in contextum Grscum fcholiis. Verfio utiaque noua et elaboiata per I. Meflier ... 8° Parifiis, 1629. Romuli Fabulae -^fopix ... edits ab Job. Frederico Nil- ant. 1709. MuSuv KiauTiituv euvayuiyri. Fabularum jEfopicarum col- leftio, quotquot Grasce repeiiuntur. Accedit interpretatio Latina. [By J. Hudfrm.^ 8° Oxonis, 1718. .iEfopi Fabula; qus in jEfopeamni editionibus baud le- guntur. 1 79 1. [Antoninus Liberalis, Transformathnum congeriesr^ Aisdiirou Muhi. Fabulse ^fopicae, quales ante Planudem ferebantui", ex vetufto cod. Abbatix Floientinas nunc piimum erutjc, Latina verfione notifque exornats, cura ac ftudio Fran- cifci de Fuiia ... 2 torn. 8° Florentias, 1809. — Another edition. 8° Lipfia:, 18 10. Mutfai' Ai(jM~=i'jiti atisayuyrj. ii}.ori/j,!ii oarrairi roiv AdiX- ipuv Zuffi,'j,ad!)i«, 'xaihiiag ivixu toi^i rjji/ EX/.aOa (ftairiv didaa- xo/iVJtav KWrivojv. [Edited by Coray.] 8° IV lla^isioig, Aaii [18 10.] Aidu-ov Mu^ou Fabuls jEfopicce Grscse, qus Maximo Planudi tribuuntur. Ex recenfione J. M. Heufingeri ... Cura G. H. Schxfer. Editio nova. 8° Lipfijc, 1818. FabiJarum iEfopicamm deleftus. [By A. Aljop : the fele3lon conjtjl'mg of fables in Gr. and Lat., In Heb. and Lat., in Arab, and Lat., and in Lat, only ; preceded by Tefti- monia de vita et fabulis .iEfopi.] 8° Oxonis, 1698. Fables of jEfop, and other eminent mythologifts, with morals and reflexions by Sir Roger L'Eftrange, Knt. Third edition. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1699. The Fables of .Efop : with the moral refleftions of Mon- fieur Baudoin. Tranflated from the French. To which is prefix'd [tranflated'\ by another hand, the tme life of -£fop, by die moll: learned and noble critick Monfieur de Meziri- ac ... 8° Lond. 1704. Faulas, y vida de Ifopo, con las de otros autores : tradu- cidas por fu orden nuevamente de Latin en Caftellano por Don Juan de Lama. Con el aumento de la Perla de las dos lenguas, Latina y Hefpaiiola, que es el acento de ambas : y la oitografia modema, &c. 8° Madrid, 1738. ^fop in rhyme ; with fome originals. 1820. [-Sy Jef- freys Taylor.] ^fop's Fables : a new verfion, chiefly from original fources, by the Rev. Thomas James, M.A. With more than one hundred illuftrations, defigned by John Tenniel. 8° Lond. 1848. The Fables of jEfop ; with inftiiiftive applications. 12° Lond. 1859. ^fop's Fables ; with preface by S. Croxall, D.D. I 2- Lond. 1 86 1. A feleftion of ^fop's Fables, verfified and fet to mufic with fymphonies and accompaniments for the pianoforte. 4= Lond. n. d. jEfop naturaliz'd : in a collection of fables and llories from iEfop, Locman, Pilpay, and others. The third edition ; with the addition of above 50 new fables. 8° Lond. 17 I I. * La vita di Efopo [by Planudes] tradotta, et adornata dal Signer Con te Giulio Landi. 1545. * jEfop at Oxford : or, a few feledl fables in verfe ... 8° Lond. 1709. * jEfop at the Bell-Tavern in Weftminfter : or, a prefent from the Odober-Club, in a few feleft fables from Sir Roger L'Efliange, done into Enghfli verfe. 8^ Lond. 171 1. ^SOPUS. A Greek hiftorian, regarding whom nothing certain is known, and whofe ver)' exigence has been called in queftion. The ori- ginal Greek of" the following work is loft. Jidii Valerii Res gefts Alexandri Macedonis, tranflatse ex jEfopo Graeco. Prodeunt nunc primum, edente notifque il- lullrante Angelo Maio ... 8° Mediolani, 18 17. ^TAS. The I'eform of the army in conneftion with that of our public fchools and univerfities: a letter addrefl'ed to the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Palmerfton. 8° Lond. 1855. ETERNAL LIFE. ^teiTial life ; or, a future ftate the univerfal dodlrine of the facred Scriptures: in three fermons. 8'' Lond. 1824. ^THICUS. A Roman wTiter of the 4th century ; a native of Iftria, or, according to Rabanus Maurus, of Scytiiia. jEthiciCofmographia: Antonii [Antonini] Augufti Itine- rarium provinciarum : ex bibliotheca P. Pithoei, cum fcholiis lofix Simleri. Quae his addita funt, fequenti pagina indican- tur. [Rutilii Itinerarium, Vib. Sequellri liber de lluminibus, &c. Libellus provinciarum Gallia;, &c.] 12° Bafileae, 1575. — [DioNYsius ... Situs orbis defcriptio, edit. 1577.] — [P. Mela, Dejitu orbis, edit. 1626, Js" edit. 1696.] ^ETHIOPIA. See Ethiopia. AETIUS. A Greek medical writer, b. at Amida, acity of Mefopotamia, who flouriihed about the end of the 5th or beginning of the 6th century. Aetii Amideni, medici clariffimi, libri fexdecim nunc pri- mum latinitate donati, in quibus cunfta quae ad artem curandi pertinent funt congefta ; ex omnibus qui ufque ad eius tempora fcripferant diligentiffime excerpta ... Totum vero opus ... in tres diuisum eft tomos ; quorum primus feptem libros con- tinet, a loanne Baptlfta Montano, medico Veronenll,eleganter quidem, Latinitate donates : fecundus autem, libros fex lano Cornario Zuiccauienfi interprete : at tertius, libros tres habet, ab eodem loanne Baptifta Montanofeliciffime latinos faiflos ... fol. Venetiis, 1534. Aetii, medici Grasci, Contraftas ex veteribus medicins te- trabiblos, hoc eft quaternio, id eft libri univerfales quatuor ; finguli, quatuor fermones compleftentes ; ut fint in fumma quatuor feimonum quaterniones, id eft fermones xvi. Per Janum Cornarium, medicum phyCcum, LatinS confcripti. [MEDic.t artis principes, torn. 11.] AEZEMA (Foppius ab). A native of Holland, who reprefented his country at leveral AFFAIRS— AFRICA 49 of the German Courts during the Thirty Years* War. D. at Vienna about 1640. Diflertationum ex jure civili libri 11. [Meerman, Novus thefaunis juris civilis et canonici, vi. 803.] AFFAIRS. An enquiry into the prefentftate of affairs ... 1689. [By Gilbert Burnet.] Some thoughts on the prcfent ftatc of affairs ... 1703. [By Sir Archibald Sinclair.] Confiderations on the prefent (late of affairs in Europe, and particularly with regard to the number of forces in the pay of Great-Britain. 8° Lond. I 7 30. An impartial review of the prefentftate of affairs in Euiope. To which is prefixed a letter to the authors of the Craftfman. Occafioncd by a paragraph in that paper of January 17, 1735. 8° Lond. 1736. Mifcellaneous thoughts on the prefent pofture both of our foreign and domeftic affairs. 1742. [^j' John, Lord Her- vey.] A modeft enquiry into the prcfent flate of foicign affairs ; founded on fafts, and intended to open the eyes of the nation to their true intereft. By a lover of his countiy. 8° Lond. [1751.] The fatal confequences of the want of fyflem in the con- duft of public affairs. 8° Lond. 1757. Impartial I'efleflions upon the prefent (late of affairs. With incidental remarks upon certain recent tianfafbions: in a letter to a friend. 8° Lond. 176 1. Confiderations upon the (late of public affairs ... 1798-9. [By Richard Bentley.] A plain man's eftimate of the (late of affairs. 8° Lond. 1835. A few ferious thoughts for ferious Chridians, on the prcf- ent very ferious afped of public affairs. 12° Glafgow, 1854. AFFECTION. A memorial of Chriftian affedlion to young peilbns. By the widow of a Madras officer. 12° Lond. 1844. Affeftion, its flowers and fniits : a tale of the times. 1848. [By Sydney Whiting.] Filial affcdlion : or, what fmall hands may do. 12° Lond. [1855.] AFFGHANISTAN. Views of defiles and mountain palTes in Affghanidan. A map of the routes from the Indus through U])per Scinde ; with intereding deUiils of the fufferings of the troops, fent to relieve the fort of Kaliun, in the Soliman Mountains. 4'= Lond. n. d. AFFIANCED ONE. The affianced one. By the autiior of " Gerti-ude." 3 vols. 12^ Lond. 1832. AFFLECK (James). A tailor in Biggar, b. at Drummelzicr, Pceblcsflilrc, 8 Sep. 1776. D. at Biggar, 8 Sep. 1835. The waes o' wliiflcy, in two parts : a defcriptive poem. I 2 !> no title-page. VOL. 1. AFFLEGEM, or AFFLIGEMIUM. A monaftcry near Aloft. Chronicon Affligemenfe. A. 1083-1 100. [Pertz, Monimienta Gcrmaniit hi/lorica, xi. 407.] — [d'AcHERius, SpkiUgium, x. 585.] AFFLICTIS (Matth^eus de). B. at Naples about 144S. Profcffor of civil law in the Uni- verfity of Naples. D. 1524. Decifiones facri regii Confilii Neapolitani, per ... Mat- thasum de Afflidlis ... collefls. lis Cxfaris Urfilli, I.C. Neapolitani, aureis adnotationibus,cafuumque novis quibufdam deciiionibus feparatim olim editis illuflratae, et quam diligen- ti(rimi; hac podrema editione recognitae ... fol. Venetiis, 1584. Traftatus de jure protimifeos clarifs. jurcconfultoitim, Matthasi de Afflidis, Neapolitani, et Baldi de Ubaldis, Pem- fini ; item, Roberti Marantx, Venufini, Difputationes eiufdem argumenti ; item, Commentariolus M. Mantuae Benauidij, Patauini, ad L. Dudum. C. de contrahend. empt. ... 8° Francoflirti, i 588. — [ZiLETTUS, Tradatus unlvafi juris, xvii. 2.] D. Matthsi de Affliftis ... fuper iii. Feud. lib. Com- mentaria. Nunc primClra in Germania, accurata rccognitione, nee non adidua, cum Venetiani, tum Lugduncnfis exemplaris collatione adliibita, a mendis quamplurimis cadigatiora, atque charaflerum varietate dillindlis allegationibus ornatiora, in lu- cem prodeunt. fol. Francofurti, 1598. Matthsi de AfBiflis ... In utriufque Sicilian, Neapolifque Sanfliones et conditutiones, novidima prxlcftio. Cui adjcfta funt lo. Antonii Batii, et alionam aliquot I.C. emdita admo- dum annotamenta. Hac ])odrema editione quam diligenter a nicndis, quibus antea undique fcatebat, rejnirgata. 2 torn. , fol. Venetiis, 1606. AFFO (Ireneo). B. at Bufetto, 1742. Profcrtor of philofophy at Guaftalla : afterwards keeper of the library at Parma. D. about 1805. Mcmorie di Taddco Ugolcto, Parmigiano, Bibliotecario di Mattia CoiTino, Re di Ungheria. 4° Parma, i 7 8 i . AFRA. Catalogus e])ifcoporum Augudanoi"um et abbatum S. Afiae ufque ad Friderici I. Imp. aetatcm. [Eccardus, Corpus hijlorictim medii avi, ii. 2239.] AFRANIUS (Lucius). A Roman comic poet, who lived about a century before the Chriftian era. Fragmenta. [Maittaire, Opera el fni^menla veleruni povlarum Liiliiirjrum, p. 151 O.] AFRICA. Recucil de divers voy.ages fails en Afrique et en TAme- rique, qui n'ont point ete encore publiez ... 1674. [By Henri Justel.] A treatife upon the tiade from Great Britain to Africa, humbly recommended to tlie attention of Government, by an African meichant. 4° Lond. 1772. Plan for a fiee community upon the coaft of Africa, under H so AFRICAN COMPANY— AGARD the proteftion of Great Britain, but intlrely independent of ;J1 European laws and governments : with an invitation, un- der certain conditions, to all perfons defirous of paitaking the benefits thereof. 4° Lond. 1789. ■ Proceedings of the Affociation for promoting the difcovery of the interior parts of Africa. 4° Lond. 1790— 8. A hiftorical and philofophical (Icetch of the difcoveries and fettlements of the Europeans in Northern and Weftern Africa ... 1799. [By John Leyden.] Areview of the Colonial flave regiftration Afts, in a report of a committee of the board of direflors of the African In- ftitution, made on the 22d of Febmary, 1820, and pub- lifhed by order of that board. 8'' Lond. 1820. Foreign (lave trade. Abftraft of the information, recently laid on the table of the Houfe of Commons, on the fubjeft of the flave trade ; being a report made by a committee fpe- cially appointed for the purpofe, to the direftors of the Afri- can Inrtitution, on the 8th of May, 182 i. 8° Lond. 182 I. Report of the committee managing a fund raifed by fome friends, for the purpofe of promoting African inllmftion ; with an account of a vifit to the Gambia and Sierra Leone. 8° Lond. 1822. — Second report. With an appendix. 8° Lond. 1824. Continuation of the appendix to the fecond report ... 8° Lond. 1824. Report of the committee of the Society for the relief of diftreffed fettlers in South Africa : with the refolutions palTed and fpeeches delivered at a general meeting, held at Cape Town, 17th Sept. 1823. 8° Cape Town, 1823. — [Pamphleteer, xxiii. 391.] Weft African flcetches : compiled from the reports of Sir G. R. Collier, Sir Charles Maccarthy, and other official fources. 12^ Lond. 1824. Sketches of fome of the various clafTes and tribes inhabit- ing the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, and the inteiior of Southern Afiica ; with a brief account, defcriptive of the manners and cuftoms of each. 4° Lond. i S 5 i . Africa redeemed : or, the means of her relief illuftrated by the growth and profpedls of Liberia. 8' Lond. 185 i. Africa's mountain valley ; or the church in Regent's Town, Weft Africa. By the author of " Minirtering chil- dren," "The cottage and its viCtor," &c. &c. 8° Lond. 1856. Sketches of the African kingdoms and peoples. 8° Lond. [i860.] The fettler in South Afiica ; and other tales. 8° Lond. i860. AFRICAN COMPANY. An anfwer of the Company of Royal Adventurers of Eng- land trading into Africa, to the petition and paper of certain headsandparticulars thereunto relating and annexed.exhibited to the Hon. Houfe of Commons by Sir Paul Painter, Fer- dinando Gorges, Heniy Batfon, Benjamin Skutt, and Thom- as Knight, on behalf of themfelvcs and others concerned in his Majeftie's plantations in America. 4° n. p. 1667. The cafe of the Royal African Company of England. 4° Lond. 1730. A fupplement to the cafe, &c. 4= Lond. 1730. [For ** Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies," yi-f DarI£N.] AFRICANUS (Sextus Julius). KsSToi. \Greei text. Mathematici Veteres. Paris, 1693-] AFTERNOON. The afternoon of unmarried life. By the author of " Morning clouds." 8° Lond. 1858. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. Afternoons with Mrs. Maitland : a book of houfehold inftruftion and entertainment. By the author of " Emma's crofs," Sec. 8° Lond. [1859.] AGACCIO (Giovanni Maria). An Italian poet, b. at Parma about the middle of the i6ch century. Poefle. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano^ xxxi. 279.] AGAPETUS. Deacon of the principal church at Conftantinople, of whofe perfonal hiftory no record has been preferved. Agapeti diaconi ad Juftinianum Imp. et Bafilii Macedo- nis Imp. ad Leonem philofophura fil. adhortationes de ben^ adminirtrando imperio. Graec^ et Latin^. Bernhardus Damke, Hamburgenfis, recenfuit et notas adjecit. 8° Bafileae, 1633. — \Gr. and Lat. Bandurius, Imperium Orientale, i. 158.] jEsopus, Fabelk, edit. Bajd. I 534 & 1538.] Lat. Max. Bibliotheca -veterum Patrum, ix. 791.] AGAPETUS n. Succeeded Martin III. in the Roman fee, a.d. 946, and held it for about ten years. Epiftolx. [Bouquet, Recueil des hijloriens des Gaules et de la France, ix. 226.] AGAPIDA (Fray Antonio). ^^^ Wafhington Ir- ving. AGAR (William). Reftor of South Kelfey St. Mary's, and Bifkerthorpe, in Lincolnshire. Militaiy devotion: or, the foldier's duty to God, his prince, and his country. Containing fourteen fermons preached at the camps near Blandford and Dorchefter, a.d. 1756 and 1757. With an appendix ... 8° Lond. [n. d.] AGAR (Mrs. ). The knights of the Crofs. From eve till morn in Europe. 8° Lond. 1858. 8° Lond. i860. AGARD (Arthur). B. about 1540. Appointed one of the deputy chamberlains in the Exchequer, 1570. D. 21 Aug. 1615. Of what antiquity (hires were in England. [Hearne, A colledion of curious difcourfes, i. 1 9.] AGAR-ELLIS— AGATHON 51 Diraenfions of the land of England. [Ibid. i. 43.] Of the authorit)', ofEce, and privileges of heralds in Eng- land. [Ibid. i. 61.] Of the antiquity and privileges of the Houfes or Inns of Coun and of Chancer)'. [Ibid. i. 64.] Of the diverfity of names of this illand. [Ibid. i. 95.] Of the antiquity of arms in England. [Ibid. i. 173.] Of the etymology, dignity, and antiquity of dukes in England. [Ibid. i. 184.] Of the etymolog)', antiquity, and privileges of caftles in England. [Ibid. i. 186.] Of the antiquitie of ceremonies ufed at flineralls in Eng- land. [Ibid. i. 212.] Of the antiquity of epitaphs in England. [Ibid. i. 246.] Of the antiquit)', variety, and reafon of motts, with arms of noblemen and gentlemen in England. [Ibid. i. 260.I Of the antiquity, power, order, ftate, manner, perfons, and proceedings of the High Court of Parliament in England. [Ibid. i. 295.] The antiquity, authority and fucceffion of the High Steward of England. [Ibid. ii. 41.] The antiquity and office of the Conflable of England. [Ibid. ii. 77.] The antiquity and office of the Earl Marihall of England. [Ibid. ii. 103.] Of the antiquity of the Chriftian religion in this iHand. [Ibid. ii. 160.] Of the antiquity, ufe, and ceremony of lawful combats in England. [Ibid. ii. 2 1 5.] Of the antiquity of Barons. [Ibid. ii. 309.] Of forefts. [Ibid. ii. 312.] Of the antiquity of feals. [Ibid. ii. 3 i 4.] Of fterling money. [Ibid. ii. 3 1 6.] AGAR-ELLIS (George James Welbore). ift Baion Dover. B. 14 Jan. 1797. D. 10 July, 1833. The true hiftory of the State prifoner, commonly called the Iron Malk. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1827. Hiftorical inquiries refpedling the charafter of Edward Hyde, Ear! of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of England. 8° Lond. 1827. AGASSIZ (Louis). B. at Orbe, Canton de Vaud, 1807. The claiTification of infects from embryological data. 1850. [Smithsonian Conlributlons to tnoiuleJge, vol. 11.] Outlines of comparative phyfiology, touching the ftru(5hire and development of the races of animals, living and extin(fl. By Louis Agafliz and A. A. Gould. Edited from the revifed edition, and greatly enlarged, by Thomas Wright, M.D. 8° Lond. 1857. An eflay on claflification. 8° Lond. 1859. AGATE (John), M.A. The plain truth : or, an anfwcr to Mr. Withers his De- fence, &c. Wherein the Jefuitifm and Donatifm of tlie diflenters is laid open ; their pretended countenance from the foreign churche.s tht-ir loyalty and religion is condder'd, and fchifm charged upon them in a letter from the Bilhoj) of Sarum. 3 parts. 8° Exon. 1708. AGATHA. Agatha's hufband : a novel. MuLOCH.] 1853. [By Dinah Maria AGATHA BEAUFORT. Agatha Beaufort ; or, family pride. By the author of "Pique." 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. AGATHARCHIDES. A native of Cnidos. D. about 103 B.C. Ex raj» ro-j kya^aiyjhoxi msi nj; siuiia; faXaasr,; ixXt- yai. [Grace. Ctesias. £.\ Ctefia, Agatharchide, Mannone excerpt t h'ljlor'it. 1 5 5 " •] — Interprete Laurentio Rhodomanno. Gr. and Lat. [Hudson, Geographic veteris fcrlptores, torn, i.] AGATHEMERUS. Lived about tlie beginning of the 3d century, TToruTwffEijv yiuysa^ia; iv STiro/ir, ^i^Xia 8vii. Com- pendiariae geographix expofitionum, libri duo. Cura et in- terpretatione Samuelis Tennulio. [Gr. and Lat.] 8° Amft. 167 I. — [Hudson, Geographic veteris fcr'iptores, torn, ii.] — [Gronovius, Geographica antiqua, p. 160.] AGATHIAS. B. at M\Tina, in Alia Minor, about 536. Studied law, and praflifed as an advocate; but his favourite Ihidy was ancient poetry. D. about 582. Agathise, hiftorici et poetae eximii, de imperio et rebus geftis luftrniani Imperatoris, libri quinque : Gncc^ nunquam antehac editi : ex bibliotheca et interpretatione Bonaventurs Vidcanii cum notis eiufdem. Accefferunt eiufdem Aga- thias epigrammata Grasca. 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 1594. — Another edition. fol. Parifiis, 1660. — B. G. Niebuhrius, C. F., Grteca recenfuiL [Corpus Jcriptonim hijlorlc By^iMntlnCy^o. I.] 8° Bonnse, I 828. Hiftoire de I'Empereur Juftinien, traduite par Mr. Coufin. [Cousin, Hifloire de ConJIiinlinople, ii. 345.] Excerpta ex Agathicc hiftoria, Hugone Grotio interprete. [Muratori, Rerum Italicarum fcr'iptores, I. i. 379.] — [Grotius, H'ljlor'ia Cotthonim, p. 529.] Exceqna, ex Agathicc Scholaftici Hifloria, de Francis. [Bouquet, Recueil des hiftoriens dcs Gaulcs et de la France, ii. 47.] AGATHO. A native of Palermo. Eleftcd Pope, 679. D. I Dec. 681. Fragmentum epillolx ]>rimx Agathonis Pajix, a(5lione quarta Concilii generalis fe.xti. [Cotelerius, Ecclefne Grtcc monumental ii. 8 I .] AGATHON. Agathon. 1773. [By C. M. Witt.^ND.] AGATHON. Five hundred pounds prize. Seven qucftions (bearing up- on tlie prefent ccciefiallical crifis,) addrefled to tlie bilhojis. 52 AGATHONIA — AGNES BROWN the clergy, and the people of England. The above prize will be awarded to any perfon who can give a fatisfaftoiy folution. 8^ Lond. n. d. AGATHONIA. Agathonia : a romance. 1 8 44. [By Catherine Frances Gore.] AGE. The humour of the age : a comedy. 1 7 o i . [By Thomas Baker.] The manners of the age : in thirteen moral fatirs. Writ- ten with a defign to expofe the vicious and irregular conduft of both fexes, in the various purfuits of life. 4° Lond. 1733. The fpirit of the age : or, contemporary portraits. 1825. [By William Hazlitt.] The age : a poem, in eight books. 8° Lond. 1829. AGGENUS, Urbicus. A writer on agriculture, who lived probably in the latter part of the 4th century. Commentarius in Julium Frontinum de limitibus agromm. [RiGALTius, yludcires Jjn'ium reginulorum, pp. 58 and 131.] — [GoEsius, Rei agrarm au9ores, pp. 44 and 90.] AGGESDEN VICARAGE, Aggefden Vicarage ; or, Bridget Storey's firrt charge : a tale for the young. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1859. AGIEO (Oresbio), Arcade. Pfeud. of Francefco CoRSETTI. AGILES (Raymond d'). Lived in the nth century. He accompanied, as chaplain, Raymond de St. Gilles, Count of Touloufe, to the Holy Land, during the firft crufade. On his return, he was appointed canon of Le Puy. Hiftoria Francomm qui cepemnt Iherafalem. [Bongar- sius, Gejlii Dei per Francos, i. 139.] Hiftoirc des Francs qui ont pris Jerafalera. [Guizot, ColhBion des memoir es, ^c. , xxi. 2 2 1.1 AGILUS. * Vita S. Agili, Abbatis Relbacenfis primi, auftore anony- mo fubasquali. ^M.AmL\.oii, Ada fanSorum O.S.B.n. 30 1.] AGINCOURT. The lay of Agincourt : with other poems. 8° Edinb. 18 19. AGINCOURT (J. B. L. G. Seroux d'). See Seroux d' Agincourt. AGIUS. Sanftge Hathumoda, primas Abbatissae Ganderlheimenfis, vita. [Fez, Thejaurus anecdotorum mvijfimus, i. iii. 289.] — [Pertz, Monument a Germanix h'ljlorlca, vi. 165.I — [Eccardus, Veterum monumentorum quatern'w, p. 1.1 Dialogus, elegiaco veifu fcriptus, de obitu Sanda; Hathu- modjE. [Fez, Thefaurus anecdotorum novj/fimus, I. iii. 309.] — [Eccardus, Veterum monumentorum quatern'io, p. i 3.] AGLIO (Augustine). Antiquities of Mexico : comprifing fac-Cmiles of ancient Mexican paintings and hierogljq^hics ... Together witli the monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix : with their respec- tive fcales of meafurement and accompanying defcriptions. The whole iUuftrated by many valuable inedited manufcripts. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1830. AGLIONBY (William). Painting iUuftrated in three diallogues, containing fome choice obfeiTations upon the art. Together with the lives of the moft eminent painters, from Cimabue to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo. With an explanation of the difficult terras. 4° Lond. 1685. AGMONDESHAM. Memorials of Agmondefliam and Chefham Leycefter. In two martyr ftories. 12° Lond. 1856. AGNELLUS. B. 483. Archbifliop of Ravenna, 553. D. i Aug. 566. Ad Armenium, de ratione fidei, epiftola. [Max. Biblio- theca veterum Patrum, viii. 666.] AGNELLUS. A canon of Ravenna, b. about 805. Abbot of the monaf- teries of St. Maria ad Blachernas, and of St. Bartholomew, both near Ravenna. Liber Pontificalis, five vitx Pontificum Ravennatum, quas D. Benedictus Bacchinius ... ex Bibliotheca Eftenfi eruit, difii;rtationibus, et obfervationibus, necnon appendice monu- mentomm illuftravit, et auxit ... [Muratori, Rerum Itali- carum fcriptores, II. i. I.J AGNES. Agnes and Eliza ; or, humility. 12° Lond. 1846. Siller Agnes ; or, the captive nun : a pifture of conven- tual life. By a clergyman's widow, author of " The oqihan's friend," etc. 8° Lond. 1854. AGNES. Oui' favourite birds. 4^ Lond. [1859.] AGIS. Agis : a tragedy. [758. [By John Home.] AGNES BROWN. Agnes Brown ; or, " I will not offer unto the Lord my God of that which doth coft me nothing." 8° Lond. 1858. AGNES HOME— AGRELL 53 AGNES HOME. Paflages from die life of Agnes Home. Another edition. Lond. i860. Lond. 1 86 1. AGNES MAYNARD. Agnes Maynard ; or, day-di'eams and realities. By the author of " The garden in the wildernefs." 12° Lond. 1853. AGNES SERLE. Agnes Serle. 1835. [By EUen Pickering.] AGNES VAXMAR. Agnes Valraar : a novel. 3 vols. AGNES WARING. S" Lond. 1854. Agnes Waring : an autobiography. Edited by the author of " Kate Vernon." 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1856. AGNES I (Maria Gaetana). B. at Milan, i6 March, 1718. At the age of nine, flie had ftudied the Latin language with great fuccefs, and foon after acquired a found knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, and various modern languages. Her attainments in mathematical fcience were fo great, that in 1 750 (he obtained the permiflion of Bene- dift XrV. to occupy the chair of her invalid father in the Uni- verfity of Bologna. D. 9 Jan. 1799. Inftituzioni analitiche ad ufo delia gioventil Italiana ... 2 torn. 40 Miiano, 1748. AGNEW (Sir Andrew), Bart. A letter addreffcd to the friends of the Sabbath caufe. 8° Lond. 1835. * Memoirs of his life. 1850. [By Thomas M'Crie, D.D.] AGNEW (David C. A.) The working-man's week ; or, tlioughts on the Creator's diftribution of labour and reft. 8° Lond. 1850. The faved foul's work, dcfcribed in three difcourfes. 12° Lond. 1 85 1. AGNEW (E. C.) Geraldine : a tile of confcience. [/lnonJ\ 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1837. Tales explanatory of the Sacraments. [ylnonS\ 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1846. Rome and the abbey ; the fequel to . . . Gcialdine : a t;ile of confcience. [j1non.'\ 8° Lond. 1849. Saint Mary and her times : a poem, in fourteen cantos. [Amn.} 8° Lond. 185 r. AGNEW (H. C.) Letter from Alexandria, on the evidence of the pra(fHcal application of the quadrature of the circle, in the configura- tion of the great pyramids of Gizeh. 4° Lond. 183H. AGNEW (.loHN Vans). Some important queftions in Scots entail law, briefly con- fidered. To which are added. Reports of tlie dccifions of the Houfe of Lords, 31ft July, 1822, in the appeals Vans Agnew againjl Stewait and others, and Vans Agnew againjl the Earl of Stair and others. 8° Edinb. 1826. AGOBARDUS. B. 779. Ordained pried, 804. Archbilhop of Lyons, 813. D. 6 June, 840. Opera ; Stephanus Balufius, TutelenCs, in unum coUegit et emendavit. [Max. BiLliotheca •veterum Patrum, xiv. 234-] Traftatus de comparatione utiiufquc rcgiminis ecclcfiaftici et politici ... [Goldastus, Monarchia S. Romani Imperii, "i- 37;] Epiltola de monarchia imperii Francici, et diuifione reg- norum Italis, Gallias, Germanic, &c. inter hsredes Ludo- uici Pii imperatoris, fub recognitione unius monarchia, anno Dom. 833. [Ibid. i. i.] — [T)vCHEssE, HiJIorlii: Francorum fcriplores, ii. 329.] Chaitula ponefta Lothario Augufto in fynodo Compen- dicnfi, anno 833. [Bouquet, Recueil des hijioriens des Gaules et de la France, vi. 246.] Liber apologeticus pio filiis Ludovici Pii Imperatoris ad- verfus patrem. [Ibid. vi. 248.] Epiftolje. [Ibid. vi. 356.] AGOCCHUS (Joannes Baptista). B. at Bologna, 20 Nov. 1570. Secretary of State to Pope Gregory XV. in 1621. Nuncio from Urban Vlll. to Venice, with the title of Archbilhop of Amafia, 1624. D. at Venice, 1632. Fundatio et dominium antiquum urbis Bononix ; feu epif- tola refponforia ad Bartliolinum a Dulciniis, Hiftoricum Bo- nonienfem ; in qua difleritur de potentia et impcrio popu- lorum Thufcias antiqulffimonim ; atque falfae quoi"undam fcriptonjm opiniones vincuntur . . . Ex Italico Latine vertit, prcetationem atque indicem adjecit Bernardinus Morrettus. [GR.tvius, Thejaurus antiquitatum et hijloriarum Italia, vii. pt. i.] AGONISTES. Agonilles ; or, philofophical ftridhires, fuggefted by opin- ions, chiefly, of contemporaiy writers. By the author of" A review of tiic principles of neccffary and contingent truth." 12^ Lond 1856. AGOSTINI (Antonio). Ar Antonius Augustinus. AGR7ETIUS. See Agrcetius. AGRAZ (Antonius). B. at Palermo, 25 M.ny, 1640. D. at Naples, 27 M.iy, 1672. Donativum voiuntaiiuni politicum. ^° Romoc, 1672. AGRELL (Oloi). Difll'itatio hillorica de prifcis per Sveciam afylis. 4 ' Londini GothoruM), [1775.] Yttcriigare Bref om Maroco, fmit till en del 0111 Spanjon och Poriug;J. 8° Stockiiolm, 1S07. 54 AGRESTIS— AGRICULTURE AGRESTIS. The feudal hall : a poem. AGRICOLA. 8° Lond. 1815. Mifcellaneous obfervations on planting and training tim- ber-trees ... 1777. [Sy James Anderson, LL.D.] A letter, respe(5lfully addrefled to the members of both Houfes of Parliament, upon the fubjeft of the game-laws, &c. &c. 8^ Lond. 1830. Suggeftions on the bed modes of employing the Irilh peafantiy, as an anti-famine precaution : a letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 8° Lond. 1845. An opprefled poor in an infolvent nation : a letter to the members of the new ParHament. 8° Lond. 1847. On the reduction of taxes, and increafe of food and re- venue for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1847. Free-trade cheapnefs not a national bleffing : an addrefs to the people on the subjeifl of free-trade. 8° Lond. 1850. A letter to the Rt. Hon. Benjamin Difraeli, M.P., on the culture of the field. 8^ Lond. 1856. Church-rate repeal : a letter to an abolitionill. 12° Lond. 1858. A letter to a member of Parliament, on the alarming afpedV of the prefent crifis. 8° Lond. n. d. Letters on free trade addrefled to the public. 12° Lond. n. d. AGRICOLA (Georgius). A German metallurgift, whofe real name was Landmann. B. at Chemnitz, Saxony, 24 March, 1494. Studied medicine at Leipzig, and afterwards travelled in Italy, remaining two years in Venice. On his return, he fettled at Joachimsthal, where he fimiliarifed himfelf with mining operations. D. at Chem- nitz, 1555. De ortu et caufis fubterraneorum lib v. De natura eoram qua efBuunt ex terra lib. iiii. De natura foffiliuni lib. x. De veteribus et novis metallis lib. u. Bermannus; five, de re metallica dialogus. Interpretatio Germanica vocum rei me- tallicae, addito indice foecundiflimo. fol. Bafileae, 1546. De menfuris et ponderibus Romanorum atque Grxconim lib. v. De extemis menfuris et ponderibus lib. 11. Ad ea, qua; Andreas Alciatus dcnuo difputavit de menfuris et pon- deribus, brevis defenfio lib. i. De menfuris, quibus inter- valla metimur, lib. i. De reftituendis ponderibus atque men- furis lib. I. De precio metallorum et monetis lib. iii. fol. BafiIeK, 1550. De re metallica libri xii. Quibus officia, infbiimenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad metallicam fpeftantia, non modo luculentiflime defcribuntur, fed et per effigies, fuis locis infertas, adiunctis Latinis Germanicifque appellationibus, ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non poilint. Eiufdem de animantibus fubterraneis liber, ab audlore recognitus ... fol. BaCleae, 1556. De re metallica libri xii. ... Quibus acceflerunt hac ultima editione, tradatus ejufdem argumenti, ab eodem confcripti, fequentes. De animantibus fubterraneis, lib. i. De ortu et caufis fubterraneomm, lib. v. De natura eomm, quK efflu- unt ex terra, lib. iv. De natura foflllium, lib. x. De ve- teribus et novis metallis, lib. 11. Bermannus ; five, de re me- tallica dialogus, lib. i. fol. Bafileje, 1657. AGRICOLA (Ignatius). A German Jefuit, who died fhortly after the publication of the fecond part of the following work, Hiftoria provincial Societatis Jefu Germanias Superioris, quinque primas annorum complexa decades. fol. Auguftje Vindelicorum, 1727. — Pars fecunda, ab anno 1591 ad 1600. fol. Auguft. Vindel. I 729. — Pars tertia, ab anno 1 60 1 ad 1 6 1 o ; authore Adamo Flotto. fol. Auguft. Vindel. 1734. — Pars quarta, ab anno 1 6 1 1 ad annum 1 6 3 o : authore Francifco Xaviero Kropf. fol. Monachii, 1746. — Pars quinta, ab anno 163 I ad annum 1640 : authore Francifco Xaviero Kropf. fol. Auguft. Vindel. 1753. AGRICOLA (Joannes). German phyfician. B. about the beginning of the i6th cen- tury. D. at IngoUladt, 1570. Medicinx herbarix libri duo, quorum primus habet herbas, huius feculi medicis communes cum ueteribus, Diofcoride uidelicet, Galeno, Oribafio, Paulo, Aetio, Plinio et horam fimilibus. Secundus fer^ a recentibus medicis inuentas con- tinet herbas, atque alias quafdam praeclaras medicinas, ut quJE port Galenum uel inueftigats funt, uel in ufum medicum peruenerunt. 8° BaClex, 1539. AGRICOLA (Johann). B. at Eisleben, 20 April, 1492. Studied at Wittenberg, where he formed an intimate friendlhip with Luther, and became an ardent lupporter of the doctrines of the Reformation. D. at Berlin, 22 Sep. 1566. Der neuntzigefte Pfalmus. Wie kain Troft, Hilff oder Sterck fey, dem Teuffel und aller Far, gaiftlich und leyplich, zu widerfton, dann allain bey Got, unnd feynen hayligen Wort. 8° n. p. i 526. Ain chriftliche Kinderzucht in Gottes Wort unnd Leere. 8° n. p. I 528. AGRICOLA (RoDOLPHus). B. at Baffle, near Groningen, Aug. 1443. He was efteemed one of the moft learned men of his time, but never accepted any office, left it might interfere with his ftudies. D. at Heidel- berg, 28 Oa. 1485. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitln: poetarum Be/gicorum, i. 8.1 AGRICULTOR. A letter to the Right Hon. Charles Grant, Prefident of the Board of Trade, &c. &c., on the coin laws, wool laws, and rents in kind. S'' Edinb. 1828. AGRICULTURE. A treatife concerning the manner of fallowing of ground, raifing of grafs-feeds, and training of lint and hemp for the increafe and improvement of the linnen-manufaftories in Scot- land. 8° Edinb. 1724. Difcours [j>iir Pierre Louis de Majfac\ et meraoire [/>flr Sclebran, I'aine] relatifs a I'agriculture. 12° Paris, 1753. AGRICULTURE— AGRIPPA 55 A difleitation on the chief obrtacles to tlie improvement of knd, and introducing better meiliods of agriculture through- out Scotland. 8° Aberdeen, J760. A treatife of agriculture. 1762. [^By Adam Dick- son.] Letters and papers on agriculture, planting, &c. Seledled from the correfpondence-book of the Society, inftituted at Bath, for the encouragement of agriculture, arts, manufac- tures, and commerce . . . To wiiich is added an appendix ; containing a propofal for the fuither improvement of agri- culture, by a member of the Society ; and a tranflation of Mons. Hirzel's letter to Dr. Tiflbt, in anfwer to Mons. Linguet's treatife on bread-corn and bread ; by another mem- ber of the Society. 8° Bath, 1780. — Fourth edition. lovols. 8'' Bath, 1 792-1 805. Memoires d' agriculture, d'economie rurale et domeftiquc. 7 tom. 8° Paris, 1785-8. ElTays on agricultui'e : occafioned by reading Mr. Stone's Report on the prefent ftate of that fcience in the county of Lincoln. By a native of the county. 8°Lond. 1796. Semanario de agrictdtora y artes, dirigido a los parrocos. 8 tom. 8° Madrid, i 797-1800. Communications to the Board of Agriculture on fubjefts relative to the hufbandry and internal improvement of the country. 7 vols. 4° Lond. 1797-1811. The complete farmer : or general diflionary of agricul- ture and hu(bandi"y ... Fifth edition. 2 vols. 4' Lond. 1807. On the advantages which have refulted from the cflabllflr- ment of the Board of Agriculture ... 1809. \_By Arthur Young.] An addrefs to the nation on the relative importance of agriculture and manufaftures, and the means of advancing them both to the highell degree of improvement of whicli they are capable, &c. 8° Lond. 18 I 5. Agricultural ftate of the kingdom, in February, March, and April, 1 8 1 6 ; being the fubftance of the replies to a circular letter, fcnt by the Board of Agriculture to eveiy part of the kingdom. 8' Lond. 18 16. Difleitiition on the ftate of the nation refpeding its agri- culture. 18 I 7. [Pamphleteer, xi. 33.] Brief thoughts on the agricultural report. By a mufing bee within the hive. 4° Lond. 1821. A letter to the Right Hon. Frederick J. Robinfon, Prefi- dent of the Board of Trade, on the prefent deprcfled ftate of agriculture. 182 i. [Pamphleteer, xviii. 459.] A new treatife on agriculture and grazing : clearly point- ing out to landowners and farmers the mod ])ro(itable plans. To which arc added remarks on the jioor lates, the employ- ment of the poor, &c., and on the deftruiftion of the black palmer. By an experienced farmer. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1837. A letter to Britifh agriculttuifts. By a Britilh mercliant. 8' Lond. 1 846. A few words addrefTed to the agricultuiifts of England. 8^ Lond. 1850. A fl AGRGETIUS— AGUSELLIS niam, hiftoriola. [Schardius, Rerum Germankariim fcrip- lores, ii. 266.] AGRCETIUS. A Roman grammarian, who lived about the middle of the 5th century, De orthographia et proprietate et difFeientia fermonis. [PuTSCHius, Grammaticie Latlnis audores ant'iqui, p. 2265.] — [GoTHOFREDUS, Au9ores Lat'init Unguis, p. 1346.] — [PoPMA, De d'tjferentiis verborum, p. 276.] AGUAS (Juan de). Canon of the metropolitan church of Saragoffa. Por el origen y fucefos de los teraplos fedes-catedi%ales, alegacion hiftorica. 4° Zaragoga, 1668. AGUERO (Bartolome Hidalgo de). A Spanifli phyfician. B. at Seville, 1531. D. 5 Jan. 1597. Theforo de la verdadera cirugia, y via particular contra la comun. fol. SeviUa, 1604. AGUESSEAU (Henricus Franciscus d"). Chancellor of France. B. at Limoges, 27 Nov. 166S. D. at Paris, 9 Feb. 1751. Oeuvres. 13 torn. 4° Paris, 1759-89. — Another edition. 24 torn. i2°Yverdon, 1763-71. Meditations philofophiqucs fur I'origine de la jufHce, &c. 4 torn. 12° Yverdon, 1780. Lettres inedites ; publiees fous les aufpices de Son Excel- lence Mgr. le Compte dc Peyronnet ... par D. B. Rives. 4° Paris, 1823. * Memoirs of his life. 1830. [.Sy Charles Butler.] AGUILA (C. J. E. H. d'). D. at Paris, IVIay, 1815. Decouverte de I'oibite de la terre ; du point central de I'orbite du foleU ; leur fituation, et leur forme ; de la feiftion du zodiaque, par le plan de I'equateur, et du mouvement des deux globes. 8° Paris, 1806. AGUILAR (Grace). D. at Frankfort, 10 Sep. 1847, aged thirty-one. Records of Ifrael. i2°Lond. 1S44. The women of Ifrael ; or, charafters and flcetches from the holy Scriptures, and Jewifh hiftory, iUuftrative of the part hiftoiy, prefent duties, and future deftiny of the Hebrew females, as bafed on the Word of God. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1845. The Jewilh faith, its fpiritual confolation, moral guidance, and immortal hope. With a brief notice of the reafons for many of its ordinances and prohibitions. A feries of letters, anfwering the inquiries of youth. 12° Lond. 1846. Home influence : a tale for mothers and daughters. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1847. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1850. The mother's recompenfe :. a fequel to Home influence. 12° Lond. 185 I. Woman's friendihip. 12=' Lond. 1850. The vale of cedars ; or, the maityr : a ftoiy of Spain in the fifteenth centuiy. 12° Lond. 1850. The days of Bmce : a (lory from Scottifli hiftory. 12° Lond. 1852. Home fcenes and heart ftudies. 8° Lond. 1853. Sabbath thoughts and facred communings. 8° Lond. 1853. AGUILAR Y PRADO (Jacinto de). Compendio hiftorico de diverfos efcritos en diferentes afumptos. 4° Pamplona, 1629. AGUILAR (Juan Bautista). Varias hermofas flores del Parnafo, que en quatro flori- dos, viftofos quadros, plantaron junto a su criftalina fuente : D. Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza ; D. Antonio de Solis; D. Francifco de la Torre y SebLl ; D. Rodrigo Artes y Munoz ; Martin Juan Barcelo ; Juan Bautifta Aguilar, y otros iluftres poetas de Efpana . . . \Edited by Juan Baut'ijla Agu'dar.~\ 40 Valencia, 1680. Tercera parte de los Diofes de la gentUidad. 4" Valencia, 1688. [For the firft and fecond parts, y^f Baltafar Victoria.] AGUILAR (Pedro de). A native of Antequera. Flouriihed in the i6th century. Tratado de la cavalleria de la gineta ... contiene diverfos avifos y documentos, y otras muchas reglas utiles y neceffa- rias, affi para lo que toca a la dotrina y enfrenamiento de los cavallos, como para la perfecion y deftreza que en efta facul- tad conviene que tengan, en cofas de paz y de guerra, los cavalleros. 4° Malaga, 1600. AGUILAR (Ynigo de la Cruz Manrique de Lara, CoNDE de). Defenforio de la religiofidad de los cavalleros militares ... fol. Madiid, 1731. AGUILON (Pedro de). Secretary of the Spanifli legation in France, under Philip II. of Spain. Hiftoria del Duque Carlos de Borgona, bifaguelo del Em- perador Carlos Quinto. 4° Pamplona, 1586. AGUILONIUS (Franciscus). A Belgian Jefuit, b. at Bruffels, 1567. Profeffor of philofo- phy at Douay, and of theology at Antwerp, where he was reftor of the college. D. 20 March, 1617. Opticomm libri fex. fol. AntverpiE, 1613. AGUIRRE (Manuel de). Indagacion y reflexiones fobre la geografia, con algunas noticias previas, e indifpenfables. 4° Madrid, 1782. AGUSELLIS (Joannes de). A jurift of Cefena. Profeflbr of canon law in the Univerfity of Padua, and afterwards, it is believed, in Bologna. D. about 1310. De proteftationibus. [F. Zilettus, Tractatus univerfi juris, xvii. 221.) AGUSTIN— AHN 57 AGUSTIN (Miguel). B, at Bafiolas, in Catalonia, towards the clofe of the i6th cen- tury. Chaplain ut" the order of St. John, and prior of the temple of that order in Perpignan. Libro de los fecretos de agricultura, cafa de campo, y paf- toril. 4° Barcelona, 1722. AGYL^US (Henricus). B. at Bois-le-Duc, 1533. D. 1595. Imp. Leonis Augufti Conftitutiones novellae, aut conec- toiisE legum repuigationes, Latinae nunc primvim ab Henrico Agylaeo fafla;. Imp. Juftiniani cdifta. Imp. Juftini con- ftitutiones aliquot. Imp. Tiberii conftitutio una. Imp. Zenonis Conftitutio una. Eodem intcrprcte. 8° [Parifiis,] 1560. AHASUERUS. Ahafuerus, the wanderer: a dramatic legend ... 1823. [By Thomas Medwin.] AHLWARDT (Christian Wilhelm). B. at Greifswald, 23 July, 1760. Reftor of the gymnafium of Oldenburg, 1797. Appointed in 181 1 to a fimilar office in his nitive city; to which was added, in 181 8, the profeflorfhip of ancient literature in the Univerfity of Greifswald. U. 12 April, 1830. Galifche Sprachlehre. [Vater, Verglekhungstafeln der Europ'dlfchen Stamm-Spracbcn, p. 221.] AHMET ARABSIADES. A native of Damafcus, where he died a.d. 1450. l\i jy^ ,U^l J' J. .JwUvl .•Uo C_:'J£= slij, cr; IX.4JS-1 Vitae et rerum gcftarum Timuri, qu vulgo Tamerlancs dicitur, hiftoria. [ylrah'u only, edited by Jacobus Go/ius.l 4' Lugduni Bativorum, 1636. — Latine vertit et adnotationes adjecit Samuel Henricus Manger, \yirab. and Lat.'\ 2 tom. 4"= Leovardia:, 1767-72. AHN (F.) Dr. Ahn's eafy and praftical method of learning the French language, adapted to the ufe of Englifti learners, by A. A. Firftcourfc. 8°Lond. 1851. — Another' edition, revifed and corrected by Theophilc Didier. i 2^ Loud. 1855. — Another edition, edited from the German, with nu- merous additional exercifes, and a feries of eafy reading lef- fons on France and the French, by John Paxton Hall and Thomas Hall, B.A. 12° Lond. 1855. — Another edition. I2°Eond. 1858. — Another edition. Author's own. 8^ Lond. 1861. A new practical and eafy method of learning the French language. \y1 deferent -work from the preceding^ 8° Lond. 1852. Second French courfe ; intended as a fequel to tlie " Firft French courfe." Eilited from tlie German by .lolm Pax- ton Hall ... and Thomas Hall, B.A. 12° Lond. 1852. — Another edition. 12' Lond. 1854. VOL. I. — Another edition. 12° Lond. i860. The child's French book. 8° Lond. 1853. Firft French progreflive reading leflbns : with co])ious notes, vocabuiaiy, and outlines of French grammar. Edited by John Paxton Hall and Thomas Hall, B.A. New edition. 12° Lond. 1852. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1853. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1854. — Another edition, arranged and edited by Thcophile Didier. 12° Lond. 1855. A choice colleftion of French poetry, feleded from the beft French authors, by F. Ahn. New edition, with addi- tions, colledled, edited, and revifed by Theophile Didier. 12° Lond. 1855. A hand-book of French converfation. New edition, adapted to the ufe of Englifh fcholars, with confiderable ad- ditions and improvements ; to which is added converfations on the geography of France, and the manners and cuftoms of the French, by Chi-yfoftome Dagobert. 12° Lond. 1857. French commercial letter-writer ; a complete feries of letters, circulars, and forms, fuited to all the requirements of trade and commerce ; with a French, German, and Englifli glofrai7 of all technical terms, and an appendix, confifting of fuitable and bufinefs-like beginnings and endings. 8° Lond. 1861. * A new praiflical and eafy method of learning the Italian language. After the fyftem of F. Ahn. 8° Lond. 1852. * A key to the exercifes of Ahn's new method of learn- ing the Italian language. 8 Lond. 1853. * A new pradlical and eafy method of learning the Spanifti language. After the fyftem of F. Ahn. 8° Lond. 1853. * A new jiraiStic.il and eafy method of learning the Latin language, after the fyftem of F. Ahn ... From the German of Dr. J. H P. Seidenstuker. 1855. * A new praftical and eafy method of learning the Greek language, after the fyftem of F. Ahn. By A. H. Monteith. 1856. The child's German book. 8° Lond. 1852. * A new praftical and eafy method of learning the German language, after the fyftem of F. Ahn, by A. H. Monteith. '^57- A hand-book of German converfation. New edition, adapted to tlie ufe of Engiirti fcholars, with confiderable ad- ditions and improvements; to which is added converfations on the geography of Germany, by Chryfoftome Dagobert and W. Pfeiffer, Ph. D. 12° Lond. 1857. A praftical grammar of the German language, with a grammatical index and glofTiry of all the German words. 8° Lond. 1861. A key to the exercifes in the author's own edition of Dr. Ahn's praftical German grammar. 8° Lond. 1861. German commercial letter-writer : a complete feries of letters, circulars, and forms, fuited to all the requirements of trade and commerce; with a German, French, and Englifli glodlir-y of all teclinical terms, and an ajipendix of iuiuble and bufinefs-like beginnings and endings. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. I 58 AHYTO— AIKIN AHYTO. Abbot of the Benediftine monaftery of Reichcnau, on tte Rhine, near Conftance. Bidiop of Bafel about 821. Capitulare. [d'AcHERius, Spkileglum, vi. 691.] AICHER (Otto). B. 1628. A monk of the Benedlftine order j appointed in 1657 profefTor in the Univerfity of Salzburg, where he taught fucceltively grammar, poetry, rhetoric, ethics, and hiitory. D. at Salzburg, 17 Jan. 1705. Hortus variaram infcriptionum vetemm et novarum ... in certos locos, feu areolas digeftamm. 8° Salifturgi, 1676. Brevis inftitutio de comitiis vetemm Roraanomm, libellis tribus comprehenfa ; quibus acceffit lib. iv. de comitiis im- perii Romano-Germanici. [Polenus, Utriufque ihefaurl antiquitatiim . . . fiipplaneiita, i. 273.] AIDE (Hamilton). Eleonore ; and other poems. 8° Lond. 1856. Rita : an autobiography. In two volumes. Yj4non.'\ 8' Lond. 1858. Confidences. \Anon.^ 8° Lond. 1859. AIDIUS (Andreas). B. at Aberdeen. ProfelTqr of philofophy at Dantzig. Paftoria, in decem diflributa eclogas. 8° Dantifci, 16 10. AIGRADUS. A Benediftine monk at Fontanelle, in Normandy, who lived about the beginning of the 8th century. Vita S. Anfberti, Epifcopi Rotomagenfis. [Mabillon, Acta fandorum O.S.B. ii. 1002.] AIKEN (Peter Freeland). Admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates, 23 Feb. 1822. A comparative view of the conftitutions of Great Britain and the United States of America : in fix le<5hires. 8° Lond. 1842. War : religioufly, morally, and hiftorically confidered. 8^ Lond. 1850. AIKIN (Anna L;etitia). B. at Kibworth-Harcourt, Leicefterfhire, 20 June, 1743 : married. May, 1774, to the Rev. Rochemont Barbauld, minifter at Palgrave, Suffolk. D. 9 March, 1825. Works : with a memoir by Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1825. Poems. 4^ Lond. 1773. Mifcellaneous pieces, in profe, by J[ohn] and A. L. Aikin. 1773. A legacy for young ladies, confifting of mifcellaneous pieces in profe and verfe. 12° Lond. 1826. Evenings at home ... By Dr. [John] Aikin, and Mrs. Barbauld. i860. Mrs. Barbauld's leflons for children, altered and arranged for little girls. With additions by E. Nightingale. 12^ Lond. n. d. AIKIN (Arthur). Journal of a tour through North Wales, and part of Shrop- fhire ; with obfeiTations in mineralogy, and other branches of natural hiftory. 8° Lond. 1797- A diiflionary of chemiftry and mineralogy, with an ac- count of the proceffes employed in many of the mod im- portant chemical manufaflures. To which are added a de- fcription of chemical apparatus, and various ufeful tables of weights and mcafures, chemical inftniments, &c. &c. ... By A. and C. R. Aikin. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1807. A manual of mineralogy. Second edition. 8' Lond. 18 I 5. Illuftrations of arts and m.-inufa<5hires ... 12= Lond. 1 841. Aikin's calendar of nature expanded and illuflrated. [Mary Howitt, Pidonal calendar of the feafons.^ AIKIN (Berkeley). The dean ; or, the popular preacher : a tale. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1859. AIKIN (Charles Rochemont). A diftionary of chemilliy and mineralogy Arthur and C. R. Aikin. 1807. By AIKIN (John), M.D. B. at Kibworth-Harcourt, Leicefterfhire, 15 January, 1747. Praftifed as a phyfician at Chefter, and afterwards at Warring- ton. His health giving way, he retired from his profeflion, and fettled at Stoke Newington, near London, where he refided till his death, 7 Dec. 1822. Mifcellaneous pieces, in profe. By J. and A. L. Aikin. 8° Lond. 1773. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1775. An eflay on the application of natural hiifoiy to poetry. 8° Warrington, 1777. Diflertatio medica inauguralis, de laftis fecretione in puer- peris ... 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 1784. Poems. 8° Lond. 1791. A view of the charadler and public fervices of the late John Howard, Efq., LL.D., F.R.S. 8° Lond. 1792. A defcription of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchefter ; containing its geography, natural and civil ; principal produdlions ; river and canal navigations ; a particular account of its towns and chief villages ; their hif- toiy, population, commerce and manufadlures, buildings, go- vernment, &c. 4= Lond. [1795-] Letters from a father to his fon on vaiious topics relative to literature and the conduft of life. Written in the years 1792, 1793, 1798, and 1799- Third edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1 796-1 800. General biography ; or lives, critical and hiftorical, of the moll eminent perfons ol all ages, countries, conditions, and profeffions, arranged according to alphabetical order. Chiefly compofed by John Aikin, M.D., and the late Rev. William Enfield, LL.D. [alfo Thomas Morgan, William Johnfton, and — Nicholfon.] 10 vols. 4= Lond. 1799-1815. Effays on fong-writing ; with a colle<5lion of fuch Eng- lifh fongs as are mod: eminent for poetical merit. A new edition, with additions and correftions, and a fupplement, by R. H. Evans. 8^ Lond. 18 10. The lives of John Selden, Efq., and Archbifhop Ullier ; with notices of the principal Englifh men of letters witli whom they were conne(5ted. 8° Lond. 1812. Annals of the reign of King George the Third, from its AUCIN — AIMARD 59 commencement in the year 1760, to the general peace in the year 1815. 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 1816. England defcribed : being a concife delineation of eveiy county in England and Wales ; with an account of its moll important produfts, notices of the principal feats, and a view of tranfa(flions civil and military, &c. ^Vith a maj). 8° Lond. 1818. Seleft works of the Britifh poets, with biographic;il and critical prefaces by Dr. Aikin. 8° Lond. 1820. — A new edition, with a fupplement by Lucy Aikin. 8= Lond. 1845. Memoir of .John Aikin, M.D., by Lucy Aikin. With a feleiftion of his mifcellaneous pieces, biographical, moral, and critical. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1823. The arts of life ... defcribed in a feries of letters for the ufe of young peiTons. A new edition, with additions and alterations by Lucy Aikin. 12= Lond. 1858. Evenings at home ; or, the juvenile budget opened : con- fiding of a variety of mifcellaneous pieces for the inftracflion and amufement of youth. By Dr. Aikin and Mrs. Barbauld. New edition. 8° Lond. i860. AIKIN (Lucy). B. at Warrington, 1781. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1818. Memoirs of the Court of King James the Firfl. Second edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1822. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the Firft. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1833. Memoir of John Aikin, M.D. 1823. The life of Jofej>h Addifon. 2 vols. I 2' Lond. 1843. Holiday (lories for young readers. 12° Lond. 1858. AIKMAN (James). Poems, chiefly lyrical, partly in the Scottilh dialcft. 12° Edinb. 18 16. Difappointment : and other poems. [yfnonJ] 12^ Edinb. 1825. AIKMAN (James). The hiftory of Scotland, tranflated from the Latin of G. Buchanan. With notes and a continuation. 1827-9. An account of the tournament at Eglinton, revifed and correfted by feveral of the knights ; iilullrated by leprefen- tations of the various fcencs, from (Icetches taken on the f])ot, by Mr. W. Gordon ; with a biographical notice of the Eg- linton family ; to wliich is prefixed a fl3 AIRY (George Biddell), M.A. B. at Alnwick, Northumberland, 27 July, 1 801. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, coming out as Senior Wrangler in 1823. Appointed Lucaflan profeflbr in 1824, and Plumian profefTor in 1828. Succeeded Mr. Pond as Aftronomer Royal in 1835. Aftronomical obfervations made at the Obfcrvatoiy of Cambiidgc. Vol. v. ; for the year 1832. 4° Cambridge, 1833. Aftionomical obfervations made at the Royal Obfei-vatorj', Greenwich, in the year[s] 1841-7, under the direftion of George Biddell Aiiy, Efq., M. A., Aftronomer Royal. 7 vols. 4° Lond. 1843-9. Magnetical and meteorological obfervations made at the Royal Obfei-vatory, Greenwich, in the year 1847, under tlie direftion of George Biddell Aiiy ... 4° Lond. 1849. Aftronomical and Magnetical and meteorological obferva- tions, made at the Royal Obfei-vatory, Greenwich, in tlie year[s] 1848-56 : under the diredlion of George Biddell Airy ... 8 vols. 41= Lond. 1853-8. Reduction of the obfei'vations of the moon, made at the Royal Obferiatoi-y, Greenwich, from 1750 to 1830; com- puted under the fuperintendence of George Biddell Airy . . . 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1848. Six le<5hires on aftronomy, delivered at the meetings of the friends of the Ijifwich Mufeum, at the Temperance Hall, Ipfwich, in the month of March, 1848. 8" Lond. 1849. Catalogue of 2156 ftars, formed from the obfei-vations made during twelve years from 1836 to 1847, at the Royal Obfervatory, Greenwich. 4° Lond. 1849. A treatifc on trigonometry. New edition, revifed by Hugh Blackburn, M.A. 8" Lond. 1855. Ledure on the jiendulum-experiments at Haiton Pit, de- livered in the Central Hall, South Shields, OiSober 24, 1854 ; together with a letter containing the refults of the experiments. 8 Lond. 1855. On the draft of propofed new ftatutcs for Trinity College, Cambridge. 8^ Cambridge, 1859. On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors of ob- fen'ations and the combination of obfervations. 8° Cambridge, 1 861. AISLABIE (John). A fpeech upon the Confolidated Bill. 4" [Lond.] 1721. The f])cech of tlie Right. Hon. .lohn Aiflabie, Efq., upon his defence made in the Houfe of Lords, againft the bill for railing money upon the cflates of the South-Sea direiflors, on Wednefday, the 19th of July, 1721. Second edition. 4° Lond. I 72 I. Second f]ieech on his defence in tlie Houfe of Lords, on Thurfday, July 20, I 72 I. 4' Lond. [172 I.] The cafe of the Right Hon. John Aiflabie, Efq. 4" [Lond. 172 I.] AISLABIE (William James), A.M. Educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Rcflor ofHoly- well with Ncedingworth, Hants, 1804. D. at Cheltenham, 1843, aged feventy-four. The Gofpel according to St. Matthew. Tranflated from the Greek. 1834. iVc Bible. A letter to Lord John Ruffell, on the Church bills. 12° Lond. 1838. AISLABIE (William John), B.A. Reftor of Alpheton, Suffolk. The ticket-of-leave fyftem, in Auftralia and in England. 12° Lond. n. d. AITCHISON (David), M.A. Archdeacon of Argyll and the Ides. Striftures on the Duke of Argyll's EfTay on the ecclefi- aftical hiftoiy of Scotland : in a letter to his Grace. 8° Lond. 1849. A free inquiry into the duties of the bifliops of the Church of Scotland, miflionary as well as epifcopal. 8° Edinb. 1853. AITCHISON (Jasper). A new fyftem of flioit-hand, in which legibility, lineality, and brevity are fecured upon the moft natural principles, with refped to both thefignilication and formation of the charafters, efpecially by the fingular property of their floping in general, according to the habitual motion of the hand in common writing. By Jafper and John Aitchifon. 8° Lond. 1832. AITKEN (Alexander), M.A. " Preacher of the Gofpel, at Forfar." A ledlure on Matt. xiv. 1-12. 8° Dundee, I 790. AITKEN (,Tohn). A medical practitioner, and lefturer in Edinburgh. D. there, 22 Sep. 1790. Syftematic elements of the theoiy and praftice of furgery. 8 Edinb. 1779. A defcription of double-flrot fire-arms. 8° Lond. 178 I. * A review of Mr. Aitken's outlines of the theoiy and cure of fever, on plain and rational princijiles. With a poetical addrefs to nonfenfc. 8° [Edinb.] n. d. AITKEN (J. H.) A clafs book of elocution ; embracing princi])les and exer- cifes, and a cojjious feledlion of extradts in profe and ver fe. 8° Edinb. 1853. AITKEN (Robert). Incumbent of Pcndeen, Cornwall. Spiritual vitality : an addrefs to the clergy ; in two parts. 8° Lond. 1852. * Methodiftic catholicifm : a word of expoftulation to the Rev. R. Aitken, in anfwer to liis addrefs to the clergy, en- titled " Spiritu;J vitality." By a parifh prieft. 8" Lond. 1852. A letter to one of the Leeds clergy, on the diftindion between filvation and Chriftianity : being an anfwer to in- quiries on the iubjeft of " Spiritual vitality." 8° Lond. 1852. The converfion and holy life of St. Auguftine. I 2" Lond. 1852. The teaching of tlie ty])es. Trads for the clergy and the earneft-minded. Nos. 1-6. 8' 0.\foid, 1 8 54-5. Tile power of Chrift's name ; or, Church and diflcnt, and 64 AITKZN— AIX Chrift's expofition of both : a fermon, delivered in St. Mary's church, Penzance, on May 28th, 1856, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Cornwall. [Luie ix. 48-50.] 8° Oxford, 1856. A word for the truth, for the Church, and for God : an addrefs to the clergy on the prefent controverfy ; in which the points at iffue are fully Hated, and the dodtrines involved are theologically confidered. 8° Oxford, 1857. Hints, fuggeftions, and reafons for the provifional adjuft- ment of the church-rate, for the reformation of the Church's external adminiftration, and for the union of Church and dif- fent. 8° Lond. 1859. AITKEN (Thomas). Aitken's meafurer ; a new fet of tables, exhibiting at one view the fuperficial contents of any log, plank, or board, in feet, inches, and 1 2th parts of inches ... the value of veneers ; value per foot of fcantling ... alfo a complete fet of tables of folid meafure for fquare timber. 8° Glafgow, 1 83 7. Tables exhibiting fuperficial meafure in yards, feet, and inches ; fujierficial yards reduced to cubic yards ; the con- tents and value of glafs fquares. Sec. ; fuperficial meafure in feet, inches, and parts ; the value of boards or fcantling. 12° Lond. 1838. AITKEN (William), M.D. Handbook of the fcience and praftice of medicine. 8° Lond. 1858. AITKIN (Thomas Johnstone), M.D. Lecturer on anatomy, phyfiology, and materia medica in Edin- burgh. D. at Poole, Dorfetftiire, 19 Nov. 1843. Elements of phyfiology ; being an account of the laws and principles of the animal economy, efpecially in reference to the conftitution of man. 12° Lond. 1838. AITON (John), D.D. Minifter of the pari/h of Dolphington. The life and times of Alexander Henderfon ; giving a hifloiy of the fecond reformation of the Church of Scotland, and of the covenanters, during the reign of Charles I. 8° Edinb. 1836. Clerical economics ; or, hints niral and houfehold, to min- ifters, and others of limited income. By a clergyman of the oldfchool. 8° Edinb. 1842. Eight weeks in Gemiany : compiifing narratives, defcrip- tions, and direftions for economical tourills. By the Pedef- trian. 12° Edinb. 1842. The di-ying up of the Euphrates ; or, the downfall of Turkey, prophetically confidered. 8° Lond. 1S53. St. Paul and his localities in their part and prefent condi- tion ... 8° Lond 1856. AITON (WlLLLiM). B. at Hamilton, Lanarkfhire, 1731. Superintendent of the Royal Gardens at Kew. D. 1793. Hortus Kewenfis ; or, a catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. Second edition, en- larged by William Townfend Alton. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 1&10-13. AITON (William). B. at Silverrig, near Kilmarnock, 1760. Began bufinefs as a writer in Strathaven, 1785; and was afterwards appointed Sheriff-Subftitute of Lanarklhire, at Hamilton, which office he held from 1S17 to 1822. D. 1S48. A tieatife on the origin, qualities, and cultivation of mofs- earth, with diredlions for converting it into manure. Pub- lifhed at the defire, and under the patronage of the Highland Society. 8° Air, 18 1 1. General view of the agriculture of the county of Ayr ; with obfervations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the confideration of the Board of Agriculture and In- ternal improvements. 8° Glafgow, 181 1. General view of the agrictJture of the county of Bute ; with obfervations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the confideration of die Board of Agriculture and In- ternal improvements. 8° Glafgow, 18 16. A hiftoiy of the rencounter at Drumclog, and battle at Both well Bridge, in the month of June, 1679, with an ac- count of what is correft and what is fiftitious in the " Tales of my Landlord " refpedfing thefe engagements, and reflec- tions on political fubjefls. 8^ Hamilton, 1 82 I. An inquiiy into the pedigree, defcent, and public tranfac- tions of the chiefs of the Hamilton family, and fhowing how they acquired their eftates. 8° Glafgow, 1827. AITON (William), M.D. Son of the preceding. Afliilant-furgeon in the Royal Navy. * Report of the trial by jury of the a(EHon of damages for a libel in the Scotfman newfpaper : William Alton, M.D., againft John Ramfay M'Culloch of Auchengoul, editor of the Scotfman, and others. 8" Edinb. 1823. DifTeitations on malaria, contagion, and cholera ; explain- ing the principles which regulate endemic, epidemic, and con- tagious difeafes, with a view to their prevention : intended as a guide to magiftrates, clergymen, and heads of families. 8° Lond. 1832. AITZEMA (LiEuwE v.w). B. at Dockum in Friefland, 1600. Reprefentative of the Hanfe towns at the Hague, where he died, 1661. Notable revolutions; beeing a true relationof what hap'ned in the United Provinces of the Netherlands, in the years mdcl and MDCLi. fomwhat bffore and after the death of the late Prince of Orange. According to the Dutch copie, colleifled and publifhed at the Haghe, 1652. 4° Lond. 1653. Hiftoria pacis, a Foederatis Belgis, ab anno mdcxxi. ad hoc ufque tempus, traftatas. 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 1654. Saken van Staet en Oorlogh, in ende omtrent de ver- eenigde Nederlanden, beginnende met het jaer 162 I, ende eyndigende met het jaer [1669.] 7 vols. fol. s'Graven-Haghe, 1669-72. AIX (Albert d'). See Albertus, Aquenfis. AIX (Francois d'). A lawyer of MarfeiUe, in the 17th century. Les ftatuts municipaux et coutumes anciennes de la ville de Maifeille. 4° MarfeiUe, 1656. AIX-LA-CHAPELLE — AKERMAN ^S AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Fragmentum hiftoricum de Concilio Aquifgraiienfi. [Ma- billon, Vetera analecla, p. i 49.] Interets de I'Impeiatice Reinc, des Rois de France et d'Efpagne, et de Icurs principaux Allies, quant a la gloirc, aux avantages eflcntiels de leurs couronnes et a la confcience, negliges dans les articles preliminaiies, fignes a Aix-la-Cha- pelle, le 30 Avril, 1748. 8° n. p. 1748. Colleftion hiftorique, ou menioircs pour fen'ir a I'hiftoire de la guerre, tcrminee par la paix d'A:x-la-Chapelle, en 1748. 1758. [5_y Le Chev. O'Hanlon.] AJALA (Petrus Pantoja de). A jurift of Toledo, who flourilhed in the 17th century. Comnientaria in tit. D. et C. de aleatoribus. [Otto, The- faurus juris Romani, iv. 905.] AJELLO (Jacobus de). A Neapolitan lawyer of the i6th century. De jure adiios, relevii atque fubfidii. [Zilettus, Trac- tatus univerfi juris, xii. 1 69.] — [-'Eg. Thomatus, Tradatus de muneribus patrimoni- alibus, p. 593.] AJOFRIN (Francisco de). Primores de la divina gracia, manifeftados en la admirable vida, y portentofos milagros del nuevo Taumaturgo de Sicilia, el fiervo de Dies Fr. Geronymo de Corleon, rcligiofo lego Capuchino. Segunda imprefion. 4° Madrid, 1775. Difertacion critico-apologetica a favor de los ])rivilegios de la Bula de la S'" Cruzada. Refpuefta a la difeitacion hif- torico-canonico-moral, que fobre el ilfo de los oratorios do- raefticos fe imprimio en Madrid el ano de 1772. La efcribe ... Don Fernando Ricco Fijas [unttgritm of Francifco de AjofrinJ^ fol. Santiago, 1776. AKBER (.Iilaleddeen Mahommed). B. 1543. Succeeded his father, Humayun, as Emperor of Hindoftan, 15 Feb. 1556. D. Sep. 1605, Ayeen Akbeiy ; or, the inftitutes of the Emperor Akber. Tranflated from the original Perfian by Francis Gladwin. 3 vols. 4° Calcutta, 1783-6. AKEHURST (George). Curate of Regent Square church, St. Pancras, London. Impofture inftanced in the life of Mahomet. 12" Lond. 1859. The jjrayer book and its hiftory : a ledlure. I2'> Lond. 1859. AKENSIDE (Mark), M.D. B. at Ncwcaftlc, 9 Nov. 172 1. Studied at Edinburgh and Leyden. D. at London, 23 June, 1770. Poems. 8° Lond. 1772. — Another edition. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1776. The poetical works of Mark Akenfide and John Dyer. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aria Willmott. 8" Lond. 1855. The poetical works of Mark Akenfide. [^IViih life by ^- Dyce.'] 8° Lond. 1857. The poetical works of Mark Akenfide. With memoir and critical difTeitation, by the Rev. George GilfiUan. 8° Edinb. 1857. The pleafures of imagination : a poem. In three books. 4° Lond. 1744. — To which is prefixed a critical effay on the poem, by Mrs. Barbauld. 8° Lond. 1795. I piaceri dell'immaginazione: poema Inglefe del Dr. Aken- fide, trafportato in verfo fciolto Italiano dall'Abate Angelo Mazza, con varie annotazioni. 4° Parigi, 1764. An epiflleto Curio [^^V.PuUeney, Earl of Bath.] [jinon.'] 4° Lond. 1744. Odes on feveral fubjedls. \ylmn.'\ 4° Lond. 1745. An ode to the countiy gentlemen of England. 4° Lond. 1758. AKERMAN (John Yonge). A numifmatic manual ; or, guide to the fludy of Greek, Roman, and Englifli coins. With plates from the originals. 8° Lond. 1832. A defcrii)tive catalogue of rare and unedited Roman coins, from the earlieft period of the Roman coinage, to the cx- tindtion of the empire under Conflantinus Paleologus. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1834. Catalogue d'une paitie de la colledtion de medailles du Che- valier de Hoita, faite par fon p^ic pendant fes differentes am- bafTades a Vienne, La Haye, et Sjiint Peterfbourg. 8° Lond. 1839. A glofTary of provincial words and phrafes in ufe in Wilt- rtiire. 12° Lond. 1842. Coins of the Romans, relating to Britain, defcribed and illuflrated. 8° Lond. 1844. Ancient coins of cities and princes, geographicallyarranged and defcribed. Hifpania — Gallia — Briuinnia. 8° Lond. 1846. Numifmatic illuffrations of the narrative portions of the New Teflament. 8° Lond. 1846. An archxological index to remains of antiquity of the Celtic, Romano-Britifh, and Anglo-Saxon periods. 8^ Lond. 1847. An introduftion to the fludy of ancient and modern coins. 8° Lond. 1848. Tradefmcn's tokens, current in London and its vicinity, between the years 1648 and 1672. Defcribed from the originals in the Britifli Mufeum, and in feveral ])iivate col- letlions. 8" Lond. 1849. Spring-tide ; or, the angler and his friend.s. 1 2" Lond. 1850. Dirciffions for the ])refervation of Englifh antiquities, el"])c- cially thofe of the firlf three periods. 8° Lond. 1851. Moneys received and paid for fecret fen'ices of Charles II. and James II., from 30th March, 1670, to 25th De- cember, 1688. Edited [for the Camden Society] from a MS. in the poffeflion of William Selby Lowndes, Efq., by John Yonge Akerman. 4° [I..ond.] 1851. Wlltlhire t.iles. ijo Lond. 1853. Legends of old London. 12° Lond. 1853, Remains of pagan Saxondom. 4' Lond. 1855. K 66 AKROYD— ALARBAS AKROYD (Edward). M.P. for Huddersfield, from 1857 to 1859. On faftoiy education, and its extenfion ; and on the prafti- cability of its application to other trades and occupations. 8° Leeds, 1858. ALA (Joannes Petrus). An Italian jurift, born at Cremona, who flourifhed about the beginning of the 17th century. Tradtatus vere aureus de advocato, et caufidico Chriftiano, in duas partes divifiis ... 4° Cremon. Diade(5licon ; feu de fucccdanei.s mcdica- mentis opufculum ... in quo nova, et admiranda naturx arcana reconduntur. 4° Panomii, 1637. ALAZON. Let well alone; or, removal of blemithes from Church'and State. b" Lond. i860. ALBAN. Alban. 185 I. [By J. V. Huntingdon.] ALBAN, Saint. The conftitutions of the guild of Saint Alban, 1854. 12° Bimiingham, [1854.] — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1856. The canonical hours, according to the ufe of the guild of S. Alban. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1856-7. ALBAN (Ernst). Praftical machine maker, Plau, Saxony. The high-preffuie fleam engine inveftigated : an cxpofition of its compaiative merits, and an eflay towards an improved fyftem of conftrudlion, adapted efpecially to fecure fafety and economy in its ufe. Tranflated from the German, with notes, by William Pole. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1S48. ALBANI (.loH. Franc. ) PfeuJ. of J. P. de Ludewig. ALBANIA. Albania : a poem, addrefled to the genius of Scotland. [Leyden, Scoti/h defcrlptive poems, p. 137.] ALBANIUS (Ignatius). B. at Mcratc, in the Milanefe, about the beginning of the 1 6th century. Ele<^tcd canon of S. Maria dclla Scala, Milan, 1569. The date of his death is unknown. Poemata. [Gruter, De/itia poetarum Italorum, i. 4.] — \Carmina illujirium poetarum Italorum, i. 45.] ALBANIUS (Joannes Baptista), De vidloria Naupaftiaca. \Carmina illujirium poetarum Italorum, i. 456.] ALBANUS. * Afta S, Albani, martyris, inccito auftore, fed cfle videtur au(5lor Sigeardu.s, nionalK-rii S. Albani, monachus ... Item, Alia a(Sla ejufdem S. Albani, inceito au<5loie. [Canisius, L,e3iones antiifUtt, iv. 153.] ALBANUS (.Ioannes Hieronvmus). B. at Bergamo, 3 Jan. I 504. Studied law at Padua. On the death of his wife, made a vow of celibacy, and took holy orders. Elevated to the dignity of cardinal by Pius v., I4junc,1570. D, 23 April, 1591. Traftatus de ])oteftate Pa])X et concilii. [F. Zilkttus, I'niflalus univerfi juris, xiii. i. 66.] Traflatus de immunitate eccUli.irum. [Ibid. xiii. ii. 18.] Traiflatus de cardinalatu. Ilbid. xiii. ii. 105. j Traiflatus dc donatione Conltantini. [Ibid. xv. ii. 666.] ALBANY (.Tames). The Englilhman's guide to Calais, and thence by tJw two 68 ALB AREZ— ALBER TI routes of Beauvais and Amiens to Paris, including an effay on colloquies, and extrafts from FroifTart's Chronicles. 12° Lend. 1829. ALBAREZ (Diego). Sorabra iluftrada con la razon,demonftracion y verdad, ad- mirable vida, virtudes, y milagros de el beato Benito de San Fradello. < 4° Alcala, 1747. ALBARTUS. * Vita S. Albarti, feu Alberti, Archiepifcopi Cafellenfis in Hybernia, audtore anonymo incertas aetatis. [Fez, The- faurus anecdotorum novjjfimus, 11. iii. I Si.] ALBAYZETA (Juan de). Geometria y tiazas pertenecientes al oficio de faftres ... 4° Zaragoza, 1720. ALBEMARLE, Duke of. See George Monk, Duke of Albemaile. ALBEMARLE, Earl of. See George Thomas Keppel, 5th Earl of Albemarle. ALBER (Mathaus). B. at Blaubeyern, or at Reutlingen, 4 Dec. 1495. Educated at Tubingen and at Wittenberg, where he embraced the doc- trines of the Reformation. Paftor at Reutlingen, 1519. D. at Blaubeyern, or at Stuttgart, 2 Dec. 1570. Vom rechten brauch der ewigen fiirfehung Gottes, wider die hochfai'enden gaifler, flaifchliche kliighait unnd flirwitz. 4'^ Augfpurg, 1525. ALBERGOTTUS (Franciscus). B. atArezzo, 1304. Praftifed as an advocate, firft in his native town, and afterwards at Florence. D. at Florence, 1376. Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Matrmonialia confirta,\. 5.] ALBERIC. Alberic, conful of Rome ; or, the fchool for refoiTners : an hiftorical drama, in five adls. 8° Lond. 1832. ALBERICUS. A Bencdi(5line monk of Monte CalTino, afterwardsa cardinal. D. at Rome, 10S8. Vita S. Dominici, Abbatis Sorani, in Italia. [Mabillon, ASafanaorum O.S.B. vi. i. 315.] ALBERICUS. A monk of the Abbey of Trois-fontaines, in the diocefe of Chalons- fur- Marne. Lived about the beginning of the 13th century. Chronicon ... c manufcriptis editum. [Leibnitz, Accef- Jlones h'ljlor'icte, tom. ii.] I..eftiones emendatiores et aufliores Chronici Alberici, monachi Trium Fontium, Leodienfis dioecefis, vel ejus con- tinuatoris, ab anno 960 ad 1241. [Menckenius, ^nv^/wfj rerum Germ ante arum, i. 37"] ALBERMONTIUS (Federicus). Symmetria jmidico-Auftriaca, continens viva Themidis et Aullrix ofcula : feu thefes et hypothefes deduflas ex utroque jure ; nee non celebrioribus faftis ac fymbolis auguftiffimoiiim Imperatorum ex inclyta domo Auftriaca. 8^ BambergK, 1674. ALBERNOTIUS (^gidius). Cardinal-archbilhop of Toledo. B. at Cuen;a about the be- ginning of the 14th century. D. at Viterbo, Aug. 1367. Illuflnilimi ac reverendiffimi jE. Albernotii S.R.E. Car- dinalis ... teftamentum. fol. Bononice, 1533. ALBERO. Archbiihop of Treves, I131. D. 18 Jan. 1152. *■ Gefta metrica Alberonis, A. 1132— 1145. [Pertz, Monumenta Germanla hiftorica, x. 236.] ALBERONI (Julius). B. at Piacenza, 1664, of humble parentage. Entered the Church, and by his energy and political talent raifed himfelf to the dignity of cardinal and prime minifter of Spain. D. 1752. * The hiftory of Cardinal Alberoni, chief favourite of their catholick Majefties, and univerfal minifter of the Spanilh monarchy ; from his birth to the year I 7 1 9. To which are added Confiderations upon the prefent ftate of the Spanifti monarchy. FaithfiJly tranflated from the originals. 8° Lond. 1 7 19. * Moral reflexions on the miniftiy of Card. Alberoni. Tranflated from the Spanifli. 8^ Lond. 1735. * Teftament politique du Cardinal Jules Alberoni, &c. 1753. [5)' Jos.-Mar. Durey de Morfan.] * Life. [Moore, Lives of the Duhe of Rlpperda, Cardi- nal Alberoni, and the Marquis of Pomlal ... I 8 1 9.] ALBERT, Prince. Confort of Her Majefty, Queen Vidloria. B. 26 Aug. 1819. Married, 10 Feb. 1840. D. at Windfor, 14 Dec. 1861. * Prince Albert. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. Addrefl'es delivered on different public occafions by His Royal Highnefs the Prince Albert, Prefident of the Society foi' the encouragement of arts, manufaftures, and commerce. 4= Lond. 1857. ALBERT (Dominique), LL.D. Homonymes Frangais, or the French homonymous words arranged in fentences, by which the procefs of committing them to memory is materially facilitated ... By Dominique Albert, LL.D., and Egerton Smith. 12° Lond. 183 1. ALBERT (Jacques). Eft:at de I'Egypte, et des gouvernemens qui en dependent, defcrit par le Sieur J. Albert en 1634. [Madagascar, Re- lations veritables et curieufes, p. 52.] ALBERT (Pierre). Pfeud. o/Fred. Spanheim. ALBERT-EDWARD, Prince of Wales. * Who fliould educate the Prince of Wales ? 8° Lond. 1843. ALBERTI (Agostino). Idea generate delle cattediali dell' Europa. 4° Torino, 17 18. ALBERTI— ALBERTIUS 69 ALBERTI (Joannes). B. at AfTcn, 6 March, i6g8. Profeffor of divinity in the Univerfity of Haerlem. D. 13 Aug. 1762. Gloflarium Grscum in facios Novi Foederis libros. Ex MSS. primus edidit, notifque inluftravit Joannes Alberti ... Accedunt ejufdem Mifcellanea critica in gloffas nomicas, Suidani, Hefychium ; et index auftonim ex Photii Icxico inedito. 8^ Lugduni BaUvomni, 1735. ALBERTI (Leandro). B. at Bologna, 1 1 Dec. 1479. Entered the Dominican order, and became inquifitor-general of the Holy Office at Bologna. D. 1552. De viris illuftribus ordinis prsdicatomni libri fex, in unum congefti, autore Lcandio Albciti, Bononienfi, viro clariflimo. Nonienclatura autonim voluminis huius : loannes Garzo, Bo- nonienfis ; loannes Antonius Flaminius, Forocornelienfis ; M. Antonius Flaminius ; Sebaftianus Flaminius ; Francifcus Caftelionenfis, canonicus Florentinus; Lcander Albeitus, Bo- nonicnfis; lo. Caroli, Florentinus; Bartholomsus Mortarius; Nicolaus Brixianus ; Georgius Mediolanenfis ... fol. Bononiae, i 5 i 7. Defcrittione di tutta Itiilia ... nella quale fi contiene il fito di efTa, I'origine, et le fignorie dclle citta ct delle caftella, co i nomi antichi et moderni, i collunii de popoli, le condlcioni de paefi : et piil gli huomini fanioli die I'hanno illuftrata, i monti, i laghi, i fiumi, le fontane, i bagni, le minere, con tutte I'opre marauigliofe in lei dalla natura ])rodotte. fol. Bologna, 1550. Defcriptio totius Italic ; qua fitus, origincs, imperia civi- tatum et oppidorum cum nominibus antiquis et recentioribus ... dicuntur, ex italica lingua nunc primiim in latinam con- uerfa. Interprete Guilielmo Kyriandro Hceningeno I.C. ... fol. Colonix, I 567. ALBERTI (Leon Battista). B. at Genoa, iS Feb. 1404. D. 1484. De pidlura, prasftantiflimas artis et nunquam fatis laudatte, libri tres abfolutifTimi ... lam primum in lucem editi. ^^Etliled by Thomas Vemilorhis.^^ 8° Bafileas, 154O. The Painting of Leon Battifta Alberti; Englifli and Italian, in three books ; and Of llatuary, in one book. Publifhed by James Leoni, Venetian, architeft. fol. Lond. 1741. Delia pittura e della ftatua. 8° Milano, 1804. Treatife of (btues. [Freart, j1 parallel of the ancient architecture iv'tlh the modern, iyc. | L'architettura di Leonbatifta Albert!. TradotUi in lingua Fiorentina da Cofimo Bartoli . . . Con la aggiunti de difegni. fol. Firenze, i 550. — Another edition. 4." Vcnetia, i $'''5. El Momo. La moral y muy graciolii hiftoria del Momo : compueda en Latin por ... Leon Ba])ti(la Alberto ... tra- duzida en CaftcUano ])or Aguflin de Alma9an ... 8^ Madrid, 1598. Commentarius de conjuratione Porcaria, cui pntmittitur vitaejufdemfcriptoris ... [MuRAT0Ri,/?crwm I talicarumfc rip- tores, XXV. 293.] ALBERTI (Michael). B. atNauniburg, 1682. ProfcrTor at Hallc, and phyfician to the King of Pruflia. D. at Halle, 1757. Traflatio mcdico-forenfis de tortura: fubjcflis, aptis ctin- eptis, fecundum morales et phyficas caufas ventilata ... cum prrefatione de tortura medica ... 4= Halae Magdeburgicas, 1730. Syftemajurifprudentia; medics, quo cafus forenfes, a jurif- confultis et medicis decidendi, explicantur ; omniumque fa- cult;itum fentcntiis confirmantur ... 7 torn. 4^ Halas, &c., 1733-60. Commentatio in conllitutionem criminalem Carolinam me- dica . . . obfervationibus fcleflis illuftrata multifque teftimoniis juridicis et medicis probata. 4° Halx, 1739. ALBERTI (Valfntinus). B. at Lehna, in Silefia, 15 Dec. 1635. Studied at Leipzig, where he was appointed profelTor of theology. D. 19 Dec. 1697. i\i'r>.b\jv xa-ffa, quod eft,Cartefianifnius et Coccejanifmus, defciipti ac refutati. [Kromayer, Scrutinium religlonum, ap- pendix ii.] ALBERTI DE VILLENEUVE (FnANgois d'). Nouveaudi(SionnaireFran5ois-Italien[f///a//'cn-/ranfo;j,] conipofe fur Ics diftionnaires de I'Academie de France et de la Cmfca ; cnrichi de tous les termes propres des fcicnccs ct des arts, qui forment une augmentation de plus de trente mille articles, fur tous les autres didlionnaires qui ont para jufqu'a- prefent ... 2 torn. 4° Marfeille, 1772. ALBERTINIUS (Philippus). Carmina. ^Carmina illii/lriumvoETAKvyi Italorum,\. 45 7.] ALBERTINUS (^gidius). B. at Deventcr, 1 560. Private fecrctary to the Eledlor Maxi- milian of Bavaria. D. at Munich, 9 March, 1620. Emblemata hieropolitica; vcrfibus et profa illuftrabat loan- nes Melitanus a C017I0. Eiufdera [Melitani] Mufse errantes. 12° Colonix, 1647. ALBERTINUS (Arnaldus). Canon of Majorca ; afterwards, inqui(itor of Valentia and Sicily ; and finally, inqutdtor-general, and bilhop of Patti. D. «545- Rcpctitio in Rubricam de hxreticis. [Repetitiones Juris Canonici, v. 690.] Repetitio in C. Quoniam de hxreticis. [Ibid. v. 797.] Traftatus de agnofcendis alTertionibus catholicis et htcre- ticis. [F. Zilettus, 'Iraitatus univeiji juris, xi. ii. 52.] ALBERTIS (Almsius de). Singularia [juris.] [Singularia Z)ot7oru/n, ii. 166.] ALBERTIUS (Henricus). A Danifli poet, b. at Copenhagen about the end of the 16th century. Travelled abroad In 1619, and died in Egypt. Carmina, quibus, in prima cditionc, titulusell ; Mufxa.idol- efcentix Venus. [RoircjiAnv, Delicit juoruathm poetarum Danorum, i, i.l Poemata. [Gruter, Delitia poetarum Germanorum, i. .76.] 70 ALBERTO— ALBERUS ALBERTO, Campense. Lettera intorno le cofe di Mofcovia. [Ramusio, Navl- gationi et viaggi, ii. 1 2 6.] ALBERTUS. Lived in the 8th century. * Vita Sanili Alberti, monachi Oberaltahenfis. [Fez, Thefaurus anecdotorum iwvijjimus, i. iii. 53 5-J ALBERTUS. * Vita Sandli Alberti, Abbatis Gambroneniis in Gallia. [Mabillon, Alta fanSorum O.S.B. in. ii. 475.] ALBERTUS. * Hiftoiia Alberti H. Epifcopi Halberftadenfis, nati ex Ducibus Brunfvicenfibus, ab anno mcccxxiv. ad mcccxlis. confcripta. [Leibnitz, Scnptores Brunfuicenfia illujirantes, ii. I4S.] * — [Meibomius, Rentm Germanicarum fcriptores, ii. 379-] ALBERTUS. Abbot of St. Mefmin, near Orleans, at the beginning of the I ith century. Epiftola ad Johannem PapamXVIL de antiquitate etfolito numero monachorum monalkrii Miciacenfis. [Mabillon, Vetera analeSa, p. 430.] ALBERTUS, Aquensis. Canon and facrift of the cathedral of Aix-cn-Provence. D. about 1 120. Hiftoria HierofolimitansE expeditionis. [Bongarsius, GeJIa Dei per Francos, i. 184.] Hiftoiie des fails et geftes dans les regions d'outre-mer, depuis I'annee 1095 j"fqu'a I'annee 1120 de Jefus-Chrift. [GuizOT, ColleSion des memoires, Iffc, torn. xx. and xxi.] ALBERTUS, Argentinensis. A pried of Strafsburg in the 14th century. Chronici fragmentum a Rudolpho L Habfpurgio ufque ad ...annum... 1349. [Otto, Frifingenlis, C/iro«/Von ii. 157.] — [Cuspinianus, De confulihus Romunorum commentarii, p. 667.] Chronicon integnim, continens hiftoriarum feiiem, a Rud- olfo ... ufque ad Caroli Quarti Imperatoris obitum, id eft annum Dominicae incamationis 1378. Adje(5tus eft ejufdem (ut videtur) Alberti Commentarius de Bertoldi ... epifcopi Argentinenfis, rebus geftis ... [Urstisius, Germania hi/loricl illujires, ii. 97.] ALBERTUS, Magnus. B. at Lauingen, on the Upper Danube, about the end of the 1 2th century. Appointed biihop of Ratilbon, by Alexander IV., 1260. D. 14 Nov. 12S0. The epithet '* Magnus" was be- llowed upon him on account of his diftinguiJhed learning and virtue. Beginning: — Venerabilis domini Albeiti magni Ratifpon- efis epifcopi de facrofadlo eukariftie facrameto fermoes exqui- fitiflimi incipiunt feliciter. End, Jo!. 5 6 : — Expliciiit fermones de facrameto corporis et faguis domini. [_/o/. 58.] Opens huius tabula finit fe- liciter. Beginning : — Venerabilis domini Alberti magni Ratifpan- enfis epifcopi fuper officio miffe: liber nan minus quidem utilis quam et fumme neceflarius : incipit feliciter. £nd : — Venerabilis domini Alberti magni Ratifponenfis epifcopi fuper officio miffe liber finit feliciter. fol. [Colonije, John Guldenfchaf.] n. d. Beginning : — Superlucidiffime venerabilis domini Alberti magni Ratifponenfis epifcopi de facrofandlo eucariftie facra- mento Sume : no quide modo difputabilis verum et pridi- cabilis : regiftrum incipit feliciter. £nd : — Prefens hec fumma preclariffima de corpora crifti intitulata Alberti magni facre theologie profeflbris eximii quonda ratifpanenfis epifcopi in choro fratmni predicatorum colonie fepulti. Edita Ac per Johannem Guldefchaff Magii- tinu ciue inclit enaconis gremalce quada artificiofa adinvencoe dei clemencia caraiflherifata Et anno a nativitate domini MileCmo quadringentefio feptuagefimo feptio in profefto Phi- lippi et jacobi apoftolom induftriofe Dfiimata. Thetreatife of Albertus Magnus. "Deadhasrendo Deo:" Of adhering to God. A tranflation from the Latin. 12° Lond. n. d. De falconibus, afturibus et accipiti ibus. [pRmERicus II. De arte -venandi cmn avibus, i. 175.] Breve compendium de mineralibus. [Zetznerus, Thea- trum chemicum,\\, 125.] De aichemia. [Ibid. ii. 423.] De Concordia philofophoi"um in lapidephilofophico. [Ibid. iv. 809.] Compofitum de compofitis. [Ibid. iv. 825.] Liber ofto capitulorum de lapide philofophorum. [Ibid, iv. 84 1.] ALBERTUS, Sarthianensis. A Francifcan friar, b. at Sarziano, in Tufcany ; was vicar- general of his order. D. 1450. Epiftolx feleftae. [Martene et Durand, Veterum fcrip- torum isfc. ampliffima colleHio, iii. 753-] ALBERTUS, Stadensis. A BenediiSine monk, the time and place of whofe birth are unknown. Elefted abbot of the monafter^' of St. Mary, atStade, 1232, which office he refigned, 1240. The date of his death has not been afcertained. Chronicon a condito orbe ufque ad A.c. 1256. [Schilter, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, p. 123.] ALBERTUS IIL Duke of Saxony, furnamed Animolus. B. 27 July, 1443- D. 12 Sep. 1500. Peregrinatio feu paflagium ad Terram Sanftam . . . [Menc- KENius, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, ii. 2103.] ALBERTUS (Philippus). Imperator [^Leopold I.'], fummus ac optimus princeps, ora- tione panegyrica celebratus. fol. Argentorati, 1663. ALBERUS (Erasmus). A zealous and learned fupporter of the Reformation in Ger- many. Studied theology at Wittenberg with Luther. After officiating as preacher in many different places, he was ultimately appointed general-fuperintendent at Giiftrau, in Mecklenburg. D. 5 May, 1553. Das Ehbiichlin: einGefprech ZweyerWeiber, mit namen ALBI— ALBION 7» Agatha und Barbara, und fund manchorley vom Eheftand, Eheleuten, unnd jcderman niitzlich zu Icfen. 40 n. p. 1534. ALBI (Henry). B. at Boltrne, 1590. Redlor fucceflivcly of the Colleges of Avignon, of Grenoble, of Lyons, and of Aries. D. at Aries, 6 oa. 1659. Eloges hiftoriques des cardinaux illuftres, Frangois et eftrangeis mis en parall^le, avec leurs pouitraits au naturel. 4° Paris, 1644. ALBIGENSES. The Albigenfos : a romance ... 1824. [By C. R. Ma- TURIN.] Hiftoire de la guene des Albigeois. [GuizoT, CoUe3ion des mcmoires, life, torn, xv.] Hiftoire de la guerre des Albigeois, ecrite en Languedo- cien par un ancien auteur anonyme. [Bouquet, Recueil Jes hifloriens des Gaules et de la France, xix. 1 1 4.] Chronicon epifcoporum Albigenfium, et abbatum Caftren- fium. [d'AcHERius, Spicilegiiim, vii. 335.] ALBIGNANUS (Petrus). An Italian jurift, who lived at the beginning of the i6th cen- tury. He was a native, it is believed, of the Milancfe, but moft of his life was fpent at Trino, where he taught the canon and the civil law. Traftatus aureus de Pontificia potcftate. [F. Zilettus, TraBntiis imlvtrfi juris, xiii. i. 130.] Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Matrimomalia confilia, i. 222.] ALBIIS (Thomas ex), i.e. Thomas White. ALBIN (Eleazar). An Englilh artift, wlio lived in London in the early and middle part of the 1 8th century. A natural hiftoiy of Englifh fong-birds, and fuch of the foreign as aie ufually brought over and efteemed foj- their fing- ing. To which are added, figures of the cock, hen, and egg of each fjiecics, exactly co])ied from nature by Mr. Eleazar Albin, and cuiioufly engraven on copper. Alfo, a particu- lar account how to order the canary-birds in breeding ; like- wife their difeafes and cures. Second edition. 8 Lond 1 741. Thehifloiyof efculentfifli,with plates,drawn and engraved by Eleazar Albin ; and an elfay on tiie breeding of fifli, and the conftrudlionof fifh-ponds,by the Honourable Roger North. 4° Lond. I 794. ALBINEUS (Nathanus). A phyfician of Geneva in the 17th century. Bibliotheca chemica contradta ex dele<5lu et enicndatione Nathanis Albinei ... 8° Genev.!:, 1673. ALBINIUS (Petrus Constantius). Magia aftrologica ; hoc eft : clavis fympathix feptem me- tallorum, [et fcptcni feleiflorum] lapldum ad ])lanetas. Pro majore illius illucldatione opus tarn aftrologls, cjuam chymicis perutile & jucundum. 8° Haniburgi, 1716. ALBINOVANUS (Caius Pedo). A Roman poet, a contemporary and friend of Ovid- Elegise III., et fragmenta, cum interpretatione et notis Jos. Scahgeri, Frid. Lindenbruchii, Nic. Heinfii, Theod. Goralli et aliorum. 8° Amft. 1703. — cum Theodori Goralli interpretatione et indice, An- drea Goezio curante. 8° Norimbergjc, 177 I. — [Epigrammata et poematia Vetera, ii. 67.] — [Colltclio P'lfaurenjts, i^c., iv. I I. See Poems.] C. Pedonis Albinovani, vel potius incej ti audloris, elcgia in obitum Ma?cenatis. Ejufdem alia de Mascenate. Fragmen- tum de navigatione Germanici per Oceanum Septentrionalem. [PoET/E Latini minores, Ed. JVernJdorf, iii. 155 and 179 ; iv. 229.] — [Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta •veterum poetarum Lat'inorum, pp. (1530) and (1589).] Elegia in mortem Drufi Neronis. Varietate leftionis et indice philologico illuftravit Jo. Chriftojjh. Bremer. 8° Helmftadii, 1775. ALBINUS (Berkardus Siegfried). B. at Frankfort on the Oder, 24 Feb. 1696. Profeflbr of ana- tomy and furgery at Leyden, 1721. D. at Leyden, 9 Sep. 1770. Explicatio tabulamni anatomicaram Bartholomsei Eufta- chii. Accedit tabularum edltio nova. fol. Lcidae, 1744. Tables of the flreternatural agency. New edition. 8° Lond. 1823. ALDERSON (Josf.ph), M.A. Reitor of Hcvingham, and of Uxwiclc, Norfolk. The pre-exiftence of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chiift, as declared in the Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament. With occafional references to the opinions of both Jews and heathens upon this fubjedl. 8° Lond. 1832. ALDHELM. The firft biftop of Sherborne. I). 25 M.iy, 709. Opera, quoe extant omnia, c codicibus MSS. emendavit, nonnulla nunc primum edidit J. A. Giles, LL.D. ... 8° Oxonii, 1844. 0])era. [Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, xiii. I.] Liber de virginitate. [Beda, Opera qutdam tbeologtca, i^c. 1693-] Libri duo, carmine defcripti ; primus, de laude virginum ; alter, de oiflo principalibus vitiis. [Canisius, LeQ'wnes anli- qU(t, i. 709.] * Vita, a WiLLELMO Malmeft)urienfi monacho fcripta. [Mabillon, ABafanaorum O.S.B. iv. i. 683.] ALDINI (John). Account of the late improvements in galvanifm, with a feries of curious and ititeiefting experiments performed before the commiflioners of the French National Inftitute, and re- peated lately in the anatomical theatres of London. To which is added an appendix, containing the author's experiments on the body of a malefactor executed at Newgate, &c. &c. 4= Lond. 1803. General views on the application of galvanifm to medical purpofes ; principally in cafes of fufpended animation. 8° Lond. 1 8 1 9. ALDINUS (Tobias). Botanift to the Pope, and phyfician to Cardinal Odoardo Far- nefe; lived about the beginning of the 17th century. Accord- ing to Mazzuchelli (Scritt. d' Italia, i. 387), the real author of the following work was Pietro Caftelli. Exaftiffima defcriptio rariomm quarundam plantarum, qusc continentur Romas in hoito Farnefiano. fol. Romae, 162 5. ALDIS (Charles .Tames Berridge), M.A., M.D. An introdudlion to hofpital practice, in various complaints : being a clinical report of fever, gout, rheumatifm, cholera, jaundice, cryfipclas, infanity, &c., and difeafes of the cheft and heart. With remarks on their treatment and pathology. 8° Lond. 1835. Minutes of evidence given by C. J. B. Aldis ... Extraifled from the Firft report of the CommilFioners for inquiring into the ftate of large towns and poi)uIous diftriifls, on the caufes of difeafe, and means of prevention. 12° Lond. 1844. The power of individuals to prevent melancholy in them- felves : a ledure delivered at the Literaiy and Scientific In- ftitution, Pimlico, May 4th, i860. 12° Lond. i860. ALDLS (.Tohn). Minifter of the Baptill chapel, Mazepond, Southwark. Six le(5lures on the importance and prai^licability of Chrif- tian union ; chiefly in relation to tlie movements of the Evan- gelical Alliance. 12° Lond. 1846. The excellent glory ; or, the internal evidences of Chril- tianity illuftiated. 12' Lond. 1849. ALDIS (W.) A new arrangement of the Church catecliifm, in fragmen- tary ])ortions, witli Scri]nurc proofs tlirouglioui. 8'' Lond. i860. ALDOBRANDINUS (Petrus). B. .It Florence about 1 510. Filled fcveral important legal offices at Rome. 0. there .ibout the end of 1 5S6 or beginning of 1587. De interpretationc CI. J" Oxford, 1856. ALDRICH (John Cobbold), M.A. Incumbent of St. Lawrence church, Ipfwich. " Church decoration not Popery, but piety : " a fermon, preached at St. Lawrence church, Ipfwich, on Sunday, the 27 of Auguft, I 843, on the re-opening of the church, with an appendix on the choral fervice and the offertory, &c. [l 77m. vi. 17, 18, 19.] 8" Ipfwich, 1843. Church rates and the parochial fyftem : a pamphlet, dedi- cated to his Grace tlie Duke of Marlborough. With ap- pendix. 8^ Lond. 1859. ALDRICUS. B. 775. Archbifliop of Sens, 828. D. 10 Oft. 836. * Vita Sanfli Aidrici ... audtore anonymo. [Mabillon, ASa fanSorum O.S.B. iv. i. 537.] ALDRICUS. * Gefta Domini Aidrici, epifcopl Cenomanenfis, a dif- cipulis ejus fcripta. [Baluze, Mijcellanea, iii. i.] ALDRIDGE (John), M.D. Ledlures on the urine, and on the pathology, diagnofis, and treatment of urinary difeafes. 8° Dublin, 1846. A fiift trip to the German fpas and to Vichy : with an eflliy on the nature and ufes of natural fpas, and a tabular view of the compofition of feveral natural waters. 8° Dublin, 1856. ALDRIDGE (Robert). A fermon, addrefled to tliofe who are feeking troth amidft conflifting claims, preached at Lewes, on the 13 th Sunday after Trinity, 1850. \Eph. iv. 4, 5, 6.] 8° Brighton, 1850. ALDRIDGE (Thom.w). The prevalency of prayer, fet foi th in a ruftic but faithful narrative of the deplorable cafe of the childien of John Bald- win of Sarret, in the county of Hertford ; with the manner of their recovery : and a brief account of fome other re- markable inftances added in an appendix. \AiwnA 8° Lond. 17 17. ALDRIDGE (William). Of the Bank of England. Natural Ihorthand ...[1769?] By William Holdsworth and William Aldiidge. ALDROVANDI (Ulisse). An Italian naturalilt, b, at Bologna, 11 Sep. 1522. D. there, 10 Nov. 1607. Delle ftatue antiche, che per tutta Roma, in diuerfi luoghi, & cafe fi ueggono. [Mauro, Le aiit'tchita ddla citta di Roma. Venet. 1558 and 1562, p. I15.] Ornithologis, hoc eft de avibus hiftorioe, libri [xx] ... 3 tom. fol. Bononias, i 599-1637. Ulyffis Aldrovandi ... De reliquis animalibus exanguibus libri quatuor, port mortem cius editi : nempe de mollibus, cruf- taceis, teftaceis, et zoophytis ... fol. Bononias, 1606. De quadrupedibus digitatis viviparis libri tres, et de quadro- pedibus digitatis oviparis libri duo. Bartholomaus Ambro- finus ... collegit ... fol. Bonouije, 1637. De pifcibus hbri v. et de cetis lib. unus. loannes Cornelius Uterverius ... collegit. Marc. Antonius Bernia in lucem reftituit ... fol. Bononias, 1637. De animalibus infeftis libri feptem, cum fingulorara iconi- bus, ad viuum expreffis ... fol. Bononiae, 1638. De quadrupedibus folidipedibus volumen integrum, loannes Cornelius UteiTerius . . . collegit, et recenfuit ; Marcus An- tonius Bernia in lucem reftituit ... fol. Bononias, 1639. Seq^entum et draconum hiftorix libri duo. Bartholomasus Ambrofinus ... opus concinnauit ... fol. Bononix, 164O. Quadropedum omnium bifulcomm hiftoria. loannes Cor- nelius Uterverius, Belga, coUigere incapit ; Tiiomas Demp- ftems, Baro a Mureflv, Scotus I.C. perfecte abfoluit ; Marcus Antonius Bernia denuo in lucem edidit ... fol. Bononias, 1642. Monftronjm hiftoria cum paralipomenis hiftorias omnium animalium. Bartholomaus Ambrofinus . . . uolumen compo- fuit. Marcus Antonius Bernia in lucem edidit . . . fol. Bononise, 1642. Mufaeum metallicum in libros iiii. diftributum Baitholo- masus Ambrofinus ... compofuit ... Marcus Antonius Bernia propriis impenfis in lucem edidit ... fol. [Bononiae, 1648.] Dendrologis naturalis, fcillcet arborum hiftorii, libri duo ... Ovidius Montalbanus ... collegit, digeffit, concinnavit ... fol. Bononix, 1668. ALDUS. See Aldus Manutius. ALDWORTH (John), Reftor of Youghal. The eftatica of Youghal, compared with the wonders of the Tyrol : in a letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Shrewf- buiy. 12° Lond. 1843. ALEALMUS— ALEMBERT 79 ALEALMUS (Ludovicus). A jurift and poet. B. at Verneuil, near Paris, about 1520 Pradtiied as a lawyer in Paris, with great reputation, and after- wards officiated as a judge at Orleans tor twenty years. D. 1591. Poemata. [Gkvter, Delitia poetarum Gallorum,\. i.] ALEANDER (Hieronymus). B. at Motta, 13 Feb. 1480. Raifed to the cardinalate by Leo X., by whom he was lent as nuncio to Germany, 1519, in which capacity he took part in the proceedings of the Diet of Worms. D. 1 Feb. 1542. Tabulae utiliflimae \of Greet grammar. Ehmentale inlro- duBor'tum in nom'mum et verborum decUnaliones GRitCAS. 'S32-] Poemata. [Gruter, Del'a'm poetarum Italorum,\. 56.] — \Carmma iUiiJlr'ium poetarum Italorum, i. 10 1.] ALEANDER (Hieronymus), Junior. B. at Motta, 29 July, 1574. D. at Rome, 9 March, 1629. Antiqua: tabulx marmores Solis effigie, fynibolifquc ex- culptx, accurataexplicatio, qua prifcoc quidam mythologix, ac nonnulla praeterea vetera monumenta marmorum, gemniamm, nomifmatum illuftrantur ... Acceflit, non abfimilis argumcnti, expofitio figillorum zonce, veteinim ftatuam marmoreani cin- gentis. 4° RoniK, 1 6 1 6. — [Grjevius, Thefaurus antiqu'itatum Romaiiarum, v. 702.] Rcfutatio conjefturcE anonymi fciiptoris \yac. Gothofred'i\ de fuburbicariis rcgionibus et dicecefi Epifcopi Romani. 4" Lutetias Parifiorum, 1619. ALEARDUS (Franciscus). B. ac Verona about the beginning of the 15th century. Oratio in laudem Francifci Sfoi tix, Vicecomitis, habita Veronx, anno 1449 ... [Muratori, /ffram Italicarum fcrip- tores, XXV. 371.] ALEHOUSES. Thoughts on the great circumfpedlion necertary in licenf- ing public ale-houfes. By a juftice of the peace. 8° Lond. 1776. ALEMAMUS. See Ibrahim Alzengiani. ALEMAN (Mateo). B. at Seville about the middle of the 1 6th century. PalTcd many years in the fervice of Philip II. The date of his death is unknown. S. Antonio de Padua. 4^ Lifboa, 1605, Ortografia Cartellana. 4» Mexico, 1609. Primcra y fegunda parte de Guzman de Alfarache. 4" Burgos, I (1 1 9. — Another edition. 4" Madrid, 1641. Leven van Gufman d'Alfiirache t' Afbeelfcl van't Mcnf- chclijck Leven : onder de gedaente van een Spacnfchen Gaudief ... 2 dccl. 12° Haerlem, n. d. The life of Guzman d' Alfarache ; or, the Spanilli rogue. To which is added, the celebrated tragi-comedy, Celedina. In two volumes. Written in Spanifli by Mateo Aleman. Done into Englifli from the new French verfion, and com- par'd with the original. By feveral hands ... 8° Lond. 1708. ALEMAND (Louis Augustin). B. at Grenoble, 1653. Studied medicine, and took the degree of M.D. Lived some time in Paris, but returned to Grenoble, where he died, 1728. Hiftoire monaftique d'Irlande . . . ALEMANNUS (Nicolaus). 12" Paris, 1690. B. at Ancona, 12 Jan. 1583. Educated at Rome, where he taught rhetoric and the Greek language. Secretary to Cardinal Borghefe, and fubfequently librarian of the Vatican. D. at Rome, 24 July, 1626. De Lateranenfibus parietinis . . . diflertatio hiftorica, figuris xneis illuftrata ; ubi de aedificio, ejufque loco, de Mufivi em- bleraate, atque ejus hiftoria difleritur, & infcripti imaginibus tituli expenduntur. [Grsvius, Thefaurus anliquitatum et h'ljlur'iarum llal'iit, viii. pt. iv.] ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond d'). B. at Paris, 16 Nov. 1717. D. 29 Oft. 1783. CEuvres philofophiques, hiftoriques et litteraires. 1 8 torn. 8° Paris, 1 805-9. Traite de dynamique, dans lequel Ics loix de I'equilibre et du mouvement dcs coqxs font reduitcs au jjIus petit nombre poflible, et demontrees d'une manieie nouvelle, et oil I'on donne un principe general pour trouver le mouvement de plufieurs coi-ps qui agiflent les uns fur les autres d'une maniere quelconquc ... Nouvelle edition, revue et fort augmentec par I'auteur. 4° Paris, 1758. Traite de I'equilibre et du mouvement des fluides : pour feri'ir de fuite au Traite de dynamique. 4° Paris, 1744. Reflexions fur la caufe generale des vents. Pi^ce qui a remporte le prix propofe par I'Academie Royale des Sciences de Berlin, pour I'annee 1746. 4° Paris, 1747. Recherches fur la preceflion des equinoxes et fur la nuta- tion de I'axe de la terre, dans le fyllemc Newtonien. 4° Paris, I 7 49. Eflai d'une nouvelle theorie de la refiflancc des fluides. 4° Paris, 1752. Recherches fur differens points importans du fyfteme du monde. 3 parties. 4=' Paris, 1754-6. Opufcules mathcmatiques, ou memoires fur diflxirens fujets de geometrie, de mechanique, d'optique, d'allronomie, etc. 8 tom. 4° Paris, 1761-80. IClemens de mufique, theorique et pratique, fuivant les prin- cipes de M. Rameau, eclaircis, devcloi)])es et fimplifies. Nou- velle edition. 8° Lyon, 1762. Hiltoire des membres de I'Academie Fran^oife morts depuis I700jufqu'en 1771 ; pour fervirde fuite au.\ I'^loges imprimes et lus dans les fcinces publiques de cette comjiagnie. 6 tom. 12° Paris, 1787. Seleft eulogies of members of tlie French Ac.idemy, with notes by thelate M. d'AIembert. Tianflated from the French, widi a preface and additional notes, by J. Aikin, M.D. In two volumes. 8° Lond. I 799. lOloge de M. de Montcfquieu, avec une analyfe fur I'Ef- prit des loix. ^Pieers coneenuinl les ouvrages et Itl vie de Montesquieu, p. 1.] ALENUS— ALEXANDER VII. ALENUS (Andreas). Sacramm heroidum libri tres : in quibus, praster alia plu- lima, qu£E ad intelligendas Ueteiis et Novi Teftamenti hif- toiias, et pietatis incrementum confenmt, ftudiofse iuventuti utilia, fcituque digniffima continentur ... 8° Lovanli, 1574. ALENUS (NicoLAus). Jupiter Pheretrius ; Bucolica. [Aratus, Phenomena. Paris, 1561.] ALEOTTI (Giovanni Battista). B. at Argenta, near Ferrara, about the middle of the l6th century. Originally a mafon's apprentice, he railed himi'elf by his own talent and exertions to a diftinguiflied pofition as an architect and mathematician. D. 1636. Quatuor theoiemata adjunfta Spiritalibus Heionis ... ex Italico in Latinum converfa. [Mathematici Feteres. Paris, 1693-] ALERS (Henricus). Orationes duas : una de viro nobili ; altera de notis incor- ruptJE reipub. habits in incluta Academia Ultrajedlina. fol. Ultrajefti, 1638. ALESIUS (Alexander). B. at Edinburgh, 25 April, 1500. Educated at St. Andrews, and obtained a canonry in the collegiate church there. Influ- enced by the arguments of Patrick Hamilton, he betrayed fuch a leaning to the doiftrines of the Reformation, as to draw upon himfelf an accufation of herefy, from the confequences of which he only efcaped by flying to Germany, 1530. Came to Eng- land 1535, where he was kindly received by Henry VIII. and Archbiiliop Cranmer. Returned to Germany, and about 1541 was appointed profefTor of divinity at Leipzig. D. there, 17 March, 1565-6. De aigumento Epiftoli ad Romanes difputatio prim;!, publice propofita in celebri Academia Lipfenfi, et in ordi- naria difputatione defenfa, praeGdente Alexandre Alefio . . . 8° Lipfix, 1547. ALETHEIA. On the caufes of the defefts exifting in our army, and in our militaiy arrangements. 8° Lond. 1855. ALETHEUS (Theophilus). Pfcud. 0/ Joanr.es Ly- serus. ALEXANDER, the Great. B. in the autumn of 356 B.C. Succeeded his father, Philip, as King of Macedonia, 336 B.C. D. at Babylon, in Mayor June, 313 B.C. * Beginning : — Hienach volget die hiftori von den groflen Alexand' wie die Eufebius befchriben hat Zu den eiften doctor haitliebs von mitnchen vorred. End: — Hie endet fich die Hyftori Eufebij von den Grof- fen Kiinig Alexander ... Getmckt und volenndet durch Johanne Bamlerin der Keyfevliche flat Augfpurg... [l4]73. * Hilloria Alexadri magni regis raacedonie de prelijs. fol. Argentine, I 494. * Itinerarium Alexandri ad Conll:antium Auguftum, Con- ftantini M. filium : edente nunc pi'imum cum notis Angelo Maio. 8° Mediolani, 1S17. — Another edition. 8° Francof. ad Mcenum, 18 18. * The buik of the moft noble and vailzeand conquerour Alexander the Great. [For the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinb. 183 I. * The alliterative romance of Alexandei-, from the unique manufci'ipt in the Alhmolean Mufeum. Edited [for the Rox- burgh Club] by the Reverend Jofeph Stevenfon, M.A. ... 4° Lond. 1849. ALEXANDER II., Pope. Anfelmo Badagio, b. of a noble family at Milan, in the early part of the nth century. Elefted Pope, 1061. D. at Rome, April, 1073. Epiftolx hiftoiica;. [Duchesne, Hijloriis Francorum fcrip- tores, iv. 200.] "■ Gefta Alexandri II. Papae, ex variis chronicis et aliis documentis adornata. [Bouquet, Recueil des hijloriens des Gaules et de la France, xiv. 526.] Epiftolas XXIV. [Ibid. xiv. 532.] ALEXANDER III., Pope. Rolando di Ranuccio Bandinelli, b. about the beginning of the 1 2th century. After being profeflbr of theology in the Uni- verfity of Bologna, he was made a cardinal by Eugenius III., and chancellor of the Roman fee by Adrian IV. Succeeded Adrian in the Papal chair, 1159. D. Aug. 1181. * Gefta Alexandii III. Papas, ex chionico Foffas-novas feu Ceccano, et aliis documentis. [Bouquet, Recueil des hijloriens des Gaules et de la France, xv. 720.] Epiftolas ccccxix. [Ibid. xv. 744.] Epiftola ad Arthaudum, Priorem Alverias, de fchifmate illius temporis. ^Max. Bihliotheca veterum Patrum, xxiv. I 5 '9-] Epiltola; duae pro Guinardo, Comite Rufcinonenfi. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, ii. 227.] Epiftola ad Henricum, ArchiepifcopumRemenfem. [Ibid. Epiftola ad decanum et capitulum ecclefix Parifienfis, de refidentia Canonicoinam forinfecoiTini. [Ibid. ii. 233.] Epiftolae duse pro ecclefia Albienfi. [Ibid. iv. 466.] Epiftola ... ad Henricum II. regem, de Thoma Becket, Archiep. Cantuar. [Wharton, Anglia Sacra, i. 171.] ALEXANDER V., Pope. Pletro Filargo, fa'id to have been a native of Candia, was elected Pope in June, 1409, by the cardinals alTembled in the Council of Pifa, after the depofition, by that Council, of the two rival popes, Gregory XII. and Benedift XII. D. 3 May, 1410. Epiftolas. [Duchesne, Hijlor'nt Francorum fcriptoreSy v. 862.] ALEXANDER VL, Pope. Rodrigo Lenzoli Borgia, b. about 1430, at Valencia, in Spain. Took orders at an early age, and was made a cardinal in 1456, by his uncle, Calixtus III. Succeeded Innocent VIII. as Pope, 1492. D. Aug. 1503. " Cromwell's complaint of injuftice ; or, his difpute with Pope Alexander the Sixth for precedency in hell. [Narleian Miscellany, vii. 355.] * The lives of Pope Alexander VI. and his fon Csefar Borgia ... 1729. By Alexander Gordon. ALEXANDER VII., Pope. Fabio Chigi, b. at Siena about I 595. Obtained a cardinal's hat from Innocent X., whom he fucceeded as Pope, 1655. D. 22 May, 1667. * II findicato di Alexandro VII. con il fuo viaggio nell' akro mondo. 1668. [By Gregorio Leti.] ALEXANDER VIII.— ALEXANDER 8i * A (hort account of the life and death of Pope Alex- ander the VII. ... 1667. [By Philip Ayres.] ALEXANDER VIII., Pope. Pietro Ottoboni, b. at Venice, 1610. Raifed to the ponti- ficate on the death of Innocent XI , 1689. D. Feb. 1691. * Relation de I'etat prefent de la cour de Rome ; ou, Mc- moires di--s intiigucs da Conclave de I'annee 1689, pour I'elecftion du Pape Alexandre VIII. 12= n. p. 11. d. * The manner of the coronation of the prefent Pope . . . in a letter from a gentleman then refiding at Rome, to his friend at London. 1689. [Scott's edition of Somers' TnhCTi, xii. 104.] ALEXANDER, Aphrodisiensis. A native of Aphrodifus, in Caria, and a profefTor of the Arif- totelian philofophy, who flourished at the end of the 2d and be- ginning of the 3d century of the Chriftian era. E/j ra TcTTixa A^isrcirO.oui i/5ro/x»»j,aara. In Topica Arif- totelis commentarii. [Gr. o«/y.] fol. Venetiis, in sdibus Aldi et Andrea foceri, menfe Septembri, 15 13. In ofto libros Topicorum Ariftotelis explicatio. Incasteris quidem libris ufitatam intei-pretationem fecuti fumus, fed miJtis partibus, quam antea, emendatiorem : fcptimum uero M. Antonius Muretus nunc primtlm latin^ et eleganter inter- pretatus e(l:. [Lat. on/y.~^ fol. Venetiis, 1554. TTo/xvjj/ia £/; to. Miriu^oXoyma. Ilsg/ /j,i^iui. f Aris TOTELES, Joannes Grammaticus, in libros de generatione, i^c, Apud Aldum, 1527.] T'To,'ji,vri,'J,aTa iig to [A^itSTorO.oxii /Sz/SXion] fffo/ aiadrjdiug xai aisSriTou. [Aristoteles, Simplicii Commentaria. Apud Aldum, 1527.] Il8g( -^uyrii ^ilSXic/. O'jo- xai iv wioi ii//,a^/j,t\irjs. [Themis- Tius, Opera. Apud Aldum, 1534-] Commentaria in duodecim Ariftotelis libros de ]mma philofophia, interprete loane Gcnefio Sepulueda, Cordubenfi ... Quibus accefleriit, primilm index alphubeticus ... deinde ad margine paflim fcholia breuiflima. fol. Parifiis, I 536. n^olS'Ari/jjarm iSi^Aia duo. [T Hf.o?HKASTUS, De /^ijloria plantarum. Apud Aldum, 1497.] Problematum libri duo. [Aristoteles, Problemalum fec- tiones duiedequadraginta. Bafil. 1537-] — [Ibid. Parifiis, 1624.] ITsos Toi/s a.xjrox.ooi.TO^ai rsiii ei/ia^/Mivrig xai rou if)' Ji/-"'- Ad imperatores de fato et de eo quod noftra; ])Oteftatis eft. Cui acceffit, A/j-/j,u»iou tou E»/i£/oii sig to tou A^igroTO.oug tej/ i^/iriviiug T/iri/ia diuri^ot uTo.anjj/xa. Ammonii Hcrmise in libri Ariftotelis de interpretatione fedionem fecundam com- mentarius. Cum latina utriufque verfione. 8° Lond. 1658. ALEXANDER, Celesinus, or Telesinus. A hiftorian of Sicily, abbot of the monaftery of St. Saviour, at Ceglio. Flourished about 1 1 60. Rogerii, regis Sicilix, rerum gcftarum libri quatuor. [Gr*- vius, 'rbcfaurus antirjuilatum et btQorianim Sicilia, torn, v.] — [CuRiTA, Indices rtriim ah Aragonitc regibus gejlarum, — [ScHOTTUS, Hifpania iUuJlrata, iii. 344.] — [Carusius, Bibliothcca bylorica regni Sicdit, i. 255.J — [Muratori, Rerum Italicarum fcriptorei, v. 607.] VOL. I. De rebus a Caroio VIII., Galliae rcge, in Italia geftis, libri duo. [Eccardus, Corpus hifloricum medii avi, ii. 1 5 7 7'] ALEXANDER, Lycopolita. Lived probably about the middle of the 4th ccntuiy. He feems to have been biihop of Lycopolis, in Upper Egypt. Tradlatus contra ManichjEOS. \Gr. and Lat. Combefis, Bibliothecit Gracorum Palrum auilarium, ii. 9.] — [Lat. Max. Bibliotheca iJi^/iTum PATRUM.xxvii. 459.] ALEXANDER, Scotus. [An addrefs to the Town-Council on the meannefs of the ceremony ufed in laying the foundation ftone of Nelfon's monument. Edinb. I Ith Nov. I 807.] 4° no title page. ALEXANDER, Sophista. De figuris fententiarum ; Natale de Comitibus, Veneto, interprete. [Arom atari, Degli autori del ben parlare, i^c., ii. 309.] ALEXANDER, Trallianus. B. at Tralles, a city in Lydia, from which he derives his name. He appears to have flouriihed in the 6th century. KXi^av&^ou TgaXXjamu largou jBi^Xioi. duoKaidsxa. Pa^r, Xoyog Ts^i Aoi/juixrjg arro Tr,g ^u^oiv 0/a?.£xroii i^iXXrineOii;. Alexandri Tralliani, Medici, lib. xii. Rhazx de peftilentia libellus, ex Syrorum lingua in Graecam tranflatus. Jacobi Goupyli in eofdem caftigationes. [Greet text.] fol. Lutctiae, i 548. Alc.xandri Tralliani, Medici, libii duodecim, Grsci et Latini, multo quam antea auftiores et integriores : Joanne Guinterio, Andernaco, interprete et emendatore. Adjeiflae funt per eundem variae cxemplarium leftionis obfervationes, cum Jacobi Goujiyli caftigationibus. 8° Bafilcjc, 1556. De arte midica libri duodecim, loanne Guinterio, Ander- naco, inteqjrete. [MiiD\cx. artis priricipes, i. I 29.] ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. A Minorite of Dole, in Bretagnc, who lived at the beginning of the I 3th century. Doftrinale Magiftri alexadri de villa dei cii egregia glofi- uncula magiftri focandi admodumque infigni huiufce Tterpre- tatione. Et etia quibufd.im annouitionibus adiunilis. 4° Parifiis, 1511. ALEXANDER ( ). Merchant in Edinburgh. Cafe of the late ele(5tion for the boroughs of Anftruther Eafter, Anftruther Wefter, Kilrenny,Craill and Pittenweem. fol. [Edinb. 1766.] ALEXANDER (Alexander). The life of Alexander Alexander, written by himfelf, and edited by John Howrll. 1830. ALEXANDER (Alexander). Optician, Exeter. A treatife on the nature of vifion, fornialion of the eye, and the caufcs of im])erfe Madrid, 1807. Fuero real de Efpana : diligentemente hecho ])or el noble Rey do Alonfo IX. Glofada por el cgregio doftor Alofo diaz de motaluo. Afli mefmo por un fabio doiSor de la univerfidad de Salamanca addicionado y concordado con las ficte partidas y leyes del Reyno ; dando a cada ley la addi- cion que convenia. Nuevamente corregido y emedado de muchos vicios y errores que en el auia. fol. Medina del Campo, i 5 44. '' Chronica del muy efclarecido principe y rey Don Alon- fo, el qual fue par de eraperador, y hizo el libro de las fiete partidiis. Y anfi mifmo al fin defte libro, va encor])orada la chronica del rey Don Sacho el Bravo, hijo de efte rey Don Alonfo el Sabio. fol. Valladolid, 1554. Aljjhonfi, regis Caftellae, fapientiffimi Arabum philofophi, liber philofophias occultioris, (prxcipufi metallorum) profun- difliraus. [Zetznerus, Theatruin chemiciwi, v. 766.] ALFONSO XL, King of Caftilc. B. 1310. Succeeded his ftither, Ferdinand IV., 1312. D. 26 March, 1350. * Cronica del efclarefcido rey Don Alonfo, Onzeno defte nobre ... 1563. [^By .luan Nunez de Villasan.] ALFORD (Charles Richard), M.A. Principal of the Cliurch of England Metropolitan Training College. Wellington's viftories divine deliverances : a fermon occa- fioned by the death of tlic late Duke of Wellington. [Ps. cxlvi. 3, 4, 5.] 8° Lond. 1852. Firfl principles of the oracles of God, vindicated from the af]x.'rfions of Profefibr Jowett and authors of the ratiunalidic fchool. 8° Lond. 1856. Chrifl: the teacher's pattern : an addrcfs, delivered at the annual meeting of the fcliool-mafters and fchool-miftrefles of the Chew Deanery Union, at Clevedon, on Tuefday, 2d .luly, 1857. 8° Lond. 1857. ALFORD (Henry). B. at Curry Rivell, Somcrfet, 3 Dec. 1782. Educated at Wadham College, Oxford, of which he became Fellow. Studied for the Bar, to which he was called, Nov. 181 1, but left, 1813, and entered the Church. Reftor of Ampton, Sufiblk, 1826, and of Afton Sandford, Bucks, 1842. D. at Tunbridge, 23 Sep. 1852. Memorial of the Rev. Henry Alford, A.M. : confiding of extiafts from his correfpondence, fix felefted fcrmons, and a memoir by his eldeft fon, Henry Alford, B.D. 8° Lond. 1855. ALFORD (Henry), D.D. Son of the preceding. Dean of Canterbury. The clergy, watchmen unto the people : a fermon, preached in the parifh church of Melton Mowbiay, on Thurfday, .July 30, 1 840, at the primaiy vifitation of the Ld. B]). of Peterborough. \^Ezek. xxxiii. 7.] 8° Lond. 1840. The confiftency of the divine conduft in revealing the dodrines of redemption : being the Hulfean leftures for the year 1841. To which are added, two fermons preached before the Univcrfity of Cambridge. 8° Cambridge, 1842. — Part 2 : being the Hulfean leftures for the year 1 842. 8° Cambridge, 1843. The reftoration of churches the bounden duty of a Chrif- tian people : a fermon, preached in the reftored parifii church of Beefton, Nottinghamfhiie, on the firft Sunday after its confecration, Sep. 8, 1844. \_Ps. c. 3, 4.] I 2° Lond. 1844. njoj'D/itaff.aara. PafTages in profe and vcrfe from Erg- lifh authors, for iranflution into Greek and Latin. 8° Cambridge, 1845. Plain village fermons on the Lord's Prayer and the beati- tudes. J 2^ Lond. 1846. Four leflures on the influence of the fifth commandment, as the great moral jjrinciple of love of country and obedience to conllituted authorities. Delivered in tlie theatie of the City of London fcjiool, having gained the prize offered by a benefa<5lor to that inftitution. 8° Lond. 1849. Ad Ephefios revcra dabatur epiftola ilia canonica, Paulo, non Pfeudo-Paulo auiflore : prxledlio theologica in fcholis Cantabrigienfibus habita, ante diem xvi. Kal. Mart. a.d. 1850. \Eph. i. I, 2.] 4= Cantibrigix, 1850. Sermons. 8° Lond. 1850. The kingdom of God not in word, but in power : a fer- mon, ])reached at the re-opening of St. Martin's church, Lei- cefter, Wednefday, Febraary 4th, 1852. [i Cor. iv. 20.] 8"" Lond. 185Z. Quebec chapel fermons. 7 vols. 8° Lond. 1854-7. The claims of our country and of God : a fermon, preached in Quebec chapel, London, on Sunday, Nov. 1 9, 1854. [./T/o//. xxii. 21.] 8^ Lond. 1854. The peril of unlawful venture : a fermon, preached in Quebec chajjel, on Sunday, .lune l, l 856. [1 John iii. I 5.) 12= Lond. I 8 56. The leflons of war, the duties of peace : a fermon, preached in Quebec cha])el, on the day of tliankfgiving for |)eace, Sun- day, May 4, 1856. [/tw. xxvi. I 2. J 8" Lond. 1856. Se])aration for the Spirit's work : a fermon, ])rcached in St. Paul's cathedral, on Trinity Sunday, i 857, al the ordi- nation by the Lord Bilhop of London. \^lds xiii. 2.] 8° Lond. 1857. 8^ ALFORD— ALFRED DUDLEY The great multitude which no man can number: a fermon, preached in the cathedral church of Chrift, Canterbury, on All Saints' Day, Sunday, Nov. I, 1^57. [Rev. vii. 14.] 8° Lond. 1857. Homilies on the former part of the A(f1:s of the Apoftles, chap. i.-x. 8° Lond. 1858. The parable of the fower : four fermons, preached before the Univerfity of Cambridge, in Feb. 1858. To which is added a fermon, preached at Great Saint Maiy's on the even- ing of Aft- Wednefday. 8"' Cambridge, 1858. ChrilVs crown for his faithful hereafter: afermon,prcachtd in the church of St. Mary-the-Virgin, Oxfoid, on Friday, March 30, i860. [Mutt. xx. 8.] 8° Oxford, i860. An eameft difluafive from joining the communion of the Church of Rome : addreffed to the younger members of the Church of England, and efpecially to (Indents in the uni- verfities. 8° Lond. 1846. The Greek Teftament : with a critically revifed text ... 1849-61. 5cf Bible. Audi alteram partem : a reply to a recent article in the " Chriftian Remembrancer," [on the Jirjl volume of his Greek Tejlament.~\ 8° Lond. 185 I. Poetical works. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1845. Seleft poetical works. 8° Lond. 1 851. The abbot of Muchelnaye ; fonnets, &c. 8° Lond. 1 841. Chapters on poetry and poets. Vol. i. 8° Lond. 184 1. ALFORD (Michael). An Englilh Jefult, b. in London, 1587. Studied at Seville and at Louvain. Reftor of the College of Jefuits at Ghent. D. at St. Omer, 165 1. Befides his real name, he fometimes made uie of thofe of Flood and Griffith. Fides regia Britannica, Saxonica, Anglica,una ilia, cadem- que fanfta, catholica, Romana ; five, annales ecclefiaftici, in quibus Britannorum, Saxonum, Anglonim, oithodoxa fides, a Chrifto nato, ad annos 1 189, hiftorica demonftratione de- ducitur atque probatur. 4 tom. fol. Leodii, 1663. Britannia illuftrata; five, Lucii, Helens, Conftantini patria et fides. 4° Antveqjiae, 1641. ALFORD (Walter), M.A. Perpetual curate of Drayton, Somerfet. The Old and New Teftament difpenfations compared : (hewing in what refpecls they differ ; what things are peculiar to the former ; and what are common to both. 8° Lond. 1858. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1862. ALFRAGANUS (Muhammedes). An Arabian aftronomer, who flourifhed in the 9th century. B. at Ferghanah, a town in Sogdiana. ,J»iU!' iA*.n jX^ »_<'»^; i>i^; «u>»Ji ^jw)J ji L—JtSM Muhammedis, fil. Ketiri, Ferganenfis, qui vulgo Alfraganus dicitur, Elementa aftronomica, Arabice et Latin^ ; cum notis ad res exoticas five Orientales, quK in iis occumint : opera Jacob: Golii. 4° Amftelodami, 1669. ALFRED, THE Great. B. at Wantage, in Berkfhire, 849. D. 28 0£l. 901. The whole works of King Alfi'ed the Great : with pre^ liminary e(rays illuftrative of the hiftory, arts, and manners, of the ninth century. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1858. Teftamentum JElfredi regis : prsefatio ad Paftorale Sanfti Gregorii. [Asser, Annales rerum gejl. JElfredi Magnl i^c. recens. F. Wife. 1722.] The will of King Alfred, reprinted from the Oxford edi' tion of I 7 88 ; with a pre{;ice, and additional notes. 8° Lond. 1828. Periplus Ohtheri . . . ut et Wulfftani, Angli, fecundum nar- rationes eorundem de fuis, unius in ultimam plagam fepten- trionalem ; utriufque autem in mari Balthico, navigationibus, juffu ^Ifredi Magni, Anglorum legis . . . ab ipfo rege Anglo- Saxonica lingua defcriptus ... brevibus notis adaudus ab Andiea Bu(Fxo. [Arius Polyhiftor, ScheiU, feu libellus de Iflamlia, l^c. 1733.] A defcription of Europe, Africa, etc. A defcription of Europe, and the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfftan, written in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred the Great ; with his ac- count of the Mediterranean Iflands, of Africa, and of the hiftory of the world to the year B.C. mccccxiii. chiefly taken from Orofius ; containing, a facfimile copy of the whole Anglo-Saxon text from the Cotton manufcript,and also, from the firft part of the Lauderdale manufcripts, a printed Anglo- Saxon text, bafed upon thefe manufcripts, and a literal Eng- lidi tranflation and notes : by the Rev. Jofeph Bofworth, D.D. fol. Lond. 1855. A literal Engli(h tranfiation of King Alfred's Anglo- Saxon vei'fion of the compendious hiftory of the world, by Orosius. 1855. King Alfred's poems : now firft turned into Englifh metres by Maitin F. Tupper. 12° Lond. 1850. * Annales rerum geftamm jElfridi Magni, auftoreAssERio. * The life and times of Alfred the Great. 1 848. By J. A. Giles. * The life of King Alfred. 1852. By Reinhold Pauli. * Alfred : a mafque ... 1 740. [By James Thomson and David Mallet.] * Alfred: a tragedy. 17 78. [^j" John Home.] * Alfred the Great : a drama. 1829. [By Sarah Hamil- ton.] ALFRED. Strike or die ! Alfred's firft letter to the good people of England. 12° Lond. 1803. ALFRED. A letter to the hon. the fecret committee of the Houfe of Commons, upon joint-ftock banks. Second edition . . . 8° Lond. 1837. ALFRED. The hiftory of the fiftoiy movement from the year 1802, to the enadlment of the Ten hours' bill in 1847. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1857. ALFRED DUDLEY. Alfred Dudley ; or, the Auftralian fettlers. 8° Lond. 1830 ALFRED LESLIE— ALIBABA 89 ALFRED LESLIE. Alfred Leflie : a ftoiy of Glafgow life. 8° Glafgow, 1856. ALFRED MORELAND. Alfred Morcland, the would-be traveller ; being an enter- taining and infliiiiftive account of the habits and hilloiy of the larger and more interefting quadrupeds. By the author of " The moral budget of my Aunt Newbury." 8° Lond. 1839. ALGAR (Joseph), M.A. Educated at Wadham College, Oxford. Re^or of Orchard- leigh, incumbent of Chrift church, Frome, and rural dean of the deanery of Frome. D. at Wells, 23 Dec. 1S38, in the fifty- fecond year of his age. Tile claims of the Society for piomoting Cliriftlan know- ledge fet forth and enforced : a fermon, picached in the pariih church of Frome, Somerfet, before the members of "the Bath and Wells diocefan affociation" of that Society, at their annual general meeting, holden in Frome, July II, 1822. [Gal. vi. 9.] 8° Lond. 1822. ALGAROTTI (Francesco). B. at Venice, 11 Dec. 1712. D. at Pifa, 3 May, 1764. Saggio fopra I'accademia di Francia che 6 in Roma. 8° Livorno, 1763. Saggio fopra il commercio ; con alcuni fiammenti econo- mici dcllo fteflb autore. [Custodi, Scnttorl clajftci Italtani di econonua polilica, parte modcrtui, i. 285.] ALGEBRA. A key and companion to the Rudimentaiy algebra : form- ing an extenfive repofitory of folved examples and jiroblems, in illuftration of the various expedients neceflary in algebraical operations. Efpecially adapted for felf-inftruftion. I 2° Lond. 1 856. ALGERUS. B. at Liege towards the clofe of the i ith century. Held an appointment in the cathedral of St. Lambert in tiiat city. Re- tired to the Benedi^inc monaftery of Cluny, 1121, where he died about 1151 or 1152, a.d. De facramento coqjoris ct fanguinis Domini libri tres. [Max. B'lUiolheca vclerum Patrum, xxi. 251.] Prx'fatio in libram de mifericordia et juftitia. [Maeillon, Vetera analeda, p. 1 30.] Liber de mifericordia et juftitia. [Martene et Durand, Thefaurui noviis anecdotorum, v. 1019.] Libellus de libeio arbitrio. [Pt/, Tbefaurus anecdotorum novijpmus, iv. ii. I I l.l ■" Algeii fcliolaftici elogium, auftore Nicolao, Leodienfi canonico, ejus xquaii. ALGHISI (Galasso). A native of Carpi, archltedl to the Dulcc of Ferrara ; flaurilhcd in the i6th century. Delle fortificationi ... libri tre. fol. [Venetia,] i 570. ALHAGIABI FILIUS. ArOTHMAsIbn Alhagiabi. ALHAZEN. An Arabian geometrician, b. at Rafl'ura. D. at Cairo, 1038. Opticae tbefaurus Alhazcni, Arabia, libri feptera, nunc VOL. I. primilm cditi. Eiufdcm liber de crepufculis et nubium afcen- (ionibus ; item Vitellonis, Thuringopoloni, libri x. ; omnes in- ftaurati, figuris illuftrati ct aufti, adjeftis etiam in Alhazenum commentariis a Fcderico Rifnero. fol. Bafileas, 1572. ALI Pacha, of Jannina. B. about 1741. D. 5 Feb. 1S22. * The life of Ali Pacha, of Jannina, late vizier of Epirus, furnamed Aflan, or the Lion. Including a compendious hif- tory of modern Greece. Second edition . . . 8° Lond. 1823. * The life of Ali Padia . . . 1837. By R. A. Daven port. ALI (Cherefeddin). Hiftoire de Timur-Bec, connu fous le nom du Grand Tamerlan, Empeieur des Moguls et Tartares. En forme de journal hiftonque de fes vidloires ct conquetes dans I'Afie et dans I'Europe. Ecrite en Perfan par Cherefeddin Ali, natif d' Yezd, autcur contem])orain. Traduite en Frangois par feu Monfieur Petis de la Croix ... Avec des notes hiftoriques, et des cartes geographiques. 4 torn. 12° Pans, 1822. — Another edition. 12° Delf, 1823. The hillory of Timur-Bec ... Written in Perfian by Cherefeddin Ali ... Tranflated into French by the late Mon- fieur Petis de la Croix ... Now faithfully render'd into Eng- lilh. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1723. ALI, Ibn Abi Tales. B. at Mecca, 598. Succeeded to the Khalifate, 15 June, 656. Adaflinated at Kufah, 21 Jan. 661. Sentences of Ali, fon-in-law of Mahomet, and his fourth fucceffor. Tranflated from an autiientick Arabick manu- fcript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, by Simon Ockley, B.D. 8° Lond. 1717. ^IL- , j\ .J li ^i^\ Ali Ben Abi T;Jeb carmina Arabice ct Latino. Edidit et notis illuftravit Ger- ardus Kuypcrs. 8° Lugduni Batavorum, 1745. ALI MOHAMMED, Khan. Revenue minifter of Gujarat in the middle of the 1 8th century. The political and ftatiftical hiftory of Gujarat ; tranflated from the Perfian of Ali Mohammed Khan ... to which are added copious annotations, and an liiflorical introduction, by James Bird, Efq. Publiflied under the fu])erintendence of the Oriental Tranflation Fund of Great Britain and Ire- land. 8° Lond. 1835. ALI AG A (El Conde Duoue de). Exercicio publico de logic;!, ontologia, pfycologia, y teo- logia natural ... 4° Madiid, 1787. ALIARES (Petrus). Navigationis, etepiflolarum quorandam merc.itoruni o]iuf- culuni. [Grvn.i.us, Novus orlh, tfc, p. 94.] ALI BABA. Ali Baba ; or, the forty thieves : a drama, in two aels, adapted to Hodgfon's theatrical characters and fcenes in the fame. i 2 ° Lond. n. d. 9° ALI BEY— ALISON All Baba and the forty thieves, with the ingenious devices of the good flave Morgiana. 8° Lond. [1855.] ALI BEY. Pfeud. 0/ Domingo Badia y Leblich. ALICE BARLOW. Alice Barlow ; or, principle in everything : a country vil- lage hiftoi^. 8° Lond. [1861.] ALICE BERESFORD. Alice Beresford ; a tale of home life. 1853. [5y Hen- rietta Louifa Farrer.] ALICE GEORGINA. Wild fpring flowers. By Alice Georgina, aged eight years. 12° Lond. 1852. ALICE GOLDBURG. Alice Goldburg. 12° Lond. 1 86 1. ALICE GRAY. Alice Gray ; or, the miniftiations of a child. 8° Lond. n. d. ALICE LEARMONT. Alice Learmont : a fairy tale ... 1852. [5y Dinah Maria MuLOCH.] ALICE NUGENT. Alice Nugent ; or, feed for coming days. S"" Lond. 1855. ALICE OFFLEY. Alice Offley ; or, the peiTert and tlie foldier. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. ALICE OF FOBBING. Alice of Fobbing ; or, the times of Jack Straw and Wat Tyler. 8° Lond. [i860.] ALICE PAULET. Alice Paulet : a fequel to Sydenham. 1831. \By W. Massie.] ALICE SEYMOUR. Alice Seymour; a tale. 183 I. \_By Mrs. Grey.] ALICE WENTWORTH. Alice Wentwoi th. 1854. \_By Noell Radecliffe.] ALICE WESTERN. Alice Wcftern ; or, the d mgei s of coquetry : a drama, in four ails. 8° Lond. 1855. ALIGHIERI (Dante). See Dante. ALIONE (Jean George). A native of Afti, b. about 1460. Poefies Frangoifes ... compofeesde 1494 a 1520 ; pub- liees pour la premiere fois en France, avec une notice blo- graphique et bibliographique par J. C. Bmnet. 8° Paris, 1836. ALIPRANDI (Bonamente). A native of Mantua, who lived at the end of the 14th and be- ginning of the 15th century. Aliprandina, five chronicon Mantuanum: pocma... Italica rudi lingua compofituni ab origine urbis ufque ad ann. Chrifti 1 4 1 4 . . . [MuRATORi, ^ntiqu'itates Italic£ med'ii ievi,\. 1 06 1 .] ALIQUIS. The anti-Apociy]5hal beauties of the Edinburgh Chriftian Inftruftor, with a dedicatory letter to the Rev. Andrew Thomfon, D.D., accompanied by notes critical and explana- toiyr. 8° Edinb. 1828. ALIQUIS. Developement of the Apocalyptic types of the red dragon and beafls. 8° Lond. 1853'. ALIQUIS. The rationale of poetiy: an elTay. 8" Kirkwall, 1855. ALIQUIS. Coffee-planting in Ceylon, [yi poem.] 8° Lond. 1861. ALISON (Alexander). The fecond Reformation ; or, Chriflianity developed. Se- cond edition. 12° Lond. 185 i. The future ; or, the fcience of politics. 12° Lond. 1852. To the eleiftors. Univerfal free trade. 8° Lond. 1852. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1852. Second addiefs to the eleftors : our fiiture policy. 8° Lond. 1852. The philofophy and hiftory of civilifation. 8^ Lond. i860. ALISON (Archibald), LL.B. B. at Edinburgh, 1757. Educated at Glafgow, and at Balliol College, Oxford. Perpetual curate of Renley, in Shroplhire, 1790J vicar of Ercall, in Shropihire, 17945 and reftor of Roddington, in the fame county, 1797. Appointed feniorminif- terof the Epilcopal chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, 1800, the con- gregation of which afterwards removed with him to St. Paul's chapel, York Place. D. at Edinburgh, 17 May, 1839. Effays on the nature and principles of tafte. 4° Edinb. 1790. — Another edition. 2 vols. 8^ Edinb. 18 11. — Another edition. 8' Lond. 1S53. A feimon preached in the Epifcopal chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, November 16, 1806, the day after the funeral of Sir William Forbes, of Pitfligo, Bart. [Rev. xiv. 13.] 8° Edinb. 1808. A difcourfe preached in the Epifcopal chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, Feb. 9, 1809 ; being the day appointed by His Majefly for a general fall. [Matt. xvi. 3.] 8° Edinb. 1809. Sermons, chiefly on particular occafions. 2 vols. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1814-15. ALISON— ALL ABOUT IT 91 A difcourfc preached in the Epifcopal chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, Jan. 18, 1816 ; being the day appointed by the Prince Regent for a thankfgiving for peace. [Prov. xix. 21.] 8° Edinb. 1816. ALISON (Sir Archibald), Bart. Son of the preceding. Sheriff of Lanarkfhire. Hiftory of Europe duiing the French Revolution. Em- bracing the period from the AfTembly of the notables in M.DCC.Lxxxix., to the cftablifhmcnt of the Direftory, in M.DCc.xcv. 10 vols. 8' Edinb. 1833-42. Hiflory of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in m.dcc.lxxxix. to the relloration of the Bour- bons in M.DCcc.xv. 20 vols. Seventh edition. 8° Edinb. 1847-8. — Another edition, with portraits. 14 vols. 8° Edinb. 1849-50. * Atlas to Alifon's Hiftory of Europe. [By Alex. Keith Johnston.] Hiftory of Europe from tiie fall of Napoleon, in mdcccxv., to the acceflion of Louis Napoleon, in mdccclii. (With index.) 8 vols. 8° Edinb. 1852-9. The military life of John Duke of Marlborough. 8° Edinb. 1848. — Second edition. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1852. Lives of Lord Caftlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart, the fecond and third Marquefles of Londonderry, with annals of contemporary events in which they bore a part. From the original papers of the family. In three volumes. 8° Edinb. 1 86 1. Effays, political, hiftorical, and mifcellaneous. 3 vols. 8' Lond. 1850. Principles of the criminal law of Scotland. 8° Edinb. 1832. Practice of the criminal law of Scotland. 8" Edinb. 1833. The principles of population, and their conncdlion with human happinefs. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 184O. Free trade and a fettered currency. 8° Edinb. 1847. England in 18 i 5 and 1845 ; and the monetary famine of 1 847 ; or, a fufTicient and a contracted currency. Fourth edition. 8~^ Edinb. 1847. ALISON (Charles). The Church of England and its Convocation : a letter to Hemy Hoare, Efq. 8° Lond. 1859. ALISON (Robert Edward). Local managing dire£lor of the Mexican and South American Company. To the fhareholders of the Mexican and South Ameri- can Company : letter ... on receiving a copy of the petition of the direftors for winding up the company. 8° Lond. 1858. ALISON (SOMERVILLK ScOTt), M.D. An addrefs to the working clafTes of Tranent, and its neighbourhood, on the prefent prevalence of fever, &c. &c. 12'' Edinb. 1838. An inquiry into the propagation of contagious poifons, by the atmofphere ; as alfo into the nature and effe(5ts of vitiated air, its forms and fources, and other caufes of peftilence ; with direiflions for avoiding the aftion of contagion, and obferva- tions on feme means for promoting public healtli. 12° Edinb. 1839. Some obfervations on organic alterations of the heart ; and particularly on the beneficial employment of iron in the treatment of fuch cafes. 8° Lond. 1845. A praflical analyfis of feventy cafes of inflammatory, ftinc- tional, and ftraftural difeafe of the heart ; with obfervations on the treatment and prevention. 8 Lond. 1851. The medication of the larynx and trachea. 8° Lond. 1853. The phyfical examination of the chert in pulmonary con- fumption and its intercurrent difeafes. 8° Lond. 1861. ALISON (William Pulteney), M.D. B. 1790. Educated at Edinburgh. Appointed profcflbr of medical jurifprudence in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, 1820. Transferred to the chair of the inftitutcs of medicine, 1821 j and thence to that of the practice of phyfic, 1 842. D. at Edinburgh, 22 Sep. 1859. Outlines of phyfiology. With an appendix, containing heads of leiftures on pathology and tiierajieutics. 8° Edinb. 1 83 1. Outlines of pathology. 8° Edinb. 1833. — - Another edition. 8° Edinb. 1843. Obfei-vations on the management of the poor in Scotland, and its effefts on the health of the great towns. 8° Edinb. 1840. Obfervations on the famine of 1846-7, in the Highlands of Scotland and in Ireland, as illuflrating the connciflion of the principle of population with the management of the poor. 8" Edinb. 1847. Obfen'ations on the reclamation of warte lands ; and their cultivation by croft hufbandry confidered, with a view to the produ<5live employment of deftitute labouiers, jiaujiers, and criminals. 8'^ Edinb. 1850. Letter to Sir John M'Neill, G.C.B., on Highland defti- tution, and the adequacy or inadequacy of emigration as a remedy. 8" Edinb. 1851. ALISTER (R.) PfeuJ. 0/ Alexander Robertson. ALIVA (Rene). The French language its own teacher ; or, the ftudy of French diverted of all its difficulties. . . . Part I. 12° Lond. 1835. The young ladies' fiirt French book ; with a vocabulaiy of the French and Englilh, and tlie Englilh and French, of all the words ufed in the book. 8° Lond. 1854. ALKEN (HrsRv). The art and praflice of etching ; with direftions forotlier methods of light and entertaining engr.iving. 8° Lond. 1849. ALL ABOUT IT. All about it ; or, tlie hiftory and niyftei-y of common things. ■ 8° Lond. 1858. 92 ALL A GIORNATA— ALLARTON ALLA GIORNATA. " Alia Giornata ;" or, to the day. 1826. [By Lady Charlotte Bury.] ALLAINVAL (Le'onor Soulas d'). B. at Chartres aboutthe beginning of the iSth century. D. at Paris, 2 May, 1753. L'ecole des bouigeois ; comedie en trois adles et en profe. [Petitot, Repertoire dii theatre Francois, XX. 269.] ALLAIRE (M. A. A.) Ludovico XV. viftori pacifico ... hendecafyllabi. 4^ [Paiifiis, 1739.] ALLAIZE ( ). Profeiror of mathematics at the fchool of St. Cyr. Cours de mathematiques, a I'ufage des ecoles imperiales militaires ... \By M.M. Allai-ze, Billy, Puijfottt, and Boud- rol.] 8^ Paris, 1S09. ALLAN BRECK. Allan Breck. 1834. [By G. R. Gleig.] ALLAN M'DOUGAL. Allan M'Dougal ; or, fcenes in the Peninfida : a tale by a military officer. 3 vols. 12= Lond. 1S31. ALLAN ( A iatyre upon F- )• -s of D- -r [Fories of Di/ihir,] by way of retuin for his Effay on marriage. [.^«o«.] S. Sh. [1704.] ALLAN (James). Minirter at Rothes. * A letter to the moderator of the next General Aflem- bly ; offering fome confiderations againft the impofing of the Weftminfter Conteflion of Faith, as terms of miniilerial com- munion ; and giving an account of the procefs carried on by the Synod of Morray, againil Mr. .lames Allan, miniller at Rothes, for alleged Bourignonifm, and his not fubfcribing the forefaid Confeffion, as the confeflion of his faith in eveiy article. ... By a Prefbyterian minifter of the Church of Scot- land. 4° n. p. I 707. A difcourfe concerning the gi'eat and wonderful events which (hall come to pafs in the \rII days. \Anon.\ 4^ n. p. 1 708. ALLAN (James). * The life of James Allan, the celebrated Northumber- land piper, and other branches of his extraordinaiy family A new edition. 8° Blylh, I 8 18. ALLAN (James). The botanifts' word book. DONALD and James Allan.] 1853. [5y George Mac- allan (James M'Grigor). Erneft Bafil : a novel. In three volumes. I 2° Lond. 1857. The intelleftual feverance of men and women. »" Lond. i860. The cofl: of a coronet : a romance of modern life. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1862. ALLAN (John Hay). The bridal of Cacilchairn ; and other poems. 8^ Lond. 1822. ALLAN (John H.) A pidforial tour in the Mediterranean : including Malta, Dalmatia, Turkey, AfiaMinor,Grecian Archipelago, Egypt, Nubia, Greece, Ionian Iflands, Sicily, Italy, and Spain. fol. Lond. 1843. ALLAN (Peter John). B. at York, 6 June, 1S25. D. at Frederidton, New Brunt- wicic, 1848. Poetical remains ... With a fhort biographical memoir [ly his brother, J. M^Grigor jlllan.^ Edited by the Rev. Henry Chriftmas, M.A. 12= Lond. 1853. ALLAN (Robert). Surgeon. B. at Edinburgh, 1778. D. 1826. Number firft of adittionaiyof the ancient language of Scot- land, with the etymons, containing the cognate words in the Anglo-Saxon, Gothic, Danifli, Swediili, Iflandic, Belgic, Irifh, Britifh, Gaelic, Latin, and French languages. 4° Edinb. 1807. A treatife on the operation of lithotomy ; in which are demonftrated, the dangers of operating with the goi'get, and the fuperiority of the moi'e fimple operation with the knife andftafF. 4- Edinb. 1808. ALLAN (Robert). Review of the Calvinift ic creed ; or, truth againft prevail- ing error. 8° Glafgow, 1846. ALLAN (Thomas). A banlcer in Edinburgh. B. there, I 7 July, 1777. D. 12 Sep. 1833. Mineralogical nomenclature alphabetically arranged : with iynoptic tables of the chemical analyfes of minerals. 8° Edinb. 1814. ALLARD (Guy). B. near Grenoble, 1645. D. 1716. Hiftoire genealogique des families de Bonne, de Crequy, de Blanchefort, d'Agout, de Vefc, de Montlor, de Maubec, et de Montauban. 4'^ Gienoble, 1672. ALLARDICE (A.) Farmer, Tayport, Fifefhire. A reply to the queftion. What is to be done with our con- vifts ? Being an expofition of a new fylfem for the employ- ment and management of convidt prifoners under fentence of tranfportation, or of imprifonment for periods of two years and upwards. 8° Dundee, 1854. ALLARTON (George). Lithotomy fimplified ; or, a new method of operating for ALLASON— ALLEGIANCE 93 ftone in the bladder, to which is appended, an interefting and unique cafe of Cxfarean ie(Sion. 8' Lend. 1854. Myfteries of medical life, or, doflors and their doings. Being a flictch of medical men geneially ; their manners, habits, virtues, vices, loves, hatreds, jealoufies, eccentiicities, fucceffes, failures, vexations, and difappointmcnts; with a de- fcription of their treatment and ill-treatment of the pill-Uiking public. 8' Lond. 1856. ALLASON (Thomas). Pidlurefque views of the antiquities of Pola, in Iftria. fol. Lond. 1 8 1 9. ALLATIUS (Leo). Librarian of the Vatican. B. in the idand of Scio, i 586. D. 19 Jan. 1669. De Symeonum fcriptis diatriba. See F. Combefis. De Pfellis et eoram fcriptis diatriba. 8° Ronix-, 1634. Animadverhoncs in Antiquitatum Etrufcarum fragmenta ab Inghiraniio edita. 4= Pariliis, 164O. De menfura tempoi'umantiquoi-um,et])ra;cipuc Grxcorum, exercitjitio. 8° Colonia- Agrippinae, 1645. De templis Grascorum recentioribus ad loanncm Mori- num ; de narthece ecelefiae veteris, ad Gaf])arum dc Simconi- bus ; nee non de Grjecorum hodie quorundam opinationibus, ad Paullum Zacchiam. 8° Colonix Agrippins-, 1645. 1i>[j.ij.iJiTa, five opufculorum Grsecorum et Latinorum, vetuftiorum ac recentiomm, libri duo. Edente, iionnullis ad- ditis, Bartoldo Nihufio. 8° Colonic Agrippinas, 1^)53. — Another edition. fol. Venetiis, 1733. De odhava fynodo Photiana. Annexa eft Jo. Henrici Hot- tingcri Difputationis apologetics de Ecclefii Orientalis atque Occidcntalis, t:im in dogmate, quam in ritibus difTenfu, et Juvenis Ulmenfis Exercitationis hiftorico-theologicae de Ec- clefia Grascanica hodierna, refutatio. Romx, 1662. 4° Francofuiti, 1666. Leonis Allatii, in Roberti Crcygtoni Apparatum, verfi- onem & notas ad hiltoriam Concilii Florentini, fcriptam a Sil- veftro Syropulo, de unione inter Gracco.s, & Latinos, exerci- tationes ... 4= Rome, 1674. Apes urbanx, five dc viris illuftribus qui abanno mdcxxx. per totum mdcxxxii. Romx adfuerunt, ac ty])is aliquid cvul- garunt. Et .loannis Ini])eriali.<, ]>hil. et medici Vicentini, Mufeum hiftoricum, viroitim litteris illudrium elogia vitas eorundem et mores notantia com])lexum ; prxmiila pra;fa- tione Jo. Albeiti Fabricii. 8° Hamburgi, 171 i. Dc patria Homeri liber. [Gronovii;s, Thrfauru! Gra- carum anlif/uihitum, x. 1697.] Homeri natales, Grasce, cum interpretatione Latina An- drew Ikjani. .[Ibid. x. 1853.] Epiftolaad Johannem Morinum. [Baluze, Mi/ceUtineti, i. 4«7-] Confutatio fabulx deJoannaPapiflliexmonumentisGnccis. [ScHELHORN, jlmanilales lilerant, ix. 779.] De engaftrimytho fyntagma. [Critici Sacri, ii. 105 I.] ALL-BEDEVIL'D. All-bedevil'd ; or, tlie houfe in a hurry : a farce. \By Moses Brown.] '723- ALLBUT (Mrs. William). Much in little : a compendium of fa<5ts and information. For the ufe of girls' fchools. 8° Lond. 1859. ALLBUTT (Thomas), M.A. Rural dean, and vicar of Dewibury. Feeding the lambs : a fernion, preached in the cathedral church of Ripon, at the ordination held by the Ld. Bp. of Ripon, on the 3d Sunday in Advent, Dec. 17, 1 848. \^Jobn xxi. 15.] 12° Lond. 1848. The Sund.iy fcholar's Chriftian year : a fcheme of Chrif- tian inftru(5Hon, arranged in accordance with the annual courfe of the fei-vices of the Church of England, for the ufe of fchools. Sixth edition. 12° Lond. [i860.] ALLDAY (.Joseph). " Tmth is ftranger than file of England in their ])refent cir- cumdances confidered ; fliewing, how far tliey are 01 are not obliged by the oath of allegiance. 4" Lond. 1689. The cafe of allegiance in our prefent circunillances con- fider'd : in a letter from a minifter in the city, to a minifter in the counti-y. 4" Lond. 1689. An examination of the fcruples of thofe who refufe to take the oath of allegiance. 1689. | //)• Piene Allix. | A gener;J claim to alligiince, whether Deill, pagan, Jew, 94 ALLEGORY — ALLEN Turk, Quaker, Prefbytcrian, or Church of England, atheifts and tories only excepted, proving neither of them can be good fubjefts. With refleftions on the cafe of James Shep- heard ... 8° Lond. 17 i8. ALLEGORY. De I'allegorie, ou traites fui- cette mati^re, par Winckel- mann, Addifon, Sulzer, etc. ... 1799. \Tranflated by H. J. Jansen.] ALLEGRACUORIUS (Galvanus). See Galvanus. ALLEGRETTI (Allegretto). A native of Siena In the Grand Duchy of Tufcany, who lived in the middle of the 1 5th century, and took part in many of the events recorded in the following work. Diarj . . . delle cofe Sanefi del fuo tempo, ( 1 4 5 o- 1 496. ) [MuEiATORi, Rerum Italicarum fcrlptores, xxiii. 763.] ALLEGRETTI (Antonio). A Florentine poet of the i6th century. Poefie. [RuBBi, Parnafo Ital'tano, xxxi.] ALLEGRI (Alessandro). B. at Florence, where he d. about 1597. La prima parte delle Rime piacevoli d'Aleffiindro AUegri. Raccolte dal M. Rev. D. Orazio Morandi, e da Francefco Allegri date in luce. 4° Verona, 1605. Seconda parte ... Raccolte dal S. commendator Era la- copo Gucci, cavalier Gerofolimitano ; e da Francefco Allegri date in luce. 4° Verona, 1607. La terza parte . . . Raccolte dal S. commendator Agnol Minerbetti, e dal Cavalier Lorenzo Mattioli date in luce. 4° Fiorenza, 160S. La quarta parte ... Dal Sig. Fiancefco Caliari raccolte, e date in luce. 4° Verona, 16 13. Rime, e profe. 4° Amfterdamo, 1754. Poemata. \J2arm'tna Uhijlrium poetarum Itahrmn, i. 473-] ALLEINE (Joseph). B. at Devizes, and educated at the Univerfity of Oxford. Curate at Taunton, 1655, but ejefted for nonconformity, 1662. Having been fubje(5led to long and fevere imprifonment on feveral occafions, his health gave way, and he d. 1668, when about thirty-five years of age. A call to Archippus ; or, an humble and earneft motion to fome eje(5led minifters (by way of letter) to take heed to their miniftry, that they fulfil it. [y/no«.] 4° n. p. 1664. *^ Jofeph Alleine : his companions and times ... 1861. By Charles Stanford. ALLEINE (Jos.) Writing-mafter. Epigrams on fubjecfls divine and moral, for the entertain- ment of youth : chiefly intended as an exercife for children that learn to write. With a recommendatory poem by N. Tate, Efq., poet-laureat to Her Majefty. 4° Lond. 1706. ALLEINE (Richard). B. at Dicheat, Somerfetihire, 161 1. Educated at St. Alban Hall, Oxford. Reftor of Batcombe, 1641. Ejefted at the Reftoration. D. 22 Dec. 1681. The Chiiftian's dally praftice of piety ; or, holy walking with God ; as alfo. Scripture rules to be obfen-ed in buying and felling ... 8° Edinb. 1703. Inftmftions about heait-work ; and a companion for prayer . . . Revifed and corrected, with a biographical fl<;etch of the author, by the Rev. John S. Stamp.* 8° Lond. 1846. ALLEMAGNE. See Germany. ALLEMAND ( ). Traite du manage et de fes effets. 2 tom. 8" Paris, 1853. ALLEN (Alexander). B. at Hackney, London, 21 Sep. 1814. Received his early education from his frther, John Allen, author of *' Modern Judaifm," and completed his ftudies at Univerfity College, Lon- don. Succeeded his father in his fchool at Hackney. D. 6 Nov. 1S42. Conftmftive Greek exercLfes, for teaching Greek from the beginning by writing. 12° Lond. 1839. A new Latin deleftus : being fentences for ti'anflation from Latin into Englilh and Englifh into Latin ; arranged in a fyftematic progrellion. 12° Lond. 18 40. ALLEN (Alfred), M.A. Curate of Burton-Coggles, Lincolnfhire. The fupreraacy of the Scriptures as the rule of faith : a fermon. \Ifa'iah Vm. 20.] 8° Lond. 185 i. ALLEN (C.) A few words anent the " red" pamphlet. By one who has fenced under the Marquis of Dalhoufie. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1S58. ALLEN (Charles), A.M. A new and improved Roman hiftory, from the foundation of the city of Rome, to its final diflblution as the feat of em- igre, in the year of Chrift 476, and including a period of about 1228 years from its commencement under Romulus... Defigned for tlie ufe of fchools. 8" Lond. n. d. ALLEN (Charles Bruce). Cottage building : or, hints for improving the dwellings of the labouring clafles. 12° Lond. 1849. ALLEN (Francis Thomas). The law and praftice of fummoning trader-debtors to the courts of bankmptcy, under the ftatute I and 2 Vift. cap. 1 10, fee. 8, and under the ftatute 5 and 6 Vift. cap. 122. To which is added, the Small debts Aft (8 and 9 Vift. cap. 127), with notes, obfervations, and foiTns, and a copious index. 8° Lond. 1845. ALLEN (George). Of the Navigation Office, Stone, Staffordshire. New and corredt tables, for calculating the amount of the ALLEN 95 tolls on goods, carried on navigable canals and rivers, alfo for calculating the amount of freight on goods fo carried. fol. NewcalUc, StafFordlhire, 1800. ALLEN (Henricus E.), A.B. Do ALLEN (John), M.D. A phyfician at Bridgewater, Somerfetlhire. D. there, 16 Sep. 1 741. S])ecimina ichnographica : or, a brief narrative of feveral new inventions and experiments ; particularly, the navigating a fhip in a calm, the improvement of the engine to raife water by fire, a new method of drying malt, &c. 4" Lond. 1730. ALLEN (John), M.D. B. at Redford, near Edinburgh, Jan. 1770. Educated at the Unlverfity of Edinburgh, where he took the degree of M.D. Removed to London, and was appointed mafter of Dulwich Col- lege. D. 3 April, 1843. Illuftrations of Mr. Hume's EfTiy concerning liberty and ncceflity, in anfwcr to Dr. Gregory of Edinburglu By a necefiiuirian. 8° Lond. 1795. Rejjly to Dr. Lingard's Vindication : in a letter to Francis JefFray, Efq. Second edition. 8° Lond- 1827. • iquij'y into the rife and growth of the royal prerogative in England. 8' Lond. 1830. — Another edition, with the author's latell correftions, biogra])hical notices, &c. To which is added an inquiry into the life and charafter of King Eadwig. 8° Lond. I 849. Vindication of the ancient independence of Scotland. 8" Lend. 1833. ALLEN (John). B. at Truro, in Cornwall, 1 77 1. Removed to London, and for upwards of thirty years conduced a private academy at Hack- ney, where he d. 17 June, 1839. Modern Judaifm ; or, a brief account of the opinions, tra- ditions, rites, and ceremonies of the Jews in modern times. 8" Lond. I N 1 A. ALLEN (.John). Bibliotheca Herefordienfis ; or, a defcriptive catalogue of books, pamphlets, maps, prints, &c. &c., relating to the county of Hereford. 8° Hereford, 1821. ALLEN (,Iohn), M.A. Archdeacon of Salop, diocefe of Lichfield, late one of H.M. infpeftors of fchools. The humiliation and exaltation of our Redeemer, in 3 2 piints, reprefenting the original wood-blocks of Albert Durer. Edited by John Allen. 8° Lond. 1856. The penny hymn book ; containing one hundred and twenty-two hymns, feledled for public and private ufe. Large type edition. 8° Lond. n. d. ALLEN (John). * A little hiftory of John Allen, of S. Saviour's, Leeds. 8° Lond. n. d. ALLEN (John). State Churches and the kingdom of Chrift : an eflay on the eftablifhment of minifters, forms and fervices of religion by fecular power ; and on its inconfillency with the free, humbling, fpiritual nature of the Chriftian difpenfation. S' Lond. 1853. Hiftoiy of the borough of Lifkeard and its vicinity. 8° Lond. 1856. ALLEN (John Taylor), M.A. Vicar of Stradbrook, Suffolk. A fermon, preached in the cathedral church of Cheller, Aug. 2lft, 1823, at the fummer affizes ... [Deut. iv. 6.] 4° Mancheller, 1823. ALLEN (Joseph), D.D. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which he held a fellow (hip. Vicar of Battcrfea, 1S08, which he rcfigned, 1829, on his appointment to the living of St. Bride's in Fleet Street. Confecrated Bhhop of Briftol, 1834, and tranflated. Oft. 1836, to Ely, where he d. 2o March, 1845, aged (eventy-five. The dangers to which the Chuich of Chrill is expofed both from without and within : a fermon, preached at the primaiy vifitation of the Rt. Rev. Ld. Bp. of Wincheller, on Wednefday, June 12, 1822 ; in the parifli church of Kingfton-upon-Thames. [2 77m. i. 1 3.] 4° Lond. 1822. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Brif- tol, at the primary vifitition of tliat diocefe in OiH:. 1835. 4° Lond. 1835. Briflol didrift focieties : a fermon, preached at the anni- vetfary of thefc focieties, in the cathedral church of Brillol, on Tuefday, Sep. 15, 1835. [Hi. ii. 10.] 4 J Lond. 1835. The necefiiiry ])reparation for holy ordei s : a fermon, preached at his primary ordination, on Sunday, Nov. 27, 1836, in the catliedral church of Ely. [2 'i'iin. iii. i;.] 40 Lond. 1836. A charge, delivered to the clergy of the Ifle of Ely, and the county of Cambridge, at the primaiy vifit.ition of that part of the diocefe of Ely, in September, 1837. 4^ Lond. 1837. A charge delivered to the clergy of tiie diocefe of Ely, at the fecond quadrennial vifitation of tliat part of tiic diocefe 9^ ALLEN comprifing the Ifle of Ely and the county of Cambridge ; and the primai-y vifitation of the other part of the diocefe ; held in June, July, and Auguft, 184I. S' Lond. 184I. A fermon, preached at tlie confecration of the church of St. Andrew-the-Great, Cambridge, on Thurfday, Oft. 19, 1843. [Jer.V\. \6.] 8° Land. 1843. Sermons on various fubjefls, and a charge to the clergy of the diocefe of Ely. 8° Lond. 1858. * The correfpondence between the Ecclefiaftical Commif- fioners and the Bilhop of Ely. 8" Lond. 1B37. ALLEN (Joseph). Battles of the Britifli navy ; from a.d. iooo to 18 40. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1842. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1852. Catalogue of the portraits of diftinguiflied naval command- ers, and reprefentations of their warlike achievements, ex- hibited in the naval gallery of Greenwich Hofpital. Revifed and illuftrated with notes. 12° Lond. 1844. The navigation laws of Great Britain hiftorically and prac- tically confidered, with reference to commerce and national defence. 8° Lond. 1849. Life of Lord Vifcount Nclfon, K.B., Duke of Bronte, &c. 8° Lond. 1853. Life of the Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B. 8° Lond. 1861. ALLEN (Lake). The hiftoiy of Poitfmouth ; containing a full and enlarged account of its ancient and prefent (late . . . To which is added an appendix ... 12° Lond. 1817. ALLEN (Lucas Benjamin). One of the maglftrates of Union Hall, Southwark. Brief confiderations on the prefent ftate of the police of the metropolis : with a few fuggeftions towards its impiove- ment. 8° Lond. 182 i. ALLEN (Mrs. M.) A hiftory of Ford Abbey, Dorfetfhire: late in the county of Devon, [^non.] 12° Lond. 1846. ALLEN (Matthew), M.D. Cafes of infanity, with medical, moral, and philofophical obfervations and eflays upon them. Part L Vol. i. 8° Lond. 183 I. Eflays on the claflification of the infane. 8° Lond. [1837.] ALLEN (Nathan), A.M., M.D. Editor of the American Phrenological Journal and Mifcel- lany. An eflay on the connexion of mental philofophy with medicine. 8 Philadelphia, 1841. ALLEN (Peter), M.D. A few pradtical obfei-vations on deafnefs and difeafes of the ear, arifing from fmall pox, fcarlet fever, and meafles. 8° Lond. 1853. ALLEN (Robert). The great importance of the Havannah, fet forth in an eflliy on the nature and methods of cariying on a trade to the South Sea, and the Spanifti Weft Indies. 8° Lond. I 762. ALLEN (Robert). Barrifter-at-law. The whole town and country pradlice of the court for relief of infolvent debtors, with full inftroftions to creditors, and all forms, lules, and orders of the court, under I and 2 Vi(5t. c. I to. 12° Lond. 1839. The pradlice of common law courts, and practical lawyer's pocket book ; containing full forms and direftions in every ftage of proceedings in the conduft of an aftion at law. 8° Lond. 1841. Wills : a digeft of the whole law relating to their con- ftrtiflion ; with forms, adapted to every fituation in life. 8^ Lond. 1842. ALLEN (Robert Austen), M.D. The diagnofis and treatment of venereal difeafes. 8° Lond. 1855. ALLEN (Robert James), B.A. Suggeftions on the organifation of the Britifh army : in a letter to the Right Hon. Earl Grey. 8° Lond. 1855. ALLEN (Rose). The autobiography of Rofe Allen. Edited by a lady. 8° Lond. 1847. ALLEN (Samuel James), M.A. B. in London, 1798. Educated at Merchant Taylors' School and at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Vicar of Eafingwold, Yorkniire. D. 29 April, 1856. Leftures in defence of the Church of England, as a nation- al and fpiritual inftitution, delivered at St. Peter's church, Blackburn, during Lent, 1833, and before the Univerfity of Cambridge, in January, 1834. 8° Lond. 1834. What does the Church for the people ? a fermon, preached at the vifitation of the Rt. Rev. John Bird [Sumner,] Ld. Bp. of Chefter, in the parifh church of Blackburn, on Tuef- day, July 7, 1835. [P^r. cxxii. 8, 9.] 8°Lond. 1835. A fermon, preached at Bumley church, on Sunday, July I, 1838, on occafion of the coronation of Her Moft Gracious Majefty, Oueen Yiftoria. [2 Chron. ix. 3-6.] 8° Lond. 1838. Our Lord's piayer for unity : a fermon, preached at the vifitation of the Yen. H. J. Todd, M.A., in St. Mary's church, Thirfli, on Thuifday, July 29, l 8 4 1 . [John xvii. 1 1.] 4° Lond. 1842. ALLEN (Sir Thomas). A native of Loweftoft, and Admiral of the White in the reign of Charles II. The dates of his birth and death are unknown. Articles of peace between ... Charles the Second ... and the city and kingdom of Algiers ; concluded by Thomas Allen ... 1664. [Scott's edition of Somers' Tracts, vii. S54-] ALLEN 97 ALLEN (Thomas). ] * Another out-ci-y of the innocent and opprefled. Being a true account of the unjuft and illegal proceedings of Richard Rainsford and Roger Norwich, and others, againft Thomas Allen, Francis Child, Richard Coe, and William Line, being fuch as are called Quakers, at the general Quarter Seflions holden at the caftle in Northampton on the 12. and i 3 days of the loth moneth 1665, where Rich. Rainsford fat in judgment ... 4' n. p. 1665. ALLEN (Thomas). B. at Oxford, 16S2. Educated at Wadham College. Reftor of Kettering, 1715. U. there, 31 May, 1755.- The praftice of a holy life ; or, the Chiiftian's daily exer- cife, in meditations, prayers, and iiJes of holy living. Fitted to the capacity of the meaneft devout reader ... neceffary for all families. 8° Lend. 17 16. ALLEN (Thomas). A topographical writer, draughtfman, and engineer. B. about 1S03. D. fuddenly of cholera, 20 July, 1833. " The hiftory and antiquities of the pajilh of Lambeth, and the archiepifcopal palace, in the county of Surrey. Includ- ing biographical fl-cetches of the moft eminent and remarkable perfons, who have been born, or have redded there from the earliefl: period ... 8° Lond. 1827. •^ The hiftoiy and antiquities of London, Weftminfter, Southwark, and parts adjacent. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1827-9. A new and complete hiftory of the county of York . . . illuftrated by a feries of views, engraved on flecl from original drawings by Nathaniel Whittock. 6 vols. 8° Lond. 1828-31. Hiftory of the counties of Surrey and SufTex ... illuf- trated by a feries of views, engraved on fteel from original drawings by Nathaniel Whittock. 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 1829-30. ALLEN (Thomas). New Seflions cafes ... 1845-7. By .1. M. Carrow, J. Hamerton, and T. Allen. ALLEN (UDNtY John Thomas), B.A. Vicar of Leyldown, Kent, Work of the miniftry : a fermon, preached in the parifli church of Sittingbourne, Kent, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Maidftone (diocefe of Cant.-rbury,) on Friday, May 5, i^!54. \Prijv. xi. 30.] 8" Lond. 1854. ALLEN (William). PJiud. 0/ Silas Titus. ALLEN (William). B. at RoflTall, Lancartiire, I 532. Educated at Oriel College, Oxford. Principal of St. Mary's Hall during the reign of yuccn Mary. On the accclTion of Elizabeth, retired to Louvain, and was one of the founders of the Englifh College at Douai. Pro- moted to the rank of cardinal by Gregory XIII., 7th Aug, I 587, D, at Rome, 6th Oft, 1594. The following work was intended for diHribution in England, in the event of the fuccefs of the Spanilh armada. Cardinal Allen's admonition to the nobility and people of VOL. I. England and Ireland, &c., a.d. 1558. Reprinted, with a preface by .Eupator \Rev. Jofeph Mendham.'\ 8° Lond. 1842. ALLEN (William). Some baptifmal abufes briefly difcovered : or, a cordial endeavour to reduce the adminiftration and ufe of baptifm to its primitive purity ; in two parts : tlie firft part tending to difpiove the lawfulnefs of infant baptifm ; the fecond part tending to prove it necefl"ary for perfons to be baptized after they believe, their infant baptifm or any pre-profefllon of the Gofpel notwithftanding, &c. 4° Lond. 1653. ALLEN (William). Late adjutant-general of the army in Ireland. A faithful memorial of that remarkable meeting of many officers of tlie army in England, at Windfor Caftle, in the year 1648. 1659. \Scoii's edition of Sonurs' Tracts, vi. 498.] ALLEN (William). B, in London, 29 Aug, 1770. Diftinguiflied for his great attainments in chemiftry. D. 30 Dec. 1843. Companion to the tranfit inftrument, containing the right afcenfion and declination of ftars from the firft to the fourth magnitude, with die places of fome of the moft interefting double ftars. [Priori.] 8° Lond. 18 15. The fubftance of an addrefs to the ftudcnts at Guy's Hofpiuil, at the clofe of the ledturcs upon experimental philo- fophy. 8° Lond. 1826. Colonies at home : or, the means for rendering the induf- trious labourer independent of parifli relief ; and for providing for the poor jjopulation of Iieland, by the cultivation of the foil. Second edition. 8° Lindfield, 1827. — Another edition. 8° Lindfield, 1832. A plan for diminifliing the poor's rates in agricultural dif- trifts. Being a brief account of the objefts and jilans pur- fued upon " Gravely eftatc," in the jiarifli of Lindfield, in Suflex, by .lohn Smith, M.P., and William Allen, for better- ing the condition of the agricultural poor. 8' Lond. I S33. * Life of William Allen : with fcleftions from his cor- refpondence. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1846-7. * Memoir of W. Allen, F.R.S. 1851. [By James Sherman.] ALLEN (William), D.D. B. at Pittsfield, MalTachulctts, 2 Jan. 17S4, PrcfiJent of Bowdoin College, 1820-39. An American biographical and hiftorical dii5lionary ; con- taining an account of the lives, charac'ters, and writings of the moft eminent pei-fons in North America from its fiill fettle- mcnt, and a fummaiy of the hiftory of die feveral colonies and of the United States. Second edition. 8" Bofton, 1832. ALLEN (William), M.A. Perpetual curate of Peel, Lancalhirr. O. 8 March, 1834. Sermons. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1835. o 98 ALLEN— ALL FOR THE BEST ALLEN (William). A narrative of the expedition fent by Her Majefty's Go- vernment to the River Niger, in 1 841, under the command of Captain H. D. Trotter, R.N. By Captain William Allen and T. R. H. Thomfon. In two volumes. 8" Lond. 1848. A plan for the immediate extin<5lion of the flave trade, for the relief of the Weft India colonies, and for the difRifion of civilization and Chriftianity in Africa, by the co-operation of mammon with philanthropy. 8' Lond. 1849. The Dead Sea, a new route to India : with other frag- ments and gleanings in the Eaft. 2 vols. 8' Lond. 1855. ALLEN (William Ely). A treatife on an entirely original fyftem of cultivating cucumbers, melons, and fea kale, forcing broccoli, potatoes, &c. &c. With an addrefs to the gardeners of Suffolk, and a practical critique on Smith's treatife. 8^ Ipfwich, n. d. ALLEN (William G.) The American prejudice againft colour. An authentic narrative, fhowing how eafily the nation got into an uproar. 123 Lond. 1853. ALLENT (Pierre Alexandre Joseph). B. at St. Omer, 2 Aug. 1772. D. 3 July, 1837. Hiftoire du Coqis Imperial du Genie ; des fieges et des travaux qu'il a diriges, et des chargemens que I'attaque, la defenfe, la conftrudlion et I'adminiftration des forterefTes ont regus, en France, depuis I'origine de la fortification moderne jufqu'a nos jours. Premiere paitie, depuis I'origine de la fortification moderne jufqu'a la fin du r^gne de Louis XIV. 8° Paris, 1805. ALLERTON AND DREUX. AUerton and Dreux ; or, the war of opinion. By the author of " A rhyming chronicle." 2 vols. a" Lond. 1851. ALLESTER (David). Writer to the Signet. D. 1 851. A chapter for conveyancers ; or, notes explanatory of the technical words and expreffions conftituting deftinations of land, and other heritable eftate, in Scotland. 8° Edinb. 1847. Decimal dividend tables. 12° Lond. 1847. ALLESTREE (Richard), D.D. B. at Uppington, Shropfliire, 1619. Educated at Chrift church, Oxford, and in 1642 took up arms in the caufe of the king. Shortly afterwards he took holy orders, and officiated as chaplain in'various Royalift families. At the Reftoration he was made canon of Chrili church, and in 1665, provoft of Eton. D. at Eton, 28 Jan. 1680. * The life of R. Alleftree, D.D. ...[By John Fell.] ALLETZ (Pons-Augustin). B. at Montpellier, 1703. D. at Paris, 7 March, 17S5. Hiftoire des Cnges, et autres animaux curieux, dont I'in- ftinft et I'induftrie excitent I'admiration des hommes, comme les elephans, les caftors, etc. [y^non.'j 12° Paris, 1752. L'efprit des journaliftes de Trevoux ; ou, morceaux pre- cieux de litterature, repandus dans les Memoiies pour I'hif- toiie des fciences et des beaux-aits, depuis leur origine en 1701, jufqu'en 1762. 4 torn. [.<^non.] 12° Paris, 1771. Abrege de I'hiftoire Grecque, depuis les terns heioiques jufqu'a la reduction de la Gr^ce en province Romaine ... Nouvelle edition. \jlnon.^ 12° Paris, 1774. ALLETZ (P. Jullien). B. at Paris, 6 Feb. 1754. Commiflaire de police. Didtionnaire de police moderne pour toute la France, con- tenant, par ordie alphabetique de mati^res et dans la forme reglementaire, I'analyfe et le rapprochement des difpofitions, tant anciennes non abrogees, que modernes, des lois, ordon- nances, reglemens, arretes et decifions, concemant la police adminiftrative, judiciaire, militaire et maritime ; les regies et les principes confacres pai' un ufage conftant ayant force de loi ; les difpofitions de droit civil relatives aux interets ordi- naires et journaliers des citoyens, etc. Sui\4 de modeles d'aftes en matieres de la police. 4 tom. 8° Pains, 1820. ALLEXANDRE (Jacques). A Benediftine of the congregation of Saint-Maur, b. at Orleans, 24 Jan. 1653. D. 23 June, 1734. Traite general des horloges. 8" Paris, 1734. ALLEY (Jerome), B.A. Reftor of the parilhes of Beaulieu and Drumcarr, in the dio- cefe of Armagh. A femion preached at the parifh church of Saint Maiy, Iflington ... on Sunday morning, November 16, i8i7,occa- fioned by the death of Her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Charlotte of Wales and Saxe Cobourg, &c. Second edition. [Job xxxiv. 18-20.] 8° Lond. 18 1 8. Vindiciffi Chriftianas: a comparative eftimate of the genius and temper of the Greek, the Roman, the Hindu, the Ma- hometan, and the Chriftian religions. 8^ Lond. 1826. ALLEYN (Edward). B. in London, i Sep. 1566. Founder of DuKvich College. D. 25 Nov. 1626. * The Alleyn papers. A colleftion of original docu- ments tlluftrative of tlie life and times of Edwaid Alleyn, and of the early Engiilli ftage and di'ama. With an intro- duiftion by J. Payne Collier, F.S.A. [For the Shakefpeare Society.] 8^ Lond. 1843. * Memoirs of Edward Alleyn ... 1841. By J. Payne Collier. ALLEYNE (John). Barrifter-at-law. The legal degrees of marriage ftated and confidered, in a feries of letters to a friend. With an appendix, containing letters from feveral divines and others. The third edition. 8^ Lond. 18 ic. ALL FOR THE BEST. All for the bcft : a ftory of quiet life. In three volumes. 8^ Lond. 1 86 1. ALU ACO— ALLIES 99 ALLIACO (Petrus de). B. at Compii-gne, 1350. Grand-mafter of the College of Navarre, 1384. Raifed to the cardinalate by John XXlll. D. 1420. De emendatione Ecclefis libellus . . . patribus olim oblatus in Concilio Conftantienfi congregatis, quod ChiilHaniflimus pririceps Sigiimundus Augustus conuocarat, non tim ob Ec- clefis concoidiam, quam communis morum emcndationis fpe. Quas quo minus procclTerit per hunc non f^L-tit, fed per eccle- fiafticos, Germanicx fimplicitati imponente Romana aftutia. 4° n. p. n. d. De falfis prophetis. [Gersonius, Opera, i. 489, 511.] Recommendatio Sacra.- Scripturx. [Ibid. i. 603.] Principium in curfum Bibliae, praefeitim in Evangclium Marci. [Ibid. i. 610.] Quxftio : utrum Trinitas perfonaram in una natura, crca- turae fit incommunicabilis. [Ibid. i. 617, 625.] De libertate cieaturx rationalis ante ct pod lapfum. [Ibid. i. 630.] Quxrtio : utnim confcientia erronea excufet a culpa. [Ibid, i. 636.] De legitime dominio. [Ibid. i. 641.] Utiiim indodtus in jure divino poflit jufte pi'xefTe. [Ibid, i. 646.] Quxftio : utinim Petri Ecclefia lege reguletur. [Ibid. i. 662.] — [RiCHERius, Vind'tciii Jo9nn£ majorum Schola Par'ift- enfis, iii. 5.] Quxftio : utrum Petri Ecclefia rege gubernetur ; lege reguletur ; fide confirmetur ; jure dominetur. [Ibid. iii. 1 9.] — [Gersonius, Opera, i. 672.] Sermo coram Papa Clemcnte VII., Avenione habitus, circa negotium Univcrdtatis Parilicnfis advcrfijs Joanncm de Montefono. [Ibid. i. 697.] Propofitio fadlain confiftorio contra M. Joann. de Monte- fono. [Ibid. i. 702.] Apologia Facultiitis Theologia- Parificnfis, circa damna- tioncm .loannis de Montefono. [Ibid. i. 709.] Traftatus duo adverfus Cancellarium Parifienfem, quod nihil liceat cxigere pro gradu licentia;. [Ibid. i. 723.] Tradtatus contra aftronomos. [Ibid. i. 778.] De difficultate reformationis in concilio univerfali. [Ibid. ii. 867.] Epiftolx dux ad funimum Pontificem Joannem XXIII. [Ibid. ii. 876.] Fragmentum epifioix ad Joannem XXIII. | Ibid. ii. 883.] Monita de necefiitate reformationis Ecclefix in capitc et in membris. [Ibid. ii. 885.] Tradtatus de reformationc, feu canones reformandi Eccle- fiam. [Ibid. ii. 903.] — [Ort. Gratius, Fafc'tculus, isfi:. i. 406.] De officio Pa])X, Iniperatoris, reliquoiiimque mcmbrorum Concilii Conftanlienfis. [Gersonius, Optra, ii. 917.] De Ecclefix, Concilii Generalis, Romani Pontificis, et Cardinalium aufloritate traflatus. [Ibid. ii. 925.] — [RiCHFRius, Vintl'ici(t doilrlnit majorum Schola Parifi- en/is, iii. 52.] Errores fe(ftx hominum inti-lligcntix, ct proccdus fidtus contra Willelmum de Hildenifll-m. [Baluz.k, Mijcellanca, ii. 277.] ALLIANCE. Memoirs concerning the ancient alliance between the French and Scots, and the privileges of tlie Scots in France ; together with the original French, faithfully cxtrafled from the feveral records of tliat kingdom. 8° Edinb. 1751. Evangelical Protcltantifm. Report of a meeting convened by the Evangelical Alliance, but open to all Chrillians hold- ing the docftrines of tlie Protcftant Reformation ; held in the large room, Exeter Hall, onThurfday, February 27, 185 i. 8" Lond. [1851.] Diplomatic myftifications and popular credulity ; or, the Anglo-French alliance. 8° Lond. 1855. The new Anglo-French alliance andprefent political fitua- tion confidered. Third edition. 8° Lond. i860. ALLIBOND (John), DD. B. in Buckinghamfliire. Educated at Magdalen College, Oit- ford. Reaor of Brad well, Gloucefterfliire. D. 1658. Ruftica Academix Oxonienfis nujx^r reformatx defcriptio, in vifitatione fanatica Oftobris fexto, &c. a.d. 1648 ; cum comitiis ibidem anno fequcnte : et aliis notatu non indignis. \Scoit' s edition of Somers' Tracts, v. 503.] A ruftical defcription of the Univerfity of Oxford, lately reformed, &c. \jranJlalion of ihe preceding by Edmund ll^ard.^ I 7 17. [Ibid. V. 506.] ALLIBONE (S. Austin). A critical di<5lionai-y of Englifli literature, and Britifh and American authors, living and deceafed, from the earlieft ac- counts to the middle of the nineteenth century. Containing thirty thoufand biographies and literary notices, with forty indexes of fubjefls. Vol. I. 8° Philadelphia, 1859. ALLIES. The allies and the late miniftry defended againft France, and the prefent friends of France ... 1 7 1 1 . ^By Francis Hare.] The condudl of the allies, and of the late minillry, in be- ginning and can-ying on the prefent war. 1712. [By Jonathan Swift.] Refledlions on tlie condudl of the allies. [Pamphleteer, xviii. 41.] ALLIES (Jabez). B. at Alfrick-in-Lulfley, Worccftcrftiire, iz Oft. 17S7. Prac- tifcd for fomc years as a foliciiur in London. D, at Chelten- ham, 29 Jan. 1856. On the caufes of planetary motion. 8° Lond. 1838. On the jovi;J hunter of Bronifgrove, Home the hunter, and Robin Hood. 8° Lond. 1845. The ancient Britifli, Roman, and Saxon antiquities and folk-lore of Worcefterfhire. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1S52. ALLIES (Thomas William), M.A. Reftor of Launton, Oxfordftiirc, 1841. Joined the Church of Rome, 1850. Sermons on tlie Epiftlc to tlie Romans, and other*. 8° Oxford, 1844. lOO ALLIN— ALLIX The Church of England cleared from thecharge of fchifm, upon teftimonies of councils and fathers of the firft fix cen- turies. 8° Lond. 1846. — Second edition, enlarged. 8° Oxford, 1848. Journal in France in 1 845 and 1848, with letters from Italy in 1 847, of things and perfons concerning the Church and education. la^Lond. 1849. The royal fupremacy viewed in reference to the two fpiritual powers of order and jurifdiftion. 8° Lond. 1850. The fee of St. Peter, the rock of the Church, the fource of jurifdiiftion, and the centre of unity. 8° Lond. 1850. St. Peter : his name and his office, as fet forth in Holy Scriptui"e. 8° Lond. 1852. ALLIN (James). Old Teftament prophecies, relative to the return and reftoration of the twelve tribes to the land of Pjdeftine ; to- gether with the fetting up of Meffiah's kingdom on Mount Zion, during a period of one thoufand prophetic years. 8° Lond. 1855. God as revealed in his works, and God as revealed in his Word ; or, geology in agreement with revelation. 8° Lond. 1857. ALLINGHAM (William). Poems. 8° Lond. 1850. Day and night fongs. 8° Lond. 1854. The mufic mafter : a love (lory. And two feries of day and night fongs. 8° Lond. 1855. ALLINGTON (John). Rector of Wardley-cum-Belton, Rutlandrtiire. Sequeftered by the parliamentary commilTioner, 5 May, 1646, but not adtu- ally deprived of his living till 28 Nov. 1655. Re-inftated at the Reftoration, 1660. The grand confpiracy of the members againft the mind ; of Jews againft their king. As it hath been delivered in the four following femions. The fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1655. The regal proto-martyi' ; or the memorial of the martyr- dom of Charles the Firft. In a fermon \yi3s viii. i,] preached upon the firft fall of publick appointment for it. 4= Lond. 1672. ALLIO (Joannes Franciscus Corradinus de). B. at Venice, :6 Sep. 1708. Studied at Padua, Florence, and other Italian univerfities. Returning to Venice, devoted himfelf to a literary career, in which he was not very fuccelsfiil. D. 19 May, 1 743. Satyrs et epigrammatia. 4° Venetiis, 1741. ALLIOT (Richard), LL.D. Profeflbr of theology and mental philofophy, Weftem Col- lege, Plymouth. Ledtures on the hiftory of the children of Ifrael, delivered in York Road chapel, Lambeth. 8° Lambeth, [1849.] The paftor's farewell : being a memorial of the valedic- tory fervices connefted with the removal of the Rev. Richard Alliott, LL.D., from the paftorate of York Road chapel, Lambeth, London, to the prefidency of the Weftern Col- lege, Pljrmouth. 12° Lond. [1849.] Pfychology and theology : or, pfychology applied to the inveftigation of queftions relating to religion, natural theology, and revelation. 8° Lond. 1855. ALLIS (John). The poor and doubting Chriftian's guide to everlafting life ... ^a fermon on Pfalm Ixxxix. 48, and Romans v. 12, 15.] 8° n.p. 1702. ALLISON (Edward D.) Obfervations on the expediency of inftituting a friendly affociation of the medical profeffion throughout Scotland, for infuring a provifion during ficknefs and old age, widows' annuities, endowments to children, &c. 8° Edinb. 1826. ALLISON (J.) Mefmerifm : its pretenfions as a fcience phyfiologically confidered. 8° Lond. 1844. A defcription, anatomical and phyfiological, of the fec- tional model of the human body, the Parifian Venus ; com- priCng a popular account of the parts difplayed : their func- tions and ufes. \AnonJ^ 8° Manchefter, 1844. ALLISON (M. A.) Guide to Englilh hiftory and biography, containing a full account of the inventions, difcoveries, laws, cuftoms, fove- reigns, domeftic habits, coftume, and buildings of Great Britain, from the invafion of Julius Csfar to the year 1847. Together with a biographic fketch of the moft celebrated perfons living under each reign. The whole re-written and enlarged by the Rev. Dr. Brewer. Sixth edition. 12° Lond. n. d. La petite Fran^aife ; or, vocabulary, exercifes, and eafy reading leflbns : intended as a companion to the " Child's French friend." Third edition. i2'^Lond. 1851. ALLISON (Thomas). An account of a voyage from Archangel in Ruflia, in the year 1697 ; of the (hip and company wintering near the North Cape in the latitude of 7 i ; their manner of liv4ng, and what they fufFered by the extreme cold. Alfo, re- markable obfervations of the climate, country, and inhabi- tants. 8° Lond. 1699. — [PiNKERTON, ColleHion of voyages and travels, i. 491.] ALLIUS (Peregrinus). A Florentine poet. D. about the year 1458. Poemata. ^Carmina illujirium poetarum Italorum, i. 119.] ALLIX (Pierre), D.D. A Proteftant divine. B. at Alenjon, 1 641. Minifter at Rouen, and fubfequently at Charenton. Retired to England on the revocation of the Edi£l of Nantes, 1 685. D. at London, 3 March, 1717. Preparation a la Sainte Cene. \Anon^ 12^ Paris, 1682. Douze fermons ... fur divers textes. Seconde edition. 12^ Rotterdam, 1685. ALLMAN — ALL RIGHT lOI Reflexions fur les cinq livres de Moyfe, pour etablir la verite de la religion Chreticnnc. 8" Lond. 16S7. Reflexions upon the books of the Holy Scripture, to efta- blifh the truth of the ChrilVian religion. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1688. — Another edition. 8° Oxford, 1822. An hiftorica! difcourfc concerning tlie neceffity of the minifters intention in adminiflring the facraments. [y4non.^ 4° Lond. 1688. — [Gibson, yl prefervalive againj} popery, viii. 168.] A difcourfe concerning penance. Shewing how the doc- trine of it, in the Church of Rome, makes void tnie repen- tance, [yinon.] 4° Lond. 1688. — [Gibson, j4 prefirvative againjl popery, x. 225.] A difcourfe concerning the merit of good works. \Anon^ 4= Lond. 1688. — [Gibson, A prefervat'tve aga'mjl popery, x. 35O.] An examination of the fcruples of thofe who refufe to take the oath of allegiance. By a divine of the Church of England. 4^ Lond. 1689. Some remarks upon the ecclefiaftical hiftory of the ancient churches of Piedmont. 4° Lond. 1 690. — Another edition. 8° Oxford, 182 i. Remarks upon the ecclefiaftical hiftory of the ancient churches of the Albigenfes. A new edition. 8° Oxford, 182 I. Remarks upon fome places of Mr. Whifton's books, eitlier printed or in manufcript. 8° Lond. i 7 1 1. The judgment of the ancient Jewifh Church againft the Unitarians in the controverfy upon the Holy Trinity and the divinity of our blefled Saviour. Second edition. 8° Oxford, 1821. ALLMAN (George James), M.D. Profcflbr of natural hiftory in the Univcrlity of Edinburgh. IntroduiSory lefture, delivered to the ftudents of the na- tural hiftory clafs in the Univerfity of Edinburgh on the open- ing of the winter fcflion, 1855. 8' Edinb. 1855. ALLNATT (Charles Blake). Conveyancer, Shrewlbuty. A praftical treatife on the law of partition ; with an ap- pendix, containing the ftatutes and a feledion of precedents. 8° Lond. 1820. ALLNATT (Richard Hopkins), M.D. Phyfician at Frant, Sulfcx. Tic douloureux, or neuralgia facialis, and other nervous affe(5lions ; their feat, nature, and caufe : with cafes illuf- trating fuccefsful methods of treatment. I 2" Lond. 1841. ALLNUTT (Mrs. ). Obfervations on the Gofpel of St. Matthew [and St. Mark.] 12° Lond. 1855. ALLNUTT (George S.). The praiSice of wills and adminiftrations. 12° Lond. 1848. — Second edition. 120 Lond. 1850. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1852. — Fourth edition. 12° Lond. i860. The Wills aft amendment Aft, 1852 (15 Vift. c. 24,) with introduftion and forms of atteftation claufes. 8^ Lond. 1852. ALLNUTT (Henry). The auftioneers', land agents', valuers', and eftate agents' direftory ... 8° Lond. i860. ALLNUTT (Zachariah). Superintendent and receiver, &c. on the Thames navigation, Henley. Ufefiil and correft accounts of the navigation of the rivers and canals well of London . . . The fecond edition. 8" Henley, n. d. ALLOM (Thomas). Durham and Northumberland : their lake and mountain fcenery, etc. etc. Illuftrated from drawings on the fpot by Thomas AUom. With defcriptions by Thomas Rose. Cumberland : its lake and mountain fcenery, etc. etc. Illuftrated from drawings on the fpot by Thomas Allom. With defcriptions by Thomas Rose. Weftmoreland : its lake and mountain fcenery. Illuf- trated from drawings on the fpot by Thomas Allom. With defcriptions by Thomas Rose. France illuftrated ... Drawings by T. Allom, Efq. De- fcriptions by the Rev. G. N. Wright, M.A. Conftantinople, and the fcenery of the feven churches of Afia Minor illuftrated. In a feries of drawings from nature by Thomas Allom. With defcriptions of the plates, by the Rev. Robert Welsh, LL.D. ALLON (Henry). Minifter of Union chapel, Iflington. The fympathy of Jefus. 1 2 ° Lond. n. d. The miniftry of tile dead : a funeral femion, preached in Union chajK'l, on Sabbath evening, March 7, 1852. \Heb. xi. 4.] ^Funeral fervkes for the Rev. Thomas Lewis. 1852.] Young men, in their relation to the Church : the fub- ftance of a paper read at tlie autumnal afTenibly of tlie Con- gregational Union, in Manchcfter, Oftober the 27th, 1853. I 2° Lond 1854. Indian nile and refponfibility : a fermon, delivered in Union chapel, Idington, on Wednefday, Oftober 7, 1857 ; being the day fet apart for humiliation and prayer on account of the Indian mutiny. \^ylmos ii. 10-16.] 8" Lond. 1857. Chrift's confeciation and ours: a fermon, preached at Sur- rey chapel, befoie the direftors and friends of the London Miflionary Society, May 9th, i860, [./o/v; xvii. 19.] 12° Lend. i860. ALLOTMENT SYSTEM. Probable effefts of the allotment fyftem upon the .igricul- tural labourers. 8° Lend. 1830. ALL RIGHT. All right : an old maid's ule. 8° Lond. i860. I02 ALL-SAINTS' SUMMER— ALMAIN ALL-SAINTS' SUMMER. Three All-faints' fummers, and other teachings of nature to a bufy man. 12° Lond. [1861.] ALLSTON (Washington). Aflociate of the Royal Academy. D. at Cambridge, in America, 1S43, in his Iixty-fourth year. Monaldi : a tale. 12° Lond. 1S42. ALLUSIO JOCULARIS. A letter on cock-fighting, preceded by an addrefs to all whom it may concern. 8° Glafgow, 1808. Letter to Torquil M'Tonailgte, Efq., introducing fome- thing new. 8° Glafgow, 1808. Suggeftions and memorandums for book firft of the Stranger at Home. After the manner of Jeremy Cockloft, the younger, and adorned with elegant extrafls from the writings of a celebrated recent hiftorian. By Myfelf. 8° Glafgow, 1808. The third letter to Torquil M'Tonaifgte, Efq., including a brief review of a late publication, by James Jackfon, Glaf- gow. Preceded by a momentous adveitifement, and intro- ducing a few more chapters of the Stianger at Home, &c. 8° Glafgow, 1808. Fourth letter to Torquil M'Tonaifgte, Efq., introducing letter firft from Ignoramus, being a criticifm on the " Temjjle of Apollo," and a letter to the nieces of T. M'T., Efq., followed by a few apropos lines. 8° Glafgow, 1808. Fifth letter to Torquil M'Tonaifgte, Efq., introducing the fecond letter of Ignoramus, being Dr. R.'s criticifm on Clutha's two produdtions in the ift No. of the Temple of Apollo, followed by the Stranger at Home, and notes to correfpondents. 8° Glafgow, 1808. Sixth letter to Toiquil M'Tonaifgte, Efq., introducing fundries. 8° Glafgow, 1808. ALLWOERDEN (Henricus ab). Hiftoria Michaelis Sei-veti ... 4° Helmftadii, [1727.] ALLWOOD (Philip), B.D. B. 176S. Educated at Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. I79i,M.A. 1794, and B.D. 1801. Fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge, which appointment he held till his death at Wandfworth, Surrey, 14 March, 183S. Literaiy antiquities of Greece ; as developed in an at- tempt to afcertain principles for a new analyfis of the Greek tongue, and to exhibit thofe principles as applied to the eluci- dation of many paflages in the ancient hiftoiy of that countiy ; to which are added obfei"vations concerning the origin of feveral of the literal charaiflers in ufe among the Greeks. 4° Lond. 1799. Twelve ledhires on the prophecies relating to the Chiif- tian Church, and efpecially to the apoftacy of papal Rome, preached in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn, from the year 1 8 1 1 to 1815; being the ninth portion of thofe founded by the Right Reverend William Warbuiton, Lord Biftiop of Glou- cefter. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1815. Brief remarks on " The declaration of the Catholic bifhops, the vicars apoftolic, and their coadjutors in Great Britain." 8° Lond. 1826. A key to the Revelation of St. John, the divine ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1829. A diflertation concerning the chronological numbers re- corded in the prophecies of Daniel, as compared with thofe in the Revelation of St. John ; and with reference efpecially to the critical nature of the prefent time. Being the poft- fcript to a letter addreffed to the Right Rev. the Lord Biihop of Limerick. 8° Lond. 1833. ALLY. England's new ally, who ? 8° Lond. 1845. ALMA. Alma and Brione, a poem ; cantos I. and II. The Return of Thefeus, a dramatic fcene. 8° Lond. 1827. ALMA. The battle of Alma, and its incidents. By an officer. 8° Lond. 1854. The battle of the Alma ; from the official defpatches. By an enemy to defpotifm. 8° Lond. 1854. Alma. Balaldava. Lines on Ruffian policy. Stanzas on the death of the Emperor Nicholas. 12° Lond. 1855. ALMA (EiLARnus). A native of Frielland, of whom very little is known. D. at Heidelberg, 1 1 061. 1 586, in the twenty-fecond year of his age. Bellum giganteum. [Gruter, Delitia poetarum Belg't- corum, i. II.] ALMACK (Barugh). Hints to landowners. On tenure, prices, rents, &c. 8° Lond. 1846. ALMACK (Henry), D.D. ReGor of Fawley, Bucks. The concern of the clergy in the prefent ftate of the na- tion : a fermon, preached at the vifitatlon of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Buckingham, in the paiiffi church of Chip- ping Wycombe, June 16, 1846. \_Matt. v. 13.] 8° Cambridge, 1846. ALMACK (John), Jun, Charader, motives, and proceedings of the anti-corn law leaguers, with a few general remarks on the confequences that would lefult from a free trade in corn. 8° Lond. 1843. Cheap bread and low wages. Extrafted from a pamphlet, by John Almack, Jun. 8° Lond. 1844. ALMACK'S. Almack's : a novel. Third edition. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1827. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1859. Almack's revifited. 1828. \By Charles White.] ALMAIN (Jacobus). B. at Sens about the middle of the 13th century. Profeflbr in the College of Navarre, 15 12. D. 1515. Quasftio de dominio naturali, civili et ecclefiaftico. [Ri- CHERius, Vindic'iii doBrlna mqjorum Scholn Parifienfis^'vt. I.] AL-MAICICARI— ALMANAC 103 — [Gersonius, opera, i. 961.] Traftatus de audloritate Ecclefis et conciliorum genera- lium, adverfus Thomas de Vio. [Ibid. ii. 976.] Expofitio circa decifiones Magiftri Guillielmi Occam, fuper poteftate Summi Pondficis. [Ibid. ii. 1013.] — [RiCHERius, Vindidit, Isfc, iv. 78.] — [GoLDASTUS, Monarchia S. Romani Imperii, i. 558.] AL-MAKKARI (Ahmed Ibn Mohammed). A native of Telemfan. The hiftory of the Mohammedan dynafties in Spain ; ex- trafbed from the Nafhu-t-Tib Min Ghofni-1-Andalufi-r- Rattib Wa Tdri'kh Lifanu-d-DIn Ibni-l-Khattila ... Tranf- lated from the copies in the hbrary of the Britilh Mufeum, and illuftrated with critical notes on the hiftory, geography, and antiquities of Spain, by Pafcual de Gayangos. In two volumes. 4' Lond. 1 840-3. AL-MAKRIZI (Takieddin Ahmed Ben Ali). B. at Cairo, 1364. D. there, 1441. Hiftoria monetae Arabics e codice Efcorialenfi cum variis duorum codd. Leidenfium leiSionibus et excerptis anecdotis nunc primum edita, verfa et illuftrata ab Olao Geihardo Tychfen. 8^ Roftochii, 1797. ALMA LUX. A defence of the Eftablifhed Church from the categories in the tail of the new comet, called the " Council of ten," that has arifen upon t!ie land ; from the ignis fatuus of a " Northern Incumbent ;" from the aurora borealis called the " Edinburgh Review ;" and from a pamphlet entitled " Epifcopal innovation," &c. ; all againfl the Bifhop of Peterborough : and alfo from the rays of criticifm darted upon tlie Bifhop of London by one of the fame great lights, which rcHeft upon itfelf with perfe(fb elaflicity. 8° Lond. 1823. ALMANAC. An almanack but for one day; orthe Son of Man reckon- ing with man, upon an high account-day. 12= Glafgow, 167 I. Almanac for the year 1 386. Tranfcribcd, verbatim, from the original antique illuminated manufcript, in the black letter ... Containing many cuiious particulars, illullrative of the a(lronomy,a(lrology, chronology, hillory, religious tenets, and theory and praiftice of medicine of that age. I 2° Lond. 1812. Prognoftication 1639 ... Moll curiouflie calculated, for all North Britanc ; but moft efpecallie, and even according unto Raban's bound duetie, for the latitude and merdiane of the honourable citie of Aberdene ; where the Pole Articke is elevated 57 degr. 30 min. according to Argolus and Tychon. 12° Aberdene. The Catholic almanack for the year 1687 ... [Scott's edi- tion of Somers' Tracts, ix. 89.] Edinburgh's tiMC almanack, or a new prognoftication for the year of our Lord, i'')98 ... Ex.iiflly calculated for the good of the whole kingdom of ancient Scotland, but more efpecially for the city of Edinburgh, tlie metropolitan of the kingdom, whofe latitude is 5 5 d. 54 m. i, longitude is I I d. 37 m. from Pico Tenereff. By John Man, Pliilomat. 12° Edinb. 1698. A prognoftication for the year 1 699, after a new fafhion ... Calculated for the meridian of Scotland, and may ferve, without fenlible error, for any other country befidcs, where they underftand the Englifh tongue. By Merry Andrew, a well-wiflier to the mathematicks. 12" Edinb. 1699. An almanack, and new prognoftication, for the year of our Lord, 1701 ... Exadlly calculated for the famous city of Edinburgh, the metropolitan of Scotland, whofe latitude is 55 d. 54 m. -J-, longitude is i i d. 37 m. By G. C, Mathemat. 12° Edinb. 170 1. The Oxfoi d almanack of 1712 explain'd : or, the em- blems of it uniiddl'd. Together with fome prefatory ac- count of the emblems of the two preceding years. In a letter to a friend. 8° Lond. 1 7 1 1 . The Aberdeen almanac, and northern regifter, for 1849-61. 8° Aberdeen. The American almanac and repofitory of ufeful know- ledge for ... 1835, 1837, 1843, 1846-60. 8' Bofton. Waugh and Cox's Auftralian almanac for ... 1856, 1858, i860, 1861. 12° Sydney. The Britilh almanac of the Society for the diffufion of ufefiJ knowledge for ... 1838, 1839, 1841-60. 12° Lond. — Companion to the almanac : or year-book of general information for ... 1838, 1839, 1841-60. 12= Lond. The Cape of Good Hope almanac and annual regifter for 1853-7. Compiled from the moft authentic fources by B. J. Van de Sandt de Villiers. 12° Cape Town, 1852-6. The Catholic diredloiy, ecclefiaftical regifter, and almanac for ... 1856-62. 12° Lond. The comic almanac ... for 1838, 1841, 1846. 12° Lond. Annuaire et almanach du commerce, de I'induftrie, de la magiftrature et de I'adminiftration ... 1857. 8° Paris. The Edinburgh almanack for ... 1779. 12= Edinb. The town and countiy almanack for 1793. 12= Edinb. The univerfal Scots almanack for ... 1795, '79^' 1798, 1803. 12° Edinb. The Edinburgli almanack and Scots legiller for . . . 1790-1, 1794, 1802-5, 1807-10, 1812-39. I 2° Edinb. Oliver and Boyd's new Edinburgh almanac and national repofitory for ... 1838-62. 12° Edinb. The gardener's almanack, and calendar and regifter of the kitchen, fruit, flowei', and forcing departments, for ... 1853, 1856-62. 12^ Lond. The heir-at-law and next-of-kin almanac, for the year 1858-9 ... Edited by A. Morris. 12° Lond. Thom's Iiilh alman.ac and official dirciffory for ... 1846-62. 8° Dublin. Quiggin'slfleof Manalman.ickfor ... 1853-55, 1857- 60, 1862. 8° Douglas. Mcrlinus libcratus : an almanack ... 1858-62. 12'^ Lond. I04 ALMANNUS— ALMOST PERSUADED The nautical almanac and aftronomical ephemeris for . . . 1834-65. 8° Lond. Companion to the nautical almanac, or tables of prepara- tion, by which the elements from that volume may be cor- rected at fight, and the altitude coireftions of all the heavenly bodies ufed in navigation taken out in one term. By the author of "The mate and his duties." 8° Liverpool, 1858. Orion's prophetic guide, and weather almanac for 1856— 62. 12° Lond. The Unitarian almanac for 1859-62. 12° Lond. ArXas Ou^aviog, White's coeleflial atlas ; or, an im- proved ephemeris for ... 1852-6. 12° Lond. Zadkiel's almanac for 1859-62. 12° Lond. ALMANNUS. A monk of Hautvilliers, in the diocefe of Rheims. D. about the end of the 9th century. Refcriptum ad Theudoinum, praspofitum Catalaunenfem. [Mabillon, Vetera analet!a,f. 424.] Vita S. Sindulfi, confefforis. [Mabillon, A3a fanSorum O.S.B.l 3 5 I.J ALMEGRO. Almegro ; a poem, in five cantos. 8° Lond. 1 8 1 9. ALMELA (Joan Alonso de). B. at Murcia, and praftifed as a phyfician there at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century. Las reales exequias y dolorofa fentimiento que la muy noble y muy leal ciudad de Murcia hizo en la muerte del muy catliolico Rey y feiior Don Philippe de Auftria IL 8° Valencia, 1600. ALMELOVEEN (Theodorus Janssonius ab). B. at Mydregt, near Utrecht, 24 July, 1657. Educated at Utrecht, where he ftudied theology for fome time, but after- wards applied himfelf to the ftudy of medicine. Having taken his degree, he eftabliihed himfelf as a phyfician at Gouda in 16S7. Appointed profelfor of Greek and hilloryat Harderwyk, 1697, and profeffor of medicine, 1702. D. at Harderwyk, zS July, J712. De vitis Stephanorum, celebrium typographorum, dilTer- tatio epiftolica ... Subjefta eft H. Stephani Qu^i'monia aitis typographicae. Ejufdem Epiftola de ftatu fuas typographic. 8° Amft. 1683. Inventa nov-antiqua ; id eft bievis enarratio ortus et pro- grefliis artis medicoe ; ac pixcipue de inventis vulgo novis, aut nuperrime in earepeitis. Subjicitur ... Rerum inventarum onomafticon. 8° Amft. 1684. Bibliotheca promiflii et latens. Huic ftibjunguntur Geor- gii Hieronymi Velfchii De fcriptis fuis ineditis epiftolse. 8° Gauds, 1688. Amoenitates theologico-philologicas ; in quibus varia S. Scripturas loca, ritus prifci, et inedita qujedam Erafmi, Bo- chaiti, Baudii, Scriverii, J. de Laet, &c., eruuntur. Subji- ciuntur Epigrammata et poemata vetera, ut et Plagiariorum fyllabus, altero tanto auftior. 8° Amft. 1694. Faftorum Romanorum Confularium libri duo, quorum prior juxta feriem annomm, pofterior fecundum ordinera al- phabeticum digeftus, continet plurimas veterum fcriptorum, maxinie hiftoricorum, legum, atque infcriptionum emenda- tiones. Accedunt Prcefefti urbis Roma et Conftantinopolis. 8° Amft. 1705. ALMERS (Sebastianus). A jurift of BerUn in the 17th century. Manuale juris, in quo rerum, verborum,terminorumquejuri- diconam fignificationes,difFerentiKetambiguitates, ufui cupidas LL. juventutis ex jure civili, canonico, feudali ac Saxonico, nee non ex exquifitis acutorum neotericomm interpretum commentariis, compendiofe et fummatim, fecundClm ordinem alphabeticum, funt concinnatae et coUedtae ... in fine aiinexa funt principia five generalia utriufque juris axiomata. Editio tertia prioribus audtior. 8° Francofurti et Lipfiae, 1680. ALMEYDA (Feliciano de). A Portuguefe furgeon, who lived in the former half of the 18th century. Cirurgia reformada, dividida em dous tomos : o primeyro fe divide em tres partes, fegundo a ordem das tres regi5es do corpo humano ; o fegundo vay dividido em tres livros, em os quaes fe trata em geral de todas as feridas, apofteraas, chagas, &c. fol. Liftjoa, 1738. ALMIDA. Almida : a tragedy. I 77 I. [^y Mrs. Celisia.] ALMON (John). A bookfeller in London. B. at Liverpool about 1738, D. at Boxmoor, near Hemel Hempftead, Herts, 12 Dec. 1805. The hiftoiy of the minority : during the years 1762,1763, 1764, and 1765. Exhibiting the conduift, principles, and views of that body. The fourth imprefllon. \Anon.^ 8° Lond. 1766. Biographical, literary, and political anecdotes of feveral of the moft eminent perfons of the prefent age, never before printed. With an appendix, confifting of original, explana- toiy, and fcarce papers. [^Anon.'j 3 vols. 8^ Lond. 1797. Anecdotes of the life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and of the principal events of his time ; with his fpeeches in Parliament from the year 1736 to the year 1778. Seventh edition, [yinon.^ 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1 8 10. ALMONER. The almoner ; or, fl.] Le clialloic- ment d'un piire a fon fils ; tiadudion en vers Fran^ais [du meme ou^»\li;e.] 2 jiartie.s. 8' Paris, 1 824. Dialogi ledu digniilinii. [Max. Blbl'wthcca velrrum Pa- TRUM, xxi. 172.] io6 ALPINUS— ALSTENUS ALPINUS (Marcus Tatius). ProfeHbr of law at Ingolftadt, in the former half of the i6th century. Ad Wolphgangum Hungerum epiftola, in qua fui turn per lancem et liciuni conceptum quid (It, aliter quam haftenus, explicatur, et juris et literamra (ludiis cognitu utilis futura. Accedit Viti Amerpachii ad Andream Alciatum epiftola de furto per lancem et liciura concepto, fub cujus initium etiam oftenditur quidfignificarevideatur Juftinianus per aquam profluentem in Tit. de rerum divifione. [Meerman, Novus thefaurus juris civUts et canonici, vii. 799-] ALPINUS (Prosper). B. at Maroftica, in the Venetian territory, 23 Nov. 1553. Studied medicine at Padua, and having taken the degree of M.D. 28 Aug. 1578, began to pra(^/«.] Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. 12° Amfterdam, 1780. Amadis de Gaul, a poem in three books, freely trandated from the firlt part of the French verfion of Nicholas de Heiberay, Sieur des Eflliis, witli notes, by William Stewart Rofe. 8° Lond. 1803. AMADODDINUS, Ispahanensis. S])ecimen ex hilloria Saladini. [Bohadinus, Vita et m gejlif Salailini.^ AMAGER. Beflirivelfe over Amager og Saltholm. 1758. [liy Laurids de Thurah.] AMALARIUS. An ccclcfiaftic.il writer, and one of the clergy of the cathedral at Mctz, in the 9th century. D. about 837. De ecclefiaftico officio libelli quatuor. De ordine anti- 112 AMALBERGA— AMATO phonaiii liber. \_Max. Bibliotheca vetcrum Patrum, xiv. 934-] Supplementum ad libi"um iv. Araalarii de officiis divinis, five ejus libii caput xlviii. de eo quod S. Benediftus non- nulla in officio divino aliter coniHtuit, quam folerent a clericis fieri. [Mabillon, Vetera anakda, p. 93.] Epilloli. [d'AcHERius, Spicihgium, vii. 164.] AMALBERGA. * De S. Amalberga, virgine, et de Rodino ejus fratre monacho CafinenC. VpAh^i-Lho^, A3a fan8oru7n O.S.B. iii. ii. 217.] AMALIE, Princess of Saxony. Daughter of Prince Maximilian, the younger brother of Frederick Auguftus, King of Saxony. B. loth Aug. 1794. Six dramas illuftiative of German life : from the original of the Princefs Amalie of Saxony. 12° Lond. 1848. AMALRICUS AUGERII. See AvGi-uu AMALTHEUS (Cornelius). Third fon of Francifcus Amaltheus. E. at Oderzo, 1530. D. 1603. Poemata. [Gruter, Delit'ne poetarum Italonim, i. 75.] — \Carmhia ilhijlrhun poetarum Italorum, i. 178.] AMALTHEUS (Hieronymus). The eldeft fon of Francifcus Amaltheus. B. at Oderzo, 1 506. ProfelTor of medicine and afterwards of philofophy at Padua, which he quitted to pradtife as a phyfician in his native diftrift. D. 24 Od. 1574. Trium fratrum Amaltheorum, Hieronymi, lo. Baptiftae, Cornelii, carraina. Editio fecunda, plurimis in locis cafli- gata. 1 2 ° Amftelasdami, 1689. Poemata. [Gruter, Delit'ne poetarum Italorum, i. 65.] — \JJarmma illujlr'iwn poetarum Italorum, i. I 36.] AMALTHEUS (Joannes Baptista). Poemata. [Gruter, Del'it'ie poetarum Italorum, i. 79.] — \Carm\na illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 1 48.] Canzone. [Rubbi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. I I 8.] AMAMA (Nicolaus ab). B. at Franeicer, 161S. D. 1656. Diffeitationum marinaram decas ; in qua, prater marina problemata, varia paffim fundamentalia e folidioris philofophias principiis, dedufta, dogmata difcutiuntur. 8" Franekerx, 165 i. AMAMA (Sixtinus). B. at Franeker, 16 Oft. 1593. Studied at the univerfity of his native town, and, in 1 61 3, went to Oxford, where he refided in Exeter College, engaged in the ftudy of theology, and giving private inftruftion in Hebrew. Succeeded Drufius as profelFor of Hebrew in the Univerfity of Franeker, 1618. D. 9 Nov. 1629. Cenfura vulgatas verfionis quinque librorum Mofis. [Cri- Tici sacri, tom. i. and ii.] De decimis. [Ibid. i. ii. 21 I.] ! Notas in libros hiftoricos, Pfalmos, Proverbia, et EccleC- j aften. [Ibid. tom. iii. and iv.] AMANATUS (Jacobus). 5'ff Jacobus Piccolomineus. AMANDUS. * Vita S. Amandi, epifcopi Trajeftenfis, auftore Baude- MUNDO. Annales S. Amandi breves annorum 742-855. [Pertz, Monumenta Germaniit hijlorica, ii. 184.] AMANELLUS, de Claris-aquis. SingiJaria [juris ;] multis in locis a Domin. Gabriele Sa- rayna ... additionibus audla. [Singularia DoSorum, ii. 70.] AMANIO (NiccoLo). An Italian poet, a native of Cremona, who lived in the former part of the i6th century. Sonetto. [Rubbi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. 91.] AMANIUS (Paulus). In effigiem Afcanii Maria; Cardinalis Sfortiae. [Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 185.I AMANTIUS (Barptholomeus). B. at Landiberg, in Bavaria, about the beginning of the i6th century. Profeflbr of law at Tiibingen, and afterwards at Greifs- wald. The date of his death is not known. Infcriptiones facrofandlae vetuftatis non iUas quidem Ro- mans, fed totius fere orbis ... Petrus Apianus ... & Barp- tholomeus Amantius ... ded. 1534- AMARASINHA. See Paulinus a S. Bartholomaeo. AMARI (Michele). B. at Palermo, 7 July, 1S06. The Anglo-French mediation in Sicily ; or, poftfcriptum to " Sicily and the Boiubons." Tranflated from the French. 8° Lond. 1849. Hiftory of the war of the Sicilian Vefpers ... Edited, with introdudlion and notes, by the Earl of Ellefmere. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1850. AMASIS. King of Egypt. Succeeded Apries. 569 B.C. D. 525 B.C. 'EmoToXrt rriog Xloy^uy.oaTr,t aiyjiiru. 2a,uou. [Epistol* di-uerforum philofophorum ... Apud Aldum. 1499.] AMATIS (Marcus Antonius de). An Italian lawyer, a native of Rome, who lived at the end of the 1 6th and beginning of the 17th century. Vincentii Caroccii ... et Marc. Ant.de Amatis ... De- cifionum libri 11. 1602. DeciCones alms Rota: Ferrarienfis ... 4° Leodii, 1625. AMATO (Antoninus de). A jurift of Palermo, who was held in great efteem for his learning and eloquence. D. 31 July, 1653. Varias refolutiones juris, forenfes et prafticabiles : in quibus quxftiones, in dies fere occurrentes controuerfoe, dilucide con- tinentur, qui juris proprii Siculi interpret.atione, et decifioni- bus tribunalium exornantiu" ... Pars prima [et fecunda.] fol. Lugd. 166s. AMATO— AMBROSIUS 113 AMATO (Elias de). A Carmelite monk. B. at Montalto, 1666. D. 1747. Mufeum literarium in quo peni^ omnium fcii])ton]m dubia, fuppofitia, maledica, falfa, fabulofa, fatyrica, proicrii)ta, anony- ma, fufFurata, infulfa, putidaque monumenta, eruditomni cii- terio ftri(5lim cxpcnduntur. 4° Ncapoli, 1730. AMAYA (Franciscus de). B. at Antequera, province of Grenada. Profeflor at Sala- manca. Flourished during the former half of the 17th century. Obfei"vationum juris libri ties. 4° Coloniae Allobrogum, 1656. Opera juridica, feu commcntarii in tres pofteriores libros Codicis Imp. luftiniani, necnon obfcn^ationes iuris nunc nouiter additx ; quibus accedunt apologia eiufdem audtoris pro ftatuto Collegii Maioris Conchcnfis, contra calumniam D. loan, de Efcobar ... fol. Lugd. 1667. AMAZON. Narrative of the lofs of the Amazon fteam-veflel, on Sun- day morning, Jan. 4, 1852. 8° Lond. 1852. Sorrow on the fea ; being an account of the lofs of the fteam-fliip "Amazon," by fire. 12° Lond. 1852. The lofs of the Amazon. Papers for young men. No. II. 12° Lond. 1852. AMBIDEXTER (John). Beware of the Bloomers 1 A warning ciy to tlie long robe. 8° Lond. 185 i. AMBIGU. L'Ambigu, ou varietes litteraires et politiques : recueil periodique public par M. Peltier. Tom. 4—50. 8" Lond. 1804-15. AMBITION. Ambition. 1&25. [7?)' Mifs M. G. Lewis.] AMBLER (Charles). Pradtifcd for nearly forty year? as a barrifter in the Court of Chancery. Created a king's counfel in 1761, and for feveral years held the office of attorney-general to the Qi^een. D. 1 794. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the High Court of Chanceiy, with fome few in other courts. fol. Lond. 1790. — The fecond edition, with corrections from the regif- trar's books, &c., references to fubfequent cafes, a new index, and a lift of the c;ifes cited or referred to in the text. By John Elijah Blunt. 8° Lend. 1828. AMBOISE (Adrian d'). Devifes royales. AMBOISE (Francois d'). 8° Pa 162 I. B.at Paris about the middle of the i6th century. D. about i6zo. Difcours ou traidle des devifes ; oil eft mife la raifon et difference des emblemes enigmes, fentcnces ct autres : pris et compile des cahiers de feu Meflire Francois d'Aniboife ... pajr Adrian d'Amboife fon fils. 8° Paiis, 1620. VOL. I. AMBRES (Baron d'). Memoires des guerres de la ligue en Langucdoc. [Pieces fugitives pour ferv'ir a I'hijloire de France, torn, ii.] AMBROSE (Isaac). B. in Lancafhirc, 1 592. Educated at Brafcnofc College, Ox- ford. Having joined the Preibytcrian party, he was minifter fuccefTively at Garftang and at Prefton. D. 1674. The Chriftian warrior wreftling with fin, Satan, the world and the flefh : abridged, methodized, and improved, by the Rev. Thomas Jones. 8° Lond. 1837. AMBROSE MACLANDRETH. Ambrofe Maclandreth ; or, the religious enthufiaft. AMBROSE WARD. 12° Lond. 1851. Ambrofe Ward ; or, the diffenter reclaimed : a tale for the times. 12° Lond. 1844. AMBROSINUS (Bartholom^us). B. 1588. ProfelTor of botany at the Univerfity of Bologna. D, 1657. Panacea ex herbis quae a fanftis denominantur cocinnata ... cui acceffit capficomm cii fuis iconibus breuis hiftoria. 8" Bononis, 1630. AMBROSINUS (Hyacinthus). B. 1605. Succeeded his brother Bartholompfus in the chair of botany at Bologna. D. 1672. Hortus ftudioforum, five catalogus aiborum, fmticurti, fuf- fruticum, ftirpium et plantaram omnium quse hoc anno 1 657, in ftudioforum horto publico Bonon. coluntur. 4° Bononioe, 1657. AMBROSIUS. B. at Treves, 340. Bifliop of Milan, 374. D. at Milan, 397. Omnia quotquot extant opera, primum per Des. Erafmum Rotcrodamum, mox per Sig. Gelenium, deinde per alios eni- ditos uiros diligenter caftigata : nunc uero poftremilm per loannem Cofterium, ad plurium antiquorum codicum colla- tione ... emendata ... 5 tom. fol. Balilea', 1555—67. Opera, ad manufcriptos codices Vaticanos,Gallicanos, Bel- gicos, &c., nec-non ad editiones veteres emendata, ftudio et labore monachorum ordinis S. BenediifH, i: congregatione S. Mauri. 2 tom. fol. Parifiis, 1686—90. Btginninir : — Incipit liber fanifti Ambrolii de obitu fratris fui Satyri farnffi. End: — Sandli Ambrofi archiepifcopi medlolanenfis opuf- culum de obitu Satyri fiatris fui : una cum libello de refuj- reftioe Et cruce domini. Et de bono mortis Felicitcr cx- ])licit. Mli [A/jv/wA/n/] Imprefllim per magiftru Vldericu fcinzenzeler teutonicfi Opera & imiienfi domini Philippi Lauagnia; ciuis mediolanefis Anno dfii. M.cccc.lxxxviii. Die uero xvii Januarii. 4° Bcg'mniiig : — Vita fanc^i Ambrofii Mediolanefis cpifcopi fecudum paulinum epifcopum nolanum ad beatum uuguftinum epifcopum. F.riil : — Vita excelletiffmii ccclefii dodloris Diui Am- brofii archiepifcopi Mediolanefis per Paulinu cpifcopu Nol- £;aj MToij-Mrnia. Ammonii Hermix in libi-um Ariftotelis De in- terpretatione commentaiia. \Gr. oiily.^ 8° Venetiis, 1 545. E;5 TO TOM A^iSTOTiXoMi ffe»( ioij.r,\iiag Tiir,ii.a ituTtiov Mrro/Mti/Mu : cum Latina verfionc. [Alexander, Aplirodi- fienfis, De fato. Lond. 1658.] AMMONIUS, Saccas. A Chriftian philofopher, who lived at Alexandria in the 3d century, D. 243, Sandlonam quatuor cvangeliorum harmonia. [Afa,v. Biblio- theca veterum Patrum, iii. 266.] AMMONIUS (Andreas). B. at Lucca, 1477. Vifited England, and obtained the ap- pointment of fecretary for Latin correfpondence to Henry VIIL At the time of his death, which happened at London in 151 7, he filled the office of nuncio from Leo X, to the Englifli court, Ecloga I. [J. Oporinus, Bucolicorum autores xxxviii. P- 725-] AMORINUS (OcTAvius). An Italian jurift, b, at Bologna, Appointed profeflbr of the Panders in the univerfity of that city, 1595, which office he held for five years. The date of his death is not known. In Pandedf. lib. quintum fcholafticae interpretationes. fol. Bononix, 1620. In titulos de padl. et de tranfafl. fcholafticx interpreta- tiones. 4° Bononix, 1 6 2 i . AMOR PATRI^. Hints for radical leform, on principles of equity. 8° Lond. 1S21. AMOR PATRI^. Induftry, education, and public Witue ; or meafures for a new parliament to complete under a liberal and enlightened Government ; fuggefted by iVnior Patrix, in tliree letters to Lord John Ruifell. 8° Lond. [1846.] AMORT (EusEBius). B.atBibcrmilhle, nearTolz, in Upper Bavaria, 15 Nov. 1692. Chaplain to the bilhop of .'Vuglburg, and dean of the church of Pollingcn, D, 5 Feb. 1775. De origine, progreffu, valore, ac fru(5lu indulgentiarum, nee non de difpofitionibus ad eas lucrandas requifitis, accurata notitia hiftorica, dogmatica, polemica, critica. fol. Augultx Vindel. et Grxcii, 1735. Supplcmentum ; in quo continentur quxlHones praiflicx, in materia indulgentiarum jjixcipux ; cum ref])onfis ac decretis S. Congregationis indulgentiarum, ab anno 1710 ufque ad annum 1735 recentilliniis. fol. Augurtx Vindel. et Grxcii, 1736. Deduftio ciitica, qua, juxta fanioris criticx leges, moralitei- certum redditur Vcn. Thomani Kemi)enfeni librorum de imi- tationeChiilH au(5foiem efle. Cum refponfiiine ad op])()fitiones Geifenillx Schyrends frivolas eo modo fcrii)ta, ut ])ro general! formula circa controvorlias hilloiicas de Icrijitis, documentis monumentis vel acflis publicis veterani haberi poflit. 40 Auguftx Vindel. I 76 I. AMORY (Thomas). B. about 1691, D, 25 Nov, 17S8, An antiquarian dodor's fermon, on an antiquated fubjc<5* ; lately found among the fweepings of his ftudy ; compofcd 120 AMORY— AMSDORF with a view to reftore an excellent old cuftom once prevalent in this ifland, but now through long difufe and the prevalency of modern manners, almoft entirely banifhed from Court and Senate, Church and State, Law and Phyfic, Prieft and People. Publiftied as a fmall appendix to the Confeffiona]. [y4/jo/i.~\ 8° Lond. 1768. The life of John Buncle, Efq., containing various obfer- vations and refleflions made in feveral parts of the world, and many extraordinaiy relations. A new edition, [jlnon.^ 4 vols. 12° Lond. 1770. — Another edition. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1S25. AMORY (Thomas), D.D. B. at Taunton, 28 Jan. 1700-1. Minifter of a congregation of diilenters in that town, from which he removed to London in 1759, ^^ ^'^ appointment to the paftorate of a chapel in the Old Jewry. D. 24 June, 1774. A dialogue on devotion after the manner of Xcnophon . . . to which is prefixed a converfation of Socrates on the being and providence of God. Tranflated from the Greek. The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1746. AMOS. See Bible. AMOS (Andrew). B. 1794. Educated at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cam- bridge, of which fociety he became a Fellow. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's-Inn, 181S. Succeeded Lord Macaulay as legal member of the Supreme Council of India. Soon after his return to England, he became profeflbr of law in the L'niverfity of London, and in 1849 was appointed Downing profelTor of the laws of England in the Univerfity of Cambridge. D. at Cam- bridge, 8 May, 1S60. Report of trials in the courts of Canada, relative to the delliudion of the Earl of Selkirk's fettlement on the Red River; with obfervations. 8° Lond. 1820. A treatife on the law of fixtures, and other property, par- taking both of a real and perfonal natui'e ... with an appen- dix, containing praftical rules and direftions refpeiSing the removal, purchafe, valuation, etc., of fixtures, between land- lord and tenant, and outgoing and incoming tenants. By A. Amos, Efq., and J. Ferard, Efq. 8° Lond. 1827. — The fecond edition, edited by Jofeph Ferard. 8° Lond. 1847. An introdudlory le<5lure upon the ftudy of Englifh law, delivered in the Univeifity of London on Monday, Novem- ber 2, 1829. 8° Lond. 1829. The great oyer of poifoning : the trial of the Earl of Somerfet for the poifoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, in the Tower of London. 8° Lond. 1846. An introdu<51oiy lefture on the laws of England, delivered in Downing College, Cambridge, on Oft. 23, a.d. 1850. 8° Cambridge, 1850. On the expediency of admitting the teftimony of parties to fuits in the new county courts, and in the courts of Weft- minfter Hall, to which are appended general remarks relative to the new county courts. 8° Cambridge, 1850. Ruins of time, exemplified in Sir Matthew Hale's Hillory of the pleas of the crown. 8° Lond. 1856. The Englilh conftitution in the reign of King Charles the Second. 8° Lond. 1857. Obfervations on the ftatutes of the Reformation Parlia- ment in the reign of King Henry the Eighth. 8^ Lond. 1859. Four leftures on the advantages of a claflical education, as an auxiliaiy to a commercial education, with a letter to Dr. Whewell upon the fubjedt of his traft " On liberal edu- cation." 8° Lond. 1846. Gems of Latin poetiy, with tranflations by various authors. To which are added notes and illuftrations. 8 ° Cambridge, 1 8 5 1 . Martial and the modems. 8° Cambridge, 1858. AMOUR (Louis GoRiN de Saint). 5^^ Saint Amour. AMPELIUS (Lucius). A Roman author, concerning whom nothing certain is known. It is commonly alTerted that he lived in the latter part of the 4th centui-y, in the reign of Theodofius the Great ; but from certain ftatements in his works, it feems more probable that he flourilhed at leaft a century earlier. Liber memorialis in ufum fcholaium emendatus et fubiedlis notis inluftratus. 12° Lipfiae, 1793. — [L. A. Florus, Epitome rerum Romanarum.^ Delle cofe mirabili del mondo, e pardcolarmente de' Ro- mani. [Astolfi, OJJicina h'ljlorica. 1659.] AMPHIBIA. Tabular view of the orders and leading families of Rep- TiLiA and amphibia. [1861.] AMPHILOCHIUS. A native of Cappadocia. Succeeded Fauftinus, as bifhop of Iconium, about a.d. 371. D. about 399. Orationes et homilise. ^Max. Bibliotheca veterum Pa- TRUM, V. 1058.] Epiftola fynodica. [^Gr. and Lat. Cotelerius, Ecclejtx Grceas monumenia, ii. 99.] AMPHITRYON. Manuel des Amphitryons ... Par I'auteur de I'Almanach des gourmans. 1808. \^By A. B. L. Grimod de la Rey- ni^re.] AMPHLETT (John). A key to the meafuring and knowledge of fcripture eras and generations, with their times. To which are added, a defcripuve introdudion, and fifteen tables, by way of ex- amples. 8° Lond. 1855. AMPHLETT (William). The emigrant's direffoiy to the weflem ftates of North America ... 8° Lond. 1819. AMPTHILL. Lines written at AmpthiU Park Luttrel.] 18 19. [By Henry AMSDORF (Nicolas von). B. at Zfchepe, in Saxony, 3 Dec. 1483. Studied at the Univerfity of Wittenberg, where he was appointed profeflor of AMSTERDAM— ANABAPTISTS 121 divinity, 1511. Became a zealous fupporter of Luther, whom he accompanied, in 1 52 1 , to the Diet of Worms. Confecratcd bifhop of Naumburg, 20 Jan. 1542. D. 14 May, 1565. Die Haubt-aitickel durch wclche genicyne Chriftenheyt byffhere vcrfuret wordcn ift. Daneben auch Grand unnd Antzeygen eyns gantzen rechtcn chriftclicheti weflens. 4° Wittembcrg, 1522. Ein Kurtzer aufTzug aufs der Cronica Naucleri, wie untrewlich, aigenwillig, iind betiiiglich die Bapfte zu Rom mit den Rhoniifchen Kayfern beuoiab Teutfchcs namens und bluts gehandelt haben. 4° n. p. 1545- Unterricht und Vcrmanung auffs newe Jar, fo ich den groflen Herrn diefcr Welt gefchanckt habe. 4° Regcnfpurg, I 561. Ein gut newe Jar, den groflen Herrn in diefer Welt gefchanckt. 4° Regenfpurg, 1561. AMSTERDAM. Le guide d'Arafterdam, ou defcription de cc qu'il y a de plus intereffant. 8" Amfterdam, 1802. AMTHOR (Christoph Heinrich). B. at Stolberg about 167S. ProfelTor of law in the Univer- fity of Kiel, 1705. Hiftoriographer of Denmark, 171 3. D. 21 Feb. 1 72 1. Hiftorifche und vernunfFt - ni affige Unterfuchung der Urfachen, durch welche die zwifchen Dennemarck und Schweden von etwa hundert Jahien heiTorgefallenc Streitig- keiten und Befehdungen fich entfponnen. Sonderlich aber der bey dem letzt enllandenen und annoch fortwahienden Kriege von einem Theil gefiihrter Bewegungs-Griinde ... Von einem Dennemarcker der unpartheyifchcn Welt zur Priifung iibergeben. [Anon.'\ 4" n. p. 1715. AMULO. Archbifliop of Lyons, 16 Jan. 841. D. about 852. Epiftolx et opufcula. [Max. Bibliolhaa •vetcnim Pa- TRUM, xiv. 329.] AMUSEMENT. Poetic amufements at a villa near Bath. '775. \^By Chri(lo])her Anstey.] Fafliionablc amufements. 8° Lend. 1827. Amufement in high life. 12° Lond. I 8 40. Every family's book of amufements : comprifing an ample collc(51ion of games of Ikill and chance, as alfo of intelleiftual and athletic amufements ... By the author of "Every family's book of health and domedic economy." 12° Lond. n. d. AMY. Amy's kitchen. i860. [By Mrs. Mackarness.] AMY. Amy's trials ; or, a charafler mifunderflood. By the author of " Alice Gray." 8° Lond. n. d. AMY CARLTON. Amy Carlton ; or, fnfl days at Ichool : a tale for tiie young. 8° Lond. 1856. AMYGDALA BRITANNICA. Amygdala Briumnica: .ilmonds for parrets... 1647. \ By George Wither.] AMY GRANT. Amy Grant ; or, the one motive : a tale defigncd princi- pally for the teacheis of the children of the jioor. 8" Oxford, 1854. AMY HERBERT. Amy Herbert ... 1S44. [By Mifs E. Sewell.] AMY PAUL. Amy Paul. 1852. [By Arthur Stanley Jackson.] AMYNTOR. Amyntor and Theodora ; or, the hermit : a poem in three cantos. 1747. [5y Da\'id Mallet.] AMYOT (Joseph). B. atTouIon, 1718, Jefuit miflionary in China. D. at Pekin, 1794. Di(5lionnaire T.irtare-Mantchou Fran5ois,compofe d'apris un Didlionnaire Mantchou-Chinois ; ledige ct public avec des additions et I'Alphabet de cctte langue, par L. Langl^s. 3 tom. 4° Paris, 1789-90. AMYOTT. The Amyotts' home ; or, life in childliood. 12^ Lond. 1850. AMYRAULT (Moyse). B. at Bourgueil, prov. of Anjou, Sep. 1596. Educated at Sau- mur under Cameron. D. July, 1664. Confiderations fur les droits par lefqucls la nature a reiglc les mariages. 8° Saumur, 1648. Traitte des religions contre ccux qui les elHment toutes indiffercntes. Divife en trois parties. Seconde edition, reveuc, corrigee, et augmentee. 4° Saumur, 1652. Thefes theologica; de peccato in Spiritimi Sandlum. 4- Salmurii, 1653. Thefes theologicte de vi boni nior.ilis: utrum natura lit im- mutabile, an non. 4° Salmurii, 1654. Tliefes theological de excommunicatione. 4° Salmurii, 1655. La vie de Frangois, Seigneur de la Noue, dit Bras-de- Fer. 4" Leide, 1 661. AMY WILSON. Amy Wilfon ; a ftory of the feafons. By tlie author of " Lizzie Martin," " Tiie pearl ring," &c. &c. 8' Lond. [1861.] ANABAPTISTS. A warning for England, efpeci;iliy lor London ; in the fuiious liillory of the IVantick Anabaptills, their wild preach- ings and prac'lices in Germany. 1642. [Hdilr'uin Mis- cellany, vii. 361.] A Ihort liilloiy of tlie Anabaptills of High and Low Ger- many. 4' Lond. 1647. A confeflion of f.iith, of the feveral! congregations or K 122 ANACHARSIS— ANACREON churches of Chrift in London, which are commonly (though unjuftly) called Anabaptifts ... Unto which is added Heart- bleedings for profeflbrs abominations : or a faithfull generall epiftle (from the fame churches) prefented to all who have known the way of truth ... Fourth impreflion. 4° Leith, 1653. Forgeiy detefled, and innocency vindicated : being a faithful account of an horrid and deteftable (lander raifed on the Anabaptifts of New-England, in that diabolical pamph- let, entituled Mr. Baxter baptiz'd in blood : deligning fo malicioufly the reproach and expofure of all under that de- nomination. 4° Lond. 1673. Hiftoire des Anabaptiftes ... 1699. [By Frangois Ca- TROU.] A caveat againft the new feft of Anabaptifts, lately fprung up at Exon ... I 7 14. [By John Withers.] ANACHARSIS. A Stvthian philofopher, of princely rank, whovifited Athens in purluit of" knowledge, at the time that Solon was occupied with his legiflative meafures. His reputation for wifdom was fuch, that he has been placed by fome among the feven fages. Shortly after his return to his native country, Thrace, he was killed by his brother, Saulius j whether by accident or defign is not well afcertained. E-/(TroXa/ AvayjxoGihog AOr,vQ.iotg. [Epistolje ^her/orum phtIofophorn?7i ... Apud Aldum, 1499.] ANACHARSIS. A poem : addrelTed to Bailie Thomas Smith. [Tn two cantos.] By AnachaiTis. 8° Edinb. 1799. ANACLETUS II. Pietro di Leone, a native of Rome, was eledted Pope, by a majority of the cardinals, after the death of Honorius II. in 1130. Sixteen other cardinals, however, elected Innocent II., and Anacletus is ufually conlidered an anti-pope. D. 21 Jan. Anacleti antipapge epiftolx ix. [Bouquet, Recue'ildes hif- toriens des Gaules et de la France, xv. 360.] ANACREON. B. at Teos, in Ionia, about B.C. 560. . D, B.C. 475. AvaxosoiTog, xai aXXav tivuv Xu^ithiiii toitjtojv /j,iXr,. Anacreontis et aliorum lyricoram aliquot poctarum ods : in eafdem Henr. Stephani obfeniationes : eaedem Latina:. 8' Parifiis, 1556. Les poefies d'Anacreon et de Sapho, traduites de Giec en Francois, avec des remarques par Mademoifelle Le Fevre. [Gr. and Fr.'] 12° Paris, 168 I. Le poefie d'Anacreonte, tradotte in verfo Tofcano, e d'annotazioni illuftrate. [By Regnier Dcfmarais.] \Gr. and ItaL'\ 8° Parigi, 1693. Les odes d'Anacreon et de Sapho en vers Fran9ois par le poete Sans Faid [i.e. Frant]ois Gacon.^ [Gr. and Fr.^ 12° Rotterdam, 17 12. Anacreontis, Teii, ods et fragmenta, Grsce et Latine, cum notis Joannis Cornelii de Pauw. 4° Trajcfti ad Rhenum, 1732. Anacreon, Teius, poeta lyricus, fumma cura et diligentia, ad fidem etiam vet. MS. Vatican, emendatus, priftino nitori, numerifque fuis reftitutus, dimidia fere parte auftus : aliquot nempe juftis poematiis, et fragmentis plurimis, ab undiquaque conquifitis ; item Anacreontis vita, tradtatus de lyrica poefi, &c. ... opera et ftudio Jofux Barnes ... Editio tertia ... [Gr. and La/.^ 8° Lond. 1734. Avax^iovTog T'/jiov /j,£}.r}. Anacreontis, Teii, carmina: ac- curate edita; cum notis perjjetuis; et verfione Latina, numeris elegiacis paraphraftice exprelTa. Accedunt ejufdem, ut peihi- bentur, fragmenta, et poetrix Sapphus, quae fuperfunt. Editio fecunda. 8° Lond. 1742. A/ rci-j AvaxPiotiro; uioai, y.ai ra rr^c SaTpou;, xai ra. tom AXxaiD-j Aii-^ava. 8 Glafguas, 1757. AiazoEOKTOs Triiou ihiXri. Anacreontis, Teii, odaria ; prae- fi.xo commentario quo poetas genus tiaditur et bibliotheca Anacreonteia adumbratur. Additis var. leilionibus. [Greek only^ 4° Parmas, [1784.I — Another edition. 8° Parmae, 1791. Anacreontis, Teii, carmina Graece e recenfione Guilielmi Baxteri cum eiufdem notis, teitium edidit varietatemque lec- tionis atque fragmenta cum fuis animadverfionibus adiecit loan. Fnder. Fifchems. 8° Lipfii, I 793. A/ Tw Avaxgioi/TOi u8ai. The odes of Anacreon : lite- rally tranflated into Englifh profe. [Gr. and £ng.^ 8° York, 1796. Anacreontica Grxce ... Recenfuit notifque criticis in- ftruxit Fiidericus Henricus Bothe. 12° Lipfiae, 1805. Anacreontis et Sapphus carmina. Graece edidit notifque illuftravit pei-petuis ex optimis inteqiretibus, quibus et fuas adiecit Fredericus Gottlob Boin ... Editio altera ... S° Lipfiae, 1809. Anacreontis nomine qux feruntur carmina. Textum re- cenfuit et animadverfionibus criticis illuftravit Ern. Antonius Moebius. 12° Hals, 1 8 i o. Anacreontis carmina qus exftant, cum clavi ad eorum intelligentiam annexa, et vocum fingularum explanatione ... Studio et opera Antonii Brumek. t2° Lond. 1820. Anacreontis carmina Giaece cum fcleftis obfervationibus edidit Guflavus Guil. Gumaslius. 8^ Upfalis, 1824. A/ rov AvaxgtovTog udai, xai ra rr,g ^arripoug, xai to. tou AX-xaiou Xii-^ava. The odes of Anacreon ; with the frag- ments of Sappho and Alcasus : literally tranflated into Eng- lifh profe, by Thomas Orger, LL.D. [Gr. and Eng.'\ 8° Lond. 1825. — [Gr. and Lat. Lectius, Poeta Graci -veleres tragic!, i^c., ii. 100.] Anacreontis, Teii, antiquiffimi poetae lyrici, ods; ab Helia Andiea Latinae faftae ... 8° Lutetiae, 1556. Anacreonte, poeta Greco, tradotto in verfo Tofcano, da Baitolomeo Corfini. i2°Parigi, 1672. The works of Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Mofchus and Mufasus : tranflated from the original Greek, by Francis Fawkes, M.A. 12° Lond. 1760. The odes of Anacreon : tranflated from the Greek, by the Rev. D. H. Urquhart, M.A. 8° Lond. 1787. Anacreonti,quastribuuntur,carminum paraphraCs elegiaca; aucftore J. H. Hoeufft. 8° Dordraci, 1795. Tentamen Anacreonteum alteram ; five, Anacjeontis, quae dicuntur, odaria, totidem verfibus et eodem metro Latine reddita a J. H. HoeufFt. 8° Dordiaci, 1797. Odes of Anacreon : tranflated into Englilh veife, with notes, by Thomas Moore, Efq. of the Middle Temple. 4° Lond. 1800. ANADOL— ANASTASIUS 123 The odes of Anacreon : rendered into Englifh metre, with explanatory notes and parallel piiffages, by F. J. Manning. 12° Lond. 1837. ANADOL. Anadol, the lad home of the faithful. 1853- [Sy James Henry Skene.] ANAEL. Gog and Magog ; or, the doom of Ruffia, as pouitrayed in the prophetic Scriptures : with remarks on the prefent crifis and the battle of Armageddon ; together with ftrictures on the pamphlet " The coming (haggle." 8° Lond. 1854. ANAGNOSTES (Joannes). A native of TheiTalonica, who was an eye-witnefs of the ftorming of that city, defcribed in the undermentioned worlc. De extremo Theflalonicenfiexcidio narratio. — Pro viribus adta monodia de excidio urbis ThefTalonicenlis. [Gr, ami LatJ\ Leone Allatio inteqirete. [Phrantzes, Xjowzok, edit. Bonn. p. 48 1.] — [Allatius, 2ufj,fi.r/.Ta, edit. Colon, p. 318; edit. Vmet. p. 96.] ANALOGY. Things divine and fupernatural conceived by analogy with things natural and human. 1733- \By Peter Browne.] Introdudtion to various eflays on the univerfal analogy be- tween the vifible and invifible worlds, particularly between the Word and the works of God, as proved by the figurative language of the Holy Scriptures : being a brief profpedlus of the matter produced and examined in the eflays, and of the manner in which it is treated. By a ftranger. 8° Lond. 18 16. ANALYST. The analyft : a montlily journal of faience, literature, and the fine arts. Vols. i-io. 8° Lond. 1834-40. ANAMODUS. Traditionum Emmerammenfium farculo ix. faftanam libri II. [Pez, L'hejaurus anecdolorum novtjfimus, 1. iii. 19 5. J ANANIA (Joannes de). ProfclTor of the canon law at Bologna. D. according to fomc, 1455, but more probably, 17 Jan. 1457. Difputatio de alienatione feudi. \{^uiiJliones juris varia ac fele3a, p. 460.] ANASTASIA. Anaftafia. 1858. [.fl> Digby P. Starkey.] ANASTASIUS. A difciple ofS. Maximus. D. 24 July, 662. Epiftola ad monachos Caralit;inos. \piax. Bibliotheca ■ueterum Patrum, xii. 85 I.] ANASTASIUS. A cardinal and librarian under Pope Stephen IJ. Lived in the latter half of the 8th century. Epitome chronicoium Caflinenfiuni, auflore, ut fertur, An- altafio. [MuRATORi, Rcnim Ilalicarum fcriptorcs,n. 345.] ANASTASIUS. A Chriftian writer of the 9th century. Liber contra Judaeos ; inteq)rete Francifco Turriano. [Canisius, Antiquic leSiones, 11. iii. 9.] — \^Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, xiii. 353.] ANASTASIUS. B. about the beginning of the nth century. D. 16 Ott. 1086. * Vita S. Anaftafii, monachi et ercmitae, audlore Gal- terio. ANASTASIUS. Eloriphonia : an expreffive bouquet, gathered and arranged for the ChrilHan ladies of Great Britain and Ireland. 12° Lond. 1850. ANASTASIUS IV. Eleiled Pope, 1153. D. 1154. Epiftola xii. [Bouquet, Recueil des hi/loriens des Gaules et de la France, xv. 655.] ANASTASIUS, Apocrisiarius S.R.E. D. II Oa. 666. Epiftola ad Theodofium, prelbytemm Gangrenfem, de obitu S. Maximi abbatis. \Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, xii. 858.] ANASTASIUS, Bibliothecarius. A native of Greece. Librarian of the Vatican. Flouriflied in the 9th century, Hiftoria ecclefiaftica, five chronographia tripertita ; ex ■MS. codice Bibliothecff Vaticance . . . Nunc denuo ad fidem veterum libromm emendata. Accedunt notae Caroli Anni- balis Fabroti, J. C. quibus obfcura quasque Anallafii illuf- tiantur ... \Corpus Hijl. Byz.] fol. Parifiis, 1649. Hiftoria de vitis Romanorum Pontificum, a B. Petro Apoft. ad Nicolaum I. numquam hacScnus typis excufa : deinde vita Hadriani II. et Stephani VI., audtore Guillelmo Bibliothecario. AccclTere varia; lecftiones ... opera Caroli Annibalis Fabroti. fol. Parifiis, 1649. — Editio tertia ; opera et ftudio Francifci Blanchini, Veronenfis. Tom. I and 2. fol. Romae, 1718-23. — [MuRATORi, Rerum Italicarum fcriptores, iii. 93.] Colle(?lanea ... in lucem edita ftudio et opera Jacobi Sirmondi. \^Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, xii. 831.] Paffio Sandli Demetiii martyris. [Madillon, Vetera analeSla, p. 172.] — Epiftolx vans. [Mabillon, Mufeum Ilalicum, 1. ii. 80.] ANASTASIUS, C^esariensis. Archbirtuip of C.Tfvrea, about the end of the nth century. De jejunio gloriofiflimx- Deiparx, quodque fervandum fit ut legitimum. [Or. and Lat. Cotelerius, Ecclefm Grtct monumenta, iii. 432.] ANASTASIUS, Sinaita. Biflioporpatriarchof Antioch, 561. D. 21 April, 599. Some of the works enumerated below have been afcribed to another writer of the lame name, who flouri/hcd in the 7th century. Obriya, feu dux via;, advcrfus Acephalos ; intcrprete 124 ANASTASIUS— ANCHARANUS Jacobo Gretfero. [71/a.v. Bihliolheca veterum Patrum, ix. 808.] Anagogicarum contemplationum divini opificii hexae- meron, ad Theophilum, libri xi. [Ibid. ix. 857.I Oiationes quinque : De SS. Trinitate. II. De incircuni- fcripto. III. De incarnatione Chrifti. IV. De paffione et impaffibilitate Chrifti. V. De refurreftione. Interprete Francifco Turriano. [Ibid. ix. 923.] — [Canisius, LeB'wnes antiquiC, i. 429.] In annunciationem beatas virginis fermones duo. [Afa.v. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, ix. 939.] Sermo in transfigurationem. [Ibid. ix. 941.] Oratio de facra fynaxi ; et de non judicando, deque ob- livione injurianim. [Ibid. ix. 943-] — [Canisius, LeSliones anliqu° Lond. i860. Tales for chLldien. Tranflated by Alfred Wehneit. 8° Lond. 1861. ANDERSEN (J. Andreas). A Dane's excuriions in Britain. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1S09. ANDERSON (A.) Manufadhiring chemift, Glafgow and Manchefter. The recent commercial diltrefs ; or, the panic analyfed : ftiowing the caufe and cure. 8" Lond. 1847. ANDERSON (Adam). B. in Scotland about 1792. Chief clerk of the ftock and annuities in the South Sea Houfe. D. in London, 10 Jan. 1765. An hifl:orical and chronological dedudlion of the origin of commerce from the earlieft accounts to the piefent time ; containing an hiftoi-y of the great commercial interefts of the Britifh Empire ... With an appendix, containing the modem politico-commercial geography of the feveral countries of Europe. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1764. — Another edition. 4 vols. 4° Lond. 1787-9. ANDERSON (^neas). A narrative of the Britifli embafly to China, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794 ... with accounts of the cuftoms and manners of the Chinefe ; and a defcription of the counti-y, towns, cities, &c. 4° Lond. 1795. A journal of the forces which failed from the Downs, in April 1800, on a fecret expedition under the command of Lieut.-Gen. Pigot, till their amval in Minoica, and con- tinued through all the fubfequent tranfaflions of the army under the command of the Right Hon. General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B., in the Mediterranean and Egypt ; and the latter operations under the commandof Lieut.-Gen. Lord Hutchinfon, K.B., to the furrender of Alexandria ; with a particular account of Malta, during the time it was fubjeft to the Britifh Government. 4° Lond. 1802. ANDERSON (Alexander). B. at Aberdeen about 1582, Profeflbr of mathematics at Paris. Supplementum Apollonii Redivivi ; five analyfis proble- matis hadlenus defiderati ad Apollonii, Pergaei, doctrinam ■j-sg; \nuasuv, a Marino Ghetaldo, patritio Ragufino, hucufque non ita pridem reflitutam ... Huic fubnexa eft variorum pro- blematum praftice. 8° Parifiis, 1612. AiTioXoyia pro Zetetico Apolloniani problematis a fe [jr. ^lexam!er Anderf(jri\ jam piidem edito in fupplementum Apollonii Redivivi. 8° Parifiis, 161 5. Ad angularum fedionum analyticen theoremata r.a^aXi- xcuTi^a- A Francifco Vieta, Fontenaenfi, primum excogi- ANDERSON 127 lata, at abfque ulla demonftratione ad nos tranfmifTa, iam tan- dem demonftrationibus confiimata. 4° Parifiis, 1615. VindicisB Archimedis : five elenchus cyclometrix novaj, a Philippo Lanfbergio nuper editoe. 4° Paris, 1616. ANDERSON (Alexander), A.M. The Scottifh univeifity fyltem : ])roblem of reconciling the elevation of its rtandard with the maintenance of its public utility ; with a refeience to tlie qiieftion of college fufion in Aberdeen. 8° Edinb. 1859. ANDERSON (Andrew), M.D. LeiSurer on the pra£lice of medicine in Anderfon's Univer- ilty, Glalgow. Ten ledtures introdu<5lor)' to the ftudy of fevci'. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. ANDERSON (Arthur). Steam communication with India : a letter to the direc- tors of the projedted Eaft Indian Steam Navigation Com- pany ; containing a praftical expofition of the profpedts of that propofed undertaking, and of the real ftate of the quef- tion of ftcam communication with India. 8° Lond. 1840. Communications with India, China, &c. : obfervations on the prafticability and utility of opening a communication be- tween the Red Sea and the Mediterranean by a fhip canal, through the ifthmus of Suez ; with an outline map of the ifthmus and Lower Egypt, fhowing the track of the ancient as well as of the propofed canal. 8° Lond. 1843. ANDERSON (Caroline D.) Practical religion exemplified by letters and paflages from the life of the late Robert Anderson, peqjetual curate of Trinity Chapel, Brighton. ANDERSON (Charles). Ancient models ; or, hints on church-building. A new edition. 12° Lond. 1841. ANDERSON (Sir Charles), Bart. An eight weeks' journal in Norway, &c., in 1852. 12° Lond. 1853. ANDERSON (Christopher). B at Edinburgh, 19 February, 1782. Baptift minifterin Edin- burgh, 1806. D. 5 Sep. 1851. The genius and defign of the domeftic conllitution, with its untransferable obligations and peculiar advant;iges. 8" Edinb. 1826. — Another edition, entitled. The domertic conllitution ; or, the family circle the fource and teft of national (tability. 8° Edinb. 1847. Hiftorical fltetches of the ancient native Iridi and their dcfcendants ; illuftrativc of their part and prcfent ftate witii regard to literature, education, and oral inftru(5tion. 12' Edinb. 1828. The Englifli Scriptures : their fiift reception and effe(5ts ; including memorials of Tyndale, Fiyth, Coverdale and Rogers, afligning to each his refpective place in the produdlion of the Enghfli Bible. 8^ Edinb. 1835. The annals of the Englifh Bible. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1845. — Another edition, edited by Hugh Anderfon. 8° Lond. 1862. The fingular introdudlion of the Englifh Bible into Bri- tain and its confequences : illuftrative of the paramount duty and imperative obligation of Britifli Chriftians to other na- tions in the prefent eventful period. 8° Lond. 1849. * Life and letters. 1^54- By Hugh Anderson. ANDERSON (D.) A fermon preached at St. Mai'y's Church, Swanfea, at the autumnal meeting of the clergy of the deanery of Gower, on Wed., Oft. 27, 1 8 19. [Col. ii. 8.] 4° Swanfea, [18 19.] ANDERSON (David). The martial achievements of Sir William Wallace : an hiftoiical i>lay, in five adls. 8 Aberdeen, 1 8 2 i . ANDERSON (David), M.A. Two fermons preached at St. Paul's chapel, ICilbum, in December, 1 8 47, on occafion of the death of Ellen, wife of the Rev. David Anderfon ; by David Anderfon and Ed- ward Rhys Jones, M.A. 12° Lond. 1848. ANDERSON (David), D.D. Confccrated biihop of Rupert's Land, 1S49. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Ru- pert's Land, at his primaiy vifitation. 8° Lond. 185 I. The feal of apoftlelhip : an ordination femion, pi-eached at St. Andrew's church. Red River, on Sunday, December 22, 1850. [l Cor. ix. 2.] 8° Lond. 1851. Children inftead of fathers : a Chriftmas ordination fer- mon, preached at St. John's church. Red River, on Sunday, December 25, 1853. [P.r. xlv. 16.] 8° Lond. 1854. A charge delivered to the clergy of tlie diocefe of Ru- pert's Land, at his triennial vifitation, in July and December, 1853. 8° Lond. 1854. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Ru- pert's Land, at his triennial vifitation, May 29, 1856. 8° Lond. 1 856. The winner of fouls : a new-year ordination femion, preached at Saint John's church. Red River, on Tuefd.iy, January I, 1856. [Prov. k\. 30.] 8° Lond. 1856. The heart given to God and the work : an ordination fermon, preached in tlie cathedral of Chrift church, Oxford, on Sunday, December 21, 1S56. [Prov. xxiii. 26.] S' Lond. 1857. Britain's anfwer to the nations : a miflionaiy fermon, ])reached in St. Paul's cathedral, on Sunday, May 3, 1857. [/fiiiah xiv. 327.] 8° Lond. 1857. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocele o( Ru- pert's Land, in St. John's church, Red River, at his trien- nial vifitation, January 6, i860. 8° Lend. i860. 128 ANDERSON Notes of the flood at the Red River, 1S52. 8° Lend. [1852.] The net in the bay ; or, journal of a vifit to Moofe and Albany. 8° Lond. 1854. ANDERSON (David John). " For Mordecai was a Jew." Jewifli emancipation : a voice from Ifrael. 8° Lond. 1857. ANDERSON (Duncan). Hiftoiy of the abbey and palace of Holvrood. 8° Edinb. n. d. ANDERSON (Sir Edmund). B. at Flixborough, Lincolnfhire, about 1531. Lord Chief- Juftice of the Common Pleas, 15S2. D. 1 Aug. 1605. Les reports du trefeinidite Edmund Anderfon, chivaliej', nadgairs feigniour Chief- Juflice del Common-Bank, des mults principals cafes argues et adjuges en le temps del jadis Roign Elizabeth cibien en le Common-Bank come devant touts les juges de ceft roialme, colligees et efcris per luy mefme ... 2 parties. fol. Lond. 1664-5. ANDERSON (Edward), B.D. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge. Reftor of HIckling, Nottinghamrtiire, 1S21. D. 5 Jan. 1843, aged fifty-eight. The Chriftian miniftry ; a fermon preached at St. Mary's church, Nottingham, at the vifitation of the Van. the Arch- deacon, AprU 22, 1823. [yJc/s XX. 28.] 8° Lond. 1S23. ANDERSON (Eustace). Chamouni and Mont Blanc : a vifit to the valley and an afcent of the mountain in the autumn of 1855. 8° Lond. 1856. ANDERSON (George). B. 1676 or 1677. An army chaplain, fubfequently chaplain to Geo. Watfon's Hofpital, Edinburgh. D. at Edinburgh, 19 Dec. 1756. The ufe and abufe of diverfions : a fermon on Luke xix. 1 3. Witli an appendix fliewing that the ftage in particular is an unchriftian diverfion. 8° Edinb. 1733. *■ Some remarks upon the Rev. Mr. Anderfon's pofitions concerning the unlawfulnefs of ftage-plays. In a letter to the author. 8° Edinb. 1733. A reinforcement of the reafons proving that the ftage is an unchriftian diverfion ; or a vindication of the appendix to the Ufe and abufe of diverfions ... in anfwer to the Re- marks of an anonymous author. 8° Edinb. 1733. An analyfis of the moral and religious fentiments con- tained in the wiitings of Sojjho \Hcni-y Home, Lord Karnes] and David Hume, Efq. \^jlnon.^ 8° Edinb. 1755. A remonftrance againft Lord Vifcount Bolingbrokes phi- lofophicjl religion. Addreffed to David Mallet, Efq., the publilber. 8° Edinb. 1756. ANDERSON (George). Guide to the Highlands and Iflands of Scotland, includ- ing Orkney and Zetland, defcriptive of tlieir fceneiy, ftatif- tics, antiquities, and natural hiftoiy ; with numerous hiftorical notices ... with a veiy complete map of Scotland. By George Anderfon and Peter Anderfon. 8 Lond. 1834. ANDERSON (George). The Buins centenaiy poems : a colledllon of fifty of the beft of many hundreds wiitten on occafion of the centenaiy celebration, including the fix recommended for publication by the judges of the Cryftal Palace competition, many of the highly commended, and feveral prize poems. Seledted and edited by Geoige Anderfon and John Einlay. 8° Glafgow, 1859. ANDERSON (Hugh), M.D. A true and hiftorical nairative of the colony of Georgia . . . By Pat. Tailfer, Hugh Anderfon, Da. Douglas, and others ... 174I. ANDERSON (Hugh). The life and letters of Chriftopher Anderfon. 8= Edinb. 1854. ANDERSON (James). B. 5 Aug. 1662. Studied at Edinburgh; took the degree of M.A. 1680: Writer to the Signet, 1691 : removed to Lon- don after the Union: Poftmafter-General for Scotland, 1715. D. 172S. An hiftorical eflliy fliewing that the crown and kingdom of Scotland is imperial and independent ; wherein the grofs miftakes of a late book ^by W. ylfwooil^ entitled. The fupe- riority and direft dominion of the imperial crown and king- dom of England over the crown and kingdom of Scotland, and of fome other books to that purpofe are expofed. With an appendix containing the copies of fome writs and feals, which illuftrate this fubjeft. 8° Edinb. 1 705. Piopofals for publifliing a book, intitled Diplomata Scotije, &c. ... [Febi-uaiy 22 d. I 7 18.] S. Sh. Colleiftions relating to the hiftoiy of Mary Queen of Scotland ; containing a great number of original papers never before printed ; alfo a few fcarce pieces reprinted, taken from the beft copies. Renfed and publiflied by James Anderfon. With an explanatory index of the obfolete words, and pre- faces fliewing the impoitance of thefe colledtions. 4 vols. 4° Edinb. 1727-8. Seleftus diplomatum et numifmatum Scotis thefaurus, in duas partes diftiibutus : Prior fyllogen compleftitur veteioim diplomatum five chartarum Regum et Proceram Scotix, una cum eorum figillis a Duncanq H. ad Jacobum I. id eft, ab anno I094adi4i2. Adjundla funt reliquorum Scotia; et Magnse Britannias regum figilla, a prsedidVo Jacobo L ad nu- peram duonjm regnorum in unum, anno I 707, coalitionem ; item chaiafteres et abbreviaturas in antiquis codicibus MSS. inftmmentifque ufitatas. Pofterior continet numifmata tam aurea quam argentea fingulorum Scotis Regum, ab Alex- andre L ad fupradiflam regnorum coalitionem pei^petua ferie deduifta ; fubnexis qu£e reperiri poterant eomndem Regum fymbolis heroicis. Omnia fummo artificio ad prototypomm iimilltudinem tabulis teneis exprefla ; adjeflis fingulorum di- plomatum, recentiore fcripturae forma, ari itidem incifis ex- emplis. Ex mandato Parliamenti Scotici collegit, digeflit, et tantum non perficienda curavit egregius ac patriarum anti- quitatum callentillimus vir Jacobus Anderfonus Scriba regius. ANDERSON 129 Quae open confummando deerant fupplevit, ct prcefatione, ta- bularum explicatione, aliifque appendicibus,rem Scotice diplo- maticam, nummariam et gcncalogicam baud parum illuftran- tibus, auxit ct locuplcUivit Thomas Ruddimannus, AM. fol. Edinb. 1739. Libri de rebus Britannicis, fcilicet, Anglicis, Scoticis ct Hibcrnicis. [yliiori.] fol. n. p. n. d. ANDERSON (James), D.D. B. at Aberdeen, where he was educated. Went to London, and in 1710 became minifter of the Prelbyterian chapel in Swallow Street. Removed in 1734 to another mecting-houfe in Lifle Street, Leicefter-fields. D. 23 May, 1739. A fermon preach'd in Swallow-ftreet, St. James's, on Wednefday, Jan. 16. 17}-^^. being the national faft-day. [Jerem. viii. 15.] 8° Lend. 1712. No king-killers : a fermon preach'd in Swallow-ftreet, St. James's, on January 30, 17} ;!. [Ezra iv. 15.] 8° Lend. 1715. — Second edition. 8° Lond. i 7 i 5. Royal genealogies ; or, the genealogical tables of empe- rors, kings, and princes from Adam to thefe times. In two parts. fol. Lond. 1732. ANDERSON (.Tames). Minlfter at CoUace. The winter night, fhowing plainly the blindnefs wherein were milled of in popeiy, and the clear light of the Gofjjel now manifcftcd in our days to the glory of God, and the comfort of all tlieni that hope for falvation. \ji poemJ\ 12° Glafgow, 1713. ANDERSON (James), LL.D. B. at Hermifton, near Edinburgh, 1739. Engaged in farm- ing: at Hcrmifton, and fubfequently at Monkihill, Aberdecn- (hire ; removed to Edinburgh, 1783 j employed by Government to report on the Weftern llles, 17S45 removed to Ifleworth, near London, 1797 ; d. at Weft Ham, Effex, 15 Oft. 1S08. A pradtical treatife on chimneys ; containing full direc- tions for preventing or removing fmoke in houfes. [ytnon.'] 1 2= Edinb. I 776. — Third edition. 12° Edinb. 1783. Eflays relating to agriculture and rural affairs. Second edition. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1777. — Fifth edition. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1800. Mifcellaneous obfervations on planting and training timbcr- trees ; particularly calculated for the climate of Scotland. In a feries of letters by Agricola. [PfitulJ\ 8'^ Edinb. 1777. Obfervations on the means of exciting a fpirit of national indudry ; chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, com- merce, manufaftures, and fiflicrics of Scotland : in a feries of letters to a friend, written in the year one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-five. ^° Edinb. 1777. An account of the prefent ftate of the Hebrides and weftern coafts of Scotland ; in which an attempt is made to ex])lain tiie circuniftanccs that have hitherto rcpreffed tiie induftry of the natives ; and fome hints are fuggeded for en- couraging the fiflicries, and promoting other improvements in thofe countries. 8^ Edinb. 1785. VOL. I. The Bee, or literaiy weekly intelligencer. 18 vols. 8° Edinb. 179 1-3. A pradlical treatife on peat mofs, confidered as in its natural ftate fitted for affording fuel, or as fufceptible of being converted into mold cajiable of yielding abundant crops of ufeful produce. 8° Edinb. 1794. General view of the agriculture and loiral economy of the county of Aberdeen, with obfervations on the means of its improvement. 4° Edinb. 1794. Two letters to Sir John Sinclair, Baronet, Prefident of the Board of Agriculture, on the fubjeft of diaining wet and boggy lands, &c. 8^ Edinb. 1796. A praftical treatife on draining bogs and fwampy grounds. 8° Lond. 1 797. Recreations in agriculture, natural hiftory, arts, and mif- cellaneous literature. Vols. 1-4. 8° Lond. 1 799- 1 801. ANDERSON (.James). Member of the Faculty of Advocates, 1828. Barrifter-at- law, 1839. QX;. 1851. Cafes decided in the Court of Seffion, Jury Court, and High Court of Jufticiary ... by George Deas and James Anderfon. 1829-33. ANDERSON (James). Sermons. To which is added a fermon preached on oc- cafion of the death of the Rev. James Aitken, by the Rev. Thomas Eafton, D.D., Kirriemuir. 12° Edinb. 1841. Biographical notices of the correfpondents of Samuel Rutherford. [Rutherford's Z-c/Z^rj-, 1848.] The martyrs of the Bafs. 1848. [7"/if Bass Rock, /// civil and ecchJiaJVic hiflory, Cifc] The ladies of the Covenant : memoirs of diftinguiftied Scottifh female charafters, embracing the ])eriod of the Cove- nant and the perfecution. I 2^ Glafgow, 1851. Ladies of the Reformation : memoirs of diftinguiflied fe- male characters, belonging to the period of the Reformation in the fixteenth century. England, Scotland, and the Nether- lands. 8° Lond. 1855. — Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, and Spain. 8° Lond. 1857. ANDERSON (James). Minifter of the parirti of Cults. Light in darknefs ; or, comfort to the fick and afflidled : being a feries of meditations, prayers, and portions of Scrip- ture, for thofe vilited with bereavement and diftrefs. 8^ F.dinb. 1858. ANDERSON (.Iames Stuart Murray), M A. Rcftor of Tormarton, Glouccfterfliirt, A fermon, in aid of the funds of tlie Suffex county hof- pital, and general fea-bathing infirmary, pi cached at St. George's cha])el, Brighton, on Sunday, 27 Sep. 1829. [John V. 2, 3.1 8° Brighton, [18:9.) The Chiiftlan patiiot: a fermon preached on Trinity Monday, June 3, 1833, bfforc the corporation of the Trinity Houfe, in the pariili church of St. Kichi.las, Deptford. [/•/. cxxii. 6-9.] 4 Lond. 1S33. s IJO ANDERSON Difcourfes on Elijah, and John the Baptift. 8° Lond. 1835. Chriftian philanthropy : a fpital fermon, preached before the Lord Mayor and coi^poration of the city of London, at Chiift church, Newgate Street, on Eafter Tuefday, April 21, 1835. [Ga/. vi. 2.] 8° Lond. 1835. The duty of fuppoiting the weak : a fermon, pleached at St. George's chapel, Brighton, Dec. 20, 1835, in ^''^ °^ the Suflex county hofpital. [Jds xx. 3 5.] 8° Lond. 1S36. The people of God called upon to build His houfe of prayer : a fermon, preached at St. Peter's church, Colchef- ter, May 1 1, 1836, on the occafion of laying the founda- tion ftone of the new church to be ere<5led in the parifh of St. Botolph, Colchefter. \_Haggai, i. 2-4.] 8° Lond. 1836. The Chriflian watching againft the fuddennefs of death : a fermon, preached in aid of the Royal Humane Society, on Sunday, July 17, 1836, at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, Pimhco. [Afrt«. XXV. 13.] 8° Lond. 1836. On the importance of an eftablilhed miniftiy : a fermon, preached at the confecration of Trinity chapel, Dane Hill, in the parifh of Fletching, SulTex, on Wed. Oft. 26, 1836. ^Rom. X. 14, anil part of 15.] 8'^ Lond. 1836. Sermons on various fubjefts. 8° Lond. 1837. The cloud of witneffes : a feries of difcourfes on the eleventh and part of the twelfth chapters of the Epiftle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1839-43. Redemption in Chrift, the true jubilee: a feiTnon, preached at the parifh church of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondfey, on Thurs. June 23, 1842, on the occafion of the fiftieth anni- verfary of the inflitution of the Afylum for the deaf and dumb. \Lulie\y. 17, 18, 19.] 8° Lond. 1S42. Chriftian fubmiffion : a fermon, preached in Trinity chapel, Brighton, on the 5th Sunday in Lent, 1843, being the Sun- day after the funeral of the late Rev. Robert Anderfon. \Ps. xxxix. 10.] 8° Lond. 1843. " Giving no offence in anything, that the miniftiy be not blamed :" a fermon preached at St. Anne's church, Lewes, July 26, 1849, at the vifitation of the Archdeacon of Lewes. [2 Cor. vi. 3, 4.] 8° Lond. 1849. Chrift, the refurreftion and the life : a fermon, preached in St. George's, Brighton, on the 2d Sunday in Advent, 1 8 49, being the Sunday after the death of Adelaide, the Queen Dowager. [Jo/v; xi. 25, 26.] 8° Lond. 1S50. The trials of the Church a quickening of her zeal and love : two fermons upon the confequences of the recent judgment of the judicial committee of Her Majefty's Privy Council, preached at St. George's, Brighton, on the ill and 2d Sun- days after Eafter, 1850. [2 Tim. i. 6.] 8° Lond. 1850. The dead yet fpeaking : a fermon, preached in St. George's, Brighton, on the 6th Sunday after Trinity, 1850, being the Sunday after the death of Sir Robert Peel. \Heb. xi. 4.] 8° Lond. 1850. The prefent crifis : four fermons preached before the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, in Michaelmas term, 1850. With notes and appendix. 8° Lond. 1851. Every man the bearer of his own burden : a fermon, preached before the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn, on the Sunday next before Advent, 1852; being the Sunday after the funeral of the Duke of Wellington. [Ga/. vi. 5.] 8° Lond. 1852. A minifter's faiewell to his people: two fermons, preached in St. George's chapel, Brighton, on the fifth Sunday in Lent, 1 85 I. \Phil. i. 27.] 8° Lond. 1851. Comfort in tribulation : a fermon, preached in Trinity chapel, Brighton, on the fouiteenth Sunday after T'rinity, 1853, being the Sunday after the fiineral of the Rev. Frederick W. Robeitfon. [2 Cor. i. 3- 5.] 8° Lond. 1853. The fruits of divine love : a fermon, preached in Brilfol cathedral, Auguft 27, 1856, at the feftival of the clergy and fons of the clergy, in the city and neighbourhood of Briftol. [ I /o/jn iv. II.] 8^ Lond. 1856. Memoir of the Chifholm, late M.P. for Invernefs-fhire. 8° Lond. 1842. The hiftory of the Church of England in the colonies and foreign dependencies of the Britifh Empire. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1845-56. — Second edition. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. The profitable employment of hours gained from bufinefs : an inaugural addrefs, March 11, 1846 ... to the members and friends of the Brighton Athenceum, and Young Men's Literary Union. 8° Lond. 1846. AddrcfTes on mifcelianeous fubjefts ... 8° Lond 1849. Second edition. Lond. 1858. ANDERSON (Johann). B. at Hamburg, 14 March, 1674. D. 3 May, 1745. Hiftoire naturelle de I'lfiande, du Greenland, du Detroit de Davis, et d'autres pays fitues fous le Nord ; traduite de 1' Allemand de M. Anderfon ... par M * * ... 2 torn. 12° Paris, I 750. ANDERSON (John), M.A. B, 1671. Educated at St. Andrews. Minifter of Dumbar- ton, 1704. Removed to the North Weft church, Glafgow, 1720. D. 1720 or 1721. A dialogue between a curat and a countreyraan concern- ing the Englifh-fervice, or common-prayer-book of England. [^non.'j 4° n. p. n. d. The fecond dialogue between a curat and a countreyman, concerning the Englifh-fervice. [jlnon.~\ 4° n. p. 1 7 1 1 . The countrey-nian's letter to the curat ; wherein, befides a hiftorical view of the Englifh liturgie, the afTertions of the author [•Sfl^f] of the Fundamental charter of prefbytery con- cerning its univerfal ufage in Scotland at the time of the RefoiTnation, &c., are examined, and pioved to be falfe. [Jnon.] 4= n. p. 1 7 1 1 . A letter to a friend concerning Mr. Calder's late paper entitled, A return. Sec, and the Continuation thereof. [j4non.] 4° Glafgow, 17 12. The anfwei' [liy R. Colder'^ to the Dialogue between the curat and the countrey-man, concerning the Englifh-fervice, or common-prayer-book of England, examined: in a familiar letter to the author of the anfwer. [/lmn.'\ 4° n. p. 17 12. Curat Calder whipt. \Jmti.\ 4°n. p. 1712. ANDERSON 131 A fermon preach'd in the church of Air, at the opening of the Synod, on Tuefday the firft of April 1712. [^& XX. 2 8.] 4° Glafgow, [ 1 7 1 2.] The declaration of the free-holders of Great Britain, in anfwer to that of the Pretender. \j1non.'\ S. Sh. [17 16.] A letter from Mr. Anderfon, minifter of Dumb uton, to Walter Stewart of Pardovan. 4^ n. p. 17 17. — Second edition. 4° Glafgow, 17 17. In luftuofum et nunquani fatis dcflendum obitum reveren- diffimi, dofliflimi, dileflilTimi, digniffimi, piiffimique Dom. Henrici, epifcopi Londincnfis, qui, Fulham, fcptimo Julij die, anno falutis humanx 17 13, Matis fux 81, fatis fuccubuit, epitaphium. S. Sh. n. p. n. d. A fermon, preacli'd in the Trone church of Glafgow, on Thurfday the 28th of May I 7 19, being the anniverfary of the birth of his Majefty King George. 8° Glafgow, 17 19. Letters upon the overtui"es concerning kirk-feflions and prefbyteries. 8' reprinted Edinb. 1720. * Some enqueries, intoMr. Anderfon's Letters, concerning his ingenuity in pleading for prefbytry. \_By John Adam- son.] * To the memory of the late Rev. Mr. John Anderfon, minifter of the Gofpel at Glafgow. By a ftudent of philo- fophy in the univerfity. fol. Glaigow, 172 i. ANDERSON (John). B. at Rofeneath, Dumbartonfliire, 1726. Profefibr of natural philofophy in the Univerfity of Glafgow, 1760. D. 13 Jan. 1796. ObfeiTations upon Roman antiquities difcovercd between the Forth and Clyde. 4" Edinb. 1800. ANDERSON (John). PalTed a confiderablc portion of his early life in diplomatic miffions of fome importance in the Eaftern Archipelago. For fomc time previous to his death, he held the appointment of fecretary to the Church of England alTurance company. D. 15 Jan, 1846, aged fcventy-five. MilTion to the Eaft Coaft of Sumatra in m.dccc.xxiii. under the direftion of the Government of Prince of Wales Ifland : including hiftorical and defcriptive lltetchcs of the country, an account of the commerce, population, and man- ners and cuftoms of the inhabitants, and a vifit to the Batta cannibal ftates in the interior. 8° Edinb. 1826. Achecn and the ports on the north and eaft coafts of Sumatra ; with incidental notices of the trade in the eaftern (eas, and the aggreflion.s of the Dutch. 8° Lond. 1840. ANDERSON (John). The faithful minifter of Chrift : a fermon on the death of the Rev. Adam Clarice, LL.D., &c., preached at Bmnf- wick chapel, Leeds, on Wed. evening, Sep. 12, 1832. \Col. i. 25-29.] 8° Leeds, 1832. The fpirit of a great people : a fermon, delivered in the Brunfwick and the Great Homer-ftreet ciia])e!s, Liveqwol, on Friday, Oi\. 2 5, I 839, on occafion of tlie religious cele- bration of tile centenary of Wefteyan Methodifm. \j,UiJhua xvii. 14-18.] 8^ Liverpool, [1839.] ANDERSON (John). B. at Gilmcrton Houfe, Mid-Lothian, 6 June, 1789. D. at Hamilton, 24 Dec. 1832. Hiftorical and genealogical memoirs of the houfe of Hamilton, with genealogical memoirs of the (everal branches of the family. 4° Edinb. 1825. ANDERSON (John), W.S. Hiftorical account of the f imily of Frifel or Frafer, par- ticularly Frafer of Lovat ; embracing various notices, illuf- trative of national cuftoms and manners, with original corref- pondence of Simon, Lord Lovat, &c. 4° Edinb. 1825. Prize efTay on the ftate of fociety and knowledge in the Highlands of Scotland, particularly in the northern counties, at the period of the rebellion in 1745, and of tlieir progrefs up to the ellablifhment of the Northern IniHtution for the promotion of fcience and literature, in 1825. 8° Edinb. 1827. ANDERSON (John). Minifter of the Free church, Helenfburgh. Chronicles of the Kirk ; or, fcenes and ftories from the hiftoiy of the Church of Scotland, fiora the earlieft period to the fecond Reformation : for the young. 8° Edinb. 1849. The footfteps of the flock ; or the contendings of our fathei s for the headihip of Chrift, with the difnaption of the Church of Scotland, and the duty of feparation from the refiduary cftablifhment. Second edition. I 2^" Glafgow, 1843. Pencilliiigs in Paleftine : being fcenes defcriptive of the Holy Land, and other countries in the EalL 12' Lond. 1851. Bible light from Bible lands. 8° Glafgow, [1855.] The life of Chrift, from the cradle to the crofs ; in which the words and works of our Lord are confidered in connec- tion with time and place. 8° Glafgow, 1862. ANDERSON (John). A hiftory of Edinburgh from the earlieft period to the completion of the half centuiy 1850, with brief notices of eminent or remarkable individuals. 8 Edinb. 1856. ANDERSON (John). Minifter of KinnouU. A legend of Glencoc ; and other poems. 8" Lond. 1857. The ])leafurcs of home : a poem. 12° Lond. n. d. Bible incidents ; and their leflons. 12^ Lond. 1861. ANDERSON (John), D.D. Minifter of Newburgh, Fifcfliirc. The geologic age of man in its pi efent afpeifls. Delivered before the Britilh Adociation at Abci deen on the i 6th Sep- tember, 1859. S' Edinb. 1859. Dura Den : a monograph of the yellow (andftone and its remarkable foflil remains. 8° Edinb. 1859. ANDERSON (Lionel). * The tryals and condemnation of Lionel Anderfon, alias 132 ANDERSON Munfon, William Ruffel, alias Napper, Charles Parris, alias Pany, Henry Starkey, James Corker, and William Mailhal, for high treafon, as Romifh priefts, upon the ftatute of 27 Eliz. cap. 2 ; together with the tryal of Alexander Lumf- den, a Scotchman, and the arraignment of David Jofeph Kemlfli for the fame offence. At the feffions of Oyer and Terminer in the Old-Baily, on Saturday Januaiy I 7th. 1679. 8° Lend. 1680. ANDERSON (Matthew), M.A. Perpetual curate of St. Paul's, Heme Hill. Ten difcourfes on the principal events in the life and charadler of Mofes. 12° Lond. 1834. On the perils and refources of the youthful Chriftian : a fermon, preached to the candidates for confirmation, in the diftria church of St. Paul, Heme Hill, on Sunday, May 4, 1845. [John x\-'n. 15.] 8° Lond. 1845. The purpofes of affliction : a fermon, preached in the dif- tria church of St. Paul, Heme Hill, on Wednefday, March 24, 1847, being the day appointed for a general faft. [Job V. 6.] 8° Lond. 1S47. Redeeming the time : a fermon on the new year, preached in St. Paul's church. Heme Hill, Sunday, Jan. 3, 1858. [EpL V. 16.] 8° Lond. 1858. ANDERSON (Patrick). A phyfician in Edinburgh, in the formerhalf of the 17th cen- tury. The colde fpring of Kinghorne Craig, his admirable and new tryed properties, fo far foorth as yet are found true by experience. 4° Edinb. 16 I 8. The copie of a baion's court : newly tranflated by Whats- you-call-him, clerk to the fame. 4^ Printed at Helicon, befide Parnaffus, and are to be fold in Caledonia. The picture of a Scottilh baron court : a diamatic poem. With original notes. 12° Edinb. 1821. ANDERSON (Patrick). Of the Society of Jefus. The ground of the Catholike and Roman religion in tiie Word of God. With the antiquity and continuance thereof throughout all kingdomes and ages. Colle<5ted out of divers conferences, difcourfes, and difputes, which M. Patricke Anderfon had at feverall tymes, with fundry bifhops and minifters of Scotland, at his laft imprifonment in Edenburgh, for the Catholike faith, in the yeares of our Lord 1620 and 162 I. In three parts. 4° n. p. 1623. ANDERSON (Patrick). Provoft of Dundee. * Report of the trial by jury, Anderfon againft Rintoul and others, for libels fpoken at public meetings in Dundee, and publiflied in tlie Dundee, Perth, and Cupar Advertifer newf- paper. By William Bennet, Writer to the Signet. 8° Edinb. 1824. ANDERSON (Peter). Guide to the Highlands and Iflands of Scotland ... By George Anderson and Peter Anderfon. 1834. ANDERSON (Philip), B.A. Chaplain at Bombay, H.E.I.C.S. St. PaiJ's valedidtoiy charge to the prefbyteis of Ephefus, at his vifitation held at Miletus about the year of our Lord 60 : a farewell fermon, delivered in the church of St. Peter, Afhton-under-Lyne, on Sunday, 0&. 31, 1841. \y^3s XX. 25-27.] 8° Lond. [1841.] The Englifh in Weftern India ; being the hiftoiy of the facftoiy at Surat, of Bombay, and the fubordinate fadtories on the weflern coaft. From the earlieft period until the commencement of the eighteenth century. Drawn from authentic works and original documents. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1856. ANDERSON (Ralph). Pfeud. of Robert Heron. ANDERSON (Robert), M.D. B. at Carnwath, in Lanarkftiire, 7 Jan. 1750. D. at Edin- burgh, 20 Feb. 1830. The works of the Britifh poets. With prefaces, bio- graphical and critical. 13 vols. 8° Lond. 1795. The life of Tobias Smollett, M.D., with critical obferva- tions on his works. The fourth edition. 8° Edinb. 1803. The life of Samuel Johnfon, LL.D., with critical obfer- vations on his works. Third edition. 8° Edinb. 18 15. ANDERSON (Robert). B. at Carlifle, ift Feb. 1770. D. 27 Sep. 1S33. The poetical works of Robert Anderfon. To which is prefixed the life of the autlior, written by himfelf ; an effay on the character, manners, and cuftoms of the peafantiy of Cumberland ; and obfenrations on the ftyle and genius of the author, by Thomas Sanderfon. 2 vols. 8° Carlifle, 1820. ANDERSON (Robert). B. 3 April, 1792. Perpetual curate of Trinity chapel, Brigh- ton, 1826. D. in London, 22 March, 1843. A fermon preached at the confecration of Trinity chapel, Brighton, on Friday, April 2 1, 1826. [Le-v. xix. 30.] 8° Lond. 1826. Of eating the bread, and drinking the cup of the Lord unworthily : a fermon preached at Trinity chapel, Brighton, on Sunday, Sep. 2, 1827. [l Cor. xi. 26-28.] 8° Lond. 1827. A praiftical expofuion of St. Paul's Epiftle to the Ro- mans. 12° Lond. 1833. To look on the things of others ; a fermon preached at Trinity chapel, Brigiiton, on the Sunday after the flmeral of Lord Teignmouth. [P/ji/. ii. 4.] 8° Lond. 1834. Ten difcourfes on the Communion Office of the Church of England. With an appendix. 12° Lond. 1835. Difcourfes on the beatitudes. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1837. The book of common prayer ; a manual of Chrlflian fel- lowfhip. Second edition. With a paftoral letter, written in 1832. 12° Lond. 1840. A praiftical expofition of the Gofpel according to St. John. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1841. ANDERSON— ANDERSSON t33 Regeneration: a paftoral addicfs. i2°LonJ. 184Z. * Pradlical religion exemplified by letters and paflages from the life of the late Rev. Robert Anderfon. By the Hon. Mrs. [CaroHne D.~\ Anderfon. 12° Lond. 1845. ANDERSON (Robert). Queflions and exercifes in geography : adapted to " An- derfon's Modem geography" in Nelfon's fchool feries. 12° Lond. 1856. Modern geography : for the ufe of fchools. Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1 8 57. Geography for junior clafTes. 8° Lond. 1858. ANDERSON (T. M'Call), M.D. On the parafitic afFeftions of the flj Sir M. FoJ}ei-\ entitled An examination ot" the fcheme of church power laid down in the Codex juris ecclefiaftici Anglicani, &c. \f>yBp. Gli/on.] Shewing the unfair re])refentations and groundlefs refleflions made by the author ot that pamjihlet : and that the fcheme of church power laid down in tlie Codex ... is in fuppoit and maintenance of the ]oyal fupremacy, and agieeable to our laws and conftitution. By the author of the Parallel. 8° Lond. 1735. — The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1735. ANDREWS (John). Hiftorical atlas of England ; phyfical, political, agrono- mical, civil and eccleliaftical, biographical, naval, pailiamen- tary, and geographical ; ancient and modern ... to which are added a map of the terreftrial globe ... and a political chart ofEurojie... fol. Lond. 1797. ANDREWS (Joseph). Journey from Buenos Ayres, through the provinces of Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta, to Potofi, thence by the de- fcrts of Caranja to Arica, and fubfequently, to Santiago de Chili and Coquimbo, undertaken on behalf of the Chilian and Penivian mining aflbciation in the years 1825—26. In two volumes. . 8° Lond. 1827. ANDREWS (J. R.) A four months' tour in the Eafl. 12° Dublin, I 853. ANDREWS (Lancelot). See Andrewes. ANDREWS (William Eusebius). A critical and hiftorical review of Fox's Book of mar- tyrs, fliewing the inaccuracies, falfehoods, and mifrepiefcnt:i- tions in that work of deception. 8' Lond. 1824. ANDRIA (Nicola). B. at MafTafra, 10 Sep. 1748. Profeffor of agriculture in the Univcrfity of Naples, 1775. Transferred to the chair of phyfi- ology, 1801. D. 9 Dec. 1814. Trattato delle acque minerali. Secondacdi/.ione. 2 parti. 8° Napoli, 1783. ANDRIACUS (Dasmon). della Croce. Pfiud. of Ignazio Cianci ANDRIN (Petrus). Difleitatio critico-hiftorica Jofephum Chriftianifmi teftem fiftens ... 4° Londini Gothorum, 1751. Difleitatio hiftorica de fitu Atlanticx- Platonis ... 4° Londini CJothoruni, 1752. ANDRONICUS II. Aurea bulla, data Henrico, Henrici Mirabilis F., Albeiti MagniN., Duci Brunfvicenfi ... Cum notisad bullani, deque principis ejuidem pofteris narratione exquifita Heniici Mei- bomii. [Meibomius, Rerum Germanicarumfcriplorci, i. 467.] ANDRONICUS, Rhodius. A pcripatL-tic philofopher, who flouriflieJ about half a centur)' before the Chiiftian era. Of his perfonal hilloty fcarccly any- thing is known. Ariftotelis Ethiconim Nicomachiorum paraphrafis, inccito aufbore, antiquo et eximio pcripatetico : ex Bibliothcca Lug- dunobatava nunc primum Graece edita, cmendata, et Latine reddita a Danicle Heinfio. [Gr. and Lat. Ed'it'to prmceps.~\ 4° Lugd. Batav. 1607. Avooowxou Vooiuxi Tl!gicTa.Tr}rixciu pi7.oeofou rra^afsaai; run HODiCuv 'Sixo,Ujayniu'j. Andronici Rhodii Ethicorum Nicho- macheorum paraphrafis. Cum intei-pretatione Danielis Hein- Ci, cui fubjungitur ejufdem libellus tej/ rraSciiv, id eft, de animi affedlionibus. 8° Cantabrigis, 1679. The paraphrafe of an anonymous Greek writer (hitherto publiflied under the name of Andronicus Rhodius,) on the Nicomachean Ethics of Ariftotle; tranflated from the Greek by William Bridgman, F.L.S. 4° Lond. 1807. ANDRONICUS (Livius). The earlieft Roman poet of whofe works any fragments have been prelcrved. B. probably at Tarentum, of Greek parentage, he was taken prifoner by the Romans during the wars of South- ern Italy, and became the Have of M. Livius Salinator. Was tutor to the children of his maftcr, who rellored him to freedom. D. about 220 B.C. Fragmenta. [Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta velerum poetarum Lat'inorum, p. 1456.] — \Colle9io Pifaureiifis, l^c, iv. 261. See PoEMS.] — Cum caftigationibus et notis G. J. Voflii. [Scriverius, Collellanea •veterum iragicorum, p. i.] ANDROS (A. C.) Pen and pencil (Icctches of a holiday fcampcr in Sjiain. 8° Lond. i860. ANDRY (Nicolas), furnamed Bois- Regard. B. at Lyon, 165S. Being intended for the Church, he at firft Hudied theology, but afterwards devoted himfelf to the pro- feflion of medicine. U. at Paris, 13 May, 1742. Reflexions fur I'ufage prefent de la langije Frangoife, ou remarques nouvelles & critiques touchant la politefle du Ian- gage, [y/wsn.] 8° fuivant la copie imprimee a Paris chez Laurent d'Houry, 1692. ANDRYANE (Alexander). Memoirs of a prifoner of State in the fortrefs of Spiel- berg ... with an appendix by Maroncelli, the companion of Silvio Pellico. Tranflated by Foitunato Piandi. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 18 40. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1S48. ANECDOTA. Anecdota litteraria ex MSS. codicibus eiiita. 4 toni. 8° Romx, n. d. ANECDOTE. Anecdotes Germaniques ... 1769. [By A. G. Contant d'Oi-ville.] Anecdotes oricntalcs ... 1 773. [By Edmc Mentelle.J Nouveau dicitionnaire d'anecdotes, ou I'ait de fc dcfcn- 140 ANELLI— ANGELIS nuyer ... Pour fen'ir de fuite a I'ancien Dicflionnaire d'anec- dotes de M. Lacombe. 2 torn. 12° Liege, 1783. Anecdotes of feme diflinguifhed perfons ... 1796. [By William Seward.] Biographical, literary, and political anecdotes of feveral of the mod eminent perfons of the prefent age ... 1797. [By John Almon.] Akademifche Anekdoten. Vom Verfafler der jurift. theolog. medizin. niufikal. und militarifchen Anekdoten. 8° Altenburg, 1820. Private anecdotes of foreign courts ... 1827. [By Catherine Hyde.] The railway anecdote book. 8° Lond. n. d. The book of pidures, anecdotes, and tales : for the young. 12° Lond. [1859.] ANELLI ( ). Singing academy : profpeftus. 8 ° Briftol, n. d. ANGAS (George French). A ramble in Malta and Sicily, in the autumn of 1841. 4° Lond. 1842. Savage life and fcenes in Auftralia and New Zealand : being an artift's impreffions of countries and people at the antipodes. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1847. The New Zealanders illuftrated. fol. Lond. 1847. ANGEL. The firft angel : a novel. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1851. Ledhires on the Scripture revelations refpedling good and evil angels. I 851. [By Richard Whately, D.D.] The angel in the houfe. 1854. [By Coventry Pat- more.] Angels, cherubim, and gods ; or, an inquiry into the fig- nification and application of thefe and other kindi'ed expref- fions ufed in the Holy Scriptures : with additional remarks on fome of the paflages in which thefe words occur. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. An angel's vifit. 1 2° Lond. n. d. The angel's vifit : a poem. 8° Lond. 1857. An angel's meffage. Being a feries of angelic and holy communications received by a lady. 8° Lond. 1S58. The guardian angel. [Poems.^ 4° Lond. 1858. ANGEL (MosEs). Head-mafter of the Jews' Free-fchool, London. The law of Sinai, and its appointed times. 12° Lond. 1858. ANGELA. Angela: a novel ... 1848. [^y Anne Marsh.] ANGELELLUS (Marcus). Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Matrimonialia confdia, i. 7.] ANGELERIUS (Hippolytus). An Italian phyfician, b. at Efte ; flourifhed about the begin- ning of the 17th century. De antiquitate urbis Ateftinae liber, ubi ejus origo, fitus, magnitudo, dignitas, ac viri clariflimi, qui ex hoc nobiliflimo loco extitere, et patriam non mcdiociiter illuftrarunt, aliaque ad earn peitinentia, ex vetuftis marmoribus & numifmatibus, nee non ex antiquis, & probatis audloribus collefta exhiben- tur ; cum animadverfionibus & emendationibus F. Alexandri Burgos. [Gr/Evius, Thefaurus anliquitatum et h'ljhriarum Ital'idi, tom. vii. pt. i.] ANGELES (Juan de los). ** Predicador de la provincia de Sant Jofeph de los Defcaljos." Triumphos del amor de Dios. 40 Medina del Campo, 1590. ANGELI (Stephanus). An Italian mathematician, and a member of the order of the Jefuits. After the fuppreflion of his order, in i658, he taught mathematics at Padua, where he was living at the end of the 17th century. Problemata geometrica fexaginta circa conos, fphsras' fuperficies conicas, fphxricafque prtecipue verfantiai 4° Venetiis, 1658. Mifcellaneum hyperbolicum, et parabolicum ; in quo prx- cipue agitur de centris gravitatis hyperbola, partium ejufdem, atque nonnulloram folidoi-um, de quibus nunquam gcometria locuta eft ... 4° Venetiis, 1659. De infinitis parabolis, de infinitifque folidis ex variis rota- tionibus ipfarum, paitiumque eamndem genitis. Una cum nonnullis ad pi'asdiftarum magnitudinum, aliammque centra gravitatis attinentibus. 4° Venetiis, 1659. De infinitorum fpiralium fpatioram menfura : opufciJum geometricum. 4° Venetiis, 1660. Mifcellaneum geometricum ; in quatuor partes divifum. 4° Venetiis, 1660. De infinitamm cochlearum menfuris, ac centris gravitatis. Quibus acceffit conftruftio quorundara problematum geo- metricorum. 4° Venetiis, 1661. Acceffionis ad fteriometriam, et mecanicam, pars prima ; In qua traduntur menfuras, et centra gravitatis quamplurium folidorum. 4° Venetiis, 1662. ANGELICO DA FIESOLE (Giovanni). B. 1387, near Caftello di Vicchio, in Tufcany. Entered the Dominican convent of Sta- Maria Novella at Fielole, 1407. D. at Rome, 1455. • * Life ... By the Rev. T. Goodwin. 1861. ANGELIN (Henric). Diflertatio gradualis, exhibens cautelas de pmdenter infti- tuenda hiftoria ... 4° Londini Gothoiaim, 1763. ANGELIS (Baldaxar de). A Neapolitan jurift and criminal judge, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. Pratum ; five utiliffimus apparatus ad omnes titulos, leges et paragraphos primi & fecundi libri Codicis facratiflimi JulH- niani Imperatoris. fol. Neapoli, 1635. ANGELIS (Franciscus Josephus de). Trailatus criminally de deliftis ; in tres partes divifus. fol. Neapoli, 1 741. ANGELIS— ANGELOTTUS 141 ANGELIS (Paulus de). B. at Syracufe. Canon of Sanu-Maria-Maggiore at Rome. D. 1647. BafilicE S. Marias Majoris de urbe,a Liberio Papa I. ufque ad Paulum V. Pont. Max. defcriptio et delineatio, lib. xii. fol. Roma;, 162 i. ANGELITA (Joannes Franciscus). A nobleman of Recanati, who flouriihed about the beginning of the 17th century. Uibis Recineti origines, hiftoria, et defcriptio ; qua non modo reiTjiii, qux liuic uibi, veruni etiam qux aliis Marchix urbibus evenerunt, niemoria continetur. Ex Italico Latine vertit, recenfuit, notifque nonnullis & pracfatione inftruxit Joannes Laurentius Mofheim. [Gr.cvius, Thefaurus anti- quilatum et bijlonarum Italite, torn. vii. pt. 2.] ANGELIUS (Anton.us). B. at Barga, near Lucca. Entered the Church, and was fuc- ceflively pariih pried at Mugello, tutor to Francis and Ferdinand de' Medici, and, in 1570, biihop of MafTa and Populonia. D. "579- Poemata. [Gruter, Delklit poetarum Italorum, i. 1 5o.] — \j2arm\na illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 2 3 8.] ANGELIUS (Jacobus). Poemata. \Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 479.] ANGELIUS (Petrus), Barg^eus. Brother of Antonius Angelius. B. at Barga, 1517. In his youth he led a rcftlefs and wandering life, till, in I 549, he was appointed by the Grand Duke Cofmo, of Tufcany, to a profedbr- fiiip in Pifa, which he held for about twenty-five years. In 1575 he was called to Rome by the Cardinal Ferdinand de' Medici, afterwards Grand Dulce, who beftowed upon him a handlome penfion. D. at Pila, 29 Feb, 1596. Cynegetica. Item Carniinum libri 11. Eclogx in. 4° Lugduni, I 5 6 1 . Poemata omnia, diligcnter ab ipfo recognita. 4= Romx, 1585. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitlee poetarum Italorum, i. i i i .] — [^Cartnhm illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 191.] Hierofolyma: hoc eft expcditio ilia celebeirinia Ciiriftian- omm principum, qua, GofFredo Bulione ducc, a Turcarum tyrannide Hienafalem liberatur Petri Angelii. Ejufdem votivum carmen in D. Catharinum. Acceflerunt luculcntif- (ima Roberti Titii fcholia. 4° Florentix, 1616. Quo ordlne fciiptoram hiftorix Romanx monumenta fint legenda. [Grotius, De Jludiis iijlilunulis, ]). 609.] De privatoiiim publicorumque xdificiorum urbis Romx everforibus epiftola. [Gr-«vius, Thejaurus aiiliquitatem Ro- manarum, iv. 1867.] Commentarius de obelifco. [Ibid. iv. ii*93.] ANGELL (Joseph K.) A treatife on the right of property in tide waters, and in the foil and (hores thereof. Second edition. 8° Bofton, 1H47. A treatife on the law of carriers of goods and paflengers by land and by w.iter. 8° Ixmd. 1849. A treatife on the law of watercourfes. \^'ith an appen- di.x, containing ftatutes of flowing, and forms of declarations, Fourth edition ... 8° Bofton, 1S50. ANGELO. Angelo ; a romance of modem Rome. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1854. ANGELO (E. a.) Brevet-Major, 21ft regiment of foot. A letter to the Hon. H. G. Bennett, M.P., upon his prefenting a petition to Parliament, complaining of the ad- miniftration of government in the Ionian Iflands, while under the command of Lieut.-Gen. Campbel. 8*^' Lond. 18 18. ANGELO (Henry). Reminifcences of Henry Angelo : with memoirs of his late father and friends, including numerous original anecdotes and curious traits of the moft celebrated chara(5ters that have flourifhed during the laft eighty years. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1828-30. Angelo's pic-nic, or table-talk, including numerous rccol- leftions of public charadlers, who have figured in fome part or another of the ftage of life for the laft fifty years ... Writ- ten by himfclf. 8° Lond. 1834. ANGELO (Michael). A curious and exaft account of a voyage to Congo, in the years 1666 and 1667. By the R.R.F.F. Michael Angelo and Denis de Carli. [Pinkerton's Colleilion oj voyages and travels, xvi. 148.] ANGELOMUS. A monk of the Benediftine abbey of Luxeuil in Franche- Comte, who lived in the former half of the 9th century. Commentarius in Genefin. [Pez, Thejaurus anecdotorum novijfimus, I. i. 43.] Enarrationes in quatuor libros Regum. In Cantlca Can- ticoiTim ftromata. \Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, XV. 307.] ANGELONI (Francesco). B. at Terni. D. at Rome, 29 Nov. 1652. Hiftoria di Terni. 4° Roma, 1646. L'hiftoria Augulhi da Giulio Ccfare a Coftantino il Mag- no, iiluftrata con la vei ita dell' antiche medaglie da Francefco Angeloni. Seconda imprcflione, con I'emendationi poitume del medefmio autore, e col fupplimento de' rouefci, che man- cauano nelle loro tauole, tratti dal teforo delie medaglie della Rcgina Ciiriftina Augufta e defcritti da Gio. Pietro Bellori. fol. Roma, ifiSj. ANGELO SANMARTINO. Angelo Sanmartino ; a tale of Lombardy in 1859. 8° Edinb. i860. ANGELOTTUS (Pompeius). B. at Rieti. Lived in the former half of the 17th century. Defcriptio et antiquitates urbis Reate Sabinoium antiquif- fimx, Saturni & Rhex quondam Regiae. Ex Italo Latine vertit, notulis, indicibus atque cajiitum argumentis auxit Si- gebertus Havcrcamjius. [Gr*vius, I hjaurus aniiquitatum et hi/loriarum Italic, tom. viii. pt. 3.] 142 ANGELRANNUS— ANGLEBERMEUS ANGELRANNUS. D. 1045. * Vita V. Angelranni, abbcitis Centulenfis in Pontivo. [Mabillon, A3a fanQorum O.S.B. vi. i. 435.] ANGELUCIA. * De felici obitu Angclucice, Virginis fanftimonialis Fonte- bi'aldenfis. [Martene et Durand, Thefaurus iwvus anec- dotorum, iii. 1 7 03.] ANGELUS, Aretinus. An Italian jurift of the 5th century. B. at Arezzo, of the family of Gambiglioni, and hence occafionally called Angelus de Gambellionibus. Being accufed of crimes of which it is faid he was innocent, he was imprifoned for a year j and would have been more feverely punithed, but for powerful interceflion in his favour. He afterwards retired to Ferrara, where he taught the civil law. The date of his deatli is not known. Angelus aretinus necnon Albertus de Gandino J. U. claiini. in maleficiomm materia, una cum additionibus excellentiffi. iurifcofuiti d. Auguftini de Arimino . . . et cum appoftillis d. Bernadini de landiianoMediolanenfisaliifquequamplurimis... 4° Lugd. 1 52 1. Ange. Areti. fuper Inftitu. Opus preclarum ... fuper quatuoi' llbris Inftitutionum ; cum cafibus longis egregii viri dominiFrancifci deAretio Cefarei Pontificiique iuvis dodt. ... 4° Lugd. 1536. Tra(5latus non minus prafticus quani theoricus in materiam teftamentorum. [F. Zilettus, TraSatus univerjl juris, viii. '• 31-] Commentarius, feu repetitio in 1. Ventre, ff. de acquir. vel omitt. haered. [Limpii;s, Repetit'iones in varias juris civi/is leges, iii. 454.] Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Matrimonialia confdia, i. 29.] ANGELUS, FONTICULANUS. A native of Aquila, who lived in the i6th century. Belli Bracciani Aquilx gefti fidelis narratio ; inquaquidem narratione non folum Aquilanoram et Braccinnomm plurimi continentur congrefTus, verum etiam & Braccii miferrimus exitus recenfetur. [Gr.'evius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et hif- toriarum Italidi, torn. ix. pt. 3.] ANGELUS (Chrjstophorus). A Greek Chriftian, who, having been fabjedted to (evere perfecution on account of his religion, fled from his native country in 1608, and took refuge in England. Taught Greek in the Univerfity of Oxford, where he d. 14 Feb. 1638. noK)c X^iaTOiposou rou AyyiXou iXXrivog- ttso/ r>;g acroff- rasiag rr,c sxxXrjdias, xai tes/ rou aviou-TTOu rr}g a/iaariai BriXaor) to-j AvTiy^^iaro-j- -/.ai Tsg/ tu\i a^iSfLuv rov AawjjX, xai rrjg ATroxaXu-^iug, oug oudoig [ovSiig] o^0oig f/,£dii/J,7iv£ua!\i ■~, 0" 'TooiipriTiuSrisav : [Gr. and Lat.^ 4° v/.bo6ri St Xovrivui. a.'/j(.b. 1624. 'Ey)(ii^ibiov ■Xi^i T-/\g xurasrasiug rciv ffjj.aE^oi/ siij/ffy.o.ati'wi/ Ky.Xr,iiuiv. Enchiridium de (tatu hodiemorum Graecorum ... Graece confcriptum ; jam cum verlione Latina e regione pofita, et annotationibus ... cura Georgii Fehlavii ... ador- natum. 4= Liplix, [1676.I — [Gr. and LatJ\ 4° Franequeras, 1678. ANGELUS (DoMiNicus). A native of Caftro, where he was b. about 1 534. Of his perional hiftory there is no record. De depra-datione Caftrenfium, et fuas patriae hiftoria. [GrjEvius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et hifloriarum Italix, torn. viii. pt. 3.] ANGERIANUS (Hieronymus). B. at Naples. Lived in the former half of the 1 6th century. 'E^CtiTO-raiyiiioi/. Spiras, 1595- See M. T. Marullus. — [Gruter, Delitid: poetarum Italorum, i. 1 7 4.] — \Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 252.] ANGERS. Charta de controverfia et de bello quod fuit inter monaf- terium fanfti Albini, Andegavenfis, et Girandum de Blanco- furno pro terra Croiaci prope Peregrinam. [Baluze, Mif- cellanea, ii. 175.] Ex Annalibus Sandli Albini, Andegavenfis, A. 976— 1099. [Pertz, Monumenta Germanin hijlorica, v. 1 68.] Didlatl feu veteres foraiuls Andegavenfes. [Mabillon, Vetera analeBa, p. 388.] Gefta confulum Andegavenfium, auftore monacho Bene- diftino Majoris-raonafterii. [d'AcHERius, SpicUegium, x. 399-] Breve chionicon Andegavenfe. [Martene et Durand, Thefaurus novus anecdotorum, iii. I 3 "9.] ANGERVILLE (Mouffle d'). See Mouffle. ANGILBERTUS. Abbot of the Benedidline monaftery of Centulum, now St. Riquier, in France. D. 814. Carmen de Karolo Magno. [Pertz, Monumenta Ger- manics hijlorica, ii. 393-] Verfus de Pippino, Italias rege. [Bouquet, Recueildes hijloriens des Gaules et de la France, v. 408.] * Sandli Angilberti ... elogium hiftoricum. [Mabillon, Aaa fandorum O.S.B. iv. i. 87.] * Ejus vita, auftore Hariulfo. [Ibid. iv. i. 103.] * Alia vita, audlore (ut videtur) Anfchero abbate Centu- lenfi anno I I 10. [Ibid. iv. i. i 17.] ANGILBERTUS. Abbot of Corbie. D. 890. Verlus ad Ludovicum regem Francorum, Carolomani fratrem, in librum S. Auguftini de doftrina Chriftiani eidem regi done miffuni. [Mabillon, Vetera analeda, p. 425.] ANGIOLELLO (Giovanni Maria). A native of Vicenza, who lived in the former half of the 1 6th century. Delia vita et fatti d' UlFumcafran Re di Perfia, che altri- menti era chiamato Affambei ... [Ramusio, Navigationi et viaggi, ii. 66.] ANGLEBERMEUS (Joannes Pyrrhus). B. at Orleans about 1470. Profeflbr of law in the Univerfity of Orleans. D. 1521. De magiftiatibus Romanis llbri tres. [F. Zilettus, Trac- tatus univerfi juris, i. 135, and xvi. 202.] ANGLER— ANGLUS ^^3 Traftatus fingularis de fuitate ct haereditate per fidlioncm tranfmittenda. [Ibid. viii. ii. 154.] Tradtatus de donatione mutua inter virum et uxorem. [Ibid. ix. 474.] ANGLER. Maxims and hints for an angler. i*>33. [By Richard Penn.] The angler in Ireland ... 11^34. [By — Belton.] Pifcatorial reniinifcenccs and gleanings by an old angler . . . 1835. [By Thomas Boosey.] A bibliographical catalogue of Englith writers on angling and ichthyology. i2°Lond. 1856. The border angler : a guide-book to the Tweed and its tributaries, and the other ilrcams commanded by the North Britifli railway. 8° Edinb. 1858. The young angler, naturalift, and pigeon and rabbit fancier, with hints as to the management of filk worms, the aquarium, etc. 8° Lond. j86o. ANGLERIUS (Petrus Martyr). 5f^ Petrus Mar- tyr. ANGLESEY. General view of the agriculture of Anglefey. 4° Lond. n. d. A hiftory of the ifland of Anglefey ... 1775. [By J. Thomas.] ANGLESEY, Earl of. See Anhur Annesley, Earl of Anglefey. ANGLETERRE. See England. ANGLEY (John Godfrey), M.A. Formerly curate of Great Munden, Herts, and fubfequently head mafter, and divinity ledturer of King's College, London. Faith, hope, and charity ; an elucidation of 1 Cor. xiii. 13. With notes critical and illuftrative. 8° Lond. 1845. De Clifford the philofophcr : with notes hiftorical and illuftrative, and perfonal obfenations in the kingdom of na- ture. 12° Lond. 1847. Hezekiah and Sennacherib : a parallel ; or, God's pro- mifes and power His people's delight and fecurity. With an examination of the Angel of the Lord ; contemporane- ous .lewidi and Affyrian hiftory ; and the Millennium. 8° Lond. 1858. ANGLIA. See England. ANGLICANISM. The development of Anglicanifm the hope of the Church of England : a letter to Lord John Rufllll, M.P. By a Churchman. Second edition. 8° Lund. 1846. England, Greece, or Rome ? a letter to a friend. By a convert from Anglicanifm. 8° York, 1853. ANGLIC ANUS. View of the charaflcr, pofition, and profpcfls, of the Edin- burgh Bible fociety. In feven letters. 8° Edinb. 1827. The Millennium and the firft refurredtion. 12° Lond. 1839. Suggeftions for a reformation in the Church of England, and for the education of the people of the empire. 8° Lond. 1848. The peiil of jjapal aggreflion : or the cafe as it ftands be- tween the Queen and the Pope. 12° Lond. 1851. Notes on the Book of common prayer. I 2= Lond. 1852. Phafes of traiftarianifm : a feries of letters, originally pub- lifhcd in the " Church and State Gazette," now carefully revifed and greatly extended ; with an appendix, authentic documents, &c. 8° Lond. 1853. ANGLICUS (Joannes). See Joannes. ANGLO-AMERICANA. To the Rt. Hon. Lord John Ruffell, &c. &c. &c. On money, morals, and progrefs. 8" Lond. 1855. ANGLO-CATHOLICUS. A letter, addrcfled to Richard Shell, Efq., chairman of the meeting of the Roman Catholics, holden in Liverpool on April the 2Sth, to confider the education grant. 8° Lond. 1847. A Proteftant plea in fuppoit of Cardinal Wifemrm's " Aji- peal." 8° Lond. 1851. ANGLO-HEBREWS. The Anglo-Hebrews ; tlieir ])aft wrongs, and prefent grievances : two epiftles (with a poftfcript,) written for all clafTes of the Biitifli public. By a cleigyman of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1856. ANGLO-HIBERNICUS. A letter to tlie Right Hon. Lord John RufTell, on the future profpefts of Ireland. 8" Lond. 1847. ANGLO-IRISH. The Anglo-Irifh of the nineteenth century ... 1828. [By John Banim.] ANGLO-MADERENSIS. A letter to the I^d. Bp. of London on the fubjefl of foreign chaplaincies and milfion for the cure of fouls ; with fl)ecial reference to the prefent pofition of the Englilh Church in Madeira. 8° Taunton, 1853. ANGLO-SAXON. The Anglo-Saxon. 8 parts. 8° Lond. 1849-50. ANGLO-SAXON. Proper names and church fa(5lions. 8° Lond. n. d. ANGLUS (Thomas), i.e. Thomas White. T44 ANGOULEME— ANIMAL ANGOULEME. Annales Engolifmenfes, A. 815-993. [Pertz, Moiiii- menta German'ue hyiorlca, vi. 5.] Les privileges, fianchifes, libertcz, inimunitez, at ftatutz de la ville, fauxbourgs & banlieiie d'Angoulefme. 4° Angoulefme, 1627. ANGOUMOIS. Les coutumes du pais et duche d'Angoumois . . . avec les commentaires de Jean Vigier. ANGOVILLE (O. C.) A complete ueatife on French grammar, illuflrated by- numerous exercifes. 2 vols. 12° Southampton, 1841. — Third edition. i2°Lond. 1858. ANGUILLARA (Giovanni Andrea dell'). B. at Sutri about 1 5 1 7. The date of his death is not known. Satira, al Cardinal di Trento. [Rubbi, Paniafo Italiano, xxvii. 73.] Sonetto. [Ibid. xxxi. 102.] Le metamorfofi di Ovidio ridotte in ottava rima ... ANGUILLARA (Luigi). B. at Anguillara. Superintendent of the botanic garden at Padua. D. at Ferrara, 0(ft. 1570. Simplici . . . Liquali in piu pareri a diverfi nobili huomini fcritti appaiono, et nuovamente da M. Giovanni Marinello mandati in luce. 8° Vinegia, 1561. ANGUS. Queries to the Scots innovators in divine fei-vice, and par- ticularly to the liturgical party in the fliire of Angus, and places adjacent thereto : being a compendious colleftion of the choiceft arguments againft the prefent innovations. By a lover of the Church of Scotland. 4° n. p. 17 12. ANGUS (Charles). * The trial of Charles Angus, Efq. on an indi(ftment for the wilful murder of Margaret Burns ... Second edition. 8° Liverpool, 1808. ANGUS (Henry). B, at Inveriteithing, 18 0(S. 1794. Educated at the Uni- verfities of Glafgow and Edinburgh. Minifter of the United Preftyterian church, St. Nicholas Lane, Aberdeen, 1S16. D. 27 June, i860. Works of fiftion ; their ufe and abufe. 8° Aberdeen, 1853. Sermons . . . Edited, with a memoir of his life, by his fon, the Rev. Robert Angus, M.A. : to which are added, recol- ledtions of the author, by the Rev. Andrew Thomfon, D.D. 8° Aberdeen, 1861. ANGUS (Joseph), M.A., D.D. A Baptift minifter. Examiner on the Englifli language, litera- ture, and hiftory in the Univerfity of London. The voluntaiy fyftem : a prize efTay, in reply to the lec- tures of Dr. Chalmers on Church eftablifhments. 12° Lond. 1839. Chrift our life ; in its origin, law, and end. 8° Lond. 1853. The Bible hand-book : an introduflion to the lludy ot Sacred Scripture. 12° Lond. 1854. — Another edition. 8° Lond. i860. Queftions on the Bible hand-book ... \Annn.\ 12° Lond. n. d. Hand-book of the Englifh tongue : for the ufe of ftudents and others. 12° Lond. 1862. ANGUS (William), A.M. Englifh grammar . . . with numerous exercifes, a large col- ledlion of Anglicifms, Scotticifms, Iricifms, &c., and a key. Fifth edition. 8" Glafgow, 1&39. An abridgement of Angus's grammar ; for the ufe of be- ginners. Si.xth edition. 12= Glafgow, 1839. ANIMAL. The natural hiftory of animals ; containing the anatomical defciiption of feveral creatures dilfefled by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris ... Done into Englifh by a Fellow of the Royal Society \Ahxander Pitfield.'\ To which is added an account of the meafure of a degree of a great circle of the earth ... Englifli'd by R. W. ^Richard Waller.'] foi. Lond. 1702. A philofophical furvey of the animal creation ... 1768. VTranJlated from the French o/John Bruckner.] EfTais philofophiques fur les moeurs de divers animaux etrangers, &c. 1783. \^By FoucherD'Obsonville.] A fhoit effay on the propagation and difperfion of animals and vegetables ... 1786. [By Elford.] An eafy introdu(5lion to the fhidy of the animal kingdom, according to the natural method of Cuvier. 8° Lond. n. d. Curiofities of animal life : with the recent difcoveries of the microfcope. 8^ Lond. [1848.] Kind tieatment of domeftic animals. 12° Dublin, n. d. Obfervations on the animal oeconomv. 8° Lond. 18 I 5. Converfations on the animal economy. By a phyfician. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1827. A converfation on abftinence from the flefh of animals as food ; introduftory to a confideration of the fubjeft in relation to the habitual reafoning of men, popular opinion, domeftic economy, and the fails of chemiftiy, anatomy, phyfiology, hiftory, morality, and religion. 12° Lond. 1846. The produfls of the vegetable kingdom verfus the flefh of animals as food : being a confideration of the fubjeifl in re- lation to the habitual reafoning of men ... 12° Lond. 1847. Wonders of the animal kingdom. Mammalia. 8° Lond. 1847. — Birds. 8° Lond. 1848. Domeftic animals. 4° [Edinb. 1855.] Wild animals. 4° [Edinb. 1855.] Domefticated and wild animals. A book for young chil- dren. 8° Lond. 1856. ANINYON — ANNE 145 The faculties of the lower animals and their claims on man : a lefture delivered before the Durham Athenxum. 8° Lond. ia58. Interefting ftories and anecdotes of animals. 8° Dublin, [1858.] Traits and anecdotes of animals. 8 '^ Lond. 1861. The children's pi(flure-book of the figacity of anim;Js. 8° Lond. 1S62. ANINYON (Michael de). A SpanJrti jurift, b. in the Kingdom of Aragon, who flour- iflied in the i6th century. Tradtatus de unitate ovilis et paftoris. [F. Zilettus, TraHatus un'iverfi juris, xiii. ii. 23.I ANJEMA (Henri). ProfclTor of mathematics in the Univerfity of Franeker. D. ihortly before the publication of the following work. Table dcs divifeurs dc tous les nombres naturels, depuis i jufqu'a lOOOO. 4° Leyde, 1767. ANJOU, Duke of. See Philip V., King of Spain. ANKETEL (W. R.) Theeffefls of abfenteeifm briefly confidered in the follow- ing pages, which are refpeftfully dedicated to the refident proprietors of Ireland, as a trifling but fincere tribute of re- fpeft, and addrefled to the abfentees, as a fhort expoftulation. 8° Lond. 1843. The conduft of the refident landlords of Ireland contralled with that of the abfentees, and taxation, as a remedy foj- abfenteeifm, demonllrated to be ncceflary, juft, and conllitu- tional. 8° Lond. 1844. ANLEY (Charlotte). Miiiam ; or, the power of truth : a Jewifh tale. By the author of " Influence." \Anon.'\ 8° Lond. 1826. — Tentli edition. 8° Lond. 1855. The prifoncrs of Auftralia : a narrative. \Anon.'\ 8° Lond. I 841. Earlfwood ; or, lights and (hadows of the Anglican Church : a tale for the times, and all time. 12° Lond. 1852. ANN, Saint. * An abridgment of the prerogatives of St. Ann, mother of the mother of God. 1688. [Zfy Dr. William Clagett.] * Motivos piadofos para adelantar la devocion tierna dcs los dolores de la SS. Virgen, cfmerandose en el cordial afedlo, culto, y verdadero obfequio k N. Senora efclarecida pati'ona, y querida ama Senora Santa Ana. 8° Mexico, n. d. ANN OF SWANSEA. PJeud. 0/ Ann Kemble. ANN ASH. Ann A(h ; or, the foundling. By the author of " Charlie Burton," "The broken arm," etc. 12° Lond. n. d. ANN COWMAN. Ann Cowman : a flictch from memory. By a clergy- man. 12= Lond. 1853. VOL. I. ANNA. Anna ; or, paflages from the life of a daughter at home. 8° Lond. 1859. ANNA COMNENA. See Comsesa. ANNA LEE. Anna Lee : the maiden ; the wife ; the mother : a tale. 8° Lond. 1853. ANNA MARIA. Clarence houfe ; or, the Mifles Camroux's eftablirtiment. S° Lond. 1S53. ANNAND (Alexander). A brief outline of the exifting fyftem for the government of India : to which is annexed a tabular ftatement of Icgif- lative enadtments from 1773 to 1826. 4° Lond. 1832. ANNAND (William), D.D. B. at Ayr, 1633. Educated at Univerfity College, Oxford, and taking orders, was appointed vicar of Leighton Buzzard, in Bedfordfliire. Chaplain to the Eail of Middleton, the King's commiflioner to the Scottifli Parliament, 1662. Minifter of the Tolbooth church, Edinburgh, 1663, and dean of Edinburgh, 1676. D. there, i6 June, 1689. Paler riof/er, our Father : or the Loi d's Prayer explained ; the fenfe thereof, and duties therein, from Scripture, hiflorj', and Fathers, methodically cleared, and fuccinftly opened, at Edinburgh. 8° Lond. 1670. Dualitas : or a twofold fubjedl difplaycd and opened, con- ducible to godlincfs and peace. In order, I. Lex loquens ; the honour and dignity of magiftracy, with the duties there- upon dejiending, and reverence thereunto due. II. Duorum unitas ; the agreement of magiftracy and miniftjy, at the elec- tion of the honourable magiftrates of Edinburgh, and the opening of diocefian fynod of the reverend clergy there. 4° Edinb. 1674. ANNAT (Fran(;ois). B. 5 Feb. 1590. Admitted a member of the Society of Jefuits, 1607. ProfelTor of philoibphy for fix, and of theology for leven years, at the College of Touloule. Refided for a year and a half at Rome, but returned to France, and was appointed confeflbr to Louis XIV. D. 14 June, 1670. Eugenii Philadclphi Romani [Pfeiit/.] Exercitatio fclio- laftica tripartita contra novam rationem tuendi phylicas prac- motiones libei'omin agcntium, eorumque liberuitem expon- cr.di, quam audtor opcris De libertate Dei ct creaturx nuper invexit ... Cum appendicead Guillelnium Camerarium Scot- um. 8° Cadurci, 1633. ANNE, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. B. 6 Feb. 1664. Married Prince George, brother of Chrif- tian v., King of Denmark, 28 July, 16S3. Succeeded to the throne on the death of William 111., 8 March, 1702. D. i Aug. 1714. The Princefs Anne of Denmark's letter to the Qui-en. S. Sh. n. p. [1688.] * The night-bell-nian of Pickadilly to the Princefs of Denmark. S. Sh. n. ]>. n. d. Her Majefties moll gracious letter to the Privy Council [of Scolhiml.] [Daleil at St. James' j, St/' Mareh, 170J.] S. Sh. Edinb. it-printed Glafgow, 1702. u 146 ANNE— ANNESLEY Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Pai'liament [on Monday, March ()th, 1 702.] S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. 1702. * A true and perfedl account of all the ceremonies tliat were us'd and done at the royal coronation of her moft excellent Majefty Queen Anne, that was perform'd at Weft- minfter-Abbey on St. George's day. With the great folem- nity us'd by the nobility and gentry there. With her Ma- jefty's magnificentproceedingat the feaft in Weftminfler Hall, the fame day. Alfo, the champion's fpeech that he made before the Queen and the nobility. 8° Lond. [1702.] Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament on Saturday the 27 day of FebiTjaiy, 1703. S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. I 703. Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Tuefday the ninth day of November, 1703. S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. 1703. Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Friday the feventeenth day of December, 1703. S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. I 703. The humble addrefs of the Right Honorable the Lords fpiritual and temporal in Parliament aflembled, prefented to her Majefty on Monday the fifth day of Februaiy, 17O4, and her Majefties moft gracious anfwei' thereunto. fol. Lond. I 704. Her Majefties moft gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland [18//; June, 1705.] Together with his Grace the lord high commiffioner [Duke of ylrgyle\ and the lord high chancellor [Earl of Saijieh/] their fpeeches [3^/ July, i 705.] fol. Edinb. 1705. Her Majefty's moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Tuefday the 3d day of December, 1706. S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. 1706. Her Majefty's moft gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland together with liis Grace the lord high commiffioner, and the lord high chancelloi' their fpeeches. fol. Edinb. I 706. Her Majefty's moft gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland [31/? July, 1 706.] [IVM the fpeeches of the lord high chancellor, SeaJielJ, and the high commiffioner , Qtiecnfberry, ^d Oa. 1706.] fol. no title page. * A fpeech f])oken to Her Majefty at her going to the thankfgiving at St. Paul's church, Dec. 3 i. i 706. Spoken by a child of I 2 years old, being one of the blew-coat-boys of Chrift's-Hofpital, London. S. Sh. no title page. Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Thurfday the 6th day of November, 1 707. S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. 1707. Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament [March 6, l 705- ; concerning the treaty of Union.'\ S. Sh. Edinb. 1707. Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Tuefday the 28 th day of January, 170^- [on the treaty of Union.^ S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. 1 707. Her Majefties moft gracious fpeech to both Houfes of Parliament, on Tuefday the twenty eight day of January 1707, concerning the Union. S. Sh. n. p. n. d. A proclamation [appointing circuit courts, i^c, in Scotland, 11th July, 1708.] S. Sh. Lond. 1708. The humble addrefs of the Right Hon. the Lords fpiritual and temporal in Parliament aflembled. 28 Nov. 1 7 10. [lVitl}\ her Majefty's moft gracious anfwer. S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. i 7 i o. A proclamation requiring quarantain to be perfoimed by fliips coming from the Baltick fea. [c/th Nov. I 7 I o.] S. Sh. Lond. reprinted Edinb. i 7 i o. * Addi-efl!es and fpeeches [to her MajeJlyJ^ 4° Edinb. 1 7 I o. Her Majefty's mefl'age to the Houfe of Commons, by Mr. Secretary St. Johns, concerning the death of the emperor, and the election of a new one. April 20th, 17 I I. S. Sh. Edinb. 17 I 1. A coUedion of all her Majefty's fpeeches, meflages, &c., from her happy acceflion to the throne, to the twenty-firft of June, 1712. 8° Lond. 17 12. A modelt enquiry into the r-eafons of the joy exprefled by a certain fett of people upon the fpreadrng of a report of her Majefty's death. I 7 1 4. [By Jonathan Swift.] * Epitaphium Annx, MagnE Britannia, Francis et Hiber- niae Regina?, tumrJo infcribendum. Bi-oadfide, Edinb. 1 7 1 4. * Memoirs of the conduft of her late Majefty and her laft miniftry relating to the fepar-ate peace with France. By the Right Hon. the Countefs of . 8° Lond. 1715. * Memoirs of Queen Anne : being a compleat fupplement to the hiftory of her reigir, wherein the tranfadtions of the four laft years are fully related. To which is prefixed ... a fuccinifl account of afl^airs fr'om the Reformation ... with the iflue ther'eof ... and the fucceffion of the prefent royal family to the crown of Great Britain, wherein the many artifices fet on foot at that time to defeat the faid fucceffion are now fair'ly laid open, and the whole hiftory of that affair put in a clear light ; from original papers, and other fufficient vouchers. 8° Lond. 1729. ANNE DYSART. Anne Dyfart : a tale. 1850. [5y C. J. Douglas.] ANNE GREY. Anne Grey : a novel. 1834. [By Mifs LrsxER.J ANNE SHERWOOD. Anne Sher'wood : or, the focial inftitutions of England. In thr-ee volumes. 8° Lond. 1857. ANNERSTEDT (Daniel). Obfer-vationum philologicarnim in liiiguam Suiogothicam, ex occalione vocum difficiliorTam libri hymnonam Suecani, fpecimen primum. 4° Upfalia, I 7 5 I .] — fpecimen fecundum. 4= Upfaliae, 1752.] ANNESLEY (Alexander). A folicitor in London. D. at Hyde Hall, Herts, 6 Dec- 1813. Strii5lur-es on the true caufe of the prefent alar'ming fcarcity of gi-ain and other pr'ovifions ; and a plan for permanent re- lief ... With an hiftorical dedu(flion of the prices of pr'ovi- fions. Interfper fed with various matters connedted with the commerce and navigation of Gr-eat Britain . . . 8° Lond. 1800. ANNESLEY— ANNIE LESLIE 147 A compendium of the law of marine infuiances, bottomry, infui'ance on lives, and of infurance againll: fiie. 8= Lond. 1808. ANNESLEY (Arthur), Earl of Anglefey. B. at Dublin, 10 July, 1614. D. 6 April, 1686. The truth unvail'd, &c., in behalf of the Church of Eng- land, and at the importunity of one that calls loudly on Mr. Standiih for particular inftances of fuch (amongll her pro- feff'd fons) as have ventured upon innovations in her doc- trine... By a perfon of quality. 4° n. p. 1667 [1676.] * Faifehood unmaflit, in anfwer to a book, called Truth unveil'd ... 1676. [By Robert Grove.] Reflexions on that difcourfe which a mafter of arts, (once) of the Univerfity of Cambiidg, calls rational, prefented in print to a perfon of honour, 1676, concerning tranfubftan- tiation. By one of no arts, but downright honefty. 4° Lond. 1676. A letter ... in anfwer to his Grace the Duke of Ormond's letter of Nov. the 12th. 1681, about his lordfhip's obferva- tions and refledlions upon the Earl of Caille-Haven's Me- moires, Sec. [James Butler, ^ letter from Ins Grace, James Duke of Ormoml. 1682.] The king's right of indulgence in fpiritual matters, with the equity thereof, aflerted. By a perfon of honour, and eminent minifter of ftate, lately deceafed. [Edited by Henry Care.] 4° Lond. 168S. The privileges of the Houfe of Lords and Commons argued and ftated, in two conferences between both houfes, April 19 and 22, 1671 ; to which is added a difcourfe, wherein the rights of the Houfe of Lords are truly aflerted. With learned remarks on the feeming arguments, and pre- tended precedents, offered at that time againft their lord- ftiips. 8° Lond. 1702. Memoirs of the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Angle- fey ... intermixt with moral, political, and hiftorical obfer- vations, by way of difcourfe in a letter. To which is pre- fixt a letter written by his lordfliip during his retirement from court in the year 1683. Publiflied by Sir Peter Pett. 8^ Lond. 1693. The Earl of Anglefey's (late of the goveinment and king- dom ; prepared and intended for his Majefty King Charles II., in the year 1682, but the ftorm impending growing fo high prevented it then : with a fliort vindication of his lordfliip from feveral afperfions caft upon him, in a pretended letter that carries the title of his Memoirs ; by Sir John Thom])fon, Bart., afterwards Lord Havei'fliani. [Scolt's edition ofSoniers' Tracts, viii. 343.] ANNESLEY (Sir Francis), ift Baron Mountnorris. Having filled many important offices of State in Ireland, was raifed to the peerage, 8 Feb. 1628. D. 1660. * A tiiie copy of the fentence of warre pronounced againft Sir Francis Anncfley, knight, and Baron Mountnorris in the realme of Ireland, in the caftle chamber at Dublin in Ireland, tlie 12. of December 1635. Together with his lordfliip's petition againft Thomas Earlc of Strafford, exhibited into the lionourable aflembly of the Commons houfe of Parliament the 7th of Nov. 164O. 4° Lond. 1 64 1. — [Scott's edition of Somen' Tracts, iv. 202.] ANNESLEY (George), Vifcount Valentia. B. 1769. Succeeded as 2d Earl of Mountnorris, 4 July, 1S16. D. 23 July, 1S44. Voyages and travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyf- finia, and Egypt, in the years 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806. 3 vols. 4° Lond. 1809. ANNESLEY (Sir James). B. in the county Down, about 1780. Educated at Dublin and London. Received a medical appointment to India, upon which he left England, and reached Madras Dec. 1800. After filling many important offices, he returned to England, May, 1S38. Knighted, 13 May, 1844. D. at Florence, 15 Dec. 1847. Sketches of the moft prevalent difeafes of India . . . and pradlical obfervations on the effedls of calomel on the alimcn- taiy canal, and on the difeafes moft prevalent in India. II- luftrated by tables and plates. 8° Lond. 1825. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1829. Refearchcs into tlie caufes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent difeafes of India, and of warm climates gene- rally ... In two volumes. 4° Lond. 1828. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1841. — - Third edition, to which is prefixed a memoir of the author by Thomas J. Pettigrew. 8° Lond. 1855. ANNESLEY (William). A defcription of W. Anncfley's new fyftcm of naval ar- chitefture, as fecured to him, for the three kingdoms and colonies, by His Majefty's royal letters patent. 8° Lond. 1 8 18. A new fyftem of naval architedlure. 4" Lond. 1 82 2. ANNE-SON (James). Pfend. of James Maxwell. ANNET (Peter). Annet's fliort-hand. 8° Lond. n. d. ANNETTE. Annette ; or, ears to hear. By the author of " Gleanings from Gofpel ftory," " Kenneth Forbes," etc. 8° Lond. n. d. ANNIBAL. See Hannibal. ANNIE. Annie's book-mark ; or, the advantages of Sabbath-fchool inftrudion. By the author of " The broken lily," " The empty neft," &c. 12° Lond. n. d. ANNIE ELTON. Annie Elton ; or, the cottage and the firm. 8°Edinb. 1862. ANNIE FOSTER. Annie Fofter ; a ftory for fchool girls : an American talc. 12° Lond. n. d. ANNIE LESLIE. Annie Leflic ; or, the little o^jhan. 12° Lond. 1856. 148 ANNIUS— ANQUETIL ANNIUS (Joannes). B. at Viterbo, about 1432. Became a member of the order of Dominican or preaching friars. Appointed mafter of the papal houfehold at Rome, 1498. D. 13 Nov. 1502. Tlie following works, though at firrt received as genuine, are now generally regarded as forgeries ; though it is doubtful whether Annius was himfelf the forger, or merely the dupe of fome one elfe. Beg'ttming : — Fratris Joannis Annii Viterbenfis ... de co- mentariis antiquitatu ad Chrillianifllmos Hifpaniarum Reges Ferdinandu & confoitem ejus Elifabetham Epiftola incipit. End : — Comentaria fratris Joannis Annii Vitei befis . . . fuper opera diveifomm aufloram de antiquitatibus loquentiii confefla finiunt. Romas in Campo Floras Anno Domini M.cccc.xcviii. ... iniprefTa per Euchariu Silber al's Fnmck ... fol. Antiquitatu variarii volumina xvii., a ... Jo. Annio hac feria declarata. Contentorum in aliis voluminibus liber pri- mus. Inftltutionum Anniarum de squivocis lib. 11. Ver- tumniana Propertii, lib. 111. Xenophontis icquivoca, lib. iiii. Fabii Piftoris de aureo feculo, lib. v. Myrdli, lib. vi. Ca- tonis fragmentum, lib. vii. Itinerarii Antonini fragmentu, lib. VIII. Sempi'onii de Italia, lib. ix. Archilochi de tem- poribus, lib. X. Metafthenis, lib. xi. De Hifpaniis, lib. XII. De chionogiaphia Etmfca, lib. xiii. Philonis, lib. xiiii. Berofi, lib. xv. Manethonis, lib. xvi. Anniarum XL. quceftionum, lib. xvii. fol. [Paris] opera Afcenfiana, 1512. — Another edition. 2 torn. 12° Lugd. 1554. ANNIVERSARY. The anniverfaiy : a Chriftmas ftoiy. 8° Lond. 1856. ANNO. Archbilhop of Cologne. D. 1075. * Vita Annonis ... edente R. Kcepke. [Pertz, Monu- menta Germaniit h'ljlor'ica, xiii. 462.] * Poetje anonymi Teutonici Rhythmus de S. Annone. [ScHiLTER, Thefaurus antiquitatum Teutonicarum, tom. i.] ANNUAIRE. Annuaire hiftorique, ou hiftoire politique et litteraire de I'annee 18 18— 58. ... Par C. L. Lefur. 40 vols. 8° Paris, 1819-62. Annuaire des deux mondes, hiftoire generale des divers etats. Tomes i-io. 8° Paris, 185 1-6 1. ANNUAL. The battle of the " Annuals :" a fragment, [/n verfi:] 12° Lond. 1835. The midfummer annual for youth. 1856. 12° Lond. [1856.] ANNUITANT— ANNUITY. The right honourable annuitant vindicated. With a word or two in favour of the other great man, in cafe of his refi"- nation : in a letter to a friend in the countiy. 8° Lond. 1761. A propofal for eftablifhing life-annuities in parilhes for the benefit of the induftrious poor. 8° Lond. 1772. Confiderations on the bill now depending in the Houfe of Commons, for enabling parifties to grant life-annuities to poor perfons, upon purchafe, in certain circumftances, and under certain reftriflion.s. Being an appendix to the pamphlet, in- titled, " A propofal for eftablifhing life-annuities in parilhes for the benefit of the induftrious poor." 8" Lond. 1773. ANNUS. Annus ; or, a memoir of the year mdcccxxxii. ; written by itfelf. With an introduftoiy preface by the year mdcccxxxiv. Alfo, a teftimonial by mdcccxxxiii. 12° Edinb. 1834. Annus infamis, 1848: a fatire of the day ; or thoughts on the events of the paft year. In verfe ; with notes. 8° Lond. 1849. ANODYNE. An anodyne to foothe catholic intemperance ... 18 12. [By W. P. RUSSEL.] ANONYMOUS. Animadveifions upon the conduft of the Rev. Dr. Ruth- erforth, in the controverfy which has followed the publi- cation of the Confefllonal. 1768. \By Dr. Benjamin Dawson.] ANONYMUS. The miffionarie's arts difcovered ; or, an account of their ways of infinuation, their artifices and feveral methods of which they fene themfelves in making converts. With a letter to Mr. Pulton, challenging I'.im to make good his charge of diftoyalty againft Proteiimts. And an hiftorical preface, containing an account of their introducing the heathen gods in their proceflions, and other particulars relating to the feveral chapters of this treatife. 4° Lond. 1688. ANONYMUS LINCOLNIENSIS. A letter to Dr. Calaniy : in vindication of Mr. Arch- d.;acon Echard's Hiftory of England. Wherein 'tis prov'd, that the doftor's grand-father was an incendiary, as appears from thofe three fermons he quotes in his vindication ; and that the doftor is notorioufly guilty of the fame faults with which he charges the rev. hiftorian. 8° Lond. 17 19. ANONYMUS LONDINENSIS. Pfeud. o/Matthias Earbery. . ANQUETIL (Louis Pierre). Brother of Anquetil Duperron. B. at Paris, 21 Feb. 1723. D. 6 Sep. 1806. Hiftoire civile ct politique de la ville de Reims. 3 tom. 12° Reims, 1756. L'intrigue du cabinet, fous Henri IV. et Louis XIII., ter- minee par la Fronde. 4 tom. 12° Maeftricht, 1782. L'efprit de la Ligue, ou hiftoire politique des troubles de France, pendant les xvi'= et xvii"= fiecles. Troifieme edition. 3 tom. 12° Paris, 1783. Louis XIV. ; fa cour et le Regent. 4 tom. I 2° Paris, 1789. Motifs des guerres et des traites de paix de la France, pen- dant les regnes de Louis XIV., Louis XV. et Louis XVI., ANQUETIL DUPERRON— ANSELM '49 depuis la paix de Weftphalie en 1648 jufqu'a celle de Ver- faijles, en 1783. 8° Paris, 1798. Precis de I'liiftoire univerfellc, ou tableau hilloriqiic pre- fentant les viciffitudes des nations, Icur agrandifTement, leur decadence et leurs cataftrophes, depuis le temps oil clles ont commence a etre connucs, jufqu'au moment ailuel. Qua- tri^me edition. i 2 torn. 12° Paris, 181 1. A fummai-y of univei-fal hiftory. In nine volumes ... Tranflated from the French. S° Lond. 1800. ANQUETIL DUPERRON(Abraham Hyacinthe). B. at Paris, 7 Dec. 1731. Vifited India for the purpofe of col- lefting Oriental manulcripts, and efpccially of obtaining copies of the religious books of the I'arlees. Returned to France, 1 762. Elefted a member of the Academy, 1763. D. at Paris, 17 Jan. 1805. Legiflation orientale, ouvrage dans lequel, en montrant quels font en Turquie, en Perfe et dans I'lndouftan, les prin- cipes fondamentaux du gouvernement, on prouve, I. Que la maniere dont jufqu'ici on a reprefente le defpotifme, qui pa/Te pour etre abfolu dans ces trois etats, ne pcut qu'en donner une idee abfolnment faufle. II. Qu'en Turquie, en Perfe et dans I'lndouftan, il y a un code de loix ecrites, qui obli- gent le prince ainfi que les fujets. III. Que dans ces trois ^tats, les paiticuiiers ont des proprietes en biens meubles et immeubles, dont ils jouiflent librement. 4° Amfterdam, 1778. Recherches hiftoriques et geographiques fur I'Inde ... 1786. [Bernoulli, Dffcription hi/lorique et geograph'ique de I'Inde, tom. ii.] L'Inde en rapport avec I'Europe ... 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1798. Oupnek'hat (id eft, fccrctum tegenduni) : opus ipfa in India rariflimum, contincns antiquam ct arcanam, feu thcolo- gicam etphilofophicam, dodrinam, e quatuor facris Indonjm libris, Rak Beid, Djedjr Beid, Sam Beid, Athrban Beid, ex- cerptam ; ad verbum h Perfico idiomate, Samfli.'\ 4° Lond. 1778. '■ Madge's addrefles to Chriftophcr Twift-wit, Efquire, Bath-laureat, and Miller's Plumian profeflbr. 4° Lond. 1777. — Second edition. 4° Lond. 1777. ANSTEY (Thomas Chisholme). A guide to the laws of England affeifling Roman Catho- lics. 8° Lond. 1842. The Queen's fupremacy conlidered in its relations with the Roman Catholic Church in England, being a fupplcmen- tal chapter to " A guide to the laws of England affeding Roman Catholics." 8° Lond. 1850. Guide to the hiftoiy of the laws and conftitutions of Eng- land, confiding of fix Icc'lures ... 12° Lond. 1845. A letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Cottenham upon his lordfliip's intended motion for a committee to enquire and report as to the law and praiflicc of ])etition of right. 8° Lond. 1845. Crime and government at Hong Kong : a letter to tlie editor of the "Times" ncwfpaper, offering leafons for an enquiry into the dilgraces brought on the Briiilh name in China, by the prcfent Hong Kong Government. 8° Lond. 1859. 152 ANSTICE— ANTHEMS ANSTICE (Joseph), M.A. Educated at Weftminfter fchool, whence he was elected to Chrift church, Oxford. Appointed firft clalTical profeilbr of King's College, London. D. at Torquay, 29 Feb. 1836, aged twenty-feven. Seledtions from the choice poetiy of the Greek dramatic writers: tranflated into Engliili verfe. 8° Lond. 1S32. ANSTICE (Robert). An enquiry into the laws of falling bodies, &c. 8^ Lond. 179+. ANSTIE (John). Obfervations on the importance and neceffity of introduc- ing improved machineiy into the woollen nianufadtory ; more particularly as it refpeifts the interelts of the counties of Wilts, Gloucefter, and Somcrfet ; with general remarks on the prefent application to Pailiament, by the manufafturers, for the repeal of feveral of the exilling laws : in a letter, addi'effed to the Right Hon. Lord Henry Pettey. 8° Lond. 1803. ANSTIS (John). B. at St. Neot, Cornwall, 2S Sep. 1669. Appointed Garter- king -of-arms, 1 71 8. D. 4 March, 1744. The regifter of the mod noble Order of the Gaiter, from its cover in black velvet, ufually called the Black book ; with notes placed at the bottom of the pages, and an intro- dudlion prefixed by the editor. In two volumes. \ylnon.^ fol. Lond. 1724. ANSTRUDIS. * Vita S. Anftrudis, abbatiflse Laudunenfis. [Mabillon, ABa fanclorum O.S.B. ii. 936.] ANSTRUTHER (Sir Alexander). Second fon of Sir Robert Anftruther of Balca/kie, Bart. Member of the Society of Lincoln's Inn, 1783. Called to the bar, 1792. Appointed advocate-general at Madras, 1798, Recorder of Bombay, 1812, when lie received the honour of knighthood. D. at the Mauritius, July, 1819. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the court of Exchequer, from Eafter term, 32 Geo. III. to Trinity term, 37 Geo. III. inclufive. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1796-7. ANSTRUTHER (Sir James). ™ On the deplorable death of the moft accomplifhed, ver- tuous, and oblidging gentelman, S'. James Anftruther, of Airdiie, K'., advocat, and clerk to the bills. S. Sh. Edinb. 1682. ANSTRUTHER (Sir John). The cafe of Sir John Anftrather, Baronet, fitting member for the boroughs of Anftinther-Eafter, Anfti-uthei'-Weller, Craill, Pittenweem, and Kilrenny. fol. [Edinb. 1766.] ANSTRUTHER (Philip). The examination of Maj. Gen. Anftruther, Lieut"'. Go- vernor of Minorca, before the H of L , Jan. 28, 1 7 4 1 : together with the refolution of the houfe on the fame. To which is added the proteft tliereupon. 8° Lond. 1742. ANSTRUTHER (Robert). La vraie cronicque d'Efcoce. Pretenfions des Anglois a la couronne de France. Diplome de Jacques VI. Roi de la Grande Bretagne. Drawn from the Burgundian Li- brary, by Major Robert Anfti-uther. [For the Roxburghe Club.] 40 Lond. 1847. ANSTRUTHER (Sir William), Bart. Appointed one of the judges of the Court of Seffion, with the title of Lord Anftruther, i Nov. 1689. D. at Edinburgh, 24 Jan. 171 1. Effays, moral and divine, in five difcourfes : viz., I. Againft atheifm. II. Of Providence. III. Of learning and religion. IV. Of trifling ftudies, ftage-playes, and ro- mances. V. Upon the incaination of Jefus Chi ift, and re- demption of mankind. 4° Edinb. I 70 I. ANSUERUS. * Afta Sanifti Anftieri, abb.itis Ratzeburgenfis. [Lange- BEK, Scriptorei rerum Danicarum, iii. 5 So.] ANTAR. Antar: a Bedoueen romance ; tranflated from the Arabick by Terrick Hamilton. i 8 1 9-20. ANTARCTICUS. Letter to the prefident of the Royal geographical fociety of London, op Antarflic difcoveiy. 8° Lond. 1837. ANTECOUR (J. B. d'). Chancellor of the Univerfity of Paris, and of the church of St. Genevieve. Reponfe des Chanoines Reguliers de la province de Bour- gogne a un ecrit des Religieux Benedi?). Florilcgiumdiuerforumepigrammatumvetei-um, in feptem libros diuiium, magno epigrammatum numero & duobus indicibus aui5tum. \_Edited by Henry Stephens.^ 8° [Parifiis,] 1566. Av^oXoyia ; five, epigrammatum Grascorum ex AvdoXoyia edita MS. Bodleiana, aliifque autoribus delecftus in ufum fcholas Weftmonafterienfis. 8° Oxon. 1724. AvOo'/.oyia os-jTi^a ; five, poematum Grascorum minorum deledlus in ufum fchols regias Weftmonafterienfis. 8° Oxon. 1725. Anthologia Grajca ; five, poetarum Grascomm lufus, ex recenfione Bmnckii. Indices et commentarium adjecit Fne- dcricus .lacobs. 3 tom. 8° Lipfias, 1794—5. Frederici Jacobs animadvcrfiones in cpigrammata Antho- logix Graicac fecundum ordinem Analeftoram Bnanckii. 3 tom. (8 parts.) 8° Lipfiae, 1798-18 14. Emendationcs in epigrammata Anthologix Graecac. Auc- tore Fridcrico .Iacobsio. I793- Anthologia Gnxa cum verfione Latina Hugonis Grotii, edita ab Hieronymo de Bofch. 5 tom. 4'J Ultrajefli, 1795-1822. Anthologia minor ; five, ilorilegium epigrammatum Grx- corum, ex Anthologia Planudea et Brunckii Analedlis felec- toiTim, adjcftis verfionibus Latinis Hugonis Grotii, auflore Joli. Arnold. Kannc. 8° Halis Saxonum, 1799. Epigrammata e purioribusGra:cas Anthologiae fontibushau- fit ... Joannes Edwards. 1825. Colleiflions from the Greek Antliology, by the late Rev. Robert Bland, and others. A new edition, comprifing the fragments of early lyric poetry, with fjiecimens of all the jwets included in Meleager's Garland, by J. H. Merivale. 12° Lond. 1833. Anthologia jiolyglotta : a felecTion of verfions in various languages, chiefly f om the Greek Anthology. By Henry Wellesley, D.D. 1849. The Greek Anthology, as fele(ftcd for the ufc of We(l- minfler, Eton, and other ])ublic fchools. Literally trandatid into EnglKh profe, chiclly by George Burges, A.M. To vol. I. which are added metrical verfions by Bland, Merivale, and others, and an index of reference to the originals. 8° Lond. 1852. Anthologia Graeca, in ufum fcholae Rugbienfis. 8° Lond. 1856. AvdoXoyici ; feu, felefla quaedam poemata Italoruni, qui Latine fcripferunt. 12° Lond. 1684. Anthologia Latina; hoc eft, ejiigrammata, partim e prifcis, paitim junioribus e poetis, non tam colleifta, quam feleda ... a Chnftoj)horo Augufto Heumanno. 8° Hanoverx, 1721. Anthologia poetica, in ufum Gymnafii Amftelodamenfis. 12° Amftelodami, 1793. Anthologia Latina poetica ; peqietua cum adnotiitione in ufum leftionum edidit D. Fridericus Aftius. 8° Monachii, 18 12. Anthologia Latina ... [ColIeSio Pijaureiifis, iv. 43 i. See Poems.] Seleftions from the Latin Anthology: tranflated into Eng- lifli vei-fe by John Dunlop. 8° Edinb. 1838. Anthologia Oxonienfis. Decerpfit Gulielmus Linwood. 1846. The Englifli Anthology. 3 vols. 8° Lond. i 793-4. ANTHON (Charles), LL.D. B. in New York, 1797. Profeflbr of languages in Columbia College in that city. A grammar of the Greek language, for the ufe of fchools and colleges ; revifed and corredled by the Rev. J. R. Major, D.D. 12° Lond. 184O. A fyftem of Greek profody and metre, for the ufe of fchools and colleges ; together with the choral fcanning of the Prometheus Vinftus of .£fchylus, and the Ajax and Qidipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. Revifed and corrected by the Rev. J. R. Major, D.D. 12= Lond. 1840. ANTHON (John). Brother of the preceding. B. at Detroit, 1784. The law of Nifi Prius ; being rejiorts of cafes determined at Nifi Prius, in the fu])reme court of the ftate of New York ; with notes and commentaries on each cafe. To which is prefixed an introdudVoi'y effay, on the ftudies preparatoiy to the adive duties of the bar. 8° New York, 1820. American precedents of declarations, colleded chiefly from manufcripts of Chief JulHce Parfons and other accom- plilhed pleaders in the ftate of MafTichufetts ... Third edi- tion. 8' Biookfield, 182 I. ANTHONY (Laac). B. at Bcdtord, 10 Dec. 1802. Educated at Homerton Col- lege. Miniftcr of L'owbridgc Independent chapel, Hertford, 1825. D. at Torquay, 28 Jan. 1848. * Memoir ... by John Hayden. 1848. ANTHONY (Louisa). Footfteps to hiiloiy : being an epitome of the hiftorics of England and France, embracing the cotcmpoiaiieous periods from the fiftli to the nineteenth centuries ... 8° Lond. 1852. — Second edition. 8° Land. 1H53. 154 ANTHROPOS OF KENT— ANTIJUDtEUS ANTHROPOS OF KENT. No. I. The uninternapted fuc- 12° Melkiham, 1843. Rhymes for the limes. celTion. ANTIAS (FuRius). A Roman poet, who lived about a century b.c. Vita et fragmenta. [Maittaire, Opera et fragmcnta ve- terum poetarum Lat'morum, p. (1526).] ANTIBOLUS (Petrus). A native of Piedmont. D. about 1493- De muneribus. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus un'merfi juris, xii. 19.] ANTI-CABALA. A morning vifit to the Rev. E. Inring's, and an inquiry into the alleged return to the Church of the gift of tongues ; with remarks, inferences, and fuggeftions ; alfo, an appendix, containing fadts and notices illuftrative of the whole fubjedl:. 8° Lond. 1832. ANTI-CANT. Voices from England, Auftialia, and America : a letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Ruflell, M.P. [on flavery of tlie foul and flaveiy of the body.] 8° Lond. 1850. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1S50. India 11. America : a letter to the chairman of the Hon. Eaft India Company, on cotton. 8° Lond. 1850. ANTI-CASTE. Chriftian government and Chriftian education in India. 8^ Lond. 1859. ANTICHRIST. Ludus pafchalis, de adventu et interitu Antichrifli, in fcena fxculo duodecimo exhibltus. [Pez, Thefaurus anec- Hotorum novyjimiis, 11. iii. 186.] Four marks of Antichrift ... 178S. [5_)i Gilbert Wake- field.] The deftruftion of Antichrift by the Lord's coming. 12° Lond. 1849. ANTICIPATION. Anticipation ; containing the fubftance of his M— — y's moft gracious fpeech, &c. 1778. [5_y Richard Tickell.] ANTI-CONINGSBY. Anti-Coningiby ; or, the new generation grown old. By an embryo M.P. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1844. ANTI-CORSICAN. The Anti-Corfican ; a poem, in three cantos ... 4° Exeter, 1805. ANTI-COUNTER-QUERIST. The anti-counter-querift counter-queried. \By Robert Calder.] ANTI-CRISPIAN (Calvin). Three contending brethren, Mr. Williams, Mr. Lob, Mr. Alfop, reconcil'd, and made friends ; by an occafional con- feience with tliree notorious hereticks, Mr. Humphi'eys, Mr. Clark, Dr. Crifp. 8° Lond. 1698. ANTIDOTE. An antidote againft the prefent fears and jealoufies of the nation. By an impartial hand. 4° Lond. 1679. The antidote ; or, memoirs of a modern freethinker, in- cluding letters and converfations on fcepticifm and the evi- dences of Chriftianity. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1827. ANTI-GALLICAN. The Anti-Gallican ; or, ftandard of Britilh loyalty, reli- gion, and liberty ; including a colledlion of the principal papers, trafts, declarations, fpeeches, poems and fongs, that have been publiflred on the threatened invafion : together with many original pieces on the fame fubjedl ... VoL I. 8° Lond. 1803. ANTIGONUS, Carvstius. A native of Caryftus, in the ifland of Eubita, of whofe hiftoty nothing certain is known. Antigoni, Caiyftii, Hiftoriarum mirabilium colle(5lanea- loannes Meurfius recenfuit et notas addldit. \Greel: text and hatin verfion by Xylaii(lcr.'\ 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 16 19. AvTiyovosj Igtooiuv Tasa&o^av avvayjiyri. Antigoni, Ca- i-yftii, Hiftoriarum mirabilium colleftanea, explicata a Joanne Beckmann ; additis annotationibus G. Xylandri, J. Meurfii, R. Bentleii, J. G. Schneider!, J. N. Niclas, aliorumque cum inteqjretatione G. Xylandri. Subjedtis fub finem annota- tionibus ad Ariftotelis Aufcultationes mirabiles. [Gr. ami Lat.~\ 4° LipCae, 1791. ANTIGUA. Antigua and the Antiguans : a full account of the colony and its inhabitants from the time of the Caribs to the prefent day, interfperfed with anecdotes and legends ; alfo, an im- partial view of flaveiy and the free labour fyftems ; the fta- tiftics of the ifland, and biographical notices of the principal families. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1844. ANTI-JACOBIN. The Anti-Jacobin: a Hudibraftic poem. 1794. \_By Alexander Watson.] The Anti-Jacobin ; or, weekly examiner. In two volumes. Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1799- Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin : comprifing the celebrated political and fatirical poems, parodies, and jeux-d'efprit of the Rt. Hon. George Canning, the Earl of Liverpool, Mar- quis Wellefley, the Rt. Hon. J. H. Frere, G. Ellis, Efq., W. Gifford, Efq., and others. New and revlfed edition, with explanatoiy notes, by Charles Edmonds. 8° Lond. 1852. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. ANTIJUD^US. A letter to Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart., on tlie obfervance of Sunday. 8° Lond. 1849. ANTILLA— ANTIPODES 155 ANTILLA (Alexander de). An Italian lawyer, member of a noble Florentine family, who lived about the middle of the 14th century. Re])etitio in cap. Tibi qui, de rcfcript. \_Repetitiones Juris CANONici, V. 182.] ANTILLES. Hiftoire naturelle ct morale des lies Antilles. ^By Louis de Poincy.] 1681. ANTIMACHIAVEL. Antimacliiavel, oder iiber die Grenzen des biirgerlichen Gehorfams ; auf VeranlafTung zweyer Aufsatze in der Berl. Monatsfchrift (Sept. und Dec. 1793) von den Herren Kant und Genz. 8° Halle, 1794. ANTIMACHUS, Colophonius. A native of Claros, a fmall town in the territory of Colophon. Lived at the conclufion of the Peloponnelian war, 404 b.c. Reliquix. Nunc piinium conquirere et explicare inllituit Car. Add. Gottl. Schellenberg. Acceffit epiftola Fjid. Aug. Wolfii. 8° HaJK Saxon., 1786. Fragmenta. [Gr. on/j". Ste?hakvs, Poeta: Graci heroici, ii. 480.] — [Gr. iirid Lat. Lectius, Poetic Gnecl vcleres heroin, '• 734-] ANTIMALIGNANT. A chara(5ler of an antimalignant, or right parliamentier ; expreffing plainly his opinion concerning king and parlia- ment. 4° Lond. 1645. ANTI-MAMMON. Anti-Mammon ; or an expofure of the unfcriptural ftate- ments of "Mammon" Vhy John Harris^ with a flatcment of tnje doflrine, as maintained by found divines, and derived from Holy Scripture. By two clergymen. I 2° Lond. 1837. ANTI-MAUD. Anti-Maud. By a poet of the people. 12^ Lond. 1855. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1856. ANTI-MONOPOLIST. Remarks on the ])refent flate of the coal trade, with a rc- trofpeflive glance at its hidory : addrefl'ed to tlie M.irquis of Londonderry, K.C.B. 8° Lond. 1843. ANTINE (M. F. n'). Sa- Dantine. ANTINOMIANS. A fliort ftory of the rife, reign, and niin of the Antino- mians, Familifts and Libertines, that infeded the churches of New-England : and how they were confuted by the af- fembly of minifters there : as alfo of the magiftrates proceed- ings in court againft them. Together with Gods (Irange and remarkable judgements from heaven U])on fome of the cliief fomenters of thefe opinions ; and the lamentable death of Mrs. Hutchifon. 4° Lond. 1644. ANTINORIUS (Antonius). B. about 1720, at Aquila, in the Abruzzi. Entered the Church, and became archbilhop of Lanciano. D. at Aquila, 1780. Aquilanarum reram fcriptores aliquot rudes, e variis manu- fcriptis cura ... Antonii Antinorii, civis Aquilani, e tenebris erepti ; nunc primum prodeunt, una cum ejus notis, atque additamentis. [Muratori, Ant'iquUates Italkx med'ti avi, vi. 484.] Colledtio monumentomm Furconii, et Amiterni comiui- tuumafaiculi v. fine ad annum ufque 1265 ... [Ibid. vi. 487.] ANTIOCH. Tlie cripple of Antioch, and other fcenes from Chriftian life in early times. By the author of " Tales and fl/•y avroxoaro^oz, roiv 11; icivrov ^iZkia //3'. Marci Antonini, imperatoris, de rebus fuis, five de eis qcE ad fe pertinere cenfebat, libri xii., locis baud paucis re- purgati, fuppleti, reftituti : verfione infuper Latina nova ; ledtionibus item variis locifqe parallelis ad marginem adjeiftis, ac commentario peqjetuo, explicati atqe illuftrati ; Ihidio operaqe Thoma; Gatakeri. 4° Cantabrigise, 1652. — Adduntur etiam Merici Cafaubonis ... notas ... fol. Trajefti ad Rhenum, 1697. Magzou hvrciivDiov riiv E/g iuurov (iiZ'Kia, ii3'. Marci An- tonini, imperatoris ac philofophi, libri xii. eomm, quae de feipfo ad feipfum fcripfit, ad exemplar Oxonienfe 1704 recufi. Introdudionem ad philofophiam Stoicam, ex mente M. Antonini, praemifit loan. Francifcus Buddeus ... Vitam recenfuit criticifque obfervationlbus illuftravit Chriftophoius Wolle, A.M. [Gr. and Lat.] 8° Lipfix, 1 729. Maozou AvT'jjvitou, avrox^aro^og, ron iig laxiTiiV jSiZXia /p. Marci "Antonini, imperatoris, commentarionim, quos ipfe fibi fcripfit, libri duodecim. Graeca ad codicum manufcriptorum fidem emendavit, notationem varietatis leftionum et interpre- tationem Latinam caftigatam adjunxit, Gatakeri aliorumque notas cum fuis animadverfionibus indicibufque locvipletiflimis adjecit Joannes Matthias Schuitz. Volumen primum An- tonini textum Graecum, intei-pretationem Latinam et ledion- um varietatera continens. 8° Slefvici, I 802. [Vol. 2 was never publifiied.] Reflexions morales de I'empereur Marc Antonin : avec des remarques de Mr. et de Mad. Dacier. Seconde edition ... 2 tom. 8° Amfterdam, 1691. The Meditations of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Anto- ninus ; newly tranflated from the Greek : with notes, and an account of his life. [Tlje Jirjl iivo books tranjlated by 'James Moor, the rejl by Francis Hiitchefon.] 8° Glafgow, 1742. The Commentaries of the emperor Marcus Antoninus : containing his maxims of fcience, and rules of life : wrote for his own ufe, and addrefT'd to himfelf. Tranflated from the original in Greek, by James Thomfon, gent. With a fliort preface by the tranflator, which may fen'e for an intro- ducftion to the author's fentiments, concerning the harmony and progrefs of univerfal nature, and the proper virtues of human nature. 8 Lond. 1747. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, with the Manual of Epi(5letus, and a Summary of Chriflian morality : freely tranflated from the original Greek, by Heniy M'Cor- mac, M.D. 12° Lond. 1844. The Thoughts of the emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus, tranflated by George Long. 8° Lond. 1862. * Marc Aurele ; ou, hiftoire philofophique de I'empereur Marc-Antonin ... 1820. [By Louis-Madeleine Ripault.] '■'Libro aureo de Marco Aurelio, 1529. The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius. 1542. [5)1 Antonio Guevara.] ANTONINUS (Philifpus). An ccclefiaftjc of the Church of Rome, b. at Sarljna, in Umbria. Lived in the beginning of the 17th century. Saflina antiqua, feu defcriptio antiquiflimacurbis Umbrorum vetemm, Saflina olim, nunc Sarfina difl^ ; cujus cum vetus- tas & fata, tum marmora antiqua, atque alia monumenta, publica & privata, eruuntur. Latinitate donavit Sigebertus Havercampus. [Gr/evius, Thejaurus antiqu'itatum et hijlori- arum Italix, tom. vii. pt. 2.] ANTONIO DI BOETIO, Aquilano. Poemi due ... delle cofe dell' Aquila dall' anno 1363 al 1382. [MuRATORi, Antiquitatcs ItalictE medii levi, vu 7 I I .] ANTONIO, DE Padua. B. at Liihon, 1195. Became a Francifcan monk, 1221. Taught theology at Verceil, Bologna, Montpellier, Limoges, and at Padua, where he d. 13 June, 1231. Canonifed, I232. The moral concordances of St. Anthony of Padua, tranf- lated, verified, and adapted to modern ufe, by the Rev, J. M. Neale, M.A. 12° Lond. n. d. * Epitome de la vida ... de San Antonio ... de Padua. 1647. [.^y Miguel Pacheco.] ANTONIO (Francisco). B. at Lifton. Entered the Jefuit order, 1558. ProfefTor of law at Coimbra, fubfequently of moral theology at Madrid. D. 15 Feb. 1610, in his feventy-fifth year. Confideraciones fobre los myfterios del altiflimo facrificio de la miflli ; repartidos en quatro libros, en los quales tara- bien fe ponen niuchos fiiitos, y milagros de la miflli, y del fantifllmo facramento, y del agua bendita, y de las imagenes y reliquias de los fantos, y de la fenal de la cruz, y del Agnus Dei. 4° Madrid, 159S. ANTONIO— ANTONIUS ^59 ANTONIO (Nicolas). B. at Seville, 28 July, 1617. D. at Madrid, 13 Apr. 16S4. De exiJio ; five, de exilii poena antiqua et nova, cxuluni- que conditione et juribus : libii tres. fol. Antveqiix, 1659. — [Meerman, Nomis thefauni! juris civilis et ccmonlc'i, iii. I.] Bibliotheca Hifpana ; five, Hifpanonam, qui ufquam, un- quanive, five Latina, five ])opulaii, five alia quavis lingua fcripto, aliquid confignaverunt, notitia ; his quae piascefleiunt locupletior et ccitior ; brcvia elogia, editorum atque inedi- tonim operum catalogum duabus partibus continens ; quainini haec ordinc quidem lei poflerior, conceptu veio prior, iluobus Unnis de his agit, qui poll annum fi^cularem Mi). ufi:jue ad praEfi;ntem diem floruere ... fol. Roma", 1672. Bibliotheca Hifpana nova ; five, Hifpanonim fcriptorum, qui ab anno md. ad mdclxxxiv. floruere, notitia ... Nunc primum prodit recognita, emendata, audla ab ipfo auftore. 2 torn. 4^ Matriti, 1783-8. Bibliotheca Hifpana Vetus ; five, Hifpanoium, qui uf- quam, unquamve fcripto aliquid configiiavenint, notitia. Com- pledlens fcriptores omnes, qui, ab OiSaviani Augufli imperio, ufque ad annum m. floruerunt. Tomus primus [ ... ab anno M. ufque ad md. ... Tomus fecundus.] Opus pofthumum : nunc primilm prodit juflu et expenfis D. Jofephi Saenz, Cardinalis de Aguirre. fol. Romx, 1696. — Curante Francifco Perezio Bayerio, qui et prologum, et auftoris vita; epitomen, et notulas adjecit. 2 tom. fol. Matriti, 1788. Repertorium generale rerum notabiliorum feu mateiiamm omnium, qui in libris ofto quotidianarum controverfiamm juris D. .loannis del Caftillo Sotomayor ... continentur ... fol. Lugd. 1686. Cenfura de hiftorias fabulofas. Obra pofthuma ... Van anadidas algunas cartiis del mifmo autor i de otros erudites. Pubiica cftas obras Don Gregorio Mayans i Sifcar. fol. Valencia, 1742. ANTONIUS, Magnus, Abbas. B. at Coma, near Heracleia, in Middle Egypt, A. D. 251. The reputed founder of tlic monaftic life among the early Chriffians. D. 17 Jan. 356. Epiftolx VII. yMux. Bibliotheca •veterum Patrum, iv. 77.] Sermo de vanitati- niundi, ct de refurredlione mortuonim, ))er D. Gerard. Voffium editus. [Ibid. iv. 85.] ANTONIUS, Melissa. A Greek monk, of whole hiftory nothing is known. His work has been afcribcd to S- Antony the Great, but it is of much later date. Ell TTi !Taooi;(r)j (SiiBkoi iSidTi raoi. A.ToiMrnionvfi.aLrtin ix. Oiafio^ut, Ttui re y.alf »i/ia;, nai ruv du^aDsv Siii'Kiinv, ro/zo/ Tce;;. Ma'^ificiu yA^cOMioiv msi riXiias ayuTri; xai aXXtuv aftriuv iKwrovra&ig 0. WeojJ/Xou, tjoj AutoXuxov, tew i-)iou xai mBriuii Xj/ffr;avw>, /3;/3>.;a y. Tariavou Aaffw/ou Xoyoi xara lOtui/. Hoc iiolumine continentur : Sententiarum five capitum, thcologicoium prscipuc, ex facris ct piofanis libri.s, tomi tres, per Antonium et Maximum monachosolim colle(51i ... Abba; Maximi ... A]ihorifiiioiuni feu ca])itum de])erfei^hi charitatc et aliis uirtutibusChrillianisad El]ildium pivfliyteniin centuria; iiu. TheophiJi ... de Deo ct fide Chrillianorum contra gentes inftitutionum libri tres ad Autolycum. Tatiani Aflyrii ... Oratio contra Graecos. [Gr. on/y.'l fol. Tiguri, I 5 46. ANTONIUS (^Lius), Nebrissensis. B. 1444, at Nebrixa, or Lebrixa, in Andalufia. Studied at Salamanca and Bologna. ProfelTor of grammar and poetry at Salamanca ; promoted by Ximenez, 1513, to a profcflbrihip in his newly founded Univerfity of Alcala de Henares. D. 2 July, 1522. Introduftionum latinam ultima recognitio. 4° In alma Parifiorum Achademia, i 500. — Another edition. Cum ipfifmet autoris longioribus glofiematis. 8' Lugduni, 1510. — Another edition. fol. apud inclytam Granatam, 1552- Habes in hoc volumine, amice ledlor, JEMi Antonii Neb- riffenfis rerum a Fernando & Elifabe Hifpaniarum foeliciiTimis regibus geftarum dec:ides duas : necnon belli Nauarienfis libros duos: annexa infuper Archiepifco[)i Roderici chronica, aliifque hiltoriis antchac non excuflis : [viz. Genealogia regum Hifpanorum . . . Alphonfi de Carthagena epifcopi Burgenfis. Epifcopi Gerundenfis (Joannis Moles a Margaritis) Parali- pomenon Hifpanis libri decern.] ^Edited by Sancho, fon of the author.^ fol. apud inclytam Granatam, 1545. Rerum a Ferdinando et Elifabe . . . geftarum decades dux. [ScHOTTUS, Hifpania: illuJJratte, i. 786.] — [Robert Bell, Rerum Hifpuntcarum fcriptores, [). 1073.] [The above is a tranflation of the Spanilh chronicle of Hernando del Pulgar, left unfinilhed by Antonius, and, after his death, publifhcd by his fon, Sancho, who fuppofed it to be an original work.] De bello Navarienfi libri duo. [Schottus, Hifpanite illuf tratie, i. 906.] — [Robert Bell, Rerum Hifpimicarum fcriptores, p. 12 12.] Vocabularium utiiufque juris . . . Cum tradlatu admodum utili de ratione lludii. Accellit prxterea Lexicon juris civilis, in quo varii et infignes errores Accurfii notantur ... 8° Venet. 1575. A la mui aita e afli efclarccida jirincefa dona Ifabel la ter- cera dcfte nombre ... Comienza la gramatica que nuevamente hizo cl niaedro Antonio de lebrixa fobre la lengua Caftellana. 4° Em])reflb en la mui noble ciudad de Salamanca, 1492. [The above, though dated 1492, is tiie fpurious edition publiihed about 1770.] Quinquagena, feu, quinquaginta S. Scri]itui-a; locorum ex. ))Ianatio, ordine alphabetico. [Critici sacri, viii. iii. 91.] ANTONIUS (.loANNEs). Prior of the monaftcry of St. James at Mcntz, in the begin- ning of the I7tli century. Catalogus ... abbatum pcrcclebris monafterii D. Jacobi in monte fpeciofo prope Moguntiam, ordinis D. Benediifli ... necnon abbatum ... ad alias abbatias afluminomni, venera- bilium itidem P.P. prioruni alioi-umq\te patrum ac fratnim in])i;ifato monafierio profefliii um ... G. C. .loannis ivccn- fuit, nolulis p ifiim inf|)eifis lllullrauit, necnon ad pnufens ufque tempus produxit. |G. C. Joannes, Res Moguntitictt, iii. 799-] i6o ANTONY — ANVILLE ANTONY. Antony, the deaf and dumb boy. 2 vols. 8° Lend. 1851. ANTRAIGUES, Comte d'. See Emanuel Louis- Hemi de Launey. ANTRAMONIA (Ambertus de). A jurift of Bologna, who is known only as the author of the undermentioned work. Tradlatus fuper materia qucfftionum, feu toiturx. [F. ZiLETTUS, TraSatus univerfi juris, xi. i. 306.] ANTRIM. A letter from the prefbytery of Antrim to the congrega- tions under their care ; occafion'd by the uncharitable breach of lynodical communion, made by the general fynod of Dun- gannon, June 25th, 1726. 8° Belfaft, 1726. A brief review of a paper intituled, A letter fiom the prefbytery of Antrim ... 1730. [.Sy Alexander Hutche- SON.] A narrative of the proceedings of feven general fynods of the northern Prefbyterians in Ireland, with relation to tlieir differences in judgment and practice from the year 1720 to the year 1726, in which they iffu'd in a fy nodical breach ... By the minifters of the prefbytery of Antrim, in the north of Ireland. 8° Belfaft, 1727. ANTROBUS (Edmund Edward), F.S.A. Anarchy and order : fafts for the confideration of all claffes of the community, more efpecially for the mechanic, artifan, &c. 8° Lend. 1848. The prifon and the fchool : the chief afceitained caufes of crime confidered, with fuggeftions for the care, relief, and reformation of the negledled, deftitute, and ciiminal children of the metropolis. 8° Lond. 1853. ANTROBUS (J.) Clifton ; or, thoughts and fcenes : in two cantos. 8° Lond. 1834. The wrongs of Poland : a poem, in three cantos, com- priCng the fiege of Vienna, with hift:orical notes. \Anon.'\ 8° Lond. 1849. The Czar and the Turk : a lay of the Eaft. [AnonS^ 8° Lond. 1854. ANTROBUS (John), Jun. The pilgrim's dream, and other poems. 8° Birmingham, 1850. ANTROPOPHILE. L'antropophile ; ou le fecret et les mifteres de I'ordre de la Felicite, devoiles ... 1746. [By Jean Pierre Moet.] ANTWERP. The emperor's claims : being a defcription of the city of Antwerp and the river Schelde ; with a concife hiftory of the Auftrian Netherlands. Together with extrads from the articles of the treaty of Munfter, and thofe of the Barrier tieaty, wheieby the Dutch found their right to the blocking up of die Schelde ... 8° Lond. 1785. Antwerp : a journal kept there, including alfo notices of BiTjlTels, and of the monaftery of St. Bernard, near Weft- malle. 8° Lond. 1847. ANULUS (Bartholom^us). A poet, hiftorian, lawyer and orator, b. at Bourges about the beginning of the l6ch century. Profeflor of rhetoric in the College of the Trinity, at Lyon, about 1530, and principal, 1542. On the 21 June, 1565, a Itone having been thrown Irom one of the windows of his college, while the ptocellion of the hoft was palling, lulpicion fell upon Aneau, as being a Proteftant, and the mob, in a frenzy, put him to death. Poeniata. [Gruter, Delitis poetarum Gallorum, i. 58.] ANUNCIACION (Juan de la). La inocencia vindicada : refpuefta ... a un papel anony- mo contra el libro de la vida interior, que de fi efcribio D. Juan de Palafox y Mendoza. 4° Madrid, n. d. ANVERS (Caleb d'). See D' An vers. ANVERS (Henry d'). See D'Anvers. ANVERS (Knightly d'). See D'Anvers. ANVILLE (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'). B. at Paris, 11 July, 1697. Appointed geographer to the king, when Icarcely twenty-two years of age. D. 28 Jan. 17S2. Nouvel atlas de la Chine, de la Tartaric Chinoife, et du Thibet ; contenant les cartes generales et particulieres de ces pays, ainfi que la carte du royaume de Coree ... Precede d'une defci iption de la Bouchai ie par un officier Suedois, qui a fait quelque fejour dans ce pays. fol. La Haye, 1737. Lettre au R. P. Caftel, Jefuite, au fujet des pays de Kam- tchatka & de Jego ; et reponfe du R. P. Caftcl. 12° Paris, 1737. Reponfe au memoire envoye a I'Academie Royale des Sciences, contre la mcfure conjefturale des degrez de I'equa- teur, en confequence de I'ctenduc de la mer du Sud. 12° [Paris,] 1738. Analyfe geographique de I'ltalie. 4° Paris, 1744. EclaircifTemens geographiques fur la carte de I'lnde. 4° Paris, 1753. Notice de I'ancienne Gaule, tii-ee des monumens Romains. 4° Paris, I 760. Memoires fur I'Egypte ancienne et moderae, iuivis d'une defcription du golfe Arabique ou de la Mer Rouge. 4° Paris, I 766. Geographic ancienne abregee. 3 torn. 12° Paris, 1768. — Nouvelle edition, revue par I'auteur. fol. Paris, I 769. Traite des mefures itineraires anciennes et modernes. 8° Paris, 1769. Etats formes en Europe, apres la chute de I'empire Ro- maiu en Occident. 4° Paris, 1771. L'empire de Ruffie, fon origine et fes accroiffemens. 12° Paris, 1772. A complete body of ancient geography ... To which are added, Britannia Romana, by Mr. Horfley, &c. Graecix pars feptentrionalis, Graccis pars meridionalis, by Mens. ANWYL— API 161 Charles de I'lfle. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Biitifh Ifles, in an intermediate (late between ancient and modern geography, by Mons. d'Anville. And the whole improved by inferting the modern names of places under the ancient. fol. Lond. 1775. Antiquite geographique de I'lnde et de plufieurs autres contrees de la haute Aiie. 4° Paris, 1775. Memoire ... fur la Chine. 8° A Pe-kin, et fe trouve a Paris, 1776. Memoire fm- la mer Cafpienne ; lii a I'Academie Royale des Sciences en Mai 1777. 4° Paris, J "J "J J. Confiderations gcnerales, fur I'etude et les connoiflances que demande la compoCtion des ouvragcs de geogj'aphie. 8° Paris, 1777. L'Euphrate et le Tigre. 4" Paris, 1779. Handbuch der alten Erdbefchreibung zum Gebrauch feines Atlas Antiquus in zwolf Landkarcen verfafft. Ncue umgearbeitete Auflage von A. H. L. Heeren. [Paul Jakob Bruns und H. E. G. Paulus.] 5 Thle. 8° Niirnberg, 1800. ANWYL (Edward Trevor). Reginald Trevor ; or, the WeKh loyalifts : a tale of the feventeenth century. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1829. ANYSIUS (Janus). B, at Naples about 1472. Studied law, which he foon aban- doned for a literary life, in the courfe of which he travelled through Italy, refiding feveral years in Rome. On his return to Naples, he became a prieft. D. about 1540. Eclogx VI. rj. Oporinus, Bucalicorum autores xxxviii. p. 409.] ANZANO (ToMAs). Elementos preliminares para poder formar un fyftema de gobierno de hofpicio general. 4° Madrid, 1778. APAFI (Michael). B. about 1633. Set up by the Turks as prince of Tranfyl- vania, inftead of John Kemeny, depoled by them, 1660. Af- filled the Turks and Hungarians on feveral occafions againft Auftrla, which refultcd in the fubjcftion of his principality to that power, 1688. D. at Fogaras, 15 April, 1690. The declaration of the Hungarian war, lately fet out by the mod iiluilrious Michael Apali ... againft the Emperour's S. Majcfty. According to the Tranfylvanian copy, anno 1682 ... fol. Lond. 1682. APARICI (Joseph Innocencio). Noite fixo, y promptuario feguro, para la mas clara, y breve inteligencia del valor de todas las moned;is ufuales, y corrientes del continente dc Efpana, affi en fus projjrios rey- nos, como en los demhs de cUa, arreglado "a la ultima re;J pragmatica expedida en 16. de Mayo de 1737. 8° Madrid, I 74 1. APEL (August). B. at Leipzig, 171 1 j ftudied there and at Wittenberg; ad- mitted a member of the Scnatus Acadcmicus of Leipzig, 1801. D. 9 Aug. 1816. Gefpenfterbuch, herausgegeben von A. Ape! und F. Laun. 12° Leipzig, 181 I. Metrik. 2 Thle. 8° Leipzig, 1814-16. VOL. I. APEL (Heinrich). Praflical introdudion to the ftudy of the German lan- guage, accoiding to the views of Dr. Becker. 12° Lond. 1842. The formation of words of the Geinian language, practi- cally developed and arranged according to the views of Dr. Becker . . . forming a fupplement to every German grammar. 8° Lond. 1 8 44. APELIUS (Henricus Fridericus Innocentius). * Memoriam viri illuftris, Henrici Friderici Innocentii Apelii ...d. xiv. Novembr. a. 1802 placide defundti, civibus fuis et grata: polleritati commendat Reilor Univerfitatis lit- terai-um Lipfienfis. 4° LipCse, 1803. APHERDIANUS (Petrus). A poet and grammarian, who lived at Amfterdam during the latter half of the i6th century. Poemata. ^GKVTZS.,Deliliiepoeiarum Be/gicorum,\. 165.] APHORISM. High-church aphorifms, written by thofe twin-brothers in fcandal, the author of the E.xaminer, and modell Abel [yliel Roper, editor of the Pojl-boy.'] 8° n. p. I 7 I I. APHTHONIUS. A Greek rhetorician, b. at Antioch. It is fuppofed that he lived in the early part of the 4th century, but of his pcrlonal hiftory nothing is known. A^Soviov 'S.ofiSTou Tlooyu/j.vaa/j.aToi, v.ai /j-vOoi. Aphthonii Sophifts Progymnafmata. Francifco Scobario intej-prete : cum notis ex commentiuiis Hadamarii. Eiufdem Aphthonii Fabuia; nunc primilm in lucem prolatae. Editio nova audla et recognita. [Gr. ami Lat.] 8° Parifiis, 162 I. O/ ill rri i>riTOPr/.ri Tsp^vi) y.ooufaioi, Afhviog, Kf^'jioynrj;, A. Aoy/ivo;. Aphthonius, Hermogenes, et Dionyfius Lon- ginus, prartantiiTinii aitis rhetorices magilhi, Fiancifci Porti, Cretenfis, opera induftriaque illuftrati atque expoliti. [Gr. on/y.] 8° [Lugduni,] 1570. A^()onoii 2o^;ffroD Tl^oyu/j,vagf/.aTa. Aphthonii Sophifta: Progymnafmata. Accedit ejufdcm intcq)rctatio, ita emen- dati, ut nova videri poflit. [F.i/itc;-/!^;, ?j tj^/ 0£cuv, jSiiSXia y. Bibliotheces, five de deorum origine, libii iii. ; Benedi(flo ^gio, Spoletino, interprete. Hanc editionem Hieronymus Coramelinus recen- fuit ; plerifque in locis, mm.fl". ope, emendatiorem reddidit ; ac notis variis, ex collatione veterum exemplarium, fed prx- cipue Palat. illuftiavit. \Gr. and LatJ] 8° [Heidelbergx,] 1599. Bibliothecx libri tres, et fragmenta ; curis fecundis illus- travit Chr. G. Heyne. 2 tom. 8° Gottingx, 1803. — [Thomas Gale, Hyioriic poet'icit fcnptores anhqu't, p. I.] AtoX'ao&usou, tod ASriuaiou, BiiXioSrixyj. Bibliotheque d'Apollodore I'Athenien. Ti'aduftion nouvelle avec le texte Grec revu et corrige, des notes et une table analytique par E. Clavier. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1805. APOLLONII (GULIELMUS). B. atVeere, in Zeeland, in the beginning of the 17th century. MinifteratSt. Anneter Minden, 1627; at Middleburgh, 1631. D. 1657. Confideratio quarundam controverfiarum ad regimen Ec- clefix Dei fpedlantium, qux in Anglix regno hodie agitant- ur. Ex mandate et juflu clafiis Walachrianx confcripta ... et ab ecclefiis Walachris, ad ecclefiamm fuarum fenfum et confenfuni, judicandura tranfmifia ad Synodum Londinen- fem, 16 Oftobris, anni 1644. 8^ Lond. 1644. Jus Majeftatis circa facra ; five, tradtatus theologicus, de APOLLONIUS 163 jure magiftratus circa res ecclefiafticas, oppofitus ... Nicolai Vcdelii traiStatui De epifcopatu Conrtantini Magni ... 2 torn. S' Mcdioburgi Zclandomm, 1642—^. APOLLONIUS, Alexandrinus, Dyscolus. One of the moft f.imous of ancient grammarians. B. at Alex- andria, where he flouriftied in the reigns of Hadrian and An- toninus Pius. De fyntaxi feu conftni(Slione orationis libri iiii. A Francifco Porto ... e iiianufcri])to codice paflim & corredti & fuppleti ; turn Latine redditi, & notationibus illuftrati : nunc denuo a Frid. Sylburgio cum bonis exemplaribus col- Jati & notationibus au<5li. Addita e Procli Chreftomathia granimatica, Photii patriarchas C. P. eleifla ; ab Andrea Schotto primum edita, Latinitate donata & fcholiis illuftrata ; nunc iteram a Sylburgio m.s. exemplaris coUatione paflim emendata, fuppleta, notationibus audla. His acceflere qua- tuor inuentaria verbomm, renjm, auftorum ; tum anomali- arum grammaticanjm breuis adnotatio : opera & (ludio Fr. Sylburgii. [Gr. and Lat.~\ 4° Francofurti, I 590. De conftrudlione orationis libri quatuor ex recenfione Im- manuelis Bekkeri. \Gr. only.'] 8° Berolini, 1817. Dc conftruftione libri quatuor. [GreeL text. Gaza, /«- trodudiun: grammaticts IU>. quatuor, iifc. apud Aldum, i 495.] Hiftorirc commentitix liber. Joannes Meurdus recenfuit, fyntagma de eius nominis fcriptoribus, et commentarium, ad- didit. ]JJr. and Lat.] 4° Lugduni Batavonam, 1620. Hiftoiias commentititE liber, five hiftorix mirabiles, Graece et Latine cum notis Gulielmi Xylandri et Joannis Meurfii ; emendavit, fuafque notas adjecit Ludov. Henr. Teucherus. 8° Lipfi^, 1792. Depronomine liber. Primum edidit Fmanuel Bekkeius. \Greek text. Wolff and Buttmann, Mujeum antiquhathjludi- orum, i. 255.] De conjuncftionibus et de adverbiis libri. \Grefk text. Bekker, ylnccdota Grtsai, p. 477.] APOLLONIUS, Perg^us. An eminent geometer and aftronomer. B. at Perga, in Pam- phylia, in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes, and lived at Alexan- dria under Ptolemy Philopator B.C. 222-205. Conicorum lib. iv. ; cum commentariis Claudii Richardi. fol. Antveipise, 1 65 5. Conicomm libri odlo ; ct Sereni Antiflenfis dc feflione cylindri et coni libri duo. (Conicorum libri iv. priores cum Pappi Alexandj-ini lemmatis et Eutocii Afcalonitae com- mentariis ... Edidit Edmundus Hallcius.) [Gr. text and Lat. verjion of F. Conimandinus, revifed.] (Libri tres pof- tcriores, fc. v""'- vi'"'- & vii""'^- ex Arabico fermone in Latinum convcrfi, cum Pappi Alexandrini lemmatis. I Gr. text and /.at. •ver/ion by Halley] Subjicitur liber conicorum odlavus reftitutus. [Za/.] 0])cra & ftudio Edmundi Hal- Icii. fol. Oxonix, 1 7 i o. Conica ... illuftrata ... per Ifaacum Barrow. [Archi- medes, Opera, life. 1675.] De feflione determinata libri 11. rcftifuti, duobus infuper libris aufli. [R. Simson, 0/iera f/ud:diim re/iqua, p. i.] Francifci Vietx Apollonius Gallus ; feu, cxfufcitata A])ol- lonii, Pergxi, ^£5; ii gcometria. [Fr. Vieta, Opera fnathematica, p. 325.] APOLLONIUS, Rhodius. B. at Alexandria, in Egypt, about B.C. 235. Taught rhetoric with great fucccfs at Rhodes, where he was honoured with the civic franchile and other diftinftions, in confequence of which he thenceforth called himfclf a Rhodian. Appointed chief manager of the libraries in the muleum at Alexandria, about B.C. 194. k^yom-orixuv ^iZXia, 0. Argonauticwn libri nil. Scholia vetufta in eofdem libios, qux palmam, inter alia omnia in alios poetas fcripta, obtinere e.xiftimantur. Cum annotationibus Henrici Stephani ... [Gr. only.] 4° [Parifiis,] 1574. Argonauticoram libri quatuor. Edidit, nova fere interprc- tatione illuftravit, priorum editoium notis prxcipuas felegit, Saniflamandi nunquam prius editis nonnullas fuas adjecit, nec- non indices tres addidit, Joannes Shaw, A.M. \Gr. and Lat.] 2 tom. 4° Oxonii, 1777. Argonautica, e fcri])tis odlo veteribus libris, quomm [)leri- que nondum collati fuerant, nunc primum emendate edidit Rich. Fr. Phil. Brunck ... 4° Argentorati, 1780. Argonauticorum libri quatuor, Grarce, cum verfione Lat. fcholiis Grr. commentario, indicibus edidit Chriftianus Daniel Beckius. Volumen primum. 8"" Lipfix, 1797. [Vol. 2, intended to contain the fcholia, was not publiihed.] Catalogus Argonautamm, commentario peqx-tuo illuftravit Erneftus Friedeiicus Kraufe. b° Halx, 1798. Argonautica. Ex recenfione et cum notis R. F. P. Bmnckii. Editio nova Tfeciinda'] auflior et correftior. Ac- ccdunt fcholia Grasca ex codice Biblioth. Imperial. Paris. nunc primum evulgata. 2 tom. 8° Lipfije, 1810—13. Argonautica. [Gr. and Lat, Lectius, Poctx Graci ■veteres hcro'ici, ii. I.] L' Argonautica, tradotta cd illuftrata \l>y Cardinal Lodovico Flanghii ; Greek text and Ital. metrical -verfion.] 2 torn. 4° Roma, 1 791-4. The Argonautics, in four books, \jranjlated into Englilh verfe] by Francis Fawkes ; the whole revifed, corredled, and completed by [Henry Meen] his coadjutor and editor ; who has annexed a tranflation of Coluthus's Greek poem on the Rape of Helen, or the oiigin of the Trojan war; witli notes. 8° Lond. 1780. The Argonautic expedition, tranflated from the Greek into Engliih verfe, with critical, hiftorical, and explanatoiy remarks, and ])ref itoiy efliiys ; with a lai-ge appendix. [By Edward Burnaby Greene.] 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1780. The Argonautics, tranflated into Englifli verfe ; with notes, critical, hiftorical, and cxplanatoiy, and difleitations ; by William Prcfton. 3 vols. 12° Dublin, 1803. * Ueber das Lcben und Gedicht des Ajipollonius von Rhodes. 182 1, [.^ji Augull Weichert.] APOLLONIUS, SopHisTA. An eminent grammarian of Alexandria, who lived about the time of Auguftus. AcroXXmiov Xc^ixov. Apollonii Sophifta: lexicon GnECum Iliadis et Odyfleoe. Primus ex codice manufcripto Sangor- manenfi in lucem vindicavit, innumeris re])urgavit mendis, allegata Homeri, & alioiiim poctai-um loca diftinxit, indicavit, notis atque animadverflonibus peqietuis illullr.ivit, & vcrdoneni Latinam adjecit .lohannes Baptilla Cafparas d'Anfle dc Vil- loifon. Cum prolcgomenis, indicibus aufloiiim & vocum Homericai-um, ac novem tabulis xncis in quibus omncs codicis 164 APOLLONIUS — APOTHECARY manufci ipti litteiarum fornix & comj^endia . . . reprxfentantur. Accedit, prxter multa, hue ufque inedita, Philemonis Gram- matici fragmenta, tertii Iliadis libii piofaica metaphrafis Grae- ca, e duobus codicibus Regiis ab eodem nunc primum eruta, cum notulis, & variantibus leflionibus nietaphrafifque & tertii Iliadis libri. 2 torn. fol. Lutetix Paiifioium, I773. APOLLONIUS, Tyaneus. A Pythagorean philofopher. B. at Tyana, in Cappadocia, about the commencement of the Chriftian era. Ec7/ffro?^a/ A-roXXcuviov to\j Tuaviug. [Epistol^ di-ver- forum philofophorum ... apud Aldum, 1499.] — [Gr. and Lat. Philostratorum Qiiis fuperfunt omnia, '• 375-] '" Philostrati de Apollonii Tyanenfis vita libri viii. [Ibid. i. I.] APOLLONIUS, TvRius. * Nanatio eomm, qua? contigenint Apollonio Tyrio. Ex membranis vetuftis. [M. Velserus, Opera hlftorlca, iyc. ii. 677.] * The Anglo-Saxon verfion of the ftoiy of Apollonius of Tyre ; upon which is founded the play of Pericles, attributed to Shakfpeare, from a MS. in the library of C. C. C, Cam- bridge ; with a literal tranflation, &c., by Benjamin Thoqie. 12° Lond. 1834. APOLLONIUS COLLATIUS (Petrus). Sc-e COLLATIUS. APOLOGIA. Apologia Academica ; or, remarks on a recent article in the Edinburgh Review. 8° Oxford, 1S31. APOLOGY. The regall apology ; or the declaration of the Commons, Feb. II, 1647, canvafled. [By George Bate.] The royal apology ; or, an anfwerto the Rebels plea ... 1684. [By Sir Roger Lestrange.] The apology of an Englilli landowner, addrefled to the landed proprietors of the county of Oxford. By one of them. 8° Oxford, 1827. APONIUS. Flourifted, according to Bellarmine, in the 9th century; but according to other authorities, at the end of tlie yth. Commentaiiorum in Cantica Canticoram libri fex. [Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, xiv. 98.] APOPHTHEGM. Witty apophthegms delivered at feveral times, and upon feveral occafions, by King James, King Charles, the Marquefs of Worcefter, Francis Lord Bacon, and Sii- Thomas Moore. CoUeifled and revifed. 12^ Lond. 1658. Apophthegmata patrum. [Gr. and Lat. Cotelerius, Ecclefis Grd:cie monumenta, i. 338.] APOSTATE. The apoftate Proteftant Lestrange.] 1682. [By Sir Roger I Confeffions of an apoftate .. . 1842. [5)i Anne Flinders.] Traiflatus incerti auc5loris de modo procedendi contra apof- tata^: [F. Zilettus, Tra&atus un'iverfi juris, xi. ii. 408.] — j^MoDius, Rerum cr'imlnallum praxes, ii. 3 01.] APOSTLES. A few words on the reftoration of the miniftiy of apoftles in the Church catholic. 12° Lond. 1849. Lefluies on the charadlers of our Lord's apoftles ... 1851. [By Richard Whately.] Apoftles given, loft, and reftored. 12° Lond. 1853. A tribute to the memory of the apoftles, and an exhibi- tion of the fiift Chriftian Churches. 12° Lond. 1854. APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION. On apoftolic fucceffion ; with fome introdufloiy remarks on the fpecial and diftindtive charafler of the prefent difpen- fation. 12° Lond. 1839. Apoftolical fucceffion overthrown, and evangelical fuccef- fion eftabliflied, by a comparifon of the qualifications, func- tions, and endowments, refpe(5lively affigned by Jefus Chrift to the apoftles, and to their fucceflbrs in the miniftiy of the new covenant. By a clergyman of the Eftablifhed Chm'ch. 8° Lond. 1854. What is meant by apoftolical fucceffion ? a queftion an- fwered by a clergyman of the Scottidi Epifcopal Church. 8' Edinb. 1856. APOSTOLIUS (Joannes Franciscus). B, at Montemagno, a village of Monferrato, and lived in the latter half of the 1 6th century. He was profelfor of the hu- manities at Cafale. Poemata. [Gruter, Dd'it'ite poetarum Italorum, i. 238.] — [Carmina ilhijlrlum poetarum Italorum, i. 307.] APOSTOLIUS (Michael). B. at Conllantinople. On its capture in 1453, he removed into Italy, and thence into Crete, where he earned a livelihood as a copyift. D. about 14S0. Tla^oifjbiai. Centurix xxi. proveibioiTjra ex optimis auc- toribus Grxcis colleftx. Cum Petri Pantini, Tiletani, ver- fione & notis ipfius ac aliorum doftorum, quibus adagia iiluf- trantur & fuis auftoribus affignantur. [Gr. and Lat.^ ... Item Patriarchx Giegorii Cy]3rii proverbia. [Gr. on/y.'\ 4° Lugduni Batavoium, 1653. Oratio panegyrica Grxca ad Fridericum III. Imp. [Freherus, Rerum German'icarum fcriptores, ii. 47.] APOTHECARY. A ftatement by the Society of apothecaries, on the fubjecfl of their admiiiiftration of the Apothecaiies' Aft, with refer- ence to fome fuppofcd features of Sir James Graham's pro- mifed meafure of medical reform. 8° Lond. 1844. An addrefs by the Society of apothecaries to the general praiflitioners of England and Wales, on the provifions of the bill " For the better regulation of medical pradlice through- out the United Kingdom," and their probable influence on the pofition and profpeifbs of that branch of the medical pro- feffion. 8° Lond. 1844. An addrefs by the Society of apothecaries, to the general praiftitioners of England and Wales, on the fecond report of APPAREL— APPIANUS 165 the joint deputation of tlie Society of apothecaries, and the National aflociation of general pradlitioneis. 8° Lond. 1845. Three reports by the joint deputation of the Society of apothecaries and the National aflociation of general prafti- doners, appointed to confer with the Secretary of State on the fubje(5l of the incoi'poration of the general practitioners in medicine, furgery, and midwifciy. 8° Lond. 1846. The loves of an apothecary, 8° Lond. 1854. APPAREL. A brief examination for the tyme, of a certaine declara- tion lately put in print in the name and defence of certaine minillers in London, refufyng to weare the apparell pre- fcribed by the lawes and orders of the realme. In the ende is re])orted, the judgement of two notable learned fathers, M. dodour Buccr, and M. dodlour Martir, fometyme in eyther univerfities here of England the kyngcs readers and profeflburs of divinitie, tranflated out of the originals written by theyi- owne handes, puq)ofely debating this controverfie. 4° Lond. [1566 ?] Inftruftions for cutting out apparel for the poor ; princi- pally intended for the affiftance of the patronefles of Sunday fchools and other charitable inftitutions, but ufeful in all families ... 8° Lond. 1789. APPARITION. A true and impartial relation of a vonderful apparition that happen'd in the royal camp in Flanders, the beginning of this inflant September 1692 ... S. Sh. reprinted Edinb. 1692. The apparition ; or, the (ham-wedding : a comedy, by a gentleman of Chrift-church College in Oxfoid. 4° Lond. 17 14. APPEAL. An appeale to the world in thefe times of extreame danger. 4° no title page [1646 ?] The cafe ftated concerning the judicature of the Houfe of Peers in the point of appeals. 8° Lond. 1^75. An appeal to the women of England to difcourage the flage. By a lady. 8° Lond. 1855. APPERLEY. The vale of Apperlcy ; and other poems. H° Malton, 1822. APPERLEY (Charles James). B. at Plafgranow, near Wrexham, Dcnbighfliirc, 1778. D. at London, 19 May, 1843. Remarks on the condition of hunters, the choice of horfes, and their management : in a feries of familiar letters. By Nimrod. [jyatil.] With notes and a copious index. 8° Lond. 1831. — Fourth edition, revifed by Cornelius Tongue. 8" Lond. 1855. The cliace, tlie turf, and the road. By Nimrod. 8° Lond. I 83 7. — Second edition. 12-' Lond. 1843. The chacc. By Nimi^ad. New edition. 8° Lond. I 85 I. The tuif. By Nimrod. New edition. 8" Lond. 1 85 1. Memoirs of the life of the late John Mytton, Efq., with notices of liis hunting, driving, racing, eccentric and extra- vagant exploits. By Nimrod ... Second edition. 8° Lond. 1837. — Third edition, with a brief memoir of Nimrod, by tlie author of " Handley crofs" [R. S. Surlees.] 8° Lond. 185 I. Nimrod's northern tour, defcriptive of the princip;J hunts in Scotland and the north of England ; with the table-talk of diftinguidied fporting charaflers, and anecdotes of mafters of hounds, crack riders and celebrated amateur dragfmen. 8° Lond. 1838. Nimrod abroad. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1842. The horfe and the hound ; their various ufes and treat- ment, including pra<5tical inflruflions in horfemanftiip, and a treatife on horfe-dealing. By Nimrod. I 2° Edinb. 1842. The life of a fportfman. By Nimrod. 8° Lond. 1842. Hunting rcminifcences. By Nimrod. 8° Lond. 1843. APPERLEY (Charles Owen). Europe : a political n.r/z?), 2u^;ax»i, A/,3ux>) ») Ka;yn^idovixri, nao6ix.ri, Midfidarno;, IXaupixt,, E/j,fu'ki!>jv I. A])piani Alexandrini Romanartimhilloriarum ; Celtica, Syriaca, Lybica vel Carthaginenfis, Parthica, Mithri- d.itica, Illyrica, Ciuilis, quinque libris dilHnifla. [GV. on/y. Eililto pnncfps.^ fol. Lutetix, I J J I • Arr-iaioij AXEjavSsEOjj Vu/Maixa. Ap])iani Alexandrini Rom. hiftoriarum, Punica, liue Carthaginienfis, Syriaca, Par- thica, Mitiiridatica, Iberica, Annibalica, Celtica: & Illyrica' fragmenta qua:dam. Item De bellis ciuilibus libri v. Henr. Steph. annotationes in quafdam Appiani hillorias, & in con- ciones per tolum o])US (parfas. [G/". aiu/ /.(//.] fol. Genevx, 1591. ATT/anju AXsjavOsfw; Pai,aa/xa. A])piani Alexandrini Romanarum hilloriarum pars prior [etpofterior J ...Alexander Tollius utrumque textum niultis in locis emendavit, cora-xit, i66 APPIANUS— APSINES et Henrici Stephani,ac doftomm quorundam virorum feleiflas annotationes adjecit. [G/-. and Lat.~^ 2 torn. 8° Amftelodami, 1670. Vi)i!J.ar/.a\i laroiicuv ra eia^o/Liva, Romanaram hiftoriamm quae fuperfunt, novo ftudio conquifivit, digeffit, ad fidem co- dicum mfTtorum recenfuit, fupplevit, eraaculavit, varietatem leftionum adiecit, ladnam verfionem emendavit, adnotationi- bus varioram fuifque illuftravit, commodis indicibus inftmxit Johannes Schweighaeufer ... 3 torn. 8° Lipfix, 1785. A!T'';r/awiu Vu/ia'/xav AvvilSaiy.ri v.ai \Sr,^r/.ri. \Gr. only. Ctesias, Ex Ctefia, Agatharchide, Memnone excerpta hyiori^. 'SS7-] Excei'pta ex Appiano. \Gr. and Lot. Valesius, PolylU, (Sfc, excerpta, p. 546.] Beginning : P. Candidi in libros Appiani Sophiftas Alex- andrini ad Nicolaum quintu fummu pontificem Prasfatio in- cipit feliciffime. £nd : Appiani AJexandrini fophiftje Ro- manoinim liber finit qui Mithridaticus infcribitur. Traduftio P. Candidi. [Vol. II.] Beginning : Ad diuum Alfonfum Aragonum & utriufque Sicilias regem in libros ciuiliu bel- lorQ ex Appiano Alexandrine in latinu tradudlos Prsfatio incipit feliciffime. End: Appiani Alexandrini fophiftse Romanorii liber finit qui Celticus infcribitur. Tradudio P. Candidi. 4° Venetiis, per Bernardu piftorem & Er- hardum ratdolt. m.cccc.lxxvii. Hiftoria de todas las guerras ciuiles que vuo entre los ro- manos fegu que lo efcriuio el muy eloquete hiftoriador Ap- piano Alexandrino : agora nueuamente traduzida de latin en nueftro vulgar caftellano ... [By Diego de Salazar.] 4° Alcala de Henares, 1536. Appiano Aleffandrino delle guerre civili et efterne de Ro- mani, con diligentia corretto & con nuoua tradottione di niolti luoghi migliorato. [-Sy AleJJandro Braccio.] Aggiuntoui alia fine un libro del medeCmo, delle guerre di Hifpagna, non piu ueduto. 8° Vinegia, 1551. Appian Alexandrin, hiftorien Grec, des guerres des Ro- mains liures xj. traduidts en Francois par feu Maiftre Claude de Seyffel, premieremet euefque de Marfeille, & depuis arch- euefque de Thurin : reueuz & corrigez. Plus, y font ad- iouftez deux liures, nouuellement traduids de Grec en Fran- cois par le Seigneur d'Auenelles. 8° Paris, 1570. Hiftoria de las guerras civiles de los Romanos de Apiano Alexandrino, hiftoriador eloquentiffimo. Y traduzida de Latin en lengua Caftellana, por el Doftor Jayme Bartho- lome ... 4° Barcelona, 1592. The hiftory of Appian of Alexandria, in two parts ... Made Englilh by J. D. [John Davies.] fol. Lond. 1679. Romanarum hiftoriaioim de bellis Illyricis liber, Stephano Gradio ... intei-prete. [Schwandtnerus, Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum, iii. 769.] APPIANUS. * Vita Sanfti Appiani, monachi Cceli-aurei apud Ticinum in Italia. [Mabillon, A8a JanSorum O.S.B. in. ii. 497.] APPLEBY (Thomas). The orchid manual, for the cultivation of ftove, green- houfe, and haidy orchids, with a calendar of monthly opera- tions, and claffified lifts of fpecies. 8° Lond. n. d. APPLEGARTH (Robert). Originally a Quaker, but conformed to the Church of Eng- land. The date of his death is not known \ but he was alive in 1816, as his name appears in the Biographical didtionary of living authors, publiflied in that year. A theological funey of the human underftanding, intended as an antidote againft modern deifm. \Anon?\ 8° Saliftjury, \1'if>. APPLEYARD (Ernest Silvanus). Propofals for Chriftian union. By a member of the Church of England. [Anon.l 8° Lond. [1846.] The fure hope of reconciliation. [Anon.l S° Lond. 1847. Claims of the Church of Rome, conCdercd with a view to unity. [Anon.'] 12° Lond. 1848. Principles of Proteftantifm, confidered with a view to unity. [Anon.] 12° Lond. 1848. Eaftem Churches : containing fiietches of the Neftorian, Armenian, Jacobite, Coptic, and Abyflinian communities. [Anon.] Second edition. 8° Lond. 1850. The Greek Church: a Iketch. [Anon.] Second edition. 8° Lond. 185 I. Welfh ftetches, chiefly ecclefiaftical, to the clofe of the twelfth century. [Anon.] Second edition. 12° Lond. 1852. — Second feries. 12° Lond. 1852. — Third feries. 12° Lond. 1853. APPLEYARD (John W.) Wefleyan miffionary in British KafFraria. The Kafir language : coraprifing a flvetch of its hiftory ; which includes a general claffification of South African dia- lefts, ethnographical and geographical ; remarks upon its nature ; and a grammar. 8° King William's Town, 1850. APPRENTICE. The origin, objeft, and operation of the apprentice laws ; wth their application to times part, prefent, and to come. AddiefTed to the Committee of general purpofes of the city of London, by the Committee of manufafturers of London and its vicinity. [Pamphleteer, iii. 217.] APRIL. The firft of April ; or, the triumphs of foUy : a poem- 1777. [By William Combe.] April-day: a burletta, in three adls. 1777. [.5y Kane O'Hara.] APRILE (Francesco). B. at Calatagirone, in Sicily, 31 Oft. 1658. Entered the Society of the Jefuits, 13 Feb. 1676. D. at Palermo, z Jan. 1723. Delia cronologia univerfale della Sicilia, libri tre. 4° Palermo, 1725. APSINES. A native of Gadara, in Phcenicia, who taught rhetoric at Athens about the middle of the 3d century. Apfinis et Longini Rhetorica : e codicibus MSS., ad- hibita fuppelledili Ruhnkeniana, recenfuit Joh. Bakius. 8° Oxonii, 1849. APSLEY HOUSE— AQUILA 167 APSLEY HOUSE. Apflcy Houfe and WalmerCadle, illuftrated by plates and defcription. fol. Lond. 1853. Apfley Houfe, Piccadilly ; the town rcfidence of His Grace die Duke of Wellington. Authentic catalogue. 8° Lond. 1853. APTHORP (East), D.D. B. at Bofton, New England, 1733. Educated at Jefus College, Cambridge. Prebend of Finlbury. D. at Cambridge, 1816. Letters on the prevalence of Chriftianity before its civil eftablifiiment, with obfervations on a late Hillory \by Gibbon] of the decline of the Roman Empire. 8° Lond. 1778. Difcourfes on prophecy : read in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn, at tlie lefture founded by the Right Rev. William War- burton, late Lord Bp. of Gloucefter. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1786. APULEIUS. B. at Madaura, an inland town on the borders of Numidia and Gaetulia, in the id century of the Chriftian era. Educated at Carthage. Travelled in Italy, Greece, and Alia, but few particulars of his life are known. Opera, interpretatione et notis illuftravit Julianas Floridus [i7«;rj'] ... in ufum ferenifs. Delphini. 4° Parifiis, 1688. Opera omnia, cum notis integris Petii Calvii, Joannis Wowerii, Godefchalchi Stewechii, Geverhafti Elmenhorftii, et aliorum, imprimis cum animadverfionibus hucufque ineditis Francifci Oudendorpii. 3 tom. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 786- 1 82 3. Comentirii a Philippo Beroaldoconditi in Afinum aureum. \Text of /Ipulcius and commentary. '\ fol. Bononix, 1 500. Metamoq^hofeos libri xi., cum notis et ampliflimo indice loannis Pricjei. Acceflit cjufdem index alphabeticus fcrip- toium qui in Hefychii Grtcco vocabulario lauduntur. 8° Gouda", 1650. Apologia. Ifaacus Cafaubonus leccnfuit, Gixca lupple- vit, et caftigationum libellum adiecit. 4° [Heidelbcrgs,] 1594. Scipionis gentilis iurifcos. in L. Apulei philos. et aduocati Rom. Apologiam, qua fe i])fe defendit publico de magia iudi- cio, commcntarius. [ZV.vi of jlpuliiu! mid commen/ary.] 8° Hanovis, 1607. De Deo Socratis liber fingularis ; textum ad libros fcri])tos impreffofque cxcgit et adnotatione inftnixit Theodoms Alois Guliclmus Buckley. 12° Lond. 1844. The works of Apuleius : comprifing the Metamorphofes, or golden afs ; the God of Socrates ; the Florida ; and iiis Defence, or a difcourfe on magic. A new tranilation. To which are added, a metrical verlion of Cujnd and Pfyche ; and Mrs. Tiglic's Pfyciie, a poem in fix cantos. 8" Lond. 1853. The Metamoqihofis.orgolden afs.andphilofophical works. Tranflated from the original Latin, by Thomas Taylor. 8" Lond. I 822. The Metamorphofes : a romance of die fecond centuiy. Tranflated from the Latin, by Sir George Head. 12° Lond. 185 I. The fable of Cujiid and Pfyche ; tranflated from the Latin : to wliich are added, a poetical jiaraphiafe on the fpecch of Diodma, in the Banquet of Plato ; four hymns, &c. &c. With an introdudion, in which the meaning of the fable is unfolded. [^By 'I/jomas Taylor.] 8° Lond. 1795. Carmina. [Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta veterum poet- arum Latlnorum, tom. ii. ap[x.'ndix.] APULEIUS (Lucius), Barbaras. Of the life of this writer nothing is known j and even his date is uncertain, though it is generally fuppofed to be fo late as the 4th century. De medicaminibus herbamni liber I. 1537- [Antonius MusA, De herba •uetonica.'^ AQUjE-GRANUM. See Aix-la-Chapelle. AQUARIUM. Plain inftiTjdions for the management of the aquarium, or, tank for gold and other filh, water plants, infefls. Sec. 12° Lond. n. d. AQUAVIVUS (Belisarius). B. about the middle of the 15th century. Entered the army, and, as a reward for his military fer\ices, was created Count, and afterwards Duke of Nardo. D. at Naples of the plague, 24 July, .52S. De principum liberis educandis. De venatione, de au- cupio, de re militari, de fingulari certaniine. His additum efl: elegans poematium Michaelis Marulli De principum infti- tudone, nunquam haiflcnus edituni. 8° Bafilea;, 1578. AQUILA. Cataloguspondficum Aquilanonimabanno I254ad 1472 ... [MuRATORi, ^ntiquitates Itallcx medi't av't, vi. 927.] AQUILA, RoMANUs. A Roman orator of the 4th century. De figuris fententiamm et clocutionis liber. [Aromatari, Dcgli autori del ben parlare, \Sfc. pt. ii. p. 272.] — [F. PiTHCEUS, ylntiqui rhetorcs Latinl, p. 13.] AQUILA (Caspar). B. at Auglburg, 7 Aug. 1488. Educated at Ulm, and entered the Church. Having embraced the doiftrincs of the Reforma- tion, he was thrown into ptifon, and iubjeftcd to feverc perfc- cution. Regaining his liberty, he went to Wittenberg, and ultimately obtained the appointment of ecclefiaftical luperintcn- dent at Saalfcld. D. 12 Nov. 1560. Eyn fehr hoch notige Ermanung, an das kleine blode verzagte chriftlichheufflein, das fie in diefem erfchrecklichem und ktzten theil der zeit, Gottcs ewig Wort frolicli beken- nen follen ; Widder des Teuffels Finfternus, Liigen und Mord gepredigct. 40 Erfurt, I 5 48. Ein giiadenieich und gottfeliges newes Jahr, von dem neugebornen Kindlein, unferm cynigcn Mitler unnd Hey- landt .Ihefu Chrillo ... 4 Niirmberg, 1556. AQUILA (Joannes). A German jurill, who lived at the end of the i 5th and be- ginning of the l6th century. Prifcllbr of law at Tiibingcn. De potcftate et utiliutc monetarum, traiftatus pcrutilis. [BuDELius, De mnnetis, p. +13.] i68 AQUILA— AQUINAS AOUILA (Serafino da l'). B. at Aquila, in the kingdom of Naples, 1466. D. at Rome, 10 Aug. 1500. He was a diftinguiJhed improvifatore. Sonetti. [Rubbi, Parnafo Jtaliano, vi. 2^5.] Stanze. [Ibid. x. i.] AQUILANUS (Bernardinus). See Bernardinus. AQUILEIA. Vitas epifcoporum et patriarcharum Aquilejenfium, a primo Chriftianas erxfeculo ufque ad annum 1 3 5 8, ab auftore anonymo circiter eumdem annum confcriptE ... [Muratori, Reriwi Italicarum fcriptores, xvi. I.] The fiege of Aquileia : a tragedy. 1 760. [5y John Home.] AQUILIANUS (Scipio). B. at Pifa, 22 Sep. 1577. Studied medicine and philofophy. ProfeiTor of logic at Pifa, 1606. D. 6 Jan. 1623. De placitis pliilofophorum, qui ante Ariftotelis tempora flomenint, ad princijiia reium naturalium et cauffas motuum aflignandas pertinentibus, Itudio et opera Geoigii Moralis . . . Ob fingularem raritatem et ufum, ex fcriniis paternis, com- mentarios et illultrationes adiecit, PhUippi lacobi Crophii traftatione de gymnafiis Htterariis Athenienfium, annotationi- bus emendata, auxit Carolus Fridericus Bruckerus. 4° Lipfias, 1756. AQUILINIUS (C^sar). Pj/Ja^/. o/" Scipione Errico. AQUILONIUS (Bertel Knudsen). B. at Kongfted, in Seeland, Denmark, 7 March, 1588. Travelled abroad, and on his return home was appointed firft reilor at Malm'6, and fubfequently parifli prieft at lloderup. D. 7 Jan. 1650. Ad poeticam Danicam dedudlio qux vcrfus in ea lingua fcribi ad Grscos omnes Latinofque demonftret, quK rheto- ricam nos ad cultas omnes gcntes,bene fi non fupra eas, habere. C. Aq. \_Cornelio jlquUomo\ editore. 8° Portuae, 1641. AQUINAS (Thomas). B. in Calabria about 1225 or 1226, of noble parentage. Educated at Naples. Entered the Dominican order at the age of feventeen, greatly againft the wifhes of his family. His piety and learning acquired for him the title of " Dodlor angehcus." D. 7 March, 1274. Opera. Editio altera Veneta ad plurima exempla compa- rata et emendata. Accedunt vita feu elogium ejus a Jacobo Echardo diligentiffmie concinnatum, et Bernardi Maris de Rubeis in fingula opera diifertationes prxvis. 28 torn. 4° Venetiis, 1775-88. Opufcula omnia theologica et moi-alia, ac confiderationes, quibus adduntur, turn quaeftiones de fecreto fervando ... omnia magno ftudio, ac impenfo labore, ab innumeiis, quibus a du- centis annis fcatent, mendis repurgata... vigilantia P. F. Petri Pellican. fol. Parifiis, 1656. Beginning : Incipit libellus fanfti Thome de aquino de viciis et viitutibus numero quaternario procedens. [Fol. 1 6'\] Explicit libellus ... de viciis et virtutibus ... [Fol. I7'\l Libellus de venerabili facramento et valore miflamm ratione pretii fatisfadivi, tarn pro vivis quam pio monuis, hoc eft penarum debitarum, fiue hie fiue in purgatorio, exfoluendarum incipit feliciter. [Fol. 45''.] Et fic eft finis laus crifto nefcia finis. 40 ExpoCtio in Genefim, in lob, in primum Dauidis quin- quagenam, in Canticum Canticorum, in Efaiam, leremiam, & in Threnos. Verum qui integre fint expofiti, et qui mortis vitio imperfedli relidi, fuis manifeftum eft locis. Editio nova ... per R. P. F. Cofmam Morelles. fol. Parifiis, 1640. Expofitio aurea in Danielem, libros Macchabasorum, fingulas Apoftolorum, Jacobi, Petri, loannis, & Judas, canoni- cas epiftolas, Apocalypfim B. Joannis Apoftoli, quinque libros Boctii De confolatione philofophias, & tradtatum eiufdem De fcholaiium difciplina ... fol. Parifiis, 164 1. Expofitio continua fuper quatuor Euangeliftas ex latinis & grxcis authoribus ac prEfertim ex Patrum fententiis Scgloffis miro artificio quafii vno tenore contextuque conflata, et Catena Aurea iuftiffimo titulo nuncupata. Nunc vero tandem ab innumeris & enormibus mendis aliarum editionum expurgata ... per R. P. F. loannem Nicolai ... fol. Parifiis, 1657. Catena aurea. Commentary on the four Gofpels, col- ledted out of the works of the Fathers. 4 vols. S= Oxford, 1 84 1-5. Expofitio in fanflum lefu ChriiH Euangelium fecundum Matthsum, & fecundum loannem. Editio nova ... per R. P. F. Cofraam Morelles. fol. Parifiis, 1640. Commentaria in omnes epiftolas divi Pauli Apoftoli. Nunc primum, port omnes omnium editiones, a mendis, quibus fcate- bant,innumerisexpurgata,&ad leftionem antiquorum codicum fideliter reftituta. Acceftere eiufdem S. Thomse fermones aurei, pro Dominicis, & feftiuis diebus, ex Bibliotheca Vati- cana in lucem emiili. Additum eft etiam exiniium opufculum de venerabili facramento altaris. fol. Parifiis, 1654. Surama theologica ... in qua EccleCas Catholicae dodtiina univerfa,et quicquidinveterum Patmm monumentiseftdignum obfervatu ; quicquid etiam vel olim vocatum eft, vel hodie vocatur ab hsreticis in controverfiam ; id omne ut eradit^, folide et dilucid^, ita pie atque fideliter explicatur. In tres partes ab audlore fiio diftributa. fol. Parifiis, 1632. — Another edition. 2 torn. fol. Parifiis, 1652. Summa contra gentes ; Francifci de Sylveftris Ferrarienfis ... commentariis illuftrata : in qua, libris quatuor, catholica fides in omnes orthodoxce Ecclefiae peiduelles acerrime pro- pugnatur. Ad fidem Romani codicis collata . . . fol. Parifiis, 1 641. Qusftiones difputatas : De potentia Dei, de malo, de fpiritualibus creaturis, de anima, de dasmonibus, de angelis, de veritate, et pluribus alijs quseftionibus, ut in tabiJa conti- netur. fol. Parifiis, 1660. In libros Ethicorum Ariftotelis ad Nicomacum expofitio ; cui triplicem textus inteipretationem adjecimus, antiquam videlicet, Jo. Argiropili, et Jo. Bernardi Feliciani Veneti ... Quae omnia ... in lucem cedita funt, labore ac opera F. Remigii Florentini. fol. Venetiis, I 563. Commentarii in decern libros Ethicoram Ariftotelis ex- quifitiflimi. Editio noua ... per R. P. F. Cofmam Morelles. fol. Parifiis, 1644. Commentarii in odto libros Politicorum Ariftotelis ex- quifitiiEmi, cum antiqua intei"pretatione eoinindem Politicorum AQUINAS— ARABIA 169 adie(5la, per fedliones propriis reftituta locis, quam olim idem Diuus Thomas exponendo fequutus eft. Editio noua ... per R. P. F. Cofmam Morcllcs ... Acceflit fingulonam li- bronim, & leflionum epitome, cum famofioribus cuiufque libri propofitionibus, & copioliffimo indicc, per R. P. Carolum Rapineum. fol. Pariliis, 1645. Prasclariflima commentaria, in libros Arillotelis Peri her- menias, Pofleriorum analyticorum, De fenfu & fenfato, De memoria & reminifcentia, fomno & vigilia, De fomniis, diui- natione per fomnum, motu animalium, longitudine & breuitate vitae, iuuentute 5c feneflutc, viu & mortc, infpiratione &; refpiratione. Cum antiqua textus tranflatione, atque etiam noua loannis Argyropoli : itemque Thomoe Caietani Cardi- nalis fupplementum commentariorum in reliquum fecundi libri Peri hermenias. Nuper ex emendatiffimis exemplaribus dili- gentiflime recognita, logicas quoque totius fumma nunc addita efl, ad ftudioforum utilitatem, ex eiufdem S. Thomas opuf- culis exccqjta, et in traftatus & capita diuifa, iuxta ordinem libroiiim ab Ariftotele in logicis obferuatum. fol. Parifiis, 1646. Commentaria quae extant, in eos, qui Parva naturalia Arif- totelis dicuntur, libros, diligentiflime cafligata : duplici nuper textus tralatione, antiqua videlicet, recognita, & noua Nico- lai Leonici appofita. Petri item De Alvernia, ordinis Pra?- dicatoi-um, in quofdam huius operis a Saniflo Thoma inex- polltos libros lefeitiflima expofitio, ab innumeris erroribus denuo expurgata : libelli etiam duo Sandli Thomas ex vo- lumine opufculorum eiufdem excerpti, alter de motu cordis ; :dter vero de lumine, ad banc philofophiK partem fpedantes, his nuper additi funt. fol. Parifiis, 1646. Sanifli Thomx Aquinatis ... Expofitio in duodecim li- bros Mctaphyfices Ariftotelis & in librum de caufis, nec-non tradatum de ente, et elTentia eiufdem Sanfti Thoma;. Cum commentariis cminentinimi D. D. F. Thomas de Vio, Caie- tiini Cardinalis S. Sixti. Editio noua, quam plurimis quibus fcatebat mendis corredta, cum exemplar! Romano, ac aliis vctuftiffimis manufcriptis codicibus collata, per R. P. F. Cof- mam Morellcs. fol. Parifiis, 1647. In tres libros Ariftotelis De anima prxclariflima expofitio : cum duplici textus tranflatione, antiqua fcilicet, & noua Ar- gyroi)oli : nuper recognita, et do<5lifllnioi-um virorum cura & ingenio ab innumeris expurgata erroribus : nccnon curiofis & antehac non vifis exaftiffimis adnotationibus copiofiflimc^ re- ferta : cui etiam fingularum Icftionum fumnix- mira breuitate collc(5laE, ad ftudioforum commodum additas funt. Accedunt ad hxc acutiffimx Quxftiones magiflri Dominici de Flandria, . a quamplurimis mendis recens caftigatx ad textus & expofi- tionis dilucidationem perutiles. fol. Parifiis, 1649. In ofto Phyficoram Ariftotelis libros commentaria . . . cum duplici textus tranflatione, antiqua, & Argyropoli rccognitis. Ad hxc acceflit Roberti Linconienfis in cofdem fumma. Quibus etiam nuper funt additi S. Thomx infrafcripti libelli ad negocium phyficum fpcftantes, De principiis naturx, De natura materix, De loco, De tenii>ore libri duo, De xternitate mundi. Ac Thomx de Vio Caietani, Ouxftiones dux, altera de fubiedlo naturalis fcicntix, altera de Dei intenfiua infinitate. fol. Parifiis, 1649. Sanfli Thomx Aquinatis ... In quatuor libros Ariftotelis de CoeIo, & Mundo commentaria, qux, cilm morte prxuentus periicere non potuerit, abfoluit Petrus de Alvernia : cum VOL. I. duplici textus tranflatione, antiqua videlicet, & loanni ^ Argy- ropoli noua, dillgcnter recognitis, qux omnia nuper funt maxima diligentia caftigata. fol. Parifiis, 1649. In libros Meteorologicorum Ariftotelis pixclariflima com- mentaria, cum duplici textus inteqjreuitione, una Francifci Vatabli, antiqua altera : denuo maxima diligentia et fidelius quam antea a mendis & erroribus expurgata. fol. Parifiis, 1649. Prxclarifllma commentaria, in quatuor libros Scntentiaium Petri Lombard!, quondam epifcop! Parifienfis, ac magiftri fententiamm nuncupati. Ab enormibus & innumeiis mendis aliarum editionum expurgata, integritati fux reftituta, in meli- orem ftatum fimul cum ipfo primitiuo magiftri textu refor- mataiiio/j.n/a, xai Aioari/jLiia.. [Gr. on/y. Stephanus, Porta Grtd prinripcs.'^ — \Gr. and Lcit. Lectius, PoeU Grsci vcleres hcroici, i. 619.] 172 ARAUSIO— ARBUTHNOT Phsenomena et Prognoftica, interpietibus M. Tdlio Cice- rone, Rufo Fefto Avieno et Gernianico Caefare. [Lat. Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta veterum poetarum Lat'tnorum, ii. (1546).] _ . Germanici Cxfaris Arati Phxnomena in Latinum con- veifa. [Colkaio Pifaurenfis, iv. 62. See Poems.] Rufi Fefti Auieni paraphrafis Phaenomenon [et Prognofti- corura.] \_Lat. Ibid, i v. 151-] KarasriPie/J-oi, Aiovriou 2f>aioa ; et Germanici Casfaris Phae- nomena. Les Phenomenes d'Aratus de Soles, et de Ger- manicus Cefar, avec les fcholies de Theon, les Catafterifmes d'Eratoll:hene et la Sphere de Leontius, traduits pour la pre- miere fois en Fran^ais, fur les raanufcrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi ; par M. I'Abbe Halma. [French only.] 40 Paris, 1 8 2 I . The Phenomena and Diofemeia : tranflated into Englifh verfe, with notes, by John Lamb, D.D. 8° Lend. 1848. ARAUSIO. Orange, a town of France, department of Vauclufe. Canones concilii alterius Arauficani, circa tempera Leonis papas primi. [Rainaudus, Heptas pritfuhm Chriftiana.] AREA. A city in Dalmatia. Seiies chronologica epifcoporum civitatis Arbenfis. [ScHWANDTNERUS, Scrlptores rerum Hungaricarum, iii. 781.] ARBATEL. Arbatel de magia, feu pneumatica vetenim, tum magorum populi Dei, tum magoi-um gentium, pro illuftratione gloria et philantropias Dei. 8° Lugduni, n. d. ARBLAY (Madame d'). See Frances Burney. ARBOGAST (Louis FaANgois Antoine). B. at Muntzig, in Alface, 1759. D. at Stralbourg, 8 April, 1803. Du calcul des derivations. 4° Strasbourg, 1800. ARBORIUS (tEmilius Magnus). A rhetorician of Tolofa, in Gaul, and uncle of the poet Aufonius. Ad nympham nimis cultam (carmen elegjacum.) [PoeTjE Lat'inl mbwres, ed. IVernfdorf, vol. iii.] — [Colkalo Ptfaurenjls, iv. 235. See Poems.] ARBOUSSET (Thomas). Narrative of an exploratory tour to the north-eaft of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, by the Revs. T. Ar- boaflet and F. Daumos, of the Paris Miffionary Society. Tranflated from the Fiench of the Rev. T. ArboufFet by John Croumbie Brown. 8° Lond. 1852. ARBOUVILLE (Countess d'). Chriftine van A mbei'g : a tale, tranflated fiom the French by Maunfell B. Field, M.A. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1853. ARBUCKLE (James). B. according to Watt, at Glafgow, 1700; but by othei authorities laid to have been a native of Ireland. He is lap- poled to have kept an academy, and to have died in 1734. Snuff: a poem. 8° Glafgow, 17 17. An epiftle to the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Hadington, on the death of Jofeph Addifon, Efq. [A poem.] 8° Lond. 1719. Glotta : a poem. 8° Glafgow, 172 i. A colleflion of letters and effays on feveral fubjefls, lately publiftied in the Dublin Journal \imder the fignature of Hiber- nicus^ In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1729. ARBUTHNOT (G.) Sir Robert Peel's adl of 1844, regulating the iflue of bank notes, vindicated. 8° Lond. 1857. ARBUTHNOT (James). An hiftorical account of Peterhead, from the earliefl: period to the prefent time . . . with an appendix, containing a copy of the original charter of ereftion ... Alfo, a natural hiftory of the fifties found on the coafts of Buchan. 8' Aberdeen, 1815. ARBUTHNOT (James). Emigrant's guide book to Poit Natal. 8° Aberdeen, 1862. ARBUTHNOT (John), M.D. B. near Montrofe, 1675. Educated at Aberdeen, where he took his degree of doftor of medicine. Removed to London, where he gradually got into pradice, and was appointed phyfi. cian in ordinary to Qmeen Anne, 1709. D. 27 Feb. 1735. The mifcellaneous works of the late Dr. Arbuthnot. 2 vols. 8° Glafgow, 1751. — New edition ; with an account of the author's life. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1770. A fermon preach'd to the people, at the mercat crofs of Edinburgh ; on the fubjedt of the union. Eccles. chap, i o, ver. 27. [Anon.] 4° n. p. 1 706. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1707. Law is a bottomlefs-pit, exemplLfy'd in the cafe of The Lord Strutt, John Bull, Nicholas Frog, and Lewis Baboon : who fpent all they had in a law-fuit. Pi'inted from a manu- fcript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphry Polefworth. [Anon?\ Second edition. 8° Lond. 1712. — Sixth edition. 8° Lond. 1712. — Another edition. 8° Edinb. 1712. John Bull in his fenfes : being the fecond part of Law is a bottomlefs-pit. [Anon.] Second edition. 8° Lond. 17 12. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1 7 1 2. — Another edition. 8° Edinb. 17 12. John Bull ftill in his fenfes : being the thiid part of Law is a bottomlefs-pit. [Anon.] 8° Lond. 17 12. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 17 12. — Another edition. 8° Edinb. 17 1 2. An appendix to John Bull ftill in his fenfes : or. Law is a bottomlefs-pit. [Anon.] 8° Lond. 17 12. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1712. ARBUTHNOT— ARCERE 173 Law is a bottomlefs-pit, &c. In three parts ; with the appendix, and a compleat key. [y/non.] 8^ Edinb. 1712. * A complete key to the thiee parts of Law is a bottom- lefs-pit, and the Story of the St. Alban's ghoil. 17 12. [5y Dr. William Wagstaffe.] Lewis Baboon turned honed, and John Bull politician. Being the fourth part of Law is a bottomlefs-pit. \ylnon.^ 8° Lond. 1712. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 17 12. — Another edition. 8^ Edinb. 1712. John Bull's lall will and teftament, as it was di-awn by a Welch attorney. With a preface to the Ar p of C ry. By an eminent lawyer of the Temple. [Anon.] 8" Lond. 17 I 3. — Second edition. 8' Lond. 17 13. A review of the ilate of John Bull's family, ever fince the probat of his lall will and teftament. With fome account of the two tmmpeters, the hirelings of Roger Bold. [Anon.] 8" Lond. 17 13. A poftfcript to John Bull, containing the Hiftoiy of the Crown-inn ; with the death of the widow, and what hap- pened thereon. [Anon.] 8° Lond. n. d. A continuation of the Hiftory of the Crown-inn : with charadters of fome of the late fei-vants, and the proceeding of the tniftecs to the coming of the new landlord. Part II. [Anon.] 8' Lond. n. d. — Part III. Containing the prefent ftate of the inn, and other particulars. [Anon.] 8° Lond. n. d. The fourth and lafl: part of the Hiftoiy of the Crown- inn ; with the charadcr of John Bull and other novels. [Anon.] 8° Lond. n. d. An appendix to the Hiftoiy of the Crown-inn : with a key to the whole. [Anon.] 8^ Lond. n. d. The prefent ftate of tlie Crown-inn for the firft three years under the new landlord ; wherein are charadlcrs of fome of the chief fervants on both fides. [Anon.] Second edition. 8° Lond. 1717. An invitation to peace ; or, Toby's preliminaiies to Neftor Ironfidcs, fet forth in a dialogue between Toby and his kinf- man. [Anon.] 8° Lond. 17 13. Tables of the Grecian, Roman, and Jewirti meafures, weights and coins, reduc'd to the Englilh ftandard. 8° Lond. [n. d.] Tables of ancient coins, weights, and meafures, explained and exemplified in feveral difll-iuitions. 4° Lond. 1727. Caroli Arbuthnotii Tabula; antiquorum nummoram, menfurarum etponderum ... ex Anglicain linguam Latinam converfae, opera Dan. Konigii, M.D. 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 1764. [Erroneoudy afcrlbcd by Kijnig to Charles Arbuthnot, whofc figna- turc, as editor, is attached to the dedication to the king.] Praftical rules of diet in the various conftitutions and difeafes of human bodies. [Second part.] 8° Lond. 1732. An effay concerning the effefls of air on human bodies. 8° Lond. 1733. Critical remarks on Capt. Gulliver's Travels. By Do(5lor Bantley. Piibliflied from the author's original MSS. [Anon.] 8 ° Cambridge, 1735. ARC (Jeanne d'). * Memoires concernant la Pucelle d'Orleans, dans lefquels fe tiouvent plufieurs particularites du r^gne de Charles VII., depuis 1422, jufques en 1 429. [Petitot, ColUaion com- plete des memoires, l^c, viii. I.] * Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc ... 1824. [By W. H. Ireland.] ARCADIUS. A native of Antioch, who lived at the beginning of the 3d century. Ajzao/ou Tsei tovjiv. E codicibus Parifinis primum edidit Edmund. Henr. Baikerus. Addita eft editoris Epiftola critica ad Jo. Fr. Boiflbnade. 8° Lipfix, 1820. ARCANO (Giovanni Mauro d'). B. about 1490, D. at Rome, J 5 36. Poefie fatirichc. [Rubbi, Parnafo Italiano, xxvii. 86.] ARCANUM. Tradlatus de fecretiflimo antiquorum philofophorum area- no, quo non folum omnes aegritudines totius corporis humani miiabiliter fanantur ; vertim & immunda ac Icprofa corpora metallortim in perfedum lunificum & folificum tranfmutantur. [Zetznerus, Thealrum chem'tcum, iv. 554.] ARCAS (Fabius). A Roman lawyer, who flouriflied in the latter half of the 1 6th century. Decifiones aureae,'five traftatus utiliftimus cafuum quotidi- anortim in materia criminal!, feudali, deque jure feudi accre- fcendi & dotium. 8° Francof. 1597. ARCAS NARNIENSIS (Marius). Ad legem primam C. de edendo, intei'pretetio nova ; qua verus atque legitimus legis fenfus doftorum ad hxc ufque tempora, cum varia, tum multiplici difputatione confufus, in lucem, velut e tenebiis, perfpicue revocatur. Accedit Petnis Aldobrandinus de inteqjietatione cl. ]&. Ludovici Cati ad 1. I. C. de edendo, adverfus Marium Arcadem Narnienfem. [Otto, Thefaurus juris Romani, v. 49.] ARCE (Joseph Alonso de). Dificultades vencidas, y curfo natural, en que fe dan reglas cfpeculativas y prafticas para la limpieza y afleo de las c.illes de efta corte, por cuyo medio fe obvie, que en el ambiente fe introduzca lo impuro, con que con grave jx'rjuicio nos alimen- tanios fus habitadores ... 4° Madrid, [1735-] ARCERE (Louis-Etienne). B. at Marfcillc, 1698. Perpetual fccrctary of the Sociiti- Royalc d'.igiicuUurc at Kochcllc. D. there, 7th Feb. 1781. De Petit de I'agriculture chez les Romains, depuis le com- mencement de la rqiublique jufqu'au fiecle de Jules-Cefir, relativcnient au gouvernemcnt, aux niocurs, ct au commerce. DifTertation qui a obtenu I'accefllt de prix dc {'Academic royalc des infcrijitions et belles-lettres, en 1776. 8° Paris, 1777. ^74 ARCHEOLOGY— ARCHBOLD ARCHEOLOGY. Archxologia : or mifcellaneous ti'ads relating to antiquity. Publiflied by the Society of antiquaries of London.' 3 8 vols. [ll^hh index to the Jlrjl 30 ijo/j.] 4° Lond. I 7 70- 1 860. The archjEologift, and journal of antiquarian fcience. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1842. A report of the proceedings of the Biitiih archaological affociation at the firlt general meeting held at Canterbury, in the month of September, 1 8 44. Edited by Alfred John Dunkin. 8° Lond. 1845. — Fifth general meeting holden in . . . Worcefter ... 1848. 8 ° Lond. 1 8 5 I . A verbatim report of the proceedings at a fpeclal genei'al meeting of the members of the Britifh archxological aflbcia- tion, held at the theatre of the Weftern literaiy inftitution, jth March, 1845. 8° Lond. 1845. Proceedingsof the Archsological inftitute of Great Britain and Ireland 1845-9, 1851-2. See Winchester, York, Norwich, Lincoln, Salisbury, Bristol, Newcastle. The archaeological journal : publifhed under the direftion of the central committee of the Britilh archaeological aflbcia- tion for the encouragement and profecution of refearches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Vols. L-XVIIL 8° Lond. 1845-61. The journal of the Britifh archxological aflbciation, eftab- li(hed 1843, for the encouragement and profecution of re- fearches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Vols. IL, IIL, XVL, XVH. 8° Lond. 1847-8, 1S60-61. Catalogue of antiquities, works of art, and hiftorical Scot- tifh relics, exhibited in the mufeum of the Archa:ological inftitute of Great Britain and Ireland during their annual meeting, held in Edinburgh, July, 1856 ... Comprifing notices of the portraits of Maiy Queen of Scots, coUe(fl:ed on that occafion, etc. etc. 8° Edinb. 1859. Archxologia Eliana. See Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archsologia Cambi'enfis. See Wales. Iritli archxological fociety. See Ireland. Somerfetfhire archaeological and natural hiftory fociety. See Somersetshire. Suflex archxological fociety. See Sussex. The Myvyrian aichaiology of Wales. See Wales. ARCHAICA. Archaica : containing a reprint of fcarce old Englifh profe tradls : with prefaces, critical and biographical, by Sir E. Brydges, Bart., M.P. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 18 I 5. ARCHBOLD (John Frederick). The pradtice of the Court of King's Bench in perfonal aftions and ejeiflment. 2 vols. 12° Land. 18 19. — Sixth edition ; by Thomas Chitty, Efq., including the pradtice of the Court of Common Pleas and Exchequer. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1838. — Seventh edition. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1840. — Eighth edition. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1845. — Ninth edition. By Samuel Prentice. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1855-6. — Tenth edition. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1858. A collection of the forms and entries, which occur in praftice, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in perfonal aftions and ejeftment. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1828. The practice of the Crown Office of the Court of Queen's Bench, with fomis of all the pleadings, rules, notices, &c., which occur in practice. 12° Lond. 1844. A diged: of the law relative to pleading and evidence in aftions real, perfonal, and mixed. 12° Lond. 182 i. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1837. A fummary of the law relative to appeals, againfl orders of removal, againlf rates, and againfl orders of filiation ; to- gether with the practice of the Court of Quarter Seffions, in appeals : by William Clarkfon, Efq. 8° Lond. 1826. The law and praClice in bankruptcy, as founded on the recent ftatute ; with forms. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1827. — Third edition. By John Fladier, Efq. I 2° Lond. 1829. — Eighth edition ; enlarged by the ftatutes and cafes to 3 Vift. ... 12° Lond. 1840. — Tenth edition ; including the ftatutes and cafes to 7 ViCl. ... 12° Lond. 1844. — Eleventh edition; including the ftatutes to 19 ViCt. ... 12° Lond. 1856. Peel's aCls, with the forms of indictments, &c., and the evidence necefTaiy to fupport them. 12° Lond. 1828. — Second edition ; \contahi'mg eilfi] Lord Lanfdowne's aCt, and the recent aCls relating to poaching, fmuggling, per- fonating, &c. ... 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1830. — Third edition ; and all the other criminal ftatutes paffed from the firft year of the reign of Geoige IV. to the prefent time, including the criminal claufes of the Reform aCl ... In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1835. A fummary of the law relative to pleading and evidence in criminal cafes : with precedents of indictments. Sec, and the evidence necefTaiy to fupport them. Third edition. 12° Lond. 1828. — Fourth edition ... with the decifions and ftatutes to the prefent time. By John Jervis, Efq. 12° Lond. 1831. — Eighth edition ... 12° Lond. 1841. — Ninth edition ... 12° Lond. 1843. — Tenth edition ... [including the practice in criminal proceedings generally.] By W. N. Welfby, Efq. 12° Lond. 1846. — Twelfth edition ... 12° Lond. 1853. — Thirteenth edition ... 12° Lond. 1856. — Fourteenth edition ... 12° Lond. 1859. — Fifteenth edition. 12° Lond. 1862. The aCt for the amendment of the poor laws ; with a prac- tical inti'oduCtion, notes and forms. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1834. 12° Lond. 1835. 12° Lond. 1 8 36. 12° Lond. 1839. — Third edition. — Fourth edition. — Fifth edition. The new Poor law amendment aCt, and the recent rales and orders of the poor law commiflioners ; with a practical intioduCtion, notes, and forms. 12° Lond. 1842. The Municipal corporation aCt (5 & 6 Wm. IV., c. 76), ARCHBOLD 175 compaied with, and conedled by the roll ; with a practical introdudion, notes, and forms, and the cafes decided upon the aft. 12° Lond. 1836. The jurifdiflion and pradicc of the Court of Quarter Seflions ; with forms of indidlments, notices of appeals, &c. 12° Lond. 1836. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1857. The recent criminal ftatutes ( i Vidt. cc. 84 to 9 1 ) ; with forms of indiftments, notes, and index. 8° Lond. 1837. The a<5l for abolidiing imprifonment for debt ( i & 2 Vidl. c. I 10) ; with a praftical introdudlion, notes, forms, and a copious index. 12° Lond. 1838. The juftice of the peace, and parifli officer ; with the ])rac- tice of country attornies in criminal cafes ; comprifing alfo all the neceflary fornis of commitments, convidlions, orders, &c. In three volumes. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1842—4. — Third edition. 3 vols. 12' Lond. 1845. — Fourth edition. 3 vols. 12' Lond. 1846. — Fifth edition ; with forms, and a tabular arrangement of offences and their punifliment, 5cc. In four volumes. 12° Lond. 1854-5. — Sixth edition. Vols. L, IL 12° Lond. 1859. The law of Nifi Prius : comprifing the declarations and other pleadings in perfonal aflions, and the evidence necef- faiy to fuppoit them. 12° Lond. 1843. — Second edition ; with an introduftion, dating the whole of the praffice at Nifi Prius. Vol. L 12° Lond. 1845. The new pradlice of attornies in the courts of law at Weftmiriftcr, with forms, including the recent ftatute as to attornies, and the cafes decided thereon ; alfo an appendix, comprifing qucftions of pradlice, in which the errors in pro- ceedings may be detedled, and the proper mode of taking advantage of them adopted. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1844. — Third edition. 2 vols. 12" Lond. 1847. The poor law, comprifing all the authorities, to Oftober, 1843, with forms. Third edition. 12° Lond. 1844. — Fourth edition, comprifing all the authorities, to Oc- tober, 1844, with forms. 12° Lond. 1845. — Fourth [Fifth] edition ... brought down to Septem- ber, 1846, in the addenda, with forms. 12 ' Lond. 1846. — Sixth edition ... brought down to April i 850 ; with forms. 12° Lond. 1850. — Seventh edition ... brought down to March 1853 ; with forms. 12° Lond. 1853. — Eighth edition ... brought down to Hilary Term, 1856; with forms. 12'^ Lond. 1856. — Ninth edition ... brought down to Trinity Term, 12° Lond. 1858. brought down to Michaelmas Term, 12 ' Lond. i860. The law of landlord and tenant ; with ail the rcquifite forms, including the ])!eadings in the feveral actions by and againft landlord and tenant, and the evidence ncccffary to fupport them. i 2° Lond. 1H46. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1855. The law relative to examinations and grounds of .ipjieal in cafes of orders of removal ; with forms in all cafes which occu)- in pradlice. 12" Lond. 1847. 1857 ; with forms. — Tenth edition , I 859 ; with forms. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1858. The aft to amend the laws relating to the removal of the poor, 9 & 10 Vift. cap. 66 ; with notes and obfervations, &c. Fourth edition. 12= Lond. 1847. The praftice of the new County Couits ; with forms, and an appendix, containing tlie ftatute and the rules, with a full and elaborate index. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1847. — Third edition ; [w/'/A] addenda, comprifing the prac- tice of thofe courts under the Proteftion afts, the Infolvent aft, and the Judgment debtors' aft. 12^ Lond. 1848. — Fourth edition ... according to the extended jurif- diftion given ... by the recent ftatute 13 & 14 Vift. cap. 61, and as altered by that aft ... 12= Lond. 1850. — Fifth edition ... according to the extended jurifdiftion given ... by the recent ftatutes 13 & 14 Vift. cap. 6 i, and 15 & 16 Vift. cap. 54 ... 12° Lond. 1852. — Sixth edition ; including the praftice under the recent ftatute 19 & 20 Vift. cap. 108 ... 12° Lond. 1856. — Seventh edition, ^incluiling] the new rules of 1857 ... 12° Lond. 1857. .lervis's afts, i i & 12 Vift. cc. 42, 43, & 44 ; relating to the duties of juftices of the peace out of feffions, as to in- diftable offences, conviftions, and orders ; and to the protec- tion of juftices in the execution of their duties ; witli prac- tical notes and forms. 12° Lond. 1S48. — Third edition, [containingj ftat. 1 2 & I 3 Vift. c. I 4, for the levying of poor rates, &c. ... 12° Lond. 185 i. A fummary of the laws of England. In four volumes. Vols. I., II. 12' Lond. 1S48-9. The new rules and forms regulating the jirefent praftice and proceedings of the County Courts ; with notes, forms, and fome additional forms. 12° Lond. 1851. The law relative to pauper lunatics ; with forms in all cafes required in praftice ; alfo the law and praftice in ap- peals againft lunatic orders. I2° Lond. 185 1. The new ftatutes relating to lunacy, comprifing the law ielating to pauper lunatics, with the praftice and ptaftical forms, very fully given ; alfo, the law refpecting lunatic afylums, public and private, with the duties of the commif- fioners in lunacy, and vifiting juftices. 12° Lond. 1854. The new fyftcm of criminal ])roccdure, pleading, and evi- dence in indiftable cafes, as founded on Lord Campbell's aft, 1 4 & I 5 Vift. c. 1 00, and other recent ftatutes ; with new forms of indiftments and evidence. 12° Lond. 1852. Tlie parifli officer, comprifing the whole of the prcfcnt law relating to the feveral parifli officers in England ; coni]>rifing alfo the law as to church rates, veltries, watching, and light- ing, &c. 12° Lond. 1S52. — Second edition ; by William Cunningham Glen, Efq. 12° Lond. 1855. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1858. The new praftice, pleading, and evidence, in the courts of common law at Weftiiiinftei-, as regulated by tlie new ftatute I 5 & 16 Vift. cap. 76, with all neceffiii-y forms. 1 2 Lond. 1853. Tlic new rules of praftice in the courts of law ; the new rules for the examination and re-admiflion of .attorneys ; the new t;iblc of cofts ; and " the Common law procedure aft, 1852." With an elaborate index. 12^ Lond. 1853. 176 ARCHBOLD— ARCHER — Second edition ... as regulated by flatutes 15 & i6 Vift. cap. 76, and 17 & 18 Vidl. cap. 125, including the equitable jurifdidlion recently given to them by the latter ftatute ... 12° Lond. 1S55. A fupplement to Archbold's new pradlice of the courts of common law at Weftminfter, comprifing the recent Pro- cedure adl, with an introdudlion and index. 12° Lond. 1855. The Succeffion duty adl, 1853, with praftical notes, and an introdudion, comprifing the fubftance of the a<5t, the alTeff- ment, and the appeal againll it, with forms. 12° Lond. 1854. The bankrupt law, with the ftatutes and other authorities to the prefent time, including the new lules in banki-uptcy, and the new tables of cofts. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1855. The law of limited liability, partnerlhip, and joint-ftock companies, to which are added the proceedings on the new flatute relating to bills of exchange and promiflbry notes. 12° Lond. 1855. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1856. An abridgment of cafes upon poor law, fiom 5 & 6 Vii5l. to 20 & 21 Vidl. (1842 to 1858,) in continuation of Mr. Lumley's Poor law cafes. Vol. IIL \of Lumley's work, which is in two volumes J\ 8° Lond. 1858. The confolidated and other ordeis of the poor law com- miffioners, and of the poor law board, with introduftion, ex- planatoiy notes, and index. The ftatiftical ])ortion by A. C. Banke. 12° Lond. 1859. The law of bankmptcy and infolvency as founded on the recent ftatute. 12° Lond. 1861. — Second edition. 12" Lond. 1861. The law and practice of arbitration and award, with forms. 12° Lond. 1 86 1. The confolidated criminal flatutes of England and Ireland pafled in the laft feffion of Parliament, with notes, forms of indiftments, and evidence. 12° Lond. 186 1. The ftatutes 24 & 25 Vifloria, cc. 55, 76, 59, relating to the irremovability of paupers from unions ; to the paffing of paupers to Leland ; and to vaccination : with notes. 12° Lond. 1 86 1. ARCHDALL (Mervyn), A.M. B. at Dublin, 1723. Reftor of Slane, Co. Meath. D. 6 Aug. 1 79 1. Monafticon Hibernicum ; or, an hiflory of the abbies, priories, and other religious houfes in Leland. Interfperfed with memoirs of their feveral founders and benefaftors, and of their abbots and other fuperiours, to the time of their final fuppreflion ... 4° Dublin, 1786. ARCHENHOLTZ (Johann Wilhelm von). B. at Langenfurth, near Danzig, 3 Sep. 1741. Educated at Berlin, and entered the PrulTian army, in wiiich he rofe to the rank of captain. He afterwards fpent fixteen years in travelling through the various countries of Europe. D. near Hamburg, 28 Feb. i8j2. Tableau de I'Angleterre et de I'ltalie ; traduit de I'Alle- mand [by L. B. de Bildeibeck.] 3 tom. 8° Gotha, 1788. Udfigt over det Brittiflie Folks Hiftorie for Aaret 1788. Paa Danllc udgivet med Anmerkninger og en Fortale af L. Smith. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1790. Kleine hiftorifche Schriften. 2 Bande. 8° Berlin, 1791 ; Tiibingen, 1803. A pifture of Italy. Tranflated from the original German by Jofeph Trapp, A.M. In two volumes. 12° Lond. ] 791. The hiftory of the pirates, free-booters. or buccaneers of America. Tranflated from the German, by George Mafon, Efq. 12° Lond. 1807. ARCHER ( ). Brief memorials of Englifh families of the name of Archer. 4° Edinb. 1856. Memorials of the families of the furname of Archer. 4° Lond. 1 86 1. ARCHER (Charles). The Lords and the Jew : thoughts refpeilfully addrefl"ed to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Biflhop of Lon- don. 8° Lond. 1857. ARCHER (Charles P.), Jun. Barrifter-at-Iaw. An analytical digefl: of all the reported cafes in the feveral couits of common law in Ireland, from the earlieft period to the prefent time, including regiftiy appeals, and numerous criminal cafes. 8° Dublin, 1842. ARCHER (E. C.) Tours in Upper India, and in parts of the Himalaya Mountains ; with accounts of the courts of the native princes, &c. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1833. ARCHER (Edmond), B.D. Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. Archdeacon of Taun- ton, 17J2; archdeacon of Wells, 1726. D. 0€t. 1739. A fermon preach'd in King Henry VII.'s chapel, at Weftminfter, January xxxth, 1 7 i o, before the rev. clergy of the lower houfe of Convocation : being the anniverfary of the martyrdom of King Charles the Ift. ^Zech. vii. 4. 5.] 8° Lond. 171 1. ARCHER (J. L.) The Indian mutinies accounted for : being an effay on the fubjeft. 8° Lond. 1857. ARCHER (John Wykeham). Veftiges of old London, a feries of etchings from original drawings, illuftrative of the monuments and architefture of London, in the firft, fourth, twelfth, and fix fucceeding cen- turies, with defcriptions and hiftorical notices. fol. Lond. 1851. ARCHER (Joseph). Statiftical fuiTey of the county Dublin, with obfeiTations on the means of improvement ... 8° Dublin, 1801. ARCHER (Richard). The ifland home; or, the adventures of fix young Crufoes. 8° Lond. 1854. ARCHER— ARCHINI 177 ARCHER (Thomas), D.D. Divine blefflng effential to human falvation : a fennon preached on behalf of the Baptift milTionaiy fociety, at Surrey chapel, on Thurfday evening, April 20, 1 848. [Ps. Ixvii. 1,2.] i2°Lond. 1848. The divine teftimonies ; their wonderfiil charader : a fer- mon jjreached in Exeter Hall, June i ft, 1 8 5 i . [Pj-. cxix. 129.] 12° Lond. 185 I. "The Duke:" a fketch. [Jer. xlvii. 17.] 12= Lond. 1852. ARCHER (Thomas Croxen). Popular economic botany ; or, defcription of the botanical and commercial charaftcrs of the principal articles of vegetable origin ufed for food, clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, medi- cine, perfumery, &c. S" Lond. 1853. Firft fteps in economic botany, for the ufe of ftudents ; being an abridgment of Popular economic botany. 8 Lond. 1854. ARCHER (Thomas G.) An index to the unrepealed ftatutes connefted with the adminiftration of the law in England and Wales, commen- cing with the reign of King William the Fourth, and con- tinued to the clofe of the feffion 1850. 8° Lond. 1851. ARCHER (William). Rachel of Padanaram, type of the Church : a facred hif- tory from the Mofaic records. 12° Lond. 1843. ARCHERS. A poem on the Royal company of Scottifh archers. S. Sh. n. p. n. d. Report relative to the proceedings of the Royal company of archers, upon the vifit of his Majefty, King George the Fourth, to Scotland, Auguft 1822. 8° Edinb. 1822. Papers relative to the Royal guard of Scottifh archers in France. From original docimients. [For the Maitland Club.] , 4° Edinb. 1835. ARCHIBALD (Alexander). Faith's viftory over unbelief : exemplified in the fpiritual experiences of Archibald Alexander, late fchoolmafter at Loanliead, near Denny. In which the divine art of ufing fanftified reafoning from the Word and promife of God, for overcoming the fuggcftions of Satan and unbelief, is largely difplayed. Printed from the original manufcript of the author, who died in January 1766. 12° Edinb. 1770. ARCHIDIACONUS BONONIENSIS, i.e. Guide de Bayso. ARCHILOCHUS. The carlieft of the Greek lyric poets. B. in the ifland of Paros, 714 B.C. D. 676 b.c. Archilochi, iambograjihorum principis, Rcliquix ; quas accuratius collegit, adnotationibus virorum doiflorum fuifque animadverfionibus lllullravit, et prxmidii de viui ct fcriptis poetx commentatione, nunc fcorfim edidit Ignatius Liebel. Editio fecunda. 8° Vindobonx, 18 1 8. VOL. I. Carmina lyiica et iambica. [Gr. and Lai. Lectius, Poela Gmci -ueteres tragici, i^c, ii. 131.] De temporibus. ^Spurious. Annius, Jlnliquitatum vari- orum 1)011. A.•^'H.] ARCHIMAGIRUS METAPHORICUS. Pfeud. o/" William Kenrick. ARCHIMEDES. B. at Syracufe, 187 B.C. D. 2iz B.C. A^y^i/j,r,doii:, rou 'S.v^axovaion, Ta !i-iy_^i ku» eiuZonna, a'^a^ra. Archimedis, Syracufani philofophi ac geomcti"X excellentiflimi. Opera, qux quidem extant, omnia, multis iam feculis defiderata, atque a quam pauciffimis hari/j,a7Cijii. Archimedis qux fujjerfunt omnia cum Euto- cii Afcalonitx commentariis ex recenfione Jofephi Toiclli, Veronenfis, cum nova verfione Latina. Accedunt lediones variantes ex codd. Mediceo et Parifienfibus fol. Oxonii, 1792. Qicogri/J.a u my^^riTai e\i ria 'H'a/Jtfiirri koy^i!J.7,hr,;- airs, x.ai 'XoXKaxig, A^;ffra?j/os "Hajiioi iv rw csj; tuv /MyiScuv xa; avoarri/jLaroiv uto ij,iv t>,\i Eufiogou, 015 ioiXiv, i^iMSiin' ff£ff£o 0£ Hi fi'iai \jiii TW TlTo\siJ,aiou, ev riti, rou rr^urov Trii /isyaXjjj uuvra^su;, iteo/ tw\i £» 701 xvxXu tudiiuv. [O Tou A^yj/j.ribo\Ji Ya,tt,a;T>jc.] [Gr.] fol. [Glafgux,] n. d. [The title page dcfcribcs only the contents of the firft two pages.] Arenarius et dimcnfio circuli. Eutocii Afcalonitx in hanc comnientarius. Cum nova verfione & notis. [Gr. and Lot. J. Wallis, Opera muthanaUca, iii. 5C9.] Qiuvres, traduites litteralement, avec un commentaire, par F. Peyrard, fuivies d'un memoire du traduifleur (urun nouveau miroir ardent, et d'un autre memoire de M. Delambre fur I'arithmetique des Grecs. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1 808. Guidi Ubaldi in duos Archimedis ^queponderaniium libros paraphrafis, fcholiis illuftrata. I 588. Pafchafii Humellii ... in Archimedis librum de numero arenx ... 1557. SJVith I.al. vcrjwn of the /c.v/.] Trattito delle cofe, che ftanno ful liquido. [Raccolta d'autori che trattano del molo deWacque, i. I.] ARCHINI (Francesc' Ignazio). Pratica Kgalc, e giudiziaria Italiana. Ofll-rvazioni tcorico- pratiche fullo fpirito e giurifpi-udcnza del Codice N.ipoleone, e del codice di procedura civile, Ipianata nella ricipioca lore analogia.e nel ravvicinamento colla giurifprudenza delle leggi civili, e dei metodi giudiziarj preccdentementc in vigorc. 2 A 178 ARCHIPELAGO— ARCLAIS DE MONTAMY Corredate d'efemplari di diverfi atti, fi d'inftruzione, che efecutivi. 3 torn. 8° Novara, 1807-9. ARCHIPELAGO. Hiftoire nouvelle des anciens Dues et autres fouverains de I'Archipel ... 1698. [By Robert Saulger.] ARCHIPPUS. A call to Archippus ... 1664. [By Jofeph Alleine.] ARCHITECT, ARCHITECTURE. Le vite de' piil celebri architetti d'ogni nazione e d'ogni tempo. 1768. [5_)r Francefco MiLiziA.] An eflay on the qualifications and duties of an architeft, &c. With fome ufeful hints for the young architedl or fur- veyor. 8° Lond. 1773. Principi di architettura civile. (785. [5y Fr. Milizia.] Dell'architettura Egiziana diflertazione ... 1786. [By Jacopo Belgrado.] EfTays on Gothic architedlure, by the Rev. T. Warton, Rev. J. Bentham, Captain Grofe, and the Rev. J. Milner. (With a letter to the publifher. ) Illuftrated with twelve plates . . . The fecond edition. To which is added, a lift of the cathedrals of England, with their dimenfions ; alfo two new plates. 8^ Lond. 1802. Eflays of the London architeftural fociety. 8° Lond. 1 808. A concife hiftory and analyfis of all the principal ftyles of architeftui^e ; namely, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, that of the dark ages, of the Arabians, and of the Normans ; includ- ing a detailed defcription of the origin, progrefs, and decline of the Gothic. To which is added, a ftetch of the archi- tedure of England, down to the prefent time. By an amateur. 8° Lond. [1828.] Architeftural notes on German churches ... 1830. [By William Whewell.] A gloflaiy of terms ufed in ... architedhire. 1840. [By John Henry Parker.] A companion to the fourth edition ... 1846. [By John Henry Parker.] A concife gloflary of terms ufed in . . . architeflure, abridged from the fourth edition of the larger work. 1846. [By John Henry Parker.] Royal inftitute of Britirti architefts. Incorporated in the feventh year of William IV. Report of the feleft committee on dilapidations, &c. 8° Lond. 1844. The age : being a letter to a fociety for the improvement of facred architefture, on the objeft, principles, and praftice of that department of fcience ... By a layman. 8° Lond. 1850. Some account of domeftic architefture in England from Edward I. to Richard II. ... 1853. [By John Henry Parker.] Architeflural mufeum. Canon Row, Parliament Street, Weftminfter. Catalogue: 1855. 8° Lond. 1855. Chara(5leriftics of old church architedure, &c., in the Mainland and Weftern Iflands of Scotland. 1861. [By T. S. MuiR.] New office book for architefts, engineers, contraftors, builders, clerks of works, &c., by an architect and building furveyor : containing fpecifications, taking out quantities, fire proof roofs, memoranda on railway works, tables, &c. &c., with numerous experiments, by George Rennie, Efq., C.E. 8° Lond. [186 1.] Cotemporai-y architefture. fol. [Lond.] n. d. Naval architefture. See Navv. ARCHIUS (NicoLAus). B. in the Tyrol, 3 Dec. 1479. D. 1546. Numerorum libri iv. Quartus ex codice autographo nunc primum prodit. 8° Veronas, 1762. Carmina. [H. Fracastorii, jidami Fumani, et Nic/lrchlt carmlna, tom. ii.] — Gruter, Delitite poetarum Italorum, i. 257.] — Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 326.] ARCHONTORUS (Ferrandus). Pfeud. of Ferdi- nandus de Furstenburg. ARCHYTAS. Ex 7-ou ffsj/ [La^niJ'UTr/.rii. [Aristotelis et Theophrajlt fcripta quadam, p. 80. '55 7-] ARCINIEGA (Francisco Velez de). B. at Cafarubios. Apothecary to the Archbiihop of Toledo. Flouriihed at the beginning of the 17th century. Hiftoria de los animales mas recebidos en el ufo de mede- cina ; donde fe trata para lo que cada uno entrero, 6 parte del aprovecha, y de la manera de fu preparacion. 4° Madrid, 16 1 3. ARCKEL, or ARKEL. Audtoris incerti de vita et rebus geftis dominorum de Arkel fuccincta narratio. [Matth^cus, Veteris av't anale3a, V. 201.] ARCKENHOLTZ (Jean). B. in Finland, 1695. Keeper for twenty years of the library at CafTel. Returned to Stockholm, with the title of hiftorio- grapher to the king. D. 14 July, 1777. Memoires concernant Chriftine, Reine de Suede, pour feiTir d'eclairciffement a I'hiftoire de fon regne, et princi- palement de fa vie privee, et aux evenemens de I'hiftoire de fon tems civile et literaire, fuivis de deux ouvrages de cette favante princefle, qui n'ont jamais ete imprimes ... 4 tom. 4° Amfterdam, i 7 5 1-60. ARCLAIS DE MONTAMY (Didier d'). A native of Normandy. Educated at the Univerfity of Caen. Held the office of premier maitre d'hotel to the Duke of Orleans. D. at Paris, 8 Feb. 1765, in the fixty-fecond year of his age. Traite des couleurs pour la peinture en email et fur la por- celaine ; precede de I'art de peindi^e fur I'email, et fuivi de plufieurs memoires fur differents fujets intereffants, tels que le travail de la porcelaine, I'ait du ftuccateur, la mani^je d'exe- cuter les camees et les autres pierres figurees, le moyen de per- fedlionner la compofition du verre blanc et le travail des glaces, &c. 12° Paris, 1765. ARCO— ARDO 179 ARCO (GlAMBATTISTA GhERARDO d'). B. at Arto, in the Itjlian Tyrol, 1739. Educated at Mantua, Parma and Verona. Appointed governor of the duchy of Mantua by the Emperor Joi'eph II. D. at Goito, near Mantua, Aug. 1791. Dcll'armonia politico-economica tra la citta c il fuo ter- ritorio. [Custodi, Scritlorl chifftci Italiani de eConomia politica, parte moderna, XXX. I I .] DcU'annona. [Ibid. xxx. 211.] DL-ll'inHuenza del commercio fopra i talenti e i coftumi. [Ibid. xxxi. 5.] Rifpofta al quefito : Se in uno ftato di teneno fertile favorir dcbbafi niaggiormente I'edrazione dclle materie prime, ovveio quella delle manifatture. [Ibid. xxxi. 191.] Del diritto ai tranfiti. [Ibid. xxxi. 245.] ARCONATUS (H.eronymus). B. in Sllefla, 1553. Secretary to the Emperor Rodolph II. D. 1599. Poemata. [Gruter, Del'tt'm poetarum Germanorum, i. 3 8 6.] Jaurini in Hungaria, xxlx. Maitii, ipfa Pafchatis oftava, anno l 598, feliciilime recuperati, defcriptio. [Reusnerus, Rcrummemorabiltumln Pannonla ge/larum narrationes, p. 289.] ARCONVILLE (Marie Genevieve Charlotte Thi- ROUX d'). B. 17 Oft. 1720. U. 23 Dec. 1805. EfTai pour fei-vir a I'hiftoire de la putrefafbion. Par le tradudteur des Lemons de chymie de M. Shaw. 8° Paris, 1766. ARCOS (Francisco de los). Convei-faciones inftraftivas entre el Padre Frey Bertoldo, Capuchino, y Don Terencio ; en las qualcs fe tratan varies y muy diverfos afuntos. 4"= Pamplona, 1786. ARCTIC. Arftic mifcellanics : a fouvenir of the late Polar fearch. By the officers and feamcn of the expedition. 8° Lond. 1852. Arctic rewards and their claimants. 8° Lond. 1856. Ardlic voyages and difcovcry. The exploiing voyages of Dr. Kane. 12° Lond. [i860.] ARCTOPOLITANUS (Gabriel). DiflerUitio hiftorica de origine ac rcligione Fennonum. Von dcm Urfprung und der Religion der Finnl'ander ... 4° Upfalise, [1728.1 ARCUEIL. Memoires de phyfique et de chimic, de la Societe d'Ar- cueil. 3 torn. 8" Paris, 1807-17. ARCULF. The travels of Bifliop Arcuif in the Holy Land, towards A.D. 700. [Thomas Wright, Early travels in Palejline, p. ,.] ARCUTIUS (.Ioannes Baptista). A Neapolitan poet, who flourished about the middle of the l6th century. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitit poetarum Ilalorum, i. 258.] — \Carm'tna illu/lrium poetarum Italorum, i. 328.] ARDEMANS (Theodoro). B. at Madrid, 1664. A painter and architeft. D. at Madrid, 1726. Declaracion y cxtenCon fobre las ordenanzas que efcrivio Juan de Toiija, Ajjarejador de obras reales, y de las que fe praftican en las ciudades de Toledo y Sevilla, con algunas adveitencias a los alarifes, y particulares, y otros ca])itulos anadidos a la perfedla inteligencia de la materia ; que todo (c cifra en el goviemo politico de las fabricas. 4° Madrid, 1719. — Another edition. 4° Madrid, 1754. ARDEN (George), M.A. Redlor of Wintei bourne-Came, Dorletrtiire. Scripture breviates, arranged for ufe by the bed of fick- nefs. 8" Oxford, 1856. The cure of fouls. 8° Oxford, 1858. ARDEN (Hazlefoot). Verfes. 12° Lond. 1 8 5 I . ARDEN (Thomas). *The lamentable and true tragedieof M. Arden,of Feverf- ham, in Kent, who was moft wickedlye murdered, by the means of his difloyall and wanton wyfe, who, for the love fhe bare to one Mofbie, hyrcd two defperat mffins. Black- will and Shagbag, to kill him . . . With a preface, in which forae reafons are offered, in favour of its being the earlieft dramatic work of Shakefpear now remaining ; and a genuine account given of tlie murder from autlientic papers of the time. [Edited from the edition of 1592, by Edward Jacob.] 8° Lond. 1770. ARDENNAN. The heir of Ardennan : a Itoi-y of domefticlife. 1852. [By C. J. Douglas.] ARDERNE (James), D.D. Dean of Chefter, July, 1682. D. 18 Sep. 1691. The Dean of Chefter's fpecch to his Majefty, Augufl the 27th. 1687. S. Sh. Lond. reprinted Edinb. 1687. ARDIZONE (.Iacobus de). B. at Verona about the middle of the 14th century. Profef- for of jurifprudencc at Pavia and at Perugia. Summa feudorum. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus unlverfi juris, X. i. 225.] ARDIZUS. Carmina. [Carmina illujlrium poetarum Ilalorum, i. 483.] ARDO. A monk of the Bcncdiftinc abbey of St. Salvator, at Aniano. He is fomctimcs known by the name of Smaragdus. D. 7 March, 863. Vita San(5ti Bcncdifli, abb-itis Anianenfis, in G;Jlia Nar- bonenfi. [Mauillon, Aaa fanaorum O.S.B. iv. i. 183.] ISO AR DOING— ARETtEUS ARDOINO (Antonio). Examen apologetico de la hiftorica narracion de los nau- fragios, peregrinaciones, y milagros de Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Baca ... [A. G. Barcia, Htjlor'iadores, iifc. torn, i.] ARDOINO (PiETRo), Maichefe della Roccalumera. Sonetti ; con la verfione in verfo Latino di Carlo Vitaii. 8°Meffina, 1716. ARDOR (M.) A few hints on the pronunciation of the English language. 12° Lond. 1849. ARDUINO (PiETRo). A native of Verona, who was profeffor of agriculture and rural economy at Padua about the middle of the iSth century. Memorie di ofleiTazioni, e di fperienze fopra la coltura, e gli ufi di varie piante che feiTono, o che fervir poflbno util- mente alia tintura, all' economia, all' agricoltura, ec. Tome primo. 4° Padova, 1766. AREDIUS. '■* Vita S. Aredii, abbatis Lemovicenfis. [Mabillon, ^^a fanSorum O.S.B. i. 331.] ARELATE, ARELATUM. See Arles. ARELLANO (Juan Salvador Baptista). A Spanifli Francifcan monk, who lived at the beginning of the 17th century. Antiguedas y excelencias de la villa de Carmona. 8° SeviUa, 1628. AREMBERG (Carolus de). B. at Bruffels, 1593. Became a monk of the Francifcan order, 1616. D. 5 June, 1669. Flores feraphici, ex anicEnis Annalium hortis ... Zacha- riae Boverii, Ord. F. F. Minonim S. Francifci Capucinorum definitoris generalis, coUefti : five, icones, vitas et gefta vi- romm illuftrium (qui ab anno 1525, ufque ad annum I 580, in eodem Ordine, niiraculis ac vitas fandimonia claiiiere,) compendiof S defcripta. fol. Coloniae Agrippins, 1640. ARENA (Antonius). B. at Souliers, near Toulon. Studied law under Alciatus at Avignon. D. 1544. Meygra entreprifa Catoliqui Imperatoris, quando de anno Domini mdxxxvi. veniebat per Provenfam bene corroflatus in poftam prendere Franfam cum villis de Piovenfa ; propter groflas et menutas gentes rejohire. 8° Lugduni, 1 760. ARENA (GlOVAN TOMMASO d'). B. at Naples. Flouriflied about the middle of the i6th cen- tury. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. 248.] ARENA (Jacobus de). B. at Parma ; or, according to other authorities, a Fleming by birth. Profeffor of civil law at Padua, 1300; at Bologna, 1320; and fubfequently at Reggio, Siena and Touloufe. De praceptis judicum. [F. Zilettus, TraSatus univer/i juris. III. ii. 34.] De ceflione aftionum. [Ibid. 111. ii. 74.] — [Straccha, De mercatiira, p. 846.] De exculTionibus bonomm. [F. Zilettus, TraSatus univerfi juris, m. ii. 141.] — [Straccha, De mercatura, p. 824.] — [Tractatus de Jidejtijforibus, life. Colon, jigr. 1 607, P- 376.] De fequeftrationibus. [F. Zilettus, TraBatus univerfi juris. III. ii. 143.] — [Straccha, De mercatura, p. 684.] — [Tractatus de jideju^oribus, ISjc. Colon. Agr. 1 607, P- 55°-] De expenfis in judicio faftis. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus uni-verfi juris, iii. ii. 394.] De pofitionibus. [Ibid. iv. 3.] Tradlatus folennis de commiflariis. [Ibid. viii. i. 194.] Solennis tradlatus de quxlHonibus. [Ibid. xi. i. 291.] Traftatus de bannitis, [Ibid. xi. i. 355.] — [MoDius, Rerum criminalimn praxes, ii. 305.] ARENTSCHILDT ( ). Inrtnaftions for officers and non-commiflioned officers of cavalry, on outpoft duty. With an abridgment of them, by Lieut.-Col. the Hon. F. Ponfonby. 12° Lond. 1854. AREOSTUS (LuDovicus). See Ariosto. ARESIUS (Benedictus). B. at Berne, about 1505. Studied in his native town, and was appointed profeffor of logic at Marburg, 1548, which he held only one year, returning to Berne as re£lor of the gym- nafium, Profeffor of languages and theology, 1563. D. Z2 April, 1574. Valentin! Gentilis, jufto capitis fupplicio Bemae affefti, brevis hiftoria ; & contra ejufdem blafphemias, orthodoxa defenfio articuli de Sandla Trinitate. Cenfura propofitionum, quibus nituntur Catabaptiftas in Polonia, probare baptifmum non fuccefllfle circuncifioni. 4° GenevE, 1567. ARET./EUS, Cappadox. A Greek phylician, b. in Cappadocia, who appears to have lived at the end of the ift or beginning of the 2d century. The hiftory of his life is not known. Tli^i aiTius xai ari,u,tio>v oJewv xai ^eovioiv 'zaSoiv, ,8(/3/.. d'. OjEWK xai ^oovidiv iio'jauv 6iea'rsvrir.a, j3ij3X. h'. De acutorum ac diutui^noru morborii caufis & fignis lib. iiii. De acutorum ac diutuiTiorum morboram curatione lib. iiii. Ex bibliotheca regia. \Gr. only. Editio princeps, edited by Jacobus Goupy- /uj-.] 8° Parifiis, 1554. TIeo/ aiTiuv y.ai eyi/Mi'M ogstuv xui y^ooviuv TaSuiv, jSiiSXia. naea^a. Jlsii hPO.'TTSiac o^iuv xa,i ^sovioiv oratJwv, I3il3\ia Tissa^a. De caufis et fignis acutonjra et diutumoram mor- borum, libri quatuor. De curatione acutorum et diutumorura morborum, libri quatuor. Cum commentariis integris Petri Petiti medici Parifienfis, atque ... Joannis Wiggani ... notis, & ... Mattairii opufculis in eundeni, tandemque ... Danielis Wilhelmi Trilleri obfeiTationibus & emendatis. Editionera curavit Hermannus Boerhaave. [Gr. and Lat.'\ fol. Lugduni Batavomm, 1735. De caufis et fignis acutomm morbomm liber i. De caufis et notis diutumorum afFefluiun libri 11. De morborum acu- ARETHAS— ARGELUS i8i torum curatione libri ii. De morboram diutumorum curatione libri II. [Z-rt/. only. MediC/E artii pr'mcipes, torn, i.] Eight books on the caufcs, fymptoms, and cure of acute and chronic difeafes, tranflated from the original Greek, by John Moffiit, M.D. 8° Lond. [1786.] Petri Petiti in tres priores Aietsei libros commentarii, 1726. ARETHAS. Archbiihop of Cxfarea, in Cappadocia, about the beginning of tlie loth century. 2uXXoy>) i^riyridiuv ix biaifoeuv ayiuv avS^oiv ng rrii/ Iwav- tou rou r)yar:riij,!vov xai ivayyiXiaToii A^rozaXu^)//^■. [^Gr. only. CEcuMENius, E^tiyrieiis TraXaioii xai Xiav coipeXiM'Oi ... edit. Verona:, p. 877.] — [Gr. and Lat. CEcumenius, tiroiLtr^iLaTO. ... edit. Lut. Paris, ii. 636.] — \Lat. only. Max. BlbUotheca veterum Patrum, ix. 74I-] ARETIN (JoHANN Christoph Anton Maria, Frey- HERR von). B. at Ingolftadt, 1772. Educated there, at Heidelberg, and at Gottingen. Held various important judicial and fcientific ap- pointments under the Bavarian Government. D. 24 Dec. 1 824. Aelterte Sage iiberdie Geburt und Jugend Karls des Grof- fen. Zum erftenmale bekannt gemacht und erlauteit von J. C. F. V. Aretin. 8° Miinchen, 1803. Syftematifche Anleitung zur Theorie und Praxis der Mnemonik, ncbft den Grundlinien zur Gefchichte und Kritik diefer WilTcnfchaft. 8° Sulzbach, iSio. ARETINO (PiETRo). B. at Arezzo, 20 April, 1492. D. at Venice, 1556. Comedia intitolata il Filofofo. 12° Vinegia, 1549. Cortigiana : comedia, novamente rillampata. 12° Vinegia, 1550. Talanta : comedia ... 12° Vinegia, 1553. II Marefcalco : comedia, nuovamente ... riftampata. 12° Vinegia, 1553. Lo Hipochrito : comedia. 12° Vinegia, 1553. Quattro conicdie ; cio6 il Marefcalco, la Cortegiana, la Talanta, I'Hipocrito, nouellamente ritornate, per mezzo della ftampa, a luce, a lichiefta de conofcitori del lor valoie. 12° n. p. 1588. Del prime [ — fcfto] libro de le lettere. 6 tom. 8° Parigi, 1609. PoeCc. [RuBBi, Parnafo Itallano, xxvii. 250.] * La vie de Pierre Aretin. 1750. [5y Benigne Du- jardin). ARETINUS (Angelus). See Angelus. ARETINUS (Leonardus). See Leonardo Druni. ARETIO (Bonaguida de). A jutil> of Arezzo, who pra£ljfcd at Rome about the middle of the I 3tii century, De difpcnfationibus. [F. Zilettus, TraHatus univerfi juris, xiv. 173.] ARETIO (Franciscus de). Confilia duo in materia monetaria. [Budelius, Demone- tis, p. 674, 679.] ARETIO (RosELLus de). Super authen. ingreffi. C. de facrofan. eccles. [Limpius, Repetitiones in varias juris civilis leges, vii. 53.] ARETIUM. See Arezzo. ARETIUS (Claudius Marius). A native of Syracufe, who lived about the middle of the 1 6th century. He held the office of hiftoriographer to the Emperor Charles V. Hifpaniae (itus, in dialogi modum confcriptus. [Schottus, Hifpaniit illujlratie, i. I.] — [Robert Bell, Rerum Hifpanicarum fcriptores, tom. i.] Slcilix chorographia accuratiffima. Cui adjundla Domi- nici Maiii Nigri Sicilix" dcfcriptio. [GRitnus, Thefaurus antiqiiilattim el hijloriarum Siciliie, tom. i.] — [Carusius, BlbUotheca hijtorica regni Sicilia, i. 5.] AREZZO. Annales urbis Aretince ab anno 1 192 ufque ad annum I 343. [MuRATORi, Rerum Italicarum fcriptores, xxiv. 851.] AREZZO (GUITTONE d'). An Italian poet, b. probably at Arezzo, who flouriflied during the latter half of the 13th century. D. 1294. Sonetti. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, vi. 199.J ARFEVILLE (Nicolay d'). See Nicolas de Nicolay. ARGAIZ (Gregorio de). A Spanilh monk of tlie Benedi£Une order, who lived in the 17th century. Corona real de Efpafia por Efpafia fiindada en el credito dc los mucrtos, y vida de San Hyeroteo, obifpo de Atenas y Segovia. fol. Madrid, 1668. ARGELATI (Filipfo). B. at Bologna, 1685. D. at Milan, 25 Jan. 1755. Dc monetis Italia; variorum illulbium virorum diflerta- tioncs, quorum pars nunc primilm in lucem prodit. Philippus Argclatus coUcgit, reccnfuit, auxit ... [Partes quatuor.] 4'^ Mcdiolani, 1 7 50-2. — Appendix ; feu, dc monetis It;di;f pars quinta [et fexta.] 40 Mcdiolani, 1759- Biblioteca degli volgarizzatori, o fia notizia dcirojierc vol- garizzate d'autori, ciic fcrifTeio in lingue morte prima del fecolo XV. ; opera poftuma ; tomi iv. coll'addizioni, e cor- rezioni di Angelo Teodoro Villa ... comprcfe nella parte 11. del tomo iv. 4° Milano, 1767. ARGELUS (Cksajl). B. at Bologna, 1 577. Archbi/hop of Avignon, 1647. D. 1648. De acquircnda pofll'ffionc, cx remedio leg. fin. C. de edifl. Div. Adrian, tollen. tradatus ... Editio fecunda, & prima Vencta, correifla, & audta. fol. Venctiis, 165J. l82 ARGENS— ARGOTE DE MOLINA De legitimo contradiftore ad leg. fin. C. de edift. Div. Adrian. toUend. opus. fol. Venetiis, 1655. — Another edition. fol. Colonix, 1662. ARGENS (Jean-Baptiste de Bovbr, Marquis d'). B. at Aix, in Provence, 24 June, 1704. D. near Toulon, 1 1 June, 1 77 1. Memoires hiftoiiques, et fecrets, concernant les amours des rois de France. \Jtwn.'\ iz°'Pms,[/lmJ)tTdam,'] l -]'!,(). Letu-es Juives, ou correfpondance philofophique, hifto- rique, et critique, entre un Juif voyageur en differens etats de r Europe, et fes correfpondans en divers endi-oits. NouveUe edition. [JnonJ] 6 torn. 1 2° La Haye, 1742. Memoires fecrets de la republique des lettres, ou le theatre delaverite. \j1non.'] 7 tom. 12° Amfterdam, 1744. Lettres cabaliftiques, ou correfpondance philofophique,hif- torique et critique, entre deux cabaliftes, divers efprits ele- mentaires, et le Seigneur Aflaroth. NouveUe edition. [Jnon.'] 7 tom. 12° La Haye, 1 754. Lettres Chinoifes, ou coirefpondance philofophique, hif- torique et critique, entre un Chinois voyageur et fes con-ef- pondans a la Chine, en Mofcovie, en Perfe et au Japon. Nou- veUe edition. [Jnon.'j 6 torn. 12° La Haye, 1755. Hiftoire de I'efprit humain ; ou, memoires fecrets et uni- verfels de la republique des lettres. 14 tom. 8° Berlin, 1765-8. La philofophie du bon-fens, ou reflexions philofophiques fur I'inceititude des connoiffances humaines. NouveUe edi- tion corrigee et augmentee confiderablement parl'auteur. A vec un examen critique des remarques de M. I'Abbe d'Olivet, de I'Academie Frangoife. 3 tom. 12° Haye, 1768. Memoires du Marquis d'Argens, contenant le recit des aventures de fa jeunefle, des anecdotes et des obfeiTations fur plufieurs evenemens du regne de Louis XV., et des perfonnes de ce temps. NouveUe edition, precedee d'une notice hif- torique fur la vie de I'auteur ; fur fon fejour a la cour de Frederic IE ; fur fes relations avec ce prince, et fur les per- fonnes dont U eft parle dans I'ouvrage ; et fuivie de lettres du meme auteur fur differens fujets. 8° Paris, 1807. Man a machine. Tranflated from the French of the Marquifs d'Argens. 1749- [Fa/fely nfcribeJ to d'Argens. Tie real author -was Julien Offroy de La Mettrie.] ARGENS (Pierre Olivier d'). B. at Pont-Croix, near Quitr.per, in Brittany, 28 May, 1757. At the revolution, he efpouled the royalift caule, and ferved in the Vendean war. Killed in battle, 1796. Memoires d'Olivier d'Argens, et coiTefpondances des Ge- neraux Charette, Stofflet, Puifaye, d' Autichamp, Frotte, Cor- matin, Botheril ; de I'Abbe Bernier, etc., et de plufieurs autres chefs, officiers, agens loyaliftes ; pour feiTir a I'hiftoire de la guerre civile de 1793 a 1796. 8° Paris, 1824. ARGENSOLA (Bartolome Leonardo de). B. at Barbaftro, in Aragon, 1564. Appointed hiftoriographer of the kingdom of Aragon, 161 6. D. at SaragolTa, 26 Feb. 1631. Conquifta de las iflas Malucas. fol. Madrid, 1609. Piimera parte de los Anales de Aragon, que profigue los d<.'l Secretario Geionimo (^urita defde el ano m.d.xvi. del nacimiento de No. Redentor. fol. ^aiagoga, 1630. ARGENSON (Rene Louis de Voyer, Marquis d'). See Voyer. ARGENTA (Franciscus de). Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Matrimon'talia conJiUa, i. 65.] ARGENTINA, ARGENTORATUM. See Stras- bourg. ARGENTINE. Argentine : an autobiography. 12° Lond. 1839. ARGENTR^US (Bertrandus d'). B. at Vitre, 1519, 0,1590. Commentarii ad materias pene omnes in ufu & praxi fre- quentiores de donationibus, de jure connubiorum, de baftardis & legitimatione, de minoribus ac eorum emancipationibus ; item, perdodhis de laudimiis traftatus, ejufdemque confilia & refponfa celebriora. In quibus jus antiquum Romanum, cum juribus Galfiarum, confuetudinum, rebufque judicatis eruditiffime comparatur. 4° Parifiis, 1605. Couftumes generales du pays et duche de Bretagne, refor- mees en I'an mU cinq cents quatre-vingts. Aitiologia ; five, ratiocinatio de reformandis caufis. fol. Amftelodami, 1664. Commentarii in patrias Britonum leges; feu, confuetudines generales antiquifs. ducatus Britannix : in lucem edita cuia et ftudio V. C. Caroli d'Argentre ... Editio odlava ... fol. BruxeUes, 1664. ARGENTRE (Charles du Plessis d'). B. near Vitre, 16 May, 1673. Bifliop of Tulle, 1723. D. 27 Oft, 1740. CoUeflio judiciorum de novis erroribus, qui ab initio duo- decimi feculipoft incamationem Verbi,ufque ad annum 1632, in EccleCa profcripti funt & notati. 3 tom. fol. Lut. Paris. 1728-36. ARGENVILLE (Antoine Joseph Dezallier d'). See A. J. Dezallier D'Argenville. ARGILE. See Argyle. ARGILENSIS (Gaspar). Profeffor of rhetoric and poetry at Bologna in the 15th cen- tury. Poemata. [Gruter, Delit'ta poetarum Italorum, i. 287.] — '^Carmina tllujlr'tum poetarum Italorum, i. 362.] ARGOLUS (Joannes). B, at Tagliacozzo, in the kingdom of Naples, about 1609. Studied law at Padua, whence he took a doiftor's degree. Held feveral judicial offices in the States of the Church. D. about 1660, Epiftola ad Jacobum Philippum Tomafinum de templo Dianas Nemorenfis. [Gr-KVIUS, Thefaurus antiqultatum Ro- manarum, xii. 752.] ARGOTE DE MOLINA (GosgALo). SeeMounA. ARGUS — ARIAS DE VALDERAS 183 ARGUS. To manufadurers, decorators, defigners, and the public generally. A mild remonllrance againft the tafte-cenforlhip at Marlborough Houfe, in reference to manufacfturing orna- mentation and decorative defign. Parts I., II., III. 8° Lond. 1853. ARGYLE, ARGYLL. A legend of Argyle ; or, 'tis a hundied years fince. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 182 i. The Argyle papers. 4° Edinb. 1834. Letters to the Argyll family, from Elizabeth Queen of England, Mary Queen of Scots, King James VI., King Charles I., Kng Charles II., and others. From originals preferved in the General Regifter Houfe. With an appen- dix. [For the Maitland Club.] 4° Edinb. 1839. ARGYLL, Duke of. See John Campbell, 2d Duke of Argyll. See George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll. ARGYLL, Earl of. See Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll. ARGYLL, Marquis of. See Archibald Campbell, 8th Earl, and ift Marquis of ArgyU. ARGYLLANDER (Matth;eus). In fororis nuptias epithalamion bucolicum. [J. Oporinus, Bucoltcorum autores xxxviii. p. 7 9 2.1 ARI, HINN FrODI. B. in Iceland, 1068. D. 9 Nov. 1 148. Schedas Ara Preftz Froda um Ifland. 4° Skalhollte, 1688. Schedae, feu libcllus de Is-landia, Iflendinga-Bok diiftus ; e veteri Iflandica, vel, fi mavis, Danica antiqua, feptentrion- alibus olim communi lingua, in Latinam vcrfus ac prxter neceflarios indices, quorum unus clt Icxici inllar, brevibus notis et chronologia, prsmiffa quoque auftoris vita illuf- tratus ab Andrea Buffieo. [y// the end, Periplus Ohtheri ... ut et Wulfllani, Angli, fecundum narrationes eonandcm de fuis, unius in ultimam plagam feptentrionaleni ; utrlufque autem in mari Balthico navigationibus, juflu jElfredi Magni, Anglorum regis ... ab ipfo rege Anglo-Saxonica lingua dc- fcriptus ... brevibus notis adauflus ab Andrea Buflxo.] 4° Havnii, 1733. — A nother edition. 4' Hafnix, i 7 44. ARIADNE. She ventures and he wins : a comedy. Written by a young lady. 4° Lond. 1696. ARIADNO (Lanfrancus de). See Lanfrancus de Oriano. ARIANS. Breviarium fidei adverfus Arrianos haereticos ; in quo trium Divinarum Perfonarum xqualitas plurimis Scripturx Sacrx locis et argumentis liquido comprobatur. Auftore incerto, fed antiquiflimo. [Max. Bibllolheca veterum Patrum, vii. 8.] The Scriptures and the Arians compar'd in their accounts of God the Father and God the Son ; by way of rejoinder to a pamphlet intitul'd, The Scriptures and the Athanafians compar'd. In two parts. 8° Lond. 1722. Two letters to a very eminent and learned gentleman, at- tempting to fubvert the docftrine of the Arians. Being ani- madverfions on a veiy famous Arian manufcript wrote by him, fome years fince, in India. By a countiy gentleman. 8° Lond. I 726. ARIAS MONTANUS (Benedictus). B. at Frexenal de la Sierra, in Eftremadura, 1527. Educated at the Univerfity of Alcala. Employed by Philip II. to edit the Antwerp Polyglot Bible. D. at Seville, 1598. Communes et familiarcs Hebraicx linguae idiotifmi. — Liber lofeph ; five, de arcano fermone. — Liber leremiae, five, de adlione. — Thubal-Cain, five de menfuris facris liber. — Phaleg, five, de gentium fedibus primis, orbifque terrse fitu liber. — Orbis tabula. — Chaleb, five de Terrs Piomifiae par- titione, liber unicus, [cum tabula.] — Chanaan five de duo- decim gentibus liber.. — Exem])lar, five de facris fabricis liber. — Aaron, five, fandlomm veftimentorum ornamentorumque fumma defcriptio. — Nehemias, five de antiqua; Jerufalem fitu, volunien. — Daniel, five de fxciJis codex integer. — Inde.K biblicus. — Catalogus librorum canonicorum Veteris et Novi Teltamenti ... ( Intei-pretatio nomintim proprionjm.) — De varia in Hebraicis libris leflione, ac de Mazzoreth ratione atque ufu. — Varije le(ftiones et emendat. in Chaldaicam para- phrafin [iy F. Raphe! engius.^ — Variorum in Graecis bibliis leftionum libellus, a Gulielmo Cantero concinnatus. — D. Sirleti ... annotationes varianjm ledionum in Pfalmos. — Guido Fabr. Bod. tabula tituloi-um totius N. Tellani. Syriaci, (et) Loca reftituta in N. T. Syriaci contextu ... — Varis leftiones in latlnis bibliis editionis Vulgatx- ... opera et induf- tria aliquot theologomm \J. Harlemius and others^ in Aca- demia Louanienfi. fol. Antverpias, 1571-2. [Part of the Apparatus to the Antwerp Polyglot, edited by B. Arias Montanus.] Davitiis ... aliorumque facrorum vatum Pfilmi, ex He- braica veritate in Latinuni carmen obfen-antiflime converfi ... 4° Antvei-pijE, 1574. Hynini et Secula. 8° Antverpix, 1593. Monumentos fagrados de la falud del hombre, defdela caida de Adan, hafta el juicio final ; que en verfo Latino canto en LX.xii. odas D. Benito Arias Montano, i en verfo Efpanol el P. Benito Feliu de San Pedro. 8° Valencia, 1774. ARIAS DE QUINTANA (Jacinto). B.^^at Alcantara, about the beginning of the 17th century. Antiguedades y fantos de la muy noble villa de Alcantara. 4" Madrid, 1 66 1. ARIAS DE VALDERAS (Franciscus). A Spanilh jurill, who lived about the middle of the 16th century. De bello et ejus juftitia. [F. ZilEttus, TraBalut univrr/i juris, xvi. 325.] Re])etitio in cap. Porro, de fentent. excommunic. [/?<•- peliliones Juris canonici, iv. 924-] i84 AR IBERTI— ARIOSTO ARIBERTI (Odo). Narratio de moite Bernard!, Septimania duels. [Bouquet, Recueil des h'ljloriens des Gaules et de la France, vii. 286.] ARIBO. A Benediffine monk. Abbot of Schleedorf, and afterwards bifhop of Freifingen. D. 783. Vita S. Corbiniani, epifcopi Frifingenfis prirai. [Mabil- LON, AQa fanclorum O.S.B. iii. i. 470.] ARIDIUS. * Vita, auftore S. Gregorio, epifcopo Turonenfi. Teftamentum. [Mabillon, Vetera analeda, p. 208.] ARIEH (Abraham), ben-David. Commentarlus de templo, ex ejus libro, qui Schilthe Hag- gibborim infcribitui', excerptus ; nunc primum a Blafio Ugo- lino Latina inteqiretatione illuftratus. \Heb. and Lat. Ugo- LiNUs, Thefaurus antiquitatum Jacrarum, ix. 1.] Commentarius de fuffitu, ex Schilthe Haggibborim ex- cei-ptus, nunc primum a Blafio Ugolino ex Hebraico Latine redditus et notis illuftratus. [Ibid. xi. 257.] Diflertatio de veftitu facerdotum Hebraeomm, ex Schilthe Haggibborim exceqjta. \Hcb. and Lat. Ibid. xiii. 1 .] ARIGONUS (HoNORius). B. at Venice, 1668. The date of his death is not known. Nuniifmata qugedam cujufcunque fornix et metalli, mufae, Honorii Arigoni, Veneti ; ad ufum juventutis rei nummarii ftudiofe. 3 tom. fol. Tamfii, 174 1-5. ARIMANT. Arimant and Tamira : an eaftern tale, in the manner of Diyden's fables. By a gentleman of Cambridge. 4° Lond. I 707. ARIMINUM. See Rimini. ARINGHUS (Paulus). An orator and theologian of Rome. D. 1676. Roma fubterranea noviflima, in qua, port Antonium Bofium Antefignanum, Jo. Severanum Congreg. Oratorii prefbytemm, et celebres alios fcriptores, antiqua ChrilHanomm et prjecipue martyrum coemeteria, tituli, monimenta, epitaphia, infcrip- tiones, ac nobiliora faniftorum fepulchra fex libris diftinda illuftrantur. 2 torn. fol. Colonise, 1659. ARIOSTO (LoDovico). B. at Reggio, near Modena, Sep. 1474. Educated at Ferrara, where he rtudied law. Subiequently devoted himiclf to litera- ture and poetry. D. at Ferrara, 6 June, 1533. Orlando Furiofo ... delle annotazioni de' piil celebri autori che fopra eflb hanno fcritto, e di altre utili, e vaghe giunte in quefta impreflione adomato. [Vol. II. 1 Opere di Lodovico Ariofto ... fol. Venezia, 1730. [Vol. III. was never publifhed.] Orlando Furiofo ... con le annotationi, gli auuertimenti, et le dichiarationi di Girolamo Rufcelli, la vita dell'autore, defcritta dal Signor Giouan Battifta Pigna, gli fcontri de' luoghi mutati dall'autore doppo la fua prima impreflione, il vocabolorio di tutte le parole ofcure, et altre cole utili et ne- ceflarie. Aggiuntavi in quefta feconda impreflione la dichia- ratione di tutte le illorie, et fauole toccate nel piefente libro, fatta da M. Nicolo Eugenico. 4° Venetia, 1558. — Di nuovo aggiuntovi li cinque canti, del medefimo autore [con gli argomenti in rima, et difcorfi di M. Luigi Grotta d'Adria] ... 4° Venetia, 1568. Orlando Furiofo. 4 tom. 8° Birmingham, 1773. L'Oilando Furiofo ... con annotazioni. 4 tom. 8° Firenze, 1821. Orlando Furiofo. [Rubbi, Parnafo Ital'mno, tom. xviii. xix. XX. xxi. xxii.] Comedie ; cioe, i Suppofiti, la Caffaria, la Lena, il Negro- mante & la Scolaftica. 8° Firenze, 1724. Li Soppofiti nouiffimamente hiftoriati & emcndati ... 12° Vinegia, 1526. La Lena; comedia. 8° Vinegia, 1537. Rime di Lodovico Ariofto : Satire del medefimo con i fuoi argomenti, di nuovo riuedute & emendate, per M. Lodovico Dolce. 12° Vinegia, 1560. Rime et fatire di Lodovico Ariofto, fcritte a diuerfi fuoi amici, fopra varii foggetti ... 12° Venetia, 1592. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 17 16. — con le annotazioni di Paolo Rolli. 8° Lond. 1 73 I. Rime. [RuBBi, Parnafo Ital'mno, xxvi. i.] Satire. [Ibid, xxvii. I.] Poemata. [Gruter, Delitiie poetanim Ilahrum, i. 273.] — S^Carmina lUuJlrium poetarum Ilahrum, i. 342.] La primera parte de Orlando Furiofo ; tradiizido en ro- mance Caftellano por Don leronimo de Urrea. 4° Anvers, 1558. — La fegunda parte ... por Nicolas Efpinofa nuevamente corregida. 4° Anvers, 1556. Orlando Furiofo ; tradotto in verfi Latini daH'illuftriflimo Signor Marchefe Torquato Barbolani. \ItaL and Lat.^ 2 tom. 4° Arezzo, 1756. Orlando Furiofo in Englifti heroical verfe ; by S''- lohn Haringto of Bathe, Knight. Now fecondly imprinted the yeere, 1607. fol. [Lond. 1607.] — Thirdly revifed and amended, with the addition of the author's [i/a/TO^/oH] epigrams. fol. Lond. 1634. Oilando Fuiiofo ; in Italian and Englifli [tranflated by Temple Heniy Croker.] 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1755. Orlando Furiofo ; tranflated from the Italian by William Huggins. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1757. Orlando Furiofo; tranflated from the Italian ... with notes, by John Hoole. In five volumes. The fecond edi- tion. 8° Lond. 1785. The Orlando Furiofo ; tranflated into Englifli verfe ... with notes, by William Stewart Rofe. 8 vols. 8° Lond. 1823-31. — Another edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1858. The ftory of Ginevra from Ariofto. [Fng. verfe.'^ 12° Lond. 183 I. Suppofes : a comedy written in the Italian tongue by Ariofto, and Engliflied by George Gafcoygne of Grayes Inne Efquire, and there prefented. 4° n. p. [1566.] [Wants title-page.] ARIOSTO— ARISTIDES 185 ARIOSTO (Orazio). Nephew of the preceding. B. at Ferrara, '555' A fecular prieft, and canon of the cathedral of Ferrara. D. there, 19 April, 1593. Madrigale. [RvhSJ, Parnafo lialiano, xxxi. 156.] ARIOSTUS (Franciscus). Profeflor of philofophy and civil law in the Univerfity of Fer- rara, D. 1492. De oleo Montis Zibinii ; feu, petioleo agri Mutinenfis, li- bellus ^ manufcriptis meinbranis editus ab Oligero Jacobso, nunc autem ad fidem codicis MS. ex Bibliotheca Eftenfi re- cognitus, et recufus, adjedla ejufdem argumenti cpiftola Ber- naidini Ramazzini. 8° MutinK, 1698. ARIPHRON. A Greek poet of Sicyon, of whofe hiftory nothing is known. Pxan, feu canticum in fanitatem. Fed. Morellus interpre- tum Reg. Decanus anapxfticis numeris e.Kpieffit. [Gr. ami Lat. Maittaire, Mijcellanea Griicorum aliquot fcriptorum carm'ma, p. 16.] ARISIUS (Franciscus). B. at Cremona, 3 Feb. 1657. Studied law at Rome, Bologna and Pavia. Returned to his native city, where he praftifed as an advocate till his death in 1743. Cremona literata ; feu, in Cremonenfes, doflrinis et literariis dignitatibus eminentiores, chronologicce adnotationes. 2 torn. fol. Parmas, 1702-6, ARISPE (P. Jos. Rodriguez de). CoIofTo eloquentc, que, en la folemne aclamacion del Au- gufto Monarcha de las Efpafias D. Fernando VI., erigio la rcconocida lealtad y fideliffima gratitud de la ... Univerfidad Mexicana .., 4° Mexico, 1748. ARIST^NETUS. A Greek writer, of whom nothing certain is known. AsiSTuiviTou EmffroXa;, Ariflxneti EpiftolcE Grascas. Cum Latina inteqiretatione et notis [J. Merccri,] Altera editio emcndatior ct audior. 8° Parifiis, m.vi.c. Epillola; Grascx, cum verGone Latinaet notis Jofix Merceii, curante Joan. Cornelio de Pauw, cujus notx accedunt. 8° Trajedti ad Rlienum, 1736. EpiftolaSjCum cmcndationibus et conjefluris Jofix Mercori, Johannis Cornelii de Pauw, &c. ; nee non ineditis antehac Jacobi Tollii, Jacobi Philippi D'Onillii, Ludovici Cafpari Valckenarii, aliorumque, curante Friderico Ludovico Ab- refch, qui fuas leftiones addidit. 8° Zwollx, 1749. Love epiftles, tranflated by R. Brindcy Sheridan and Mr. Halhed. ^PRortt-Tivs, Elegies, ijc, tranjlatnl. 1854,] ARISTA RCHUS, An allronomcr of Samos, who flourilhcd about B.C. 280. De magnitudinibus et diftantiis folis et lunx liber, cum Pa]>pi Alc.xandrini cxplicationibus quibufdam : a Federico Commandino Urbinatc in latinum conueifus, ac coninientariis illuftratus. 4° Pif.iuri, 1572. — [Gr. and Lat. J. Wallis, Opera niathematica, iii. 565-] VOL, I. ARISTARCHUS. Fly leaves : a book for the Churches. By Ariftarchus, the wanderer. 8° Lond. 1858. ARISTEAS, A native of Cyprus, who occupied a high pofition at the court of Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt. De legis divinx, ex Hebraica lingua in Grxcam, tranfla- tione, per feptuaginta interpretes fafta, hilloria, Mathia Gar- bitio interprete. [Gr. and Lat. Fl. Josephus, Opera, edit. Colon, appendix ; edit, Amft. ii. 103.] — [HoDY, De Bibliunim textibus originalibus, ]). i.] — [A. van Dale, Dijfertatio fuper Arijlea de Lxx. inter - pretibus, p. 229.] — [iyfl/. only. Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, 11, i. The hiftory of the feventy-two interpreters: of their jour- ney fiom Jerufalem to Alexandria ; their entertainment at the Egyptian court ; their verfion of the Septuagint ; with all the circumftances of that illuftrious tranfaflion, Wiitten in Greek by Arifteas ,.. To which is added, the hiftory of the angels, and their gallantry with the daughters of men. Written by Enoch the patiiarch, Publiflied in Greek by Dr. Grabe ; made Englifli by Mr. Lewis. I 2° Lond. I 7 I ARISTENUS (Alexius). An official in the church of Conftantinople in the I2th cen- tury. Synopfis canonum omnium. [Cr. and Lat. Voellus et Juftellus, Bibliotheca juris canonici -veterii, ii. 673.] Epiftolaram, qux dicuntur canonicx, fynopfis. [Beveridge, Pandemia canonum, torn, ii.] ARISTIDES. Addrefs to the Britidi nation and Govemment, on the piefent ftatc of public affairs : intended to promote the union and defence of the country. By a friend to tiie liberties and happiness of mankind. H' Edinb. 1803. A letter to the (liareholders in the Bank of Weftern India. Re])rinted from a copy received from Bombay by the laft mail. 8° Lond. 1842. ARISTIDES QUINTILIANUS. A Greek writer on mufic, whofe date has not been afceitained, but who probably lived in tile 2d century. De mufica libri 111. Marcus Meibomius rcftituit, ac notis explicavit. [Gr. and Lat. ^Ieihomivs, ylntiqu^r mti/lcir auc- tores feptem, toin. ii.] ARISTIDES (jElius). B. at Hadriani, or Hadrianopolis, in Bithynia, about 120 D. towards the cloli.' of the 2d century. Opera omnia, Grxce et Latine, in duo volumina diftributa cum notis et emendationibus Gul. Canteri, Triftani, Palmeri, T. Fabri, Spanhcmii, Nornianni, ct I^amb. Bofii ; adjun.ais infuper veterum fcholiis ; et prolegomenis Sopatri Ajiameen- (Is, ab crroribus ut piurimum repurgatis. Gni'ca, cum MSS. codicibus variis et prxftantidimis collata, recc-nfuit, et obler- vationes fuas adjecit Samuel ,)ebb, M.l), [Tom. I.] 4= Oxonii, 1722. — 2 tom. 4° Oxonii, 1730. i86 AR ISTIPPUS— ARISTOPHANES Aoyo; Aoienidou. Orationes Ariftldis. \Gi: only. Editio princeps, edited by E. Bommis.^ fol. FlorenticB, 1517. Ue kudibus Athenaram. De laudibus uibis Romas. \Gi: only. Oratores Grmci, apud Aldum, 1513.] Oratio adverfus Leptineni. L.ibarii declamatio pro So- crate. Ariftoxeni rhythmicoram elementoium fiagmenta. Ex Bibliotheca Veneta D. Marci nunc piimum edit Jacobus Morellius ... [Gr. and Lai.'] 8° Venetiis, 1785. ARISTIPPUS. P/eud. of John Gilbert Cooper. ARISTOBULUS. P/eud. 0/ Thomas Woqlston. ARISTOCRACY. The ariftocracy of Britain, and the laws of entail and primogeniture, judged by recent Fiench writers : being felec- tions from the works of PafTy, &c., (howing the advantage of the law of equal fucceffion. With explanatoiy and ftatifti- cal notes. 12^ L.ovd. 1844. ARISTOMENES. Ariftomenes : a Grecian tale. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1838. ARISTON, Chius. A Stoic philofopher, b. in the ifland of Chios. Flourilhed about B.C. 260. Paradoxon Stoicum, ' Oij-oiov snai tuj aya^uj ii-oz^irr] rm aofov, apud Diogcnem Laertium, libr. vii. fegm. CLX. novis obfervationibus illuftratum, quibus fimul varii varionmi anti- quonam philofophorum, Grjecomm, Latinommque loci ex- plicantur philofophorum, qui a veteribus Hiftriones, Scurras, et Hypocrits vocati funt, Hillrionuraque generatini hiftoria tradltur, opera Joannis Benedicli Carpzov. 12° Lipfias, 1742. ARISTOPHANES. B. at Athens about B.C. 444- D. probably not later than B.C. 380. Asicrofiavoui xu/Lifidiai sma. Ariftophanis comoedije no- vem. nXouT-o;, Ns^sXa/, Bar^a;t^o;,'I'XTH;, A'/^a^m;, 'S.fnxi;, O'viilsg, EigJi»»i, Ry-KXriSia^oyBai. Plutus, Nebulfe, Ranx, Equites, Acharnes, Vefpae, Aues, Pax,Contionante3. [Greei text and fchoUa. Editio princeps, edited by Marcus Mufurus.] fol. Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1498. ApiBTOipavoug euTga'^rsXaraTOu atafL'aibiai ivdixa. Arifto- phanis facetiffimi comoedis undecim. [Gr. on/y.] 8° Parifiis, I 5 40. Aparoipaiiovi y(.!iiijjMOiai in,'. Ariftophanis comcediae un- decim, Grasc^ et Latin^, ut et fragmenta earum qux amiflae funt. Cum emendationibus vironam doiftomm, prsecipue Jo- fephi Scaligeri,etindiceparoemiarum felefliorum. Acceflerunt huic editioni notas et obfervationes ex variis authoribus col- leitx ; ut et nova verfio E/tzX?;(j/a^ouffw> a Tan. Fabro fada cum doftinimis ejufdem in eandem comoediam notis. Tomi duo. 12- Amftelsdami, 1670. Ariftophanls comoedix undecim, Grasce et Latine, ex codd. MSS. emendatse : cum fcholiis antiquis, inter quas fcholia in Lyfiftiatam ex cod. Voffiano, nunc primum inlucem prodeunt. Accedunt notas vironam doiSorum in omnes com- cedias, inter quas nunc primum eduntui- Ifaaci Cafauboni in Equites, illuftrifs. Ezech. Spanhemii in tres priores, et Ri- chard! Bentleji, in diias priores comoedias, obfervationes. Omnia collegit et recenfuit, notafque in novem comoedias, et quatuor indices in fine adjecit Ludolphus Kufterus. fol. Amltelodami, i 7 i o. Ariflophanis comoedis undecim, Graeceet Latine, ad fidem optimomm codicum MSS. emendatae, cum nova odlo comce- diarum inteqjretatione Latina, et notis ad fingulas ineditis Stephani Bergleri, necnon Caroli Andrex Dukeri ad quatuor priores. Accedunt deperditamm comoediamm fiagmenta, a Theod. Cantero et GiJ. Coddaso coUefta, earumque indices a Joh. Meui Co et Joh. Alb. Meurfio et Joh. Alb. Fabricio digefti. Curante Petro Burmanno fecundo ... 2 torn. 4° Lugduni Batavoium, 1760. Ariflophanis comaedi3E,ex optimisexemplaribus emendatae, ftudio Rich. Franc. PhO. Biunck. \Gr. and Lat.] 3 torn. 8" Argentorati, I 783. A^iSTopasoii; x.u/j.tij&iai. Ariflophanis comoedix, auftori- tate libri prxclariffimi fxculi decinii emendatx, a Philippo Invernizio,iurifconfulto Romano. Accedunt criticx animad- vcrfiones, fcholia Grxca, indices et viromm doiSorum adnota- tiones. [Gr. on/y.] Tom. I.-V. 8° Lipfix, I 794-1 8 I I. A^idToipavri;. Ariflophanis comoedix. Accedunt perdi- taium fabularum fragment;i. Ex recenfione G. Dindorfii. [Gr. only.] 8° Oxon. 1835-8. A^wropavosj: -/.laiXMOiai. Ariflophanis comoedix undecim. Textum ad fidem optimorum libromm emendatum, notulif- que fubinde criticis e.xornatum, ufibus fcholamm accommo- dabat, indicem nominum adjunxit Hubertus Afhton Holden, A.M. 8° Lond. 1848. AiiSTofair,:. Ariflophanis comoedix. [Gr. only.] 2 torn. 8" Oxonii, i 851. APiaro^ai'ovi X'jjij,-jj&ia.i. [Dindorf, Poetarum fcenicorum Gnecorum fabuU, edit. 1846, p. 555 ; edit. 1S5 i, p. 425.] — [Gr. and Lai. Lectius, Poelte Grmci -veteres tragici, yc i. 719.] APiaro(pavo-ji xw/tuiS/a/ 6k«- TiAojrog xa: NifiXai, /j,sra. cyjjy.idi'i TaXa.itji'i crani tiifiy.iij.uv. Ariflophanis comoedix dux, Plutus & Nubes : cum fcholiis Grxcis antiquis, quibus adjiciuntur notx quxdam, fimul cimi gemino indice. [Gr. and Lat. Edited by John Leng.] 8° Lond. 1695. Eclogx Ariflophanicx. Part I. Seleftions from the Clouds of Ariflophanes, with Engliih notes by C. C. Felton, A.M. ... Edited by the Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A. 12° Lond. 1852. — Part II. From the Birds ... 12° Lond. 1852. Ariflofanes von Johann Heinrich Vofs, mit erlauternden Anmerkungen von Heinrich Vofs. In drei Biinden. 8° Braunfchweig, 1 82 I. The comedies of Ariflophanes: tranflated into correfpond- ing Englifli metres, by Benjamin Dann Wahh, M.A. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1837. The comedies of Ariflophanes : tianflated into familiar blank verfe, with notes, pi'eliminary obfervations on each play, etc., by C. A. Wheelwright, M.A. ... To which is added, a differtation on the old Greek comedy, from the German of Wachfmuth. In two volumes. 8° Oxford, 1837. The comedies of Ariflophanes : a new and literal tranf- l.ition, from the revifed text of Dindoif ; with notes and ARISTOPHANES— ARISTOTELES 187 extradls from the beft metrical verfions by William James Hickic. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1853. Comedies Grecques d' A riftophane \_Plutusandlhe Clouds ;] traduites en Francois, avec des notes critiques, Sc un examen de chaque piece felon les regies du theatre, par Madame Dacier. 12° Paris, 1692. — 12° Amfterdam, 1692. The comedies of Ariflophanes : by T. Mitchell, A.M. [Vols. I., W., containing The Acharnians, Knights, Clouds, and ll^afps, tranjlated into Eng/i/h verfe.lj 8° Lond. 1820-2. The Acharnians, Knights, Wafps, and Birds : tranflated into Englifli profe, by a graduate of the Univerfity of Oxford. 8° Oxford, 1830. The Clouds, and Peace : tranflated into Englilh pi ofe, by a graduate of the Univerfity of Oxford. 8° Oxford, 1840. [Sh ■E C EPARATE i^OMEDIES, ■] ACHARNENSES. The Achamenfes : with notes, ciitical and explanatory . . . by T. Mitchell, A.M. 8° Lond. 1835. Achai nenfes: recenfuit et intei"pretatus eft FredericusHen- ricus Blaydcs, M.A. 8° Lond. 1845. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1849. AvES. As/arojBavouj Ojw^e;. The Birds of Ariflophanes : from the text of Dindorf ; with notes, partly original, partly taken from the fcholia, and vaiious commentators, by Heniy Parker Cookefley, B.A. 8° Lond. 1834. Aves : ad codicum fidem recenfuit et commentario brevi critico et exegctico inftruxit Fredericus Henricus Blaydes, B.A. 8° Oxonii, 1842. The Biids: tranflated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary, A.M., with notes. 8° Lond. 1824. ECCLESIAZ,US«. The Ecclefiazufx, or Female parliament : tranflated by the Rev. Rowland Smith, M.A. 8° Oxford, 1833. Equites. The Knights : with notes, critical and explanatory ... by T. Mitchell, A.M. 8° Lond. 1836. The Knights of Ariftojjhanes: literally tranflated fiom the text of Mitchell, by H. Wallace, A.B. 8° Lond. 1854. NUBES. Nubus: cum fcholiis. Recenfuit, et adnotationcs lo. Aug. Erneflii fuafque addldit Godofiedus Hernianniis. 8" Lipfia-, 1799. Af/aro^avf/us NsasXa/. Le Nuvole di Arillofme ; corn- media ... Greco-Iialiana, in verfi con fue annotazioni, opera del Signore Gio. Batifta Terucci ... illuftrata e pubblicata dall'Abate Giufeppc Fabiani. [Gr. and /la/.] 4'^ Firenze, I "54. Aeierotpatovg N6pE>.a( : a literal tranflation of the Clouds of Ariftophanes, with the Greek text and Englifli notes ; by Charles P. Gerard. 8" Lond. [priv. printed.] Pax. Q. Septimii Florentis Chriftiani in Ariftophanis Irenam vel Pacemcommentaria gloflemata : ubi aliquot veterum gram- maticoi-um alionjmque audtorum loci aut correfli aut animad- uerfi, cum Latina Grxci dramatis inteqiretatione, Latinorum comicomm ilylum imitata, et eodem genere verfuum cum GrjEcis confcripta. [Gr. and La/.] 8° Lutetix, 1589. Plutus. Aj/iTT-oaavous svTsa'rt>.iiram xui/j-ixoii Tl'/.ouro;. Arifto- phanis facetiffimi comici Plutus. [IVith Latin -verfion by Thomas Venatorius.] 4° Norimbergae, 1531. A si(!To(pa>ouc TlXovro;. Ariftophanis comoedia Plutus. Adle(5ta funt fcholia vetufta. Recognovit ad veteres mem- branas, variis leflionibiis ac notis inftruxit, et fcholiaftas locu- plctavit Tiberius Hemfterhuis. [Gr. on/y.] 8° Harlingse, 1744. Ricardi Porsoni notos in Ariftophanem, quibus Plutum comoediam, partim ex ejufdem recenfione, partira e manu- fcriptis emcndatam ... praimifit ... Petms Paulus Dobree. 1820. AfiCTOfavovc TIaodto;. II Pluto di Ariftof me; commcdia ... Greco-Italiana, in verfi con fue annotazioni, opera del Signor Gio. Batifta Terucci ... illuftrata, e pubblicata dall' Abate Giufeppe Fabiani. [Gr. and Ital.] 4° Firenze, I 7 5 1 . Plutus : or, the God of riches ; a comedy of Arifto- phanes : [tranflated] by Edmund F. J. Carrington, Efq., B.A., Oxon. 8° Lond. 1825. Ran;e. The Frogs of Ariftophanes ; with notes, critical and ex- planatoiy ... by T. Mitchell, A.M. 8° Lond. 1S39. The Frogs: a comedy; tranflated from tlie Greek of Ariftophanes by C. Dunfter, A.M. 4° Oxford, [i 785.] The Frogs of Aiiftophanes ; tranflated by Charles Caven- difli CHtford, B.C.L. 8° Oxford, 1848. Vesp.t.. The Wafjjs of Aiirtoi)hanes ; with notes, critical and ex- planatory ... by T. Mitclull, A.M. 8° Lond. 1835. ARISTOTELES. B. at Stagir.i, B.C. 384. Repaired to Athens, B.C. 367, and rcfiJed thcic for twenty yciR, at fiift as a difciple of Plato, and afterwards as a teacher of philofophy. Appointed preceptor to Alexander the Great, 342. Returned to Athens, and ellablirticd a fchool of philofophy in the Lyceum, 335, but was compelled, 322, to take refuge at Clialcis, in EubaM, where he d. a few- months afterwards. [Aldine Ariftotle, tom. II.] 'i'oiv iv rr.ds rri ffi^Xtf) Tst/- iyofj,i]iuv o\io,u,ara %ai ra^if. Aj/ffrorsXouf I3ici( tx rut Xaei- riou. Ten a\jT(,u liio; y.ara fnXorrotov. ©topjaffroi; fSiof ix. Tiuv KaioTiov. FctXjiwu Tso/ p;>.0(Jopou iffroj/af. Af/.cu; puff/XTj; axgoaiTEWs i3i;3Xiu oxnu. lls'i ot/favou j:)ii^>.ia rie- easa.. Htf/ yaiffswf xa/ (Cl'sjaf Si^Xia &u(u. Miriuso'/.oyiKm l3iii/.ia riasa^a. lU^i xoa/iou Tfo; aXsjavOfOJ lihiXm it. i/.uto; loufiaio-j Ttoi xoff/xou ;3(p>.«)» h. 0tof j«ffrou T«j/ Tuoof iSiSXiov iv. Tou auTOU -jtoi an.awv )ii3/.ioii iv. Xligi er,:j.imy xjoarm n.a.i tviu/j.utuv amrjii(i\t. i^tof ^aeriiu Tt^i i88 ARISTOTELES XiSoiv jSijSXiov h. Eomm quae hoc uolumine continentur no- mina et oido. Ariftotelis uita ex laeitio ... [Tom. III.] Ti/jvsv T-fihi TTi j3ij3X'ji ':rioi£y^o/J,ivuv ovo/Mara ■/.at TU^i;. A^igranXou; rso; ^oiuv isropiag j3i3Xia 6'. Tou auTov 'repi '/^wm ijjO^iuv j3ij3Xia X'. Touaurou ■r=5/ ^wwv Togs/a; j3i3ai'iv a. Ton avrou T2^; %J/u^?); j3i3Xia /. T6U aurou T£s; ai(!^ri6Sii: xai airrthinu j3ij3Xiov a. Toy aurov 'Z'Spi /J.iiri/jyr,; xai Tou /j,'jri/j.oviV£iv l3if3Xiov a. Tou awrou ~£o/ i/TMu y.ai lyorjyooeioj; j3ij3Xiov a'. Tdu avroD crsw im'rviu)/ j3ij3Xiov a'. Tou aurou T£j; r»i; za^' uti/ov fj.tt,\irr/.r,i /3;/3/./ov a. Toi/ au- ro\i '^rs^i ^'MCiiv -/.ivriiseui l3ij3Xiov a'. Tou aurou tej; ^uuv yinSiug ^ii3Xia i'. Tou avrou tsj/ fi,axPoj3iorrirog xai fSga^uZiOTj^rog j3ij3Xi!jv a'. Tov aurov m^i norrirog y.ai yrj^ug ■/.at avacrvojif xa/ ^wJis y.ai Savarou l3ij3Xia y' . Tou aurou T£g; 'xviuijja.rog j3ij3Xiov a'. Tou aurou tso; ■^oa'j.aTUM (3;/3X/ov a'. Tou aurou (pudioyva/Mixuv ^ijSXiov a'. Tou aurou tso; dauiJiaiSiciiv ayjiuKiJ^aron l3ij3Xio\i a'. Tou a.urou 'Tspi Sivo^avou; xai Zri'/uvo; y.ai Vogyiou &oy/j,arciiv l3ij3Xiov d. Tou aurou rrioi aroijjOi'j y^aijj'jjUSM j3ii3Xiov a'. Qiof^asrou tts^i ly^^uoi^ j3if3Xioii a'. Tou aurou ts^i iXiyyuv j3i'3Xiov a'. Tou aurou -£»/ xo-ruv ISifSXiov a. Tou aurou crsg; off/xwv j3ij3Xiov a'. Tou aurou t£o/ id^oiroit j3ii3Xio> a. [AoiffrorO.oug '^ri^i Ztii'M iaroeiag ro y.'.] [Tom. IV. incomplete.] [A^iaronXoug rojvfiira ra fiueiy.a f3il3Xia v. 0£op»affrou rav /xira ra fudixa.'] ^Gr. only. Edilio prhiceps, edited by ylldus Manutiiu and A. Bondinus-^ fol. Venetiis, in domo Aldi Manutii, miiid. AoidrorsXoug 'Traaav Aoy/zjji, ' Pr,ro;iy.y,i y.ai Xloiririy.riS rT^ayij.aniav m^iiy^uiv rojiog a' . Ariftotelis omnem Logi- cam, Rhetoiicam et Poeticam difciplinam continens tomus I. \Gi: only. Edited by Joannes Baptifla Canwtius.^ 8° Venetiis, apud Aldi filios, I 55 I. A^ierorsXoug rou Iraynoirou ra ao/Co/j-iva. Operum Arif- totelis, Stagiritx ... nova editio, Grace et Latin^. Grascus coiitextus quani emendatifTime ... eft edicus : adfcriptis ad Oram libii et inteipretum veteram recentiorumque et aliorum doftoram vlrorum emendationibus : in quibus plurimas nunc primum in lucem prodeunt, ex bibliotheca Ifaaci Cafauboni. Latinae interpretationes adieftx funt ... paitim recentiorum, paitim veterum interpretum ... AccelTerunt, ex libris Arif- totelis, qui hodie dcfiderantur, fragmenta qusdani. Adiefti funt etiam indices ... 2 torn. fol. Lugduni, I 590. Opera omnia ; Grsce et Latine, dofliffimorum virorum interpretatione¬is emendatiffima&nunc tandem in quatuor tomos diftribiita. Guillelmus Du-Vallius ... tertio recognouit, fynopfm analyticam adiecit, nouis difquifitionibus, notis Sc appendicibus illuftrauit. Cum tribus indicibus. fol. Parifiis, 1654. Opera omnia ; Gracce, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recenfuit, annotationem criticam, librorum argumenta, et novam verfionem Latinam adjecit Jo. Theophilus Buhle. Tom. I. -IV. 8° Biponti, i 791-3. [There were 5 vols, publiflied, but the edition was never completed.] Ariftoteles ; Gra;ce, ex recenfione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Edidit Academia Regia Boruffica. 2 tom. 4° Berolini, 1831. Ariftoteles ; Latine, interpretibus variis. Edidit Academia Regia Bonaflica. 4° Berolini, 183 I. Scholia in Ariftotelem. Collegit Chriftianus Auguftus Brandis. Edidit Academia Regia Boi-uffica. Tom. I. 4° Berolini, I 836. [No more publiihed.] Opera : ex recenfione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Accedunt indices Sylburgiani. [G/-. on/y.^ 1 1 tom. 8° Oxonii, 1837. Georgii Pachymerii in univerfam fere Ariftotelis philo- fophiam epitome ... e Gr«co in Latinu fermonem ... con- uerla a ... Philippo Bechio. 1560. Felicis AccoROMBONii interpietatio obfcuriomm loconim et fententiamm omnium openim Ariftotelis. IS90' [Separate Works.] Logic and Dialectics. Opyavov ooy avoir ?i, ij ri\g ^iXoeo^iag %£'f. Adieflis iuxta Latina diftinftione capitum epigraphis, quo omnia fint eui- dcntiora. [Edited by Simon Gryna:us.^ 8° BafiiejE, I 559. Priorum analyticorum lib. 11. Pofteriomm analyticorum lib. II. Topicorum lib. viii., cum jiuobus Elenchomm, A. M. S. Boethio interprete. [Lat. A. M. S. Boethius, Opera, I 5 46.] Porphyrii inftitutio. Ariftotelis Categoriae. Eiufdem ess/ £5a?j>E/a:, id ell de intcrpretatione liber. AnalyticSn prioram eiufdem. i. [e.] partitionii piiorum lib. 11. Partitionum pof- teriorii fiue demonftrantis fcientiae lib. 11. lacobo Lodoico Strebaso interprete. 4° Parifiis, 1548. Topicorum liber feptimus, et in eundem Alexandri Aphro- difienfis commentarius, M. A. Mureto inteiprete. [Za/. M. A. Muretus, Opera omnia, edit. 1789, iii. 483.] The logic of fcience : a tranflation of the Pofterior ana- lytics ; with notes and an introduflion by Edward Pofte, A.M. 8° Oxford, 1850. The Organon, or logical treatifes of Ariftotle ; with the introduftion of Porphyry : literally tranflated, with notes, fyllogiftic examples, analyfis, and introdudion, by Odavius Freire Owen, M.A. In two volumes. 8°Lond. 1853. SIMn.VIKIOT '~i:-oij.\ir,;j.a ng rag bixa Karr/yo^iag. 1499. SiMPLicii in Pixdicamenta commentaria. \_Lat. verfwn.^ 1588. Alexandri Aphrodifiei in Topica commentarii. [Gr.] 1513- — \Lat. with Lat. ver/ion of the /f.v/.J 1554' Introduiftorium in Ariftotelicam Dialefticen, totamque Logicen M. Joannis Majoris. 152 i. Quxftiones logicales magiftri Joannis Majoris, cum eiuf- dem literali expofitione fuccindla in veterem Ariftotelis Dia- ledticen. 1528. Joannis Grammatici in Pofteriora refolutiora commen- tarium. Incerti authoris in eadem. Euftratii in eadem. [Or. ivith the text.'] I 534. Joannis Gram. Philoponi comentaria in Priora analytica. Magentini comentaria in eadem. Libellus de fyllogifmis. \Gr. ivith the text?^ 1536- Expofitiones Auguftini Niphi in libros de Sophifticis elenchis. \lVith Lat. -verjion of the text.] 1540. In decem P]a:dicamenta Joannis Murmellii ifagoge. 15 + 1- Themistii paraphrafis in Ariftotelis Pofteriora. 1542. Ammonii Hermiae in Praedicamenta commentaria. [Gr.] 1545- ARISTOTELES 189 Ammonii Hermix in librum de Interpretatione commen- taria. [Gr.] 1545. Ammonii Hermiae in libri de Inteipretatione feflionem fecundam commentarius. [Gr.and Lat. Alexander Aphro- dificnfis, Defalo. 1658.] Boethi in Porphyrium [Ifagogen,] a Viftorino tranflatum dialog!. ^li^ilh the verfwn. A. M. S. Boethius, Opera, ed. 1546. p. 1-] . Boethi in Porphyrium, a fe tranflatum, lib. v. \_lFilh the •verfion. Ibid. p. 46.] Boethi in Categorias, lib. iv. \JVith Lat. verfion of the text. Ibid. p. 112.] Boethi minoium commentariorum in librum de Interpre- tatione lib. II. nrith Lat. verfwn of the text. Ibid. p. Boethi in librum de Inteqjretatione majorum commen- tariorum lib. VI. \lVith Lat. verfion of the text. Ibid. p. PoRPHVRii in Prsedicamenta per interrogationem et refpon- Conem brcvis explanatio. 1548. Dexippi ... in detenhonem Prasdicaraentomni adveifus Plotinum ... qusflionum libri lii. ... 1549. Philippi Zaffiri in libros Analyticomm pofterioi-um ex- planatio. \IVith Gr. text and Lat. verfion.^ I 56 I. Commentaria in Ifagogen Porphyrii, et in omnes libros Ariftotelis de Dialoftica, olim maturo confilio et graviffiniis fumptibus venei'andx Facultatis Artiuni in iiiclita Acadomia Louanienfi, per diabfticx ac totius philofopiiix peritiflimos viros compofita. lam vero tertio in comodum ac utilitatem bonorum ingeniorum diligenter recognita, emcndata, multis in locis jjrudenter abbreuiata, & ad Argyropoli ac Boetii ver- Cones fludio fummo accoramodata. fol. Lovanii, 1568. Titaiyioj A/azfji/ou tw TIAXTMEPOTS i-riro/j.ri Tr,g A^iaroTi'/^ou; Aoyixrj;. I 58 I. Georgii Pachymerii in univerfam Ariflotelis diflerendi artem epitome : Joanne Baptilla Rafario interprete. [Z,a/.] ■545- — [Gr. ant! Lat.~\ 1666. Quxftionuni et commentarioinim in Organon Ariftotelis pars prima [fecunda, et tertia.] In qua et textus Graecus integer quaeftionibus accommodatus eft, et, tum verborum tum fententiae habita ratione, in I^atinam linguam converfus : prae- ceptoruni vero artis difTerendi Arilloteliconim ufus, exem])lis philofophicis, oratoriis et poeticis commonftiatus. Induftria et ftudio Guliclmi Hildenii. [IVith Gr. text and Lat. verfion.] 4° Berlini, i 583. Jul. Pacii a Beriga in Porphyrii Ifagogen et Ariftotelis Organon commentarius analyticus. 1597. Antonii Scayni mifccllanea nonnullarum lucubrationum et quxftionum in I.,ogica et in philofophia Arillotelis. i 599. J. Zabaiellx in duos Arillotelis Polleriorcs analyticos commentarii : cum antiqua Arillotelis in I^atinum conuer- fione. 1608. [J. Zabarella, Opera logica, p. 614.] J. Zabarellx tabulx logicx [in Porphyrii Introduiflionem, Ariftotelis Prxdicamcnta, de Interpretitione, et Priora ana- lyticn.] [.I. Zabarella, De doclrin,r online apologia, p. 1 03.] Commentaria R. Balfori 1 in Oiganum. 1616. Antonii Ruvio commcntirii in univerfam Ariftotelis Dia- leflicam. 1621. Commentarii Collcgli Conimbriccnfis ... in univerfam Dia- lefticam Ariftotelis. Grxco Ariftotelis contextui adiunfla eft Latina verfio, & duas in partes ... divifum opus. Editio poftrema ... cum duplici indice. 4° Lugduni, 1622. Thomx Aquinatis commentaria in librosperi Hermeneias, Pofterioi-um analyticoium ... Cum antiqua textus tranflatione, atque etiani noua Joannis Argyropoli ; itemque Thomx Caie- tani Cardinalis fu])plemcntum commentariorum in reliquum fecundi libri peri Hermeneias. Logicx quoque totius fumma addita eft. 1646. Metaphysics. Ttiiv i^ira Tu fjsixa ^i,3Xia hiy.a, rseeaea. [Theophras- TUS, De hi/loria plantanim, apud Aldum, 1497.] Bessarionis Metaphyficorum Ariftotelis xiiii. librorum tralatio. i 5 I 6. The Metaphy fics of Arillotle : tranflated from the Greek ; with copious notes, in which the Pythagoric and Platonic dogmas refpedling numbers and ideas are unfolded from antient fources. To which is added, a diffei tation on nullities and diverging feries, in which the conclufions of the greateft modein mathematicians on this fubjcdl are lliown to be eirone- ous, the nature of infinitely fmall quantities is explained, and the ro Iv, or the one of the Pythagorxans and Platonifts, fo often alluded to by Ariftotle in tliis work, is elucidated. By Thomas Taylor. 4° Lond. I 80 1. The Metaphyfics of Ariftotle: literally tranflated from the Greek, with notes, analyfis, queftions, and index, by the Rev. John H. M'Mahon, M.A. 8= Lond. 1857. Alexandri A])hrodillei commentaria in duodecim libros de Prima philofophia. \JV'ith Lat. verfion of the text.] I 536. M. Antonii Flaminii paraphrafis in duodecimum Arif- totelis librum de Prima philofophia. 1547. Commcntariomm Petri Fonsec^, in libros Metaphyfi- corum, tomi quatuor. [JVith Gr. text and Lat. verfion."^ 1615. Thomx Aquinatis expofitio in duodecim libros Mc^^phy- fices & in librum de caufis. [With Lat. verfions of the text.] 1647. Nic. Taurelli fyiiopfis Metaphyfices. 1734. Physics. (I'uaiy.rig ay.^oadittii (3i3\ia (f . Naturalis aufcultationis libri VIII. lul. Pacius a Beriga cum Grxcis, tani excufis quam fcriptis, codicibus accuratii contulit, Latina inteipreta- tione auxit, et commentariis analyticis illuftrauit ... 8° Hanovix, 1629. BuRLEUs fuper oi5to libros Phificorum. [IIHth Lal.veifion of the text.] I 50 I. SiMPLicii commentarii in oflo Phyficx aufcubitionis libros cum ipfo Ariftotelis textu. \pr.] 1526. .Joannis Granmiatici in primos quatuor de Naturali aufcul- talione libros conientaria. [Gr. luith the text.] I53S- Thfmistii ])araphrafis in Phyfica. 1542. Francifci Vicomfrcati in oclo libros de Naturali aufcul- tatione commentai ii. [ //';//' Gr. text and Lat. v< ijion.] I 5 50. In oflo libios Phylicorum. [CI. Berigardu!!, Circuluj Pifanus, \i. I.] 1 561. Francifci Tolfti commentaria una cum quxllionibus in oiHo libros dc Phyfica aufcultatione. 1615. 190 ARISTOTELES Commentarioi-um in univerfam Ariftotelis philofophiam . . . tomi duo ; in quorum prime, duo prlores lib. de Phyfica auf- cultatione ; altero, fex pofteriores libii Phyficorom explican- tur : auftore Didaco Masio. 16 I 8. Joannis Duns Scoti in viii. libros Phyficorum expofitio et quasftiones. 16 18. Commentariorum Collegii Conimbricenfis Societatis Itfu, in oiSto libros Phyficoram Ariftotelis ... qui nunc primum Grceco Ariftotelis contextu, Latino e regione refpondenti, aufli, ob ftudioforum philofophis ufum in Germania funt editi ... 2 partes. 4- Colonise, 1625. Thomae Aquinatis in ofto Phyficorum libros conimen- taria, cum duplici textus tranflatione, antiqua & Argyropoli recognitis. Roberti Linconienfis in eofdem fumma. 1649. On Generation and Corruption. Joannes Grammaticus in libros de Generatione et interitu. [Gr. ivith the text.'] 1527. In lib. de Ortu et interitu. [CI. Berigardus, Clrculus Pijamis, p. 355.] I 561. Commentarii J. L. Havenreuteri in libros de Generatione et coiTuptione. ^IVith Gr. text and Lat. verfion.\ 1 605. Francifci Toleti commentaria in lib. de Generatione et corruptione. 1615. On Meteors. Alexandri Aphrodifienfis in Meteorologica. [Gr. with the text. Joannes Grammaticus, In libros jiriftotelis de Gene- ratione, tff. apud Aldum, 1527.] Joannis Gramniatici Philoponi fcholia in primum Mete- oiTim, Joanne Baptifta Camotio, intei-prete. [TV.v/ and commen- tary. Gr. and Lat.^ 'SS'' Olympiodori in Meteora commentarii. \Text and com- mentary. Gr. and Lat.^ ' 5 5 ' • Francifci Vicomercati in quatuor libros Meteorologicoium commentarii ; et eomndem libromm e Grxco in Latinum ])er eundem converlio. \lVith Gr. text and Lat. ■verfion.'\ .556. In Ariftotelis libros Meteorologicos. [CI. Berigardus, Circulus Pi/anus, p. 539-] I 56 1. Petri PoMPONATii dubitationes in quartum Meteorologi- comm librum. 1563. L. Buccaferrei leifliont'S in fecundum ac tertium Meteor- orum libros. 1570. Corapendio de los Metheoros por Murcia de la Llana. .615. Thomas Aquinatis in libros Meteorologicorum commen- taria, cum duplici textus inteii3retatione, una Francifci Va- tabli, antiqua altera. 1649. On THE Universe and the Heavens. De Mundo ; Gracce : cum duplici interpretatione Latina : priore quidem L. Apulei ; altera vero Guilielmi Budsi. Cum fcholiis et caftigationibus Bonaventuras Vulcanii, tam in A.ri(totelem, quam in utrunque eius interpretem. 8° Lugduni Batavorum, 1591. ITss; Koa/MOu, tr^og AXi^avb^O]/. De Mundo liber, ad Alex- andmm. Cum verfione Latina Gulielmi Budsi. 8°Glafgux, 1745. Yltoi xtisixm. De Mundo liber ; curavit editionem Jo. Chriftianus Kappius. [G/-. oh/j'.] 8° Altenburgi, 1792. SiMPLicii commentarii in quatuor libros de Coelo, cum textu eiufdem. [Gr.] 1526. — noviter fere de integro intei'pretata. [/,^7/.] 1584. In libros de CceIo. [CI. Berigardus, Circuhis Pi/anus, p. 204.] I 561. Commentarii J. L. Havenreuteri in libros de Coelo. \JVith Gr. text and Lat. veifion.'] 1 605. Thomje Aquinatis in quatuor libros de Coelo & Mundo commentaria . . . cnm duplici textus tranflatione, antiqua vide- licet, & Joannis Argyropoli noua. 1649. On Animals. risji '(^(jijiv iarosiag. Hiftoria de animahbus, J. C. Scali- gero intei-prete, cum ejufdem commentariis. P. J. Mauf- facus . . . opus . . . primus vulgavit et relHtuit, additis prolego- menis et animadverfionibus. Accedit fragmentum quod decimus hiftoriarum infcribitur ... Additi prsterea indices... [Gr. and Lat.] fol. Tolofx, 16 19. De animalibus hiftorix libri x. Groece et Latine. Tex- tum recenfuit, Jul. Ca:s. Scaligeri verfionem diligenter recog- novit, commentarium ampliffimum indicefque locupletiffimos adiecit Jo. Gottlob. Schneider. 4 torn. 8° Lipfiae, 181 1. Naturgefchichte der Tiiiei-e ; iiberfetzt und mit Anmer- kungcn begleitet von Dr. Friedrich Straclc . . . 8° Frankfurt am Main, I 8 16. Hiftoiy of animals : in ten books. Tranflatedby Richard CrefTwell, M.A. 8°Lond. 1862. (3ii3Xia crsvn. De animalium generatione libri quinque, cum Philoponi commentariis. [Gr.] fol. Venetiis, 1526. De natura animalium : libri noueni. De partibus ani- malium : libri quattuor. De generatione animalium : libii quinque. Interprete Theodoro Gaza. [/.«/.] fol. n. p. n. d. Ariftoteles de moUufcis cephalopodis (erf j; tuv /xaXazicut.) Commentatio quam ... difceptationi fubmittit Hermann. Joann. de Kohler. 1820. On the Soul. TTeo/ ■^■jync ;3;;3/.ia z^ia. De anima libri tres; Grxce et Latine, Jul. Pacio a Beriga intei-prete. AcccfTerant eiufdem Pacii in eofdem libros commentarius analyticus, triplex index. 8° Hanoviae, 161 i. SiMPLicii commentaria in tres libros de Anima. [Gr. ivith the text.] 1527. Joannis Grammatici Philoponi comentaria in libros de Anima. [Gr with the text.] 1535. — nuper e Grasco in linguam Latinam traduftas. [IVith Lat. •verfwn of the text.] 1 544. Themistii paraphrafis in libros de Anima. 1542. Nicolai TiGNOSii in libros de Anima commentarii. [JVith Lat. •verfion of the text.] I 5 5 I . In tres libros de Anima. [CI. Berigardus, Circuhis Pifanus, p. 585.] I 561. Theophili Zymar^e in libros tres de Anima commentarii. [With Lat. verfwn of the text.] I 584. ARISTOTELES IQI Paraphrafis Antonii Scayni cum adnotationibus in lib. de Aninia. 1599' Francifci Toleti cominentaria in ties libros de Anima. 1615. Athanash, rhctoiis Byzantini, Ariftoteles propriam de animx" imnioitalitate mentcni cxplicans. 164I. Thoma; AyuiNATis in ties libios de Aninia prxclaiifrima expoCtio : cum duplici textus tranflatione ; antiqua fcilicet, & noua Aigyropoli. 1649. Domiiiici de Flandriaaciitiflimas qusftionesfuper tres libros de Anima & Sani5H Thonix conimentaiia. [Aquinas, In trei libros ylrijlolelis de ylriima expofitio, ed. 1649, P* '47*] Parva naturalia. Alexandri Aphiodifiei comentaria in libruni de Senfu & fendbili. \Gr. .o-jj y.ai &ir,ZiailTij-j. Ariftotelis et Theo- phrafti fcripta qusdam, quas uel nunquam antea, uel minus emcndata quam nunc, edita fuerunt. [Gr. only.] [Contains AiidTOTiXiiMi 'TTi^i aro/j,iiiv y^a./i,,'j,ciiii, \Ed. princeps.] Ex row mil ay.n-jdT'M A^ierorsko-jc. IIsj; Sa-jij-aciiai axovf/j-arut.] 8° Officina Henrici Stephani, Parifienfis typographi, 1557. Mechanics. 'Mri^aviy.uv /3/;3/./ov iv. [Theophrastus, De hiftoria plan- tarum, apud Aldum, I 497.] Mcchanica ; Graeca emendata, Latina faifta, et commen- tariis illuftrata, ab Henrico Monantholio ... 4° Parifiis, I 599. MJi;^awza 'x^ofS'kmioLTOt,. Quseftiones mechanicx. Recen- fuit et illuftravit Joannes Petras van Cappelle. \Gr. and Lat.^ 8° Amftdodami, 1812. Problems. Hioi3'/.ri>j,aTuv r/ir^aara r^iaxovra y.ai oxru. [Theo- phrastus, De hifloria plantarum, apud Aldum, I 497.] Problematum Arillotelis fediones dux de quadraginta ; Theodoro Gaza inteiprcte. Problematum Alexandri Aph- iodifiei libri duo ; eodem Theodoro inteipietc. Index in utriufciue Sec'tiones et Problemata. [/,«/.] fol. Parifiis, 1524. — Another edition. fol. Bafilex, 1537. Ludovici StPTALii commentarionjm in Problemata tom. I. feptem primas feftlones continens, ab eodem Latinas fa<5las. [Il^ith Gr. text and Lat. verfion.] l602. Ludovici Septalii in Pioblcmati commentaria, abeo La- tine fafta. [ll^ilh Gr. text and Lat. ver/lon.] 1632. .lulii GuASTAviNi . . . commentarii in jjiiores decern Proble- matum feiSiones. [ll^ith Gr. text and Lat. ver/ion of 'Ih. Gaza.] 1608. Ethics. Ihhy.tin 'Siy.o/j.nyjiuv jSiiSy^ia oiy.a. De moribus ad Nico- niachum libri deccm. [Gr. only.] 4° Parifiis, 1 560. De moribus ad Nicomachum libri decern ; in quibus La- tina Grxcis, Dionyfio Lambino imeil)iite, e legione refpon- 192 ARISTOTELES dent. Libii per capita methodice diftiibuuntur. Capita fingula aigumentis fuis declarantur ... necnon annotationibus Lanibini, nouifque Zuinggeri fcholiis ilkiftrantur. Opera & ftudio Theodori Zuinggeri, Bafilienfis ... Adieifta funt frag- menta qusdiim Pythagoreorum uetuftiffima ex emendatione et uerfione Gul. Canteri. Cum indice locupletiffimo. 4° Bf.fileae, 1566. Ethicorum Nicomachiomm libri decern, ex Dion. Lam- bini intei pretatione, GrxcoLitini ; Theod. Zuingeri argumentis atque fcholiis, tabulis quinetiam novis methodice illuftrati. Theophrafti item Ereflii Morum charafteies, interprete CI. Auberio Triuncuriano. Pythagoreorum uetei"um fragmenta ethica, a Gul. Cantero Ulti aiedenfe conuerfa et emendata. Index ... fol. Bafileas, 1582. Ethicoiimi, five de moribus ad Nicomachum, libri decem. Adiefta ad contextum Grxcum interpretatione Latina Dio- nyfii Lambini, fed interpolata innumeris in locis, ita ut Arif- totelis fententiam fideliter exprimat, ftudio & opera Matthias Bergii ... Editio altera ... 8° Hanovia?, 161 1. Il^ixuv N/zo/iap/sjoii ;3ii3}.ia o;xa, Ethicorum ad Nico- machum libri decem : cum Dionyfii Lambini verfione La- tina, a Matthia Bergio interpolata. Acceflerunt huic editioni, loca parallela, ex Magnis Moralibus, Eudemiis, Politicis, Rhetoricifque libris : fingulorum capitum fummaria, et in paragraphos fe<5tio. Cura Samuelis Rachelii ... cujus etiam praemiffa eft in univerfam Ariftotelis philofophiam moralem introduiSio. 4° Helmsftadii, 1 660. HSr/.MV 'S.r/.r)!i,a-/ii'ji^ jSiSXia hiv.a. Ethicorum Nico- macheorum libri decem : codicum MSS. coUatione recogniti, et notis illuftrati a Gulielmo Wilkinfon, A.M. Editio quarta. \Gr. and Lat?[ 8° Oxonii, 18 18. Ethiconim Nicomacheorum libri decem : ad codicum et veterum editionum fidem recognovit, commentariis illuftravit, Latinamque Lambini interpretationem caftigatam adjecit Carolus Zell. 2 tom. 8° Heidelbergje, 1820. Ethicorum Nicomacheonim libri decem : ad codicum et veteram editionum fidem recognovit, varias lediones adjecit, notis, nonnunquam fuis, plerumque aliomm, illuftravit, indice denique ubeiiore omavit Edvardus Cardwell. 2 tom. 8° Oxonii, 1828-30. The Nicomachean ethics ; with Englifti notes by John S. Brewer, M.A. 8" Oxford, 1836. Yidiv.m a^iruv i-ror-j'rusi;. A fele(5lion from the Nico- machean ethics ; containing a delineation of the moral virtues, with notes and an introdudlory difcourfe by William Fitz- gerald, M.A. 8° Dublin, 1850. Htf/zca 'Hr/.o'j.ayjia. Ethica Nichomachea. \Gr. only.'] 8° Oxonii, 1852. Ao/ffrorsAou; USiy.a 'Kr/.ofj.ayjia. Ariftotle's Ethics'; with Englifh notes, by WiUiam Edward Jelf, B.D. 8° Oxford, 1856. The Ethics of Ariftotle : illuftrated with eftays and notes by Sir Alexander Grant, Bart., M.A. ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1857. Aj/ffrOT-sXouj msi aoirwJ zai xa-muv. nXtiSonog c7£a; aoiTU'i. Recenfuit Edvardus Fawconer. [Gr. and Lai.! 8° Oxonii, 1752. Decem librorum Moralium Ariftotelis tres converfiones : prima Argyropili Byzantii, fecunda Leonardi Aretini, teitia vero antiqua, per capita et numeros conciliate : communi familiarlque commentario [Jacobi Fabri, Stapulenfis,] ad Argyropilum adiefto. Ex fecunda recognitione. 4° ... impenfis, fumptibus et diligentia Henrici Stephani, almo Parifientium ftudio ... 1505. L'Ethica d'AriftotUe ; tradotta in lingua vulgare Fioren- tina et commentata per Bernardo Segni. 4° Firenze, 1550. Ad Nicomachum filium de moribus, quae Ethica nomi- nantur, libri decem ; loachimo Perionio, Benediiflino Cor- moeriaceno, interprete ... [Lnt. only.'] 4= Parifiis, I 55 I. De moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem : olim e Grteco, longe et Latinius & fidelius quam unquam antea, a Dion. Lambino Monftrolienfi exprefli : nunc de integio ab eodem recogniti, et multis locis corre<5li. Eiufdem Dionys. Lam- bini in eofdem libros annotationes ... [Z-rt/. on/y.] 4° Lutetiae, i 565. EthicoiTjm ad Nicomachum liber quinctus ; M. Antonio Mureto interprete. [Z-rt/. M. A. Muretus, Ord/ionw xx/h'. apud AJdum, 1575.] Die Ethik des Ariftoteles in zehn Biichern. Aus dera Griechifchen, mit Anmerkungen und Abhandlungen, von Dan. Jenifch. 8° Danzig, 1791. Ariftotle's Ethics and Politics, comprifing his pradlical philofo])hy, tianftated from the Greek : illuftrated by intro- duftions and notes ; the critical hiftory of his life ; and a new analyfis of his fpeculative works. By John Gillies, LL.D. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 1797. Die Ethik des Ariftoteles ; iiberfetzt und erlautert von Chriftian Garve ... 2 Bde. 8° Breflau, I 7 98- 1 80 1. A new tranflation of the Nicomachean ethics. 8° Oxford, 1 8 19. The Nicomachean ethics ; a new tranflation, mainly from the text of Bekker, with explanatory notes by the Rev. D. P. Chafe, M.A. 8° Oxford, 1847. — Second edition. 8° Oxford, 1861. The Nicomachean ethics : tranflated, with notes, original and feledted ; an analytical introduftion ; and queftions for the ufe of ftudents by R. W. Browne, M.A. 8° Lond. 1850. Donati Acciaioli expofitio fuper libros Ethicomm, in novam tradudlionem Johannis Argyropyli. 147 8. Queftiones magiftri Johannis Versoris fuper libros Ethi- corum. [IFith Lat. 'verfwn of the text.] 1 49 I. Artificialis introduftio, per modii epitomatis, in dece libros Ethicorii. 1502. [^y Jacobus Faber.] EusTRATii, et alioiiim infignium Peripateticorum, cora- mentaria in libros decem de Moribus ad Nicomachum, una cum textu fuis in locis adiedlo. [G/-.] 1536. lacobi Lodoici Streb.i;! in tres priores libros W^ixtiiv N/zo- /xa^j/wv commentaria. 1549. Audomari Tal^ei in primum Ethicum libnam explicatio. \lVtth Lat. verfwn of the text.] I 5 50. De Ariftotelicas ethices ab hiftorica et poetica ethice dif- ferentia ... autore Henrico Stephano. 1590. D. Thomas Aquinatis in libros Ethicorum ad Nicomacum expofitio ; cui triplicem textus interpretationem adjecimus, antiquam videlicet, Jo. Argiropoli, et Jo. Bernard! Feliciani. 1563. 1644. Petri VicTORii commentarii in x. libros de Moribus ad Nicomachum. \_li-'ith Gr. text and Lat. verfton.] 1584. ARISTOTELES '93 Ethiconim Nicomach. paiaphrafis, incerto audlore, [An- DRONico, Rhodio,] ... edit, a D. Heinfio. 1607. 1679. Paraphiafe fur les dix livres de I'Ethique, ou morale d' Arillote, a Nicomaque. Divifee en deux parties. 16 15. [By Jerome de Benevent.] In libros EthicoiTjmad Nicomachum aliquot Conimbriccn- fis curfus difputationes ... 4° Lugduni, 1616. R. Balfourei commcntariorum, in lib. Arift. de philo- fophia torn, fecundus, quo, pod Organum logicum, quaecum- que in libris Ethicomm occurrunt difficilia, dilucide expli- cantur. \_IVith Gr. text and Lat. vcrfion.^ I 620. Joannis Magiri corona virtutum moralium, univerfam Ariltotelis Ethicen exa(5te enucleans. Adjefto ubique Arif- totelis contextu Grsco-Latino. 1628. J. Crellii Ethica Ariftotelica ad Sacrarum Literarum normam emendata. Tarquinii Gallutii in libros quinque priores Moralium ad Nicomachum nova interpretatio, commentarii, quaftiones. [With the text.] 1 63 2. Analylis Ethicorum Nicomacheomm, quam ... inilluftri ad Elmum Iulia,publicepropofuit Gebhardus Theodorus Meier. 1661. M. Antonii Mureti in Ethica ad Nicomachum commen- tarius. [M. A. MuRETUs, Opera omnia, edit. 1789, iii. '35-] Politics and CEconomics. Politicorum libri oflo, ex Dion. Lambini & P. Vidlorii intcrpretationib. purifs. Graecolatini. Theod. Zuingeri argu- mentis atque fcholiis, tabuiis quinetiam in trcs priores libros illuftrati : Viiflorii commentariis perpetuis declarati. Pytha- goreorum ueterum fragmenta politica, a Jo. Spondano con- ucrfa at emendato. Index ... fol. Bafileae, 1582. Xl'AiTixtiiv TO. ffw^o.asra. Politicorum libii fupcrftites. Editio nova ; cura Hernianni Conringli, cum ejufdem intro- dudtione et emendationibu5. 4° Helmeftadii, 1656. ll'i'/.irr/.'jii 3iS. ()'. Politicomm libri oiflo, cum perpetua Danielis Hcinfii ... in omncs libros paraphrafi, cmcndatius editi, notis illuftrati,& ad difputandum public^ propofitijautore et prafide Severo Chriftophoro Olpio ... [Gr. ami J. at.] 4° Jenx, 1660. Ez ruv koidriiTiXiyj; llo}.iTr/.u\i. IIej; r>j; '^o7.iui: ij.a- xa>ia;. TIsj; to-j u.yyin y.ai ai'/jsHai. risw riiit rr,: toaew; aoiri/iv. n=j; tjjj ya,a/z?;: o,a/>./«;. IIew rr,; ruv rraibuiv ayoiyr,; y.ai ■ra/OE/a;. Cum annotatione critica [by F. IV, Reitz.] 8° Lipfix, 1776. Politicorum libri ofto fuperftitcs. Grteca reccnfuit, cmen- davit, illudravit, interprotationemquc Latinam addidit Jo. Gottlob Schneider. 2 torn. 8° Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1809. .\iiuvvfJ,ou Oixf>'vo;j,r/.a. Anonynii QJcononiica, qua; vulgo Ariftotells falfo ferebantur ; e libris fcriptis et verlione anti- qua emendavit et enarravit Jo. Gottlob Schneider. 8° Liplix, 18 I 5. AeidTDTiXoui ra TloXiriy.a : the Politics of Arillotle, with Englifli notes ; by Richard Congrevc, M.A. 8" Lond. 1 ''^5 5. A^iUTOTiXm; \W.iriy.a : tlie Politics of Arillotlc, trom thetextof Immanuel Bekker.with Englilh notes; byJ. R.T. Eaton, M.A. 8° Oxford, 1855. VOL. I. Contenta. Politicorum libri odlo. Commentarii. Econo- micoram duo. Comnientaiii. Hecatonomiarum feptem. Economiarum publ. unus. Explanationis Leonardi in oecono- mica duo. [Lat.] fol. a])ud Parifios, i 506. [Politicorum libri viii. ; QEconomicorum lib. 11. ; Hecato- nomiarum lib. VII. ; Qiconomiaium liber unus. Lat. per Leon. Aretinum, cum notis Jac. Fabri.] [Lat. IVants title-page.] fol. [Parifiis, 1526.] Les Politiques d' Ariftote ; efquelles eft monftree la fcience de gouuerner le genre humain en toutes efpeces d'eftats pub- liques : traduittes de Grec en Francois, auec expofitions prifes des meilleurs authcurs, fpecialemet d'Ariftote mefme, et de Platon, conferez enfemble oil les occafions des matieres par eux traittees s'offroient : dont les obferuations & raifons font eclarcies & confirmees par innumerables exemjiles an- ciens & modernes recueillisdes plus illuftres empires, royaumes, feigneuries, & republiques qui furent oncques, & dont Ion a peu auoir la cognoiflance par efcrit, ou le fidele rapport d'au- truy. Du commencement, progrez & excellence de la poli- tique par Loys le Roy, didf Regius, fol. Paris. 1576. Qiconomica fcripta qus extant titulo Ariftotelis, in fer- raonem Latinum conucifa & explicata, adiunftaque eis inter- pretatio CEconomici libri Xenophontis, ftudio & opera Joach. Camerarii Pabeperg. 4° Francofurti, 1581. A tieatife on government : tranflated from tlie Greek by William Ellis, A.M. 4= Lond. 1776. Qiconomica ; Jacobo Ludovico Strebaso inteqjrete, cujus interpretationem M. A. Murctus locis aliquot emendavit, fcholiifque illuftravit. [Lai. M. A. Muretus, Opera omnia, edit. 17S9, iii. 467.] Ethics and Politics; tranflated by John Gillies. 1797- [See fill-title Ethics.] Politik und Fragment der Oeconomik. Aus dem Grie- chifchen iiberfetzt, und mit Anmei kungeii und einer Analyfe des Tcxtes verfchen von J. G. Schlofler. [Drei Abthel- lungen.] 8 Liibek und Leipzig, 1798. Politik : iiberfetzt von Chrlftlan Gane ; heraufgegeben, und mlt Anmerkungen und Abliandlungen begleltet von Georg Guftav Fiilleborn. 2 Bde. 8° Breflau, I 799-1802. Politique d'Ariftote ; tradulte du Grec, avec des notes et des eclairciflemens, par Charles Millon ... on a joint a cet ouvrage une notice fur Arlftote et fur fes ecrits ; une lifte chronologique des editions de fes oeuvres ; plufieurs extraits de Platon, et les deux traites de Xenophon fur les repub- liques de Spaite et d'Athcines. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1803. The Politics and Economics ; tranflated, with notes, origi- nal and feleiftcd, and analyfes. To which are prefixed an introducftory efliiy and a life of Arlftotle by Dr. Gillies. By Edward Walford, M.A. 8° Lond. 1853. QueftionesJohannis BuRiDANifuperoiflo libros Politicorum. '5'3- . Donati Acciaioli in libros ocio Politicorum commentani. [JVith Lat. verfion of the text.] I 566. Petri VicTORii commentarii in viii. libros de Optimo Statu Clvltatls. [IHlh Gr. text and Lat. lurfion.'] I576. Poll:lcor\im et CEconomlcoiiim interpretaiioneset explica- tioncs accuratx ; autorc Joachlnio Camerario. 1581. In Politica Antonii Montecatini i)iogynmafmata. [IVitb Gr. text and Lat. veifion.] I 587. 2 c t94 ARISTOTELES Thomae Aquinatis commentarii in 0(5to libios Politicoiiim exquifitifllmi ; cum antiqua interpretatione eorandem Politi- comm adiefla, per feftiones piopriis reftituta locis, quam olim idem Diuus Thomas exponendo fequutus eft ... 1645. Joannis a Felde Analyfis libiorum Politicoiiim. 1654. Poetics. Tli^i 'TToiriTix.r,;. De poetica liber ; ex verfione Theodori Goulftoni, pei"petuis notis analyticis illuftrata. Acccdunt in- tegra: notae Frid. Sylburgii et Dan. Heinfii, necnon feleftas aliorum. [Gr. and Lat.l 8° Cantabrigis, 1696. riEo/ '!rriir,Tr/.ri;. De poetica. Accedunt verfio Latina Theodori Goulftoni et infigniores leftiones variantes. [Gr. and La/.] 8° GlafguK, 1745. De poetica Ilbcr ; Grsce et Latine, ex recenfione et cum animadverfionibus Theoph. Chriftoph. Harles. Accedunt notas Frider. Sylburgii. 8° Lipfije, 1780. TliPi rroiriTixri;. De poetica liber. Textum recenfuit, verfionem refinxit et animadverfionibus illuftravit Thomas Tyrwhitt. [Gr. and Lat.~\ 4° Oxonii, 1794. De poetica liber. Friderico Volgango Reizio interprete. 8° n. p. n. d. [Imperfeft ; wanting the Latin verfion.] Excerptaex Poetica,Antonio Riccobono intei"prete. [Gr. and Lai. Aromatari, Degli autori del ben parlare, i^c. pt. II., p. 434.] Poetica d'Ariftotele ; vulgarizzata et fpofta per Lodovico Caftelvetro. Riueduta & ammendata fecondo I'originale & la mente deU'autore. Aggiuntoui nella fine un racconto delle cofe piu notabili, che nella fpofitione fi contengono. 4° Bafilea, 1576. La Poetica de Ariftoteles ; dada a nueftra lingua Cafte- llana por Don Alonfij Ordonez das Seyjas y Tobar ... 8" Madrid, 1626. La Poetique d' Ariftote ; contenant les regies les plusexadles pour juger du poeme heroi'que, et des pieces du theatre, la tragedie et la comedie. Traduite en Francois, avec des re- marques critiques fijr tout I'ouvrage, par Mi-. Dacier. 12= Paris, 1692. Ariftoteles Dichtkunit ; ins Deutfche iibeiTetzt, mit An- merkungen und belondem Abhandlungen verfehen von Michael Conrad Curtius ... 8° Hannover, 1753. Aj/ffroj-EXoi/; irsj/ToiJjr/xjj;. Poetique d' Ariftote. 177 I. [Gr. and Fr. Batteaux, Les quatres PoeUques, i. I 4.] Ariftotle's treatifi: on poetry ; tranflated, with notes on the tranflation, and on the original ; and two diflertations on poetical and mufical imitation, by Thomas Twining. 4° Lond. I 789. Ariftoteles iiber die Kunft der Poefie : aus dem Griechi- fi:hen iibcrfetzt und eiTauteit. Nebft Thomas Twining's Abhandlungen iiber die poctifche und mufikalifche Nachaii- niung, aus dem Englifchen. Heraufgegeben von Johann Gottlieb Buhle ... 8° Berlin, 1798. Wiii ■-'iiriTiy.r,;. Buch von der Dichtkunft ... Von neuem aus dem Giiechifchen iiberfi;tzt und mit Anmerkungen erlau- tert von M. Johann Jakob Meno Valett. [Gr. and German.'] 8° Leipzig, 1803. Francifci Robortelli in librum de Arte Poetica explica- tiones. [Gr. text and Lat. veifton.'\ 1548. Vincentii Madii, et Bartholomaei Lombardi, in librum de Poetica, communes explanationes : Madii vero in eundem librum propria? annotationes ... Lombardi in Pocticam prs- fatio. [JVith Gr. text and Lat. verfion by Pacctus.] I 550. Petri VicTORii commentarii in primum librum de Arte Poetarum. [IVifh Gr. text and Lat. ver/ion.! I 560. 1573. Pauli Benii in Poeticam commentarii. [/K/V/j Gr. text and Lat. •ver/ions of Paecius and Riccobonus.] 1613. Dan. Heinsii de tragoediae conftitutione liber ; in quo, inter caetera, tota de hac Ariftotelis fententia dilucide expli- catur. Cui et Ariftotelis de Poetica libellus, cum ejufiiem notis et interpretatione, accedit. 1643. On the end of tragedy according to Ariftotle : an efTay. By James Moor. 1763. A commentaiy illuftrating the Poetic ... to which is pre- fixed a new and correfted edition of the tranflation of the Poetic. By Heniy James Pye. 1792. Eftratto dell' Arte Poetica d'Ariftotile, e confiderazioni fuUa medefima. [Metastasio, Opere, xiv. 191, edit. 18 1 1- 12.] Rhetoric. ' l'r,ro^r/.ri, T^oi AXsjaj^^ov. Rhetorica, ad Alexandrum. [Gr. only.] 4° Parifiis, 154I. De arte rhetorica libri tres ; Gra;ce et Latine, editi cura Chriftophori Schraderi. Editio fecunda. 4° Helmaeftadii, 1661. — Another edition. 4° Helmxftadii, 1748. Ts)^]itji gjjrfj»;z>jc l3if3Xia y , ex aliquot editionum coUa- tione. [Edited by F. W. Reit%.] 8° Lipfiae, 1772. "Yiyyr^i ^riTO^ixrii jSijSXioi. rj/a. De rhetorica libii tres. [Gr. text edited ivith Lat. •verfion by Theodore Goidflon.~\ 8° Oxonii, 1805. De rhetorica libri tres ; ad fidem manufcriptorum recog- niti, cum verfione Latina. Altero volumine continentur anirradverfiones varioiiim. 2 tom. 8° Oxonii, 1820. — Another edition. [Gr. text only.^ 8° Oxonii, 1S26. Ariitotelis Rhetoricomm ad Theodeften, Georgio Trape- zuntio interprete, libri iii. Eiufdem Rhetorices ad Alexan- drnm, a Francifco Philelpho in latinii verfx, liber i. Nunc recens ad Graecam veritatem recogniti. [Lat. only.'] 8° Parifiis, 1540. Rhetoricorum libri in. ; in Latinum fermonem converfi, et fcholiis brevibus explicati, a Joanne Sturmio ... [Gr. and Lat.'] 8° Argentina, 1570. Ariftotle's Rhetoric ; or, the true grounds and principles of oratoiy, (hewing the right ait of pleading and fpeaking in fiill affemblies and courts of judicature : made Englifh by the tranflators of the Art of thinking. In four books. 8° Lond. 1686. La Rhetorique d'Ariftote ; traduite en Frangois par Mr. Caflandie. Nouvelle edition. 12° Amfterdam, 1733. De arte rhetorica libii tres, Carolo Sigonio intei-prete. [Lat. C. SiGONius, Opera omnia, edit. 1732-7, vi. 556.] Rhetoricorum libri duo ; M. A. Mureto interprete. [Lat. M. A. MuRETUS, Opera omnia, edit. 1789, iii. 6 I 4.] A differtation on rhetoric ; tranflated from the Greek of Ariftotle, by Daniel Michael Crimmin. The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 18 12. ARISTOTELES— ARIUS 195 A new tranflation of Ariftotle's Rhetoric ; with an intro- duftion and appendix, explaining its relation to his exaft philofoj)hy, and vindicating that philofophy, by proof that all departures from it have been deviations into error. By John Gillies, LL.D. 8° Lend. 1823. Ariftotle's trcatife on rhetoric : a new and literal tranfla- tion, with notes ; by a graduate in honours. 12° Oxford, 1847. Trcatife on rlietoric ; :dfo the Poetic : literally tranflated from the Greek by Theodore Buckley, B.A. 12^ Lond. 1850. Rettorica fatta in lingua Tofcana dal Coniniendatore Annibal Caro. [Aromatari, Degl't autori del ben parlare l^c. pt. IV., torn, iv.] Pauli Benii in libros Rhetoricorum commentarii. \^iytlh Gr. test and Lat. verfwns of Riccobonus and Maiorag'ius.^ 1524. E(; TYiV XiidToriXoxji' VrjTOoiy.TiV IrToiJ.'triiJja ao/jvj/iov. Nunc primum in lucem editur. fol. Parifiis, 1539. Petri ViCTORii commentarii in tres libros de Aite Dicendi. [IVith Gr. text and Lai. -ver/ion.] 1548. 1573. 1579- Antonii Riccoboni paraphrafis in Rhetoricam ... 1588. 1819. Pauli Benii oratoriaj difputationes, in quibus, cum veterum multorum, turn maxime Ariftotelis de ratione dicendi prx- cepta explanantur. 1625. M. A. Mureti in Rhetoiicorum librum primum [et fecun- dum] fcholia. [M. A. Muretus, Opera omnia, edit. I 789, iii. 731.] Miscellaneous. Pepli fragmentum ; five, heroum Homericoram epitaphia, fideliter auftori fuo reftituta, Latine verfa & annotationibus illuftrata per Gulielmum Cantcrum. His adiefta funt propter argument! fimilitudinem Aufonii Epiuijihia heroum, qui belle Troiano interfuerunt, aliquot locis ab codem emendata. Editio fecunda, cum aliis, turn intcgra tabula recens audla. 8° Antverpix, 1571. risirXo; ; five, epitaphia in heroas Homericos ; fragmen- tum ab H. Stephano primum editum, nunc pluribus auftum epitaphiis, partim nuper editis, partim nunc primum e codice Harleiano. [Edited by Thomas Biirge/s.^ 12^ Dunelmiaf, 1798. Epiftolae. [Epistol* diverforum philofophorum, apud Aldum, 1499.] De pcrfefto magifterio. [Zetznerus, Theatrum chemicum, iii. 76.] Tradatus ad Alexandrum Magnum, de lapide ])hilofo- phico ; olim confcriptus, & a quodam Chiiftiano philofoplio colledlus. [Ibid. v. 787.] Tabula Julii Palamedis Adrienfis in Ariftotelis, Aver- roifque opera. 1562. Vitae comparatx Ariftotelis ac Demofthenis ab And. ScHOTTO. 1603. .loannis Launoii, de varia Ariftotelis in Academia Pari- fienfi fortuna, liber. 1662. Recherches critiques fur Page ct I'origine des traduc- tions Latines d'Ariftote ct fiar les coninientaircs Grecs ou Arabes employes par les do(5>eurs fcholaftiques. Par M. JouRDAiN. 1 8 19. lUuftrations of Ariftotle on men and manners, from the dramatic works of Shakefpeare. By J. Efmond Riddle. 1832. Life. By Jofcpli Williams Blakeslev. 1839. ARISTOXENUS. A Greek writer on mufic, b. at Tarentum, and a contem- porary of Ariftotle, whofe difciple he was. Harmonicorum elementoinim libri iii. Marc. Meibomius vertit, ac notis explicavit. \Gr. and Lat. MtiuoMius, Antiquee miifiae audores feplem, torn, i.] Rhythniicoi"um elementorum fiagmenta. \Gr. and Lat. Aristides, Orailo adverfus Leptinen, p. 266.] ARITHM^US (Valentinus). B. at Linowitz, near Lie^nitz, in Silcfia, 26 Jan. 1587. Pro- felTor of poetry at Frankfurt on the Oder, 1617. D. there, 25 Jan. 1620. Periculum oratoriura, juveniliter tentatum, denuo auftius et corrediils iedu(5lum. 12° Francofurti, 16 17. ARITHMETIC. Arithmetick compendiz'd . . . 1721. [5)i David Spence.] Le manuel des forcicrs ; ou, I'arithmetique amufante : ouv- rage dans le genre de la Magie blanche devoilee. 12° Paris, 1801. An introduftion to arithmetic ; or, the teacher's eafe and fcholar's help ; containing all the elementaiy rules of tliat fcience. 4° Plymouth, 1830. Rational arithmetic ; or, a trcatife fetting fortli the rational mode of teaching that fcience, in which its ])rinciples are familiarly explained and illuftratcd by praflical examples : together with numerous exercifes in each rule. 12° Lond. 1830. Ciphering made eafy ; or, an attempt to render fimjjle and interefting the firft four i"ules of arithmetic, and by numerous familiar examples to [Joint out their application to tlie eveiy- day affairs of life. 12° Lond. 1833. A fyftem of pra(5lical aiithmetic ... Drawn up for the Scottifh fchool-book affociation. !2°Edinb. 1842. A complete fyftem of praftical aritlimetic . . . Drawn up for the Scottifli fchool-book affociation. 8 Edinb. 1849. Key to Complete fyftem of praftical arithmetic ... 8° Edinb. 1844. Comic arithmetic. 12° Lond. 1844. The fii ft fteps in aiithmetic ; or, a new method of teach- ing the firft four rules. By a preceptor. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1852. Tlie theoi-y of arithmetic ; by a late profefTor of St. Gie- gory's College, Downfide. Edited, with additions, by one of his pupils. 8'^ Lond. 1S60. ARIUS. A native of Cyrcnc, in Africa, and founder of the feft of the Arians. He flourilhed in the former half of the 4th century, but the dates of his birth and death have not been afccrtained. Arius deteded and confuted ; or, a Hunt and familiar direftion for plain Cliriftians ... how to underftand the lan- guage of tlie difciples of Arius . . . Second edition. To which '196 ARIUS— ARMAGEDDON is added an appendix, in anfwer to two pamphlets publifhed againll it, by the author of the Letter to a diflenter in Exon. 8° Lond. I 7 19. ARIUS, POLYHISTOR. See Ari. ARIZ (LuYs). A Spanlfli Benediftine monk of Naxara. Lived at the be- ginning of the 17th century. Hiftoria de las grandezas de la ciudad de Avila. fol. Alcala de Henares, 1607. ARK. The ark of the covenant : illuftrative of God's piefence with his people. By the author of " Preces Paulince," etc. 8° Lond. 1856. ARKEL. See Arckel. ARKLEY (Patrick). Member of the Faculty of Advocates, and (heriff-fubftitute of Edinburghrtiire. Reports of cafes before the High Court and circuit courts of JulHciaiy in Scotland, during the years 1846-7-8. 8° Edinb. 1849. Scottilli county courts : twelve articles reprinted from " the Edinburgh Evening Courant." \j1nonJ\ S" Edinb. [1853.] ARLANIB^US (Philippus). A Swediih hiftorian, who lived in the former half of the 1 7th century. Arma Svecica ; das ill : eigentliche und warhafftige Be- fchreibung des Kriegs, welchen Guftavus Adolphus ... wider die der Rom. Keyferl. Mayeftat Ferdinand! II. ... Armee in Teutfchlandt gefiihret, delTen Urfachen, Anfang, und was (ich bifs auff gegenwiirtige Zeit darbey veilaufFen . . . 4° p.p. 1632. Armorum Svecicorum continuatio ... 4° n. p. 1633. Armomm Svecicorum continuatio ultima ... 4° n. p. 1634. ARLENSIS (Petrus), de Scudalupis. An alchemift and aftrologer, who lived about the end of the l6th century. Sympathia feptem metallorum ac feptem feledorum lapi- dum ad plantas. [C. Leonardus, Speculum lcipidum.'\ ARLEQUINIANA. Arlequiniana ... 1735. [-^J ^^- Cotolendi.] ARLES. Dypticha ecclefix Arelatenfis. [Mabillon, Vetera ana- leBa, p. 220.] Epiftola B. Comitis Arelatenfis ad Gregorium VII. Papam. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, m. 128.] ARLES (Martinus de). A Spanifli ecclefiaftic of the i6th century, canon and arch- deacon of Pamplona. Traftatus infignis et exquifitiffimus de fuperftitionibus con- tra maleficia feu foitilegia, qux hodie vigent in orbe terramm. 12° Paris, I 5 17. — [F. ZiLETTUS, TraQatus univerfi juris, xi. ii. 402.] ARLEVILLE (B.) Le petit rhetoricien Frangois ; ou, abrege de la rhetoriquc Frangoife ... avec des exemples tires des meilleurs orateurs et poetes modernes. 12° Lond. 1791. ARLIDGE (John Thomas), M.B., A.B. On the ftate of lunacy, and the legal provifion for the infane, with obfervations on the conftru(5lion and organiza- tion of afylums. 8° Lond. 1859. ARLINCOURT (Victor, Vicomte d'). The reclufe ; a tranflation of " Le folitaire," by M. le Vicomte d'Arlincourt. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 182 I. The three kingdoms : England, Scotland, Ireland. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1844. ARLINGTON. Arlington: a novel. 1832. \By T. H. Lister.] ARLINGTON, Earl of. See Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington. ARLOTTO (PiovANo). B. at Florence, 25 Dec. 1396. D. 26 Dec. 1483 or 1484. Scelta di facetie, motti, burle, et bufFonerie, del Piovano Ailotto & altri auttori. 8° Venetia, 1594. ARLUNUS (Bernardinus). An Italian jurift, who ftudied firft at Pavia and afterwards at Padua. He lived at Milan from 1507 to 1537. De bello Veneto libri fex ; ubi quje feculo xvi. novo, a Gei-raanis, Gallis, Hifpanis, variifque Italije piincipibus, ad- verfus Venetos gefta, ab his vero infirmata funt, ufque ad pacem inter hos omnes initam, aliaque hue pertinentia, diluci- diflime Sc folidiffime enarrantur. Nunc primum e MS. editi. [GR.t;vius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et. hjftoriarum Itallii, v. pt. iv.] ARM. The broken ami : a national fchool rtoi'y. 12° Lond. .847. ARMACANUS (Alexander Patricius). Pfeud. of Cornelius Jansen. ARMADA, Spanish. See Spain. ARMAGEDDON. Armageddon ; or, the neceffity of cariying on the war, if fuch a peace cannot be obtained as may rendei' Europe fafe, and trade fecure. 8° Lond. n. d. Armageddon ; or, thoughts on Popery, Proteftantifm, and Pufe)rifm. By a layman. 8° Lond. 185 1. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1857. Armageddon ; or, the battle-field on which Antichrifl and his armies are to be overthrown, as feen through the telefcope of divine prediftion. 8° Lond. 1853. Armageddon ; or, a warning voice from the laft battle- ARMAN— ARMISTEAD 197 field of nations, proclaiming by the mouths of prophets and apoftles, that the clofe of the times of the Gentiles, the fecond perfonal advent and millennial reign of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, are nigh at hand ... In three volumes, with appendix. By a mafter of arts of the Univerfity of Cam- bridge. 8" Lond. 1858. ARMAN (Abraham). A complete ready reckoner for the admeafurement of land : to which is added a Uiblc (howing the \mce of work from 2s. 6d. to L. i per acre. 12° Lond. 1862. ARMANA (Francisco). B. at Geltrij, in the diocefe of Barcelona, 1718. Bifliop of Lugo, 1768. Archbifliop of Tarragona, 30 May, 1788. D. 4 May, 1803. Paftoral, en que propuefta la infalible verdad de la religion Chriftiana, proraueve la debida inftraccion en fu dodtiina. 8° Madrid, 1783. ARMAND (James). Minifter of the Walloon church, in Hanau. Two difcourfes on the fpirit and evidences of Chriftianity ... Tranflated from the original French ... 8° Edinb. 1768. ARMAND (Jean). Voyages d'Afrique, faidls par le commandement du roy ... enfemble la defcription des fufdits royaumes, villes, couf- tumes, religion, moeurs et commoditez de ccux du dit pays. 12° Paris, 1632. ARMANDUS. Archbifliop of Aix. D. 1348. * Elogium. [Mabillon, Vetera analeila, p. 385.] ARMANN. Armanns Saga. ARMATA. Armata : a fragment. Lord Erlkine.] "ARM-CHAIR. The old arm-chair ; by land and fea. 4° no title-page. 1817. [5v Thomas Erskine, a retrofpeftive panorama of travels 8° Lond. 1854. ARMENDARIZ ( ). Recopilacion de todas las leyes del reyno de Navarra, a fuplicacion de los tres Eftados del dicho reyno, concedidas, y juradas por los fenores rcyes del . . . fol. Pamplona, 1614. — Aditiones, five anotationes licentiati Armendariz ad fuam recopilationem Icgum regni Navarrx ... fol. Pompelonx, 1617. ARMENGAUD ( ). The pradllcal draughtfman's book of indudrial defign : forming a complete courfe of mechanical, engineering, and architedural drawing. Tranflated from the French of M. Armengaud, aine ... and MM. Armengaud, jeune, and Amouroux ... Rewritten and arranged, with additional matter and plates, by William Joliiifon. 4' Lond. 1853. ARMENIA. Alphabetum Armenum, una cum Oratione Dominicali, falutatione angelica, initio evangelii S. Johannis, et cantico poenitentiae. 4= Romx, 1784. Narratio de rebus Armenia. [Ma.v. Bibliotheca •velerum Patrum, xii. 8 14.] ARMENINI (Giovanni Evangelista). Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. 125.] ARMENIUS. Armenii & Honorii, monachorum, Sententia de libris canonicis veteris ac Novi Teftamenti, limulque brevis con- feffio fidei. [Mabillon, Vetera analecla, p. 27.] ARMIGER (Charles). The fportfman's vocal cabinet : comprifing an extenfive colledtion of fcarce, curious, and original fongs and ballads, relative to field fpoits. 12° Lond. 1S30. ARMIN (Robert). *' One of the original ad^ors in Shakefpeare's plays." — Lo'wndes. The Italian taylor and his boy. 4° Lond. 1 609. Fools and jefters : with a reprint of Robert Armin's Nell of ninnies. 1608. With an introdudlion and notes. Edited by .1. P. Collier. [For the Shakefpeare Society.] 8° Lond. 1842. ARMINIUS (Jacobus). B. at Oudewater, in Holland, 1560. Studied at Utrecht, Maxburg, Leyden and Geneva. Minifter at Amiterdam, 1588. Profeffor of divinity at Leyden, 1603. D. 19 Odl. 1609. Opera theologica ... 4° Francofurti, 1631. Orationes, itemque traflatus infigniores aliquot ; in quibus quidnam fentiat de quamplurimis in S. thcologia, hoc temjwre controverfis quasftionibus, ingenuii atque apert^ profitetur. 8° Lugd. Bat., 16 11. Difputationes,magnam partem S. theologis conipleftentes, publics et [jrivatK : jjiiores cum acceflione aliqua, et correc- tiorcs, nunc .xxv. numcro ; alters vero totx novas, et lxxix. numero ... Pixmittitur oratio de vita et obitu auftoris, re- citata a D. Petro Beitio ... 8° Lugd. Bat. 16 lO. * Life. Tranflated from the Latin of Cafpar Brandt by John Guthrie. 1854. ARMISTEAD (John). Popular education ; its prefent condition and future prof- pefls confidered : in a letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Granville. 8° Lond. 1856. ARMISTEAD (Wilson). Calumny refuted, by fafls from Liberia ; with extrafls from the inaugural addrcfs of the coloured prefident, RolxTts ; and eloquent fpeech of Hilary Te.ige, a coloured ienator ; and extra^s from a difcourfe by H. H. Garnctt, a fugitive flave, on the paft and prefent condition and deftiny of the coloured race. 12° Lond. 1848. Memoirs of .lames Logan ; a diftinguilhed fcholar and 198 ARMITAGE— ARMSTRONG Chriftian legiflator ; founder of the Loganian library at Phi- ladelphia ... including feveral of his letters and thofe of his correfpondents ... 8 Lond. 1 8 5 i . A " cloud of witnefles " againft flaveiy and oppreffion : containing the aifts, opinions, and fcntinients of individuals and focieties in all ages. Seleded from various fources, and for the moft part chronologically arranged. 12° Lond. 1853. Anthony Benezet : from the original memoir. Revifed, with additions. 8° Lond. 1859. ARMITAGE (John). The hilloiy of Brafil, from the period of the arrival of the Braganza family in 1 8 08, to the abdication of Don Pedro the Firft in 1 831 ... Forming a continuation to Southey's hiftory of that country. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1836. ARMITAGE (Robert), M.A. B. 1805. ReiftorofEafthope, Salop, 1843. D.2Feb.i852. A fermon preached at the parifh church of Sellack, in the county of Heieford, on the common evils of dininkenness. Founded upon the report of the committee of the Houfe of Commons. [Eccles. xix. I .] With an appendix, containing extrafts from Hooker, Dr. Hammond, and Archbilliop Til- lotfon, on the right obfeiTation of the Church feftivals. 8° Lond. 1834. Doftor Hookwell ; or, the Anglo-Catholic family. [j4non.] 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1842. The primitive Church in its epifcopacy ; with an effay on unity, and counfel for the prefent times, &c. [yl/ion.^ 12° Lend. 1844. The Penfcellwood papeis : comprifing eflays on the fouls and future life of animals ; on capital punifhraents ; on the Evangelical Alliance ; on the endowment of the Proteftant and Roman Catholic Churches of Ireland ; and on the edu- cation of the people. \^y!non/\ In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1846. Erneft Singleton. [Jnon.'j 8° Lond. 1848. The education of the people, in its plan and refults : a lefture delivered by a clergyman of the diocefe of Hereford. 12° Lond. 1849. Dr. Johnfon : his religious life and his death, [^iwri.] 8° Lond. 1850. ARMITAGE (Thomas Rhodes), M.B. Hydiopathy as applied to acute difeafe ; illuftrated by cafes. 12° Lond. 1852. ARMITSTEAD (John), A.M. Vicar of Sandbach, Chefhire. On the means poflefled by the Church for the education of the people : a letter to the Lord Bifhop of Chefter. 8° Lond. 1847. A letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. John Ruffell in vindication of the rights and property of the Church. 8° Lond. 1850. ARMOUR. A fuit of armour for youth. 12° Lond. 1824. The whole armour of God. 8" Lond. 1852. ARMOUR (James). A premonitor warning ; or, advice by a trae lover of his country, unto all [into] whofe hands this may come. [Signed J. A.] 4° [Edinb.] 1702. ARMS. Scripture and reafon, pleaded for defenfive armes : or the whole controverfie about fubjects taking up aiTnes. Wherein bcfides other pamphlets, an anfwer is pundhially direfted to Dr. Fermes booke, entituled, Refolving of confcience, &c. ... Publifhed by divers reverend and learned divines. 4° Lond. 1643. Of the antiquity of arms in England. [Hearne, ^ col- led'ion of curious difcourfes, i. 169.] Of the antiquity, variety, and reafon of motts, with arms of noblemen and gentlemen in England. [Ibid. i. 268.] The manner of judicial proceedings in the court of con- ftable or marlhal (or court militaiy) touching the ufe and beaiing of coats of arms, obfeiTed and coUefted out of the records of the Tower of London. [Ibid. ii. 243.] The principal hiftorical and allufive arms borne by families of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1803. [5_y Philip De La MoTTE.] ARMSTRONG ( ). A companion to the map of the county of Peebles, or Tweedale, publifhed 20th June 1775. 8° Edinb. [1775.] ARMSTRONG (Alexander), M.D., R.N. A pei-fonal narrative of the difcovery of the Noith-Weft paffage ; with numerous incidents of travel and adventure, during nearly five years' continuous fei-vice in the Arftic regions, wliile in fearch of the expedition under Sir John Franklin. 8° Lond. 1857. Obfervations on naval hygiene and fcurvy, more particu- larly as the latter appeared during a polar voyage. 8° Lond. 1858. ARMSTRONG (Benjamin John), B.A. vicar of Dereham. Six leisures on the morning feiTice of the Chuich, deli- vered (during Lent) in the parish church of Crowle, Lin- colnlhire. 8° Doncafter, 1843. What mean we by our declaration of belief, " The holy Catholic Church, the communion of faints ?" an attempt at a dodtrinal and pra(5tical explanation of this portion of the Apoftle's creed. 8° Lond. 1852. The advantages of daily ])ublic worfhip : a fermon preached in the parifh church of Eafl Dereliam, Norfolk, on Eafter Sunday, 1853. [Heb. x. 25.] 12° Lond. 1853. A feleftion of pfalms and hymns, ufed in the parifh church of Eaft Dereham. 12° Eafl Dereham, 1858. Militaiy life not incompatible with religion : a femion preached before the officers and men of the i 5th Norfolk rifle volunteers, at Eaft Dereham church, on Trinity Sun- day, 1S61. [Acls,-x.. 1,2.] 8° Lond. 1861. ARMSTRONG [99 ARMSTRONG (Charles Edward), M.A. A tar of the laft war : being the fen'iccs and anecdotes of Sir Charles Richardfon, K.C.B. 8° Lend. 1^55. ARMSTRONG (Claudius Francis). The two midfhipmen ; a tale of the fea. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1S54. The battle on the Bofphorus. 3 vols. I 2° Lond. 1855. The Warhawk : a tale of the fea. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1855. — Another edition. 8° Lond. [1859.] Bella Sandford: a tale. 8' Lond. [1858.] The young middy ; oi', the perilous adventures of a boy- officer among the royalifts and republicans of the firll French revolution. 8° Lond. 1858. The two buccaneers : a tale of the fea. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1858. The lily of Devon : a novel. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1859. — Another edition. 8° Lond. [1861.] The Medora : a tale. 8° Lond. [1859.] The young commander: a novel. 8° Lond. 1859.] The cruize of the Daring : a tale of the fea. In three volumes. 8° Lond. i860. The lion of war ; or, the pirates of Loo Chow : a tale of the Chinefe feas, for youths. 8° Lond. [1S61.] The frigate and the lugger : a nautical romance. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1861. The wolf and the lamb : a tale of true love. 8° Lond. [1861.] ARMSTRONG (David). * Report of the trial by jury, David Armftrong against George Buchan Vair, and Gideon Alfton, for lending a challenge to fight a duel. With an appendix of letters and other documents. 8° Edinb. 1823. ARMSTRONG (George). Phyfician in London. D. there, Dec. 1781. An efTay on the difeafes moft fatal to infants. ... Second edition. 12° Lond. 1771. ARMSTRONG (H. K.) Obfervations on malignant cholera, drawn from cafes of the difeafe as it occurred at Prellonpans, Cockenzie, Port- feton, &c. ; treated by H. K. Armftrong, and Samuel Edgar, M.D. 8" Edinb. 1832. ARMSTRONG (J.) A com])endiuni of the rules ufually called pra(51ice, com- prifed in one original rule, together with the moft concife and beft method of circulating decimals, and an original rule for extrafting the cube root. 8° Lond. n. d. ARMSTRONG (James), A.M. Curate of Ardoyne, diocclc of Lcigtilin, An expofitionof the fulfilled pr()])hcciesof the Apoca]y]}fe, from the fii ft feal, to the end of chajitcr xix. In three parts. Part I. S' Dublin, 185 1. ARMSTRONG (James Leslie). The heir of St. Arnuald ; or, the robber captain. 12° Lond. n. d. ARMSTRONG (John), M.D. B. at Caftleton, Roxburghfliirc, about 1 709. Phyfician to the army, 1760. D. 1779. The art of preferving health : a poem. [yf«on.] 4° Lond. I 744. — Another edition ; to which is prefixed a critical elTay on the poem, by J. Aikin, M.D. 8° Lond. 1795. Of benevolence : an epiftle to Eumenes. \_j1non.'^ fol. Lond. I 75 I. Sketches ; or, eflays on various fubjefts. By Launcelot Temple, Efq. {PfauL] 8° Lond. 1758. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1758. Mifcellanies. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1770. The poetical works of Armftrong, Dyer, and Green : with memoirs and critical diflertations by the Rev. George GilfiUan. 8° Edinb. 1858. ARMSTRONG (John). B. 1673. D. 15 April, 1742. The hiftoiy of the ancient and prefent ftate of the navi- gation of the port of King's-Lynn, and of Cambiidge, and the reft of the trading towns in thofe parts, and of the navi- gable rivers that have their courfe through the great level of the fens, called Bedford Level ... fol. Lond. 1766. ARMSTRONG (John). This writer, who ftyles himfelf *' Engineer in ordinary to his Majefty," having been placed on duty at Minorca in 1738, col- lefted materials for a hiftory of that illand, which he publiHied in 1756. He is probably the Captain John Armstrong, engineer to his Majefty 's forts and garrifons, who died, 27 March, 1758. The Spanifh translator of the undernoted work bymillake makes his Chriftian name ** Jorge" inftead of John. Hiftoria civil, y natural de la ida dc Menorca : defcripcion topografica de la ciudad de Mahon, y demas poblaciones de clla ... Efcrita en Ingles por el Sefior Jorge Armftrong ; y traducida al Caftellano por Don Jofef Antonio Laiierra y Navarro. 8° Madrid, 1781. ARMSTRONG (John), M.D. B. near Biihopwcarmouth, 8 May, 1784. Studied medicine at the Univerfity of Edinburgh, where he obtained the degree of M.D. June, 1S07. Settled as a praflitioncr at Birtiopwear- mouth, whence he removed to London, 1818. D. 12 Dec. 1829. * Memoir of his life and medical opinions. ... By Francis BooTT, M.D. 1833. ARMSTRONG (John), D.D. Son of the preceding, b. at Biiliopwearmouth, 22 Aug. 181 5. Educated at the Charterhoufe, London, and Lincoln College, Oxford. Reftor of St. Paul's, Exeter, 1841. Vicar of Tiden- ham, Glouccllcrftiire, 1845. Bilhop of Grahamftown, 18^3. D. there, 16 M.iy, 1856. Church endowment : a fernion pi cached at Clifton church, in aid of tlie endowment of tlic new chai)el of eale, at Durd- ham Down. [i (,V. ix. 1 4.J 8° Lond. 1839. A ])a])er on monuments. 8"' Oxford, 1S44. Sermons on the feftivals. 12° Oxford, 1845. 200 ARMSTRONG The paftor in his clofet : or, a help to the devotions of the clergy. 12° Oxford, 1847. An appeal for the formation of a church penitentiaiy. S° Lond. 1849. A further appeal ... 8° Lond. 185 i. Eflays on church penitentiaries. Edited by the Rev. T. T. Carter. 8° Lond. 185S. Parochial fermons. S" Oxford, 1854. The pattern for church building : a fernion preached in aid of the ereftion of a chapel of eafe in the parifh of Tiden- ham, on the firft Sunday in Epiphany, 1852. [l Chron. xxix. 14.] 8° Lond. 1852. * Memoir of J. Armftrong ... By T. T. Carter, M.A. 1857. ARMSTRONG (John), B.A. Britifh chaplain of Monte Video. The life and letters of the Rev. George Mortimer, M.A., reftor of Thornhill, in the diocefe of Toronto, Canada Weft. 8° Lond. 1847. ARMSTRONG (John), LL.D. Protcftantifm and Popery : or two fermons, preached be- fore the Univerfity of Dublin, on January 30, and Febnaary 6, 1853. [/r. xliii. 10. Matt. xvi. iS.] 12° Lond. 1853. ARMSTRONG (John Echlin), D.D., LL.D. Incumbent of St. Paul's, Bermondfey, 1846. Reftor of Burllett), Stiffordrtiire, 1S54. The Church of Rome condemned by its own authorities ; or the " true Englifh" of the Romifh Bible correfted by the "corrupt Englifh" of the Englifh Bible. 8° Lond. 1854. ARMSTRONG (Mostyn John). An aftual furvey of the great poft-roads between London and Edinburgh. 8° Lond. 1776. ARMSTRONG (Nicholas). Sermons on various fubjefts, preached in different congre- gations of the Church in England and Ireland. 8° Lond. 1854. Sermons preached in the Catholic apoftolic church, Gordon Square. 8° Lond. 1857. ARMSTRONG (Richard). Reports of cafes, civil and criminal, argued and determined at Nifi Prius, and the commiffion, in Dublin, refpectively, 1 8 40- 1 8 42. By R. Armftrong, J. Macartney and J. C. Ogle. 8° Dublin, 1843. ARMSTRONG (Robert), M.D. Deputy-infpeftor of hofpitals and fleets. The influence of climate and other agents, on the human conftitution, with refeience to the caufes and prevention of difeafes among feamen : with obfei"vations on fever in gene- ral, and an account of the epidemic fever of Jamaica. 8° Lond. 1843. ARMSTRONG (Robert), C.E. A rudimentai-y treatife on fteam-boilers ; their conftiiiiflion and praftical management. 12° Lond. 1850. The modern praftice of boiler engineeiing, containing obfei-vations on the conftmftion of fteam-boilers ; and upon fiirnaces ufed for fmoke prevention, with a chapter on ex- plofions. Revifed, with the addition of notes, and an intro- duftion by John Bourne, Efq. 8° Lond. 1856. ARMSTRONG (Robert). A praftical introduftion to Englifh compofition. Part L 8° Edinb. 1851. Key to Praftical introduflion to Englifh compofition, parts I. & II. By Robert and Thomas Armftrong. 8° Edinb. 1854. Introduflion to Englifh etymology. By Robert and Thomas Armftrong. 8° Edinb. 1858. ARMSTRONG (Robert Archibald), M.A. A Gaelic dictionary, in two parts ... To which is pre- 4° Lond. 1825. fixed Gael ic grammar. ARMSTRONG (Sir Thomas). B. at Nymegen, in Holland. Came to England, and being known as an aiflive royalift, wasimprifoned by Cromwell. Re- leafed at the Reftoration, and travelled abroad with the Duke of Monmouth. On his return, being implicated in the Rve- houfe plot, he fled to Holland, but was arrefted at Leyden, brought to England, tried and executed 20 June, 1684. * An impartial account of all the material circumftances relating to Sir Thomas Armftrong, kt., who was executed at Tyburn for high treafon, on Friday the 20th of June, 1684 ... 4° Edinb. 1684. * The proceedings againft Sir Thomas Armftrong, in his Majefties court of King's-Bench, at Weftminller, upon an outlawry for high-treafon, &c. As alfo an account of what pafTed at his execution at Tyburn, the 2 0th of June, 1684. Together with the paper he delivered to the fheriffs of Lon- don at the fame time and place. fol. Edinb. 1684. * An elogie on the never to be forgotten Sir Thomas Armftrong, knight ; executed tor confpiring the death of his moft facred Majefty and royal brother, June 20, 1684. With fome fatyrical refleftions on the whole fadlion. S. Sh. Edinb. 1684. * A letter to Fergufon, or any other, the fuppof'd author of a late fcandalous libel, entituled. An elogie upon Sir Thomas Armftrong. \J^erfcS\ fol. Lond. 1684. ARMSTRONG (W. A.), A.B. A letter to the Rev. W. Dealtiy, A.M., afTigning a Churchman's reafons for refuting to fupport the Britifh and foreign Bible fociety, its auxiliaries, or branches. 8° Lond. 18 12. A fecond letter to the Rev. W. Dealtry, A.M., contain- ing fome comments and remarks on that gentleman's intended reply to the reafons of a Churchman tor refiifing to fupport the Bible fociety, its auxiliaries, or branches. 8" Lond. 18 12. ARMSTRONG— ARMY 20 1 ARMSTRONG (W. G.) Three reports on the ufe of the fteam coals of the "Hartley diflriifl" of Northumberland in marine boilers: with jilans. By W. G. Armdrong ... James A. Longridgc ... Thos. Richardfon ... With an apjiendix, containing letters by Dr. Lyon Playfair, Lewis Thonipfon, Efq., C. Wye Williams, Efq., and W. Reed, mechanical engineer ; three leading articles from the " Daily News," and the memorial from the coal trade to the Admiralty. 8° Lond. 1858. ARMSTRONG (Willi.^m). Belford, Northumberland. Catechetical leiflures ; or, the Church catechifm explained. 8° Bcnvick, 1795. Twenty-feven fermons on various imi)oi'tant iiibje<5ls. 8° Berwick, 1796. ARMY. The intentions of the army of the kingdome of Scotland, declared to their brethren of England, by the conimiflioners of the late parliament, and by the generall, noblemen, barons, and others, officers of the army. 4° n. p. 164O. The Scots army advanced into England cei tified in a letter, dated from Addarilon, the 24 of January : from his Excel- lencies the Loid Generall Lefley's quarters. With the fummoning of the county of Northumbeiland : exjjrefled in a letter by the Conimiflioners and committees of both king- domes, to Sir Thomas Glemham, governor of Newcaftle, and to the colonclls, officers arid gentlemen of the forenamed county : with Sir Tho. Glemhams anfwer thereunto. To- gether with a declaration of the committees, for billeting of fouldiers in thofe parts. As alfo, the articles and ordinances for the governing their army. 4° Lond. 1644. The declaration of the Lord Generall, the generall otBcers, and the reft of the officers and louldlers of the Scots armie, Newcaftle, 27 June, 1646. 4° Edinb. 1646. The declaration of his Excellency the Earl of Lcven, the general officers, and all the inferior officers and foldiers of the Scotilh army. Together with their jietition to his Ma- jefty, prefentcd at Newcaftle by the Lord General, the gene- ral officers, and three commiffioners from each regiment. And his Majefties anfwer to the faid petition. 4° Lond. 1646. A religious retreat founded to a religious army, by one that defires to be faithful to his country, though unworthy to be named. 4° Lond. 1647. A folemne engagement of the nrniy under the command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax ; with a declaration of their refolutions as to dift^anding ; and a briefe vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to divers fcandal- ous things fuggelled againft them. Together with the re- prefentations of the dif-fatisfa(5lion8 of the army, in relation to the late Refolutions for fo fodain diftianding : fluwing the particulars of their former grievances ; wlierein they did re- main unfatisfied ; and the reafons thereof, iinanimoufly agreed upon, and fubfcribed by the officers and fouldiers of the fcverall regiments, at the randezvouz ncare New-Market on fryday and fatuiday June 4. and 5. Prefentcd to the Gene- rall, and by him to be humbly prefvnted to the Parliament. VOL. I. With his Excellencies letter to the Speaker June the 8. fent with the fame. 4° Lond. 1647. A letter fent from the agitators of the army, under the command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax ; to the fouldyers, and others, wel-affi.'(5ted in North-Wales. 4"= Oxford, 1647. The hypocrites unmafliing ; or, a cleare difcovery of the grofle hypocrify of the officers and agitators in the army, &c. 1647. [By William Prynne.] The totall and fmall demands already made by, and to be expeded from, the agitators and the army, &c. 1647. [£y William Prynne.] IX. queries upon the printed charge of the army againft the XL members, &c. 1647. [-^y William Prynne.] IX. propofals by way of interrogation, to the generalls, officers and fouldiers in the army, concerning the juftncfs of their late proceedings, 1647. [By William Prynne.] A remonftrance from the army, to the citizens of London, to be read and publiffied throughout the fevcrall wards and pariffies of the cities of London, and Weftminfter,the borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent. Sent from St. Albanes on Wednefday Novcm. 15, 1648, and their declaration for peace, and bringing of the kings Majefty to London ... 4° [Lond.] 1648 A declaration of the army of England, upon their march into Scotland. [Printed July 19.] 4° Lond. 1650. A letter from fome officers of the army at Whitehall, to the chief officers of the feveral regiments in Scotland, with a copie of theii' agreement ; together with a letter from the officers of the army in Scotland in anfwer thereunto. 4° Edinb. 1659. The anfwer of the officers at Whitehall, to the letter, from the officers of the Parliaments army in Scotland, from Lin- lithgow, Oft. 22, with a return of the general, and officers in Scotland thereunto. 4" Edinb. 1659. The army's plea for their prefent praftice : tendeied to the confideration of all ingenuous and impartial men. 4° Lond. 1659. Fox Dei : the voice of God, to the officers of the army. Wherein is ffiewed dire<5lly and pofitively, what is tlie indu- bitable way in which they ought now to walk : wherein if they do walk, it will affijredly go well with them, and the Loid of Hiifts will be in the midft of them, and the God of Jacob will be their refuge ... 4° Lond. 1659. A declaration ofthe officers of the army, inviting the mem- bers of the Long Parliament, who continued fitting till the 20th of April, 1653, to return to the exercife and difcharge of their truft. 8° Lond. 1659. — [Scotl's edilion of Sonnrs' Tracts, vi. 5O4.] A fcandalous, libellous, and feditious jiamjjhlet, entituled. The valley of Baca ; or, the army's intercft pleaded, &c., an- fwered ... By a true lover to the peace and welfare of his country. 1660. [Ibid. vii. 397.] An argument ffiewing that a (landing army is inconfiftent with a free government ... lC)97. [By Waller Mdyle.] Remarks upon a fcuirilous libil, called. An argument, fliewing that a (landing army is inconlifteni with a free go- vernment, &c. 4° Lond. 1697. Some remarks upon a late pai>er, entituled, An argument, &c. 4" n-r- 'f>97- 2 1) 202 ARMY Some reflexions on a pamphlet lately publidi'd, entituled, An argument, &c. Second edition. 4° Lond. 1697. A letter from the author of an Argument againft a ftanding army, to the author of the ballancing letter. 1697. [By Walter Moyle.] A (hort hiftory of {landing armies in England. 1698. \By John Trenchard.] The cafe of a (landing army fairly and impartially flated. In anfwer to the late Hiftoiy of {landing armies in England : and other pamphlets writ on that fubjed:. 4" Lond. 1698. The cafe of di{banding the army at piefent, briefly and im- partially confider'd. 4° Lond. 1698. A letter to a foreigner, on the prefent debates about a {land- ing army. 4° Lond. 1698. The late prints for a {landing army, and in vindication of the militia confider'd, are in fome parts reconcil'd. 4° Lond. 1698. The feaman's opinion of a {landing army in England, in oppofition to a {leet at fea, as the bell fecurity of this king- dom. In a letter to a merchant, written by a failor. 4° Lond. 1699. Some further confiderations about a {landing army. 4° Lond. 1699. Reafons againft a ftanding army. 8° Lond. 1717. Three fpeeches againft continuing the army, &c., as they were fpoken in the Houfe of Commons the laft feffioh of Par- liament. To which are added, the reafons given by the Lords, who protefted againft the bill for punifliing mutiny and de- fertion. 8° Lond. 1718. A {hoit courfe of ftanding i"ules for the government and conduft of an army, deligned for, or in the field ... By a lieutenant-general of his Majefty's forces. 8' Lond. 1744. National ceconomy recommended, as the only means of retrieving our trade and fecuring our liberties ; occafioned by the pemfal of the late report of a committee of the Houfe of Commons relating to the army ; by which, many grofs and important abufes appear to have been committed in that article of tlie publick expence, for many years part, as proved by abftrafts of the faid report. In a letter to a member of the faid committee. 8° Lond. 1746. The quarters of the army in Ireland in 1 7 5 i . To which is added, an exaft lift of the general and field o{ficers, as they take rank in his Majefty's army, with a reference to the regi- ments they belong to ... 4° Dublin, 175 I. — in 1752. 40 Dublin, 1752. Rules and regulations for the formations, field exercife, and movements, of his Majefty's forces. The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1794. — Another edition. 1859. 8° Lond. 1859. — Pocket edition. 12° Lond. 1859. Caraiflei'e militaire des armees Europeennes dans la guerre aftuelle,avecuneparallelle de lapolitique,de la puilfance, etdes moyens des Romains et des Francois. 8° Lond. 1S02. General obfenrations upon the probable e{fedls of any mea- fures which have for their objeft the increafe of the regular army ; and upon the principles which {hould regulate the fyftem for calling out the great body of the people in defence of the Britifli Empire. By a country gentleman. 8° Edinb. 1S07. Hiftory of the fecret focieties of the army. 1 8 i 5. [By Charles Nodier.] Obfei-vations upon the peace eftabli{hments of the array, produced by the difcuflions upon the army e{limates in the laft feflion of Parliament ; and by the propofals then made, and at fubfequent periods repeated at public meetings, &c., that the peace eftablifliment of 1 82 1-22 (hould be alTimilated to that of 1792. 8° Lond. 1822. The Englilh aiTny in France : being the perfonal narra- tive of an officer. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1830. Camp and barrack-room ; or the Britifli army as it is. By a late ftaff fergeant of the 1 3th Light Infanti y. 8° Lond. 1846. Royal warrant and regulations regarding army fervices, and explanatoiy directions for the information and guidance of paymafters and others. 8° Lond. 1848. The army reform wanted — maximum of defence, with minimum of expence. 8 Lond. 1 8 5 i . The furlough regulations of the Indian army : an explana- tory ftatement. By an officer of the Bengal artilleiy. 8' Lond. 1852. Claims of the Indian army on Indian patronage : being a review of the evidence taken on the fubjed before the late Pailiamentaiy committees. By an Eaft-India proprietor. 8° Lond. 1852. Addenda to the Queen's regulations and orders for the army. From the ift of July, 1844, to the 3 ift o( March, 1854. 8° Lond. 1854. The foldier in peace and war. Suggeftions for aiming and training light infantiy, with obfei-vations on recruiting. By Lt.-Col. 12° Lond. 1855. The purchafe fyftem and the ftalf. By an officer. 8° Lond. 1855. Obfervations on the purchafe fyftem in the army, and on Jacob Omnium's letters to the " Times." 8" Lond. 1857. A few remarks about the Britifli army. By a regimental officer. 8° Lond. 1857. The arniy-purchafe queftion, and report and minutes of evidence of the Royal Commiflion confidered, with a particu- lar examination of the evidence of Sir Charles Trevelyan. 8° Lond. 1858. A contribution to the fanitaiy hiftoiy of the Britifli army, during the late war with Ruflia. fol. Lond. I 8 59. The army in its medico-fanitary relations. 8° Edinb. 1859. Suggeftions for the organization of the Britifli land and fea forces. 8° Lond. i860. The army, the Horfe-Guards, and the people. By a foldier. 8° Lond. i860. Army mifrule : with barrack thoughts, and other poems. By a common foldier. 8^ Lond. i860. The Queen's legulations and orders for the army. Ad- jutant-General's office, Hoife Guards, firft of December. 1859. Pocket edition. 8° Lond. i860. The new army lift, with an index ... By H. G. Halt. 1840-62. 8° Lond. A lift of the officers of the army and royal marines, on fiill, retired, and half-pay; vidth an index. 1849-63. 8° Lond. ARMYTAGE— ARNAUD 203 ARMYTAGE (Joseph North Green), M.A. An attempt to determine the fenfe of the Book of com- mon prayer on the doftiinc of baptifmal regeneration ; with a fermon on the office and duties of fponfors. 12° Lond. 1843. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1849. ARNALD (Richard). B. in London about 1700. Reftor of Thurcafton, 1733. D. 4 Sep. 1756. A critical commentary upon the book of the Wifdom of Solomon : being a continuation of Biffiop Patrick and Mr. Lowth. fol. Lond. 1744. A critical commentary upon tlie book of the Wifdom of Jefus the fon of Sirach ... fol. Lond. 1748. A critical commentaiy upon the books of Tobit, Judith, Bamch, the hiftory of Sufanna, and Bel and the diagon : to which are added two diflertations on the books of Mac- cabees and Efdras ... fol. Lond. 1752. A critical commentaiy upon the apocryi^hal books ... Alfo a diflertation upon the books of the Maccabees and of Efdras ; being a continuation of Biihop Patrick and Mj'. Lowth. [S. Patrick, A critical commentary and paraphraje on the Old and Neiu Tejlament and the Apocrypha, iii. 823.] ARNALDI (Enea). B. at VIcenza, 1716. Devoted iiimfelf to the ftudy and praftice of architecture. The dace of his death is not known. Idea di un teatro, nelle principal! fue parti fimile a'teatri antichi, all'ufo moderno accomodato. Con due difcorfi ; I'uno, che verfa intorno a'teatri in generale, riguardo folo al coperto dclla fcena efteriore, I'altro intoino al foiitto di quella del teatro Olimpico di Vicenza, opera dcU'infigne Andrea Palladio. 4= Vicenza, 1762. ARNALUUS CESCOMES. Archbifliop of Tarragona about the middle of the 14th cen- tury. Epiftolas dusE de Sarraccnis ab Hifpania pellendis. [Ba- LOZE, Mijcellanea, ii. 267.] ARNALDUS DE VILLANOVA. A learned phyfician, a native of the fouth of France, who lived in the latter half of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century. Opera nuperrime revifa : una cu ipfius vita receter hie appofita. Additus eft etia traftatus De philofophoru lapide intitulatu.s. fol. Lugduni, 1520. Magilk-rium ])erfefluni ct gaudium complctum : quod quidcm eft fios iiorum ; thefaurus onmium incomparabilis ; margaiita, in quo re])eritur vera com])ofitio ct jicrfeiftio ; elixir, tam ad album quam ad rubcum componendum, vide- licet, ad folem et lunani comjiaratum : cui acccfllt ciufdcm autoris libellus, De lapide jihilofophorum ; epiftola nova fuper alkimia & elcfluarium miraliilis prxfci-vantis ab epidemia et comfortantis niineram omnium virtutum. 12° Auguftx Trcbocorum, 1630. Liber perfefti magifterii, qui Lumen luminum nuncupatur, et vera, quia in eo difta obfcura |)hilofophoi-um in arte al- chemix optime detcguntur, vocatur etiam Flos florum. [Zetznerus, I'hcatrum chemicum, iii. 128.] Praclica, ad quendam Papam ; ex libro di<5to Breviarius libronim alchemis. [Ibid. iii. 137.] ' Speculum alchymias. [Ibid. iv. 5 1 4.] Carmina. [Ibid. iv. 542.] Quseftioncs, tam effentiales, quam accidentales, M. Ar. ad Bonifacium 0(Slavum. [Ibid. iv. 544.] ARNALL (William). A political writer of the reign of George II. The dates of his birth and death are not known. Clodius and Cicero : with other examples and rcafonings, in defence of juft meafures againft fadion and obloquy, fuited to the prefent conjundlure. \AnonJ] 8° Lond. 1727. — Another edition. 8° Edinb. 1727. A letter to tlie Reverend Dr. Codex \^Bp. E. Gih/on,] on the fubjeiSt of his modcft inftraftion to the Crown, in- ferted in the "Daily Journal" of Feb. 27th 1733. From the fecond volume of Burnet's Hiftoiy. [Anon.^ Second edition. 8° Lond. 1734. Oppofition no proof of patriotifm : with fome obfervations and advice concerning party-writings. [y^«o«.] 8° Lond. 1735. Animadverfions on a reverend prelate's [^Shirloci^ remarks upon the bill now depending in parliament, entitled, a bill to prevent fuits for tythes, where none, nor any compofition for the fame, have been paid within a certain number of years. By a member of the Houfe of Commons To whicli are prefix'd the reverend prelate's remarks. [Baron, The pillars of priejlcraft and orthodoxy Jhalcn, iii. 193.] The complaint of the childien of Ifrael, reprefenting their gi'ievances under the penal laws ; and praying that, if the lefts are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this in- dulgence in common with all the other fubjeifts of England : in a letter to a reverend high prieft of the Church by law eftablilhcd. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the houfe of David. [P/W.] [Ibid.'iv. 173.] ARNAUD (Fran(;ois). B. at Aubignon, near Carpentras, 27 July, 1 72 1. Abbe de Grandchamp. D. at Paris, z Dec. 1784. OEuvres complettes. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 1808. Varietes litteiaires ; ou, lecueil de ])iices, tant originales que traduites, concernant la jjhiloiojjhie, la litterature et Ics arts. [Anon.] 4 tom. 12° Paris, 1768-9. [Arnaud was afliftcd in the above work by J. B. A. Suard and otiiers.j ARNAUD (Franqois Thomas Marie de Baculard d'). B. at Paris, 14 Sep. 171S. D. 8 Nov. 1805. CEuvres. 12 tom. 8° Paris, 1803. Q'^uvres diveifes. 3 tom. 12° Berlin, 175 '• The tears of fenfibility ; novels: namely, i. The cruel father. 2. Rofetta ; or, tlie fair penitent rewarded. 3. The rival friends. 4. Sidney and SilJi ; or, the man of benevo- lence and tlie man of gratitude. Tranfi.ited from the French by .lohn Murdocli. 2 vols. 8 Lond. 1773. Delallements de I'homme fenfible ; ou, anecdotes diverfes. 9 tom. 12° Paris, 1783. 204 ARNAUD— ARNAY ARNAUD (Georgius d'). B. at Franeker, l6 Sep. 171 1. Profeflbr of jurifprudence in the univerfity of that town. D. about 1765. De diis rragid^oig, five adfeflbribus et conjunflis, commen- tarius. 8° Hagx-Comitum, 1732- — [PoLENUS, Ulriufque thefauri antiqultatum ... ftipple- menta, ii. 733-] Variarum conjefluranim libri duo ; in quibus paffim jus civile illuftiatur, et plurima juris aliomnique auflorum loca emendantur aut explicantur. 4° Fianequerae, 1738. ARNAUD (Henri). B. at La Tour,in Piedmont, 1641. D. at Schonberg, 1721. The glorious recoveiy by the Vaudois of their valleys ... With a compendious hiftoi-y of that people, previous and fub- fequent to that event, by Hugh Dyke Acland. 8° Lond. 1827. ARNAUDUS (Andreas). A native of Forcalquier, department of the Baffes Alpes. Joci. Hac iterata editione mendx prioris fublatx : multa adjefta, multa abjedta. 12° Avenioni, 1605. ARNAULD (Antoine). B. at Paris, 6 Aug. 1560. D. 29 Dec. 1619. Philippica nomine Univerfitatis Parifienfis, aftricis in Je- fuitas reos, xii. & xiii. Julii, m.d.xciv. Ex Gallico Latina fada. 8° [n. p.] i 594. ARNAULD (Antoine). Son of the preceding, b. at Paris, 8 Feb. 1612. D. at Bruffels, 8 Aug. 1694. CEuvres. 42 tom. 4° Paris, 1775-8 1. Lettre d'un Dodleur de Sorbonne, a une perfonne de con- dition [/c Due de Lhincoiirt :] fur ce qui ell ai'rive depuis peu, dans une paroiffe de Paris, a un feigncur de la Cour. 4° Paris, 1655. Premiere lettre apologetique de Monfieur Arnauld, Doc- teur de Sorbonne, a un evefque ; oil il juftifie fa conduite de- puis le commencement des affemblees de la Faculte de Theo- logie, fur le fujet de fa Lettre, jufqu' a la conclufion de la queftion de fait. 4° [Paris,] 1656. Troifieme lettre apologetique de Monfieur Arnauld, Doc- teur de Sorbonne, a un evefque ; dans laquelle il jullifie la propofition qui a efte cenfuree par ime partie de la Faculte de Theologie. 4° [Paris], 1656. La peqjetuite de la foy de I'Eglife Catholique, touchant I'euchariftie. Avec la refutation de I'ecrit d'un miniihe \_Claiule^ contre ce traite. Divifee en trois parties. [v^«o«.] Cinquieme edition. 12° Paris, 1672. La pei-petuite de la foi de I'Eglife Catholique, touchant reuchanflie,defendue contre le livre du Sieur Claude, niinilbe de Charenton. 6 tom. 4° Paris, 178 1-2. Reflexions philofophiques et theologiques, fur le nouvcau fyfleme de la nature et de la grace. 3 torn. I 2^ Cologne, 1686. La logique ; ou, I'an de penfer, contenant outre les regies communes, plufieurs obfervations nouvelles, propres a former le jugement. [yinon.] Septieme edition. 12° Amfterdam, 1697. — ■[J/wn.] Sixieme edition. 12° Paris, 17 14. Logic ; or, the art of thinking : containing (befides the common rules) many new obfeiTations, that are of great ufe in forming an exaftnefs of judgment . . . \/]iion."\ Done from the new French edition, by Mr. Ozell. 12° Lond. 1723. The Port-Royal logic ; tranflated from the French ; with introduftion, notes and appendix, by Thomas Spencer Baynes, B.A. Second edition. i2°Edinb. 1851. Des vrayes et des faulTes idees ; contre ce qu'enfeigne I'auteui- \^Malebranche\ de la Recherche de la verite. 12° Rouen, 1724. Gramniaire generale et raifonnee . . . \By Claude Lancelot and A. Arnauld.] * L'efprit de Mr. Arnaud ... 1684. [By P. Jurieu.] * Hiftoire de la vie et des ouvrages de M. Arnauld ... 1697. [By P. Quesnel.] * Vie de Meflire A. Arnauld. 1783. [By Noel de Larriere.] ARNAULD (Antoine). Eldeft fon of Robert Arnauld d'Andilly. B. 1616. Entered the army, contrary to the wiihes of his father j but fubfequently became a prieft, and obtained confiderable preferment in the Church. D. 1698. Memoires, contenant quelques anecdotes de la cour de France, depuis 1634 jufqu' a 1675. [Petitot, Colledlon des memoires relatifs a I'hjjloire de France, 2'^'^ ferie, tom. xxxiv.] ARNAULD D'ANDILLY (Robert). Eldeft fon of the elder Antoine Arnaud. B. at Paris, 1589. Held various important appointments at court, but retired, in 1646, to Port-Royal-des-Champs, where he d. 27 Sep. 1674. Memoires. [Petitot, ColleB'ion des memoires relatifs a Vhijloire de France, 2''= ferie, tom. xxxiii., xxxiv.] ARNAULT (Antoine Vincent). B. at Paris, I Jan. 1766. Secretary of the Academie Fran- jaife. D. 16 Sep. 1834. Germanicus : a tragedy in five adts ... Tranflated from the French into blank verfe, by George Bernel, Efq. To which is prefixed an hifliorical account ot Germanicus. 8° Lond. 1817. ARNAULT DE NOBLEVILLE (Louis Daniel). B. at Orleans, 1701. Studied medicine, and pra£lifed as a phyfician among the poor of his native town. His fervices were not only given gratuitoufly, but he fpent annually a large fum upon his patients. D. 1778. Aedonologie ; ou, traite du rolTignol franc ou chanteur ... accompagne de remarques utiles et curieufes fur la nature de cet oifeau ; avec figures. [Anon.^ 8° Paris, 1773. ARNAY (Johannes Rudolphus d'). B. at Milden,in the canton of Berne, 1 7 10. Profeffor of elo- quence and hiftory in the Univerfity of Laufanne, 1734. D. 1766. De la vie privee des Remains. 12° Laufanne, 1757. The private life of the Romans ; wherein feveral of the cufl;onis of modern times are traced to their origin, and many abftrafe paflages in the Latin clafllcs elucidated. Tranflated from the French. Illulhated with notes, hiftorical, critical, and explanatory. 8° Edinb. 1 808. ARNDIUS— ARNISyEUS 205 ARNDIUS (Josua). B. at Guftrow, 9 Sep. 1626. Educated at Roftock, where he was appointed protelTor of" logic, 1653. Removed to Guftrow as parifli miniller, 1656. D. 5 April, 1687. Manuale legum Mofaicarum, in quo catalogus legum ex partitione Judaeorum ot ChrilHanorum, fenfus literalis et myf- tici expofitio ; parallclorum pcrpctua allegatio ; typorum ex N. T. evolutio ; cum jure gentium et civili Romano coUatio ocularis, ac denique canonum atque axiomatum generalium et fpecialium index continentur. 8° Guftrovi, 1666. Lexicon antiquitatum ecclefiafticarum ... 4° Gripfwaldix, 1669. ARNDT (Christian Gottlieb von). Ueber den Urfpi ung und die verfchiedcnartigc Venvandt- fchaft der Euro])airchen Sprachen. Nach Anleitung des Ruflifchen allgeineinen vergleichcnden Worterbuches. Her- aufgegeben von Dr. Job. Ludwig Kliiber. 8" Frankfurt, 18 18. — Wohlfeilere Aufgabe. 8° Frankfurt, 1827. ARNDT (Ernest Moritz). GelftderZeit. 4 Bde. 8' 18 13-18. Arndt's fpirit of the times, tranflated from the German by the Rev. P. W. Being the work for the publication of which the unfortunate Palm, of Erlangen, was facriiiced by Napoleon, the deftroyer; containing hiftorical and political llarlare per fecolari e religiofi opeie diverfe, intorno i. Alia favella nobile d'luilia. 2. Al barbaiifmo e folecifmo, tropi, figure & altre virtil e vitii del parlare. 3. Agli ilili & cloquenza. 4. Alia retorica. 5. All'eloqucnza eccleiialtica. [y/iwn.] 8 tom. 4" Venetia, 1643. Trattatello del Subafiano [P/J-u;/.] intorno alia jiarola Barbaro. [Aromatari, Degli autori del lien parlare, (Jc, ])t. II., at the beginning. | Breve difcorlb del Subafiano [Pfud.] intorno al Barba- rifmo. [Ibid. pt. II. p. I.] Seleifta pauca ad rhetorices naturam attinentia. [Ibid. pt. IV. ton), ii.] ARONE (John). Is everybody rcfi)onfiblc for iiis conduit, and does the lifc 212 ARPE— ARRIANUS and property of the Britifti fubjefls, about 26,000,000 people, depend on the jury, or on a fingle individual ? 8° Lond. 1852. ARPE (Petrus Friuericus). B. at Kiel, 10 May, 16S2. Studied law, and in 1719 was appointed profefTor of public and private law in the Univerfity of Kiel. Refigned, or was difmiffed, 1724. D.4N0V. 1740. Apologia pro Jul. Caefare Vanino, Neapolitano. [Jnon.] 8° Cofmopoli, [Rotterdam,] 17 12. Theatrum fati ; five, notitia fcriptomm de providentia, for- tuna et fato. 8° Roterodami, 1712. Feriae aeftivales ; five, fcriptomm fuoram hiftoria : liber fingularis. 8° Hamburgi, 1726. Themis Cimbrica ; five, de Cimbrorum et vicinainam gen- tium antiquiffimis inftitutis commentarius. 4° Hamburgi, 1737. ARPHE Y VILLEFANE (Joan de). An artirt and filveifmith, b. at Leon, 1535. D. about the beginning of the 17th century. De varia commenfuracion para el efculptura, y architec- tura. fol. Sevila, 1585-7. ARRAIS (DuARTE Madeira). B. at Moimenta, in Portugal. Educated at the Univerfity of Coimbra. Pra£lifed medicine in Lifton, and held the office of phyfician to John IV., King of Portugal. D. at Liihon, 9 July, 1652- Arbor vitx ; or, a phyfical account of the tree of life in the garden of Eden. Tranflated out of the Latine [iy Richard Broiuiie.] A piece ufefiil for divines as well as phyficians. 8° Lond. 1683. ARRAN, Earl of. See James Hamilton, 4th Duke of Hamilton. ARRAS. Synodus Attrebatenfis a Gerardo Cameracenfi et Attre- batenfi epifcopo celebrata anno m.xxv. [d'AcHERius, Spici- leglum, xiii. I .] Gefta de reftitutione epifcopatus Atrebatenfis. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, v. 237.] Varia de rebus Atrebatenfibus. [Ibid. v. 401.] ARRAY. The Commiffion of array arraigned and condemned : or, a declaration of the illegalitie of the faid Commiffion : (hew- ing that it is dellmftive to the late llourifhing kingdome of England, and the fubjedls, efpecially the Commons thereof; and to introduce an arbitrary and tyrannical! government. 4° Lond. 1642. ARRESSE Y ONTIVEROS (Pedro Alexandro de). Modo para vivir etemamente, difcurfo moral, y politico ; y traduccion del admirable mancebo Michael Verino. 4» Madrid, 1 7 i o. ARREST. A letter to her moft gracious Majefty, (hewing the cruelty and inutility of the fyftem of arreft for debt. 8° Lond. 1837. ARRIANUS. B. at Nicomedia, in Bithynia, about the end of the ift cen- tury. Few particulars of his life are known, except that he was a pupil of Epidtetus, and that he was governor of Cappadocia under Hadrian. Opera ; Grjece, ad optimas editiones collata, (ludio Au- gufti Chriftiani Borheck. [Epifleti di(rertationum iv. lib. ; Enchiridion ; fcholia antiqua in Enchiridion et Epidleti dif- fertationum reliquas.] 3 tom. 8° Lemgovix, 1792-18 11. Ts^i!) Tay.rixr,, Exra^i; xar A/.atwv, IIjs/ct/.ouj Tlotrou Eu^iivou, Xli^irrXo-ji Trig Esutlgas QaXaaffris, Kuvnyirixog, E-r/.TYiTou Ey/^iqidiov, rov auro'j a'-ofdiy/i-ara y.ai a.rrijerra.e- .aar/a, a £» ru loiuvtou 2ro£a;oi; Av^oXoyiu, y.ai in raig AyiXkioxi Ayiurrviaig Amxai: ffw^o.asia. Ars taftica, Acies contra Alanos, Periplus Ponti Euxini, Periplus Maris Erythraei, liber de venatione, Eplfteti Enchiridion, ejufdem apophthegmata quae in Joannis Stobsi Florilegio, et in Agellii NocSibus Atticis fuperfunt. Cum intei^pretibus La- tinis et notis. Ex recenfione et mufeo Nicolai Blancardi. [Gr. and Lat.] 8° Amftelodami, 1683. Ajj;aKiK ni(i AXs^avSaou avaSaai'ji;. Arriani De afcenfu Alexandri. [Gr. on/y. Edit'to princeps, edited by V. Trin- cavel/iis.] 8° Venetiis, 1535. nes/ ava^ageu; AXi^avd^ou igTO^ioiv ^lii'/.ia r,. De expe- dit. Alex. Magni hiftoriarum libri viii. Ex Bonavent. Vul- canii . . . noua interpretatione . . . Cum indice copiofiflimo. A lex- andri vita, ex Plut. Eiufdem libri n. de fortuna vel virtute Alexandri. [Gr. and Lot..] fol. [Colonias Allobrogum,] 1575. Ajf/aitiu llsii avaSaeiug AXs^aiSjo^ ierosi'M i3i3/.ia 'Q. Ton a-jTo\j libixa. Arriani De expedit. Alex. Magni hif- toriarum libri VII. Ejufdem Indica. Ex Bonav. Vulcanii ... interpretatione. Nicolaus Blancardus e veteribus libris recenfuit, verfionem Latinam emendavit, o<5lo libros animad- verConum adjecit. [Photii ex Arriani scriptis eclogse ; A. Schotto interprete.] Volumen primum. [Gr. and Lat.'j 8° Amlfelodami, 1668. [No more publilhed.] AvaSaiTiojg AXsJaiojon 3i3/.ia '=~ra- y.ai l^h/.r,. Expe- ditionis Alexandri libri feptem,et Hiftoria Indica; ex Bonav. Vulcanii intei-pretatione Latina ... opera Jacobi Gronovii. \Gr. and Lal.^ fol. Lugduni Batavorum, I 704. Expeditionis Alexandii libri feptem, et Hiftoria Indica ; Graec. et Lat., cum annotationibus et indice Grxco locuple- tiflimo Georgii Raphelii. Accedunt eclogae Photii ad Ar- rianum pertinentes cum ledlionibus variantibus Dav. Hoe- fchelii ... 8' Amftelasdami, 1757. Itioixr,. Hiftoria Indica ; cum Bonav. Vulcanii intei-pre- tatione Latina, permultis locis emendatione. Recenfuit et illuftravit Fridericus Schmieden 8° Halis Magdeburgicis, 1798. Expeditionis Alexandri libri feptem ; recenfiti et notis il- luftrati a Friderico Schraieder. 8° Lipfix, 1798. Excerpta ex Arriano. Extrafts from Arrian's Anabafis. From the text of K. W. Ki-iiger. 8° Lond. 1847. Ponti Euxini et maris Eiythrxi periplus ... nunc primum e Grasco fermone in Latinum verfus, plurimifque mendis re- purgatus. Acceffemnt et fcholia . . . Jo. GuiHelmo Stuckio, Tigurino, authore. Cum gemino indice . . . [G;-. and Lat.^ fol. Genevae, 1577. ARRIANUS— ARSENIUS 213 — [Hudson, Geographic veterts fcriptores, torn, i.] Kunrjyririxr,;. De venatione : Luca Holftenio inteqjrete. [Gr. and Lilt.] 4° Parifiis, 1644. Epicteti qux fuperfunt difTertationcs ab Arriano collc(fl3s:. Recenfuit Joannes Uptonus. [Gr. and LalS\ I 74 I. — Hieronynio Wolfio inteqirete. \Gr. anil Lnl. Epic- TETUS, Enchirhl'wn, edit. 1655, p. 79, edit. 1670.] Arriani Hiftoria de rebus geftis Alexandri Macedonis, e Greco nupertradu(5la. [Arriani Hiftoriade rebus geftis Alex- adri Macedonis [/m//V(;,] Charolo Valgulio Brixiano inter- prete. Charoli Valgulii Brixiani prooemiura in Anianum, rerum Alexandri Macedonis fcriptoreni. Nicolai Perotti in Polybii Hiftoriamm libros procemium : ad Nicolaum Quin- tum, Pontificcm Maximum. Polybii Hiftoriarum libri quin- que : Nicolaus Perottus Pont. Sypontinus e Grsco traduxit. lani Panonii ad diua Faeronia Naiadu Italicanjm principe carmen.] [/>«/.] fol. Bernardinus Venetus, anno a natali Chriftiano, Mcccclxxxxviii. Vcnetiis imjireflit. Hiftory of Alexander's expedition : tranflated from the Greek, with notes hiftorical, geographical and critical ; by Mr. Rooke. To which is prefixed Mr. Le Clerc's criticifm on Quintus Curtius, and fome remarks upon Mr. Perizonius's vindication of that author. [A rrian's Indian hiftory. His account of the divifion of the empire after Alexander's death. Raderus's tables. A catalogue of all authors who have touched on the hiftory of Alexander. A brief chronology and index.] In two volumes, 8° Lond. 1729. La navigatione di Nearcho, capitano di Aleftiindro Magno . . . tradotta di lingua Graeca nella Tofcana. [Ramusio, Na- •vigationi et ■v'laggt, i. 298.] Navigatione del MarRofFofino alle Indie Orientale; fcritta per Arriano in lingua Greca, e di quella poi tradotta nella Italiana. [Ibid. i. 3 ! 5.] Lettera all'Imperador Adiiano, nella quale racconta cio che fi truova navigando d'intorno al Mar Maggiore. [Ibid. ■'■ 137;] Arrian on courfing. The Cynegcticus of the younger Xenophon ; tranflated from theGrcek, with claflical and prac- tical annotations, and a brief flietch of the life and writings of the author. To which is added an appendix, containing fome account of the canes venatici of claflical antiquity. By a graduate of medicine. 8° Lond. 1831. ARRIOLA (Pedro de). Vida prodigiofa de el Rey Anachorcta [San Onofre.] 4° Zarago^a, 1675. ARRIVABENE (Charles). Italy under Viflor Emmanuel : a pei-fonal narrative. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1862. ARRIVABENE (John). An epoch of my life ... with documents, notcs,and fix ori- ginal letters of Silvio Pellico. Tranflated from the original, with notes, by C. Arrivabene. 8° Lond. 1862. ARROWSMITH ( ). The reformation : a comedy. [y/non.J 4° Lond. 1673. ARROWSMITH (Aaron). A grammar of ancient geography. Compiled for the ufe of King's College fchool. 12° Lond. 1832. A geographical dictionary of the Holy Scriptures : includ- ing alfo notices of the chief places and people mentioned in the Apocrypha. 8° Lond. 1855. A compendium of ancient and modern geography, for the ufe of Eton fchool. A new and improved edition, by the Rev. C. G. Nicolay. 8° Lond. 1856. ARROWSMITH (H. W.) The houfe decorator and painter's guide ; containing a feries of defigns for decorating apartments, fuited to the va- rious ftyles of architefture. By H. W. Arrowfmith and A. Arrowfmith. 4= Lond. 1S40. ARROWSMITH (John),D.D. B. at Gatertiead, 29 March, 1602. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge. MinifterofSt. Nicholas' chapel at King's- Lynn. Removed to London, and was a member of the Weft- minfter Aflembly. Mafter of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1644. Mafter of Trinity College, 1653. D. Feb. 1658-9. The Covenant-avenging fword brandifiied : in a fermon before the Honourable Houfe of Commons, at their late fo- lemne faft, Jan. 25. S^Lev'it. xxvi. 25.] 4° Lond. I 643. England's Eben-ezer ; or, ftone of help, fet up in thankfull acknowledgment of the Lord's having helped us hitherto . . . in a fermon preached to both the Honorable Houfes of Par- liament ... upon the late folemne day of thankfgiving, March 12. [i Sam. vii. 12.] 4° Lond. 1645. ARROWSMITH (John Pauncefort). The art of inftrufting the infant deaf and dumb ... To which is annexed the method of educating mutes of a more mature age, which has been praftifed witli fo much fuccefs on the Continent by the Abbe de I'Epee. 8' Lond. I 8 19. ARROWSMITH (William Robson). Reftor of Byton, Herefordfliire, and head mafter of Leomin- fter grammar Ichool. The editor of " Notes and queries" and his friend, Mr. Singer ; or, the qucftionablc credit of that periodical. 8° Lond. 1858. ARSACES. Arfaces: a tragedy. 1775- [.fij' William Hodson.] ARSACIUS. Tranflatio reliquiaram Sandli Arfacii, epifcopi in monaf- teriuni Ilminenfe. [Mabillon, ASa JanQorum O.S.B. 111. i.6.s.] ARSENIUS. Tlorjttxuiriraoiov rotv 'Isfwv ro-ruv ocou iuj/ffxoirai Uf Tr\, (f^fl-y'. ARSENIUS, AUTORIANUS. B. at Cnnrt.intinoplc jbout the beginning of the I 3th century. Gaining the favour of Theodore Lafcarii II , he was riifed by 214 ARSENIUS— ART, ARTIST that prince to the patriarchate of the Eaftern Empire ; but on the acceflion to power of Michael Paleologus, was driven into exile, and d. in the ifland of Proconnefus (now Marmora,) 30 Sep. 1264. Divinonim canonum fynopfis. [Gr. and Lat. Voellus et Juftellus, Bibl'wtheca juris canonlci -veteris, ii. 749.] Teftamentum. [Gr.aiid Lat. Cotelekiv s,Eccle/iaGrac,/a mvTi. risj; hxitiiiuv 2^vjiled by Sir Thomas Malory, Knt. Edited from tlie text of tlie edition of 1 63 4, 2l6 ARTHUR with introduilion and notes by Thomas Wright, Efq., M.A. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1858. [The above are merely different editions of the fame work.] Arthur's knights : an adventure from the legend of the Sangrale. [In verfi.] 8° Edinb. 1838. — Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1859. Arthour and Merlin : a metrical romance. Now firft printed from the Auchinleck MS. [Edited for the Abbotf- ford Club by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU.] 4° Edinb. 1838. * Life. By Jofeph RiTsoN. 1825. ARTHUR, OF Little Britain. See Artus de Bre- taigne. ARTHUR, Prince. * The chriftening of Prince Arthur, fon of Henry VII., with the ceremonies then ufed. [Scott's edition of Somen' Tracts, i. 22.] ARTHUR. Arthur ; or, the pallor of the village : a poem. 1 8 1 8. [By J. L. Knapp.] Arthur ; or, the motherlefs boy. By the author of " Aids to development," "The patriot warrior," " Memorials of two fillers," etc. 12° Lond. [1857.] Arthur; or, the chorifter's reft. 8° Lond. [1861.] ARTHUR ARUNDEL. Arthur Arundel : a tale. 1844. [5y Horace Smith.] ARTHUR BRANDON. Arthur Brandon : a novel. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. ARTHUR CLIFTON. Arthur Clifton : a novel. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1853. ARTHUR CONINGSBY. Arthur Coninglby. 1833. [5y John Sterling.] ARTHUR FRANKLAND. Arthur Frankland ; or, the experiences of a tragic poet : tale. 8° Lond. 1848. ARTHUR GORDON. Arthur Gordon, and other ftories. 8° Lond. 1855. ARTHUR MONTAGUE. Arthur Montague ; or, an only fon at fea. By a flag officer. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1850. ARTHUR WYLDE. Arthur Wylde ; and Holmdale Reftory. By a ftudent of the Inner Temple. 8 Lond. n. d. ARTHUR (Alexander). Minifter of Milton, Glafgow. The millennial Church : or, the end of the world not yet come, but the Millennium already begun : a fermon, preached in Milton church, on Wednefday, 2 ift March, the national faft. [Micah iv. 1 - 5 .] 8° Glafgow, 1855. ARTHUR (Andrew). * Difcourfe addreffed to the Baptift church, Brifto Street, Edinburgh, on the occafion of the death of Mr. Andrew Arthur, one of the paftors of the church. September 1 6, 1855. [Heb. xiii. 7, 8.] 8° Edinb. 1855. ARTHUR (Archibald). B. at Abbot's Inch, Renfrew/hire, 6 Sep. 1744. Educated for the Church, and was appointed chaplain and librarian to the Univerfity of Glafgow. Afliftant to Dr. Thomas Reid, profef- for of moral philofophy, 1780. Succeeded to the profeiTorlhip at the death of Reid, 1796. D. 14 June, 1797. Difcourfes on theological and literary fubjefts ... With an account of fome particulars in his life and charafter, by Wil- liam Richardfon, M.A. 8° Glafgow, 1803. ARTHUR (Edward). Succeflively minifter at Baremoor, at Etal, and at Swalwell, near Newcaftle. Sermons on various fubjedts. 8° Berwick, 1783. ARTHUR (T. S.) Jeffie Hampton. 12° Lond. 1852. Ten nights in a bar-room, and what I faw there. 8° Glafgow, 1855. Advice to young ladies on their duties and condudl in life. 8° Lond. [1855.] The good time coming. 8° Lond. 1856. Jane Hardy ; or, the withered heart. Edited by an Eng- lifh lady. 8° Lond. [1857.] Orange bloflbms : a gift-book for all who have worn, are wearing, or aie likely to wear them. Edited by T. S. Ar- thur. 8° Lond. [1857.] Bell Martin ; an American ftoiy of real life. 8^^ Lond. n. d. The new juvenile ftory book for girls and boys. 8° Lond. n. d. ARTHUR (William), A.M. " Stop the fupplies:" being a report of a fpeech delivered at the thirty-fixth anniverfary of the Wefleyan miffionaiy fo- ciety of the Leeds diftrift, held in Brunfwick chapel, Mon- day, Odt. 29, 1849. 12° Lond. 1849. The fuccefsful merchant : flcetches of the life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, late of Kingfwood Hill. Third edition. S° I^ond. 1852. Has the Conference bioken covenant ? a proteft and a dif- proof, addrefled to Richard Matthews, Efq., in reference to his Letter to the prefident of the conference. Second edi- tion. 8° Lond. 1852. All are living : a difcourfe in proof of the dodlrine, that the foul, while fepai-ated from the body, is confcioufly alive. Preached at Liverpool-road chapel, Iflington, on Sunday, Feb. 20th, 1853, on the occafion of the death of Anne, wife of the Rev. Dr. Beecham. [Luke xx. 38.] 8° Lond. 1853. "The people's day:" an appeal to the Rt. Hon. Lord ARTICLES — ARTOPCEUS 217 Stanley, M.P., agninft his advocacy of a French Sunday. Fifth edition. 8° Lond. iti55- 'I'he duty of giving away a ftated ])ortion of our income : an addiefs delivered in the Viftoria hall, Belfaft ... a" Lond. 1855. The tongue of lire ; or, the tme power of Chriftianity. 8° Lond. 1856. What is Fiji, the fovereignty of which is offered to Her Majerty? Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. May we hope for a great revival? S" Lond. 1859. The convcrfion of all England. 8° Lond. 1859. Itidy in tranfition : ])ublic fcencs and private opinions in the fpring of i860 ; illuftrated by official documents from the Papal archives of the revolted Legations. 8° Lond. i860. ARTICLES. Articles againft the Lord Mandevill, Mr. John Pym, Mr. Donzell HoUis, Sir Arthur Hazlerig, Mr. Hambden, and Mr. Strowd. With his Majefties fpeech to the Houfe of Commons, Jan. 4, 1641. Alfo the French and Spanifti fleet arrived at Ireland, for the affiftance of the rebels there . . . 4° Lond. 1642. Articles touching navigation and commerce, between the moft ferene and mighty prince Charles II. ... and the high and mighty Lords the States General of the United Nether- lands, concluded the j-]-. day of July, 166". 4° Edinb. 1667. Rejefted articles ... 1826. [By P. G. Patmore.] ARTICLES OF RELIGION. Articuli, de quibus convenit inter archiepifcopos et epif- copos utriufquc provinciae, et clerum univerfum in fynodo, Londini An.Dom. I 562,iecundumcomputationem Ecclefioe Anglicanx, ad tollendam opiniouum dilfentioneni, 5c confen- fum in vera religione firmandum. 4" Lond. 157 I. Articles, whereupon it was agreed by the archbifliops and bifhops of both provinces ... [yJ Inwjlcit'ioii of the fort-going.^ 4 Lond. 16 I 2. — Another edition. Reprinted by His MajelHes com- mandment, with his royal declaration prefixed thereunto. 4° Lond. 1683. — Another edition. 4» Lond. 1686. Articles of religion, agreed upon by the archbidiojis, and bifliops, and the red of the clergie of Ireland, in the convo- cation holden at Dublin in the yeare of our Lord God I f) i 5, for the auoyding of diucrfities of opinions,and the eftabllfliing of concent touching true religion. 4° Lond. 1629. A critical elTiy on the third article of the Church of Eng- land, concerning Chrift's defcent into hell. Wherein feveral expofitions of it are refuted ; the local defcent afl'erted ; the objeflions againft it anfwered ; and the end and defign of it cnquir'd into. 8° Lond. 1713. A di/Tertation on the xviith article of the Church of Eng- land ... 1773. [^_)' Thomas Winchester.] The articles conftrued by thenifelves. I 84 1. [By Robert Lowe.] Is the doiftrine of the thii ty-feventh article of the Cliurch of England, confident with the teaching of tlie jirimitive Church?... 12° Lond. 1851. VOL. I. Articles for the times. By a Catholic prieft. No. I. Remarks on Trad 90, Francis a Sanifta Clara, Newman, Sibtliorp, Wifeman, Palmer. 8° Lond. 1 843. Arucles to be enquired in the vifitation, in the firft yeare of the raigne of our niofte diead Soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth. 4° Lond. I 591. Articuli Lambethani ; id eft, I. Articulorum Lambethx exhibitoiTim hiftoria. II. Articuli de praedeftinatione etan- nexis capitibus a D. Whitakero Lambethx propoCti. HI. lidem prout ab epifcopis theologifque concept! et admiffi. IV. Lanceloti And] ewes, ^-su rravj Wintonienfis epifcopi, de Synodo oblatis articulis judicium ; una cum ejufdem Cenfura cenfuroe D. Baneti, de certitudine falutis. Quibus annexa eft, V. Sententia D. Overal, theologiac in Academia Canta- brigienfi profefToiis olim Regii, de praedeftinatione tmi toi; i^o/j,ivois. 12° Lond. 165 I. ARTIGA (Francisco Joseph). A SpaniOi painter, engraver, matlieniatician, and architedt. B. at Hucfca about the middle of the 17th centur)'. D. I 71 1. Epitome de la eloquencia Efpanola : arte de difcurrir, y hablar con agudeza y elegancia, en todo genero de aflumptos, de orar,predicar,arguir, convei'far, componer embaxadas, car- tas, y recados. Con chiftes, que previenen las faltas, y ex- emplos, que mueftran los aciertos. 8° Barcelona, 1750. ARTILLERY. The Royal artilleiy ; a few remarks on its deficiency and ineflSciency. By an officer of the coips. 8° Lond. 1849. The Royal military academy, and tlie artillery and engi- neer fervices. 8° Lond. 1855. The Royal artilleiy. 8° Lond. 1855. The manual of artillery exercifcs. Horfe Guards, ift January, i86o. Pocket edition. 8° Lond. i860. ARTIZAN. The artizan : a monthly journal of the operative arts. Edited by the Artizan Club. Vols. I.-III., V., VII.-XX. 4° Lond. 1844-62. ARTOIS. Les coutumes generales du pays et Comte d'Artois, de- cretees. Avec celles de I'Echevinagc d' Arras, des Baillages de S. Omer, Bethune, Aire, Leus, Bapaume, Hefdin, Comtt} de S. Pol. du pays de Lallcu, & du Baillage de Lillers ... 8° Arras, 1679. ARTOMEDES (Skbastianus). B. at Lant^cn-Zcnna, in Francon'ia, 1544. Educated at Wit- tenberg for the Lutheran Church. D. 11 Sep. 1602. Pocmata. [Gruter, Dtllt'ta podarum Germimoruniy i. 395-] ARTOPOi^US (Joannes Christophorus). B. at Stralbourg, i6l6. ProfclTor of poctiy in the gymn.ifium at Stralbourg, and afterwards profcHor of rhctoiic in the univcr- fity there. U. II June, 1702. Succinfla comment^itio de fummis imperiis, quae, ab orbc condito, inter civiliorea gentes extitere, eorumque hiccellione. AccelTerunt ejufd. dilfeitaliones qua-darn ad banc niatejiam fpeflantcs. 4° Argcntorati, 1 700. 2 F 2l8 ARTST— ARZE ARTST (Joannes Christophorus). DifTertatio de lachrymis Chrifti, ad Luc. xix. 4 1 . [Men- THENius, Thefaurus theologico-philolog'tcus , ii. 330.] ARTUS DE Bretaigne. Des mei-veilleux faids du preux et vaillant Chevalier Artus de Bietaigne ; et des grandes adventures oil il f'eft trouve en fon temps. 4° Paris, 1584. The hiftory of the valiant knight Arthur of Little Britain : a romance of chivalry, originally tranflated from the French, by John Bourchier, Lord Berners. A new edition ; with a feries of plates, from illuminated drawings contained in a valuable MS. of the original romance. 4° Lond. 1814. ARUM^US (DoMiNicus). B. at Leeuwarden, I 579. Proteflbr of jurifprudence at Jena. D. there while delivering a le Bologna, 1642. ASSASSINS. The adulfins of the paradife ... 1831. [By B. E. Pote.] ASSAULTS. A letter to the Right Hon. Robert Pcel, on the prefent ftate of the law with rcfpeft to aflliults. [Pamphleteer, xxvi. 459.] ASSEMANUS (Josephus Alovsius). B. at Tripoli, in Syria, about 17 10. Profcflbr of Syriac at Rome. D. there, 9 Feb. 1781. Commcntarius theologico-canonico-criticus dc ccclefiis 2 C 226 ASSEMANUS— ASSHETON earumque reveientia et afylo, atque concordia fiiceidotii et imperii. AccefTei-unt traftatus . . . Jofcphi de Bonis de ora- toriis publicis, ac Fortunati a Biixia de oratoriis domelHcis in fupplementum celebeirimi opens Joannis Baptiftx Gattico de oratoriis domefticis et ufu altaiis portatilis. fol. Romae, 1766. ASSEMANUS (Josephus Simonius). B. at Tripoli, in Syria, 1687. Educated at Rome, where he greatly diftinguiflied himielf. Sent by the Pope to Syria and Egypt to coUeft Oriental manuicripts, and on his return was appointed keeper of the library of the Vatican. D. 13 Jan. 1768. Bibliotlieca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, in qua nianu- fcriptos codices Syriacos, Arabicos, Perficos, Turcicos, He- braicos, Samaiitanos, Armenicos, jEthiopicos, Grxcos, jEgyptiacos, Ibericos, et Malabaricos, julTu et munificcntia dementis XI. ... e.K Oriente conquifitos, comparatos, avec- tos, et blbliothecx Vatican^ addiftos recenfuit, digeflit, et genuin.i fcripta a fpuriis fecrevit, addita fingulomm audloiiim vita J. S. Aflemanus ... auflor. 4 torn. fol. Romas, 1719-28. Oratio de eligendo fummo Pontifice, ad E.mos et R.mos Principes S.R.E. Cardinales habita, in SS. Bafilica Vati- cana ; die iS Febinarii, 1740. 4° Romse, 1740. Italics hiftorix fcriptores, ex bibliothecx Vaticanx, ali- arumque infignium bibliothecarum.manufcriptis codicibus col- legit, et prxtationibus, notifque illuftravit J. S. Aflemanus. 4 torn. 4° Romas, 1751-3. Kalendaria ecclefis univerfs, in quibus, tum ex v^^tuftis marmoribus, tum ex codicibus, tabulls, parietinis, pi(!^is, fcrip- tis, fcalptifve, fanc'toiiim nomina, imagines, et fe(H per annum dies Ecclefiarum orientis et occidentis, prxmiffis uniufcujuf- que Ecclefix originibus, recenfentur, defcribuntur, notifque illuftrantur. 6 torn. 4° Romx, 1755. ASSEMBLY. The General Aflembly of the Church of Scotland. See Scotland. The Aflembly of divines at Weftminfter. See West- minster. ASSEMBLY. A letter from a gentleman in the countiy, to his fiiend in the city : with an anfwer thereto, concerning the new Edin- burgh [i^iirictrig'^ aflembly. 8 Edinb. 1723. ASSENT. The " aflent and confent : " what does it imply and in- volve ? what is my pofition ? what is my duty ? By an Irifli clergyman. 8° Lond. i860. ASSER, Menevensis. A monk of the Benediftine monaftery at St. David's, and afterwards bilhop of Sherborne. D. according to the Saxon Chronicle, 910. iElfredi regis res geftas [in /Inglo-Saxon charaSer ; edited by ^rcMi/Jjop Peirier.] fol. n. p. [l 574.] Annales rcrum geftai-um iEIfredi Magni ... recenfuit Fran- cifcus Wife, A.M. ... [Parkeri prasfatio. De vita et fcriptis Aflerii. Teftamentum jElfredi regis. .^Ifredi prasfatio ad Paftorale Sanili Gregorii. Chronologia vita: regis JEl- fredi, ex appendice ad Vitam iElfredi a D. Joh. Spelmanno, Anglice primo confcriptam ... 1678. Teftimonia de JK\- fredo rege ex Floribus hiftoriae ecclefiafticEe Nicolai Smith ... Epiftola Fulconis, Rhemorum archiepifcopi, ad jElfredum regem e vetufto cod. MS. penes ... The. Ford ... Apologia Aflerii Camdeniani ; five, claufulas de difcordia inter Grim- baldum et veteres fcholafticos Oxonienfes, a.d. 886 ... ad- verfus quorandam dofliflimomm viromm objeftationes vin- dicatio.] 8° Oxonii, 1722. — [William Camden, ^nglica, Hibemica, etc., p. i.] Annals of the exploits of Alfied the Great [edited and tranflated by the Rev. Jofeph Stevenfon, M.A.] [Jofeph Stevenson, Church hijlorians of England, ii. 441.] Chronicon Fani Sandti Neoti ; five, Annales Joan. Aflierii, ut nonnuUis vidctur (b.c. 60 — A.D. 914). [Thomas Gale, Hijloriie BritanniciB, etc., fcriptores quindecim, p. 1 4 1 .] ASSER (.John). Communications to T. G. Bramfton, Efq., M.P., and members of both Houfes, for preventing frauds to the raauu- faiflurers and growers of wheat. 8° Lond. 1S30. A letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl Winchelfea, practi- cally proving the imjjortance of a gradual drawback being eftabliflied upon foreign wheat ... 8° Lond. 1845. ASSER (LuDovicus). Specimen juridicum inaugurale, de matrimonio, fecundum novum codicem Belgicum ... 8° Lugd. Bat. 1823. ASSES. New fermons to afles ... 1773. [By James Murray.] The rights of afles : a poem. 8° Edinb. 1792. ASSEY (Charles). On tlie trade to China, and the Indian Archipelago ; with obfervations on the infecurity of the Britifli interefts in that quarter. 8° Lond. 1819. — [Pamphleteer, xiv. 5 i 5.] ASSHETON (William), M.A. B. 1641. Chaplain to the Duke of Ormond, and incumbent of St. Antholin, London. Reilor of Beckenham, Kent, 1676. D. there, 1711. Toleration difapprov'd and condemn'd by the authority, and convincing teafons of I. The wife and learned King James, and his privy Council, anno reg. 2 do. II. The honourable Commons afli;mbled in this prefent Pailiament in their votes &c. Feb. 25, 1662. III. The preflsyterian minifters in the city of London met at Sion CoUedge, De- cemb. 18, 1645. IV. Twenty eminent divines ... in their fermons before the two houfes ot Pari, on folemn occafions. 40 Oxford, 1670. — The fecond edition, correfted and enlarged, with an additional preface, wherein the nature of peifecution in gene- rail, and the unjuft complaints of the difl"enting parties con- cerning it in particular, are diftinftly confidered. 4° O.xford, 1670. ASSIENTO— ASSOCIATION 227 The royal apology : or, an anfwer to the Rebels plea : wherein, the moft noted anti-monarchical tenents, futt. pub- lifhed by Doleman [R. Parfons\ the Jefuite, to promote a bill of exclufion againft King James ; fecondly, praflifed by Bradfhaw and the regicides in the aiflual murderof K. Charles the lit.; thirdly, republilhed by Sidney and the Aflociators to depofe and murder his piefent Majefty, are diftinctly con- fider'd. With a parallel between Doleman, Bradlhaw, Sid- ney, and other of tiie tiue-proteftant ])arty. [^non.] 4° Lond. 1684. A theological difcourfe of laft wills and teftaments 8° Lond. 1 696. A fiill account of the rife, progrefs, and advantages of Dr. Afflicton's propofal (as now manag'd by the worlhipful com- pany of mercers, London,) for the benefit of widows of clergymen, and others ; by fettling jointures and annuities at the rate of twenty per cent. 8^ Lond. 1724. ASSIENTO. The Affiento, or contrail for allowing to the fubjcdls of Great Britain the liberty of importing negroes into the S])anirti America. Signed by tlie Catholick King at Madrid, the twenty-fixth day of March, 17 13. 4° Lond. 17 13. An anfwer to a calumny : with fome remarks upon an anonimous pamphlet, addreff'd to his Grace the Duke of Newcaftle, entitled, Some obfci^ations on the Affiento trade, as it has been exercifcd by the South-Sea company, &c. Whereby the damage which has, or is likely to accrue theieby to the Britifh commerce and plantations, and particularly to Jamaica, is alfo confidered. In two parts. By tlie faftor to the So\ith-Sea Company, at whom the calumny was aimed. 8° Lond. 1728. A defence of the ObfeiTations on the AiTiento trade, as it hath been exercifed by the South-Sea company, &c. In two parts. I. In relation to the controverfy. II. In relation to the queries whicii were publifhed in the Craftfman, and other afperfions on the author of the Obfervations on the Affiento trade, as well as on the Idand of Jamaica. By the author of the Obfervations on the Affiento trade. 8° Lond. 1728. ASSIGNY (Marius d'), B.D. B. 1643. Educated at Cambridge, and became a clergyman of the Church of England. D. 14 Nov. 1717. Two treatifes : one of the curiofities of old Rome ... the othercontainingthcmoftremaikablehieroglyphicksof iEgypt. 1672. [P. Gautruche, Poetical bijlor'us, cfc] Rhetorica Anglorum, vel cxercitationes oratoria; in rhe- toricam facram ct communem ; quibus adjiciuntur quxdam regulx ad imbecilies mcmorias corroborandas ... I 2° Lontl. 1699. The liillory of the earls and earldom of Flanders, trom the firfl: cllabliffiment of that fovcrcignty to the death of the late King Charles II. of Spain ... To which is prefix'd, a general furvey of Flanders, illuftrated with the mod exadl and curious ma]) that was ever yet made of that country. 8° Lond. I 701. The art of memory : a trcatife ufefiil for all, tfpecially fuch as are to fpcak in publick. The fecond edition. 8° Edinb. n. d. ASSIO (Franciscus de). Confilium. [Zilettus, Matrimoniali confilta, i. 2.] ASSIZE BALL. The aflize ball : or, Lucy of the moor, [^cr/ir.] 8° Lond. 1820. ASSO Y DEL RIO (Ignacio Jordan de). A Spanifh lawyer and naturalifl. Inftituciones del derecho civil de Caftilla, por los Doc- tores Don Ignacio Jordan de Aflb y del Rio, y Don Miguel de Manuel y Rodriguez. 4° Madrid, 1 7 7 i . — Another edition. Tranflated from the Spaniffi, with notes, an appendix and index, by Lewis F. C. Johnfton, Efq. 8° Lond. 1825. El ordenamiento de leyes, que D. Alfonfo XI. hizo en las Cones de Alcala de Henares el ano de mil trefcientos y quarenta y ocho. Publican lo con notas, y un difcurfo fobre el edado, y condicion de los Indios en Efpana, los Doftores D. Ignacio Jordan de Aflb y del Rio, y D. Miguel de Manuel y Rodiiguez. fol. Madrid, 1774. ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERY AND SYNOD. Adl of the Affbciate preffaytery, finding and declaring, that the prefent judicatures of this national Church are not lawful nor right conlHtute courts of Chrill . . . 8° [Edinb. 1739.] Afts of the Affbciate prefbytery ; viz. I. A(5t concern- ing the doftiine of grace ; wherein the faid dodrine, as re- vealed in the Holy Scriptures, and, agreeably thereto, fet forth in our Confeffion of Faith and Catechifms, is afferted, and vindicated from the errors vented and publifiied in fome aits of the Aflemblies of this Church, parted in prejudice of the fame. II. Aft for renewing the National Covenant of Scotland, and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three nations, in a way and manner agreeable to our prefent fitua- tion and circumllances in this period. 8° Edinb. 1744. Anfwers by tlie Affbciate prefliytery, to Reafons of dif- fent, given in to the faid prelbytery, at Stirling, December 23, 1742 ; as alfo, the Reprefentation and petition diftated to their clerk, and reafons of diflent and feceflion given in to them at Edinburgh, February 3, 1743 ; by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Nairn, miniffer of the gofpel at Abbotffiall. Together with a declaration and defence of the Affbciate preffjytery's principles anent the prefent civil government. 8° Edinb. 1744. The formula of queftions, which are put to minillers at their ordination, to probationers at receiving their licence, and to elders at their ordination ; by the prelbyteries and felfions in fubordination to the Affbciate fynod. To which is an- nexed a colledion of feveral ads palFed by the Affociate fynod. 8° Edinb. 1760. Teffimony of the United Affbciatcd fynod of the Secef- fion Church. In two parts, hillorical and doiflrinal. Fourth edition. 12^ Edinb. n. d. ASSOCIATION. The new affbciation, of ihofc c.illcd moderate Chuich- men. 1705. [/fy Charles Leslie.] 228 ASSONLEVILLA— ASTLE Remarks upon the new projeft of aflbciation : in a letter to a friend. 1 680. [Scoll's eclition of Somers' Tr\cts, \'ni. 303-] The afTociation, agreement, and pioteftation, of the coun- ties of Somerset, Dorfet, Cornwall, and Devon. 1644. A time copy of the inftrument of aflbciation, that the Proteftants of England entered into, in the twenty-feventh year of Queen Elifabetli, againft a popifli confpiracy ... 1695. [Har/eian Miscellany, vii. 1 2 4.] Aflbciation begun to be fubfcribed at Edinburgh, April 10, 1696. S. Sh. Edinb. 1696. The folly and danger of the prefent aflbciations demon- ftj-ated : with fome propofals for rendring that zeal for liberty, which appears in all ranks of peo])le, of real ufe and advan- tage to the public. By a citizen of Weftminfter. 8° Lond. I 745. Secret aflbciations : a novel. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1842. ASSONLEVILLA (Gulielmus ab), Dominus de Bouchault. B. at Arras, 1564, D. 9 June, 1597. Atheomaftix ; five, adverfus religioiiis hoftes univei-fos (politicos maxime) diflbrtatio. 8^ Antveqiix, 1598. * Funus G. Aflbnlevillii a variis adoraatum. Curator Leo Meyerus. 1599- ASSURANCE. The charitable fociety of pei'petual infurers, on lives, of men, women, and children, for raifing provifion for pofterity equal to an eflate of inheritance, at an inconfiderable expence, upon a veiy good foundation and unqueftionable fecurity . . . I 2° Lond. 17 I 4. The charter of the coqwration of the Amicable fociety for a peqietual aflurance-ofHce ; together with the by-laws thereunto belonging. Alfo, an account of the numbers that have died each year, and the fums of the yearly dividends that have been paid. 8° Lond. 17 16. Defeds in the praflice of life aflurance, and fuggeftions for their remedy, with obfen'ations on the ufes and advantages of life aflurance, and the conftitution of oflices. 8° Lond. n. d. Popular view of life afibrance. 8° Lond. 1S40. Medical combinations againft life infurance companies. 8° Lond. 1 85 I. Indifputability difputed : a review of the profeiTions and praftices of certain modern life offices. By a Tjmplar. 8" Lond. 1852. Eflay on the nature, advantages, and duty, of life aflur- ance. By a barrifter. 12° Lond. 1852. Scotch life affurance and Scotch life offices. 8° Lond. 1S57. The afliirance magazine. Vols. L-IX. 8° Lond. 185 1-6 1. The hand book of aflurance, with hints, legal and pradli- cal, and charafteriftics of every company. By a folicitor. 12° Lond. 1856. The manual of life aflurance and almanack for 1862 : a complete work of inftraflive reference for the public ; efpe- cially for ftatefmen, magiftrates, bankers, folicitors; directors, managers, or agents of affurance offices, and favings banks ... 8° Lond. AST (Georg Anton Friedrich). B. at Gotha, 1778. Profeffor of claflical literature at Landf- hut and at Munich. D. 1841. Obfervationes in Propertii carmina, et in elegiam ad Li- viam Augaftam. Acceffit F. Jacobs epiftola ad auftorem. 8° Gothas, 1799. Grandrifs der Philologie. 8° Landfliut, 1808. Grundlinien der Gramniatik, Hermeneutik und Kritik. 8° Landflmt, 1808. Zeitfchrift fiir Wiffenfchaft und Kunft : heraufgegeben von Friediich Aft. 2 Bde. 8° Landffiut, 1808-10. Platon's Leben und Schriften. Ein Verfuch, im Leben wie in den Schriften des Platon, das Wahre und Aechte vom Erdichteten und Untergefchobenen zu fcheiden, und die Zeitfolge der achten Gefprache zu beftimmen. 8° Leipzig, iS 16. ASTE (Franciscus Maria de). B. at Naples, 23 Aug. 1654. Archbifliop of Otranto. D. there, 1719. In memorabiiibus Hydruntinoe ecclefias epitome, in duas partes partita. TGr/Evius, Thefaurus antiqultatum et hj/lori- arum Italia; torn. ix. pt. 8.] ASTERIUS. A native, it is believed, of Antioch, where he was educated. Biihop of Amafia, in Pontus, at the end of the 4th century and beginning of the 5th. Homilias. \^Max. B'lblhtheca -ueterum Patrum, v. 807.] — [Prosper Aquitanus, Opera, edit. B;iffani, 17S2, torn, ii.] — [Rainaudus, Heptas prufulum Chr'ijliana, p. 822.] Laudatio fanfti protomaityris Stephani. [Ibid. p. 861.] HomiJia; in Pfalmos v. vi. et vii. \Gr. and Lat. Cote- LERius, Ecclejtit Grxcx monumctita, ii. I.] ASTERIUS (Justus). Pfeud. 0/ Joannes Stella. ASTERIUS (TuRcius Ruffus). SeeTvKcivi. ASTESANUS (Antonius). B. at Afti, 141 2. Secretary to the Duice of Orleans. The particulars of his life are not known. Carmen de varietate fortune ; five, de vita fua, et geftis civium Aftenfium ab origine urbis ufque ad annum 1342 ... [MuRATORi, Rerum Ital'icarum fcnptores, xiv. 1005.] ASTI (DoNATO Antonio d'). Advocate in the fupreme court of Naples. Flourifhed in the former half of the 18th century. Dell' ufo, e autoritk della ragion civile de' Romani, nelle provincie dell' imperio occidentale, dal di che furono inon- date da' barbari fino a Lotario II. 2 tom. 8° Napoli, 175 I. ASTLE (Thomas). B. at Yoxall, Staffordlhire, about 1734. Sfjdied for the legal profeflion, which, however, he foon relinquiflied. Appointed chief clerk of the Record office in the Tower, and afterwards keeper of the records. D. i Dec. 1803. Conjeftural obfervations on the origin and progrefs of alphabetic writing. 8° Lond. 1772. ASTLEY— ASTROLOGY 229 The origin and progrefs of writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, illullratcd by engravings taken from marbles, manufcripts, and charters, ancient and modern ; alfo fome account of the origin and jjrogrefs of printing. 4° Lond. 1784. ASTLEY (Charles Tamberlane), M.A. Vicar of Margate. Songs in the night : confifting of tranflations from the German, original hymns, meditations, and metrical verfions of fome few of the Pfalms. 8° Lond. i860. ASTOLFI (Giovanni Felice). B. at Bologna towards the end of the i6th century. Delia officina hiftorica . . . libri quattro ; nella quale fi fpiegano cfTempi notabiliiTimi, antichi e modcrni, a viitil ed a difFetto pertinent! ... con un'aggiunta ... Aggiunteui nel fine le Notitie del mondo di Lucio Ampelio ... 4'^ Venetia, 1659. ASTON (Claude). They are only coufins : a novel. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1855. ASTON (George). Tables (hewing the income tax of fourteen jience in tlie pound, or£5, 1 6s. 8d. per cent, on fums varying from is.6d. to £ 1 ,000,000 ; with additional tables applicable to the rates often pence and fevcn pence in the pound. By George and Jofeph K. Afton. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1855. Tables fhowing the income tax of five pence in the pound, or £2, IS. 8d. per cent., on fums varying from 4s. to £1,000,000 ; with additional tables applicable to the rates of "jd., IS. 2d., and is. 4d. in the pound. By George and .lofeph K. Afton. 8° Lond. 1858. Income tax tables at the three fevcral rates of thirteen pence, eight pence, and nine pence in the pound, on fums varying from is. yd. to £1,000,000; with fclicdules of former rates and of the adts of parliament. By George and Jofeph K. Alton. 8° Lond. 1859. ASTON (James). Pomjieii, and other poems ; to which is added, a differ- tation on Lord Byron. By James and Edward Alton. 12° Lond. 182S. ASTON (James J.) The law of jiauper lunacy, and pau])er lunatic afylums ... with an appendix, cont;iining the criminal lunatic adls, rules for the fele(5lion of files of afylums, and for their govern- ment, and forms of treafurers' accounts. 1 2° Lond. 1 849. The jurifdiiflion, pra(5lice, and proceedings of the Court of Chancei-y of the county palatine of Lancafter, as affeded by the recent ftatute, and orders lelating tliereto. With an appendix containing the new adl, the new orders, the new table of fees and colls, and the rules of Sept. mdccxci. 8° Lond. 1852. ASTON (Joseph). Confciencc : a tragedy, in five afls. 8' Lond. 1815. A piftui e of Manchefler. i 2 ^ Mancheller, 1816. ASTON (Sir Thomas). B. about the beginning of the 17th century. High Sheriff of Cheihire, 1635. Took up arms on the Royalift fide, but was defeated and taken prifoner j and having been wounded in at- tempting to efcapc, d. of fever, 24 March, 1645-6. A remonllrance againft Prcfbltery, exhibited by divers of the nobilitie, gcntrie, minifters and inhabitants of the county palatine of Ciicfter, witii the motives of that remonftrance. Together with a flrort furvey of the prefbyterian difciplinc, &c. 4° [Lond.] 1 64 1. ASTON HALL. Afton hall and park company limited : report of the in- veftigation committee, appointed by the Ihareholders at the annual meeting, Mai'ch 28th, i860. 8° Birmingham, i860. ASTORGA. Eftatutos de la Sociedad economica de Aftorga dc los amigos del pais. 8"" Madiid, 1782. ASTORIUS ^Joannes Antonius). An Italian antiquary and mifccllaneous writer, b. at Venice, 1672. Entering the Church, he became tutor in the family of the Giuftiniani, on leaving whom he went to Padua. Return- ing to Venice, he obtained a pcnfion from the Giufliniani, be- fides ecclcfiaftical preferment from the Venetian authorities. D. 1743. Epiflola de Deo Brotonte ad ... Apoftolum Zenum. [Sallengre, Novus ihcfaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, ii. 769-] Commentarioluni in antiquum Alcmanis, poets Laconis, monumentum, allatum e Grxcia. [Ibid. ii. 781.] Diflertatio de Diis Cabiris. [Polenus, Utriiifque ihefaurt anhiju'itatum ... fuppkmmta, ii. 872.] ASTOR LIBRARY. Annual rejiort of the truftecs of the Aftor library ; made to the Legiflature, January 26, 1854. 8° Albany, 1854. — for the year 1854. 8'' Albany, 1855. ASTRAMPSYCHUS. A Greek writer, of whom nothing certain is known. Ai77-fa,a-\}/Kyou ove/»oxwr;y.a, xar' aX^aZ.r,T .John Brown.] Athelftan : a poem. 8° Lond. 1862. ATHENXUM. Athenaum : hunianiftifche Zeitfchrift, heraufgegeben von Friedrich Giinther und U. Wilhelm Wachfmuth. 3 Bde. 8° Halle, 1816-18. The Athenaeum. London literary and critical journal. 4° Lond. 1828-62. ATHENAUM CLUB. Rules and regulations for the government of the Athe- naeum, [/or] 1842, 1844, 1846, 1848, 1850. 12° Lond. A catalogue of the library of the Athenaeum. 8° Lond. 1845. A fupplement to the catalogue ... With a claflified index of fubjedts. 8° Lond. 1 8 5 i . ATHEN^US. B. at Naucratis, in the Delta of Egypt. Went to Rome, but the events of his life arc not known. He flouriftied in the former half of the 3d century. Athenaeus. .'\t)jjia/oii AiivtoeofidTOu rriv rroy-u/j-aDsararriV ';rpot,y/j,a,riiav vuii i^iUTi eoi p/XoXoye fiix^du T^ia/iivifi rroXXut n xai /jjiyaXuv xai a^ioiJ,vrifj,otivr(iiv xai (Jau.aaffrwv xai -jroixiXiuv xai haioa'htav xai yXuif-jc^uv xai ojv laiuc T^OT:;0i oux fioiic, ic yiuan s'/.Onv ... [Edited by Aldus Pius Manu- tius, and AI. Mufunis. Gr. only. Editio princeps.^ fol. Venetii.s, apud Aldum et Andrcani focerum, 1514. AiiTvodoOid'rai. Deipnofophiihiruni libri quiiidecim ; ex optimis codicibus, nunc primum collatis, eniend.ivit .ac fupple- vit nova Latina verfione et animadverfionibus, cum Is. Ca- fauboni aliorunique, turn fuis, illullravit, commodifque indici- bus infiruxit .lohanncs Scliwiigh.rulcr ... [Gr. and I.al.^ I 4 tom. 8" Argentor.ui, 1801-7. [The volumes containing the text and Lat. verfion arc numbered I.-V. 1801-5; thofe containing the annotations, &c., I. -IX. 1801 -.| 232 ATHEN^US— ATHOLL FAMILY Athenaeus, ex recenfione Gulielmi Dindorfii. 3 torn. 8° Lipfix, 1827. Ez Tou /3' ruv ASrivaiou AtiTvoeixpigTOjv jSijS'Aiou trso; iBariiiii Trim %ai y.^rivav. [Aristotelis et Theophrajli fcripta qua- darn, ^. 1+7; edit. 1557.] AiiTvoffopirrT'jiv ^ijiXia mvriy.aiOBy.a. Deipnofophiftarunn llbri quindecim ; cum Jacobl Dalechampii . . . Latina ver- lione ; necnon eiufdem adnotationibus et emendationibus, ad operis calcem reiedis. Editio poftrema juxta Ifaaci Cafau- boni recenfionem adornata, additis margini eiufdem variis leftionibus et coniefluris ... cum indicibus ... [Gr. and Lat.^ fol. Lugduni, 1657. Les quinze livres des Deipnofophifles ... ouvrage deli- cieux ... traduit pour la premiere fois en Fran5ois, fans avoir jamais efte en quelque langue vulgaire que ce foit fur le Grec original, apres le verfions Latines de Natalis Comes de Padouc, et de Jacques d'Alechamp de Caen, medecin fa- meux. [By Michel de A'Taro/ks.'] 4° Pans, 1680. Banquet des favans ; traduit, tant fur les textes imprimes, que fur plufieurs manufcrits, par M. Lefebure de Villebioine. 5 torn. 4° Paris, 1789-92. The Deipnofophifts, or banquet of the learned. Literally tranflated by C. D. Yonge, B.A. With an appendix of poetical fragments rendered into Englifh verfe by various authors, and a general index. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1854. *■ Additamenta animadverfionum in Athensi Deipnofo- phiftas ; audlore Friderico Jacobs. 1S09. ATHENiEUS Mechanicus. A Greek writer on military engines, of whom nothing certain is known. IIso/ iLriyjt.rfi!LaTijn. De machinis. [Mathematici Ve- teres. Paris, 1693.] ATHENAGORAS. A Greek philofopher and convert to Chriftjanity, who lived in the 2d century. Tou £» ayioi; ^rar^o; rjfjLWJ Al^Jivayogoti ASrjvaiov tpikoso(poi) 'QjiC^nij.itu.. S. patris Athenagoras ... opera ... \Gr, and /.«/.] 12° Oxonii, 1682. Apologia vel legatio pro Chriftianis. — De mortuonim re- furreflione. \Gr. and Lat. Justinus, Martyr, Opera, edit. Paris, 161 5, appendix; edit. Hag. Com. p. 279.] — [Lat. only. Max. Bibl'wtheca veterum Patrum, 11. li. 147.] ATHENS. Athens: its grandeur and decay. 12^: Lond. n. d. The Athenian gazette. See John Dunton. Athenian letters ; oi', the epiftolaiy correfpondence of an agent of the king of Perfia, refiding at Athens during the Peloponnellan war. A new edition ; to which is pi-efixed a geographical index. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 1798. ATHENIENSIS. Letter to His Grace Alexander, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c. &c. &c., on the fubjecb of the prefent fituation of agriculture in Great Britain, and the means of ameliorating it. Concluding with fome obfervations on Ireland. 8° Edinb. 1S22. ATHERGON (Elias). Eros and Pfyche ; and other poems. 8° Lond. 1859. ATHERLEY (Edmond Gibson). Barrifter-at-law. A praftical treatife of the law of marriage and other family fettlements. 8° Lond. 1813. ATHERSTONE (Edwin). The fall of Nineveh : a poem. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1828-30. — Anotlier edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1847. The fea-kings in England : an hiftorical romance of the time of Alfred. By the author of " The fall of Nineveh." In three volumes. 12° Edinb. 1830. The handwriting on the wall : a ftory. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1858. Ifrael in Egypt: a poem. 8° Lond. 1 861. ATHERTON (Charles). Chief engineer H.M. dockyard, Plymouth. On marine engine conftruflion and clafTification. S" Lond. 1 85 I. The capability of (team fliips, bafed on the mutual rela- tions of difplacement, power, and fpeed ; illuftrated by tables, adapted for mercantile reference. 8° Woolwich, 1853. — Second edition. 8° Woolwich, 1854. ATHERTON (Harper). Adrift ; or, the rock in the South Atlantic : a faithful narrative, written from the diary of Hai'per Atherton, furgeon. Edited by Frank Fowler. 8° Lond. 1 86 I. ATHERTON (Sir William). An elementary and praftical treatife on the commence- ment of perfonal adtions, and the proceedings therein to de- claration, in the fuperior courts at Weftminfler ; comprifing the changes effefted by the Uniformity of procefs aft ( 2 W. 4, c. 39), and recent nJes of court. With an appendix. 12° Lond. 1833. ATHERTON (William). Wefleyan methodifm, in its character, agencies, and reli- gious efFeftivenefs : being the fubftance of a fermonic addrefs, delivered in Southwark chapel, Long-Lane, on the evening of Friday, OA. 2 5, 1839, the day appointed for the celebra- tion of the Welleyan centenaiy. 8° Lond. 1839. ATHLONE. An exaft account of the taking by ftorm the Englifh town of Athlone, June the 2 ill. In a letter from Dublin, June the 23th. S. Sh. Lond. reprinted Edinb. 169 i. ATHOLL FAMILY. Jacobite correfpondence of the AthoU family during the rebellion, 1745-17 46. From the originals in the pofleffion of James Erflvine of Aberdona, Efq. [Edited for the Ab- botsford Club by J. H. Burton and David Laing.] 4° Edinb. 1840. ATINA— ATIUNSON ^33 ATINA. Chronicon breve Atincnfis ecclefix, auftoiibus anonymis duobus Atinatenfibus ... [Muratori, Rerum Italicarum fcr'tp- lores, vii. 899.] ATKINS (Mrs. ). The perils of fafliion. \/lmn.^ 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. The colonel : a (lory of fafhionable life, [ylnon.^ 3 vols. 8° Lend. 1853. ATKINS (Henry), A.M. B. 1775. Educated at New College, Oxford. Vicar of Arreton, Ide of Wight, 1815. D. 8 Od. 1842. Difcouifcs on the King's proclamation " For the encour- agement of piety and virtue, and for the preventing and puniftiing of vice, profanenefs, and immorality : " with addi- tional difcourfes on the neccllity, the nature, and the evidences of revelation. 8° Lond. 1823. The prefent intelledhial advancement of the labouring clafles confidered as an argument for the fuppoit of the na- tional fyftem of education : a femion preached in aid of the Portfea national fchools, at St. Paul's chapel, Southfea, on Sunday, Sep. 1 1, 1825. [Pj. viii. 2.] 8° Portfea, 1825. ATKINS (John). B. at Plaiftow, in EfTex. A furgeon in the Royal Navy, which he entered, 1703. D. at Plaiftow, 6 Dec. 1757, aged leventy- three. A voyage to Guinea, Brafil, and the Weft-Indies ; in his Majefty's fhips the Swallow and Weymouth ... The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1737. ATKINS (Sir Thomas). A feafonable fpeech made by Alderman Atkins, in the Rump Parliament. [Bur/tf'/ue.] fol. n. p. [1660.] — [Scotl's cilitlon of Somen' Tracts, vii. lOO.] ATKINS (Thomas). The wanderings of the clerical Eulyfles, defcribed in a narrative of ten years' refidcnce in Tafmania and New South Wales ; at Norfolk Idand and Moreton Bay ; in Calcutta, Madras, and Cape Town. 8° Greenwich, [1859.] ATKINS (William), D.D. Reftor of TuUyagniih, diocefe of Raphoe. Six difcourfes on paftoral duties, ])reached before the Uni- verfity of Dublin ; being the Donnellan le(5turcs for the year i860. 8° Lond. 1861. ATKINSON (Christopher). * The trial of Chriftophcr Atkinfon, Efq. M.P., for per- jury. 8° Lond. 1783. ATKINSON (Christopher W.), A.M. A guide to New Brunfwick, Britirti North America, &c. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1843. VOL. I. ATKINSON (Emma Willsher). Memoirs of the queens of Pruffia. 8° Lond. 1858. Extremes. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1859. ATKINSON (George). Sergeant-at-law. A practical treatife on (heriff-law ... 8° Lond. 1839. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1847. — Fourth edition. 8' Lond. 1861. The worthies of Weftmoreland ; or notable perfons born in that county fmce the Reformation. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1849-50. International morality ; or, the touchftone of the law of nations. 8° Lond. 1851. The (hipping-laws of the Britifli Empire : confifting of Park on marine infurance and Abbott on fhipping. Edited by George Atkinfon. 8° Lond. 1854. ATKINSON (George), M.A. Perpetual curate of Stow, Lincolnfliire. Abiding by the Church our way of duty and fafety in times of agitation and danger : a fermon preached in Lin- coln cathedral, on Tuefday, May i i, 1847, at the vifitation of the Ven. W. B. Stonchoufe, LL.D. {Mark vi. 47, 48.] 8' Lond. 1S47. ATKINSON (George). Lieutenant, Royal Navy. An appeal addiefled to the lay members of the Church of England, pointing out the imminent dangers to which the Church is expofed from the Traflarian movement ; from teftimonies derived from the bifhops and clergy ; with a pro- ])o(ition for the eftabliflimcnt of a Scrijiture readers' fociety. Accompanied by a letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. Afliley, M.P. 8' Lond. 1848. A letter to the Right Hon. Spencer Horatio Walpole, M.P., in reference to the cafe of the Rev. Hugh Kelly ... who was convi<5lcd of an alleged afliiult at the Torquay Petty Seflions, June the 7th, 1852. With a corrcfpondence be- tween the author and tlie Torquay niagiftrates. 8' Lond. 1852. ATKINSON (George Francklin). Captain, Bengal Engineers. Piflures from the noith, in pen and pencil ; fkctched during a funmier ramble. 8° Lond. 1848. " Curry and rice," on foity plates ; or, the ingredients of fecial life at "Our ftation" in India. Second edition. 4° Lond. [1859.] The campaign in India 1857-58 ; from drawings made during the eventful ]ieriod of the great mutiny, illuftrating llie military operations before Dellii and its neighbourhood : willi defcrijitive letter-prefs. fol. Lond. 1859. Indian fpices for Englifli tables; or, a rare icIKli of fun from the far Eaft : being, the adventures of " Our fpecial correfpondent " in India, illuftrated in a feries of one hun- dred and twenty humorous {l Paris, 184 1. AUBIGNE (Jean Henri Merle d'). See Merle d'aubigne. AUBIGNE (Theodore Agrippa d'). B. at St. Maury, near Pons, 8 Feb. 1550. D. at Geneva, 29 April, 1630. L'hiftoire univci"felle ... dediee a la pofterite. 3 tom. fol. A Maille, 1616-20. Hiftoire univcrfelle . . . comprife en trois tomes . . . feconde edition, augmentee de notables hiftoires enti^res, et de plu- fieurs additions et correftions faites par le mefme auteur, fol. Amfterdam, 1626. * Life ... 1772. [By Sarah Scott.] AUBIN ( )• A proteftant clergyman. B. at Loudun about the middle of the 17th century. Took Ihelter in Holland after the revocation of the Edia of Nantes. Diftionaire de marine ; contenant les termes de la naviga- tion et de I'architedture navale, avec les regies & proportions, qui doivcnt y etre obfen-ees. 4° Amilcrdam, 1702. Hiftoire des diables de Loudun ; ou, de la poflcflion des religieufes Urfulines, et de la condamnation et du fuplice d'Urbain Giandier, cure de la meme ville. [y/non.] 8° Amft. 1752. The cheats and illufions of Romifti pricfts and exorcifts, difcover'd in the hiftory of the devils of Loudun, being an account of the pretended poflcflion of the Urfuline nuns, and of the condemnation and punifliment of Urban Grandier, a parfon of the fame town, [y/won.] 8° Lond. 1703. AUBORN (A. d'). The French convert ; being a true relation of the happy converfion of a noble French lady from the errors .and fujier- ftitions of Popery to the reformed religion, by means of a pro- teftant gardener, her fervant ... To which is added, a brief account of the prefent fevere perfecutions of the French Pro- teftants. Third edition. 8° Edinb. 17 16. AUBRfiE (Paul d'). Colonifts and manufadturcrs in the Weft Indies. Tranf- lated from the French. 8° Lond. 1844. AUBREY. Aubrey [a novef] ... 1 8 54. [By Anne Marsh.] AUBREY DE L'ORNE. Aubrey dc L'Orne ; or, the times of St. Anfelm. 8° Lond. n. d. 2 I 242 AUBREY— AUDELAY AUBREY (Charles Louis). B. at La Ferte-Milon, 1746. D. at Paris, 1817. Memoires fur difFerentes queftions de la fcience des con- ftruftlons publiques et economiques, qui ont fucceffivement remporte le prix des academies, &c. 4° Lyon, 1790. AUBREY (John). B. at Eafton-Piers, Wiltfliire, 12 March, 1625-6. Educated at Trinity College, Oxford. Entered at the Middle Temple, 1646, but did not purfue the ftudy of the law. His fortune, which was confiderable, having been diflipated, partly by law- fults in which he was involved, and partly, it is faid, by his own extravagance, the last years'of his life were fpent in indigence and obfcurity. D. at Oxford, 7 June, 1697. Mifcellanies. 8°Lond. 1696. — The fecond edition, with large additions. To which is prefixed, fome account of his life. 8° Lond. 172 i. The natural hilloryand antiquities of the county of Surrey. Begun in the year 1673 ••• ^"'^ continued to the prefent time. In five volumes. 8° Lond. 17 19. An accurate account of fecond-fighted men in Scotland ... \_Mifcellanea ScoTiCA, iii.] AUBURN. The peafant of Auburn ; or, the old man's tale. 8° Lond. 18 19. The reflor of Auburn. 1 837. \_By E. Thompson.] AUBUSSON DE LA FEUILLADE (George d'). Archbilhop of Embrun in the latter half of the 17th century. D. 1697. La defenfe du droit de Marie Therefe d'Auftriche, Reine de France, a la fucceffion des couronnes d'Efpagne. I 2° Paris, 1674. AUBUSSON (Pierre d'). B. 1423. Entered the Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, of which he was elected grand mafter in I476. De- fended Rhodes fuccefsfully againll the Turks, 1480. D. 1503. Rhodiorum militum magiftri de fervata urbe fua, et infigni viftoria contra Turcas, ad Fiidericum III. Imp., relatio. [Freherus, Rerum Germanicarum fcriptores, ii. 305.] * Life. Containing thofe two remarkable fieges of Rhodes by Mahomet the Great, and Solyman the Magnificent ... 8° Lond. 1679. AUCH. Annales Aufcienfes, a. 687-1 127. [Pertz, A/o«umaj/a Germaniit hijlorlca, v. I 7 1 . 1 AUCHER (Paschal), D.D. A grammar, Armenian and Englifli. 8° Venice, iS 19. AUCHINCLOSS (J.) The ciy of injured innocence : in a feiies of letters to Mr. James Black, minifter, Dundee. 8° Dundee, 1793. The fophiftry of both the firft and fecond part of Mr. Paine's Age of reafon ; or, a rational vindication of the Holy Scriptures as a pofitive revelation from God. With the caufes of Deifm. In four fermons. [2 Tim. iii. 16.] 8° Edinb. 1796. AUCHINLECK, Lord. See Alexander Boswell. AUCHY (Carlos Bonieres, Baron de). Arte militar, deducida de fus principios fundamentales. 4° Zaragoga, 1644. AUCKLAND. Auckland, the capital of New Zealand, and the country adjacent, including fome account of the gold difcovery in New Zealand. 8° Lond. 1853. A handbook for emigrants to New Zealand ; being a di- geft of the moft recent and authentic intelligence refpefting Auckland, the capital of the colony. 8° Lond. 1856. AUCKLAND, Lord. See Wilham Eden, I ft Baron Auckland. See Robert John Eden, 3d Baron Auckland. AUCTION, AUCTIONEERING. Auftio Davifiana, Oxonii habita. i68g. \_By George Smalridge.] The auftion ; or, a catalogue of fome ufefiJ books, lately publifhed, together with a fummary of what is treated of in them. 4° Lond. [1690.] An audiion of ftate piftures ; conuiining a moft curious colleftion of original Low-church faces : drawn exaftly to the life by a High-church limner. 8° Lond. 17 10. A detailed profpedus of the Auction mart, inftituted 1808, illuftrated by defigns, plans, and feftions. 4° Lond. 1809. Profeflional excurfions, by an auflioneer ... 1843. \By Wolley Simpson.] The minous tendency of auftioneering, and the neceflity of reftraining it for the benefit of trade, demonftrated in a letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bathurft. Second edition. 8° Lond. reprinted 1848. AUCTOR, Saint. * Ex tranflatione Sanfti Auftoris a. I I 15. [Pertz, Momimenta Germaniit h'ljlorica, xi v. 315.] AUDEBERT (Jean Baptiste). Painter of objedls of natural hiftory. B. at Rochefort, 1759. D. 1800. Hiftoire naturelle des finges et des makis. fol. Paris, 1800. AUDEBERTUS (Germanus). B. at Orleans, 15 March, 1518. D. there, 24 Dec. 1598. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitiie poetarum Gallorum, i. 8g.] AUDEBERTUS (Nicolaus). Poemata. [Gruter, Del'it'is poetarum Gallorum, i. 256.] AUDEIANTIUS (Hubertus). A Belgian ecclefiaftic, b. at Bruges. D. 15 Oft. 1 61 5, in the forty-firft year of his age. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitla poetarum Belgicorum, i. 176.] AUDELAY (John). A monk of the monaftery of Haghmon at the beginning of the 15th century. Poems. A fpecimen of the Shropfliire dialed in the fif- teenth centuiy. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Efq. [For the Percy Society.] 8° Lond. 1844. AUDIENCE— AUFRERIUS 243 AUDIENCE. The audience. S. Sh. n.p. [1688.] AUDIFFREDI (Joannes Baptista). B. at Saorgio, near Nice, 1714. Entered the Dominican order, and was appointed keeper of the Cafanata library at Rome. D. 3 July, 1794. Catalogus hillorico-criticus Romanarum editionum fxculi XV. ; in quo, prscter editiones a Maettario, Orlandio ac P. Laerio relatas, et hie plerumque plenius uberiufque defcriptas, plurimae alix, quae eofdem efFugeioint, recenfentur ac dcfcri- buntur; non paucs contra, ab codem P. L. aliifve memorata;, exploduntur : vaiia item ad hiftoiiam typographicam et bib- liographicam pertinentia nunc piimum pertiaiftantur. 4° RonitE, 1783. AUDIFFRET (J. B. d'). B. at Marfeilles, 1657. D. at Nancy, 1733. Hiftoire et geographic ancienne et moderne. 3 torn. 12° Paris, 1694. AUDIN ( ). Prior of Thermes in the 17th century. Hiftoire de France, reprefentee par tableaux, commen^ant au r^gne de Hugues Capet, chef des Roys de la troifiime branche, avec des difcours et reflexions politiques. 4° Palis, 1647. AUDIN (J. M. V.) B. at Lyons, 1793. Bookfeller in Paris. D. 21 Feb. 1851. The life of Henry the Eighth, and hiftory of tlic fchifm of England. Tranflated from the French by Edward G. Kirwan Browne. 8° Lond. 1852. Hiftory of the life, writings and do<5lrine of Luther. Tranflated from the laft French edition by William B. Turn- bull, Efq. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1854. AUDLEY (John). '* A preacher of the gofpcl, and a well-wilhcr to them that imbrace it." Englands common-wealth. Shewing, the liberties of the people, the ])riviledges of Parliament, and the rights of the fouldiery. With epiftles to the perfons mentioned, conclud- ing the feverall parts hereof. 4° Lond. 1652. AUDOENUS, or, Dado. Bilhop of Rouen in the 7th century. Vita Sanfti Elegii epifcopi. [d'AcHERius, Spicilegium, V- I47-] * Tranflatio corporis beatiflimi Audoeni. [Marten k et Durand, Thefauriis novus anecdotorum, iii. 1669.] AUDOMARUS. Bilhop of Tcrouane, in Picardy, in the 7th ccntur)'. * Vita S. Audomari. [Mabillon, AQafanaorum O.S.B. '■• S3S-] AUDOUIN (Franqo.s Xavier). B. at Limoges, 1766. D. 12 July, 1837. Hiftoire de I'adminiftration de la guerre. 4 torn. 8" Paris, 181 i. AUDRADUS, Momcus. Coadjutor-bifliop of Sens in the 9th century. Exceqna ex libro revelationum. [Duchesne, Hijlorix Francorum fcrlplores, ii. 390.] — [BououET, Recueil des h'tjloriens des Gaules el de la France, vii. 289.] AUDRICHIUS (Everardus). An Italian ecclcfijftic, and profeflbrof philofophy and mathe- matics in the J 8th century. Inftitutiones antiquaria ; quibus prafidia pro Graecis La- tinifque fcrijitoribus nummis et mainioribus facilius intelli- gendis projjonuntur ; ac pluiinia ad numerorum et vocuni compendia ad chronologiam et palsographiam fjieftantia ac- curate explicantur. 4° Florentix, 1756. AUDUBON (John James). B. in Louifiana about 1780. D. 27 Jan. 1851. Ornithological biography ; or, an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America ... 4 vols. 8° Edinb. I 83 1-8. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. Vol. I. By J. J. Audubon and John Bachman, D.D. 4° Lond. 1847. AUE (Carl Eduard), Ph. D. Second German reading book ; with notes in Englifh. 12° Edinb. 1851. Englifii-Gcrman phrafe-book. 8° Lond. 1853. Grammar of the German language ; with excrcifes. 8° Lond. 1853. Elementaiy German grammar ; with exercifes. 8° Lond. 1854. AUERBACH (Berthold). A narrative of events in Vienna, from Latour to Win- difchgratz (Sep. to Nov. 1848.) Tranflated by John Ed- ward Taylor. With an introdudtion and appendix. 8° Lond. 1849. The profefTor's wife. 12= Lond. 1 8 50. Florian and Crcfcenz ; a village tale from the Black Forcft. Tranflated by Meta Taylor. 12° Lond. 1853. Chrirtian Gellert, and other flietches. Tranflated from the German ... 8° Lond. 1858. .lofeph in the fnow, and The clockmaker ; tranflated by Lady Wallace. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1861. AUFRERE (Anthony). B. about 1756. D. at Pila, 29 Nov. 1833. A warning to Britons againll Fi ench perfidy and ciuelty : or, a fliort account of the treacherous and inhuman conduifl of the French officeis and foldiers towards tile peafants of Suabia, during the invafion of Germany in 1796. Seleded and tranflated from a well-authenticated German publication. With an addrefs to the people of Great Britain, by the tranflator. 12° Lond. 1798. An abridgment of " A warning," &c. 8° Lond. 1798. AUFRERIUS (Stephanus). A French lawyer, who pradlifcd at Touloufc in the former half of the 1 6th century. De recufatione. [F. Zilettus, TraSalus univerji juris. Ml. i. 355.] 244 AUGENIUS— AU GUSTINUS De teftibus. [Ibid. iv. 140.] Tracflatus Celebris de poteftate fecularium fuper ecclefiis & peifonis ecclefiafticis. [Ibid. xi. i. 329, and xvi. 286.] Traftatus de poteftate ecclefiaftica fuper laicis & eorum rebus, ac praerogativis ecclefiae. [Ibid. xiii. i. 126.] Repetitio in Clem. Ut clericomm, de offic. ord. [i?f- petltiones Juris canonici, vi. 74.] AUGENIUS (HoRATius). B. at Monte-Santo, near Ancona, about 1527. Studied either at Bologna or at Pifa, and taught medicine at Turin and at Padua. D. at Padua, 1603. Epiftolarum & confultationum medicinalium libri xxiiii. in duos tomos diftributi ... Quibus accefTere eiufdem authoris, de hominis partu, libri n. fol. Francofiirti, 1597. AUGENTIUS (Daniel). B. at Villeneuve. ProfelTor of Greek at Paris, in the latter halt" of the loth century, Epitaphium Gelonidis, Macrini conjugis. [Gruter, De- litia Jtoelarum Ga/lorum, i. 263.] AUGER (Athanase). B. at Paris, 12 Dec. 1734. D. 7 Feb. 1792. CEuvres pofthumes. 10 torn. 8° Paris, [1792-4.] AUGERII (Amalricus). B, at Beziers about the beginning of the 14th century. Pro- feflor in the Univerfity of Montpelier, and chaplain to Pope Urban V. The date of his death is not known. Adlus pontificum Romanoi-um ufque ad Joannem XXII., five ann. 132 l. [Eccardus, Corpus hijlorkum medii av'i, ii. 1641.] — [Muratori, Rerum Italicarum fcr'iptores, torn. in. pt. ii.], AUGIA. Anilland in the Unterfee, a branch of the Lake of Conftance, now called Reichenau. Abbates monafterii Augenfis. [Pertz, Monumenta Gsr- maniee hiflorica, ii. 37.] Annales Augienies breviffimi a. 541-817. [Ibid. v. •36.] Annales Augienfes, a. 709-858, 860-954. [Ibid, i. 67.] Chronicon Augienfe. [Daluze, Mifcellanea, i. 496.] AUGSBURG. Breve chronicon Auguftanum ab anno Chrifti mcclvi. ad annum mcccclxvii. [CEfelius, Rerum Boicarum fcr'iptores, i. 6.5.] Synodus Auguftana. [Canisius, Le8iones antique, iii. i. II.] Annales Auguftani a. 973-1 104. [Pertz, Monumenta Germtiniin hyiorica, \. 123.] Annales Auguftani minores, a. 1137-1321. 1457. [Ibid. xii. 8.] AUGURELLUS (Joannes Aurelius). B. at Rimini, about 1454. Studied at Padua, and became profelTor of Greek and Latin at Venice. D. 1537. Chryfopoeia, et vellus aui'eum ; feu chryfopoeia major et minor. Cum Nathanis Albinei, D.M., Carmine aureo [Albineus, Blbliotheca chemiea, p. i.] [Carniina.] [Title page 'wantirig.~\ 8° Venetiis, i 505. Pocmata. [GRvrtK, De/itia poetanim Ita/oium, i. 287.] — [Carmina illujlrium poet ARUM Italorum, i. 408.] Chryfopoeia, carmine confcripta. [Zetznerus, TTifa/ram chemlcum, iii. 1 9 7.] Geronticon. [Ibid. iii. 244.] AUGUSTA, Princess. * Letter to her R — 1 H s the P s D-w-g-r of W on the approaching peace. With a few words con- cerning the Rt. Hon. the Earl of B , and the general talk ot the world. 8° Lond. 1762. AUGUSTA (David de). See David. AUGUSTtE HISTORI./E SCRIPTORES. See Rome. AUGUSTI (JoHANN Christian Wilhelm). B. at Efchenberg, 1772. Studied at Jena, where he after- wards taught philofophy and Oriental languages. Profeflbr of theology at Breflau, 1812, and at Bonn, 1819. D. 28 April, 1841. Chrertomathia patriftica ad ufus eorum qui hiftoriam dog- matuni ChrilHanorum accuratius difcere cupiunt. 2 tom. 8^ LipfisE, 18 12. Die ChriftJichen Alteithiimer. 8° Leipzig, 18 19. AUGUSTINUS (Antonius). B. at SaragolTa, 25 March, 1517. Bifliop of Alife, in the kingdom of Naples, 1556. Bilhop of Lerida, 155S. A member of the Council of Trent. Bifhop of Tarragona, 1574. D. 1586. Emendationum et opinionum libri quatuor. Ad Modefti- nura ; five, de excufationibus, liber fingularis. 8° Lugduni, i 544. — Item, Laelii Taurelli, Ad Galium, & legem Velleam ; ad Catonem & Paulum ; De militiis ex cafu. 8° Lugduni, 1574. — [Otto, Thefaurus juris Romani, iv. I 42 5, 1559.] De nominibus propriis zou Xlaiiiy.ro-j Florentini. fol. Tarracone, 1579. — ^Otto, Thefaurus juris Roniani, i.] De familiis Romanorum liber fingularis. [Gr^vius, Thefaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, vii. 1 1 45.] De legibus et fenatus confultis liber. Adjunftis legum antiquarum et fenatus confultorum fragmentis, cum notis Fulvi Urfini. 8° Romoe, 1583. — multo quam antea emendatius. 4° Lugduni, I 592. — [GRiEvius, Thefaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, ii. 1142-] Dialogos de niedallas, infcriciones, y otras antiguedades. 4° Tarragona, 1587. — Another edition. 4° Madrid, 1744. Fragmenta hiftoriconim coUeifla ab A. Auguftino, emen- data a Fulvio UrCno. Fulvii Urfini notas ad Salluftium, Casfaiem, Livium, Velleium, Taciturn, Suetonium, Spaiti- anum, et alios. 8° Antwei-pias, 1595. AUGUSTINUS— AUGUSTUS 245 Juris pontificii veteris epitome ; in ties partes divifa de per- fonis, de rebus, et de judiciis. 3 torn. fol. Romx, 161 1-14. De veterum nomifmatum antiquitate dialog! xi., nunc de- mum Latinitate donati ab Andrea Schotto. [Bi/f.us, No- mifmaia imperatorum Romimorum, iyc. Ant. 16 I 7.] De emendalione Gratiani libri duo. Gerh. von Maftricht, j.c. edldit iterum, recenfuit, in banc formam digeflit, et Ste- phani Baluzii fijafque notas in eundem et Gratianum, item in fine orationera Andr. Schotti, de vita et fcriptis aufloris, ad- jecit. 8° Duifburgi ad RJienum, 1677. Dialogos de las armas, i linages de la nobleza de Efpana : cuya obra podhuma ha cotejadacon varios libros ... D. Gre- gorio Mayans i Sifcar, autor de la vida adjuntii de Don An- tonio Auguilin. 4° Madrid, 1734. AUGUSTINUS (AuRELius). B. at Tagafta, in Numidia, 13 Nov. 354. Studied at Car- thage. In liis twenty-ninth year he became profeflbr of rhetoric and philofophy at Milan j but on his converfion to Chriftianity he reflgned that office and returned to Africa, wliere, in 389, he was appointed coadjutor-bi{hop of Hippo. D. there, 28 Aug. 430. D. Aurelii Auguftini ... omnium operum primus [ — de- cimus] tomus, ad fidem vetuftomm exemplariu fumma vigi- latia repurgatorum ... Cui acceflei"unt libri, epillolx, ferniones et fragmenta aliquot, hadlenus nunquam imprefla. Additus eft et index . . . [Edited by D. ErafmusJ^ I I torn. fol. Parifiis, 153 1-2. Sandi Aurelii Auguftini ... operum tomus primus [ — de- cimus] poft Lovanienfium theologorum recenfionem caftiga- tus denuo ad manufcriptos codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Anglicanos, Belgicos, See. necnon ad editiones antiquiores et caftigatiores ; opera et ftudio mon.'ichorum Ordinis S. Bene- difti ^ congrc-gatione S. Mauri. [Auguftini vita ... (tom. xi.) Appendix Auguftiniana, in qua funt S. Profperi carmen de ingratis, cum notis Lovanienfis theologi, Joannis Garnerii . . . dini-rtationes jjertincntes ad hiftoriam Pelagianam ; Pe- lagii Britanni commentarii in epiftolns S. Pauli ; ac denique Des. Erafmi, Joan, Lud. V'ivis, Jacobi Sirmondi, Henrici Norifii, Joannis Phereponi [J. Le C/i-rc] ct aliorum i)ra:fa- tiones, cenfuras, notse et animadverfiones in omnia S. Auguftini opera, tomus xii. Qui buic editioni peculiaris, undecim prioribus ex fola editione Parilienfi fine mutatione expreffis.] 1 2 tom. fol. Parifiis, Antwerpiae, 1689-1703. [Vol. xii. was printed at Antwerp ] Epitome omnium operum divi Aurelii Auguftini ... pri- mum quidem per Joiiannem Pifi:atorium compendiaria qua- dam via collcdta ; nunc autem diligcntius recognita et ... au£Va et locupletata per Johannem Peflellium Tylanum ... Per eundem, et nunc reccns, acceflit ex eodem Auguftino col- ledlus de fcptcm facrofandis facramentis tomus tertius. fol. Colonic-, I 549. Radii Auguftiniani ; five, prrecijiux S. Patris Auguftini in S. Scripturx locos annotationes, ex omnibus ipfius ojieribus collecflae, et juxta S. Scripturx libi orum, capitum et verfuum ordincm digeftx, opera Alexandri Wedderburni. 8° Sylvx'-Ducis, 1652. De catechizandis rudibus. De fymbolo ad catecliumcnos. De fide rerum quae non videntur. De utilitate credendi. In ufum juniorum edidit C. Marriot, S.T.B. 12° Oxonii, 1848. Piincipia rhetorices. [Aromatari, De^/i iiutori del ben parlare, isfc, pt. iv. tom. iii.] De dodtrina Chriftiana liber quartus, qui de rhetorica ec- clefiaftica. [Ibid. pt. v.] De grammatica liber. [Putschius, Grammaticit Latinn auSores antiqui, p. 1975.] Two bokes of the noble dodtor and B. S. Auguftine, thone entiteled of the Predeftinacion of faintes, tholher of perfe- ueraunce unto thende, wherunto are annexed the determina- cions of twoauncient generall councelles, confermyng the doc- trine taught in thefe bokes by S. Aug. all faythfully tranf- latcd out of Laten into Englyflie by .John Scory the late B. of Chichefter, very necefTary for all tymes, but namely for cures, wherin the Papiftes and Anabaptiftes hauc reuiued agayne the %vycked opinions of the Pelagias, that extolled mas wyll and merites agaynft the free grace of Chrifte. 8° n. p. [1555.] La Ciudad de Dios ... en veynte y dos libros ... tradu- zidos de Latin en Romance por Antonio de Roys y Ro- gas ... fol. Madiid, 16 14. Confefliones ; poft editionem Parifienfem noviiTimam ad fidem codicum Oxonienfium rccognitx, et poft editionem M. Dubois ex ipfo Auguftino illuftratas. [Bibliolheca Patrum, vol. i.] 8° Oxonii, 1838. The confeffions of S. Auguftine. Revifed from a foimer tranflation, by the Rev. E. B. Pufey, D.D. [Library of the Fathers, vol. i.] 8° Oxford, 1838. Sermons on felefled leflbns of the New Teftamcnt. 2 vols. [Ibid. vols. xvi. and xx.] 8° Oxford, 1847. Seventeen Ihort treatifes ... tranflated, with notes and in- dices. [Ibid. vol. xxii.] 8° Oxford, 1847. Expofitions on the Book of Pfalms; tranflated, with notes and indices [by C. Mairiott and H. Walford.] In fix volumes. [Ibid. vols, xxiv., xxv., xxx., xxxii., .\xxvii., xxxix.] Oxford, 1847-57. Expofition of the Sermon on the Mount, diawn from die writings of St. Auguftine ... by Richard Chenevix Trench. 1844. 1851. The religion of St. Auguftine : confifting of upwards of one hundred extraifts fiom the writings of tiiat father. 8° Lond. 1857. Manual of devotion : from the writings of Saint Auguftin. 8° Edinb. 1862. * St. Auguftine : a biographical memoir. By the Rev. John Baillie. 1859. AUGUSTINUS (Leonardus). An Italian antiquary, who lived in the 17th century. Gemmx et fculpturx antiqux depiiflx ab Leonardo Au- guftino ... addita earum enarratione in Latinum verfa ab Ja- cobo Gronovlo, cujus accedit prxfatio. Pars ])rima |et fe- cunda.] Editio fucunda. 4° Francquerx, 1694. AUGUSTUS. Auguftus ; or, an eftiiy of thofe meanes and counfels whereby the commonwealth of Rome was altered and reduced unto a monarchy. 12" Lond. 1632. 246 AUGUSTUS— AUNT MARY ANN AUGUSTUS (Caius Julius C-tsAR Octa\ianus). B. atVelitrae, zjSep. B.C. 63. D. atNola, 19 Aug. a.d. 14. Imp. Csef. Augiifti temporum notatio, genus, et fcriptomm fragmenta. Praemittitur Nicolai Damafceni Liber de infti- tutione Augufti, cum veifione Hug. Grotii, et Henr. Valefii notis. Curante Jo. Albeito Fabiicio. 4° Hamburg!, 1727. AUGUSTUS (Michael). Gratulatio ad patriam de reditu illuftriffimi principis Ul- richi, Ducis Wiirtembergenfis. [Schardius, Reriim Ger- matiicarum fcriptores, ii. 297.] AULjEUS (Christophorus). A native of Erfurt, who lived in the middle of the l6th century. Poemata. [Gruter, Delit'iiz poetarum Germanorum, i. 409.] AULDJO (.Tohn). Narrative of an afcent to the fummit of Mont Blanc, on the 8th and 9th Auguft, 1827. 4° Lond. 1828. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1856. Sketches of Vefuvius ; with (hort accounts of its principal eruptions, from the commencement of the Chriftian era to the prefent time. 8" Lond. 1833. Journal of a vlfit to Conftantinople, and fome of the Greek iflands, in the fpring and fummer of 1833. 8° Lond. 1835. AULD REEKIE. A monfter growl at fome black fpots on the face, body, and extremities of Auld Reekie. By a northern Bear — but not the Czar. 12° Edinb. 1854. AULISIUS (DoMiNicus). An Italian favant, b. at Naples, 14 Jan. 1639, or, according to other accounts, 1649. At the age of nineteen he gave in- ftruitions in two very dilTimilar fubjedls, poetry and fortification. The latter he taught for twenty-three years in the military fchool of Pizzifalcone, an appointment which he owed to Charles II. He was afterwards profefibr of civil law in the Univerfity of Naples. D. 29 Jan. 1717, by poifon, adminiftered, it is believed, by his own nephew. De gymnafii conftmftione et maufolei architeftura opuf- cula duo. [Sallengre, Nonius tbefaurus antiquitatum Ro- manantm, iii. 889.] De colo Mayerano epiftola ad ... Didacum Vincentium a Vidania. [Ibid. iii. 921.] AULNOY (Marie Catherine, Countefs d'). B. about the middle of the 17th century. D. 1705. Fairy tales. Tranflated by J. R. Planche. 8° Lond. 1855. AULT (H.) The companion to the ledlure rooms of the Royal poly- technic inftitution. 12° Lond. n. d. AULUS GELLIUS. See Gellius. AUNGERVILLE (Richardus d'). An Englifli prelate, called alfo Richard de Bury. B. at Bury St. Edmunds, 1281. Bifliop of Durham, 1333. D. at Bifliop Auckland, 24 April, 1345. Philobiblon Richardi Dunelmenfis ; five, de amore lib- rorum et inftitutione bibliothecas tradtatus pulcherrimus ; ex collatione cum variis manufcriptis editio jam fecunda ; cui acceffit appendix de manufcriptis Oxonienfibus. Omnia hxc, opera et iludio T. I. [77jom:E Jaines.^ ... 4° Oxonis, I 599. — [J. A. Schmidt, De bihUothecis nova accejfio. i 703.] Philobiblon : a treatife on the love of books ; written in MCccxLiv., and tranflated from the firft edition, mcccclxxiii., with fome collations. 8° Lond. 1832. AUNGIER (George James). The hiftory and antiquities of Syon monaftery, the parifti of Ifleworth, and the chapelry of Hounflow ... 8° Lond. 1840. AUNT AGNES. Aunt Agnes ; or the why and the wherefore of life. By a clergyman's daughter. 8° Lond. [1861.] AUNT CLARA. Rambles at Sunnyfide ; or, a week with my godchildren. 8°, Lond. 1862. AUNT DOROTHY. Aunt Dorothy's tale ; or, Geraldine Morton : a novel. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1837. AUNT EDITH. Aunt Edith ; or, love to God the beft motive. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1855. AUNT EFFIE. Aunt Effie's gift to the nurfery. \Poems?\ 8° Lond. 1854. AUNT FRIENDLY. The children on the plains. 12° Lond. 186 1. The Jewifti twins. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. AUNT LIZZIE. The foldier's home : a narrative founded on recent events. 8° Lond. 1856. AUNT LOUISA. HaiTy Brightfide ; or, the young traveller in Italy. 8° Lond. 1852. Fervent prayer and the promifed blefling. 12° Lond. 1853. What the liars faid : a fimple ftoiy. 4° Lond. 1859. Nelly, the gipfy girl. 12° Lond. i860. AUNT MARTHA. Aunt Maltha; or, the fpinfter. 8" Lond. 1843. AUNT MARY ANN. Stories from the hiftoiy of Ruflia : founded on fafts. Firft feries. St. Peterft)urg, i860. AUNT MAYOR— AUSONIUS 247 AUNT MAVOR. Aunt Mayor's nurfeiy tales for good little people. 8° Lond. 1856. AURA. Alhburn: stale. 8° Lond. 1857. The friendly difputants; or, future punifhment reconfidered. 8° Lond. 1859. AURATUS (Joannes). See Jean Dorat. AURELIA. Aurelia ; or, the conteft : an heroi-comic poem ... 1783. [By Samuel Hoole.] Aurelia ; or, a beauty's life in Italy. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. AURELIACUM. See Orleans. AURELIANUS. * De S. Aureliano, epifcopo Lugdunenfi. [Mabillon, ^{la fanBorum O.S.B, iv. ii. 497.] AURELIANUS (C^elius). A medical writer, of whofe perfonal hiftory nothing certain is known. De niorbis acutis & clironicis libri viii. ... Jo. Conradus Amman, M.D. recenfuit, emaculavit, notulafque adjecit. Accedunt feorfim Thed. Janfs. ab Almelovecn in Cslium Aurelianum note et animadverfiones ... ut et ejufdem Lexi- con Cilianum ... Editio nova. 4=" Amftelxdami, 1722. AURELIUS (JuLiANus). De cognominibus deorum gentilium libri tres. Editio nova & emendata. 8° Franequeroe, 1696. AURELIUS (Marcus), i'ff Marcus Antonius Verus Aurelius Antoninus. AURELIUS (Osius). Pfeml. 5/Francifcus Oay. AURIA (JoSEPHUS ViNCENTlUs). B. at Palermo, 1615. Studied law, which he afterwards abandoned for literature. Chancellor of the kingdom of Sicily. D. in his native city, 1710. Notitia hiftorica originis et antiquitatis Cephaledis, urbis placentiflimx Sicilix. Ex Italico Latine vcrtit, recenfuit, notulas adjecit, atque aliquot nummisauxit Sigebertus Havcr- campus. [GR.tvius, Thefaurus antiquUatum et hiflonarum Siciliit, torn, xiv.] AURIEABER (Andreas). A German phyfician. B. at Brcdau, 1512. Studied at Wit- tenberg. Appointed phyfician to Albert, Margrave of Branden- burg, and fubfcquently profelTorin the Univcrfityof Koniglbcrg. D. 12 Dec. 1559. Succini hiftoria breviter ct fuccinfte defcrij)ta. [Crato, Conftlia, el epiflolie nudic'males, ]). 443.] AURIFABER (Joannes). A Luthcr.in divine. B. at Breflau, 30 Jan. I5I7,his real name being Goldfchmidt, which he Lacinifcd in accordance with the fafhion of the time. Educated ac Wittenberg. Appointed pro- fcffor of divinity at Roftock, 1550, whence he was transferred to a fimilar chair at Kijniglbcrg. D. at Breflau, 19 Oft. 1568. Epiflola ad Petrum Paulum Vergerium. [Gerdes, Scri- nium antiquarlum, in. ii. 350.] AURIOL (Edward), M.A. Reftor of St. Dunftan's in the Eaft, London. Two fermons preached in the parifh church of Walton, March 10, 1850, the Sunday after the funeral of the Rev. E. Bickerfteth, by E. Auriol and H. M'Neile, D.D. [Ro- mans viii. 38, 39 ; Matt. xxv. 23.] 8° Lond. 1850. Light in tiie dark valley : a fermon preached in St. .lames's church, Marylebone, on occafion of the death of the Rev. S. W. Hanna, late minifter of that church, on Sunday, June 8, 1 85 I. \_Ps. xxiii. 4.] 12° Lond. 1851. Chriftian fellowfliip. \2° Lond. n. d. AURISPA (Jo.wnes). B. at Noto, in Sicily, about 1369. D. 1459. Carmina. [Carmma illujlrium poetarum Italorum, i. 489.] AURPACHIUS (Joannes). A German jurift, who is underftood to have lived in the latter half of the 17th century. Epiftolarum juridicarum, qux confiliorum vice efTe poffunt, libri fex ... 8° Ingolftadii, 1606. AURUNGZEBE. Aui-ungzebe ; or, a tale of Alrafchid. 1833. [75)' .John AiNSLIE.] AUSONIUS (Decimus Magnus). B. at Bordeaux about the beginning of the 4th century. Edu- cated in his native town, and at Touloufc. Appointed tutor to Grati.in, the elder fon of the Emperor Valcntinian 1., an office which he tilled with great credit, and for which he was re- warded with many fubftantial marksof imperial favour. D. about 394- Beginning : — Aufonius per Hieionymum Avantiuni Ve- ronenfem Ar. Doc. cmcndatus ... Opera qua' nunc addidimus no alias TprelTa fut haec : uidclicet. Theodofii imperatoris epirtola ad Aufoniuni. Rcfponfio Aufonii ad Theodofium. Epiftola Aufonii ad Paulinuni. Eiufdem ad cundem. Diui- nij carmen iambu paulini ad Aufoniu. Paulini Aufonio cpidola fecuiida [ — quarta.] Ad Aufonium nepotem. Epiftola Symaclii ad Aufonium. Arifonius Symacho. Au- fonii carmen imperfodlum. 4° V'enetiis, 1507. Aufonius. [Edited by Hieronymiis ylvandus.] 8° Venetiis, in jedibus Aldi et Andrei foccri, 1517. D. Magni Aufonii ... ojiera, a Theod. Pulmanno Crane- burgio in meliorcm oidinem reftituta, coirefla, et Icholiis il- luftrata : adie^lis Gixcis quibufdam epigranimatibus, ut con- ferri cum Latinis polTint. Cum Latina Gi'vicoiiim interpre- tatione. 8° Antvcrpix, i 568. Aufonii Burdigalenfis, viri confularis, omnia, qua" adliuc in vcteribus bibliothecis invcniri potuerunt, opera. Ad hjcc, Symniachi, et Pontii Paulini littei-a- ad Aulonium fcriptSE, tum Ciceronis, Sulpicia:, alioiunique quorundani vetemm car- mina nonnulla, cuniihi ad vaiia, Vetera, nouaque exemplaria. 248 AUSONIUS— AUSTIN emendata, commentaiiifque illuftrata per Eliam Vinetum Santonem. 4° Burdigalae, [i 580.] D. Magni Aufonii Burdig. . . . opera : a lofepho Scali- gero, et Elia Vineto denuo recognita, difpofita, et variorum notis illuilrata. 8° [Genevse,] 1588. D. Magni Aufonii Burdigalenfis, opera ; lacobus Tol- lius, M.D. recenfuit, et integris Scaligeri, Mariang. Ac- curfii, Freheri, Scriverii ; fele(5lis Vineti, Baithii, Acidalii, Gronovii, Gr3evii,aIiorumque notis accuratiffime digeftis, nec- non et fuis animadverfionibus illuftravit. 8° Amftelodami, 167 i. D. Magni Aufonii, Burdigalenfis, opera : intei-pretatione et notis illuftravit Julianus Floridus, Can. Carnot, juffu Chriitianiflimi regis in ufum Sereniffimi Delphini. Recen- fuit, fupplevit, emendavit, diflertationem de vita et fcriptis Aufonii fuafque animadvei fiones adjunxit Joannes Baptifta Souchay. 4° Parifiis, I 730. Opera. \Cotteaio Pifaureiifis,lfjc., v. 62. fo Poems.] — [Maittaire, Opera et fragmenta •veterum poeiarum La- t'moriim, ii. I 280.] Epitaphia heroum, qui hello Troiano interfuerunt ... [Aris- TOTELES, Pepli fragmentum, edit. I 57 I.] Mofella ; idylliiini x. Epiftola de oftreis. [Poet-e La- t'lnl m'mores, ed. Wernfdorf, vol. i.] Cupido cruel affixus. [Ibid. vol. ii.] Ephemeridis carmen i., iz^oefoiWieii matutina ad Parme- nonem feiTum. [Ibid. vol. iii.] Oido nobilium urbiuni. [Ibid. vol. v. pars iii.] Incerti audoris, fortafle Aufonii, Rofs ... cum appendice quoque epigrammatum de rofis. [Ibid. vol. vi.] Gi-iphus ternarii numeri. [Ibid. vol. vi. pars pofterior.] Eclogse II. [J. Oporinus, Bucolkorum autores xxxviii., p. 41.] D. M. Aufonii, Burdigalenfis, V.C. et Gratiano imp. prse- ceptoris, ex ephenieride oratio : a prayer from the " Daily exercifes" of D. M. Aufonius ... 8° Lond. 1S48. AUSTEN (Andreas). Diflertatio de genera mortis Judae ad Aft. i. 1 8. [Men- THENius, Thefaiirus theologlco-philologicus, ii. 4 10.] AUSTEN (Henry Thomas), A.M. Reftor of Steventon, Hants. Leftures upon fome important paflages in the Book of Genefis, delivered in the chapel of the Britifli minifter at Berlin, in the year 18 18. 8° Lond. 1820. A fermon, in aid of the fund raifing for the Vaudois, preached in the parifh church of Farnham, in the county of Surrey, on Sunday, Jan. I, 1826. [2 Cor. iv. 9.] 8° Lond. 1826. AUSTEN (Jane). B. at Steventon, Hampfliire, 16 Dec. 1775. ^- ^^ Win- chefter, 18 July, 181 7. Northanger abbey : and Peifuafion . . . with a biographical notice of the author. In four volumes. 12° Lond. 18 1 8. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1850. — Another edition. I2° Lond. 1857. Senfe and fenfibility : a novel. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1844. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1851. Pride and prejudice : a novel. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1844. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1851. Mansfield park: a novel. 8° Belfaft, 1846. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1 851. Emma: a novel. 8° Lond. 1849. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1857. AUSTEN (John). B. at Walpole, Norfolk, 1613. Educated at St. John'sCol- lege, Cambridge, where he refided till 1640, when his conver- fion to the Roman Catholic faith compelled him to remove. Entered as a ftudent at Lincoln's Inn, but his religious opinions and the diftradlions of the times impeded his progreis at the bar. It is underftood that he fucceeded about 1652 to fome property, upon which he continued to hve in London till his death in 1669. The Chriftian moderator ; or, perfecution for leligion con- demned by the light of nature, law of God, evidence of our own principles. ^Signed IViIliam Birchley.'\ 4° Lond. 165 I. — Third part : or, the oath of abjuration arraign'd by the common law and common fence, ancient and modem adls of Pari., declarations of the arniy, law of God and con- fent of modem divines. 4° Lond. 1653. AUSTEN (Ralph). A practical gardener and writer on horticulture. Refided about fifty years at Oxford. D. there, 1676. A treatife of fmit-trees, (hewing the manner of planting, grafting, pruning, and ordering of them in all refpefts ... whereunto is annexed, obfer\-ations upon Sr. Fran. Bacon's natural hiftory, as it concerns fmit-trees, fruits, and flowers ... The third impreilion. 8° Oxford, 1665. The fpiritual ufe of an orchard or garden of frait-trees ; fet forth in divers fimilitudes betweene natural and fpiritual fruit-trees, according to Scripture and experience. The fe- cond impreilion. 12° Lond. 1847. AUSTIN (Alfred). Reports of cafes of controverted eleftions in 1844, by Arthur Barron and Alfred Auftin. AUSTIN (Alfred). Five years of it. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1858. The feafon : a fatire. \Jn verfe.^ 8° Lond. I 86 1. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 186 1. My fatire and its cenfors. [/n verfe.^^ 8^ Lond. 1 86 1. The human tragedy: a poem. 8° Lond. 1862. AUSTIN (Gilbert), A.M. Chironomia ; or, a treatife on rhetorical delivery, compre- hending many precepts, both ancient and modem, for the proper regulation of the voice, the countenance, and gellure ... 4° Lond. 1806. AUSTIN— AUSTRALI A 249 AUSTIN (Henry). Thoughts on the abufcs of the prefent fyftcm of compe- tition in architeiftuie ; with an outline of a plan for their re- medy : in a letter to Earl De Grey. 8° Lond. 1841. AUSTIN (James G.) A pradical treatife on the preparation, combination and application of calcareous and hydraulic limes and cements ... to which is added many ufefiJ recipes for various fcicntific, mercantile and domeftic purpofes. 12° Lond. 1862. AUSTIN (.Iohn). Profeflbr of jurifprudcnce in the London Univerfity. D. at Wcybridge, Dec. 1859, aged feventy. The province of jurifprudence determined. 8° Lond. 1832. — Second edition. Being the firft part of a feries of lec- tures on jurifprudence, or, the pliilofophy of pofitive law. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. A plea for the conftitution. Second edition. 8" Lond. 1859. AUSTIN (Sarah). On national education. 8° Lond. 1839. Fiagmcnts from German profe writers. Illuftrated with notes. 12° Lond. 1841. Germany, fiom 1760 to 1 8 1 4 ; or, fl.1 Fran9ois avcc Ic droi(5l Romain, civil et canon ... 2 torn. Quatriefmc edition. fol. Paris, 1644. AUTOR. * De S. Autore et tranflatione reliquiarum ejus in regio- nem Brunfvicenfem. [LriiiNn /., Scriplons rcnim Brun/vi- cenfium, i. 70 1.] AUTPERTUS (Ambrosius). See Ansbertus. AUTUMN. The laft autumn ata favourite refidence; with other poems. By a lady. 8° Lond. 1828. AUTUN (Jacques d'). See Jacques de Chevanes. AUTY, Squire. The blue book of the Britifh manufafturers ; or, the money-monger's true pifture : a companion to the black book ... 12° Lond. 1848. AUXERRE. Breve chronicon Autiffiodorenfe. [Martene et Durand, Thefaurus novus anecdotorum, iii. 1384.] AUXILIUS. A French cheologian, who lived during the latter half oi the 9th, and beginning of the loth century. Liber cujufdam requirentis et refpondentis, feu Auxilii libellus fuper caufa & negotio Formod Papa?. [Mabillon, Vetera aiialecla, \>. 28.] De ordinationibus a Formofo PP. fadlis. [Ibid. j). 32.] De eadem quiftione traftatus, qui Infenfor et defenfor dicitur. [Ibid. p. 39.] — [il/a.v. Bibliotheca vctcrum Patrum, xvii. I.] AUXIRON (Claude Franijois Joseph d'). Engineer and captain of artillery. B. at Befanjon, 172S. D. at Paris, 1778. Principes de tout gouveraemeat ; ou, Examen des caufes de la fplendeur, ou de la foiblefle de tout etat confidero en lui meme, et independamment des mceurs. [^tion.] 2 torn. ^ 12° Paris, 1766. AUZANET (Barthelemy). B. at Paris, 1591. Counfellor of ftate, and advocate in the parliament of Paris. D. 1673. CEuvies ... contenant fes notes fur la coutume de Paris, fes memoires, reflexions et arrets, fur les queftions les plus importantes de droit & de coutume. fol. Paris, 1708. AUZIERE (Gabriel). The arbitrations of exchanges, ready calculated on the moft extcniive fcale, according to a newly invented procefs which removes any poflibility of error, fol. Lond. 1839. — Second edition. ful. Lond. 1842. AVA. Two years in Ava. 1827. [By T. Abercromby Trant.] AVAL (C. I)'). Comcdiana ... 1801. [By G. Y. Cousin d'Avaion.] AVANCINUS (NicoLAus). A native of the Tyrol, b. 161 1. A member of the Society of Jcfuits, and profelfor of theology and philofophy at Vienna. D, 6 Dec. 1685. Tragedix. 12° Colonix, 167 5. 252 AVARICE— AVENTINUS Poefis lyrica ; qua condnentur lyricomm libri iv. et epodon liber urius. 1 2 =* Colonise Agiippinse, 17 1 7. AVARICE. The reign of avarice ; an allegorical fatire, in four cantos. 12° Lond. 1 85 1. AVAUX (Felibien des). See Felibien. AVAUX (Jean Antoine, Comte d'). B. 1640. French plenipoKntiaryatthe CongrefsofNimeguen; afterwards ambalTador in Holland j and, 1688, ambalTador at London. D. at Paris, 1709. The negotiations of Count d' Avaux . . . containing [befides the fecret hiftory of the rife and motives of the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion,] the fteps taken by the Prince of Orange to afcend die throne of Great Britain, and the in- trigues of the court of France to counteraifl his meafures during thatinterefting period. Tranflated from the French. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1754-5. AVELINE (E. L.) The mother's fables: in vcrfe ... A new edition, to which is added (for the firft time,) tales and fables in verfe. 8° Lond. [1861.] AVELINE (H. T.) Supplement to Archbold's Juftice of tlie peace, comprif- ing the law of fummaiy convidtions under the confolidated ads, 1861. 12° Lond. 1861. AVELINE (M. G.) Fairy tale charades, for ading. 8° Lond. 1858. AVELING (Henry). Poetic hours, and mufing moments. 8° Lond. 1857. AVELING (Thomas). Minifter of the Independent chapel, Kinglland, London. Recreations, phyfical and mental, lawful and unlawful : a ledture. 12° Lond. n. d. Chrift and Chriftianity : a ledture delivered to the working claffes. 12° Hackney, [185 I.] Great fights : a difcourfe delivered in Kingfland chapel, on the Sabbath evening preceding the opening of the Great Exhibition. [Exoi/. iii. 3, John i. 50, Liiie xxiii. 48.] I2<^ Lond. [1S51.] Miflionaiy triumphs the work of God : a fermon preached at the Weigh-houfe chapel, before the juvenile friends of the London miflionaiy fociety, May 9th, 1859. rNiim. xxiii. 23.] 12° Lond. 1859. " Sorrow on the fea : " a difcourfe, delivered after the wreck of the Royal Charter, and the cataftrophe on board the Great Eaftern. [Tt/-. xlix. 23.] 12° Lond. 1859. AVELING (Thomas W.) Naaman ; or, life's (hadows and funfhine. 8 ' Lond. 1853. Voices of many waters ; or, travels in the lands of the Tiber, the Jordan, and the Nile : with notices of Afia Minor, Conftantinople, Athens, etc., etc. 8° Lond. 1855. The Chiiftian's prayer for Ifrael : a fermon, preached in the Poulti-y chapel, London, on Tuefday, April 22, 1856, on behalf of the Britifh fociety for the propagation of the Gofpel among the Jews. [Rom. x. i.] 8° Lond. 1856. The fervice of the fandtuary ; or, reverence fliown to the houfe of God, by an early, conftant, and devout attendance upon divine ordinances. 8° Lond. [n. d.l AVELLANUS (Petrus). A French jurift, who lived about the middle of the 1 6th cen- tury. Aliquot loci bonorum audVorum reftituti, vel aliter quam vulgo fere intelliguntur explicati. [Otto, Thefaurus juris Romani, i. 457.] AVENDANO (Christoval de). A Carmelite monk, b. at Valladolid, where he d. 8 Feb. 1628. Marial de las fieftas ordinaiias y extraordinarias de la Madre de Dios, Senora nueftra, con fermones al fin de fus celeftiales padres. 4° Valladolid, [629. AVENDANO (Lodovicus Velasquez de). Advocate at Valladolid, and profelTor of law in the Univerfity of Alcala. Lived at the end of the i6th and beginning of the 17th century. Tradlatus de cenfibus Hifpanias, continens Iibi"um unum, et c&ntum & undecim quaeftiones, in quibus materia cenfils perdodle expllcatur, & omnia jura, tam canonica, quhm regia & civilia de cenfibus loquentia, mirifice interpretantur. Editio nova. fol. Colonias AUobrogimi, 1734. AVENTINUS (Johannes). B. at Abeniterg, in Bavaria, 1466. Educated at Ingolftadt and at Paris. Appointed preceptor to the princes Louis and Erneft, fons'of Albert Duke of Bavaria. D. 9 Jan. 1534. His real name was Thurmayer j that of Aventinus, which he adopted, being derived from the place of his birth. Chronicon ; five, annales Schirenfes ... ex publicis biblio- thecis, diplomatibus, annalibus, illuff i ibufque fcriptoribus dili- gentiffiral excerpti. 4° Biponti, 1 600. — [CoNRADUS, Chronicon Schirenfe. 1 7 1 6.] Antiquitatum Danicamm fermones xvi. ex Bojaricac hif- torise Johannis Aventini libro prinio feledli, et novis com- mentariis Johannis Lyfcandri ... illuftrati ... in lucera editi opera Erici Olai Tormii. 4^ Hafnix, 1642. Annalium Boioram libri vii. cum dodfiffimorum virorum quibufcumque editionibus coUati, emendatius audliufque ex- cufi : quibus ciufdem Aventini Abacus, fimul ac perrarus Francifci Guillimanni de Helvetia, feu rebus Helvetiorum tradlatus ... acceflerunt, prxfationem curante Nicolao Hier- onymo Gundlingiu. fol. Lipfije, 17 lO. De Johannis Aventini Annalium epitome, variifque ac variantibus editionibus. [Schelhorn, ^manitates literaritc, v. 81.] J. Aventini De urbe Bathavina narratiuncula. Ejufdem Excerpta diplomadca Paflavienfia, nee non Leges portorix Bojonam, una cum Placito Henrici Ducis Bojoarix de juri- bus ad ecclefiam Bathavienfem in Maica oriental! pertinen- tibus. [QiFELius, Return Boicarum fcriptores, i. 698.J AVERANIUS— AVIANUS 253 Antiquitates diplomatica; Altahenfes et Ofteihavcnfcs, ex tabulis ct monumentis antiquis utiiufque monafte] ii colledtas. [Ibid. i. 7 19.] Epifcoporum Chiemenfium catalogus. [Ibid. i. 778.] Hirtoiia Qitingenfis coenobii, in Boivaria, cum diplomati- bus. [LuDEwiG, Scrlptores rerum Germamcarmn, ii. 379.] AVERANIUS (Beneuictus). B. at Florence, ig July, 1645. Member of the Accadcmla della Cruica, and profclTor of Greek and Latin, in the Univerfity of Pifa. D. 28 Dec. 1707. Opera Latina. 3 torn. fol. Floientise, 17 17. Carmina. \Curmlna illuflrlum poetarum Italorum, i. 373.] AVERANIUS (JosEPHus). B. at Florence, 1662. Studied law, of which he was profef- for, at Pifa j but at the fame time devoted much of his attention to natural philofophy. D. at Florence, 24 Aug. 1738. Monumenta Latina poftuma, nunc primum edita. 4° Florcntis-, I 769. Inteqjretationum juris libri duo ; in quib\is multa cum juris civilis, tum aliorum vetemm fcriptoiuni, loca nova a ratione illuftrantur : multa item ex antiquitate Romana Graecaque dofte peitradlantur. 8° Amftelodami, 1723. Interpretationum juris libri quinque ... Editio noviffima in duos tomos dilliibuta, cum indicibus et vita auftoris. 4° Lugduni, 1 7 5 I . Oratio de jurifprudentia, aliifque difciplinis per fua prin- cipia addifcendis. \Var'iorum opufcula ad culthrem Juris- PRUDENTiAM aclfcquettdam pcrl'tnentia, ii. 7.] AVERANIUS (N.coLAus). Brother of the two foregoing authors. The date of iiis birth is not known. D. 4 Aug. 1727. DifTcitatio de mcnfibus ./Egyptiorum ... adjeftis notis P. Henrici Noris, curante Ant. Francifco Gorio, nunc primum edita. 40 Florentix, 1737. AVERELL (Adam). B. at Mulbn, Co. Tyrone, 7 May, 1754. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and took orders in the Eftablifhed Church. Be- came a Methodift, and was for nearly thirty years prclident of the Primitive Wcdeyan mcthodift conference. D. 16 Jan. 1 847. * Memoirs ... 1849. [-^y Alexander Stewart and George Revington.] AVERILL (Charles). A (hort treatife on operative furgery AVER ROES. 8° Lend. 1823. The complete name of this writer was Abu-1-walid Moham- med Ibn Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Ibn Roflid. B. at Cordova in the early part of the 1 2th century. D. 1198. * Tabula .lulii Palamedis, Adrienfis, in Ariftotelis, Aver- roifque opera ... 1562. AVERY (John). * Life and adventures ... 1709. [/?y Adrian van Broeck.] AVESANI (G. F.) The peace of Villafranca. 8° Lend. 1859. AVESBURY (RoBERTUs de). An Engliih hiftorian. D. about 1360. Hiftoria de mirabilibus gcftis Edvardi III. Accedunt, ( I.) libri Saxonici, qui ad manus Joannis Jofcelini venerunt; (2.) Nomina eorum, qui fcripfcrunt hiftoriam gentis An- glorum, et ubi exrtant ; per Joannem Jofcelinum; e codicibus MSS. defcripfit cdiditque Tho. Hearnius ; qui et appendi- cem fubnexuit. 8° Oxonii, 1720. AVESGOTUS. A monk of the convent of Le Mans. Epiftola ad Sandlum Anfelnium. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, iv. 477.] AVEZAN (Joannes d'). A French lawyer, b. in Gafcony. Studied atTouloufe, under Cujas and Jos. Acofta, and became profcflbr of law at Orleans. D. at Paris, 1669. Contra(fluum liber [prior.] 4° Aurelios, 1 644. — [Meerman, Novus thejaurus juris civl/is et canonici, iv. I.] Difleitatio de fponfalibus et matrimoniis. 4=" Parifiis, 1 66 1. — [Meerman, Novus thejaurus juris civilis et canonici, 'V- 31 5-] Liber contiaiSuum alter, plurcs tracflatus continens : I. fcil. De cmptione ct venditionc. II. De locatione et con- duftione. III. De focictate. IV. Dc mandato et nego- tioiTim geftione. [Ibid. iv. 75.] Servitutum liber. [Ibid. iv. 119.] Liber de cenfuris eccle(i:i(licis, continens traiflatus tres : I. De excommunicationc. II. De depofitione, degrada- tionc, et fufpenfione. III. De interdi(5lo. Cum difTeitatione de pontificia et regia poteftate. [Ibid. iv. 233.] Liber de renunciationibus, five refignationibus et penfioni- bus bencficinmm ccclefiafticorum, deque portione congnia et competent! e.x eorum reditibus vicariis perpetuis alTignanda. [Ibid. iv. 289.] Diflertatio patronatus juris pontificii. [Ibid. iv. 355-] AVIANUS (Flavius). A Latin poet of the 2d century. Fabulx cum commentariis feleftis Albini fcholiaftx ve- teris, notifque integris Ifaaci Nicolai Nevelcti et Cafparis Bartilii ; quibus animadvcrfioncs fuas adjecit Henricus Can- ncgieter. Accedit ejufden; differtatio de tctate et llilo F. Avlani. 8° Amdelodami, J 7 3 1 . Fabulve ad Ms. cd. collatx. Accedunt varia; iei^iones in Ovidii rcmcdium anioris, Tiieoduli eclogam et Catonis dif- ticha, curante Jo. Ad. Nodell, qui notas critic.is in fcriptores aliquot veteres adjecit. 8° Amilelodami, 1787. Fabulx, in ufum fcholaium adfperfis notulis cditx ex re- cenfione Henrici Cannegieter. 12" Lijjfix, I 790. Aviani jl'lfopicaium fabularum liber. [Aphthonius, M-j6o,, Isfc] — [TEsopus, FabuU, edit. 1 609.] [Collcilio Pifauren/is, iifc, iv. 183. See Poems.] 254 AVICENNA— AVITUS AVICENNA. An Arabic phyficlan, whole real name was Abu All Alhu- feyn Ibn Abdillah Ibnu-l-huleyn Ibn All Ibn Sina. B. a.d. 9S0. D. 1037. Ad legem Hafen epiftola de re re(5ta. [Zetznerus, Theatnim chemicum, iv. 863.] Declaratio lapidis phyfici iilio fuo Aboali. [Ibid. iv. ^75-] De congelatione el conglutinatione lapidum. [Ibid. iv. 883.] _ ■ _ Auicenna. Piaefens maximus codex eft totius fcientie medicine principis Aboali Abinfene cum expofitionibus om- nium principalium et illuftrium interpretum eius. Nam etfi alias fueiit impreflus, in hoc ipfo tamen multas res et ad theo- ricani et pradlicam utiliflimas efle fcias, que non eiant in antea impieflb codice ... Eiufdem codicis diuifio commodiffime fadta ell in quinque volumina ... Expofitores in hoc codice contenti : Gentilis de fiiliginio, Jacobus de panibus, Dinus florentinus, Ugo fenenfis, Auerrois cordubenfis, Matheus de gradi, Thadeus florentinus, Gentilis florentinus. fol. [Venetiis,] 1523. AVIENUS (RuFus Festus). A Latin poet, who is fuppofed to have lived in the latter part of the 4th century. Defcriptio orbis tenae, cum commentariis. Ora maritima. Carmina minora. [Poet^e Latini mirwres, ed. IVernfdorf, vol. V. pars ii. iii.] Defcriptio oibis terras. Ora maritima. \CoUe9w Pifati- renfis, iSfc, iv. 166, 177. See Poems.] Paraphrafis Phenomenon et Prognofticorum Arati. Dionylli orbis terrarum defcriptio cum Rufi Fefti Avieni metaphrafi ; curavit, notas adjecit F. C. Matthias. [Gr. and Lat. Aratus, Phisnomena et Diofemea, edit. 18 I 7.] Incerti audtoris, fortafle R. F. Avieni, Epitome Iliados Homeri. [Poet^e Latini minores, ed. IFernfdorf, vol. iv. pars pofterior.l AVIGNON. Afta varia de fchifmate pontificum Avenionenfium. [Martene et Durand,77'f/(!;/;-«j noi'us anecdotorum,\\. 1 07 3.] AVILA Y SOTOMAYOR (Hernando de). A native of Seville, who lived in the early part of the 17th century. El ai-bitro entre el Marte Frances \by Cornelius Janfen^ y las vindicias Gallicas \by Daniel de Priezac,^ refponde por la verdad, por la patria, por fus.reyes. Efcrivelo Hernando de Ayora Valmifoto [anagram of Hernando de A-vila y Soto- mayorS\ 4° Pamplona, 1646. AVILA (Juan de). A SpaniJh preacher, furninied the apoftle of Andalufia. B. at Almodovar-del-Campo, in New CaftiUe, 1500. D. 10 May, 1569. Obras. 4° Madrid, 1595. Vida y obras. Aora nuevamente anadido y enmendado por el licenciado Martin Ruiz de Mefa. fol. Madrid, 1674. AVILA Y gUNIGA (Luis de). A Spanilh hiftorian, who flouriihed in the 16th century. Comentario de la guerra de Alemaiia hecha de Carlo V. Maximo, Emperador Romano, Rey de Efpaiia. En el ano de M.D.XLVi. y m.d.xlvii. 8° Venetia, 1548. — Another edition. 8° Anvers. 1549. ■ — • Another edition. 8° Venecia, 1553. Commentaii'e de la guerre d' Allemaigne, faidle par Charles cincqiiiefme, trefgrand Empereur des Romains, Roy d'Ef- paigne. Sec. En Ian mdxlvi. & mdxlvii. Nouvellement tradui(5l d'Efpaignol en Frangois, par Matthieu Vaulchier didt Francheconte ... 8° Anvers, 1550. Commentariorum de bello Germanico, "aCaroIo V.,CjEfare Maximo, gefto, libri duo a Gulielnio Malinaso Bragenfi La- tine redditi, et iconibus ad hiftoriam accommodis illuftrati. 8° Antverpix, 1550. AVILA (Nicolas de). A Spanifli theologian. B. at Caramanchel el Baxo, near Madrid. Lived in the latter half of the i6th century. Suma de los mandamientos, y mare magnum del fegundo, que enfena para el confefFionario, y perfuade para el pulpito. Con dos tablas muy copiofiis, que firuen de lugares comunes. 4° Alcala, 16 10. AVILA (Stephanus de). A Spanilh Jefuit, whofe learning procured for him the title of Doctor do(5torum. Went as profeflor of theology to Lima, in Peru, w-here he d. 14 April, 160I. De cenfuris ecclefiafticis traftatus. 4° Lugd. 1608. AVILES (Joseph de). Ciencia lieroyca ; reducida a las leyes heialdicas del bla- fon ... 2 torn. 8° Barcelona, 1725. AVILES (Pedro de). Advertencias de un politico a fu principe ... 4° Napoles, 1673. AVILLION. Avillion ; and other tales. 1853. [.Sj; Dinah Maria MuLOCH.] AVINON (Juan de). Seuillana medicina ; que trata el modo c5feruatiuo y curatiuo de los que abita en la muy infigne ciudad de Seuilla : la qual fiiiie y aprouecha para qualquier otro lugar deftos rey- itos. Obra atigua digna de fer leyda. 4° Sevilla, 1545. AVITUS. ASpanilh prieft,who lived at the beginning of the 5th century. Epiftola ad Papam Palconium. [Maeillon, Vetera ana- haa, p. 386.] AVITUS (Sextus Alcimus Ecdicius). B. about the middle of the 5ih century. Bilhop of Viennc, 490. D. 5 Feb. 525. Opera ; edita nunc primum, vel inftaurata, cura et ftudio Jacobi Sirmondi. [Max. Bibliotheca vetermn Patrum, ix. S60.J Sermo, feria tertla in Rogatlonibus. [Martene et Durand, Thefauru! novus anecdotorum, v. 49.] AVOGADRA— AYCKBOURN 255 Epiftolae quatuor. [Baluze, MifceUanea, i. 355-] Fragmenta llbri de divinitate Spiritus Sanifli. [Ibid. i. 361.] Collatio epifcopomm prxfcrtim Aviti coram rege aduerfus Arianos ... a.d. 479. [d'AcHERius, Spicilegium, v. I 10.] Poemata. [Maittaire, Opera el fragmenta veterum poet- arum Lalinorum, p. 1 67 3.] — [ColUaio Pifaurenfts, ^c, vi. 112. See Poems.] AVOGADRA (Lucia Albana). B. about the beginning of the 1 6th century. D. 1584. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxx. 244.] AVOLIO (Francesco di Paola). An advocate of Syracufe. Diflcrtazionc fopra la neceflitk ed utilita di ben confer- vaifi gli antichi monumenti di Siracufa. 4° Palermo, 1806. AVON (W.) A midfummer day's dream, and other poems. 8° Lend. 1858. AVRIGNY (Hyacinthe Robillard d'). B. at Caen, 1675. Entered the order of the Jefuits. D. at Alenjon, 24 April, 1719. Memoires pour fervir a I'hiftoiie univerfelle de I'Europe, depuis 1 600 jufqu'en 1 7 1 6 ; avec des reflexions et rc- maiques critiques. 5 tom. 12° Paris, 1757. AVRIL ( ). Temples anciens et modernes; ou, obfervations hiftoriqucs et critiques fur les plus celebres monumens d'architefture Grecque et Gothique, par M. L. M. 2 part. 8° Paris, 1774. AVRIL (Philippe). A Jefuit miiTionary, who lived in the latter half of the 17th century. Voyage en divers etats d'Europe et d'Afie, cntrcpris pour dccouvrir un nouveau chemin a la Chine ; contcnant plud- eurs remarqucs curieufes de phyfique, de ge()gra])hie, d'hydro- graphie & d'hiftoire, avec une defcription de la grande Tar- taric, & des differens peuples qui I'habitent. 8° Paris, 1693. AVRILLON (Jean Baptiste Elie). B. at Paris, i Jan. 1652. D. 6 May, 1719. A guide for paffing Lent holily ... tranflated from the Frencli, and adapted to the ufe of the Englilh Church. 12° Lond. 1844. Guide for paiTing holily the day and tlic 0(5tave of Corpus Chrifti. 8° Lond. 1852. Guide for pading holily tlie time of Pcntecort. [From the French.^ 12^ Lond. 1854. Euchariftic meditations for a month, on the moll holy communion : tranflated and abridged from the French. Edited by tlie Rev. Oiby Shipley, M.A. l2"'L()nd. 1862. AWDRY (Sir John WirnrR). Suggeftions with regard to certain pro])ofed alteiations in the Univerfity and Colleges of Oxford, and to the poflibility and advantages of a legal education at the univerfity. By Sir J. W. Awdry, and the Rt. Hon. Sir John Pattefon. 8° Oxford, 1854. AXEL (.Ioannes Honorius van). A Dutch jurift, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. A great part of his life was palTed at Rome. Totius juris canonici compendium ; five, brevis fumma in quinque libros decretalium, facri Concilii Tridentini decretis accommodata ... Editio tertia. 4° Coloniae Agrippinx, 1656. AXFORD (John). Hidden things brought to light, for the increafe of know- ledge in reading the Bible: being an explanation of the coyns, money, weights, meafures, mentioned in the Bible, as fhekels, talents, &c. The fifth edition. 8° I.,ond. n. d. AXIOMA BASILICON. \i,i!uij,a Baci7.ix.ov. The unanimous,orconfentient opinion of the learned : namely Digges, Heath, Croke, Glanvill, Lord Digby, Elliot, Lords and Commons in Parliament, Jenkins, Bates, Bridgeman, Eail of Clarendon, and others; in the explication or expofition of that celebrated maxim in the laws of England, The king can do no wrong : in a letter from a lawyer in tlie countrcy to a ftudcnt at one of the inns of courts. 4° Lond. 1703. AXONIUS (Joachimus). A theoIogi.in, jurift, and poet of Brabant. D. 25 Aug. 1605. Poemata. \Gkut{r, De/itiapoetarum Be/giconim,i. 183.] AYALA (Balthazar). A Dutch jurift, b. at Antwerp about 1548. D. at Aloft, 16 Aug. 1584. De jure et officiis bellicis, et difciplina militari, libri 111. 8° Duaci, 1582. — Another edition. 8° Antverpix, 1597. — Accedit Martini Laudenfis Tradt. de bello, eimi notis. 8° Lovanii, 1648. AYALA Y GUERRA (BartholomePancorbode). See Pancorbo. AYALA (Ignacio Lopez de). Hifloiia de Gibraltar. 4° Madrid, 1782. AYALA (Martin de). Archbiftiopof Valcnti.i in the former half of the 1 6th century. Catechifmo para inftruccion de los nuevamente convcitidos de Moros. Impreffo por ordcn del Patriarchade Antifchia y Ar^obifpo de Valencia Don Juan de Ribera. 40 V.iiencia, I 599. AYCKBOURN (Hi-bert). The new Chancery pr.iiJticc ; being a condenfed treatifc of the praiflice of the Court of Chancer y . . . with ])iaiJlical diredions, an appendix of forms, (including all the new writs,) the orders fiom 1828 to the prefent lime, and the modern (latutcs. I 2'^ Lond 1S44. 256 AYELLO— AYLOFF — Second edition, enlarged and carefully revifed, by Thomas H. Ayckbourn, Efq., and Hubert Ayckbourn. 12° Lond. 1846. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1849. — Fourth edition. Vol. II. 12° Lond. 1854. — Fifth edition. Vol. II. 12° Lond. 1856. — Sixth edition. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1858. — Seventh edition. 2 parts. 12° Lond. 1861. AYELLO (Jacobus de). See Ajello. AYERST (Francis). The ghofl of Junius : or, the .luthorfhip of the celebrated ' letters' by this anonymous writer deduced from a letter, &c., addrefled in 1775-6 by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Rich, Bart., to the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Barrington ... 8° Lond. 1853. AYERST (William), A.M. Perpetual curate of Egerton, Kent. {jXItt" nipn. The hope of Ifrael ; or, the doftrine of the ancient Jews concerning the MefFiah, as ftated in the Tar- gumim. 12° Lond. 1851. n'D' injTOSa pnv- Faith in Ifrael, exemplified in the teftimony borne to the power of the gofpel, by members of the houfe of Ifrael. 12° Lond. 185 i. AYERST (William), M.A. Curate of St. Giles's-in-the-fields, London. The Pentateuch its own witnefs ; or, the internal evi- dence of the antiquity and infpiration of the Pentateuch : an e% ... 8° Cambridge, 1858. AYERVE DE AYORA (Antonius). A Spanirti jurift, who flourilhed at Granada towards the clofe of the 16th centur)'. Traftatus de partitionibus bononam communium, inter coniuges, parentes, et liberos, eommque hxredes, in quatuor partes diftinftus, recognitus et locupletatus ... fol. Lugduni, 1677. AYESHA. Ayeflia, the maid of Kars. 1834. [By J. Morier.] AYLEN (W. H.), B.A. Minifter of Carlifle chapel, Kennington. Come home. 12° Lond. n. d. AYLESBURY. Pro aris et focis ; or, a vindication of the proceedings of the Commons on the writs of habeas corpus and writ of error in the cafe of the Aylelbury men : in a letter from a member of Parliament to a friend in the countiy. The third edition. S. Sh. n. p. 1705. Aylefljury races. Part the firft. [Fer/e.] 4° Aylefbuiy, 1778. AYLIFFE (John;, LL.D. An Englifli civilian and canonift, of whofe perfonal hiftory very little is known. He ftyles himfelf LL.D., and Fellow of New College, Oxford. He lived in the former half of the 1 8th centur)'. The antient and prefent ftate of the Univerfity of Ox- ford . . . To which is added the method of proceeding in the chancellor's court. With an appendix and index to the whole. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1714. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani ; or, a commentary, by way of fupplement, to the canons and conftitutions of the Church of England. Not only from the books of the canon and civil-law, but likewife from the ftatute and common-law of this realm ... fol. Lond. 1726. A new Pandecfl of Roman civil law, as anciently eftab- lifhed in that empire ; and now received and praftifed in raoft: European nations; with manyufeful obfervations there- on, {hewing wherein that law differs from the municipal laws of Great Britain, from the canon law in general, and from that part of it now in ufe here with us in England . . . fol. Lond. 1734. AYLINI (Johannes). A notary' at Maniaco, in Italy, in the 14th century, who was an eye-witnefs of the principal events recorded in the under- noted work. Hiftoria belli Forojulienfis ab anno Chrifti i 366 ufque ad 138S. [Muratori, y^n//yu;/ato Ila/ice metlii ait. From tlie fiift times till the reign of Edward the Third. [./Ajon.] 4° Lond. 1647. The contiruuition of An hiftorical difcourfe of the go- vernment of England, until the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a preface, being a vindication of the ancient way of ])arliaments in England. 4" Lond. 1 65 I . — Fourth edition [o/'io//>/>a//j.l fol. Lond. 1739. 276 BACON— BADDELEY A relation of the fearful eftate of Francis Splra, in the year 1548. 8° Edinb. 1675. — Another edition. 12° Edinb. 1851. BACON (Sir Nicholas). B. at Chillehurft in Kent, 15 10. Educated at Corpus Chrifti College, Cambridge. Entered Gray's Inn, and devoted himleif to the ftudy of the law. Appointed, by Elizabeth, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, 22 Dec. 1558. D. 20 Feb. 1579. The right of fucceffion to the crown of England, in the family of the Stuarts, exclufive of Mary Queen of Scots, learnedly afferted and defended againft Sir Anthony Brown. Faithfully publilhed from the original manufcript, by Na- thaniel Boothe, Efq. 8° Lond. 1723. BACON (Richard Mackenzie). Editor of the Norwich Mercury, A letter to the Right Hon. Edward, Ld. Suffield, upon the diftrefs of the labourers, and its remedy. 8° Loud. 183 I. BACON (Richard Noverre). The report on the agriculture of Norfolk, to which the prize was awarded by the Royal agricultural fociety of Eng- land. 8" Lond. 1844. BACON (Robert). " Preacher by the allowance of God, and the nation, now thefe five years there" [wi-. Neiu }Vindjor.'\ A tafte of the Spirit of God, and of this world, as they have appeared in oppofition heretofore, fo now latefl: of all at New Windfor ; occafioned through the violence and re- proach of evil men, againft the temple and tabernacle of God, and them that dwel therein ... 4° Lond. 1652. BACON (Robert William), M.A. Reiftor of Ewhurft, SulTex. A plain fermon on confirmation, \yl8s viii. 14-17.] 12° Lond. 1850. " Weep not :" a funeral fermon, preached at Wattifham, on the 23d June, 1850. [Luie vii. 13.] 12° Lond. [1850.] BACON (Roger). B. at Ilchefter, 1214. D. at Oxford, 12S4 or 1294. De I'admirable pouvolr et puiflance de I'art et de natm-e, ou eft traifle de la pierre philofophale : traduit en Francois par Jaques Girard de Tournus. 8° Lyon, 1557. Le miroir d'alquimie ... Traduift de Latin en Frangais, parun gentilhomme du D'aulphine ... 8° Lyon, 1557. De alchemia libellus, cui titulum fecit, fpeculum^glchemiff . [Zetznerus, Theatrum chcmicum, ii. 377-] Epiftola de fecretis operibus artis et natuiE, et de nullitate magis ; cum notis. [Ibid. v. 834.] Fr. Roger! Bacon opera qua^dam haftenus inedita. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A. Vol. L 8° Lond. 1859. The cure of old age, and prefei-vation of youth ; fhewing how to cure and keep off the accidents of old age ; and how to preferve the youth, ftrength and beauty of body, and the fenfes and all the faculties of both body and mind ... Tranf- lated out of Latin ; with annotations and an account of his \Bacon] life and writings ; by Richard Browne. 8° Lond. 1683. * The famous hiftorie of Fryer Bacon, containing the wonderfiJ things that he did in his life, alfo tlie manner of his death, with the lives and deaths of the two coniurers, Bungye and Vandermaft. 4° Lond. reprinted 1 8 1 6. — [W. J. Thoms, a colleSion of early profe romances, vol. i.] BACON (Thomas). When the following work was written, its author was a lieu- tenant in the Bengal Horle A rtiUery. Called to the bar, 1 841 . Took holy orders, and was prelcnted to the reiftory of Kingf- worthy, near Winchefter, 1852. Firft impreffions and ftudies from nature in Hindoftan : embracing an outline of the voyage to Calcutta, and five years' refidence in Bengal and the Doab, from mdcccxxxi. to MDCccxxxvi. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1837. BACON-TACON (Pierre Jean Jacques). B. at Oyonnax, dep. of Aix, 1 8 July, 1738. D. March, 181 7. Recherches fur les origines Celtiques, principalement fur cclles de Bugcy, confideie comme berceau du Delta Celtique. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1808. BACOT (John). Surgeon to the St. George's and St. James's difpenfary, Lon- don. A treatife on fyphihs ; in which the hiftoiy, fymptoms, and method of treating every form of tiiat difeafe, are fully confidered. 8° Lond. 1829. BACQUET (Jean). A French jurift of confiderable eminence. He died in 1 597, of grief, it is laid, for the execution of his fon-in-law, Char- pentier, a phylicianand lecturer in the Univerlity of Paris, who fuffered in the Place de Greve as an adherent of the League. Oeuvres. fol. Paris, 1664. BACSTROM (S.), M.D. Account of a voyage to Spitzbergen in the year 1780. [Pinkerton's CoHeSion of "voyages and travels, i. 6 1 4.] BACZKO (LuDwiG V.) Hiftorifche Unterhaltungen fiir gebildete Lefer. 8° Halle und Leipzig, 18 12. BADCOCK (Henry). Praftical obfervations on the huft>andiy of the diftrift : communicated ... to the members of the Eaft Cornwall ex- perimental club for the advancement of agriculture. 12° Lond. 184S. BADCOCK (Lovell). Rough leaves fiom a journal kept in Spain and Portugal, during the years 1832, 1833, and 1834. 8° Lond. 1835. BADDELEY (P. F. H.) Surgeon, Bengal army. Whirlwinds and duft-ftomis of India : an inveftigation into the law of wind and revolving ftorms at fea. With an addendum containing praflical hints on fanitaiy meafures re- quired for the European foldier in India. 8° Lond. i860. Plates [/or the above.'] 4° Lond. i860. BADELEY— BADIUS 277 BADELEY (John), M.D. An authentic narrative of tlie extraordinaiy cure ])erformed by Prince Alexandre Hohenlohe, on Mifs Barbara O'Con- nor, a nun in the convent of New Hall, near Chelmsford ; with a full refutation of the numerous falfe reports and mif- reprefentations. 8° Lend. 1823. — Third edition. [Pamphleteer, xxii. 225.] BADELEY (Johannes Carr), M.D. Oratio, ex Harveii inftituto, in asdibus Collegii Rcgalis Medicorum habita, pridie Calend. Julii, a.d. 1849. 8° Lond. 1849. BADEN (GusTAv Ludwig). B. at Altona, 29 Feb. 1764. Silva diiferentiarum praecipuarum ac nobiliflimarum iuris Romani et Germanico-Danici, quoad univerfam doftrinam de cura atque tutela. 4' Kilia; Holfatorum, [1793.] Peder Greve af Griffenfeld's Fortjencfter af Kongehuus eg Fxdreneland, fom Overfecretair og Rigfcanzler under Dannerkongerne Frederich den IIL og Chriftian den V. 8° Kjobenhavn, 1808. Den Danilfe og Norflce Lovkyndigheds Hiftorie. 8° Kobenhavn, 1809. The hiftory of Norway, from the earlieft times, by G. L. Baden, LL.D. ; and from the union of Calmar, by Baron Holberg. Tranflated from the Danifh, and continued to the prefent time, by A. Anderfen Feldborg. 8° Lond. 18 17. BADEN (Jacob). B. at Vordinborg, 4 May, 1735. Studied at Gottingen and Leipzig. Profefibr of rhetoric at Copenhagen. D. 1804. Forelxfninger over det Danfltiilx Pii Bononien. annotationes priores : eiufdem annotationes pof- teriores longe plures : eiufdem calligationes Cicoronis ad Hortenfium. Cornclii Vitelii in Merulam. .lacobi a Crucc Bononien. annotata in varios : eiufdem i)ix!e(fliones varix. Pii .(Vntonii Bartoiini in leges calligationes : eiufdem de ordine imperatoi uni libellus. Hoium omnium index duplex. 40 [Paris,] 151 I. 278 BADNAL— BAGNALL Stultiferas naues, fenfus animofque trahentes moitis in exitium. 4° ... in Parrhifiorum Academia nobiliffima ... i 5 15. BADNAL (Richard). Letter to the Lords and Commons, on the prefent com- mercial and agricultural condition of Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1S30. BADNALL (Thomas P.) Remarks on the prefent pofition of joint-flock banks. 8° Livei'pool, 1842. BADVELLUS (Claudius). B. at Nimes, about the end of the 15th century. The dif- tjn^lion that he acquired at the Univerfity of Paris procured for him in 1539 the appointment of redlor of the college cftabliihed by Francis I. at Nimes. To efcape the perfecudon direfted againft Proteftants, he retired to Geneva in 1555, where he be- came a minifter, and profeflbr of philofophy and mathematics. D. at Geneva, 1561. Annotationes in libros Apocryphos. [Critici sacri, torn, v.] BAEDEKER (K.) A handbook for travellers on the Rhine, from Switzer- land to Holland : the Black Foreft, Vofges, Haardt, Oden- wald, Taunus, Eifel, Seven Mountains, Nahe, Lahn,*Mofelle, Ahr, Wupper, and Ruhr. 8° Lond. [1861.] BAHREUS (J. Ch. F.) Der animalifche Magnetifmus und die durch ihn bewirkten Kuren. 8° Elberfeld und Leipzig, 18 16. BAREUS (J. H.) Efterretning om Fattigvasfenets Tilftand i Dannemark. fol. Kiobenhavn, 1790. BjETIUS (Gaspar). A jurift of Granada in the l6tJi centur\'. Traftatus de inope debitore. [Castagna, De beneficio deduSo ne egeat ... p. 251.] BAFFLED. Baffled: a tale. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1858. BAGAROTUS (Dominicus). An Italian lawyer, who flourirtied at Bologna in the former half of the 13th century. D. about 1242. De exceptionibus dilatoiiis & declinatoriis judicii. [F. ZiLETTUS, Trnclatus uni'uerfi juris, in. ii. 12S.] De reprobationibus teftium. [Ibid. iv. 298.] BAGDAD. A journal kept on a journey from BalTora to Bagdad . . . 1784. [iJjr EvERS.] BAGE (Robert). B. at Darley, near Derby, 29 Feb. 1728. A paper manu- facturer at Elford, near Tamworth. D. i Sep. 1801. Mount Henneth : a novel, in a feries of letters. [Ballan- tyne's Noveli/l's Library, ix. III.] Barliam downs: a novel. [Ibid. ix. 241.] James Wallace : a novel. [Ibid. ix. 377.] BAGEHOT (Walter). Ertimates of fome Englifhmen and Scotchmen : a feries of articles reprinted by permifllon principally from the Na- tional Review. 8° Lond. 1858. Pailiamentary reform : an eflay, reprinted, with confider- able additions, from the National Review. 8° Lond. [1859.] BAGGALY (William). A digeft of the minutes, inftitutions, polity, doflrines, or- dinances, and literature, of the Methodill New Connexion. 8° Lond. 1862. BAGGE (Christian). DifTertatio gradualis, de epifcopis, eorumque inCgnibus in Sviogothia ... 4° Londini Gothorum, [1745.] BAGGE (Henry Theod. James), B.A. Toleratio intolerabilis ; or, the free development of the Romifh fyftem, proved to be inconfiltent with the welfare and fafety of the ftate. 8° Lond. I 851. The Anglo-Catholics of Plymouth : a few remarks upon Mifs Sellon's " Reply" to the Rev. J. Spunell's " Expofure." 8° Lond. 1852. Sufficiency of the Scriptures and falvation by grace : a reply to the Rev. W. B. Baxter's " Few words addrefled to the Earl of Shaftelbury." [Jnon.'\ 8° Lond. 1852. TheGawthorn correfpondence. The Archbifhop of Can- terbury and the Rev. W. Brudenell Baxter's " Few words." [Anon.] 8° Lond. 1852. St. Paul's Epiftle to the Galatians. The text revifed ; and illuftrated by a commentary, intended principally for the ufe of minifters, and ftudents of theology. 8° Lond. 1856. BAGLEY (George). A guide to the tongues, antient and modern ; being fhoit and comprehenfive grammars of the Englidi, French, Italian, Spanilh, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, with the Arabic, Chaldaic, and Syriac languages, each at one view. 4° Shrewfbury, 1804. BAGLEY (George). The believer's theological pocket companion ; or, theolo- gical readings for every day in the year. Selefted and fyfte- maticaliy arranged by George Bagley. 8° Lond. 1 85 i. BAGLEY (William). The new pradice of the couits of law at Weftminfter. 8° Lond. 1840. BAGLIVUS (Georgius). B. at Ragufa, Sep, 1669. After ftudying at the univerlities of Salerno, Padua, and Bologna, he became profefibr of anatomy at the Collegio della Sapienza at Rome. D. 1707. Opera omnia medico -pradlica & anatomica. 4° Lugduni, 1704. BAGNAI (Joannes Maria). Carmina. \_CarminailluJlrium toztarvm /taIorum,n. 1.] BAGNALL (Edward), A.M. Saul and David : a facrcd dramatic poem. With chorus and notes. 8° Lond. 1S36. BAGNELL — BAIF 2/9 BAGNELL (Abraham), M.D. Antiquated fcrupulofitycontraftcd with modern liberality: occalloned by Henry Gaily Knight's, Efq. " Foreign and do- meftic view of the Catholic qucftion." 8° Lond. 1S29. BAGOT (Daniel), B.D. Formerly minifter uf St. James' Epifcopal chapel, Edinburgh. Afterwards vicar of Newry and dean of Dromore. Notes on Murray's logic, principally on fyllogifni, with an appendix of queftions ; for the ufe of junior frcrtimcn. 12° Dublin, 1826. The difciples in the ftorm ; being a ftiort and fimple ex- pofition of Matthew xiv. 22-33. '^° Edinb. 1839. The thorn in the flefh ; or, a plain and pradlical cxpofi- tion of 2 Corinthians xii. 7-9. 8° Edinb. 1839. A letter to fonie of tlie members of the veftry of St. James' chapel, in reference to the Scottifh communion fer- vice. 8° Edinb. 1842. An expofition of the Gofpel according to St. Matthew. Vol. L 8° Lond. 1844. BAGOT (Richard), D.D. B. at Davcntry, Northamptonfhire, 22 Nov. 1782. Educated at Rugby and at Chriftchurch, Oxford. Redtor of Leigh, Staf- fordfliire, 1806. Confecratcd bi(hop of Oxford, 1829. Tranf- lated to the fee of Bath and Wells, 1845. D. at Brighton, 15 May, 1854. A charge addrefled to the clergy of the diocefe at his fe- cond vilitation, Aug. 1834. 4° Oxford, 1834. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Oxford at his third vifitation, July and Auguft, 1838. 8° Oxford, 1838. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Oxford at his fourth vifitation. May, 1842. 8° Oxford, 1842. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Bath and Wells, at the primary vifitation, May, 1847. 8° Lond. 1847. Corrcfpondence between the Ld. Bp. of Bath and Wells, and the Ven. George Anthony Denifon, Archdeacon of Taunton. March, April, and May, 1854. 8" Lond. 1854. BAGSHAW (Edward). B. in London. Educated at Brafenofe College, Oxford. Studied law at tlie Middle Temple, of which he became a bencher. Eled^ed member, for Southwark, of the Long Par- liament, but Ibon went over to the King's fide. D. 12 Sep. or oa. 1662. Two arguments in Parliament, the firft concerning the cannons, the fecond concerning the premunire upon thofe cannons. 4" Lond. 1641. Mr. Bagfhaw's f])eecii in Parliament, Fcbnaai-y the ninth, 1640, concerning Epilcopacy and the London petition. 4° I.,ond. 164 I. A fpeech made by Mafter Bagfliawe in Parliament, con- cerning the triall of the twelve bifhops, on Munday the feven- teenth of January, anno 1 6 4 1 . As alfo, the articles, now in agitation, obje<5led againft them. 4° Lond. 1642. BAGSHAW (Edward). Son of the preceding, b. at Broughton in Northamptonshire. Educated at Wcrtminfler and at Clirilkhurch, Oxford. Vicar of Amcrfden, Oxfordihirc. After the rclloration uf Charles 11., being accufed of fcdition, he was arreftcd, and imprifoned in Newgate. D. 28 Dec. 1671. The great queftion, concerning things indifferent in reli- gious woidiip, briefly ftated ; and tendred to tlie confidcra- tion of all fober and impartial men. [jlriori.] 4^ Lond. 1660. A letter unto a perfon of honour and quality, containing fome animadverfions upon the Bifhop [G. MorM of Wor- cefter's Letter. [Signed T). E.] 4° Lond. 1662. BAGSHAW (George). A glance at Calvinifm, defigned to fhow the inconclufive- nefs of that doftrine. 8° Lond. 1845. BAGSHAW (William). B. at Litton, parirti of Tidefwell, 17 Jan. 1628. 'Vicar of GIolTop, 1651, Ejected for non-conformity, 1662. D. 1 April, 1702. Trading fpiritualized ; or, certain heads, points, or pofi- tions, on which tradefmen (and others) may (O tliat they would !) enlarge in their meditations. 8° Lond. 1694. BAGSHAW (William), M.A. B. 1763. Educated at Brafenofe College, Oxford. Perpetual curate of Wormhill, Derbyfliire, 1790. D. at Banner Crofs, near Sheffield, 11 Nov. 184S. On man : his motives, tlieir rife, operations, oppofition, and refults. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1833. BAGSTER (Samuel). Bookfeller in London. D. July, 1835. The management of bees ; with a defcription of the " Ladies' fafety-hive." 8° Lond. I S3 4. BAHARIE (Alexander). Teacher of navigation. The improved coafter's guide, and Marine board examina- tion, for the eaft coaft of England and Scotland, and the Engliflt Channel ; containing tlie queftions, remarks, and in- ftrudlions to candidates for the fituation of mafters and mates of fliips. Second edition. 8° Sunderland, 1844. BAHIN (C. Prosp^re). The model fpeaker : a guide to French converfation. 8" Load. 1858. BAIERUS (Johannes Jacobus). B. at Jena, 14 June, 1677. ProfefTor of phyfiology and fur- gery at Altdorf. D. 14 July, 1735. Biographix profefForum medicinx, qui in academia Altor- fina unquam vixeiunt. 4° Norimbcrgx ct Altorfii, 1728. BAIF (Jean Antoine). B. at Venice, 1532. D. at Paris, 9 Sep. 15S9. Mime8,enfeignemen8 et provcibes. 1 2° Tolofe, 1612. Poemata. [Gruter, Delllla poetarum Gallorum, i. 384.] BAIF (Lazare or). Father of the preceding. B. at the Chateau del Pins, near La Fleche, in Anjou, about the beginning of the i6th century. 28o BAIKIE— BAILEY Councillor of Francis I., and French ambaflador to Venice and to Germany. D. 1547. De re nauali libellus ... ex Bayfii vigiliis excei^ptus et in breuemfummulam...redafl'us [n Carolo Stephano.] 1537- Annotationes in L. ii. De captivis, et poftliminio reverfis ; in quibus traftatur de re navali. Annotationes in tradatum de auro et argento leg. quibus veftimentomm et vafculorum genera explicantur. Omnia ab ipfo authoie recognita et au793- Lettres fur I'origine des fciences, et fur ceOe des peuples de I'Afie, addreflees k M. de Voltaire, et precedees de quel- ques lettres de M. de Voltaire a I'auteur. 8° Lond. et Paris, 1777. Lettres fur I'Atlantide de Platon, et fur I'ancienne hiftoire de I'Afie. Pour fervir de fuite aux Lettres fur I'origine des fciences. 8° Lond. et Paris, 1779. Hiftoire de I'aftronomie ancienne depuis fon origine juf- qu'a I'etablLflement de I'ecole d'Alexandrie. Seconde edi- tion. 4° Paris, 1 7 8 I . Hiftoire de I'aftronomie modeme depuis la fondation de I'ecole d'Alexandiie, jufqu'a I'epoque de m.d.cc.lxxxii. 3 tom. 4° Paris, 1785. Difcours et memoires, par I'auteur de I'Hiftoire de I'aftro- nomie. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1790. Effai fur la fable et fur I'hiftoire ... 2 tom. 8° Paris, An vii. [1799.] Memoires d'un temoin de la levolution ; ou, journal des faits qui fe font pafTes fous fes yeux, et qui ont prepare et fixe la conftitution Frangaife. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1 804. BAILS— BAIN 285 — avec unc notice fur fa vie, des notes et des eclairciflc- mens hiftoiiques par MM. Beaille et Barriere. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 182 1-2. Recueil de pieces intereflantes fur les arts, les fciences et la litterature . . . precede de la vie litteraire et politique de cet homme illuftre. 8° Paris, 1810. BAILS (Benito). A SpaniQi mathematician and compofer of mufic, b. at Barce- lona, 1743. Principios de matematica, donde fe enfena la efpeculativa con fu aplicacion a la dinamica, hydrodinamica, optica, aftronomia, geografia gnomonica, arquiteftura, perfpecliva, y al calendario. 3 torn. 4° Madrid, 1776. — Segunda edicion. Tom. I., II. 4° Madrid, 1788-9. BAILY (Caleb.) The life of Jefus. BAILY (Francis), D.C.L. 8° Lond. 1732. B. at Newbury, Berkfliire, 28 April, 1774. Chofe a mercan- tile life, and was for many years a member of the Stock Ex- change, in which he realiled an ample fortune. Devoted his leifure to the ftudy ofaftronomy, in which he greatly diilinguiihed himfelf. D. in London, 30 Aug. 1844. Memoir ... 1845. ^By Sir John F. Herschel.] Journal of a tour in unfettled parts of North America in 1796 and 1797. With a memoir of the author [by Sir Join Ba-fcU.] 8° Lond. 1856. Th BAILY (John), M.A. A treatifc on the differential calculus. By John Baily and 8° Cambridge, 1838. Lund. BAILY (John). Central America ; dcfcribing each of the ftates of Guate- mala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Cofta Rica ; their natural features, produdts, population, and remarkable capacity for colonization. 8° Lond. 1850. BAILY (John). The Dorking fowl : hints for its management and feeding for the table. I 2° Lond. n. d. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1851. Fowls: a plain and familiar treatife on the ])rincipal breeds. With which is reprinted the tliird edition of The Dorking fowl ... 8° Lond. 1852. — Second edition. With which is reprinted tlie founh edition of The Dorking fowl ... 8° Lond. 1854. — Third edition. With which is reprinted The Dorking fowl ... Fifth edition. 8° Lond. i860. Pheafants and pheafantries. 12" Lond. 1857. BAILY (Laurence R ) General average, and the loffes and expenfes refulting from general average a<5ls, pradically confidcred. 8° L'.rid. 1851. — Second edition. 8' Lond. 1856. Perils of the fea, and their effeds on policies of infurance, praftically confidered. 8° Lond. 1 860. BAILY (William). A word from the Lord to the priefts of England in gcne- 4° n. p. [1659.] ral that teach for .hire. BAIN (Alexander). An account of fome remarkable applications of the eleiflric fluid to the ufeful arts, with a vindication of his claim to be the firft inventor of the eledlro-magnetic printing telt-graph, and alfo of the eleftro-magnetic clock. By John Finlailon. 8" Lond. 1843. Natural philofophy. (Seventh treatife.) Eledlricity. 8° Edinb. 1848. A fhort hiftoiy of the eleftric clocks, with explanations of their pi inclples and mechanifm, and inflnrftions for their management and regulation. 8° Lond. 1852. BAIN (Alexander), A.M. Profeflbr of logic in the Univerfity of Aberdeen. On the applications of fcicncc to human health and well- being : a ledluie, delivered to the Edinburgh ]ihilofophic;J inlHtution in June, 1847. 8° Lond. 1848. The fenfes and intelJeft. 8° Lond. I 855. The emotions and the will. 8° Lond. 1859. On the ftudy of charader, including an cftimate of phre- nology. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BAIN (Charles M.; Poems. 8° Edinb. 18 59' BAIN (Donald). Accountant in Edinburgh. Ireland, its wants and capabilities. 12° Lond. 1836. The fubftance of two letters to a noble lord on the fitua- tion of Ireland. 8° Lond. 1837. Tlie egregious and dangerous fallacies of the Anti-corn law league ; or, the protedion of agriculture not a queftion with landlords, but for the whole kingdom. 8° Edinb. 1843. Obfervations upon the potatoe difeafe of 1 845 and 1 846 ; being an attempt to difclofe the caufes of that difeafe, and, if poifible, tlie cure. 8° Edinb. 1848. Olden times ; or, the rifing of the feffion : a comedy, in five ails. Second edition. 8'^ Edinb. 1843. JEn Aftraca ; or, the age of juftice : an ode to Her Moft Gracious Majefty Vidloria, Queen of Great Britain and Ire- land, Auftiaha; et Indorum imperatrici, &c. 8° Edinb. 1S45. BAIN (Nicolson). Allirtant librarian in the Univerfity of Edinburgh. A detailed account of the battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo : ])recedcd by a (liort relation of events, at- tending the temporary revolution of 18 1 5, in France : and concluding with the immediate political confequences of thcfe decifive vidories. 12° Edinb. 1 8 16. BAIN (Richard). Lyniletia ; or, revelations of tlie heart : and other poems. 8° Lond. 1861. 286 BAIN— BAINES BAIN (William). Mailer, Royal navy. An effiiy on the variation of the compafs, (hewing how far it is influenced by a change in the direftion of the fliip's head ... 8° Edinb. 1817. BAINBRIDGE (Maria). Rofe of Woodlee. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1843. BAINBRIDGE (William). A praftical treatife on the law of mines and minerals. S° Lond. 1841. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1856. BAINBRIGGE (W. H.), F.R.C.S. A lefture delivered for the puipofe of promoting the eftab- lifhment of a governefles' inftitution in Liverpool, with an appendix, containing the propofed rules and regulations. 8° Lond. 1849. BAINE (James), M.A. Firft Relief m'mifter at Edinburgh. Seleft fermons by Thomas Boston and James Baine . . . 1850. BAINES (Edward). B. at Watton-le-Dale, 5 Feb. 1 774. Educated at Prefton, where he alio learned the art of printing. Removed to Leeds, 1801, and fubfequently became proprietor of the Leeds Mer- cury. Ele£led member of Parliament for Leeds, 1 83 1. D. at Leeds, 3 Aug. 1848. Hiftory, direftoiy, and gazetteer, of the county of York. The direftoiy department by W. Parfon. 2 vols. 12° Leeds, 1823. Hiftory, direftoiy, and gazetteer of the county palatine of Lancafter . . . The directory department by W. Parfon. 2 vols. 120 Liverpool, 1824-5. Hiftoi-y of the county palatine and duchy of Lancafter. The biographical department by W. R. Whatton, Efq., F.S.A. 4 vols. 4° Lond. 1836. * Life ... by Edward Baines. 185 i. BAINES (Edward). Son of the preceding. Member of Parliament for Leeds. Hiftoiy of the cotton manufadlure in Great Britain : with a notice of its early hiftoiy in the eaft, and in all the quarters of the globe. 8° Lond. [1835.] The focial, educational and religious ftate of the manufac- turing diftrifts. 8° Lond. 1843. The labour claufes of Sir James Graham's Faftory bill ; how will they affedl the working claiTes ? 12° Lond. 1843. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Wharnclifl^e ... on Sir James Graham's bill for eftablifliing exclufive Church fchools, built and fupported out of the poor's rates, and difcouraging Britifti fchools and Sunday fchools. 8° Lond. 1843. Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Ruffell on State edu- cation : with an appendix, containing correfpondence with Wni. Ewart, Efq., M.P., a letter to the Rev. Dr. Vaughan, and replies to the Weftminfter and Britilh Quarterly Re- views. 8 Lond. 1846. A letter to the moft noble the Maiquis of Lanfdovvne, prefident of the council, on the Government plan of educa- tion : with an appendix, containing the minutes of the Com- mittee of council on education, in Dec. 1846 ; prefented to both Houfes of Parliament, Feb. 5, 1847. 8° Lond. 1847. An alarm to tlie nation, on the unjuft, unconftitutional, and dangerous meafure of State education propofed by the Government. 8° Lond. 1847. The life of Edward Baines, late M.P. for the borough of Leeds. 8^ Lond. 185 i. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. Education beft promoted by perfefl freedom, not by State endowments. With an appendix, containing official returns of education, in 1818, 1833, and 1S51. 8° Lond. 1854. A correfpondence between E. Baines, Efq. and B. Oli- veira, Efq. on the Sunday opening of the Ciyftal Palace. 8° Lond. 1854. A vifit to the Vaudois of Piedmont. 8° Lond. 1855. On the performance of railitaiy bands in the parks of London on Sundays. 12=' Lond. 1856. National education : remarks on the fpeech and plan of Lord John RuffeU. 8° Lond. 1S56. BAINES (Edward), M.A. Reftor of Bluntilliam, Hunts. Canticles from the Pfalms, pointed for chanting; with four chants prefixed : for the ufe of fchools and families. I 2^ Lond. 1847. The fiift-form Latin grammar, on analytical principles. 8° Lond. 1855. BAINES (Henrv). Sub-curator to the Yorkihire philofophical fociety. The flora of Yorkfhire. 8° Lond. 18 40. BAINES (John), M.A. Vicar of Little Marlow, Bucks. Honourable fepulture the Chriftian's due : a feimon preached on occafion of the funeral of F.M. the Duke of Wellington. [2 Chron. xxxii. 33.] 8° Lond. 1852. The wifdom of Bezaleel : a fermon preached on the firft Sunday after the reopening of the chapel of St. John the Evangelift, Tailors' Afylum, Haverftock Hill, (July 30, 1854.) \Exod. xxxi. 6.] 12° Lond. 1854. The life of William Laud, Archbiftiop of Canterbury, and martyr. 8° Lond. 1855. The fword of the Lord : a fermon preached in S. John's chapel, Haverftock Hill, on the national faft day, Oftober 7, 1857. \Jer. xlvii. 6, 7.] 8° Lond. 1857. Twenty fermons preached in S. John's chapel, Haver- ftock Hill. 8° Lond. i860. BAINES (M. A.) The comparative properties of human and animal milks ... a paper read before a medical audience at the Hanover Square Rooms, Februaiy 13, i860. 8° Lond. i860. BAINES— BAJON 287 BAINES (Matthew Talbot). ElJeft Ion of Edward Baines of Leeds. B. 17 Feb. 1799. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Called to the bar, 1 825. A Queen's Counfel and a bencher of the Inner Temple, 1 841, Reprefented Leeds in parliament for feveral years, and fucceflively held the offices of prefident of the Poor law board, and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancafter. He was alio a member of the Privy Council. D. in London, 22 Jan. i860. * A letter to the Rt. Hon. M. T. Baines, prefident of the Poor law board, on the bill for the alteration of the law of fettlement and removal. By a county magiftrate. 8° Lond. 1S54. BAINES (Thomas). Brother of the preceding. Proprietor of the Liverpool JVler- cury. Hiftory of the commerce and town of Livei"pool, and of the rife of manufa<5luring induftry in the adjoining counties. 8° Lond. 1852. Liverpool in 1859. The port and town of Liverpool, and the harbour, docks, and commerce of the Merfey, in 1859. 8° Lond. 1859. BAIRD (Charles W.) Of New York, U.S. Son of Robert Baird, D.D. A chapter on liturgies : hiftorical floi juftas y razonables caufas, concernientes a la utilidad y ne- ceflidad comun de toda Efpana, fe ha de feruir, mandar, (liuidir, y feparar la genei alidad y diputacion de los conda- dos de Rofellon y Cerdana, y fus ancxos, de la que oy los comprehende a ellos, y al principado de Cat ilufia. fol. Madrid, i<)2 7. BALDRICUS. Carmina hiftorica. [Duchesne, Hijhr'it Francorum fcrip- tores, iv. 251.] 294 BALDUINUS— BALDWIN BALDUINUS. B. at Avefnes in France, about the middle of the 13th cen- tury. Genealogiae ex chronicis Hainonienfibus recoUedlis. [d'AcHERius, Spicilegium, vii. 584.] BALDUINUS. B. about 1275. Confecrated archbifhop of Treves, 1308, having obtained a difpenfation as to age from Clement V. D. 13 Jan. 1354. * Gefta Balduvvin de Luczenburch, TreverenCs archi- epifcopi. [Baluze, Mifcellnnea, i. 93.] Litterae de confacderatione fafla cum Philippe VL, Fran- comm rege. [Ibid. ii. 271.] BALDUINUS L Count of Flanders. Elefted emperor of Conftantinople, 1 204. D. 1206. Epiftola, ad omnes Chriftianos, de urbis Conftantinopoli- tanK expugnatioiie. [Duchesne, H'tjloriie Francnrum fcr'tp- tores, V. 278.] — [Bouquet, Recueil des h'ljloriem des Gaules et de la France, xviii. 520.] BALDUINUS (Benedictus). B. at Amiens. Principal of the College of Troyes, where he d. 1632. De calceo antiquo ; et Jul. Nigronus de caliga veterum. Acceflerunt ex 2. Sept. FI. Tertulliani, CI. Salmafi, & Alb. Rubeni fcriptis plurima ejufdem argumenti. 12-"' Amftelodami, 1667. — - Omnia figuris aufta, et illuftrata obfeivationibus Joh. Frederic! Nilant. 8° Lugduni Batavorum, 17 11. BALDUINUS (Franciscus). Confilium de hiftoria ecclefiaftica confcribenda. [Gerdes, Scrinium antiqiiarium, vi. 560.] BALDUINUS (Franciscus). B. at Arras, i Jan. 1520. D. at Paris, 3 Nov. 1573. Francifci Balduini Atrebatii ... in fuas annotationes in libros quatuor Inftitutionum Juftiniani Imp. 'T^'j'Kiyo,u,iva, five prsfata de jure civili ... 4° Parifiis, 1545. Juftiniani inftitutionum, feu elementoram juris, libji qua- tuor, magna diligentia et fide illuftrati iuftis annotationibus. fol. Parifiis, 1546. — Ab ipfo autore denuo recogniti, & multo locupletiores fadi. fol. Parifiis, 1554. Commentarii in prascipuas Juftiniani Imp. Novellas, five authenticas conftitutiones. Idem ad .^idilitium ediftum. 4° Lugduni, 1 54S. Commentarius de jurifprudentia Muciani. 8° Bafilex, 1558. Ad leges de jure civili, Voconiam, Falcidiam, Juliam, Papiam Poppaeam, Rhodiam, Aquiliam. 8° BafilejE, 1559. De inftitutione hiftoriae univerfas, et ejus cum jurifpru- dentia conjunftione, '^^oXiyo/Mivav libri ii. 8° Parifiis, i 564. — [Wolfius, Artis h'lflor'ica penus, i. 593.] Ad leges de famofis libellis et de calumniatoribus, com- mentarius. 4° Parifiis, 1562. Juftinianus ; five, de jure novo commentariorum libri iv. 8° [Genevas,] 1596. Conftantinus Magnus: five, commentariorum, de Conftan- tini Imp. legibus ecclefiafticis et civilibus, libri duo. Ac- ceffit eiufdeni commentarius ad edifla veterum principum Rom. de Chriftianis, cum Nic. Hieron. Gundlingii, jc". prae- fatione. 8° I.,ipfiae et Hall, 1727. Commentarius de legibus xii. Tabulai-um. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus um-verji juris, i. 225.] De pignoribus & hypothecis. [Ibid. w. i. 268.] The confcience pleading for its owne liberty : being the fumme of an excellent difcourfe, wherein is pathetically proved, both by Scripture and reafon, how farre a free tolera- tion of religion may be granted, and how farre not, as it now (lands with the affaires of the ftate. Humbly prefented to his Excellency Sir Tho. Faiifax, and thofe generous fpirits under his command. By John Mufgrave. 4'' Lond 1647. BALDUS, NovELLUs. See Baldus de Bartolinis. BALDUS, Perusinus. See Baldus Ubaldus. BALDUS (Camillus). A phyfician and profeflbr of philofophy at Bologna. D. 1634, aged eighty-feven. In Phyfiognomica Ariftotelis commentarii... opus,Hiero- nymi Tamburini diligentia et fumptibus, nunc primum in lu- cem editum. fol. Bononice, 162 i. BALD WEN (F.) The two brides ; or, the French chateau and the Englifh home. 8° Lond. 1859. BALDWIN (A. C.) Pulpit themes ; illuftrated by three thoufand texts in full . . New edition. 12° Edinb. 1848. BALDWIN (A. C.) The traveller's vade mecum ; or inftantaneous letterwriter, by mail or telegraph. 8° Lond. 1853. BALDWIN (Edward). [P/W. u/William Godwin.] BALDWIN (George). Conful-general in Egypt. Political recolledlions relative to Egypt ... with a narra- tive of the ever memorable Biitifti campaign in the fpring of 1801. 8° Lond. 1801. BALDWIN (J. W.) Private in the Ninth regiment. A narrative of four months' campaign in India, between the years I 845-6, including the battles of Moodkee, Fero- zefhuhur, and Sobraon. 12° Norwich, n. d. BALDWIN— BALFOUR 295 BALDWIN (Samuel). A furvcy of the Bntilh ciiftoms ; containing the rates of merchandize, as ellablirtaed by 12. Car. IL c. 4., 11. Geo. I. c. 7. and other ftatutes : with tables of the net duties, drawbacks, bounties, &c. payable thereon, under all circum- ftances of importation and exportation ; a diftindl and prac- tical account of the fevcral branches of the revenue, called tlie curtoms ; with an appendix containing an abftraft of all the laws in force relative to the cuftoms. 4=' Lond. 1770. BALDWIN (William Charles), F.R.G.S. African hunting from Natal to the Zambefi, including Lake Ngami,the Kalahari defert, &c., from 1852 to i860. 8° Lond. 1863. BALE (John), D.D. B. at Covein Suflex, 21 Nov. 1495. Birtiop of OfTory, 1553, D. Nov. 1563. Seleft works : containing the examinations of Lord Cob- ham, William Thorpe, and Anne Ailcewe, and the Image of both Churches. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. Heniy Chriftmas, M.A. 8° Cambridge, 1849. The image of both Churches, after the molle wonderful and heauenly Reuelacion of Saini5l John the Euagelift, con- tayning a very fratefull expoficion or paraphrafe upon the fame. Wherin it is conferred with the other Scripturs, and moft aucVorifed hiftoryes. Compiled by John Bale, an exile alfo in this life for the faythfuU teftimonie of Jefu. 8° Lond. n. d. A brefe comedy or enterlude of lohan Baptyftes preach- ynge in the wyldernelTe, openynge the crafty aflliultes of the hypocrytes, with the gloiyoufe baptyme of the Loide Jefus Chrift. Compyled by lohan Bale, anno 1538. SJfarlaun Miscellany, i. 97.] A tragedye or enterlude, manyfeftyng the chefe promyfes of God unto man by all ages in the old lawe, from the fall of Adam to the incarnacyon of the Lorde Jefus Chrift. I 538. [R. Dodsley, a JAed colleflion of old plays, i. I.] — [J. P. Collier, A fekS coUeclion of old plays, i. I.] The firft examinacio of Anne Alkewe, latelye martired in Smythfelde by the Romyfche Pope's upholders : wyth the elucydacyon of Johan Bale. 8° Marpurg, 1546. The latter examynacyon of Anne Afly the Hiilurc.in 1815, of a huulc in London with whith he was conncftcd. Suppoitcd himlclf afterwards chiefly by literary labour. D. at Edinburgh, II Sep. 1S29. Contemplation: with other poems. 8° Edinb. 1820. 296 BALFOUR BALFOUR (Sir Andrew), Bait., M.D. An eminent Scotti(h phyfician, b. 18 Jan. 1630. Educated at St. Andrews. Studied medicine at Paris, and afterwards at Caen, where he toolc his degree of M.D. Diftinguifhed for his knowledge of botany. Created a baronet by Charles II. D. 1694. Letters ... containing excellent direftions and advices for travelling thro' France and Italy ... 12° Edinb. 1700. * Memoria Balfouriana . . . 1699. [.Sy Sir Robert Sib- bald.] BALFOUR (Clara Lucas). The women of Scripture. 8° Lond. 1847. Happy evenings ; or, the literary inftitution at home. 8° Lond. [1850.] Sketches of Englifh literature from the fourteenth to the prefent centuiy. 8 Lond. 1852. Working women of the lafl half-century ; the lefTon of their lives. 8° Lond. 1854. A flcetch of Mrs. Barbauld. 8° Lond. 1854. A flvetch of Elizabeth Smith. 8° Lond. 1854. A flitch of Charlotte Elizabeth. 8° Lond. 1854. A (lraL^ical fuggeftions tendered to the miflionary among the Hindus. 8° Lond. I 859. " The Bible for the Pandits." [Specimen fafciculus.] The firft three chapters of Genclis diffulely and unrcfcrvedly commented, in Sanfiirit and Englifh. 8° Lond. i860. Firft leffons in San(]rinium in lucem jjrodlt ... una cum ejufdcm Leunclavii verfione, & duobus notiitomm li- bris. Carolus Annibal Fabrotus, .1. C. banc tranflationem cum GrcEcis codicibus contulit, emendavit, & notas adjecit. [VoKLLUs et .luftellus, Bibliolheca juris canonici veterij, ii. .217.] Meditata, five refponfa. [Gr ami Lai. Leunclavius, Jus CntiG-Roiiuinuni, i. 442.] BALSCOPO (Don Jose [alfo Giovanki BattistaJ.) Pfeud. o/"John Trotter. 302 BALTHASER— BAMBASIUS BALTHASER (Augustin von). B. at Griefswald, 20 May, 1701. Studied at Jena, and after- wards eftabliflied himfelf as a lawyer in Wifmar. Filled feveral important legal offices in that city, D. 20 June, 1786. Rituale academicum, continens orationes aliaque fpecimina academica ex MSctis edita. Subjunftis ritibus cujufque adtus academici folennibus. 4° Gryphifwaldiae, 1742. Traftatus juris ecclefiaftici de libris feu matriculis ecclefi- alHcis, Cmulque de falariis et accidentiis clericoi"uni ; ad jura et praxin Megapolis, inprimis Pomeraniae accomodata. Nee Qon Emanuel. Chriftoph. ab EfTen Difputatio de onere ftruc- turae aedium facrarum atque parochialium in Pomerania, prae- cipue Suethica. 4° Gryjjhifwaldiac, 1748. Difquifitio de tempore quo in Germania, praefertim in Po- merania, receptum fuit jus feudale Longobardicura. [Jeni- CHEN, Thefaiii us juris feudalis, i. 222.] Difquifitio de incongraa juris feudalis Longobardici ad feuda Germanias adplicatione. [Ibid. i. 3 1 6.] BALTHILDIS. * Vita S. Baitliildis reginse Francorum, poftea fanifHraoni- alis Kalenfis. [Mabillon, yft?rt_/(in5orum, O.S.B. ii. 742.] * Hiftoria ejus tranflationis. [Ibid. iv. i. 427.] BALTIC. A refidence on the (liores of the Baltic ; defcribed in a feries of letters. 1841. [5)' Elizabeth Rigby.] BALTIMORE. A brief account of the proceedings of the committee, ap- pointed by the yearly meeting of Friends, held in Baltimore, for promoting the improvement and civilization of the Indian natives. 8° Baltimore; repr. Lond. 1806. BALTIMORE, Lord. See Frederick Calvert, 7th Baron Baltimore. BALTUS (Jean Francois). B. at Metz, 8 June, 1667. Became a Jefuit, 1682. Pro- feffor of belles-lettres at Dijon, and of Sacred Scripture at Straf- bourg. D. 19 March, 1743. Jugement des SS. Peres fur la morale de la philofophie payenne. 4° Strafbourg, 17 19. BALUZE (Etienne). B, at Tulle, 24 Dec. 1630. Educated at Touloufe. Studied law in compliance with the wifliesof his father, but ultimately devoted himfelf to literature, and efpecially to ecdeCaftical hif- tory. D. at Paris, 28 July, 1718. Epiftola . . . de vita, rebus geftis, raoribus et fcriptis Petri de Marca, archiepifcopi Parifienfis. 8' Paris, 1663. Epiftolas quasdam Baluzii, Schilteri, Mabillonii, Ruinaiti. [Schelhorn, ylmiemtates Uterar'u, viii. 622.] Mifcellanea : hoc ell, colleflio veterum monumentorum, quae hadtenus latuerant in vaiiis codicibus ac bibliothecis. 7 tom. 8° PariCis, 167 8-1 7 15. Notae ad Laftantium. [Ibid. ii. p. 345.] Notx ad a(5la maityrum. [Ibid. ii. p. 463.] Vita Mauritii Burdini, archiepifcopi Bracarenfis. [Ibid, ii. 471.] Capitularia regum Francorum, etc. 1677. See Chrx- tularia. Concilia Galliae NarbonenCs. Stephanus Baluzius Tute- lenfis in unum collegit, notifque illuftravit. 8° Parifiis, 1668. Vitae papaium Avenionenfmm,hoc eft,hil1:orica pontificum Romanorum, qui in Gallia federunt, ab anno Chrifti Mcccv. ufque ad annum mcccxciv. 2 torn. 4° Parifiis, 1693. Hiftoire genealogique de la maifon d'Auvergne, juftifiee par chartes, titles, hiftoires anciennes, & autres preuves au- thentiques. 2 tom. fol. Paris, 1708. Nova colledlio Conciliorum ; feu,fupplementum ad collec- tionem Phil. Labbei. fol. Parifiis, 1707. Hiftoriae Tutilenfis libri tres. 4° Paris, 17 17. BALY (William), M.D. Phyfician extraordinary to the Queen. KJlIed by an accident on the South-Weftern Railway, 28 Jan. 1861. Reports on epidemic cholera. Drawn up at the defire of the cholera committee of the Royal college of phyficians. By William Baly, M.D., and William W. Gull, M.D. 8° Lond. 1854. BALZAC (HoNORE de). Balthazar ; or, fcience and love. Tranflated by William Robfon. 8° Lond. 1859. Hiftory of the grandeur and downfall of Cefar Birotteau. Tranflated by John Hawkins Simpfon. 8° Lond. i860. Daddy Goriot ; or, unrequited affeftion. 8° Lond. [i860.] BALZAC (Je.4n Louis Guez, Seigneur de). B. at Angouleme, 1594. D. at Paris, 18 Feb. 1654. Les oeuvres de Mr. De Balzac. Dixiefme edition. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1642. Les oeuvres de Monfieur De Balzac. 2 tom. fol. Paris, 1665. Difcours fur une tragedie de Monfieur Heinfius, intitule Herodes infanticida. 8° Paris, 1636. J. L. G. Balzacii carminum libri tres. Ejufdem epiftolar feleftae. Editore .^Egidio Menagio. 12° Paris, 16; i. Les entretiens de feu Monfieur De Balzac. 12° Amfterdam, 1663. Lettres a M. Conran [et lettres efcrites a diverfes per- fonnes.] 12° Amfterdam, 1664. Ariftippe, ou de la cour. 12'^ Amfterdam, 1664. Socrate Chreftien, par le Sr. De Balzac et autres ceuvres du mefme autheur. 12° Amhem, 1675. Lettres choifies. 12° Amfterdam, 1678. The French favourites ; or, the feventh difcourfe of Bal- zac's Politicks : publifhed by the Rev. Dr. Kennet, dean of Peterborough, February 13, 1708-9. \Scolt's edition of Somers' Tracts, xii. 592.] BAMBASIUS (Asdrubal). An Italian poet, a native of Reggio, who lived in the latter half of the i6th century. Carmina. ^Carmina illuflrium poet arum Italorum, ii. 24.] BAMBERG— BANDAU 303 BAMBERG. Diploniatum Bambergenfium codicillus. [Ludewig, Scriptores rerum Germanicarinn, i. r I I O.l Annales S. Michaelis Babcnbcrgenfis. [Pertz, Monu- menla Germanic hjjlorka, vii. g.] Annales Babenbergenfes A. i i 37-1 1 80. [Ibid. xii. 4.] BAMBRIDGE (Thomas), D.D. An anfwer to a book \by Jojhua Bajfet\ entituled, Reafon and authority ; or, the motives of a late Proteftant's recon- ciliation to the Catholick Church : together with a brief ac- count of Auguftine the monk, and converfion of the Englifh. In a letter to a friend. \j1non.'\ 4° Lend. 1687. BAMFORD (Robert Walker), B.D. vicar of Bi/hopton, Durham, and a minor canon of Durham cathedral. D. 12^38, aged forty-two. The Scripture diftionary ; or, an eafy explanation of words, feledled fjom the Holy Bible, and the Book of common prayer ; with appropriate references : being part II. of An eafy explanation of words, difficult to children, found in the books ufed in national fchools. 8 Lond. 1832. BAMFORD (Samuel). Early days. 8° Lond. 1849. — Second edition. 12° Manchefter, 1859. Dialeft of South Lancafhire ; or, Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary ; revifed and correfted : with liis rhymes and an enlarged and amended glofTary of words and phrafes, chiefly ufed by the mral population of the manufafturing dillri<5ls of South Lancafhire. 12° Mancheller, 1850. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1854. Paflages in the life of a radical. Second edition. 2 vols. 8° Heywood, n. d. — New edition. 8° Lond. n. d. BAMPTON (A. Hamilton). The drainage of towns : a ledlure delivered at the Athe- nsum, Plymouth, January 2;, 1849. 8° Lond. 1849. BANC (Jean). ProfclTor at the Ecole de medicine, Paris, at the beginning of the 17th century. La memoire renouvellee dcs merveillcs des eaux natur- elles ; en faveur de nos nymphes Frangoifes, & des malades qui ont recours a leurs emplois falutaircs. 8° Paris, 1605. BANCE (William). A gardener at Charlton, near Woolwich. Hanging Wood, Charlton ; and other poems. Second edition. 12" Woolwich, 1844. Ralph : a legend of the gii)fies, in four- cantos. 8° Charlton, I .S45. BANCES CANDAMO (Francisco). Qual cs afeflo mayor, lc;iltad, o fangre, o amor ? Cam- bifes triunfante en Menfis : comedia . . . 4° [Madrid, 1765.] BANCROFT (A.) The hiftory of Charles Wentworth, Efq. ; in a feries of letters ; interfperfed with a variety of important refle<5tions, calculated to improve morality, and promote the oeconomy of human life, [yhion.] 3 vols. 12= Lond. 1770. BANCROFT (Edward), M.D. A phyfician in London. D. at Margate, 8 Sep. 1821. An eflay on the natural hiftory of Guiana, in South Ame- rica. Containing a defcription of many curious produdtions in the animal and vegetable fyftems of that country; together with an account of the religion, manners, and cufloms of fe- veral tribes of its Indian inhabitants. 8° Lond. 1769. Experimental refearches concerning the philofophy of per- manent colours, and the beft means of producing them, by dyeing, callico printing, &c. Vol. I. [j^/l that -was then puk/i/hed.'j 8° Lond. 1794. — A new edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1813. BANCROFT (George). Hiftory of the United States, from the difcovery of the American continent, to the war of independence. 8° Edinb. 1848. — Another edition. 7 vols. 8° Lond. 1853-61. Hiftory of the American revolution. 3 vols. 8^ Lond. 1852-4. BANCROFT (John). A furgeon by profeflion, of whofe perfonal hiftory very little is known. D. in London, 1696. The tragedy of Sertorius. 4= Lond. 1679. Henry the Second, King of England ; with the Death ot Rofamond: a tragedy, [yfnon.] 4=' Lond. 1693. BANCROFT (Richard). B. at Farnworth, in Lancalhire, Sep. 1544. Studied at Chrift's College, Cambridge. Reftor of Tcvcrfham, Cambridge- fliire, 1575; of St. Andrews, Holborn, 1584. Bifhopof Lon- don, 1597. Archbilhop of Canterbury, 1604. D. at Lambeth, 2 Nov. 1610. A furvay of tlie pretended holy difcipline, contayning the beginninges, fuccefTe, parts, pr'oceedings, authority, and doc- trine of it ; with fome of the manifold and materiall repug- nances, varieties and uncer taineties, in that behalfe. [yinon.] 4° Lond. I 593. Dangerous pofitions and proceedings, publilhed and prac- tifed within this iland of Britaine, under pretence of refor- mation, and for the preftjyteriall difcipline. 4° Lond. 1640. BANDAU (Victor Matthias). B. at Neugatterslebcn, near Magdeburg, 1 740. Rcflor ot the khool at Kalbe an der Saale. Paftor at Sproda and Laue. D 5 Jan. 1791. Vcrbeflcrungsplan fiir lateinifche Schulen in Piovinzial- ftadten. Ei-fter Theil. 8° Wittenberg und Zeibft, 1781. — Zwcytcr Theil, I HH/rr dem Tu,l] Voifchlagc e.m Ver- beflerungderOikonomic und Polizcy landlliidlifcher Schulen. 8° Wittenberg und Zerbft, 1786. 304 BANDELLO— BANFIELD BANDELLO (Matteo). B. at Caftelnuovo, in Lombardy, towards the clofe of the 15th century. Educated at Rome, and entered the Dominican order. Bilhop of Agen, in France. D. about 1561. Novelle. 4 torn. 4° Lond. 1740. — [Con fuavitafcrittadal ConteGiammaria Mazzuchelli.] 9 torn. 8° Lond. 179 1-3. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Pamafo Italiano, xxxi. 317.] BANDERS. The banders diftanded ... 1 68 I . [By Robert M'Ward.] BANDINEL (James). A cleric in the Foreign Office for fifty years. D. 29 July, 1849, ^Z^^ fixty-fix. Some account of the trade in flaves from Africa as con- nefted with Europe and America : from the introdudlion of the trade into modern Europe, down to the piefent time ; efpecially with reference to the efforts made by the Britifti Government for its extinftion. 8° Lond. 1842. BANDINEL (James), M.A. Of Wadham College, Oxford. Perpetual curate of Cogges, Oxfordfhire. Lufra ; or, the convent of Algarve : a poem in eight cantos. 8° Lond. 185 1. Idolatrous apoftafy : a fermon preached in the parifh church of Didcot on the fecond Sunday after Trinity, June 29, 1 85 I. [Judges iv. I.] 12° Oxford, 1 851. Milton Davenant : a tale of the times we live in. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. Sennons, devotional and praftical, preached to country congregations. 8^ Brighton, 1S53. " Remember ! " The teaching of the EnglHh Church in the matter of the Sabbath declared and vindicated : a fermon preached befoie the Univerfity of Oxford, on the twenty- third Sunday after Trinity, 7 November, 1858. [Exodus XX. 8-1 1.] 8° Oxford, 1858. The (far of Lovell ; a tale of the poor clergy. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1862. BAND INI (Angelo Maria). B. at Florence, 1716. Entered the Church, and obtained, in 1756, a canonry at Florence, and the appointment of chief li- brarian of the Laurentian library. D. 1800. Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vefpucci. 4° Firenze, i 745. In antiquam tabulam eburneam, facra quaedam D. N. Jefu Clirifti myfteria anaglypho opere exhibentem, obiei-vationes. 4° Florentiae, 1746. Specimen literaturs Florentine, fxculi xv. ; in quo, dum Chriftophori Landini gefta enarrantur, virorum ea setate doc- tifllmorum in literariam remp. merita, ftatus Gymnafii Floren- tini a Landino inftaurati, et adla Academic Platonics a Magno Cofma excitatse, cui idem prxerat, recenfentur et il- luftrantur ... 2 torn. 8° Florentix, 1747-51. Colle<5lio veterum aliquot monimeDtorum,adhi{l:oriam prae- cipue litterariam pertinentium. 8° Arrettii, 1752. De Florentina luntarum typographia ejufque cenforibus ; ex qua Grsci, Latini, Tufci fcriptores, ope codicum nianu- fcriptorum, a viris clariffimis priftlnas integritati reftituti, in lucem prodierant. Accedunt excerpta ubenima prxfationum libris fingulis praemifTarum auftore A. M. Bandinio. 2 pts. 8° Lucae, 179 1. BAND OF HOPE. Proceedings of the firft annual conference of the Band of hope league, held at Briftol, June 5, 1857. Addrefles by Sir Walter Calverly Trevelyan, Bart., the Hon. Neal Dow, founder of the Maine Law, and by other gentlemen. Literary contributions by Mrs. Clara Lucas Balfour, Mifs Maiy Carpenter, Handell Coflham, Efq. 12° Briftol, [1857.] The Band of hope annual, for 1858. 12° Lond. 1858. BANDON. Excurfions from Bandon, in the fouth of Ireland, by a plain Englifhman. 12° Lond. 1825. BANDURI (Anselmo). B. at Ragufa, 1670. Entered the order of St. Benedift. Ap- pointed profelTor of ecclefiaftical hiftory at Pifa. Removed to Paris, 1702, and was elected a member of the Academy ofln- fcriptions. Librarian to the Duke of Orleans, 1724. D. 1743. Imperium Orientale ; five, antiquitates Conftantinopoli- tanae, in quatuor partes diftributce. 2 tom. fol. Parifiis, 1 7 1 1 . Numifmata Imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologos Auguftos. Acceflit Bibliotheca nummaria, five auiflorum qui de re nummaria fcripferunt. 2 tom. fol. Lutetias, 17 18. BANERJEA (K. M.) Second profeffor, Bilhop's College, Calcutta. Dialogues on the Hindu philofophy, comprifing theNyaya, the Sankhya, the Vedant ; to which is added a difcufllon of the authority of the Vedas. 8'^ Lond. 1861. BANESIUS (Theophilus). De poftremis motibus Galliae varia utriufque partis fcripta fcitu dignilfima ... Omnia fere ex Gallico in Latinum fer- monem, ad ufum eruditorum et hiftorix ftudioforum, fideliter converfa ... [Preface headed T. B. A.] 8° Francofurdi, 1586. BANFIELD (Thomas C.) Six letters to the Right Hon. Sii- Robert Peel, Bart. ; being an attempt to expofe the dangerous tendency of the theory of rent advocated by Mr. Ricaido, and by the writers of his fchool. By a political economift. 8° Lond. 1843. Four leftures on the organization of induftiy ; being part of a courfe delivered in the Univerfity of Cambridge, in Eafter term, 1844, — Second edition. The ftatiftical companion. By T. Weld. — Another edition. — Another edition. A letter to William Brown, Efq., M.P., on the advan- tages of his propofed fyftem of decimal coinage. 8° Lond. 1855. 8° Lond. 1845. 8° Lond. 1848. C. Banfield and C. R. 12° Lond. 1848. 12° Lond. 1852. 12° Lond. 1854. BANFILL— BANISTER 305 BANFILL (Samuel). A letter to Davies Giddy, Efq., M.P., in anfwer to his Plain ftatement of the bullion-queftion. 8° Lond. 181 1. BANG. The fpoitfman and gamekeeper's companion on the con- flrudlion and management of the gun. By " Bang." 8° Lond. 1855. BANG (Frederik Ludvig). B. in Zeeland, 4 Jan. 1 747. Studied medicine in France and Germany, and was appointed phyfician of the Frederick Hofpital in Copenhagen, 1775, and profeflbr in the Univerfity, 1782. D. 1820. Udfogtc Bibelfteder i paflende Orden fremfatte og tillige overfatte i Iatinfl Cxlum orientis et prifci mundi triadc cxercita- tionum literariarum reprxfcntatuni ... 4° Haunix, 1657. BANGERTUS (Henricus). Rcflor of the Univerfity of Liibcck. B. 20 March, 1610. D. 30 June, 1665. Origincs Lubccenfes ; five, rcrum Lubccenfium commen- tarius ex fciiedis autographis autoris erutus anno 1727. [Westphalen, Monumenta inedila rcrum Germanicarum, i. 1159.] BANGOR. A declaration by the Prefliytery at Bangor, in Iivland, July 7, 1649, fetting forth tlie apparent ruine of religion, and the great violation of the Covenant following upon tlie prc- VOL. I. fent change of command in this province : with fome obfer- vations upon the Lord Vicount of Ards late declaration, of July 4- 4° n. p. 1649. BANHUSIUS (Bernardus). B. at Antwerp, 1575. A member of the Society of the Jefuits, and profeffor in the college of Bruges. D. at Antwerp, 25 Nov. 1629. Bemardi Banhufii et Balduini Cabillavi, e Soc. Jefu, Epi- grammata. Caroli Malapeitii, ex eadem Soc, Poemata. 8° Antverpix, 1634. BANIER (Antoine). B. at Dalet, in Auvergne, 2 Nov. 1673. Studied at the Jefuit's College at Clermont, where he diftinguilhed himfelf in luch a way as to induce his parents, though poor, to fend him to Paris. Admitted a memberof the Academic deslnfcriptions, 1713. D. at Paris, 2 Nov. 1741. The mythology and fables of the ancients explain'd from hifloiy. Tranflated from the original French. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1739. BANIM (John). B. at Kilkenny, 3 April, 1798. Married, and went to Lon- don in 1822, fupporting himfelf by literary labour. Obtained a penfion of L. 150 a-year, 1837. D. at Wind-gap cottage, near Kilkenny, 4 Aug. 1S42. In the compofition of the **'rales by the O'Hara family," he was greatly aflifted by his brother Michael j but it is impoflible to determine what ihare of the authorlhip (hould be afligned to that gentleman. The ftory of " Canvafling" was contributed by Mifs Martin. Revelations of the dead-alive. 12° Lond. 1824. Tales by the O'Hara family ... In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1825. — Second feries. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1826. The Boyne Water : a tale. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1826. The Anglo-Irifh of the nineteenth century : a novel. [Anon.'] 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1828. The denounced. 3 vols. 12'' Lond. 1830. The fmiiggler : a tale. 3 vols. 12^ Lond. 183 i. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1856. The mayor of Wind-gap, and Canvaffing. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1835. The bit o' writin' ; and other tales. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1838. Crohoorc of tlie bill-hook ; and the Fetches. 8° Lond. 1848. 8° Lond. 1849. 8° Lond. 1853. 8° Lond. 1853. Father Connell. John Doe. The Nowlans. Peep o' day ; or, favourneen deelilh. 8° Lond. [1862.] * Life ... By Patrick Jofeph Murray. 1857. BANIM (Michael). The croppy : a tale of 1798. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1828. The ghod hunter and his family. 8^ Lond. 1852. BANISTER (John). Of Horton Klrby, in Kent. A fynopfis of hnfbandry : being curfory obforvations in 2 K 3o6 BANISTER— BANKING the feveral branches of naral ceconomy : adduced from a long and pradical experience in a farm of confiderable extent. 8° Lond. 1799. BANISTER (Thomas). Auftralia vifited and revifited ... 1853. By Samuel Mobsman and T. Banifter. BANK— BANKER— BANKING. Coi'poration-credit ; or, a bank of credit made currant, by common confent in London. More ufeful and fafe than money. 4° Lond. 1682. Englands intereft : or the great benefit to trade by banks or offices of credit in London, &c., as it hath been confidered and agreed upon by a committee of aldermen and commons, thereunto appointed, by the Right Hon., the Lord Major, aldermen and commons,in common-council aflembled. Being a brief account of the management, nature, ufe and advan- tages of the faid offices, &c. 4° Lond. 1682. An account of the conftitution and fecuiity of the general bank of credit. 4=> Lond. 1683. Bank-credit : or, the ufefulnefs and fecurity of the bank of credit examined ; in a dialogue between a countiy gentleman and a London merchant. 4° Lond. 1683. A brief account of the intended bank of England. 1 694. [By Michael Godfrey.] The fetdement of the Land-bank, eftablifhed Anno Dom. 1 69 5, with an abftradl thereof annexed. [^Scott's edition of Somers' Tracts, xi. 14.] Memorial and intimation from the governour and company of the Bank of Scotland, concerning the prefent (late thereof. [28 Dec. 1704.] S. Sh. n. p. n. d. Wairant of the charter erefting the Royal bank of Scot- land. 8° Edinb. 1729. The cafe of the bank contradl, in anfwer to the infamous fcurrilities of feveral libels lately printed in the Craftfman. 8° Lond. 1735. A letter from a gentleman in Glafgow, to his friend in Edinburgh, concerning bank-notes and paper-credit, &c. 8° n. p. 1752. Bank difputes ; or, credit without abufe. Submitted to the confiderate obfeivation of ftock-holders in the charter'd banks for Scotland. 4° Edinb. 1778. The utility of country banks confidered ... 1802. [J. R. M'CuLLOCH, j4 fdhS colhclion of ... traSs ... on paper currency and banking ... I 857.] The impolicy of returning bankers to Parliament in the en- fuing general eleftion. Including ftridlures on the produc- tions under the fignature of Common Senfe, &c. &c. ... By a friend to the poor, the commerce, and the conftitution of England. S'' Lond. 1802. Report of the committee appointed by the Highland fo- ciety of Scodand, to confider what is the bell mode of form- ing inftitutions of the nature of favings banks, for receiving the depofits of labourers and others. 8'^ Edinb. 1815. Letters patent : a national inftitution for the general ac- commodation and benefit of countiy bankers ; including the fafety of their lemittances in parcels by coaches, and other purpofes. Eftabliihed in 1815. 4° Lond. [18 i 5.] A fhort account of the Edinburgh favings bank ... 1815. [By John Hay Forbes.] The faving's bank : a dialogue intended to illuftrate the nature and advantages of thefe inftitutions. By a member of the Provifional committee for the eftablifhment of a faving's bank at Buckingham. 12° Lond. 1818. Obfervations on banks for favings ; fhewlng the expe- diency of making the principle on which they are founded applicable to clerks in public offices, and all large eftablifh- ments of labourers, mechanics, and others. 8° Lond. 1818. — [Pamphleteer, xiii. 549.] Reports from the fecret committee on the expediency of the bank [of England] refuming cafh payments. 18 19. [Ibid. xiv. 447, 477.] Reprefentation ... by the direftors of the Bank of Eng- land ... 18 19. [Ibid. xiv. 509.] Sketch of a plan for a reformation in tlie fyftem of pro- vincial banking, by which the notes of country bankers may be rendered as fecure as thofe of the Bank of England . . . 1 8 19. [Ibid, xviii. 5 I.] An account of a plan, which has been fuccefsfuUy purfued for tliree years, in the condudling of a penny favings' bank for children, with the addition of a working fund for females ; including direiftions and patterns for cutting out eveiy fort of wearing apparel for girls. Hurts and pinafores for boys, and linen ufually lent to the poor ; &c. 4° Lond. 1822. A letter to the author of The Bankof England cafe, under Marih and Co.'s commiffion, briefly ftated and difcufled. By a folicitor. 8° Lond. 1825. The Bank of England defended ; or, the principal caufe of the high prices demonftrated, by an inquiry into the origin of the prefent fyftem of coinage ... 8° Lond. 1826. The unclaimed dividend books of the Bank of England . . . 8° Lond. n. d. Safe banks: a propofal to the landed intereft. By a mem- ber of Parliament. 8° Lond. 1826. A letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, M.P., upon the neceffity of adopting fome parliamentaiy meafure to control the iffiies of country bankers, and to prevent the recurrence of the late (hock to public and private credit, with the heads of a bQl for that pui-pofe. 8"^ Lond. 1826. An addrefs to the proprietors of bank flock, the London and country bankers and the public in general, on the affairs of the Bank of England. 4° Lond. 1828. Hiftorical (lietch of the Bank of England ... 1 83 i. [By J. R. M'CULLOCH.] The life and adventures of the old lady of Threadneedle Street ; containing an account of her numerous intrigues with various eminent ftatefmen, of the paft and prefent times. Written by herfelf. 8° Lond. 1832. A digeft of the evidence on the bank charter taken before the committee of 1 8 3 2 ; arranged, together with the tables, under proper heads; to which are prefixed ftriftures and illuf- trative remarks ; alfo copious indexes, &c. Sec. 8° Lond. 1833. Reafons for the eftabliffiment of a new bank in India ; with anfwers to the objeflions againft it. 8" Lond. 1836. The Bank of England, and other banks. 8° Lond. 1840. A plan of a national bank of idue on the principle of gradually replacing the circulation of the country bankers. B ANKING— B ANKRU PTC Y 507 making them interefted parties therein. By a Lancafhire banlier. 8° Lond. 1841. Saving's banks. The editorial remarks and correfpon- dence, which have recently appeared in " The Times" newf- paper, on the fiibjeifl of abufes in thefe inftitutions ; with feme prefatory and concluding obfervations, by a member of the Stock Exchange. 12° Lond. 1843. Delufions and fallacies in the bill brought into the Houfe of Commons for the renewal of the charter of the bank, and in the ftatements and arguments in fupport of it. By the author of " An attempt to give a popular explanation of the theoiy of money." 4° Lond. 1844. The cuiTcncy theory reviewed : in a letter to the ScottiHi people on the menaced interference by Government with the exifting fyftem of banking in Scotland. By a banker in Eng- land. 8° Edinb. 1845. A contrail between the rival fyftems of banking. By a country manager. 8° Lond. 1846. A glance at the effedls produced on trade by the exifting banking laws. 8° Lond. 1848. Savings banks : ought Goveinment to make good pad lofles in favings banks ? the opinion of eminent writers and authorities on the fecurity of favings banks ; and the claim of the depofitors ftated. 8' Rochdale, 1853. The bank charter ought not to be renewed : a letter to the Rt. Hon. W. Gladftone, M.P. ... By an ex-M.P. 8° Lond. 1854. The Bank of England barometer, for 1855. 12° Lond. [1855.] Paft and prefent policy of the Bank of England: the bank- ing aifts of 1 844-45 ; or, free trade in banking. By an old banker. 8° Edinb. 1855. How to detedl forged bank notes. 8° Lond. 1856. The city banker ... 1856. [By Mifs Robinson.] The favings bank fyftem : fuggeftions for its re-organiza- tion, extenfion, and future fafety. By a fiivings bank re- former. 8° Lond. 1857. A letter to the Right Hon. Sir George C. Lewis, Bart., on the Bank of England and the currency. 8° Lond. 1857. " Open fefame ;" or, the key to national wealth : being a fhort analyfis of views and opinions entertained as to the operation of our prefent banking and currency laws. 8° Lond. 1857. A letter to the committee on the bank monopoly, eujihu- idically called the Bank charter committee. 8° Glafgow, 1858. The Weftern bank failure and the Scottifh banking fyf- tem : being the evidence thereon given before the feleft com- mittee on the barik afts. 8° Glafgow, 1858. The Bank charter act of 1844: its theory and practical effects on commercial and monetary tranfaflions ; alfo the evils of the exclufive fyftem of bank management. 8° Lond. 1858. Thoughts on the Bank charter aft ; with fuggeftions for a rcvifed fyftem of convertible and regulated currency. By a ftudent. 8° Lond. 1858. The trial of the Royal Britifli Bank directors, ... at the Court of gueen's Bench, Guildliall. 8° Lond. [1858.] The fupprefled pamphlet : the curious and remarkable hif- toiy of the Royal Britidi Bank, (liowing " How we got it up," and " How it went down." By one behind the fcenes. 8° Lond. n. d. The Bank of England and the difcount houfcs : a reply to«X." 8° Lond. i860. BANKER-LORD. The banker-lord. 1840. [By Madame Pisani.] BANKES (George). Reconfiderations on certain propofed alterations of the game laws. 8° Lond. 1825. BANKES (Right Hon. George). The ftory of Corfe caftle, and of many who have lived there ; coUeded from ancient chronicles and records ; alfo from the private memoirs of a family refident there in the time of the civil wars : which include various particulars of the court of Charles the Firft when held at York, and after- wards at Oxford. 12° Lond. 1853. BANKES (Henry). Of Kingfton Hall, Dorfet/hire. Educated at Weftmlnfter and Trinity College, Cambridge. Reprefented the borough of Corfe caftle in parliament from 17S0 till 1826, when he was eleftcd for the county of Dorfet, but loft his feat at the general eleftion of 1830. A truftee of the Britifli Mufeum. D. 17 Dec. 1834, aged feventy-feven. Civil and conftitutional hiftory of Rome, from its founda- tion to the age of Auguftus. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 18 18. BANKRUPT— BANKRUPTCY. The cry of the creditors upon bankiupt eftates in Scotland renewed ; containing a projefl; for retrieving credit, and ad- vancing trade, by preventing tedious law-fuits ... 8° Edinb. 172 i. The cafe of bankrupts and infolvents confider'd. Pait I. 8° Lond. 1734. Law for and againft bankrupts. 8° In the Savoy, 1743. Confiderations upon a bankrupt law for Scotland. 4° Glafgow, I 761. A fuccinft digeft of the laws relating to bankrupts. 8° Lond. I 79 1. Report made to the direftors of the chamber of commerce and manufaftures ; eftabliflied by royal charter in the city of Glafgow. 4° [Glafgow,] 1806. Report of the London committee on the Scotch bankrupt bill. 8° Lond. 1 8 1 4. A propofal for a flight, but important, alteration in the bankrupt law ; intended for the benefit of pcrfons conneded with trade and commerce. 8° Lond. 1830. Official aflignees ; reform in bankruptcy ; remarks and fuggeftions. By an accountant. 8° Lond. 1S41. The new rules and orders ... for the amendment of the law of bankiuptcy ... 8° Lond. 1842. The a(fts of parliament now in force, relating to bank- ruptcy ... 8° Lond. 1843. Bankruptcy and infolvency. 8° Lond. 1847. Obfervations on the law and prefent praiflice of banki uptcy and infolvency. By a regiftrar of a diftrifl court of bank- iuptcy. ti" Liveipool, 1847. 3o8 BANKS An " article" for Lord Brougham's Banknjptcy digefl : being remarks upon a recent letter. By a piadlical man. 8° Lond. 1849. The rules and orders in bankruptcy ... By a barrifter. 12° Lond. 1852. The fecond addrefs to the mercantile community of the United Kingdom, by the London committee of merchants, and others, aflbciated for the improvement of the commercial and bankniptcy laws of Scotland, and the affimilation of thofe laws in England and Scotland. 8° Lond. 1853. The bankruptcy and infolvency reports ... Vol. L 8° Lond. 1855. Advice to the embarrafTed. With the mofl: important pro- vifions of the bankrupt and infolvent laws afFe<5ling debtors. 8° Lond. 1858. Bankrupt law reform : a letter to Sii' Richard Bethell. By a regiftiar of the Court of bankruptcy, London. 8° Lond. 1859. A few obfervations on the propofal to abolifli official affig- nees in bankruptcy, and its tendency to increafe the national expenditure. By a praflical man. 8° Birmingham, 1859. New general orders in bankniptcy and infolvency. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. A fummary of the new pradlice of the county courts in bankruptcy ... By the regiftrar of the Birmingham county couit [John Guest.] 1862. BANKS (Charles Waters). The death of William Cromwell ... a funeral fermon for, and brief memoir of, the late paftor of Widcombe chapel ... [7/17/. xxxviii. 17-19.] 8° Lond. 1854. The life and times of John Calvin ; with an earneft appeal to Bible Chriftians for the adoption of open-air preaching. 8° Lond. n. d. BANKS (George Linn.-eus). Bloflbms of poefy. 12° Lond. 1841. Staves for the human ladder, &c. 12° Lond. 1850. BANKS (James), M.A. Head mailer of the Grammar fchool of King Edward VI., Ludlow. Nugte : the folace of rare leifure, in verfe, original and tranflated. 8° Lend. 1854. BANKS (John). A dramatic autiior, who lived towards the clofe of the 17th century. He was originally trained as an attorney, but foon re- tired hom practice. Few particulars of his life are known, and the dates ot his birth and death have not been afcertained. Tiie unhappy favourite ; or, the Earl of EfTex : a tragedy. 4° Lond. 1682. Prologue to a new play, called Anna Bullen, a&ed at tlie Duke's houfe. [0« the other Jide] Epilogue to the fame. S. Sh. Lond. 1682. CyiTjs the Great ; or, the tragedy of love. 4° Lond. 1696. BANKS (John). B. at Sunning, Berlcfliire, 1709. Apprenticed to a weaver in Reading, but, breaking his arm, came to London, and com- menced bookfelling in a humble way. D. at lllington, 19 April, 1751. A fhort critical review of the political life of Oliver Crom- well ... By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple. The third edition, carefully revifed, and greatly enlarged in every chap- ter, by the author ; who has now firft added an appendix, containing many curious pieces, both in profe and verfe, re- lating to the hiftory and charadler of the Loid Protedor. 8° Lond. 1747. BANKS (John). A treatife on mills ... 8° Lond. 1795. BANKS (John Tatam), M.D. On nei-vous diforders, and neiToufnefs lapfing into melan- cholia and infanity. 8° Lond. 1858. BANKS (Sir Joseph), Bart. B. in London, 4 Jan. 1743. Educated at Harrow, Eton, and Chrift Church, Oxford. Accompanied Cook in his firft voyage round the world. Eledled prefident of the Royal fociety, 1777. Created a baronet, 17S1, and fubfequently made a Knight of the Bath, and a member of the Privy Council. Chofen a mem- ber of the Inftitute of France, 1802. D. in London, 19 June, 1820. Journal of a voyage round the woild, in his Majefty's Ihip Endeavour, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771- 4° Lond. 1 77 1. A rtiort account of the difeafe in corn, called by farmers the blight, the mildew, and the mft. Third edition. And a letter to Sir J. Banks on the origin of the blight, and on the means of raifmg late crops of garden peafe, by T. A. Knight, Efq. [Pamphleteer, vi. 401.] BANKS (Langley). The joiners' companion to a new fyftem of handrailing, namely, the fquare cut. 4° Manchefter, 1853. BANKS (Percival Weldon),M.A. Barrifter-at-Law. D. 13 .■\ug. 1850. He was the " Morgan Rattler" of Frafer's Magazine and other periodicals. Remarks and fuggcftions concerning the trial of contro- verted eledlions, or returns of members to ferve in Parlia- ment. 8° Lond. 1838. BANKS (Richard). Aftronomy ; or, the folar fyftem explained on mechanical principles : with its application to the Deluge, and to the aftronomical miracles recorded in the Scriptures. 8° Lond. 1829. BANKS (Thomas Christopher). Bred to the legal profelTion, and pradtifed chiefly In peerage cafes. D. at Greenwich, 30 Sep. 1854, in the ninetieth year of his age. Donnant and extinft baronage of England ; or, an hif- torical and genealogical account of the lives, public employ- ments, and moft memorable aftions of the Englifh nobility, who have flouriftied from the Norman Conqueft to the year 1806. 3 vols. 4' Lond. 1807-9. A genealogical hiftory of divers families of the ancient peerage of England . . . forming a fupplement to the former volumes of Banks's Dormant and extinft baronage. 4^ Lond. 1826. An hiftorical and critical enquiiy into the nature of the kingly office ... 8° Lond. 181 4. BANI«— BANNATYNE CLUB 309 A letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rofeberry, in re- lation to the proceedings at the late eleftion of Scotcii peers. 8° Edinb. 1830. A letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Brougham and Vaux, on the late decifion of the earldom of Devon, [^non.] 8° Lond. 183 I. Baronia Anglica concentrata ; or, a concentrated account of all the baronies commonly called baronies in fee. 2 vols. 4° Ripon, 1844. BANKS (William). The Englifh mafter ; or, ftudent's guide to reafoning and compofition. 8° Lond. 1823. BANKTON, Lord. See Andiew Macdouall, Lord Bankton. BANNATYNE CLUB. Vits Dunkcldenfis ecclcfis epifcopoiiim, ab Alexandi'o Myln confcriptas. 1823-31. Poems by Sir David Murray of Gorthy. 1823. Teares for the death of Alexander, Earle of Dunferme- ling. [By John Lyoun.] 1823. The buke of the howlat. By [Sir Richard] Holland. 1823. Difcours particulier d'Ecofle, par Jacques Makgil et Jean Bellenden, 1559. 1824. Robene and Makyne, and the Teftament of Creffeid, by Robert Henryson. 1824. Report by Thomas Tucker upon the fettlement of the revenues of excife and cuftoms in Scotland, a.d. 1656. 1825. Recit de I'expedition en Efcofle, I'an i 546, et de la bat- tayle de Mufcleburgh ; par le Sieur Berteville. 1825. An apology for Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, Prefident oftheSeflion. By himfelf 1825. The hiftoiy and life of King James the Sext. 1825. Hedloris Boethii Murthlacenfium et Aberdonenfium epifcoporum vitcC. 1825. The difcovcrie and hillorie of the gold mynes in Scot- land, by Stephen Atkinson. 1825. De vita et morte Roberti RoUok narrationes ; audtoribus Georgio Robertson et Henrico Chaiteris. 1826. Letters of John Grahame of Clavcrhoufe, Vifcount Dun- dee, 1678-89. 1826. The palice of honour. By Gawyn Douglas. 1827. Memoirs of his own life. By Sir James Melville of Halhill. 1827. The Bannatyne mifcellany, containing original papers and trafts, chiefly relating to the iiiftory and literature of Scot- land. 3 vols. 4- Edinb. 1827-55. Chronicon Coenobii Sanda: Crucis Edinburgenfis. 1828. See HoLYROOD. Extradl from the defpatches of M. Courcelles, French ambafTador at the Court of Scotland, i 586-7. 1828. Pa])ers relative to the marriage of King .Iames the Sixth of Scotland with the Princefs Anna of Denmark, I 589 ; and the form and manner of Her Majefty's coronation at Holyrood Houfc, I 590. 1828. Siege of the Caflle of Edinburgh, 1689. 1828. Letters fiom Lady Margaret Kennedy (aftenvards Bur- net) to John Duke of Lauderdale. 1828. A diai-y of the proceedings in the Parliament and Pri\-y Council of Scotland, 1 700-1 707. By Sir David Hume ofCrofTrig. 1828. The hiftory of the troubles and memorable tranfacJHons in Scotland and England, from 1624 to 1645. ^Y John Spalding. 1828—29. Thomas Dempsteri Hiftoriaecclefiafticagentis Scotorum. 1B29. Defcrittione del regno di Scotia di Pctruccio Ubaldini. 1829. Les affaires du Conte de Boduel, I'an 1568. 1S29. See James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. The diary of Mr. James Melvill, C556-1601. 1829. Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1545-1608. 1829. Memoirs of his own life and times, by Sir James Turner, 1632-70. 1829. Papers relative to the regalia of Scotland. 1829. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland, 1577-1603. By David MoYsiE. 1830. The anatomy of humors and The paffionate fparke of a relenting mind. By Simion Grahame. 1830. A relation of proceedings concerning the affaires of the Kirk of Scotland, from Auguft, 1637, to July, 1638. By John [Lesley] Earl of Rothes. 1830. The hiflory of Scotland from 1 436 to i 56 1 . By John Lesley, Bifhop of Rofs. 1830. Ti ial of Duncan Terig, alias Clerk, and Alexander Bane Macdonald for the murder of Arthur Davis, 1754. 1831. Hymns and facred fongs. By Alexander Hume. 1832. Collection of ancient Scottifli prophecies in alliterative verfe. 1833. Diurnal of remarkable occurrents that liave paffed within the countiy of Scotland, fince the deatli of King James the Fourth till the year 1575. 1833. Criminal trials in Scotland, from 1488 to 1624. Com- piled by Robert Pitcairn. 1833. Memoirs of the war carried on in Scotland and Ireland, 1689-91. By Major-General Hugh Mackay. 1833. The buik of the moft noble and vailzeand conquerour Alexander the Great. 1831. Inftrumcnta publica, five proccfFas fuper fideliuitibus et homagiis Scotorum domino, regi Anglix, fadfis, 1291-6. [Ktwivri as the Rtigmiiri Rolls.] 1834. See Scotland. Philotus : a comedy. 1835. Chronica de Mailros. 1835' 5<-<' Melrose. Excerpta c libiis domicilii Jacobi Quinti, regis Scotorum, 1525-1533. 1836. See James v. Memorials of tranfaiflions in Scodand, 1569-73. By Riciiard Bannatyne. 1836. Diary of public tranfadions and other occurrences, chiefly in Scotland, 1650-67. By Joiin Nicoll. 1836. Life of Lieut. -General Hugh Mackay, commander-in- chief of the forces in Scodand, 1689-90. By John Mackay. 1836. Notices relative to the Bannatyne Club, inftitutcd in Feb- ruary M.DCtc.xxiii., including critiques on fome of its publi- cations. 4° Edinb. 1836. 3'° BANNATYNE CLUB— BANNATYNE Davidis Buchanani de fcriptoribus Scotis libri duo. 1837- Hiftorical obferves of memorable occurrents in Church and State, 1680-6. By Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. 1840. Regiftram epifcopatus Mora\-ienfis. 1837. See Moray. The feven fages, in Scotifti metre. By John Rolland. '837- Liber S. Marie de Melros. 1837. Ancient Scottifh melodies ; with an introdu(n:ory enquiry illuftrative of the hiftory of mufic in Scotland, by William Dauney. 1838. Catalogue of the library at Abbotsford. [By J. G. Coch- rane.] 1838. Afts and proceedings of the General Aflemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, i 560-1618. ^he Booke of the Uni- verfall Kirk of Scotland.'] 1 839-45. Syr Ga WAYNE : a colleftion of ancient romance-poems by Scottifh and Englifh authors. 1839. De arte logiftica Joannis Naperi, Merchiftonii Baronis. 1839. [Joannis] Ferrerii Hiftoria abbatum de Kynlos. 1839. The ^neid of Virgil, tranflated into Scottilh verfe by Gawin Douglas. 1839. Roman de la Manekine, par Philippe de Reimes. 1 840. Liber cartarum SandleCrucis: Munimenta ecclefie Sanfte Crucis de Edwinefburg. 18 40. See Holyrood. The accounts of the Great Chamberlains of Scotland ; and of fome other officers of the Crown, rendered at the Exchequer, 1326-1453. [Printed, 1817.] 1841-5. Liber cartarum prioratus Sanfti Andree. 1841. See St. Andrews. Letters and journals of Robert Baillie, Principal of the UniverCty of Glafgow. 1841-2. Correfpondence of George Baillie of Jerrifwood, 1702-8. 1842. Regifti-um de Dunfermelyn. 1842. 5ff Dunfermline. Regiftrum epifcopatus Glafguenfis : Munimenta eccleGe metropolitane Glafguenfis. 1843. 5ff Glasgow. A diary of the public correfpondence of Sir Thomas Hope ofCraighall, 1633—45. 1843. Leven and MelviUe papers, 1689—91. 1843. ^^^ George Melvill. Liber ecclefie de Scon. 1843. See Scone. Horn et Rimeiihild : receuil de ce qui refte de poemes relatifs a leurs aventures. Public par Francifque Michel. 1845. Liber 8. Marie de Calchou, 1 1 13-1567. 1846. See Kelso. The works of John Knox, collefted and edited by David Laing. 1846—56. Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh. 1847. Carte Monialium de Noithberwic. 1847. 5fif North- BERWICK. Liber Infuls Miflarum : abbacie canonicorum regularium B. Virginis et S. Johannis de Inchaffery regiftrum vetus. 1847. Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc, i 178-1329. 1848. Hiftorical notices of Scotish affairs. By Sir John Lauder of FountainhaU, 1661-88. 1848. The ancient fculptured monuments of the county of An- gus. [Edited by Patrick Chalmers.] 1848. Two ancient records of the bifliopric of Caithness. 1848. Regiftrum S. Marie de Neubotle, 1 1 40— 1 528. 1 849. See Newbattle. The Darien papers. 1848. Defcriptive catalogue of impreffions from ancient Scottifh feals. By Henry Laing. 1850. The hiftory of the Church of Scotland. By John Spottiswood. 1850. Origines parochiales Scotias. [Edited by Cofmo Innes.] 185075- Original letters relating to the ecclefiaftical affairs of Scot- land, chiefly written by or addreffed to his Majefty James the Sixth, 1603—25. 1851. Papiers de'Etat, relatifs a I'hiftoire de I'EcofFe au xvi<= Cede, tires des Bibliotheques et des Archives de France par M. Teulet. Breviarium Aberdonenfe. 1854. Regiftrum Honoris de Morton. 1853. Memoir of Thomas Thomfon, advocate. By Cofmo Innes. 1854. Series of etchings, chiefly of views in Scotland. By John Clerk of Eldin. 1855. The Blackbook of Taymouth. '855. Regiftnim nigrum de Aberbrothoc, 1329— 1536. 1856. Letters from Roundhead officers, written from Scotland, and chiefly addi'effed to Captain Adam Baynes, 1650—60. 1856. Regiftrum epifcopatus Brechinenfis. 1856. 5*'^' Brechin. Vita S. Columbae : audlore Adamnano. 1857. Original letters of Mr. John Colville, 1582 — 1603. 1858. A catalogue of the graduates of the Univerfity of Edin- burgh fince its foundation. [By David Laing.] 1858. Regiftrum chartarum ecclefie S. Egidii de Edinburgh, 1344-1567. 1859. Trafts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne. i860. Regiftrum domus de Soltre, necnon ecclefis collegiate S. Trinitatis prope Edinburgh, etc. 186 1. BANNATYNE (Alex. M.) Hearts and voices, the only mufical inftruments of the New Teftament Church. 8°Lond. 1857. BANNATYNE (Dugald). Obfervations on the principles which enter into the com- merce in grain, and into the meafures for fupplying food to the people ; being the fubftance of an effay read to the Literary and commercial fociety of Glafgow. 8° Glafgow, 1816. BANNATYNE (George). B. 22 Feb. 1545. D. about 160S. Ancient Scottifti poems. PuWiffied from the MS. of George Bannatyne, mdlxviii. 8° Edinb. 1720. Memorials of George Bannatyne, m.d.xlv.-m.dc.viii. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinb. 1829. BANNATYNE— BANSEMER 3" BANNATYNE (Richard). Secretary to John Kjiox. Journal of the tranfadlions in Scotland, during the conteft between the adherents of Queen Mary, and thofe of her fon, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573. [^.s appendix, "LeXXCTi from Secretary Maitland and the Earl of Mortoun, 1572. An account of the death of the Earl of Huntly, I 576. Con- feffion of the Earl of Mortoun, 1581. Mutual aggrelTions by the contending facfUons, 1570. Edited by Sir John Graham Dalyell, as Illujlrat'ions of Scotifh hiftory.^ 8° Edinb. 1806. Memorials of tranfadlions in Scotland, a.d. mdlxix.-a.d. MDLxxiii. [Edited by R. Pitcairn for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinb. 1S36. BANNER. Explication of the forme and fartiion of ThrifTels banner. 4° n. p. n. d. The banner of the truth in Ireland. Monthly informa- tion concerning Irifli Church miffions to the Roman Ca- tholics. Vols. I.-VI. 8° Lond. 1851-6. BANNERFORD. Bannerford ; or, the valley of gold. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1853. BANNERMAN (Anne). Poems. 12° Edinb. 1800. — Another edition. ' 4° Edinb. 1807. BANNERMAN (Henry). The modern Sabbath examined, [^non.] 8" Lond. 1832. The praftices of the early Chriftians confidered ; com- prifing, L An exhibition of the firfl churches ; by H. Grew, Hartford, U.S. II. Notes containing objedlions to fonie of Mr. Grew's (latements. III. Letters on baptifm, con- taining ftriftures on the notes ; by H. Bannerman. 8° Lond. 1838. A glance at coming events ; in a feries of letters on the millenarian theory. 12° Lond. 1853. BANNERMAN (John). Papers and correfpondence, relative to the late expedition .againft the rcfradtory Polegars, in the Tinnevclly country, under the direflion of Major Bannerman, in 1799. 8° Perth, n. d. BANNING (Benjamin), M.A. Vicar of Wellington, Salop. Loyalty and religion the fafcguard of the nation : a fcr- mon preached before the members of a friendly focicty, on Tuefday, Aug. i, 1848. [i Sum. x. 26.] 8° Lond. [1848.] BANNISTER (J. T.) A furvey of the Holy Land ; its geography, iiiftory, and delliny ... With an introdudion by the Rev. W. Maifh, D.D. 8" Bath, 1844. Pidorial geography of the Holy Land, defigned to eluci- date the imagery of Scripture, and dcmonftrate the fulfilment of prophecy. 8° Bath, 1851. The temples of the Hebrews ; their courts, fanftuaries. furniture, and feftivals : an ejjitome of the laws, literature, religion, and facrcd antiquities of the Jewifli nation. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BANNISTER (John). B. at Deptford, 12 May, 1760. U. 7 Nov. 1836. * Memoirs ... By John Adolphus. 1839. BANNISTER (Saxe), M.A. Humane policy ; or, juftice to the aborigines of new fettle- ments efTential to a due expenditure of Britiih money, and to the belt interefts of the fetders ... 8° Lond. 1830. Britifh colonization and coloured tribes. 8° Lond. 1838. On the right to be heard on petitions to the Crown ; and the control of the Privy Council [by appeal] over Indian, co- lonial, and home affairs ; with cafes and a&s of Parliament. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1844. William Paterfon, the merchant ftatefman, and founder of the Bank of England : his life and trials. 8° Edinb. 1858. A journal of the firft French embafTy to China, 1698— 1700. Tranflated from an unpubli(hed manufcript by S. Bannifter. 1859. BANNIUS (Joannes Albertus). Differtatio epiftolica de muficae natura, origine, progrefTu et denique ftudio bene inftituendo. [Grotius, De Jludiis injliiuendis, p. 666.] BANNIZA (Josephus Leonardus). B. at Wiirtzburg, 29 March, 1733. ProfefTor of law at Vienna, whence he was transferred to a fimilar chair at Inns- priick, 1768. D, 20 Dec. iSoo. Difquifitio de analogia juris Germanici civilis communis cum jure provinciali Auftriaco Hungarico, Bohemico, Mo- lavico et Tirolcnfi, quoad tutelam. 4° Vindobonx, 1761. BANGS ( Ant. de Alencastre, Duque de). Alegacion de derecho, por parte del Excclentiflimo Seiior Duque de Banos ... fobre la fucccflion del ducado, eftado, y cafa de Aveyro. fol. n p. [1750.] BANGS DE VELASCO Y AZEBEDO (Juan). L. Anneo Seneca iluftrado en blafones politicos y morales, y fu imjiugnador impugnado de fi mifmo. 4" Madrid, 1670. El hijo de David, Salomon coronado, y acciones de fu minoridad. 4° Madrid, 1672. Sexta parte de la hiftoria pontifical, general y catliolica. fol. Madrid, 1678. BANQUET. The banquet; in three cantos. 18 19. [.fl)' Hans Busk.] The Cinillian's banquet. " A portion of meat in due feafon." 12° Lond. n. d. BANSEMER (J. M.) Atlas containing ten maps of Poland, exhibiting the poli- 312 BANTAM— BAPTIST tical changes that country has experienced during the laft Cxty years, from 1772 to the prefent time . . . Edited by J. M. Banfemer and P. Falkenhagen Zaleflfi. fol. Lond. 1837. BANTAM. A true account of the burning and fad condition of Ban- tam in the Eaft-Indies : in the war begun by the young king againft his father, and of the great and imminent danger of the Englifh faftoiy there ; in a letter from a member of the faid faftory, to a friend in London, by the laft (hip ; which arrived on Saturday the 23th of this inftant September 1682. S. Sh. Lond. [1682.] A fhort account of the fiege of Bantam : and its fui'render to the rebels, who were affifted by the Dutch and their fleet in the Eaft-Indies. In a letter from an Englifh faftor to a merchant of London. 1683. [/far/«an Miscellany, v. 271.] BANTAM. The Bantam family, and other ftories. By the author of " Stories on Proverbs," &c. 12° Lond. 1859. BANTLEY, Dr. Pfeud. o/John Arbuthnot. BAPTISM— BAPTIST. Infants' baptifm mainteined ; or, a true account of the dif- putation held at Aftiford in Kent, Julie 27, 1649, with a review of the arguments ufed there. And a pathetical ex- hortation to the paftors to oppofe the growth of anabaptifm ; together with a confideration of the good that male bee ex- fpeifled from difputation. 4° Lond. 1650. [The] Chriftians folemn vow in baptifm explicated and renewed. S. Sh. Edinb. reprinted 1688. Pedo-baptifm difproved : being an anfwer to two printed papers, (put forth by fome gentlemen called the Athenian Society, who pretend to anfwer all queftions fent to them of what nature foever) called the Athenian Mercury, one put forth November 14, the other November 28, 169 I. In which papers they pretend to anfwer eight queries about the unlawfulnefs of infant-baptifm . . . The fecond edition . . . 4° Lond. 1 69 1. A difcourfe (hewing who they are that are now qualify'd to adminifter baptifm and the Lord's Supper ... 1698. \By Charles Leslie.] The cafe of fureties in baptifm. In which it is (hewn, that fchifmaticks ought not to be admitted as godfathers and godmothers in the miniftration of that facrament. 4° Lond. 1 70 1. The pradlice and doftrine of the Prefbjaeiian preachers, about the facrament of baptifm, e.xamined. 1703. \^By Alexander Sutherland.] New dangers to the Chriftian priefthood : or, a ferious enquiry into the proper adminiftrator of Chriftian baptifm. In a letter to the author [R. Lawrence] of Lay-baptifm in- valid ; occafioned by one of his new doftrines, in feparating the divine authority of the Chriftian minifter from the facred order of the clergy, and authorizing lay-baptifm by com- miffion, without ordination. By the author of the Defence of the principles and pradlice of the Church of England, &c. 8° Lond. 17 12. Propofed form of legifter for baptifms and burials. 4° Lond. 178 I. An enquiry into the confequences of fuppofing that bap- tifm makes infants, dying in infancy, inheritors of the king- dom of heaven ; or is of any advantage to them in the world to come. Wherein is clearly demonibated, that fuch a doc- trine did not, nor ever can, proceed from a merciful and all- wife being ; and therefore not from God, &c. By a member of the Church of Chrift. [R. Bakos, The pil/ars of pr'iejl- craft and orthodoxy Jhaken, i. 245.] A (hort examination and defence of certain expre(rions in the o(fice for baptifm, and in the catechifm of the Church of England ; with immediate reference to the difficulties, ob- jedlions, and confcientious fcruples, which are prevalent on the fubjedf. By a clergyman of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1S2 I. A letter on infant baptifm, addreffed to Chriftian parents. By a father. 8° Liverpool, 1828. Four dialogues on infant baptifm, for plain people of the Church of England. By a country clergyman. 12° Lond. 1829. On infant baptifm. A churchman's anfwer to the quef- tion, " Why do I take my child to be baptized ?" 12° Lond. 183 I. A traifl for the times, in reply to the Oxford trafts, on fcriptural views of holy baptifm. With an appendix, con- taining a few obfervations on the chapter on the efficacy of baptifm, in " The Church of England a protefter againft Romanifm and diflent." By William Dodfworth, M.A. By a member of the Univerfity. 8° Lond. 1836. An addiefs upon the privileges and duties of baptifm, pre- paratory to confirmation. 12° Lond. 1837. A few plain remarks on infant baptifm and confirmation : with efpecial reference to the objeflions of the Baptifts. To which is added, a biief explanation of certain palTages in the burial fervice. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1841. The Church of England juftified of her baptifm. In which the objeftions of dilTent are ftated and anfwered. By a lay-member of the Eftablifhment. 8° Lond. 1843. Confeflions of a convert from baptifm in water to baptifm •with water. 12= Lond. 1845. The miniftration of public baptifm of infants, to be ufed in the Church. 12° Lond. 1845. A (hort and plain explanation of the facrament of baptifm. 12° Oxford, 1847. Hath this child been already baptized or no ? or, friendly inftniftion to parents, about to bring their children to bap- tifm. By the author of " Your place in church is empty," and " The Lord's invitation to His table." 12° Lond. 1849. The facrament of baptifm confidered, in leference to an examination of the Rev. G. C. Gorham, B.D., by the Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Exeter, and the judgment of Sir Her- bert Jenner Fuft, Kt. 8" Lond. 1849. A catechifm of the facrament of baptifm, compiled from the formularies, and other authorifed publications of the Li^nited Church of England and Ireland. 12° Lond. 1849. BAPTIST— BAPTISTA J13 A brief vindication of Jewel, Hooker, Uffhcr, Taylor, and Pearfon from mifreprtfenLuions in the recent baptifmal judgment. By a fellow of a college. 8° Cambridge, 1850. A chronological catena of ancient fathers and councils, together with the teacliing of the icformers and more recent divines of our Church on the doftrine of fpiritual regenera- tion in holy baptifm. 8° Oxford, 1850. The baptifmal vow : a word of remembrance for the con- firmed. Second edition. 12" Leeds, 1850. Chriftian baptifm ; or, the baptifm of Chrift. Do the Chriftian Churches generally entertain found fcripturai views refpei5ting it ? 12^ Lond. 1850. Thoughts occafioned by the late difcuflions on the lubjedl of baptifm. 12= Lond. 1850. A dialogue on baptifm between two Churchmen. I 2° Lond. 1850. A view of baptifm, wiiich fupeifedes Exeter v. Gorham. By a Churchman. 8" Lond. 1850. Faith verfus baptifm ; or, eternal life (by the " declara- tion" of Scripture) the certain portion of all who are regen- erate by faith of the operation of God ; but, " the gieater damnation" (by the " declaration" of the Bifhop of Exeter) the certain portion of the vaft majority of thofe baptized in infancy : thus affording irrefragable proof that baptifm is not equivalent to regeneration. 8° Lond. 1851. Baptifm, as it is in Scripture, explained and made eafy, by an examination of each paflage ; alfo the trae meaning of the word "baptize." 8° Tunbridge Wells, 18; i. I acknowledge one baptifm for the remiffion of fins : a letter to the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, D.D., in anfwer to his letter to the Bifliop of Exeter, entided " Baptifm doth fave." 8° Lond. 185 I. The facrament of refponfibility : or, teftimony of Scrip- ture to the teaching of the Church on holy baptifm, with ef- pecial reference to the cafe of infants, and anfwers to objec- tions. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1S51. My godmother's letter : an explanation of lioly baptifm, its bleflings and obligations. By the author of " A prefent for young Churchmen." i 2= Lond. 1851. Holy baptifm : its duties and privileges. For the ufe of fchools and private families. By the author of " A cate- chifm on the map of the Holy Land." 1 2 ° Lond. 1851. The Church and tlie kingdom ; or, is baptifm tlie entrance to the Church? By ouhsv wk. 12° Lond. 18 51. Is baptifm regeneration ? The queftion briefly confidcred by a lay member of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1852. Baptifmal regeneration. What is b:iptifm ? Is there any fcripturai warrant for the dodliine of baptilmal i-egcneration : enquiries (by a lay member of the Cliurch of England) fug- gefted by the recent controverfy between the Bifiiop of Ripon and tlie Rev. G. A. Hayward. 8° Lond. 1853. Tlie baptized ; or, Chriflian feafons. 8° Edinb. 1854. A catechifm on the doiftiine and jjraflice of Chriftian baptifm. 8° Lond. 1855. A dialogue upon baptifm, confidercd as a means of ad- niifllon into the Chriftian covenant. 12^ Lond. 1856. The mtniftration of public ba])tifm of infants, to be ufed VOL. I. in the Church, in combination with the miniftration of re- ception to be ufed in the Church after the private baptifm of infants. 12° Lond. 1857. The fecond Adam, and the new birth ; or, the doftrine of baptifm as contained in Holy Scripture. 12° Lond. 1857. The doiftrine of Chriftian baptifm, as contained in the for- mularies of the Englifh Church, compared with the teaching of the Holy Scriptures : being the fubftance of three fermons preached in the parifli church of Taunton, St. Mary Mag- dalene. 8° Lond. 1859. Teftimonies of eminent paedobaptifts concerning the ordi- nance of baptifm. With pr-eface, notes and refleftions, by writers of various denominations. 8° Lond. i860. Baptifm. 12° no title page. Twenty-four trails on Chriftian baptifm. 12° Leicefter, n. d. Thoughts on the facraments of baptifm and the Supper of the Lord. By a lady. 12° Lond. n. d. An examination of the praftice of infant baptifm ; de- figned to prove that it is inconfiftent with the principles of the New Teftament. By a member of the Church of Eng- land. 8° Lond. n. d. Baptifm : its importance and hiftoiy. By a layman. 8° Lond. n. d. " Why are infants baptized ?" 8° Lond. n. d. A manual of the Baptift denomination for the year 1 8 5 i . 8° Lond. 185 I. — for the year 1852. 8° Lond. 1852. — for the year 1853. 8° Lond. 1853. — for the year 1854. 8° Lond. 1854. — for the year 1857. 8° Lond. 1857. — for the year 1859. 8° Lond. 1859. — for the year i860. 8° Lond. i860. — for the year 1861. 8° Lond. 1861. — for the year 1862. 8° Lond. 1862. Minutes of the eighty-third annual aflbciation of the New Connexion of General Baptifts, held at North Gate chapel, Louth, .June 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 1852. 8° Leicefter, 1852. The annual report of the committee of the Baptift mif- fionai-y fociety, for the year ending March the thirty-firft, M.DCCCLX., with a lift of contributions, being a continuation of the periodical accounts. 8° Lond. i860. BAPTIST ( ). Alley Moore, a tale of the times : fliowing how eviftions, murder, and fuch-like paftimes are managed, and juftice ad- miniffered, in Ireland ; togetlier with many ftirring incidents in other lands. 8° Lond. 1856. BAPTISTA (Joannes). A jarift of Perugia in the latter half of the i6th century. Ti-a(5latus egregius de aibitiis et coni])roniiflis, in i 3 libros divifus. [F. ZiLETTUS, Traiiiitus tiniverfi juris, 111. i. 224.] BAPTISTA (Joannks). A jurill of Toledo, who lived in the i6th century. iErarium commune utriufque juris. 4" Mindonii, 1 550. 2 s 314 B APTISTER Y— B ARB AR Y BAPTISTERY. The baptirteiy ; or, the way of eteinal hfe. [By Ifaac Williams.] 1842-4. BAR. The bar, with flietches of eminent judges, banifters, &c. &c. : a poem, with notes. 8° Lond. 1825. Infide the bar ... 1862. [By G. J. W. Melville.] BAR (Jacques Charles). [CoUeccion de los trages de todas las ordenes religiofas y railitares de todo el mundo ; traducida de Frances.] fol. no title page. BARAHONA DE SOTO (Luys). B. at Lucena, in Andalucla, about the middle of the 1 6th century. Phyfician at Archidone, near Seville. The date of his death has not been recorded. Primera parte de la Angelica de L. Barahona de Soto : con advertimientos a los fines de los cantos, y breves fum- marios a los principios, por el Prefentado Fray Pedro Verdugo de Sarria. 4° Granada, 1586. BARANTE (Amable Guillaume Prosper Brugiere, Baron de). B. at Riom, 10 June, 1782. Des communes, et de I'ariftocratie. 8 Paris, 1821. Hiftoire des Dues de Bourgogne de la Maifon de Valois 1364-1477. 13 torn. 8° Paris, 1825-6. A tableau of French literature duiing the eighteenth cen- tuiy. Tranflated from the fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1833. BARATARIANA. Baratariana : a fclefl: colledtion of fugitive poetical pieces, publifhed during the adminiftration of Lord Townthend in Ireland. Third edition. 12° Dublin, 1 777. BARBA (Alvaro Alonso). A Spanilh prieft, cure at Potofi, in South America, about the middle of the 17th century. Arte de los metales, en que fe enfefia el verdadero bene- ficio de los de ore y plata por azogue ; el modo de fundirlos todos, y como fe han de refinar, y apartar unos de otros. Nuevamente aora aiiadido con el tratado de los antiquas minas de Efpana, que efcrivio Don Alonfo Carrillo y Lafo. 4° Madrid, i 729. • — Another edition. 4° Madrid, n. d. Metallurgie, ou Part de tirer et de purifier les metaux ; traduit de I'EfpagnoI ; avec les differtations les plus rares fur les mines, et les operations metalliques. 2 torn. 12° Paris, 1751. [The dedication is figned Gosford, the allumed name of the tranfla- tor, Lenglet du Frefnoy.] BARBADOS. A reprefentation of the miferable (late of Barbadoes, under the arbitrary and corrupt adminiftration of his Excellency, RolDert Lowther, Efq., the prefent governor ... 8° Lond. 1 7 19. Adts of aflembly, pafled in the ifland of Barbadoes, from 1648 to 1718. fol. Lond. I 72 I. A fliort hiftory of Barbados from its firft difcoveiy and fettlement to the piefent time. A new edition. 8° Lond. 1768. The report from a feledl committee of the Houfe of Af- fembly, appointed to inquire into the origin, caufes and progreis of the late infurrection. 8° Barbados, reprinted Lond. 18 18. Laws of Barbados. 8° Lond. 1855. BARBARISM. Incerti de barbarifmo. [Aromatari, Deg/i aulori del ben parlare, i^fc. pt. 11., p. 16.] BARBARO (Josaphat). A native of Venice. D. there, 1494. Viaggio alia Tana. Viaggio in Perfia. [Viaggl fattt da Vinetia alia Tana, isfc. 1543- See Voyages.] — [Ramusio, Navigationi et viaggl, ii. 92.] BARBAROSSA. BarbarolTa : a tragedy. 1755. [By .John Brown.] BARBAROUX (Charles). B. at Matfeille, 6 March, 1767. Member of the Conven- tion Nationale. Guillotined at Bordeaux, 25 June, 1794. Memoires ; avec une notice fur fa vie, par M. Oge Bar- baroux, fon fils, et des eclairciflemens hiftoriques, par MM. Bervllle et Baniere. 8° Paris, 1822. BARBARUS (Daniel). B. at Venice. Patriarch of Aquileia. D. 1569. Exquifitas in Poi"phirium commentationes. 4° Venetiis, 1542. Eco. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxii. 139.] BARBARUS (Hermolaus). B. at Venice, 21 May, 1454. Diftinguiflied for fcholarfhip while ftiU a child. After filling various important offices, he was appointed patriarch of Aquileia ; but having accepted the office before obtaining the conient of the Venetian fenate, he was compelled by that body to refign it. D. near Rome, about the middle of July, 1493. Poemata. [Gruter, Dellt'iie poetarum Italorum, i. 334.] — [Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, ii. 25.] BARBARY. Etat des royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis, et Alger. I 2° Rouen, 1703. A compleat hiftoiy of the piratical ftates of Baibary, viz. Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco; containing the origin, revolutions, and prefent Hate of thefe kingdoms, their forces, revenues, policy, and commerce ... By a gentleman who re- fided there many years in a public character. 8° Lond. 1750. Letters from Barbaiy, France, Spain, Portugal, &c. 1788. [By Major Alexander Jardine.] Leaves from a lady's diaiy of her travels in Baibary. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1850. BARBA TASSI— BARBER 3^5 BARBA TASSI. Barba TafR, the Greek patriot : a romance. 8° Lend. 1850. BARBATIA (Andreas). A Sicilian jurift, b. at Meirina, In the former half of the 15th century. ProfefTor of law at Bologna and Ferrara. He isalfo known by the names of Andreas de Bartholomso, and Andreas Siculus, and was ftyled Monarcha legum, and, Lucerna juris. De teftibus. [F. Zilettus, Trailalus univerfi juris, iv. •30-] Traftatus depriftantia Cardinalium. [Ibid. xiii. ii. 63.] Traftatus de Cardinalibus Legatis a latere. [Ibid. xiii. >'• 131-1 . In njbricam C. qui admitti. [Limpius, Repetitiones in varias juris civilis Ivges, viii. I 9.] In 1. cum acutiffimi, C. de fideiconi. [Ibid. viii. 385.] Repetitio in rubricam de fide inftrumentorum. \_Repeti- tiones Juris canonici, iv. 27.] BARBAULD (Anna L^titia). See A. L. Aikin. BARBAULT (Jean). Les plus beaux monumens de Rome ancienne, ou recueil des plus beaux morceaux de I'antiquite Romainc qui exiftent encore ; delllnes par Monf. Baibault peinti'e . . . et graves en 128 planches, avec leur explication, fol. [Rome,] 176 I. Recueil de divers monumens anciens repandus en plufieurs endroits de I'ltalie ; deffines par feu M. Barbault ... pour fervir de fuite aux Monumens de Rome ancienne. fol. Rome, 1770. BARBAZAN (Etienne). B. at Saint Fargeau, 1696. D. at Paris, 8 Odl. 1770. Fabliaux et contes des poetes Francois des 11, 12, 13, 14, et 15"= fi^cles. Nouvelle edition ... revue ... par M. Meon. 4 vols. 8° Paris, 1808. BARBlvMARBOIS (Fran(;ois). B. at Mctz, 31 Jan. 1745. D. 14 Jan. 1837. Rapport fur I'etat aftuel des prifons dans les departements du Calvados, de I'Eurc, de la Manche, et de la Seine-In- ferieure ; et fur la maifon de corredion de Gailion, Odobrc 1823. [Pamphleteer, XXV. 97.] BARBER. A fnendly advice to Sabbath-day barbers and hair-dref- fers, againft trimming and drcfling on the Lord's day. By feveral of the faid bufinefs. 8° Edinb. 1788. BARBER (Aquila). A brother's portrait ; or, memoirs of the late Rev. Wil- liam Barber, Wefleyan miifionary to the Spaniards at Gib- raltar ... compiled chiefly from his journals and extenfive correfpondence, by A. Barber. To which is added, as an appendix, the memorials of liis late wife, written by hinifelf. 8" Lond. 1830. BARBER (G. D.), A.M. Ancient oral records of the Cimri, or Britons, in Afia and Europe, recovered through a literal Aramitic tranflation of the old Weldi bardic relics. 8° Lond. 1855. BARBER (James), Captain, H.C.S. A letter to the Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhoufe, Bart., M.P., on fteam-navigation with India, and fuggefting the beft mode of carrying it into effeft via the Red Sea. 8° Lond. 1837. The overland guide-book ; a complete vade-mecum for the overland traveller. 8° Lond. 1845. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1850. BARBER (.loHN Robert), A.B. Morning preacher of All Saints, Lambeth. A letter to the Rev. H. B. Bulteel, A.M., cont;iining remarks on a fermon preached by him in the church of St. Clement Danes, London. 8° Lond. 183 i. BARBER (John Thomas), afterwards J. T. Barber Beaumont. BARBER (Jonathan). The apology for renouncing infidel opinions ... delivered at St. Mary's fchool-room, Nottingham. 12° Lond. n. d. BARBER (Mary). B. at Dublin, about 1712. D. 1757. Poems on feveral occafions. 4° Lond. 1734. BARBER (M. a. S.) The children's miffionary magazine. Redemption in Ifrael; or, narratives of converfions among the Jews. 8° Lond. 1844. The early days of faith and love. 12° Lond. 1847. Du Bourg ; or, the mercuriale : a fi<■/. ii. 5.] 8"Lond. 185S. Introdudlion of Chiiftianity into Britain, in apoftolic times, with a bi ief hiftory of the early Englilh Church. 1 2° Lond. n. d. BARDSLEY (Sir James Lomax), M.D. Hofpital f ids and obfervations, illulhalive of the efficacy of the new remedies, Ibyclinia, brucia, acetate of moiphia, veratria, iodine, &c., in feveial nioibid conditions of the fyftem. 8° Lond. 1 8 30. BARDSLEY (Joseph), M..V. Incumbent of St. Silas", Liverpool. The teaching of the Church of England on confelfion and abfolution : a paper read before the Liverpool clerical focicty, 2 T 322 BARDUS— BARHAM on the 8th of November 1858, and publifhed at their re- queft. To which is added, an examination of the authori- ties cited by tiie Rev. William Grefley on the fubjedl. 8° Lond. 1859. BARDUS (Marcus Antonius). A jurift of Siena, who lived about the middle of the i6th century. De tempore utili et continue. [F. Zilettus, Traclatus unmerft juris, v. 2 I o.] BARDWELL (William). Healthy homes, and how to make them. 8° Lond. n. d. Temples, ancient and modern ; or, notes on church archi- tedure. 8° Lond. 1837. BARECROFT (Charles). A letter to a lady, furnifliing her with Scripture tefli- monies againft the principal points and doftiines of Popery. [_^iwii.'\ 4° Lond. 1688. BARENSIS PROVINCIA. Anonymi Barenfis monachi chronicon de rebus in Barenfi provincia geftis ... [Muratori, Antlquitates Italics medVt avi, i. 32.] BARETTI (Giuseppe). A native of Piedmont, who refided in England about thirty- five years. D. 5 May, 17S9. The Italian library, containing an account of the lives and works of the moll valuable authors of Italy ; with a preface, exhibiting the changes of the Tufcan language, from the bar- barous ages to the prefent time. 8° Lond. 1757. A journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France. Third edition. In four vo- lumes. 8° Lond. 1770. A di<5lionaiy of the Englifh and Italian languages. Im- proved and augmented with above ten thoufand words, omitted in tiie lall edition of Altieri. To which is added an Italian and Englilh grammar. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1771. An introdudlion to the raoft ufeful Europoean languages ; confiding of feled pafTages from the mofl celebrated Englilh, French, Italian, and Spanifli authors. 8° Lond. 1772. A didlionaiy, Spanifh and Englilh, and Englifh and Spanifh ... A new edition. 4° Lond. 1794. Opera fcritte in lingua Italiana. 3 tom. 8° Milano, 18 13. BA RFOOT (Henry), M.A. Vicar of Leake, Lincolnfhire. The duty of fponfors ; with remarks upon baptifmal re- generation. 12° Lond. 1846. The true baptifm ; or, lemiffion of fins by baptifm, not by the facrament of baptifm. 12° Lond. 1851. BARFORD (Richard). Said to have been of Exeter College, Oxford, and to have taken his degree of M.A. 25 Nov. 1729 j but nothing more feems to be known about him. The aflcmbly : an heioi-comical poem, in five cantos. 8° Lond. 1726. The virgin queen : a tragedy. 4° Lond. 1729. An epiftle to the Right Hon. Philip Dormer, Earl ot Chefterfield. Occafion'd by the late and prefent fituation of affairs in Europe, in regard to war and peace. 8° Lond. I 730. BARFORD (Valentine). On the breeding of domeftic animals : being an extraft of the pradical part of a communication to the Royal agricul- tural fociety of England. 8° Towcefter, 1853. BARFOTH (EiLERT Holger). Specimen academicum de gladiatoribus ... 4^^ Londini Gothorum, [1747.] BARFOTH (Ifvar Eilert). DifTertatio hiftorica de Gothlandia, quondam feudo Svecis oblato ... 4° Lond. Gothorum, [1767.] BARG^US (Petrus Angelius). S^^e Petrus An- GELius, Bargasus. BARGAIN. The dear bargain ; or, a trae reprefentation of the {late of the Englifh nation under the Dutch. 1689 (?) [5y Nathaniel Johnston.] Time bargains tried by the rules of equity, &c. I 7 2 O (?) [By Sir David Dalrymple.] BARGALIUS (Celsus). An Italian lawyer and profedbr, who lived in the fecond half of the 1 6th century. Tradtatus infignis atque utilifTimus, de dolo et culpa, de fraude, mendacio, calumnia, cavillatione, prasvaricatione et togiverfatione, de perfidia, mala fide, contumacia, de mora et fimulatione, in vi. libros diftindfus. fol. Norimbergx, 1700. BARHAM (A. F.) A memoir of the late James Pierrepont Greaves, Efq. 8° Lond. n. d. BARHAM (Abraham). Land-furveyor, Chevening, Kent. An addrefs to the Right Honourable Philip Henry, Earl Stanhope, on the fubjeft of a furvey of Chevening Park, made for his lordfiiip in 18 17. 8° Chipfted, 183 i. BARHAM (Francis). The life and times of John Reuchlin, or Capnion, the father of the German reformation. 12° Lond. 1843. Improved monoteflaron : a complete authentic Gofpel life of Chrift ; combining the words of the four gofpels, in a re- vifed veidon, and an orderly chronological arrangement. 12° Lond. 1862. BARHAM (George). The emigrant: a poem. 12° Lond. [1S55.] BARHAM (RicHjvRD Harris), B.A. B. at Canterbury. Educated at Brafenofe College, Oxford. Appointed a minor canon of St. Paul's, 1821. Reflor of St. BARHAM— BARISONUS 323 Mary Magdalene with St. Gregory, London, 1824, Exchanged the living for the redlory of St. Auguftine with St. Faith, 1842. D. in London, 17 June, 1845. My coufin Nicholas. 3 vols. 8° Lend. 1841. The Ingolddiy legends ; or, mirth and marvels. By Thomas Ingoldfby, Efquire. [PfemlS^ Third feries. 8°Lond. 1847. BARHAM (Richard Harris Dalton). Son of the preceding. Redlor of Lohvorth, St. Ives, Hunting- don/hire. The life and remains of Theodore Edward Hook. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1849. — New edition. 8° Lond. 1853. BARHAM (Thomas Foster), M.B. Elijah ; a facredpoem : in four cantos. 8° Lond. 1822. BARHAM (William). Defcription of Niagara, felefted from vaiious travellers ; with original additions. 8° Gravefend, n. d. BAR-HEBR^US (Gregorius). See Abu-l-Fara- JIUS. BARIACUS (Gabriel). Introduftio in artem Jefulticam, in eorum gratiam qui ejus artis myfteriis aut iam initiati, aut propediem initiandi funt, confcripta. 8 [Genevje,] 1599. BARICAVE (J.) La defence de la monarchie Fran^oife, et autres mo- narchies, centre les deteflables et execrables maximes d'eftat des miniflres Calviniftes, par eux mifes en lumiere en I'an I 58 I, fous le nom d'Eftienne Junius Bmtus [i.e. Hubert Languel^ et dc nouveau publiees en Pan 1 6 1 i , par Louis de Mayeine Turquet, Calvinifte, fous le titre de la Monarchie ariftodemocratique ... 4° Thouloufe, 1614. BARICELLUS (Julius C^sar). A phyfician of San Marco, in the kingdom of Naples. Flnu- riihed at the end of the i6th and beginning of the 17th cen- tury. Hortulus gcnialis ; five, rerum jucundarum, medicaram & memorabilium compendium, in quo natun arcana, multx rerum fympathias & antipathiac, Sr. audloris obfervationes re- ferantur. i2^Gcncvrc, 1620. BARIGNANO (Pietro). An Italian poet, b. at Pefaro. D. about the middle of the 1 6th century. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Itaiiano, xxxi. 2 i 7.] BARILLS (Bernardus). B. at Turin. A lawyer as well as an ecclefialllc, being chap- lain to the Dulcc of Savoy. Lived in the former half of the 17th century. Do poteftate legis municipalis in advenas & indigenas ; traftatus gcmina difquifitione bipertitiis. 4° Lugduni, 1 64 1. BARIN (Theodore). Le monde uaiflant ; ou, la creation du monde, demonflree par des principes tris fimples et tri^s conformes ii Thiftoire de Moyfe, Genes, chap. i. et ii. [y/no«.] 8° Utrecht, 1686. BARING (Alex.inder), ill Lord Afliburton. B. 27 Oift. 1774. Raifed to the peerage, 10 April, 1835. D. 13 May, 1848. An inquiiy into the caufes and confequences of the orders in council, and an examination of the conduift of Great Bi itain towards the neutral commerce of America. 8° Lond. 1808. The financial and commercial crifis confidered. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1847. BARING (Charles), D.D. Bifliop of Gloucefter and Brillol, 1856; of Durham, 1862. Chrift's death a propitiatory facrifice : a fermon, preached before the Univerfity of Oxford, on the fecond Sunday in Lent, Feb. 17, 1856. [i Pet. i. 17-20.] 8° Oxford, 1856. The atonement : being four difcourfes by Charles, Ld. Bp. of Gloucefter and Briftol, Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D., William Archer Butler, M.A., Robert Hail, M.A. 8° Lond. [1859.] A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocefe of Glou- cefter and Briftol, at his primary vifitation in Odlober, 1857. 8° Lond. 1857. A charge delivered at the triennial vifitation of the dio- cefe, September and Odtober, i860. 8° Lond. i860. BARING (Francis). The principles of the Commutation-aft eftablidied byfadts. Second edition. 8" Lond. 1786. BARINGIUS (Daniel Eberhardus). B.at Oberg, near Hildeiheim, 8 Nov. 1690. Under-librarian of the Royal library, Hanover, 1719. D. 19 Aug. 1753. Clavis diplomatica, fpecimina veterum fcripturarum tra- dens ... PramifTa eft bibliotheca fcriptorum rei diplomatics. 4° Hanoverte, 1754. BARINGIUS (Franciscus). A German theologian of the i6th century. Diflertatio de Uivay.idioj Zacharire ad Luc. i. 63. [Men- then lus, Thefaurus theologko-ph'ilologkus, ii. 374-] BAR-ISAJAH (Eliazak). A vindication of tiie Chriftians Mefliah, (viz.) Th.it Jcfus Chrift the fonne of God is the true Mefliah jjropheficd of, or foretold by all the holy men of God who were the writers of the Old Teftament, from Genefis unto the prophet Mal- lachy ... 4° Lond. 1653. BARISONUS (Aluertinus). B. at Padua, 7 Sep. 15S7. Studied at Padua and at Rome. Canon of the cathedral of Padua, i6io. ProfclTor of feudal law, 1627, and of the Pandefls, 1631. Vic.ir-gcncral of the 324 BARK AS— BARKER diocefe of Padua, 1636. Bifhop of Ceneda, in the Venetian territory, 1653. D. there, 15 Aug. 1667. De aichivis commentarius. [Polenus, Utr'iujque thefauri antiquitatum ... fupplaneiita, i. 1077.] BARKAS (Thomas P.) Outlines of ten years' inveftigations into the phenomena of modern fpiritualifm, embracing letters, ledlures, &c. 8° Lond. 1862. BARKER (Charles Fiott). Memoir on Syria : defigned to illuflrate the condition of that country before and fubfequent to the evacuation of the Egyptian army, and its pofition under the Ottoman yoke ... 8° Lond. [1845.] BARKER (Edmund Henry). B. at Hollym vicarage, Yorkfliire, Dec. I788. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, but took no degree, fome fcruples of confcience making him unwilling to take the ufual oath. Devoted himfelf to a literary life. D. in London, 21 March, 1839. Claffical recreations ; interfperfed with much Biblical cri- ticifni. 8° Lond. 1812. Ariftarchus Anti-Blomfieldianus ; or, a reply to the notice of the new Greek Thefaurus, infeited in the 44th number of the Quarterly Review. Part the firft. To which are added the Jena-reyiews of Mr. Blomfield's edition of Calli- machus, and iEfchyli Perfs ; tranflated from the German. 8° Lond. 1820. A letter addrefled to the Rev. T. S. Hughes, occafioned by the perafal of the " Addrefs to the people of England in the caufe of the Greeks." Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1823. — ■ [Pamphleteer, xxi. 189.] Parriana ; or, notices of the Rev. Samuel Parr, LL.D. : colledled from various fources ... 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1828-9. A Greek and Englifti lexicon ; alfo an Englifh and Greek lexicon. By George Dunbar and E. H. Barker. 1 83 i. The claims of Sir Philip Francis to the authorfliip of Junius difproved : in a letter addrelTed to Godfrey Higgins, Efq. [Pamphleteer, xxvii. 415.] Literai-y anecdotes and contemporary reminifcences of ProfelTor Porfon and others ; fiom the manufcript papers of the late E. H. Barker. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. Epiftola critica ad v. c. Jo. Fr. Boiflbnadium fuper rario- ribus quibufdara Grscx linguse vocibus, nondum in lexica relatis. [Arcadius, nsa; rovwj, p. 20 I.] BARKER (Emily). Extracts from the writings of eminent authors, moral, hif- torical, and political. Third edition. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1847. BARKER (F.), M.D. An account of the rife, progrefs and decline of the fever lately epidemical in Ireland ... By F. Barker and J. Cheyne, M.D. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1821. BARKER (Francis). Manna ; or, Scriptui'e texts for every day in the year ; with appropriate verfes of facred poetry. 12° Lond. 1852. BARKER (Francis). Boadicea. S° Lond. [1859.] BARKER (Frederic), M.A. Thirty-fix pfalms ; with commentary and prayer for ufe in families. 8° Lond. 1854. BARKER (George). Impunity of military infolence and licentioufnefs, exhi- bited in a correfpondence between G. Barker and Captain Sutton of the 7 th Huflars, and the commander-in-chief, his Grace the Duke of Wellington. 8° Lond. 1845. BARKER (Mifs H. A.) of Stokes Hall, Ham, Surrey. Crown jewels fcattered for youth. \^Poems.'\ 8° Lond. 1854. BARKER (Henry Aston). B. at Glafgow, 1774. D. at Bitton, near Briftol, 19 July, 1S56. A fliort account of the view of Lifbon, now exhibiting in H. A. Barker's panorama, Leicefter Square. 8° Lond. iS 12. BARKER (John Theodore). The beauty of flowers in field and wood : containing the natural orders or families of Britifh wild j)lants ; with their moral teachings illuftrated. 12° Bath, [1852.] BARKER (Johnson). Poems. 12° Hull, 1849. BARKER (Joseph). The authentic report of the theological difcuflion between the Rev. W. Cooke and Mr. J. Barker. 1845. Origin and authority of the Bible. Report of 3 public difcufTion between J. Barker, Efq., and the Rev. Brewin Grant, held at Halifax on ten nights, namely, January 2 2d, &c. &c., 1S55. 12° Glafgow, 1855. BARKER (Joseph Henry), M.A. Chaplain of Hereford county jail. The ages to come ; or, the future defliny of our globe confidered : being the fubftance of a lefture delivered before the members of Saint Peter's literary inftitution ... With explanatory notes. 8° Hereford, 1853. Apoftolic niiflions ; or, the facred hiftoiy amplified and combined with the apoilolical epiflJes, and contemporary fecular hiftoiy. 8° Lond. 1858. BARKER (Matthew), M.A. B. at Crandey, in Northamptonshire. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Minifter of St. James's, Garlick-hill. Lecturer at Mortlake, in Surrey. Miniller of St. Leonard's, Eaftcheap, 1650. Refigned in 1662, to avoid the operation of the Aft of uniformity. D. 25 March, 169S. A Chriftian (landing and moving upon the tnje founda- tion ; or, a word in feafon perfwading to fticke clofe to God, aft eminendy for God, in his prefent defign, againft all dif- couragements, oppofitions, temptations : exprefled in a fer- BARICER 325 mon preached before the hon. Houfe of Commons upon the day of their monthly fart, 0(5lob. 25, 1648. [i Cor. XV. 58.] 40 Lend. 1648. BARKER (Matthew Henry). B. at Deptford. At the age of fixteen went to fea, firft in an Indiaman, and afterwards in the Royal Navy, his higheft appointment being that of adting-mafter of the Flamer, gun- brig. Editor of the Nottingham Mercury from 1828 to 1841. D. 29 June, 1S46, aged fifty-fix. Land and fea tales. By the old failor. Illuftrated by George Cruikfh.mk. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1836. — A new edition. 8° Lond. i860. Top-fail fheet blocks ; or, the naval foundling. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1838. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1859. The naval club ; or, reminifcences of fervice. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1843. The viftory ; or, the ward-room mefs. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1844. The old failor's jolly boat, laden with tales, yarns, fcraps, fragments, Sec, to pleafe all hands : fteered by M. H. Barker. 8° Lond. 1844. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1855. — Another edition. 8° Lond. n. d. Floating remembrances and flietches of a fea life. By the old failor. 8° Lond. 1854. Nights at fea, and other yarns. By the old failor. 8° Lond. [1859.] The warlock. By the old failor. 8° Lond. i860. The four P's ; or, the fortunes of Frank on his road to wealth : a tale of the fea for boys. 8° Lond. [i860.] Jem Bunt : a tale of the land and the ocean. By the old failor. 8° Lond. n. d. BARKER (Ralph), B.A. Vicar of Pagham, Suffcx. The Church's fafety in the hour of temptation : a fermon preached at the primary vifitation of the Ven. J. Garbett, M.A., archdeacon of Chichefter. \^Rev. iii. 10.] 8° Lond. 185 I. BARKER (Richard). Tales of the bleft : a poem. Firft feries. Infancy and childhood. i2=Thetford, 1840. BARKER (Samuel), A.M. Of Caius College, Cambridge. Chaplain to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. The conduifl of King Hezekiah, and the reign of the de- parted fovcreign, briefly examined and compared : n fermon, preached in the parifh ciiurchesof Brundifli and Yannington, in the county of Suffolk, on the I 8th day of .luly, 1830, being the Sunday after the inteiment of iiis facred and moft excellent Majefty King George the Fourth. [2 Chrun. xxxii. 23, 33.] 4° Woodbridge, [1830.] BARKER (Sarah). * The London wonder ; or, the maiden trance : being a ftrange and true relation of one S. Barker, near the Royal Exchange, of 16 years of age ; who on the 31ft of .luly laft (being in perfeifl health) fell into a trance, and lay as dead for three days and nights together : when as they were going to bury her, (he came to life again . . . 8° Lond. I 709. BARKER (Thomas). Dr. Wells's Letter to a diffenting pariihioner confidered. Wherein the principles of the diffenters commonly called Prefbyterians are flated and vindicated ; and it is fhew'd, that the principles the DoT^\,i.,The cpjjlles of Barnabas, CltmentjSLCp. 1.] — \Lat. Max. Bibliotheca ■veierum Patrum, 11. i. 16.] — [-Eng. Wake, Tie genuine epi/lles of the apojlolical fathers, p. I 57.] BARNABEUS (Hieronymus). B. at Perugia. A prieft of the congregation of the Oratory at Rome. D. 18 July, 1662. Vita Ctefaris Baronii ... Cardinalis ... 4° RomjE, 1651. BARNADISTON. Barnadifton : a tale of the feventeenth century. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1834. BARNARD. Barnard : a modern romance. 120 Lond. 1846. BARNARD ( ). A true and perfeft relation of all the feverall ftirmifhes, brave exploits, and glorious viiflories obtained by the Eng- lifh Proteftants, over the Irifli rebels, when they raifed the fiege of Fredagh. Collefted by Docflor Barnard, minifter there, fent over to a friend in London, and prefented to the honourable Houfe of Commons, on Wednefday the 2 3 of March, 1641. 4'^ Lond. 1641. BARNARD— BARNAUD 329 BARNARD (Frederick Lamport). Lieutenant, Royal Navy. A three years' cruize in the Mozambique Channel, for the fuppreffion of the flave trade. 12° Lond. 1848. BARNARD (George). The theory and pra(5tice of landfcape painting in water colours. Uluftrated by a feries of twenty-four defigns, coloured diagrams, and numerous wood cuts ; with two extra plates on fimultaneous contrafts. 4° Lond. 1855. — New and enlarged edition. 4° Lond. 18 58. — Another edition. 4° Lond. 1861. BARNARD (Henry), LL.D. Superintendent of Common fchools in Connecticut. Normal fchools, and other inftitutions, agencies, and means dcfigncd for the profeffional education of teachers. 8° Hartford, 1851. Pra<5tical illuftrations of the principles of fchool architec- ture. 8° Hartford, 185 I. Tribute to Gailaudet : a difcourfe in commemoration of the life, charadter and fei"vices, of the Rev. Thomas H. Gailaudet, LL.D., delivered before the citizens of Hart- ford, Jan. 7th, 1852. With an appendix, containing hif- tory of deaf-mute inftrudtion and inftitutions, and other docu- ments. 8° Hartford, 1S52. BARNARD (J. F.), M.R.C.S. Cafes of chronic hydrocephalus, or, water in tlie head ; with obfervations, and a detail of a new and fuccefsful plan of cure. 8° Bath, 1839. BARNARD (James). The divinity of our Lord Jcfus Chrilt demonftrated from Holy Scriptures, and from the dodtrine of the primitive Church, in a feries of letters addrefled to the Rev. Dr. Jofeph Prieftley, in anfwer to his letters to the Rev. Dr. Geddes. 12"= Lond. 1789. BARNARD (John). " Sometimes miniver of Batcomb in Somerletftiire." A (hort view of the prelatical Church of England ... 1661. [/Ifcrilml to John Barnard, but really ivrltten by Richard Bernard.] BARNARD (John), D.D. Rcilor of Waddington, near Lincoln. Theologo-h'iflor'icu! ; or, the true life of the moft reveiend divine, and excellent hillorian, Peter Hcylyn, D.D. ... Alfo an anfwer to Mr. Baxter's falfe accufations of Dr. Heylyn. 8° Lond. 1683. BARNARD (Sir John). B. at Reading, Ikrklliirc, of Quaker parents, 1685. Educated at Wandfworth, Surrey. Joined the Church of England, 1703. Entered into bufinefs as a wine merchant in London. Elcdled member of Parliament for London, 1 722. Alderman of Uow- gate ward, 1728. Knighted, 1732. Lord Mayor of London, 1737. D. at Clapham, 19 Aug. 1764. A defence of feveral propofals for raifing of tiirec millions vol. I. for tlie fervice of the Government, for the year 1746. With a poftfcript, containing fome notions relating to publick credit. 8° Lond. 1746. Confiderations on the propofal for reducing the intereft on the national debt. [y/tion.] ti° Lond. 1750. BARNARD (Mordaunt), M.A. Perpetual curate of Barnoldfwick, Yorkftiire, 1820. Vicar of Great Amwell, Herts, 1826, and reftor of Little Bardlield, Eflex, 1S45. The education of the Chriftian minifter ; a fermon preached in the parifh church of Skipton-in-Craven, June 4, I 8 2 1 , at the vifitation of the Rev. Robert Markham, M. A., archdeacon of the archdeaconry of York. [Ma/, ii. 7.] 8° Lond. 1821. BARNARD (Thomas), M.A. " Mafter of the Free-fchool in Leedes." An hiftorical charadter relating to the holy and exemplary life of the Right Honourable the Lady Elizabeth Haftings : to which are added, 1. One of the codicils of her laft will, fetting forth her devife of lands to the provoft and fcholars of Queen's College in Oxford, for the intereft of twelve northern fchools. H. Some obfervations rcfulting there- from, in. A fchedule of her other peq)etual charities ; with the principal rules for their adniiniftration. I 2° Leedes, 1 742. BARNARDISTON (Thomas). Reports of cafes determined in the High Court of Chan- cery, from April 25, 174O, to May 9, 1741 ... fol. In the Savoy, 1742. Reports of cafes determined in the court of King's Bench ; together with fome other cafes, from Trin. 12. Geo. I. to Trin. 7. Geo. II. ... In two volumes. fol. In the Savoy, 1744. BARNARDUS. * Vita Sandli Barnardi, Archiepifcopi Viennenfis in Gal- lia, audlore anonymo inccrta: actatis. [Mabillon, Altafanc- torum O.S.B. IV. i. 549.] BARNAUD (Nicolas). B. at Crcft, in Dauphinc, in the i6th century. Praftifed as a phyfician, and led a wandering life. The date of his death is not known. Dialogus quo niulta c.Kponuntur quse Lutheranis et Hugo- notis Gallis acciderunt. Nonnulla item fcitu digna et falu- taria confilia adiedla funt. [yinon.^ 8° Oragnia;, I 573. Le cabinet da roy de France, dans lequel il y a trois perles prccieufcs d'ineftimable valeur ... 8° n. p. I 58 I. In xnigmaticimi quoddam e])itiphium Bononia; ftudiorum, ante multa fecula niarmoreo lajiidi infculptum ... conmien- tariolum. [Zetznerus, Thealnim chemicum, iii. 7 44. J Proceflus chemici aliquot. [Ibid. iii. 755-] Triga chemica : de lapide philofojihico tradtatus trcs. [Ibid. iii. 765.] Quadriga aurifera. |lbid. iii. 790.) Auiiga chemicus, live theofoi)hiir palmarium. [Ibid. iii. 834.] De occulta philofophia. [Ibid. lii. 8 5 2. J Didta fapicntum. [Ibid. iii. 857.] z v 3JO BARNE— BARNES BARNE (Henry), M.A. Vicar of Faringdon, BerkihJre. A letter addreffed to the Rev. A. P. Cult, M.A., on the (late of the diocefe of Oxford. 8° Lond. 1^59- BARNE (Miles), D.D. Chaplain in ordinary to King Charles II. A fermon preach'd before the Univerfity of Cambridge on the 9th of September, being the day of pubHck thankf- giving for the deliverance of His Majefties facred perfon, his loyal brother, and the government, from the late hellifh fanatick confpiracy. ^Luie xix. i 4.] 4° Cambridge, 1683. BARNERD (Richard). " Preacher of Gods Word at Worfop in Nottinghamlhire." The faithful! fhepheard, amended and enlarged ; with the fhepheards praftife in preaching annexed thereunto : or his manner of feeding his flocke. 4° Lond. 1609. BARNES. Pe]"fonal narrative of a journey over-land from the Bank to Barnes ... 1829. [By William Jerdan.] BARNES (Albert). Minifter of the Firft Prelbyterian church, Philadelphia. Notes, critical, illuftrative and praftical, on the Book of Job : with a new tranflation and an introduflory diflertation. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1844. — Another edition. 2 vols. 8° Glafgow, 1847. — Carefully revifed and compared with the laft Ameri- can edition by the Rev. John Cumming, D.D. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1847. — Printed from the author's revifed edition, with a pre- face by the Rev. E. Henderfon, D.D. In two volumes. I 20 Lond. 185 I. Notes, ciitical, explanatory and prafticai, on the Old Tef- tanient : the Book of the Prophet Ifaiah. 2 vols. 8° Glafgow, n. d. ■ — Carefully revifed, and compared with the lait Ameri- can edition, by the Rev. John Cumming, D.D. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1847-8. — Edited and carefully corredted by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1850. Notes, critical, explanatoiy and praftical, on the Old Teftament : the Book of the Prophet Daniel. 2 vols. 8° Glafgow, n. d. — Edited by the Rev. Ebenezer Henderfon, D.D. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1853. Notes, explanatory and praflical, on the New Teftament. 10 vols. 8° Glafgow, [1846-9.] Notes, explanatoiy and praftical, on the Gofpels. Edited and carefully correfted by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1847. — Condenfed from the American edition. 2 vols. I 2° Lond. n. d. — Carefully revifed by the Rev. Samuel Green. 8° Lond. I 85 I. Notes, explanatory and praftical, on tlie Gofpels. Care- fully revifed, and compared with the laft American edition, by the Rev. John Cumming, D.D. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1847. — Afts of the Apoftles ... 8° Lond. 1847. — Epiftle of Paul to the Romans . . . 8° Lond. I S47. — Firft Epiftle of Paul to the Corinthians ... 8° Lond. 1S46. — Second Epiftle of Paul to the Corinthians, and the Epiftle to the Galatians ... 8° Lond. 1846. — Ephefians, Philippians, and Coloffians ... 8° Lond. 1847. — ThefTalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon ... 8° Lond. 1847. — Hebrews ... 8° Lond. 1847. — Book of Revelation ... 8° Lond. 1852. Notes, explanatory and praftical, on the Afts of the Apoftles. Reprinted from the tenth American edition, I 84 1, [lizard's Library, vol. viii.] 8° Lond. n. d. — Epiftles to the Corinthians. [Ibid. vol. v.] Notes, explanatory and praftical, on the Firft Epiftle of Paul to the Corinthians ... carefully revifed by the Rev. Samuel Green. 8° Lond. 1851. Notes, explanatory and praftical, on the Book of Reve- lation. With preface by the Rev. E. Henderfon, D.D. 12° Lond. 1852. Praftical fermons, defigncd for vacant congregations and families. Firft Englifh edition, with additional fermons. 8° Edinb. 1854. — Anotlier edition. 8° Lond. 1854. The way of falvation illuftrated in a feries of difcouifes. Revifed by the Rev. E. Henderfon, D.D. 12'= Lond. 1855. Eflays on fcience and theology, by the Rev. E. Henderfon, D.D. Life at three-fcore. Butler's Analogy : a review. Arranged and revifed 12° Lond. 1855. 8° Lond. [1858.] I 2= Lond. n. d. BARNES (Francis), M.A. Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Plymouth. Twelve fermons preached in Holy Trinity church, Ply- mouth. 8° Lond. 1S60. BARNES (George), D.D. B. 1784. Educated at Oxford, where he was chofen Fellow of Exeter College. Reflor of St. Mary Major, Execer, 1809. Refigned, 1 8 1 4, and proceeded to India as archdeacon of Bom- bay. Returned to England, 1826, and was collated to the redlory of Sowton, Devonihire. Archdeacon of Barnftaple, 1830. D. at Sowton, 29 June, 1847. A fermon preached in St. Thomas's church, Bombay, on Thurfday, April 28, 1825, at the primaiy vifitation of the Rt. Rev. Reginald Keber, D.D., Ld. Bp. of Calcutta, [l Tim. iv. 16.] 8^ Lond. 1826. A fermon preached in St. Thomas's church, Bombay, on November 13, 1825, being the Sunday preceding his refig- nation of the archdeaconry. [Phil. iv. 8.] 8" Lond. 1826. BARNES (Henry). Notes of cafes in points of pradtice : taken in the court of Common-pleas at Weftminfter. Fiom Michaelmas term. BARNES 331 the fixth year of King George II. 1732, to Hilary term, the thirteenth year of King George II. I 739. By a gentle- man of the Middle Temple. 8° In the Savoy, 1 741. — From Micliaelmas term, l 732, to Hilary term, 1756, inclufive. The third edition. 8" Lond. 1790. BARNES (Henry Frederick). Incumbent of Bridlington, Yorklhire. The faithful fleward delineated : a fermon, preached in theparifh cliuich of St. Mary, Scarborough, May 25, 1852, at the vifitation of the Venerable the Archdeacon of tlie Eaft-Riding. [i Cor. iv. 2.] 8'' Bridlington, 1852. Spiritual hufliandiy ; a fermon, preached in the parifh church of St. Maiy, Beverley, July 11, 1853, at the vifita- tion of the moft Reverend the Lord Archbilhop of York, [z Tim. ii. 15.] 8° Loud. 1853. BARNES (John). A tour throughout the whole of Fiance ; or, new topo- graphical and hiftorical Hcetch of all its moft important and interefting cities, towns, forts, caftles, palaces, idands, har- bours, bridges, rivers, antiquities, &c. &c. Inteifperfed witii curious and illuftrative anecdotes of the manners, cuftoms, drefs, &c., of the inhabitants. 12° Lond. 181 5, BARNES (Joshua). B. at London, lo Jan. 1654. Educated at Chrlft's Hofpital, and at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, of which fociety he was elcfted a Fellow in 1678. D. 3 Aug. 1712. ' A\j'krMy.aroTT^ov ; five, Eftheras hiftoria, poetica para- phrafi idque Grasco carmine, cui vcrfio Latina opponitur, exornata : una cum fcholiis feu annotationibus Grxcis ... additur parodia Homerica de cadem hac liiftoria. 8° Londirii, 1679. The hiftory of that moft viiflorious monarch Edwaid III., King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, and firft founder of tlie moft noble Order of the Garter ; being a full and exa<5l account of the life and death of the faid king, to- gether with that of his moft renowned fon Edward, fur- named the Black Prince. fol. Cambridge, 1688. BARNES or BERNERS (Juliana). I'rlorcfs of the nunnery of Sopwell, near St. Albans, Hert- fordlhirc. The book containing the treatifes of hawking, hunting, coat-armour, (ifhing, and blafing of arms, as printed at Weft- minfter by Wynkin de Worde, the year of the incarnation of our Lord 1496. 4° reprinted Lond. 18 lo. BARNES (Ralph). An inquiry into equity pracflicc, and the law of real pro- perty, with a view to legiftative levifion. 8° Lond. 1827. Report of the cafe of the Queen v. the picfident and chapter of the cathedral church of St Peter, in Exeter, re- garding tile deanery of Exeter, in the Queen's Bench, in Eafter and Tiinity terms, 184O. 8° Lond. 184!. Remarks on the Tithe commutation adl. Addreflld to the clergy of the diocefe of Exeter. 8° Lend. I 836. A letter to Sir John Campbell, on the law of church rates. 8° Lond. 1837. A letter on church rates. 12° Lond. 1837. A letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Ruftell, on the com- mifTion of inquiiy into ejiifcopal and capitular eftates. 8° Lond. 1849. A letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Rufll-ll on the firft report of the epifcopal and capitular revenues commiffioners. 8" Lond. 1850. The papal brief confidered with reference to the laws of England. 8° Lond. 1850. BARNES (Richard). Bilhop of Cailifle, 25 June, 1570. Tranflated to Durham, 5 April, 1577. D. 24 Aug. 1587, aged fifty-five. The injunftions and other ecclefiaftical pioceedings of Richard Barnes, from 1575 to 1587. [Edited by James Raine for the Surtees Society.] 8° Lond. 1850. BARNES (Richard William), B.A. Redtor of Dunchideock and ShiUingford, Devonlhire. The authority due to the opinions of Rev. H. E. Head, on apoftolic fucceifion, and other theological fubjedls. 8° Honiton, i 839. A fermon, preached at the vifitation of the Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Exeter, at the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exeter, on St. Peter's day, 1842. \ylc!s iii. 12.] 8° Exeter, 1842. BARNES (Robert), M.D. Clinical and critical contributions to obftetric fcience and pradlice. I. On uterine polypus ; its nature, early deteiflion and treatment. 12° Lond. 1854. The phyfiology and treatment of placenta prsvia : being the Lettfomian lecftures on midwifeiy for 1857. 8° Lond. I 858. BARNES (Robert Freeman). The dry collodion procefs. 8° Lond. 1856. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1857. BARNES (Thomas). A Puritan divine of the 17th century. The wife-mans forecaft againft the evill time. \Prov. xxii. 3.] 4-' Lond. 1624. BARNES (William), B.D. An arithmetical and commercial diiflionaiy, containing a fimple explanation of commercial and mathematical terms and ai itlimetical operations ... to which are added I 00 pr.ac- tical queftions ; for the ufe of Ichools and private ftudents. I 2° Lond. 1840. An invcftigation of the laws of case in language, exhibited in a fyftem of natural cafes ... 8° Lond. 184O. Se Gefylfta (the helper) : an Anglo-Saxon deleiSus ; ferving as a firft clafs-book of the langu.age. I 2° Lond. 1 849. A philological grammar, grounded upon Englilli, and formed from a comparifon of more than fixty l.inguagcs : being an introduiflion to the fcience of grammar, and a help 33^ BARNES— BARNUM to grammars of all languages, efpecially Englifli, Latin, and Greek. i2=Lond. 1854. Notes on ancient Britain and the Britons. 8° Lond. 1858. Tiw ; or, a view of the roots and Items of the Englifli as a Teutonic tongue. 8° Lond. 1862. Poems of rural life, in the Dorfet dialeft ; with a differ- tation and gloffkiy. — Second edition. — Third edition. Hwomely rhymes : Dorfet dialed. 12° Lond. 1844. 12° Lond. 1848. 12° Lond. 1862. a fecond colledtion of poems in the 8° Lond. 1859. Poems, partly of rural life (in national Englifli). I 2° Lond. 1846. BARNES (William). Sprinkling not Chriftian baptifm ; in reply to a tra<5l en- titled " Immerfion not Chriftian baptifm." S° Lond. 185 I. BARNES (William), M.A. Re£lor of Brixton Deverill, Wilts. Evidences of the truth and certainty of the Chriftian re- ligion contrafted with the evils of infidelity : chiefly meant for confirming Chriflians who are weak in the faith. 8° Lond. 1858. BARNESMORE. The gap of Barnefmore ... [By Ifaac Butt.] BARNESTAPOLIUS (Obertus). Pfeud. of Robert Turner. BARNETT (Henry N.) Afterthoughts ; or, refleftions on the recent ele(5tion for the borough of Evefliam : its virtues, its immoralities and its refults. 8° Evefliam, 1852. The vi(5lor vanquiflied : a difcouiTe occafioned by the death of the Duke of Wellington. [Eccles. viii. 8.] 8° Lond. 1852. The youthful inquirer counfelled and encouraged. 8° Lond. 1853. BARNETT (J. P.) The duty of diflenteis at the prefent crifis. 12° Lond. 1 847. BARNETT (John). Syftcms and finging mafters : an analytical comment upon the Wilhem fyftem, as taught in England ; with letters, authenticated anecdotes, and critical remarks, upon Mr. John Hullah's Manual, and the prefatoiy minute of the Council on education. 8° Lond. 1842. BARNEVELDT (Johan von Olden). Grand penfionary of Holland. B. at Amersfoort, in the pro- vince of Utrecht, 1547, or, according to otheis, 1549. After ferving his country in various important offices, his adlive oppo- sition to the ambitious defigns of the Stadtholder Maurice, and his pofition as leader of the Remonftrants, led to his arreft, and he was ultimately executed on a charge of treafon, 14 May, 1619. Barnevels apology ; or Holland myfterie. With mar- ginall caftigations [by R. Houlderus.'\ 4° n. p. 161 8. •• Lettre de Barnevelt, dans fa prifon, a Truman, fon ami. 1764. [A poem, by C. J. Dorat.] BARNEWALL (Richard Vaughan). B. in London, 1780. Educated at Stonyhurft, and at the Univerfity of Edinburgh. Studied law, and was called to the bar, 1806. D. in London, 29 Jan. 1842. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the court of King's Bench. By R. V. Barnewall and Edward Hall Alderson. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 1818-22. Reports of cifes argued and determined in the court of King's Bench ... By R. V. Barnewall and Crefl\vell CreflT- well. 10 vols. 8° Lond. 1823-32. Reports of cafes argued and determined in tlie court oi King's Bench ... By R. V. Barnewall and John Leycefter Adolphus. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 183 1-5. BARNEY (A. M.) The ftar in the Eaft : an account of the Church miflionary fociety's work in north India ; with flietches of the country and people. With a preface by the Rev. W. Knight, M.A. 8° Lond. i860. BARNFIELD (Richard). B. in StafFordrtiire, 1574. Educated at Brafenoie College, Oxford, where he graduated, 5 Feb. 1592. The date of his death has not been afcertained. Cynthia ; with certaine fonnets, and the legend or Caf- fandra. [Reprinted from the edition of I 595.] 12=' Beldornie, 1S41. The afFeftionate fliepherd. [Edited by James Orchard Halliwcll for the Peicy Society.] 8° Lond. 1845. BARNHAM (James Calthrop). Attorney at law, Norwich. A feries of queftions on the moll impoi tant points con- nefted with a legal education . . . Second edition. I 2° Lond. 1837. — Fourth edition : entirely remodelled and confiderably enlarged, by Edward Ings, Efq. 12° Lond. 1840. BARNSTORFF (D.) A key to Shakefpeare's fonnets. Tranflated from the German by T. J. Graham. 8° Lond. 1S62. BARNUM (H. L.) The fpy unmaflied ; or, memoirs of Enoch Crolby, alias Harvey Birch, the hero of the " Spy, a tale of the neutral ground," by Mr. Cooper. In two volumes. 12° New York, 1829. BARNUM (Phineas Taylor). The life of P. T. Barnum ; fliowing his early hiftory as clerk, merchant, and editor, and his later career as a fhow- nian. Written by himfelf. 8° Lond. [1855.] — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1855. — Another edition. 8 Lond. 1855. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1855. BARNWELL— BARON 333 BARNWELL (George). * George Barnwell, an old Englifh ballad ; upon which the chief incidents in the tragedy of George Barnwell are founded. 12° Glafgow, n. d. BARO (Antonius). A member of the Society of the Jefuits, who flouriflied to- wards the clofe of the 17th century. Triumviratus fandlimonix Societatis Jefu, tribus ejiigram- niatum libris ad imitationcm propofitus. 8° Neapoli, 1695. BARO (Eguinarius). B. at St. Pol de Leon, 1495. Profeflbr of law at Poitiers, at Angers and at Bourges. D. at Bourges, 22 Aug. 1555. Opera omnia in tres tomos divifa ... Tom. I. fol. Lutetice Parifioram, 1598. — Tom. IIL fol. Lutetia; Paiilioi-um, 1562. Ad Obertum Ortenfium Dcbeneficiis commentarii, meth- odo in eundem fubiedli. 4° Lugduni, 1549. Pandeftarum juris civilis oecononiia . . . 4° Piftavis, I 560. De dividuis & individuis obligationibus. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus univerfi juris, vi. ii. 365.] Poemata. \G?i.VTt.v., Delit't Londini Gothorum, [1754.] BARON AND FEME. Baron and feme : a treatife of the common law concerning hufbands and wives. Second edition. 8° In the Savoy, 1738. — Third edition. 8° In the Savoy, 1738. BARON FITZARDERN. Baron Fitzardern : a tragedy, in five adls. 8° Lond. 1845. BARON (John), M.D. For many years phyfician to the General Infirmary at Glou- cefter. D. at Cheltenham, at an advanced age, 2 Oft. 1851. An enquiry illuftrating the nature of tuberculated accre- tions of ferous membranes ; and the origin of tubercles and tumours in diffei'ent textures of the body. 8° Lond. 18 19. lUuftrations of the Enquiiy refpefting tubeiculous difeafes. 8° Lond. 1822. Delineations of the origin and progrefs of various changes of ftrufture which occur in man, and fomc of the inferior animals ... 4° Lond. 1828. BARON (John), M.A. Reftor of Upton Scudamore, Warminfter, Wiltihire. Scudamore organs, or pradlical hints refpefting organs for village churches and fmall chancels on improved principles. With deCgns by George Edmund Street. 8° Lond. 1858. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1862. Scudamore organs : further fteps. Parts I. and II. 8° Briftol, 1858. BARON (Jules). A French jurift and writer on heraldry. D. 1691. L'art heraldique, contenant la mani^ie d'apprendre fa- cilement le blafon ... 12° Paris, i68i. — Nouvelle edition, revOc, corrigee, et augmentee, par A. Playne. 12° Paris, 1717. BARON (Michel). An aftor and dramatic writer, whofe true name was Boyron. B. at Paris, 1653. D. 22 Dec. 1729. Le theatre de Mr. Baron, augmentc de deux jjicces qui n'avoient point encore ete imprimees, et de diverfes poefies du meme auteur. 3 tom. 12° Paris, I 7 59. L'homme a bonne fortune : comedie en cinq adles et en profe, reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 30 Janvier i685. [Petitot, Repertoire du theatre Fran(;ois, x. I.] L'Andrienne : comedie en cinq ades et en vers, repre- fentee pour la premiere fois le 16 Novembre 1703. [Ibid. x. 159.] BARON (Richard). B. at Leeds, about the beginning of the i Sth century. Edu- cated at the L'niverfity of Glalgow. Minifter of a congregation of diflcnters in London, 1753. D. at Blackheath, 22 Feb. 176S. A faithful account of Mr. Archibald Bower's motives for leaving his office of fecretary to the court of Inquifition ; in- cluding alfo a relation of the horrid treatment of an innocent gentleman, who was driven mad by his futferings, in this bloody court ; and of a nobleman wlio expired under liis tortures : to botli which inhuman and (hocking fcenes the author was an eye-witnefs. With the difficulties he met with in efcaping from ihence. The fecond edition, with a new occafional preface. S Lond. I7S°* 334 BARON— BARR The pillars of prieftcraft and orthodoxy (haken. Edited by Richard Baron. Second edition. 4 vols. I 2° Lend. 1768. BARON (Robert). ProfefTor of divinity in Marifchal College, Aberdeen, in the 17th century. Sufpended from his office in confequence of his adherence to the Epifcopal Church. Elefted bifhop of Orkney, but was forced to leave Scotland before being coniecrated. D. at Berwick. Philofophia theologiae ancillans ; hoc eft pia & fobria ex- plicatio quseftionum philofophicarum in difputationibus theo- logicis fubinde occurrentium. 8° Andreapoli, 162 i. — Another edition. 8° Oxonix, 1641. — Another edition. 12° Amftelodami, 1649. Ad Georgii Turnebulli Tetragonifmum pfeudographum apodixis catholica ; five, apologia pro Difputatione de formali obje<5to fidei ... 8° Abredonise, 163 i. Difputatio theologica de vero difcrimine peccati mortalis & venialis, deque impoffibilitate implendi legem Dei, ob quotidianam peccatonim venialium incurfionem. Cui annexa eft appendix de poffibilitate prsftandi legem confideratam fecundum ic/s/zE/av evangelicam. 8° Abredoniae, 1633. Metaphyfica generaiis ; accedunt nunc primum quse fuper- erant ex parte fpeciali : omnia ad ufum theologias accom- modata. Opus poftumum ; ex mufeo Antonii Clementii. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1657. BARON (S.) A defcription of the kingdom of Tonqueen. [Pinker- ton's Collecl'wn of voyages and travels, ix. 656.] BARONESS. The baronefs : a tale ; dedicated to the daughters of rank and affluence in Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1843. BARONET. Fourpatents concerning the honourable degree anddignitie of baronets. 161 7. [Scott's edition of Somers' Tracts, ii. 252.] The young baronet ... 1846. \By R. M. Daniel.] Ridgway's Baronetage of the United Kingdom, for the year 1862, with the arms of the baronets. 12° Lond. 1862. — for the year 1863 ... 12° Lond. 1S63. BARONIUS (C/esar). B. at Sora, in Naples, 30 Oft. 1538. Studied theology at Rome. Appointed confeflbr to Clement VIII., by whom he was railed to the dignity of cardinal, 1596. Librarian of the Vatican. D. 30 June, 1607. Martyrologium Romanum . . . Acceflerunt notationes atque traftatio de niartyrologio Romano ... Secunda editio. fol. Antverpia?, 1589. Traflatus de monarchia Sicilise. Acceffit Afcanii Cardi- nalis Columns de eodem traflatu judicium. Cum ... Car- dinalis Baronii refponfione apologetica adverfus Cardinalem Columnam, et epiftola ad Philippum IIL Regem Hifpanix. 8° Paris, 1609. — [GrjEvius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et ii/Ioriarum Sicilia, tom. iii.] Annales ecclefiaftici, tomis duodecim diftinifli. Noviflima editio, poftremiim ab auftore aufta et rccognita. fol. Antveipiae, 1612—29. BARONIUS AC MANFREDI (Franciscus). B. at Monreale, in Sicily. A member of the Society of the Jefuits, and lecretary to the fenate of Palermo. Being accufed of encouraging the riots which occurred at Palermo in 1647, in confequence of a fcarcity of provifions, he was thrown into prifon, and afterwards baniflied to Gaeta. D. there, 1654. Hiftoricse et chronologies difleitationis Antonini de Ami- co de antiquo urbis Syracufaruni archiepifcopatu, ac de ejuf- dem in univerfa Sicilia metropolico jure, judicium. [GR.tvius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et hifloriarum SiciliiC, tom. ii.] De Panormitana majeftate libri iv. ; ubi feliciffinice hujus urbis antiquitas, gloria, primatus ac metropolica dignitas evi- dentifllme afleruntur et confirmantur. [Ibid. tom. xi.] BARONTUS. ~ Vita SS. Baronti et Defiderii, anchoretarum Piftorii in Hetniria. [Mabillon, AQa fanSorum O.S.B. ii. 792.] BARONY. Tenure and peerage ; "by Barony :" an eflay. 8° Lond. 1853. BARONY PARISH. Locality of the ftipends of the firft and fecund minifters of the Barony parifti of Glafgow, commencing with crop and year 18 14. 4°n. p. 1827. BARR (Francis). A methodift preacher. B. near Helmflev, Yorklhire, 24 OQ. 1779. D. 13 Jan. 1848. * Memoirs ... By William Smith. 1849. BARR (James), A.M. Reftor of the Grammar fchool of Glalgow. An eafy introduiftion to Latin grammar. 8° Glafgow, 1763. BARR (James). Architect. Anglican church architefture ; with fome remarks upon ecclefialHcal furniture. 8° Oxford, 1842. — Third edition. 8° Oxford, 1846. BARR (John). The Sciipture ftudent's affiftant : being a complete index, and conciie diftionary of the Holy Bible : in which the various perfons, places, and fubjefls mentioned in it are ac- curately referred to, and every word briefly explained. New edition. 8° Lond. 1854. — Another edition. 8° Glafgow, 1859. BARR (John T.) Wedeyan Methodift minifter. Recollections of a minifter ; or, llcetches drawn from life and character. 12° Lond. 1838. The Wefleyan chu'.ch-member's pocket companion : being a praftical guide to members of the Wefleyan-methodift fo- ciety. 12° Lond. 1S49. BAR R— BARRETT 335 BARR (Samuel). The art of finging at fight fimplified. S° Glafgow, 1847. BARR (William). Lieutenant, Bengal horfe artillery. Journal of a march from Delhi to Pefhawur, and from thence to Cabul, with the miflion of Lieut.-Coloncl Sir C. M. Wade ... 12° Lond. 1S44. BARRATT (Sarah). Alethea ; or, the maid of the defert. 12° Lond. 1849. BARRAUD (Philip). A new book of fingle cyphers, compriCng fix hundred invented and engraved by Philip Barraud. 4° Lond. 1782. BARRl': (A. la). Many years pilot in the Britilh navy. The French coafting pilot ; being a defcription of every harbour, roadfted, channel, cove, and river, on the French coaft in the Englifh Channel ... 12° Plymouth, 1825. BARRli (Isaac). One of the perfons to whom the authorHiip of the letters of Junius has been afcribed. B. In Dublin, 1726. Educated at Trinity CoUeee, Dublin. Entered the army, in which he rofe to the rank of Heutenant-colonel. Elefted a member of parlia- ment, 1761. Appointed to the finecure office of Clerk of the Pells. D. in London, 20 July, 1802. * Biographical memoir ... By John Britton. 1848. BARRE (Joseph). B. 1692. Canon of St. Genevieve, and Chancellor of the UniverCty of Paris. D. at Paris, 23 June, 1764. Hidoire generale d'Allemagne, depuis I'an de Rome 648, jufqu'a I'an 174O de Jefus Chrift. 10 torn. 4^ Paris, 1748. BARRELIERUS (Jacobus). B. in Paris, Sep. 1606. Studied and praftifed medicine, till, in 1634, he entered the Dominican order, in which he held feveral important appointments. D. in Paris, 17 Sep. 1673. PlantE per Galliam, Hifpaniani, et Italiam obfervats, iconibus aeneis exhibitac. Opus pofthumum, accurante An- tonio de .Ttiflieu ... cui accelfit ejufdem aufloris fpecimen de infedlis quibufdam niarinis, niollibus, cruflaceis, et teflaceis. fol. Paris, i 7 i 4. BARRERA, Madame dk. Gems and jewels : their hiftory, geography, chemifti-y, and ana ; from the earlieft ages down to tlie prefent time. 8° Lond. i860. BARRERA (Alonso de la). Sermon, que prcdico ... Alonfo de la Bairera ... a las honias, y exequias, que el Tribunal de la Fee, y Seiiores Inquifidores Apoftolicos hizieron, y confagraron a la ca- tholica niageftad del Rey N. Sefior Philippo Quarto, en la clemencia, conftancia, religion el Grande. 4° [Mexico, 1667. 1 BARRERA (Miguel de la). Aduana critica, donde fe han de regillrar todas las piezas literarias, cuyo defpacho fe folicita en efta coite. Hebdo- madario de los fabios de Efpana. 2 toni. 8° Madrid, 1763. BARRftRE (Pierre). B. at Perpignan, about 1690. Profeflbr of botany there. D. I Nov. 1755. Efiiii fur I'hiftoire naturelle de !a France equinoxiale ... 12° Paris, 1 741. BARRET (Guilielmus). Jus regis ; five, de abfoluto et independent! fecularium principum dominio, et obfequio eis debito. AdveiTus fiflani juris fubditomm praeexiftentiam aut populi in principatum meram cefFionem : prsecipu^ contra papalem in reges & prin- cipes fecuJarem poteftatem : libri tres ... 8° Bafileia:, 16 12. BARRET (J. V.) Reflexions. 12° Lond. [i 859.] The children in the wood ; edited by Mifs CoRstR and J. V. Barret. BARRET (.John), M.A. The redlor of Sutton committed with the Dean of St. Paul's ; or, a defence of Dr. Stillingfleet's Irenicum, his difcourfes of excommunication, idolatiy, and other writings ; againft his late fermon, entituled The mifchief of feparatiun. By the author of The Chriftian temper. In a letter to a friend. 4° Lond. i860. BARRETT (Alfred). Wefleyan Methodift minifter. EfTay on the paftoral office, as a divine inftitution in the Church of Chrift ... 8° Lond. 1839. Catholic and evangelical principles, viewed in their pre- fent application to tlie Church of God : in a feries of letters to a friend. 8° Lond. 1843. Paftoial addiefles : adapted for retirement and the clofet. Third edition. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1S45-6. Chrift in the ftorni ; or, the world pacified. 8° Lond. 1849. Difcourfe on the modern mental ]>hilofo])hy, viewed in its afpe(5ls on Chriftianity ; witli ftridtures on tiiat expofition of it prefented by Mi'. J. D. Moiell, in his Philofophy of religion. Addrcfled to Chriftian youth. 12° Lond. 1850. The miniftry and polity of the Chriftian Church, viewed in their fcriptural and theological afpei5ts, and in relation to principles profefTed by the Wcdeyan Metliodifts. 8° Lond. 1854. Confolator ; or, lecolleftions of a depai ted friend, the Rev. John Pearfon. 8° Lond. 1856. Little Artliur's Latin primer ; or, Latin etymology and fyntax for little boys. 12° Lond. 1854. Latin exercifes for the loweft form. 12° Lond. 1854. Improvements in arithmetic, with a vindication of the decimal principle. By James Yates and the Rev. Alfred Barrett, i860. J36 BARRETT BARRETT (Arthur Charles, M.A.) The propofitions in mechanics and hydroftatics, which are required of queftionifts, not candidates for honors. 8° Cambridge, 1847. — Second edition. 8° Cambridge, 1855. — Third edition. 8° Cambridge, 1862. Companion to the New Teftament : defigned for the ufe of theological ftudents and the upper forms in fchools. 8° Cambridge, 1861. BARRETT (B.) Gothic ornaments. 8° Lond. I 85 I. BARRETT (Eaton Stannard). A native of Ireland, and a ftudent of the Middle Temple. D. in Glamorganiliire, 20 March, 1820. All the talents : a fatirical poem, in three dialogues. By Polypus. {PfeiiiL^ Thirteenth edition. 8" Lond. 1807. "My wife ! what wife?" a comedy, in three adls. 8° Lond. 1815. The talents run mad ; or, eighteen hundred and fixteen : a fatirical poem, in three dialogues ; with notes. By the author of "All the talents." 8° Lond. 18 16. Woman : a poem. Occafional poems. 8° Lond. 1S18. BARRETT (Elizabeth B.) B. in London. Married to Robert Browning, the well-known poet. D. at Florence, after a long illnefs, 29 June, i86i. Poems. In two volumes. 8 Lond. 1844. — A new edition. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1850. The feraphim ; and other poems. 12° Lond. 1838. Cafa Guidi windows : a poem. 8° Lond. 185 i. Poems before Congrefs. 8° Lond. 1S60. Laft poems. 8° Lond. 1862. The Greek Chriftian poets and the Englifh poets. 8° Lond. 1863. BARRETT (Francis). The lives of alchemyftical philofophers ; with a critical catalogue of books in occult chcmiihy, and a feleftion of the moft celebrated treatifes on the theory and praftice of the hermetic art. \_Anon.'\ 8° Lond. 18 15. BARRETT (Henry), M.A. Perpetual curate of Pelton, Durham. Church purpofes v. clergy puqjofes : a letter to tiie Ven. Charles Thorpe, D.D., and the Rev. John Davies, D.D., canons of Durham. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1853. "Judge, therefore, yourfelves brethren, that ye be not judged of the Lord : " a fermon preached on the morning of the faft-day, Oftober 7th, 1857, at Trinity church, Pad- dington, London. \_Isa. xxvi. g.] 8° Lond. 1857. BARRETT (Jane W.) A long letter from Ilfracombe, to my pupil J. N., con- taining an account of the illnefs and death of C. Tartakover, a converted Jewefs. 12° Lond. 1853. BARRETT (John), D.D. Vice-provoft of Trinity College, Dublin, and profeffor of Oriental languages in that univerfity. D. in Dublin, 15 Nov. 1821. Evangelium fecundum Matthxum, ex codice refcripto in bibliotheca collegii SS^ Trinitatis juxta Dublin. Cui ad- jungitur appendix, collationem codicis Montfoitiani com- pleftens. fol. Dublinii, I 80 1. An eflay on the earlier part of the life of Swift ... to which are fubjoined feveral pieces afcribed to Swift ; two of his original lettcis ; and extrafts from his remarks on Bifhop Burnet's Hiftory. 8° Lond. 1808. BARRETT (John Casebow), M.A. Perpetual curate of St. Mary's diftrift parifli church, Bir- mingham. Miniflerial caution : a fermon preached in St. Mai'y's church, Birmingham, on Sunday, Nov. 7, 1S47. [i Tim. iv. 16.] 8° Lond. 1S47. The proteftant Bible burnt : a fermon, preached in St. Mary's church, Birmingham, on Sunday, Dec. 17, 1S48. [Tfr. xxxvi. 23.] Second edition. 12° Lond. 1848. " England and her volunteers : " an addrefs, delivered before the Birmingham companies of the Warwickfhire rifle corps, in the Town Hall, Birmingham, on Tuefday even- ing, March 13, i860. 8*^ Birmingham, i860. BARRETT (Jonathan Tyers), D.D. Educated at St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Reftor of Beau- champ Roding, EiTex, 1822. Prebend of Mapelburg, in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1825. Reftor of Attleborough, Norfolk, 1839. D. at Brandon Houfe, Suffolk, 6 March, 1851, aged fixty-fix. Chrift anointed to preach tlie Gofpel to the poor ; a fer- mon, preached in St. Paul's cathedral, on the loth of De- cember, 1820, being the lecond Sunday in Advent. [I^uke iv. 18, 19.] 12° Lond. 1821. "The figns of the times :" a fermon, preached in the parifh church of St. Peter, Thetford, at the ordinal y vifiti- tion of the Ld. Bp. of Norwich, on Friday, April 25, 1845. [Matt. xvi. 3.] 8° Norwich, 1845. Memorials of the parochial church, the collegiate chantry, and the chapel of St. Mary ... in the parifh of Attleborough, in the county of Norfolk ... 8° Lond. 1848. BARRETT (Richard Arthur Francis). Redtor of Stower Provoft with Todbere, Dorfetfhire. A fynopfis of criticifms upon thofe pafTages of the Old Teftament, in which modern commentators have differed from the autliorized verfion ; together with an explanation of various difficulties in the Hebrew and Englifh texts. Vols. I., II., III. (pt. i.) 8° Lond. 1847. [No more publiilied.] BARRETT (Susan). Pradlical illuftrations on fitting and making drefTes in the French and Englifh flyles. 8° Lond. n. d. BARRETT— BARRINGTON 337 BARRETT (William). A furgeon in Briftol, well known as the early patron of Chatterton. D. at Higham, Somerfet, 15 Sep. 1789. The hiftoiy and antiquities of the city of Briftol ; com- piled from original records, and authentic nianufcripts. 4° Briftol, 1789. BARRETT (Willl^m Garland). Independent miniiler, Croydon. Emigration, in its moral and religious afpedls : a ferraon ... [Rei'. xiv. 6.] 8°Lond. 1852. Geological faifls ; or, the cruft of the eaith, what it is, and what are its ufes. 8° Lond. 1855. Immigration to the Britilh Weft Indies : is it the flavc- trade revived or not ? 8° Lond- 1859- New llofm.] 8° Lond. 1854. Lays of the war, and mifcellaneous lyrics. 8° Lond. 1856. BARRY (William Whittaker). Of Lincoln's Inn, barrifter-at-law. A treatife on the ilatutory jurifdidtion of the Court of Chancery, with an appendix of precedents. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BARSS (John Martin Frederick). The grand univerfal economical union plan for providing againft old age, indigence, calamity, ficknefs or fuperannua- tion. 8° Lond. 1 801. BART (Jean). A French naval officer. B.flt Dunkirk, 1651. D. there, 27 April, 1702. * Vie de Jean Bart. 1784. \By Adrien Richer.] * The life of the celebrated Jean Bart . . . from the French [0/ Adrien Richer, by the Rev. Ediuard Mangin\. I 82 8. BARTAS (G. DE Saluste, Sieur du). B. 1544. D. 1590. Hebdomas: a Gabriele Lermaeo Latinitate donata ... 12° Lond. 1591. — Another edition. 12° [Lond.] i 596. Hadriani Dammanis . . . Bartafias ; qui de mundi crea- tione libri feptem ; e Guilielmi Salufti Dn. de Bartas Sep- timana poemate Francico liberius tralati et multis in locis acuti \auai.'\ 8° Edinb. 1600. Premiere fepmaine ; ou, creation du monde. Reueue, augmentee, & embellie en diuers pafTages par I'autheur niefme. En cette derniere edition ont efte adiouftez I'argument gene- ral, amples fommaires au commencement de chafque liure, an- notations en marge, & explications des principales dificultez du texte, par S. G. S. 12° Rouen, 1602. — - La feconde fepmaine .. 12° Rouen, 1599. — Another edition, entitled Les ceuvres de G. de Salufte Sr. du Bartas. fol. Paris, 161 1. Wercken : door Zacharias Heyns. 2 deel. 4° [Amfterd. 162 i.] CEuvres poetiques & Chreftiennes . . . 12° Geneve, 1632. Du Bartas, his Divine weeks and works, in Englilh verfe, by Jofuah Sylvester. BARTELS (Albert). The modern linguill ; or, converfations in Englifh and French. 12° Lond. 1850. BARTELS (Ernst). B. at Brunfwick, 26 Dec. 1778. ProfefTor of clinical medi- cine at Berlin. D. there, 26 June, 1838. Anthropologifche Bemerkungen liber das Gehirn und den Schadel des Menfchen. Mit belfandiger Beziehung auf die Gall'fchen Entdcckungen. 8° Berlin, 1806. BARTER (Charles), B.C.L. The dorp and the veld ; or, fix months in Natal. 8° Lond. 1852. BARTER (Robert Speckott), B.C.L. Warden of Winchefter College, 1832. Reftor of Gtenton, Somerset, 1849. A fermon, preached on Tuefday the 28th of Nov. 1 848, in the cathedral church of Winchefter, on behalf of the So- cieties for the promotion of Chriftian knowledge, and for the propagation of the Gofpel in foreign parts, [i 77m. iii. 14, 15, 16.] 8° Winchefter, 1848. A fermon, preached at St. Michael's, Burleigh Street, Strand, on the occafion of the annual meeting of the Tithe redemption truft, June 23, 1859. \Job xxviii. 28.] 8° Lond. 1859. BARTER (William Brudenell), M.A. B. 1788. Educated at Chrift Church and Oriel College, Oxford. Reftor of Highclere and Burghclere, 1825. D. at Burghclere, 16 Nov. 1859. On party fpirit in the Church : a fermon, preached in the parirti church of Andover, on Friday, Sep. 16, 1 83 I, at the viCtation of the chancellor of Winchefter. [ I Cor. iii. 4.] 8° Lond. 183 I. A fermon on the education of the poor in the principles of the Church ; preached in Winchefter cathedral, on Mon- day, July 8, 1844. \Matt. xviii. 10.] 8° Winchefter, 1844. An anfwer to a pamphlet, entitled, " Thoughts on the Sabbath, by Richard Whately, D.D., Archbifhop ot Dub- lin." In this anfwer the divine inftitution of the Chriftian Sabbath is vindicated. 8° Lond. 1833. Obfervations on a woik by Mr. Bickerfteth, entitled, " Remarks on the progiefs of popery ;" and an anfwer to his attack on the Society for promoting Chriftian knowledge. 8° Lond. 1836. The remarks, made by Lord Morpeth, on the authors of " The trafts for the times," and the Univerfity of Oxford : confidered in a letter addreffed to the editor of " The Times" newfpaper. 8 Lond. 1841. A word in defence of our altars and catholic Church ... 8° Lond. 1843. The Englifli Church not in fchifm ; or, a few words on the fupremacy of the Pope, and the progrefs of Antichrift. 8° Lond. 1845. A poftfcript to The Englilh Church not in fchifm : con- taining a few words on Mr. Newman's Eflay on develop- ment. 8 Lond. 1846. BARTER— BARTHELEMY 343 The gainfaying of Core, in the nineteenth century ; or, an apology for the Chriftian priefthood. 8° Lond. 1847. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1858. The opponents of baptifnial regeneration folemnly warned, by an authority which they are bound to rcfpedt, and by the fatal but inevitable rcfults of tlieir own fyflem. 8^ Lond. 1849. A folomn warning againft that dodlrine ot fpecial grace, which caufes divifions in the Church, and prepares the way for infidelity. 8° Lond. 1849. An humble ftatement of his diftrefs, as a minifter of the Church of England, in her prefent feafon of trial : in a letter addreffed to his Grace the Archbifhop of Canterbuiy. 8° Lond. 1850. Trails in defence of the Chriftian Sabbath, the Church, her priefthood, and her facranients. 8° Lond. 1851. A few words on the con efjjondence between the Arch- bifhop of Canterbui y and Mr. Gawthorn ; and an anfwer to the Challenge of the Archbifliop of Dublin. 8° Lond. 185 I. A few words on the progrefs of fccialifm and infidelity, addrefled to the Earl of Shaftefbuiy. 8° Lond. 1852. * Sufficiency of the Scriptures and falvation by grace : a reply to the Rev. W. B. Baiter's " Few words addiefted to the Earl of Shafte(bury." 1852. [ByU.T. J. Bagge.] A few words on the fulfilment of prophecy in the latter days. 8° Lond. 1853. The progrefs of infidelity in England ; and the only effec- tual principle by which it can be refifted. 8° Lond. 1855. A poitfcript to The progrefs of infidelity in England. 8^ Lond. 1856. Remarks on the pioceedings in the cafe of Archdeacon Denifon. 8" Lond. [1856.] A few words on the progrefs of infidelity in London, during the fjjring of the year 1857. 8" Lond. 1857. Irreverence the prccurfor of infidelity: a tradl for the pre- fent feflion of parliament. As a poftfcript to " A few words on the progrefs of infidelity in London, during the fpring of 1857." 8° Lond. 1858. BARTER (William G. T.) Poems, original and tranflated, including the firfl Iliad of Homer. 12° Lond. 1850. Adventures of a fummer-eve : a ])oem in fix books. 8° Lond. 1856. Homer and Englilli metre : an effay on the iranflating of the Iliad and the Odyfley, with a literal rendering in the S])enferian (lanza of the firft book of the Odyfley, and fpe- cimens of the Iliad. 8^ Lond. 1862. BARTH (Antonius). De ufu ])hyfics generalis in vita comniuni. 8° n. p. I 764. BARTH (C. G.) Setma, the Turkifli gii 1 : and Woodroof, the Swedifli boy. From the German. 8' Lond. l8j8. Mick and Nick ; or, the power of conlcicnce. Tranf- lated from the German, by the Rev. Robert Menzies. I 2° Edinb. 1849. Poor Heniy ; or, the pilgrim hut of Weifenftein. Tranf- lated from the German, by S. A. M. 12° Lond. [1854.] Stories for Chriftian children. Second feries. 12° Edinb. 1854. Benoni ; or, the trium])h of Chriftianity over Judaifm. From the German, by Samuel Jackfon, Efq. 1 2° Lond. n. d. BARTH (Christian Karl). Teutfchlands Urgefchichte. 2 Theile. 8° Baireuth und Hof, 1818-20. BARTH (George). On the ufe of pure oxygen gas as an important curative agent and auxiliaiy remedy in various difeafes arifing from conftitutional debility and an impure condition of blood. 8" Lond. n. d. BARTH (Henry), Ph. D., D.C.L. Travels and difcoveries in North and Central .•\frica : being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auf- pices of H.B.M.'s Government, in the years 1849-55. ^" five volumes. 8° Lond. 1857. BARTH (M.), M.D. A pradlical treatife on aufcultation. By M. Barth and Henry Roger, M.D. Tranflated, with notes, by Patrick Newbigging, M.D. 12° Edinb. 1842. BARTHE (Nicolas Thomas). B. at Marfeille, 1737. D. at Paris, 15 June, 1785. Les faufles infidelites, comedie en un adte ct en vers ; re- prefentee pour la premiere fois le 25 Janvier 1768. [Pe- TiTOT, Repertoire du theatre Franqois, xxiii. 359-] BARTHEL (Joannes Caspar). B. at Kiflingen, 1697. Studied at Wiirtzburg, and after- wards at Rome. Profeflor of canon law, ano vice-chancellor of the Univerfity of Wiirtzburg. D. there, 18 April, 1771. Opufcula juridica varii argunienti. 3 tom. 4° Bambergx, 1756. BARTHEL (Samuel). Schediafma hiftoricum de Sadducasis. [Ugolinus, The- faurus antiquilatum facrarum, xxii. 243.] barthi^:lemi (Louis). B. at Grenoble, 19 Feb. 1759. ^- ^''Out i!*I5. Grammaire des dames ; ou, nouveau traite d'orthographie Fran^oife ; reduite aux riigles les plus fimples, et juftifiee par des morceaux choifis de pocfie, d'hiftoire, etc. Cinqui^me edition ... 8° Pont-de-Vaux, 1797. BARTH1^:LEMY (Jean Jac^uls). B. at Caliis, near Aubagne, in Provence, 20 Jan. 1716. L). at Paris, 30 April, 1795. CEuvres divcrfes. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1798. Voyage du jeune Anacharfis en Griicc, dans le milieu du cjuatri^me fiOcle avant Vhx vulgaire. 4 tom. 4^ Paris, I 788. — Seconde edition. 7 torn. 8° Paris, 1789. 344 BARTHEMA— BARTHOLINUS Recueil de cartes geographiques, plans, vues et medailles de I'ancienne Grece, relatifs au voyage da jeune Anacharfis, precede d'une analyfe critique des cartes. 4° Paris, 1789. — The fifth edition. Tranflated from the French. In fix volumes. 8 Lond. 18 17. Maps, plans, views, and coins, illuftrative of the Travels of Anacharfis the Younger in Greece . . . 4° Lond. 1817. DifTertation fur une ancienne infcription Grecque, relative aux finances des Atheniens, contenant I'etat des iommes que fournirent, pendant une annee, les ireforiers d'une caiffe par- ticuliere. 4° Paris, 1792. BARTHEMA (Lodovico). Itinerario. [Ramusio, Navigatloni et •viagg'i, i. 160.] BARTHEZ (Paul Joseph). B. at Montpellier, 11 Dec. 1734. An eminent phyfician. D. 15 Oa. jSo6, Nouvelle mechanique des mouvements de I'homme et des animaux. 4° Carcaflbnne, 1798. BARTHIUS (Caspar). B. at Cuftrin, zz June, 1587. D. at Halle, 17 Sep. 1658. Opufcula varia. Nunc primum edita. Ablegminum, libri II. ; Leandridos, libri in. ; Heroum infelicium, lib. i. ; Zodiaci vltie, lib. iii ; Thcognis Latinus ; Fabulamm JEfo- piareni, lib. in. ; Satiramm, liber i. ; Cebetis Thebani Ta- bula. 8° Hanovias, 161 2. Erotodidafcalus ; five, nemoralium lib. v. 8° Hanovis, 1625. Adverfariorum commentarioram libri lx. : quibus ex uni- verfa antiquitatis ferie, oninis generis, ad vicies ocJlies centum, audlorum, plus centum quinquaginta millibus, loci ; tarn gen- tilium, quam Chriftianorum, theologorum, jurifconfultorum, medicoiTjm, philofophorum, philologorum, oratoi-um, rhetor- urn, &c., obfcuri, dubii, maculati, illuftrantur, conftituuntur, emendantur, cum rituum, morum, legum, fanftionum, facro- rum, ceremoniaiiim, pacis bellique artium, formularum locu- tionum denique, obfei'vatione & elucidationem tam locuplete &varia,ut fimile ab uno homine nihil unquam inlitteras mifTum videri poffit ... fol. Francofurti, 164S. Poemata. [Gruter, Dellt'i^ poetarum Germanorum, i. 413-] BARTHIUS (GOTHOFREDUS). B. at Leipzig, 12 oa. 1650. Studied medicine at Strafburg and Leipzig, but fubfequently qualified himrelf for the protVirion of law. D. 21 June, 1728, De barba difputatio. 4° Lipfiae, 1676. DilTertationes juridicae, cum mantifla philologica : coUegit notulifque illuftravit et de b. viri vita fcriptifque praefatus eft D. Georgius Chriftianus Gebaverus. 4° Lipfias et Gorlicii, 1733. BARTHIUS (Michael). B. at Annaburg. Profeflbrof medicine at Leipzig, 1570. D. there, 1584. Poemata. [Gruter, Del'tt'iti poetarum Germanorum, i. 416.] BARTHOLDY (J. L. S.) B. at Berlin, 13 May, 1779. A Jew by birth, but became a Chriftlan, 1805. Appointed Conful-general at Rome, 1816. D. at Rome, 26 July, 1825. Voyage en Grece, fait dans les annees 1803 et 1804. Traduit d'AUemand, par A. du C * * * *. 2 ptt. 8° Paris, 1807. BARTHOLIN (Thomas Eichel). B. 17 April, 1755. Held, in fucceflion, feveral important magifterial appointments, from which he retired, with a penfion, 1806. The date of his death has not been afcertained. Taxt-Bog : eller fyftematifli Efterretning om de til denne Tid gjeldende og paabudne Skatter, Afgivter og PaaJoeg i Danmark og Norge, famt ovrige Danllie Befiddelfer ; tilli- gemed Udtog af de Anordninger, fom dermed ftaae i For- bindelfe. 8° Kibbenhavn, 1805. BARTHOLINUS (Albertus). Rcaor ot the fchool at Friderichlborg, which office he re- figned in 1660, on account of the lUte of his health. D. 17 May, 1663. De fcriptis Danoram, liber pofthumus, auftior editus a fratre Thoma Baitholino. 8° Hafniae, 1666. — nunc denuo accurate recenfitus, paffim emendatus, et fupplementis plurimis audtus atque illuftratus k Johanne Mol- lero ; cujus etiam feorfim accedunt obfenationcs ad eundem prolixiores. 8° Hamburgi, 1699. BARTHOLINUS (Bartolus). B. at Copenhagen, 21 Sep. 1614. Pro£eflor of rhetoric in the univerfity of his native town. D. 29 January, 1690. Commentarius de Psnula. Accefiit Henrici Ernftii ejuf- dem argumenti epiftola. 8° Hafniae, 1655. — [GR.tvius, Thejaurus antiqiiitatum Romanariim, vi. 1 1 57-] Laudatio funebris ... Friderici Tertii, Danix ... Regis ... fol. Hafniae, 1670. BARTHOLINUS (Casparus). B. about 1650. Profeflbr at Copenhagen, and phyfician to the king. D. about 1705. Oratio jubilaea de geftis anni lxxvii. prioris et currentis feciJi, ad augulliflimum Danorum monarcham Chriftianum Quintum. 4° Hafniae, 1677. De tibiis veterum, & eanam antiquo ufu, libri tres. 8° Roni2, 1677. — Second edition. 12° Amftelaedami, 1779. Expofitio veteris in pueiperio ritus ex area fepulchrali antiqua defumpti. 8° Roms, 1677. BARTHOLINUS (Erasmus). B. at Roelkilde, 13 Aug. 1625. D. 1698. Experimenta cryftaili Iflandici difdiaclaftici, quibus mira et infolita refiaftio detegitur. 4° Hafnite, 1670. BARTHOLINUS (Ricardus). An Italian poet, b. in Perugia, who lived at the end of the 15th and beginning of the i6th century. Hodoeporicon, five itinerarium reverendifs. D. Matthaei CardinalisGurcenfis,coadjutoris SaltzbL]rgenfis,5cc. Quaeque in conventu Maximiliani Caes. Aug. & Sereniffimor. Regum BARTHOLINUS— BARTHOLOMiEUS 345 Vladiflai, Sigifmundi ac Ludovici memoratu digna gcfta funt : multis infignibus orationibus, epKlolis, carminibus in- fertis. [Freherus, Reriim Germamcariim fcnptores, ii. 6 l 3.] Auftiiados ; feu, de bello Noiico lib. xn. [Reuberus, Veterum fcr'iptorum colle3io, p. 469.] — [GuNTHERUs, Llgurinus, edit. I 53 I.] BARTHOLINUS (Thomas). B. at Copenhagen, 20 OfX. 161 6. Studied at Leyden, and took his degree of M D. at Bifcl, 1645. Profeffor of mathe- matics at Copenhagen, 1647, and of anatomy, 1648. Appointed librarian of the Univcrfity, 1671. D. at Hageftad, 4 Dec. 1 680. De latere Chiifti aperto differtatio. Accedunt CI. Sal- maCi, & aliorum, de ciiice epiftolae. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1646. De luce animalium, libii 111., admiiandis hiftoriis rationi- bufque novis refeiti. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1647. — Another edition. 8° Hafniae, 1669. Anatomia, ex Cafpari Bartholini parentis inftitutionibus, omniumque recentiorum & propriis obfervationibus tertium ad fanguinis circulationem reformata, cum iconibus novis ac- curatiffimis. Accedit huic poihemte editioni Th. Bartho- lini appendix de ladleis thoracicis & vafis lymphaticis. 8° Hagx-Comitis, 1655. Refponfio de cxperimentis anatomicis Bilfianis, et ditficili hepatis refurreftione ... 8° Hafnia, 1661. Differtatio anatomica de hepate defunfto, novis Bilfian- orum obfervationibus oppofita. 8° Hafnice, 1 66 I. De pulmonum fubftantia & niotu diatribe. Accedunt cl. V. Marcelli Malpighii depulmonibus oblervationes anatomicx. 8° Hafniae, 1663. — Another edition. 12° Lugd. Bat. 1672. De infolitis partus humani viis; differtatio nova. Accedunt cl. v. Johannis Vcflingi, equitis, de puUitie ^gyptioimm, et alias cjufdem obfei-vationcs anatomicx et epiflola; medics pofthumas. 8° Hafnins, 1664. De cometa confilium medicum ; cum monllrorum nuper in Dania natorum hiftoria. 8° Hafnias, 1665. Differtatio de cygni anatome ejufque cantu. 8° Hafnix, 1668. Carniina varii argumenti. 8° Hafniae, 1669. De bibliothecx incendio differtatio ad filios. 8° Hafnise, 1670. Thoma; Bartholini, Joan. Hcnrici Meibomii, patris, Henrici Meibomii, (ilii, de ufu flagrorum in re mcdica & veneria, lumbommque & rcnuni oflicio. Accedunt de eodeni renum officio Joachimi Olliafii & Olai Worniii differtatiun- culx. 8° Francofurti, 1670. De morbis Biblicis mifccllanea medica. 12° Francofurti, 1672. — [UcoUNUS, Thefaurus antlquhatum facrarum, xxx. 'S2I-] Afta mcdica & philofophica Hafnienfia ann. 167 1-9. 5 torn. 4° Hafnix, 1673-80. De libris Icgendis diffcitationes vii., cum mantiffa poctica, editx a Th. Bartiiolino (ilio. 8° Hafnix, 1676. De libris legcndis differtationcs, quas propter raritatem ac prxftantiam publicx luci reftituit & de vana librorum pompa prxfatus c(l Joh. Gcrh. Meufchen. 12° Hagx-Comitum, 17 i i. VOL. I. De cqueftris ordinis Danebrogici, ab auguftiffmio rege Dn. ChrilHano V. ... nuper inftaurati, origine ... differtatio hif- torica. fol. Hafnix, 1676. De unicomu obfervationes novx. Secunda editione auc- tiores & emendatiores edits a filio Cafparo Bartholino. 12° Amft. 1678. Paralytici Novi Teftamenti medico et philoiogico com- mentario illuftrati. [Ugolisus, TX^uru^f antiquitatum fa- crarum, xxx. 1459.] De tranfplantatione morboinim. [Theatrum fympathetl- cum, p. 528.] BARTHOLINUS (Thomas). Son of the preceding. B. at Roefkllde, 29 March, 1659. Vifited, for the purpofe of ftudy, many of the principal uni- verfities of Europe. Profeflor of law at Copenhagen, and royal antiquarian. D. 5 Nov, 1690. De Holgero Dano, qui Caroli Magni tempore floruit, difleitatio hiftorica, 12° Hafniae, 1677. BARTHOLINUS (Thomas). Son of the preceding. B. at Copenhagen, lo Oft. 1690. Profeffor of philofophy, 1715. Held feveral important legal appointments. D. 1737. De Danici regni nomine differtatio. 4° Hafnix, 1 7 I o. Antiquitatum Danicarum, de caufis conteniptx a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis, libri tres ; ex vetuftis codicibus & monumentis hadenus ineditis congefti. 4° Hafnix, 1689. — Another edition. 4° Hafnix, 1690. Annales Danici Bartholiniani An. 777-1200. [Lange- BEK, Scriptorcs rerum Danicarum, i. 334.] BARTHOLOMiEI (Johannes Christianus). B. at Ilmenau, 26 Feb, 1708. Librarian of the Ducal lib- rary at Weimar. D. 1 Feb. 1776. De vitiis nominum in fignificatu tentamina quxdam ... 4° Lipfix, [1729.] BARTHOLOMtEO (Andreas de). See Andreas Barbatia. BARTH0L0M7E0 (Paulinus a S.) See Paulinus a S. Bartholomxo. BARTHOLOM^US. " Cryptae Ferrata: abbas." Vita Sanc'Ti Nili, confefforis ; Grxce confcripta, ct a Sir- leto S.R.E. cardinali in Latinum converfa. [Martene et Durand, Veterum fcr'iptorum l^c. ampl'iffima coUeBio, vi. 887.] BARTH0L0M7EUS. * Vita et converfatio fanifti patris nollri Bartliolomaei junioris Cryptx Feiratx. [Martene et Durand, Veterum fcr'iptorum tfc. amp/i//ima colled'io, vi. 958.] BARTHOLOMiliUS, Anglicus, i.f. Bartliolomxus de G LAN VILLA. 2 Y 346 BARTHOLOM^US— BARTLET BARTHOLOM^US, Edessenus. Elenchus et confutatio Hagareni. [Gr. and Lat. Le MoYNE, Varla fiicra, i. 302.] BARTHOLOM^US, Ferrariensis. Polyhiftoria ... ab anno 12S7 ufque ad 1367 Italice confcripta ... [Muratori, Rerum Italkarum fcrlptores, Ks^iv. 695.] BARTHOLOM^US (Nicolaus). B. 1478, at Loches, in Touraine. Prior, firft of Fretteval, near Vendcjmc, and afterwards of Notre Dame de Bonne-Nou- velle, at Orleans. D. about 1535- Chriftus Xylonicus ; tragcedia. 8° Bufciducis, 1537. BARTHOLOMEW (Alfred). B. in London, 1801. Entered into bufinefs as an architeift, and was furveyor of the Hornfey diftrifl. D. in London, 3 Jan. 1845. Sacred lyiics : being an attempt to render the Psalms of David more applicable to parochial pfalmody. 183 I. Hints relative to the conftmcftion of fire-proof buildings, occafioned by the late deftrudlion of the Royal Exchange, London, and of other buildings public and private ; and on the failure to produce found and eilimable architecture by the means at prefent ufually adopted. 8° Lond. 1839. BARTHOLOMEW (ChristopherChurchill), M. A. Perpetual curate of St. David's, Exeter. The love of God : a fermon preached in St. John's church, Hampftead, on Sunday, May 1, 1836. \_Matt. xxii. 37, 38.] 8° Lond. 1836. The connexion of the holy facraments with the fpiritual life, and their influence on the minillerial office and charac- ter : a fermon, preached at the vifitation of the Ven. tlie Archdeacon Moore Stevens, holden at Exeter, Apiil 26, 1842. [John iii. 5 ; vi. 53.] 8° Exeter, 1842. " The unity of the Spirit and of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God : " a fermon preached in the parifli church of St. David's, Exeter, on Sunday, 26 Sep. 1847. [Epb. iv. 3.] 12° Exeter, 1847. The duty of " fupporting the weak" and the nature of Chriftian almfgiving : a fermon preached in the cathedral church of Exeter, on the 29th Aug. 1848, being the anni- veifary of the Devon and Exeter Hofpitnl. [Matt. viii. 16, 17.] 8° Exeter, 1848. The duty of refponding audibly in the public fei-vice of the Church : a fermon preached in the church of S. David, Exeter, on the firft Sunday in Advent, 184S. [Deul. xxvii. 15.] Second edition. 12° Exeter, 1849. Roman aggrelTions, corroptions, and their remedy : two fermons preached in the parifh church of S. David, Exeter, on the iftand 2d Sundays in Advent, 1850. [2 Cor. iv. 8.] 8° Lond. 1850. " The grace of baptifm tied to the rite," taught as a moft certain truth by the Church of Englsnd : two fermons preaclied in the parifli church of St. David, Exeter. [Eph. iv. 5.] 8° Exeter, 1850. Church principles the real antagonift to Ronianifm : a fermon preached in the cathedral church of S. Peter, Exeter, Thurfday, April 24, 1 851, at the vifitation of the Lord Bifliop ... \_Ps. Ixxx. 14, 15.] 8° Lond. 185 1. Sermons, chiefly pradlical ; with others delivered on feveral public occafions. 8^ Lond. 1853. God's care over his " little ones," as (liewn in the grace of the holy facraments : a fermon preached in the chapel of St. John's hofpital, Oflober 4, 1855 (the anniverfary of the Exeter free giammar fchool.) [Matt, xviii. i 4.] 8° Lond. 1855. BARTHOLOMEW (John), M.A. Reftor of Lympllone, Devon. Arclideacon of Barnftaple. A fermon, preached on Sunday, January 2, 1 831, at Lambeth chapel, at the confecration of Henry Lord Bifliop of Exeter. [ylUs xx. 28.] 4° Exeter, 1831. The aggreflive charafter of the Church of Rome : a fer- mon preached in the cathedral church of S. Peter, Exon. on Tues. Nov. 5, 1850. [Matt. vii. 12.] 12° Exeter, [1850.] Convocation : a charge delivered to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Barnftaple, at the ordinary vifitation, a.d. 1852. 8° Oxford, 1852. A charge delivered to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Barnftaple, at his vifitation, in June, i8;8. 8° Lond. 1858. The cenfus and the church rate : a ciiarge delivered by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Barnftaple. 8° Lond. i860. BARTHOLOMEW (John). Officer of excife, Salford. The new invented praftical gauger ; containing various tables, with lules and applications thereto, whereby the whole of gauging may be done with far moie concifion and facility than by any work hitherto publiflied ... 8° Stockport, 1 841. BARTHOLOMEW (John). Philips' atlas for beginners, comprifing twenty-four maps, conftruifted by J. Bartholomew. 4° Lond. 1859. BARTHOLOMEW (VV.) The iTjins of Athens : a dramatic mafque. 8" Lond. [1846.] The Mount of Olives ; written and adapted to Beet- hoven's oratorio " Chriftus am Oelberge." 8° [Lond.] 1855. The dream : a ferenata. 8 n. p. n. d. BARTHOLOMEW FAIR. A poetical defcription of Bartholomew fair ; by one under a hood. 12° Lond. 1837. BARTLE (G. W.) An epitome of Englifli grammar ; intended for fchools and private families. 12° Lond. 1858. BARTLET (J.) The gcndeman's farriery ; or, a praflical treatife on the difeafes of horfes ... The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1754. BARTLET— BARTLETT 347 BARTLET (William). B. in or near Exeter, 1610. Matriculated as a member of New Inn Hall, Oxford, 4 Nov. 1631, but left the univerfity without taking a degree. Taking part with the Puritans, he became minifter of Bideford, Devonshire. Ejefted at the Re- ftoration, but continued to preach as paftor of an Independent congregation in Bideford. D. 1682. pt^'PW ; or, foveraigne balfome, gently applied in a few weighty confiderations (by way of quaciie) for healing the dif- tempers of fuch profeflors of religion as Satan hath wounded and drawn afide ... 4° Lond. 1649. BARTLETT (Alfred Durling). Solicitor, Abingdon, Berkrtiiie. An hiftorical and defcriptive account of Cumnor Place, Berks, with biographical notices of the Lady Amy Dudley and of Anthony Forfter, Efq., fometime M.P. for Abing- don. 8° Oxford, 1850. BARTLETT (Elisha), M.D. B. at Smithfield, Rhode Ifland, 1805. Studied medicine, and took his degree at Brown Univerfity. Profeflbr in various colleges in the United States. D. 1855. An addrefs delivered at the anniverfaiy celebration of the birth of Spurzheim, and the organization of the Bofton phrenological fociety, January i, 1838. 8° Bofton, 1838. BARTLETT (G.) Bartlett's cyclopasdial queftion book ; or, a guide to the unity of knowledge on the hiftory of the earth, its pofition and materials, its produdtions and inhabitants ... 12° Lond. 1850. BARTLETT (George). The poor and needy people : the promifes made to them, and their eternal reft. [Sermons.] 8° Lond. 1857. Death verfus life ; or, dead religion and vital godlinefs : to which is appended, a few words in reference to an un- manly aflertion in a Icfture on " Manlinefs," read by Mr. BaiTies, minifter of Back Street chapel, Trowbridge, Feb. 16, 1858. 8° Lond. 1858. BARTLETT (J. M.) Tribute to thememory of Her Royal HighnefsthePrincefs Charlotte of Wales. 8° Lond. 1 8 i 7. On propelling veftels by means of windmill fails. [Pamph- leteer, xiv. 39.] BARTLETT (John). Minifter of the Independent congregation, Falcon Square, London. Signs of the times ; or, what we have to do with the crimes of Robfon and Redpath : a difcourfe, delivered at Falcon Square chapel, Aldeifgate Street, December 14, 1856. [/.(//■£• xii. I, 2.] 12° Lond. 1857. BARTLETT (John Russell). Diftionary of Americanifms : a gloflliry of words and phrafes ufually regarded as peculiar to the United States. 8° New York, 1848. Records of the colony of Rhode Ifland and Providence plantations, in New England. Tranfcribed and edited by J. R. Bartlett. 8 vols. [1636- 1779.] 8° Providence, R. I,, 1856-63. BARTLETT (John Spencer). Curate of Morpeth. A brief hiftoiy of the Chriftian Church, from the firft century to the Reformation. 8° Oxford, 1855. BARTLETT (Josiah). Late incumbent of Ivington, in the diocefe of Hereford. A letter of remonftrance, addrefled, under a deep fenfe of injuftice, oppreflion, and wrong, to the Rt. Hon. and Moft Rev. Thomas Mufgrave, D.D., Ld. ArclibilTiop of Yoik. 8° Lond. 1849. BARTLETT (Thomas), A.M. Reftor of Kingfton, Kent. Memoirs of the life, chara<5>er, and writings of Jofeph Butler, D.C.L., late Lord Bifliop of Durham. 8° Lond. 1839. BARTLETT (Thomas). Afliftant-furgeon, 31ft Light infantry. New Holland: its colonization, produdlions and refources ; with obfervations on the relations fubfifting \vith Great Britain. 12" Lond. 1843. BARTLETT (Thomas). A treatife on Britifli mining ; with a digeft of the coft book fyftem, ftannarie and general mining laws. 8" Lond. 1 850. BARTLETT (Thomas), M.D. Confumption : its caufes, prevention, and cure. 8° Lond. 1855. BARTLETT (William Henry). B. in Kentifh Town, 26 March, 1S09. Articled for fcvcn years to Mr. John Britton, the architeftural antiquary. After- wards vifited the Continent of Europe, the Eaft, and America, collefting materials for his numerous works. D. on board the French (learner Egyptus, on the paflagc from Malta to Mar- feille, 25 Sep. 1854. Walks about the city and environs of Jerufalem. 8° Lond. I 844. Forty days in the dcfeit, on the track of the Ifraelites ; or, a journey from Cairo, by Wady Feiran, to Mount Sinai and Petra. [Priori.] Third edition. 8° Lond. [ 1S49.] Scripture (ites and fcenes, from aflual furvey, in Egypt, Arabia, and Paleftine. [^non.] \2° Lond. [1850.] The Nile boat; or, glimpfesof the land of Egypt. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1850. Gleanings, piiflorial and antiquarian, on die overland route. Second edition. ^Atwri.'^ 8° Lond. 1851. Footfteps of the Lord and hi.s apoftles in Syri.i, Greece, and Italy : a fuccelTion of vifits to the Icenes of New Tcfta- nient narrative. 8° Lond. 1S51. Piifluics from Sicily. [y-Znon.] 8° Lond. 1853. The pilgrim fathers ; or, the founders of New England in the reign of James the Firft. 8° Lond. 1853. Jei-ufalem revilited. 8° Lond. 1855. 348 BARTLEY— BARTOLUS BARTLEY (O. W.), M.D. A treatife on forenfic medicine, or medical juiifpmdence. 8° Briftol, 1815. BARTOLI (Baluassare). Chaplain of the Eleilor of Bavaria. Le glorie maeftofe del Santuario di Loreto. 8° Macerata, 1690. BARTOLI (Daniello). B. at Ferrara, iz Feb. 1608. Entered the Society of the Jefuits, 10 Dec. 1623. D. at Rome, 13 Jan. 1685. De vita et inftituto S. Ignatii, Societatis Jefu fundatoris, libri quinque ; ex Italico, Romae edito, Latine rcdditi "a P. Ludovico Janino. 4° Lugduni, 1665. II torto, e'l diiitto del non fi puo dato in giudicio fopra molte regole della lingua Italiana, elaminato da Fenante Longobaidi, cioe dal P. D. B. Sefta editione ... 12° Venetia, 1680. El hombre de letias, efcrito en Italiano, y traducido ... aora nuevamente en Calfellano per Gafpar Sanz. 4° Barcelona, 1744. — Another edition. 4= Madrid, 1786. The life of St. Francis Xavier, apoftle of the Indies and Japan, from the Italian of D. Bartoli and J. P. Maffei. With a preface by the Very Rev. Dr. Faber. 8° Lond. 1858. BARTOLI (PiETRo Santi). See Santi Bartoli. BARTOLINIS (Baldus de). Known alfo by the name of Baldus Novellus. B. at Perugia, 22 Sep. 141 3. Profeflbr of law in his native town, whence he removed to Pifa in 1473, but returned to Perugia in 1479. D. there, 2S April, 1490. De dote traftatus folenncs et fingulares, excellentiffimo- rura et celeberrimorum juris tarn Cxfarei quam pontificii doc- tomm, ac monarcharuni, Baldi Novelli, Jacobi Butrigarii, Conftantii Rogerii, A. Guiberti Coftani, Francifci Hoto- manni, Joannis Campefii, Odofredi, Rolandi a Valle, Phanucii de Phanuciis, Pardulphi Prateii. fol. Francof. ad Moenum, 1586. Traiftatus de dote folennes et fingulares, quatuor clariffi- morum jurifconfultomm, Baldi Novelli, Jacobi Butrigarii, D. Odofredi, et Francifci Hotomani . . . 8' Col. Agrip. I 591. Traiftatus notabilis et utilis de dotibus, et dotatis mulieri- bus, et earum juribus & priviiegiis. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus univerfi juris, ix. 1 8 5.] Repetitio fuper 1. prima.m S. foluto raatrimonio. [Lim- Pius, Repetitlones in •varias juris civilis leges, lii. 72.] Repetitio fuper 1. fi conftante fF. folut. matrim. [Ibid. iii. 181.] Repetitio fuper Rubr. if. de verbor. oblig. [Ibid. vi. 5.] Repetitio fuper §. Si quis ita, ex 1. i. ff. de verb. obi. [Ibid. vi. 124.] Repetitio fuper §. Cato, ex 1. 4. fF. de verb, oblig. [Ibid. vi. 232.] BARTOLINUS (Pius Antonius.) An Italian jurlft who lived at the beginning of the i6th cen- tury. Audlarium, in quo corriguntur lx.x. loca in jure civili, et feptem legum nova: et verse fententiae aperiuntur. [Gruter, Thefaurus crtticus, i. 697.] — [Jodocus Badius, Annoiationes doSorum •virorum, fol. 204.] De ordine imperatomm libellus. [Ibid. fol. 209.] BARTOLOCCIUS (Julius). B. at Celano in the Abruzzi, 1613. Profeflbr of Hebrew at Rome. D. i Nov. 1687. Bibliotheca magna Rabbinica de fcriptoribus et fcriptis Hebraicis oidine alphabetico Hebraice et Latine digeftis . . . [tom. 4.] abfoluta, au(5la, et in lucem edita a D. Carolo Jo- feph Imbonato ... Huic quadripartito operi accedit tomus alter, nempe, Bibliotheca Latino-Hebiaica, five de fcriptori- bus Latinis, qui ex diverfis nationibus contra Judseos, vel de re Hebraica utcumque fcripfere ... Loco coronidis adventus Meffiae a Judxorum blafphemiis, ac ha;reticomm calumniis vindicatus, una cum chronotaxi totius facia; Scripturse, qua ftatuitur natale Chrifti anno ab orbe condito 4000. Opera et ftudio ejuidera D. Caroli Jofeph Imbonati ... 4 tom. fol. Romse, 1675—93. Traflatus de muficis inftnimentis Hebra;onim. De Pfal- momm libro, Pfalmis et muficis inftrumentis Hebrxorum, Rabbinoi-um fententix. [Ugolinus, Thefaurus antiquitatum facrarum, xxxii. 457.] Excerpta ex Bibliotheca Rabbinica de voce xh'O- [Ibid, xxxii. 679.] BARTOLOZZI (Francesco). Ricerche iftorico-critiche circa alle fcoperte d' Amerigo Vefpucci, con I'aggiunta di una relazione del medcfimo fin ora inedita. 8° Firenze, 1789. BARTOLUS. B. at SafTo-Ferrato, in Umbria, 1313. Profeflbr of law at Pifa, and afterwards at Perugia. D. at Perugia, 1356. Opera qus nunc extant omnia : excellentifs. I.C. tam veteram quam recentiorum additionibus eraditifiimis iliuftrata, & quafi nova fafta. Acceflerunt loci communes novi & uberrimi in Bartoli k Saxoferrato opera omnia, ordine literario, & methodo fingulari adufum forenfem accommodati: qui non folilm repertorii locupletifllmi,fed Sc compendiarix in univeifa Bartoli epitomes, vice fungi pofllmt : "a P. Corn. Bredeiodio ... 5 tom. fol. Bafiiex, 15 89-8 S. In primam [et fecundam] Digefti veteris partem ; [pri- mam et fecundam Digefti novi partem ; piimam et fecun- dam Infortiati partem ; primam et fecundam Codicis par- tem.] Cum adnotationibus Alex. Barb. Parifii, Claud, a Seiflel. And. Poma. loan. Franc. Roue atque aliorum: eif- demqiie fane integris, nee ut antehac concifis, & infractis ... Prsterek Bartoli vitam ... 4 ton). fol. Venetiis, I 570. Confilia, quxftiones, et tradtatus ; cum adnotationibus, fane non vulgaribus, Thomx Diplovatatii, Bernard. Land. & ali- orum in utraque cenfura jurifperitorum . . . fol. Venetiis, I 570. Repertorium locupletiflimum in omnes Bartoli a Saxo- ferrato lefturas. fol. Venetiis, 1571. Regulx ftatutoiTim. [F. Zilettus, TraSaUis uni-verji juris, ii. 158.] BARTON— BARUFFALDI 349 De confiliis habendis fecundum D. Baitoluni. [Ibid. 111. i. 330.] De excuflionibus pignorum. [Ibid. iii. ii. 1 40.] De tefUbus. [Ibid. iv. 63.] De reprobationc tcftiuni. [Ibid. iv. 73.] Proceflus Sathana; contra D. Virginem coram judiceJefu; olim annotationibus illuftratus V. N. Udalrici Tengleri ... [M. G. H., ProctjJ'us juris joco-fcrius, p. I.] BARTON (Benjamin H.), F.L.S. The Britifh flora medica ; or, hiftory of tlie medicinal plants of Great Britain. By B. H. Barton, and Thomas Caftle, M.D. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1837-8. BARTON (Bernard). B. in London, 31 Jan. 1784. A member of the Society of Friends. A clerk in Meflrs. Alexander's bank, Woodbridge, for forty years. D. 19 Feb. 1849. Poems. 8° Lond. 1820. Verfes on tiie death of Pcjcy Byffhe Shelley. 8° Lond. 1822. Poetic vigils. 8° Lond. 1824. Devotional verfes ; founded on, and illuftrative of fcleft texts of Scripture. 12° Lond. 1826. A millionary's memorial ; or, verfes on the death of John Lawfon, late miffionary at Calcutta. 12° Lond. 1826. A widow's tale ; and other poems. 12° Lond. 1827. A new year's eve ; and other poems. 8° Lond. 1828. The reliquary : by Bernard and Lucy Barton. With a prefatory appeal for poetry and poets. 8° Lond. 1836. Houfehold verfes. 8° Lond. 1845. A memorial of Jofeph John Gurney. 4° Lond. 1847. Selections from the poems and letters of Bernard Barton. Edited by his daughter. 8° Lond. 1849. — Another edition. Witii a memoir. 8° Lond. 1853. BARTON (Charles). B. 1769. Called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 20 Nov. 1795. D. at Cheltenham, 18 Nov. 1844. An hiftorical trcatifc of a fuit in equity ; in which is attempted a fcicntific dcduftion of the proceedings ufed on the equity fides of the courts of Chancery and Exchequer, from the commencement of the fuit to tlie decree and ap- peal ... 8° Lond. 1796. A feries of original precedents in conveyancing, with prac- tical notes ; and alfo variations adapting each precedent to the mofl ufual circumftanccs of title. 4 vols. 8° Lond. I 807. Modern |)reccdents in conveyancing ... Third edition. 7 vols. 8° Lond. 182 I. Elements of conveyancing in theory and pradice. Se- cond edition. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 1822. Praftical points, or maxims in conveyancing : being fe- leitions from the manufcripts of Mr. Butler, Mr. Prellon, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Barton the elder, tlie late Mr. Downing and others ... 8° Lond. 1831. Concifc precedents in conveyancing, and alfo of mercan- tile forms ... Vol. I. 8° Lond. 1836. BARTON (Frederick George), B.A. Curate of Offctt, near Wakefield. Religion in heart and life ; or, the fruit of the Spirit. 8° Lond. 1854. BARTON (.Iohn). A ledlure on the geography of plants. 12° Lond. 1827. BARTON (John), M.A. vicar of Eaftchurch, Kent. D. atWalmer, 12 March, 1858. The minifterial truft : a fermon, preached in the parifh church of Sittingbourne, at the ordinary vifitation of the Ld. Archbp. of Canterbury, on Wednefday, the 31 Aug. 1836. [i Tim. vi. 20.] 8° Sittingbourne, 1836. BARTON (Lucy). The life of Chrill : a gofpel hiftory for the ufe of chil- dren. 8° Lond. 1857. BARTON (Richard), B.D. Some remarks towards a full dcfcription of Upper and Lower Lough Lene, near Killarny, in the county of Kerry. 4° Dublin, 175 I. BARTON (William). Minifter of St. Martin's, Leicefter, to which he was appointed in 1656, at a falary of 20/ per week J and redlor of Cadcby, in Leicefterfhire. Ejefted, 1662. Four centuries of feleft hymns. 12° Lond. 1668. BARTSCH (Adam). B. at Vienna, 1757. D. there, 21 Aug. 1S20. Le peintre graveur. 21 tom. 8° Vienne, 1803-2 1. Copies faites d'aprtSs dcs eftampes tris rares de differens maitres, decrites dans le premier volume du Peintre graveur. 4° Vienne, 1803. BARTSCHIUS (Jacobus). A phyfician, and profclfor of mathematics at StraJburg. D. 1633. Ufus aftrononiicus indicis afpeiJluum vcterum et prascip. novoruni, compendiofe fine calculo fimul omnium invenien- dorum ... 4° Argentiox, 1624. BARTY (James S.), D.D. Minifter of the parilh of Bendochy. Peter Plough's letters to tlie Right Hon. Lord Kinnaird, on high farming and free trade. 8° Edinb. 1850. Remarks on the Parochial and burgh fchoolmaftei-'s afl, 1 86 I, giving fome digeft of the cliief provifions of the fta- tute : with an appendi.K containing the regulations refpe<5ling the examination of fchoolmaftcrs-elcifl, ifllied by the univcr- fity examiners. 8" Edinb. 1862. BARUFFALDI (Girolamo). B. .It Ferrara, 17 July, 1675. Took orders and obtained j, canonry, 1700. FrofelTor of theology. D. 1 April, 1755. Canzoni Anacreontiche. Agoiuntovi un proginnafmo fopra lo llile d'Anncrconte, c fopra il troncamento delle parole ncl fine del verfo. 8" Venezia, 1743. De' Baccanali. Scconda cdizlone, nnipliata ncUc anno- tazioni, e conetta. 8° Bologna, 1758. 350 BARVILLE— BASEL Schediafina de arrais convivalibus. [Sallengre, Novus ihefauriis ant'iquitatum Romanarum, iii. 737.] Difleitatio de praeficis, ad illuftiationeni urns fepulchralis Fl. Quartillae prxfica;. [Ibid. iii. 745.] De poetis Ferrarienfibus diflertatio, in tres clafles partita ; ut ft Jofephi Lanzoni ... De iatrophyficis Ferrarienfibus diflertatio. [Gr/evius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et hi/loriaruni Italic, ix. pt. viii.] BARVILLE (John). An account of the late converfion of Mr. John Barville, alias Banon, from popeiy to the reformed Church of Eng- land ; with the form of his folemn abjuration of the Romifli religion. Written by hlmfelf. 8° Lond. 17 10. BARVOETIUS (Alexander). Catalogus prascipuoi-um audlorum ineditorum MSS. qui in bibliotheca Scorialenfi aflervantur. [J. J. Maderus, De bib- Uothecis atqiie arch'mls I'lbelli ... 1702.] BARWELL (Richard), F.R.C.S. The care of the fick : a courfe of praftical leftures de- livered at the Working women's college, 3 1 , Red Lion Square. Second edition. 8 Lond. 1857. A treatife on difeafes of the joints. 8° Lond. 1861. On the cure of clubfoot without cutting tendons ; and on certain new methods of treating other deformities. 8° Lond. 1863. BARWICK (John), D.D. B. at Wetherflack, in Weftmoreland, 20 April, 1612. Edu- cated at St. John's College, Cambridge, of which he was elefted a Fellow, 1636. A firm fupporter of the royal caufe. At the Reftoration, was appointed dean of Durham, refufmg the offer of the biihopric of Carlifle made to him by the king. Dean of St. Paul's, 1 66 1. D. 2i Oft. 1664. "lEgov/xjjs ; or, the fight, vidlory and triumpii of S. Paul accommodated to the Right Reverend Father in God Thomas [Morton] late L. Bifliop of Durefme, in a feimon preached at his funeral ... together with the life of the faid bifhop. [2 7im. iv. 7, 8.] 4° Lond. 1660. * Vita a Petro Barwick confcripta. 1721. BARWICK (Peter). Brotherof the preceding. B. at Wetherflack, 1619. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Took the degree of M.D. 1655, and eftablirtied himfelf in praftice in London. D. 4 Sep. 1694. Vita Joannis Barwick, Ecclefias Chrifli et S. Maria: Dun- elmenfis primilm, S. Pauli poftea Londinenfis decani ... Adjicitur appendix epiftolarum, tam ab ipfo Rege Carolo H. quam a fuo cancellario e.Kulantibus, aliarumque chartarum ad eandem hiftoriam pertinentium. 8° Londini, 172 i. BARY (Rene). B. in Paris. Hiftoriographer to the king. Lived in the 17th century. L'efprit de cour ; ou, les cent converfations galantes. 12° Paris, 168 I. BARY (William de). Papers of Regnault : edited by William de Bary. 12° Lond. 1843. BARZILLAL Barzillai; or, the triumph of mercy. 8° Lond. i860. BARZIS (Benedictus de). i'l?? Benediftus de Plum- BINO. BARZIZIUS (Gasparinus). B. at Barzizo, near Bergamo, 1370. Profefibr of humanity at Venice, Padua and Milan. D. at Milan, 1431. His fon Guinifortus was born in 1406, Took militar)' I'ervice under Alphonfo, King of Spain, 1432. Returned to Italy, and was profefl'or of humanity at Novara, and fubfequently at Milan. The date of his death has not been recorded. Gafparini Barzizli, Bergomatis, et Guiniforti filii opera, quorum pleraque ex MSS. codicibus, nunc primum in lucem eruta, recenfuit ac edidit Jofeph Alexander Furiettus. 2 ptt. 4° RomjE, 1723. BASAN (Pierre Francois). Engraver. B. at Paris, 23 Oft. 1723. D. 12 Jan. 1797. Didlionnaire des graveurs anciens et modernes,depuis I'Dri- gine de la gravure, avec une notice des principales eftampes qu'ils ont gravees, fuivi des catalogues des oeuvres de Jacques Jordans, et de Corneille Viflcher. 3 torn. 12° Paris, 1767. BAS-BLEU. Le bas-bleu ; or, the fall of the leaf: a farce in two afts. 1836. [By W. H. Logan.] BASCOME (Edward), M.D. Prophylaxis ; or, the mode of preventing difeafe, by a due appreciation of the grand elements of vitality — light, air, and water. With obfervations on intramural burials. 8° Lond. 1849. A hiftoiy of epidemic peftilences from the earlieft ages, 1 49 5 years before the birth of our Saviour, to 1S48 ; with refearches into their nature, caufes and prophylaxis. 8° Lond. 185 I. On the nature and caufes of fever, efpecially that termed yellow fever. That it is not a difeafe " fui generis," neither is it a malady of " modern origin." 8° Lond. 1852. Cholera : its nature and treatment, pathologically and therapeutically confidered. 8° Lond. 1853. Infantile life in connexion with the mother ; their manage- ment confidered : inclufive of the moft appropriate therapeise. I 2° Lond. 1856. BASE-BORN. The bafe-born. By the author of " The cripple of the railroad," &c. &c. 12° Lond. 18 40. BASEDOW (Johann Bernhard). B. at Hamburg, 11 Sep. 1723. Profeffor in the Ritter- akademie at Sorbe, 1753, and in the gymnafium at Altona, 1761. D. at Magdeburg, 25 July, 1790. Opeiis elementaris pars prima [2% 3% 4%] quje habet fcientias omnis neceflarise penum refte difpofitam ad inftitu- endam juuentutem ... 8° Deffavix, 1774. BASEL. Breve chronicon BafileenCum epifcoporura. [Martene et Durand, Thefaurus novus anecdotorum, iii. 1385.] BASEL— BASILIUS 351 Adla varia ad Concilium Bafileenfe pertinentia. [Mar- TENE et Durand, Veterum fcriptorum ^Sfc, amplijfima colled'w, viii. I.] Syllabus controverfiaiTim religionis, quae ecclefiis ortho- doxis cum quibufcunque adverfaiiis intercedunt : in Schola theologica Academiae Bafileenfis, pro materia confuetarum difputationum hcbdomadoriarum ... 4° Bafilese, 1662. BASEL (Joannes). Diflertatio de A & XI ad Apoc. i. 8, 1 1. [Menthenius, Thefaurus theolog'tco-philologicus, ii. 806.] BASELLI (Giovanni Alberto). An efiay on mathematical language; or, an introduilion to the matliematical Iciences. 8° Lond. 1787. BASHAM (W. R.), M.D. An introduftory lefture delivered at the Weftminfter hofpital. 8° Lond. 1852. On dropfy connefted with difeafe of the kidneys (morbus Brightii), and on fome other difeafes of thofe organs, aflb- ciated with albuminous and puiiilcnt urine. 8° Lond. 1858. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1862. BASHFORTH (Francis), M.A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A general table for facilitating the calculation of earth- works for railways, canals, &c. 8° Lond. 1847. A praftical treatife on the conftrudlion of oblique bridges, with fpiral and equilibrated courfes. 8° Lond. 1850. ObfciTations on fome lecent univcrfity buildings, together with remarks on the management of the public library and Pitt prefs. 8° Cambridge, 1853, BASHFULNESS. An effay on bafhfulnefs. 1 8 i 5. [By Dr. Samuel Char- ters.] BASIL. Bafil, the fchoolboy ; or, the heir of Arundel. 1854. [By Edward Monro.] BASILICA. Lx. librorum Ba(i;A(/CW>, id eft, uiiiverfi juris Romani, auiSoritate principum Rom. Grsecam in linguam tradudli, ccloga fiue fynopfis, hacftenus defiderata ; nunc edita, ])er Joan. Leunclavium ... Item Novellarum antehac non pub- licatarum liber. Adlunfta' funt & adnotationes intLri)ictis, quibus multa; leges multaque loca iuris ciuilis reftituuntur et emendantur. \Gr. anti Lai.] fol. Bafilese, 1575. Libii VIII. Jir/.my.ixuv biara^iiijv, id eft, Imperialium con- ftitutionum, in quibus continctur totum ius ciuile, ii Conllaii- tino Poqjhyrogenneta in lx. libros redaiilum, Gentiano Herveto interpiete. Acceflit & liber lx., Jacobo Cuiacio inteqjrete. In his libri iv. priores ex viri doifti codice varie audli & interpolati, ut ex notationibus opcre cxtremo adieflis patet. Lcgum 6 iure luftinianco faifla ubique in margine diligcns indicatio. Cum pra^fatione cl. v. Dionyfii Gotho- fredi, qua libronjm horum ratio indicatur, explicaturque utiJi- tas. [Lai.] fol. Hanovix, 1606. Twi' BadiXiJiuv l3ij3Xia 3. BasiXiy.uv libri lx. In vii. tomos divifi. Carolus Annibal Fabrotus ... Latinti vertit, & Graec^ edidit. fol. Parifiis, 1647. Opens Bafilici Fabrotiani fupplementum cominens libros quatuor Bafilicorum il. l. li. & Lii. ; nunc primum ex codice manufcripto Regix Bibliothecas Parifienfis integre editos ; Latine vertit, variantes leftiones collegit, notafque criticas ac juridicas, tam alioram quam fuas, addidit Gul. Oito Reitz. Accedunt Thalelasi, Theodori, Stephani, Cyrilli, aliorumque JCtorum Graecorum commentarii in Tit. D & Cod. de pof- tulando five de advocatis, necnon de procuratoiibus & de- fenforibus. Noviffime ex codice MS. Bibliothecx Lugduno- Batavje edidit, Latine vertit & caftigavit David Ruhnkcnius. [Gr. and Lai.] fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1 765. — [Meerman, Novus ibffaurus juris ch'i/is el canonic}, Bafdicorum libri lx. : poft Annibalis Fabroti curas, ope codd. MSS. a Guftavo Ernefto Hcimbachio alilfque col- latonam, integriores cum fcholiis edidit, editos denuo recen- fuit, deperditos reftituit, tranflationem Latinam et adnota- tionem ciiticam adjecit D. Carolus Guilielmus Erneftus Heimbach. 5 tom. 4° Lipfix, 1833-50. Supplementum editionis Bafilicomm Heimbachiana?, lib. XV.— xviii. Bafilicorum cum fcholiis antiquis integros, necnon lib. xix. Bafilicorum, novis auxiliis rcftitutum, continens. Edidit, prolegomenis, verfione Latina et adnotationibus illuf- travit Carolus Eduaidus Zacliaria: a Lingenthal. 4= Lipfis, 1846. BASILICAPETRI (Carolus a). B. 15 Oft. 1550. Educ.ited at Mihn, whence he proceeded to Pavia, in order to ftudy law. Elefted biiTiop of Novara, i 593. D. 6 Oft. 1 61 5. His real name is undcrrtood to have been Carlo BaJcape. De metropoli Mcdiolanenfi libcllus. [J. G. Gr^vius, Thefaurus antiqultatum el hifloriarum Italiit, ii. 133 7.] BASILICUS. Millenium : a reply to the confiderations on this fubject contained in the ap])endix to the Rev. H. Gauntlett's Ex- pofition of the Revelation. 8° Lond. 1822. BASILIUS, Magnus. B. atCxlarca, in Cappadocia, about %zg. Studied at Antioch, Conftantinople and Athens. Succeeded Eufebius as bifliop of Casfarca, 370. D. 379. Opera omnia, five recens verfa, five ad Grxcos archetypes ita collata per Wolfgangum Mufculum, Dufanuni, ut aliani oninino faciem fumpfifle videantur ... [L^/.] fol. Bafilea;, i 540. ' A\/rri-rja~ ; feu, enumeratio plantarum ab herbariis noftro feculo defcriptamm, cum eaiaim differentiis ; cui plurimarum, haftenus ab iifdem non defcriptarum, fuccinftae defcriptiones & denominationes acceflere : additis aliquot h:i6lenus non fculptarum plantarum vivis iconibus. 4° Bafileos, 1596. Animadverfiones in Hiftoriam generalem plantaium Lug- duni editam. Item catalogus plantarum circiter quadiingen- tai um eo in opere bis terve pofitai"um. 4' Francof. 1 60 1 . De lapidis bezaar orient, et Occident., cen'ini item et Ger- manic! ortu, natura, differentiis, veroque ufu, ex veterum & recentiorum placitis, liber hadlenus non editus. 8° Bafilea-, 1613. Catalogus plantaram circa Bafileam fponte nafcentium cum earundem fynonymiis & locis in quibus reperiuntur ... 8° Bafileac, 1622. Tlma^ theatri botanici ; five, index in Theophrafti, Diof- coridis, Plinii et botanicorum, qui a feculo fcripferant, opera, plantaram circiter fex millium ab ipfis exhibitarum nomina, cum earundem fynonymiis & differentiis.methodice fecundum genera & fpccies proponens ... 4° Bafilex, 167 i. njo^jo.ao; Theatri botanici, in quo plantx fupra fexcentx, ab ipfo primum defcriptae, cum plurimis figuris, proponuntur. Editio altera emendatior. 4=" Bafilex, 167 i. BAUHINUS (Joannes). Brother of the preceding. B. at Bale, 1541. Studied and pradtifed medicine with great reputation, but devoted himfelf chiefly to the fcience of botany. D. 1613. De plantis "a divis fanftlfque nomen habentibus. Caput ex magno volumine de Confenfu Sc diflenfu authoram circa rtirpes defumptum. Addits funt Conradi Gefneri Epiftolse haftenus non editx. 8° Bafileas, 1591. De plantis abfynthii nomen habentibus. Caput defumptum ex Joannis Bauhini laboriofiflimo plantarum libro, cui Con- fenfus et difit?nfus circa fiirpes, Sec. tilulus eft. Tradlatus item de abfynthiis Claudii Rocardi. 8' Montilbeligardi, 1593. Hiftoria novi et admirabilis fontis balneique Bollenfis in ducatu Wirtembergico ad acidulas Goepingenfes ... Adii- ciuntur plurimas figure nous variorum foffilium, ftii-pium 5c infedorum, quae in & ciica hunc fontem reperiuntur. 4= Montifbeligardi, 1598. Joh. Bauhini et Joh. Hen. Cherleri Hiftorias plantarum generalis novae et abfolutifs. quinquaginta annis elaborate, iam prelo commifls, prodromus. 4° Ebroduni, 1 6 1 9. Hiftoria plantamm univerfalis, nova, et abfolutiffima, cum confenfu et diflenfu circa eas. Auftoribus loh. Bauhino, et loh. Hen. Cherlero. Quam recenfuit & auxit Dominicus Chabrasus: juris veio publici fecit Francifcus Lud. a Graffen- ried ... 3 torn. fol. Ebroduni, 16 50-1. BAUHUSIUS (Bernardus). B. at Antwerp, 1575. D. there, 25 Nov. 1629. Epigrammatum libri v. 12° Monachii, : 634- BAUKE (Algernon C.) Of the Poor-law board. The poor-law guardian ; his powers and duties in the right execution of his office. 12° Lond. 1862. BAUMANN (A. M. F.) Curative refults of medical fomnambulifm, confifting of feveral authenticated cafes, including the fomnambule's own cafe and cure. 8° Lond. 1849. BAUMANN (HenricusJ. B. at Torgau, 8 May, 1634. Studied theology at Witten- berg, and entered the Lutheran Church. Dire£tor of the gym- naiium at Coburg. D. there, 2 Nov. 1669. Diflertiitio de ftatua falis,ad Gen. xix. 26. [Menthenius, Thefaurus theologico-ph'tlologicus, i. 194.] BAUMANNUS (Joachim). Difputatio juridica inauguialis de executione in ufumfruc- tum, debitoii in re aliena competentem, rite perficienda. Ul ■ trajeifti, 1752. [Oelrichs, Thefaurus no-vus dijfertationum juridicanim, i. 381.] BAUMANNUS (.Toach. Maur. Gul.) Divus Gordianus; five, de vita et conftitutionibus M. An- tonii Gordiani III. Imperatoris. 2 ptt. 4= Lipfix, 1792-3. BAUMANNUS (Jo. Frid. August). An advocate at Leipzig. B. at Colmen, near Colditz, 1770. De tutiffima crimiiium in civltatibus minuendorum via, bona puerorura educatione, fpecimen. 4" Lipfis, 1 795. BAUMANNUS (Vincent). Differtatio juridica inauguralis de obhgatione heredis ex cambio defundli debitoris. Ultrjeft. 1752. [Oelrichs, Thefaurus novus dyfertatioimni juridlcarum, i. 759.] BAUME— BAVEREL 363 BAUMfi (Antoine). B. atScnlis, 26 Feb. 1728. D. 15 Ofl. 1S04. Chymie experimentale et raifonnee. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 1773. BAUMEISTER (Friedrich Christian). B. at Groffenkorner, in the principality of Gotha, 17 July, 1709. Redor of the gymnafium at Goilitz, 1736. D. 8 Oft. 1785. Vita, fata et fcripta Chriftiani Wolfii philofophi. [yinon.] 8° LipfisE et Wratiflavix, 1739. Excrcitationes acadcmica: et fcholaftics, varii generis ar- gumenta, ad recentionini philofophiam elegantiorifque ftili cultum fpeflantia compk-xas. 4° Lipf. & Gorlic. i 741. Philofophia recens controverfa complexa definitiones, theoremata, et qusftiones noftra state in controveifiam vo- catas. Acccflit appendix & indices necciTarii. 12° Vratiflaviae, 1766. InlHtutiones metaphyficar, ontologlam, cofmologiam, pfy- chologiam, theologiam denique naturalem compk-xx, me- thodo Wolfii adornatae. 12° Wittebergae et Servefts, 1774. Elementa pliilofophise recentioris, ufibus juventutis fcho- lafticas accommodata, et plurimis fententiis exemplifque ex veterum fcriptorum Romanorum monimentis iUuftrata. 12° Lipfias, 1 78 1. BAUMGARTEN (Alexander Gottlieb). B. at Berlin, 17 June, 1714. Afliftant profeflbr of logic and metaphyfics in the L'niverfity of Halle, Removed to a fimilar chair in the Univerfity of Frankfort on the Oder, 1740. I), there, 26 May, 1762. Metaphyfica. Editio fexta. BAUMGARTEN (Michael). Profeffor at Roftock. 8° Hala;, 1768. The Afts of the Apoflles ; oi', the hiftory of the Church in the Apoflolic age. Tranflatcd from the German by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrifon [and tlie Rev. Theodore Meyer.] 3 vols. 8° Edinb. 1854. BAUMGARTEN (Siegmund Jakob). B. at Wolmirftadt, near Magdeburg, 14 March, 1706. Studied at Halle, where he was appointed profeflbr of theology, '734- D-4 Ju'y. 1757' Programmata cum appcndice epiftolarum. Collcgit et di- geflit Gotthilf Chriftoph Bakius. 8° Halae, 17 40. Opufcula. Fafciculus II. 8° Halx, 1746. Prima; lincoc brcviarii antiquitatum Chriftianarum . . Scho- lia multa addidit J. S. Semk-r. 8° Halx, 1766. Erlauterung der Chriftlichen Altcrthiimer, hcraufgegeben von .Joachim Clirilloph Bertram. 8° Halle, 1768. BAUMGARTEN-CRUSIUS (Gottlob August) B. at Hcnig, i April, 1752. Studied theology, and entered the Luthcr.m Church. D. at Mcri'ebetg, 15 Dec. 1816. Elementa hiftorix fingiilarum Europjc, ac Germanioc in primis, rerum publicarum infigniorum. 8° Li])fix, 1772. BAUMGARTEN-CRUSIUS (Ludwig Friedrich Otto). Third Ton of the preceding. B. at Merfeburg, 31 July, 1788. ProfefTor of tlicology in the Univerfit)' of Jena. De Philebo Platonico diffeitatio I. ... 4° Li])fix, [1809.] Einlcitung in das Studlum der Dogmatik. 8° Leipzig, 1820. BAUSCHIUS (Joannes Laurentius). B. at Schweinfurt, 30 Sep. 1605. Studied and pradlifed medicine. D. 1665. Schcdiafmata bina de lapide hxmatite & xtite. 8° Lipfix, 1665. Schediafma pofthumum de cxraleo Sc cliryfocolla. 8° .lenx, 1668. BAUSSET (Louis Francois de). B. at Pondicherr)', 14 Dec. 1748. Sent early to France, where he was educated, and obtained a living in the diocele of Frejus. Confecrated biihop of Alais, 1784. Emigrated in 1791, but returned to l^aris, 1792. One of the canons of St. Uenis, 1806. Created a cardinal, 1817. D. 21 June, 1824. Hiftoire de Fenelon, compofee fur les manufcrits origi- naux. Seconde edition. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 1 809. Hiftoiie de J. B. Bofliiet, eveque de Meaux, compofee fur les manufcrits originaux. 4 torn. 8° Verfailles, 1814. BAUTAIN (Louis Eugene Marie). Vicar-general of the diocefe of Paris, and profeflbr at the Sorbonne. The art of extempore fpeaking : hints for the pulpit, the fenate, and the bar. Tranflated from the French. 8° Lend. 1858. BAUTISTA (Ambrosio). Difcurfo breve de las mifeiias de la vida, y calamidades de la religion Catolica. 4° Madrid, 1635. BAUWENS (F. L.) The ftearic candle manufadlure: a letter to G. F. Wilfon, Efq., managing diredlor of Price's Patent candle company, in reply to certain ftatements by that gentleman, in a lecture recently deliveied before the Society of arts, manufaftures, and commerce. 8° Lond. 1852. BAVARIA. Epiftola de iure cledlorali gentis Palatino-Bavarx. 4° n-P- 1637- Letteic al Marchefe Filippo Hercolani fopra alcune par- ticolarita della Baviera . . . 1763. [5y Giovanni Lodovico BlANCONI.] BAVEREL (,Iean Pierre). B. about 1744. Educated at Befan^on, and entered the Church. D. at Bcfanson, iS Sep. 1822. Notices fur les graveurs qui nous ont laifle des cftam|)es marquees de nionogrammes, chiffres, rebus, lettics initiales, etc., avec une defcri]>tion de Icuis beaux ouvrages et des pl.uiches en taille-douce, contenant toutes les marques dent ils fe font fei-vis ... [y^non.] 2 torn. 8° Bcfanson, 1807-8. 364 BAVERIUS— BAXTER BAVERIUS (Marcus Antonius). B. at Imola. Profeffor of civil law at Plfa and at Padua, to- wards the clofe of the 1 5th century. Repetitio in 1. Cum filio, fF. de legatis primo. [Limpius, Repetitiones in varias juris civilis leges, iv. 99.] De viitute & viribus juramenti. [F. Zilettus, TraQatus univerfi juris, iv. 364.] De mora. [Ibid. vi. ii. 405.] BAVERSTOCK (James). B. at Alton, Hamplhire, 10 June, 1741. D. 26 Dec. 1815. Treatifes on brewing ; with notes, and an introduftion containing a biographical flcetch of the author, and two papers on fpecific gravity ... and on malting, by J. H. Baverftock, F.S.A. 8° Lond. 1824. ObfeiTfations on the flate of the brewery, and on the fac- charine quality of malt. [Pamphleteer, ii. 477.] BAVIA (Luis de). B. at Madrid. D. 1628. Tercera y quaita parte de la Hiftoria pontifical y catho- lica. 2 tom. fol. Madrid, 1608-13. BAVO. Annales S. Bavonis Gandenfis. [Pertz, Monumenta Gemianie hijlorica, ii. 185.] * Vita S. Bavonis, confeflbris Gandenfis, auftore anonymo fere coaevo. [Mabillon, Acla fanSorum O.S.B. ii. 378.] BAVO (GODOFREDUS a). Dodlor of laws, and prefident of the council of Charles Em- manuel, Duke of Savoy. Traflatus reatuum, juxta foi'enfium ac pragmaticoinim ufum. 4° Camberii, 1607. Theorica criminalis, ad praxim forenfem accommodata ; opus in §§ diftin<5tum, idque non tantum pragmaticis, fed uni- verfis juris lludiofis utiliffimum. Editio altera. 8° Ultrajeai, 1646. BAVOUX (Francois Nicolas). B. at Saint Claude (Jura), 6 Dec. 1774. Profeffor of law in Paris. D. there, 23 Jan. 1848. Legons preliminaires fur le code penal ; ou, examen de la legiflation criminelle. 8° Paris, 182 i. BAWDWINE (Francis), ^i'c Francifcus Balduinus. BAXTER (Andrew). B. in Aberdeen, 1686 or 1687. A£ted in the capacity of private tutor in feveral families of rank. D. 23 April, 1750. Matho ; or, the cofmotheoria pueiilis : a dialogue ; in which the firft principles of philofophy and aftronomy are accommodated to the capacity of young perfons, or fuch as have yet no tindlure of thefe fcience.s. Hence the principles of natural religion are deduced. Ti'anflated and enlarged by the author. \ylnon.'^ 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1740. An enquiry into the nature of the human foul ; wherein tlie immateriality of the foul is evinced from the principles of reafon and philofophy. [uinonJ\ 4° Lond. n. d. — Third edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1745. An appendix to the firft part of the Enquiry into the nature of the human foul, wherein the principles laid down there are cleared from fome obje<5lions ; and the government of the Deity in the material world is vindicated, or (hewn not to be earned on by mechanifm and fecond caufes. By the author of the Enquiiy into the nature of the human foul. 8° Lond. I 750. BAXTER (Arthur George), M.A. Reftor of Hamprefton, Dorfet, 1845-57. Village fernions. 8° Lond. 1848. — A fecond volume. 8° Lond. 1852. BAXTER (G. R. Wythen). Don Juan, junior : a poem, by Byron's ghoft. Edited by G. R. W. Baxter. 8° Lond. 1839. BAXTER (Henry Foster). Surgeon, Cambridge. On organic polarity, (hewing a connexion to exift between organic forces and ordinary polar forces. y° Lond. iS6o. BAXTER (J.) A toile for two-legged foxes. Wherein their noifome properties, their hunting and unkenelling, with the duties of the principall hunters and guardians of the fpirituall vineyard is lively difcovered, for the comfort of all her HighnelTe tiTillie and trae-hearted fubjedVs, and their encouragement againft all Popilh pradlifes. By J. B., preacher of the Woid of God. 8° Lond. 1600. BAXTER (John). Of the Suffex agricultural prefs, Lewes. D. 12 Nov. 1858, aged feventy-feven. The library of agricultural and horticultural knowledge. With an appendix on fufpended animation, poifons, and the principal laws relating to farming and rural affairs. 8° Lewes, 1830. Baxter's library of praftical agriculture ... With memoirs of the Duke of Richmond and the late John EUman, Efq. Fouith edition. 2 vols. 8' Lewes, 1846. BAXTER (John Alexander), M.A. Perpetual curate of Chrift church, Coleley, The Church hiftory of England : from the introdudlion of Chriftianity into Britain to tlie prefent time. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1S49. BAXTER (R. Dudley). The volunteer movement ; its progrefs and wants : with tables of the volunteer coi"ps throughout Great Britain, and of their expenfes. 8° Cambridge, i860. BAXTER (Richard). B. at Rowton, Shropihire, 12 Nov. 1615. Minifter at Kid- derminfter, 1640. D. in London, 8 Dec. 1691. Praftical works ; with a life of the author, and a critical examination of his writings, by the Rev. William Orme. In twenty three volumes. 8° Lond. 1S30. BAXTER 565 The Quakers catechifni ; or, the Quakers queftioncd, their queftions anfwcred, and both publifhcd for the lake of tliofe of them that have not yet finned unto death ; and of thofe ungrounded novices that are moll in danger of their feduc- tion. 4° Lond. 1651. — Another edition. 4° Lond. 1655. Explication and defence of Cbr'ijl'tan concord: or the agreement of the ajjoc'iatecl paflors and churches 0/" Worcester- shire. 1653. A holy commonwealth ; or, political aphorifnis, opening the true principles of government ... 8° Lond. 1659. The life of faitii, as it is the evidence of things unfeen : a fermon preached (contraftedly) before the King at White- hall, upon July the 22th 1660. \Heb.'x!\. I.] With en- largement, and relaxation of the ftilc for common ufe. 4° Lond. 1660. [Petition to the King at the unfuccefsful conclufion of the Savoy conference, giving an account thereof, and praying him to give effeft to his " Declaration concerning ecclefiaftical affairs," Oct. 25. 1660.] 4° n. p. [1661.] A petition for peace : witli the refomiation of the liturgy. As it was jirefentcd to tlie right reverend bifhops, by the divines appointed by his Majellies commiffion to treat with them about the alteration of it. [^««n.] 4° Lond. 1 66 1. \A letter^ " to my dearly beloved the inhabitants of the burrough and parifh of Kederminfter in Worcefter-fiiire" \st'V'ng an account of hoiv he had been prohibited to preach by the Bifljop of WorceflerP\ 4° n. p. 1662. Fair warning : or, xxv. reafons againft toleration and in- dulgence of Popery ; with the Archbp. of Canterbury's letter to the King, and all the bifhops of Irelands protellation to the Parliament to the fame puqwie. With an anfwer to the Roman Catholicks reafons for indulgence. Alfo the excel- lent reafons of the Hon. Houfe of Commons againft indul- gence ; with hiflorical obfei-vations thereupon. 8° Lond. 1663. The judgment of non-confonnifts of things indifferent commanded by authority, as far as the fubfciibers are ac- quainted with it. Written to fave the ignorant from the temptations of diabolifm, (defcribcd 2 Tim. iii. 3. and i Joh. iii. 10. 12. 15. Joh. viii. 44.) \Anon.^ 40 n. p. 1676. The judgment of non-conformifts of the interefl of reafon, in matters of religion. In which it is proved againft make- bates, that both conformifts, and non-conformifts, and all parties of trae Proteflants are lierein really agreed, though un- fldlflil fpeakers differ in words. \Anon.'\ 4"= Lond. 1676. The judgment of non-conformifts about the difference be- tween grace and morality. \An(m.\ 4° n. p. 1678. Arguments for conformity, againit feparation : by which the moft material ])arts of Mi-. Hales's \n& of fchifm aie confuted. 8° Lond. 1678. Anfwer to Di\ Edward Stillingfleet's charge of fe])ara- Uon : containing L Some queries necefTary for the under- ftanding of his accufation. IL A reply to his lettei- which denyeth a folution. III. An anfwer to his ])rinted fermon. 4° Lond. 1680. * Vindiciae revindicatx : being an anfwer to Mr. Baxter's book, intituled. Catholic communion doubly defended, by Dr. Owen's Vindicator, and Richard Baxter. And Mr. Baxter's notions of the faints repentance and difplcafure in heaven, confidered. By a lover of truth and peace in fincerity. 4° Lond. 1684. Whether parifh congregations be true Chriftian Churclies, and the capable confenting incumbents be truly their paftors, or bifhops over their flocks. And fo, whether the old Proteftants, conformifts, and nonconformifts, or the Brown- ifts, were in the light herein. And how far our prefent courfe is the fame. Written by R. Baxter as an explica- tion of fome paffages in his former writings ; ef])ecially, his Treatife of epifcopacy,mifunderftood andmifapplied by fome; and anfwering the ftrongeft objeflions of fome of them ; efpecially a book called, Mr. Baxter's judgment and reafons againft communicating with the parifh afTemblies, as by law required ; and another called, A theological dialogue . . . 4° Lond. 1684. The glorious kingdom of Chrift, defcribed and clearly vindicated, againft the bold affertcrs of a future calling and leign of the Jews, and 1 000 years before the conflagration ; and the afferters of the 1 000 years kingdom after die confla- gration. Opening the promife of the new heaven and earth, and the everlaftingnefs of Chrift's kingdom, againft their de- bafing it, who confine it to 1000 years, which with the Lord is but as one day. Anfwering Mr. Tho. Beverley, who impofed this taflt, by his oft and earneft challenges of all the doflors and paftors, and his cenfure of diftenters as Semi- Sadduces of the apoftafic, in his Twelve principles and cate- chifnis, &c. 4° Lond. 1691. Reliquia; Baxterianr : or, Mr. R. Baxter's narrative of the moft memorable paflages of his life and times. Faithfullv publifhed from his own original manufcrijit, by Matthew Sylvefter. fol. Lond. 1 696. Diredtions fir weak Chriftians ; and the cliaracfter of a confirmed Chriftian. In two jiarts. With a preface by the Rev. H. J. Sperling, A.M. 12° Lond. 1S35. Dying thoughts upon Philippians i. 23 ... With an in- troduiftoiy efTay by the Rev. H. Stebbing, D.D. 8° Lond. n. d. Making light of Chrift and falvation too oft the iffue of Gofpel invitations. — A call to the unconverted to turn and live. — The laft work of a believer ; his pafTing prayer, re- commending liis de]jaiting fpirit to Chrift, to be received by him. — Of the fliedding abroad of God's love on the heart by the lioly Ghoff . — With an effay on his life, miniltry, and theology, by Thomas W. Jenkyn, D.D. 8° Lond. I 846. Gildas Salvianus. The reformed paftor : flicwing the nature of the paftoral work ; efpecially in private inftrudlion and catechifing : with an open confefTion of our too open fins. Prepared for a day of humiliation kejit at Worcefter, December 4, 1655 ... 8° Lond. 1S60. — Edited by the Rev. William Brown, M.D. Fifth edition. 12° Lond. 1862. — Reprinted from tlie edition of 1 656, with an appendix afterwards added. \lVard's Library, vol. vii.] The crucifying of the world, by the crofs of Chrift. Edited by the Rev. John Baillie. 8° Lond. i 86 1 . A call to the unconverted to turn and live. 12° Glafgow, 1863. 366 BAXTER— BAY ARDI Gairm an de mhoir do'n t-fluagh neo-iompaichte, lompa- chadh agus bhi beo. Air eadar-theangachadh o bheurla R. Baxter. Agus a nis air a ghlanadh o nihearachdaibh lion- mhor cugfamhuil, le P. Macpharlain. 12° Dun-Eudainn, 1811. * Life and times ... By William Orme. 1830. BAXTER (Robert). Narrative of fadls, charadlerizing the fupernatural mani- feflationsjin members of Mr. Irving's congregation, and other individuals in England and Scotland, and formerly in the writer himfelf. S° Lond. 1833. BAXTER (Robert). Revivals of religion ; with efpecial reference to the pre- fent movement in tlie north of Ireland : a lecfture deliveied before the Young men's Chriftian affociation at Doncarter,on the i8th of Oaober, 1859. 12° Lond. 1859. Prophecy the key of Providence. 8° Lond. 1862. BAXTER (S. S.) The poor laws, ftated and confidered ; the evils of the prefent fyftem expofed, and a plan fuggefted, founded on the true principles of political economy, for placing fuch laws on a firm and equitable bafis. 8 Lond. 183 i. BAXTER (Thomas). Schoolmafter. The circle fquar'd ; or, an eafy, exaft, plain, and compen- dious method of finding the exaft areas of all circles, and cir- cular bodies, by means of the due proportion of the diameter of a circle to its circumference; and the fquare root extrafted without any remainder. 8 Lond. 1732. BAXTER (Thomas). An illuftration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman cof- tume, in forty outlines, with defcriptions. 4° Lond. 18 10. BAXTER (William). B. at Lanlugan, Shroprtiire, 1650. Kept a boarding fchool at Tottenham High-crofs, Middlefex, and was mafter of the Mercers' fchool in London, for more than twenty years. D. 31 May, 1723. Gloflarium antiquitatum Britannicanim ; five, fyllabus ety- mologicus antiquitatum veteris Bntannise atque Ibernias, tem- poribus RomanoiTim. Accedunt viri cl. D. Edwardi Luidii de fluviorum, montium, urbium, &c. in Britannia nominibus, adverfaria pofthuma. Editio fecunda. 8" Lond. 1733. Reliquiae Baxterianx ; five, Willielmi Baxter! opera poft- huma. Praemittitur eruditi autoris vitte, a feipfo confcripts, fragmentum. [Et feledtae qusedam ejufdem epiftolas.] 8° Lond. 1726. BAXTER (William Edward). Member of parliament for the Montrofe group of burghs. Imprefiions of Central and Southern Europe : being notes of fucceffive journeys in Germany, Auftria, Italy, Switzer- land and the Levant. 8° Lond. 1850. The Tagus and the Tiber ; or, notes of travel in Portugal, Spain and Italy in 18 50- 1. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1852. America and the Americans. 8"^ Lond. 1855. Hints to thinkers ; or, ledlures for the times. 8° Lond. i860. BAXTER (William Edwin). Proprietor of the Suffex Exprefs and Surrey Standard. Notes on the praflical efFefts of repealing the newfpaper ftamp duty,the adveitifing duty,and the excife duty on paper. 8° Lond. 1852. BAXTER (W. Raleigh), M.R.C.S. Photography ; including the daguerreotype, calotype, chry- fotype, &c., familiarly explained ... Second edition. 12= Lond. 1842. BAY (Christian Friderik). Teacher of Englifli in Copenhagen. D. 1809. Fuldftandig Engelllv og Danfix Ordbog. 2 Bind. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1806. Fuldtendigt Danfii og Engelflc Haand-Lexicon. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1807. BAY (Elihu Hall). Reports of cafes argued and determined in the fuperior courts of law in the ftate of South Carolina, fince the Revo- lution. Second edition. 2 vols. 8° New York, 1809-11. BAYARD (Pierre du Terrail, Seigneur de). Commonly called the Chevalier Bayard. B. 1475. D. 3c April, 1524. * La tref joyeufe, plaifante et recreative hyftoire, compofee par le loyal femteur, des faiz, geftes, triumphes et prouefles du bon chevalier fans paour et fans reprouche, le gentil Sei- gneur de Bayart, dont humaines louenges font efpandues par toute la Chreftiente ; de plufieurs autres bons, vaillans et ver- tueux cappitaines qui ont efte de fon temps. Enfemble les guerres, batailles, rencontres et aflau!.x,qui, de fon vivant, font furvenues, tant en France, Efpaigne que Ytalie. [Petitot, ColleS'ion des memoires relatifs a P hi/loir e de France, 2^^ ferie, tom. XV., xvi.] * The right joyous and pleafant hiftory of the feats, gefts, and prowefTes of the Chevalier Bayard ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1825. — Set forth in Englifli by Edward Cockbuni Kinders- ley. 1848. BAYARD (Samuel). A digeft of American cafes on the law of evidence, in- tended as notes to Peake's Compendium of the law of evi- dence. 8° Philadelphia, 18 10. BAYARDI (Ottavio Antonio). B. about 1690. Entered the Church, in which he obtained conliderable preferment. D. about 1765. Prodi'omo delle antichita d'Ercolano. 2 tom. 4° Napoli, 1752. Catalogo degli antichi monumenti diflbtterrati dalla difco- BAYERIUS— BAYLDON J67 peita citta di Ercolimo per ordine della Maefta di Cailo, Re delle due Sicilie ... fol. Napoli, 1754. — Another copy. fol. Napoli, 1755. JLe pitture antiche [i bronzi, le lucerne ed i caridelabri] d'Ercolano c contorni incifc con qualchc fpiegazionc [da Ot- tciv. Ant. Bayardi.'\ 8 torn. fol. Napoli, 1757-92. BAYERIUS (Franciscus Perezius). B. at Valencia, in Spain, 1711. Frofenbr in the Univerfity of Valentia, and afterwards in rhat of Salamanca, He fuble- quently held fevera! important ecclefiaftical appointments, and finally was nominated keeper of the Royal Library at Madrid. D. 26 Jan. 1794. De nuniis Hebraeo-Samaritanis. 40 Valentix Edetanorum, 178 i. BAYERUS (Theophilus Sigefridus). B. at Kbniglberg, 1694. Appointed librarian of the univer- fity there, 1717. Went to St. Peterlburg in 1726, where he became profeflbr of Greek and Roman antiquities. D. 21 Feb. 1738. De numis Romanis, in agro Pruffico repertis, commenta- rius, in quo turn nunii ipfi illuftrantur, turn alia ex Romana ct Pruffica antiquitate traduntur. Accedit eiufdem epiftola ad V. C. de Theophrafti Dclii prasfidis monumento. 4= Lipfias, 1722. Mufeum Sinicum, in quo Sinicx lingux et litteraturs ratio explicatur. 2 torn. 8° Petropoli, 1730. Hiftoria Ofrlioena et Edeflena ex numis illuftiata, in qua Edeflje urbis, Ofrhocni regni, Abgarorum regum, prasfefto- rum Grsecorum, Arabum, Perfaruni, Comitum Francorum, fuccelliones, fata, res alias memorabiles, a prima 01 iglne urbis, ad extrema feie tempora explicantur. 4° Petropoli, 1734. De horis Sinicis et cyclo horario commentationes. Ac- cedit ejufdem auftoris Parergon Sinicum de calendariis Sini- cis, libi etiam qujedam in doflrina temporum Sinica emen- dantur. 4= Petropoli, 1735. Hiftoria regni Groscorum Baftriani, in qua fmiul Gias- caruni in India coloniarufn vetus memoria explicatur. Ac- cedit Ciirillophori Tlieodofii Waltlicri Dodrina temporum Indica, cum paralipomcnis. +° Petropoli, 1738. Opufcula, ad hiftoriam antiquam, chronologiam, geogra- phiam et rem numariam, fpeftantia. Edidit Chrift. Adolphus Klotzius. 8" Hals, 1770. BAYES (William), M.D. On nervous affeftions connefted with dyfpepfia. I 2 = Lond. 1 S 5 I . Remarks on acute rlieumatifm, and its rapid and rational cure. I 2^ Lond. 1852. On the triple afpedl of chronic difeafe ; having ef]>ecial reference to tile treatment of intradlable dlfordcrs chiefly af- fcifling the nervous and mufcular lyftcm. I 2" Lond. 1854. Trutli in medicine ; or, a few words on honKcopathy. 8" Lond. I 856. BAYEUX (Gkorge). B. at Caen about 1752. Praftifcd as an advocate in his native town, and at Rouen. D, 6 Sep. 1792. Tradudion dcs Faftis d'OviDE, avec dfs notes et des re- cherches de critique,d'liiltoire et de philofophic ... 178 3-S. BAYFIELD (Benjamin), M.A. Perpetual curate of Ripponden, Yorkftiire, 1 841 -7. Vicar of Shinfield, Berks, 1847. The work of an evangelift : a fermon, preached in Hali- fax parifli church, on Friday, June 19, 1846, at the vifita- tion of the Vcn. Charles Mufgrave, D.D. [2 Tim. iv. 5.] 8° Lond. 1846. BAYFIELD (Robert). A phyfician and anatomift. B. about 1629. D. 1690. Exercitationes anatomicae in varias regiones humani cor- poris, partium ftiTifluram atque ufum oftendentes ... Editio fecunda. 12° Lond. 1677. BAYFIELD (Samuel Joseph). Praftical obfervations on the local and conftitutional effcfts of fyphilis, and its treatment. 8° Lond. 1858. BAYFIUS. See Baif. BAYFORD (Augustus Frederick), LL.D. A full report of the proceedings in the cafe of the office of the judge, promoted by Hodgfon v. Rev. F. Oakeley ... Edited by A. F. Bay ford. 8° Lond. 1845. The argument of Dr. Bayford on behalf of the Rev. G. C. Gorham in the Arches Court of Canterbury, March, 1849. Second edition. 8" Lond. 1849. The judgment of the Rt. Hon. Stephen Lufhington . . . in the cafes of Weftcrton againft Liddell (clerk) and Home and others, and Beal againft Liddell (clerk) and Park and Evans, on 5th December 1855. Edited by A. F. Bayford. 8" Lond. [1855.] BAYLAY (Charles Frederick Rogers), M.A. Reftor of Kirkby-on-Bain, Lincolnfliirc. A Chriftian's folicitude for the ark of his faith : a fermon preached at Horncaftle, 27th April, 1847, on the occafion of the archdeacon of Lincoln's vifitation. [i Sam. iv. 1 3.] 8° Lond. [1847.] EfTays and Reviews compared with reafon and re\elalion. 8° Lond. 1861. BAYLDON (J. S.) The art of valuing rents and tillages; wherein is explained the manner of valuing the tenant's right on entering and quit- ting farms, in Yoikfliire and the adjoining counties ... 8° Lond. 1823. — Fifth edition, re-written and enlarged by John Donald- fon. 8° Lond. i S40. — Sixth edition. 8° Lond. 1844. — Seventh edition, now enlarged and adapted to the pre- fent time ; together with the principKs and mode ot valuing freehold, copyhold, and leafehold eftates, and of land and otlier property, for ])arochial aHeflnient and enfranchifement of coiiyholds (under the recent w&i of Pariiament relating thereto.) By Robert Baker. 8" Lond. 1 856. A tre.itife on the valuationof property for the pour's rate . . . with an abftracft of the poor laws relating to rates and ap]x'.ils. 8' Lond. 1828. 368 BAYLDON— BAYLEE BAYLDON (Richard). Road-lurveyor. A treatife on road legiflation and management ... To which is added, a few praftical remarks on the management of tolls, and repairing turnpike-roads and highways. 8° Lond. 1857. BAYLE (Antoine Laurent Jesse.) B. at Vernet (Baffes-Alpes,) 13 Jan. 1799. A manual of general anatomy ; or, a concife defcription of the primitive tiflues and fyftems which compofe the organs in man. By A. L. J. Bayle and H. Kollard. Trandated from the French by Hcni-y Storer. 12" Lond. ibiag. BAYLE (Gaspard Laurent). Uncle of the preceding. B. at Vernet, 18 Aug. 1774. Was originally deftined for the Church, but did not carry out the defien. He then proceeded to ftudy law, but finally embraced the medical profeflion. D. at Paris, 11 May, 1816. Refearches on pulmonaiy phthifis. From the French of G. L. Bayle, by William Bairow, M.D. 8° Liveqjool, 1815. BAYLE (Pierre). B.atCarlat, 18 Nov. 1647. Thefon of a Proteftantminifter, he was induced by his teachers, the Jefuits of Touloufe, to em- brace the Catholic faith, which, however, he fpeedily renounced, and was obliged in confequence to take refuge at Geneva. Pro- feflbr of hiftory and philofophy at Rotterdam. D. 28 Dec. 1706. CEuvres diverfes ; contenant tout ce que cet auteur a publie fur des matieres de theologie, de philofophie, de critique, d'hiftoire, et de litterature, excepte fon Didlionnaire hifto- rique et critique. 4 torn. fol. La Haye, 1727. Lettre a M. L. A. D. C. Dofteur de Sorbonne, oh il eft prouve, par plufieurs raifons tiiees de la philofophie et de la theologie, que les cometes ne font point le prefage d'aucun malheur. Avec plufieurs reflexions morales et politiques, et plufieurs obfeiTations hiftoriques; et la refutation de quelques erreurs populaires. [Ati(inS\ 8° Cologne, 1682. — Another edition, entitled, Penfees diverfes, ecrites a un Dodleur de Sorbonne, a Poccafion de la comete, qui paint, au mois de Decembre, 16S0. \_j4non.^ 8° Rotterdam, 1683. * Nouvelles lettres de I'auteur de la Critique geneiale de I'Hiftoire du Calvinifme de Mr. Maimbouig. [Anon.'] 2 torn. 12° Ville-Franche, 1685. Nouvelles de la republique des lettres. Mars, 1 6 8 4 — Juin, 1686. 5 torn. 12° Amfterdam, 1686. Commentaire philofophique fur ces paroles de Jefus Chrift, Contrain-les d'entrer ; oil I'on prouve par plufieurs raifons demonftratives, qu'il n'y a rien de plus-abominable que de faire des converfions par la contrainte, & Ton refute tous les fophifmes des conveitiffeurs a contrainte, & I'Apologie que S. Augulfin a f lite des perfecutions. Traduit de I'Anglois du Sieui- Jean Fox de Bruggs par M. J. F. \_Pfeud.'\ 2 tom. 12° Cantorbery, 1686. Suplement du Commentaire phUofopliique fur ces paroles de Jefus-Chrift, Contrain-les d'entrer ; oil entre autres chofes I'on acheve de miner la feule echapatoire qui reftoit aux ad- verfaires, en demontrant le di'oit egal des heretlques pour pei-- fecuter "a celui des orthodoxes. On paile aufli de la natuie et origine des erreurs. 8 Hambourg, 1688. " Des dioits des deux fouverains en matiSie de religion, la confcicnce et le prince ... Contie un livre intitule Com- mentaire philofophique, &c. 1687. [5)1 Pierre JuRiEU.] Avis important aux refugiez fur leur prochain retour en France, donne pour etrennes a I'un d'eux, en 1690. Par Monfieur C. L. A. A. P. D. P. 12° Paris, 1692. Didtionnaire hiftorique et critique. 2 tom. fol. Rotterdam, 1697. — Troifieme edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee par I'auteur. 4 tom. fol. Rotterdam, 1720. — Supplement par Jaques G. de Chauffepie. 1 750-6. Reponfe aux queftions d'un Provincial, [y^non.l 5 tom. 12° Rotterdam, 1 704-7. Entretiens de Maxime et de Themifte ; ou, reponfe a I'Examen de la theologie de Mr. Bayle par Mr. Jacquelot. \_Anon.] 12° Rotterdam, 1707. ^ Remarques critiques fur le Diftionnaire de Bayle. 1752. [By Philippe Louis Joly.] *■ La vie de Mr. Bayle. Par P. Desmaizeau. 1732. BAYLEE (John Tyrrell). Method of finding the longitude, meridian, time, culmi- nation of the fixed ftars, and the variation of the compafs, at fea or on land, independently of refiadtion and parallax, by one fimple obfervation. 8° Lond. 1823. BAYLEE (John Tyrrell), B.A. Secretary to the Society for promoting the due obfervance of the Lord's-day. D. in London, 31 Oft. 1859. Tranfmiflion and deliveiy of letters on the Loid's-day de- moralizing and unneceflary. 12° Lond. 1849. Statiftics and fadts in reference to the Lord's-day. 8° Lond. 1852. Am I my brother's keeper ? a fermon ... \Gen. iv. 9.] 120 Lond. 1853. Hiftory of the Sabbath, or day of holy reft. 12° Lond. 1857. A word of warning to the youth of England : a poflJiu- mous publication, againft the " National Sunday league." Being remarks on a pamphlet entitled, " Difcontinuance by aft of parliament of the ten commandments in the Church fen'ice." 8° Lond. 1859. BAYLEE (Joseph), D.D. Principal of St. Aidan's Theological College, Birkenhead. Thoughts upon queftions of exifting controverfy, in letters to a fiiend. No. L — Baptifmal legeneration. 12° Lond. 1850. Verbal infpiration. 8'^ Lond. 1854. Proteftantifm -i'. Roman Catholicifm. Report of the dif- cuffion between the Rev. J. Baylee and Matthew Bridges, Efq., of Chefter Hill Houfe, Woodchefter, held at Stroud, on the 2 1 ft, 2 2nd, and 2 3 rd of Oftober 1856 ... 8° Lond. 1856. GeneCs and geology ; the holy Word of God defended from its alTailants. 12° Livei-pool, 1857. Chrift on earth : from the fupper at Bethany, to his afcen- fion into glory. 8° Lond. 1863. BAYLEY— BAYLIS 369 BAYLEY, Dr, of the Ne\v_ London. The divine Word opened : femions. 8°Lond. 1858 Of the New Jerufalem church, Argylc Square, King's Croft, London. BAYLEY (Charles). <^uaker. The caufcs of God's wrath againft England, and a faith - full warning from the Lord to fpeedy repentance ; foretold by, and delivci ed in, a letter to the King, dated the 4th of the 7th month, 1663. By C. Baylcy, then prifoner in the city of Briftol, now in the Tower of London. 4° Lond. 1665. BAYLEY (Elizabeth). * A memoir of Mrs. Elizabeth Bayley ... With an intro- diiiSion and refledlions by John Angell James. 1S56. BAYLEY (Emilius). Late perpetual curate of Woburn, Bedfordihire. Reftor of St. George's, Bloomlbury, London. No reparation : a fermon preached in Eafl: Claydon church, on Sunday evening, Auguft 2 4, 185 i. [i?om. viii. 38, 39.] 12° Lond. 185 I. The ftory of Nineveh : a lecfture delivered in the town hall, Woburn, on Tuefday evening, Odober the i ith, 1853 8° Lond. 1853. The choice : five ledtures on confirmation, delivered in St. George's church, Bloomfbury. 12° Lond. 1857. Yield yourfelves unto God : a fermon preached at the fpecial fervices at Exeter Hall, on Sunday evening, Auguft I, 1858. [Rom. vi. 13.] 12° Lond. 1858. The uncertainty of the time of the fecond Advent prafli- cally confidered. 8° Lond. 1859. BAYLEY (F. W. N.) D. at Birmingham in the beginning of 1853, aged forty-five. Four years' refidence in the Weft Indies. 8° Lond. I 830. The new tale of a tub ; an adventure in verfe : with illuf- trations defigned by Lieutenant J. S. Cotton. fol. Lond. 1841. BAYLEY (Francis). A treatife on fines and recoveries. 8° Lond. 1828. BAYLEY (George). Tables fliewing the jjrogrcfs of the (hipping intereft of the Britidi Empire, United St.ites, and Fiance, compiled from parliamentary papers and other fources. 8° Lond. 1844. BAYLEY (J. H. R.) The drama of life (in two cantos,) and lyrical breathings. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1856. BAYLEY (Sir .John), Bart. B. 3 Aug. 1763. Called to the bar, 22 June, 1792. Ap- pointed one of the Jufticcs of the King's Bench, 1808, on which occafion he was knighted. Exchanged his office fur tliut of Baron of the Exchequer, Nov. 1830. Retired from the bench, and was created a liaronet, 1834. D. 10 CA 1841. A fummary of the law of bills of exchange, cadj bills, and promilTory notes. Second edition. 8 Land. 1797. VOL. 1. — Third edition. By William Englifh Barnes, Efq. 8° Lond. 181 3. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1822. — Fifth edition, with confiderable additions, by Francis Bayley. 8° Lond. 183O. — Sixth edition. By George Morley Dowdefwell, Efq. 8° Lond. 1849. BAYLEY (John). The hiftory and antiquities of the Tower of London, with memoirs of royal and diftinguifhed pei fons. In two parts. 4° Lond. 182 1-5. BAYLEY (John), M.A. Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. A fermon preached at the confecration of St. Paul's chapel, Alverthorpe, near Wakefield, on Friday, July ift. [i Cor. X. II.] 8" Lond. 1825. A treatife on the elements of algebra : defigned for the ufe of Eton School. 8° Lond. 1830. BAYLEY (Robert Slater). B. at LithfielJ, iSoi. Educated at Hoxton College. Minifter of the Independent chapel at Louth, 1833, whence he removed to Sheffield, 1835. Again removed to ^ueen Street chapel, Ratcliff-highway, London, 1845, and finally fettled at Eign- broolc chapel, Hereford, 1856. D. 25 Nov. 1859. Nature confidered as a revelation : in two parts. 12° Lond. 1836. The Church of Chrift, and the man of God ; being an introdudlo)-y difcourfe by the Rev. R. S. Bayley, and a cliargc by the Rev. William Forfter, delivered at t!ie fettlement of the Rev. T. E. Stallybrafs, B.A., over the Congregational church, Stratford, Eflex, April 22, 1851. 8° Lond. 1 85 I. BAYLEY (Thomas B.), F.R.S. Thoughts on the neceflity and advantages of care and ceco- nomy in colledting and prefei-ving different fubftanccs for ma- nure. Second edition. 8° Mancheftcr, 1796. BAYLEY (W. H.) Hand-book of the Aide rali I 2" Lond. 1861. BAYLIE (.John), M.A. Perpetual curate of Bloxwich, Staffbrdfliirc. Life, the day for work : exemplified in a brief memoir (with extra(fts from her letters and diary) of the late Mrs. Baylie, wife of the incumbent of Bloxwich. 12° Lond. 1854. BAYLIE (Robert). See Baillie. BAYLIS (Edward). The arithmetic of annuities and life afTurance ; or, com- pound intereft finiplified ... 8° Lond. 1S44. A treatife on the new ajiplic.ition of the principles of life ofTurance. By E. Baylis, William Beiesford, and Edwin Paul. 8' Lond. 1851. Reply of the ProfefTional life affurance company to the attacks of its affailants : together with remai ks, illullrativc and cxplan.-itoi-y, of the new fyftem of life .affuiance. 8° Lond. 1852. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1853. 3 » 37° BAYLIS— BAYNES Opinions of the prefs on tlie Reply of the Profeffional life affurance company to the attacks of its aflailants. 8° Lond. 1853. An eflliy upon life aflurance : illuftrative of the modern application of its principles to the requirements of the living. By Edward Baylis, George BeiTningham,and Francis Norton Erith. 8° Lond. 1854. BAYLIS (Joseph), M.A. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge. Reftor of St Mary de Crypt, Gloucefter, 178S, and vicar of Mickleton, Gloucefterfliire, 1823. D. 19 Jan. 1834. ° Lond. Sermons, dodtrinal and praflical. 1S36. BAYLIS (Thomas Henry). Barrifter-at-law. The rights, duties, and relations of domeftic fervants, their mailers and mifti-effes. With a Ihort account of fen-ants' inftitutions and their advantages. 8° Lond. 1857. An explanation of the life aflurance clafles originated by T. H. Baylis and George Scott. 8° Lond. 1858. BAYLISS (Eliza A.) Loving fervice ; or, a lifter's influence. 8° Lond. 1862. BAYLISS (Wyke). The elements of aerial perfpeftive ; or, light, Ihade, and color. 8° Lond. 1855. BAYLY, Mrs. Ragged homes ; and how to mend them. 8° Lond. 1859. Workmen and their difficulties. 8° Lond. 1S61. BAYLY (Anselm), LL.D. Sub-dean of his Majefty's chapels-royal. The alliance of mufick, poetry, and oratory. Under the head of poetiy is confidered the alliance and nature of the epic and dramatic poem, as it exifts in the Iliad, ^neid, and Paradife Loft. 8° Lond. 1789. BAYLY (Benjamin). A treatife on commercial correfpondence, for the ufe of fchools, public feniinaries, and for the inftraftion of youth, before entering the mercantile world. In three feries. 1 2° Lond. 1862. BAYLY (Charles). Defcriptive and other poems. 8^ Lond. i860. BAYLY (Francis). Domeftic chaplain to Sir William Button, Bare. An antidote againft immoderate fori'ow for the death of our friends : taken from an aflured hope of our refurredlion to life and gloiy. Delivered in a fermon preached in the parilh-church of North Wraxall in Wiltfhire, the 12th of Aprill, 1660, at the fiineral of S''. William Button, baronet. ^i Thejf.'w. 14.] 4° Lond. 1660. BAYLY (John Bethune). Commentaries on the laws of England in the order, and compiled from the text of Blackftone, and embracing the new ftatutes and alterations to the prefent time. 8° Lond. 1840. BAYLY (Lewis), D.D. B. at Caermarthen. Biihop of Bangor, i5i6. D. 26 Oft. 1631. The praflice of piety, diiefting a Chriftian how to walk, that he may pleafe God. New edition, with a biographical preface by the editor, Grace Webfter. 12° Lond. 1 842. BAYLY (Thomas Haynes). B. at Bath, 13 Oft. 1797. Educated at the High fchool, Winchefter, and at St. Mary Hall, Oxford. D. 22 April, 1839. The Aylmers : a novel. ^AnonJ^ 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1827. Songs, ballads, and other poems ; edited by his widow. With a memoir of the author. 12° Lond. 1844. BAYNE (Alexander). B. towards the clofe of the 17th century. Admitted a mem- ber of the Faculty of Advocates, 10 July, 1714. On the infti- tution of the chair of Scots law in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, he was appointed profeflTor, 28 Nov. 1722. D. June, 1737. A difcourfe on the rife and progrefs of the law of Scot- land, and the method of ftudying it. [Sir T. Hope, Minor praSicks ... 1726.] Inftitutions of the criminal law of Scotland. 8° Edinb. 1748. Notes, for the ufe of the ftudents of the municipal law in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, being a fupplement to Sir George M'Kenzie's Inftitutions. 8° Edinb. 1749. BAYNE (James). The tourift's guide to the antiquities of Conway caftle, town, and neighbourhood ; with defcriptive notices of the tubular and fufpenfion bridges, &c. &c. 8° Conway, [1853.] BAYNE (Peter), M.A. The Chriftian life, fecial and individual. 8° Edinb. I 85 5. — New edition. 8° Edinb. 1859. A defence of "The teftimony of the rocks." Repub- lilhed from " The Witnefs," in reply to an article in " The North Britifh Review." 8° Edinb. 1858. EiTays, biographical, critical, and mifcellaneous. 8° Edinb. 1859. The teftimony of Chrift to Chriftianity. 8° Lond. 1862. BAYNES (Adam). B, 22 Dec. 1631, Held a commiilion in the army of the Parliament, but was fubfequently appointed a commilTioner of inland revenue. D. Dec. 1670. * Letters from Roundhead officers, written from Scotland, and chiefly addrefl'ed to Captain Adam Baynes. July mdcl.- June MDCLX. [Edited by J. Y. Akerman for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinb. 1856. BAYNES— BAZIN-BACON 571 BAYNES (C. R.) Of the Madras civil fervice. Notes and reflexions, during a ramble in the Eaft, an overland journey from India, vifit to Athens, &c. 12' Lend. 1843. BAYNES (Edward Dacres). Annals of England : a poem, in four books. S° Loud. 1847. BAYNES (Henry Samuel). The Church at Philippi ; or, the dodlrines and condudl of the early Chriftians illuftrated ; intended to feiTe as an hiftorical commenting upon St. Paul's Epiftle to the Philip- pians. 12° Lond. 1834. BAYNES (John). The cotton trade : two leftures . . . delivered before the members of the Blackburn liteiary, fcientific, and mechanics' inftitution ... Apiil 2d ... June i ith, 1857. 8° Blackburn, 1857. BAYNES (Paul). An Enclift theologian, b. in London. Educated at Chrift College, Cambridge. D. at Cambridge, 1617. The diocefans tryall. Wherein all the finnewes of Doftor Downhams defence are brought into three heads, and orderly diflolvcd. Publiflied by Dr. William Amis. 4° n. p. 1 6 2 I . BAYNES (Robert Hall), B.A. Curate of Chrirt church, Southwark. Perpetual curate of St. Paul's, Whitechapel, 1858. The faith that overcometh : a fermon preached in the parifli church of Wivenhoe, Eflex, on Sunday, June 22, 1856. [l John V. 4.] 8° Lond. 1856. A companion to the communion fei-vice of the Church of England : containing paffages from Holy Scripture, medita- tions and hymns, together with the order of the adminiftra- tion of the Loid's fupper. With a preface by the Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Carlide. 8° Lond. 1859. Lyra Anglicana: hymns and fongs collefted and arranged by the Rev. R. H. Baynes. 8° Lond. 1862. BAYNES (Thomas Spencer). An effay on the new analytic of logical forms, being that which gained the prize propofed by Sir William Hamilton, in the year 1 846, for the beft expolition of the new dudlrine propounded in his leftures : with an hiftorical appendix. 8° Edinb. 1850. BAYNING, Right Hon. and Rev. Lord. See Henry William Powlett, 3d Baron Bayning. BAYNTON (Thomas). Surgeon at Brillol. D. at Clifton, 31 Aug. i8zo. Defcriptive account of a new method of treating old ulcers of the legs. Second edition. 8' Brillol, 1799. BAYNUS (Rodolphus). An Englirti philologlft. D. 1 560. Compedium Michlol, hoc eft abfolutifs. Grammaticcs Davidis Chimiii, nunc piimo editum. 4° Parifiis, 1554. Annotationes in Proverbia Salomonis. [Critici sacri, tom. iii.] BAYS, Mr. P/aid. of John Dkydzs. BAYSIO (Petrus de). A jurift of Navarre, who lived about the middle of the i6th century. Diredlorium ele<5tionum,miras ac luculentas juris decifiones compledlens. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus umverji juris, xv. i. 380.] BAYSO (GuiDo de). A celebrated canonift. B. at Reggio in Modena about the middle of the 13th century. Uberrima commentaria nuperrime caftigata viri D. Archi- diaconi Bononienfis in Sextum Decretalium, cum elegantifli- mis ... additionibus, &c. fol. Lugduni, 1547. BAYVEL (C. A. F.) Pronouncing Fiench readci' : a feries of progrellive leffons in French reading and pronunciation : with a comjilete pro- nouncing vocabulary, adapted for fchools and private inftruc- tion. S" Glafgow, 1S58. BAZAAR. An appeal to the public, on the fubjeft of bazaars. 8° Lond. 1816. On charity bazaars. By a younger brother. \yerfei\ 12° Lond. I 829. A vifit to a religious bazaar : with reflexions on the fcene. 8° Lond. 1857. BAZAN Y MENDOZA (Mariana). Sereniflima infanta, gloriofa virgen. Dona Sancha Alfonfo ... hija del Rey de Leon, Don Alonfo cl Nono ... fu vida, fus virtudes y milagros. 4° Madrid, 1752. BAZANCOURT (Cesar, Baron de). L'expedition de Crimee, jufqu'a la prife de Sebaftopol : chroniques de la guerre d'Orient. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1856. — Tianflated from the French by Robert Howe Gould, M.A. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. BAZANO (Johannes de). An Italian hiftorian, who lived in the 14th century. Chronicon Mutinenfe, .ab anno 1002, ufque ad annum 1363 ... \y[vKi\TOM,Renim ItaI'icarumfcnptores,w. 551.] BAZIN (Gilles Augustin). B. in Paris. Pr.iflifcd .as a phyfician at Stralbourg. D. 1754. Obfervations fur les plantes et leur analogic avec les in- feXcs, precedecs de deu.x difcours ; I'un, fur raccroifTemcnt du coijJS iiumain, I'autre fur la caufe pour laquelle les bcftcs iiagent naturellemcnt, et que I'honmie eft oblige d'en etudier les moyens. 8° Stralbourg, 1741. BAZIN-BACON (Eugene). Eugtine's key to the French proDunciution, followed by 372 BAZINGHEN— BEALE many thoufand French words, which may be learned in an hour. 8° Lend. 1858. BAZINGHEN (pRANgois Andre Abot de). B. at Boulogne-fur-Mer, 17 July, 1710. D. 1791. Traite des monnoies et de la jurifdiftion de la Cour des monnoies, en forme de didlionnaire ... 2 torn. 4° Paris, 1764. BAZLEY (Thomas). A lefture upon cotton as an element of induftiy : deli- vered at the rooms of the Society of Arts, London, in con- nexion with the Exhibition of 1 85 I. 8" Lond. 1S52. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1853. National education : what (hould it be ? !S° Mancheftcr, 1S58. BAZTERRICA (Agustin i*). Nueva demonftracion del deiecho de Vergara, fobre la patria y apellido fecular de San Martin de la Afcenfion y Aguirre: refutacion feriadcl Hijo de Beafain.obra joquiferia del Padre Tormbia ... fol. Msdrid, 1745. BAZZANO (Francesco d'Angeluccio ra). An Italian hirtorian, who lived in the i6th century. Cronaca delle cofe dell' Aquila, dall' anno 1 436 al 1 48 5 ... [MuRATORi, ylnt'iqultates Italice medVi iJ\ 8° Lond. 1724. BEALE (Lionel John). A treatife on deformities ; exhibiting a concife view of the nature and treatment of the principal diftortions and con- traiflions of the limbs, joints, and fpine. 8° Lond. 1830. The laws of health, in relation to mind and body: a feries of letters from an old praflitioner to a patient. 12° Lond. 1851. Health, difeafe, and longevity confidered in relation to diet, regimen, and the general principles of hygiene. 8° Lond. 1854. On perfonal and domeftic hygiene, ftiowing the value of fanitaiy laws : addrefled efpecially to the working clafles. 8° Lond. 1855. BEALE (Lionel Smith), M.B. The microfcope, and its application to clinical medicine. I 2° Lond. 1 S54. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1858. The medical fludent a ftudent in fcience : the introduc- tory lefture delivered at the opening of the twenty-fourth feffion of the medical department of King's College, London, 0<5lober 1, 1855. 8° Lond. 1855. Tables for the chemical and microfcopical examination of urine, in health and difeafe ... 12° Lond. 1856. On fome points in the anatomy of the liver of man and vertebrate animals, with diredions for injefling the hepatic dudls, and making pre])arations. 8° Lond. 1856. How to work with the microfcope : a courfe of lc(5lures on microfcopical manipulation, and the practical application of the microfcope to different branches of inveftigation. De- livered during the winter feflion, 1856-7. 8° Lond. 1857. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1861. On urine, urinary depofits, and calculi : their microfco- pical and chemical examination, including the chemical and microfcopical apparatus required, and tibles for the praflical examination of tlie urine in health and difeafe; the anatomy and phyfiology of the kidney, with u]>wards of fixty original analyfcs of the urine in difeafe, and general remarks on the treatment of certiin urinary difcafcs. 8° Lond. 1861. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1 864. On the ftrufture of the fim])le tiflues of the human body ; witli fome obfervations on their development, growth, nutri- tion and decay, and on certain changes occurjing in difeafe . a courfe of ledlures delivered at the Royal college of phy- ficians of London, April, May, i 86 1 . 8° Lond. [ i !■ 6 1 .] BEALE (Thomas). A few obfervations on the natural hillory of the fpcrm whale, with an account of the rife and progrefs of the fifhery, and of the modes of purfuing, killing, and " cutting in" that animal, with a lift of its favorite places of refort. 8° Lond. 1835. The natural hiftory of the fpcrm whale . . . To which is added a ll l^ond. 1854. The rational primer, or firft reader ; a praftical anfwer to the queftion, " How can I learn to read," on a new, finiple and eafy method, combining attraftivenefs with ufeful inftruftion, and fomiing a ftorehoufe of popular wifdom. 8° Manchefter, i860. An eafy introduftion to the art of letter writing : com- prifing, togetlier with a feries of original models, inftru<£>ions in Englifh grammar and compofition. 8^ Manchefter, [i860.] BfiARDE DE L'ABBAYE ( ). A writer on agriculture, b. about the beginning of the j Sth century, D. 1771. Effays in agriculture : or, a variety of ufeful hints for its impiovement, with rcfjjedV to air, water, eanh, heat and cold ; as an attempt to afcertain their influence on vegetation. To- gether with reflexions on animals, plants, feeds, (\\\>s, and manures. To which is prefixed an addrefs to the literary focieties in Europe eftablifhed for the impiovement of natural knowledge. Tranflated from the Fiench. 4" Lond. 1776. BEARDMORE (Nathaniel), C.E. Letter to Vifcount Ebrington, M.P., on propofed modifi- cations and extenfions of the water fupply of the borough of Plymouth, with otliei- confequent improvements ; alfo inci- dental remarks on the water works of Devonport and Stone- houfe, 4° Plymouth, [1848.] Hydraulic tables, to aid the calculation of water and mill power, water fupply, and di'ainage of towns, and improve- ment of navigable rivers ... 12° Lond. 1852. Manual of hydrology ... 8° Lond. 1862. BEARN. Los fors et coftumas de Beam. 4° Lafcar, 1625. Compilation d'auguns priviledges et reglamens deu ])ays dc Beam, feyts et oi5lroyats a rintercelTion deus eftats, los ferments de fidelitat deus feignours a foos fubicfls, & per reciproque deus fubiefls a loor feignour. 4° Lafcar, 1 63 3. Stil de la juftlcy deu pais de Beam, publicat en I'an mil cinq cens fixante quouate, regente Johanne Regine, Dame fouuirane de Beam. Enfems las ordonn.inces fcites per 376 BEARN— BEATSON Hemic Second, Rey de Navarre, Seignour fovviran de Beam, fus la diieiftion de la jufticy. 4° Oithez, 1663. BEARN (William). Prize effay on the farming of Northamptonfhire. 8° Lend. 1852. BEASLEY (Henry). The pocket formulary ; and fynopfis of the Britifh and foreign pharmacopoeias ... Third edition. 8° Lond. 1844. — Fourth edition. 12° Lond. I 848. — Fifth edition. 12° Lond. 1851. — Sixth edition. 8° Lond. 1855. — Seventh edition. 8° Lond. i85o. The druggift's general receipt book . . . 12° Lond. 1850. — Second edition. 120 Lond. 1852. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1854. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1857. — Fifth edition. 8" Lond. 1861. The book of prefcriptions : containing 2900 prefcriptions, collefted from the praftice of the moft eminent phyficians and furgeons, Englifh and foreign ... 8° Lond. 1S54. BEASLEY (John). A lefture delivered to the members of the Faringdon agricultural book club, on the duties and privileges of the landowners, occupiers, and cultivators of the foil. 8° Lond. i860. BEASLEY (R. D.), M.A. An elementai-y treatife on plane trigonometiy ; with a numerous colleflion of examples, chiefly defigned for the ufe of fchools and beginners. 8° Cambridge, 1S58. BEAST. Amufement philofophique fur le iangage des beftes ... 1750. [Par G. H. BoUGEANT.] Stories about beads : by a young naturalift. 4° Lond. 1856. BEATIANUS (Augustinus). An Italian poet, b. at Trevifo. Flourirtied about the middle of the 1 6th century. Poemata. [Gruter, Delttia: poetarum Italorum^ i. 334.] — \Cannina illuflrmm poetarum Italoruniy ii. 10 1.] BEATIUS (Caspar). De inope debitore, ex Caftelliana confuetudine creditori- bus addicendo. [F. Zilettus, TraBatus umverfi jurhy iii. ii. 204.] [Another copy of the above-mentioned work will be found entered at page 278 of this catalogue, under ** Caspar B.^tius," which is the correct form of the author's name. The error of Zilettus, in fpelUng it '*Beatius," was not difcovered till the fheet containing the former entry had been printed.] BEATON (John). A fhort treatife containing an explanation of the keys, the power of binding and loofmg, remitting and retaining of fins. By the author of the Eflay upon St. Peter's pretended martyrdom at Rome. [y^no«.] 4° Dublin, 1708. BEATON (Patrick), M.A. Creoles and coolies ; or, five years in Mauritius. 8° Lond. 1859. Six months in Reunion : a clergyman's holiday, and how he paffed it. In two volumes. 8° Lond. i860. Marion Leflie : a ftoiy. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1863. BEATRICE. An Englifh girl's account of a Moravian fettlement in the Black Foreft. Edited by the author of " Mai-y Powell." 8" Lond. 1858. BEATRICE CHESTERFORD. Beatiice Chefterford : a novel. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1848. BEATSON (Alexander). AiJe-de-camp to the MarquisofWellefley, Governor-general of India, and furveyor-general to the army in the field. A view of the origin and conduft of the war with Tippoo Sultaun ; comprifing a narrative of the operations of the army under the command of Licutenant-General George Harris, and of the fiege of Seringapatam. 4° Lond. 1800. Trads relative to the ifland of St. Helena ; written during a refidence of five years. 4° Lond. 1 8 1 6. BEATSON (Benjamin Wrigglesworth). Progreffive exercifes on the compofition of Gieek Iambic verfe, with a treatife on the Iambic metre, and an outline of Attic pro fody. 12° Cambridge, 1836. — Seventh edition. 12° Lond. 1856. — Eighth edition. 12° Lond. 1 86 1. Exercifes on Latin profe compofition, with hints for and examples of themes. i 2° Cambridge, 1840. Leflbns in ancient hiftory, in queftion and anfwer : to which is added,a general.chronological, and Scriptural index. 12° Lond. 1853. BEATSON (John). The divine characSer of Chrift confidered and vindicated, in a feries of dialogues on that interefting and important fub- jeft. 12° Leeds, 1773. The fatisfaflion of Chrift demonftrated, in a feries of dialogues. 12° Leeds, 1774. Divine philanthropy ; or, the love of God : a poetical eflay. 12° Leeds, 1777. BEATSON (Robert). B. at Dyfart, in Fife, 1 741. Entered the army as an enfign, 1756. Rofe to the rank of lieutenant, 1766, when he retired on half-pay, and was appointed barrack-mafter at Aberdeen. D. at Edinburgh, 18 April, 181S. General view of the agriculture of the county of Fife ; with obfervations on the means of its improvement. 8° Edinb. 1794. Naval and military memoirs of Great Britain from 1727 to 1783. In fix volumes. 8° Lond. 1S04. BEATTIE— BEAUCHAMPS 177 A political index to the hiftories of Great Britain and Ireland ; or, a complete regiller of the hereditary honours, public offices, and perfons in office, from the earlieft periods to the prefent time. The third edition. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1806. A chronological regiller of both houfcs of the Britifh Parliament, from the Union in 1708, to the third Parlia- ment of Great Britain and Ireland, in 1807. In three volumes. \ 8° Lond. 1807. BEATTIE (A. O.), D.D. Services in connei5lion with the jubilee of the Rev. A. O. Beattie, fenior minilter of the United Prefbyterian congre- gation, Goidon Street, Glafgow, held at Glafgow on Tuef- day. May 26th, 1857. 12° Glafgow, 1857. BEATTIE (George). B. in the parilh of St. Cyrus, 1786. A writer in Montrofe. D. 29 Sep. 1823. John o' Arnha' : to which is added The murderit myn- ftrell, and other poems. The fifth edition. S° Montrofe, 1826. George Beattie, of Montrofe, a poet, a humourift, and a man of genius. By A. S. Mt. Cynis, M.A. Second edi- tion. \Contains Beali'ie's poems J\ 8° Edinb. 1 863. BEATTIE (James), LL.D. B. at Laurencekirk, Kincardinefiiire, 25 0(5t 1735. Edu- cated at Marifclial College, Aberdeen, in which he was ap- pointed profeflbr of" moral philolophy, 1760. D. 18 Aug. 1803. The poetical works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer. With lives, critical difTcrtations, and explanatory notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. 8° Edinb. 1854. The minftrcl ; or, the progrefs of genius : a poem. Book the firlL [yfiion.] 4° Lond. 177 1. — The fecond edition. [^«on.] 4° Lond. 1771. — The fecond book. 4° Lond. 1774. — [Both l/oois.] With fonic other poems. 4° Edinb. I 803. ^ With thiity-three defigns by Birket Foller. 8° Lond. 1 8 58. Original poems and tranflations. 8° Lond. 1760. An effay on the nature and immutability of truth, in op- pofition to fophidry and fccpticifm. Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1773. Diflertations moral and critical. 4° Lond. 1783. Scoticifms arranged in alphabetical order, defigned to correft improprieties of fpeech and writing, [^non.] S" Edinb. 1787. Elements of moral fciencc. 2 vol <. 8 Edinb. 1790-3. Evidences of the ChrilHan religion, biieiiy and ]>lainly dated. Sixth edition. 12'' Lond. 18 14. * An account of the life of James Beattie, LL.D. ... 1804. [^y Alexander Bower.] BEATTIE (James). Of Balmullo, Cupar-Fife. Hifloiy of the Church of Scotland during the Common- wcaltli. 8° Edinb. 1842. BEATTIE (William), M.D. Journal of a rcfidence in Germany written during a pro- feffional attendance on their Royal HighnefTes the Duke and Duchels of Clarence (tiieir mod gracious Majefties) during their vifits to the courts of that country in 1822, 1825, and 1826. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1831. The heliotrope ; or, pilgrim in purfuit of health. Cantos firft and fecond. Liguria — Hetraria — Camjiania — Calabria. [y/n(*n.] 8° Lond. 1833. Switzerland : illuftrated in a feries of views ... by W. H. Bartlett, Efq. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1836. Tlie Waldenfes ; or, Proteftant valleys of Piedmont, Dau]>hiny, and the Ban de la Roche. Illuftrated by W. H. Bartlett, Efq., and W. Brockedon, F.R.S. 4= Lond. 1838. Scotland: illuftrated in a feries of views ... by MefTrs. T. Allom, W. H. Bartlett, and H. M'Culloch. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1838. The caftlcs and abbeys of England. Volume the firft. 8° Lond. 1842. The Danube : its hiftory, fcenery, and topography, fplen- didly illuftrated ... 4° Lond. 1844. Tlie pilgrim in Italy. 12° Lond. 1S50. Life and letters of Thomas Campbell. Edited by W. Beattie. 1849. BE ATT Y (Francis). Reports of cafes argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland ... By Thomas Ball and F. Beatty. 1821 -4. BEATUS. Abbot of the Benedi£line monartery of Val Gabado, in Afturias. D. 789. Etherii ... et Beati, preftsyteri, adverfus Elipandum archi- epifcopum Toletanum libri duo, de adoptione Chrifti filii Dei. [Canisius, y/n/;yw^ Iniiones, 11. i. 2 79. J — [Aftix. Bibltotheca vf/fnim Patrum, xiii. 353.] '■■ Vita Sandli Beati, abbatis Hifpanici. [Mabillon, yida fanllorum O.S.B., iv. i. 690.] BEAUCHAMP (Alphosse de). B. at Monaco, 1767. D. I June, 1832. Hiftoirc de la guerie de la Vendee et des Chou.ins, de- puis fon origine jufqu'a la pacification de I 800. Troifii!me edition. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1809. Hiftoirc du Brefil, dcpuis fa decouverte en 1 500 jufqu' en 18 10. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1815. An authentic narrative of the invafions of France in 1814 and 1 8 I 5, coniprifing a circumlhintial detail of the battle of Waterloo. Second edition. In two volumes. 8° Lond. I 8 1 6. BEAUCHAMPS (Pierre Francois Godard ue). B. at Paris, 1689. D. there, 12 March, 1761. Recherclies fur K s tlieatres de France, dejiuis Tannce onze cens foixante et un jufques ii prefent. 3 tom. 12" Paris, 1735. 3 c 378 BEAUCHANT— BEAUGUE BEAUCHANT (T. S.) The naval gunner : containing a corredl method of dif- parting any piece of ordnance — of finding and adapting to any gun a tangent fcale. Elucidated by plates. Likewife a complete fet of tables of ranges, method ot conducing the rocket fei'vice afloat, remarks on bomb veffels, fire ihips, penetration of balls of different diameters in wood, compari- fon of long with fhoit guns, &c. 1 2 ° Dcvonport, 1828. BEAUCLERK (Caroline Frederica). Tales of fifliion and reality. Second edition. By C. F. Beauclerk and Henrietta Maiy Beauclerk. I 2° Lond. 1^36. BEAUFORD (William), A.M. Druidifm revived ; or, a diflertation on the charaflers and modes of writing ufed by the Irifh in their pagan ftate, and after their converfion to Chriftianity. Of the origin and language of the Irifh ; and of the learning of the Druids. [Vallancey, ColleSanea de rebus Hibernicis, ii. 161.] The antient topography of Ireland ... illuftrated with a map of antient Ireland. [Ibid. iii. 253.] BEAUFORT ( ). Le grand porte-feuille politique ... en dix-neiif tableaux, contenant la conftitution afluelle des empires, royaumes, re- publiques, et autres principales fouverainetes de I'Europe ... fol. Paris, 1789. BEAUFORT, M. de. Lettre de M. de Beaufort, jurifconfulte, a Monfeigneur 1' Archeveque de Befan^on, fur la replique de ce prelat contre le projet de reunion dc toutes les communions Chretiennes, propofe a Sa Majefte Imperiale et Royale ; et contre la ne- ceffite de reconnaitre dans le monarque le prince fupieme del'liglife. 8° Paris, 1808. BEAUFORT (Daniel Augustus). Reftorof Navan, Co. Meath, and vicar of Collon, Co. Louth. Memoir of a map of Ireland, illuftrating the topography of that kingdom, and containing a fhoit account of its prelent (tate, civil and ecclefiaftical ... 4° Lond. 1792. BEAUFORT (Daniel Augustus), M.A. ReOor of Warburton with Lymm,.near Warrington. Scripture fufficient without tradition ; or, the dodrine of the fixth article of the Britiih Churches maintained : an effay which obtained the Norrifian gold medal for the year I 840, in the Univerfity of Cambridge. 8° Cambridge, I 8 4 I . The cuftoms of the Church : a fermon preached in Port- man chape], St. Mai-ylebone, on Sunday, the I ft of Jan. 1843, being the Feaft of the Circumcifion, upon making cer- tain changes confequent upon the bifliop's charge, [i Cor. xi. 16.] 12° Lond. 1843. Propofed new church in Livei'pool for daily prayers, weekly communion, and offertory : two fermons in further- ance of the above objed, preached in S. Martin's church, Liverpool, on the 24th Sunday after Trinity, 1853. By the Rev. D. a. Beaufort and the Rev. J. M. Neale, M.A. [Ifai. Ivi. 7 ; Malt. iv. 8.] 8° Lond. 1854. BEAUFORT (Emily A.) Egyptian fepulchres and Syrian fliiines ; including fome flay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Weftern Turkey. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1861. BEAUFORT (Sir Francis). B. 1773. Entered the navy, ii June, 1787, and rofe byfuc- ceflive fteps to the rank of rear-admiral. Appointed hydro- grapher to the Admiralty, 1829, which office he religned in 1854. Knight Commanderof the Bath, 1848. D. at Brighton, 16 Dec. 1857. Kaiamania ; or, a brief defcription of the fouth coafl of Afia-Minor, and of the remains of antiquity ; with plans, views, &c., collefted during a furvey of that coaft, under the orders of tlie Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty in the years 181 1 and 1812. 8° Lond. 1817. BEAUFORT (Louis de). A French hiftorian. D. at Maeftrichc, 1795. A differtation upon the uncertainty of the Roman hiftoi y during the firft five hundred years. In two parts ... Tranf- lated from the French. YAnon.^ 12° Lond. 174O. La republique Romaine ; ou, plan general de I'ancien gou- vernement de Rome. 2 torn. 4° La Haye, 1766. BEAUFORT (Margaret), Countefs of Richmond. * Life. By Caroline A. Halsted. 1839. BEAUFORT (William Louis), M.A. Redtor of Rathcooney and Knockavilly, Co. Cork, and pre- bendary of Cork. D. 11 Dec. 1850, aged fcventy-nine. Sermons preached in the parifh church of Glanmire. 8° Lond. 185 I. BEAUFOY ( ). Tour through parts of the United States and Canada. By a Britifli fubjed. 8° Lond. 1828. BEAUFOY (Mark). Mexican illuftrations, founded upon fafts, indicative of the prefent condition of fociety, manners, religion, and morals, among the Spanifh and native inhabitants of Mexico ; with obfei-vations upon the government and refources of the re- public of Mexico as they appeared during part of the years 1825, 1826, and 1827. 8° Lond. 1828. Nautical and hydraulic experiments ; with numerous fcien- tific mifcelianies. Vol. I. 4'' Lond. 1834. BEAUFOY (S). The ringer's tme guide : containing a fafe direftoiy for every true Churchman ; or, an affedlionate addrefs to ringers in every church and parifh. 8° Lond. 1857. BEAUGUE (Jan de). L'hifloire de la guerre d'Efcoffe, traitant conime le roy- aume fiit affailly, & en grand' partie occupe par les Anglois & depuis rendu paifible "a fa reyne & reduit en fon ancien eftat & dignite. 8° Paris, 1556. — [For the Maitland Club.] 4° Edimbourg, 1830. The hiftoiy of the canipagnes 1548 and 1549. Being an exadl account of the martial expeditions perform'd in thofe BEAUJOUR— BEAUMONT 379 days by the Scots and French on the one fide, and by the Englilh and their foreign auxiliaiies on the other. Done in French, under the title of. The Scots war, &c., by Mon- fieur Beague, a French gentleman. Printed at Paris in the year 1556. With an introduiSoiy preface by the tranf- lator [Dr. Patrick yll/ercromiy.] 8° [Edinb.] 1707. BEAUJOUR (Louis Felix de). B. in frovence, 1765. Ailed as conful in Sweden and in Greece. Was appijinted coni'-il-general in the United States, 1804; at Smyrna, 1816 ; and infpc£lor of all the French eftab- lirtiments in the Levant, 1817. D. i July, 1836. Tableau du commerce de la Gr^ce, forme d'apres unc annee moyenne, depuis 1787 jufqu'en 1792. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1800. Schilderung des Handels von Griechenland, befonders der Stadt Theflalonich. Heraufgegeben von M. C. Sprengel. 8° Weimar, 1801. Aper^u des Etats-Unis au commencement du xix""= fiecle, depuis 1800 jufqu'en 18 10, avec des tables ftatiftiques. 8° Paris, 1814. — Trandated from the French, with illuflrative notes and appendix, by William Walton, Efq. 8° Lond. 1814. BEAULIEU (Luke de). Prebendary of Gloucefter. La vie de St. Thomas, archevefque de Cantorbery. 4° Paris, 1674. Take heed of both extremes ; or, plain and ufefijl cautions againfl: popeiy and prefbytery, by way of dialogue. In two parts. 8° Lond. 1 67 5. A difcourfe fliewing that Proteftants are on the fafer fide, notwithftanding the uncharitable judgment of their adver- faries ; and that their religion is the furefl way to heaven. \ylnon.'\ 4° Lond. 1687. — [Gibson, A prefervat'tve againfl popery, iv. 185.] BEAULNE (Renauld de). B. at Tours, 1527. Birtiop of Mende, 1568. Archbifhop of Bourges, 1581, and of Sens, 1596. D. 1606. Oraifon funebre de la tres-Chriftienne, trcs-illuftre Marie, Royne d'Efcofle, morte pour la foy le 18 Febrier, i 587, par la ciuaute des Anglois heretiques, ennemys de Dieu. [Jebb, De "vita i^c. Mariee audores feJeclm, ii. 671.] — [Adam Blackwood, Martyre de la Royne ctEfcoffe, edit. 1588.] BEAUMANOIR (Philippe de). B. in Picardy about the beginning of the 13th century. D. 1296. Couftumes de Bcauvoifis, par Mcflire P. de Beaumanoir ... AlTifes et bons ufagcs du royaunic de Jerufalem, par Meflire Jean D'lbeiin ... et autres anciennes coutunics. Le tout tire des manufcrits. Avec des notes et obfervations, et un gloflaire pour rintelligencc des termes de nos anciens autheurs, par Gafpard Thaumas de la Thaumafliere ... fol. Bourges, 1690. BEAUMARCHAIS (Antoine de La Barre de). See La Barj(e. BEAUM.ARCHAIS (Pierre Augustin Caron de). B. at Paris, 24 Jan 1732. D. 19 May, 1799. CEuvres completes. 5 tom. 8° n. p. 1780-5. Memoires, contre M. Goczman, M""^- Goczman & le Sieur Bertrand, Le Sieur Marin & le Sieur Darnaud-Bacu- lard. 4° Paris, 1774. BEAUMARIS. Beaumaris bay : a poem. [By Robert Llwyd.] BEAUMELLE (Laurent Anglimel de la). See La Beaumelle. BEAUMONT, Lord. See Miles Thomas Stapleton, Lord Beaumont. BEAUMONT (Christophe de). B. at Chateau de la Roque, in Perigord, 26 July, 1703 Entered the Church, and became fuccefllvely canon of Lyons, bifhopof Bayonne, archbiftup of Vienne, and, 1746, archbirtiop of Paris. D. 12 Dec. 1781. Mandement de Monfeigneur I'Archeveque de Paris, qui ordonne des jiroceflions generales a I'Eglife de Sainte Gene- vieve, pour demander a Dieu, par I'intercefllonde cette Sainte, le retabliffement de la fante de Monfeigneur le Dauphin. 4° Paris, 1765. Mandement de Monfeigneur I'Archeveque de Paris, qui ordonne des prieres publiques pour le repos de I'ame de feu Monfeign. le Dauphin. 4° Paris, 1766. BEAUMONT (Francis). B. 1585. After ftudying for a (hort time at Broadgate Hall, now Pembroke College, Oxford, he went to London, and be- came a member of the Middle Temple, but loon abandoned the ftudy of law for the cultivation of letters. D. early in March, 1615-16. All his works were written in concert with John Fletcher. The works of Mr. Francis Beaumont and Mr. John Fletcher. In two volumes. Collated with all the former editions, and corredted ; with notes critical and explanatory, by the late Mr. Theobald, Mr. Seward of Eyam in Derby- (liire, and Mr. Symplon of Gainlborough. 8° Lond. 1750. — In fourteen volumes ; with an introduflion and ex- planatory notes by Henry Weber. 8'' Edinb. 1812. — With an introduction by George Darley. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1840. — The text formed from a new colleiflion of tlie early editions ; with notes and a biographical memoir by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 11 vols. 8° Lond. 1843-6. The tragedy of Thierry, king of France, and his brother Theodoret : as it was diveife times adted at the Blackc- Friers by the Kings Majefties fervants. [ylnon.] 4° Lond. 162 1. A king and no king ... Now the fourth time printed, according to the tme copie. 4° Lond. 1639. The prophetefs ; or, the liiftoiy of Dioclefian. With alterations and additions, after the manner of an opera. 4° Lond. 1690. Beggar's bu(h : a comedy. 4° Lond. i 7 i 7. 38o BEAUMONT The cuftom of the countiy. 4° I^ond. 17 17. The loyal fubjefl : a tragi-comedy. 4° Lond. 1717. The humorous lieutenant : a tragi-comedy. 4° Lond. I 7 1 7. Wit at feveral weapons : a comedy. 4° Lond. 1 7 1 8. Rule a wife, and have a wife : a comedy. [E. Inchbald, The Brlt'ijh theatre, vol. ix.] Beaumont and Fletcher ; or, the fineft fcenes, lyrics, and other beauties of thofe two poets, now firft felefted from the whole of their works, to the exclufion of whatever is morally objeffionable : with opinions of diftinguifhed critics, notes, explanatory and otherwife, and a general introdudlory pre- face, by Leigh Hunt. 8° Lond. 1855. BEAUMONT (Gkorge). Minifter of the Gofpel. Fixed ftars ; or, an analyzation and refutation of aftrology ... Second edition. 8° Norwich, 1814. The anti-Swtdenborg ; or, a declaration of the principal eiTors and anti-Scriptural dodiines contained in the theolo- gical writings of Emanuel Swedenborg : being the fubftance of a leiSure deliveied at Ebenezer chapel, Ber Street, Nor- wich, on Sunday, Auguft 24th, 1823. 12° Lond. 1824. BEAUMONT (George Duckett Barber), M.A. Barrifter-at-law. ObfeiTations on the code of real propeity propofed by James Humphreys, Efq. 8° Lond. 1 827. The law of fire and life infurance. 8° Lond. 1833. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1846. An inquiry into the origin of copyhold tenure. 8° Lond. 1835. BEAUMONT (Gustave de). Ireland ; focial, political, and religious. Edited by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1839. Memoir, letters, and remains of Alexis de Tocqueville. Tranflated from the French by the tranflator of Napoleon's correfpondence with King Jofeph : with large additions. In two volumes. 8° Cambridge, 1861. BEAUMONT (Sir Harry) . PJeud. 0/ Jofeph Spence. BEAUMONT (Henry), M.A. Late reftor of Frefliford, near Bath. Auricular confeffion not the doftrine of the Scriptures, nor of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1857. BEAUMONT (James Akroyd), M.A. Retfior of Poughill, Crediton, Devon. Poems : chiefly relating to children. By a former curate of Hunflet. 120 Leeds, 1849. More bifhops, more priefts, more deacons ; how to in- creafe the efficiency of the Church : a fermon preached in the church of St. Peter, Leeds, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Craven, June 17, 1846. \Alls vi. 7.] 12° Leeds, 1846. BEAUMONT (Jean Francois Albanis). B. at Chambtry about 1755. After ftudying at Mezieres with a view to a military life, he fettled at Nice as an engineer. The laft years of his life were fpent at his ellate of Vernaz, his chief purluit being li:ientific agriculture. D. 1812. Travels through the Rhaetian Alps,in the yearMDccLxxxvi. from Italy to Germany, through Tyrol, fol. Lond. 1792. Seledf views of the antiquities and harbours in the fouth of France ; with topographical and hiflorical defcriptions. fol. Lond. 1794. Travels through the Maritime Alps from Italy to Lyons acrofs the Col de Tende, by the way of Nice, Provence, Languedoc, Sec, with topographical and hiflorical defcrip- tions. To which are added fome philofophical obfervations on the various appearances in mineralogy. Sec, found in thofe countries. fol. Lond. 1795. Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps ; or, an itinerary of the road fiom Lyons to Turin, by the w.iy of the Pays-de-Vaud, the Vallais, and acrofs the Monts Great St. Bernard, Simplon, and St. Gothard : with topographical and hiflorical defcriptionsof the principal places which lie contiguous to the route ; including fome philofo- phical obfervations on the natural hiftory and elevation of that part of the Alps ... fol. Lond. 1800. Subaudix antique tabula geographica et antiquitates. fol. n. p. 1802. Defcription des Alpes Grecques et Cottiennes; ou, tableau hifforique et Ifatilfique de la Savoie, fous les rapports de fon anciennete, de fon etendue, de fa population, de fes antiqui- tes, et de fes produdfions mineralogiques ; d'un precis des evenements militaires et politiques, qui ont eu lieu dans cette province, depuis fa reunion a la France, en 1792, jufqu'a la paix d' Amiens, en 1802. 2 tom. 4° Paris, 1802. BEAUMONT (John). Hiflorical, phyfiological, and theological treatife of fpirits, apparitions, witchcrafts, and other magical practices ... 8° Lond. 1705. Gleanings of antiquities. Containing, I. An efTay for explaining the Creation and the Deluge, according to the fenfe of the Gentiles ... II. A difcouife of oracles, giving an account of the Sibylline oracles ... To which is added, an account of the oracles delivered at Delphos, and in the other temples of the Gentiles ; and of the rife and cefTation of oracles, both among the Jews and Gentiles. III. Some notes concerning familiar fpirits. 8° Lond. 1724. BEAUMONT (John). Dutch alliances ; or, a plain proof of their obfen-ance of treaties : exemplify'd in the particulars of tlieir inhuman treatment of their friends and confederates, the Englifh, at Amboyna, in order to difpofTefs them of that and other Spice Iflands in the Eaft Indies. Made publick from a manufcript never before printed, and written by Mr. Beau- mont, one of the perfons who efcap'd that cruel niaffacre ; and, with feveral others, made affidavit of thefe barbarities in the High Court of Admiralty. 8° Lond. 17 12. BEAUMONT (John). Original pfalms, or facred fongs, taken from the Pfalms BEAUMONT— BEAUSOBRE 381 of David, and imitated in the language of the New Tefta- ment, in twenty different metres ... 8° Shrewft)ui-y, 1834. BEAUMONT (John Thomas Barber). B. in the parifli of St. Marylebone, 21 Dec. 1774. His name, originally, was Barber, under which the firft of the works enumerated below was publirtied. Managing direftor of the County fire office and Provident life office, and a magiftrate for Middlefex. D. in London, 15 May, 1841. A tour throughout South Wales and Monmouthrtiire ; comprehending a general fun-ey of the piclurcfque fccnery, remains of antiquity, hiftorical events, peculiar manners,' and commercial fituations of that interefHng portion of the Britifli Empire. 8° Lond. 1803. An cfTny on provident, or parifh b.inks, for the fecurity and improvement of tlic favings of tradefmen, artificers, fer- vants ... 8° Lond. 18 16. — • [Pamphleteer, vii. 475.] Letters on public-houfe licenfing ; (hewing the errors of the prefent fyftem ; together with a propofal for their cure. By a magiftrate for Middlefex. 8° Lond. 18 16. — [Pamphleteer, vii. 107.] A letter to the Right Hon. Lord Sidmouth, fliowing the extreme injuftlce to individuals and injuiy to the public, of the prefent fyftem of public-houfe licenfing ; and propofing a conftitutional remedy for its numerous evils. [Ibid. ix. +33-] An efTay on criminal jurifprudence, with the draft of a new penal code ... [Ibid, xviii. 67, 4O2, 432.] Subftance of a fpeech on the beft means of counterafling the exifting monopoly in the fupplying of beer ... delivered at a public meeting ... on Januaiy the 2 5th, 1 8 1 8. With the refolutions entered into at the meeting. 8° Lond. 18 I 8. BEAUMONT (.Ioseph), D.D. B. at Hadleigh, in Suffiilk, 13 March, 161 5. Educated at Peterhoufe, Cambridge, of which he was elected Fellow and tutor. Ejedled, 1643. Reinftated at the Reftoration, and fub- fequently appointed mafter of his college. ProfclTor of divinity, 1670. D. 23 Nov. 1699. Pfychc ; or, love's myftery, in xxiv. cantos : difplaying the intcrcourfc betwixt Chrilt and the foul. The (econd edition, with ... four new cantos, never before printed. fol. Cambridge, 1702. BEAUMONT (.Joseph), M.D. B. at Caftle Dunnington, LeiccfterOiire, 19 March, 1794. A diftinguilhed preacher amongft the Methodifts, in London, Edinburgh, and elfcwhere. Studied medicine, and took his degree at Edinburgh, 1836. D. in the pulpit, at Hull, 2i Jan. 1855. A memorial of tlie Rev. Dr. Beaumont ; being the notes for a fermon intended to have been preached by him on the morning of his deccafe, in Waltham-Strcct chapel, King(h)n- upon-Hull. [yy lxxviii._ 1-7.] 8° Lond. 1855. * Sketch of the late Dr. Beaumont, from the Watchman of January 31, fupplied from the family of the deceafed : alfo a letter from W. Martin, Efq., to tile editor of the Wefleyan Times, on the duty of the Church of Chrifl to the bereaved family. 12° Lond. 1^155. * Life ... By his fon, Jofcph Beaumont. 1856. BEAUMONT (Joseph). Son of the preceding, Barrifter-at-law. Marriage with a deceafed wife's filler ; confidered in a letter addreffed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Ellefmere. 8° Lond. 1851. The law and pradtice of bills of fale, and bills of fale ol (hips, under the recent ftatutes, with precedents, &c. &c. Edited by the editor of the " Law Times." I 2° Lond. 1855. The life of the Rev. Jofeph Beaumont, M.D. 8° Lond. 1856. What is Lord Elgin to do ? The Canton difpute and our relations with China confidered. 8 Lond. 1857. BEAUMONT (Marie Le Prince de). See Le Prince DE Beaumont. BEAUMONT (William). Obfervations and experiments on a new mode of treating fradluies of the leg and fore-arm ; efpecially compound fiac- tures. 8° Lond. 183 i. An account of fome new inftruments for tying polypi of the utems, nofe, and car, and enlarged tonfils ; with cafes. 4° Lond. 183S. BEAURAIN (Jean de). B. at Aix en Iffart, 17 Jan. 1696. Appointed geographer to the king, 1721. D. 12 Feb. 1771. Hiftoire militaire de Flandre,depuis I'annee 1 690 jufqu'en 1694 inclufivement ... 2 tom. fol. Paris, 1755. BEAURAIN (Jean de). Son of the preceding. He was affifted in the compilation of the following work by the Marquis a'AguelTcau. Hiftoire de la campagne de M. Ic Prince de Conde, en Flandre, en 1764 ; precedee d'un tableau hiftorique de la guerre de Hollande jufqu'a cette epoque ... fol. Paris, 1774. BEAUSOBRE (Isaac de). B. at Nioit, 8 March, 1659. Studied theology at Saumur, and was appointed pallor of the Proteftant congregation at Cha- tiUon-fur-lndre. Took refuge in Holland at the revocation of the Edidt of Nantes. Miniitcr of the French church at Berlin, 1694. D. at Berlin, 6 June, 1738. Hiftoire ciitique de Manicheeetdu Manicheifme. 2 tom. 4° Amlt. I 734-9. [The Iccond volume was edited by Samuel Formey.] Remarques hiftoriques, critiques, ct philologiques, fur le Nouveau Teftament ; avcc la vie de I'auteur. 4° La Haye, 17^2. Supplement "a I'Hiftoire de la guerre dcs Huflitcs, pai- Mr. Lenfant. J^uquel on a joint : I ". Texamen de la nouvelle hy])Oth6fe de Mr. Molheim, touchant les Na/.arcens ; 2°. Des obfervations critiques fur I'extrait que Mr. Du Pin a donne des livres d'Optat. 4° Laufanne, 1745. The refurreiSion of Lazams : a courfe of fermons on the elevcntli cha])ter of tiie Gofjiel according to St. John. From the French, by Henry Cotes. 8° Lond. 1S22. BEAUSOBRE (Jean Jacques de Beault, Comte de). B. 15 March, 1704. D. 1784. Tableau militaire des Grecs. [jEneas Tai.'^icus, Com- mcntalres fur la defenfe des places, tom. ii.] 382 BEAUSOBRE— BEAVEN BEAUSOBRE (Louis de). B. at Berlin, 1730. Educated at the expcnfe of Frederick II. D. 3 Dec. 1783. Introduftion generale a I'etude de la politique, des finances, et du commerce. Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. 12° Anifterdam, 1765. A new veifion of the Gofpel according to Saint Mat- thew ; with a literal commentary on all the difficult paflages : to which is prefixed an introduftion to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Written originally in French, by Meffieurs de Beaufobre and Lenfant. 8° Lond. I 8 16. BEAUTY. The miftaken beauty ; or, the lyar : a comedy. 4° Lond. 1685. An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue ... 1725. [By Francis Hutcheson.] Beauty ; or, the ait of charming : a poem. fol. Lond. 1735. The Hfe of a beauty ... 1846. [By Mrs. Yorick Smythies.] Beauty : a poem. By the author of " Silent love." 1853. [By Andrew Park.] The bouquet of beauty : with illuftrative verfes. 8° Lond. n. d. Finden's gallery of beauty ; or, Court of Queen Victoria. Edited by P. G. Patmore. fol. Lond. n. d. Sixty-five beauties of the Word of God ; with upwards of 150 references. 12° Lond. n. d. BEAUVAIS. Litanias veteres ecclefix Bellovacenfis. [Baluze, Mif- cellanea, ii. 143.] BEAUVAIS (Gilles pRANqois de). B. in Bretagne, 1695. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. D. at Paris, 1773. Life of the Ven. Father Ignatius Azevedo, of the Society of Jefus ; the hiftoiy of his martyrdom and that of his thirty- nine companions, copied from the proceffes inftituted with a view to his canonization. [Marchese, The life of St. Peter of Alcantara, vol. ii.] BEAUVAIS (Guillaume). B. at Dunkirk, 1698. Devoted himfelf to the ftudy of numifmatics. D. at Orleans, 29 Sep. 1773. Hiftoire abregee des empereurs Romains et Grecs, des imperatrices, des Cefars, des tyrans, et des perfonnes des families Imperiales, pour lefquelles on a frappe des medailles, depuis Pompee jufqu'a la prife de Conllantinople par les Turcs, fous Conllantin XIV. dernier Empereur Grec. 3 torn. 12° Paris, 1767. BEAUVOIR PRIAULX (Osmond de). National education. 8 Lond. 1837. BEAUVOISIN (Mariot de). The French language acquired in four months : being an original fyflem for teaching that language. 8° Lond. 1 8 42. How to read and tranflate French. 8° Lond. 1847. Le confabulateur Frangais ; being a pleafing feledion of anecdotes, ftories, and extrafts fjom clafiical writers, in profe and verfe, with an explanation of idiomatical phrafes and a vocabulaiy. 8° Lond. 1848. The firfl feven books of Les aventures de Telemaque, fils d'UlylTe, par Fenelon, arranged on a new and eafy plan of interlinear and collateral tranflation. 8° Lond. 1848. An entirely new fyftem of conjugation, by which the prin- ciple of all the French verbs can be undeiftood in a few hours, with numerous practical examples, copious notes, and a lift of all the principal verbs. 8° Lond. 1854. BEAUZEE (Nicolas). B. at Verdun, 9 May, 1717. Member of the French Academy. D. at Paris, 23 Jan. 1789. Grammaire generale ; ou, expofition raifonnee des ele- ments neceffaires du langage, pour fcnir de fondement "a I'etude de toutcs les langues. 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1767. BEAVAN (Charles). Reports of cafes in chancery, argued and determined in the Rolls Court ... Vols. I.-XXX. 8° Lond. 1840-63. Ordines CancellaricE : being a feleflion of general orders of the High Court of Chancery from the year 18 14 to the prefent time. 12° Lond. 1842. BEAVAN f Edward). The ftatutes of praiftical utility ; in the civil and criminal adminiftration of juftice, from 17 & 18 Vi(5l. (1854-7) inclufive, with notes and a copious index ; alfo addenda to " Chitty's Statutes" ... By E. Beavan, and William Trevor Parkins. Vol. L 8° Lond. 1858. BEAVEN (James), D.D. ProfefTor of divinity in the Univerfity of King's College, Toronto. Warnings from hiftory, political and ecclefiaftical : a dif- courfe delivered before the Univeifity of O.xford on the 3 oth of Jan. 1 8 38, being the day of King Charles's martyrdom. [2 Sam. i. 14.] 8° Oxford, 1838. On intercoui fe between the Church of England and the Churches in the Eart ; and on the ecclefiaftical condition of the Englifh abroad. 8° Lond. 1840. An account of the life and writings of S. Irenasus, bifhop of Lyons, and martyr : intended to illuftrate the doiflrine, difcipline, practices, and hiftory of the Church, and the tenets and praftices of the Gnoftic heretics, during the fecond century. 8° Lond. 1841. A help to catechifing, for the ufe of clergymen, fchools, and private families. 12° Lond. 1841. Queftions upon Scripture hiftory. 12° Lond. n. d. Recreations of a long vacation ; or, a vifit to the Indian miffions in Upper Canada. 12° Lond. 1846. Elements of natural theology. 12° Lond. 1850. A catechifm on the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 12° Oxford, 1850. A manual for the vifitation of the fick ; intended as a BEAVEN— BECANUS JSJ help to clergymen in the performance of that duty ; to which is added the office for private baptifm. Second edition. I2« Lond. 1852. BEAVEN (Thomas). Agrippa almoft perfwaded to be a Chriftian ; or, the feif- condemn'd Quaker : being a true copy of two papers, lately printed by Thomas Bcaven, in relation to the Quakers. With a preface, and fome refledions on the laft of them, entituled. His fecond thoughts. By Bohun Fox, LL.B. b^ Lond. 1707. BEAVER (Philip). B. at Lewknor, Ojcfordrtiire, 28 Feb. 1766. Went to Tea at the age of eleven, and lole to the rank of* captain in the navy. D. at the Cape of Good Hope, 5 April, 1813. African memoranda, relative to an attempt to eflablifh a BritilTi fettlement on the ifland of Bulama, on the weftern coart of Africa, in the year I 792. With a brief notice of the neighbouring tribes, foil, produftions, &c., and fome ob- fervations on the facility of colonizing that part of Africa, with a view to cultivation, and the intioduftion of letteis and religion to its inhabitants ... 4° Lond. 1805. * Life ... By W. H. Smyth. 1829. BEAWES (Wyndham). His Britannic Majefty's conful at Seville and San Lucar. Lex mercatoria rediviva ; or, the merchant's direifloiy : being a complete guide to all men in bufincfs ... The third edition. fol. Lond. 1771. — The fixth edition, confiderably enlarged and improved, by Jofeph Chitty. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 18 13. BEAZLEY (Samuel). B. in Weftminfter, 1786. In his youth ferved as a volunteer in the Peninfula. An architcit by profeffion. D. at Ton- bridge Caftle, Kent, 12 Oft. 1851. Is he jealous ? an operetta, in one aft. 8° Lond. I 8 16. The roue, [yfnon.] 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1828. The Oxonians ; a glance at fociety. By the author of " The roue." 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1830. BEAZZIANO (Agostino). An Italian poet, b. at Trevifo, who flouriflicd in the middle of the 16th century. Stanza. [Rubbi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxii. 106.] BEBELIUS (Henricus). B. at Juftingen, in Suabia. ProfelTor of belles-lettres at Tu- bingen, 1497. U. about 1 516. Triumphus Veneris, cum commentario Joannis Alten- ftaig. 4° Argentina;, 1515. Dc facerdotiis et magillratibus Romanorum libellus. [Sallengre, Novus thefaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, iii. I 10 I.] — [Floccus, De potejlatihus Romanorum, edit. I 561, ]'• 79-J I. Oratio ad regem Maximilianum Cxfarcm, de ejus atque Germaniae laudibus. II. Demonftratio quod Gcrmani fint indigent. III. Apologia contra Leonhardum Jullinianum, Venetum, Imperatoris nonien extcnuantcm, ejufquc corona- tionem deridentem. IV. Imperator Germanus jure debet dici Chriflianiffimus. V. De laude, antiquitiite, imjjerio, viftoriis, rebufque geftis vetenim Germanorum. VI. Epi- tome laudum Suevorum. [Schardius, Rerum Germanicarum fcrlptores, i. 95.] Epitome laudum Suevorum. [Goldastus, Rerum Suevi- carum fcriptores, p. 6.] Apophtliegmata Imperatorum Rom., Rudolphi, Heinrici VII., Caroli IV., Sigifmundi, Alberti, Friderici III., per Poggium Florentinum, /Eneam Sylviuni, et Henr. Bcbelium confignata. FFreherus, Rerum Germanicarum fcriptores, ■'• 39+-] Ecloga triumphaiis de viftoria Caefaris Maximiliani contra Bohemos. [Ibid. ii. 507.] BEBENBURG (Lupoldus de). Profcffbr of canon law, and bifhop of Bamberg, about 1340. De veteiTjm principum Germanorum zelo et fervore in Chriftianam religioncm et Dei miniftros liber. 8° Colonic, 1564. — \_Max. Bibliotheca veterum Patrum, xxvi. 88.] Traftatus de juribus regni et imperii Romanorum. Ad- jcftus eft, ob argumenti fimilitudinem, Hieronymi Balbi ... de coronatione liber ; quibus acceflere Marquardi Freheri nota; pofthums in Lupolduni, accurante Matthia Berneggero antehac editas. 4° Heidelberga:, 1664. BEC (Jean du). Abbot of a Ciftercian monaftery at Rouen in the latter half of the 1 6th century. The hiftorie of the great emperour Tamerlan. Wherein are exprelTed encounters, (Icirmifhcs, battels, fieges, aflaults, flcalings, taking of cities and ftrong places, defended and af- faulted, with diverfe ftrafcigems of warre, the which this great and renowned warriour hath condufted and accom- plilhed, during his raigne of fonie or fiftie ycarcs ; with other inlli-ucSions for the wane which fliould not be unknowen of them that would attaine unto the knowledge of armes. Drawen from the auncient monuments of die Arabians by Meffire Jean Du Bee, Abbot of Mortimer. Newly tranf- lated out of French into Englifh, for their benefite which are ignorant in that language, by H. M. 4° Lond. I 597. BECA (Joannes de). See Beka. BECANUS (Joannes Goropius). B. in Brabant, 25 June, 1518. Studied medicine and philo- fophy at Louvain. I'radtiled for fome time as a phyfician at Antwerp, but devoted the latter part of his life to the (hidy of belles-lettres and antiquities. D. at Maeftricht, 28 June, 1572. Opera haftenus in lucem non edita : nempe, Hermathena, Hieroglyphica, Vertumnus, Gallica, Francica, Hifjjanica. fol. Antwerpix, 1580. Origincs Antveq)ians ; five, Cinmierioi-um Bcccefelana novem libros complexa. fol. Antvei-])ioe, 1569. BECANUS (Martinus). B. in Brabant, i 550. I'rofcfTor of theology at M.iycnce, at Wiirtiburg, and at Vienna j and confelTor of the Emperor Ferdinand 11. U. at Vienna, 1624. Opufcula theologica. fol. Parifiis 1642. 384 BECATELLUS— BECHMANN Jacob! Anglias Regis Apologias, et monitoiise praefationis ad imperatorem, reges, & piincipes lefutatio. 8° Moguntias, 16 10. Controveifia Anglicana, de poteftate regis et Pontificis, contra Lancellottum Andream. 8° Moguntias, t6i2. * Supplicatio ad imperatorem, reges, principes, fuper caufis generalis concilii convocandi, contra Paulum Quintum. Et fumma adorum facultatis Parifienfis contra libioim infcrip- tum, Controverfia Anglicana de poteftate regis & Pontificis, &c. audtore Martino Becano, Societatis Jefu. Quibus ad- jicitur annotatio de iis quae Becanus Jefuita, in editione ejuf- dem Controverfise Anglicanse recognita, et Romano Pontifici dicata, expunxit. 4° Lend. 1613. Summa theologiae fcholafticas. 6 torn. 8° Lugd. 1644-5. A treatife of the judge of controverfies, written in Latin ... and Englifhed by W. W., Gent. 8° n. p. 16 19. The analogy between the Old and New Teftament. Tranflated by the Veiy Rev. Dr. Killeen, O.S.A. I 2° Dublin, 1859. BECATELLUS (Ludovicus). B. at Bologna, 27 Jan. 1502. Took part in the Council of Trent, and for his lervices was appointed archbiiliop of Ragufa. Refigned on being appointed preceptor of Ferdinand, fon of Cofmo, Grand Duke of Tufcany. D. at Prato, 17 0&. 1572. Vita Reginald! Poli, Cardinalis ac Cantuarienfis Archi- epifcopi [Italice confcripta, Latine reddita ab Andrea Du- dithio ;] et Afta difceptationis inter legates Anglias & Gal- lias in Concilio Conftantienfi, de utriufque gentis dignitate & prasrogativa ; in Conclliorum tomis defiderata . . . 12° Lond. 1690. BECCARI (Agostino). An Italian poet. B. at Ferrara, 1540. D. 2 Aug. 1590. II facrificio. [Rubbi, Parnafo Italiano, xvii. 225.] BECCARI A, Anglicus. Pfiud. of Richard Wright. BECCARI A (Cesare Bonesana, Marquis de). B. at Milan, 15 March, 1738. D. 28 Nov. 1793. Elementi di economia pubblica. [Custodi, Sciittori claf- fici Italiani di economia politica, parte moderna, xi. 17.] Dei delitti, e delle pene. Nuova edizione, corretta e ac- crefciuta. \Anon.^ 12° Harlem, e (1 vende a Parigi, 1780. An eflay on crimes and punifhments ; tranflated from the Italian of Marquis Beccaria ; with the commentary, by Vol- taire, tranflated from the French. Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1804. BECCARIA (Giovanni Battista). B. at Mondovi, 3 Oft. 17 16. ProfelTor of natural philofophy at Rome and at Palermo. Removed to a fimilar chair at Turin, 1748. D. 27 May, 1 78 1. Experimenta atque obfei-vationes,quibuseleftricitas vindex late conftituitur atque explicatur. 4° Auguftas Taurinorum, 1769. Gradus Taurinenfis. 4° Auguftx Taurinorum, 1774. Treatife upon artificial eleftricity ; in which are given folutions of a number of interefting eleftric phoenomena, hitherto unexplained ; to which is added an eflay on the mild and flow eledricity which prevails in the atmofphere during ferene weather. Tranflated from the original Italian. 4° Lond. 1776. BECCATELLUS (Antonius). See Antonius Panormita. BECCATINI (Francisco). Vida de Carlos III. de Borbon, Rey Catolico de Efpana y de las Indias ; efcrita en lengua Italiana ... y traducida al Caflellano. 2 tom. 8° Madrid, 1790. BECHAMEL (Francois). A journal of the travels of John Grillet and Francis Bechamel into Guiana, in the year 1674 ... \ Voyages and difcoveries in South America.] BECHE (Sir Henry Thomas de la). See De La Beche. BECHER (A. B.) The landfall of Columbus on his fiift voyage to America, with a tranflation of the Baron Bonnefoux's Hiflory of his previous life : alfo a chart fliowing his track fiom the land- fall to Cuba, and an outline of his fubfequent voyages. 8° Lond. 1856. BECHER (Fridericus Liebgott). Reftor of the fchool at Chemnitz. Obfervationum criticaram ad quofdam fcriptores veteres utriufque linguae fpecimen primum. 8" Lipfias, 1808. Prolufio ... de b. Heynii vita juvenili, ingenio, doftrina, moribufque ... 4° Chemnicii, 18 12. BECHER (John Joachim). A German chemift. B. at Spires, 1625. D. 1682. Magnalia naturse ; or, the philofophers-ftone, lately ex- pofed to publick fight and iAe : being a true and exaft ac- count of the manner how Wenceflaus Seilerus . . . came by, and made away with, a veiy great quantity of powder of projeflion ... 1680. \_Harleian Miscellany, vii. 452.] BECHER (Michael Henry), B.A. Reftor of Barnoldby-le-Beck, Great Grimfby, Lincolnfliire. " Church mifllons and the Bible fociety." 8° Lond. i860. BECHET (Antoine). B. at Clermont, Puy-de-Dome, 1649. Canon of the church of LTez. D. there, 1722. Hiftoire du miniftere du Cardinal Martinufius, archeve- que de Strigonie, primat & regent du royaume de Hongrie ; ou I'on voit I'origine des guerres de ce royaume, et de celles de Tranfilvanie. 1 2° Paris, I 7 i 5. BECHMANN (Joannes Volkmarus). B. at Fiedelhaufen, near Eifenach, 23 Dec. 1624. Profeffor of law at Jena. D. 13 July, 16S9. Traftatus de ftudiofoinim privilegiis ; una cum D. de padlis adjeais. Editio teitia. 4° .Tenas, 1667. BECHSTADIUS— BECK Comraentarius Pandeftarum theoretico-pracSicus. 2 torn. 4° Francof. 1668. Inftitutiones juris public! axiomaticx, juxta ordinem ana- lyticum compofitae, cum analeftis potiffimum lib. i. dc jure naturs et gentium. Quibus accelTit Epinomis, cpiftola Hug. Grotii, De methodo ftudii juridici. 8° Jcnx, 1688. BECHSTADIUS (Joannes). A jurift of Saxe Coburg, who lived about the middle of" the 17th century. De conditionibus fponfalium traflatus, in quo materia earundem ex utroque jure fcripto, turn obfei-vationibus con- fiftoriorum pra6ticis repctita, perque fuos effeflus, dcclara- tiones, ampliationes ac limitiitiones dedudta et enucleata. Editio altera. 4° Coburgi, l66g. BECHSTEIN (Johann Matthias), M.D. A German ornithologift. B. at Walter/haufen, in the duchy ofSaxe Gotha, II July, 1757. D. 182a. Chamber birds : their natural hiftory, management, habits, food, difeafes, treatment, breeding, and the method of catch- ing them. Tranflated from the lart: German edition by W. E. Shuckard, M.E.S. 8° Lond. 1848. — Tranflated from the German, with confiderable ad- ditions on flrucfture, migration, and economy, compiled from various fources by H. G. Adams. Incorporating the whole of Sweet's Britilh warblers. 8° Lond. 1853. BECK (Caspar Achatius). B. at Bevolheim, near Anfpach, in Franconia, 22 Dec. 1685. ProfelTor and prcfident of the faculty of law at Jena. D. 28 Nov. 1733- Diffeitationes de paiibus reipublicas miniflri et vafalli juribus, ex primxva feudorum indole deduftis, et ad fori ufum accommodatis. 4° Jense, i 7 i 5. De Novellis Leonis Augufti et philofophi, earemque ufu et auftoritate liber fingularis : prasmifla eft: dilTertatio de pro- vida Dei cura in difpenfandis jurifpnadentiae fatis : adjeflis animadv-erfionibus et mantifla commentationum ad argumen- tum fpciflantium, edidit D. Carolus Erider. Zepernick. 8° Halx, 1779. DifTertatio de feudis tranfmiffione foemininis. [Jenichen, Thefaurus juris feudalu, ii. 327.] BECK (Cave), M.A. An EngliOi theologian, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. The univerfal charafter, by which all the nations in the world may underfland one another's conceptions, reading out of one common writing their own mother tongues. An in- vention of general ufe, the ])ra6life whereof may be attained in two hours fpace, obferving the grammatical directions. Wliich character is fo contrived, tliat it may be fpoken as well as written. M° Lond. 1657. BECK (Christian Daniel). B. at Leipzig, 22 Jan. 1757. Studied in his native town, where he became profcflor of Greek and Latin, 1785 ; and dircdlor of the Royal Philological Gymnafium, 1809. U, at Leipzig, 15 Dec. 1832. Entwurf der allgemeinen Welt- und Volkergefchichte der drey letzten Perioden, von der Theilung der Carolingifchen Monarchie bis auf die gegenw'artige Zeit. 8° Leipzig, 1790. Commentationes academicse de inteq)retatione veterum fcriptorum atque monumentorum, ad fenfum veri et pulcri facilem atque fubtilem cxcitandum acuendumque reftc infti- tuenda, quibus varia fcriptorum loca emendantur, explicantur, illuftrantur. 4° Lipfiar, 1791. Commentarii hiftorici decretorum religionis Chriftianx et formulx Lutheria;. 8° Lipfix, 1801. Commentarii Societatis philologicxLipfienfis. Edi curavit C. D. Beckius. Vols. I. II. III. and IV., pt. i. 8° Lipfix et Plavix, 180 1-4. Afta Seminarii Regii et Societatis philologicx Lijifienfis, adjefta Bibliotheca critica ; curavit C. D. Beckius. Vol. I. 8° Lipfix, 181 1. BECK (Edward), M.D. Phyfician to the Eaft Suffolk hofpital, Ipfwich. A praiflical treatife on lepra vulgaris ... 8° Ipfwich, [1834.] BECK (Georg. Fred. Henr.) Diffeitatio de Orofii hiftorici fontibus et auftoritate, et altera de Antonii Raudenfis aliquo opcre inedito, cum Hilarii carmine in natalem Machabxorum matris. 8° Gothx, 1834. BECK (Joan. Ludov. Guil.) A German jurift, fon of Chriftian Daniel Beck. B. at Leip- zig, 21 Oa. 1786. Indicis codicum et editionum juris Juftinianei prodromus. 8° Lipfix, 1823. BECK (JoH. Ren. Guilielmus). Quxftionum de originibus lingux Francogallicx fpecimen. 8° Lipfix, 18 10. BECK (Michael). B. at Ulm, 14 Jan. 1653. Studied at Jena. Profeflor of Hebrew in the gymnafium at Ulm, 1684. Preacher in Trinity church in that city, 1687. Profeffor of theology, 1706. D. 10 March, 1712. DifTertatio de uva magna Cananxa ad Num. xiii. 23. [Menthenius, Thefaurus tbeohgico-phUologicus, i. 356.] DifTertatio de accentuum ulu et abufu mufico hermeneu- tico. [Ibid. i. 563.] BECK (Richard L.) Praftical hints on life aflurance. 8° Lond. 1853. BECK (Theodoric Romevn), M.D. B. at Scheneftady, New York, 1791. Profeffor of the in- ftituces of medicine in the College of phyficians and furgcons, Wcftcrn New York. D. 1855. His brother, John B. Beck, was b. 1794, d. 1851. Elements of medical jurifpmdence. Second edition, with notes and an .-ippendi.K by William Dunloj). 8° Lond. 1825. — Fifth edition. By T. R. Beck, and John B. Beck. 8° Lond. 1836. — Seventh edition. 8° Lond. 1842. BECK (Thomas Alcock). Annales Fui nefienfes. Hiftory and antiquities of the abbey of Furnefs. 4° Lond. 1844. 3 n 386 BECK— BECKET BECK (WiLHELMiNA, Baionefs von). Perfonal adventui'es during the late war of independence in Hungary : comprifing an account of her miffions under the orders of KofTuth to the different ports of the Hungarian army during the conteft. In two volumes. 12° I^ond. 1S50. * The perfecution and death of the Baronefs Von Beck, at Birmingham, in Augull 1 8 5 1 . Refutation of Mr. Toul- min Smith's defence of the difgracefiil proceedings ngainft that defencelefs exile. 8° Lond. 1852. BECK (William), M.A. Curate of St. Philip's, Dalfton. Sir Thomas Mo'e : a biographical ledlure. 8° Lond. n. d. Bifhop Latimer : a biographical ledhire. 8" Lond. n. d. BECKE (George). Attorney in London. On the County courts' extenfion bill ; with a propofal for a cheap and fimple fubftitute, in the fuperior courts of Welt- minfter : in a letter to the Right Hon. John Lord Campbell. Second edition, with a poftfcript on the prevention of frivo- lous defences. 8° Lond. 1850. Chancery evidence. Confiderations ... as to the mode of taking evidence in Chancery. Addreffed to the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Truro. 8° Lond. 1851. BECKEDORFF (Ludolph). Briefv/echfel zwifchen zwei Geiftlichen bei Gelegenheit der Vcrfuche zur Klrchenvereinigung. Hcraufgegeben von Dr. L. BeckedorfF. 8° Leipzig, 18 18. BECKER (Albert Gerhard). Preacher in the church of St. .^gidius, Ouedlinburg. Demofthenes als Staatlmann und Redner : hidorifch- kritifche Einleitung zu deflen Werken. 2 Thle. 8° Halle und Leipzig, 1 8 i 5. BECKER (Carl Ferdinand), M.D. A German phyfician and philologift. D. at Offenbach, 4 Oft. 1849, in his feventy-fifth year. A grammar of the German language. 8° Lond. 1830. BECKER (Daniel). A German phyfician, b. at Dantzig, 1594. Profeffor at Koniglberg, where he d. 1655. De unguento armario. [Theatrum fympatheticum, p. Medicus microcofmus ; feu, fpagyria microcofmi triplo auftior & correftior, exhibens medicinam, coq^ore hominis tum vivo, tum extindto, Ao&k eruendam, fcite prjeparandam, & dextre propinandani. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1633. Cultrivori Pmffiaci curatio fingularis. Teitise huic edi- tion! accelTei-unt teftimonia Serenifs. Polonix regis, & reip. Regiomontans : fimilefque aliquot admirands curationes ... 8° Lugd. Bat. 1640. BECKER (EusTACHius Joannes). Proceflus judicialis, ex utroque jure defumptus ... 4° Hannovera:, 1700. BECKER (F. P.) Becker's omnigraph atlas of modern geography . . . 4° Lond. n. d. BECKER (Ferdinand Wilhelm). B. at Hoxter on the Wefer, 24 April, 1805. Educated at Gottingen. Vifited Scotland in 1820, and was an afliftant librarian in the Advocates' Library for two or three years. Re- turned to Germany, and took his degree of M.D. at Berlin, Jan. 1S26. Again vifited Scotland, but returned to Germany at the end of 1829, and eftabliihed himfelf as a phyfician at Berlin. D. 22 June, 1834. . De glandulis thoracis lymphaticis atque thymo fpecimen pathologicum. 4° Berolini, 1826. Letteis on tlie cholera in Pniflia. Letter L to John Thomfon, M.D., F.R.S., on the caufes and prevention of cholera. 8° Lond. 1S32. BECKER (Wilhelm Adolph). Gallus ; or, Roman fcenes of the time of Auguftus, with notes and excurfufes illuftrative of the manners and cuftoms of the Romans. Tranflated by the Rev. Frederick Met- calfe, B. A. 12° Lond. 1844. — Second edition, revifed and enlarged from the fecond edition of the original work, edited by Profeffor William Rein. 12° Lond. 1849. Charicles : or iiluftrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks ; with notes and excurfus. Tranflated from the German by the Rev. Frederick Metcalfe, M.A. 12° Lond. 1845. — Second edition, collated and enlarged by J. T. I 2° Lond. 1854. BECKERS (Wilhelmus). A jurift of Cologne, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. Synopfis juris publici facri imperii Romano-Germanici Editio fecunda. 12° Col. Agrip. 1640. BECKET (Andrew). A concordance to Shakefpeare: fuited to all the editions; in which the dilHiiguifhed and parallel palfages in the plays of that juftly admired writer are methodically arianged. To which are added, three hundred notes and illuftrations, en- tirely new. ^yinoii.] 8° Lond. 1787. Public profperity : or arguments in fupport of a plan for railing fix millions flerling ; and for employing that fura in loans to neceflltous and induftrious perfons. [Pamphleteer, "• SS7-] BECKET (Thomas a). B. in London, 1119, or, according to other accounts, 21 Dec. 1 1 17. Eleded archbiiliop of Canterbury, 1162. Afl'afli- nated, 29 Dec. 1170. EpiflolcB cccxx.xvii. [Bouquet, Recueil dts hijlnriens des Gaules et de la France, xvi. 208.] " The life, or the ecclefiafticall hiftorie of S. Thomas, archbifhop of Canterbury. 8° Colonic, 1639. * La vie ... Par L. de Beaulieu. 1674. BECKETT— BECKM ANN 387 * Life and martyrdom ... By Robert of Gloucefter ... 18+5. * Life and letters ... By .1. A. Giles. 1846. * Life and martyrdom. By John Morris. 1859. * A biography. By James Craigie Robertson. 1859. * Becket : an hiftorical tragedy ... 1832. [5v Richard Cattermole.] BECKETT (George), A.M. Perpetual curate of Chapelthorpe. The regeneration of infants in baptifm invcftigated ac- cording to the dodlrine of the Church of England : a fermon preached in tlie parifh church of Wakclield, at the annual vifitation of the Rt. Worfliipful the Archdeacon ofthearch- deaconiy of York, [i Cor. i. 10.] 8° Lond. 1821. BECKETT (Gilbert Abbott a). Called to the bar, 1841. One of the police maglftrates of London. D. at Boulogne-fur-Mer, 30 Aug. 1856, aged forty- five. Scenes from the rejedled comedies. By fome of the com- petitors for the prize of L.500, offered by Mr. B. Webfter, leffce of the Haymarket Theatre, for the bed: original comedy, illudrative of Englifli manners. 8° Lond. 1844. The quizziology of the Britiili drama . . . 8° Lond. 1846. The comic Blackftone. With iliuftrations by George Cruikfliank. 12° Lond. 1846. The comic hiftory of England. With ten coloured etchings, and one hundred and twenty woodcuts, by John Leech. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1847-8. The comic hiftory of Rome. Illuftrated by John Leech. 8° Lond. n. d. The Small debts aft ; with annotations and explanations, critical and analytical. 8° Lond. 1845. BECKETT (Henry Frederick). The ftatement of the clergy of S. Saviour's, Leeds, in reference to the recent proceedings againft them. Second edition. 8° Leeds, 1851. BECKETT (Joseph Adkins), B.A. Perpetual curate of Foreft Row, SufTcx. The Athanafian creed rationally explained, fcripturally proved, and ])ra<5lically ap])lied : in three fermons, as ad- drefled to a village congregation. 12" Lond. 1855. BECKETT (Thomas Turner A). Remarks on the ])refent (late of the law of debtor and creditor ; with fuggeftions for its improvement. 8° Lond. 1844. Law-reforming difficulties; exemplified in a letter to Lord Brougham and Vaux ; accompanied by an analyfis of a bill for the improvement of the law relating to tlie adminilhation of deceafcd perfons' ertates, and a (latemcnt fliowing its exifting evils, firft fubmitted to the Government, Dec. 24, 1842. 8° Lond. 1849. BECKETT (Sir William a). The earl's choice ; and other ]>oems. 8° Lond. i 863. BECKFORD (William). of FonthiU abbey. D. at Bath, 2 May, 1846, aged eighty- four. An Arabian tale [Vathel:,'\ from an unpublifhed manu- fcript ; witii notes critical and explanatory [by Samuel Henley, D.D.] [Anon.] 8° Lond. 1786. Italy: with llietches of Spain and Portugal. [Anon.] 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1834. RecoUcdlions of an excurfion to the monafleries of Alco- baga and Batalha. [Anon.] 8° Lond. 1835. BECKFORD (William). Coufin of the preceding. A defcriptive account of a part of the ifland of Jamaica ; with remarks upon the cultivation of the fugar-cane through- out the different fcafons of the year, and chiefly confidered in a pifturefque point of view ; alfo obfei-vations and reflec- tions upon what would probably be the confequences of an abolition of the flave trade, and of the emancipation of the flaves. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1790. BECKINGTON (Thomas). B. about 1385. Birtiop of Bath and Wells, 1443. D. 14 Jan. 1465. * A journal by one of the fuite of Thomas Beckington, aftenvards Bifliop of Bath and Wells, during an embafly to negociate a marriage between Heniy VI. and a daughter of the Count of Armagnac ; with notes and iliuftrations, by Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Efq. 8° Lond. 1828. BECKIUS (Bartholom^eus). B. at Dobeln, in Saxony. Studied at Leipzig, and was ap- pointed reftor at Eilleben, 1625. The other events of his life have not been recorded. Tlivzaoiov gymnafmatum politicorum in illuftri Academia Lipfienfi propofitoram a B. Beckio, anno 1622. 4° Lipfia;, [1622.] BECKIUS (Matthias Fridericus). B. at Kaufbaycrn, in Swabia, 1649, Studied at Jena, and, entering the Church, was appointed to a living in Augiburg. D. 2 Feb. 1701. Monumenta antiqua Judaica, AuguftcE Vindel. reperta et enarrata, cum mantiffa III. monum. vetuftoium Roman, opc- ris Velferiani dc antiquis monum. Augull. ajipendice quadam. 12° Augulhc Vindel. 1686. — [Ugolinus, Thefaurus aniiquitalum fucrarum, xxxiii. 999-] BECKMAN (Henricus). B. at Copenhagen, 9 Oft. 1761. Appointed parilh prieft of Boedunde, in Secland, 1787. Communitatis Regia; Havnienfis hiftoria fpeciniinibus acadcmicis e.xhibitii. 8° Havnix, 1785. BECKM ANN (Johann). B. at Hoya, Hanover, 4 June, 1739. Profcllor of natural hiftory at St. Pctcrlhurg, 1763. Returned to Germany, and was appointed proftllur of philulbphy in the l^nivcrlity of Got- tlngen, 1766, and profeflor of rural economy, 1770. D. 4 Feb. 1811. De hiftoria naturali vcterum libcllus primus. 8° Petropoli ct Gottingi, 1766. 388 BECKMANNUS— BEDA Beytrage zur CEkonomie, Technologie, Polizey und Cameialwiffenfchaft. 12 Theile, 4 Bande. 8° Gottingen, 1779-91. A hiftory of inventions and difcoveries. Tranflated from the German, by William Johnfton. Second edition. In four volumes. S^Lond. 1814. — Fourth edition, carefully revifed and enlarged by William Francis, Ph.D., and J. W. Griffith, M.D. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1846. — Abridged ; with various important additions. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1823. BECKMANNUS (Nicolaus). B. at Heida about the middle of the 17th century. Profeflbr of law at Lund, in Sweden, which he was obliged to leave in confequence of a difpute with Pufendorf. Embraced the Roman Catholic religion, and became direftor of the chancery of the convent of St. Michael, near Bamberg. Dodtrina juris, ex jure naturae, gentium, canonico, divino, jure civili Romano, receffibus imperii, jure feudali et princi- piis philofophix praflicx in omnium facultatum {ludiofomm utilitatem ... haulla ... 4° Jenx, 1678. BECKWITH (William). A plan to prevent all charitable donations for the benefit of poor perfons in the feveral parifhes of England and Wales, from lofs, embezzlement, non-application, mifapplication, fraud and abufe, in future. 8° Lond. 1807. BECON (Thomas). B. 1510. Educatedat St. John's College, Cambridge. Reftor of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, 1547. DifpoffelTcd on the accef- fion of Mary. Appointed, after her death, canon of Canter- bury, where he d. 1570. A fruitfiil treatife of farting ... 8° Lond. n. d. The reliques of Rome ; contayning all fuch matters of religion, as haue in times part bt-ne brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes ; faithfully gathered out of the niofte faithful writers of chronicles and hiftories, and now newly both diligently correfted and greatly augmented, to the fingular profit of the readers. 8° Lond. 1563. The early works of T. Becon : being the treatifes pub- lilhcd by him in the reign of King Henry VIII. Edited, for the Parker Society, by the Rev. John Ayie, M.A. 8° Camhiidge, 1843. The catechifm of T. Becon ; with other pieces written in the reign of King Edward the Sixth. Edited, for the Parker Society, by the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. 8° Cambridge, 1844. Prayers and other pieces ... Edited, for the Parker So- ciety, by the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. 8° Cambridge, 1844. BECOURT (R. de). The grave of human philofophies, ancient and modern ; or, the univerfal fyftem of the Bramins unveiled. Tranflated from the French, with additional notes, by A. Dalmas. 8° Lond. 1827. BECOUEREL (A.) Pathological chemiftry, in its application to the pradlice of medicine. Tranflated from the French of MM. Bec- querel and Rodier, by Stanhope Templeman Speer, M.D. 8° Lond. 1857. BED. The celeftial beds ; or, a review of the votaries of the Temple of Health, Adelphi, and the Temple of Hymen, Pall-Mail. 4° Lond. 1781. BEDA, or BEDANUS. A monk of Lindisfaine. D. 681. * Epitaphium beati Bedani prelbyteri. [Mabillon, Ve- tera analeda, p. 381 .] BEDA. B. in the bifhopric of Durham, 672 or 673. The particulars of his life are very imperfe^Iy known. D. 735, His virtues and learning have procured him the title of Venerable. Opera quotquot reperiii potuerunt omnia. 8 torn. fol. Col. Agripp. 1688. Bedas Ven. opera quaedam theologica, nunc primum edita ; necnon hiftorica, antea femel edita. AccefTerunt Egberti, archiepifcopi Eboracenfis, Dialogus de ecclefiartica inilitu- tione ; et Aldhelrai, epifcopi Scireburnenfis, Liber de vir- ginitate, ex codice antiquifTimo emendatus. 4° Londini, 1693. The complete works of Venerable Bede, in the original Latin, collated with the MSS. and various printed editions, accompanied by a new Englifli tranflation of the Hirtorical works, and a life of the author, by the Rev. J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 12 vols. 8° Lond. 1843-4. Opera hiftorica : ad fidem codicum manufcriptorum re- cenfuit Jofephus Stevenfon. 2 tom. 8° Lond. 1841. — Tranflated from the original Latin, with a preface and notes, by the Rev. Jofeph Stevenfon, M.A. [Stevenson, Church h'ljlorians of England, i. 305.] Ecclefiafticas hiflorise gentis Anglorum libri quinque. fol. Antverpise, 1550. — [Commelinus, Rerum Brltannicarum fcriptores, I 47.] " Continuatio ejufdem hiftorix, inceito auflore, Kbris lu. comprehenfa, ac jam primum publicata. [Ibid. 281.] — Ab auguftiffimo veterum Anglo-Saxonum Rege AIu- redo (five Alfredo) examinati ; ejufque paraphrafi Saxonica eleganter explicati ... Quibus in calce operis Saxonicam Chronologiam,feriem hujus imprimis hiftorije compledtentem, nunquam antea in lucem cditam nunc quoque primo Latin^ verfam [ab Abrahamo Wheloco] contexuimus . , . Quibus ac- cefTerunt Anglo-Saxonicae leges : et ultimo, leges Henrici I. nunc primilm edits. [^Lat. and jinglo-Saxon.~\ fol. Cantabrigix, 1644. — [Z,a/. and ylng/o-Saxon.'j Una cum reliquis ejus operibus hiftoricis in unum volumen colleftis. Cura et ftudio Johannis Smith, S.T.P. fol. Cantabrigia?, 1722. — Cum opufculis quibufdam et epiftola Bonifacii ad Cud- bertum Archiepifcopum. Cura Roberti HufTey, B.D. 8° Oxonii, 1846. — Tranflated out of Latin, into Englifh, by Thomas Stapleton. 8° S. Oniers, 1622. — Carefully revifed and corredfed from the tranflation of Mr. Stevens, by the Rev. J. A. Giles, LL.D. 8° Lond. 1840. Axiomata philofophica, ex Ariftotele & aliis prxftantibus philofophis diligenter colle»n:a ; una cum brevlbus quibufdam BEDA— BEDFORD 389 explicationibus ac limitationibus. Quibus acceflerunt En- cyclia pliilofophica M. Davidis Wafii, Francobeigenfis Hcfli. 8° Geneva;, 163 i. Epiftola: dux, necnon vitoe abbatum Wireniuthcnfium et Girwienfium. AccefTit Egbert!, archicpifcopi Eboracenfis, Bedas xqualis, dialogus de ecclcfiaftica inftitutione. Ex antiquis codicibus MSS. in lucem eniifit et notis, ad rem hiftoricam & antiquarian! fpeclantibus, illuftravit Jacobus Warasus, Equcs Auratus. 8" Dubiinii, 1664. Adla Sanfli Cuthberti, Lindisfarnenfis epifcopi, heroico carmine confcripta. [Canisius, LelJiones antiquit, 11. i. i.] — [Mabillon, Ada Janaorum O.S.B. ii. 878.] — Vita S. Cuthbeiti. [Ibid. ii. 841.] Vita S. Benedidti Bifcopi, abbatis Vuiremuthenfis primi, et fucceflbnim ejus Sigfridi, Ceolfridi, et Huvetberti. [Ibid. ii. 961.] Epiltola ad Aibinum abbatem. [Mabillon, Vetera ana- haa, p. 398.] Martyrologium, heroico carmine. [d'AcHERius, Sp'ici- leg'mm, x. 1 26.] Ecloga, confli(5lus veris et hiemis, five cuculus. [Poet« Latlni mirtores, cd. IVernfdorf, vol. ii.] Libellus annalis. [Martenk et Durand, Veterum fcr'ip- torum isfc. amplljjlma colhil'w, vi. 637.] Libri quatuor in principium Gencfis ufque ad nativitatem Ifaac et ejedtionem Ifmaelis. [Martene et Durand, The- faurus no'vus anecdotontm, v. III.] Liber in canticum Habacuc. [Ibid. v. 295.] Homiliae undecim. [Ibid. v. 315.] Libellus precum. [Ibid. v. 381.] De tropis Sacra; Scripturx liber. — Defchematis Scripturx liber. [Aromatari, Deglt autori del bm parlare, (Sfc, pt. v.] — [F. PiTHCEUS, Antiqui rhetores Latini, p. 342.] De orthographia. [Putschius, Grammatka Lal'mit auc- tores anliqiii, pp. 2327, 2775.] De metrica ratione liber unicus. [Ibid. p. 2349.] Dc nietrorum generibus. [Cassander, Opera, p. 160.] Hymni. [Ibid.] Ratio computandi per digitos et utranque manum. Cum notis EHk Vineti. [Gr^evius, Thefaurus autiqultalum Ro- manarum, xi. 1699.] — [Priscianus, De riummis, &C., p. 39.] * Vita Beds Venerabllis, fcripta partim a Cutlibcrto ipfius difcipulo, partim ab alio qui he. xi. vixit. [Mabillon, Aaa fan8orum O.S.B. 111. i. 500.] BfiDARRIDE (,I.) Traitc du dol ct dc la fraude en matijre civile et com- mcrcialc. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 1852. BEDDOES (Thomas), M.D. B. at Shiffnall, ShropHiirc, 13 April, 1760. Studied at Pem- broke College, Oxford, and in the medical fchools of London and Edinburgh. Settled as a phyficlan at Brillol. D. at Clifton, 14 Dec. 1808. Obfervations on the nature of donionffrative evidence ; with an explanation of ccruiin difficulties occurring in the elements of geometry ; and reflcflions on language. 8° Lond. 1 793. Obfervations on the natuie and cure of calculus, fca fcurvy, onfumpti on, catanh, and fever ... 8° Lond. 1793. A letter to Erafmus Darwin, M.D., on a new method of treating pulmonary confumption and fome other difeafes hitherto found incurable. 8° Briftol, [1793.] A guide for felf-prefervation, and parental affeftion. Third edition. 12° Briftol, [1794.] Eifiy on the caufes, early figns, and prevention of pul- monary confumption ... 8° Briftol, 1799. Hygcia ; or, effays moral and medical on the caufes af- fedling the perfonal ftate of our middling and affluent clafTes. 2 vols. 8° Briftol, 1802. * Memoirs . . . with an analytical account of his writings. 181 1. [By John Edmonds Stock.] BEDDOES (Thomas Lovell). Eldeft fon of the preceding. B. at Clifton, 20 July, 1803. Educated at the Charter-houfe and at Pembroke College, Ox- ford. Studied medicine at Gottingen. D. at Bade, 26 Jan. 1849. The poems, pofthumous and colledled, of T. L. Beddoes. [With a memoir.] 2 vols. 8° Lond. 185 i. The bride's tragedy. 8° Lond. 1822. BEDDOME (Benjamin). B. at Henley-in-Arden, Warwickfliire, 13 Jan. 1717. Minifter of the Baptill congregation at Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucefterfliire, 1743. D. 3 Sep. 1795. Sermons ... with a brief memoir of the author. 8" Lond. 1835. BEDDY (Joseph Fawcett), M.A. Perpetual curate of the diftridt of St. Thomas, Monmouth. Chrift, the promifed feed : a feraion preached in the parifli church of Saint Mary, Monmouth, on Tuefday, Augiift 8, 1 8 5 4, at the vifitatioii of the lit. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Llan- daff. [Gfn. iii. 15.] 12° Lond. 1854. BEDE (Cuthbert). Pfeud. ©/"Edward Bradley, B.A. BEDE de la GORMANDltRE (Jean). A French jurift, b. at Angers. Lived at the beginning of the J 7th century. Traiftatus de iure rcgum contra Bellarminum et alios Jcfu- itas. [Goldastus, Monarchia S. Romani imperil, ii. 806.] BEDELL (Gregory Townsend), D.D. B. on Staten Ifland, in the harbour of New York, 28 Oft. 1793. Educated at Columbia College, New York. Reftor of St. Andrew's church, Philadelphia, 1823. D. 30 Aug. 1834. * Memoirs. By Stephen H. Tyng ... 1835. BEDELL (William), D.D. B. at Black Notley, EfTex, 1570. Educated at Emmanue' College, Cimbridgc. Provoft of Trinity College, Dublin, 1627- Birtiop of Kilmorc and Ardagh, 1629. D. 7 Feb. 1642. * Life. 1684. [j9y Gilbert Burnet.] * Life ... By H. J. Monck Mason. 1843. * Memoir ... By the Rev. Alexander Clogy. 1862. BEDFORD, Duke of. See .John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford. See Francis Russell, 7th Duke of licdford. 39° BEDFORD— BEDFORDSHIRE BEDFORD (Arthur), M.A. B. at Tidenham, Gloucefterrtiire, Sep. i66S. Educated at Brafenofe College, Oxford. Reftor of Newton St. Loe, Somer- fet. Vicarof Temple church, Briftol, 1692. Chaplain co the Haberdaflier's hofpital, London, 1724. D. 13 Sep. 1745. Serious reflexions on the fcandalous abufe and effefts of the ftage : in a fermon preach'd at the parifh-church of St. Nicolas in the city of Briftol, on Sunday the 7th day of January, 1704. [2 Tim. ii. 16.] 8° Briftol, 1705. Animadverfions upon Sir Ifaac Newton's book, intitled. The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended. 8° Lond. 1728. The Scripture chronology demonftrated by aftronomical calculations, and alfo by the year of jubilee and the fabbati- cal year among the Jews ; or, an account of time from the creation of the world to the deftmdlion of Jerufalem, as it may be proved from the writings of the Old and New Tefta- ment ... fol. Lond. 1730. A fermon preached to the focieties for refoiTnation of manners, at St. Mary-le-Bow, on Thurfday, Januaiy i oth, 1733. [Lev. V. I.] 4° Lond. 1734. Obfervations on a fermon preach'd \by A. S. Caicoit\ before the corporation of Briftol, on Sunday the fixteenth day of Augiift, 1735, b^'fig the day before the afllzes. \_AnonI\ 8° Lond. 1736. Horx mathematics vacus ; or, a treatife of the golden and ecliptick numbers. 8° Lond. 1743. BEDFORD (Hon. Barbara). Fourth daughter of Henry-Beauchamp, 12th baron St. John of Bletdioe. Married, 20 July, 1S13, the Rev. Thomas Bed- ford, who d. 9 March, 1816. D. at Cambridge, 15 May, 1855, aged fixty-five. Gleanings from Britifh and Irifh ecclefiaftical hiftory, from the introdudlion of Chiiftianity to the period of the Reformation. 8° Lond. 1850. BEDFORD (Francis). A chart illufhating the architeftui'e of Weftminfter Abbey. S. Sh. Lond. n. d. BEDFORD (Henry), M.A. The life of St. Vincent dc Paul. 8° Lond. 1856. BEDFORD (Hilkiah). B. in London, 1663. Educated at St. John's College, Cam- bridge, of which he became a Fellow. Refufed to talce the oaths at the Revolution. Imprifoned for three years, and fined 1000 marks for publifhing The hereditary right of the crown of England aflerted, a work of which the real author is now under- ftood to have been George Harbin, another non-juring clergy- man. D. 1724. A defence of the Church of Engkand from prieftcraft, in vindication of the contefted claufe of the xxth article. Ex- tradled out of the Vindication of the Church of England from the afperfions of a late libel \hy Matthew Tmdal^ en- tituled, Prieftcraft in perfedlion. By the author of the Vindication. 8° Lond. 17 11. The heieditary right of the crown of England afferted ; the hiftoiy of the fucceflion fince the Conqueft clear'd ; and the tnie Englifti conftitution vindicated fjom the mifrepre- fentations of Dr. Higden's View and defence ... By a gentleman. fol. Lond. 17 13. An abridgment of the Hiftory of hereditai-y right. To which is added. Some remarks on the treafonable pan of the faid book ; for which Mr. Bedford was tiyed and found guilty. 8° Lond. 17 14. A vindication of the late Archbilhop Bancroft, and of his brethren the reft of the depjiv'd bifhops, from the reflexions of Mr. Marfliall, in his Defence of our conftitution in Church and State ... in a letter to a friend. [Anon.] 8° Lond. 1717. * A looking-glafs for Britilli fubjefls both Proteftant and Popifli. Containing an account of the raining defign of the French king and his accomplices againft Great Britain and Ireland, as it is contained in the preface of a book, entituled. The hiftory of hereditary right, &c. S. Sh. n. p. n. d. BEDFORD (J.) A compendious and impartial view of the principal events in the hiftory of Great Britain and Ireland, in relation to the Roman Catholic queftion ... 8° Lond. 1829. BEDFORD (James), Ph. D. New theories of the univerfe, explaining how fun, moon, ftars, etc. are formed ... a paper prepared for piefentation to the Britifli Aflbciation, aflembled at Liverpool, September, 1854. 8° Lond. 1854. BEDFORD (James Gower), M.A. Voices in ftones : a fermon preached in the parifli church of Twyford, Hants, on Sunday, Oft. 15, 1843, for the benefit of the parifti fchool fund. [Ltiie xix. 40.] 8° Winchefter, [1843.] " The fault on both fides : " a fermon preached in fup- port of the Twyford national fchool. [Ruth ii. 4.] 8° Winchefter, [1845.] The inward eye : a fermon preached in aid of the Twy- ford national fchool. [John i. 9.] 8° Winchefter, [1847.] BEDFORD (John). Lights of the Church : a fermon occafioned by the death of the Rev. Robert Newton, D.D., preached in Tiviot Dale chapel, Stockport, on Sunday, May 28th, 1854. [John v. 35.] 8° Lond. 1854. BEDFORD (William Devaynes). Late of the 87th regiment of foot. Some fuggeftions for the cheap defence of the kingdom. 8° Lond. 1853. BEDFORD (William Kirkpatrick Riland). Redlor of Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham. The blazon of epifcopacy. 8° Lond. 1858. BEDFORDSHIRE. Colleftions toward the hiftory and antiquities of Bedford- fhire, containing the pariflies of Puddington, Luton, and Dunftaple. 4° Lond. n. d. BEDINGFIELD— BEECHER 391 BEDINGFIELD (Richard). Madeline: a tragedy, in five afts. b° Lond. 1847. BEDINGFIELD (Richard King), A.B. The praftical Latin deleiSus : being an eafy and progref- five introdudlion to Latin conftruing, adapted, by readinefs of tranflation and fimpiicity of language, to the mind of a child. 12° Lond. 1858. BEDLAM. Bedlam : a poem. 4° Lond. 1776. BEDLOE, or BEDLOW (William). B. 20 May, 1650. D. at Briftol, 20 Aug. 1680. A narrative and impanial difcovery of the horrid Popilh plot : carried on for the burning and deftroying the cities of London and Weftminlter, with their fuburbs, &c. ... fol. Lond. 1679. * The life and death of Captain William Bedloe, one of the chief difcoverers of the horrid Popiih plot. Wherein all his more eminent cheats, and whatever is remarkable of him, both good and bad, is impartially difcover'd. 8° Lond. 1 68 I. BEDSTEAD. Pattern book of improved patent metallic bedfteads, manu- fadhired by Peyton and Peyton, patentees and manufadlureis. 4° Lond. [i860.] BEE. The fable of the bees. 1732. [^-By B. Mandeville.] Hints for promoting a bee fociety. 1796. [By J. C. Lettsom.] The monarchy of the bees ; a poem : illuftiated with notes exhibiting fome of the mofl: remarkable circumflances in the hiftory of that little infedl. S' Lond. 182 i. Extra.J S. Sh. Lond. 1683. Belgrade : a poem. fol. Lond. 171". 398 BELGRADO— BELL BELGRADO (Jacofo). B. at Udine, l6 Dec. 1704. Educated at Padua and Bo- logna. Entered the order of the Jefuits, 1723. Profeffor of belles-lettres at Venice, and fubfequently of mathematics and natural philofophy at Parma. D. 7 April, I7S9. Dell' architettura Egiziana ; diflertazione d'un corrifpon- dente dell' Accademia delle fcienze di Parigi. 4° Parma, 1786. BELGRAVIA. The belles, Belgravia, and the bellman : obfervations upon a pamphlet, entitled " More difclofures about St. Barnabas and the Tradlarians." By a Proteftant. 8° Lond. 1858. BELHAVEN, Lord. See John Hamilton, 2d Lord Belhaven. BELIDOR (Bernard). B. in Catalonia, 1693. Profeflbr at the Ecole d'artJUerie de la Fere. D. at Paris, 8 Sep. 1761. Nouveau cours de mathematique a I'ufage de rartillerie et du genie ; oil I'on applique les parties les plus utiles de cette fcience a la theorie & a la pratique des diiferens fujets qui peuvent avoir rapport a la guerre. 4° Paris, 1725. Architedlure hydraulique ; ou, I'art de conduire, d'elever, et de menager les eaux pour les difFerens befoins de la vie. 4 torn. 4° Paris, 1737-53. BELIEF— BELIE VE R. The believer's dowry; or, a poem upon Ifa. liv. 5 : " Thy maker is thy hufband." i2°Edinb. 1708. All believers interelled in the parable of the virgins. 1 2° Norwich, 1846. The two natures of a believer, as they are revealed in Scripture, and evidenced by experience, in the work of le- generation and fandtification. By a layman. 8° Lond. 1854. The reftoration of belief. 1855. [i?j Ifaac Taylor.] Believing childien ; or, letters to little ones. 12° Lond. 1856. What do you believe ? A plain queftion anfwered by a lay member of the Church of England. 8° Lond. [1857.] BELIN DE BALLU (Jacques Nicolas). B. at Paris, a8 Feb. 1753. Profeflbr of Greek in the Uni- verfity of Kharkoff, in Ruflia. D. at St. Peterlburg, 1815. Hiftoire critique de I'eloquence chez les Grecs, contenant la vie des orateurs, rheteurs, fophiftes et principaux grammai- riens Grecs, qui ont fleuri depuis I'origine de I'ait, jufques au troifi^me fiecle apres J. C, avec des remarques hiftoriques et critiques. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 18 13. BELINAYE (Henry). The fources of health and difeafe in communities ; or, elementary views of "hygiene," illuftrating its importance to legiflators, heads of families, &c. 8° Lond. 1832. Compendium of lithotripfy ; or, an account of removal of the (tone from the bladder without incifion ... 8° Lond. 1837. BELING (Richard). B. at Belingftown, Co. Dublin, 1 61 3. Became a member of Lincoln's Inn, but returned to Ireland and took a prominent part in the rebellion of 1641, Rellded in France during the Prote<5lorate, but returned to Ireland at the Reftoration, and obtained pofleflion of his forfeited property. D. in Dublin, 1677. Vindiciarum Catholicorum Hibernije, authore Philopatro Irenoso [Pfeud.'\ ad Alitophilum, libri duo ... 12° Pariflis, 1650. BELISARIUS. Veifus acroftichi de Sedulio poeta. [Mabillon, Vetera analeSa, p. 386.] — \Max. Blbllotheca veterum Patrum, vi. 472.] BELISARIUS. * The life and hiftory of Belifarius, who conquer'd Africa and Italy, with an account of his difgrace, the ingratitude of the Romans, and a parallel between him and a modern heroe. 8° Lond. 17 13. * Belifaiius ... Eine Biographie von Chriftian Friedrich Zeller. 1809. * Life. By Philip Henry Stanhope, Vifcount Mahon. 1S29. BELJAME (Auguste). Grammar of the French language. 8° Edinb. [1859.] Graduated exercifes adapted to Beljame's French gram- mar. 8° Edinb. [1859.] « BELL." Haps and mifhaps of the Simpleton family abroad. 8° Lond. [1863.] BELL (Acton). Pfeud. of Anne Bronte. BELL (Alexander). Welleyan methodift minifterat York, and afterwards at Mac- clesfield. D. 3 Feb. 1851. Primitive Chriftianity ; or, obfervations on the firfl: re- vival of religion, on the day of Pentecoft. 12° York, 1849. BELL (Alexander). The tongue : a poem, in two parts. 8° Lond. 1846. Stammering and other impediments of fpeech : the means to effedt a complete and permanent removal of ;J1 vocal ob- ftruiflions. Second edition. 12° Lond. n. d. BELL (Alexander Melville). The art of reading ; or, the fource of the faults of inar- ticulate and inefFeftive readers, and the means of acquiring diftindtnefs of articulation and fuU command over the powers of the voice, in reading, praoem.] 8° Edinb. 1863. BELL (John Feden). Minifter of the United Prelbyterian congregation at Midmar, Aberdeenfliire. Mercy as conditioned by righteoufnefs. 8° Aberdeen, 1855. BELL (Leonora G.) Sunday evenings with Sophia ; or, little talks on great fubjefts : a book for girls. 8° Lond. 1859. BELL (M.) Deeds, not words ; or, the Flemings of Dunaik : a do- meftic tale. 8° Lond. 1857. BELL (M. M.) Eda Morton and her coufins ; or, fchool-room days. 8° Lond. 1858. The fecret of a life. 8° Lond. 1858. BELL (Mis. Martin). Julia Howard : a romance. 3 vols. 8^ Lond. 1850. BELL (Paul). Roccabella : a tale of a woman's life. In two volumes. 8^ Lond. 1859. BELL (Richard). Wclleyan minifter, Beverley. The claims of the Bible : a fermon preached to the young. Third edition. [./o/j« v. 39.] 8° Lond. 1857. BELL (Robert). Rerum Hifpanicarum fcriptores aliquot ... Nunc accura- tius emendatiufque rccufi & in duos tomos digcfti. fol. Francofurti, I 579. BELL (Robert). Originally a Writer to the Signet. Admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates, 1812. U. at Edinburgh, i Nov. 181 6. Cafes decided in the Couit of Seffion, from November 1790 to July 1792. 8° Edinb. 1794. — during fummer feffion 1794, winter fcffion 1794-5, and fummer feffion 1795- ^'^'* Edinb. I 796. Leflures on the folemnities ufed in Scotland in the tefting of deeds. 8° Edinb. 1795. A fyftem of the forms of deeds ufed in Scotland. 5 vols. 8° Edinb. 1 799-1 804. — Third edition. 7 vols. 8° Edinb. 1811-17. Outlines of the courfe of ledures on conveyancing, cftab- lifhed by the Society of clerks to the Signet. With a con- centrated view of the claufes of deeds. 8° Edinb. 1800. A treatife on leafes ; explaining the nature and effefl ot the contraft of leafe, and pointing out the legal lights en- joyed by the parties. 8° Edinb. 1803. — Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1805. — Fourth edition. Revifed and confiderably enlarged by William Bell. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. [ 825-6. A diflionaiy of the law of Scotland. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1807-8. A treatife on the eledlion laws, as they relate to the re- prefentation of Scotland, in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 40 Edinb. 1812. Abftrad of the forms of deeds relating to heritable rights ; with obfervations. 8° Edinb. 18 14. A treatife on the conveyance of land to a purchafer, and on the manner of completing his title. 8° Edinb. 1 8 1 5. — Second edition. With notes and correflions by William Bell, Efq., advocate. 8° Edinb. 182S. — Third edition. Revifed and greatly enlarged by Wil- liam Bell, Efq. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1826. BELL (Robert), LL.B. Editor of the Weekly Dlfpatch, London newfpaper. A defcription of the condition and manners, as well as of the moral and political charadler, education, &c. of the peafanti-y of Ireland, fuch as they were between the years 1780 and I 790, when Ireland was fuppofed to have arrived at its higheft degree of profpcrity and happinefs. S'' Lond. I 804. BELL (Robert). Admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates, 1S04. Sherift'-depute of Haddington and Berwick, and procurator for the Church of Scotland. D. at Edinburgh, 27 April, 1S61. Report of a cafe of legitimacy under a putative marriage, tried before the fecond divifion of the Court of Seffion in February 181 i. 8° Edinb. 1S25. Obfervations on the conference of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., witii certain miniders and elders of the Church of Scotland. 8° Edinb. 1S37. BELL (Robert). Comfort for the dying Chriftian : a fermon occafioned by the death of John Holland, Efq., preached in Bridge End chapel, Rallrick, on Lord's day, Ort. 12, 1845. [John xiv. 3.] 12° Halifax, 1845. 404 BELL BELL (Robert). The hiftory of England. By Sir James Mackintosh, William Wallace, Efq., and Robert Bell. iS 30-40. A hiftory of Ruflia. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1836-8. Lives of the moft eminent literary and fcientific men of Great Britain. Englifli poets. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1839. The life of the Rt. Hon. George Canning. 8° Lond. 1846. Memorials of the civil war ; comprifing the correfpond- ence of the Fairfax family, with the moll: diftinguifhed per- fonages engaged in that memorable conteft. Now firft pub- liftied from the oiiginal manufcripts. Edited by Robert Bell. Forming the concluding volumes of the Fairfax correfpond- ence. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1849. Wayfide piftures through France, Belgium, and Holland. 8° Lond. 1849. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1858. The ladder of gold : an Englifh flory. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1850. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1858. Hearts and altars. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. Marriage: a comedy, in five afts. 8° Lond. 1842. Mothers and daughters : a comedy, in five adls. 8° Lond. 1843. — Second edition, with an explanatory preface. 8° Lond. 1844. Temper: a comedy, in five afts. 8° Lond. 1847. Songs from the dramatifts. Edited by R. Bell. 8° Lond. 1854. Early ballads ; illuftrative of hiftoiy, traditions, and cuf- toms. Edited by R. Bell. 8° Lond. 1856. Ancient poems, ballads, and fongs of the peafantiy of England ; taken down from oral recitation, and tranfcribed from private manufcripts, rare broadfides, and fcarce publi- cations. Edited by R. Bell. 8° Lond. 1857. Golden leaves from the works of the poets and painters. Edited by Robert Bell. 4° Lond. 1863. BELL (Sydney Smith). Of Lincoln's Inn, barriiler-at-law j one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Didlionary of the decifions of the Court of Seflion from November 1808 to November 1833. 2 vols. 4° Edinb. I 841-2. Cafes decided in the Houfe of Lords, on appeal from the Courts of Scotland. 7 vols. 8° Edinb. 1843-52. The law of property as arifing from the relation of huf- band and wife. 8 Lond. 1849. Colonial adminiftration of Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1859. BELL (T. P.) The young hero : a defcriptive poem of the home, life, and brilliant military career of Archib.ild Clevland, Efq. 8° Exeter, 1862. BELL (Thomas). The furvey of Popeiy : wherein the reader may cleercly behold, not onely the originall and d.aily incrementes of Pa- piflrie, with an evident confiatation of the fame ; but .alfo a fuccinfl and profitable enarration of the ftate of Gods Church from Adam untill Chrifts afcenfion, contained in the firft and fecond pait thereof; and throughout the third part Poperie is turned up-Ilde downe. 4° Lond. 1596. The anatomie of popifh tyrannie ; wherein is conteyned a plaine declaration and Chriftian cenfure of all the princi- pall parts of the libels, letters, edifles, pamphlets and bookes, lately publilhed by the fecular priefts and Englifti hifpanized Jefuites, with their Jefuited Arch-prieft: ; both pleafant and profitable to all well affedted readers. 4° Lond. 1603. The popes funerall ; cont. a reply to a pretended anfwere of a libell, called. The forerunner of Bell's downfall. [Tltle- pnge luanting.'l 4° [Lond. 1606.] The regiment of the church. \J^hle-page ivatitingji^ 4° [Lond. J 606.] The Jefiiites antepaft, conteining a reply againft a pre- tenfed aunfwere to the Downe-fall of poperie, lately pub- lilhed by a mafiied Jefuite Robert Parfons by name, though he hide himfelf coveitly under the letters of S. R. which may fitly be interpreted (A Sawcy Rebell). 4° Lond. 1608. The tryall of the new religion. Contayning a plaine de- monftratione that the late faith and dodlrine of the Church of Rome, is indeede the new religion. 4° Lond. 1608. BELL (Thomas). " Minifter of the Gofpel, and profelTor of philology in the Colledge of Edinburgh." Roma reftituta ; five, antiquitatum Romanarum compen- dium abfolutum. 8° Glafgua;, 1672. — Another edition. 8° Glafguae, 1673. — Another edition. 8° Amftelxdami, 1700. Grapes in the wildernefs ; or, the folid grounds of fweet confolation which the people of the Lord have from the precious promifes in the Word, while walking through their wildernefs lott, in their way towards heaven . . . By a faith- full minifter of the Gofpel of Jelus Chrift now deceafed. 8° n. p. 1680. Nehemiah the Tirftiatha ; or, the charadler of a good commiflioner : to which is added. Grapes in the wildernefs. 8° Edinb. 1692. BELL (Thomas). The anatomy, phyfiology, and difeafes of the teeth. 8° Lond. 1829. A hiftory of Britifh quadrupeds, including the cetacta. 8° Lond. 1837. A hiftory of Britidi reptiles. 8° Lond. — Second edition. 8° Lond. A hiftory of the Britifh ftalk-eyed craftacea. 8° Lond. BELL (Thomas). The rural album, containing defcriptive and mifcell.ineous poems ; with hiftorical notices of Barnwell and Fothering- hay Caftles, &c. 8° Lond. 1853. BELL (William), D.D. Educated at Magdalen College, Cambridge, of which he was a Fellow. Domeftic chaplain to the Princefs Amelia, aunt of 1839. 1S49. 1853. BELL— BELLAMY 405 George III. A prebend of Weftminftcr, 1765, and treafurer of St. Paul's. D. at Wertminller, 29 Sep. 1816, in the eighty- fifth year of his age. A difTertation on the following fubjeft : what caufes prin- cipally contiibute to render a nation populous ? and what efFedl has the populoufnefs of a nation on its trade ? Being one of thofe to which were adjudged the prizes given by the Right Hon. the Lord Vifcount Townfhend to the Univer- fity of Cambridge in the year 1756 ; and read there in tlie public fchools on Friday, July tlie 2d. 4° Cambridge, 1756. Sermons on various fubjedls : publifhed by Jofeph Alien. 8° Lond. 1817. BELL (Willi.^m). A member of the Faculty of Advocates, 1824. D. at Edin- burgh, 6 Aug, 1S39. A diiftionary and digefl: of the law of Scotland ; with (hurt explanations of the nioft ordinary Engllfh law terms ... 8° Edinb. 1838. — Another edition. Revifed and corredled, with nu- merous additions, by George Rofs, advocate. 8° Edinb. 1861. BELL (William), Ph. D. A vocabulary of architedlure, Englifh-German, and Ger- man-Engli(h. With references to the 1700 fpecimens en- graved in the Gloflary of architefture, publirtied by J. H. Parker, (fifth edition, Oxford, 1850.) With an introduc- tion, tranflated and condenfcd from William Liibke. 8° Lond. 1855. BELL (William). The witneffing Spirit. 8 Lond. n. d. The blafphemy againft the Holy Ghoft : a fermon preached at St. John's, Dukinfield. [Malt. xii. 31.] 8° Lond. n. d. BELL (William). Confpedlus of Pearfon on the Creed. 4' Lond. 1858. BELLA (JoAo Antonio dalla). Memorias e obfeiTa^oes fobre o mode de aperfei5oar a manufaflura do azeite dc oliveira em Portugal ... 4° Lifboa, 1784. BELLAFINUS (Franciscus). An Italian antiquary. D. 1543. De origine ct temporibus urbis Bergomi liber. Ut et Marci Antonii Michaelis ... agri et urbis Bcrgomatis de- fcriptio. Quibus conditores, reftores, fata et gcfta, ncc non fitus & facies tam agri quam urbis Bergomatis e.\])onuntur. [Gr/Evius, Thefaurus antujullatum ft hiflorlarum llalitc, torn, ix. pt. 7.] BELLAGUET (L.) Chronique du Rcligieux dc Saint-Denys, contenant le r^gne de Charles VL, de 1380 a 1 422. Public en Latin pour la premiirc fois ct traduitc par M. L. Bellaguct, pre- cedce d'une introduftion par M. De Barante. 6 torn. 4' Paris, 1839-52. BELLAIRE (.1. P.) Precis des operations gencrales de la divifion Frantjaife du Levant, chargce, pendant les annoes v. vi. et vii., de la de- fenfe des lies et poffeflions ex-Veneticnnes de la mer lonienne, formant aujourd'hui la Republique des Sept-Ifles. 8° Paris, 1805. BELLAIRS (Henry), A.M. Redtor of Bedworth, Nuneaton, Warwickfliire, and rural dean. Defedtion from the Church the refult of deficiencies in the Church : a fermon preached in the cathedral church of Worcefter, on occafion of the general ordination, on Sunday, the 4th day of March, 1855. [2 77m. iv. 5.] 4° Lond. 1855. The Churchman's Church : two fermons preached at Bedworth, Warwickfhire. [Jur/e 3.] 12° Lond. 1858. BELLAIRS (Henry Walford), M.A. One of her Majefty's infpedlors of fchools. Tales of the town. 12° Lond. 1843. The teacher's miffion and reward : an inaugural addrefs to the Schoolmafters' affociation for Gloucefterfhirc (No- vember 4, 1854.) 12° Lond. 1855. BELLAIRS (Nona). . Going abroad ; or, glimpfes of art and charafler in France and Italy. 8° Lond. 1857. Strength and weaknefs ; or, the letter and the fjiirit : a tale. 12° Lond. 1858. An old woman's (lory ; or, trud in trial. 12° Lond. 1859. Redmardi reftory : a tale of life. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1859. BELLAIUS. See Bellay. BELLAMERA. Ste Bellemera. BELLAMY (Daniel), M.A. Chaplain of Kew and Petcrrtiam, in the county of Surrey. D. 15 Feb. lySS. A paraphrafe on the facred hillory or Book of Job, with obfervations from various authors. 4° Lond. 1748. The family preacher : confilling of pra(ftical difcouifes for every Sunday throughout the year ; as alfo for Chriftmas- day, Good-Friday, and other folemn occafions. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1776. BELLAMY (Mrs. D.) Love triumphant ; or, the rival goddefll-s : a palloral opera : perform'd on EalltM-Monday, by the young ladies of Mrs. Bellamy's fcliool (as tlu-ir publick bieakiiig up excrcife) with the general ajiplaufe and approbation of their friends : to which are added, fome original ])oenis, and tranflations. 8° Lond. 1722. BELLAMY (George Anne). B. in Ireland, 1731. D. 16 Feb. 1788. An apology for the life of G. A. Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre, written by hcrfelf. To which is annexed her original letter to John Calciaft, Efq., advertifcd to be publidied in Oaober 1767, but which w.ns then violently fuppreded. \EJiled by yUexander Bichiell.] Third edition, c vols. 12° Lond. 1785. 4o6 BELLAMY— BELLAY BELLAMY (J. C.) The houfekeeper's guide to the fifh-market for each month in the year ; and an account of the fifhes and fifheries of Devon and Cornwall ... 12° Lond. 1862. BELLAMY (John). The hiftoiy of all religions : comprehending the different doftrines, cudoms, and order of worfhip in the Churches which have been eftablifhed from the beginning of time to the prefent day ; the accomplifhment of the prophecies of die perfon of Chrift, incontrovertibly proving by the pofitive declarations of the prophets that he is the true Mefliah, and that the Jews have no authority from Scripture to expeft that he is yet to come ; the origin and caufe of idolatrous worfliip, reafons affigned for the different forms of idols ; being a brief compendium of thofe knowledges, neceffaiy to be known by all Chriftians. 12° Lond. 18 12. BELLAMY (Joseph), D.D. B. at New Chefliire, Connefticut, 1719. Minifter of a con- gregation at Woodbury. D. 6 March, 1790. The nature and gloiy of the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift ... Reprinted from the edition of 1762. [IFaril's Library, vol. i.] True religion delineated ; or, experimental religion dif- tinguilhed from formality and enthufiafm. [Ibid. vol. vi.] BELLAMY (Peter Franklin), M.R.C.S.L. The " prieft" of the rubric : a leflure read to the mem- bers of " The Church reform aflbciation," at Freemafons' Hall, Plymouth, on Friday, Feb. 21, 185 i. 12° Lond. [185 I.] BELLAMY (S.) The betrayal : a facred poem, in five books. 8° Lond. 1838. BELLAMY (Thomas). Philanax Anglicus : or, a Chriftian caveat for all kings, princes, and prelates, how they entruft a foit of pretended proteftants of integrity, or fufFer them to commix with tlieir refpedlive governments, {hewing planly from the principles of all their predeceifours, that it is impolTible to be at the fame time Prefbyterians and not rebells ... 8° Lond. 1663. BBLLAMY (Wiluam), CM. The pupil-teachers' guide to a more intelleftual method of teaching arithmetic ; containing new and interefting ex- amples, with rules, proofs, reafons, and important notes, illuf- trative of the matter introduced in the examples. 1 2° Lond. 1853. BELLAPERTICA (Petrus de). See Petrus. BELLAQUEUS (Remigius). A French poet of the i6th century. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitiie poetarum Gallorum, i. 488.] BELLARMINUS (Robertus). B. at Monte Pukiano, in Tufcany, 4 Oft. 1541. Entered the Society of the jefuits, 1560. Vifited the Low Countries, and was appointed profefibr of theology at Louvain, 1570. Re- turned to Italy, 1576. Raifed to the dignity of cardinal, 1 599. Archbifliop of Capua, 1602, but refigned the appointment in 1605, on obtaining the office of librarian to the Vatican. D. 17 Sep. l6zi. Apologia pro refponfione fua ad librum Jacobi, Magnae Britannias regis, cujus titulus eft, Triplici nodo triplex cuneus ; in qua Apologia refellitur prasfatio monitoria regis ejufderru Acceflit eadem ipfa refponfio, iterum recufa, qux fub nomine Matthxi Torti anno fuperiore prodierat. 4° Romae, 1609. Traftatus de poteftate furami Pontificis in rebus tempora- libus, adverfus Gulielmum Barclaium. 8'^ Colonial Agrippinx, 161 I. *Innominati aufloris commentatio ad Bellarmini librum de temporali poteftate papse. [Melchior Goldastus, Alonar- chia S. Romani Imperil, ii. 8 3 6.1 Difputationes de controverfiis Chriftianx fidei, adverfus hujus temporis hsreticos ; quatuor tomis comprehenfae. fol. Lutetias Parifiorum, 1620. Officio del principe Chriftiano, y avifos utiles para el govierno politico, militar y domeftico. En tres libros. Tra- ducido de Latin en Caftellano por Miguel de Leon Soarez, 40 Madrid, 1624. De fcriptoribus ecclefiafticis liber unus. Adjunftis in- dicibus undecim, et brevi chronologia ab orbe condito ufque ad annum mdcxii. Ultima editio a niendis praecedentium fedulo ac diligenter expurgata. Cum appendice philologica et chronologica R. P. Philippi Labbe. 8" Parifiis, 1658. Dottrina Criftiana breve. \Jtal. and -Enf.] 8° Lond. 1836. — Tradotta in lingua Albanefe dal Rever. Don Pietro Budi da Pietra Bianca. 12° Roma, 1664. The ait of dying well. In two books. Written origi- nally in Latin by Cardinal Bellarmin ; now tranflated into Englifh by John Ball ... 8° Lond. 1720. BELLAUD (M.), M.D. Effai fur la langue Armenienne. 8° Paris, 1812. BELLAY (GuiLLAUME Du), Seigneur de Langey. B. at the Chateau de Glatigny, near Montmirail, 1491. Diftinguiihed himfelf as a ftatefman and military commander. Appointed viceroy of Piedmont, 1537. D. at Saint-Symphorien, between Lyons and Roanne, 9 Jan. 1543. Inftrudfions fur le faift de la guerre, extraidtes des livres de Polybe, Frontin, Vegece, Cornazan, Machiavelle, & plufieurs autres bons autheurs. fol. Paris, 1549. — • \JJnder the title o/"] Inftruftions for the warres, amply, learnedly, and politiquejy, difcourfing the method of militarie difcipline, originally written in French. Tranflated by Paule Ive, Gent. 4' Lond. 1589. Epitome de I'antiquite des GaiJes et de France, par feu MefFue Guillaume du Bellay ... Avec ce, un prologue ou preface fus toute fon hiftoire, et le catalogue des livres alle- guez en fes livres de I'antiquite des Gaules et de France. Plus font adjouftees une oraifon, et deux epiftres, faites en Latin par le dit autheur, et par luy mefmes tiaduites de Latin en Frangoys. 4'= Paris, I 5 56. BELLAY— BELLEMARE 407 BELLAY (Joachim du). Surnamed the French Ovid. B. about 1524, near Angers. Canon of the church of Notre Dame, at Paris, 1555. D- at Paris, I Jan. 1560. CEuvres Fran^oifes. 12° Rouen, 1597. Poemata. \G?.vriK, DeUtut poetarum Galiorutn,\. 390.] BELLAY (Martin du). Brother of Guillaume. Lieut. -General of Normandy ; and, by his marriage with Elifabeth Chenu, Prince of Yvetot. D. at Glatigny, 1559. Commentariorum de rebus Gallicis, libri decern ... ex Gallico Latini fafli ab Hugone Surjeo. fol. Fiancofurti, 1575. Les memoires de MefT. Martin du Bellay, Seigneur de Langey. Contenans le difcours de plufieurs chofcs advenues au royaume de France, depuis I'an m.d.xhi. jufques au tref- pas du roy Frangois premier ; aufquels I'autheur a infere trois livres et quelques fragmens des Ogdoades dc MefT. Guillaume du Bellay, Seigneur de Langey fon frere. CEuvre mis nouvellement en lumiere ... par Mefl". Rene du Bellay ... Baron de la Lande, heritier d'iceluy MefT Martin du Bellay. fol. Pai-is, I 5 7 I . — Another edition. 8° Paris, 1573. — [Petitot, ColleHion complete des memoires, Isfc, xvii. xvili. xix.l BELLCHAMBERS (Edmund). A general biographical didlionary ; containing lives of the moft eminent perfons of all ages and nations. 4 vols. 12° Lond. 1835. BELLECOUR (Ch. Ma.x. de). The elements of French grammar, airanged in a methodi- cal manner. 8° Edinb. 18 16. A new methodical grammar of the French language. I 2° Edinb. 18 19. French pronunciation exemplified ; and all the moll elegant figures of the French language coUefled and ex])lained, both in Englifli and French. 12^ Edinb. 18 19. BELLEFOREST (Francois de). B. at Sarzan, Guienne, Nov. 1530 D. at Paris, I Jan. 15S3. L'innoccnce de la trcfilluftre, tres-chafte et debonnaire princciTe, Madame Marie Royne d'Efcofle, oil font am])le- ment rcfutces les calomnies faulces, et impofitions iniques, publiees ])nr un livrc [by George Buc/jiimin^ fecj'ettemcnt divulgue en France, I'an 1572, touchant tant la mort du Seigneur d'Arley, fon efpoux, que autres crimes dont elle eft faulccment accufee. Plus un autre difcours auquel font defcouvertes plufieurs trahifons tant manifeftes, que iufques icy cachecs, perpetrees par les mefmes calomniatcurs. \yIiioii.] 8° [Paris,] 1572. — [Jehu, De vila, isfe. Mar'm autlores fcdechn, i. 423.] BELLEGARDE. Bellegarde, the adopted Indian boy : a Canadian tale. 3 vols. I 2' Lond. I 8^2. BELLEGARDE (Gabriel Dupac deJ. B. near Carcafl'onne, 17 Odl. 1 717. D. at L'trccht, 13 Dec. 17S9. Vie de M. Van Efpen, Dodleur iis Droits et Profefleur des Saints Canons dans I'Univcrfite dc Louvain ; oil Ton trouve des eclairciflemens fur tous les ecrits ci-devant im- primes de ce Dodleur, et fur ceux qui font contenus dans le nouveau fupplement aux difFerentes colledlions de fes oeuvres. Par M. * * * Licencie ^s Droits. 8° Louvain, 1767. BELLEGARDE (Jean Baptiste Morvan de). Generally known as the Abbe de Bellegarde. B. at Piriac, near Nantes, 30 Aug. 1648. D. at Paris, 26 April, 1734. Reflexions fur ce qui peut plaire ou deplaire dans le com- merce du monde. Seconde edition. 2 torn. 12° Amfterdam, 1699. Reflexions fur le ridicule, et fur les moyens de I'eviter; oil font reprefentez les diflxrens caradteres & les moeurs des per- fonnes de ce fi^cle. Sixi^me edition. 12° Amfterdam, 1701. Reflexions fur la politefle des mceurs avec des maximes pour la fociete civile. Suite des Reflexions fur le ridicule. Quatrieme edition. 12° Amfterdam, 1707. Reflexions fur I'elegance et la politefle du ftile. Nou- velle edition. 12° Amfterdam, 1706. Les regies de la vie civile, avec des traits d'hiftoire ; pour formei' I'efprit d'un jeune prince. 12° Amfterdam, 1707. Lettres curieufes de litterature et de morale. Seconde edition. 12° Amfterd,am, 1707. Hiftoire univerfelle des voyages faits par mer et par terre, dans I'ancien et dans le nouveau monde ... Tom. L 12° Amfterdam, 1708. Les Caradleres d'Epidl^te avec I'explication du Tableau de Ccbes. Nouvelle edition. I 2= Amfterdam, 1709. Modeles de converfations pour les perfonnes polies. Cin- qui^me edition. 12° Amfterdam, 1709. BELLEHACHIUS (Ogerius). Sacrofandla bucolica Elizabeth Britannia;, Francise, et Hiberniae reginae dicata. 4° Londini, 1583. BELLE-ISLE (Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, Conte de). B. at Vilkfranche, 22 Sep. 1684. D. 26 Jan. 1761. * The cafe of the Mardial Belliflc truly ftated : in which the manner of his being feized in Hanover, the ufagc he met with there, and his removal hither, are examined by the law of nations, and fully juftified, as well by precedents as argu- ments ; and the reafons of his being brought over and de- tained here, explained and defended. To wliich is jirefixed, a preface as to tlie motives of the prcfent jjublication. 8^ Lond. 1745. BELLEMARE (Luis de). The wood-rangers. From the French. By Captain Mayne Reid. In tliree volumes. 8° Lond. 1S60. — Another edition. 8° Lond. [1861.] A hero in fpite of himfelf. From the French. By Cajnain Mayne Reid. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1861. 4o8 BELLEMERA— BELLEW — Another edition, entitled, The tiger-hunter. 8° Lond. [1862.] BELLEMERA (^Egidius). A French canonift, biiliop fucceiTively of Lavaur, of Puy-en- Velay, and of Avignon. D. 1409. In primam [fecundam et tertiam] primi, [prim. fee. et tert. fecundi] Decret. Ub. partem praslediones ultra fidem dofts ac luculentx ... 6 tom. fol. Lugduni, 1548-9. Remifforius, qui prior [et pofterior] eft tomus commen- tariorum in Gratiani Decreta ... 2 tom. fol. Lugduni, I 550. Traftatus de permutatione beneficiorum eccleiiafticorum. [F. ZiLETTUS, Traciatus umverfi juris, xv. i. I go.] Repetltio in cap. Romana, de foro compet. \_Repetitiones Juris canonici, v. 318.] Repetitio in c. Secuhues, et in c. Cum laicus, eodem tit. [Ibid. V. 334.] Repetitio in prooemium Clementinarum. [Ibid. vi. i.] Repetitio in Clemen, fidei de fumma Trinit. et fide Ca- thol. [Ibid. vi. 19.] Repetitio in Clem, abbates de refcript. [Ibid. vi. 27.] Repetitio in Clem, judices de offic. deleg. [Ibid. vi. 66.] Repetitio in Clement, fi plures de pnbendis. [Ibid. vi. 118.] Repetitio in Clement, fi una de reb. eccl. non alien. [Ibid. vi. I 30.] Repetitio in Clem, religiofi de decimis. [Ibid. vi. 151.] BELLENCINUS (Bartholom^eus). B. at Modena, 1418. Profeffor of the civil law at Bologna, whence he removed to Rome on the invitation of Sixtus IV. in 1472. D. at Rome, 7 June, 1478. Traiflatus de charitativo fubfidio. [F. Zilettus, Trac- tatus univer/i juris, xv. ii. 147.] — Repetitio in C. cum Joannes Eremita, de fide inftni- men. \^Repetitiones Juris canonici, iv. 56.] — In C. fi Cautio. eod. tit. [Ibid. iv. 73.] BELLENDEN (John). B. about the end of the 15th century. Archdeacon of Moray and canon of Rofs. D. at Rome, 1550. The firft five books of the Roman hiftory, tranflated from the Latin of Titus Livius. 1822. BELLENDEN (William). A native of Scotland. Profeffor of humanity in the Univer- fity of Paris, 1601. D. in Paris about 1620. Ciceronis conful, fenator, fenatufque Romanus ... Editio prima. 8° Parifiis, 1612. De rtatu, libri tres. I. De ftatu prifci orbis in religione, re politica, et liteiis. II. Ciceronis princeps, five de ftatu principis et imperii. III. Ciceronis conful, fenator, fena- tufque Romanus, five de ftatu reip. et urbis imperantis orbi. Primus, nunc primum editus : casteri, cum Traiftatu de pro- celTu et fcriptoribus rei politicte, ab autore aufti et illuftrati. 8° Parifiis, 16 16. — Editio fecunda, longe emendatior. [^EJiteJ, avith a preface, by Samuel Parr, LL.DJ\ 8° Lond. 1787. *' A free tranflation of the preface \by Samuel Parr] to Bellendenus ; containing animated ftri(5iures on the great political charadters of the prefent time [by ll^iUiam Beloe.] 8° Lond. 1788. De tribus luminibus Romanorum libri fex-decim. fol. Parifiis, 1633. — Another edition. fol. Parifiis, 1634. BELLERINE, Le Chevalier de. A French hiftorian, who lived in the former half of the 18th century. Relation d'un voyage du Chevalier de Bellerine d'Efpagne a Bender, et de fon fejour au camp du Roy de Su^de. J 20 Paris, 17 I 3. BELLERMANN (Johann Joachim). B. at Erfurt, 23 Sep. 1754. Profeffor of theology at Erfurt and afterwards at Berlin. D. 23 Oft. 1842. Verfuch einer Erldarung der Punifchen Stellen im P6- nulus des Plautus. Drey Programmen. 8° Berlin, 1808. BELLERS (Fettiplace). A delineation of univerfal law : being an abftradt of an elFay towards deducing the elements of univerfal law, from the firft principles of knowledge, and the nature of things : in a methodical and connefted feries. In five books. 4° Lond. 1750. Injur'd innocence : a tragedy. [Anon.] 4° Lond. 1732. BELLES. Modern blue belles. 8° Lond. 1854. BELLETT (George), A.M. Perpetual curate of St. Leonard's, Bridgnorth. Parochial fermons. 8° Lond. [1S53.] — Another edition. 8° Lond. i860. — Second feries. 8° Bridgnorth, [i860.] The antiquities of Bridgnorth ; with fome hiftorical no- tices of the town and caftle. 8° Bridgnorth, 1856. BELLEW (Francis J.) Views in India. 4° Lond. 1833. Memoirs of a griffin ; or, a cadet's firft year in India. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1843. BELLEW (H. W.) Journal of a political miflion to Afghanlftan, in 1857, under Major (now Colonel) Lumfden ; with an account of the country and people. 8° Lond. 1862. BELLEW (John C. M.) Chrift ; the revealer of the thoughts of many hearts : a fermon preached in Chrift church, Jenafalem, on the 19th Sunday after Trinity, September 28th, 1856. [Luke ii. 35.] 8° Lond. 1856. Sermons preached in St. Philip's, Regent Street [and St. Mark's, Maiylebone ;] together with two difcourfes de- livered on the days of national thankfgiving, 1855, 1856. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1856-9. BELLEW— BELLMAN 409 Five occafional fermons lately pieached in St. Philip's, Regent Street : together with a difcourfe delivered on the day of national humiliation, 0(flober -th, 1857. 8° Lond. 1857. " What is the chafF to the wheat?" a primary fermon preached at St. Mark's church, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood, London. [Jer. xxiii. 28.] 8° Lond. 1857. Sunday trading in the metropolis : a fermon preached at St. Mark's church, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood, London. [Alatt. xii. 7, 8.] 8° Lond. 1858. Chrift in life: life in Chnil 8° Lond. i860. Shakefpere's home at New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon : being a hiftory of the " Great Houfe" built in the reign of King Henry VIL, by Sir Hugh Clopton, Knight, and fubfo- quently the property of William Shakefpere, Gent., wherein he lived and died. 8° Lond. 1863. BELLEW (Robert). Thoughts and fuggeftions on the means apparently necef- fary to be adopted by the Legiflature, towards improving the condition of the Irifh peafantry. 8° Lond. 1808. BELLHOUSE (Harry K.) Hints to parents on the management of children's teeth. I 2° Lond. 1840. BELLI (Onorio). B. at Vicenza about the middle of the i6th century. Prac- tifed medicine at Canea, in the ifland of Candia. Ad Carolum Clufium aliquot epiftolae de rarioribus qui- bufdam plantis agentes. [Clusius, Rariorum plantarum hiflorla, p. ccxcvii.] A defcription of fome important theatres and other re- mains in Crete, from a MS. hiftoi-y of Candia by O. Belli in 1586. Being a fupplement to the " Mufeum of claffical antiquities." By Edward Falkener. 8° Lond. 1854. BELLICARIUS (Franciscus). See Belcarius. BELLIN (Jacques Nicolas). A French geographer. B, at Paris, 1703. D. at Verfailles, 21 March, 177a. Remarqucs fur la carte de 1' Ameriquc feptentrionale, com- prife entre le 28'= et le 72= degre de latitude, avec une de- fcription geograpliique de ces parties. 4° Paris, 1755. EITai gcographique fur les Ifles Britanniques. 4° Paris, 1757. Defcription geographique de la Guiane. [y?«on.] 4° Paris, 1763. Recueil des memoircs qui ont ete publics avec les cartes hydrographiques, que Ton a drefTecs au depot des caitcs & plans de la marine, pour le fei'vice des vaiffeaux du Roi par ordre du Minifttire, depuis I'annee l 737, jufqu'en 175 I. 4° n. p. n. d. BELLINCIONI (Bernardo). A poet of Florence. D. 1491. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, vi. 331.] VOL. I. BELLINGEN (Fleury de). A teacher of the French language in Holland, who lived at the middle of the 17th century. L'etymologie ; ou, explication des proverbes Frangois. 8° La Haye, 1656. BELLINGHAM (John George), M.A. Perpetual curate of Aldfworth, Gloucefterfhire. Sermons. 12° Lond. 1847. BELLINGHAM (O'Bryen), M.D. Obfervations on aneurifm, and its treatment by com- preffion. 8° Lond. 1847. A treatife on difeafes of the heart. 2 parts. 8° Dublin, 1853-7. BELLINUS (Franciscus). An Italian poet, who flouriflied in the former half of the i6th century. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitia: poetarum llahrum, i. 3 42 -J BELLINUS (Laurentius). B, at Florence, 3 Sep. 1643. Studied at Pifa, where he ob- tained the appointment of profeflbr of anatomy, which he held for thirty years. Subfequently prad:ifed as a phyfician at Flo- rence. D. 8 Jan. 1704. Opufcula aliquot ad Archibaldum Pitcarnium, in quibus praecipu^ agitur de motu coidis in & extra uterum, ovo, ovi aere & refpiratione. De motu bills, & liquidorum omniimi per corpora animalium. De fermentis & glandulis, &c. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1696. De urinis et jmlfibus, de miflionc fanguinis, de febribus, de morbis capitis et pedloris. 4° Francofurti et Lipfise, 1698. BELLINUS (Petrus). An Italian jurift. B. at Alba, in Piedmont, about the middle of the l6th century. De re militari & de bello in partes undecim traftatus di- vifus. [F. Zilettus, Trailalus umverfi juris, xvi. 335.] BELLIS (Gabriel de). Opera pofthuma, ubi continentur tradatus. I. De feudis. II. Dejuie facro. III. De deli(5tis in genere, et in fpecie de crimine lafa: majeftatis, ficariis item, atque veneficiis. IV. De ufufrui5tu. Nunc primum in lucem prodeunt, cum fummariis, et triplici indice . . . opera D. Heiftoris de Bellis ... auftoris f. 4° Lugduni, 1646. BELLIS (Richard). Incumbent of St. James's church, St. Hellers, Jerfcy. The ai k ; and other fermons preached in the jiarifli church of High Wycombe. With a preface by tlie Rev. A. M^Caul, D.D. 8° Lond. 1852. BELLMAN. The Britifli bellman. Printed in the year of the faints fear, 1648. \_Harldan Miscellany, vii. 585.] 3 G 4IO BELLMAN— BELLOY BELLMAN (Carl Mich.) A celebrated Swediih poet. B. at Stockholm, 24 Feb. 1741. D. II Feb. 1795. Tvenne Epiftlar, rorande Brodernas Tillftand och Lef- nad i Hufvudrtaden, Sommaren 1774 ... Och ett Svar af Elis Schroderheim. 12° Gotheborg, 18 12. Fredmans Handfliiifter. 8° Upfalse, 1813. BELLOLOCO (Simon de). B. at Beaulieu, in Champagne. Archbifhop of Bourges. Raifed to the dignity of cardinal by Boniface Vlll. D. at Or- vieto, 18 Aug. 1297. Afta vifitationisprovincianim Burdegalenfiset Bituricenfis. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, iv. 205.] BELLONI (GiROLAMo). A banker at Rome. D. 1 761. Difleitazione fopra il commeicio, ed una lettera fulla moneta immaginaria. [Custodi, Scrlttori clajfici Italtani dl economia politica, parte moilerna, ii. I.] BELLONIUS (Petrus). See Pierre Belon. BELLONUS (Antonius). A notary of Udine, who lived at the beginning of the i6th century. Liber de vitis et geftis patriarcharum Aquilejenfium ... [MuRATORi, Rerum Italicarum fcriptores, xvi. 26.] BELLONUS (Joannes). Communes jurium fententise ; quibus additas funt contra- riorum oppofitiones & folutiones. 12° Parifiis, 1552. — Another edition. 12° Parifiis, 1559. BELLONUS (Joannes Antonius). Profeflbr of civil law in the Univerfity of Turin about the beginning of the 17th century. De jure accrefcendi traflatus ; nunc primum in lucem editus; in quo difRciliores, tam contraiftuum, quam ultimamm voluntatum quEeftiones continentur. 2 torn. fol. Auguftae Taurinorum, 1637. BELLONUS (NicoLAus). Profelfor of law in the Univerfity of Pavia about the middle of the 1 6th century. Confiliorum volumen, quo diverfas materia, turn in fcholis, turn in judiciis utililTiniCB, difcutiuntur et cumulantur. fol. Bafileas, 1544. BELLONUS (Paulus). B. at Valenza, In Piedmont, about the middle of the i6th century. Profelfor of civil law at Pavia. D. at Milan, 20 April, 1625. De poteftate eorum qua: incontinenti fiunt, vel ex intei-- vallo. Liber primus. 40 Mediolani, 1623. — Liber fecundus. 4° Mediolani, 1621. BELLORI (Giovanni Pietro). B. at Rome, 1615. Devoted himfelf to the ftudy of anti- quities, and received from Clement X. the title of " Antiquario di Roma." D. 1696. Fragmenta vefligii veteris Romae ex lapidibus Farnefianis, cum notis, fol. Romas, 1673. — [GrjEVIUS, Thefaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, iv. 1955-]. Le pitture antiche del fepolcro de Nafonii nella via Fla- minia ; difegnate, ed intagliate alia fimilitudine degli antichi original! da Pietro Santi Bartoli ; defcritte et illuftiate da G. P. Bellori. fol. Roma, 1680. — Ex Italica lingua in Latinam vertit Ludolphus Neo- cerus. [GRiEVius, Thefaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, .\ii. 102 I.] Sele(5li nummi duo Antoniniani ; quorum primus, anni novi aufpicia, alter Commodum et Annium Vemm Caefares exhibet. l2°Amfl. 1685. Le vite de' pittori, fcultori, ed architetti moderni, co' loro ritratti al naturale. Seconda edizione. 4° Roma, 1728. Adnotationes, nunc primum evulgatae, in XIL priorum Casfarura numlfmata, ab .^Enea Vico Parmenfi olim edita ... fol. Romx, 1730. BELLOT (Joseph Rene) Lieut. B. in Paris, 18 March, 1S26. Educated at Rochefort, and entered the French navy, in which he rofe to the rank of lieu- tenant. Served as a volunteer on board H.M.S. Phcenix, Capt. Inglefield, in the expedition fent out to fearch for Sir John Franklin. Drowned in Wellington Channel, 18 Aug. 1853. Memoirs. \^By Julien Lemer.^ With his journal of a voyage in the Polar Seas, in fearch of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1855. BELLOT (Thomas). Sanfltrit derivations of Englifti words. 8° Lond. 1856. BELLOVACUM. See Beauvais. BELLOVISU (Jacobus de). An Italian jurift, who lived at the beginning of the 14th century. Praftica judiciaria in materiis crirainalibus ; cum advoca- tionibus celeberrimi domini Honorati Pugeti ... 8° Lugduni, i 5 i 5. — [MoDitJS, Rerum criminalium praxes, i. 245.] Singularis admodum repetitio §. contrahentes pofiti in c. Romana in titulo de foro competenti libro vi. 8° Lugduni, i 5 i 5. — [Repetitiones Juris canonici, v. 339.] De primo et fecundo decreto. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus univerji juris, iii. ii. 136.] Traftatus folennis de excommunicatlone. [Ibid. xiv. 387-] BELLOWS (W. L.) The life of John Strickland, late of Eaft Holme, "near Wareham, Dorfet. Compiled from his own papers. Se- cond edition. 120 Lond. n. d. BELLOY (Pierre de). A French jurift, b. at Montauban about 1540. Moyens d'abus, entreprifes et nullitez du refcrit & bulle du Pape Sixte V<=. du nom, en date du mois de Septembre i585,contre ... Heniyde Bourbon, Roy de Navarre ... et Henry de Bourbon ... Prince de Conde, Due d'Anguien. BELLOY— BELSHAM 411 Par un catholiquc, apoftolique, Romain ; niais bon Francois, et tresfidele fubjet de la couronne de France. 12° [Cologne,] 1586. Variorum juris civilis libri quatuor. Item difputationcs de fucceflionibus ab inteftato, de jure pignorationum vel mar- quae, et de compenfationibus. [Meerman, Novus thefaurus juris civilis et canonici, iv. 677.] BELLOY (Pierre I^aurent Buirette de). B. at Saint-Flour, in Auvergne, 17 Nov. 1727. A member of the French Academy. D. 5 March, 1775. Le Cege de Calais : tragedie reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 13 Fevrier I 765. [Petitot, Repertoire du theatre Francois, v. 1 05.] Gafton et Bayard : tragedie reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 24 Avril 1771. [Ibid. v. 251.] Gabrieile de Vergy : tragedie reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 12 Juillet, 1777. [Ibid. v. 377.] BELLS. The bells of S. Barnabas. \yerfe.'\ I 2° no title-page. BELLUGA (Petrus). A Spaniih jurift, a native of Valentia, who lived in the i 5th century. Speculum principum ; in quo univerfa imperatorum, re- gum, principum, rerumpublicarum, ac civitatum, fubdito- rumque, comitum, baronum, nobilium, ac civium jura, officia, dignitates ac mores, piaefertini regni Aragonias varie ac dilu- cide traftantur ... Una cum additionibus et commentariis D. Camilli Borelli ... AccefTere D. Antonii de Fuertes et Bifta ... auresE additioncs. fol. Bruxelis, 1655. BELLUOMINI (Joseph), M.D. Scarlatina and its treatment on homoeopathic principles. 8° Lond. 1843- BELLUS (Joannes Baptista). B. at Saly, 1600. A member of the order of the Jeluits, D. at Montpellier, 26 July, 1670. Diatribx duse : prima, de partibus templi auguralis ; al- tera, de menfe et die viftoris Pharfalics . . . 8" Tolofae, 1637. Diatriba de partibus tem])li auguralis. [Gr«vius, The- faurus antiquitalum Romanarum, v. 541.] Diatriba de Pharfalici conflidtus menfe et die. [Ibid, viii. 705.] BELLUS (Julius.) A native of Capod'Iftria. Secretary to Cardinal Dietrichftcin, in Moravia. Laurea Aullriaca : hoc eft, comnicnt:iriorum de ftatu rei- publica: noftri temporis, five de bello Gcrmanico eiufquc caufis, inter Divum Matthiam, & invidiffimum Ferdinandum II. Romm. Impp. nee non Fridericum V. Palatinum, ali- ofque cum imperii turn exteros rcges principefque, gloriofe vincente aquila Csfarea, gefto libri xii. fol. Francofurti, 1627. BELLUS (Lucius). Pocmata. [GRurrR, Delililant:itions of Great Britain, by uniting the na- tional and mercatorial interefts. To which are :;dded, fome confidcrations on ])roviding for, and employing our ufelcfs and burdenfome people. In feveral letters to a fiiend. 8° Lond. 1736. BENNET (Thomas), D.D. B. at Salilbury, 7 May, 1 673. Educated at St. John's Col- lege, Cambridiie. Redtor of St. James's, Colcherter, 1701. Vicarof St. Giles's, Cripplcgatc, London, 1716. U. in London, 9 Oft. 1728. * A brief reply to the fcri]>tural and argumentative part of Mr. Bennet's Brief hi(h)ry of the joint ufe of jirccompofed fet foims of prayer. 8° Lond. I 708. Charity-fchools recommended, in a fermon preach'd at St. James's church in Colchefter, on Sunday, March 26, 1 7 10. [Rom. xii. 13.] 8° Lond. 1710. The rights of the clergy of tlie Chrillian Church j or, a 420 BENNET— BENNETT difcourfe ftiewing that God has given and appropriated, to the clergy, authority to ordain, baptize, preach, prefide in church-prayer, and confecrate the Lord's Supper ; wherein alfo the pretended divine right of the layety to eleft, either the perfons to be ordained, or their own particular pallors, is examin'd and difprov'd. 8° Lond. 171 i. Direflions for lludying — 1 . A general fyllem or body of divinity. 2. The thirty-nine articles of religion. To which is added, St. Jerom's epillle to Nepotianus. 8° Lond. I 7 14. BENNET (William). Minifter of Duddingfton. D. 15 April, 1805. The excellence of Chriftian morality : a fermon, preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Chriftian knowledge, at their anniverfary meeting, Thurfday, 6 June, 1799. [/y: ex. 3.] 8° Edinb. 1800. The cafe of orphans ftated : a fermon preached in St. Andrew's church, Edinburgh, before the Society of the Orphans' Hofpital, Tuef. 14th July, 1801. Alfo an ap- pendix, containing an account of the progrefs and prefent (ituation of that valuable inftitution. ^Lam. v. 3.] 8° Edinb. 1801. BENNET (William Heath). Of Lincoln's Inn, barrifter-at-law. A (hort diflertation on the nature of the various proceed- ings in the mafl:er's office in the Court of Chancery ... With an appendix. 8° Lond. 183 I. A pradlical treatife on the appointment, office, and duties of a receiver, under the High Court of Chancery. With an appendix. 8 Lond. 1849. BENNETT (Charles H.) Shadows. 8° Lond. [1857.] — Second feries. 8° Lond. [i860.] The fables of jEfop, and others, tranflated into human nature. 4° Lond. [ I 858.] Proverbs : with piflures by C. H. Bennett. 4° Lond. 1859. Shadow and fubftance. By C. H. Bennett and Robert B. Brough. 8° Lond. 1860. The nine lives of a cat : a tale of wonder. 12° Lond. i860. London people : fetched from life. 4° Lond. 1863. The book of blockheads ... 8° Lond. 1863. The ftories that Little Breeches told, and the piftures which Charles Bennett drew for them. 8° Lond. 1863. BENNETT (E. T.) The gardens and menagerie of the Zoological fociety de- lineated. 2 vols. 8° Chifwick, 18 30-1. BENNETT (Emerson). The biide of the wildernefs- 8° Lond. n. d. BENNETT (Frederick Debell), F.R.G.S. Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year 1833 to 1836 ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1840. BENNETT (G.) The emprefs : a novel. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1835. BENNETT (George). Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coall, Singapore, and China ; being the journal of a naturalift in thofe countries, during 1832, 1833, and 1834. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1834. Gatherings of a naturalift in Auftralafia : being obferva- tions principally on the animal and vegetable produdlions of New South Wales, New Zealand, and fome of the Auftral iflands. 8° Lond. i860. BENNETT (George). Lyrics for youth. 8° Lond. 1855. BENNETT (George), B.A. The hiftory of Bandon. 8° Cork, 1862. BENNETT (George Bright), B.A. Curate of Fleet, Lincolnfliire. The Chriflian governefs : a memoir and a feleflion from the correfpondence of Mifs Sarah Bennett ... With an in- troduaion by the Rev. R. H. Cobbold, M.A. 8° Lond. 1862. BENNETT (George J.) The Albanians : a dramatic (ketch ; and mifcellaneous poems. 8° Lond. 183 i. The Juftiza ; a tale of Arragon : a play, in five afts. I 2° Lond. 1848. The pedeftrian's guide through Noith Wales : a tour per- formed in 1837. 8° Lond. 1838. The tourift's guide through North Wales. 8° Lond. 1853. BENNETT (Hugh), M.A. Vicar of Elmley Caftle, Worcefteriliire, i860. Formerly curate of Lyme Regis, Dorietfliire. A plain ftatement of the grounds on which it is contended, that marriage within the prohibited degrees is forbidden in Scripture. 8 Lond. 1849. BENNETT (J. F.) Hiftorical and defcriptive account of South Auftralia ; founded on the experience of a thiee years' lefidence in that colony. 8° Lond. 1843. BENNETT (J. T.) The Sicilian. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1845. BENNETT (James). B. at Falfield, Gloucefterfliire, 10 May, 1795. Carried on a fucccfsRil bufinefs as printer and bookCeller, in Tewkelbui-y, from iSio to 1852. D. 29 Jan. 1856. The hiftory of Tewkefbury. 8° Tewkefbury, 1830. BENNETT (James), D.D. B. in London, 22 May, 1774. Minifter of the congrega- tional chapel, Romley, Hamplhire, 1796. Principal and theo- BENNETT 421 logical tutor of Rotherham College, 1813. Minifter of the chapel in Silver-ftrect, London, whence he removed to Falcon- fquare. D. 14 Dec. 1862. The hiftory of the diflenters ... By David Bogue, D.D., and J. Bennett, D.D. 1833. Juftification as revealed in Scripture, in oppofition to the Council of Trent, and Mr. Newman's leftures. 8° Lond. 1840. A fecond antidote to infidelity. Leftures on the internal evidences of divine revelation. 12° Lond. n. d. The theology of the early Chriftian Church, exhibited in quotations from the writers of the firft three centuries. With refleftions. 8° Lond. 1841. Leftures on the Acfts of the Apoftles. With an appen- dix, in continuation of the infpired hiftory, by a flietch of the Revelation. 8° Lond. 1847. BENNETT (James N). Revifion of the liturgy : a leifhne on the eftablifliment and hiftory of the Book of common prayer, delivered at a meeting of the Church reform aflbciation, and other members of the Church of Engl.md, at the Freemafons' Hall, and by adjournment at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth, on the i 4 and 18 Feb. I 85 I. 12° Plymouth, 1S51. BENNETT (James R.) The life of Thomas Chatteiton, the poet. 12° Birmingham, i860. BENNETT (James Risdon), M.D. Lecturer on the theory and pradtice of medicine, St, Thomas's Holpital, London. The caufes, nature, diagnofis and treatment of acute hydro- cephalus, or water in the head : a prize eflay, to which the Medical fociety of London awarded the Fothergillian gold medal for 1842. 8° Lond. 1843. BENNETT (John). Letters to a young lady on a variety of ufeful and intercft- ing fubjedls ... In two volumes. 12° Warrington, 1789. BENNETT (John). The angel and trumpet. 8° Lond. 1853. BENNETT (John). Night and day ; or, butter late than never. In two parts. 8' Lond. [1858.] The worft in the world ; or, night and day. 8° Lond. [1859.] BENNETT (John). Revelations of a fly parrot. Edited and arranged by John Bennett. 8° Lond. 1862. BENNETT (.John). Engineer. The arcanum ; comprifing a concife theoiy of prafticable, elementary, and definitive geometry. 8° Lond. 1838. BENNETT (John). The merchant's and cotton manufafturer's afTiftant .. 12° Blackburn, 1852. BENNETT (.John). Shoit-hand explained ... — Second edition. — Third edition. — Fourth edition. 12=' Lond. 1825. 12° Lond. 1828. 12° Ipfwich, 1832. 12° Ipfwich, 1845. Introduftory view of fhort-hand, with a critical examina- tion of its moral influence on the mind and chara• 442 BERNIER— BERNOULLI held the appointment of phyfician to the Emperor Aurengzebe. D. at Paris, 2Z Sep. i68S. Voyages ; contenant la defcription des etats du Grand Mogul, de I'Hindoftan, du royaume de Kachemire, &c. ... 2 toni. 12° Amft. 1710. — Tranflated from the French by Ining Brock. 2 vols. 8°Lond. 1826. — [Pinkerton's ColhB'wn of voyages and travels, viii. 57-] BERNIER (Jean). B. at Blois, 1622. Praftifed as phyfician for many years. D. at Paris, 18 IVIay, 1698. Antl-Menagiana ; oi> I'on cherche ces bons mots, cette morale, ces penfees judicieufes & tout ce que I'affiche du Menagiana nous a promis. \Anon.'\ 12° Paris, 1693. BERNIERA (Johannes Angelus). " Anglicanae Ecclefis preibiter, et in Italica lingua concio- nator." Compendium hiftorix Reformationis, a Zuinglii et Lu- theri temporibus ad noftra ufque tempora deduftae. 8° Lond. I 707. BERNINO (DoMENico). II tribunale della S. Rota Romana. fol. Roma, 1 7 1 7. BERNIUS (GoERNERius), Eugubinus. A native of Gubbio, who lived in the latter half of the 1 5th century. Chronicon Eugubinum (Italice fcriptum) ab anno 1350 ufque ad annum 14.72. [Muratori, Renim Ilalkarum fcriptores, xxi. 917.] BERNO. Abbot of Cluny in the loth century. * B. Bernonis abbatis elogium hiftoricum. [Maeillon, Aaafanaorum O.S.B. v. 66.] BERNO. A Benediftine monk of St. Gall, and afterwards abbot of Reichenau. D. 7 June, 1048. Liber ; qualiter advcntus Domini celebretur, quando na- tivitas Domini feria fecunda evenerit. [Pez, Thefaurus anec- dotorum novjjjimus, iv. ii. 39.] Ratio generalis de initio adventus Domini fecundum auc- toritatem Hilarii Epifcopi. [Ibid. iv. ii. 49.] Dialogus ; qualiter quatuor temporam jejunia per fua Sabbata fmt obfervanda. [Ibid. iv. ii. 53.] Prologus in Tonarium, feu librum de mufica. [Ibid. iv. ii. 69.] De quibufdam rebus ad miffs officium pertinentibus li- bellus. [Max. BllUotheca veterum Patrum, xviii. 56.] Vita Sandli Meginradi, eremitse et martyris apud Helve- tios. [Mabillon, ylcia fanSorum O.S.B. iv. ii. 68.] Prologus in vitam S. Udaliici. [Ibid. v. 468.] — [Pertz, Monumenta Germama hiflorica, vi. 381.] BERNOLDUS. See Bertoldus. BERNOULLI (Daniel). Second fon of the elder John Bernoulli. B. at Grbningen, 9 Feb. 1700. ProfeiTor of mathematics at St. Peterlburg. Profeffor of medicine, and afterwards of natural philofophy, at Bade. D. 17 March, 17S2. Hydrodynamica ; five, de viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii. 4° Argentorati, 173S. Recherches fur la maniere de fuppleer a I'adlion du vent fur les grands vailfeaux ; foit en y appliquant les rames, foit en y employant quelqu'autre moyen que ce puilfe etre. Eon- dees fur une nouvelle theoiie de I'economie des forces et des effets. Par D. Bernoulli, L. Euler, et Mathon de Lacour. 4° Paris, 1810. BERNOULLI (Jacobus). B. at Bafle, 27 Dec. 1654. Profeffor of mathematics in the Univerfity of that town, 1687. D. there, 16 Aug. 1705. Opera. 2 torn. 4° GenevsE, 1744. Ars conje<5landi. Accedit traftatus de feriebus infinitis, et epiflola Gallicii fcripta de ludo pilae reticularis. 4° Bafilea?, 17 13. — pars fecunda ; continens dodtrinam de perniutationibus ct combinationibus. [Z,(Z/. and Eng. F. Maseres, The doarine of permutations and combinations ...p. i. 1795.] BERNOULLI (Jean). Brother of the preceding. B. at Bade, Aug. 1667. Pro- feffor of mathematics at Wolfenbiittel, 1693; at Groningen, 1695 ; and at Bafle, in fucceffion to his brother, 1705. D. i Jan. 1748. Opera omnia. 4 tom. 4° Laufanns et Genevae, 1742. Eflay d'une nouvelle theorie de la manoeuvre des vaifleaux, avec quelques lettres fur le meme fujet. 8° Bafle, 1 7 1 4. BERNOULLI (Jean). Grandfon of the preceding. B. at Bafle, 18 May, 1744. Aftronomer-royal at Berlin, 1763. D. there, 13 July, 1807. Lettres aftronomiques, oii I'on donne une idee de I'etat aftucl de I'aftronomie pratique dans plufieurs villes de I'Eu- rope. 8° Berlin, 1771. Recueil pour les aftronomes. 3 tom. 8° Berlin, i 77 1-6. Lettres fur difFerens fujets, ecrites pendant le cours d'un voyage par I'Allemapne, la Suifle, la France meridional et ritalie, en 1774 et 1775. Avec des additions & des notes plus nouvelles, concernant I'hiftoire naturelle, les beaux arts, raftronomie, & d'autres matieies. 2 tom. 8° Berlin, 1777. A fexcentenary table : exhibiting, at fight, the refult of any proportion where the terms do not exceed 600 feconds or 10 minutes. With precepts and examples. 4° Lond. 1779. Defcription hiftorique et geographique de I'lnde, qui pre- fente en trois volumes, enrichis de 6 4. cartes et autres planches : I. La geographic de I'lndouftan, ecrite en Latin, dans le pays meme, par le pere Jofeph Tieffenthaler ... 2. Des re- cherches hiftoriques & chronologiques fur I'Inde, & la de- fcription du couis du Gange & du Gagra, avec une tres grande carte, par M. Anquetil du Perron ... 3. La carte generale de I'Inde, celles du cours du Brahmapoutre, & de la navigation interieure du Bengale, avec des memoires re- BERNSTEIN— BERRIAT-SAINT-PRIX 443 latifs "a ces cartes, publics en Anglois [par] M. Jaques Ren- nell ... Le tout, augmente de rcmarcjucs & d'autrcs additions, redige & publie en Francois, par M. .lean Bernoulli ... 3 torn. 4° Berlin, 1786-8. BERNSTEIN (Ludwig), Ph. D. Seleiflions from the beft German authors, in profe and poetry ... 12° Lond. 1842. BERNSTORFF (Andreas Petrus, Graf von). B. at Hanover, 2S Aug. 1735. A member of the council of the King of Denmark, 1769. Retired during the adminiilration of Struenfee, but was reinllated after the fall of that minifter, D. 21 Jan. 1797. Bernftorffs EfteiTnxle. Samling af Amindelfcs-Skrifter over Grev A. P. BemftorfF, mcd Fundatferne for de til hans Hasder ojjrettede Stiftelfer. 2 Bde. 8° Kjobenhavn, i 799-1 800. BERNSTORFF (Johann Hartwig Ernst, Graf von). Uncle of the preceding. B. at Hanover, 13 May, 171 2. Entered the diplomatic fervice of Denmark, and obtained the poft of minifter for foreign affairs. D. 19 Feb. 1772. Apologie de Monfieur le Comte de Bernftorf. [i^r. and Ger.] 8° n. p. 1772. BEROA (.losEPHus Andreas). B. at Bergamo. Studied law at Padua, and praftiled, with great fucceis, in his native town. D. 1630. Juris-confultus ; five, de principiis et rationibus juris. 4° Bergomi, 1613. Q. Tuberonis in Q. Ligarium ad C. Casfarem oratio. Editio fecunda. 4° Bergomi, 1613. BEROALDE de VERVILLE (Francois). B. at Paris, 28 April, 1558. Originally a Proteftant, he em- braced the Romilh faith, and became a canon of St. Gatien at Tours. D. about 1612. Le moycn de parvenir ; oeuvre contcnant la raifon de tout ce qui a efte, eft, & fera. Avec demonftiations certaines & neceflaires, felon la rencontre des effcdts de vertu. [ylnoiiA 12° Imprime cede annee, [1610.] — Another edition, entitled, Le Salmigondis, ou le ma- nege du genre humain. [Anon.^ 12° Liege, 1698. BERO ALDUS (Matth/eos). B. at St. Denis, near Paris, about the beginning of the i6th century. D. at Geneva, 1576. Chronicon, Scripturrc facras autoritate conftitutum. fol. Ap. Ant. Chuppinum, 1575. BEROALDUS (Phiufpus). B. at Bologna, 17 Dec. 1453. ProfcfTor of belles-lettres in the univerfity of that city. D. 17 July, 1505. [End] Expliciunt orationcs et quamplures apendiculx vcr- fuum ... impreffx ... Bononirc anno Mcccclxxxxi ... 4° [_/o/. 2.] Heptalogos ; five, feptem fapicntes. [End].., impreflum Bononix ... anno falutis Mcccclxxxxviii ... 4° Dc felicitate opufculum. 4° Bononix, 1499. Oratio proverbiomm, qua doflrina rcmotior continetur. 4° Bononix, 1499. Opufcula qux in hoc volumine continentur lixc funt. De- clamatio An orator fit philofopho & medico anteponendus. Libellus de optimo (latu: & pricipe. Oratio proverbiorum, qua doiSrina remotior continetur. Declamatio contra fcoitatoiem & dc ebriofo aleatorem. Heptalogos ; five, feptem fapietes. 4° n. p. n. d. [Annotationum] ccnturia prima : eiufdem in Seruium grammaticum libellus : eiufdem in Plynium et alios quofdam : eiufdem appendix. [Jodocus Badius, Annotat'wnes doaorum virorum. 151 i .] Commentarii in Afinum aureum L. Afuleii. 1500. BEROALDUS (Philippus). Nephew of the preceding. B. at Bologna, i Oft. 1472. Pro- feflbr of belles-lettres at Rome. Librarian of the Vatican, 1^16 D. 1518. Poemata. [Gruter, DelitU poetarum Itahrum, i. 398.] — [Carminu illujlrium foetarum Italorum, ii. 155.] BEROLDUS, Mediolanensis. Ordo et ceremonix ecclefix Ambrofianx circiter annum I 1 30. [MuRATORi, Antiquitates Italke medi'i £vt, iv. 861.] BERONICIUS (P. J.) P. J. Beronicii poetx incomparabilis qux extant : P. Ra- bus reccnfuit, ct Georgarchontomachix notas addidit, infertis anonymi cujufdam commentariolis ... Editio fecunda. [I .at, and Dutch.^ 8° Amftelxdami, 1692. BEROSUS. Chaldxorum hiftorix qux fupcrfunt : cum commentatione prolixiori de Berofi vita ct librorum ejus indole, audlore ,Io- anne Dan. Guil. Richter, Ph. Dr. 8° Lipf. 1825. FjMgnients of Chaldxan hiftory. [Gr. and Eng. I. P. Cory, Ancient fragments, p. 19.] Antiquitatum lib. xvii. '[Spurious. Annius, /Intiqmtatum •variarum voU. .vd//.] BERQUEN (Robert de). Les merveilles des Indes Orientales ct Occidentales ; ou, nouveau traitte des ])ienes precieufes & perles, &c. 4° Paris, 1669. BERREY (George James). Of Lincoln's Inn, barriftcr-at-law. The icccnt ftatutes relating to j)refcri])tion and cuftom, modufes and compofitions for tithes, the limitation of real actions, fines, and recoveries ... with introdudions, abftrafls, tables, and notes. 12° Lond. 1S33. BERRIAT-SAINT-PRIX (Felix). Thcorie du droit conftitutionnel Fran^ais, cfprit des con- (litutions de l 84S et de i 852 ; precede d'un efliii fur le ])Ouvoir conftituant et d'un precis hillorique des conllitutions Frangaifes. 8° Paris, 185 1-2. 444 BER RI AT-S AINT-PR IX— BERS ANUS BERRIAT-SAINT-PRIX (Jacques). B. at Grenoble, 23 Sep. 1769. Profeflor of law fucceflively at Here, at Grenoble, and at Paris. D. at Paris, 4 Oft. 1845. Hiftoiie du droit Remain, fuivie de I'Hiftoii-e de Cujas. 8° Paris, 182 I. Couis de droit criniinel, f.iit a la Faculte de Droit de Paris. Deuxieme edition. 8° Paris, I 821. Cours de procedure civile, fait a la Faculte de Droit de Paris. Quatrieme edition. 8° Paris, 1821. BERRIDGE (John). B. at Kingfton, 1716. Educated at Clare Hall, Cambridge. Vicar of Everton, Bedfordfliire, 1755. D. 1793. Works : with an enlarged memoir of his life, by the Rev. Richard Whittingham. 8° Lond. 1838. The Chriftian world uninaflied ; pray come and peep. New edition, with life of the author by the Rev. Thomas Guthrie, D.D. 8° Edinb. 1S53. BERRIMAN (William), D.D. B. in London, 24 Sep. 1688. Educated at Merchant Taylor's fchool, and at Oriel College, Oxford. Curate of Allhallows, Thames Street. Reftor of St. Andrew Underfliaft, 1722. Fel- low of Eton College, 1727. D. 5 Feb. 1750. The great bleffing of redemption from captivity : a fermon preached at the cathedral church of St. Paul, December 4, 172 I, before the captives redeem'd by the late treaty with the emperor of Morocco. [P/I cii. 19-21.] 8° Lond. 1722. An hiftorical account of the controverfies that have been in the Church concerning the doftrine of the holy and ever blefled Trinity. In eight fermons [ZJcu/. xxxii. 7] preached at the cathedral-church of St. Paul, London, in the years 1723 and 1 7 2 4, at the le(flure founded by the worthy Lady Moyer, deceafed. 8^ Lond. 1725. The gradual revelation of the gofpel from thetime of man's apoftacy. Set forth and explain'd in twenty-four fermons, preached in the parifh church of St. Maiy-le-Bow, at the lecflure founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, in the years 1730, 1731, and 1732. 2 vols. 8° Lond 1733. Youth the proper feafon of difcipline : a fermon preach'd before the fociety correfponding with the incorporated fociety in Dublin, for promoting Englifh proteftant working-fchools in Ireland, at their annlverfary meeting in the parifh-church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Tuefday, March 23, 174 1—2. [Lam. iii. 27.] 4° Lond. 1742. BERRUYER (Is.^ac-Joseph). B. at Rouen, 7 Nov. 1681. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. D. at Paris, 18 Feb. 1758. Hiftolre du peuple de Dieu, depuis fon origine, jufqu'a la nailTance du Meffie, tiree des feuls livres faints, ou le texte facre des livres de I'Ancien Teftament. Reduit en un corps d'hiftoire. 7 tom. 4° Paris, 1728. BERRY. See Jacques le Bouvier. BERRY (Ch.4rles). Remarks on popery, and the prefent antipapal agitation : a fermon delivered at the gi'eat meeting, Leicefter, Dec. 8, 1850. [2 Thef. ii. 7] 8° Leicefter, 1S50. BERRY (Henry Lea), M.A. A ftatement of fads connefted with Homerton college, and an appendix upon the printed report for 1843. 8° Lond. 1S43. BERRY (Mary). The friend and correfpondent of Horace Walpole. D. in London, 21 Nov. 1852, aged ninety. A comparative view of the focial life of England and France, from the reftoration of Charles the Second, to the French Revolution. By the editor of Mad.ime du Deffand's Letters. 8° Lond. 182S. Social life in England and France, from the French Re- volution in 1789, to that of July 1830. \jAnon.'\ 8° Lond. 1 83 I. — Anothei' edition of both the preceding works, entitled, England and France ... To which are now firft added Remarks on Lord Orford's Letteis — The life of the Mar- quife du DefFand — The life of Rachel Lady RulTell — Fafhionable friends, a comedy. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1844. BERRY (Willum). A writer on heraldry, concerning whom little information is to be obtained. D. at Brixton, 2 July 1851, in the feventy- feventh year of his age. Introduction to heraldry ; containing the rudiments of the fcience in general. 8 Lond. 1 8 i o. The hiftory of the ifland of Guernfey ... from the re- moteft period of antiquity, to tlie year 1 8 1 4 ... With par- ticulars of the neighbouring iflands of Alderney, Serk, and Jerfey. Compiled from the valuable colleftions of the late Henry Budd, Efq. 4° Lond. 181 5. Genealogia antiqua ; or, mythological and claflical tables. Compiled from the beft authors on fabulous and ancient hif- toiy. fol. Lond. 1816. Genealogia facta ; or, Scripture tables, compiled from the Holy Bible. fol. Lond. 1 8 1 9. County genealogies. Pedigrees of the families of the county of Kent ... fol. Lond. 1830. — Pedigrees of the families of the county of Suflex . . . fol. Lond. 1830. — Pedigrees of Heitfordfhire families. fol. Lond. n. d. BERRY (William Windsor), M.A. Vicar of Stanwell,Middlefex, 1838-5S. Reaorof Wading- ham, Lincolnfliire, 1 858. A few words in favour of the black gown for preaching at morning fei^vice, when there is no communion. 12° Lond. 1843. " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature :" a fermon preached in the parilh church at Stan- well, Middlefex, May 18, 1 8 5 I , in aid of the funds of the Society for the propagation of the Gofpel. \J\Iark xvi. 15.] 8° Lond. 185 I. BERS ANUS (Bartholom^us). B. 1668. Studied law at Padua, and afterwards praftifed at Milan. D. 1707. Traftatus de viduis earumque privilegiis & juribus, aftivis & paffivis ; tum etiam de viduis fecundo nubentibus, & poenis illamm. fol. Genevas, 1699. BERSMANUS— BERTHOLDUS 445 Tradtatus de pupillis, eorumque privilcgiis & juribus. fol. Lugduni, 1 70 J. De ultimis voluntatibus, fuccefllonibus Ihitutariis Sc vaiiis contraftibus quaeftiones fingulares. fol. Bononise, I 707. BERSMANUS (Gregorius). B. at Annaberg, 11 March, 1536. Reilor of the gymna- fium at Zerbft. D. 8 Oft. 161 1. Poemata, in libros duodccim divifa. 8° Lipfia:, 1576. — [Gruter, JJelitid poetarum Germanorum, i. 42 4.] BERT (Johannes Henricus). Difputatio philofophica de luna ... 4° Trajefti ad Rhenura, 1696. BERTACHINUS (Joannes). An Italian jurift, b. at Fermo, who filled important offices fucceflively at Siena, Ancona, and Rome. D. about 1497. Reportioi-uni, dim quidem Jo. Tiiierry ... opera locu- pletatum ; poftea vero jEmilii Maris Manolefli ftudio magna parte auftum ... 4 torn. fol. Lugduni, 1587. De gabcllis, tributis & veftigalibus. [F. Zilettus, Trac- talus univciji juris, xii. 51.] Traftatus de epifcopis. [Ibid. xiii. ii. 301.] BERTARIUS. See Bertharius. BERTELIUS (Joannes). B. at Louvain, 1559. Abbot of Echternach, where he d. 19 June, 1607. Refpublica Lutzenburgenfis, Hannoniae, et Namurcenfis. [By J. Bertelius, Ludovicus Guicciardini, and I. B. Gra- maye.] i 2° Amilerdami, 1635. BERTERIUS (Phiuppus). Prefident of the parliament of Touloufe. D. i6j8. Pithanon diatriba; dux ; quibus civilis Imperii Romani no- titia & Ecclefix politia illuftrantur. ^Orro,'l'hifaurus juris Romani, iv. 789.] BERTET (Jean). ■" Abrcge de I'liiftoire prodigieufe de .lean Bertet du comtat d'Avignon, avec une difl'ertation pour diftinguer les vra'ies pofllffions d'avcc Ics faufles. Et un abregc d'un livre intitule: Letriomphe du tris-faint facrement fur le Demon. 8° Paris, 1732. BERTEVILLE (Le Sieur Jean). Recit de I'cxpedition en EcofFe I'an m.d.xlvi. et de h battayle de Mufclfburgh, ])ar Le Sicur Berteviile au Roy Edouard VI. [Edited by D. Conllable for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edimbourg, 1825. BERTHA. Vita S. Adellieidis virginis, prima; .ibbatiflx Vilicenfis in Germania Inferiorc. [Madillon, /Ida fanthrum O.S.B. VI. i. I 23.] BERTHA. Bertha's vifit to her uncle in England. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1830. BERTHARIUS. Abbot of the Benediftine monaftery of Monte Cafino, in the kingdom of Naples. Killed before the altar by the Saracens, 2Z oa. SS3, Carmen de S. Benedidlo. [Mabillon, ylda fandorum O.S.B. i. 27.] BERTHARIUS. A prieft of the cathedral of Verdun in the 9th century. Hiftoria brevis epifcoporum Virdunenfium. [d'AcHE- Rius, Spicilegium, xii. 251.] — [Pertz, Monumenta Germania hiflorica, vi. 38.] BERTHAULT (Petrus). A French ecclefiaftic and hiftorian. B. at Sens about 1600. D. 19 oa. 1681. Floras Gallicus ; five, rei"um a veteribus Gallis bello gef- tarum epitome ... Quarta editio. 12° Parifiis, 1644. Liber fmgularis de ara. [GR.tvius, Thefaurus antiqui- tatum Romanariim, vi. 232.] BERTHEAU (Ernst). Commentary on the Books of Chronicles. Tranflated by James Martin. [K. F. Keil, Commentary on the Boots of Kings ... 1857.] BERTHET (Elie). Margaret; or, the gold mine. 8° Lond. 1845. BERTHEVIN (Jules). B. at Stockholm, of French parents, 1769. Superintendent of the royal printing office, Paris. Eflai hiftorique fur le r^gne de Charles II., pouvant faire fuite a I'Hifloire de Cromwell. 8° Paris, 1819. BERTHOD (Francois). Memoires du Pile Beithod. [Petitot, ColleiJion des memoires relalifs a I'hi/Ioire de France, 2'''^ ferie, xlviii. 285.] BERTHOLDT (Leonhard). Profedbr of theology in the Univerfity of Erlangen. Hiftorifchkritifche Einlcitung in fammtlicho kanonifche und apokry])hilche Schritten des alten und neuen Tella- ments. 6 Thle. 8° Erlangen, 1812- 19. BERTHOLDUS. A monk of St. Mcfmin de Mici, near Orleans. Vita S. Maximini abb.itis Miciacenfis. [Maiiillon, ylda fandorum O.S.B. i. 562.] BERTHOLDUS. A monk of the abbey of St. Gall. Annotatio de abbatibus monallerii S. Galli. [Goluas- TUS, Rerum Alamannicarum fcriptores, i. 92.] 446 BERTHOLDUS— BERTI BERTHOLDUS. " Abbas S. Crucis Werdani, Ord, S. Bened." Quomodo portio vivificx crucis Werdeam pei'venerit hif- toria. [Qi^FELius, Reriim Bolcarum fcriptores, i. 332-] BERTHOLDUS. A prieft of Conftance, who lived in the latter half of the I Ith century. Chronicon, a Hermanni Contrafti obitu inchoatum, et ad annum falutis m.c. ufque perduflum. [Urstisius, Germanio I . Commentariorum rerum Germanicaruni libri tres ... 4° Amft. 16 1 6. — Another edition. 12" Amft. 1635. Thcatri geographic veteris tomus prior, in quo CI. Ptol. Alexandrini Geographix libri viii. Grasce et Latine, Graca ad codices Palatinos collata, aufta et cmendata funt, Latina infinitis locis corre(5la. [Tomus ])ofterior, in quo Itinera- rium Antonini imperatoris tcrreftrc et maritimum ; Piovin- ciarum Romanarum libcllus ; Civit;ites provincial um Galli- carum ; Itinerarium a Buidigala Hierofolymam ufque ; Tabula Peutingeriana cum notis Marci Velferi ad tabuhi- ejus partem ; Parergi Orteliani t;ibula- aliquot. fol. Amdelodami, 1619. De aggeribus et pontibus haiflenus ad mare cxftruiftis di- gedum novum. [Sallencre, Novus thefaunis tiri/irfiilttUiim Romanarum, ii. 915.] 448 BERTLINGH— BERTRAND BERTLINGH (Joannes). Philofophica difputatio inauguialis continens varias, praeter quadmplicem ex quadiuplici pliilofophiae parte praefciiptara materiem, in hoc philofophantium circo agitari folitas contio- verfias. 4° UltrajeiSti, 1652. BERTLINUS (Bartholom^us). * Oratio in laudem Bartholomjei Bertlini, ecclefiaftse Memmingenfis, confcripta anno 1563. [Schelhorn, y^mir- nltates llterarlie, v. 221.] BERTOCHIUS (Joannes Georgius). A German lawyer, who praftifed at Zittau in the former half of the I 8th century. Promtuarium juris : poft Car. Fred. Hommelium curavit Chr. Auguft. Giinther. 2 torn. 8^ Lipfix, 1788. BERTOLA (AuRELio de' Giorgi). B. at Rimini, 1753. ProfeHor of geography and hiftory at the Royal naval college, Naples. Removed to a fimilar pro- felTorfliip at Pavia. D. 179S. Ueber die Philofophie der Gefchichte, in drey Biichern. Aus dem Italienifchen. Zweyte Auflage. 8° Neuwied, 1793. BERTOLACCI (Anthony). Comptroller-general of the cuftoms, Cevlon. D. lo Aug. .833- A view of the agricultural, commercial, and financial in- terefts of Ceylon. With an appendix. S° Lond. 1817. BERTOLDO. Bertoldo, drama tragicomico ... 12° Venezia, 1717. BERTOLDUS. See Bertholdus. BERTOLI (GlANDOMENICO). B. at Mereto, near Udine, 13 March, 1676. Entered the Church, and was appointed canon of Aquileja. D. about 1750. Le antichita d'Aquileia profane e facre, per la maggior parte finora inedite. fol. Venezia, 1739. BERTRAM (Charles). An eflay on the excellency and ftyle of the Englidi tongue ... 8° Copenhagen, 1749. Ethics, from feveral authors, the words accented to ren- der the Englilh pronuntiation eafy to foreigners. 8° Copenhagen, 1751. The royal Englifli-Danifli grammar, eller grandig Anvif- ning til det Engelflve Sprogs Kundllcab : hvorledes famme paa en last og vis Maade Aval laefes, tales, flcrives og kiendes, i ai. Tomer, beftaaende af: — i. En fuldftxndig Engelflv Gramniatica. 2. En grundig Anvifning at Ixfe og tale det EngelUve Sprog. 3. Et begreb om det Engelllce Sprog og dets Literature. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1753. BERTRAM (James G.) The ftory of a flolen heir : a novel. In thiee volumes. 8° Lond. 1858. BERTRAM (.John). Minifter of Muiravonfide. D. there, 22 Dec. 1802, in the thirty-fifth year of his miniftry, Obfervations on various fubjefls. 8° Edinb. 1774. BERTRAMUS. See Ratramnus. BERTRAMUS (Bonaventura Cornelius). B. at Thouars, in Poitou, 1531. ProfclTor of Hebrew at Geneva, and afterwards at Laufanne. D. 1594. De politia Judaica, tam civili quam ecclefiaftica, jam inde a fuis primordiis, hoc eft, ab orbe condito, repetita. Se- cunda editio ... 8° Genevas, 1580. De repubiica Ebrasorum, recenfitus commentarioque illuf- tratus opera Conftant. I'Empereur ab Oppijck. 12° Lugd. Bat. 1641. — [Critici sacri, v. ii. 309.] — [Ugolinus, Thefaurus antiquitatum facrarum, iv. i.] BERTRAND (Elie). B. at Orbe, in Switzerland, 1712. Studied at Laufanne and Geneva. Preacher at Berne, 1744. D. about 1790. Memoires hiftoriques ct phyfiques fur les treniblemens de terre. 8° Haye, 1757. Recherches fur les langues ancienncs et modemes de la Suifle, et principalement du Pays de Vaud. 8° Geneve, i 758. Receuil de divers traites fur Thiftoire naturelle de la terre, ct des fofllles. 4° Avignon, 1766. BERTRAND (Francois Seraphique). B. at Nantes, 30 Oft. 1702. Pradlifed as an advocate with great fuccefs, but was forced by feeble health to abandon his profcflion. D. at Nantes, 15 July, 1752. Ruris deliciae. Colligebat ex melioris notas Latinis Gal- licifque poetis Francifcus Bertrand. 8° Paris, 1756. BERTRAND (Jean). A Swifs clergyman, brother of Elie Bertrand. B. 1708. D. 28 Dec. 1777. De I'eau relativement a I'economie ruftique; outraite de I'irrigation des pres. 8° Avignon, 1764. EfTais fur Teiprit de la legiflation favorable a I'agriculture, a la population, au commerce, aux arts, aux metiers, &c. [^non/] 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1766. BERTRAND (Louis). B. at Geneva, 3 Oft. 1731. Studied mathematics at Berlin under Euler. Profeflbr of geometry at Geneva, 1761. D. 15 May, 1812. Developpement nouveau de la paitie elementaire des ma- thematiques prife dans toute fon etendue. 2 tom. 4° Geneve, 1778. Renouvellemens periodiques des continens terreftres. Se- conde edition. 8° Geneve, 1803. BERTRAND (P.-M.) B. near Sens, about 1730. A civil engineer and infpeftor- general of roads and bridges. D. at Paris, 181 1. Lettre "a M. le Comte de BufFon ; ou, critique et nouvel efTai fur la Theorie generale de la terre. Seconde edition. [Jrwn.] 8° Befangon, 1782. BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE— BERWICK 449 BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE (Antoine Fran- cois de). B. at Touloufe, 1744. D. 19 Oft. 1818. Hiftoire de la revolution de France, pendant les derniers annees du rigne de Louis XVI. 3 ptt. 1 4 torn. 8° Paris, 1 So 1-3. Annals of the French revolution ... Tranflated by R. C. Dallas, Efq. ; from the original manufcript of the author, which has never been publifhed. In four volumes. 8° Lond. 1800. [This is a trandation of part I. of the preceding work.] Memoires paiticuliers, pour fervir a I'hiftoire de la fin du rhgne de Louis XVI. 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1823. — Tranflated from the original raanufciipt of the author.' In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1797. A refutation of the libel on the memory of the late king of France, publiftied by Helen Maria Williams, under the title of Political and confidential correfpondence of Lewis the Sixteenth. Tranflated from the original manufcript, by R. C. Dallas, Efq. S° Lond. 1S04. BERTRAND-QUINQUET ( ). A printer in Paris, D. 12 June, 1808. Traite de I'imprimerie. 4° Paris, 1799. BERTRANDUS. Bi(hop of St. Bertrand de Comminges, on the Garonne, at the beginning of the 12th century. * Vita S. Beitrandi, Convenarum epifcopi,auctore Vitali. BERTRANDUS. Prior of Pontigny about the middle of the 13th century. Vita Sandli Edmundi, Cantuarcrfis archiepifcopi. [Mar- TENE et Durand, Thefaurus novus anccdotorum, iii. 1751.] BERTRANDUS (Joannes). B. at Touloufe, 1 1 May, 1 527. Prcfident of the parliament of Touloufe. D. I Nov. 1594. B/o/ wjMY.iisi' five, de jurlfperitis libri duo. Secunda editio ... Accedit Jacobi Labitti index Icgum omnium, qus in Pandcftis continentur. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1675. — [Bcrnardinus Rutilius, &c. Vil£ triparhlit jurijcon- fultorum velerum.^ BERTRANDUS (Petrus). B. at Annonay, department of Ardcchc. Profcflor of civil and canon law at Avignon, at Montpellicr, at Orleans, and at Paris, in fucccflion. Birtiup of Ncvers, and afterwards of Autun. Raifcd to the dignity of cardinal byjohn XXll. in 1331. D. at Avignon, 24 June, 1349. Libellus adverfus Petrum de Cugneriis, fuper fado prx- latorum Ecclefis Gallicanx. \^Max. Bibliolheca veterum Patrum, xxvi. 1 09.] — [GoLDASTUs, Monarchia S. Roman! imperii, iii. i 3 6 I .] De originc juiifdl(ftionum, (eu de duabus potcflatibus, temporali fcilicet ac f])iiituali, cjuibus univcrfus Chrifliani- tatis populus regitur. [F. Zilettus, Trailalus iiniver/i juris, III. i. 29, and xii. 408.] — \_Ahix. Bibiwtheca veterum Patrum, xxvi. 127.] VOL. I. BERTRANDUS (Stephanus). A French lawyer, b. in Dauphinc, who flouriflied during the firft half of the i6th century. Repetitio fuper 1. hac ediiflali. C. de fccundis nu])tiis. [LiMPius, Repetitiones in varias juris civilis leges, vii. 520.] BERTUCH (Friedrich Justin). B. at Weimar, 29 Sep. 1746. Private fecretary to the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 1779. D. 3 April, 1822. Magazin der Spanifchen und Portugicfifchen Literatur. 2 Bde. 8° Weimar, 1780. BERTULFUS. Abbot of Bobbio, in the 7th century. * Vita S. Bertulfi, audlore Jona. BERTULFUS. Abbot of Renty, in the 8th century. Vita S. Bertulfi, abbatis Renticx in Flandiia, aucflorc monacho Blandinienfi, qui vixit fceculo xi. [Mabillon, Ada fandorum O.S.B., iii. i. 39.] BERTY (Adolphe). Vocabulaire archeologique Fran^ais-Anglais et Anglais- Frangais ... Avec renvois aux 1700 vignettes illuftiant le Gloflaire d'architefture, public par J. H. Parker, (d'Oxford.) 8° Oxford, 1853. BERWICK. An enquiry relative to the highways in the fliirc of Ber- wick. Submitted to the confidcration of the hcretors and tenants in the fliire. 8° n. p. n. d. BERWICK (E. L. A.) The dwarf; or, mind and matter: a novel. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1855. Eveleen. 3 vols. 8 Lond. 1856. The queen's dwarf: a novel. 8° Lond. [1861.] BERWICK (Edward). Vicar of Leixlip, Co. Dublin. Lives of Caius Afinius Pollio, Marcus Tcrentius Varro, and Cneius Cornelius Gallus. With notes and illuflrations. 8° Lond. 1814. Memoiis of the life of the elder Scipio Africanus. With notes and illuflrations. iz°Lond. 18 17. A defence of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ; in anfwer to certain obfervations pnflcd on his lite and writings \by Francis JeJ'rey^ in the fifty-thiid number of the Edinburgh Review. [yluonJ] 8° Lond. 1 S 1 9. BERWICK (Jacqiies le Fitz-James, Due de). Natural Ton of the Duke of York, afterwards James 11., and Arabella Churchill, filler of the Duke of Marlborough. B. a I Aug. 1670. Killed at the liege of I'hiliplbourg, 12 June, 1734. Memoires, ecrils par lui-meme ... 2 tom. 12° Paris, 1778. — [Petitot, ColleHion ties memoires relatifs a fhijloire de France, Z'^" fciie, tom. Ixv. Ixvi.] 3 " 45° BERZELIUS— BESOLDUS BERZELIUS (Jons Jacob). B. at Vafverfunda, in Oftgothland, Sweden, 29 Aug. 1779. Studied medicine at Upfala. Prailil'ed as a phyfician at Stock- holm, but devoted much attention to chemiftry. Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, iSiS. Raifed to the dignity of a baron, 1835. D. at Stockholm, 7 Aug. 1S48. All attempt to cftablifh a pure fcientific fyftem of miner- alogy, by the application of the eleiftro-chemical theoiy and the chemical proportions. Tranflated from the Swedifli ori- ginal by John Black. 8° Lond. 18 14. The ufe of the blowpipe in chemical analyfis, and in the examination of minerals. Tranflated from the French of M. Frefnel by J. G. Children. 8° Lond. 1822. Traite de chimie ; traduit par A. J. L. Jourdan [et Me. Efflinger.] 8 torn. 8° Paris, 1 829-33. The analyfis of inorganic bodies. Tranflated from the French edition, by G. O. Rees. 12° Lond. 1833. BESALIO (Camillo). A native of Venice, who lived in the former half of the :6th century. Sonetto. ^KvBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxii. 135.] BESANT (William Henry), M.A. A treatife on hydrofl:atics and hydrodynamics. 8° Cambridge, 1859. BESBOROUGH. See Bessborough. BESEKE (JoHANN Melchior Gottlieb). B. at Burg, near Magdeburg, 16 Sep. 1746. Profeflbr of law at Mitau, in Courland. D. 19 Ofl. 1802. Commentatio de frumentaria largitione et legibus fi-umen- tariis ... 12° Mitavias, 1775. BESENVAL (Pierre-Victor, Baron de). B. at Soleure, in Switzerland, 1722. General in the French fervice. D. at Paris, 2 June, 1791. Memoires, ecrits par lui-meme ; imprimes fur fon manuf- crit original, et publics par fon executeur tefl:amentaire [A. J. Segur.] Contenant beaucoup de particularites et d'anec- dotes fur la cour, fur les miniftres et les r^gnes de Louis XV. et Louis XVI. et fur les evtinemens du temps. Precedes d'une notice fur la vie de I'auteur. 4 torn. 8° Paris, 1 805-6. Memoires, avec une notice fur fa vie, des notes et des eclairciflemens hiftoriques, par MM. BeiTille et Bani^re. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 182 I. BESLER (Basilius). B. at Niirnbcrg, 1561. D. 1629. Fafciculus rariorum et afpeftu dignorum varii generis, quae collegit et fuis impenfis asri ad vivum incidi curavit atque evulgavit. 4= Noribergse, 16 16. BESLY (John), D.C.L. Vicar of Long Benton, near Newcaftle. The refpeflive duties of the clergy and people confidered in reference to the inftitution of the Chriftian miniftiy : a fer- mon preached in St. Nicholas' church, Newcaftle-on-Tyne, onTuef. Sep. 27, 1836, at the vifitation of the Ven. Thomas Singleton, D.D. [Ga/. iii. I.] 4° Lond. 1836. The way to find reft for our fouls marked out in the old path of the Church difcipline and doflrine: a fermon preached in St. Nicholas' church, Newcaftle-on-Tyne, on Wed. July 26, I S43, at the vifitation of the Ven. William Forbes Ray- mond, M.A. [Jer. vi. 16.] 8° Lond. 1843. BESOLDUS (Christophorus). B. at Tubingen, 1577. ProfelTor of jurifprudence in the Uni- verfity of Tubingen, 1610. Embraced the Roman Catholic faith, and retired to Ingolftadt, 1635. D. there, 15 Sep. 1638. Diflertatio politico-iuridica de foedenmi jure ; iibi in fimul de patrocinio et clientela, ac item de neutralitate, difputatur fuccinfl^. 4° Argentorati, 1622. Vitas et mortis conCderatio politica, libellis tribus compre- henfa, quorum i. de vitae fuftentatione ; ii. de cura fanitatis ; iii. de fepultura agit. 4° Argentorati, 1623. — Another edition. 4° Argentorati, 164 1. Differtatio philologica de arte jureque belli. 4° Argentorati, 1624. — Another edition. 4° Argentorati, 1642. Spicilegia polltlco-juridica de legatis, de feflionis praece- dentia, ac item de pacis jure, deque arcanis rerumpublicai-um. 4° Argentorati, 1624. — Another edition. 4° Argentorati, 1641. De arcanis rerumpublicarum diflertatio. [A. Clapmarius, De arcanis rerumpublicarum ... 164 1.] Juridico-politics difleitationes de jure rerum, familiarum, collegiorum, academiarum, aliarumque univerfitatum, ac item territoriomm. 4° Argentorati, 1624. Difcurfus politici fingtJares de infomiatione et coaftione fubditortim, ubi agitur i. de educatione, ftudlis literarum, peregrinatione, cura religionis; ii. de prjemiis, poenis, legibus; iii. de magiftratibus et cenforibus. 4° Argentorati, 1626. De natura populoram, ejufque pro loci pofitu, ac temporis decurfu variatione : et infimul etiam de linguarum ortu atque immutatione philologicus difcurfus. 4° Tubinga?, 1632. De asrario publico difcurfus : nunc iterato editus, varieque audlus. 4° Argentorati, 1639. Difcurfus politicus de incrementis imperiorum, eorumque amplitudine procuranda : cui inferta eft difl'eitatio fingularis de novo orbe. 4= Argentorati, 16 40. Synopfis doftrinSE politicas. Editio fexta. 12° Amft. 1643. TraOatus pofthumus juris publici de origine et fucceflione, variifque Imperii Romani mutationibus ; Imperatoris item, ac Imperialium judicioTum, ut & ftatuum poteftate ac jurif- didlione. 12° Ingolftadii, 1646. Confiliorum Tubingenfium, five illuftrium juris refponfo- rum et confultationum de infignioribus aliquot juris, tam pub- lici quam privati, civilis, canonici, ac municipalis Wurtem- bergici, quxftionibus, volumina vi. ; quje majori ex parte nomine inclytz facultatis juridical, in illuftri academia Tubin- genfi confcripta, partim vero ab aliis celeberrimis JCtis con- fignata, ex eoramque manufcriptis colleftaneis eruta, haftenus adornavit Chriftophorus Befoldus. fol. Tubingx, 1661. Difputationes juridiccE ad jus provinciale Wirtembergicum enucleantes ... 4° Tubingas, 1662. BESSARION— BESSETIS 451 Delibata juris, continentia congeiiem fuccin(5tamque rcfo- lutionem ]jra;cipuaium qua;ftionum,qun; in libiis Pandcftarum L. occuirant ; novifTimc revifa, et nonnullis, in prima parte, additionibus auda, opeia Fcrd. Chriftoph. Haq)precht, 2 ptt. 4° Tubingnj, 1677. De appellationibus, difcurfus juridico-pollticus. Editio iterata ... 8° Tubingm, 1678. Commentarius fucciniftus in vaiias politico-juridicas qusf- tiones ... ex adverfariis & notationibus Chriftophori ac Job. Georgii Befoldorum delibatus ... 4" Ulmae, 1729. Thefaums prafticus ; cum additionibus et continuatione Ludovici Dietherri, ut et appcndice D. Ahafueri Fritfchii. 2 torn. fol. RatifbonK, 1 7 40. BESSARION (Joannes). B. at Trebizond, 1389, or, according to Bandini, 1395. Member of the Council of Ferrara. Created cardinal and arch- bifhop of Siponto by Nicolas V., and patriarch of Conftantinople by Pius II. D. at Ravenna, 19 Nov. 1472, Quae in hoc volumine traftantur : Beflarionis ... in calum- niatore Platonis libri quatuor ; opus ... in quo pnclariflima quxque & digna ledu qux a Platone fcripta iunt, ad homines tarn moribus quam difcipHnis inftniendos, breuiter ... nar- rantur. Euifdem correftio librorum Platonis De legibus, Georgio Trapezuntio inteqirete, ubi paflim verba graeca ip- Cus Platonis recitantur ... deinde a Befiarione, fepe argu- mento prsmiflb, in latinum vertuntur. Poftremo Trapezuntii tralatio fubiungitur ... Eiufdem de natura & arte, adverfus eundem Trapezuntiu, tradlatus admodum quam acutus ac doftus. Eiufdem Metaphyficorum Ariftotelis xiiii. librorum tralatio. Theophrafti Metaphyficorum, lib i. Index ... fol. Venctiis in sdibus Aldi et Andres foceri, i 5 1 6. Orationes duas accuratiffimas, olim ad principes Italia ha- bitae, quarum una de periculis imminentibus propter Turcicas irruptiones, altera de difcordiis fcdandis et bcllo in Turcam decernendo, ad eofdem perdodle traftat ... 8° Noribergas, i 593. De facramento euchariftias, et quibus veibis ChrilH corpus conficiatur. [L.nvKGiM Sanilorum palrum. 1560.] BESSBO ROUGH, Earl of. 4th Earl of Beffborough. See J. W. PoNSONBY, BESSE (Joseph). A colleiflion of the fufferings of the people called Quakers, for the teftimony of a good confcience, from the time of their being firft diftinguifhcd by that name in the year 1 6 50, to the time of tlie :i£t commonly called the Ait of tolera- tion, granted to Proteftant difi'enters in the iirit year of the reign of King William the Third and Queen Mary, in the year 1689. 2 vols fol. Lond. 1753. BESSEL (Friedrich Wilhelm). B. at Minden, 22 July, 1784. Profeflor of aftronomy at Koniglbcrg. D. 17 March, 1846. Fundamenta aftronomix pro anno mdcclv. dedudla ex ob- fervationibus ... J. Bradley in fpecula aftronomica Greno- vicenfi per annos 1750-1762 inlHtutis. fol. Rcgiomonti, 18 iS. BESSEL (Joannes Franciscus). A German jurift, a native of Buchheim, who lived in the former half of the iSth century. Diflertationes ad jus publicum Romano- ecclefiafticum ... quas ... pro licentia gradum doftoralem in utroque jure fufci- piendi publicas et inaugurali difputationi fubjecit, die xvii. Maji anno mdccxiv. in auditorio juiidico coUegii majoris ... Joannes Francifcus Beffel. 4° Erfordias, 1714. BESSELIUS (Fridericus). A German mifcellaneous writer, a native of Tilfit, who lived in the latter half of the 17th century. Mifcellaneorum philologico-criticorum fyntagma. Quibus multa juris Romani veterumque auftorum loca explicantur, emendantur, vindicantur, ac illuftrantur. Acccdit de vita et fcriptis autoris ])rxfatio. 8° Amftelodami, 1742. BESSELIUS (Godefridus). B. at Buchheim, near Maintz, 5 Sep. 1672, Entered the Benedidtine order, and was appointed abbot of Gottwich, in Auftria, 1714. D. 20 Jan. 1749. Chronicon Gotwicenfe ; feu, annales liberi et exempt! monafteriiGotwicenfisordinis S. Benedidli inferioris Auftria;, faciem Auftiias antiqux & media:, ufque ad noftra temjiora, deinde ejufdem monafterii fundationem,progrcfrum, ftatumque hodiemum exhibens ... 2 toni. fol. Tegern, 1732. BESSELMEIERUS (Sebastianus). Hiftoria belli Magdeburgenfis, anno I5 50et I 55 I gefti. [Schardius, Return Gernuinicarum fcriptores, ii. 5 1 8.1 BESSEMER (Henry), C.E. On the refiftance of the atmofphere to railway trains, and a means of leflening the fame ; together with an account of fome imjirovements in railway carriage axles. 4° Lond. 1S47. * The iron manufacfturc, and Mr. BefTemer's invention. 8° Lond. 1856. BESSER (RunoLPH). Chrift, the light of the world : biblical ftudies on the firft ten chapters of St. .John's Gofpel. Trandated from the German by M. G. Huxt;ible. 8° Edinb. 1861. Clirift, the life of the world : biblical ftudies on the eleventh to the twenty-firft chapters of St. John's Gofpel. Tranflated from the German by M. G. Huxtable. 8° Edinb. 1862. BESSER (W. F.), D.D. St. Paul the Apoftle : a biblical portrait and a mirror of the manifold grace of God. Tranflated by Frederic Bult- mann. With an introdudlory notice by Rev. J. S. Howfon, D.D. 8° Lond. 1864. BESSET, Mrs. The loft child ; a taleof London ftrects : and other ftories, in words of two fyllables. 8° Lond. 1854. BESSETIS (Andreas de). Rcpetitio in legem habeat. C. de facrofanflis ccclefiis. [LiMPius, Repelilknes in vui'iai juris civilis Itgej, vii. 25.] 452 BESSIANUS— BEST BESSIANUS (Joannes). A French jurift, who lived about the middle of the i6th century. Annotationes in confuetudines Ai-vernomm ... Editio poftrema. 8° Trajefli ad Rhenum, 1670. BESSIERES (G. L.) Introduftion a I'etude philofophique de la phrenologie, et nouvelle claffification des facultes cerebrales. 8° Paris, 1835. BESSIN (Pierre). Pfeud. 0/ Jacques Du Puv. BESSON (Jacques). B. in Dauphine. Profenbr of mathematics at Orleans in the latter half of the l6th century. Le cofmolabe ; ou, infti-ument univerfel concei nant toutes obfervations qui fe peuvent faire par les fciences mathema- tiques tant au ciel, en la terre, comme en la mer. 4° Paris, 1567. Theatrum inftrunientorum et machinarum ; cum Franc. Beroaldi ligurarum declaratione demonftrativa. fol. Lugd. 1578. BESSY GRAHAM. BeiTy Graham ; or, a peep at the heart : a ftoiy for children. By the author of " Home life," " Rofa's child- hood," etc. 12° Lend. n. d. BEST, Mrs. Trafts on the New Teftament hiftories. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1847-52. The works of creation illuftrated. i 2° Lond. [1850.] Abroad ; and how to live there ; a narrative ot three years' refidence in Germany and Switzerland. 8° Lond. i860. The home of poverty made rich. 8° Lond. [1862.] BEST (Eliza). St. James's ; or, a peep at delufion : a novel. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1830. BEST (Gulielmus). B. at Amersfoort, 22 Aug. 1683. Profefl'or of civil law in the Univerfity of Harderwyk, 1715. D. there, 15 Aug. 1719. Ratio emendandi leges ; five, libellus, in quo, fecundum regulas certas, plurimce emendantur leges : nonnulla; expli- cantur : ftabiUta plerifque in locis pandedaram Florenti- narum au(5toritate ... 8° Ultrajeifti, I 707. Difputatio juridica inauguralis, exhibens conjeifluras quaf- dam ex jure civili. Trajefti ad Rhen. [Oelrichs, The- fciurus diJJ'ertationum juridicarum, i. i. 193.] Oratio de asquitate juris Romani, illiufque ftudii jucundi- tate. \Variorum opufcula ad cultiorcm jurisprudentiam adfequendam pertinentia, m. 3.]. BEST (Henrv). Rural economy in Yorkfliire in 1641 : being the farm- ing and account books of Heni-y Belt, of Elmfwell, in the Eaft Riding of the county of York. [Edited for the Sur- tees Society by C. B. Robinfon.] 8° Durham, 1857. BEST (Henry). Four years in France ; or, narrative of an Englifh family's refidence there, during that period ; preceded by fome ac- count of the converfion of the author to the Catholic faith. [Anon.'] 8° Lond. 1826. Italy as it is ; or, narrative of an Englifh family's refi- dence for three years in that country, [y^non.l 8° Lond. 1828. Memorials, perfonal and literary. \ylmn.~\ 8° Lond. 1829. BEST (James John). Major in the 34th regiment. D. in London, 9 Nov. 1844, aged thirty-three. Excurfions in Albania ; comprifing a defcription of the wild boar, deer, and woodcock fliooting in that country ; and a journey from thence to Theflalonica and Conftanti- nople, and up the Danube to Pelt. 12° Lond. 1842. BEST (John). Thermopyls : a prize poem. 12° Sheffield, 1844. Defertion of Athens : a prize poem. 120 Sheffield, 1S46. BEST (John Richard). Tranfalpine memoirs ; or, anecdotes and obfervations, fhowing the adlual ftate of Italy and the Italians. By an Englifh Catholic, z vols. 12° Bath, 1826. Tranfrhenane memoirs. 8° Lond. 1828. Cuma ; the warrior-bard of Erin, and other poems. 8^ Lond. 1829. Satires ; and The beggar's coin, a poem. Second edition. 12° Lond, 183 I. Odious comparifons ; or, the cofmopolite in England. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1 8 39. The beggar's coin ; or,love in Italy. 1 2° Lond. 1 845. The Wabafti ; or adventures of an Englifh gentleman's family in the interior of America. 2 vols. I 2° Lond. 1855. Modern fociety in Rome : a novel. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. Alcazar ; or, the dark ages : a novel. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1857. BEST (Robert). Minifter of the Congregational chapel, Kirkham. Congregational independency as old as the apoflles : a reply to an attack made bv the Rev. Henry Wray, M.A., fenior curate of Kirkham, in a pamphlet entitled "Congre- gational independents, their nith and pradlice." 12° Lond. 1850. BEST (Hon. Samuel), M.A. Reftor of Abbot's Anne, Andover, Hants. Parochial fermons on fubjecfts engaging the attention of the day. 12° Lond. 1836. Parochi;d miniftrations. 12° Lond. 1839. Family prayers, arranged as a weekly courfe, from the liturgy. With a fcriptural calendar. 12° Lond. 1843. A companion to Family prayer ; comprifing difcourfes on the fervices appointed by the liturgy for Sundays and holy days. 12° Lond. 1863 [1843.] — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1858. BEST— BETHANY 453 A catechifm on the collctls, epiftles and gofpels of the Church, founded on the " Companion to family prayer." 12° Lend. 1849. On catechifing. 12° Lond. 1849. What is the true poHcy of the Church ? a fermon, preached at the Andover vifitation, Aug. 7, 1850. \^Phil. V. 5-S.] 8° Lond. [1850.] Cafe of the deans and chapters confidercd, in an anfwer to the Rev. W. L. Bowles. 8° Lond. 1837. Afterthoughts, on reading Dr. Bucldand's Bridgewater treatife. 8° Lond. 1837. A manual of parochial inftitutions, with rules and regu- lations, and remarks explanatory of their objefts. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1849. Thoughts on prudence ; or, the means of improving the condition of a family, offered in favings banks and friendly focieties. 12° Lond. 1850. Village libraries and reading-rooms : a le(fture, delivered at St. Martin's Hall, August 7, 1854, in connexion with the educational exhibition of the Society of arts. 12° Lond. 1854. Thoughts on the propofals for the improvement of the civil fen'ice : and for the granting diplomas through the agency of the inftitutions in union with the Society of arts. 8° Lond. 1S54. Elementary grammar for the ufe of village fchools. Parts L n. in. Fifth edition. 12° Lond. 1862. BEST (Thomas), A.M. Oxon. Incumbent of St, James', Sheffield. Letters occafioned by the circulation of a Socinian tradl in the town of Sheffield. 8" Lond. 1840. Memoranda of the late Ann Harrison, of Wefton, with introduffory remarks by the Rev. T. Beft. i860. BEST (William), D.D. Minifter of St. Lawrence, Jewry, and St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street. A plea for daily public worfhip: being extracts from " An effay on the daily fervice of the Church of England," pub- lifhed in 1746. 8° Lond. i860. BEST (William Mawdesley), A.M. Of Gray's Inn, barrifter-at-law. An expofition of the praftice relative to the right to begin and 1 ight to reply in trials by jury, and in appeals at quarter feffions. 8° Lond. 1837. A treatife on prefumptions of law and f.ift, with the theory and rules of prefumptive or circuniftantial proof in criminal cafes. 8^ Lond. 1844. A treatife on the principles of evidence and praifice as to proofs in courts of common law ... 8° Lond. 1849. — Second edition. With a fupplemcnt. 8° Lond. 1854. — Third edition. 8" Lond. i860. Supplement to A treatife on the princijiles of evidence and pracffice as to proofs, &c. &c. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1855. Re])orts cf cafes argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and the Court of Exchequer Chamber on appeal from the Court of Queen's Bench ... By W. M. Beft: and George James Philip Smith. 2 vols. 8° Lond. I 862. BESTE (Henry Digby). Poverty and the baronet's fmiily : a catholic ftory. 12° Lond. 1846. BESTE (John Richard.) See John Richard Best. BESUA. See Blaise. BESUTIO (Petrus de). Repetitio in 1. Re conjunfti, fF. de legat. 3. [Limpius, Repetitiones in varias juris civilis leges, iv. 404.] BETAGH (William). A voyage round the world: being an account of a remark- able enterprize, begun in the year 1 7 1 9, chiefly to cruifc on the Spaniards in the great fouth ocean ; relating the true hif- torical fa(5fs of that whole affair. 8° Lond. 1728. Obfervations on the country of Peru. [Pinkerton's Col- ledion of voyages and travels, xiv. 1.] BETHAM (Matilda). Daughter of the Rev. W. Betham, reflor of Stoke Lacy. D. in London, 30 Sep. 1852, aged feventy-fix. The lay of Marie : a poem. 8° Lond. 18 16. BETHAM (William). B. in Weftmoreland, 28 May, 1749. Mafter of the endowed fchool at Stonham Afpall, Suffolk, 1784. Redtor of Stoke Lacy, Hereford/hire, 1833. D. 27 Oft. 1839. Genealogical tables of the fovereigns of the world, from the earlieft to the prefent period ; exhibiting in each tible their immediate fuccefTors, collateral branches, and the dura- tion of their refpedlive reigns. So conffruiSed as to form .i feries of chronology ; and including the genealogy of many other perfonages and families diflinguiflied in facred and pro- fane hiftory, particularly all the nobility of thcfe kingdoms dcfcended from princes. fol. Lond. 1795. BETHAM (Sir William). Son of the preceding. B. at Stradbrokc, in SuO"*!k, 1779. Deputy I'Uier king at arms, 1809. Ulfter king, r^\'.o. Re- ceived the honour of knighthood, 1812. D. at Black. *-'ck, near Dublin, 26 Oft. 1853. Dignities, feudal and parliamentary, and the conftiuitional legillature of the United Kingdom . . . Vol. L 8° Lond. 1830. Obfervations on the evidence taken before the committee of the Houfe of Commons, on the Record CommilTion in 1836, and the report, fo far as it refers to the Irilh records. 8° Dublin, 1837. Etniria-Celtica. Etrufcan literature and antiquities in- veftigated ... 2 vols. 8° Dublin, 1842. BETHAM-EDWARDS. See Edwards. BETHANY. Memories of Bethany. 1857. [J?y .lohn Rofs Macduit.] 454 BETHEL— BETHLEN BETHEL (Slingsby). A true and impartial narrative of the mod material de- bates and pafTages in the late Parliament ... 1659. [Scoti's edition of Somers' Tracts, vi. 477.] The world's miftake in Oliver Cromwell ; or, a fhort political difcourfe, (howing that Cromwell's mal-adminiftra- tion (during his four years and nine moneths pretended pro- teclorfhip,) layed the foundation of our prefent condition, in the decay of U-ade. [ylnoru] 4° Lond. 166S. — \Harkian Miscellany, i. 280.] The prefent intereft of England ftated. By a lover of his king and countrey. 4° Lond. 167 i. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 168 i. * A letter to Sir Thomas Ofborn, one of His Majeftles Privy Council, upon the reading of a book, called, The prefent intereft of England ftated. 4° Lond. 1672. Obfervations on the Letter written to Sir Thomas Of- born, upon the reading of a book, called, The prefent inte- reft of England ftated. Written in a letter to a friend. 40 Lond. 1673. * A feafonable anfwer to a late pamphlet, entituled. The vindication of S. Bethel, Efq. ; one of the fherifFs of London and Middlefex. By one who is a citizen of London, and an inhabitant of the boiough of Southwark. fol. Lond. 168 I. * The poor prifoners lamentation for the lofs of S B , who fo plentifUly fupplied them the time of his (heriffalty, &c. S. Sh. Lond. 1681. The providences of God, obferved through feveral ages, towards this nation, in introducing the true religion : and then, in the defence of that, preferving the people in their rights and liberties whilft other kingdoms are ravilTied of theirs ; as our counfellors defigned for us. [ylnon.^ 4° Lond. 1 69 1. BETHELL (Hon. Augusta). Maud Latimer: a tale for young people. 8° Lond. 1863. BETHELL (Christopher), D.D. B. at Ifleworth, 1773. Educated at King's college, Cam- bridge, of which he was fome time a Fellow. Confecrated biihop of Gloucefter, 1824. Tranflated to Exeter, 1830, and again, in the fame year, to Bangor. D. at Bangor, 1 8 April, 1859. Expoflailatory remarks on Mr. FabePs reply to the dean ofChichefter. 8° Lond. 18 17. A general view of the doflrine of regeneration in baptifm. 8° Lond. 1S2 I. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1845. A charge delivered at the primary vifitation of the diocefe of Gloucefter, in the months of June and July, 1825. 4° Gloucefter, 1825. — triennial vifitation of the diocefe of Gloucefter, in the months of June and July, 1828. 4° Gloucefter, 1828. Charge to the clergy of the diocefe of Bangor, delivered in the month of September, 1843. 8° Lond. 1843. — in the months of September and October, 1849. 8° Lond. 1850. — in the months of September and November, 1852. 8° Lond. 1852. — in the months of September and Odlober, 1856. 8° Lond. 1856. The valediftory addrefs, delivered June 13, 1 827, on be- half of the Society for promoting Chriftian knowledge, to John Thomas, Lord Bifhop of Calcutta, previous to his lord- fliip's departure for India ; with the Bifhop of Calcutta's reply. 8° Lond. 1827. A letter to the Rev. George Stanley Faber, in reply to the poftfcript to his fixth letter on traftarian feceffions to popery. 8° Lond. 1846. Subftance of ... fpeech ... in the Houfe of Lords, on Monday, April 21, 1856, on the motion that the Clergy difcipline bill be read a fecond time. 8° Lond. 1856. Additional remarks on the judgment of the court at Bath, in the cauie Dkchev verfus Denifon. 8° Lond. 1857. A few remarks on Dr. Wordfworth's trafb on divorce. 8° Lond. 1857. Remarks on the proceedings of an aftbciation calling it- felf the Chiu-ch Proteftant defence fociety, and on the pre- tenfions and pofition of thofe clergymen of the Church of England who call themfelves evangelical. 8° Lond. 1857. Remarks on a petition to Her Majefty, praying her to withhold an order of council bringing the Divorce and matri- monial caufes aft into operation on the i ft of January, 1858: and on a fermon preached in the cathedral church of Wells, by the archdeacon of Taunton, on the 8th of November, 1857. 8° Lond. 1858. Sermons preached in the cathedral church of Bangor. Vol. IL 8° Lond. 1858. BETHELL (Richard), Lord Weftbury. A bill to facilitate the proof of title to, and the convey- ance of, real eftates, prefented to the Houfe of Lords, Mon- day, Febraaiy 17th, 1862. With the Lord Chancellor's fpeech introducing the meafure. 8° Lond. 1862. Speech of the Lord Chancellor on the revifion of the law. Edited by John Frafer Macqueen, Q.C. With notes, chiefly containing citations which were omitted for the fake of brevity. 8° Lond. 1863. BETHLEHEM. Story of Bethlehem : a book for the young. [By John Rofs Macduff.] 1859. BETHLEM HOSPITAL. Bethlem hofpital : a letter to the prefident, upon the ftate of the queftion, as to the expediency of appointing a refident chaplain. From a governor. 4° Lond. 1 8 1 9. Chaplaincy appointment : a fecond poftfcript to a letter to the prefident upon the ftate of this queftion. From a governor. 4° Lond. 1820. An account of Bethlem hofpital, abridged from the re- port of the late Charity commiffioners. 8° Lond. 1853. BETHLEN (Joannes). Chancellor of Tranfylvania. D. 1678. Rerum Tranfylvanix libri quatuor, continentes res geftas principum ejufdem ab anno 1629 ufque ad 1663. 12° Amft. 1664. BETHLEN— BETTERTON 455 BETHLEN (Nicolaus). Son of the preceding. B, :642. Educated at Heidelberg, Utrecht,anJ Leyden,and afterwards vifited Franceand England. On his return to Tranlylvania, he fell under the diiplealure of the Government, and was imprifoned for about a yearj but being proved innocent, was fet at liberty, and recompenfed both with money and honours. D. at Vienna, 1716. In nomine Domini Noftri Jcfu Chrifti, unici ecclefise fuse judicisacvindicis. Apologia miniftroiumevangclicoruiiiHun- garix, ad innocentiam fuam orbi Chriftiano declarandam, op- pofitajudiciotribunalisPofonienfis, a quoperdueliioniscrimine contra regiam majeftatem iniquifTuii^ accufati et condemnati, non modo toto regno piofcri|)ti funt, led cxemplo a pietate et manfuetudine Chriftiana prorfus alieno, magnam partem ad triremes Hifpanicas damnati. Anno patientix faniSorum 1677. 4° Ultrajedli, 1678. Memoires fur les affaires de Tranfilvanie. [Brenner, H'iJ- to'tre des revolutions de Hongrie, ii. 166.] BETHUNE. The Bethunes : or, the Fifefhire forefters. \^^ poem.^ 8° Lend. [1S63.] BETHUNE (John). A fhort view of the human faculties and pafRons ; with remarks and diredlions refpefting their nature, improvement and government. Second edition. [Anon.^ 12° Edinb. 1770. EfTays and differtations on various fubjefts relating to human life and happinefs. ^ylnonj^ 2 vols. 1 2= Lond. 177 I. BETHUNE (John). Alan of Olway : a tale of the eleventh century. In thiee parts. 8° Lond. 181 5. BETHUNE (John Drinkwater). See Drinkwater. BETHUNE (Maximilian de). Due dc Sully. B. at Rofny, 13 Dec. 1560. The friend and minifter of Henry IV. of France. D. 22 Dec. 1641. Memoires,oucEconomies royales d'eftat,domeftiques, poli- tiques et militaires de Henry le Grand. 4 tom. fol. Paris, 1662-4. Memoires ... Nouvelle edition. 6 tom. 8° Paris, 1788. — Trandated from the French, by the authoi- of the Female Quixote \Charlotle Lennox.'\ To which is added, The trial of Ravaillac for the murder of Henry the Great. A new edition. In five volumes. 8° Lond. 1778. BETHUNE (Philippe de). Brother of the preceding. B. about 1562. Filled many im- portant offices, both civil and military, in France. D. 1649. Lc confeiller d'cftat ; ou, recueil general de la politique modernc, fcrvant au maniement des affaires publiques : divife en trois parties, [yiiwri.] 12° Paris, 1665. BETLENIUS. See Bethlen. BETNEYS (Paul). The Englifh emigrants ; or, troubles on both fides of the Atlantic. Refpedtfully addrefll-d to all clafles of moralifts, religionifts, and philanthropies. 8° Lond. 1859. BETOLAUDUS (Rolandus). A French poet, who lived in the latter half of the l6th century. Hodoeporicum : in quo, Synefii Cyrenjei epifcopi Ptole- mai'dis hymni tres, iifdem numeris Latin^ redditi : lyrici alij, epigrammata, funera, elcgi, epiftoli, feu fylva;, phaleucij, & noniica quaidam contincntur. Quibus acceffenjnt Sacri P. Fulvii Furores, qui fuperfunt, eiufdem R. Betolaudi, fide & diligentia. 8° Lutetia;, 1576. Poemata. [Gruter, Delilia: poetarum Gallorum, i. 506.] BETOU (J. G. J. de). Therapeutic manipulation ; or,medicina mechanica: afuc- ccfsful treatment of various diforders of the human body, by mechanical application. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1846. — Third edition, with additional cafes, by John W. F. Blundell, M.D. 8°Lond. 1851. BETROTHED. The betrothed; a Breton epifode of the '93. 12° Lond. n. d. BETSIUS (Nicolaus). A German jurift of the 17th century. Traftatus nomicopoliticus dc flatutis, pa(5Hs, et confue- tudinibus familiarum illulhium et nobilium, illis prxfertim quae jus primogeniturae concernunt ad ufum Gcrmanii accommo- datus. 8° Francofuiti, 166 1. BETTAZUS (Jacobus). B. at Prato, in Tufcany, 19 Nov. 16S4. Entered the Church, but devoted much of his time to the ftudy of aftronomy. D. 15 April, 1755. Epitome operis Pafchalis, proferens in prooemio necefli- t;item emendandi correftionem Gregorianam, deinde oppor- tunam ejufdem Gregorian^ emendationem fine calendarii et martyrologii variatione: atquc exhibcns difTertationcs quatuor, et appendices duas, ad materiam de cycli Pafchalis conftitu- tionc cnucleandam. Accedit fententia, quam de Pafchali opere tulit Euftachius Manfredi. 4° Florentix, 1733. BETTERTON (Thomas). A celebrated Englifli aftor. B. in Weftminfter, 1635. D. 2S April, 1710. The amorous widow ; or, tlie wanton wife : a comedy. 8° Lond. 17 10. Barnaby Brittle ; or, a wife at her wits' end. Altered from The amorous widow. [AVw Br'tlijb Theatre, xix. 339;1 Tlie hiftory of the Englifli ftagc, from the Reftauration to the prefent time. Including the lives, chaniiflers, and amours, of the mod eminent aftors and adrefles. With in- ftrudions for public fpeaking ; wherein the ac'tion and utter- ance of the bar, ilage, and pul])it arc dillini.'lly confidered. 8° Lond. 1 741. [Not by Bcttcrton, though publilhed under his name by Curll. The real author is not known.] 456 BETTESWORTH— BEUTER BETTESWORTH (John). The feaman's fure guide ; or, navigator's pocket remem- brancer. 12° Lond. I7b2. A fyftem of naval mathematics ; or, practical mles of tlie art of navigation. 12° Lond. 17S7. BETTINUS (Marius). B. at Bologna, 1578. Entered the Society of the Jefuits, and taught philofophy and mathematics for many years at Parma. D. at Bologna, 7 Nov. 1657. Lyceum ; ^ moralibus, poeticis & politicis. 3 ptt. 4° Venitiis, 1626. ^rarium philofophiK mathematics, in quo elementa philo- fophise geometries de planis, curvis, & folidis, figuris appli- cata et ornata ... 3 tom. 4° Bononise, 1648. BETTS (Charles Marsden). Eigiit fei'mons. To which is prefixed a brief memoir, by the Rev. James Carter. 8° Canteibury, 1859. BETTS (Henry John). Scripture localities and their affociations. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1853. Gleanings from a pallor's portfolio. 1 2 ° Lond. 1854. BETTS (John). A map of Sardinia and the furrounding countries. S. Sh. Lond. n. d. BETTS (Robert Wye). Minifter of Hanover congregational chapel, Peckham. Words in feafon ... [In three parts.] 8° Lond. 1858. BETTY (Joseph), M.A. The divine inftitution of the miniftry, and the .abfolute neceiTity of church-government : a fermon preach'd before the Univerfity of Oxford, on Sunday the 21ft of Septem- ber, 1729. [GaL i. I.] 8° Oxford, 1729. BETULEIUS (Xystus). B. at Auglburg, 21 Feb. 1500. Studied at Erfurt and Tii- bingen. Mafterof St. Theodore's fchool at Halle, 1530. Reftor of St. Ann's fchool, Auglburg. D. 19 June, 1554. His real name was Bircken, which he Latinifed according to the cuftom of the time. Su/ipwiz/a, ri ffv'/.Xipg rijg Aiairi'/.r); rrii Kaivrjg ... Novi Teftamenti concordantiae Graecs. fol. BaCleae, 1 5 46. BETZIUS (Joannes). Hiftoria Ulrici, ducis Wiirtenbergici. [German. Ayr- MANNUS, Sylloge anecdotorum, p. 337.] BEUCHET ( ). The participles, taught in one fingle lelTon. 8° Lond. n. d. BEUGHEM (Cornelius). B. at Emmerich, in Pruflia, where he carried on the trade of a bookfeller during the latter half of the 17th century. Bibliographia mathematica. 1 2° Amftelodami, 1688. Bibliographiajuridica & politica noviffima, perpetuo con- tinuanda;five,confpedtus primus catalogilibrorumjuridicorum, canonicomm, legalium, politico-legalium, ut & politicorum, quotquot currente hoc femifsculo, id eft ab anno reparats falutts 165 I, per univerfam Europam, in quavis lingua ... prodierunt. 12° Amft. 1680. La France f^avante ; id eft, Gallia erudita,critica et ex- perimentalis noviffima ... 12° Amft. 1683. Incunabula typographias; five, catalogus librorum fcrlptor- umque proximis ab inventione typographiae annis, ufque ad annum Chrifti M.D. inclufive, in quavis lingua editorura ... 12° Amft. 1688. Apparatus ad hiftoriam literariam noviffimam, variis con- fpeftibus exhibendus, quorum nunc primus prodit ; qui eft bibliographia eraditorum critico-curiofa, feu difpofitio har- monica fcriptorum, operumque, quorum fummaria & contenta in aftis & epheraeridibus eruditorum univerfae ferm6 Europe exhibentur. 4 tom. 12° Amft. 1689-1701. BEUGNOT (Arthur Auguste). Effai fur les inftitutions de Saint Louis. 8' Paris, 1821. Les olim ou regifties des arrets rendus par la Cour du Roi, fous les regnes de Saint Louis, de Philippe le Hardi, de Philippe le Bel, de Louis le Hutin, et de Philippe le Long. Publics par le Comte Beugnot ... 4 tom. 4" Paris, 1839-48. BEUGO (John). Engraver, Edinburgh. Poetry, mifcellaneous and dramatic. By an artift. 8° Edinb. 1797. BEUKER (Joannes van). Differtatio juridica inauguralis de crimine majeftatis. Franequera:, 1729. [Oii-KiCHi, Thejaurui twvus differta- tioimm juriilicarum, 11. i. 75.] BEULER (J.) Comic fongs to popular tunes. Fourth colledllon. 12= Lond. 1828. BEUST (Joachimus A). B. at Mockern, near Leipzig, 19 April, 152Z. Profeflbr of law at Wittenberg. D. at Planitz, near Zwickau, 4 Feb. 1597. Tradlatus de fponfalibus et matrimoniis, ad praxin foren- fem accoramodatus. 4° Wittebergas, 1588. Traftatus infignis de jurejurando . . . 4° Wittebergs, 1651. Poemata. [Gruter, Del'itia poetarum Germanorum, i. 640.] BEUTELIUS (Tobias). Eledtorale Saxonicum perpetuo viridans denfiffimum & celfillimura cedretum in fundo & folo femper viridis rutas ; fivebrevisdelineatio,eledtoralium Saxoniconam celfiffimorum openam regalium, nimirum illius ornatiffimi theatri rerum arti- ficialium, & aliorum inasftimabilium opemm, qus in eleftorali Drefda funt ... Secunda vice luculenta defcriptione Latina ... & Germanica illuftrata ... 4° Drefdae, 1683. BEUTER (Pero Anton). La coronica general de toda Efpafia, y fpecialmente de reyno de Valencia. 2 tom. fol. Valencia, 1546-51. BEUTLER— BEVERIDGE 457 — Another edition. fol. Valencia, 1604. — Tradotta in ingua luiliana dal S. Aifonfo d'UUoa. 8° Venezia, i 556. BEUTLER (JoHANN Heinrich Christian). B. at Suhl, in Franconia, 10 Oft. 1759. D. about 1835. Allgemeincs Sachreglfter liber die wiclitigften dcutfchcn Zeit und Wochenfchriften ... [yinon.] 8° Leipzig, 1790. BEVAN (Charles Dacres), M.A. Of the MUdle Temple, barrifter-at-law. Recorder of Fal- mouth, Hellion, and Penzance. A digeilcd index to tiie ftatutes at large, fcffions 1 7 and 1 8 Vift. and 1 8 and 19 Vift. (1854 and 1854-5 ; ) alfo a lift of afts and parts of adls repealed during that period ; together with a lift of the local and private a(5ls arranged in claffes. 8° Edinb. 1856. BEVAN (Edward), M.D. The honey-bee ; its natural hiftory, phyfiology, and man- agement. i2=Lond. 1827. Hints on the hiftory and management of the honey-bee : being the fubftance of two leflures read befoie the members of the Hereford litejary, philofophical, and antiquarian infti- tution, in the winter of 1 8 5 o- 5 1 . 12"^ Hereford, 1 8 5 i . BEVAN (Henry). Major of the 27th regiment of Madras native infantry. Killed, near Limerick, by the accidental difcharge of his gun, during a fliooting excurfion, 7 Odt. 1846. Thirty years in India ; or, a foldier's reminifcences of native and European life in tlic prefidencies, from 1808 to 1838. 2 vols. i2°Lond. 1839. BEVAN (Joseph Gurney). B. in London, 2 Feb. 1753. D. 2 Dec. 1 8 14. A fliort account of the life and writings of Robert Bar- clay. [Priori.] 8° Lond. 1802. Extracts from the letters and other writings of the late Jofeph Gurney Bovan ; preceded by a lliort memoir of his life. 8° Lond. 1821. BEVAN (Samuel). Sand and canvas ; a narrative of adventures in Egypt : with 3 fojourn among the artifts in Rome. 8° Lond. 1849. BEVAN (William). Proftitution in the borough of Liverpool : a lefture de- livered in the Mufic Hall, June 3, 1843. 8° Liverpool, [1843.] The pilgrim fathers the defenders of congregational order, the true fucceffors of the apoftles, and the firft Angli- can reformers : a ledure, illuftrated by Lucy's prize jiiflure, delivered in Snow-Hill Congregational church, Wolverh.inip- ton ... December 4, 1854. 8° Lond. [1854.] BEVAN (William Latham), M.A. Vicar of Hay, Brecon. A manual of ancient geography, for the ufe of fchools. 8° Lond. 1852. VOL. I. BEVER (Thomas), LL.D. B. at Mortimer, in Bcrkfhire, 1725. Educated at All Soul's College, Oxford, of which I'ocicty he was a Fellow. Admitted to Doftors' Commons, 21 Nov. 1758. D. 8 Nov. 1791. A difcourfe on the ftudy of jurifprudence and the civil law : being an introduiflion to a couife of ledtures. 4° Oxford, 1766. The hiftoi-y of the legal polity of the Roman ftate, and of the rife, progrefs, and extent of the Roman laws. 4° Lond. 1781. BEVERGERNE (Arnoldus de). A citizen of Miinfter, in Wellphalia, who lived about the middle of the 15th century. Chronicon Monafterienfe ab initio epifcopatus ufque ad an. M.cccc.Lvii. [Matth^eus, Veterh avi analeSa, v. i.] BEVERIDGE (Henry). Admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates, 1S38. D. at Culrofs, 18 March, 1863, aged fixty-thrce. A letter to Alexander Alifon, Efcj., containing a plain narrative of ftrange doings in connedlion with the Eaft of Scotland malleable iron company, and the full expofure of a grofs job under the foiTn of a monfter-amalgamation. 8° Dunfermline, [1847.] BEVERIDGE (John). A native of Scotland. Appointed profeflbr of languages in the college and academy of Philadelphia, 1758. Epiftola; familiares, ct alia quxdam mifcellanea. Familiar epiftles and other mifccllaneous pieces, wrote originally in Latin verfe : to which are added feveral tranflations into Englifli verfe, by different hands. 8° Philadelphia, 1 765. BEVERIDGE (Thomas). B. at Dunfermline, 70ft. 1775. Depute-clerk in the Court of Seflion. D. near Edinburgh, 27 May, 1858. A practical treatife on the forms of procefs ; containing the new regulations before the Court of Scflion, Inner Houfe, Outer Houfe, and Bill-Chamber, the Court of Teinds, and the Jury Court ... In two volumes. 8° Edinb. 1826. A treatife on the hiftory, conftitution, and forms of pro- cefs of the Bill-Chamber, from the inftitution of the College of Julticc, in Scotland, a.d. 1532, to the prefent time ... 8° Edinb. 1828. A guide to the judicial records of the Court of Scflion ... from the revolution in 1688-9, to 185 i inclufive. 8° Edinb. 1852. BEVERIDGE (William), D.D. B. at Barrow, Leicefterlhire, 1636. Educated .it St. John's College, Cambridge. Vicar of Ealing, Middlefcx, 166 1. Rcftor of St. Peter's, Cornhill, 1672. Archdeacon of Colchefter, 16S1. Bilhop of St. Afaph, 1704. D. 5 March, 1708. Theological works. 12 vols. 8° Oxford, 1842. De linguaram Oricntalium prxfeitim Hebraica;, Chal daicaj, Syriacx, Arabicx, & Saniaritanx prxftantia, necefTi- tatc, et utilitate, quani & theologis pixftant & philofo])his. 8° Londini, 1658. Grammatics Syriaca tribus libris tradita ... 8° Lond. 1658. 2'jK)3/xoi', five, Pandeflx canonum SS. apoftolorum, & concilioi-um ab Ecclefia Grxca roccptorum ; nee non canoni- caiiim SS. Patrum epiftolaram : una cum fcholiis antiquoruni 3 N 458 BEVERIDGE— BEVERLEY fingulis eoi"um annexis, et fcriptis aliis hue fpeftantibus ... 2 torn. fol. Oxonii, 1672. Inftitutionum chionologicanim libri duo ; una cum toti- dem aiithnietices chionologicas libellis. 4° Lond. 1669. Codex canonum Ecclelix primitivx vindicatus ac illuftra- tus. 4° Lond. 1678. — [CoTELERius, SS. Patrum, qui tanpor'ibus Apojlolkis Jloruerunt, opera, 11. ii. I.] A fermon conceitiing the excellency and ufefiilnefs of the Common prayer. Preached... 27th of November, 168 i. [l Cor. xiv. 26.] Fifth edition. 4° Lond. 1683. — The feventh edition. 4° Lond. 1684. Concio ad fynodum ab epifcopis et clero provincia; Can- tuarienfis celebratam ; habita in jEde Weftmonafterienfi, 1 2 Kal. Dec. a.d. 1689. [i Cor. xi. 16.] 4° Lond. 1689. The nature and neceffity of reftitution ; on Luke xix. 8. 8° Lond. I 7 I I. * To the Reverend Dr. Beveridge, an Eucharifticon, oc- cafioned by his feafonable and excellent fermon about refti- tution, on St. Luke xix. 8, preach'd at St. Laurence's, Lon- don, Tuefday, March 17, 1690 ; alfo a copy of a letter fent to the Reverend Dr. Beveridge upon occafion of the fecond edition of the paper of Remarks upon his fermon about reftitution. S. Sh. Lond. 1691. An expofition of the xxxix. articles of the Church of England. fol. Oxford, 1710. — Another edition, entitled, Ecclefia Anglicana Eccle- fia Catholica ... In two volumes. 8° Oxford, 1840. Thefaurus theologicus ; or, a complete fyftem of divinity: fumm'd up in brief notes upon feleft places of the Old and New Teftament. Second edition. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 171 1. — A new edition. 2 vols. 8° Oxford, 18 16. * A fhort view of Dr. Beveridge's writings, which may ferve as a preliminaiy difcourfe to an examination of his Articles. I 7 l l . \By John Hoadly.] * Propofals for printing by fubfcription all the fermons of Dr. W. Beveridge. fol. n. p. n. d. * A vindication of their Majefties authority to fill the fees of the deprived biftiops ; in a letter out of the countiy. Oc- cafioned by Dr. B 's refufal of the bifhoprick of Bath and Wells. 1691. [5y Edward Stillingfleet.] Sermons, feledted and abridged from his works [by John Dakins.] For the ufe of families. 2 vols. 8° Colchtfter, 18 15. The great neceffity and advantage of public prayer and frequent communion ; defigned to revive primitive piety. A new edition. 8° Chichefter, 18 40. Twenty-fix fermons on various fubjefts. 8° Lond. 1850. The finfulnefs and mifchief of worldly anxiety. \_Phil. iv. 6.] 12° Edinb. 1858. BEVERINUS (Bartolom;eus.) B. at Lucca, 5 May, 1629. Profeflbr of rhetoric In his native city, where he d. 24 Oft. 16S6. Carmina. \Carmlna illujlrium poetarum ItaIorum,'\\. i 57.] Syntagma de ponderibus et menfuris. [Ugolinus, The- faurus antiquitatum facrarum, xxviii. 17.] BEVERLANDUS (Adrianus). B. at Middelburg, 1653 or 1654. Educated as a lawyer, but foon abandoned the praflice of his profeflion. The licentious charafterof his writings caufed him to be banifhed from Leyden, Utrecht, and other parts of Holland, and he ultimately fought an afylum in England. D. in poverty, 1712. Peccatum originale, zar' Egoj^jji' fie nuncupatum, philo- logice Tjo/SX^j.ttar/xwj elucubratum a Themidis alumno. [Anon.] 8° Eleutheropoli, 1678. De ftolatE virginitatis jure lucubratio academica. 8° Lugduni in Batavis, 1680. De fornicatione cavenda admonitio ; five, adhortatio ad pudicitiam et caftitatem. 8° n. p. 1698. BEVERLEY. Beverley guide : being a fliort account of the principal objects in the town worthy of notice, and efpecially the minfter, and St. Mary's church. 12° Beverley, 1847. Beverley priory ; with refcues from Lucknow : a tale. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1859. BEVERLEY (May). Romantic paflages in Englifh hiftory. 8° Lond. n. d. The moor cottage : a tale of home life. 8° Cambridge, 186 1. BEVERLEY (Mrs. R.) A poetical olio. 12° Lond. 18 19. BEVERLEY (Robert). A narive of Virginia. D. 1716. The hiftory and prefent ftate of Virginia, in four parts. I. The hiftoiy of the firft fettlement of Virginia, and the government thereof, to the prefent time. II. The natural produftions and conveniences of the country, fuited to trade and improvement. III. The native Indians, their religion, laws, and cuftoms, in war and peace. IV. The prefent ftate of the country, as to the polity of the government, and the improvements of the land. By a native and inhabitant of the place. 8° Lond. 1705. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1722. BEVERLEY (Robert Mackenzie). Jubal : a dramatic poem. 8° Lond. 1827. A fermon preached at Hull, on the 1 3th of November, 1 83 I, on the unknown tongues, [i John iv. 1.] 8° Lond. 183 I. The tombs of the prophets : a lay feimon on the cori-up- tions of the Church of Chrift. [ATat. xxiii. 29-33.] 8° Beverley, I 83 I. — Second edition. 8° Beveriey, 1831. A letter to his Grace the Archbilhop of York, on the prefent corrupt ftate of the Church of England. Twelfth edition. 8° Beverley, 183 i. — Seventeenth edition. 8° Beverley, 1834. A fecond letter to his Grace the Aichbifhop of York on the prefent cornipt ftate of the Church of England. Fifth edition. 8° Beverley, 1832. * Obfervations intended as a reply to a pamphlet lately publilhed by R. M. Beveiley, Efq., entitled, A letter to the BEVERLEY— BEWLEY 459 Archbirtiop of Yoi k, on the abufes of the Church of Eng- land. By a curate of the Church of England. S° Lond. n. d. A letter to Lord Henley on tlie deficiencies of his plan of Church reform. 8° Beverley, 1833. Reply to Profeffor Sedgwick's letter, in the " Leeds Mer- cury," concerning the prefent corrapt ftate of the Univerfity of Cambridge. S"" Lond. 1834. The Church of England examined by Scripture and tra- dition : in an anfwer to leflures by die Rev. John Venn, of Hereford, on the Chriftian miniihy. 8° Lond. 1843. The Redan: a poem. 8° Lond. 1856. The cemetery: a poem. 8° Lond. 1857. BEVERLEY (Thomas). Minifter of a diflenting congregation in London, of whofe perfonal hiftory fcarcely anything is known. Jehovah-Jireh : or. In the mount will the Lord be feen. Opened and applyed in a pradtical difcourfe on a day of feeking God in prayer, viz. moneth loth. day 19th. 1694. [Gra. xxii. 14.] 4° Lond. 1695. A fcheme of prophefy now about to be fulfilled ; or, a moft humble appeal to the Lord God of the holy prophets, concern- ing the truth of what hath been conftantly declared, by the fpace of the laft part twelve, and now this prefent thirteenth fummer, of the kingdom of Chrift entring into its fucceffion in this following year, 1697 ... 4= Lond. [1696.] A brief view of the ftate of mankind in the firft Adam, and in the fecond Adam : being the fum of many larger difcourfes upon that great context of the redemption and mediation of Jefus Chrift, Rom. v. 12 to the end. 8° n. p. n. d. BEVEROVICIUS (Joannes). B, at Dordreclit, 17 Nov. 1594. Studied at Leyden and at Padua, where he toolc the degree of dodtor of medicine. Prac- tifed as a phyfician in his native town, where he held feveral important public offices. D. 19 Jan. 1647. Epiftolica quacftio de vita; termino, fatali, an mobili ? cum doftorum refponfis. Secunda editio. 4' Lugd. Bat. 1636. Epiftolicx quxftiones, cum doftorum refponfis. Accedit ejufdem, ncc non Erafmi, Cardani, Mclanchthonis, niedicina; encomium. 8° Roterodami, 1644. BEVILL (Robert). A treatife on the law of homicide, and of larceny at com- mon law. 8° Lond. 1799. BEVIS (Henry Joseph). Minifter of the Independent chapel, Ramfgate, Kent. Charadleriftics of Pufeyifm: a fermon preached in Hox- ton Academy chapel, London, on Sunday evening, Nov. 12, 1842. [Gti/. V. I.] 8° Lond. 1842. The Cliriftianity of the New Tcftamcnt : a fermon preached in the Independent chapel, Ramfgate, on Sunday evening, Dec. 15, 1844. With an appendix, [i Cor. vii. 23.] 8° Lond. 1845. The magiftrate and nonconformity: a fermon ... preached ... on Sunday evening, April 15, 1849. [Jo/111 vii. 48.I 8° Lond. 1849. BEVY (Charles Joseph). B. at St. Hilaire, near Orleans, 173S. A Benedictine of the congregation of St. Maur. D. at Paris, 1830. Hiftoire des inaugurations des rois, empereurs, et autres fouverains de I'univers, depuis leur origine jufqu'a prefent ; fuivie d'un precis de I'etat des arts & des fciences fous chaque rcgne, des principaux flits, mceurs, coutumes & ufages les plus remarquables des Francois, depuis Pepin, jufqu'a Louis XVI. Par M. * * * 8° Paris, 1776. Hiftoire de la nobleffe heieditaire et fucceffive des Gau- lois, des Fran5ois, et des autres peuples de I'Europc, de leur gouvernement depuis 5 7 ans avant notre ere jufqu'a prefent. ... Tom. I. 4° Liege, 1791. BEWARE. " Beware !" or, words of warning to the carelefs. 12° Edinb. n. d. Beware ! a pamphlet addreflld to the people of the United Kingdom. By one who has ferved. 8° Lond. 1858. BEWDLY. A fpecch made in the Houfe of Commons, upon the late minifti-y's forcing a new charter upon the town of Bewdly, in the county of Worcefter, without a furrender of the old. S. Sh. [Lond.] 17 10. — ^Scotl's edition oj" Somers' Tracts, xii. 670.] BEWICK (.Iohn). Minifter of Bengeo, near Hertford. Confiding England under conflifts, triumphing in the mid- deft of her terrors ; or, affined comforts that her prefent miferies will end in unfpeakable lafting mercies to the whole nation. [Ff. Ixv. 5.] 4° Lond. 1644. BEWICK (Thomas). B. Aug. 1753. A celebrated wood engraver at Ncwcaftlc- upon-Tyne. D. 8 Nov. 1828. A general hiftoiy of quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood by T. Bewick. ^I'he text compiled by R. Beilly.] Second edition. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1791. A hiftory of Britifti birds. 2 vols. 8° Newcaftle, 1847. The howdy and the upgctting : two tales of fixty years fin feync ... in the Tyncfide dialed. 12° Lond. 1850. A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himfclt, em- bclliftied by numerous wood engravings defigned and en- graved by the author for a work on Britilh filhcs, and never before ])ublilln.d. 8° Ncwcaftle-on-Tyne, 1862. BEWICKE (Calverley), B.A. A letter to George Stoddait, Efq. on the prefent ftate of the Britifli Chuich eftablilhment in Madeira. 8° Funchai, 1846. BEWLEY (John). Decimal intcreft tables ... To which arc added tables of conimiflioii, from one-eighth per cent, to five per cent., ad- vancing by eigiiths. 8 Lond. 1854. 460 BEWLEY— BEYLE BEWLEY (Richard). There is good ground to believe that the above is merely the pfeudonym of Dr. Robert Harrington, whofe views are defended, with all the zeal of a partizan, in the following work. A treatife on air. 8° Lond. 1791. BEXLEY, Lord. See Nicolas Vansittart, Lord Bexley. BEXON (Gabriel Leopold Charles Aime). B. at Remiremont, March, 1748. Studied at the feminary of St. Claude, at Toul, and at the Univerfity of Nancy. En- tered the Ch'jrch, and obtained the appointment of canon of the Sainte-chapelle, 1779. D. 13 Feb. 1784. Hiftoire de Lorraine. Tom. I. \_No more piMJhed.] 8° Paris, 1777. BEXON (Scipion). Brother of the preceding. B. at Remiremont, 1753. Edu- cated as a lawyer, and held feveral important legal appoint- ments. D. at Chaillot, near Paris, 17 Nov. 1825. Application de la theorie de la legiflation penale, ou code de la furete publique et ])aiticuli^re, fonde fur les regies de la morale univerfelle, fur les droits des gens ou primitif des focietes, et fur leur dioit particulier dans I'etat afluel de la civilifation, redige en piojet pour les etats de Sa Majefte le Roi de Baviere. fol. Paris, 1807. BEYER (Andreas). Additiones ad Benedifti Cai-pzovii ... Jurifprudentiam Ecclefiafticam, vulgo Confiftoiialia, variis pracjudiciis recen- tioribus & refcriptis decifivis adornatje, iifque definitionibus, quarum intejfuit, accommodate, cura Sc fumptibus Joh. Chriftiani Starckii editse. fol. Lipfix, 17 18. Additamenta ad prolegomena et fyntagma Johannis Sel- deni de diis Syris. [Ugolinus, TVjiyauruj antiqultatum fa- crarum, xxiii. 229.] Siclus facer et regius appenfus. [Ibid, xxviii. 717.] BEYER (August). Griindlicher Unterricht vom Bergbau, nach Anleitung der Markfcheidekunft. 4° Altenburg, 1785. BEYER (Augustus). B. at Berthelfdorf, near Freiberg, 16 Jan. 1707. Librarian to the Count von Bilnau at Drefden. D. there, 21 May, 1 741. Epiftola de bibliothecis Drefdenfibus turn publicis turn privatis prxcipuis. 4° Drefdas, [173 i.] Arcana facra bibliothecaram Drefdenfium. 8° Drefda:, 1738. BEYER (Daniel). A German jurift, who lived in the fecond half of the 17th century. Juftinianus controverfus, et non-controverfus, five recon- ciliatus ... Editio fecunda. 4° Lipfias, 1675. BEYER (Gabriel Andrew), D.D. A declaration refpefting the dodtrines taught by Emanuel Swedenborg, with a lift of his theological writings : delivered in obedience to the royal command, the 2nd of January, 1770, to His Majefty, Adolphus Frederic, King of Sweden. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1823. BEYER (Georgius). A German jurift. B. at Leipzig, 1665. D. 1714. Specimen juris Germanici, poft fata aucfloris editum, cu- rante Mich. Henrico Gribnero. 4° Halas MagdeburgicjE, 17 18. Delineatio juris clvllis fecundum Inftitutiones et Pandec- tas, atque feudalis, ad fundamenta fua revocati et ad feculi ufum accommodati, pofitionibus fuccinftis comprehenfa. Editio quarta ... 4° Lipfice, 1725. Delineatio juris divini, naturalis, et pofitivi univerfalis, ad fundamenta fua revocati, et ad jura humana accommodati ... pofitionibus fuccinftis comprehenfa. Editio altera ... Ac- cedit vita auftoris ... 4° Lipfix, 1726. Delineatio juris criminalis fecundum Conftitutionem Caro- linam, cum Icgibus variaram provinciaram collati, et ad ufum hodiernum adteniperati, pofitionibus fuccinftis comprehenfa ... Editio tertia, quam novis acceflionibus et enunciatis crimi- nalibus auxit Guftavus Henricus Mylius. 4° Lipfix, 1727. Delineatio juris Geimanici, ad fundamenta fua revocati: opus pofthumum. Editio quarta . . . cura Chriftiani Godofr. HofFmanni. 4° Lipfis, 1 7 40. BEYER (GuiLiELMus). A Flemilh theologian, who lived about the middle of the 17th century. Traftatus de auftoritate, ac neceffitate epifcoporum ; cui adjunfti, TradVatus de miflionibus ad propagandam fidem, &c. Philippi Rovenii ; Tradlatus aureus de facramento confeifionis B. Caroli Borromei ; Inftraftio pro confeffariis S. Francifci de Sales ; et damnati cafus ab Alexandro Papa VIL 8° Bruxellis, 1669. BEYER (Joannes Carolos). Diftertatio de pefte diuma & nodtunia, ad Pfal. xci. 5, 6. [Menthenius, Thefaurus theologko-ph'tlolog'tcus, i. 655.] BEYERLINCK (Laurentius). B. at Antwerp, April, 1578. Educated at Louvain. Entered the Church, and held feveral important ecclefiaftical offices. D. at Antwerp, 7 June, 1627. Oratio in fiinere D. Matthix Hovii, iii. archiepifcopi Mechlinienfis ... 4° Antverp, 1620. Laudatio funebris Philippi IIL, Hifpaniarum et Indiarum regis ... 4° Antverp, 1621. Magnum theatrumvitsehumanx; hoc cft,reruni divinarem, humanaiumque fyntagma catholicum, philofophicum, hiftori- cum et dogmaticum, ad normam polyanthex univerfalis difpo- fitum per locos communes juxta alphabeti feriem ... in tom. viii. tributum ... fol. Lugd. 1678. Poemata. [Gruter, Delittte poetarum Belgicorum, i. 5 7 9.] BEYLE (Marie Henri). B. at Grenoble, 23 Jan. 17S3. Cultivated literature as a profeffion. D. at Paris, 23 March, 1842. Rome, Naples, et Florence en 1 8 1 7 ; ou efquifles fur I'etat aftuel de la fociete, des moeurs, des arts ; de la litera- ture, &c. de ces villes celebres. [y/non.] 8° Paris, 18 17. The life of Haydn, in a feries of letters written at Vienna. Followed by the life of Mozart, witli obfeiTations on Metaf- BEYMA— BEZA 461 tafio, and on the prcfent ftate of muGe in Fiance and Italy. Tianflated from the Fiench, with notes, by tlie author of the Sacred melodies. 8° Lond. 1817. BEYMA (Julius a). B.at Dockum,in Holland, about 1539. Pra^tifed law at Leu- warden, in Friefland, and afterwards at Wittenberg. ProfelTorof law fucccllivcly at Leyden and at Franeker. D. about 1597. Commentaria in vaiios titulos jinis. [De pignoribus & hypothecis ; de ufuris Sc fruftibus ; de acquirenda vel amit- tenda pofll-ffione ; de duobus reis conftituendis.] Item, traftatus fingiihiris de mora. De ufuris. De eo quod in- terell. De poenali IHpuIatione et de dividuis & individuis. 4° Lcovardir, 1645. Julii a Beyma ... commentaria in titulum De verboram fignificatione, et De diverfis regulis juris antiqui ; ejufdem tra(Satus De moderamine inculp. tutela:, et De legitima. 8° Leovardix, 1649. BEYMINSTRE. Bcymindre. By the author of " Lena," " King's Cope," "Mr. Warenne," etc. etc. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. BEYNON (Edward Francis), M.A. Formerly reftor of Creaton, near Northampton, which ap- pointment he refigned, 1843. Progrefs the farmer's watchword ; or, tiie fubftance of ob- fervations made at the autumnal and fpring meetings of the Eaft Surrey agricultural aflociation, on September 30th, 1856, and June 3rd, 1857. 8° Croydon, 1857. BEYSCHLAG (Friedrich Jacob). B. at Hall, in Swabia, 17 June, 1700. Educated in his native town and at Altorff. Paltor of a church at Hall. D. 21 July, 1738. Irenaei Bibliophili [P/i-W.] obfervatio, qua prxfationem, quam v. cl. Chrilh Aug. Herrmannus Sympofio Ladlantii, a fe cdito, prx-mifit, in nonnullis locis illuftrat, in admodum paucis emendat. [Schf.lhorn, ylmivnitales Uurann, ii. 469.] BEYSCHLAG (Joannes Balthasar). A relation of the preceding. B. alfo at Hall. Educated at Wittenberg. Paftor and dean of the confiftory of his native town. D. at an advanced age, 1717. De figillo Dci-hominis, ad Apoc. i. 8 & 11. [Men- THENius, Thefaurus theologico-pliilologkus, ii. 811.] BEZA (Theodore). B. at Vezclai, in France, 24 June, 1 5 19. Abjured the Ro- mifh faith, and retired to Geneva, 1548. Succeeded Calvin in his offices and influence. D. at Geneva, 13 Oil. 1605. De hocreticis a civili magiftratu puniendis libellus, adver- fus Martini Bcllii farraginem, & novorum Academicorum fedlam. , 8" [Paiifiis,] Oliua R. Stephani, 1554 Ad fycophantarum qtiorundam calumnias, quibus unicum falutis noftra; fundamentum, id eft xternam Dei prsedeftina- tionem evcrtcre nituntur, rcfponfio. 8° [Geneva;,] cxcudcbat C. Badius, 1558. Ane oration made by mafter Theodore de Beze minilKr of the word of God, accompanied with xi other minillers of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the prefencc of the king, the quene mother, the king of Na- uarre, the princes of Conde, and of La Roche Surion, mon- fieur de Guife, the Conftable, and other great princes & lordes of the kinges counfel, being there alfo prefente vi. cardinalles, x,xxvi. archblflioppes & bifhoppcs, befides a great number of abbots, priours, dodlours of the Sorbone and other fcooles ; Tuefday the ix. day of September, 1 561, in the Noonnery of Poyfly. Tnjely gathered and fet forth in fuch fort as it was fpoken by the faid de Beze . . . 8° Edinb. i 561. Ane anfwer made the fourth day of Septembre a tlioufand fyue hundreth fyxtie & one, by maiftcr Theodore de Bcfza miniftcr of the holie Euangile, in the prefcnce of the quene mother, the king and quene of Nauarre, the princes of the blood royall, and of the priuie counfeil, unto that whiche the cardinal! of Lorraine had replied againft that which was jjropounded in the firft iourney of their talking together, by the faid de Befza in the name of the reformed Churclies. Together with an other fhort anfwer made by the faid de Befza the 26 day of the faid moneth unto certein articles of replie fet forth by the faid cardinall. 8° Edinb. 1562. Refponfio ad defenfiones & reprehenfiones Sebaftiani Caf- tellionis, quibus fuam Novi Teftamenti interpretationem de- fendere adverfus Bezam, & ejus verfionem viciffim reprehen- dere conatus eft. 8° [Paiifiis,] excudebat H. Stephanus, 1563. Ad D. Jo. Brentii argumenta, quibus carnis Chrifti 0111- niprjefentiam nititur confirmare, placidum & modeftum le- fponfum. 8° Genevas, 1565. Traftatus ties de rebus gravifTimis fcripti. Unus de uni- tate effentiae divinse, & tribus in ea fubfiftentibus perfonis, ad- verfus Arianos o/Mifjuaioii;. Alter de hypoftatica duarum in Chrifto naturarum unione, adverfus D. Jacobi AndrcK affer- tionem. Teitius de facramentali corjjoris & fanguinis Chrifti cum facris fymbolis conjunftione, adverfus Matthix Flaccii Illyrici falfiffimas demonftrationes. 8° Genevae, 1565. Dialog! ab Eufebio !^hiladelpho, Cofmopolita, [P/fuc/.] in Gallorum et casterarum nationum gratiam compofiti, quorum primus ab ipfo audtore recognitus & au(5!us : alter vero in lucem nunc primum editus fuit. 8° Edimh. 1574. Le reveille-matin des Frangois, et de leurs voifins. Com- pofe par Eufebe Philadelphe, Cofmopolite, [PfauL] en forme de dialogues, [y^ French •uerfwn of the preceding wor/f.] 8° Edinb. i 574. Epiftolarum triga ex MSS. autographo, A. 1572, I5"f>. [Gerdes, Scri/iiiim aniirjunrium, viii. ii. 688. J Epiftolarum theologicaium, liber unus. Sccunda editio, ab ipfo auftore recognita. 8° Gcncvx, 1575. — Editio tertia. 8° Hanovix, 1597- I. Calvin! vita ... accurate defcripta. 1576. [Joannes Calvinus, Epi/lolanim el rtfponforum edllio feciimla^ * Les vies de Jean Calvin et de Theodore de Beze mifcs en Francois. 12=' Geneve, 1681. [The life of Beza is by Antoinc de la Fave ] Hiftoire ecclefiaftique des eglifes rcfoimees au loyaume de France, en laquelle eft defcritc au vray la lenaifTince & accrolftement d'icelles, depuis I'an m.d.xxi. iufques en I'annee M.D.Lxiii. ... 3 torn. 8° Anvers, 1580. Icones ; id eft verx imagines virorum doiflrina (imul ei pietate illulbium, quorum pixcipu6 minifterio partim bon.i- rum literarum ftudia funt reftituta, partim vera leligio in vai iis orbis Chiiftiani rcgionibus, noftia patitimque memoria fuit 462 BEZANT— BIANCHINI inllaurata : additis eoiundem vitae & oper^ defcriptionibus, quibus adieftx funt nonnulls pidturffi quas emblemata vocant. 4° Genevas, 1580. Les vrais pourtraits des hommes illuftres en piete et doc- trine. Traduits du Latin. 4° Geneve, 1 58 I. Volumen primum [fecundum et tertium] Tiaftationufn theologicarum, in quibus pleraque Chriflianx religionis dog- mata, adverfus hscrefes noftris temporibus renovatas, folide ex Veibo Dei defenduntur ... Editio fecunda. fol. [Geneva,] 1582. Propofitions and principles of divlnitie, propounded and difputed in the Univerfity of Geneva, by certaine lludents of divinitie there, under M. Theod. Beza and M. Anthonie Faius, profelTors of divinitie ... Tranflated out of Latine into Englilh ... 4° Edinb. 1591. Traftatiode polygamia,in qua et Ochini apoftatx pro poly- gamia, et Montaniftaram ac aliorum adverfus repetitas nuptias, argumenta refutantur : addito veteram canonum & quamn- dam civiiium legum ad normam Verbi Divini examine. 8° Daventrige, 1651. Traftatio de repudiis et divortiis ... additur juris civilis Romanorum, & veterum his de rebus canonum examen ... 8° Daventria?, 1651. De Germana pronunciatione Graecs lingux liber. [Ha- VERCAMPUS, Sylloge fcnptorum de lingua Grtcca, i. 3° 5"] Poemata. Pfalmi Davidici xxx. Sylvae. Elegias. Epi- grammata, CL>m alia varii argumenti, turn epitaphia, & quse peculiar! nomine iconas infcripfit. Omnia, in hac tertia edi- tione, partim jecognita, partim locupletata. [Tragedie Fran- 5oife du Sacrifice d' Abraham.] 8° Genevae, 1576. Pfalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum libri quinque : argumentis & Latina paraphrafi illuftrati, ac vai io carminum genere Latine expreffi. See Bible, Veriions, Lathi. I 580. Poemata varia ; fylvae, elegias, epitaphia, epigrammata, icones, emblemata, Cato Cenforius, Abrahamus facrificans. 4° [Genevas,] I 597. Poemata varia ... Canticum canticorum. Acceflit Jac. Leftii V. cl. Jonah, feu poetica paraphrafis ad eum vatem. 12° [Genevae,] 1599. Poemata Adeodati Sebas \Pfeud?\ Vefelienfis. [Gruter, Delitie poetarum G aliorum, iii. 578.] * Hiftoire de la vie ... de Theodore de Beze ... Par Hierofme BoLSEC. 1582. * De vita et moribus Theodori Bezce ... breuis recitatio ... Authore Jacobo LainG/EO. 1585. BEZANT (J.) Geographical queftions, clafled under heads, and inter- fperfed with hiftorical and general information. A new edi- tion ... by W. Cooke Stafford. 12° Lond. [1858.] Key to the Geographical queftions. A new edition ... 12° Lond. [1858.] BEZOUT (firiENNE). B. at Nemours, 31 March, 1730. Teacher of mathematics. D. Z7 Sep. 1783. Theorie generale des equations algebriques. 4° Paris, 1779. Cours de mathematiques, a I'ufage des gardes du pavilion et de la marine. 6 ptt. 8° Paris, 1787-9. — a I'ufage du corps de I'artilleiie. Nouvelle edition, revue, conigee et augmentee de I'Expofition abregee du nouveau fyfteme des poids et mefures, d'apr^s le metre defi- nitif ; par le C[itoyen] Guillard. 4 torn. 8° Paris, 1 799-1 Soo. BEZZI (G. Aubrey). Readings in Italian profe literature ; with biographical l];A- iZ'^atm feorfim edita. Quibus acceffit Targum Onkelos, feu Paraphrafis Chaldaica. 4° Lond. 1664. [Genefis, chapters i.-vi.J The Book of Ruth in Hebrew, with a critically-revifed text, various readings, including a new collation of twenty- eight Hebrew MSS. (moft of them not previoufly collated) : and a grammatical and c?-itical commentary ; to which is appended the Chaldee Targum, with various readings, gram- matical notes, and a Chaldee gloflliry. By Charles H. H. Wright, M.A. \Hel. ixjith points.\ 8° Lond. 1864. Pfalteriuni Hebraeum, Gixcum, Arabicum ct Chaldasum. I 5 16. See Bible, Polyglotts. Pfalmi Davidis Hebraice ; cum Pagnini totidem fere ver- bis Latina verfione. \B'ihl\a Sacra cum commenlariis, 1632, torn, ii.] See Bible, Verfions, Latin, b. n3>« -ispi D^^nn ISD ... The Hebrew text of the Pfalmes and Lamentations, but publiflied (for to encourage and facilitate beginners in their way) with the reading thereof in known Englilh letters ... by William Robertfon. H° Lond. 1656. Pfalmorum liber, in verficulos metrice divifus, et cum aliis criticcs fubfidiis, turn pra-cipuc metriccs ope, multis in locis integritati fua; reftitutus ; cum difll-rtatione de antiqua He- brasoi-um poefi, aliilque qu.xfitis ad Pfalmorum librum pcrti- nentibus. Ad finem operis adje(5ta funt poefeos Hebraicte f])ecimina, ex iis qux ediderunt Francifcus Gomarus, Marcus Meibomius, & Johannes Clericus. Edidit Francifcus Hare. 8° Lond. I 736. — [Ugolinus, Thefaurus aniiquilalum facranim, x.Kxi. I02I.] Dvnn "laO The Book of Pfalms in Hebrew, metiically arranged ; witli fcledlions from the various readings of Ken- nicott and De RoITi, and from the ancient veifions. By J. Rogers, M.A. In two volumes, [//ci. ivilh points. \ I 2" Oxford, I 833—4. D'^nn -ISD The Book of Pfalms, Hebrew and EngIKh, arranged in parallel columns. 12° Lond. 1843. [Hebrew of Vin dcr Hooght's text, with points, and EngliOi of authorifed verfion.] VOL. I. A. Old Testament and parts in Hebrew. The interlineary Hebrew and Englifli Pfalter, in which the conflirudion of every word is indicated, and the root of each diftinguilhed by the ufe of hollow and other types. 8° Lond. 1845. [Heb. with points, and literal Engliih verfion.] The Pfalms in Hebrew : with a critical, exegetical, and philological commentary, by George Philli])s, B.D. In two volumes. [Heb. with points. '\ 8° Lond. 1846. The Wifdom of Solomon : a feleftion from Proverbs and Ecclcfiaftes in Hebrew, with a corredled verfion on parallel lines, by M. Mocatta. 12" Lond. 1834. npnp The Hebrew text and a Latin verfion of Eccle- fiaftes, by Theodore Prefton. 1845. See Bible, Poly- glotts. Poiyglott reading book, containing the Chaldee portions of Daniel and Ezra, with the conefponding Hebrew, Syriac and Greek. 1850. See Bible, Polyglotts. Jonah : a faithful tranflation from the original. With philological and explanatory notes ... By George Benjoin. 1796. See Bible, Verfions, EngUJl}, b. [Heb. with threefold Engliih verfion, one in the order of the Hebrew.] B. The New Testament and parts in Greek. a. The whole of the New Testament. Nouum Teftamentum grece et latine in academia com- plutenfi nouiter imprefliim. 1515. ^i-c Bible, Polyglotts. [Suppofed not to have been publilhed till 1522 ] Novum Tefliamentum Grtece. [iTai/T-a ra v.ar i^oy^riv xaXov/j,sva TiijSXia Qiiai hr,'Kahri I'^ufrj;. Aid. I 5 I 8.1 See Bible, Verfions, Greek. [The text is from Erafmus' firft edition, 1516] Novum Teftamentum omne, multo quhm antehac dili- gentiils ab Erafmo Roterodamo rccogniium, emendatum, ac tranflatum, non folilm ad Grxcam vcritatem, verum etiam ad multuium utriufquc lingua: codicum, eoromque veterum fimul & emcndatorum fidem ; poftrenio ad probatiiTimorum autoi-um citationcm, cmendationem & interpretationcm ... una cum annotationibus recognilis ac magna acceflione locu- pletatis, quae leiflorcm doccant quid qua ratione mutatuni fit ... fol. Bafilex, in xdibus Joannis Frobenii, I 5 19. [Second edition of Erafmus' Greek Tcftamcnt.j Novum Teftamentum Gixcc. 4° Hagenose, in xdibus Thomx Anftielmi Badenfis, 1521. [The text followed is, for the moft part, that of Erafmus' fecond edition.] Des. Erafmi Roter. Opeium fextus tomus. Novum Tefta- mentum compleflens,jani quintum acjiollremum accuratillima cura recognitum ab autore, cum annotationibus ejufdem ita locuplet;itis, ut propemodum oi)us novum videri |)olllt. \Gr. anil Lai.] fol. Bafilex, Fioben., 1541. — [D. Erasmus, Opera omnia, 1705, torn, vi.] Nfa AiaOrixr,. Novum Teftamentum. 4° Bafilex, to*' 'l£j(/>. 'I'^ujiinifi xui N/x. Emfxamifj] 1545. [The text follows that of Erafmui" fifth edition.] 3 ^ 466 BIBLE B. New Testament and parts in Greek. Novum Teftamentum Graece, iam denuo accuratiori dili- gentia, quam haftenus, in ufum theologia; ftudiofis excufum. 8° Bafilex, apud Nic. Brylingerum, 1548. [The text is bafed on that of Stephens' firft edition.] Trjs Kaivrig Aia^rjUTii a^ravra. Novum Teftamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. 12° Lutetiae, ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1549. [Stephens' fecond edition. Preface begins, " O mirificam.'' Text bafed upon the Complutenfian, with the aid of collations of feveral MSS. by Henry Stephens.] Tjjj Kaivrig AiaSrixrii anaiTa. ... Novum Jefu Chrifti D. N. Teftamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. 2 tom. fol. Lutetiae, ex ofEcina Roberti Stephani, i 550. [Stephens' third edition.] Tj;; Ka/KJjs AiaSrixrig a-avra ... Novvm lefv Chrifti Domini noftri Teftamentum. 8° [Genevas,] TJaoa laavi/r, TM K^iSTiiM, afvy [1553.] [The text is bafed on that of Stephens' third edition.] Tri; Kaiiir,g Aia^rixrii a':Tatra ... 8° Lipfis, in ofEcina Voegeliana, 1564. [Text of Erafmus.] 'H Kaivrj AiaSrixr}. Novum Teftamentum. Obfcuri- orum vocum & quorundam loquendi generum accuratas, partim fuas, partim alioami inteqiretationes maigini adfcripfit Henricus Stephanus, cum magna accefllone in hac poftejiori editione. 12° [Genevae,] 1 587. Novum Teftamentum Syriac^ ... Giasc^ ... ftudio et la- bore Ehx Hutteri, 1599. See Bible, Polyglotts. Novum Teftamentum Grascum. Cum vulgata interpre- tatione Latina Grasci contextus Unei.'; inferta ; qus quidem interpretatio cilm a Giascarum diftionum proprietate difce- dit, fenfum, videlicet, magis quam verba exprimens, in mar- gine libri eft collocata : atque alia Ben. Ariae Montani Hif- palenfis opera h verbo reddita, ac diverfo charafterum genere diftinifla, in eius eft fubftituta locum. [Romanae correftionis in Latinis Bibliis editionis Vulgatx, jufTu Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi recognitis, loca infigniora obferuata & denuo aufla a Francifco Luca. Accellit libellus alter, continens alias ledtionum varietates in eifdem Bibliis Latinis ex vetuftis manufcriptis exemplaribus colleftas ...] fol. Geneva:, excudebat Petrus de la Rouiere, 16 19. [The text is from the Antwerp Polyglott.] 'H Kaivri AiaSri'/.n. Novum ... Teftamentum ; textui Graeco conjunfla eft verfio Latina Vulgata, fummoium Pon- tiiicum, Sixti V. & dementis VIIL, autoritate edita & re- cognita. ['H VlaXaia Aiairf/.r), edit. 1628, tom. iii.] See Bible, Verfions, Greet. 'H Kaivri Aia6r}X7i. Novum Teftamentum. 8° Cantab., apud Tho. Buck, 1632. Novum Teftamentum Latineet Grsce, cum commentariis auftore Jacobo Gordono. ^Bii/ia Sacra cum commentariis, 1632 ; tom. iii.] See Bible, Verfions, Latin, c. 'H Kaivr) Aia9ijy.ri tou Kv^iou r,iJ,U'i lyjSov Xg/ffro-j oiyKciiTTo;, 1638. \Gr. and Romaic.'\ i'ff Bible, Verfions, Romaic. ' H Kamr} AiaSriKri. fol. 'Ex /Saff/X/x-/); ru-oy^ap;aj. 'E« ITao/ff/o;;, a^'/J-''? [1642.] [The text is bafed on that of Stephens' third edition.] B. New Testament and parts in Greek. Jefu Chrifti Domini noftri Novum Teftamentum, five Novum Fcedus, cujus Graeco contextui refpondent interpreta- tiones dua : una, vetus ; altera, Theodori Bezae. Ejufdem Theod. Bezae annotationes ... Acceffit etiam Joachimi Ca- merarii in Novum Foedus Commentarius ... fol. Cantabrigix, ex officina Rogeri Danielis, 1642. [The beft edition of Beza's text.] Novum Teftamentum Grxcum, ex editione R. Stephani, 1550. \Bihlia Sacra polyglotta,ed. B. Waltomis. 1657.] See Bible, Polyglotts. 'H Ka/k)i Aia.ir,7.r^. Novum Teftamentum ; una cum fcholiis Graecis, e Grascis fcriptoribus tarn ecclefiafticis quam exteris maxima ex parte defumptis, opera ac ftudio Joannis Gregorii. fol. Oxon., k Theatro Sheldoniano, 1703. [Text from Fell's edition of 1675, bafed on Stephens and the Elzevir.] 'pi Ka/^jj Aia^rjxrj. Novum Teftamentum, cum ledlioni- bus variantibus MSS. exemplarium, verfionum, editionum, SS. Patruni, & fcrlptorum ecclefiafticorum ; & in eafdem notis. Accedunt loca Scripturas parallela, aliaque i^riyririxa, & appendix ad variantes leftiones. Prasmittitur differtatio, in qua de libris N. T. & Canonis conftitutione agitur : hif- toria S. textns N. Foederis ad noftra ufque tempora dedu- citur ; quid in hac editione praeftitum fit explicatur. Studio & labore Joannis Millii. fol. Oxon., e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1707. — Colleftionem Millianam recenfuit, meliori ordine dif- pofuit, novifque acceflionibus locupletavit Ludolphus Kuf- terus. fol. Roterodami, I 7 I o. [The text is that of Stephens' third edition.] The New Teftament in Greek and Englifh, containing the original text, correfted from the authority of the moft authentic manufcripts ; and a new verfion form'd agreeably to the illuftrations of the moft learned commentators and critics : with notes and various readings, and a copious al- phabetical index. In two volumes. 8° Lend. 1729. [Edited by William Mace. The alterations of the text and the tranflation are made in conformity with Arian views.] 'H Kaivr} Aia^rjxrj. Novum Teftamentum Graecum edi- tionis receptas, cum ledlionibus variantibus codicum MSS., editionum aliarum, verfionum, et patinjm ; nee non commen- tario pleniore, ex fcriptoribus veteribus Hebi^asis, -Grascis et Latinis, hiftoriam et vim verborum illuftrante : opera et ftu- dio Joannis Jacobi Wetftenii. 2 tom. fol. Amftelxdami, 1751-2. 'H Kai'.r, AiajTi'/.r,. Novum Teftamentum : ex editione Wetfteniana, 1 7 i i . 4° Glafgua:, R. et A. Foulis, 1759. [The edition of 1711 was edited by G. von Mafixicht.] Novum Teftamentum Grxcum, e Codice MS. Alexan- drino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Mufei Britannici afferva- tur, defcriptum a Carolo Godofredo Woide, S.Th.D. Muf. Brit. Bibliothecario. fol. Lond. 1786. — Appendix ... in qua continentur fragmenta Novi Tef- tamenti juxta interpretationera dialefli Superioris Egypti,qua; Thebaidica vel Sahidica appellatur, e codicibus Oxonienfibus maxima ex parte defumpta, cum differtatione de verfione BIBLE 467 B. New Testament and parts in Greek. Biblioium ^gyptiaca. Quibus fubjicitur Codicis Vatican! collatio. fol. Oxon. 1799. Novum Teftamentum Giasce. Ledliones variantes, Grief- bachii judicio iis quas textus receptus exhibet anteponendas, vel aequiparandas, adjecit Jofcphus White, S.T.P. 2 torn. 4° Oxon. 1808. [Text of Stephens from Mill's edition.] 'H Kaivr, Aiair,-/.r] ... diyXoiTTOS' tout' idTi, to Ohov OL^yi- TuTCfV xai jj a-jTO-j //.irafsaeii 11; xonriv diu'/.iXTOi. 1810. [Gr. and Romaic.^ See Bible, Veifions, Romaic. 'H Kaivr, Aiair,xr,. Novum Teftamentum ; cum fcholiis theologicis et philologicis. 3 tom. [Edited by Edward Valpy.] 8° Lond. 1816. [Text formed on that of Griefiiach.] 'H Kanr, i^iaHr^y.ri. Novum Tcftamentum : juxta exem- plar Millianum. 8° Oxon. 18 19. ' 11 Kaivr) £^ia(lr,y.r,. Novum Teflamentum. Accedunt parallela S. Scriptune loca, necnon vetus capitulorum notatio, et canones Eufebii. [Edited by Bifhop Lloyd.] 12° Oxon. 1828. — Another edition. 4° Oxon. 1863. — Another edition. 8^ Oxon. 1863. [Text formed on that of Stephens as given by Mill,] Novum Teftamentum Graccum juxta textum, ut aiunt, Receptum. \_BibUa Sacra polyglotta, 1 8 3 I .] See Bible, Polyglotts. 'H Ka;v7i AiaSr,xr,. The Greek Teftament, with Eng- lifli notes, by the Rev. Edward Burton, D.D. In two volumes. 8° Oxford, 1831. [Text of Stephens from Mill's edition.] 'H Ka/»?) Aia6r;xr,. The Greek Teftament, with Eng- lifh notes, critical, philological, and exegetical, by the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. In two volumes. 8° Cambridge, 1832. — Fifth edition. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1843. — Ninth edition. In two volumes. . 8° Lond. 1855. [Text formed on that of Stephens as given by Mill.] Additional annotations, critical, philological, and explana- tory, on the New Teftament ; being a fupplemental volume to the Greek Teftament with Engliih notes. By the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. 8° Lond. 1850. — Another edition, entitled, Critical annotations . . . 8° Lond. i860. "11 Katvn Aiairixn. The Greek Teftament, with Englifli notes, grammatical, fcholaftic, and elementary ; efpecially formed for the ufe of fchools ... by the Rev. S. T. Bloom- field, D.D. 12° Lond. 1837. Tj]J Kanrj; AiaOriXTj; d-zavTa. [Edited by Jofeph Jowett.] 1 2" KavTaiiiiyia, acu'^'C [1847.] [Text from the firft tlzevir edition, 1624.] The Greek Teftament : with a critically revifed text ; a digeft of various readings ; marginal references to verbal and idiomatic ufage ; prolegomena ; and a critical and exe- getical commentary. For the ufe of theological ftudents and minifters. By Ilenry Alfoid, M.A. Vol. L 8° Lend. 1849. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1856. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1863. B. New Testament and parts in Greek. 8° Lond. 1852. 8° Lond. 1855. 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 8 Lond. 1857. 1856. 1862. 1859. Lond. 1862. H Kunrj AiaOnxr,- Vol. IL — Second edition. — Third edition. Vol. in. — Third edition. Vol. IV. Part I. — Pan II. Second edition. The Greek and Englifh Teftament. ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. The New Teftament of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, according to the au- thorifed verfion. The Greek and Englifli texts arranged in parallel columns. A new edition. Cambridge, edited for the Syndics of the Univerfity prefs by the Rev. James Schok'field. 8° Lond. 1850. 'H Kaivri AmSnxn. The New Teftament in Greek, with a carefully corredled text, a critical confpeftus, and copious Englifli notes ... To which are annexed a chronological harmony, and three indices. By the Rev. William Trol- lope, M.A. A new edition. 8° Lond. 1850. — Another edition 8° Lond. i860. [Text of Stephens from Mill's edition.] 'H Kann A/a^TjXTj. Grielbach's text, with the various readings of Mill and Scholz. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1850. The New Teftament in Greek ; bafed on the text of Dr. J. M. A. Scholz, with Englifli notes and prefaces, a fynopfis of the four Gofpels, and chronological tables illuf- trating the Gofpel narrative. Edited by the Rev. J. F. Macmichacl, B.A. 8° Lond. 1854. The Greek Teftament ; with notes, grammatical and exe- getical, by William Webfter, M.A., and William Francis Wilkinfon, M.A. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1855-61. [Text of Stephens' third edition, ed. Scholefield.] The New Teftament of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Ciirift, in the original Greek ; with notes by Chr. Words- worth, D.D. Part I. The four Gofpels. 4° Lond. 1856. — New edition. 4° Lond. 1859. — Part II. The Afts of the Apoftles. 4° Lond. 1857. — Part III. St. Paul's Epiftles. 4° Lond. 1859. — Part IV. The general Epiftles and Book of Revela- tion. 4° Lond. i860. An index to the introdu(5lion and notes in Dr. Words- woitli's edition of the Greek Teftament, by the Rev. J. Twycrofs. 4" Lond. 1861. '11 KaiiV) AiaOriXr,. Novum Teftamentum texti'is Ste- phanici, A.D. 1550. Accedunt varix leflioncs editionum Bezx, Elzeviri, Lachmanni, Tifchendorfii, Trcgcllefii, cu- rante F. H. Scrivener, A.M. 8° Cantab, i860. ' H Ka/>)) AiocOrixri ; confifting of the Greek text of Scholz, with the readings, both textual and marginal, of Griefljach ; and the v.iriations of tlie editions of Stephens, I 550 ; Beza, I 598 ; the Elzevir, 1633. With the Eng- lifli authoriled verlion, and its marginal renderings. 8° Lond. S. Bagfter, [1842.] — " Narrow edition." [Gr. oii/y.] 11" Lond. [186 1.] 468 BIBLE B. New Testament and parts in Greek. The twofold New Teftament : being a new tranflation accompanying a newly-formed text, in parallel columns ; by the Rev. Thomas Sheldon Green, M.A. 8° Lond. n. d. Novum Teftamentum Graece : antiquiflimorum codicum textus in ordine parallelo difpofiti : accedit collatio Codicis Sinaitici. Edidit Edvardus H. Hanfell. 3 vols. 8° Oxon. 1864. [The Codices are the Alexand., Vatican., Dublin, refcript., Ephr. Syr. refcript., Bezse Cantab., Laud., and Claromont.] A full and exafl collation of about twenty Greek manu- fcripts of the Holy Gofpels, by the Rev. Henry Scrivener. 1853- A collation of the critical texts of Griefbach, Scholz, Eachniann, and Tifchendorf, with that in common ufe. [S. P. Tregelles, An account of the printed text of the Greek Netu Teflament ... I 8 5 4.] A full collation of the Codex Sinaiticus with the received text of the New Teftament : to which is prefixed a critical introduftion, by Frederick H. Scrivener, M.A. 1864. b. Parts. Quatuor Evangelia Grasce, cum variantibus a textu lec- tionibus Codd. MSS. Bibliothecae Vaticanje, Barberinas, Laurentianae, Vindobonenfis, Efcuriaienfis, Havnienfis Re- giae, quibus accedunt leflioncs verfionum Syranim, veteris, Philoxenianas et Hierofolymitans, juflu et fumptibus Regiis edidit Andreas Birch. 4° Havnis, 178S. [The text is that of Stephens' third edition. The collations of MSS. were made by ProfelTors Birch, Adler, and Moldcnhauer. The various readings of the Vatican MS. were publifhed for the firft time in this edition.] [The Greek New Teftament, edited from ancient au- thorities, with the various readings of all the ancient MSS., of the ancient verfions, and of the earlier ecclefiaftical writers (to Etifebius inclufive) ; together with the Latin verfion of Jerome, from the Codex Amiatinus of the fixth century ; by S. P. Tregelles, LL.D.] Parts L IL [containing the Gofpels.'] 4° [Lond. 1857-60.] [No title-page.] Bezas Codex Cantabrigienfis : being an exaft copy, in ordinary type, of the celebrated uncial Grsco-Latin manu- fcript of the four Gofpels and Ads of the Apoftles, written early in the fixth century, and prefented to the Univerfity of Cambridge by Theodore Beza, a.d. 1581. Edited, with a critical introduftion, annotations, and facfimiles, by Frederick H. Scrivener, A.M. 4° Cambridge, 1S64. The Codex Montfortianus : a collation of this celebrated MS. in the libiary of Trinity College, Dublin, throughout the Gofpels and Afts, with the Greek text of Wetftein, and with certain MSS. in the Univerfity of Oxford ; by Orlando T. Dobbin. 1854. Evangelium fecundum Matthasum, ex codice refcripto in Bibliotheca Collegii SS= Trinitatis juxta Dublin, defcriptum opera et ftudio Johannis Barrett. Cui adjungitur appendix collationem Codicis Montfortiani compleiflens. 40 Dublinii, I 801. Fac-fimile'; of certain portions of the Gofpel of St. B. New Testament and parts in Greek. Matthew, and of the Epiftles of Ss. James and Jude, written on papyras in the firft century, and preferved in the Egyp- tian niufeum of Jofeph Mayer, Efq., Liverpool ... Edited and illuftrated ... by Conftantine Simonides, Ph.D. fol. Lond. 1 86 1. The firft twelve chapters of the Gofpel according to St. Matthew, in the received Greek text ; with various read- ings, and notes critical and expoCtory, by the late Reverend J. Forfliall, M.A. 4" Lond. 1864. Codex Zacynthius S. Greek palimpfeft fragments of the Gofpel of Saint Luke, obtained in the idand of Zante, by the late General Colin Macaulay, and now in the library of the Britifh and foreign Bible fociety. Deciphered, tran- fcribed, and edited by Samuel Prldeaux Tregelles, LL.D. fol. Lond. 1 86 1. Fragmentum Evangelii S. Johannis Graeco-Copto-The- baicum fasculi iv. 1789. See Bible, Polyglotts. Harmonia Evangelica ; cui fubjefta eft hiftoria Chrifti ex quatuor Evangeliis concinnata. [Gr. and Lat.] Ac- cefTeinint tres differtationes de annis Chrifti, deque Concordia <5c audloritate Evangeliorum, auflore Joanne Clerico. fol. Amftelodami, i 699. — Another edition. fol. Amftelodami, 1700. An harmony of the Gofpels, in which the original text is difpofed after Le Clerc's general manner ; with fuch various readings at the foot of the page as have received Wetftein's fanflion in his folio edition of the Greek Tefta- ment. Obfervations are fubjoined, tending to fettle the time and place of eveiy tranfaftion, to eftablifii the feries of fafts, and to reconcile feeming inconfiftencies ; by William New- come, D.D. fol. Dublin, 1778. Harmonia Evangelica ; five, quatuor Evangelia Grxce pro temporis et reram ferie in partes quinque diftributa. Edidit Edvardus Grefwell, A.M. 8° Oxon. 1830. Harmonia Evangelica ; five, quatuor Evangelia atque AdJus Apoftolomm Graece pro temporis et rerum ferie in partes fex diftributi. Edidit Edvardus Grefwell, S.T.B. Editio tertia. 8° Oxon. 18 40. Prolegomena ad Harmoniam evangelicam ... auftore Ed- vardo Greswell. 1840. A Greek harmony of the Gofpels ; in which the arrange- ments of Newcome, Townfend, and Grefwell are incorpo- rated ... with notes, by the Rev. Richard Chapman, B.A. 4° Lond. 1836. A new Greek harmony of the four Gofpels, comprifing a fynopfis and a JiatefTaron ; together with an introdudfory treatife, and numerous tables, indexes, and diagrams, fupply- ing the necefl"ary proofs and explanations, by William Stroud, M.D. 4° Lond. 1853. The Afts of the Apoftles; with notes, original and fe- leaed...byHaftingsRobinfon,D.D. 8° Lond. 1839. XIII. Epiftolarum Pauli codex Grascus, cum verfione Latina veteri vulgo Antehieronymiana, olim Boernerianus, nunc BlbliothecsE EleiSloralis Drefdenfis, fumma fide et dih- gentia tranfcriptus et editus a Chriftiano Friderico Matthxi. 4° Mifenas, 1791. [Does not contain the Epiftle to the Hebrews.] An exaft tranfcript of the Codex Augienfis, a Grseco- BIBLE 469 B. New Testament and parts in Greek. I^atln manufcript of S. Paul's Epiftles, depofitcd in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. To which is added a full collation of fifty manufcripts containing various por- tions of the Greek New Tellament, in the libraries of Cambridge, Parham, Leicefter, Oxford, Lambeth, the Britifli Mufeuni, &c. With a critical introduftion by the Rev. Frederick Heniy Scrivener, M.A. 8° Cambridge, 1859. The Epiftles of St. Paul, in the original Greek, arranged in chronological order, by Chr. Wordfworth, D.D. fol. Lond. 1859. The Epiftle of Paul the Apoftle to the Romans : witli an introduction, paraphrafe, and notes, by C. H. Terrot, A.M. \Gr. ivith Eng. paraphrafe:] 8°Lond. 1S28. 'H crjos Pufiaioug 'EmsroXri. St. Paul's Epiftle to the Romans : with notes, by Charles John Vaughan, D.U. 8° Cambridge, 1859. ITjoj Pa,'j,oi.ioug. The Epiftle of Paul the Apoftle to the Romans, tranfcribed from the editio feptima of Tifcliendorf, and arranged in paragraphs and lines accoiding to the prin- ciples of logical analyfis : with a preface, the heads of the paragiaphs in Greek, and an expofition of the argument of the epiftle in Englilh ... by J. R. Crawford, M.A. 4° Lond. i860. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the ThefTalonians, Galatians, Romans : with critical notes and diflertations, by Benjamin .Towett, M.A. In two volumes. [Gr. text, and Eng. au- thorifed verfion revifed.'] 8° Lond. 1855. — Second edition. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1 8 59. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. With cri- tical notes and diflertations, by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, M.A. In two volumes. \Gr. text, Eng. autborifcd verfion revifed, and a paraphrafe.] 8° Lond. 1855. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1858. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1865. St. Paul's Epiftle to the Galatians, the text rcvifcd and illuftrated by a commentary ... by Henry T. J. Bagge. 8° Lond. 1856. St. Paul's Epiftle to the Galatians : a revifed text, with introdu(ftion, notes, and diflertations, by J. B. Lightfoot, D.D. 8° Cambridge, 1865. A critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's Epiftle to the Galatians, with a revifed tranflation, by C. J. Ellicott, M.A. [Gr. text.] 8°Lond. 1854. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1863. A critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's Epiftle to the Ephcfians, with a revifed tranflation, by C. J. Ellicott, M.A. [Or. text.] 8° Lond. 1855. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1864. A critical and gjammatical commentary on St. Paul's Epiftles to the Philippians, Coloflians, and Philemon, with a revifed tranflation, by C. .1. Ellicott, M.A. [Or. text.] 8° Lond. 1857. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1861. — Tliiid edition. 8° Lond. 1865. B. New Testament and parts in Greek. A critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's Epiftles to the Theflalonians, with a levifed tranflation, by C. J. Ellicott, B.D. [Or. text.] 8° Lond. 1858. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1862. A critical and grammatical commentary on the Paftoral epiftles, with a revifed tjanflation, by C. J. Ellicott, B.D. [Or. text.] Second edition ... 8° l^ond. 1861. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1864. Epiftolarum Catholicarum feptenarius Grsce : Petri dujE Epiftolas, Jacobi una, Johannis tres, et Judae Jacobi una : cum nova verfione Latina, ac fcholiisgrammaticis atquecriticis ... opera Joh. Benedidli Carpzov. 8° Halas, 1790. iy.8oOiisa. The Book of Revelation in Greek, edited from ancient authorities ; with a new Englifli verlion and various leadings, by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles. 8° Lond. 1844. [The fecond edition, which does not contain the Greek text, will be found under Bible, Verfions, Englijhy c] The Apocalypfe, or Book of Revelation ; the original Greek text, with MSS. collations, an Englifh tranflation and harmony, with notes ; and an appendix to the Hulfean leflures for 1848 on the Apocalypfe, by Chr. Wordfwoith, D.D. 8° Lond. 1849. C. PoLYGLOTTS. f Vetus teftamentum multiplici lingua nunc p?imum im- preflum. Et imprimis Pentateuchus Hebraico Greco atque Chaldaico idiomate. Adiunifta unicuique fua latina inter- pretatione. Secunda [tertia, quarta] pars Veteris teftamenti Hebraico Grecoque idiomate nunc primum impreffa... adiunfta utrique fua latina interpretatione. [^End of vol. ii'.] Explicit quarta et ultima pars totius veteris teftamenti, hebraico grecoque et latino idiomate nunc primum imjireflli in hac prcclarifllma CompKitcnIi univerfltatc. De niandato ac fumptibus ... F. Franeifci Ximcnes ... Induftria & folcrtia honorabilis viii Arnaldi Guillelmi de Brocario artis imprefl()rie Magiftri. Anno Domini Millefimo quingentehmo decimo feptimo, menfis Julii die decimo. Nouum teftamentum grece et latine in academia complu- tenh novitei' inipreflum ... Deinde lequuntur duo greci trac- tatus, alter de peregrin. itione beati Pauli et euthalii diaconi, alter de teniporibus prxdicationis et niartyrio eiuidem ... Subiungitur vocabularium grecum continens omnes di(5tiones totius noui teftamenti et infu])er fapientic et ccclefiaftici grece et latine ... Poftrenio loco librum claudunt inter pretationes omnium totius novi teftamenti vocabulorum que tam gjecani quam hebraicam et chaldaicam fortita lunt etymologi.iin ... yEml of ylj>ocal\pfe] ... Anno domini millehnio quingentefi- mo decimo quarto. Menfis ianuarii die decimo. Vocabularium hebraicum atque chaldaicuni totius veteris teftamenti cum aliis traiflatibus ... in acidemia complutcnli nouiter inipreflum. \^Eml.] Anno domini md.xv. menfis Mail die ultima. 6 torn. fol. [The title-page of each volume begins with the following verfes, referring to the arms of Card. Ximcnes, which are placed below : 470 BIBLE C. POLYGLOTTS. " Haec tlbl pentadecas tetragonon refpicit illud Hofpitium petri & pauli ter quinque dierum, Namque inftrumetum vetus hebdoas innuit ; odlo Lex noua fignatur. ter quinque receptat utrunque." The Heb. text is pointed. Tlie Apocrypha is arranged as follows : — The Prayer of Manafleh, in Lat. only, is inferted after Chronicles on the laft page of Vol. II. ; Tobit and Judith, in Gr. and Lat., follow Nehemiah at fig. Aaa. Vol. III. ; Efther, in continuation of the canonical book j Wifdom and Ecclefiallicus follow Canticles at the end of the fame volume ; and in vol. IV. Baruch is inferted after Lamentations ; the Song of the three children, Sufanna, and Bel and the dragon with Daniel ; and Maccabees, i. ii. Ui., at the end.] \ Biblia facra polyglotta, compledtentia textus origlnales, Hebraicum cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Gras- cum, verfionumqueantiquarum,Samaritanje, Grxcas LXXII. Intel-])., Chaldaicx, Syriaca, Arabicas, jEthiopics, Perficje, Vulg. Lat., quicq\iid compaiari poteiat, cum textuura & ver- lionum Orientalium tranflationibus Latinis, ex vetuftiffimis MSS. undique conquifitis, optimifque exemplaribus impreflls, fumma fide coUatis. Qus in prioiibus editionibus deerant fuppleta. Multa antehac inedita, de novo adjeiSa. Omnia eo ordine difpofita, ut textus cum verfionibus uno intuitu conferri poffint. Cum apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, variis leftionibus, annotationibus, Indicibus, &c. Opus totum in fex tomos tributum. Edidit Biianus Waltonus. fol. Lond. 1657. Lexicon heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Clialdaicum, Syria- cum, Samaritanum, .£thiopicum, Arabicum, conjunftim, et Perficum feparatim ; authore Edmundo Castello. 1669. [Vol. I. contains the Preface (republican) and prolegomena} the Pentateuch in Hebrew (pointed), with Latin verfion of Pagni- nus revifed by Montanus i Hebraeo-Samaritan j Latin of the Vul- gate of Clement VIII. ; Greek of the LXX., according to the Va- tican MS. ed. Rom. 1587, with a literal Latin verfion, byFlami- nius Nobilius, and the various readings of the Alexandrian MS. ; Syriac, from the text of Gabriel Sionita in the Paris polyglott j Chaldee paraphrafe ; Samaritan and Arabic, from the Paris poly- glott; with a literal Latin verfion of each. Vol. II. contains Jofliua to Efther, and Vol. III. Job to Malachi, in the fame lan- guages, except the Hebraeo-Samaritan text and Samaritan verfion j and the Chaldee paraphrafe of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, is wanting. There is added an Ethiopic verfion of the Pfalms and Canticles, from the Roman edit, of Potken, 1513. Vol. IV. contains the Apocrypha, the Prayer of Manafieh being in Greek and Latin, Efdras iv. in Latin only, Maccabees v. in Arabic and Latin, and the reft in Greek and Syriac, each language w-ith a Latin verfion. The Book of Tobit has alfo a twofold Hebrew text, as edited refpeflively by Fagius and Munfter. This is followed by a threefold Targum of the Pentateuch — viz. the Chaldee of Jonathan, the Jerufalem Targum, and a Perfic verfion by R. Jacob Tawus j each with a Latin tranflation. Vol. V. contains the New Tefta- mentin Greek, Stephens' text, with the Latin verfion of Montanus; Syriac ; Perfic (Gofpels only) ; Latin of the Vulgate ; Arabic, from the text of the Paris polyglott ; Ethiopic, edit. Rom. 1548-95 each of the oriental verfions being accompanied with a Latin tranflation. Vol. VI. contains various readings and critical remarks.] Biblia Sacra polyglotta, textus archetypos verfionefque prxcipuas ab Ecclefia antiquitus receptas, necnon veifioiies recentiores, Angiicanam, Germanicam, Italicam, Gallicam, et Hifpanicam compledlentia. Accedunt prolegomena in C. PoLYGLOTTS. textuum archetyporum, verfionumque antiquarum crifin lite- ralem, auj] A;ai)?jx?i ... 'oiy'/.oirrtii- rouTiari r^aixr/.r, y.ai AXl3avrirr/,ri. 1827. [Romaic and A/banian.] 5^^ Bible, Veifions, Romaic. Amharic. Biblia Sacra Amharice. Sub aufpiciis D. Afielini, re- rum Gallicarum apud iEgyptios procuratoris, in linguam Amharicam veitit Abu-Rumi Habeflinus. Edidit Thomas Pell Piatt, A.M. [Second edition.] 4° Lond. I 844. Anglo-Saxon. f Heptateuchus, liber Job, et evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo-Saxonice. Hiftorias Judith fragmentum, Dano- Saxonic^. Edidit nunc primum ex MSS. codicibus Ed- wardus Thwaites. 8° Oxon. 1698. [The Heptateuch and Book of Job were tranflated by i^lfric from the Latin.] Csdmon's metrical paraphrafe of parts of the Holy Scrip- tures in Anglo-Saxon ; with an Englilh tranfiation, notes, and a verbal index, by Benjamin Thorpe, F.S.A. 8° Lond. 1832. Pfalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vctus a Johanne Spelmanno, D. Hen. fil., cditum, e vetuftiflimo exoniplari MS. in bibiiotheca ipfius Henrici, & cum tribus aliis non multo minus vetuftis collatum. 4° Lond. 1640. [Jerome's Roman pfaltcr with Anglo-Saxon glofs.] Libri Pfalmorum verfio antiqua Latina, cum paraplirafi Anglo-Saxonica, panim foluta oratione, partim metrice com- pofita. Nunc primum dofcripfit ct edidit Benjamin Thoi'pe. 1835. Sir Bible, Verfions, l.iilin, b. Anglo-Saxon and eariy Englllli Pf liter : now firft ])rintod from manufcripts in the Britilh Mufeum. 2 vols. [Edited by Jofeph Stevenfon for the Surtecs Society.] 8° Lond. 1843-4. I Contains the I'falter in the Old Latin verfion, with an Anglo- Saxon glols, and a metrical tranflation into Middle Englirti.] The Gof])els of the fower Evangcliftes tranflated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the M'' BIBLE D. Versions. Anglo-Saxon — Arabic. Saxons, newly colledled out of auncient monumentes of the fayd Saxons, and now publirtied for tellimonie of the fame. \Ediled by Archhlfliop Parker, lulth preface by John Foxe.'] 4° Lond. by John Daye, I 571. [With the Engli/h of the Birtiop's Bible in the margin.] Quatuor D. N. Jefu Chrifti Evangeliorum verfiones per- antiqux duas, Gothica fcil. et Anglo-Saxonica. 16S4. See Bible, Verfions, Gothic. The Lindisfarne and Rufhworth gofpels. Now firft printed from the original manufcripts in the Britifh Mufeum and the Bodleian Library. Parts L, IL, IIL [Edited for the Surtees Society by Jofeph Stevenfon and George Waring.] 1854-63. See Bible, Verfions, Latin, c. [Contains Matthew, Mark and Luke in the Old Latin verfion, and twofold Anglo-Saxon glofs, that of Lindisfarne being in the Northumbrian dialeft.] The Gofpel according to Saint Mntthew, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian verfions, fynoptically arranged : with col- lations of the beft manufcripts. Edited for the Syndics of the Univerfity prefs [by Charles Hardwick.] 4° Cambridge, 1858. Arabic. •f Biblia Sacra Veteris et Novi Teftamenti Arabice. [Biblia Sacra polyglotta, ed. B. Waltonus, 1 657.] See Bible, Polyglotts. I Biblia Sacra Arabica, Sacrae congregationis de propa- ganda iide juffu edita ad ufum Ecclefiarum Orientalium : additis e regione Bibliis Latinis Vulgatis. 3 torn. {Edited by Sergius Rifius, Maronite bijhop of Damafcus, affilled by Philip Guadagnoli and others. Revifed by Abr. Ecchellenfis and L. Maracci.'] fol. Romz, 1671. Aij^l ^\ 4_;>U^ J^jjj Jt^jJI J^^!i J i;j^_^l Pfalterium Hebrzum, Grscum, Arabicum et Chaldzum. 1516. 6"^^ Bible, Polyglotts. Liber Pfalmorum Davidis ... ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum tranflatus a Vidlorio Scialac & Gabriele Sionita. [Arab, and Lat.] 4° Roms, 1 6 I 4. Evangelium famflum Domini noflri Jefu Chrifti confcrip- tura a quatuor Evangeliftis fandlis, idell, Matthaeo, Marco, Luca et Johanne. [Edited by J. B. RaymundiJ] fol. Romas, in typographia Medicea, I 590. [The colophon has the date 1591] [The New Teftament in Carfliun [Arabic in the Syriac character), and Syriac. Edited by MM. de Quatremere and de Sacy."] 40 Paris, 1824. .afUu^l .U^ 0-0 ^^^'.O 8° cUjjjj 'Air D. Versions. Arabic — Bengali. The Gofpels in Coptic and Arabic. 1829. See Bible, Verfions, Egyptian. ':y : h^dd^n j;id' mi-h nna^x nnvba to ana vaiK am nonpoijx b'iin : ^no isd ana ndd nonpDi'N ^^jjk '^x nkxD-i : bo-^ba ixaas s^ D^oanaxijx : sjnr -ino ana : !"JN"iaj;bK 8° :n3iP rro-nn-N [1847,] [Edited in Heb. charafters, by Dr. Wilfon of Bombay,] Ai . . . [,_jJU Jj^lJ • • . JuJ>.s>l\ J^l t_>U^ ^ '' ^ ■> ^ I , "^ 12° [,^w\-\! lAir] L^^^^ Society, 1838. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1846-8. — Another edition in large print, each book being pub- lifhed feparately. In four volumes. 8" Lond. Bagfter, [1858.] — Another edition, entitled. The annotated paragraph Bible . . . with explanatory notes, prefaces to the feveral books, and an entirely new feledlion of references . . . 8° Lond. Religious Traft Society, i860. The Holy Bible, containing the authorized verfion of the Old and New Teftaments, with many thoufand emendations. People's edition. [Edited by Dr. Conqueft.] 8° Lond. 1841. f The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tefta- ments, and the Apocrypha, tranflated out of the original tongues : and with the former tranflations diligently com- pared and revifed . . . Accompanied throughout with a brief hermeneutic and exegetical commentary and revifed verfion, by T. J. Huffey, D.D. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1844-5. The imperial family Bible ... according to the moft ap- proved copies of the authorized vei fion : with many thou- fand critical, explanatory, and practical notes ; alfo, refer- ences, readings, chronological tibles, and indexes. 4° Glafgow, 1845. f The Holy Scriptures of the Olde and Newe Tefta- mente ; with the Apocripha : faithfully tranflated from the Heb™e and Greke by Myles Coverdale, fometime Lord Bilhop of Exeter, mdxxxv. Second modern edition. 4" Lond. 1 847. D. Versions. Englifh. f The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tefta- ments, with the apocryphal books; in theearlieft Englifli ver- fions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers ; edited by the Rev. Jofiah Forfliall, and Sir Frederic Madden. 4 vols. 4° Oxford, 1850. The Oriental Bible : illuftrated by notes, wood engrav- ings, and fteel maps. 8° Lond. 1850, f The holy Bible, tranflated from the Latin Vulgate : diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other edi- tions in divers languages. The Old Teftament, fiift pub- lifhed by the Englifli College at Douay, a.d. 1609, and the New Teftament, firft publiflied at Rheims, a.d. 1582. With ufefid notes, critical, hiftorical, controverlial, and explana- tory, fcle(5led from the moft eminent commentators, and the moft able and judicious critics, by the late Rev. Geo. Leo Haydock, and other divines. The text carefully collated with that of the original edition, and the annotations abridged, by the Very Rev. F. C. Hufenbeth, D.D. 8° Lond. 1850. The Holy Bible . . . according to the authorized verfion ; arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms, and printed phoneti- cally. 8° Lond. 1850. The Holy Bible . . . now tranflated from correifted texts of the original tongue, and with former tranflations diligently compared ; together with a general introducftion and fliort ex- planatory notes ; by B. Boothroyd, D.D. 8 ° Lond. 1853. The feven feals broke open ; or, the Bible of the Refor- mation reformed : three volumes, in feven books, containing the whole of the Old and New 7Vftaments according to the generally received Englifti Proteftant verfion, but under an entirely new arrangement in evei^y part ; with preface, intro- dufbion, commentai-y, indexes, &c. ; by John Finch. 8° Lond. 1853. The domeftic commentary on the Old [and New] Tefta- ment. 1854. [By the Rev. Robert Shittler.I The piftorial Bible : being the Old and New Teftaments according to the authorifed vei fion . . . With original notes ex planatory of pafl"ages connefted with the hiftory, geography, natural hiftory, literature and antiquities of the Sacred Scrip- tures, by Joh^jKitto, D.D. A new edition, with additional notes ... In four volumes. 4° Lond. 1855-6. The illuftrated commentary on the Old and New Tefta- ments ... being a republication of the notes of the Pidtoiial Bible ... 5 vols. [Edited by Chas. Knight.] 12° Lond. 1840-1. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tefta- ments . . . Notes, critical, explanatory, practical ; by John Campbell, D.D. 8° Glafgow, 1857. — Another edition, entitled. The pi>5lorial expofitory family Bible. 8° Glafgow, 1858. A critical commentary and paraphrafe on the Old and New Teftament and the Apocrypha ; by Patrick, Lowtli, Arnald, Whitby, and Lowman. 1859. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tefta- ments. Illuftrated by a fele(5lion from Raphael's pidtuies in the Vatican, freely adapted and drawn on wood by Robert Dudley. 12° Lond. 1862. The Holy Bible ... tranflated according to the lettei and BIBLE 477 D. Versions. Englifh. idioms of tlie original languages, by Robert Young. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1863. The condenfed commentary and family expofition of the Holy Bible: containing the authorized veifion of the Old and New Teftaments ; with the mod valuable criticifms of the bert Biblical writers ; prai^ical reflexions ; and mar- ginal references, chronology, indexes, &c. By the Rev. Ingram Cobbm, M.A. 8° Lond. 1863. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tefta- ments : tranflated out of the original tongues ; and with the former tranflations diligendy compared and revifed, by His Majefty's fpecial command. 8° Lond. 1864. The Royal family Bible : containing the Old and New Teftaments, according to the authorifcd verfion : with mar- ginal readings ; explanatory notes ; introdudtions to each of the facred books ; and an eflliy on the hiftory of the Bible, by the Rev. John Stoughton. 4° Lond. [1864.] The family devotional Bible : with copious notes and re- flexions on each chapter of the Old and New Teftament, and valuable marginal references, by the Rev. Matthew Henry. 3 vols. 4° Lund. n. d. The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Tefta- ments according to the authorized verfion ... Containing alfo ... notes critical and theological, and illuftrative of the hiftory, geography, natural hiftury .ind antiquities of the Holy Scriptures ; feleXed from the moft learned commen- tators and divines : to which are added various readings and parallel paff iges. 4° Lond. Beeton, n. d. The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Tefta- ments, with references, numerous critical and explanatory notes, and a condenfed concordance. 4° Lond. Caftl-ll, n. d. b. The Old Testament and parts. ^ The Holie Bible,faithfullytranflated Into Engllfti out of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in divers languages : with argu- ments of the bookes and chapters, annotations, tables ... by the Englilli College of Doway. 2 vols. 4." Doway, by Laurence Kellam, 1609—10. — Another edition. Vol. L [Getif/is to Job^ 4° [Rouen,] Printed by John Coufturier, 1635. The Old Teftament. With a commentary, confifting of Ihort leXures for the daily ufe of families, by the Rev. Charles Girdleftone, M.A. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1836-42. Jewifti fchool and family Bible ... newly tranfl.itcd ... by Dr. A. Benlfch. 1852-61. lycc Bible, Old Teftament and parts in Hebrew, a. The authorifed veifion of the Old Teftament Scriptures ; revifed, condenfed, correXed, and reformed. \By Alex- ander Vance.\ 8° Lond. 1858. — Another edition, entitled. The authorized verfion of the Old Teftament Scriptures harmonized, claflified, levifed ; with notes, critical and explanatory, by AKxinder Vance. 8° Lond. 1864. The Holy Scrijiturcs of the Old Covenant, in a revifed tranflation by the late Rev. Charles Wellbeloved, the Rev. D. Versions. Englifh. Geoige Vance Smith, B.A., the Rev. John Scott Porter. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1859-62. The Hebrew Scriptures, tranflated by Samuel Sharpe ; being a revifion of the authorized Englifh Old Teftament. In three volumes. 8'^ Lond. 1865. Scriptural communion with God ; or, the Holy Bible, arranged in hiftorical and chronological order in fuch manner that the books, chapters, pfalms, prophecies, &c. &c., may be read as one connected hiftory, in the words of the au- thorized tranflation ; newly divided into ftdions ; for fa- milies and Individuals ; with introduXions and prayers ; and notes for the ftudent and inquirer ; by the Rev. George Townfend, M.A. 2 vols. S° Lond. 1845-9. [Contains only the Pentateuch and Job.] n:iON Tj^T The way of faith ; or, the abridged Bible : containing feleXions from all the books of holy writ ; by Dr. M. Biidlnger. Tranflated from the fifth German edition by David Afher ... Intended for the ufe of Jewlfli fchools and families. 8° Lond. [1848.] A new Englifh tranflation of the Pentateuch . . . together with a comment on fuch paffages as cannot be fufficiently un- derftood by a mere tranflation, by Ifaac Delgado. 4° Lond. 1789. The Targums of Onkelos and .Tonathan ben Uzzlel on the Pentateuch, with the fragments of the Jerufalem Tar- gum ; from the Chaldee, by J. W. Etheridge. 1862-5. A hiftorical and critical coinmentary on the Old Tifta- ment, with a new tranflation, by M. M. ICalisch. Vols. I. II. \Genefis and Exo(lus.'\ I 855-8. The Book of Genefis ; with brief explanatory and prac- tical obfervations, and copious marginal references, by the Rev. Waldo Sibthorp, B.D. 4° Lond. 1835. The Sacred Scriptures in Hebrew and Englifh : a new tranflation, with notes by D. A. de Sola, J. L. Lindenthal and M. .1. Raphall. Vol.1. [Gene/is only.] 1844. See Bible, Old Teftament and parts in Hebrew, b. ri'w'N"l3 Genefis elucidated : a new tranflation from the Hebrew, compared with the Samaritan text and the Septua- glnt and Syrlac veifions, with notes, by John Jervis-White Jeivis, A.M. 8° Lond. 1852. The Meffiah, as predlfted in the Pentateuch and Pfalms ; being a new tranflation and critical expofition of thefe an- cient oracles, by J. R. Wolfe. 8° Lond. 1855. [Contains the Meflianic portions only.] The Book of Genefis, according to the verfion of the LXX. ; tranflated Into Englifh, with notices of its omlfTions and infertions, and with notes on the pnflliges in which it differs from our authorifed tranflation, by the Rev. Henry E. J. Howard, D.D. 8° Cambridge, 1855. A liteial tranflation of the Old Teftament on definite rules of tranflation, from the text of the Vatican manulcrlpt, by Herman Heinfctter. [/'/lHte Jonas, with an introdudion before, teachinge to underftonde him, and the right ufe alfo of all the Scripture, etc. etc. By William Tyndale. Re])roduced in facfimile : to which is added Coverdale's verfion of Jonah : with an in- trodudion by Francis Fry, F.S.A. 8" Lond. I 863. [This is a fac-fimilc of a different edition from the preceding.] 484 BIBLE D. Versions. Englifh. Jonah : a faithful tianflation from the original ; with philo- logical and explanatory notes ... by George Benjoin. 4° Cambridge, 1796. [Contains the Heb. text with threefold Englifli verfion.] c. The New Testament and parts. The paraphrafe of Erasmus upon the New Teftament. 1548-9. [The Newe Teftament of oure Saueour Jefus Chrift tran- flated by M. Wil. Tindail, yet once agayno corredled with newe annotacyons very neceflary to better onderftondynge. Where unto is added an exhortacion to the fame of Erafmus Rotero. with an Engelfhe calender. And a table neceffary to fynde eafly and lyghtly any ftory contayned in the fowre Euangeliftes & in the Ades of the Apoftles. 1549.] 12° [Title-page wanting. Copied from Lea Wllfon.] The new Teftament in Englifhe, after the Greeke trafla- tion, annexed wyth the tranflation of Erafmus in Latin. Whereunto is added a kalendar, and an exhortation to the readyng of the Holy Scriptures made by the fame Erafmus, wyth the Epifties taken out of the olde telbmet both in Latin and Englyfh ... ^'yndale's verfion.^ 8° Lend. 1550. The New Teftament of Jefvs Chrift, tranflated faithfvlly into Englifh, out of the authentical Latin, according to the beft correded copies of the fame, diligently conferred with the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages : with argvments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other ne- ceflarie helpes, for the better vnderftanding of the text, and Ipecially for the difcouerie of the corrvptions of diuers late tranflations, and for cleering the controverfies in religion of thefe dales : in the Englifh college of Rhemes. 4° Rhemes, by lohn Fogny, 1582. [Firll edition of the Rhemilh Teftament] — Set forth the fecond time, by tiie fame college now returned to Douay. 4° Antwei-p, by Daniel Vervliet, 1600. — The fourth edition. 4° [Rouen,] John Coulfurier, 1633. The text of the New Teftament of Jefus Chi ift, tranflated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papifts of the iraiterous fe- minaiie at Rhemes. With arguments of bookes, chapters, and annotations, pretending to difcover the corruptions of divers tranflations, and to cleare the controverfies of thefe dayes. Whereunto is added the tranflation out of the ori- ginal Greeke, commonly ufed in the church of England, with a confutation of all fuch arguments, glofi'es, and annotations, as conteine manifeft impietie, of herefie, treafon, and flander, againft the Catholic Church of God, and the true teachers thereof, or the tranflations ufed in the church of England. The whole work perufed and enlarged by William Fulke, D.D. fol. Lond. 1601. — Another edition. fol. Lond. 1617. [The Rhemifh and the Biihops' veriion in parallel columns.] The New Teftament ... newlytranflated out of the original Greek, and with tlie former tranflations diligently compaied and revifed. \^Author'iJal 'uerjwn.^ 8 Lond. 1729. The New Teftament, containing the oiiginal text and a D. Versions. Englifh. verfion formed agreeably to the illuftrations of the nioft learned commentators and critics. \By W. Macer\ 1 729. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, a. A literal tranflation of the New Teftament ; being an at- tempt to tranflate the facred writings with the fame freedom, fpirit, and elegance, with which other Englifh tranflations from the Greek claffics have lately been executed . . . with feleil notes, critical and explanatoiy ; by E. Harwood. 2 vols. 8° Lond. I 768. The New Teftament, tranflated from the Greek ; and the four Gofpels arranged in a harmony ... with fome preli- minary obfervations, and notes critical and explanatory ; by William Thomfon, A.M. In three volumes. \A literal tranflation?^ 8^ Kilmarnock, 18 16. The New Teftament ; tranflated from the original Greek, by G. Campbell, D.D., P. Doddridge, D.D., and J. Mac- knight, D.D. 8" Lond. 1818. The New Teftament, arranged in chronological and hif- torical order ; with copious notes on the principal fubjedls in theology ... by the Rev. George Townfend, M.A. In two volumes. 8" Lond. 1825. A new felf-interpreting Teftament ; containing many thoufands of various readings and parallel pafTages, colle(fled ... by the Rev. John Platts. \Author\fed verfwnS\ 4° Lond. 1827. The devotional Teftament ; containing refledtions and meditations on the different paragraphs of the New Tefta- ment ... by the Rev. Richard Marks. 4° Lond. 1830. The New Teftament. With a commentary ... by the Rev. Charles Girdleftone, M.A. 2 vols. 8° Oxford, 1833-5. The New Teftament . . . To which are added various readings, references to parallel pafTages, and explanatory notes. 8° Lond. 1834. The Book of the new covenant of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift : being a critical revifion of the text and tranfla- tion of the Englifh verfion of the New Teftament, with the aid of moft ancient manufcripts unknown to the age in which that verfion was laft put forth by authority. [.Sy Granville Penn.'\ 8° Lond. 1836. The orthoepic New Teftament ; in which the pronuncia- tion of every letter is fhown, whether Englifh, Latin, Greek, or Hebrew, without altering the fpelling ... by George Knight. i2'=Edinb. 1840. The New Teftament : tranflated from the text of J. J. Giiefbach ; by Samuel Sharpe. 8° Lond. 1 8 40. — [Second edition.] 8° Lond. 1848. — - The fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1859. — The fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1862. The defcriptive Teftament ; containing the authorifed tranflation of the New Teftament ... with notes, explanatory of the rites, cuftoms, fedts, phrafeology, topography, and geo- graphy referred to in this portion of the facred pages, by Ingram Cobbin, M.A. 8° Lond. 1845. The New Teftament ... tranflated out of the original Greek ... accompanied throughout with a brief hermeneutic and exegetical commentaiy and revifed veifion, by T. J. Hufll-y, D.D. 8' Lond. 1845. BIBLE 485 D. Versions. Englilh. The Englifh hexapla ; exhibiting the fix important Eng- lifh tianflations of the New Teftament Scriptures ... the original Greek text after Scholz, with the various readings of the textus receptus and the principal Conflantinopolitan and Alexandrine manufcripts, and a complete collation of Scholz's text with Griefbach's edition of m.dccc.v. ; pre- ceded by a hiftory of Englifh tranflations and tranflators. 4° Lond. [1846.] The New Teftament of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift... Paragraph phonetic edition. 12° Lond. 1849. The New Teftament ... according to the authorifed ver- fion. Printed phonetically by Alexander John Ellis, B.A. 8" Lond. 1849. The New Teftament ... in phonetic fhort-hand. 8° Lond. 1849. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1853. The New Teftament ; expounded and illuftrated accord- ing to the ufual marginal references in the very words of Holy Scripture ; together with the notes and tranflations, and a complete marginal harmony of the Gofpels ; by Clement Moody, M.A. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1849-51. The chronological New Teftament ; in which the text of the authorifed verfion is newly divided into paiagraphs and fedtions, with the dates and places of tranfadtions marked, the marginal renderings of the tranflators, many parallel illuf- trative paflages printed at length, brief introdudlions to each book, and a running analyfis of the Epiftles. 4° Lond. 185 I. The emphatic New Teftament, according to the autho- rifed verfion, with the various readings, in Englifli, of the Vatican manufcript, " lUe celebratiflinius atque vetuftiffimus nofter B" of Grieft)ach ; by John Taylor. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1852-4. The New Teftament ... in Taylor's fyftem of fhort-hand, as improved by George Odell. 12° Lond. n. d. The family commentary; or. New Teftament, with notes: adajrted to the ufe of family worfhip, and made into fltort readings, by T. Raven, M.A. 8 Lond. 1856. The New Teftament ... written in the cafy ftyle of pho- netic fhorthand. 8" Lond. n. d. The New Teftament ... authorifed verfion. 12° Oxford, 1862. A revifed tranflation of the New Teftament : with a no- tice of the principal various readings in the Greek text ; by the Rev. H. Higliton, M.A. 8" Lond. 1862. The New Teftament for Englifh readers : containing the authorized verfion, with marginal correflions of readings and renderings ; marginal references ; and a critical and explana- tory conmicjitary ; by Henry Alford, D.D. In two vo- lumes. 8 Lond. 1863-6. The Gofpel according to Saint Matthew [ — Revelation], tranflated out of the original Greek ... [Authorifed vctJ'ion.'\ 8" Oxford, 1863. A literal tranflation of the New Teftament ... on definite rules of tranflation, from the text of the Vatican manufcript ; by Herman Heinfetter. [Pfiud. 0/ FrccUricl: ParLcr.^ Sixth edition. 4° Lond. 1863. An Englifll verfion of the New Teftament . . . from the D. Versions. Englifh. text of the Vatican nianufcrijjt, by Herman Heinfetter. [P/iW.] Sixth edition. 40 Lond. 1864. 12° Lond. 1864. A collation of an Englifii verfion of the New Teftament . . . from the text of the Vatican manufcript, with the au- thorized Englifh verfion ; by Herman Heinfetter. [PfeuJA Sixth edition. 4° Lond. 1864. The New Teftament . . . illuftrated by a plain explanatory comment, and by authentic views of places mentioned in the facred text, from fltetches and photographs taken on the fpot. Edited by Edward Chuiton, M.A. ; and William Bafil Jones, M.A. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1S65. The New Teftament . . . with engravings on wood from defigns of Era Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francefco Fraucia, Lorenzo di Credi, Era Bartolommeo, Titian, Raphael, Gaudenzio Ferraii, Daniel di Volterra, and others. 4° Lond. 1865. The twofold New Teftament ; being a new tranflation ac- companying a newly formed text. By T. S. Green. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, a. The four Gofpels, tranflated fiom the Greek ; with pre- liminary diffeitations, and notes critical and explanatory ; by George Campbell, D.D. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 1789. A literal tranflation of the four Gofpels, from the Pefchito Syriac, by J. W. Etheridge. [J. W. Etheridge, The Syrian Churches. 1846.] The perfcdf law of liberty ; or, good tidings, ^he four Gofpels arranged in parallel columns.^ 12° Lond. I 849. The four Gofpels ; with annotations, by John Lonfdale, D.D., and William Hale Hale, M.A. 4° Lond. 1849. The four Gofpels, and the A(5ts of the Apol^les ; with explanatory notes by Lord Lyttelton. 12° Lond. 1856. The holy Gofpels and the Aond. 1 863. The life of Chrift : an ecki^ic gofpel, from the Old and New Tcftaments (including the whole of the four Gofpels ;) arranged on a new principle, with analytical tables, by Charles Delapryme, M..\. 8 Lonil. 1 864. 488 BIBLE D. Versions. Englifh. The Holy Gofpels, arranged as a fingle narrative. 8" Lond. [1865.] The Afts of the Apoftles, (according to the authorized verfion ; ) in T. M. Lucas's embofled ftenographic charafters. 4° Briftol, 1838. The Adts of the Apoftles ; with a commentary, and prac- tical and devotional fuggeftions for readers and (hidents of the Engliili Bible, by the Rev. F. C. Cook, M.A. 12" Lond. 1850. A literal tranflation of the Adts of the Apoftles, on de- finite rules of tranflation; and an Englifh verfion of the fame; by Herman Heinfetter. [Pfeud.~\ 1 2° Lond. 1852. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1855. — Fourth edition. Followed by the authorized Englifli verfion collated with the above-named Englifli verfion. 12° Lond. 1861. A new literal tranflation from the original Greek of all the apoltolical Epillles ; with a commentary, and notes philo- logical, critical, explanatory and pracftical ; to which is added, a hiftory of the life of the Apoftle Paul ; by James Macknight, D.D. In four volumes. 4° Edinb. 1795. [Contains the received Greek text, the authorifed Englifli ver- fion, a new verfion, and a paraphrafe in parallel columns.] A paraphralHc tranflation of the apoftolical Epiftles, with notes, by Philip Nicholas Shuttleworth, D.D. 8° Oxford, 1829. A literal tranflation of the apofl:olical Epillles and Revela- tion ; with a concurrent commentary. [By W. H.] 8^ Lond. 1839. An expofition of the Epiftles of St. Paul, and of the Ca- tholic epiftles ... with a paraphrafe of the facred text; by John MacEvilly. 1856. The Epiltles and the Revelation ; an original tranflation from the Greek ; with critical notes, and a diflTertation on tlie authenticity of I John v. 7, 8, refpefling the three heavenly witnefles ; by Jofeph Turnbull. 8^ Lond. 1858. The Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle : tranflated, with an ex- pofition and notes, by the Rev. Thomas Belfliam. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 1822. The life and Epiftles of St. Paul. By W. J. Cony- BEARE and J. S. Howfon. 1852. [Contains a new tranflation of the Epiftles.] The Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle ; an original tranflation, with critical notes and introdudion, by Jofeph Turnbull, Ph. Dr. S' Lond. 1854. A paraphrafe and notes on the Epiftles of St. Paul, by Henry Linton, M.A. 1857. A liteial tranflation of the Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle to the Theffalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, on de- finite rules of traiiflation ; and an Englifh verfion of the fame ; as alfo of the Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle to the Galatians, Ephefians, Philippians, and Coloffians ; by Her- man Heinfetti.-r. \_Pj'euJ.^ 12° Lond. 1850. A literal tranflation of the eleven laft Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle, on definite rules of tranfl.ition ; and an Englifh verfion of the fame ; by Herman Heinfetter. [P/eud.] Se- cond edition. I 2° Lond. 1854. D. Versions. Englifli. — - Third edition. 12° Lond. 1858. — Fourth edition. Followed by the authorized Englifli TerCon collated with the above-named Englifli verfion. 12° Lond. 1862. A literal tranflation of the Vatican manufcript's eleven laft Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle, on definite rules of tranfla- tion ; and an Englifli verfion of the fame ; followed by the authorized Englilh verfion, collated with the above-named Englifli veifion; by Herman Heinfetter. ^Pfeuii.^ Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1862. A critical and grammatical commentary on Galatians [ — Philemon ;] with a revifed tranflation ; by C. J. Elli- cott. Sfe Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, b. A paraphrafe and notes on the Epiftles of St. Paul to the Galatians, i & 2 Corinthians, Romans, Ephefians. [By John Locke.] 1709. A paraphrafe, with critical annotations, on the Epiftles of St. Paul to the Romans and Galatians ... by Timothy Edwards. 1752. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the Theflalonians, Galatians, Romans ; with critical notes, [and revifed tranflation,] by Benjamin Jowett, 1855. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, b. Horas Romana; ; or, an attempt to elucidate St. Paul's EpiflJe to the Romans, by an original tranflation, explanatory notes, and new divifions ; byClericus. 8^ Lond. 1823. An eflay towards a new tranflation of the Epiftle of St. Paul to the Romans, on the bafis of the authorifed verfion ; with a paraphrafe, and brief explanatory notes ; by Bafil H. Cooper, B.A. 8° Lond. 1844. Notes on the Epiftle to the Romans ; with a revifed tranf- lation ; by W. Walford. 1846. A literal tranflation of the Epiftle of Paul the Apoftle to the Romans, on definite rules of tranflation ; and an Eng- lifli verfion of the fame ; by Herman Heinfetter. [Pfeud.] Second edition. 12° Lond. 1848. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1854. — Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1857. A commentary upon the Epiftle of Paul to the Romans ; with a new tranflation ; by William Withers Ewbank, M.A. 1850. The Epiftle of Paul to the Romans : an original tranfla tion from the Greek text, by Jofeph Turnbull, A.B. 8' Lond. 1851. A commentary on the Epiftle to the Romans ; with a revifed tranflation ; by Edward Purdue. 1855. A popular paraphrafe on St. Paul's Epiftle to the Ro- mans ; with notes; by A. Crawford Bromehead. 1857. The Epiftle of St. Paul to the Romans, after the author- ized verfion ; newly compared with the original Greek, and revifed, by five clergymen. 8^ Lond. 1858. St. Paul's Epiftle to the Romans : newly tranflated and explained from a miflionary point of view ; by the Right Rev. J. W. Colenfo, D.D. 8° Cambridge, I 86 1. The Epiftle to the Romans, with Scripture illuftrations. 8° Lond. [1862.] A paraphrafe of Saint Paul's firft Epiftle to the Corinili- ians ... by the Rev. J. G. Tolley. 1825. BIBLE 489 D. Versions. Englilh. A literal trandation of the Epiftles of Paul the Apoftle to the Corinthians, on definite rules of tranflation ; and an Englifh verfion of thefame; by Herman Heinfctter. [P/fu^/.] Second edition. l2oLond. 1^55. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1859. — Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1862. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the Corinthians : with critical notes [and revifed tranflation] by A. P. Stanley. 1855. 1858. 1865. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, b. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the Corinthians, after the au- thorized verfion ; newly compared with the original Greek, and revifed, by five clergymen. 8° Lond. 1858. A paraph rafe and notes on the Epiftles of St. Paul to the Galatians and Ephefians ... by Samuel Chandler. 1777. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the Coloflians, to the Thefla- lonians, to Timothy and to Titus, and the General Epiftlc of St. James : a new verfion from tlie Greek, and chiefly from the text of Grieft)ach, by Philalethes. 12° Lond. 18 19. The reftoration of the Holy Scriptures to their ancient reading ... in a tranflation of the holy Epiftle of Paul to the Galatians, and a part of his Epiftle to the Romans, from the original Greek into Engllfli ; with notes, critical and ex- planatory; and in an iiitroduftory difl(?rtation on the ftyle, in- telligence and fpirit of the holy Evangelift John ; by John White, A.M. 12° Lond. 1841. A literal tranflation of the Epiftle of Paul to the Gala- tians, Ephefians, Philippians and Coloflians, on definite rules of tranflation, by Herman Heinfetter. [P/fu^.] 120 Lond. 1850. The Epiftles of St. Paul to the Galatians, Ephefians, Philippians and Coloflian.s, after the authorized verfion ; newly compared with the original Greek, and revifed, by four clergymen. 8° Lond. 186 I. The Epiftle to the Galatians ; with an introdu(flion, ex- planatory notes, pra(51ical thoughts and prayers, for jjiivate and family ufe ; by Edward Headland, M.A., and Henry Barclay Swete, M.A. 8° Lond. 1866. The Epiftle of Paul the Apoftle to the Coloflians : a re- vifed tranflation, by the Rev. H. Bedford Hall, B.C.L. 8° Lond. 1859. A new literal tranflation from the original of tlie Apoftle Paul's Firft and Second Epiftles to the TlR-fl";ilonians ; with a commentary and notes ; by James Macknight, D.D. 4° Lond. 1787. The Epiftles to the Thi.fl"alonians ; with an introdu(5lion, explanatory notes, praiflical thoughts and prayers for i>rivate and family ufe ; by Edward Headland, M.A., and Henry Barclay Swete, M.A. 8° Lond. 1863. A literal tranflation of St. Paul's Epiftle to the Hebrews, from the original Greek, with copious exjilanatory notes ; by the late George Vaughan Sampfon, M.A. Edited by his fon. 8" Lond. 1828. A literal tranflation of the Epiftle of Paul the Apoftle to tlie Hebrews, on definite rules ot tranflation ; and an Eng- lilh verfion of the fame ; as alfo the Epiftle to the Romans ; by Herman Heinfetter. [P/euJ.] 12° Lond. 1 85 I. VOL. I. D. Versions. Englifti — Efthonian. The Epiftle to the Hebrews, with Scripture illuftrations. [ylulhorifeJ verfion.] 8° Lond. [ i S 6 2 .] A literal tranflation of the Epiftles of James and Peter, on definite rules of tranflation ; and an Englifli verfion of the fame ; by Herman Heinfetter. \^Pfeu(l.] 12° Lond. 1 85 I. A literal tranflation of the Epiftles of John and Jude, on definite rules of tranflation; by Herman Heinfetter. [PfeuiJ.\ 12° Lond. 1849. A paraphrafe on the Revelacion of Sainft John. [John Bale, The Image of both Churches.] A paraphrafe of the Revelation of Saint John, by John Napier of Merchiftoun. [J. Napier, ^ plaine difcovery of the luhole Revelation.. 1593.] The Book of Revelation in Greek ; with a new Englifli verfion, by S. P. Tregelles. I 844. See Bible, New Tefta- ment and parts in Greek, b. The Book of Revelation, tranflated from the ancient Greek text ; with an hiftorical flan/7uto/ by Ant. Le Maljlre, De Sad and j4rnauld.'\ 12° Mons, 1 678. — Cinquieme edition. 2 tom. 12° Mons, 1679. — Another edition. 2 tom. 12° Paris, 1730. Le Nouveau Teftament ... traduit fijr I'ancienne edition Latine, corrigee par le commandement du Pape Sixte V., & publiee par I'autorite du Pape Clement VIII., par Denys Amelote. 8° Paris, 1686. Le Nouveau Teftament en Francois, avec des reflexions morales, fur chaque verfet [^ar Pafquter Quefne/.] Nouvelle edition augmentee. 8 tom. 12° Bmxelles, 1700-1702. [The text is a revifjon of De Saci's verfion,] Le Nouveau Teftament ... traduit fur I'ancienne edition Latine, avec des remarques literales & critiques fur les prin- cipales diflicultez. 4 tom. ^ranjlated by Richard Simon.^ 8° Trevoux, 1702. Le Nouveau Teftament de notre Seigneur Jefus-Chrift, traduit en Francois, fur I'original Grec, avec des notes lite- rales pour eclaircir le texte, par Mrs. de Beaufobre et Len- fant. 2 tom. 4° Araft. 1 7 1 8. Le Nouveau Teftament . . . Nouvelle edition, exadtement revue fur le texte de M. Martin, par D. D. Min. de la Savoye [i.f. D. DurandJ] 12° Lond. 1750. Le Nouveau Teftament de notre Seigneur Jefus-Chrift ; d'apres la verfion revue par J. F. Oftervald. — The New BIBLE 491 D. Versions. French — Gaelic. Teftament of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Clirifl ; according to the Enghlh authorifed veiCon. \_In parallel columns.^ 12° Lond. 1840. Le Nouveau Teftament de notre Seigneur Jefus-Chrift, et les Pfaumes de David, d'aprSs l,i verfion revue par J. F. Oflervald. — Das Neue Tcilumeiit unfers Hcrrn und Hei- landes Jefu ChriiH, und die Pfalmcn Davids, nach Dr. Martin Luthers Ucberfetzung. [/n parallel columns J\ 8" Lond. 1846. Le Nouveau Teftament de notre Seigneur Jefus-Chrift. Revu fur les originaux. [O/lervald' s -ver/ion.^ 8° Lond. 1864. The Gofpel of St. John ; in French and Englifh, on an entirely new plan ... by Tliomas Bott. 8° Lond. 1 841. The Gofpel of St. John, in French : adapted to the Ha- miltonian fyftem, by an analytical, interlineal, and literal tranflation ... by James Hamilton. New edition. 12° Lond. [i 859.] The French diateflaron ; or, the hiftory of our Lord Jefus Chrift, compiled from the four Gofpels. 12° Lond. 1837. Harmonie des quatre Evangiles, etablie d'apr^s I'arrange- ment fuivi dans I'Harmonic des Evangiles publiee en Grec par le doira- hi' au- Sivriag Sustou E'. Axsou A^y^ii^ioig sxiohiea. Vetus Tefta- mentum juxta Septuaginta, ex auitoritate Sixti V. Pont. Max. editum. \Edked by Cardinal Carafa from the Vatican MSJ] fol. Romae, F. Zannetti, 1587. D. Versions. Greek. f — - With the various readings of the Codex Alexand. \_BlbHa Sacra polyg!otta,ed. B. Waltonus, 1657.] See Bible, Polyglotts. — Cum variis leftionibus e textu editionis Grabii. \Blblia Sacra polyglotta, I 8 3 I .] See Bible, Polyglotts. I 'H naXa;a A/a(l))yt>), y.ara rou; ' Ei3oo/j,r!y.ovTa., sxdo- SiiSa ii auhvTiag SjStov E'. Axpou A^yismu;. Vetus Tef- tamentum fecundum LXX. et ex autoritate Sixti V. Pont. Max. editum, cum fcholiis Romanae editionis in fingula ca- pita diftributis ..-. Nunc primilm h regione textus Graeci appofita eft Latina tranflatio ; verfuum quoque numeri qui antea nulli erant, ad collationem Latinas Vulgatas in margine quoad fieri potuit, infcripti funt ... AccefFit Novum Tefta- mentum Gr. Lat. ad fidem probatorum codd. & verfionis Vulgatx ... [Edited by J. Morinus.] 3 torn. fol. Lutetias Parif. 1628. [The Greek text of the Septuagint is a reprint of the Roman edition of 1587 j the Latin veriion is that of Flaminio Nobili.] •f Septuaginta intei-pretum tomus I. continens Odtateu- chum, quern ex antiqulffimo MS. codice Alexandrine accu- rate defcriptum, ex ope aliorum e.xemplarium, ac prifcorum fcriptorum, prasfeitim vero Hexaplaris editionis Origeniana" emend.itum atque fuppletum,additis fspe afterifcoioim & obe lorum fignis, fumma cura edidit Joannes Erneftus Grabe. fol. Oxon. 1707. — tomus fecundus continens Veteris Teftamenti libros hiftoricos omnes, five canonicos, five apociyphos . . . fol. Oxon. 17 19. — tomus tertius, continens Veteris Teftamenti libros pro- pheticos oranes, five canonicos, five apociyphos ... fol. Oxon. 1720. — tomus ultimus, continens Pfalmorum, Jobi et tres Salo- monis libros, cum apocrypha ejufdem nee non Siracidas Sa- pientia. fol. Oxon. 1709. — Another edition. 4 torn. 8° Oxon. 1707-20. [Vols. ii. and iii. were publifhed after Dr. Grabe's death under the editorial care relpeftively of Dr. Francis Lee and Dr. W. Wigan.] I 'H TlaXaia Aia6rixri xara rotig ' E^do/ztixoiTa. Vetus Teftamentum ex verfione Septuaginta interpretum, fecundum exemplar Vaticanum Roniae editum, accuratiffime denuo re- cognitum, una cum fcholiis ejufdem editionis, variis MStonim codicum veterumque exemplarium leftionibus, necnon frag- mentis verfionum Aquilae, Symmachi & Theodotionis. Summa cura edidit Lambertus Bos. 4° Franequerse, 1 709. ■[ Vetus Teftamentum Grxcum, e codice MS. Alexan- drine, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Mufei Britannici affervatur, typis ad fimilitudinem ipfius codicis fcripturas fideliter defcrip- tum, cura et labore Henrici Herveii Baber, A.M. 3 torn. fol. Lond. 1816-28. I 'H UaXaia Aiairjxri xara roue 'E/Soo/xjjxovra. Vetus Teftamentum e.x verfione Septuaginta interpretum, fecundum exemplar Vaticanum Ronise editum. Accedunt varii lec- tiones e codice Alexandrine necnon introduiftio J. B. Carp- zevii. 6 tom. 8° Oxon. 18 17. ■f Vetus Teftamentum Graece juxta LXX. interpretes. Recenfionem Grabianam ad fidem codicis Alexandrini alio- BIBLE 493 D. Versions. Greek — Hebrew. rumque denuo recognovit, Grsca fecundum ordinem textus Hebrasi reformavit, libros apocryphos a canonicis fegregavit Fridericus Field, A A.M. Sumptibus Societatis de promo- venda doOrina Chriftiana. 8° Oxon. 1859. Hexaploruni Origenis qux fuperfunt, multls partibus auc- tiora quam a Flaminio Nobillo & Joanne Drudo edita fuerint ; ex manufcriptis & ex libris editis eruit & notis illurtravit D. Bernardus de Montfaucon. Accedunt opufcula quaedam Ori- genis anecdota,& ad calcem Lexicon Hebrai'cum ex vetei-um intei-pretationibus concinnatum, itcmque Lexicon Grxcum & alia, qux prsemifTus initio laterculus indicabit. 2 torn. fol. Parifiis, I 7 I 3. Correiflions of the Septuagint portion of the Vatican manufcript. By Herman Heinfetter. \^Pfeud. of Frederick Parker. 1 12° Lend. 1865. Nova verfio Grxca Pentateuchi. Ex unico S. Marci BibliothecK codice Veneto nunc primum edidit atque recen- fuit Chriftoph. Frider. Amnion. 3 tom. 8" Erlangae, 1 790-1. 0j?I»i)^»/a/i/3o;' five, Liber Job, Grsco carmine redditus, per Jacobum Duportum. Editio altera. \Gr. and LatJ\ 8° Cantabrigia;, 1655. Pfalterium, Hebrsum, Grxcum, Arabicum et Chaldaeum. I 5 16. See Bible, Polyglotts. B(/3Xo; Ya'Aij.t/iv. Liber Pfalmorum. [B'lbHa Sacra cum commentariis, 1632, tom. ii.] See Bible, Verfions, Latin, a. [Gr. of the LXX. and Lat. of the Vulgate, with Lat. paraphraie of Pfalms, i.-xviii.] Aaj3idrj5 s/^asrjoj ; five, metaphrafis libri Pfalmorum GrsEcis verfibus contexta, per Jacobum Duportum. [Gr. and I.at.^ 4' Cantabrigix, 1666. Arturi Jonftoni Pfalmi Davidici cum metaphrafi Groeca Jacobi Duporti. 1742. See Bible, Verfions, Latin, b. Pfalmi aliquot in verfus Grxcos "a diverfis tranflati. \ Pfalmorum Davidis paraphrajls authore G. Buchanano. 1562. 1567. 1572.] ^« Bible, Verfions, Z/a/;n, b. Greek [Modern.] See Romaic. Greenlandish. Teftamcnte Nutak kaladlin okauzcennut nukterfimarfok, nar'kiutingoasnniglo fukuiarfimarfok. \Tratiflated by Otto Fabricius.] 8° Kiobenhavnime, 1794. — Another edition. 8° Kiobenhavnime, 1799. GujARATI. The two Books of Chronicles trandated into Gujarati. [By Robert Toiing.'j 8° Surat, 1859. The Holy Bible ... tranflated from the originals into the Goozuratee language, by the Serampore mifiionaries. Vol. V. containing the New Teftament. 8° Serampore, 1820. Hebrew. Novum Tcftamcntum Syriaci, Hebraici^ ... ftudio et la- bore Elix Hutteri. I 599. See Bible, Polyglotts. 8" Lend. 18 17. D. Versions. Hinduftani — Icelandic. Novum Teftamentum Hebraicum a Gulielmo Greenfield. [Biblia Sacra polyglotta, i H 3 I .] See Bible, Polyglotts. n'y'Bn rriin Evangelium fecundum Matthasum in lingua Hebraica, cum verfione Latina atque fuccindis annotationi- bus Scbafliani Munlleri ... fol. Bafilea;, 1537. Hindustani. Hamare Khudawand Ifa Maf ih ki injil yane Khufhkha- bari. The New Teftament of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, in Hinduftani. Tranflated from the Greek by the miffionaries of the London Miffionary Society at Banaras. 12° Lond. 1842. HiNDUWI. [The Gofpels in Hinduwee. {Tranflated by the Re-v. John Chamberlain.) 8° Serampore, 1821.] Hungarian. Magyar Biblia avagy az 6 es Uj Teftamentom konyveibol alio tellyes Szent Iras a' Magyar nyelven. Mellyet a' Sido Chaldeai es Gorijg nyelvekbol Magyar nyelvrc forditott, es minden resz kozonfeges fumniajat es refzcit meg-mutato marginalis jegyzefekkel meg-vilagofitutt Comaromi C. Gy- brgy, S. I. M. D. es D. P. mdclxxxv efztendoben. 8° [Leyden, i 7 19 .'] Szent Biblia, azaz : Iftennek O es Uj Teftamcntomaban foglaltatott egefz Szent Iras. Magyar nyelvie fordittatott Karoli Gafpar altal. 8° Kofzegen, 1840. Ibo. Okuomma nke Marki ma Luki. The Gofpels according to St. Mark and St. Luke. Tranflated into the Ibo lan- guage, by the Rev. John Chrillopher Taylor, native mif- fionary. 12^ Lond. 1864. Oku omma nke owu Yohanu. The Gofpel according to St. John. Tranflated into the Ibo language, by the Rev. John Chriftopher Taylor, native milfionary. 12^ Lond. 1865. Icelandic. f Biblia ; that er, oil Hoilcig Ritning, utliigd a Norraenu, med Formalum Doi5l. Martini Luthcri. [Trarf/ated by Gud- brand Thorlakfon.^ fol. Holum. I 584. [Wants Gen. — Canticles.] I Biblia, ]'ad er oil Heilog Ritning utlcigd a Norrsenu ; eptcr Jieine annare edition Bibliunnar fern finnft prenntud a Hoolum i Iflandc Anno mdcxliv. Med formalum og utfliij- lingum Dod. Martini Lutheri, cinnig nicd ftuttu innchalde fierhvers capitula, og io citatium. [2 tom.] 4° Kaupmanna-hofn, 1747. Biblia, )iad er aull heilaug Ritning utlaiigd d Iflendiku og prentud epter jieirri Kaupmanna-liautn(leirn annari utgafu J>es a Iflendflcu. 8° Kaupmannahaufn, 1807. [Edited by Thorkelin from the text of 1644] D. N. Jefu Chrifti SS. Evangelia, ab Ulfila Gothic^ tranf- lata, nunc cum paralleiis veifionibus Sveo-Gothica, Norrasna, feu Iflandica et vulgata Latina edita. 167 i. See Bible, Polyglotts. Indian (of New England. ) Mamufle wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God naneefvve Nukkone Teftament kah wonk Wud^u Teltament. Ne quolhkinnumuk nalhpe Wuttinneumoh Chrill noh afooweCt John Eliot ... 4° Cambridge, [Maflachufetts,] 1 68 5. [The New Teftament is dated 1680.] Irish. An Biobla naomhtha ; ann a bhfuilid an Tfean Tiom- nadh ; ar na tharming go firinneach as a neabhra ughdarach. Ris an tathair ro onorach a ndia Uilliam Bhedel, eafpug Chille Moire ; agus an Tiomna Nuadh ; ar na tharruing go firinneach as a ngreigis ughdarach. Ris an tathair is onor- uighthe a ndia Uilliam ODomhnuill, ardeafpug Thuaim. 8" Lond. 1817. The books of the Old Teftament tranflated into Irifh by the care and diligence of Doftor William Bedel ... and for the publick good of that nation. [In Irijh chara£lers.\ 4° Lond. 1685. — Another edition. 8° Dublin, 1827. The Song of Solomon in Irifh (Bedell's verfion.) \Cclt'ic hexapla. 1858.] 5cf Bible, Polyglotts. Tiomna Nuadh ar Dtighearna agus ar Slanaighthcora Jofa Criofd, ar na tarming gu firinneach as Greigis gu Gaoioheilg re Huilliam O Domhnuill. 4° a Mbaile atha Cliath [Dublin,] 1602. — Another edition. 4° Lunnduin, 1681. — Another edition. 12° Lunnduin, 1 690. — Anotlier edition. 8° Dublin, 1827. Italian. f \_Beg'mning\ Comincia il prologo o veraraente epiftola dil beato hieronymo fopra di la bibia dignameiite vulgarizata per il clariiTimo religiofo duon nicolo de mallermi venetiano et dil monarterio de fanflo michele di lemo abbate digniffimo. \E,nd of Apocahpfe\ A laude de dio ... fu impreffo quefto volume ne lalma patria de venetia per Odlaviano fcotto da modoetia . . . ne glianni de la falutifera incarnatione del figiiol de leterno et omnipotente dio mcccclxxxi. 4° La facta Bibbia, tradotta in lingua Italiana, e commentata da Giovanni Diodati. Seconda editione, migliorata, ed ac- crefciuta, con I'aggiunta de' facri Salmi, nieffi in rime per lo medefimo. fol. Geneva, per Pietro Chouc't, 1641. La Sacra Bibbia, contenente I'Antico ed il Nuovo Tefta- mento tradotta da Giovanni Diodati. 8° Bafilea, 1822. — [Bii/ia Sacra polyglotta, 183 I.] See Bible, Polyglotts. Cento Salmi di David, tradotti in rime volgari Italiane, | D. Versions. Italian — Karelian. fecondo la verita del tefto Hebreo. Col cantico di Simeone, & i dieci comandamenti delia legge. 12° Genevra, 1683. Parafrafi fopra li primi cinquanta Salmi di David. Poesia di Giiolamo Afcanio Giuftiniani. \^Lat. and Ita/.~\ 8° Venezia, 1S05. Libro dei Salmi, tradotto in Italiano fecondo il tefto della Volgata ; da Monfignor Martini, Aicivefcovo di Firenze ; rifcontrato diligentemente fuUa prima edizione di Torino da Giambattifta Rolandi. [Z,a/. and Ita!.'\ 8° Londra, 1822. Novum Teftamentum Syriace . . . Italice . . . ftudio et labore Elis Hutteri. I 599. See Bible, Polyglotts. II Nuovo Teftamento del noftro Signore Gefii Chrifto ; fecondo la traduzione di Giovanni Diodati. 12° Lond. 1853. II Nuovo Teftamento del noftro Signore Gefil Ciifto; verfione fecondo la traduzione di Giovanni Diodati, dili- gentemente riveduta ed emendata, full' originale Greco. 8° Cambrige, 1858. II Vangelo di S. Matteo ; volgarizzato in dialetto Vene- ziano, dal Sig. Gianjacopo Fontana. Impenfis Ludovici Luciani Bonaparte. 8° Lond. 1859. II Vangelo di S. Matteo ; volgarizzato in dialetto Sardo Lugodorefe, dal Can. G. Spano. Impenfis Ludovici Luci- ani Bonaparte. 8° Lond. 1858. II Vangelo di S. Matteo; volgarizzato in dialetto Milanefe, dal Sig. Antonio Picozzi. Impenfis Ludovici Luciani Bonaparte. 8'^ Lond. 1859. Javanese. [The New Teftament in Javanefe. Tranflated by the Rev. Gotlob Bruckner.^ 8° Serampore, 1829. Jud;eo-Arabic. See Arabic. Jud.€o-Persic. See Perfian. JuDiEO-SpANisH. See Spanifii. Kafir. Inncwadi Yezibalo Ezingcwele, e Zeteftamcnte Endala ne Zeteftamente Entfiia, ziguqulwe kwezonteto zanikwa kuqala ngazo. ^ranflated by the Ren). J. W. ylppleyard.'\ 8^ Elondone, 1864. Iteftamente Entfha : oko kukuti, zonke izibalo zocebano olutfha Lwenkofi yetu Uyefu Kreftu : iguqulwe kulonteto yanikwa kuqala ngayo. 8 Elondone, 1864. Karass. Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti Teftamentum Novum, Turcice redditum, opera Gu. Seaman. 4" Oxon. 1 666. Sanftum Evangelium ; fcilicet, Novum Teftamentum Jefu Chrifti. Editio altera. 8° Aftrachani, 1 8 1 8. [Tranflated by Henry Brunton, miflionary at Karafs, on the bafis of Seaman's verfion. Edited by John Dickfon. Karelian. [The Gofpel according to St. Matthew in Karelian.] 8° St. Peterftjurg, 1820. BIBLE 495 D. Versions. Lappifh — Latin. Lappish. NoglePfaImer,hvilkeGudtil^reog Lnppernetil Opbyg- gelfe erepaaLappiflc oveifaiteaf C. W. [Chriftian Wcldingh.] 8^ Kjobenhavn, 1764. Adda Teftament tate Ailes Tjalogeft, Same Ki'alei puok- tetum. 8^ Hernofandefne, 181 i. Hxrramek ja bx/Ttamek Jefus Kriftus iidda teftamcnt. [Quan/an or Noriuay Lapp. Tranjlated by N, V. Stockfleth^ 8° Kriftianiaft, 1840. Latin. a. The whole Bible. ■j- \Fol. I .] Incipit epiftola fancEli iheronimi ad paulinum ... \fol. 5.] Incipit liber brefith quern nos genefim dicimus. \E,nd.^ Gratia dni nri ihefu crifti cu omnibus vobis ame. fol. [Mogunt., Gutenberg et Full, 1455 ?] f \Fol. I.] Incipit epiftola fandi iheronimi ... \fol. 4.] Explicit prologus. Incipit liber brefith . . . \End of the test.^ Prsefens hoc opus prasclariflimum Alma in urbe maguntina ... eft confumatum per Petrum fchoifFor ... anno dominice incamationis millefimo quadringentefimo feptuagefimo fecun- do ... fol. \ VFol. I.] Incipit epiftola fanfti Hieronymi ... \fol. 3^, col. 2.] In principio creauit deus celum et terram ... \Ji.nd of the text?^ Explicit Biblia imprefla Venetijs per Francifcum de hailbrun et Nicolaum de frankfordia focios, M.cccc.lxxv. [/»/. I -jjanthig^ fol. \ \_Fol. i,i.] Locus libroram Humerus dinofcitur ordo. [_/b/. 5.] In principio creauit deus celum et terram ... ^End of the text.^ Anno incamationis dominice Millefimo quadrin- gentefimo fcptuagefimoodlauo Mai vero kl. oftauodecimo ... In oppido Nurnbergenfi per Antonium Coburger . . . [/o/. I wanting.'^ fol. f — Anno incamationis dominice Millefimo quadringen- tefimo feptuagefimonono fexto die augufti ... In oppido Nurnbergenfi per Antonium Coburger ... fol. f r/o/. I.] Incipit epiftola fanfti Hieronymi ... [_/o/. ^a, col. 2/] In principio creavit deus celum et terram ... [£n^ of the text.^ Biblia quern retinet fequitur metricus ordo ... Fontibus ex grjecis hebrjeorumque libris ... M.cccc.l.xxix. fol. f — Another edition. fol. M.cccc.lxxxi. •]■ Vetus [et Novum] Teftamcntum latine in academia complutenfi nouiter impreflum. 15 14-17. See Bible, Polyglotts. I \_Fol. I.] Incipit epiftola beati hieronymi ... [_/»/. 4.] Liber genefis ... \^End of thr texl.^ Explicit biblia diligcn- tiflime cmcndata ... Lugduni in officina Jacobi marefchal. Anno domini decimo none fupra millefimum decimo feptimo Kalendas Nouembris. f Biblie jampridem renovate pars prima [ — feptima] ... una cum glofa ordinaria : et littorali moralique expofitione Nicolai de lyra : necnon additionibus Burgends : ac rcplicis Thoringi : novifque diftincftionibus et marginalibus fumma- riifque annotationibus. 7 voll. fol. Lugduni, in aedibus Jacobi Marefchal, 1520. ■f Biblia Sacra utriufque Tcft.imenti, diligenter recognita et emendata ; non paucis locis, qux corrupUi crant, colialione D. Versions. Latin. hebraicorum voluminum reftitutis. Item in fronte libri ex Athanafio fragmentum de libris utriufque Teftamenti. fol. Nuremberg^, per Foedericum Peypus, 1523. t Biblia. fol. Parifiis, ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1528. [Stephens' firft edition of the Vulgate] ■f Biblia Latina : breves in eadem annotationcs ex do^iff. interpretationibus & Hebrxorum commentariis ; interpretatio propriorum nominum Hebraicorum ; index copiofiflimus re- rum & fentcntiarum utriufque teftamenti. fol. Parifiis, ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1532. [Stephens' fecond edition. Foil. 19, 20, zi, fupplied in manufcript.] f Biblia ... 5 voll. 8° Lutetias, ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1545. [Contains the Vulgate and the Zurich verfion of 1543 in parallel columns, with annotations afcribed to Vatablus.] •{■ Biblia Sacra, iuxta vulgatam quam dicunt editionem, a mendis ... repurgata, atque ad prifcorum probatiffimommque exemplariorum normam ... Joannis Benedidti ... induftria reftituta ... fol. Parifiis, apud Carolum Guiilard & Gulielmum Defboys, 1549. [The fecond edition of Benoit's Vulgate.] ■j Biblia Sacra, cum commentariis ad fenfum literje, et ex- plicatione temporum,locorum rerumqueomnium,qujE infacris codicibus habent obfcaritatem, auflore R. P. Jacobo Gor- dono, Lefmorio, Societatis Jefu. In tres tomos divifa. fol. Lutetia: Parifiomm, fumptibus Sebaftiani et Gabrielis Cramoify, 1632. [Contains, in addition to the Vulgate Latin, the Pfalms in the Greek of the LXX., and in Hebrew with the Latin verfion of Pag- ninus j alio the Greek text of the New Tcftament. Vol. L, con- taining Gen. -Job, is wanting.] •f Biblia Sacra. 8 tom. fol. Parifiis, e typographia regia, 1642. S. Eufebii Hieronymi Divina bibliotheca ; compledens tranflationcs Latinas Vcteris ac Novi Teftamenti, ci)in ex Hebracis, tum e Gisecis fontibus derivatas. [Eufebius Hie- RONYMUS, Opera, 1693-1706, tom. i.] Biblia Sacra, vulgata; editionis, Sixti V.et Clementis VIII. jufFu recognita atque edita. [Bil/lia Sacra po/yglotta, 183 I.] See Bible, Polyglotts. — Editio nova. 8" Lond. S. Bagftcr, 1S46. Romana; coneiflionis, in Latinis Bibliis editionis Vul- g.itx, juffii Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi rccognitis, loca infig- niora. Obfervata& denuo au(fta a Francifco Luca ... 1598. •f Biblia facro(ani5la Teftamenti Veteris et Novi ; e facra Hcbrx'orum lingua Grai'corumque fontibus, confultis iimul ortliodoxis intcrpretib., religiodllime trand.ita in leimoncni Latinum. [De omnibus Sanfla; Scriptuia* libris corumque pixftantia & dignitate Heinrychi BuUingeri expofitio.j fol. Tiguri, excudebat C. Frofchovcius, I 543. [The tranllatiun of the Old Tcftament in this edition is by Leo Jud.i, except Job, I'fjlms xciii.- d., Ecclcfiaftcs, C.inticlcs, and E«- kielxli.-xlviii., which were tranflated by Theodore BiblLmder. P. Cholin tranflated the Apocrypha. The New Teft.iment is the verfion of Erafmus, reviled by Rudolph Gualter. The whole work was rcvifed and edited by Conrad Pcllican. J 496 BIBLE D. Versions. Latin. + Biblia Latinogallica. 1568. See Bible, Verfions, Prench. [Contains the Old Teftament in the Latin verfion of Pagnlnus, and the New in that of Beza.] f Biblia Sacra, ex Sebaftiani Caftalionis poftrema recog- nitione; cum annotationibus ejufdem, & hiftorije fupplemento ab Efdra ad Machabeos, inde ufque ad Chriftum, ex Jofepho. fol. Bafileae, per Petrum Pernam, 1573. ■j- Biblia Sacra; five, Tcftamentum vetus,ab Im.Tremellio et Fr. Junio ex Hebrceo Latine redditum ; et Teftamentum Novum, a Theod. Beza e GrECO in Latinum verfum. 12° Amrtelodami, 1669. f Biblia Hebraica ; cum verfione Latina, autore Carolo- Francifco Houbigant. 1753. See Bible, Old Teftament and parts in Hebrew, a. b. Old Testament and parts. f Teftamentum Vetus, interprete Xante Pagnino. [Bib/la Latinogallica. 1568.] 5^^ Bible, Vcifions, //-fni-^. Veteris Teftamenti fecundum LXX. Latina trandatio [a Flaminio Nobilio.] ['H TlaXaia :\iahr/.n. 1628.] See Bible, Verfions, Greek. Mofis Prophetse libri quinque ; Genefis, Exodus, Leviti- cus, Numeri, et Deuteronomium ; ex trandatione Joannis Clerici, cum ejufdem paraphrafi perpetua, commentario philo- logico, diflertationibus criticis, et tabulis chronologicis ac geo- graphicis. Editio nova [tenia.] fol. Amftelaedami, 1735. Veteris Teftamenti libri hiftorici ; Jofua, Judices, Rutha, Samuel, Reges, Paralipomena, Efdras, Nehemias et Efthera ; ex tranflatione Joannis Clerici . . . Cum ejufdem commentario philologico, diflertationibus criticis et tabulis chronologicis. fol. Amftelodami, 1708. Veteris Teftamenti libri hagiographi ; Jobus, Davidis Pfalmi, Salomonis Proverbia, Concionatrix, & Canticum Canticorum ; ex tranflatione Joannis Clerici, cum ejufdem commentario philologico in omnes memoratos libros, et para- phrafi in Jobum ac Plalmos. fol. Amftelaedami, 173 I. Veteris Teftamenti Prophets, ab Efaia ad Malachiam ufque ; ex tranflatione Joannis Clerici, cum ejufdem commen- tario philologico et paraphrafi in Efaiani, Jeremiam, ejus La- mentationes et Abdiam,diflerrtationeJoh. Smith de Prophetia, et ipfius auftoris de Poefi Hebrasorum. fol. Amftelaedami, 1731. Genefis, five Mofis Propheta: liber primus ; ex tranfla- tione Joannis Clerici, cum ejufdem paiaphrafi perpetua, com- mentario philologico, differtationibus criticis quinque, et ta- bulis chronologicis. fol. Amftelodami, 1693. Libri facri Antiqui Foederis, ex fermone Hebrxo in La- tinum tranflati ; notatione breui prascipux lecflionum et inter- pretationum diuerfitatis addita ; auftoribus D. Henrico Au- gufto Schott et D. Julio Friederico Winzer. Volumen primum. 8° Altons et Lipfiae, 18 16. [Contains the Pentateuch only. No more publifhed.] Paraphrafis in duoCantica Mofis poetica; quorum alterum videre eft in libro ipiius quinto, cui nomen Deuteronomium; alterum in fecundo qui infcribitur Exodus. [Carmen De- D. Versions. Latin. boras & Baraki . . . Latino cuku indutum.] Autore Gulielmo Hogaeo. 8° Ex typographia Joannis Richardfon, 1686 lobus ; five, de conftantia lib. [Patrick Adamson, Poe- mata. 1619.] Paraphrafis in Jobum poetica, auftore Gulielmo Hogaeo Scoto. 8° Lond. 1682. Pfalterium cum apparatu vulgari firmiter appreflb. La- teinifch Pfalter mit dem Teiitfchen da bey getrucket. 4° Argentine, I 506. M.AntoniiFlaminii paraphrafis in trigintaPfalmosverfibus fcripta. 8° Lutetias, ex officina Roberti Stephani, i 546. Pfalterium Dauidicum cum aliquot canticis ecclefiafticis. Litanie. Hymni ecclefiaftici. 8° Parifiis, apud Magdale- nam Bourfette viduam Francifci Regnault, 1552. Pfalterium, reliquaque facrarum literarum carmina et pre- cationes, cum argumentis et breui difficiliorum locorum de- claratione, Sebaft. Caftalione interprete. Adiedae funt in LXX. pfalmos paraphrafes, carmine, partini a M. Ant. Fla- minio, partim a Sebaft. Caftalione, conlcriptae, fuoque ordine ac loco repofitac. 12° Antverpiz, apud Gerardum Spelmannum, 1555. Pfalmi Davidis ... a M. Antonio Flaminio & P. Fran- cifco Spinula poetis elegantiflimis, Latinis verfibus exprefli. His acceffere argumenta fingulis odis piaefixa: Precatio filii Dei, & Canticum Mariae Virginis, ab eodem Spin, carmine reddita. 8° Antverpise, 1559. Pfalterium Davidis et Salomonis Ecclefiaftes ; carmine redditi, per H. Eobanum Heflum, cum Viti Theodori argu- mentis ac difpofitionibus. 8^ Argentorati, 1563. — Another edition. 8° Lipfias, I 590. Pfalmorum Davidis paraphrafis poetica, nunc primum edita ; authore Georgio Buchanano . . . Ejufdem Davidis Pfalmi aliquot k Th. B. V. \T/ieodoro Beza f'^ezelio] verfi. Pfalmi ahquot in verfus ite Grascos nuper a diverfis tranflati. 8° [Paiifiis,] apud Henricum Stephanum et Robertum Stephanum, [1562 .'] Pfalmorum Davidis paraphrafis poctica,nuc primum edita, authore Georgio Buchanano ... Ejufdem Buchannni tragoe- dia quae infcribitur Jephthes ... 8° [Parifiis,] apud Henri- cum Stephanum & Robertum Stephanum, 1566. 8° Lutetias,ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1575. — [Pfalmi aliquot in verfus Graecos nuper a diverfis tranf- lati.] 8° Antverpiae, ex ofKcina Chriftophori Plantini, 1567. Paraphrafis Pfalmorum Davidis poetica ... authore Geor- gio Buchanano ... His adjecimus M. Antonii Flaminii argu- menta in fingulos pfalmos : item, pfalmos aliquot in verfus Graecos nuper a diverfis tranflatos. Annotata ubique dili- genter carminum genera. 8° Argentorati, 1572. Pfalmorum Davidis libri quinque : duplici poetica meta- phrafi, altera alteri & regione oppofita, vario carminum genere Latine exprefri,Theodoro Beza Vezelio,& Georgio Buchan- ano, Scoto,autoribus: qui rurfus, adjunftis quatuordecim can- ticis, ex utriufque Teftamenti libris exceiptis, argumentis & paraphrafi per ipfum Th. Bezam Vezelium illuftrantur ; ad- dita praeterea duplici Latina vei fione ex Hebraeis, una para- phraftica, altera aftriftiore. Ejufdem Buchanani tragcedia quae infcribitur Jephthes. &" Morgiis, 1581. BIBLE 497 D. Versions. Latin. Paraphrafis Pfalmoium Davidis poetica ; niulto quam antehac caftigatior ; authore Georgio Buchanano ... adno- tata ubique diligenter carminum genera. 8° Antverpise, ex officina Chriflophoii Plantini, 1582. — argumentis ac melodiis e.\plic3ta atque illuftrata o])era & ftudio Nathanis Chytrjei. 12 Heibornx Naflbviorum, 161 3. — [G. Buchanan, Poemala. 1628.] — [Ibid. 1686.] — [Ibid. 1687.] — [G. Buchanan, Opera omnia, i. i, 1725.] — ex optimis codicibus fummo (ludio recognita & cafti- gata a Thoma Ruddimanno. Prxniifla eft accuratior quam antehac carminum explicatio. AcceJTere dutr ejufdeni Geo. Buchanani tragoedix Jeplithes & Baptiftes. 12° Edinb. 17 16. — cum Alexandri Julii, Edinburgeni, ecphrafi, et notis intcgris cl. vironim Thomas Ruddlmanni & Petri Burmanni ; felciflifque Nathanis Chytrsei fchoHis ; quibus fuas quoque adnotationes adjeceinint editores. [Robertus Hunter, et Joan- nes Love.] 8"" Edinb. 1737. G. Buchanan's Paraphrafe of the Pfalms of David ; tranf- lated into Englifh profe ... with the Latin text and order of conftrudlion in the {;ime page ; by Andrew Waddel, M.A. 8" Edinb. 1772. Ecphrafis paraphrafeos Georgii Buchanani in Pfalmos Davidis ; ab Alexandre Julio, Edinburgeno, in adolefcentias ftudiofas gratiam elaborata. [IVit/j the text of Buchanan's •verfion.^ 8 Lond. 1620. — Another edition. 8° Edinb. 1699. In Pfalmos Davidis, regis ac prophetje paraphrafis, heroi- cis verCbus exprcfla, a Johanne Maiore. 8° Witebergs, 1574. Davidis regis ac prophets aliorumque facrorum vatum Pfalmi, ex Hebraica veritate in Latinum carmen a Benedidlo Aria MonUino obferuantilTmii conuejli, cum argumentis & elucidationibus. 4- Antverjiirc, 1574. Pfalmi Davidis, ex Hebraica veritate I^atinis verfibus ex- preffi a Jo. Matthseo Tofcano : quibus pracfixa funt argu- menta, fingulis diftichis comprehenfa, opera Jo. Avrati poctx regii. 8° Parifiis, ex officina Fcderici Morelli, 1575. Pfalmi Davidici xxx. [Thoo. Beza, Poemata. 1576.] Plalmorum Davidis et alionmi prophetarum libri quinque: argumentis & Latina paraphrafi iliuftrati, ac vario carminum genere Latin^ exprcffi : Theodoro Beza Vezelio au(5lore. \lV'tth a Latin profe iierfion and paraphrafe^ 8 Antwerpias, 158G. Pfalmorum Davidis... paraphrafis metrorliythmica,ad me- lodias Galliciis, et rhythmos Germanicos D. Dofl. Ambrofii Lobwarteri, rMon-jiaiuy concinne ac pro])rie accommodata ... auftore Andrea Spethe. 12- Heidelberg, 159(1. Interpretatio poetica Latine in centum quinquaginta Pfal- mos ; autoie I^udovico Crucio. 8° Madritl, 1600. Regis & prophetx Davidis Pfalmu.i ciii. ; five, Frid. Taubmanni XawiTr»;f;f/», cum Agone duodecim poetarum pro- phetico ... Edilio fecunda. Acccfli-runt, prxter cxtera, Imagines mortis V. N. Cafparis Bai thii. 8° Wittebergx, 16 1 4. VOL. I. D. Versions. Latin. Liber Pfalmorum Davidis, ex Arabico idiomate in La- tinum tranflatus a Vidlorio Scialac&Gabriele Sionita. \Arab. and LatS\ 1614. See Bible, Verfions, Arabic. Liber Pfalmorum Davidis, ex idiomate Syro in Latinum tranflatus a Gabrieli Sionita. ^yr. and LatP\ 1625. See Bible, Verfions, Syriac. Pfalterium Davidis, ab Abelio Saramarthano, Scgevola: filio, verfibus heroicis expreifum. 8° Auguftoriti Piiflonum, 1635. Paraphrafis poetica Pfalmoium Davidis ; auflore Aituro Jonftono. AccefTerunt ejufdem Cantica Evangelica, Syni- bolum Apoftolicum, Oratio Dominica, Decalogus. 8° Abredonise, 1637. Aituri Jonftoni Pfalmorum Davidis paraphrafis poetica ; Cantici canticorum paraphrafis poetica ; Cantica evangelica. [Arthur JoNSTON, Po««a/a. 1642.] — nunc deraum caftigatius edita. 12° Amftelasdami, 1706. Arturi .lonftoni Pfalmi Davidici intcrpretatione, argumen- tis, notifque illuftrati [Cantica evangelica, etc.l In ufuiii Sereniffimi principis. 4° Lond. 1741. ■ — • Another edition. 8" Lond. 1 7 41. Arturi Jonftoni Pfilmi Davidici, cum metaphrafi Grsca .lacobi Duporti. 8 Lond. 1742. Pfalterium Davidis Latino- Saxonicum vetus, a J. Spel- manno editum. 1 640. [Jerome's Roman Pfalter •with Anglo-Saxon glofsP^ See Bible, Verfions, Anglo-Saxon. Pfalmi Davidis. Theod. J. F. Grafwinckel paraphrafi herdica vertit. 4" Hags Comitls, 1643. Centum et quinquaginta Pfalmos regii prophetas, ligendos & canendos Ecclefix Chriftianx' I^atino ve)fu offert J. Van Aclhuyfen; ca ctiam cantica, quae publicum in noftris templis ufum habent, author addidit. [Set to nmjic throughout.'\ 8° Lugd. Bat. 1683. Liber Pfilmorum juxta Septuaginta interpretes, ab Hie- ronymo femel et iterum emcndatus. [Roman and Gallican Pfalter in parallel columns. [Eufebius HiERONYMUS, Opera, 1693-1706, tom. i. p. 1225.] Liber Pfalmorem ex Hebi-a;o ab Hieionymo Latin^ con- vcrfus. [Ibid. p. 837.] — [Biblia Ecclefiit polyglotta.'\ See Bible, Polyglotts. Oiflupla ; hoc eft, ofto paraphrafes poeticsc Pfalmi civ. authoribus totidem Scotis, viz. Georgio Buchanano, Georgio Eglifcnimio, Thoma Rhasdo, Aituro Johnftono, Henricn Heniifono, Gulielmo Stuarto, Niniano Paterfono, Gualtero Denifton. 1696. [Edited by Andrew Symson.] Pfalmus decimus odl.ivus, ex fecundo Saniuelis et prime Pfalmorum libro, in concentum digeftus. [Florentius de Bruin, He emendandis temporum Hcbritd Hngu,r ... 1703.] Pfalmi Davidis quinquaginta priores verfibus clegiacis La- tine redditi : quibus accedunt duo extra ordinem [cvii'. et cxxxvii.\ : interprete J. H. triginta feriJ annos domi forifque in re miiitari occupato. 4° Lond. 1723. I>iber Pfalmorum verfio antiqua Latina, cum paraphiah Anglo-Saxonica. Edidit B. 'IMuirpe. 1835. iVc Biblu Verliotis, Anglo- Saxon. Anglo-Saxon and EnglidiPfaltci [luilh old Latin verjion.] 1843—4. Sec Bible, Verfions, Anglo-Saxon. 3* 498 BIBLE D. Versions. Latin. ParaphraCs Pfal. civ. ; modulante Gualtero Denifton. [No litle-ftige.] fol. Cato divinus : five, Proveibia Solomonis Latino carmine reddita: autore Gulielmo Hogxo. 8^ Lond. 1699. Satyra facra in vanitatem mundi et renim humanarum ; five, paraphrafis in Ecclefiaften poetica, autoie Gulielmo Hogajo. S° typis Richardfonianis, n. p. n. d. The Hebrew text and a Latin verfion of Ecclefiaftes, by Theodore Prerton. 1845. fc Bible, Old Teftament and pans in Hebiew, b. CanticI canticomm Solomonis paraphrafis, verfibus troch- aicis dimetris catalcfticis, a Theodoro Beza fcripta, & nunc recognita. [Th. Beza, Poemata varia. 1599.] Arturi Jonftoni Cantici cantlconim paraphrafis. [Arthur JoNSTON, Poemata. 1642.] — Editio nova, fiammo ftudio recognita, ac notls illuftrata [a Thoma Ruddimanno.] 4° Edinb. 1 709. — Editio altera. [Cantica evangeHca.] 8° Edinb. 171 7. Cantici canticorum, quod Solomonis eft, Latina & metrica paraphrafis. 4° Edinb. 1660. Cantici Solomonis paraphrafis gemina ; prior vario car- minum genere, altera Sapphicis verfibus pei fcripta : notis criticis & philologicis illulbata ; audtore Joanne Kerro. 8° Edinb. 1727. Canticum canticorum, reproduced in fac-fimile from the Scriverius copy in the Britifii Mufeum ; with an hiftorical and bibliographical introduftion by J. Ph. Berjeau. \_Fac- Jlmile of a block-book.'^ fol. Lond. i860. Paraphrafis, 4. 5. & 11. capitum Prophetiae lefchahise. ^In verfe. By Alexander Julius (^Tuk). ImperfeB.^ 4= [Edinb. 1606.] Threnorum, five Lamentationum leremia; Prophetae, f. Elciae, libellus, Latino carmine redditus, a Patricio Adam- fono. [Patrick Adam SON, PofOTflto. 1619.] Alexandri Julii Paraphrafis Prophetias Hobadia:. [/« verfe. Title-page 'v.'aiithig.'\ 4= [Edinb.] Paraphrafis Prophetias Chabakkuki poetica ; auftoie Alex- andro Julio. 4- Edinb. 1610. Paraphiafis Prophetix Maleaci poetica. [By Alexander Julius.'] 4^ Edinb. I 6 n . Jacobi Ii A;a^>ix?j. Ed. Im. TremelUus, 1569.] See Bible, Polyglotts. — [Biblia Sacra, 1 669.] 5i'i? Bible, Verfions, Z-a/in, a. Novum Teftamentum Syriac^ ... Latin^ ... ftudio et iabore Elix Hutteri. 1599- 5'ff Bible, Polvglotts. Sacro-fanfhim Novum Teftamentum Domini Sei-vatoris noftri Jefu Chrifti, in hexametros ve: fus, ad verbum et genu- inum fenfum fideliter in Latinam linguam tranflatum, per Johannem [Bridges'] epifcopum Oxonienfem. 12^ Lond. 1604. Novum Teftamentum Grscura ; cum vulgata interpreta- tione ... atque alia Ben. Arias Montani. 1619. 5'ff Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, a. Jefu Chrifti Novum Teftamentum, cujus Graeco contextui refpondent intei-pretationes duas : una, vetus ; altera Theo- dori Bezae. 1642. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, a. Joannis Pric.ci Commentarii in varies Novi Teftamenti libros ; in quibus Vulgatae verfionis, quamplurimis locis prae quavis alia recentiore, fermo puius Latinufque oftenditur ... 1660. Novum Jefu Chrifti Teftamentum, interprete Sebaftiano Cafteilione ; ex poftrema ejufdem caftigatione. Addita funt loca parallela S. Scripturas, quce Stephanus Curcellasus fuae Graecae editioni adjunxit. Editio noviffima. 12° Amftelodami, 16S1. [The date on the engraved title-page is 1682.] Novum Teftamentum ; ex Sebaftiani Caftalionis interpre- tatione. 2 torn. 8° Glafguae, excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1758. Novum Teftamentum Domini Noftri Jefu Chrifti, ex ver- fione Vulgata, cum paraphrafi et adnotationibus Henrici Hammond. Ex Anglica lingua in Latinam tranftulit, fuif- que animadverfionibus illuftravit, caftigavit, auxit Joannes Clericus. Editio fecunda. 2 vols. fol. Francofuiti, 1 7 1 4. — Another edition. fol. Amftelodami, 1718. Evangeliarium quadruplex Latina; verfionis antiqux, feu veteris Italics ; nunc primum in lucem editum ex codicibus manufcriptis aureis, argenteis, purpureis, aliifque plufquam millenarix antiquitatis ... a Jofepho Blanchino. 4 tom. fol. Romx, 1749. [The codices are the Vercellenfis, Veroneniis, Corbeienfis and Brixianus, In the appendix the Foro-Julienlls and Perufinus.] The Lindisfarne and Ruftiwortli Gofpels. Now firft printed from the original manufcripts in the Britifh Mufeum and the Bodleian Library. Parts I. II. III. [Edited for the Surtees Society by Jofeph Stevenfon and George War- ing.] 8° Durham, 1854-63. [Contains Matthew, Mark and Luke in the old Latin verfion and twofold Anglo-Saxon glofs, that of Lindisfarne being in the Northumbrian dialedl.] Bezx Codex Cantabrigienfis, being an exaft copy in ordi- nary tvpe of the celebrated uncial Grxco-Latin MS. of the four Gofpels and A(5>s of the Aportles, prefented to the Uni- veifity of Cambridge by Th. Beza. 1864. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, b. BIBLE 499 D. Versions. Latin — Malay. Harmonia SS.Evangeliftarum, h.c. fumma capita omnium qux Jefus Cliridus egit, dixit ct peipffliis eft, perpetua fcrie concinnata, (ludio Davidis Solbrigii. i 7 i 6. Epiftolarum Catholicarum feptenarius Grace : Petri dux epiftolse, Jacobi una, Johaniiis tres, ct Judas Jacobi una, cum nova veiTione Latina opera .T. B. Carpzov. 1790' ^''^ Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, b. XIII Epiftolarum Pauli codex Grscus, cum verfione I^a- tina veteri vulgo Antehieronymiana, tranfcriptus et editus a C. F. Matthxi. 1791- See Bible, New Teftament and pans in Greek, b. An exaft tranfcript of the Codex Augienfis, a Grxco- Latin MS. of St. Paul's Epiftles. 1^59. See Bible, New Teftament and parts in Greek, b. Apocalypfis Johannis theologi ; poetica paraphrafi reddita a Jano Chunrado Rhumelio. 4° Noribergae, 1619. Apocalypfis S. loannis theologi ; Latino carmine reddita, Patricio Adamfono ... authore [Patrick Adamson, Poemata. 1619.] Lettish. •j- Biblia, tas irr: ta Swehta Giahmata, jeb Deewa Swehti Wahrdi, kas preekfch un pehz ta Kunga Jefus Kriftus fweh- tas Peedfimfchanas no teem fwehteem Deewa-Zilwekeem, Praweefcheem, Ewangelifteem jeb Preezas-Mahzitajeem un Apuftulcem ufrakftiti, tahm latweefchahm Deewa Drnudfi- bahni par labbu iltailita. 8^ Keiiftierga, 1739. — Another edition. 8° Peterburga, 1825. [Tranflated by Erneft GUick, edited and revlfed by John Fifcher, and fubfecjuently by his ibn J. B. Fifcher.j Lithuanian. f Biblia, tai efti : wi/Tas Szwentas Rafztas, Seno ir Naujo Teftamento, pagal Woklfzkg perguldim.^ D. Mertino Lu- teraus, fu kiekwieno perfkyrimo trumpu prancizimmu, ir reikalingu pazenklinnimu tu paczu zodzu, kunie kittofc perfll j' ^^\ c^^ c^*i J\ C-:'- ' <^r^^ fj.^\i liyJl i'j..' ; Lii^jU-v-jb 15-t;^ isMj' ^^l/^'^ u b L*L; ~j L A.4.JS L-y^ J^yJi Aijj_jj ) toxj Kusiov ri/j-oji/ lrjor Ca/fiodoro de Reyna.] 4° [Bafel,] 1622 [1569.] [The firft Spanish verfion of the whole Bible, tranflated chiefly from the Latin verfion of Pagninus.] ■]• La Biblia Vulgata Latina, traducida en Efpanol, y ano- tada conforme al fentido de los fantos Padres y expofitores Catolicos, por el P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel de las Ef- cuelas pias ... Segunda edicion ... 19 tom. 8 ' Madrid, l 794-7. La Biblia, 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Tcilamento, traducidos al Efpanol, de la Vulgata Latina, por el Rmo. P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. 8° Lond. 1828. — [Bib/ia Sacra polyglotta, 1 83 I.] See Bible, Poly- glotts. La Santa Biblia, que contiene los fagrados libros del An- tiguo y Nuevo Teftamcnto. Antigua verfion de Cipriano de Valera,cotejada con divcifastraducciones, y reviiada con arre- glo a los originales Hebreo y Griego. 8° Oxford, 1 862. Biblia en Icngua Efpanola, traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad Htbrayca por muy excclentcs letrados. Villa y examinada por el officio de la Inquificion. \The Old Tejla- incnt onlyi] fol. [Amll.] Con privilegio del Ylluflriffimo Sefior Duque de Ferrara, 5390 [1630.] El Libio del profeta Il'aias, traduzido al Callellano fcgiin el tcxto Hebreo de Van der Hooght, por Luis de Ufoz i Rio. 8° Madrid, 1863. El Nuevo Teftamcnto de nueftro Redemptor y Saluador Jefv Chrido, traduzido de Griego en lengua Cafteilana, por I'rangifco de Enzinas. 8° Enueres, I 543. El Teflamento Nuevo de nueftro Senor y Salv.ador Jefu Chrifto ; nueva y fielmente traducido del original Griego en Romance Caftellano. '^Franjlated by Juan Perex.] 8" Venecia, en cafa de .luan Philadelpho \Pfeud. of Juan Pc/vz], I 556. El Teftamento Nuevo de nuiftro Senor .lefu Chrifto. \Pe Reyna" s verfion rcv'ifed by Cipriano De Valera."] 8° En cafa de Ricaido del Campo, I 596. Novum Teftamentum Syriacii ... Hifpanicii ... ftudio et labore Elix Hutteri. 1 599. See Bible, Polyglotts. 502 BIBLE D. Versions. Spanifh — Swedifh. El Nuevo Teftamento de nueftro Seiior Jefu Crifto : que es, los Efcritos Evangelicos y Apoftolicos. Verfion reviila y confrontada con el texto Griego, y con diverfas traduc- ciones, por Cipriano de Valeia. 12° Lend. 1864. El Nuevo Teftamento de Nueftro Senor .lefu-Crifto : an- tigua verfion de Cipriano de Valera, cotejada con diverfas traducciones, y revifada con arreglo al texto Griego. 8° Lond. 1864. El Nuevo Teftamento de nueftro Senor Jefu Chrifto : nuevamente facado a luz, corregido y revifto por Dn. Se- baftian de la Enzina. [^ revjfwn of De Reyna's -verfion.] 8° Amftcldam, 1 708. Las Efcrituras del Nuevo Pa(ao. Traduccion del ori- ginal Griego. [Tranflated by G. N. i.e. William Norton.] 12° Lond. 1858. Efcrituras del Nuevo Pafto. El Evangelio, 6 la buena nueva fegun Mateo [Marcos, Lucas, .Tuan]. Traduccion del original Griego. [^Norton' s verfion.] 8° Edinb. 185 5. Efcrituras del Nuevo Padlo. Los Hechos de los Envi- adosdelSmov ...[Norton's -verfion.] 12° Lond. 1855. Efcrituras del Nuevo Pado. Cartas de Pablo, el Envi- ado, a la afamblea que eftaba en Corinta (i. 11.) ; a las afam- bieas de la Galacia ; a los Santos que eftaban en Efefo ; a los fantos que eftaban en Filipos ; a los fantos que eftaban en Co- lofas ; a la afamblea de los Tefalonicenfes (i. 11.) ; a Tito ; a Filemon ... [Norton's -verfion.'\ 12° Lond. 1856. El Evangelio . . . fegun San Lucas en Ayniara y Efpanol ; traducido de la Vulgata Latina. 1829. See Bible, Ver- lions, Aymara. La Epiftola de San Pablo a los Romanos, i la i. a los Corintios ; arabas traduzidas i comentadas por Juan de Valdes. Ahora fielmente reimprefas. 8° [Madrid,] 1856. 8° Nrns, 1844. [Jud£EO-Spanifti. Tranflated by the Rev. H. D. LeevesJ SuEO-GoTHIC. D. N. Jefu Chrifti SS. Evangelia, ab Ulfila Gothice tranf- latii, nunc cum parallelis verfionibus Sveo-Gothica, Norrasna, feu Iflandica, et vulgata Latina edita. 1671. [Sueo-Gothic ■verfion of G. Stiernhielm.] See Bible, Polyglotts. Swedish. f Biblia, thet ar : all then Heliga Skrift, Gamla och Nya Teftamentfens, pa Swenflvo : med forriga accuratefta Edi- tioner jamford ; uti Summarier och Concordantier noga (ifwerfedd, och markeliga rattadd ; jemte fuilkomligt Regif- ter, och biblifk Tiderakning : fafom och iorfedd med Herr Andrex Bergii ... Fcjretal. 8° Stockholm, 1747. Biblen, eller then Heliga Skrift, Gamla och Nya Tefta- mentet ... 8° Stockholm, 18 12. Bibelen ; eller, den Heliga Skrift ; innehallande Gamla och Nya Teftamentets canoniflca Bbcker . . . 8° Stockholm, 1848. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1864. D. Versions, Syriac — Tahitian. K. Davidz Pfaltare raedh fina fummarier. 8° Stockholm, 16 19. Pfaltaren. Profofverf attning af Joh. Adam Tingftadius. Tredje Upplagan. 8° Strengnas, 18 13. SVRIAC. \ Biblia Sacra Veteris et Novi Teftamenti Syriace. [Biblia Sacra polyglotta, ed. B. Waltonus, 1657.] See Bible, Poly- glotts. [The Holy Bible in Syriac. From the text of Dr. Lee.^ 4° Lond. 1823—6. Liber Pfalmorum Davidis regis et prophetiE : ex idiomate Syro in Lalinum tranflatus "a Gabriele Sionita. [Syriac and Lat.] 4° Parifiis, 1625. Codex Syriaco-hexaplaris Ambrofiano-Mediolanenlis ; editus et Latine verfus a Matth. Norberg. 4° Londini Gothonim, 1787. [Contains Jeremiah and Ezekiel in Syriac and Latin. The Syriac verflon is by Paul of Tela from the Hexaplar Greek text.] Polyglott reading book, containing the Chaldee portions of Daniel and Ezra, with the correfponding Hebrew, Syriac and Greek. 1850. See Bible, Polyglotts. Novum Teftamentum Syriace ... ftudio et labore Elias Hutteri. 1599. ^cc Bible, Polyglotts. Novum Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti Teftamentum Syriace ; cum verfione Latina ; ex diverfis editionibus diligentiffime recenfitum. Acceflerunt in fine notationes variantis ledlionis, ex quinque impreffis editionibus diligenter colleftx a Martino Troftio. 4° Cothenis Anhaltinorum, 1621. [The New Teftament in Carfhun and Syriac] 1824. See Bible, Verfions, Arabic. Syrorum Novi Teftamenti verfio, quam Pefchito nuncu- pant, juxta exemplar Viennenfe a J. A. Widmanftadio, a.d. I 5 5 j.typis mandatum. Uteris Syriacis atque punclis vocalibus inftruftani, cumque collatione editionis quam Societas ad Biblia Sacra evulganda inftituta in lucera emifit. [Edited by W. Greevfeld. Biblia Sacra polyglotta, l 8 3 I .] See Bible, Polyglotts. Sacrorum Evangelioram verfio Syriaca Philoxeniana, ex codd. MSS. Ridleianis in Bibl. -Coll. Nov. Oxon. repofitis, nunc primura edita ; cum interpretatione et annotationibus Jofephi White, A.M. 2 torn. 4° Oxon. 1778. Adlorum Apoftolorum et Eiiiftolarum, tarn catholicarum quam Paulinanim, verfio Sv]i,.oa Philo.xeniana, ex codice MS. Ridleiano, in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. lepofito, nunc primum edita : cum interpretatione et annotationibus Jofephi White. 2 torn. 4° Oxon. 1799-1803. Remains of a very antient recenfion of the four Gofpels in Syriac, hitherto unknown in Europe ; difcovered, edited, and tranflated by William Cureton, D.D., F.R.S. 4° Lond. 1858. [The Gofpels in Syro-Chaldaic. (Syriac in Eflrangelo cha- railers. Edited hy J. P. Piatt.) 4° Lond. 1829.] Syro-Chaldaic. See Syriac. Tahitian. Te Bibilia Moa Ra, oia te Faufaa Tahito e te Faufaa Api BIBLE 503 D. Versions. Tamil — Turkifti. Ra: iiitiliia ei parau Tahiti . . . ^Tranjlatedby the Rev, Henry Nott ami other mijjionar'tes.^ 8° L,oncdona, 1847. Te mau buka a te tahi pae peropheta ra. O ta Hofea, Joela, Amofa, Obadia, lona, Mica, Nahuma, Habakuka, Zepliania, Hagai, Zecaria, e ta Malacai hoi. Iiitihia ei parau Tahiti. 12=' Tahiti, 1833. Tamil. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tefta- ments in the Tamil language. 8 Madras, 184O. [The firft four books of Mofes in Tamil. Tranjlated by B. Ziegenba/g-l 4° [Tranquebar,] n. d. Novum Jefu Chrifti Teftamcntum, ex originali textu in ufum gentis Malabaricae in linguam Damulicam, vulgo Mala- barica diftam, verfum opera et fludio Bartholomxi Ziegcn- balg, et Joh. Ernefti Gmndler. 4^ Tranquebaria?, I 7 I 9. Het Nieuw Teflament, ofte alle de boeken des nieuwen verbonds van onfen Heer Jefus Chriftus. Door laft van de Hooge Overheid deefes eilands uit de oirfpronglyke Griekfche taal in de Tamulfche fpraak overgezet, en naar Kerken-order behoorlyk overzien. [Ziegenba/g's •ver/ion revifed by Schulize and others.'] 4= Colombo, 1759. Tartar-Turkish. See Karass. ToNGAN. Koe tohi oe Fuakava Foou a ho tau Eiki moe Fakamoui ko Jifu Kalaifi. ^ranjlated by miffionaries of the Wejleyan mijfionary foclely. Edited by the Rev. T. IVefl.] 12° Lonitoni, 1864. Transylvanian. Das hohe Lied Salomos in Siebenbiirgifchfachfifcher Sprachc von J. Siebert. Aus dam " Ungrifchen Magazin." [Inipcnfis L. L. Bonaparte.] 12° Lond. 1859. Turkish. [Trandatcd by Ali Bey (Albcrtus Bobowflcy), and revifed by ProfelTor J. D. Kiefflr.] [The five books of Mofes and the book of Jolliua : tranf- lated into Turkifli by John Dickfon. 4° Aftrachan, 1825.] [No title-page.] ITrnnllated by John Dickfon. J [The New Tcftanicnt in Turkifh, printed in the Ar- menian chara(5lor.] 8° Malta, 183 i. '^ri ^UyJi>.T *^° D. Versions. Wallachian — Yoruba. Wallachian. [The New Teftament in Wallachian.] 8° Smyrna, 183S. Welsh. Y Bibl CyfTegr-lan, fef yr Hen Deftamcnt a'r Ncwydd. 8 Llundain, 1769. — Another edition. 8° Llundain, 1848. The Song of Solomon in Welfh. [Celtic hexapla. 1858.] See Bible, Folyglotts. Teftament Newydd ein Arglwydd Jefu Chrift. Gwedy ei dynnu, yd y gadei yr ancyriaith, 'air yn ei gylydd or Groec a'r Llatin, gan newidio ffiirf llythyreu y gairiae-dodi. Eb law hyny y mae pop gair a dybiwyt y vot yn andeallus, ai o ran llediaith y 'wlat, ai o ancynefinder y devnydd, wedy ei noti ai eglurhau ar 'ledemyl y tu dalen gydrychiol. ]jrranf- lated by IVilliam Salejhury and Dr. Richard Davis.'\ 4° Lond. 1567. Y Cyfammod Newydd, yn cynnwys Cyfieithiaid Cyffre- dinol y Pedair Efengyl, gwedi ei ddiwygiaw yn ol y Groeg. Gan John Jones, LL.D. 12^ Llyndin, 1S18. Y Teftament Newydd ; gyda nodau eglurhaol ar bob adnod, wedi eu detholi, a'u cyfieithu i'r Gymraeg, gan y Parch. James Hughes : allan o waith Poole, Scott, Guyfe, a Doddridge, y'nghyd a holl nodau cyfciriol y dywededig Barch. T. Scott. 2 vols. 12° Wjddgnig, 1835. — Ail argraffiad. 8° Treffynnon, 1846. Wendish. f Biblia, das ift, die gantzc Heilige Schrifft Alten und Neuen Teftaments, vormahls in die Deutfche, von D. Martin Luthern, jetzo aber in die Obei-Laufitzifche Wendifehe Sprache mit aller Trcu und Fleifle von einigen Evangclifch- en Predigern iiberfetzet. 4° Budiflln, 172S. [Upper Wendirti. Tranllated by four pallors of tliu Lutheran . Church.] f Biblia, to je zyle Sfwiate PilTmo Stareho a Noweho Sakona, predy do njemflceje wot D. Mertena Luthera, a potom wot njekotrych Evangelfivich prjedaijow do hohmeje Luzi(l47S- 1479- 1481- I50I- '519- 1520. 1523. 1528. 1532. 1543. 1545. 1549. 1568. 1573. 1632. 1642. 1669. I7S3- Lettish. iSfi; Bible, Verfions, Z/f//^. 1739- Lithuanian, ^f*" Bible, Verfions, Z./VA«an;a«. 1735. Polish. See Bible, Verfions, Pol'tfh. 1632. Sclavonic. .J^ff Bible, Verfions, ■Sr/a^ion/V. 1784. Spanish. .Jcf Bible, Verfions, 5y>rtn^. 1622. 1794-7. Syriac. See Bible, Verfions, Syriac. 1657. Swedish. See Bible, Verfions, Stveili/lo. I747. Wendish. j'ci' Bible, Verfions, /^«7!(/j/J. 1728. 1742. Codex Pfeudepigraphus Veteris Teftamenti ; colieftus, caftigatus, teftimoniifque cenfuris et animadverfionibus illuf- tratus a Johanne Albeito Fabricio. I713' 1722. The book of Enoch die prophet : an apocryphal produc- tion, fuppofed to have been loft for ages ; but difcovered at the clofe of the laft century in Abyffinia ; now firft tranf- lated from an Ethiopic MS. in the Bodleian Libraiy [w/V/; a preliminary difertalion\, by Richard Laurence, LL.D. 8° Oxford, 1821. — Third edition. 8° Oxford, 1838. b. Of the New Testament. Codex ApocryphusNoviTeftamenti; colledlus, caftigatus, teftimoniifque cenfuris & animadverfionibus illuftratus a Jo- hanne Alberto Fabricio. 1703. 1749. A new and full method of fettling the canonical authority of the New Teftament ; wheriin all the antient teftimonies concerning this argument are produced, the feveral Apo- cryphal books colledled, with an Englifh tianflation of each of them; by the late Rev. Mr. Jeremiah Jones. 1726. 1826. Codex Apocryphus Novi Teftamenti. The uncanonical Gofpels and other writings, referring to the fiift ages of Chriftianity, in the original languages ... By Dr. W. Giles. 1852. Evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo -Saxonic^. \Hcptateuchus. 1698.] See Bible, Verfions, Anglo-Saxon. Contributions to the apociyphal literature of the New Tef- tament, colleded and edited from Syriac manufcripts in the Britifh Miifeuni, with an Englifh tranflation and notes, by W. Wright. 1865. BIBLE 505 F. Miscellanea. A table of the principal! matters coteincd in the byble in whiche the reders may fynde and pradlyfc many commune places. 12° Imprinted at London in Alderfgate (Irete by Ihon Herforde for Rycharde Kele, n. d. Figures de la Bible, illulhees de huiftains Frangoys, pour I'interpretation et intelligence d'icelles [par Guillaume Gue- ROULT.] 1564. Figures du Nouveau Teftament, illuftrees de huiftains Frangoys ; pour I'interpretation et intelligence d'icelles. 8" Lyon, i 570. Thefaurus facrarum hiftoriaru Veteiis Teftanieti, elega- tiffimis imaginibus exprefTu excelletiflimorii in hac arte vi- rorii opera nuc primum in luce editus. 4° AntwerpitE, 1585. A brief memorial of the Bible ; or, a fummary of the chief matters contained in every chapter of the Old and New Teftament ; done into metre by J. C. [Jofiah Chorley.] 1688. An abridgement of the hiftoiy of the Bible ; by J. F. OsTERVALD. IJO^. Hidden things brought to light, for the increafe of know- ledge, in reading the Bible : being an explanation of the coins, money-weights, and meafures, mentioned in the Bible ... and alfo, Hard words of offices and fefts, explained. 4° Edinb. 1710. Bibliotheca Biblica. Being a commentaiy upon all the books of the Old and New Teftament, Sec. i 7 1 7- [^y Samuel Parker.] An extraft of feveral letters relating to the great charity and ufcfulnefs of printing the New Teftament and Pfalter in the Arabick language ; for the benefit of the poor Chriftians in Paleftine, Syria, Mefopotamia, Arabia, Egypt, and other eaftern countries : with a propofal for executing fo good an undertaking. 8° Lond. 1725. A compendious hiftory of the Old and New Teftament, extrafted from the Holy Bible, and adapted to all capacities. 12° Lond. 1726. A fummary of the Bible ; or the principal heads of na- tural and revealed religion alphabetically dlfpofed, in the words of Scripture, by Ferdinando Shaw. 1730. Prolegomena ad Novi Teftanienti Grxci editionem ac- curalifTimam. I730- [By J. J. Wetstenius.] An abridgement of the facred hiftory ; being an eafy in- trodudlion to the reading of the Holy Bible. 1770. [By Lady Mayne.] Familiar leflureson the Epiftle of St. Paul to the Philip- pians, delivered at Macao. 1818. Reafons why a new tranflation of the Bible ftiould not be publiftied without a previous ftatemcnt and examination of all the material j)a{rages, which may be fuppofed to be niif- interpreted. 18 19. [5j) Thomas Burgess, D.D.] A letter to His Grace the Archbifliui) of Canterbury, on the expediency of reviling the autliorifed verfion of Sci ipture. By an Effex re(51:or. 18 19. [Pamphleteer, xiii. 287.] Remarks upon the critical principles, and the pra(51ical ap- plication of thofe principles, adopted by writers who have at VOL. I. F. Miscellanea. various periods recommended a new tranflation of the Bible as expedient and neceflary. 8" Oxford, 1820. A letter from a Jew to a Chriftian, occafioned by the re- cent attacks on the Bible. 1820. [Pamphleteer, xvi.279.] The Bible the chief fource of religious reformation. By a lay member of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1827. A brief account of the Bible and its contents. 12° Lond. 1828. Calumnies of the Record newfpaper refuted : in feveral letters addrefled to the publifher of the ComprehenCve Bible. By a clergyman of the Church of England. 8' Lond. 1832. A fearch after happinefs ; or, obfervations on Bible hif- tory. 8^ Lond. 1832. Illuftrations of the Bible, by Weftall and Martin. With defcriptions by the Rev. Hobart Caunter. 1835-6. Landfcape illuftrations of tlie Bible; engraved by W. and E. Finden, with defcriptions by Thomas Hartwell Horne. i«36. Scripture illuftrations : being a feries of engravings illuf- trative of the geography and topography of the Bible ; with explanations, by J. A. La Trobe. 1838. Ladies' Sunday-fchool afliftant ; or, mother's guide to the four Gofpels : being an explanation of each chapter, accord- ing to the verfes ; with occafional pradlical hints. 12 Lond. 1838. Short comments on every chapter of the Holy Bible. S° Lond. 1838. Opinions of learned and eminent men on the truth, ftyle, and importance ot the Holy Bible. 12° Lond. 1839. Motives to the ftudy of Biblical literature ... 1839. [By William Goodhugh.j Illuftrations of the Holy Scripture ; by George Paxton, D.D. 1825. 1841-2. The tranflators' preface to the prefent authorized tranfla- tion of the Holy Bible, originally printed with it. Alfo an epitome of the hiftojy of the Lngliih Bible, from its intro du(5tion into Britain, until the reign of James I., with fuit- able refleftions, and a defcription of that facred volimie. 8° Kirkcudbright, 1843. Bible events. Firft feries. Illullrated with ])icftures de- figned by Hans Holbein. Edited by Felix Summerly. [Pfeud. of Henry Cole.'\ 12" Lond. 1843. — Second feries. Uluftrated with piftures copied from Raffaelle's Loggie. 12^ Lond. 1844. The Biblical ftudcnt's afliftant, by Clericus. 1844. The literary hiftory of the New Teftament. 8° Lond. I 845. Bible fearchings. The water of life, our need ot it, and the means of obtaining it. On the new man. The Lord's people hidden ones. 8° Lond. 1846. Siglo XV., ano de 1430. Notizia de Biblia de aquel tiempo en codice nis. en vltela, que hoy exifte eomo proprie- diid vinculada, en la cafa del Duque de Alba. [By Luis de Uso/. i Rio.] [1847.] The Bible of every land ; a hiftory of the Sacred Scrip tures in every language and dialeifl into which tranflations 31 5o6 BIBLE F. Miscellanea. have been made ; illuftrated with fpecimen portions in native chaiaders ; feries of alphabets ; coloured ethnographical maps, tables, indexes, etc. 4° Lend. [1848.] — Another edition. 4° Lond. [i860.] Introdudtory ieflbns on the ftudy of the Apollle Paul's Epiftles. 1849. Extrafts from the notes to the Family Bible, relative to the Gofpel according to St. Matthew, which were publiftied under the direftion of the Society for promoting Chrillian knowledge, prepared and airanged by the Rev. Geo. D'Oy- ley, D.D., and the Rev. Richard Mant, D.D. ; and alfo extrai5ts from the Greek Tellament, with Englifh notes, by the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D., and from " Eldey on the Gofpels and Afls," etc. 12° Lond. 1849. Bible fcenes ; or, Sunday employment for very young children. Fourth feries. Miracles of our Saviour. By the author of " Mamma's Bible ftories," " Fanny and her mamma," and " Short and fimple prayers for children." 8° Lond. [1850.] Archbiftiop Murray's Douayand Rhemifh Bible, and the Bordeaux New Teftament, examined in four letters, ad- drefled to a prieft of the Roman Church. By the author of letters in " The Churchman's magazine," and " Chriftian remembrancer," 1838-41, figned " Phoenix." 12° Lond. 1850. A refult of meditations on the Bible ; or, an enquiiy into tnith. By a layman. i 2° Brighton, 1 850. A literal tranflation of fe!e(5led pafl"ages of Holy Scripture, on definite rules of tranflation, and an examination of certain doftrines connected with them ; by Herman Heinfetter. [Pfeucl. of Freilerick Piirla:] 12° Lond. 1850. The Bible unveiled. 8° Lond. 1851. The Bible in the kitchen ; or. Scriptural rules for feiTants. 12° Lond. 1852. The Bible our ftumblingblock and our ftrength : a traift tor the times. 8° Lond. 1852. Proverbs and precepts from the Bible. S° Lond. 1853. The Bible in India. [Extracted from the fortieth report of the Calcutta auxiliary Bible fociety.] 8° Lond. 1853. Contributions towards a hiftory of biblical tranflations in India. [Reprinted from the Calcutta Chriftian Obfe]-ver.] 8° Calcutta, 1854. Shin V. Shang-Te ; antagoniftic verfions of the Chinefe Scriptures : a review of the contioverfy refpefting the proper rendering of Eloh'im and ©ssg into Chinefe. [By the Rev. .1. ToMLiN.] 1854. The Bible in many tongues. 12° Lond. [1854.] Bible exercifes : a Sabbath recreation for young people. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. The chronology of the Scriptures. 8° Lond. 1854. The domeftic commentaiy on the Old [and New] Tefta- ment. 1854. \By the Rev. Robert Shittler.] Thoughts on the Gospel of Jefus Chrift ; by a layman. 1854. Bible hiftory for young children. 3 vols. 8"' Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1854-6. A popular harmony of the Bible, by H. M. Wheeler. 1855. F. Miscellanea. The New Teftament quotations, collated with the Scrip- tures of the Old Teftament, in the original Hebrew and the verfion of the LXX. ; and with the other writings, apocry- phal, Talmudic and claflical, cited or alleged fo to be : with notes, and a complete index ; by Henry Gough. 1855. Euphonia: portions of Holy Scripture (according to the authorifed verfion) marked for chanting, and adapted for public worfhip. Preceded by an intioduflory eflay on chant- ing. Fourth edition. 12° Birmingham, 1855. Seleftions from the Holy Scriptures. 8° Lond. 1855. Valera's Spanifh Bible of 1602. Appeal to proteftant Chriftians refpeifling the reprinting of this verfion. 12° Lond. 1856. Notes on original words ; or, philological arguments, ad- drefled to Bible ftudents, efpecially D^in\ 8° Lond. 1856. Ten paflages of the New Teftament relieved from diffi- culties, on a new principle of interpretation. 8° Lond. 1856. Is the Bible the Word of God ? or, a remonftrance on behalf of Proteftantifm. 8° Lond. 1856. A warning voice to the archbilhops, bifhops and clergy of the United Kingdom, and to the minifters and congregations of every Proteftant denomination, on the piopofed re-tranfla- tion of the Bible and the fupprefled Scriptures, containing all the gofpels, epiftles, and other facred books of the New Tef- tament . . . tranflated out of the original tongues and received as genuine by the primitive Chriftians in the firft four centu- ries, but fince declared apocryphal by the Roman Catholic Council of Nice, and not included by Proteftant compilers of the Scriptures ; including the original Apoftles' creed. ?>" Lond. 1856. Bible hiftory for the ufe of children and young pei fons ; with defcriptive explanations, by the author of " Helen's fault," etc. etc. 12° Lond. 1856. The piflorial Bible and Church hiftory ftories. The vo- lume of the Old Teftament hiftory, complete : with a new and original feries of hiftorical and typical defigns, hiftorical and landfcape vignettes, diagrams, maps, etc., by Carl Clafen, J. H. Powell, Harvey, and others. 8° Lond. [1857.] An exegefis of the feventh chapter of St. Paul's Epiftle to the Romans; by a barrifter. 1857. A biief ftatement of fafts on the Verfion queftion ; in reply to a tradt on the fame fubjeft by " O. P. Q." By a graduate of Oxford. 8° Lond. 1857. The Bible : what is it ? whence came it .^ how came it ? wherefore came it ? to whom came it ? how fliould we treat it? 8' Lond. [1858.] The Bible hour ; or. Scripture Ieflbns for the little ones at home. By the author of " Our paftor's vifits," " The Chriftian year book," &c. 8° Lond. 1858. The commentary wholly biblical : an expofition in the veiy words of Scripture. 3 vols. 4° Lond. [1858.] Critical remarks on Dr.Medhurft's, or Delegates' Chinefe verfion of the firft chapter of St. .Tohn's Gofpel, fliowing, by many inftances of erroneous and defeflive renderings, a great want of fidelity to the original Greek, efpecially as contrafted BIBLE 507 F. Miscellanea. with the verfion of Morrifon and Milne : alfo fliowing how the Word of God is defaced by the ufe of the heathen name, Shang-Te, for Qi'i;, God, inftead of the fimple, generic term. Shin, which was adopted by Morrifon, Milne, and Marfli- man. By an ex-mifTionary to the Chinefe. S° Lond. 1859. Biblia pauperum : reproduced in fac-fimile, from one of the copies in the Britifh Mufeum ; with an hiftorical and bibliographical introduftion by J. Ph. Berjeau. [Facsimile of a block-booh.^ fol. Lond. 1859. Memorable events in the hiftory of the Bible : a piflorial Sunday book for the young. New edition. 12° Lond. [1859.] The biblical rcafon why : a family guide to Scripture read- ings, and a hand-book for biblical iludents. By the author of " The reafon why — general fcience," " The reafon why — natural hiflory," "The houfewife's reafon why," "The hiftorical reafon why," etc. etc. With an introduftion by a clergyman of the Church of England. 8° Lond. [1859.] The ftory of a pocket Bible. By the author of " Gilbert Grefliam," " Stories of fchool-boys," etc. etc. 8° Lond. [i860.] The Bible guide to a holy life ; or, the marrow and fat- nefs of the Gofpel : arranged under nearly eight hundred heads. 12° Lond. [i860.] The cottage commentary. The Gofpels. 1860-4. Interefting chapters in Scripture hiftory and Bible illuf- tration. 8° Lond. [1861.] Stories fiom the Old Teftament ; by the author of " Gof- pel ftories." 8' Lond. [i86i.] A general introdudlion to tiie Apoftolic Epistles ... by a bifliop's chaplain. 1861. Two thoufand queftions on the Old and New Tellaments, with explanatory introdu(5tions to each book ; a concife hif- tory of the Jews, from the clofe of the Old Teftument nar- rative to the commencement of the New ; and a Ihort lltetch of the Chriftian evidences. By the author of " A compen- dium of univei fal hiftory." Fifth edition. 12° Lond. [186 I.] Piflorial Bible ftories for the young ; being tiie firft por- tion of a complete feries of Piftorial Bible and Chuich hif- tory ftories, on the model of the popular Bible ftories of Canon Schmid : by the editor of the feries of hymns and fongs for Catholic fimilies and fchools. From the creation to the death of Jacob. 8^ Lond. [1861.] Bible truths witii Sliakfpearean parallels ; being fcledlions from Scripture, moral, dodtrinal, and jicrcejjtial, with paftiiges illuftrative of the text, from the writings of Shakfpeare. 8° Lond. 1862. The fouldiers pocket Bible ; printed at London, by G. B. and R. W., for G. C, 1643. Reproduced in fac- fimile, with an introduiflion by Francis Fry, F.S.A. 8" Lond. 1862. The Chriftian foldier's penny Bible.. London, printed by R. Smith for Sam. W.ide, 1693. Reprotluced in fac- fimile, with an introduflory note by Francis Fry, F.S.A. 8" Lond. 1862. F. Miscellanea. The ftory of a red velvet Bible. 1862. [5y M. H.] A brief outline of the books of the Bible. 8° Lond. [1S62.] The ftudy of the Bible, a feries of chapters ; with an in- trodudion on biblical interpretation, and an appendix on the great want of the age. 8° Lond. 1862. Memoir of a French New Teftament, in which the mafs and purgatory are found in the facrcd text ; by Henry Cotton. Together with Bilhop Kidder's " Refledlions" on the fame. 1863. Daily Bible queftions : to which is added Sunday regifter for a year ; fcledled and arranged by the author of " Sunfet thoughts; or, Bible narratives for the aged." 12= Lond. [1864.] Pleafant hours with the Bible ; or. Scripture queries on various fubjefts. I2° Lond. [1864.] Pleafant hours with the Bible ; or, anfwers to Scripture queries. 12° Lond. [1864.] Bible piiflure book. Old Teftament. 8° Lond. [1864.] — New Teftament. 8° Lond. [1864.] Bible pi(fturcs and ftories: Old Teftament. (Second feries.) 8° Lond. [1864.] — New Teftament. (Second feries.) 8° Lond. [1864.] Bible readings. 8° Edinb. 1864. CalTell's book of Bible ftories for young people. Old Teftament. 8" Lond. [1864.] Bible words for daily ufe . . . ftlec^ed and arranged by the author of " Sunfet thoughts ; or, Bible narratives for the aged." 8° Lond. [1864.] Seleft verfes from the Pfalnis, tiie Proverbs, and Eccle- fiaftes, for private meditation and private jirayei'. 12° Lond. 1864. The Bible, confidered as a record of iiiftorical develop- ment. 8" Lond. 1864. Is the Bible the Word of God ? Thoughts in anfwer to the queftion ; by a layman of the Ciuuch of England. 8° Lond. 1865. Queftions for Bible- woifliipjiers. 12= Lond. 1865. Bible photographs : a contraft between the righteous and the wicked, as defcribed in the Word of God. By a Bible- ftudent. 8' Lond. 1S65. Aids to Bible refleftion : for the daughters of Great Bri- tain. 8" Lond. 1865. The Bible ifland : a miflionary tale from the South Seas. 12° Lond. 1865. Scripture ilkillrated by engravings defigned from exifting authorities. Subjefts feleifled from tiie Old Teftament. 8° Lond. Rel. Traft Soc. n. d. The picflorial hiftory of tiie Bible, confifting of engravings from paintinj^sby Britifli artifts. 4" Lond. M'Gowan, n.d. Hiftoric illuftrations of tiie Bible ; jirincipally after Ihc old mafters. 4° Lond. Fiflier, n. d. Illuftrations to the Holy Scriptures, confifting of eighteen maps and plans. 12° Lond. S. Bagfter, n.d. 15il->lc fteiies ill ihynic, for childicn. 12=' Dublin, n. d. 5o8 BIBLE F. Miscellanea. Biblical gleanings ; or, a colleftion of pafTages of Scripture that have generally been confidered to be miftranflated in the received Englifh verfion ; by Thomas Wemyss. Novi Teftamenti concordantias Grzcas; opus ... fingulari nuper Xyfti Betuleii induftria colleflum. 1546. Concoidantii Bibliomm utiiufque Teftamenti ... a R. Stephano. 1555- Concordantias facronim Bibliorum Hebraicorum . . . Auc- tore F. Mario de Calasio. 162 i. Johannis Buxtorfi Concordantix Bibliorum Hebraicae ... AcceiTerunt novje concordantix Chaldaicse ... 1632. Novi Teftamenti concordantiae ... opera Erafmi Schmidii. 17 17. Abraham! Trommii Concoidantix Grscae verfionis vulgo dift« LXX. interpretum ... 171S. The Englifliman's Greek concordance of the New Tefta- ment. By George V. Wigram. it'39. Concordance to the Englifh Bible, commonly called the Cambridge concordance. 16S2. A concordance to the Holy Scriptures ... by S. N. [Samuel Newman.] 1682. A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament ... to which is added a concord- ance to the books called Apocrypha ; by Ale.\ander Cru- den. 1769. A concordance of parallels, collefted from Bibles and commentaries ... by C. Cruttwell. 1790. A concordance to the Pfalms, Prayer-book veifion, by Charles Girdlestone. 1S34. The Englilhman's Hebrew and Chaldee concordance of the Old Teftament. By George V. Wigram. 1843. i860. The Bible ftudent's concordance ... by Aaron Pick. 1845. The Bible ftudent's guide to the more corre<5t underftand- ing of the Englidi tranflation of the Old Teftament, by re- ference to the original Hebrew ; by W. Wilson, D.D. 1850. An analytical arrangement of the Holy Scriptures, ac- cording to the principles developed under the name of paral- lelifm, by Richard Baillie Roe. 185 i. A verbal analyfis of the Holy Bible ; completed by George Auguftus Selwyn. 1855. The claffified Bible ; an analyfis of the Sacred Scriptures and claffification of their contents. Edited by John Eadie, D.D. 1855. An analytical concordance to the Holy Scriptures, by John Eadie, D.D. 1856. Concordance to the metrical Pfalms and paraphrafes. 1856. A CONCORDANCE to the canonical books of the Old and New Teftaments, the Apocrypha, and the Pfalter contained in the Book of common prayer. [1859.] The Bible text cyclopedia : a complete claffification of Scripture texts, by James Inglis. [i860.] Petri Ravanelli Bibliotheca facra, feu thefaurus Scrip- tuix canonical. 1650. F. Miscellanea. Diitionnaire hiftoiique, critique, chronologique, geograph- ique & litteral de la Bible, par Auguftin Calmet. 1722-S. A diftionary of the Holy Bible ... by John Brown. 1769. A diiflionary of the Bible ; or, an explanation of the proper names and difficult words in the Old and New Tefta- ment, accented as they ought to be pronounced ... 12° Lond. 1777. A diftionary of the Bible ... by Alexander Macbean. 1779. A new and comprehenfive diflionary of correfpondences, reprefentatives, and fignificatives, contained in the Word of the Lord ... by George Nicholson. 1800. A theological, biblical and ecclefiaftical didfionary ... by John Robinson, D.D. 18 15. A theological didlionary, containing definitions of all re- ligious terms ... by Charles Buck. 18 16. A biblical and theological didionary ... by Richard Watson. i 8 3 i . A gazetteer of the Old and New Teftaments ... 1838. [By John Parker I-awson.] Pocket biblical diftionaiy ... by D. Davidson. 1839. A biography of the Old and New Teftaments ... 1839. [By John Parker Lawson.] A key to the Bible, containing a fummary of biblical knowledge, and a didionaiy of all the principal words in the Old and New Teftaments ; by the Rev. Thomas Timpson. 1840. The biblical cyclopedia ... by William Jones. 1841. The Bible cyclopxdia ; or, illuftrations of the civil and natural hiffory of the facred writings, by reference to the manners, cuftoms, rites, traditions, antiquities, and literature of eaftern nations. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1S4I— 3. A cyclopedia of biblical literature ; edited by John KiTTO, D.D. 1845. 1849. 1863-6. A biblical lexicon of two thoufand five hundred names of men and places in the Bible, by Samuel Cozens. 1848. A biblical and theological diftionary, by Samuel Green. 1850. A didlionaiy of the Holy Bible, for the ufe of young perfons, by .John Eadie, LL.D. 1850. A biblical and theological diflionary, by John Farrar. 1851. A Scripture and prayer-book gloffary ; being an explana- tion of obfolete words and phrafes in the Englifh Bible, Apocrypha and Book of common prayer ; by John Booker. 1853. 1862. The Scripture ftudent's affiftant ; being a complete index, and concife diftionaiy of the Holy Bible, by the Rev. John Barr. 1854. The proper names of the Old Teftament expounded and illuftrated, by Alfred Jones. 1856. A Bible diflionary, by the Rev. James Auftin Bastow. 1859. A diftionary of the Bible ... Edited by William Smith. 1863. A concife didionary of the Bible ; edited by William Smith. 1865. BIBLE SOCIETY 509 F. Miscellanea. Biblical natural faience : being the explanation of all references in Holy Scrijitiire to geology, botany, zoology, and phyfical geography ; by the Rev. John Duns. 1865. A complete hidoiy of the feveral tranflations of the Holy Bible and New Teftament into Englifh, both in MS. and in print ; by John Lewis. I b I 8. A lift of editions of the Bible and parts thereof in Eng- li(h from the year 1505 to 1850, by the Rev. Henry Cotton. 1821. 1852. Bibles, Teftaments, Pfalms and other books of the Holy Scriptures in Englifh, in the colledlion of Lea Wilson. 1845. A collation of the Sacred Scriptures [Englifli verfions,] with a hiftorical account of all the Englilh verfions ; by Charles Roger. 1847. BIBLE SOCIETY. The fifth report of the Edinburgh Bible fociety. With an appendix ... 8° Edinb. 18 14. An abridged ftatement of the leading tranfadlions of the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety ... 181 5. [Pamphleteer, vi. 269.] A letter from a reif^or to his curate, on the fubjeft of the Bible fociety. 8° Lond. 18 16. A reply to a Letter from a reftor to his cuiate, on the fubjeft of the Bible fociety : by a deacon of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1817. A comparative view of the merits of the Society for pro- moting Chriftian knowledge, and the Bible fociety. 8' Oxford, 1 8 17. Bible aflbciations expofcd ; being a review of the Fouitli annual report of the committee of the Henley Bible fociety, and of its appendix detailing the mode of organizing and condudling Bible affociations. 8^ Lond. 1818. Remonfbancc, addrefTed to the fupporters of the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety, on the fyftem of vifitation as in- troduced by their diffriifl committees ; and an earnefl appeal to thofe members who are piofefTcdly attached to the Church of England. 8" Lond. 1823. Memorial for tlie Bible focieties in Scotland ... 1824. [By John Lee, D.D.] Remarks upon the recent accufations againll the commit- tee of the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety : in a letter to a clergyman in the countiy, from a lay member of that inlli- tution. 8° Lond. 1826. Minutes of tlie committee of tlie Britilh and foreign Bible fociety, relating to the publication of a revifed edition of Oflervald's Flench verfion of the Holy Scriptures, at Lau- fanne, in the year 1822, accompanied by the official corre- fpondence wliicli took place on the occafion, and by cxtrafls from other documents conneded with the fubjedl. 8° Lond. 1826. Minutes of tlie committee of the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety, relating to the pi,blication of an edition of the Holy Scriptures, with an introdu(5fion ])refixed, by tiie Strafburg Bible fociety, in the year 1 8 1 9, accomjianied by the official corrcfpondence which took jjlace upon the fubje<5l . . . 8° Lond. 1826. Letters in defence of the Britifh and foreign Bible fo- ciety, addrcffed to a friend in the country. Letter firfl, on the fundamental laws of the fociety. [Letter fecond, on the lawfulnefs of circulating the Apocrypha ; with a review of the fpecific abufes charged againit the Britifh and foreign Bible fociety.] «= Edinb. 1826. Statement by the committee of the Edinburgh Bible fo- ciety, relative to the circulation of the Apocrypha by the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety. Second edition. 8 Edinb. 1826. Second flatemeiit ... 8° Edinb. 1826. Third ftatement ... 8° Edinb. 1826. Statements of diffentient members of the committee of the Edinburgh Bible fociety, in reference to its feparation from the Britilli and foreign Bible fociety, and publication of its " Second ftatement." 8' Edinb. 1826. Review of the Statement by the diffentient members of the committee of the Glafgow auxiliary Bible fociety, of the grounds of their difTent from the refolution to feparate from the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety. By Anti-Apocrypha. 8' Glafgow, 1826. A letter to the editor of the Quarterly Review, in anfwer to the animadverfions contained in an article in the LXXIft number of that journal, upon the conduct of tlie committee of the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety : by a lay member. 8" Lond. 1827. Letter to the Hon. John James Strutt, on the Rev. Francis Cunningham's propofal to form a new continental fociety : from a friend to the friendlefs. (Reprinted.) 8° Edinb. 1827. Earl-Street auxiliary in Edinburgh ; or, the old corre- fponding board in a new fhape : being ftridluieson the cir- cular of that affociation. [Extrae^cd from the Edinburgh Chriftian Inftruflor for Dec. 1828.] 8° Edinb. 1828. The traft-worthinefs of the Earl-Street committee ex- amined and difproved ; in reply to the mifreprefentations of Mr. M'Neil, in his appeal to the friends of pure Bible cir- culation in Elgin and its vicinity : by a member of the Edinburgh Bible fociety. 8° Edinb. 1828. Statement of the claims of the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety on the fupport of the Chriftian public : by the Edin burgh committee of corrcfpondence witli the Britifli and foreign Bible fociety. With an appendix. 8' Edinb. 1828. Addrefs to the friends of Bible focieties in Perthlliire, by the diffentients from the committee of the Perthlliire Bible fociety. 8° Edinb. 1829. Edinburgh Bible fociety ; extraordinary meeting held in the Allembly Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh, on Mon- day, the ill of March, 1830. [Ao //'//c/^/fcJ 8° Edinb. [1830.] Scriptural reafons for not co-operating with the Britilh and foreign Bible fociety ... 1853. [By Thomas Todd.] A jubilee addrefs in behalf of the Britilh .ind foreign Bible fociety. 12' Lond. [1854.] The Bible fociety's foreign verfions of the Scriptures : an examination of the grounds u])on which the parent fociety's committee atteni])t to juftify the pratffice of circulating Ro- mifli verfions of the Scriptures, contained in the report 5IO BIBLE TREASURY— BIBLIOTHECA adopted, and in the fpeeclies delivered, by the Rev. Richard Gardner, M.A., and S. P. Tregelles, Efq., LL.D. 8" Plymouth, 1 856. The circulation of the Bible ; ftatement of the committee of the Bible trandation fociety, refpeiSing the refufal of the Britifh and foreign Bible fociety to circulate certain verfions of the facred Scriptures. 8° Lond. n. d. BIBLE TREASURY. The novel doarines, as recently taught in " The Bible Treafury," telted by the Word of God. [No title-page] 12° n. p. n. d. BIBLIANDER (Theodorus). B. at Bifchoffzell, near St. Gall, in Switzerland, 1504. Pro- feflbr of theology at Zurich. D, there, 24 Sep. I 564. His real name was Buchmann, of which Bibliander is a Gieek tranflation. Oratio Theodori Bibliandri ad Enarrationem Efaiae, pro- phetarum principis, difla Tiguri iii. idus lanuarij, a iiatali Chrifti Domini anno mdxxxii. 8° Tiguri, apud Chriftophorum Frofchover, [1532-] Ad omniu ordinum reip. Chriftiana: principes viros, popu- lumque Chriltianum, relatio fidehs : quod a folo Verbo Fili- oque Dei turn exafta cognitio praefentium temporum et futu- rorum, atque ipfius etiam Antichrifti, maxims pedis totius orbis, tum recfla optimaque moderatio reipubllcae et totius vitx Chriftians petenda fit. 4° BafileE, 1545. BIBLICUS. Eflays on prophecy. Part I. 8° Lond. 183 i. BIBLIOGRAPHER— BIBLIOGRAPHY. La chafle aux bibliographes et antiquaires mal-avifes. 1788. {By the Abbe Jean Jofeph Rive.] Diiftionnaire bibliographique, hiftorique et critique des livres rares ... 1790. [By the Abbe DucLOs.] A bibliographical diftionary ... 1802. [By Adam Clarke, LL.D.] The bibliographical mifcellany ... 1806. [5y Adam Clarke, LL.D.] Repertorium bibliographicum . . . 18 19. [^y William Clarke.] BIBLIOPHILUS (Iren^eus). Pfiud. of Friedrich Jacob Beyschlag. 1 8 1 o. [By James BIBLIOSOPHIA. Bibliofophia ; or, book-wifdom Beresford.] BIBLIOTHECA. Bibliotheca : a poem, occafioned by the fight of a modern library. With fome veiy ufeful epifodes and digreffions. [ylfcribed, by JVatt, to Thomas Neivcomb, and by Nlchol, to Dr. WiUiam Kmg\ 8° Lond. 17 12. Bibliotheca Parliamenti: libri theologlci, politici, hiftorici, qui proftant venules in vico vulgo vocato Little-Britain. Claf- fis fecunda. Done into Engliih for the Aflembly of Divines. 1653. [Scott's edition of Somers' Tracts, vii. 92.] Bibliotheque univerfelle et hiftorique, par Jean Le Clerc. 1687-1718. Bibliotheque choifie, pour fervir de fuite k la Biblioth&que univerfelle, par Jean Le Clerc. 1703-18. Bibliotheque anclenne et moderne, pour fervir de fuite aux Biblioth^ques univerfelle et choifie, par Jean Le Clerc. 1714-25. Bibliotheca univerfalis ; or, an hiftorical accompt of books and tranfadtions of tlie learned world begun Anno Dom. 1688. VTranflated from the Bibliotheque univerfelle and the Hijloire des ouvrages des fqavans. 12° Edinb. 1688. Bibliotheque Italique ; ou, hiftoire litteraire de ITtalie. 18 torn. 12° Geneve, 1728-34. Bibliotheque raifonnee des ouvrages des favans de I'Eu- rope. 51 toni. 12° Amfterdam, 1728-53. Nouvelle bibliotheque Germanique ; ou, hiftoiie litteraire de I'AIlemagne, de la Suiffe, & des Pays du Nord ; par les auteurs de la Bibliotheque Germanique & du Journal litter- aire d'Allemagne. 26 torn. I 2° Amfterdam, I 746-60. Bibliotheque impartiale, 1750-8. 18 tom. 12° Leide [et Gbttingue,] 1750-8. Bibliotheque des fciences et des beaux arts. 1754— 1778. 50 tom. 8' La Haye, 1754-80. Neue Bibliothek der fchonen Wiflenfchaften und der fieyen Kiinfte. 66 Bde. 8° Leipzig, 1765-1S02. Deutfche Bibliothek der fchonen Wiflenfchaften herauf- gegeben vom Herrri Geheimdenrath Klotz. 6 Bde. 8° Halle, 1768-71. Philologifche Bibliothek : heraufgegeben unter der Auf- ficht Si" Hochwiirden des Herrn D. [und C. R.] Walchs. 3 Bde. 8° Gottingen, 1770-5. Neue philofophifche Bibliothek. 2 Bde. 8° Leipzig, 1774-5- Bibliotheca critica. 3 tom. 8° Amft. 1779-1805. Effai hiftorique fur la Bibliotheque du Roi. 1782. [By N. T. Le Prince.] Bibliothek der alten Litteratur und Kunft ; mit unge- druckten Stiicken aus der Efcurialbibliothek und andern. 10 Stiicke. 8' Gottingen, 1786-94. Notices et extraits des manufcrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi, Ins au Comite etabli par Sa Majefte dans 1' Academic Royale des Infcriptions & Belles-I^ettres. Tom. i.-xiv., xv. (partie occidentale) xvi.— xxi. 4° Paris, i 787-1865. Philofophifche Bibliothek von J. G. H. Feder und Chr. Meiners. 4 Bde. 8' Gottingen, 1788-91. Bibliotheca claffica, five lexicon manuale quo nomina propria pleraque apud fcriptores Grascos & Romanes maxime clafficos obvia illuftrantur. 8° Daventrias, 1794- Bibliottca Italiana, offia giornale di letteratura, fcienze ed artt, compilato da una focieta di letterati. 1 00 tom. 8" Milano, 18 16-40. Bibliotheca critica nova : edentlbus J. Bake, J. Geel, H. A. Hamaker, P. Hofman Peerlkamp. 5 tom. 8' Lugd. Batav. 1825-31. Bibliotheque du jurifconfulte et du publicifte, par MM. J. Ackerfdyck, J. M. F. Birnbaum, J. F. de Cofter, P. J. Deftiiveaux, J. G. J. Ernft, A. N. J. Ernft, A. C. Holtius, L. A. Warnkoenig, et R. Winffinger, Profefleurs en Droit aux Univerfites de Liege et de Louvain. Tome premier. 8" Liege, 1826. BICARTON— BICKERSTETH 5" BICARTON (Thomas). Mifcellanea. BICCIUS (Georgius). 8° Piflavii, 1588. B. at Bautzen, in Upper Lufatla. Profeflbr of civil law at Strafburg, D. 1657. Commentatio ad L. Poflidcri 3. § Ex contrario 5. fF. de acquir. vcl amitt. pofTefli. : in qua de pofleflione duorum pluriumve unius ejufdemque lei difleritur. 8° Argentorati, 1645. Collegium juridicum Argentoratenfe enucleatum ; prsefa- tione, fcht-matifmis tabularum, cmendationibus Meierianis, lemmatibus marginalibus & indice uberrimo auftum. 4° Argentorati, 1664. Res quotidianx ; five, aurea Juris Civilis Ju(Hnianei ex antecefTorum Argcntoratenfium fcriptis potiffinium excerpta, lemmatibus marginalibus, fchematifmis tabularum, ac indice aufta ... 8 Argentorati, 1667. BICHAT (Marie Francois Xavier). B. atThoirette, department of the Ain, 1 1 Nov. 1771. Edu- cated at Lyons. Went to Paris, 1793, where he ftudied ana- tomy and furgery under Default. Lecturer on anatomy, and phyiician at the Hotel-Dieu. D. 22 July, 1802. Traite d'anatomie defcriptive. 5 torn. 8° Paris, 1801-3. Anatomie generale, appliquee k la phyfiologie et a la mede- cine. Nouvelie edition, avec des notes et additions par P. A. Beclard. 4 tom. 8' Paris, 1821. Phyfiological refearches on life and death. Tranflattd from the French by F. Gold. 8° Lond. [1815.] BICHENO (.Iames Ebenezer). An inquiry into the nature of benevolence, chiefly with a view to elucidate the principles of the poor laws, and to fhow their immoral tendency. 8° Lond. 18 17. Obfervations on the philofophy of criminal jurifprudence : being an inveftigation of tiie principles neceffary to be kept in view during the rcvifion of the penal code ; with remarks on penitentiary prifons. 8 Lond. 1 8 19. Ireland, and its economy ; being the refult of obfeiTations made in a tour through the country in the autumn of 1829. 8° Lond. 1830. BICHIUS (CtEuus). B. at Siena, 1600. Auditor of the Rota at Rome, 1639. D. 25 May, 1657. Decifiones Sacrae Rotae Romanae. 2 tom. fol. Lugduni, 1673. BICKELL (R.) The Weft Indies as they are ; or, a real pifture of (lavery : but more particularly as it exifts in the iflsnd of .Jamaica. In three parts: with notes. 8° Lond. 1825. BICKERUIKE (Joseph Fletcher). Incumbent of Stockingford. A plain and pracflical ftatement of the dodlrine of baptifm : being the fubftance of fermons preached in Slockingford church. 8° Lond. 1852. BICKERDIKE (Robert), M.A. Curateof Stanley, Wakefield, 1847. Curate of St. Saviour's, Southwark, 1852. A fermon, preached in Stanley church, on Thurfday, Nov. I I 5, 1849, being the day of general thankfgiving. [2 5am. I xxiv. 25.] 12° Lond. [1849.] A farewell fermon, addrefTed to the congregation of Stanley [ church, Wakefield, December, 185 i. [^as xx. 32.] 8° Lond. 1851. BICKERSTAFF. Bickerftaff's unburied dead : a moral drama. 8° Lond. 1743. BICKERSTAFF (Isaac). P/eud. of Sir Richard Steele. BICKERSTAFF (Isaac). P/eml. 0/ Jonathan Swift. BICKERSTAFF (Isaac). The Britilh vifions ; or, Ifaac BickerftafPs twelve pro- phecies for the year 1711. 1 2° n. p. n. d. BICKERSTAFF (Isaac). A dramatic writer, a native of Ireland, who lived about the middle of the i8th century, but regarding whom very little is known. Leucothoe : a dramatic poem. \ylnon.'\ 8° Lond. 1756. Lionel and Clarifla : a comic opera, [y/nori.^ 8= Lond. 1768. The Sultan ; or, a peep into the feraglio. In two afts. [New Brili/h Theatre, xv. 3 i o.] Thomas and Sally. In two adls. [Ibid. xvi. 235.] The padlock. In two acfts. [Ibid. xvii. 266.] Dr. Lalt in his chariot. In three afts. Tranflated from Moli^re's Malade Iniaginaire ; and fome new fcenes by Mr. Samuel Foote. [Ibid. xix. 133.] He wou'd if he cou'd ; or, an old fool worfe than any : a burletta. In two afts. [Ibid. xix. 289.] Daphne and Amintor : a comic opera. Altered from The oracle of Monfieur St. Foix and Mrs. Gibber. [Ibid. xix. 367.] BICKERSTAFFE (Mona B.) Araki the Daimio : a Japanefe ftory of the olden time. 8" Lond. 1865. BICKERSTETH ( ). Doing and fuffering : memorials of Elizabeth and Frances, daughters of the late Rev. E. Bickci ftoth. By their filler. With a preface by the Right Rev. the Lord Bilhop of Ripon. Tliird edition. 8° Lond. i860. The fayings of the King ; or, ox]>rc(lions of the divine will : with introduftory remarks by the Rev. E. H. Bickcr- fteth, M.A. By his filler. 8 Lond. 1862. The poll of fionour. By the author of " Broad Ihadows on life's pathway," " Doing and fuffering," Sec. 8" Lond. 1864. Sure words of piomife. [y/non.] 8 Lond. 1865. 512 BICICERSTETH BICKERSTETH (Edward). B. at K-irkby Lonfdale, Weftmoreland, 19 March, 1786. Studied law, and eftabliflied himielt" as an attorney in Norwich ; but a ftrong defire to enter the Church induced him to apply for ordination to Birtiop Bathurft, 1815. Secretary to the Church miflionary fociety. Reftor of Watton, Hertford/hire, 1830. D. there, 2 Feb. 1850. The chief concerns of man for time and eternity : being a courfe of valedidlory difcourfes preached at Wheler Chapel in the autumn of 1830. 12° Lond. 1831. Domeftic portraiture ; or, the fuccefsful application of re- ligious principle in the education of a family, exemplified in the memoirs of three of the deceafed children of the Rev. Legh Richmond. With a few introdudtory remarks on Chriftian education. 8° Lond. 1S34. A praftical guide to the prophecies ; with reference to their interpretation and fulfilment, and to perfonal edification. Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1835. — Seventh edition. 8' Lond. 1844. The teflimony of the reformers ; felefted from the writ- ings of Cranmer, Jewell, Tindal, Ridley, Becon, Bradford, etc. With introdufloiy remarks. 8' Lond. 1S36. The Chriftian fathers of the firft and fecond centuries ; their principal remains at large, with feleftions from their other writings, partly in original and partly in approved tranf- lations. 8"' Lond. 1838. Chriftian truth : a family guide to the chief truths of the Gofpel ; with forms of prayer for each day in the week, and private devotions on various occafions. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1838. The book of private devotions ; containing a colleftion of the moft valuable early devotions of the reformers and their fucceflbrs in the Engliih Church ; being the teftimony of the reformers in their prayers. Edited by E. Bickerlleth. 8° Lond. 1839. A treatife on baptifm : defigned as a help to tlie due im- provement of that holy fitcrament, as adminiftcred in the Church of England. 8° Lond. I 840. The reftoration of the Jews to their own land, in connec- tion with their future converfion and the final blefil-dnefs of our earth. Second edition. 8^ Lond. 1841. Family prayers : being a complete courfe for eight weeks ; with additional prayers fuited to the fafts and feftivals of the Church and the various occafions and circumftances of a family. 8" Lond. 1842. — being a complete courfe for fix weeks ... 8° Lond. 1856. The divine warning to the Church at this time ; of our enemies, dangers and duties, and as to our future profpefts ; with information refpefling the diffufion of infidelity, law- lefl"nefs, and popery. 12° Lond. 1843. — Fourth edition. 8" Lond. 1846. The promifed glory of the Church of Chrift. 8° Lond. 1844. Two fermons preached at St. Stephen's, Coleman Street, London, on Sunday, Oft. 20, 1844, on occafion of the death of the Rev. Jofiah Pratt, B.D., vicar. By the Rev. E. Bickerfteth, and by the Rev. John Harding. \JoJl:ua i. I, 2 ; 2 Tim. i. 7.] 8° Lond. 1844. The figns of the times in the Eaft a warning to the Weft : being a praftical view of our duties in the light of the pro- 1856. 1858. 1861. 1862. phecies which illuftrate the prefent and future ftate of the Church and of the world. 8^ Lond. 1845. Family expofitions on the epiftles of St. John and St. Jude. 8° Lond. 1846. Family expofitions on the epiftles of St. John and St. Jude ; and thofe of St. Paul to Timothy. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1853. AddrefTes and fermons, delivered on the occafion of a meeting of two clerical aflbciations at Wefton-fuper-Mare, on July 10 and 11, 1849. By the Rev. J. Haldane Stewart, and tlie Rev. E. Bickerfteth. 1849. Cottage prayers for two weeks : with fome occafional prayers. 12° Lond. 1853. Condenfed notes on Scripture : being the fubftance of fermons, preached by the late Rev. E. Bickerfteth. Selefted from his manufcript fermon-notes, and edited by his fon, Edward Henry Bickerfteth, A.M. 12° Lond. 1854. * Memoir, by T. R. Birks. 1852. BICKERSTETH (Edward), M.A. Vicar of Aylelbury, and archdeacon of Buckingham. A charge delivered to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Buckingham, at the vifitation in June, 1855. 8' Lond. 1855. — June, 1856. 8° Lond. — June, 185S. 8° Lond. — June, 1861. 8^ Lond. — June, 1862. 8" Lond. " God's judgments in India a warning to England:" a fermon preached in the parifii church of St. Mary, Aylef- buiy, on Wednefday, Oft. 7, 1857. [Z.z/i'j? xiii. 1-3.] 8' Lond. 1857. Church mufic ; a fermon preached in the parifti church of St. Maiy, Ayleftjury, on Thurfday, Oft. 29, 1857 ... [Epb. V. 19.] 12° Oxford, 1857. The conviftions of Balaam : a fermon preached in the churchof St. Ebbe, Oxford, on Wednefday, March 3, 1858. [A urn. xxxiii. 10.] 8° Oxford, 1858. Come to the Supper ; or, plain reading on the faciament. Third edition. 8" Lond. 1858. Jofhu.i before Gibeon : a fermon preached in the parifh church of St. Mary, Aylefbury, before the Vale of Aylef- bury (fourth Buckinghamdiire) rifie volunteers, on the firft: Sunday after Trinity, June 10, i860. \JoJlo. x. 14.] 8° Lond. i860. BICKERSTETH (Edward Henry), M.A. Perpetual curate of Chrift church, Hampftead. Poems. 8° Cambridge, 1849. Nineveh: a poem. 12° Lond. 1851. National humiliation and prayer : a traft for the faft-day. 8° Lond. 1854. Ezekiel : a Seatonian prize poem. 8^ Cambridge, 1854. Sabbath evenings at home; or, the Chriftian life illuftrated by Scripture images. 12= Lond. 1855. The Rock of Ages ; or, Scripture teftimony to the one eternal godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 8" Lond. 1859. BICKERSTETH— BICICNELL 513 Der Fels der Ewigkeiten, oder biblifches Zeugnifs von der einigen ewigen Gottheit des Vateis, und des Sohnes, und des heiligen Gi.'i(T:es. Aus dem Englifchen iibeifetzt. 8 Bremen, 1 861. The lifen faints : what does Scripture reveal of their cftate and employments ? the fcquel to an cfiay on the ftate of the blefTed dead before the refurrcdlion. 12= Lond. 1865. BICKERSTETH (Henry), Lord Langdale. Brother of Edward and John Bickerfteth. B. at Karkby Lonfdale, Weftmoreland, 18 June, 1783. Studied medicine, and was medical attendant to the Earl of Oxford during a tour on the continent. Entered himfelf at Caius College, Cam- bridge, where he graduated as lenior wrangler and firll Smith's prizeman, 180S. Abandoned the medical profelTion for that of law, and was called to the bar 22 Nov. 181 1. King's counfel and bencher of the Inner Temple, 1 827. Mafter of the Rolls, with a peerage, 1S36. D. atTunbridge Wells, 18 April, 1851. * Memoirs ; by Thomas Duffas Hardy. 1852. BICKERSTETH (John), M.A. Brother of the preceding. B. 1781. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, Redlor of Sapcote, Leicefterfhire, 1837. D. 2 Sep. 1855. A guide to the churchman in the devotional ufe of the litany in the Book of common prayer : being a courfe of leftures preached during Lent, at Atflon, Suffolk. 12° Lond. 1836. The example of Chrift : a courfe of fermons. 12= Lond. 1838. BICKERSTETH (Robert), D.D. Of Queen's College, Cambridge. Minifter of St. John's church, Clapham, 1845. Reftor of St. Giles-in-thc-Fields, London, 1856. Billiop of Ripon, 1857. The defigned end of afHidfion : a fermon preached at St. •John's church, Clapham, on the morning of Wednefday, March 24, 1847, being the day appointed for a general faff. [Job xxxvi. 8, 9.] 8 " Lond. 1S47. Bible landmarks : four fermons on juftification and the rule of faith, preached in St. John's church, Clapham Rife, during the month of OiS. 1850. 120 Lond. 1850. Papal aggrefllon : a fermon preached in St. John's church, Clapham Rife, on Thurfday evening, Nov. i 4. [Col. i. 1 8.1 8° Lond. i8;o. Means of grace : leffures delivered upon Wednefday mornings during the feafon of Lent, I 85 I, in St. John's church, Clapliam Rife. 8° Lond. 1851. Opinions of the Rev. R. Bickcrffcth and other eminent divines in favour of the lawfulnefs of marriage with a de- ceafed wife's filter. 8" Lond. 1851. The Gof])el : a farewell fermon preached in St. .lohn's churcli, Clapham Rife, on Sunday morning, December 28, 185 1, [i Cor- XV. I, 2.] 8'^ Lond. 1852. On the obligation and privilege of the Chriltian Saljbath : a leflure. 8° Lond. 1852. How fhall we cfcape if we neglcdf fo great falvation ? a fermon preached at the fpecial fervices at Exeter Hall, on Sunday evening, Augufl 9, 1857. [IM. ii. 3.] 8° Lond. 1857. The convidlions of Agrippa : a fermon ])reached in the church of St. Ebbe, Oxford, on Wednefday, March 1 7, 1858. [Jas xxvi. 28.] 8° Oxford, 1858. VOL. I. A charge to the clergy of the diocefe of Ripon, at his primary vilitation in Se])tember and 0(ffober, 1858. 8° Lond. 1858. — at his triennial vifitation, Odfober, I 86 1. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. — April, 1864. 8° Lond. 1864. The phyfical condition of the people in its bearing upon their focial and moral welfare : a ])aper read to the Pliilo- fophical and literary fociety of Leeds, 17th January, i860. 8° Lond. 1 860. A memoir of the Rev. Johrr Newton, formerly reiSfor of St. Mary Woolnoth, London. With feleftions fioni his correfpondence. Edited by the Right Rev. Robert Bicker- ffeth, D.D., Lord Bifliop of Ripon. 8° Lond. 1865. Sermons. 8° Lond. 1866. BICKERTON. Bickerton ; or, the emigrant's daughter : a tale of Irifli American life. 8' Lond. [1S62.] BICKHAM (George). The univerfal penman ; engraved by George Bickham. fol. Lond. 1743. BICKMORE (Charles), M.A. Minifter of Chrift-church proprietary chapel, Leamington. The Turco-Rufllan war : a fermon, preached at the Temple at Balfall, Warwicklliire, on Wednefday, April 26, 1854. [2 Chron. vi. 34, 35.] 8° Lond. 1854. Queftions on Dr. Wm. Smith's Hiftory of Greece. For the ufe of fchools and teachers. 8" Lond. 1856. BICKMORE (Isaac). Hints, defigned for the formation of a new and improved plan to extinguifh lire, and prote(Sf property ; intended as a fupplcnientary means, to co-operate witli others, for the more fpeedy attainment of that objeft, &c. 8" I.,ond. 1819. BICKMORE (W. E.) A courfe of hilforical and chronological inflru<5lion, ad- apted to the Univei'flil Hiftory in the Family Library, and containing a fylfem of combinations to facilitate the ffudy of chronology. I 2" Lond. 1836. BICKNELL (Alexander). The patriot king ; or, Alfred and Elvida ; an hilforical tragedy. 8° Lond. 1788. BICKNELL (Algernon Sidney). In the track of the Garibaldians through Italy and Sicily. 8 Lond. 1 86 1. BICKNELL (John Laurens). An attorney in London. D. .at Dover, 3 Aug. 1845, aged fifty-nine. A brief vindication of the legality of the late proceedings againft George Wilfon, the Blackheath pedelliian. 8^ Lond. 1815. 3 <■' SH BICQUILLEY— BIDERA Original mifcellanies in profe and verfe. 8" Lond. 1820. Reform in parliament : a letter to the Right Hon. George Tierney, fuggefting a pradtical and conftitutional mode of fe- curing purity of eledlion. 8° Lond. 1823. BICQUILLEY (Charles Francois de). Du calcul des probabilites. Nouvelle edition. 8° Paris, 1805. BIDDER (S. P.) A table to facilitate the meafurement of timber, and en- able fhippers, lumber merchants and others to afceitain the cubical contents and boaid-meafure of any fize and length of fcantling in a few moments. 12° Liverpool, n. d. BIDDLE (John), M.A. B. at Wotton-under-Edgc, Gloucefterfliire, 1615. Educated at the grammar fchool of his native place, and at Magdalen Hall, Oxford. Mafter of the Free fchool, Gloucefter. Having embraced Unitarian opinions, he was fubje£led to fevere perfe- cution. D. in prifon, 22 Sep. 1662. He has been ftyled " the father of Englilh Unitarians." The fpirit of pei fecution again broken loofe, by an attempt to put in execution againft Mr. John Biddle an abrogated ordinance of the Lords and Commons for punilhing bhif- phemies and herefies. Together with a full narrative of the whole proceedings upon that ordinance againft the faid Mr. John Biddle, and Mr. William Kiffen, paftoi- of a baptifed congregation in the city of London. 4° Lond. 1655. BIDDLECOMBE (George). Mafter, Royal Navy. Naval taiflics and trials of failing, illuftrated by diagrams of the feveral evolutions. To which are added, the eftab- lifhed plan of lights for fteam-veffels, and regulations to avoid collifion. 4° Lond. 1850. The art of rigging ... A new edition. 8° Lond. 1848. Steam fleet taffies : to which is added trials of failing, illuftrated by diagrams of the feveral evolutions ; a table of the heights of mafts in certnin clalTes of her Majefty's veflels ; and a fhoit diftance table ; alfo the plan for vefTels' lights ; and the eftablifhed regulations for avoiding coUifion gene- rally ; together with the diieflions of the Lords Commif- fioners of the Admiralty for fleering by figns. In two parts. 4° Lond. 1857. BIDDULPH (Thomas Tregenna), A.M. B. 5 July, 1763. Educated at J^^^^ti's College, Oxford. Incumbent of Bengeworth, Evertiam, 1793. Perpetual curate of St. James's, Briftol, 1799. D. 19 May, 1838. The charge of non-conformity repelled : a letter to the Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Briftol. 8' Briftol, 18 13. Chriftian charity exerting itfelf, by means of miflionary incitement, for the correflion of Hindoo immorality ; or, curfory remarks on a pamphlet, entided " Miflionary incite- ment, and Hindoo demoralifation, &c. By John Bowen ; " in a letter to the Rev. J. N. Coleman. 8° Brilbl, I 82 i. A letter to the editor of the Quarterly Review, occailoned by its animadverfions on a work entitled, " Divine influ- ence." 8" Briftol, 1825. The dodlrine of baptifmal regeneration, as it has been ftated in fome recent trafts, weighed in the balance of the fanifluary : in three dialogues. 8'' Lond. 1837. BIDDULPH (William). The travels of foure Englilh men and a preacher into Africa, Afia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Blacke Sea : and into Syria, Celicia, Pifidia, Mefopotamia, Damaf- cus, Canaan, Galile, Samaria, Judea, Paleftina, Iei"tifalem, lericho, and to the Red Sea : and to fundry other places. Begunne in the yeere of jubile, 1600. and by forae of them finifhed the yeere 161 1. the others not yet returned ... 4° Lond. 1612. BIDDY FROBISHER. Mifs Biddy Frobilher. 1866. [By Anne Manning.] BIDEN (Christopher). Naval difcipline. Subordination contraftedwith infubordi- nation ; or, a view of the necefllty for pafling a law eftab- lifhing an erticient naval difcipline on board fliips in the merchant-fervice ... 8° Lond. 1S30. BIDEN (James). The true Church ; fhowing what is the true Church : the ingathering of the Jews to the Church ; in what manner and when : the couife of the Church ; the part, the prefent, and the future. 12° Lond. 185 i. Tmths maintained. [No. I. The antichrift, not atheiftic anarchy, but a falfe ecclefiaftical fyftem. No. II. The Church on earth, not a body having an ecclefiaftical organi- zation, but compofed of members of Chrift's body in fpiritual union. No. III. The kingdom of heaven. No. IV. Priefthood. No. V. The keys of the kingdom of heaven. No. VI. Baptifm. No. VII. The eucharift. No. VIII. Life and death. No. IX. Reformation.] 8° Lond. 1854. — [No. L-VII.] 8" Lond. 1854. The Church and her deftinies. S" Lond. 1855. The only facrifice. 8° Lond. 1855. Religious reformation imperatively demanded : Bifhop Colenfo's critical inquiries anfwered ; the infpiration of Scripture maintained. 8 Lond. 1864. BIDEN (William Downing). The hiftory and antiquities of the ancient and royal town of Kingfton-upon-Thames ; compiled from the moft authen- tic documents. 8° Kingfton, 1852. Rules, formulas, and tables, for the valuation of eftates, in poffeffion or in reverfion ; with new rules and tables for af- certaining the correft market value or fair price to be given for annuities, reverfions, advowfon.s, and next prefentations, in order to fecure to the purchafer a certain rate of intereft on equitable terms. 8 Lond. 1861. BIDERA (E. J.) Marino Faliero : an opera feria (a tragic opera). The mufic by Donnizetti. 12° Lond. n. d. BIDERMANN— BIELFELD 515 BIDERMANN (Johann Gottlieb), B. at Naumburg, 5 April, 1705. Redlor of the gymnafium at Freyburg, 1747. D. 3 Aug. 1772. Selefta fcholartlca ; in quibus progiammata ex fcholis facri, philologici, philofophici ct hiftoiici argumenti, caque nielioiis notx, coeunt ; collegit, dlfpoiuit et lecenfuit M. lo. Gottl. Bidermann. 2 torn. 8' Namburgi, 1745-6. Programmatum litterariorum facri, philologici et hiflorici argumenti fylloge, in iv. voluminibus difpofita. 8° Liplix, 1748. Otia litteraria varii argumenti. Pars I. prasfatione ornata J. L. de Mofheim. 8" Lipfix, 1751. BIDERMANUS (Jacobus). B. at Ehingen, in Wurtemberg. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. Taught philolbphy at DilUngen, whence he proceeded to Rome as a profeiTor of theology. D. at Rome, 20 Aug. 1639. Heroum epiftolae, epigrammata, et Herodias. 8° AntverpisE, 1634. Ubaldinus ; five, de vita et indole Antonii Maris Ubal- dini Urbinatis, Monteje comitis, breviarium. 12° Antverpiae, 1636. JLudi theatrales facji, five opera comica pofthunia. Pars prima. 8^ Monachii, 1666. BIDLAKE (John), D.D. B. at Plymouth, 1755. Educated at Chrlft-church, Oxford. Mafter of the grammar-lchool, Plymouth. D. there, 17 Feb. 1814. Poems. Sermons on various fubjedts. 4° Plymouth, 1794. 8° Lond. 1795. BIDLAKE (John Purdue), B.A. Phyfical geography for children, adapted for the ufe of fchools and private families. 12° Lond. 1856. Text book of elementary chcmiftry, for the ufe of fchools and junior ftudents. 8° Lond. 1858. A new Englirti grammar, comprifing the fubftance of Lennie's Princijjles of Englidi grammar, with extenfive alterations and improvements, and additional chapters on derivation, analyfis, and compofition. 12° Lond. 1863. BIDLOO (Govard). B, at Amdcrdam, 12 March, 1649. Studied medicine, and was appointed profeiTor of anatomy at the Hague, 1688, and of anatomy and furgery at Leyden, 1694. Phyfuian to William 111., King of England. U. at Leyden, April, 171 3. Gratulatoria oratio potentiffimi et inviifliflimi Guilielmi, Anglii, Scoticc, Gallioc & Hibernia: regis ... aufpicatlflimo, in Belgium Fucderatum adventui dicata. fol. Hagx-Comitis, 1691. De Brieven der geniartelde Apoftelen. 4° t'Amfterdam, 1698. BIDPAL Contes ct fables Indienncs, dc Bid])'ai et de Lokman ; traduites d' Ali Tchclebibcn-Salch auteur Turc, ouvrage com- mence par feu M. Galland, continue & fini par M. Cardonne. 3 torn. 12° Paris, 1778. Calila ct Dimna ; ou. Fables dc Bidpai, en Arabc ; pre- cedees d'un nicmoire fur I'originc dc ce livre, et fur les di- veifes tradu(ftions qui en ont ete faites dans ['Orient, et fuivies de la Moallaka de Lebid, en Arabe et en Francois ; par M. Silvcftrc de Sacy. 4° Paris, 1816. Kalila and Dimna ; oi', the fables of Bidpai. Tranflated from the Arabic by the Rev. Wyndham Knatchbull. 8° Oxford, 1819. (^ crr'-'^ ^-^^ >-L>o^ ^^ ^^-^ -'V^ '^^ ^i-ii'o31 l=i'»!l jL= Anvar-i Suheli; or, lights of Canopus: being the Perfian verfion of the fables of BTdjiaT, by Hufain Vaiz Kaihifl. Edited by Lieut.-Col. J. W. J. Oufeky. 4° Hertford, i S 5 i . BIDWELL (Charles Toll). The ifthmus of Panama. 8^ Lond. 1865. BIE (Jacques de). An engraver, who carried on his profeflion at Antwerp, about the beginning of the 17th century. Nomifmata imperatorum Romanoram aurea, argentea, aerea, a C. lulio Cxfare ufque ad Valentinianum Aug. ... aeri graphice incifa, cum indice copiofo. [^Prefixetl, Antonii Auguftini ... De veterum nomifiiiatum antiquitate dialogi xi. ; nunc demum Latinitate donati ab Andrea Schotto . . . And. Schotti Dialogus xii. ... de prifca religione diifque gentium.] fol. Antverpiae, 161 7. Imperatorum Romanorum, a Julio Ca:fare ad Heraclium ufque, numifmata aurea, Caroli ducis Croii et Arfchotani, &c. magno & fumptuofo ftudio collcifla, nee minore fide atque induftria Jacobi de Bie e.x archetypis in aes incifa, brevi & hiftorico commentario explicata. Accedit Ludolphi Smids, M.D. Romanorum imperatoium pinacothcca. Sigebertus Havercampus recenfuit & auxit. 4- Amllelodami, 1738. Les families de la France illuftrees par les monumens des medailles anciennes et modernes ... fol. Paris, 1634. — Another edition. fol. Paris, 1636. BIEBERSTEIN (Marschall). See Friedrich Augull MaRSCHALL von BlEBERSTElN. BIEL (Johannes Christi.inus). B. at Bruniwick, 1687. Educated chiefly at Leipzig. Paftor of the church of St. Ulrich and St. John, in his native town. D. there, 18 Oft. 1745. Diflertatio de purpura Lydia ad illuftrandum locum Aflor. xvi. 14. [Ugolinus, y/iiyijurHj (inliquituliim fiurarum, xiii. 121; xxix. 467*.] Animadverfiones ad J. Georgii Altmanni de gallicinio Hierofolymis in xdibus pomificis audito obfervationem. [Ibid, xxvii. 2 1.] Animadverfiones ad Joh. Georgii Altmanni de Lydi.i Tliyatlrenfi. [Ibid. xxix. 458*.] BIELEFELD (Charles Frederick). On the ufe of the improved pa]iier niaclit? in furniture, in the interior decoration of buildings, and in woi ks of art. fol. Lond. I 840. BIELFELD (H.) A guide to painting on glafs. 12'^ Lond. 1855. 5i6 BIELFELD— BI GL AN D BIELFELD (Jacques Frederic, Baron de). B. at Hamburg, 31 March, 1717. Held various important diplomatic and government appointments in the Pniflian lervice. D. at Treben, in Saxe-Altenburg, 5 April, 1770. Inftitutions politiques. 2 torn. 4° La Haye, 1760. The elements of univeifal erudition, containing an analyti- cal abridgement of the fciences, polite arts, and belles lettres. Tranflated by W. Hooper, M.D. 3 vols. 8" Lend. 1770. BIENER (Christian Gottlob). B. at Zoibig, 10 Jan. 1748. Profefibr of the Inftitutes, in the Univerfity of Leipzig, 1793, and of the Pandefts, 1796. Commentarii de origine et progreflu legum juriumque Ger- manicorum. 3 ptt. 8" Lips. 1787-95. BIENER (Fridericus Augustus). De Salvii JiJiani meritis in Edidhim Prstorium refte asftimandis ... 4'^ Lipfiae, 1S09. Hiftoria authenticarum codici R. P. et Inftitutionibus Juftiniani A. infertarani. 4^ Lipfix, 1807. Gefchichte der Novellen Juftinian's. 8° Berlin, 1824. BIENSEANCE. Difcours fur la bienfeance ... 1689. ^By Jean Pic] BIERLING (Fridericus Wilhelmub). B. at Magdeburg, 22 March, 1676. Studied at the univerfity of Leipzig. Profeiror of philofophy, of hirtor)-, of rhetoric, and of political economy at Rinteln. Minifter of the Lutheran evangelical congregation in the fame town, 1712. D. 25 July, 1728", Diflertatio philologica de veterum Hebraeoium circa vitu- 1am decollandam ritibus. [Ugolinus, Thefaurus antiqukatum facrarum, xxvi. 265.] BIERMAN (CoNRADus). A German jurift, b. at Hamm, in Weftphalia, who lived at the beginning of the 17th century. S. imperii Romani jus publicum ... Diflertationes hiftorico- juridico-politicjE, ab aliquot Weilphalias IC'^clarifllmis ftudio fingulariter pertraftatas ; nunc colledlse & conediores luci redditcC ... 2 tom. 4° Hanovii, 16 1 4-1 5. BIERVILLAS (Innigo de). Portuguefe traveller. Voyage a la cote de Malabar, Goa, Batavia, et autres iieux des Indes Orientales. ^EJited by the Abbe SaumerP\^ 2 ptt. I 2° Paris, 1736. BIEVRE (Georges Mar^chal, Marquis de). B. at Paris, 1747. D. at Spa, 1789. Le fedufteur, comedie en cinq aiSes et en vers. Repre- fentee pour la premiere fois le 8 Novembre 1783. [Petitot, Repertoire du theatre frarn'ois, xv. I.] Bievriana ; ou, jeux de mots de M. de Bi^vre. Troifi^me edition, corrigee et augmentee par A. D. 12° Paris, 18 14. BIGG (Henry Heather). On artificial limbs : their conftrudlion and application. 12° Lond. 1855. On the mechanical appliances neceflary for the treatment of deformities. Part I. The lower limbs. 8° Lond. 1858. — Part II. The fpine and upper extremities. 12° Lond. 1862. Localized movements ; or, mufcular exercifes, combined with mechanical appliances, for the treatment of fpinal cur- vature and other deformities. 8'' Lond. 1859. BIGG (James). The ftdtute book of England. Colleftion of public ftatutes relating to the general law of England, pafTed in the reign of Her Majcfty Queen Viftoria ... Seffion i.— 20 & 2 1 Viift. 1857. With index to Englifh ftatutes ... Edited by J. Bigg. 8' Weftminfter, 1858. ClafFification of Englifh flatutes. Colledlion of public ftatutes relating to joint ftock companies. 1856— 1858. Edited by J. Bigg. 12° Lond. 1858. ■ — • Colleflion of public ftatutes relating to probates and divorce. 1857-1858. Edited by J. Bigg. 12° Lond. 1858. BIGG (John Stan van). B. at Ulverfton, 1829. D. there. May 19, 1865. The fea-king : a metrical romance, in fix cantos ; with notes, hiftorical and illuftrative. 8^ Lond. 1848. Night and the foul : a dramatic poem. 8^ Lond. 1854. Shifting fcenes, and other poems. 12° Lond. 1862. Alfred Staunton : a novel. 8^ Lond. [1859.] BIGG (William). The ten day tourift; or, fnifFs ot the mountain breeze : comprifing ten days in Nonh Wales [fecond edition, en- larged], a ftroll among the Englifh lakes, a week in the weftern Highlands, Ireland in the fouth and weft. 8" Lond. 1865. BIGGS (James). The hiftory of Don Francifco de Miranda's attempt to effefl a revolution in South America : in a ferics of letters. To which are annexed, fl-ietches of the life of Miranda, and geographical notices of Caraccas. S"' Lond. 1809. BIGGS (William). The military hiftory of Europe, &c., from the commence- ment of the war with Spain in I 739, to the treaty of Aix- la-Chapelle in 1748. S^ Lond. 1755- BIGLAND (John). B. at Skirlaugh,in Holdernefs. Occupied as a village-fchool- mafter till he was lifty years of age, when the fuccefs of a work on the refurredlion and afceniion of Chrill led him to embrace literature as a profelTion. D. at Finningiey, near Doncafter. 22 Feb. 1832, aged eighty-two. The hiftory of Spain, from the earlieft period to the clofe of the year 1809. 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 18 10. The hiftory of England, from the earlieft period to the clofe of the war, 18 14. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 18 15. Sketch of the hiftory of Europe, from the year 1783 to the general peace in 1814 ... Second edition. 2 vols. 8' Lond. 18 I 5. BIGLAND— BILFINGER 517 An hiftorical difplay of the efFeils of phyfical and moral caufes on the charadler and circuniftanccs of nations ; in- cluding a comparifon of the ancients and moderns in regard to their intelleftual and focial ftate. 8^ Lond. 1816. BIGLAND (Ralph). B. at Kendal, 1711. Obtained an appointment in the Col- lege of Arms, and rofe by iucceflive rteps to the dignity of Garter. D. in London, 27 March, 1784. Hillorical, monumental, and genealogical coUeiSions, re- lative to the county of Gloucefter, printed from the original papers of the late R. Bigland. Vol. I. fol. Lond. 1791. BIGNON (Hieronyme). B. at Paris, 1589. D. there, 7 April, 1656. Traide fommaire de l'ele<5lion des papes. 8^ Paris, 1605. BIGNON (Louis Pierre Edouard). B. at Meilleraye (Seine-Inferieure), 3 Jan. 1771. Entered the diplomatic fervice, and adted as fecretary of legation, and alfo as ambafTador at ieveral of the German courts. Ele<5ted a member of the Chamber of Deputies, 1S17, and reprefented various conftituencies down to the year 1837, when he was nominated a peer of France. D. at Paris, 5 Jan. 1841. Les cabinets et les peuples, depuis l 8 i 5 jusqu'a la fin de 1822. [Pamphleteer, xxii. 235, 363.] On the profcriptions and perfecutions of the Jews ; with refledlions on religious profcriptions. Tranflated from the French by a lady, with an introdudlory preface and explana- tory notes. 8' Lond. 1848. BIGOTIERE (Rene de la). B. at Angers about 1640. Advocate in the parliament of Bretagne. D. at Rennes, 1727. Coutume de Bretagne ; avec les obfei-vations de Meflire Rene de la Bigotii^re ... Troifi^me edition, revue & aug- mentee de plufieurs nouvelles remarques de I'autcur. 2 torn. 12° Rennes, i 7 13. BIGOTRY. Bigotry : a fatire in Hudibraftic verfe. By the author of " Rudiments of curvilinear defign," and of " Scriptural reafonings in fupport of the .lewilh claims to fit in the Com- mons Houfe of Parliament," and other works. 8"" Lond. 1856. BIGSBY (John J.), M.D. The {hoe and canoe ; or, piflures of travel in the Canadas, illuftrative of their fceneiy and of coloni:il life ... In two volumes. 8' Lond. 1850. BIGSBY (Robert), LL.D. Mifcellaneous poems and eflliys. 8° Lond. 1842. Scraps fjom my note-book ; or, gleanings of curious h&s conneifled with the family-hillory of D fliire. I 2° Lond. 1853. Onibo : a dramatic romance, in twelve a<5l.s. 8° Lond. 1853. BIGSBY (SorniA Mary). ImilJa de' Lambertazzi : and other poems. 8^ Lond. I 830. BIGUS PICTORIUS (Ludovicus). An Italian poet, b. at Fcrrara, about the beginning of the 1 6th century. Poemata. [Gruter, Delllu poetarum Jialorum, i. 4O4.] — ^Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, ii. 215.] BIGWOOD (John). A fermon preached at Baitholoniew-Street chapel, Exeter, on the adminidration of the 01 dinance of believers' baptifm, on Lord's day evening, 28 May, 1843. \ylas ii. 41.] 8° Lond. 1843. The niydery of godlinefs ; or, the Chriftian's faith and hope. 8° Lond. 1857. BIKER (J. G.) * The tryal between J. G. Biker, plaintiff, and M. Mor- ley, doflor of phyfic, defendant, for criminal converfalion with the plaintiff's wife : on Tuefday the 30th of June, at Guildhall, London. 8^ Lond. 1741. BILBERRY RESERVOIR. Sorrow on the land : containing an account of the inun- d.ation occafioned by the bui iHng of the Bilberry refej voir, on Februaiy 5th, 1852. By a Wtdeyan miniller. 12° Lond. 1852. BILBY (T.) Mafter of the infant fchool, Chelfea. The infant teacher's afliftant, for the ufe of fchools and private families ; or, fcriptural and moral leflbns for infants ; with obfervations on the manner of ufing them. By T. Bilby and R. B. Ridgway. 12° Chelfea, 1831. BILDERBECK (Louis Francois, Baron de). B. at WiiTembourg, in the province of Alface. Lived at the end of the 1 8th and beginning of the 19th century. Bagatelles litteraires. 8° Laufanne, i 788. BILEY (Edward), A.M. A fupplement to the Hors Paulina: of Archdeacon Paley ; wherein his argument from undefigned coincidences is ap- plied to the EpiiHe to the Hebrews, and the firll EpiiHe of Peter ; and fliewing the former to have been written by the apoftle Paul. 8' Lond. 1845. The twelfth chapter of the Revelation the prophetic hif- tory of Arianifm and its times ... .an attempt to conoft the Rev. E. B. Elliott's inteipretation of the greater part of that chapter, and tiieieby to confirm his general fcheme. 8° Lond. 1849. The Eloiiillic and Jehovillic theory minutely examined ; with fonie remarks on Scriptuie and fcience ; having erpcci.il reference to the fourth part of ' The Pentateuch, etc., criti- cally examined, by the Right Rev. J. W. Coicnfo, D.D.' 8'' Lond. I 865. BILFINGER (Georg Bernhard). B. at Cannftadt on the Neckar, 13 Jan. 1693. Studied at Tiibingcn, where he became preacher at the calHc, and pro- fclTor of moral philofophy and mathematics Went to St. I'ctcilburg in 1715, and wa> appointed profclTor of logic and 5i8 BILHON— BILLING metaphyfics. Returned to Tubingen, where he became pro- feflbr of theology in the univerfity, and fuperintendent of the theological fchool. D. at Stuttgart, 18 Feb. 1750. Dilucidationes philofophicae de Deo, anima humana, miindo, et generalibus rerum affedlionibus. Editio fecunda. 4° Tubingse, 17 40. De harmonia animi et corporis humani, maxime prseftabi- lita, ex mente illuftris Leibnitii, commentatio hypothetica. Editio tertia. 8' Tubingae, 174I. De origine et permiflione mali, prxcipue moralis, com- mentatio philofophica. 8" Tubingse, 1743. Varia in fafciculos collefla. 8° Stuttgardiae, 1743. BILHON (Jean Frederic). B. at Avignon, 2 Feb. 1759. Held an appointment in the department of the Minifter of finance. D. at Paris, 8 April, 1834. Principes d'adminiftration et d'economie politique des an- ciens peuples, appliques aux peuples modemes. 8° Paris, 1 8 19. BILIUS (Andreas). B. at Milan. ProfelTor of rhetoric at Bologna from 1423 to 1429. D. at Siena, 1435. Hiftorix patriae libri novem, quibus Joannis Galeaz & Philippi Marias, Mediolani Ducum, res gefe commemoran- tur. [Grjevius, 1'hefaurus antiquitatum et hifloriarum Italiit, torn ix. pt. 6.] — [MuRATORi, Rerum IlaUcarum fcriptores, xix. I .] BILL. A new bill, drawn up by a committee of grievances, in reply to the ladies and batchelors petition and remonftrances. \HarLian Miscellany, iv. 416.] Handbook to the amended pradlice and proceedings on private bill legiflation : containing the reports of Lords and Commons, with notes on the new (landing orders for Sefs. 1858-9. By a parliamentary folicitor. 12° Lond. 1858. Forms of procedure in the Bill-Chamber, with a copious appendix. 8 Edinb. 1827. Treatife on fufpenfions, liberations, and interdiifls, in Bill- Chamber of Couit of Seflion and High Court of Jufticiary. With praaical forms. 8° Edinb. 1853. The law of bills of exchange and promiflbry notes. By a barrifter. 12° Lond. I 840. A coUeftion of the yearly bills of mortality, from 1657 to 1758 inclufive. Together with feveral other bills of an earlier date. To which are fubjoined — I. Natural and po- litical obfervations on the bills of mortality : by Capt. John Graunt, F.R.S., reprinted from the fixth edition, in 1676. II. Another eflay in political arithmetic, concerning the growth of the city of London ; with the meafures, periods, caufes, and confequences thereof. By Sir William Petty, Kt., F.R.S., reprinted from the edition printed at London in 1683. III. ObfeiTations on the paft growth and pre- fent (late of the city of London ; reprinted from the edition printed at London in 1 7 5 i ; with a continuation of the tables to the end of the year 1757. By Corbyn Morris, Efq., F. R.S. IV. A comparative view of the difeafes and ages, and a table of the probabilities of life, for the laft thirty years. By J. P. Efq., F.R.S. 4° Lond. 1759. BILLAMORE (Thomas Richard). * Memoir of the firft campaign in the hills north of Cutchee, under Major Billamore, in 1 839— 40. By one of his furviving fubalterns. 12° Lond. 1852. BILLET (James). A tribute of gratitude to the memory of John Calvin, for his Mafter's fake. 8" Lond. 1844. Two letters ; one on Oxford education, the other on the Thirty-nine articles. [Chrillopher Carlile, jI difcourfe ... Practical obfervations on the prevention and cure of piles, and fome other diforders of the alimentary canal. 8° T.aunton, 1849. Inftitutes of political economy, adapted to all nations, but efpecially aimed at the regeneration of France. 8" Taunton, 1849. Salt for the Church, in three parts. I. The aboriginal hiftory of the Englilli Church, in a brief narrative. II. Baptifm fquared by truth and equity. III. On the com- pilation and emendation of the Prayer-book. In twenty-five letters. 8° Taunton, 1853. Spiritual deftitution in hamlets and other places remote from parilh churches. 8° Taunton, 1857. A legacy to Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1865. BILLETS. Billets and bivouacs : or, military adventures. 8° Lond. 1858. BILLIARDS. A new guide and companion to the billiard table ; ex- hibiting . . . the method of executing the moft difficult (Irokes ; niles, regulations, &c. The whole newly and completely arranged by an amateur. 12° Lond. 1829. BILLING (Archibald), M.D., A.M. On the treatment of Afiatic cholera. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1848. Firft principles of medicine. The fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1849. Praftical obfervations on difeafes of the lungs and heart. 8° Lond. 1852. BILLING (Arthur). On mural painting and the decorations of churches gene- rally ; being a paper read at the Architectural affociation, March 14, 1 85 I. Reprinted from the Archite(fl's Journal. 8" Lond. 185 I. BILLING (Sidney). Queen's advocate and police magiftrate in the Gambia. A praftical treatife on the law of awards and arbitra- tions ... 8° Lond. 1845. The laws relating to pews in churches ... the rights in- cidental thereto, and the remedy for wrongs. 12° Lond. 1845. The law and pradlice of patents and regiftration of defigns, with the pleadings and all the neceffary forms ; by Sidney Billing and Alexander Prince. 8° Lond. 1845. BILLINGHURST— BILSON 519 BILLINGHURST (George). Of Gray's-Inn. The judges refolutions upon the feveral ftatutes concern- ing bankrupts ; with the like refolutions on the ftatutes of 1 3 Eliz. and 27 Eliz. touching fraudulent conveyances. 8° Lond. 1676. BILLINGS (Robert William). An attempt to define the geometric proportions of Gothic architecture, as illuftrated by the cathedrals of Carlide and Worcelter. 4° Lond. 18 40. Architeftural illuftrations of Kettering church, Noith- amptonfhire. 4° Lond. 1843. The baronial and ecclefiaftical antiquities of Scotland il- luftrated. 4 vols. 4=> Edinb. 1S45-52. Illullrations of the architectural antiquities of the county of Durham : ecclefiaftical, caftcllated, and domeftic. 4° Durham, 1846. The infinity of geometric defign exemplified. 4° Edinb. I 849. The power of form applied to geometric tracery : one hundred defigns and their foundations refulting from one diagram. 8^ Edinb. 1851. BILLINGSGATE. The Billingfgate fray ; or, a way to fet matters right at home. 4^= [Lond.] 1734. BILLINGSLEY (John). Of Alhwick Grove, near Shepton Mallet. General view of the agriculture of the county of Somei-fet, with obfervations on the means of its improvement. 4° Lond. 1794. — Second edition. 8" Bath, 1798. BILLINGSLEY (Nicholas). A dilTcnting minifter at Afliwick, Someifctfliire. Rational and Chriftian principles the bed rules of condudt : with an appendix containing a vindication of the author from fome unjuft cenfures, and groundlefs afperfions, call upon him. 8° Lond. 172 i. BILLINGTON (John). The architeftural dircical horfemanftiip. 12° Lond. 1850. The hunting field. 12° Lond. 1850. A treatife on the proper condition for all horfes. 8° Lond. 1852. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1861. Bipeds and quadrupeds. 8° Lond. 1853. Sporting fafls and fancies. 8° Lond. 1853. The world: how to fquare it. 8° Lond. 1854. Hints to horfemen ; {hewing how to make money by horfes. 8° Lond. 1856. The pocket and the ftud ; or, praflical hints on the management of the ftable. Third edition. 8" Lond. 1857. The fportfman's friend in a froft. 8° Lond. 1857. The fporting world. 8° Lond. 1858. . BINDRIM (Joannes Georgius). B. at Roftock, in Mecklenburg. ProfelTor of theology. D. 1705. Diflertatio de gradibus excommunicationis apud Hebrjeos. [Ugolinus, Thefnurus antiquitalum facrarum, xxvi. 3 3 1 .1 De altari Gideonis ad Judic. vi. vers. 23. 24. [Men- thenil'S, Thefaurus theologico-philologicus, ii. 949.] BINET (Claude). B. at Beauvais about the middle of the i6th century. A lawyer by profeflion. The date of his death has not been re- corded. Poemata. [Gruter, Delttiti poetarum Gallorum, i. 539.] BINET (Etienne). B. at Dijon, 1569. Entered the order of the Jefuits, 1590. D. at Paris, 4 July, 1639. Abrege des vies des principaux fondateurs des religions de rEglife, reprefentez dans le choeur de I'Abbaie de S. Lam- bert de Lieffies en Haynaut ; avec les maximes fpirituelles de chaque fondateur. 4° Anvers, 1634. BINFIELD (John Bilson). The Reading pfalmody : harmonized for four voices. 8° Lond. 1847. BING (Lars Hess). Beflcrivelfe over Kongeriget Norge, Oeme Ifland eg Fsroerne, famt Gronland ... forfattet i alphabetiil^ Orden. 8° Kibbenhavn, 1796. BINGHAM (Charles Hippuff), M.A. Perpetual curate of Ramfey, Huntingdon. Confirmation ; fcriptural, apoftolical, primitive : being the fubftance of a fermon, preached in the parifh church of Ket- tering, Northamptonfliiie. \Exod. xii. 26.] 12° Lond. n. d. BINGHAM (Frances Lydia). Eldeft daughter of the Rev. Richard Bingham. D. at Har- wood parfonage, Bolton-le-Moors, 28 Feb. 1847. Hubert ; or, the orphans of St. Madelaine : a legend of the perfecuted Vaudois. By a clergyman's daughter. 12° Lond. 1845. BINGHAM (George Charles), 3d earl of Lucan. Speech . . . delivered in the Houfe of Lords, on Monday, March 19, 1855, on his recall from his command in the Crimea. 8° Lond. 1855. * A vindication ... from Lord Raglan's refleflions on his condufl in the adlion at Balaklava. 8" Lond. 1855. Correfpondence between Major-Gen. the Earl of Lucan, K.C.B., and General Bacon ; in reference to the pamphlet entitled " The Englifh cavalry at Balaclava." 8° Lond. 1855. BINGHAM— BINGLEY 521 Reply of Major-Gen. the Earl of Lucan, K.C.B. Chel- fea inquiry, Monday, April 281I1, 1856. 8' Lond. 1856. BINGHAM (John), Jun. * Memoir; by John Bustard. 1S32. BINGHAM (John Eluot). Narrative of the expedition to China, from the commence- ment of the war to the prefent period ; with flcetches of the manners and cuftoms of that fingular and hitherto almoft un- known country. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1842. BINGHAM (.Joseph), M.A. B. at Wakefield, Sep. 1668. Educated at the grammar fchool, and at univerfity college, Oxford, Rcdtor of Head bourn Wortny, Hampfhire, 1696. Reftor of Havant, near Portfmouth, 1712. D. 17 Aug. 1723. Origines ecclefiailicae ; or, the antiquities of the Chriftian Church. 10 vols. 8° Lond. 1710-22. Origines ecclefiafticx ... and other works. With ... a biographical account of the author [by the Rev. Richard Bingham.] In nine volumes. 8° Lond. 1840. BINGHAM (Mary Helen). * Memoir; by John Bustard. 1827. BINGHAM (Nathaniel). Obfervations on the religious delufions of itifane perfons, and on the praiflicability, fafety, and expediency of impart- ing to them ChrilHan inlhudtion ; with which are combined a copious pra(5lical dc-fcription and illullration of all the prin- cipal varieties of mental difeafe, and of its appropriate medi- cal and moral treatment. 8 Lond. 1841. BINGHAM (Peregrine). B. 1788. Educated at Winchefter, and at Magdalen College, Oxford. Called to the bar by the Hon. Society of the Midule Temple, 27 Nov. 1 8 1 8. For fome time one of the police magif- trates at Great Marlborough Street. D. i Nov. 1864. The law and practice of judgments and executions, in- cluding extents at the fuit of the Crown. 8° Lond. 18 I 5. The law of infancy and coverture. 8° Lond. 18 16. A digeft of the law of landlord and tenant : with an ap- pendix of precedents. 8° Lond. 1820. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other courts ... By W. J. Broderip and P. Bingham. 1820-2. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Couit of Common Pleas and other courts. 10 vols. 8° Lond. 1824-34. New cafes in the Court of Common Pleas and other courts. 6 vols. 8' Lond. 1835-41. BINGHAM (Richard), M.A. Perpetual curate of Qucenborough, Kent, 1856. Formerly curate of St. Mary's, Bryanllun Square, London. Three difcourfes, with notes, on the important and in- terelHng fubjc(S of Chridian milfions to the Jewifti pco])le. [/'j. cii. 13-16.J 8' Lond. 1826. VOL. I. The warning voice ; or, an awakening queAion for all Briti(h proteftants in general, and members of the Church of England in particular, at the prefent junfture : being the fub- ftance of a late diicouife fiom the pulpit. [2 Kings, ix. 32.] 8° Lond. 1829. Sermons, doftrinal, praftical and experimental. 8' Lond. 1835. Immanuel ; or, God with us : a feries of lefluies on the divinity and humanity of our Lord ; as well as on his defcent into hell, rciurivdlion, afcenfion, and fecond advent. 8° Lond. 1843. Family prayers : two forms for every day in the week. To which are appended fome fpecial offices from the Liturgy of the Church of England, fome other prayers for occafional ufe, and a few choice hymns, appropriate tor focial woiihip. 8° Lond. 1857. Sermons, doiftrinal, practical and experimental, orij,inally preached in London, at St. Mary's church, Bryanfton Square. 8° Lond. 1858. BINGHAM (Robert). Praftical eflays on ftriduies of the urethra and difeafes of the tefticles, including obfervations on fiftula in pcrinaeo and hydrocele ; illulbated by numerous cafes and an engraving ; and prefaced with fome remarks on life and organization. 8° Lond. 1820. BINGHAM (William Philip Strong), M.A. Curate of Thorverton, Devonrtiire ; late curate of St. Mary Redcliff, Briftol. EcclefialHcal fculpture : a ledlure on the connexion be- tween fculpture and Chriftianity, delivered in the new hall, Chippenham, at the third annual meeting of the Wiltfliire archaeological and natuial hiftory fociety,on Wednefday, Sep- tember 12, 1855. 12° Lond. 1855. Sermons on Eafter fubjedls. 8° Lond. i860. BINGHAM (Sarah). * Imputation of theft. Report of the trial of an adion brought by Mis. Sarah Bingham againil the Rev. Ji>hn Gardiner, D.D., for a malicious libel, imputing to her ihat (he had Uolen a one pound note ... 8° Lond. 1820. BINGIUS (Joannes). Devetcrum Cimbrorum aliorumque feptcntrionalium popu- lorum migrationilius fele(fta commercii literarii Joh. Bingii et M. Corvini. ( Westphalen, Monumenia Inedila return Ger- manicanim, \. 1484.] BINGLEY (Henry). Chemical fiagments. 12° Lend. 1829. BINGLEY (Thomas). Tales about travellers ; their perils, adventures, and dif- coveiies. New edition. 8° Lond. 1864. Stories illullrative of the in(lin(S of animals, their charac- ters and habits. New edition. 8° Lond. 1864. Bible quadrupeds : the natural hiftory of the animals men- tioned in Scripture. New edition. 8° Lond. 1864. 3 » 522 BINGLEY— BINNEY Tales about birds : illuftrative of their nature, habits, and inftinfts. New edition. 8° Lond. 1 864. Stories about horfes : illuftrative of their intelligence, fa- gacity, and docility. New edition. 8° Lond. 1864. Stories about dogs : illuftrative of their inftlnft, fcigacity, and fidelity. New edition. 8 Lond. 1864. Tales of fhipwrecks and other difafters at fea. New edi- tion. 8° Lond. 1864. BINGLEY (W.) An effeftual cure for the high prices of butchers' meat. Smithfield market, an eflay : including a plan for the better regulation of drovers, the fale of live ftock in the London market, and for abolifhing the trade of a wholefale butcher. With a reply to the Report of the committee of wholefale butchers by Henry King and J. Edmunds. The fecond edition, correfted and enlarged, with a polHcript, (hewing the power of the people to reduce the prices of butchers' meat in the metropolis and its environs. 8^ Lond. 1796. BINGLEY (William), M.A. B. at Doncafter, 1774. Curate of Chrift-church, Hampfhire, and afterwards minifter of Fitzroy chapel, London. D. J 1 March, 1813. North Wales, including its fcenery, antiquities, cuftoms, and fome (lietches of its natural hillory ; delineated from two excurCons through all the interefting parts of that country, during the fummers of I 798 and 1801. 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 1804. — Third edition, with correflions and additions made during excurfions in the year 1838, by his fon, W. R. Bingley, B.A. 8" Lond. 1839. Ufeful knowledge ; or, a familiar and explanatoiy account of the various produftions of nature, mineral, vegetable and animal, which are chiefly employed for the ufe of man. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 18 16. Animal biography ; or, popular zoology, illuftrated by authentic anecdotes of the economy, habits of life, inftindls, and fagacity of the animal creation. Fifth edition. 4 vols. 12° Lond. 1820. Travels in North America, from modern writers : with remarks and obfervations ; exhibiting a connected view of the geography and prefent ftate of that quarter of the globe. 12° Lond. 1821. Travels in North Europe, from modern writers : with re- marks and obfervations ; exhibiting a connefted view of the geography and prefent ftate of that divifion of the globe. I 2° Lond. 1S22. Travels in Afia, from modern writers : with remarks and obfervations ; exhibiting a connected view of the geography and prefent ftate of that quarter of the globe. 12° Lond. 1822. Biography of celebrated Roman charafters ; with numer- ous anecdotes illuftrative of their lives and anions. With a brief account of the author's life and writings, and an appen- dix on Roman literature. 12° Lond. 1824. BINI (Giuseppe Clemente). B. in Florence, 1694. Entered the Church, but was chiefly diftinguiihed as a wit and mifcellaneous writer. D. in his native city, 19 April, 1759. The following work hasalfo been afcri bed to Giovanni Lami. M. Thymoleontis [i.e. G. C. Binij adverfus improbos lit- terarum bonarumque artium ofores Menippea I. AccefTerunt Sex. Philomidis enarrationes. 4° Londini, [Florentias,] 1738. BINIUS (Severinus). B. at Randelraidt, near Juliers. Canon and profelTor of the- ology, at Cologne. D. there, 1641. Concilia generalia, et provincialia, quascunque reperiri po- tuerunt ; item epiftolse decretales, et Romanor. Pontific. vitas ; ex raanufcriptis, aliifque emendatioribus codicibus auda, eorundemquc collatione recognita, notis utilifllmis il- luftrata, hiftorica methodo difpofita, & in tomos quatuor dif- tributa. fol. Colonic Agrippinas, 1 606. BINNEY (A.) Theological compend, containing a fyftem of divinity ; or, a brief view of the evidences, do(flrines, morals, and inftitu- tions of Chriftianity. 12° Lond. 1862. BINNEY (C. R.) Defcription of the patent elongating tunnel telegraph cable ... By Captain Drayson, R.A., and Captain Binney, R.E. 1858. BINNEY (Horace). Reports of cafes adjudged in the fupreme court of Penn- fylvania. 6 vols. 8° Philadelphia, 1809—15. BINNEY (Thomas). Independent minifter, London. Illuftrations of the praftical power of faith, in a feries of popular difcourfes, on part of the eleventh chapter of tlie Epiftle to the Hebrews. 8° Lond. 1830. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1844. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1856. Diffent not fchifm : a difcoui-fe, delivered in the Poultry chapel, December 12, 1834, at the monthly meeting of the aflociated minifters and churches of the London congrega- tional union. [Mari ix. 38-4O.] 8° Lond. 1835. The fpirit admitted to the heavenly houfe ; the body re- fiifed a grave : two fermons preached on the occafion of the death of the Rev. T. S. Guyer, of Ryde, Ifle of Wight. With notes. [2 Cor. v. i ; y4fis xx. 16, 17.] 8° Lond. 1846. Education. 8 ' Lond. 1847. The fei-vice of fong in the houfe of the Lord : an oration and argument. 8° Lond. 1848. Confcientious clerical nonconformity ; with intiodufloiy remarks on the imputed condufb of the Bp. of Exeter, in the cafes of the Rev. J. Shore and the Rev. G. C. Gorham. 8° Lond. 1848. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1S60. The clofet and the church : a book for minifters. 12° Lond. 1849. BINNEY— BINNS 523 The ultimate defign of the ChriAian miniftry to prefent every man perfc(5l in Chrift Jefus. The Cliriftian miniftry not a priclthood. 8" Lond. 1849. An argument in relation to the Levitical marriage law ; particularly as afFeifling the quellion of tlie marriage of a widower with his deceafed wife's fifter. Abridged from the fourth edition. 12° Lond. 185 I. Life and immortality brought to light through the Gofpel : a funeral difcourfe on the deceafe of the Rev. Algernon Wells. To which is prefixed the funer;il addrefs, by the Rev. H. F. Burder, D.D., with an appendix, containing the refolutions of the committees of various focieties on the event. [2 Tim. i. 10.] 8 Lond. 1 851. Tower church fermons: dlfcourfes preached in the Tower church, Belvedere, Erith, Kent, by the Rev. A. Monod, Paris ; the Rev. Dr. Krummacher, Berlin ; the Rev. T. Binncy, London. Edited by T. Binney. 8° Lond. I 852. Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bait. : a ftudv for young men. The wife ; or, a minor for maidenhood : a tlionaiy of biography ; embracing a feries of original memoirs of the moft diftinguilhed perfons of all countries, living and dead. To which is added a claflificd lid of the mod dillinguiflied ])eifons of all times, arranged chronologically. 8° Lond. and Gbfgow, i860. The im])erial dii^lionary of univerfal biogra])hy : a feries of original memoirs of didinguiihed men, of all ages and all nations. By writers of eminence in tiie various branches of literature, fcience and art. 3 vols. 4° Lond. [1863.] Beeton'sdi(5lionary of univerfal biography ; being the lives of eminent perfons of all times ; with tlie pronunciation of every name. 8' Lond. [1863.] BION. A Greek bucolic poet, b. in the neighbourhood of Smyrna, who flouriftied about 280 years bc. He fpent the latter part ot his life in Sicily, and died from the effcfts of poifon adminif- tered by feme of his enemies. Bionis et Mofchi reliquix. Ex recenfione Valckenarii cum varietate letSionis edidit Fridericus Jacobs. Accedunt animadverfiones in carmina Theocriii. 8° Gothae, 1 795. Bion Smyrnaeus. B/wm/j xai Moffj/ou tu '/.n-^ata.. Illuf- trabat et emendabat Gilbertus Wakefield. 8° Lond. 1795. 'E/^i^X/./a. \Gr. only. Stephanus, Poetn Graci prin- cipes.^ — \Gr. and Lat. Lectius, Poet■ Switzerland, and died at Aubonne, 1644. Eiomena ; or, love and revenge : written originally in tin Tiiofcan tongue ... and now f.iitlifully Englilhed by .'a. H. in- ward, of Graies-Inne, Gent. fol. Lond. 1632. L'hifloria delle guerre civili d'Inghilterra tra le due C.ile di Lancadro e lore ; fi defcrive in Uicardo II. I'origine di elTc, il progrefTo nelle vite de i rti fufTeguenti, cioii : di Arrigo IV. V. o VI., d'Odoardo IV. c V., di Ricardo HI., e di Arrigo VII., nel quale finirono. 3 vols. 4" Boliigna, 1647. — Englifhed by the Right Honourable Henry E.irle of Monmoutli. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1641. 526 BIOT— BIRCH BIOT (Jean Baptiste). B. at Paris, 21 April, 1774. Appointed profeflbr of natural philofophy in the College of France, 1800. Elefted a member of the Academic des Sciences, 1803. D. 4 Feb. 1862. Traite elementaire d'aftronomie phyfique. 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1805. Elementally chapters in aftronomy, from the " Traite ele- mentaire d'adronomie phyfique." Edited by the Rev. Harvey Goodwin, M.A. 8° Cambridge, 1850. EfTai de geometrie analytique applique aux courbes et aux iurfaces du fecond ordre. Quatrieme edition. 8° Paris, 18 10. Tables barometriques portatives, donnant les differences de niveau par une fimple fouftradlion ... 8° Paris, 18 I I. Recherches experimentales et mathematiques, fur Ics mouvemens des molecules de la lumiere autour de leur centre de gravite. 4° Paris, 1 8 I 4. Recherches fur plufieurs points de ralbonomie Egypti- enne, appliquees aux monumens aftronomiques trouves en Kgypte. 8° Paris, 1823. The parochial fchools of Scotland. Tranflated by the Rt. Hon. Lord Brougham, with notes and appendix, and a letter to the Hon. Lord Ardmillan, chairman of the banquet at the Burns' centenary feftival, Edinburgh. 8° Lond. 1859. BIRAGO (Giovanni Battista). A juiii^ of Genoa, who flourifhed about the middle of the 17th century. Hiftoria della difunione del regno di Portogallo dalla co- rona di Caftiglia. Novamente corretta, emendata & illuftrata ; con I'aggionta di moke cofe notabili dal molto R<*°- P. Maeftro Era. Ferdinando Helevo. 2 torn. 8° Amfterdam, 1647. Mercurio veridico ; overo annali univeifili d'Europa. 4° Venezia, 1648. Hiftoria Africana ; della divifione dell' imperio degli Arabi e dell' origine, e dei progreffi della monarchia de' Ma- hometani diftefa per I'Africa, e per le Spagne. 4" Venetia, 1650. BIRCH (Henry). Minifter of the Independent congregation at Ledburv, Hete- fordfhire, and fubfequently of that at iVIendlelliam, Suffolk. The "Great exhibition" fpiritualized. 12° Lond. 185 I. Pofitive theology ; oi', Chriftianity at one view : in twelve dialogues relating to its evidences, principal do(flrines, prac- tical duties, future triumphs, etc. 8° Lond. 1857. BIRCH (James). The blackfmith's guide ; or, a new method of (hoeinn hoifes and oxen, without the iife of nails. 8° Loud. 1817. BIRCH (James). * A full report of the proceedings in the record cafe of James Birch, proprietor of the " World " newlpaper, againft the Right Hon. Sir William M. Somerville, Bart., tried at Nifi Prius, Queen's Bench ... on Friday and Saturday, the jth and 6th of December, 1851. 8° Dublin, 1851. How it was tried on, and tried back : a letter to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chief Baron of the Irifh Court of Exchequer. 8° Lond. 1854. BIRCH (Joseph), M.A. Perpetual curate of Brighoufe, Yorkihire. The Rev. C. Dodgfon's new tefts of orthodoxy : a letter, addreffed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Shafteft)ury, in con- fequence of the refufal of the Lord Bifliop of Ripon to con- fer priefts' orders upon the Rev. George A. Haywaid, B. A., nominated to the curacy of Brighoufe. Second edition, with an enlarged appendix, containing a correfpondence between the Rev. C. Dodgfon and the author. 12° Lond. 1853. BIRCH (Peter), D.D. B. 1652. Educated at Chrift-church, Oxford. Entered the Church, and atter filling feveral clerical offices at Oxford, was appointed a prebendary of Weftminfter. D. 1710. * A birchen rod for Dr. Birch ; or, fome animadverfions upon iiis fermon preached before the Hon. tlie Houfe of Commons at St. Maigaret's.Wellminfter, January 30, 1694. In a letter to Sir T. D. and Mr. H. 4= n. p. 1694. BIRCH (Samuel), D.D. Son of Samuel Birch, who was lord mayor of London in 1814. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, ot which he was elefled a fellow. Reflor of St. Mary Woolnoth, Lon- don, 1808. Vicar of Little Marlow, Bucks, 1834. A prebend of St. Paul's cathedral, 1819. D. at Little Marlow, 24 June, 1848. A fermon, preached at Amerfham, on Tuefday, June 3, 1834, at the triennial vifitation of John, Lord Bp. of Lin- coin. [P/jil. i. 27, 28.] 8° Lond. 1834. A fermon preached at High Wycombe, on Wednefday, June 9, I S41, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Buckingham, [i Cor. xvi. 9.] 8° Lond. 1S41. BIRCH (Samuel), LL.D. Keeper of the Department of Oriental, British and medieval antiquities and ethnography, in the Britilh Mufeum. Views on the Nile, from Cairo to the fecond cataracS : drawn on Hone by George Moore, from (Icetches taken in 1832 and 1833 by Owen Jones, and the late Jules Goury ; with hiftorical notices of the monuments by S. Birch. fol. Lond. 1843. Hiftory of ancient pottery. In two volumes. 8" Lond. 1858. Defcription of the colleftion of ancient marbles in the British Museum; part xi. 1861. BIRCH (ScHOLEs Butler), M.D. A few fai5ls forgotten by the Faculty, but of vital impojt- ance to fuftering invalids and their phyficians. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1856. On the therapeutic aflion of oxygen, with cafes proving its fingular efficacy in various intrai(lola ad aniicum. [Westphalen, Moiiii- nunta inalila rcrum Cernutiikarum, iii. 686.] 528 BIRCHINGTON— BIRD Taurus facer, feu cultus et idololatrix tauri apud plures gentes, prjEcipue Egyptios, Phcenices, Grxcos, Romanos, Sinenfes, Indos, Septentiionales populos, fpeciatim antiques Gothos et Cimbros, hiftoria. [Ibid. iv. 134O.] Annotationes in libellum, quern jElnothus, monachus Cantuarienfis, de vita et padione S. Canuti, Regis Dania;, et niartyiis, confcripiit. [Ibid. iv. 137S.] BIRCHINGTON (Stephen). A monk of Canterbury in the latter half of the 14th century. Hiftoria de archiepifcopis Cantuarienfibus a prima fedis fundatione ad annum 1369. [Henry Wharton, Anglia Siicia, i. I .] BIRCHLEY (William). Pfeud. of io\\n Austen. BIRCKBEK (Simon). B. at Hornby, Wellmoreland, 15S+. Educated at Queen's College, Oxford, where he obtained a fellowlhip. Vicar of Gilliug, near Richmond, Yorkihirc, 1617. D. Sep. 1656. The Proteftants evidence : taken out of good records, Ihewing, that for fifteene hundred yeares next after Chrift, divers worthy guides of God's Church, have in fundi-y weightie poynts of religion, taught as the Church of England now doth : dilhibuted into feverall centuries, and opened. 4° Lond. 1635. — [Gibson, A prefer-vati've aga'snjl Popery ; fupplemeal, vols. ii. iii.] BIRD. The parlement of byrdes. ^Harleian Miscellany, v. +79-] The natural hiftory of birds ; containing a variety of faifls feleiftrd from feveral writers, and intended for the amufement and inflrudion of children. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1 791. A difcourfe on the emigration of Britifh birds ... 1795. [^By George EnwARDs.] Tlie architeflure of birds. 1^31. [.5y J. Rennie.] The bird of the beeches : in four cantos. 8° Lond. 1832. The domeftic habits of birds. 1833. [.S)i J. Rennie.] The faculties of birds. 1835. [By J. Rennie.] The life of a bird ; an account of the piogrefs of birds from the neft to their perfeift condition. 8° Lond. 1851. Home and foreign birds : a book for young children. 8" Lond. 1856. Stories about birds : by a young naturalift. 4° Lond. 1856. Scripture birds ; containing a defcription of the bii ds men- tioned in the Bible. 8" Lond. [1858.] Britifli birds. The water birds. 8° Lond. [1859.] Britifti land birds. 8° Lond. [1859.] Tabular view of the orders and families of birds. 4° Lond. [1859.] R ules of the Midland finging bird fociecy. 12° Nottingham, 1859. Stories about birds and beafts ; by a young naturalift. 4'^ Lond. [i 8 60.] A child's fi] it book about birds ; by a country clergyman. 8° Lond. [1861.] Birds and flowers ... 1862. [By Mifs Maling.] Birds and bird-life : papers contributed by F. T. Buck- land, author of ' Curiofities of natural hiftory ;' W. C. L. Maitin, F.L.S. ; W. Kidd, of Hammerfmith ; and other naturalifts. 8° Lond. [1864.] BIRD (Mifs ) The Englifhwoman in America. [Amn.'\ 12° Lond. 1856. The afpe(fts of religion in the United States of America. [AnonJ] 8° Lond. 1859. BIRD (Charles). Barrifter-at-law. D. at Alhburton, 6 May 1S58, aged eighty- three. Letters to the Right Hon. Robert Fed, M.P., on the effedt and objedl of his alteration in the law of England, with reference to the extenfion of the jurifdiftion of juftices of the peace. Second edition. 1827. [Pamphleteer, xxix. 97.] BIRD (Charles Smith). B. at Everton, near Liverpool, May 1795. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which he was for fume time a fellow. Vicar of Gainlborough, 1S43. Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, 1859. D. at Lincoln, 9 Nov. 1862. Tranfubftantiation tried by Scripture and reafon : ad- drefTed to the proteftants of England, in confequence of the attempts recently made to introduce Romanilm amongft them. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1839. A plea for the Reformed Church ; or, obfervations on a plain and moft important declaration of the Tradtarians, in the Britifh Critic for July, 184I. 8° Lond. 184 1. A defence of the principles of the Englifh Reformation fiom the attacks of the TraiSarians ; or, a fecond plea for the Reformed Church. 8° Lond. 1843. The ufe of the catechifm, the baptifmal vow, and the means of gr'ace, confidered in twelve ledfures preached in Lent, 184I. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1843. The law a rule of life to the Chriftian ; conlideied in eleven leifluiesonthe Decalogue, preached in thepariftichurch of Gainfborough during Lent, I 844. 12° Lond. 1845. The parable of the fower : four fermons preached before the Univerfity of Cambridge, in the month of May, 1845. 12° Lond. 1845. Romanifm unknown to primitive Chriftianity : the fub- ftance of leisures delivered in the parifh church of Gainf- borough. 8^ Lond. 1 85 I. The dangers attending an immediate revival of Convoca- tion, detailed in a letter to the Rev. G. Hutton, reflor of Gate Burton. 8° Lond. 1852. The facramenta! and prieftly fyftem examined ; or, ftric- tures on Archdeacon Wilberforce's works on the incarnation and eucharift. 8° Lond. 1854. The eve of the cjTJcifixion. 12° Lond. 1858. * Sketches from his life ; by Claude Smith Biro. 1864. BIRD (Christopher), M.A. Redlor of High Hoyland, Yor ton, and of Warden, Northumbe A feimon, preached at the parifh church of Wakefield, Redlor of High Hoyland, Yorkihire j and vicar of Choller- ton, and of Warden, Northumberland. BIRD 529 July 4, 1 8 1 6, at the annual meeting of the Wakefield dif- trift committee to the Society for promoting Chriftian know- ledge. [//^!. xxix. 12.] 4° Wakefield, [iiSl6.] A fernion, preached at Wakefield, May 30, I H 1 6, at the vifitation of the Rev. Archdeacon Markham, M.A. [i Cor. xii. 8.] 4= Wakefield, [1816.] Chrirtian charity : a fermon preached at Appleby, on Friday, Augull 12, 1825, before Sir John Bailey and Sir John Hullock, His Majefty's judges of afllze on the north- ern circuit. \^Malt. x. 34.] [Pamphleteer, xxvi. 539.] The Church ; its conlHtution and claims : a fermon preached on the morning of Jan. 8, at the parifii church of St. Andrew, in aid of the building fund of the propofed new chapel of St. Peter. [^Ads ii. 47.] S^Newcaftle, 1843. The duty of holding fart our profefiion of the faith in tlie fellowlhi]) of the Church : a fermon, preached at St. Peter's chapel, Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, on the evening of Sunday, April 21, 1844. \^Heb. x. 22-25.] 8" Newcaftle, 1844. BIRD (Claude Smith), B.A. Curate of St. Michael's, Lincoln, 1S61. Curate of Clare- borough, near Eaft Retford, 1864. The teaching of the Spirit : a brief memoir of George Tyrrell, B.A. 8' Lond. iS6i. Sketches from the life of the Rev. Charles Smith Bird, M.A. 8° Lond. 1864. BIRD (F. W.) Phyfiological reform : an addrefs delivered before the American Phyfiological fociety, at their firfl annual meeting, June I, 1837. 8° Bolton, 1837. BIRD (George). Redtur of Cumberworth. Hints for tlie revival of Scriptural principles in the Angli- can Church. 8° Lond. 1842. BIRD (Golding), M.A., M.D. B. at Downham, Norfolk, 1815. Studied medicine in Lon- don, and took the degrees of M.A. and M.D. at St. Andrews. Ledlurer on natural philofophy in Guy's Hofpital, 1836. I*hy- fician to the Finlbury diipentary, and alViftant phyfician at Guy's Hofpital. D. at Tunbridge Wells, 27 oa. 1854. Elements of natural philofophy ; being an experimental introdudlion to the (ludy of the phylical fciences. 12° Lond. 1839. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1844. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1848. — Fourth edition. By G. Bird and Charles Brooke, M.B. 8° Lond. 1854. — The fifth edition. 8^ Lond. i860. Urinary depofits ; their diagnofis, pathology and theia- peutical indications. 12° Lond. 1844. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1846. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1851. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1853. — Fifth edition. Edited by Edmund Lloyd Birkett, M.D. 8° Lond. 1857. Leflurcs on eleftricity and galvanifm, in their phyfiologi- VOL. I. cal and therapeutical relations, delivered at the Royal col- lege of phyficians. 12° Lond. 1849. * Biographical fiarliament. 8° Lond. 1848. Memoir of the Rev. Edward Bickcideth, late rcflor of Watton, Herts. Third edition. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1852. Horae evangejicae ; or, the internal evidence of the gofpei hidory : being an inquiry into the druflurc and origin of the four Gofpels, their hidorical confidency, and the charafler- idic defign of each narrative. 12' Lond. 1852. Modern popery ; its drength and its wc.iknifs, as an ag- grcflivc ])Ower : a Icdure. 8° Lond. 1852. Modern rationalifm, ;md the infpiration of the Scri])tures : two Icftures. 8° Lond. 1853. Popery in the bud, and in the flower : a ieiflurc delivered before the Clerkenwell protedaiit alliance on Wednefday evening, May 25th, 1853. 8° Lond. [1853.] Outlines of unfulfilled propliecy : being an inquiry into the Scripture tedimony refpefting the "good things to come." 8° l^ond. 1854. Occafional papers, publifhed under the fanftion of the council of the Evangelical alliance. Second feries. No. 2. The prcfent crifis ; in connexion with Chridian union and miflionary labours. 8° Lond. 1854. The difficulties of belief, in connexion with the Creation and the Fall. 8° Cambridge, 1855. The treafures of wifdom ; or, thoughts on the connexion between natural fcience and revealed truth : with an effay on the analogy between mathematical and moral certainty. 8° Lond. 1855. Truth and life in the Church at home, in their influence on the work of foreign mifllons : the fubdance of an ad- diefs, at a morning meeting of the friends of the Church miflionary fociety, in the Rotunda, Dublin, Ajiril iS, 1855- 8" Dublin, 1855. The Bible and modern thought. 12° Lond. [1861.] — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1862. — Appendix. 8° Lond. [1863.] On matter and ether ; or, the fecret laws of phyfical change. 8° Cambridge, 1862. The ways of God ; or, thoughts on the difficulties of be- lief, in connexion with providence and redemption. 8° Lond. 1863. The exodus of Ifrael ; its difficulties examined, and its truth confirmed : with a reply to recent objedlion.s. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1863. BIRLEY (William), M.A. Late reftor of Chorlton with Hardy, Manchcfter. A letter to the Venerable Archdeacon Dcnifon, in reply to his dridlures upon the Mancheder and Salford Boroughs education bill. 8° Lond. 185 i. BIRMINGHAM. The pifture of Birmingham : being a concife but compre- henfive hidorical and defcriptive account of that place. 12° Birmingham, 1825. A piftorial guide to Birmingham : being a concife, hif- torical, and defcriptive account of the great midland metro- polis. 8° Birmingham, 1849. The vifitoi's har.d-book through the manufaiJtories of Bir- mingham, with the geology, architedlure, &c., of the town and didriifl. 8" Bimiingham, n. d. — Second edition. 8' Birmingham, 1S51. Birmingham mufical fedival. [Oratorios and concerts.] 4° Birmingham, 1855. The riots at Birmingham, .luly, 1791 ... 4° Birmingham, 1863. Pod office DIRECTORY of Birmingham ... 1854. 1856. i860. 1865. Corporation, general and trades directory of Birmingham. 1861. Bufinefs directory of Birmingham. 1862. BIRMINGHAM (.1.) .\nglicania ; or, England's miflion to the Colt. 8° Lond. 1863. 532 BIRNIE— BISCIOLA BIRNIE (William). Minifter of Lanark at the end of the i6th and beginning of the 17th century. The blame of kirk-buriall, tending to perfwade cemiteiiall civilitie ; fiiit: preached, then penned, and now at la(l pro- pyned to the Lords inheritance in tlie Prefbyterie of Lanerk, by M. William Birnie, the Lord his miniller in that ilk, as a pledge of his zeale, and care of that reformation. 4° Edinb. 1606. — Another edition, edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, Efq., advocate. 4° Lend. 1833. BIRRELL (Charles M.) The life of the Rev. Richard Knill, of St. Peterfburgh : being feledtions fiom his reminifcences, jouinals, and corref- pondence ; with a review of his character, by the late Rev. John Angell James. Third edition. 8° Lond. i860. BIRREL (Robert). Diarey, containing diverfe paffages of Staite and uthers memorable accidents, frome the 1532 zeir of our redemp- tione till ye beginning of the zeir 1 605. [J. G. Dalyell, Fragments of Scoti/h hyioryJ\ BIRT (Captain ). Letters from a gentleman in the north of Scotland to his friend in London ; containing the defcription of a capital town in that northern country ; with an account of fome un- common cuftoms of the inhabitants ; likewife an account of the Highlands, with the cuftoms and manners of the high- landers ... \^/lnoni\ In two volumes. Vol. IL 8° Lond. 1754. — The fecond edition. In two volumes. Vol. I. S"" Lond. 1769. — A new edition, with notes. BIRT (John). Patriflic evenings. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1815. 12° Lond. [1847.] BIRT (William Radcliff). The hurricane guide : being an attempt to conneft the rotatory gale or revolving (lorm with atmofpheric waves. In- cluding inrtiTtdlions for obferving the phenomena of the waves and ftomis ; with praftical direflions for avoiding the centres of the latter. 12° Lond. 1850. Handbook of the law of ftorms ; being a digeft of the principal fafts of revolving dorms. 8° Liverpool, 1853. Tlie failor's guide ; or, fliort and eafy rules for vefTels in revolving ftorms, (illuftiated with diagrams). Third ediuon. 12° Lond. I 857. Table-moving popularly explained ; with an inquiry into Reichenbach's theory of od force ; alfo an inveftigation into the fpiritual manifeftations known as fpirit-rappings. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1853. BIRTHDAY. The birthday. By the author of " Gideon," " Jofiah," etc.. Third edition. 12° Lond. 1849. Is " The birthday," written by the author of " Gideon," " Jofiah," &c., and publiflied firft by Burns and now by Mafters, intended as a proteftant or popifh publication ? 12° Lond. 1857. BISACCIONI (Conte Maiolino). B. at Ferrara, 1582. Educated at Bologna. Adopted the military profefiion, and lived a very adventurous life. D. at Venice, 8 June, 1663. Senfi civili fopra U perfetto Capitano di H. D. R. [Hen- rico di Rohan,] e fopra La tadtica di Leone Imperadore. 4° Venetia, 1642. Hiftoria delle guerre civili di quefti ultimi tempi. In quefta feconda editione ricorretta, et in moke paiti accre- fciuta. 4° Bologna, 1653. BISANI (Alessandro). A pi(Elurefque tour through part of Europe, Afia, and Af] ica : containing many new remarks on the prefent ftate of fociety, remains of ancient edifices, &c. . . . wiitten by an Italian gentleman. \Anon?[ 4° Lond. 1793. BISCAY. Fueros, franqiiezas, libertades, buenos ufos, y coftumbres del muy noble, y muy leal Senorio de Vizcaya. fol. Bilboa, n. d. BISCHOF (Gustav), Ph.D. Profeflbr of chemiftry and technology in the univerfity of Bonn. Phyfical, chemical, and geological refearches on the in- ternal heat of the globe. Vol. I. 8° Lond. 1841. BISCHOFF (Christoph Heinrich Ernst). Daiftellung der Gallfchen Gehirn- und Schadel-Lehre. Nebft Bemerkungen iiber diefe Lehre von Dr. C. W. Hufe- land. Zweite, vej mehrte, und verbefFerte Auflage. 8° Berlin, 1805. BISCHOFF (Ignaz Rudolf), M.D. Imperial profelTor of clinical medicine, phyfician to the Gene- ral hofpital, and alfo to the Lying-in holpital, Prague. A treatife on clinical medicine : being a compendious and fyftematic introdudion to pradice. From the German by Jofeph Cope, M.D. 12° Lond. 1827. BISCHOFF (James). A woollen merchant in Yorkfhire. D. 8 Feb. 1S45, in the feventieth year of his age. A comprehenfive hiftory of the woollen and woifted manufaflures, and the natural and commercial hiftory of Iheep, from the earlitft records to the piefent period. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1842. Foreign tariffs ; their injurious effeifl on Britifli manufac- tures, efpecially the woollen manufafture ; with propofed remedies : being chiefly a feries of articles infeited in the Leeds Mercury, from Oflober 1S42 to Februaiy 1843. 8° Lond. 1843. BISCIOLA (Joan. Gabriel). B. at Modena, 1538. A member of the Society of Jefut, and lefturer on theology and philofophy. D. at Ferrara, 8 January, 161 3. Epitome Annalium ecclefiafticorum Cxfaris Baronii S. R. E. Card. 4° Colonias Agrippinas, 1602. BISCOE— BISHOP— BISHOPRIC 533 BISCOE (Richard), M.A. Originally a diirenting minifter. Conformed to the Church of England, and was ordained, 1726. Rcdtor of St. Martin Outwich, London, 1727. D. 1748. The hiftory of the afts of the holy Apoftles ; confirmed from other authors, and confidered as full evidence of the truth of Chriftianity ; with a prefatory difcourfe upon the nature of that evidence. 8° Oxford, 1829. BISCOPUS (S. Benedictus). The firft abbot of the monaftery of Wearmouth. * Vita ... fcripta duobus libris a Venerabili Beda, Bifcopi difcipulo. BISH (Thomas), M.P. A plea for Ireland ; fubmitting the outline of a propofi- tion for holding the court and parliament, at occafional in- tervals, in Dublin : in a letter to the Right Hon. Lord Althoq). 8° Lund. 1834. BISHOP— BISHOPRIC. Informations ; or, a protortation and a tre.atife from Scot- land, feconded with D. Reignolds liis letter to S'- Francis KnoUis, and S''- Francis Knollis fpeach in Parliament, all fuggefting the ufurpation of papal bifliops. '(Tille-page ivant- ing.\ 8^ n. p. 1608. A catalogue of fuch teftimonies in all ages as plainly evi- dence bifhops and prefbyters to be both one, equall and the fame in jurifdiclion, office, dignity, order and degree, by divine law and inftitution ... 4° n. p. i63[i]. — Another edition. 4° n. p. 1641. — Another edition. 4° n. p. 1645. Certaine arguments and motives of fpcciall moment, pro- pounded to the confideration of our moll noble king and State, tending to pcrfuade them to abolilh that unhappie and unhallowed government of our Church by bifliops, and in (lead thereof to fet up the government of our Lord lefus Chrift, and his holy ordinances in their puritic and power. Second edition. 8° n. p. 1635. The declinator and proteftation of the arclibllhops and bifliops of the Church ot Scotland, and others their adher- ents within that kingdome, againll the pretended generall aflembly holden at Glafgow Novemb. 21. 1638. 4° Lond. 1639. Tlic declinatour and protcftation of the fonic fome-times pretended bifliops, prefcnted in face of the laft Afll^nibly, re- futed and found futile, but full of infolent re])ioaches, and bold aflertions. 4° Edinb. 1639. Lord bifliops none of the Lords bifliops ... 1640. \By William Prynne.] A very lively portrayture of the mod reverend arclibifliops, the right reverend b^- of the Church of England, fet forth in XX. irrefragable jjofitions concerning their authority, power and praflife, as they onely are our diocef.m loid bilhops fo grounded upon Scripture, reafon, and experience, by evident demonftrative pradifes, as tiieir troublefome op])ofite3 may clecrely fee how greatly they are deceived in all thtfe. A labour undertaken for the ]ie.icc of all Gods people, and for a jull condenmation of al thole that caufe divilion and of- fences, contrary to the doftrine and difcipline of Chrifts church. 4° Printed in the yeare 1640. The iury of inquifition de juje divino. Whether by divine right it is lawfull to inflld punifliment upon the offending lordly bifliops, yea, or no. 4° Printed in the yeere That fea-coale was exceeding deare 164O. Reafons why the hierarchy or government of the Church by arch-bifliops, lord bifliops, deanes, arch-deacons, chan- celors and their officers, exercifing fole or (uperiour authoritie in ordinations and jurifdidions may and ought to be removed. 4° n. p. 1641. A decade of grievances, prefented and approved to the right honourable and high court of Parliament, againft tlie hierarchy or government of the lord bifliops, and their de- pendent offices, by a multitude of people, who are fenfible of the ruine of religion, the finking of the ftate, and of the plots and infultations of enemies againft both. 4° u. p. 164 1. Lambeth faire wherein you have all the biffiops trinkets fet to fell. 4° Lond. 1641. Lambeth faire's ended ; or, a dcfcrlption of the bifliops Holy Ghoft lately fet to fale at Lambeth faire. 4° [Lond.] 1 64 1. An abftraiSt of thofe anfwers which were given in the Aflembly of the Lords in the high court of Parliament unto the nine reafons, fent up from the houfe of Commons, againft the voting of biffiops in Parliament. 4° [Lond.] 1641. An humble examination of a printed Abftrait of the anfwers to nine realons of the Houfe of Commons, againft the votes of biffiops in Parliament. 1641. [^By Cornelius Burges.] The true charadtcr of an untrue bifliop, with a recipe at the end, how to recover a bifliop if he were loft. 164I. [J. Morgan, Phienix Brltimnicui, p. 280.] A ffiort treatife of arch-biffiops and biffiops, lords fpiritual: viz. Whether they be in lefs fulnefs loi ds, than the temporal ; and whether to be tryed by peers, as the lords temporal ... 1641. [Ibid. p. 523.] A perfedl catalogue of all the arclibifliops and biffiops in England and Wales, eftabllllied by his majefty King Charles the Second ... 1 660. [^Scott's edition of Somtrs' Tracts, vli. 235.] An apology for the ancient right and power of the biffiops to fit and vote in pailiaments ... 1661. [5j' .Ter. Stephens.] The reformed bifliop ... 1 679. [^y James Gordon.] A letter of a gentleman to his fiiend, fliewing that the bifliops are not to be judges in Parliament in cafes capital. 1679. [7?_y Denzil Hollis, Lord Hullis.] Epifcopal goveinment and the honour of the iirefent bifliops pioved neceffiiry to be ni.iintained : in a model! and feafonable addiefs to the citizens of London. By a zealous lover of the proteftant religion, and a hearty fiiend to tlie city of London. 4° Lond. 1679. Two treatifes : the firft, proving, both by hiftory and re- cord, that tlie bifliops are a fund.imental & eflential part of our Englifli I'arliament ; the fecond, that they may be judges in capital cafes. 1680. \^By Laurence Womock.] The grand queftion concerning the bifliops right to vote in Parliament in cafes capital ... 1680. [By Edward SriLLlNCrLtET.] 534 BISHOP— BISHOPRIC A paftoral letter from the four Catholic bilhops to the lay- catholics of England. 4° repr. Holy-rood-houfe, i638. An addrefs to his Grace the lord Archbifhop of Canter- bury, and the right reverend the bifliops, upon account of their late petition. By a true member of the Church of England. 4° Lond. 1688. The examination of the bifhops, upon their refufal of read- ing his Majefty's mod gracious declaration ; and the non- concurrence of the Church of England, in repeal of the penal laws and teft, fully debated and argued. 4° Lond. 1688. A letter to a member of the Houfe of Commons concern- ing the bifliops lately in the Tower, and now under fufpen- fion. 1689. [By Henry Maurice.] A vindication of the deprived biihops, aflierting their fpirit- ual rights againft a lay-deprivation ... 1692. [By Henry DODWELL.] A reply to the Relleftor on the Gloucefter-fliire petition, in behalf of the fufpended bifliops, and to the Examiner of the fufpended bifliop's cafe. By the author of the Apology, etc. 4° Lond. 1693. Hiftorical coUeftions concerning church affairs : in which it is fliew'd from the ancient church hiftorians, fathers, and other ecclefiaftical writers, that the right to difpofe of bifliops, purely in relation to their fpiritual charges . . . was believed to be fubjedted to the clergy alone ... To which are added, fome occafional obfervations upon Dr. Hody's book : called, The cafe of the fees vacant, etc. By a prefljyter of the Church of England. 4° Lond. 1696. A letter from a clergy-man in the country, to a dignified clergy-man in London, vindicating the bill brought in the laft iellions of Parliament for preventing the tranflation of bifliops. 4° Lond. 1702. A letter from the bifliops of Scotland, to the bifliops of England [concerning the colledtons on behalf of the poor epif- eopal c/ergyJ] S. Sh. n. p. [1713.] The lamenefs of bifliops and prefbyters, as to order, tho not as to dignity, no lefs briefly than clearly prov'd : and likewife, that laymen are as effentially the church as clergy- men ; having as much authority to declare the traditions of the church, and confequently to determine controverfies. With a defence of univerfuies againft the Pope and bifliops, &c., in a letter from a Doflor of the Sorbonne to the Bifliop of Autun. Tranflated from the French. 8° Lond. 17 17. An hiftory of the archbifliops and bifliops, who have been impeach'd and attainted of high treafon, from William the Conqueror to this time. With an account of their impeach- ments and defences, the charn(fler of their perfons, in pro- fperity and adverfity, their publick and private charities and benefaftions : as alfo the behaviours of thofe who fuffer'd death. Extradled from the beft hiftorians, ancient and modern. 8° Lond. 1722. A dialogue between the Rev. Mr. Jenkin Evans, aflift- ant minifter to the curate of White-chapel, and Mr. Peter Dobfon, a man of fenfe and fome learning, and a citizen of London, concerning bifliops, particularly the bifliops of the Principality of Wales. 1744. [R- Baho'S, The pi//ars of priejlcraft and orthodoxy Jliah en, i. 29.] An addrefs to the deans and chapters of the cathedral churches in England and Wales on the eledlion of bifliops . . . 1833. [By the Hon. Arthur Philip Perceval.] What will the bifliops do ? or, fuggeftions for improve- ments in the temporal and fpiritual economy of the Church. By a beneficed clergyman. 8° Lond. 1833. The tranflation of bifliops. 1834. [By S. R. Mait- LAND.] The bifliop's burial : a legend. 8° Lond. 1839. The bifliop : a feries of letters to a newly created prelate. 1841. [By W. C. Taylor.] Remarks on the beft means of increafing the number of biflioprics in England and Wales, in connexion with the re- modelling of cathedral inftitutions. By a layman. 12° Newbuiy, I 841. Proceedings at a meeting of the clergy and laity fpecially called by his Grace the Ld. Archbp. of Canterbury, and held at Willis's Rooms, 27th April, 184I, for the purpofe of railing a fund towards the endowment of additional colonial biflioprics. 8° Lond. 1841. Pro Ecclefia Dei : an appeal to Englifli chui chmen againft the union of the two biflioprics of Noitli Wales. 8° Oxford, 1842. What will the bifliops do ? 8° Lond. 1847. Speculum epifcopi : the mirror of a bifliop. 1848. [By G. Roberts.] The rite of the confecration of a bifliop in the catholic Church. ' 8° Lond. 1848. Will the bifliops ftand by their clergy ? a few words on epifcopal monopoly of power and patronage. 12^ Lond. 185 I. Epifcopal reform. The bifliops of the Eftabliflied Church the real abettors of Papal ufui-pation by their difcouragement of thofe hard-working clergy who feek to fulfil their ordi- nation vows ; and by their Eraftianifm, worldlinefs, and love of temporal dignity and eafe ; whereby their lordfliips caufe the true office of a bifliop of the Church of Chrift to be un- known or mifunderftood within thefe realms. By an Angli- can layman. 12° Lond. 185 I. Titular bifliops : fuggeftions addrefled to Lord Palmer- fton, for their appointment as coadjutors to infirm prelates, and for fupeiintendance of Britifli congregations on the con- tinent. By a country gentleman. 8° Chichefter, 1S57. Tradls on the increafe of the epifcopate in England and Wales. No. IV. More bifliops : " How fliall we choofe them?" 8° Lond. 1857. The needs of the Church. — No. I. A plan for the re- organization and increafe of the epifcopate, and for provid- ing retiring penfions for bifhops out of exifting fimds. By a beneficed clergyman. 8 Lond. 1858. The bifliop's little daughter. 12° Lond. 1859. A Cornifli bifhoprick, the neceffity and means for its re- ftoration ; a ftatement of fafts, addreffed to the laity and clergy of the county. 12° Bodmin, 1859. Report fubmitted to the Manchefter church fociety, by a committee ajipointed for that puipofe, on the nomination and eleftion of bifhops . . . With an appendix. 8° 0.xford, i860. The propofal for mifTionary biflioprics ftated and examined. By an incorporated member of the Society for the propaga- tion of the Gofpel. 8° Lond. i860. BISHOP 535 The two bifliops : a tale of the nineteenth century. S° Lond. i860. The bifhop's daughter in the eleventh century : a ftoiy of the dark ages. 8° Lond. [i860.] Bifliops for the people. By a hermit. l2°Lond. n. d. BISHOP (Daniel). The conftitution of fociety, as defigned by God. 8 Lond. 1847. An introduftion to the ftudy of the mind ; defigned efpe- cially for the fenior claffes in fchools. 1 2° Lond. 1849. BISHOP (David). Caufal botany ; or, a treatife on the caufes and chara(fler of changes in plants, efpecially of changes which are produc- tive of fubfpecies or varieties. 8° Lond. 1829. BISHOP (Frederick). The wife's own book of cookery, containing upwards of fifteen hundred original receipts, prepared with great care, and a proper attention to economy, and embodying all the lateft improvements in the culinary art ; accompanied by important remarks and counfel on the arrangement and well-ordering of the kitchen, combined with ufefiil hints on domeftic econo- my ... 8° Lond. n. d. — New edition. 8° Lond. 1862. BISHOP (George). New-England judged, by the fpirit of the Lord ; in two parts . . . formerly publirtied by George Bifhop, and now fome- what abbreviated. With an appendix. 8~ Lond. 1703. BISHOP (George), B.A. Rcdlor of St. Jude's, Kirk Andreas, Ifle of Man. Dives and Lazarus: afermon preached at the parifli church of St. Hclier, Jerfey, on Sunday, .Ian. I2tli, 185 I, on the occafion of the fudden death of a foldier. [Z-u/y- xvi. 22, 23.] 8" .Icrfey, 1851. Works of the flefli — their confequenccs — our duty : a fermon preached in the parifh church of Wolvey, Warwick- (hire, on Sunday, Oi5l. J 6th, 1853, on the occafion of the recent murder in that parilh. [Gal. v. 19—21.] 8° Lond. 1853. BISHOP (.Iames). A pathetic and confolatory ode on the much-lamented death of Her Royal Highncfs the Princefs Charlotte of Saxc Coburg. 8° Lond. 1817. BISHOP (James). A pradlical guide and popular abftradl of the new County courts aft, for the more eafy recovery of fniall debts and demands ... Fourth edition. 12° Lond. n. d. The limited liability aft. [iH and 19 Vift. cap. 133.] Received the royal aflent, Augull 14th, 1855. With plain inftruftions how to proceed in the formation of a company or partnerflii]), and the conditions upon which complete regif- tration may be obtained, with limited liability. 12 Lond. [1855.] A new and popular abftraft of the Engiifh laws refpeft- ing landlords, tenants, and lodgers ... Seventh edition. I2<> Lond. n. d. BISHOP (James). Stories and tales of animated nature ; or, a vifit to the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park. 8° Lond. [1855.] The happy Sunday book of painted piftures, Scriptural engravings — with verfes to each — for good children. 4° Lond. [i860.] BISHOP (James). * The trial of Mr. James Bifliop, at Naples ; tranflated from the report of Signor Bax, advocate. 8° Lond. 1863. BISHOP (,loEL Prentiss). Commentaries on the law of marriage and divorce, and evidence in matrimonial fuits. 8° Bofton, 1852. Commentaries on the criminal law. Vol. I. Complete in itfelf. 8° Bofton, 1856. BISHOP (John). Surgeon, London. On articulate founds ; and on the caufes and cure of im- pediments of fpeech. 8° Lond. I 85 I. Refearches into the pathology and treatment of deformi ties in the human body. 8° Lond. 1S52. The Hunterian oration, delivered at the Royal college of furgeons of England on February 14th, 1B59. 8° Lond. 1 8 59. BISHOP (R). The Eaft India navigator's daily affiftant ; with the new method of computing the longitude ... 4° Lond. 1773. BISHOP (Samuel), A.M. B. at London, 2 1 Sep. 1 7 3 1 . Educated at Merchant Taylors School, and at St. John's College, Oxford, of which he was fome- time a fellow. Appointed under-m.ifter of Merchant Taylois School, 175S, and hcad-martcr, 17S3. Rcftor of St. Martin Outwich, London, 1789, and re^or of Ditton in Kent. D. 17 Nov. 1795. Poetical works ... to which are prefixed. Memoirs of the life of die author, by the Rev. Thomas Clare, A.M. 2 vols. 4" Lond. I 796. BISHOP (Thomas), D.D. Minifter of St. Mary at Tower, Ipfwich. The errors and abfurdities of the Arian and Semi.irian fchemcs, and efpecially the polytheifm and idolatiy by which they have corrupted the Chrillian faith ; reprefented in eight fermons preach'd at tlie cathedral of St. Paul in I.,ondon, in the years 1724. and i 72 5, at the lefture founded by the late worthy Lady Moyer. 8" Lond. 1726. An abridgement of the Expofition of the creed, written by the Right Reverend Dr. .lolin Pearfon, late Lord Bifliop ot Cheller, more efpecially defign'd for the ufe of the Eng- lifli leaders. 8° Lond. 1729. BISHOP (William). H. at Brayles,in Warwickftiiic, 1553. Nominated Bilhop of Clulccdon by the Pope, 1613, D. 16 April, 1614. A difproofe of D. Abbots Counteqiroofe ag.iinft D. Bifliops Reproofe of the Defence of M. Perkins Reformed 536 BISHOP— BISSET Catholike. The firft part, wherin the now Roman Church is maintained to be the true ancient Catholike Church, and is cleered from the unjuft imputation of Donatifme. Where is alfo briefly handled, whether every Chriftian can he favcd in his owne religion. 8° Paris, 1614. BISHOP (William), M.A. Educated at Oriel College, Oxford, of which he was fometime a fellow. Reftor of Ufton Nervet, Berks, 1819. D. 25 Jan. 1847, aged feventy. Sermons for domellic ufe, intended to inculcate the great pradtical tiuths of Chriftianity. 8° Oxford, 1820. Sermons preached before a country congregation. I 2 = Oxford, 1823. Sermons preached before a country congregation. 12=' O.Kford, 1825. The paftoral duties, particularly the praflice of catecheti- cal teaching, by a regular courfe of inftru(ftion, recommended in a fermon preached at the Bp. of Salifbury's vifitation at Reading, Aug. 17, 1832. [John xxi. 15, 16.] 8° Reading, 1832. BISHOP (William Chatterley), M.A. Perpetual curate of Upton, near Peterborough, and curate of Cranfley, near Wellingborough. Sermons. i2°Lond. 1846. BISHTON (I.) Of Kilfall, Shropfhire. General view of the agriculture of the county of Salop, with obfervatlons on the means of its improvement. 4° Lond. 1794. BISINGER (Joseph Constantin). Vergleichende Darftellung der Staatfverfaffung der Euro- paifchen Monarchieen und Republiken. 8° Wien, 1 8 1 8. BISMARCK (Levinus Fridericus de). De iure fcederum in S. R. imperio ... 4° LipCae, [1726.] BISMARK (Friedrich Wilhelm, Graf von). Leftures on the taiflics of cavalry. Tranflated from the German, with notes, by Major N. Ludlow Beamifh. 8° Lond. 1827. On the ufes and application of cavalry in war : with prac- tical examples feledled from antient and modern hiltory ; by North Ludlow Beamifh. 8° Lond. 1855. BISSACHERE (M. de la). Expofe ftatillique du Tunkin, de la Cochinchine, du Gamboge, du Tfiampa, du Laos, du Lac-tho ; par M. M — n, fur la relation de M. de la Biflachere, miflionnaire dans le Tunkin. 2 torn. 8^ Lond. 1811. BISSCHOP (Janus de). A Dutch poet, who flourilhed at the beginning of the iSth century. Chorus mufarum, id eft, elogia, poemata, epigrammata, echo, xnigmata, ludus poeticus, ars hermetica, &c. 8° Lugd. Bat. 17CO. BISSE (Thomas), D.D. Educated at Corpus Chrifti College, Oxford. Preacher at the Rolls, 1715. Chancellorof the diocefe of Hereford, 171 6. D. 22 April, 1731. The beauty of holinefs in the Common Prayer. To which is added, a rationale on cathedral worlhip. A new edition, revifed, with additional notes by F. P. Pocock, B.A. 8° Cambridge, 1842. BISSELIUS (Joannes). B. at Babenhaufen, in Swabia, 1601. ProfelTor of poetry and rhetoric at Ingolftadt, DiUingen and Amberg. D. at Amberg about 1677, Illuftrium ab orbe condito roinamm decas i iii. . . . Editio altera. 3 tom. 8° Dilingas, 1679. — decas iv. 4 tom. 8° Dilingx, 1663-4. PaleftinsE, feu terrse fanfts, topothefia, fecundum regiones ac tribus exprefla. Editio altera. 8° Dilings, 1679. BISSELL (John N.) " Sometime mafter in the grammar fchools of Queen Eliza- beth at Worcefter and Halifax." Poems. 8" Lond. i86i. BISSET (Andrew). Of Lincoln's Inn. Barrifter-at-law. A praftical treatife on the law of eftates for life. 8^ Lond. 1842. A practical treatife on the law of partnerftiip ; including the law relating to railway and other joint-ilock companies : with an appendix of precedents, forms, and rtatutes. 8" Lond. 1847. Memoirs and papers of Sir Andrew Mitchell, K.B., envoy extraordinary and minifter plenipotentiaiy from the Court of Great Britain to the Court of Pniffia, from 1756 to 1771. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1850. On the ftrength of nations. 8° Lond. 1859. Omitted chapters in the hiftory of England from the death of Charles I. to the battle of Dunbar. 8° Lond. 1864. BISSET (Charles), M.D. B. near Dunkeld, 1 7 1 7. Studied medicine at Edinburgh, and proceeded to Jamaica as fecond furgeon to the military hofpital. Refigned in 1745, ^^^ entered the army as an enfign, May, 1746. Refumed praiUce as a phyfician at Skelton, in Cleve- land, Yorklhire. D, at Knayton, nearThirlk, 14 June, 1791. The theory and conftrudtion of fortifications. 4° Lond. 175 I. Medical cflays and obfervatlons. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1766. BISSET (George), M.A. Educated at Weftminfter fchool, where he was admitted a king's fcholar, 1779. Elefted to Chriit-church, Oxford, 1782. Colonial chaplain in the ifland of Ceylon. Vicar of Malmef- bury, 1793, and rector of Dantfey, 1800. D. at Dantfcy, 21 Nov. 1828. A fermon, preached in the Abbey church, Malmfbury, on April 5, 1S26, before the Chippenham and Malmlbury diftrift committee of the Society for promoting Chriftian know. edge. With an appendix containing fome remarks upon a defcription of the religious ftate of Ceylon ... from the fpeech of the Rev. R. Newftcad. [Hei. x. 2 4.] 8° Lond. 1S26. BISSET— BISSETT ;37 BISSET (James). B. at Perth about 1762. Went at an early ace to Birming- ham, where he cft.itilifhed a mufeum and fliop for curiofities. Removed to Leamington, 1813. D there, 17 Aug. 1S32. A poetic fui'vey round Birmingham : with a brief de- fcription of the different curiofities and maiiufaflorics of the place ; intended as a guide to llrangers. Accompanied by a magnificent direftory ; with the names, profeffions, &c. iuperbly engraved in emblematic plates. 8 Birmingham, [1800.] Defcriptive guide of Leamington Priors ; containing a brief account of that celebrated and fafhionable fpa ... 8 ' Coventry, i 8 I 4. — Another edition. S"" Coventry, 1814. BISSET (John). Minifter in Aberdeen. The right of patronages confidered, and fome of the an- tient and modern arguments for the exercife of that right in prefenting to churches furveyed. Together with rcmai ks on an anonymous writ, induftrioufly handed about among minif- ters, probationers, and ftudents of divinity, called. The cafe of patronage, [^non.] 8^ Edinb. 1 73 I. * The right of patronages reconfider'd : wherein an anony- mous ])ami)hlet, intituled, The cafe of patronages, is vindi- cated from the millakes and mifreprefentations of a pamphlet, intituled. The right of patronages confidered, &c. Together with remarks upon the whole of that performance. 8" n. p. 1731. Modern Eraftianifm unvailed ; or, a further furvey of the right of patronages. In which the rights of the church, and the privileges of its members, in the call and maintenance of the minilhy, and the duty of the nia'giftrate with refpeft to thefe, are cleared and vindicated from the unjuft reprefcnta- tions of a pamphlet, intituled, The right of patronages recon- fidered. With an appendix, containing anfwers to fome quertions moved upon occafion of the overture of the Gene- ral Afiembly, 1731. By a minifter ot the Church of Scot- land. 8° Edinb. 1732. BISSET (Robert), LL.D. Mafter of an academy in Sloanc Street, Cliclfea. D. 14 May, 1805, aged forty-fix. Sketch of democracy. 8° Lond. 1796. The life of Edmund Burke ; comprehending an impartial account of his literary and political efforts, and a flcetch of the conduiSt and character of his mofl eminent affociate.s, co- adjutors, and opponents. 8' Lond. 1798. The hiflory of the reign of George III. to the termination of the late war ; to which is prefixed, a view of the progref- five im])rovement of England, in prof])erity and ffrength, to the acceffion of his M.ijefty. In fix volumes. 8"^ Lond. I 803. * — Completed to the death of the King. Vol. VII. 8° Lond. 1820. BISSET (Thomas), M.A. Late chaplain and tutor of the Ead India College, Addif- combc. A fermon preached in St. John's church, Richmond, on Sunday, Nov. 3, 1850. [i Cor. xvi. 13.] 8 Lond. 1850. VOL. I. " Honour tliy father and thy mother :" a fermon preached in St. John's church, Richmond, on Sunday, Dec. i 5, 1850. [£xoJ. XX. I 2. 1 8° Lond. 1850. Suggeflions on univerfity refoim : a letter addreffed to the Right Hon. Lord John Ruffell, M.P. 8' Lond. 1850. BISSET (William). Eldeft brother of the Collegiate church of St, KatherinC: near the Tower, and reftor of Whifton, Northamptonftiirc. Plain Englifh : a fermon preached at St. Mary-Ie-Bow, on Monday, March 27. 1704. for leforniation of manners, with fome enlargements. The fourth edition. 0° Lond., reprinted Edinb. 1704. * A letter to Mr. BifTet ... in anfwer to his remarks on Dr. Sacheverel's fermon. 8° Lond., reprinted Edinb. 17 10. • The modern fanatick. With a large and true account of the life, adions, endowments, &c. of the famous Dr. Sa 1 [Sachfvere/L] 8° Lond. 17 lO. — Part II. Containing what is neceffary to clear all the matters of faft in the firfl part ; and to confute what has been printed in the pretended vindication of Dr. Sachevercll, re- lating to my felf. Being the firif book tliat ever was anfwer'd before it was made. With a poftfcript on that account. 8° Lond. 1710. * A vindication of the Rev. Dr. H. Sacheverell, from the falfe ... afperfions cafl upon him in a late infamous pam- phlet [iy Bifet'\ entitled. The modern fanatick. [By Dr. Charles Lambe.] * A letter to the eldefl brother of the Collegiate church of St. Katherine, in anfwer to his fcurrilous pamphlet en- titul'd The modern fanatick, &c. In which all the forgeries, falfe reports and fcandals thrown on Dr. Saclieverell, the Church and clergy in the faid pamphlet are fully detciled, Mr. B — t is proved to be a falfe brother, and a Icandal to that church he is a minilfer of; with a full account of his moderation and other excellent qualities. 8° Lond. 1711. * A letter to the author of the Vindication of the Reve- rend Dr. Sacheverell, from the malicious afperfions cafl on him by Mr. W. Biffet. 8° Lond. I 7 1 i . * Mr. B — t's recantation. 171 i. [By Di. William King.] * An anfwer to a fecond fcandalous book, that Mr. B — t is now writing. 171 i. [By Dr. William King.] BISSETT (George Maurice). * The trial, witli the whole of the evidence between tlic Right Hon. Sir Richard Worfley, Bart. ... plaintifl", and George Maurice Biffet, Efq. defendant, for criminal conver- fation with the plaintiffs wife ; before the Right Hon. William, Ead of Mansfield, and a fpecial jury ... on Thurf- day the 2 I fl of Ecby. 1782. Taken in fliort hand by Robert Pye Donkin. The eighth edition. 4° Lond. 1782. BISSETT (.Iamfs). Poems, mor.il, humorous and defcri])tive. 8° Cupai, 1824. 3 ■>■ 538 BISSLAND— BIZARUS BISSLAND (Thomas), M.A. Educated at Balliol College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. 1821, M.A. 1824. Curate of St. Martin's, Oxford, and fubfe- quently incumbent of St. Pauls, Winchmorc-Hill, Mlddlefex. Reftor of Hartley Mauduit, Hants, 1838. D. 5 June, 1846. Sermons, preached in St. Pauls, Winchmore-Hill, Mid- dlefex. 8° Lend. 1835. The preaching of the Crofs the cfFeftual means for the converfion of the finner, and the rtability of the Church. 8° Lond. 1836. BISSO (Giambatista). B. at Palermo, 5 Feb. 1712. Entered the Society of the Jefuits, 4 April, 1729. Taught philofophy during two years at Malta, and afterwards filled the chair of rhetoric in the CoUegio Maflimo at Palermo. The date of his death has not been af- certained. Introduzione alia volgar poefia,in due parti divifa. Seconda edizione Veneta, accrefciuta, e miglioratn. 8° Venezia, 1771- BISTERFELDIUS (Johannes Henricus). B. at NaiFau. ProfeiTor of theology and philofophy at Weif- lenburg, in Tranfylvania. D. 6 Feb. 1655, Scripturse facrae divina eminentia et efficientia ... Accedit, ejufdem authoris, Ars concionandi. I 2° Lugd. Bat. 1654. BITAUBE (Paul J^remie). CEuvres completes. 9 tom. 8° Paris, 1S04. Jofeph : a poem, in nine books. Tranflated from the French. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1783. BITHELL (Richard). Spelling taught by tranfcribing and diftation, in a feries of exercifes efpecially adapted for home work, in connexion with the inftruftion given in National, Britifh, and other ele- mentary fchools. 12° Lond. 1854. A half-yearly courfe of reading leflbns (three per week) in Englifli hiftory ; forming a compendium of the hiftory of England from the earliell period to the prtfent time. 8" Lond. 1856. BITON. A Greek mathematician and engineer, of whofe hiftory no- thing certain is known. KaraaKivai ■ToXi,'jLr/.!ii\i d^yavuiv y.ai xarwrsXrixim. De conftruftione bellicarum machinarum et catapultarum. [Ma- thematici "veleres, p. 105.] BITSCHIUS (Caspar). B. at Hagenau, 5 April, 1579. Studied at Stralburg and Bafel, and became profeflor of the Inftitutes, Pande£ls and Code in the former city. D. 2 Dec. 1636. Commentarius in confuetudines feudoram ... Opera ac lludio filii unici, Johannis Melchioris Bitchii ... editus. 40 Argentorati, 1673. Tradlatus abfolutiffimus de thefauris, vai ia eademque folida eruditione refeitus ; una cum appendice ejufdem, hoc eft ex- plicatione textus juris celeberrimi et difHcilimi in 1. 3. )^. Neratius 3. ff. de acquir. vel amitt. poflefs. 8° NoribergjE, 1674. BITTLESTON (Adam). Reports of new magil^rates' cafes argued and determined in all the courts of common law at Weftminfter. By A. Bittlefton, and Edward Wife, Efq. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1846-7. New pradlice cafes, together with cafes on evidence, ftamps, and the law of attorneys and folicitors. Edited by A. Bittlefton and E. Wife. Vol. I. Eafter term, 1844, to Hilary term, 1847. Vol. II. Hilary term, 1847, to Michaelmas term, 1847. b'^ Lond. 1847-8. The ftatutes and parts of ftatutes of the feffion of parlia- ment, 1849 (12 & 13 Vifloria,) relating to magiftrates, parochial and municipal law. With irtrodudlions, notes, and copious index. By A. Bittlefton and Edward W. Cox, Efqrs. 12° Lond. 1849. — 1850 (13 & i4Viftoria,) ... By A. Bittlefton and Edward W. Cox, Efqrs. 12° Lond. 1851. BIVORT (J. B.) The eledtoral laws of Belgium propofed as the bafis of parliamentary reform in England. Tranflated, with tlie com- mentary of J. B. Bivort, by Philip Edward Barnes. 8° Lond. 1849. BIZARDIERE (Michel David de la). A French hillorian, who lived in the latter half of the 1 7th century. An hiftorical account of the divifions in Poland, from the death of K. John Sobiellii, to the fettlement of the prefent king on the throne. Tranflated from the French original. 8° Lond. 1700. BIZARUS (Petrus). B. either at Saflbferrato or at Perugia, in the former half of the i6th century. He fpent Ibme time in England, but refided chiefly in France, Germany and the Low Countries, The time and place of his death have not been afcertained. Pannonlcum bellum, fub Maximillano II. Rom. et Soly- mano Turcar. imperatoribus geftum ; cumque arcis Sigethi expugnatione, jampridem magna cura et ftudlo defcrlptum. Una cum epitome lllarum rerum, quae in Europa infigniores geftas funt ; et praefertim de Belgarum motibus ab anno lxiiii. ufque ad Lxxiii. 8° Bafilea?, 1573. — [^Rerum HvsG AMC M.\J M fcriptores varii, p. 467.] — [Schwandtnerus, Scriptures rerum Hungaricarum, i. 659.] _ Cypriura bellum, inter Venetos et Sejymum Turcarum imperatorem geftum, librls tribus fumma cura et dillgentia defcrlptum. 8 [Bafiles, 1573.] Perbrevls diflertatio de univerfo relpubl. Genuenfis ftatu et admlniftratlone. [Gr/evius, Thefaurus antiquitatum et h'lf- toriarum Italiit, i. I 45 I.] Relpubl. Genuenfis leges novae, a legatls fummi Pontificis, Caefarls, et regis cathohcl, in quos per Rempubllcam collata fuerat aufl^oritas, conditae, et Genuae die xvil. Martil, M.D.Lxxvi. publicatae, ac in lucem editae a P. Bizaro. [Ibid. 1. 1467.] Poemata. [Gruter, Delitia poetarum Italorum, 1. 436.] — \Carmina tllu/irium poetarum Italorum, ii. 250.] BIZOT— BLACK 539 BIZOT (Pierre). B. 1630. Canon of St. Sauveur d'Heriffon, in the diocefc of Bourges. D. 1696, Hiftoire metallique dt la lepublique de Hollande. fol. Paris, 1687. — Nouvelle edition, augraentee de 1 40 medailles. 8° Anift. 1688. — - Supplement ... 8° Amft. 1690. BJORNSTJERNA (Magnus Fred. Ferd., Count). B. at Drefdcn, 10 Oft. 1779. Entered the Swedifli army, in which he ferved with great dillindUon, and rofe to the rank of lieutenant-general. AmbafTador from Sweden to England, 1826, D. at Stockholm, 6 Oft. 1847. The Briti(h Empire in the Ea(h 8° Lend. 1840. The theogony of the Hindoos; with their fyftems of philofophy and cofmogony : an eflay. 8° Lond. 1844. BLAAUW (William Henry), M.A. Of Bcechland, Sud'cx. The barons' war, including the battles of Lewes and Evef- ham. 8° Lond. 1844. BLACK (Adam). Publiflier, Edinburgh, and lately M.P. for that city. The Church its own enemy : being an anfwer to the pamphlets of the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, particularly to his af- perfions on tlie Town Council of Edinburgh. 8' Edinb. 1835. * Mr. Adam Black called to account for his mifdemean- ours, in reference to the Old church vacancy, &c. : in a letter addreffed to him by a citizen. 8' Edinb. 1 84 1. A vindication of the municipality extenfion and police and fanatory bills propofed by the Town Council. 8° Edinb. 1848. Speech in the Houfe of Commons on the annuity tax bill, l6th June, 1858. With an appendix containing important documents on the fubjedJ. 12= Edinb. 1859- BLACK (Alexander), D.D. B. at Aberdeen, and educated at Marifchal Collcjic there. Minifter of the pariih of Tarves. Hrofcflbr of divinity in Marif- chal College, 1831. Profcflor of exegctical theology in the New College, Edinburgh, 1844, which office he refigned in 1856. D. at Edinburgh, 27 Jan. 1864. The exegetical (ludy of the original Scriptures confidered in connexion with the training of theological lludents : in a letter to the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, D.D. 8" Edinb. 1856. BLACK (Archibald Pollock), A.M. Chriftianity worthy of God and fuitible to man : a ledlure delivered on December 23, 1853, to the Secul.iiift fociety, at the Secularill Hall, Phiipot Street, [and] A vindication of Chriftianity, worthy of God, Chriftianity and fecularifm : a difcourfe [delivered] on March 6, 1854 ... 8" n. p. [1S54.] BLACK (Charles Ingham), B.A. Perpetual curate of St. Mary's, Burlcy, Wharfedale. Houfehold |)iety ; or, tiie Lycaonian Cliiillians : a fer- mon. [2 Tim. i. 5.] 8' Lond. 1850. The Church requiefcent : a homily ... [Matt. xvi. 18.] 12° Lond. 1852. Meffias and Antimeffias : a prophetical expofition. To which are added, two homilies on the body of Chrift. 8° Lond. 1853. A fhort manual, expoCtory and devotional, on the prayer of the new covenant. 8" Lond. 1856. Memorialia cordis. 8° Lond. 1856. Confcffion : a letter to his parifhioners. 8° Lond. 1858. BLACK (Cornelius), M.D. Letters on the more evident changes which the body un- dergoes, and the management of health from infancy to adult age. 12° Lond. [1846.] The pathology of tuberculous bone. 8^ Edinb. 1859. BLACK (David Dakers). The hiftory of Brechin. 12" Brechin, 1839. BLACK (David Martin), W.S. A letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Advocate of Scot- land, regarding the improvements contemplated in a bill lately introduced into Parliament by Sir William Rae, Bart., cn- tituled, " A bill to alter and amend the law regarding the taking of infeftments in heritable propeity in Scotland." 8- Edinb. 183 i. BLACK (Francis), M.D. A treatife on the principles and praflice of homceopathy. 8° Lond. 1842. BLACK (G.) Drill book for volunteer riflemen, ftep by ftep, and inftruc- tions in rifle ])radlice, for companies armed with long or ftiort rifles, with hints on organization, equijiment, and praiflice grounds. 8° Lond. [1859.] — Second edition. 8° Lond. [i860.] BLACK (J. S.) Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States, at December term, 1861 [-2.] 2 vols. 8° Wafliington, 1862-3. BLACK (J. T.) Leflbns in Greek elliplis, from the (irft four chapters of Xenophon's Anabalis : with fundamental explanation. For the ufe of fchools, and for ftudents in felfinftruiSion. I 2° Lund. 1850. BLACK (James), M.D. A fhort inquiry into the capillary circulation of the blood ; with a comparative view of the more imimate nature of in- flammation ; and an introdufloi-y cfiay. 8° Lond. 1825. A comparative view of the more intimate nature of fever : deduced from phyfiological analylis, and illultrated by criti- cal remarks and pradlical obfervations. 8" Lond. 1826. A manual on the bowels and the treatment of tlieir prin- cijial diforders, fiom infancy to old age. I 2" Lond. I 840. 540 BLACK— BLACKADER BLACK (John), LL.D. B. at Douglas, Lanark/hire, about 1777- Mlnifter of the parifli of Coylton, Ayrftiirc, iSio. D. at Paris, 26 Aug. 1S25. The falls of Clyde ; or, the fairies : a Scotlfh dramatic paftoral, in five a&s ; with three preliminary diflertations. l^non.] 8° Edinb. 1806. Life of Torquato Taflb, with an hiftorical and critical account of his writings. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1 8 i o. Palaeoromaica ; or, hiftorical and philological difquifitions, inquiring whether the Helleniftlc ftyle is not Latin- Greek ? whether the many new words in the Elzevir Greek Tefta- ment are not formed from the Latin ? and whether the hypo- thefis that the Greek text of many manufcripts of the New Teftament is a tranflation or re-tranflation from the Latin, feems not to elucidate numerous palFages ; to account for the different recenfions ; and to explain many phenomena hither- to inexplicable to biblical critics? [y/non.] 8° Lond. 1822. A fupplement to Palaeoromaica, with remarks on the ftriftures made on that work by \^Burge/s] the Bifliop of St. David's ; the Rev. J. J. Conybeare, A.M., Prebendary of York, &c. ; the Britifli Critic ; alfo by the Kev. W. G. Broughton, M.A. ; and by Dr. Falconer, [vt/non.] 8° Lond. 1824. BLACK (Joseph), M.D. B. at Bordeaux, 1728. ProfefTor of chemiftry at Glafgow, 1756, and at Edinburgh, 1765. D. at Edinburgh, 26 Nov. 1799- Lecflures on the elements of chemiftry, delivered in the Univerfity of Edinburgh ; now publilhed from his manu- fcripts, by John Robifon, LL.D. 2 vols. 4° Edinb. 1803. BLACK (Laurence). The gaberlunzie: a Scottifti comedy,in three afts. [y/non.] 8" Edinb. 1839. BLACK (Patrick), M.D. Chloroform : how (hall we enfure fafety in its adminif- tration ? 8° Lond. 1855. BLACK (Robert). Curate of St. Andrew's, Holborn, London. Chriftian readinefs : a fermon, preached at St. Andrew's, Holborn, on Sunday afternoon, March 2, 1828, occafioned by the fudden death of Oliver Hatch, Efq., late treafurer of the City of London National fchools, &c. [Luie xii. 35, 36.] 8" Lond. 1828. BLACK (Robert Couper), M.A. Of Worcefter College, Oxford. Vicar of St. Mary's with St. Bcnedift's, Huntingdon, 1850. ReiSorof St. Dunfen's-in- the-Eaft, London, 1S61. D. atHeacham, i ALry, 1862, aged forty-three. Some confiderations on the educational fyftem of the Scottifli univerfities as compared with thofe of England, with a particular reference to the univerfities of Edinburgh and Oxford ; in a letter to the Rev. A. C. Frafer. With a poftfcript containing obfervations on an article on " The Scottilh univerfities" in "The North Britifh Review" for Auguft. 8° Edinb. 1850. BLACK (William). A (hort view of our prefent trade and taxes, compared with what thefe taxes may amount to after the Union, even tho our trade ftiould not augment one fixpence. With fome reafons why (if we enter in an union) our trade fhould be under our own regulations. \AnonJ\ 4° n. p. [1706.] Wednefday i8th. of December 1706. Remarks upon a pamphlet, intitled. The confiderations in relation to trade confidered, and A fliort view of our prefent trade and taxes reviewed. [Anon.^ 4° n. p. [l 706.] A letter concerning the remarks upon the Confiderations of trade, by the author \Defoe\ of the 4th eflay at removing national prejudices. 4° n. p. n. d. Some overtures and cautions in relation to trade and taxes, humbly offered to the Parliament. By a well-wifher to his country. 4° n. p. 1707. The privileges of the Royal burrows, as contained in their particular rights, and the ancient laws and records of parlia- ment, and their general Convention ... With an appendix containing the privileges and jurifdiftions of the cities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen. 8° Edinb. 1707. BLACK (William), M.D. Obfervations, medical and political, on the fmall-pox, and the advantages and difadvantages of geneial inoculation, efpecially in cities ... Second edition ... 8° Lond. 1781. BLACK (William). A praflical treatife on brewing, bafed on chemical and economical principles ; with formulas for public brewers, and inftruftions for private families. Second edition. 12° Lond. 1840. — Third edition. 8" Lond. 1844. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1849. Remarks on Bavarian beer, London poner, the influence of eleftricity on fermentation, and other fubjefts : being a fupplement to the third edition of his Treatife on brewing. 8° Lond. 1846. BLACK (William). James Merle : an autobiography. Edited by William Black. 8° Glafgow, 1864. BLACK (William Henry). A comparative account of works produced and moneys received by the commiflioners on the public records, during two periods, of five years before, and five years after, the 1 2th of March, 1 831. 8° Lond. 1837. BLACKADER (John). B. 1615. Educated for the Church at the Univerfity of Glaf- gow, and appointed mlnifter of the parifti of Troqueer, 1652. Being ftrongly attached to the prelbyterian party, he fuft'ered much perfecution from their opponents, and eventually died in the prifon of the Bafs, Dec. 1685. * Memoirs ... By Andrew Crichton. 1823. BLACKADER (John). Fifth fon of the preceding. B. in the pariib of Glencairn, Dumfries-lhire, 14 Sep. 1664. Entered the army, 1689, and ferved with great diftindlion under the Duke of Marlborough in BLACKALL— BLACKBURN 541 the wars of Queen Anne's reign. Rofe to the rank of lieu- tenant-colonel. Appointed deputy-governor of Stirling Caftlc, 1717. D. there, 31 Aug. 1729. * Life and diary. By Andrew Crichton. 1824. BLACKALL (John), M.D. B. .It Exeter, 24. Dec. 1771. Educated at the grammar-fchool of his native city, and at Balliol College, Oxford. Fellow of the Royal college of phyficians, 1797. D. at Exeter, 10 Jan. i860. Obfervations on the nature and cure of dropfies, and par- ticularly on tlie prefence ot the coagulable part of the blood in dropfical urine ; to which is added an appendix ... Second edition. 8° Lend. 18 14. BLACKALL (Ofspring), D.D. B. in London, 1654. Educated at Catherine Hall, Cam- bridge. Redlor of South Ockendon, Eflcx, 1690; and of St. Mary Aldermary, London, 1694. Bilhop of Exeter, 1707. D. 29 Nov. 1716. Fourteen fermons preach'd upon feveral occafions. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1706. The way of trying prophets : a fermon pieach'd before the Queen at St. James's, November 9. 1 707. [i John iv. I.] 8° Lond. 1707. The fubjefts duty : a fermon preach'd at the parifh church of St. Dunftan in the Weft, on Thurfday, March the dth, 1 704. being the anniverfary day of her Majefty's happy ac- cellion to the throne. ^Prov. xxiv. 2 1 .J 8" Lond. I 709. The divine inftitution of magiftracy, and tlie gracious de- Cgn of its inftitution : a fermon preach'd before the Queen, at St. James's, on Tuefday, March 8. 1708. being the an- niverfary of her Majefty's happy acccffion to the thionc. ^Rom. xiii. 4.] 8° Lond. I 709. The Ld. Bp. of Exeter's anfwer to Mr. Hoadly's letter. 8° Lond. I 709. * A letter to a noble lord, about his difiJci fiiig abroad Mr. Hoadlcy's rcmai ks upon the Bifhop of E.xeter's fermon be- fore the Queen, humbly recommending to his lordfliip's per- ufal an anfwer to it [iy Charlts Lejlie^ cntitul'd The beft anfwer ever was made, &c. 8^ Lond. 1709. Praftical difcourfes upon our Saviour's Sermon on the mount. With a preface, giving fomc account of the work, by the Moft Reverend Father in God, William [iJawcj] Lord Archbifhop of York. 8 vols. 8" Lond. 17 i 7-18. BLACKALL (Samuel), M.A. Perpetual curate of Ixworth, Suffolk. Faithfulncfs to our ftewardftiip ; a vifitation fermon preached at St. Mary's church. Bury St. Edmund's, on the 22nd May, i860, [i Cor, iv. I, 2.] 8° Bury St. Edmund's, i860. BLACKALL (Samuel Winsley), M.P. Suggcftions for relieving diftrcfs, by ftimulating priv.ite and public employment. 8° Dublin, 1848. BLACK BEARD. Black Beard, the pir-ue ; or, the captive princefs : a drama, in two aif^s : adapted to Hodgfon's theatric. li charac- ters and fcencs in the fame. 12° Lond. n. d. BLACKBERRY HOLLOW. The children of Blackberry Hollow. BLACKBIRD. 8° Lond. 1863. The black-bird's Lile : a poem. 8° Lond. 17 10. The black-bird's tale : a poem. By the author of the fii-ft- 8" Lond. I 7 10. BLACK BOOK. The extraordinary black book : an expofition of the united Church of England and Ireland; civil lift and crown revenues; incomes, privileges, and power, of the ariftocracy, privy council, diplomatic, and confular eftablifhments ; law and juJiciul adminiftration : reprefcntation and profpe t° ''^''y Yefter's, in the fame city, 1754; and to the High church, 1758. Appointed profcfTor of rhetoric and belles lettres in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, 1762. D. there, 17 Dec. 1800. A critical differtation on the poems of Offian, the fon of Fingal. The fecond edition ; to which is added an ap- pendix, containing a variety of undoubted teftimonies eftab- lifhing their authenticity. 8° Lond. 1765. Sermons. [To which is annexed a fhort account of the life and character of the author by James Finlayfon, D.D.] 5 vols. 8° Edinb. and Lond. 1 777-1 801. Ledlures on rhetoric and belles lettres. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1783. — A new edition, with an introduftory effiy by the Rev. Thomas Dale, A.M. 8" Lond. 1845. The compaffion and beneficence of the Deity : a fermon, preached before the Society incorporated by royal charter for the benefit of the fons of the clergy of the Eftabliihed Church of Scotland, in the Tron church of Edinburgh, May 20. 1796. [c/cr. xlix. II.] To which is added, an account of the objeils and conftitution of the fociety. 8" Edinb. 1796. On tranquillity of mind. 12° Edinb. 1857. * Life and writings. By John Hill, LL.D. 1807. BLAIR (James). A native of Scotland, and minifter of the Epilcopal Church. Went to Virginia as a miflionary about 1685. Prefident of William and Mary College, and reftor of Williamlburg in that colony. D. i Aug. 1743. The jirefent ftate of Virginia, and the college, by MefTrs. Hartwell, Blair and Chilton. 1727. Vor Frelferes guddommelige Pndiken paa Bierget ... forklaret, og Ovelfen deraf an])rii(l i adlkillige Prxdikener i fiire Tomer ... paa Danfli overfat af Dideric de Thurah. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1761. BLAIR (James). B. at Cairncyhill, near Dunfermline, 19 Sep. 1797. A bap- tift preacher. D. at Aberdeen, 9 April, 1859. * The Scottifh evangelift. The lite and labours of the Rev. James Blair, of the Bridge of Allan ; chiefly compiled from his own journals, togetlier with three of his difcourfe-s. 8" Glafgow, i860. BLAIR (.1. Hunter). [Lettei' to the Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, dean of Faculty, &c., with ref])c<5l to the propofals for a South Bridge, and an eftablidiment for the pooi' ; and in anfwer to the objec- tions made to a/feirment for thefe objecfts. With a ftatement of the city's tavern expence.s, from Michaelmas 1754 to Martinmas 1783. Dated Edinburgh, Dec. 7. 1784. No title-page.'] 4° [Edinb. 1784.] BLAIR (John), LL.D. B. in Scotland, and educated Jt Edinburgh. Removed to England, and w.is appointed chaplain to the duwagcr Princcliof Wales, and mathematical tutor to the Duke of Voik. Vicar of Hinckley, 1761. VicarofSt. Bride's, London, 1771. Rcdlor of bt. John's, Wellminilcr, 1776. D. 24 June, 1782. The chronology and hiftory of the world, from the Crea- tion to tlic year of Clirill I 768, illuflrated in tvi. tables... . fol. Lond. I76tt. 550 BLAIR— BLAICE — from the Creation to the year of Chrifl: 1 8 1 4, illuf- trated in lvii. tables ... fol. Lend. 1814. Chronological and hiftorical tables, from the Creation to the prefent time : with additions and coneiflions from the mofl authentic writers ; including the computation of St. Paul, as connefting the period from the Exode to the Temple. 8° Lond. 1844. — A new edition. 8° Lond. 185 i. BLAIR (Patrick), M.D. Originally a phyfician at Dundee. Imprifoned in 1715 on account of his attachment to the Stuart family. Removed to London, and afterwards to Bofton in Lincolnlhire. The date of his death is not known. Mifcelkneous obfervations in the pra(ftife of phyfick, ana- tomy, and furgery : with new and curious remarks in botany ... To which is prefix'd a letter to the late Dr. Baynard, with new experiments, and conCderable improvements in the ufe of the cold bath. 8° Lond. 17 18. * An anfwer to a letter from a gentleman in the country to his friend in town. By Philalethes. 1748. The cafe of Mr. Baker truly ftated ; with fome remarks upon a pamphlet lately publifhed on that fubjeft. 4° Cork, [1748.] BLAIR (Robert). B. at Irvine, 1593. Educated at the Unlverfity of Glafgow. Minifterat Bangor, in Ireland, 1623. Colleague to Mr. William Annand at Ayr, 1638. Tranflated to St. Andrews, 1639. Ejefted, 1662. D. 27 Aug. 1666. Memoirs of the life of Mr. Robert Blair, minifter of the gofpel fometime at Bangor in Ireland, and afterward at St. Andrews in Scotland : in two parts. The firft pait wrote by himfelf, and the fecond by Mr. William Row, fometime minifter of the gofpel at Ceres. [^Contains only an abridg- ment of Row's Continuation.] 4° Edinb. 1754. — Another edition, edited for the Wodrow Society, from the original manufcript, by Thomas M'Crie, D.D. 8° Edinb. 1848. BLAIR (Robert). B. 1699. Minifter of Athelftaneford, in Eaft- Lothian. D. 4 Feb. 1747. Poetical works : containing the Grave, and A poem to the memoiy of Mr. Law. To which is prefixed the life of the author, by Robert Anderfon, M.D. 4" Lond. 1794. The poetical works of Be.attie, Blair, and Falconer . . . 1854- The Grave : a poem. 8° Edinb. 1747. — lUuftrated by twelve etchings, executed by Louis Schiavonetti, from the inventions of William Blake. 4= Lond. 1808. — Altered into rhime . . . To which is added Gray's cele- brated Elegy : both illuftrated with notes, and occafional re- marks [by Heniy Lemoine.] 8° Lond. I 790. — Tranfpofed into rhyme, by G. W. Bulkley. 12° Lond. 1833. — With a preface by the Rev. F. W. Farrar, M.A. 8° Edinb. 1858. A poem : dedicated to the memory of the late learned and eminent Mr. William Law, profeflbr of philofophy in the Univerfity of Edinburgh. [No title-page.] 4° BLAIR (Robert), M.D. Nephew of the preceding. Regius profeflbr of aftronomy in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, 1786. D. at Weftloch, Berwick- fliire, 22 Dec. 1S28. Scientific aphorifms : being the outline of an attempt to eftabliflt fixed principles of fcience; and to explain from them the general nature of the conftitution and mechanifm of the material fyftem, and the dependance of that fyftem on mind. 8° Edinb. 1827. BLAIR (William), A.M. The revival of popeiy, its intolerant charafter, political tendency, encroaching demands, and unceafing ufurpations : detailed in a feries of letters to William Wilberforce, Efq., M.P. With an appendi.x. 8° Lond. 1819. BLAIR (William). Advocate. Son of Lord Prefident Blair, and grandfon of the author of the " Grave." An inquiry into the ftate of flavery amongft the Romans, from the earlieft period till the eftablirtiment of the Lombards in Italy. 8° Edinb. 1S33. The Scottilh juftices' manual ; being an alphabetical com- pendium of the powers and duties of juftices of the peace within Scotland . . . With an appendix of forms, ftatutes, &c., and a copious index. 8^ Edinb. 1S34. BLAISE. Annales Befuenfes, A. 1-1174. [Pertz, Monumenta Germania hijlorica, ii. 247.] BLAITHMAC, Saint. * Vita, auftore Walafrido Strabone. BLAKE (Lady ). My ftep-father's home. In three volumes. 8" Lond. 1864. The Hammonds of Holycrofs. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1865. BLAKE (Andrew), M.D. Phyfician to the Nottingham General lunatic afylum. A praftical effay on the difeafe generally known under the denomination of delirium tremens ; written principally with a view to elucidate its divifion into diftinft ftages, and hence to fimplify its method of cure. Second edition. 8^ Lond. 1840. BLAKE (Barnett). Infidelity inexcufeble : one God, infinite in power, wif- dom, and goodnefs, proved by his works, and by his Word ; with the neceffaiy references therefrom. I2=> Lond. 1855. BLAKE (Mrs. Cecilia). Glenrora ; or, the caftle, the camp, and the cottage : a temperance tale. 8° Lond. 1864. BLAKE (D. T.) An hiftorical treatife on the praftice of the Court of Chanceiy of the State of New York . . . 8^ New York, 1818. BLAKE— BLAI^ENEY 551 BLAKE (George). Theoretical and praftical remarks on George Blake's fyftem of malting and brewing ... 8° Lond. 18 I 7. BLAKE (George Bannerman), M.A. Junior minifter of St. George's prelljyteri.'in church, Sunder- land. D. 29 Aug. 1S63, ag'jd thirt}-two. * A memorial flcetch of tlie late Rev. George Banner- man Blake. 8° Lond. 1S64. BLAKE (John L.), D.D. B. at Northwood, New Hampfhire, 1 7?8. Educated at Brown Univerfity. Principal of a ladies' fchool for twelve years. Minifter of an Epifcopal church, firft at New Providence, R. I., afterwards at Concord, N. H., and finally at Bofton. D. 1857. The hiftorical, biographical and poetical reader ; or, fcholar's companion ... 12° Lond. 1862. BLAKE (Joseph). The day of fmall things ; or, incitement to juvenile ac- tivity and ufefulncfs, founded on praiSical effort, in connec- tion with Chriftian milTions. 12" Lond. 1849. BLAKE (Sir Richard). Sir Richard Blake his fpeech in the Houfe of Commons at a grand committee for the bill againft paper petitions. Mailer Brereton fitting in the chaire, June 28. 1641. 4° Lond. 1 641. BLAKE (Richard F. S.) of the royal dock-yard, Portfmouth. Effay on naval architecture ; containing obfervations on, and drawings of, a newly-conftruiflcd bow for fliips of war. 8° Portfmouth, 1829. Defcriptions of various plans for the improvement of naval architecture, with illuftrative flcetches. 8° Lond. 1833. BLAKE (Robert). The triumph of Scipio : an hiftorical poem on the late rebellion. 4° Lond. 1758. BLAKE (Robert). A celebrated Englifh admiral. B, at Bridgewater, Somerfet- (hire, 1 599. D. on board his fliip, the St. George, in Plymouth Sound, 17 Aug. 1657. * Life. By William Hepworth Dixon. 1852. BLAKE (Thomas William Jtx), M.A. A long vacation in continental pidure galleries. 8° Lond. 1858. BLAKE (W. H.) A treatife on the manufa(5ture of yeaft from malt .nnd hops, without the addition of chemical acids : containing the pro- cefs, recipe, and inllrudlions for udiig the fame. 8° Lend. 1816. BLAKE (William). Obfervations on the principles which regulate tlie coui'fe of exchange ; and on tlie ])refcnt depicciatcd (late of the currency. 8" I^ond. 18 10. — [J. R. M'Culloch, yl feka colletlion of ... truch ... on paper currency and banking. 1857.] Obfervations on tiie effedls produced by the expenditure of government during the reftriftion of calh payments. 8° Lond. 1823. Obfervations in reply to a pamphlet by the Rev. Richard Jones, on the afleflment of tithes to the poor's rate. 8' Lond. 1839. BLAKE (William). A well-known Englifli engraver. B. in London, 1757. D. there, 13 Aug. 1 817. * Life ... By Alexander Gilchrist. 1863. BLAKELOCK (Ralph), M.A. Reflor of Gimingham, Norfolk, 1833. The privilege and duty of private judgment : a fermon preached at North Waliham, at Archdeacon Olderfhaw's vifitation, May 10, 1839. With an appendix, [i Thefs. V. 21.] 8° Lond. 1840. The atonement and the doftrines connefted with it : a courfe of fermons preached before the Univerfity of Cam- bridge, in January 1844. With an appendix, containing a fynopfis of Dr. Waterland's Summaiy view of juftification. 8° Cambridge, 1844. BLAKELY (Alexander Theophilus). Captain, Royal Artillery. A few remarks on the faience of gunnery. 8° Lond. 1855. — Second edition. 8 Lond. 1857. A propofed new method of conftrudling cannon, with re- marks on the objedtions raifed by the government officials. 8° Lond. 1858. A letter from Captain Blakely, H.P., Royal Artillery, to the Secretary of State for War, claiming the original in- vention of an indif])enfablc feature of the Armftrong gun, with an authentic defcription of iha' weapon. 8° Lond. 1859. BLAKELY (F.), A.M. An explicit avowal of truth the beft mode of teaching it : a fermon preached at Banbridge, on Wedncfday, the 20th day of July, 1853, before the AITociation ot IriHi non-fub- fcribing prefbyteiians. \^Rom.\. 16.] 8° Bellall, 1853. BLAKELY (John). The theology of inventions ; or, manifeftations of deity in tiie works of art. 8' Glafgow, 1855. BLAKELY (T. A.) See Alex. Theophilus Blakely. BLAKENEY (Richard). Lieutenant, Royal Marines. The journal of an oriental voyage in iiis M.TJcfty's fliip Africaine. 12° Lond. i 841. BLAKENEY (Richard Paul), LL.D. Incumbent of Chrift-church, Claughton, Birkenhead. Roniifli parties ; or, falfe pretenfions of Rome to unity. I 2° Lond. n. d. Cardinal Wifeman and the pope's bilhops : a leflure, de- livered in the Aflembly Room, Nottingham, Nov. 21, 1850. 8" Nottingham, [1850.] 552 BLAKENEY— BLAICEY A manual of Romi(h controverfy : being a complete re- futation of the creed of Pope Pius IV. 8^ Edinb. 1851. Convocation : a fermon, preached on Sunday, September 19th, i852,inChrift-church,Claughton,Birkenhead. [Alalt. xviii. 17.] 8° Lond. 1852. Proteftant catechifm ; or popery refuted and proteftantifm eftablilhed by the Word of God. 8° Lond. 1854. Modern infidelity and rationalifm refuted ... By the Rev. John Gumming, D.D., and the Rev. R. P. Blakeney. 1861. The Polifh infurredtion, and its real objefts ; the policy of Napoleon ; the Jefuits ; (liall we go to war ? an addi efs. 8° Liverpool, 1863. The Book of common prayer, in its hiftory and interpre- tation ; with fpecial reference to points difputed in the pre- fent day. 8° Lond. 1865. BLAKENEY (Sir William), Lord Blakeney. B. at Mount Blakeney, in the county of Limerick, 1672. Entered the army, and role to the rank of lieutenant-general. Railed to the peerage, 1756. D. 20 Sept. 1761. * A fiill anfwer to an infamous pamphlet [liy Ifrael Mau- duii\ intituled, A letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord B y ; being an enquiry into his defence of Minorca. To which is prefixed an exadl plan of Fort St. Philip's ; with proper references. 8 Lond. 1757. BLAKESLEY (Joseph Williams), M.A. Vicar of Ware, Hertfordlhire. Thoughts on the recommendations of the Ecclefiaftical Commiflion ; particularly in reference to their probable in- fluence on the ftate of the univerfities : in a letter to Wil- ham Ewart Gladllone, Efq., M.P. 8° Lond. 1837. A life of Arillotle ; including a critical diicuffion of fome queftions of literary hiftory connefted with his works. 8° Cambridge, 1839. — \H\Jlory of Greek and Roman fhilosopby and fcience. •853-]. Condones academics : ten fermons preached before the Univerfity of Cambridge. 8° Lond. 1843. Where does the evil lie ? obfervations addreffed to the refident members of the fenate on the prevalence of private tuition in the Univerfity of Cambridge. 8° Lond. 1845. The way of peace : a fermon preached at the late vifi- tation of the Venerable the Archdeacon of St. Alban's. [l Cor. i. 13.] 8° Cambridge, 1852. Four months in Algeria : with a vifit to Carthage. 8° Cambridge, 1859. BLAKEWAY (,Tohn Brickdale), M.A. B. at Shrewfljury, 24 June, 1765. Educated at Weftminfter, and at Oriel College, Oxford. Called to the bar, 1789, but gave up the profelTjon of law, and took holy orders, 1793. Perpe- tual curate of St. Mary, Shrewibury, 1794. Vicar of Neen Savage, Shroplhire, and perpetual curate of Felton, Somerfet- fhire, 1795. Vicar of Kinlet, Shroplhire, 1800. D. at Shrewf- bury, 10 March, 1826. Attachment to the Church the duty of its members : a fermon preached in the parifh church of St. Julian, Shrewf- bury, on Wednefday the 17th day of July, 1816, at the anniverfary meeting of the Salop diftrict committee of the Society for promoting Chriftian knowledge. \Gal. vi. 10.] 8° Shrewfbury, 18 16. The (heriffs of Shro] fliire, with their armorial bearings : and notices, genealogical and biographical, of their families. fol. Shrewfbury, I 83 I. BLAKEY (Robert), Ph.D. Sometime profeflbr of logic and metaphyfics in (Queen's Col- lege, Belfaft. An efTay fhewing the intimate contvexion between our notions of moral good and evil, and our conceptions of the freedom of the divine and human wills. 8° Edinb. 1831. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1847. An effay towards an eafy and ufeful fyftem of logic. I 2° Lond. 1834. — Second edition, enlarged ; with an alphabetical lift of upwards of one thoufand works on logic. 8° Lond. 1848. Hiftorical fltetch of logic, from the earlieft times to the prefent day. 8° Lond. I 851. Hiftory of the philofophy of mind ; embracing the opinions of all writers on mental fcience from the earlieft period to the prefent time. 4 vols, 8° Lond. 1848. The temporal benefits of Chriftianity, exemplified in its influence on the focial, intelleiflual, civil, and political con- dition of mankind, from its firft promulgation to the prefent day. 8° Lond. 1849. The hiftory of political literature from the earlieft times. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1855. A few remarkable events in the life of the Rev. Joflah Thomfon, a feceffion minifter : fhewing the evil effedls of voluntary churches in general, and the Seceflion Church in the north of England in particular. By Nathan Oliver, Efq. \_Pfeud^^ 8° Lond. 1836. No popery. Stanzas, in two cantos. Edited by Verax [/.If. R. Blakey and G. To'o.'nfend.l 12° Lond. 1854. Old faces in new maflts. 8° Lond. 1859. Hints on angling, with fuggeftions for angling excurfions in France and Belgium : to which are appended fome brief notices of the Englifh, Scottifh, and Irifh waters ; by Pal- mer Hackle, Efq. [P/eud.'] 8° Lond. 1846. The angler's complete guide to the rivers and lakes of England. 12° Lord. 1853. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. The angler's guide to the rivers and lochs of Scotland. 8° Lond. 1854. Angling ; or, how to angle, and where to go. 8° Lond. 1854. The angler's fongbook. Compiled and edited by Robert Blakey. 8' Lond. 1855. Hiftorical fltetches of the angling literature of all nations. To which is added a bibliography of Englifh writers on angling. 12° Lond. 1856. Shooting: a manual of pradlical information on this branch of Britifh field fports. 8° Lond. 1854. BLAKEY (William). Effay on the manner of preferving children and grown perfons from ruptures. 12° Lond. 1792. BLAKHAL— BLANCARDUS 553 BLAKHAL (Gilbert). "Preift of the Scots miflion in France, in the Low Countries, and in Scotland." Date of birth and death unknown. A breiffe narration of tlie fervices done to three noble ladyes, m.dc.xxxi. — m.dc.xlix. [Edited for the Spalding Club by John Stuart.] 4° Aberdeen, 1844. BLAKISTON (E. F.) Gieat catches ; or, grand matches. In two volumes. [j4nonJ] 12° Lond. 1861. Hearts are trumps. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1862. BLAKISTON (Peyton), M.A. Hints for the improvement of the condition of the labour- ing clafles. With an appendix containing praftical plans for the reduftion of poor rates and for reftoring the comforts and independence of the peafantry, by their own means. 8° Lond. 1831. Praiftical obfervations on certain difeafes of the chert, and on the principles of aufcultation. 8° Lond. 1848. Clinical obfervations on difeafes of the heart and thoracic aorta. 8° Lond. 1865. BLAKISTON (Robert), M.A. Reilor of Ailiington-cum-Bunfton, Suffex. A fermon preached in the parilh church of Storrington, on Tuefday, July 13, 1847, at the vifitation of the Rt. Rev. Father in God, Alhhurft Turner Gilbert, D.D., Lord Bp. ofChichefter. [Jude ^.] 8° Chichefter, 1847. BLAKISTON (Thomas H.) Twelve years' military adventure in three quarters of the globe ; or, memoirs of an officer who ferved in the armies of his Majefty and of the Eafl: India Company, between the years 1 802 and i 8 1 4, in which are contained the campaigns of the Duke of Wellington in India, and liis laft in Spain and the fouth of France. 2 vols. \ylnon.'\ 8° Lond. 1829. BLAKISTON (Thomas W.) Five months on the Yang-Tfze ; with a narrative of the exploration of its upper waters, and notices of the piefent re- bellions in China. 8° Lond. 1862. BLAKMAN (Joannes). Collcflarium manfuetudinum ct bonorum morum' regis Hcnrici VI. [Otterbourne, Duo rcrum Angltcarum Jcr'ip- lores veteres, i. 285.] BLAME. Who are to blame, the clergy or the people ? a tale for the working clafTes. 8° Lond. 1858. BLAMIRE (Susanna). B. at Garden Hall, Cumberland, iijan. 1747. D. at Carlillc, 5 April, 1794. Poetical works ; now for the firft time collected by Henry Lonfd.ile, M.D. With a preface, memoir and notes, by Patrick Maxwell. 8° Edinb. 1842. VOL. 1. BLAMIRE (William). B. at the Oaks, near Dal(ton, Cumberland, 13 April, 1790. Educated at Wellminfter Ichool, and at Chrift-chuich, Oxford. M.P. for Cumberland, 1831. Chief commiflioner of tithes, under the Tithe commutation aft, 1836, which office he re- figned, Sep. i860. D. 12 Jan. 1862. * Biographical fltetch ... By Henry Lonsdale. 1862. BLANASCO (Joannes de). .\ French lawyer, who flouriflied in the latter half of the 13th century. Ordo judiciarius, hue ufque non impreflus ; continens totam fubiilitatcm juris in pradica ; quo five et judex et ad- vocatus et pradticus quifquis fubtile aliquid in praflica non intcntabit. 8° Lugduni, 1 5 i 5. Commentaria fuper titulum de aftionibus in Inftitutis ... Nunc primum a JulHno Goblero ... in publicum sdita atque reftituta. fol. Moguntias, 1539. — [Bergierius, De aStonibus traSaius, i. 222.] BLANC (Charles). The hiftoiy of the painters of all nations. Tranflated by Peter Berlyn . . . with their portraits, illuftrations of their moft celebrated works, fac-finiiles of their handwriting, &c. The illuftrations executed under the artiftic diredion of M. Armengaud, of Paris. The entire work edited by M. Digby Wyatt ... 4° Lond. 1 852. BLANC (Guillaume du). Bifhop of Grafle and of Vance. Honorary chamberlain to Pope Sixtus V. Difcours des parricides ... 8° Lyon, 1606. BLANC (Jean). L'anatheme des faux projihetes : fermon prononce dans les eglifes Frangoifes de rArtilleric, de Lcicefter-fields, de Ridercourt, et du Tabernacle. \Gal. i. 7-9.] 8° Londres, 1707. BLANC (Louis). The hiftory of ten years, 1830— 18 40. In two volumes. 8" Lond. 1844-5. Threatened focial diforganifation of France. Louis Blanc on the working clafTos ; with correded notes, and a refuta- tion of his deftrudlive plan, by James Ward. 8° Lond. 1848. 1848. Hiftorical revelations : infcribed to Lord Nor- nianby. 8° Lond. 185 8. BLANC (Le). See Leblanc. BLANCARD (Stephen). A doftor of medicine at Franekcr, who lived at the end of the 17th and beginning of the i8th century. The phyfical diiftionary ... The fixth edition ... 8' Lond. 17 I 5. BLANCARDUS (Steph. Guil.) Difp\itatio juridica inaui;uralis, de villa molu judicis diruta, ad 1. 20. D. Comm. dividund. Traj. ad Rhen. 1737. [Oelrichs, Thefaurus novus dijfcrtationum jurldicarum, 11. ii. 28,.] 4 B 554 BLANCAS— BLANCHINUS BLANCAS (Geronimo de). B. at Saragoffa. Educated at Valentia. Succeeded Zurita in the office of hiftoriographer-royal. D. at Saragoffa, a Dec. 1590. Ad regum Aragonum veterumq. comitum depiftas effigies, in regia Caefaraguftanenfi deputationis aula pofitas, infcrip- tiones : quas funima uniufcuiufq. lerum, tempomm, atq. aetatum capita compleftuntur. 4= Csefaiauguftx, 1587. Infcripciones Latinas a los retratos de los reyes de Sob- rarbe, condes antiguos, y reyes de Aragon, pueftos en la fala real de la diputacion de la ciudad de Zarago5a ; contienen una breve noticia de las heioycas acciones de cada uno, tiempo en que florecieron, y cofas tocantes a fus leynados. Se anaden las infcripciones a los retratos de los reyes D. Felipe Primero, Segundo, y Tercero. Tiaducidas en vulgar, y efcoliadas . . . por Don Martin Carrillo ... [y] el Doftor Diego Jofef Dormer. 4° Zaragoga, 1680. Aragonenfium rerum commentarii. fol. Caefaraugufta;, 1588. — [ScHOTTUS, Hifpanl/t i!luj}rat£, iii. 566.] Regum Aragonice feries . . . [Damianus a Goes, De rebus Hifpanicis ... p. 138.] — • [ScHOTTUS, Hifpamiz iHuJlrata, ii. S48.] Coronaciones de los fereniffimos reyes de Aragon ; efcritas por G. de Blancas . . . Con dos tratados del modo de tener cortes del mifmo autor, y de Geronimo Martel, chronifta tambien del mifmo reyno. 4° Qaragoga, 1641. BLANCH (GusTAVTJS William). Praftical remarks on the efficacy of traftion, for the cure of difeafes of the cheft, apoplexy, tic doloureux, gout, rheu- matifm, and other acute and chronic affections ; confirmed by cafes. 8° Lond. 1854. BLANCHARD (E. L.) Adams's pocket defcriptive guide to the lake diftrict of Lancafhire, Weftmoreiand, and Cumberland ; a complete companion for the tourift to the attradlive fcenery, picturefque antiquities, mountains, lakes, and waterfalls of this celebrated region. 8° Lond. n. d. Adams's pocket London guide-book; a complete hiftorical, critical, general, and topographical furvey of the metropolis, for the ufe of the refident or flranger ... 8° Lond. [1851.] Adams's defcriptive guide to the watering places of Eng- land and companion to the coaft. 2 parts. 8° Lond. [1855.] Adams's defcriptive guide to the Channel Iflands, the Ifle of Wight, and the Ifle of Man ; with introduflory flvetches of Southampton, Weymouth, Gofport, and Portfmouth, tlie ufual pons of embarkation. New edition. 12= Lond. 1859. Bradfhaw's guide through London and its environs : ex- hibiting in a novel and comprehenfive form all that can be feen in the metropolis and its vicinity for thiity miles round, forming a complete and indifpenfable companion to the refi- dent and ftranger. 8° Lond. 1 860. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1861. A handy book on dinners : dinners and diners at home and abroad. 8° Lond. i860. BLANCHARD (Edmund Forster). Poems by Edward Wilberforce and E. F. Blanchard. 1857. BLANCHARD (John). The deftiny of nations, and univerfal dominion of the Gofpel, as predidted in the fecond chapter of the Prophet Daniel : a lefture delivered at the leflure-hall, Whitby, on Tuefday evening, July iith, 1854. 12° Whitby, 1854. BLANCHARD (Pierre). B. at Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne, 20 Dec. 1772. A man of letters and publifher in Paris. A treafure for youth ; a claflical work, divided into three parts : morality, virtue, and civility. Tranflated from the French by Jofeph Mechelen. 12° Briftol, 183 i. BLANCHARD (Samuel Laman). B. at Yarmouth, 15 May, 1803. Educated at St. Olave's fchool, Southwark, London. Devoted himfelf to literary pur- fuits. Died by his own hand, 15 Feb. 1S45. Lyric offerings. 12° Lond. 1828. Sketches from life ; with a memoir of the author, by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1846. BLANCHARD (Sidney Laman). The Ganges and the Seine : fcenes on the banks of both. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1862. BLANCHE. Blanche and her betrothed : a tale, told by herfelf. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1855. BLANCHE RIE ( de la). De par toutes les nations, I'agent general de correfpond- ance pour les fciences et les arts a la nation Angloife : pro- clamation dans I'efprit des jednes ordonnes par le roi, pour les annees 1794, 1795, et la P'efente ... \Anon^ 4° Lond. 1796. BLANCHET (Franjois). B. at Angerville, near Chartres, 25 Jan. 1707. Educated at Paris. Entered the Church, and was appointed canon of the cathedral of Boulogne, which office he refigned. D. at Saint- Germain-en-Laye, 29 Jan. 1784. Varietes morales et amufantes tirees des journaux Anglois. Traduftion nouvelle. S^Anon?^ 2 tom. 12° Palis, 17S4. BLANCHINUS (Franciscus). B. at Verona, 15 Dec. 1662. Educated at Bologna and at Padua. Diftinguiihed as an aftronomer, an antiquary, and a man of letters. Spent nroft of his life at Rome, in the enjoyment of many favours conferred by Popes Alexander VIII., Clement XI., and Innocent XIII. D. at Rome, 2 March, 1729. De kalendario et cyclo Caefaris, ac de Pafchali canone S. Hippolyti martyris differtationes duas ... fol. Romae, i 703. Aftronomicas ac geographies obfervationes feleftae, Ro- mjE, atque alibi per Italiam habitae . . . Una cum geographica meridiani Romani tabula, a mari fupero ad inferum, ex iif- BLANCHINUS— BLAND 555 dem obfervationibus collefta et concinnata, cuia et ftudio Eultachii Manfredi. fol. Verona, I737. De tribus generibus inftniraentorum muficx veterum or- ganicas diflertatio. 4'' Romas, 1742. In vitas pontificum Romanorum Anadafio Bibliothecaiio attributas prxfatio. [Muratori, Rerum Ilalkarum fcriplores, iii. 55.] BLANCHINUS (Jacobus). A French jurift, b. at Uzes, who lived about the middle of the l6th century. De jureconfuiti inftitutione paraenefis. 4° Lugduni, 1544. BLANCHINUS (Josephus). B. at Verona, 9 Sept. 1704. A prieft of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. The date of his death has not been alcertained. Evangeliarium quudraplcx Latinse verfionis antiquas, feu veteris Italicae ; nunc primum in luceni editum ex codicibus manufcriptis. 17 49- See Bible, Verfions, Latin, c. BLANCHUS (Franciscus). " Epirota, Coll. de propag. fide alumnus." Didtionaiium Latino-Epiroticum, una cum nonnuUis ufi- tatioribus loquendi formulis. 8° Roma, 1635. BLANCHUS (Joannes). Epitome feudorum. [F. Zilettus, Tra&alus uni-uerft juris, X. i. 263.] BLANCKEN (Gerrard). A catalogue of all the cheifeft rarities in the publick theater and anatomie-hall of the Univerfity of Leyden. 4° Leyden, 1695. BLANCKLEY (Thomas Riley). A naval expofitor, (hewing and explaining the words and terms of art belonging to the parts, qualities, and proportions of building, rigging, furnifhing, and fitting a thip for fea ... 4° Lond. 1750. BLANCO (Nicolas). Examen theologico-moral fobre los theatros aftuales de Efpana. 4° Zaragoza, 1766. BLANCUCIUS (Benedictus). A native of Rome, where he taught the Hebrew language for many years about the beginning of the 17th century. * Indices ties obfervationum mifccllancoram, variarumq. le Goettinga, 1812. BLANLO (Jean). B. at Bayeux, 24 June, 1617. Sub-deacon, and profeflor of theology in the feminary of St. Sulpice, Paris. D. there, 4 April, 1657. The fpirit of the holy child Jefus ; or, Chriftian child- hood. With various confiderations, practices, and medita- tions, in honour of the holy child Jefus. Tranflated from the French by a memberof the Community of Sifters Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Leeds. 8" Lend. 1858. BLANSHARD (William). Of the Inner Temple, barrifter-at-Iaw. A treatife on the ftatutes of limitations. 8° Lond. 1826. BLAQUIERE (E.) Letters from the Mediterranean, containing a civil and political account of Sicily, Tripoly, Tunis, and Malta ; with biographical (l Cambridge, 1852. A fermon in memory of the late Duke of Wellington, preached before the Univerfity of Cambridge, on Sunday, November 21ft, 1852. [2 Stitn. iii. 38.] 8° Cambridge, 1852. The acquirements and ])rincipal obligations and duties of the parifli prieft : being a courfe of ledlures delivered at the Univerfity of Cambridge to the iludents in divinity. 12° Lond. i8j6. — Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1861. Two introductory liftures on the ftudy of the early Fathers, delivered in the Univerfity of Cambridge. Second edition. With a brief memoir of the author, and table of leftures delivered during his profeflbrfhip. 8^ Cambridge, 1856. A hiftoiy of the Chriftian Church during the firft three centuries. 8° Lond. 1856. — Third edition. 12° Lond. 1861. Plain fermons preached to a country congregation. 8= Lond. 1857. — Second feries. 8° Lond. 1859. — Third feries : to which arc added five fermons preached on public occafions. 8° Lond. 1861. On the right ufe of the early Fathers ; two feties of lec- tures, delivered in the Lfniverfity of Cambridge. 8" Lond. 1857. — Second edition, corrc(5led ; with index. 8" Lond. 1858. EfTays contiibuted to the Quarterly Review. 8° Lond. i860. BLUNT (Julia S.) Readings on the morning and evening prayer. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. Confirmation. 8° Lond. 1S61. Life after confirmation. 12° Lond. 1861. BLUNT (Walter), A.M. Re£lor of Eicknor, Kent. The ufe and abufe of the church bells, witli pradlical fug- geftions concerning them. 8° Lond. 1846. Confirmation ; or, the laying on of hands catechetically explained, according to the formularies of the Englifti Church. 12° Lond. 1846. Ecclefiaftic:il reftoration and reform. No. L Coniidera- tions and praftical fuggeftions on church rates, pai ifh officers, education of the poor, cemeteries. 8° Lond. 1847. — No. n. The education queftion praftically confidered with a view to the reconciliation of differences without the concefllon of principles ... 8 Lond. 1850. BLUNT SPURS. The griffm's aide-de-camp. By Blunt Spurs. 8° Lond. 1843. BLUSSfi (Abraham). Obfervationes in Euiipidis maxime Hippolytuni. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1792. BLUTEAU (Rafael). B. in London, of French parents, 4 Dec. 1638. Entered the Church, and went to Portugal, 1668. D. at Lilbon, 13 Feb. "734- Vocabulario Portugucz e Latino. 8 torn. fol. Coimbra, 17 12-2 I. Supplemento ao Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino. 2 torn. fol. Lilboa, 1727-8. Profas Portuguezas, recitad.is cm differentes Congreflbs Academicos. 2 torn. fol. Lifboa, 1727-8. 4D 570 BLYTH— BOARDMAN BLYTH (Adam). Minifter of the Free church, Girvan. Treafury gifts ; or, rules for giving : an addrefs to the young. i2°Edinb. 1848. BLYTH (G. K.) The Norwich guide and direftory : being an hiftorical and topographical defcription of the city and its hamlets ... 12° Lond. 1842. BLYTH (George Blanshard), B.D. Vicar of Newbald, Yorkfhlre. D. there, 4 Feb. :863, aged fixty-four. The Spirit and the Church's invitation to the world : a fermon preached in the parifli church of St. Mary, in Beverley. [/Jfi;. xxii. 17.] 8° Lond. 1843. BLYTH (J.), M.D. ProfelTor of chemiftry in the Royal agricultural college, Ciren- cefter. Outlines of qualitative chemical analyfis, for the ufe of agricultural ftudents. 8" Lond. 1849. BLYTH (S.) The good foldier of Jcfus Chriil charafterized : in a fer- mon preached at Bii mingham, March 3 1 , and at Cofeley, April 7, occafioned by the fudden and much-lamented death of the Reverend Mr. S. Bouin, who died March 22, 1754, in the 66th year of his age. [2 77m. iv. 7, 8.] 8° Lond. 1754. BLYTON (Emma). Poetical tributes to the memories of Britifh baids, and other poems. 8° Lond. 1858. The pleafures of freedom : a poem. 12° Lond. i860. BOADA DE LAS COSTAS Y FIGUERAS (Pedro). Adiciones y reperterio general de la praftica univerfal forenfe de los tribunales fuperiores e inferiores de Efpana e Indias ... 2 torn. 4° Madrid, 1793. BOADEN (James). B. at Whitehaven, 23 May, 1762. Originally intended for trade, but devoted himfelf entirely to literature. D. at London, 16 Feb. 1S39. A letter to George Steevens, Efq., containing a critical examination of the papers of Shakfpeare, publifhed by Mr. Samuel Ireland. To which are added, extraifts from Voi ti- gern. 8^ Lond. 1 796. An inquiiy into the authenticity of various pidtures and prints ... offered to the public as portraits of Shakfpeare ... illuftrated by accurate and finiflied engravings ... 8° Lond. 1824. Memoirs of the life of John Philip Kemble, Efq. ; in- cluding a hiftoiy of the ftage from the time of Garrick to the prefent period. In two volumes. 8^ Lond. 1825. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons : interfperfed with anecdotes of authors and adlors. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1827. The man of two lives : a narrative written by himfelf. [^non.] 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1828. The life of Mrs. Jordan ; including original private cor- refpondence, and numerous anecdotes of her contemporaries. Second edition. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 183 1. * Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald ... 1833. On the fonnets of Shakefpeare ; identifying the perfon to whom they are addrefled, and elucidating feveral points in the poet's hiftory. 8° Lond. 1837. BOAG (John). B. in Ayrrtiire, 1774. Studied in the Univerfity of Glafgow for the miniftry of the Church of Scotland, but being prevented by confcientious fcruples from carrying out his design, he joined the Independents. For many years minifter of a congregation at Blackburn. D. Sep. 1S63. A popular and complete Englifh diftionaiy ... In two volumes. 8° Glafgow, 1848. The imperial lexicon of the Engliih language, exhibiting the pronunciation, etymology, and explanation of eveiy word ufually employed in fcience, literature and art. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. n. d. BOAMUNDUS. Epiftola Boamundi principis Antiochias, Raymundi Co- mitis San(5li iEgidii, Godefridi Ducis Lotharingias, ad Ur- banum II. Papam. [Baluze, Mifcellanea, i. 4 1 5.] BOANERGES. Boanerges ; or, the humble fupplication of the minifters of Scotland, to the high court of Parliament in England. 4° Edinb. 1624. BOARD (George). The nugget of gold : a temperance tale, in rhyme. 12° Lond. 1854. BOARD (Thomas). Six tables for permanent or terminating building focieties. 8" Briilol, i860. BOARDMAN (Andrew), M.D. An effiy on the means of improving medical education and elevating medical characfler. 8'' Philadelphia, 1840. A defence of phrenology ... 12= New York, 1847. BOARDMAN (Henry A.), D.D. Paftor of the Tenth preibyterian church in Philadelphia. The Bible in the family ; or, hints on domeftic happinefs. By Henry A. Boardman. Thoughts on family woifliip. By James W. Alexander, D.D. 8° Edinb. 1853. — Anotlier edition. 8° Lond. 1858. The Bible and the counting-houfe : a courfe of le(5hires to merchants. With an introduction by the Rev. Robert Bickerfteth, M.A. 8° Lond. 1S54. The great queftion : will you confider the fubjeft of per- fonal religion? 12° Lond. 1855. BOARDMAN (John Hopwood). Arithmetic ; rules and reafons. 12° Cambridge, 1850. BOARDMAN (W. E.) The higher Chriftian life. 8" Edinb. 1859. BOARUS— BOCCACCIO 571 — Another edition. Edited, with a preface, including notices of the revivals, by [Curoline Marjli\ the author of " Memorials of Captain HedJey Vicars," and of " Englifh hearts and Englifh hands." 8° Lond. i860. BOARUS (Cn. OcTAvius). De C. Pllnii Cascilii Secundi Novocomenfis teftamentaria infcriptione Mediolanenfibus adfeiu et illuftrata diflertatio. 4° Mantuae, 1773. BOASE ( ). Remarks on the new doflrinc concerning the fuppofed depreciation of our currency. 8° Lond. iSi i. BOASE (C. W.) Tithes and offerings : a treatife on the principles, praiflice, and benefits of devoting portions of our fubftance to the fer- vice of God. 8^ Edinb. 1865. BOASE (Henry S.), M.D. A treatife on primary geology ; being an examination, both pradlical and theoretical, of the older formations. 8' Lond. 1834. The philofophy of nature : a fyftematic treatife on the caufes and laws of natural phenomena. 8° Lond. i860. An effay on human nature, fliowing the neceffity of a divine revelation for the perfedl development of man's capa- cities. 8° Lond. 1865. BOAT. The boat and the caravan ... 1847. \By Charles Tilt.] BOATE (Gerard). B. at Gorcum, in Holland, 1604. Having ftudied medicine in liis native country, he came to London, 1630, and was ap- pointed phyfician to Charles I. Retired to Dublin after the king's death. D. there, 1650. The proper fpelling of his name is " Boot." A natural hiftory of Ireland, in three parts. By Dr. G. Boate, Thomas Molineux, M.D., F.R.S., and others. 4° Dublin, 1755. BOAZ (Eu7.a). The million pallor : memorials of the Rev. Thomas Boaz, LL.D., twenty-four years niiffionary in Calcutta. By his widow. [Edited by his brother-in-law.] 8° Lond. 1862. BOAZ (Thomas), LL.D. B. at Scarborough, 10 Aug. 1806. Went as miflionary to Calcutta, under the aufpiccs of the London milTionary fociety, 1834. Returned to England, 1859. U. in London, 13 Oil. 1861. The youtli of Indi.i fpeaking for themfclves : being the fubftance of the examination papers of tlie (ludents of tiie London miflionary fociety's Chriftian inftitution or college in Calcutta. With a few introduftory remarks, by T. Boaz. 8° Lond. 1848. Egypt : a popular and familiar dcfcription of the land, peo])le and produce. With an introdu(5tory elT.iy by the Rev. Thomas Boaz, LL.D. ... Second edition. 8" Lond. [1849.] * The miffion paftor : memorials of the Rev. T. Boaz. By Eliza Boaz. 1862. BOB. Bob, the crofling fweeper. By the author of " Shadow and funihine" ... 12° Lond. [1864.] BOBA (Marco Antonio). B. at Cafale. Birtiop of Aorta, 1557. Elefled a cardinal by Pius IV., 12 March, 1565. D. at Rome, 18 March, 1575. Poemata. [Gi!.VTER,Delitia poetarum Ilalorum,i. 441.] BOBALI (Savino de). A nobleman of Ragufa, who lived about the middle of the 1 6th century. Rime amorofe e paftorali, et fatire. 4° Venetia, 1589. BOBBIN (Tim). P/iud. of Mm Collier. BOBBIN (Tim), the younger. London ; or, the triumph of quackery : a fatirical poem. 8° Lond. 18 1 8. My lodger's legacy ; being comic tales in verfe: with fome other pieces. 12° Lond. 18 19. BOBBIT (A.) Elements of Englilh grammar ; familiarly illuftrated, for the ufe of young people. 12° Lond. 1833. BOBfi (Jean). Commentaire fur les Coutumes generales du Bailliage de Meaux ; avec des notes fur la Coutume de Paris, et une conference des deux Coutumes ... 4^ Paris, 1683. BOBIO (Ubertus de). A jurift of Parma, who lived in the 13th century. De pofitionibus. [F. Zilettus, TraSatus univer/i juris, iv. 7.] BOCAGE. See Dubocage. BOCANGEL Y UNZUETA (Gabriel). A Spanilh poet and orator. D. 8 Dec. 1658. La lira de las Mufas, de humanas y fagradas vozes ; junto con las demas obras poeticas antes divulgadas. 4° Madrid, n. d. Declamaciones Caftellanas : la primera la Peifefla juven- tud, hallada en la vida, y en la muerte del Conde de Ricia, gentilhombrc de camara de fu Mageftad, &c. ; la fcgunda contra la fortun.i ; ofrcciendo una y otra las mas vivas ideas de la eloquencia, y las maximas mas feguras de la jiolitica. 8° [Madrid], n. d. BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). B. either at Paris or at Florence, 1313. D. at Ccraldo, 21 Dec. 1375. Opere. 6 torn. 8° Fircnze, 1 723-4. [B(^imiiiig'\ Genealogia: deomm gentllium ad Vgoncm 572 BOCCACCIO— BOCCATIIS idclytum Hierufale & Cypri regem fecundum Johannem Boccatiu de certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter. fol. Venetiis, 1472- Genealogix : cum demonftrationibus in formis arborum defignatis. Eiufdem de montibus et fyluis, de fontibus, lacu- bus, et fluminibus. Ac etiam de ftagnis et paludibus, nec- non de maribus, feu diuerfis maris nominibus. fol. Venetiis, I 5 I I . Geneologia de gli dei : i quindici libi i . . . tradotti et ador- nati per M. Giufeppe Betuffi da Baffano. Aggiuntavi la vita del Boccaccio ... 4° Vinegia, 1553. — Another edition. \lVtthout the life.'] 4° Venetia, 1574. De cafibus viroram illuftrium libri nouem ... 4° [Paris, 1532.] — Another edition. fol. Augullas Vindelicorum, 1544- [Beginning] Cy commence Jehan bocace de Certald fon liure intitule de la Ruyne des nobles hommes et femmes. [End] imprime a Bruges par Colard manfion. Anno m.cccc.lxxvi. fol. Libro llamado Cayda de principes ... fol. Alcala de Henares, 1552. I cafi degl'huomini illuftri ... Tradotti di lingua latina in volgare per M. Giufeppe Betuffi. Con una nuoua giunta fatta per Mefler Francefco Serdonati. 8" Fiorenza, i 598. II Decameron ; ricorretto in Roma, et emendato fecondo I'ordine del facro Cone, di Trento, et rifcontrato in Firenze con tefti antichi, & alia fua vera lezione ridotto da' deputati di loro Alt. Ser. 4^ Fiorenza, 1573. — alia fua vera lezione ridotto dal Lionardo Salviati . . . Quarta editione. 4° Firenze, 1587. II Decamerone ; nuovamente conetto et con diligentia ftampato. 4° Firenze, per li heredi di Philippo di Giunta, 1527. [The above is not the genuine edition of 1527, but is the Venice reprint of 1 729-] The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the firfl: refiner of Italian profe : containing a hundred curious novels, by feven honourable ladies, and three noble gentle- men, framed in ten days. The fifth edition. fol. Lond. 1684. The Decameron, or ten days enteitainment, tranflated from the Italian. In two volumes. The fecond edition, corrected and improved. To which are prefixed, Remarks on the life and writings of Boccaccio, and an advejtifement, by the author of " Old Nick," " A piece of family bio- graphy," &c. [Edivard Dnbou]. 8° Lond. 1 804. — A revifed tranflation, by W. K. Kelly. 8° Lond. 1855. Tales from Boccaccio, with modern illuftrations ; and other poems. 8 Lond. 1846. Frederic and the falcon. Done into Englilli verfe from Boccaccio, by Emma Martin. 4° Lond. 1847. Stories from Boccaccio, and other poems. By James Payn. 8° Lond. 1852. Philocolo ... in nel qual foto velamento de amor fe con- tien foto brevita tutta Ihumana vita. fol. Venetia, I 5 14. — di nuovo riveduto, ricorretto, e alia fua vera lezion ridotto, con tefti a penna ... 8° Firenze, 1594. Ameto, con le olTervationi in volgare grammatica, fopra efib di Hieronimo Claricio. 4° Milano, i 520. Fiammetta. 8" Fiorenza, 1533. — di nuovo corretta & riftarapata ... 12° Vinegia, 1575. Compendium Romanas hlftorias oppido quam fuccinftum, & jam primum in lucem editum. 8° Argentinje, 1535. Infigne opus de claris mulieribus. fol. Bernse Helvetiorum, 1539. Laberinto d'amore, di novo conetto, con la tavola delle cofe degne di memoria. 8° Vinegia, 1545- Amorofa vifione ... nella quale fi contengono cinque triomphi : triompho di fapientia, di gloria, di ricchezza, di amore, e di fortuna. 8^ Vinetia, 1549. II Filoftrato, poema ora per la prima volta dato in luce. 8° Parigi, 1789. Eclogse xvi. [J. Oporinus, BucoUcorum auiores xxxviii., p. 598.] — [Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, ii. 257.] * Vita ... Scritta G. B. Baldelli. 1806. BOCCALINI (Trajano). B. at Loretto, 1556. An architeft by profeflion, but fubfe- quently a man of letters. D. at Venice, 16 Nov. 1612. Pietra del paragone politico, con una nuova aggiunta deU' iftefTo. 12° Cofmopoli, 16 40. De' ragguagli di Parnafo centuria prima [e feconda]. In querta decima impreffione da infiniti erroii diligentemente efpurgata. [Aggiunta a' Ragguagli di Parnafo, intitolata parte terza. Nella quale fi contengono cinquanta ragguagli, & un folenne convito fatto in Parnafo, per Girolamo Briani, Mo- donefe.] 2 tom. 12° Amfterdam, 1669. Difcurfos politicos, y avifos del Parnaflb : tradujolos de la lengua Tofcana en la Efpanola Fernando Peres de Soufa. 43 Madrid, 1634. — Contienen noventa y uno avifis ... 4° Huefca, 1 640. — Segunda edicion. 2 tom. 4° Madrid, 1653. I ragguagli di ParnafTo ; or,advertifements from Parnaffus: in two centuries. With the Politick touchllone. Written originally in Italian, and now put into Engliflr by the Right Honourable Henry, Earl of Monmouth. The fecond edi- tion, fol. Lond. 1669. Advertifements from Pamaflus ... Newly done into Eng- lifh, and adapted to the prefent times. Together with the author's Politick touchftone ; his Secretaria di Apollo, never before tranflated ; and an account of his life, by N. N., Efq. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1704. Commentarii fopra Cornelio Tacito, come fono ftati lafcia- ti dall' autore. 4° Cofmopoli, 1677. Relationi politiche. 4° n. p. n. d. BOCCATIIS (Verginius de), a Cingulo. Traenus,\. I.] Paradoxon, Quod nee viitus ulla in mediocritate, nee funi- muni hominis bynum in virtutis aflione confiftcre poflit. 8 ' Parifiis, I 596. Univerfx natura: tluatrum. In quo icrum omnium effec- 576 BODINGTON— BOCKH trices caufae, et fines contemplantur, et continuce feiies quin- que libris difcutiuntur. 8^^ Lugduni, i 596. Le theatre de la nature univerfeUe ... traduift du Latin par M. Frangois de FougeroUes. 8° Lyon, 1597. Le fleau des demons et forciers ... Derniere edition. 8° Nyort, 1616. BODINGTON (George). Surgeon, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick/hire. An effay on the treatment and cure of pulnionary con- fumption, on principles natural, rational, and fuccefsful ... 12° Lond. 1S40. Letters [on Iri/b aff'airs.'\ 8° Lond. 1846. BODINUS (Henricus). B. at Rinteln, 6 April, 1652. He was originally intended for the Church, but ultimately became a lawyer. ProfefTor of law at Rinteln, 1682, and at Halle, 1693. D. 1720. DifTertatio inauguralis juridica, qua differentia juris ftatu- tarii Zittavienfis a jure civili evolvitur. [Hoffmannus, Scrip- lores rcrum Lufaticarum, iii. I 53.] BODIUS. See BoVD. BODLEIAN LIBRARY. See Catalogue. BODLER (Juan). Vida de D. Phelipe Guillelmo, Conde Palatino del Rhin : fu traduflor Don Francifco de Aefferden. 4° Madrid, 1692. BODLEY (E. F.) Three fermons on revivals of religion. 8° Lond. 1843. BODLEY (Sir Thomas). B. at Exeter, 2 March, 1545. Educated at Geneva and at Magdalen College, Oxford. Held feveral important diplomatic appointments in the reign of Elizabeth. Knighted by James I. ihortly after his acceflion. He is juftly celebrated as the founder of the Bodleian Library at Oxford. D. at London, 28 Jan. 1613. [The life of Sir T. Bodley, the honourable founder of the publick library in the Univerfity of Oxford. Written by himfelf. (Title-page, and four leaves •wanting at the end.) 4° Oxford, 1647.] — [Harleian Miscellany, iv. 300.] Reliquix Bodleianas ; or, fome genuine remains ; contain- ing his life, the firft draught of the ftatutes of the publick library at Oxford (in Englifli), and a colleftion of letters to Dr. James, &c. [Edited by Thomas Hearne.'] 8° Lond. 1703. BODMER (JoHANN Jakob). B. at Greifenberg, near Zurich, 19 July, 169S. Profeflbr of Swifs hiftory in the gymnafmm of Zurich. D. 2 Jan. 1783. Noah ; attempted from the German. In twelve books ; by Jofeph Collyer. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1767. B6D0GH (Michael). De philofophem.atum omnis asvi, ac imprimis recentifTmii, in theoriam mcdicam influxu differtatio inauguralis medica. 8° S. Patakini, 18 17. BOD RUG AN, alias ADAMS (Nicholas). An epitome of the title that the kynges maieftie of Eng- lande hatli to the fovereigntie of Scotlande ; continued upon the auncient writers of both nations, from the beginnyng. 8° Lond. 1548. BODWELL (J. C), A.M. The afpedts and profpefts of the water cure, or hydro- pathic fyftt-m : being a reprint of a pamphlet publifhed in Weymouth, in 1845. With a preface by a viiSim of drugs. I2<= Lond. 1850. BODY. Body and foul. 1822. [By G. Wilkins.] This is my body. " What ftlrs and differences thefe few words have caufed ! " An extraft, etc., fliowing how this fubjedf was treated about 150 years ago. 8° Lond. n. d. BOECE (Hector). See Boethius. BOECK (Wilhelm). Syphilifationen ftuderet ved Sygefengen. 8° Chriftiania, 1854. BOECKELMANNUS (Joannes Fridericus). B. at Steinfurt, 1633. Studied law at Heidelberg. Profef- for of law at Leyden. D. there, 168 1. Exercitauones ad Pandemias . . . 8° Heidelbergae, 1664. Commentariorum in Digefla Jufliniani Imp. libri xix. 4° Lugd. Batav. 1678. — libri xxvii. 4° Traj. ad Rhenum, 1694. Oratio in obitum viri clariflimi, Albeiti Rufii, J. U. D. et in Academ. Lugd. Bat. antecefforis, difta in auditorio Theol. a. d. vii. Martii 1679. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1679. Compendium Inftitutionum Css. Jufliniani, five elementa juris civilis in brevem & facilem ordinem redafta. 12° Lugd. Bat. 168 I. — Editio novifTima ab auftore recognita, indice duplici aliifque multis locis audla, et emendata. 12° Ultrajefli, 1694. Exercitationesde adlionibus ... 4° Lugd. Bat. 1687. Tra(5latus poflhumus de difFerentiis juris civilis, canonici & hodierni ; Cornelius Van Eck, JCtus edidit, recenfuit, & prsefatione auxit. Editio fecunda priore corredlior. 8° TrajeiSi ad Rhenum, 1697. Synopfis juris publici imperii Romano-Germanici. Alex- ander Arnoldus Pagenlfecher edidit, recenfuit, memoria Bockelmanniana et annotamentis adauxit. 8° Groningse, 1698. BOCKH (Augustus). In Platonis, qui vulgo fertur, Minoem ejufdemque libros priores de legibus commentatio. 8° Halis Sax. 1806. GrjECcE tragosdisE principum, jEfchyli, Sophoclis, Euri- pidis, iium ea quns fuperfunt, et genuina omnia fint, et forma primitiva fervata, an eomm familiis aliquid debeat ex iis tribui. 8° Heidelbergas, 1808. Uber die VerfmafTe des Pindaros. 8° Berlin, 1809. Commentatio academica de Platonica corporis mundani fabrica conflati ex elementis geometrica ratione concinnatis. 4° Heidelbergffi, 1 8 1 o. BOCKING— BOEHMER 577 Commentationes acndemicae duoe continentes fpecimen emendationum in Pindari Carmina. 4° Lipfias, [18 I i.] Commentatio academica de fimultate, qua: Platoni cum Xenophonte inteiceflifle fertur. 4° Berolini, 181 1. De Staatshaufhaltung der Atliener, vier Biichcr. Mit ein- undzwanzig Infchriften. 2 Bde. 8° Berlin, 18 17. The public economy of Athens. To which is added, A diffei tation on tlie filvcr mines of Laurion. Tranflated from the German \l>y George Cornewall Le'u>is.^^ 2 vols. 8° Lend. 1828. — Second edition. 8° Lend. 1842. Phiioiaos des Pythagoreers Lehren, nebft den Bruchftiick- en feines Werkes. 8° Berlin, 18 19. Corpus infcriptionum Graecarum. Autfloritate et im- pends Academic litterarum Regias Boruflici edidit Auguftus Boeckhius. 2 torn. fol. Berolini, 1828—43. BOCKING (Eduard). Index bibllographicus Huttenianus. Verzeichnifs der Schriften Ulrichs von Hutten. 8° Leipzig, 1858. BOECKLER (Georgius Andreas). A mathematician and mechanician of Stiafburg, who lived In the latter halt of the 17th century. Theatrum machinarum novum, exhibens aquarias, alatas, jumentarias, manuarias, pedibus ac ponderibus verfatiles,plures et diverfas molas . . . Ex Germania in Latium recens tranf- latum opera R. D. Henrici Schmitz. fol. Colon. Agr. 1662. Architeftura curiofa nova ... In Latinam linguam tranf- lata "a Joanne Chridophoro Sturmio. fol. Norlmbergx, [1664.] BOCKMAN (Johannes C.) Diflertatio gradualis de originc urbium antiquarum Sviogo- thix ... 4° Londini Gothorum, [175 i.] BOECLERUS (Joannes Henricus). B. at Cronheim, in Franconia, 1611. ProfelTor of rhetoric at Stralburg, whence he removed to a fimilar chair at Upfal, 1648. Returned to Straiburg, and was appointed profeflbr of hiftory. D. 1672. In C. Cornelii Taciti xv. capita priora lib. i. Annal. commentarius. 4° Aigcntorati, 1643. De potentia civitatum. 4° Argentorati, 1655. Mufeum ad amicum. 8° Ai'gcntorati, 1663. In Taciti primordia Annalium et Hiftorias commentatio. 8° Argentorati, 1664. In Daniclis Ottonis JC. Jus publicum notx & animad- verfiones ])oftuma:. 8" Argentorati, 1675. Notitia S. R. Imperii ... Nunc neceflariis additamentis aufta et rccufa. 8^ Argentorati, 1681. Animadverfiones in Polybium : acceflit ejufdem de Polybii Liviiquc diverfa fcribendi ratione diflertatio, itemqueDiodori Siculi Polybiana imitatio. 4^ Argentina, 168 I. In Hugonis Grotii Jus belli ct pacis . . . commentatio. 8^ Giefllt Hafl'orum, 1687. Diflertitioncs qiiinquc adCommentationemGrotianam aji- pendicis loco adjungendrc. 8° Giefla: Halibrum, 1687. — Another edition. 8° Argentorati, 1663. VOL. I. De fcriptoribus Grjecis et Latinis ab Homero ad initium fzc. port Chr. nat. decimi fcxti commentatio. [Gronovius, Thefaurus Gmcarum antiquUatum, X. 905.] Diflertatio de legione Romana. [Gr-evius, Thefaurus an- I'lquitatum Romanarum, x. 1454.] Diflertatio decomparandaLatina: linguae facultate. [Schef- FERUs, DeJ}ylo.'\ BOEHM (Ant. Will.) Propagation of the gofpel in the Eaft : being an account of the fuccefs of the Danilh miflionaries, fent to the Eaft-Indies, for the converfion of the heathen in Malabar. Extracted from the accounts of the faid miflionaries formerly publifli'd, and brought down to the beginning of the year 1 7 1 3 ... [ylnon.] 8° Lond. 1714. BOHM (Charles J. T.) Lights andflradows in the prefent condition of the Church : nine leftures on Chriftian truths peculiarly applicable to tlie times we live in. Tranflated from the German. 8° Lond. i860. BOHM (Francois Joseph). Defcription nouvelle de la cathedrale de Strafljourg, et dc fa fameufe tour ... Seconde edition. 12'' Strafljourg, 1743. BOHME (Jacob). Blumenlefe aus Jacob Bohmens Schriften. Nebft der Gefchichte feines Lebens und feiner Schickfale. Von J. G. Ratze. 8" Leipzig, 18 19. BOEHMER (Georg Ludwig). B. at Halle, 18 Feb. 1715. Profeflbr of law in the Univcr- fity of Gbttingen. D. 17 Aug. 1797. Principia juris canonici, fpeciatim juris ecclefiaftici publici et privati, quod per Germaniam obtinet. 8° GottingE, 1762. Principia juris feudalis, praefertim Longobardici, quod per Germaniam obtinet. Editio fecunda. 8°Gottinga;, i 762. Commentatio de astate vetufliK Colleftionis confuetudinum feudalium, quam vulgo Libros feudomm vocant. [Jenichen, Thefaurus Juris feutlalis, i. 197.] Obfervatio de beneficiis Romanonim. [Ibid. i. 545.] Piolufio academica dc fcudis ex veterum Fiancorum bene- ficiis enatis. [Ibid. i. 553.] Prolufio academica de feudi communis divifione. [Ibid. "• 75-] Exercitatio de judicc feudorum extra cuitem. [Ibid. ii. '75-] BOEHMER (Georg Rudolph). B. at Licgnitz, i Oft. 1723. Studied medicine at Leipzig. Profeflbr of anatomy and botany at Wittenberg, 1752. Pro- feflbr of therapeutics, 1783. D. 4 April, 1803. Commentatio phyfico-botanica de plantiram feminc, ante- hac Spermatologia; titulo per partes nunc conjunflim cdita et au(5la. Accedit diirertatio de contextu ceilulofo vcgetabilium. 8° Wittebergx et Servifta-, 1785. Bibliotheca fcri])toium hifluiix natutalis, occonomia:, ali- arumque artium ac fcientiamm ad illam pertinentium realis fydematica. Tom. 1-7. 8° Lipfise, 1785-8. 578 BOEHMER— BOENNINGHAUSEN BOEHMER (.ToHANN Samuel Friedrich). B. at Halle, i"o4. Profeffor of lawin the Univerfity of Halle, 1 726. Direflor of the Univerfity and Ordinarius of the Faculty of Law at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1750. D. zo May, 1772. Elementa jurifpnidentise criminalis, in ufum auditorii com- moda methodo adornata. Editio teitia auiftior et emendatior. Acccilit in calce Conftitutio criminalis Caroli V. 8° HalcB et Bernburgi, 1743- BOEHMER (Justus Henning). B. at Hanover, 29 Jan. 1674. Profeffor of law at Halle. D. 23 Aug. 1749. Tiadatus juris ecclefiaftici de jure parochiali. 4= Halos Magd. 1 70 1. Succinfta manuduftio ad methodum difputandi, et confcri- bendi difputationes juridicas. Accefferunt thefes controverfe varii juris in ufum collegiorum privatis difputationibus deftina- torum. 8° Halae Sax. 1703. Jus ecclefiafticum proteftantium, ufum modernum juris ca- nonici juxta ferieni Decretalium oftendens & ipfis rerum argu- mentis illuftrans. 3 torn. 4° Halae, 17 14-23. — Another edition. 5 torn. 4° Halas Magd. 1756-63. [Tom. i. ii. 5th edit. 1756-62; lii. iv. 4th edit. 1747; v. 3d edit. 1763.] Jus parochiale ad fiindamenta genuina revocatum a fpuriis principiis repurgatum, atque ita adornatum, ut jus ecclefiafti- cum proteftantium illuftrare,et ufum modernum libri tertii De- cretalium quoad prscipuas materias oftendere queat. Editio fecunda auflior et emendatior. 4° Hals Magd. 17 16. Schilterus illuftratus, feu emendationes et additamenta ad Jo. Schilteri Inftitutiones juris canonici. Acceflerunt ori- glnes praecipuarum materiarum juris ecclefiaftici, cum indice triplici. Secunda editio. 8' Halas Magd. 1720. Dodlrina de aiflionibus ad praxin hodiernam accommo- data.in ufum leftionum academicarum tertia vice auftioredita, notifque illuftrata ... 8° Hals Magd. 1725. ExercitationesadPandeflaSjinquibusprxcipuaDigeftorum capita explicantur, antea figillatim edits, nunc conjunflim fe- cundum ordinem Pandedlarumdigeftsjet indice inftruftaecura filii Geo. Lud. Boehmeri. 4 torn. 4° HanoveraE et Gottingae, 1745-51. Inftitutiones juris canonici, turn ecclefiaftici turn pontificii, admethodum Decretalium, nee non ad foracatholicorum atque proteftantium compofitse. Adjefto duplici indice. Editio quarta. 8" Halas Magd. I 760. Introduftio in jus Digeftorum fenfum pariter ac ufum ho- diernum fingularum do(f1:rinarum fuccinfte exhibens. Accef- ferunt tituli deverborum fignificatione et regulis juris ad feriem materiarum ordine alphabetico congefti cum duplici indice. Decima quarta editio emendatior. 8^ Halse Magd. 1791. Diftertatio de feudis ecclefiafticis. [Jenichen, Thefaurus juris feudalis, ii. 237.] BOEHMIUS (JoHANN Gottlob). B. at Wurzen, 20 March, 1717. Studied at Pforta and at Leipzig, where he was appointed profeffor of hiftory, 175S. Profeffor of the law of nature and nations at Utrecht, 1766, which he foon refigned. D. 30 July, 1780. Do litteratura LipCenfi opufcula academica. Accedunt Rich. Croci, Britanni, Encomium academise Lipfienfis, et H. Sti-omeri, Auerbachii, Sermo panegj'ricus Petro Mofellano diftus, cum Mofellani refponfione. 8° Lips. 1779. Carmina Latina, vel repetita vel primum edita. Adjefta funt amicorum ad eum carmina. 8° Lips. 1 780. BOK (.A.uGusT Friedrich). B, at Stuttgart, 6 Dec. 1739. Profeflor of poetry and rhetoric at Tubingen, 1775. D. there, 21 Aug. 1S15. Gefchichte der herzoglich Wurtenbergifchen Eberhard Carls Univeifitat zu Tvibingen im Grundriffe. 8° Tiibingen, 1774. BOKEL (Guilielmus). Beliura non bellum, feu, expertis minus dulce bellum. 4° Francofiiiti, 1663. BOEKELEN (Christiannus Ottho 1). B. at Liibeclc. Studied law, and filled feveral important public offices. D. 8 June, 1676. Opufcula de diverfis familiis vet. jurifconfultomm : ora- tionibus principum in fenatu Rom. : exceptionibus tacitis in paftis publicis : asmulatione imperiorum. 12=" Lugd. Bat. 1678. BOEMUS (Joannes). Repertorium librorum trium Joannis Boemi de omnium gentium ritibus. Item index rerum fcitu digniorum in eof- dem. fol. Aug. Vindel. 1520. Gli coftumi, le leggi, et I'ufanze di tutte le genti, raccolte qui infieme da molti illuftri fcrittori, e tradotti per il Fauno in quefta noftra lingua volgare. 8° Venetia, 1542. The manners, lawes, and cuftomes of all nations ; col- lefted out of the beft writers. With many other things of the fame argument, gathered out of the Hiftorie of Nicholas Damafcen. The like alfo out of the Hiftoiy of America, or Brafill, written by John Lerius. The faith, religion aud manners of the Aethiopians, and the deploradon of the people of Lappia, compiled by Damianus a Goes. With a fhort difcoui-fe of the Aethiopians, taken out of Jofeph Scaliger his feventh booke De emendatione temporum. Written in Latin, and now newly tranflated into Englifti, by Ed. Afton. 4= Lond. 161 1. Suevia. [Goldastus, Rerum Suemicarum fcrlptores, p. 4.] BONICKE (Christmn). B. at Wiirtzburg. Profeffor of hiftory in the univerfity of that city. D. 14 June, 1805. Gnindrifs einer Gefchichte von der Univerfitat zu Wirz- burg. 2 Thle. 4 Wirzb. 17S2-8. BOENIGK (GODOFREDUS). B at Leipzig, 28 Sep. 1670. Studied there and at Frankfort- on-the-Oder. Praftifed as a lawyer at Halle. D. i July, 1719. Inftitutiones juris civilis Roniano-Germanici confonantes. S' Hals Magd. 1718. BOENNINGHAUSEN (C), M.D. Manual of homoeopathic therapeutics . . . Tranflated from Dr. Roth's improved French edition, by J. Laurie, M.D. 12° Lond. 1847. BOERH AAVE— BOE I'HIUS 579 BOERHAAVE (Hermann). B. at Voorhuc, near Leydcn, 31 Dec. 1666. Studied at firft for the Church, but Toon applied himfclf to medicine. Profcifor of the pradice of phyfic at Leyden, 1714; and of chcmillry, 1718. D. at Leyden, 23 Sep. 1738. De ufu ratiocinii mechanici in medicina oratio habita ... xxiv Septembris, cum tertii fuse ftationis anni laborcs aufpica- retur. 4=" Lugd. Bat. 1703. Elementa chemise. 2 torn. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1732. Inftitutiones medics in ufus annuae exercitationis domefti- cos. Editio Leydenfis quinta prioribus longe auftior. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1734. PrasIe539- Decifiones Burdegalenfes fumma diligentia et emditione colledls et explicatae. Una cum eiufdcm Boerii Confiliis ; Traftatus de ftatu et vita hcremitarum ; de fcditiofis ; de cuftodia clavium portarum civiuitis, & additionibus in tradta- tum Joan. Montani de authoritate magni confilii. Collatis vetuftilTimls exemplaribus omnia recognita, a Guill. Nepotc ... Accefferunt huic cditioni, nunc primilm 6 Gallico in Latinum convcrfa;, Decifiones infignes D. TEgidii Magiftri ... Cum rerum ac veiborum locupletiffimo indice. fol. Lugduni, 161 1. Praeclarus et elegans traftatus de feditiofis omnibus. [F. ZiLETTUS, TraBatus univcrji juris, xi. i. 89.] — [MoDius, Rerum crimintilium praxes, ii. 105.] Tradlatus de poteftate Kgati a latere. |F. Zilettus, TraBalus un'merfi juris, xiii. ii. I 42.] De ftatu & vita eremitaruni. [Ibid. xm. ii. 432.] Tradlatus de ordine et praeccdentia graduum utriufque foii. [Ibid. xvi. 265.] Traitatus de cuftodia clavium portarum civitatum, caf- trorum, & aliorum locorum fortalicioruni. [Ibid. xvi. 281.] Repetitio fuper i. Confentancum, C. cjuomodo & quando udex. [LiMPius, Repelilioiies in varias juris civilis leges, viii. 426.] BOERNER (Christian Friedrich). B. at Drcfden, 6 Nov. 1683. I'totclTor of Greek in the Uni- vcrfity u(" Leipzig, 1708, and of theology in the lame eftablifli- mcnt, 1713. D. 19 Nov. 1753. Academia: Lipfienfis pietas in facrofandlam retormationis divi Lutheri memoriam cxhibiia quinquaginta diflertationibus, ab ordinis thcologici decanis fcparatis temporibus publico no- mine confcriptis, et nunc iunOini editis cura C. F. Boerneri. 8° Lipfias, 17 17. BOERO (Father ). The Jefuit martyrs of .lapan : a hiftory of the lives and martyrdom of Paul Michi, James Chifai, and John Soan de Goto. Tranflated from the Italian by a Catholic prieft. 12° Dublin, 1862. BOERS (Carolus). DifTertatio inauguralis, exhibens fpccimcn obfervationum ad nuperam N. T. verfionem Britannicam, confcriptam ab E. Harwood. 4° Traj. ad Rhen. 1768. BOERS (Frid. GuiL.) Specimen philofophico-juridicum inaugarale de anthropo- logia JCtorum Romanorum, quatenus Stoica eft. Lugd. Batavor. 1766. [Oelricvis, Tiefaurus novus i/i^erlationum juridicarum. III. ii. 103.] BOSCHENSTAIN (Johann). B. at EfHingen, of Jewifli parents, 1472. Embraced the Chriftian religion, and taught Hebrew at Wittenberg. The date of his death has not been afcertained. Ain chriftenliche undcricht der bi-iiderlichn lyeb, durch J. Bofchenftain aufs der hailgen gfchryfft gezogen zugcfant H. Philippe Miinch Collegaten zu Haydelberg. 4- n. p. 1523. BOETHIUS (Anicius Manlius Torquatus Seve- RINUs). B. at Rome, 455. Educated at Athens, where he refided eighteen years. On his return, was appointed to various im- portant offices of (late. Having incurred the difpleafure of the Emperor Theodoric by writing againlt Arianifm, he was thrown into prifon, and put to death, 23 Oft. 526. Opera quae extant omnia ... Henrichus Loritus Glare- anus Arithmeticam & Muficam dcmonftrationibus Sc figuris auftiorem redditani fuo priftino nitori rellituit ... etMartianus Rota opus de tota diflercndi ratione, hoc eft, organum, dia- lefticas & rhetoricae ftudiofis necefl^irium, illuftrauit. Et huius autoris uitam certis conicdturis, cum ex aliis, turn ex Boethi monumentis colledani, bona fide dcfcripfit. fol. Bafilex, 1546. — Praeterea jamaccefierunt Joannis Murmelii in v. lib. De confolatione philofophia; commcntaria. Et in eofdcni Ro- dolphi Agricolrc enarrationcs. Item Gilbert! Porreta:, Epif- copi Pi(ftauienfis, in iiii. lib. do Trinitate commenuirii. fol. Balilex, I 570. ypol. () n\ Anicii nianlii torquati feverini boicii ... de confolatione philofophle liber primus incipit. [/V. 56 cfloribus Italico fermone primilm propofita a P. P. Bonanno ; nunc denuo ab todcm Latin^ oblata, centum additis teftaceorum icoiiibus, circa qux varia problcmata proponuntur. 8° Romx, 1684. Obfervationis circa viventia qux in rebus non vivcntibus repcriuntur cum micrograpiiia cuiiofa ... His acceflerunt ali- quot animalium teftaceorum icones non antiM in lucem editx. 4' Romx, 1 69 1. Numifmata I'onlificum Romanorum qux a tempore Mar- tini V. ufque ad annum m.dc.xcix. vcl authoritate publica, vel private genio in luccm prodiere, explicata, ac multiplice eruditione facra, & prophana illuftrata. 2 torn. fol. Romx, 1699. Ordinum cqueftrium et militarium catalogus in imaginibus expofitus ... [Lat. and Itiil.'\ 4° Romx, 171 1. Oidinum rcligioforum in ccclcfia militanti catalogus, eo- I'umque indumenta in iconibus exprefla . . . [/-a/, and Ital.^ 3 torn. 4° Romx, 17 12. Defcrizione degl'iftromenti armonici d'ogni genera del Padre Bonanni. Seconda edizione riveduta, corretta, edac- crefciuta dall' Abbate Giacinto Ccruti . . . [//«/. and Fr.'\ 4° Romx, 1776. BONAPARTE (Charles Lucien). Prince of Canino and Mufignano. B. at Paris, 24th May, 1S03. D. 29 July, 1S57. [Continuation of Alexander Wilson's American ornitho- logy]- BONAPARTE (Jerome). B. at Ajaccio, 15 Nov. 17S4. D. 24 June, 1S60. ■* Memoirs of theCourt of Weftphalia under Jerome Bona- parte ; with anecdotes of his favourites, minifters, &c. 8° Lond. 1820. BONAPARTE (Joseph Charles Paul). Commonly called Prince Napoleon. Son of Jerome Bona- parte. B. at Triefte, 9 Sept. 1822. Speech of H.I.H. Prince Napoleon in the French fenate, on the temporal power of the Pope ; March, 1862. 8° Lond. 1862. BONAPARTE (Louis). B. at Ajaccio, 4 Sep. 1778. D. at Leghorn, 25 July, 1846. Documents hiftoriques et reflexions fur le gouvcrnement de la Hollande. 3 torn. 8° Lond. 1820. Reponfe a Sir Walter Scott, fur fon Hiftoire de Napo- leon. Seconde edition. 8^ Paris. 1 82 9. Napoleon the Firft : by Louis Bonaparte, Ex- King of Holland : a reply from the Count de St. Leu to the " Life of Napoleon Bonaparte," by Sir Walter Scott : with genea- logical and hiftorical notices of the Bonaparte family, alfo an appendix and notes. Tranflated from the Italian and edited by A. Kinloch, late a captain in H.M's. 36th regiment. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BONAPARTE (Louis-Lucien). Son of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino. B.atThorngrove, Worcefterfliire, 4 Jan. 1813. Catalogue dcs ouvragcs de linguiftique Europecnne edites par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. 12° Lond. 1858. Langue Bafque et langues Finnoifes. 4° Lond. 1862. BONAPARTE (Louis Napoleon). 5« Napoleon IIL BONAPARTE (Lucien). B. at.Ajaccio, 21 March, 1775. D. at Rome, 29 June, 1S40. * Choixdcgravuresa I'cau forte, d'apris Ics peintures origi- nales et les marbres de la galcrie de Lucien Bonaparte. 4" Londres, 1 8 1 2. Charlemagne ; or, the Church delivered : an epic poem, 592 BONAPARTE— BONARELLI in twenty-four books. Tranflated by the Rev. S. Butler, D.D., and the Rev. Francis Hodgfon, A.M. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 18 I 5. Meraoires fecrets fur la vie privee, politique et litteraire de Lucien Buonaparte ; rediges fur fa coirefpondance et fur des pieces authentiques et inedites. 2 torn, y^ Lond. 181S. — Tranflated from the French. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 18 18. Memoirs ; written by himfelf. IVanflated fiom the origi- nal manufcript under the immediate fuperintendence of the author. Vol. L 8° Lond. 1836. BONAPARTE (Napol£on). See Napoleon L BONAR (Andrew). The development of Antichrill. i 2° Lond. 1853. BONAR (Andrew Alexander). Minifter of CoUace, and fubfequently of Finniefton Free church, Glafgow. Narrative of a million of inquiry to the Jews from the Church of Scotland in 1839. By A. A. Bonar and Robert Murray M'Cheyne. 1 2° Edinb. 1 842. A commentary on the Book of Leviticus, expofitory and praftical ; with critical notes. 12° Lond. 1846. Life of Samuel Rutherford. [Samuel Rutherford, Let- ters, edit. 1848.] Nettleton and his labours : being the memoii' of Dr. Net- tleton by Bennet Tyler, D.D., remodelled in fome parts, with occafional notes and extracts, and fpecimens of his fermons and addrelTes, and an introduiSion. 8° Edinb. 1854. The vifitor's book of texts; or, the Word brought nigh to the fick and forrowful. 8° Lond. 1856. Chrift and his Church in the Book of Pfalms. 8 Lond. 1859. Memoir of the life and brief miniftry of the Rev. David Sandeman, miflionary to China. 8 Lond. 1 86 I. Paleftine for the young. 8° Lond. [1866.] BONAR (Andrew Redman). Minifter of the Canongate church, Edinburgh. The Holy Land : being flvetches of the Jews, and of the land of Paleftine. [y/«o«.] 8" Lond. 1844. The poets and |ioetry of Scotland, from James I. to the prefent time, with biographical (Icetches and critical remarks. 8" Edinb. 1864. Laft days of the martyrs : or, flietches of witnefles for the faith from early times to the Reformation, including notices of the martyrs for the Covenant in Scotland. 8° Lond. 1865. The crown of thorns ; or, Jefus on the crofs ; with other Sabbath readings on relative topics. 8° Lond. 1866. BONAR (Archibald). B. at Cockpen, 23 Feb. 1753. Educated at the High fchool and at the Univerfity of Edinburgh. Minifter of Newburn, Fife, 1779, of the North-weft church, Glafgow, 1783, and of Cra- mond, 1785. D. S April, 1816. Sermons, chiefly on devotional fubjefts. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1 8 i 5—17. 1851. 1851. BONAR (HoRATius), D.D. Kelfo trails, [y^non.] 12° Kelfo, 1846. Truth and error ; or, letters to a friend on fome of the controverfies of the day. Second edition. 12° Edinb. 1847. Prophetical landmarks : containing data for helping to de- termine the queftion of Chrift's pre-millennial advent. 12° Lond. 1847. — Tliird edition. 8"' Lond. i860. Tiie coming and kingdom of the Lord Jefus Chrift : being an examination of the work of the Rev. D. Brown on the fecond coming of the Lord. 8^ Kelfo, 1849. Man: his religion and his world. 12° Lond. 185 i. The grace, the fervice, and the kingdom. 12° Lond The fin of our holy things borne by Chrift. 8^ Lond The night of weeping ; or, woi ds for the lufFering family of God. 12° Lond. 1853. — Traduit de r Anglais. 12° Lond. 1849. The morning of joy ; beingafequel toThenightof weeping. 12° Lond. 1858. A ftranger here : the memorial of one to whom to live was Chrift, and to die gain. 8° Lond. 1853. The eternal day. 12° Lond. 1854. The defert of Sinai : notes of a fpring-journey from Cairo to Beerlheba. 8' Lond. 1857. The land of promife : notes of a fpring-journey from Beer- flieba to Sidon. 8" Lond. 1858. Hymns of faith and hope. 8° Lond. 1857. — Second feries. 8 Lond. 1861. Service and the ftrength for it. 8° Lond. 1859. Earth's thirft and heaven's water-fprings. 8'' Lond. i860. God's way of peace : a book for the anxious. 12° Lond. 1862. Family fermons. 8° Lond. 1863. God's way of holinefs. 8° Lond. 1864. Catechifms of the Scottilh Reformation. Edited, with preface and notes, by Horatius Bonar, D.D. 8"^ Lond. 1866. Days and nights in the Eaft ; or, illuftrations of Bible fcenes. 8''^ Lond. 1866. The woid of promife : a hand-book to the promifes ot Scripture. 8° Lond. n. d. The ti-ue heart. 8° Lond. n. d. * Kelfo : the fermons and fervices at the opening of the North parifli church, and the ordination and introdudtion, of the Rev. Horatius Bonar, the firft minifter ; with an in- trodudloiy notice, by the Rev. J. M. M'Culloch, A.M. 8° Edinb. 1838. BONAR (John). 6.1719. Educated at the Univerfity of Edinburgh. Minifter of the parifli of Cockpen, 1746, and of Perth, 1756. D. 1761. Obferv-ationsontheconduftand character of Judas Ifcariot : in a letter to the Rev. Mr. J. P. [James Primro/e.^ [^non.] 8" Edinb. 1750. BONARELLI (Guidubaldo de'). B. at Urbino, 25 Dec. 1563. Served the Dukes of Ferrara and Modena in a diplomatic capacity. D. 8 Jan. 1608. Filli di Sciro, favola paftorale. 12° Amft. 1678. BONARELLI— BOND 593 BONARELLI (Prospero). Brother of the preceding. B. about 158S. Pafled the greater part ot his life in the ferviceof the Grand Dukeof Tufcany. D. at Ancona, 9 March, 1659. II Solimano, tragedia. BONAVENTURA. 12° Cefena, 1658. B. at Bagnarea, Tufcany, 1221. Entered the Orderof St. Fran- cis, 1248. General of the order, 1256. Bifliop of Albano, 1273. Cardinal, 1274. D. at Lyons, 1274. Canonifed, 1472. Den Wijngaert van Sinte Francifcus vol fclioonre hiftor- ien, legenden, ende duechde liickc iLcringhen alien mcnfchen feer profiiteliick. 4 Tliantwcipen, I 5 18. Traftatus de profedu religiofoium a beato Bonaventura compofitus. 12° Parifiis, Denis Roce, s. a. The life of our Lord and Saviour Jcfus Clirift. From the Latin of St. Bonaventure. Newly tranflated for the ufe of members of the Church of England, by F. O. [Freiferici OaL-ky.] 8' Lond. 1844. The pfalter of the blefTed Virgin ... Tranflated from the laft French edition of 1852 ... by the Rev. John Gum- ming, D.D. 12° Lond. 1852. BONCHAMPS, La Marquise de. Memoires ; rediges par M™^ la ComtefTe de Genlis ; fui- vis des pieces juflificatives. 8° Paris, 1823. — Another edition. 8' Lond. 1823. — Tranflated from the French. 8" Lond. 1823. BONCHURCH. Bonchurch, Ifle of Wight, coptaining a notice of the Rev. Wm. Adams. 8° Lond. 1849. BONCIARIUS (Marcus Antonius). B. at Antrla, near Perugia, 9 Feb. 1555. Educated at Perugia and at Rome. Taught rhetoric with great fuccefs at Perugia. D. there, 9 Jan. 161 6. Carmina. [CarminaiIlu/lrium?ozTAKVM Ila/orum,u. 393.] BONCOMPAGNIS (Catald.nus). An Italian jurift, b. at Foligno, who flouriflied in the former half of the 15th century. De findicatu. [F. Zilettus, Traffatus univer/i juris, vii. 349.] De tranflationc facri concilii Badlcae ad inclitam civitatem Ferrariae, & de viribuset importantia literarum ejufdem, et de potcflate faniftifs. D. noflri Papae. [Ibid. xin. i. 15.] BONCOMPAGNUS, Magider. A native of Florence, who lived in the cirly part of the 13th century. Liber de obfidione Ancontc a copiis Friderici I. imp. anno I 172 perafta, cjufque urbis libcratione. [Muratori, Rt-nim Italicarum fcr'tplorcsy vi. 917.] BOND (A. L.) Three gems in one fetting. 4° Lond. [i860.] VOL. I. BOND (Alvas). Memoir of the Rev. Pliny Fiflc, A.M., late mifRonary to Palefline from the American board of mifFions. 12° Edinb. 1828. BOND (C. R.) Truth's triumph : a poem on the reformation. 12° Lond. 1834. BOND (Mrs. Henry). Mifcellaneous poems. 8° Lond. n. d. Sacred poems. 8° Lond. n. d. BOND (J.) A compleat guide for juflices of peace ... revifed ... and continued down to this time, by J. W. 8° Lond. 1707. BOND (John). Of St. John's College, Cambridge. King Charles his welcome home ; or a congratulation of all his loving fubjedls in thankfulneffe to God for his Maieflies fafe and happie returne from Scotland, 1641. 4° Lond. [164 1.] BOND (John), LL.D. B. at Dorchefter. Educated at St. Catherine's Hall, Cam- bridge, of which he became a fellow. A member of the Weft- minfter .Affembly. Miniiler of the Savoy. Mafter of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1646. Profcffor of law in Grefliam College, 1649. Vice-chancellor of the Univerfity of Cambridge, 1658. D. at Sandwich, July, 1676. Salvation in a myfleiy ; or, a profpeflive glafTe for Eng- lands cafe. As it was laid forth in a fermoa preached at Maigarets in Weftminftor, before the Honourable Houfe of Commons, at their monthly fall, March 27. 1644. [Ifa. xlv. 15.] 4° Lond. 1644. Oriens ab occidente ; or, a dawning in the wefl. .As it was delivered in a fermon before the Honourable Houfe of Commons, at Weftminflcr, upon their day of thankfgiving, for feverall viftories in the weff, &c. Ylf"- '^'^^'- 9-] 4' Lond. 1645. BOND (R.) The handbook of the telegraph : being a manual of tele- graphy, telegraph cleiks' remembrancer, and guide to candi- dates for employment in tlie telegiaph fervice. 12° Lond. 1862. Murray and Co.'s book of information for railway travel- lers and railway officials, illuffratcd with anecdotes, etc. 12° Lond. 1865. BOND (Robert). The two prize cffays of die Suffolk agiicultural affocia- tion ... By Mr. G. Kerfey Cooper, Eufton, and Mi-. Robert Bond, fecretary to the affociation, Thorington and Kentwell. Second edition. [1859.] BOND (Sampson). " Minifter at Mayden-Hcad, in Berks." A fermon preached before the Reverend committee of divines, the 20tli of May 1646. at their ufuall place of meeting in Wcilminlfer upon a text [A'mh. xii. l] given the day before, by thai godly and learned member of the alFembly Mr. John Ley chair-man. 4'= Lond. 1646. 4 o 594 BOND— BONET BOND (Thomas). Educated for the profeflion of law, but never praftifed. D. at Eaft Looe, iS Dec. 1837, aged nearly (eventy-three. Topographical and hiftorical (lietches of the boroughs of Eaft and Weft Looe, in the county of Cornwall ... 8° Lond. 1823. BONDAM (Petrus). B. atCampen, 1727. Profeflbr in the Univerfity of Harder- wyk, and fubfequently in that of Utrecht. D. 6 Feb, 1800. Specimen juridicum inaugurale, continens animadverfiones criticas ad loca qusedam Juris Civilis depravata. Franequeiae, 1746. [Oelrichs, Thejaurus novus differtattonum juridi- cal urn, II. ii. 177-] BONDI (Clemente). B. at Mizzano, Parma, 1742. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. D. 21 June, iSil. Elegie due. fol. Vienna, 1S06. BONDT (Ever. Corn.) Diflertatio niathematico-juridica inauguralis de eleftionibus per fuffiagia. • 8° Lugd. Bat. 1794- BONE (.Iohn). Outline of a plan for reducing the poor's rate, and amend- ing the condition of the aged and unfortunate ; including thofe of the naval and military departments : in a letter to the Right Hon. George Rofe, occafioned by his Obferva- tions on the poor laws, &c. 8° Lond. 1805. The principles and regulations of Tranquillity ; an inftitu- tion commenced in the metropolis, for encouraging and en- abling induftrious and pnident individuals, in various claffes of the community, to provide for themfeives ... 8° Lond. 1806. Rules and regulations of the Economical bank, an inftitu- tion commenced under the name of Tranquillity . . . Second edition ... [yliwn.'\ 8° Lond. 1807. The friend of the people ; or, confiderations addrefll'd principally to perfons of fmall incomes, and members of friendly focieties, recommending them to adopt fonie more efFeftual meafures for fecuring their own independence than thofe propofed to parliament by Mr. Whitbread are calcu- lated to promote. 8° Lond. 1807. The wants of the people, and the means of the govern- ment ; or, objeflions to the interfeience of the legiflature in the affairs of the poor, as recommended by Mr. Whit- bread in the Houfe of Commons, on Thurfday, Febnaaiy 1 9, 1807. 8° Lond. 1807. The Reafoner ; an independent publication, comprifing a general enquiry into the principles upon which the happinefs of fociety and the fecurity of the Britifh Empire depend ... 8° Lond. 1808. BONE (Samuel Vallis). Of Lincoln's Inn ; barrifter-at-law. Precedents in conveyancing . . . With an introdudtion and praftical notes ... 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1838. BONE (William). Mafon's hygrometer. A table for obtaining the dew- point and moifture by infpedlion, the degree of the dry bulb being at the head of the column, and that of the wet bulb at the fide : oppofite the latter will be found the dew-point and moifture. 4° Lond. 1843. BONEFIDIUS (Enimundus). B. at Chabeuil, 20 Ofl. 1536. Profeflbr of law in the Uni- verfity of Valence. Being a proteftant, he narrowly efcaped the maflacre of St. Bartholomew, and took refuge in Geneva. D. there, 1574. Tod AvaroXinou vo,u,i/j.ou 0i0\ia y. Juris orientalis libri iii. ab Enimundo Bonefidio digefti, ac notis illuftrati, & nunc primum in lucem editi, cum Latina inteipretatione. 8° [Pariflis], i 573. BONEFONIUS (Joannes). B. at Clermont, in .-^uvergne, 1554. Studied law at Bourges, under Cujaclus, and pradtifed as an advocate at Paris. D. at Bar-fur-Seine, 1 614. Opera omnia ; avec les imitations Fi-angoifes de Gilles Durant. Nouvelle edition, corrigee & augmentee de plufi- eurs fragmens qui n'avoient point encore paru. 8° Amflelodami, 1767. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitia podarum Gallorum, i. 657.] BONELL (George). Piopofals for preventing the infamous and clandeftine ex- portation of our wool and woollen yarn from Great Britain and Leland, and to pay the intereil of twelve millions. fol. n. p. [1762.] BONELLI (L. Hugh de). Travels in Bolivia ; with a tour acrofs the Pampas to Buenos Ayres, &c. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1854. BONENCO (Ubertus de). Repetitio in authen. facramenta puberum. C. fi adveiTus vendit. [Limpius, Repetitiones in varias jurii civi/is leges, vii. 278.] BONER (Charles). Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria. With il- luftrations by Theodore Hoifcheft of Munich. 8° Lond. 1853. Cain. [A poem.'] 8° Lond. 1855. Verfe. 1834-1858. 8° Lond. 1858. Foreft creatures. 8° Lond. 1861. Tranfylvania ; its produfts and its people. 8° Lond. 1865. BONERIUS (Ulricus). A German fabulift, who lived at the beginning of the 14th century. Deredel Stein getichtet von Bonerius. Aus Handfchriften berichtiget und mit einem Worterbuche verfehen von George Friederich Benecke. 8° Berlin, 1S16. BONET (Juan Pablo). A Spanifli philanthropift, a native of Aragon, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. Reduftion de las letras, y arte para enfenar a ablar los mudos. 4° Madrid, 1620. BONETUS— BONIFACE 595 BONETUS Latensis. A Jewifli phyfician in Provence, who lived at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century. Boneti de latis hebrei medici prouenzalis anuli aftronomici utilitatum liber ad Alexandram fextum pontificem niaxiniam. 1507. [Johannes de Sacrobosco, Textus de fphera.^ BONFADIUS (Jacobus). B. at Gazano, near Salo, in the diocefe of Brefcia, about the beginning of the i6th century. After leading a wandering life he fettled at Genoa, where he obtained a profeObrfhip of philu- fophy. Being convicted of a crime, the punifhment for which was death by fire, he was, as a favour, beheaded before being thrown into the flames, 19 July, 1559. Annalium Genuenfium ub anno mdxxvui. (in quo definit Ubertus Folieta) recuperatae libcTtatis ufqvie ad annum mdl. libri V. [Gr/Evius, Tbefaurus antiqu'ttatum et hijloriarum Italiit, i. 1323.] Poemata. [Gruter, Ddltiit podarum Italorum, i. 478.] — \Carmitia illujliium poetarum Ilalonim, ii. 4 1 4.] Stanze. [Rubbi, Parnafo Itallano, x. 191.] BONFILIUS or BUONFIGLI (Giuseppe). An hiftorian of Sicily, b. at Meflina, in the latter half of the 1 6th century. Served in Flanders under the Duke of Alba, but returning home, he devoted the remainder of his life to the ftudy of literature and hiftory, Meflanas urbisdefcriptiojCiflo libris comprehenfa ; qua non modo conditores urbis, fitus, ffdificia facra et profana, portus, caftella, viae, fora, fontes ; venjm etiam adventus principuni, exequia, dies fcfti, ludi publici, mores, munera facra et civilia, aliaque commemoratu digna recenfentur. Ex Italico Latine vertit ... Jo. Laur. Mo(heim. [Gr/evius, Tbefaurus ant't- qultatum et biflor'tarum Sici/itt, torn, ix.] BONFINIUS (Antonius). B. at Afcoli, Dec. 1427. Profeffor of Greek and Latin litera- ture at Recanati, whence he was called to be tutor to Beatrice of Aragon, Queen of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary. D. 1502. Rerum Ungaricarum decades quatuor cum dimldia. His acceflc-re loan. Sambuci aliquot appendices, & alia : una cum prifcorum regum Ungarios decretis, feu conditutionibus ... Omnia nunc denuo recognita, emcndata, & aufla per loan. Sambucum. fol. Francofurti, 1581. — Tertium omnia nunc denuo recognita, emendata, & aufta per loan. Sambucum. fol. Hanovisc, 1606. BONFINIUS (Franciscus Antonius). An Italian jurift. IJ. at Rcrtinoro, in the Romagna. D. 7 Sep. 1739. Decifioncs Florentinae quotquot fuperfunt, oniiflis tantum illis quK noviffirrio ejus tradtatui de jure fideicommiflbrum fparfim infcrta; funt. Additis vcro nonnullis qux- coram ipfo in aliis fupremis tribunalibus prodierunt . . . fol. Pifi.s, 1760. BONFRERIUS (Jacobus). B. at Dinant, on the Meul'c, 1573. A member of the Order of the Jefuits, and profeffor of philofophy, theology, and Heb- rew, at Douay. D. at Tournay, 9 March, 1643. Annotationes in FromifTx Terra: chorographicam tabulam. [Ugolinus, Tbefaurus aiitiquitalum facrarum. v. 381.] BONGARSIUS (Jacobus). B. at Orleans, 1546. Employed in various important nego- tiations, during a period of tiiirty years, by Henry IV. D. at Paris, 29 July, 1612. Gefta Dei per Francos, five, orientalium expeditionum et regni Francorum Hierofolimitani hiftoria, a variis, fed illius a:vi, fcriptoribus litteris commendata. 2 torn. fol. Hanovias, 161 1. Epiftolae anecdotae. [Ayrmannus, Sylloge anecdotorum, V- 457-] BON GAULTIER. Pf-ud. o/Theodore Martin and William Edmonfloune Aytoun. BONGOUT (Dr. Robert). The journey of Dr. Robert Bongout and his lady to Bath. Performed in the year 1 77-. Y^y l^obert Bragg.] BONHEUR (Rosa). * Biography ... By F. Lepellede Bois-Gallais. 1856. BONHOMUS (Joannes Franciscus). B. at Cremona, 6 Oft. 1536. Studied law at Bologna and Pavia. Entered the Church, and was confecrated birtiop ot Ver- celli, 1573. D. 26 Feb. 1587. Poemata. [GnvTiR, De/itU poetarum /ia/orum,i. 483.] — [Carm'ma lllujlrium poetarum Italorum, ii. 4 1 8.] BONHOTE (P. L. D.) Logarithm tables, adapted to the calculations of exchanges and bullion ; to which are prefixed inftrudlions for their ufe, and the method of fiiortening operations by finding out the fixed numbers. 8° Lond. 1805. BONI (Mauro). B. at Genoa, 3 Nov. 1746. Studied with the Jefuits at Cre- mona and at Rome, and became a member of the order. Pro- felTor of literature in their feminary at Cremona, and fubfequently vicc-reftor of the college at Bergamo. D. 4 Jan. 1817. Lettere fui primi libri a ftampa di alcune citth e terre dell' Italia fuperiore ... 2 ptt. 4° Venezia, 1794. BONICONTUS (Antonius). A jurift of Bologna, who lived in the 14th century. De appellationibus. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus unlverfi juris, V. 45.] Tra<5tatus aurcusde accufationibuset inquifitionibus. [Ibid. — [Monius, Rcrum criminalium praxes, ii. i i .] BONIFACCIO (Giovanni). B. at Rovlgo, 1547. Studied law at Padua, and praftifed with great fuccel's at Padua and Trcvifo. D. at Padua, 1635. Hiftoria Trivigiana, divifa in dodici libri. Nella quale, fjjiegandofi Ic cofc notabili fino a quefto tempo nel Triuigiano occorfe, fi tratta infieme de' maggiori fucccffi d' Italia. 40 Trivigi, 1591. BONIFACE, St. Annalea fandli Bonifacii a. 7 1 6- 1 02 4. Annalcs fanifti 596 BONIFACIUS— BONNER Bonifacii bieviflimi a. 936-101 l. [Pertz, Monumenta Germanla hijlorica, v. 117.] BONIFACIUS. B. at Crediton, Devonfliire, 670, his original name being Winifred, Having been ordained, he went Co Friefland as a mil^onary, and met with great faccefs. Confecrated bifhop of the Germans by Gregory 11., 723. Archbifhop of JVIaincz, 738. Killed in a tumult raifed by pagan enemies in Friefland. 754. He is frequently ftyled the Apoftlc of Germany. Opera quae extant omnia. Nunc primum in Anglia, ope codicum nianufcriptorum editionumque optimarum, edidit J. A. Giles, LL.D. 3 torn. y° Lond. 1844. Sermones. [Martene ct Durand, Feterum fcriptorum, lijc, amplijfima coUsdio, ix. I 86.] Sermo de abrenuntiationc in baptifmate. [Pez, Tbefaurus anecdotorum no'vijjlmus , iv. ii. 3.] Epiftola; hiftoricas. [Duchesne, Hijloriit Francorum fcrip- tores, II. 661, 854.] Epiftolae dus. [Bouquet, Recue'il des h'tjlor'tens des Gaules et de la France, v. 483.] Epiftolas ; per Nicolaum Serrarium edita, et notis illuf- tratSB. \^Max. Bibliotheca veteruvi Patrum, xiii. 70.] Vita S. Livini epifcopi et martyris. [Mabillon, ASa fandorum O.S.B. ii. 431.] * Legciida patroni Germanic Sanifti Bonifacii libris n. quorum poftremo figillatim Thuringica continentur. Ac- ceffit legenda Bonifacii vernacula, ab ilia fubinde diveifa, et folam fere Thuringiam concernens. [Menckenius, Scriptores rerum Germamcarum, i. 833.] * Vita ... Auftore Willibaldo, prefbytero. * Vita au(5tore Othlono. ''' The life of St. Boniface, Archbifhop of Mayence, and Apoftle of Germany. 1S53. [.0y George W. Cox.] BONIFACIUS VIII., Pope. Benedetto Gaetano, elefted Pope on the refignation of Celef- tine V. 1294. D. ii Q&.. 1303. \Begtnmng of the tcxi^ Incipit liber vi. decretalium domini bonifacii pape viii. ... fol. [Argentinas, Henr. Eggefteyn,] n. d. \Beginning of the text\ Incipit liber fextus decretalium do- mini bonifacii pape viij. \End\ Sexti decretalium opus prx- clarum in nobili vrbe Maguncia . . . per venerandum virum Petrum Schoitfer ... feliciter eft confummatum. Anno domini M.cccc.LXxiij. ad nonas apriiias. fol. BONIFACIUS (Balthasar). B. 15S6. Studied law at Padua, and was appointed profeflbr of the Inltitutes at Rovlgo. After holding leveral important offices in the Church, he obtained the bifliopric of Capo d'lftria, 24 Nov. 1653. D. 1659. Mufanam pars prima. 8° Venetiis, 1646. Hiftoria ludicra : opus ex omni difciplinarum genere, fe- lefta et jucunda eruditione refertum. 4' Bruxellse, 1656. De archivis liber fmgularis. [Polenus, Utriufque thefaurl antiqu'itatum ... fupplcmenta, \. 1061.] — [Maderus, De bibliothicls atque archivis libelli.^ De Romanx hiftorix fciiptoribus, excerpta ex Bodino, VofTio, aliifque. [Robertus, Miscellanea Italica erudita, iii. 483.] BONIFACIUS (Joannes Bernardinus). Poemata. [Gruter, Delitiie poetarum Italorum, i. 488.] — \Carmina illujlrium poetarum Italorum, ii. 423.] BONINCONTRIUS (Laurentius). Profeflbr of humanity at Mantua. Lived in the former half of the 15th century. Annales ab anno i36oufquead 1458. [Muratori, Rerum Italicarum fcriptores, .xxi. I .] Hiftoria Sicula. [Lamius, Z)c//V;i? eruditorum, 1739- 40.] BONINI (FiLiPFo Maria). B. in the States of Genoa, 25 Aug. 1612. Entered the Church, and filled feveral important offices. D. towards the clofe of the 17th century. II Tevere incatenato, overo I'arte di frenar I'acque cor- renti. 4'' Roma, 1663. BONINSEGNI (Jacopo Fiorino de'). Egloga. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xvi. 17.] BONIS (JosEPHus de). De oratoriis publicis. [Assemanus, Commentarius theo- logico-canonico-criticus de eccleftis, 'i^cJ\ BONIUS (Benedictus). De cenfibus. [F. Zilettus, Tradatus univer/i juris, ri. ii. 162.] BONJOUR (Jacobus). Axiomata lib. primi Pandeftanim in Schematibus. Le- gum aliquot oenigmata ... 4° Lugd. 1550. BONN. The Univerfity of Bonn : its rife, progrefs, and prelent ftate ; with a concife account of the college life of H.R.H. Prince Albert ... By a member of the Middle Temple. 12° Lond. 1845. BONNECHOSE (Emile de). The reformers before the Reformation. The fifteenth centuiy. John Hufs and the Council of Conftance. Tranf- lated from the French by Campbell Mackenzie, B.A. 2 vols. 12° Edinb. 1844. BONNELL (James). * The exemplaiy life and character of James Bonnell, Efq. ... 1707. [By William Hamilton.] BONNER (Edmund). B. at Hanley, Worcefterfliire. Bifliop of London, 1539. D. 5 Sep. 1569. * The life and defence of the conduft and principles of ... Edmund Bonner... ByaTraftarian Britifh critic [George TowNSEND, D.D.] 1842. * An epitaph, or rather a (hort difcourfe made upon the life and death of Dr. Bonner, foroetime unworthy bifhop of London, whiche dyed the fifth of September in the Mar- (halfie. 1569. [.^ar/«;an Miscellany, i. 595.] BONNER— BONMN 597 BONNER (George), LL.B. Of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Incumbent of St. James's, Cheltenham, 1830. D. there, 24 June, 1840. Education the mod efFedlual preventive of ci ime : an af- fize fermon, preached in the cathedral cliurch, Cheller, April 7, 18^5. [Prov. V. 23.] 8° Lond. 1825. Education the mod effectual promoter of virtue : an affize fermon, preached in the cathedral church, Chefter, Aug. 25, 1825. [Micah,vi. 8.] 8" Lond. 1826. Support under bereavement : a fermon. [Mari,\i\. iS- 27.] 12^ Cheltenham, 1832. Memoir of the life of the Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D., Lord Bilhop of Calcutta. 1 2 ■> Cheltenham, 1833. Sermons. 12° Cheltenham, 1837. BONNER (James). A new plan for fpeedily increafing the number of bee-hives in Scotland ; and which may be extended ... to any other part of the world capable of producing flowers. 8° Lond. 1795. BONNET (Charles). A Swifs philofopher and naturalilt. B. at Geneva, 1 3 March, 1720. D. there, 20 June, 1793 CEuvres d'hiftoire naturelle et de phiiofophie. 8 torn. 4° Neuchatel, 1779-83. Recherches fur I'ufage des feuilles dans les plantes, et fur quclques autres fujets relatifs a rhiftoire de la vegetation. 4° Gottingue et Leide, 1754. Effai de pfychologie ; ou confiderations fur les operations de I'ame, fur I'habitude, et fur I'education. Auxquelles on a ajoute des principes philofophiques fur la caufe premiere, et fur fon effet. 12° Lond. 1755. EfTai analytique fur les facultes de I'ame. 4° Copenhague, 1760. — Seconde edition. 2 tom. 8° Copenhague et Geneve, 1769. Confiderations fur les corps oiganifes . . . Seconde edition. 2 tom. 8"" Amderdam, 1768. Contemplation de la nature. Seconde edition. 2 tom. 8° Anifterdam, 1769. La palingenefie philofophique, ou idecs fur I'otat jjaffe, et fur I'etat futur des etres vivans ... 2 tom. 8° Lyon, 1770. BONNET (GiLBERTUs). Specimen hiftoricum de cauflis fuperftitionum inter Chrif- tianos ... 4^ Tiaj. .ad Rhen. 1753. BONNET (.1. E.) Efiai fur I'art de rendre les levolutions utiles. Deu.\iome edition. 2 tom. 8° Paris, i8oz. BONNET (.luLEs). Aonio Paleario : a chapter in the hiftory of the Italian reformation. From the Fiench. 8° Lond. 1S64. BONNET (P. A. L.) The family of Bethany ; or, meditations on the eleventh chapter of tiie Gofpel according to St. John : tranflated from the French. With an introductory eflay by the Rev. Hugh White. 8° Lond. 1838. — Thirteenth edition. 8^ Lond. 1855. BONNEVAL (Claude-Alexandre, Comte de). Memoircs. Nouvelle edition, avec des notes hiftoriques fur les perfonnages divers et les principaux fails mentionnes dans I'ouvrage, par M. Guyot Delherbiers. 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1806. BONNEVAL (Judith Charlotte, Countefs de). * Life and letters. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 1858. BONNEVILLE (Nicolas de). An editor and mifcellaneous writer. B. at Evreux, 1 3 March, 1760. D. at Paris, iSzS. Nouveau theatre Allemand. Par MM. Friedel et de Bonneville. 1782-5. BONNEVILLE (Pierre-Fredi^ric). Traite des monnaies d'or et d'argent qui circulent chez les difFerens peuples ... fol. Paris, 1806. BONNEY (Henry Kaye), D.D. Reftor of King's ClifFe, Northampton. Archdeacon of Bed- ford, 1S22, and of Lincoln, 1844. D. at King's Cliffe, 24 Dec. 1862. The life of the Right Rev. father in God, Jeremy Taylor, D.D., chaplain in ordinary to King Charles the Firit, and Lord Bifhop of Down, Connor, and Dromore. 8° Lond. 1815. Hiftoric notices in reference to Fotheringhay. 8° Oundle, 1821. The law of the common prayer of the Church of Eng- land : a charge, delivered to the clergy at the general vifi- tation of the archdeaconry of Bedford, May, 1843. 8" Lond. ! 843. A charge, 1844 : being a fequel to his charge of 1843. 8° Lond. 1844. A charge, delivered at the general vifitation of the arch- deaconry of Lincoln, April, i8jo. 12° Lond. 1850. A charge delivered at the fpring vifitation of the archdea- conry of Lincoln, in May, 1854. 8° Lond. 1854. A charge delivered ... at the Eafter vifitation, 1S56 ... I 2° Lincoln, 1856. BONNEY (Thomas George), M.A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Mathematical mafter of St. Peter's College, Wcftminiler. Outline (Ivetches in the High Alps of Dau]ihine. 4= Lond. I 865. BONNIN (Thomas Scott), B.A. Curate of Sculcoates, Hull. The domelHc altar ; or, morning and evening communion with God. 12" Lond. 1S50. The piefent crihs in the Chuicli : a letter to the Church- men of Hull. 8° Lond. 1850. A fermon prcaclied at the parilh church, CInybrook, Lei- cellerfliire, Sunday, Oftober 23rd, 1853, oil the death of tiie late Mrs. John Crowther M. Harrifon. [i Thf/s. iv. 14.] 8^ Land. 1S53. 598 BONNYCASTLE— BONUS BONNYCASTLE (John.) B. at Whitchurch, Bucks. Profeflbr of mathematics at the Royal military academy, Woolwich. D. there, 15 May, 1S21. An introduftion to aftronomy, in a feries of letters from a preceptor to his pupil ; in vvhicli the moft ufefal and in- terefting parts of the fcience are clearly and familiarly explained. S" Lond. 1786. A key to Bonnycaftle's Trigonometiy, by Griffith Davies. 1814. An introdu(5lion to algebra, with notes and obfeiTations. . . The fixteenth edition ... To which is alfo added an appen- dix, containing a fynopfis on variable quantities, by Samuel Maynard. 8° Lond. 1836. Scholar's guide to arithmetic ... Edited by John Row- botham. Eighteenth edition . . . with additions ... by Samuel Maynard. 12° Lond. 185 i. A key to Bonnycaftle's Scholar's guide to arithmetic ... a new edition ... by Samuel Maynard. 8° Lond. 1853. BONNYCASTLE (Sir Richard Henry). Spanifh America ; or, a defcriptive, hiftorical, and geo- graphical account of the dominions of Spain in the weftern hemifphere, continental and infular ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. 18 18. The Canadas in 1841. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1842. Newfoundland in 1842 : a fequel to "The Canadas in 1841." 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1842. Canada and the Canadians in 1846. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1846. Canada, as it was, is, and may be. With confiderable ad- ditions, and an account of recent tranfadtions, by Sir James Edward Alexander. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1852. BONOMI (Charlotte). Edith Grey ; or, ten years ago. 8° Lond. 1859. BONOMI (Joseph). Nineveh and its palaces. The difcoveries of Botta and Layard applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. 8° Lond. 1852. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1857. Defcription of the Egyptian court, erefted in the Cryftal Palace. By Owen Jones and Jofeph Bonomi ... 1S54. The proportions of the human figure. With fix illuftra- tive outlines. 8° Lond. 1856. The triple mummy cafe of Arveri-ao, an Egyptian prieft, in Dr. Lee's mufeum at Hartwell Houfe, Buckinghamftiire. Drawn by Jofeph Bonomi, and defcribed by Samuel Sharpe. 4° Lond. 1858. Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia : illuftrated by one hundred ftereofcopic photographs, taken by Francis Frith ... with de- fcriptions and numerous wood engravings, by Jofeph Bonomi, and notes by Samuel Sharpe ... 4° Lond. 1862. The alabafter farcophagus of Oimenepthah I., King of Egypt, now in Sir John Soane's Mufeum, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Drawn by Jofeph Bonomi, and defcribed by Samuel Sharpe. 4° Lond. 1864. BONONIENSIS (Caspar). Carmen. [Carmina illu/Irium poetarum Italorum, ii. 424.] BONPLAND (Aim£). The travelling companion of Alexander Von Humboldt. B. at La Rochelle, 22 Aug. 1773. Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1 799—1 804 par Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland. BONSIUS (L^elius). A jurift and poet of Florence, who lived in the latter half of the 1 6th century. Carmen. [Carmina illuflrium poetarum Italorum, ii. 424.] BONSTETTEN (Charles Victor de). B. at Berne, 3 Sep. 1745. D. at Geneva 3 Feb. 1832. Voyage fur la fcene des fix derniers livres de I'Eneide ; fuivi de quelques obfeiTations fur le Latium moderne. 8° Geneve, 1805. Recherches fur la nature et les lois de I'imagination. 2 tom. 8° Geneve, 1807. Ilitudes de I'homme, ou recherches fur les facultes de fentir et de penfer. 2 tom. 8° Geneve, 182 1. BONT (GULIELMUS). A jurift of Louvain, and chancellor of the Univerfity there. D. 1454. De ufuris ; in quo deciditur hasc quaeftio, Num emptio redditus vitalis, aut etiam perpetui fit contraiSus jure permif- fus, an vero ufurarius. [F. Zilettus, TraSatus un'wer/i juris, vii. 74.] Cafus in quibus poena mortis fpecifice a lege eft impofita. [Ibid. XI. i. 328.] BONTIER (Pierre). Hiftoiie de la premiere defcouverte et conquefte des Can- aries, faite des I'an 1402. par Meflire Jean de Bethencourt, chambellan du Roy Charles VI. efcrite du temps mefme par F. Pierre Bontier and Jean Le Verrier, et mife en lumiere par M. Galien de Bethencourt. Plus un traiifte de la navigation et des voyages de defcouverte & conquefte modernes, & prin- cipalement des Frangois. 8° Paris, 1630. BON TON. Bon ton ; or, high life below ftairs : a comedy. 1775- [By David Garrick.] BONUS (John), D.D. Shadows of the rood ; or, types of our fuffering redeemer Jefus Chrift occurring in the Book of Genefis : being the fubftanceof a feries of moral difcourfes delivered in thechurch of the AfTumption during the Lent of 1856. 8' Lond. 1856. BONUS (Marcellus). A jurift of Naples, who lived about the middle of the l6th century. Singularia [_;;/r/j-.] [Singularia ^/oSorwm, ii. 188.] BONUS (Petrus). A phyfician and chemift of Ferrara, who is underftood to have lived about the middle of the 14th century. Margarita Dietiofa novella corredtiffima, exhibens intro- BONUS LATENSIS— BOOKSELLERS 599 duftionem in artem chemise integram, ante annos plus minus ducentosfeptuagintacompoCta. [ZETiNERUs, 7Zfa/r«mcifm»- cum, V. 507.] BONUS LATENSIS. Sec Bonetus Latenfis. BONWELL (James), M.A. Sermons on the holy Cathohc Church and its privileges : being part of a feries on the ApolHes' Creed, delivered in the church of the Holy Trinity, Pi ellon. 12° Lond. 1S43. BOODLE (Richard George), M.A. Ways of overcoming temptation : with a form offelf-ex- amination, and prayers. 12° Lond. 1846. — Another edition. 12" Lond. 1849. BOOK. The auflion ; or, a catalogue of fome ufefiil books, lately publilhed, together with a fummary of what is treated of in them. Printed by Robert Hardy, at his fhop in Wcftmin- fter-Hall. [Jacobite fatlre.] 4° Lond. [i 693.] A catalogue of books of the neweft fafliion, to be fold by auction at the Whiggs coffee-houfe, at the fign of the Jacka- napes in Prating-alley, near the Deanry of St. Paul's. [Ja- cobite fatire.'\ 4^ [Lend.] n. d. A catalogue of books to be fold byauftion near St. James's. [Scott's edition of Somcrs' Tracts, xii. 467.] The curious book ; or, literary relics. 8° Edinb. 1826. My daughter's book, containing a feleftion of approved readings in literature, fcience, and art, adapted to the for- mation of tlie charafter of woman. By the editor of the " Young gentleman's book." 12° Lond. 1834. A little book. 12° Lond. 1851. — Another edition. 12= Lond. 1856. A book for the fea-fide. 12° Lond. [1853.] Folious appearances. A confideration on our ways of let- tering books. 1854. [By John Tupling.] Book of gold ; or, rules and inftrudlions for a holy life. I 2 J Oxford, 1856. A little book. By the author of " Adventures of a fun- beam," &c. [In verfe.] 8" [Lond. 1 86 1.] BOOKER (Edward). Parthenia ; a drama. BOOKER (Ellen). Meditations in poetry and profe. 8° LonJ. 1865. 8° Lond. 1861 BOOKER (.John), A.M. Vicar of Kiilurin, Ferns, Wexford. An expofition of the Church catcchifm ; in the form of brief illuftrative ledlures, with queftions apjiended. I 2° Lond. I 849. Obfolete words and phrafes in the Bible and Apocrypha (including tliofe in the contents of chapters and marginal lead- ings), and alfo in the prayer-book, familiarly explained. b" Dublin, 1853. — Third edition. — Fourth edition. — Another edition. BOOKER (Luke), LL.D. 12° Dublin, 1858. 12° Dublin, 1859. 12° Dublin, 1862. B. at Nottingham, 20 Oft. 1762. Minifter of St. Edmund's, Dudley. Reftor of Tedftonc-de-la-Mere, Herefordftiirc, 1806, and of Dudley, i8i2. D.at Bower Afhton, near Briftol, i Oft, 1S35. Difcourfes and difiertaiions. 2 vols. 8° Dudley, n. d. Malvern : a defcriptive and hiftorical poem. 4^ l)udley, 1798. The parallel ; Nebuchadnezzar and N. Buonaparte : a fermon preached (on the day appointed for a general thankf- giving) in a parifh church, bordering upon Toibay, where Buonaparte was fome time detained, after his furrender, in the Bellerophon man of war, before his departure to the ifland of St. Helena. [Dan. v. 19, 20.] [Anon.'\ 8° Exeter, 18 16. A moral review of the conduft and cafe of Mary Afh- ford, in refutation of the arguments adduced in defence of her fuppofed violator and murderer. 8^ Dudley, 18 18. The foundations of a kingdom endangered by iniquity, and its ruin prevented by righteoufnefs : a difcourfe preached in the parifh church of Dudley, on Sunday, March 5, 1820. [Ps. xi. 3.] 8° Lond. 1820. Ledlures on the Lord's Prayer : with two difcourfes on interefling and important fubjefts. \z^ L.ond. 1824. Tributes to the dead : confifting of moie than two hun- dred epitaphs, many of them original compohtions,fuitable for perfons of all ages and circumftances. 1 2<= Lond. 1830. BOOKER (Thomas William). Gwcnt and Dyfed Royal Eilleddfod, 1834. The prize treatife on the mineral bafin of Glamorgan and the adjoining diftrift, and the national benefits arifing therefrom. 8° Lond. 1834. A fpeech, delivered at Swanfea, at the annual meeting of the Royal Biitiih aifociation for the advancement of fcience ... II Aug. 1848. 8° Lond. 1848. BOOK-KEEPING. Elements of book-keeping : in a feries of fliort examples. For the ufe of fchools. Second edition. 12° Dublin, 1835. Key to the Elements of book-keeping . . . Second edition. I 2° Dublin, I 835. Journalized ledger. Sjiecimen of a new method of book- keeping by double-entry, in one fingle book, adapted to every capacity, and to every kind of private, general, or mercantile operation, &c. Second edition. 4" Lond. 1839. A concife fyllem of book-keeping applicable to foliciiors' accounts. By a managing clerk. 8° Lond. 1862. BOOKSELLERS. Statement by a committee of the bookfellers fi.bfcribing the memorial to the Geneial Aflembly ot the Fiee Cliurch. May 23, 1850. 8" [Edinb. 1850.] 6oo BOOLE— BOOTH BOOLE (George), F.R.S. B. at Lincoln, 4 Nov. 1S15. Profeflbr of mathematics in Queen's College, Cork. D. at Blackrock, near Cork, 9 Dec. 1864. The mathematical analyfis of logic: being an effay towards a calculus of dedudtive reafoning. 8° Cambridge, 1847. The right ufe of leifure : an addrefs, delivered before the members of the Lincoln early doling aflbciation, Feb. 9, 1847. 8' Lond. 1847. The claims of fcience, efpecially as founded in its relations to human nature : a ledture, delivered in Queen's College, Cork, at the opening of the third feffion in Oftober, 1S51. 8° Lond. 1851. An Inveftigation of the laws of thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. 8° Lond. 1854. A treatife on differential equations. 8° Cambridge, 1859. — Second edition. 8° Cambridge, 1859. — Supplementary volume. 8^ Cambridge, 1865. A treatife on the calculus of finite differences. 8" Cambridge, 1S60. BOON (A.) Examenlegum AnglicE ; or,the laws of England examined by Scripture, antiquity, and reafon. \_Anon^^ 4° Lond. 1656. BOON (Samuel). Differtatio de gloria templi fecundi ... 4' Trajefti ad Rhenum, 1700. BOONE (James Shergold), M.A. Educated at Chtift-church College, Oxford. Incumbent of St. John's, Paddington, London. D. 24 March, 1859, aged feventj'-five. An efliiy on the ftudy of modern hiftoiy. 8° Lond. 1 82 I. Men and things in 1 823 : a poem, in three epiftles, with notes. 8 Lond. 1823. National ed\ication : a fermon, part of which was preaclied on Sunday, March 31, 1833, in behalf of the " National fo- ciety for the education of the poor in the principles of the Eftablifhed Church throughout England and Wales." [Gal. vi. 10.] 8' Lond. 1S33. The need of Chriftianity to cities : a fermon preached on the 9th June, 1 844, in aid of the metropolis churches' fund. \_Ps. cxxvii. I.] 8° Lond. 1844. One, manifold ; or, fyftem : introduflory argument, in a letter addreffed to Raikes Currie, Efq., M.P. 8° Lond. 184S. Sermons on various fubjefts and occafions. With a brief appendix, on the modern philofophy of unbelief. 8° Lond. 1853. Two fermons on the profpeft of a general war. [Isa. ix. 5 ; Prov. XX. iS.] 8"' Lond. 1854. The pofition and funftions of bidrops in our colonies : a fermon preached in the chapel of Lambeth Palace, on Mon- day, March 24th, 1856, at the confecration of the Bifhop of Kingdon. [Pj. cxviii. 25.] 8° Lond. 1856. Sermons chiefly on the theory of belief 8° Lond. i860. BOONE (Thomas Charles), B.A. Of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Sketches from life, written in verfe. I 2° Lond. 1826. The Book of churches and fedls ; or, the opinions of all denominationsofChriftians differing from the Church of Eng- land traced to their fource. To which is added, a refuta- tion of Unltarianifm. 8" Lond. 1826. Outlines of man's true intereft. 12° Lond. 1844. The marriage looking-glafs : written as a manual for the married and a beacon to the Cngle. 8° Lond. 1848. BOOS (Martin). B. at Huttenried, 25 Dec. 1762. D. at Sayn, in Rbenifli Pruffia, 29 Aug. 1825. The life and perfecutions of Martin Boos, an evangelical preacher of the Romifh Church : chiefly written by himfelf, and edited by the Rev. J. GofTner. Tranflated from the German : with a preface by the Rev. C. Bridges, M.A. 12° Lond. 1836. — Another edition. 8^ Lond. 1855. The life of Martin Boos, a Roman Catholic clergyman in Germany. [Abridged from the preceding ivork.'^ I 2° Lond. n. d. BOOSEY (Thomas). Pifcatorial reminifcences and gleanings by an old angler and bibliopolift : to which is added a catalogue of books on angling. 8° Lond. 1835. BOOT. The boot and fhoe-maker's afliftant : containing a treatife on clicking, and the form and fitting-up of lafts fcientifically confidered. Illullrated with engravings and pattern plates. Preceded by a hiflory of feet colhinie, with illuftrations on the fafhions of the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Perfiaris, Greeks, Romans, &c., &c., and the prevailing ftylc in Eng- land, from the earlicil: period down to the prefent time. By one who has worked on the feat and at the cutting-board. 4° Lond. 1853. BOOTE (R.) An hiflorical treatife of an aftion or fuit at law, and of the proceedings ufed in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, from the original procelTes to the judgments in both courts ... The fourth edition. 8" Lond. 1805. — The feventh edition, witli notes, by George Thomas White, of the Inner Temple. 8° Lond. 1839. BOOTH (A.), F.S.A. The ftranger's intelleftual guide to London for i S39-40 8° Lond. 1839. BOOTH (Abraham). B. at Blackwell, Derbyfhire, 20 May, 1734. Minifter of a congregation of Particular Baptifts, London, 1769. D. 23 Jan. 1806. The reign of grace, from its rife to its confummation. The fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1790. BOOTH 60 1 BOOTH (B. S.) Problems on the maps and globes. Pait I. 12= Sheffield, 1852. BOOTH (Benjamin). Merchant at New York, and at'terwards at London. A complete fyftem of book-keeping, by an improved mode of double-entry ... 4" Lond. 1789. BOOTH (David). B. at Kinnettles, Forfarfhire, 9 Feb. 1 766. A brewer at New- burgh in Fitefliire, and after\\'ards a fchoolmafter in the iame place. Settled in London, where he maintained himfelf by au- thorrtiip. D. at Balgonie Mills, Fifefhire, 5 Dec. 1846. Introdudlion to an analytical diflionary of the Englilh lan- guage. 8° Edinb. 1806. Tables of fimple interelt, on a new plan of arrangement ... 4° Lond. 1 8 18. The tradefman, merchant, and accountant's afliftant ; being tables for bufinefs in general, on a new plan of arrangement . . . 8' Lond. 182 I. A letter to the Rev. T. R. Malthus ; being an anfwer to the criticifm on Mr. Godwin's work on population, which was inferted in the L\x"' number of the Edinburgh Review. 8° Lond. 1823. Eura and Zephyra, a claffical tale : with poetical pieces. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1832. EfTay on ftyle: a fupplement to The principles of Englifh compofition. 8 Lond. 1833. The principles of Englifh grammar. 12° Lond. 1837. BOOTH (G. R.) Tables of the weights and meafures required in ufing pot- ters' materials in the flop and dry (late, with an cafy mode of calculating any quantities by them. 1 2° Lond. I 843. BOOTH (George). The nature and praftice of real anions in tlieir writs and procefs, both original and judicial ... fol. Lond. 1701. — Second edition, with tlie notes of the late George Hill, Efq., ferjeant-at-law. 8° Lond. 181 i. BOOTH (George). Merchant, Liverpool. Obfervations on paper currency, the Bank of England notes, and on the piinciples of coinage, and a metallic circulating medium. 8° Liverpool, 1 8 i 5. Obfervations on lowering the rent of land, and on the corn laws. 8° Liverpool, n. d. BOOTH (George). A manual of the prefent (late of tlie law of wills, ada])tfd as a guide for their preparation in fimple cafes : witli forms for ordinary ufe. 8^ Lond. 1S61. BOOTH (Hfnry), I ft Earl of Warrington. B, 1652. Succeeded his father as 2d Baron Dclamerc, 1684, and created Earl of Warrington, i6go. U. 2 Jan. 1694. Works : containing his lordfhips advice to his children, VOL. I. feveral fpeeches in parliament,&c.,with many other occafiona! difcourfc-s ... 8' Lond. 1694. * [Proclamation fummoning him to appear before the Privy Council within ten days: 19th July, 1685.] S. Sh. Lond. 1685. BOOTH (Henry). The rationale of the currency queflion ; or, the plea of the merchant and the fliareholdei tor an improved iyltem of national banking. 8° Lond. 1847. BOOTH (Henry). A letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Campbell, on the 9 & 10 Vidloria, cap. 93 : being an aft for compenfating the families of perfons killed by accidents, (26 Aug. 1846) — Ihowing the injuftice of the meafure and the propriety of its imme- diate repeal. 8° Lond. 1854. BOOTH (James), LL.D., F.R.S. Vicar of Stone, Bucks. Oil the application of a new analytic method to the theory of curves and curved furfaces. 8° Lond. 1843. Education and educational inftitutions conlidered, with reference to the induftrial profeflions, and the jjicfent afpeft of fociety. 8° Lond. 1846. Examination the province of the State ; or, the outline of a praflical syftem for the extenfion of national education. 8 Lond. 1 847. The theory of elliptic integrals, and the properties of fur- faces of the fecond order, applied to the inveftigation of the motion of a body round a fixed point. 8' Lond. 1851. "We are members one of another:" a fermon preached in the parifh church of St. Anne, Wandfworth, on Wcd- nefday, Ajiril 26th, 1854: being the day appointed for general humiliation and jjiayer before Almighty God. \_Eph. IV. 25.] 8° Lond. 1854. On the female education of the induftrial clafTes : being the fubftancc of a leisure delivered on the 2 0tli of Novem- ber, 1855, at the Mechanic's inlfitution, Wandfworth. 8° Lond. 1855. Syftematic inftruiflion and periodical examination : two addreffes delivered, the former, to the United afTociation of fchoolmaftejs ; the latter, to the young men attending the evening cbfTcs at Crofby Hall, London. 8° Lond. 1857. The Bible and its interpreters : being tiie fubftance of three fermons preached in tlie parifh church of St. Anne, Wandfworth. 8" Lond. 1861. BOOTH (John). Curate of K.irkby Malzcard, near Ripon. Medulla: feu radices infigniores lingux Grxcx, ordine grammatico ; or, the principal Greek primitives grammati- cally arranged, with a copious Latin and Englifli inteq)reta- tion. 4° Huddersfield, [1801.] A lexicon of the primitive words of the Greek l.inguagc, incluflve of feveral leading derivatives, upon a new plan of arrangement... 8° Lond. 1817. + H 6o2 BOOTH— BOR BOOTH (John), B.A. Epigrams, ancient and modern : humorous, witty, fatiri- cal, moral, panegyrical, monumental. Edited, with an in- troduftory preface, by the Rev. John Booth, B.A. 8° Lond. 1863. — Second thoufand. 8° Lond. 1865. BOOTH (Patrick), A.M. Minifter of Innerleithen. D. 22 May, 1859, aged forty-nine. An effay on the exiftence and attributes of God. 8° Edinb. 1855. BOOTH (Thomas), A.B. John the Baptift : the man and his miniftiy infeparable from the gofpel throughout all ages : a lefture delivered to the Young men's Chriftian affociation in Parfonftown, March 15th, i860. 12° Dublin, i860. BOOTH (William). * The trial of William Booth, and his aflbciates, for for- gery, coining, &c. 8^ Wolverhampton, 18 12. BOOTH (William Beattie). Illuftrations and defcriptions of the plants which compofe the natural order camelliex, and of the varieties of camellia japonica, cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain. The drawings by Alfred Chandler. fol. Lond. 183 i. BOOTHBY (Benjamin). Barrifter-at-law. A fynopfis of the law relating to indiftable offences : in which the crimes in alphabetical order, the refpeftive punifh- ments, the neceffary evidence, together with obfervations, embracing a condenfed digeft of cafes, are tabularly arranged; and comprifing alfo, references to precedents of indiiflments for each offence, and to the text writers on criminal plead- ing and evidence. 12° Lond. 1842. — The fecond edition, including the recent alterations in the praftice in criminal proceedings and punifhments, by Leofric Temple, Efq. 8^ Lond. 1854. Local courts not the remedy for the defeds of the law : with fuggelfions of a plan for adapting the fuperior couits of common law at Weftminfter, the circuit courts of affize, and the feffions of the peace, to the increafed demands of the country, arifing from its extended population and commerce. 8° Lond. 1844. BOOTHBY (Sir Brooke), Bart. D. at Boulogne, 23 Jan. 1824, aged eighty. Sorrows facred to the memoiy of Penelope. [^nonJj fol. Lond. 1796. BOOTHBY (Charles). Vicar of Sutterton, Lincolnfliire, 1 819, and redlor of Earnold- by-le-Beck, 1838. D. at Sutterton, 19 Aug. 1846, aged fixty. A fermon preached at Bofton, in the church of St. Bo- tolph, May 28, 1824, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Lincoln. [John xxi. 16.] 8° Lond. 1S24. BOOTHBY (Frances). A dramatic writer in the reign of Charles II. Marcelia ; or, the treacherous friend : a tragicomedy. 4° Lond. 1670. BOOTH RO YD (Benjamin), D.D. An eminent Hebrew fcholar. Minifter of an Independent chapel at Pontcfraft for twenty-four years, and for the laft eighteen years of his life minifter of Highfield chapel, Hudders- field. D. 8 Sep. 1836, aged fixty-eight. The hiftory of the ancient borough of Pontefrafl, con- taining an interefting account of its cafHe, and the three dif- ferent fieges it fultained during the civil war. With notes ; and pedigrees of fome of the moft diftinguiihed royalifts, and parliamentarians ... 8° Pontefraft, 1807. The Holy Bible, tranflated from correfted texts ... to- gether with a general introdudion and flrort explanatory notes. 1853. See Bible, Verfions, Eng/jjh, a. BOOTIUS (Arnoldus). B. at Gorcum, in Holland, 1606. Praftifed as a phyHcian in London, and afterwards in Dublin, but finally fettled in Paris. D. 1650. De textus Hebraici Veteris Teftamenti certitudine et authentia, contra Ludovici Capelli Criticam : epiftola ad Reverendifs. Jacobum Ufferium, Arcliiepifcopum Armacha- num. 4° Paris, 16 50. BOOTT (Francis), M.D. A phyfician in London. D. 25 Dec. 1863, aged feventy-one. Memoir of the life and medical opinions of John Arm- ftrong, M.D. To which is added an inquiry into the fadls connected with thofe forms of fever attributed to malaria or marfh effluvium. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1833. Illuftrations of the genus carex. 3 parts. fol. Lond. I S 58-62. BOOTY (Miles W.) An epitome of French hiftory . . . from the earlieft periods to the end of the reign of Louis XI.... 12° Lond. 1853. BOPP (Franz). ProfelTor of Sanfcrit in the Univerfity of Berlin. Die Celtifchen Sprachen in ihrem Verh'altniffe zum San- llcrit, Zend, Griechifchen, Lateinifchen, Germanifchen, Lit- thauifchen und Slawifchen. 4° Beilin, 1 8 39. A comparative grammar of the Sanfcrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic languages. Tranflated from the German, principally by Lieutenant Eaft- wick, M.R.A.S. Conduced through the prefs by H. H. Wilfon, M.A. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1845-50. BOR (Pieter). B. at Utrecht, 1559. Hiftoriographer of his native diftrift. D. 16 March, 1635. Ooi-fprongk, begin, en vervolgh der Nederlandfche oor- logen, beroerten, en borgerlyke oneenigheden ; beginnende met d'opdracht der felve landen, gedaen by Keyfer Karel den BORiEUS— BORDE 603 Viifden, acn fijnen fooii Konink Philippus van Spanjen, en eindigende met hct einde van't jaer mdc. ... 5 deel. fol. Amllerdam, 1679-84. BORjEUS (Laurentius Johannes). DifTertatio problematica, an trinitas perfonanim in Deo gentibus fit cognita ... 4° Londini Gotlioium, [1749.] BORBONIUS (Matthias). Poemata. [Gruter, Delitite poetarum Germanorum, i. 681.] BORBONIUS (NicoLAus). B. at Vandeuvte, near Bar-fur- Aube, 1503. Vifited Eng- land, where his celebrity as a poet procured him a favourable reception. The date of his death is not known, but he was alive in 1550. Nugx. [Ferraria.] 8° Paris, 1 533. Nugarum libri odlo. 8° Bafil, 1540. Nugae. [Gruter, Delitite poetarum Gallorum, i. 766.] BORBONIUS (NicoLAus). Grand nephew of the preceding. B, at Vandeuvre, about 1574. Profeffor of Greek in Paris, and a pried o( the Congre- gation of the Oratory. £le(Sed a member of the French Academy, 1637. D. 16 Aug. 1644. Opera omnia : poemata, orationes, epiftolae, verfiones e Grxco. 12° Paris, 1654. BORCH (Michel Jean, Comte de). A Polilh naturalift and traveller. D. at his feat in the pro- vince of Witepflc, Dec. iSio. Lythologie Sicilienne, ou connaiflance de la nature des pi^rres de la Sicile, fuivle d'un difcours fur la calcara de Palermc. 4° Romas, 1778. Mineralogie Sicilienne docimaftique et metallurgique . . . fuivie de la minerhydrologie Sicilienne, ou la defcription de toutes les eaux minerales de la Sicile. 8° Turin, 17 So. BORCHARDUS. A German traveller, who lived in the i 3th century. Defcriptio Tense Sandlx ct rcgionum finitimarum, auflore Borciiardo, monacho Germano, faniilix Doniinicanas, queni vixifie accepinius circa annum Jtfu ChrifH m.cc.xxciii. Item, Itinerarium Hierofolymitanum Bartholomxi de Saligniaco, equitis et JC. Galli, idem argumentum pertradtans. Qui ambo commentarii fecundum litcras facras cum recentem Hierofolymitanam, turn reliquam Orientalem hilloriam mire iiluftrantes in Germania parlim nunc jiriiiium, partim emcn- datius & locuplctius eduntur. 4' Magdeburgi, 155^7. Locorum Terrx Sanfta; exa<5tinima defcriptio. [Ugo- linus, Thefiiurus anliquilatum facrarum, vi. 1025.] BORCHOLTEN (Joannes). B. at Liineburg, 5 April, 1535. ProfelTorof law at Roftock, and afterwards at Helniftadt. U. 9 Oil. 1593. Commcntaria inconfuetudines fcudorum. Singularis item explicatio c. unici, qux funt regalia. Ex fecunda aufloris recognitionc. 8° Helmftadii, 1591. Commentaria in infignem & utililTuTium 11. titulum De compenfationibus. Nunc primum edita a Static Borcholten. 8° Helmlhidii, i 596. In illuftrem II. titulum De paftis comment.iria. Tertio nunc edita & a mcndis repurgata, per Statium Borcholten. 8° Helmlbdii, i 596. Commentaria in illuftrem & perdifficilem TI. tit. De rebus creditis fi certum petatur, & de condidlione. Nunc primum edita a Statio Borcholten. 8° Helmftadli, 1596. Commentaria in utiliflimum C. tit. De nautico fcenore. Nunc primum edita a Statio Borcholten. 8° Helmftadii, I 596. Commentaria in titulum xxxii. libri iiii. Codicis, qui infcribitur De ufuris. Editio tertia, prioribus emendatior. 8° Helmftadii, 1596. Commentaria in infignem titulum Pandeftarum De acqui- renda vel amittenda poflclTione. Secundo nunc edita, & "a vitiis & mendis repurgata. 8' Helmftadii, 1597- Commentaria in illuftrem n. titulum De jurejurando five voluntario, five neceftario,five judiciali. Nunc fecundo edita, & a multis mendis repurgata, opera & ftudioStatii Borcholten. 8° Helmxftadii, 1598. Commentaria in infignem titulum n. De in litem jurando. Nunc fecundo edita, Sc a multis mendis repurgata, opera & ftudio Statii Borcholten. 8^ Helmxftadii, 1598. Commentaria in illuftrem IT. titulum De tranfadlionib. Nunc fecundo edita, & a multis mendis repurgata, opera & ftudio Statii Borcholten. 8° Helmxftadii, 1598. De obligationibus et adlionibus, traiSatus utiliffimus, coeptus a Johanne Borcholten ; completus & nunc primiim editus a Statio Borcholten. 8^ Helmxftadii, 1599. Commentaria in illuftrem & nobilem Pandeiflanim titulum De verborum obligationibus ; edita opera & ftudio Statii Borcholten. 8MVitcbergx, 161 3. In quatuor Inftitutionum juris civilis libros commentaria, priftino fplcndoii ac fux integritati, quam fxpius repetitx edi- tiones imminuerant, reftituta ... 4° Parifiis, 1 646. BORDA (Jean Charles). A celebrated French mathematician. B. at Dax, 4 May, 1733. D. at Paris, 20 Feb. 1799. Tables trigonomctriques decimales, ou tables des logar- ithmcs des finus, fecantes et tangentes, fuivant la divifion du quart de cercle en lOO degres, du degre en 100 minutes, et de la minute en lOO fecondes ; precedilvs do la table des log- arithmes des nombres dopuis dix mille jufqu'a cent mille, et de plufieurs tables fubfidiaii es. Revues, augmentees et pub liees par J. B. J. Delambre. 4° Paris, 1801. Defcription et ufige du cercle de reflexion, avec differentes niethodes ])0ur calculer les obferv.ations nautiques. Seconde edition. 4° Paris, 1802. BORDE (Andrew). B. at Pcvenfcy, in Suflcx, about I 500. Educ.itcd at the Uni- vcrfity of Oxford . Studied medicine, and tr.ivcllcd over a great part of Europe. On his return, fettled at Winchellcr as a phyficijn. U. in the Klcft prifon, London, April, 1 549. He ufually ftylcd himfclf Andreas I'crforatus. The boke of the intiodudion of knowledge. 4" Lond. n. d. 6o4 BORDE— BOREMAN BORDE (Jean Benjamin de la). See Laborde. BORDEAUX (Raymond). SeiTuierie du moyen-age : les ferrures de poites. Avec deffins par Henri Gerente et G. Bouet. 4° Oxford, 1858. BORDELON (Laurent). A French theologian and dramatic writer. B. at Bourges, 1653. D. at Paris, 6 April, 1730. Caradt^res naturels des homnies, en cent dialogues. I 2° Haye, 1692. Remarques, ou reflexions critiques, morales, hiftoriques, fur les plus belles penfees dans les ouvrages des auteurs an- ciens et modernes. [j4nonJ] 8° Paris, 1692. Le voyage force de Becafort, hypocondriaque. Qui f 'im- agine etre indifpenfablement oblige do dire ou d'ecrire, & qui dit ou ecrit en effet, fans aucun egard, tout ce qu'il penfe des autres & de luy-menie, fur quelque matiere que ce foit. \j4non.'\ \2° Paris, 1 709. BORDER. Border and Baftille. 1863. [By G. A. Lawrence.] BORDES (Gabriel). Tableau hiftorique et cbronologique des guerres, batailles, feditions, revolutions, principaux traites de paix, conventions, alliances, et autres evenemens qui ont eu lieu en Europe, de- puis la naiflance de Louis XIV, jufqu'en 1 8 i o. 2 tom. I 2° Paris, 18 I 3. BORDES (GuiLLAUME DEs). See DesBORDES. BORDIN (John de). Gefta Henrici Quinti, regis Angliae, auflore capellano in exercitu reglo. [Benjamin Williams, 7/(v;r;V/ Qutnti ge/la. 1850.] BORDINUS (Joannes Franciscus). B. at Rome. Prieft of the Oratory there. Bifliop of Ca- vaillon, and afterwards Archbilhop of Avignon. D. 1609. Poemata. [Grvter, De/it'ucpoetarum /ta/orum, I. 488.] — [^Ciirmitia illujlrium POETARUM Italorum, ii. 425.] BORDLEY (John Beale). D. at Philadelphia, 1804, aged feventy-fix. EfTays and notes on hufbandry and naral affairs. 8° Philadelphia, 1799. BOREL (Pierre.) B, at Caftres, Languedoc, about 1^20. Studied medicine at Montpelier, and pradtifed as a phyfician in his native town. Went to Paris in 1653, and was appointed phyfician in ordinary to the King. Member of the Academy of Sciences, 1674. D. 1689. Trefor de recherches et antiquitez Gauloifes et Frani^oifes, reduites en ordre alphabetique et enrichies de beaucoup d'ori- gines, epitaphes, et autres chofes rares et curieufes, comme audi de beaucoup de mots de la langue Thyoife ou Tlieuth- franque. 4° Paris, 1655. De vero telefcopii inventore, cum brevi omnium confpi- ciliorum hifloria ... Acceflit etiam centuria obfei-vationum microfcopicarum. 4° Hagse Comitum, 1655. Hortus feu armamentarium fimplicium, mineralium, plan- taiiim, & anlmalium, ad artem medicam utilium. Cum brevi et accurata, juxta celeberrimos authores, eorum etymologia, defcriptione, loco, temperie et viribus. 8^ Caftris, 1666. — Another edition. 8° Pariflis, 1669. Hiftoriarum & obfervationum medicophyficarum centurisE iv. In quibus non folum multa utilia, fed & rara, ftupenda ac inaudita continentur. AccefTerunt D. Ifaaci Cattieri ... obfervationes medicinales rara;, Dn. Borello coramunicati ; et Renati Cartefii vita, eodem P. Borello authore. 8" Francof. 1670. De curationibiis fympatheticis. [THEATRUM^y^""/'''^''''- cum, p. 526.] BORELLI (Giovanni Alfonso). B. at Naples, 28 fan. 160S. A (kilful phyfician and a learned mathematician, D. 31 Dec. 1679. De vi percuffionis liber. 4° Bononix, 1667. De motuanimalium. Editio noviffima, ab Innumerismen- dis & erroribus repurgata. Additx funt port finem partis fecundas Johannes Bernouiilii Medltatlones mathematicas de motu mufculorum. 2 ptt. 4° Lugd. Bat. 17 10. — - Editio altera ; con'eflior & emendatior. 2 ptt. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1785. Difcorfi della laguna di Venezia, e dello flagno di Pifa, ed altio. [ R accolta d'autori che tratiano del moto dell' acque, i- 273-] BORELLI (Jean Marie). B. 2 May, 1723. ProfelTor of belles lettres in the Lyceum at Marfeilles. D. there, 7 April, 1808. Recueil de poefies Frangoifes et Latines. Par M. 1' Abbe B * 8^ Avignon, 1780. BORELLUS (Camillus). A Neapolitan jurift, b. at Oliveto, who lived at the end of the i6th and beginning ot" the 17th century. Traftatus de compioniiiris ... 8° Francofurti, 1600. BOREMAN (Robert), D.D. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Reftor of St. Giles's in the Fields. D. at Greenwich, 1675. XlaihiiOL &oiau,Zo;, the triumph of learning over ignorance, and of truth over falfehood ; being an anfwer to four queries ; whether there be any need of univerfities .' who is to be ac- counted an heretick ? whether it be lawful to ufe conventi- cles ? whether a layman may preach ? which were lately pro- pofed by a zealot in the paiilh church at Swacy, near Cam- bridge, after the fecond fernion, Oiflober 3, i 652, fince that enlarged by the anfwerer ... 1653. \^Harleian Miscellany, i. 491.] A mirrour of mercy and iudgement. Oi, an exaft true narrative of the life and death of Freeman Sonds Efquier, fonne to Sir George Sonds of Lees Court in Shtlwich in Kent. Who being about the age of 19, for murrthering his elder brother on Tuefday the 7 th of Auguft, was arraigned and condemned at Maidftone executed there on Tuefday the 21. of the fame moneth 1655. 4° Lond. 1655. BOREUS— BORLAND 60:; BOREUS (VINCENTIUS). A jurift of Savoy, who lived in the middle of the 17th cen- tury. Alveaiium juris mellifluum : in quo fingulari prorfus & inufitata methodo continentur omnium contraftuum, & ac- tionum regulas generales, earumque limitationes, limiutionum- que replicationes, teft:imentoruni, legatorum, fublHtutionum omnium, cum eanim quxllionibusutrimqueagitatis,ampliffimaB explanationes, ab inteftato fucceffioncs jura revcrfionum, claufulse derogatori£e ... 4° Lugd. 1650. BORGER (Elias Annes). B. at Joure, in Fricdand, 1785. Studied at the Unlverlity of Leyden, where he was afterwards profelTor of theology. D. 1820. Specimen hermeneuticum inaugurale, exhibens interpreta- tionem Epiflolse Pauli ad Galatas . . . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1807. Verhandelingen over het gevoelen van J. A. Eberhard wegens den oorfprong van den Chriftelijken godfdienft. [Lat. and Dutch.^ 4° Haarlem, 18 15. Difputatio de hilloria pragmatica. Editio altera. Ac- cedit oratio de hiftorias doftore, providential divinx adminif- tro. 8° Hags Comit. 1S18. BORGET (Auguste). Sketches of China and the Chinefe. fol. Lond. [1842.] BORGHESI (Diomede). An Italian writer. B, at Siena. D. there, 1598. La n. parte delle lettere del S. Diomede Borghefi,novel- lamente pofte in luce ... 4° Venetia, 1584. La terza parte dclle lettere difcorfive ... 4^ Siena, 1603. Rime amorofe . . . nouellamente pofte in luce ; con alcuni brieui argomenti di M. Cefare Perla. 4° Padova, 1585. Sonetto. [RuDBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. 2 1 6.1 BORGHINI (ViNCENzio). An Italian antiquary. B. at Florence, 29 Oft. 1515. D. 15 Aug. 1580. Difcorfi, con annotazioni. 2 ptt. 4° Firenze, 1755. — con le annotazioni di Domenico Maria Manni. 4 torn. %" Milano, 1808. BORGIA. The Borgias ; or, Italy in tlie fifteenth century : an hif- torical drama. 8° Lond. 1845. BORGIA (Alexander). Nine days' meditations on the abufes of the Church of Rome. Written originally in Italian, and now tranflated, corredled, and enlarged by the author. 8° Lond. 1854. BORGIA (C^.sar). Son of I'opc Alexander VI. D. iz March, 1507. * The lives of Pope Alexander VI. and his fon Casfar Borgia ... 1729. [By Alexander Gordon.] BORGIA (Hieronvmus). A Neapolitan poet. D. about 1549. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitia poetarum Italorum, i. 490.] — [Carm'ma illujirium poetarum Italorum, ii. 427.] BORGIA (HIERONYMUS). A jurift of Naples in the latter half of the 17th century. Inveftigationum juris civilis libri xx. In quibus Antonii Fabri JC. Conjeiflurx inveltigantur et rcfclluntur, quidve circa eafdem in foro receptum fit in gratiam pragmaticomm difquiritur. fol. Neapoli, 1678. BORGIA (Stefano). B. at Velletri, 1731. Raifcd to the dignity of cardinal by Pius IV. D. at Lyons, 1804. Memorie iftoriche della Pontificia citta di Benevento dal fecolo viii. al fecolo xviii. 3 torn. 4° Romae, 1763-9. Letters from tlie Cardinal Borgia, and the Cardinal of York. 4° [Lond.] 1799-1800. BORGO (Charles), S.J. Meditations on the facred heart of Jefus Chrift ; being thofe taken from a novena in preparation for the feaft of the fame. Tranflated from the Italian. 8" Lond. 1852. BORHECK (August Christian). B. at Ofterode, 1751. Reftor, fucceflively of Bielefeld, Cellerfcld and Salzwedel. Profeflor of rhetoric and hiftory in the Univerfity of Dui(burg, 1789. D. 1816. Apparatus ad Herodotum intelligendumet inteqiretanduni. 5 toni- 8° Lemgovios, 1795-8. BORIONUS (Antonius). An Italian antiqu.iry and chemift, who lived at Rome in the former half of the iSth century. CoUeftanea antiquitatum Romanarum quas centum tabulis Kneis incifas ct a Rudolphino Venuti notis illuftratas exhibet A. Borioni. fol. Romas, 1736. BORISSOVNA (Nathalia), Princefs Dolgorookov. * Life and times. By James Arthur Heard. 1857. BORISSOW (C. J.) Commercial ]>hrafeology : in Englidi and French and French and Englifh, containing moll of the ordinary ex- preflions in both languages made ufe of in commercial cor- lefpondcnce . . . 12° Lond. i860. BORJAS Y TARRIUS (Bernardo de). Eftatidica territorial de la provincia de Avila ... fol. Madrid, 1804. BORLAND (Francis). Sometime mlnirtcr of the Gol'pel at Glalsford ; and one of the miniftcri wiio went along with the Lift colony to Daiicn. The hillory of Daricn : giving 3 (hort defciiption of that country, an account of the attempts of the Scotch notion to fettle a colony in that place, and a relation of the many tra- gical difallers whicli attended that dcfign ... To which is added a letter to his parifhioners. 8" Glafgow, 1779. 6o6 BORLASE— BORNIER BORLASE (C.) A letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, M.P., on Catho- lic emancipation. 8" Lond. 1829. BORLASE (Edmund). Educated at Trinity College, Dublin. Praftifed as a phyfician at Chefter. D. there, 1682. Latham fpaw in Lancartiire, with fome remarkable cafes and cures effeded by it. 12° Lond. 1670. The reduaion of Ireland to the crown of England ; with the governours fince the conqueft by King Henry IL Anno 1 172. with fome paffages in their government. A brief account of the rebellion. Anno Dom. 164I. Alfo, the original of the Univerfitie of Dublin, and the Colledge of Phyficians. 8° Lond. 1675. The hiftory of the execrable Li(h rebellion, trac'd from many preceding afts, to the grand eruption the 23. of Oftober 1641. and thence purfued to the Aft of Settle- ment, 1662. [Jnon.] fol. Lond. 1680. BORLASE (William), LL.D. B. at Pendeen, Cornwall, 2 Feb. 1696. Educated at Exeter College, Oxford. ReiSor of Ludgvan, near Penzance, 1722, and Vicar of St. Juft, 1732. D. 29 Aug. 1772. Obfervations on the ancient and prefent ftate of the iflands of Scilly,and their importance to the trade of Great Britain ... 4° Lond. 1756. The natural hiftory of Cornwall ... illuftrated with a map, and twenty-eight folio copper-plates, from original drawings, taken on the fpot. fol. Oxford, 1758. Antiquities, hiftorical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall ; confifting of feveral effays on the firft inhabitants, druid-fuperftition, cuftoms and remains of the moft remote antiquity in Britain, and the Britifli ifles, exemplified and proved by monuments now extant in Cornwall and the Scilly iflands. With a vocabulary of the Cornu-Britilh language. The fecond edition ... fol. Lond. 1769. BORN (Friedrich Gottlob). B. at Leipzig, 1743. ProfefTor of philofophy in the Univer- fity of that city, 1785. D. 8 Dec. 1807. Verfuch iiber die urfpriinglichen Grundlagen des menfch- lichen Denkens und die davon abhangigen Schranken unferer Erkenntnifs. 8° Leipzig, 179 1. BORN (Ignatz Edler von). B. at Carllburg, in Tranfylvania, 26 Dec. 1742. D. at Vienna, 24 July, 1791. Travels thi'ough the Bannat of Temefwar, Tranfylvania, and Hungary, in the year 1770 ... To which is added, John James Ferber's Mineralogical hiftory of Bohemia. Tranflated from the German, with fome explanatory notes, and a preface on the mechanical arts ... by R. E. Rafpe. 8° Lond. 1777. Joannis Phyfiophili [PfeuJ.] Specimen monachologias methodo Linnxana : tribus tabulis xneis illuftratum, cum ad- nexis thefibus e Panfophia P. P. P. Faft ... 4° Auguftx Vindelicorum, 1783. John Phyfiophilus's Specimen of the natural hiftory of the various orders of monks, after the manner of the Linnean fyftem. Tranflated from the Latin, printed at Augftjurgh. 8° Lond. 1783. Monachologia : or, handbook of the natural hiftory of monks ; arranged according to the Linnxan fyftem. By a naturalift. ^fratijlated by Count V. Krafmjli.^ 8° Edinb. 1852. Methode d'extraire les metaux parfaits des minerals et au- tres fubftances metalliques par le mercure. 4° Vienne, 1788. — Tranflated into Englifii by R. E. Rafpe. 4° Lond. 1 79 1. Catalogue methodique et laifonne de la colledlion des fof- files de M"^- Eleonore de Raab. 2 torn. 8° Vienne, 1790. BORN (Jacobus Henricus). A German jurift. B. at Leipzig, 2 Jan. 1717. D. at Dref- den, 3 Dec. 1775. De jure ftapulae ac nundinarum. 4° Lipfias, [1738.] BORNEMAN (Henricus). B. in Copenhagen, 2 Jan. 1646. Reftor of the fchool of Copenhagen. Profeffor of logic and metaphyfics, 1674. Bifliop of Aalborg, 1683. Bifliop of Seeland, 1693. D. 1710. Oratio funebris fuper funus regium ... Chriftiani Quinti, Danis, Norvegii, Wandalorum Gothoramque regis. fol. HafnisE, 1700. BORNEMANN (Augustus Petrus). Diflertatio inauguralis de numis Thafiorum. 4° HaljE Magd. 1737. BORNERUS (Christianus Fridericus). Oratio panegyrica quam viro illuftri excellentiflimoque Joanni .^gidio Alemanno ... confecrat cultor fempiternus, C. F. Bornerus. 4° Lipfias, n. d. BORNETTUS (Duncanus). A native of Scotland, who praftifed as a chemift and phy- fician in the former half of the 17th century. latrochymicus ; five de praeparatione et compofitione medicamentorum chymicorum artificiofa, traftatus ... Editio altera ... ftudio ac opera Joannis Danielis Mylii. 4° Francof. ad Mcenum, 162). BORNHOLM. Omftsendeligog tilforladelig Be(l86. [Bv William Wake, D.l).] * A fecond defence ... l"687-8. [By William Wakk, D.D.] * A reply to the Defence [l/y 11^. IFiiie] of the Expofi- tion of the doiftiin of the Church of England : being a hiriliei- vindication of the liinio])orCondom's Expofition ofthedoc- trin of the Catholic Church. With a fecond letter from the Biftiop of Meaux. 4= Lond. 1687. * An anfwer to the Biflrop of Condom (now of Meaux) his Expofition of the Catholic faith. 1 686. [By John Gil- bert.] A treatife of communion under both kinds. Faithfully render'd from the French. 4° Lond. 1687. * A difcourfe of the communion in one kind : in anfwer to a treatife of the Bifliop of Meaux's of communion under both fpecies. 1687. [By William Pavne.] Hiltoire des variations des Eglifes Proteftantes. 2 tom. 12° Paris, 1688. — Traducida del frances en efpaiiol ... 4 tom. I 2" Amberes, 1737. Relazione intorno al quietifmo ; com|)ofta in Franzefe. 8° Parigi, 1698. Difcours fur I'hiftoire uiiiverfelle, pour expliquer la fuite de la religion & les changemens des empires, depuis le com- mencement du monde jufqu'a I'empire de Charlemagne. Qua- torzi^me edition. [Continuation depuis I'an Soo jufqu'a I'an 1750.] 4 tom. 8° Amft. et Leipzig, 1755. — Another edition. [IVkhout the continuation.^ 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1803. — Opera Emanuclis de Partenay, ^ Gallico in Latinum converfa. 8^ Parifiis, 1718. • — Faithfully compared with and done (with fome little alterations) from the original, by Richard Spencer, A.M. 8° Lond. 1730. — Tranflated from the Louvre-original by James El|)hin- fton. 2 vols. S" Lond. 1778. — Ueberfetzt und mit einem Anhangc hiftorifch-critifch- er Abhandlungen vermehrt (und fortgefetzt) von Johann Andreas Cramer. 8 Bde. 8° I^eipzig, 1757—87. An account of the education of the Dauphine : in a let- ter to his Holiness, Pope Innocent XL Tranflated from the original Latin. [J. T. Philipps, A compendious ivay of teaching ancient and modern languages, p. 1 2 3 .] * Hiftoire ... Par L. F. de Bausset. 18 14. BOSSUS (Matth.-eus). B. at Verona, 1427. D. at Padua, 1502. Familiares et fccundse epiftolx. [Wants two leaves at the beginning.^ fol. Mantua', per Vincentium Bertochum, 1 498. BOSSUT (Charles). B. at Tararc, near Lyons, II Aug. 1730. Di(lJngui{hcd for his attainments in mathematics. U. 14 Jan. 1S14. Traite theorique et experimcntale d'hydrodynamique. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et confiderablemcnt augmentco. 2 tom. 8" Paris, an iv. [1796.] Recherches fur la conftru(5>lon la ])lus avant.ageufe des digues ... Par les citoyens Boflut et Viallet. Nouvelle edi- tion. 40 Paris, [l 798.] Traites de calcul diflcrenticl et de calcul intcgial. 2 tom. 8" Paris, an vi. [1798.] Cours de mathematiques. 3 torn. 8" Paris, 1800-1802. Efl".ii fur I'liiftoire gcneiale des mathematiques. 2 torn. 8" Paris, 1802. Saggio fulla lloria generale delle m.ateniatiche. Prima 6i4 BOST— BOSTON edizione Italiana ; con lifleffioni ed aggiunte di Gregorio Fon- tana. 4 torn. 8° Milano, 1802. Memoiresde mathematiques,concernant la navigation, I'af- tronomie phyfique, rhiiloije, etc. etc. 8° Paris, 1812. BOST (Augustin). Minifter of the French Proteftant church at Sedan. Hiftoire ancienne et moderne de I'Eglife desFr^res deBo- heme et de Moravie, depuis fon origine jufqu' en 174 1. 2 torn. 8^ Geneve, I 83 I. Letters and biography of Felix NefF, Proteftant miffion- ary in Switzerland : tianflated from the French, by Margaret Anne Wyatt. 8° Lend. 1843. — Another edition. \_Slightly abridged.^ 8° Lond. 1855. Hiftory of the Moravians. Tranflated from the French, and abridged : with an appendix. A new edition. 8° Lond. 1862. BOSTOCK (John), M.D. B. at Liverpool, 1773. Educated at the Univerfity of Edin- burgh, where he took the degree of M.D. , 1794 Praftifed for fome time in Liverpool, but removed to London, 1817. D. Aug. 1846. An elementary fyftem of phyfiology. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1836. BOSTON. A defence of the anfwer and arguments of the Synod met at Bofton in the year 1662, concerning the fubjedl of bap- tifm, and confociation of churches. Againft: the reply made thereto, by the Rev. Mr. John Davenport ... in his treatife entituled. Another eflay for inveftigationof the truth, &c. To- gether with an anfwer to tiie apologetical pieface fet before that Eflay. By fome of the elders who were members of the fynod above mentioned. 4° Cambridge [New England], 1664. Obfervations of the merchants at Bofton in New England, upon feveral adls of Parliament ... refpcding American com- merce and revenue, and their military and civil execution. 8^ [Lond.] 1770. A ftiort narrative of the honid maflircre in Bofton, per- petrated in the evening of the fifth day of March 1 770, by foldiers of the xxix"' regiment . . . With fome obfervations on the ftate of things prior to that cataftrophe. 8° Lond. 1770. Additional obfervations to A fliort narrative of the horrid maffacre in Bofton ... 12° Lond. 1770. An appeal to the world ; or, a vindication of the town of Bofton from many falfe and malicious afperCons contained in certain letters and memorials, written by Governor Bernard, General Gage, Commodore Hood, the Commiflioners of the American Board of Cuftoms, and others, and by them refpectively tranfmitted to the Britifli Miniftry. 8° Bofton, 1770. BOSTON. Bofton Spa : a fcrio-comic poem, in five cantos. By an old inhabitant. 1 2° Brigg, n. d. BOSTON (Johannes). Speculum coenobitarum. Nunc primum editum ab An- tonio Hallio. [N. Trivetus, AmaUum cont'muatlo. Sic, p. ■S3-] BOSTON (Thomas). B. at Dunfe, 17 March, 1676. Educated at the Univerfity ofEdinburgh. Minifter of the parilh of Ettrick, 1707. D. 20 May, 1732. The myftery of Chrift in the form of a fervant, briefly en- quired into, and praftically improved : in a fermon preached at the adminiftration of the facrament of the Lord's Supper : with a further improvement of that myftery, both as to faith and pradlice ; preached after the adminiftration of that ordi- nance. [P/'/7//>. ii. 7.] By a minifter of the gofpel, author of the Fourfold ftate. 8° Edmb. 1727. Queries to the Friendly-Advifer, to which is prefix'd a letter to a friend, concerning the affair of the Marrow, &c. \_yJrion.] 8° n. p. 1722. Traftatus ftigmologicus Hebraso-Biblicus, quo accentuum Hebra:orum dodlrina traditur, variufque eoium in explananda S. Scriptura ufus exponitur ; cum prxfatione ... Davidis Millii. 4° Amft. 1738. Sermons and difcourfes on feveral important fubjedls in divinity ; never before printed. In two volumes. 8° Edinb. 1753. A view of the covenant of works from the facred records ... To which are annexed ... feveral fermons. 12° Edinb. 1772. A coliedlion of fermons ... 12° Edinb. 1772. An illuftration of the doftrines of the Chriftian religion, with refped to faith and pra(5fice, upon the plan of the Af- fembly's Shorter catechifm ; comprehending a complete body of divinity ... In three volumes. 8° Edinb. 1773. The diftinguifliing charafters of true believers ... in feveral praftical difcourfes ... To which is prefixed, a foliloquy on the art of man-filliing. 12° Edinb. 1773. Worm Jacob threfhing the mountains : a fermon, preached upon a facramental occafion. [Isa. xli. 14, 15.] 8° Falkirk, 1775. The ChrifKan life delineated,in the principal lines thereof, both as to its rife and progrefs ... 2 vols. 12° Edinb. 1775. Memoirs of the life, time and writings of . . . T. Bofton ; divided into twelve periods. Written by himfelf, and ad- dreflbd to his children . . . To which are added, fome original papers, and letters to and fiom the author. 8° Edinb. 1776. A memorial concerning perfonal and family flirting and humiliation : with prefatory remarks and appendix by the Rev. Alexander Moody Stuart, A.M. Third edition. 12° Edinb. 1849. The crook in the lot. With a biographical fketch. 12° Glafgow, 1863. BOSTON (Thomas). Son of the preceding. Seleft fermons by Thomas Bofton, firft Relief minifter at Jedburgh, and James Baine, M.A., firft Relief minifter at BOSWALL — BOSWORTH 615 Edinburgh ; with an introdudlory eflay by N. M'Michael, D.D. «" Edinb. 1S50. BOSWALL (J. D.) Captain, Royal navy. Letter to tlie propi ietors of fteam vcfTels conne(5led with the Frith of Forth, and others ititerefted in the trade carried on by fteam navigation. With an appendix. 4° Edinb. 183 I. BOSWELL (Alexander). B. 1706. Admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates, 1729, Raifed to the Bench in the Court of Sefiion, with the title of Lord Auchinleck, 175+. D. 25 Aug. 1782. Obfervations on the eledlion law of Scotland. 4° Edinb. 1825. BOSWELL (Sir Alexander), Bart. B. 1775. Created a baronet, 16 Aug. 1821. Killed in a duel with Stuart of Dunearn, 26 March, 1822. Songs, chiefly in the Scottifh dialeft. \^Anon.'\ 8° Edinb. 1803. Edinburgh ; or, the ancient Royalty: a fketch of former manners ; with notes. By Simon Gray. [P/IW.] I 2^ Edinb. 1810. Clan-Alpin's vow : a fragment. 8° Edinb. 181 1. Frondes caducas. [Edited by Sir A. Bofwell.] 7 vols. 4° Reprinted at the Auchinleck Frefs, 1 8 16-18. BOSWELL (J. A. C.) Photographic views of Ryakotta and other places in the Salem diftrid. By Captain L. Tripe, with defcriptive notes by J. A. C. Bofwell. 1858. BOSWELL (James). B. at Edinburgh, 29 Oct. 1740. A member of the Faculty of Advocates, and alfo of the Englifli bar. D. in London, 19 June, 1795. An elegy on the death of an amiable young lady ; with an epiftle from Menalcas to Lycidas. To which are prefixed, three critical recommendatory letters. 4° Edinb. I 76 I. An ode to tragedy. By a gentleman of Scotland. 4° Edinb. 1761. An account of Corfica, the journal of a tour to that ifland; and memoirs of Pafcal Paoli. 8° Glafgow, 1768. Britilh cfTiys in favour of the brave Corficans : by feveral hands. Colledted and publiflied by James Bofwell, Efcj. I 2° Lond. 1769. The decifion of the Couit of Seflion, upon the queftion of literary property, in the caufe, John Hinton of London, book- feller, againft Alexander Donaldfon and John Wood, book- fellers in Edinburgh, and James Meurofe, bookfeller in Kil- marnock. 4° Edinb. 1774. The journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel John- fon, LL.D. ... with an authentick account of the diftrelfes and efcape of the grandfon of King James II. in the year 1746. 8° Lond. 1785. — A new edition, with introdudion and notes by Robert Carruthers. 8° Lond. 1S52. A letter to the people of Scotland, on the alarming attempt to infringe the articles of the Union, and introduce a moll pernicious innovation, by diminiftiing the number of the Lords of SeiTion. 8° Lond. 1 78 5. The life of Samuel Johnfon, LL.D. Comprehending an account of his ftudies and numerous works, in chronological ordei' ; a fei ies of his cpiftolary corref])ondence and conver- fations with many eminent ])erfons; and various original pieces of his compofition, never before publiflied. The whole ex- hibiting a view of literature and literaiy men in Great Britain for near half a ceniuiy during which he flouriflied. In two volumes. 4° Lond. 1791. — The fourth edition. In four volumes. 8° Lond. 1804. — The ninth edition. In four volumes. 8° Lond. 1822. — A new edition. Including A journal of a tour to tlie Hebrides. With numerous additions and notes, by John Wil- fon Croker, LL.D. In five volumes. 8° Lond. 1831. — Another edition. In five volumes. 8° Lond. 1848. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1848. — Another edition. 8° Lond. i860. — Another edition. To which are added, anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers, Reynolds, Steevens, &c., and notes by various hands. In ten volumes. 8° Lond. 1835. — A new edition, elucidated by copious notes. In four volumes. 8" Lond. 1 851. Letters addreffed to the Rev. W. J. Temple. Now firft publiflied from the original MSS. With an introdudlion and notes. 8" Lond. 1857. BOSWELL (Martin), M.A. Formerly Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. Baptifm confidered in its nature and efFefts. With an ap- pendix, containing an explanation of thofe paflligcs of Holy Scripture which relate to the fubjedl. 8° Lond. 1859. BOSWELL (Robert), W.S. The Book of Pfalms, in metre ; from the original. 1784. See Bible, Vcifions, Englifb, b. BOSWELL (Robert Bruce), B.A. Hope for India in England's God : a lermon preached in theEafl: India Company's chapel, Poplar, Middlelex, on 26th Auguft, 1857. \Ps. Ixxix.] Second edition. 8'^ Lond. 1857. BOSWELL (T. A.) The journal of an exile. 2 vols, [y/non]. I 20 Lond. 1825. Recolleflions of a pedeftrian. 3 vols. \yinon.'\ 12° Lond. 1S26. BOSWORTH (Joseph), D.D. Profcd'or of Anglo-Saxon in the Univcrfity of Oxford. The elements of Anglo-Saxon grammar, with copious notes ... and a grammatical praxis, with a literal Englifli ver- lion ... 8" Lond. 1 823. A compendious grammar of tlie primitive Englifli or An- 6i6 BOTANO-THEOLOGY— BOTHMAR glo-Saxon language . . . being chiefly a feleftion of what is moft valuable and pradlical in the Elements of the Anglo- Saxon grammar ... 8° Lond. 1826. An introduiftion to Latin conftruing ; or, eafy leffons for Latin reading, while learning the grammar ... Sixth edition. 12° Lond. 1846. The origin of the Englilh, Germanic, and Scandinavian languages and nations ; with a Iketch of their eaily literature and fliort chronological fpecimens of Anglo-Saxon, Fricfic, Flemifh, Dutch, German from the Moefo-Goths to the pre- fent time, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedifli ; tracing the progrefs of thefe languages, and their connexion with modern Englilh : together with remarks on the oriental origin of al- phabetic writing, and its extenfion to the Weft. A map of European languages is prefixed, with notes, on the progref- five population of Europe from the Eaft, by the Iberians, Finns, Celts, and Germans, efpecially referring to the fettle- nient of the Saxons in Britain. 8° Lond. 1848. The practical means of reducing the poor's rate, encourag- ing virtue, and increafuig the comforts of the aged, afflifled, and deferving poor ; as well as repreffing able-bodied pauper- ifm. 8° Lond. 1824. The contraft ; or, the operation of the old poor laws con- trafted with the recent Poor law amendment aO., and the ne- ceffity of a legal provifion for the poor generally, but efpecially for Ireland. 8° Lond. 1838. The Epifcopal Church of Scotland proved to be in full communion with the Church of England, from her articles and canons, and from the teftimony of Englifh archbifhops and bifliops. By a vicar of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1849. A literal Englifh tranflation of King Alfred's Anglo- Saxon verfion of the compendious hiftory of the world, by Orosius. 1S55. BOTANO-THEOLOGY. Botano-theology,an arranged compendium ... 1825. John Shute Dunxan, M.A.] [By BOTANY, BOTANIST. The claffes and orders of the Linnxan fyftem of botany, illuftrated by feleft fpecimens of foreign and indigenous plants. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1 8 1 6. The Britifh botanift ; or, a familiar introduiftion to the fcience of botany, explaining the phyfiology ot vegetation, the principles both of the artificial and natural fyftems of Lin- naeus, and the arrangement of Juffieu ; intended chiefly for the ufe of young perfons. 12° Lond. J 820. Botanical fketches of the twenty-four clafles in the Lin- nasan fyftem ... With a gloffary. 8° Lond. 1825. Marine botany and fea-lide objeils ; embracing every fea- ture of intereft conneifted with this delightful fea-fide recrea- tion ; and illuftrated with many charming fpecimens. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BOTELER (Thomas). Captain, Royal navy. Narrative of a voyage of difcovery to Africa and Arabia, performed in His Majefty's fhips Leven and Barracouta, from 182 I to 1826, under tiie command of Capt. F. W. Owen, R.N. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1855. BOTELLO DE MORALS Y VASCONCELOS (Fran'Cisco). El nuevo mundo : poemma heroyco, con las alegorias de Don Pedro de Caftro, cavallero Andaluz. 4= Barcelona, 170 i. El Alphonfo, o la fundacion del reyno de Portugal afle- gurada y perfcda en la conquifta de Elyfia : poema epico . . . 4° Salamanca, 173 1. BOTERO (Giovanni). An Italian writer, b. at Benna in Piedmont, who lived at the end of the i6th and beginning of rhe 17th century. Epiftolarum Illuftriffimi ac Reverendiflimi D. D. Caroli Cardinalis Borromsei nomine fcriptarum libri n. Ejufdem epiftolarum theologic. liber. 8° Farifiis, 1586. Delia ragion di Stato, libri dieci, con tre libri delie caufe delia grandezza e magnificenza delle citta. 4° Venetia, i 589. — Traduzido de Italiano en Caftellano, por mandado del Rey nueftro fenor, por Antonio de Herrera fu criado. 8° Madrid, i 593. Amphitheatridion : hoc eft, parvum amphitheati uni, cui pauca niundi theatra comparare vix ullum anteponere amphi- teatrura poflis. In quo (velut in fpeculo) cundti prsepotentes orbis monarchas, principefque opibus viribufque pollentes, cum uniufcuiufque cenfu, potentia, regendi forma, principibufque finitimis fpeftabiles ob oculos philologorum repraefentantur in quatuor partes divifum ... Ex Italico in Latinum verfum. 4° Lubecas, 1 5oo. Relationi univerfali, divife in quattro p.arti. Nella prima parte fi contiene la defcrittione dell' Europa, dell' Afia e deir Africa ... Nella feconda, fi da contezza de' maggJori prencipi del mondo ... Nella terza, fi tratta ancor de po- poli d'ogni credenza ... Nella quarta, fi tratta della fuper- ftitioni in che vivevano gia le genti del Mondo nuovo ... Nuovamente riftampate, & corrette. 4° Venetia, 1605. Relaciones univerfales del mundo ; traduzidas . . . por el licenciado Diego de Aguiar ... fol. Valladolid, 1603. BOTFIELD (Beriah). B. 1807, being the only fon of Beriah Botfield, Efq. of Nor- ton Hall, Northamptonlhire. M.P. for Ludlow. D. in Lon- don, 7 Aug. 1S63. Journal ofa tour through the Highlandsof Scotland during the fummer of 1829. [^non.~\ I 2° Norton Hall, i 830. Manners and household expenfes of England in the thir- teenth and fifteenth centuries, illuftrated by original records. [For the Roxburghe Club.] 4" Lond. 1 84 1. Notes on tlie cathedral libraries of England. 8' Lond. 1849. Stemmata Botevilliana. Memorials of the families of De Boteville, Thynne and Botfield in the counties of Salop and Wilts, with an appendix of illuftrative documents. 4^ Weftrainfter, 1858. BOTHMAR, Baron de. * Refpedlful obfeiTations on a late print, call'd A memo- rial ; fiiid to be publifli'd by the Baron de Botlimar, in the name of his Electoral Highnefs of Hanover. 8° Lond. 17 12. BOTHO— BOTURINI BENADUCI 617 BOTHO (Conrad). Clironicon Brunfvicenfium piluficurs chroniques et hidoires anciennes d'auteurs contemjiorains, cpiftres des fouverains pontifes et autres grands perfonnages : vies de fain(5ls, chartes de diverfes eglifes et abbayts, tiltres publics, et autres preuves dignes de foy, taut imprimecs que non en- cores pubiiees. fol. Paris, 1646. BOUCHETTE (Joseph). The Briiidi dominions in Noith America ; or, a topogra- phical and ftatilHcal dcfcription of the provinces of Lower and U|)pur Canada, New Brunfwick, Nova Scotia, the iflands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Cape Breton ...In two volumes. 4'= Lond. 1832. A topographical diftionary of the province of Lower Ca- nada. 40 Lond. 1832. BOUCHEUL (Joseph). A French jurift. B. at Dorat. D. 1706. Coutumicr general, ou corps et com]iilaiion de tous les com- mentatcurs fur la Coutume du Comte et Pays de Poitou, avec les conferences des autres CoOtumes, les notes de M. Charles du Moulin, & de nouvelles obfervations fur le tout, tant de coutume que de droit ecrit. 2 tom. foi. Poitiers, 1727. BOUCHIER (Barton). The dream of youth ; a poem. [Jn Inon.] Lond. 1 8 18. The Church of Chrift ; a fermon preached in the parifh church of Ulli, in the county of Monmouth, upon Wednesday, May 8, I 822, at the anniverfary meeting of the Uik diftriifl committee of the Society for promoting Chriftian knowledge. [Malt. xvi. 18.] 8' Oxford, 1822. Manna in the houfe : or, daily expofitions of the gofpels. St. Matthew. 8' Lond. 1852. — St. Mark. 8° Lond. 1852. — St. Luke. 8° Lond. 1853. — Afts of the Apoftles. 8° Lond. 1858. The ark in the houfe : or, a feries of family prayers for a month ; with prayers for fpecial occafions. 8° Lond. 1854. Manna in the heart : or, daily comments on the Book of Pfalms, adapted for the ufe of families. Pfalm firft to feventy-eighth. 8' Lond. 1855. — Seventy-ninth to the hundred and fiftieth Pfalm. 8° Lond. 1856. Solace in ficknefs and forrow ; or; a colleftion of hymns for the afflifted. With an introdudtory preface by the Rev. Barton Bouchier. 12° Lond. 1856. My parilh ; or, " The country parfon's " vifit to the poor. 8° Lond. 1856. — Second feries. 8° Lond. 1857. The hiftory of Ifaac, as recorded in the Bible. 8" Lond. 1865. BOUCHUT (Eugene). Pradlical treatife on the difeafes of children and infants at the breaft ; including the hygiene and phyfical education of young children. Tranflated from the French, with notes and additions, by Peter Hinckes Bird, F.R.C.S. 8° Lond. 1855. BOUDARD (Andr^.). Memoires, letties, et pieces authentiqucs touchant la vie et la mort de S. A. S. Monfeigneur Louis-Antoine-Henri dc Bourbon Conde, Due d'Enghien. 8° Paris, 1823. BOUDAULT (M). On pepfine : tranflated by W. Stevens Squire, Ph.D., F.C.S. Second edition, with remarks by Englilh pliyficians. 8° Lond. 1858. BOUDEVILLE (Giles). Pietas violata ; feu Principis Auriaci in rcgnum Britan- niae nefaria invafio. [IVants /;'//c.] 4° n. p. 1689. BOUDIER (John), M.A. Honorary canon of Worccftcr, and vicar of St. Mary's, War- wiclc. The two holy facramcnts of the Chriftian Church, when they may be had, abfolutely necefTary to falvation. 8° Oxford, 1859. BOUDIER DE VILLERMET (.1. P.) A French jurift and mifcellancous writer. B. 1716, I). about the beginning of the 19th century. El amigo de las mugeres. Traducido de Frances en Caftellano por D. Francifco Mariano Ni|>lio. 8 Nladi id, 1771. 620 BOUfi— BOUHOURS BOUE (Ami). EfTai geologique fur I'Ecofle. 8° Paris, [1S20.] BOUFFLERS (Le Marquis Stanislas J. de). B. at Luneville, 1737. D. at Paris, iS Jan. 181 5. Difcours fur la litterature, prononce a I'Academie des fciences et belles-lettres de Berlin le 9 d'Aoiit 1798. 8° Berlin, 1798. BOUGAINVILLE (Louis Antoine, Comte de). B. at Paris, 11 Nov. 1729. D. 31 Aug. 181 1. Traite du calcul integral, pour fervir de fuite a I'Analyfe des infiniment-petits de M. le Marquis de I'Hopital. 2 torn. 4° Paris, 1754-6. Voyage autour du monde ... en 1766, 1767, 1768, & 1769. 4= Paris, 1 77 1. — Tranflated from the French by John Reinhold- Forfter. 4° Lond. 1772. BOUGEANT (Guillaume Hyacinthe). B. at Qmmper, 4 Nov. 1690. Entered the Society of the Jefuits, 1706. Proteflbr of humanity at Caen, at Nevers, and in the College of Louis-le-Grand at Paris. D. 7 Jan. 1743. Amufement philofophique fur le langage des beftes ; nou- velle edition, augmentee d'un aveitiflement, d'un difcours preliminaire, d'une critique avec des notes, et de la retrafta- tion de I'auteur. [^non.'j 8° Amfterdam, I 7 50. Hlftoire des guerres et des negociations qui precederent le traite de Weftphalie, fous le regne de Louis XIII. & le miniftere du Cardinal du Richelieu & du Cardinal Mazarin . . . 4° Paris, 1751. Hiftoire du traite de Weftphalie, ou des negociations qui fe firent a Munfler & a Ofnabmg, pour etablir la paix entre toutes les puiffances de I'Europe ... 2 torn. 4° Paris, 1 7 5 I . BOUGET (Joannes). B. at Saumur, 1691. Profeflbr of Hebrew at the College of the Propaganda, and of Greek at the Roman College. D. at Rome, 1775. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldalco-Biblicum, ordine alpha- betico, ad ufum CoUegil Urban! de propaganda fide. In tres partes divifum. fol. Romje, 1737. BOUGHEN (Edward), D.D. B. in Buckinghamlhire, 1587. Educated at Chrift-Church College, Oxford. Reftor of Woodchurch, Kent, 1636. Ejefted by the prelbyterians. D. foon after the Reftoration. A feiTnon preached at Saint PatJ's CrofTe, the eighteenth of April, 1630. [l Johniv. 1, 2, 2i-] [N'o titk-fageJ] 4° BOUGHTON (Sir George Brathwaite), Bart. Military and political conCderations relative to Great Britain and her oriental colonies. 8° Lond. 1808. BOUGHTON GRANGE. Boughton Grange, and fome paffages in the hiftory of its owner. 8° Lond. [1862.] BOUGINfi (Carl Joseph). B. at Pforzheim, zz March, 1735. Profeflbr of literary hiftory at Carlsrjhe. D. zg May, 1797. Handbuch der allgemeinen Litterargefchichte nach Heu- manns Grundrifs. 6 Bde. 8" Ziirich, 1789— 1S02. BOUGLER (P). A French jurift, viho lived in the former half of the 17th century. Praxis criminis perfequendi ; libri fex. 8° Rothoraagi, 1624. BOUGUER (Pierre). A French mathematician. B. at Croific, Lower Brittany, 16 Feb. 1698. D. 15 Aug. 175S. Traite du navire, d&fa conftruflion, et de fes mouvemens. 4° Paris, 1746. La figure de la terre, determinee par les obfervations de MefTieurs Bouguer & De La Condamine ... envoyes par ordre du Roi au Perou, pour obferver aux environs de I'equa- teur ; avec une relation abregee de ce voyage, qui contient la defcription du pays dans lequel les operations out ete faites. Par M. Bouguer. 4° Paris, 1749. Traite d'optique fur la gradation de la lumiere : ouvrage pofthume, et public par M. I'Abbe de La Caille. 4° Paris, 1760. Nouveau traite de navigation contenant la theorie et la pratique du pilotage, revu et abrege, par M. I'Abbe de La Caille. Nouvelle edition. 8° Paris, 1781. Nuovo trattato di navigazione, che contiene la teoria e la pratica del pilotagio. Tradotto in Italiano, e arricchito d' illuftrazioni e aggiunte da Vincenzio Brunacci. 2 torn. 8° Livorno, 1795. An abridged relation of a voyage to Peni. [Pinkerton's Colledlon of voyages and travels, xiv. 270.] BOUGUIER (Jean). A French jurift, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. Arrefts de la cour decififs de diverfes queftions, tant de droift que de couftume ... 4° Paris, 1634. BOUHIER (Jean). B. at Dijon, 16 March, 1673. Studied law at Orleans. Prefident a mortier of the parliament of Dijon. D, 17 March, 1746. CEuvres de jurifprudence ; recueillies et mifes en ordre, avec des notes & additions, par M. Joly de Bevy. 2 torn. fol. Dijon, 1787-8. Traite de la diflblution du mariage pour caufe d'impuif- fance, avec quelques pieces curieufes fur le nieme fujet. 8° Luxembourg, 1735. Recherches et differtations fur Herodote. 4° Dijon, 1746. BOUHOURS (Dominique). B. at Paris, 1628, A diftinguifhed member of the Order of the Jefuits, and profeflbr in feveral of their colleges. D. 27 May, 1702. Remarques nouvelles fur la langue Frangoife. 4° Paris, 1675. — Another edition. H" Amft. 1693. La maniere de bien penfer dans les ouvrages de I'efprit. Dialogues. i2°Ani(l. 1688. BOUILLART— BOULET 621 — Scconde edition, revue & corrigee. 12° Amft. 1692. Penfees ingenieufes des anciens et des modernes. Nou- velle edition augmentee. 8° Paris, 1693. Recucil do vers choifis. 12° Paris, 1693. Penfees ingenieufes des P^res de I'figlife. 12° Paris, 1700. BOUILLART (Jacques). B. at MeuLin, 1669. A Benediftine of the congregation of St. Maur. D. at Paris, 11 Dec. 1726. Hiftoire de I'abbaye royale de Saint Germain des Prez ... fol. Pans, 1724. BOUILLE (Francois Claude Amour, Marquis dc). A celebrated French general. B. at the chateau of Cluzel in Auvergne, 19 Nov. 1739. D. at London, 14 Nov. 1800. Memoirs relating to the Frencli revolution, tranflated from the French manufcript. 8° Lond. 1797. Memoires, avec une notice fur fa vie, des notes ct des eclairciffemens hiftoriques, par MM. Bei-ville et Barri^re. Deuxi^me edition. 8° Paris, 1S22. BOUILLE (Louis Joseph Amour, Marquis de). B. 1769. D. about 1845. Memoires fur I'afFaire de Varennes ; comprenaiit le Me- moire inedit de M. le Marquis de Bouille ; deux Relations egalement inedites de MM. les Comtes de Raigecourt et de Damas ; celle de M. le Capitaine Deflon, et le Precis hif- torique de M. le Comte de Valory. 8° Paris, 1823. BOUILLERIE (M. L'Abbe de la). Hours before the altar ; or, meditations on the holy Eu- charift. Tranflated from the French, by a religious of the Order of the Vifitation. 8° Lond. [1858.] BOUILLON-LAGRANGE (Edme Jean Baptiste). A French chemift. B. at Paris, Ii July, 1764. D. about 1840. L'art de compofer facilement, et a peu de frais, les liqueurs de table, les eaux de fenteurs, et autres objets d'economie domeftique. Nouvelle edition .. . 8° Paris, 1807. BOULAINVILLIERS (Henr., Comte dc). B. at Saint-Saire, Normandy, 11 Oft. 1658. U. 23 Jan. 1721. Hiftoire de I'ancien gouvernement de la France. Avcc xiv. lettres hiftoriques fur les parlemens ou etats-generaux. 3 tom. 12° La Haye, 1727. fitat de la France, dans lequel on voit tout ce qui regarde le gouvernement ecclefi.iftique, le militaire, la juftice, ks finances, le commerce, les manufaflures, le nonibre des habi- tans ... Extrait des memoires dreflcz par les intendans du royaume, par ordre du Roi, Louis XIV. ... Avec des me- moires hiftoriqucs fur I'ancien gouvernement de cette mo- narchic jufqu'a Hugucs Capet, [xiv. lettres fur les anciens parlemcnts de France. Avec I'hiftoirc de ce royaume de- puisle commencement de la monarchic jufqu'a Clmiics VIII. On y a joint des men)oires prefentcs a M. le Due d'Oi leans.] 3 tom. fol. Lond. 1727-y. An hiftorical account of tlie antient parliaments of France ... in fourteen letters . . . Tranflated into Englifh by Charles Forman. 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 1739. Vie de Mahomed. 8° Lond. 1730. EfTais fur la noblcfle de France, contenans une difleitation fur fon origine et abaiflement, avec des notes hifloriques, C] itiques, et politiques ... ct un fupplement aux notes, par forme de didtionnaire pour la noblcfle. 8^ Amft. 1732. Doutes fur la religion ; fuivies de I'analyfe du Traite theo- logi-politique de Spinofi. 8° Lond. •5/ BOULANGER ( Nicolas- Antoine). A French engineer and mifcellaneous writer. B. at Paris, 11 Nov. 1722. D. 1759. CEuvres. 6 torn. 8° Amft. 1794. Recherches fur I'origine du dcfpotifme Oriental. Ouvrage pofthume de Mr. B. I. D. P. E. C. [i.e. Boulaii^er, Inge- nleur des ponts et chatiff'eei.~\ 8° Londres, 1762. L'antiquite devoilee par fes ufages, ou examen critique des principales opinions, ceremonies & inftitutions religieufes Sc politiques des ditferens peuples de la terre. 3 tom. 12° Amft. 1777. BOULAY (C^sar Egasse du). See Bdl«us. BOULAY (N. du). A French canonift of the former half of the iSth century. Hiftoire du droit public ecclefiaftique Frangois, oi) Ton traite de fa nature, de fon etablifli;mcnt, de fcs variations & des caufes de fa decadence ; on y a joint quelques diflerta- tions fur les articles les plus importans & les plus conteftes. Par Monfieur D. B. 2 tom. 8° Londres, 1737. — Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee. 2 tom. 4° Londres, [1750.] BOULAY DE LA MEURTHE (Anioine Jacques Claude Joseph, Comte). B. at Chaumoufy, Vofges, 19 Feb. 1761. D. at Paris, 4 Feb. 1840. Eflai fur les caufes qui, en 1649, amentirent en Angle- tene retablifl"cment dc la Republique ; fur ccllcs qui devaient I'y confolidcr; fur ccllcs qui I'y fiicnt perir. Sccondcedition. 8° Paris, 1799. BOULDERSON (H. S.) Remarks on the judgment of the Lord Chancellor, in the cafe of Boldero v. tlic Eaft India Company ; to which are appended extradls from a dcfjiatch from tiie hon. court of direflors, and the judgments of the Maftcr of the Roll)?, and of tlie Madras judges. 8° Lond. i860. BOULENCHUS (Jacobus). A jurift of Evrcux. Repetitio fujicr 1. Ca])italium, ff. de poenis. [Limpius, Repelitionei in viirias juris civilis leges, vi. 465.] BOULET, L'AiiBf. Hiftoire de I'empire des Cherifs en Afrique, fa defcrip- tion geograjihique & hiftorique, la relation de la prife d' Oran par Philippe V. Roy d'EfjJagne ... Par Monfieur * * * 8° Paris, 1733. 622 BOULGER— BOUQUET BOULGER (John). The mafter-key to public offices, and candidate's complete inftruftor : fully (howing what places to feek ; what fteps to take ; who are the patrons ; what are the examinations ; the ages and qualifications required ; the falaries, rules of promotion, claflification, hours of attendance, profpecls, and prizes in each office ; retiring penfions, etc. The whole forming a comprehenfive hand-book for all perfons defirous to enter Her Majefly's civil fervice. 8° Lond. iS5o. BOULLENCOURT (Le Jeune de). Defcription generale de I'Hoftel Royal des Invalides, etabli par Louis le Grand dans la plaine de Grenelle pres Paris. Avec les plans, profils & elevations de fes faces, coupes & appartemens. fol. Paris, 1683. BOULLENOIS (Louis). A French jurift. B. at Paris, 14 Sep. i68o. D. 23 Dec. 1762. Traite de la perfonnalite, et de la realite des loix, coutumes ou (latuts, par forme d'obfervations : auquel on a ajoute 1' ouvrage Latin de Rodenburgh, intitule De jure quod oritur e ftatutorum diverfitate par feu M'' L. Boullenois, ancien avocat au Parlement. 2 torn. 4° Paris, 1766. BOULLY (James). The Oxford declaration and the eleven thoufand ; biblical truths and Bilhop Colenfo. 8° Lond. 1864. BOULNOIS (W.) The reconftrnftion of the civil fervice under a council of official control. 8° Lond. 1856. BOULOGNE. Genealogia comitum Bulonenfium ed. L. C. Bethmann. [Pertz, Monumenta Germanit hlflorica, xi. 299-] BOULTBEE (Thomas Pownall), M.A. Principal of the London College of divinity. Formerly theo- logical tutor and chapLiin, Cheltenham College. A fermon preached in the parifti church of Bidford, on All Saint's day, Nov. i, 1848, on occafion of the church Miffionary fociety's jubilee. \^Eph. i . i o.] 8° Lond. [1848.] The young traveller to an eternal home ; fix fermons preached before the ftudents of Cheltenham College, in St. Luke's church. 8° Lond. 1855. Chronicles of ancient faith ; leftures on the eleventh chap- ter of the Epiftle to the Hebrews. 8° Lond. 1856. BOULTER (George H.) Accountant and teacher of book-Iceeping, London. The principles of balancing by fingle and double entry, including partnerfhips by each method. 8° Lond. 1850. BOULTER (Hugh), D.D. B. in London, or in its neighbourhood, 4 Jan. 1671. Edu- cated at Chrift Church and Magdalen College, Oxford. Succef- fively chaplain to George L, Dean of Chrift Church, and Bifliop ofBriftol. Archbifliopof Armagh, 1723. D. at London, 1742. The charge given by Hugh, lord archbp. of Ardmagh and primate of all Ireland, at the triennial vifitation of the clergy of his province, begun at Trim, June 30, 1730. 4° Dublin, 1730. Letters written to feveral minifters of ftate in England, and fome others ; containing an account of the moft intereft- ing tranfadlions which paffed in Ireland, from 1 7 2 4 to 1738. 2 vols. 8° Oxford, 1769. BOULTON (Henry John). Solicitor-General for the province of Upper Canada. A fiiort llcetch of the province of Upper Canada, for the information of the labouring poor throughout England. To which is prefixed thoughts on colonization. 12° Lond. 1826. BOULTON (Matthew). B. at Birmingham, 3 Sep. 1728. Partner of James Watt, in theSoho works near that town. D. at Soho, 17 Aug. 1809. * Lives of Boulton and Watt, by Samuel Smues. 1865. BOUNE (Abraham). The clergie in their colors ; or, the pride and avarice of the prefbyterian clergie hindering reformation : fhewing how, from time to time, they have not onely been the fomenters of this firfl and fecond war, but alfo by their horrid fallacies, have to this prefent time deluded the commonwealth. Dif- covcred in a plain and familiar dialogue between Philalethes and Prefbyter. 12° Lond. 165 i. BOUNTIES. Confiderations on the effefts which the bounties granted on exported corn, malt, and flour, have on the manutaflures of the kingdom, and the true interefts of the flate. With a po{lfcript,containing remarks on a pamphlet latelypublifiied, intituled, Thoughts on the caufes and confequences of the prefent high price of provifions. 8° Lond. 1768. BOUNTY. The eventfU hiflory of the mutiny and piratical feizure of H. M.S. Bounty ; its caufe and confequences. 183 i. [5y Sir John Barrow.] BOUQUET. The bouquet, or ladies' flower garden : being a defcrip- tion of thofe plants which will flower in the room, and the treatment molt fultable for them. By a florift. 12° Lond. 1839. A bouquet of love for an heir of glory. 8 Lond. 1862. BOUQUET (Henry). A general officer in the Brltifli army in America. D. at Pen- facola, Feb. 1766. An hiftorical account of the expedition againft the Ohio Indians, in the year mdcclxit., under the command of H. Bouquet, including his tranfaflions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prifoners, and the preliminaries of peace. Widi an introdu(flory account of the preceding cam- BOUQUET— BOURGOING 623 paign, and battle at Bufhy-Run. To which are annexed, MiHtary papers, containing rcfleftions on the war with the favages ; a method of forming frontier fettlements ; fome ac- count of the Indian country, with a lift of nations, figliting men, towns, diftances and different routs. The wiiole illuf- trated with a map and copper-plates. Publifhcd from authentic documents, by a lover of his country [77iomaj- Hutcblns.~\ 4° Lond. 1766. BOUQUET (Martin). B. at Amiens, 6 Aug. 1685. Entered the Benedifline order, 1706. Librarian of the Abbey of St. Germain-des-Pres. D. 6 April, 1754. Recueil des hiftoriens des Gaules et de la France. 19 torn. fol. Paris, i739-i>'i33. [Vols, ix.-xili. were edited by the Benediftines of St. Maur, and vols, xiv.-xix. by Michel J. J. Brial.] BOURBON (Louis Charles de). * The "prifoner of the Temple:" an introduftory account of the life of Louis Charles de Bourbon. By William Auguftus Meves and Auguftus Meves. i860. BOURBON (Louis Joseph de), Prince de Conde. ElTai fur la vie du Grand Conde. Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee. 8° Lond. 1807. BOURBON-CONTI (Stephanie-Louise de). B. at Paris, i6 Dec. 1761. D. 1825. Memoires hiftoriques cents par elle-meme. 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1798. BOURCHIER (George), C.B. Eight months' campaign againft the Bengal fepoy army, during the mutiny of 1857. 8° Lond. 1858. BOURCHIER (William). Captain, Royal navy. Narrative of a paffage from Bombay to England ; de- fcribing the author's fhipwrcck in the Nautilus, in the Red Sea ; journies acrofs the Nubian defert ; detention in the lazaretto at Leghorn, &c. &c. 12° Lond. 1834. BOURDALOUE (Louis). A celebrated French preacher. B. at Bourges, 20 Aug. 1632. D. 13 May, 1704. Sermons ... Nouvelle edition. 15 tom. I 2° Lyon, I 757-69. BOURDfi DE VILLEHUET (Jacques). B. at St. Coulomb, near St. Malo, about 1730. Went early to fea, and became captain of an Eaft Indiaman. D. at Lorient, 1789. Le nianoeuvrier, ou effai fur la thcoric ct la pratique des mouvemcnts du navirc et des evolutions navales. 8° Paris, 1765. BOURDEAUX. Anciens et nouvcaux ftatuts dc la Ville et Cite de Bour- deaus. Efquels font contenues les ordonn:inces requifes pour la police de la di(fle ville, & de tous les eftats & maiftrifes d'icelle. 4° Bouid. 1612. BOURDIGNE (Charles de). A French poet and prieft, a native of Angers, who lived in the former half of the 16th century. La legende de Maillre Pierre Faifeu,mife en vers. [PoeCes diverfes de Jelian Molinet,chanoine de Valenciennes, extraites de fes faidls & didts.] 8° Paris, 1723. BOURDILLON (Francis), M.A. Re<5tor of Woolbeding, Sufiex. Shoit fermons ; for family reading, and for otlicr fimilar purpofes. 8° Lond. i860. — Second feries. 8° Lond. 1866. Bedfide readings ; being fliort portions of Holy Scripture, with a fimple commentary, chiefly for the ufe of thofe who vifit the fick. 12° Lond. [1864.] — Second feries. 12° Lond. [1866.] BOURDIN (Mark A.) An expofition of the land tax : its afleffment and collec- tion : and rights and advantages conferred by the Redemption afts. 12° Lond. 1854. BOURDON (Pierre Louis Marie). The elements of algebia ; tranflatcd ... by Auguftus de Morgan, B.A. 8" Lond. 1828. BOURDONNAIS (Bernard FRAN901S Mah£ de la). See Bernard Fran5ois Mah£ de la Bourdonnais. BOURDOT DE RICHEBOURG (Cl.aude Etienne). A French mifcellaneous writer. B. at Paris, n Sep, 1699 D. about the middle of the iSch century. Hiftoire gcnerale de la marine. Tome tioifi^me. 4° Amfterdam et Paris, 1758. [The firll two volumes arc by J. B. T. de Bois-Meslk.] BOURGEOIS (David). Recherches fur Part de voler, dejjuis la i)lus haute anti- quite jufqu' a ce jour ; pour fervir de fuppjement a la de- fcription des experiences aeroftatiques de M. Faujas de Saint- Fond. 8' Paris, 1784. BOURGEOIS (Rene). Tableau de la campagne de Mofcou en 18 1 2. 8° Paris, 1 8 1 4. BOURGOANNE (Jean Fran(;ois). See Bourgoing. BOURGOGNE. See Burgundy. BOURGOGNE, Due de. I'^lemens de geometrie. 40 Paris, 1705. BOURGOING (Charles). La perfpeiftivc affranchie, contcnant la vraye et naturcle jiratique jufques icy inconnuc ct jugco impolTiblc, par laquelle i'on pout reprefenter toutes fortes de figures, planes ou folidos, 624 BOURGOING— BOURKE droites ou inclinees, et leurs ombres pareillement, par leurs propies lignes ; et en faire une infinite de femblables, de toutes grandeurs, et en tons lieux, par un feul et mefme moyen, fans tracer ny fuppofer le plan geometrale ordinaire. Avec la theorie famili^re. fol. Paris, 1661. BOURGOING (Jean pRANgois, Baron de). B. at Nevers, 20 Nov. 1 748. Educated at the Ecole militaire at Paris, whence he was lent to the Univerfity of Strafbourg to be trained for the diplomatic fervice. Secretary of legation in Spain, 1777-85. D. 20 July, 181 1. Nouveau voyage en Efpagne, ou tableau de I'etat aftuel de cette monarchie ... 3 torn, [yinon.'^ 8° Paris, 1789. — Tranflated from tlie French. To which are added, copious extra<5ls from the ElTays on Spain of M. Peyron. In three volumes. 8° Lend. 1789. Travels in Spain : containing a new, accurate, and com- prehenfive viewof theprefent ftate of that country. [Pinker- ton's Colledion of voyages and travels, v. 298.] Tableau de I'Efpagne moderne. Seconde edition, corrigee et confiderablement augmentee, a la fuite de deux voyages faits recemment par I'auteur en Efpagne. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1797. BOURGOING DE Joseph). See Villefore. VILLEFORE (Francois BOURGUIGNON (H.) On the cattle plague ; or, contagious typhus in horned cattle, its hiftory, origin, defcription, and treatment. 8° Lond. 1865. BOURGUIGNON D'ANVILLE (Jean Baptiste). See Anville. BOURICIUS (Jacobus). Ajuriftof Friefland, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. Advocatus. 1 2 ' LeovardisE, 1643. — Another edition. 4=> Harlingae Frifiorum, 1666. Captivus, five enchiridion defenfionum. 4° Harlings Frifioram, 1665. BOURICIUS (Joannes.) Tradlatus de officio judicis ; et ufu fori, in fuprema Frifi- orum curia. 4- Harlingae Frifiorum, i668. BOURIGNON (Antoinette). A religious enthufiaft. B. at Lille, 13 Jan. 1616. D. at Franeker, 30 Oft. 1680. La lumiSre du monde : recit tres-veritable d'une pelerine, Anthoinette Bourignon, voyageant vers I'eternite. Mis au jour par Mr. Chriftian de Cort . . . Traitte divife en trois parties ... 8° Amrt. 1679. The light of the world : a moft true relation of a pil- grimefs travelling towards eternity. Reprinted (verbatim) from the edition of 1696. 8° Lond. 1863. Renovatio fpiiitus evangelici ; pars prima. E Gailico autographo in Latinum verfa ... 8° AmlL 1680. La vie de Dam"'= Antoinette Bourignon. P^crite partie par elle-meme, paitie par une perfonne de fa connoiflance . . . 8° Amft. 16S3. An admirable treatife of folid vertue, unknown to the men of this generation ... in twenty-four letters to a young man, who fought after the perfedlion of his foul . . . Tranf- lated from the French original. 8° Lond. 1699. A warning againft the Quakers ; wherein the errors of that feft are plainly detailed ... Done out of French. 8^ Lond. 1708. *Monitum neceflarium ad Aifla eruditorum Lipfienfia anni 1686, menfis Januarii, fpedtans ; in quo compilator articuli iii. aftoinim, de Antonia Bourignonia, etc. ... falfi convin- citur. \_By Pierre Poiret.] '•■ Catalogue et abrege des livres imprimez, compofcz par feue Mad" Antoinette Bourignon, nee en la ville de Lille, en Flandres. 8° Amft. n. d. BOURK (Hubert). The information of Hubert Bourk, gent, touching the popifli plot in Ireland, carried on by the confpiracies of the Earl of Tyrone and others his confederates, to deliver up that kingdom to the French king, and eftablifh the popifti re- ligion therein. Being all matter of faft, delivered firft by this informant before the Lord Lieutenant and council in Ireland in March 1678 ; and to his Majefty and both houfes of Parliament in November 1680. fol. Lond. n. d. BOURKE (Richard). Report of two cafes upon the marriage law of Ireland . . . by Hamilton Smythe and R. Bourke. 1842. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Court ot Queen's Bench, in Ireland ... by Robert Jebb and R. Bourke. 1843. BOURKE (Richard Southwell), Lord Naas. St. Peterfbuig and Mofcow ; a vifit to the Court of the Czar. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1846. BOURKE (Hon. Robert). Parliamentary precedents : being decifions of the Right Honourable Charles Shaw Lefevre, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, on points of order, rules of debate, and the general pradlice of the Houfe. 12° Lond. 1857. BOURKE (Thomas). A concife hiftory of the Moors in Spain, from their in- vafion of that kingdom, to their final expulfion from it. 40 Lond. 18 I I. BOURKE (Ulick), 5th Earl and ift Marquis ot Clanricarde. See Ulick de Burgh. BOURKE (Ulick J.) Of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. The college Irifh grammar, containing, befides the ufual fubjeft of grammar, feme remarks in the form of diflertation on the orthography of the language ; how it can become BOURLIER— BOURNE 625 fixed ; on the number of declenfions, and number of conju- gations, iS:c. Compiled chiefly with a view to aid the ftudents of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, and of the Catholic Univerfity of Ireland, in the (ludy of the national language. S° Dublin, 1856. BOURLIER (M. E.) Sermons for children. 12° Lond. 1837. BOURN (John). Captain, Royal navy. Letter to his wife from the fleet. 1653. [George Monk, Two /filers from theJlcetJ] BOURN (Samuel). Minifter of a diffenting congregation at Norwich. The Scripture-account of a future ftate confidered. [/lnon.'\ 8° Lond. 1754. A letter to the Rev. Samuel Chandler, D.D., concern- ing the Chriftian doftrine of ftiture punifhmcnt. 8° Lond. I 759. — [Baron, The pillars of priejlcraft and orthodoxy fbaken, iii. 241.] A fure guide to hell. By Belzebub. i2°n. p. 1787. BOURN (Thomas). Teacher of writing and geography, Hackney. A gazetteer of the moft remarkable places in the world ; with brief notices of the principal hiftorical events, and of the moft celebrated perfons connefled with them . . . Third edition. 8° Lond. 1822. BOURNE (Benjamin Franklin). The giants of Patagonia : Captain Bourne's account of his captivity amongft the extraordinary favages of Patagonia. To which is added, the painfully interefting narrative of the fate of the Patagonian fociety's mifllon in Terra del Fuego. 8° Lond. 1853. BOURNE (Charles). The trial of Lieutenant Charles Bourne, upon the profe- cution of Sir James Wallace, Knt. for an aflault . . . with notes by Mr. Bourne. 8° Lond. 1783. BOURNE (Henry), M.A. Curate of All Hallows, Newcaftle. The hiftory of Newcaftle upon Tyne ; or, the ancient and prefent ftate of that town. fol. Newcaftle, 1736. BOURNE (H. R. Fox). A memoir of Sir Philip Sidney. 8' Lond. 1862. BOURNE (Hugh). B. at Ford-Hay, Stokc-upon-Trcnt, Staffordfliirc, 3 April, 1772. A leader amongft the primitive Methodifts. D. 11 Oft. * Memoirs of his life and labours ... By John Walford. 18SS-6. BOURNE (Isabella). Lays of labour's leifure hours. 8^ Lond. 1858. VOL. I. BOURNE (J. B.), M.A. The Chriftian in fight of heaven. i 2° Lond. 1851. BOURNE (James). Letters by the late James Bourne (in his later years minifter of the gofpel at Sutton Coldfield), with outlines of his life written by himfelf, and an account of his death. Edited by his fon-in-law, William Benfon. 8" Lond. 1 86 I. BOURNE (John), C.E. A treatlfe on the fteam-engine in its application to mines, mills, fteam-navigation, and railways. By the Artizan Club. Edited by John Bourne, C.E. 4° Lond. 1846. — Fifth edition. 4= Lond. 1861. A catechifm of the fteam-engine ... with various fuggef- tions of improvement. 8° Lond. 1847. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1850. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1856. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1857. — Eleventh edition. 8° Lond. 1865. A praflical treatife on the fteam-engine ... Reprinted from the Catechifm of the fteam-engine. 8' Lond. 1856. A practical treatife on fteam-boilers, land, marine, and locomotive. Reprinted from the Catechifm of the fteam- engine. 8" Lond. 1856. The fteam-engine, as applied to agricultural purpofes ... Reprinted from the Catechifm of the fteam-engine. 8 Lond. 1856. A popular defcription of the fteam-engine as applied to manufidlures and locomotion : with an introduflion explain- ing in an eafy and familiar way the principles of mechanics and ftrength of materials, fo far as they concern the fteam- engine. Reprinted from the Catechifm of the fteam-engine. 8" Lond. 1856. A practical treatife on fteam-navigation and the fcrew propeller : with an ex])lanation of the marine fteam-engine, adapted to the wants of officers of fteam-vefll-ls intending to undergo an examination in fteam. Reprinted from the Catechifm of the fteam-engine. 8° Lond. 1856. Handbook of the fteam-engine : containing all the I'ules required for the right conftruftion and m^inagement of engines of every clafs, with the eafy arithmetical folution of thofe rules : conftituting a key to the ' Catechifm of the fteam- engine.' 8° Lond. 1865. Recent improvements in the fteam-engine in its various applications to mines, mills, fteam-navigation, railways, and agriculture. Being an introdudion to ' The Catechifm of tlie fteam-engine.' 8° Lond. 1865. Indian river navigation : a report addriffed to the com- mittee of gentlemen formed for the eftablilhment of im])roved fteam-navigation upon the rivers of India. 8° Lond. 1849. Public works in India : being a letter to the Right Hon. Richard Vernon Smith, M.P., Piefident of the Board of Control, illuftrative of tlie necefiity of irrigation and internal navigation being largely ])ronioted in India, to develo]) the refources of that country, and ])revcnt the failure of the railways. With an appendix. 8'' Lond. 1856. 4 I- 626 BOURNE— BOURRIENNE A treatife on the fcrew propeller, with various fuggeftions of improvement. 4° Lend. 1852. — Second edition. 4° Lend. 1855. BOURNE (John C.) Drawings of the London and Birmingham railway. With an hiftorical and defcriptive account, by John Britton, F.S.A. fol. Lond. 1839. The hiftory and defcription of the Great Weftern Rail- way, including its geology, and the antiquities of the diftrift through which it paffes ; accompanied by a plan and feftion of the railway, a geological map, and by numerous views of its principal viadufts, bridges, tunnels, ftations, and of the fcenery and antiquities in its vicinity ; from drawings taken expresfly for this work, and executed in lithography, by John C. Bourne. fol. Lond. 1846. BOURNE (John Gertase Hutchinson). The exile of Idria : a German tale. In three cantos. [^non.] S' Lond. 1833. England won : a poem. 12° Lond. 1S45. BOURNE (L.) Thoughts upon catholic truths. [Poems.] 11° Lond. 1858. BOURNE (Mary Anne). A guide to Tenby and its neighbourhood, hiftorical and defcriptive, comprifing notices of their chief objefls of in- tereft and attraftion. 12= Carmaithen, n. d. A fummer at De Courcy Lodge : interfperfed with an- ecdotes of natural hiftory and fcience. 8° Coventry, 1845. Steps to knowledge ; or, cyclopaedia for youth : being familiar explanations of things we fee, hear, and read of. A new edition, by Mrs. Bogg, with copious index. 12° Lond. 1859. BOURNE (Robert). A Chriftian fl P^"" J. M. Ou^rard. Le tout accompagne de biographies et de notes hiftoriques et litteraires par MM. Charles Louandre et Felix Bourquelot. 1842-57. BOURRIENNE (Fauvelet de). B. at Sens, 9 July, 1 769. For many years private fecretary to Napoleon I. D. at Caen, 7 Feb. 1834. Private memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, during the periods of the Diredlory, the Confulate, and the Empire. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1830. — Another edition. By John S. Memes, LL.D. In three volumes. [Conftable's Mifcellany, Ivii.— lix.] 8' Edinb. 1830. — Another edition. With notes, now firft added, from the diftation of Napoleon at St. Helena, from the memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo, of General Rapp, of Conftant, and numerous other authentic fources. In three volumes. 8' Lond. 1 83 I. BOUR RIT— BOUTERWEK 627 BOURRIT (MARC-THfoDORE). B. at Geneva, 1735. D. in the neighbourhood of that town, 7 Oft. 1815. Nouvelle defcription gencrale et particuli^re dcs glaci^res, vallees de glace et glaciers, qui forment la grande chaine dcs Alpcs de Suiflc, d'ltalie, et dc Savoye. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee d'un troifi^me volume. Ouvrage en- rich! de tableaux, dfffincs fur les lieux par I'auteur ... 8° Geneve, 1785. Itinerairc de Geneve, Laufanne, et Chamouni. 12° Geneve, 1791. BOURSAULT (Edme). B. at Mucit-l'Eveque in Burgundy, Oft, 1638. D. at Mont- lu;on, 15 Sep. 1 701. Lettres nouvelles, accompagnees de fables, de contes, d'epi- grammes, de remarques, de bons mots, & d'autres paiticu- larites aufli agreables qu'utiles ... Nouvelle edition. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 1738. Artemife et Poliante : nouvelle. 8° Paris, 1739. Le Marquis de Chavigny. 8° Paris, 1739. Ne pas croire ce qu'on voit : hiftoire Efpagnole. 8° Paris, 1739. Le Prince de Conde. 8° Paris, 1739. Theatre de feu Monfieur Bourfault. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee de plufieurs pieces qui n'om point paru dans les precedentes. 3 torn. 8° Paris, 1746. Le Mercure galant, ou la comedie fans titre : comedie en cinq aftes et en vers, reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 5 Mars, 1679. [Petitot, Repertoire Ju theatre Fratiqois, ix. I.] Efope a la cour : comedie-heroique en cinq aftes et en vers, reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 1 6 Decerabre, 1 7 o I . [Ibid. ix. 143.] BOUSFIELD (Henry Newham). Newark : a poem, interfperfcd with occafional refleflions. 4° Newark, 1826. Sermon of one fyllable on the third chapter and part of the twelfth verfc of the Second Epiftle to the Corinthians: " We ufe great plain-nefs of fpeech." 1 2° Lond. 1858. BOUSSINGAULT (Adam). Le nouveau theatre du monde, ou I'abrege des etats & em- pires de I'univers ... Seconde edition ... 5 torn. 12° Paris, 1677. La guide univerfclle de tous les Pays-bas, ou les dix-fcpt provinces ... Edition quatrieme. 12° Paris, 1677. BOUSSINGAULT (.Ifan Baptists). The chemical and phyfiological balance of organic nature. 1844. By J. Dumas and .1. B. BoufTmgault. Rural economy, in its relations with clumiftry, ])hyfics, and meteorology ... Tranflited, with an inlroduiflion and notes, by George Law, agriculturid. U' Lond. 1845. BOUTAULD (Michel). B. at Paris, 2 Nov. 1607. Member of the Society of Jcfus. D. at I'ontoife, 16 May, 1688. Le theologien dans les convcrfations avec ics fages et les grands du monde. [ylnoti.'\ 4° Paris, 1683. BOUTCHER (William). Nurferyman, Comely Green, Edinburgh. A tre.uife on foreft-trees : containing not only the beft methods for their culture hitherto praftifed, but a variety of new and ufeful difcoveries, the refult of many repeated ex- ])eriments : as alfo, plain dircdlioiis for removing moft of the valuable kinds of foreft-trees, to the height of thirty feet and upwards, with certain fuccefs ; and, on the fame principles (with as certain fuccefs), for tranfplanting hedges of fundry kinds, which will at once refift cattle : to which are added, directions for the difpofition, planting, and culture of hedges, by obferving which, they will be handfomer and ftronger fences in five years, than they now ufually are in ten. 4° Edinb. 1 775. BOUTELL (Charles), M.A. Monumental brafles and flabs ; an hiftorical and defcrip- tive notice of the incifed monumental memorials of the Mid- dle ages. With numerous illuftrations. 8° Lond. 1847. The monumental braffes of England ; a fei ies of engra- vings upon wood fiom every variety of thcfe interefting and valuable memorials, accompanied with brief defcriptive notices. 8'' Lond. 1849. The hero and his example: a fermon ... [i Chron. xxix. 28.] Together with a national anthem, on the occafion of the public funeral of the late Arthur Duke of Wellington, K.G. &c., &c. 8^ Lond. 1852. An addrcfs to diftrift vifitors and trad diftributors. 8^ Lond. 1854. A manual ot Britilh aichiology. 8° Lond. 1858. A manual of heraldry, hiftorical and popular. 8° Lond. 1863. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1863. — Third edition. 8" Lond. 1864. Illuftrations of the early domeftic architedlure of England ; drawn and arranged by John Britton. With notices, de- fcriptive and hiftorical, by the Rev. C. Boutell. 1846. BOUTEROUE (Claude). A French antiquary, who lived in the fecond half of the J7th century. Recherches curieufes des monoyes dc France dcpuis le conmicnccment de la monarchie. fol. Paris, 1666. BOUTERWEK (Friedrich). A German philolopher, poet and critic. B. at Oker, near Goflar, in the Hartz diftiift, 1766. D. at Gbttingcn, o Sep. 1828. Schweizerbriefe an Cacilie,gefchrieben im Sommcr i 794. 2 Thle. 8" Beilin, 1795-6. Dialogen. Erfte Sammlung. 8^ Halle, 1798. Gefchichte der Poefie und Beredfamkeit feit dem Ende des drcizchntcn .lahrhundeits. 1 2 Bde. 8' Gottingen, iSoi-19. Neues Mufeum der Philofo])hie und Liteiatui. Heiaus- gegeben von F. Bouterwek. 3 Bde. 8 ' Leipzig, I 803—5. Neue Vefta. Kleine Schriften zur Philofophie des Le- bens und zur Beforderung der haufliclun Humanitat. Her- ausgegeben von Fr. Bouterwek. 1 i Bde. 8" Leipzig, 1803-10. 628 BOUTFLOWER— BOUVIER Immanuel Kant: ein Denkmal. 12° Hamburg, 1805. Praktifche Aphorifmen. Grundi'atze zu einem neuen Syfteni der morallfchen Wiflenfchaften. 8" Leipzig, 1808. Lehrbuch der philofophifchen Vorkenntnifle. Nebft einigen Aphorifmen, als Difputationsthefen, zur fpekulativen Philofophie. 8° Gottingen, 18 10. Hiftoire de la litterature Efpagnole, traduite de TAlle- mand, par le tradufteur des Lettres de Jean Muller [MaJ. lie Streci.] 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1812. — Tranflated from the original German by Thomafina Rofs. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1823. — Traducida al Caftellano y adicionada por D. Jofe Gomez de la Cortina y D. Nicolas Hugalde y Mollinedo. Tomo I. 4^ Madrid, 1829. BOUTFLOWER (Henry Crewe), M.A. Of St. John's College, Cambridge. Hulfean prize-man, 1 8 1 6. Head mailer of the Grammar fchool at Bury in Lancafhire, and perpetual curate of St. John's in that town. Reflor of Elm- don, Warwickfhire, 1S57. D. at Weft Felton Reitory, near Shrewsbury, 4 June, 1863, aged fixty-fix. The doflrine of the atonement is agreeable to reafon : an eflay, publilTied in compliance with the will of the Rev. John Hulfe, as having gained the annual prize inftituted by him in the Univerfity of Cambridge. 8° Cambridge, 1817. BOUTHILLIER DE RANCE (Armand Jean le). B. in Paris, 9 Jan. i6z6. Abbot of La Trappe. D. 27 Ofl. 1700. * Leben des Dom Armand Johanns le Bouthillier de Ranee ... Von L. F. G. von Gockisgk. 1820. BOUTIGNY (Roland le Vayer de). A French jurift. D. 1685. A differtation, Ihewing the invalidity of all proof by fimili- tude of hands in criminal cafes ... tranflated ... 4° Lond. I 744. BOUTILLIER (Jean). A French jurift and magiftrate, who lived in the latter half of the 14th century. Somme rural, tres utile en toutes cours de praticques, proces, et mani^res de playdoiries ... 4° Paris, [1525:] BOUTMY(E.) The perfonal hiftory of Louis Philippe (Ex-King of the French), from 1773 to 1848 : comprifing the only Eng- lifh edition yet publiihed of the work of M. Boutmy ... With fupplementary particulars, including the principal events of the recent revolution, until after the arrival of the depofed fovereign at Claremont, in England. By a member of the Middle Temple. 12- Lond. 1848. BOUVARD (Alexis). B. at Haut-Faucigny, at the foot of Mont Blanc, 27 June, 1767. Employed at the obfervatory, 1793. Member of the Inftitut, 1803, and of the Bureau des longitudes, 1804. D. at Paris, 1S43. Tables aftronomiques publiees par le Bureau des longitudes de France, contenant les tables de Jupiter, de Saturne, et d'Uranus, conftruites d'apr^s la theorie de la Mechanique celefte. 4^ Paris, 1 8 2 i . BOUVEIRON (A.) An hifl:orical and biographical (Icetch of Fiefchi, with anecdotes relating to his life : preceded by a narrative of the circumftances attending the events of the 28th July, 1835. 8° Lond. 1835. BOUVERIE (Frederick William Bryon). Late incumbent of St. Paul's Englifti Epifcopal chapel, Aber- deen. Chaplain to the convift prifon, Guernley. Force et faiblefle. 8° Londres, 1858. Life and its leflbns ; or, the part and the prefent : a tale, in the form of an autobiography. 8° Lond. i860. Six fhort ftories for fhort people. 8° Lond. [1861.] The ftory of Herbert Lovell ; or, handfome is who hand- fome does : a book for the young. 8^ Lond. [1862.] BOUVERIE (William Arondell), B.D., Redlor of Denton, and archdeacon of Norfolk. A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens ot the archdeaconiy of Norfolk, at his firft general vifitation in May, 1 85 I. 8" Norwich, 185 1. BOUVERIE-PUSEY (S. E. B.) England, Denmark, and Germany. 8° Lond. 1864. BOUVET ( )• ** Prevoft general des armees du Roy en Italic, et de fon Al- telTe Royale de Savoye." Les manieres admirables pour decouvrir toutes fortes de crimes et fortileges. Avec rinllrudlion folide pour bien juger un procez criminel. Enfemble I'efpece des crimes, et la punition d'iceux, fuivant les lois, ordonannces, canons et ar- refts. 8^ Paris, 1659. BOUVET (Francisque). Turkey, pad and prefent ; authorifed tranllation from the French ... by James Hutton. 8° Lond. [1854.] — [Adrian Gilson, 77i(? Czar and the Sultan .. . 1853.] BOUVET (Joachim). B. at Le Mans. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. Sailed from Breft as a miflionary to China, 3 March, 16S5. Returned to France, 1 697, but went back to China two years afterwards. D. at Pekin, 28 June, 1732. The hiftory of Cang-Hy, the prefent Emperor of China. 1699. [Crull, Tie prefent condition of the Mufcovite Em- pire.] BOUVIER (Jacques le). Le recouvrement de Normendie. [Jofeph Stevenson, Narratives of the expuljton of the Englifh from Normandy. 1863.] BOUVIER (Jean Baptiste). Bifliop of Le Mans. A dogmatical and practical treatife on indulgences ... abridged ... by a parifh prieft. 12° Dublin, 1839. BOUVIER— BOW 629 A treatife on indulgences. Tranflated fiom the French. With a preface by the Rev. Frederick Oakclcy, M.A. 12^ Lond. 1848. BOUVIER (John). B. at Codognan, department of Gard, France, 1787. Emi- grated to America, and became recorder of the city of Philadel- phia, and afTociate judge of the court of criminal fe/Tions. D. 1851. A law didlionary, adapted to the conftitution and laws of the United States ... of the American Union ... Second edition. 2 vols. 8^ Philadelphia, 1843. BOUVOT (Job). B. at Chalons fur Saone, 1558. Studied under the celebrated Cujas. D. at Chalons, 1636. Nouveau recueil des arrefts de Bourgongne ... diftingue en III parties ... Avec un Commcntaire fur le litre de la Cou- ftume de Bourgongne, des droifts appartenants a gens mariez. 4° Geneve, 1623. La Couftume de Bourgongne de nouveau commentee, ab- regee et conferee avec toutes les autres couftumes de France. Avec un autre petit commentaire fur la mefme couftume, efcrit fous le Roy Frangois I. par Hugues Defcoufu,Chalon- nois ... 4° Geneve, 1632. BOUVYER - DESMORTIERS (Urbain Ren^ Thomas le). See Le Bouvyer-Desmortiers. BOUWENS (Andreas.) A jurift of Maeftricht, who lived about the middle of the 17th century. Juris juftitiasque ufus et abufus exemplis et documentis ex omni aevo demonftrati. 4^^ Leodii, 1655. BOUX (GuiLLAOME le). B. in Anjou, 1621. Entered the Church, and was profeflbr of rhetoric at Riom. Bifliop of Apt, 1658, and of Perigueux, 1667. D. 6 Aug. 1693. Difcurfos apologetico-morales, dignos de andar en las ma- nos de todos los fieles, fobre la cilrecha obligacion de la fide- lidad, obediencia, refpeto y amor que dcben todos los vafallos a fus reyes. Efcritos en Frances por ... Mr. de Boux, Obifpo dc Perigueux y M. el Abad Tornc, Canonigo de la iglefia de Orleans, &c. Traducido al Caftcllano por el P. Fr. Ifidro Antonio Hurtado. 8° Madrid, 177 i. BOUYS (Theodore). Nouvellcs confiderations puiftx-s dans ia clairvoyance in- ftinflive de I'homme, fur les oracles, les Sibylles et les Pro- phites, et particuliiJrement fur Noftradamus 8° Paris, 1806. BOVADILLA (Castillo de). See Hicronymus Cas- tillo de Bovadilla. BOVERIUS (Henricus). Singularia [juris,] ex variis locis collcdla, additionibus nunc primum iliuftrata. [Singularia ZJof'/oruw, i. 187.] BOVET (Felix). The banifhed count ; or, the life of Nicholas Louis Zin- zendorf. From the French ... by Rev. John Gill. 8' Lond. 1865. BOVEY (James). The vindication of that hero of political learning, Nicho- las Machiavel, the fecond Tacitus. [Harleian Miscellany, vii. 424.] BOVI (Rocco). Differtazione Italiana e Francefe fopra la produzione de' coralli, e rifleffioni critiche . . . fopra i polipi creduti coftrut- tori dei medefirai coralli. 8° Firenze, 1769. BOVIER (Gaspard). B. at Grenoble, about 1733. An advocate of the parlia- ment. D. at iMontbelliard, Sep. 1806. Memoire juftificatif pour les citoyens de Geneve, connus fous le nom de natifs. 8° n. p. 1770. BOVILLUS (Carolus). B. at Sancourt, Picardie, about 1470. Celebrated for his knowledge of mathematics. D. about 1553. Que hoc volumine continetur. Liber de intelledtu. Li- ber de fenfu. Liber de nichilo. Ars oppofitorum. Liber de generatione. Liber de fapiente. Liber de duodecim nu- meris. Infuper mathematicu opus quadripaititij : De nu- meris perfeflis. De mathematicis rods. De geometiicis coi'poribus. De geometricis fupplementis. fol. Paris, i 5 i o. Liber de differentia vulgariij linguarQ, & Gallici fermonis varietate. Qux voces apud Gallos (int faflitios & arbitraris, VL'l barbara." ; qute item ab origine I.,atina manarint. De hal- lucinatione Gallicanorum nominum. 4° PariCis, 1533. BOVIS (Jean Baptiste). A native of Aries, and prieft of St. Peter's, Avignon, about the middle of the 17th century. La royalle couronne des roys d'Arlcs ; enrichie de I'his- toire des empereurs Romains, des roys des Gots, et des roys de France qui ont refide dins fon enclos : de I'cftat de fa Republique : de fa fubjcdlion aux Comtes de Provence : et du bon-heur que fcs citoyens ont d'eftre retournez foubs I'obcyffiince des roys tres-chrefticns. 4° Avignon, 1641. BOVIUS (Joannes Baptista). An Italian jurift, b. at Rcggio, who lived about the middle of the 1 6th century. De ftatutaria urbis prajfcriptione. [F. Zilettus, T/vuViJ- tus uiiiverfi juris, xvii. 176.] BOW. The bow drawn at a venture : a Uile of the laft wai . 8° Oxford, 1854. BOW (Robert Henry). A treatife on bracing, with its application to bridges and other ftruflures of wood or iron. 8° Edinb. 1H51. 630 BOW— BOWDLER BOW (William Forrester), M.D. Senior phyfician to the Alnwick difpenfary, and formerly afliftant furgeon of H.M. 27th and 77th regiments. Notions of the nature of fever and nervous adlion. 8° Lond. 1829. BOWCOCK (William). B. at Pinchbeck, Lincolnfliire, 6 Jan. 1790. D. 4 May, 1848. The ]ife,experience,and correfpondence of William Bow- cock, the Lincolnfliire drillman ... written by himfelf ... 12° Lond. 185 I. BOWDEN (Ambrose). Of the Navy office. A treatife on dry rot ... in (hips, houfes, mills, &c. &c., with methods of prevention and cui e . . . 8° Lond. I 8 I 5. BOWDEN (Hannah). See Hannah Marsh. BOWDEN (James). The hiftory of the Society of Friends in America. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1850—4. A review of the teftimony of Friends on tithes and tithe rent-charge, more particularly impropriate tithes. 8° Lond. 1854. BOWDEN (John). A fermon preach'd at Taunton, in the county of Somer- fet. May the 1 9th, 1 7 1 4, before an affembly of minifters. [l Tim. iv. 16.] 8° Lond. 1714. BOWDEN (John William), M.A. B. in London, zi Feb. 1798. Educated at Harrow, and at Trinity College, Oxford. Appointed Commiflioner of ftamps, 1826, which office he refigned, 1840. D. 15 Sep. 1844. The life and pontificate of Gregory the Seventh. In two volumes. 8 Lond. 18 40. A few remarks on pews. 8° Lond. 1843. Thoughts on the work of the fix days of creation. ^IVith biographical preface by J. H. N. (John Henry Nezuman.y] 8° Oxford, J 845. BOWDEN (Richard Bayly). Lieutenant, Royal navy. A fcheme for eftablifhing a nurferyof feamen for tlie Royal navy. With a few hints on the means of meeting the ex- penfe confequent upon its adoption. 8° Lond. 1846. BOWDICH (Thomas Edward). B. at Briftol, 1790. Went to Africa, where he was employed as head of a milTion to Aftiantee, 1815. Returned to England, but failed again for Africa, which he hardly lived to reach. D. 10 Jan. 1824. Miffion from Cape Coaft Caflle to Afhantee, with a fta- tiftical account of that kingdom, and geographical notices of other parts of the interior of Africa. 4° Lond. 1819. BOWDITCH (J.) A feries of letteis addreffed to Thomas le Breton, Efq. ... and others, of the I Hand of Jerfey, on the ftate of the laws of the Channel Iflands. 8° Lond. 1844. The letters of " Scmtator," as they appeared in the col- umns of " The Sun," on the neceffity of a thorough reform in the civil laws and inftitutions of Guernfey. I 8° Lond. 1847. BOWDITCH (James). * Abduftion of Maria Glenn. The trial of James Bow- ditch and nine others at the fuit of the king, and on the profecution of George Lowman Tuckett, Efq., for con- fpiracy, aflault, and falfe imprifonment. At the late Summer afllzes for the county of Dorfet, July 25, 1818. 8" Lond. [18 18.] BOWDITCH (Nathaniel). An American mathematician. B. 1773. D. at Bofton, 1838. The improved praftical navigator ... to which is added a number of new tables . . . revifed, re-calculated, and newly arranged, by Thomas Kirby. 8° Lond. 1802. BOWDITCH (Nathaniel Ingersoll). Suffolk furnames. Second edition. 8° Bofton, [Maffachufetts,] 1858. BOWDITCH (William Renwick), B.A. Incumbent of St. Peter's, Wakefield. On coal-gas ; a difcourfe delivered to fome direftors and managers of gas-works, June 13, i860, and publifhed at their requeft. 8 Lond. i860. BOWDLER (Mifs ). B. 14 Feb. 1743. D- '7^4- Poems and eflays, by a lady lately deceafed ... Second edition. 2 vols. 8° Bath, 1786. BOWDLER (Charles). The cafe of the Prefident of Queen's College, Cambridge, determined in the High Court of Chanceiy ... 8° Lond. 182 I. Two letters upon apoftolical epifcopal fucceflion, and tradi- tion. 8° Lond. 1 84 1. BOWDLER (Mifs Harriet M.) B. 1754. D. at Bath, 25 Feb. 1830. Pen Tamer ; or, the hiftory of an old maid. 8° Lond, 1830. Eflay on the proper employment of time, talents, fortune, &c. 12° Lond. 1836. Sermons on the dodlrines and duties of Chriftianity. [Anon.] 8' Lond. 1852. BOWDLER (John). B. 18 March, 1746. D. at Eltham, 30 June, 1823. Reform or ruin : take your choice ! In which the con- du(fi: of the king, the parliament, the miniftry, the oppofition, the nobility and gentry, the bifhops and clergy, &c. &c. &c. is confidered, and that refoim pointed out which alone can fave the country ! The third edition. 8° Lond. 1 798. — Another edition. [Anon.] 8° Dublin, 1798. — The fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1798. — Abridged ... [Jnon.] 12° Edinb. 1798. BOWDLER— BOWEN 631 Poems divine and moral, many of them now firft publifhed, feleded by John Bowdler. I2=> Lond. 1 821. * Memoir ... By Thomas Bowdler. 1825. BOWDLER (John), Jun. Son of the preceding. B. in London, 2 Feb. 1783. Edu- cated at Wjnchefter College. Placed in a I'olicitor's office, 1798. Barrifter, 1807. D. I Feb. 181 5. Seleft pieces in verfe and profe. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 18 I 7. The religion of the heart, as exemplified in the life and writings of John Bowdler. Edited by his fui-viving brother, Charles Bowdler. 8° Edinb. 1857. BOWDLER (Thomas). Brother of John Bowdler. B. at Afhley, near Bath, 1 1 July, 1754. D. at the Rhyddings, Swanfea, 24 Feb, 1825. A letter to the editor of the Britifh Critic ; occafioned by the cenfure pronounced in that work on " Johnfon, Pope, Bowdler, Warburton, Theobald, Stevens, Reed, Malone, et hoc genus omne, all the herd of thefe and Meibomiufes of the Britifh fchool." 8' Lond. 1823. * Some account of the late Thomas Bowdler. By Thomas Bowuler. 1825. BOWDLER (Thomas), M.A. B. 13 March, 1780. Educated at St. John's College, Cam- bridge. Redtor of Hopton Wafers, Shropihire. Rector of Ad- dington, Kent. Incumbent of the diftridl church, Sydenham, 1834. Secretary of the Church building lociety, 1846. D. 12 Nov. 1856. Liberty civil and religious. By a friend to both. 8° Lond. 18 I 5. Grace and truth the charafteriftics of the gofpcl difpcn- fation : a fermon, preached in the parifli church of St. Nicholas, Rochcfter, on Friday, June 2, 1820, at the vifi- tation of the Ven. John Law, D.D. [John i. 1 7.] 8° Lond. 1820. Memoir of the late John Bowdler, Efq., to wliich is added Some account of the late Thomas Bowdler, Efq. 8° Lond. 1825. The origin and charadler of the prieftly office : a fermon preached at the vifitation held at Weft Mailing, 16 April, 1828, by the Very Rev. Walker King. [Heb. v. 4, 5.] 8° Lond. 1828. Sixteen difcourfes on the liturgical fervices of the Church of England. 12° Lond 1834. " Redeeming the time :" a fermon preached in St. Bar- tholomew's chapel, Sydenham, on Sunday, Sep. 7, 1834, in aid of the National School. [Eph. v. 16.] 8^ Lond. 1834. An appeal t6 the public on the fubjedt of Sunday trains on railroads. 120 Lond. 183^. Quid Romsc faciam ? No need to join the Romilh com- munion on account of the want of difcipline in the Church of England : a letter to a friend, fellow of College, Oxford. 8° Lond. 1841. Thoughts on confcflion and abfolution, as enjoined, or allowed, in the Church of England, with fome remarks on the prieftly office : being a fequel to a tra(ft entitled, " Quid Romae faciam ? . . . " 8 ' Lond. 1 8 5 i . The daily fervice, and weekly ofTertory, Sec. &c. : being the fubftance of two fermons preached in Advent, 1842. 8° Lond. 1843. The communion of faints in the holy eucharift : a fermon, preached in the church of All Hallows Staining, London, on Sunday, Sep. 3. 1843. [i John i. 3, 4.] I-2'' Lond. 1843. Sermons on the ])rivileges, refponfibilities, and duties of members of the gofpel covenant ... 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1845-6. Prayers for a Chriftian houfehold ; chiefly taken from the Scriptures, from the ancient liturgies, and the Book of com- mon prayer. 8° Lond. 1848. — Another edition. 8° Lond. i860. A few words of family infti-uflion, introdudlorv to "Prayers for a Chriftian houfehold." 8° Lond, 1849. The power conferred by Chrift upon his Church : a fermon preached in Wcftminfter Abbey on the feftival of St. James, 1850, upon occafion of the confecration of the Rt. Rev. Francis Fulford, M.A., Ld. Bp. of Montreal. [Matt, xxviii. 18-20.] 8° Lond. 1850. A letter, addrefTed to the evangelical members of the Church of England, in confequence of an appeal by the Vicar of Iflington. 8° Lond. 1850. BOWEN (Mrs. ). Yftradffin : a defcriptive poem, with an appendix, con- taining hiftorical and cxplanatoiy notes. 8° Lond. 1839. BOWEN (Christopher), M.A. Reftor of St. Thomas's, Winchefter. " Things to come" pradlically inquired into ... 8° Bath, 1849. Apoftolic refolve in minifterial difficulty : a fermon preached in St. Saviour's, Southwark, Odlober 18, 1853, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Surrey. [Ails vi. 4.] 8- Lond. 1853. Suggeftions refpefting church rates. 8° Lond. 1855. BOWEN (Edward Ernest), B.A. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. The force of habit confidcrcd as an argument to prove the moral government of man by God. 8° Cambridge, 1859. BOWEN (Emanuel). The large Engliili atlas ; or, a new fet of maps of all the counties in England and Wales, drawn from the feveral fur- veys which have been hitherto ])ub!iffied. With three gene- ral maps of England, Scotland and Ireland, from the lateft and beft authorities . . . Each map is ilhiftrated with a gene- ral defcription of the county, its cities, borough and market towns, the number of members returned to Parliament, of ])ariflies, houfes, acres of land, &c. And liiftorical extrafls relative to the trade, manufaiffures, and government of the cities and principal towns, and the prefent ftate of their in- habitants. By E. Bowen, Thomas Kitchen, and others. fol. Loml. n. A. 632 BOWEN— BOWER BO WEN (George Ferguson), M.A. Fellow of Brafenofe College, Oxford. Mount Athos, Theffaly and Epinas : a diary of a journey from Conftantinople to Corfu. 12° Lend. 1852. BOWEN (Jeremiah), B.A. Reftor of Weft Lynn, 1 8 30, and of Walton Lewes, Wilbeach, 1863. The minifterial gift conveyed by minifterial fucceffion : a fermon preached in the chapel of St. Nicholas, Lynn, at the vifitation of the Archdeacon of Norwich, Apiil 28, 18 40. [i Tim. iv. 14.] 12° Lond. 184O. The Peace fociety and the militia aft ; or, the lawfulnefs of ferving as a foldier : a fermon preached in the parifh church of Weft Lynn, St. Peter's, on Sunday, Oftober 24th, 1852. \Jas X. I, 2.] 8° Lynn, 1852. Revivalifm. 12° Lond. 1859. The power of the keys and the Athanafian creed. 8° Lond. i860. BOWEN (John). A letter to the king, in refutation of fome of the charges preferred againft: the poor : with copious ftatillical illultra- tions demonftrative of the injuftice with which that body has been afTailed. 8° Lond, 1835. The Union work-houfe and board of guardians fyftem, as worked under the control of poor-law commiffioners ; ex- emplified by official documents and plan : with an addrefs to Sir Robert Peel. 8° Lond. 1842. The Ruflell prediftions on the working clafs, the national debt, and the new poor law, diflefted. 8° Lond. 1S50. A brief memoir of the life and charafter of William Baker, F.G.S. ... Prepared principally from his diaiy and correfpondence. 8° Taunton, 1854. BOWEN (John), LL.D. E. at Court, near Fi/hguard, Pembrokefhire, 21 Nov. 1S15. Went to Canada, but returned and entered himfelf at Trinity College, Dublin. Ordained curate of Knarelborough, 20 Sep. 1S46. Travelled in the Eaft under the aufpices of the Church niiHionary fociety, from March, 1849, to December, 1S51. Reiftor of Orton Longuevllle, Huntingdonlhire, 1853. Bifliop of Sierra Leone, 1857. D. 28 May, 1859. Memorials of John Bowen, LL.D., late Bifhop of Sierra Leone. Compiled from his letters and journals by his (ifter. 8' Lond. 1862. BOWER (Alexander). An account of the life of James Beattie, LL.D. ... in which are occafionally given charafters of the principal lite- rary men, and a flcetch of the ftate of literature in Scotland during the laft century. Some poems not generally known to be Dr. Beattie's are alfo introduced in the courfe of the narrative. 8° Lond. 1 804. The life of Luther, with an account of the eaily progrefs of the Reformation. 8° Lond. 18 13. The hiftoiy of the Univerfity of Edinburgh, chiefly com- piled from original papers and records never before publiftied. 3 vols. 8" Edinb. 1817-30. The Edinburgh ftudent's guide ; or, an account of the clafles of the Univerfity, arranged under the four faculties ; with a detail of what is taught in each. Containing alfo, accurate information refpefting the fees, graduations, &c. 12° Edinb. 1822. BOWER (Archibald). B. at Dundee, 1 7 Jan. i686. Educated at Douay, whence he removed to Rome, 1706, and joined the Jefuits, 171 2. Came to England, and renounced his connexion with the Church of Rome. Librarian to J^ueen Caroline. D. 3 Sep. 1766. Hifloria litteraria ; oi', an exaft and early account of the moft valuable books publifhed in the feveral parts of Europe. \ylnon.'\ Number II. 8° Lond. 1 730. The hiftoiy of the popes, from the foundation of the fee of Rome to the prefent time. The third edition. 7 vols. 4° Lond. 1750-66. * Remarks on the two firft volumes of the late Lives of the popes. I7SS- \By Alban Butler.] * Six letters fjom A d B r to Father Sheldon, provincial of the Jefuits in England ; illuftrated with feveral remarkable fafts, &c. 1756. [5y John Douglas.] Mr. Bower's anfwer to a fcurrilous pamphlet, intituled, Six letters from A d B r to Father Sheldon, pro- vincial of the Jefuits in England, &c. Part I. 8° Lond. 1757. — The fecond part ... with remarks on the fix letters, proving them to be forged. 8^^ Lond. 1757. The feven letters to Father Sheldon proved to be forgeries by the teftimony of a profefled Jefuit. \No title-page.^ 4° ^ * A full confutation of all the fafts advanced in Mr. Bower's three Defences. 1757- [By John Douglas.] Mr. Bower's reply to a fcurrilous libel, intituled, A full confutation ... 8° Lond. 1757. * Bower and Tillemont compared : or, the fiift volume of the pretended original and Proteftant Hiftory of the popes, (hewn to be chiefly a tranflation from a popifh one. 1 757- \_By John Douglas.] Mr. Bower's anfwer to a new charge brought againft him in a libel \by Bp. John Douglas^ intituled. Bower and Tillemont compared. 8° Lond. 1757. Mr. Archibald Bower's affidavit in anfwer to the faJfe accufation brought againft him by Papifts. To which are added, I. A circumftantial narrative of what hath fiuce pafl'ed between Mr. Bower and Sir Henry Bedingfield in relation thereto. II. Copies of the faid pretended letters fent him by Sir Henry Bedingfield, and of a fubfequent affidavit made by Mr. Bower, or with his privity. With fome ftiort obfervations on thofe pretended letteis, proving them to be fpurious. 8° Lond. 1756. Mr. Bower's own account of his efcape from the InquiC- tion. To which is annexed, an account of the charge lately brought againft Mr. Bower, extrafted from a pamphlet en- tituled. Six letters to Father Sheldon, &c. Together with Mr. Bower's defences, extrafted from two pamphlets pub- lilhed by him in anfwer to faid charge. 8° Edinb. i 757. * Some very remarkable fafts, lately difcovered, relating to the conduft of the Jefuits with regard to Mr. Bower. 1758. By a clergyman of the Church of England [John CoRPE.] One very remarkable faft more, relating to the conduft of the Jefuits, &c. 8° Lond. 1758. BOWER— BOWLER 6'> '» 00 -d B- * A complete and final deteiftion of A- 1758. [5y John Douglas.] BOWER (J.) Manual of diill for mounted rifle volunteers or volunteer irregular cavalry. 12° Lend. 1863. BOWER (Mark Noble). Bower's memoranda of difficult fubjcfls in anatomy, fur- gery, and phyfiology : forming a pocket companion for the young furgeon or for ftudents preparing for examinations. Third edition. Correfted and enlarged by M. W. Hilles. 8° Lond. 1856. BOWER (Thomas). A brief relation of God's dealings with Thomas Bower (late of the town of Barnet). 8° Lond. 1858. BOWER (Walter). B. at Haddington, 13S5. Abbot of St. Colm, 141S. Joannis de Fordun Scotichronicon cum fupplementis et continuatione Walter! Boweii. BOWERBANK (Thomas Frere), M.A. B. 17S0. Vicar of Chifwiclc, 1811. D. 24 Dec. 1857. A fermon preached in the parifh church of Cliifwick, Middlefex, on Wednefday, November 19, 18 17, being the day of interment of Her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Char- lotte Augufta of Wales and Saxe Cobourg. [^mos viii. 9, 10.] 8° Chifwick, 18 17. BOWERS (George Hull), B.D. Rcftor of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 1831 48. Dean of Manchcftcr, 1847. A letter addrelTcd (by permiffion) to His Grace the Lord Archbifhop of Cantcrbuiy, on the fubjedl of the plan of a propofed fchool for fons of clergymen, &c. 8° Lond. 1842. BOWERS (R.) A modern and pradlical treatife on the difeafes of horfes, horned cattle, and flieep ... 8° Lond. 1838. A treatife on the art of preventing the lofs of teeth, and effedlually removing toothache ; and on the difeafes of the teeth and gums, their preventive and cure ; to which are added nearly fixty of the moft modern and ajjproved recipes. 12° Worcelter, 1838. BOWES (Arthur). A pra<5lical fynopfis of Englifli hiftory ; or a general fum- mary of dates and events, for tlie ufe of fchools, families, and candidates for public examinations. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1859. BOWES (Georoi: Seaton), B.A. Rcdlor of CliiUcndcn, Kent. Illuftrative gatherings ; or, preachers and teachers : a manual of anecdotes, f:\i\s, figures, proverbs, quotations, etc. Adapted for C'hrlllian teaching. 8° Lond. i860. — Second feries. 8° Lond. 1865. vol. I. BOWES (Mary-Eleanor). The confcilions of the Countefs of Strathmore ; written by herfelf ... 8° Lond. 1793. BOWES (Philip). Farm book-keeping by double entry ; comprifing a treatife, exemplified by one year's farm tranfadlions, in a fet of three books ; viz., the labour journal, the general journal, and the ledger. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 1853. BOWES (Robert). The correfpondence of Robert Bowes, of Aflce, Efq., the ambaffador of Queen Elizabeth in the Court of Scotland. [Edited by ,1. Stevenfon for the Surtecs Society.] 8° Lond. 1842. BOWHAY (J. H.) Minlfter of Cowbridge chapel, Hertford. A pulpit tribute to the memory of His Grace the Duke of Wellington. [2 Sam. iii. 38.] 8° Hertford, 1852. BOWICK (James). The genius of poetiy : a poem, in two books. With odes, &c., on feveral occaflons. 12° Montrofe, 1818. BOWLAND (Mrs. ). * The London miracle ; or, the wonder of nature : being a 111 ange but true relation of one Mrs. Bowland, an eminent ribbon-weaver's wife, in Skinner's-{heet,ncar Norton-Falgate, who, to the wonderful aftonifliment of all her neighbours, was delivered of fix well (hap'd children at one birth, on Wednefday night laft, being three boys and three girls, the like not having been heard of in the memory of man. The faid children being now to be feen over againll the Blew-ball in Skinner's-ftreet ... 8° Lond. 1709. BOWLBY (Henry Bond), M.A. Perpetual curate of Oldbury, near Birmingham. The rcfurrcftion of the flefli : feven le(5lures on thefifteentli chapter of the former epiitle to the Corinthians. 8° Lond. 1849. BOWLE (.John), M.A. B. 26 Oft. 1725. Educated at Oriel College, Oxford. Vicar of Idmifton, near Salilbury. D. 26 Oft. 1788. A letter to tlie Reverend Dr. Percy, concerning a new and clafiical edition of Hiftoria del valerofo Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha, to be illuftratcd by annotations, and extradls from tlie hillorians, poets, and romances of Spain and Italy, and other writers ancient and modern ; with a glofliiry and indexes. In which are occafionally interf])erfed fome reflexions on the learning and genius of the .author. With a map of Spain, adapted to tlie hiftory, and to every tranf- lation of it. 4° Lond. 1777. BOWLER (T. W.) The Kafir wars and tlie Biliilh fettiei.s In South Africa : a feries of jiie'turefque views from oiigin.il Iketclies by T. W. Bowler ; with defcriptive letterprefs by W. R. Thomfon. 4" Lond. 1865. 4 M 634 BOWLES BOWLES (Caroline). B. 6 Dec. 1786. Married to Robert Southey, 5 June, 1839. D. at Buclcland, Lymington, Hants, 20 July, 1854. The birth-day : a poem, in three parts ; to which are added occafional verfes. 8° Edinb. 1836. BOWLES (Edward). Plaine Englifh ; or, a difcourfe concerning the accommo- dation, the army, and the aflbciation. [yj^non.] 4° Printed (unlelTe men be the more carefull, and God the more mercifull) the laft of liberty, 1643. A fecond Plain-Englifti for the fatisfaftion of all people, informing the ignorant, convincing the obftin.ate, refolving the doubtfull ; digefted into threefcore and nine reafons and con- fiderations. The firll fix confiderations fhewing. Whether we may lawfully defeit the Parliament in this time of danger. Or, whether we are bound in confcience to obey, affift, and ayd the Parliament. 4° Lond. 164Z. * An anfwer to a feditious pamphlet, intituled. Plain Englifh. Wherein the reafons againft an accommodation are anfwered ; the miferies of the kingdome in generall laid open, and fliewn to be kept up, for the maintenance of a few perfons of decayed fortunes : and an application to the much wronged city. 4° n. p. 1643. The myfterie of iniquity, yet working in the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and L'eland, for the deflruftion of re- ligion truly Proteftant, difcovered, as by other grounds ap- parant and probable, fo efpecially by the late ceflation in Ireland, no way fo likely to be ballanced, as by a firme union of England and Scotland, in the late folemne covenant, and a religious purfuance of it. \y4non.] 4° Lond. 1643. BOWLES (Emily). Floreat Etona : a true ftoiy. 8° Lond. 1861. St. Maltha's home ; or, work for women. S° Dublin, 1864. BOWLES (GUILLERMO). B. in Ireland. D. in Spain, 17S0. Introduccion a la hiftoiia natural, y a la geografia fifica de Efpana. Segunda edicion. 4=' Madrid, 1775. ■ — Traduit de I'original Efpagnol par le Vicomte de Flavigny. 8° Paris, 1776. BOWLES (J.) A unique fyftem of writing, in twelve enfy lefTons : by which ladies can acquire a moll fafhionable ftyle of writing, without the aid of a mafter. Portfmouth, [1S64.] BOWLES (John). Barrifter-at-law, and commiflioner of bankrupts. D. at Bath, 30 OQ. 1S19, aged fixty-eight. A protefl againft T. Paine's " Rights of man : " addrelTed to the members of a Book fociety, in confequenceof the vote of their committee for including the above work in a lift of new publications refolved to be purchafed for the ufe of the fociety. Fourth edition, ^^non.'^ 8° Lond. 1792. — Fifth edition. [Anon.] 8° Edinb. 1792. A letter addrefled to Samuel Whitbread, Efq., M.P., in confequence of the unqualified approbation expreffed by him in the Houfe of Commons, of Mr. Lancafter's fyftem of education : the religious paj't of which is here ftiewn to be incompatible with the fafety of the Eftablifhed Church, and, in its tendency, fubverfive of Chriftianity itfelf. Including alfo fome curfoiy obfervations on the claims of the Irifti Romanifts,asthey affecfl the fafety of the Eftablifhed Church. 8° Lond. 1807. Reafons for the eftablifhment of provident inftitutions, called favings' banks ; with a word of caution refpedling their formation : and an appendix, containing a model for the formation of favings' banks, according to the plan adopted by the provident inftitution eftablifhed in the weftern part of the metropolis, and by that for the city of London, and its vicinity. 8° Lond. 18 17. — Fourth edition. 8'^ Lond. 18 17. BOWLES (Magdalene). Daughter of the Rev. Charles Wake, D.D., prebendary of Weftminller, and wife of the Rev. W. L. Bowles. Charafters and incidents of village life, moftly founded on faft. 12" Lond. 1831. John Harding : a tale of a church-going Chriftian from real life. 8" Lond. 1S33. Summer vifits to cottages in a counti-y village, with ob- fervations on the morals and habits of the inhabitants ; and particularly exemplifying the pernicious efTedls of beer houfes. 8° Lond. 1836. BOWLES (Oliver). " Pallor of Sutton in Bedfordfliire." Zeale for Gods houfe quickned : or, a fernion preached 'before the Affembly of Lords, Commons, and Divines, at their folemn faft July 7. 1643. in the Abbey church at Weftminfter. Expreffing the eminencie of zeale requifite in church reformers. [Jo/^n ii. 17.] 4° Lond. 1643. BOWLES (Sir William), K.C.B. Admiral, Royal navy. Short remarks on the prefent ftate of the navy. 8° Lond. 1846. Remarks on the bill prefented to parliament, and read a firft time, for improving the condition of mafters, mates, and feamen in the merchant fervice. 8' Lond. 1849. Thoughts on national defence. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1852. Pamphlets on naval fubje(5ls. 8° Lond. 1854. Confiderations on the late naval war, and the arrangements which are necefTary to prevent future mifcarriages. 8° Lond. 1856. — Second edition. 8° Lond. i860. A recommendation for abolifhing the rank of commander in the Royal navy. 8^ Lond. 1858. BOWLES (William Lisle), M.A. B. at King's Sutton, Northamptonfliire, Sep. 1 762. Educated at Winchefter, and at Trinity College, Oxford. Vicar of Crick- lade, 1792; of Bremhill, 1S04; and Reftor of Dumbleton, Gloucefterlhire, 1797. Canon-refidentiary of Salifbury, 1828. D. there, 7 April, 1850. Poetical works. With memoir, critical dilTertation, and explanatory notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. 2 vols. 8" Edinb. 1855. BOWLES 635 The miflionary : a poem. Second edition. 12° Lond. 18 I 5. The plain Bible, and the Proteftant church in England : with reflections on fome important fubje(5ts of cxifting re- ligious controverfy. [2 Tim. iii. I 5.] 8" Bath, 1 8 1 8. Thoughts on the incrcafe of crimes, the education of the poor, and the national fchools : in a letter to Sir James Mackintofh. 8° Saliftury, [18 19.] — Second edition. [Pamphleteer, xv. 27.] Vindiciae Wykehamics ; or, a vindication of Wincheftcr College : in a letter to Heniy Brougham, Efq., occafioned by his letter to Sir Samuel Romilly on charitable abufes. [Ibid. xiii. 317.] The invariable principles of poetry ; in a letter addrefTcd to Thomas Campbell, Efq. ; occafioned by fome critical obfervations in his Specimens of Britifli poets, particularly relating to the poetical charadler of Pope. 8° Lond. 18 19. Letters to Mr. T. Campbell, as far as regards poetical criticifm, &c. &c., and the anfwer to the writer in the Quarterly Review, as far as they relate to the fame fubjeifls. Together with an anfwer to fome objeflions, and further illullrations. [Pamphleteer, xx. 529.] A reply to " an unfentimental fort of critic," the reviewer of Spence's Anecdotes in the Quarterly Review, for Oftober 1820 ; otherwife to the Longinus of " in-door" nature. 8° Lond. 1820. A reply to the charges brought by the reviewer of Spence's Anecdotes, in the Quarterly Review for Oftober 1820, againft the laft editor of Pope's works, and author of " A letter to Mr. Campbell," on " the invariable principles of poetry." 1820. [Pamphleteer, xvii. 73.] Two letters to the Right Honorable Lord Byron, in anfwer to his lordrtiip's Letter to * * * * ***** *, on the Rev. W. L. Bowles's Striilures on the life and writings of Pope, more particularly on the queftion, whether poetiy be more immediately indebted to what is fublimc or beautiful in the works of nature, or the works of art ? Second edition. 8° Lond. 182 i. — Third edition. 1821. [Pamphleteer, xviii. 33 i.] — To which are now firit added, the letter to Mr. Camp- bell, as far as regards poetical criticifm ; and the anfwer to the writer in the Quarterly Review, as far as they relate to the fame fubjeft. Second edition. Together with an anfwer to fome obje(5tions, and further illuftrations. 8° Lond. 1822. The grave of the laft Saxon ; or, the legend of the curfew : a poem. 8° Lond. 1822. Obfervations on the poetical character of Po])c ; further elucidating the " invariable principles of poetry," &c. With a fequeljin reply to Odavius Gilchrill. [Pamphleteer, xvii. 369 ; xviii. 2 I 3.] A final a])peal to the literary public, relative to Pope, in reply to certain obfervations of Mr. Rofcoe, in his edition of that poet's works. To wl)ich are added, fome remaiks on Lord Byron's converfations, as far as they relate to the fame fubjeifb and tiie autlior. In letters to a literary friend. 8^ Lond. 1825. Paulus parochialis ; or, a plain and praflical view of the objeft, arguments, and connc(flion of St. Paul's Epiftle to the Romans : in a feries of ferraons, adapted to country con- gregations. 12° Bath, 1826. Hermes Britannicus : a diflertation on the Celtic deity Teufcjtes, the Mcrcui ius of Caefw, in further proof and cor- roboration of the origin and defignation of tlie great temple at Abury, in Wiltlhire. 8° Lond. 1828. The parochial hiftory of Bremhill, in the county of Wilts ; containing a particular account, from authentic and unpub- lifiied documents, of the Ciftcrcinn Abbey of Stanley in that parifli ; with obfervations and reflexions on the origin and eftablifliment of parochial clergy, and other circumftances of general parochial intereft, including illuftrations of the origin and defignation of the fhipendous monuments of antiquity in the neighbourhood, Avebury, Silbury, and Wanfdike. 8° Lond. 1828. Days departed ; or, Banwell hill : a lay of the Severn fea ; including the Talc of the maid of Cornwall, or fpedtre and prayer book. Second edition. 8' Lond. 1829. The life of Thomas Ken, D.D., deprived bifhop of Bath and Wells ... including fome account of the fortunes of Morley, Bifliop of Winchefter. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1830-1. A word on cathedral-orato} ios, and clergy-magilbates, ad- dreffed to Lord Mountcafhel. 8° Lond. 1830. A few words moft refpedlfully addrefTed to the Lord Chan- cellor Brougham, on the mifrcprefcntations, exaggerations, and falfehoods refjieXing the property and charafter of the cathedral clergy of the Church of England. 8' Saliftury, 1831. A laft and fummary anfwer to the queftion " Of what ufe have been, and are, the Englifh cathedral eftablifliments ?" with a vindication of antiiems and cathedral fervices ; in a letter to Lord Henley. To wliich is added, an anfwer tu an article in the Edinburgh Review, on the relative number of learned and eminent charadlers furniflied by the Scotch and Englifh Churches. 8"' Lond. 1833. Annals and antiquities of Lacock Abbey, in the county of Wilts ; with memorials of the foundrefs Ela, Countefs of Salifbury, and of the earls of Saliftiury of the houfes of Salif- bury and Longef[)e : including notices of the monafteries of Bradenftoke, Hinton, and Farley. By the Rev. W. L. Bowles and John Gough Nichols. 8° Lond. 1835. The patronage of the Englifli biftiops : two addrelfes to the Houfe of Lords and Commons of Englimd, and to the Britifli nation, on the propofal of the Church comminioners, to transfer to the bifliops the patronage of deans and cha|>- ters, and to make thole cathedral churches dependent on the bifliops ... 8° Briftol, 1836. Further obfervations on the laft report of the Church eoni- miflioners, particularly as refjKx'is the patronage of deans and chapters, and cathedral mufic. 8° Devizes, 1836. A difcourfe, preached in Salift)urv cathedral, on King Charles's martyrdom, 1836. [Pj. Iv. 6.] 8" SaiiflMiry, 1836. Some account of the laft days of William Chillingworth, author of " The religion of proteftants a fafe w.iy to falva- tion ;" with remarks on the character of Cromwell, and tin- late report of the Church commiflioncrs : being a fequel to 636 BOWLING— BOWMAN ■i feimon on King Charles's martyrdom, preached in the ca- thedral of Saliftury, January 30, 1S36. 8° Salifbury, 1836. The Englifh village church ; a fermon, preached at Brem- hill, Wilts, for the benefit of the Society for building and re- pairing churches [l Kings, viii. 13]; to which are added, a feries of difcourfes, preached in Bowood chapel, on fix fubjefts, from the cartoons of Raphael. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1837. Pudens and Claudia of St. Paul. On the earlieft intro- duftion of the Chriftian faith, in thefe iflands, through Clau- dia, certainly a Britifli lady, fujipofed daughter of Caradlacus ; intended to be added to the fermon on Paul at Athens, as an hirtorical note in Sermons on the cartoons. Second edi- tion. 8^ Briftol, n. d. A final defence of the rights of patronage in deans and chapters : being a few plain words in anfwer to one material part of the Bilhop of Briftol and Gloucefter's charge, de- livered at Chippenham, Augull 30th, 183S. 8° Lond. 1838. BOWLING (Richard). Of Milk Street fchool, Sheffield. A complete courfe of queftions in arithmetic and menfu- ration, for the ufe of fchools and private ftudents. 12° Sheffield, 1858. BOWLY (Samuel). An addrefs to Chriftian profeflbrs. 1858. [Edward Smith, Individual iii/Iuence.^ BOWMAN (Anne). Laura Temple: a tale for the young. 8' Lond. 1853. Travels of Rolando ; or, a tour round the world. Second feries, containing a journey through Mefopotamia, Perfia, Siberia, Kamfchatka, China, and Thibet. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. Charade dramas for the drawing-room. 8" Lond. 1855. Efperanza ; or, the home of the wanderers. 8° Lond. 1855. Routledge's new reading made eafy : a firil book of lef- fons in one and two fyllables. Compiled and edited by Anne Bowman. 8° Lond. 1856. Poetiy : felefled for the ufe of fchools and families, from the moft approved authors, ancient and modern. 8° Lond. 1856. The Noiman invafion, and the day of Rinrory : poems. 8° Lond. 1857. The caftaways ; or, the adventures of a family in the wilds of Africa. 8° Lond. 1857. The young exiles ; or, the wild tribes of the North : a tale of adventures. 8 ' Lond. 1858. The kangaroo hunters ; or, adventures in the bufh. 8^ Lond. 1859. Tlie boy voyagers ; or, the pirates of the Eaft. 8' Lond. 1859. The bear-hunters of the Rocky Mountains. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. Among the Tartar tents ; or, the loft fathers : a tale. 8'^' Lond. 1861. How to make the beft of it : a domeftic tale for young ladies. 8^ Lond. 1862. The redVor's daughter : a tale for the young. 8° Lond. 1864. The young yachtfmen ; or, the wreck of the Gipfy. 8° Lond. 1865. The boy pilgrims. 8° Lond. 1866. BOWMAN (Hetty). Chriftian daily life. 8" Lond. 186 1. Life : its duties and difcipline. Third edition. I 2° Lond. 1861. Our village girls. 12° Lond. 1863. BOWMAN (James). Manager, Provincial bank of Ireland, Armagh, Tables for converting prodiidts into inteieft at the rates ot one, one and a-half, two, two and a-half, three, three and a- half, four, four and a-half, five, five and a-half, fix, fix and a-half, and feven per cent. 4° Armagh, 1857. BOWMAN (John Eddowes). Profeflbr of praillcal chemiftry in King's College, London. On fome remarkable properties of water and other fluids, with reference efpecially to the caufes and prevention of fteam-boiler explofions ; being a ledlure read before the members of the Royal Mancheftor inftitution, Februaiy 1 7 , 1845. 8° Lond. 1845. An introdudtion to pradlical chemiftry. 8° Lond. 1848. — Anodier edition. 8° Lond. 1854. — Third edition. Edited by Charles L. Bloxam. 8° Lond. 1858. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1861. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1866. A praAical handbook of medical chemiftiy. 8° Lond. 1850. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1852. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1855 — Fourth edition. Edited by Charles L. Bloxam. 8° Lond. 1862. BOWMAN (Thomas), A.B. Vice-principal of Bilhop's College, Briftol. Queftions adapted to Hall's elementary atlas. For the ufe of fchools. 12° Lond. 1850. Queftions on M'Leod's clafs-atlas of phyfical geography. 8° Lond. 1857. BOWMAN (William), M.A. Vicar of Dewlbury. The traditions of the clergy dtftrudlive of religion : with an enquiry into the grounds and reafons of fuch traditions : a fermon preach'd at the vifitation held at Wakefield in Yorkihire, June 25, 1731. [Matt. xv. 6.] 8° Lond. I 73 I. BOWMAN (William). Leftures on the parts concerned in the operations on the eye ; and on the ftruifture of the retina . . . To which are added, a paper on the vitreous humor ; and alfo a few cafes of ophthalmic difeafe. 8° Lond. 1849. BOWMAN— BOW Y ER 637 Thoughts for the medical ftudent : an introdu(5loiy ad- drefs, delivered at King's College, London, Oift. I, 1851, on occafion of the opening of the twentieth feflion of the medical department. 8 Lond. 1851. The phyfiological anatomy and phyfiology of man. By Robert Bentley Todd, M.D. ... and William Bowman. 1845-56. BOWMAN (William). Antiquarian draughtfman, Leeds. Reliquia: antiquas Eboracenfes ; or, remains of antiquity relating to the county of York. Illuftrated by plates and woodcuts. 4° Leeds, 1S55. BOWNAS (Samuel). A defcription of the qualifications neceflary to a gofpel minifter, containing advice to minifters and elders, Sic. I 2° Lond. 1853. BOWNDE (Nicholas), D.D. A Puritan divine. Educated at Cambridge. Incumbent of Norton, Suffolk, but fufpended for refufing to fubfcribe Whit- gift's articles. The unbelief of St. Thomas the Apoftle, laid open for the comfort of all that defire to believe . . . I 2° Lond. 18 I 7. BOWREY (Thomas). A diftionary, Englifh and Malayo, Malayo and Englifh. To which is added fome fliort grammar njles and diredlions . . . alfo feveral mifcellanies, dialogues, and letters . . . together with a table of time . . . To which is annex'd, the Malayo alphabet ... 4° Lond. 1701. BOWRING (Edgar Alfred). The moft holy Book of Pfalms, literally rendered into Englifh verfe, according to the Prayer book verfion. 1858. See Bible, Verfions, Eng/i/h, b. BOWRING (Sir John), LL.D. Specimens of the Ruffian poets ; tranflated by ,1. Bowring. With preliminary remarks and biographical notices. Second edition. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 182 1—3. Batavian anthology ; or fpecimens of the Dutch poets : with remarks on the poetical literature and language of the Netherlands to the end of the feventecnth century. By J. Bowring and Harry S. Van Dyk. 12^ Lond. 1824. Ancient poetry and romances of Spain ; felefted and tranflated by J. Bowring. 8"^ Lond. 1824. Specimens of the Polifli poets ; with notes and obferva- tions on the literature of Poland. 12° Lond. 1827. Sei-vian popular poetry ; tranflated by J. Bowring. 12° Lond. 1827. Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a flcctch of the lan- guage and literature of Hungary and Tranlylvania. 8° Lond. 1830. Details of tlie arrefl, imprifonmcnt, and liberation of an Englirtiman, by the Bourbon government of France. 8° Lond. I 823. Some account of the ftate of the prifons in Spain and Portugal. [Pamphleteer, xxiii. 289.] Matins and vefpers : with hymns and occafional devo- tional pieces. ,20 Lond. 1S23. — Third edition. i 2° Lond. 184 1. Minor morals for young people ; illuftrated in tales and travels. 2 vols. 1 2= Lond. 1834-5. Obfen-ations on the oriental plague, and on quarantines as a means of arrefting its progrefs : addreffed to the Britifli aflbciation of fcience, aflembled at Newcafllc, in Auguft, '838- H' Edinb. 1838. The decimal fyftem in numbers, coins, and accounts Illufl;rated with one hundred and twenty engravings of coins, ancient and modern. 8' Lond. 1854. The kingdom and people of Siam ; with a narrative of the miflion to that country in 1855. ^ ^'o's- 8° Lond. 1857. A vifit to the Philippine Iflands. 8° Lond. 1859. BOWSTEAD (John), M.A. Vicar of Meffingham, Lincolnlhire. Reflor of St. Olavcs Southwark, London. ' The village wake, or the feaft of the dedication : its re- ligious obfei-vance a bond of union between the higher and lower clafles : a fermon preached in the parifh church of Meffingham, Lincolnfliire, on Trinity Sunday, i 846. [Jo/:n xxii. 22, 23.] 8° Lond. 1846. Praffical fermons. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. BOWYER (Sir George), Bart., M.P. A differtation on the ftatutes of the cities of Italy ; and a tranflation of the pleading of Profpero Faiinacio in defence of Beatrice Cenci and her relatives : with notes. S Lond. 1838. The Englifli conftitution ; a popular commentaiy on the conftitutional law of England. 12" Lond. 1841. Commentaries on univerfal public law. 8° Lond. 1854. Two readings, delivered in the Middle Temple Hall. 8° Lond. 1850. Readings delivered before the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, in the year 1850. 8° Lond. 1851. Lombardy, the Pope, and Aullria. 8' Lond. 1848. The Cardinal Archbifliop of Weflminfter and the new hierarchy. Fourth edition. 8" Lond. 1850. The Roman documents relating to the new hierarchy ; with an argument. 8" Lond. 1851. Rome and Sardinia. 8° Lond. 1856. The diflx-rences between the Holy See and the Spanilh Government. 8° Lond. 1S56. Speech delivered during the adjourned debate on the " Treaty of peace." (Reported by Mr. Strang, fliort-hand writer.) 8° Lond. 1856. BOWYER (William). A learned Englifti printer. B. in London, 19 Dec. 1699. D. 18 Nov. 1777. Critical conjedlurcs and obfervations on the New I'efta- ment, collcdled fiom various author.s, as well in regard to words as pointing, with the reafons on which both are founded. The tliiid edition. 4'> Lond. 1782. 638 BOX— BOYCE Mifcellaneous trafts, by the Lite W. Bowyer, and feveral of his leiuned friends ; including letters on literaiy fubjedls, by Ml-. Markland, Mr. Clarke, &c. Collefted and illuf- tratcd with occafional notes, by John Nichols, printer, F.S. A. 4° Lend. 1785. BOX (Gibson). Bribery, or the political curfe ; with fuggeftions for its cure. 8° Maidlfone, 1854. BOX (John). Outlines of arithmetic : with numerous examples and exercifes. l2°Lond. 1861. BOXHORN (Marcus Zuerius). B. at Bergen op Zoom, 25 Sep. 1612. Profeflbr of rhetoric, and fubfequently of hiftory, in the Univerfity of Leyden. D. there, 3 Od. 1653. Monumenta illuftrium virorum et elogia. fol. Amft. 1638. — Another edition. Trajedli ad Rhenum, 1671. Hiftoria obfidionis Breds, et rerum anno m.dc.xxxvii. geflarum. fol. LiUgd. Bat. 1640. De Trapezitisjvulgo Longobardis, qui in Foederato Belgio menfas fcenebres exeicent, diffeitatio. 8"^ Lugd. Bat. 1640. Oratio in exceflum illuftris et nobililTimi viri, Cornelii van der Myle, equitis, Domini in Myle, Alblas, Dubbeldam, Baccum, etc., Equeftris HoUaiidias Ordinis, et Academic Leidenfis Curatoris, didla in eadem academia. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1643. Orationes varii argument!. j 2° Amft. 1651. Difquifitiones politicae, id eft fexaginta cafus politic! ex omni hiftoria felefti ; ubi de fingulis varis fententix, ac decreta, variique eventus proponuntur, et exaftum de iis judicium fertur. Editio tertia. [priori.] 12^ Hagas-Comitis, 1655. — Editio quaita. 12^ Hagoe-Comitis, 1667. Arcana imperii detefta : or, divers feledt cafes in govern- ment ... With the debates, arguments and refolutions of the greateft ftatefmen in feveral ages and governments there- upon, lyinon, yl tranjlat'wn of the foregoing.^ 8° Lond. I 701. Inftitutionum politicarum libri duo. Editio altera, priori longe emendatior. 12° Lugd. Bat. 1657. — cumcommentariis[au(ftoris],& obfervationibus Georgii Hornii. 12° AmlL 1668. Epiftolse & poemata. 12° Amft. 1662. Hiftoria univerfalis facra et profana, a Chrifto nato ad annum ufque mdcl. . . . Acceffit novi huic multoque ftudio emendatse edition! appendix proximorum lequentium annoiiim res complexa. 4° Francof. & Lipfrx, 1675. Quaeftiones Ronianse ; quibus facri Sc profani ritus, eorum- que cauffx & origines, plurima etiam antiquitatis monumenta emuntur & explicantur. [Grjevius, Thefaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, v. 90 1.] BOXIANA. The ftiilling illuftrated Boxiana ; how to train, and the fcience of boxing : lives of the champions, &c. &c. 8' Lond. [1864.] BOY. Plans for the government and liberal inftruftion of boys in large numbers ; drawn from experience. 1822. [By Thomas W. Hill.] The boy's own book. 1849. [5)i William Clarke.] Boys of the Bible ; conCfting of defcriptions and dialogues. 8° Lond. 1852. Boys and their rulers ; or, what we do at fchool. 8° Lond. 1853. A boy in the fwellings of Jordan, &c. By his uncle [Thomas Grant.] 1855. The boy who was turned into a monkey. 1856. \_By Mifs Shepherd.] Clever boys of our time ... 1861. [5y Jofeph Johnson.] Every little boy's book : a complete cyclopxdia of in and outdoor games, with and without toys, domeftic pets, con- juring, fhows, riddles, etc. A new edition. 8° Lond. [1864.] The boys of Holy Writ and Bible narratives. 8° Lond. 1865. The hearthftone boy. ?>° Lond. [1866.] The confumptive boy : a tioie narrative. By an Engiifh churchman. 8° Lond. n. d. A chat with the boys on new year's eve. By Old Merry. 8° Lond. n. d. BOYARD (Nicolas Jean Baptiste). Des droits et des devoirs de la magiftrature Frangaife et du jury. 8° Paris, 1827. BOYCE (Edmund). The Belgian traveller, or a complete guide through the United Netherlands ... To which is prefixed, A brief ll^=-,j cSj The Turkifli interpreter ; or, a new grammar of the Turkifh language. 8° Lond. 1842. BOYD (Elizabeth). Don Sancho ; or, the ftudent's whim : a ballad opera of two afbs. With Minerva's triumph : a mafque. 8' Lond. 1739. BOYD (Hannah Villiers). A voice from Auflralia ; or, an inquiry into the proba- bility of New Holland being connecfled with the prophecies relating to New Jerufalem and the fpiritual temple. 12° Sydney, 1851. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1856. BOYD (Henry). Death of the Queen dowager : a poem. 8° Lond. 1850. BOYD (Hugh). B. in Ireland, 1746. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin. Accompanied Lord Macartney to Madras, in the capacity of fecond fecretary. D. 1791. The mifcellaneous works of H. Boyd, the author of the Letters of .lunius. With an account of his life and writings, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. 2 vols. 8" Lond. I 800. BOYD (.Iames), LL.D. B. at Paifley, 24 Dec. 1795. Educated at the Univerfity of Glafgow. Elefted houfe-govcrnor of George Hcriot's Hofpital, Edinburgh, 1825. Appointed one of the claHical malicni in the High School, Edinburgh, 1S29. D. 18 Aug. 1S56. * Hiftory of Dr. Boyd's fourth High School clafs, with biographical flietch of Dr. Boyd. By James Colston. 1862. BOYD (.John). ProfelFor of philoi'ophy in the Univerfity of Glafgow. Tliefes ])hilofophicx, quas, aufpicc et propitio D. O. M. 640 BOYD adolefcentes nonnulli curriculum philofophicum emenfi, et triumphali laurea condecorandi in inclyta Univ. Glafguenfi, ad diem Julii public^ propugnabunt, horis et loco folitis. Prsefide loanne Bodio. 4° Glafgux, 1693. BOYD (John). Minifter of the prelbyterian church, Moyvore, Ireland. On the foveieignty of God. 8° Edinb. 1S55. BOYD (John M'Neill). A manual for naval cadets. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1857. 8° Lond. i860. BOYD (Mark Alexander). B. in Ayr/hire, 13 Jan. 1562. Went to France, intending to purfue a military career, but foon devoted himfelf to ferious ftudy at Paris, at Orleans and at Bourges, where he was a pupil of the celebrated Cujacius. After refidingfome time in France, he returned to Scotland. D. of fever at PinkiU, Ayrfliire, April, 1 601. Epiftola heioides, et hymni. Addita eft liteiularum prima curia. 8° Antverpis, 1592. Poemata. [JotisTOS, Delitiit poetarum Scotorum,\. 142.] * Life. [^By Sir David Dalrymple.] BOYD (Percy). A book of ballads, from the German. 4° Dublin, 1 8 48. BOYD (Robert). Son of James Boyd, baron of Trochrig, b. 1578. Educated at the Univerfity of Edinburgh. Went to France to complete his ftudies, and was profellbr of philofophy at Montauban, and afterwards at Saumur. Profeflbr of divinity in the Univerfity of Glafgow, 1615. D. 5 Jan. 1627. A fpirituall hymne or the facrifice of a finner, to be ofFred upon the altar of a humbled heart, to Chrift our redeemer. Inverted in Englifti Sapphicks, from the latino, of that reverend, religious, and learned divine, Mr. Robert Boyd of Trochorege, by Sii' William Muie yo : of Row- allane knight. By whom is alfo anne.^ed a poeme, entituled Doomes-day, containing, hells horrour, and heavens happineffe. 8' Edinb. 1628. In Epiftolam Pauli Apoftoli ad Ephefios prsledtiones fupra cc. ... fol. Lond. 1652. — Another edition. fol. Genevx, 1661. Hecatombe ad Chrillum fervatorem. 12° Edinb. 1825. Poemata. [Jonston, Delit'iii poetarum Scotorum, i. 209.] BOYD (Robert), LL.D. D. at Edinburgh, 20 April, 1793. Judicial proceedings before the High Court of Admiralty, and fupreme confiltorial or CommiiTary Court of Scotland, alfo before the (lierifF, bailie, dean of guild, juftice of peace, and baron courts, with the ftyle of fummonfes, &c., in ufe before thefe courts, and obfeiTations in law thereon. 4° Edinb. 1779. — Another edition. By Alexander Frazer ; with an appendix, containing the afts of Parliament and adls of federunt connedled with the fubjedl ... 8° Edinb. 18 14. The office, powers, and jurifdiftion of His Majefty's juftices of the peace, and commiffioners of fupply. 2 vols. 4° Edinb. 1787. BOYD (Walter), M.P. A letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt, on the influ- ence of the ftopp.iges of iflues in fpecie at the Bank of England on the prices of provifions, and other commodi- ties. The fecond edition ... 8° Lond. 181 1. Refle<5lions on tlie financial fyftem of Great Britain, and particularly on the finking fijnd. Written in France in the fummer of 18 I 2. 8° Lond. 1S15. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1828. Obfervations on Lord Grenville's Effay on the finking fund. 8° Lond. 18 28. BOYD (William), Earl of Kilmarnock. B. 1704. Joined the rebellion of 1745. Beheaded on Tower-hill, iS Aug. 1746. Letters and petitions of the Earl of Kilmarnock. [James Foster, An account of the behaviour of the late Earl of Kil- marnock, p. 41.] BOYD (Sir William), M.D. The hiftory of literature ; oi-, the rife and pi^ogrefs of language, writing and letters, from the earliell ages of an- tiquity to the prefent time. Vols. I., II., III. 8' Lond. 1843-6. BOYD (William), M.A. Vicar of Arncliffe, Yorkfliire, and Rural Dean of North Craven. The work of the miniftry : a fermon, preached in the cathedral church of Ripon, at an ordination held by the Ld. Bp. of Ripon, on Trinity Sunday, 1850. \Ephes. iv. i i.] 12° Lond. 1850. BOYD (William Cathcart), M.D. A guide and pocket companion through Italy ... 8° Lond. 1830. BOYD (Zachary). B. before 1 590. Educated at the Univerfity of Glafgow. Went to France about 1607, and became a ftudent at Saumur under his relative, Robert Boyd. Returned to Scotland, 1621. Minifter of the Barony parifli, Glafgow, 1623. D. about the end of 1653, or beginning of 1654. The laft battell of the foule in death ... 2 vols. S'' Edinb. 1629. — Another edition. Edited by Gabriel Neil, with a biographical llcetch of the author, and forae account of his manufcript works. 8° Glafgow, 183 i. 1. Crofles, 2. comforts, 3. counfels needfuU to bee con- fideied, and carefully to be laid up in the hearts of the godly, in thefe boyfterous broiles and bloody times. 8° Glafgow, 1643. The fword of the Lord and of Gideon : to this is lub- joined a prayer for an armie going to battell, and a thankf- giving after the viftorie. 8" Glafgow, 1643. The garden of Zion : wherein the life and death of godly and wicked men in fcriptures are to be feene, from Adam unto the laft of the Kings of Judah and Ifrael, with the good ufes of their life and death. 8° Glafgow, 1644. BO YDE— BOYLE 641 The fecond volume of the Garden of Zion : containing the bookes of Job, Proverbs, Ecclefiaftes, and Song of Songs, all in Englirti verfe. 8° Glafgow, 1644. The Pfalmes of David in meeter. 1646. See Bible, Verfions, Engll/h, b. BOYDE (Henry). Several voyages to Barbary, containing an hiftorical and geographical account of the country ; with the hardfliips, fufferings, and manner of redeeming Chriftian flaves. To- gether with a curious defcription of Mequinez, Oran, and Alcazar, with a journal of the late fiege and furrender of Oran ... The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1736. BOYDELL (James). The merchant-freighter's and captains of fliips afliftant ; being tables calculated with the greatefl: accuracy ... fol. Lond. 1764. — A new edition, revifed by Samuel Stonehoufe. 4° Lond. n. d. The village caflc guager, comprifed in a fei ies of tables . . . 8° Lond. I 784. BOYDELL (.Tames). Land, mine and machinery valuer, and agent. A treatife on landed property in its geological, agricultural, chemical, mechanical and political relations. 8° Lond. 1849. BOYDEN (Henry). Curate of St. Mary's, Birmingham. Energy : a ledlure delivered to the members of St. Mary's working men's inftitute, Birmingham, on Thurfday, May 5th, 1859. 8° Lond. 1859. Minifters of health : llietches myflic and moral. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BOYE (BiRGiTTE Catherine). B. near Copenhagen, 7 March, 1742. D. 1824. Davids Pfalmer i en fri Oveifasttelfe. 178 1-5. See Bible, Verfions, Dant/]o. BOYE (Johannes). B. at Copenhagen, 1756. D. there, 1830. Statens Ven. 2 Bd. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1796-7. Nseringfveye, Rigdom og Folkemasngde. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1814. Lovtale over den Danflte Helt Daniel Ranzau. Med forudfliikkede Betragtninger over Poefi, Veitalenhed og Smag ; famt med Tillaeg af hiftoriflce Oplyfninger. 8° Kiobenhavn, 18 19. BOYER (Abel). B. at Caftrcs in Langucdoc, 13 June, 1667, On the revo- cation of the Edidt of Nantes, he went to Holland, and ftudied at the L'niverfity oi Franeker. Came to England, 16S9, and maintained himl'clf by authorfhip and teaching the French lan- guage. D. at Chelfca, 16 Nov. 1729. The draughts of the mod remarkable fortified towns of Europe ... with a geograpliical defcri])tion ... hiftory of the ficges tliey have fullain'd, and the revolutions tliey have undergon for above thofe two bundled years pad. To whicii is prcfix'd an intiodudion to military architeiJluie, or fortification ... 40 Lond. 170 1. The hiftory of the reign of Queen Anne, digefted into annals. [y/rion.] 10 vols. 8" Lond. 1703—12. A flill and impartial hiftory of the impeachments of the laft minilhy. With the whole proceedings, debates, and fpeeches, in both houfes of parliament, relating thereto, to the clofe of the laft feffions, Sept. 21ft, 1715. To which is prefixed a large introduftion, (hewing the reafons and necefiity of the faid impeachments, from the behaviour of tlie High Church and .Jacobite pai ty, fince his Majcfty's happy accefiion to the throne, to the breaking out of the rebellion, both in Scotland and England. 8° Lond. I 7 16. The intereft of Great Britain, with relation to the diffe- rences among the northern potentates, confider'd ... 8° Lond. I 7 1 6. Quadriennium Anns poftremum ; or, the political ftate of Gieat Britain during the four laft yeais of the late queen's reign. I 7 18— 19. The compleat French-mafter . . . The eighth edition. 8° Lond. 1721. Le didtionnaire royal, Frangois-Anglois, et Anglois- Fran^ois. ... 4° Londres, 1764. BOYER (Pierre). A French proteftant theologian of the 17th century. Abrege de I'Hiftoire des Vaudois ... 12° La Haye, 1691. BOYERS (D.) The builders' companion, or countiy gentleman's afliftant 8° HorncafUe, 1807. BOYES (John). Wansford, Yorkfhire. Obfervations addrefTed to the Right Hon. Lord Stourton, occafioned by his two letters to the Earl of Liverpool. 8° York, 182 I. BOYES (John Frederick). St. John's College, Oxford. lUuftrations of the tragedies of .ffifchylus and Sophocles, from the Greek, Latin, and Englifh poets ; with an intro- duftory elTay. 8° Lond. 1844. Life and books ; or, records of thought and reading. 8° Lond. 1859. Lacon in council. 8° Lond. 1865. BOYLE (Charles), 4th Earl of Orrery. B. at Chelfea, Aug. 1676. Educated at Chrift Church, Oxford. D. 28 Aug. 1731. Dr. Bentley's DilTertations on the Epiftles of Phalaiis and the Fables of jEfop, examin'd ... The tliiid edition. 8° Lond. 1699. — The fourth edition. With fonie additions, occafioned by a book, entitled, A view of tiie Differtation u])on the Epiftles of Phalaiis, &c. 8° Lond. 1745. As you find it : a comedy, [y/non.] 40 Lond. 1703. — [Roger Boyi.e, Dramdiic ivnrks. '739-] * The reafons whicii induc'd her Majefty to create the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Orrciy, and James Duke 4 N 642 BOYLE of Hamilton, peers of Great-Britain. Alfo the preamble to the patent for conftituting the Right Reverend Father in God, John [i?o3;n/on] Lord Birtiop of Briftol, keeper of the privy feal. 4° Lond. I 7 I I . BOYLE (Hon. Mrs. Eleanor Verb). Child's play. Seventeen drawings. [-<^no«.] 4° Lond. n. d. — Another edition, [ylnoti.^ 8° Lond. 1859. BOYLE (Frederick). Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo. 8° Lond. 1865. BOYLE (George). The difficulties of the French language explained, in eafy and popular language : ferving as a commentary and fupple- ment to all French grammars. For the ufe of fchools, as well as for private inltrudtion. 12° Lond. 1854. BOYLE (James). Colonial furgeon at Sierra Leone. A praftical medico-hiftorical account of the weftern coaft of Africa ... 8° Lond. 1831. BOYLE (John), 5th Earl of Orrery, and 5th Earl of Cork. B. 1707. D. 16 Nov. 1762. Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift : in a feries of letters. 8° Lond. 1752. BOYLE (John), B.C.L. Incumbent of Stramfliall, Staffordrtiire. The truth of Chriftianity inferred from Agrippa's con- feffion to Paul : a fermon preached in the chapel of the Afylum for female orphans, London, on Sunday, i 5 th Jan. 1832. [Aas xxvi. 27-29.] 8° Oxford, 1832. How and for what we ought to pray : a feries of lei5lures on the Loid's prayer ; with reafons for preferring the wor- (hip of the Eftabliihed Church. 8" Lond. 1858. BOYLE (Joseph). * The immortality controverfy in Scotland : a review of the " ' Antidote ;' being a reply to the Rev. W. G. Mon- ' Crieff's pamphlet, entitled, ' Soul ; or the Hebrew word nephefh, and the Greek word pfuche,' by Jofeph Boyle, minifter of the gofpel, Leith." ( Reprinted by requeft from the " Chriftian Dxaminer and Bible advocate.") 8° Lond. 1853. BOYLE (Mary Louisa). The forefter : a tale of 1688. In three volumes. I 2° Lond. 1839. The bridal of Melcha : a dramatic ll5ts. 8° Lond. 1845. BRADSll.VW (George), M.A. Curate of Longton. " Union is ftrength : " a fermon, preached in the pnrilh 40 650 BRADSHAW— BRADY church, Uttoxeter, September 21 ft, 1852, before the Pro- vincial grand lodge of free and accepted mafons of StafFord- fhire. [£j>h. iv. 25.] 8^ Lond. 1852. BRADSHAW (Julian Watson). A treatife on gonorrhoea and fyphilis, with praftical obfer- vations on ftriflure. 8" Lond. 1861. BRADSHAW (Samuel Alexander). Moments of thoughts, on fubjeifls fpirituaj, experimental, and prailical. >S° Lond. [1844.] BRADSHAW (T.) Views in the Mauritius, or Ifle of France, drawn from nature by T. Bradrtiaw, and on ftone by William Rider. With a memoir of the idand, and a defcription of each view. fol. Lond. 1832. BRADSHAW (Thomas). Friendfhip's memorial : hymns and mifcellaneous pieces. 1 2° Lond. 1856. BRADSHAW (Watson), M.D. The anatomy of dyfpepfia : being a pradlical inquiry into the derangements of the organs of digeftion, fhewing their connexion with cutaneous difeafes, renal diforders, and nervous afFedbions : embracing hints to tropical invalids, with remarks on exercife, clothing, and ventilation. 8° Lond. 1864. BRADSHAW (William). An eminent Puritan divine. B. at Maricet Bofworth, Leicefterfhire, 1571. Educated at Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge. Minifter of Chatham, 1601, but was fufpended for refufing to fubicribe. D. 1618. A trial! of fubfcription, by way of a preface unto ceitaine fubfcribers ; and, reafons for lefle rigour againft non-fub- fcribers ... [AnonJ] 8° n. p. 1599. Humble motives for aflbciation to maint.aine religion eftablifhed. [ytnon.] 8° n. p. 1601. A fhorte treatife of the crofle in baptifme contraded into this fyllogifme. No religious ufe of a popifti idoll, in Gods publike fervice, is indifferent, but utterly unlawfull. But the ufe of the crofTe in baptifme is a religious ufe of a popifh idoll in Gods publike fervice. Ergo, The ufe of the crolTe in baptifme is not indifferent but utterly unlawfull. [Anon.^ 8" n. p. 1604. A propofition concerning kneeling in the very aft of re- ceiving howfoever ... [y^non.] 8° n. p. 1605. A proteftation of the kings fupremacie : made in the name of the alHidfed minifters, and oppofed to the fhamefull calum- niations of the prelates, [y/non.'^ 8° n. p. 1605. Englifh Puritanifme : containeing the maine opinions of the rigideft foit of thofe that are called Puritanes in the realme of England, [^nonjj 8° n. p. 1605. — Another edition. 4° n. p. 1641. A treatife of the nature and ufe of things indiffei-ent : tending to prove that the ceremonies in prefent controverfie amonglt the minifters of the gofpell in the realme of England are neither in nature or ufe indifferent. [v^no/;.] 8° n. p. 1605. Twelve generall arguments, proving that the ceremonies impofed upon the minifters of the gofpell in England, by our prelates, are unlawfull, and therefore that the minifters of the gofpell, for the bare and fole omifTion of them in church fervice, are moft unjuftlie charged of difloyaltie to his majeftie. [ylnon.] 12° n. p. 1605. — Another edition. \^/lnon.~\ 4° n. p. 1660. Several treatifes of worfhip and ceremonies. ... 4° Lond. 1660. A treatife of divine worfhip ; tending to prove, that the ceremonies impofed upon the minifters of the gofpel in England, in prefent controverfie, are in their ufe unlawful, [y/non.] With a preface, containing an account of the anti- quity, occafion, and grounds of non-conformity ... And alfo, a poftfcript, in defence of a book entitled, Thomas againft Bennet, being a reply to Mr. Bennet's anfwer thereto. [S-tgnedD. M.] 8° Lond. 1703. BRADSHAW (William S.) Voyages to India, China, and America, with an account 8' Lond. 1857. of the Swan River fettlement. BRADSHAW (William Wood), M.D. Thoughts on the Lord's prayer. 8° Reading, 1845. BRADSTREET (Anna). The fix legends of King Goldenftar. [Pofmj.] 12° Lond. 1858. BRADY (Cheyne). The praifficability of improving the dwellings of the labouring clafTes, with remarks on the law of fettlement and removal of the poor. 8° Lond. 1854. BRADY (Edward Foster). B. in London, 29 Dec. 1802. Superintendent of the fchool of the Society of Friends at Croydon. D. II April, 1838. * Memoir of Edward Fofter Brady. 1839. \^By P. B.] BRADY (John). For many years an officer in the Victualling office. D. 5 Dec. 1 8 14. Clavis calendaria ; or, a compendious analyfis of the calendar: abridged by the author .. . 12° Lond. 18 14. Varieties of literature : being principally feleflions from the portfolio of the late John Brady . . . Arranged and adapted for publication by John Henry Brady, his fon. 8" Lond. 1826. BRADY (John Henry). A critical and analytical difTertation on the names of perfons. 12° Lond. 1822. Plain inftruiflions to executors and adminiihators ; fhewing the duties and refponfibilities incident to the due performance of their trufts ... \j4non.'\ 8° Lond. 1824. — Third edition. ' 8° Lond. 1830. — Tenth edition. 8° Lond. 1845. — Eleventh edition. 8° Lond. 1847. — Twelfth edition. 8° Lond. 1849. — Thirteenth edition. 8° Lond. 185 I. A familiar compendium of the laws relating to bankrupts and infolvent debtors. 12' Lond. 1832. BRADY— BRAGGE 65' A popular diiflionary of parochial law and taxation ... Revifed by James N. Mahon, Efq. 12° Lond. 1^34. The Dover road flcetch book ; or, traveller's pocket guide, between London and Dover,wherein is defcribed every objedt of intered on this road ... 12° Canterbury, 1837. The vifitor's guide to Knole, in the county of Kent, with catalogues of the pidlures contained in the manfion, and biographical notices of the principal perfons whofe portraits form part of the coUei^ion. 12° Sevenoaks, 1S39. BRADY (Nicolas). B. at Bandon, county Cork, 28 Oft. 1659. Educated at Weftminfter School and at Chrift Church, Oxford. Reftor of Clapham, and chaplain fuccefllvely to King William, Queen Anne, and Caroline, Prjncefs of Wales. D. 20 May, 1726. The rape ; or, the innocent impoftors : a tragedy. \Anon.'\ 4° Lond. 1692. A new verfion of the Pfalms of David, bv Nicolas Brady and Nahum Tate. 1703—4. 5ci' Bible, Verfions,jE'«^/;y^,b. Several fermons, chiefly upon pradtical fubjefts ... In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1730. BRADY (Robert), M.D. B. in the county of Norfolk. Educated at Caius College, Cambridge, of which he was elefted mafter, i Dec. 1660. Keeper of the records in the Tower of London. D. 19 Aug. 1700. A full and clear anfwer to a book [entitled, The eintient right of the commons of England ajfertcd'^ written by William Petit, Efq., printed in the year 1 6S0. By which it appears that he hath mirtaken the meaning of the hiftories and records he hath cited, and mifapplyed them ; and that he hath added to, or taken from them, or left unrecited fuch words and matters as he thought would either advance or deftroy his affertion. With a true hiftorical account of the famous colloquium or parliament, 49 Hen. IIL and a gloflary, ex- pounding fome few words ufed frequently in our antient records, laws, and hiftorians. Together with fome animad- verfions upon a book \J)y W. Atiuood^ called, Jani Anglorum facics nova. \Anon^ 8° Lond. 1 681. An introdudlion to the old Englifh hiftory, compreliended in three fcveral trafts. The firft, an .Anfwer to Mr. Petyt's Rights of the commons aflerted ; and to a book intituled, Jani Anglorum facias nova ; the fecond edition, very much inlarged. The fecond. An anfwer to a book \hy E. Coohe^ intituled, Argumentum Antinormannicum, much upon the fame fubjeft ; never before publiflied. The third, The exaft hiltory of the fuccelTion of the crown of Enj^land ; the fecond edition, alfo very much enlarged : Together with an appendix, containing feveral records, and a feries of great councils and Parliaments before and after the Conqueft, unto the end of the reign of Henry the Third, and a gloflary expounding many words ufed trequently in our antient re- cords, laws and hillorians. fol. Lond. 16S4. A comjjlete hilfory of England, from the fird entiance of the Romans under the conduifl of Julius Caefar, unto the end of the reign of King Henry IIL, comprehending the Roman, Saxon, Danllli and Norman affairs and tranf.idlions in this nation during that time. Wherein is fliewed the original of our Englidi laws, the differences and dif.igree- ments between the lecular and ecclcfiaftic powers, the true rife and grounds of the contentions and wars between the barons and our antient kings. And likewife an account of our foreign wars with France, the conqueft of Ireland, and the aftions between the Englifh, Scots and Welfh, during the fame time. All delivered in plain matter of fadt, with- out any reflexions or remarques. fol. Lond. 1685. A continuation of the Complete hiftory of England : containing the lives and reigns of Edward 1. II. and III., and Richard the Second. fol. Lond. 1 700. An inquiry into the remarkable inftances of hiftory, and parliament lecords, ufed by the author \Stillingfleet\ of The unreafonablenefs of a new feparation on account of the oaths ; whether tliey are faithfully cited and applied. \Anon^ 4° n. p. [1690.] An hiftorical treatife of cities, and buighs or boroughs ; fltewing their original, and whence, and from whom they received their liberties, privileges, and immunities ; what they were, and what made and conftituted a free burgh, and free burgeffes. As alfo fhewing when they fiift fcnt their reprefentatives to parliament. With aconcuiient difcourfe of moft matters, and things incident, or relating tiiereto. The fecond edition. fol. Lond. 17O4. BRADY (Thomas), M.B., T.C.D. On the treatment of internal aneurifm by the method of Valfalva : being a paper read befoie the Surgical fociety of Ireland, March 26th, 1859. 8" Dublin, 1859. BRADY (W. Maziere), D.D. Clerical and parochial records of Cork, Cloyne, and Rofs, taken from diocefan and parifli regiftries, MSS. in the prin- cipal libraries and public offices of O.xford, Dublin, and London, and from private or family papers. 3 vols. 8" Lond. 1S64. BRAGACCIA (Gasparo). B. at Fiacenza. Lived at the clofe of the i6th and begin- ning of the 17th century. L'ambafciatore ; opera divifa in libri fei. Nella quale (1 hanno auuertinienti politici & morali per gli ambafciatori, & intorno quelle cofe, che fogliono accadere all' ambafci- arie ... 4° Padova, 1627. BRAGANZA. Tales of the Braganza [852. [.5y T. H. USBORNE.] BRAGG (Robert). The journey of Dr. Robert Bongout and his l.idy to Bath; performed in tlie year I 7 7-. [y/«on.] %" Lond. I 7 78. BRAGGADOCIO. The bragadocio : or, the bawd turn'd puritan : a new comedy, by a perfon of quality. 4° Lond. 1691. Braggadocio : a tale for boys and girls. 8° Lond. 1853. BRAGGE (Francis), B.D. Vicar of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, and prebendary of Lincoln. D. about 1718. Works. A new edition. 5 vols. 8° Oxford, 1833. 652 BRAGIAD— BRAINERD A full and impartial account of the difcovery of forcery and witchcraft, prailif'd by Jane Wenham of Walkerne in Hertfordfhire, upon the bodies of Anne Thorn, Anne Street, &c. The proceedings againft her from her being firft apprehended, till fhe was committed to gaol by Sir Henry Chauncy. Alfo her tryal at the aflizes at Hertford before Mr. Jullice Powell, where fhe was found guilty of felony and witchcraft, and receiv'd fentence of death for the fame, March 4. 1711-12. 8° Lond. 17 12. — Fourth edition. \jlnon.'\ 8° Lond. 17 12. BRAGIAD. Bragiad : a poem. 8° Edinb. 1 76 1. BRAHAM (John). Pieventive for cholera morbus. Remarks on atmofphere and on the various gafes, for the purpofe of adapting them to prevent the fpreading of cholera and other infeflious dif- orders ... 8° Briftol, 1832. BRAHE (Tycho). A celebrated Danirti aftronomer. B. at FCnudftorp, near Helfingborg, 1546. D. at Prague, 1601. Opera omnia ; five aftronomis inftauratae progvmnafmata ... Editio ultima. 4° Francofurti, 1648. De mundixtherei recentioribus plixnominis liber fecundus. Qui eil de illvftri ftella caudata ab elapfo fere triente Nou- embris anni 1577, vfque in finem lanuarii fequentis con- fpefta. 4° Vraniburgi, 1588. — Another edition. 4° Vraniburgi et Pragae, 1610. Epiftolaruni aftronomicarum libri : quorum primus hie ... Principis Gulielmi Hafliae Landtgrauij ac ipfius mathematici literas, vnaque refponfa ad (Ingulas complecSitur. 4= Vranibuigi, 1610. Altronomia: inftauratae pi ogymnafmata. Quorum haec prima pars de reftitutione motvvm folis et lunx, ftellammque ineirantium traftat ; et praeterea de admiranda noua ftella anno 1572 exorta, luculenter agit. 4° Vraniburgi et Pragae, 1 6 i O. * Life. [SirD. Brewster, TZii? martyrs offcience, I 84 1 .] BRAHM (William Gerard de). The Atlantic pilot. 8° Lond. 1772. BRAHMIN. The memoirs of a brahmin ... 1843. {.-^y T- ^• Ottley.] BRAIA (NicoLAUs de). Gefta Ludovici VIII. Francorum regis, heroico carmine. [Bouquet, Recueil des hijloriens des Gaules et de la France, xvii. 311.] — - [Duchesne, Hyiorij: Francorum fcriptores, v. 290.] — ^(French profe tranjlat'ton onlyJ) GuizoT, Colled'wn des memoires, xi. 385.] BRAID (.Tames). Neurypnology ; or, the rationale of nervous fleep con- dered in relation with animal magnetifm ... 12° Lond. 1 843. The power of the mind over the body : an experimental inquiiy into the nature and caufe of the phenomena attributed by Baron Reichenbach and others to a " new imponderable." I 2" Lond. 1846. Obfervations on trance ; or, human hybernation. 12° Lond. 1850. BRAID (William David). Statement of the Eaft India Company's conduct towards the Carnatic ftipendiaries. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1853. BRAIDWOOD (John). The late Rev. John Anderfon,of the Free Church miffion, Madras. 8° Edinb. 1855. True yoke-fellows in the miffion field : the life and la- bours of the Rev. John Anderfon and the Rev. Robert Johnfton, traced in the rife and development of the Madras Free Church miffion. 8" Lond. 1862. BRAIKENRIDGE (Gulielmus). " Ecclefi^e Anglican*e prefbyter." Exercitatio geometrica de defcriptione lineanim curvarum. 4^ Lond. 1733. BRAILSFORD (H.), LL.B., M.R.S.L. Roraanifm brought out in bold relief, as fet forth in the altar denunciations in Ireland : colledled, arranged, and il- luftrated from authentic fources : in a letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley. 8° Lond. 1848. BRAILSFORD (Willson). Chriftian marriages : a fermon preached in Wefley chapel, Leeds, Nov. 14, 18 41. [i Cor. vii. 39.] 8° Lond. [1841.] A dream of TafTo ; and other poems. 12° Lond. 1850. Glow-worm lamps : a feries of a hundred fonnets. 12° Enfield, n. d. BRAIM (Thomas Henry). A hiftory of New South Wales, from its fettlement to the clofe of the year 1844. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1846. BRAINARD. Brainard's journey : an allegory. 12° Lond. 1857. BRAINERD (David). B. at Haddam, Connefticut, 20 April, 171S. Entered Yale College, Sep, 1739. Studied divinity, and was ordained 12 June, 1744. Spent the remainder of his life as a miflionary amongft the Indians. D. 9 Oft. 1747. * Life. By Jonathan Edwards, A.M. 1S18. * The life of D. Brainerd ... I 834. {By .Tofiah Pratt.] '■■ Life, remains and letters of David Braineid. 12° Abeideen, 1845. BRAITHWAIT— BRAMELD 653 BRAITHWAIT (Richard). See Richard Brath- WAIT. BRAITHWAITE (George), M.A. Vicar of Sub-deanery, and Sub-dean of Chichefter. Sonnets; and other poems. 8^ Lond. 185 I. " This is the will of God, even your fandlification, that ye (hould abftain from fornication :" a femion preached in the parifh church of the fub-deanery, on the fecond Sunday in Lent, 1854. [l Tiefs. iv. 3.] 8° Lond. 1855. The Gofpel fcheme of man's falvation : a fermon preached in the parifh church of the fub-deaneiy, Chichefter. [Rom. iii. 21.] 8° Lond. 1855. BRAITHWAITE (Henry Thomas). The defert ifle ; and other poems. 8^ Lond. 1849. The reign of avarice ; an allegorical fatire, in four cantos. [^noii.] 12° Lond. 185 I. Ode on the death of the Duke of W^ellington. 8° Lond. 1852. BRAITHWAITE (John). The hiftory of the revolutions in the empire of Morocco, upon the death of the late Emperor Muley Khmael . . . with obfervations natural, moral, and political, relating to that country and people. 8" Lond. 1729. BRAITHWAITE (Joseph Bevan). Memoirs of Jofeph John Gurney ; with feleftions from his journal and correfpondence ; edited by Jofeph Bevan Braithwaite. 2 vols. 8° Norwich, 1854. BRAITHWAITE (Martha). The iirefide hymn-book ; containing feledted and original hymns. 8° Lond. 1865. BRAITHWAITE (Thomas W.) Of the Record and Writ Clerks' Office. Oaths in Chancery. Praftical diredlions to " Commis- (loncrs to adminiftcr oaths in Chancery :" being a collection of officially rccognifed forms of jurats and oaths ; with ex- planatory notes and obfervations. 8° Lond. 1854. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1864. The record and writ praftice of the Court of Chancery : comprifing tlie fever^l forms ufed in proceedings in the Record and Writ Clerks' Office. With pra(ftical direifbions and obfervations. S' Lond. 1858. A manual of times of procedure in Chancery : embracing, chii-fly, the provilions of the general rules and orders of the court. 8° Lond. 1864. BRAITHWAITE (W.), M.D. The retrofpedt of-medicine : being a half-yearly journal, containing a retrofpcftive view of every difcovcry and prac- tical improvement in the medical fciences. Edited by W. Braithwaite. 53 vols. 8° Lond. 184I-66. [The name of James Braithwaite appears as joint-editor on tlic title-page of vol. 42.] BRAITHWAITE (Willl^m), M.A. Curate of Bidcford. God's judgments; a fermon preached in S. Mary'schurch, Bideford, on Friday morning, Sep. 28, 1849. fLuie xiiu I, 3-] 8" Lond. 1849. BRAKELOND (Jocelis de). A monk of the monaftery of St. Edmund in the 12th century. Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, de rebus geftis Sam- fonis abbatis monafterii fanfH Edmundi. Nunc primum typis mandata curante Johanne Gage Rokewode. [For the Cam- den Society.] 4° Lond. 18 40. BRAMAH (Joseph). B. at Stainborough, 1749. D. in London, 1814. A differtation on the conftrudlion of locks. Containing, firft — reafons and obfervations, demonftrating that all locks, which depend upon fixed wards, to be erroneous in principle, and defecftive in point of fecurity. Secondly, a fpecification of a lock, conftrudted on a new and infallible principle, which, pofTeffing all the properties eflential to fecurity, will prevent the moft ruinous confequences of houfe robberies, and be a certain protcflion againft thieves of all defcriptions. 8° Lond. [1796.] BRAMBLETYE HOUSE. Brambletye houfe ; or, Cavaliers and Roundheads : a novel ... 1826. [By Horace Smith.] BRAME (John), B.A. Curate of Weftleigh. The Church of the people reftored according to the in- tention of the Reformation ; a fermon preached in the parifh church of Leigh, Lancaffiire, on the 5th Sunday in Lent, 1847, in behalf of the Dioccfan church building fociety. [Jer. \\. 16.] 12° Lond. [1847.] BRAME (W. R.) The lafl: of the czars ; or, the doom of Nicolas : a romance, founded on Ruffian hillory and traditions. 8° Lond. 1855. BRAMELD (George William), M.A. Vicar of Eaft Markham, Nottinghamftiire. A leflure on the liturgy of the Church of England, de- livered before the Louth Church union fociety, 0(ffober 4, I 841. 8° Lond. 1841. The dangers and duties of the times : a fermon preached in the parifh church of Mansfield, on Sunday morning. May 7,1848. [1 /><•/«■ ii. 17.] 8°Lond. 1S48. Praflical fcrmons. 8° Lond. 1851. — Second feries. 12° Lond. 1855. — New edition, revifed. 12° Lond. 1858. BRAMELD (William). The holy Gofpels, tranllatcd from the original Greek ; with notes. 1S63. See Bible, Verfions, Engli/b, c. 654 BRARIHALL— BRAMSTON BRAMHALL (John), D.D. B. at Pontefraft, Yorkfhire, about 1593. Educated at Sydney Suflex College, Cambridge, Prebendary of York, Arch- deacon of Meath, 1633, Birtiopof Londonderry, 1634. During the civil war he relided chiefly abroad, and at the Reftoration was appointed Archbifhop of Armagh. D. 1663. Works ... with the life of the author. foi. Dubhn, 1677. Works : with the Hfe of the author, and a collection of his letters. [Library of Anglo-catholic theology.] 5 vols. 8° O.xford. 1S42-5. A fair warning to take heed of the Scottifh difcipline, as being of ail others mod injurious to the civill magiflrate, moftoppreffiveto the fubje<5i:,moft perniciousto both. \/inonJ\ 4° n. p. 1649. — Another edition. [Jnon.'\ 4° n. p. 1649. — Another edition [with the author's name.] 4° n. p. 1649. — Another edition. 4° n. p. n. d. — Another edition. [Anon.] 4° Lond. 1706. A defence of tme liberty from antecedent and extrinfecall neceflity ; being an anfwer to a late book of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmfbury, intituled, A treatife of liberty and neceflity. 8° Lond. 1655. Caftigations of Mr. Hobbes, his laft Animadverfions, in the cafe concerning liberty and univerfal neceflity ; with an appendix concerning the catching of Leviathan, or the great whale. 8° Lond. 1658. The confecration and fucceflion of Proteftant bifliops juftified ; and the Bifliop of Durham vindicated ; wherein that infamous fable of the ordination at the Nag's-head in Cheapfide, is clearly confuted. 8° Lond. 17 16. BRAMHAM COLLEGE. Some account of Bramham College, and the courfe of education adopted there. 8° Lond. 1854. An appendix, containing notes and obfervations on a pamphlet entitled, " Some account of Bramham College, and the courfe of education adopted there." 8° Lend. 1854. BRAMLEY-MOORE (William Joseph), M.A. Perpetual curate of St. James's, Gerrard's Crofs, Bucking- hamihire. The firft Sabbath at Gerrard's Crofs, and other memorials connedled with the new church of St. James. 8° Lond. 1859. The dew on Zion, and the blood on Lebanon : an anni- verfary fermon, preached on September 2, i860, in the church of Saint James's, Gerrard's Crofs, Bucks. [Haggai ii. 18.1 12° Lond. i860. The great oblation ; or, a plain inquiry into the nature of the atonement as the efficient means of taking away human fjfi. 8° Lond. 1864. The fix fillers of the valleys : an hiftorical romance. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1864. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1864. BRAMPTON (Thomas). A paraphrafe on the feven penitential pfalms, in Englifli verfe, fuppofed to have been written by Thomas Brampton, in the year 1 4 1 4 ... See Bible, Verfions, Englifh, b. BRAMPTON RECTORY. Brampton reftory ; or, the leflxjn of life. 1849. [By Mifs Howard.] BRAMSEN (John). Letters of a Pruflian traveller, defcriptive of a tour through Sweden, Pruflla, Auftria, Hungary, Iftria, the Ionian Iflands, Egypt, Syria, Cyprus, Rhodes, the Morea, Greece, Calabria, Italy, the Tyrol, the banks of the Rhine, Hanover, Holftein, Denmark, Weftphalia, and Holland ... In two volumes. 8° Lond. 18 18. Remarks on the north of Spain. 8° Lond. 1823. BRAMSTON (James), M.A. Educated at Weftminfter ichool, whence he was elefted to Chrift Church, Oxford, 1713. Vicar of Harting, Suflex. D. 16 March, 1744. The art of politicks, in imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. [Anon.] 8^ Lond. 1729. The man of tafte : occafion'd by an epiftle of Mr. Pope's on th.it fubjeft. By the author of The art of politicks. fol. Lond. 1733. The crooked fixpence ; with a leained preface found among fome papers bearing date the fame year in which Paradiie Loll was publilhed by Dr. Bentley. [Anon.] 4° Lond. 1743. BRAMSTON (Sir John). B. at Maiden, 18 May, 1577. Educated at Jefus College, Cambridge. Entered the Middle Temple, and was called to the bar. Chief Juftice of Ely, 1630. Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, 1635. D. 22 September, 1654. * Articles of accufation exhibited by the Commons Houfe of Parliament againfl: Sir John Bramif on and others. 1641. BRAMSTON (Sir John), K.B. Son of the preceding. B. at Whitechapel, Middlefex, 161 r. Educated at Wadham College, Oxford. Removed to the Middle Temple J and was called to the bar, 1635. Created a Knight of the Bath at the coronation of Charles II. D. at Skreens, Elfex, 4 Feb. 1699-1700. The autobiography of Sir John Bramfton, K.B., of Skreens, in the hundred of Chelmsford ; now fiifl printed from the original MS. in the pofleflion of his lineal defcen- dant Thomas William Bramflone, Efq., one of the knights of the fliire for fouth Eflex. [For the Camden Society.] 4° Lond. 1845. BRAMSTON (John). The texts examined which papifts cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doftrine concerning purgatory. [Popery not founded on Scripture, p. 577.] — [Gibson, A prefervatlve agalnjl popery, xi. 36.] BRAMSTON (John), M.A. Vicar of Great Baddow, and afterwards of Witham, EflTex. Charity ; or, the man of God thoroughly furnifhed unto all good works : being an expofition of i Corinthians xiii. 12= Lond. 1835. BRAMSTON (Thomas Gardiner). A praftical inquiry into the nature and extent of the pre- BRAMWELL— BRANCHU 655 fent agricultural diftrefs,and the means of relieving it. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1822. The principle of the corn laws vindicated. 8° Lond. 1827. BRAMWELL (George). A digcfl: of 58 Geo. III. c. 45, for building and pro- moting the building of additional churches in populous parifties ; 59 Geo. IIL c. 134, to amend and render more efFeftual the firft aft ; and 3 Geo. IV. c. 72, to amend and render more effe<5lual both the former afts. 8' Lond. 1822. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1835. BRAMWELL (J.) The (hrine of fin : a poem. I 2= Lond. I 846. BRAMWELL (William). B. at Elfwick, Lancashire, Feb. 1759. A Methodift preacher. D. 13 Aug. 1818. Memoir of the life and miniftry of the Rev. William Bramwcll ; with extrafts from his letters ; letters hitherto unpublifhcd ; and other original matter. By members of his family. 12° Lond. 1848. BRAN (Carl August Alexander). German in fifty leflbns. 12^ Lond. 1848. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1853. BRANCA (Gaetano). Bibliografia ftorica ; offia, collezione delle migliori c piu recenti opere di ogni nazione intorno ai principali periodi e perfonaggi deila ftoria univerfale. 8° Milano, 1862. BRANCA (.Joannes Bernardinus). An Italian jurirt, probably of Rome, but of whom nothing certain is known. Repetitio fuper 1. Si is qui pro eraptore, ff. de ufucapioni- bus. [LiMPius, Repetitlones in varias juris civilis leges, v. Repetitio fuper 1. Ita ftipulatus, ff. de vcrbor. obligat. [Ibid. vi. 366.] Repetitio fuper 1. Tranfigere C. de tranfaft. [Ibid. vii. 220.] BRANCACCI (Lel.o). A Neapolitan nobleman, of whofe hiftory fcarccly anything is known. Cargos y prcceptos militares para falir con brevidad famofo y valicnte foidado, afli en la infanteria, caualleria, como ar- tilleria ... Compueftos en lengua Itaiiana ... y traduzidos en Caftellana por el P. Don lldefonfo Scauino, clerigo reglar. 40 Barcelona, 1639. BRANCACHO (Lelio). See Brancacci. BRANCALASSO (Giulio Antonio). An Italian fecular pricft, b. at Turfi, in the Bafiticata, in the latter half of the i6th century. Labirinto de corte, con los diez predicamcntos de cortcs- anos : dos libros, en los quales cftan comprehendidos todos los bienes y males que pueden y fuelen acontecer en las Cortes de principcs a los que las figuien ... 4° Napolcs, 1 609. BRANCATUS (Laurent.us). B. at Lauria, in the Bafilicata, 10 April, 1612. Entered the Church, and rofe to the dignity of cardinal. D. 30 Nov. 1693. Epitome canonum omnium qui in conciliis generalibus ac provincialibus, in Decreto Gratiani, in Dccretalibus, in Epif- tolis & conftitutionibus Romanorum Pontificum ufque ad ... Alexandri VII. annum quartum continentur. fol. Romx, 1659. BRANCH (John). Tables, comprizing a complete ready reckoner ; alfo, cal- culations of intereft at five per cent, and other articles ufefiil in commerce. S'' Manchefter, 180 1. BRANCH (John). The crifis of England ; her danger and remedy : a ftate- ment of financial economy ; alfo, remarks on the currency, with a plan of equitable adjuftment, for reducing the national debt from eight hundred millions to five hundred millions. 8" Eye, 1834. A national fyftem of finance : an adjuftment of property between the landowner and the fundowner, by a reform of the monetary fyftem of finance, in conformity with the late Sir R. Peel's currency bill of 1844. Second edition. I 2° Lond. 1854. BRANCH (Thomas). Principia legis et asquitatis : being an alphabetical collec- tion of maxims, principles or rules, definitions, and memor- able fayings, in law and equity. Fourth edition, with ad- ditions, and the Latin maxims and rales tranflated, by John Richardfon, Efq. 12° Lond. 1822. BRANCHARDIERE (xMlle. Riego de la). Comforts for the Crimea ; or, the fourth winter book, in crochet and knitting. 8° Lond. 1854. Tricot EcolTais. 8° Lond. i860. BRANCHAT (Vicente). Tratado de los derechos y regalias que conefponden al real patrimonio en el Rcyno de Valencia, y de la jurifdiccion del intcndente como fubrogado en lugar del antiguo bayle general. 3 tom. fol. Valencia, 1784-6. BRANCHI (GiuLio). Giulio Branchi ; the ftory of a Tufcan, related by him- felf, and tranflated from the Italian MS. by Alfred Elwes. 8"' Lond. I 857. BRANCHU (Balthasar). A jurirt uf Leydcn, in the former half of the iSth century. Obfcrvationes ad jus Ronianum, V. III. Leibnitius contra V. CI. Barbeyraccium vindicatus ; et dif])utationes dux- ad Julium Paulum ... Accedit V. III. Bercnger JCti Difputatio ad 1. 40. ff. de legal, i. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1721. — Decas altera ... infcrtus eft excurlus politicus de ra- tione civitatis ditandi. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1723. 656 BRAND— BRANDES BRAND (Sir Alexander). Overture for cleanfing of the ftreets. \^Anon.'\ 4° S. Sh. n. p. n. d. A fpecimen of Dr. Burnet's behaviour in private cafes, reprefented in his behaviour to Sir Alexander Brand, of Brandfield, Knt. The fecond edition, with farther remarks. 8° Lond. n. d. BRAND (Barbarina), Lady Dacre. Daughter of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Bart. Married i ft, Valentine Henry Wilmot, Efq., and 2nd, on 4 Dec. 1S19, Thomas Brand, lift Lord Dacre. D. 17 May, 1854, in her eighty-feventh year. RecoUeftions of a chaperon. Edited by Lady Dacre. 1833. \By Mis. Sullivan.] Tales of the peerage and the peafantry. Edited by Lady Dacre. 1835. \^By Mrs. Sullivan.] BRAND (Charles). Lieutenant, Royal Navy. Journal of a voyage to Peru : a paflage acrofs the Con- diliera of the Andes in the winter of 1827, performed on foot in the fnow ; and a journey acrofs the Pampas. 8° Lond. 1828. BRAND (Jarob). AUgemeine Weltgefchichte zum Gebrauche ijffentlicher Vorlefungen. 8 Hefte. 8^ Frankfurt am Main, 1S08-12. BRAND (John). A brief defcription of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth and Caithnefs ... 8° Edinb. 1701. — \V\HY.iKroii'sColledionof voyages and travelsj'm.-; ■^ I.] BRAND (John), A.B. B. at Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, about 1743. Educated at Lin- coln College, Oxford. Curate of Cramlington, near Newcaftle, 1774. Redlur of St. Mary-bill, London, 1784. Secretary to the Society of antiquaries, 1784. D. 1 1 Sep. 1S06. Obfervations on popular antiquities : including the whole of Mr. Bourne's Antiquitates vulgares, with addenda to every chapter of that work : as alfo, an appendix, containing fuch articles on the fubjecS as have been omitted by that author. 8° Newcaftle, 1777. — A new edition, arranged and revifed, with additions, by Henry Ellis, F.R.S. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 18 13. — Another edition. 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1841. — A new edition, with further additions. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1849. The hiftory and antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcaftle-upon-Tyne : including an account of the coal trade of that place. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1789. BRAND (Thomas). The cafe of a boy who had been miftaken for a girl, with three anatomical views of the parts before and after the operation and cure. 4° Lond. 1787. BRANDE (William Thomas), D.C.L. B. 1786. Educated at Weftminfter. Profeffor of chemiflry at the Royal Inftitution, 181 3. Superintendent of the die qc- partment of the Mint. D. 1 1 Feb. 1866. A defcriptive catalogue of the Britifh fpecimens depofited in the geological coUeftion of the Royal Inftitution. 8° Lond. 1 8 16. Outlines of geology, being the fubftance of a courfe of le<5lures delivered in the theatre of the Royal Inftitution, in the year 18 16. 8° Lond. 18 17. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1829, A manual of chemiftry ... 8° Lond. 18 19. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1836. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1841. — Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1848. A manual of pharmacy. 8° Lond. 182 c. A diftionary of fcience, literature and art : comprifing the hiftoiy, defcription and fcientific principles of every branch of human knowledge ; with the derivation and de- finition of all the terms in general ufe. Edited by W. T. Brande ... affifted by Jofeph Cauvin, M.A. ... 8° Lond. 1842. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1852. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1853. The fubjeft matter of a courfe of ten le' Lond. 1865. Utility of Latin difcufled ... i 2'' Lond. 1830. 4 y 666 BRENAN— BRENT ANO The foreigner's Englifh conjugator : elucidated through French examples. 12° Lond. 1831. The national debt, and public funds, fimplified for general comprehenfion ... Second edition. 12° Lond. 1849. BRENAN (M. J.), O.S.F. An ecclefiaftical liiftory of Ireland, from the introduiflion of Chriftianity into that country, to the year m.dccc.xxix. A new edition. 8° Dublin, 1S64. BRENCMANNUS (Henricus). See Brenkmannus. BRENDANUS, S. An Irifh faint of the 6th century. La legende Latine de S. Brandaines, avec une traduilion inedite, en profe et en poefie Romanes ; publiee par Achilla Jubinal. 8° Paris, 1836. St. Branden : a medieval legend of the fea, in Englifh verfe and profe. [Edited by Thomas Wright, Efq. for the Percy Society.] 8° Lond. 1844. BRENDEL (Sebald). Profeflbr of law in the Univerfity of Wiirzburg. Die Gefchichte, das Wefen, und der Weith der National- Repiafentation, oder vergleichende hiftorifch-pragmatifche Darftellung der Staaten der alten und neuen Welt, befonders der Deutfchen, in Beziehung auf die Entftehung, Ausbil- dung, Schickfale und Vorziige der Volksvertretung oder der ofFentlichen Theilnahme an der hochften Staatsgewalt ... 2 Abth. 8° Bamberg, 1S17. BRENKMANNUS (Henricus). B. at Rotterdam. Studied at Leyden, and became an advo- cate at the Hague. Went to Italy in 1709, for the purpofe of examining the famous MS. of the Panders in the Medicean library at Florence. Spent the remainder of his life in the pre- paration of an edition of that work, which he did not live to complete. D. April, 1736. De Eurematicis diatriba : five in Herennii Modcftini librum fingularem •^s»' liu^r];j,arr/COj\i, commentarius. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1706. Lex Remnia, five de legis Remniae e.xitu liber fingularis. Accedit ea occafione, diflertatio de fatis calumniatorum fub imperatoribus. [Otto, Thefaurus juris Ronmni, in. I 56 I.] Hiftoria Pandedtamm, feu fatum exemplaris Florentini. Accedit gemina diflertatio de Amalphi. 4° Trajedli ad Rhenum, 1722. Gemina diflertatio : altera de republica Amalpiiitana, altera de Amalphi a Pifanis direpta. [Gr.'evius, Thefaurus antiqu'itatum et h'tftoriarum Ifalidi, ix. pt. 4.] — [JoRDANUS, Rarlfftmorum fcr'iptorum renim Neapolitan- arum colhSio, p. 906.] BRENNECKE (Jakob Andreas). Biblifcher Beweis ; dafs Jefus nach feiner Auferfl:ehung noch fieben und zwanzig Jahr leibhaftig auf Erden gelebt und zum Wohl der Menfchheit in der Stille fortgewirkt habe. 8° n. p. 1819. BRENNER, l'Abb^. Hiftoire des revolutions de Hongrie, oil Ton donne une idee jufte de fon legitime gouvernement XAnon^ ; avec les memoires du Prince Frangois Rakoczy fur la guerre de Hongrie depuis 1 703, jufqu'a fa fin ; et ceux du Comte Betlem Niklos fur les affaires de Tranfilvanie. 2 tom. 4° La Haye, 1739. BRENNER (Elias). B. at Ofterbottn, in Sweden, 18 April, 1647. An artift and antiquary. D. at Stockholm, 16 Jan. 1717. Thefaurus nummoram Sueo-Gothicorum, L. annorunv fpatio colledlus, fecundum feriem temporum difpofitus, atque e tenebris cum commentatione in apricum prolatus. Acceflit ejufdem auftoris libellus de nummophylaciis Sueciae ; de fcriptoribus rei nummarias Suethicse ; atque de thefauris, feu variis vetuftorum nummorum cumulis paflim per Sueoniam foituito cafu repertis. 4° Holmis, 173 i. BRENT (Charles). The compendious aftronomer 8° Lond. 1741. BRENT (Daniel), D.D. Vicar of Grendon, Northampton. Propofed permiffive variations in the ufe of the Church fervices ; keeping the prayer book intadt. With fuggeffions on various fubjedls connefted with the Church. 8° Lond. 1863. BRENT (John). Lays of Poland. [Anon.] 12° Lond. 1836. The battle crofs : a romance of the fourteenth century. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 1845. EUie Foreflere : a novel. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1850. Canterbury in the olden time; from the municipal archives and other fources. 8° Canterbury, i860. Village bells. Lady Gwendoline, and other poems. 12° Lond. 1865. BRENT (Linda.) The deeper wrong ; or, incidents in the life of a flave girl : wiitten by herfelf. Edited by L. Maria Child. 8° Lond. 1862. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1862. BRENT (William). *' Of Grays Inne." A difcourfe upon the nature of eternity, and the condition of a feparated foul, according to the grounds of reafon, and principles of Chriftian religion. The fecond edition. 4° Lond. 1674. BRENT (William Brent). A vifit to the Walhalla. 8° Lond. n. d. BRENT ANO (Peter Robert). Tranflations from the Old Teftament, explaining the caufes of folidity and perpetual motion. S" Penzance, 1827. Perpetual motion, as it exilfs in the combination of metal and water. 4° Penzance, [1827.] BRENTEN— BRERETON 667 BRENTEN (John H.) The tragedy of life : being records of remarkable phafes of lunacy, kept by a phyiician. In two volumes. 8° Lend. 1 86 1. BRENTON (Sir Charles), Bart. See Sir Launcelot Charles Lee Brenton, Bart. BRENTON (Edward Pelham). B. 19 July, 1774. Entered the navy, Nov. 1788, and rofe to the rank of captain. D. 6 April, 1S39. A letter to the committee of management of the Society for the fuppreffion of mendicity, in Red Lion Square. 8° Lond. 1830. Letters to His Majefty, to Earl Grey, the Duke of Richmond, &c., on population, agriculture, poor laws, and juvenile vagrancy. 8° Lond. 1832. Life and correfpondence of ,Iohn, Earl of St. Vincent, admiral of the fleet. In two volumes. 8' Lond. 1838. BRENTON (Sir Jahleel), Bart. Elder brother of the preceding. B. 22 Aug. 1770. Entered the navy, and diftinguifhed himfelf greatly. Created a baronet, 24Dec. 1S12. Rear-admiral, 22 July 1830, and vice-admiral, I July, 1840. D. at Leamington, 21 April, 1S44. An appeal to the Britilh nation on behalf of her failors. 12° Lond. 1838. Remarks on the importance of our coaft fifheries, as the means of increafing the amount of food and employment for the labouring clafles, and of maintaining a nurfcry for fcanien. 8° Lond. 1843. * Memoir. By Henry Raikes. 1S55. BRENTON (Sir Launcelot Charles Lee), Bart. B. 15 Feb. 1807. Educated at Oriel College, Oxford. Suc- ceeded his father, Vice-admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, as fecond baronet, 22 April, 1844. D. at Ryde, 13 June, 1862. A fermon on Rev. xiv. 1 3, tending to (how the abfurdity and impiety of the promifcuous ufe of the cliurch burial fer- vice. Preached in the parilh church of Stadham])ton, Oxon, on Sunday, Dec. 11,1831. To which is appended f wtatra n\jviroiaiv, or remarks on the prefent pofition of the evangelical clergy. 12° Ryde [1831.] A letter to the friends of Harry George Chefter, late Licut.-Col. of the 23rd Royal Welfli Fufiliers, who fell at the battle of the Alma, Sept. 20, 1854. 12° Lond. [1854.] The Bible and prayer book verfions of the Pfalms ... with notes critical and explanatory, [i860.] i'ff Bible, Verfions, Engl'ifi, b. BRENTWOOD. An inquiry into tiic revenues and abufesof the Free gram- mar fchool at Brentwood, in the county of EfTex ; eftabliftied by Sir Anthony Brown : and its jjrefent management con- trafled with the intentions of the founder. 8° Lond. 1823. BRENTZ (Johann). B. at Weil, in Suabia, 24 June, 1499. Educated at the Univcrfity of Heidelberg. Embr.iccd the dodlrincs of the re- formers, and held an important pofition in the Church. D. at Stuttgart, II Sep. 1570. Tiircken Biichlein ; wie fich Prediger und Leien haltcn follen, fo der Tiircke das Deudfche Land tiberfallcn wiirde chriflliche und nottiJrfFtige unterrichtung. 4° Wittemberg, 1537. BRENTZIUS (Andreas). A German phyfician, who lived at the beginning of the 17th century. Variarum philofophorum fententiaium perveniendi ad lapi- dem benediftum coUedlanea. [Zetznerus, Theatrum chemi- cum, iv. 330.] BREQUIGNY (Louis George Oudard Feudrix de). B. at MontiviUicrs, Seine Inferieure, 22 Feb. 1714. Mem- ber of the Academie des infcriptions et belles-lettres, and the Academic Franjaife. D. at Paris, 3 July, 1794. Table chronologique des diplomes, chartes, litres, et ailes imprimes, concernant Thiftoire de France. Par M. de Brequigny [MM. Mouchet et Pardeflus]. 6 tom. fol. Paris, 1769-1850. BRERELEY (John). Pfeud. 0/" James Anderton. BRERETON (Mrs. ). Woman's influence. In tliree volumes. 12" Lond. 1845. BRERETON (Charles), M.A. Chaplain to the congregation of the Church of England at Malaga. Leftures on the Chriftian faith and life, addreffed to the congregation of the Church of England at Malaga. 8° Lond. 1854. BRERETON (Charles David), M.A. Re(ftor of Little MalTingham, Norfolk. An addrefs, with a propofal for the foundation of a church, mifllon-houfe, and fcliool, at Sarawak, on the north-weft coaft of Borneo, under tlie protection of James Brooke, Efq., founder of the fcttlement of Sarawak. 8° Lond. 1846. The fubordinate magillracy and parifh fyftem confidered, in their connexion with the caufes and remedies of modern pauperifni ; with fomc obfervations on the relief of the poor ... and on parochial emigration. 4" Norwich, n. d. Obfervations on the adminiftration of tiie ])oor laws in .^gricultural diftri(5ts. Second edition. 8 Norwich, n. d. An inquiry into the workhoufe fyllem and the law ot maintenance in agricultural diftridts. 8° Norwich, n. d. A pradical inquiry into the number, means of employment, and wages, of agricultural labourers. 4° Norwich, n. d. BRERETON (John). A bricfe and true relation of the difcovcrie of tlie north part of Virginia ; being a moft pleafant, fruittull and com- modious foile ; made this ])refent year 1602 ... Whercunto is annexed a treatife, conteining important inducements for the planting in tliofe parts, and finding a jialTigc that way to the South fea, and China. Written by M. Edward H.tycs. 40 Lond. 1602. 668 BRERETON— BRETON BRERETON (John), M.A. vicar of Puddington, Bedfordfliire. The doftrine of eledlion confidered with reference to the minifterial office : a fermon preached in St. Paul's church, Bedford, May 7, 1844, at the vifitation of the Ven. Arch- deacon Bonney, D.D. [2 77m. ii. 10.] 8° Lond. 1844. BRERETON (John le Gav), M.D. The travels of Prince Legion, and other poems. 8" Lond. 1857. Poems. 8° Lond. 1865. BRERETON (Joseph Lloyd). Reftor of Weft Buckland, South Molten, Devon. Battle of the Nile : a prize poem, recited in the theatre, Oxford, June 20, 1844. 12= Oxford, 1844. County education : a letter, addrefled to the Rt. Hon. Earl Fortefcue. 8° Lond. 1856. BRERETON (Sir William). Sir William Breretons letter fent to the Hono'''* William Lenthal Efq ; fpeaker of the Honorable houfe of Commons. Concerning all the paffages and treaties of the fiege and taking of the city of Chefter ... With a moft exaft declara- tion of Chefters enlaigement after thiee yeers bondage, fet forth by Nathanael Lancafter,chaplein to the Cliefhire forces. 4=' Lond. 1645. BREREWOOD (Edward). B.atChefter, 1565. Educated at Brazenofe College, Oxford. Profeffor of aftronomy at Grefliam College. D. 4 Nov. 1613. De ponderibus & pretiis veterum nummorum, eorumque cum recentioribus collatione. 4= Lond. 16 14. — [Critici sacri, tom. v.] Enquiries touching the diverfity of languages and religions, through the chiefe parts of the world. 4° Lond. 1622. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1674. Scrutinium religionum. 12° Francofiirti ad Moenum, 1650. A learned treatife of the Sabaoth, written by Mr. Edward Brerewood ... to Mr. Nicolas Byfield, preacher in Chefter. With Mr. Byfields anfwere and Mr. Brerewoods reply. 40 Oxford, 1630. — The fecond edition. 4° Oxford, 163 i. A fecond treatife of the Sabbath, or an explication of the fourth commandement. 4° Oxford, 1632. Traiflatus quidam logici de prxdicabilibus et prasdica- mentis ... in lucem editi ; per T. S. [Thomas Sixefmith.] Editio poftrema, in qua acceflerant duo ejufdem authoris in- fignes tratlatus, prior de meteoiis, pofterior de oculo : lima, luceque donati ; per eundem T. S. 8' Oxon. 1659. BREREWOOD (Thomas). Of Horton, Bucks. Galfred and Juetta ; or, the road of nature : a tale, in three cantos. 4° Lond. 1772. BRES (Onorato). Malta antica illuftrata. 4° Roma, 1816. BRESCIA. Chronicon Brixienfe, A. 749—893. \PEfi.TZ, Monumenta Germanite hi/lorica, v. 238.] BRESCIANI ( ). The Jew of Verona : an hiftorical tale of the Italian revolutions of 1846—9. Tranllated from the fecond re- vifed Italian edition. [.rYnon.] 8° Lond. 1861. BRESLER (Ferdinand-Louis). Les fouverains du monde. Ouvrage qui fait connoitre la genealogie de leurs maifons, I'etenduc et le gouvernement de leurs etats, leur religion, leurs revenus, forces, titres ... [Trai/uit de I'ylllemand de F.-L. BreJJer.~\^ Le tont conduit jufqu'au temps prefent. ^Anon.^ 4 tom. 12° La Haye, 1722. BRESSANUS (Joannes). An Italian poet, a native of Bergamo, who lived about the middle of the l6th centurj'. Carmina. [Carminai/lu/lrium poetarum /Worum,ii. 453.] BRESSLAU (M. H.) Treafures of Oxford ; containing poetical compofitions by the ancient Jewilh authors in Spain ; and compiled from manufcripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, by H. Edel- man, and Leopold Dukes. Edited and rendered into Eng- liffi by M. H. BrelTlau. Part I. 8° Lond. 185 i. ^"I3y ftdy P'npT "lisp A compendious Hebrew grammar. 12- Lond. 1855. n:;'31 'lajj |V.:'!5 lyiS Hebrew and Engliih didlionary, biblical and rabbinical, containing the Hebrew and Chaldee roots of the Old Teftament poft-biblical writings. 12° Lond. 1855. BRET (Cardin le). See Lebret. BRETEX (Jacques). Les Tournois de Chauvenci, donnes vers la fin du trei- zieme li^cle : annotes par feu Philibert Delmotte . . . et pub- lies par H. Delmotte, fon fils. 8° Valenciennes, 1835. BRETHERTON (Edward). Attorney-at-law. A manual of the laws affefting the qualifications and re- giftration of parliamentary voters in counties, cities and boroughs : with the praiflice of the revifing courts on objec- tions, cofts, and other matters, including the duties of clerks of the peace, town clerks, overfeers, etc. and a digeft of all the cafes decided on appeal ; to which are added an appen- dix of ftatutes and a full index. 12° Lond. 1863. BRETON DE LA MARTINI^RE (J. B. J.) Voyage en Piemont ... 8" Paris, 1803. BRETON (Nicholas). An Engliih poet of the reign of Elizabeth. A pofte with a packet of madde letters. 4° Lond. 1603. BRETON— BRETT 669 Chara(fters upon eflays, moral and divine ; from the edi- tion of 1615. And, The good and the bad ; from the edition of 1616. [Archaica, vol. i.] The will of wit, otherwife called, wit's will, or will's wit... now firft reprinted from the rare edition of 1599. Edited by James O. Halliwell, Efq., E.R.S. 4° Lond. i860. BRETON (Peter). Surgeon, Hon. Eaft India Company. Hindooftanee verfion of the London pharmacopoeia, pub- lifhed in January 1824. Printed in lithography in the Per- fian charadler, for the ufe of the ftudents of the native medi- cal inltitution. 8^ Calcutta, 1824. A vocabulary of the names of the various parts of the human body, and of medical and technical terms in Englifh, Arabic, Perfian, Hindee and Sanfcrit ... 4° Calcutta, 1825. BRETON (Thomas le). Keeper of the county gaol, and governor of the houle of cor- rection at St. Auguftine's, near Canterbury. Thoughts on the defeftive ftate of prifons, and fuggeftions for their improvement ... 8° Lond. 1822. BRETON (William). Militia difcipline. The words ot command, and direc- tions for exercifing the mufl Lond. 1677. BRIDEL (Louis). Pafteur, Laufanne. The paftor of the defert and his martyr colleagues : (Icetches of Paul Rabaut aud the Ficncli proteftanls of the eighteenth century. Tranflated from the French of M. Bridel. With an appendix, containing portions of Paul Rabaut's writings, now firft publifhed. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. BRIDEWELL. Plan for a general bridewell. [No title-page.] 4° [Edinb.] n. d. BRIDGART (Charles W.) Solitary mufings, and other poems. 12° Lond. [1859.] BRIDGE. Obfervations on bridge building, and the feveral plans offered for a new bridge . . . acrofs the Thames, at or near Blackfiiars. 1760. i'i'if London. Metropolitan bridges and Weftminfter improvements. 1845. See London. General dcfcription of the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges on the Cheiler and Holyhead Railway. By a rcfi- dent afliftant. 8° Lond. 1849. BRIDGE (Bewick), B.D. A compendious treatife on the thcoi-y and folution of cubic and biquadratic equations, and of equations of the higher orders. 8° Lond. 1821. BRIDGE (Henry Edwin). Polcograpliy ; or, a fylk-m for inflru<51ing blind pcrfons in the art of fymbolical writing. i2> I..ond. 1840. BRIDGE (Mary). B. 28 Sep. 1806. D. at Manchcfter, iz Feb. 1851. * The Chriftian in bufinefs ; or, brief memorials of Mifs Mary Bridge. 8° Lond. 1851. BRIDGE (Stephen), M.A. Incumbent of St. Matthews, Denmark-Hill, Surrey. Drefs : a fermon preached at St. Matthew's church, Denmark-Hill, on Sunday morning, July 7th, 1858. [1 Peter iii. 3, 4.] 8° Lond. 1858. The bed thing to care for : a fermon preached in the parirti church, Farnham, on Sunday, November 1 ith, i860, in aid of the parochial fchools. [Ps. cxlii. 4.] 8° Lond. i860. The right rule for giving : a fermon preached in tlic paridi church, Farnham, on Sunday, November I Ith, 1 860, in aid of the parochial fchools. [2 Cor. viii. i— 4-] 12° Lond. i860. BRIDGE (Thomas Finch Hobday), M.A. Redtor of St. John's, Newfoundland. The two religions ; or, the queftion fettled, which is the oldeft church, the Anglican or the Romirti : a fermon preached in the parifh church of St. Thomas, Dudley, on Sunday evening, Jan. 3, 1841. [Jer. vi. 16.] 8" Lond. I 841. BRIDGE (William), M.A. B. in Cambridgelhire about 1600. Educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, of which he was fometime a fellow. Rec- tor of St. Peter's, Hungate, Norwich. Being filenced and ex- communicated for non-conformity, he retired to Holland, and became paftor of a church at Rotterdam. Returned to England, 1642, and was appointed minifter of a church at Yarmouth. Ejedled, 1662. U. at Clapham, near London, I2 March, 1670. Works: now fiift collcfled. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 1845. A fermon preached before the Honourable Houfeof Com- mons at their publique faft, Novemb. 29. 1643. [Zech. i. 18-21 ; ii. I.] 4" Lond. 1643. BRIDGEMAN (Henry). French diflionary ... By Profeffois de Lolme and Wal- lace and Henry Bridgeman. i860. BRIDGES (Charles), B.A. Vicar of Old Newton, SuA'olk, afterwards Rcftor of Hinton Martell, Dorfct. Expofition of Pfalm cxix., as illuftrativc of the charafVer of Chriftian experience. 12° Lond. 1827. The Chriftian minilhy ; with an inquiry into the caufes of its inefficiency ; with an efpecial reference to tlie miniftry of the Eftablifliment. 12° Lond. I 830. ■ — Sixtii edition. 8° Lond. 1844. . Sacramental inftrudion. 8° Lond. 1844. An expofition of the Book of Proverbs. In two volumes. I 2° Lond. 1846. An cfTiy on fimlly jirayer. 8° Lond. 1847. A manual for tlie young : being an eXjiofition of Proverbs i ix. 12" Lond. 1849. The true and the filfe gofjjcl controlled in iubftancc and refult : a fermon preached in the parilh church of St. Peter, 676 BRIDGES— BRIDGMAN Dorchefter, on Thurfday, June 23, 1853, at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Dorfet. \Heb. xiii. 8, 9.] 8° Lend. 1853. An expofition of the Book of Ecclefiaftes. 8° Lond. i860. BRIDGES (Emma Augusta). The vicarage of Elwood : a tale. With preface by the Rev. W. B. Flower. ' 8° Lond. 1852. BRIDGES (Frederick). Phrenology made pradical, and popularly explained. 8° Lond. 1857. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1861. Criminals, crimes, and their governing laws, as demon- ftrated by tlie faiences of phyiiology and mental geometry. 8° Lond. 1S60. Hints to mothers on home education. 8° Lond. 1862. BRIDGES (George). A letter writ by Segdirboeg [P/fu^.] in anfwer to five written by Mr. Samuel Webber, upon the decay of the woollen manufadlures in Great Britain and Ireland ... 8° Lond. I 739. BRIDGES (George Wilson), B.A. Reflor of the p.irifli of St. Ann, Jamaica. A voice from Jamaica ; in reply to William Wilberforce, Efq., M.P. 8° Lond. 1823. The annals of Jamaica. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1S28. BRIDGES (J. H.), M.B. France under Richelieu and Colbert. 8° Edinb. 1S66. BRIDGES (James). Writer to the Signet, 1810. D. at Belfield Houfe, Muffel- burgh, 6 May, 1S65. View of the political ftate of Scotland, at Michaelmas 1 8 1 1 : comprehending the rolls of the freeholders, an abfti'adl of the fetts or conftitutions of the royal burghs, and a ftate of the votes at the laft eledtions throughout Scotland : to which is prefixed, an account of the forms of procedure at eleftions to parliament from the counties and burghs of Scot- land. \/lnon.'\ 8° Edinb. I 8 12. A letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, on the courts of law in Scotland. [Awn.'] 8° Edinb. 1823. Sabbath defence taftlcs: a manual, i 2° Edinb. 1 849. Memoir of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, Baronet. 8° Edinb. 1849. BRIDGES (John). Educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Dean of Salif- bury, Jan. 1577. Biftiop of Oxford, 1604. D. at Marfli-Bal- don, near Oxford, 25 March, 1618. The fupremacie of Chriftian princes, over all perfons throughout their dominions, in all caufes fo wel ecclefiaftical as temporall both againfl: the Counterblaft of Thomas Staple- ton, replying on the Reverend father in Chrifte, Robert \Horne\ Bifhop of Winchefter, and alfo againft Nicolas Sanders, his Vifible monarchie of the Romaine Church, touching this controverfie of the princes fupremacie. 4° Lond. 1573. A defence of the government eflablifhed in the Church of Englande for ecclefiafticall matters. Contayning an aunf- were unto a treatife called. The learned difcourfe of eccl. government ... Comprehending likewife an aunfwere to the arguments in a treatife named. The judgement of a moft reverend and learned man from beyond the feas {BexaA &c. ... 4° Lond. 1587. Sacro-fanftum Novum Teftamentuni, in hexametros verfus, ad verbum et genuinum fenfum fideliter in Latinam linguam tranflatum. 1604. 5cf Bible, Verfions, Z,a/;n, c. BRIDGES (John). B. at Binfield, Berkfhire, about 1666. A bencher of Lin- coln's Inn. Solicitor of the cuftoms, 1695. Cafliier of excife, 1715. D. 30 July, 1724. The hillory and antiquities of Northamptonfhire ; com- piled froTi the manufcript colledtions of the late learned antiquary, John Bridges, Efq., by the Rev. Peter Whalley. 2 vols. fol. Oxford, 1791. BRIDGES (Matthew). Jerufalem regained: a poem. 8° Lond. 1825. The Roman empire under Conftantine the Great. 8° Lond. 1828. The PafTion of Jefus : a coliedlion of original pieces cor- refponding with the five forrowful myfteries in the Rofaiy of our blefled lady. 12° Lond. 1852. A popular modern hiflory. 8° Lond. 1855. A popular ancient hiflory. 8° Lond. 1856. An earneft appeal to evangelical Epifcopalians, in three letters to the Rev. Charles Bridges, M.A., on the ftate of parties in the Anglican Eftablilhment, the i-ule of faith for Chriftians, and the canon of Holy Scripture. 8° Lond. 1864. BRIDGES (William). Preacher at St. Dunftan's in the Eaft. Sermon preached at a fad before the Houfe of Commons. [2 Sam. xix. 5—8.] 1642. \Scott^i edilion of Somers' Tracts, iv. 57.] The loyall convert, [iy Henry Hammond] (according to the Oxford copy). A convert will be loyall ; or, fome Ihort annotations on this book, by William Bridges. 4^ Lond. 1644. BRIDGES (William). Secretary to the Mitre life office, and the Friendly focieties' inftitute. The prudent man ; or, how to acquire land, and bequeath money, by means of co-operation. 8° Lond. 1854. BRIDGET SULLIVAN. Bridget Sullivan ; or, the cup without a handle. I 2= Lond, 1854. BRIDGMAN (Elijah Coleman). MilTionary of the American Board of commiflioners for foreign millions. The death of the righteous : a fiineral fermon, occafioned by the death of the Rt. Hon. Loid Napier, preached at Canton, 0&. 26, 1834. [Num. xxiii. lO.] 8° Canton, [1834.] BRIDGMAN— BRIGANTI 677 BRIDGMAN (Isaac), M.A. Minirter of St. John's chapel, Weft Street, Walworth, Sur- rey. D. 5 July, 1846, in the fifty-ieventh year of his age. * The dying experience of the late Rev. I. Biidgman. 12° Lond. 1S47. * Mifcellaneous papers, publirtied as an appendix to tlie "Dying experience" ... 12° Lond. 184!^. BRIDGMAN (James). An addrefs to the minifters, deacons, and friends of the Countefs of Huntingdon's Connexion and college. 8° Lond. 1857. BRIDGMAN (Sir John). Sergeant at law, fometime Chief Juftice of Chefter. Reports. fol. Lond. 1659. BRIDGMAN (Sir Orlando). A lawyer of fome eminence. Being attached to the Royal party, he obtained no preferment till the Reftoration. Chief Baron of the Exchequer, I June, 1660, and Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, 22 Oft. of the fame year. The date of his death has not been afcertained. Conveyances ; being feledl precedents of deeds and in- ftrumentsconcerning the moll confiderabieellates in England. The fourth edition, with large additions. fol. In the Savoy, I 7 I o. The judgment of Sir Orlando Bridgman, declared in his charge to the jury at the arraignment of the twenty-nine regicides (the murtherers of King Charles the Firft, of moft glorious memory) began at Hicks 's Hall, on Tuefday the ninth of October, 1660 ... \Scott' s edition of Somers' Tracts, vii. 451.] Reports of judgments delivered by Sir Orlando Bridgman when Chief Judice of the Common Pleas, from Mich. 1660 to Trin. 1667 : edited from the Hargrave manufcripts, by S. Bannifter. 8° Lond. 1823. A digeft of the reported cafes on points of pra6lice and pleading in the courts of equity in England and Ireland, and of the rules and orders of the fame courts ; from the earlieft period to the prefent time ... 8^ Lond. 1824. * A fupplement to the third edition of Bridgman's Equity digeft ... [5y Robert Scott.] BRIDGMAN (Richard Whalley). Thefaurus juridicus: containingthe dccifionsofthe feveral courts of equity, upon the fuits therein adjudged, and of the high court uf Parliament, upon petitions and appeals ... 2 vols. 8^ Lond. 1799-1800. Refleflions on the ftudy of the law, in two parts ... 8° Lond. 1804. A fliort view of legal bibliography : containing fome critical obfL-rvalions on the authority of the reporters and other law writers ; colledlcd from the belt authorities, and intended as a companion to the .luthor's reflexions on the ftudy of the law. To which is added, a plan for clalTifying a public or private library. 8' Lond. 1807. An analytical digefted index of the reported cafes in the feveral courts of equity, as well Cliancery as Exchequer, and in the high court of Parliament ... Ihewing the various points therein adjudged, from the earlieft authentic period to the prefent time. 2 vols. 8' Lond. 1805. — Second edition. To which are added the decifions of the feveral courts of equity in Ireland, and of the high court of Parliament in that kingdom. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 18 13. — Supplement to An analytical digefted index of the repoi ted cafes in the feveral courts of equity . . . 8" Lond. 1807. BRIDGMAN (W. Hencely). Dentift, Norwich. A guide for the proper treatment of the teeth, with a view to their prefervation . . . Together with obfeiTations on the beft means of replacing them when loft. 8' Lond. 1846. BRIDLE (John), D.D. A letter to the Reverend Dr. Lowth, prebendary of Durham, in vindication of the conduft of the fellows of New College in Oxford, in their late election of a warden ofWinchefter. [Signed O.W.] 8" Lond. 1 758. BRIEFLESS (Jeremiah). Maldenthorpe ; or, interefting events about the year 1825. 2 vols. 8"" Lond. 1 86 1. BRIEFS. Briefs calmly confidered. By a layman. 8° York, 1826. BRIEGLEB (Johann Christian). B. at Gbrlitz, 2 Dec. 1741. Profeflor in the gymnafium at Coburg, and afterwards direftor of that inftitution. D. 23 June, 1805. Vorlefungen iibcr den Horaz. 8° Altenburg, 1770. BRIENNE (Henri Auguste de Lomenie, Comte de). See Lomenie. BRIERLEY (Benjamin). The layrock of Langley-fide : a Lancaftiire ftory. 8° Lond. 1864. Irkdale ; or, the odd lioufe in the hollow : a Lancafhire ftory. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1 865. Chronicles of Waverlow. 8° Lond. n. d. BRIETIUS (Philippus). B. at Abbeville, 1601. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. D. 9 Dec. 1668. Parallela geographiae, veteris ct novx. 3 torn. 40 Pariliis, 1648-9. Annales mundi, five chronicon univeifale iecundum opti- mas chronologoium epochas, ab oibe condito ad annum Cluifti 1660 [1663] perduiilum. 2 torn, in 7 ptt. 12'^ Paris, 1662-3. BRIGANTI (FiLippo). B. at Gallipoli, 1725. Originally intended for the army, but exchanged the life of a foldier for that of a pricft and man of letters. L). 1X04. Efame economico del fiftcma civile. [Custodi, Scriltori cl.ijfici Italiam di economia politica, pttrte modenu, xxviii. xxix.] 678 BRIGANTINE— BRIGHT BRIGANTINE. The brigantine : a ftory of the fea. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1863. BRIGGS (Frederick). A plan for the economical management of the mutual life affurance aflbciation fyftem. 8^ Lond. 1859. BRIGGS (Frederick W.) The ufeful Chriftian ; or, an expofition of the principles, the fpecific objeft, and the means and refources of Chriftian ufefulnefs. 12° Lond. 1852. Pentecoft, and the founding of the Church. 8' Lond. 1 86 1. The two teftimonies ; or, " The oracles of God " and " The law written in the heart" compared. Second edition. And The laft objedions of Rationalifm, being a reply to Bifliop Colenfo's " Pentateuch and Book of Jofhua critically examined," parts I. and II. In a feries of letters to a friend. 8° Lond. [1863.] Millions apoftolic and modern : an expofition of the narrative of St. Paul's fii ft mifiionary journey, in relation to the proteftant miflions of the prefent centuiy. 8° Lond. 1863. Chequer alley : a ftory of fuccefsful Chriftian work. With an introdudion by the Rev. William Arthur, M.A. 8° Lond. 1 866. BRIGGS (Henry). B. near Halifax, Yorkfliire, about 1560. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, of which he was chofen a fellow, 1588. ProfelTor of geometry in Grefham College, London, 1596. Savilian profelTor of geometry at Oxford, 1619. D. 26 Jan. 1630. Arithmetica logarithmica, five logarithmorum chiliades triginta, pro numeris naturali ferie crefcentibus ab unitate ad 20,000 : et a 90,000 ad 100,000. Quorum ope multa perficiuntur arithmetica problemata et geometrica ... fol. Lond. 1624. Logarithmicall arithmetike ... fol. Lond. 163 I. BRIGGS (Henry). On lime and its ufes in agriculture : being the fubftance of a paper read before the Yorkftiire geological and polytech- nic fociety, at Halifax, on Wednefday, March 12, 1845. 8° Lond. 1845. BRIGGS (Henry George). The Paifis ; or, modern Zerdufthians : a fetch. 8° Edinb. 1852. The Nizam ; his hiftory and relations with the Britifh Government. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1861. BRIGGS (J.) The indiments of practice in condu(5ling aftions at law on the part of plaintiffs. With forms and cofts. 8° Lond. 1850. BRIGGS (J. P.) Heathen and holy lands ; or, funny days on the Salween, Nile and Jordan. 8° Lond. 1859. BRIGGS (James). Senior furgeon to the Lock hofpital, and confulting furgeon to the public difpenfary. On the treatment of ftriftures of the urethra by mechanical dilatation, and other difeafes attendant on them : with fome anatomical obfervations on the natural form and dimenfions of the urethra, with a view to a more precife adaptation and ufe of the inftruments employed in their relief 8° Lond. 1845. BRIGGS (John). A reply to a pamphlet, entitled " An antidote againft the poifon of antinomianilm ;" or, more work for George Jamie- fon. 8° Newcaftle, 1817. BRIGGS (John). Lieutenant-general of H.M. forces in India. Letters addrefled to a young perfon in India ; calculated to afford inftruftion for his conduct: in general, and more efpecially in his intercourfe with the natives. 8° Lond. 1828. Tlie cotton trade of India. Pait I. Its paft and pre- fent condition. Part XL Its future profpeifts. With a map of India, coloured to indicate the different fpots where- on all the varieties of cotton ... have been fuccefsfully culti- vated. 8° Lond. 18 40. A letter on the Indian army, addreffed to the moft noble the Marquefs of Tweeddale, May 1842, with notes appli- cable to the prefent time. 8° Lond. 1857. India and Europe compared ; being a popular view of the prefent ftate and fiiture profpefls of our eaftern conti- nental empire. 8 Lond. 1857. A letter addreffed to the Rt. Hon. Sydney Herbert, M.P. [on national defence.] 8° Lond. 1859. BRIGGS (John Joseph). The hiftory of Melbourne, in the county of Derby, in- cluding biographical notices of the Coke, Melbouine and Hardinge families. Second edition. 8° Derby, n. d. BRIGHAM (Amariah), M.D. B. in Berkfliire, MalTachuletts, 1798. Superintendent of the Retreat for the infane, Hartford, 1840. Superintendent of the New York State lunatic afylum, Utica, 1843. D. 1849. Remarks on the influence of mental cultivation and men- tal excitement upon health : v/fth notes by Robert Macnifli. 12° Glafgow, 1836. — Another edition, entitled, Mental exertion in relation to health. Edited, with a chapter on the caufe and treat- ment of indigeftion in literary men, by Arthur Leared, M.D. 8° Lond. 1864. An inquiry concerning the difeafes and funftions of the brain, the fpinal cord, and the nerves. 12° New York, 1S40. BRIGHT (Edward Brailsford). Vis : a treatife on the predominating influence of the fun- beam throughout creation, not only in the produdtion, di- reilly or indireflly, of all terreftrial phenomena ; but as the fole agent in occafioning and fuftaining the movements of the heavenly bodies. 8° Lond. 1855. BRIGHT— BRIGHTMAN 679 BRIGHT (Henry S). StatilHcs of the com trade 18Z8-1853, in a feries of diagrams, arranged and drawn under the fuperintendence of Henry S. Bright. fol. Lond. n. d. BRIGHT (James), M.D. A prafkical fynopiis of difeafcs of the ciieft and air paf- fages, with a review of the feveral climates recommended in thefe affedions. 12° Lond. 1850. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1854. — Third edition. 8' Lond. i860. BRIGHT (John), M.R.C.S. Hand-book for emigrants, and others : being a hiftory of New Zealand, its (late and profpedls, previous and fubfequent to the proclamation of her Majefty's authority ; aifo remarks on the cUmate and colonies of the Auftralian continent. I 2° Lond. I 841. BRIGHT (John), M.P. Speech in the Houfe of Commons, on Lord Afhley's amendment to Sir J. Graham's Faftory bill, March 15, 1844. 8^ Lond. 1844. Speech on Icgiflation and policy for India, delivered in the Houfe of Commons, on the fecond reading of the India bill, June 24th, 1858. 8' Land. 1858. The letter of John Bright, Efq., M.P. on the war ; verified and illuftrated by extradls from the pailiamentaiy documents, &c. 8° Lond. [1854.] BRIGHT (John Henry). Incumbent of Adbafton, Staftbrdfliire. Errors in the Church ; their origin, and our pofition with regard to them : a fernion preached in St. Mary's, Stafford, at the vifitation held there by the Ven. the Archdeacon of Stafford, May 26, 185 I. [Malt. xiii. 25.] 8° Lond. 185 I. BRIGHT (John Shenton). Of Salem chapel, Woolwich. The arfenal ; or, the divine armoury confidered and im- proved. 1 2° Lond. n. d. AjKjftolical independency ; exemplified in the hiftory, dodlrincs, difcipline, and ordinances of the Congregational churches, commonly called " Independent." 8" Lond. 1842. BRIGHT (Richard), M.D. Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungaiy, wilh fome remarks on the ftate of Vienna during the Congrefs in the year 18 14. 4° Edinb. 18 18. Reports of medical cafes, felccftcd with a view of illuf- trating the fymptoms and cure of difcafes by a reference to morbid anatomy. 2 vols. 4° Lond. 1827-31. Elements of the pra<5lice of medicine. By R. Bright and Thomas Addifon, M.D. Vol.1. 8" Lond. 1839. [No more publiftied.] BRIGHT (Timothy), M.D. An eminent phyfician and divine. Reflor of Methlcy, York- (hirc, 1591 . U. 1615. Hygicina; id eft,defanitatetucnda,medicinsEparsprima ... 12° Francofurti, 1598. Therapeutica ; hoc eft, de fanitate reftituenda, medicinx pars altera. 1 2° Francofurti, 1598. BRIGHT (William), M.A. Afliftant tutor of Univerfity College, Oxford. Ancient collcfts and other prayers, for the ufe of clergy and laity : feleded from various rituals. 12° Oxford, 1857. — Second edition. 8° Oxford, 1862. A ftatement of faifls as to certain recent proceedings of the Biiliop of Glafgow. 8° Lond. 1858. A hiftory of the Churcli, from the Edi6l of Milan, a.d. 313, to the council of Chalcedon, a.d. 45 i. 8° Oxford, 1 860. Faith and life ; readings for the greater holydays and the Sundays from Advent to Trinity : compiled from ancient writers, with notes on " eternal judgment," and " Chrift's facrifice." 8° Lond. 1864. Hymns and other poems. 8° Lond. 1866. BRIGHTHELMSTONE. See Brighton. BRIGHTLAND (John). A grammar of the Englifli tongue, with notes, giving the grounds and reafon of grammar in general. To which is added a new profodia ; or, the art of Englifh numbers . . . 12° Lond. 17 1 1. — The fecond edition. 12° Lond. 1712. BRIGHTLY (Richard). * Scotlands timely remembrance ; or, warnings from heaven to vile finners on cartli : being an account of the holy life of Mr. Richard Brightly, minifter of the gofpel near Salcraig, in the fouth of Scotland ... 8° n. p. 17 17. BRIGHTMAN (Thomas). B. at Nottingham, 1557. Educated at Queen's College, Cambridge. Rc^or of Hawncs, Bedfordrtiire. D. 1607. Apocalypfis Apocalypfeos; id eft, Apocalypfis D. Johan- nis. Prxfigltur fynopfis univerfalis; et Refutiitio Rob. Bel- larmini de Anticlu ifto libro tertio de Romano Pontifice, ,id finem capitis decimi feptimi, inferitur. Editio fecunda. 8° In bibliojiolio Commeliniano, 1618. * A revelation of Mr. Brightmans revelation, wherein is Ihewed how all that which Mr. Biightman on the Revela- tion, hath foretold concerning Germany, Scotland, and Eng- land, hath beenc fulfilled, and is yet a fulfilling, comparing his writings, and our times together. In a dialogue betwcene a minifter of the gofpell, and a citizen of London, whereby it is manifeft that Mr. Biightman was a true propliet. 4° n. p. 1 641. Prediflions and propliefics : written 46. yeares fince ; concerning the three Churches of Germ.inie, England and Scotland. Fore-telling the miferie of Germanie, the fall of tlie ]Jiide of bifliops in England by the alTiftance of the Scottifti Kiik. 4° [Lond.] 1641. " Reverend Mi'. Brightnian'siudgemcnt,orprophe(leswhat ihall befill Germany, Scotland, Holl.inil, and the churches adhering to them. Liktwife what fl>.-dl befall England, and 68o BRIGHTON— BRINCKMAN the hierarchy therein. Collefted out of his Expofition on the Revelations, printed above forty yeares fince ... 4° Lond. 1642. BRIGHTON. A defcription of Brighthelmflone, and the adjacent country ; or, the new guide for ladies and gentlemen ufing that place of health and amufement. 12" Brighthelmftone, 1794. Brighton as it is, 1836, exhibiting all the lateil improve- ments in that faftiionable watering place. 12° Brighton, [1836.] The ftranger's guide in Brighton ; being a complete com- panion to that fafhionable watering place, and the rides and drives in its vicinity. 12° Brighton, n. d. Brighton as it is : its pleafures, pradtices, and paftimes ; with a (hort account of the focial and inner life of its inhabi- tants, being a complete guide-book for refidents and vifitors. By a graduate of the Univerfity of London. 8° Brighton, n. d. The court guide and general direftory for Brighton ; in- cluding the pariih of Hove. [1S52, 1859, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1865.] 8° Brighton, 1852-65. Report of the proceedings of the Brighton Proteftant de- fence committee, from January 1851 to December 1853 ... 8° Brighton, 1854. Glances of Brighton : part and prefent. By the authorefs of " Rambles in the realms of thought." 8° Lond. [1856.] BRIGHTON (F. G.), M.D. Admiral Sir P. B. V. Broke, Bart. : a memoir, compiled chiefly from journals and letters in the poffeflion of Rear- Admiral Sir George Broke-Middleton, Bart. &c. &c. &c. 8° Lond. 1866. BRIGHT WELL (Cecilia Lucy). Memorials of the life of Amelia Opie, fc-ledted and ar- ranged from her letters, diaries and other manufcripts. Se- cond edition. 8° Norwich, 1854. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1855. A life of Linnaeus. 8° Lond. 1858. PalifTy the Huguenot potter : a tme tale. 12° Lond. [1859.] Difficulties overcome ; fcenes in the life of Alexander Wilfon, the ornithologift. 12° Lond. 1861. Romantic incidents in tlie lives of naturalifts and cele- brated travellers. 8° Lond. 1 86 1. Byepaths of biography. 8° Lond. [1863.] Annals of induftry and genius. 8° Lond. 1863. "Above rubies;" or, memorials of Chriftian gentle- women. 8° Lond. 1864. BRIGHTWELL (T.) Notes on the Pentateuch ; felefted from the exegeiical parts of Rofenmiiller's Scholia, and of Dathe's Notes to his Latin verfion ; alfo from Schrank, Michaelis, Le Clerc, Ainf- worth, Poole, and other authors. 12° Lond. 1840. BRIGIDA, St. An Irifli faint of the 6th century. * Vita a CoGiToso. * Vita, authore Joanne Capgravio. BRIGITTE. B. in Sweden, 1302. D. at Rome, 23 July, 1373. Les revelations celeftes et divines de S^^- Brigitte de Suede, communement appellee la chSre efpoufe ; divifees en huidt livres ... traduites par M'= Jaques Ferraige. 4° Lyon, 1651. BRIGS (John). A ballad by J — n B — s, [on the cafe of Profejfor Stmfon.'] S. Sh. * An anfwer to John Brigs's ballads. By C d and S — t, May 29. 1729. S. Sh. BRILLAT-SAVARIN (Anthelme). B. at Bellay, i April, 1755. Filled various public offices prior to the Revolution, when he retired firft to Switzerland and afterwards to the United States. Returned to France, 1796. D. at Paris, 2 Feb. 1826. The handbook of dining ; or, corpulency and leannefs fcientifically confidered . . . tranflated by L. F. Simpfon. 8" Lond. 1864. BRILLON (Pierre Jacques). A French jurift and moralift. B. at Paris, 15 Jan. 1671. D. there, 29 July, 1736. Diftionnaire des ariefts, ou jurifprudence univerfelle des Parlemens de France, et autres tribunaux ; contenant par ordre alphabetique les matieres beneficiales, civiles et crimin- elles; les raaximes du droit Ecclefiaftique, du droit Romain, des Coutumes et des Ordonnances ... 3 torn. fol. Paris, 1 7 1 1 . — Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee, et augmentee. 6 torn. fol. Paris, 1727. BRIMELSEA. Brimelfea ; or, charafter the index of fate. In two volumes. 8^ Lond. 1S57. BRIMHAM ROCKS. A defcriptive account of Brimham rocks in the Weft Riding of Yoikfhire : intended as a guide to vifitors. Fifth edition. 12° Ripon, 1845. BRIMLEY (George), M.A. B. at Cambridge, 29 Dec. 1 8 1 9. Educated at Trinity College, of which he was appointed librarian. D. 29 May, 1857. Effays. Edited by William George Clark, M.A. 8^ Cambridge, 1858. — Second edition. 8° Cambridge, J 8 60. BRINCKHUYS (Joannes). Difputatio theologica, coniinens quaeftiones quafdam mif- cellaneas. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1650. BRINCKMAN (Arthur). Late of H.M.'s 94th regiment. The rifle in Caflimere : a narrative of fliooting expeditions in Ladak, Cafliniere, Punjaub, etc. ; with advice on travel- ling, fhooting, and ftalking ; to which are added notes on army reform and Indian politics. 8° Lond. 1862. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1865. BRINDLEY— BRIQUET 68 1 BRINDLEY (James). B. at Tunfted, Derby/hire, 1716. Celebrated for his bold- nefs and fkill as an engineer. D. at Turnhurft, Staffordfliire, 27 Sep. 1772. ■■'■ James Biindley and the early engineers. By Samuel Smiles. 1864. BRINDLEY (Richard). B. at Worcefter, 1825. Educated at Highbury College. Min- ifter of Percy chapel (Independent), Bath, whence he removed to Markham Square chapel, Chelfea. D. 19 Odtober, 1865. England's danger and England's duty : a fermon preached on fall day, Odlober 7, 1857, at Percy chapel, Bath. [2 Sam. xxiv. 14.] 12° Lond. 1857. BRINDLEY (Robert). A compendium of naval architecture, arranged in queftions a vocabulary of technical terms. 12° Devonport, 1832. and anfwers ... And BRINDLEY (Thomas Bardel). The omnipotence of the Deity ; and other poems. Third edition. 12° Lond. [1843.] The evening walk ; and other poems. To which are ad- ded, Leifure hours. 12° Lond. [1843.] BRINDLEY (Walter F.) Painlefs dental furgery : a popular treatife on congelation ; its efficiency and fafety in producing infenfibility to pain in cafes of tooth extradtion, and other dental operations. 8° Lond. 1859. BRINE (LlNDESAY). Commander, Royal Navy. The Taeping rebellion in China : a narrative of its rife and progrefs, bafed upon original documents and information obtained in China. 12° Lond. 1862. BRING (Stf.n). DifTertatio gradualis de origine rituum ecclefiafticonjm N. T. ... 4'' Londini Gothorum, [1744.] BRING (Sven). DifTertatio de ceconomia camerali et conimerciis ... 4° Upfaliae, [1741.] BRINK (Janus Ten). Obfervationes in loca veterum, praccipue quas funt de vin- didla divina. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1792. BRINKLEY (.Iohn), D.D. B. at Woodbridge, Suffolk. Educated at Caius College, Cam- bridge, where he graduated B.A. 1788, as fenior wrangler and fenior Smith's prizeman. Profeflor of aftronomy in Trinity College, Dublin, 1792. Birtiopof Cloyne, i825. D. at Dublin, 14 Sep. 1835, aged fixty-nine. Elements of aftronomy. Second edition. 8' Dublin, I 8 19. BRINKMANNUS (Hknricus Rudolphus). Notae fubitaneae ad Gaii Inditutionum Commentarios. 8° Slefvici, 182 I. VOL. I. Inftitutiones juris Romani ... Editio altera. 8" Slefvici, 1822. BRINSLEY (John). B. at Afhby-de-la-Zouch, Leiccfterfhire, 1600. Educated at Cambridge. Minifter fucceflively at Prefton, near Chclmf- ford, at Somerleyton, and at Yarmouth. Eicfted 1662. D 1665. Church reformation, tenderly handled in foure fermons preached at the weekly lefture in the parifh church of Great Yarmouth. \^M at t. ui. 12.] 4° Lond. 1643. The araignment of the prcfent fchifm of new feparation in Old England ; together with a ferious recommendation of church- unity and uniformity. As it was lately prefented to the church of God at Great Yarmouth. [/I fermon on I Cor. i. 10.] ' 4" Lond. 1646. Stand ftill ; or, a bridle for the times : a difcourfe tending to ftill the murmuring, to fettle the wavering, to (lay the wandring, to (Irengthen the fainting. As it was delivered to the church of God at Great Yarmouth, anno 1643. [Exod. xiv. 13.] 40 Lond. 1647. An antidote againft the poyfonous weeds of heretical blafphemies, which during the deplorable interval of church- government have grown up in the leforming chuich of Eng- land. As it was lately prefented to the church of God at Great Yarmouth. [2 Tim. iii. 2.] 4° Lond. 1650. BRINSLEY (John). Ludus literarius ; or, the grammar fchoole ... 4° Lond. 161 2. BRINTON (William), M.D. On the medical feleftion of lives for aflurance. 8° Lond. 1856. — Third edition. 8° Lond. i86i. The difeafcs of the ftomach, with an introduflion on its anatomy and phyliology ; being ledlures delivered at St. Thomas's Hofpital. 8° Lond. 1859. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1864. On food and its digeftion : being an introdudlion to die- tetics. 8" Lond. 1 86 1. BRION (John). A concifc cxpofition of the geology, antiquities, and topo- graphy of the Ille of Wight ... By Dr. Erneft P. Wilkins and John Brion & Sons. 1859. BRIOSIUS (Petrus). Pocmata. [Gruter, Deliliit poetanitn Gallorum, i. 707.] BRIOT (Charles). Profcdbr of mathematics in Paris. Elements of arithmetic. Tranflated by J. Spear, Efq. 8° Lond. 1863. BRIOU (H. DE.) French, and how to learn it. 8° Oxford, 1856. BRIQUET ( de). Code militaire, ou conijiilation des ordonnances dcs Rois de France concernant les gens de guerre. 4 torn. 12" Paris, 1735. 4 s 682 BRISBAIN— BRISSONIUS BRISBAIN (James). * The mourner : a funeral poem occafioned by the death of the reverend, pious and learned Mr. James Brifbain, late minifter of the gofpel at Stirling ; who died June g. 1725. I 2^ Edinb. 1725. BRISBANE (James). Nautical dicftionary. By Arthur Young and James Biif- bane. 1846. BRISBANE (John), M.D. A native of Scotland. Do6lor of medicine of Edinburgh, 1750. Licentiate of the Royal College of Fhylicians, London, 1766. Phyfician to the Middlefex Hofpitaj, 4 May, 1758. His name difappears from the college lift, 1776. Seledl cafes in the practice of medicine. S° Lond. 1772. BRISCOE (Mrs. ). The young bride : a novel. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1857. A woman's life. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1862. BRISCOE (J. P.) " Paftor of the congregation aflembling in Salem chapel, Bofton." The facrilice of Chrift : an effay, in reply to a fermon preached in the General Baptift chapel, Bofton, and pub- lifhed under the title of " Jefus a facrifice," by Thomas W. Mathews. 12° Bofton, 1842. BRISCOE (John). A difcourfe on the late funds of the Million-aft, Lottery- adl, and Bank of England ; (hewing, that they are injurious to the nobility and gentry, and ruinous to the trade of the nation. Together with propofals for the fupplying their majefties with money on eafy terms, exempting the nobility, gentry, Sec. from taxes, enlaiging their yearly eftates, and enriching all tlie fubjedls in the kingdom. The fecond edition, with large additions. 4° Lond. 1694. • — • Third edition, with an appendix. 8° Lond. 1696. BRISCOE (John Ivatt). A letter on the nature and efFefts of the tread-wheel, as an inftrument of ])rifon labour and punifhment, addrefTed to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, M.P. ... With an appendix of notes and cafes. 8° Lond. 1S24. BRISMANNUS (Paschasius). Poemata. \GKurEV., D elitta: poetanim Germanorum,'i. 813.] BRISSE (George). A letter apologeticall, of George Brifle, Lord of Def- grutieres : wherein are fet downe the reafons that moved him to turne to the reformed . . . Written to Monfieur Tou- raine. Tranflated out of French. 4° Edinb. 16 16. BRISSON (Mathurin Jacques). B. at Fontenay-le-Comte, 30 April, 1723. A member of the Academie des fciences and of the Inftitut. D. near Ver- faiUes, 23 June, 1806. Regnum animale in clalFes ix. diftributum ... [Za/. and />.] 40 Parifiis, 1756. Ornithologia, five fynopfis methodica fiftens avium divi- fionem in ordines, feiSiones, genera, fpecies, ipfammcjue varie- tates ... ^Lat. and Fr.^ 6 tom. 4° Paris, 1 760. Traite elementaire, ou principes de phyfique, fondes fur les connoifTances les plus certaines, tant anciennes que mo- dernes, et confirmes par I'experience. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 1789. Reduftion des mefures et poids anciens en mefures et poids nouveaux, et des mefures et poids nouveaux en mefures et poids anciens. 12° Paris, An vii. [1799.] Inftrudlion fur les mefures et poids nouveaux, compares aux mefures et poids anciens, qui offre un moyen facile de connoitre les rapports qui exiftent entre les uns et les autres. 12" Paris, An 8, [iSoo.] BRISSONIUS (Barnabas). B. at Fontenay, in Poitou, about 1548. Studied law, and diftinguifhed himlelfat the bar of the parliament. Appointed by Henry III. to the office of prefident of the parliament, 1580. Having fallen under the difpleafure of the League, he was ar- refted and hanged, 15 Nov. 1591. Lexicon juris ; five de verboram quK ad jus pertinent fignificatione libri xix, cum appendice prasiermiflarum quar- undam vocum, & parergcov libro fingulari. Quibus acceffere hac noviffima editione eiufdem Briffonii, I. Seleftarum ex jure civili antiquitatum lib. 4. II. Ad legem Juliani de ad- ulteriis lib. I. III. De folutionibus & liberationibus lib. 3. IIII. De ritu nuptiarum lib. I. V. De jure connubiorum lib. I . Item Francifci Hotomani jurlfconfulti clarifs. tradatus . . . Pijeterea ftriflilllma doclifs. Oldendorpii narratio de tem- pore quo leges Romanorum introdudlx, oppreflae, ac iterum reftitutas funt. Opus feleftiffimum ... & magna induftria recognitum a Francifco Modio IC. Brugenfi : qui Modius adiunxit etiam Leges regias & decemvirales, tamquam fontes h quibus potillimum ius civile maiiarit, colleftas Sc digeftas "a cl. V. Jufto Lipfio. fol. Francofurti, 1587. — Auftum ... ex analedtis Jo. Ottonis Taboris, JCti, editum, plurimifque novis acceflionibus locupletatum "a Jo. Chriftiano Ittero ... fol. Francofurti, 1683. — In meliorem commodioremque ordinem redudlum, in- numeris mendis emaculatum, et poft aliorum curas plurimis acccffionibus, obfervationibufque philologicis, criticis, juridicis locupletatum, prodit opera ftudioque Jo. Gottliebii Heineccii, prgsmifla prsfatione nova ... Jufti Henningii Bohmeri. 2 tom. fol. HaJas Magd. 1 7 43. [Two copies, one with numerous MS. notes by Kenneth Mac- kenzie, profeflbr of civil law in the Univerfity of Edinburgh.] Opera minora varii argumenti, nimirum : Antiquitatum ex jure civili felecflarum libri quatuor. De folutionibus et libe- rationibus libri tres. Ad legem Juliam de adulteriis liber fingularis. Commentarius ad 1. Dominico, de fpedlaculis, in Cod. Theod. et 1. Omnes dies. Cod. de feriis. De ritu nuptiarum liber fingularis. De jure connubiorum liber fingu- laris. Ylaos^yoiv liber fingularis. De regio Perfarum prin- cipatu libri tres. Quae omnia recenfuit, emendavit, variis annotationibus, prasfationibus et indicibus inftruxit Albertus Dietericus Trekell, JC. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1749. Seledlarum ex jure civili antiquitatum libri duo. 8° Parifiis, i 556. — libri iv. et De adulteriis liber fingularis. Editio quinta, reliquis correiflior ac limitatior. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1679. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE— BRISTOL 6S3 De litu nuptiarum liber fingularis ... 4° Parifiis, I 564. — [ZiLETTUS, TraSatus univerfi juris, ix. 97.] — [Gr-CVIUS, Thefaurus antiquilatum Romanarum, viii. 1007.] De formulis et follemnibus populi Romani verbis libri viii. fol. Parifiis, 1583. — Diligentcr recognitum ac emendatum. 4' Moguntias, 1649. — Ex recenfione Francifci Caroli Conradi . . . Acceflere curas novx atque animadvei fiones Joannis AuguiH Bachii. fol. Francof. et Lips. 1755. De regio Perfaruni piincipatu libri iii. adverfariis v. c. B. B. S" Parifiis, 1590. — Editio altera .. . 8° Apud Commclinum, 1595. De jure connubiorum liber fingularis. [Gr/Evius, The- faurus antiquitatum Romanarum, viii. 1O49.J — [ZiLETTUS, TraSatus un'fuerfi juris, ix. I 03.] Ad legem Juliam de adulteriis, liber fingularis. [Grono- vius, Thefaurus Grtccarum antiquitatum, viii. 1341.] Comnientarius ad 1. Dominico de fpL-(ft:aculis, in C.Theod. et 1. Omnes dies. Cod. de feriis. [Ibid. viii. 2358.] Le code du Roy Henry III. Roy de France et de Po- logne. Redige en ordre par Mefliie Barnabe Briflbn. De- puis augmente des edifls du Roy Henry IIII. a prefent regnant, conference des ordonnances, & rappoite aux anciens codes de Theodofe & de luftinian, & aux Bafiliques. Et illuftre des conciles de I'Eglife, loix des Remains & autres peuples, hiftoires, antiquitez, arrefts des cours fouueraines, & de tres notables obferuations & annotations, par L. Charondas le Caron. fol. Paris, 1601. Poemata. [Gruter, Delitia poetarum Gallorum, i. 708.] BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (Jean Pierre). B. .It Ouarvillc, near Chartrcs, 14 Jan. 1754. After vifidng England and the United States of America, he returned to France on the breaking out of the Revolution. Deputy for Eure-et-Loire in the Convention. Executed, 31 Odt. 1793. Theorie des loix criminelles. 2 torn. 8° Berlin, 1781. Bibliotheque philofophique du legiflateur, du politique, du jurifconfulte ... 4 torn. 8° Berlin, 1782. Examen critique des Voyages dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale, de M. le Marquis de Cliatellux ; ou Icttre a M. le Marquis de Chatellux, dans laquulle on refute principale- ment fes opinions fur les Quakers, fur les Negres, fur le peuple, & fur I'honime. 8° Londies, 1786. Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-unis de I'Anierique Sep- tentrionale flit en 1788. 2 toni. 8" Paris, 1791. J. P. BrilTot, deputy of the Eure and Loire, to his con- ftituents, on the fituation of the National Convention ; on the influence of the anarchifts, and the evil it has caufed ; and on the necclTuy of anniliilating that influence in order to fave the republic. Tranflated from the French, with a preface and notes by the tranfl.itor \^IVilUam Burl;eJ\ 8° Lond. I 794. BRISTED (.Iohn)'. B. in Dorfctfhire, 1778. Studied medicine, and afterwards law, but lubl'eijucntly went to America, and entered tlie Cliurch. Rcftor of St. Mich.iel's, Briftol, R. I. D. 1855. America and her refoujces; or, a view of the agricultural. commercial, manufa(fturing, financial, political, literary, moral and religious capacity and charafler of the American people. 8° Lond. 18 1 8. BRISTOL. The tragedy of the kings aimies fidelity fince their entring into Briftol together with the too late repentance of the in- habitants. Wherein is fet foith their extreme plundering, rapes, murthcrs and other villanies committed by them upon the peifons and eftates of his Majefties moft faithfulleft fub- jeifls, abundantly fufficient to convince the confciences of all men that fpeake fd much in the vindication of them, their carriage being direflly contrary to the articles of agreement for delivering up the faid city : tlie which articles are here fpecified. 4" Lond. 1 643. A true relation of the ftorming Briftoll, and the taking the town, callle, forts, ordnance, ammunition and arms, by Sir Thomas Fairfax's army, on Thurfday the I 1 . of this in- ftant Septemb. 1645. Togetherwithfeverall articles between Piince Rupert, and Generall Fairfax, before the delivering up of the cafHe, fent in feverall letters to the Hon. William Lenthall, Efq : Speaker of the Hon. Houfe of Commons, and read in the fame Houfe. 4° Lond. 1645. Strange and wonderful news from Briftol : being a tine relation, how feveral flieep were found killed near that city ; their bellies being ript open, and tlieir fat only taken out of them, all the reft of the carcafs being left entire, in order (as it is to be feared) to the kindling more dreadful fiies, for carrying on the horrid and damnable poplfli plot ... [July.] \_No title-page.^ fol. n. p. [1679.] The loyal city of Briftol, vindicated from Amfterdamn- ifm, or Devil's-borough, two appellatives occafioned by the over credulous, who have hitherto taken it for granted, that the fchifmaticks and heieticks of all forts were more numer- ous than the truly loyal, orthodox, and liege people there. But at a late tryal of fkill, managed by the more vigilant and worthy angel-guardian of that city, the point has been lately clear'd, and the churchmen for an eail have out voted the fanaticks for a knight ... 4° Lond. 1681. A letter from the Quakers to the mayor and flierifFs of Briftol. S. Sh. Lond. 1682. A full and impartial account of the late diforders in Brif- tol ; to which is added the compleat tryals of the rioters before Mi'. Juftice Powys, Mr. Juftice I'racey, and Mi-. Baron Piice. 8° Lond. I 7 I 4. The tryals of the rioters at Briftol, on Fiiday, Satuiday, and Monday, the 26th, 27th, and 29th of November, and Wednefday the I ft of December, 17 14, before the Rt. Worfliipful Sir Littleton Powis, Kt. . . . To which is jirefix'd, an account of the riot. 8° Lond. [1714.] Charaifters at the Hot-Well, Biiftol, in September, 1723. 4^ Lond. 1723. The gaol of the city of Briftol compared with what a gaol ought to be. Intended to diffufe a mote general know- ledge of the I'equifites of a good prifon. By a citizen. With an appendix, containing a brief account of the panopticon, a prifon upon a new pl.in, projiofed to government by .leremy Bentham, Efq. 8° Briftol, 1815. Outline of the plan of education to be purfued in the Briftol College. b° Biiftol, 1830. 684 BRISTOL— BRITAIN The Briftol riots, their caufes, progrefs, and confequences. By a citizen. 8° Briftol, 1832. Souvenir of the Briftol Chefs club ; containing one hun- dred oiiginal games of chefs, recently played, either between the beft players in that fociety, or by them with other cele- brated players of the day. With copious notes. 12° Lond. 1845. Memoirs illuftrative of the hiftoiyand antiquities of Briftol, and the weftern counties of Great Britain ; with fome other communications, made to the annual meeting of the Archaeo- logical inftitute of Great Britain and Ireland, held at Briftol, July 29 to Auguft 5, 185 1 ; with a general report of the proceedings of the meeting, and a catalogue of the temporary mufeum. 8° Lond. 1853. The centenary fervices of Briftol Tabernacle, held No- vember 25th, 1853 ; containing a fermon by the Rev. J. A. James, and addrefles by the Revs. G. Smith, Henry Quick, J. Glanville, and Dr. Beaumont. 8° Lond. 1854. Kelly's poft-office directory of Somerfetftiire, with the city of Briftol. 1S6 1. Poft-office DIRECTORY of Gloucefterfhire . . . Briftol . . . Mathew's annual directory for the city and county of Briftol ... 1863. BRISTOL (John). Av John Thornborough, Bifhop of Briftol. BRISTOW (Henry William), F.G.S. A glolTary of mineralogy. 8" Lond. 1S61. BRISTOW (James.) A narrative of the fufferings of J. Briftow, belonging to the Bengal Artillery, during ten years captivity with Hyder Ally and Tippoo Sahcb. 8° Calcutta printed; London reprinted, 1793. BRISTOW (John Charles). Poetical works. 6 vols. Ullfmere ; a poem. [y/non.'^ 8" Lond. 1848. 8° Lond. I 835. BRISTOWE (Henry Fox). The weekly reporter, I S 54-5 (third year) ... containing cafes decided in the fuperior courts of equity and law, to- gether with appeals to the Houie of Lords, from Michael- mas term, 1854, to the fittings after Trinity term, 1855. To which are added a digefted index and a table of the names of all cafes decided and reported during that period, with references to contemporaneous reports and publications. Edited by Heniy Fox Briftowe and Andrew Edgar, Efqs. ■S° Lond. 1855. BRISTOWE (John Sver), Jun. Poems. 12° Lond. 1S50. BRISTOWE (Samuel Boteler). Of the Inner Temple, barrifler-at-law. The Local government aft, 1858, 21 and 2 2 Vic. c. 98 ; with notes ; an appendix of cafes decided upon the Public health aft, 184S ; and a copious index. 12° Lond. 1858. Private bill legiflation, comprifing the fteps required to be taken by promoters or opponents of a private bill before and after its prefentation to Parliament ... 8° Lond. 1B59. Reports of the decifions of eleftion committees during the eighteenth parliament of the United Kingdom. By F. S. P. WoLFERSTAN, and S. B. Briftowe. 1865. BRITAIN. Rerum Britannicarum fcriptores ... 1587. {Edited by Hieronymus Commelinus.] De rebusgeftis Britanniae commentarioli ties. 1598. \By J. T. Clain.] The hiftorie of Great Britannie ... from the Romans firft entrance untill the reigne of Egbert ... 1606. \^By John Clapham.] Motuum Britannicorum verax Cuflil, ex ipfis Joabi & oculati teftis prototypis totus tranflatus. 8° Roterodami, 1647. Britannia triumphalis : a brief hiftory of the wanes and other ftate affairs of Great Britain from the death of the late king, to the diifolution of the laft parliament. 12° Lond. 1654. Great Britain's juft complaint, for the late meafures, pre- fent fufferings, and the future miferies Ihe is expofed to. 1692. [.6y Sir James Montgomery.] The rights and interefts of the two Britifh monarchies inquired into and cleared, with a fpecial refpeft to an united or feparate ftate. 1703-6. [.fiji James Hodges.] A (hort and plain defcription of the royal family of Great Britain, ftiewing, who of the defcendents profefs themfelves popifh, and who not. With a brief and eafy account of the eleftoral houfe of Hanover in Germany. 8° Edinb. 1704. Gieat Britain's union, and the fecurity of the Hanover fucceffion confider'd : in a letter from Windfor of the 30th of December, 1 704, to a member of Parliament in London. By a perfon of quality. 4° Lond. 1705. Hiftorica! colleftions relating the originals, convcrfions, and revolutions of the inhabitants of Great Britain to the Norman Conqueft, in a continuous difcourfe. I 7 06. \By Thomas Salmon.] Britannia illuftrata ; or, views of feveral of the Queen's palaces, as alfo of the principal feats of the nobility and gently of Great Britain curioufly engraven on 80 copper plates. fol. Lond. I 709. The credit and intereft of Great Britain confider'd ; or, the way to live above want. Wherein temperance is com- mended for her decency, and being provident. \Verfel\ S. Sh. Lond. 17 10. The fears and fentiments of all true Britains ; with re- fpeft to national credit, intereft and religion. 8" Lond. I 7 10. The political ftate of Great Britain ; for the month of March, 171 I ... 8° Lond. 171 1. — for the month of April, 171 1 ... 8° Lond. 171 I. Quadriennium Annas poftremum ; or, the political ftate of Great Britain during the laft four years of the late queen's reign ... With the moft remarkable debates and fpeeches in parliament; abftrafts of political pamphlets, and other curious BRITAIN 6S5 pieces relating to Europe in general, and to Great Britain in particular. [1711 — 14.] The fecond edition ... in eight volumes ... By Mr. [Abel] Boyer. Vols, i vi. 8° Lond. 17 18-19. The political ftate of Great Britain. Vols, vii.— Iviii. [•n!-i739-] 8° Lond. [1714-40.] The plain cafe of Great Britain, fairly dated in a letter to a member of the Honourable Houfe of Commons ; or, the mod powerful and convincing reafons, why the E — r, the D — h, the reft of the A — s, the late miniilry, and the low-church, are againft making a general peace with France; and all the main objecflions in oppofition to it fairly anfwered. 8' n. p. I 7 I 2. Britain's alarm ; or, a feafonable warning to fecure Britifh Proteftants : Ihewing, the great danger we are in of a popifli fucceflbr, and the inevitable ruine that will enfue thereupon to our religion and liberties, with fuitable means to prevent that dreadful judgment. By a fincere lover of the proteftant religion and proteftant fucceflion in the iiluftrious family of Hanover. 12= n. p. 17 13. Britilh curiofities in nature and art ; exhibiting an ac- count of natural and artificial rareties, both ancient and modern, intermixt with' hiftorical and geographical pafTages ; with a very particular account of the curiofities in London, and the two univerfities ; and an appendix concerning the ports, markets, and their fairs. 8^ Lond. 17 13. Britain in hazard of bondage ; reprefenting how danger- ous it is for Protestants to have a Papift to rule over them. t'7'4.] Advice to the people of Great Britain, with refpeft to two important points of their future conduft : I. What they ought to expefl from the king. II. How they ought to behave to him. 8 Lond. i 7 i 4. Confider.Htions on the prefent ftate of Great Britain: with feveral remarks upon the reigns of King .lames the Firft, Charles the Firft, &c., unto the end of the Stuarts' race in Queen Anne : in a letter to Sir William Whitlock, by a country layman. 8° Lond. 1717. An enquiry into the ftate of the Union of Great Britain ... 171 7. [/>!)' William Patersos.] Magna Britannia et Hibernia, antiqua et nova ; or, a new furvey of Great Britain ... 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1720. An effay towards preventing the ruine of Great Britain. 8° Lond. I 72 I. Le genie Anglois, ou hiftoire abregee des revolutions fre- qucntes de la Grande-Bretagne. 12" Dublin, 1723. The evident advantages to Great Britain and its allies from the approaching war ; efpecially in matters of trade. 8° Lond. 1727. An enquiry into the reafons of the conduct of Great Britain, with relation to the prefent ftate of affairs in Europe. 1727. [By Benjamin Hoadly.] A fecond enquiry into the reafons of the condudt of Great Britain, with relation to the prefent ftate of afTiirs in Europe: in a letter from a gentleman in the country to his friend in town. 8° Lond. 1726 [1727.] Obfervations on the conduft of Great-Britain, with re- gard to the negociations and other tranf,i(ftions abroad. 8° Lond. 1729. A (hort view of the ftate of affairs, with reLation to Great Britain, for four years paft ; with fome remarks on the treaty lately publifhcd, and a pamphlet intitled, Obfervations upon it. 8" Lond. 1730. A fpccimen towards a new and compleat plan for regu- lating and fettling the military power of Great Britain, in concert with commerce, by incorporating the land and fea- forces, and vefting the American trade in our fclves. With a vifionary epiftle to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole ; and a preface to the freeholders of Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1730. Cave fericux et intereflant : ou avis falutaire adrelTe a la Grande Bretagne : oh la monarchic univerfelle envahie par la F|- * * * * fe voit tout a decouvert ... fur le manufcrit original, envoye a bord du vaiffeau, le Terrible Vengcur, par un captif des Efpagnols, a la Havana. 8° Gibraltar, [Lond.] 1738. An addrefs to the merchants of Great Britain ; or, 3 re- view of the condudl of the adminiftration, with regard to our trade and navigation ... with a juftification of the con- vention concluded between Great-Britain and Spain. By a retir'd merchant. 8° Lond. [1739-] A letter from an abfcnted member to a friend at Weft- minfter, fhewing his reafons for retiring into the country upon the prefent fituation of the affairs of Great-Britain. ^739- [By Sir W. Windham.] Britain's miftakes in the commencement and conduft of the prefent wai'. By a merchant and citizen of London. 8° [Lond.] 1 7 40. A fupplement to Britain's miftakes in the commencement and conduft of the prefent war. Wherein the late glorious fuccefs of Admiial Vernon at Porto Bello is particularly confidered. By a merchant and citizen of London. 8° Lond. 1 740. An effay on ways and means for improving the inland navigation and increafing the number of failors in Great- Britain. 8° Lond. 1741. Britannia in mourning ; or, a review of the politicks and condudt of tlie court of Great Britain with regard to France, the ballancc of power, and the true intorelt of thefe nations, from the Reiteration to the prefent times ; and particularly fmce the acceffion of the iiluftrious houfe of H r. And likewife a view of the prefent ftate of our liberties, &c. 8° Lond. 1742. The intereft of Great Britain (leadily purfued ... 1743- [By Horatio Walpole, Lord Walpole.] The fteady pui fuit of the intereft of Great Britain, dif- paffionately examined into by dates and circumftances. 8° Lond. I 743. The groans of Great- Biitain. Infcribed to all true Bri- tons, by an Englifhman. 8° Lond. 1753. Biitain : a poem, in three books. 8° Edinb. 1757. Chaiaiffeiiftics of the prefent political ftate of Great Britain. 1758. [By Robert Wallace, D.D.] The intereft of Great Britain, confideied witli regard to her colonies. 1 76 1. [Zfy .lohn .Iackson.] The true intereft of Great-Britain, in regard to the trade and government of Canada, Newfoundland, and the coaft of Labrador : fliewing the abfurdity of a|>]>ointing military and naval officers to rule over a commercial people . . . 8" Lond. I 767. 686 BRITAIN Political eflays concerning the prefent ftate of the Biitifh Empire, particularly refpecfling, I. Natural advantages and difadvantages. II. Conftitution. III. Agriculture. IV. Manufadures. V. Colonies. VI. Commerce, 4° Lond. 1772. Letters on the prefent difturbances in Great Britain and her American provinces. 1777. [-By Allan Ramsay.] An ode to the warlike genius of Britain. 1778. [By W. Tasker.] A letter from Britannia to the King. 8° Lond. 1781. An inveftigation of the native rights of Britifh fubjefls. 1784. [By Francis Plowden.] A view of the Britiflr Empire, more efpecially Scotland ... 1784. [By John Knox.] Extradts from the publications of Mr. Knox, Dr. Ander- fon, Mr. Pennant, and Dr. Johnfon, relative to the northern and north-weftern coafts of Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1787. A (liort review of the political Hate of Great-Britain, at the commencement of the year 1787. 8° Lond. 1787. Sentiments on the inteiells of Great Britain. With thoughts on the politics of France, and on the acceffion of the Eledor of Hanover to the German League. 8° Lond. 1787. A foleran appeal to the citizens of Great Britain and Ire- land, upon the prefent emergency. 8° Lond. 1788. The political progrefs of Britain ... 1792. [By James Thomfon Callender.] A view of the relative ftate of Great Britain and France, at the commencement of the year 1796. 8° Lond. 1796. A complete ftate of the Britifh revenue for the year end- ing on the 5th day of January 1799 ; being an authentic copy of the feveral official accounts prefented to the Houfe of Commons ... 8 Lond. n. d. The correfpondence between Great Biitain and France on the fubjed of the late negotiation prefented by his Ma- jefty's command to both houfes of Parliament, 1 8th May, 1803. To which are added his Majefty's declaration, and copies of the preliminary and definitive treaties of peace. 8° Lond. 1803. Important confiderations for the people of Gieat Britain. 8° Edinb. 1803. An inquiry into the ftate of the nation, at the commence- ment of the prefent Adminiftration. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1806. An anfwer to the Inquiry into the prefent ftate of the nation ; with ftridlures on the condudl of the prefent miniftiy. 8° Lond. 1806. Annals of Great Britain .. . 1807. [5y Thomas Camp- bell.] Analyfis of the money fituation of Great Britain with re- fpeft to its coins and bank-notes. 8° Lond. 18 10. The chronicle of the kings of Britain, tranftated from the Wellh copy attributed to Tyfilio, collated with feveral other copies, and illuftrated with copious notes ; to which are added original diftertations, bythe Rev. Peter Roberts, A.M. 4' Lond. I 8 1 1 . The powers of Britain. 8^ York, 18 13. Britain triumphant ! with other poems. By an Eaft Lothian ploughman. 8° Haddington, 1816. The United Kingdom tributary to France : the real caufe of the diftrefles of the country demonftrated in a letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool. 8" Lond. 1820. Adminiftration of the affairs of Great Britain, Ireland, and their dependencies, at the commencement of the year 1823. Stated and explained under the heads of finance, national refources, foreign relations, colonies, trade, and do- meftic adminiftration. Sixth edition. 8° Lond. 1823. Britannia : a poem of the epic kind. 8° Canterbury, 1823. Statlftical illuftrations of the territorial extent and popu- lation, commerce, taxation, confumption, infolvercy, pauper- ifm, and crime of the Britifh Empire ... 1825. [Pamph- leteer, XXV. 183.] Brief refleftions and fuggeftions regarding feveral fubje> John Stockdale Hardy.] BRITANNICUS. On tlie economy of nations : a (ketch. 8" Lond. 1832. BRITANNICUS. The cafe of Mr. Salomons, alderman eleft of the ward of Aldgate. Letters of Britannicus, reprinted from the Morning Chronicle. 8° Lond. 1836. BRITANNICUS. Columbus ; or, the New World : a poem. 8° Lond. [i860.] BRITANNICUS. Political principles ; an anfwer to the letter from Sir Robert Peel, Bart., to his conftituents. Second edition. 8° Lond. n. d. BRITANNICUS. Corn-laws defended ; or, agriculture our firft intereft, and the main-ftay of trade and commerce : a letter addrefled to the Anti-corn-law league ... 8° Leeds, n. d. BRITANNUS. A letter to a certain foreign minifter : in which the grounds of the prefent war are truly ftated, the condudl of the laft Adminiftration in regard to foreign affliirs fully vindi- cated, and the terms of a fiifc and honouiable peace clearly pointed out. 8' Lond. 1745. BRITANNUS PHILOPRESBYTER. Prefbyterial government defcribed ; or, a methodical fy- nopfis ot it, as it is profelTed and praftized in the Church of Scotland. Gathered out of the Confeffions of faith, and otherpublick recordsof thatChurch ... 4^ Edinb. 1695. BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Reports of the meetings of the Britifh Aflbciation for the advancement of fcicnce ... 1831-65. 8" Lond. 1833-66. — Index to the Reports and tianfaiflions of the Britilh Aflbciation ... from 1831 to i860 inclufive. S"" Lond. 1864. The Britifli Aflbciation ... Bath, 1864. Authorlfed reprint of the report in tlic fpecial daily editions of the '• Bath Chronicle." 8'' Bath, 1864. — Report of the proceedings of tlie Birmingham meeting, 1865. Carefully collated and revifcd by tlie various f])eakers. 8° Lond. I S65. — Nottingham meeting, Auguft, 1866. Rcjioit of the papers, difcuflions and general ])roccedings ; edited by Wni. Tindal Robertfon, Efq., M.D. 8° Nottingham, 1866. BRITISH AND FOREIGN INSTITUTE. Tranfaflions of the Britifli and foreign inllitute. [ 1 843- 4-5.] 4'> Lond. 1845. 688 BRITISH MUSEUM— BRI ETON BRITISH MUSEUM, ^^i- Museum. BRITO (GUUELMUS.) A French theologian, who lived at the beginning of the 13th century. Philippidos libri duodecim. Cafpar Barthius recenfuit, et animadverfionum commentario illuftravit. 4° Cygneae, 1557. BRITON. The Trae Briton, Nos. 1-74. 1723-4. [By Philip, Duke of Wharton.] An addrefs to Britons. 8° Lond. [i745-] Hiftorical libraiy. The Church of our fathers. I. The ancient Britons. 12° Lond. 1S51. The ancient Britons : a tale of primeval life. 8° Lond. 185 I. Suggeflions on the ancient Britons. Part 1. 8° Lond. 1853. BRITTAN (Thomas). A hand-book, of the law and praftice relative to the qualification and enrolment of burgeffes, and the qualification and eleftion of mayors, aldermen, councillors, auditors and affefTors, in cities and boroughs ; under the Municipal corpo- rations' reform adts, with notes and references to cafes, and an appendix of forms, &c. 12° Lond. 1852. BRITTO-BATAVUS. The defcription of Epfom. 1711. [By John Toland.] BRITTON (.Joannes). Britton : the fecond edition, faithfully correfted accord- ing to divers ancient manufcripts of the fame booke, by Edm. Wingate, gent. 8° Lond. 1640. Britton. The Fiench text carefully revifed, witli an Englifh tranflation, introduftion and notes, by Francis Mor- gan Nichols, M.A. 2 vols. 8° Oxford, 1865. BRITTON (John). B. at Kington, Wiltfliire, 7 July, 1771. Of humble origin, he raifed himfelf by talent and induftry to a pofition of eminence in the literary world. D. i Jan. 1857. The beauties of England and Wales ... 1801 — 15. The beauties of Wiltfhire, difplayed in ftatiftical, hiftori- cal, and defcriptive flcetches ; illuftrated by views of the principal feats. Sec. ; with anecdotes of the arts. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1801-25. Tiie architeftuial antiquities of Great Britain, reprefented and illuftrated in a feries of views, elevations, plans, fedlions, and details of various ancient Englifh edifices ; with hifto- I'ical and defcriptive accounts of each. 3 vols. 4° Lond. 1807-12. The hiftory and antiquities of the cathedral church of Saliftjury ; illuftrated with a feries of engravings of views, elevations, plans, and details of that edifice : alfo etchings of the ancient monuments and fculpture : including biographi- cal anecdotes of the bilhops, and of other eminent perfons connected with the church. 4° Lond. 18 14. The hiftory and antiquities of the fee and cathedral church of Norwich ... 4° Lond. 1 8 16. The hiftory and antiquities of the fee and cathedral church ofWinchefter ... 4° Lond. 1817. The hiftoiy and antiquities of the metropolitical church of York ... 4° Lond. 18 19. The hiftory and antiquities of the fee and cathedral church of Lichfield ... 4° Lond. 1820. The hiftory and antiquities of the cathedral church of Oxford ... 4° Lond. I 82 I. The hiftory and antiquities of Bath Abbey church, in- cluding biographical anecdotes of the moft diftinguifhed per- fons Interred in that edifice ; with an effay on epitaphs, in which its principal monumental infcriptions are recorded. Illuftrated by a feries of engravings. 8° Lond. 1825. The hiftory and antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church of Gloucefter ... 4° Lond. 1829. The hiftory and antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church of Briftol ... 4° Lond. 1830. The hiftoiy and antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcefter ... 4° Lond. 1835. The hiftory and antiquities of the cathedral church of Wells ... 12= Lond. 1847. * A brief memoir of his life and writings. 8° Lond. 1825. Uluftrations of the public buildings of London ; with hif- torical and defcriptive accounts of each edifice. By J. Britton and A. Pugin. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1825—8. The union of archite<5lure, fculptuie, and painting ; ex- emplified by a feries of illuftrations, with defcriptive accounts of the houfe and galleries of John Soane, profeflor of archi- tefture in the Royal Academy. 4° Lond. 1827. Modem Athens, difplayed in a feries of views ; or, Edin- burgh in the nineteenth century : exhibiting the whole of the new buildings, modern improvements, antiquities, and piflurefque fcenery, of the Scottifh metropolis and its en- virons, from original drawings, by Mr. Thomas H. Shepherd: with hiftorical, topographical, and critical illuftrations. 4° Lond. J 829. Memoirs of the Tower of London : comprifing hiftorical and defcriptive accounts of that national fortrefs and palace: anecdotes of ftate prifoners: of the armouries, jewels, regalia, records, menagerie, &c. By John Britton and E. W. Biay- ley. 8° Lond. 1830. Pifturefque antiquities of the Englifh cities. Illuftrated by a feries of engravings of antient buildings, ftreet fcenery, etc., witli hiftorical and defcriptive accounts of each fubjcdl. 4° Lond. 1830. Devonfhire and Cornwall illuftrated, from original draw- ings by Thomas Allom, W. H. Bartlett, &c., with hiftori- cal and topographical defcriptions by John Britton and E. W. Brayley. 4° Lond. 1832. The hiftory and defcription, with graphic illuftrations, of CafTiobury Park, Hertfordfhire, the feat of the Earl of Effex. fol. Lond. 1837. A diftionary of the architedlure and archeology of the middle ages . . . Illuftrated by numerous engravings by J. Le Keux. 8° Lond. 1838. Graphic illuftrations, with hiftorical and defcriptive ac- counts, of Toddington, Gloucefterfliire, the feat of Lord Sudely. 4° Lond. 1 8 40. A topographical hiftory of Surrey. By Edward Wed- BRITTON— BROADBOTTOMS 689 lake Brayley, affifted by Jolin Britton ;ind E. W. Braylcy, jun. 1841— 8. Architeftural illuftrations of Windfor Caftlc, by Michael Gandy and Benjamin Band, architedls. With a concife hiftorical and architeftural account of tliat monarchial edifice, by John Britton, F.S.A. fol. Lend. 1842. Illulbations of the early domeftic architedlure of England, drawn and arranged by John Britton. With notices, de- fcriptive and hiftorical, by the Rev. Charles Boutell, M.A. 8^ Lond. 1S46. Memoirs of the life, writings, and charafter of Hcniy Hatcher, author of " The hiftory of Salifbury, " etc. 8° Lond. 1847. The authorfhip of the Letters of Junius elucidated ; in- cluding a biographical memoir of Lieutenant Colonel Barre, M.P. 8" Lond. 1848. BRITTON (Thomas Hopkins), M.A. Curate of Hockworthy, Devon. Horn; facramcntales. The facramental articles of the Church of England vindicated from recent mifreprefenta- tions ... 8° Lond. 1851. An examination of the principal fafts and arguments ad- vanced by Dr. Bayford and the Right Hon. Dr. Lufhington againft the opinion hitherto held by hiftorians, that the i 3 Eliz., chap. 12, referred to the book of articles whereupon it was agreed by the archbiftiops and bifhops of both provinces, &c., in 1562 ... 8° Lond. 1857. BRIXIA. See Brescia. BRIXIA (FORTUNATUS A.) B. at Brefcia, I Dec. lyoi. Diftinguiflied as a theologian, a mathematician, and a philofopher, D. at Madrid, i I May, '754- De oratoriis domcfticis. [Assemanus, Commentariui theo- log'uo-canonko-cnticus de ecclefiu, Iffc.^ BRIXIANUS (Franciscus). An Italian poet of tlie I 5th centuiy. Carmina. \Carm'tnaUlu/lrlum poetarum Italorum,ii. 483.] BRIXIUS (Caesar). A native of Cefena, who lived about the end of the i6th century. Urbis Caefcnae defciiptio, a Francifco Maria Faccino nunc primum ex Italico in Latinum fermonem verfa, et Elchrei Dinundas adnotationibus illuftrata ac locupletata. [Gra;vius, I'hefaurus ant'iquitiilum et h'tflor'tarum Italia, ix. pt. viii.] BRIXIUS (Germanus). B. at Auxcrre. Entered the Church, and was canon of the cathedral of Paris. U. 1538. Poemata. [Grvter, De/itia poelurum Gallorum,\. 720.] BRIZARD (Gabriel). B.abouti73o. A jurift and hiftorian. D. at Paris, 13 Jan. '793- Analyfe du voyage pittorefque de Naples & de Sicile, [de Saint-Non] faite par M. I'Abbc Brizard et infcree dans VOL. I. le Mercure de France du mois de Fcvrier, 1787, Nos. 7, 8, 9. 8° Paris, 1787. Notice fur Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non ; Abbe Commendataire de I'Abbaye de Poultifires, dioc^fe de Langres ; amateur honoraire de 1' Academic de peinture. 8° [Paris,] 1792. Du mafliicre de la Saint Barthelemi, et de I'influence des etrangers en France durant la Ligue : difcours hiftorique, avec les preuvcs et developpemens. 2 ptt. 8° Paris, 1793. BRIZli-FRADIN (C. A.) La chimie pneumatique appliquee aux travaux fous I'eau, dans les puits, les mines, les fofles, etc. Moyens de fe pre- ferver de I'acide carbonique, de I'azote, et de penetrer au milieu des gaz irrefpirables. — Secours divers. 8" Paris, 1808. BRIZ MARTINEZ (.Iu.an). A native of SaragoiTa, and abbot of the monaftery of San Juan de la Pefia. Hiftoria de la fundacion y antiguedades de San Juan de la Pena, y de los Reyes de Sobrarne, Aragon y Navarra, que dieron principle a fu real cafa, y procuraron fus acre- centamientos, hafta que fe vnio el principado de Cataluna con el reyno de Aragon. Dividida en ciiico libros. fol. ^aragoga, 1620. BROAD (John). Ledtures on Jonah, delivered at Hitchin : with a pre- fatory addrefs by the Rev. J. Leifchild, D.D. 12° Lond. i860. BROAD (John S.) A hiftory of the origin and progrefs of the Sund.ay fchools in the city of Briftol and its vicinity . . . 12° Briftol, 1816. BROADBELT (Ann). Of KJllinghall, Yorkfhire. B. 1786. D. 19 Sep. 1837. * Memoirs ... 1838. [By Samuel Thompson.] BROADBENT (Samuel). The pious and princely village fhoemaker ; or, a fhoit account of Mr. Jofeph Watkins, late of Bodcnham Moor, Herefordfhire. 12'^ Lond. 1852. The niiflionary martyr of Namaqualand. Memorials of the Rev. William Threltall, late Wedeyan niiflionary in South Africa, who was murdered in Namaqualand, together with two native converts, Jacob Links and Johannes Jnger. 12° Lond. 1857. BROADBOTTOM (Jeffrey). Two letters publilli'd in Old England ; or, the Conftitu- tional Journal (viz. of Sei>t. the 17th and 24th.) 8° Lond. 1743. Four letters publifh'd in Old England ... (viz. of Oi\. the 8th, 2 2d, zyth, and Nov. the 5th.) 8° Lond. 1743. BROADBOTTOMS. An addrefs of thanks to the Broadbottoms, for the good things they have done, and the evil things they have not done, lince their clev.ation : wherein is ftated, a fair account of their proniifes and performances ; preceded by an introduftory 4T 690 BROADGRIN— BROCK difcourfe on ingratitude, a flietch of the hiftoiy of the Bioad- bottoms, and a refembling portrait of their chiefs. 8° Lond. I 745. BROADGRIN (Peter). The gewgaw ; or, Brighton toy : a caricature poem, in one canto. 8° Lond. n. d. BROADHEAD (Augustus G.) The navy as it is ; or, the memoirs of a midfhipman. 8" Portfea, 1854. BROADHURST (Frances). A word in favour of female fchools : addreffed to parents, guardians, and the public at large. I B27. [Pamphleteer, xxvii. 453.] BROADHURST (J.) Subftance of a fpeech againft the propofed alteration of the corn laws, intended to have been fpoken in the Houfe of Commons, on June 6, 18 14. 8° Lond. i 8 i 4. Letter to Lord Melbourne on the Irilh Church and Irifh tithes. 8° Lond. 1835. Political economy. 8° Lond. 1842. BROADLEY (Robert). Curate of Eccles, Lancaihire. Chriftianity a divine revelation : a defence of the Chriftian religion againft the aflaults of infidelity. 12° Lond. 183 I. Leflures on the fervices, creeds and offices of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 1836. BROAD STREET. A true and impartial account of tiie poll of the inhabitants of the ward of Broad Street, upon the nomination of an alder- man in the room of Sir Jofeph Woolfe, deceaf 'd. Begun the 1 3th of September, 1 7 1 1, and continued by feveral re- markable and unprecedented adjournments, to the 27th of Odtober following. Before the Rt. Hon. Sir Gilbert Heath- cote, Kt. lord mayor of the city of London. 8° Lond. 171 1. Tory partiality detefted ; or, a true ftate of the poll and fcrutiny of Broad-Street ward, on the eleftion of an alderman in the room of Sir Jofeph Wolfe, deceaf 'd : begun the 1 3th of September, 1711, and continued by feveral neceffary and unavoidable adjournments to the 27th of Oftober following : before the Rt. Hon. Sir Gilbert Heathcot, Kt. late lord mayor of the city of London. 8° Lond. 17 i 2. BROCA (Paul). Secretary to the Anthropological fociety of Paris. On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus homo. Edited, with the permiffion of the author, by C. Carter Blake, F.G.S. 8° Lond. 1864. BROCARDICUM. Brocardica excerpta a toto corpore juris civilis & canonici, fecundum ordinem alphabeti. S° Parifiis, 1541. BROCARDO (Antonio). A Venetian poet, who lived in the former half of the i6th century. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Italiano, xxxi. 98.] BROCARDUS. See Borchardus. BROCAS (Thomas). Anti-Calvinifm; or, the key which unlocks fcriptural elec- tion: in nine letters to a friend. I 2 ' Shrewfbury, 1848. BROCCARD (Francis). Francis Broccard (fecretary to Pope Clement the Eighth) his alarm to all proteftant princes. With a difcoveiy of popifh plots and confpiracies, after his cofnlverfion from popeiy to the proteftant religion. Tranflated \by Dr. John Wallis^ out of the Latin copy printed in Holland. 4° Lond. 1679. BROCCHI (Giuseppe Maria). B. at Florence, 29 0(fl. 1687. Entered the Church, and obtained feveral important appointments. D. 8 June, 1751. Defcrizione della provincia del Mugcllo ... aggiuntavi un' antica cronica della nobil famiglia da Lutiano ... 4° Firenze, 1748. BROCHANT (Andre Jean FRANgois Marie). A geologift and mineralogift. B. at Paris, 1773. D. there, 16 May, 1840. Traite elementaire de mineralogie, fuivant les priiicipes du Profeffeur Werner . . . Seconde edition. 2 torn. 8° Paris, 1808. BROCHARD ( ). Sea-air and fea-bathing for children and invalids : their propei'ties, ufes, and mode of employment. Tranflated and edited by William Strange, M.D. 8° Lond. 1865. BROCHARD (Michael). Profeflbr of humanity in the College Mazarin. D. 1729. Lexicon philofophicum ; five index Latinorum verborum defcriptionumque ad philofophos et dialefticos maxime per- tinentium in duas partes diftributus ... auftore Plexiaco. \_Pfeud^ 4° Hagas-Comitis, 1 7 1 6. BROCK (Mrs. Carey). Home memories ; or, echoes of a mother's voice. 8° Lond. 1859. The reftory and the manor : a tale. 8° Lond. i860. Penny wife and pound foolilh. 8° Lond. [1862.] Wifhing and chooling ; or, what is the difference ? 8° Lond. [1862.] Margaret's fecret and its fuccefs : a tale. 8° Lond. 1S63. Sunday echoes in week-day hours. With a preface by the Right. Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Winchefter. 8° Lond. 1863. Charity Helftone : a tale. 8° Lond. [1865.] BROCK— BROCICETT 691 BROCK (Mrs. Henry F.) Chriftmas eve ; or the fympathies of life. 8° Lond. 1859. Daily readings for paffion-tide. 8° Cambridge, 1 86 i . BROCK (Irving). A letter to the inhabitants of Spital-fields, on the charac- ter and views of our modern reformers. By a member of the Spital-fields Benevolent fociety. 8° Lond. 18 17. BROCK (Sir Isaac). B. in Guernfey, 6 Oft. 1769. Killed in the attack on <2ueenftovvn, Upper Canada, 13 Oft, 1812. * Life and corref])ondence. Edited by his nephew, Fer- dinand Brock Tupper, Efq. Second edition, confiderably enlarged. 12° Lond. 1847- BROCK (Isaac), B.A. Minifter of the Jews' Epifcopal chapel, Bethnal Green. Sermons on the Apoftles' creed : preached in the autumn of 1 863, at the Epifcopal Jews' chapel of the London fociety for promoting Chriftianity amongft die Jews. 8° Lond. 1864. BROCK (Mourant), M.A. Perpetual curate of Chrift church, Clifton. Formerly chap- lain to the Bath penitentiary. Church and the facraments ; with an appendix on the Chriftian Sabbath ... 12° Lond. 1848. BROCK (Thomas), M.A. B. 1776. Educated at Pembroke College, Oxford. Reftor of St. Pierre-du-bois, Guernfey, 1803. D. 19 Dec. 1850. Experience of the truth the prefervative againft error : a fermon preached in the chapel of Farnham Caflle, at the general ordination held by the Ld. Bp. of Winchefter, Dec. 17, 1843. [Rom. vii. 9.] 8° Lond. 1844. Remarks on the views of infant baptifm, fct forth in the Court of .Arches, by the learned civilians who a])peared in behalf of the Rt. Kcv. the Ld. Bp. of Exeter, in the cafe of " Gorham vcrfus the Bp. of Exeter." 12° Lond. 1849. Sanflification of the Spirit unto obedience, the fcriptura! evidence of a julllfied (late, and ted of aflured hope. Second edition, rcvifed and improved. 12° Lond. 1849. BROCK (William), M.A. Reftor of Bifliop's Waltham. Traftarianifni fclilfmatical and diflioncft: a letter to Lord Lyttelton. The third edition. 8° Lond. 1850. Po])cry in the Englidi Ciiurch : a letter to iiis Grace the Archbifliop ot York, on Archdeacon Wilberforcc's "Doc- trine of tlie holy cucharift." With an appendix, calling his Grace's attention to Dr. Pufey's " Paradife of tlie Cliiiftian foul," " Rofaries compiled for the ufe of tlie Englifli Church," etc. 12° Lond. 1854. Anglican popery : a ledlure delivered at Soutliani]>ton, Reading, and Portfia. With an introduiftory letter to tlie Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Oxford on liberty of fpeech. 8 ' Lond. 1855. Nations in the hand of God as clay in the hand of the potter : a fermon preached at Birtiop's Waltham, Hants, on the day of humiliation, March 21, 1855. With an appendix on the prefent ])ofition of the proceedings againfl Archdeacon Denifon's hcrcfy. [Jer. xviii. 6—8.] 8° Lond. 1855. " Take away the wicked from before the king :" a fer- mon for the times, on the aflembling of Parliament, Feb. 4, 1858. [Prov. xxv. 4, 5.] 8° Lond. 1858. Revivals : a leflure delivered before the Young men's Chriftian affociation, at Ryde. 12° Ryde, i860. BROCK (William). The baptifm of the heir apparent : a fermon preached on Lord's day morning, .Tan. 23, 1842. [1 Sam. xvii. 29.] 12° Norwich, 1842. Endowment of Maynooth : fjieech at a public meeting at Yarmouth, April, 9, 1845. [Reprinted from the Norfolk News. No title-page.'] 1 2° Norwich, n. d. Three fermons about the Sabbath. 8° Lond. 1852. Canticles feledled by the Rev. William Brock, and ar- ranged for chanting, by Charles Child Spencer, Bloomlbury chapel. 12° Lond. 1853. A biographical flietch of Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B. Eighth edition. 8" Lond. 1858. The gofpel for the people. 12° Lond. n. d. BROCK (William John), B.A. Educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford. Incumbent of Hay- field, Derbyfhire. D. ^^ April, 1863, aged forty-five. Way-fide veiTes. 8° Lond. 1848. Twenty-feven fermons, preached in St. George's church, Barnfley, Yorkfhire. 12° Lond. 1855. — And a farewell fermon ... Second edition. 8° Lond. 1858. BROCKEDON (William). B. at Totnes, Devonfliire, 13 Oft. 1787. Bred a watch- maker, but came to London, 1809, and entered as a Ihident in the Royal academy of arts. Attained a rcfpcftabic pofition as an artift. Elcfted a Fellow of the Royal fociety, 1 8 Dec. 1834. D. in London, 29 Aug. 1854, Illuftrations of the pafFes of the Alps, by whicli It.ily communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. 2 vols. 4" Lond. 1828-9. Journals of excurfions in the Alps : the Pennine, Giaian, Cottian, Rhetian, Lepontian, and Bernefe. 12° Lond. 1833. Italy : claflical, hiftorical and ])idlurefquc. 4° Lond. n. d. Egypt and Nubia : from drawings made on the f|>ot by David Roberts, R..'\., with hillorical defcriptions by William Brockedon. 1849. BROCKETT (John Trotter). A folicitor in Ncwcaftlc. B. 1788. D. II Oft. 1842. An enquiry into the queftion, whether the freeholders of the town and county of NewcalUe-u|)on-Tync are entitled to vote for members of Parliament for the county of Nor- thumberland. 8° Newciftle, 18 18. A glolTary of north countiy words in ufe ; from an 692 BROCICETT— BRODERIP original manufcript in the library of John George Lambton, Efq. M.P., with confidei-able additions. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1825. — [Second edition, entitled] A gloflaiy of north country words in ufe ; with their etymology, and affinity to other languages ; and occafional notices of local cuftoms and popular fuperftitions. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1829. — Third edition, correSed and enlarged by W. E. Brockett. 2 vols. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1846. BROCKETT (William Henry). Average (later, Newcaftle-upon-Tyne. Advice about average, for the benefit of niafters of merchant veflels. Second edition. 12° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1857. — Third edition. With an introduftory addrefs by William S. Tyrer, Liverpool. 12° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1857. BROCKHURST (Joseph Sumner). The wife ; or, love and madnefs : a tragedy, in five afts. 8° Cambridge, 1856. BROCKIE (Marianus). A Benedlfline of the Scottifli monaftcry of St. James at Ratilbon, in the former half of the iSth century. Differtatio theologica de charadlere facramentali ... 4° Erfordise, 1717. Difteitatio inauguralis theologica, de irritatione matrimonii, ratione contiaflus clandeftini ... 4° Erfordise, 17 17. Differtatio philofophica circularis, de fubfiftentia creata ... 4° Erfordiae, 17 17. Differtatio phyfico-philofophica, de origineanimx rationalis in homine ... 4° Erfordia;, 17 17. Differtatio philofophica circularis, de neceffitate et utilitate logices ad alias fcientias ... 4° Erfordiae, 17 18. Difputatio philofophica circularis, de indifferentia morali aauum humanorum ... 4° Erfordiae, 1719. Differtatio philofophica circularis, an una eademque dif- ciplina poffit peitinere ad plures virtutes intelleftuales ? ... 4° ErfordiK, 1720. Difputatio philofophica circularis, de univerfali Pla- tonico ... 4° Erfordiae, 1723. Difputatio philofophica circularis, deaftus voluntarii natura Sc impedimentis ... 4° Erfordire, 1724. Difputatio philofophica, an fides & fcientia poffint fimul ftare in eodem intelledu, de eodem obiefto ? . . . 4° Erfordis, 1726. BROCKLEBANK (John). Continental and oriental travels : being excurfions in France, Italy, Egypt, Sinai, Paleftine, and Syria. With biblical elucidations and hiftorical notes. 8° Lond. 1865. BROCKLEHURST (William). Memoir of Mifs Collins, of High-Wycombe, Bucks. 120 Lond. n. d. BROCKWELL (Charles). The natural and political hiftoiy of Portugal, from its firft ereftion into a kingdom by Alphonfo fon of Henry Duke of Burgundy, anno 1 090, down to the prefent time ; {hewing its extents, foil, produflion, hiftory, trade, manu- fadlures, cuftoms, and manners of its inhabitants ; with its revolutions and conquefts. As alfo its provinces, cities and noted towns, with their antiquity, building and prefent ftate. To which is added, the hiftoi'y of Brazil, and all other do- minions fubjedl to the crown of Portugal in Afia, Africa, and America. 8° Lond. 1726. BROCQUIERE (Bertrandon de la). B. in the province of Guienne. Travelled in the Holy Land during the years 1432 and 1433. The date of his death has not been recorded. The travels of B. de la Brocquiere to Paleftine, and his return from Jerafalem overland to France, during the years 1432 and 1433, extradled and put into modern French ... by M. le Grand d'Auffy ... Tranflated by Thomas Johnes. 8° Hafod Prefs, 1807. — [Thomas Wright, Early Traueh in Paleft'tiuJ\ BROD. Breve chronicon Hunno-Brodenfe. [Dobner, Mouumenta hiflorka BoetnU, ii. 283.] BRODAEUS (Joannes). B. 1550. D. at Tours, 1563. Occupied a dillinguifhed place among the learned men of his time. Annotationes in Oppiani Cynegeticon libros iiii., Quinti Calabri Paralipomenon Homeri lib. xiiii., Coluthi Thebani de Helenas raptu lib. unum ... 8' Bafileae, 1552. Mifcellaneorum libri decern. [Gruter, Thefaurus crlticus, ii. 452 ; iv. I.] BRODEAU (Julien). A French jurift. D. at Paris, 19 April, 1653. Couftume de la prevofte et vicomte de Paris commentee par feu Maiftre Julien Brodeau. Seconde edition ... 2 tom. fol. Paris, 1669. BRODERICUS (Stephanus). De clade Ludovici IL Hungarias Regis. [Schardius, Rerum Germamcarum fcriptores, ii. 2 I 8.] BRODERIP (Frances Freeling). Way-fide fancies. 8" Lond. 1857. Chryfal ; or, a ftory with an end. 4° Lond. 1861. Tiny Tadpole, and other tales. 8° Lond. 1862. My grandmother's budget of ftories and fongs. 8° Lond. 1863. Croffpatch, the cricket, and the counterpane ; a patch- work of ftory and fong. 8° Lond. 1865. Mamma's morning goffips ; or, little bits for little birds : being eafy leffons for a month, in words of one fyllable, for very young children, and a ftory to read for each week. 4° Lond. 1866. BRODERIP (William John). B. in Briftol. Educated there, and at Oriel College, Oxford. Called to the bar, I S 1 7. Appointed one of the police magiftrates of London, from which office he retired after thirty-four years' fervice. D. 27 Feb. 1859. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and other courts ... from Eafter term, 59 BRODHURST— BRODIE 691 Geo. III. to Eafter term 3 Geo. IV. 1822. By W. J. Broderip and Peregrine Bingham. 3 vols. 8" Lond. 1820-22. Zoological recreations. 12° Lond. 1847. Leaves from the note-book of a naturalift. 12° Lond. 1852. BRODHURST (Bernard Edward). Of the cryftalline lens and catarail. 8° Lond. 1850. On lateral cui-vature of the fpine, its pathology and treat- ment. 12° Lond. 1855. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1864. On the nature and treatment of club-foot, and analogous diftortions involving the tibio-tarfal aiticulation. 8" Lond. 1856. On the treatment of anchylofiSjOr the reftoration of motion in ftitf joints. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1859. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1861. BRODIE (Alexander). B. 25 July, 1617. D. 1666. The diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, Efq., who was one of the fenators of the College of Juftice in 1650 and 1658 ... Taken from his own manufcript. 8° Edinb. 1740. The diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, mdclii.- MDCLXXX. and of his fon, James Brodie of Brodie, mdclxxx — mdclxxxv., confining of extradls from the exifting manu- fcripts,and a republication of thevolumc printed at Edinburgh in the year I 74O. [Edited by David Laing for the Spalding Club.] 4= Aberdeen, 1863. BRODIE (Alexander). Brother of George Brodie, advocate. D. at Whim-Houfe, Peeblesfliire, 13 March, 1858. A hiftory of the Roman government ; from the com- mencement of the ftate, till the final fubverfion of liberty by the fuccefsful ufurpation of Cxfar Auguftus, in the year of Rome 724. 8' Edinb. 1 8 10. The prophetefs : a tale of the laft century in Italy. 3 vols, [^iion.] 12° Edinb. 1826. BRODIE (Sir Benjamin Collins), Bart. B. at Winterdow, Wiltlhirc, 9 June, 1783. Educated as a furgeon, and role to the higheft rank in his profcfiion. Created a baronet, 20 Aug. 1834. D. at his feat, Broome Park, Bctch- worth, Surrey, 21 Oft. 1862. Works: with an autobiography. Collc6led and arranged by Charles Hawkins. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1 S65. Pathological and furgical obfervations on the difeafes of the joints. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1822. Lcftures on the difeafes of the urinary organs. 8° Lond. 1832. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1842. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1849. The Huntcrian oration, delivered in the theatre of the Royal college of furgeons in London, on the 1 4th of Feb- ruary, 1S37. 8° Lond. 1837. Leflures illuftrative of ccitain local nei-vous affedlions. 8 Lond. 1837. An introduftory difcourfe on the duties and condudl of medical ftudents and praftitioners. Addrefled to the ftudents of the medical fchool of St. George's Hofpital, 0 William Creech.] BRODIE (William), M.A. Perpetual curate of Alresford, Hants. Formerly curate of Chefhunt. Modern flavery, and the flave trade : a lefture delivered at the Chefliunt literary and fcientific inftitution, April 9, 1850. 8° Lond. 1850. BRODIE (W1LL1.IM Bird). A parody of Horace's ninth fatire. 12° Lond. n. d. BRODRIBB (W. a.) A plain ftatement of fafts, addreffed to the fmall and large capitalifts, and the labouring claffes in England and eUewhere, on the great capabilities and natural advantages of the Auf- tralian colonies, particularly New South Wales and Vidloria, for emigration. 8 Lond. 1S62. BRODRIBB (William Perrin), M.R.C.S. Homceopathy unveiled ; or, obfervations on Hahnemann, his doilrines, and treatment of difeafe. The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 1852. BRODRICK (George Charles). The different principles on which the chief fyftems of popular reprefentation have been bafed in ancient and modern times : a prize eflay, read in the theatre, Oxford, June 20th, 1855. 8° Oxford, 1855. Promotion by merit in relation to Government and educa- tion. 8'' Lond. 1858. A colleftion of the judgments of the judicial committee of the Privy Council in ecclefiaftical cafes relating to doftrine and difcipline : with a pref ice by the Lord Bifhop of London, and an hiftorical introdudtion. Edited (under the direiftion of the Lord Bifliop of London) by the Hon. Geoige C. Brodrick, and the Rev. William H. Fremantle. 8° Lond. 1865. BRODRICK (John Barry), M.A. Relator of Sneaton, Whitby, Yorklhire. The Trinity in unity the fole foundation of a Chriftian's faith : three fermons on the nature and offices of the feparate, yet united perfons in the Holy Trinity. [John vi. 44. 1 8° Lond. 1846. Lays of the Sabbath, appropriate for every Sunday of the year. 8° Lond. 1859. BRODRICK (Thomas). A compleat hiftory of the late war in the Netherlands : together with an abllraft of the treaty at Utrecht. 8° Lond. 17 13. BRODRICK (W.) Falconers' favourites. fol. Lond. 1865. BROECK (Adrian Van). The life and adventures of Capt. John Avery, the famous Englilh pirate (raif'd from a cabbin-boy to a king), now in pofFeflion of Madagafcar ... Written by a perfon who made his cfcape from thence, and faithfully extrafted from his journal. 8° Lond. 1709. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1709. BRODER (Christian Gottlob). Praktifche Grammatik der lateinifchen Sprache. Zwolfte verbefferte und vermehrte Original-Aufgabe. 8° Leipzig, 1818. BROEDERSEN (Nicolaus). A Roman Catholic clergyman, refident at the Hague about the middle of the 18th century. De ufuris Ileitis et illicitis, vulgo nunc, compenfatoriis et lucratoriis, fecundum jus naturale, divinum Veteris atque Novi Teftamenu, ecclefiafticum et civile; ac juxta doflrinam fanc- torum,veterumque patrum, theologorum, ac juris tum canonici turn civilis peritorum ; nee non ufum omnium fasculorum et plurimarum regionum, libri xii ... fol. [Lugd. Bat.] 1743. BRONDSTED (Peter Olaf). B. at Fruering, Denmark, 17 Nov. 1780. Educated at the Univerfity of Copenhagen. Travelled into Greece, and on his return was appointed profelTor of philology and archaeology, and reftor of the Univerfity. D. at Copenhagen, 26 June, 1842. Program fom Indbydelfe til en Rsekke af Forelasfninger over det nuvaerende Grxkenland, dets Tilftand, Folkefasrd, og antike Mindefmcerker. 4° Kibbenhavn, 1 8 1 5. The bronzes of Siris now in the Britilh Mufeum : an archxological effay. fol. Lond. 1836. BROEUS (Franciscus). B. at Clermont. Profeflbr of law at Bourges, 161 7. D. there, 1636. E.xpofitiones in Imperatoris Juftiniani Inftitutionum libros quatuor ; in tres partes diftinftae. 4° Lut. Paris. 1622. Chronologica juris hiftoria. i 2° Biturigibus, 1660. Analogla juris ad veftem, qua juris naturalis, gentium, et civilis fpecies illuftiantur. [Meerman, Novus thejhurus juris civilis et canonici, iv. 737-] BROEUS— BROMBY 69 = Paralleb legis et nummi, quibus triplex juris fpecies, natur- alis, gentium, et civilis,philologice exponitur. [Ibid. iv. 746.] BROEUS (Joannes). Son of the preceding, and alfo profeflbr of law at Bourgcs. Nuptia: jurifconfultiet philologix. 4° Paiifiis, 1651. — [Meerman, Novus thefaurus juris clvilis et camnici, iv. 756.] BROFFERIO (Angelo). Career and policy of Count Cavour : political memoirs, extrafted from " The hiftory of my own times," by Angelo Brof!i;rio. 8° Lond. i86i. BROGDEN (James), M.A. Of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vicar of Deddington, Ox- fordfhire, 1848. D. tliere, 11 Feb. 1864, aged fifty-eight. Illuftrations of the liturgy and ritual of the United Church of Englandand Ireland: being fermonsand difcourfes, felefted from the works of eminent divineswho lived during the feven- teenth century. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1842. The duty of enquiring after God : a fcrmon preached in the parifh church of Deddington, Oxon., on Wednefday, the 26th day of September, i 849 ; being the day appointed by the Lord Bilhop of Oxford, for folemn humiliation through- out the diocefe, on account of the exifting peflilence. [Pj. Ixxviii. 34.] 8° Deddington, 1849. The duty of Chriftian fubjeftion, and tlie unreafonablenefs of reparation confidered : a fermon. [l Pet. ii. 13.] 8° Lond. 1850. Catholic fafeguards againft the errors, corruptions and novelties of the Church of Rome : being difcourfes and trafts, fcledled from the works of eminent divines of the Church of England who lived during the feventecnth cen- tury. With preface, records, and an index. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1851. Records of the fupremacy of the crown, and of the civil and religious liberties of the people of England. 8° Lond. I 85 I. Chriftian warfare: a fermon preached in tlie ])ari(h ciiurch ofDeddington, Oxon., on Wednefday, the 2 6th day of April, 1854; being the day appointed by pioclamation for general humiliation and prayer before Almighty God. \JDeut. xx. I.] 8' Lond. 1854. BROGLIO SOLARI, Marchioness. Hyde. See Catherine BROGGIA (Carlo Antonio). A Neapolitan writer, of the middle of the 18th century. Traltato dei tiibute. [Custodi, Scrittori clafflcl Ilalianl tli ecoiwmia polltica, parte ant'ica, iv. 1 .] Trattato dellc nionete confiderate ne rap])orti di k'gittima riduzione di circolazione e di depofito. [Ibid. iv. 301 ; v. '•] . . .. r .- Due frammcnti cftratti dal trattato politico della fanita. [Ibid. v. 339.] BROGIANUS (DoMiNicus.) B. at Florence, 1716. Studied medicine, and wasappointed profcfTur of anatomy in his native city, 1754. The date of his death has not been afccrtained. De veneno animantium natural! ct acquifito tradatus. 40 Florcntiae, 1752. BROHM (Karl Friedrich August). Handbuch der Gefchichte der wichtigften Volker des Alterthums. Zweyte Auflage. 3 Abth. 4° Pofeu und Leipzig, 1 809. BROKE (Philip Bowes Vere). * Memoir. Compiled by Rev. F. G. Brighton, M.D. 1866. BROKESBY (Francis), B.D. B. at Stoke Golding, Leicefterlhire, 1637. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Reftor of Rowley, Yorkfliire. Deprived at the Revolution, on rcfufing to take the oaths, and joined the Nonjurors. D. 1 71 5. Some propofals towards promoting the propagation of the gofpel in our American plantations. Humbly offered in a letter to Mr. Nelfon, a worthy member of the Society for propagating the gofpel in foreign parts. To which is added a port fcript. [yinon.] 4° Lond. 1708. The life of Mr. Henry Dodwell, with an account of his works, and an abridgment of them that are publidied, and of feveral of his manufcripts. To which is added, a letter to Robert Nelfon, Efq. from Dr. Edmund Hdley, Savilian profefTor of geometry, contiiining an abftrai,Hyiori<£ ylnglicatiiifcriptores decetn, col. 720.] BROMWICH (Bryan I' Anson). The experienced bee-keeper, containing an eflay on the management of bees ... Second edition. 8° Lond. 1783. BRONCHORSTIUS (Everardus). B. at Devcnter, 1554. ProfefTor of law at Erfurt, and at Leyden. D. 27 May, 1627. Evavr/opavwv centuris fex, et conciliationes eorundem ab ipfo authore recognits et amplius quam tertia paite audtx et locupletatJE : acccffit brevis tradtatus, de privilcgiis ftudioforum, turn profeflbrum et doftorum, eodem authore. 4° Lugd. Bat. 162 I. — Another edition. 8° Hardervici, 1652. Methodus feudorum, quatuor publicis difputationibus in illuftri Academ. Ultraj. repetita, notifque et motibus illuf- trata ... Inferta eft brevis interpretatio juris fcudalis Tranf- yfulanici, quod continetur tit. 24 & 25. part. 2. Lander van Ovei-yffcl. [Orationes du£e. L Deftudio juris reftS inftituendo. IL De dignitate & praeftantia jurifprudentix.] 8° Ultr.ijefti, 1652. Commentarius in titulum Digeftoruni de diverfis regulis juris antiqui. Editio novifTinia ... Cui acccfTcnint autoris vita, ejufq; dux orationes elcgantiflimff, quarum prima De ftudio juris rei5li> inftituendo ; ac altera, De dignitate ac praj- ftantia jurif])rudentia.'. 8° Li])fia;, 1677. — Rccognitus & fubindO autSus a J. L. Blafio. 8° Antverpix, l686. A tranflation of the rules of the Roman law, with the commentary of E. Bronchorft. To which fome notes are fubjoincd. 4° Calcutta, 1822. BRONGNIART (Alexandre). B. in Paris, 1770. Direflor of the Royal manufa£lory at Sevres. D. 18+7. Traite elemcntaire de mineralogie, avec dcs applications aux arts ... 2 tom. 8' Paris, 1807. — Planches. 4° [Paris, 1 807.] VOL. I. BRONIKOWSKI (Alexander). B. in Saxony. Edvicatcd in Germany, and entered the Polifli army of the Grand Duchy of Warfaw. Leaving the fervice, he retired to Germany, and devoted himfelf to literary purfuits. D. at Drefden, about 1834. The Court of Sigifmund Auguftus ; or, Poland in the fixteenth century. Done into Englifh by a Polifh refugee. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1834. BRONIOVIUS (Martinus). A Poliih hiftorian, who lived in the former half of the 17th century. Defcriptio Tartaric. [Schwandtnerus, Scrlptores rerum Hungarlcarum, i. 811.] BRONSRAEDT (Gisbertos). Difputatio philologica de Jubilseo . . . 4° Trajefti ad Rhenum, 1689. Diatribe philologica de oraculo mediantibus Urim et Thummim faflo ... 4° Trajedli ad Rhenum, 1689. BRONTE (Anne). Voungeft daughter of the Rev. Patrick Bronte, vicar of Haworth, Yorklhire. D. at Scarborough, 2S May, 1S49. The following works were written under the pfcudonym of " Afion Bell." The tenant of Wildfcll Hall. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1848. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1854 Agnes Grey : a novel. In three volumes. 8' Lond. 1847. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1S50. BRONTE (Charlotte). Sifter of the above. B. at Thornton, Yorklhirc, 21 April, 1816. Married to the Rev. Arthur Bell Nicholls, 29 June, 1854, D. at Haworth, Yorkdiire, 31 May, 1855. The fol- lowing works were written under the pfeudonyni of *'Currcr Bell." Poems. By Currer, Ellis, and A(flon Bell. 8° Lond. 1846. Jane Eyre : an autobiography. In three volumes. 8^ Lond. 1847 — Third edition. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1848 — A new edition. 8° Lond. 1857 Shirley: a tale. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1849 — A new edition. 8° Lond. 1853 Villette. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1S53 — A new edition. 8° Lond. 1855 The profeflor : a talc. In two volumes. 8' Lond. 1857. * Life. By E. C. Gaskell. 1857. * Jottings on Currer, Ellis, and Adton Bell. By W. P. P. 1856. BRONTE (Emily Jane). Siller of the preceding. D. at Haworth, 19 Dec. 1848, aged twenty-nine. The following works were written under the pfcudonym of "Ellis Bell." Wuthering heights : a novel. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1847. 4 w 698 BRONZING— BROOICE Wuthering heights, and Agnes Grey. By E. and A. Bell. A new edition, revifed ; with a biographical notice of the authors ... and a preface, by Currer Bell. 8° Lond. 1850. BRONZING (Cristofano). Stanza. [Rubbi, Parnafo Italiano, xxvii. 260.] BROOCH. The loft brooch ... 184 1. [By Mrs. Mozlev.] The gold rtone brooch. 8° Lond. [1S66.] BROOCMAN (Carl Ulric). A Swedifh writer on education. D. 1812. Berattelfe om Tyfla/'.?) ?" 8° I-ond. 1826. Additional reafons in confirmation of the opinion that Dr. Gauden, and not King Charles the Fiift was the author of E/'xww jSaaiXixr, : in a letter to the Rev. Chriftopher Wordf- worth, D.D. 8° Lond. 1829. The prefent pofition and duties of the Church of England: a fermon preached in Canterbury cathedral, on Thuifday, Sqp. 17, 1835, being the one hundred and twenty-third anniverfary of the King's- fchool-feaft fociety. [Rev. iii. 8.] 8° Canterbuiy, [1S35.] A letter to Henry Oftorne, Efq., J.P. on the propriety and neceflity of colleflions at the oifertoiy. 12° Lond. 1849. A letter to the Right Rev. Nicholas Wifeman, D.D. ... Together with the Difliops Proteft, March the 25th, 1843, and the refolutions of a fpecial meeting of the Sydney diocefan committee of the Societies for promoting Chriftian knowledge and the propagation of the gofpel in foreign parts, held on the 15th day of March, 185 I. 8° Lond. 1852. Sermons on the Church of England ; its conftitution, miflion, and tiials. Edited, with a prefat0]7 memoir, by Benjamin Harrifon, M.A. 8° Lond. 1857. BROUGHTON (William Robert). A voyage of difcoveiy to the North Pacific Ocean, in which the coaft of Afia, from the lat. of 35° north, to the lat. of 52° north, the ifland of Infu (commonly known under the name of the land of JeiTo), the north, fouth, and eaft coafts of Japan, the Lieuchieux and the adjacent ifles, as well as the coaft of Corea, have been examined and fuiTeyed ; performed ... in the years 1795-6-7—8. 4'^ Lond. 1 804. BROUKHUSIUS (Janus). A Dutch poet B. at Amfterdam, 29 Nov. 1649. D. Jan. 1707. Carmina. 12° Trajeifli ad Rhenum, 1684. Elegia, quam in funere fereniflimi ac potentiffimi Principis, D. Frederici Guilielmi Magni D. G. Marchionis Branden- burgici S. R. L Archicamerarii, et Eledtoris, fupremi Duels in Boruffia ... Frederico Teitio magno magni parentis filio et fuccefibri offert J. Broukhufius. 4° Trajcdli ad Rhenum, 16S8. BROUN (Andrew), M.D. See Brown. BROUN (Archibald). A member of the Faculty of Advocates. Reports of cafes before the High Court and circuit courts of jufticiary in Scotland, during the years 1842—5. 2 vols. 8^ Edinb. 1844—6. BROUN (John). See Brown. BROUN (Sir Richard), Bart. B. about 1799. Succeeded his father as 8th baronet, Nov. 1844. D. Dec. J858. Manual of the baronetage of the Britifh Empire. 12° Lond. 1834. The baronetage for 1843. 12° Lond. 1843. Britifh and American intercourfe : letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, on the Imperial Halifax and Quebec railway and Anglo-Afian (team tranfit projeft. 8° Lond. 1852. Extramural interment and the Metropolitan fanitary affo- ciation : a letter to the Right Hon. the Eail of Derby and Lord John Manners on the dead man's queftion. 8" Lond. 1852. Burials within the metropolis; or, the dead man's queftion : letters to the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grey, Bart., M.P. 8" Lond. 1856. BROUN (Robert). Difputatio philofophica de fulmine ... 4° Trajefti ad Rhenum, 1692. BROUN (\Villiam). Impiety and fuperftition expof 'd : a poetical effay . . . By W. B., Gent. 4° Edinb. 1 7 i o. BROUNRIG (Ralph). See Brownrig. BROUSSAIS (Francois Joseph Victor). B. at Saint Malo, 17 Dec. 1772. Studied medicine, and was for fame time a furgeon firft in the navy and afterwards in the army. Member of the Academic de medicine and of the Academic dcs fciences morales. D. at Paris, 17 Nov. 1838. Cours de phrenologie. 8° Paris, 1836. On the funflions of the cerebellum ... Tranflated from the French by George Combe ... 1838. BROUSSE (Jacques). B. at Auzance, in the diocefeof Limoges. A canon of the church of St. Honore. D. at Paris, 7 Nov. 1673, when nearly eighty-four years of age. The life of the Reverend Fa. Angel of Joyeufe Capucin preacher : fometimes duke, peere, and marfhall of France, and gouernour for the kinge in Languedoc. ^^non.'j To- gether with the liues of the revei'end fathers. Father Bennet Englifliman, and Father Archangell Scotchman, of the fame ordere. Written firft in the Frenche tongue, and now tranf- lated into Englifli by R. R. catholique prieft. 8° Douay, 1623. BROUSSON (Claude). B. at Nifmes, 1647. The fupport of the faithful in times of perfecution ; or, a fermon preach'd in the wildernefs to the poor proteftants in France. By Monfieur Brouflbn, an eminent minifter, who was broke upon the wheel at Montpelier, Nov. 6. N. S. 1698. Faithfully tranflated from the French. 4° Lond. 1699. BROUWER (Arnoldus). Difleitatio juridica inauguralis de litterarum cambialium acceptatione. 8° Groningas, 1804. BROUWER— BROWN 707 BROUWER (Henricus). A jurift of Amfterdam, in the 17th century. De jure connubionjni apud Batavos lecepto, libri duo. In quibus jura naturas, divinum, civile, canonicum, prout de nuptiis agunt, referuntur, expenduntur, explicantur. 4° Amft. 1665. BROUWER (Petrus van Limburg). Commcntatio de ratione, qua Sophocles veterum de ad- miniftratione et juftitia divina notionibus ufus eft, ad volup- tateni tragicam augendam. 8° l.,ugd. Bat. 1820. BROWERUS (Christophorus). B. at Arnheim, 1559. A member of the Society of the Jefuits. Profeflbrofphilofophy at Treves, and afterwards reiSor of the college at Fulda. D. at Treves, 2 June, 1617. Fuldenfium antiquitatum libri iiii. fol. Antverpiae, 16 12. Antiquitatum et annalium Trevirenfium libri xxv. ; duobis tomis comprchenfi, audloribus C. Browero et Jacobo Ma- fenio ... 2 torn. fol. Leodii, 167 i. BROWN. The Browns and the Smiths. 1863. [By Chrifliana Jane Douglas.] BROWN (Abner William), M.A. Vicar of Gretton, Northamptonfliire. On the quiet fpirit of the Church of England. I 2° Lond. 1845. A manual of (hort prayers for private devotion. I 2° Lond. 1849. Village horticultural focieties. The hiftory, rules, and details of one eftablifhed in i S3 7, at Pytchley, Northamp- tonfhire; with remarkson the formation of fimilar inftitutions, and the encouragement of cottage gardening. 12° Lond. 1849. Village provident focieties. Rules, tables, and hiflory of the Provident fociety eftablifhcd in 1836, for Pytchley, Ifliam, and Broughton,in Northamptonrtiire. Rules certified and enrolled according to adt of Parliament. With intro- duiflory fuggeftions on tlie formation, woiking, and improve- ment of fimilar local felf-fupporting inllitutioiis for the wclfaie and comfort of the labouring cladl's ; and a few remarks ad- drefled to the members of fuch focieties. 12° Lond. 1850. Report of the fpeech of the Rev. A. W. Brown at a meeting of the clergy of the arciideaconry of Northampton, held 19 Nov. 1850, on the fubjed of the recent papal ag- greffion. 8^ Lond. [1850.] Manual on the fubjedl of the papal aggreflion : report of the fpeech of the Rev. A. W. Brown at the meeting of the clergy of tlie archdeaconry of Northampton, 19th Nov. 1850. With an appendix ... 8' Lond. 1850. Let us uphold the Scripture rule of mairiagcs : an earned addrefs to Englilhmen. H° Lond. I 8 50. — Second edition. 12° Lond. n. d. Two letters on tlie revival of convocation. [No title-page J\ 12^ Nortii impton, 1851. The law of church bells, with fuggeftions for their legiti- mate ufe ... 12° Lond. 1856. The law of pews in churches. Third edition. 8° Lond. 1859. RecolleiSions of the converfation parties of the Rev. Charles Simeon, M.A. : with introduftory notices. 8° Lond. 1863. A feleflion of psalms and hymns for public worfhip. 1865. BROWN (Alexander). B. at Ord, near Banff, 17 April, 1S38. Educated at Glafgow Academy, at Glafgow College, and at Queen's College, Oxford. Entered the Indian civil fervice, but was fcizcd with illnefs (hortly after his arrival in Calcutta. D. at fca, on his paHage home, 3 Jan. i860. Cruflied hopes crowned in death : memorials of the life . . . of Alexander Brown ... By the Rev. David Brown, D.D. 1861. BROWN (Alfred N.) Brief memorials of an only fon : in a letter to his furviving fifter. Second edition. With preface, by the Rev. W. Marfti, D.D. 8° Lond. 1856. BROWN (Andrew), M.D. Of Dolphlnton, Lanarkrtiire. A vindicatoi^ fchedule, concerning the new cure of fevers 8° Edinb. 1691. De febribus continuis, tentamen theoretico-praiSicum ... 8' Edinb. 1695. Bellum medicinale ; or, the papers writen in defence of Dr. Brown, his publication of the new cure of fevers, and which was fo much oppofed by a club of phyficians ; viz. I. A letter, &c. concerning Dr. Brown's Vindicatory fchedule, and the dialogue written by fome phyficians in Edinburgh in anfwer thereto. 2. A looking glafs for the black bond of dodors, &c. 3. A third letter in vindication of Dr. Brown [By Philander.] 4. An epilogue to the five papers part betwixt Dr. E. [Eizat] and Dr. O. [Oliphanl] concerning the ufe of vomiting and purging in fevers. S° Edinb. 1699. The epilogue to the five papers lately part betwixt the two phyficians Dr. O. and Dr. E., containing fome lemaiks, pleafant and profitable, concerning tliat debate, and the ufe- fulnefs of vomiting and purging in fevers. 8° Edinb. 1699. The charafter of the true publick f]>irit, efpecially with relation to the ill condition of a n itlon, thro' the prevaKncy of the privat fpirit, felfifli and llniller defigns. In two effays. Moll humbly offered to the due confideration of tliofe who maybe concerned, and chiefly if a people comes to be in danger originally, by'any fupervenicnt and difagree.able alteration in their circumtlances and conlHtution. Intended as a prelimi- nary to fome furtlier thougiits concerning the fubje<5l and cafe. [ylnon.] 8' ])rinted tlie year I 702. Some very weighty and feafonable confideiations tending to difpofe, excite, and qualify the nation, for the more effcftual treating with England in relation to an union of 7o8 BROWN confederacy, as the neareft and moft proper expedient to put the nation in a way of profperitie and thriveing. \_yliion.~\ 4= n. p. 1703. An eflay on the new projeft for a land mint ... By the author of The charafter of the true publick fpirit. 8° Edinb. 1705. A fcheme propofing a true touch-flone for the due trial of a proper union betwixt Scotland and England : efpecially, as to its fitnefs for Scotland, and relating to three intended effayes, for the bringing the prefent treaty to the adual trial and touch, by this fcheme, for the benefit of thofe who cannot themfelves do it. By the author of The charafter of the trae publick fpirit. 12° Edinb. 1706. BROWN (Andrew). Hiftory of Glafgow; and of Paidey, Greenock, and Port- Glafgow ; comprehending the ecclefiaftical and civil hiftory of thefe places, from the earlieft accounts to the prefent time ; and includingan account of their population, commerce, manu- faftures, arts, and agiiculture. 2 vols. 8° Glafgow, 1795-7. BROWN (Andrew). Piefbyterian minifter, Turlough, Caftlebar, County Mayo. Early faded flowers : an inquiry into the ftate of fuch as die in infancy. 12° Belfaft, 1856. BROWN (Andrew Morton), M.A. Minifter of a congregational church, Cheltenham. A wreath around the crofs ; or, fcripture truths illuftrated. 12° Lond. 1849. Salvation, and the way to fecure it. iz'^Lond. 1851. Chriftian life, its experiences and evidences ; extra(fled from the diary of an eminent divine of the lal^ century : with remarks, by tlie Rev. A. M. Brown. 12° Lond. 1852. Wellington and yiftory ; oi', Chriftians more than con- querors : a difcourfe occafioned by the death of the Duke of Wellington. [iJom. viii. 37.] 12^ Lond. 1852. Evenings with the prophets : a feries of memoirs and meditations. 12° Lond. 1854. Peden the prophet : a tale of the Covenanters, founded on faft. 8° Lond. 1859. BROWN (Arthur). My little book. 8° Lond. n. d. BROWN (Baker), F.R.C.S. Senior furgeon to the London furgical home. On the curability of certain forms of infanity, epilepfy, catalcpfy, and hyfteria in females. 8° Lond. 1866. BROWN (C.) Memoir, with exti'afts from the diaiy and fermons of Stafford Brown, M. A., fometime vicar of Weftbury, Wilts ; By his widow. 8° Lond. 1863. BROWN (Charles Brockden). An American novelift. B. at Philadelphia, 17 Jan. 1771. D. 22 Feb. 1810. Wleland: an American tale. 3 vols. 12^ Lond. 1S22. Carwin,the biloquift ; and other American tales and pieces. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1822. Edgar Huntly ; or, the fleep-walker. [Standard novels.] 8" Lond. 183 I. — Another edition. [Parlour Library.] 8° Lond. [1S57.] — Another edition. 8° Lond. n. d. * Memoirs ... By William Dunlap. 1822. BROWN (Charles John), D.D. Minifter of Free New North church, Edinburgh. State of religion in the land : a letter to the Rev. E. Bickeifteth. To which is added, a fermon preached before the Geneial AfTembly of the Free Church of Scotland, on Tuefday, May 21, 1844, being the day appointed by the AfTembly for folemn humiliation and prayei', in reference to the ftate of religion. \Hab.ii. i.] 12" Lond. 1844. Reftraining of fpiritual intercourfe in families : a fermon. \Heb. iii. 13.] 12° Edinb. [1855.] BROWN (Charles Philip). Late of the Madras civil fervice. Carnatic chronology: the Hindu and Mahomedan methods of reckoning time explained : with eflays on the fyfteras, fymbols ufed for numerals, a new titular method of memory, hiftorical records, and other fubjedls. 4° Lond. 1863. BROWN (Colin Rae). Lays and lyrics. 12=- Lond. 1855. BROWN (David), D.D. ProfeiTor of theology in the Free Church College, Aberdeen. Formerly minifter of Free St. James's, Glafgow. Chrift's fecond coming : will it be pre-mi!lennial ? 8= Edinb. 1846. - — Second edition. 12° Edinb. 1849. — Third edition. 8° Edinb. 1853. The reftoration of the Jews : the hiftory, principles, and bearings of the queftion. 8° Edinb. 1S61. Cruftied hopes crowned in death : memorials of the life, particularly the laft days of Alexander Brown, Bengal civil fervice, who died at fea, on his way home, Jan. 3, i860, aged 21. 8 ° Lond. 1 8 6 1 . A commentary on the Old and New Teftaments. By the Rev. Robert Jamieson, Rev. A. R. Fauffet, and the Rev. David Brown. BROWN (David). Minifter of the parilh of St. Bernard's, Edinburgh. A fermon for the new year : preached in St. Bernard's church, Edinburgh, on the evening of Sabbath, January 2, 1853. [P.r. xc. 12.] 8° Edinb. 1S53. BROWN (David Stevens). America in 48 hours, India and back in a fortnight ; being fuggeftions for certain improvements in the conftruftion of fteam veflels. 8^ Lond. 1852. Colonization ; or, a projedl for rendering our colonial terri- tories acceffible to the population of the United Kingdom. 8^ Lond. I 852. BROWN 709 BROWN (Edward). See Browne. BROWN (Edward). The travels of E. Brown, Efq. ... 1753. [By John Campbell, LL.D.] BROWN (Edward), F.L.S. Praftical remarks on a new and unfailing method of in- creafing the potatoe plant, with full diredlions thereon. b° Lend. 1847- BROWN (Edward). A Jeaman's narrative of his adventures during a captivity among Chinefe pirates, on the coall of Cochin-China, and afterwards during a journey on foot acrofs that country, in the years 1857-8. 8" Lond. 1861. BROWN (Edwin). The fauna and flora of the diftridl furrounding Tutbury and Burton-on-Trent. [O. Mosley, The natural hijlory of Tutbury. 1863 ; p. 83.] BROWN (Elizabeth Cullen). Paflion and reafon ; or, the modern Quintilian brothers : a novel. 4 vols. 12° Lond. 1832. BROWN (Ellen). The ftory of Alice Cullis ; or, how to win by example. 8' Lond. [186 1.] Mafter Gregoi-y's cunning ; and other tales of inftruftion and amufement. 8' Lond. 1865. BROWN (Frances). See Browne. BROWN (Francis Carnac). Free trade and the cotton queftion, with reference to India : being a memorial from the Britifh merchants of Cochin, to the Right Hon. Sir John Hobhoufe, Bart, M.P., with a letter and appendix. 8° Lond. 1847. BROWN (Frederick .Tames), M.D. Afliftant lurgcon, Royal Navy. Queftions and obfervations in hygiene. 8° Lond. 1849. BROWN (George), A.M. Minifter of K.ilniaurs. An account of the rotula arithmetica ... 8° Edinb. 1700. A compendious, but a complcat fyftcm of decimal arith- metick. 4" Edinb. 1701. Arithmetica infinita ; or, the accurate accomptant's bcft companion. 12" n. p. i7j^J. BROWN (George). Toleration defended ; or, the Letter from a gentleman [James liamfty^ to a member of Parliament concerning toleration confKlered; with fomc obferves on Mr. Meldrum's fermon. \_/luon.'\ 4° n. p. 1703. BROWN (George). Perfonal adventure in South Africa. 8^ Lond. 1855. BROWN (George). A treatife on the Railway and canal traffic aft, 1854, and on the law of carriers as affedted tliereby ; with an appendix, containing copious reports of the principal cafes decided on the aft. 12° Lond. 1859. BROWN (George James), M.A. Curate of Bladon, Oxfordihire. Leftures on the Gofpel according to St. John, forming a continuous commentary. 2 vols. 8° Oxford, 1863. BROWN (George T.) The teeth of the ox, as indicative of age : an explanation of the figns afforded by the incifor teeth during temporary and permanent dentition. y^ Lond. 1854. BROWN (Goold). An American grammarian. B. 1791. D. 1857, The grammar of Englifli grammars, with an introduftion, hiftorical and critical ... 8° Lond. 1851. Brown's fmall grammar improved. The firft lines of Eng- lilh grammar ; being a brief abftraft of the author's larger work, the " Inftitutes of Enghfli grammar." Defigned for young learners. 12° New York, 1856. BROWN (Henry). Viftoria as I found it, during five years of adventure in Melbourne, on the roads, and the gold fields ; with an account of quartz mining, and the great rufli to Mount Ararat and Pleafant Creek. 12^ Lond. 1862. BROWN (Hugh Stowell). Twelve leftures to tlie men of Liverpool. 8° Liveqjool, 1S58. — Volume fecond. 8° Liverpool, 1859. — Third volume. 8° Liveqjool, i860. BROWN (Humfrey), M.A. The ox muzzled, and Ox-ford dried : or, a vindication of the Church's rights againft all her facrilegious enemies. 4^ Lond. 1649. BROWN (Isaac Baker), F.R.C.S. On fcarlatina, and its fuccefsful treatment by the acidum aceticum dilutum of the pharmacopoeia. 12° Lond. 1846. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1857. On rupture of die perinium, and its treatment. Illul- trated by cafes. 8° Lond. 1852. On fome difeafes of women admitting of fuigical treat- ment. 8^ Lond. 1854. — Second edition. 8 Lond. 1S61. — Third edition. 8° Lond. i 866. On ovari.m dropfy : its nature, diagnofis, and treatment : the refult of thirty years' experience. 8° Lond. i«62. Aurtralia for theconfuni])tive invalid : the voyage, climates, and profpefts for lefidence. 8° Lond. 1865. 7IO BROWN BROWN (J.) Obfervations on the game laws. 8° Atherftone, 1830. BROWN (J. F.) Haifborough Hall ; and other poems. By the author of "Gafparoni." i2°Lond. 1847. BRO\VN (J. G. H.) The caufe of the prefent war ; the deftiny of the nations of Europe ; the final termination of the war, with the ultimate tranquilization of the world, in revelations given from the fpiritual world through the medium of the cryftal. 12° Lond. [1855.] BROWN (J. H.) Speflropia; or.furpriCng fpe(flral illufions: ftiowingghofts everywhere, and of any colour. Firfl feries. 4° Lond. 1864. BROWN (J. T.) "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us : " a fermon preached in College Street chapel, Northampton, on Sunday, Oiflober 30th, 1859. [i John, iv. 16.] 8° Northampton, 1859. Emancipation in the Weft Indies : two addrefles by E. B. Underbill, Efq., and the Rev. J. T. Brown. i85i. BROWN (James). Original poems upon fubjedls of a religious nature : with curious and entertaining paftorals. i2°Edinb. 1790. BROWN (James). Formerly fuperintendent of the Edinburgh police. A letter to MefTrs. George Miller, Thomas Allan, and Peter Brown. 8° Edinb. 1821. BROWN (James), D.D. Late of Barnwell, Northamptonfhire. The reftitution of all things: an eflay. A fecond ediuon. 8° Lond. 1824. BROWN (James). The prefent ftate and future profpefts of the Monmouth- (hire canal company confidered : in a letter addreffed to the committee of management. 8° Lond. 1847. BROWN (James). Forefter, Arnifton. The forefter : a praftical treatife on the planting, rearing, and general management of foreft trees. With an improved procefs for tranfplant.ation of trees of large fize. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1S51. — Third edition. 8° Edinb. 1861. BROWN (James). Late infpedtor of meters to the Sheffield United gas light company. Inftruftions to gas confumers on the economical manage- ment of gas : the properties and procefs of its manufafture ; the principle and mechanifm of the meter ; and the advan- tages of coal gas over all other modes of artificial illumina- tion. 12° Lond. 1852. BROWN (James). Bible truths witli Shakefpearean parallels; being feleftions from Scripture, moral, doctrinal, and preceptial, with pafTages illuilrative of the text from the writings of Shakefpeare. [^non.'\ 8° Lond. 1862. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1864. BROWN (James Baldwin), LL.D. Called to the bar by the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, 24 May, 1816. Judge of the Oldham Court of Requefts, 1840. D. Nov. 1843, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. Memoirs of the public and private life of John Howard, the philanthropift ; compiled from his own diary . . . 4° Lond. 18 18. BROWN (James B.^ldwin), B.A. Minifter of Claylands chapel (Independent), Clapham Road, London. " Prieft " the eflence of " pope ;" or, the Lord's fupre- macy : an appeal to the reafon and candour of the people, on the fubjecfl of the true head of the Church. I 2° Lond. n. d. The young miniftry ; its relation to the age : a lefture for the times. 8° Lond. 1847. The fabbath, the Cryftal palace, and the people. 12° Lond. 1S53. The young man's entrance into life, and commencement of bufinefs : a ledlure. [No title-pi2ge.'\ 12° Lond. n. d. The way of peace for the Congregational union ; with remarks on the morale of its religious literature, the fo-called young fchool, and negative theology : a letter to the members. 12° Lond. 1857. The perfeft way of God ; as feen in creation, hiftory, and the difcipline of fouls : two difcourfes. 12= Lond. 1858. The divine life in man. 8° Lond. [1859.] — Second edition. 8° Lond. [i860.] The doiftrine of the Divine fatherhood in relation to the atonement. 8° Lond. [i860.] The foul's exodus and pilgrimage. 8° Lond. 1862. The divine myllery of peace. 8° Lond. 1 863. The Divine treatment of fin. 8° Lond. 1864. The home life, in the light of its divine idea. 8° Lond. 1866. Psalms and fpiritual fongs. Selefted by J. B. Brown. BROWN (James Bryce). Views of Canada and the colonifts ; embracing the ex- perience of a refidence ; views of the prefent ftate, progrefs and profpefts of the colony, witli detailed and pradlical in- formation for intending emigrants. By a four years' refident. 8° Edinb. 1844. — Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1851. BROWN (James Mellor), B.A. Late incumbent of Hylton, Durham. Refledlions on geology : fuggefted by the perufal of Dr. BROWN 711 Buckland's Bridgewater treatife. With remarks on a letter by J. P. S. on the fludy of geology. 8^ Edinb. 1838. BROWN (James Reid), D.D. Minifter of Middle pariih, Greenock. Ode on the deatli of Field Marfhal the Duke of Wel- lington. 8° Lond. 1853. BROWN (James Robert). Mafter of Spitalfields infant fchool. A (hort eflay on infant cultivation ; with a number of fafls and anecdotes connefted with that fubjeil. 12° Lond. 1826. An effay on the cultivation of the infant mind, received in its connexion with the infant fyftem of education ; with copious leffbns and rhymes for infant fchools. Third edition. 12° Lond. 1828. — Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1832. The infant fchool echo ; or, a praftical compendium of the fyftem of infant fchool education. 12° Lond. 1837. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 184.3. BROWN (John). Minifter of the parifti of Wamphray, Dumfriesfhire. Banirtied from Scotland, and took refuge in Holland, 1663. Minifter of the Scottifli church at Rotterdam. D. 1679. An apologeticall relation of the particular fufFerings of the faithfuU minifters and profefTours of the Church of Scotland, fince Auguft 1660 ... By a well-wiflier to the good old caufe. 8^ Printed in yeer 1665. — Another edition. 8" Edinb. 1845. Libri duo : in priori, Wolzogium, in libellis duobus de interprete Scripturarum, caufam orthodoxam prodidilTe de- monftratur ; in pofteriori, Lamberti Velthufii fententia Li- bertino-Eraftiana, in libello vernaculo de idololatria & fuper- ftitione, nuper propofita, dctcgitur & confutatur ; Veritas quoque orthodox.i ab adverfariorum, five libertinorum, five Eraftianorum, five aliorum,e.Kce])tionibus vindicatur,& xxxii. aflertionibus, fententis Velthufianas oppofitis, illuftratur ac confirmatur. Quibus praefixa eft prxfatiuncula ... 8" Amftelodami, 1670. Chrift, the way, and the truth, and the life ; or, a fliort difcourfe pointing forth the way of making ufe of Chrift for juftification, and efpecially and more particularly for fanifli- fication in all its parts, from Johan. xiv. vers. vi. Wherein feveral cafes of confcience are briefly anfwered, chiefly touching faniflification. 12° Rotterdam, 1677. Quakerifme the pathway to paganifme ; or, a view of the Quakers religion ... 4° Edinb. 1678. The hiftory of the Indulgence, (hewing its rife, conveyance, progrefs and acceptance : together with a demonftration of the unlawfulnefs thereof, and an anfwere to contrary objec- tions : as alfo a vindication of fuch as fcruple to hear the indulged. By a prefcyterian. 4° n. p. 1678. The life of juftification opened ... 4° n. p. 1695. BROWN (John). Ord.iincd minifter of Abercorn, 20 March, 1700. D. 3 May, 1743. The rod of God fhaken over the heads of hisown children : being the fubftance of a fermon preach'd in the Tolbooth church of Edinburgh, after the celebration of the Lord's Supper, upon the 9th of March, 1 7 1 3. [Deut. xxviii. 58.] 8° Edinb. 1722. BROWN (John). B. at Rothbury, Northumberland, 5 Nov. 1715. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge. Vicar of Morland, Weft- moreland, about 1739. Vicar of St. Nicholas, Newcaftle-upon- Tyne. Committed luicide, 23 Sep. 1766. Eflays on the Characfteriftics [0/" Anthony AJlAey Cooper, "ijil Earl of Shaftejbury.^ 8° Lond. 1751. An eftimate of the manners and principles of the times. By the author of Efliiys on the Charadleriftics, &c. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1757. — Seventh edition. 8° Lond. 1758. An explanatory defence of the Eftimate of the manners and principles of the times : being an appendix to that work, occafioned by the clamours lately raifed againft it among certain I'anks of men. Written by the author of the Eftimate, in a feries of letters to a noble friend. 8° Lond. 1758. A letter to the Rev. Dr. Lowth, occafioned by his late Letter to \JVarlurton\ the right rev. author of the Divine legation of Mofes. By the author of Eflays on the Char- a<5teriftics. 8° Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1766. Barbaroflii : a tragedy. \Anon.~\ 8° Lond. 1755. — [E. Inchbald, The Britl/h theatre, vol. v.] Athelftan : a tragedy. [AnonI] 8' Lond. 1756. The cure of Saul : a facred ode. 4° Lond. 1763. A diflertation on the rife, union, and power, the progref- fions, feparations, and corruptions of poetry and mufic. To which is prefixed the Cure of Saul : a facred ode. 4° Lond. I 763. BROWN (John). B. at Carpow, Perthfliire, 1722. Ordained minifter of the congregation at Haddington in connexion with the .■^fibciate Synod, 1751. D. at Haddington, 19 June, 1787. The Chriftian journal ; or, common incidents fpiritual inftruitors. 12° Edinb. 1765. A diftionary of the Holy Bible : containing an hiftori- cal account of the perfons ; a geographical and hiftorical account of the places ; a literal, critical, and fyftematical de- fcription of other objedls, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military ; and an explanation of the appellative terms mentioned in tlie writings of the Old and New Tefta- ment ... In two volumes. 8° Edinb. 1769. — Fifth edition. With a life of tlie authoi'. In two volumes. 8° Edinb. 1807. A general hiftory of the Chriftian Church, from the birtli of our Saviour to the prefent time ... In two volumes. I 2" Edinb. 1771. Thefelf-intcrpreting Bible. 1778. Sir Bibuf, Verfions, Engl'tjh, a. The Chriftian, the ftudent, and paftor, exemplified in the lives of Mefl". .lames Frazer, James Hogg, T. Halybuiton, O. Stockton, M. Henry, P. Doddridge, T. Shepherd, C. Mather, and Jonatlian Edwards. 12° Edinb. 1781. Practical piety, exemplified in the lives of thirteen emi- nent ChriiHans ... and illuftrated in caluiftical hints, or c:il'es of confcience, concerning Satan's temptations, indwelling fin, fpiritual experiences, godly converlation, and fcandalous offences. 8'Glafgow, 1783. 712 BROWN Seleift remains ... [Edited by his fans John and Ebenezer Broiun.] l2°Lond. 1789. An hiftorical account of the rife and progrefs of the Se- ceffion. Sixth edition. i2°Edinb. 1791. A compendious hiftory of the Britifh churches in Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, and America ; with an introduc- tory Retell of the hiftoiy of the Waldenfes, and an hiftori- cal account of the Seceffion. To which is prefixed a hfe of the author, by the Rev. Thomas Brown. 2 vols. A new edition. . 8° Edinb. 1823. BROWN (John), M.D. B. in Berwickrtiire, about 1735. Educated at Dunfe, and at the Univeriity of Edinburgh. Having involved himlelfin dil- putes with his medical brethren in Edinburgh, he removed to London, where, however, he met with little fuccefs. D. 7 Oa. 1788. Works : to which is prefixed a biographical account of the author, by William Cullcn Brown, M.D. 3 vols. 8" Lond. 1804. Elementa medicine. Editio altera. 8° Edinb. 1780. BROWN (John). B. in Edinburgh, 1752. Vifited Italy for the purpofe of im- proving himfeif as an artlft, and remained there ten years. Settled in London as a portrait painter, 17S6, but his health giving way, he returned to Edinburgh. D. there, 5 Sep. 1787. Letters upon the poetry and mufic of the Italian opera ; addrefied to a friend. 8° Edinb. 1789. BROWN (John). Mafter of an Academy, Kingfton, Surrey. The elements of Englifh education ... intended for the improvement of youth of both fexes. i 2° Lond. 1 809. BROWN (John). Pfyche ; or, the foul : a poem in feven cantos. 12° Lond. 1818. BROWN (John). The northern courts ; containing original memoirs of the fovereigns of Sweden and Denmark, fince 1766, including the extraordinary viciilitudes in the lives of the grandchildren of George the Second. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 18 18. BROWN (John). Mathematical tables . . . The fifth edition, improved and enlarged by the Rev. J. Wallace. 8° Edinb. 1S30. BROWN (John), D.D. B. 9 May, 177S. Ordained minifter at Gartmore, 13 June, 1805. Tranflated to Langton, 28 June, iSlo. Joined the Free Church at the Difruption. D. at Langton, 25 June, 1848. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, on the extent of the powers which ought to be veiled in the people, in the fettle- ment of minifters. 8° Edinb. 1833. The exclufive claims of Pufeyite Epifcopalians to the Chriftian miniftry indefenfible. 12° Edinb. 1842. BROWN (John), D.D. B. at Whitburn, Linlithgowfhire, 12 July, 17S4. Educated at the Univerfity of Edinburgh. Minifter of the Burgher, now United Prelbyterian, congregation at Biggar, I 805. Removed to Rofe Street church, Edinburgh, 1822, and thence to Brough- ton Place in the fame city, 1829. ProfeiTor of exegetical theologv in the divinity hall of the Church. D. at Edinburgh, 13 oa.' 185S. Reply to charges brought againft him in the Scottilh Guardian of April 10, i S3 5. 8° Edinb. 1835. On the law of Chrift refpefting civil obedience, efpeci- ally in the payment of tribute. With an appendix. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 183^. — Third edition. To which are added two addreffes on the Voluntaiy church controverfy. 8° Lond. 1839. Supplementary notes to The law of Chrifl refpefting civil obedience, &c. 8° Lond. 1839. The United Seceffion Church vindicated from the charge made by James A. Haldane, Efq., of faniftioning indifcrimi- nate admilTion to communion. 8° Edinb. 1839. What ought the diifenters of Scotland to do in the pre- fent crifis ? Second edition. 8 Edinb. 1840. * Report of proceedings in the trial by libel of John Brown, D.D., at the inftance of Drs. James Hay and Andrew Marfhall, before the United AfFociate Synod, July, 1845. 8° Edinb. 1845. Expofitory difcouifes on tlie firft Epiftle of die Apoftle Peter. 3 vols. 8° Edinb. 1848. — Second edition. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1849. — Third edition. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1866. Difcourfes and fayings of our Lord Jefus Chrift illuftrated in a feries of expofitions. 3 vols. 8° Edinb. 1850. The dead in Chrifl: ; their ftate, prefent and future. With refledlions on the death of a very dear Chriftian fiiend. 12° Edinb. 1852. Plain difcourfes on important fubjefts. 8° Edinb. 1852. The refurredlion of life : an expofition of Firft Corin- thians XV. With a difcourfe on our Lord's refurreftion. 8° Edinb. 1852. — Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1866. Remarks an certain ftatements by Alexander Haldane, Efq., in his " Memoirs of Robert Haldane, of Airthrey, and his brother, James A. Haldane." 8° Edinb. 1852. The fufferings and glories of the Meffiah : an expofition of Pfalm xviii., and Ifaiah Hi. 13-liii. 12. 8° Edinb. 1853. An expofition of the Epiftle of Paul the ApoftJe to the Galatians. 8" Edinb. 1853. Theological trails, felefted and original. Edited by John Brown. Vols. i. ii. iii. 8° Edinb. 1853-4. * Remarkson Dr. John Brown's interpretation of the term " righteousnefs," as it occurs in the Epiftle to the Galatians, and other parts of Scripture. 12° Lond. 1S54. Parting counfels : an expofition of the firft chapter of the fecond Epiftle of the Apoftle Peter, with four additional difcourfes. 8° Edinb. 1856. * The jubilee fervices of the Rev. John Brown, D.D. ... held in Edinburgh, on Tuefday, April 8, 1856. 8° Lond. 1 8 56. BROWN 71; Analytical expofition of the Epiftle of Paul the Apoftle to the Romans. 8° Edinb. 1857. The three gatherings. 12° Edinb. 1857. Comfortable words for Ciiriftian parents bereaved of little children. Third edition. 12° Edinb. 1858. An expofition of the Epiftle of the Apoftle Paul to the Hebrews. Edited by David Smith, D.D. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 1862. An expofition of our Lord's interceffory pi-aycr ; with a difcoui'fe on the relation of our Lord's intercelTion to the converfion of the world. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1866. * Memoir. By John Cairns, D.D. i860. BROWN (John), W.S. A fummary of the turnpike law of the county of Edinburgh ... 8' Edinb. 1847. BROWN (John). Teacher of drawing in the Spltalfields School of defign. Elementary free-hand drawing : hints defigned to aid teachers in the ufe of the courfe of drawing for primary fchools. l2°Lond. 185 i. BROWN (John). Neddy and Sally ; or, the ftatute day ; a Lincolnfhire tale of real life. 8° Horncaftle, [1855.] The fequel to Neddy and Sally ; or, love and glory : a tale of real life. 8^ Lond. n. d. The lay of the clock, and other poems. I 2° Horncaftle, 186 I. BROWN (John). Slave life in Georgia : a narrative of the life, fufferings, and efcape of John Brown, a fugitive flave, now in England. Edited by S. A. Chamerovzow. 8° Lond. 1855. BROWN (.John). B. in Cambiidge. Proprietor of the Univerfity billiard rooms there. D. 22 Aug. 1S63, aged fixty-feven. Sixty years' gleanings from life's harveft: a genuine auto- biography. 8° Cambridge, 1858. BROWN (John). The North-weft paflage, and the plans for the fearch for Sir .lohn Franklin: a review. 8° Lond. 185S. A fcqucl to the North-weft palTage . . . 8° Lond. i860. BROWN (John), M.D. Horx fubfccivx. Locke and Sydenham, with other occafional papers. [Fiift fcries.] 8° Edinb. 1858. — Third edition. 8° Edinb. 1861. — A fecond feries. 8° Edinb. 186 1. — Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1861. — Another edition [ieing loth feries abriilged.'\ 8° Edinb. 1862. Locke and Sydenham, &c. &c. New edition. 8" Edinb. 1866. "With brains, fir." 8° Edinb. i860. Rab and his friends. 4° Edinb. 1862. VOL. 1. BROWN (John). B. at Torrington, Connecticut, 9 May, 1800. Tried for treafon, in connexion with the Harper's Ferry afisir ; found guilty, and executed, 2 Dec. 1859. * Life and letters. Edited by Richard D. Webb. 1861. BROWN (John). The autobiography of .lohn Brown the Cordwainer ; with his fayings and doings in town and country, (hewing what part he took in the fpread of church principles among the working claffes. Edited by a clerical friend. 8° Oxford, 1867. BROWN (John Aquila). The Jew, the mafter-key of the Apocalypfe ; in anfwer to Mr. Frere's " General ftrufture," and the Differtations of the Rev. Edw. Irving, and other commentators. 8" Lond. 1827. BROWN (John Bailey). The evils of our prefcnt joint-ftock banking fyftem con- fidered, with a few praftical and pradlicable fuggeftions for its improvement. 8'^ Lond. 1852. BROWN (John Henry), M.A. Of Emanuel College, Cambridge. The divine authority and political expediency of ecclefi- aftical eftablifhments : a fermon, preached at the vifitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Middlefex, in the parifli church of Ware, June 3, 1823. [7/a. xxx. i.] 8° Lond. 1 82 3. BROWN (John Henry), M.A. Reftor of Middleton in Teefdale. Peter the Apoftle never at Rome, ftiewn to be a hiftorical faft : with a differtation of the apoftolic authority of the Symbol (or creed) of tiie church. 8" Oxford, 1861. BROWN (John Hoskins). Regiftrar-general of fliipping and feamen. The fhipmafters' guide ; containing ample diredlions for making the returns, and otherwife complying with the pro- vifions of the Merchant feamen's aft, (7 & 8 Vic, c. 1 12,) with a copy of the aft, and defcription of the mariner's regifter ticket. 8° Lond. 1844. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1846. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1853. — Another edition. 12° Lond. 1855. — Another edition. 8^ Lond. 1857. BROWN (John Langdale), M.A. Late of Clare Hail, Cambridge, Ten difcourfes on the prefent and future condition of the Church, in connexion with the glorious appearing of our Lord ... 12° Lond. 1834. BROWN (John Mortlock), B.A. Curate of St. Saviour's, Vork. Remember God now : a fermon preached to children at Chrift church, Surrey, Januaiy ift. 1S60. [iiVr/w. xii. 1.] 12° Lond. i860. 4 Y 1^^ BROWN BROWN (Joseph), M.D. Phyfician in Sunderland. Medical eflays on fever, inflammation, rheumatifm, difeafes of the heart, &c. 8° Lond. 1828. A defence of revealed religion, comprifing a vindication of the miracles of the Old and New Teltaments from the attacks of rationalifts and infidels. 12° Lond. 185 I. Memories of the part, and thoughts on the prefent age. 8° Lond. 1863. The food of the people: a letter to Henry Fenwick, Efq., with a poftfcript on the diet of old age. 8° Lond. 1865. BROWN (Joseph), M.A. Rcftor of Chrill church, Southvvark. A fermon, occafioned by the death of W. Wilberforce, Efq. preached at St. Paul's, Mill-Hill, Hendon, Middlefex, on Sunday, Aug. 11, 1833. \Rev. xiv. 13.] 8'^ Lond. 1833. BROWN (Joseph), D.D. United Prelbyterian minifter in Dalkeith, and afterwards in Giafgow. Nehulhtan ; or, the principle of Hezekiah's reformation applied to the temperance reformation: a fermon. [2 Kings xviii. 4.] 8° n. p. n. d. The dwellings of .Tacob ; or, houfehold miniftrations for every Sabbath day in the year. 12° Lond. 1847. Tlie lambs of the flock ; or, fermons to the young. 12° Lond. 1847. BROWN (Joseph). Of the Middle Temple. The dark fide of trial by jury. 8° Lond. 1859. BROWN (Josiah). Barrifter-at-law. D. in London, 2S Sep. 1793. Reports of cafes upon appeals and writs of ei'ror in the High Court of Parliament, from the year I 701 to the year 1779 ... 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1779-83. — The fecond edition ; with notes and many additional cafes, brought down to the year 1800, by T. E. Tomlins, Efq. In eight volumes. 8° Lond. 1803. BROWN (Margaret). Lays of aiFeiftion. 8° Edinb. 1 8 19. BROWN (Meredith), B.A. Perpetual curate of Chittoe, diocefe of Salilbury. The churchman in death ; as exemplified in a letter ad- dreffed to the parifhioners of Weftbury, upon the death of their vicar, Stafford Brown, M.A. ... Second edition. 8° Lond. 1847. BROWN (MosEs). B. in humble circumftances, 1703. Diftinguifhed himfelf as a poet and mifcellaneous writer. Entered the Church, and was prefented to the vicarage of Olney, Bucks. Chaplain of Morden College, Kent, 1763. D. there, 13 Sep. 17S7. AU-bedevil'd; or, the houfe in a hurry: a farce. \_Anon.'\ 8" Lond. 1723. Pifcatory eclogues : an elTay to introduce new lules and new charafters into paftoral ; to which is prefix'd a difcoui fe in defence of this undertaking. With praftical and philo- fophical notes. [.(^non.] 8^ Lond. 1729. BROWN (MuNGO Ponton). Admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates, 14 Dec. 1816. D. at Edinburgh, 18 Nov. 1S32. A treatife on the law of fale. 8° Edinb. 182 I. General fynopfis of the decifions of the Court of Seffion from its inftitution until November 1827. 4 vols. 4° Edinb. 1829. BROWN (Peter). Hiftorical ficetches of the parifh of Cambufnethan. 8° Wifliaw, 1859. BROWN (Ra\vdon). Calendar of (late papers and manufcripts, relating to Eng- lifh afi^airs, exifting in tlie archives and colleftions of Venice, and in other libraries of northern Italy. Edited by R. Brown. Vol. I. 1202— 1509. Publldied ... under the direcfVion of the Mafter of the Rolls. 8^ Lond. 1864. BROWN (Richard). Memorabilia curliana Mabenenfia. [Anon.] 8° Dumfries, I 830. BROWN (Richard). Profeflor of architecture. Domeftic architedlure : containing a hiftory of the fcience and the principles of defigning public edifices, private dwelling houfes, country raanfions, and fuburban villas ; with praftical differtations on every branch of building, from the choice of the fite to the completion of the appendages. Alfo feme obfervations on mral refidences, their charafteriftic fituation and fceneiy ; with inftruftions on the art of laying out and ornamenting grounds. 4° Lond. [1842.] Sacred architedlure : its rife, progrefs, and prefent ftate. Embracing the Babylonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman temples, the Byzantine, Saxon Lombard, Norman, and Italian churches, with an analytical inquiry into the origin, progrefs, and perfection of the Gothic churches in England ; and praftical diieflions for reftoringthefe dilapidated Chriflian edifices to theirprimitive beauty. lUuftrated with fixty-three plates, fliowing the progieffive character of the various ftyles of facred architedture. And a glolTaiy of terms. Alfo, the elements of church defign, and an account of the origin of diocefies and parilhes, and the founding of their cathedrals and cluirches, with hiftorical defcriptive details of every part belonging to thefe venerable fabrics ; an inveftigation of the plan beil adapted for the voice : and on ventilation, and warming. 4° Lond. 1845. BROWN (Richard). Independent preacher, Liverpool. The bye- ways of the Bible. 12° Liverpool, 1853. Themes for meditation ; or, (Icetches and flceletons of im- portant texts of Scripture. 8° Liverpool, 1854. BROWN (Robert). B. at Eaft Linton, Eaft Lothian, 1757. Devoted himfelf to agricultural purfuits. D. at Drvlawhill, Eaft Lothian, 14 Feb. 1831. General view of the agriculture of the Weft Riding of BROWN 715 Yorkfhire; furveyed by MefFjs. Rennie, Brown, and ShirrefF, 1793 ... 8° Edinb. 1799. Striftures and remarks on the Earl of Selkirk's Obferva- tions on the prcfcnt ftatc of the Highlands of Scotland, with a view of the caufes and probable confeqiiences of emigration. S" Edinb. iyo6. Treatife on rural affairs : being the fubflance of the article Agriculture publifhed in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia; with improvements and additions. 2 vols. 8° Edinb. 181 i. BROWN (Robert). Minifter of St. Matthew's, Douglas, Ifle of Man. Poems, principally on facred fubjedls. 12° Lond. 1826. BROWN (Robert). Solicitor, Barton-upon-Humber. A letter to the Rev. George Uppleby, vicar of Barton- upon-Humber, in reply to an addrefs from him to his parifhioners, refpedling the teaching and condudt of his curate, by members of his congregation, on behalf of themfelves, and others reprefenting the proteftant feeling of the parifh. 8° Lond. 1850. A fecond letter to the Rev. George Uppleby, in reply to a letter from him to Robt. Brown, Wm. Graburn, and Lyne Brown, Efquires, refpedling the teaching and conduft of his curate ; with a vindication of former charges, an examination of two of his publifhed fermons, and a refutation of certain charges contained in notes and an appendix to the fame. 8" Lond. I 850. An expofition, critical, explanatory, and pra^ BRUNNOW (F.), Ph.D. Spherical aftrononiy; tranflated bythe Rev. Robert Main, M.A. Part I. 8° Cambridge, i860. — Tranflated by the author from the fecond German edition. 8'Lond. 1865. BRUEYS (David Augustin de). B. at Aix, 1640. Originally a proteftant, and educated for the profeflion of the law, but was converted to the Romiih faith, and became a prieft. D. 25 Nov. 1723. Defenfe duculteexterieur de I'figlife Catholique . . . Avec la refutation des deux reponfes faites "a I'Examen des raifons qui ont donne lieu k la feparation des Proteftans ... 12° Am(L 1686. * Confiderations generales fur le livre de Mr. Brueys, intitule, Examen des raifons qui ont donne lieu a la fepara- tion des Proteftans ... 1684. [5_y Jacques Lenfant.] Hiftoire du fanatifme de noftre temps, ct le deflein que I'on avoit de foulever en France les mecontens des Calviniftes. 12° Palis, 1692. Le muet : comedie en cinq adles et en piofe, reprefentee pour la premiere fois le 2 2 Juin 1 69 i . [Petitot, Repertoire du theatre Framiois, ix. 277.] L'avocat Patelin, comedie en trois afles et en profe. Re- ])refentee pour la premiere fois le 4 Juin i 706. [Ibid. xvi. 369-] BRUFF (Peter). AfTociate of the Inftitute of civil engineers. A treatife on engineering field-work, coniprifing the prac- tice of furveying, levelling, laying out works, and other field operations connefled with engineering. Second edition. 8' Lond. I 8 40. — levelling. 8" Lond. 1842. BRUGES. The provoft of Bruges : a tragedy ... 1836. W. LovELL.] [By G. BRUHIER D'ABLAINCOURT (Jean .Jacques). A French phyfician, born at Eeauvais. D. at Paris, 24 Odt, 1756. Caprices de I'imagination, ou lettres fur differens fujets d'hiftoirc, de morale, de critique, d'hiftoire naturelle, &c. [Jnon.l 8° Amft. 174 I. BRUHNS (H. J.) Beleuchtung des Menfchenverftandes des Herrn Paftor Meyer zu plagenberg auf Alfen, in Bezieliung auf deflen Schrift gegen die Harmfifchen Thefes. Ncbft weiterer Auf- tiihrung ciniger Hauptftreitpunkte. 8° Kiel, 18 18. Fiir die OfFenbarung. Gegen den Idealifmus. Zunachft gegen die Schrift des Hrn. von Berger : Ueber den Schein- baren Strelt der Vernunft wider fich felbft, befondcrs in Religionsfachen. Nebft einem Anhang iiber Dr. Neubers Religion und Sittlichkeit. 8" Kiel, 18 19. BRUIJN (Georg ) Opmuntring til mine Medborgere om Decltagclfe i Canal- Handelen. 4° Kibbenhavn, 1784. BRUIN (Florentius de). A preacher at Gorkum, in Holland. D. 1724, in the fcventy- fourth year of his age. De emendandis temporum Hebra:s linguae anomaliis en- allagifve, hadlenus temere nimis admiffis, diflertatio epiftolaris ad virum plurimum reverendum D. Georgium de Mey [Pfal- mus decimus octavus ex fecundo Samuelis et prime pfal- morum libro in concentum digellus.] 12° Amftelaedami, 1703. BRUINING (G.) Commentarius perpetuus in Julii Cxfaris, Strabonis, Melx, Plinii,Taciti, Dionis, Ptolemsi, Zofimi, Ammiani, Eumenii, Sidonii Apollinaris, Eutropii,Gregorii Turonenfis, Aimoinl, aliorum hiftoricorum, geographoium, rhetorum, poctarum complurium, tradita de rebus Belgicis, Batavicis, Frificis, Sicambricis, aliis nonnullis. Quern praebet rerum illai-um hiftoria, ab antiquiifimis inde temporibus, ad annum srx Chriftianas mc.\l. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1818. BRUMBY (.1.) The fea and the failor ; or, moral and religious anecdotes of feanien, and incidents connefted with nautical life. 8" Lond. 1861. BRUMMELL (George). B. in London, 7 June, 1778. D. at Caen, 29 March, 1840. * The life of George Brummell, Efq., commonly called Beau Brummell. 1844. [5)/ W. Jesse.] BRUMMERUS (Fridericus). A German jurift. B. at Leipzig, 1642. Drowned in the river Alberine, near Lyons, 3 Dec. 1668. Commentarius ad legem Cinciam. 4° Lut. Pariflis, 1668. Brumnieriana ; five opufcula juridico-hiftorico-philologica . . . partim olim typis mandata, partini ex manufcriptis nunc primuni edita. Recenluit, indice locupiete inftiiixit, deque jurifprudentia formulaiia, lituali et fynibolica qua-darn j)ra;- fatus eft Georgius Beyer. 8° Lipfis, 1712. BRUMOY (Pierre). B. at Rouen, 168S. A diftinguirticd member of the Society of the Jcfuits. D. at Paris, 16 April, 1742. Le theatie des Grecs. 3 torn. 4° Paris, 1730. BRUMWELL (Edward Coulson). B. at Burton-upon-Trcnt, 12 Aug. 1S47. D. at Penrith, 5 Dec. 1861. * A memoir ... Bythe Rev. Thomas Brumwell. 1 863. BRUMWELL (Thomas). Weflcyan miniftcr. The bud early plucked ; or, a memoir of Edward Coulfon Binimwell, a Woodhoufe Grove fcholar. 8" Lond. 1863. BRUN ( le). See Lebrun. BRUN (J. Ant.) A plan for the deteiflion and pievention of forgery, by BRUN— BRUNET DE LA SELVA which the Bank may be enabled to exhibit to the public the proofs of the forgery of its notes without offering any advantage to forgers. Followed by a demonftration, proving the exillence of a radical but curable evil attached to the prefent mode of relief in recovering bank notes. Tranflated from the French by***** ****** 8° Lond. 1818. BRUN (J. J.) Danmarks Kjobllceder i 24 Kobbere, med hiftorilli topo- graphifke Befltrivelfer. \DaniJh and German.] 4° Kiobenhavn, n. d. BRUNACCI (V.NCENiio). B. at Pifa, 3 March, 176S. Intended at firft for the bar, but abandoned the ftudy of law for that of mathematics, of which he was appointed profeflbr in the Univerfity of Pavia. D. there, 16 June, 181S, Nuovo trattato di navigazione, che contiene la teoria e la pratica del pilotaggio. Per fervire di continuazione al tomo primo del Trattato di navigazione del Sig. Bouguer. 1795. BRUNANBURGH. Carmen Anglo-Saxonicum de prselio Brunanburgenfi inter Danos & Anglos anno 937 commiflb. [Langebek, Scri/i- tores rertim Damcarum, ii. 412.] BRUNE (Jean de la). A French preacher at Schoonhoven, in Holland, at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 1 8th century. Lavie de Charles V. Due de Lorraine et de Bar, gene- raliilime des troupes imperiales . . . Troifieme edition, \ylnon.] 8° Amft. 169 I. — • Traducida en la Caftellana por Miguel de Echalaz Gonzalez de Sepulveda. 8° San Sebaftian, 1693. BRUNEAU (Astoine). B. at Chevreufe, 10 April, 1640. Went to Paris, ftudied law, and became an advocate of the parliament. D. at Paris, about 172G. Nouveau traite des criees, contenant les procedures pour faiie toutes fortes des decrets, fuivant les couftumes, ordon- nances, arrets & r^glemens fur ce inteivenus jufques a pre- fent . . . Second edition, augmente de plus de moitie. 4^ Palis, 16S5. BRUNEL (Sir Marc Isambard). * Memoir ... By Richard Beamish. 1S62. BRUNELLESCHI (Filippo). A painter, fculptor and worker in the precious metals. B. in Florence, about 1377. D. there, 16 April. 1446. Sonetto. [RuBBi, Parnafo Itallano, vi. 238.] BRUNELLUS (Jcinnes). Ajurift of Orleans, of whofe iiiilory nothing has been recorded. Traiftatus infignis de fponfalibus et matrimoniis. [F. ZiLETTUs, TraBatus univerfi juris, ix. 3.] Traftatus de dignitate & poteftate legati ; nee non de primaria Cardinalium origine atque inftitutione, in quo obiter i-tiam de materia beneficiali agitur. [Ibid. xni. ii. 230.] In lib. V. Decret. repetitio in cap. primum De homicidio. [Repetitiones .Juris canokici, iv. 711 .] BRUNELLUS (Sigismundus). B. at Padua, about 1502. ProfeiTor of law in the univerfity of his native city. D. 1543. Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Matrimonialia confilia, i. 270.] BRUNET (Alexander). The regal armorie of Great Britain, from the time of the ancient Britons to the reign of her Majefty Queen Viftoria : the inflitution of chivalry, and the origin of emblematic in- fignia in ancient nations. 8° Lond. 1839. BRUNET (Francois Florentin). B. at Vitel, in Lorraine, about the middle of the 1 8th century. Entered the order of the Lazarifts, and having dilHnguilhed him- felf by his talents, was appointed profeflbr of philol'ophy in the feminary at Toul, and fubfequently governor of a fimilar eftab- lirtiment at Chalons-fur-Marne. Rofe to be alTllUnt general of the order. D. at Paris, 15 Sep. 1806. Parallele des religions. \^Anon.'\ 3 torn. 4^ Paris, 1792. BRUNET (Jacques Charles). Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant, i "'. Un nouveau diftionnaire bibliographique, dans lequel font in- diques les livres les jilus precieux et les ouvrages les plus utiles, tant anciens que modernes, avec des notes iur les diffe- rentes editions qui en ont ete faites, et des remarques pour en reconn.iitre les contrefagons ; on y a joint des details necef- faires pour collationner les livres anciens et les piincipaux ouvrages a eftampes ; la concordance des prix auxquels les editions les plus raies ont ete portees dans les ventes publiques faites depuis quarante ans, et revaluation approximative des livres anciens qui fe rencontrent frequemment dans le com- merce de la librairie. 2°. Une table en forme de catalogue raifonne, oil font chifles methodiquement tous les ouvrages indiques dans le diftionnaire, et de plus, un grand nombre d'ouvrages utiles, mais d'un prix ordinaire, qui n'ont pas du etre places au rang des livres precieux. 3 tom. 8° Paris, 18 10. — Seconde edition. 4 tom. 8° Paris, 18 14. — Troifieme edition. 4 tom. 8° Paris, 1820. — Quatrieme edition. Le tout rtdige et mis en ordre par une fociete de bibliophiles Beiges. 5 tom. 8° Bruxelles, 1838-45. — Quatrieme edition oiiginale. 5 tom. — Cinqui^me edition originale. BRUNET (Pierre Nicolas). 8' Paris, 1842-4. 6 tom. 8° Paris, 1860-65. B. at Paris, 1733. Chiefly known as a poet and dramatic author. D. 4 Nov. 1771. Abrege chronologique des grands fiefs de la couronne de France ; avec la chronologie des princes et feigneurs qui les ont poffedes, jufqu'a leurs reunions a la couronne. [^y4non.] 8° Paris, I 759. BRUNET DE LA SELVA (Ramon). DilTeitaciones phyfico-medicas, fobre varies curiofos af- fumptos de medecina ... 2 tom. 8° Madrid, 1755-8. BRUNFELSIUS— BRUNNEMANNUS BRUNFELSIUS (Otho). B. in the neighbourhood of Mayence,about 1464. Originally intended fur the Church ; but having embraced the dodlrines of the Reformation, he ftudicd medicine, and devoted himfelt fpecially to tiic feicnce of botany. D. at Berne, 23 Nov. 1534. Veibum Dei multo m.igis exjiedit audire, quam MifTam : ad Epifcopuni Bafilicnfem. CliiKltis in parabolis quale iocutus fit. Evangeliorum ratio, & authoritas. Ab Otthonc Brunfelfio congefta. 4° [Argetjtinas,] n. d. Herbarum vivx cicones ad natuias imitationem iuma cum diligentia & artificlo effigiatse.una cum efFeilibus earundem . , . Quibus adjedla ad calcem appendix, ifagogica de ufu & ad- miniftratione fimplicium. (Novi Herbaiii, tonius 11. de vera herbarum cognitione appendix. fol. Argentinae, 1532. BRUNI (Leonardo). B. at Arezzo, 1369. Educated at Florence. Secretary to Innocent Vll. Gregory Xll. and John XXIU. Chancellor ot the republic of Florence. D. there, 9 March, 1444. Beginning : — Leonard! Aretini de bello Italico adverfiis Gotthos. End: — Leonardi Aretini de bello Italico ... liber quartus et ultimus foeliciter finit. Gallicus bunc librum im- ])reffit nlcolaus ienfon. fol. [Venetiis,] 1471. De bello Italico adverfus Gothos gefto biftoria, nunc primum edita. 8° Parifiis, 1534. Hiftoriarum Florentinarum libri xii. : quibus accefferunt quorundam fuo tempore in Italia geftorum et de rebus Grascis commentarii, ab interitu vindicati, nee non a mendis innu- nieris repurgati, et ex manufcriptis in lucem editi (tudio et opera Sixti Brunoni.s, Dobelenfis. fol. Argentorati, I 6 1 0. De ftudiis et Uteris. 8° Parifiis, 1642. Epiftolarum libri vni. ; prsmiffi Poggii Florentini oratione, recufi curante lo. Alberto Fabrlcio. y° Haniburgi, 1724. Epiftolarum libri viii. ad fidem codd. MSS. fuppleti, et caftigati ; ct plufquam xxxvi. epiftolls, qux in editione quo- que Fabriciana deerant, locupletati ; recenfente Laurentio Mehus ... qui Leonardi vitam fcripfit, Manetti, et Poggii orationes ])rxmifit, indices, animadvcrfiones, jirxfationemque adjecit, llbrumque nonum, ac decimuin in luceVii protulit. Accefl'ere cjufdem epirtolx, popiili FlorL-ntinl nomine fcripts, nunc primum ex codd. MSS. in lucem erutae. 2 torn. y° Florentia-, 1 741. Reruni fuo tcmpoie geftarum conimentariu3,ab anno 1378 ufque ad annum 1440 ... [Muratori, Reritm Italicarum fcriptores, xix. 909.] Commentariorum rerum Grsecaium liber. [Gronovius, Thefaurus Gritcarmn antiquilalum, vi. 3378.] De militia, liber fingularis. [Maccioni, OJfcrvaiiioni e iliJfertaii.ioni varie, p. 79. | Oratio adverfus hypocrifim. [Poggius, Dialogus adverfus hypocrifim?^ Oratio in funerc Nannis Stroza", equitis Florentini. [Baluze, Mifccllanca, iii. 226.] In Caroium de Malateftis propter derogationem ftatux in memoriam Maronis faftas inveecchcs of the leading members of the two houfcs of parliament, and fiom modern jiublications on the Catholic queftion. 8° Lond. 1829. BRUNTON (Alexander), D.D. B. in Edinburgh, Minifter of the parilh of Bolton, 1797. Tranilated to New Grcyfriars church, Edinburgh, 1803, and from thence to the Tron church in the fame city, 1809. Fro- fenor of oriental languages in the IJnivcrfity of Edinburgh, 1813. D. 9 Feb. 1854, in the cighty-lecond year of his age. Sermons and le<5lurcs. 8° Edlnb. 1 8 18. BRUNTON (Alexander). Hiftory of Sir William Wallace: tranflatcd from Fordun's Latin Scoliclironicon. To which is added the battles of Fal- kirk and Linlithgow ... 12° Edinb. 1 863. BRUNTON (George). B. in Edinburgh, 31 Jan. 1 799. Praftifed as a folicitor there, but devoted much of his time to literary puifuits. D. at Paris, 2 June, 1836. An hiftorical account of the fenators of the College of Juftice, from it.s inftitution in muxxxii. By George Brunton and David Haig. S'' Edinb. 1832. BRUNTON (Henry). Novum Teftamentum [Turcice redditum.] 1 8 I 8. See Bible, Verfions, Karafs. BRUNTON (Mary). Only daughter of Colonel Thomas Balfour, of Elwick, Orkney. B. I Nov. 1778. Married to the Rev. Dr. Brunton, 5 Dec. 1798. D. at Edinburgh, 19 Dec. 181S. Difcipline : a novel. By the author of " Self-control." 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1 8 1 4. . — Another edition. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the life and writings of the author, including extracts from her correfpondence. [Standard Novels, No. I 6.] 8° Lond. 1832. — Another edition. 8° Lond. 1837. — Another edition. [Parlour Library.] 8° Lond. 1852. — Another edition. [Railway Library.] 8° Lond. 1 852. Emmeline ; with fome other pieces. To which is pre- fixed a memoir of her life, including fome extracts from her correfpondence. 8 Edinb. 1819. Self-control : a novel. [Railway Library.] I 2= Lond. 1852. BRUNTON (Robert). A compendium of mechanics ; or, text book for engineers, niill-wrights, machine-makers, founders, fmiths, &c., contain- ing praftical rules and tables connected with the fteam engine, water wheel, force jnnnp, and mechanics in general : alfo examples for each rule calculated in common decimal arith- metic . . . With plates, fecond edition, in)])roved and enlarged. 12° Glafgow, 1825. BRUNTON (William), C.E. On the ventilation of coal mines. S' Lond. 1849. BRUNUS (Albertus). B. at Afti, about 1467. Studied law, and took a high pofitiun as an advocate. D. about 1541. Elegantes ac percommodi commentaiii fuper ftatutis ex- cludentibus foeminas et cognatorum lineam a fuccefilonibus. [F. ZiLETTUS, TraHatus un'i-vcrjt juris, ii. 165.] Confilium in hoc idem thema,quod hucufque commentariis fuis illuftravit. [Ibid. ii. 245. J De augmento & diminutione nionetaruni. [Ibid.xii. 207. | — [BuDELius, De monetis, p. 353.] De augmento rebufque additis. [F. Zilittus, Traflatiis univerfi juris, xvii. 348.] De diminutione & deteiioratione. [Ibid. xvii. 370.] De interitu & percmptione. [Ibid. xvii. 379. J De refeiflione. [Ibid. xvii. 385. ) De mutatione Sc transformatione. |Ibid. xvii. 389.J 1^^ BRUNUS— BRUSSIUS De permanentibus feu perfeverantibus in eodem ftatu. [Ibid. xvii. 395.] De rebus feu difpofitionibus dubiis. [Ibid, xviii. 349.] BRUNUS (CONRADUS). A native of Wiirtemberg. Studied the civil and canon law at Tubingen. Counfellor of the Bifliop of Augfburg, and afiifted at the diets of Auglburg, of Spire, of Worms and of Ratllbon. Canon of Auglburg. D. 1563. Traftatus de feditionibus. [F. Zilettus, Tra&atus uni- ■verfi juris, xi. I, 98.] De haereticis et fchifmaticis. [Ibid. xi. ii. 271.] BRUNUS (Franciscus). An Italian jurirt, who lived about the end of the 15th cen- tury. Traftatus de indiciis & tortuia. [F. Zilettus, TraBatus univeiji juris, xi. i. 246.] BRUNUS (JoRDANUs). See Giordano Bruno. BRUNUS (.TosEPHus Antonius). Differtationes in jus civile. 4° Auguftje Taurinomm, 1759. BRUNUS (Matth^us). An Italian jurift, b. at Rimini, who lived about the middle of the 1 6th century. De ceffione bonomm. [F. Zilettus, TraSulus univerft juris. III. ii. 179.] — [Straccha, De mercatura, p. 864.] BRUNWILRE. Annales Brunwilarenfes, a. IOOO-1125. [PERTZ,ilfon«- menta Germaniit hijlorica, i. 99.] Annalium Brunwilarenfium fupplementum, a. 1000— I [49. [Ibid. ii. 216.] Brunwilarenfis monafterii fundatio (anno I 028) edente R. Kopke. [Ibid. xiii. 394.] BRUNY ( de). Examen du miniftere de M. Colbert. \Anon^ 8° Paris, 1774. BRUSCAMBILLE. Pfeud. 0/ Deslauriers. BRUSCIUS (Caspar). A German hiftorian and poet. B. at Schlackenwald in Bo- hemia, 16 Aug. 1518. D. a violent death, 1559. De Laureaco, veteii admodumque celebri olim in Norico civitate, et de Patavio Germanico : ac utriufque loci archi- epifcopis ac epifcopis omnibus, libri duo. 8 Bafil. 1553. Chronologia monafteriorum Germanix prjecipuorum ac maxime illuftrium : in qua origines, annales ac celebriora cujufque monumenta bona fide recenfentur. 4° Sulzbaci, 1682. Poemata. \GKVTt.K, D elili^ poetarum Gfrmanorum,\. 8 i 7.] BRUSONI (GiROLAMo). B. at Legnago, 10 Dec. 1610. A poet, hiftorian and mifcel- laneous writer. D. about 1679. Degli allori d'Eurota, poefie di diverfi ... raccolte dal Cavalier Girolamo Brufoni. 2 parti. 4° Venet, 1662-3. Delia hiftoria d'ltalia, libri XLvi. Settima inipreffione riueduta dal medefimo autore, accrcfciuta, e continuata dall' anno 1625. fino al 1679. fol. Torino, 1680. BRUSONIUS (Lucius Domitius). An Italian author, of the former half of the 16th century. Facetiarum exemplorumque libri vii. Opus quidem ex- imium, ac mirabili cilm rerum ti"lm iententiaruni fcitu dignif- fimaruni atque iucundifTimarum variftate retertilTimum : nunc primilm ab innumeris, quib. fcatebat, erratoium monftris re- purgatum, inque lucem editum, opera ac ftudio Conradi Ly- corthenis Rubeaquenfis. 4° Bafilex, [1559.] BRUSSEL (Nic). B. at Paris. Auditor of the royal accounts. D. 8 Jan. 1750. Nouvel examen de I'ufage general des fiets en France, pen- dant les onzieme, douzieme, treiziemc et quatorziSme fiecles ... 2 torn. 40 Paris, 1750. BRUSSELIUS (Philibertus). A Belgian nobleman and jurifl. D. at Antwerp, Nov. 1570. De conditionibus libri quatuor ; in quibus difficillimaquae- que et contradluum et teftamentorum, ac pleraque fingulari intelleftu dilucide explicantur. 4° Lovanii, i 560. — Editio nova. 8° Braxellas, 1659. — Nee non Paulus Duran, Epifcopus Urgellenfis, De conditionibus et modis impolTibilibus ac jure prohibitis con- traftibus et teftamentis adfcriptis ; nunc uterque denuo'ex- cufus, et a multis priorum editionum erratis e.xpurgatus . . . 4° Francofurti et Lipfiae, I 700. BRUSSELS. News from BrufTels : in a letter from a near attendant on his Majefty's perfon, to a perfon of honour there ; which cafually became thus publick. 1660. [^Scott's edition of Somers' Tracts, vii. 390.] A companion for the vifitor at Bruflels, with eftlniates of the expenfes of living there, and flcetches of the Pays Bas. To which are added, notes of a tour to Italy by the Tyrol ; obfervations on the prefent ftate of the arts in Flanders, and on the new Belgian code of laws, pofte routes, &c. By an old refident at BrufTels. 8° Lond. 1828. BRUSSIUS (Alexander). See Bruce. BRUSSIUS (GUILIELMUS). A native of Scotland, who fpcnt the greater portion of his life abroad, but of whom very few particulars are known. Ad principes populumque Chriftianum, de hello adverfus Turcos gerendo, non diminutis publicis vefligalibus, neque expedlata difcordantium principum concordia, confilium. 8° Lipfias, 1595. BRUT— BRUZEAU ll\ BRUT. Brut y Tywyfogion ... Edited by the Rev. John Wil- liams ab Ithel, M.A. i860. BRUTES. The triumph of brutes : a fatire on this Caledonian age. 4° 1-ond. 1763. BRUTON (Edward G.) Architeil, Oxford. Private halls, and collegiate additions ; their architefture and ccclefiology : a paper read before the Oxford Society for promoting the ftudy of Gothic architecture. 8° Oxford, 1854. BRUTON (James). Going on anyhow : an hiftrionic flcetch in one aift. 1 2° I.ond. n. d. BRUTUS. The reproof of Bratus. 1830. \By John Minter Morgan.] BRUTUS (Joannes Michael). B. at Venice about 151 5. Hiftoriographer to the Emperor Rodolph U. and to the Emperor Maximilian. D. in Tranfyl- vania, 1594. Opera varia feledla, nimirum Epiftol. lib. v. de Hiftorix laudibiis, five de ratione legendi fcriptores hiftoiicos liber, prasceptorum conjugalium liber ; epiftolis et orationibus coni- pluribus editione Cracovienfi audliora. 8° Bcrolinl, 1697. Hiftorix Florentine libri o.^irs of old books in Englifh literature revived. 4 vols. 8" Lond. 18 14-16. Cenfura literal ia ; containing titles, ab(ha<;is, and opinions of old Englifh books, with original difquifitions, articles of 742 BRYDIE— BRYSSON biography, and other literary antiquities. Second edition. I O vols. 8° Lond. 1815. Archaica. Containing a reprint of fcarce old Englifh profe trafts ... 18 I 5. Reafons fora further amendment of the aft 54 Geo. III., c. 156, being an aft to amend the Copyright aft of Queen Anne. 18 17. [Pamphleteer, x. 493-] Arguments in f ivour of the prafticability of relieving the able-bodied poor, by finding employment for them ... Ad- drefled to the committee on the pooj-laws. i 8 I 7. [Ibid. xi. 133-] What are riches ? or, an examination of the definitions of this fubjeft given by modern economifts. [Ibid. xx. 479-] Letters on the charafter and poetical genius of Lord Byron. 8° Lond. 1S24. Recolleftions of foreign travel, on life, literature, and felf- knowledge. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1825. Imaginative biography. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1834. BRYDIE (Andrew), B A. Minifter of St. .-Andrew's Free church, Dunfermline. God's day and God's book. The day of reft traced from Genefis to Revelation. 8'^ Edinb. 1866. BRYDIE (Matthew). Reminifcences of the life of a Grecian, who flourifhed before the Chriftian era : alfo, mifcellaneous poetry. S° Alloa, 1844. Tableau from geology : fonnet ftanza flvetclies, and other poems. 8° Lond. 1863. BRYDONE (James). Reafons for declining to affift in the extrication of Dr. Thomfon's free Bible prefs [and Church of England prayer book] company. By an elder of the United Prefbyterian Church. 8° Edinb. 1847. BRYDONE (Patrick). B. ne.ir Dumbarton, 1 741. Travelling preceptor to William Beckford. Comptroller of the Stamp Office. D. at Lennel Houle, Berwickshire, 19 June, 1818. A tour through Sicily and Malta : in a feries of letters to William Beckford, Efq. In two volumes. 8" Lond. 1773. BRYDSON (Thomas), F.A.S.E. A fumniary view of heraldry in reference to the ufagcs of chivalry, and the general economy of the feudal fyftem ; with an appendix refpefting fuch diftinftions as have place in the Britifh conftitution. 8° Edinb. 1795. BRYENNIUS (Manuel). A writer on mufic, who lived in the 14th century. Harmonica ; ex codd. MSS. nunc primum edita. \Gr. and Lat. J. Wallis, Opera mathematica, iii. 357.] BRYENNIUS (Nicephorus), B. at Oreftia, in Macedonia. HuJband of the Princefs Anna Comnena. D. at Conilantinople, about 11 37. Commentarii de rebus Byzantinis. Prodeunt nunc primum opera et ftudio Petri Poflini. \Gr. and Lat.] fol. Parifiis, l56l. — Recognovit Auguftus Meineke. \Corpus fcriptorum hyioritc Byzantiine.] 8° Bonna:, 1836. — Hiftoire ; traduite par M. Coufin. [Cousin, Hijlo'ire de Conjlantinople, iii. 49 2.1 BRYMER (William Thomas Parr), M.A. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Re£lor of Charlton Mackrell, Somerfet, 1821. Canon of Wells, 1834. Archdeacon of Bath. D. at Charlton Mackrell, 19 Aug. 1852, aged fifty- five. The minifti-y of the Church of England : a fermon preached in the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Thurfday, May 14, 1 840, at the feftival of the fons of the clergy. [2 Cor. iv. I.] 8° Lond. 184O. BRYON (Thomas). The military, naval, and commercial interpreter, Englifh, French, Turkilh, Ruffian, Tartar, Circaffian, Arabic, and Pel fian ; with dialogues and vocabulary on fubjefts of intereft and utility, preceded by the Tartar, Ruffian, Turkifh and Arabic alphabets. The Ruffian words are reprefented in Sclavonic, with their pronunciation ; alfo, an itinerary and meafured diftances of the Ruffian government and diftrift forts, towns, villages, etc., at the recent feat of war, with other inftruftive obfervations, for the ufe of the army, navy, and civilians. 12° Lond. 1856. BRYSON (Alexander). * The burgefs ticket of Buckhaven given to A. Biyfon, within the college thereof, upon the 32 day of Julius Casfar, 1698 years. Suits call'd, and the court lawfully fenced, by Mother Greg. S. Sh. n. p. [1698.] BRYSON (Alexander), M.D. Surgeon, Royal Navy. Report on the climate and principal difeafes of the African ftation ; compiled from documents in the office of the direc- tor-general of the medical department, and fjom other fources ... 8° Lond. 1847. An account of the origin, fpread, and decline of the epi- demic fevers of Sierra Leone ; with obfervations on Sir William Pym's review of the " Report on the climate and difeafes of the African ftation." 8° Lond. 1849. BRYSON (John), LL.D. Preihyterian minifter, Fourtowns, Loughbrickland, Ireland. The three Marys of the four gofpels. 8° Belfaft, 1856. BRYSON (John M.) Architefl and civil engineer, London. Remarks upon the drainage of London : fhewing the amount of expenditure requifite to carry out main culverts, one on each fide of the river Thames, in comparifon with the amount needful to ereft works upon the banks of the faid river for deodorizing the fewage, referving the precipitate for ufe. 8° Lond. 1858. BRYSSON (George). * Memoir. [Memoirs of Mr. WilHam Veitch, and George Br^on ... 1825.] BUACHE— BUCHAN 743 BUACHE (Philippe). A French geographer. B. 7 Feb. 1700. D. 24 J.in. 1773. Confiderations geogiaphiques et phyfiques fur les nouvellcs decouvertes au nord de la grande mer, appellee vulgairement la Mer du Sud, avec des cartes qui y font relatives. 40 Paris, 1753. BUAT-NANqAY (Louis Gabriel, Comte du). See Dubuat-Nan^ay. BUBBLE. The bubble a poem. [By Jonathan Swift.] BUBBLETON. Records of the Bubbleton paiifli ; or, papers from the experience of an American miniller. I2° Lord. 1855. — Second edition. i2°Lond. 1856. Who was fold at the Bubbleton eledlion ? By the author of " The public fchool matches," " Ups and downs of a public fchool," etc. 8° Lond. 1859. BUCANUS (GULIELMOS). A minifter of the proteftant church, and profefTor of theology at Laufanne at the beginning of the 17th century. In Dominicam orationem homiliarum fylvas. 8° n. p. 1606. BUCCAFERREIUS (Ludovicus). B. at Bologna, about 1482. Celebrated for his attainments in philofophy and alio in medical fcience. D. at Bologna, 3 May, 1545. Leftioncs in fecundum ac tertium metcororum Ariftotelis libros, nunc primum in lucera edits, fol. Venetiis, 1570. BUCELINUS (Gabriel). A Benedidline of the monaftery of Weingarten, who lived about the middle of the 17th century. Germania topo-chrono-ftemmato-graphica facra et pro- fana ... 2 torn. fol. Augufta: Vindelicorum, 1655. — Parsaltera ... fol. Augulte Vindelicorum, 1662. Annales Benediftini; quibuspotioramonachoriumeiufdem ordinis merita ad compendium referuntur. fol. Aug. Vindel. 1656. BUCELLUS (Joannes Maria). An Italian jurift, who is faid to have lived in the former half of the i6ch century. Confilium. [J. B. Zilettus, Malnmonialla coiifilhi, i. 2 37-] BUCERUS (Jacobus). A clergyman of Sandwyk, in Holland, in the latter half of the 17th century. Epiftolarum pentas ad Petrum Dclocnum ct Godof^ Wingium. [Gerdes, Scrinlum antlquarium, v. i. 171.] BUCERUS (Martinus). An eminent German reformer. B. at Schelcftadt, in Alflice, 149 1. Educated at Heidelberg. His religious views cxpofing him to many difficulties and h.irdrtiips, he was invited by Cran- mer to vifit England. Appointed Regius profeflbr of divinity in the Univcrfity of Cambridge, 1549. D. there, 1551. Martini Buceri fcripta Anglicana fere omnia iis ctiam. qux haftenus vel nondum, vel fparfim, vel peregiino faltem idiomate edita fuere, adiumftis a Con. Huberto ad explicandas fedandafque religionis ci"lm alias, tum prxfertim eucharifticas controverlias, fitigulari fidecollefta ... fol. Bafilea:, 1577. Conftans defenfio, ex S, Scriptura, et vera catholica doftiina, atque obfervatione univeifalis Chriftianae ecclefia: deliberationis de Chriftiana reformatione, quam reverendifli- nius in Deo pater, princeps & dominus D. Hermannus archi- epifcopus Colonicn(is, & princeps eledor, &c. iam ant^ pub- licavit : cum firmiffima confutatione eorum omnium quae dementias eius adverfarij, fub titulo antididagmatis, & fub nomine capituli Colonienfis, contra eandem Clementia: fuae deliberationem produxerunt, & in lucem emiferunt ... nunc primo e manufcripto Buceri in lucem editus. 4° Genevae, 161 3. Epiftola ad Alb. Hardenbergium. [Gerdes, Scrinium antiquarium, iv. ii. 699.] Epiftola ad Bonifacium Wolfhardtum et Auguftanos, de euchariftia et confefTione Auguftana. [Ibid. v. ii. 2 2 2.] Differtatio epiftolica de ftatu Germanias. [Ibid. viii. i. 390-] A review of the Book of common prayer, drawn up at the requeft of Archbidiop Cranmer. Briefly analyfed and abridged by Arthur Roberts, M.A. 8° Lond. 1853. BUCH (Leopold von). A Pruflian nobleman. B. at Stoipe, in Pomerania, 25 April, 1774. Devoted much of his time to the ftudy of geology. D. at Berlin, 4 March, 1853. Reife dutch Norwegen und Lappland. 2 Bde. 8° Berlin, 1810. A mineralogical defcription of the environs of Landeck, in the county of Glatz, with a mineralogical map. Tranf- lated from the French, with notes, by Charles Anderfon, M.D. 8° Edinb. 18 10. BUCHAN, Earl of. See David Stewart Erskine, Earl of Buchan. BUCHAN (Alexander). Minifter at St. Kilda, 1705. D. there, 1730. A defcription of St. Kilda, the moft remote weftern ifle of Scotland. Giving an account of its fituation, extent, foil, produft, bay, and adjacent illands or rocks ; the ancient and modern government, religion and culloms of tlie in- habitants, and other curiofities of art and nature. Alfo their late reformation. 8° Edinb. 1727. — Another edition. 8° n. p. 1752. — [Mlfcellanea Scotlca, ii. See Scotland.] BUCHAN (Alexander Winton). The advanced profe and poetical reader : being acollei5lion of felerfl fpccimens in Englilh, with eX]ilanatory notes and quelHons on each IclTon ... 12° Glafgow, 1854. — Second edition. \i° Edinb. 1859. The poetical reader : a new felc(flion of poetiy for the fchool-room ; witli notes and quellions. Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1 86 I. The fong of rcll; and minor poems. 8° Lond. 1866. 744 BUCH AN— BUCHANAN BUCHAN (Charles Forbes), D.D. Minifter of the parilh of Fordoun, Abba, Father: being prayers and hymns for young perfons. 12° Edinb. 1855. The harp of Zion : being a feleftion of hymns principally defigned for the ufe of Sabbath fchools. Third edition. 8° Edinb. [1855.] Streams from Lebanon ; or, the precioufnefs of Jefus. 12° Edinb. n. d. BUCHAN (David Home). The battle of Waterloo : a poem. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1 8 16. BUCHAN (George). OfKelloe, Berwickihire. B. 1775. Sailed for India, May 1792, in the Winterton Eaft Indiaman, and was wrecked on the coaftof Madagafcar. Secretary to the government of Madras. Returned to Scotland after nearly twenty years' fervice. D. 3 Jan. 1856. Hiftorical flvetch of the ecclefiaftical eftablifhment in Scotland, more particularly with reference to the prefent ftate and future profpefls of the Church of Scotland ; to which are added, remarks on the fpeech delivered by Lord Brougham in the Houfe of Lords in the Aucliterarder cafe ; alfo on the late interdidl of the Court of Seffion, with information as to the prefent ftate of Strathbogie. Second edition. 8° Edinb. I 840. BUCHAN (Peter). B. at Peterhead, 1790. Eftabliflied himfelf as a printer in that town. D. in London, 19 Sep. 1854. The recreation of leifure hours ; being original fongs and verfes, chiefly in the Scottilh dialedt. I 2° Edinb. i 8 1 4. Annals of Peterhead, from its foundation to the prefent time ... 8° Peterhead, 1819. An hiftorical and authentic account of the ancient and noble family of Keith, earls maiichal of Scotland ; from their origin in Germany, down to 1778 : including a narra- tive of the military atchievenients of James Francis Edward Keith, field-maifhal in Pruflia, Sec. ; alfo, a full and cir- cumftantial account of all the attainted Scottirti noblemen, who loll their titK-s and eftates in I 7 I 5 and 1745, for tlieir adherence to the Stuart caufe. S° Peterhead, 1820. Gleanings of Scotch, Englirti, and Irifh fcarce old ballads, chiefly tragical and hiftorical : with explanatory notes. 8° Peterhead, 182;. Ancient ballads and fongs of the north of Scotland, hitherto unpubli(hed ; with explanatory notes. 2 vols. '8° Edinb. 1828. BUCHAN (William), M.D. B. at Ancrum, Roxburghfliire, 1729. Educated at the Uni- verlity of Edinburgh. Praftiied as a phylician in Sheffield, whence he removed to Edinburgh in 1766, but finally fettled in London. D. there, 25 Feb. 1805. Domeftic medicine ; or, the family-phyfician . . . 8° Edinb. 1769. BUCHANAN (Alexander Carlisle). Emigration pradlicallycoiifidered; with detailed diredlions to emigrants proceeding to Britifli North America, particu- larly to the Canadas ; in a letter to the Right Hon. R. Wilmot Horton, M.P. 12° Lond. 182 8. BUCHANAN (Andrew), M.D. ProfefTor of the inftitutes of medicine in the Univerfity of Glalgow. Obfervations on malignant cholera, intended to illuftrate the natural couife of the difeafe, the natural procefTes by which a fpontaneous recovery is effected, and the mode of treatment beft adapted to fecond the curative efforts of nature. 8° Lond. 1848. On Darlingifm, mifnamed eledlro-biology : an addrefs to the members of the Medico-chinirgical fociety of Glafgow. 8° Lond. I 857. BUCHANAN (Claudius), D.D. B. at Cambudang, Lanarkfliire, 12 March, 1766. Educated at the Univerfity of Glaigow, and at Queens' College, Cam- bridge, to which he was lent at the expenie of Mr, Henry Thornton on the recommendation of the Rev. John Newton, Entered the Church of England, and was appointed one of the chaplains of the Eafi India Company, 1796. VivC-provoft of the college of Fort- William. Returned to England, Aug. 1808. D. at Broxbourne, Hertfordlhire, 9 Feb 181 5. Memoir of the expediency of an ecclefiafticd eftablifh- ment for Britifli India. 4° Lord. 1805. * Vindication ot the Hindoos from the af])erfions of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, M.A. With a refutation of the arguments exhibitid in his Memoir on the expediency of an ecclefiaftical eftablifliment for Britifh India. By a Bengal oflicer. 8° Lond. 1808. ChriflJan refearches in Ada ; with notices of the tranf- lation of the Sciiptures into the oriental languages. Second edition. 8° Lond. 181 i. Colonial ecclefiaftical eftablifhment : being a brief view of the ftate of the colonies of Great Britain, and of her Afiatic Empire, in refpeft to religious inftrudlion ... Second edition. 8° Lond. I 8 13. Chriftian refearches in India : with the rife, fufpenfion, and probable future of England's rule as a Chriftian power in India. Edited by the Rev. W. H. Foy, B.A. 8° Lond. 1858. * Memoirs. By the Rev. Hugh Pearson. 18 17. BUCHANAN (DAvro). A Scottilli writer of the former half of the 17th century, of whom very little is known. Hiftoria animx humanae. 8° [Paris.] 1636. L'hiftoire de la confcience. 12° n. p. 1638. De fcriptoribus Scotis libri duo nunc primum editi. [Edited by Dr. Irving for the Bannatyne Club.] 4° Edinb. 1837. BUCHANAN (David). B. at Montrofe, 1779. Editor of the Caledonian Mercury, and fubiequently of the Courant newfpaper, Edinburgh. D. at Glafgow, 13 Aug. 1 848. Inquiry into the taxation, and commercial policy of Great Britain ; with obfeiTations on the principles of cur- rency, and of exchangeable value. 8° Edinb. 1844. BUCHANAN (Dugald). B. in the parilli of Balquhidder, 1716. Celebrated as a Gaelic poet. D. 2 June, 176S, aged fifty-two. The power and riches of divine grace : illuftrated from the diary of D. Buchanan. To which is prefixed a memoir of his life. 12° Edinb. I 8 39. BUCHANAN 745 BUCHANAN (Francis), M.D. B. near Callander, Stirlingftiire, 15 Feb. 1762. Educated at the Univerfities of Gbfgow and Edinburgh. Surgeon in the {ervice of the Eaft India Company, about 1791. Returned to England, 1S15. D. 15 June, 1829. Several years before his death, he changed his name to Hamilton, under which his later works were publiihed, A journey from Madras through the countries of Myfoie, Canara, and Malabar ... for the exprefs purpofe of invefti- gating the ftate of agriculture, arts, and commerce ; the re- ligion, manners, and cuftoms, the hiftory natural and civil, and antiquities, in the dominions of the rajah of Myfo?e ... In three volumes. 4° Lond. 1807. — [Pinkerton's CoHcd'wn of voyages and travels, viii. 573-] An account of the kingdom of Nepal, and the territories annexed to this dominion by the Houfe of Gorkha. 4° Edinb. I 8 19. Genealogies of the Hindus, extrafled from their facred writings ; with an introduftion and alphabetical index. 8° Edinb. 1 8 19. Genealogical tables of the Hindus, fol. Edinb. 18 ig. An account of the fiflies found in the River Ganges and its branches. With a volume of plates in royal quarto. 4° Edinb. 1822. BUCHANAN (George). A diftinguifhed Stottilh writer. B. at Killearn, Stirlingfliire, Feb. 1506. D. at Edinburgh, 20 Sep. 15S2. Opera omnia, ad optimorum codicum fidem funimo ftudio recognita & caftigata ; nunc primum in unum coUefta, ab innumeris pene mendis, quibus pleraeque editiones antea fca- tebant, repurgata ; ac variis infuper notis aliifque utiliffimis acceffionibus illuftrata & aufta ... curante Thoma Ruddi- manno, A.M. 2 torn. fol. Edinb. 1715. — Cum indicibus rerum memorabilium,et prxtatione Petri Burmanni. 2 torn. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1725. Rerum Scoticarum hiftoria. fol. Edinb. 1582. — Another edition. Acceflit De jure regni apud Scotos dialogus ... 8^ Francof. ad Moenum, 1624. — Another edition. 8° Uitrajcfti, 1668. — Notas, quibus varix lefliones ex omnibus cditionibus & nonnullis MSS. colliguntur . . . fumma cura addidit .Jacobus Man. Acceffcrunt index locupktiflimus, auftoris vit:i ab ipfo fcripta, & Dialogus de jure regni apud Scotos. 8° Abredoniae, i 762. — Faithfully rendered into Englifli. fol. Lond. 1690. — The third edition. Vol. III. Containing, I. A de- teflion of the a. n. d. BUCHANNAN (John). Albert: a poem in two cantos. Hilda; and other poems. 8° Lond. 1828. BUCHEIM (Joannes Georgius). De iJ.iTaij,oi(p'ji(!%i Regis Nabuchodonoforis, ad Dan. iv. [Menthenius, Thefaurus theologko-pbilologicus, i. 876.] BUCHER (August Leopold). Betrachtungen iiber die Geographie, und iiber ihr Ver- haltnifs zur Gefchichte und Statiftik. 8° Leipzig, i 8 i 2. BUCHER (Fridericus Christianus). B. atSchlieben,inSaxony, 22 May, 1 651. Studied at Witten- berg. Profeflbr of philo(ophy, and librarian, at Danzig, 1681. Dean of St. Catherine's church, in that city, 16S5. D. theie, 18 March, 1714. DilTertatio de Qioixayjug, ad Adl. v. 39. [Menthenius, Thefaurus theologico-philolo^lcus, ii. 43 1 .1 BUCHER (Samuel Fridericus). B. at Rengerfdorf, 16 Sep. 1692. Reftor of the gymnalium at Zittau. D. there, 21 May, 1765. Antiquitates BiblicK, ex Novo Teftamento feleftae, con- fiietudines, ritus, formulas veteruni examinantes. 4° Vitembergx ct Lipfi.i;, 1729. Synlicdrium magnum. [\JGOLmvs,The/aurutantiijuilaluni fiicrarum, xxv. I I 5 I .] DilTcrtatio de velato Hebrseorum gynjeceo. [Ibid. xxix. 6.5.] DilTcrtatio de unftione in Bethania. [Ibid. xxx. 1 3 i 7.J BUCHERIUS (/Egidius). B. 1 576. Entered the Society of the Jefuits, and became reftor of the order at Liege. De doiftrina temporum, commcntarius in Viiftoriwn Aqui- tanum nunc priniuni poll m.i.-.l\xvii. annos in lucem edituni. 748 BUCHHEIM— BUCK aliofque aiuiquos canonum pafchalium fcriptores, chronologias ecclefiafticx illuftrands ac ftablliendx utiliflimos. fo!. Antverpias, 1634. Anonymi de piaefeftis urbi ex temporibus Gallieni ; ut ct fragmentum Faftoium ab anno Chiifti 205. ad 354. ex edi- tione jEgidii Buchei'ii. [Gr^vius, Thefaurus atitlqultatum Romanarum, xi. 384.] BUCHHEIM (A.) Deutfches Theater. Modern German plays, arranged for fchools : edited, with idiomatical notes and a complete voca- bulary, by Dr. Bucliheim. 2 parts. 8° Lend. 1860—5. Theatre Frangois. Modern Frencli plays, arranged for fchools : edited, with idiomatical notes and a complete voca- bulary, by Ur. Buchheim. 2 parts. 8° Lond. 186 1-5. BUCHHOLTZ (Christoph Joachimus). B. at Schon'ingen, 25 Nov. 1607. Educated at Wittenberg. ProfefTor of law at Rinteln. The date of his death has not been afcertained. Examen adfertionis refponfi, non Mofis, fed Michaelis Havemanni, contra matrimonium cum deRinftae uxoris forore ... 4° Bremas, 1662. BUCHHOLTZ (Friedrich). Kleine Schriften hiftorifchen und politifchen Inhalts. 2 Thle. 8° Berlin, 18 I 2. Mofes og Jefus ; eller, om Jodernes og de Chriftnes in- tellektuelle og moralflie Forhold,en hifloriflt-politiflv Afhand- iing. Overfat med en Forerindring af Thomas Thaamp. 8° Kiobenhavn, 18 13. Ueber den Schlaf und die verfchiedenen Zuftande defTel- ben. Mit einem Vorwort vom Herrn Dodlor Hufeland. 8° Berlin, 182 i. BUCHHOLZ (Carl August). Marc-Aurel. 8° Berlin, 1S06. BUCHLERUS (Joannes). A fchoolmafter at Gladbach, near Juliers, in the former half of the 17th century. Sacrarum pi'ofanarum que phrafium poeticarum thefaurus , . . 12° Lond. 1679. BUCHNER (.1. H.) A miflionary in Jamaica for a period of fifteen years. The Moravians in Jamaica. Hiftoiy of the miffion of the United Brethren's Church to the negroes in the ifland of Jamaica, from the year 1754 to 1854. 8° Lond. 1854. BUCHNERUS (Augustus). B. at Drefden, 2 Nov, 1591. Profeflbr of rhetoric in the Univeriicy of Wittenberg. D. there, 12 Feb. 1661. De commutata ratione dicendi libri duo : quibus in fine adjunfta diflcrt.itio gemina de exercitatione ftyli ... Edidit Otho Prstorius. 12° Wittenberg^, 1664. Poemata fcleftiora, nunc primum edita ... 8° Lips, et Franc. 1694. Orationes Academicas ; continentes panegyricas, feftas & literarias, cum autoris vita prolixe defcripfit .To. Jacob Stti- belias. 8^ Franc, et Lips. 1727. BUCHNERUS (Hulrichus). A German foldier and poet. B. near Niirnberg, 1560. D. 12 May, 1602. Poemata. [Gruter, DeUlU poetarum Germanorum, i. 827.] BUCHOLCERUS (Abrahamus). B. at Schonau, Saxony, 28 Sep. 1529. Studied at Witten- berg, under Melan^hon. Lutheran minifter fucceflively at Spruttdu, at CrofTen, and at Freirtadt. D. at Freiftadt, 14 June, 15S4. Ifagoge chronologica : id eft, opufculum, ad annorum feriem in Sacris Bibliis contexendam, compendio viam mon- ftrans ac fundamenta indicans. AccefEt index chronologicus, a mundo condito ad Annum Chrifti 1580 deduflus. fol. Gorlicii, i 580. — Another edition. 8° In officina Santandreana, 1596. BUCHON (Jean Ale.xandre). A French hiftorian. B. at Meneton-Sa!on, Cher, 21 May, 1 79 1. D. at Paris, 29 Aug. 1846. Colle<5lion des chroniques nationales Frangaifes, ecrites en langue vulgaire du treizienie au feizieme fiecle ; avec notes et eclairciffemens. 47 torn. 8° Paris, 1824—8. BUCHOZ (Pierre-Joseph). B. at Metz, 27 Jan. 1731. A phyfician and naturalift. D. at Paris, 30 Jan. 1807. Didlionnaire raifonne univerfel des plantes, arbres, et ar- buftes de la France ... 4 torn. 8° Paris, 1770— i. BUCK (Charles). B. 1771. Minifter of a diflenting congregation at Sheernefs, whence he removed to a limilar appointment in London. D. II Aug. 1 81 5. A theological diftionary, containing definitions of all re- ligious terms ; a coniprehenfive view of every article in the fy(tem of divinity ; an impartial account of all the principal denominations which have fubfifted in the religious world from the biith of Chrift to the piefent day. Together with an accurate ftatement of the moft remarkable traniaatheticum, p. 624.] BOSCH (Johann Georg). B. at Alten-Meding, Luneburg, 3 Jan. 1728. ProfefTor of mathematics in the gymnafium at Hamburg, 1757. Direftor ot the commercial academy in the fame city, 1767. D. 5 Aug. 1800. Ueber den Gang meines Geiftes und meiner Tahtigkeit. 12° Hamburg, 1794- Sammtliche Schriften. 1 5 Bde. 8° Wien, 18 I 3-17. Grundrifs einer Gefchiclite der merkwiiidigften Welt- handel neueier Zeit in eineni erzahlenden Vortrage. Vierte Ausgabe, durchgefehen und von 1796 bis 1810 fortgefetzt von G. G. Bredow. 2 Abthl. 8' Hamburg, 18 16. BUSCHEL (Johann Gabriel Bernhard). B. at Leipzig, 1758. Served in the army. D. at Leipzig, 7 March, 1813. Ueber die Charlatanerie der Gelehrten feit Menken. \_Jnoii.] 8° Leipzig, I 79 I. BOSCHING (Johann Gustav). B. at Berlin, 17S3. Studied at Berlin, at Erlangen, and at Halle. Extraordinary profeffor of antiquities at Breflau, 1817, and ordinary profeffor, 1823. D. 4 May, 1829. Buch der Liebe ; herausgegeben durch Dr. J. G. Biifch- ing und Dr. F. Heinrich von der Hagen. Erfter Band. 8° Berlin, 1809. Der Deutfchen Leben, Kunft und WifTen im Mittelalter, Eine Sammlung einzclner Aufsatze. 2 Bde. 8° Breflau, 18 17-19. BUFF (Henry). Profeffor of phyfics in the Univerfity of Gicffen. Familiar letters on the phyfics of the earth ; tieating of the chief movements of the land, the waters, and the air, and the forces that give rife to them. Edited by A. W. Hofmann. 8° Lond. 1851. BUFFA (Ignazig). D. 25 April, 1784, aged forty-fix. Poefie ; e faggi diverfi. 8° Bologna, 1788. BUFFA (John), M.D. Travels through the empire of Morocco. 8° Lond. 18 10. BUFFIER (Claude). B.in Poland, 25 May, 1661. Educated at Rouen, and entered the Society of the Jeluits, 1679. D. at Paris, 17 May, 1737. Pratique de la memoire artificielle, pour apprendre et pour retenir I'hirtoire et la chronologie univerfelle ... III. et IV. partie, qui contiennent I'hiftoire generale des etats depuis Jefus-Chrift jufqu'a prefent, et I'hiftoire ecclefiaftique. Nou- velle edition. 8° Paris, 17 i i. Cours de fciences fur des principes nouveaux et fimples, pour former le langage, I'efprit, et le coeur, dans I'ufage ordinaire de la vie. fol. Paris, 1732. Nuevos elementos de la hiftoria univerfal, fagiada, y pro- fana, de la esfeia, y geographia, con un breve compendio de la hiftoria de Efpana y Francia. Sacados de los que efcrivio en Frances el padre C. Buffier, de la compania de Jefus, por otro de la mifma compania ... 4° Madrid, 1762. BUFFON (Jean Louis Leclerc, Comte de). A celebrated French naturalift. B. at Montbard, Cote-d'or, 7 Sep. 1707. D. at Paris, 16 April, 17S8. Hiftoire naturelle generale et particuli^re, avec la defcrip- tion du Cabinet du Roi [15 tom., 1750-67 ; fupplement, 7 tom., 1774—89 ; oifeaux, 9 torn., 1770—83 ; mineraux, 5 tom., 1783-88.] 36 tom. 4° Paris, 1750-89. [Tom. I. II, III. marked fecond edition.] — Nouvelle edition. Tom. xxxv., xxxvi. [Hiftoire naturelle des finges.] 8° Paris, 1804. * Lettre a M. le Comte de Buffon ; ou, critique et nouvel eflai fur la Theorie generale de la terre. 1782. [Par P.-M. Bertrand.] Natural hiftoiy, general and particular. Tranflated into Enghfli ; illuftrated with above 300 copper-plates and occa- fional notes and obfervations. By William Smellie. Second edition. 9 vols. 8° Lond. 1785. The natural hiftory of birds. From the French. Illuf- trated with engravings, and a preface, notes, and additions by the tranflator. In nine volumes. 8° Lond. 1793. Natural hiftoiy of beafts, birds, fifties, and infefls. By Buffon and Trimmer. 8° Lond. 1864. BUFFORD (Samuel). An effay againft unequal marriages. In four chapters. I. The introdu(5lion. II. Againft old perfons marrying with young. III. Againft perfons marrying without the parents or friends confent. IV. Againft perfons marrying without their own confent. 12° Lond. 1693. BUFFUM (E. Gould). Six months in the gold mines : from a journal of three years' refidence in Upper and Lower California in 1847— 8-9. 12° Lond. 1850. BUGATO (Gasparo). An Italian hiftorian, a native of Milan, who lived about the middle of the l6th century. Hiftoria univerfale nella quale, con ogni candidezza di verita, fi racconta breuemente, & con bell'ordine, tutto quel ch'e fucceffo dal principio del mondo fino all'anno mdlxix. 4° Venetia, i 570. — Another copy. 4° Venetia, 157 I. [The above are both the fame edition, though the dates on the title pages are different.] L'Aggiunta dell'hiftoria univerfale et delle cofe di Milano, dal I 566 fin'al I 58 i, nella quale fi leggono i piu memora- bili fatti che fiano occorfi nel tramezzo di quel tempo, con ogni diligenza notati. 4° Milano, 1587. BUGDEN (Francis). A plain expofition of the new Bankruptcy bill for traders and fhopkeepers. 12° Lond. 1S61. BUGENHAGEN— BUILDER— BUILDING SOCIETIES 757 BUGENHAGEN (Johann). One of the leaders of the Reformation. B. in the ifland of Wollin, in Fomerania, 24 June, 14S5. D. at Wittenberg, 20 April, 1558. Ain Seiidbrieff ... Tiber ain Frag vom Sacrament. Item, ain Underricht von der beycht und Chiiltliclier Abfolution. 4" Witteniberg, i 525. Ainn fendprieff ... an dye Chriften inn EngUad. 4° n. p. 1525. Der XXIX. Pfalm aufgelegt ... Darinnen auch von der Kinder TaufFe. Item von den ungeborn Kindern und von den Kindern die man nlcht teufFen kan. Ein trolt D. Martini Luthers fur die Weibern, welchenes ungeratgegangen ift mit Kinder geberen. 4° Witteniberg, 1542. Das leiden und AufFerftehung unfers Herrn Jhcfu Chrifti, aus den vier Euangeliften ... AufFs new mit vleis emendirt. Auch die verftorung Jerafalem und der Jiiden kurtz gefaflet. 4° Witteniberg, 1544. BUGG (Francis). Quakerifm farther expof 'd, by xii arguments againfl their defiled fimple affirmation. Alfo, a court of confcience held December 5, I 7 12, where twelve quakers were convidted of perjury, and condemn'd. To which is added, one of their primitive epiftles, with fome animadverfions thereupon. 8° Lend. I 7 13. BUGG (George), B.A. Educated at St John's College, Cambridge. Redlor of Wilf- ford, Lincolnfliirc, 1849. D. at Hull, 15 Aug. 1S51, aged eighty-two. Scriptural geology ; or, geological phenomena confident only with the literal interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures, upon the fubjedts of the Creation and Deluge ; in anfwer to an " Efliiy on the theory of the earth," by M. Cuvier, and to Piofeflbr Buckland's theory of the caves, as delineated in his " Reliquiae Diluvianoe," &c. \AnonJ\ 2 vols. 8" Lond. 1826-7. The key of modern controverfy ; or, the baptifmal re- generation of the Eftablifhed Church explained and juftified ; in reference to the late charge of the Bifhop of London. 12° Lond. 1S43. BUGGE (Thomas). B. at Copenhagen, 12 Odl. 1740. Profeflbr of aftronomy in the univerfity of that city, 1777. D. 15 Jan. 1815. Obfervationes aflronomicx annis 17S1, 1782 et 1783, inftitutas in Obfer\'atorio Rcgio Havnienfi et cum tabulis afhonomicis comparata;. 4° Havnisc, 1784. BUGNOTIUS (Gabriel). B. at St. Dizler, in Champagne. A bencdi£line of the con- gregation of St. Maur. ProfciTor of rhetoric in fcveral of the colleges of his order. D. 2i Sep. 1673. Archombrotus et Theopompus, five Argenidis \Barcla't'i\ fecunda et tertia pars, ubi de inrtitutione principis. 8" Lugd. Bat. et Roterod. 1669. BUGNY (L. P. de). Pollion ou le ficcle d\\.ugufle. 4 torn. 8° Paris, 1808. BUGNYON (Philibert). A French poet and jurift. B. at Macon. D. 1590. Traite des loix abrogees et inufitees en toutes les cours. terres, iurifdiiflions & feigneuries du royaume de France ; le- duit en cinq livres, pour la fepti^me edition. 4° Lyon, I 578. Legum abrogatarum et inufitatarum in omnibus curiis, terns, jurifdidionibus, & dominiis regni Francise traftatus ... ac- ceiTere additiones ... Audlore Liberto Francifco Chriftyn, J.C. Brux. 40 BmxeUis, 1677. BUHLE (Johann Gottlieb). B. at Brunfwick, 29 Sep. 1763. Profeflbr of philofophy at Gbttingen, 1794. During the difturbances occaiioned by the French Revolution, he retired to Ruflia, where he held feveral important appointments. Returned to Germany, and obtained a profeflbr's chair in the college at Brunfwick, 1814. D, Aug. 1821. Grundziige einer allgemeinen Encyklopadie der Wiflen- fchaften. 8° Lemgo, 1790. Lehrbuch der Gefchichte der Philofophie und einer kritifchen Literatur derfelben. 8 Thle. 8° Getting. 1 796-1 804. Hiftoire de la Philofophie moderne depuis la renaiffiince des lettres jufqu'a Kant, precedee d'un abrege de la philo- fophie ancienne, depuis Thalesjufqu'au 1 4™* fiecle. Traduite de I'Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 6 tom. 8° Paris, 1816. Ueber Uifprang und Leben des Menfchengefchlechts und das kiinftige Loos nach dem Tode. 8° Braunfchweig, 1821. BUIE (William). Sworn accountant, Britifli Guiana. Intereft and time tables ; being multipliers for computing intereft at the rates of five, fix, feven and eight 1^ cent per annum refpeflively ... 12° [Liverpool,] 1842. BUILDER— BUILDING SOCIETIES. An apology for tlie builder ; or, a difcouiie ffiowing the caufe and effedls of the increafe of building. 4° Lond. 1685. Tiie builder's price-book . . . The fcventh edition. By an experienced furveyor ... 12° Lond. 1 7 89. Taylor's builder's piice-book ... containing a coned lift of prices allowed by the nioft eminent furveyors in London to the feveral artificers concerned in building ... By an eminent furveyor. 8^ Lond. 1808. The builder's and contradlor's price-book for 1859 ... Fourth edition. 12° Lond. 1859. — for 1 86 1 ... Sixth edition. Revifed by George R. Burnell. 12° Lond. 1861. — for 1862, 1863, 1864, 1S65, 1866, 1867. 12° Lond. 1862-7. The builder's praflical diredlor; or, buildings for all clafles . . . Illuftrated by numerous plates and diagrams. 40 Leipzic, [1865.] In contraifting with builders and others, beware ; or, a few words to any who are about to build, 8^ Lond. 1851. The Builder, an illuftrated weekly magazine, for the draw- ing-room, the ftudio, the office, the workffiop, and the cottage. Vols. I.-XXIV. fol. Lond. 1843-66. 758 BUISSON— BULGARUS On the conftrudlion of public buildings and private dwel- ling-houfes on a fire-proof principle, without increafe of coft. I 2° Lond. 1849. Eveiy man his own landlord : an addrefs to profeffional men, tradefnien, mechanics, and others, explanatory of the plan, principles, objeds, and advantages of building focieties ... 12° Frome, 1 8 45. Rules of the Freeholder's building fociety, eftablifhed in Manchefter, 1845. 8° Manchefter, [i 845.] Rules of the Bradford tradefman's benefit building and inveftment fociety. 8° Bradford, 1846. Rules of the Rock building and inveftment fociety. 8° Lond. 1846. Rules of the United patriots' and patriarchs' equitable land and building benefit fociety. 8° Lond. 1S47. Rules of the Pontefraft, Caftleford, and Knottingley benefit building fociety. 8° Leeds, 1848. The Roebuck equitable building and inveftment fociety rules. 8° Liverpool, [1848.] Rules of the Provincial benefit building fociety. 8° Leeds, 1 849. Rules of the Scarborough building and inveftment fociety. 8° [Scarborough,] n. d. Building focieties. Proceedings in the Court of Common Senfe in the cafe of ftiareholders v. direftors ... With an introduiftion, (hewing the expediency of inveftigating the accuracy of the principle on which thefe focieties are founded, previous to taking fliares therein. 8° Lond. n. d. The Building focieties' directory, and almanack for 1850. BUISSON (Mr. Du). See Dubuisson. BUISSON (F. R.) B, at Lyons, 1776. An excellent anatomift and phyfiologiH. D. at Paris, Oft. 1804. De la divifion la plus naturelle des phenomenes phyfio- logiques confideres chez Phonime, avec un precis hiftorique fur M. F. X. Bichat. 8° Paris, 1802. BUIST (George), LL.D. A native of Scotland, long refident in India, where he was chiefly known as editor of the Bombay Times. D. at Calcutta, I oa. i860. Outline of the operations of the Britifh troops in Scinde and Affghaniftan, betwixt Nov. 1838 and Nov. 1841 ; with remarks on the policy of the war. 8° Bombay, 1S43. Report on the meteorological obfervations made at Colaba, Bombay, from the ill September to the 31ft December 1S42 : with a general notice of the weather for the year 1S42. 40 [Bombay, 1843.] — from the ift January to the 31ft December, 1843 : with a general notice of the weather for the year 1843. 4° [Bombay, 1844.] Some obfeiTations on the " Remarks of Commander Montriou, on the malignant attacks on him, by Dr. Buift, which have appeared in the Bombay Times, fince 1S47." By their fubjea. 8° Bombay, 1851. Corredlions of a few of the errors contained in Sir Wm. Napier's Life of his brother, Sir Charles Napier, in fo far as they afFedl the prefs of India : in a letter addrefled to the author. 8° Lond. 1S57. BUL^US (CAESAR Egasius). B. at Saint-Ellier, about the beginning of the 17th century. Profeflbr of humanity in the College of Navarre. Redlor of the Univerfity of Paris. D. 167S. Hiftoria Univerfitatis Parifienfis ... 6 torn. fol. Parifiis, 1665-73. De decanatu nationis Gallicanas. A C. E. B. R. V. P. [a Cdfare Egajfio Bulito ReBore Univerfitatis Parifienfis.^ 12° Paris. 1662. De Patronis iv. nationum univei fitatis. 8 Paris. 1662. Carlomagnalia feu Feriae Conceptivx Carolis Magni in Scholis Academise Parifienfis obfervandae. 8° Paris. 1662. BULENGERUS (Julius C^sar). B. at Loudon, 1558. A man of letters and hiftorian, of the order of the Jefuits. D. at Cahois, 1628. Opufculorum fyftema, duobus tomis digcflum ... fol. Lugduni, 162 I. De theatre ludifque fcenicis libri duo. Editio prima. 8° Tricaffibus, 1603. De fortibus, de auguriis et aufpiciis, de ominibus, de pro- digiis, de terras motu et fulminibus. [Gr/^vius, Thefaurus antlquitatum Romanarum, v. 36 I.] De tributis ac veftigalibus populi Romani. [Ibid. viii. De circo Romano, ludifque Circenfibus ; de venatione Circi et Amphitheatri ac de theatro. [Ibid. ix. 575.] De conviviis libri quatuor. [Ibid. xii. 44.] De oraculis & vatibus liber ; item excerptum de templis ethnicorum. [Gronovius, Thefaurus Gmcarum ant'iquitatum, vii. I, 50.] De ludis veterum liber unicus. [Ibid. vii. 901.] De piflura, plaftice, ftatuaria, libri duo. [Ibid. ix. S09.] De triumphis, fpoliis bellicis, trophiis, arcubus triumph- alibus et pompa triumphi, liber unicus. [Ibid. xi. 8 5 7. J BULGARINIS (Bulgarinus de). Anitalian jurift and ftatefman. B. at Siena, 144 1. D. 1497. Repetitio fupei- iiibr. ff. Solu. matrim. et quemadmodum dos petatur. [Limpius, Repetit'iones in varias juris ci-vilis leges, iii. 33.] Repetitio in 1. i. ff. Soluto niatrimo. [Ibid. iii. i 10.] Repetitio fuper rubr. fl\ de verbor. obligat. [Ibid. vi. 10.] Repetitio in 1. petens. C. de paflis. [Ibid. vii. 194.] Repetitio in legem primam C. qui admitti. [Ibid. viii. 7 i .] BULGARUS. A jurift of Bologna, who lived about the middle of the 12th century. Bulgari et Placentini, veterum jurifconfultorum, Ad titu- luni Pandedarum de diverfis regulisjurisantiqui, breves duoet elegantes commentarii ... 8^ Colonias Agrippinas, 1587. BULGER— BULL 759 BULGER (George E.) Leaves from the records of St. Hubert's Club ; or, re- minifcences of fporting expeditions in many lands. 8° Lond. 1864. BULGETIUS (Attilius). B. at Padua, 15S9. Studied medicine, and praftifed fuccefT- fullyas a phylkian in his native city till 1635, when he i'uddenly loft his fight. The date ot'his death has not been afcertained. De affeflionibus cordis traftatus, in tres libros divifus ; quibus acceffit de morbis vcnenatis venenifquc tra<5tatus gene- ralis. 4° Patavii, 1657. BULIFON (Antonio). A native of France : eftablilhed as a publifter in Naples in the latter half of the 17th century. Lettere ftoriche, politiche, ed erudite raccoke da Antonio Bulifon. 12° Pozzoli, 1685. Cronicamerone, overo annali e giornali hiftorici delle cofe notabili accadute nella cittk e regno di Napoli, dalla Nativitadi N.S. fine all'anno 1690. 12° Napoli, 1690. Raguaglio iftorico dell' incendio del Monte Vefuvio fucce- duto nel mefe d'Aprile m.dc.lxxxxiv. Con una breve notizia degl'incendj anticedenti. 12° Napoli, 1696. BULKELEY (James). La Hougue bie de Hambie : a tradition of Jerfey. With hiftorical, genealogical and topographical notes. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1837. BULKELEY (John). A voyage to the South-feas, in the years 174O— I ; con- taining a faithful narrative of the lofs of His Majclly's fliip the Wager ... The whole compiled by ... J. Bulkeiey and John Cummins. 8"^ Lond. 1743. * The fequel to Bulkeiey and Cummins's Voyage to the South-feas ... By Alexander Campbell. 1747. BULKELEY (Sir Richard), Bart. An anfwer to feveral treatifes lately publifti'd on the fubjeft of the prophets. The firft part. 8° Lond. I 70S. BULKLEY (Edward), D.D. An apologie for religion ; or, an anfwer to an unlearned and flanderous pamjililet, intituled, Certaine articles, or forcible leafons difcouering the palpable abfurdities, and nioft notoiious eriors of the Piotcftant r"ligion, pretended to be printed at Antwerpe 1600. 4" Lond. 1602. An apologie for religion cft.Hblilhed in the Church of Engl ind ; being an anfwer to T. W. \7'homas Wright^ his I 2 articles of the lad edition. In this impreflion recognized and much inlarged. Alfo anfvvers to three otiier writings of three feveiall papifts. 4° Lond. 1 608. BULL (Digby), A.M. Rcftor of Sheldon, War«'ickfhire. An eafie and fpcedy way to know the true and exaft lon- gitude of all places in the world : and alfo readily to know the longitude upon tlie fea, by the careful ufo of a fliip-di.il and fhip-watch. 4° Lond. 17 I 4. BULL (Frederick). The difficulties and improbability of perfons recovering their right, by civil or legal procefs, who do not poflefs the means to employ counfel ... By a journeyman bookbinder. 8° Lond. 1837. BULL (George), D.D. B. at Wells, SomerfetlTiire, 25 March, 1634. Educated at Tiverton, and at Exeter College, Oxford. Reflor of Suddington St. Mary, Gloucefteifliire, 165S. Vicar of Suddington St. Peter, 1662. Redorof Avening, 1685. Archdeacon of Landafl, 1686. Biftiop of St. David's, 1705. D. 17 Feb. 1710. Works : collefted and revifed by the Rev. Edward Burton, M.A. To which is prefixed the life of Bifhop Bull, by Robert Nelfon, Efq. 8 vols. 8° Oxford, 1827. Some important points of primitive Chriftianity maintained and defended ; in feveral fermons and otlier difcouiTes. To which is prefixed the hiftory of his life, and of thofe contioverfies in which he was engaged, by Robert Nelfon. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 17 1 3. The divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrifl proved to be the primitive and apoftolick docflrine of the Catliolick Church ; with a curious remark on the validity of the Sibylline oracles. Tranflated from the Latin by a prcfbyter of the Church of England. 8° Lond. 17 14. — The fecond edition. 8° Lond. 17 19. The corruptions of the Church of Rome, in relation to ecclefiaftical government, the rule of faith, and form of divine worfhip. In anfwer to the Bilhop of Meaux's queries. The fourth edition. 8° Lond. 17 14. '■■ Propofals for reprinting by fubfcription Rev"''. D. Georgii Bulli Opera omnia, in one volume in folio ... fol. Lond. 17 19. The opinion ot the Catholic Church, for the firft three centuries, on the neceflity of believing that Jefus Chrift is truly God : tranflated from the Latin. To which is pre- fixed a memoir of his life, by the Rev. T. Rankin. 8° Lond. 1825. The judgment of the Catholic Church on the neceflity of believing that our Lord Jefus Clirilt is very God ; the primitive and apoftolic tradition of the doflrine concerning the divinity of our Saviour, Jefus Chrift ; and brief aniniad- verfions on a treatife of Mr. Gilbert Cleike. A new tranf- lation. \Vol.III., Works on theTrimty. Library of Anglo - Catholic theology^ 8' 0.xford, 1855. Examen cenfurfe ; or, an anfwer to certain fliiiftures, before unpubliflied, on a book cntided, Harmonia Apoltolica, &c. To which is added, an apology for the Harmony and its author, in anfwer to the declamation of T. Tully, D.D., in a book lately publiflied by him, and entitled, .luftificatiu Paulina. \Llhrary of Anglo-Calholic theology.^ 8° Oxford, 1843. Defenfio Fidei Nicsenx : a defence of the Niccne Creed, out of the extant writings of the Catholick dodlors who flouriflied during the three firft centuries of the Chriftiim Church ; in which alfo is incidentally vindicated the Creed of Conftantinople concerning the Holy Ghoft. Vol. 1. A new trnnflatlon. \^l.lbrtiry of Anglo- Colhollc iheologyJ] 8" Oxford, I 85 I. The Proteftant's doom in popifli times. \^Niirleltin Mis- cellany, i. 28.1 760 BULL BULL (George Stringer). B. at Stanway, near Colchefter, 12 July, 1799. Entered the navy as a midfhipman, when twelve years ot age. At nineteen went to Sierra Leone as a milTlonary Ichoolmafter, under the Church miirionary fociety. Returned to England and took orders. Incumbent of Bierley, near Bradford. Redlor of St. Thomas's, Birmingham, 1S47. Vicar of Almeley, Hereford- fliire, 1S64. D. there, 20 Aug. 1865. " Home," and how to make it happy: a ledture, delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, on Thuvfday, December 7, 1854. 8° Birmingham, [1854.] Sheep without fliepherds : the difficulties of populous parifhes, and fuggeftions as to remedial meafures. 8° Lond. n. d. BULL (Henry). B. in Warwicklhire. A demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, about 1555. Perjjetual fellow, 1540. D. about 1575. Chriftian prayers and holy meditations, aswell for private as public exercife. [1566.] Reprinted for the Parker Society. 8° Cambridge, 1842. BULL (Henry), M.A. Perpetual curate of Lathbury, and rural dean. Some remarks upon the remonftrance lately addrefTed to the archdeacons and rural deans of the diocefe of O.xford : a letter addrefll-d to the Rev. W. R. Fremantle, M.A. ... 8° O.xford, 1859. BULL (.Iohn). Law is a bottomlefs-pit ... 17 12. John Bull in his fenfes ... 17 12. John Bull ftill in his fenfes ... 17 12. John Bull's Lift will and teftament ... 17 13. A review of the ftate of John Bull's family ... 17 13. [By John Arbuthnot.] BULL (John), M.A. Curate of Clipfton, Northamptonfhire. Sermons on the fifty-firft Pfalm; with others on doftrinal and praftical fubjefts. 8^ Lond. 1824. BULL (John). The flave ; and other poems. The mufeum : a poem. [Jnon.] 8° Lond. 1824. 8° Lond. 1824. BULL (John), D.D. B. at Oxford. Educated at Weftminfter and at Chrift church, Oxford. Reiflor of Sovvton, Exeter, 1821. Reftor of Lezant, and archdeacon of Barnftaple. Vicar of Staverton, and canon of Chrift church, 1830. D. at Oxford, 21 Feb. 1858, aged fixty-eight. ObfeiTance of the mbric : a letter addreffed to Henry, lord bifhop of the diocefe of Exeter, in anfwer to ftate- ments made by a " prebendary," in the Exeter Gazette of Nov. 30, 1844. 12° Exeter, 1844. BULL (.John). An effiiy concerning the origin of evil ; including thoughts on the nature and power of created will, both in its perfed and fallen flate. 8° Lond. n. d. BULL (John). An enquiry into the prefent ftate of Smithfield cattle market, and the dead-meat markets of the metropolis ; (hew- ing the tendency of the prefent fyftem to reduce the profits of the graziers, caufe unneceflary cruelty to animals, poifon the food of the poor, and give rife to the moft difgraceful defecration of the Sabbath. Second edition. 8° Lond. 1848. BULL (John). * Letters to John Bull, Efq. ... 1 85 I. [By Sir E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton.] BULL (.Iosiah), M.A. Minifter of a congregational chapel, Newport Pagnel, Bucks. Memorials of the Rev. William Bull, of Newport Pagnel : compiled chiefly from his own letters, and thofe of his fiiends, Newton, Cowper, and Thornton. 1738—1814. 8° Lond. 1864. BULL (Sarah). The baptifms of Scripture unfolded. In two parts. 12° Lond. 1843. BULL (Thomas). A letter to John Bull, Efq., from his fecond coufin, Thomas Bull, author of the firft and fecond letters to his brother John. 8° Lond. 1793. BULL (Thomas), M.D. Hints to mothers on the management of health during the period of pregnancy, and in the lying-in-room ... 8° Lond. 1837. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1839. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1844. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1847. — Sixth edition. 8° Lond. 1849. — Seventh edition. 8° Lond. I 85 I. — Eighth edition. 8° Lond. 1853. — Thirteenth edition. 8° Lond. 1853. The maternal management of children in health and difeafe. 8° Lond. 1840. — Second edition. 8° Lond. 1845. — Third edition. 8° Lond. 1848. — Fourth edition. 8° Lond. 1851. — Fifth edition. 8° Lond. 1854. — Seventh edition. 8° Lond. 1861. BULL (Thomas Palmer). B. at Newport Pagnel, I 5 July, 1772. Succeeded his father, William Bull, as paftor of tile congregational chapel there. D. II March, 1S59. A form for the folemnization of matrimony ; compiled by the Rev. T. P. Bull and the Rev. T. Adkins, for the ufe of their refpeftive congregations . . . Second edition. 8° Southampton, 1S41. BULL (W.) Letter to Sir E. Bulwer-Lytton, Bart., commenting upon the policy advocated in his Letters to John Bull, Efq. 1851. BULL (William). B. near Wellingborough, Northamptonfliire, 22 Dec. 1738, Minifter of the congregational chapel, Newport Pagnel, D. 23 July, 1S14, " Memorials ... By the Rev. Jofiah Bull. 1864. BULLA— BULLARIUM—BULLER 761 BULLA— BULLARIUM. Magnum Bullarium Romanuni, a B. Lconc Magno ufqiie ad S. D. N. Innocentium X. Opus abfolutiflimuni Laertii Cherubini ... et a D. Angclo Maria Cheiubino ... denuo illuftiatum ct lecenfitum. Editio noviffima, quatuor tomis difhibuta. fol. Lugduni, 1655. Bullarum privilcgioium ac diplomatum Romanorum ponti- ficum amplifTinia colledlio ; cui acccflere pontificum omnium vitSE, nota:, ct indices opportuni. Opera et ftudio Caroli Cocquelines. 14 torn. fol. Romae, 1739—44. Colledtionis bullarum facrofanfta; Bafilica; Vaticana: tomus primus [fecundus et teitius] a Sanfto Leone Magno ad [Bene- diiftum XIV.] produftus, notis auftus et illullratus. 3 tom. fol. Romae, 1747-52. Explicacion de la Bula de la Santa Cruzada, que para la mayor commodidad de los Reverendos Parrocos, y utilidad de todos los fieles, manda dar a luz el ill"'" Sr. ComifTario General de la niifma Santa Crazada. 8° Toledo, i 758. The papal bull, " In coena Domini," tranflated into Englifh. With a (hort hiltorical introdudtion ; and evidence of its prefent validity, as part of the Roman law, and of its recognition by the Romifh hierarchy in Ireland. 8° Lond. 1848. Papal diplomacy, and the bull, " In ccena Domini ;" or, a colledlion of authentic fadls and documents, proving that the principles of the bull, " In coena Domini," are the only principles of international law recognifed by the papacy. By the editor of the bull, as publiftied for the National Club. 8° Lond. 1848. A letter to the Earl of Arundel and Surrey, on the bull, " In ccena Domini." By the editor of the bull, as publilhcd or the National Club. 8° Lond. 1848. A letter to the Lord Bifhop of London, on the promul- gation of the recent papal bull. By a barrifter. 8° Lond. n. d. A difclofing of the great bull, and certain calves that he hath gotten .. . 1567. [7?)' Thomas Norton.] BULLjEUS (Antonius). A German jurift of the former half of the 17th century. Difputationes ct orationcs juridico-politicx. [Difcurfus Academicus de pafto adfirmativo.] 8" Gicffx- HefTorum, 1618. Operas horarum fubcifivarum, five difcurfuum academi- corum, tarn ex jure publico quam private dcfumtorum, decas nilfcellanea ... 4^ Bremx, 1621. Confiliorum five refponforum juris pentas. 4° TubingK, 1629. BULLAR (John). Principal of an academy at Southampton. D. 1 3 May, 1 864, aged eighty-fix. Memoirs of the late Rev. William Kingfbuiy, M.A. 8° Lond. I 819. A difcourfc, occafioncd by the death of the Rt. Hon. Geo. Canning ; delivered at SoutJiampton, on Sunday, Aug. 12, 1827. [Ps. xlvii. 9.] 8° Southam])ton, 1827. Lay leflures on Chriflian faith and pradlice. 12° Southampton, 1844. The claims of the heart on tlie undcrlbnding : a lay VOL I. lefture, occafioned by the meeting at Southampton of the Britifli AfTociation for the advancement of fcience, delivered on the I3tli Sep. 1846. Third edition. 8° Southampton, [1846.] BULLAR (Joseph), M.D. A winter in the Azores ; and a fummer at the baths of the Furnas. By Jofeph Bullar, M.D., and Henry Bullar, of Lincoln's Inn. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1841. Evening thoughts. By a phyfician. \/lnon.'\ 8" Lond. 1850. BULLAR (William), M.D. Letters from abroad, from a phyfician in fearch of health. 12° Lond. 1861. BULLART (Isaac). B. at Rotterdam, 5 Jan. 1599. D. 17 April, 1672. Academie des fciences & des arts ; contenant les vies & les eloges hiftoriques des hommes illuffres, qui ont excelle en ces profeffions depuis environ quatre fiecles parmy diverfes nations de I'Europe ; avcc leurs portraits tirez fur des originaux au naturel, plufieurs infcriptions funebies, exafte- ment recuelllies de leurs tombeaux. 2 tom. fol. Paris, 1682. BULLEN (Charles), M.A. Educated at Corpus Chrifti College, Cambridge. Perpetual curate of Rainford, Lancalhire. D. at Haftings, 30 Nov. 1846, aged thirty-one. Sermons. 8° Lond. 1850. BULLEN (Edward). Precedents of pleadings in aflions in the fuperior courts of common law : with notes. By E. Bullen and Stephen Martin Leake, Efq. 8° Lond. i860. — Second edition. 12° Lond. 1863. BULLEN (Henry St. ,Iohn). Linguae Anglicans clavis ; or, rudiments of Englifli grammar, fo arranged for the ufe of fchools as to form a new and eafy introduftion to Latin and other claflical grammars ... Now edited, with a preface ... by the Rev. Charles Heycock, A.M. 12° Lond. 1853. BULLEN (John), B.A. Curate of St. Mary's, Birmingham. Notes on "The Canticles;" forming a brief and fimple commentary. 8° Lond. 1854. BULLEN (Samuel). A new compendium of arithmetic, containing a copious and complete colle<5lion of qucftions for fchoolmaflers and private tutors ... 12° Lond. 1789. BULLER (Anthony), M.A. Rcftor of Tavy St. Mary, Dcvonrtiire. Inherent oppofition between the two traditional fylkms of expl.iining the " one catholic and apoftolic Church : " two fermons ])reachcd at the vifitation of an arciideacon in the years 1854 and 1857. \_Matl. xxviii. 20; 2 Thcfs. ii. I 5.] 8° Lond. 1859. S E 762 BULLER— BULLINGERUS BULLER (Charles). B. at Calcutta, Aug. 1 806. Educated at Harrow, at Edinburgh, and at Trinity College, Cambridge. Member of parliament tor Weft Looe, and fubi'equently tor Li(keard, a feat which he re- tained till his death. D. in London, 28 Nov. 184S. Speech in the Houfe of Commons, on Thuifday, April 6, 1843,00 fyfteniatic colonization. 8° Lond. 1843. Ten hours' faiftory bill. Speech in the Houfe of Com- mons, on Friday, March 22nd, 1844, in fupport of Lord A(hley'samendment,that in the eighth claufe the word "ten" be fubftituted for the word " twelve." 8° Lond. i S44. BULLER (Sir Francis), Bart. B. 1745. Educated at Winchcfter, whence he removed to London, and was admitted of the Inner Temple, 1763. CUIed to the bar, 1772. Judge of the Court of King's Bench, 1778. Transferred to the Court of Common Pleas, 1794. Created a baronet, 1789. D. 5 June, 1800. An introduaion to the law relative to trials at Nifi Prius. 4° Lond. 1772. — The fecond edition. 4° Lond. 1775. Tlie feventh edition. With copious annotations ... by Richard Whalley Bridgman, Efq. 8° Lond. 1817. BULLER (Frederick Thomas). Major-General in the army. Served for fome time in the Coldftream Guards. D. at Dover, 5 June, i860. ApoUyon and the readtion of the Slavonians, with a re- view of the political ft.ite of Europe under the aflion of the contending principles. 8° Lond. 1847. BULLER (James), M.A. Remarks on civil fervice reform : in a letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir James Stephen. 8° Lond. 1854. BULLER (Thomas Wentworth). The hare and many friends. Remarks on the monopoly of guano, addreffed to the agriculturifts and (hipowners of Great Britain. 8° Lond. 1852. BULLET (Jean Baptiste). B. at Befanjon, 1699. Profeflbrof theology in the univerfity of his native town. D. 6 Sep. 1775. Memoiies fur la langue Celtique, contenant, 1°. L'hiftoire de cette langue, et une indication des fources o5 Ton pent la trouver aujourd'hui. 2°. Une defcription etymologique des villes, rivieres, montagnes, foiets, curiofites natu relies des Gaules ; de la meillture panic de I'Efpagne & de I'ltalie ; de la Grande Bretagne, dont les Gaulois ont ete les premiers habitans. 3°. Un didtionnaire Celtique renfermant tous les termes de cette langue. 3 tom. fol. Befan^on, i 754-60. Diflertations fur differens fujets de l'hiftoire de France. 8° Lyon, I 759. Reponfes critiques a plufieurs difficuhes propofees par les nouveaux inciedules, fur divers endroits des livres faints. 2 tom. 12° Paris, 1773-4. The hiftory of the eftabliftiment of Chriftianity, compiled from Jewiili and heathen authors only ; exhibiting a fub- ftantial proof of the tnith of this religion, tranflated from the French ... by William Salifbury, B.D. : with notes by the tranflater, and fome ftiiftures on Mr. Gibbon's account of Chriftianity and its firft teachers. 8° Lond. 1776. BULLET (Pierre). City architect of Paris in the latter half of the 1 7th century. Traite de I'ufage du pantometre inftrument geometrique, propre a prendre toutes fortes d'angles, mezurer les diftances accefTibles & inacceffibles, ai'pentcr & divifer toutes fortes de figures, &c. 12° Paris, 1675. BULLEY (Francis Arthur), F.R.C.S. An account of fome cafes of the epidemic cholera, fuccefsfully treated by hot water applications. Reprinted from the "Medical Times" of December ift, 1849, with additional obfervations. 8° Lond. n. d. BULLEY (Frederic), D.D. Prefident of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford. A tabular view of the variations of the communion and baptifmal offices of the Church of England, from the year 1549 to 1662. To which are added tliofe in the Scotch prayer book of 1637. With an appendix. 8' Oxford, 1842. BULLIALDUS (Ismael). B. at Loudon, 1605. An aftronomer of great celebrity. D. in Paris, 1694. Aftronomia philolaica : opus novum . . . fol. Parifiis, 1645. De lineis fpiralibus demonftrationes novas. 4° Parifiis, 1657. Exercitationes geometricse ties, L Circa demonftrationes per infcriptas et circumfcriptas figuras. IL Circa coni- carum feftionum quafdam propofitiones. IIL De porif- matibus. Aftronomicse philolaicae fundamenta clarius ex- plicata, et aft'erta adverfus ... Sethi Wardi ... impugnationem. 4° Parifiis, 1657. Obfervationes de populis fundis. [Grjevius, Thefuurus antiquitatum Romanarum, iv. 1935.] Pro ecclefiis Lufitanicis ad cleinim Gallicanum libelli duo. [Gerdes, Scrinium antiquarlum, viii. i. 499.] BULLIARD (Pierre). B. at Aubepierre, about 1742. D. at Paris, Sep. 1793. Aviceptologie Frangaife, ou traite general de toutes les rufes dont on peut fe fenir pour prendre les oifeaux qui fe trouvent en France. 12° Paris, 1778. BULLINGBROOKE (Ed.), LL.D. Ecclefiartical law ; or, the ftatutes, conftitutions, canons, rubricks, and articles of the Church of Ireland, methodically digefted under proper heads ; with a commentaiy, hiftorical and juridical. In two volumes. 4° Dublin, 1770. BULLINGERUS (Henricus). B. at Bremgarten, Switzerland, 18 July, 1 504. Educated at Cologne. Embraced the dodtrines of the Reformation, in which he took a leading part. D. at Zurich, 17 Sep. 1575. De omnibus S. Scriptuix libris, eorumque prseftantia & dignitate, expofitio. \^Bibl'ia Sucrofan&a Tejlamenti Veteris et Novi. 1543.] See Bible, Verfions, Latin, a. The chrirten ftate of matrimony, mouft necefTaiy and profitable for all the that entend to live quietly and godlye in the chrifte ftate of holy wedlock, newly fet forth in Englyfhe [by Miles Coverdale/] 8° Lond. 1546. BULLION— BULLOCK 76: De conciliis. Quomodo Apoftoli Chrifti Domini in prinii- tiva ecclefia fuum illud Hierofolyniis concilium celebraveiint, & qiianto cu fruiSu, quantaque pace : quomodo item Romani pontifices in extrema mundi fenefta, a quingentis 5c amplius annis, fua ilia concilia celebraverint, et quanto cum damno perturbationeque fideliii, brevis ex hiftoriis commemoratio, in duos dillinfta libros. 8" Tiguii, 1561. Bullx Papifticae ante bicnnium contia SerenifT. Anglix, FrancisE & Hyberniae Reginam Elizabetliani, Sc contra in- clytum Anglis icgnum promulgate, rctutatio ; orthodoxseque Reginae, & univerfi legni Anglix defcnfio. 4° Londini, 1571- Epiftolae XII. ex MSS. archivi ecclefia; peregrinorum Londinenfis. [Gerdes, Scrinium atit'iquarium, iv. i. 429.] Decades [firft, fecond, third, and fourth.] Tranflated by H. I. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. Thomas Harding, A.M. 3 vols. 8° Cambridge, :849-5i. BULLION. A table of the value of bullion (in ftandart filver) accord- ing to the feveral deniers and grains of finenefs, and the ordi- naiy denominations of weights, by which merchants and others may know what weight of coyned money of ftandart finenefs they are to get out, wlien their bulzeon given in to the mint doth arife above, or fall below, the ftandart fine- nefs, which is II deniers 2 grains. S. Sh. Edinb. 1687. A table of the value of bullion in Scots money . . . S. Sh. Edinb. 1687. Report from the feleft committee of the Houfe of Com- mons, on the high price of gold bullion. 1 8 19. [J. R. M'CuLLOCH, A felecl colhcllon of tra3s ... on paper currency and banking. 1857.] BULLION (Thomas). The internal management of a country bank : in a feries of letters on the fundlions and duties of a branch manager. 12° Lond. 1850. BULLMAN (E.), M.D. The family phyfician ; or, a choice colledtion of approved medicines for the cure of evei'y difeafe incident to the human body. With an appendix ... 8° Lond. 1789. BULLOCK (Charles). Reftor of St. Nicholas, Worcefter. The war. " God's kingdom," and " National refponfi- bility : " two fermons delivered upon the occadon of the fall of Sebaftopol in the paiifli church of All Saints, Rothei- ham, on Sunday, September i6th, 1855, and Sunday ... September 30, the day of general thankfgiving. \St. Malt. vi. 10; Amos iii. 2.] ... Second edition. 8° Rotherham, 1855. The way home ; or, the gofpcl in the parable : an earthly ftory with a heavenly meaning. 8° Lond. 1858. The Syrian leper : a chapter of Bible hiftory expounded. 8° Lond. I 86 I. "The Pentatcuchand BifhopColenfo." Bible infpiration ; what it is, and what it is not . . . Second edition. 8° Lond. 1863. Heart cheer and home forrow. 8" Lond. [1866.] BULLOCK (Christopher). An adtor and dramatic author. D. 1724. Woman's revenge ; or, a match in Newgate : a comedy. The fecond edition. To which is added, A compleat key to the Beggar's Opera, by Peter Padwell of Padington, Efq. 8" Lond. 1728. The cobler of Prefton : a farce. 1 2= Glafgow, I 760. BULLOCK (H. A.) Hiftory of the Ifle of Man, with a comparative view of the part and prefent ftate of fociety and manners ; contain- ing alfo biographical anecdotes of eminent perfons connedled with that ifland. 8° Lond. 1816. BULLOCK (Stanley). Praftical working of the Municipal corporation and public health aure de- livered at the Royfton mechanics' inlHtute, on Thurfd:iy, 3rd June, 1852. 12'^ Roylbn, 1852. Speech, delivered at the Leeds mechanics' inftitution, on Wednefday, 25th January, 1854. 12° Lond. 1854. Addrifs to the alTociated focieties of the ITniverfity of Edinburgh, on the occalion of his inftallation as their honorai y prefident. Delivered in the (Jueen Street Hall, Jan. 18, 766 BULWER-LYTTON— BUNCLE 1854. And his fpeech at the public dinner given to him in the Hopetoun Rooms, Edinburgh, Jan. 20, 1854. 8° Edinb. 1854. Inaugural addrefs, on his inftallation as lord redtor of the Univerfity of Glafgow, January 15, 1857. 8° Lond. 1857. The new reform bill : fpeech delivered in the Houfe of Commons on Thurfday, April 27, i860. 8° Lond. i860. Caxtoniana : a feries of eflays on life, literature, and manners. In two volumes. 8° Edinb. 1863. BULWER-LYTTON(RosiNAl.YTTON),LadyLytton. Cheveley ; or, the man of honour. In three volumes. Third edition. 12° Lond. 1839. The budget of the Bubble family. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1840. The prince-duke and the page : a hiftorical novel. In three volumes. 12° Lond. I 841. Bianco Cappello : an hiftorical romance. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1843. Memoirs of a Mufcovite. In three volumes. 12° Lond. 1844. The peer's daughters : a novel. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1849. Miriam Sedley ; or, the tares and the wheat : a tale of real life. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1851. Veiy fuccefsful. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1856. — Another edition. 8° Lond. [1859.] The world and his wife ; or, a perfon of confequence : a photographic novel. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1S58. BUNBURY (Sir Henry Edward), Bart. B.4May, 1778. Entered the army as enfign in the Guards, 1 794, and rofe to the ranlc of lieutenant-general. Succeeded to the baronetcy on the de.ith of his uncle, iSiI. D. at Barton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, 13 April, 1S60. Narratives of fome paffages in the great war with France, from 1799 to 18 10. 8° Lond. 1854. BUNBURY (Henry Shirley). The error correfted ; or, the faithful prieft. I 2° Lond. 1S56. BUNBURY (Robert Shirley), A.M. Incumbent of St. Thomas's, St. Helen's, Lancafliire. D. 28 May, 1S46, aged forty-two. The chart of divine truth ; or, a fimple corredVive of erroneous and defeftive fyflems of religion. 12° Lond. n. d. BUNBURY (Selina). Rides in the Pyrenees. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1844. Evelyn ; or, a journey from Stockholm to Rome in 1847—8. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1849. A vifit to the catacombs, or firll Chriftian cemeteries at Rome : and a midnight vifit to Mount Vefuvius. 12° Lond. 1849. Life in Sweden ; with excurfions in Norway and Den- mark. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1853. A fummer in Northern Europe, including Iketches in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Aland Iflands, Gothland, Sec. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. Ruffia after the war : the narrative of a vifit to that country in 1856. In two volumes. 8° Lond. 1857. My firft travels : including rides in the Pyrenees, fcenes during an inundation at Avignon, fketches in France and Savoy, vifits to convents and houfes of charity, &c. &c. In two volumes. 12° Lond. 1859. Evenings in the Pyrenees; comprifing the ftoriesof wander- ings from many lands. Edited and arranged by S. Bunbury. 12' Lond. 1845. The loft one found. 12° Lond. 1856. Our own ftoiy ; or, the hiftoiy of Magdalene and Bafil St. Pierre. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1856. Silent John ; or, the pifture of the Good Shepherd ex- pounded. 12'' Lond. 1856. Little Mary ; or, the captain's gold ring. 1 2° Lond. 1857. Sir Guy d'Efterre. In two volumes. 8" Lond. 1858. Tales : the recovered eftate ; the blind curate's child ; Chriftmas eve in the forefts of Sweden. 8° Lond. [1862.] Florence Manvers. In three volumes. 8° Lond. 1865. BUNBURY (Thom.4s). Reminifcences of a veteran : being perfonal and military adventures in Portugal, Spain, France, Malta, New South Wales, Norfolk Ifland, New Zealand, Andaman Iflands, and India. In three volumes. \^/^non.'\ S° Lond. 1861. BUNBURY (William). Reports of cafes in the Court of Exchequer, from the beginning of the reign of King George the Firft, to the fourteenth year of the reign of King George the Second. fol. Lond. 1755. BUNCE, Alderman. Alderman Bunce : his fpeech to the Lord Maior, aldermen, and common council of London, touching the King's re- folution to accept of honourable conditions from a free Parlia- ment for his admitment. 1660. \Scott's edition of Somers'' Tracts, vti. 407.] BUNCE (J. S.) DilTenting minifter at Devizes. A fermon occafioned by the death of the late Rev. James Biggs, Devizes. [Job xvi. 19.] With a brief memoir prefixed. 8° Devizes, [1830.] BUNCH (Robert James), B.D. Reftor of Emmanuel, Loughborough. A fermon preached at St. Martin's, Leicefter,on Tuefday, May 6, 185 1, at the annual vifitation of the Venerable T. K. Bonney, D.D., Archdeacon of Leicefter. [i Tim. i. 4.} 8° Lond. 1S51. BUNCLE (John). * The life of John Buncle, Efq. ... 1770. [By Thomas Amory,] BUNDY— BUNO 767 BUNDY (James). B. Lit Dymock, Herefbrdfliire. D. atBriftol, 20 March, 1818. aged iixty-eight. A biographical (Icetch of the remarkable life and chaiaifler of Mr. J. Bundy. By Thomas Wood. 1824. BUNELLUS (Petrus). B. at Touloufe, 1499. ^* ^^ Turin, 1546. Petri Buntlli, Galli, prasceptoris, et Pauli Manutii, Itali, difcipuli Epiftoiae Ciceroniano ftylo fcriptae. Aliorum Gal- iorum pariter et Italorum epiftols eodem ftylo fcripta?. 8° n. p. 1581. BUNGENER (Louis Felix). Hiftory of the Council of Trent. With the author's laft corrt'ftions and additions communicated to the tianflator [David D. Scott.] 8° Edinb. 1852. — Second edition. 8° Edinb. 1853. The court and the defeit ; or, priefts, paftors, and phi- lofophers in the time of Louis XV. From the French. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1852. The preacher and the king ; or, Bourdaloue in the court of Louis XIV. Tranflated from the French. With an introdudlion by the Rev. George Potts, D.D., New York. 8 Lond. 1853. France before the Revolution ; or, priefts, infidels and Huguenots in the reign of Louis XV. 8° Edinb. 1854. JtJian ; or, the clofe of an era. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 1854. Voltaire and his times. Authorifed tranflation. 8° Edinb. 1854. Calvin : liis life, his labours, and his writings. Tranflated from the French. 8° Edinb. 1863. Three days of a father's forrow : a book of confolation. From the French. 8° Lond. 1864. BUNKLE (Carr). The adventures of Mr. Ambiguous Law, an articled clerk ; being notes and (lictches founded upon fail. 8° Lond. [1S61.] BUNN (Alfred). Poems. 8° Lond. 18 16. The ftage : botli before and behind the curtain, from " obfervations taken on the fpot." In three volumes. I 2° Lond. 1840. The new grand opera, in three aifls, of tlie Bohemian girl. S° Lond. [1843.] The daughter of St. Mark ; a grand opera fei'ia, in three a<5ts. 8° Lond. [1844.] A grand opera, in three ai5ts, entitled the Crufaders. 8' Lond. [1846.] The grand ferious opera, entitled the M.iid of Artois, in three afts. 8° Lond. [1846.] Old England and New England, in a feries of views taken on the fpot. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 1853. BUNN (Henry). Perpetual curate of Toflldc, Yorkfllire. The gofpul ; and what it is to preach it : a fermon. [ I Cor. ix. 1 6.] 12° Lond. n. d. A warning to Sabbath-breakers ; or, an adventure with the prefcnt Emperor of Ruflia : a faft. 8° Lond. n. d. A voice from many lands ; or, the miflionary enteipiize. 8° Bath, n. d. The intelledtual cultivation of a people the fafety and glory of a nation : a le